New report on the Muslim Brotherhood

by Aron Lund for Syria Comment

Syrian Muslim Brotherhood Aron Lund

The Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, which has a great Syria resource site, just released my new paper on the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood. They’re also about to release a second report by Raphaël Lefèvre, a French scholar who recently published a well-received book on the Syrian Ikhwan, called Ashes of Hama. Keep your eyes open for that – I’ve had a look at an earlier draft, and it was great stuff.

My own paper can be downloaded in English or Arabic, or (if you’re the lazy kind of Syria watcher) you can just skim through the summary right here:

Struggling to Adapt: The Muslim Brotherhood in a New Syria

The Muslim Brotherhood was Syria’s strongest opposition faction when the uprising against Bashar al-Assad erupted in March 2011, but it was entirely based in exile. Its aging, exiled leadership is now struggling to influence Syria’s youthful revolt. Its efforts to exercise control are buoyed by the disorganized state of the opposition both abroad and in Syria, but the rise of militant Salafism has complicated its attempts to co-opt fighters on the ground.

Key Themes

  • The Brotherhood remains the most important Syrian opposition faction in exile, but it has largely failed to root itself in the insurgency in Syria.
  • The organization exerts influence inside Syria through a network of informal alliances with Islamist figures and rebel commanders, working through family connections and “independent” charitable organizations.
  • Internal divisions between the so-called Hama and Aleppo branches hobble the group and contributed to a split in early 2011.
  • The Brotherhood is threatened by the rise of militant Salafi groups that question its relatively moderate ideology and undercut its attempts to recruit disaffected Sunni youth.


The Syrian Brotherhood is not as strong as commonly believed. The incessant focus on the Brotherhood by the Assad regime, Western nations, and rival opposition groups has helped it build a fearsome reputation. Its actual political and organizational capability appears to be far more modest.

The failures of others have benefited the Brotherhood. The real reason for the group’s success in the exile community is the extreme disorganization of the rest of the opposition. As long as rival actors cannot get their act together, the Brotherhood will win by default.

The Brotherhood tries to distance itself from extremism. Despite its theocratic ambitions and a past history of sectarian violence, the Brotherhood now promotes a moderate Islamist approach and seeks to accommodate concerns about its ideology. Since 2011, it has consistently cooperated with secular groups, spoken in favor of multiparty democracy, and worked through mainstream opposition frameworks such as the Syrian National Council, the National Coalition of Syrian Revolutionary and Opposition Forces, and the Free Syrian Army.

Several armed groups linked to the Brotherhood fight in Syria. The leadership refuses to admit to having an armed branch, but Brotherhood exiles have been funding armed groups since late 2011. The organization now controls or sponsors dozens of small paramilitary units inside Syria.

— Aron Lund

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ann said:

Israel Rescues Al-Qaeda Terrorists From Syria – May 9, 2013

Fighters being treated in field hospitals and sent back to front lines

Israel is sending military vehicles into Syria to pick up wounded Al-Qaeda terrorists involved in the fight against the Syrian Army before patching them up and sending them back into battle, another startling example of how the Zionist state is working with its supposedly sworn enemies to topple President Bashar Al-Assad.

That’s a not a claim being made by Iranian or Syrian state media, it’s calmly admitted in a report by the staunchly pro-Israel DebkaFile.

“Israel has set up a large field hospital near the Tel Hazakah observation and military post on Golan which overlooks southern Syria and northern Jordan. There, incoming Syrian war wounded are vetted and examined by Israeli army medics who decide whether to patch them up and send them back, or judge them badly hurt enough for hospital care. The seriously hurt are moved to one of the the nearest Israeli hospitals in Safed or Haifa,” states the report.

The report notes that the wounded fighters are probably being rescued by unmarked “Israeli army vehicles” that are “entering Syria to pick up injured rebels.”

In addition to the latest information, an AFP report from March also documented how the IDF had set up a “military field hospital” at army outpost 105 in the Golan Heights in order to rescue and treat FSA fighters.

By treating and rehabilitating wounded FSA militants and Al-Qaeda terrorists, Israel is aiding the very same rebels who have burned Israeli flags in public and vowed to crush the Zionist regime once they are finished toppling Bashar Al-Assad.

Multiple reports now confirm that the primary frontline militants in Syria fighting against Assad’s forces are members of the Al-Qaeda group Jabhat al-Nusra which “killed numerous American troops in Iraq,” and is now leading western-backed rebel forces in Syria. After the organization was declared a terrorist group by the US State Department, 29 different US-backed Syrian opposition groups pledged their allegiance to al-Nusra.

The DebkaFile report admits that Jabhat al-Nusra fighters are now heavily concentrated, “in the 8 sq. km separation zone on the Golan” from where the Israeli military is rescuing them for medical treatment.

According to Egyptian and Jordanian intelligence sources, Israel’s air strike on Syria this past weekend was also timed to precede an Al-Qaeda-led rebel offensive against President Bashar Al-Assad’s forces, who had been scoring major military victories up until that point.

A May 8 London Guardian report notes how Jabhat al-Nusra is “emerging as the best-equipped, financed and motivated force fighting Bashar al-Assad’s regime,” and how droves of FSA fighters are now joining its ranks.

Attempts by the west to make a distinction between FSA rebels and Al-Qaeda terrorists in order to justify shipments of heavy weaponry are becoming increasingly discredited given the fact that Jabhat al-Nusra is now easily the most dominant fighting force, meeting “every day” with FSA rebels and training them how to build car bombs. As al-Nusra’s influence has grown, so have the number of atrocities, from sectarian murders, to beheadings, to terrorist attacks targeting schools and other civilian infrastructure.

Tel Aviv’s support for Al-Qaeda makes little sense until one accepts the fact that both the US and Israel routinely exploit the presence of Al-Qaeda militants in any given region as a pretext for military intervention, whether those militants are fighting on the same side, as in Libya and Syria, or on the opposite side as in Mali.

The United States and Israel have also armed and funded Al-Qaeda-affiliated groups in Iran to carry out bombings and assassinations for years.

NATO powers also openly armed and funded the Al-Qaeda-affiliated Libyan Islamic FIghting Group to topple Colonel Gaddafi in 2011, a policy that directly contributed to the assault on the diplomatic mission in Benghazi (which itself was likely a cover for clandestine arms shipments to Syrian rebels).

It was also recently revealed that the State Department hired Al-Qaeda-linked militants to “defend” the diplomatic mission in Benghazi that was later attacked. State Department officials who blocked efforts to help Americans under assault later tried to hide Al-Qaeda’s involvement in the attack.

Not only has Israel supported Al-Qaeda-led rebels in Syria, but back in 2002 Israel was caught actually creating an Al-Qaeda group in order to justify attacks on Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.

The west’s narrative in Syria, that the fight against Assad is an organic uprising of oppressed Syrians, has been completely decimated despite the best efforts of the establishment media to maintain the myth.

Now that it is becoming abundantly clear that the US, UK and Israel are directly supporting Al-Qaeda terrorists in order to achieve a long planned regime change, NATO powers are scrambling to arm the rebels before their last shreds of legitimacy are torn asunder.


May 9th, 2013, 3:05 pm


ann said:

The Real Benghazi Story: U.S. Op to Arm al-Qaeda in Syria – Kurt Nimmo – May 8, 2013

Last November, we reported that the murder of ambassador Christopher Stevens wasn’t about a lame anti-Muslim video. It was connected to an arms shipment as part of the on-going “creative destruction” of the Middle East and North Africa.

During an interview with CNBC’s Larry Kudlow, radio talk show host John Baxter said the resignation of CIA Director David Petraeus had nothing to do with an extramarital affair with his biographer, reserve Army officer Paula Broadwell, but was related to U.S. policy in the Middle East, ongoing “color revolutions” in the region, and specifically the operation underway to arm al-Qaeda in Syria and overthrow the al-Assad regime.

“Benghazi is not about Libya, Benghazi is about the policy of the Obama administration to involve the United States without clarity to the American people, not only in Libya but throughout the whole of the Arab world now in turmoil,” Baxter told Kudlow. “Benghazi is about the NSC directing an operation that is perhaps shadowy, perhaps a presidential finding, perhaps doesn’t, that takes arms and men and puts them into Syria in the guise of the Free Syria Army.”

Retired Lt. General William Boykin said in January that Stevens was in Benghazi as part of an effort to arm al-Qaeda, what the corporate media calls the rebels. “More supposition was that he was now funneling guns to the rebel forces in Syria, using essentially the Turks to facilitate that. Was that occurring, (a), and if so, was it a legal covert action?” Boykin said during an interview with CNS News.

Boykin said Stevens was “given a directive to support the Syrian rebels” and the State Department’s Special Mission Compound in Benghazi “would be the hub of that activity.”

In 2011, Stevens was officially appointed to be the Obama administration’s liaison with the “budding Libyan opposition,” according to ABC News. By March, 2011, it was firmly established that the so-called Libya opposition was interchangeable with al-Qaeda. Stevens and the State Department worked directly with Abdelhakim Belhadj of the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group. Belhadj has direct connections to al-Qaeda.

The murder of Stevens, of course, did not slow down the flow of arms from Libya to al-Qaeda in Syria. “The United States is launching a covert operation to send weapons to Syrian rebels for the first time as it ramps up military efforts to oust President Bashar al-Assad,” The Sunday Times reported in early December, 2012.

“Mortars, rocket-propelled grenades and anti-tank missiles will be sent through friendly Middle Eastern countries already supplying the rebels, according to well-placed diplomatic sources. The Americans have bought some of the weapons from the stockpiles of Muammar Gadaffi, the Libyan dictator killed last year. They include SA-7 missiles, which can be used to shoot down aircraft.”


May 9th, 2013, 3:11 pm


ann said:

Al-Qaeda Now in Control of CIA’s Covert War in Syria – Kurt Nimmo – May 9, 2013

The Guardian reported Wednesday that the CIA’s Free Syrian Army is losing mercenaries to a better equipped, more disciplined and religiously motivated al-Nusra.

“Fighters feel proud to join al-Nusra because that means power and influence,” Abu Ahmed, a former teacher from Deir Hafer who now commands an FSA brigade, told the newspaper. “Al-Nusra fighters rarely withdraw for shortage of ammunition or fighters and they leave their target only after liberating it.”

“Fighters are heading to al-Nusra because of its Islamic doctrine, sincerity, good funding and advanced weapons,” added Abu Islam, a member of the FSA’s al-Tawhid brigade.

Jabhat al-Nusra is an al-Qaeda offshoot. In April, the al-Qaeda branch in Iraq, the Islamic State of Iraq, merged with al-Nusra and the group “renewed the bayaa” (oath of allegiance) to al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri, writes Rajeh Saeed.

Ayman Al-Zawahiri is the current leader of al-Qaeda following the death of Osama bin Laden more than a decade ago.

In December, 2012, the State Department officially listed al-Nusra as a terror group linked to al-Qaeda in Iraq. The Treasury Department then imposed sanctions on its leaders.

“Jabhat al Nusra has claimed responsibility for numerous suicide bombings and other attacks that have killed hundreds of innocent people,” Paul Joseph Watson wrote on December 5, 2012. “Last weekend, disturbing footage emerged of one of their members slaughtering prisoners in cold blood. Extremist militants have also ransacked Christian churches and carried out sectarian beheadings.”

“Among Nusra fighters are many Syrians who say they fought with al Qaida in Iraq, which waged a bloody and violent campaign against the U.S. presence in that country and is still blamed for suicide and car bombings that have killed hundreds of Iraqis since the U.S. troops left a year ago,” David Enders wrote for McClatchy Newspapers late last year.

Niall Green writes that al-Nusra “militants, drawn to the Syrian war under the banner of Islamist jihad, are recruited from the ranks of Sunni extremist veterans of the wars in Chechnya, Iraq, Afghanistan, and Libya.”

It is a well established fact that the United States and the CIA recruited and supported Islamic fighters in the covert war against the Soviet Union and later fashioned al-Qaeda and the Taliban from their ranks. The United States and al-Qaeda have worked together in Bosnia, Kosovo, Libya and elsewhere.

“Islamist militias, including those associated with Al Qaeda, have received hundreds of millions of dollars in cash and materiel from Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and other US-backed forces – all under the watchful eye of the CIA, whose agents oversee the flow of supplies to the Syrian opposition across the borders of Turkey and Jordan,” writes Green.

The Guardian article underscores the indisputable fact that the Syrian opposition is now almost entirely comprised of al-Qaeda terrorists. On the one hand, the United States insists it is opposed to al-Nusra, while on the other it works behind the scenes with Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey to fund and supply the fanatical Sunni Salafist group calling for the destruction of the United States.


May 9th, 2013, 3:16 pm


ghufran said:

If you want to explain why islamists have any popular support in Syria today you just have to look inside and examine the brutality and corruption of albaath under Assads since the late 1960s then head east and check the Bedouins in the GCC who are afraid to death from any opposition that challenges their tribal based and religion based authority, the Arab world today has two diseases: Saddam and Assad-type Baath et al and the wahhabi-type islamists, that is why the only cure is to leave religion at home and reject the cult of one party rule, Baathists and islamist who renounce violence may run for office like everybody else, God and the “al-shaab” have nothing to do with their ideology.

May 9th, 2013, 3:20 pm


revenire said:

Very important reads Ann – thank you.

May 9th, 2013, 3:22 pm


Citizen said:

Israeli will pay very expensive price for their Fatal mistake!
The Netanyahu’s government actually want the Obama Administration to attack Russia directly!
Israel put itself in a position very, very, very difficult with Russia

May 9th, 2013, 3:26 pm


Akbar Palace said:

I’m encouraged that the MB and the Egyptian government is still honoring the peace agreement with Israel.

See, not everyone is a fanatic!

May 9th, 2013, 3:38 pm


zoo said:


Thanks for the post. Could you answer a question you have not mentioned in your summary.
What are the ‘newly moderate’ Moslem Brotherhood real position on Israel.

Egypt, under the Moslem Brotherhood doesn’t appear to want to break the peace treaty with Israeli, as this would mean Egypt’s economical collapse. Are they postponing the liberation of Jerusalem to another time, or just forgot about it?

Hamas’s Moslem Brotherhood are still at war with Israel. Are they going to turn moderates when there will be malls and towers built by Qatar.

Are the Moslem Brotherhood shelving temporarily their ideologies in order to exert and consolidate the controlling power they finally got?
Will these ideologies die off or will reappear at any moment as we are seeing Turkey’s Erdogan sneakily doing. ?

May 9th, 2013, 3:50 pm


ghufran said:

They dared to speak out:

“Haaretz” newspaper revealed the names of the 6 most prominent figures and institutes that have expressed their rejection of the Israeli occupation and policies against Palestinians either by refusing to visit the country and boycotting the conference or by refusing commercial, academic or cultural cooperation with the occupying state of Israel. The list of well-known figures and institutes boycotting Israel and its conference next week mentioned by the newspaper include the following:
MUJI Japanese network for manufacturing and marketing (wholesale trade), which is a network that manufactures and markets over 7000 products including stationary, food, and cars. In 2010, MUJI refused to open a branch in Israel (despite Israeli insistence) in response to Japanese parties supporting and advocating the cause of the Palestinian people.
British rock star and musician, Elvis Costello, who cancelled two concerts in Israel in 2010 due to the humiliation Israel exercises against the Palestinian people in the occupied territories. At the time, he commented on the cancellation of his concerts by saying “I cannot make an appearance in a place where they humiliate Palestinians in the name of Israeli national security.”
In 2010, the British director and producer of television and cinematic films, Mike Leigh, who after directing Harry Potter is now considered one of the top 3 directors in the world, refused to visit Israel due to its violations against the Palestinians in the occupied territories.
The University of Johannesburg in South Africa, announced its severance of academic ties with Ben-Gurion University in 2011 due to the university’s relations with the Israeli occupation army. Archbishop of South Africa, Desmond Tutu, commented on the University’s decision to boycott Ben- Gurion University saying, “Such relations cannot continue as Israeli universities are an essential part of the Israeli regime and chose to be so.” He stressed his continued support for the international campaign to boycott Israel, withdraw investments from it and impose sanctions on it.
In 2012, the international American writer, poet, author and social activist, Alice Walker, refused for one of her most critically acclaimed novels, “The Color Purple”, which was awarded both the National Book Award and the Pulitzer Prize, to be translated into Hebrew. Moreover, in 2009, she participated in a solidarity visit to the Gaza Strip with 60 women from an anti-war group in response to the Israeli war on Gaza.
This year, world renowned physicist Stephen Hawking announced his boycott of a 3 day Conference being held in Jerusalem under the patronage of the Israeli President Shimon Peres. He also called for an academic boycott of Israel due to its aggressive actions against the Palestinians and its continued occupation of Palestinian territories.
(Israel and her friends did a lot to “help” the world forget about how the state of Israel was founded and how Israel treated its neighbours and mistreated a nation of Palestinians whom Israel tried to deny they exist as a nation, 65 years later, Israel’s attempts to rewrite history have failed)

May 9th, 2013, 3:52 pm


Badr said:

How far is this reporter off the mark?

protracted conflict shows no sign of abating

By Paul Danahar
BBC Middle East bureau chief, Damascus

The only thing that is certain in Syria is who is losing: The Syrian people are losing.
. . .
“The country is moving from a political crisis to a societal crisis,”
. . .
When will the Syria crisis end? God knows. God knows because this crisis is increasingly not about freedom but about religion.

P.S. For some commentators, I would not recommend reading what Paul wrote about the role of Qatar, unless they can take it with a sense of humor.

May 9th, 2013, 4:06 pm


Aron Lund said:

# 8 Zoo – “What are the ‘newly moderate’ Moslem Brotherhood real position on Israel.”

Seems to depend on the audience they’re addressing. They definitely don’t recognize Israel, but there are different ways to phrase that.

I imagine it isn’t a big issue for them at this point, since there’s not much they can do to change things. Even if they were to somehow magically seize power in Syria tonight, and that ended the war, they would still be stuck with the 1973 lines and overwhelming Israeli military superiority. Like Assad was.

The MB government in Egypt has probably also created some constraints on Ikhwani rhetoric on Israel. If they call for radical action, that could now be read as implicit criticism of the leadership in Cairo. On the other hand, the rupture between Hamas & Assad must be a relief to them.

May 9th, 2013, 4:10 pm


Citizen said:

MB + Al-Kaida + KSA + Isral + USA – Longtime alliance
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May 9th, 2013, 4:23 pm


Citizen said:

Is it possible to consider the impact on the military complex near Damascus as a kind of rehearsal of what may happen to the Iranian nuclear complex? Sort of. Rather, the attacks of this kind – though more powerful, can be applied to the bases of the Revolutionary Guards, warehouses missiles, air defense positions and to the rest complex covering Iranian nuclear facilities. Without which attack them meaningless. In this sense, observers can not comment on the dress rehearsal attack on Iran, and a small but significant part of it. Certainly understand that in Tehran, regardless of what conclusions will be made – or not made by the political and military leadership of the country.

It is essential that an Israeli attack on Syrian facility was dealt not only with high accuracy, but also from the zone located beyond the reach of the country’s air defense. What is not comforting news for the Iranians. Of course, the military-technical complex of Iran will take into account all that it can take into account the lessons of the Israeli operation, draw conclusions and will try to respond adequately – to the best of his time. As well as technical and technological capabilities. The only question is, what is it in terms of sanctions against Iran and proper attention to its main ally in the development of the missile program, North Korea will be able to achieve. In any case, regardless of whether it appears and still appears in the advocacy field, about any Iranian air defense systems, comparable to the Russian S-300, not to mention the latest modifications are not talking.

May 9th, 2013, 5:01 pm


Dawoud said:

1) Dictator’s propagandists’ defamation, slanders, and lies against
the courageous and honorable Ghada Awais

Aljazeera’s reporter responds to Syria’s dictatorship’s, Iran’s, and Hizbalshytan’s (Lebanon’s Iranian puppet “Party of the Devil”) slander and misinformation:

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2) Iranian Terrorists recruited to go and kill Syrians!
Iran’s chief terrorist, Ali Khamenei the supreme theocrat, recruits Iranian TERRORISTS to go to Syria and kill Syrians:,7340,L-4377963,00.html

Hezbollah logo laced with Shiite battalion currently fighting in Syria

Hezbollah logo laced with Shiite battalion currently fighting in Syria

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Iranians urged to join Shiite fighters in Syria

Website affiliated with Ayatollah Ali Khamenei calls on Iranians to volunteer to protect holy Shiite sites currently under threat in Syria

Roi Kais

Published: 05.08.13, 22:41 / Israel News

Iranians urged to join Shiite fighters in Syria

Website affiliated with Ayatollah Ali Khamenei calls on Iranians to volunteer to protect holy Shiite sites currently under threat in Syria

Roi Kais

Published: 05.08.13, 22:41 / Israel News

A website affiliated with the supporters of Iran’s spiritual leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, posted a call to arms, inviting Iranians to volunteer and join the fighting currently underway in Syria.

In another article published by the same website, names and telephone numbers for those interested in volunteering were made available, allowing them to text or call for further
3) Message to Juergen about the pro-Israel neoconservative MEMRI


You should be fair Mr. Juergen! First, you have to understand that MEMRI is a neocon propaganda outlet that was started by an Israeli woman married to the guy who co-authored the anti-Arab invasion program known as “the clean break.” She knows Hebrew,and yet she never translates the daily hate speech that Israeli politicians and Jewish clerics mention about Palestinians, Arabs, and Muslims. Where is her translated videos when Rabbi Ovadia Yousef prayed to his God to “strike Palestinians with the Plaque?” The goal of MEMRI is to stir the United States government and the American public opinion against Arabs and Muslims. It is not a journalistic or neutral educational organization. There is hate on all sides in the Middle East. It is different when you discuss it in a context (some propagandists/politicians/clerics from all religious groups are guilty, not just Muslims), and try to educate. This is not MEMRI’s goal.
P.S., a Jewish orthodox Rabbi would be outraged if a woman like her is being interviewed by him. My point is not to say that what the Muslim cleric did was right, but to say that one cannot pick and choose only to stir hate and propaganda-which is what MEMRI does. See how Hilary Clinton’s picture was removed from an orthodox Jewish newspaper:

Hasidic Newspaper Photoshops Hillary Clinton from Iconic Photo
05/08/2011 – 09:13
Rabbi Jason Miller
A big hat-tip to Failed Messiah (who gave a hat-tip to Critical Minyan) for breaking the news that an Ultra-Orthodox Hasidic Jewish newspaper, Der Tzitung, has determined that the photo of top U.S. leaders receiving an update on the mission against Osama bin Laden was too scandalous.
What was so offensive about the image? U.S. Secretary of St

May 9th, 2013, 5:24 pm


Dawoud said:

5. revenire

You were the dictator’s propagandist on this blog who posted the false and slanderous pro-dictator rumor against the honorable Ghada Awais. You used unverifiable Iranian pro-dictator sources without a link. Shame on you, and shame on slanderous propagandists like you! See my above comment from the decent and honorable Ms. Awais.

??? ???? ?? ???? ?????? ??? ??????? ?? ??? ?????. ???? ?????? ??? ?? ??? ?? ????? ????? ?????? ?????? ?? ???? ?????

May 9th, 2013, 5:30 pm


ann said:

Feeding NATOs Al-Qaeda Islamist Terrorists in Syria!!

Top U.S. Official Meets With Rebels Inside Syria – Thu May 9, 2013

Ambassador Robert Ford, the State Department’s point man on Syrian policy, crossed into northern Syria on Wednesday. The secret visit was confirmed by Syrian activists at the media office at the Bab al-Salama crossing on the Turkish frontier.

Ford met with the head of the Aleppo military council, Abdul Jabbar Okaidi, who thanked him for the shipment of nonlethal aid. Seven trucks transported some 65,000 MREs, or meals ready to eat, the U.S. military’s battlefield rations. Syrian activists posted a video of the aid delivery.


May 9th, 2013, 5:56 pm


Dawoud said:

Iranian Terrorists encouraged to “volunteer” to go Syria to kill Syrians:,7340,L-4377963,00.html

Free Syria, Free Palestine, Bahrain is Arab Forever!

May 9th, 2013, 5:58 pm


Damascene said:

Good article about the Muslim Brotherhood in Syria, and I stress the article’s conclusion: The MB has been left behind by the new revolutionaries on the ground. The MB was never a force to reckon with in the last two decades, but some (mainly Qatar and the US at one point) gave it strong support (thinking a al Egypt model), but I am now reading they have been recently ditched (and sent to Saudi Arabia for re-education and re-orientation led by non other than ex-communist George Sabra).

The situation on the ground in Syria is a different story. Quite fluid: the regime is doing somewhat better now, perhaps on account of some new injections of external support from its Russo-Shii allies each with their own agenda. Yet old habits die hard, the moment it caught its breath it went on an all out campaign all over Syria. That’s the same strategy that got it where it is today. It seems Assad has some seriously old old-guards. It is useless and sooner or later the Chimeral revolutionary irregulars will overwhelm its overextended forces. They have already recaptured some of the regime’s recent winnings (e.g. in Deraa provence).

The only hope for the Assadists is to fall back on their home turf and mount a formidable defense. Outside their Alawi mountains they will run into the same problem Israel faced in southern Lebanon: more numerous enemy, very hostile population, and steady hemorrhage. Except the Assad regime is nowhere near the power of Israel and they are trying to cover an area more than 30 times the size of Southern Lebanon. It is suicidal.

Now to the Russo-American newfangled friendship and “understanding” about Syria. Well, either they are just pretending for the sake of pretending, or they are as dumb as their usual selves (unfortunately, superpowers do many dumb things). It is too late for any of these diplomatic games. No peace in Syria will ever come from international conferences. At least, not until most of the Assadists are dead along with most of their suicidal Salafi enemies. These two heroic (heroic as in the Trojan War) are now locked in a fatal embrace which is only growing tighter. Without pan-Arab or international intervention, there is no chance for the carnage to end. In fact, even with intervention, there is still a chance it will not end. Until it ran its course that is. Sometimes a flood will only end when it reaches the sea…

May 9th, 2013, 6:03 pm


revenire said:

Dawoud yawn. It is very boring to see the same nonsense from you over and over.

If you want to fight Iranians volunteer with Nusra by all means. Maybe they’ll make you famous in one of their videos.

May 9th, 2013, 6:15 pm


Dawoud said:

Free Syrian Army conquers one of the “safe houses,” which housed Iranian/Lebanese/Iraqi TERRORISTS belonging to the Shi’ite Terrorist Abu Fadl Al-Abbas brigade. This Brigade should be on the U.S. terrorist list, and I will call my local Congressman to ask him to ask the Obama Administration to label Abu Fadl Al-Abbas brigade as a “terrorist organization or group!”

I wonder when Aron Lund will write an article about the terrorist Shi’ite or Shia Abu Fadl Al-Abbas brigade! 🙂

May 9th, 2013, 6:17 pm


Dawoud said:

18. revenire

You reply does not answer my question nor does it respond to your false and slanderous rumor about the honorable and decent Ghada Awais ??????? ??????? ???? ???? ?? ???? ???????of Aljazeera. Are you going to apologize to her for posting slanderous rumors about her? I don’t expect you because you, like your idols Bashar and Nasralshytan, are indecent and don’t care about spreading false propaganda.

Shame on you!

P.S., I don’t care about al-Nusra in the same way that I don’t care about the Shiite or Shia Abu Fadl Al-Abbas brigade, which should also be on the American “terrorist list.”

May 9th, 2013, 6:21 pm


revenire said:

Dawoud I am not here to answer your questions. I consider you nothing but an American terrorist supporter who belongs in jail.

I don’t care what you say or post.

I confident in Assad, Nasrallah and Khameini and am enjoying seeing the rats being mowed down by the resistance.

I especially enjoyed seeing your side beg Israel for help.

May 9th, 2013, 6:23 pm


Dawoud said:


No, it is not about me-and I don’t give a damn about your pro-dictator as$. I just want you to retract the slanderous comment that you posted about Aljazeer’s Ghada Awais ???? ????.

You know, Aljazeera is everywhere and it has money and lawyers. I hope they find you and sue you for slander. I have already emailed them your earlier slanderous comment.

Be a man, and apologize to her!

Again, Shame on your pro-dictator propagandist as$! 🙂

May 9th, 2013, 6:34 pm


revenire said:

David lawyers? Now that made me laugh. Al Jazeera is everywhere? It is just a propaganda channel for Qatari pedophiles – nothing more.

You’re just playing games but wouldn’t video games be more fun? You won’t enjoy your time with me very much. I assure you.

Qatar is a place filled with pigs. At the start of any larger war Iran will rain 1000s of missiles down on that filthy center of lies. Al Jazeera can report that when it happens if their news center remains untouched. Highly doubtful it would though.

I find your post ridiculous to the extreme.

May 9th, 2013, 6:55 pm


Ghawwar said:

That Dawoud dude sounds like a sectarian and misogynistic sicko (What’s with his obsession about a vulgar Al Jazeera prompt reader?).

Anyone knows if he’s real? Must be reported if you are in the USA: the guy maybe is another of the Castro Brothers …

May 9th, 2013, 7:10 pm


Dawoud said:

ATT: Aron Lund

Dear Mr. Lund:

When are you going to post an article on the Shi’ite or Shia terrorist
Abu Fadl Al-Abbas group or battalion?


May 9th, 2013, 7:24 pm


Yassine said:

Dawoud, your framing of everything in sectarian light is just sick.
Give it a rest already!

We in Syria are all ONE: Sunnis, Shias, Alawis, Christians, Druze, Budhists, Bhais, Jews, Atheists, we are all Syrians and whether you like it or not, we are going to defeat the sectarian monsters armed by Saudi Arabia and Qatar.

Cheers from Damascus!

May 9th, 2013, 7:31 pm



One needs honor to retract a liar statement. But a sewer-pipe will never do that. Its job is to lie. In fact, in a couple of days, it will recycle the same slander. Honor and integrity are requirements that don’t exist for regime loyalists, cheif among them are child molester wanna-be.

May 9th, 2013, 7:37 pm


Tara said:

No one taking Nasrallah seriously even Israel

Hezbollah: Syria to supply weapons to militia
Associated Press –

BEIRUT (AP) — Syria will supply “game-changing” weapons to Hezbollah, the chief of the Lebanese militant group said Thursday, less than a week after Israeli airstrikes on Damascus targeted alleged shipments of advanced Iranian missiles bound for Hezbollah.
Asked to comment on Nasrallah’s declaration, Israeli Foreign Ministry spokesman Yigal Palmor said: “We don’t respond to words. We respond to action.”

May 9th, 2013, 7:39 pm


zoo said:


David is an ‘american’ who knows Arabic and pretends he supports Palestine while hating Iran and Hezbollah.

His true identity is more than obvious.

May 9th, 2013, 7:41 pm


revenire said:

Hamster you mean like the lie you told about Banyas?

May 9th, 2013, 7:46 pm


zoo said:

Michael Weiss is really furious, he insults Kerry for the failure of all his predictions and for seeing Russia getting what they have insisted on for months

Oh, You Silly Man

How John Kerry got rolled by Vladimir Putin on a plan to save Syria.


Lavrov was certainly right to say that Russia’s position has been “consistent.” Now compare this to the White House, which first established a policy of regime change when Obama said that Assad had to “step aside” in August 2011 — only to then quietly rescind that policy by backing former U.N. Syria envoy Kofi Annan’s failed six-point peace plan in March 2012.

One almost envies the Kremlin at this late hour. After much intransigence at Turtle Bay and a steady stream of arms shipments and military advisers to the Assad regime, Putin finds that his expectations for restoring Russia’s great power status have actually been exceeded. He wanted to be equal to the United States in foreign affairs, but on Syria, he’s clearly now the man to see. Happy Victory Day.

May 9th, 2013, 7:49 pm


Tara said:


This is a special something for you from Yara. We call her Yaya. Still excited?

Thursday 9 May 2013 14.09 EDT

Syria crisis: US insists Assad can have no future role

Comments by US secretary of state, John Kerry, throw international efforts to resolve crisis into further uncertainty

efforts to resolve the Syrian crisis reached new levels of uncertainty on Thursday when John Kerry, the US secretary of state, insisted that Bashar al-Assad could not be part of a future transitional government – casting doubt on a US-Russian agreement to convene a conference of the regime and opposition.

Kerry’s comments were at odds with the view of Sergei Lavrov, his Russian counterpart, that President Assad’s departure could not be a precondition for the peace talks. The unresolved question of what role the Syrian leader could play has been at the heart of faltering diplomatic moves to end the conflict since a UN meeting in Geneva last June.

May 9th, 2013, 7:50 pm



So eager to demonstrate its lack of honor, revers-sewer-pipe REVENIRE lies about lying.

Aoun, the other idiot, takes nus-lira seriously, so does ZOO.

May 9th, 2013, 7:50 pm


revenire said:

Weiss is a pasty-faced Zionist neocon. He looks 25 years old and half-drunk. He makes me sick.

May 9th, 2013, 7:55 pm


zoo said:

Israel increasingly concerned about Hezbollah’s dangerous new weaponry and military capabilities

Hizballah and Israel Spar as Syria’s Conflict Threatens to Spin Out of Control
By Nicholas Blanford / BeirutMay 09, 2013

The sophistication of the weaponry allegedly being transferred to Hizballah today underlines not only Israeli concerns but also the huge expansion of the group‘s military capabilities over the past two decades.
Twenty years ago, the largest rocket facing Israel from Lebanon was the 122mm Katyusha with a range of about 12 miles….

Since then, the Israelis have watched as Hizballah’s rocket arsenal has grown in size and quality: …Then came Syrian 220mm and 302mm rockets followed by the Iranian 600mm Zelzal-1 and Zelzal-2s, the latter possessing a range of some 125 miles.

Israel is so concerned at Hizballah’s acquisition of advanced arms that the rate of Israeli reconnaissance flights above Lebanon since the beginning of the year is roughly double that of the same time in 2012, according to sources with the United Nations peacekeeping force in south Lebanon which uses ground and ship-borne radars to track the overflights.

Read more:

May 9th, 2013, 7:56 pm


Dawoud said:


Same way you LIED about Ghada Awais ???? ???? and slandered her 🙂

?? ???? ??? ????? ?????? ?? ?????? ???? ???? ??? ????????. ??? ???? ?? ???? ?????

May 9th, 2013, 7:56 pm


Dolly Buster said:

The average duration of civil wars is 4 years.
This one’s been going on for 2.

Maybe we can put our hopes in the Law of Accelerating Returns.

Just like YouTube was adopted 25 times quicker than the telephone, maybe we can end the Syrian war 2 times faster than usual.

May 9th, 2013, 8:00 pm


Dolly Buster said:

Russia is just Nigeria with a worse climate.

The fate of the Syria depends exclusively on the will of Barack Obama, the most powerful man in the world.

And because he is such a priss, people continue to suffer needlessly.

May 9th, 2013, 8:01 pm


zoo said:

#30 tara

We’ve been hearing that song with different words for two years.
There will be more words coming from many parties on the same song.

One thing is sure: If Kerry does not deliver the international peace conference agreed with Russia within a month, he can say goodbye to his political career.

May 9th, 2013, 8:04 pm


revenire said:

“The defected Syrian general whom the United States has tapped as its conduit for aid to the rebels has acknowledged in an interview with McClatchy that his movement is badly fragmented and lacks the military skill needed to topple the government of President Bashar Assad.”

This is what is important for the moment. Idriss admitting he has no chance of winning.

May 9th, 2013, 8:05 pm


revenire said:

Brother Majed O old man of Colorado – only four Syrian soldiers died in the Israeli attack on Syria not the thousands you said.


“Finally, it is important to point out that events in Syria no longer have any relation to something called a revolution; it is an armed insurgency by forces opposed to the Syrian state and all that it stands for. It is an act of great stupidity.”

May 9th, 2013, 8:12 pm


Tara said:


“he can say goodbye to his political career.”

Sorry. I am not following. who is going to dictate this? Who will get him fired? Batta? Putin?

May 9th, 2013, 8:12 pm


zoo said:

What happened to the Hitto’ interim government designation announced for early May?
When is Hitto moving to Aazzaz or Al Raqqah to prepare the new government offices?
Where is Hitto now? in Turkey or in Texas?

The only thing the SNC did well until now is bicker, whine and beg.

May 9th, 2013, 8:14 pm


zoo said:

#39 Tara

He’ll resign under any pretext. Not having the international conference they have committed to will be a big humiliation for the US.

May 9th, 2013, 8:15 pm


Tara said:


Reve( Mick) from Wisconsin. It seems to me that you are married or an item with Ann. It is funny watching the pattern.

May 9th, 2013, 8:17 pm


zoo said:

The boring nth time Turkey’s request for a US led no-fly zone, but Erdogan would not do it alone. More empty talks from a frustrated impotent warmonger.

Turkey would support U.S.-led no-fly zone in Syria – NBC

But setting up a no-fly zone would require U.S. air strikes, and possibly forces sent into Syria, at the risk of casualties. There is little chance the United States would undertake that anytime soon, U.S. security officials say.

May 9th, 2013, 8:24 pm



It has nothing to do with religion. It is all about being a reversed-sewer-pipe loyalist worshiper of dog-poop athad and about ?????? ????? ????????.

May 9th, 2013, 8:27 pm


Dolly Buster said:

I been to Russia once, it was really horrible. They had a limit on buying maximum 5 handkerchiefs at a time. What a bunch of pathetic commies.
They used wooden abacus calculators at the checkout.

Nowadays a person can’t go to sex tourism, without fearing that Russian prostitutes will work there. A client orders Sophie from France, but receives Natalya from Russia. Just so pimps would earn more money by sending inferior goods.

May 9th, 2013, 8:32 pm


Mick said:


I can assure I am not Reve. I rarely post here because the conversation level isn’t all that great. And the logic is so disjointed it hurts my brain.

I have had the displeasure of analyzing throat slitters. Whether it be the ones that killed Daniel Pearl. The ones that killed my fellow Americans in Iraq. Or the ones that are killing people in Syria.

Having listened to that sick gurgling noise a human makes during his last grasp at breathe while some heartless person slits the throat never ceases to make me ill in the stomach. But I try to find out who did it so I must listen as I try to find out what the bastards are saying to each other.

It angers me that greedy bastards in Washington are too busy playing geopolitical politics to realize they will be spreading this noxious act for decades to come.

May 9th, 2013, 8:36 pm


revenire said:

Paranoid Tara and her guessing games. Yes Ann and I are married (to Syria). LOL

Tara you’ve been driven crazy by this war.

I’ve never said where I am Tara but Brother Majed has said over and over he lives in a garage outside Denver.

May 9th, 2013, 8:42 pm


Tara said:


Ok. I believe you.

Slitting the throat of children in Banias and Houla bothered you too?

May 9th, 2013, 8:42 pm


revenire said:

Mick maybe we should not post after each other? 😉

May 9th, 2013, 8:45 pm


DAWOUD said:


You and Ann make a perfect match 🙂 I sincerely congratulate you. If you have a son, please name him after the Syrian murderous dictator: Bathar 🙂

May 9th, 2013, 8:48 pm


Tara said:


No? It is a match made in “heaven”. You both share the same “values”. You both like gore. The only difference I noticed is that you are not particularly I tolerant to religions.

The temporal relationship when you both post is strange .

May 9th, 2013, 8:48 pm


revenire said:

Tara let me ask why you’re so paranoid? Everything okay?

The only gore I like is when people attack my nation I like to see those people DEAD.

What religions? What are you on about now?

May 9th, 2013, 8:52 pm


Tara said:


I meant to say “particularly intolerant”. It was a typo.

May 9th, 2013, 9:03 pm


revenire said:

Tara I’ve never talked about religion once here. If you can find one post with me discussing religion I will leave never to return. I’ve never mentioned any religion unless you mean me saying the army is 75% Sunni or Asma is Sunni.

May 9th, 2013, 9:05 pm


Tara said:


Yes. That is what I was saying. Ann is hateful. You are not when it comes to religion. Otherwise you and Ann share the same “values”.

May 9th, 2013, 9:12 pm


revenire said:

Tara Ann seems very nice. I don’t know why you dislike her. I never have seen her attack anyone personally here. She posts informative news reports.

May 9th, 2013, 9:19 pm


MarigoldRan said:

Hey look, it’s a retard!

The war continues.

May 9th, 2013, 9:23 pm


Dolly Buster said:

Ann is POS, only reposting Chinese news like an idiot.

May 9th, 2013, 9:24 pm


Sami said:



Ever heard of Arab News Network (ANN) that is owned by Rifa’at?

Here is what Wikipedia had to say:

Arab News Network (ANN) is a minor Arab news channel broadcast on satellite from London.

ANN is owned by Rifaat al-Assad, the former vice president of Syria, and uncle of the current President of Syria, Bashar al-Assad. The two are in sharp disagreement, with the Paris-based Rifaat al-Assad allegedly having claimed right of succession after Hafiz al-Assad, who had exiled him after he attempted to seize power. ANN was started in the late 1990s by Rifaat and his immediate family, as part of a media network designed to promote their political positions vis-à-vis the Syrian government and other Arabic countries, as Hafiz al-Assad’s poor health began to raise the issue of succession. The channel states its goal to be a democratic reform in the framework of a Baathist Syria.

Could ANN just be Ribal pasting regurgitated propaganda all day? Could explain ANN’s pleasure at watching gore and death.

Or it could be a coincidence…

May 9th, 2013, 9:27 pm


Dawoud said:

27. Yassine

Really? Do you mean to tell me that you pro-dictator guys/gals/propagandists support the murderous dictator because Syria is a bastion for freedom and prosperity? You sectarian clowns support him because he is not Sunni AND he is killing Sunnis! Whom are you fooling? ???? ??? ???? ??? ??? ??????? ?? ?????? ??????? ?? ????? ???? ???? ?? ????? ????? ???????

25. Ghawwar

Hey, Smart pants pro-dictator sicko/perverto (as they say it in Spanish, mainly because the dictator and his supporters in their rape/torture of Syria/Syrian women remind me of the troubling news from Cleveland)! Whom are you calling sectarian? If you weren’t Alawi or Shia or non-Sunni would you be cheering for a murderous Alawi dictatorship?

As to Aljazeera, your pro-dictator sick as$ should have read what I had earlier commented about Reve’s false accusations and slander of Aljazeer’a journalist Ghada Awais.??? ???? ??? ???? ?? ???? ????? ???? ??? ????? ????? ?? ??? ??????? ??? ???? ??????

May 9th, 2013, 9:36 pm


Mick said:


I have been disgusted with what has been going on since we went into Iraq.

Well actually, with what we did to Afghanistan…but I digress.

A stable social fabric is a very hard thing to maintain, even at the best of times. I was angry when the idiot American think tanks decided that de-Bathification in Iraq was needed to ‘clean’ Iraq. All it did was piss off the Sunni population and exclude from governence some very intense nationalists that actually were attempting to look out for what is best for the country. I’m hoping you won’t disagree that there were Sunnis in the Iraq government that were actually trying to run a government. Build schools. Build hospitals. Build a middle class. A largely Sunni middle class that had to flee after we bombed Iraq and ‘de-Bathified’ the leadership.

Just as I’m angry that the same idiots that thought they could dictate from a distant what is best for Iraq are doing so with Syria. And that Syrians are aligning with these idiots.

