The Arab Spring & the decay of secular state in Syria
Posted by Alex on Wednesday, October 12th, 2011
The Arab Spring & the decay of secular state in Syria
By Morpheus, a Damascus based architect
For Syria Comment – posted by Camille
Since its beginning, the Arab Spring phenomenon dominated the waves of local & international media and focused discussions about the current state of affairs in the Arab world on two major principles; freedom & regime change. However, this debate over these principles in Syria overshadowed the systematic destruction of secular state using vague political terms, conflicting regime change with state destruction and applying a divisive discourse that can only lead to separation instead of integration.
Syria today is suffering mainly from the absence of a “silent majority” from its political debates. Currently, the representation of the Syrian population is reduced to ineffective pro-government speakers and external chaotic opposition mostly represented by ambiguous characters with little substance to offer. This, of course, comes as no surprise in a country where true politics disappeared under one party ruling for four decades. However, this growing opposition abroad presents another concern as it aims to de-root all aspects of modern governing established in the country since its independence. An important aspect of the Syrian State was its secular face, rarely exposed and discussed but very evident and present to prudent observers. Since its early days, the Syrian state did not hide its indifference to religion and all its national figures agreed amongst themselves upon this unspoken truth. Their mixture was unique and effective. Muslims & Christians as well as Arabs & non Arabs all contributed to the construction of a modern state. The danger, nowadays, threatens the solid beliefs of the founding fathers, if I may use this expression, by debating the unspoken truth, highlighting ethnic & religious discrepancies and pushing the interest of one group to the detriment of national interest. Thus, the vague political terms used and consumed by media debates like freedom and change can only be used to describe and specify a general state of thinking without actual detailing of what it entails if put to the test in everyday governance. It is important to highlight as well that a serious attempt for change started years ago on all different levels of government to open up the discourse and diagnose the requested modifications to a closed system. This is by no means a gift from the regime but a committed effort from the “Silent Majority”.
This process of change from within was not only triggered by political needs but by economic, cultural and social necessities. Syria today is very different from the state it was in 1963 when the ruling party took power. The Syrian population growth rate is one of the highest in the world. Exposure to free market policies changed economic behavior fundamentally. Avant-gardists co-exist with traditionalists in every domain. More than ever, the need for change is inevitable. Even people in the highest echelons of power knew it was coming. This, nevertheless, was meant to improve the outcome of the state not to dismantle it. Thus, the “Silent Majority” was taken aback by the unexplainable uprising in most Syrian cities. It was evident that occurring changes were much less than expected. The outcome of it was a strange one; on one hand the government took the steering wheel and started a fast track process of introducing numerous laws & regulations to convince everyone it was doing its due diligence while the opposition fought back by stripping the government of its right to expedite the process of change. In reality, the former excluded the active majority from political reform in a way, while the latter refused the whole concept of reform all together leaving no room for discussion and taking the matter to the streets and the masses. Nothing is far more dangerous than leaving crucial decisions with impact for years to come to angry protestors and ineffective bodies of governance. This condition is threatening the collective belief in the Syrian state capability of existence and survival. A regime change is needed in a manner that is not threatening to integration and unity of national institutions. This type of change has to be inclusive not exclusive and based on discourse not violence and erratic attempts. The issues at stake are far more divisive than immediate gains. Furthermore, it is imperative to keep in mind that the structure of current institutions is not a result of the regime in power. Some of these institutions are older than the Syrian Republic itself. Consequently, a consensus has to be reached at large before diving into any productive restructuring.
Increasingly so, the language used by regime opponents is sending shock waves through the nation’s nerve system. Since the independence, the political views differed from one another by association to the socialist approach to governance or to the capitalist approach. They all agreed on national unity and diversity but debated how to solve social & economic affairs. Today, the political scene drafts a totally different landscape focusing on ethnic, religious and social divisions. This comes as a reflection of modern politics in the Middle East as a whole where politics no longer relate to progressive thinking but to backward thinking and the political arena is divided between pragmatists and Islamists. A consequence of the end of the Cold War era, the Middle East failed to produce any inspiring political thinking for decades and fall hostage to fundamentalists. Syria is no exception. In the 80’s the government responded with tremendous force to the rise of the Muslim Brotherhood. Nevertheless, the past three decades witnessed a softer approach. Religious diversity was celebrated widely in the country and all Syrians felt a sense of reassurance in the ability to express religious beliefs. But how good is too good? Today, when secular state is decided to be more inclusive it is faced with violent disapproval and denial of its right to lead based on sectarian thinking. This is not only increasing tension between government & protestors but also is extending a greater feeling of mistrust amongst different sects in society. All of a sudden, the debate shifted from replacing old socialism with more progressive socially conscious capitalism to replacing army boots with Islamic turbans.
In result, it is astonishing how the “Silent Majority” failed so far to seize its right to preserve the important achievements of the Syrian state since its birth in 1947 and to enter the political debate strongly and effectively using peaceful means and civic action. The end as described by protestors is aimed towards freedom. But it is far more important to exercise a civil and united discourse in order to agree on what type of system we are seeking to protect and cherish common freedoms. Also, it is crucial not to lose sight of what was achieved so far regardless of whether it was done incorrectly. To have something to work with and improve is far better than to turn the page and start from scratch especially in a time where the clock is ticking away…
Damascus, Oct 8th, 2011
Posted by Alex.
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Comments (840)
Norman said:
Well said,
The goal is to complete and improve not to overturn the good that was done.
October 12th, 2011, 11:21 pm
Mohamed Kanj said:
Great article
October 12th, 2011, 11:27 pm
ann said:
A golden nugget! Thanks Alex
October 13th, 2011, 12:20 am
ann said:
Cyprus, Israel and Turkey Near “High Noon” Standoff Over Med’s Natural Gas
October 11th, 2011
The entire picture becomes even more intense with the addition of Erdogan’s increasing antagonism against Israel, whose natural gas exploration and production in the eastern Mediterranean is also being contested by Turkey, as well as by Lebanon. This is resulting in Turkey forming “new alliances” with countries that at still in a state of war against Israel.
Turkey’s actions, which appear to be direct overtures toward Muslim countries, could cause it long term damage in its efforts to become a member of the European Union. This new “Eastern outlook” , according to strategist James Ker-Lindsay, “would pretty much close Turkey’s hopes to become an EU member” should it resort to military action against Greek Cypress, as well as Israel.
Perhaps Mr. Erdogan, who many critics are saying desires to be Turkey’s uncrowned Sultan, wants his country to return to the days of the Ottoman Empire when Turkey was one of Islam’s religious and cultural centers. But even if Erdogan’s bellicosity is still considered by many to be a form of saber rattling, “these situations can have a nasty habit of spiraling out of control” says Ker-Lindsay.
October 13th, 2011, 12:34 am
ann said:
Turkey seeks Israeli arrests over flotilla raid
Turkish media reports prosecutor seeking arrest of 174 Israelis allegedly involved in 2010 Navy raid on Gaza-bound ship
A Turkish prosecutor is seeking the arrest of 174 Israelis allegedly involved in the naval commando raid that killed nine Turks on a ship carrying aid to the Gaza Strip last year, broadcaster CNN Turk reported on Wednesday.
Ties between the two regional powers have deteriorated sharply since IDF naval commandos raided the Mavi Marmara in May 2010.
CNN Turk said on its website Istanbul state prosecutor Mehmet Akif Ekinci had written to the Justice Ministry calling for the arrest of those who carried out the raid and those who ordered it.
Turkey has previously said it will seek to prosecute all Israelis responsible for crimes committed during the May 2010 raid.
The names of the Israeli marines involved in the raid have not been released. The prosecutor had previously written to Israel seeking the names of those involved but had received no answer.
Turkish-Israeli tensions have continued to escalate since then, with Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan saying last month Turkish warships could be sent to the Eastern Mediterranean at any time and Israel could not do whatever it wants there.
Turkey downgraded diplomatic ties with Israel and halted defence trade after the Jewish state confirmed last month it would not apologise for the Mavi Marmara raid.
October 13th, 2011, 12:41 am
ann said:
East Mediterranean gas conflict could drag in U.S.- Oct. 12, 2011
Lebanon, technically still at war with Israel, claims that Leviathan, containing some 16 trillion cubic feet of gas and 4.2 billion barrels of oil, lies partly in its waters.
The U.S. Geological Survey says the Levant Basin covering the territorial waters of Syria, Lebanon, Israel, the Gaza Strip and war-divided Cyprus contain 122 tcf of gas
Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan declared he would send warships to escort any future aid flotillas. One was canceled and no others have been announced, suggesting to some that Erdogan was bluffing.
October 13th, 2011, 12:57 am
Ghufran said:
The story about an Iranian plot to assassinate the Saudi ambassador in the US has many holes in it.
October 13th, 2011, 1:10 am
Ghufran said:
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October 13th, 2011, 1:26 am
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October 13th, 2011, 1:32 am
Ghufran said:
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October 13th, 2011, 1:35 am
Firas Azmeh said:
Interesting perspective; thanks. After being silent and without an outlet for so long, I think it’s difficult to accurately characterize this “silent majority”; I certainly would not assume that they’re secular-minded. Though it may contain secular elements, I suspect the majority of those silent in Syria today would be somewhat sympathetic to Islamists – unfortunately. This is not specific to Syria, but rather, is part of the Islamic tidal wave that is hitting the entire Arabic-speaking world. Over the past 3 decades, the Islamists have managed to take over (if not hijack) the platform, and have crowded out the secularists, who have yielded a little too easily.
October 13th, 2011, 1:37 am
Syrian Nationalist Party said:
“…….The story about an Iranian plot to assassinate the Saudi ambassador in the US has many holes in it…..”
Common man why you brought this CNN trash over here, it really offend the intelligence of many, they are desperate for some big action to cover up the coming financial collapse topped with 600 billion in derivatives. Don’t add any credence to this silly fabrication rag head are now peddling. They think the world has their low level of intelligence.
Yeah the article is good in principal, let’s build from here on the gain theme is okay, but naïve guppy feel good kinda. The problem is that President Assad is simply not having the ability to build anything. I mean look at the party law he passed, an obsolete Baathist rag. The point is missed; Syria and its nation are not the property of the Baath and Assad’s. The Party Law that passed must be scrapped, Baathist rules needs to vanish. People who want to form party or have the right of Association needs not have permits from the Baath Government, they are free to do so as they wish, as long as they do not set up an operation or engage in terrorism, espionage and become agents.
October 13th, 2011, 2:15 am
Syria no kandahar said:
Welcome to freedom and democracy,Arab spring style:
October 13th, 2011, 2:21 am
N.Z. said:
I hope by posting such an article, Alex will not take further advantage in twisting and turning facts on the ground.
This is an uprising against tyranny. RELIGIOSITY, RELIGION and RELIGIOUS PEOPLE is not what is moving the street.
What spread the uprising is not ISLAM and MUSLIMS, it is the despicable Assads.
Alex is a spit image of a Zionist, who describes the theft of Palestinian land by Jewish colonizer as a conflict between Muslims and Jews.
This blog seems to become a mouthpiece for spreading propaganda, that feeds into dirty hands.
October 13th, 2011, 2:27 am
Aboud said:
Very good article. Dr Landis was on France 24 English last night, he had some excellent observations. It would be great if someone could dig up the clip and post it.
Sorry to read that Ehsani is leaving the website, his articles were fantastic and insightful. At least he knew that Emmanuel Goldstein was a fictional character LOL! Bloody idiots, people laugh so much when I tell them that story. Menhebaks intellect is as shallow as a puddle of water 🙂
My analysis has always been ahead of the curve. I was one of the first to predict events would turn to guerrilla warfare, and they have started to do so. I was the first to remark that half of war is the mistakes your opponents will make, and now one of the new chants at demonstrations is “Ghaba’oqun ensurna”. And I was saying over a month ago that alas, Syria Comment was on its last legs. Lo and behold.
And regarding the all too predictable pro-Besho demo, I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again. Yes only has any real meaning if “No” is a realistic alternative. Not one tenth of those Besho hired/coerced demonstrators would have come out if they had to face the same risks as democracy loving protestors.
October 13th, 2011, 2:47 am
Alex said:
Dear NZ
I posted an article by an architect in Damascus who does not wish to use his real name, just like you do not. If you have something to criticize, address it to the author.
I would appreciate it if in the future you would spare me having to reply to your “dirty hands” type of comments.
There will be content here that you will agree with or disagree with, but we will not always tailor SC to your specific taste. If you find this unacceptable, please find another blog. But I do not wish to waste my, or other readers’ time with the same old bullying tactics.
I hope this is clear.
October 13th, 2011, 2:47 am
Mina said:
Excellent article in Liberation on the poor state of demoocracy in Turkey. Journalists who question the AKP”conspiracy theories” that enable them to put dozens of people in jails are thrown in jail themselves; students who held a sign “free education for all” in a meeting of Erdogan have just spent 17 months in prison. Some conclude: Turkey is less a democracy than five years ago. I bet that was not an issue for Netanyahu.
Aboud, why do you try to claim you were the first to say it would “turn to guerilla warfare”? People here have commented on the fact that already in March, in Daraa, Homs, Tal Kala, protesters had weapons and not only those who set some ambushes to the army. This was already guerilla and the plan from day one was civil war “Lebanon Yugoslavia Iraq style”.
October 13th, 2011, 3:01 am
Syria no kandahar said:
Secular Revolution
Peaceful one:
La lilshia…balroh baldam nafdeek ya Islam:
Not religious at all…you are Mohammad people:
This is the outcome of your religious Sunni revolution:
October 13th, 2011, 3:29 am
Mina said:
the same imaginary terrorist plots and the actual use of anthrax were the tactics used in 2001 and again in 2003 to curve demonstrations in the US (in those times, against the war, and now, against wall street).
October 13th, 2011, 3:31 am
Aboud said:
“This was already guerilla and the plan from day one”
How quickly the menhebaks want to forget the Homs New Clock demonstration in April. That day, the city hosted a massive anti-regime demo. And what was the regime’s response? To release criminals from jail, arm them, and unleash them like dogs to massacre people at the New Clock, and hunt them down in the streets. There are NUMEROUS videos of your Besho thugs celebrating the massacre that night.
And what has been the result? Homs turned into the capital, the nexus of the revolution. The regime has found it utterly impossible to subdue it, despite repeated army incursions. People living in Hadara street live under a siege like mentality while the rest of the city goes about its merry way.
Junior will never be able to subdue Homs, and Asma will never be able to show her face in this city again. Poor Asma. Sleep with dogs, wake up with fleas
Seriously, how on Earth did the Athad army let over 500 soldiers slip out of Rastan and make their way to Homs is beyond me.
October 13th, 2011, 3:41 am
Antoine said:
September 9, 1975 – The Palestinians and the Syrians attacked the Christian Village of Deir Ashash, in North Lebanon. 3 elderly priests were slaughtered, hacked and burnt. The people were forced out from their homes. The priests, “Father Boutros Sassine, Father Antonios Tamineh and Father Hanna Makssoud”, were respectively 98, 77 and 66 years old. The Syrians were wearing the Palestinian’s Military Uniform.
– September 11, 1975 – The Palestinians and the Syrians attacked the Christian village of Beit Mellat in the North. 8 people were killed and tens were kidnapped.
The Victims’ names:
1. Edward Abdallah El Saifi
2. Berhan Tanios Chahine
3. Semaan Romanos Awwad
4. Kamel Chafic Al Jaiitany
5. Marie Nadim Jabbour
6. Romanos Awad
7. Assaad Wadih Makhoul
8. Assaad Massoud Trad
– October 9, 1975 – The Palestinians and the Syrians attacked the Christian village of Tall Abbas – Akkar, in North Lebanon. 20 people were massacred. The church was burnt down to provoke a sectarian war between the Lebanese. The village was partially destroyed.
The Victims’ names:
1. Elias Wadih Hanna
2. Gerges Wadih Hanna
3. Adib Elias Hanna
4. Gerges Hanna El Daher
5. Gerges Abdallah Daaboul
6. Jamil Gergi Akkari
7. Michael Hanna Haidar
8. Michael Youssef Mitri
9. Nicolas El Khoury Aghabios
10. Nicolas Amine El Dahr
11. Youssef Mitri Mitri
12. Michael Youssef Bilad
13. Michael Hanna Haidar
14. Milia Rashid Jreij
15. Rifqat Ibrahim Jreij
16. Nagib Ibrahim Farah
17. Nicolas Awad Al Jammal
18. Nicolas Naouss El Khoury
19. Elias Youssef Nader
20. Isshak Ibrahim Isshak
– October 30, 1975 – The Palestinians and the Syrians attacked the convent of Naameh, the same convent that received and sheltered Palestinian refugees in 1948. Tens of civilians were massacred.
The Victims’ names:
1. George Khoury
2. Halim El Kroum
3. Pierre Edmond Helou
4. Habib Aziz Abu Nasr
5. Pierre Emile Abu Khalil
6. Chafic Haddad
7. Tanios Bshara Abu Khalil
8. Tanios Khalil Abu Khalil
9. Maroun Tanios Abu Khalil
10. Maroun Youssef Abu Nasr
11. Fouad Fares Abu Nasr
12. Albert Hanna Abu Nasr
13. Nabil Edmond Helou
14. Nemr Naaman Abu Serhal
15. Naiim Helou (was burnt alive in the middle of the village)
– December 23, 1975 – The Syrians and Palestinians shelled and attacked the town of Zahle, in the Bekaa. They killed 4 civilians and injured Tens of innocent people.
The Martyrs’ names:
1. Tony Sader
2. Abdel Massih Haddad
3. Jacques Jaward
4. Khalil El Khoury
– January 8-12, 1976 – The Palestinians and the Syrians attacked the Christian towns of Damour and Jiyyeh, in Shouf. 50 civilians were slaughtered in one night. The entire “Selim El Asmar” and “El Azzi” Family were executed. The Syrians were wearing the Palestinian’s Military Uniform.
– January 14, 1976 – Same executions were perpetrated in the town of Damour. The Cemetery was completely excavated. More than 180 inhabitants were killed and their churches profaned. The entire “Cannaan” Family was slaughtered in their beds while sleeping
-January 15, 1976 – The Palestinians and the Syrians invaded and attacked East of Damour. Women were raped; children of 2, 3, 4 and 10 years old were all hacked. Houses and churches burnt down. 100 victims were reported.
– January 15, 1976 – The Palestinians and the Syrians arrived at Abb-Elias, a Muslim – Christian village in the Bekaa. Few days later, 16 Christians were massacred and another 23 were injured. The exodus of the Christians towards Zahle East Beirut and Jounieh began.
The Victims’ names: (incomplete)
1. Jean Mansour Nohra
2. Gerges Jamil Yamine
3. Hanna Barakat Abu Melheb
4. Charbel Tanios Badr
5. Fares Chebli Abu Melheb
6. Nicolas Tanios Jabbour
7. Walim Chukri Hobeika
– January 16, 1976 – Syrian Agents placed a Bomb in Ashrafiyeh, East Beirut. 42 civilians were killed and Tens were injured.
– January 18, 1976 – The Palestinians, the Syrians and some collaborators attacked and massacred the Village of Deir Jennine. They executed 2 Priests and 11 civilians. They were all riddled with bullets in their heads. (see References):
The Victims’ names:
1. Father Gerges Harb
2. Father Youssef Farah
3. Abrassida Choukri El Khoury
4. Boutros Tanios El Khoury
5. Jamilat Tanios El Khoury
6. Gerges Lisha Zeinoun (16 years old)
7. Nagib Gerges Saad
8. Assaad Gerges Tohmeh
9. Abdallah Lisha Lisha (17 years old)
10. Boutros Youssef Nakhleh
11. Boutros Nakhleh Nakhleh (65 years)
12. Antonios Boutros El Khoury (85 years old)
13. Douass Youssef Jabbour
– January 19, 1976 – The Palestinians and the Syrians attacked the village of Hosh Barada, in the Bekaa and razed it to the ground. Tens of civilians were executed in cold blood.
The first Victim’s name: (incomplete)
1. Antoine Rizkallah Antoun
– January 20 – 23, 1976 – The Christian towns of Damour and Jiyyeh, in Shouf, were again attacked. More than 260 people were massacred. The majority of the victims were women, children and elderly people. The elderly were laid down side by side for a quicker execution. Women and girls were raped and killed inside the church. Newborns were ripped apart. Children were decapitated with hatchets. Houses were burnt down. The Palestinians and the Syrians under Zouheir Mohsen’s command, Chief of Saika, executed this Genocide.
“The massacres perpetrated by the Syrians and Palestinians in Damour itself reached a total number of 582 civilians”.
The Victims and Martyrs’ names of Damour: (incomplete)
1. Georges Nakhleh Assaad
2. Walid Chaker El Asmar
3. Toufic Maroun El Asmar
4. Gerges Toufic El Asmar
5. Elham Gerges El asmar
6. Maroun Toufic El Asmar
7. Youssef Massoud Kesserwani
8. Nasr Tanios Nasr
9. Adib Youssef Nasr
10. Halim Youssef Nicolas
11. Tanios Abdah Chahine
12. Iskandar Youssef Abi Fayssal
13. Elias Khalil El Husseiny
14. Elias Farid El Ghaziry
15. Elias Youssef Al Boustany
16. Bassam Habib Abi Haidar
17. Gerges Said El Azzi
18. Gerges Moawad El Azzi
19. Khalil Toufic El Azzi
20. Charbel Elias El Azzi
21. Tanios Dib Chalhoub
22. Tony Ayoub Eid
23. Ghazi Wadih El Ghorayeb
24. Louis Gerges Bouery
25. Michel Elias Salem
26. Michel Habib Abu Merhe
27. Milad Selim El Asmar
28. Wardeh Gerges Lahad
29. Wadih Elias Abu Haidar
30. Nahia Wadih Abu Haidar
31. Najla Elias Abu Haidar
32. Nada Joseph Rizk
33. Micheline Tanios Chahine
34. Milad Maroun Rizk
35. Milia Abu Abssi
36. Youssef Harfoush
37. Habib Elias Cannaan
38. Hassan Ephrem Aoun
39. Hssaybeh Farid Abou Abdallah
40. Youssef Michael Andraos
41. Youssef Mansour Aoun
42. Elias Youssef Aoun
43. Maroun Gerges El Hashem
44. Marcel Tanios Chahine
45. Moussa Elias Aoun
46. Hanna Amine Aoun
47. Hanneh Neeman Abou Nasr
48. Hanineh Wadih Chahine
49. Sami Lahoud Abou Serhal
50. SabeY Gerges El Chouery
51. Souad Antoine El Khoury
52. Souad Antoine Aoun
53. Salma Rizk
54. Seniora Daoud Nasr
55. Suzane Tanios Chahine
56. Saydet Gerges Sadek
57. Chadi Farid Abou Abdallah
58. Shehade Youssef Abou Serhal
59. Chafic Youssef Aoun
60. Sofia Abou Haidar
61. Sofia Selim El Azzi
62. Tanios Farid Abou Abdallah
63. New Born W. Abou Haidar
64. May Elias Abou Haidar
65. Michel Gergi El Ghorayeb
66. Elias Gerges El Ghorayeb
67. Hala Akl
68. Michel Attallah
69. Michel Maroun Rizk
70. Michel Naaman Cannaan
71. Michel Youssef Salem
72. Francis Elias Dagher
73. Farida bou Fayssal
74. Farida Lahad
75. Farida Abdallah El Azzi
76. Fadia Sami Rizk
77. Kamil Sami Rizk
78. Tanios Zeidan
79. Boutros Ghanymeh
80. Tony Geryes El Azzi
81. Elias El Azzi
82. Elias Khalil Demiane
83. Fares Moawad
84. Iskandar Romanos Sherfan
85. Naiim Selim Berdkan
86. Mrs. Youssef El Khoury
87. Elias Selim Bou Fayssal
88. Elias Selim Saleh
89. Elias moussa Aoun
90. Enwan Moussa Aoun
91. Elias khalil El Hashem
92. Emile Youssef El Khoury
93. Elie Youssef El Khoury
94. Boutros Selim El Azzi
95. Georges Selim El Azzi
96. Georges Abdeh Saroufim
97. Georgette Louis El Bouery
98. Joseph SabeY Saab
99. Josepf Farid Abou Abdallah
100. Boutros Najm Abou Abdallah
101. Boulos Youssef Akl
102. Pierre Joseph Rizk
103. Therese Gerges Sadek
104. Gerges Tanios Sadek
105. Toufic Saiid Andraos
106. Gerges Elias Lahad
107. Emile Youssef Boutros
108. Amine Farhat Rizk
109. Ennaam Selim Eid
110. Eugenie Rashid El Metni
111. Gergi Youssef El Metni
112. George Sami Rizk
113. Abdeh Gerges Aoun
114. Afifa Chaaya
115. Afifa Metni
116. Ammeh Youssef Aoun
117. Amoun Michel Ghorayeb
118. Khalil Ghanimeh
119. Milad El Asmar
120. Maroun Hashem
121. Habib Cannaan
122. Saiid Habib Cannaan
123. Saada Cannaan
124. Ghada Saiid Cannaan
125. Habib Saiid Cannaan
126. Ghassan Saiid Cannaan
127. Youssef Saiid Cannaan
128. Gergi Metni
129. Aziz Youssef El Metni
130. Tony Michel Azar (8 years old)
The Victims and Martyrs’ names of Jiyyeh: (incomplete)
1. Hassan Eid El Azzi
2. George Eid El Azzi
3. Tanios Youssef El Boustani
4. Elias Abdallah El Boustany
5. Chafic Farid El Azzi
6. Rahil Dib
7. Elias Assaad Massoud El Azzi
8. Jamil Gerges Hatem
9. Youssef Sleiman Amine El Azzi
10. Karam Tanios El Azzi
11. Tannous Saad El Azzi
12. Mariam El Azzi
13. Marguerite El Azzi
14. Suzanne Nakhleh
15. Tarizeh El Azzi
16. Maurice Michael El Azzi
17. Rizk Roukoz
18. Akl Razzouk
– January 22, 1976 – The Syrians and Palestinians attacked the village of Rahbe, in Akkar. They massacred 25 innocent people and injured tens of them. They burnt down the whole village.
The Victims’ names:
1. Rashed Hanna
2. Gerges Hanna Moussa
3. Gerges Takla
4. Georges Hanna El Khoury
5. Fares Youssef El Bayee
6. Abboud Hanna Saba
7. Ibrahim Sleiman Harb
8. Jamil Jreij Junior
– January, March 23, 1976 – The Syrians and Palestinians attacked the villages of Kaddam-Deir El Ahmar, in North Lebanon. They massacred 12 civilians and injured tens of innocent people. The Village of Kaddam was burnt and razed to the ground.
The Victims and Martyrs’ names: (check with victims’ names in art. June 15, 1978)
1. Boutros Youssef Geagea (Kaddam)
2. Antoinette Nabil El Had****i (Kaddam)
3. Hanna Selim El Had****i (Kaddam)
4. Hanna Youssef El Had****i (Kaddam)
5. Michael Habib El Had****i (Kaddam)
6. Michael Tannous El Had****i (kaddam)
7. Nawwaf El Had****i (Kaddam)
– March 10, 1976 – The Khyam Barrack was attacked. Over 30 Lebanese soldiers were executed in cold blood.
– March 15, 1976- The Saika Army shelled Kobeyyat-Akkar for several weeks before the invasion. Tens were killed and hundreds were injured.
The first victim’s name: (incomplete)
1. George Tanios Najem
– April 4, 1976- Dr. Kamal Youssef El Hajj, Dr. in Philosophy at the Lebanese University of Beirut, was assassinated in Chbaniye, Baabda. Syrian Agents split open his scull with an axe, as a warning to every Lebanese Great Theorist.
– April 17, 1976 – A French Sniper, hired by the Palestinians, confessed executing 197 Christian civilians.
-May 1-2, 1976 – The Palestinians launched 2000 shells over the Regions of East and West Beirut. 100 civilians were killed and hundreds were injured.
– May 16, 1976 – Edward Saab, Chief Editor of L’Orient-le Jour and Press Correspondent of the French Newspaper, Le Monde, was assassinated. It was a Syrian Warning to muzzle the Lebanese Media.
On May the 17th, The Newspapers reported 700 victims (dead and injured), in East, West and the suburbs of Beirut, during the first 17 days. (see References)
– May 27, 1976 – Linda Jumblat, sister of Kamal Jumblat, was assassinated in her home, in Sami El Solh, East Beirut. Syrian collaborators shot her in the head. Her 2 daughters were seriously injured. It was the first warning addressed to her brother the Druze leader, Kamal Jumblat.
– June 1, 1976 – The Syrian Army invaded Lebanon under the name of the Palestinian Liberation Army. They attacked the region of Akkar and shelled all the regions under Muslim domination. They sacked the towns and villages. They killed over 500 civilians.
– June 4-5, 1976 – The Syrian Army invaded Aintoura, the Metns, Tarshish and Zaarour, injuring Tens of its inhabitants.
– June 16, 1976 – The American Ambassador of Beirut, Francis Edward Meloy, was assassinated along with his Counselor, Robert Warring and the Lebanese driver, Zohair Moghrabi.
– June 29 to August 12, 1976 – The Palestinians and Syrians from Tall El Zaatar military Camp and Jisr El Basha, massacred and killed hundreds of civilians and militants before the fall of the Camp.
The Martyrs’ names: (see also art. May 20, 1975)
1. Gaby Selim El Aamoud – June 22-76
2. Nazih Michel El Alam – July 2-76
3. Ghawi Fouad Ghawi – July 3-76
4. Kamal Khawand – July 76
5. Kamil Elias El Helou – June76
6. Artine Shabotian – July 1-76
7. Michel Gerges Makhlouf May 5-76
8. Michel Youssef Tawk – June 25-76
9. Mounir Antoine Ziyade – July 76
10. Mansour Joseph Chaanine – July 12-76
11. Mounir Joseph El Asmar – June 29-76
12. Massoud Korkis Massoud – July 76
13. Moussa Rahil El Ghoul – July 76
14. Michel Abou Gerges – July 76
15. Michel Abou Abboud – July 76
16. Michel Abou Zeid – July 76
17. Maroun Joseph Farhat – July15-76
18. Mahrouss Gerges El Khoury and his son.
19. Mahrouss Gerges Khashan – June 7-76
20. Nabil Youssef El Asmar – July 1-76
21. Nemr Saad El Hage – June76
22. Nawal Zeidan – June 76
23. Nazih Fouad Rizk – June 16-76
24. Nabil Philippe El Jbeily – July 7-76
25. Nawal Abu Zeiydan – July 76
26. Nazih Fouad Rizk – July 76
27. Nabil Youssef El Bashaalany – June 13-76
28. Nabih Boutros El Barrak – June 28-76
29. Nagib Elias Rahme – June 18-76
30. Nagib Aziz Nohra – -76
31. Nakhleh youssef Keyrouz – July 76
32. Wadih Antoine Abi khalil – July 11-76
33. William Hawi – July 13-76
34. Wahib Youssef Keyrouz – August 10-76
35. Youssef Keyrouz – August 10-76
36. Youssef Boutros El Ghabri – August 76
37. Youssef Sassine Abi khalil – July 76
38. Youssef Chekkri Nakhoul – July 76
39. Youssef Hanna Chehade – July 76
40. Youkzan Wajih Rahme – July 10-76
41. Youssef Hanna Keyrouz – June 23-76
42. Aata Abboud El Boustany – July 19-76
43. Abdah Boulos Ghanem – July 76
44. Yerfan Jamil Haddad – july 10-76
45. AbdelMassih Georges Mansourati – August 28-76
46. Francis Michael Blouz – July 76
47. Fares Yamine – April 76
48. Fouad Emile Abou Jaoude – July 7-76
49. Fawzi Iskandar Kaawad – July 9-76
50. Freddy Youssef Nasrallah – June22-76
51. Elias Jean Melki -June 76
52. Emile Antoine Abi Khalil- Juillet 76
53. Elias Fares Njeim – Juillet 76
54. Adib Antoine Al Chidiac – Juillet 8-76
55. Emile Youssef El Rahi – Juillet 76
56. Elie Hayek – June 76
57. Elie Youssef El Bachaalany – June 20-76
58. Ibn Said Basmagy – June 76
59. Estephan Zoueyni Tawki – July 20-76
60. Alfred George Skaff – August 12-76
61. Antoine Zakhour Haddad – June 76
62. Antoine Youssef El Bachaalany – August 22-76
63. Anyes Ezzat Abou Ghanem – June 23-76
64. Elie Fouad Semmaan – June 23-76
65. Ibrahim Elias Abi Merhi – May 20 76
66. Elias naiim Abou Melheb – June 10-75
67. Emile Youssef Boutros – July 76
68. Edmond Selim Bou Karam – July 76
69. Ibrahim Gerges Khashan – December 15-76
70. Antoine Moussa Menhel – July 16-76
71. Boutros Malek – july 76
72. Bchara Antoine Bercha – June 21-76
73. Boutros Chedid – june 76
74. Behzed Ibrahim Karam January 24-76
75. Pierre Joseph Hayek – June 26-76
76. Pierre Youssef Matar – June 22-76
77. Pierre Youssef Estephan – July 1-76
78. Bchara Chahine Obeid – August 10-76
79. Boutros Yassaf Chedid – August 9-76
80. Georges Youssef Tawk – June 14-76
81. Joseph Rahmeh – July 76
82. Joseph Francis Rahmeh – September 13-76
83. Joseph Hanna Mansour – July 76
84. Joseph Sassine Abi Khalil – July 11-76
85. Jean Isshaya Akiki – June 29-76
86. Georges Awwad – June 76
87. Georges Fares Njeim – May 76
88. Georges Isshaya Khalifeh – June 27-76
89. Georges Naaemtallah Saade – May 76
90. Joseph Elias Saade – June 25-76
91. Joseph Nehme – June 76
92. Jean Hokeyyem – July 76
93. Jean Mounssef – July 76
94. Gerges Elias Tadi – May 18-76
95. Georges Talej – July 76
96. Georges Assaf Bashaalany – June 28-76
97. Georges Fouad Abi Ghanem – June 22-76
98. Georges Malak – July 76
99. Georges Nadri El Hashem – July 16-76
100. Joseph Abou Khalil – July 12-76
101. Joseph Saiid Bassemji – July 76
102. Joseph Chamoun Ghazal – August 10-76
103. Georges Ibrahim Amouss – July 76
104. Joseph Touma – July 76
105. Georges Hayiini – August 1 -76
106. Joseph Sfeir – August 76
107. Joseph Souma – June 76
108. Joseph Awwad – June 76
109. Joseph Ragheb Bilal – July 76
110. Joseph Rahmeh – August 76
111. Georges Fouad Ghanem – June 22-76
112. Georges Halim Chamoun – July 14-76
113. Georges Abdelnour Tahhan – August 11-76
114. Georges Aoun – June 28-76
115. Georges Assaf Bashaalany – June 28-76
116. Georges Gerges Chehoud – July 1-76
117. Georges Kamel El Haddad – July 3-76
118. Georges Chafic Chehoud – June 28-76
119. Jean Georges Saade – July 4-76
120. Joseph Najib Semaan – July 19-76
121. Habib Georges Abi Khalil – July 76
122. Harb Isshaya Nakhleh – August 76
123. Hanna Melki Kebbro – July 76
124. Kristo Hanna Lebss – June 27-76
125. Khalil Makdessi – July 22-76
126. Robert Gerges Youssef – June 29-76
127. Rogers Michel Abou Jaoude – June 30-76
128. Roukoz Halim Salem – June 27-76
129. Raymond R. El Jamil – May 14-76
130. Raymond Salameh – May 14-76
131. Razzouk Semaan Nabhan – June 26-76
132. Rizkallah Youssef Ghanem – August 20-76
133. Rachid Nadrah Sarkis – June 15-76
134. Raymond Hawlo El Barrak – July 18-76
135. Zakariya Ibrahim Jabli – June 76
136. Saadallah Michel El Howayek – June 21-76
137. Samir Estephan Ziyade – July 76
138. Samir Youssef Blouz – May 76
139. Saydet Jamil El Khayyat – July 19-76
140. Sami Milad Shehade – June 25-76
141. SabeY Toufic Abou Habib – July 76
142. Samir chafic Abi Rashed – July 20-76
143. Sleiman Michel Gerges – August 7-76
144. Samir Hassib Khazzam – July 23-76
145. Charbel Antonios Makhlouf – August 76
146. Charbel Boutros Abi Ramia – July 12-76
147. Charbel Gerges Matta – July 12-76
148. Charles Youssef Madi – June 27-76
149. Chamoun Mrad Chamoun – July 76
150. Charbel Fares Njeim – June 76
151. Chafic Chafic El Tann – May 26-76
152. Tanios Ibrahim Jabbour – July 20-76
153. Tanios Youssef Yarq – June 76
154. Tanios Matar – June 76
155. Tony Assaad Raad – june 27-76
156. Tony Zeydan – June 76
157. Tony Fares El Azzi – July 6-76
158. Tony Gerges El Azzi – July 76
159. Tanios Hanna Matar – June 76
160. Tony Isshayya Lebboss – July 76
– July 5th, 1976 – The Syrians and Palestinians attacked the village of Shekka, in North Lebanon, to commit Genocide of 95 civilians. Hundreds of others got killed and injured before and after that tragic date. Women, children and elderly were slaughtered, decapitated in cold blood and burnt alive.
