Is the Obama Peace Effort Over?


Specter and Assad meet, discuss peace broker role
By Sarah Freishtat · July 12, 2010

WASHINGTON (JTA) — Sen. Arlen Specter in a Damascus meeting with Syrian President Bashar Assad discussed a role as a peace mediator between Syria and Israel. JTA confirmed last weekend’s meeting, which was reported this week in the Israeli and Turkish media, with sources who helped organize the event.

Specter (D-Pa.), who is Jewish and has longstanding ties with Syria, first flew to Israel to see if Israeli officials wanted to convey any messages to Assad.

According to Ynet, Israeli Deputy Foreign Minister Daniel Ayalon told Specter that Israel was ready to resume talks without preconditions, that it did not plan to launch attacks on its northern border and that a Syria-brokered release of Gilad Shalit, the Israeli soldier held captive in the Gaza Strip, would be a goodwill gesture. Hamas, the terrorist group that controls Gaza, is close to the Assad regime.

Specter then flew to Damascus, where he met with Assad. There was no official word about the meeting. It’s not clear who initiated the Assad-Specter meeting. His pro-Israel credentials are impeccable, but he has always counseled an openness to Syria. …

Joshua Landis, director of the Center for Middle East Studies at the University of Oklahoma and author of the Syria Comment newsletter, said Specter is a natural choice for mediator because he has visited Damascus nearly 20 times during his time in office and he is Jewish. Landis said Syria wants to use diplomatic means to help stabilize and improve its economy and get back the Golan.

“Syria is finding out if there’s anything left in the Obama administration that could be useful to them,” Landis said.

Eyal Zisser, director of the Moshe Dayan Center for Middle Eastern and African Studies at Tel Aviv University, said the status of Specter’s Israeli interlocutor — Ayalon, a deputy minister with no power — meant the Israelis did not take seriously the prospect of renewed talks.

“He’s just a respected American senator who comes to Syria often,” Zisser said. “Unfortunately there is nothing new there.”

U.S. asks Syria to support Palestinian-Israeli direct talks
ATFP World Press Roundup Article from Xinhua, July 12, 2010

The U.S. administration demanded Syria not to hinder the Palestinian National Authority’s (PNA) tendency towards direct negotiations with Israel, local news website Syria Now reported on Monday. A well-informed source confirmed that Washington asks Damascus, through U.S. Senator Arlen Specter, not to hinder the PNA tendency towards direct negotiation at a time when the Palestinian side showed hesitation over the results of the indirect talks and Arab League chief Amr Moussa declared that those talks have failed….

From the latest report by Conflicts Forum

Palestinian sources tell us that the US ‘proximity talks’ are stuck on the borders issue with Israel demanding land swaps on a 5 – 1 basis in Israel’s favour, and the US suggesting a 3 -1 basis. This represents a regression rather than progression: Israel had earlier accepted a 1:1 basis. It means that that the talks have achieved almost nothing of substance.

Stephen M. Walt, “With friends like these. . .” Foreign Policy

Syrian secularism: a model for the Middle East: Westerners don’t see that Syria’s embrace of diversity is a crucial bulwark against extremism.
By Ahmed Salkini / July 13, 2010 Christian Science Monitor

….Secularism is often defined as “indifference to or rejection or exclusion of religion and religious considerations.” Syria defines it differently – not in terms of “rejection,” or even “tolerance,” but in terms of “embracing” all religions and “taking pride” in a diverse heritage.

While some countries in the Middle East tout themselves as a state for one religion (the Jewish State), Syria prides itself on being a state for all religions – and no religion. It is this formula that defines the true Syrian identity.

The Syria I grew up in embraced everyone. My own father is a decorated veteran of the 1973 war against Israel. Yet, when his first child was born after the war – and after four previous heartbreaking miscarriages – it was a Syrian Jewish doctor in whose hands he entrusted my life. I owe my life to that doctor, who saved me after a complication during infancy that nearly resulted in my death.

My father was no exception. Syria’s Jewish community was historically among the most successful, with clients and friends from across Syria’s diverse ethnic and religious social fabric.

The Syrian Christian community, one of the oldest in the world, is such an integral part of our society that Pope Benedict XVI extolled Syria as “an example of coexistence and tolerance to the world.” Indeed, there are more than 13 Christian denominations in Syria.

Still, our history is not one of unscathed harmonious coexistence. We have seen our share of sporadic internal conflict. Such incidents, however, were anomalies that said less about Syria and more about the human tendency to act according to brute instinct during times of tension…..

Securing secular strongholds, such as Syria, is imperative not only for the peoples of the region, but also to the national interests of the US, Europe, and all major powers…. Syria faces several challenges, including retrieving the Israeli-occupied Golan and improving the standard of living for all Syrians. Achieving both is a matter of time: Freeing the Golan is inevitable, and the economy is on a strong upswing. Losing our secular identity to the forces of extremism, though, would be an irreversible and existential peril.

POMED writes:

U.S. Calls On Syria To Honor Human Rights Obligations: The White House released a statement by National Security Council spokesman Mike Hammer condemning Syria’s conviction and sentencing of two prominent human rights lawyers: Haitham Maleh on July 4, and Mohannad al-Hassani on June 23. The statement also condemned the re-arrest and charging of Ali Abdullah, a rights activist and member of the Damascus Declaration’s National Council. Sec. Clinton issued parallel remarks condemning Maleh’s conviction, stating that the ruling “is an example of Syria’s failure to comply with minimum international human rights standards.” Both sets of comments called on Syria to release its political prisoners.

Syrian president to mark 10 years in power
Some economic reforms achieved but need for political and social improvements
Alistair Lyons, Reuters, July 12, 2010

Although Syrian President Bashar Al Assad has managed to liberalise his country’s stilted economy to some extent, he has not been as successful with its politics.
His first decade in power, a milestone he will pass on Saturday, is ending more repressively than it began….A military court gave 79-year-old lawyer Haitham Al Maleh a three-year jail term last week for “weakening national morale”. He was arrested last year after renewing calls to dismantle the 1963 emergency law that bans all opposition to the Baath Party.

In June, another lawyer was jailed on the same charges and a writer was re-arrested a day after completing 2 1/2 years in prison. Five opposition figures were freed after serving similar sentences. Former parliamentarian Riad Seif remains behind bars.

“Assad is sending a message that he doesn’t care about human rights and political reforms in Syria and that he doesn’t think the international community cares or will sanction him on that,” said Nadim Houry, Human Rights Watch Director in Beirut.

Damascus has acquired a glossy appearance in the last 10 years, with a sprinkling of boutique hotels, chic cafes and shopping malls, along with private banks and construction projects….

“The government undoubtedly assumes that by keeping a tight rein on the people and maintaining clear red lines, it will face less trouble in the long run and fewer people will go to jail,” said Joshua Landis, a Syria expert at Oklahoma University.

“Syria is surrounded by countries that have been plagued by long civil wars and tough insurgencies,” he said, citing Iraq, Lebanon, Turkey and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. “Syrian security has concluded that it cannot risk relaxing controls.”…..Assad, who survived intense US pressure under ex-President George W. Bush, has emerged unbowed and feeling vindicated.

“The international pressure on Syria was never about human rights,” Houry said. “In the Bush years there was clearly more criticism of its human rights record, but it was often part of a campaign that had broader interests and the Syrians knew that.”

Upswing in Assad’s fortunes

In the last two years, Assad has forged closer ties with Iran, Turkey and Qatar, mended fences with Saudi Arabia and revived much of Syria’s influence in Lebanon, keeping links with Hezbollah there and with the Palestinian Hamas movement.

US President Barack Obama has sought to engage Syria and enlist its help in stabilising Iraq and in regional peace moves, although Congress has yet to confirm an ambassador to Damascus.

Regardless of which American President is in power, Assad seems in no hurry to ease up on his domestic critics, who pose no credible challenge to his now well-entrenched authority.

“In reality, Syria’s touch regarding human rights is not a function of administrations in Washington,” Murhaf Jouejati, a scholar at the Middle East Institute in the US capital, said.
“Rather, Syria’s organising principle seems to be: it’s better to be feared than to be loved. More economic space will not necessarily translate into improved human rights.”….

“The Syrian regime argues that it provides precious security and stability and that it has protected its minorities and secular freedoms better then other Arab states,” Landis said.

“It is hard to know whether these arguments are real and based on a judicious assessment of local realities, or simply self-serving justifications for clinging to power.”

Getting the Americans Off Your Back

….Palestinians are insisting that talks pick up where they left off. They also want Israel to halt settlement activity in the West Bank and Jerusalem.