May 9th, 2013, 9:37 pm


Dolly Buster said:

The army is 74% Sunni because the country is 74% Sunni. There is conscription, so the Shiites force Sunnis to shoot at other Sunnis under the threat of death.

May 9th, 2013, 9:41 pm


Dawoud said:

64. SAMI

Press TV analyst. Press TV is Iran’s English language propaganda machine.

Free Syria, Free Palestine, Bahrain is Arab Forever!

May 9th, 2013, 9:49 pm


Dawoud said:

This videos is of Shia or Shiite TERRORISTS from Iraq fighting in the terrorist Abu al-Fadl brigade. The masked terrorist in black clearly speaks with an Iraqi Arabic accent. I speak Arabic and I am familiar with all Arab accents.

May 9th, 2013, 9:53 pm


Observer said:

Well well. Israel has asked Russia not to sell S 300 to Syria.

Let us watch what happens

Putin goes ahead with the sale and then we will see a significant change in congress to finish off Syria. Even Obama cannot stop his own pro Israeli Democrats from coming to the aid of Israel.

Putin backs off and comes across as unreliable ally.

In the meantime I listened to Nasrallah speech.

I think he is making propagandist statements about what Syria will do.
Mikdad says that next time around there will be retaliation.

So the combined speech whereby Nasrallah says that Syria will deliver more game changing weapons on the one hand and Mikdad saying that orders have been sent to field commanders to retaliate immediately and with force against any Israeli aggression is an interesting twist.

I am not sure what to make of it. Is this going to be after Putin delivers his S 300 if he does so? If he does then perhaps Syria will deliver weapons and test Israeli resolve in this matter. I do not think there is any imminent response right now.

In the meantime the article here has some insight from Haaretz. As I posted before the Russians will never give Syria any weapons system that would threaten Israel. After all the Soviet Union was the first state to recognize the creation of the Zionist entity in 1948.

It also appears that Israeli air force has tested its system against the S 300 in Cyprus ( Cyprus bought the system from Russia ).

Here is the article especially for some pseudo intellectual pro regime dudes here

One more thing: when a retard asserts that a “terrorist on this blog belongs in jail” he clearly forgets that in a civilized world there is such a thing as due process and a court of law.

But the inferiority complexed backward regime mafia and its acolytes have no clue what this means for they just descended from the trees of their mountain villages and they think that using an iPad is equivalent to being modern.

Well the Syria of the fifties is more modern and progressive than they could possibly imagine after all the economy grew at a 10% pace during that time.


Read the article to the end to show you that Israel has already the antidote to the S 300 system.

In the meantime I watched the May Day parade in Moscow. Nice theatrics

The whole show was for “buy my weapons” commercial.


May 9th, 2013, 10:26 pm


Akbar Palace said:


What do think has been worse, the Israeli occupation of the Palestinians or the baathist regimes of Saddam Hussein and the Assad family. Please back up ur response with facts and figures. Thanks.

May 9th, 2013, 10:44 pm


Akbar Palace said:


I was just about to give u a green thumb but I noticed you used the term “Zionist Entity”. I don’t think ur trying hard enough. :o|

May 9th, 2013, 10:48 pm


revenire said:


May 9th, 2013, 11:02 pm


ann said:

Meanwhile …

Opposing Qatar Syria Draft, Russia Cites Lavrov/Kerry to UN States

By Matthew Russell Lee, Exclusive

UNITED NATIONS, May 9 — On the pending Syria UN General Assembly resolution drafted by Qatar, Russia’s Permanent Representative Vitaly Churkin has now written to all member states, opposing the resolution on procedure, substance and on the May 7 announcement by Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov and US Secretary of State Kerry.

Inner City Press has obtained a copy of Russia’s letter and puts it online, here.

Earlier in the process, countries ranging from India and Malaysia, Switzerland and South Africa, Brazil and at least five other Latin American countries wrote to Qatar with objections to the draft.

But Qatar and what Russia’s letter calls “like minded” countries have proceeded, collecting co-sponsors (under forty by 1 pm on Thursday).

If it’s true, what UN Deputy Secretary General Jan Eliasson said mid Thursday, that the Lavrov – Kerry announcement convinced envoy Lakhdar Brahimi to stay on, shouldn’t a General Assembly resolution be looked at again in this light?


May 9th, 2013, 11:09 pm


Observer said:

In 1948 it was a Zionist entity. Are you embarrassed by that? Do I sense some guilt?

I am for freedom and that includes the freedom of the Palestinian people from occupation and exclusion and the freedom of the Jewish people from persecution and slaughter. The one is not exclusive to the other. I would advocate again what the PLO always wanted a secular non denominational bi national state in Palestinian and in contrast to the PLO that wanted some to go back to Europe, I would invite all of the Jews in the world to come and live with us. The diversity and talent combination would be tremendous.

In the meantime, Israel has been and remains an entity that has acted as the ultimate rogue state above international law.

This is not a defense of any other entity that is also a stain on humanity like the Stalinist regime or the NK one or the Ottoman one when it become sclerotic and many others. It is no defense of the abomination that was and is the foreign policy or the US especially during the cold war in trampling over its own values of human rights and dignity in the name of cold war politics and desire to control the economies of the world by having its hand on the oil spigot and the waterways of the world.

Israel and Iran are the greatest losers from the Arab spring. The one for it shows that the people of the ME have shed their fear forever, the other as its brand of political Islam is not appealing enough for its pretension to lead the Muslims.

Nothing will ever make me accept an exclusivist state that deported people and no matter how bad arab regime treat their citizens and their fellow Palestinians this does not exonerate Israel from its failings.

Do not think for one second that the raid on Syria is not felt by every Syrian and Arab as another example of a rogue state no matter how oppressive the regime is.

The regimes of Syria and the exclusivist one in Israel will join others into the dustbin of history and the enmity that people have against injustice even if from Holocaust survivors will endure.

And please do not accuse me or anyone of wanting to “destroy” Israel. I want freedom and dignity and effective governance for all.

You cannot remain a fortress in the ME forever. The US will not always be there to rescue you. The Arabs will not forever be weak and divided. After all there is a long and thriving civilization that has never accepted defeat and is on the rise again in the Arab Muslim world.

May 9th, 2013, 11:09 pm


ann said:

Russia’s Permanent Representative Vitaly Churkin has now written to all member states, opposing the resolution on procedure, substance and on the May 7 announcement by Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov and US Secretary of State Kerry

May 9th, 2013, 11:11 pm


ann said:

Syrian central bank chief enraged by black market exchange rate – 2013-05-10

DAMASCUS, May 9 (Xinhua) — Chief of Syria’s Central Bank said Thursday the Syrian pound’s exchange rate against the U.S. dollar in black market is “imaginary,” accusing manipulators of using the recent holiday to achieve illicit gains.

During the six-day holiday in Syria that begun on May 1, a dollar was sold in the black market at 145 Syrian pounds, the highest ever in Syria’s history. After the holiday, it declined again to 136 Syrian pounds.

Adib Mayaleh said the decline indicates that the rise was done by manipulators who took advantage of the closure of the government, private banks and licensed exchange institutions during the holiday, the state-run SANA news agency reported.

Mayaleh said his bank is still moving on with its policy of intervention to preserve the value of the Syrian pound, adding that “the Central Bank is always present to defend the exchange rate and its monetary reserves are strong and enough to do that.”

Yet, economic researcher Qais Kheder said “What we are seeing now is semi-surrender of the economic team to the market mechanism; the mechanism of supply and demand, which has floating lately at a time when the economic team in remotely observing.”

In a statement published by al-Watan newspaper, Kheder said the Central Bank had better intervened more effectively to control the market and rein in the prices’ hike in almost all commodities.

He warned that unless the markets are controlled once again, any governmental intervention in the country’s economic cycle will be in vain.

The tug-of-war between the government economic team and the market profiteers is about to be drawn to a close in favor of the latter, said the researcher.

Nonetheless, he said the situation is still viable for recovery despite the pressure practiced by foreign factors that push toward the contraction or the stagnation of the Syrian economy.

The dollar scored its first increase against the Syrian pound in February 2012 when it was traded at 108 Syrian pounds, an issue that had then pushed the Central Bank to pump large amounts of dollars into the market. The exchange rate was brought back to 70 Syrian pounds per dollar shortly afterward.

However, the bank has not succeeded in doing the same thing once again despite repetitive pledges to interfere.

Observers said dozens of manipulators have been arrested lately in yet another effort by the government to prevent any further decline of the Syrian currency.


May 9th, 2013, 11:25 pm


revenire said:

Israel can’t stop the weapons transfers.

May 9th, 2013, 11:36 pm


mjabali said:

The lack of modern laws in the Middle East made it hard to be from a minority.

If you are a minority in the Middle East you have to live in a fortress, otherwise you are dead? This is what we are learning from what we see in front of us.

May 9th, 2013, 11:36 pm


Ghufran said:

This is the Arabic copy of Geneva agreement :

???? ??? ???? ?????? ?????? ??”?????? ??????? ?????? ?? ?????? ????? ?? ??? ?????” ?? ???? ?? 30 ?????? 2012? ??? ??? ?? ??????? ??????? ?????? ?????? ????? ????? ??????? ??? ?? ??? ??? ????? ??????? ?????? ????? ????? ?????? 5 ???? 2012:
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2 – ??? ????? ????? ?????? ????? ?? ????? ????? ?????? ???? ????? ?????? ?? ????????? ??????? ??????? . ?????? ????? ???????? ???? ????? ?????? ????? ????? ???????? ????????? ???? ??????? . ???????? ???? ????? ???? ??? ????? ???????? ??????? ????? ???????? ??????? ????? ??? ?????? ?? ?????? ????? ??????? ????????? ??????? . ?????? ?????? ?????? ??? ????????? ??????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ???????.
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May 9th, 2013, 11:37 pm


Juergen said:

Bravo , an other landmark destroyed in Syria, this time the supension bridge in Deir az Zohr.

May 9th, 2013, 11:46 pm


ann said:

Dardari: Lebanon risks recession over Syria war – May 10, 2013

The economic devastation of Syria’s war could drive the economies of neighboring Lebanon and Jordan into reverse, Syria’s former deputy prime minister said Thursday

The Syrian conflict “has a very destabilizing effect,” said Dardari, now chief economist for ESCWA. “It is in the interest of the whole region for Syria to regain peace and quiet, and start rebuilding.”

“The Egyptian economy is in its most difficult condition. Not only is there a heavy inheritance from the previous regime but throughout the transitional period the economic file was mismanaged,” Moussa told The Daily Star on the sidelines of the forum.

“The excuses valid 10 months ago are no longer acceptable after a year of failure to reach the deal with the International Monetary Fund, to provide an alternative [to the IMF loan], or to shore up the situation of the most impoverished,” he said.

Jihad Azour, a former Lebanese finance minister, blamed the new regime’s failure to address socioeconomic issues as the foremost reason behind unrest in the region.

“The new regimes are steering the economy using the ways of the old regimes. They are politically legitimate from elections but they do not involve stakeholders in economic decision-making,” he said.


May 9th, 2013, 11:47 pm


Dawoud said:

Erdogan: Turkey would support U.S.-led no-fly zone in Syria
In exclusive interview with NBC News ahead of U.S. trip, the Turkish PM says Assad crossed a red line by using chemical weapons, and called on the U.S. to take further steps.
By Haaretz | May.10, 2013 | 3:19 AM

In an exclusive interview with NBC News Thursday, Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan said Turkey would support a U.S.-enforced no-fly zone in Syria and warned that Damascus crossed President Barack Obama’s “red line” on chemical weapons use long ago.

A no-fly zone to prohibit Syrian military aircraft from hitting rebel targets has been mentioned by American lawmakers as one option the United States could use to put pressure on Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

“Right from the beginning … we would say ‘Yes,” Erdogan said when asked if Turkey, a NATO member that shares its longest border with Syria, would support such action, according to an report.

But setting up a no-fly zone would require U.S. air strikes, and possibly forces sent into Syria, at the risk of casualties. There is little chance the United States would undertake that anytime soon, U.S. security officials say.
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May 9th, 2013, 11:56 pm


Dolly Buster said:

ann said: Syrian central bank chief enraged by black market exchange rate – 2013-05-10

DAMASCUS, May 9 (Xinhua) — Chief of Syria’s Central Bank said Thursday the Syrian pound’s exchange rate against the U.S. dollar in black market is “imaginary,” accusing manipulators of using the recent holiday to achieve illicit gains.

O rly?

Stupid commies never learn that Command Economy doesn’t work.
The market rate is real, and the Baath rate is imaginary.

This means Syrian income will now drop towards 50 euros a month.
Thanks Putin.

May 9th, 2013, 11:56 pm


Juergen said:

And one has to wonder who really is benefitting from the black market exchange. I remember well an dealer who exchanged next to the police station in Merjeh inside his toystore. I think the regime itself backs this second exchange system from day 1.

May 10th, 2013, 12:01 am


revenire said:

Brilliant analysis Juergen. That, and a few euros, can get you a seat at Starbucks later today.

May 10th, 2013, 12:07 am


Ghufran said:

Morsi is trying to find a place for himself and Egypt in the efforts to end the war in Syria,he is now calling for including the Syrian government in the group of 4.
Notice that Geneva declaration does not mention Assad or his army and security chiefs, the idea was to let this matter be determined by syrians on the negotiating table, however, he, Assad, will be a deal breaker, therefore it is best that he stays aside then steps down, running in 2014 should be ruled out once and for all .

May 10th, 2013, 12:08 am


Juergen said:

Reve, real expertise on crime is an feature of the Assads in Syria, they would not tolerate anyone else in that field.

We cannot fix the national problems of Syria
“Joshua Landis is a leading opponent of U.S. intervention in Syria. Last week we did a post faulting NPR’s Melissa Block for bringing up Landis’s marriage to an Alawite woman during an interview with him and Andrew Tabler of the Washington Institute for Near East Policy. We argued that if Landis’s personal connections are fair game, then so are neoconservatives’ connections to Israel, which are never discussed in the mainstream media. Landis posted much of the following on Facebook, and sent the postscript to us.”

May 10th, 2013, 12:18 am


revenire said:

Juergen I can’t take anything you say seriously. It all looks desperate to me.

May 10th, 2013, 12:26 am


ann said:

Abducted Syrian Archbishops Held By Rebels – 5-10-2013

Beirut — Acting President of the Syrian National Council George Sabra said Wednesday that the two Greek Orthodox bishops kidnapped in Syria are being held in a small village north west of Aleppo by a rebel group.

In a telephone conversation with Kataeb Party leader Amin Gemayel, Sabra said that Aleppo’s Greek Orthodox Archbishop Boulos Yazigi and Syriac Orthodox Archbishop Yohanna Ibrahim were both in good health and still in the custody of a small group of rebels in the Syrian town of Bshaqtin.

“The bishops are in good health and are being held by a small group in a town called Bshaqtin, 20 kilometers north west of Aleppo,” Sabra told Gemayel who was in a meeting with Syriac Orthodox bishops at the Kataeb Party’s headquarters in Saifi, according to Gemayel’s office.

Yazigi and Ibrahim were kidnapped last month by armed men while they were on their way to Aleppo from the Turkish border.

The meeting in Saifi was attended by Mount Lebanon’s Syriac Orthodox Bishop George Saliba, Beirut Bishop Daniel Koriyeh, Syriac League President Habib Efram and the Deputy Bishop of Aleppo Joseph Shabo.

Bishop Saliba also spoke to the Syrian opposition leader over the phone and urged him to secure the release of the kidnapped bishops.

When contacted by The Daily, Sabra declined to comment on the matter.

Speaking during the meeting in Saifi, Gemayel said that the abduction of the two bishops constitutes a bad message to the Christian communities in Syria and the region.

For his part, Saliba said that fear might overwhelm Christians in the region if the bishops are not released. “I don’t know whether the Christians would leave the region because of this or stay and react to this kidnapping in a way that we do not want,” Saliba added.


May 10th, 2013, 1:20 am


ann said:

Persecuted Church: Pray for Syrian Christians – Friday, May 10, 2013

War is horror on many levels. The civil war in Syria has claimed over 70,000 lives, including over 1,000 who were followers of Christ. Many followers of Jesus had to flee Iraq during and after the war in that country. Many fled to Syria, and now they are caught in the cross fire of the two warring factions of Islam.

Escape from Syria is challenging. Smugglers get you out of the country and into a safe haven, for a price. Usually the cost is $15,000 per person in your family. Many sell all they have – house, car, valuables, to pay the smugglers. They end up in a foreign land with nothing. The nightmare can be almost as stressful as living in the war.

Tomorrow, Saturday, May 11, the church in Syria is showing unity on a wonderful level. Across the war-torn nation, churches are gathering to pray for the country and the church. Protestants, Catholics and Orthodox will get together across denominational lines and pray for peace and safety for all people in Syria. They are asking the church worldwide to join them in prayer. Can you and your family spare ten minutes this weekend to pray for the church and people in Syria?

It need not be a big production. God listens to your heart, not your vocabulary. Pray for the believers who choose to remain in Syria and witness to others. Pray for those who have fled to save family and children and now have nothing. Pray for the believers who have lost loved ones, homes and jobs due to the war. Pray for the population in general and peace to come to this land. Thank you for showing the love of Jesus to the nation of Syria!


May 10th, 2013, 1:28 am


ann said:

After trip, US Senator Tammy Baldwin says ‘there are no good options’ in Syria – May 10, 2013

“I understand the caution about arming an opposition coalition that is not yet able to absolutely guarantee that lethal weapons won’t get into the hands of folks who wish us harm”

Washington – After traveling last week to the Turkish border of Syria, Senate Democrat Tammy Baldwin voiced wariness about any moves to step up U.S. military involvement in the Syrian civil war, saying her trip reinforced a sense that “there are no good options.”

Baldwin said in an interview Thursday that the options for stepped up U.S. and multilateral intervention in Syria all have “unintended consequences.” She flatly ruled out supporting American “boots on the ground,” a step that has little backing in Congress at the moment. She voiced support for the latest increases in U.S. humanitarian aid and nonlethal assistance to the opposition. She said she does not support arming the rebels.

“I understand the caution about arming an opposition coalition that is not yet able to absolutely guarantee that lethal weapons won’t get into the hands of folks who wish us harm,” she said.


May 10th, 2013, 1:36 am


ann said:

Brazil offers to help Russia, U.S. mediate Syrian crisis – 2013-05-10

RIO DE JANEIRO, May 9 (Xinhua) — Brazil has offered to help Russia and the United States negotiate an end to the Syrian crisis, Foreign Minister Antonio Patriota said Thursday.

“Brazil has long supported a negotiated solution to the Syrian impasse. We are willing to make a contribution and support these efforts,” Patriota said.

Brazil welcomed that the United States and Russia had proposed holding an international conference on Syria soon to be attended by representatives from both the Syrian government and rebels.


May 10th, 2013, 1:46 am


Dolly Buster said:

3. ann said:

Al-Qaeda Now in Control of CIA’s Covert War in Syria

It would be nice if there was really a “covert war.” Unfortunately this is not the case. Obama is doing absolutely nothing, as the Russian-Shiite savages are tearing down cities with villainous glee.

May 10th, 2013, 1:58 am


Dolly Buster said:

50. Mick said:

I have had the displeasure of analyzing throat slitters. Whether it be the ones that killed Daniel Pearl. The ones that killed my fellow Americans in Iraq. Or the ones that are killing people in Syria.

Having listened to that sick gurgling noise a human makes during his last grasp at breathe while some heartless person slits the throat never ceases to make me ill in the stomach. But I try to find out who did it so I must listen as I try to find out what the bastards are saying to each other.

Well, even sicker is your hobby of analyzing the audio of throat-slitting.

If you perform Wudu and snort water up your nose, it will help you realize that the dirtiest of people are the people of Shirk.

May 10th, 2013, 3:13 am


Visitor said:

Akbar Palace @72,

Get serious.

You cannot compare Saddam to the other two EVILs as you do inyour silly question.

Saddam was a great man who defeated Khomeini and sent him to hell by Khomeini’s admission.

Israel and the Assads are EVIL.

May 10th, 2013, 4:13 am


Akbar Palace said:

Israeli Jews helping Syrian refugees….,7340,L-4378562,00.html

May 10th, 2013, 6:43 am



China offers help to India
Inida offers help to South Africa
South Africa offers help to Brazil
Brazil offers help to Russia
Russia offers help to Iran
Iran offers help to nus-lira
nus-lira asks Aoun four help (???)
auon and nus-lira offer help to d-p athhad
d-p athad is fu**d

May 10th, 2013, 6:44 am


Dawoud said:

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May 10th, 2013, 7:06 am


zoo said:

Syria: Intervention Will Only Make it Worse
By Zbigniew BrzezinskiMay 08, 2013

The struggle is between forces funded and armed by outside sponsors, notably Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Iran. Also participating are foreign religious groups not directly controlled by the sponsors, namely the Sunni Salafists and Iranian-aligned militias, not to mention intensely anti-Western al-Qaeda fighters. American involvement would simply mobilize the most extreme elements of these factions against the U.S. and pose the danger that the conflict would spill over into the neighborhood and set Jordan, Iraq and Lebanon on fire.

The various schemes that have been proposed for a kind of tiddlywinks intervention from around the edges of the conflict—no-fly zones, bombing Damascus and so forth—would simply make the situation worse. None of the proposals would result in an outcome strategically beneficial for the U.S. On the contrary, they would produce a more complex, undefined slide into the worst-case scenario. The only solution is to seek Russia’s and China’s support for U.N.-sponsored elections in which, with luck, Assad might be “persuaded” not to participate.

Read more:

May 10th, 2013, 8:08 am


Akbar Palace said:


In post #71 you said:

After all the Soviet Union was the first state to recognize the creation of the Zionist entity in 1948.

I’ve come to expect statements like that on this website, but it was the creation of Israel, not the “Zionist Entity”. Anyway, I am not upset. I just consider it a case of not taking the “Birminghamian out of Alabama” so to speak.

In 1948 it was a Zionist entity. Are you embarrassed by that? Do I sense some guilt?


Before the creation of Israel, is was just referred to as Palestine or the “Yishuv”. When Jews said they were immigrating, they would just say “I’m immigrating to Palestine”. The Jerusalem Post newspapaer was once called the Palestine Post. Hebrew coins said “Palestine”.

The “Zionist Entity” is another in a long series of terms meant to dehumanize.

I am for freedom and that includes the freedom of the Palestinian people from occupation and exclusion and the freedom of the Jewish people from persecution and slaughter.

I am for the freedom of the Palestinian people as well, but not at the cost of the the freedom for the Jewish people.

It has nearly been a century, and the same people exists: a 2 state solution. People may not like the occupation, but it has been the arabs and the Palestinians who refuse to negotiate.

Unfortunately it is not, and it will not be the last occupation in history. Over the years the situation of the Palestinians has improved with Gazans and the PA completely autonomous and self-governing. There are a few steps more to go, however, they have to participate.

The one is not exclusive to the other. I would advocate again what the PLO always wanted a secular non denominational bi national state in Palestinian and in contrast to the PLO that wanted some to go back to Europe, I would invite all of the Jews in the world to come and live with us. The diversity and talent combination would be tremendous.

A binational state will not work for several reasons. As witnessed all over the ME, the region is too violent. Hamas is to violent, and even the PA will not guarantee the safety of Jews living under Palestinian rule. Up until now, all land given back to the Palestinians had to be free of Jews.

Meanwhile, Israel is safe for everyone, including the 20% of her citizens that are arab.

In the meantime, Israel has been and remains an entity that has acted as the ultimate rogue state above international law.

Observer, save the “resistance language” for Reverse or some other “resistance professional” who talks about “international law” and who, at the same time, supports the worst murderers in history. Please. I expect more from you. “Entity”, “rogue state”, “apartheid state”, get real. Arabs in Israel are free, safe, and enjoy the best (non-oil) economy in the ME.

This is not a defense of any other entity that is also a stain on humanity like the Stalinist regime or the NK one or the Ottoman one when it become sclerotic and many others.

(may take a minute or 2 to load)

If there is ever going to be peace in the ME, the demonization of Israel has to stop. And the demonization is getting to the point that it is totally farcical and warped. Arabs have a good life in Israel and it’s getting better.

It is no defense of the abomination that was and is the foreign policy or the US especially during the cold war in trampling over its own values of human rights and dignity in the name of cold war politics and desire to control the economies of the world by having its hand on the oil spigot and the waterways of the world.

The Cold War between the USSR and the USA polarized the planet, where the USSR was trying to communize the world and the US was trying to prevent it. The Arabs, sided with the USSR. Go figure. But if you prefer Russia, you are free to coddle-up to them.

Israel and Iran are the greatest losers from the Arab spring.

I don’t agree. Democracy is a WIN-WIN for everyone. That I know. If the Arab spring turns into an Islamist state, then we have the same thing as Assad: a resistance professional. Israel can deal with it just like she has these past 65 years. If Iran gets a “spring” it could be the end to their beloved theocracy.

Nothing will ever make me accept an exclusivist state that deported people and no matter how bad arab regime treat their citizens and their fellow Palestinians this does not exonerate Israel from its failings.

You can accept whatever you want, but it seems silly to me when Israeli arabs are mostly proud to be Israeli and also thrive there.

Do not think for one second that the raid on Syria is not felt by every Syrian and Arab as another example of a rogue state no matter how oppressive the regime is.

Observer, I perfectly understand why Turkey is more upset with Israel’s killing of 9 Turks than Syria’s killing of tens of thousands of arabs and muslims.

You may have your grievances, and so do Jews. Like isn’t fair in the ME and I accept that. When you’re given a pale of Lemons you make lemonade.

The regimes of Syria and the exclusivist one in Israel will join others into the dustbin of history and the enmity that people have against injustice even if from Holocaust survivors will endure.

“Dustbin of history”. How many times have I heard that one?

Observer, your making Reverse smile habibi. Good for you!

Israel is not exclusive as all citizens have equal rights and all the freedoms that arab states don’t have. It has proven to be a country where jews and arabs can work and live together peacefully.

And please do not accuse me or anyone of wanting to “destroy” Israel. I want freedom and dignity and effective governance for all.

You sound a bit conflicted. How does “Dustbin of History” jive with not wanting to destroy Israel? Whatever…

You cannot remain a fortress in the ME forever.

If every country let down her guard, she would be over-run. Israel is no more a fortress than the US or any other country. Her economy works, her people are fun-loving.

The US will not always be there to rescue you.

Israel has never needed the US to “rescue” her. Certainly not like Iraq, Afghanistan, Lebanon, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait or Syria.

The Arabs will not forever be weak and divided.

My feeling is that arabs will strengthen as they become more responsible governments. The arabs are just as afraid of Iran and their theocracy as Israel is.

After all there is a long and thriving civilization that has never accepted defeat and is on the rise again in the Arab Muslim world.

I think the arab/muslim world has great potential. I think the arab/muslim world will learn to accept Israel and will work together with her, once the number of moderates increases. It is a slow journey.

May 10th, 2013, 8:14 am


zoo said:

The army wants to ensure the safety of the civilians in the imminent attack on Qusayr.
Will the rebels who have been using them as human shields let them leave the town?

May 10, 2013

DAMASCUS: Syria’s army has dropped leaflets over Qusayr in central Homs province, warning civilians to leave ahead of an attack that will be launched if rebels holding the town do not surrender, a military source said on Friday.

“Leaflets were dropped over Qusayr asking civilians to leave the city, with a map of a safe route by which to evacuate, because the attack against the city is coming soon if the rebels do not surrender,” the source told AFP on condition of anonymity.

Troops backed by fighters from the Lebanese Shiite militant group Hezbollah have advanced throughout the area around Qusayr, which fell to the rebels more than a year ago.

Activists said Qusayr is surrounded by government forces on three sides, and that approximately 25,000 residents are believed to still be in the city.

The area has been a strategic boon to the rebels, who used it as a base from which to block the main road from Damascus to the coast, impeding military movement and supply chains.

Read more:
(The Daily Star :: Lebanon News ::

May 10th, 2013, 8:31 am


Dawoud said:


Syrian army dropping leaflets to “ensure safety of civilians!” I heard this a million times from Israel 🙂

May 10th, 2013, 8:37 am


Observer said:

Some points made are valid but most are not.

WHy is it that the Jews in the US do not feel that they need to be protected and separate from Italians and Irish and English and Norwegian and Mexican and Arab Americans?

They live in a free and democratic state with the rule of law and separation of powers.

How is this not possible in a multinational ME including the Jews and the Alawis and the Maronites and the Armenians and the etc……. is beyond me. Saying it is too violent is just racist.

There will always be resistance to occupation. Put it in your head once and for all we are not Native Americans or Maya or Aztec and we are not going to be killed to the last person as they did to the natives in Uruguay for example and we are not going into “reservations”.

Just remember that the regime in thouria never resisted directly. The new generation coming out of this revolution is as adamant about getting the Golan back as they are adamant about uprooting the mafia in the country.

Lastly if the Palestinians of Israel are doing so well, why not let their counterparts join you in a big Israel? After all these Arabs are peaceful. How is it that an Israeli Palestinian is not permitted to marry a West Bank Palestinian?

Are you so afraid of the demographics? Democracies are not afraid of demographics if they are equitable and inclusive. Apartheid states are afraid of demographics.

Now let us move the debate into the fear of persecution. If I were a Jew I would never trust my security ever again to anyone. So how would you propose in a ME Economic Union and is a step to a single ME with free flow of ideas and goods and people the security of the Jews be assured? How would you want to divide the apple with you holding the apple and me holding the pocket knife to slice it?

Logic says that I slice the apple but you get to choose the first piece therefore insuring that you get a say in the matter.

So I say you want your security and I say you want to live with us in this place: how do you want your security assured and my freedom guaranteed.

See I do not recognize Israel as a legitimate entreprise even though I recognize the right of the Jewish people for freedom and independence and security and prosperity but not at the expense of the Palestinians and others.

If the Syrian regime is illegitimate then so is Israel if it continues to exclude Palestinians from returning to their homes.

May 10th, 2013, 8:38 am


Dawoud said:

Free Syria, Free Palestine!

May 10th, 2013, 8:43 am


Visitor said:

A criminal evil Assadist traitor meets his fitting end at the hands of the holy warriors of the Nusra Front,

May 10th, 2013, 8:50 am


majedkhaldoun said:

Akbar Palace
When Arab in Palastine exceeds jews, would you still support democracy?,and is that why you have not annexed the west bank but you annexed the Golan,and why you withdrew from Gaza?
The wombs of palastinian women are more powerful in democracy than guns.

May 10th, 2013, 9:03 am


Akbar Palace said:


My feeling is that if the population of Israel were to be a majority arab. I would, of course continue to support democracy. If Israel were 49% jewish, the government would still have to deal with such a large minority.

For example, currently Israeli stamps and coins have hebrew, arabic, and english. Large minorities can’t be ignored, and they aren’t.

Israel could propose giving up land that is more populated by arabs back to Palestine. That’s up to the GOI and the PA to decide.

There is nothing wrong with wombs. The problem is making the baby to be a shahid. As AIG has stated before, arab fertility is decreasing. If you’re waiting for a population shift, you’re wasting your time.


I’ll get to your post later. I got work to do!

May 10th, 2013, 9:13 am


Dawoud said:

I just heard on Aljazeera that 2 fighers from Lebanon’s Shiite Hizbalshytan have defected to the Syrian Revolution. Stay tuned as I will research this further.

May 10th, 2013, 9:17 am


revenire said:

David we will all be holding our breath in anticipation of that.

May 10th, 2013, 9:26 am


revenire said:

The rats hiding in Al-Qusayr will be vaporized by the SAA. I heard the army is in no mood to take prisoners and that hundreds of caged animals are begging women for their clothes to try to disguise themselves before the army enters with guns blazing.

The entire area is surrounded with SAA soldiers and Hezbollah fighters. No help for the rats has arrived from Lebanon.

It is time to put the hammer down in Al-Qusayr. Our soldiers have been issued very sharp knives because many of the rodents need a close shave.

May 10th, 2013, 9:32 am


revenire said:

The Zionists are sterilizing Palestinian women?

May 10th, 2013, 9:34 am


majedkhaldoun said:

Mr. Lund
“Its aging, exiled leadership ”
President Reagan was 68 when he was elected as president for the second term,those people could live to be 90, Mr. Attar is still living.
Hama is full of young MB, they are not as strong in Damascus,the Islamic ideology is more stronger in the rural areas
Who said young are wiser?

May 10th, 2013, 10:05 am


Akbar Palace said:

The Zionists are sterilizing Palestinian women?

No, but they are controlling your mind with powerful jewish x-rays.

Anyway, good luck with your terrorist problem. Assad is a great leader and the world can learn a lot from his stellar leadership.

I’m just wondering when freedom of speech will be instituted in the great land of Syria.

May 10th, 2013, 10:14 am


revenire said:

Everyone seen this?

May 10th, 2013, 10:21 am


revenire said:

“Assad is a great leader and the world can learn a lot from his stellar leadership.”

Looks like my sanity is rubbing off on you.

See, you really were chosen.

May 10th, 2013, 10:23 am


Citizen said:

12. CITIZEN said:

MB + Al-Kaida + KSA + Isral + USA – Longtime alliance
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May 10th, 2013, 10:26 am


Akbar Palace said:

See, you really were chosen.


You keep bringing it up, and I keep telling you the same thing, Jews are no better or worse than anyone else.

But if making Jews “chosen” makes you feel better by hating jews more, then by all means, you are welcome to think that way.

Anti-Judaism is based on jealousy and lots of misunderstanding.

May 10th, 2013, 10:43 am


Dolly Buster said:

The Shiites never stood a chance in Syria, the outcome (their total defeat) has been known from the get-go. The only problem here is the sick decision made by the Shia & Russians to stay a-holes to the bitter end and kill civilians.

To dramatize the point: if Bashar and Putin were in a hovel surrounded by 500,000 armed men, and only had 1 civilian to kill, they would proceed to kill him. You see? Even if it’s hopeless for them, they still desire to inflict maximum damage to the helpless.

That is why it’s important to have thabaat and free Syria. It will lead to the destruction of Russia in a matter of years.
We must be like Batman and face down evil.

May 10th, 2013, 10:55 am


Citizen said:

/destruction of Russia in a matter of years./
The same thing for you mentality boy !

May 10th, 2013, 11:10 am


ann said:

It’s Dishonest to Talk about Benghazi Without Talking About the Syrian War – May 8, 2013

Both Parties Are Trying to Sweep the Bigger Story Under the Rug

According to Democrats, today’s Congressional hearings on Benghazi are nothing but a partisan witch hunt.

According to Republicans, the Obama administration committed treason in it’s handling of Benghazi … and then tried to cover it up.

Both parties are avoiding the bigger picture … The fact that Democrats and Republicans alike have been using Benghazi as the center of U.S. efforts to arm the Al Qaeda-affiliated Syrian rebels.

Specifically, the U.S. supported opposition which overthrew Libya’s Gadaffi was largely comprised of Al Qaeda terrorists.

According to a 2007 report by West Point’s Combating Terrorism Center’s center, the Libyan city of Benghazi was one of Al Qaeda’s main headquarters – and bases for sending Al Qaeda fighters into Iraq – prior to the overthrow of Gaddafi:

“There is no question that al Qaeda’s Libyan franchise, Libyan Islamic Fighting Group, is a part of the opposition,” Bruce Riedel, former CIA officer and a leading expert on terrorism, told Hindustan Times.

It has always been Qaddafi’s biggest enemy and its stronghold is Benghazi.

Al Qaeda is now largely in control of Libya. Indeed, Al Qaeda flags were flown over the Benghazi courthouse once Gaddafi was toppled.

(Incidentally, Gaddafi was on the verge of invading Benghazi in 2011, 4 years after the West Point report cited Benghazi as a hotbed of Al Qaeda terrorists. Gaddafi claimed – rightly it turns out – that Benghazi was an Al Qaeda stronghold and a main source of the Libyan rebellion. But NATO planes stopped him, and protected Benghazi.)

In 2011, Ambassador Stevens was appointed to be the Obama administration’s liaison with the “budding Libyan opposition,” according to ABC News. Stevens and the State Department worked directly with Abdelhakim Belhadj of the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group. Belhadj has direct connections to al-Qaeda.

CNN, the Telegraph, the Washington Times, and many other mainstream sources confirm that Al Qaeda terrorists from Libya have since flooded into Syria to fight the Assad regime.

Mainstream sources also confirm that the Syrian opposition is largely comprised of Al Qaeda terrorists. (Indeed, the New York Times reported last week that virtually all of the rebel fighters are Al Qaeda terrorists.)

The U.S. has been arming the Syrian opposition since 2006. The post-Gaddafi Libyan government is also itself a top funder and arms supplier of the Syrian opposition.

This brings us to the murder of ambassador Stevens …

The Wall Street Journal, Telegraph and other sources confirm that the US consulate in Benghazi was mainly being used for a secret CIA operation.

They say that the State Department presence in Benghazi “provided diplomatic cover” for the previously hidden CIA mission. WND alleges that it was not a real consulate. And former CIA officer Philip Giraldi confirms:

Benghazi has been described as a U.S. consulate, but it was not. It was an information office that had no diplomatic status. There was a small staff of actual State Department information officers plus local translators. The much larger CIA base was located in a separate building a mile away. It was protected by a not completely reliable local militia. Base management would have no say in the movement of the ambassador and would not be party to his plans, nor would it clear its own operations with the U.S. Embassy in Tripoli. In Benghazi, the CIA’s operating directive would have been focused on two objectives: monitoring the local al-Qaeda affiliate group, Ansar al-Sharia, and tracking down weapons liberated from Colonel Gaddafi’s arsenal. Staff consisted of CIA paramilitaries who were working in cooperation with the local militia. The ambassador would not be privy to operational details and would only know in general what the agency was up to. When the ambassador’s party was attacked, the paramilitaries at the CIA base came to the rescue before being driven back into their own compound, where two officers were subsequently killed in a mortar attack.

Reuters notes that the CIA mission involved finding and repurchasing heavy weaponry looted from Libyan government arsenals.

Retired Lt. General William Boykin said in January that Stevens was in Benghazi as part of an effort to arm the Syrian opposition:

More supposition was that he was now funneling guns to the rebel forces in Syria, using essentially the Turks to facilitate that. Was that occurring, (a), and if so, was it a legal covert action?

Boykin said Stevens was “given a directive to support the Syrian rebels” and the State Department’s Special Mission Compound in Benghazi “would be the hub of that activity.”

Business Insider reports that Stevens may have been linked with Syrian terrorists:

There’s growing evidence that U.S. agents—particularly murdered ambassador Chris Stevens—were at least aware of heavy weapons moving from Libya to jihadist Syrian rebels.

In March 2011 Stevens became the official U.S. liaison to the al-Qaeda-linked Libyan opposition, working directly with Abdelhakim Belhadj of the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group—a group that has now disbanded, with some fighters reportedly participating in the attack that took Stevens’ life.

In November 2011 The Telegraph reported that Belhadj, acting as head of the Tripoli Military Council, “met with Free Syrian Army [FSA] leaders in Istanbul and on the border with Turkey” in an effort by the new Libyan government to provide money and weapons to the growing insurgency in Syria.

Last month The Times of London reported that a Libyan ship “carrying the largest consignment of weapons for Syria … has docked in Turkey.” The shipment reportedly weighed 400 tons and included SA-7 surface-to-air anti-craft missiles and rocket-propelled grenades.


Reuters reports that Syrian rebels have been using those heavy weapons to shoot down Syrian helicopters and fighter jets.

The ship’s captain was “a Libyan from Benghazi and the head of an organization called the Libyan National Council for Relief and Support,” which was presumably established by the new government.

That means that Ambassador Stevens had only one person—Belhadj—between himself and the Benghazi man who brought heavy weapons to Syria.

Furthermore, we know that jihadists are the best fighters in the Syrian opposition, but where did they come from?

Last week The Telegraph reported that a FSA commander called them “Libyans” when he explained that the FSA doesn’t “want these extremist people here.”

And if the new Libyan government was sending seasoned Islamic fighters and 400 tons of heavy weapons to Syria through a port in southern Turkey—a deal brokered by Stevens’ primary Libyan contact during the Libyan revolution—then the governments of Turkey and the U.S. surely knew about it.

Furthermore there was a CIA post in Benghazi, located 1.2 miles from the U.S. consulate, used as “a base for, among other things, collecting information on the proliferation of weaponry looted from Libyan government arsenals, including surface-to-air missiles” … and that its security features “were more advanced than those at rented villa where Stevens died.”

And we know that the CIA has been funneling weapons to the rebels in southern Turkey. The question is whether the CIA has been involved in handing out the heavy weapons from Libya.

In other words, ambassador Stevens may have been a key player in deploying Libyan terrorists and arms to fight the Syrian government.

Other sources also claim that the U.S. consulate in Benghazi was mainly being used as a CIA operation to ship fighters and arms to Syria.

Many have speculated that – if normal security measures weren’t taken to protect the Benghazi consulate or to rescue ambassador Stevens – it was because the CIA was trying to keep an extremely low profile to protect its cover of being a normal State Department operation.

That is what I think really happened at Benghazi.
Was CIA Chief David Petraeus’ Firing Due to Benghazi?

CIA boss David Petraeus suddenly resigned, admitting to an affair. But Petraeus was scheduled to testify under oath the next week before power House and Senate committees regarding the Benghazi consulate. Many speculate that it wasn’t an affair – but the desire to avoid testifying on Benghazi – which was the real reason for Petraeus’ sudden resignation. (A self-described Pentagon whistleblower contacted us to confirm this theory.)
The Big Picture

Whatever the scope of the CIA’s operation in Benghazi – and whatever the real reason for the resignation of the CIA chief – the key is our historical and ongoing foreign policy.

For decades, the U.S. has backed terrorists for geopolitical ends. For decades, the U.S. has backed the most radical, fundamentalist, violent Muslims.

The U.S. government has been consistently planning regime change in Syria, Libya and Iran for 20 years, and dreamed of regime change – using false flag terror – for 50 years.

Obama has simply re-packaged Bush and the Neocons’ “war on terror” as a series of humanitarian wars.

Liberals rightfully lambast Bush for getting us into the disastrous Iraq war.

But Obama has in fact launched wars in Libya, Syria, Yemen, Pakistan … and up to 35 African nations (and see this).

Obama – citing a Nixon administration official’s justification for invading Cambodia – has claimed his power extends into every country in the world … well beyond those where we are engaged in hostilities.

Obama has dramatically escalated the use of drone assassinations, which are creating many more terrorists than they are killing. The former chief military prosecutor at Guantanamo says that Obama’s drone surge is as damaging to our country as Bush’s torture program. I think he’s actually underestimating damage from the program, as drones have become the number 1 recruiting tool for Al Qaeda (especially since children are now being targeted for drone assassination … Oh, and torture is still happening on Obama’s watch; background).

And the Obama administration has probably supported even more terrorists – in Libya, Syria and elsewhere – than Bush. See this, this, this, this and this.

In other words, both GOP and Dem politicians are supporting instability and war, based upon false pretenses and pro-war media coverage … just like Iraq.


May 10th, 2013, 11:15 am


Citizen said:

This spiral (AP) is based on mixing Judaism (as religion) with Zionism (racism movement)! So that wraps around content

May 10th, 2013, 11:20 am


revenire said:

Anti-Zionism not anti-Judaism. Get it right Akbar Palace. I know you guys love playing the victim but try being honest for once.

Zionism is what I am talking about not Judaism.