The Victims and Martyrs’ names:
1. Francis Karam
2. George Morkos
3. George Saba
4. John Andary
5. Habib Bassil
6. Elias Nafaa
7. Bakhos I. Fares
8. Habib Fares
9. Kouzhaya Bou Ghariyos
10. Marcel Al Hosri
11. Liza John Dib
12. Chief Officer Moussa Sarkis
13. Pierre Abi Badra
14. Gerges Fares Sarkis
15. Nouhra. Al Bahri
16. Joseph T. Romanos
17. Raymond Obeid
18. Antoine Al Dayri
19. Bshara Nafaa
20. Nagib Nafaa
21. Sayed Tanios El Alam
22. Joseph Doumit Isshaac
23. Samir Nagib
24. Youssef Nagib
25. Soldier Estephan Sleiman
26. Michel Aoun
27. Fayyad Tohmeh
28. Raymond Sahyoun
29. Hanna Sahyoun
30. Elie Mashaalany
31. Sleiman Saydi (70 years old, was beheaded. His head was sent and impaled in the city of Tripoli: a way of terrorizing and imposing the Syrian’s rules).
32. Habib Shahda (was beheaded. His head was sent and impaled in the city of Tripoli.)
33. Jamil Harb (80 years old, was tied up to his bed and burnt alive).
34. Dib Al Shammas
35. Aghnatios Abi Shahine
36. Fadwa A. Abi Shahine
37. Sleiman Abi Hanna Shalfoun (70 years old, was stabbed in the chest).
38. Yorgaqi Masturi (was executed then burnt in his house).
39. Nazla Y. Masturi (was executed then burnt in his house).
40. Josephine Y. Masturi (was executed then burnt in his house).
41. Maurice Al Hellal
42. Fayez Farah (was shelled inside his car and burnt alive).
43. Bahiya R. Farah (was shelled inside his car and burnt alive).
44. Michel Nassar
45. Wadad Nassar
46. Ibrahim Al Dayri (was executed inside his car).
47. Gerges Al Hedd
48. Gerges Mansour
49. Mary Younes
50. Paulette Al Atiq (14 years old was executed).
51. George J. Khoury (was slaughtered).
52. Layla J. Khoury (was slaughtered).
53. Mhabbe S. Khoury (was slaughtered).
54. Barjout K. Hanna Shalfoun (was slaughtered)
55. Rida kandlaft
56. Evelyne Kandlaft
57. Antoinette M. Azar and her Mother (were burnt alive in their car).
58. Mikhael Azar and his Son (were burnt alive in their car).
59. Shallita Romanos (70 years old and paraplegic was gun fired. His body was ripped apart with more than 20 bullets).
60. Alya Haddad Romanos
61. George Al Shammas
62. Alfred Haddad
63. Ghassan Al Shammas
64. Wadih Nasr
65. Mme Mario Nassar
66. Jalil Razzouk (was tied up to a car and dragged until death).
67. Doumit Saade (80 years old was executed).
68. Mantoura Doumit Saade
69. Elias Moarbes
70. Mme Moarbes
71. Badawi Moarbes
72. Samir Moarbes
73. Joseph Darjaty
82. Michel Beyrouthy and 7 members of his family.
83. Shallita Harb
84. George Shallita Harb
85. Semaan I. Harb
86. Milad Gerges Harb
87. Saba Elias Saba
88. Tony Dib Shaker
89. Mme Shaker (90 years old, was executed).
90. Edward Khoury
91. Antoine Raad
92. Issa Issa
93. Khalil Abboud
94. Nabih Sleiman
95. Nabil Semaan
96. Nouhad F. Assaf
97. Karam Naasa (was tied up to a car and dragged to Tripoli until he passed away).
103. 6 Martyrs from Alma village (were mutilated and executed just by passing through Shekka).
104. Francis Assaf
105. Charles Dergham
106. Pierre Michel Karim
107. Camille F. Hadmouss
108. Manuel A. Qaadan
109. Chief Officer Charbel Tannous
110. Nabil Youssef
111. George Al Haddad
112. Youssef El Howayek
113. Johnny Ghanem
114. Elias B. Dagher
115. Mounir S. Semmaan
116. Abdo Issa Al Sabyini (All his members were chopped up with hatchets).
117. Sayed Abdo Al Sabyini (was executed after being forced to watch his father’s tragic death).
– July 30, 1976- Dr. Khalil Salem, General Director in the Ministry of Finance, was kidnapped. He was found, 3 days later, fiercely mutilated with his organs ripped out, in the trunk of his car, in Amioun – Koura. It was a Syrian Warning to every Prominent Lebanese figure.
– July 21 to August 5, 1976 – The Palestinians and the Syrian Army shelled all the regions of East Beirut. 162 civilians killed and 310 injured were reported. In the Region of Nabaa, in East Beirut, Tens of civilians and militants were reported killed and massacred by the Palestinians.
The Martyrs’ names of Nabaa:
1. Nawal Tohmeh Zeydan
2. Wadih Khattar El Arja
3. Nadri Elias El Hashem
4. Moussa Adib Younes
5. Fadi Joseph El Mneiyer
6. Maroun Elias Radi
7. Iqab Boutros El Droubi
8. Elias Youssef Nader
9. Edward George Ghawi
10. Alfred Haddad
11. Bshara Sabeh Bshara
12. Paul Bhouss
13. Paul Melki
14. Boulos Hanna Qoneisser
15. George Tannous Germanos
16. Joseph Daoud El Howayek
17. George Naiim Salameh
18. George Mansour Salameh
19. Joseph Makdessi
20. Joseph Mansour Salameh
21. Joseph Dib Dib
22. Hanna Tanios Shallita
23. Hanna Michael Nassif
24. Dib Saad El Saad
25. David Antoun El Kik
26. Rizkallah Fnoun
27. Simon Asshak El Khoury
28. Charles Sfeir
29. Charles Bshara Shawish
30. Tony Joseph Irani
31. Tony Tanios El Hkayyem
32. Tony Joseph Raad
33. Tony Nagib El Shawish
34. Tanios Youssef Atiyeh
35. Tony Tohmeh Abu Zeydan
36. Youssef Dib El Chidiac
– October 4, 1976- Dr. Robert Khalaf, Professor at the American University of Beirut, was assassinated in Souk El Gharb, Aley. As usual, it was a Syrian Warning to the Educational Corps.
– October 18, 1976- The Syrian Army shelled Ashrafiyeh, Furn el Shebbak, Ain El Remmaneh and Jounieh. 25 civilians were killed and 100 were seriously injured.
– October 19-21, 1976 – The Palestinians and the Syrians attacked the Village of Aishiyeh and committed a real Genocide. The majority of the victims were women, children and elderly. Women and girls were raped then slaughtered inside the church. Newborns were ripped apart. Children were decapitated with hatchets. Houses were burnt down. The rest escaped to another region. Francis Alfred Nasr was burnt alive before his father’s eyes.
The victim’s names:
1. Francis Alfred Nasr (burnt alive).
2. Alfred Youssef Nasr
3. Fouad Gerges Najem (his wife and his 4 children).
4. Elias Fouad Najem
5. Amale Fouad Najem
6. Therese Fouad Najem
7. Georges Fouad Najem
8. Georgette Fouad Najem
9. Loutfallah Youssef El Chaar
10. Joseph Loutfallah El Chaar
11. Attallah Youssef El Chaar
12. Phillipe Sleiman Chedid
13. Albert Chahine Milan
14. Ibrahim Ephrem Nasr
15. Sleiman Ephrem Nasr
16. Tony Ibrahim Nasr (14 years old)
17. Jamil Elias Nasr
18. Nassim Jamil Nasr
19. Selim Jamil Nasr (16 years old).
20. Youssef Selim Nasr
21. Youssef Nasr Nasr
22. Antoinette Nasr Nasr
23. Simon Youssef Nasr
24. Fouad youssef Nasr (new born).
25. Toufic Nasr (70 years old).
26. Melhem Ephrem Ephrem (45 years old)
27. Sleiman Ephrem (25 years old).
28. Ibrahim Selim Aoun
29. Raymond Ibrahim Aoun (15 years old).
30. Melhem Mansour Aoun (73 years old)
31. Soldier Youssef Elias Abou Kheir (executed in the church).
32. Sleiman Ajjaj El Hajj (15 years old, executed in the church)
33. Pierre Naaemtallah Jabbour (13 years old, executed in the church).
34. Therese Fayez Najem
35. Najat Fayez Najem
36. Fayez Najem and his 2 daughters (5 and 3 years old).
37. Mountaha Rizk Najem
38. Karim Selim Najem
39. Youssef Tannous Abou Eid
40. Tannous Youssef Abou Eid
41. Ibrahim Elias Aoun
42. Jean Khalil Aoun
43. Gerges Maroun Aoun
44. Sleiman Ajjaj Aoun.
45. Tammam Abou Kheir Aoun
46. Assaad Melhem Anid
47. Elias Youssef Anid
48. Aziz Youssef Anid
49. Boulos Anid
50. Elias Assaad El Kesserwani
51. Youssef Assaad El Kesserwani
52. Boutros Fares Fares
53. Gerges Ibrahim Nasr
54. Ibrahim Selim Nasr
55. Joseph Farid Nasr
56. Khalil Gergy Nasr
57. Khalil Sleiman Nasr
58. Salwa Youssef Mezher
59. Philippe Toufic Afif
60. Majid Elias Afif
61. Melhem Chekri Honeineh
62. Nemr Rashid Abou Samra
63. Youssef Elias Noura
-Taalabaya, Jwar el Hoz, Aintoura, Abaydiyeh, Araya, Chebanieh, Maasser Beiteddine…villages were partially or completely destroyed and its inhabitants massacred.
The Victims of Maasser Beiteddine: (28/10/1976)
1. Jean Tanios Melhem Hanna
2. Mariam Melhem Hanna
3. Bahia Tanios Melhem Hanna
4. Selim Michael Rashed
5. Fouad Sleiman Rashed
6. Linda Fouad Sleiman Rashed
7. Toufic Assaad Saiid
8. Saadeh Michael Saiid
9. Georges Michael Saiid
10. Caroline Michael Saiid
11. Nada Michael Saiid
12. Wardiyeh Milad Saiid
13. Toufic Milad Saiid
14. Najat Milad Saiid
– The Zone of the Quarantina in Beirut was the main base where hundreds of arrests and executions were taking place.
– March 16, 1977 – The Syrian Agents assassinated the Druze Leader, Kamal Jumblatt, along with his bodyguards. The Palestinians, the Syrians and their Collaborators attacked the villages of the Shouf: Barouk, Botmeh, Kfarnabrakh, Mazraat El Shouf, Maaser El Shouf, Mashghara and Brih. They massacred 107 of its Christian inhabitants to activate religious frictions between the Christians and the Druze, in the whole Shouf. Several times, Mr. Kamal Jumblat, as leader of the PSP, progressive socialist party, openly accused the Syrians for wickedly interfering in the Lebanese internal affairs.
– June 4, 1977 – Syrian Agents placed a Bomb near yesuuY el Malaq Convent, (King Jesus), in Zouk Michael, Kesserwan. 1civilian was killed and 13 were injured.
– August 21, 1977 – The Palestinians and their collaborators attacked the village of Brih in Shouf and committed Genocide of 20 civilians to reactivate religious frictions in the Area. (see References)
The Victims’ names: (incomplete)
1. Camille Chalhoub
2. Melhem Shoukrallah El-Kawkabani
3. Farida Khalil Khalil
4. Amalia Hassoun
5. Sariyah Hassoun
6. Eugenie Hassoun
7. Karim Melhem Hassoun
8. Nabih Abi Hanna
9. Ibrahim Gergi Lahoud
10. Michel Melhem Khalil
11. Mrs. Fares Kamar
12. Nabihat Chalhoub
13. Marta Touma
– February 8, 1978 – The Syrian Army attacked the Lebanese Army at the caserne “Chukri Ghanem” of Fayadiyeh. At 5.30 am, the Syrians shelled all the Regions of East Beirut and opened fire towards the caserne. Lieutenant Abdallah Had****i, 3 soldiers and 4 civilians were killed on that day. Karam Karam, Samia Salameh and Christine Nasr Soleiman got killed, the day after. Hundreds were injured.
– April 9 to 13, 1978 – The Syrian Army wrathfully shelled the region of Ain El Remmaneh, East Beirut. The Hospitals Al Hayat and Hotel Dieu De France in the vicinity were completely or partially destroyed. All the patients were moved out from their rooms to the hospital’s shelter. The Syrian Army used the kind of artilleries that is forbidden at the Geneva Convention. More than 60 civilians were killed and 300 people injured.
The Martyrs of Ain El Remmaneh: (1976/77 incomplete – 1978 missing)
1. Therese Naoum
2. Toufic Nagib Canaan
3. Dani Kessabian
4. Tony Hatem Yazbek
5. Tony Khalil Hosh
6. Tony Yazbek
7. Tony Youssef El Mouallem
8. Tanios Rizk Harb
9. Robert Robershik
10. Chawki George Khabbaz
11. Charbel Melhem Haykal
12. Shehade Nohra Bassil
13. Charbel Selim Jaber
14. Toufic Youssef Nohra
15. Saad Mansour El Hayek
16. Semaan Assaker
17. Sami Sobhi Abdel Ahad
18. Saiid Elias El Halil
19. Samir Antoine Nassif
20. Samir Bshara Demian
21. Samir George Daaybess
22. Samir Sassine Mokbel
23. Raymond Tanios Saade
24. Joseph George Jazra
25. Joseph Haddad
26. George Tanios Hashem
27. Joseph Elias Abu Jaoude
28. Joseph Milad El Assiss
29. George Ghanem
30. Jean Anis Hashem
31. Gerges Zakhour
32. George Boulos Moa wad
33. George Pierre Minassian
34. Gerges Abdo Abu Rashed
35. Hamid Ghandour El Khoury
36. Hanna Amine Aoun
37. Hanna Samaha
38. George Dabdab
39. George Louis Makhlouf
40. George Makhlouf
41. George Nagib Mankoush
42. George Youssef Nakhleh
43. George Youssef Radwan
44. Joseph Antoine Moarkash
45. Joseph Elias El Jelekh
46. Gerges Fares Jreij
47. George Fares Jreij
48. Bassam Khoury
49. Boulos Fouad
50. Pierre Joseph Mazraani
51. Pierre Chehab Mansour
52. Pierre George Irani
53. Pierre Tanios kamilih
54. Antoine Aziz Haddad
55. Edward Melhem Touma
56. Elie AdibZakour
57. Akram Tanios Jawwad
58. Ibrahim Andre El Sabti
59. Edward Alphonse Faraj
60. Assaad Anis Nawwar
61. Elias Sabbagh
62. Emile Farid El Azzi
63. Emile Massoud Ghantous
64. Elie George El Jamil
65. Elie Salameh
66. Antoine Youssef Ghantous
67. Elie Tanios Noumour
68. Elie Abdel Waked
69. Elie Aoun
70. Elie Maroun Medawar
71. Elie Michel Farah
72. Elie Nacouzi
73. Antoine Hatem Yazbek
74. Emile Massoud Ghantous
75. Ibrahim Labib El Kallass
– June 15, 1978 – The Syrian Forces, under Rifaat el Assad’s command, attacked the village of Deir El Ahmar and executed 13 innocent civilians and 1 officer, Sgt. Mansour Chitt. (see References)
The Victims’ names: (4 of these victims were massacred in January-March 23, 1976)
1. Melhem Lahoud Moubarak (Deir El Ahmar)
2. Wahib Majid Eid (Deir El Ahmar)
3. Gerges Lahoud Habshi (Deir El Ahmar)
4. Gerges Selim El Fakhry (Deir El Ahmar)
5. Akl Wassaf Habshi (Deir El Ahmar)
6. Ibrahim Mahrouss Khashan (Deir El Ahmar)
7. Mahrouss Khashan (Deir El Ahmar)
8. Melhem Toufic El Aakoury (Deir El Ahmar)
9. Nayef Mansour Dib (Deir El Ahmar)
10. Adam Majid Habshi (Deir El Ahmar)
11. Karam Majid Habshi (Deir El Ahmar)
12. Maurice Youssef Saade (Deir El Ahmar)
13. Nabil Farid Abi Younes (Deir El Ahmar)
14. Raymond Tanios Saade (Deir El Ahmar)
15. Tony Michel Abou Raffoul (Deir El Ahmar)
16. Elias Khattar Rahme (Deir El Ahmar)
17. Rashad Hani Chit (Deir El Ahmar)
– June 28, 1978 – Syrian Special forces, under Ali Dib’s command, attacked the villages of Al-Kaa, Ras Baalbak, Jdeidet Baalbak and Jdeidet el Feqha. At 1:30 am, the Syrians committed their Genocide in the Valley of “Wadi Al-Reyiane”, where 36 civilians were found in their pajamas tied up, mutilated and torn into pieces.
The Victims’ names: (1 name missing)
1. Akl Jamil Nasrallah
2. Milad Jamil Nasrallah
3. Youssef Jamil Nasrallah
4. Riyad Mtanios Nasrallah
5. Milad Mtanios Nasrallah
6. Gerges Mtanios Nasrallah
7. Habib Razzouk Nasrallah
8. Georges Ibrahim Nasrallah
9. Mtanios Youssef Matar
10. Hanna Gerges Matar
11. Elias Gerges Matar
12. Michel Khalil Matar
13. Michel Makhoul Matar
14. Camille Farhane Farha
15. Khalil Gerges Farha
16. Elias Mtanios Bitar
17. Mawsouf Elias Bitar
18. Youssef Habib Bitar
19. Hanni Chakour Bitar
20. Habib Bitar
21. Massoud Bitar
22. Fayad Jadat Awad
23. Soldier- Georges Fares Awad
24. Fares Boutros Awad
25. Said Awad
26. Edouard Saadallah El Arja
27. Eid Nakhle Mansour
28. Fayez Antoine Mourad
29. Raymond Akl Mourad
30. Elia Nicolas Louis
31. Hanna Labib Aoun
32. Youssef Chafic Nasr
33. Sami Youssef Haswani
34. Mohsen Georges Khoury
35. Khalil Tannous Khoury
– June 30, 1978 – The Syrian Army shelled the Christian area of Beirut for 90 days. The shelling killed 600 civilians, injured 3000 and burnt down 10,000 buildings, 20,000 apartments and 5000 cars. It completely or partially destroyed Schools and Hospitals: Sacre Coeur, St. Therese, Hotel Dieu De France, St. George and Getawi. They provoked the exodus of 450,000 to different regions.
Beside all these atrocities, a booby-trapped car exploded in Ashrafieh, targeting Bashir Gemayel but instead killed tens of civilians.
The Syrians shelled and targeted Shahroureh Shelter in Ashrafiyeh area, with a 240mm long mortar, killing 30 innocent civilians.
-July 21 to 27, 1978 – The Syrian Army brutally shelled the region of Hadath, in East Beirut. Houses, Schools, Hospitals, Asylum and churches were partially or totally destroyed. 70 innocent were killed and 350 were injured.
Martyrs’ names: (incomplete)
1. Youssef Kamil Asslan
2. Edmond Elias Aramoun
3. Alfred G. Skaff
4. Boulos Boutros Abboud
5. Sabey Elias El Aarjak
6. Emile Youssef Boutros
7. Elie Francois Sandouk
8. Jean Habib Sherfan
9. George Halim Sherfan
10. George Toufic Maalouf
11. George Tanios Dib
12. Joseph Assaad Khattar
13. Joseph Gerges Abu Aanni
14. Halim Elia Kassab
15. Selim Abbas El Asmar
16. Tony Daccache
17. Izam Metteeb El Derraawi
18. Ghassan Elias Tarraf
19. Ghattas Hanna El Barak
20. Fadi Jean Sherfan
21. Michel Sakr
22. Michel Eid Rahme
23. Nicolas Fares El Nahhass
24. Nicole Jean Saba
25. Nicolas F. El Nahhass
26. Wajdi Farid Eid
27. Wadih Youssef Abboud
– August 21, 1978 – Syrian Agents exploded a bomb in Ashrafiyeh, East Beirut. 7 civilians were killed and 6 were injured.
– August 24 to September 30, 1978 – The Syrian Army shelled, invaded, massacred and burnt down the 4 Caza of North Lebanon: Zghorta, Bsharreh, Koura and Batroun. Hundreds of civilians were massacred, mutilated, chopped with hatchets and burnt alive. In Kour (batroun) alone, the Genocide perpetrated on the 25th of August, reached a total number of 65 civilians, while 40 others disappeared as well. An 89 old man was found with his throat riddled with bullets, on his wheelchair.
In the forest of the Cedars, a massacre was found: 6 civilians laid side by side were slaughtered. Later on, 2 more civilians were found mutilated and executed:
The First Victims’ names: (incomplete)
1. Youssef Elias (Kour)
2. Youssef Morkos (Kour)
3. Moussa Nemr (Kour)
4. Mario (Kour)
5. Youssef Zakaria (Kour)
6. Abdallah Boutros (Jrane)
7. Hanni Assad Keyrouz (Cedars)
8. Anthony Assad Keyrouz (Cedars)
9. Tanios Tok (Cedars)
10. Azziz Tok (Cedars)
11. Baghos Abboud (Cedars)
12. Maria Had****i (Cedars)
13. Dori Nakad (Cedars)
14. Jamil Keyrouz (Cedars)
The Victims and Martyrs’ names of Koura: (1976-1978)
1. Chebel Issa El Khoury
2. Azzi Tannous Tawk
3. Saba Toufic Geagea
4. Antoine Youssef Asfoura
5. Elie Faraj
6. Ghattas Khalil Soukkar
7. Hanna Abdallah Gerges
8. Therese Youssef Tawk
9. Gerges Shayben Sukkar
10. George Awdi
11. Jean Joseph El Andari
12. Saydeh Tanios Tawk
13. Shehade Wahib Sassine
14. Sabah Tanios Tawk
15. Tanios Saiid Trad
16. Tanios Michael Tawk
17. Salwa Germanos
18. Tony Fahed Geagea
19. Afif El Shammas
20. Malek Shayban Sukkar
21. Moussa Azzi Tawk
22. Edmond Gerges Eid
23. Adib Albert Obeid
– October 1 to 8, 1978 – The Syrian Army brutally bombarded all the regions of East Beirut and the Metn, with Phosphoric bombs. They targeted the Gas and Fuel tanks of Dora. 4 tanks exploded, burning the civilians of the vicinity and reducing houses to ashes. 45 innocent were killed and 74 were seriously injured. Many Lebanese Newspapers, as “Le Reveil”, had to delay their publication, until the 9th of the month.
– November 1, 1978 – The Syrian Army attacked the Village of Bhamdoun and slaughtered 9 members of 2 Christian Families, in order to activate Religious frictions in the area.
– February 1, 1979 – The Syrian Army violently shelled Ashrafiyeh area, killing 20 civilians the first 30 minutes. Altogether, 60 civilians were killed and over 300 injured.
– February 23, 1980 – The daughter of Bashir Gemayel, Maya, was killed with a bomb in Ashrafiyeh, East Beirut. She died along with the driver and bodyguard, in her car.
– February 24, 1980 – The journalist Salim Al-Lawzi was assassinated near Beirut Airport. Salim Al-Lawzi, owner of Al-Hawadeth magazine was tortured by the Syrians and found mutilated in Aramoun. His right hand was first burnt with acid for writing an article criticizing Syria’s Baath regime. The building of Al-Hawadeth was completely destroyed. The magazine is actually publishing in London.
– March 12, 1980 – Syrian Agent, Hassan Tless, placed a Bomb in the Northern Suburb of Beirut, to assassinate President Camille Chamoun. He was injured with 13 others. 1 civilian was killed.
– July 22, 1980 – Riyad Taha, head of the Press Syndicate, was assassinated with his two bodyguards in Rawshe, Shurane Street, West Beirut. The Syrians showered his car with bullets. Taha was found dead with seven bullets in the head. The Lebanese Security Council tried to re-investigate the crime. The case was immediately closed by Decree from President Elias Hrawi.
– July 23, 1980 – Syrian Agents assassinated Sean Toolan, ABC Television Correspondent.
– August 25, 1980 – Syrian Agents placed a Bomb in Ajaltoun, Kesserwan. 6 civilians were killed and 35 were injured.
– September 20, 1980 – Syrian Agents assassinated Nazem El Kadri, a Sunnite Deputy, for inquiring the withdrawal of the Syrian Troops from his region, in the Bekaa.
– September 27, 1980 – Syrian Agents placed a Bomb in a public bus, in East Beirut. 2 civilians were killed and 22 were injured.
– November 10, 1980 – Syrian Agents placed two booby-trapped cars in Ashrafiyeh, East Beirut. 10 civilians were killed and Tens were injured.
– December 24, 1980 – On Christmas Eve, the Syrian Army shelled the Christian town of Zahle, in the Bekaa Valley. Tens were killed and injured.
The Martyrs’ names:
1. Elie Joseph Saade
2. Hagop Hazigzian
3. Elias Nemr Abu Rjeily
4. Antoine Nagib Jabbour
5. Anis Youssef El Khoury
6. Elie Abu Rjeily
7. Pierre jean Moukarzel
8. Toufic Saliba
9. George Joseph Eid
10. George Jaalouk
11. George Dib el Khoury
12. George Chafic Hariz
13. Jean El Baalbaki
14. Gerges Jaalouk
15. Khalil Sleiman El Khoury
16. Rizkallah Youssef El Kassouf
17. Roukoz Sabbagh El Rami
18. Rita George Saade
19. Selim Farhat Assi
20. Tony Hanna Kassouf
21. Tony Zambaka
22. Farhat Issa
23. Farhat Kozhaya Shakira
24. Fassih Saiid Aylo
25. Fahima Younan
26. Louis Colanjian
27. Louis Youssef Younan
28. Marie Mershed Barakat
29. Michel Maalouf
30. Michel Elias Helou
31. Nicolas Selim Abu Dahr
32. Nicolas Mrad El Maalouf
33. Haroun Koshkarian
– December 24, 1980 – On Christmas Eve, the Syrian Army attacked Ain Dara village, in the Shouf. They massacred 2 civilians and kidnapped Tens others. Houses were burnt down.
– April 1 to July 1, 1981- The Syrian Army besieged and shelled the town of Zahle. Hundreds were killed and injured. Even the Red Cross was a target for the Syrians. On April 3rd, the Nun Marie Sophie Zoghbi was shot down with the driver, in her Red Cross Ambulance.
– April 2, 1981- The Syrian Army shelled East Beirut, at the time where students were leaving school. Hundreds were killed and injured, mostly students. Ain El Remmaneh was brutally hit. A hospital in Badaro was destroyed and one branch of the Red Cross, located in Gemayze, was hit, injuring its volunteers.
– September 9, 1981 – The French Ambassador in Beirut, Louis Delamare, was assassinated. His body was found riddled with bullets. 4 Palestinians under Syrian orders executed this crime.
– December 15, 1981 – A truck full of explosives destroyed the Iraqi Embassy in Beirut. 30 people were killed and 120 injured. Iraq accused the Syrian Secret Service.
– April 27, 1982 – Syrian Agents assassinated Sheikh Ahmad Assaf for disapproving with their occupation. It was also meant to activate religious frictions in the area.
– May 1, 1982 – Syrian Agents assassinated Father Philippe Abu Sleiman, 70 years old, in order to activate religious frictions in the area. He was found shot with 3 bullets in the forehead, neck and back, in Aley.
Among the priests who were killed during the war, 7 were “Jesuits”: some were killed, some were massacred and some others were executed:
1. Father Michel Allard, (52 years old, died in his room shelled by the Syrians, 16/1/1976).
2. Father Louis Dumas, (74 years old, was tied up to a car and dragged until death, 25/10/1975).
3. Father De Jerphanion. (75 years old, was shelled in his car, 14/3/1976).
4. Father Meigne
5. Father Kluiters, (45 years old was found mutilated, slaughtered and executed, 14/3/1985).
6. Father Seinnigan (72 years old was killed with a shell, Februay 1984).
7. Father Masse
– May 24, 1982 – The French Embassy in Beirut was bombarded. The car of Anna Comidis, French secretary of the commercial service, exploded while entering the gates of the Embassy. Her body was shredded into pieces. 10 other people were killed and 26 were injured.
The French newspaper “Le Matin” openly accused the Syrian Secret Service of bombarding the French Embassy and published their names.
– July 11, 1982 – The Syrian Army shelled the area of East Beirut for no reason, killing and injuring more and more innocent citizens.
– September 14, 1982 – President Bashir Gemayel was assassinated with a Bomb placed in his headquarters, in Ashrafiyeh, East Beirut. 24 people were killed and 70 were seriously injured. Habib Chartouni, a Syrian agent, who executed the operation, was arrested and jailed, in Roumieh. On Oct. 14, 1990, when the Syrian Army invaded the last free zone, they released Habib Chartouni. He is currently living in Syria.
The Martyrs’ names:
1. Jean Nader
2. Fouad Abi Najm
3. Sassine Karam
4. Michel Talej
5. Jean Asmar
6. Pierre Fadel
7. Melhem Ibrahim Nemr
8. Marie Lahoud
9. Georges Assaad Karam
10. Michel Haddad
11. Hiyam Chukri El Hayek
12. Feriale Saloukji
13. Adiba Andraos
14. Marcelle Andraos
15. Mona Andraos Salem
16. Randa Mechantaf
17. Antoine Youssef Ayoub
18. Janette Nawwar
19. Hiyam Najjar
20. Rogers Chemali
21. Fawzat Qdadou
22. Michel Robert Chahine
23. Adele Chahine
24. Georges Elias Abou Khalil
– September 21, 1982 – A bomb exploded at the Lebanese Forces Headquarters, in Ashrafiyeh, East Beirut. 1 civilian was killed and 17 were seriously injured.
– December 1, 1982 – Syrian Agents attempted to assassinate Walid Kamal Jumblat, the Druze leader of the PSP, with a car bomb in Kantari, West Beirut. The operation failed but killed his bodyguard, 2 other civilians and injured 39 Innocent people.
– December 1982 – The Syrian Army shelled and destroyed the town of Tripoli, in North Lebanon. Hundreds were Killed, massacred or were deported to Syria.
– April 18, 1983 – At 13.05 am, a Syrian/Iranian agent detonated a truck full of explosives inside the American Embassy, in West Beirut, killing 63 and injuring 123 innocent.
The Victims’ names:
1. Maxwell, Ben H. …SSGT
2. McMaugh, Robert V. …CPL
3. Salazar, Mark E. …SSGT
4. Twine, Richard …SFC
5. Maxwell, Ben H. …SSGT
The international Media and World Press from Egypt, Jordan, United States and Israel revealed that the Islamic Jihad group, who claimed responsibility for the bomb attack on the US Embassy in Beirut, was nothing but a Cover up for the Syrian Secret Services.
– September 1, 1983 – The Syrians and their collaborators attacked the Village of Bmarryam and commit Genocide of 35 Children, women and elderly. Among them was the Priest of the village, “Father Gerges El Rahi”, 80 years old. It was planned to activate Religion Frictions in the Area.
– September 2, 1983 – The Palestinians, led by Special Syrian Units, launched a massive attack over the town of Souk El-Gharb in an attempt to take over the Presidential Palace, in Baabda district. Tens were killed and hundreds were injured.
– September 6, 1983 – The Syrian Army invaded the village of Bhamdoun. They destroyed it and massacred tens of civilians.
– September 7, 1983 – Syrian Agents assassinated the French Lieutenant, Colonel “Sahler”, in Beirut.
US spokesman, Mr. Allen Ronberg, declared on September 8, 1983 in a press release, that the US was holding Syria and its troops responsible for the deterioration in Lebanon and for supplying its allies with all kinds of weapons.
A French official from the Quai D’Orsay revealed on September 9, 1983 that Damascus was disrupting all positive negotiations between the Lebanese and accused Syria for bombing the French Embassy.
– September 9-10, 1983 – The Syrians and their Collaborators attacked Maaser El Shouf and executed Genocide of 63 Children, women and elderly. Among them was the Priest of the village, “Father Antoine Abboud”. It was meant to activate religious Frictions in the Shouf, between the Christians and the Druzes
– September 10, 1983 – The Syrians and their Collaborators attacked the village of Bireh and executed Genocide of 64 civilians.
– September 11, 1983 – The Syrians and their Collaborators massacred 15 civilians in Maaser Beiteddine.
– September 12, 1983 – The Syrians and their Collaborators massacred 11 civilians in Fawara.
– September 12, 1983 – The Syrians and their Collaborators massacred 12 civilians in Ain El Hor.
– September 12, 1983 – The Syrians and their Collaborators massacred 12 civilians in Bourjayn.
– September 12, 1983 – The Syrians and their Collaborators massacred 36 civilians in Chartoun and deported 41 to Syria.
– September 16, 1983 – The Syrians and their Collaborators massacred 21 civilians in Majdlaya.
– September 22- 1983, The Catholic Center of information of Beirut officially stated that in 116 Christian villages of the Shouf, 1500 civilians have been massacred.
– September 26, 1983 – The Syrian Army shelled from Alley the French Residence des Pins, in Beirut, for ten consecutive days. 7 civilians were killed and 14 were injured.
– October 12, 1983 – The Syrian Army attacked the city of Tripoli, in North Lebanon. 60 civilians were killed and hundreds were injured. Many others were deported to Syria and remain detained until this day.
– October 23, 1983 – At 6.17 am, Syrian-Iranian Agent executed a suicidal attack at the headquarters of the US marines, located near the International Airport. The Blast killed 241 marines and injured 144.