It’s unclear if they’ll get either. Netanyahu, who has been calling for Palestinians to resume talks, is signaling a desire to revisit some issues and wants no “preconditions” to the talks. That makes Palestinians wonder whether Netanyahu is ready to make a deal or just wants to restart talks to get the Americans and international community off his back.

Israeli Finance Ministry explains recent IDF-sourced Hezbollah stories
July 11, 2010 by Didi Remez (Thank you Didi. This explains a lot. The Syrians interpreted this softening the ground for a possible strike on Hizbullah.)

Why the sudden spate of Israeli-sourced publications on Hezbollah’s military power?

On Wednesday (July 7 2010) this one, in the Jerusalem Post, elicited a sarcastic Tweet from Foreign Policy’s Marc Lynch:

Israel’s shocking discovery of Hezballah presence in….Lebanon. Believe it or not!

This morning (July 11 2010), Maariv provided a mundane (by Israeli standards) explanation from the Finance Ministry:

“it’s interesting how every time the military budget is on the table, they release from the stocks Hezbollah’s missile array and expose sensitive classified material”

[Front-page teaser] The Finance Ministry accuses: “The IDF is using Hezbollah in the battle over the budget”

[Headline] Finance Ministry: Barak most expensive Defense Minister ever

[Sub-headline] The battle for the defense budget goes ad hominem; senior Finance Ministry officials: The IDF is even using Hezbollah to prevent cuts

Ben Caspit, Maariv, July 11 2010 [page 7; Hebrew original here and at bottom of post]

“Ehud Barak is the most expensive defense minister in Israel’s history”; “The IDF is impertinently disregarding all of the Brodet Commission’s findings, while deceiving the public”; “it’s interesting how every time the military budget is on the table, they release from the stocks Hezbollah’s missile array and expose sensitive classified material,” — these are just some of the harsh statements that were heard over the weekend among senior Finance Ministry officials and directed against the IDF and the security establishment.

A brutal struggle over the Defense Ministry’s budget is expected next week…..

Israeli Military Finds Flotilla Killings Justified
By: Ethan Bronner | The New York Times

Israel may put limits on citizenship for converts
(By Janine Zacharia, The Washington Post)

JERUSALEM — An Israeli parliamentary committee on Monday advanced a bill that could lead to lack of recognition for conversions to Judaism performed by rabbis from the Reform and Conservative movements. …. The bill “delegitimizes most of North American Jewry” and brings back the question of “who has the authority to determine someone’s Jewish identity,” Wernick added, noting that 85 percent of American Jewry is affiliated with non-Orthodox branches of Judaism.

The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordon could lose its pecuniary aid from the United States should it continue to enhance its nuclear program without cooperation with Israel, Israeli news source Ynet reported.

Amman ignored Israeli requests to be involved in the extraction and enrichment of uranium which prompted the threat from Washington. The U.S. and Jordan discussed Jordan’s nuclear plan for six months, but the Jordanians were unable to obtain US approval. … the Jordanian economy is hinged on American aid which limits its ability to hold its ground in talks with Washington. This year, the US transferred at least $665 million during the first half of the year, over half of which was for financial aid and the rest for military aid. King Abdullah condemned Israel for impeding his country’s efforts in its nuclear program last month. The king told the Wall Street Journal that France and South Korea were being persuaded by the Israeli government to not sell nuclear technologies to Jordan. He added that Israeli-Jordanian relations have sunk to a point they have not been since the two countries signed a peace agreement after being in a state of war for nearly half a century.

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Comments (52)

Jihad said:

How can anyone trust Barack Bushama since the cowardice he had shown in 2006 when the shitty colonial state was deliberatly bombarding civilians in South Lebanon and when he had chosen to keep his large mouth shut.

Or when he went to Cairo to deliver a speech on how the Arab world should accept the shitty Zionist state while justifying its crimes.

Or when he recently repeated the same racist arguments put forward years ago by racist WASPs in the US.

For according to the racist black WASP Barack Bushama, “One of the things I used to say during the campaign but also at the beginning of my presidency is, being hopeful is not the same as being blindly optimistic. I think you have to be clear-eyed about the situation. And Israelis, rightly, look at the past and have skepticism about what’s possible. They see the enmity of neighbors that surround them in a very tough neighborhood. They see a track record of attempts at peace where, even when concessions were made, a deal could not be consummated. They see rockets fired from Gaza or from areas in Lebanon, and say to themselves that the hatreds or history are so deep-seated that changed is not possible.” (Excerpts from a TV interview conducted on July 7, 2010).

And some people want us to believe that this racist is working for peace and wants to see a true Palestinian state.

July 13th, 2010, 6:14 pm


Jihad said:

And when he kept his large mouth shut during the bombardment of Gaza and its people with phosphorous bombs.

July 13th, 2010, 6:17 pm



The fact that Jordan signed a peace treaty with Israel, and has collaborated with both the US and with Israel in implementing their policies, was not enough to earn Jordan the right to develop its civilian nuclear energy program.
Israel has impeded for years the development of an Egyptian nuclear power program.
I guess compliance with the US and Israeli policies, signing the Non Proliferation Treaty, signing a peace treaty with Israel, and bearing the label of “Moderate Arab State” does not make any difference when it comes to the right to develop and own the technology to generate power from a civilian nuclear reactor, as was demonstrated in the cases of Jordan and Egypt.
The answer should be a consortium for the development of Nuclear Power that joins Jordan, Syria, Lebanon and Turkey, as a part of their common market area project.

July 13th, 2010, 8:57 pm


Norman said:

I don’t know about you but it seems to me that the policy of the US is to push for the domination of Israel on it’s naibours , the question is , are the Arabs the Turks and the Iranian going to let that happen ,

July 13th, 2010, 10:48 pm



You are right, the US wants Israel to dominate its neighbors and have a monopoly control over the technology of nuclear power.
It will be hard for a country like Jordan, to do it alone, when its major donor, the US is standing in its way. But a consortium which includes Syria, Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey, will have better odds at resisting any US pressure, and will provide the wide market of consumers, making such a project economically feasible. The four countries have already transferred electricity between them over their grids.
As for your question if the Arabs, the Turks and Iranians will let it happen? The Iranians are working on producing power from several types of reactors, using different fuels and enrichment levels. They will eventually have their homegrown nuclear technology to produce electric power.
As for the Arabs and the Turks, they should go ahead with the project, keep it very transparent, and ignore the US biased views.
The four countries together should have enough leverage to see the project through its completion. The trick will be to have a reactor that can use fuel from several sources and not to be tied to a single source. I believe they can do it.

July 13th, 2010, 11:34 pm


jad said:

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July 14th, 2010, 12:58 am


Off the Wall said:

Dearest Jad

I read the fiery article by Nidal N3eyseh above, and I find it no less reactionary than some of the actions the author is arguing against. I can even imagine many Friday prayer sermons and countless mosque and home-held religious lessons by the regressive forces using this article as ammunitions to equate personal modern status laws and girls education, with forcing Syrian women to wear bikinis on the beaches and shorts on the streets. And it would not be the ignorant imams who did that equation, it would be the fiercely secular Nidal. Here is how I see it, it is not very complex, but it requires a few separate threads of arguments that needs to be tied together.

First, let us start with the reality, a wide segment of the society in Syria is religious. Women in that segment, who may even be the majority, wear different shades of what is considered to be consistent with their religious belief, and while some, influenced by the foreign and dangerous wahabi wave, take these shades to the extreme end, the majority, even if they do not wear head-scarves, would still be reluctant, at best, to wear skimpy bikinis or any sort of swim-wear in front of strange men. A few, i would argue, would not even do so in the presence of other women.

Second, one has to look at equality, and the society’s responsibility with respect to equality from a much wider spectrum than the narrow spectrum of dress code. True equality is to provide opportunities, taking into account the social fabric and historical factors that shaped a given society. Take for example clubs on US campuses and professional associations overall. We would all agree that the presence of an African American Students’ club, or a society of African American Engineers, or Latino Doctors to be a rather tolerable and on most occasions welcomed as it channels the energy of a group that has been historically deprived towards a common goal of increasing the margin of opportunity for members of these groups. At the same time we would not view the establishment of a white Americans club with the same tolerance. This is a very important concept stating that liberation occasionally requires a special accommodation for given groups, and the shape of such accommodation is not a one size fits all, it is highly related to the society itself. Men have been able to swim in the Mediterranean for centuries, unmolested. But that does not apply to all women in our society.