The Zionist things it speaks for an entire people by the virtue of claims on a web forum full of terrorist sympathizers.

May 10th, 2013, 11:52 am


majedkhaldoun said:

Putin met with Cameron, Putin said
Both west and Russia,has”a common interest in putting an end to the violence in the country and launching a peace settlement preserving Syria as an integral and sovereign state”.

JN is the one party that gained respect of the Rebels,,agressive,and came victorious,,many many FSA members are joining JN,the longer the war takes the more likely JN will dominate,
More also Iraq will be involved, HA already there, Israel is involved recently, major war in the middle East is getting more likely
It is both the west and Russia realise this and decided to seek political solution, Transitional goverment with full authority will not be accepted by Asshead, further the army in Syria is controled by Alawi officers loyal to Asshead,FSA is not under the control of the transitional goverment, it will take long time to control both sides
So far I don’t see but military solution.

May 10th, 2013, 11:52 am


revenire said:

No one is going to have any government minus Assad unless elections vote him out. If your side is so confident have elections. I think you know Assad would win any open and fair election.

May 10th, 2013, 11:55 am


Visitor said:

MajedK @127,

I am happy that you, like many other Syrians, have come to the conclusion that a military solution, in which the Assad thugs are eliminated, is the only outcome to this Syrian revolution.

It has also become clear to most Syrians that this Revolution must be led by the Nusra Front since it has proven to be the most effective, most dedicated, most organized, most honest and most disciplined force in this revolution. Furthermore, the Nusra was able to compensate with its efficiency the shortcomings resulting from weapon and armament disparity between the revolution and the regime of thuggery, and has rendered the manipulative policies of the evil US admin. and other EU governments obsolete by virtue of the steadfastness of its holy warriors.

It has always been my opinion, that any new defectors or recruits must go through a rehabilitation process at the hands of the Nusra fighters in order to prepare the new recruits for the battle both ideologically and physically. It is no longer a secret that most defectors who joined the so-called FSA suffered from shortcomings relating to fighting skills, motivation and discipline as well as in some cases corruption due to the fact that these defectors were the product of a corrupt system. Nusra’s role in this area is very crucial and it will address these shortcomings very effectively

May 10th, 2013, 12:09 pm


majedkhaldoun said:

Revenir said
I think you know Assad would win any open and fair election.

This proves that you are emotional not realistic, one million refugee to the outside,4-5 million internally displaced,and you say that?
Bombino,go play with your rats

May 10th, 2013, 12:09 pm


majedkhaldoun said:

If Asshead was sure he will win in true election he would have gone for true reform long time ago,
Why would he use brutal gory fight if fair election would make him a winner?,I don’t like to hear silly stupid Revenir type nonsense

May 10th, 2013, 12:28 pm


Hanzala said:

#129 Visitor I agree with many of your views, I seem to find myself agreeing with a lot of your points.

Free Syrian Army rebels defect to Islamist group Jabhat al-Nusra

Illustrating their plight, FSA commanders say that entire units have gone over to al-Nusra while others have lost a quarter or more of their strength to them recently.

“Fighters feel proud to join al-Nusra because that means power and influence,” said Abu Ahmed, a former teacher from Deir Hafer who now commands an FSA brigade in the countryside near Aleppo. “Al-Nusra fighters rarely withdraw for shortage of ammunition or fighters and they leave their target only after liberating it,” he added. “They compete to carry out martyrdom [suicide] operations.”

“If you join al-Nusra, there is always a gun for you but many of the FSA brigades can’t even provide bullets for their fighters,” complained Abu Tamim, an FSA man who joined Jabhat al-Nusra in Idlib province. “My nephew is in Egypt, he wants to come to Syria to fight but he doesn’t have enough money. Al-Nusra told him: ‘Come and we will even pay your flight tickets.’ He is coming to fight with al-Nusra because he does not have any other way.”

Jabhat al-Nusra is winning support in Deir al-Zor, according to Abu Hudaifa, another FSA defector. “They are protecting people and helping them financially. Al-Nusra is in control of most of the oil wells in the city.” The Jabhat al-Nusra media, with songs about jihad and martyrdom, is extremely influential.

Al-Nusra has members serving undercover with FSA units so they can spot potential recruits, according to Abu Hassan of the FSA’s al-Tawhid Lions brigade.

May 10th, 2013, 12:46 pm


Hanzala said:

also, like I said, don’t believe the Assad propaganda about taking Kherbit Ghazaleh. The FSA withdrew resupplied, and are still in control. Although, I am suspicious of this particular FSA group in Kherbit Ghazaleh, I believe they may have been trained by the US in Jordan and armed there.

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May 10th, 2013, 12:50 pm


citizen said:

This German Minister highly experienced of S-300 missiles! what he can tell us about Dolphin submarines with deadly nuclear capabilities and secret military contracts with Israel? One-eyed hypocritical typical servant of Zion

May 10th, 2013, 1:12 pm


apple_mini said:

If it is confirmed those two archbishops were abducted by the rebels as we have suspected from the beginning, then we could ask those opposition posters here as well as others to explain to us what were their conviction that the regime was behind it.

Guess Hassan Hassan was right when he twittered that he wished two archbishops would have been kidnapped by the rebels instead of the regime. Because the regime would make them disappear for good as the regime has always been capable of.

Hm, some of those opposition dudes are just a joke.

May 10th, 2013, 1:21 pm


revenire said:

Brother Majed the people who fled – the refugees – fled war not Assad.

May 10th, 2013, 1:29 pm


revenire said:

Of course the rats kidnapped the clerics. Who else?

Hassan Hassan is a tool of the Israelis. He works for the Zionists.

May 10th, 2013, 1:31 pm


gufran said:

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At stake is the lives of more than 3,000 armed rebels, some put the number at 5,000, and an unkown number of civilians, if a deal can be reached that can prevent a blood bath, either way, Qsair Homs is likely to fall and the syrian-lebanese borders will be almost completely sealed, that will push rebels to try to make gains elsehwere, unfortunately, borders of 3 states are being drawn now, even of those borders do not become official, some form of separation seems inevitable, there are over 150,000 armed fighters in the anti regime camp, I do not see how those rebels will suddenly disappear esecially that most of them are now receiving salaries and supplementing their income with theft of oil and goods and many are collecting taxes & ransom, northern Syria is now a small afghanistan, I have not heard any meaningful argument from the anti regime spoke persons on how they think this situation can be remedied, they first said that as soon as regime forces are kicked out everything will be fine and the sun will shine again, it has been almost a year and there is no light at the end of the tunnel for areas controlled by armed gangs.

May 10th, 2013, 1:44 pm


ghufran said:

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At stake is the lives of more than 3,000 armed rebels, some put the number at 5,000, and an unkown number of civilians, if a deal can be reached that can prevent a blood bath, either way, Qsair Homs is likely to fall and the syrian-lebanese borders will be almost completely sealed, that will push rebels to try to make gains elsehwere, unfortunately, borders of 3 states are being drawn now, even of those borders do not become official, some form of separation seems inevitable, there are over 150,000 armed fighters in the anti regime camp, I do not see how those rebels will suddenly disappear esecially that most of them are now receiving salaries and supplementing their income with theft of oil and goods and many are collecting taxes & ransom, northern Syria is now a small afghanistan, I have not heard any meaningful argument from the anti regime spoke persons on how they think this situation can be remedied, they first said that as soon as regime forces are kicked out everything will be fine and the sun will shine again, it has been almost a year and there is no light at the end of the tunnel for areas controlled by armed gangs.

May 10th, 2013, 1:45 pm


Akbar Palace said:

125. Citizen said:


This spiral (AP) is based on mixing Judaism (as religion) with Zionism (racism movement)! So that wraps around content


How people define themselves is up to them. Judaism is a religion. The Jewish People are a “people” or nation. This is how most of us define ourselves. They can be atheists or religious, and THEY define themselves as part of this nation or people.

126. revenire said:

Anti-Zionism not anti-Judaism.

Anti-Zionism in most cases in anti-Judaism. When anti-Zionism cannot be balanced by criticism of any other party, when all the fault is placed on Israel, and when some refuse to recognize the independence of the Jewish People, then it is also anti-Judaism.

Get it right Akbar Palace.

I have.

I know you guys love playing the victim but try being honest for once.

Put it this way Reverse, if the terrorists like Hamas continue to fire thousands of missiles into Israel, people WILL consider Israel to be a victim.

I know some arabs and Muslims want to attack Israel without Israel defending herself but that only occurs in dreams, not in real life.

Zionism is what I am talking about not Judaism.

Zionism is the state of the jewish people. Judaism is the religion of the jewish people, if they choose to practice it.

Anyway, who are the victims in the Syrian civil war? Assad?

May 10th, 2013, 1:49 pm


revenire said:

Akbar you don’t speak for Jews. You speak for Akbar only.

You Zionists are always want to play the victim. Your identity as a man seems to be that of a victim. Always moaning about Arabs, the Holocaust etc.

May 10th, 2013, 2:30 pm


Citizen said:

Do you have the intention to organize a march in Colorado or elsewhere to Express your opinion about the Israeli aggression on Damascus?

May 10th, 2013, 2:32 pm


zoo said:

The massive defection of the ‘good’ rebels of the FSA to Al Nusra is a great news for Bashar Al Assad.
Now the rebels are seen by the international community as all ‘bad’ and the Syrian Army has even more justification to crush them ruthlessly.
The USA as well as Jordan and Turkey will provide military aid to the FSA at the condition that its fighters fight Al Nusra and not the Syrian Army. It seems that this is the end of the FSA.

The opposition is the weakest as it has even been. Its military wing, the FSA is about to disappear and its ‘interim’ government has become a joke. The war is now between al Nusra Islamist terrorists and the secular Syrian Army.
If the opposition wants to remain relevant, they have no choice that to bow to the USA-Russia demands and call for a unconditional ceasefire and a dialog with the Syrian government.

May 10th, 2013, 2:35 pm


Citizen said:


Geraldo Rivera said Friday that his sources tell him the U.S. was involved in a secret mission in Libya to arm the Syrian rebels, which was the reason for the initial secrecy about the attack in Benghazi.

Rivera said on “Fox & Friends” that Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney may have been briefed by then-CIA Director David Petraeus “to suggest that there was a secret mission going on there, that we can’t go there, we can’t talk about it.”

“I believe, and my sources tell me, they were there to round up those shoulder-fired surface-to-air missiles, they were going to hand those missiles over to the Turks and the Turks were going to give them to the rebels in Syria,” Rivera said. “It was like Iran-Contra, I think it merits gigantic investigation, it will all become clear.”

May 10th, 2013, 2:42 pm


Visitor said:

The expected unravelling of Hizbistan has just begun as a result of the tremendous losses inflicted upon the criminal organization by the holy warriors of the Syrian revolution,

Hassan NasrAss soon to the sewer.

May 10th, 2013, 2:43 pm


majedkhaldoun said:

Ci-Tizen #141

May 10th, 2013, 3:03 pm


Akbar Palace said:

Danny’s isn’t here Mrs. Torrance

Akbar you don’t speak for Jews. You speak for Akbar only.


I never claimed I speak for Jews. I always only speak for myself. That is why I use the term “most” or “many” and not “all”.

Certainly, you do not speak for all Syrians.

You Zionists are always want to play the victim.

This is only perceived in your mind.

Your identity as a man seems to be that of a victim. Always moaning about Arabs, the Holocaust etc.

Proof once again you are imagining things. I almost NEVER talk about the Holocaust. I don’t consider it applicable to the ME.

TURKEY (not Israel, the USA, AIPAC, the Elders of Zion, the Neocons, or any one else) is saying the the Syrian Government used chemical weapons against the opposition:

May 10th, 2013, 3:10 pm


MarigoldRan said:

So when did it become a good thing for a “government” when its opponents become more fanatical than before?

The international community is skeptical of the rebels but almost everyone considers the Assadists to be worse. When it comes to Syria, the Americans consider the Assadists even worse than Al Qaeda. That’s pretty low.

The war continues.

May 10th, 2013, 3:11 pm


MarigoldRan said:

The Assadists are at this point a large Alawite militia armed and supplied by Iran fighting a fanatical and very angry Sunni majority. They’ve lost 2/3’s of the country including almost all of the oil fields. They make no money and rely almost entirely on foreign support.

The war continues.

May 10th, 2013, 3:13 pm


revenire said:

Akbar not “most” but you would be correct victim.

May 10th, 2013, 3:15 pm


revenire said:

Marigoldran do you know how stupid you are? You said Latakia was 80% controlled by the rats. You said soon it would be 100%. That was in Oct 2012.

You’re out of your mind.

May 10th, 2013, 3:17 pm


MarigoldRan said:

That’s because you can’t read, moron. I said very clearly back then that Lattakia was 80% controlled by the regime.

What a retard. Try again.

Also, what’s this about Israeli pilots being captured?

May 10th, 2013, 3:18 pm


revenire said:

Akbar what proof do the Turks have? None. It is just the barking of a dog named Erdogan – better hide the little dog away before Mari tries to eat him.

May 10th, 2013, 3:19 pm


revenire said:

“Even in Latakia, they’re not the majority. The only way they can become the majority in that area would be ethnic cleansing; but that would lead to Western intervention and turning Latakia into a war zone. Also, Latakia is next to Idlib, the province that, as I write, is changing from 80% rebel control to 100% rebel control.”
our own Marigoldran talking out of the wrong end of his body again:

Marigoldran now you’re just lying straight up. What a loser.

Tsk tsk.

May 10th, 2013, 3:21 pm


revenire said:

Mari you’ve littered the web with your nonsense. Use another name next time because it makes you look like even more of an idiot that you are.

May 10th, 2013, 3:24 pm


Citizen said:

/TURKEY (not Israel, the USA, AIPAC, the Elders of Zion, the Neocons, or any one else) is saying the the Syrian Government used chemical weapons against the opposition/
Erdogan, a person without a face!a killer with a knife in the back
The Russians are familiar with these blurry play since June 2012
Obama and Netanyahu Intelligence agencies are the main source of these criminal old-model ideas!

May 10th, 2013, 3:35 pm


zoo said:

Cameron-Putin meeting: Zero agreement reached.

Mr Cameron made clear the UK was prepared to back a peace conference. But British officials believe that there can be no final political settlement until Mr Assad and his allies firmly withdraw from the political scene. Russia, for its part, remains a firm backer of the Syrian president.

The UK is also making clear that efforts to hold a peace conference will not stop Britain trying to end an EU arms embargo on Syria. This would enable the UK and France to supply weapons to moderate rebels opposed to the Assad regime.

May 10th, 2013, 3:36 pm


majedkhaldoun said:
No S 300 to Asshead
I think Russia is serious now,they will agree Asshead may go,for a political solution.

It is going out of their hands

May 10th, 2013, 3:37 pm


Dawoud said:

113. REVENIRE said:

“David we will all be holding our breath in anticipation of that.”

Hey, pro-dictator propagandist REV: I am a man of my word! One I said that I will research the validity of the news that I heard on Aljazeera about the defection of 2 fighters from Lebanon’s Shia or Shi’ite terrorist Hizbalshytan, I meant it. Every news I post her is supported by verifiable links and news sources. Unlike you (you, REV, were the one who spread the slanderous and false rumor about Aljazeera’s reporter Ghada Awais), I don’t spread rumors and conspiracy theories (just like you, your imaginary wife ANN also spreads rumors and conspiracy theories-and that’s why she posted the outlandish and false conspiracy theory from Glenn Beck about Saudi role in the Boston Terrorist Bombing).

Below is the Arabic news story from Egypt’s al-Ahram about the defection of 2 fighters from Lebanon’s Shia or Shi’ite terrorist Hizbalshytan in Syria:

?????? ???????? ?? ??? ???? ?? ????? ???????? ?? ??????? ????? ????
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May 10th, 2013, 3:38 pm


revenire said:

David please, defections from Hezbollah? If you are trying to make me laugh you’ve succeeded.

Have you met Mr “the war continues” Marigoldran? He eats dog. Lots of Vietnamese do – there is nothing wrong with it. Tells me it tastes a little like chicken.

May 10th, 2013, 4:06 pm


Citizen said:

Wrong conclusion!
No S 300 to Assad= no needs in this model!
Russia is serious now= the nature of Russian position from the begining
It is going out of their hands= all matters are under Russian follow-up of progress!

May 10th, 2013, 4:10 pm


Dawoud said:


Rev, read the story I posted above yours. I am not surprised that you are denying it in the same your pro-dictator as$ denies that Bashar is murderous dictator and his Shia or Shiite ally, Hasan Nasralshytan, is a sectarian hypocrite killer. Wake up dude!

May 10th, 2013, 4:10 pm


Dawoud said:

Turkish FM: Tests on Syrians show traces of chemical weapons

Tests on Syrian war casualties arriving in Turkey indicate chemical weapons have been used by Syrian forces, and further tests are being carried out to verify the evidence, Foreign Minister Ahmet Davuto?lu said on Friday.

May 10th, 2013, 4:20 pm


Citizen said:

America’s hidden agenda in Syria’s war

“The US intelligence officer said, ‘We can train 30 of your fighters a month, and we want you to fight Al Nusra’,” the rebel commander recalled.
Opposition forces should be uniting against Mr Al Assad’s more powerful and better-equipped army, not waging war among themselves, the rebel commander replied. The response from a senior US intelligence officer was blunt.

“I’m not going to lie to you. We’d prefer you fight Al Nusra now, and then fight Assad’s army. You should kill these Nusra people. We’ll do it if you don’t,” the rebel leader quoted the officer as saying.

May 10th, 2013, 4:30 pm


Citizen said:

The leading current affairs program Postscript, chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the State Duma

In Moscow, Kerry agreed to an international conference on Syria and talks between Damascus and the opposition, without putting a condition leaving Assad. an important shift

May 10th, 2013, 4:45 pm


revenire said:

“The FSA – that you have been hearing so much about – does not exist.
A better title would be MWG, or men with guns, because having guns and firing them in the same direction is the only thing that unites them… Secondly, the Syrian opposition’s political leadership – which wanders around international capitals attending conferences and making grand speeches – is not leading anyone. It barely has control of the delegates in the room with it, let alone the fighters in the field.”


May 10th, 2013, 4:50 pm


revenire said:

HAMA: The FSA has defaulted now in Hama. Intercepted communications between rats demonstrates that the FSA now knows they are not wanted and that they cannot build a base in a town everyone thought would be at the forefront of the treason. To the contrary.

At Qasr Abu-Samra, SAA and security forces uncovered another of Prince Porky’s treasure chests of weapons. 4 Doschka machine gun cannons, 8 boxes of grenades, 2 crates of AK47 assault rifles, smoke grenades, phosphorous grenades and drugs. This cache was abandoned.

IDLIB: The SAA is rolling over the rats in this governorate. The Rat-Stats are few though because of the fluidity of the situation. With momentum clearly on the side of the government, security forces don’t have the time to worry about data or condolence letters.

Al-Tur’ah in rural Idlib the SAA killed 4 rodents. All these rats were foreigners as evidenced by their physical appearance, lack of documentation and literature in their pockets.

Qatroon: We can confirm the following rat deaths:

Bilaal Al-Wazeer
Salaahuddeen Ibraaheem
Yaasser Shalabi
Muhammad Shaaheen

Another 3 could not be identified.

Umm Hareen: 2 confirmed rat deaths. No details.

Talab: No details after a firefight.

Al-Ruwaidha: 8 rodents killed. 3 taken prisoner. There were 2 deserters among the dead. May they burn in Hell:

Zayd ‘Abdoon
“Abu-Ghaazi” (id pending)
Mahmoud Wuraydaani
Hassan Hajjooj

The others carried no papers and could not be identified by the captured rodents.

Al-Hameediyya: No details. 12 confirmed rats killed. No prisoners.

Qarn Al-Ghazaal: 2 dead rats. No details.

Al-Jaanoodiyya: A continuing firefight brought down 2 rats today. More tomorrow.

Tal Dahab: Confirmed 6 dead and 2 wounded prisoners. No details.

Tayyibaat: An ambush scored 3 rodents with the others slinking back into the countryside.

Jabal Al-Arba’een: 9 confirmed rat deaths. All Jabhat Al-Nusra trying to crawl from certain death. But it was certain. So there you have it. No details.

Ma’arrat Al-Nu’maan: Why the FSA and Jabhat Al-Nusra continue to try to hold on to parts of this abandoned town is anybody’s guess. It must be for morale because it no longer has any military value seeing the SAA has emptied the highway and cleared it for reinforcements. Wael described SAA snipers shooting at will at anything that moves.

Majdalyaa: 2 rodents shot. Wael says that MI reports that they were Tunisians. No details.

Binnish: SAA tanks struck a nest of hyenas directly and killed 4. No details.

Ma’arratmassreen: 2 killed. Another 7 or more escaped toward the Turkish border.

Anees Al-Haajj-Hassan
Taaher Majaalisi

Nahliyyaa: This hub of honey production produced something better yesterday: 6 dead rats. No details.

On the road between Al-Mastouma and Al-Jabal Al-Wustaani, Jabhat Al-Nusra’s infamously incompetent band of scavengers belonging to the “Monotheism Brigades” (Yawn) took it hard:

Sulaymaan Al-Shaykh
‘Uqba Al-Shaykh-Muhammad
Marwaan Hussayn Al-Yaaseen
Yaasser ‘Abdulllah Al-Hameed
Muhammad ‘Umar Al-Salloom (SANA)

May 10th, 2013, 5:04 pm


zoo said:

When will the naive “revolutionists” realize that they have been fooled into thinking they can succeed a revolution in a as complex country as Syria without destroying it and giving its ruins to Qatar and Saudi Arabia to rebuild it as their slave country.

“The Syrian people are losing their lives, their homes, their wealth”

Saudi Arabia and Qatar are meddling in Syria for thoroughly selfish reasons. Freedom, democracy and human rights have absolutely nothing to do with why they are arming the rebels.

Sunni Muslim Saudi Arabia hates Shia Iran, so it is using the war in Syria to try and weaken it.

The Saudi interest in the conflict dates back 1,300 years to the split within Islam. That is where its ambitions over the outcome of the civil war begin and end.

Qatar is more complicated. Nobody really understands the minutiae of the Qatari foreign policy – perhaps not even the Qataris. Small nations like to feel important and they like to have bigger friends.

The Qataris are a tiny nation with lots of money. They are looking at the post-Arab Spring Middle East as a giant tombola, they are using their vast wealth to buy up as many of the lottery tickets on offer as possible because they just want to win something, somewhere.

They might end up with a prize that is nowhere near what they paid for it – but it will be theirs. It is the winning – not necessarily the quality of the prize – that counts.

Qatar wants to have lots of grateful friends once the turmoil in the region is over who will hopefully look after them in the future.

May 10th, 2013, 5:31 pm


revenire said:

Qatar will be vaporized in the first salvo of missiles.

May 10th, 2013, 5:45 pm


ann said:

Riding The Gravy Train!

US Sending Additional $100,000,000 Aid Package to Syria – May 10, 2013

The US has announced that it will provide an additional $100 million in humanitarian aid for Syria, which will bring the total provided aid to $510 million

Much of the aid will be given to countries that are now home to refugee camps, including Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey. Jordan will receive $43 million to support the country’s United Nations humanitarian programs.

About $32 million in humanitarian aid will also be given to Lebanon, and about $9.5 will go to programs in Turkey. The remaining $16 million will be used to provide Syrians in their own country with basic necessities, including blankets, clothing, healthcare, cash assistance, and hygiene kits, the Associated Press reports, based on interviews with unnamed officials.


May 10th, 2013, 6:07 pm


ziad said:

Zionist group tries to blackmail DC’s Newseum over memorial for Palestinian journalists killed by Israel

Cliff May, president of the neocon “think tank” Foundation for the Defense of Democracies (FDD), is threatening that his organization will pull its annual conference from the Newseum because the Palestinians are named among more than two thousand journalists killed while performing their work, who are to be honored at an event on 13 May.

May 10th, 2013, 6:11 pm


ann said:

Congresswoman: Obama Gave Benghazi Stand Down Order – May 10, 2013

A growing body of evidence also suggests that the entire purpose of the consulate in Benghazi and Ambassador Stevens’ role there was to oversee clandestine arms shipments to Syrian rebels

In comments that went largely unnoticed, Missouri Congresswoman Ann Wagner (R) directly blamed President Obama for ordering the stand down which facilitated the assault on the US consulate in Benghazi.

Wagner was asked by talk show host Dana Loesch, “Because you have been an ambassador, you have been overseas with similar responsibilities and similar missions – who gives such an order to stand down? Where does that come from?”

“The President of the United States,” responded Wagner.

The White House has been scrambling to avoid the question of who gave the stand down order ever since whistleblower Greg Hicks, who was number two to Ambassador Chris Stevens, testified that US special forces were ready to board a plane in Tripoli but were prevented from coming to the aid of those under assault inside the consulate.

Hicks revealed that after Stevens had been killed but while the attack was still ongoing, “The Libyan military agreed to fly their C-130 to Benghazi and carry additional personnel to Benghazi as reinforcements,” including US Special Forces, but that a call came through from Special Operations Command Africa saying, “you can’t go now; you don’t have authority to go now.”

“They were told not to board the flight, so they missed it.” Hicks said.

In the hours after the stand down order was given, three more American diplomats were killed by terrorists who laid siege to the consulate.

The Obama administration denies that any kind of stand down order was given, a claim that rings hollow given the White House’s attempt to cover up the nature of what happened in the days after the attack, claiming instead that it was a “protest” sparked by a YouTube video.

It was also recently revealed that the State Department hired Al-Qaeda-linked militants to “defend” the diplomatic mission in Benghazi that was later attacked. State Department officials who blocked efforts to help Americans under assault later tried to hide Al-Qaeda’s involvement in the attack.

As we have exhaustively documented, the Obama administration’s support for Al-Qaeda-linked militants in Libya, which led to the toppling of Colonel Gaddafi, directly contributed to the attack on the consulate and the death of Ambassador Stevens. The very hospital that Stevens was taken to in the last moments of his life was run by the same terrorists who attacked the consulate and who had been empowered as a result of the White House’s military intervention in Libya.

Despite some predicting that the Benghazi cover-up could lead to the impeachment of Barack Obama, an almost identical situation is now unfolding in Syria as a result of the White House’s support for Al-Qaeda terrorists in the pursuit of regime change.

Despite the fact that militants in Syria have openly espoused their hatred for the United States – burning American flags in public while praising Osama Bin Laden and glorifying the 9/11 attacks – the Obama administration is preparing to send them heavy weaponry.


May 10th, 2013, 6:15 pm


zoo said:

Will US convince Erdogan that Bashar al Assad will not leave soon? Will arrogant and loud voiced Erdogan bear the humiliation?

US signals shift as moment of truth for Syria nears

At least for now, the symptoms signal that the U.S. could inch toward the Russian stance. Having long appeared staunch in its call for Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to step aside, the United States is still insistent about giving no role to the embattled leader in the transition period for his country after the meetings in Moscow.
The top U.S. diplomat foresees no position for al-Assad in the transition. He openly called on the president to relinquish all his powers, but also said it would be the Syrian people who would decide their future after the transition period.
In his individual note, Kerry said he could not imagine al-Assad governing, but unlike his predecessor, Hillary Clinton, he did not entirely rule out a scenario in which al-Assad remained at the helm but shared some of his powers with the opposition.

After more than two years, it has become obvious that al-Assad will not give up his seat in any event in the near future.

It is also crystal-clear that the divided opposition does not have the power or capacity to force a regime change in the country, to say the least without a foreign intervention similar to the one in Libya.

With the U.S.-Russian deal, the opposition also realized that it may come to a point where the dissidents have to backpedal from their core demand of seeing al-Assad leave. Thus, they were quick to criticize the agreement. On the opposite side, the regime welcomed the accord, in another sign that the wheels of diplomacy may finally turn in the country.

An almost “win-win” station for the Syrian crisis would greatly annoy the staunch regional anti-al-Assad camp, including Turkey, which remains defiant on ousting the Syrian president.
The Syrian issue will have the utmost importance during Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdo?an’s visit to the United States, and his meeting with Obama will witness his ultimate strongest stand in trying to convince the U.S. president for a swift, clear solution.

May 10th, 2013, 6:20 pm


ziad said:

Noam Chomsky helped lobby Stephen Hawking to stage Israel boycott

US professor Noam Chomsky expressed regret at Hawking’s initial acceptance of invitation to speak at conference in Israel

Noam Chomsky was among 20 academics who privately lobbied Professor Stephen Hawking to boycott a major Israeli conference, it has emerged.

May 10th, 2013, 6:21 pm


ann said:

The Damning Dozen: Twelve Revelations from the Benghazi Hearings – May 09, 2013

Much of the media and liberal establishment simply ignored yesterday’s Benghazi hearings. They were content to see, hear, and speak no evil — which is typically the fastest way to kill a story in Washington. Others framed the proceedings as just another quixotic, partisan effort to hype a long-resolved story. Selling that template requires adherence to two fallacious assertions: First, that no major questions remain regarding the 9/11 terrorist assault on our consulate in Benghazi, Libya — and second, that no new information emerged from the whistle-blowers’ hours-long testimony. The former claim is outright insulting. The latter betrays either aggressive ignorance or wishful thinking. House Oversight Committee Republicans’ focused questioning extracted quite a few nuggets of relevant information. For their part, many committee Democrats were focused on unseemly efforts to attack, distract and smear — all employed as they cynically groused about Republicans “politicizing” the investigation

Cutting through the nonsense and dissembling, here’s what we now know:

(1) Murdered US Ambassador Chris Stevens’ second in command, Gregory Hicks, was instructed not to speak with a Congressional investigator by Sec. Hillary Clinton’s chief of staff, Cheryl Mills. Hicks said he’d “never” faced a similar demand at any point during his distinguished 22-year diplomatic career. When he refused to comply with this request, the State Department dispatched an attorney to act as a “minder,” who insisted on sitting in on all of Hicks’ discussions with members of Congress (higher quality video is available here):

(2) When Hicks began to voice strenuous objections to the administration’s inaccurate talking points with State Department higher-ups, the administration turned hostile. After being lavishly praised by the president and the Secretary of State for his performance under fire, Assistant Secretary of State Beth Jones instantly reversed course and launched into a “blistering critique” of Hicks’ leadership. He was subsequently “effectively demoted.” Hicks called Rice’s talking points “stunning” and “embarrassing.”

(3) Secretaries Clinton and Rice (the president’s hand-selected messenger on Benghazi to the American people) repeatedly stated that the attack arose from “spontaneous protests” over an obscure YouTube video. This was never true. Hicks called the YouTube a “non-event” in Libya. He and others on the ground — including Amb. Stevens — recognized the raid as a coordinated terrorist attack from the very beginning. Hicks testified that he personally told Sec. Clinton as much at 2 am on the night of the attack, along with her senior staff. [UPDATE – Rep. Trey Gowdy also revealed an email sent on 9/12 in which Assistant Sec. Jones confirmed to a Libyan official that the attack had been carried out by terrorist organization Ansar al-Sharia]. Days later, Rice recited bogus talking points on five American television networks, and Clinton denounced the video while standing next to the flag-draped coffins of the fallen. Hicks said there he never mentioned any “spontaneous demonstrations” related to a video in his phone call with Clinton:

Questions: How, why, and by whom did the administration’s talking points get scrubbed and re-written? Why did the president refuse to identify the attack as terrorism in an interview with CBS News on September 12, and why did he allow Sec. Rice to disseminate patently false information on his behalf?

(4) A small, armed US force in Tripoli was told it did not have the authority to deploy to Benghazi in the midst of the attack. Twice. Flight time between the two cities is less than an hour. Members of the would-be rescue contingent were “furious” over this obstruction. The witnesses said they did not know who ultimately gave the “stand down” orders, or why. If it was not the Commander-in-Chief calling the shots, why not, and where was he? Whistle-blower Mark Thompson, a career counter-terrorism official at State, said he called the White House to request the immediate deployment of a Foreign Emergency Support Team (FEST) to Benghazi. He was told it was “not the right time” to do so, then was cut out of the communications loop.

(5) The US’ security chief in Libya, Eric Nordstrom, averred that Sec. Clinton “absolutely” would have been briefed on his (and Stevens’) repeated requests for an increased security presence in Libya. This claim undercut committee Democrats’ nitpicking over whether Clinton’s signature appeared on the memo denying those requests:

Furthermore, the Benghazi compound was operating below the bare minimum global security standard for US diplomatic missions — despite being in an exceedingly dangerous place, and having been subjected to previous attempted attacks. Only the Secretary of State has the authority to grant exemptions for minimum security requirements.

(6) Amb. Stevens was stationed at the vulnerable Benghazi compound on a dangerous symbolic date at the behest of Sec. Clinton, who wished to make that diplomatic mission a permanent outpost. This detail should only intensify questions as to why the consulate was so poorly protected (see item #7).

(7) Nordstrom stated that elements of the lightly-armed Libyan militia group tasked with protecting the consulate were “certainly” complicit in the attacks. No US Marines were present at the time. Hicks estimated that at least 60 terrorists swarmed into the compound during the attack. Eight months later, zero arrests have been made.

(8) A mortally wounded Amb. Stevens was taken to a hospital controlled by the Islamist extremist group (Ansar Al-Sharia) primarily responsible for the assault. Administration officials initially pointed to locals rushing Stevens to a local hospital as evidence of local goodwill from protesters who didn’t approve of the mob spinning out of control. Hicks said the American contingent did not go to retrieve Stevens from said hospital during the fight because they were fearful that it was a trap.

(9) The US government did not seek permission from the Libyan government to fly any aircraft into Libyan airspace, aside from a drone. The witnesses testified that they believe the Libyan government would have complied with any such request. The fact that none was even made indicates that there was never a plan or intention to rush reinforcements to Benghazi. This renders the “would they have made it on time?” argument largely irrelevant — the facts in item #4 notwithstanding. Another important point about the “they wouldn’t have made it” defense: The assault lasted for eight hours and took place into two waves at two different compounds. How could anyone have known how long the fighting would last? How could they have anticipated that ex-Navy SEALs Woods and Doherty wouldn’t have been able to stave off the enemy for a few more hours? Help was not on the way. It was never sent.

(10) Despite committee Democrats’ repeated claims and leading questions, reduced funding or “austerity” had absolutely nothing to do with the inadequate security presence on the ground. The State Department itself made this fact crystal clear at previous hearings, as did the administration’s internal “ARB” review. Why did multiple Democrats flog an obsolete, thoroughly-debunked explanation, if not to muddy the waters?

(11) Oversight Democrats tried to cast doubt on Mark Thompson’s credibility, suggesting that he’d declined to participate in the administration’s ARB probe. Thompson corrected the record, noting that he “offered his services” to those investigators, who in turn did not invite him to testify. Democrats also claimed that the House hearings were slanted because the leaders of the ARB investigation were not invited to participate. In fact, Chairman Issa explicitly did invite them, as confirmed by letters obtained by ABC News. They chose not to participate. Democrats were dead wrong on both counts.

(12) During her Congressional testimony on Benghazi, Sec. Clinton memorably asked, “what difference does it make?” in regards to the provenance of the administration’s incorrect talking points. Gregory Hicks and Eric Nordstrom both attempted to answer that question. Hicks did so in granular detail (the false explanation opened a nasty rift between the US and Libyan governments, impeding the FBI’s investigation for weeks). An emotional Nordstrom was more general (we lost friends; the truth matters):


May 10th, 2013, 6:31 pm


Tara said:

What was Ford doing in Syria? Interviewing rebel groups to decide on which to arm?

May 10th, 2013, 6:46 pm


zoo said:

Moslems Sunnis exposing their divisions and their sectarianism in the middle of London. The British must delighted to see the salafists thugs in action

Muslims clash on London streets (video)

Anjem Choudary and his fellow protestors can be seen fighting with what was reported as other Muslim groups on London’s Edgware Road

May 10th, 2013, 6:54 pm


Tara said:


PKK Kurdish deal with Turkey may worry Iran and Syria
By Guney Yildiz
BBC Turkish

This is probably the question the Iranian and Syrian governments have been asking since the imprisoned leader of the PKK, Abdullah Ocalan, who is negotiating a peace deal with Turkey, urged militants to withdraw from inside Turkey.

The group has two sister parties in Iran and Syria with their own armed wings: the Party of Free Life of Kurdistan (PJAK), which is fighting against Iran, and the Democratic Union Party (PYD), which holds the reins of power in Kurdish areas of Syria. Both have many fighters from Turkey’s Kurdish areas.

“Iran’s main concern is whether the PKK fighters will be joining forces with PJAK or not,” says Mehdi Talati, a Swiss-based Iranian security analyst.

“PJAK, with its current strength, does not represent a strong challenge to the Iranian army, but it could pose a significant threat with reinforcements from the PKK.”

Only two years ago, Iran and Turkey were conducting joint military operations against the PKK’s main bases in the Qandil Mountains.

The PKK’s Murat Karayilan says he would like to see the truce between PJAK and Iran continue
Prof Nader Entessar of the University of South Alabama in the US argues Iran was taken by surprise by the peace process in Turkey: “The Iranian government doesn’t appear to have foreseen this and developed a plan B for this situation yet; we may say that they were caught off-guard.”
Another potential loser in a peace deal between the PKK and Turkey could be Syria.

The PKK took up arms against the Turkish state in 1984, demanding greater autonomy for Turkey’s Kurds, who are thought to comprise up to 20% of the population
Since then, some 40,000 people have died in the conflict
It is regarded by Turkey, the US and European Union as a terrorist organisation because of its attacks on Turkish security forces and civilians
Syria’s policy towards the PKK has fluctuated over the last decades.

Seeing the PKK as a counterbalance against Turkey, the late President Hafez al-Assad harboured the group up until 1998, when his government forced the PKK leader out of the country under pressure from Turkey and the US.

Relations between Turkey and Syria became friendlier in the following years, and Assad’s son and incumbent president, Bashar, reiterated Syria’s full support for Turkey’s war with the PKK.

In a bid to retaliate against the shifting position of the Syrian government, Abdullah Ocalan decided, in the last few days of his stay in Syria, to establish a separate Kurdish group to fight against the Syrian government.

This move now gives Mr Ocalan one of his strongest cards in Imrali prison as he negotiates a peace deal with Turkey.

The PYD, re-established in 2003 after the failure of the first attempt, now holds the reins of power in most of the Kurdish areas of Syria.

Turkey is keen to see the PYD step up the fight against Syria, and some think they can count on Mr Ocalan to influence the Syrian Kurd position towards Turkey and the Syrian government.

The co-chair of the PYD, Saleh Muslim Muhammed, told BBC Turkish in London: “Ocalan is not only the leader of the PKK. He is a leader of the Kurdish people as well. We cannot overlook his opinions.”

Read more.

May 10th, 2013, 7:02 pm


zoo said:

#175 Tara

I think he was prospecting for real estate in Aazzaz to accomodate the “Interim Government” in charge of the 75% liberated “swathes” and a villa with swimming pool for Hitto’s family.

May 10th, 2013, 7:04 pm


revenire said:

Tara if these little rats shoot at soldiers and get killed is that a massacre?

Take your time and think about it over a cocktail honey. You worked hard all week.

May 10th, 2013, 7:09 pm


zoo said:

This isn’t David and Goliath
Syria’s conflict far more complicated than a simple case of black and white

By Michael Coren ,QMI Agency

Friday, May 10, 2013

So, spare me the rhetoric about expanding the civil war. But then, what do we mean by a civil war?

There really is a lot of suburban nonsense being spewed about what is going on in Syria. It’s not some David-and-Goliath, good-and-bad, right-and-wrong conflict. Bashar al-Assad never wanted or expected to be president.

He trained as an ophthalmologist in London, England, married a British/Syrian woman, and intended to settle down as a doctor either in the U.K. or Syria. Then his brother died, then his father, and he was handed the keys to the presidential office. He was reluctant but his hand was forced.

It’s important to ignore the armchair experts, the neo-con fanatics and the leftists who drown in black-and-white simplicity.

Syria, even more than most Arab states, is complex and nuanced. Assad came to power as a reformer and intended to introduce a variety of changes inspired by his time in Britain. He was told very quickly by the army, however, that this wasn’t going to happen.

He could keep Syria secular, continue to tolerate Christians and other religious minorities, continue to guarantee women’s equality, continue to oppress Islamic fundamentalism, continue to keep the border with Israel quiet — there has been no conflict there for decades; believe me, I visit it often — but he could not try to turn Syria into a western state.

So, he compromised.

Then Iran was liberated and made more powerful by the war in Iraq — Saddam had acted as a counter-balance to Persian influence.

Then Turkey progressively became more politically Islamic and militant, making it impossible for Assad to continue with his overtures to the Turks.

Now comes this uprising.

The rebels are not unified, but just like pretty much every other revolution in history, the hard core fanatics always dominate.

Regicides in England in 1649, Stalinists in Spain in 1936, Bolsheviks in Russia in 1917, and so on. Do you seriously believe that socialists and progressives will triumph over al-Qaida and the Muslim Brotherhood?

Assad is a dictator and can be a brute, but his is not a fundamentalist state determined to destroy Israel, create a caliphate and sponsor international terrorism. Hezbollah has far too much freedom in the country, but that is due to Iranian power more than the will of Damascus.

The Canadian government has got this one about right; as for the U.S. and Britain, just as with so many other miscalculations, they will live to regret their actions. Lawrence of Arabia would fall off his camel in disgust, and I can’t say I blame him.

May 10th, 2013, 7:11 pm


Tara said:


I am really bothered by their dress code. I do not like the rope or the head peice. I feel the same way in regard to the dress code of orthodox Jews and Christian preists. I am sorry. I really know it is their freedom of expression but it bothers me. It just trigger an association to backwardness in my mind and makes me feel didsain. They can be much more convincing in Jeans and tees or in suits. And I do not like loud voices. I only like the loud voices of the Syrian protesters and that is about it.

I know It is superficial. Always have been.

May 10th, 2013, 7:17 pm


zoo said:


It was not a fashion show. It was a message to Cameron: The Sunni Islamist are a force to reckon with in Britain and they get their islamist clothes and hats from Afghan and Pakistan shops, not Marks and Spencer

May 10th, 2013, 7:26 pm


zoo said:

Hysterical Erdogan is ridiculing himself again by calling for the nth time the USA to set-up the no-fly zone and spreading the rumors that Asma and her children have left the country. The guy is close to full blown paranoia and the US-Russia deal, if it succeeds, is a humiliating blow that he may never recover from.
I can’t wait to see him meeting Obama next week and then going to Gaza.

In the NBC interview, Mr Erdogan said he had received reports that Mr Al Assad’s wife and children had left Syria, their lives having been “ruined” by the Syrian president’s actions in the confrontation with the opposition.

“The thing he should do now is to leave Syria” as well, the Turkish prime minister said. “Sooner or later, the opposition are going to get him.”

Read more:
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May 10th, 2013, 7:36 pm



On the US-Russia athad is still fu**d
Enjoy, especially the funny Arabic.

May 10th, 2013, 7:42 pm


Tara said:


The dress code of the mullahs in mullastan is not better.

May 10th, 2013, 7:45 pm


zoo said:

#184 Tara

You’re the one who objected to these Sunnis Islamists clothes and wished they’d wear jeans.
I have no problem with dress codes.