The Victims’ names:
1. Abbott, Terry W. …CPL
2. Alexander, Clemon S. …LCPL
3. Allman, John R. …PFC
4. Arnold, Moses J. Jr. …CPL
5. Bailey, Charles K. …PFC
6. Baker, Nicholas …LCPL
7. Banks, Johansen LCPL
8. Barrett, Richard E. …LCPL
9. Bates, Ronny K. …HM1
10. Battle, David L. …1stSGT
11. Baynard, James R. …LCPL
12. Beamon, Jesse W. …HN
13. Belmer, Alvin. …GYSGT
14. Bland, Stephen …PFC
15. Blankenship, Richard L. …SGT
16. Blocker, John W. …LCPL
17. Boccia, Joseph J. Jr. …CAPT
18. Bohannon, Leon Jr. …CPL
19. Bohnet, John R. Jr. …SSGT
20. Bonk, John J. Jr. …CPL
21. Boulos, Jeffrey L. …LCPL
22. Bousum, David R. …CPL
23. Boyett, John N. …1stLT
24. Brown, Anthony …CPL
25. Brown, David W. …LCPL
26. Buchanan, Bobby S. Jr. …LCPL
27. Buckmaster, John B. …CPL
28. Burley, William F. …PFC
29. Cain, Jimmy R. …HN
30. Callahan, Paul L. …CPL
31. Camara, Mecot E. …SGT
32. Campus, Bradley J. …PFC
33. Ceasar, Johnnie D. …LCPL
34. Cole, Marc L. …PFC
35. Coleman, Marcus A. …SP4
36. Comas, Juan M. …PFC
37. Conley, Robert A …SGT
38. Cook, Charles D. …CPL
39. Cooper, Curtis J. …LCPL
40. Copeland, Johnny L. …LCPL
41. Corcoran, Bert D. …CPL
42. Cosner, David L. …LCPL
43. Coulman, Kevin P. …SGT
44. Croft, Brett A. …LCPL
45. Crudale, Rick R. …LCPL
46. Custard, Kevin P. …LCPL
47. Cyzick, Russell E. …LCPL
48. Davis, Andrew L. …MAJ
49. Decker, Sidney S. …PFC
50. Devlin, Michael J. …PFC
51. Dibenedetto, Thomas A. …LCPL
52. Dorsey, Nathaniel G. …PVT
53. Douglass, Frederick B. …SGTMAJ
54. Dunnigan, Timothy J. …CPL
55. Earle, Bryan L. …HN
56. Edwards, Roy L. …MSGT
57. Elliot, William D. Jr. …HM3
58. Ellison, Jesse …LCPL
59. Estes, Danny R. …PFC
60. Estler, Sean F. …PFC
61. Faulk, James E. …HM3
62. Fluegel, Richard A. …PFC
63. Forrester, Steven M. …CPL
64. Foster, William B. Jr. …HM3
65. Fulcher, Michael D …CPL
66. Fuller, Benjamin E …LCPL
67. Fulton, Michael S. …LCPL
68. Gaines, William Jr. …CPL
69. Gallagher, Sean R. …LCPL
70. Gander, David B. …LCPL
71. Gangur, George M. …LCPL
72. Gann, Leland E. …SSGT
73. Garcia, Randall J. …LCPL
74. Garcia, Ronald J. …SSGT
75. ***, David D. …LCPL
76. Ghumm, Harold D. …SSGT
77. Gibbs, Warner Jr. …LCPL
78. Giblin, Timothy R. …CPL
79. Gorchinski, Michael W. …ETC
80. Gordon, Richard J. …LCPL
81. Gratton, Harold F. …LCPL
82. Greaser, Robert B. …SGT
83. Green, Davin M. …LCPL
84. Hairston, Thomas A. …LCPL
85. Haltiwanger, Freddie Jr. …SGT
86. Hamilton, Virgil D. …LCPL
87. Hanton, Gilbert …SGT
88. Hart, William …LCPL
89. Haskell, Michael S. …CAPT
90. Hastings, Michael A. …PFC
91. Hein, Paul A. …CAPT
92. Held, Douglas E. …LCPL
93. Helms, Mark A. …PFC
94. Henderson, Ferrandy D. …LCPL
95. Hernandez, Matilde Jr. …MSGT
96. Hester, Stanley G. …CPL
97. Hildreth, Donald W. …GYSGT
98. Holberton, Richard H. …SSGT
99. Holland, Robert S. …HM3
100. Hollingshead, Bruce A. …LCPL
101. Holmes, Melvin D. …PFC
102. Howard, Bruce L. …CPL
103. Hudson, John R. …LT
104. Hudson, Terry L. …CPL
105. Hue, Lyndon J. …LCPL
106. Hukill, Maurice E. …2ndLT
107. Iacovino, Edward F. Jr. …LCPL
108. Ingalls, John J. …PFC
109. Innocenzi, Paul G. III …WO1
110. Jackowski, James J. …LCPL
111. James, Jeffrey W. …LCPL
112. Jenkins, Nathaniel W. …LCPL
113. Johnson, Michael H. …HM2
114. Johnston, Edward A. …CPL
115. Jones, Steven …LCPL
116. Julian, Thomas A. …PFC
117. Kees, Marion E. …HM2
118. Keown, Thomas C. …SGT
119. Kimm, Edward E. …GYSGT
120. Kingsley, Walter V. …LCPL
121. Kluck, Daniel S. …SGT
122. Knipple, James C. …LCPL
123. Kreischer, Freas H. III …LCPL
124. Laise, Keith J. …LCPL
125. Lamb, Thomas G. …LCPL
126. Langon, James J. IV …LCPL
127. Lariviere, Michael S. …SGT
128. Lariviere, Steven B. …CPL
129. Lemnah, Richard L. …MSGT
130. Lewis, David A. …CPL
131. Lewis, Val S. …SGT
132. Livingston, Joseph R. …CPL
133. Lyon, Paul D. Jr. …LCPL
134. Macroglou, John W. …MAJ
135. Maitland, Samuel …CPL
136. Martin, Charlie R. …SSGT
137. Martin, Jack L. …PFC
138. Massa, David S. …CPL
139. Massman, Michael R. …SGT
140. Mattacchione, Joseph J. …PVT
141. McCall, John …LCPL
142. McDonough, James E. …SGT
143. McMahon, Timothy R. …LCPL
144. McNeely, Timothy D. …LCPL
145. McVicker, George N. II …HM2
146. Melendez, Louis …PFC
147. Menkins, Richard H. II …SGT
148. Mercer, Michael D. …CPL
149. Meurer, Ronald W. …LCPL
150. Milano, Joseph P. …HM3
151. Moore, Joseph P. …CPL
152. Morrow, Richard A. …LCPL
153. Muffler, John F. …LCPL
154. Munoz, Alex …CPL
155. Myers, Harry D. …CPL
156. Nairn, David J. …1stLT
157. Nava, Luis A. …LCPL
158. Olson, John A. …CPL
159. Olson, Robert P. …PFC
160. Ortiz, Richard C. …CWO3
161. Owen, Jeffrey B. …PFC
162. Owens, Joseph A. …CPL
163. Page, Connie Ray …CPL
164. Parker, Ulysses …LCPL
165. Payne, Mark W. …LCPL
166. Pearson, John L. …GYSGT
167. Perron, Thomas S. …PFC
168. Phillips, John A. Jr. …SGT
169. Piercy, George W. …HMC
170. Plymel, Clyde W. …1stLT
171. Pollard, William H. …SGT
172. Pomalestorres, Rafael I. …SGT
173. Prevatt, Victor M. …CPL
174. Price, James C. …PFC
175. Prindeville, Patrick K. …SSGT
176. Pulliam, Eric A. …PFC
177. Quirante, Diomedes J. …HM3
178. Randolph, David M. …LCPL
179. Ray, Charles R. …GYSGT
180. Relvas, Rui A. …PFC
181. Rich, Terrence L. …PFC
182. Richardson, Warren …LCPL
183. Rodriguez, Juan C. …SGT
184. Rotondo, Louis J. …LCPL
185. Sanpedro, Guillermo Jr. …LCPL
186. Sauls, Michael C. …LCPL
187. Schnorf, Charles J. …1stLT
188. Schultz, Scott L. …PFC
189. Scialabba, Peter J. …CAPT
190. Scott, Gary R. …CPL
191. Shallo, Ronald L. …CPL
192. Shipp, Thomas A. …CPL
193. Shropshire, Jerryl D. …LCPL
194. Silvia, James F. …CPL
195. Sliwinski, Stanley J. …LCPL
196. Smith, Kirk H. …LCPL
197. Smith, Thomas G. …SSGT
198. Smith, Vincent L. …CAPT
199. Soares, Edward …LCPL
200. Sommerhof, William S. …1stLT
201. Spaulding, Michael C. …LCPL
202. Spearing, John W. …LCPL
203. Spencer, Stephen E. …LCPL
204. Stelpflug, Bill J. …LCPL
205. Stephens, Horace R. …LCPL
206. Stockton, Craig S. …PFC
207. Stokes, Jeffrey G. …LCPL
208. Stowe, Thomas D. …LCPL
209. Sturghill, Eric D. …LCPL
210. Sundar, Devon L. …LCPL
211. Surch, James F. Jr. …LT
212. Thompson, Dennis A. …CPL
213. Thorstad, Thomas P. …SSGT
214. Tingley, Stephen D. …PFC
215. Tishmack, John J. …LCPL
216. Trahan, Lex D. …PVT
217. Vallone, Donald H. Jr. …PFC
218. Walker, Eric R. …CPL
219. Walker, Leonard W. …CPL
220. Washington, Eric G. …CPL
221. Weekes, Obrian …CPL
222. Wells, Tandy W. …1stSGT
223. Wentworth, Steven B. …LCPL
224. Wesley, Allen D. …SGT
225. West, Lloyd D. …GYSGT
226. Weyl, John R. …SSGT
227. Wherland, Burton D. Jr. …CPL
228. Wigglesworth, Dwayne W. …LCPL
229. Williams, Rodney J. …LCPL
230. Williams, Scipio Jr. …GYSGT
231. Williamson, Johnny A. …LCPL
232. Wint, Walter E. Jr. …CAPT
233. Winter, William E. …CAPT
234. Wolfe, John E. …CPL
235. Woollett, Donald E. …1stLT
236. Worley, David E. …HM3
237. Wyche, Craig L. …PFC
238. Yarber, James G. …SFC
239. Young, Jeffrey D. …SGT
240. Zimmerman, William A…1stLT
241. Rivers, Paul…CPL (might have survived the blast)
– October 23, 1983 – On the same day, 3 minutes later, at 6.20 am, Syrian-Iranian agent executed a second suicidal attack. The Drakkar quarters of the French paratroopers blew up. 56 paratroopers were killed and 32 were seriously injured.
According to the French newspaper “Le Quotidien de Paris”, issued on the 12/11/1983, Adnan Assad, President Hafez Assad’s cousin, was the master mind of the Marines and the Paratroopers attacks.
– November 4, 1983 – The Israeli headquarters was attacked. 61 were killed (32 Lebanese and 29 Israelis).
– November 16, 1983 – The Syrian Army brutally shelled East Beirut: Sin El fil, Ashrafiyeh, Kahaleh, Fiyadieh, Hazmieh, Mkalles, Jisr El Basha, Ain El Remmaneh, Dekkwaneh and Furn El Shebbak. Hundreds of civilians were reported dead and hundreds injured.
Caritas-Lebanon diffused on November 22, 1983 in Paris that the Christians evacuated from the regions of Aley and the Shouf. 100.000 people fled, 85 churches, schools and 17.200 houses were hit and destroyed; 56 villages of the Shouf and 32 of Aley were razed to the ground.
– November 30, 1983 – The Syrian Army shelled the East area of Beirut: Ashrafiyeh, Dora, Jamhour, Hazmiyeh, and Baabda. 6 civilians were killed and 30 injured.
– December 1, 1983 – Sheikh Halim Taqieddine, head of the Spiritual Druze Court, was assassinated.
– December 4, 1983 – The Syrian Army shot down 2 US Air Force. The one who survived was detained then deported to Syria.
– December 5, 1983 – A Booby-trapped car exploded in West Beirut. 20 civilians were killed and 84 were injured.
– December 21, 1983 – Syrian Agents exploded a truck bomb at the French Fregate Post , in West Beirut. A French officer and 14 Lebanese civilians were killed. 90 other civilians were injured.
– January 16, 1984 – The Syrian Army shelled the Christian areas. 5000 shells were launched in one single day. 26 civilians were killed and 75 were severely injured.
– January 18, 1984 – The President of the American University of Beirut, Malcom Kerr, was assassinated. It was a Syrian Warning to every American resident.
– January 20-21 to 30, 1984 – The Syrian Army shelled East Beirut. More than 2 Lebanese and 1 US Marine were killed. 50 Lebanese and 3 US Marines were injured.
– February 1, 1984 – The Syrian Army shelled East Beirut. 6 civilians were killed and tens were injured.
– February 2 to 11, 1984 – The Syrian Army brutally shelled Metn, Kesserwan and the Mountains. 48 were killed and 153 were injured on the first two days. 12 were killed and 116 were injured on the third. Houses, Schools and Hospitals were hit and partially or completely destroyed. In Yarze, tens were killed and injured.
The Newspapers reported the month of February, as the most barbarian month that has ever struck Lebanon. The Syrians were shelling with heavy artilleries, on daily basis, all the regions of Lebanon. Schools, Hospitals Asylums, Churches and Shelters were their main target. They killed 500 civilians and seriously injured 2300 innocent people.
– March 13, 1984 – The Syrian Army shelled East Beirut. 27 were killed and 125 were injured.
– March 26, 1984 – The Syrian Army shelled East Beirut. 5 were killed and 20 injured. A French Diplomat was shot in West Beirut.
UNIFIL withdrew its Troops from Lebanon, after a period of 18 months, on April 1, 1984. 308 injured and 353 dead, 264 Americans, 112 French, and 62 Italians, were reported.
– April 3 to 29, 1984 – The Syrian Army shelled East Beirut. 10 were killed and 79 were injured.
– April 8, 1984 – Syrian Agents murdered the entire “Al Haddad’ family, in their home, in Cola area, West Beirut, in order to activate religious frictions in the area.
– April 1984- Syrian Agents assassinated Dr. Salah Yassine, Professor at the Lebanese University.
– May 3- 4, 1984 – The Syrian Army shelled East Beirut. 29 were killed and 18 children were injured.
The Newspapers published on May 3rd 1984, that 150 were reported dead, in the month of April.
– May 12, 1984 – The Syrian Army shelled East Beirut. 19 civilians were killed and 72 were injured.
– May 14, 1984 – The Syrian Army shelled “Notre Dame de l’Annonciation” school in Ashrafieh, East Beirut. 1 Student was killed and 21 were seriously injured. (see References)
– June 11, 1984 – The Syrian Army shelled East and West Beirut to provoke an internal confrontation. 105 civilians were killed and 250 were injured in the West Side. 19 were killed and 107 were injured in the East Side.
– June 23, 1984 – Syrian Agents kidnapped then executed Gerhard Loitzenbaur, the Consul of Austria, in West Beirut.
– July 6, 1984 – A booby-trapped car exploded in a Supermarket in Jbeil-Byblos, North Lebanon. 2 civilians were killed and 3 were seriously injured.
– July 16, 1984 – The Syrian Army controlled the villages of North Lebanon. Tens were killed and hundreds were injured.
– August 9, 1984 – A Booby trapped car exploded in West Beirut, killing and injuring tens of civilians.
– August 17, 1984 – The Syrians assassinated Dr. Andre Nasri Nahhass, Professor at the Lebanese University and Director of a Public School, in Tripoli. As usual, it was a Syrian Warning to the educational corps.
– August 21, 1984 – The Syrian Army attacked the city of Tripoli, North Lebanon. 30 Sunnite resistant were killed and 150 were injured. Others were deported to Syria where they remain until this day. Tripoli had been the target of the Syrian Army for a whole month, killing 90 dead and injuring 300 civilians.
– September 20, 1984 – A truck bomb exploded near the American Embassy in Awkar, East Beirut. 12 civilians were killed and 96 were injured.
– September 27, 1984 – 3 Lebanese Soldiers were found massacred in Zghorta, North of Lebanon; zone controlled by the Syrians.
– March 6, 1985 – Syrian-Iranian groups attacked Rashaya, in South Lebanon. Tony Kfoury was killed and Tens were injured.
– May 22, 1985 – A booby-trapped car exploded in a Supermarket in Sin El Fil, East Beirut. 42 civilians were killed and 177 seriously injured.
– June 4, 1985 – Denis Hill, a British Professor at the American University of Beirut, was found assassinated. It was a Syrian Warning to all the Britsh and American Residents.
– June 30, 1985 – Syrian-Iranian groups attacked Zaghraya-Sidon, in South Lebanon. Mustafa Khalil, Abdel Raouf El Hajj and Mahmoud Haffouda, were killed.
– August 12, 1985 – The Syrians shelled East and West Beirut. 17 innocent were killed and 140 were injured.
– August 14, 1985 – A booby-trapped car exploded in Sid El Baouchriyeh, East Beirut. 21 civilians were killed and 120 seriously injured.
– August 17, 1985 – A booby-trapped car exploded in a Supermarket in Jal El Dib, East Beirut. 31 civilians were killed and 85 seriously injured.
– August 19-20, 1985 – The Syrian Army brutally shelled the regions of Beirut, Kesserwan, Metns and Jbeil-Byblos. 22 civilians were killed and 86 were injured.
– September 4, 1985 – A booby-trapped car exploded in the town of Zahleh, in the Bekaa. 15 civilians were killed and 47 were seriously injured.
– October 1, 1985 – On the same day, Syrian Agents kidnapped and executed Arkadi Katakov, first Secretary at the Soviet Union Consulate, in West Beirut.
– October 4, 1985 – Syrian Agents executed William Buckley, third secretary at the American Embassy of Beirut. He was kidnapped 19 days earlier.
– November 13, 1985 – A booby-trapped car exploded in the court of the St. George Convent, in Awkar, East Beirut. 38 were seriously injured and 4 civilians were killed, including 2 Lebanese Lieutenants.
– December 31, 1985 – A booby-trapped car exploded in Jal El Dib, East Beirut. 3 civilians were killed and 23 were seriously injured.
According to official Statistics, Reuters Agency reported 3693 killed in 1985 and 2200 in 1984.
– January 21, 1986 – A booby-trapped car exploded in Furn El Chebback, East Beirut. 22 civilians were killed and 110 were seriously injured.
– January 31, 1986 – A booby-trapped car exploded in Sin El Fil, East Beirut. 5 civilians were burnt and seriously injured.
– February 1, 1986 – A booby-trapped car exploded in Sin El Fil, East Beirut. 1 civilian was seriously injured.
– February 2, 1986 – A booby-trapped car exploded in Dekkwaneh, East Beirut. 2 civilians were seriously injured.
– February 3, 1986 – A booby-trapped car exploded in New Jdeideh, East Beirut. 4 civilians were killed and 20 were seriously injured.
– February 12, 1986 – A booby-trapped car exploded in Ain El Remmaneh, East Beirut. 2 civilians were killed and 17 seriously injured.
– February 24, 1986 – A booby-trapped car exploded in Sin El Fil -Dekkwaneh highway, East Beirut. 5 civilians were killed in their car (Lieutenant Elias Abou Zeid and his whole family), 16 were seriously injured.
– March 8, 1986 – A booby-trapped car exploded in Rmeil-Ashrafiyeh, East Beirut. 6 were killed and 53 were seriously injured.
– March 26, 1986 – A booby-trapped car exploded in Tahwita – Furn El Chebback. 6 were seriously injured.
– March 5, 1986 – A booby-trapped car exploded in Saida. 2 civilians were killed and 2 were injured.
– March 5, 1986 – Syrian-Iranian Agents executed the French researcher, Michel Seurat.
– March 21, 1986 – A booby-trapped car exploded in Furn El Chebbak, East Beirut. 30 civilians were killed and shredded into pieces. Mor
October 13th, 2011, 3:45 am
Antoine said:
October 13, 1990 – The Syrian Army invaded The Christian area of Beirut, called the last free Zone. At 7:00 am, the Syrian Air force bombarded the Presidential Palace while the Syrian Army shelled with heavy artilleries and attacked the rest of the regions. Soldiers of the Lebanese Army were executed naked with a bullet in their foreheads. Thousands of civilians were massacred; women and girls were raped and ripped open; children were slaughtered and cut into pieces. Hospitals, Schools, Monasteries, houses and churches were shelled, destroyed and burnt down. Shelters were attacked and people were massacred; Priests were strangled or butchered. Hundreds were deported to Syrian prisons where they are detained until this present day.
October 13th, 2011, 3:48 am
Syria no kandahar said:
Can you publish world war 2 victim lists.
Also can you publish the 200000 Libanese killed by libanese(exaples:jaja by Aoun…Ahrar by kateb..etc).Also publish the list of Syrian soldiers killed by palestians in 1976 to protect Maronites ,and the list of soldiers killed by isreal in 1982 defending libanon
October 13th, 2011, 4:08 am
Hay said:
Good provoking article, thanks a lot.
i agree that the Middle East failed to produce any inspiring political thinking for decades and fall hostage to fundamentalists, however the reason is that the last decade was held with tyranny and oppression in state, that didn’t produce or promote genuine thinking and development and it will not!
Although we are going through a long tunnel, it is inevitable to true development of society, especially in a situation that those in power have been sectarian for decades under the surface and secular on the outside (the reactions of people in power in the government tells you how they think and how they aggressively took the regime side rather than more balanced views, we may say that they took this stand out of fear, this again tells you how this state forms ideas of population in government and in society in general.)
There is no substance in blaming the “Silent Majority” of not taking a stand or protecting their political rights, it is the fear that holds them, only brave (mostly motivated by Islamist views) and those holding the power (the regime) are able to express at the moment, and remaining views need not to upset both of them, since they can’t make both of them happy, if you upset the regime you are risking your life and living, if you upset the protesters you are risking being accused of accepting them being killed and detained! and not being part of the solution rather part of the problem.
“Silent Majority” would like to live and want progressive society, they have no means of expressing their views (any balanced oriented expression will be counted for the regime since this regime continues killing and detaining protesters and any attempt to help the state survive is a way to help them continue their mission of oppressing protesters), “Silent Majority” are ready (in my opinion) to try a new state, but how this difficult phase will be passed is still unknown, the regime has all the institutions holding them by fear for life and living, and opposition (mostly demonstrators and defected army motivated by religious and ethical views) has the means of disturbing the status qua that have much abused them, and so has abused the “Silent Majority”.
The international political community is waiting to see who will be able to defeat the other, and so is the “Silent Majority” since both parties have no means to alter the situation at the moment!
Opinion by:
One of the “Silent Majority”
Sympathized with opposition and protestors
Hate like hell to see this state survive, and hate like hell to see this country destroyed and becomes a battle ground,
Maybe we will have to continue paying the price of our fear, a price to live like a normal human!
October 13th, 2011, 4:18 am
Muhammad said:
Aboud, nice to know you are well.
The last article is too wishy-washy and can be summed up by two words: Assad forever. Just the soft type of regime propaganda. The author seems to cry over the secular state when all we have for the moment is a criminal sectarian gang. Frankly, if seculars want to preserve their ideology then why don’t they rally around Ghallioun or Kilo ? Why does it have to be Betho the idiot murderer ? Betho is going … don’t give him another straw to hang on to. The man is a total disaster. 7 months after the crisis started he still need to force his “much anticipated” reform at the barrel of a tank gun. He still has not given ONE public press conference where people could freely ask him questions. He has not punished ONE regime criminal and his PR performance has been a total unmitigated disaster. We are still meant to believe he is THE savior though. Yesterdays scenes could well have been from the 80’s. Just a telling sign the regime has not -and never will- change. The regime is only standing because of its sectarian nature – not secular record. We all know it. If it is to survive it will only enhance this side (if that is at all possible) since it is the ONLY guarantee it has.
Bottom line: if we all agree on change then let’s start by asking Assad to leave. It is blindly obvious he is either blocking change or undermining confidence in the state due to his past record. If he is to stay then the unrest will continue and there will be no dialogue. After he has fucked off we can then talk about what comes next.
October 13th, 2011, 5:03 am
annie said:
Aboud, always good to read you and to know you are alive and kicking.
Vive Homs et vivent les Homsis !
True has left here but he wrote this wonderful piece elsewhere ( and I cannot resist sharing it with y’all.
Angels of Freedom… By TRUE
Oct 12
Posted by OFF THE WALL
Hamza Al-Khtib, the 13 year old boy who was murdered in the custody of Syrian security
My head is spinning like a washing machine, too many thoughts and more of the YouTube videos are playing, continuously, before my eyes. What’s that? What’s going on? I feel like I’m trapped in this room, a windowless stinky room, I can’t even find my way out!! Anyone can hear me? Hold on a second, there’s some crying voices, hey you there, can you hear me? No response, just more crying. I’m here somewhere, don’t know where but it’s familiar and reminds me of something, not sure what’s that something. Not sure what brought me in here, not sure. Do you know?
Oh there’s a kid, he’s smiling at me a beautiful angelic smile. I feel like I know him, I’m pretty sure I do. Yes, he’s the hero Hamza Al-Katib, the 13 year old kid who was tortured to death by his own Syrian people. Not any torture and not any death. His murderers callously practiced all the tricks of the extinct Eastern Europe torturing school, a school which we thought was gone for good but clearly it’s still in use; its’ methods have been kept and fed in the basements of ugly sick people who were waiting for a moment to unleash their mental and psychosomatic weapons on this undercover vandal who was hiding inside the body of 13 year old angel. They absurdly believe that they managed to make the world safer by starting with two bullets through his arms, cutting organs while he was alive, and smashing his baby face bones before giving him salvation with a third bullet through his chest. He’s still smiling and waving, oh no wait, he’s vanishing, don’t go I’d like to talk to you, I’d like to learn how to become a man from you just don’t go .. he’s gone.
Gunpowder! it does smell like gun powder and blood, now I can see some destroyed buildings, nah these are not buildings actually just some poor sheds. There’s many dead people and a sign, yeah I can read the sign, it says the Palestinian refugee camp in Dara’a, it’s the camp of heroes, where the people were accused of treason; accused of breaking the siege and smuggling supplies into the city of Dara’a; dangerous mortal supplies like food cans, chocolate bars and baby milk powder. The scenes of horror and dismay showed heads chopped off and eyes gouged out, while the butchers enjoyed a smoke on the top of a mosque with a victory laugh: mission accomplished. What a victory!! Oh Gosh please take me out of here, please I can no more look at.. it’s gone.
It’s getting darker and darker here, there’s a light bulb swinging above and ….. no please wake up please. I don’t want to be here, I don’t want to witness this, I’m here looking at Giath Mattar’s last moments as he was dragged around by his torturers with his face covered with blood before they mercilessly jumped on him tearing him into pieces till he died and yet he was smiling. he said nothing just smiling at them and now he’s smiling at me … he wants me to get closer. Giath, talk to me I’m here next to you holding your hand, he says nothing just smiling and …he’s gone.
Oh Lord just take me away from here.
I’m not in the mood to discuss the algorithm behind what’s going on in Syria. And surely I have no interest in the impact of the mass graves on the carbon dioxide emission scheme, nah not today. It doesn’t interest me at all to analyse the negatively skewed correlation of the philosophical dimension of the world’s shameless silence towards these constant human massacres in Syria. Surprisingly perhaps, these massacres actually do meet all the human rights requirements!!! Simply, the criminals have showed no evidence of any sort of favouritism towards gender, age or religion. All are equal, all are dead, and all will come and haunt us all of us in every mouthful of food or breath of air for keeping our mouths shut and eyes blinded about what’s happening in Syria every day.
If nothing else, what I really want you to contemplate on is those moments of torture which Hamza, Giath and many others have undergone, please close your eyes and try to answer these questions:
Their thoughts during their days of grief?
Did they go painless after all the agony they received or were they fully conscious with responsive bodies to their butchers’ demands?
Were they staring at the door waiting for one of us to charge in and rescue them or perhaps to end their pain with a bullet between their eyes?
Were they able to see the angels gazing at them?
Were they praying to God?
Did they affirm their belief or simply resolve that not even God could take them out of the slaughter room? a room painted with blood and smelling of incessant death.
Indisputably, I have no answers to any of these questions and surely no one else does. However, I’m confident these heroes were thinking of us and hoping that with their bodies and pain we can reconcile and find our path again, the path of dignity and freedom, the path of love and no hate. They are the angels of freedom all around us; you might not see or hear them but they are there.
October 13th, 2011, 5:36 am
Louai said:
do you remember Gaiath al turk? i reported his death to you in here ,one of his killer was captured and confessed ,i cant believe those are from my neighbourhood !
October 13th, 2011, 5:40 am
Mohamed Kanj said:
This is SECULAR SYRIA with all syrians from all religions and ethnicities. Look at the joy and happiness these people feel when going out to support ABOUD’s and TARA’S PRESIDENT BASHAR AL ASSAD
October 13th, 2011, 5:41 am
Mina said:
Another problem in seeking a solution and see a light at the end of the (Yemeni) (Syrian) (Egyptian) (etc) tunnel, is that any socio economic consideration is being dismissed as “crypto marxist”. In January-February, al Jazeera was spending hours talking about prices of comodities in Tunisia and Egypt, and indeed, tyranny plus poverty throws people in the hands of fundamentalists. My point is that because anyone mentioning poverty and socio economic conditions of workers is labelled “marxist”, the Arab expats in the US, stamped “liberals” with the same purpose, have ended up giving the MB a monopoly on the social discourse.
Here is the Wall street movement points, I think they are worth consideration, since it is “the nerve of wars is money”.One must not forget that Wall street money, the London(istan) city money, is now for a big part Gulf money, in addition to the money workers have in bank accounts and pay through taxes reinvested in speculation by governments.
(and here is a french translation, since there are a number of good Syrian francophones:
Tant que nous nous rassemblons en solidarité pour exprimer un sentiment d’injustice de masse, nous ne devons pas perdre de vue ce qui nous a réunis. Nous écrivons pour que tous les gens qui se sentent lésés par les forces des entreprises du monde sachent que nous sommes vos alliés.
Comme un seul homme, autrefois divisé par la couleur de notre peau, sexe, orientation sexuelle, religion, ou l’absence de celle-ci, de parti politique ou de contexte culturel, nous reconnaissons la réalité : il n’y a qu’une seule race, la race humaine, et que notre survie exige la coopération de ses membres.
Notre système doit protéger nos droits, mais également contre sa propre corruption, il appartient aux individus de protéger leurs propres droits et ceux de leurs frères; qu’un gouvernement démocratique ne tire sa puissance que de la population, mais les sociétés ne cherchent aucun consentement à extraire la richesse du peuple et de la Terre, ainsi aucune véritable démocratie n’est réalisable lorsque le processus est déterminé par la puissance économique.
Nous venons à vous à un moment où les entreprises qui placent le profit au dessus des gens, l’intérêt personnel au dessus de la justice, et l’oppression au dessus de l’égalité, dirigent nos gouvernements. Nous nous réunissons ici en paix, comme c’est notre droit, pour que ces faits soient connus.
* Ils ont pris nos maisons par un processus d’éviction illégale, en dépit de ne la non possession de l’hypothèque initiale.
* Ils ont pris les plans de sauvetages payés par les contribuables et continuent à donner des bonus exorbitants aux PDG en toute impunité.
* Ils ont perpétué l’inégalité des sexes et la discrimination au travail.
* Ils ont empoisonné l’approvisionnement alimentaire, et sapé le système d’élevage par le biais de monopolisations.
* Ils ont constamment cherché à mettre fin aux droits des travailleurs à négocier leurs salaires et leurs dépôts de plaintes au sujet de la sécurité de leur lieu de travail.
* Ils ont pris en otage des étudiants avec des dizaines de milliers de dollars de dette sur l’éducation, qui est en soi un droit humain.
* Ils ont fait systématiquement de la sous-traitance et utilisées cette externalisation comme levier pour réduire les coût des rémunération et de la santé des travailleurs.
* Ils ont influencé les tribunaux pour obtenir les mêmes droits que les personnes, sans aucune contrepartie de culpabilité ou de responsabilité.
* Ils ont dépensé des millions de dollars en équipes juridiques qui cherchent des moyens pour les faire sortir des contrats en ce qui concerne l’assurance santé.
* Ils ont vendu notre vie privée comme une marchandise.
* Ils ont utilisé la force militaire et policière pour empêcher la liberté de la presse.
* Ils ont délibérément refusé de rappeler des produits défectueux qui mettent des vies en danger dans la poursuite de but lucratif.
* Ils déterminent la politique économique, malgré les échecs catastrophiques de leurs propres politiques et continuent à produire.
* Ils ont donné de grosses sommes d’argent aux politiciens censés les réglementer.
* Ils continuent à bloquer les formes alternatives d’énergie pour nous garder dépendants du pétrole.
* Ils continuent à bloquer les formes génériques de médicaments qui pourraient sauver la vie des gens dans le but de protéger les investissements qui ont déjà généré un profit substantiel.
* Ils ont délibérément dissimulé des déversements d’hydrocarbures, d’accidents, la tenue des livres de bord (faulty book), et les ingrédients inactifs dans la poursuite du profit.
* Ils maintiennent délibérément les gens mal informés et craintifs par leur contrôle des médias.
* Ils ont perpétué le colonialisme chez eux et à l’étranger.
* Ils ont participé à torturer et assassiner des civils innocents à l’étranger.
* Ils continuent à créer des armes de destruction massive afin de recevoir des contrats du gouvernement.
* Ils ont directement participé à une action raciste par l’acceptation du contrat par l’Etat de Géorgie pour assassiner Troy Davis.
Pour les peuples du monde,
Nous, l’ Assemblée générale d’occupation de Wall Street à New York City, dans Liberty Square, vous exhortons d’affirmer votre pouvoir.
Exercez votre droit de s’assembler paisiblement, d’occuper l’espace public, de créer un processus pour résoudre les problèmes auxquels nous faisons face, et de générer des solutions accessibles à tous.
Pour toutes les communautés qui prennent des mesures et qui forment des groupes dans l’esprit direct de la démocratie, nous vous offrons un soutien, de la documentation et toutes les ressources à notre disposition.
Rejoignez-nous et faites entendre votre voix! »
October 13th, 2011, 5:41 am
Areal said:
16. Alex said:
If you find this unacceptable, please find another blog. But I do not wish to waste my, or other readers’ time with the same old bullying tactics.
I hope this is clear.
You have been too lenient in allowing personal attacks , name calling , pejorative nick names , by some “commentators”.
As a first step , you should implement an automatic filter blocking comments with such words as regime , salafist , gang , thug , ….. .
You can certainly add the relevant terms to the list of banned words.
Don’t publish the list .
October 13th, 2011, 6:32 am
John Khouri said:
Antoine – can u also remind us how Samir Gaegae assissanted the Maronite president Mr franjieh. Can u remind us how Samir Gaegae bombed the church in Zahle and Zghorta.Can u remind us of the hundreds of christians Gaegae and Aoun murdered and assissanted during the civil war.Can u remind us how ur president begged Hafez Al Assad to come into lebanon and help protect the maronites from the hands of the palestinians.
October 13th, 2011, 6:33 am
Areal said:
21. Antoine said:
September 9, 1975 – The Palestinians and the Syrians attacked the Christian ..
The source is
We pay homage to our Martyrs who fell heroically in defiance of tyranny…
To every freedom fighter and patriot who will never rest before fulfilling the Pledge of “A Free, Independent and Sovereign Lebanon”.
Genocides, Crimes and Massacres Committed by the PLO and the Syrians Against the Lebanese (1975-2002).
– April 13, 1975 – At 10:30 am, 4 Palestinian Commandos, gun fired 4 civilians at the front door of Church ” Notre Dame De la Deliverance”, in Ain El Remmaneh, East Beirut. The victims were: Joseph Abu Assi, Antoine Husseini, Dib Assaf and Selman Ibrahim Abou khater.
Why not starting the partial “quote” by April 13, 1975 ?
THE site uses the term “freedom fighter” to qualify the victims of genocide ?????.
October 13th, 2011, 6:52 am
zoo said:
“My analysis has always been ahead of the curve.”
If so, please tell us what is coming next, not in 2014 but in the beginning of 2012.
I’d like to know the future of the French philosopher leading the Syrian opposition and the future of the Turkish controlled Syrian Free “army”.
Maybe some commenters is SC “idiots” but could very well turn out to be one too.
October 13th, 2011, 7:05 am
irritated said:
The Arab english speaking Garcia Marquez is born!
October 13th, 2011, 7:19 am
ann said:
The master architect of Syria in Lebanon is Abdul Halim Khadam.
He enjoys Sarkozy’s protection and hospitality in Paris now.
Feel free to take him in front of any court of justice that will vindicate you and Lebanon.
October 13th, 2011, 7:21 am
Areal said:
27. Louai said:
do you remember Gaiath al turk? i reported his death to you in here ,one of his killer was captured and confessed ,i cant believe those are from my neighbourhood !
Terrorist Ghantawi Confesses to Participating in Abduction, Torture and Murder of Civilians, Shooting Army Checkpoints in Homs
Oct 13, 2011
DAMASCUS, (SANA) – Terrorist Adham Abdelalim Ghantawi confessed on Wednesday to committing several crimes against civilians and military personnel in Homs along with other terrorists, with his crimes including abduction, torture, murder, mutilation of dead bodies, and shooting at army checkpoints.
In confessions broadcast by the Syrian TV, terrorist Ghantawi said that he lived in Bab al-Siba’a in Homs where he worked as a street vendor. He spent ten years in an orphanage as he doesn’t know the whereabouts of his father and his mother remarried.
Originally homeless, a man named Ahmad Oudeh told Ghantawi to find a place to live and that he would cover the rent, which he did. After staying in a rented basement apartment for a few weeks a man named Abdelhadi al-Masri brought three men who had been abducted, beaten and tortured by Oudeh and a man called Bilal al-Ken to the basement apartment where Ghantawi was staying.
He said that Oudeh and al-Ken brought them men to the basement and started beating and torturing them and that he joined them, and later al-Ken left and returned with a man named Omar who electrocuted the captive men and cut them with a knife, all while Ghantawi stood guard with a rifle given to him.
Ghantawi said that when one of the three men told the terrorist what they wanted to know, they took them away to an unknown location and came back the next day and told him what they did to them, and how they plucked out one of the captives’ eyes and dumped the bodies after murdering them.