Before we put the two arguments together, we also should look at an increasingly alarming trend in many Arab countries (also in Japan), and that is of harassment of women on the street. While I am all for tough rules and punishment of thugs (Ze3ran) and for eudcational and awareness raising programs, I am also for providing a margin of accommodation to the victims of that trend, who are off course women, to allow them, if they so chose, to conduct business in peace until the problem is dealt with appropriately at the law enforcement and educational levels. Japan, the most patriarchal society in the developed world, has recently instituted women only only metro carts, and I did not hear anyone of our Secularists complain about that. In all likelihood, they will probably loud Japan for protecting its women from the thugs.

Now come the question, is a woman less productive member of the society if she wears a head scarf, or even a Hijab (note here that Niqab is different as it means a full isolation, even in front of other women), than a woman who is not. My own extended family, which includes various shades of dress codes, exemplify exactly the opposite. There are probably more women doctors and engineers, not counting a real good, scarf wearing, family affairs lawyer, and a couple of pioneering educators, than there are amongst the men of the family. Do these women, independent of what they wear have the right to enjoy recreational time on the beautiful shores of their country, or should they be locked out of these shores simply because some of us secularists think that liberation is only possible with a full transformation of Syria, or for that matter any society, into a fully western style society, with genders mixing the same way they do in Europe or in the US. I beg to differ with that. I think that these women, independent of what they wear deserve accommodation and that the shores of Syria, have some space for them to partake in the pleasures of swimming in the Mediterranean. I would even argue that having a women only beach would in fact be very healthy for their families as it will allow them better play time with their children, a necessary part of child development.

Women only beach and mall is the wrong battle to pick. Religious and lifestyle advocacy in schools and to young kids is the right battle for secular people. For that, I fully agree with and support the decision to transfer (and would not use the term exile) Niqab women from educational institutions into different jobs. Niqab is alien to our culture, but Hijab (head cover) is not. I would fight for a modern, secular, personal status law, for it would apply to all women, and it is the right step towards providing women with liberty, which must include, the right to wear what they want, and the right to have a small peace of Syrian shores to enjoy what men have been enjoying for centuries. Look at it differently, in a man controlled society, providing a beach for women or a mall can become part of their liberation, not of their oppression.

Syria has done well on the job equality side (in government sector), but there are still many ceilings, and our society can not afford a narrow view that places additional ceilings.

I would leave you with a thought provoked by a post by Shami a few weeks ago with links to a study on Nietzsche and Islam. I read all the articles on the links, and the most thought provoking argument i read was that unlike Christianity and Judaism in Europe, Reformation and liberation of Islamic societies does not require the death, or retirement (to put it mildly), of the Msulim’s god. I am still thinking of this argument and reading about it to find where did we, true secular Arabs fail. And so far, most of our failures, and they are plenty can be traced to our adoption of the contrary argument.

We have framed the argument wrongly, the early pioneers worked on education, not on scarves, they worked on creating job opportunity, not on openning mixed schools or on arguing one 7adith or another (without having appropriate tools). And this gave momentum that lasted for a generation and resulted in numerous advances for many women in our societies. Unfortunately, with many of us now framing the argument about Islam into argument about dress code and mixed beaches. We are fighting the wrong battles.

Shirin Abadi once argued that the imposition of islamic dress code in Iran, wrong headed as it is, had a very liberating consequence and that is in removing a major social obstacle that was preventing some middle lower middle, and lower class Iranians from sending their daughters to schools beyond elementary education, and more so, mixed universities, which are now to them more tolerable place. This, argues Abadi has unleashed a latent energy and talent in Iran that is contributing economically and socially to the country, despite of the mullahs. Had it not been for separate schools in KSA, illiteracy among women in the kingdom would now be 100%, and without separate university class rooms, no Saudi woman would have any higher education. I am not arguing for the establishment of such things in Syria, for syria is far beyond the need for such things, but I am saying that we need to be careful rejecting things that may provide our women with the essential opportunity for education, and heck why not, with some pleasure enjoying the beach.

July 14th, 2010, 5:34 am


Off the Wall said:

Dearest Jad

One of our most miserable failures, as secular Arabs, was not to focus on a large marginalized segment of our society in the deep rural areas. So long as our cities looked more like western cities, with a tolerable amount of head-scarves, and so long as the rural only showed up in the commercial sector of our cities, or during their visits to city doctors, we thought that progress was happening as we had no idea, or we did not want to realize the extent of our failures in bringing true development, education, modernization, and progress into these rural areas. We may have brought electricity, built a few schools, facilitated rapid and excessive and unsustainable exploitation of land and water resources, but true enlightenment, i guess, we did not bring. The story is the same in most Arab “secular” republics.

With this failure, and as a significant segment of rural Arabs left their forgotten villages and came to the cities in search of better economic life, and in many cases, were even forced to do so through the extreme centralization prevalent in our societies, the cities started to reflect more of the true societal differences, and the more conservative leaning of the country, than they did when they only held about 15% of our “more affluent” westernized population. No secular Arab thinker dares to bring this issue, for it highlights our 70 year failure in affecting real, non-cosmetic progress. Tribal mentality remained the same, and it has by now spread into the cities where the narrow circles of old-urbanites , that used to be able to pretend that they represent the entire society, can no longer do so. Hence their nostalgia to the old days.

A population that remained more susceptible to wahabi ideas now constitutes a significant segment of Arab City dwellers, especially in Megacities, where traditionally, more cosmopolitan, enlightened strands of Islam was previously practiced. Ignoring the migrants after they migrated to the cities and leaving them to fend for themselves without real help exacerbated the problem and made more of the city now even more susceptible to Wahabi ideas. The same story can be told in countless Arab countries. It is not the Wahabi idea that is gaining, it is our failure to bring a large segment of our society into a level of development that can confront these ideas is the cause of what we now see.


Mr. N3eyseh should try to explain the fact that the little desert principalities he so harshly speak about have three (Qatar, Oman, and UAE) among the 32 least corrupt countries on earth, with two other monarchies (Jordan and Morocco) steadily moving up into the rank of 40s while the entirety of Arab “secular” republics are among the worst in corruption perception index with few of them going worst by the year. We failed, and we should face up. We need to re-invent Arab secularism and progressive thought to be more inclusive, less elitist, an truly committed to the human development of the Arab world.

July 14th, 2010, 8:07 am


almasri said:

I recently e-mailed Joshua an article in Arabic about secularism and the Arab world. It is perhaps one of the most intelligent articles ever written about the subject. I asked Joshua if he can find someone with time to make a translation into English as I was sure it will stimulate meaningful and intelligent discussion about the subject. Joshua kindly replied indicating he would post it if I go ahead and do the translation. Unfortunately, I do not have the time. So, I’ll post it in Arabic as most participants here are Arab speakers with apologies to non-Arabs. Hopefully, some of its themes may emerge in English if a discussion ensues. The article proves without any doubt the fallacies of so-called Arab ‘secularists’ if there is any such thing as Arab secularism. It also proves the naïveté of these so-called ‘secularists’ as well as their blind attempts to imitate the colonialists and their presumptive tools, the orientalists.

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July 14th, 2010, 11:54 am


norman said:

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Obama’s Mideast Challenge: Trying to Look Busy
By TONY KARON Tony Karon
Wed Jul 14, 5:50 am ET

President Barack Obama’s powers of spin will be sorely tested in the coming weeks as he tries to sustain the appearance of progress in his efforts to restart an Israeli-Palestinian peace process. The latest setback came Tuesday when Egypt’s President Hosni Mubarak canceled a planned meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Some reports, denied by the Egyptian government, said Mubarak would fly to Germany for medical treatment. Israeli media have speculated in recent weeks that Mubarak is suffering from cancer. Obama and Netanyahu had been hoping that Mubarak would endorse the U.S. call for direct peace talks between Israeli and Palestinian leaders, and persuade Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas to do the same. But a Mubarak illness and its implications would distract the region, making the already slim chances of winning Arab backing for direct talks even more remote.

Until now, Abbas has needed the political cover of support by Mubarak and other Arab League governments for participating even in the indirect talks orchestrated by the Obama Administration. That’s because Abbas’ political status among his own people has been steadily weakened over two decades of fruitless negotiations with Israel, during which the Israeli occupation of the West Bank has broadened and deepened. Arab League Secretary General Amr Moussa, who is Egyptian, said last week that the indirect talks had been a “failure”, and that there was no point in proceeding to direct talks. Abbas and his Arab backers had agreed to suspend their skepticism and join indirect talks, if only to demonstrate to the Americans the basis for their belief that Netanyahu has no intention of implementing a credible two-state solution. They argue that their point has been proven by the course of the indirect talks. (See pictures of West Bank settlements.)