May 10th, 2013, 7:54 pm


zoo said:

US forces in Europe on alert due to Libya unrest
AP, Friday 10 May 2013

U.S. forces in Europe are on a heightened state of alert in response to a deteriorating security situation in the Libyan capital of Tripoli, a U.S. military official said Friday.

Hundreds of Libyan activists protested Friday in Tripoli, Benghazi and Tobrouk. They denounced the use of force by the country’s unruly militias.

The protesters accuse the Muslim Brotherhood of trying to seize power by pushing through a contentious law that would prevent officials who had served under former dictator Moammar Gadhafi from working in government. Heavily armed militias have surrounded government buildings in Tripoli over the past month, blocking access to ministries to push the parliament to pass the Brotherhood-supported law.

Britain’s Foreign Office said it temporarily withdrew some staff from its embassy in Tripoli in light of recent political unrest.

On Thursday the State Department said it was advising U.S. citizens against all but essential travel to Tripoli and all travel to Benghazi and other locations in Libya. It cited “ongoing instability and violence” and said the State Department’s ability to provide consular services to U.S. citizens there was “extremely limited.”

“The security situation in Libya remains unpredictable,” the State Department travel warning said. “Sporadic episodes of civil unrest have occurred throughout the country.”

May 10th, 2013, 8:02 pm


Tara said:


Really? Good for you if true… Unless you can’t express a dissenting opinion..

I hope though you do not wear that dress code yourself. Do you?

Do not know why the insistence of wearing that dress. Is it the comfort? seriously. and the beards are scary. Prohet Muhammad trimmed his beard we were told so what is ip with the long unkept beatd. They can’t connect or positively affect any audience. One can easily rush to judge them negatively. Damascusc religious people do not have those kind of beard. It is more like Egyptian style.

May 10th, 2013, 8:08 pm


zoo said:

In Libya , 2 years after the “success” of the revolution helped by the West and Qatar, some Libyans are opening their eyes

“No to Brotherhoodization of the state,” read a banner held by a Benghazi protester. The term is used to express fear of the radical group installing its loyalists in government posts. Other protesters hanged an effigy of the ruler of Qatar, the country Libyans see as a key Brotherhood backer.

“From the dictatorship of Gadhafi to the dictatorship of the Muslim Brotherhood,” another sign read. The Brotherhood came second in the July elections, after Jibril’s alliance, but rivals accuse the group of wielding significant power and getting funding from abroad.

A similar protest took place in the eastern city of Tobruk, where advocates for a semi-autonomous eastern region are active.

May 10th, 2013, 8:18 pm


zoo said:

Did Israel’s attack on Syria trigger a renewal of the Egyptian antagonism toward Israel? Does the MB want to steal the title from Hezbollah?

Muslim Brotherhood rallies against Israel

One organiser whips up crowd in a chant urging the army to launch a war
AP Published: 18:01 May 10, 2013 Gulf News

Cairo: Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood staged an anti-Israel rally in Cairo on Friday, the first such protest by the main backers of President Mohammad Mursi since they rose to prominence in the wake of the country’s 2011 uprising.

Emerging from weekly services at Al Azhar mosque demonstrators chanted “the people want the destruction of Israel” in protest of recent Israeli airstrikes in Syria and the detention of a Palestinian Muslim cleric.

At one point, leading Brotherhood member Mohammad Al Beltagy took the microphone and shouted: “we will repeat it over and over, Israel is our enemy.” Others echoed the call, and one organiser whipped up the crowd in a chant urging the army to launch a war against Israel to “liberate Palestine … from the sons of monkeys and pigs.”

May 10th, 2013, 8:31 pm


Tara said:

Are the Kurds oppressed citizens in Iran?

May 10th, 2013, 8:36 pm


Ghufran said:

With all of the 5 permanent members at the unsc being in agreement on the principle of a transitional government , one can expect the unsc to move soon to issue , this will be the first helpful resolution from the UN on Syria, a radical regime change is now a thing of the past for those 5 nations , but it is still on the minds of many inside and outside Syria.
A ceasefire , which is a prerequisite for any political process , will be opposed by rogue elements on the rebels side, namely Nusra , this will put them against both Russia and the US, Assad is counting on Nusea to refuse the ceasefire.

May 10th, 2013, 9:08 pm


majedkhaldoun said:

Transitional goverment in Syria means no more Syria will help HA,it will be impossible to send weapons from Iran to HA, under transitional goverment,HA is the loser from this agreement.

If Hito formed goverment and approved by the Coalition,JN will be isolated,other fronts that will oppose the agreement will form a coalition with JN, Failure of the agreement will assure that JN and their allies will be the main opposition figure.

US must then do everything to assure the success of the agreement, among the most important , is international recognition of this goverment.

The transitional goverment will sure ask the UN to help,with troops, and Asshead will be pushed away
This means going back to fight as Asshead troops will not agree, so actually only military solution is in the horizen.

May 10th, 2013, 9:34 pm


ghufran said:

Nusra and hard core Assadists are an obsticle to any political agreement, but a coalition that preserves the army and does not exclude moderate elements in the regime is what a transitional government is about, that will push Nusra out, their response is likely to be an increase in terrorist attacks which will alienate them even further, Ford was in Syria to show that the US is still supporting the opposition and to pressure the rebels into separating themselves from Nusra which is unfortunately the main fighting force in Syria on the opposition side, the opposition is now asked by the US to form a team that agrees to negotiate with the regime, Assad is working now with the assumption that the opposition will remain divided, that division will certainly weaken them in the future, another factor playing in Assad’s favor is the military gains made by the army in Homs and the failure of rebels to take Aleppo and to threaten the coast.
The state dept may soon try to initiate contact with the Syrian government by using Syrian americans who may be acceptable to the regime. I still think that 2013 will witness the beginning of the end of this dirty war that affected every Syrian inside and outside Syria.

May 10th, 2013, 9:55 pm


Sami said:


“Assad is counting on Nusea to refuse the ceasefire.”

Has Assad respected a single cease fire so far? Has he implemented a single recommendation from either UN appointed representatives?

I doubt either the Russians or the Iranians can exert any real pressure on Besho and his cronies, to him and his cronies it is a kill or be killed scenario (which they themselves drove it to be) and not a political survival scenario.

The Russians backed a sinking ship, they are trying to salvage as much of it as they can now. Sadly for us that sinking ship was nothing but the iceberg, Syria is the ship that is sinking…

May 10th, 2013, 9:58 pm


Sami said:


“Are the Kurds oppressed citizens in Iran?”

All Iranians no matter their ethnicity or sect are oppressed in Iran. Tyrannies are good that way, they don’t discriminate in their oppression.

May 10th, 2013, 10:01 pm


Dawoud said:

174. ANN

Once posting Glen Beck’s right-wing video about his conspiracy theories, and now from the right-wing “Town Hall!” Your hate of Sunnis and love for Bashar the Murderous Dictator and Hasan Nasralshytan has blinded your eyes. It has moved you to the far right! Heck, you now hope Qadhafi could come back despite the fact that he killed the Iranian/Lebanese Shia Mousa al-Sadr 🙂 Mousa al-Sadr is mad with you!

May 10th, 2013, 10:18 pm


Dawoud said:


Your overuse of “rats” make me think that you are a rat! Heck, if you weren’t a rat you wouldn’t be slandering Ghada Awais with a false/fake story from an unverifiable Iranian news propaganda source (????? ??? ???? ?????). You and you your imaginary wife, Ann, should be now working on producing little Bashar, or Bathar, instead of producing fake pro-dictator/Nasralshytan stories on this blog 🙂

May 10th, 2013, 10:23 pm


Akbar Palace said:

Observer, I promised to answer you (your post #107). Here goes:

WHy is it that the Jews in the US do not feel that they need to be protected and separate from Italians and Irish and English and Norwegian and Mexican and Arab Americans?

For the same reason Italian and Irish-Americans “do not feel that they need to be protected and separate from” anyone else. American life is relatively good, and Jewish-Americans are comfortable here like me and most other Americans.

I am sure Italian-Americans and Irish-Americans would be concerned if Italy or Ireland was continually attacked, and so Jewish-Americans care about Israel in the same way. I am sure Palestinian and Arab-Americans like you care about Palestine.

Why do I feel I haven’t answered your question?

They live in a free and democratic state with the rule of law and separation of powers.


How is this not possible in a multinational ME including the Jews and the Alawis and the Maronites and the Armenians and the etc……. is beyond me.

Until there are no more countries (like John Lennon’s song “Imagine”), I hope you’ll excuse me and my people if we defend our nation, Israel. I know some people like Ahmadinejad want to “snuff out” Israel, but we won’t let that happen. Sorry, no apology is necessary.

Saying it is too violent is just racist.

Yes, of the cuff that may seem racist. But look at Syria. Look at Lebanon. Look at Egypt, Iraq and north Africa. The Palestinians have said numerous times they cannot guarantee the safety of Jews in Palestine and therefore that is why THEY require all Jews out of land transferred to them. Now THAT’S racist.

There will always be resistance to occupation.

There should be. Unfortunately, Jews and Palestinians are tied together. Like I have stated previously, it is Israel that has successfully transferred land to the Palestinians. Not Jordan and not Egypt. But of course no one complained to when the arabs mistreated the Palestinians. Only we Jews are worthy of arab anger. The remaining borders are not great land masses, and when the Palestinians feel like negotiating, an agreement could be ironed out fairly swiftly.

But, I doubt the PA and Hamas want a final agreement. It would be a LOSE/LOSE for them. No one to bring million in annual aide. No foreign diplomats to shake hands with, no Time magazine covers, no BDS campaigns. You get the picture. The focus would be internal, and the Palis would have to produce a society that works on their own. Abbas and Hamas. What a great combination!

Put it in your head once and for all we are not Native Americans or Maya or Aztec and we are not going to be killed to the last person as they did to the natives in Uruguay for example and we are not going into “reservations”.

What is your solution? Where will be the borders? Will it be 1 state or 2? Define “reservation”? Washington DC has about half as much land as Gaza and about the same population density of Gaza. No one living in DC feels like they are on a reservation.

The new generation coming out of this revolution is as adamant about getting the Golan back as they are adamant about uprooting the mafia in the country.

Good. I wish them success in both cases.

Lastly if the Palestinians of Israel are doing so well, why not let their counterparts join you in a big Israel?

Perhaps. Maybe one day it will be a 1 state for all. However, in the current climate, this is impossible. You can’t force peace. And there is little peace in the ME.

After all these Arabs are peaceful.

Israeli Arabs, are, for the most part peaceful. A few times a year Israel finds arab terror cells, but mostly they are law-abiding and hard workers. I am proud that Israel has absorbed them, is making strides to incorporate them more into Israeli society. I think like the religious Jews, Israeli arabs should be required to do national service.

How is it that an Israeli Palestinian is not permitted to marry a West Bank Palestinian?

Because Israel has still not come to a final settlement with Palestine, and is still in a state of war. I don’t think a an Israeli arab who marries a Lebanese, Syrian, Saudi, Iranian, etc would expect their spouses to immigrate to Israel. Here’s an article that discusses the issue. The Supreme Court made a 6-5 decision, so perhaps in the future it could be overturned.

Are you so afraid of the demographics?

No. As I mentioned to Majedkhaldoun. If Israel to be become a majority arab, I would not be concerned. Right now it seems as though arab fertility is declining a bit, so I would hold your breath.

Democracies are not afraid of demographics if they are equitable and inclusive.

Yes I agree. I hope you don’t mind if I tell you right here and now that I always find it slightly “chutzpahdik” when arabs tell us jews about the benefits of democracy. Right Reverse?;)

Apartheid states are afraid of demographics.

That’s why Israel ISN’T an Apartheid State™. Here’s the Apartheid State™ slideshow for your (and Jimmy Carter’s) enjoyment:

Now let us move the debate into the fear of persecution.


If I were a Jew I would never trust my security ever again to anyone.

I don’t think anyone should trust their security to anyone. Especially arabs.;)

So how would you propose in a ME Economic Union and is a step to a single ME with free flow of ideas and goods and people the security of the Jews be assured?

Observer, obviously you can’t swallow the Israel pill. For you and many arabs saying the word “Israel” is like going to the dentist. Jews are secure. Life is good. Build a bridge and get over it.

How would you want to divide the apple with you holding the apple and me holding the pocket knife to slice it?

Like I said, right now the apple is already divided and the remainder has to be negotiated. Israel is ready to do what Jordan and Egypt didn’t have to.

Logic says that I slice the apple but you get to choose the first piece therefore insuring that you get a say in the matter.

Why don’t you and me stay out of it since it is an issue that only affects Palestinians and Israelis.

So I say you want your security and I say you want to live with us in this place: how do you want your security assured and my freedom guaranteed.

See above. A negotiated peace treaty is the best way to accomplish everything.

See I do not recognize Israel as a legitimate entreprise even though I recognize the right of the Jewish people for freedom and independence and security and prosperity but not at the expense of the Palestinians and others.

Glad you’re not at the negotiating table, because whoever is, MUST “recognize Israel” just like Jordan and Egypt did.

If the Syrian regime is illegitimate then so is Israel if it continues to exclude Palestinians from returning to their homes.

Whatever you say. If it is perpetual war you want, then it is perpetual war you’ll get. I do wish Syrians all the best and I hope they get freedom and democracy. My experience with freedom and democracy both here in the US and in Israel tells me that the Syrians will appreciate it when they get it.

It was a pleasure chatting with you. Please don’t hesitate to ask more questions and, by all means, stay open-minded about Israel. You’ll get there one day;)

May 10th, 2013, 10:52 pm


Tara said:

It may be me on a rainy Friday night but I find that it has become more and more difficult to discuss on SC. We have probably lost all common grounds. It starts to sink in.. I don’t think there is much left in our psych for the Syria that has once existed.

What a shameful story of a place we all once called a Watan.

May 10th, 2013, 10:52 pm


revenire said:

Akbar’s been hitting the Mogen David hard tonight and brings us a long boring post that will bring the world peace and understanding. I am weeping after reading it.

May 10th, 2013, 11:04 pm


majedkhaldoun said:

Sami said
Has Assad respected a single cease fire so far?
NO,several NO, and he will not in the future, there is only military solution

May 10th, 2013, 11:04 pm


majedkhaldoun said:

Akbar Palace said
Why don’t you and me stay out of it since it is an issue that only affects Palestinians and Israelis.

Funny, after all what you said

May 10th, 2013, 11:16 pm


Dawoud said:

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Free Syria, Free Palestine, Bahrain is Arab Forever!

May 10th, 2013, 11:23 pm


ann said:


Teenage Western recruits are joining Syria’s jihadist movement – Fri May 10 2013

Throwing yet another complex layer on Syria’s two-year-old civil war, which has killed more than 70,000 people and displaced millions, are Western teenage recruits heading for the battlefield

BRUSSELS, BELGIUM—A man looks deep into the camera and pleads, in Arabic: “You, there in Europe, watching this video. I’m calling you.”

With urgency in his voice, he refers to children being murdered and women being raped at the hands of the enemy.

“We really need you here. This is your opportunity for paradise.”

“Paradise” via the distinct possibility of death on a Syrian battlefield, he means.

The man is calling for recruits to join the Al Nusra Front, an Al Qaeda affiliate that makes up part of Syria’s fragmented armed opposition fighting the government forces of Syria President Bashar Assad.

As unappealing as that “opportunity” may sound to the average European, the message has resonated with hundreds of youths here who have disappeared from their schools and homes and turned up in Syria.

Most are lifelong Muslims, while others are recent converts, a shocking number of them just teenagers, reportedly as young as 15.

Teenage Western recruits in Syria’s uprising throw yet another complex layer on the country’s two-year-old civil war, which has killed more than 70,000 and displaced millions more. As it is, Western powers are grappling with how best to aid rebel groups that are fighting alongside extremists to replace Assad’s regime.

London think-tank The International Center for the Study of Radicalization estimates as many as 600 Europeans have made this journey for jihad, with one of the largest contingents coming from Belgium. Belgian authorities estimate the number to be possibly as high as 80 individuals.

Among them is Jejoen Bontinck, an 18-year-old from Antwerp. His father, Dimitri Bontinck, is now in Aleppo in a desperate search for him, posting dramatic updates on Facebook. The father has said his son was “brainwashed” by members of the outlawed Islamist organization SHARIA4BELGIUM who befriended him in a city park.

Brian de Mulder, a 19-year-old also from Antwerp, is known to be there too, also drawn in by the shadowy group.

When family learned he was in Syria earlier this year, they held a joint press conference with the openly anti-Muslim Belgian nationalist party, Vlaams Belang, calling on the government to do more against Sharia4Belgium and its ilk.

After Belgian authorities raided four dozen houses and arrested six on suspicion of supporting terrorism last month, de Mulder, now known as Abu Qasem Brazili, sent the family a message saying he never wanted to see them again.

They weren’t the only ones.

Two 16-year-olds from the Brussels suburb of Schaerbeek went missing for a few hours during their school’s Easter break. They then called their parents from Turkey to say they were headed into the Syrian war zone.

The mother of one of the teens flew to Turkey immediately, coming back to Belgium days later heartbroken, with no information about her son.

With little or no contact with their kids, families are left scouring Al Nusra public relations videos, looking for confirmation their children are still alive.

Such YouTube videos were one of the first signs of proof the Europeans were there fighting with the Islamists, says Hicham El-Mzairh, an Antwerp city councillor with Muslim roots who knows several of the young men who’ve gone.

El-Mzairh points to a video, posted by a group he says is an offshoot of Al Nusra, of a firefight in which two of the young gunmen speak to each other in Dutch with what El-Mzairh describes as an unmistakable Antwerp accent.

Europol, the European police network, has just released its annual threat assessment, showing officials are taking stock of the problem.

The police force has noted “increasing numbers of radicalized (European Union) citizens travelling to regions of conflict to engage in terrorist activities,” Europol Director Rob Wainright wrote in the report.

“There is growing awareness of the threat posed by these people, should they return to the European Union intent on committing acts of terrorism,” he added.

Next door, The Netherlands has already ticked its national security level up a notch specifically because it learned so many Dutch residents had gone to the Syrian battlefields.

El-Mzairh, long active in Antwerp’s large Muslim community, said the alarm is justified. Long before the exodus to Syria raised new concerns, he’d been warning city leaders that Islamic radicals were making use of schools and parks to recruit young Belgians by exploiting a weak sense of community and inadequate guidance from old-fashioned imams in practising tolerant Islam integrated with European norms.

“If we don’t give them answers, they go to the internet,” he says, where they “become hypnotized” by the likes of Al Nusra. “The biggest recruiter is the Internet, it’s YouTube.”

And now, El-Mzairh said, the stringent Islam they’ve embraced to “fill the emptiness,” as he describes it, is “also asking them to kill people that try to stop them. So they’ve got a holy book in one hand and a weapon in the other.”

The Belgian government is at a loss over how they can be stopped. Border controls should be strengthened, most people agree. Another suggestion is to take away identity cards from those deemed vulnerable to extremist influences, so they can’t leave the country.

Schaerbeek Mayor Bernard Clerfayt scoffs at that idea, even after the two teenagers who were schoolmates of his own children ran away to Syria. His town is half Muslim, half Catholic or other religions, and he says there’s no way he’s going to punish the entire Muslim youth population for the acts of relatively few.


May 10th, 2013, 11:31 pm


Dawoud said:

Free Syrian Army Chief of Staff speaks to Al-Jazeera:

May 10th, 2013, 11:35 pm


ghufran said:

from The Guardian:
The reality is that the international community faces two harder and uglier choices: full militarisation – establishing no-fly zones, arming the opposition with the heavy weapons they need; or, as the ECFR report persuasively argues, de-escalation.
With massacres happening regularly, matching Assad’s firepower with an equivalent one appears to be the moral thing to do. It would provide a short-term answer to those who say another Bosnia is unfolding before our eyes.
But in the medium or longer term, refuelling this conflict looks less attractive. It would be more than a replay of Iraq. It would dramatically increase the daily death toll. It would oblige Iran and Russia to arm Assad with heavier weapons.
Why would Assad, Iran and Hezbollah back down in what would become an existential struggle? And what exactly would that victory look like now? A Syria liberated of Assad would still leave an armed Alawite minority in fear of its lives. The civil war could well outlast his fall. Victory would also reveal the fault lines in the rival rebel groups claiming it. Post-Assad Syria could be Libya writ large.
This leaves the second alternative: de-escalation. This is a lengthy series of compromises, which would be portrayed inside Syria as a sell-out. It means pressuring the Gulf states to starve rival militias of arms. Without that happening, there is no political solution.
It means the leaders of Syrians whose families are being cut to pieces by Assad’s weapons accepting that he remains part of the transition. It took only 24 hours for this crack in John Kerry’s deal with Sergei Lavrov to show through. For Russia and Iran to cut their military support, Assad’s fate has to be a product of the transition, not a precondition of it.
Only by starving this fire of all of its external supplies of oxygen will the incentives to come to the table increase. This requires sustained pressure – from all sides.
(the truth is that Turkey and the GCC failed to topple the regime militarily and indeed the militarization of the conflict was a big help to the regime but not to Syria, today the anti regime forces are stuck and they will either choose to ignite a wider war that almost nobody wants,may be except the hardliners in both camps, or accept a compromise that punishes regime heads but spares lower ranking officials and issue a pardon for FSA fighters,this compromise was suggested on March, 19,2011 but I guess Syrians wanted to try 2 years of an internal war before they fiscover that there was a better way to solve their differences)

May 10th, 2013, 11:41 pm


Dawoud said:

Exposing the hypocrisy of Hasan Nasralshytan:

May 10th, 2013, 11:46 pm


Dawoud said:

Why can’t Syrians be as lucky as Guatemalans? I think that they will! Bashar and Hasan Nasr’al-shytan have so far killed many more thousands of innocents than the former dictator of Guatemala.

Former Leader of Guatemala Is Guilty of Genocide Against Mayan Group

GUATEMALA CITY — A Guatemalan court on Friday found Gen. Efraín Ríos Montt, the former dictator who ruled Guatemala during one of the bloodiest periods of its long civil war, guilty of genocide and crimes against humanity.

May 11th, 2013, 12:07 am


annie said:

On Qusayr, another Banyas or Hama, or…
: The opposition is supposed to negotiate with these murderers ? Admire same tactics as the zios used in Gaza. Fair warning, you will all get killed.

May 11th, 2013, 12:11 am


revenire said:

Annie that is the idea.

May 11th, 2013, 12:19 am


revenire said:

“a compromise that punishes regime heads”

That will never happen.

May 11th, 2013, 12:21 am


ghufran said:

I do not doubt a bit that starting negotiations between Syrians will disappoint a lot of people especially :
-those who are not Syrians but they want to see Syria destroyed.
-Syrians who hate the fact that their Facebook predictions of a quick victory by their favorite side have not materialized , most of those have not suffered much due to the war since they live abroad.
-militants who only see pleasure in death and destruction of the people they do not like.
Most Syrians understand that this war needs to come to an end, and if there is a mutual desire for a cease-fire that desire needs to be honored and helped not attacked, those who want to fight till the bitter end should get off their computer chair and join one of the armed groups, they will die for something instead of babbling to death about nothing.

May 11th, 2013, 12:28 am


annie said:

message from Syrian detainees to the Friends of Syria

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??????? : 242.000 ????? ????


May 11th, 2013, 12:31 am


Robert said:

There is almost too much to say about Syria, most of it is sad.

A brighter spot is in Atmeh Syria at the refugee camp which is growing to over 20k.

It is managed by a Syrian-American who grew up in Texas.
Wow, an American cowboy running a Syrian refugee camp, mostly children.

May 11th, 2013, 1:26 am


MarigoldRan said:

There is a war. It continues.

If Assad is not kicked out of the country, another war like this will happen 30 years from now. Best to get it done now. There can be no true peace with Assadists.

As long as Assad is in the country, there can be no peace. That’s it. Their time in Syria is over.

May 11th, 2013, 2:17 am


Robert said:

Is Mr Assad so out of touch with reality?
Or are there henchmen running the country and telling him everything is ok.

It is interesting to me as I said in another comment that we have a Syrian-American running the biggest refugee camp inside Syria now.
I now also find that his grandfather was elected President of Syria in 1953.
“Presidential elections were held in Syria on 10 July 1953.[1] There was only one candidate, Adib Shishakli, with voters asked to approve or reject his candicacy. A reported 99.7% of voters voted in favour, with a turnout of 86.8%.[2]”,_1953

May 11th, 2013, 2:30 am


annie said:

Compared to the Assadists, zios have never been that bad; that is what I hear some Syrians say.

May 11th, 2013, 3:11 am


annie said:

News Video | Hamah | Halfaya | May 11, 2013
Mass displacement of civilians due to fierce regime shelling on the city. Footage captured on May 10, 2013.

May 11th, 2013, 3:18 am


Robert said:

OK here is the guy in 2011

Yakzan Shishakly Interview – Syria

May 11th, 2013, 4:10 am


Badr said:

In case you are not already aware of it:

Iranian Strategy in Syria

by Will Fulton, Joseph Holliday, and Sam Wyer
Institute for the Study of War

“Iran’s hedging strategy aims to ensure that it can continue to pursue its vital interests if and when the regime collapses, using parts of Syria as a base as long as the Syrian opposition fails to establish full control over all of Syrian territory.”

May 11th, 2013, 4:10 am


ann said:

On Syria, Al Nusra Not In UNSC on Al Qaeda, Pillay Hires Benetech Again?

By Matthew Russell Lee

UNITED NATIONS, May 10 — With France showboating its desire to put the Al Nusra Front in Syria on the UN’s Al Qaeda sanctions list, supposedly next week, there was a false note on Friday.

In a Security Council session, when the chair of the Council’s Al Qaeda sanctions committee Gary Quinlan of Australia spoke, at some length, he did not mention Al Nusra or even Syria at all.

Why not, since Al-Nusra’s Abu Mohammed al-Jawlani pledged loyalty to Al-Qaeda? Did that come after the “closing date” for Quinlan’s May 10 Security Council speech?

Meanwhile, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay has said a new report on the number of deaths in Syria should issue in the next two weeks.

The last report, as exposed by Inner City Press, was through a sole source / set-aside contract for $25,000 with Benetech, funded in part by the US government. This does not build credibility.

Have the months since then been used to hold a legitimate competitive procurement?


May 11th, 2013, 4:20 am


Robert said:

Here is an old but good interview with The Houston Cowboy in Syria.

May 11th, 2013, 4:55 am


ann said:

‘Flaky’ Syrian Chemical Weapons Evidence Does Not Deter Neo-Cons – May 7, 2013

Col. Lawrence Wilkerson appeared on the Young Turks program late last week to reveal that the “varying degrees of confidence” with which Defense Secretary Hagel proclaimed that the Syrian government had used chemical weapons was in fact based on “really flaky” evidence, according to Wilkerson’s sources in the intelligence community.

“There is no way I would say my red line had been crossed and start something serious in terms of US intervention based on this very flimsy evidence,” said Wilkerson, an academic advisor to the Ron Paul Institute.

Now we hear that, according to UN investigator Carla Del Ponte, it appears that the rebels rather than the government had used the banned weapons. Hardly a surprise, as they are the ones to gain by sparking a US/NATO attack.

Nevertheless, the interventionists for some reason never suffer criticism or loss of reputation when their lies are exposed. They will turn on a dime from “Assad used chemical weapons we must go in” to “the rebels in Syria have used chemical weapons we must go in,” expecting no one to notice.

Case in point is today’s NY Times op-ed by Bill Keller — the same Bill Keller who cheered for the 2003 US war on Iraq, defended the lies of media-Goebbels Judith Miller, and wrote a love note to neo-con prince Paul Wolfowitz, calling him the “Sunshine Warrior“.

In today’s piece, Keller tells us to ignore the fact that he helped lie us into war with Iraq, blithely calling it “our ill-fated adventure,” as if it were some sort of Sunday drive gone wrong.

Best to forget the millions whose lives have been destroyed in the war he pushed — because he is back without shame to promote the next one.

Although he “admires” President Obama’s caution about intervention overseas, he warns that:

“[I]n Syria, I fear prudence has become fatalism, and our caution has been the father of missed opportunities, diminished credibility and enlarged tragedy…in contemplating Syria, it is useful to consider the ways it is not Iraq.”

Translation: “It’ll be different this time…honest.”

The “flaky evidence” that Col. Wilkerson cites above, is absolutely sufficient for Keller and his ilk.

But Obama had better act fast, as the interventionists’ patience is wearing thin.

He writes:

“The administration is now preparing contingency plans along those lines in the event that Assad’s use of chemical weapons forces our hand. Why wait for the next atrocity?”

Translation: “We don’t want the smoking gun to be a mushroom cloud.”

Keller finishes with a line that should be carved in stone on the grave of neo-conservatism, as more than anything it encapsulates the mendacity of the warmongers:

“Whatever we decide, getting Syria right starts with getting over Iraq.”

Just get over it. Stop complaining. Start another war.


May 11th, 2013, 5:14 am


ann said:

US Army Chief Suggests Military Intervention in Syria Before End of Summer – May 8, 2013

“The next three, four months, we probably have the capability to do it”

The U.S. Army’s top officer has said that the window of opportunity for a military assault on Syria is within the next three to four months and that budget cuts would render intervention after the end of summer unlikely.

Speaking with reporters yesterday Gen. Ray Odierno, Army chief of staff, warned that planned training cutbacks due to the sequester meant that if the Obama administration wanted to give the green light for intervention it would have to act quickly.

“Readiness is OK right now, but it’s degrading significantly because our training is reducing. So, the next three, four months, we probably have the capability to do it,” he said, adding, “Next year, it becomes a little bit more risky.”

Odierno made it clear that the longer it took to make the decision, the less likely the US is to intervene.

“If you ask me today, we have forces that can go. I think it will change over time because the longer we go canceling training and reducing our training, the readiness levels go down,” he said.

Odierno also praised FSA rebels, the majority of whom have pledged allegiance to and are being led by Al-Qaeda terrorists, for their fighting capabilities and said it was not a matter of if but when they claimed victory.

“I think from what I’ve seen is they have made some significant gains. I think they are controlling the territory. It makes you think that, you know, it’s going to be difficult for the regime over time to survive,” Odierno said.

However, recent victories by Assad’s forces, including the re-taking of central areas of Homs, are being seen by some as a reason for the west’s increased urgency to arm rebel fighters.

Odierno acknowledged the presence of terrorists amongst the FSA ranks, but attempted to downplay their role as comparatively minor.

“With the rebels, we do know there’s some terrorists in there,” he said. “Obviously, we don’t want them to be involved in the outcome, we don’t want them to gain power because of the impact they could have on the rest of the region — regionally and then potentially internationally.”

As the White House prepares to arm militants with heavy weaponry, the US Army and the Obama administration’s support for opposition fighters has puzzled many who point out that the FSA rebels are primarily comprised of sectarian extremists and jihadists who have repeatedly made it clear that they view America as a sworn enemy.

Rebels have been routinely caught ransacking Christian churches, burning US flags, chanting anti-American slogans and singing the praises of Osama Bin Laden as they glorify the 9/11 attacks, while also espousing their desire to fly the Al-Qaeda flag over the White House.

The administration has already sent well over half a billion dollars in aid to such groups, while the CIA has overseen “a secret airlift of arms and equipment” to rebels since early 2012, according to the New York Times.

Appetite amongst the America public for yet another US-led war is noticeably lackluster. A recent Reuters/Ipsos poll found that only 10 per cent supported military intervention in Syria while 61 per cent opposed getting involved. Even if President Bashar Al-Assad’s forces used chemical weapons (the only reliable evidence suggests such weapons have actually been used by rebels), the figure favoring intervention remains at just 27 per cent.


May 11th, 2013, 5:22 am


Observer said:

To clarify
Balfour promising Palestine to another people is illegal and notwithstanding his sentence that no prejudice be done to the Palestinians the land does not belong to Britain to dispose of in the first place.

The League of Nations was dissolved before the creation of the state of Israel therefore any decision by that body is null and void

The United Nations Charter prohibits the division of a country; therefore the decision to partition Palestine is illegal

The Zionists killed Count Bernadotte because his decisions would have upheld the law.

Taking land by force is illegal; so even if the Partition plan were to be implemented then any conquest of the partitioned land is illegal.

Israel has never declared its borders officially and does not have a constitution and its flag has two lines representing the Nile and Euphrates as the rivers of the promised land.

The state is an illegal entity that has no basis in International Law. Henry Cattan wrote a book about it Israel Palestine and International Law and Abba Eban refused to debate him on those issues.

Now let us have a bi-national state and allow the Palestinians to return just as the Jews of the world have their so called “birth right” to be Israelis as my friend Marc Brezin once explained to me ( a fellow student in college ) and then we can talk about accepting Israel. In the meantime, I will never ever relinquish the right of the Palestinian and the Lebanese and the Syrians and the Iraqis and the Jordanians and the Egyptians.

Once you compromise on these principles you end up putting the chains of slavery on your ankles and wrists just as the meek and traitorous Abbas has done. What did negotiations bring him when he thought that abandoning his rights would let Bibi or Olmert give him a statelet where he can continue to look Presidential?

Yes there will be negotiations when the balance of power will no longer be in favor of the rogue state that has received more than a 1000 vetoes from its patron when it comes to enforcing international law. No wonder you are going to have non state actors try to get their rights where the states have failed to do so for more than 70 years.

Now back to thouria

Laughvrov continues to insist on “fulfilling contracts’ well this is a nice fig leaf but clearly they are defensive as the regime brutality has put them in a bind where the daily use of air force and missiles and indiscriminate killings makes Putin look as brutal. Also no S 300 Israel has made it clear it will not allow that. Bibi is going to see Putin. While the dumb ass boy prethident allows the HA leader to spell out the response of thouria to the Israeli attack. How shameful that he claims sovereignty and yet we hear from HA leader on how thouria will respond. Explain that to me Reverse.

Also we have the word vaporize. Qatar will be vaporized we hear. Why not start with Israel? Show me that you are not a half man and vaporize Israel?

Hehehe no one on the ground from either side gives a hoot what Kerry and Laughvrov agreed to. The hard liners as Reverse has clearly said will never give up unless they are dead. Likewise the Jihadists want to die, and the regime will try to oblige them but doing so without getting hit back is very very hard if not impossible to do.

Even the Germans are telling the Russians to stop supplying weapons. They even cannot continue to let the slaughter continue.

After all the policy of non engagement by this US administration can have as dire a consequence as the stupid blunder of GWB. You end up having to intervene on someone else’s agenda and in a set of circumstances that are non favorable.

Now the boy prethident is even more stupid than I thought for now his own inner circle will ditch him under the car if they are forced to sit down for a transitional government.

Now pray tell us how come the Nusra is the most disciplined best equipped best trained force that the revolution has? Can anyone tell us where does this support come from? How come the FSA are defecting to its ranks.

One last thing: if ever there was an oxymoronic statement it is the one by ZOO:



May 11th, 2013, 8:09 am


Observer said:

Here for ZOO is the SECULAR SAA at work

May 11th, 2013, 8:20 am



Rihaneyeh Explosion has all the trade-marks of dog-poop athad and its gangs. Wonder when the multi-talented shabeeh will show up. The terrorist dog-poop and its gang of sectarian terrorists inc. seem to think that terrorism is the answer to their problems. Well they have been doing that for long time. They must be stopped.

Was it sewer-pipe’s son was practicing what his dad taught him the other day with the cake.

May 11th, 2013, 9:02 am


zoo said:


The USA (and post-Mali France) top priority is now to get rid of al Nusra before it becomes a real problem like the Talibans in Afghanistan who started as ‘freedom fighters’ too.
The “change of regime” originally planned to prevent Iran’s threats on Israel is a lower priority now.
An Islamist take over of Syria is a much worse threat to Israel than a weakened Bashar al Assad who anyway was about to make peace with Israel a few years ago.

Therefore all their strategies in Syria ares aimed at eliminating Al Nusra and its cronies.
First, they have to starve them from financing and arming. They will pressure the GCC to stop financing them , but this is a rather difficult task as money is coming unofficially. They are already pressuring Turkey and Jordan to prevent the passage of weapons, but this also a hard task as Erdogan has his own revengeful agenda on Syria.
Second as the USA don’t want and can’t intervene militarily, they will try to make use of proxies available and willing to fight al Nusra
a) The Syrian Army
b) The FSA ( the ‘good’ ones who oppose Al Nusra)
c) Hezbollah

The Syrian army and Hezbollah can remain a strong force as long as Bashar al Assad is in power. If Bashar al Assad is removed, the army will crumble and the USA will have to either rely on the weak FSA or intervene themselves to fight Al Nusra.

The USA is watching the situation on the field. If the Syrian army aided by HA comes as a winner, they will ignore the FSA and keep Bashar al Assad in power to continue fighting Al Nusra. If Al Nusra wins ,then the USA will be obliged to intervene militarily as the FSA will be overpowered by Al Nusra.

It is obvious that many are convinced that only the Syrian Army can fight and on long term destroy Al Nusra.

Therefore the USA’s strategy is now to deliberately weaken the opposition, both politically and militarily, and indirectly give a hand to the Syrian army so as to keep Bashar al Assad in power at least until the Al Nusra is out of the equation.

The US-Russia agreement is a blow to the opposition and its hardline backers, Qatar and KSA as it makes the SNC and the FSA irrelevant. This is why Qatar is trying to counter it by pushing a UN assembly resolution to weaken the regime further and boost the opposition.
The political fight is now putting Qatar, KSA and Turkey in a showdown with the USA and Russia.

May 11th, 2013, 9:06 am


majedkhaldoun said:
Assad response to Israel is to attack Turkey, 18 dead

May 11th, 2013, 9:13 am


zoo said:

Erdogan is letting innocent Turks pay the price for his hysterical stances. How will he answer to that? The border is totally under control of the rebels his supports

Explosions in Turkish town of Reynhanli near Turkish-Syrian border leave at least 18 dead: official

Saturday, May 11, 2013. (AP / IHA)
The Associated Press

ANKARA, Turkey — Two car bombs exploded in a Turkish town near the border with Syria on Saturday, killing at least 18 people and injuring more than 22 others, officials and media reports said.

Interior Minister Muammer Guler told private NTV television that the explosions hit the town of Reyhanli, just across the border from Syria’s Idlib province. One of the car bombs exploded outside the city hall while the other went off outside the post office, he said.

Guler said the number of injured had risen above 22 people, but he did not specify.

Read more:

May 11th, 2013, 9:23 am



This is a letter to dog-poop from some loyalist youth, about to defect. Seems authentic from the still respectful language.

??? ???? – Aleppo Now
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* It is notable that even these menhebakjis recognize that sewer-pipes and the media-brothels are laughable and ugly. Had they been reading this blog, they would have defected long time a go, in disgust from comments and propaganda like the reverse-sewage-transport from ANN, ZOO, REVENIRE, CITIZEN and other loyalists on this blog.

May 11th, 2013, 9:23 am


zoo said:

International peace conference not in May?

“It is obvious that this cannot be done without representatives from the opposition but the question is, what opposition,” he said, arguing that the opposition in Syria was not united and therefore could not speak with one voice.”

A high-ranking Russian diplomatic source said on Saturday it is was highly unlikely that a proposed international peace conference on Syria could be held this month because of differences over who should take part.

“It is unlikely before the end of May,” said the source who participated in talks between Russian President Vladimir Putin and visiting British Prime Minister David Cameron on Friday.

“This is a very complicated matter,” he was quoted as saying by Russian news agencies. “It’s unrealistic to set some kind of a tight timeframe.”

Earlier this week, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and US Secretary of State John Kerry offered to hold a new international conference in search of peace in Syria after 26 months of deadly conflict.

The source said Putin and Cameron had discussed “a number of preparatory concrete steps on the way to convening some kind of format”.

“It is too early to say whether it will be a conference or something else,” the diplomatic source was quoted as saying.

“There are too many differences: who can take part in this format, who is legitimate, who is not legitimate.

“It is obvious that this cannot be done without representatives from the opposition but the question is, what opposition,” he said, arguing that the opposition in Syria was not united and therefore could not speak with one voice.

May 11th, 2013, 9:42 am


Tara said:

Is the US going to use Moaz to circumvent the SNC?   Does Moaz really represent what the Syrian in the street wants? 

Syria peace conference already hitting snags – Russia

MOSCOW/BEIRUT | Sat May 11, 2013

(Reuters) – Russia said on Saturday there was disagreement over who should represent the opposition in a Syrian peace process, only days after Moscow and Washington announced a joint effort to bring government and rebels to an international conference.

A senior Kremlin official who attended talks on Friday between President Vladimir Putin and British Prime Minister David Cameron said it would be impossible to meet a target of holding the conference by the end of May.
The Russian official said there was broad agreement that the situation in Syria was dire. “Beyond that there are very many differences: who can take part in this format, who is legitimate and who is not legitimate,” the state-run Itar-Tass agency quoted him as saying, on condition of anonymity.
Samir Nashar, a representative of the umbrella Syrian National Coalition, which says Assad’s departure must be guaranteed in any talks, said Russia wanted “groups other than the National Coalition to be present, such as the National Coordinating Body”.

Most leaders of the rebellion dismiss the NCB because it opposes the armed uprising and also talks to the government.

Nashar said the National Coalition, whose leaders operate outside Syria, had decided it could not accept an invitation to the conference unless Assad’s removal was guaranteed.

“We feel that we cannot discuss a political solution with a man who is responsible for killing thousands of people and destroying thousands of homes,” he said. “The United States is trying to convince us that the result of these talks would be Assad’s removal, but we remain unconvinced.”

Russia has long argued that rebel intransigence – encouraged by Western and Gulf Arab insistence that Assad must go – is the main obstacle to a peace process.

“It is impossible to do this without the opposition,” the Russian official said. “But what opposition? That’s the question. We believe there is no clear centre with which it is possible to conduct negotiations so that the commitments would then be fulfilled.”

Nashar said the United States was considering trying to circumvent the official leadership of the National Coalition by enlisting figures such as Moaz Alkhatib for the conference.

May 11th, 2013, 9:48 am


Citizen said:

Hussein Ibish, the Senior Fellow at the American Task Force on Palestine, the Washington public relations outfit of the Israeli-sponsored, Western-funded , American-supervised collaborationist Palestinian (illusory) Authority in occupied Ramallah is calling on Palestinians to convert to Zionism in order to achieve “peace.” Salam Fayad‘s Washington concierge who spends most of his time and energy trying to to undermine Palestinian rights with a particular focus on the right of return is now endorsing Benjamin Netanyahu‘s call for Palestinians to adopt the racist, Zionist project……………..

May 11th, 2013, 10:00 am


majedkhaldoun said:

Russia is saying that the proposed international meeting could not be held by the end of this month, and that the opposition they recognize is NCB,like Mannaa and Hassan abdulazim,,and certain opposition has to be excluded, Russia wants Moaz Khatib, he resigned.
Putin invited Natanyaho to meet him in Russia,will try to convince him not to repeat it
Asshead message to Natanyaho through Putin, that he will have peace with Israel, and will not deliver weapons from Iran to HA anymore.

Today Syrian attack on Turkey will justify Turkish response,

May 11th, 2013, 10:13 am


Sami said:

So I was watching Canada’s equivalent for CSPAN the other day. The debate in Parliament was in regards to NDP’s petition calling on the government to expedite family reunification for Syrian refugees who have relatives in Canada.

While watching CPAC a member of the Bloc Quebecois (a separatists party) of Lebanese origin named Maria Mourani started talking about how Canada should not provide aid and should only let the families of “minorities” into Canada.