“A week later, Jassem Afara, Anas al-Masri, Abdelhamid Bittar and Ahmad al-Nakri kidnapped another man from the hospital from al-Turk family on the grounds that he cooperated with security and photographed them,” he said, adding that they brought the man who was injured in the leg to the basement, and Ahmad Oudeh gave Afara a gun and told him to kill the man but the gun jammed, so he brought a rifle and shot the man four times in the chest and abdomen. They then covered the body and dumped it in a dumpster.
Ghantawi confessed to working with these men and joining them when they went out to shoot at checkpoints, starting by reloading their weapons and then opened fire on checkpoints twice.
He said Oudeh and al-Ken had a fight leading to the latter leaving them, leaving Ghantawi to work with Oudeh, adding that they gave him around 1,500 to 2,000 pounds each day, giving him a total of around 25,000 pounds.
Ghantawi said that they attacked army chekpoints in al-Fakhoura, Bab al-Dreib and al-Qala’a neighborhoods, and that the attacks took place at night after Oudeh gathers the terrorists, adding that that would fire at checkpoints for around an hour and a half and would retreat when they heard ambulances coming.
“We used a variety of weapons including automatic Kalashnikov rifles,” Ghantawi said, “a Saudi man sent us funds that were received by Yehea al-Hazouri who gave them to Bilal al-Ken or Ahmad Oudeh… Sheikh Anas Sweid would gather money in front of al-Marija Mosque and give it to them too.”
REMEMBER back in July ,
Here are two contradictory reports about Homs from readers:
Louai writes:
Just finished a phone call with my family in Homs, which was like Beirut yesterday. The news from Syria-news were correct. Three young men (Alawites) kidnapped tortured and killed , they were organising rallys in support of the announced reforms, my brother knows all of them , the rally now cancelled.
The army stopped a angry crowds of entering Bab el dreeb and prevented a lot of killings.
my friend’s old brother got shot in his way back home his name Kifah el set ( a Christian from Al Hafar village) he is badly injured but thanks god still alive. Another Christian from Al Nuzha ( Gaiath al turk ) from Kafrram village was shot in his leg, he was taking to the local medical centre just to get kidnapped from inside the medical centre few hours later and get killed, his uncle was my teacher! His funeral is tomorrow.
People are scared to go out. The army only entered Alawite neighbourhoods to protect them, the Christian neighbourhood is not protected and the thugs are still free. That’s Homs for you !
Aboud writes:
Here is what really happened. The shabiha scum were given a pretext to rampage through Homs, under the protection of the “security forces” (oxymoron there). They smashed Sunni owned businesses in Al-Hadara street (I’ve linked the video previously). The Homsis mobilized themselves, and got together to protect their neighborhoods. After a brief confrontation in Damascus road, which went badly for the shabiha scum, they crawled back to the holes they came out from.
NOW , we know that really happened !!
October 13th, 2011, 7:24 am
irritated said:
I am not sure what’s your point in publishing this list. There are so many names of killed people in the area, of all nationalities and ethnicity, because of wars that to be fair to all, I guess they should be all gathered in one book or in a museum like what the Israeli did, not in parts and in a Blog.
October 13th, 2011, 7:28 am
uzair8 said:
Syria: The Mufti and al-Rahi
By Tariq Alhomayed
Thursday, 13 October 2011
The first thing that comes to mind for anyone following the Syrian revolution, after the Syrian Grand Mufti’s recent comments threatening the West that there are suicide bombers ready to carry out “martyrdom operations” in the event of Syria being externally attacked, is: What are Maronite Patriarch Bechara al-Rahi thoughts on these comments?
Al-Rahi has already warned the international community that seeking to implement democracy in Syria could end up with a radical regime run by Islamic extremists, meaning the Sunnis of course, rather than the regime of Bashar al-Assad. Al-Rahi’s comments came despite the fact that the Syrian revolution was entering its sixth month, and despite the murder and brutal suppression the Syrians have suffered at the hands of the minority regime in Damascus. Despite all the blood and suppression, al-Rahi did not say one true word in the name of the oppressed.
Read more:
October 13th, 2011, 7:36 am
zoo said:
Is it the Syrian government or religious extremists opposing Ghalioun’s hardline anti-religious views?
Al-Assad regime trying to discredit Syrian opposition – Burhan Ghalioun
Asharq Al-Awsat
Beirut, Asharq Al-Awsat – Prominent Syrian opposition figure Burhan Ghalioun has accused the Bashar al-Assad regime of launching a campaign to damage his reputation and “discredit” the Syrian National Council [SNC]. This was in response to rumors that Ghalioun has ties to the Syrian government, and visited Damascus on 27 September, something that the Syrian opposition figure strongly denies.
The Lebanese Salafist “Iqra” association issued a statement to Asharq Al-Awsat, quoting a “spokesman of the [Syrian] Free Officers Movement” claiming that “we possess documentation that prove that he [Ghalioun] visited Damascus on 27 September.” The statement added that “if this is shown to be true then we reject him and all his projects, and warn against him.” This statement was accompanied by the image of what appeared to be an Egypt Air ticket to Damascus dated 27 September, 2011, in the name of “Burhan Mohamed Ghalioun”.
However Ghalioun, speaking to Asharq Al-Awsat from Paris on Tuesday, stressed that this is part of an “intelligence [agency] ploy” to discredit him. He stressed that he was in Turkey on 27 September, negotiating towards the formation of the SNC.
As for the Egypt Air ticket in his name, Ghalioun said that this ticket is in the name of “Burhan Mohamed Ghalioun” whereas his full name is Burhan Abdul-Halim Ghalioun. He also told Asharq Al-Awsat that the Syrian intelligence apparatus is responsible for this, stressing that this is not the first time that the Syrian intelligence agency has used a case of mistaken identity to play such a “game” with him. He said that he was previously detained in a Syrian airport by the intelligence apparatus for a number of hours, only to be released after it emerged that they were looking for somebody named Burhan Abdul-Hakeem Ghalioun, rather than Burhan Abdul-Halim Ghalioun.
Ghalioun stressed that the claims that he has ties to the al-Assad regime and traveled to Damascus in late September are “absurd and cannot be believed.” He asked Asharq Al-Awsat “why would I go to Syria? If I did, why would I not have been arrested?” Ghalioun told Asharq Al-Awsat that these rumors are an attempt by the Syrian intelligence apparatus to discredit him and the SNC.
Ghalioun said that he was certain that such rumors were not being put forward by other Syrian opposition figures, stressing that this is a result of an “intelligence agency.” He also stressed that this was in order to “discredit the image of the Syrian opposition” by “confusing” the issue, saying that “even if the majority of people do not believe this news, it still affects the reputation of those involved.” Ghalioun also revealed that this campaign coincided with him putting his name forward for the presidency of the SNC.
Ghalioun also claimed that the Syrian regime – utilizing the internet – was also using other methods to try to discredit the Syrian opposition and the SNC. He referred to an internet website that bears the name of the SNC and which contains images of strategic Syrian regime sites, calling on NATO to attack. Ghalioun stressed that this website has no connection whatsoever to the SNC or any of its members. He said that nobody in the SNC has any experience working for the “Syrian intelligence” and so “we do not know where these Syrian intelligence and underground sites are located even if we wanted to reveal them.” He also told Asharq Al-Awsat that “the Americans and Israelis undoubtedly know the location of these sites and so do not need anybody to tell them where they are.” Ghalioun stressed that the “issue of [foreign] military intervention” is not in the SNC’s plans, particularly in light of “the Russian – Chinese veto.” The Syrian opposition leader accused the Syrian regime – or al-Assad allies like Tehran – of being response for such operations with the objective of discrediting the Syrian opposition and the SNC
October 13th, 2011, 8:33 am
Mina said:
Before the word “Salafist” gets automatically banned, please read Alaa’ al Aswani on bigotry,
On the same issue,
I was just listening to a programme on Pakistani and Indian Sufi music, and there were some ‘aadhan-s in the background of the presentation on Karashi. The first one was deprived of any music, i. e. it was a “Wahhabi”, or “Salafi” one. The second one was normally using the melody of most ‘aadhan you hear in Egypt or Syria or elsewhere (with the voice rising progressively during the first takbir). It didn’t beat the most beautiful ‘aadhan i ever heard, that of the Fajr prayer of the Umayyad mosque in Damascus (i wish i know the name of the mu’adhdhin, to look for it online). We should make a website to check if ‘aadhan is getting wahhabized in your neighborhood: it is easy to record them with phones. If there is no melody at all, you’ve got it. In Egypt i have noticed since a few years that some mu’adhdhin would not hesitate to become a-melodious in their ‘aadhan, in some places.
October 13th, 2011, 8:36 am
zoo said:
Thousands stage pro-Assad rally in Syria
Phil Sands
Oct 13, 2011
After seven months of unrest, Mr Al Assad remains in control of a powerful and loyal security apparatus and military that has managed to suffocate protests in many areas.
It has prevented any Syrian territory from falling permanently into rebel hands, despite facing increasingly organised armed opposition.
That tenacity has surprised some in the protest movement, particularly younger activists who expected the regime to have cracked by now. It has also given way to a growing confidence among loyalists.
People with access to regime officials said they appeared much more relaxed now than two or three months ago, when the uprising was building momentum and hundreds of thousands of protesters regularly took to the streets.
“The officials I see who used to be nervous and who seemed not to be sleeping are now looking well rested and comfortable again,” said an independent analyst in Damascus.
“They think they have passed the worst and can see the way out they are sure they will win.”
Yesterday’s demonstration came as rumours swirled among Damascus’s political classes of an impending reform announcement.
“We expect to hear something significant and positive before Saturday, a political development,” said a former regime official with close contacts among the ruling elite, who has pressed for democratic reforms.
This week, a senior Baath party official said a committee would soon be established to draw up a new constitution before the end of the year, something Mr Al Assad had suggested would happen, including a revocation of Article 8, which gave the Baathists an automatic right to run Syria.
“Changing the constitution will be an important step we hope the committee to oversee it includes some credible opposition figures,” said Mohammad Habbash, a former MP now involved in a “third way” initiative to end the crisis.
He had drawn criticism from pro-regime and anti-regime figures for his middle-of-the-road approach.
“The regime will change the constitution, it will launch a multiparty law and it does now seem to have an idea that it must hurry,” he said. “Russian and Chinese pressure to speed up the reforms are important and can help us make those changes.”
October 13th, 2011, 8:40 am
Muhammad said:
Is this Syria Comment or Syria Copy&Paste ? Can commentators limit themselves to a 1000 words or so. If you must post an article just put down the link with an executive summary to make people lured into reading it. Enough of this mind numbing BS. This is especially true for ANN & ZOO.
October 13th, 2011, 9:27 am
Muhammad said:
Any person using “confessions” on Syria TV as a credible source is either biased, ignorant or stupid. I’m not even going to bother debating the rest your argument. We have not yet forgotten the Egyptian-Israeli-American spy or the fake cities in Aljazeera studios BS.
October 13th, 2011, 9:31 am
Syrian Nationalist Party said:
@21 Antoine:
If you need sympathy and support to your cause belly, please substitute “Syrians” to BAATHIST. It is a good advice, take it now so Syrians can start feel for you and the legitimate grievance you have. If you remember Syrians did suffer from Baathist massacres as well in Syria by the same that did that list above to Lebanon. Remember, Syrians marched in the streets in all Syrian cities, demonstrating against Syria action in Lebanon and shouting this: ??? ?????? ?? ???? ?
If you continue calling SYRIANS did this and that, no one will hear you. Please note that at that time, the United States, Britain and France were the most ardent supporters of the Syrian and Iraqi Baathist regimes and did nothing, I mean nothing at all, to hinder or restrict their action in Lebanon, not during the Civil War and not for decades thereafter.
October 13th, 2011, 9:50 am
sheila said:
Very shallow by a pseudo-intellectual. I find it interesting that (I am assuming) a graduate of Damascus school of Architecture, a mediocre institution at best, would call a Sorbonne professor “external chaotic opposition mostly represented by ambiguous characters with little substance to offer”.
I have nothing else to say.
October 13th, 2011, 10:01 am
Areal said:
Last note for Ehsani , the US Syrian banker
(corrected )
The USD opened the week’s trade at 49.45 SYP and closed at 49.85 SYP, recording a 0.8 % decrease for the SYP value against USD,
while the Euro started off the weekly trading against the SYP at 66.56 and closed at 66.37 with an increase of 0.28 % for the SYP value against Euro.
According to the Central Bank of Syria (CBS) weekly report, the CBS has recently started to move the SYP/USD exchange rate in accordance with the global exchange rate movements in a way that reflects the changes in the local supply and demand of Dollar.
The CBS decision came after the recent US sanctions which led Syria to replace the Dollar with other currencies. This move ensures better stability of the SYP exchange rate against other foreign currencies after the CBS had fixed the SYP exchange rate against Dollar since the crisis started.
The CBS continues to meet the market’s needs of different currencies to keep the exchange processes going on and prevent any freeze due to the imposed sanctions.
The local market is witnessing a remarkable improvement in the trading in the Euro after the CBS decision to stop dealing in the Dollar and shift to other currencies.
October 13th, 2011, 10:02 am
sheila said:
To #21. Antoine,
Wow. This is impressive and it all happened in the 70s when this bunch of thugs were ruling Syria. You would think based on the level of the atrocities, that all Christians in Syria and Lebanon would be against the Assad regime and mostly you. I wonder why they still think that the Assads are the protectors of the Christians?.
October 13th, 2011, 10:12 am
sheila said:
Dear Antoine,
Do you also happen to have the list of Christian Lebanese victims killed by other Christian Lebanese, during the wars between Jaejae and Hbeika?. Would you please share?.
October 13th, 2011, 10:15 am
Revlon said:
21, 22. Dear Antoine,
Thank you very much for sharing with us this list of victims of Asad regime in Lebanon.
I do pray that the lebanese detaineses are still alive in Asad underground cells somewhere!
Once Syrians are finished with trying and convicting Asad and his mob, they would avail them to be tried for all other crimes committed against humanity anywhere in the world!
In case you have, I invite you to re-post more details and references of every massacre of those you have briefly cited above!
October 13th, 2011, 10:31 am
Revlon said:
Security sources in Syria: Last chance for Asad to quel the revolution by month end or face a Russia backed Security council resolution!
50,000 of special forces, probably all Syrian army has, will be deployed in Homs to finish its uprising in the comming 13 days!
Expect to see more defections Abboud!
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October 13th, 2011, 10:44 am
Revlon said:
Terrorist gangs “took a needed break” during the pro-regime dmonstrations!
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October 13th, 2011, 10:50 am
Amir in Tel Aviv said:
Secularism cannot be imposed. It has to be agreed upon. The former communist Yugoslavia tried it before. The outcome of the imposed Yugoslavian secularism should be a lesson to all.
October 13th, 2011, 10:52 am
james said:
I have been fallowing SC for some time now but this is my first time to comment, regarding the article posted by Alex. as a person who lives in Syria I find the article to be from an Assad supporter trying to be balanced, the silenced majority is mainly anti Assad but we don’t talk in public because it’s dangerous to talk what you think in Syria, as I know personally of a lot of people “invited” to the fere3 for some “friendly” talk.
it looks like Alex also use the same tactic in SC , if you don’t agree with him don’t post your opinion in SC because it’s his farm and we should not criticize our “beloved” Alex.
As for me as a secular Syrian I have been noticing a big shift in my city Aleppo. since 15 years I’m seeing more and more headscarf all over the city , in the 50s and 60s Aleppo was a real secular city with women dress as the like and wonder around the city freely, now they can do it in some streets in azzizehe and slemanihe, christens now have what they call (binaiat mowahade) united buildings , where only christens can live there no Muslim is allowed to live there, a far outcry from al jamelie and ismalie where Muslim christens Jews and Kurd and Mardel used to liveside by side. Christens have been leaving the country in droves since 30 years and there population is going down very fast,
This process has been going on for 30 years under the batth rule, the only salvation for the christen community in Syria is democracy where minorities can play a balancing role between deferent parties.
Note: I’m writing now from outside Syria but soon I will be not able to write because I will return to syria.
October 13th, 2011, 10:52 am
Mina said:
Nato lies
October 13th, 2011, 10:57 am
Revlon said:
Syria 12/10 ???? ????? ???? ?? ?????? ??? ???????? ?? ??????
Debriefing by FSA on Rastan battle
1.Asad Army attacked Rastan using tanks, airplanes and chemical weapons.
2.The attack resulted in massive destruction of rersidential buildings, schools, Mosques, Hospitals and clinics.
3.They killed civilians, including kids, women, senior citizens and wounded.
4. Houses, Shops and private businesses were looted.
5. We put up a strong resistance in defence of our civilians and inflicted the following regime losses:
– More than 30 armored vehicles.
– Over 1000 of Shabbeeha and security agents.
Asad army failed to enter the city for three days.
6.We terminated our resistance for the following humanitarian reasons:
– To allow the evacuation of more than 300 of wounded civilians
– Hope for reprieve from non-stop shelling on civilian residential neibourhoods by regime forces.
– Hope for resumption of electricity, water and medical supplys and communications that were cut by regime.
7. We call the free world to support our cause
8. We call those ion Asad Army to defect and join the FSA
9. We urge Syrian families to encourage their sons not to join Asad army or to seek defection.
10 We are determined to cleanse Syria of corrupt Asad forces.
October 13th, 2011, 11:15 am
Areal said:
45. sheila said:
Very shallow by a pseudo-intellectual. I find it interesting that (I am assuming) a graduate of Damascus school of Architecture, a mediocre institution at best, would call a Sorbonne professor “external chaotic opposition mostly represented by ambiguous characters with little substance to offer”.
I have nothing else to say.
The statement ” ambiguous characters ” which refers to the external opposition as a whole including :
Abdul Halim Khaddam , Rifaat Assad , crowd of Muslim Brothers , …
is clearly an under statement.
With regards to Damascus School of Architecture , you cannot ignore that , in Syria , enter such University Faculty only the students which are among the brightest in Syria.
You cannot claim the same for students in Sociology Departments in the Paris Sorbonne University.
October 13th, 2011, 11:21 am
uzair8 said:
‘Morpheus’, ‘architect’. Is this a matrix thing?
October 13th, 2011, 11:21 am
N.Z. said:
Secular, secularist and secularism is not what concerns Arabs.
Syria and all Arab countries with all the different religions and sects will not be secularist for years to come.
We are non secular, we breath and see God in every movement, this applies to the majority, whether they practice or not, religious or not, atheist or not. Our daily vocabulary, Christians and Muslims with all the different sects have reference to God, the protector, if He will, if He can, He protects, He guides.
Moving forward will not erase God from our psyche. He is embedded within us from birth.
Syria was never a secularist country. In fact the culture is Islamic, and no one can or wants to erase traditions. The Baath and its adherent were adamant to erase what was before them. I wish they did built on what we had, rather to erase what our forefathers left us, a culturally rich and diverse country, a harmonious nation living side by side for thousands of years. All invaders came and left, some stayed and adopted our way of life.
It is these kind of articles we need most at this pivotal moment in our history.
It is precisely why it looks so odd publishing an article that stirs emotion rather than unity. That tries to excuse or ignore the horrendous years under Assads.
Muslims are here to stay, in their respective countries, the West and the Americas. So we all better get use to it.
We all know well that religious parties are what the West wants for us. We do not want another Iran. We can state that clearly.
This is not a tactic. This is MY OPINION. I will tell you, from what I read from no other than your work, I do not agree with your ideas, nor your approach. You need not to take every comment personal and become so defensive. You seem to be over sensitive. Me too. Regardless, you post what you like, and we can all have different opinions. To give commentators a choice that they can go somewhere else, does not change what you seem to be an opinionated non-open to criticism.
I hope this is clearer. Bullying is not in my dictionary, hoping is not in your dictionary, EITHER!!!
October 13th, 2011, 11:27 am
ann said:
Bad News for Syria: Fomenting Revolution at the Guardian
Targeting Syria – The ‘Bad News’ For The Guardian
Afghanistan and Iraq may still be in flames. A bloodbath may continue to flow from Nato’s ‘humanitarian intervention’ in Libya. No matter, mainstream journalists are appalled that a double Russian and Chinese veto at the UN has thwarted Western efforts to do more good in Syria. The two powers rejected the latest draft of a UN Security Council resolution condemning the Syrian government and preparing the way for international sanctions.
In the Guardian, Middle East editor Ian Black wrote last week:
‘Bashar al-Assad can certainly feel satisfied that powerful allies have stood by him and prevented international action that might – just – have given him pause for thought as he pursues his vicious crackdown on Syria’s protest movement.’
This is the standard media version of events, repeated endlessly, for example, by the BBC and ITV. We are to understand that the Syrian government is responsible for a vicious repression of peaceful protestors along the lines of Egypt, Tunisia, Bahrain and Yemen.
But is it an accurate depiction of the conflict?
In May, Michel Chossudovsky, Professor of Economics at the University of Ottawa, commented on the first outbreaks of violence in Syria:
‘What is clear from these initial reports is that many of the demonstrators were not demonstrators but terrorists involved in premeditated acts of killing and arson. The title of [an] Israeli news report summarizes what happened: ‘Syria: Seven Police Killed, Buildings Torched in Protests.’
The initial conflict, Chossudovsky noted, ‘had all the appearances of a staged event involving, in all likelihood, covert support to Islamic terrorists by Mossad and/or Western intelligence. Government sources point to the role of radical Salafist groups (supported by Israel). Other reports have pointed to the role of Saudi Arabia in financing the protest movement.’
Jeremy Salt, associate professor in Middle Eastern History and Politics at Bilkent University, Ankara, wrote this month:
‘The armed groups are well armed and well organised. Large shipments of weapons have been smuggled into Syria from Lebanon and Turkey. They include pump action shotguns, machine guns, Kalashnikovs, RPG launchers, Israeli-made hand grenades and numerous other explosives. It is not clear who is providing these weapons but someone is, and someone is paying for them.’
So why do Western media keep referring to a ‘vicious crackdown on Syria’s protest movement’?
Chossudovsky explained:
‘The existence of an armed insurrection is not mentioned by the Western media. If it were to be acknowledged and analysed, our understanding of unfolding events would be entirely different. What is mentioned profusely is that the armed forces and the police are involved in the indiscriminate killing of protesters.’
He added some background:
‘Since the Soviet-Afghan war, Western intelligence agencies as well as Israel’s Mossad have consistently used various Islamic terrorist organizations as “intelligence assets”. Both Washington and its indefectible British ally have provided covert support to “Islamic terrorists” in Afghanistan, Bosnia, Kosovo and Libya, etc. as a means to triggering ethnic strife, sectarian violence and political instability… The ultimate objective of the Syria protest movement, through media lies and fabrications, is to create divisions within Syrian society as well as justify an eventual “humanitarian intervention”.’
As Chossudovsky observed, Syria is on the US list of ‘rogue states.’ In 2004, in an interview with Democracy Now!, former Nato chief General Wesley Clark recalled a conversation with a Pentagon general in 2001, a few weeks after the September 11 attacks:
‘He reached over on his desk. He picked up a piece of paper. And he said, “I just got this down from upstairs” — meaning the Secretary of Defense’s office — “today.” And he said, “This is a memo that describes how we’re going to take out seven countries in five years, starting with Iraq, and then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and, finishing off, Iran.”’
The Guardian’s Morality Play
Ian Black continued in the Guardian:
‘The veto by Russia and China of a binding UN security council resolution threatening unspecified measures against Syria caps months of feverish diplomatic action at the UN. Britain, France and Portugal knew they were facing an uphill struggle, so they diluted and qualified the text of what they were proposing in order to avoid failure. But they failed anyway.
‘Since military action was explicitly excluded in the final “blue” draft of the resolution, the optimists thought, or hoped, that Russia might comply.’
But the dilutions and qualifications did not rule out more aggressive action later. The final resolution allowed for the Security Council to consider unspecified measures against Syria after a 30-day period. Former Guardian journalist Jonathan Cook responded to our request for comment:
‘Black mentions the exclusion of “military action” but this is not in itself a guarantee that the US won’t find other ways to bring about regime change. There was plenty of evidence during Israel’s attack on Lebanon in 2006 that the US and Israel were trying to widen the attack to Syria. Israel is very concerned about Syria’s stockpiles of biological and chemical weapons that nearly match its own. It isn’t too far-fetched to see the US using this resolution as a prelude to a variation of the Iraq strategy: demanding Syria destroy its WMD; upping world fury; isolating Damascus; and then allowing/enabling an Israeli attack.’ (Email to Media Lens, October 6, 2011)
Black added:
‘But on Tuesday night, officials said, there was a last-minute hardening of Moscow’s position. Beijing, as ever, dutifully followed suit. Lebanon, India, South Africa and Brazil – currently on the council – abstained.’
Cook again:
‘The US tries to shape the world in ways that are beneficial to its strategic and commercial interests, and does so through arm-twisting and threats to those countries that object but are not strong enough to stand up to its power…
‘This is so obvious it should not even need to be stated. And yet Black’s analysis totally ignores this reality, turning the Security Council vote into some kind of morality play. He is positively misty-eyed about Western interests, as though they were informed solely by a resolute determination to stand up for human rights and the oppressed. His approach is typified by this weasely line:
‘”Beijing, as ever, dutifully followed suit.”
‘As though Britain, France, Portugal and co don’t also “dutifully follow suit” when the US demands it.’
Abandoning any pretense of neutrality, Black continued:
‘This is bad news for protesters in Syria, where at least 2,700 have been killed since March, and bad news for those who yearn for a UN that can prove effective, if not in tackling all the world’s ills at once, then at least in responding to one of its most glaring and urgent injustices.
‘The chorus of condemnation from western capitals sounded genuine.’
The resiliance of Black’s faith in Western moral concern is impressive. This year, the West has supported dictators in Tunisia and Egypt to the bitter end, before dumping the tyrants, hailing a triumph for democracy, and then working for a restoration of the status quo. It continues to support tyrants killing their own people in Yemen, Bahrain and Saudi Arabia. It has criminally exploited a UN resolution to achieve regime change in Libya. It has also promised to veto the Palestinian bid for statehood and membership of the UN. In fact, the West has again shown itself to be a fierce opponent of the cause it claims to be defending in Syria.
Black wrote:
‘Susan Rice, Barack Obama’s ambassador to the UN, expressed outrage. “This will be seen in the region as a decision to side with a brutal regime rather than with the people of Syria,” complained William Hague, “and will be a bitter blow to all those Syrians who have implored the international community to take a stand.”… Privately, but fairly openly, the Russians were accused of being hypocritical and cynical.’
By contrast, former British ambassador to Uzbekistan, Craig Murray, commented:
‘I know the American Envoy to the UN, Susan Rice, and have in the past worked with her and had great respect for her; she was genuinely committed to the fight against apartheid. But her histrionic walkout in reaction to a Russian statement which was both plainly true, and an eminently foreseeable result of America’s own rash actions [in Libya], was just pathetic.’
On the World Socialist Web Site, Peter Symonds noted the breathtaking hypocrisy of Rice’s walk-out: the US having, after all, vetoed numerous UN resolutions condemning Israeli crimes.
Black added in a feeble gesture towards balance:
‘Arms sales and a strategic relationship with Syria certainly played a role in Russia’s calculations, just as US links to Bahrain have tempered its criticism of repression in the Gulf state.’
As we have seen, Bahrain is only one example of how the West is systematically subordinating democracy to self-interest.
Although Russia and China have concerns about the way Nato interpreted UNSCR 1973 in Libya, Black noted: ‘Still, Muammar Gaddafi’s menacing advance on Benghazi and excoriation of his enemies as “rats” was not a western ploy.’
US analyst David Peterson responded to our request for comment:
‘There are still no grounds to believe that as of March 2011, the possibility of a bloodbath carried out by the Gaddafi regime in Benghazi was anything but western propaganda to facilitate the adoption of 1973 and then immediately use 1973 to launch an aggressive war against the regime. If, inside Syria, the protests are becoming militarized — how do you suppose this has come about? The weapons and organizational capabilities just fell from the sky above. Right? Exactly like Libya from February 15 on.’ (Email to Media Lens, October 6, 2011)
Black made vague mention that Russian and Chinese objections to the proposed resolution on Syria had been ‘far more about their anger over Libya’. By contrast, Craig Murray heroically translated a portion of the Russian speech at the UN – a feat apparently beyond the capacity of any mainstream media Moloch – allowing readers of his blog to evaluate the reasoning. The Russian ambassador to the UN, Vitaly Churkin, said:
‘The situation in Syria cannot be considered without reference to events in Libya. The international community should be alarmed at statements to the effect that the implementation of Security Council resolutions on Libya, as read by NATO, provide a model for future NATO action for the implementation of the “responsibility to protect”. One can easily imagine that tomorrow this “exemplary model” of “joint defence” can start to be introduced into Syria.’
Churkin continued on Libya:
‘In the view of Russia, in that case members of the UN Security Council twisted the provisions of Security Council resolutions to give them the opposite of their true meaning.
‘The requirement for an immediate ceasefire instead resulted in large-scale civil war, with humanitarian, social, economic, and military consequences which have extended far beyond Libya’s frontiers.
‘The no-fly zone resulted in the bombing of oil installations, television stations and other civilian targets.
‘The arms embargo resulted in a naval blockade of the West coast of Libya, including for humanitarian supplies.
‘The “Benghazi crisis” has resulted today in the devastation of other cities. Sirte, Bani Walid, and Sephi.
‘This then is the “Exemplary model”. The world must abolish such practices once and for all.’
As Murray observed:
‘The fact is that what the Russians say is precisely true. NATO action in Libya went way beyond what the Security Council had actually authorised, which was a no fly zone to protect civilians, a ceasefire, and negotiations between the parties.’
Peter Symonds added a rarely-reported fact:
‘In an obvious reference to Libya, South African ambassador Baso Sangqu issued a statement declaring that the Security Council had been abused and that implementation of its resolutions had gone far beyond mandates. South Africa was concerned, he said, about the imposition of punitive measures on Syria, believing that they had been designed “as a prelude to other actions.” Explaining South Africa’s abstention, Sangqu insisted that the Council should not be part of any hidden agenda for regime change.’
Finally, Black summarised:
‘The failure of diplomacy seems likely to mean further escalation on the ground, where the protests are becoming militarised and there is talk of a fully-fledged civil war.’
A likely reversal of the truth, as indicated by the ferocious civil war Nato has stoked, and perhaps caused, in Libya. It was Nato’s political support for violent resistance in Libya, its air campaign in support of anti-Gaddafi forces, its flat rejection of all ceasefire and peace proposals, and its demand that Gaddafi ‘step down’, that created the conditions for civil war and, as planned, regime change. The same powers are surely intending to pursue the same strategy and result in Syria.
October 13th, 2011, 11:28 am
uzair8 said:
The criminal regime thinks it can use brutality to spread fear to end the uprising.
The more brutality it uses the more the people of the world horrified will invest their interest and emotion in the syrian situation. The more people interested and emotionally involved in the syrian situation the more the greater the incentive for the global media to cover the uprising. The more Syria remains in the headlines the more the……
Btw. Is Al Jazeera English Tv not covering Syria as before? Has there been a change since the reshuffle at the top of AJE?
October 13th, 2011, 11:31 am
Revlon said:
More of the Geurella warfare
Debriefing by FSA, Sulaiman Mqatleh Phalange
????? ?????? ???? – ???? ???? ?????? ?????? 11-10-2011 – ????
1. The unit ambushed Army check point at “Ain AlHamra”, in Ariha city, Idleb Governorate on Tuesday 11/10/2011 at 0340 hr.
– One T62 tank was destroyed by a Lau rocket.
– One Asad army forces carrier was burned and completely destroyed.
– 15 Asad army forces and their officer were killed.
2. The unit ambushed the west side check point in kifranbe, Ma3arra region, Idlib Governorate, on the same day, at 0700 hr.
– 4 Asad army forces were killed.
3. Hunter Army truck, loaded with arms and weapons was seized in kafr Zeita, Hama Governorate, at 1500 hrs.
October 13th, 2011, 11:32 am
Observer said:
This article pre supposes the existence of a civil society and pre supposes the existence of real debate in this society about political ideology.
Points to make:
1. The rise of the multiparty parliamentary system in the West was and is a product of the rise of a capitalist system that needed to do away with feudalism, with mercantilism, and finally with the interference of the church institutions in poilitical life. Hence the rise of republics and constitutional monarchies and the follow through with democracy. To this day, elitist business relations drive this dynamic. Syria was not and is not a capitalist state. It is still in a vague transition between feudalism and some element of mercantilism in the cities. The feudal system was adopted stock and barrel by the family in power with an alliance with a mercantilist class that is sitting on the fence now.
2. The choice of a socialist system would have been possible to implement if a post industrial system had developed in Syria. Rather there is no real industry and we remain a country with an agrarian based economy and with trade and services as the other elements of the this economy. To talk about trade unions and political parties representing a left in contrast to a right would have necessitated a capitalist system with its counterpart in a worker movement. These conditions did not and do not exist in Syria. The result from the adoption of the socialist system was and is the implementation of a masquerade of the dictatorship of the proletariat: it is now replaced with inefficient state institutions, a combined private-public sector suffering from chronic mismanagement, corruption and either a lack of basic goods or a soaring prices phenomenon that splits the people into the few with money and their exclusive ability to make more money and an ever increasing pauperization of the rest including the civil servants which make up the more than 40% of real unemployement and underemployment that Syria suffers from.
3. The sectarian divide is the elephant in the room used by both protagonists not to propose any solution but to demonize the other and to give license to use the maximum brutality in the name of the “ghoul” that the other will bring. The reality is that the religious discourse is devoid of any meaning, as the spokespersons of the regime are nothing more than court jesters and embellishers and the “men of the law” of the opposition are nothing more than Byzantine priests dressed like Byzantine priests and acting like them in excluding the people from decision making.
4. The people are fed up with a regime that is a failure. I have advocated before and will do so again to completely uproot this regime from its most distant and smallest branches not because of sect or family or clan or ideology or anything except for one thing and one thing only: it is a medieval brutal corrupt inefficient failed state that is driving the country wittingly and in many cases unwittingle over the cliff of no return.
They are fed up with their children serving as nannies or chauffeurs or boy servants in the houses of high ranking officers during their military service. They are fed up with projects that start and then go for years without finish as some bridges built to nowhere around Damascus and the metro that is a huge hole in the ground collecting garbage and producing dust. Or the pollution index in Damascus being 600% above the safe level as documented by a Japanese company or the recommendations to move the capital to another city as the only way to relieve the congestion in the streets. They are fed up with the head of Damascus univesity being dismissed because he denied employement to several graduates of Patrice Lumumba University in Moscow from teaching when they failed the oral exam in their fields showing that they had no instruction in their supposed expertise. They are fed up with physicians operating on people without training or with medications that are expired and ineffective.
Damascus to this day does not have a telephone book. The feat was a yellow pages book no more and even at that half the time the phone numbers in it are not correct as I experienced this fact myself.
This regime is a disaster of incredible magnitude but “power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely” and I would say blinds stupidly as well.
October 13th, 2011, 11:34 am
Revlon said:
Recent negative shift in AlJazeera coverage of the Syrian revolution has been cited by ground revolutionists!
It has been blamed on lobbying by the coordination assembly, Hazem nahr, and Azmi Bshara!
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October 13th, 2011, 11:37 am
UZAIR8 said:
#57. N.Z. said:
“Secular, secularist and secularism is not what concerns Arabs.”
Great post (if I have understood it correctly).
Moving on. Mr Assad if the decision has been made in Heaven then nobody can help your regime or any of the regional regimes. No one can save you. Neither Russia or China.
Sheikh Nazim ‘All regimes will collapse in this year’
October 13th, 2011, 11:47 am
Revlon said:
Free Libya cancells a 9 billion Dollar deal with Russia to build railway in protest over their SC veto in defence of Syurian Regime!
???? ????? ????? #syria •? ?????? ????????? ?????? ???? ??? ????? ????? ?? ??? ????? ??? ???? ????? 9 ?????? ????? ?????? ?? ?????? ??????? ???????? ??? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?? ??? ????? ???? – ?????? ??????? ?????
October 13th, 2011, 11:47 am
Revlon said:
Reports of kidnapping of Syrian opposition figures in Lebanon, with help of Syrian Embassy.
???? ????? ???? ?? ??? ?????? Youth Syria For Freedom
????? (? ? ?) –
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October 13th, 2011, 11:56 am
nafdik said:
pseudo-intellectual apologist diatribe disguised as balanced commentary.