The Arab League endorsed indirect talks but only until September, and they’re meeting at the end of July to assess progress. Netanyahu had also scheduled the expiration of his temporary and partial moratorium on West Bank settlement construction for September. But the Palestinians set little store by an Israeli moratorium that allowed for continued construction in occupied East Jerusalem, and the approval on Tuesday of new Israeli housing units in that part of the city will be cited as further reason to stay away from direct talks. Even if Netanyahu had any serious intention of moving against the hardline settlers who claim a Bibilical duty to colonize the West Bank, the scale of the challenge he would face is underscored by last week’s report by an Israeli human rights group demonstrating that the settlers are in control of 42% of West Bank land. The settlers are strongly represented within Netanyahu’s government, and also within the military, and there’s growing skepticism on both sides that this – or any other – Israeli government will take the politically explosive step of evacuating tens of thousands of settlers.

Instead, Netanyahu hopes to coax the Palestinians back to the table by announcing, in the coming weeks, gestures such as removing some checkpoints, restoring Palestinian Authority security control in some West Bank cities and allowing the Palestinians to build a road to a new planned city. Even in Israel, the left-of-center paper Haaretz wondered whether Netanyahu is trying to resolve the conflict, or else simply seeking “to portray the Palestinians as the ones refusing peace.” (Comment on this story.)

Abbas clearly fears a trap similar to the one Palestinian leaders believe was laid for Yasser Arafat in 2000. Prime Minister Ehud Barak, now Netanyahu’s defense minister, said after the failure of that year’s Camp David talks that his real purpose in pushing for the summit despite ample evidence beforehand that it would fail, was to “reveal Arafat’s true face.” In other words, to ensure that the Palestinian side was blamed for the failure to conclude the Oslo peace process, thus removing any pressure on the Israelis to end the occupation. (See pictures of Obama’s trips overseas.)

With both sides clearly believing that they’re unlikely to agree on a credible and comprehensive two-state deal despite the U.S. desire to settle the conflict, the game is once again for each to cast the blame on the other. But with the White House’s attention now on a difficult November congressional election – a focus that always works to Israel’s advantage given the far greater domestic political leverage its advocates wield in Washington – the Administration is growing less likely to expend political capital on the issue any time soon. Observers on both sides in the Middle East concurred that last week’s embrace of Netanyahu by Obama was that it was a domestically driven vindication of the Israeli leader’s defiance of the President’s earlier efforts to pressure Israel on the settlements issue.

Even if the Administration manages to coax Abbas into direct talks, the likelihood of them producing any kind of agreement is slim. The gulf between the two sides’ positions is not a matter of personal chemistry, but of political reality. Instead, the standoff seems to underscore the idea that Israel and the Palestinians are unlikely for the foreseeable future to reach an agreement simply through dialogue that settles the core final-status issues of a two-state solution. But those hoping that recognition of that reality might prompt the U.S. to seek an international consensus on a final-status agreement that both sides could be pressed to accept are forgetting that the 2010 electoral season – followed by the 2012 presidential race – militates against the Administration trying anything quite so bold in the Middle East. There may be a political logic to Obama’s two predecessors’ leaving their Mideast peacemaking efforts to their eighth year in office.

See pictures of Israel.

See pictures of heartbreak in the Middle East.

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July 14th, 2010, 12:45 pm


majedkhaldoun said:

Mubarak cancer is reported by Israel newspaper,and very soon Mubarak can not hide the issue anymore.
There will be major change in Egypt,once he pass away,I doubt he will be followed by his son for a long time.

July 14th, 2010, 4:33 pm


jad said:

Dearest OTW,
You can’t imagine how happy to see you back 🙂
How are you?

I actually agree with you on many points that you raised:
1- Mr. Nedal is defiantly choosing the wrong battle and he needs to use calmer tone when he disagrees with something, yet he has some points that we can’t ignore, I personally find it entertaining to read his ranting from time to time.
2- (Now come the question, is a woman less productive member of the society if she wears a head scarf, or even a Hijab). Defiantly NOT, the Hijab is very authentic in Syria and for me it is like the neck tie, it doesn’t take or give anything to the intelligence of the person wearing it.
3- (most of our failures, and they are plenty can be traced to our adoption of the contrary argument.) and I add that our governments way of dealing with our society men and women for the last 50 years, through the educational and justice system even in the religious domain failed to do any progress or to make things better, the opposite, it destroyed any possibility of things to get better and this is why we end up here, our pioneers weren’t thinking about their fortune and money they were thinking of how to build a nation while almost all of the existing ones we have today are nothing but greedy, ignorant and opportunist people who care the last about creating productive and smart citizens to this nation.

However I disagree with you on this one:
Do we really need to separate genders to help Syrian women grow as Mm. Shirin Abadi argues?
I disagree with her argument because it shows that we specifically Arab men are incapable to learn how to treat our women right, (in fact we are not, just check our laws and rules to see how behind we are from treating our women the way they should be treated, equal, strong and protected not only as women but also as citizens)
The idea itself proves that we are barbaric toward our women that we need to separate them from the whole society in a way to protect them and make them grow, it doesn’t make sense from a social point of view and I think this segregation is something new to the public Syrian society (we have it in the conservative families inside their houses but not in the public realm), maybe the battle is not with the segregation issue but with our ‘Man’ mentality and our civil laws that needs to be changed, we already have the examples of Saudi (not Iran) that after all these years of segregation Saudi women regardless of their wealth they still can’t progress in the way it supposed to work according to Mm. Abadi.

I’m sad for our people and youth that instead of debating about using renewable energy or to deal with out water shortage with ideas and inventions, or to come up with productive ways and ideas to improve our lives and to progress the society as a whole, they are busy with religion details, the gender of angels…as if those things will give them a better future on earth.

Germany targets switch to 100% renewables for its electricity by 2050
Germany could derive all of its electricity from renewable energy sources by 2050 and become the world’s first major industrial nation to kick the fossil-fuel habit, the country’s Federal Environment Agency said today.
The country already gets 16% of its electricity from wind, solar and other renewable sources – three times’ higher than the level it had achieved 15 years ago.

July 14th, 2010, 7:51 pm


almasri said:

It is laughable that so-called Arab ‘secularists’ only learn shallowness from their orientalist masters. They are quick to denounce the niqab in imitation of French militant secularism while Amnesty International just denounced the ban by the French government based on personal choice and freedom,

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Such fake Arab ‘liberals’ are actually shame on humanity, and luckily they do not represent more than the fringe of the fringe in Syria as well as in the Arab world.

It is ironic that these stooges of post colonial orientalism are calling for the implementation of what our forefathers fought for and paid in blood for liberation from such yokes. Does history recede backward? In Syria’s case it seems it may if we were to take the misguided seriously!!!

July 14th, 2010, 8:50 pm


Jad said:

What is laughable is that some people keep criticizing secularism without even knowing that no one other than Averroes, Ibn Rushd, the Muslim philosopher is the one who came up with the idea. And It’s more laughable that those people manipulate secularism to their own benefits in the West when they stuck while they force their radicalized twisted interpretation of religions as rules over minorities in their countries of origin in the name of religion and majority, well the majorities of the French are not radicals and according to the majority rules the French have all the rights to do what they please to protect their society, besides, isn’t it better for the radicals and their supporters to live in afghanistan under Taliban than living in liberal and secular France or the West? It suits them better there. I wish them all a safe trip back.

July 14th, 2010, 10:09 pm


almasri said:

What is more laughable are people who cite Ibn Rushd as the father of secularism (correctly) but know the least about Ibn Rushd’s political philosophy. His equating of the rule of the philosopher as in the ‘virtuous city’ of ancient Athens to the political establishment of Muhammad (PBUH) in Medina by no means calls for the abrogation of the Revelation and the Sunnah as Ibn Rushd himself was the highest ranking Maliki authority in Cordoba at the time!!! And incidentally he equated the al-Mohad’s rule of his time to both examples (i.e. Medina and Athens). If we leave it to the so-called blind ‘secularists’ of Syria and do as they foolishly wish (i.e. forget about Revelation and Sunnah and leave man to his own judgment) where would you find the ‘super human’ knowledge required from such philosopher(s) to take care of the affairs of the State?

Perhaps it is time for the foolish minority ruling clan of Syria to be put in its proper place and allow its majority to take care of its destiny as it should.

July 15th, 2010, 12:12 am


Off the Wall said:

Dearest Jad
Abadi’s comment was not that separation is good, it is exactly the opposite, most universities in Iran are mixed, and the dress code allowed these young women to go to university and be exposed to mixed education with their parents’ approval since everyone there is being modest in their dress. She is actually pointing to an irony.

In general, Iran did not push for the separation the way Saudis do. For now, the Mullahs are content with what they call modesty, more as a gesture of defying western culture than of asserting Islamic one.