What an imbecile, Canada does not differentiate by religion while this member of Parliament thinks otherwise. Too bad for her and great thing for the rest of Canada the Bloc Quebecois is perhaps the most irrelevant party in Federal Parliament.

But I have to say I have never voted for NDP (I tend to vote Liberal), but if Paul Dewar MP ever moved to my neck of the woods he would get my vote no questions asked.

May 11th, 2013, 10:27 am


Citizen said:
The Israelis know very well the mentality of Russians! They are being punished mercilessly, even if after twenty years! As Israelis, know that they can ask for security not from Americans but from Russians! Yes, they can ask USA for kits of war! This is reinforced concrete base!
??? ????? ??? ??????? ?????? ????? ?????? ?????? ! ???? ???? ????? !
MOSCOW, May 11 (Itar-Tass) – Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will visit Russia, the president’s press secretary Dmitry Peskov said on Saturday.
“Correct, the visit is being planned,” he said without giving specific dates.
On Saturday, Israel’s Haaretz newspaper reported about the upcoming visit. The newspaper referred to anonymous officials in the country’s government.
On May 6, Russia’s President Vladimir Putin had a telephone conversation with Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. “They discussed the situation in the region, the state of affairs in Syria,” Dmitry Peskov said then.

May 11th, 2013, 10:36 am


Robert said:

Check out this group in Geneve who seem to have a real heart for the Syrian people, and the connections to help.

May 11th, 2013, 10:36 am


Robert said:

Also, another, maybe more dubious bit of pro-Syrian activism is going on this next Monday afternoon at Stanford University.

Daulatzai and Offendum will discuss hip-hop improvisation, the Muslim diaspora and global Black radical imagination in word and rhyme.

Sohail Daulatzai is an Associate Professor of both Film and Media Studies and African American Studies at the University of California, Irvine.

1. Go to
2. If requested, enter your name and email address.
3. If a password is required, enter the meeting password: ID21
4. Click “Join”. You may have to download Java software.
5. To get audio, Click ‘Audio Conference’ tab, and choose ‘Use Computer for Audio – Call Using Computer’.
6. Do not unmute yourself upon entry.

May 11th, 2013, 10:45 am


Citizen said:

Russia FM: No ‘New’ Deals, But Existing Syria Arms Sales Will Continue
We’ll Complete Existing Contracts, Lavrov Insists
by Jason Ditz, May 10, 2013

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has responded to US and Israeli pressure on arms sales to Syria by saying that no “new” deals would be made in the near future to sell Syria any additional defensive weaponry.

At the same time, Lavrov confirmed that there are standing contracts already signed for defensive weapons to Syria, and that such contracts would be fulfilled irrespective of US opposition.

Western officials have expressed concern about the delivery of S-300 air defense systems to Syria, as the advanced systems would make any Israeli or US attacks considerably more difficult. Syria’s interest toward the systems has grown greatly since last week’s Israeli attacks.

The US insists that selling additional S-300s to Syria would be “destabilizing” to the region, though since their only use is preventing aerial attack it seems difficult to defend that position seriously, and it appears to follow similar opposition to such sales to Iran, in essence because it will make offensive wars against them less convenient.

May 11th, 2013, 10:53 am


Akbar Palace said:


Your post #226 clearly expresses your inability to recognize Israel.

This, I’m sure represents the feelings and sentiments of most arabs and muslims, so it is no surprise.

IMHO, the inability of arabs and muslims to come to terms with Israel (like Egypt and Jordan) represents racism and intolerance. You are no “moderate”.

Now let us have a bi-national state and allow the Palestinians to return just as the Jews of the world have their so called “birth right” to be Israelis as my friend Marc Brezin once explained to me ( a fellow student in college ) and then we can talk about accepting Israel.

No. The 1947 Partition Plan was meant to create an Arab and a Jewish State, since the two peoples cannot live peacefully together (except under the GOI today).

After 65 years, there are still those they can’t accept that (except for the Egypt and Jordan). Too bad. Continue your Jihad, and best of luck.

Once you compromise on these principles you end up putting the chains of slavery on your ankles and wrists just as the meek and traitorous Abbas has done.

How Abbas runs his government is up to him. The Palestinians want continued conflict and they, like you, cannot settle all claims against the Jews because that is their “raison d’etre”.

If the Palestinians COULD settle this conflict, they could focus on building the lives of their people. But since when do people comes first in the ME?

What did negotiations bring him when he thought that abandoning his rights would let Bibi or Olmert give him a statelet where he can continue to look Presidential?

I like how all these adjectives crop up when discussing Palestine, Gaza and the West Bank: “statelet”, “bantustans”, etc.

Gaza is twice the size of Washington DC and the West Bank is twice the size of Rhode Island. Together, Palestine is about the size of Delaware and Israel is about the size of New Jersey.

Your mind is controlled by resistance ideology. Nothing is acceptable except the destruction of Israel.

May 11th, 2013, 10:54 am


Robert said:

Published on Mar 26, 2013

WFP interview on aid to Syria
WFP Hangs Out With Syria Deeply

May 11th, 2013, 11:01 am


Citizen said:

In the city of Al-Kseyr eliminated the threat of terrorist attack using chemical agent

May 11th, 2013, 11:01 am


Citizen said:

Al-Manar: A unit of Palestinian resistance dealt a blow to the Israeli military facility

Today, the Lebanese TV channel “Al-Manar” reported that, according to information released by the village in the Facebook organization “Free Palestine”, a detachment of the Palestinian resistance in the 13.30 area dealt with the Israeli-occupied Syrian Golan Heights, a missile attack on an Israeli military radar, which is on the year Jabal al-Sheikh.
It is also reported that the organization had declared a general mobilization of Palestinian volunteers, has promised to continue attacks for which information deliberately hushed Israel.

May 11th, 2013, 11:06 am


Hanzala said:

Jabhat al Nusra take village in Alawite majority Latakia. Please Nusra, make your base of operations in Qurdaha.

May 11th, 2013, 11:12 am


Akbar Palace said:

…or which information deliberately hushed Israel.


You’ll BS’d us about the Boston bombing being some sort of Zionist plot. Now you’re posting something that doesn’t even exist on the news site you are quoting.

Post a link.

May 11th, 2013, 11:16 am


Robert said:

Another interesting source.
Lara Setrakian google hangout site.
She is in Geneva.

Lara Setrakian is the Co-Founder and Managing Editor of Syria Deeply.

May 11th, 2013, 11:25 am


zoo said:


Qatar’s effort to rehabilitate the SNC ahead of the conference
Qatar is desperately and hastily trying to rescue the discredited and crumbling SNC by trying to push a resolution at the UN Assembly to force a wide international recognition for the SNC. Until now it is not successful as many countries have objected to the draft despite “financial investment incentives” usually offered by Qatar. The objective is to impose the SNC it as the ‘sole’ negotiator of the opposition ahead of the conference.

The SNC has refused to participate to the conference, unless its conditions are met. If they don’t get a wide international recognition as the ‘Sole representative of the Syrians’ then they could be just bypassed by another opposition group.
That explains Qatar’s last minute efforts.

Ford is recruiting the opposition delegation

It seems that Kerry gave to Ford the objective of evaluating who could be the participants to the opposition delegation.
Ford has approached Selim Idriss recently as Idriss has shown some flexibility about negotiating with the regime and he has shown respect to Russia’s efforts.
In Syria, Ambassador Ford has been a long time supporter of Hassan Abdel Azeem and may have already contacted him as well as the NCB members.

Now if Ford is able to convince Al Khatib to join the delegation with members of the opposition with whom he has more in common than with the polluted SNC expats, then the SNC will be sidelined as the new ‘moderate’ opposition group will take the lead.

Some members of the SNC would want to participate in the conference despite the failure of getting their conditions. They want to stay relevant.
Therefore I expect the SNC to crumble soon from its internal divisions. The development in the next few weeks will be crucial.

May 11th, 2013, 11:28 am


revenire said:

Wow the rats are blowing each other up near Turkey. Way to go!

May 11th, 2013, 11:31 am


revenire said:

Ynet Warns Israeli Leaders against Nasrallah’s Serious Threats

Israeli newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth demanded that officials in Tel-Aviv should listen carefully to the positions and threats made by Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah.

The military affairs commentator in the newspaper, Alex Fishman, wrote a long analytical article, in which he harshly criticized the cabinet that approved the decision to carry out air strikes in Syria.

Commenting on the recent positions of Sayyed Nasrallah, the newspaper’s report mentioned that Israel tends to undermine the Arab leaders positions. “Yet it seems that there are exceptional leaders in the Middle East as it’s the case with Sayyed Nasrallah whom we have to listen to carefully if he threatens.”
The report also stressed that “Nasrallah fulfills his commitments and threats, and what he says exactly matches with what he does.” The writer pointed that Nassrallah actually repeated the threats that Assad had issued in the aftermath of the Israeli air strikes in Damascus which implied the transformation of the Golan Heights into a popular resistance square. Yet “when Nasrallah and Al-Assad issue the same threats, we have to take the issue more seriously.”
Fishman quoted the Israeli army Colonel Ronen Cohen who is the author of “The Rhetoric of Hassan Nasrallah during the Second Lebanon War” book.

“Many of Nasrallah’s speeches are dedicated to propaganda, psychological warfare, and the strategic issues. Yet there are a number of details related to executive and operational issues,” Ronen said.

The writer added that all the threats issued by Nasrallah during 2006 July War used to be implemented within 24 hours, yet the time of peace is more complicated because the threats are not necessarily carried out immediately.

The Israeli officer also told Yedioth Ahronoth that Nasrallah was clear when he stressed that Hezbollah would help the resistance in the Golan Heights, so “we have to check his intentions, whether he implies logistic help, training, or other possibilities.” Nevertheless, Col. Cohen stressed the need to be aware now that “Hezbollah started to set his foot on the Syrian-Zionist borders, exactly as he set its hands and feet in Sinai and Gaza Strip.

May 11th, 2013, 11:36 am


habib said:

227. Observer

It’s better to be burned while dead than beheaded alive. Nice try.

May 11th, 2013, 11:36 am


revenire said:

Brother Majed did you dream that stuff up during your daily nap?

What happened to the thousands of dead soldiers? Turned out to be FOUR.

Brother we’re praying for your complete recovery.

May 11th, 2013, 11:40 am


zoo said:

Reyhanli: The honeymoon between Turks and Syrians rebels is over. Time for Erdogan to blame it on his absurd and vicious policy toward Syria

Death toll rises to 40 as explosions hit Turkish town on border with Syria

The explosions caused massive panic in Reyhanl?, leading many locals to try and leave town, according to reports. Scuffles were also reported between locals and Syrians, as tensions had been mounting ahead of the attacks.

May 11th, 2013, 11:48 am


revenire said:

Time to liberate the former parts of Syria Turkey stole from us. Arm the missiles.

May 11th, 2013, 12:15 pm


apple_mini said:

Great! Let us see the paranoia Erdogan to deal with the blowback from his ruthless and shameless meddling in Syria. Those rebel fighters do not follow any conventional manners to solve disputes. They only use bombs. It is understandable. After all, dialogues and negotiation require intelligence and critical thinking, obviously it is a little too much to ask from those rebels.

Already, posters here pointed their fingers at Assad. Maybe Assad is also responsible for global warming?

May 11th, 2013, 12:20 pm


revenire said:

Muslims worldwide condemn Israeli aggression against Syria

Notice how everyone agrees they hate the Zionist Entity.

May 11th, 2013, 12:28 pm


zoo said:

#253 Apple_mini

Turkey in total disarray after the first serious attack in its own territory that the expensive “Patriots” can’t prevent. There is no reports yet on the nationality of the 40 dead in Reyhanli.

Already that hysterical “Turkish Deputy Prime Minister Bülent Ar?nç said Syria could be behind the attacks. “Bashar al-Assad with his Mukhabarat [Syrian intelligence agency] is the usual suspect in planning and carrying out such an attack,” Ar?nç said.

“If it is proven that al-Assad is responsible [for the attack], we will do what is necessary,” he said.

May 11th, 2013, 12:32 pm


revenire said:

War starting? Arm the Scuds Dr. Assad – the Turkish dog is barking again.

Op. Mockingbird ?@psych0r 16m
#Turkey sends huge number of air and ground military reinforcements to #Syria|n border after blast … via @WilliamsJon

ula? ?@tahtakuslar 4h
Hundreds of Turkish youth attacked #fsa terrorists near #Ataturk street.Police trying to disperse the crowd…#reyhanli #explosion

May 11th, 2013, 12:32 pm


Citizen said:

Erdogan is a force for instability in the Middle East. One senses that something is brewing within the Turkish establishment regarding him.

Erdogan’s ill-thought out and recklessly implemented policy towards Syria has now resulted in death and carnage on its own soil.


May 11th, 2013, 12:34 pm


revenire said:

RIP all martyrs of FSA terrorism.

God help dog Erdogan but he will burn in Hell.

May 11th, 2013, 12:35 pm


revenire said:

Mahir Zeynalov ?@MahirZeynalov 4m
Another explosion near govt-sponsored buildings in Reyhanli, dozens of ambulances and security dispatched to the area. Total death toll 42.

aslan anandolu ?@amunhay 8m
@3arabiSouri @serjilla because the people in the bombed city r open enemies of Erdogan & his policies. People r shouting “Erdogan step down

May 11th, 2013, 12:38 pm


revenire said:

Turkey backed terrorists and now those terrorists have bit the hand that feeds them.

Dog Erdogan will blame Assad – what else? If it rains he blames Assad. LOL pathetic Ottoman dog.

May 11th, 2013, 12:39 pm


revenire said:

???? ???? ?@3arabiSouri 11m
Angry residents vandalizing #Alqaeda #FSA cars in occupied Iskandaron Strip:
#Reyhanli #Syria #Turkey #Wahhabism

May 11th, 2013, 12:44 pm


zoo said:

#258 Revenire

What the news doesn’t say openly is that there has been fights between Turks and Syrians just before the explosion.

I think the Turks are fed up with the rebels… Who isn’t?

“Scuffles were also reported between locals and Syrians, as tensions had been mounting ahead of the attacks.”

May 11th, 2013, 12:45 pm


Dolly Buster said:

I assume Rafiq al Hariri was also assassinated by FSA and not by Hezbosatan

May 11th, 2013, 12:46 pm


Tara said:


I think you may be right about Ford’s trip to Syria. He is probably recruiting a negotiation team.

It is laughable that the US thinks after all this gore, Syrians would agree to anything less than toppling Besho.

May 11th, 2013, 12:47 pm


revenire said:

Netanyahu running to Russia to beg Putin to cancel the S-300s.

May 11th, 2013, 12:49 pm


zoo said:

Erdogan wants to avoid military confrontation with Syria or criticism of the FSA. Therefore he would suggest that the attack is related to the peace deal with the Kurds or the work of an obscure ‘communist’ terrorists.
He would not dare accuse the Islamists terrorists that he has armed and hosted or the Syrians rebels who are settling internal scores.
Erdogan may have finished with the Kurds, and he now starting with another kind of threat that he is more vicious than the Kurds: Al Qaeda. I expect more violence in Turkey soon.

May 11th, 2013, 12:54 pm


revenire said:

ali ornek ?@ornekali 4m
Local sources: At least 100 people were killed in the explosions, statement of government is not valid. #Reyhanl? #Syria #Turkey

Voice of Turkey ?@VOT99 3m
People of Reyhanl?:” We call Erdogan to resign”

May 11th, 2013, 12:54 pm


Tara said:

The Turks blaming Bashar for the explosion.

ANKARA, Turkey (AP) — Two car bombs exploded in a Turkish town near the border with Syria on Saturday, killing around 40 people and wounding 100 others, officials said. Turkey’s deputy prime minister said Syria’s intelligence and military were “the usual suspects” behind the bombings, but said authorities were still investigating the attacks.

May 11th, 2013, 12:55 pm


Robert said:

I was in Ankara when the PKK struck Turkey.

There was a fierce march in downtown Ankara that felt like a WWII movie.

They get it from all sides.

By Seyhmus Cakan

DIYARBAKIR, Turkey | Wed Oct 19, 2011 2:43pm EDT

PKK kills 24 Turkish troops, Ankara hits back

Turkish people are patient, but have their limits.
Getting a unified world view for a New Free Syria won’t be easy.
Start with a willingness to recognize and work with the Zionist entity would be a good start.

May 11th, 2013, 12:56 pm


ann said:

Religion’s Role in the Infowar – May 10, 2013

“Fundamentalist Christians, Jews and Muslims all think they are in a ‘holy war’ against the other guy. … [F]undamentalists are being manipulated by the powers-that-be … as part of a divide-and-conquer strategy to disempower people”

Infowarriors generally know that the gist of this quote is true (from Washington’s Blog’s (WB’s) May 5th post, which appears at here: Corrupt Government Officials Use the Most Extreme Forms of Religion to Divide and Conquer Us). If it’s assumed that everyone knows what a fundamentalist is, then it’s a short step from that assumption to believing that fundamentalists from these three religions are convinced that they are, or at least should be, in warlike postures towards one another. With this established, or assumed, it should be obvious to infowarriors that the fundamentalists from these three religions make themselves vulnerable to a divide-and-conquer strategy.

The WB post cites numerous historical cases to support the claim that statist psychopaths have used the divide-and-conquer strategy to subjugate the rival factions. Not only have psychopaths historically used religious differences as part of a divide-and-conquer strategy, but they’ve also used it as part of a “divide and rule” strategy. In fact, the psychopaths are using it now to stifle the freedom movement. Recognizing that we are being victimized by this divide-and-rule strategy should help us to avoid falling victim to it. But merely recognizing this religion-based divide-and-rule strategy doesn’t go far enough because we need a clear alternative to division, around which to rally, organize, and unify.

The psychopaths at the head of the British empire successfully used the religion-based divide-and-rule strategy to dominate their colonies all over the planet. Psychopaths in the united States are using a special variety of the divide-and-rule strategy to stifle the freedom movement, and to thereby allow the globalists to do as they please. The constitutionalist / libertarian movement being led by Ron Paul, Alex Jones, and numerous others is certainly an irritant to the globalists’ agenda. But this natural-rights movement does not yet have the organizational integrity necessary to offer a comprehensive, rights-based ideology as an alternative to the globalists’ agenda. We still suffer under the fascist maxim, “An organized minority will defeat a disorganized majority every time.” Being informed is crucial, but it’s not enough. Taking action is critical, but it’s not enough. Organizing so that every action is aimed with laser-like power and accuracy will defeat the globalist slave farmers the same way the Americans beat King George. Organized libertarians will defeat organized fascists every time.

This WB post posits that “neocon players” were the primary faction that pushed for the most recent war in Iraq. It posits that the same players are pushing for another war, this time with Iran. But the allies in this prospective war against Iran are bizarre bedfellows: (i)dispensationalist Christians who are a huge block of the total population of American evangelicals; (ii)Israeli fundamentalist war hawks; and (iii)al Qaeda. These are apparently marionettes being manipulated and used by a coalition of neocon factions within the U.S. Government, neocon factions within the Israeli government, and the Saudi royal family. These neocon factions have somehow convinced these disparate religious groups to cooperate against Iran and Shiite factions in Syria and Lebanon. The WB post is clear that dispensationalists, militant orthodox Jews, and militant Muslims are the “fundamentalist” factions that are being manipulated by the statist psychopaths.

Although it’s very plausible and probably true that this divide-and-conquer / divide-and-rule strategy is being pursued just as WB claims, it’s also true that dispensational Christianity is only a fraction, albeit a large fraction, of American evangelicalism, and practically all evangelicalism is being victimized by a much larger divide-and-rule strategy. Although it’s been standard in American society to equate dispensationalism and Christian fundamentalism for a century or more, it’s nevertheless true that whether dispensationalists are in fact fundamentalists or not depends upon the definition of “fundamentalist”. If “fundamentalism” is defined historically, then yeah, it’s largely true that dispensationalists are fundamentalists. But if a fundamentalist is merely someone who holds to the fundamental doctrines and tenets of his religion, then a powerful argument could be made that dispensationalists are not really fundamentalists. This whole question of whether dispensationalists are fundamentalists or not may look to an outside observer like an intramural squabble between various strains of Christianity. From this vantage point, the outside observer might conclude that this is a question not worth investigating further. But regardless of whether one is non-Christian, Christian, pseudo-Christian, or quasi-Christian, this seemingly intramural squabble is important because genuine fundamentalist Christianity (in the fundamental doctrines and tenets sense) formed the ideological foundations for the American War for Independence. The entire American population, and practically all humanity, are victims of statist psychopathy. We should leave no stone unturned to find a remedy, even if it means looking into someone else’s religion.

The globalist plan has been and still is to divide Christians into factions, keep the factions squabbling with one another, and simultaneously offer an alternative. The alternative is for them to coalesce into the kind of single, global religion that’s being proposed by the United Nations in myriad sneaky ways (example). Conversion of churches into 26 U.S.C. § 501(c)(3) corporations is a small but important part of this larger globalist agenda. Anything that waters down the native understanding of the Bible works to the globalists’ advantage. They hate Christians in general, but especially the kind that esteem the universal Church and God more highly than the U.N. agenda. Evidence that the de facto government hates Christians is ample, but people who haven’t yet recognized this hatred might do so by considering these three examples of it: (i) Track Officials Disqualify High School Runner for Thanking God; (ii) Army Labels Evangelical Christians, Catholics, and Some Jews as Religious Extremists; (iii) Pentagon Christians May Face Imprisonment for Sharing Faith.

The neocon’s Iranian war strategy has numerous weaknesses, and might rightly be called “fragile”. There are probably numerous points at which this strategy could be attacked. Information like what appears in the WB post is one way to attack it, to attack the strategy by exposing it. Another way to attack it might be to undermine the dispensationalists’ participation. The dispensationalists are the linchpin of this whole strategy. If their participation in the strategy is undermined, then the strategy fails. If they stop being stooges for the neocons, then the neocon strategy fails. So it’s worth investigating how to undermine the dispensationalist participation. The way to undermine their participation is to make them have serious doubts about the validity of dispensationalism itself. In the spirit of the infowar, the way to do this is to inundate them with Bible-based theology that challenges their dispensationalism.


May 11th, 2013, 12:57 pm


Dawoud said:

Thanks Naom Chomsky! Free Syria and Palestine!,7340,L-4378758,00.html

Chomsky urged Hawking to snub Presidential Conference
After world-renowned physicist succumbed to academic pressure, canceled scheduled appearance in Israel, The Guardian reveals critical Jewish linguist was instrumental in pressuring Hawking
Published: 05.11.13, 12:19 / Israel News

Noam Chomsky, the anti-Israel Jewish linguist, was involved in efforts to persuade Stephen Hawking to cancel his appearance in Shimon Peres’s Presidential Conference held annually in Jerusalem.

May 11th, 2013, 12:58 pm


Observer said:

Habib, it is not only the burning but listen to the language. It is the secular SAA of the delusional on this blog that is being demonstrated.

AP; we will agree to disagree. In the end Israel will not be the same Israel of today. It will change and the demographics will make it so.

The Partition plan is illegal and will remain illegal. It is perfectly legitimate for Palestinians to defend against aggression.

I do not know where this town is on the Turkish Syrian border and I am not sure if the scuffles happened before or after the explosions.

What is the ethnic composition of these towns?

May 11th, 2013, 12:59 pm


zoo said:

#265 Tara

They’ll have no choice… They have naively allowed wolves inside their ranks, they are now been eaten up. The wolves being Islamists extremists for the FSA and the Moslem Brotherhood for the SNC.

Their only chance of survival as a Syrian opposition is negotiating with the regime. I think they’ll be fools not to take it.

May 11th, 2013, 1:00 pm


Dawoud said:


No Bashar and Hasan Nasralshytan killed al-Hariri in a huge terrorist bombing in downtown Beirut.

How could the international tribunal indict a few individuals from Lebanon’s terrorist Hizbalshytan in al-Hariri’s assassination without indicting Hasan Nasra$s and Bashar?!

May 11th, 2013, 1:02 pm


ghufran said:

Most Turks, judging from news reports, are accusing Syria for the bombing attacks in Iskandaron, but the truth is that we still do not know who is behind this violent act, I could not tell from reading Turkish and Western press whether there was a military target that was targeted but it seems like there was NOT any.
“??? ??? ?????? ??????? ??? ???? ??? ??? ???????? ????? ??????? ?? ????? ??????? ????????? ???????”.
????? ” ???? ????? ??? ????? ?????? ???????? ??????? ????? ???????? ??? ???? ???? ????? ??????? ??????”.
In a typical Middle eastern fashion, Turks will blame Syrians, all Syrians, and Erdo will blame the regime, however, only idiots would believe that Turkey’s aggressive policies on Syria and the Kurds and their meddling in Iraq are a separate issue from the troubles in Turkey today, indeed I think a number of countries, not just Turkey, will find themselves more involved in the Syrian war in ways they have not thought possible, when you resort to violence and help fuel a war and you take sides in an internal conflict you should not be surprised if the flames get closer to you, that is why people and governments should focus on preveting armed conflicts instead of trying to manage a war AFTER it starts.
Russia sees things differently:
????? ???? ???? ?????? ??????? ?? ???? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?? ????? ??????? ??????? ??????? ???? ??????? ????? ????????? ??????? ???? ??? ????? ?????? ??????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?? ?????.
???? ?????? ??? ????? 11 ????/???? ??? “?? ??????? ????????? ?????? ??????? ????? ????? ??? ??????? ??? ???. ???? ?? ???? ????? ????? ?????? ??????? ????? ?????”.

May 11th, 2013, 1:05 pm


Dawoud said:

Bashar and Hasan Nasra$s killed Rafiq al-Hariri in huge terrorist bombing in Beirut in 2005

May 11th, 2013, 1:07 pm


majedkhaldoun said:

Ci Tizen already admitted the use of chemical weapons by Asshead
Revenir is playing with his rats,
Zoo is typical rafdhi,he explains things the opposite way
They all rushed to make silly comments because they are afraid of Turkey retaliation

May 11th, 2013, 1:15 pm


Citizen said:

Netanyahu has committed an act similar to the act of Sahak Shvili, so it will face the results of his ugly actions ! Putin said three times a mouthful (Net! means Net !) And this idiot does not seem to understand only the language of Scraper! Netanyahu will lie, but with whom? With Putin? Putin will refine the talents of this asshole!

May 11th, 2013, 1:22 pm


revenire said:

Brother Majed a laxative can help clean all the *%!t from your brain.

May 11th, 2013, 1:24 pm


revenire said:

“The Real Jihadis”: Abd Al Qader Al Husseini brigade vow to fight for the Golan

Thank you Nasrallah! Thank you Hezbollah! Thank you Iran!

May 11th, 2013, 1:27 pm


Dawoud said:

270. Ann

Although I agree with you about religions’ radicalization role, I remind you that the Syrian Revolution-which originally started as a non-sectarian reform movement and not for regime change-turned into a violent sectarian conflict only after Shia Iran and Lebanon’s Shia Hizbistan sided with the Alawi dictator. Although you can argue the validity of their arguments, Syrian demonstrators pointed out to religious sectarianism as the main factor motivating Bashar/Hasan/Iran/ to torture, murder, and rape. In fact, look at this blog, those who post pro-Bashar comments here are 99% non-Sunnis (Lebanese Shia, and Syrian Alawis and Christians). Whether we like it or not, sectrianism has become the most powerful factor in the ongoing Syrian revolution, and that’s why Sunni Syrians (both Arab and Kurd who make up about 85% of Syria’s population) will not stop until Bashar is defeated.

May 11th, 2013, 1:33 pm


Citizen said:

Kerry Takes up Syria in Moscow: Start of Bumpy Road or Attempt to Inveigle into Foul Play?
Dmitry MININ | 11.05.2013 | 00:00
US State Secretary John Kerry discussed a broad range of issues in Moscow, including the would-be summit. The agreement on convening an international conference on Syria to form a transitional government till the end of this month was especially important. Some observers didn’t waste time to call it a long-awaited breakthrough in the efforts to put an end to the conflict tearing up the much-suffered country. Others were more careful and pointed out there were multiple obstacles on the way. The Assad’s government remains stable enough; Russia, China and other states are staunch preventing an outside intervention. But by endorsing the Russian initiative Washington pursues its own goals.

According to Al Jazeera, the accord looks like a feather in the hat of Russia’s diplomacy, which from the very start stood by the Geneva communique as the only way to solve the problem. It points out, that the Russia-US agreement emphasizes the goal of forming a transitional government at large representing all parties to the conflict. The TV channel concludes that the US makes significant concessions, including the fate of Bashar Assad. (1) It makes remember the words of Mr. Kerry saying it was «impossible for me as an individual» to imagine Assad continuing to govern, Kerry said the decision could only be made by the Syrian people». He went further, «But I’m not going to decide that tonight. I’m not going to decide that in the end. Because the Geneva communique says that the transitional government has to be chosen by mutual consent by the parties… the current regime and the opposition», Kerry said. The Secretary agreed the Geneva accords envisioned the consent of all parties involved. Al Jazeera reported from Moscow that the parties to the conflict are still to be convinced that the United States and Russia have come to agreement. It’s the core mission for Russia and America.

Just a week before the visit State Department officials interconnected a peace dialogue in Syria with political transformation inside the country meaning Assad and those, close to him, had to go.

«America has had a completely unrealistic vision of how diplomacy was going to be carried out, and they may have done that intentionally because they didn’t really want diplomacy, and they thought they were going to get a quick win», Joshua Landis, director of the Center for Middle East Studies at the University of Oklahoma. (2) But the «pro-Western» opposition is fleeing, Islamists are gaining strength – something Washington cannot turn a blind eye on. In Moscow Kerry agreed that Syria attracts extremists. Perhaps, it’s a reflection of what Russian Foreign Minister paid attention on during their previous meeting in Brussels. «I feel more understanding of the urgency to switch from words and appeals to do something to real actions. I hope that we will soon see additional movements from those who doubted this previously», Lavrov said at a news conference on the results of talks with US Secretary of State John Kerry and a meeting of the NATO-Russia Council in Brussels.

In particular he emphasized back then, «the understanding that if the stake on the war until the final victory supported by the minority of the international community will continue, then radicals will prevail».

Probably, the United States stand was influenced by its failure to make the Syria’s government culpable for the use of chemical weapons. A leading member of the UN Commission of Inquiry on Syria said there was ground to believe it was the rebels, who were to blame. Lavrov said in Moscow, the Russian Federation was concerned, but the issue should not be transformed into a hostage of various provocations – «We do not want this issue hostage to any provocations», he said, at least till there is no hard evidence to prove the fact. In his turn, Kerry said the issue of arms supply to Syria opposition, something many representatives and senators insist on, would be decided on the basis of thorough investigation of the chemical weapons issue.

At the same time, experts see big snags on the way of the accords implementation. A lot of things will depend on the parties involved in Syrian conflict, including neighbors. It’s not an occasion that right upon leaving Moscow the Secretary visited Rome to meet Tzipi Livni, Israeli Justice Minister, responsible for the talks with Palestine, and Nasser Judeh, Jordanian Foreign Minister. Aside from the Israel-Palestine conflict, Syria was on the agenda. (3) The both states actively engaged in combat actions on the side of Syrian opposition, now they may feel «used and thrown away» by Washington, which was the one to get them engaged. If Washington, one way or another, is ready to reconcile with the fact that the Syrian government may remain in power, then Tel Aviv and Amman will inevitably face difficulties dealing with Damascus being hostile to it before. That’s the price to pay for those who are too eager to serve alien interests. To use and forget is normal practice for the White House. Still, the both states, especially Israel, which enjoys more influence, can have it both ways. If the events unfold in the wrong way, Israel may stymie the process by starting new bombings.

The first snag is the list of participants. It will define the composition of the would-be government. Washington will push through the US-loyal Syrian National Council and the Free Syrian Army, while ignoring the Jabhat al-Nusra radicals. It would like to see the least significant and loyal actors on the side of the government hindering the participation of Assad and his team. There is no ground to believe the most ardent radicals will give up arms. The pro-Western opposition would also like to enter the capital backed up by the force ready to support it further on.

A simple division of power with acting experienced leaders will lead nowhere pretty soon. The Syrian pro-Western opposition is not very enthusiastic about the conference. The participation of Assad himself is a big issue. Mahmud Al-Hamza, a member of opposition National Council, says he supports the peace process, but without Assad. According to him, the Syrian President must go; this opinion is shared by all opposition. According to him, «Russia wants the talks started with no preliminary strings attaches, but this is unacceptable to those who have been waging war against the regime for two years already». (4) The only actor to fully side with the Russia’s initiative is Damascus. Foreign Minister Lavrov said during the press-conference that the head of Syrian Foreign Ministry Walid Mohi Edine al Muallem had confirmed the readiness for the conference based on the Geneva accords in a phone conversation. (5)

As to him, the Syrian government has already formed a special commission for crisis management talks. There has been no opposition response so far.

Russia appears to gain a significant advance of its Syrian policy, but it faces a diplomatic tall order in its efforts to advance the course further. There is a ground to believe the White House has an intent to use all the force of its «soft force» potential in the new negotiation pattern to achieve the necessary result «one way or another». According to the Chicago Tribune, Moscow realizes that if the United States really wanted to manage the Syria’s crisis it would not wait for Russia’s approval. The fact the Obama administration appears to seek Russia’s consent shows to Moscow that Washington is hesitating. Perhaps Russia thinks that Kerry understands it. The same way the US will use the lack of cooperation with Moscow as a pretext for further deterioration of the situation in Syria. (6)

In particular, it’s expedient no avoid Russia being used for pushing Assad to make unilateral concessions. Like, for instance, it was done the 1990s when Milosevic led Serbia during the Yugoslavian crisis. Then they will exert pressure on Damascus keeping Russia away.

The White House can easily refuse to abide by previous obligations citing the Congressional reluctance to give approval as a pretext, as it has happened many times in the past. Bob Corker, the ranking member of the Senate foreign relations committee, told CBS on Tuesday that: «I do think we’ll be arming the opposition shortly». (7)

Having it in mind, Moscow should adhere to its principal course. The gist of this policy is the support for Syrian legislation and international law, not certain persons. «We are not interested in the fate of certain persons», Lavrov said. The attempts to involve Russia into a stand-off with Syria radical forces are no less perilous.

The planned international conference on Syria can be fruitful only if all the parties involved join the cabinet. A transitional government has a chance for stability in case all the leading public and political forces get a representation.

May 11th, 2013, 1:38 pm


zoo said:

#277 Majed

“They all rushed to make silly comments because they are afraid of Turkey retaliation”

Turkey’s retaliation? Ha ha Ha!
We’ve seen the “retaliation” when the Turkish plane was hit by Syrian defense and two turkish pilots killed! Hic!

Erdogan is too afraid to go into any military confrontation. First because he does not trust his own army, second because he’ll loose his chance to become president. Most Turks don’t want to have finished with war with the Kurds to start another one with Syria.

Erdogan may try to use his terrorists proxies in Syria to “retaliate” and they’ll get it back in his own country.

The only things he can do is either to accuse another group unrelated to Syria, or just yell…

May 11th, 2013, 1:41 pm


revenire said:

Ha ha the “revolution” started with the Anglo-Americans wanting to do another regime change and get ride of Syria-Hezbollah-Iran and plant some docile puppets in their place.

Al-Qaeda was the tool, they shot soldiers and protesters.

Now they will all die in Syria.

Glory to the SAA!

May 11th, 2013, 1:42 pm


dawoud said:


I just clicked on the link and found out that you posted the FULL ARTicle. This is copy rights violation and also violates the SC rule. I will send an email to Mr. Landis to alert him about your violation.

May 11th, 2013, 1:42 pm


revenire said:

Erdogan is a Zionist loving Ottoman dog scared of his own shadow.

May 11th, 2013, 1:43 pm


revenire said:

“285. DAWOUD said:
I just clicked on the link and found out that you posted the FULL ARTicle. This is copy rights violation and also violates the SC rule. I will send an email to Mr. Landis to alert him about your violation.”

LOL what a whining child this David is.

May 11th, 2013, 1:44 pm


dawoud said:


Hey idiot: “Ottoman” is a keyword code word for “Sunni,” which reveals your sectarian hate. I know that you love to be enslaved and ruled by Persian Safavis! In any case, Lebanon’s Shia are originally from Persia and they should go back to it. ?? ???? ?? ???? ?????

May 11th, 2013, 1:47 pm


Citizen said:

There are 5 oceans to drink and remove thirst!!

May 11th, 2013, 2:00 pm


majedkhaldoun said:

If I use laxative ,you will end up in the toilet

May 11th, 2013, 2:03 pm


zoo said:

Assad is winning war in Syria

The army, which controls much of Homs city and province, intensified its air and ground campaign against the opposition fighters and recaptured the central districts there. Homs is the only connection between Damascus and government stronghold Alawite heartlands on the Mediterranean coast.

With the generous help of Hezbollah fighters, the Syrian regime also successfully besieged the border town of Qusayr, just 10 kilometers from the Lebanese border. Some opposition groups are still bottled up in the town, but the army is hell-bent on capturing the area as it has started to build up troops around the city since Wednesday.

The recapture of Qusayr will create a long line of safe zones along the Mediterranean coast, running from Israel to Turkey’s Gaziantep, and will include Lebanon, Damascus, Homs, Tartous, Latakia and Hatay. Controlling these territories, it will be easier for the Syrian army to supply food and weapons to any battlefield across the country, including Raqqa and Deir Ez-zor.

The most significant military gains came in the past two weeks when the army swept through the suburbs of Qaboun, Jobar and Barzeh, effectively clearing them of opposition forces. The arms supply for the opposition dried up in recent weeks as the regime forces also captured Otaiba and Kherbet Ghazalah, key towns that stand on highways where the opposition received weapons from Jordan. Despite opposition victories in Deraa and Dael in March that could be used to stage attacks on the capital, the key areas are now mostly controlled by government forces.

May 11th, 2013, 2:11 pm


Citizen said:

Zoo ! Now about Turkey !

May 11th, 2013, 2:12 pm


majedkhaldoun said:

Actually, if Erdogan retaliates, his army is much stronger that Asshead army, he will be at Homs in one week, that victory will raise his popularity, and will assure him the wining in the election, If erdogan does not finish Asshead before the election he risks losing.

May 11th, 2013, 2:12 pm


majedkhaldoun said:

Zoo said
The recapture of Qusayr will create a long line of safe zones along the Mediterranean coast, running from Israel to Turkey’s Gaziantep, and will include Lebanon, Damascus, Homs, Tartous, Latakia and Hatay.
Arn’t you exagerating a lot,?

May 11th, 2013, 2:17 pm


Tara said:

It is high time for Erdogan to teach Batta a lesson now that Batta is also killing Turks. Would he do it?

May 11th, 2013, 2:18 pm


ghufran said:

If you are waiting for Erdo to invade Syria you may as well wait for Nusra to invade Iraq, a large scale war is not in the big powers’ best interest, Erdo may retaliate if he provides evidence that the regime in Syria was behind the attack, that evidence may never come and if it does,Erdo will be restrained by Russia and Iran and even the US who may let him respond at a level that does not threaten the whole region, some of your comments reflect a deep misunderstanding of how little Turkey is compared to other nations that control the Middle East and how delicate the balance is in that region, another funny comment was equating Ottomans with Sunnis as if Turks took care of the Sunnis in Syria or that they benefited from 400 years of ottomans rule in Syria and the arab world, May 6th was just last week, I need to remind you that most of those the Ottomans hanged in Al-Marjeh were sunnis who put their country before their religious affiliation, it is depressing to see that Arabs are actually going backward, this is further proof that arab countries have a long way to go before they can be detected on a map of the world’s relevant powers.
This is more important:
????? ????? ???????? ??????? ?????? “??????” ?? ?????? ???????? ????? ???? ???? ???? ?? ???? “???????? ?????? ??????” ????????? ??????? ???????? ?????? ???????? ?? ?????? ?? “?????? ??????” ??? ?? ??? ??????? ???? ??? ????? ??????? ?? ?????? ???????.
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?????? ??????? ?? ?????? ???????? ???? ????? ????? “????? ????” ?? “????????” ?????? ???????? ?? ????????? ???? ????? ?????? ??? “??????? ????????” ????? ??????? ?????? ???????? ?? ??????? ???????

This means that the US and the opposition have a list of people they will not negotiate with, but that will lead to another list created by the regime, and before you know it the negotiation will be about who is in and who is out.

May 11th, 2013, 2:40 pm


Citizen said:

Why is this guy smiling?
He always smiles — it’s aggravating. Must be getting bags of money from CIA.

May 11th, 2013, 2:51 pm


ghufran said:

This is what the Turks are saying now:

It was confirmed that the perpetrators were linked to the Syrian regime and intelligence agency, Güler was also quoted as saying by the public broadcaster TRT.
Atalay also confirmed that the attackers were linked to the Syrian intelligence organization, known as the Mukhabarat. He added that they were from inside Turkey. “The organization is known, who they are is also known to a great extent. It is abolutely certain that [the attack] has nothing to do with Syrian refugees,” Atalay said

May 11th, 2013, 2:55 pm


ghufran said:

This is what the Turks are saying now:

It was confirmed that the perpetrators were linked to the Syrian regime and intelligence agency, Güler was also quoted as saying by the public broadcaster TRT.
Atalay also confirmed that the attackers were linked to the Syrian intelligence organization, known as the Mukhabarat. He added that they were from inside Turkey. “The organization is known, who they are is also known to a great extent. It is abolutely certain that [the attack] has nothing to do with Syrian refugees,” Atalay said

May 11th, 2013, 2:55 pm


majedkhaldoun said:

The Ottomans were corrupt,but splitting from Turkey we ended up colonized by france and England, then the creation of Israel, the Arab were divided,bilad Ash sham now six countries,then we were colonized by dictators,I don’t think we are in better shape

May 11th, 2013, 3:04 pm


Visitor said:

It is obvious that the criminal regime of the Assheads is now resorting to its well known game of extortion by using terrorism in order to intimidate neighbours to do its bidding. They used this game with Iraq, Jordan , Lebanon and several other countries. The Assheads are sending a message to the Turks after Turkey announced its findings from the investigation into the use of CW’s. the Assheads are seeking to silence Turkey by using this well rehearsed game especially after Turkey succeeded in kicking out the PKK (an Asshead terrorist tool) into Iraq.

Erdogan has been a disappointment to the Syrian Revolution since the beginning making statements that he did not live up to. The Assheads are counting on Erdogan’s previous behaviour in order to conduct terrorist acts with impunity.

In addition, the Assheads are using this attack to make a veiled statement about the recent Israeli raid in Damascus. They are putting Erdogan in a position where he may want to take action, and the Assheads are counting on the Americans, who have been in support of the Assheads from day one, to weigh in on Erdogan in return for Americans putting pressure on Israel, another supporter of Assheads, not to carry out further strikes against the Assheads delivery of weapons to Hizbistan.

May 11th, 2013, 3:15 pm


Citizen said:

Netanyahu must explain this video to Mr Putin!

May 11th, 2013, 3:20 pm


Tara said:

No. We don’t want Turkish invasion. Just fly over the Syrian sky and bomb the presidential palace. Erdo must do something otherwise more carnage will come his way. Hasn’t learned his lesson yet?