October 13th, 2011, 11:56 am
Haytham Khoury said:
Dear N.Z@57.
There is big difference between secularism and atheism.
Secularism is the principle of separation between government institutions and the persons mandated to represent the State from religious institutions and religious dignitaries.(
The secularism does not ask to erase God from the psyche, whereas atheism does.
You can be secular and believe in god and practice religion without problem.
October 13th, 2011, 11:58 am
Haytham Khoury said:
Dear Revlon @62:
The National Coordination Commission is asking to join the SNC. Negotiations are underway; for this reason, I believe the youth of the revolution should keep tight and do not disturb the negotiations.
October 13th, 2011, 12:02 pm
uzair8 said:
For muslims ‘secularism’ is a dirty word.
I’ve read on here people say religion should be relegated to the personal sphere and the home.
Other religions may have been relegated as such in the west and become toothless tigers but Islam will never be relegated.
October 13th, 2011, 12:04 pm
Tara said:
I expect Russia to abstain from using the veto to condemn the Syrian regime next time the case gets brought up again at the UNSC.
The regime has few weeks to subdue the revolution and must do it simultaneously in all Syrian towns and villages. A task that is virtually impossible to accomplish in ALl locations simultaneously. It is very clear reading the last 7 months that when Hama was subdued, Homs rose up, so on and so forth. When the regime pulled from Hama, the demonstration was resurrected and Hama revolted again.
Russia therefore will not be able to stand the political pressure 6 wks from now supporting Besho who would’ve then failed to reform and failed to crush the revolution.
October 13th, 2011, 12:10 pm
uzair8 said:
A comment from AJE Live Syria blog:
Do you like the Iran’s Revolution scenario?
Sherhan Bey
There is another scenario in Syria.
In 1979 y. Iran’s revolution. Its my opinion,but the key to victory in:mass demo,guerilla war and economic sabotage. In Iran revolution have win because of these factories: daily demo and economic sabotage…could paralyze government apparatus, daily demos collapsed army and neutralized ultra-loyalists, guerilla war tactics of rebel groups (mojahedeeni halq,fedaini halq and other) could hurt effectively security service of Iran shah’s SAVAK. And take notice, that Iran’s Revolution lasted more than 1 year. In Syria the revolution is lasting for only 7 months. I repeat, only mass demo, guerilla war and economic sabotage can hurt regime. FSA army need fight by guerilla war tactics, including at first attack detain centers and freed prisoners, than kill high level regime supporters and security officers, than attack security and regime infrastructure such as security buildings, apartments of regime supporters, destroy propaganda machine and infrastructure such Dunya TV and others.
And very important rebel groups should attack and destroy financial support of regime including expropriation money from banks. Mass economic sabotage acts. And please, understand,that Assad regime is enemy of Syrians and Syrians should fight with regime as enemy.
Subhanallahi wa bihamdihi, Syrian Revolution will win.
October 13th, 2011, 12:12 pm
Akbar Palace said:
I’m Smart, you’re Not
pseudo-intellectual apologist diatribe disguised as balanced commentary.
Yes, unfortuanately we’ve come to understand that Syria Comment has had great difficulty pointing fingers at the Athad Regime, where decades of authoritarian rule has destroyed that nation.
Maybe we should conclude that the “intellectuals” are really just learning-impaired.
October 13th, 2011, 12:13 pm
irritated said:
N.Z #57
“Alex is a spit image of a Zionist, who describes the theft of Palestinian land by Jewish colonizer as a conflict between Muslims and Jews.
This blog seems to become a mouthpiece for spreading propaganda, that feeds into dirty hands”
I hope this is clearer. Bullying is not in my dictionary, hoping is not in your dictionary, EITHER!!!
Really? If what you wrote is not demeaning and bullying, I don’t know what bullying is for you!
Because your hands are clean, I guess you wouldn’t want to be part of ‘a propaganda that feeds into dirty hands’.
I hope this is clearer: The choice is obviously yours.
October 13th, 2011, 12:25 pm
Areal said:
54. Revlon said:
Debriefing by FSA on Rastan battle
1.Asad Army attacked Rastan using tanks, airplanes and chemical weapons.
5. We put up a strong resistance in defence of our civilians and inflicted the following regime losses:
– More than 30 armored vehicles.
– Over 1000 of Shabbeeha and security agents.
Asad army failed to enter the city for three days.
Al-RASTAN, HOMS, (SANA) – Stability and calm have been restored in al-Rastan and life in the city has returned to normal after law enforcement personnel, backed by army units, entered the city and encountered the terrorist armed groups who terrorized citizens, attacked law enforcement and army forces and citizens, placed barriers on the roads, blocked main streets and isolated the city from its surroundings.
Terrorist groups set fire to government and service establishments, ambulances and fire trucks and properties.
Law enforcement and army forces could achieve a qualitative mission, killing a big number of terrorists, arresting many of them and confiscating a big amount of weapons and ammunition that were used by the terrorist groups.
People of al-Rastan welcomed the entrance of the army forces that put an end to the chaos and crimes committed by the terrorist armed groups.
Injured Army and Law Enforcement Personnel Relate Details of Attacks by Armed Terrorists Groups
A number of injured army and law enforcement personnel on Saturday related the details of armed terrorist groups’ attacks on them as they were carrying out their duties of protecting citizens and public and private property.
Col. Majed Darbouli told the Syrian TV that he was injured during a mission in al-Rastan near the Recruitment Branch as they were pursuing armed terrorist who took down electricity poles to cut off roads and planted explosives in water pipelines.
Darbouli said the gunmen carried various weapons including machineguns, RPG launchers and armor-piercing sniper rifles.
In turn, Ali Abd al-Karmi Khalil said that he was injured across his body while pursuing gunmen when they were surprised by heavy gunfire.
Conscript Mohammad Ali Jnaid said he was shot in the foot when they were ambushed by armed gangs using explosive rounds that blew up the vehicle that was carrying him and his colleagues, while conscript Ali Hadidi said he was shot in the chest by a sniper.
For his part, policeman Mohammad Ali Abdo said that they were attacked while on a mission in al-Rastan, causing him to be injured by a mine fragment, while policeman Alaa al-Jehni was shot in the left thigh.
Doctor in al-Rastan Belies News on His Death at the Hands of Security Forces
Dr. Anwar al-Sheikh Ali, a specialist in general surgery, on Saturday belied the news reported by some tendentious TV channels on his death at the hands of the security forces in al-Rastan city in Homs province.
Dr. al-Sheikh Ali said in a statement to the Syrian TV that al-Jazeera and other TV channels reported on Friday that he was killed by the security personnel “in an attempt to spread panic and create discord among the people,” stressing he is safe and sound.
Al-Rastan People Express Relief after Safety Restored to the City
People of al-Rastan city in Homs Governorate on Saturday expressed their relief over the safety that prevailed in the city after the armed terrorist groups terrorized them for a long time.
They also expressed gratitude to the army and security forces for pursuing the armed terrorists and restoring safety and stability to the city.
A citizen from the city said that the armed terrorist groups terrorized the city and prevented the inhabitants from getting out of their houses.
He added that “We thank the army and the security forces for responding to the citizens’ calls and apprehending the armed terrorist groups which were responsible for the sabotage acts committed in the city.”
Another citizen said that the armed terrorist groups prevented the city inhabitants from leaving their houses even for purchasing their daily needs, adding that the armed terrorists were veiled and they were opening fire randomly in the city and storing weapons in the caves.
In a related context, the competent authorities seized a huge amount of weapons and ammunition in al-Rastan city, including rocket propelled grenades (RPG), mortar shells, snipers, machineguns, ak-47 rifles and pump-action shotguns in addition to several kinds of ammunition.
Night-vision binoculars in addition to body armors, masks and military uniforms, which were used by the terrorists to make people think that they were soldiers, were also seized in the city.
Army and Law Enforcement Personnel were injured
October 13th, 2011, 12:25 pm
Haytham Khoury said:
???? ??? ????? “?????? ??????” ?????? “???? ????” ????? ???? ??????? ???
– 2011/10/12??? ??: ????? ?????
???? ??????_ ????? ???? ??? ????? ??? ?? ????? ?? ???? ?? ????? ?? ????…
???? ??????_ ????? ???? ??? ????? ??? ?? ????? ?? ???? ?? ????? ?? ???? ??”?????? ?????? ??????” ???? “???? ????” ????? ??????? ??????? “???????? ???” ?????? ?????. ???? ????? ??? ?? ??????? ????? ??? ???????? ?? “?????? ?????? ?????? ???? ????? ??? ?????? ????? ??? ??????? ??????? ??????? ?????? ???????? ??? ??? ????? ????? ???? ???? ????? ??????? ??????? ? ???? ???????? ?? ????”. ????? “????? ?? ??? ???? ???? ?????? ?? ??? ?????? ?? ?????? ????? ?? ???????? ???? ?????”.
?? ??? ???? ??? ?? ???? ???? ???? ???? ?? ????? ?????? ???????. ???? “???? ???? ???? ???? ?? ???? ?? ?????”. ????? ?? “??????? ???? ?? ????? ????? ?????? ???? ????? ?????? ?????? ??? ????? ????? ? ????? ?? ????? ????? ??? ???????”. ???? ???? ???????? ??????? ????? ???? ?????? ???? ??? ???????? ?? ????? ???????? ????? ??????? ??????? ???? ??????? ?? ?????.
October 13th, 2011, 12:29 pm
Haytham Khoury said:
@ Tara #70:
Russia is playing a very dirty game. Dr. Galioun confronted the Russians on that when he was on Tuesday.
October 13th, 2011, 12:32 pm
Haytham Khoury said:
???? ??????? ????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ????? ????? ??????
– 2011/10/13??? ??: ????? ?????, ??? ????
???? ????? ???????? ?????????? ?? ???? ?????? ????????? ????? ????? ?????? ?????? ???? ?????? ?????…
???? ????? ???????? ?????????? ?? ???? ?????? ????????? ????? ????? ?????? ?????? ???? ?????? ????? ????????? ???? ?? ?????? ?????? ?????? ???????.
????? ????? “?? ?? ??” ????????? ?? ????? ???????? ?????????? ????? ?? ???? ???? ?? “????? ?? ???? ?????? ????? ?????? ????????? ????? ???? ??????? ???? ?????? ????? ??????”? ????? ??? ?? “?????? ?? ?? ??????? ???????? ????? ???? ???? ?? ???????? ?? ????? ???????? ???????”.
???? ???? ??? ?????? ?? “????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ???? ??????? ????? ??? ????? ????? ?? ????? ???????? ??????? ????? ????? ?????? ????? ??????? ?????”.
????? ??????? ????????? ?? ??? ????? ?????? ?? ???? ??”?????? ??????” ?????? ???????? ????? ??? ??? ????? ?? ????? ???????? ??? ?????.
????? ???? “???? ?????? ??????? ???? ?? ???? ????? ????????? ????? ??????? ??????? ??? ????? ???????? ???????? ????? ?????? ???? ???? ???????”.
???? ???? ?????? ????????? ????? ????? ?????? ????? ???????? ????? ??? ???? ?? ?????? ???????? ?? ??? ????? ?????? ????? ?? ??? ?? ????????? ?? ????? ??????? ???????? ??????? ?????? ????? ???????? ?????? ???? ????.
????? ??????? ?????? ????? “?????? ?????? ??????” ????? ??? ????? ?? ????? ??????? ??????? ???? ????? ????? ????????, ??? ??? ??????? ?? ?????? ??? ???? ???????? ?? ?????? ???????, ??? ?? “???? ??????? ???????” ???? ??? ????? ?? ?????? ?????? ???? ???? ?? ????? ?? ????? ??????.
October 13th, 2011, 12:38 pm
uzair8 said:
Robert Fisk: Democratic governments don’t deal with terrorists – until they do
In three decades, the Israelis have freed 7,000 prisoners in return for 19 Israeli prisoners
Thursday, 13 October 2011
Once upon a time, we lived in a world where democratic governments did no deals with “terrorists”. No country promoted this nonsense more than Israel. And no Israeli leader repeated the mantra so often as one B Netanyahu Esq. After all, America never “gave way” to “terrorists”. No deals would ever be done by Britain.
Indeed, if France were to release 1,000 prisoners for one French hostage – heaven forbid – Obama, La Clinton and Cameron would be loud in their fury at French cowardice. But yesterday there came not a squeak from Washington or London about Israel’s latest “deal” with its supposedly “terrorist” enemies: 1,027 Palestinians for one Israeli soldier.
Read more:
October 13th, 2011, 12:39 pm
uzair8 said:
Latest lecture by end-time prophecy specialist Sheikh Imran Hosein.
The Sheikh has warned against the revolutions. Im gonna watch it now.
‘From Tripoli to Damascus to Imam Al Mahdi’
October 13th, 2011, 12:49 pm
sheila said:
To #55. Areal,
A very flimsy response at best. I know you could do better than this.
1- Abdul Halim Khaddam and Rifaat Assad are only considered opposition in their own dreams. They are as hated as Bashar and his thugs.
2- Your attempt to compare Damascus University to the Sorbonne (even its bathrooms) is laughable and lame.
October 13th, 2011, 1:21 pm
zoo said:
Tara #70
If Bashar would fail the reforms, it is quasi certain that the Russian will not allow him to stay in power.
Yet, if the cancellation of article 8 is part of the Constitution changes to be announced very soon, I think the Russians, the Chinese, the Iranians and I think the Arab league
will hail it because all the other Arab Spring countries are falling behind schedule in their political path to ‘democracy’
Egypt is 6 months away from the fall of Mobarak and yet have not done much about the Constitution, still having problems with the Salafis and the Copts, the emergency law is still in effect and there are scores of jailed ‘ex-revolutionists’.
Libya’s TNC has been promising for the last month a government conditional to catching the elusive Qaddafi. No date has been set. Sectarian violence is appearing:
“Islamic hard-liners attack rival shrines in Libya”
Tunisia, 6 months after the fall of Ben Ali will have election on 23 October for a transitional government that will establish a new constitution. The favorite is
an Islamic group: Al Nahda.
“Tunisia: Islamist Al-Nahda comes to power with ‘modern’ outlook”
“Al-Ghanoushi, 70, studied philosophy at Damascus University and is a prominent thinker of “political Islam” in our times. He is the founder and leader of Al-Nahda Party (which dropped “Islamist” from its title). He was a devout Nasserist.”
It is yet to see what will be the agenda of this group once it takes power. In any case it will not be a secular government as Ghanoushi had disagreed openly with Erdogan on that form of democracy.
It is quite possible than 2 months from now, Syria will be either hailed as the first ‘secular democracy’ in the ME or would have fallen into a long a civil war.
October 13th, 2011, 1:31 pm
irritated said:
#76. Haytham Khoury
Ok, Russia plays a dirty game and what about France?
Sarkozy must be ecstatic and proud to see how two French philosophers ( Bernard-Henry Levy and Ghalioun) are changing the Middle East.
October 13th, 2011, 1:41 pm
Areal said:
80. sheila said:
To #55. Areal,
A very flimsy response at best. I know you could do better than this.
1- Abdul Halim Khaddam and Rifaat Assad are only considered opposition in their own dreams. They are as hated as Bashar and his thugs.
2- Your attempt to compare Damascus University to the Sorbonne (even its bathrooms) is laughable and lame.
55. Areal said:
The statement ” ambiguous characters ” which refers to the external opposition as a whole including :
Abdul Halim Khaddam , Rifaat Assad , crowd of Muslim Brothers , …
is clearly an under statement.
With regards to Damascus School of Architecture , you cannot ignore that , in Syria , enter such University Faculty only the students which are among the brightest in Syria.
You cannot claim the same for students in Sociology Departments in the Paris Sorbonne University.
In your “answer” , you forgot the crowd of MB : it hurts.
The comparison was about the requested level of the students when they are enrolled their studies at
Damascus School of Architecture : high
Sociology at the Paris Sorbonne : minimal ( understatement !!!)
You should ask Mr Ghalioun for a rebuttal on my statement.
( I will not hold my breath )
October 13th, 2011, 1:42 pm
jad said:
??? ???? ?????? ?? ?????
by George Zeitoun
??? ???? ???? ??? ?? ???? ???? ????? ????? ??????? ?? ????? ??? ??????? ??????? ???? ??? ?????? ??? ??? ??? ???? ???? ??????? ???? ?????? ????? ??????? ????? ???? ??? ????? ?????? ?? ????? ???? ????? ??? ????? ????? ?? ??????? ???? ????? ??? ???? ?????? ?? ??? ????? ???? ?? ??????? ????????? ?? ???? ?? ??????? ?? ????? ??? ?? ????? ?????? ??????.
??? ???? ?? ???? ????? ?? ??????
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??????? ????? ?? ???? ??? ????? ???? ????? ???? ????? ????? ?? ??? ????? ???? ?????? ???? ?? ??? ????? ????? ????? ?? ???????? ????? ????? ??????? ?? ???? ???? ?????? ???? ???? ?????? ???????? ??????? ?? ?????? ?????? ??????? ?????? ?? ?? ????????? ?? ?? ?? ??? ????? ????? ????? ?????? ???? ?? ???? ?? ?? ??? ???? ?? ???? ?? ?? ??? ??????? ??? ???? ???????? ?????? ????? ?? ??? ????? ????? ???? ????? ?????? ???? ????? ?????? ?? ???? ????? ??????? ??? ?????? ??? ?????? ??? ?????? ?? ????? ????????? ????? ?????? ?????????? ?? ????? ????? ?? ?? ??? ?? ?????? ??????? ???? ??????? ???????
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????? ??? ?? ?? ???? ?? ??????? ???????? ????? ???? ??? ????? ?? ????? ????? ????? ??? ?????? ??? ?? ???? ??????? ?????? ??? ?? ?? ????? ?? ??????? ??? ?? ???? ?? ????? ??????? ?????? ??? ????? ?? ???? ??? ??????? ?????? ????? ??? ???? ?????.
????? ?? ???? ???? ????? ?????? ???? ????? ?????? ?? ?????? ?????? ?????:
“????????? ????????? ?????? ?? ?? ???? ??? ???? ?? ???? ??????? ????? ???? ????? ??? ????? ??????? ?? ??????? ????? ??? ?????? ?? ????? ?????? ???????? ??? ????? ?????? ?? ??????? ????? ??????.. ????????? ?? ???? ?????? ????? ??????? ???? ?? ?????? ???? ?? ???? ?????? ?? ???? ????? ???????? ???? ???? ?? ???? ???? ???????? ?????? ?? ???? ?? ??????? ????? ?????? ?? ???? ??? ?? ?????? ???? ????? ?? ??????.. ?? ?? ???? ????? ?? ???? ??? ??????? ??? ??????? ?????? ??? ???? ?? ?? ?????? ??????? ??????? ?????? ????????? ???? ???? ??????? ???????”.
???? ?????
??????? ??????? ?? ?????? ?????? ?????? ????
October 13th, 2011, 1:49 pm
jad said:
Similar message, Syrians must get involved in their country’s future:
???????? ?????
by Louay Hussein
???? ???????? ?????? ?????? ?? ???????? ?????? ???? ???? ?? ????? (?? ???? ????)? ?????? ???????? ??? ??????? ??????? ?????? ???? ???? ????? ???? ????????. ???? ???????? ???? ????? ?????? ??? ???????? ???? ???? ????? ?????? ????? ?????? ????? ???? ?? ?? ???? ?? ??????? ?? ??????? ??????.
???? ???? ???????? ??? ???????? ?????? ???? ??? ????? ?? ???????? ????????? ??????? ??????.??? ????? ????? ?? ??? ???????? ??? ????? ?????? ???? ?? ???? ????? ????? ???? ?? ?????? ??????? ?? ???????? ??????? ??? ??? ????? ?????? ??? ???? ???? ???? ??? ??????? ???? ?? ???? ??? ????? ???????? ??????? ?? ???? ?? ??? ?????? ???? ???? ????? ????????.
??? ?????? ???? ???? ??? ???????? ??????? ?????? ??? ?????. ???? ????? ??? ?? ????? ??? ?????? ???? ???? ?? ??? ?????. ????? ??? ??????? ?? ????: ??? ???? ???? ?????? ????????? ??????? ??????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ????? ???? ????? ??? ??????? ??? ???? ?? ???? ????? ??????.
?? ???? ??? ????? ?? ???? ???? ???? ????????? ??? ???? ???? ????? ?? ?????? ?? ?????? ????????? ??? ????? ??????.
?????? ??????? ??? ?? ??? ?? ????? ?? ??? ?? ?????? ?????? ???????? ??? ???? ???????? ???? ?? ????? ??????? ?????? ?? ?????? ?????? ??? ????? ????????.
????? ?? ????? ?? ??? ????? ???? ?????? ?????? ??? ??? ?? ?? ??? ????? ?? ?????? ???? ????? ??? ??? ????? ?? ????? ????? ?? ????? ????.
??????? ???? ????: ?? ???? ????.
October 13th, 2011, 1:55 pm
Khalid Tlass said:
21. ANTOINE said :
“October 9, 1975 – The Palestinians and the Syrians attacked the Christian village of Tall Abbas – Akkar, in North Lebanon. 20 people were massacred. The Church was burnt down to provoke a sectarian war between the Sunni and Christian Lebanese. The village was partially destroyed.
The Victims’ names:
1. Elias Wadih Hanna
2. Gerges Wadih Hanna
3. Adib Elias Hanna
4. Gerges Hanna El Daher
5. Gerges Abdallah Daaboul
6. Jamil Gergi Akkari
7. Michael Hanna Haidar
8. Michael Youssef Mitri
9. Nicolas El Khoury Aghabios
10. Nicolas Amine El Dahr
11. Youssef Mitri Mitri
12. Michael Youssef Bilad
13. Michael Hanna Haidar
14. Milia Rashid Jreij
15. Rifqat Ibrahim Jreij
16. Nagib Ibrahim Farah
17. Nicolas Awad Al Jammal
18. Nicolas Naouss El Khoury
19. Elias Youssef Nader
20. Isshak Ibrahim Isshak
September 9-10, 1983 – The Syrians and their Collaborators attacked Maaser El Shouf and executed Genocide of 63 Children, women and elderly. Among them was the Priest of the village, “Father Antoine Abboud”. It was meant to activate religious Frictions in the Shouf, between the Christians and the Druzes”
ANN, Daryll, Norman, Alex (Otrakji), SNP, I’d like to hear y’all’s opinions about this.
Well done Antoine, we love brave Christians like you.
October 13th, 2011, 1:59 pm
jad said:
??????? ?? ?????… ?????????
???? ????
?? ????? ???? ???? ?????? ?? ?????? ??? ????? ?????? ????????? ??? ??? ???????? ?? ???? ????? ?????? ?????? ??? ???? ????? ??????? ??? ??????? ???? ??????? ?????????? ?????? ???? ???? ????? ??? ????? ?????? ?????? ???? ?????? ????????? ??????? ?? ????? ??????? ??? ????? ??????? ?? ???? ??????? ?????? ????? ?? ????? ??????. ??? ?? ??? ??????? ?????? ??????? ????? ????? ???? ??????? ??????? ?? ?????? ??????? ????? ????? ???????? ???? ??????.
????? ?????? ??????? ???? ????? ??? ????? ????? ???? ??? ????? ????? ?? ?????? ????? ?? ??????? ???? ?????? ??? ???? ??????? ?? ?????. ????? ????? ?????? ?????? ???? ?????? ????? ?????? ???? ???? ??? ?????? ?? ?????? ??????? ???? ????? ?????? ????? ??????? ?????????? ??? ???? ????? ??????? ??????? ??????? ?????? ???? ??????? ???? ????? ??? ??????? ??? ????? ???????? ????? ??????.
??? ??? ????? ????? ??? ????? ??????? ???? ???? ?????? ?? ????? ???? ?????? ??? ??? ????? ?? ?????? ?????????? ????? ??? ??????? ?????? ?????? ??????? ????? ??????? ????? ?????? ??? ????? ?? ???????? ???????? ??? ???? ????? ?????? ????? ?????. ??? ???? ??????? ??????? ?? ??? ?????? ??? ???? ?????? ????? ???? ????? ????? ??????? ??? ?????? ????? ????? ??????? ??????? ?? ??? ??????? ????.
???? ??? ?? ??????? ????? ?? ????? ???? ????? ?? ????? ??? ????? ??? ?? ??? ????? ?????? ?? ????? ??????? ?????. ??????? ??????? ?? ???? ???? ????? ????? ?? ??? ?? ???????? ????? ?? ???? ??? ?????? ????? ??? ??? ?????????? ??? ?? ???? ????? ??? ????? ???????? ??????? ??? ???? ???? ????? ??? ?????? ?? ???????? ?? ????? ???? ???? ???? ?????? ????? ?? ??????? ?????? ???? ????? ??? ?????? ??????. ??? ?? ??? ??????? ????? ???? ????? ?? ???? ????? ??? ??????? ???????? ????? ??? ???? ???? ????? ??????? ?????? ?????? ?? ????? ?? ???? ?? ??? ??? ??????.
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October 13th, 2011, 2:00 pm
mjabali said:
Mr. Observer Comment #61:
Modernity that brought Parliamentary life and parties to Europe has passed Syria a long time ago. Syria at that time was occupied by strange elements that did not foster or care for any of that.
Now we are in a new era and new rules could apply, which means, you can still install Parliamentary life and allow parties and bring secularism that make sure to apply the rule of law on top of that.
Secularism is for this time and age. It makes no difference if you went through capitalism and back. This is not important. What is important is to keep religion away from state and make the law to guarantee that and find those who are able and willing to protect that.
Islam, with its domineering attitude, is an obstacle to all of this as well as the one man show of al-Assan and al-Baath. Islam and al-Assad are alike and that is why al-Assad always tried to prove that he is a “good and true Muslim.”
Contrary to your analysis, al-Assads did fight all moves to modernity overall. They, al-Assads, fought also the move to multi party system and tried over and over to prove they are “true Muslims.”
October 13th, 2011, 2:00 pm
Mina said:
Syria is peanuts. It’s just about neutralizing it for bigger ambitions:
The script unfolds, badly written, full of gaps, but as usual the “militaro industrial” lobby does not care at all in terms of credibility. After all, the Russian revolution happened during WW1, as also the end of the Ottoman empire and the Balfour declaration. No reason to be optimistic.
October 13th, 2011, 2:18 pm
Syria no kandahar said:
Alqaeda in Syria
Shame on the free world to support terrorism
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??? ?????
October 13th, 2011, 2:25 pm
uzair8 said:
I posted the lecture ‘From Tripoli to Damascus to Imam Al Mahdi’ in post #80 above.
The Sheikh talks about Syria from 1 hr 2 min.
I have been keen lately to hear the Sheikh’s views on Syria.
I became aware of this latest lecture when I visited Syrian Commando’s twitter page yesterday. He mentioned it in a tweet.
October 13th, 2011, 2:26 pm
Areal said:
87. Khalid Tlass said:
21. ANTOINE said :
The Sabra and Shatila massacre took place in the Sabra and Shatila Palestinian refugee camps in Beirut, Lebanon between September 16 and September 18, 1982, during the Lebanese civil war. Palestinian and Lebanese civilians were massacred in the camps by Christian Lebanese Phalangists while the camp was surrounded by the Israel Defense Force.
The exact number of victims is disputed, from 700–800 to 3,500 (depending on the source).
Soon , you will also claim that the Syrians instead of your “freedom fighters” were involved in that genocide and you will post the list of the victims !!
October 13th, 2011, 2:28 pm
Haytham Khoury said:
Dear Irritated# 83:
Certainly, the French are following their interests, too.
Do not believe that foreign policies are governed by philanthropy.
October 13th, 2011, 3:03 pm
NK said:
If you think those demonstrating are there to protest against article 8, you obviously don’t get it.
We want a constitution with term limits (no more presidents for life).
We want our parliamentary system back (stripping the president of most of his powers).
We want a constitution where the rule of law is above all else. (no security agent can operate outside the law and get away with murder if he wanted to).
We want an independent judicial system.
We want the security branches to stop interfering in the daily life of every Syrian citizen.
If the regime thinks it can tailor another constitution so they can stay in power for 40 more years, they’re more delusional than I thought.
October 13th, 2011, 3:22 pm
Haytham Khoury said:
Dear irritated #83.
I advised the SNC leadership to be careful with the French, too. I did not like the wording that the French put for the last security council draft. I advised the SNC to reject any military action against Syria. I think the French are eager to intervene militarily .
October 13th, 2011, 3:23 pm
Muhammad said:
Kilo on RT
Interesting interview. I bet you Syrian TV will not be quoting it.
October 13th, 2011, 3:42 pm
Syria no kandahar said:
Mola heatham
Can you advise them to stop killing your brothers and sisters in the military ,or that is against Jesus
October 13th, 2011, 3:45 pm
Tara said:
Good summary. The reforms have to be meaningful for Russia to be able to stand political pressure against the Western World. A mere announcement of cancellation of article 8 does not constitute meaningful reforms. Bashar announced abolition of the emergency law several months ago yet this was not hailed by the Russian themselves as anything significant as evidenced by the Russian president warning Bashar of sad fate long time after that particular announcement.
In addition, I believe meaningful reforms must not be accompanied by heavy human toll otherwise they will be automatically discredited.
I think the only meaningful reform he can come up with is announcing a presidential election date with a commitment that he would not run again. This if you remember was the first thing Moubark offered the Egyptians and yet was not good enough.
I don’t know if IRG is responsible for the planning to assassinate the Saudie Ambassador but I would imagine the US have concrete evidence of Iranain involvement of some sort. I think Iran will be busy for a while and an unfavorable deal towards Bashar might be in the horizon.
October 13th, 2011, 4:19 pm
Haytham Khoury said:
Dear SNK:
The regime is the criminal one. You know that well, but you deny it.
October 13th, 2011, 4:22 pm
Areal said:
Military Source: Ten Army and Law Enforcement members martyred, 19 wounded in Banish, Idleb
Oct 13, 2011
DAMASCUS, (SANA)-Ten Army and law enforcement members, among them one officer, were martyred and 19 others were wounded after they were ambushed by an armed terrorist group at Banish region in Idleb, an official military source announced on Thursday.
The pursuit operations for members of the terrorist groups led to the killing of a number of armed men and arresting others, confiscating big quantities of weapons, ammunitions, modern communication sets and stolen cars.
Interior Ministry: One officer, three policemen martyred
Interior Ministry announced today that a Lieutenant Colonel, three policemen were martyred by fires of armed terrorist groups in Banish, Idleb.
The martyrs are:
Lieutenant Colonel Abdul-Majeed al-Misri from Daraa, Atman Village.
Policeman Walid Sarakbi, born in 1986 Hama, Duma village.
Policeman Ali Mohammad al-Ali, born in 1988 Lattakia, Jabla.
Policeman Ibrahim Najdat al-Asaad, born in 1991 Hama, Al-Hamra.
October 13th, 2011, 4:38 pm
Areal said:
95. Haytham Khoury said:
I advised the SNC to reject any military action against Syria. I think the French are eager to intervene militarily .
The Tunisian and Egyptian ways of toppling government failed in Syria.
The Yemeni way is not successful so far.
So , the SNC ( with the MB ) wants the OTAN to intervene militarily as it has been done in Libya.
It is why the SNC don’t want ( need ) to dialogue with the government and to enter a democratic process in Syria where the law on multiparty elections has been promulgated by the government.
Qatar is now a visible investor in France.
The actual French government is facing difficult ( expensive ) elections next year .
Islam is the second religion in France but Muslims (when they are french) don’t vote in large numbers unless instructed by some “politicized” ( linked to some socialist politicians ) imams.
Germany ( and Switzerland) is also a repository for the Syrian MB.
October 13th, 2011, 4:47 pm
Louai said:
Muhammad said,
‘Any person using “confessions” on Syria TV as a credible source is either biased, ignorant or stupid. I’m not even going to bother debating the rest your argument.’
Stupid or ignorant? And you don’t want to bother ‘debating’ the rest of my argument?
first it’s not an augment ,it’s a fact , the victim is someone who I know , before you come here and pick on the Syrian TV try to read what I reported and AREAL linked here , you will find the details I reported as I heard them are the same what this terrorist is saying , the Syrian TV need to be a supper expellant to copy paste my comment and put it in this terrorist throat, the guy sound and seem saying the truth , the details he give are very accurate
calling me stupid or/and ignorant will not reduce my happiness a single drop. The terrorists were captured ,actually the only thing will make me happier is to see those people hanged , I never thought I will wish any one death but thanks you for your hideous revolution I do now .
October 13th, 2011, 4:53 pm
Haytham KHoury said:
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October 13th, 2011, 5:02 pm
jad said:
You are not being honest at all in your comment, you were and probably still a strong supporter for the ‘French’ UN resolution whatever the wording is, you even declared your support of the resolution and you were ‘very’ ‘optimistic’ that it will pass minutes before the resolution was vetoed, heck, you were calling for international intervention, and now you are claiming that you “did not like the wording that the French put for the last security council draft” and that you “advised the SNC to reject any military action against Syria.”
I’m sorry to tell you, my friend, but that is what most people hate about politicians, their dishonesty.
October 13th, 2011, 5:03 pm
Haytham Khoury said:
@ Areal #101
Inside the SNC there are many tenancies. There are the ones who are in favor of NATO intervention (I trying my best to change their mind and I think I am succeeding) and there are the ones who are against NATO intervention (but do not accept any dialogue or negotiation with the regime till the regime till the regime stops its military aggression). The SNC is split 50-50% between both camps.
October 13th, 2011, 5:10 pm
Haytham Khoury said:
Dear JAD:
In politics, sometimes you have the choices between two evils. Certainly, It was important ti keep pressuring the evil regime by a UNSC decision. However, I would have put different wording inside the resolution.
Please read my article
October 13th, 2011, 5:16 pm
Alex said:
Excellent report by Ghadi Francis. Tel Kalakh and other Syrian towns by the Lebanese border receiving weapons from Lebanon destined for Syrian opposition.
October 13th, 2011, 5:18 pm
Areal said:
102. Louai said:
The terrorists were captured ,actually the only thing will make me happier is to see those people hanged , I never thought I will wish any one death but thanks you for your hideous revolution I do now .
I understand how you feel but the REAL culprits are the instigators and the financial backers behind this bloody disaster .
They have NOT been arrested YET , they are still parading abroad and on the Internet.
October 13th, 2011, 5:18 pm
Haytham Khoury said:
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????? ??????? ?????? ?????? ??? ????? ?????? ??? ????? ???????? ?????????? ????? ??? “???????? ??????? ?????? ?????? ??? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?? ????? ??? ????? ????? ???? ???????? ??????? ????? ??????? (??????? ?? ?????)”. ????? ?? ??????? ?????? ???? ?? “???? ???? ?? ????????”? ????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ??? ?? ???????? ?”?????? ???? ?????? ?? ???????? ???? ????? ??? ??? ???? ???? ??? ???? ??? ????? ?????? ???????? ??????? ?? ??????”.
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By: ???? ?? ?????? ?????? ??????
October 13th, 2011, 5:20 pm
Haytham Khoury said:
@ Areal#101:
Regarding the dialogue with Bashar and his own gangster regime. This is my answer:
October 13th, 2011, 5:25 pm
Haytham Khoury said:
Dear Alex@107:
Correction, it is not for the opposition. It is for the armed gangs that the regime created by its own ruthlessness and inability to handle the situation. When the regime proved that it is unable to handle the crisis, it showed that it is not able to govern the country. Furthermore, it is the regime who started the killing. I hope you can admit that.
I advise you for the second time to chose between being moderator or contributor. You can’t play it on both sides. That is just for the integrity of the process.
October 13th, 2011, 5:33 pm
Darryl said:
40. MINA said:
If you enjoy listening to melodic recitation of the Qur’an, there is a weekly show on Al-Furat satellite (Iraqi) and the host is a young guy who has a powerful and beautiful voice ( Ithink his name is Ihsan Helou?). I try to listen to him when ever I get the chance and a few times I saw him recite the Qur’an on certain occasions, he is fantastic.
He also has Sheikhs as guests on the show who specialize in the Athan using different Maqams. Sometimes he plays historical recording that go back 40-50 years to the days when “Tarab” was essential in listening pleasure. His show is very good and presents interviews as to why they use different Maqams for different verses, time of the Athan etc.
October 13th, 2011, 5:34 pm
Areal said:
110. Haytham Khoury said:
Regarding the dialogue with Bashar and his own gangster regime. This is my answer:
Wrong analysis of the actual government and the political forces inside Syria.