However, when I brought the example of KSA culture of excessive separation, I was not arguing for separation, I was reflecting the attitude of a friend of mine, recently returning from a 5 year’s stint in the field with one of the UN agencies working on one of the UN’s new focus areas “slums”. He was describing his attitude as following: You see so many things wrong, sexism is rampant, health care non existent, education is mediocre at best in the few instances it is available, conflicts are everywhere as the slum dwellers compete for limited resources, job opportunities, living space, and so on. it breaks your heart as you realize the enormity of the problem and that your program will only be able to address one tiny issue of all of these, be it food distribution, illiteracy, infant immunization, teaching how to deal with bad water quality, or minor empowerment of women through some vocational training. You see how bright some of the girls are and you know that if full educational services are available, or in some instances allowed, quite few of them could become very productive and effective members of their society, but you know there are limitations to what you can do, and the moment you realize these limitations, quantify them, and start working towards your small goal, you have recognized that you are an aid worker not a politician or an advocate. Your job is to improve their odds one at a time or a small community at a time, not to change the entire system and not to remove all inequalities but to neutralize whatever you can, of the effects of these inequalities. This is what every IGO and NGO worker has to recognize, otherwise they will never be able to do their jobs.

What I got out of my conversation with my friend is that, success can only come when one learns to build on every minor improvement. For example, instead of arguing that modernity requires that education be mixed, one should first argue that the curriculum taught to boys and girls is one and the same, and that girls’ education is taken seriously, or that one should fight to remove from the curriculum, even if gradually, any material that enshrines the superiority of men. Or as some are doing now in Syria and other Arab countries, change immigration policies to allow the women to transfer citizenship to their children.

So what I was arguing, my dear friend, was not that we should accept the situation, but that changing it requires grass root silent work that can function within the society, without creating additional conflicts and without isolating oneself from the society she/he should operate within.

I would have thought that secularist would have made a major issue of the mayor of one Syrian city preventing a play from being performed because of political pressure from some, this would have been a worthy issue. But it went with only passing interest. It seems that some of the secularist are more concerned about preserving the appearance of westernized activities than of really empowering women.

You have more than accurately identified the violent, preacher like, language of the article. One could hardly distinguish the language used by Nidal in his article from that of a fiery religious sermon given by an extremist on the other side. In fact, Adonis has chided Arab opposition, and perhaps intellectuals, for using the same language used by their adversaries. And the article in question, is but a fine example of that.

We have recently lost an Islamic thinker known for his moderate, conciliatory language. Isn’t it time that Arab progressive movement finds its own conciliatory voice instead of using the language of its adversaries. The progressive Arab movement needs to reconcile with its society, otherwise, it is doomed to remain irrelevant as the article posted by Almasri seem to indicate.

In Latin America, A Peruvian priest led the intellectual foundation of social justice movement, his theological writings were more influential in that society than those of socialists, or even social democrats. There are lessons out there, and we need to learn them. It will only add intellectual and organizational agility to grass root work and to civil society.

You wrote
maybe the battle is not with the segregation issue but with our ‘Man’ mentality and our civil laws that needs to be changed, we already have the examples of Saudi (not Iran) that after all these years of segregation Saudi women regardless of their wealth they still can’t progress in the way it supposed to work according to Mm. Abadi

SPOT ON my friend

July 15th, 2010, 2:32 am


almasri said:

“The progressive Arab movement needs to reconcile with its society, otherwise, it is doomed to remain irrelevant as the article posted by Almasri seem to indicate”

I do not know if you fully read and understood the article Mr. OTW. There are some sections in the article where the phrases are jumbled particularly where English and Arabic come together. This is due to right and left justification. For some reason, the comment editor jumbles the phrases when you paste from a word editor. You may have to be creative reading in those places in order to make out the proper sentences. Otherwise Joshua has a proper copy in word format. You may ask him for copy if you’re interested.

The article is proving that these so-called ‘progressive Arab movements’ are irrelevant because they have no cause in the Arab world. The article also suggests that these presumed ‘progressive Arabs’ are actually the most regressive due to the fact that they are seeking to transpose an experiment that has no foundations for its success in the Arab World by sheer imitation of orienatalists – the tools of the colonialist. Furthermore, this imitation is looked down upon by the masses and suffers from wide popular rejection if not revulsion even. In this sense they could be more regressive than your example of KSA. Please also pay attention to the writer’s negation of the so-called Secular Thesis. The thesis assumes secularism to be the destiny of history. The writer does not agree with this thesis, and neither did Averroes propose such thesis. That may have come in later by proponents of extremist secularism or perhaps the materialists.

So, are these eccentrics living in a different planet? Or does it suite their purpose to ignore realities in order to appear quasi-relevant?

July 15th, 2010, 5:25 am


Jad said:

Dear Norman,
This is for you, enjoy the new Syria I told you about:
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July 15th, 2010, 11:01 am


jad said:

Dearest OTW,
As always your comments are inspiring, thank you 🙂

Here are my take on what you wrote:
-“success can only come when one learns to build on every minor improvement.”
Could you please give me one minor improvement you see or know about today that the Syrian system or even the Syrian civil society, that doesn’t even exist, did toward the better future we are looking for and succeed in the mission?

-“but that changing it requires grass root silent work that can function within the society…”
In Syria situation the grass root movement you are asking for always attacked, always, even when they are asking for discussion with the society and trying to communicate with them and show them the right from wrong, here is a good example, sad one though:
????? ??????: ????? ??????? ????? ?? ??????? ???????

-“The progressive Arab movement needs to reconcile with its society”
Our society is already pressured to the max from every element that surround its life, every element, political, religious and economical is pushing it further down, my guess is that our society is already under the ground to hear any discussion or have the energy to listen and interact, we have a deaf, blind and mute society my dear dear friend.

-“In Latin America, A Peruvian priest led the intellectual foundation of social justice movement”
Where is that moderate courageous (inti7ari) Muslim ‘Sheikh’ that his writing would influence our religious society, in an intellectual way that makes our society acceptable to people different than them?
Dr. El Hadj wrote that we might need a Muslim Martin Luther and he was bombarded with criticism of asking for such outrageous idea.
Social justice won’t happen, our religious leaders are politicians they support whoever pay them more and I don’t see any social justice can happen in our societies when both political and religious forces are united to keep our society where it is, under the ground obeying their rigid rules and accepting their fate.

-“There are lessons out there, and we need to learn them. It will only add intellectual and organizational agility to grass root work and to civil society.”
I agree with you on that, the problem is that we are not even trying to look for solutions or to check what other countries are doing, our government is in somehow a reflection of our society, it doesn’t want to do any effort and it insists of keeping its people in the black box, unfortunately, no grass can grow in the desert, you need water and fresh air, you need freedom.

July 15th, 2010, 12:11 pm


Husam said:

Off the Wall:

I find your analogy thought provoking, deep and interesting to read. Perhaps you can answer a simple question for me, as no one as of yet seems to be able to. I am personally uncomfortable with the Niqab or dealing with a woman in Niqab, but that is just me. The question: if women are free to be topless on the shores of the French Riviera, why can’t they freely wear ten coats and a Niqab if they choose strolling Champs de Elysées?


I think OTW is aware of the blind ‘secularists’ of Syria because he said: “It seems that some of the secularist are more concerned about preserving the appearance of westernized activities than of really empowering women.” I would change that “some” to “majority” as their tone, battles and analysis seem more and more to reflect their true colors – Westernizing the Arabs!

July 15th, 2010, 12:17 pm


jad said:

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July 15th, 2010, 12:32 pm


Husam said:

Jad said:

“Dr. El Hadj wrote that we might need a Muslim Martin Luther and he was bombarded with criticism of asking for such outrageous idea.”

El Hadj, did not just “suggest” we may need a Muslim Martin Luther, he “suggested” that Al Bukhari could not have authenticated so many Ahadiths in his liftime, and he “suggested” that Aisha was too young and too immature for her recollection to even be considered. He stated incorrectly that “the Ullama enshired the Sunnah in 9th Century”.

What do you expect us to do – roll him the Red Carpet and let these serious errors go by? Perhaps Jad you don’t think it matters much, but some people take the truths seriously. If you want society to listen, then please first make sure your statement are not full of distortions and don’t paste articles that were tainted and scewed to support your argument. If you do that, you will loose your audience.

July 15th, 2010, 12:41 pm


jad said:

I was referring to another article by Dr. Elhadj, where he discussed democracy in the Arab world, he published it on SC long time ago, not Al Hadith one, besides, you need to get over that article already, it’s getting old and the religion of Islam wont be affected by an article, keep in mind that challenging your religion makes you a better believer.