May 11th, 2013, 3:22 pm


Citizen said:

Muslims worldwide condemn Israeli aggression against Syria

Thousands of people in several countries held demonstrations on Friday and chanted slogans against the Israeli regime.

They also burned Israeli flags and called for global action against the Israeli assaults on Syrian soil.

In Indian-administered Kashmir, hundreds of angry protesters torched effigies of US President Barack Obama and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Srinagar, the summer capital of Kashmir. They also condemned the US and Israel’s meddling in Syria’s domestic affairs.

The protesters said that the US and Israeli intelligence services – the CIA and the Mossad – were fuelling the flames of sectarian strife among Muslims in Syria, Iraq, Somalia, and Afghanistan.

In the Egyptian capital, Cairo, the protesters called Israel the main enemy of the Muslim World. “Down with Israel. Down with Israel and its agents,” they chanted while setting an Israeli flag on fire.

Thousands of Iranians also took to the streets after Friday prayers in the capital Tehran and other cities to urge international organizations to act against the Israeli attacks on Syria.

They also condemned the desecration of holy sites by the militant groups in Syria.

The Syrian state television reported last Sunday that Israel had attacked the Jamraya research center, located northwest of the capital, Damascus. The center had been targeted by another Israeli airstrike back in January.

May 11th, 2013, 3:23 pm


revenire said:

AL-QUSAYR: It’s a comin’, fellas!! Several units of rats were killed trying to escape yesterday. The town is now surrounded on 3 sides and there’s no way out. No deals!! Just surrender and face the music.

The town has only 3 possible routes out at the present. The Highway 4 route is completely closed with SAA armor lining up. With militia massing all around the countryside, even efforts to escape by alternate terrain will meet with assured death. The army is waiting for the surrender of about 1,400 rodents. Otherwise, it will be worse than Khirbat Ghazaala.

May 11th, 2013, 3:33 pm


zoo said:

#293 Majed

“if Erdogan retaliates”…

Of course he won’t! He is afraid of his own army and of loosing his prospects of his election. If he thinks Syria is responsible, he’ll call NATO for more Patriots, complain to the UNSC and continue yelling.

The guy is a hypocrite who helped terrorists ruin Syria and wants to appear as Robin Hood.
In fact he only cares about his own political career, the potential money he can get out of business with rich Arab countries and Israel and his sneaking Islamist ideology.
He is no friend of Syria.
I wish him lost of luck in his election in 2014, he’ll need it.

May 11th, 2013, 3:43 pm


zoo said:

Erdogan renewed love affair with Israel will not help him in the Arab world.
When he broke the relation with Israel after the Mavi Marmara, he was perceived as a hero and Arab business was offered to him on a golden plate. He enjoyed a few years of admiration from the Arabs.

Now that he is officially mending his relation with Israel, he is increasingly perceived as an opportunist and that is exactly what he is. Islamists in Turkey reject Israel and they will cause trouble to Erdogan as soon as Turkey exchanges ambassadors with Israel. Maybe Reyhanli is an example of opposition to Erdogan going to bed with Netanyahu.

His visit to Gaza may turn into be a fiasco if it ever takes place.

May 11th, 2013, 3:53 pm


revenire said:

Brother Majed desperate for Israel or Turkey to attack. The rats are being ground to pieces.

There is no hope for the rat army. Idriss reported the FSA does not exist and what does exist can never win.

Give the order Dr. Assad. Send the Scuds.

May 11th, 2013, 3:55 pm


Citizen said:

The Turks are faster on Syria than Bulgaria was on Hezbollah.

May 11th, 2013, 4:14 pm


Citizen said:

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May 11th, 2013, 4:18 pm


dawoud said:


Lies and rumors. Again, spread by Safavi puppets in order to justify the immoral and war criminal intervention of Lebanon’s Shia Hizbalshytan in al-Qusair and Syria.

Nobody uses Israel to justify criminal activities more than Hasan Nasra$s and his apologists. I am not a fan of Israel, and there are Palestinian roots that always make me yearn for Palestine’s freedom from Israeli occupation and war crimes. But, I don’t believe in imaginary conspiracy theories.

Below is a news video about the terrorists from Lebanon’s Shia/Safavi Hizb’al-shytan terrorizing freedom-seeking Syrians:

May 11th, 2013, 4:34 pm


revenire said:

David that is their job, given to the by God.

May 11th, 2013, 4:49 pm


revenire said:

HNN Homs News Network
There are reports flooding the internet that the pig “Ahmed Al-Assir” has been crushed on the Syrian – Lebanese Border along with 3 of his bodyguards, and we are currently waiting for confirmation of this news ..,


May 11th, 2013, 4:55 pm


Dawoud said:


REV or Revlin

Hey idiot: you have repeatedly expressed your anti-Sunni hate. So, you say that God talks to these Hizbas$ terrorists and gives them direction. Maybe he talks to your idiot pro-dictator as# and tells you to spread slanderous propaganda 🙂 I know that you love to be enslaved and ruled by Persian Safavis! In any case, Lebanon’s Shia are originally from Persia and they should go back to it.

?? ???? ?? ???? ?????

May 11th, 2013, 5:09 pm


annie said:

When the Revolution wins a statue could be erected to the marvellous people of Kafranbel

and a special jury set up to evaluate if Revenire belongs to a prison or to a mental hospital.

By unleashing that character on us, you have downgraded your blog Professor.

May 11th, 2013, 5:11 pm


Dawoud said:

315. ANNIE

Thanks Annie for posting a link to these great pictures.

May 11th, 2013, 5:29 pm


revenire said:

Calm yourselves, the SAA has an announcement to make:

HNN Homs News Network
HAMA – ARMY SEIZES MORE TOWNS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The unstoppable Syrian Arab Army has seized control of the Towns of “Khatab”, “Al-Ksibiyah”, “Zawr Jadid”, “Zawr Al-Musalmiya”, “Zawr Al-Nasriya” and “Wadi Sawar” in Northern Hama, following the elimination of dozens of Armed Terrorists, in addition to destroying 5 vehicles equipped with machine guns and 3 field Hospitals …




May 11th, 2013, 5:29 pm


Dawoud said:

Bashar and Hasan Nasras$ sent their terrorists to terrorize Turkey. I am sure that Turkey will respond soon and hit the Syrian dictator very hard.

At least 43 killed in Hatay blasts, attackers linked to Syrian regime

In one of the deadliest attacks in Turkey in recent years, two car bombs exploded near the border with Syria on Saturday, killing 43 and wounding 140 others.
Turkish officials blamed the attack on a group linked to Syria, and a deputy prime minister called the neighboring country’s intelligence service and military “the usual suspects.”

The blasts, which were 15 minutes apart, raised fears that Syria’s brutal civil war violence was crossing into its neighbor.

One of the car bombs exploded outside the city hall while the other went off outside the post office in the town of Reyhanl?, a main hub for Syrian refugees and opposition activity in Turkey’s Hatay province, just across the border.

Deputy Prime Minister Be?ir Atalay said the assailants were from Turkey, but were linked to Syria’s intelligence service. “We have to a great extent completed our work toward identifying the assailants,” he told reporters. “We have established that the organization and assailants have links to the pro-regime al-
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May 11th, 2013, 5:35 pm


annie said:

Moaz al-Khatib: The priority is to save Syria
Outgoing head of the Syrian National Coalition discusses his decision to resign and the next steps for the opposition.

May 11th, 2013, 6:02 pm


Tara said:

The next few days is going to be pretty interesting. I truly think Erdo is now cornered. He can’t continue his paper tiger rhetoric without taking a deterrent action. Would this bombing be the Assad’s fatal mistake?

Salman Shaikh, director of the Brookings Doha Center, said the attack may force Turkey to take action.

“It should be a defining moment for Turkey,” Shaikh said. “It has been supporting the rebels, and there has been strong rhetoric. But this may be a moment where it really has to assert itself — if it is the Assad regime (behind the bombings), and it is quite conceivable it is.”

May 11th, 2013, 6:02 pm


revenire said:


Aleppo City: Hanaano Residence. 13 rodents were splattered all over when they managed to conclude their attempt to escape the area by coming together and dancing the Can-Can:

Mustafa Al-Hassan
Kamaal ‘Atwa
Muhammad Rubayz
Muhammad Majdeddeen
Hassan ‘Alwaan
Talaal Jarbeekhu
Sa’ad Abdul-Kareem

The rest could not be identified because they had no papers.

Abu Halab Farms: Confirmed 2 J.N. bearded trolls dead. No names.

Handaraat Camp: Citizens pointed out a safe house operated by J.N. freaks of nature and militia surrounded it. When 2 SAA APCs arrived at the scene, the house was destroyed by 2 perfectly aimed RPG missiles. No rat could be identified. All looked bearded and foreign. Confirmed carcasses: 6.

Al-Shaykh Sa’eed: Ambush laid by NDF resulted in 3 rats killed in a van. Another was wounded and taken prisoner:

Nizaar Al-Wudhoohi (prisoner) We don’t have the names of the others.

Layramoon: 1 FSA rat killed while trying to steal food. No name.

Rasm Al-‘Abbood: We can confirm the deaths of these flies in a firefight:

‘Abdul-Jabbaar Turkey Awsoo (a/k/a Abu Thaabet)
Jamaal ‘Ali Khurraas
Mahmoud Abdul-Rahmaan Rabaabiya (?)

Al-Haydariyya Roundabout: 6 killed. All J.N. hyenas. No identification.

Salaahuddeen: Rats trying to escape were killed. Confirmed 3 dead. No details.


May 11th, 2013, 6:03 pm


Dawoud said:

321. TARA

This the key quote in the article that you posted a link to:

“[…] and a deputy prime minister called the neighboring country’s intelligence service and military “the usual suspects.”

Now, it’s time to take a decisive action that will once and for all defeat Bashar al-Assad and Hasan Nasras$

May 11th, 2013, 6:08 pm


Tara said:

Yes Dawoud,

The only face saving strategy for Erdo would be to have his cabinet retreats its accusation and to blame the Kurds. They can’t simply point a finger towards the regime and sit idle. Did Bashar miscalculate? Did he think that he could get away with terror in Turkey same way he got away after Harrir’s assassination?

May 11th, 2013, 6:08 pm


Dawoud said:

324. TARA

Yes, he and Hasan Nasralshytan have miscalculated very big this time. Stay tuned!

May 11th, 2013, 6:10 pm


Dawoud said:

Key quote from the BBC story on the Turkey terrorist bombing that points to Bashar al-Assad and Hasan Nasralshytan:

“Later on Saturday another Deputy Prime Minister, Besir Atalay, said initial investigations showed the attackers were linked to Syrian intelligence, NTV reported.

May 11th, 2013, 6:18 pm


zoo said:

Turkey swiftly accuses Turks linked to Syria intelligence for the car bombs. Why is it not disclosing the identities and nationalities of the victims? Something to hide?

Deputy Prime Minister Besir Atalay said the assailants were from Turkey, but were linked to Syria’s intelligence service.

“We have to a great extent completed our work toward identifying the assailants,” he told reporters. “We have established that the organization and assailants have links to the pro-regime mukhabarat (intelligence) organization.
He did not name the group, but said the aim of the attack was to pit Turks against Syrian refugees in Reyhanli.

Private NTV television, citing unnamed security sources, said the explosions were remote-controlled and that plastic explosives were used.

Atalay said 43 people were killed and 140 others were wounded in the blasts. There was no immediate information on the identities or nationalities of the victims
Salman Shaikh, director of the Brookings Doha Center, said the attack may force Turkey to take action.

“It should be a defining moment for Turkey,” Shaikh said. “It has been supporting the rebels, and there has been strong rhetoric. But this may be a moment where it really has to assert itself — if it is the Assad regime (behind the bombings), and it is quite conceivable it is.”

Turkey’s opposition criticized the government’s policy on Syria, saying its active support of the rebels had put the country’s security at risk.

“Erdogan’s discourse of hatred toward Assad and provocations against the administration in Damascus is coming back to us in the form of attacks and provocations,” said Devlet Bahceli, chairman of a nationalist opposition party.

May 11th, 2013, 6:18 pm


Tara said:


Do you think the Turkey bombing will bring on the end of Batta?

May 11th, 2013, 6:22 pm


zoo said:


Erdogan is a politician, not a military. He doesn’t trust the army as he has been sending many generals to jail. I guess he is hated by most of the Kemalist generals. Any internal instability in Turkey may cost him the job he’s been ambitioning.
Therefore as he is a hypocrite and a coward when it comes to confrontations, he will invent some ‘proofs’ of use of chemical weapons and will ask Obama to take the leadership in establishing a no-fly zone.
If this does not work, he’ll have a tantrum because he feels impotent in front of a defiant and self-controlled Bashar Al Assad.

I think the bombing may cost Erdogan’s 2014 political career.

May 11th, 2013, 6:32 pm


revenire said:

“325. DAWOUD said:
324. TARA
Yes, he and Hasan Nasralshytan have miscalculated very big this time. Stay tuned!”

Want to bet money Erdogan does nothing but bark?

May 11th, 2013, 6:40 pm


majedkhaldoun said:

Thank you Annie for the interview.
Mr. Khatib Assumed a political position,but lack political talent, he could have tried to coordinate different parties, he could not.
His answer about dividing Syria was very poor, it was important question, I believe Syria is made of different ethnicities, they are mixed,dividing Syria along ethnic lines means migration of many families so every ethnic group live togather, where would you put the Christians? they are in Damascus in Homs in Aleppo, in Qamishly, move them to get togather to one area is impossible, further the division would be according to what? Sunni represent 75% of Syrians if we to exclude Kurds, the other minorities ,Alawi for example 6.5 % so they take 6.5% of the land,they become a country that can not maintain itself,they will be weak and can not defend themselves ,and where would you put them, are they going to hold on to larger area? Homs is not traditionally Alawi area, .
for these reasons division is not possible,it is cruel too, some families are mixed,how do we divide them?

May 11th, 2013, 6:52 pm


majedkhaldoun said:

Zoo said
Erdogan” he’ll have a tantrum because he feels impotent in front of a defiant and self-controlled Bashar Al Assad”.
Asshead was treated for epilepsy while he was in England, his medical record shows that he takes Dilantin and depakote ,and it was proven 2 years ago he had another epileptic crisis and was taken to the hospital.
Erdogan will have to respond to Asshead provocation,43 people is high number I don’t think anyone will blame him if he responds

May 11th, 2013, 7:01 pm



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May 11th, 2013, 7:08 pm



For humans only, as they do appreciate freedom.

May 11th, 2013, 7:12 pm


revenire said:

Brother Majed just wants someone to attack Syria. He doesn’t care if it is the Zionists or the Ottoman Turk.

Traitor Majed is not even Syrian. He works for the Zionist cause.

May 11th, 2013, 7:30 pm


dawoud said:


Thanks for this beautiful song. I like it for BOTH its music and sound lyrics. It so beautiful and well-performed.

P.s., Yes Syrians don’t want al-Assad’s rule, they want freedom. I like his mourning of Banyas, Homs, Deir al-Zour, Idlib, Courageous Der’ah, etc.

This song should be the new national anthem for Free Syria, God Willing very soon!

Again, thanks

May 11th, 2013, 7:37 pm


dawoud said:

Free Syria, Free Palestine!

May 11th, 2013, 7:49 pm


revenire said:

David did you know the terrorists who murdered al-Bouti?

May 11th, 2013, 7:59 pm


Dawoud said:


Bashar al-Assad and Hasan Nasr’al-shytan murdered al-Butti, just like they murdered 100,000 Syrians, Rafiq al-Hariri, Samir Qasir, Kamal Junblat, ……These terrorist are masters of political assassinations in order to achieve their dirty political ends. Al-Butti was no longer useful to the regime.

???? ????? ???? ??? ??????? ????? ?????? ???????? ????? ???? ???? ?????? ???? ??? ????

Free Syria, Free Palestine!

May 11th, 2013, 8:16 pm


zoo said:


Erdogan has a dormant colon cancer that may reappear any time

Bashar suffers from epilepsy, you say?

Epilepsy is not a deadly disease and it is associated with great geniuses and leaders of the world.
Read this…

Epilepsy and genius

“On the other hand, epileptic seizures have a power and symbolism which, historically, have suggested a relationship with creativity or unusual leadership abilities. Scholars have long been fascinated by evidence that prominent prophets and other holy men, political leaders, philosophers, and many who achieved greatness in the arts and sciences, suffered from epilepsy.

May 11th, 2013, 8:21 pm


revenire said:

David do you have proof of that or did God appear to you as a burning bush or perhaps an idea to strap a bomb around your waste?

May 11th, 2013, 8:26 pm


ghufran said:

Where is al-Nashama, arab solidarity, Muslim Ihsaan,etc when you need them?
Arab Bedouins with money using syrian girls for pleasure, anybody who tells you that Zawaj al-Mut’aa is a shia spcialty is a liar,do not expect anything but filth from the GCC when it comes to how they treat women:
(Andrew Harper, the Representative of the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) in Jordan)
“I can’t think of anything more disgusting than people targeting refugee women… You can call it rape, you can call it prostitution, you can call it what you want but it’s preying on the weakest.
“The government and people of Jordan are doing what they can but people are poor and we have to get more resources into the community so families aren’t forced into something that deep down I believe they don’t want to do.”
Kazal’s agreed to the marriage to help her family
Short-term marriages between men from the Gulf and Syrian girls reportedly happened before the war began. But Kazal’s mother Manal, who dresses conservatively like her daughter in an abaya and headscarf, says she would have never considered such an arrangement in the past.

May 11th, 2013, 8:27 pm


dawoud said:

Song: “From Syria to Palestine”

Free Syria, Free Palestine!

May 11th, 2013, 8:40 pm


dawoud said:

Actually, it’s from Palestine to Syria. In any case, Free BOTH!

May 11th, 2013, 8:41 pm


zoo said:


Do you know how many women and children were among the 43 dead?
Turkey is very discreet about the killed ones nationality, gender, age and identities
Maybe you know more since you said you have been there and you must have some contacts.

May 11th, 2013, 8:53 pm


zoo said:

Iran presidential elections

The total of registered candidates stood at 686; 37 of whom could be categorized as well-known politicians. 656 men and 30 women registered as presidential candidates.
The registration files will be handed over to the Guardian Council tomorrow morning, which will select eligible candidate over the next 5 days.

The most controversial candidates: moderate Islamic and old Rafsandjani as well as “secular” and young Mashaie .

May 11th, 2013, 9:05 pm


revenire said:

Syrian Perspective


As you know, we reported over 1,000 carcasses in the battle for Khirbat Ghazaala. The list of names is so long I don’t have time to sit down and orthographically render each one. The list I have is of close to 430 carcasses with the remaining ones being unidentified. This debacle is one from which the J.N. cannot recover. It’s over folks.

At Qarqas Farms, we can confirm the deaths of these hyenas:

Ziyaad Abu-Khalaf
Mujeeb Yunus Al-Shahlaawi
Sulaymaan Mahmoud Al-Zarzoori
Bassaam ‘Awadh Al-Fishtaki
Faraj Abdul-Rahmaan Rasheed
Usaama Muhammad Al-Nahhaas
Sameer Al-Missri
‘Ali Khaleel Al-Muqbel

In other fighting, the SAA continued to sweep out the vermin from Khirbat Ghazaala, Tafass, Daa’el, Al-Shajara, Naafi’a and Jalleen.

I will have lots more about Idlib tomorrow when I have the energy to go through all the memos about that area.

May 11th, 2013, 9:11 pm


Dawoud said:

???? ?????????

???? ????? ???????
?? ??? ???? ????? ???????
????? ?????? ?????
????? ????? ?????

Syrian Revolution Freedom Song by Wasfi al-Ma’sarani:

Salute al-Sham [Syria] and its Revolutionaries
They [Revolutionaries] opened its [Freedom’s] Doors
Syria has Become its [Freedom’s] Home!

May 11th, 2013, 9:35 pm


ziad said:

A Welcome Pause in the Craziness Over Syria

When Syria’s President Bashar Assad refused to join the US-led alliance of western powers and conservative Arab states against Iran, his nation’s fate was sealed.

What is clear: Syria is being ground up and pulverized. Like Iraq, it is being severely punished for a defiant, independent policy and refusing to comply with western plans for the Mideast. Syria is also serving as a whipping boy in the place of Iran – a graphic message to Tehran of what can happen if its nuclear program is not switched off.

May 11th, 2013, 10:47 pm


MarigoldRan said:

The unemployed losers remain unemployed.

Once a loser, always a loser.

The war continues.

May 11th, 2013, 10:49 pm


MarigoldRan said:

Don’t shoot poor people when they protest. A lesson the Assadists forgot.

What the Assadists believe in:

“We take all the money, and if you protest, we shoot you!”

The war continues.

May 11th, 2013, 10:51 pm


ziad said:

Turkey protesters march in support of Assad

May 11th, 2013, 10:58 pm


ann said:

UNAC says U.S./Israel hands off Syria! – May 11, 2013

The United National Antiwar Coalition, the broadest of the anti-imperialist coalitions active in the United States, issued the following statement on May 10 in the aftermath of the Israeli bombing of Syria

The May 2-3 and 4-5 nighttime bombings of Syria’s International Airport, military installations in a Damascus suburb and a military supply depot reportedly killed 300 people. The bombings were initially denied but then confirmed by Israel and soon after given the stamp of approval by the Obama administration.

The previous week President Barack Obama and Secretary of Defense Charles Hagel threatened to escalate U.S. intervention in Syria based on the unsubstantiated charge that Syria had employed weapons of mass destruction, in this case the deadly sarin gas.

What is incontrovertible is that U.S. allies in the region — Turkey, Qatar and Saudi Arabia — have supplied hundreds of millions of dollars in lethal military aid to destabilize the Syrian regime. The U.S. itself claims to have supplied some $400 million in “non-lethal aid.” The U.S., which funds Israel’s multi-billion dollar “Iron Dome” missile program, is the chief military force in the region.

No serious observers believe that Israel, the largest recipient of U.S. aid in the world, to the tune of $4 billion annually, acts without U.S. approval – the same is undeniable with regard to Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the U.S. NATO ally, Turkey.

In the case of Qatar, a nation without an army, the U.S.-established and privatized Blackwater military installation is used daily as an operational base for the U.S. war in Afghanistan, Iraq and elsewhere.

The U.S. Machiavellian strategy in Syria is first and foremost to advance its economic, military and regional “interests.” The latter includes deepening the isolation of Iran, whose oil wealth the U.S. corporate elite seeks to regain.

We recognize no rights among imperial nations to determine the future of any oppressed nation on earth, not to mention the modern day neo-colonial interveners. With regard to Syria, that right belongs to the Syrian people only.

The U.S. government is presently restrained by the mass antiwar sentiment expressed in repeated polls over the past two years. The most recent Pew Research poll indicates that 62 percent are opposed to any U.S. intervention in Syria. We must add to this the fact the U.S. bloody wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the decades long U.S. support to the Egyptian Mubarak dictatorship as well as the constant drone attacks on Pakistan, Yemen and Somalia have earned it the deep hatred of the peoples of the Middle East and beyond.

The Iraq “weapons of mass destruction” justification for this still-raging war, that has taken the lives of 1.5 million Iraqis so far, and the ongoing war in Afghanistan, wherein the U.S. puppet Hamid Karzai regime is discredited around the world, has convinced social justice activists everywhere that the U.S. imperial rulers fight for oil and military-geographic advantage and not for peace and justice.

More than ever the U.S. and the worldwide antiwar and social justice movement must demand:

* U.S./Israel hands off Syria!
* Bring all U.S. troops and mercenaries home now!
* Self-determination for the Syrian people!
* No to U.S. sanctions anywhere!
* End all U.S. aid to Israel!
* U.S. out of the Middle East now!


May 11th, 2013, 11:01 pm


Dawoud said:

“I miss My Homeland [Syria]” Song

Free Syria, Free Palestine!

May 11th, 2013, 11:11 pm


revenire said:

Marigoldran they’re laughing.

May 11th, 2013, 11:13 pm


Tara said:


“Epilepsy and genius”

You make me smoke every time you talk medicine.

You should pass on this one though. One is more likely to suffer from cognitive dysfunction having epilepsy than to be a genius.

May 11th, 2013, 11:22 pm


Dawoud said:

Free Syria, Free Palestine!

The song’s message to Bashar: ?? ???? ???? ??? You [Bashar], the low character (dishonorable), Go Away!

May 11th, 2013, 11:27 pm


Tara said:

It was “smile” not “smoke”.

May 11th, 2013, 11:46 pm


Sami said:

A very good report by ISW about Iran’s and its proxies and their involvement in Syria.

Iranian strategy in Syria
Will Fulton, Joseph Holliday, & Sam Wyer

Executive Summary

The Islamic Republic of Iran has conducted an extensive, expensive, and integrated effort to keep President Bashar al-Assad in power as long as possible while setting conditions to retain its ability to use Syrian territory and assets to pursue its regional interests should Assad fall.

The Iranian security and intelligence services are advising and assisting the Syrian military in order to preserve Bashar al-Assad’s hold on power. These efforts have evolved into an expeditionary training mission using Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) Ground Forces, Quds Force, intelligence services, and law enforcement forces. The deployment of IRGC Ground Forces to conflict abroad is a notable expansion of Iran’s willingness and ability to project military force beyond its borders.

Iran has been providing essential military supplies to Assad, primarily by air. Opposition gains in Syria have interdicted many ground resupply routes between Baghdad and Damascus, and the relative paucity of Iranian port-visits in Syria suggests that Iran’s sea-lanes to Syria are more symbolic than practical. The air line of communication between Iran and Syria is thus a key vulnerability for Iranian strategy in Syria. Iran would not be able to maintain its current level of support to Assad if this air route were interdicted through a no-fly zone or rebel capture of Syrian airfields.

Iran is also assisting pro-government shabiha militias, partly to hedge against Assad’s fall or the contraction of the regime into Damascus and a coastal Alawite enclave. These militias will become even more dependent on Tehran in such a scenario, allowing Iran to maintain some ability to operate in and project force from Syria.

Lebanese Hezbollah began to take on a more direct combat role in Syria as the Assad regime began losing control over Syrian territory in 2012. Hezbollah has supported Assad with a robust, well-trained force whose involvement in the conflict aligns with Iranian strategic interests as Secretary General Hassan Nasrallah acknowledged on April 30 in Tehran. Hezbollah’s commitment is not without limitations, however, because Nasrallah must carefully calibrate his support to Assad with his domestic responsibilities in order to avoid alienating his core constituency in Lebanon.

Iraqi Shi‘a militants are also fighting in Syria in support of Assad. Their presence became overt in 2012 with the formation of the Abu al-Fadl al-Abbas Brigade, a pro-government militia that is a conglomerate of Syrian and foreign Shi‘a fighters, including members of Lebanese Hezbollah and Iraq-based Asa’ib Ahl al-Haq and Kata’ib Hezbollah. Like other paramilitary forces operating in Syria, these militants escalated their involvement as the conflict descended into civil war. The open participation of Iraqi Shi‘a militants in Syria is an alarming indicator of the expansion of sectarian conflict throughout the region.

The Syrian conflict has already constrained Iran’s influence in the Levant, and the fall of the Assad regime would further reduce Tehran’s ability to project power. Iran’s hedging strategy aims to ensure, however, that it can continue to pursue its vital interests if and when the regime collapses, using parts of Syria as a base as long as the Syrian opposition fails to establish full control over all of Syrian territory.

May 12th, 2013, 12:23 am


revenire said:

Sami I am not sure why it is so good. We WANT Iran and Hezbollah to support Syria.

It is comforting to know the Iranians will send everything we need to finish off the rats.

May 12th, 2013, 12:28 am


ghufran said:

If true, that would be a diplomatic breakthrough:
???? ???????? ???????: ???????? ???????????? ?? ????? ????? ??????
Egypt is likely to make a similar move.
Now, we have to deal with another political group under the opposition umbrella:
“?? ???? ?????? ????? ??? ????? ????? ??????” ???? ??????? ??? ??? ?????? ????? ?????? ?????? ???? ????? ??????? ???????? ????? ???? ?? ????? ???? ????? ???????????? ????????? ???? ??? ?????? ???????? ????? ?????? ??? 13 ????? ??????.
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May 12th, 2013, 12:37 am


Sami said:

Stuck in Reverse (the self-hating rat),

I am really impressed at your ability to read a report of 40 something pages in less than five minutes and be able to make an “informed” comment about it…

May 12th, 2013, 12:55 am


revenire said:


May 12th, 2013, 1:01 am


revenire said:

Sami don’t ever assume I don’t know what a think tank like AEI stands for. You know what happens when you assume.

May 12th, 2013, 1:05 am


ann said:

Turkey Protesters March in Support of Assad – May-11-2013

Turkish people despite their government are supportive of Assad government and the Syrian people.

The weekend bombing in the border city of Turkey has escalated the tension, Turkey government has accused groups linked to Syrian government responsible of attack. Many suspect this accusation as it does not benefit the Government in Damascus.

Many believe the bombing was a smart FSA-Mossad co-venture to bring Turkey involved to do the job for them.

May 12th, 2013, 1:10 am


ann said:

This is How Erdogan’s Al-Qaeda Mercenary Terrorists Say THANK YOU To The Turkish People!!!!

Turkey: Second Explosion Caught on Camera ** volume warning **

Two car bombs exploded near the border with Syria on Saturday, killing 43 and wounding 140 others

May 12th, 2013, 1:27 am


ann said:

Media Censorship for Antakya Terrorist Bombing News – May-11-2013

Turkish Government ordered a massive media censorship regarding to recent Antakya Bombing.

Official statement:

Biggest terrorist attack in the Turkish history results 59 turkish citizen died and more than 150 wounded.

All the news regarding the bombing now being remove from all the news sources (including tv, radio, newspapes, internet ..etc)

After the censorship a high load army transportation started to Antakya.

May 12th, 2013, 1:32 am


ghufran said:

Turkey is joining the choir:
???? ???? ?????: ?? ???? ????? ?? ???? ??????? ?????? ???????

May 12th, 2013, 1:34 am


Visitor said:

It is now offocial. Turkey formally accuses the criminal regime of the Assheads of terrorism, while John Kerry acknowledges the accusation,

May 12th, 2013, 1:35 am


ann said:

Syria’s Grand Mufti: Archbishops Can be Released if Saudi Arabia, Qatar, or Turkey Wanted to – May-11-2013

CNN’s Frederik Pleitgen talks to the Grand Mufti of Syria, Ahmad Badreddine Hassoun, about foreign intervention in the Syrian conflict. Hassoun says that the borders must be closed and that the flow of weapons and terrorists must be stopped from neighboring countries in order for peace to come back to Syria.

Hassoun also says that the Aleppo archbishops who have been kidnapped are being held by Chechen jihadists who are willing to release them if they receive the green light from Saudi Arabia, Qatar, or Turkey.


May 12th, 2013, 1:42 am


Dolly Buster said:

So these are the warring sides:

Side A

1. Red Russia
2. Shiites
3. conspiracy enthusiasts & opponents of NWO and reptilians

Side B

1. supporters of democracy
2. supporters of Shari’ah

May 12th, 2013, 1:56 am


ann said:

Funny FSA terrorists supporter and lots of al-Qusair coverage – May-11-2013

this picture is of an fsa terrorists supporter in turkey saying “I am wiling to give my wife for sex jihad!”

Literally this is what it says “jihad al-nikah” or jihad for females which go to front lines and have sex with Filthy Allahu Akbar YAHOOZ 😀

May 12th, 2013, 1:59 am


Badr said:

SEA more savvy than skilled

“Cyber security expert Jeffrey Carr, of Taia Global, says the Syrian Electronic Army’s recent behavior suggests their ability to command attention far exceeds their skills or potential danger as cyber hackers.”

May 12th, 2013, 2:20 am


ann said:

BRAVE Turks from Hatay province attacking fsa arab in their province after the twin bombings – May 11, 2013

this is proof even the natural people of that area know these acts of terror are done by the fsa themselves and have taken their anger out on them as a result

May 12th, 2013, 2:43 am


ann said:

Raqqa: The city where gangs of extremists rule the streets – Daily Telegraph – Richard Spencer – May 12, 2013

The black flag of al-Qaeda flies high over Raqqa’s main square in front of the governor’s smart new palace, its former occupant last seen in their prison. Their fighters, clad also in black, patrol the streets, or set up positions behind sandbags

The Islamists smashed up one of the two shops that sold alcohol. That much was pretty inevitable, the locals agreed. The other off-licence had already closed, as had the casino on the outskirts of town.

They brought in a radical cleric from Egypt to preach Friday prayers, and set up a sharia court in the city’s new sports centre with the support of other brigades. They had their fiefdom – an entire city to run only 60 miles from Nato’s border.

Then, one night, 10 men came for Nagham and Nour al-Rifaie, two teenage sisters from a well-known liberal family. They were at home with a family friend, Yusra Omran, 30, and their male cousin, 32.

“All these guys came in with guns and wearing masks and with handcuffs,” said Nagham, 19, a civil engineering student. “They started searching everything and shouting.

“They were saying, ‘Put on more clothes than you are wearing, put on a headscarf.’ I just said I’m wearing clothes and I’m not putting on a headscarf’.”

The men took them to the sports centre. There the girls were charged with being alone with a man and interrogated.

“The guy with us was so mean,” Rifaie said. “He was speaking in a horrible way, as if he was disgusted to be with us.”

In Raqqa, a once conservative but by all accounts not religious city, the triumph of al-Qaeda’s Syrian arm, Jabhat al-Nusra, would seem to be complete.

Little known a year ago but suspected of having being founded by al-Qaeda in Iraq, they have grown in stature, leading many of the rebels’ most successful recent battles. Last month they publicly declared their loyalty to al-Qaeda’s supreme leader, Ayman al-Zawahiri.

Their new-found power is such that it is changing international calculations over the conflict. After first being discouraged from taking action by their presence in rebel ranks, Britain now has a revised diplomatic strategy.

David Cameron put it to Russia’s president Vladimir Putin on Friday and will discuss it this week with a nervous President Barack Obama in Washington.

Cameron’s officials now feel Jabhat al-Nusra has to be defeated by actively supporting the less militant rebels, including through supplying arms. Many of Jabhat’s rival militias are being marginalised in cities similar to Raqqa across the north. On Tuesday, Britain will seek to have Jabhat al-Nusra added to an official list of organisations facing sanctions at the United Nations.

In taking Raqqa two months ago al-Qaeda achieved its greatest coup in the war to date: it was the first provincial capital to fall outright to the rebels, and allowed Jabhat to assume a leadership role over a large swathe of north-eastern Syria, to the Iraqi border.

To many it is a welcome development. “Jabhat are excellent for us,” said Abdullah Mohammed, a man from the nearby village of Mansoura. “They deal with us according to Islamic rules, so there are no problems. They are honest and they run everything pretty well.”

As a police officer, Mohammed said he was in a position to know the difference between life under al-Qaeda and the Assad regime. He was in prison when the revolution broke out – he had stopped a car for jumping a red light and found to his cost it was being driven by a regime official.

He said he was in a cell with four members of President Bashar al-Assad’s Alawite minority sect, and when the protests started the guards were taken away to fight and the Alawite prisoners turned into guards.

Other locals too, particularly shopkeepers, say the all-pervasive corruption of the Assad era has vanished with the regime’s men. “I like Jabhat,” said Ahmed al-Hindy, who runs an optician’s shop. “They are better than the regime, at any rate.”

Part of it is money. Jabhat al-Nusra has always been well-funded compared with other militias – most people assume due to wealthy backers in the Gulf, though few have been able to track down the lines of the money supply.

Now they have control of good sources of income and can pay salaries. From the city’s main flour mill, they supply the all-important bakeries, and they have seized some of them too. At night, long queues of women form to buy their daily ration under the watchful eyes of Jabhat guards.

They have also taken the oilfields in neighbouring Deir al-Zour province. Production is hardly booming, but they are able to sell enough on the local market to keep cash rolling in.

It is not all plain sailing, though. Even in Raqqa, no single militia is all-powerful, even Jabhat, and they depend on an alliance with Ahrar al-Sham, another radical Islamist group.

They also have to deal with a slew of other brigades with a variety of ideologies.

The dynamic of Jabhat’s rise is being challenged out of both envy and fear, leading to clashes.

Two senior rival militiamen have been assassinated in the past 10 days: Abu Awad of the Farouq Brigade, and, on Thursday, Abu al-Zein, the head of the Ahfad al-Rasool. In both cases the method was the same: three men in black and masks drove up to the victims’ cars, shot them, then sped off.

Some say it could be a leftover squad of Assad’s loyalists, but members of their militias point out both victims were known for supporting a civil state, not an Islamic one.

Another militia leader, Abu Deeb of the Lions of Islam, was arrested after a fight on Tuesday with Jabhat al-Nusra that brought the city to a brief standstill. Different explanations have been given, but Abdullah al-Khalil, the civilian who heads the town’s interim administration, said it was over control of the town’s largest bakery.

“After Assad falls, there will be a second revolution, against Jabhat al-Nusra,” said Amar Abu Yasser, a battalion leader with the Farouq Brigade. The Farouq was once the most famous brigade in the Syrian revolution, spreading its power from its base in Homs across the north of the country, where it still operates several of the border crossings to Turkey, including Tal Abyad, the nearest to Raqqa. But its power and influence has been severely curbed by Jabhat al-Nusra. Abu Azzam, the Farouq head at Tal Abyad, survived an assassination attempt when a bomb was placed under his car.

“The problem is due to ideology,” said Abu Yasser, until two years ago a student of Arabic literature, now a tough, bearded warrior in fatigues and a black turban. “There is a conflict between the black flag and the revolutionary flag.” The green, white and black banner with three red stars made famous by the revolution still flies in Raqqa, but in a secondary place.

“It is not wise to try to make an Islamic state here,” he went on. “There are Christians, Alawites, Druze living here. It will just be a big problem.”

He also said Jabhat al-Nusra was not as honest and righteous as it seemed. He claimed it had stripped the town’s factories and smuggled their goods, including nearly 200 tons of sugar, to Turkey for profit.

Jabhat has withdrawn into itself as tensions rise, and particularly since the declaration of obedience to al-Qaeda was issued, which confirmed its status as an internationally proscribed terrorist group. It no longer gives interviews or defends itself from such allegations, and has banned its men from talking to foreign journalists.

Those its members stop at checkpoints in the city are accused of being “foreign spies”.

Some locals regarded as fanciful the idea that Farouq and other groups would ever again have the strength to rise up and throw out Jabhat. But most proclaimed defiantly that Syria would not become a radical Islamic state. “This is all just for the war,” said Khalil, the town leader, who is happy to cooperate with Jabhat as he tries to re-establish schools and keep the water running.

A former human rights lawyer once jailed by the regime, he said he could tolerate the black flags for now. “But I think the modern Islamic project will win in the end,” he added, using a phrase commonly used to refer to a civil state with a Muslim ethos, like booming Turkey next door. He added a refrain repeated now across rebel Syria: it will be harder to keep the Islamists out if the West does not come to the aid of this “modern” project.

As a follower of Abu Deeb, the arrested militia leader, put it: “This is a pact with the devil. We would rather ally with Obama than Jabhat.”

At first glance, Jabhat have tried to play safe. A small but visible minority of women go without the hijab, or headscarf. The town’s handful of Christian families have stayed put, for now; the churches are closed, but untouched. But it may have made a major strategic error with its announcement of loyalty to al-Qaeda. It did not cause a big stir in the West, where the link had been assumed, but it shocked many who had begun to tolerate Jabhat’s presence. Their main Islamist allies, Ahrar al-Sham, immediately denounced the group. “It was like a thunderbolt,” said Abu Abdullah, 40, an Ahrar al-Sham fighter outside their main base, largely abandoned after being hit by Assad missiles. “It really surprised me and is unacceptable. Our goal is just to liberate Syria. We don’t care about other countries – we don’t want to go and fight in Iraq or anywhere.”

Then there was the arrest of Nagham al-Rifaie, Nour, 18, and their cousin and friend. That was a “what the Hell?” moment, said Mohammed Shuaib, a student who has helped found a human rights discussion group, Haquna. It led a 500-strong protest to the sharia court the morning after the arrest.

But by then the girls were already free. What happened is a glimmer of hope to men like Shuaib.

On arrival at the court, the girls were told they would immediately face two judges, local worthies brought in by the ruling Islamist alliance. It was one o’clock in the morning. Rifaie was told to put a headscarf on. Again she refused. “They said to me, ‘It’s a sharia court, you can’t go in without a headscarf’. I said, ‘That’s fine by me!’ So we stood before the court with no headscarves on.” One of the judges, a teacher called Mohammed al-Omar, referred them to the charge sheet. “He said, ‘It says you were alone with a man, what do you say.’ I said, ‘It is none of their business.’

“And he said, ‘I agree’.” 😀


May 12th, 2013, 3:04 am


Citizen said:

David is silent! Forced to play his role

May 12th, 2013, 3:17 am


Dolly Buster said:

The Ottoman Empire should use the impaling technique profusely, when they invade to deal with Baath goons.


350. MarigoldRan said:

The unemployed losers remain unemployed.

Maybe he is retired like me. Now we can enjoy our golden years by following Turkey’s impending attack on Damascus.

What was Mount Qassioun, will soon be called Lake Qassioun in textbooks.

May 12th, 2013, 3:24 am


MarigoldRan said:

I’ve thought about that. But my opinion is that they’re simply losers.

Losers support the loser regime! It’s some sort of weird loser solidarity cult.

May 12th, 2013, 3:49 am


Dolly Buster said:

Revenire would be in category A-3 on my above chart, “Conspiracy enthusiast.” He believes the West isn’t about freedom and democracy, but about imperialism and subjugation. That error would be a key reason why he backs the Russian-Shiite axis of evil.

May 12th, 2013, 4:12 am


Badr said:

Why Putin Can’t Solve Syria

IHT | Global Edition of NYT

For nearly two years, Mr. Lavrov and Mr. Putin have served as the Syrian leaders’ chief diplomatic allies but Iran has provided far more military support. Russian analysts say Washington is kidding itself if it believes Mr. Putin can orchestrate a quick and easy Assad exit.
. . .
So, why is the Obama administration turning to Mr. Putin for help? The answer is simple: the White House’s deep desire to not get entangled in Syria. To American officials, a deal with Russia is a cost-free solution.
. . .
In truth, though, there is no easy way to stem the conflict in Syria, which increasingly threatens to destabilize the region. Blame is widespread. Mr. Assad, of course, is the worst culprit.
. . .
Sale or no sale, the proposed conference should be carried out. Both sides may miraculously agree on an interim government.

But it is more likely that the United States has lost control of the rebels, particularly the jihadists. And Russia has lost control of Mr. Assad, who retains Tehran’s backing and has killed so many people that he cannot compromise.
Syria’s downward spiral will continue.

May 12th, 2013, 4:15 am



That’s it folks, d-p athad electronic army won. ???? ????

Syrian Electronic Army hacks into Obama’s Warcraft account
May 7, 2013

DAMASCUS: In a move White House sources have suggested could be the “game-changer” that leads to US military intervention, the Syrian Electronic Army yesterday hacked into Barack Obama’s account on popular online multiplayer World of Warcraft.

Gamers playing last night in Obama’s high-ranking DragonsClaw clan noted that the US president’s avatar, formerly a level 62 High Elf Paladin called Barry O’Bomber, was now a level seven called Zi0nist LiAr SkUM, with significantly reduced abilities and displaying a new tendency to willfully disregard previously-arranged tactics.