Your “no dialogue” is not a sustainable posture for a would be responsible statesman in the opposition.
It is just the latest strategy ploy of the MB .
October 13th, 2011, 5:52 pm
jad said:
Dear Haytham
“In politics, sometimes you have the choices between two evils.”
I see, so your choice is the ‘evil’ West intervention, which lead me to the same conclusion of my first comment.
Your ’50/50′ (not really) in the SNC regarding foreign intervention AKA Wars, Destruction, Civil War, Occupation and so on is this:
Dr. ZiBALEH (with all his MBs) is the head of the camp who is calling for military international intervention/ Destruction
Dr. Ghalyoun (with all his liberals)is the head of the camp who is calling for NO-DIALOGUE until the army is out while both camps have no future vision whatsoever.
66% of the SNC are formed by MBs with 34% the left over, I think it’s obvious which ‘camp’ is winning the debate.
I’m happy that you are solely trying to change their minds. Good luck!
October 13th, 2011, 5:54 pm
Areal said:
111. Haytham Khoury said:
Dear Alex@107:
I advise you for the second time to chose between being moderator or contributor. You can’t play it on both sides. That is just for the integrity of the process.
The guest cannot advise his host on how to run his blog , he can only stay away.
October 13th, 2011, 6:07 pm
Norman said:
I saw recently an opposition Syrian leader who lives in France, he was concerned that the new council refused to separate Church, Mosque and state , His name is Ata, did anybody hear of him, he refused joining the council.
October 13th, 2011, 6:27 pm
SF94123 said:
TO Haytham Khoury:
I used to read your posts when you were new here at SC (few weeks ago) but now I skip them every time.
I found you to be fake, dishonest, opportunist and a dangerous person. So go ahead and keep on pretending to be someone else. This is the reason so many people fall into cults, false belief systems, feelings of inferiority, etc.
I advise you to leave Syrians alone. You are not qualified to advice anyone! Get some help NOW!
October 13th, 2011, 6:29 pm
some guy no longer in damascus said:
I admire you, your the only one here displaying his identity and actually playing a part. While it is up to youths like me to make our voices heard, its great to know there are sophisticated professionals like you who care for us. I’m really proud your my fellow country man. I wish syria had more dr.haythams
October 13th, 2011, 7:01 pm
Tara said:
Haytham is being attacked fiercely on SC because of his position as a christian invalidates a core concept of regime propaganda that all minorities support the regime.
Haytham, please do not let them bully you.
October 13th, 2011, 7:24 pm
jad said:
As you can see I disagree with Dr. Haytham on almost everything, but to be frank, I don’t think that his ‘vague’ position on some points is intentional or malicious or for personal gain, I believe in Haytham’s good intention and his honesty in trying to find some solution, however, Haytham is like all of us, he is neither a politician nor a political science educated Syrian, he is an average professional/researcher and he is as lost and confused as all of us in the middle of all this dramatic situation we Syrians did end up in and he is trying to get politically involved more than many of us.
This whole uprising caught us unprepared and it turned out to be too messy and too bloody that no one knows the solution, all of the Syrians are trying to help in a way or another, and Haytham is no difference he is trying to help, sometimes his ideas sounds a bit extreme to me and sometimes they are actually accepted, and what is making me believe and respect Haytham is that he is highly educated and he actually ready to listen and he is willing to change his position when he recognize that the approach who he takes is not in the interest of the whole, and it’s truly rare to find anybody nowadays is willing to do that.
October 13th, 2011, 7:34 pm
Tara said:
Ah…Finally I got you to agree with me..
you should know, I worked hard for this..AND….because of that, I am not sending (dare I say it) RF any roses.
October 13th, 2011, 7:41 pm
Haytham Khoury said:
Dear Tara:
I will not let them bully me.
I am so sorry for being firm (and may appear rude with Alex). However, I think the owner of this blog (Dr. Landis) wanted this blog to be for all Syrians from both aisles. There are people who left this blog, because there was mixing in the moderator role.
Dear Areal:
Alex is not the owner of this blog. If Joshua asks me to leave, I will leave. Otherwise, please go and sleep and have good dreams.
October 13th, 2011, 7:44 pm
zoo said:
Tara #99
NK #95
You touched the problem: Nothing will be good enough for the hardline opposition who want the head of Bashar al Assad NOW and want to avoid thinking of what will happen the day after.
All these changes that NK has been asking can never happen in a day and certainly not because Bashar will be gone. Mobarak is gone and there are more and more people jailed and tried in a military court, sectarian violence is creeping, criminality has increased because there are no police anymore. Tunis is also experiencing similar problems.
It is totally childish to think that you can bring down all the security apparatus and hope the country will run smoothly ( the same mistake was done in Iraq). There are criminals everywhere, even in Syria that will take advantage of the void. Keeping the security to protect the common citizen is a top priority. It is also a top priority for the active protesters to make sure that the ones who do not protest have also the right for security.
What will be important is the credibility of the road map and the time frame. This is what will convince the Russian and the open minded international community that the country is on the right track to democracy. What reforms are needed first, I don’t know but the I think that a constitution that allow multi-party, followed by election could the first pragmatic step.
Of course the opposition will jump saying that cliché sentence “too little, too late” that will be parroted by all the western media. Yet, if any new UN resolution is in making by the hawks, France and Britain, it will never pass if the roadmap is clear, some reforms are implemented and the death toll of proven ‘protesters’ is null.
We must wait and see in the next 3 weeks what will be the announcements and the roadmap.
It is also certain that the die hard opposition, seeing that they could be made obsolete, will try to disrupt the whole process with more provocation, violence and media manipulation.
The outcome of this struggle is yet to see
October 13th, 2011, 7:44 pm
jad said:
Ya salaammmmm:
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October 13th, 2011, 7:45 pm
Syrian Nationalist Party said:
@107 Alex:
In my childhood, few summer weeks spent in Arida, on the same spot the reporter lady standing is when used to stick my easel in the middle of the river small island and paint the sceneries’. What a shame! and I do hold President Assad responsible for the outcome. We trusted that he will deliver on reforms and were very disappointed with the party law, now will see if he is going to just keep on fighting and driving Syria to oblivion, or be smart and cut the ropes on those aiming to bring Syria down. It is delusional to conclude that everything is under control. It is not, as long as there are no jobs, no future and no hope, there will be more weapons and more fighters because that will be the only available entertainment and livelihood for them added to smuggling.
In 10th. Grade, my last year in Syria, at Abdulhamid Zehrawi high school, the Baathist “guidance” instructor, an obvious Alawaite peasants, pulls me to the front and ask me: Why do people of Talkalakh are making such a nuisance for Syria with smuggling trade. I replied, well, you took their land from them and they have no jobs or experience, what else they can do to live other than smuggling. Couple of my classmate applauded, while the other 55 biting their lips, we got suspended for 3 days for that answer and clap and the idiot gave us less than 5/20 for grade at year end.
October 13th, 2011, 7:49 pm
SF94123 said:
Jad, I hope you are right! Redemption! We shall see!
October 13th, 2011, 7:51 pm
Syrian Nationalist Party said:
“..???? ?????? : ?????? ??????? ??? ????? ?? ?????? ?????? ? 70% ?? ????? ?????? ????? ???????? ???????
Before he makes this statement, he should have asked some of the 2 million Iraqis living in Syria if that is the case or not. Take their reply as an accurate assessment. Maybe he likes to see Syrian women being sold to Lebanese and Israeli pimps and slave traders like the Iraqi women! Did he ever see what Faluja and most of Bagdad looks like under Saddam and what it looks like now. Have he ever looked at the photos of those affected by depleted Uranium! He is obviously not a bright person, another dim witted wannabe that want a chair.
October 13th, 2011, 7:56 pm
irritated said:
Alex has been a interesting contributor and occasionaly a moderator since this Blog started, long before you were here.
A moderator is not a political censor, he is supposed to prevent foul languages, instigation to violence, insults, blatant racism etc..
It is not a fun job, especially with some commenters. If some left because they were prevented from cursing and using insanities, it is not a big loss.
As a moderator Alex has no other role and power than that.
Alex has been appointed by Joshua and has accepted that tedious job of moderating. Instead of thanking him for that service, you blame him for wanting to contribute as a normal commenter.
Maybe you should try to be a moderator and discover how boring and time consuming it can be, before giving the advice to Alex to choose.
Is there something else about Alex that bothers you that you are picking on him? Be honest with yourself.
October 13th, 2011, 8:03 pm
zoo said:
Jad #125
Thanks for the post
“..???? ?????? : ?????? ??????? ??? ????? ?? ?????? ?????? ? 70% ?? ????? ?????? ????? ???????? ???????
Haytham Maleh is a dangerous lunatic. It is more and more terrifying to see the kind of people and ideas that are making the “opposition”.
I also see it as a manifestation of confusion and desperation as the opposition seems to be in a dead end.
October 13th, 2011, 8:20 pm
John Khouri said:
HAYTHAM – your a pest on this blog and i suggest u find another blog to annoy people with ur fantasy. If u dont like what the moderator does than i suggest u go and join ABOUD and TARA in their caves. Shoo fly. Maybe if u watch this video it will give u and ur fellow extremists high blood pressure and force u and ur fellow fanatics and dreamers to join another blog setup in Saudi Arabia or Qatar.
October 13th, 2011, 8:52 pm
Haytham Khoury said:
@ Jad # 124.
I disagree with Haytham al-Maleh on the military intervention. I still believe that regime can fall by political means.
I agree with him on the rest. I did not the way that they treated him. The bad treatment toward him was not but by his own clan. I think Ghalioun should pay him a visit and I will encourage him to do so.
Haytham al-Maleh was my candidate to preside over the council, just because of his symbolic status.
October 13th, 2011, 9:00 pm
Tara said:
Can you please for one minute put yourself in our shoes and see the situation through our eyes. Assad clan are viewed by the Revolutionaries as a clan of hyenas that will attack you because it is their nature. This assessment is evidence-based one. The abolition of the emergency law killed 3000 and jailed 15,0000. The new constitution if written by Assads will not have a term limit, and through coercion and lie, he will be re- voted, this time with 65 percent votes to look credible. Assad’s reforms are not going to bring us freedom and dignity. The only reform he can announce that is credible is to set an election time and announce he will not run. In the interim, he can work on other measures. Short than that, all are cosmetics. Why is this too much to ask?
October 13th, 2011, 9:02 pm
John Khouri said:
October 13th, 2011, 9:02 pm
Dale Andersen said:
Memo To: John Khouri
RE: “…HAYTHAM – you’re a pest on this blog and i suggest u find another blog to annoy people…
On the contrary, Haytham Khoury is one of the brightest, most perceptive, most eloquent contributors to this blog. He is wise and uncompromising and sees everything as it is, not as it should be or as he wishes it would be. If he offends the Besho-Baathist toadies and ass-kissers on SC (like the Ann faction and those losers), too damn bad…
October 13th, 2011, 9:13 pm
Haytham Khoury said:
Dears SF94123, Areal and Jad:
I will go back to explain my attitude toward the regime.
1) The regime in my eyes lost all legitimacy, once the regime pulled the nails of kids (aged 10-13) and killed 3 of their parents.
2) Because the regime lost all legitimacy, it should leave. Can the regime negotiate the terms with its departure with the opposition?
3) I reject all forms of violence or military intervention. I believe in the Gandhian type of political struggle, even if it would take years to topple the government. By the way, I read all the correspondence between Tolstoy and Gandhi and I studied Gandhi’s social/spiritual experimentations in South Africa and his political struggle in India.
October 13th, 2011, 9:15 pm
Tara said:
Busing people from the mountains to Homs and film them in Homs is an easy thing to do.
October 13th, 2011, 9:17 pm
Haytham Khoury said:
@ Dale # 134:
Thank you
October 13th, 2011, 9:19 pm
Haytham Khoury said:
Dear John @133:
I invite you to raise the level of your language. That will help you raise the state of your spirit. Believe me it will be better for your self-esteem
October 13th, 2011, 9:21 pm
Haytham Khoury said:
@ Irritated @ 128:
I will leave that decision to Alex and Joshua. I expressed my own opinion. It is their choice to choose which the way to manage the blog.
October 13th, 2011, 9:24 pm
Friend in America said:
We should all appreciate this contrabution of Morpheus. From indications by watchers outside Syria the majority have not spoken and will not so long as freedom of speech is suppresed. It will be the intellectuals of Syria and Syria’s diaspara who can speak for this silent majority.
What does the majority want? A reformed Syrian state in which:
1. There is peace without the Muhkbaret or the governmental thugs or the religious extremists.
2. An electoral system that allows everyone to participate in deciding who will run the government through an election process that is sectarian blind.
3. An end to corruption and favoritism.
4. An economy that improves the lives of everyone, not just a few. Perhaps a capitalism that distributes wealth as widely as possible.
5. An education system that will bring all children up to the levels of the other Mediterranean countries. There is so much happening today in this world that Syria’s children are being left farther and farther behind their peers in others countries.
There is a road block to reform. The Assad regime continues its 40 year policy of viewing every proposal soley in terms of how will the proposal help or preserve the Assads’ power. Ending to the Mukbaret and its torture prisons, the special army units, and a voice in elections that are not rigged are reforms antithical to maintaining power. President Assad must make a permanent break in the next 3 or 4 months with his brother, brother-in-law and father if a reorganization can be accomplished with Assad still running the government. The only other alternative is to force the end of the Assad regime. This delemma is troubling to the silent majority.
There is no clear alternative. Every Arab spring does not have clear alternatives in place and forming a successor government is problematic. The same would be true in Syria. That frightens the silent majority in Syria.
An authentic convention where these issues maybe negotiated in Syria is impossible as long as the present government is in power. It could be held in another country but there are problems of residents leaving the country for such purpose. The Assads will have spies there to report names.
It is time for the intellectuals to get started. If we think in terms of a constitution (it can be another name) such as the United States, there are two parts: a careful description of the central government and a bill of rights. The bill of rights is where you find the protections for the people. In this respect it operates as a control on the government’s power over the people. I am not urging copying the U.S. ZConstituion. Look at European countries, Japan, Indonesia and don’t omit Canada.
Another way is to start serious discussions on line with the objective of developing a concensus. It could start here with serious papers on aspects of a new governance. Maybe Alex should set up another blog so that serious papers do not become intermingled with our usual chatter. There is so much to do before a convention can begin. Morpheus and Alex, what do you think?
October 13th, 2011, 9:26 pm
Tara said:
The Turkish miracle – or the Turkish schizophrenia
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Thursday, October 13, 2011
Meanwhile, Syria’s embattled leader, Bashar al-Assad, thinks that Mr. Erdo?an has changed, while Ayatollah Ali Khamanei’s military adviser, Maj. Gen. Yahya Rahim-Safavi has accused Turkey of hypocrisy, slamming Ankara for the NATO radar it will deploy. The Syrians have said Turkey is promoting secular democracy in the Arab world, serving U.S. interests by opposing Mr. al-Assad, and protecting “the Zionist state.” Iranians think Turkey is too instrumental in NATO, while most NATO allies think it is too instrumental in Iran’s nuclear ambitions.
Unfortunately, Mr. Erdo?an is accused at home for being too religious and in the Arab world for being too secular. …. Again, too Muslim for some Turks and not enough for some Arabs.
October 13th, 2011, 9:52 pm
John khouri said:
Haytham – are u implying that ur an educated human being? U copy and paste ur ideas from google and yet u still annoy 90% of the bloggers on Syria comment. Just leave us alone u pest. You just keep on blabbering the same old repetitive lines Blablabla.
October 13th, 2011, 9:58 pm
Norman said:
Syria will be advised and better off if she adopt the American constitution and the American system of government, after all Syria is as diverse as the US and the US is doing well and i yet to see a Syrian who does not want to come to the US to live, so bring the US to Syria,and have good consulting firm for that transition,
October 13th, 2011, 9:59 pm
Tara said:
Today I decided I do not like the name Tara that much. I should’ve given more thoughts into it since we are not using our real names. I would’ve liked a name in the same league like Why- discuss or Qifa nabki. I never read qifa nabki guy before. I did read his comment about SC that was linked earlier and I really like the name. Why-discuss name is still number one in my eyes but qifa nabki is not bad at all.
October 13th, 2011, 10:30 pm
Norman said:
2011-10-13 23:19:15
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copy rights © syria-news 2010
October 13th, 2011, 10:32 pm
MM said:
Syria needs its own version of Gorbachev to adequately ‘reform.’
I’m all for reform – but that’s not going to happen with an Assad in power.
What’s wrong with Assad relinquishing power to some other figure? I’m still not understanding why this individual has to remain our president, on any level. I’m OK with Farouk al-Sharaa. He’s a good man. I’ve met him. I think he’ll be very fair.
All I know is that if Assad remains in power, I will be barred from return for many years – we will be in the same quagmire for ever, isolated from the world with ongoing unrest inside Syria with economic turmoil. I don’t think it’s worth it at this point. I wish the government did not deploy troops to Daraa earlier this year. I wish they did not swing their might and return to the old days of doing things – showing people who’s boss. It is most regrettable. But this is where we are now. Can we all agree to this realism?
I think we should all agree to this plan (or similar):
1) Require Bashar al-Assad to step down, and aside from his position. Guarantee amnesty from the crimes he committed. Same for his brother and Assef Shaukat.
2) Handover power on an interim basis to Farouk al-Sharaa (Barred from seeking presidency in future).
3) Invite all exiles back to Syria for general caucus in Damascus, including the Syrian National Council.
4) Reassure Allawites and Christians by involving them in the process. Establish new council guaranteeing religious freedom and recognition of all Syria’s sects. I think we can all agree that fighting each other will cost too much, and will not advance anyone’s cause.
5) General Caucus should establish guidelines for preliminary elections which will elect a body that will decide on constitutional reforms. Constitutional reforms to include:
-a) A Bill of Rights
-b) An independent judiciary
-c) Multi-Party System
-d) Repeal of all emergency powers, and other which grant the government omnipotence.
-e) Guarantee to the right of property and freedom of contracts.
-f) Enact Anti-Discrimination laws
6) In the meantime, dissolve Air Force Intelligence, and other various intelligence agencies no longer needed. Grant severance package to ex-Intelligence members, payable on receipt of weapons issued.
7) General Referendum on proposed Constitutional Changes (split out by sections if needed). Sets the stage for national elections.
8) Hold national elections.
Next steps in Syria’s future:
1) Re-establish relations with the rest of the world. Disengage from any axis or current alliances. Maintain Swiss-style independence.
2) Engage in economic rebuilding – including many capital projects that have been neglected for years:
-a) Expansion of the country’s aviation industry, including expansion of the airport and cargo hub.
-b) High speed rail line between major Syrian cities (north-south).
-c) Open country up for further foreign investment.
-d) Expand private university system.
-e) Streamline government approval of capital projects.
-f) Enforce anti-corruption laws, and strict penalties.
-g) Reclaim funds that have been misappropriated from the state. Reclaim all funds misappropriated by the Assad and Makhlouf families, return them to Syrian treasury to fund economic stimulus package.
October 13th, 2011, 10:32 pm
Haytham Khoury said:
Dear John:
I invite you to raise your thought and spirit. That would make you more consistent with true nature of being a human being.
October 13th, 2011, 11:05 pm
irritated said:
#135. Haytham Khoury
Bush regime lied about Iraq, caused hundred thousands death, millions displaced, all kinds of torture in abu ghraib and other center ( waterboarding and worse). Yet Bush regime did not loose its legitimacy and did not leave.
They are plenty of case where a government abuses of its power , yet it did not loose its legitimacy in the eyes of its people.
Legitimacy is not something for you or any one to decide under the pretext of some violence attributed to the regime. The Arab league repeated it when there were voices in the USA implying the loss of legitimacy of Bashar Al Assad.
It is up to Syrian people to decide and from the huge gathering on 12 October and the presence of ALL western and Asian ambassadors in Damascus it does look that neither the Syrians nor the international community agree with you.
October 13th, 2011, 11:10 pm
Haytham Khoury said:
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October 13th, 2011, 11:12 pm
Norman said:
The only thing that i do not think will happen is for president Assad to resign, I know you and others do not think so but he still has a lot of support of people that do not want or expect him to cut and run, i can see that he will declare that the constitution does not allow for a third term so he will not run for election in 2014, but Syria can not be left headless, the plan as i see working on is for municipal elections,and change of the constitution so any party can form a government then parliamentary election then presidential election that president Assad will not join,
October 13th, 2011, 11:19 pm
Haytham Khoury said:
Dear Irritated@149:
– If any American government kills 3 of its citizens coming to ask about the fate of their kids, the government will fall the next day.
– The fact that consider it is OK for the Assad regime to kill innocent people reflects how insensitive you are for human dignity and human life.
-Indeed, we have different set of moral values.
October 13th, 2011, 11:22 pm
zoo said:
MM #147
Sorry but first, Bashar al Assad is hugely more popular that Farouk Al Sharaa in Syria, secong Bashar Al Assad has been submitted to a huge number of sanctions and media assaults and seem to have so far succeeded in keeping the boat afloat. Do you think he will step down to please Borhan Ghalioun or Sarkozy or Obama? It would be humiliating and he does not seem to be a person to give that satisfaction to his enemies. He has shown to be a tough leader( western media say ruthless) and I doubt he’ll show any sign of weakness as any sign of weakness is known to embold more his enemies.
He may leave at the next election eventually if he is not elected.
Therefore review your scenario with Bashar still on board.
October 13th, 2011, 11:29 pm
jad said:
It’s getting ‘interesting’ in the SNC: Mouhamad Abdullah is promoting himself as the new president of the SNC instead of Ghalyoun….
October 13th, 2011, 11:32 pm
irritated said:
Haytham #152
Did I say it’s ok to kill innocents? I said exactly the opposite.
But I see your view: 3 american lives will make the US regime illegitimate but lies in front of the UN and thousands of Iraqis dead will not. Talking about your moral values…
October 13th, 2011, 11:36 pm
ann said:
Arab Spring, Israeli Isolation – Analysis – October 14, 2011
With the Arab uprisings gradually reconfiguring the regional political landscape, Israel is finding itself increasingly isolated. For at least a decade, Israel has identified Iran as its main strategic nemesis, but the Arab spring has rekindled simmering tensions between Israel on one hand, and Arab states as well as Turkey on the other.The ongoing conflict within Syria could also jeopardize the implicit modus vivendi between Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and Israel, paving the way for a potential conflict in the future. The whole Arab landscape has actually shifted: the Hezbollah faction is playing a central role in Lebanese politics; the Egyptian public is demanding a reassessment of the 1979 Egypt-Israel peace treaty; and the Jordanian government is facing growing domestic political pressure. Israel is grappling with a totally new emerging regional order.
Meanwhile, Iran has continued with its nuclear enrichment, meanwhile enhancing its ballistic missile capabilities. Palestine, bolstered by growing international support, is pushing for statehood, circumventing the Israeli-dictated “peace process.” Domestically, large demonstrations have shaken major Israeli cities, as people across the political and economic spectrum demand crucial economic and social reforms. There are also growing signs of splits within the Israeli bureaucracy over plans to attack Iran.
Therefore, unless the Netanyahu administration makes necessary changes in its policies, the country might emerge as the biggest loser of the Arab uprisings. This is the perfect opportunity for the Obama administration to redeem itself by pressuring Israel to make necessary compromises, re-evaluate its inhumane policies toward Gaza, and make necessary reforms before it’s too late. The clock is ticking fast.
The Collapse of the Periphery Alliance
For decades, Israel, under the so-called “periphery doctrine,” relied on its alliance with Turkey and Iran to ameliorate its isolation within the Arab Middle East. However, the 1979 revolution transformed Iran into a revisionist power that was committed to the “Palestinian cause” and the empowerment of oppressed communities across the region. As a result, Iran emerged as Israel’s key strategic threat.
The subsequent revival of Iran’s nuclear program rattled Israel, prompting hawkish figures such as Benjamin Netanyahu to characterize Tehran as an existential threat. Facing a determined, influential, and powerful country such as Iran, Israel focused its bureaucratic-military energy on Iran’s nuclear program. This has become the centerpiece of Israeli national security doctrine.
Astonishingly, the last decade also witnessed a dramatic change in the Turkish political landscape. The rise of the Justice and Development Party (AKP) marked the beginning of a new Turkish republic. Encouraged by growing domestic political support and unprecedented economic stability, the quasi-Islamist party introduced dramatic changes to the country’s constitutional framework, political system, and, crucially, its foreign policy doctrine. In a short span of time, Turkey has transformed into the region’s primary indigenous power along with Iran, determined to shape the regional order along its unique vision and national interest.
It was precisely this critical shift in the domestic politics of Turkey – concomitant with the global shift of power from the West to the East – that laid down the foundation of a new approach toward Israel. Determined to boost its regional profile and exercise its growing influence, Turkey has emerged as one of the most powerful critics of Israeli policies toward the occupied territories. The Mavi Marmara incident, Israel’s continued violation of international law, and the inhumane siege of Gaza have provided the perfect pretext for Turkey to become a vanguard of the Palestinian cause and thereby recalibrate its relations with Israel.
The Arab uprisings have provided a unique opportunity for Turkey to cement is regional leadership, with Prime Minister Erdogan employing increasingly harsh rhetoric against “Zionist policies.” Israel’s unwillingness to compromise – from its refusal to lift the siege on Gaza to its failure to apologize for the death of Turkish citizens – has prompted Turkey to take Israel to the International Court of Justice and even risk a potential naval clash in the future.
Meanwhile, Tehran has been enhancing its military capabilities, reforming its domestic economy, enriching uranium, and closing its technological gap with the West. Undoubtedly, the Turkish-Israeli estrangement and the continued rise of Iran have placed Israel in a very tenuous strategic position.
The Arabist Revival
The Arab uprisings have been predominantly about social justice, economic reforms, and political opening. However, they are also a rejection of the Arab autocrats’ decades of servility toward Israel and the West. The Arab Spring is fundamentally about regaining “Arab dignity,” both on the individual and national levels. Therefore, we should not be surprised to see that popular demands are also directed at Arab states’ policies toward Israel and Palestine.
Given how the two major non-Arab powers, Turkey and Iran, have developed a fierce position against Israel, it is natural to expect emerging post-autocratic as well as existing Arab states to step up their efforts against Israeli policies in order to stave off growing domestic pressure. In this particular context, Egypt – the region’s biggest country – is the most crucial of all Arab states.
The 1979 peace agreement has provided Israel a tremendous amount of strategic space, a political carte blanche, to do as it pleases. However, the post-Mubarak Egypt represents a new dynamic in bilateral relations. In an attempt to appease continuing protests, the ruling military junta, Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF), has shown considerable flexibility in its foreign policy positions. In August, border clashes, resulting in the death of five Egyptian soldiers, led to massive and unprecedented anti-Israel protests in Cairo, reflecting the new mood in the country. The incident and the ensuing popular backlash – coupled with the new political imperative for more popular foreign policies – might portend a re-assessment, if not formal abrogation, of the Egyptian-Israeli peace treaty. This could be a nightmare for Israel.
To the north, the Assad regime is facing immense domestic political resistance. Since the 1973 Yom Kippur War, there has been an implicit modus vivendi between the two countries, although Syria continues to support anti-Israeli forces across the region. Nonetheless, the Assad-led regime provided a level of certainty and stability in the Levant region, given Damascus’ reticence about instigating another destructive conventional war with Israel’s formidable army. Nonetheless, there are three potentially negative outcomes for Israel. The Syrian regime might choose to increase its pressure on Israel to deflect domestic grievances. A post-Assad regime might emerge under a more radical leadership determined to regain lost territories in the Golan Heights. Or there might be an influx of refugees and/or territorial perforation of Israeli-Syrian border by extremist elements. At this point, Israel could only hope that the Syrian regime would take things under control and/or avoid escalation in bilateral tensions. If protests gain momentum in Jordan, Amman could follow suit by reassessing its 1994 peace treaty with Israel. At this point in time, things remain nervously uncertain.
On the other hand, Palestine’s bid for statehood represents a turning point. Determined to refurbish its image and gain popular support, the embattled leadership of the Palestinian Authority (PA) has discovered a window of opportunity to embarrass the hawkish Israeli administration by revealing the paucity of the Israeli-imposed peace process. After all, Palestine’s bid enjoys significant international support, presenting a chance to discredit and delegitimize Israeli policies toward the occupied territories. The bid could also not only inspire more protests and mobilization on the part of Palestinians and other Arabs, it may serve as a platform around which Arab states could form a symbolic-political coalition against Israel.
Growing Domestic Pressure
The Arab Spring has become a global phenomenon as popular protests – from Europe to the United States – have arrived in Tel Aviv and other major Israeli cities. In recent months, massive demonstrations by hundreds of thousands of Israelis have transformed the country’s urban scenery: thousands of citizens have turned public parks and streets into temporary camps and shelters. In essence, the demonstrations are a response to deeply rooted fissures and social maladies within the Israeli society. There is a growing gap between the rich and the poor with the exponential increase in real estate prices and growing economic hardship due to the high cost of living. At a social level, tensions have arisen between the privileged and influential orthodox groups and more liberal-moderate sections of Israeli society, and the marginalization and exclusion of Arab minorities has increased.
In this sense, the demonstrations reflect a broad range of interests, values, and visions from all major sections of the Israeli society. But, at the same time, one should not be surprised by their largely liberal and middle-class character. After all, Israeli politics suffers from an acute systemic electoral defect. Many small and radical political parties gain seats in the parliament because of the country’s low electoral threshold, which awards seats to marginal groups who make even modest electoral gains. Owing to the remarkable heterogeneity of the Knesset, these minority groups tend to gain a virtual “veto” power within fragile coalition governments. As a result, the more moderate sentiment of the public is not reflected in the eventual ruling coalition.
Interestingly, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s hawkish posturing pales in comparison with that of a minority coalition partner, the Beiteinu Party, led by Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman. This explains the huge gap between state policies and broader popular sentiments, which has widened in recent years. This political phenomenon has had a huge effect on social as well as economic aspects of Israeli society.
Minority groups have been able to influence the state’s social policies as well as its foreign policy and settlement expansion. They have facilitated the creation of special subdivisions for Orthodox Jews. They have liberalized the economy in favor of a small economic elite, among a whole host of other policies that have undermined the interests of the middle class and the “moderate” majority. Therefore, the protests could eventually evolve to include crucial policy issues such as electoral reform, settlement expansion in the occupied territories, and Israel’s overall position on Palestine. What is clear is that the Israeli people have finally spoken.
The Netanyahu administration has also faced resistance within the security and intelligence establishment. Many seasoned generals, intelligence officers, and political figures have continuously expressed their dissatisfaction with Netanyahu’s obsession with the so-called “existential threat” posed by Iran.
On the one hand, Defense Minister Ehud Barak has time and again criticized Netanyahu’s plans for attacking Iran’s nuclear installations by emphasizing how invading Iran, a rational state that does not represent an immediate existential threat, would be a catastrophe. His sentiments were echoed by top intelligence and security figures, from former Mossad chief Meir Dagan to Chief of General Staff, Gavriel Ashkenazi. Even President Peres is said to have opposed Netanyahu’s plans.
The general sentiment among the critics is that the Arab Spring is fundamentally shifting the structure and nature of threats to Israel, requiring a rethinking of the country’s national security doctrine. Meanwhile, the Lieberman faction has been an aggressive proponent of settlement expansion and confrontation with Iran. So far, the radicals have been successful in ensuring that Netanyahu focuses his rhetoric on the “Iran threat.” However, there are indications that the security establishment might be rethinking the wisdom of confronting Iran militarily and instead increasingly relying on cyber attacks, assassination of nuclear scientists, and other unconventional means to sabotage the Iranian nuclear program.
U.S. Strategic Liability
Netanyahu’s policies are not only isolating his country within the region. Israel is also becoming a strategic liability for the United States. The Arab Spring has provided the best opportunity for the Obama administration to fulfill its vision of a stable and respectful relationship between America and the Islamic world.
America has been already criticized for its lack of resolve and consistency in dealing with Arab uprisings. Opposing Palestine’s bid for statehood and providing continued unconditional support for Israel would not only antagonize the Arab populace, it would also alienate allies such as Turkey and empower strategic competitors like Iran.
In light of the upcoming 2012 presidential elections, the Obama administration might suppose that it is safer to not “confront” Israel, since this could undermine its support among pro-Israel voters and donors. However, even Jewish Americans and leading pundits have been expressing their discontent with Israel’s intransigence and blatant insensitivity to America’s interests in the region. For instance, the New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman has stated, “[the U.S. government] is fed up with Israel’s leadership but a hostage to its ineptitude, because the powerful pro-Israel lobby in an election season can force the administration to defend Israel at the UN, even when it knows Israel is pursuing policies not in its own interest or America’s.” Besides, there is a significant liberal and Muslim voting population, which would welcome any principled shift in America’s policy. Obama could finally redeem his progressive promises.
Refusal to pressure Israel wouldn’t be only a dire misreading of the situation. It would also jeopardize America’s long-term standing in an increasingly populist, democratizing region. The moral hazard of unconditional support is that it encourages further intransigence on the part of an emboldened ally, which is increasingly becoming a liability for America. It is time for the United States to acknowledge that the future of the region lies in cordial and stable relations with Muslim powers from Turkey to Egypt to Indonesia. The time has come for America to regain the trust and goodwill of the Islamic world. The clock is ticking fast.
October 13th, 2011, 11:37 pm
Syrian Nationalist Party said:
@144. Normansaid:
“…Syria will be advised and better off if she adopt the American constitution and the American system of government, after all Syria is as diverse as the US and the US is doing well and i yet to see a Syrian who does not want to come to the US to live, so bring the US to Syria,and have good consulting firm for that transition,…”
That is what we been trying to say. But first President Assad will have to set the free and fair rules, make the place habitable. Then drop in California for couple of weeks and will show him what he is clueless about. He needs to read about what and how Peter the Great did in Russia, how he learned about things. I had never met one person in the past or recently that said to me Syria is nice place to live. When I inquire about anything new in Syria, the reply is always, you cannot live there ??? ??? ???? , ????? ???? ??????
October 13th, 2011, 11:43 pm
jad said:
They didn’t kill 3 of the kids families. Are you making up stories or you heard it from a friend of a friend of a friend?
They insulted the parents who came to ask for their kids but didn’t kill them as you claim, use facts not fiction.
October 13th, 2011, 11:45 pm
Haytham Khoury said:
Dear irritated:
– If it was to me I would have tried George Bush in International war crime, without neglecting Dick Cheney and Donal Ramsfield.
– I do not care what the others say. I said “in my eyes the Syrian regime lost legitimacy”. I have the right to see things through my own eyes.
October 13th, 2011, 11:45 pm
Haytham Khoury said:
I am not making the story up. they killed three parents.
October 13th, 2011, 11:52 pm
TARA @145
I remember when you first started posting here on SC a few months back, someone mentioned Qifa Nabki and referenced a discussion going on his blog that day, and you asked what does Qifa Nabki mean.
It was around the same time you asked if there were any Shiia Shrines in Syria and where were they at.
I remember thinking that for someone who attended Damascus University and lived in mazzeh, as you claimed, it sounds strange not to know about the Shrine of Sit Zeinab and the classical Arabic poetry tradition of albukaa2 3ala alatlal which is typified by the famous poem including the words Qifa Nabki.
Today you don’t like your nom de guerre TARA but you like Qifa Nabki.
Are you the same TARA or you guys take turns?
October 13th, 2011, 11:54 pm
jad said:
When the creepy Solana cries for the ‘lost’ of a ‘great’ UN resolution against Syria, now I’m sure that it was meant to occupy and invade Syria and the Russian and Chinese veto saved Syria:
Failing the Syria Test
“Of course, there is no “one size fits all” model for intervention, but that does not justify evading our “responsibility to protect” – a fine concept promoted by former UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan and adopted by all UN member states in 2005. Support for the resolution would have weakened Assad’s position, as it would have revealed him as isolated from his traditional allies, Russia and China. It would also have shown the international community to be unanimous in its rejection of repression and committed to protecting the Syrian people (though the draft made no mention of military intervention).”
October 14th, 2011, 12:00 am
Haytham Khoury said:
Dear Jad: Please read the following. You can check the original article, too.
But the arrested boys were from almost every big family of Daraa: the Baiazids, the Gawabras, the Masalmas and the Zoubis.