July 15th, 2010, 1:18 pm


Nour said:

The repetitive nonsensical arguments put forth by Islamists and religious fundamentalists against secularism and progressive thought is getting quite tiring. Whenever a discussion is initiated about the need for a CIVIL secular state representing all citizens equally, advocates of such a position are attacked as opponents of religion, anti-God, and “westernized” imitators. While certainly there are a few people who may fall under any or all of the above categories, this sort of sweeping generalization made against all secularists is pure nonsense and is intended to shut down any such debate before it even starts.

We are repeatedly lectured that “our society” is different from western society and should not have secular ideas imposed on it. That we should take into account our cultural and social values, as well as our traditions, when talking of improving our nation. There is no doubt that every nation has its own unique psyche and characteristics which should be used as the basis when working toward advancing and developing any given society. However, to use that excuse in order to justify continued backwards, destructive thinking that stagnates the mind and prevents any chance of advancement is totally absurd. Religious fundamentalism is NOT part of our culture or our national psyche. It is rather a result of years of backwardness that inhibited the progress of the nation. It is a symptom of our lack of national consciousness resulting from centuries of oppressive rule. Such a state existed even in Europe, during medieval times, when the church controlled every aspect of human life. Fundamentalism and totalitarian thought of any kind is a dangerous trend that paralyzes the mind and kills innovation of any kind, leading to the continued decay of society.

Addressing this issue does not mean that we are against religion, as we are not involving ourselves in metaphysical debates about spiritual matters of the afterlife and the supernatural. Rather, we are calling for the end of totalitarian thought control of any kind and the separation of religious figures and institutions, which should be confined strictly to spiritual matters, from state institutions, which should be responsible for dealing with temporal matters. As Antoun Saadeh said: “We cannot achieve national unity by making the state a religious one because in such a state rights and interests would be denominational in nature pertaining exclusively to the dominant religious group. Where such rights and interests are those of a religious group, common national rights and interests will not obtain. Without the community of interests and rights there can be no unity of duties and no unified national will.”

The bottom line is that a national state should view all its citizens as equal in rights and duties under the law. Moreover, it should not be handicapped by rigid religious mandates that have no relations (nor should they have any relations) to temporal matters of society. If, for example, individual Muslim citizens believe they are religiously barred from marrying from a different religion, they are free to marry whomever they wish. But the state cannot view marriage between any two citizens except as a civil bond between two equal citizens, regardless of their religious of confessional background. And two citizens of different religious backgrounds should not be prohibited from tying the knot because of the beliefs of a segment of the society, even if that segment is the majority.

This has nothing to do with our “culture,” “values,” or “traditions.” Rather it is a basic requisite of having a modern CIVIL state. Otherwise we may also argue that corruption, bribery, and cronyism are also part of our culture and traditions and we should take them into account when attempting to advance our society.

July 15th, 2010, 2:44 pm


jad said:

Dear Nour
SPOT ON. Thank you!

July 15th, 2010, 2:59 pm


Husam said:


The last article was titled: “A Turkish Martin Luther: Can Hadith be Revised?”

You got me confused. Is there another article referring to Muslim Martin Luther?

Jad, I happen to disagree with you. One article here, one article there, ads up to thousands of articles that distort the truth. If you are a Muslim, as I think you are (correct me if I am wrong), you would know that there is no dispute that anyone can question anything all they want. But, the onus is on all of us to stop the bombardments of lies and half truths.

I do agree with you 100% that challenging religion makes you a better believer~!

July 15th, 2010, 3:27 pm


almasri said:

A Syrian Nationalist is getting tired!! Doesn’t like ‘Islamist’ talk about eternal order and prefers to talk only about the ‘Temporal Order’. It seems the demagogues understand well the issue that sway the masses.

What do you really want?

You want us to read your Antoun Saade’s ??????? ?? ??????? ???????? ??????????

Well there is no such religion called ??????. This is the invention of orientalists and that’s what Antoun was. There is only one Islam and that is only found in Islam’s holy Book and not in Antoun’s misguided mind. Thankfully, he was hanged and we always thought the Lebanese can do nothing good!!!

We do like to read about our OWN history and our OWN authentic thinkers even if they are Islamists. You do not like that? That is your business. It is our destiny and it should not be entrusted to a bunch of fringe eccentrics who sold themselves out to the colonialists. And by the way Islamic Fiqh is the MAIN source of legislation according to the constitution. You do not like that? I’m sure there was a good reason for that. May be you should find out why before you come and spew your nonsensical demagoguery in a typical Antonian style.

July 15th, 2010, 4:46 pm


jad said:

“Thankfully, he was hanged and we always thought the Lebanese can do nothing good!!!”
That has two disgusting messages reflect the sick personality of the idiot who wrote them:
1- If someone doesn’t agree with your holy message of radical Islam you simply kill him or stone her according to your twisted law.
2- Lebanese are not capable of doing anything good?! as if you ‘Almasri’ can be compared to any Lebanese…what a looser!

Why don’t you go fuck up your already fucked up country called Egypt and write on “Egypt Comment” and leave us Syrians to deal with what is ours, we defiantly don’t need your priceless ideas and we don’t need to read your stinky sectarian comments on here.

July 15th, 2010, 5:14 pm


almasri said:

How do you know I’m Egyptian ya ignorant? (Jad the Bad)

I am not going to worry and respond to your street language.

However, I was hoping that you respond to an intelligent question that you raised and I answered it in 15. You failed to provide an answer,

“If we leave it to the so-called blind ‘secularists’ of Syria and do as they foolishly wish (i.e. forget about Revelation and Sunnah and leave man to his own judgment) where would you find the ‘super human’ knowledge required from such philosopher(s) to take care of the affairs of the State?”

So, if you can only engage in demagoguery and is incomptent when it comes to providing intelligent answers to questions about issues you claim to have knowledge of such as Ibn Rushd’s secularism, stay away and keep your street language to your dirty ears. Who do you think you are?

By the way I have met Egyptians who would make you one of the worst losers. So get lost ya ignorant.

July 15th, 2010, 5:38 pm


Jihad said:

Some people are that bankrupt intellectually that they resort to Nidal Na’issat’s hallunications. He is a vulgar Syrian version of the vulgar Raphael Patai.

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July 15th, 2010, 6:53 pm


Jihad said:

Some people are that bankrupt intellectually that they resort to Nidal Na’issat’s hallucinations. He is a vulgar Syrian version of the vulgar Raphael Patai.

??? ???? ??? ????? ????? ??? ??? ??? ?? ????? ???? ??? ??????? ?? ????????

???? ???? ?? ???? ?????? ?????????? ?? ????. ???? ????? ????? ???? ?? ?????? ?????????? ?? ??? ?????????? ?? ??????? ????????

July 15th, 2010, 6:54 pm


jad said:

-Listen Almasri, Majid or Samaher….I don’t care who or where you are from, many times you called yourself Egyptian hence you are an Egyptian, in short NOT SYRIAN, so shut it and stay away from the Syrian society because you obviously know nothing about us.

-I didn’t reply to the so called ‘smart’ question of yours for 3 reasons:
1- that wasn’t a smart question, it doesn’t fit reality in Syria and nobody asked for such illusion you called a ‘smart’ question, it’s actually a very stupid question
2- because I came to an important conclusion that you (Almasri, now, Majid last year) are not worth to engage with and waste my time on at all, as it was proven over and over again with your unstable hormones and your on and off periods of bullying and attacking almost everybody on SC including Joshua
3- You have radical views and I told you before and I repeat I have allergy of people like you.

-Dude, the street language you are talking about is actually way higher than yours, the other day you called me an a**hole do you call that a civilized language?

-you asked: “Who do you think you are?”
I’m a true Syrian and I’m very proud of being from this great land called Syria and I never ever hide behind my sect, my religion, my family, my tribe, my political party or my region when I stuck, I’m Syrian and want the best for my country and my society.

-I’m sure that you have many smart Egyptian friends but judging from your personality I’m fine to be called looser than meet them, Thank you!

Enough is enough, get lost ya 7mar!

July 15th, 2010, 7:07 pm


Off the Wall said:

Dear Nour

Thanks for your post. While we may differ on how to get there, I fully agree with you that a civil state is the most critical issue, and a civil personal status law is the most basic and fundamental law in any society as it makes it or breaks it on equal citizenship, No one can tell me that a woman in her 20s needs a guardian, and that at the same time she is equal citizen. The presence of any Syrian with less than full citizenship is abhorrent to me, and it is not a cultural or societal issue I am willing to take into account or to compromise on.