“He was just charging into battle arenas without any caution or care,” said fellow clan member Benjamin Netanyahu, 63. “But what shocked us most were the anti-Zionist and pro-Syrian government messages he was continuously shouting.”

Following the clan’s failed raid on the Ulduar dungeon in World of Warcraft’s Storm Peaks, the Syrian Electronic Army – a group of hackers supportive of Bashar al-Assad’s regime – claimed responsibility for the attack.

IT staff at the White House are currently working with World of Warcraft programmers to restore Obama’s settings, but admit it could be “several weeks” before his character’s magical powers and abilities have been returned.

“The strangest thing about the World of Warcraft hack is that it actually hurts the Syrian government as well,” said gaming expert Vorgor LeChuck. “Surely [the Syrian Electronic Army] would have known that Assad is also in Obama’s clan.”

May 12th, 2013, 5:57 am


Juergen said:

great song by Maher Zain for Syria

May 12th, 2013, 6:35 am


Tara said:

Batta is said to be “saddened” by what he did in Turkey, while Davutoglu warning “no one should test Turkey’s power.  Well, Batta did..  And twice!  And now what?
Syria denies Turkey Reyhanli car bombs role

Mr Zoubi said that “it is not anyone’s right to hurl unfounded accusations”.  “We were saddened by the martyrs’ deaths” [on] Saturday in the town of Reyhanli,” he said.  “It is [Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip] Erdogan who should be asked about this act. He and his party bear direct responsibility.”

Mr Zoubi also launched what correspondents say was one of the harshest personal attacks on Turkey’s prime minister by an Syrian official so far. He demanded that Mr Erdogan “step down as a killer and as a butcher”.  The BBC’s Jim Muir in Beirut says that it was a robust response from Damascus, throwing responsibility for the blasts firmly back on the Turkish authorities.  Mr Zoubi said it was the Turkish government that had facilitated the flow of arms, explosives, vehicles, fighters and money across the border into Syria.  He said that this had turned the border areas into centres for international terrorism and the Turkish leadership had to take political and moral responsibility for it.

Local people are reported to have turned on Syrian refugees after the attack
Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu has vowed to catch those behind the attack. On Sunday he said that he believed fighters loyal to Syrian President Assad were responsible.
The Syrian opposition coalition has added its voice to the Turkish accusations that Damascus was behind the bombings, saying it was a blatant attempt to drive a wedge between Turkey and the thousands of Syrian refugees who have been given shelter on the Turkish side of the border.

Mr Davutoglu said that the attacks “have nothing to do with the Syrian refugees in Turkey, it’s got everything to do with the Syrian regime”.  He said that it was “not a coincidence” that the bombings occurred as diplomatic efforts to solve the Syrian crisis were intensifying.  “There may be those who want to sabotage Turkey’s peace, but we will not allow that,” he said.  “No-one should attempt to test Turkey’s power. Our security forces will take all necessary measures.”  He said those behind Saturday’s bombings were believed also to have been behind an attack on the Syrian coastal town of Banias a week ago, in which fighters backing President Assad in the civil war were reported to have killed at least 62 people.

May 12th, 2013, 8:22 am


Citizen said:

Forever!! here in the Mediterranean Sea will be the great Russian Navy!Russia ! you are always Welcome!!!
Black Sea Fleet to receive new ships 2014
SEVASTOPOL, May 12 (Itar-Tass) – The High Command of the Russian Navy attaches great importance to development of the Black Sea Fleet as the guarantor of security of the Russian Federation at its southern maritime borders, and promises new ships. The Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Navy Admiral Viktor Chirkov said this on Sunday. He participated in the celebrations of the 230th anniversary of the Russian Black Sea Fleet.
“We attach great importance to the development of the Black Sea Fleet. We have a shipbuilding programme, which includes construction of the new patrol ships and submarines for the Black Sea Fleet,” he said.
“Next year, probably closer to its end, the Black Sea Fleet will start receiving first ships. Those will be the newest ships,” Chirkov said.
“Russia has everything to have its Black Sea Fleet strong, powerful and able to defend its national interests in the Black Sea, the Mediterranean Sea and in other parts of the world ocean,” the admiral said.

May 12th, 2013, 9:06 am


zoo said:

It was high time Syria, who until now has show restrain toward Erdogan denounces his cynical and hypocritical behavior and his vain accusations.
Erdogan got troubles inside his country despite his strong police present everywhere. When someone plays with fire, he ultimately get burnt.

It is time for Erdogan to stop his childish ego game and realize he lost, otherwise Turks may see the paranoia their once respectable leader has reached and they would not want him as a president.

May 12th, 2013, 9:19 am


revenire said:

It was a few weeks ago that Assad warned Erdogan that by allowing the rats to nest in Turkey trouble would come. Now look at the mess Erdogan has on his hands.

Turks hate Erdogan. Rumors are swirling.

May 12th, 2013, 9:25 am


zoo said:

392 Juergen

Kafranbel is asking forgiveness to Turks… in good English?

May 12th, 2013, 9:44 am


zoo said:

The attacks were not aimed at Syrians rebels, there were aimed at Turks.

Nine arrested over blasts near Turkey-Syria border

Atalay also said that 38 of the 46 people killed in the blasts have been identified, of whom 35 were Turkish and three were Syrian.
Can Dundar, a columnist at Turkey’s Milliyet newspaper, wrote: “Turkey seems to be sinking into the Syrian swamp… It has become a stakeholder in this civil war by directly supporting the opposition.”

May 12th, 2013, 9:55 am


revenire said:

I never thought I’d see the day Liz Sly would admit this but here it is:

Assad forces gaining ground in Syria

…analysts say there is little doubt that the pendulum is now swinging in favor of Assad, potentially putting him in a strong position to set terms if the negotiations with the opposition that the Obama administration and Russia last week agreed to sponsor eventually take place.

“If things continue as they are, the government will certainly be the party that has the major advantage” in any talks, said Charles Lister of the London-based IHS Jane’s Terrorism and Insurgency Center. “If we press pause on where we are today, it is clear the insurgency does not pose an existential threat to the regime.”

Pro-Assad analysts credit a major restructuring of government forces that has better equipped them to confront the insurgency. The ranks of the conventional Syrian army — weary, depleted and demoralized by defections, casualties and more than a year of continuous fighting — are being swelled by the deployment of some 60,000 militia irregulars trained at least in part by Hezbollah and Iranian advisers.

May 12th, 2013, 9:58 am



Lest we forget the victims of assad and its sectarian packs of hyenas.

Their parents did not teach them how to blow up anyone. But the patents of their murderers tough their children how to become animals and how to blow up and slaughter children. The murderers were faithful to the abominable teaching of the abominable parents.

This is what the assad mafia clan had and continue to have in mind for Syrian children. And this is what regime propagandists on Syria comment, repeatedly advocated and cheered including teaching their own children how to become the murderers of the future.

May 12th, 2013, 10:01 am


zoo said:

Opposition commander: Assad defeated, we are fighting Iran, Hezbollah

“Iran and Hezbollah are the ones who are continuing the war in Syria,” al-Tawhid Brigade Commander Abdulkader Saleh told the Cihan news agency, adding that the war is between the Syrian people and Iran and the Shiite militant group.
“Iranians see Syria as the 35th province of [their country]. … Many Iranian authorities have voiced this as well. It is obvious that Iran and Hezbollah are also included in the Syrian war.

Israel attacked Syria to prevent opposition forces from receiving arms

May 12th, 2013, 10:05 am


zoo said:

My Friend, the Aspiring Suicide Bomber

How the Syrian crisis drove one young man to consider joining an Al-Qaeda-linked terrorist organization

He described an application process that would not seem out of place at a corporate multinational. He had put his name down on a list through a Lebanese friend, to wait his turn for an interview with one of the Al-Nusra Front’s top men.
In the mean time, the group had scrutinized his Facebook page. “They don’t accept just anyone,” he told me. “You have to be serious about religion.” A photo of the two of us together in Aleppo had apparently given them cause for concern. “Because of that, they told me that I’m not ready yet,” he said. “I have to forget about the past, and stop mixing with women.”

May 12th, 2013, 10:11 am


zoo said:

#395 Reve

Bashar al Assad has shown a remarquable military leadership despite the armed rebels being trained by the USA, France, the UK and Turkey and financed by billions of dollars coming from Qatar and KSA.

Syrians should be proud of their army united and heroically fighting Al Qaeda and their adopted militias.

May 12th, 2013, 10:19 am


Citizen said:

This video material done by bandits themselves in Syria.
The video shows the bandits as they do with the Syrian army soldiers, and all who support the authorities in Syria, they cut out the heart of man and eat it.
And these people arming by the West and the United States, ostensibly in the name of democracy.

May 12th, 2013, 10:21 am


Visitor said:

The following report which originally appeared in Foreign Affairs confirms what I have been saying here for quite sometime. The Assheads are the Evil enemies of Syria within Syria, while Israel is the Evil enemy of Syria outside. Ex-Mossad chiel Ephraim Halevi reveals that the Assheads are Israel’s men inside Syria since 1967.

Someone here was asking for the proof insisting that Evil Israel is not in fact Evil. There is no better proof than a confession from a knowledgeable source. But if that someone seeking the proof does not understand his own field of specialty when it comes to the truth about 9/11, he may find it even harder to understand and admit the obvious from a straightforward confession.

That is OK. Denial is the first step towards acceptance Akbar. ISRAEL IS EVIL. US ADMIN(S) IS (ARE) EVIL.

May 12th, 2013, 10:22 am


Dolly Buster said:

399. zoo said:

Bashar al Assad has shown a remarquable military leadership

It’s easy to show remarkable courage, when you are using Mig airplanes against 3 year olds.

True bravery is to face powerful armies while being lightly armed. Examples of such heroes are: The Iraqi resistance 2006-2008, which fought Nouri al Maliki and his boss Bush; and the Syrian resistance 2011-present, which is fighting against the Russian aggressor and their Shiite peons.

May 12th, 2013, 10:42 am


revenire said:

“It’s easy to show remarkable courage, when you are using Mig airplanes against 3 year olds.”


If that is what is happening it is a remarkable waste of a MiG. They should wait until the children are at least five before using MiGs on them.

Dolly you’re not serious are you? MiGs for three year olds?

May 12th, 2013, 10:52 am


Dawoud said:

Palestinian “Arab Idol” contestant Video.
Syrians and Palestinians will RETURN to their homelands after LIBERATION!

Free Syria, Free Palestine!

May 12th, 2013, 10:58 am


zoo said:

As expected, Erdogan is too afraid to do something he may regret

Turkey says it won’t be drawn into Syria conflict

ANKARA, Turkey (AP) — Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan says Turkey will not fall for a “dirty scenario” and be dragged into the conflict with Syria.

Erdogan was speaking Sunday, a day after two car bombings in a town near the Syrian border killed 46 people and raised fears that Turkey may be drawn into the conflict.

Erdogan says “we have to maintain our extreme cool-bloodedness in the face of efforts and provocations to drag us into the bloody quagmire in Syria.”

He say that “those who attack Turkey will be held to account sooner or later.”

Officials say that nine Turkish citizens believed to be link to the Syrian intelligence agency have been detained in connection with the bombings.

May 12th, 2013, 11:01 am


zoo said:

#402 Dolly

Ask yourself why KSA refused to help the rebels with their modern and billions of dollars worth US made airplanes?

May 12th, 2013, 11:06 am


zoo said:


“You make me smoke every time you talk medicine.”

I don’t talk, I refer to serious documents published by specialists.

As usual you know better than specialists…

May 12th, 2013, 11:15 am


zoo said:

The nine suspects are Turks, the victims are Turks.

Do Erdogan and Davutoglu mean that Turks are being paid to kill other Turks?
In the last two years, we saw Syrians being paid by foreign countries to kill other Syrians, is it happening to Turks now?

May 12th, 2013, 11:24 am


Tara said:

Ya Dear Zoo,

Bashar the genius with epilepsy. Bashar the great military leader. Bashar this and Bashar that. You have not saved a single expression of love expressing your raging emotions. You are only that close to tell us Bashar the new Brad Pitt. I bet you think he is, no?

And who told you I am not a neurosurgeon?

Next time you see your doctor and I hope she is a girl, just confirm with her what I told you: people with epilepsy are more likely to have cognitive dysfunction than to be geniuses. Only then you can protest my statement, fair?

May 12th, 2013, 11:31 am


Mina said:

M?T, Suriye’nin Rakka kentinde 23 Nisan’da 3 otomobile bomba yüklendi?ini ve ?üphelilerin Türkiye’ye sald?r? planlad???n?, bombac?lar?n Gaziantep, Hatay ve ?anl?urfa’da üç ayr? s?n?r kap?s?n? kullanabilece?ini belirlemi?ti.

People knew since 23rd April about cars being planted with explosives in Raqqa.

May 12th, 2013, 11:39 am


revenire said:

Tara you sound like you’re in love with Bashar.

May 12th, 2013, 11:40 am


revenire said:

Erdogan is a coward. If he really believes Assad sent these Turks what is he waiting for? He has NATO and their Patriot missiles right there.

Barking Erdogan the Ottoman dog. He’s a disgrace. No wonder all honest Turks hate him.

I am disgusted he would murder his own people to try to get his Zionist allies to attack Syria again.


May 12th, 2013, 11:44 am


Akbar Palace said:

43 Turks die and none were breaking a legal blockade and none were wielding metal pipes.

Who will Erdogan force to apologize for this heinous act?

May 12th, 2013, 11:50 am


Tara said:


No Reve. I hate Bashar.

Ask Zoo. He will tell you.

May 12th, 2013, 11:54 am


zoo said:

Davutoglu now accuses “Marxists”… and calls the international community for actions! Instead of whining, yelling and blaming, what about using his own army to give a lesson to Syria since it broke the Turkish “red line”, whatever it was

The minister called it a breach of Turkey’s “red line” and said that “it’s time for the international community to display a common stance against the regime … immediately and without delay”.

He called for an “urgent, result-oriented diplomatic initiative” to find a solution to the Syrian crisis and added that “Turkey has the right to take any kind of measure” in response to the killings.

“The Turkish minister blamed the attack on “a former Marxist organisation directly connected with the regime” of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.”

May 12th, 2013, 11:58 am


zoo said:

#411 Reve

It’s a consuming passion, not love…

May 12th, 2013, 12:02 pm


zoo said:

413. Akbar Palace

“Who will Erdogan force to apologize for this heinous act?”

Karl Marx.

May 12th, 2013, 12:04 pm


revenire said:

Yes, Zoo – an obsession. It’s going on several years of talking about Bashar daily for Tara.

May 12th, 2013, 12:10 pm


revenire said:

“43 Turks die”

Play with fire…

May 12th, 2013, 12:15 pm


zoo said:

#409 Tara

No need to ask, I know more than one person with epilepsy and they confirm what the medical article says, they are unusually intelligent and creative. When they have a crisis and they don’t have their medicine in hand, they may loose consciousness for a moment, but this is very rare, the rest of the time, they are perfectly normal.

I remind you that it’s your friend Majed who informed us that Bashar was among people with such faculties.
It just confirmed what I thought. Bashar al Assad seems to be gifted with political and military savvyness, in addition to be polite and well educated.

May 12th, 2013, 12:16 pm


revenire said:

Long live the revolution!


May 12th, 2013, 12:25 pm


zoo said:

Saudi court jails Lebanese man for helping woman to convert

A Saudi court sentences a Lebanese man for six years in prison and 300 lashes after convicting him of encouraging a Saudi Muslim woman to convert to Christianity
AFP , Sunday 12 May 2013

A Saudi court jailed a Lebanese man for six years and sentenced him to 300 lashes after convicting him of encouraging a Saudi woman to convert to Christianity, local dailies reported Sunday.

The same court sentenced a Saudi man convicted in the same case to two years in prison and 200 lashes for having helped the young woman flee the ultra-conservative Muslim kingdom, local daily Al-Watan said.

A court delivered the verdict in Khobar in the kingdom’s east, where the woman and the two accused worked for an insurance company.

The July 2012 case caused a stir in Saudi Arabia, which applies a strict version of Islamic Sharia law that stipulates Muslims who convert to another religion must be sentenced to death.

The woman, known only as “the girl of Khobar”, was granted refuge in Sweden where she lives under the protection of unspecified NGOs, according to local press reports.

She had appeared in a YouTube video last year in which she announced that she had chosen to convert to Christianity.

Her family’s lawyer Hmood al-Khalidi said he was “satisfied with the verdict,” according to the press.

Both men, who could also be prosecuted over other charges including corruption and forging official documents that allowed the woman to leave the country without her family’s agreement, will appeal.

Saudi women are banned from travelling without their guardians’ permission.

May 12th, 2013, 12:25 pm


Tara said:


Come on. Stop being stubborn. Your evidence ( having friends with seizure disorder) are anecdotal and they do not sell. Ask her and do not tell me when she simply confirms what I said if that makes you happier.

You sounded pretty gloomy. Is it that you are concerned about the ramifications of Bashar’s terror bombing in Turkey? I don’t like you to be gloomy so in attempt to cheer you up, here I reluctantly say it: People with epilepsy are geniuses. Happy now ?

May 12th, 2013, 12:26 pm


revenire said:

What are the ramifications Tara?

May 12th, 2013, 12:47 pm


MarigoldRan said:

Hey look, it’s a LOSER.

The war continues.

May 12th, 2013, 12:52 pm


Dolly Buster said:

422. revenire said:


That is how you communicate the message in the appropriate language!

May 12th, 2013, 12:57 pm


revenire said:


May 12th, 2013, 12:58 pm


ann said:

US Embassies on alert – Libya On Brink of Civil War – May 12, 2013

Embassies on alert – The U.S. and UK are pulling non-essential diplomatic staff out of Libya, with security fears fueling after militants besieged two ministries last month.

Libyan Government loosing control. Most of the north part of the country is now in terrorist hands. Although Mainstream Media refuses to report this, the facts are that The US sponsored civil war to oust Ghadaffi was a complete failure, and Libya has turned into a haven for Terrorist organizations. Children are being schooled on Radical Islam and Christians are being tortured, run out or killed. Now the US government wants to use this same plan to oust Bashar Assad and send Syria down the same path.

May 12th, 2013, 1:07 pm


majedkhaldoun said:

Did Asshead respond to Israel attack ?,it was huge attack,he lost brigade,a lot of ammunition, he was humiliated, but did nothing, he is incapable.
Would Erdogan responds, I doubt it, but he is capable and justified if he does.

Asshead has two personalities, on one side he is nice to the people he talk to, and at the other side he committed heinous crimes, he lost respect among all leaders,except HA and Persia, he will not be able to regain respectability.
He is making gains recently due to 11000 HA troops and 50,000 persian troops, but it is a matter of time ,and as the rebels arm themslves again,they will start gaining on him,but at the end Syrians will win and he will lose.

No fly zone will have the benefit of limiting his military capabilty to artillaries,,but most importantly NFZ will prevent Persia from arming him,now Persia are supplying him with arms through air only, that will tie his hands after a while.

May 12th, 2013, 1:11 pm


ann said:

`isreali forces on the move

Lebanese sources: Intense Israeli air, ground and sea activity
DEBKAfile May 12, 2013, 4:16 PM (GMT+02:00)

Various Lebanese sources report intense Israeli military activity Sunday along the Israeli-Syrian and Lebanese borders. Witnesses describe Israeli warplanes as making aerial passes over south Lebanon, ground forces moving along the Golan border with Syria and attack helicopters flying over Mts Hermon and Dov and the Shaaba Farms.


May 12th, 2013, 1:13 pm


Juergen said:

This is the israeli organization which helps syrian refugees.

May 12th, 2013, 1:30 pm


Ghufran said:

Moaz’ take on the situation and the NC:
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May 12th, 2013, 2:14 pm


Dawoud said:

???? ?????????

???? ????? ???????
?? ??? ???? ????? ???????
????? ?????? ???????
????? ????? ?????
??? ???? ??? ??? ??????? ???????

Syrian Revolution Freedom Song by Wasfi al-Ma’asarani:

Salute al-Sham [Syria] and its Revolutionaries
They [Revolutionaries] opened its [Freedom’s] Doors
Syria has Become its [Freedom’s] Home!
Dera’ah child when he screamed, he destroyed rocks with his voice!

?????? ??????? ???????
Free Syria, Free Palestine!

May 12th, 2013, 2:24 pm


Dawoud said:

431. ANN

Hizbistan’s and Hasan Nasr’al-Shytan’s sources 🙂

May 12th, 2013, 2:26 pm



May 12th, 2013, 2:31 pm


Dawoud said:

A Hizbistan idiot says that he “loves” and [sic] “worships” the terrorist Hasan Nasr’al-Shytan 🙂

May 12th, 2013, 2:32 pm


revenire said:

Amal Saad-Ghorayeb

We do not regard this uprising/insurrection to be a Zionist one solely on account of Israeli and Syrian opposition figures’ open love for one another. Nor is it solely on account of the Zionist state’s official support for this opposition and their shared interests in toppling the Assad government and destroying the Syrian Arab Republic.

What really makes this a Zionist uprising is the fact that in just two years it has achieved the same strategic objectives that Israel sought hard, yet failed to affect in over 60 years of its existence. And it has succeeded in achieving Israel’s goals almost exclusively with sectarianism, which has effectively become the new Israel in our midst.

No Israeli invasion, attack, occupation, annexation, settlement construction, humiliating peace, or hasbara [Israeli PR] campaign, was ever able to force resistance movements like HAMAS to change their priorities and abandon their erstwhile allies; or to persuade the Arab people that the Assad government, Iran and Hizbullah are their primary enemies as opposed to Israel; or to reduce anti-imperialism and anti-Zionism as the politically incorrect “old school” politics of a bygone era; or to elevate the statuses of once despised Arab monarchs to regional liberators; or to render Shi’ism as the cancerous cell in the region rather than the Zionist entity.

An uprising which not only collaborates with Israel but serves its strategic interests can only be a Zionist uprising. And the worst part is, that we have reached a point where such labeling is no longer taken as an insult or seen an accusation.

May 12th, 2013, 2:33 pm


revenire said:

Brother Majed four soldiers died in your Zionist attack on Syria. Relax. God has things under control.

May 12th, 2013, 2:35 pm


dawoud said:

Top Comments

??? ???? 1 month ago
????? ??? ???????? ????? . [?]
?????? ? ?????? . [?] ?????? ? ??????? . [?] . ??????? ? ?????? . [?] .
????? ??? ???????? ????????? ? ??????? ? ??????? . [?] .
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????? ???? ?????? ????? ??????? ???????. [?] .
??????? ????? ?? ?? ?? ???? ???? ??????? ? ??? ??? ???????? . [?] .
????? ???? ?????????? ??

May 12th, 2013, 2:47 pm


Visitor said:

The reptilian rodent character who quotes Amal Saad Ghorayeb is a Hizbistan paid shabih and not Syrian Mukhabarat paid one.

Amal Saad Ghorayeb is the most idiotic mouthpiece of Hizbistan, even more so than Sharmin Narwani


On the other hand, not long ago Triplotitanians kicked out Dureid Lahham from their city when he attempted to film one of his stupid productions. Today, they kicked out the Mullah thug Mozaffar Rukn Abadi when he attempted to attend a meeting on their city. He had to be escorted out by the army.

May 12th, 2013, 2:52 pm


revenire said:

David that guy looks like he eats a lot of pork! Wow!

May 12th, 2013, 2:54 pm


revenire said:

The Syrian Army has been able to achieve a huge number of military achievements especially in confrontations with al-Qaeda’s Jabhat al-Nusra, which is considered as the fiercest and most brutal “rebel” group in Syria, in such areas as Darayya and Homs’s Qusayr area and its countryside. The Qusayr and Darayya areas are considered highly strategic towns whose control can drastically change the course of the conflict. This report shows some of these achievements, such as the liberation of Ghassaniyeh in Qusayr’s countryside, a town that has been under a 1-year blockade by the Wahhabi terrorists of the armed “opposition”.

With the Israeli airstrikes last week aimed at boosting the “Free Syrian Army” (FSA) and Jabhat al-Nusra terrorists, that effect was very short-lived as the Syrian Army’s retaliation is going strong and towns are falling like a deck of cards.

Source: al-Aalam and Russia Today Arabic

May 12th, 2013, 2:59 pm


revenire said:

Damn! The army is a flippin’ tear eating alive anything in its way. By the time the weaklings in the West have their stupid meeting this thing could very well be over. Wouldn’t that be funny?

After we secure the heartland we shall be paying a visit to the rodents nested in Raqqah. They know we are coming.

May 12th, 2013, 3:05 pm


dawoud said:

Another Israeli endorsement of Syria’s murderous dictator:

EX Israeli Mossad Director says that Bashar al-Assad is “Israel’s Man”
in Damascus!

KSA 17:06 – GMT 14:06
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May 12th, 2013, 3:05 pm


dawoud said:

…I just want to add that to my above comment that the headline says that Israel has informed Damascus dictator that Syria is “neutral,” which means that it does NOT support the Syrian revolution. No Surprise!

May 12th, 2013, 3:07 pm


Citizen said:

438. David !
Are you suffering from a disease of hatred? Mr. Hassan Nasr Allahh , even at hostile circles gain respect and believe him more than what they believe their leaders!A repeat video publishing work indicates a psychological problem you have? is not it? consider you an advocate the independence for Palestine! Come on!You always ask Freedom for Palestine! Why go to other addresses except Palestine!!!
looks like you are in the service at the Israelis masters !!!!!!!

May 12th, 2013, 3:08 pm


dawoud said:

…I meant Israel is “neutral”

May 12th, 2013, 3:08 pm


dawoud said:


Don’t get it wrong: His name, which is based on his hypocrisy and bloody behavior, is: Hasan Nasr’al-Shytan ??? ??? ???????

May 12th, 2013, 3:11 pm


dawoud said:

P.s., I forgot to add:
???? ???? ??? ??? ??? ???????

May 12th, 2013, 3:13 pm


ann said:

Robert Gates: Military action in Syria would be a ‘mistake’ –
Sunday, May 12, 2013

Former Secretary of Defense Robert Gates forcefully defended the Obama administration on Sunday against charges that it did not do enough to prevent the tragedy in Benghazi, telling CBS’ “Face the Nation” that some critics of the administration have a “cartoonish impression of military capabilities and military forces.”

Gates, a Republican who was appointed by then-President George W. Bush in 2006 and agreed to stay through more than two years of President Obama’s first term, repeatedly declined to criticize the policymakers who devised a response to the September 2012 attack on a U.S. diplomatic facility in Benghazi, Libya, that left four Americans dead, including the U.S. Ambassador to Libya, Chris Stevens.

“Frankly, had I been in the job at the time, I think my decisions would have been just as theirs were,” said Gates, now the chancellor of the College of William and Mary.

“We don’t have a ready force standing by in the Middle East, and so getting somebody there in a timely way would have been very difficult, if not impossible.” he explained.

Suggestions that we could have flown a fighter jet over the attackers to “scare them with the noise or something,” Gates said, ignored the “number of surface to air missiles that have disappeared from [former Libyan leader] Qaddafi’s arsenals.”

“I would not have approved sending an aircraft, a single aircraft, over Benghazi under those circumstances,” he said.

Another suggestion posed by some critics of the administration, to, as Gates said, “send some small number of special forces or other troops in without knowing what the environment is, without knowing what the threat is, without having any intelligence in terms of what is actually going on on the ground, would have been very dangerous.”

“It’s sort of a cartoonish impression of military capabilities and military forces,” he said. “The one thing that our forces are noted for is planning and preparation before we send people in harm’s way, and there just wasn’t time to do that.”

Gates said he could not speak to allegations that the State Department refused requests for additional security in the months prior to the attack. Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has been increasingly targeted for criticism by Republicans for her handling of the crisis and the government’s response, with some even raising the possibility that the State Department engineered a coverup to protect her political future.

But when Gates was asked whether he thought that might be a possibility, he replied flatly, “No.”

“I worked with Secretary Clinton pretty closely for two and a half years, and I wouldn’t want to try and be somebody…trying to convince her to say something she did not think was true,” he said, adding that he has not spoken with Clinton about the events in Benghazi.

Gates also defended the administration’s circumspect response to the ongoing civil war in Syria, saying that despite the obviously vexing threat of Syrian disintegration, it would be a “mistake” to think America should – or even could – play a more muscular role in shaping the outcome.

“I believe that we have misjudged the Arab Spring and the Arab revolutions,” Gates said. “We tend to forget that if you look back over the last 200, 250 years, the history of revolutions is not a pretty one.”

“I think in all of these countries, including Syria, you have the threat of civil war, the threat of these countries falling apart,” he said. “And for us to think we can influence or determine the outcome of that, I think, is a mistake. I thought it was a mistake in Libya. And I think it is a mistake in Syria.”

While calls for outright military intervention – “boots on the ground” – have not gained any traction among policymakers on either side of the aisle, many have suggested arming the rebels working to unseat Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. The United States is already providing nonlethal assistance to some rebel groups in Syria, and the administration has signaled that it is revisiting its earlier opposition to sending arms and munitions to rebel groups.

Gates, however, warned that “caution, particularly in terms of arming these groups and in terms of U.S. military involvement, is in order.”

Pressed on what further actions we could take to resolve the conflict in Syria, Gates noted that other powers in the region – some with a greater stake in the conflict’s resolution than America – are just as capable of stepping in.

“Why should it be us?” Gates asked.

If anything, he said, we could carefully select elements in Syria who align with American values and interests and “provide them with intelligence, with basic military equipment.”

“But I think our direct involvement and particularly our direct military involvement would be a mistake,” he said.

“Haven’t we learned that when you go to war, the outcomes are unpredictable?” Gates asked. “And anybody who says, ‘It’s gonna be clean. It’s gonna be neat’ …Well, most wars aren’t that way.”

“I oversaw two wars that began with quick regime change,” Gates recalled. “And we all know what happened after that.”

He said it was too early to tell whether the decision to enter Iraq in 2003 was a mistake, arguing that much depends on whether the country descends into chaos or emerges as a viable, secure, reasonably democratic power in the region.

The fact that we launched the war to contain weapons of mass destruction that turned out to be a mirage, Gates said, “will always taint” the decision to enter Iraq.


May 12th, 2013, 3:19 pm


ann said:

422. revenire said:

Long live the revolution!


That is one sick religion!!!!

May 12th, 2013, 3:42 pm


Dawoud said:

Bashar and Hasan Nasr’al-Shtan of Lebanon’s Hizbas$ are child-killers! Shame on them! Free Syria and Palestine!

May 12th, 2013, 3:43 pm


Citizen said:

452. ANN
Is it necessary to have the experience of Robert Gates to understand that the current lineups of the forces will make that starts subdued War? U.S. administration must prudence!Because if they decide to send the region into the hell, then it will pull them into the depths of hell!

May 12th, 2013, 3:43 pm


Dawoud said:

Go get Bashar and Hasan Nasr’al-Shytan because they are terrorists and did this:

May 12th, 2013, 3:45 pm


ann said:

423. zoo said:

Saudi court jails Lebanese man for helping woman to convert

A Saudi court sentences a Lebanese man for six years in prison and 300 lashes after convicting him of encouraging a Saudi Muslim woman to convert to Christianity
AFP , Sunday 12 May 2013

Democracy Obama Style!

May 12th, 2013, 3:46 pm


ann said:

FSA islamist terrorist beheading of syria government soldiers

May 12th, 2013, 3:56 pm


annie said:

A welcome initiative

432. Juergen said:

This is the israeli organization which helps syrian refugees.

Syrian refugees need all the help they can get whatever its origin

May 12th, 2013, 4:05 pm


Dolly Buster said:

If you try to use politeness, then Russians & Rafidah will mock you or even kill you. So you have to speak their own language, which is violence.

Right now we have pansy Obama pledging to Medvedev in secret that he will disarm the United States.

Trying to be friends like that, only invites aggression by Russia.

May 12th, 2013, 4:05 pm


ann said:

`isreali forces on the move

Lebanese sources: Intense Israeli air, ground and sea activity
DEBKAfile May 12, 2013, 4:16 PM (GMT+02:00)

Various Lebanese sources report intense Israeli military activity Sunday along the Israeli-Syrian and Lebanese borders. Witnesses describe Israeli warplanes as making aerial passes over south Lebanon, ground forces moving along the Golan border with Syria and attack helicopters flying over Mts Hermon and Dov and the Shaaba Farms.


May 12th, 2013, 4:06 pm


ghufran said:

This is what is left of the “revolution”:
????? ?????? ??? ??????? ???? ????? “???? ??????” ? “????? ???????” ?? ???? ???????? ????? ????? ????? ?? ??? ????? ???? ??????? ?????? ???????? ??????? ???? 122 ?? .
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???? “???? ???? ????” ?? “???? ??????” ???? ????? ????? “???????” ( ??”??????? ?????” . ??? ?? ???? ??? ????????? ????????? ??????? ? ??? ?? ???? ?????? ????? ??? ????? ???????? ?? ?????? ??????? .
???? ?? ???? ?? ????? “??????? ???? ??????” ?? “????????? ??????? ??????? ????? ????? ???? ?????” ? ????? “????? ??????? ?? ??? ????? ???????? ?????? ???? ????? ????????” ! ??? ??????? “?????? ?????? ??????? ??????? ???? ?????????” ? ???? ??? ????? “??????” ?? ?? ???????? “?????” .
???? ??????? ??? ?? ????? ?????? ??????? ????? ??? ???? ????? “?????????” ??????? ?? ????? ??? ????? 2011 ? ????? ?? ???? ??????? ???? ????? “?????????” ??????? ????????????? ???????? ??? ???? ??? ??? ??????? (?????? ????????) ??? ???? ????? ?????????
I am amazed at how many of you still do not understand why rebels failed to win critical support in areas like Aleppo and Damascus and only succeeded in changing the mind of whoever left of the anti regime syrians among minorities, the truth is that you can not make chicken soup from chicken poop (I just realized that my language is changing to get down to the level of most of your posts, I hope that this new poopish lingo will make my posts easier to understand).

May 12th, 2013, 4:16 pm


Dawoud said:

A Murderous Bloody Dictator:

May 12th, 2013, 4:46 pm


Citizen said:

Israel sets up ‘secret’ diplomatic mission in Persian Gulf
Israel established 11 new diplomatic missions worldwide between 2010 and 2012, the country’s Finance Ministry reported. Among them is a diplomatic mission in the Persian Gulf, but officials refuse to disclose its location.

The Finance Ministry’s budget for the next year, to be submitted for Cabinet approval this week, has revealed that Israel has created almost a dozen new missions around the world since 2010.

The Financial Ministry’s website mentioned Embassies in Ashgabat (Turkmenistan), Wellington (New Zealand), Accra (Ghana), Tirana (Albania) and the Caribbean, as well as consulates in Guangzhou (China), Sao Paolo (Brazil), Munich (Germany) and St. Petersburg (Russia), and a “diplomatic delegate to the Pacific.”

The ministry, however, refused to divulge information on a diplomatic mission reportedly set up in the Persian Gulf. “We cannot comment on this matter,” the Foreign Ministry said, as quoted by Haaretz.

To date, Israel has no formal diplomatic relations with the Arab Gulf States, comprised of Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.

Mark A. Heller, a Principal Research Associate at the Institute for National Security Studies in Tel Aviv, explained there is nothing unprecedented about Israel reaching out to the Arab Gulf States: “Diplomacy outreach is something that existed in the past between Israel and some of the Arab countries,” Heller told RT.

When asked the reason behind the renewal of diplomatic relations, Heller said the answer boiled down to one word: “Iran.” Better relations with the Arab Gulf States will facilitate “better coordination and analysis” when it comes to gauging the perceived Iranian threat, he said…………….

May 12th, 2013, 4:49 pm


Dawoud said:


. ???? ???? ????. ?? ???? ??? ??? ???????? ????????? ????? ????

May 12th, 2013, 5:04 pm


Dawoud said:

Grief and defiance as nine detained in connection with Reyhanl? bombings

Deputy Prime Minister Be?ir Atalay said initial findings suggest the attackers came from inside Turkey, but had links to Syria’s intelligence service. “We have to a great extent completed our work toward identifying the assailants,” he told reporters. “We have established that the assailants have links to the pro-regime al-Mukhabarat [intelligence] organization.”

May 12th, 2013, 5:13 pm


Hanzala said:

ummm..anyone seen the video of an FSA soldier eating the heart of an Assad soldier?

war can do some terrible things to a mans mind

May 12th, 2013, 5:16 pm


Dawoud said:

Thanks Egypt and Turkey. Free Syria and Palestine!

Egypt’s doors to Gaza wide open to Turkish PM Erdo?an: Egyptian PM
ISTANBUL – Hürriyet Daily News

Serkan [email protected]
The doors of Egypt to Gaza are wide open to Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdo?an, the Egyptian prime minister has said, noting that Erdo?an had repeated his intention to visit the enclave at the end of this month

May 12th, 2013, 5:17 pm


ghufran said:

Robert Gates, an ex SOD who is widely respected by both parties in washington spoke to CBS about Syria:

Gates defended the administration’s circumspect response to the ongoing civil war in Syria, saying that despite the obviously vexing threat of Syrian disintegration, it would be a “mistake” to think America should – or even could – play a more muscular role in shaping the outcome.
“I believe that we have misjudged the Arab Spring and the Arab revolutions,” Gates said. “We tend to forget that if you look back over the last 200, 250 years, the history of revolutions is not a pretty one.”
“I think in all of these countries, including Syria, you have the threat of civil war, the threat of these countries falling apart,” he said. “And for us to think we can influence or determine the outcome of that, I think, is a mistake. I thought it was a mistake in Libya. And I think it is a mistake in Syria.”
While calls for outright military intervention – “boots on the ground” – have not gained any traction among policymakers on either side of the aisle, many have suggested arming the rebels working to unseat Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. The United States is already providing nonlethal assistance to some rebel groups in Syria, and the administration has signaled that it is revisiting its earlier opposition to sending arms and munitions to rebel groups.
Gates, however, warned that “caution, particularly in terms of arming these groups and in terms of U.S. military involvement, is in order.”
(it makes a lot of sense now for Syrians to understand that nobody will come to their rescue if they want to continue to kill each other, the time is ripe for some sort of a deal which may not please everybody but the alternative is further destruction and blood shed)
I expect that many opposition groups will attend future conferences about Syria and start direct or indirect negotiation with the regime, this may include the MB, one group has already accepted the invitation:
???? ?????? ????? ????? ??????? ??????? ???? ??????? ?????????? ?? ?????? ??? ??? ??????? ?? ?????? ????????? ???????? ????????? ???? ?????? ?? ????? “???? 2”? ???? ??? ???? ????? ????????? ???????.
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Another group, The NC, will meet in Turkey on May 23rd to decide how to respond to this initiative.

May 12th, 2013, 5:21 pm


ziad said:

??????? ???????? ??? ?????

?? ????? ???? ??? ????? ????? ?????? ?????? ?????????? ???????? ??? ??? ???? ?????? ??????? ??????? ???????? ????????? ?? ??????? ???? ????? ?? ????? ????? ???????? ???? ????? ??????? ??? ?? ??? ???? ??? ????? ??????.

May 12th, 2013, 5:33 pm


Citizen said:

In 1998, Madeleine Albright called the U.S. “the indispensable nation.” In 2012, Obama repeated it. But 15 years of leadership in the U.S. have only led to the growth of the chaos in the world.

May 12th, 2013, 5:33 pm


Tara said:


What ramifications?

Come on. Get with program..

Erdogan will probably not stay put after Bashar killed 40 Turks. And Erdo’s response will hurt the regime and the regime alone.

May 12th, 2013, 5:37 pm


Dawoud said:

I will be travelling to Beirut, Hizbistan next week to do a university research on the implications of the Syrian conflict on Hizbistan (Lebanon). As you all know by now, I hate (I mean really hate the pro-dictator murderous Hasan Nasras$ or Hasan Nasr’al-Shytan ??? ??? ???????). Now, how can I spend a week in Beirut and NOT see anybody from the Terrorist murderous Hizbas$?

May 12th, 2013, 5:42 pm


revenire said:

What response? Loud barking?

Turkey has allowed its soil to be used as a base for terrorism against Syria. Any other view is wrong.

The ramifications from Turkey from the bombing she created will be no more, and no less, that Erdogan is already doing.

You are letting your emotions (I’d say just like a woman but I am not that way) get in the way of thinking. You were very excited when your Zionist allies hit Syria. Now you are hoping against hope Turkey will attack.

The crazy thing is that if you ever got the war you so badly want 10s of 1000s of Syrian civilians will die. People who don’t support the government or the opposition will die. The innocent always die in wars.

May 12th, 2013, 5:43 pm


revenire said:

Khatib – a coward through and through – details the mess the SNC is for those who didn’t know it already.

Add Idriss saying the government can’t be defeated militarily and we have a nice package.

These hyenas have backed losers.

May 12th, 2013, 5:45 pm


revenire said:

David just stay in Tel Aviv and problem solved.

May 12th, 2013, 5:47 pm


ghufran said:

?????? ???? :: ????? ?????? ???????? ???? ???? ??? ???? ???? ????? ???? ???? ??? ???????? ????? ??? ??????? ??????? ???????? ??????? ???????? ?????? ????? ??????? ?? ???? ?? ?????? ??????? ???????? ?? ??????

May 12th, 2013, 6:12 pm


zoo said:

A Turkish leftist organization opposed to the annexation of Hatay by Turkey in 1938 is supposed to be behind Banyas killings and Reyhanli bombing.

The point is there was somebody, technically still a Turkish citizen, Mihraç Ural, who was shown as the responsible party by The Times of London on May 10; there are videos of him available on YouTube as he speaks in Arabic and tries to agitate the militia around him that Baniyas should be cleansed of Sunnis as soon as possible.

The name is not alien to Turkish security circles. Ural was among the founders of an armed leftist group with the nickname “Acilciler” – the hasty ones – in the late 1970s and is responsible of a number of political murders, bank robberies and similar acts of terror.

Strange enough, the Hasties had been denounced by other and similar leftist groups as being the tool of the Syrian intelligence, even mocked as being the “liberation army of Hatay,” since a number of its members were from Hatay and of Nusayri origin. And the reference was to a 1938 plebiscite where “the Hatay people had made their choice to be a part of Turkey”, which has never been recognized by Syria.

Ural’s name and organization was mentioned by Turkish security and media right after a similar car bomb attack at Cilvegözü border gate with Syria on Feb. 11, killing 13 people. Government sources have said on a background basis that that all nine people detained after the attack were Turkish citizens belonging to the same group. It is another question what the Turkish National Intelligence Organization (M?T) and the police have been doing, if it is true that those people were being watched and their real aim was not Reyhanl? but Ankara, as is whispered by police sources after the terrible incident.

May 12th, 2013, 6:24 pm


Tara said:


Evil is a fair game to anyone who wants and can bring him down. The responsibility to protect is universal.

May 12th, 2013, 6:26 pm


zoo said:

#457 Reve

David is already in Tel-Aviv or close by.
A zionist is easily detectable especially when he inundates the blog with pro-palestinians videos to try to fool us.

May 12th, 2013, 6:29 pm


zoo said:

#480 Tara

Sorry you provided not a single medical reference to you false claims about epilepsy. You just throw hot air.