In the largely tribal society of Syria’s south, family loyalty and honor run deep. So when security forces opened fire on the families of the missing who had marched to the governor’s house to demand their release, the regime had started a fatal feud.
“When the people saw the blood, they went crazy. We all belong to tribes and big families and for us blood is a very, very serious issue,” said Ibrahim, a relative of one of the boys arrested.
The 200 people outside the governor’s house quickly grew in number. “We were asking in a peaceful way to release the children but their reply to us was bullets,” said Ibrahim. “Now we can have no compromise with any security branches.”
Security forces prevented ambulances from ferrying the injured people to hospital, said Mohammed, a 28-year-old relative of another one of the boysi. “We will not forget that.”
October 14th, 2011, 12:03 am
jad said:
“I am not making the story up. they killed three parents.”
Could you please link the story stating that 3 family members where killed when they were asking for the kids arrested in Daraa.
I think that you are mixing different stories together, the first one is in Daraa, where those kids where arrested and their parents went to Atef Najeeb asking for them and he insulted them which was the spark of Daraa uprising.
The second story is when people protests in Almarjeh where arrested Suhair Atassi, but in both incident they didn’t kill the parents.
October 14th, 2011, 12:03 am
Alex said:
Thank you Irritated.
Dear Haytham,
I have been moderating SC since 2005 (on and off).
I am not interfering in your comments and I expect the same from you. The poll on the top left column says that a majority of our readers want strict moderation of the comment section.
As you can see, there are hundreds of comments for each post … I only edited 3 or 4 comments over the past few weeks (1 in a thousand) .. two of them were SNP criticizing the opposition and one was Syria no Kandahar criticizing the opposition … no one from the pro regime group here complained.
Jad do you have a link for your comment #154?
You will find many smugglers in all border towns. But surely the regime is partially to blame for what you encountered in Tel Kalakh.
October 14th, 2011, 12:06 am
Haytham Khoury said:
Dear Jad: this is another one.
March 15 could become another landmark date in the history of revolutions in the Arab world.
Syrians, inspired by the developments in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya and Yemen, took to the streets on that day in three major cities of their country and chanted slogans against the Al Assad regime — a luxury many of them have never had since the single-party regime came to power some five decades ago.
The protests started peacefully but turned violent when security forces killed four protesters in the southern city of Daraa.
October 14th, 2011, 12:11 am
jad said:
It’s on Mouhamad Abdullah Facebook, he wrote it himself that he will be the president of the SNC.
October 14th, 2011, 12:12 am
Haytham Khoury said:
This is another one.
Syrian authorities said on Sunday they will release 15 children whose arrest helped fuel protests in the southern city of Daraa during which security forces killed four civilians.
An official statement said the children, who had written freedom slogans on the walls inspired by the uprisings in Tunisia and Egypt, will be released immediately.
Syria protests – AP – Mar. 15, 2011
Syrians protesters opposed to Syrian President Bashar Assad regime gathering outside the Syrian embassy in Cairo, Egypt, Tuesday, March 15, 2011.
Photo by: AP
On Friday, eyewitnesses claimed that Syrian security forces killed five demonstrators in Daraa as they took part in a peaceful protest demanding political freedom and an end to corruption in Syria
October 14th, 2011, 12:14 am
Haytham Khoury said:
Dear Alex:
I am ok I understand the problem.
I am so sorry again.
October 14th, 2011, 12:17 am
Tara said:
We are three people taking turns. I just called the first Tara and asked her about details. Apparently the first Tara wanted to know what qifa nabki’s political views stand for to decide if he is worth reading. Norman probably misunderstand her question and said “stop crying”. The first Tara then said: NORMAN: I know what the literal meaning means but what does he stands for. Norman said pro Harriri. The first Tara was not a Harriri fan so she did not read Qifa. The third Tara is still not Harriri fan but she likes the name “stop crying”. Most of the time Salah, I do not bother answering questions like yours but I thought I will give you the benefit of the doubt.
We are discussing a guy behind his back and that makes me uncomfortable.
October 14th, 2011, 12:33 am
Tara said:
Zoo @ 153
Personality cult? You too?!
October 14th, 2011, 12:38 am
jad said:
Dear Haytham,
you wrote this:
“1) The regime in my eyes lost all legitimacy, once the regime pulled the nails of kids (aged 10-13) and killed 3 of their parents.”
then in your reply to Irritated:
“- If any American government kills 3 of its citizens coming to ask about the fate of their kids, the government will fall the next day.”
I asked for a prove of what you wrote but in the news you linked there is no 3 parents killed while asking for their kids.
The killing started AFTER the parents visit in Daraa and the first victims of the uprising were NOT the parents of the kids they were 3 young men and a kid from Daraa in March 18th, their names are:
Ayham Alhariri
Mouhamad aljawabra
Mounzer Almasalmeh (11 years old, died due to inhaling tear gas)
Hassan Ayash
October 14th, 2011, 12:38 am
Syria no kandahar said:
After being directly responsible for thousands of Syrians death,and after trying
Hardly to wrap the cord around Bashar neck,Hamad Abo Danab called Bashar
Telling him:Aid Saeed.Arabic Manners.
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October 14th, 2011, 1:00 am
jad said:
Dr. ZiBALEH on BBC spell it out:
“In the Arab world KSA and Qatar are the ‘Dynamo’ behind the movement to change the Syrian regime”…so Addounia is right after all when they accuse Aljazeera and Qatar and Alarabiya of inflaming the situation.
No wonder the american support this kind of people, he is an obvious puppet with no brain and no free will, he is ready to be the slave of whoever pay more, you judge for yourself about this idiot:
October 14th, 2011, 1:11 am
Syria no kandahar said:
This is MM and MB plan for Syria:
To make sure it can walk,let us cut the head!
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October 14th, 2011, 1:12 am
jad said:
One more thing about Mohammad Al Adballa, he is the one behind the attack against Hazem Nahar, it seems that he started the whole bash:
Mohammad Al Abdallah
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October 14th, 2011, 1:21 am
Syria no kandahar said:
It looks like Alqaeda in Libya is way from controlling the country,The only achievement so far was recognizing Borhan Arkila in France representitive for all Syrians(liking or disliking Arkila):
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October 14th, 2011, 1:21 am
NORMAN would probably say that it is not “stop crying”, it literally means “let us both stand and weep”, that poem was part of the curriculum, did you not have it in high school? What year did you attend high school in Mazzeh and was it not part of the Arabic literature curriculum? I attended high school in Hama early 70’s.
Then NORMAN would say if you don’t like the name TARA, how about the name ENIGMA, it is as mysterious as Qifa Nabki and can even rival Why Discuss.
October 14th, 2011, 1:30 am
Ghufran said:
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October 14th, 2011, 1:45 am
Ghufran said:
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October 14th, 2011, 1:54 am
Ghufran said:
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October 14th, 2011, 2:01 am
Shami said:
Alex,i hope that unlike the “pro-government speakers”that will spit on their past once the regime changes you will still claim your pro-asad regime past in post Asad Syria and never betray your menhebakism.
As you know,the asads have launched the shabihha critics of the “government”.
October 14th, 2011, 2:08 am
ann said:
Iraq throws its weight behind al-Assad in Syria – 14 October 2011
In a sign of Washington’s dwindling influence over Baghdad, Iraq has vowed to continue its support for Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.
By the end of the year, all American troops are required by the Status of Forces Agreement to leave Iraq. It is increasingly clear that some US troops will remain in the country in an advisory capacity to Iraqi state security. The number will be determined by relations between the US and Iraq. The US fears the government it helped install will seek mentorship from Iran instead.
Syria is a particularly prickly issue in US-Iraqi relations. US President Barack Obama continues to call for Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to step down, but the Iraqi government continues to express its faith in al-Assad to implement democratic reforms. Other gulf states like Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Qatar have called on al-Assad to step down, Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki has rejected calls for al-Assad to step down. “We believe that Syria will be able to overcome its crisis through reforms,” Maliki said last month. Pundits have been swift to point out Maliki’s words were an echo of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who also proposed that Syrians should “implement the necessary reforms by themselves”.
In the latest Iraqi slight against the US on Syria, The Washington Post reported on Sunday that Iraq had sent vital financial assistance to Syria. While the Iraqi government denied last month that it was under pressure from Iran to send financial assistance to Syria, the Post quotes Syria expert, Andrew Tabler saying, “Iraq is sending a lifeline to Assad”. However vociferously the Iraqi government may deny reports of financial assistance to Syria, the proliferation of such reports will further impede the US withdrawal from Iraq. A show of support of al-Assad will only seed American worries their withdrawal will only see Iran take charge.
October 14th, 2011, 2:52 am
ann said:
Syrian threat: army defectors or armed militants? – 14 October, 2011
Army defectors have reportedly crossed over to fight alongside opposition forces in northern Syria. But the government insists they’re armed gangs threatening the public, not revolutionaries.
On Thursday, the media was given supervised access to the city of Al Rastan, where government troops have been fighting alledged army defectors.
RT’s Tesa Arcilla was among those invited.
About 180 kilometers north of Damascus lies the city of Al Rastan, the scene of five days of deadly clashes between security forces and protesters, in which at least 30 people have died.
It is close to the cities of Homs and Hama where most anti-Assad protests have been taking place.
Evidence of fighting in Al Rastan is plain to see, with buildings lying in ruins and a pervasive mood of tension and fear hanging over the town.
The tense mood is only broken by children at play. Their smiles have returned – yet only two weeks ago, their innocence was shattered when violence engulfed their hometown.
“We heard very heavy fire. We heard airplanes, but didn’t see them. It sounded like they were flying high. We were really afraid and we were crying the whole time,” says one 11-year-old boy.
The child was one of the few to talk to RT. Most of the locals that RT’s crew met there were too frightened to say much about what had happened, explaining that they did not want to get into trouble.
The area’s governor gives his explanation as to why the military arrived.
“There were groups of people who had their own demands. They had had these demands for a little while. Then it all escalated when they armed themselves. We saw that the situation was starting to threaten the people, and that’s when we thought we should intervene,” Ghassan Abdel Al told RT.
RT’s Tesa Arcilla was among a group of journalists who managed to get inside what appears to be an auditorium. They were accompanied by the army who laid out weapons, grenades, as well as uniforms that they said they had taken from so-called “armed groups”.
October 14th, 2011, 2:58 am
Mina said:
Congo, Angola, all places enjoying “democracy”. Even Cameroon, where Biya will enjoy a sixth mandate, after all, he had 22 incumbent. Why would you complain?
No UN Chapter 7 for them:
The UN has no duty to protect women when it comes to systematic rape in Congo and Angola? It’s not an act of war? They are just women? But in Serbia they had. Business as usual.
October 14th, 2011, 4:06 am
Mina said:
About Sarkozy and Qatar:
Qatar is the only other “Wahhabi” state, officially, after KSA
The French water giant Veolia is now extending to the Middle East and the Gulf thanks to the good relation between Sarkozy and Khalifa.
Finally, the French energy giant Areva (ex-EDF) who operates the uranium mines of Northern Niger is also making fruitful deals in Qatar recently
October 14th, 2011, 4:19 am
Some guy no longer in damascus said:
Read what this article has to say about Syria.
Especially the bar graph at the bottom of the article.
October 14th, 2011, 5:23 am
Tara said:
Enigma? Not an enigma? Review my history on SC, I was called all kind of names: from the gay girl in Damascus, to an American man, to Zionist to MB despite the fact that I was too explicit describing the way I live, dress, and relate to god. Do you know why? Because my position as an average Syrian girl being against the regime does invalidate a core concept of the regime propaganda of conspiracy.
Also, I don’t think qifa nabki means “let’s both stand and weep”. Qifa means qifayeh which means “enough”. No?
Enigma is my absolute favorite western music band. Regrettably, they have not produced much. I would like to hear if anyone on SC likes them too.
Finally, I apologize for the use of the word “your” questions in my previous post. I meant “such” a question and “your” came up too hostile. I used an I pad and couldn’t edit.
October 14th, 2011, 7:38 am
Mina said:
Sorry I have to remind you that you first posed as a Syrian woman, with children (one being at least a teenager and a ballerine). Then after a few months, we are supposed to understand you as a “Syrian girl”, FB teenager type. Ok, I admit, it’s nice to have all these virtual personae on the internet.
October 14th, 2011, 8:04 am
Tara said:
Stop being silly. Dance classes in the US starts at age 3. 3 years old ballerinas are the best ones and are taken seriously in my daughter’s dance class. They have an end of year recital at a large historic theatre. It is a real production with light effect, smoke, etc. They are so cute as some of them cry for their mommies on stage during the recital.
October 14th, 2011, 8:18 am
Friend in America said:
MM at #147 wrote:
The silent majority is speaking
October 14th, 2011, 8:41 am
Revlon said:
The boss of Halab Shabbeha was hit by FSA and flet the city.
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October 14th, 2011, 8:47 am
mjabali said:
What happened to the important ideas thrown around this blog?
What happened to the updates about the real events from Syria and not cooking classes, dance classes, and of course a boring as hell dose of discussing the names and speaking in different persona.
Why no one want to discuss the real issues in the article published and instead we are scrolling down fast in vain looking for value.
Now we have SNP calling his high school teacher an “obviously Alawi peasant,”..what happened to quality here ladies and gents?
October 14th, 2011, 8:53 am
Syrian Nationalist Party said:
It followed and became on the same quality the Baathist running Syria. Nothing inspiring in that country to discuss, it is pure Baathism. My calling the teacher that reflects my utter detest of the era of time I grew up in and things said to me at that time, for starter : ??????? ???? ? ??????? ???? ????????? ?????
October 14th, 2011, 9:13 am
Basil said:
I am curious to know how you want to go back to “business as usual” and implement and debate about “reform” after all that happend ?? Assad and his gang are a bunch of criminals who should be treated accordingly.
October 14th, 2011, 9:34 am
Haytham Khoury said:
Dear Jad @171
I hope this is good for the purpose of our contention
But the arrested boys were from almost every big family of Daraa: the Baiazids, the Gawabras, the Masalmas and the Zoubis.
In the largely tribal society of Syria’s south, family loyalty and honor run deep. So when security forces opened fire on the families of the missing who had marched to the governor’s house to demand their release, the regime had started a fatal feud.
“When the people saw the blood, they went crazy. We all belong to tribes and big families and for us blood is a very, very serious issue,” said Ibrahim, a relative of one of the boys arrested.
The 200 people outside the governor’s house quickly grew in number. “We were asking in a peaceful way to release the children but their reply to us was bullets,” said Ibrahim. “Now we can have no compromise with any security branches.”
Security forces prevented ambulances from ferrying the injured people to hospital, said Mohammed, a 28-year-old relative of another one of the boysi. “We will not forget that.”
Instead the injured were taken to the Omari Mosque in the heart of Old Daraa.
October 14th, 2011, 9:39 am
sheila said:
Dear #187. Tara,
I hate to say this, but Salah is right. Qifa Nabki means “let us both stand and weep” and it continues “for the memories of a lover and a home”.
October 14th, 2011, 9:39 am
Areal said:
117. Norman said:
I saw recently an opposition Syrian leader who lives in France, he was concerned that the new council refused to separate Church, Mosque and state , His name is Ata, did anybody hear of him, he refused joining the council.
I think you meant
Samir AITA
October 14th, 2011, 9:40 am
Revlon said:
Will Swaid blow Mustapha’s cover to save his own hind?!
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October 14th, 2011, 9:41 am
Haytham Khoury said:
By the way,
I posted the similar post to my post 194, but the moderator put it away.
I would like that Alex can examine that issue.
October 14th, 2011, 9:42 am
Mango said:
For R.T.Erdogan lovers !!!
The Russian rockets “Iskander” in Syria against the American ABM in Europe
Russian do not intend to observe of how lose one position for another passively. They will not be silent more and concerning the further possible losses. The policy of an iron fist comes back, and Moscow intends to prove it the decision of two fundamental questions – about Syria and about the American ABM. It will react to them resolutely, having placed new, exclusively modern missile systems “Iskander”. These rockets will be developed in territory of Russia or in the allied states, such as Belarus and Kazakhstan. Further, website Al-Manar managed to find out that Syria too can become one of the countries where rockets “Iscander” will be placed.
October 14th, 2011, 9:51 am
Revlon said:
Corruption of the pro-regime, Syrian Americans!
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October 14th, 2011, 9:52 am
Tara said:
Dear Sheila
You are right. It is??? ???? as opposed to ??? ????
I guess the use of an “i” after Q indicates the former rather than the later.
I now recall liking the name as I do not like the meaning “let’s stand and weep”. Sorry Qifanabki. No offense! I would like a Qafanabki name.
October 14th, 2011, 9:54 am
Haytham Khoury said:
Dear Jad:
Small correction the exact names are in this testimony (this is the testimony of Ayman al-Aswad).
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Can you tell me how these people died?
Were they armed when they died?
Can you tell me why they were potesting?
October 14th, 2011, 9:55 am
MM said:
Regarding my plan in #147, I was told to revisit it but add Bashar back into the equation.
Wallahi, this is the best I would be able to offer him. Wallahi, if he didn’t mobilize the military around the country in a security crackdown, he would have the true support of the “silent majority” – and anyone who dared to challange the fragile balance we have in Syria would have been ostrasized. In Syria, we respect our parents – our mothers we worry about us and we wouldn’t want ourselves to get killed for them only. They wouldn’t let us risk our lives as well. Right now, I suspect the moms are silent when they see their sons going to protest – they’re not happy but they know it’s necessary. Otherwise, their son has no future.
I revisited my plan. Bashar has to leave power, that is the pillar of the plan without which it would collapse. I would offer amnesty, that’s the best I would do, considering his crimes are worthy of capital punishment and that he made the conscious choice with Mens Rea to commit the acts he did. I don’t know who advised him, or why he made his choice. The times where you can beat up a population and expect them to be subdued have passed long ago. This was a sensitive time. It was not a good decision to use the security solution. This was his fault. It is regrettable. I’d rather he did not – I want to be able to visit my family in Syria. If force wasn’t used, the protests would not have snowballed. People would be standing with the government. This is the honest truth. The image that was portrayed to us when Bashar assumed office was hope and reform – the security tactics of his father we thought were retired. We, the moderates, were proven wrong. Now we have to pick sides. Do we want to keep the current system with it’s bloodied president, which will continue to follow a scorched earth policy? Or do we want to usher in a new Era? How can he face the nation, at this point? I’d give Bashar amnesty because people are motivated by their self interest, and he fears that if he were to let go he will lose control and face prosecution. So insted he will keep fighting to the last drop of bliod, which would be his own. The plan I set forth allows for a smoother transition, a peaceful alternative and works with the existing framework. We’re not tearing down the entire structure, were fixing it here. There’s ways of doing things. I think all our decisions should be made in the light of how do we minimize the loss of life? This is diplomacy talking. This involves no weapons, just free minds.
Our economy has tremendous potential to grow and that is the issue that is most important. Before the crisis, we were facing an issue where there was no jobs for college grads and the young people. The current system stifles innovation and does not allow free investment without corrupt involvement. Once you liberate the markets and provide a forum for free investment, we will have exponential growth. UAE has reached a saturation point in terms of development. They can keep building, but there are no people. Same in Qatar and othe gulf states. We have everything to attract their dollars and there are many investment opportunities. Syria post-transition will see an economic renaissance. The list I came up with is just a few examples – there are so many other projects that need to be done that would Create jobs. When your held back for 40 years, there’s just so much you need to do to catch up – which creates both a temporary economic stimulus and opportunity.
October 14th, 2011, 9:59 am
Haytham Khoury said:
Dear Jad:
I need your answer on my post # 194.
This is the link, if you want to verify it.
October 14th, 2011, 10:00 am
bronco said:
Heckle Ford croaks from his ipad on his facebook to defend the kindness of the repression of the Wall street protest: We never arrest, shoot or torture a US citizen.
Yes, Heckle, the US has the highest number of citizens jailed in the world and the death sentence is applied on many (for the non-US citizen, torture is condoned at the highest level, just remember Abu Graib..)
SYRIA- On its official Facebook page, US embassy in Damascus has hit back at apparent glee in the Syrian state media over the Occupy Wall Street movement sweeping the United States, posting a Facebook lesson on democracy.
US embassy took a thinly veiled jibe at the regime of Bashar al-Assad, saying that, while there is dissatisfaction in America over the economy, that did not translate into police shooting “thousands of protesters” or demonstrators being tortured.
The message referred to the fierce government crackdown against pro-democracy demonstrations that erupted in Syria in March.
“Some Occupy Wall Street organisers have been arrested for disturbing public order (blocking traffic) but they won’t be tortured, and no family will receive the body of a protester bearing torture marks,” read the embassy post that highlighted eight points differentiating how the US government reacts to protests as compared to Syria.
“Occupy Wall Street groups… can say whatever they want about the US government without being arrested or shot,” it said.
October 14th, 2011, 10:01 am
Haytham Khoury said:
Dear Mjabali@192:
Islamphobic Christians seem to be worse than al-queda peple.
October 14th, 2011, 10:03 am
Kiffa with a kaf and a shaddeh means stop or kifayeh as you said, but qifa with a qaf and an alef means let us both stand.
The fact that you missed an important nuance in the name of Qifa Nabki, and its symbolism in Arabic literature and history, ads to the contradictions in your enigmatic existence.
A simple girl from Damascus with your sophistication, who attended Damascus University, should be able to relate the name, the verse in a famous poem, and the symbolism that Mr. Elias Muhanna provokes with such a name.
And then add to that, the Shrine of Sit Zeinab, and you can see how contradicting that can be with your description of yourself and your history.
Excuse the digression, but the revolt of modern Arab poets against the style of their classical forefathers, and their rejection of the old tradition of albukaa2 3ala alatlal, is part of our modern Arab evolution/revolution in the natural strugle to evolve the culture and society.
October 14th, 2011, 10:19 am
Haytham Khoury said:
?????? ?????? ??????: ????? ?? ???? ??? ????!\13qpt995.htm&arc=data\2011\10\10-13\13qpt995.htm
October 14th, 2011, 10:23 am
uzair8 said:
Defining Hezbollah. BBC World Service. Should be available for listening outside UK.
Listen to all 23 minutes. The speaker in the last ten minutes makes some points. Sounded like UK activist Tariq Ali.
October 14th, 2011, 10:25 am
norman said:
Thank you , that is right,
October 14th, 2011, 10:28 am
Areal said:
186. Some guy no longer in damascus said:
Read what this article has to say about Syria.
Especially the bar graph at the bottom of the article.
If you look at the text of the executive summary of the underlying report
you will read
Country Syria
Costs to GDP 6.07 US$ billion
Cost to Public Finances: 21.22 US$ billion
Total Costs: 27.3 US$ billion
you should have noted that the total cost of the “revolution” in 6 months is more than 3 times the yearly cost of the subsidies in Syria ( 8 US$ billion )
October 14th, 2011, 10:28 am
Haytham Khoury said:
??????? ???????? ???? ???????? ?? ???????? ??????? ??? ??????? ???????? ??????? ????? ????? ??????\13qpt958.htm&arc=data\2011\10\10-13\13qpt958.htm
October 14th, 2011, 10:28 am
Mina said:
Ford deserves an oscar! He should go straight and work for Carlyle in case he loses his current job.
Guantanamo is still open, torture has been legalized in the US, they killed Troy Davis 3 weeks ago, and great transparent democratic countries can block parliament enquiries when a weapon deal with the Saudis is involved (see Blair, Tony), or simply dump sensitive papers in dust-bins
(see )
Thanks to Wikileaks, we have 200,000 new documents since the end of August including a massive vault on the Middle East, but still no one to discuss them.
October 14th, 2011, 10:33 am
zoo said:
No personality cult for me! Just basic speculations on the psychology of a still popular authoritarian figure. Yet, I could be totally wrong in my assessment, although I did read Machiaveli’s The Prince sometimes ago.
October 14th, 2011, 10:38 am
Tara said:
You are absolutely right. Can’t argue with the fact I missed the meaning except that I perhaps saw it as I would like it to be not as it really meant. The topic of religious differences was never one of my interest before becoming a regular on SC. Shiaa to me was just another sect of Islam and that is that. Shrines never meant anything to me except if they have an architectural appeal so yes I never visited Zainab shrine in Dimashq. Would I visit it next time I am in Damascus? I guess I would. Would walking in Hamidieh mean something different to me this time…Absolutely!
October 14th, 2011, 10:57 am
on-the-spot said:
Dear Tara
If you allow me, there are many shrines that Shias visit in Damascus, including the mausoleum on Habeel ( Abel in the Bible and in the Qor’an) and … Maaloula and Seydnaya. Just take a tour with the Iranian tourists!
October 14th, 2011, 11:09 am
zoo said:
What’s is going on with European sanctions?
Syria & German Siemens sign al-Nasseriyeh Power Plant Contract
(Dp-news – Sana)
DAMASCUS- Ministry of Electricity and the German group Siemens signed on Thursday a 305 million Euro contract for the expansion of al-Nasseriyeh power plant, north of Damascus City.
October 14th, 2011, 11:12 am
Tara said:
Mosques, Malls, and…Whisky was brilliant..except that you did not answer the second half of the question. I do want to believe no personality cult for you otherwise it would be very disappointing.
October 14th, 2011, 11:23 am
jad said:
Dear Haytham,
-Initially you wrote that 3 ‘PARENTS’ were killed when they went asking for their kids. In the West as you already know the word Parent means (Father and Mother) not even the sibling or the 5th cousin or anybody in the village/town/city who may be slightly related to the 8th cousin as the case you apparently means.
My point was about the fact that not a father or a mother of those children where killed when they went (not protesting) to the criminal Atef Najeeb in Daraa or for those who protest on their behalf in Almarjeh, Damascus march 16th.
-Can you tell me how these people died?
The security forces in Daraa opened fire at the crowed during the protest on March 18
-Were they armed when they died?
NO they were not armed in March 18
4-Can you tell me why they were protesting?
They were protesting against the unjust, the lack of freedom, the poverty, the monopoly of power, the nepotism, the brutality of the security bodies and against every bad aspect in our society similar to what happened in Tunisia and Egypt.
Not ONLY for the children in the prison, that reason become secondary for the Syrians, even in your link it reads:
“????? ?????? ??????? ??????? ???? ???? ??? ???????? ???? ????”
ONE of the reasons is the unjust detention of the children and not the MAIN reason.
October 14th, 2011, 11:28 am
Mina said:
About the German-Syrian deal, it seems things are calming down in the EU. When you read the words “clashes” on the BBC and “incursion” in Le Monde, you bet they are following the new directives. Even al Jazeera is more quiet, from what I read here and there (won’t turn it on until they divorce from their friends the shaykhs… since I heard last August that the Medina constitution was the first every written human constitution, I am confident that my boycott decision was the good one).
October 14th, 2011, 11:33 am
Areal said:
Samir AITA
210. norman said:
Thank you , that is right,
Somebody else could have easily answered your enigma !!
October 14th, 2011, 11:40 am
ann said:
UN: Syria Headed for “Full-Blown Civil War”
Is Syria on the brink of civil war?
Arab leaders planned an emergency meeting and a top UN official on Friday called for “immediate measures” against Syria as the estimated death toll from the Bashar al-Assad regime’s crackdown on protesters hit 3,000. At least seven more were shot dead by security forces following Friday prayers, according to activists, a number that was expected to rise, according to Al-Jazeera English.
Al-Jazeera television reports that Arab League foreign ministers scheduled an emergency meeting for Sunday in Cairo to discuss how to “stop the bloodshed and machine of violence.”
Earlier Friday, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights issued a statement warning that the situation in Syria will escalate if countries don’t take action soon, CNN reported. “The onus is on all members of the international community to take protective action in a collective and decisive manner, before the continual ruthless repression and killings drive the country into a full-blown civil war,” said the commissioner, Navi Pillay.
While Tunisia, Egypt, and Libya have all had their revolutions, Syria’s Arab Spring has continued to stretch into a bloody fall, with no end in sight. Friday saw a fresh outbreak of violence as protesters came out in support of the “free army,” a group of officers and soldiers who have defected from the official army. Pillay said more than 100 people have been reported killed in the last 10 days alone.
Europeans drafted a resolution at the UN earlier this month threatening to take action against the Syrian regime if it didn’t stop the crackdown, the BBC notes. China and Russia vetoed it, however. A video from CNN shows Syrian activists destroying Chinese and Russian flags in anger over the veto.
Al-Assad has his supporters too, though, some of whom have apparently attacked the U.S. Ambassador with rocks, eggs, and tomatoes. The government has blamed the deaths in the country on terrorist gangs.
October 14th, 2011, 11:49 am
Haytham Khoury said:
Dear Jad:
It was my mistake using the word parents. I should have use the word families.
Anyway, if Bashar would have sent to them anybody to say “sorry”, the whole thing would not have started. Instead he sent for them the Tanks.
Bashar behaved in an arrogant and ruthless way. The whole Syrian people is paying the price
October 14th, 2011, 11:50 am
AIG said:
The Siemens deal in Syria was only announced by SANA. It is similar to many other deals announced in the past that came to nothing. Obviously Siemens will not work with the current government in Syria.
October 14th, 2011, 11:50 am
uzair8 said:
Iran: The real enemy (Opinion piece)
By Tariq Alhomayed
Friday, 14 October 2011
[Selected quotes}
The Quds Force, affiliated to the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, planned to assassinate the Saudi ambassador to Washington via Mexican drug barons.
… Iran has come to depend on assassinations as one of its fundamental tools to exhaust and weaken its enemies, most notably Saudi Arabia of course, as it has done in Iraq and Lebanon. Had the planned assassination of the Saudi ambassador succeeded – God forbid – we would have seen a statement issued by al-Qaeda claiming that the operation was in retaliation to the killing of Osama bin Laden, and the real story would be lost as usual.
…there is intelligence information indicating that death squads trained in Iran have moved from Iraq to Syria in order to kill internal Syrian opposition figures, and revolution sympathizers…
Read more:
October 14th, 2011, 11:51 am
Haytham Khoury said:
Dear Jad:
This is the full account of Aymn al-Aswad of what happened in Dar’a on March 15th and March 18th.
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October 14th, 2011, 11:54 am
ann said:
Fresh weekend protests break out across Syria: report – 2011-10-14
DAMASCUS, Oct. 14 (Xinhua) — Large-scale protests erupted across Syria as thousands of people thronged to the streets on Friday, the pan-Arab al-Jazeera TV reported.
The Doha-based al-Jazeera TV aired shaky armature videos picturing large crowds in northern Binnish town and central province of Homs chanting against the leadership of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad whose country has been wracked by seven- month-old unrest.
Protestors in Andan suburb of the northern Aleppo province were sprayed with bullets, many were injured according to the report.
Meanwhile, Syria’s private Addounia TV said hundreds took to streets in the Kurdish-dominated northern province of Qamishli but were dispersed peacefully within a short period of time, adding that sporadic rallies were held in restive province of Homs and a school was torched by saboteurs there.
Addounia, close to Syria’s government, said armed men opened fire at law-enforcement forces in central province of Hama, one of the hotbeds of protests, but didn’t spell out further details.
However, the state-run TV belied media reports claiming that protests erupted in suburbs of the capital of Damascus and aired footages of several areas across Syria after Friday’s prayers that seemed to enjoy normal weekend atmospheres.
In Amdan area, where al-Jazeera said protesters were shot at, the state TV said “armed groups” opened fire at protesters and law enforcement forces there.
According to the report, an explosive device was dismantled in southern province of Daraa while another one went off, injuring a number of civilians and a law-enforcement member.
In the meantime, the private Sham FM radio said a school teacher was also assassinated in Homs, Syria’s third largest city that spearheaded rallies against al-Assad’s leadership since mid- March.
Armed men also opened fire at a civilian’s car there, injuring the driver, the report added.
The discrepancy between the reports couldn’t be resolved as journalists are banned of independently heading to restive areas. Syria has been accusing al-Jazeera and other media channels of acting out foreign conspiracy by leaping over facts and fabricating events on the ground.
The Syrian government has staunchly defended its crackdown and frequently says it’s the target of foreign conspiracy.
October 14th, 2011, 11:58 am
Haytham Khoury said:
This is another part of Ayman al-Aswad Testimony.
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October 14th, 2011, 12:01 pm
Haytham Khoury said:
@ JAD 218:
Can you tell me the other reasons.
Do you think they are just reason or not?
October 14th, 2011, 12:04 pm
Haytham Khoury said:
Dear Jad @218:
It seems putting these kids in prison and removing their nails means nothing for you.
I am not sure what sense of human rights you have.
May be for you there are people who are animals and others are not.
October 14th, 2011, 12:07 pm
Haytham Khoury said:
Dear JAD:
Is shooting at unarmed protesters act that human beings do?
May be for you the lives of those people means nothing, simply because they are from the populace.
October 14th, 2011, 12:11 pm
Areal said:
141. Friend in America said:
Another way is to start serious discussions on line with the objective of developing a concensus. It could start here with serious papers on aspects of a new governance. Maybe Alex should set up another blog so that serious papers do not become intermingled with our usual chatter
Remember that the legal codes may refer to the articles of the constitution by their actual number. (In Syria , it is “roman” law versus “common” law in the US )
Please enjoy yourself.
Modify the actual constitution to suit your dreams , to be published in a thread reserved to it.
Chapter 1 Basic Principles
Part 1 Political Principles
Article 1 [Arab Nation, Socialist Republic]
(1) The Syrian Arab Republic is a democratic, popular, socialist, and sovereign state. No part of its territory can be ceded. Syria is a member of the Union of the Arab Republics.
(2) The Syrian Arab region is a part of the Arab homeland.
(3) The people in the Syrian Arab region are a part of the Arab nation. They work and struggle to achieve the Arab nation’s comprehensive unity.
Article 2 [Republic, Sovereignty]
(1) The governmental system of the Syrian Arab region is a republican system.
(2) Sovereignty is vested in the people, who exercise it in accordance with this Constitution.
Article 3 [Islam]
(1) The religion of the President of the Republic has to be Islam.
(2) Islamic jurisprudence is a main source of legislation.
Article 4 [Language, Capital]
The Arab language is the official language. The capital is Damascus.
Article 6 [Flag, Emblem, Anthem]
The state flag, emblem, and the national anthem are the flag, emblem, and the national anthem of the Union of the Arab Republics.
Article 7 [Oat]
The constitutional oath is as follows:
“I swear by God the Almighty to sincerely preserve the republican, democratic, and popular system, respect the constitution and the laws, watch over the interests of the people and the security of the homeland, and work and struggle for the realization of the Arab nation’s aims of unity, freedom, and socialism.”
Article 8 [Baath Party]
The leading party in the society and the state is the Socialist Arab Baath Party. It leads a patriotic and progressive front seeking to unify the resources of the people’s masses and place them at the service of the Arab nation’s goals.
Article 9 [Organizations]
Popular organizations and cooperative associations are establishments which include the people’s forces working for the development of society and for the realization of the interests of its members.
Article 10 [People’s Councils]
People’s councils are establishments elected in a democratic way at which the citizens exercise their rights in administering the state and leading the society.
Article 11 [Armed Forces]
The armed forces5255 and other defense organizations are responsible for the defense of the homeland’s territory and for the protection of the revolution’s objectives of unity, freedom, and socialism.
Article 12
The state is at the people’s service. Its establishment seeks to protect the fundamental rights of the citizens and develop their lives. It also seeks to support the political organizations in order to bring about self-development.
October 14th, 2011, 12:11 pm
Areal said:
141. Friend in America said:
Another way is to start serious discussions on line with the objective of developing a concensus. It could start here with serious papers on aspects of a new governance. Maybe Alex should set up another blog so that serious papers do not become intermingled with our usual chatter
Remember that the legal codes may refer to the articles of the constitution by their actual number. (In Syria , it is “roman” law versus “common” law in the US )
Please enjoy yourself.
Modify the actual constitution to suit your dreams and ask it to be published here in a thread reserved to it.
Chapter 1 Basic Principles
Part 1 Political Principles
Article 1 [Arab Nation, Socialist Republic]
(1) The Syrian Arab Republic is a democratic, popular, socialist, and sovereign state. No part of its territory can be ceded. Syria is a member of the Union of the Arab Republics.
(2) The Syrian Arab region is a part of the Arab homeland.
(3) The people in the Syrian Arab region are a part of the Arab nation. They work and struggle to achieve the Arab nation’s comprehensive unity.
Article 2 [Republic, Sovereignty]
(1) The governmental system of the Syrian Arab region is a republican system.
(2) Sovereignty is vested in the people, who exercise it in accordance with this Constitution.