I look at two different intellectuals, and both are secularists. The first is Bassam Alqadi, He makes his arguments much as you made them, focusing more on fundamental rights and on Civil State, and he exposes, one after another, the effects of a regressive proposal. But he does not concern himself with the details of 7adith’s, nor does he argue for the need to reform Islam, or Christianity for that matter. All he argues is that we need equal citizenship and that even if we have some traditions, we need to shed them off in order to move on. He builds his argument on the constitution not on whether religion is wrong or right. Bassam argues that we have a constitution, international agreements, and that such regressive law is against the two, both of which equate men and women with respect to rights and definition of citizenships. He and people like him do build exactly on some progress we have made in the past and uses that progress, which is the constitution, even if incomplete (presidency clause) to try and stop a wave of reactionary laws and answers ill meaning “Men” club in the lawyers union methodically. Bare in mind that these bunch of cowards are the same ones who didn’t lift a finger when their colleague was dragged in front of a guild court because of his defense of human rights. Bassam is what I would describe as a grass root worker and a builder of civil society.

Dr. Elhadj, our second intellectual, on the other hand, puts himself, and most other secularists in the middle of an invented conflict as he tells Muslims that they need to reform their religion, and with that, he is in fact placing the state, preferably ruled by a mythical benevolent dictator, smack into the middle of the spiritual. Furthermore, he is allowing the entire argument for progress to be framed exactly in the terminology preferred by the enemies of progress, by asking for the illusive Muslim Martin Luther, and with that, arguing that human rights is a western construct and that the western path, which involved the “death” or “retirement” of the catholic god is the only path there is and as such their god should follow that path. Basically, he is giving nearly a billion muslims a false choice between their religion and progress. This is exactly the argument religious totalitarians want him to make so that any secularist would appear to be a mere extension of the much hated Orientalist movement, with its neo-con reincarnation, in short, as enemies of Islam. This is precisely why I did not respond to or get involved in the arguments following his most recent post. I have not stopped reading SC for a single day, but I did not post for several reasons including my refusal to be trapped in that frame of argument.

You wrote
This has nothing to do with our “culture,” “values,” or “traditions.” Rather it is a basic requisite of having a modern CIVIL state. Otherwise we may also argue that corruption, bribery, and cronyism are also part of our culture and traditions and we should take them into account when attempting to advance our society.

Very good argument and it may seem to refute some of what I wrote, but not all of it. First, while rampant, corruption, bribe, and cronyism can not be put at the same level as traditions that are sold as part of religious dogma. They are unjustifiable dysfunctional behavioral attributes. They may be rationalized, but for most people, they are not a part of a system of belief, but rather rationalized as part of coping, in essence they are like a bad habit, someone else is responsible for, and those committing them rationalize their behavior by always saying, I’ll quit tomorrow or when my boss quits, when my salary improves, or when …. whatever. Traditions, which are sold as part of religious dogma, are different, they carry a sense of permanence, and that is what should be taken into account before that permanence is challenged.

Dear Husam,
I am also uncomfortable around niqab. But your simple question baffles me. And I am afraid that like many, I have no simple answer. But if I am to guess the question is simple, but the answer is very complex, but it may have to do with nudity being a symbol of removing inhibitions, which seems to be a natural progression of western thoughts, and niqab being a symbol of excessive embrace of inhibitions, which is a counter cultural trend to most Europeans, though not to puritanical remnants in the US. Again, I may be wrong.

The article by Mr. Riza Shiran, which very thought provoking, stipulates but it does not prove. An no, I read it very carefully, with a full open mind as my posts already indicate.

July 15th, 2010, 7:08 pm


almasri said:

OK, OTW, your open mindedness is noted. You see Shiran stipulating and not proving. That is fine as long as you see the facts he presents waiting for a judge to rule on the case, in this case an intelligent reader. His opinion about the matter is very clear, however. I also could have answered Husam about niqab being used as a political statement that serves the mutual interests of opponents seeking a way into what they see the ‘comfortable spheres’ of fundamentalism by mutually forcing each other to fail their ideals. Incidentally, Shiran correctly observes (or stipulates if you prefer) the transformation into Militant Secularism due to failure to accommodate. So there you go. Militant Secularism vs. Militant ‘Islam’. But we can always blame neocons in order to be politically correct.

JAD, you are not worth it. Go play with your likes the Naissat(s) and get lost again.

July 15th, 2010, 9:19 pm


jad said:

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July 15th, 2010, 10:41 pm


Nour said:


Your response to my post reflects your own hatred and intolerance; not mine. What’s funny is that you are of the mentality that there should be an Islamic state in Syria because the majorit are Muslims, while you don’t accept that same majority logic with respect to the niqab ban in France. Guess what? Most French are Christian or Secular, so with that same logic, they should have the right to impose whatever laws they wish on their Muslim citizens. Now if you reject that logic in France, then you should also reject it in Syria.

As for your rant against Antoun Saadeh, that just exposes your true mindset, which is reflective of the sick extremism espoused by religious fundamentalists; namely that anyone who doesn’t agree with us should be “hanged.” Let me ask you this, whether or not you disagree with him, what crime did Antoun Saadeh commit, that you would relish in his execution?

Regarding your assessment of Saadeh’s thought, please refrain from discussing matters you know nothing about. Saadeh’s use of the term “Mohammadan” is not in any way related to Orientalist thought. Saadeh viewed both Christians and Muslims to be “mouslimoun” to the lord of all peoples. In other words, both have submitted themselve to God; but Christians submitted to God through Christ, while Muslims did so through Mohammad, thereby the terms “Mohammadan” Muslims and “Christian” Muslims. And that’s the meaning of the title of his study “Islam in its Two Messages: Christianity and Mohammadism.”

What is clear, in any case, is that you have not read the book, nor do you know what is contained in it, as you merely threw a fit over the term “Mohammadan” without understanding its context and the Saadeh’s reason for using the term. Rather than throwing a tantrum and calling for the death of all those not in line with your religious thinking, try reading other viewpoints and engaging in open discussions. It might do you some good.

July 16th, 2010, 1:46 am


Husam said:


I am shocked at your language. I know about Almasri’s hormones, but I searched all of SC and did not find him using foul language on you.

Even if he did, you just lowered your presence here on SC to the floor. What a shame? You think he has extreme views, but in his eyes, and in the eyes of many others, you are an extremist yourself. Think about that for longer than 1 second.

July 16th, 2010, 2:46 am


Husam said:

Nour said:

“Most French are Christian or Secular, so with that same logic, they should have the right to impose whatever laws they wish on their Muslim citizens. Now if you reject that logic in France, then you should also reject it in Syria.”

I am sorry but I find your logic: illogical! Muslims are a minority in France, so are Christians in Syria. Please tell me what does the Syrian law impose on its Christian citizens? In another words, what imposed laws should we as a minority reject in Syria?

Hint: Minorities in Muslim countries are governed under separate personal-status laws reflecting their own traditions!

Jesusism, how does that sound? Say it 1 Zillion times in the media and construct buildings on this term, it will then catch on like fire. Anything-ism nowadays has negative extreme connotation.

July 16th, 2010, 2:57 am


Joshua said:

Jad and Almasri,

Your argument got out of control and nasty, which we cannot have. Please no “takhween,” claiming that the other is not a real Syrian and absolutely no use of insults and personal attacks – which is what this has become.

I have been asked to ban JAD for his use of direct insults, such a “idiot”, etc. and I should. Ghat was banned for less and even in his case there were others who had offended worse than he. I don’t like doing this. All of you are valued and contribute important perspectives.

I am not banning anyone today, but please, try to avoid provoking each other and don’t get sucked into outbursts and insults. Please.


July 16th, 2010, 10:00 am


Husam said:


I too was appalled at the foul language. Not only did Jad insult Almasri @28, he insulted the Egyptian people as a whole while claiming to be an Arab Nationalist.

And we love to blame the Americans for all our ills… we can’t even get our own house in order.

July 16th, 2010, 10:55 am


Joshua said:

Husam, Let us not continue to chew on this bone. There were many provocations, not the least of which was that claim that Sunnis are the only true Syrians.

We have been over this ground a thousand times. I am not asking Syrians to respect each other in their hearts or to be good Arab nationalists, but I do insist that discussion on these pages remain civil.

Thanks, Joshua

July 16th, 2010, 11:03 am


Nour said:


Syria is not an Islamic state, and that’s the point. What I’m saying is that many Islamists want it to be an Islamic state based on the premise that Sunni Muslims are the majority in Syria. I do not accept the logic of majority rule, whether in France or in Syria. I believe in the concept of the civil state that treats all citizens equally under the law. I was merely showing how that same logic can be reversed and applied to France to justify what is currently taking place there. “Minorities” should not be governed under different laws, as that type of governance by its very nature differentiates between people of a single nation. In Syria a Christian man is not permitted to marry a Muslim woman, and so the personal status laws are by their very nature discriminatory and do not treat citizens equally under the law. If two Syrian citizens want to marry, why should the state prevent them from doing so because of the religious beliefs of a segment of society?