This is the list of geniuses with epilepsy

Newton, Bonaparte,Alexander the Great, Charles Dickens, Nobel, Michelangelo, Roosevelt, Peter the Great etc…

“Aristotle was apparently the first to connect epilepsy and genius”

May 12th, 2013, 6:46 pm


zoo said:

Turkish protesters blame govt. for blasts

Relatives cry as pallbearers carry the coffin of Fehmi Karaca, 69, a shop owner killed in Saturday™s bombings, for burial in Reyhanli, Turkey, Sunday, May 12, 2013.

Hundreds of people have gathered in the southern Turkish province Hatay to protest against Saturday™s twin car bombings, which killed 46 people and injured over a hundred others in the town of Reyhanli.

On Sunday, the protesters held banners calling on the United States to stop its intervention and meddling in Syria.

The protesters are blaming the Turkish government for the incident because of its support for armed groups inside Syria.

May 12th, 2013, 6:48 pm


Dawoud said:

If we want to analyze the latest terrorist bombing in Turkey, we should ask and important question: Who are the masters of car bombing terrorism? Answer: al-Assad’s Syria and Nasr’al-shytan’s Lebanon. Just remember who killed Rafiq al-Hariri and how!

Free Syria, Free Palestine, Bahrain is Arab Forever!

???? ???? ??? ???? ???? ??? ??????? ?????? ?????, ????? ???? ?????

May 12th, 2013, 6:51 pm


ann said:

The closest video to the twin explosions in occupied Iskandarun

Filmed by FSA Al-Qaeda camera man blaming Syria while documenting the aftermath of FSA Al-Qaeda EVIL

May 12th, 2013, 6:56 pm


zoo said:

As expected the SNC is reshuffling its leadership in preparation for the negotiations: Another unknown rabbit out of Qatar’s sleeves.

“Among the strongest contenders to replace Hitto is Ahmad Tomaa Kheder, a 48-year-old independent Islamist opposition leader from the eastern province of Deir Al Zor.”

Opposition will meet in Istanbul over peace process
May 13, 2013

AMMAN: Syria’s opposition coalition will meet in Istanbul on May 23 to decide whether to participate in a US and Russian-sponsored conference to try to end the Syrian civil war, coalition officials said on Sunday.

The coalition’s general assembly will also elect a new head of the Western and Gulf-backed coalition, and discuss the fate of provisional prime minister Ghassan Hitto, who has come under heavy criticism, the sources told Reuters.

“Everything will be decided in the general assembly meeting,” said one of the coalition officials.

May 12th, 2013, 7:01 pm


zoo said:

Syrians hold pro-Assad demonstration in Sidon
May 13, 2013 01:44 AM
The Daily Star

SIDON, Lebanon: Several hundred Syrian workers in Lebanon held a demonstration in support of President Bashar Assad and his allies Sunday in the city of Sidon.

Carrying a 2-meter Syrian flag, around 400 people chanted slogans in favor of Assad, Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah and Speaker Nabih Berri as they marched through the streets of Haret Saida, a majority-Shiite area.

“Erdogan is a monster in front of the giant Bashar,” the protesters chanted, referring to Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

The protesters carried pictures of Assad in military uniform with a caption that read: “Beware of [harming] Syria, you villains.”

Under the watch of Army personnel, the Syrian workers spoke out against the Syrian opposition, describing them as terrorists “and seeking to kill our brothers in Syria.”

“The protest is in solidarity with the Syrian people, Syria and Bashar Assad,” said Mohammad Ghayyas, who wrote the words “Oh Assad, here we come” on his son’s belly.

One protester said many of his friends decided to stop working Sunday to organize the march.

A pro-Assad protest is a rare occurrence in Sidon, where Sunni Islamist Sheikh Ahmad Assir has been holding demonstrations to support the Syrian opposition.

Read more:
(The Daily Star :: Lebanon News ::

May 12th, 2013, 7:03 pm


Dawoud said:

Palestinian caller from occupied Palestine calls in a TV Fundraising program for Syria to Donate All his money, which he saved for his medical treatment, in order to help the Syrians injured by the murderous Bashar, Iran, and Hasan Nasr’al-shytan ??? ??? ???????. Very moving indeed!

??????? ???? ??? ???? ????? ?????? ?????? ???? ???? ?????? ?? ??? ?????
????? ????
?? ??? ?? ???? ????? ?????

Free Syria, Free Palestine!

May 12th, 2013, 7:06 pm


ziad said:

?????? ?????? ??????? / ?? ????? ( ?????? ???? ) ?.. ?????????/????? ????? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ?????? ????? . ???? (???? ???????) ?????

??????? ??? ????????

May 12th, 2013, 7:06 pm


zoo said:

After Reyhanli attack Syrian refugees feel unwanted and prefer to go back to Syria..

Both locals and Syrian refugees living in Reyhanl? have started to flee from the border town, feeling insecure after a deadly bomb attack.

Local people’s rage at the bloody attack in Turkey’s town of Reyhanl? on the Syrian border has turned into an angry reaction against the Syrian refugees who were “locked in” their houses or had left a day after the attack.

Mahmud Abdul, a Syrian refugee, and his family, who came Turkey three months ago, left the town this morning, saying they would return to Syria through the Kilis border gate.

“The war inside Syria continues, but we are not safe here either, also the locals do not want us, we are being threatened,” Abdul told the Daily News. Hours later, he was seen emptying his house.

May 12th, 2013, 7:10 pm


ann said:

HAHAHAHAA! Once a paper tiger ALWAYS a paper tiger 😀 Just keep feeding him petrodollars!

Meanwhile he wants our boys and girls to setup a “nofly zone” over Syria for him!

Turkey not to be drawn into Syrian conflict: PM – 2013-05-13

ANKARA, May 12 (Xinhua) — Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan vowed Sunday that his country will not be dragged into the Syrian conflict after deadly car bombings struck a border town.

Erdogan said “we have to maintain our calm in the face of efforts and provocations that aim to drag us into the bloody quagmire in Syria.”


May 12th, 2013, 7:25 pm


Visitor said:

The biggest liar who is also the biggest idiot and who is also the worst delusional on this blog is Zoo.

This idiot is trying to associate epilepsy with genius!! None of the historical figures that this idiot cites suffered from the medical condition known as epilepsy.

Bashar is known since he was a kid to be mentally challenged, a dimwit, a buffoon and an idiot. That’s why he was sent abroad because he was deemed unfit. The diagnosed epilepsy that he is known to suffer from is yet another reason that he should be removed from Syria and then exterminated.

This idiot is a scandal upon Syria and the humanity as a whole. It should be made clear that the revolution has already defeated this epileptic invalid, and he is no longer relevant. The revolution is now fighting phase II against mullahstan and its stooge Hizbistsan and not the epileptic invalid. Soon the revolution will deal a resounding defeat to these intruders just as it defeated the invalid.

May 12th, 2013, 7:26 pm


Tara said:


Wallahi I did not want to do this.  I conceded (despite my knowledge otherwise) to cheer you up but you kept insisting so here you go:  

Psychiatric and cognitive disturbances are relatively common in epilepsy, especially in refractory epilepsy.[1, 2, 3]

Vuilleumier and Jallon estimated that 20-30% of patients with epilepsy have psychiatric disturbances..

Torta and Keller reported that the risk of psychosis in populations of patients with epilepsy may be 6-12 times that of the general population
Read more:

44% of patients with epilepsy have difficulty in learning.  45% thought they were slow thinkers

Read much much more. 😉

May 12th, 2013, 7:30 pm


ann said:

Syrians are going home

Syria warns entry into Golan Heights after Israeli airstrike – 2013-05-13

DAMASCUS, May 12 (Xinhua) — The Syrian government has warned Israel that it would enter the occupied Golan “whenever it wants because it’s a Syrian land,” a warning that came a week after the latest Israeli airstrike against military positions in the capital Damascus.

The comments were made by Information Minister Omran al-Zoubi on Sunday during which he said that the recent Israeli airstrike against Syria had violated the pertaining international accords. Therefore, he added, Syria has the right to behave in the Golan ” because it’s a Syrian property.”

“Golan is a Syrian Arab land and will remain so even if the Israeli army is stationing there. We have the right to enter it and go out of it whenever we want and in the way we like,” he said.


May 12th, 2013, 7:32 pm


ziad said:

People of Turkey demanding the stop of the hostile policy pursued by the AKP government towards Syria

May 12th, 2013, 8:02 pm


Dawoud said:

Hizbistan’s (Lebanon’s) Hizb’al-Shytan ??? ??????? is, as always, THREATENING Lebanese politicians if the PM designee forms a cabinet!
«??? ????» ???? ?? «????? ?????????» ??? ??? ???? ?????? ?? «?????????»
?????? ??? ??? – «??????»
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??? ?? ????????? ??????? ????? ???? ??? ???? ????? ??????? ????????? ???? ??????? ???????? ??? ???????? ???? ????? ??

May 12th, 2013, 8:15 pm


majedkhaldoun said:

`isreali forces on the move,Ann said
Ann is Asshead going to respond to Israeli attack?

Everyone in the USA is saying intervention will not change the outcome, The outcome they talk about is the civil war, they are not talking about Asshead fate,they all say he will be out or he will be killed

Possum Revenir go back to playing with your rats

Zoo said Erdogan colon cancer is dormant, what do you mean?

May 12th, 2013, 8:46 pm


Dawoud said:


?? ?? ????: ?? ???? ???? ????? ??? ????? ?? ?? ?????? ?????????. ??? ?????? ??? ????? ?? ????? ?????? ?? ????? ??? ???? ??? ???????. ??????? ?? ?????? ?? ????? ?????? ????? ?????? ??????. ?? ????? ?? ???? ????? ????????, ???? ?? ???? ??? ????. ???? ???? ??? ?????? ???????? ?????? ?? ???? ?????.
???? ??? ??? ??? ???? ??????? ??? ??????? ???? ????????. ??????! ????? ???? ??? ?????? ???? ??? ???? ????? ??? ???? ??????. ???? ???? ???????

May 12th, 2013, 8:56 pm


Tara said:


You do not need validation from any one. It is very obvious that you are Palestinian and from day one.

May 12th, 2013, 9:04 pm


dawoud said:

Thanks Tara, and I actually don’t care about any of them. I just told him to comment in accordance with his beliefs. No need to argue with those who would never abandon Bashar and Hasan even if they see them with their own eyes killing and torturing.

May 12th, 2013, 9:14 pm


revenire said:

David I can’t speak for anyone else but I *like* seeing rats being killed and tortured.

May 12th, 2013, 9:37 pm


revenire said:

Oops. He won’t be seeing Tel Aviv again.

(love the Clint Eastwood touches on these)

May 12th, 2013, 9:52 pm


ziad said:

????????: ??? ???? ???????.. ???? ????? ???? ??? ???????? ?????????? ???????!

May 12th, 2013, 9:54 pm


MarigoldRan said:

The war continues. Other than trashing the retard, there’s really not much else to say.

May 12th, 2013, 9:55 pm


ann said:

Ban Thanks Qatar for Kidnapping’s End, AFP Doesn’t Ask Why, Channels Ladsous

By Matthew Russell Lee

UNITED NATIONS, May 11 — When the release of UN Peacekeepers by the Yarmouk Martys Brigade was credited to Qatar by UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, the obvious question raised was and is:

what are Qatar’s relations with the kidnappers and kidnapping?

It is not surprising that UN’s in-house UN News Service would leave this questions unasked, and instead flash back to a rare press availability — back in March — by UN Peacekeeping’s reclusive chief Herve Ladsous.

(This is become a cult of personality: for this kidnapping, it was UN Peacekeeping’s Edmond Mulet, not the missing in action, air brushed in, Ladsous who briefed the Security Council.)

On Qatar, Ban, the ultimate boss of UN News Service, named the petro-state’s former ambassador to head his “Alliance of Civilizations,” and Qatar is bidding big money to acquire the headquarters of the UN system’s International Civilian Aviation Organization as well as UN Women.

But tellingly, when ostensibly independent Agence France Presse got around to typing up Ban’s thanks to Qatar, it did not ask the obvious question either. Instead, with a UN dateline, and as is typical using anonymous diplomatic — read, French — sources, AFP reported

“‘This time the rebels felt under pressure and took more convincing to free the soldiers,’ said a UN diplomat, speaking on condition of anonymity. ‘Qatar’s role was important.'”

What was Qatar’s role IN the kidnapping? AFP doesn’t ask.

Instead AFP runs a quote from a spokesperson for Ladsous, on whose behalf AFP’s Tim Witcher has filed complaints against Inner City Press, first within the UN Correspondents Association (which Inner City Press left, once it became the UN’s Censorship Alliance, and co-founded the Free UN Coalition for Access), then on March 8, 2013 with the UN.

Witcher claimed that by asking a question, Inner City Press “abused” Ladsous, who is the fourth Frenchman in a row to head UN Peacekeeping.

Once this and Ladsous’ role in the Rwanda genocide as France Deputy Permanent Representative at the UN arguing for the escape of the genocidaires into Eastern Congo were noted, Ladsous began refusing to answer any Inner City Press questions, video here.

Now when peacekeepers are killed, as in the past week in Abyei and Congo, Ladsous does not even like his predecessor Alain Le Roy hold any question and answer stakeout. His spokespeople issue selective information, here, to AFP. And AFP does not ask even the most basic questions.


May 12th, 2013, 9:57 pm


revenire said:

For all the friends who said it didn’t happen. Here is one of the head rats saying it did. I love how he blames the FSA.

May 12th, 2013, 10:09 pm


Ghufran said:

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The report ignored the fact that most Syrians just want an end to the war even if the next president of Syria will be Lady Gaga

May 12th, 2013, 10:29 pm


Dawoud said:

Free Syria, Free Palestine!

May 12th, 2013, 10:40 pm


Dawoud said:

I just finished Watching an Al-Jazeera English documentary on the Palestinian al-Nakbah. One can clearly see that Palestinians’ struggle against European colonialism, including the European Jewish immigration began almost 100 years ago! Syrians, who have lived under Arabs’ worst dictatorship in modern history for over 40 years-including 2 years of a courageous anti-dictator revolution, should NEVER give up. Palestinians have not given up, and will never do so despite what we hear from their corrupt leaders. Syrians will sooner or later prevail.

May 12th, 2013, 10:49 pm


ann said:

With Syria Under Attack `israel is Free To Do Whatever it Wants 😉

Arab League holds emergency meeting in Cairo, Egypt – 2013-05-13

Nabil El-Arabi, secretary general of the Arab League (AL), speaks to the media after the Arab League emergency meeting at the level of permanent delegates to discuss the latest Israeli assaults on Al-Aqsa mosque, one of the three most sacred mosques for Muslims, at the AL headquarters in Cairo, May 12, 2013.


May 12th, 2013, 10:49 pm


ann said:

Syria’s seat is seen empty during the Arab League (AL) emergency meeting at the level of permanent delegates to discuss the latest Israeli assaults on Al-Aqsa mosque, one of the three most sacred mosques for Muslims, at the AL headquarters in Cairo, May 12, 2013.

May 12th, 2013, 10:53 pm


Dawoud said:

Abu Fadl al-Abbas Brigade is a TERRORIST Shia or Shiite group, whose members are Shia terrorists from Iraq, Lebanon, Iran, and Bahrain. The Iraqi Shia members of this terrorist group are recruited from Iraq, sent to Iran for training, and then flown on Iranian planes (which are advertised by al-Maliki and Iran as carrying “humanitarian” cargo) over Iraqi airspace-thanks to George W. Bush’s war-to Damascus.

Free Syria and Palestine!

May 12th, 2013, 11:02 pm


Dawoud said:

…So the RT report about the terrorist Abu Fadl al-Abbas Brigade is MISLEADING because it says that this terrorist brigade is made of “volunteers from ALL Islamic sects,” which is not true. There are NO SUNNI Muslims in this terrorist brigade.

May 12th, 2013, 11:08 pm


revenire said:

Most of the army is Sunni David. The overwhelming majority of them are patriotic Sunnis that relish killing the rats.

That bothers you a lot.

May 12th, 2013, 11:34 pm


Juergen said:

If you think you have heard all the lies by this regime, then hear this one:

Sharif Ish hadeh, Member of Parliament and assad the mouthpiece of Assad’s regime, says this about the attacks in the Turkish border town of Reyhanli: “These two car bombs were actually on their way to Syria. But by mistake they have exploded in Reyhanli. Erdogan has send them himself. Erdogan is a terrorist. The Turkish people must rise up against him ”

Well actually there were three bombs. So a mistake is precisly happend three times, and precisly in front of the town hall, and in front of the post office. What a joke.

May 13th, 2013, 12:07 am


revenire said:

Juergen volunteer with your Zionist rat-brothers for jihad. They’re running out of men!

May 13th, 2013, 12:23 am


Dolly Buster said:

Bashar will be skinned alive and his cadaver dropped off in front of the Moscow Kremlin.

May 13th, 2013, 12:34 am


revenire said:


May 13th, 2013, 12:53 am


ghufran said:

Any explanation on how the Syrian army is making advances in Aleppo which has thousands of rebel fighters?
Few people mentioned that Hizbullah is fighting in Homs but are they in Aleppo too?
We may get to the point where the only military activities rebels perform are car bombs and assassinations which are not enough to topple the regime but they are more than enough to reduce whatever public support they may have, the right thing to do for Nusra fighters is to leave Syria and head south or go back to where they came from, and for non Nusra fighters is to understand that this war will only benefit Israel and it needs to stop, I see no reason for any Syrian rebel to join Nusra unless making a buck is why they revolted in the first place. Syrian rebels who carried arms to defend their families and villages should ask their leaders what is the plan now and where this war is going, the only change since the beginning of the year was that FSA fighters are switching to Nusra which is now claiming the throne and taking the lead, this trend, along with the Syrian army advances, was detected by western intel and led to a shift in US policy, that shift does not mean the US will stop supporting rebels, military pressure was always a tool in the hands of politicians, but I do not see how Obama can justify any meaningful military support for the rebels to American citizens who are decisively against pouring money and arms on this war,any approach to the rebels should focus on not negotiating with Nusra-Al-Qaeda factions but allow others a peaceful way out, we had enough blood shed, and even if the war stops tomorrow I am not sure if Syria can stand again as one country with one governmnet, my main concern was and still is the loss of lives, I am afriad that the families of those who died from both sides will never see justice and may not be properly compensated, shame on everybody who played a role in killing Syrians and transforming Syria into a haven for thugs and criminals.

May 13th, 2013, 1:24 am


Hanzala said:

Rebels cut the secondary road built by the government linking Damascus to Aleppo, after the first one was taken by the rebels.


Syrian rebels cut Aleppo-Damascus desert road

A Syrian activist says rebels have been able to cut a newly built desert road linking the capital Damascus with the northern city of Aleppo.

Rami-Abdul-Rahman, who heads the Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, said on Saturday rebels took over two Army posts on the road near Aleppo after days of fighting.

The regime built the desert road as a backup route after rebels captured the town of Maaret al-Numan in October cutting the main highway between the country’s two largest cities.

May 13th, 2013, 1:42 am


Ameera said:

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May 13th, 2013, 2:02 am


Ameera said:

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May 13th, 2013, 2:23 am


Ameera said:

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*Your comment is awaiting moderation.*

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May 13th, 2013, 2:27 am


MarigoldRan said:

The rebels are guerrillas. That means they give ground anytime they’re confronted by a stronger force. And return when the Assadists evacuate.

The Assadists can make gains, but they can’t hold them. And whatever Al Nusra may be, they’re BETTER than the Assadists. The trick here is NOT to be an angel. The trick here is to be considered BETTER than your opponents. The atrocities committed by the Assadists and their indiscriminate bombing are excellent media fodder for the rebels and have turned most of the country against them.

As I’ve said before: the war continues. The more indiscriminate violence and atrocities the Assadists commit, the stronger the rebels become! This is the power of guerrilla war.

May 13th, 2013, 3:18 am


MarigoldRan said:

Syria has been a haven for criminals the last 40 years: the Assadists!

May 13th, 2013, 3:25 am


Badr said:

Cameron and Obama’s endless Syria conundrum

Mark Mardell
BBC, North America editor

“Don’t hold your breath for any great new announcements.”

I get the impression that the US and Europe will go along with what they privately regard as a bit of a charade [a peace conference] only because they have no better ideas.
. . .
Enthusiasts insist it [arming the rebels] isn’t that difficult – find the right sort of rebels and give them the weapons they need. But as one insider put it to me: “What if we give the minority we trust the good stuff and five miles down the road they run into a road block and Islamist nutters take it off them? How does that help?”

No-one has any particularly good answers to this conundrum.

May 13th, 2013, 3:56 am


Juergen said:

Bling Bling Ayatollah Khamenei

To the outside world the Grand Ayatollah Khamenei is a poor clergy men, without an official income he is known to be so poor that he often has to asks friends for money. That might be the image the Ayatollah wants to world and his pious countrymen to see, now an iranian businessmen has for the first time talked about repression and about the corruption by the religious charity organizations and institutions. Last week he issued a statement in which he expressed his hope that the newly elected president will fight more against corruption does not mean his own businesses, they seem to work pretty fine.

Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei… A Multi-Billionaire And BMW Car Dealer?

“Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, the Supreme Leader of Iran, apparently has a number of surprising side ventures apart from running the Islamic Republic.

An investment firm that Khamenei controls has been accused of forcibly taking over an Iranian company that is the nation’s biggest dealer of German automobiles.”

May 13th, 2013, 5:05 am


Akbar Palace said:

Reverse’s “Zionist” label excuse doesn’t wash NewZ

Juergen volunteer with your Zionist rat-brothers for jihad.


Whenever someone disagrees with you, they suddenly become a “Zionist”?

You accuse everyoone who disagrees with you as being a Zionist, but for the life of me, I haven’t seen one pro-Israel comment on this website.

Just a suggestion, but you may want to find better argument.

Actually, when Assad falls, Israel will be MORE vulnerable to attack. Explain that.

May 13th, 2013, 6:53 am


Akbar Palace said:

I just finished Watching an Al-Jazeera English documentary on the Palestinian al-Nakbah. One can clearly see that Palestinians’ struggle against European colonialism, including the European Jewish immigration began almost 100 years ago!


FYI, just over half of all Israel Jews are Sephardi and MIzrachi. Don’t forget them! And that even includes a million Russian immigrants. It certainly wasn’t “all” “European Jewish Immigration”. It was also immigration from muslim countries.

Just to remind you, only Israel has negotiated with the Palestinians in order to create a Palestinian state. When Jordan and Egypt had control of the West Bank and Gaza, respectively, they offered no land to the Palestinians. I hope you understand this. I hope Israel and the Palestinians can return to the negotiating table to finalize an agreement.

Syrians, who have lived under Arabs’ worst dictatorship in modern history for over 40 years-including 2 years of a courageous anti-dictator revolution, should NEVER give up. Palestinians have not given up, and will never do so despite what we hear from their corrupt leaders. Syrians will sooner or later prevail.

In terms of refugees, deaths, and destruction, the Syrian “Nakba” was just as bad and even worse than the Palestinian Nakba.



May 13th, 2013, 7:09 am


Dolly Buster said:

I like Isaac Mizrahi, he’s a riot.

103. zoo said: Intervention Will Only Make it Worse
By Zbigniew BrzezinskiMay 08, 2013

Well Zbig is a known commie enabler.
I remember few years ago he said Russia had a free media.

May 13th, 2013, 9:11 am


Akbar Palace said:

Dolly Buster,

Agreed, Zib is kookoo.

Although born is the USA, Isaac comes from a Syrian family.

May 13th, 2013, 9:26 am


Akbar Palace said:

Nejad’s Spanking is Possible

Dolly Buster.

Here’s another laugh from al-Arabiya. This should be his punishment for fighting for the despot Athad…

May 13th, 2013, 9:49 am


zoo said:

493. Tara

So what? These medical statistics do not preclude that the patient could a genius…
Your view is narrow. Genius does not mean being in good health.
The long list of genius with handicaps prove it.

May 13th, 2013, 9:57 am


revenire said:

“Well Zbig is a known commie enabler.
I remember few years ago he said Russia had a free media.”

On the contrary, Brzezinski is the architect of the so-called Arc of Crisis policy and one of the creators of Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan. This was also known as the Bernard Lewis Plan, among other things.

You certainly don’t know history very well.

The idea was to use Islamic fundamentalism against the former Soviet Union. The Muslim-dominated states of the former USSR were called the “soft underbelly” of the USSR. The “holy warriors” were backed in Afghanistan and we all know how that worked out – decades later the region is in chaos with multiple wars and hundreds of thousands dead.

In the greater Middle East and southwest Asia, the policy was to promote balkanization of the entire Muslim Near East along tribal and religious lines.

Sectarian war.

If you have weak, tiny, mini-states – as is being proposed for Syria – they are easy to control.

Really sloppy thinking from you Dolly and proves you’re one of the proverbial jokers here being strung along like a puppet by forces you don’t understand.

Seeing as you seem to see “commies” under every bed, I will throw you a Marxist bone: Lenin (if he is the one who coined the term) would have called you a useful idiot.

May 13th, 2013, 10:10 am


zoo said:

#492 Visitor

Pfuit!! you’re spitting of rage as you are writing…

May 13th, 2013, 10:25 am


revenire said:

Turkish F-16 down! Did Syria shoot another Turkish fighter jet down? Will the Ottoman dog respond?

May 13th, 2013, 10:25 am


zoo said:


For Dolly, even mother Theresa was a “commie”

May 13th, 2013, 10:29 am


zoo said:

After loosing key access routes, Jordan is opening up a new route for Qatar and KSA’s weapons to enter Syria. Is the King blackmailed by the rich arab countries, or is it just a rumor to boost the failing spirit of the rebels after their successive defeats

Syrian regime in control of disputed southern town, says activist group

Syrian Observatory for Human Rights says rebels have been dealt setback in effort to force path through Deraa province
Associated Press, Monday 13 May 2013 14.59 BST

Syrian troops have taken control of a town near the main road linking the capital, Damascus, with Jordan, an advance in the regime’s campaign to drive rebels from the south, an activist group has said.

Rebels seeking to topple President Bashar al-Assad are trying to carve a pathway from the Jordanian border through the southern province of Deraa in what is seen as their best chance of capturing Damascus.

A few weeks ago they scored significant gains but suffered setbacks after the regime launched a counteroffensive.

In recent days, regime troops and rebel fighters have battled over Khirbet Ghazaleh. Regime forces retook the town near the Damascus-Jordan road on Sunday and rebels withdrew from the area, said Rami Abdul-Rahman, the head of the Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.

Troops reopened the road, restoring the supply line between Damascus and Deraa city, the contested provincial capital, he said. Regime forces were carrying out raids and searching homes in Khirbet Ghazaleh on Monday.

Damascus, still overwhelmingly under regime control, is the ultimate prize in a largely deadlocked civil war. Rebels control large parts of the countryside in northern Syria, but those areas are further away from the capital than the Jordanian border.

Arab officials and western military experts have said Middle Eastern powers opposed to Assad have stepped up weapons supplies to Syrian rebels, with Jordan opening up as a new route.

May 13th, 2013, 10:43 am


Sami said:

Well to you had Mother Theresa spoken out against your hero’s handiwork you would’ve labeled her an 3ar3ouri Salafist.

It is absolutely sickening to read your adulation to a mass murderer. It is criminal.

May 13th, 2013, 10:48 am


zoo said:

Obama’s month of truth

Obama faces tough decisions on Syria as pressure for intervention mounts

As the president prepares to meet the prime ministers of Britain and Turkey, what are his options on the Syrian civil war?

Even if a conference is held, there would be difficult problems. What rebel groups would be invited? Would rebels agree to a compromise government that left Assad involved?

Amid scepticism over whether a peace conference will work, the Obama administration’s next best option is to see Assad, above, and his immediate circle forced to leave Syria, leaving the rump of his government in place. This rump would provide, from a US viewpoint, a group that it could work with, preferred to rebel groups that are strongly Islamist.

Arab countries close to the US have maintained links with senior figures in the Assad government, encouraging them to stay in place. Assuming Assad was to leave, the rump government would still have to reach an accommodation with the rebels.

Erdogan supports a no-fly zone because it would at least protect civilians in rebel-controlled areas from air attack. But it would consolidate the rebel hold on parts of the country, making eventual fragmentation more likely. No-fly zones could also see US planes come under attack from Syrian air defences

May 13th, 2013, 11:01 am


revenire said:

Sami every dead rat is a blow struck against the Zionist Entity.

May 13th, 2013, 11:05 am


zoo said:

Syrian army takes villages near Qusayr

Military halts operations in town to allow civilians to leave safely
Published: 16:54 May 13, 2013
Gulf News

Western Dumayna, Syria: Government troops captured three villages in the strategic Qusayr area of Homs province on Monday, allowing them to cut supply lines to rebels inside Qusayr town, a military officer told AFP.

“The attack on the villages of Western Dumayna, Haidariyah and Esh Al Warwar began this morning,” the lieutenant colonel said on condition of anonymity. “The fighting lasted for three hours until we established control over these villages, which are considered strategic because they lie on the road between the cities of Homs and Qusayr and will allow us to block supplies to the militants in Qusayr.”

May 13th, 2013, 11:06 am


zoo said:

‘Assad must go’: Western-Gulf intransigence bulwarks peace in Syria
By Nile Bowie

For anyone who has been critical of the Western narrative on Syria, the ongoing diplomatic circus begs a very basic question: How can the countries that have bankrolled and armed the insurgency honestly broker a meaningful peace deal? Well, they can’t.

The joint effort recently announced by Moscow and Washington to bring the government and insurgents to an international conference in line with the Geneva Communiqué is a welcoming development, but some major issues have already come to the fore.

There is an ongoing disagreement over who should represent the opposition in a Syrian peace process; in addition to the blatant Qatari proxies in the Syrian National Coalition, Russia has requested that the National Coordinating Body also be present. In stark contrast to the foreign-based SNC (lined with figures who have spent the past few decades in the West), the NCB is the internal opposition, and it has caught a lot of flak because it opposes the armed uprising and also talks to the Syrian government.

Let’s be clear – before this conflict started in 2011, Assad oversaw a political system that was certainly authoritarian. The economy was stagnant, the state poorly handled overpopulation issues, the agricultural sector was suffering from long periods of drought. When Bashar Assad took over from his father, he granted more political breathing space to dissidents, and then back-pedalled on reforms when popular movements fast took shape. In combating the insurgency, Syrian forces killed many of their own citizens in the crossfire. No matter what anybody thinks of Assad, it is not the place of Washington, London, or Doha to decide his political fate.

Bashar al-Assad, for better or for worse, heads the legitimate government of Syria, and excluding him from any peace talks or transitional government will simply negate the success of peace efforts. If Assad faces an opposition coalition in the scheduled 2014 elections, and international monitors confirm his victory with a fair democratic majority, can anyone expect those sharks and vultures of the NATO-GCC bloc to respect the people’s choice? But let’s not get ahead of ourselves just yet.

May 13th, 2013, 11:14 am


revenire said:

Erdogan will find a way to blame Assad for this too. 🙂

HNN Homs News Network

Contact with a Turkish F-16 jet fighter that was flying over the Amanos Mountains in the southern province of Osmaniye near the Syrian border was lost at around 2.15 p.m. today.

“We have received information that the jet crashed in the Yarpuz region of the Amanos Mountains in the direction toward Hatay,” Osmaniye Gov. Celalettin Cerrah said, Anatolia news agency has reported.
Villagers living near the Yarpuz plateau confirmed that they had heard a big noise like an explosion, according to Do?an news agency.

The Yarpuz plateau is located 30 kilometers away from Osmaniye’s provincial center.

However, a military source said the jet might have crashed near the foot of the Amanos Mountains close to the ?skenderun Radar Base.

The pilot sent a message saying “I’m jumping” before radio contact was lost, according to a written statement from the Turkish Armed Forces.

The jet, which is based at the 5th Main Jet Command in the northern province of Amasya, was performing a mission flight over the area.

A search and rescue mission to locate the pilot and the plane is continuing with difficulty due to heavy fog. Gov. Celalettin Cerrah also said a search to locate the ruins of the jet were continuing.

A Turkish military plane was shot down off of Syria’s Mediterranean coast by Syria in June 2012, leaving two soldiers dead …


May 13th, 2013, 11:22 am


zoo said:

Is the SNC squeezed by international pressure and desperate to survive, preparing for a necessary survival flip by changing the ‘never’ to ‘maybe’?

Syria Opposition May Attend Talks Involving Assad Aides

Salman Shaikh, director of the Brookings Institution’s Doha Center in Qatar, said the “natural conclusion” of the coalition statements is that the opposition may have been pressured by outside powers to start negotiating with the Assad regime.

“Up till now their legitimacy has come from the international community’s recognition of them as representatives of the Syrian people,” Shaikh said. “With that in mind, yes they can come under pressure because this is their main source of support.”

The “international community is scrambling now to find a way to deescalate the situation,” he added in a phone interview from Morocco.

May 13th, 2013, 11:47 am


annie said:

Have we shared this already ? The super henchman of Banias ?
Damn him, his family, his ancestors and all his descendants

May 13th, 2013, 11:52 am


zoo said:

#543 Sami

Go on worshiping Al Nusra and other criminals groups funded by kind-heart Qatar and KSA and who keep killing and displacing Syrians.

That may make you feel less sick.

May 13th, 2013, 12:01 pm


revenire said:

Assad is holding all the cards: on the ground the army is decimating the rats, in the international arena the rats will never put forward anyone who they will all agree on. It is very much a matter of who would the government negotiate with. I am sure the government is smirking at the idea of Hitto or another hand-puppet of the West coming to negotiate. They must be laughing now that the opposition has dropped the idea Assad must leave. Anyone who thinks negotiations would entail a new government minus Assad is delusional in the extreme. The army didn’t lose 10s of 1000s of men to only surrender to the West in the end.

I am against negotiations. I believe the army has to crush the rats totally and finally.

May 13th, 2013, 12:03 pm


zoo said:

Khirbet Ghazaleh is secure controlled

A Syrian rights group says government forces have ousted rebels from a southern town on a strategic highway connecting Damascus to the Jordanian border.

The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said troops loyal to President Bashar al-Assad secured control of Khirbet Ghazaleh on Monday. The Syrian government has been waging a counteroffensive against rebels in the southern province of Daraa in recent days, reversing some rebel gains made earlier this month.

Rebels have been trying to seize territory in Daraa to secure supply routes from Jordan, which opposes Assad, and to move closer to his seat of power in Damascus.

May 13th, 2013, 12:09 pm


Juergen said:

Not only this Al Bahsin family will dance when the reign of the Assads and Al Bath will end in Syria

May 13th, 2013, 12:17 pm


Juergen said:

John Stewart on Syria:

May 13th, 2013, 12:20 pm


zoo said:

#552 Reve

Hitto is on his way back to his villa with swimming pool in Texas.
A new Islamist guy is going to be elected on the 23rd May.

“Among the strongest contenders to replace Hitto is Ahmad Tomaa Kheder, a 48-year-old independent Islamist opposition leader from the eastern province of Deir al-Zor.”

It is not clear elected to what job.: The PM of the moribund embryo “interim liberated areas government” in exile, or the new SNC leader as Sabra is holding an interim position.

Who is this guy? another Qatar’s MB candidate? or a ‘tamed’ one who would accept to negotiate with Bashar al Assad?

May 13th, 2013, 12:26 pm


Mina said:

Since you’re in Germany, could you ask Haytham Maleh’s son in Berlin what happened to the 30 millions his father has received for the opposition? People say that the son ate almost half!

May 13th, 2013, 12:27 pm


revenire said:

Ha ha. That’s a LOT of eating!

May 13th, 2013, 12:32 pm


Juergen said:

I bet someone here will state that this is not religious hatred expressed by this lunatic sheikh…

May 13th, 2013, 12:38 pm


majedkhaldoun said:

During a joint news conference with Cameron at the White House, the president just said that if talks can lead to Assad’s departure and an “intact” Syrian state that respects the rights of minorities, that’s “not just good for us, but good for everybody.”

May 13th, 2013, 12:42 pm


Juergen said:


compared to the annual spending of the Mubarak clan, we talk about peanuts dont we?

Let me guess who gave you this information, an old angry arab men?

May 13th, 2013, 12:43 pm


Tara said:


You are twisting what I said. I did not say geniuses have to be in good health. I said that epileptics are more likely to have cognitive dysfunction than to be geniuses. Now there are some who has epilepsy and are geniuses but AS A GENERAL RULE, they are more likely to have cognitive dysfunction. You dismissed my statement as hot air and asked for a proof. I provided you with 2 reviews.

So Batta is more likely to have learning difficulties than to be a genius.

Sorry Zoo but you need to concede when you are proven wrong.

May 13th, 2013, 12:46 pm


apple_mini said:

I have not been expecting any major military development from SAA. The recent gains by SAA in Homs, Damascus suburban towns and Deraa came with no surprise.

SAA has been executing their strategies and plannings in a very rational way. The path of the war is taking its natural course in favor of those who are better equipped, trained and directed. And do not forget the political loss on the rebel and opposition side.

Yet, the SAA is not ready to take Aleppo back due to the sheer number of rebels and their entrenched position inside the city. Aleppo is better to be saved and freed on political front.

The mood of population in Lattakia is getting more relaxed. Every night, streets are packed by people, especially young people. It is quite a scene. You need to constantly maneuver your path in order not to literally bump into other people. Also a brisk walk demands constantly fighting against reckless drivers. Now it is in the peak of roasted fresh chickpeas season. It won’t last long so we better hurry to indulge ourselves.

People are still occupied by the war in their mind. But the fighting is getting more remotely in their lives and they are counting on SAA to do the job.

The opposition would better be hurry to participate national dialogue and take better position in negotiation before its better position is slipping away further.

Personally, I do not like to see the regime gets pumped with more confidence and dominance. The country needs a real change. The regime cannot be the only force to make it happen. I simply do not trust them that much and I want to see the opposition not only bringing in fresh air, but also real momentum.

May 13th, 2013, 1:02 pm


majedkhaldoun said:

Juergen 556
Shiaa are weirdo, is that their religion teaching?,

May 13th, 2013, 1:03 pm


Dawoud said:


This idiot Sheik or cleric is Shia or Shiitte. He is the most hateful anti-Sunni propagandist. Sometimes he says the truth when he clarifies that many Shia figures, including Hasan Nasr’al-Shytan of Lebanon’s Hizbas$, say conciliatory statements only to hide behind the “Taqiah,’ which is a Shia religious tradition of saying something in public while in reality you believe in something else. This filthy cleric is still less dangerous and filthy than Hasan Nasr’al-shytan and other Shias who lies about their real beliefs.

Your favorite Israel also believes in taqiah when its leaders say that they believe in “peace,” while in reality they intend to colonize and steal the small portion that’s left of Palestinians’ stolen homeland.

May 13th, 2013, 1:07 pm


zoo said:

The expats-dominated SNC appears to have no choice other than to participate together with the local Syrian opposition groups including the NCB and face a delegation from the Syrian government nominated by Bashar Al Assad who will remain in power probably until future elections

Syria opposition: consult allies before peace push

Even so, it appears unlikely the largely exile-based SNC would refuse to take part, especially if its regional allies back the conference. U.S. diplomats have met with Arab leaders to ensure the opposition will get on board.

A smaller opposition coalition of 16 groups with roots in Syria will take part in peace talks, its leader, Hassan Abdul-Azim, told the Beirut-based Al-Mayadeen TV on Monday. Speaking from Damascus, he said coalition members were invited by the Russian ambassador to Syria.

The National Coordination Body for Democratic Change in Syria has been tolerated by the regime, though several of its senior figures are in jail. The group has long called for talks on a peaceful transition.

Work on logistics for the conference is underway.

Arab League chief Nabil Elaraby said over the weekend that Syria has given its list of attendees to its ally Russia. There was no immediate Syrian government comment.

Elaraby said the international envoy to Syria, Lakhdar Brahimi, is working on the setting up the conference, but no date has been set. Initially, the U.S. and Russia said it should be held by the end of the month.

May 13th, 2013, 1:12 pm


Juergen said:


No as far as I know this fella represents a small despicable group, its definatly not mainstream. But some here always point out the hate towards the shia, I thought its time to see that also there is hate toward the sunni faith within some shia groups.

May 13th, 2013, 1:22 pm


zoo said:

#562 Tara

Who cares about cognitive dysfunction? Of course it may happen occasionally but this is well controlled by medecine and it has nothing to do with being a genius.

The wide observation is that there is a proven correlation between genius and epilepsy.
I hope you are able to admit that instead of bringing side arguments like difficulties in learning that are irrelevant to the core of the issue.

I know you hate the idea that Bashar could be one of these geniuses but for me, learning that he suffers from that handicap, made him even more interesting.

May 13th, 2013, 1:24 pm


majedkhaldoun said:

Zoo said
Bashar”who will remain in power probably until future elections”

Again Zoo twists what has been said,He has to relinquish power,does not mean he stay in power.

May 13th, 2013, 1:26 pm


majedkhaldoun said:

Is that Shiaa shaikh ,he is the one who taught you to hate sunni?

May 13th, 2013, 1:28 pm


Juergen said:

LOL Shias are more dangerous than naked women… Salafi thinking at its best

Shias are more dangerous than naked women: Salafist MPs
Nour Party MPs argue that Iranian tourism to Egypt threatens national security and will undermine the country’s ‘Sunni doctrine’

May 13th, 2013, 1:28 pm


Tara said:


I don’t think we are speaking the same language here. I am not sure you understand what is meant by a “cognitive dysfunction”. There is no pills to be taken for that.

I suggest we stop discussing this subject. It is non- productive.

May 13th, 2013, 1:42 pm


zoo said:

#577 Majed

You’re the one who opened my eyes on the existence of Syrian Sunni extremists like you. I never thought that educated Syrian could be so fanatical, hateful and narrow-minded

I certainly dislike them but more than that I pity them.

May 13th, 2013, 1:44 pm


Dolly Buster said:

Shia are worse than kuffar, because a Kafir Asli (original disbeliever) can still be invited to islam.

May 13th, 2013, 1:44 pm


Dolly Buster said:

565. Juergen said:

I bet someone here will state that this is not religious hatred expressed by this lunatic sheikh…

I listen to Yasser al Habib’s classes, because he has good Arabic which I’m trying to pick up. This is his channel

Of course I disagree with his Tashayyu’. Nonetheless I routinely sit through 3 hours of his class at a time. He is about exactly my age, so I feel comfortable around peers.

May 13th, 2013, 2:05 pm


zoo said:

#579 Juergen

These Salafist sheikhs seem to find Shiism so attractive that they worry that many Egyptian Sunnis will promptly convert. Is Sunni faith so fragile?

May 13th, 2013, 4:38 pm



581. ZOO

I don’t see much difference between you and extremist sunnis. You’re just like them. But you don’t see it.

What is the difference between extremist sunnis who behead people against them and the regime who jails, kills, slaughters, bombs, etc. anyone against it?

ZOO I am in disbelief that syrians like you exist. I never thought that educated Syrian could be so fanatical, hateful and narrow-minded. You’re evil and I would never want anything to do with you and your ilk.

May 17th, 2013, 8:20 am


Visitor said:

Is there a cure for a delusional idiot like Zoo?

How many times do I have to tell you, idiot Zoo, that Sunnis find your Shiite heretic creed to be so inferior that it is not even worth pondering over? But you are delusional.

May 17th, 2013, 8:38 am


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