July 16th, 2010, 11:15 am


Husam said:


Thank you for bringing that to my attention, I did not know that they can’t register such a marriage.

You said: “If two Syrian citizens want to marry, why should the state prevent them from doing so because of the religious beliefs of a segment of society?”

By the same token, in a free society, such as France, why should the state prevent a Hijabi French citizen from studying in University due to her religious belief?

July 16th, 2010, 1:38 pm


jad said:

WOW..many comments for the rescue of the poor Al-Masri; Jad viciously attacked the innocent, peaceful, all religions loving, and the mentally stable poor thing.

1-You used foul language with AP before, didn’t you? so to be ‘shocked’ and ‘appalled’ by my words is a little bit dramatic.
2-You only saw me insulting Egyptians but you didn’t see the insult on all Lebanese, which provoked my reply, Why? are the Lebanese for you less than Egyptians to defend?
3-I’m not an Arab Nationalist as you claimed that I claimed, I’m a Syrian Nationalist.
4-I think everybody on SC know who is the extreme and who is not, but thanks for pointing that out.
You are new here, I’ve been on SC for almost 3 years now, believe me, I tried all kind of languages and attitudes with this thing called “Al-Masri” when he starts coming here but nothing worked on him, he is a hopeless mental case, don’t be fooled by his attitude change toward you when you agreed with him, next time you disagree you will get something, he has a history of attacking everybody on here.
He was banned before when he used to be Majid until he got a deal to come back and watch his attitude.
What is funny is his reply ‘thanking’ Joshua on the other thread and writes “unjustified provocations”, Really!!!
I just wanted to explain to you the situation so you understand the full story. I do appreciate if we leave it at this now until the next episode of his breakdown.

July 16th, 2010, 1:43 pm


almasri said:


First, you are not going to prove anything by labeling people Islamists, fundamentalists or whatever your imagination may come up with. That merely proves your desire to reductionist thinking relieving you of making any serious attempts to come out of your shell.

Second, I do not like to feel that I am in a classroom and that I have to answer questions whether I read this or that book. But since you asked, I have no problem answering you. Yes I read that book by Saade. In fact, I even read it before I knew anything about Islam. I also read other books by the man. To be honest, in the beginning I found some reasoning but was not totally convinced. I was lucky to have an Iraqi friend who was more mature than me at the time and he pointed out to me the fallacies in Antoun’s thoughts. In a sense, the reading of that book and the subsequent revelations made by that friend of mine spurred me to begin to read about Islam from its true sources. I am sure you know all about what is in the book but the mere title of it is the most offensive to Muslims at large and actually an outright insult. You call any Muslim a Mohammadan and he would frown at you first and then he would correct you. Next time he would point out to you the insult you are making. And please do not argue that term was coined by the Orientalists. If you believe you are a ‘musslim’ as Saade taught you then you should first learn about Islam from its sources. But in fact you are either Nisrani, Christian, Jew, Hindu, atheist or whatever else there is.

We do not have civil states in Syria or in the Arab world. We are not there, despite all the pretenses that people would like to make about this or that state being secularist. I am a realist and would like to call things as they are regardless. Does the majority have the right to chart its own destiny based on the values that it believes in without need for distortions crafted by Orientalists and their tails? I believe it does particularly in light of the colonialist past that we have been through and the neo-colonialism that we need to avoid falling into once again.

Finally, I am not against capital punishment. If Saade was charged with something and found guilty and the punishment for that charge was deemed to be hanging, then I have no problem with that. Even many civil states in the world today still apply capital punishment. What charges he may have been accused of? Obviously, they were political charges. Lebanon is very liberal with its judicial system unlike many Arab States. So we cannot assume he was misjudged. But I could tell you for certain spreading ‘fitna’ is a very serious offense in most Muslim countries and the Law would impose capital punishment in cases where the fitna may result in greater social harm than sparing the person’s life based on the principle of avoidance. Even your presumed secularist Syria used that principle under Hafiz to level a whole city on its inhabitants. Perhaps, Antoun should have spent more time learning about Islam before presenting his so-called ‘bible’ about the subject to a mostly Muslim audience. But I do see your point. To you he was a ‘martyr’.

July 16th, 2010, 2:19 pm


Nour said:


I agree with your last comment; I am not defending the French position. But what I am saying is that the concept of majority rule is flawed because it leads to the dictatorship of the majority, and to the division of the one society.

July 16th, 2010, 2:23 pm


Nour said:


I am not a professor in a classroom nor am I treating you in such a manner. You chose to judge a book based on its title and I challenged your position. You say that you did read that book and were “fortunately” shown the light by an Iraqi friend. Well, could you summarize what Antoun Saadeh’s basic argument was in that book? Because based on your writings, it appears you really have NOT read the book nor do you know what is contained in it.

As far as labeling goes, just as you find yourself qualified to label people “orientalists” and “westernized secularists” you have to accept others referring to extreme fundamentalists as “Islamists.” You are actually clearly epitomizing the fundamentalist mentality in your writings; merely that no one is allowed to disagree with your thoughts, or else they deserve nothing short of death. You want to impose your views on society at large and then claim that this is what society wants. It’s nonsense; you are refusing to even engage in a civil debate and want everyone to merely accept the imposition of an Islamic system, and to adhere to your version of Islam, in order to avoid your wrath.

As far as Saadeh is concerned, he was not a religious clergyman intending to express religious doctrine. He was rather a philosopher and social scientist analyzing prevalent thoughts and social conditions objectively and scientifically. He stated that according to the basic tenets of both Christianity and Islam, both were “mouslimoun li rab el-3alameen.” Adherents of both messages submit themselves to God; Christians are “mouslimoun” through Christ and “Muslims” are “mouslimoun” through Mohammad. This is not the orientalist view and you know that very well. It is Saadeh’s view; and whether or not you agree with it, it hardly qualifies as an incitement toward “fitna” deserving of death.

Regarding Lebanon’s judiciary, it is quite a stretch to claim it is “liberal,” as it is controlled by the political forces in Lebanon. Antoun Saadeh was tried and executed (by shooting squad, not hanging) in less than 24 hours. Do you really believe that he received a fair trial? And he was never accused of spreading “fitna”, as you clearly know nothing of his mockery of a trial. He was accused of plotting to overthrow the government and of dealing with “Israel.” It was a joke of a charge with no evidence to support it, which is why they wanted to complete their circus as quickly as possible.

In any case, even if Saadeh was an “orientalist”, and even if he called Muslims “Mohammadans” in an insulting manner (which he did not), only in the mind of a person filled with hatred and spite would he deserve death. In every post you make you are exposing the blackness of your soul and your complete intolerance of anyone not parroting your thoughts. This is the trend and the mentality that we must combat heavily in our nation.

July 16th, 2010, 2:44 pm


Husam said:


You are right, the majority rule leaves out sometimes, 49% of the people. That is a democracy!

About all Almasri, I do find many of his critical thinking valid. And, I don’t think I can right him off like you are suggesting. But I agree he does have erruptions, but he is not the only one. Jad just had a major one 🙂

The difference between labels “Islamists & Westernized Securalists” is the following:

The root word of Islamists is Islam which means submission to God and the holy Quran as the actual word of God. So when you call people Islamists, you are hitting the very fabric of their belief system. To me that is not the best way to gain ears. This term as I said before, is a misnomer; a term minted by the Zionist owned media. I think we can all agree on this.

The root word of Securalist is Secular which is an idealogy that does not interfere with one’s belief system or faith. Therein lies the major difference. Do you see where I am coming from….

July 16th, 2010, 4:46 pm


Husam said:


1) I had debates with Almasri and I called him a racist. I did not use the F word.

2) I see nothing insulting from all Almasri about the Lebanese. If I mistaken, please show me where.

3) Thank you for letting me know that your focus is Syria.

4) Thank you also for the history.

Now, we should all go have some iced lemon tea. What do you say?

July 16th, 2010, 4:56 pm


Nour said:


I see your point and appreciate your concern about the term “Islamist.”

July 16th, 2010, 5:59 pm


jad said:

1) We all do at one point or another use foul language when someone provoke us, even Husam:

2)”If I mistaken, please show me where.”
#27 “we always thought the Lebanese can do nothing good!!!”


July 18th, 2010, 3:59 am


Husam said:

Hi Jad:

1) Akhra Palace is a machine. My comments to this parot were done in a joking way…so much so that you remembered it. It was funny. Come on, you can’t compare…

2) I see your point, but I think it was about the Lebenese govt. (drama) unable to get anything done…but I could be wrong.

Take care,

July 21st, 2010, 10:17 pm


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