Article 3 [Islam]
(1) The religion of the President of the Republic has to be Islam.
(2) Islamic jurisprudence is a main source of legislation.
Article 4 [Language, Capital]
The Arab language is the official language. The capital is Damascus.
Article 6 [Flag, Emblem, Anthem]
The state flag, emblem, and the national anthem are the flag, emblem, and the national anthem of the Union of the Arab Republics.
Article 7 [Oat]
The constitutional oath is as follows:
“I swear by God the Almighty to sincerely preserve the republican, democratic, and popular system, respect the constitution and the laws, watch over the interests of the people and the security of the homeland, and work and struggle for the realization of the Arab nation’s aims of unity, freedom, and socialism.”
Article 8 [Baath Party]
The leading party in the society and the state is the Socialist Arab Baath Party. It leads a patriotic and progressive front seeking to unify the resources of the people’s masses and place them at the service of the Arab nation’s goals.
Article 9 [Organizations]
Popular organizations and cooperative associations are establishments which include the people’s forces working for the development of society and for the realization of the interests of its members.
Article 10 [People’s Councils]
People’s councils are establishments elected in a democratic way at which the citizens exercise their rights in administering the state and leading the society.
Article 11 [Armed Forces]
The armed forces5255 and other defense organizations are responsible for the defense of the homeland’s territory and for the protection of the revolution’s objectives of unity, freedom, and socialism.
Article 12
The state is at the people’s service. Its establishment seeks to protect the fundamental rights of the citizens and develop their lives. It also seeks to support the political organizations in order to bring about self-development.
Part 2 Economic Principles
Article 13 [Economy]
(1) The state economy is a planned socialist economy which seeks to end all forms of exploitation.
(2) The region’s economic planning serves in achieving economic integration in the Arab homeland.
Article 14 [Ownership]
The law regulates ownership, which is of three kinds:
(1) Public ownership includes natural resources, public utilities, and nationalized installations and establishments, as well as installations and establishments set up by the state. The state undertakes to exploit and to supervise the administration of this property in the interest of the entire people. It is the duty of the citizens to protect this property.
(2) Collective ownership includes the property belonging to popular and professional organizations and to production units, cooperatives, and other social establishments. The lawguarantees its protection and support.
(3) Individual ownership includes property622 belonging to individuals. The law defines its social task in serving the national economy within the framework of the development plan. This property should not be used in ways contrary to the people’s interests.
Article 15 [Expropriation]
(1) Individual ownership may not be expropriated except for public interest and in return for just compensation in accordance with the law.
(2) The public seizure of funds is permissible.
(3) Private seizure cannot be effected except through a judicial decision.
(4) Private seizure ordered by law is permissible in return for just compensation.
Article 16 [Agricultural Ownership]
The law defines the maximum of agricultural ownership in a manner that guarantees the protection of the farmer and of the agricultural worker against exploitation and insures increase in production.
Article 17 [Inheritance]
The right of inheritance is guaranteed in accordance with the law.
Article 18 [Savings]
Saving is a national duty protected, encouraged, and organized by the state.
Article 19 [Taxes]
Taxes are imposed on an equitable and progressive bases which achieve the principles of equality and social justice.
Article 20
The exploitation of private and joint economic foundations must seek to meet the social needs, increase the national income, and achieve the people’s prosperity.
Part 3 Educational and Cultural Principles
Article 21 [Goals]
The educational and cultural system aims at creating a socialist nationalist Arab generation which is scientifically minded and attached to its history and land, proud of its heritage, and filled with the spirit of struggle to achieve its nation’s objectives of unity, freedom, and socialism, and to serve humanity and its progress.
Article 22 [Progress]
The educational system has to guarantee the people’s continuous progress and adapt itself to the ever-developing social, economic, and cultural requirements of the people.
Article 23 [Socialist Education, Arts, Sports]
(1) The nationalist socialist education is the basis for building the unified socialist Arab society. It seeks to strengthen moral values, to achieve the higher ideals of the Arab nation, to develop the society, and to serve the causes of humanity. The state undertakes to encourage and to protect this education.
(2) The encouragement of artistic talents and abilities is one of the bases of the progress and development of society, artistic creation is based on close contact with the people’s life. The state fosters the artistic talents and abilities of all citizens.
(3) Physical education is a foundation for the building ofsociety. The state encourages physical education to form a physically, mentally, and morally strong generation.
Article 24 [Science, Intellectual Property]
(1) Science, scientific research, and all scientific achievements are basic elements for the progress of the socialist Arab society. Comprehensive support is extended by the state.
(2) The state protects the rights of authors and inventors who serve the people’s interests.
Part 4 Freedom, Rights, Duties
Article 25 [Personal Freedom, Dignity, Equality]
(1) Freedom is a sacred right. The state protects the personal freedom of the citizens and safeguards their dignity and security.
(2) The supremacy of law is a fundamental principle in the society and the state.
(3) The citizens are equal63 before the law in their rights and duties.
(4) The state insures the principle of equal opportunities for citizens.
Article 26 [Participation]
Every citizen has the right to participate in the political, economic, social, and cultural life. The law regulates this participation.
Article 27 [Boundaries of the Law]
Citizens exercise their rights and enjoy their freedoms in accordance with the law.
Article 28 [Defense]
(1) Every defendant is presumed innocent until proven guilty by a final judicial decision.
(2) No one may be kept under surveillance or detained except in accordance with the law.
(3) No one may be tortured physically or mentally or be treated in a humiliating manner. The law defines the punishment of whoever commits such an act.
(4) The right of litigation, contest, and defense before the judiciary is safeguarded by the law.
Article 29 [Criminal Laws]
What constitutes a crime or penalty can only be determined by law.
Article 30 [Retroactive Laws]
Laws are binding only following the date of their enactment and cannot be retroactive. In other than penal cases, the contrary may be stipulated.
Article 31 [Home]
Homes are inviolable. They may not be entered or searched except under conditions specified by law.
Article 32 [Secrecy of Communication]
The privacy of postal and telegraphic contacts is guaranteed.
Article 33 [Residence, Move]
(1) A citizen may not be deported from the homeland.
(2) Every citizen has the right to move within the state’s territory unless forbidden to do so by a judicial sentence or in implementation of public health and safety laws.
Article 34 [Asylum]
Political refugees cannot be extradited because of their political principles or their defense of freedom.
Article 35 [Religion]
(1) The freedom of faith is guaranteed. The state respects all religions.
(2) The state guarantees the freedom to hold any religious rites, provided they do not disturb the public order.
Article 36 [Work]
(1) Work is a right and duty684 of every citizen. The state undertakes to provide work for all citizens.
(2) Every citizen has the right to earn his wage according to the nature and yield of the work. The state must guarantee this.
(3) The state fixes working hours, guarantees social security, and regulates rest and leave rights and various compensations and rewards for workers.
Article 37 [Free Education]
Education is a right guaranteed by the state. Elementary education is compulsory and all education is free. The state undertakes to extend compulsory education to other levels and to supervise and guide education in a manner consistent with the requirements of society and of production.
Article 38 [Expression]
Every citizen has the right to freely and openly express his views in words, in writing, and through all other means of expression6242. He also has the right to participate in supervision and constructive criticism in a manner that safeguards the soundness of the domestic and nationalist structure and strengthens the socialist system. The state guarantees the freedom of the press, of printing, and publication in accordance with the law.
Article 39 [Assembly]
Citizens have the right to meet and demonstrate peacefully within the principles of the Constitution. The law regulates the exercise of this right.
Article 40 [Defense]
(1) All citizens have the sacred duty to defend the homeland’s security, to respect its Constitution and socialist unionist system.
(2) Military service is compulsory and regulated by law.
Article 41 [Taxes]
The payment of taxes and public expenses is a duty in accordance with the law.
Article 42 [Preservation of Unity]
It is a duty of every citizen to preserve the national unity and to protect state secrets.
Article 43 [Citizenship]
The law regulates Syrian Arab citizenship and guarantees special facilities for the Syrian Arab expatriates and their sons and for the citizens of the Arab countries.
Article 44 [Family, Marriage, Children]
(1) The family is the basic unit of socity and is protected by the state.
(2) The state protects and encourages marriage and eliminates the material and social obstacles hindering it. The state protects mothers and infants646 and exteds care to adolescents and youths and provides them with the suitable circumstances to developtheir faculties.
Article 45 [Women]
The state guarantees women all opportunities enabling them to fully and effectively participate in the political, social, cultural, and economic life. The state removes the restrictions that prevent women’s development and participation in building the socialist Arab society.
Article 46 [Insurance, Welfare]
(1) The state insures every citizen and his family in cases of emergency, illness, disability, orphanhood, and old age.
(2) The state protects the citizens’ health and provides them with the means of protection, treatment, and medication.
Article 47 [Services]
The state guarantees cultural, social, and health services. It especially undertakes to provide these services to the village in order to raise ist standard.
Article 48 [Organizations]
The popular sectors have the right to establish unionist, social, professional organizations, and production cooperatives. The framework of the organizations, their relations, and the scope of their work is defined by law.
Article 49 [Organizational Functions]
The popular organizations by law effectively participate in the various sectors and councils to realize the following:
(1) Building the socialist Arab society and defending the system.
(2) Planning and guiding of the socialist economy.
(3) Development of work conditions, safety, health, culture, and all other affairs pertaining to the lives of the organization members.
(4) Achievement of scientific and technical progress and the development of the means of production.
(5) Popular supervision of the machinery of government.
Chapter 2 Powers of the State
Part 1 Legislative Power
Article 50 [People’s Assembly]
(1) The People’s Assembly532 assumes legislative power in the manner defined in this Constitution.
(2) The members of the People’s Assembly are elected by general, secret, direct, and equal ballot in accordance with the provisions of the election law.
Article 51 [Term]
The People’s Assembly is elected for 4 years beginning on the date of its first meeting. This term can be extended by law only in the state of war.
Article 52 [Representation]
A member of the People’s Assembly represents the whole people. His mandate may not be limited by any restrictions or conditions. He must exercise his mandate guided by his honor and conscience.
Article 53 [Membership]
The law defines the electoral districts and the number of the members of the People’s Assembly, provided that at least half their number are workers and peasants. The law defines the terms: worker and peasant.
Article 54 [Voters]
Voters are citizens of at least 18 years of age who are listed in the civil status register and who meet the conditions specified in the election law.
Article 55 [Election, Referendum]
The law provides for elections and plebiscites. It defines the conditions to be met by members of the People’s Assembly.
Article 56 [State Worker Candidacy]
State workers, including public sector workers, may nominate themselves for membership in the Assembly. Except in the cases defined by law, the elected member may take a leave in order to join the Assembly. His position or work is reserved for him and the period of leave is regarded as active duty.
Article 57 [Electoral Guarantees]
The election6271 law must include provisions guaranteeing:
1) Freedom of the voters in electing their representatives and integrity of the election.
2) The right of the candidates to watch over the voting.
3) Punishment for those who tamper with the will of the voters.
Article 58 [Continuous Assembly]
(1) The elections are to be held within 90 days following the date of the expiration of the Assembly’s term.
(2) The People’s Assembly reconvenes in accordance with the law if no other Assembly is elected. It convenes after the lapse of 90 days and remains in office until a new Assembly is elected.
Article 59 [Vacancies]
If a seat becomes vacant for any reason, a member is elected to this seat within 90 days after the vacancy, provided the remaining period of the Assembly’s term is not less than 6 months. Membership of the new member ends with expiration of the Assembly’s term. The election law defines the conditions of membership vacancies.
Article 60 [First Meeting]
(1) The People’s Assembly is invited to meet by a decree issued by the President of the Republic within 15 days beginning on the date of the announcement of the results of the elections. The Assembly meets in accordance with the law on the 16th day if no decree is inviting the Assembly to hold a session.
(2) At its first meeting, the Assembly elects its President and the members of its secretariat.
Article 61 [Sessions]
The People’s Assembly is convened in three ordinary sessions yearly. It may also be convened in extraordinary sessions. The Assembly’s table of organization sets the dates and periods of the sessions. The Assembly is invited to meet at extraordinary sessions by a decision of the President of the Assembly, at the written request of the President of the Republic, or at the request of one-third of the members of the Assembly.
Article 62 [Electoral Control]
The People’s Assembly rules on the validity of the membership of its members if it is challenged in light of investigations undertaken by the Supreme Constitutional Court within one month of the Assembly’s notification of the Court’s verdict. A member’s membership in the Assembly is invalidated only by a majority vote of its members.
Article 63 [Oath]
Before assuming office, each member of the Assembly publicly takes before the Assembly the oath specified in Article 7.
Article 64 [Remuneration]
The compensations and allowances for the members of the Assembly are defined by law.
Article 65 [Internal Organization]
The People’s Assembly lays down its internal organization to regulate the mode of work and the manner of carrying out its duties.
Article 66 [Indemnity]
Members of the Assembly are not accountable before criminal or civil courts for any occurrences or views they express, in voting in public or secret sessions, or in the activities of the various committees.
Article 67 [Immunity]
Members of the Assembly enjoy immunity throughout the term of the Assembly. Unless they are apprehended in the act of committing a crime, no penal measures can be taken against any member without the advance permission of the Assembly. When the Assembly is not in session, permission must be obtained from the President of the Assembly. As soon as it convenes, the Assembly is notified of the measures taken.
Article 68 [Incompatibility]
(1) An Assembly member may not take advantage of his Assembly membership in any activities.
(2) The law defines the activities which are incompatible with membership in the Assembly.
Article 69 [President, Guard]
(1) The President of the People’s Assembly represents, signs, and speaks on behalf of the Assembly.
(2) The Assembly has a spacial guard which accepts the orders of the President of the Assembly. No other armed force may enter the Assembly building without permission of the President of the Assembly.
Article 70 [Membership Rights]
The members of the Assembly have the right to propose bills and address questions and inquiries to the cabinet or any minister in accordance with the Assembly’s internal organization.
Article 71 [Powers]
The People’s Assembly assumes the following powers:
1) Nomination of the President of the Republic.
2) Approval of the laws5323.
3) Debate of cabinet policy.
4) Approval of the general budget and development plans.
5) Approval of international treaties and agreements connected with state security; namely, peace and alliance treaties, all treaties connected with the rights of sovereignty or agreements which grant concessions to foreign companies or establishments, as well as treaties and agreements which entail expenditures of the state treasury not included in the treasury’s budget, and treaties and agreements which run counter to the provisions of the laws in force or treaties and agreements which require promulgation of new legislation to be implemented.
6) Approval of general amnesty.
7) Acceptance or rejection of the resignation of a member of the Assembly.
8) Withholding confidence in the cabinet or a minister.
Article 72 [Vote of No Confidence]
Confidence may not be withheld without the interrogation of the cabinet or a minister. A request for withholding confidence has to be made in accordance with a proposal submitted by at least one-fifth of the members of the Assembly. Confidence in the cabinet or a minister may be withheld by a majority of the members of the Assembly. In the event of no confidence in the cabinet, the Prime Minister must submit the cabinet’s resignation to the President of the Republic. A minister from whom confidence has been withheld must also resign.
Article 73 [Committees]
The Assembly forms provisional committees from its members to collect information and to find facts on the subjects concerning the exercising of its jurisdiction.
Article 74 [Budget]
The draft budget5325 is submitted to the Assembly two months before the beginning of the fiscal year. The budget is not in force unless it is approved by the Assembly.
Article 75 [Budge Vote]
Voting on the budget is chapter by chapter. The method of preparing the budget is defined by law.
Article 76 [Fiscal Year]
Every fiscal year has one budget and the beginning of the fiscal year is defined by law.
Article 77 [Continuing Budget]
If the Assembly fails to approve the budget before the beginning of the new fiscal year, the previous fiscal year remains in force until approval of the new fiscal year. Revenues are obtained in accordance with the laws still in force.
Article 78 [Budget Changes]
No change in the budget’s chapters is permissible except in accordance with provisions of the law.
Article 79 [Budget Amendments]
During study of the budget, the Assembly has no right to increase the estimates of revenues and expenditures.
Article 80 [New Expenditures]
After approval of the budget, the Assembly can approve laws on new expenditures and revenues.
Article 81 [Tax Laws]
It is not permissible to impose taxes, to modify taxes, or to cancel taxes except by law.
Article 82
Final accounts for the fiscal year are submitted to the Assembly within two years of the end of that year. The settlement of accounts should be made by law. Amounts to be applied to the settlement of accounts should be applied to the budget, subject to approval.
Part 2 The Executive Authority
Section 1 The President of the Republic
Article 83 [Eligibility]
A candidate for the presidency must be an Arab Syrian, enjoying his civil and political rights, and be over 40 years ofage.
Article 84 [Election]
Upon the proposal of the Arab Socialist Baath Party regional command, the Assembly issues the order for election of the President:
1) the candidacy is proposed to the citizens for referendum;
2) the referendum takes place upon the request of the President of the Assembly;
3) the new president is elected before termination of the term of the present President, within a period of not less than 30 days and not more than 60 days;
4) the candidate becomes President of the Republic if he obtains an absolute majority of the total votes. If he fails to obtain this majority, the Assembly names another candidate. The same procedures are followed concerning the election, provided this takes place within 1 month from the time the results of the first plebiscite were announced.
Article 85 [Term]
The President of the Republic is elected for 7 years according to the Christian calendar, beginning at the date of the expiration of the term of the incumbent President.
Article 86 [Incapacity]
If any temporary incapacity prevents the President of the Republic from carrying out his duties, the Vice President takes his place.
Article 87 [Resignation]
If the President of the Republic wishes to resign, he must submit his resignation to the Assembly.
Article 88 [Re-Election]
The first Vice President of the Republic or the Vice President named by the President, carries out the President’s duties if the President fails to do so. If the incapacity is permanent or in case of death or resignation, a referendum takes place to elect a new President in accordance with the provisions of Article 84, within a period not exceeding 90 days. If the Assembly is dissolved or if its term is due to expire in less than 90 days, the first Vice President carries out the President’s duties until the new Assembly convenes.
Article 89 [Vacancy]
If the post of President becomes vacant and there is no Vice President, the Prime Minister exercises all the President’s powers and jurisdictions until a new President is elected by means of referendum within 90 days.
Article 90 [Oath]
Before taking his post, the President takes the constitutional oath before the People’s Assembly in accordance with Article 7.
Article 91 [Liability]
The President cannot be held responsible for actions pertaining directly to his duties, except in the case of high treason. A request for his indictment requires a proposal of at least one-third of the members of the People’s Assembly and an Assembly decision adopted by a two-thirds majority in an open vote at a special secret session. His trial takes place only before the Supreme Constitutional Court.
Article 92 [Remuneration]
The protocol, privileges, and compensation of the post of thePresident of the Republic are established by law.
Article 93 [Functions]
(1) The President of the Republic insures respect for the Constitution, the orderly functioning of public authorities, and the preservation of the state.
(2) The President51 of the Republic exercises executive authority on behalf of the people within the limits defined in this Constitution.
Article 94 [Policy]
The President of the Republic, through consultation with the cabinet, lays down the state’s general policy and supervise its implementation.
Article 95 [Appointments]
The President of the Republic appoints one or more Vice Presidents and delegates some of his duties to them. The President also appoints the Prime Minister and his deputies and the ministers and their deputies, accepts their resignations, and dismisses them from their posts.
Article 96 [Oath]
Before assuming their posts, the Vice Presidents take the Constitutional oath specified in Article 7 before the President of the Republic.
Article 97 [Cabinet Meeting, Reports]
The President of the Republic can call a cabinet meeting under his Chairmanship. He can also request reports from the ministers.
Article 98 [Veto]
The President of the Republic promulgates the laws approved by the People’s Assembly, he may veto these laws through a decision, giving the reasons for this objection, within a month after their receipt by the President. If the Assembly again approves them by a two-thirds majority, the President of the Republic has to issue them.
Article 99 [Decrees]
The President of the Republic issues decrees, decisions, and orders in accordance with the legislation in effect.
Article 100 [War and Peace]
The President of the Republic can declare war and general mobilization and conclude peace following the approval by the People’s Assembly.
Article 101 [State of Emergency]
The President of the Republic can declare and terminate a state of emergency in the manner stated in the law.
Article 102 [Diplomacy]
The President of the Republic accredits the heads of diplomatic missions to foreign governments and accepts the accreditation of the heads of foreign diplomatic missions to him.
Article 103 [Commander-in-Chief]
The President of the Republic is the supreme commander of the army and the armed forces. He issues all the necessary decisions and orders in exercising this authority. He can delegate some of his authority.
Article 104 [Treaties]
The President of the Republic ratifies and abolishes internaltreaties and agreements in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution.
Article 105 [Amnesty]
The President of the Republic can issue amnesty and reinstatement decisions.
Article 106 [Decorations]
The President of the Republic can bestow decorations.
Article 107 [Dissolution of Parliament]
(1) The President of the Republic can dissolve the People’s Assembly through a decision giving the reasons. Elections are held within 90 days from the date of the dissolution.
(2) He may not dissolve the People’s Assembly more than once for the same reason.
Article 108 [Extraordinary Sessions, Addresses]
(1) The President of the Republic can call on the People’s Assembly to convene an extraordinary session.
(2) He can also address the Assembly through messages and can make statements before the Assembly.
Article 109 [Appointment of Officials]
The President of the Republic appoints civilian and military officials and terminates their services in accordance with the law.
Article 110 [Initiative]
The President of the Republic may draft project laws and submit them to the Assembly for approval.
Article 111 [Assuming Legislative Authority]
(1) The President of the Republic assumes legislative authority when the People’s Assembly is not in session, provided that all the legislation issued by him is referred to the People’s Assembly in its first session.
(2) The President of the Republic can assume legislative authority even when the Assembly is in session if it is extremely necessary in order to safeguard the country’s national interests or the requirements of national security, provided that the legislation issued by him is referred to the People’s Assembly in its first session.
(3) The People’s Assembly can abolish or amend the legislation as provided for in Paragraph (1) and (2), or by law by a two-thirds majority of the members attending the session, provided their number is not less than the Assembly’s absolute majority and provided that the amendment or abolition does not have a retroactive effect. If the Assembly does not abolish or amend this legislation, then it is considered legally approved and there will be no need for a vote on it.
(4) The President of the Republic assumes legislative authority in the interim period between two assemblies. Legislation issued by the President during this period is not referred to the People’s Assembly. Its validity as regards amendments or abrogation are the same as with existing laws.
Article 112 [Referenda]
The President of the Republic can hold public referenda on important issues affecting the country’s highest interests. The results of the referenda are binding and effective on the date of their promulgation. The President of the Republic issues the results.
Article 113 [Emergency Measures]
In case of a grave danger or situation threatening national unityor the safety and independence of the homeland or obstructing state institutions from carrying out their constitutional responsibilities, the President of the Republic can take immediate measures necessitated by these circumstances.
Article 114
The President of the Republic can form specialized organizations, councils, and committees. The powers and jurisdiction of these bodies are specified in the decisions forming them.
Section 2 The Council of Ministers
Article 115 [Cabinet]
(1) The cabinet525 is the state’s highest executive and administrative body. It consists of the President of the Council of Ministers, his deputies, and the ministers. It supervises the execution of the laws and regulations and the work of the state machinery and institutions.
(2) The President of the Council of Ministers supervises the activities of the ministers.
(3) The compensations and allowances of the President of the Council of Ministers, his deputies, the ministers, and their deputies are fixed by law.
Article 116 [Oath]
The President of the Council of Ministers, his deputies, and the ministers and their deputies take the constitutional oath, as specified in Article 7, before the President of the Republic and before they assume their responsibilities, whenever a new cabinet is formed. In the case of a cabinet reorganization, only the new ministers takes the oath.
Article 117 [Responsibility]
The President of the Council of Ministers and the ministers are responsible before the President of the Republic.
Article 118 [Policy Statements]
(1) Upon its formation, the cabinet submits a statement to the People’s Assembly on its general policy and programs of action.
(2) The Cabinet submits annual statements to the People’s Assembly on implementation of the development plans and production progress.
Article 119 [Minister]
The Minister is the highest administrative authority in his ministry. He carries out the state’s general policy where it concerns his ministry.
Article 120 [Incompatibility]
While in office, the ministers are not permitted to be members of the Board of Directors of any private company, act as its agents, participate in any commercial or industrial transaction, or undertake any liberal profession. While in office, the ministers are not permitted to be directly or indirectly involved in the contracts, tenders, or works carried out by the state ministries, departments, or establishments, or by public sector companies.
Article 121 [Liability]
The law defines the civil and penal responsibilities of the ministers.
Article 122 [Continuing Cabinet]
On the expiration of the term of the President of the Republicor in the case of his permanent inability to discharge his duties for any reason, the cabinet continues to manage the affairs of the state until the new president names a new cabinet.
Article 123 [Criminal Liability]
The President of the Republic has a right to refer a minister to trial for whatever crimes he commits while in his post or because of it, in accordance with provisions of the Constitution and the law.
Article 124 [Suspension]
An accused minister is suspended as soon as the indictment is issued and until the court arrives at a decision regarding the charges brought against him. His resignation or dismissal does not prevent committing him to trial. The trial and its procedures are in accordance with the law.
Article 125 [Compatibility]
Cabinet and People’s Assembly membership may be combined.
Article 126 [Deputy Ministers]
The provisions applicable to the ministers are also applicable to the deputy ministers.
Article 127 [Powers]
The cabinet has the following powers:
1) Participation with the President of the Republic in drawing up and carrying out the state’s general policy.
2) Steering, coordinating, and following up the work of the ministries and all the state’s public departments and establishments.
3) Drawing up the state’s general budget project.
4) Preparing draft laws.
5) Preparing the development plan, developing production, and exploiting national resources and everything that will strengthen the economy and increase the national income.
6) Contracting and granting loans in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution.
7) Concluding agreements and treaties in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution.
8) Following up the enforcement of the laws, preserving the state’s security, and safeguarding the rights of the citizens and the state’s interest.
9) Issuing administrative and executive decisions in accordance with laws and regulations, and supervising their implementation.
Article 128 [Other Powers]
In addition to the cabinet’s powers, the Prime Minister and the ministers discharge the duties mentioned in valid legislation, provided they are not in conflict with the powers given to other state authorities by this Constitution.
Part 3 The Local People’s Councils
Article 129 [Councils]
(1) The Local People’s Councils528 are bodies which exercise their powers within the administrative units in accordance with the law.
(2) The administrative units are defined in accordance with the provisions of the law.
Article 130 [Powers]
The law defines the powers of The Local People’s Councils, the method of electing and forming them, the rights and duties of their members, and all relevant regulations.
Chapter 3 The Judicial Authority
Part 1 Court Judges and Public Prosecutors
Article 131 [Independence of the Judiciary]
The judicial authority541 is independent. The President of the Republic guarantees this independence with the assistance of the Higher Council of the Judiciary.
Article 132 [Higher Council of the Judiciary]
The President of the Republic presides over the Higher Council of the Judiciary. The law defines the method of its formulation, its powers, as well as its internal operating procedures.
Article 133 [Independence of Judges]
(1) Judges are independent5421. They are subject to no authority except that of the law.
(2) The honor, conscience, and impartiality of judges are guarantees of public rights and freedoms.
Article 134 [Sentences]
Sentences are issued in the name of the Arab people of Syria.
Article 135 [Organization]
The law organizes the judicial system along with its categories, types, and grades of judges. It also defines the regulations pertaining to the jurisdiction in the different courts.
Article 136 [Status of Judges]
The law defines the terms of appointment, promotion, transfer, discipline, and removal of judges.
Article 137 [Public Prosecution]
The public prosecution is a single juridical institution headed by the Minister of Justice. The law organizes its functions and powers.
Article 138 [Administrative Jurisdiction]
The Council of State exercises administrative jurisdiction. The law defines the terms of appointment, promotion, discipline, and removed of its judges.
Part 2 The Supreme Constitutional Court
Article 139 [Membership]
The Supreme Constitutional Court5413 is composed of five members, of whom one will be the President, and all of whom are appointed by the President of the Republic by decree.
Article 140 [Incompatibility]
It is not permissible to combine the membership of the Supreme Constitutional Court with a ministerial post or membership in the People’s Assembly. The law defines other functions which cannot be combined with court membership.
Article 141 [Term]
The term of membership of the Supreme Constitutional Court is 4 years subject to renewal.
Article 142 [Dismissal]
Members of the Supreme Constitutional Court cannot be dismissed from court membership except in accordance with the provisions of the law.
Article 143
Before assuming their duty, the President and members of the Supreme Constitutional Court take the following oath before the President of the Republic and in the presence of the speaker of the People’s Assembly:
“I swear by the Almighty to respect the country’s Constitution and laws and to carry out my duty with impartiality and loyalty.”
Article 144 [Electoral Control]
The Supreme Constitutional Court determines the validity of the special appeals regarding the election of the members of the People’s Assembly and submits to it a report on its findings.
Article 145 [Constitutional Review]
The Supreme Constitutional Court looks into and decides on the constitutionality of laws in accordance with the following:
1) Should the President of the Republic or a quarter of the People’s Assembly members challenge the constitutionality of a law before its promulgation, the promulgation of such law is suspended until the court makes a decision on it within 15 days from the date the appeal was filed with it. Should the law be of an urgent nature, the Supreme Constitutional Court must make a decision within 7 days.
2) Should a quarter of the People’s Assembly members object to the constitutionality of a legislative decree within 15 days of the date of the People’s Assembly session, the Supreme Constitutional Court must decide on it within 15 days from the date the objection was filed with it.
3) Should the Supreme Constitutional Court decide that a law or a decree is contrary to the Constitution, whatever is contrary to the text of the Constitution is considered null and void with retroactive effect and has no consequence.
Article 146 [No Review Of Referendum Laws]
The Supreme Constitutional Court has no right to look into laws which the President of the Republic submits to public referendum and are approved by the people.
Article 147 [Review of Drafts]
The Supreme Constitutional Court, at the request of the President of the Republic, gives its opinion on the constitutionality of bills and legislative decrees and the legality of draft decrees.
Article 148 [Constitutional Court Statute]
The law determines the procedure of hearing and adjudicating in matters coming under the jurisdiction of the Supreme Constitutional Court. It also defines the court staff, the qualifications of its members, and prescribes their salaries, immunities, privileges, and responsibilities.
Part 3 Amending the Constitution
Article 149 [Initiative, Majority]
(1) The President of the Republic as well as a two-thirds majority of the People’s Assembly members have a right to propose amending the Constitution.
(2) The amendment proposal includes the provisions to be amended and the reasons for it.
(3) Upon receipt of the proposal, the People’s Assembly sets up a special committee to investigate it.
(4) The Assembly discusses the amendment proposal, and if approved by a two-thirds majority of its members, the amendment is considered final, provided it is approved by the President of the Republic. It will then be included in the body of the Constitution.
Chapter 4 General and Transitory Provisions
Article 150 [Preamble is Part of Constitution]
The preamble of this Constitution is considered an integral part of it.
Article 151 [First Amendments]
This Constitution may not be amended before the lapse of 18 months from the date it comes into effect.
Article 152 [Temporary Election Control]
Until the Supreme Constitutional Court is formed, the general body of the Court of Cessation has the jurisdiction to examine appeals regarding the validity of the election of the members of the People’s Assembly after such appeals are referred to it by the President of the Assembly. The court submits to the President of the Assembly a report of its findings.
Article 153 [Old Laws]
Legislation in effect and issued before the proclamation of this Constitution remains in effect until it is amended so as to be compatible with its provisions.
Article 154 [Term of President]
The term of the incumbent President of the Republic expires after 7 years of the Christian Era from the date of the announcement of his election as President of the Syrian Arab Republic.
Article 155 [First Parliamentary Elections]
Elections for the first People’s Assembly are held under the Constitution within 90 days from the date it is declared approved by a public referendum.
Article 156 [Publication, Enforcement]
The President of the Republic publishes this Constitution in the Official Gazette and it is considered in effect from the date of its approval by a public referendum.
October 14th, 2011, 12:19 pm
Syrian Nationalist Party said:
Thanks man, that serious paper came handy, I printed your comment and made good use of it, damm cat, why she did did not use the liitr box this morning, she must knew it is going to be the Baathist constitution today.
October 14th, 2011, 12:25 pm
Haytham Khoury said:
Dear Areal@ 211:
What was the cost of Rami Makhlouf corruption over the years.
I hope he can give some of his money. May be you can ask him for some, he is working in Charity works now.
October 14th, 2011, 12:25 pm
Haytham Khoury said:
Dear Jad:
Why your beloved president did not put in trial his criminal cousin?
Is this what an educated man do.?
October 14th, 2011, 12:27 pm
Haytham Khoury said:
Dear Jad:
I am sure that your president and his royal family look at the lives of those people of Dara’a as worthless , simply because they are from the populace.
I hope you do not share their opinions.
October 14th, 2011, 12:43 pm
norman said:
As you can see , Syria is better than Lebanon and Russia
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Corruption, country by country. The 2009 Transparency International index in fullEvery year, Transparency International ranks 180 countries to create its corruption index. Find out how each nation does
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Transparency international’s corruption index
How endemic is corruption around the world – and where does it flourish?
Transparency International’s 2009 Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) is the world’s most credible measure of of domestic, public sector corruption.
Figures released today show that public corruption in Afghanistan has worsened over the past two years and is now more rampant than in any country apart from Somalia. Afghanistan has sunk for the second straight year in this ranking of 180 nations based on perceived levels of corruption in the public sector.
The CPI scores countries on a scale of zero to 10, with zero indicating high levels of corruption and 10, low levels. That ranking is based on data from country experts and business leaders at 10 independent institutions, including the World Bank, Economist Intelligence Unit and World Economic Forum.
Countries which saw their ranking drop included Iran, which fell to 1.8 from 2.3 following the presidential election in June. Political turmoil also contributed to a fall in Ukraine’s score to 2.2 from 2.5. Greece saw its score slide to 3.8 from 4.7, reflecting insufficient ‘anti-corruption enforcement’, lengthy delays in the judicial process and a string of corporate scandals that TI said pointed to “systemic weaknesses”.
Fragile, unstable states that are scarred by war and ongoing conflict linger at the bottom of the index. Meanwhile, the highest scorers in the 2009 CPI are New Zealand, Denmark, Singapore, Sweden and Switzerland.
But the vast majority of countries in the 2009 index scored below five.
The full data is below and we’ve added in last year’s rankings too. Take a look and let us know what you can do with it. Also check out TI’s interactive map too.
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Data summary
Corruption index scores
Click heading to sort. High score equals least corrupt, low score equals most corrupt
2009 rank Country/Territory CPI 2009 Score CPI 2008 score
SOURCE: Transparency International
1 New Zealand 9.4 9.3
2 Denmark 9.3 9.3
3 Singapore 9.2 9.2
3 Sweden 9.2 9.3
5 Switzerland 9 9
6 Finland 8.9 9
6 Netherlands 8.9 8.9
8 Australia 8.7 8.7
8 Canada 8.7 8.7
8 Iceland 8.7 8.9
11 Norway 8.6 7.9
12 Hong Kong 8.2 8.1
12 Luxembourg 8.2 8.3
14 Germany 8 7.9
14 Ireland 8 7.7
16 Austria 7.9 8.1
17 Japan 7.7 7.3
17 United Kingdom 7.7 7.7
19 United States 7.5 7.3
20 Barbados 7.4 7
21 Belgium 7.1 7.3
22 Qatar 7 6.5
22 Saint Lucia 7 7.1
24 France 6.9 6.9
25 Chile 6.7 6.9
25 Uruguay 6.7 6.9
27 Cyprus 6.6 6.4
27 Estonia 6.6 6.6
27 Slovenia 6.6 6.7
30 United Arab Emirates 6.5 5.9
31 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 6.4 6.5
32 Israel 6.1 6
32 Spain 6.1 6.5
34 Dominica 5.9 6
35 Portugal 5.8 6.1
35 Puerto Rico 5.8 5.8
37 Botswana 5.6 5.8
37 Taiwan 5.6 5.7
39 Brunei Darussalam 5.5
39 Oman 5.5 5.5
39 Korea (South) 5.5 5.6
42 Mauritius 5.4 5.5
43 Costa Rica 5.3 5.1
43 Macau 5.3 5.4
45 Malta 5.2 5.8
46 Bahrain 5.1 5.4
46 Cape Verde 5.1 5.1
46 Hungary 5.1 5.1
49 Bhutan 5 5.2
49 Jordan 5 5.1
49 Poland 5 4.6
52 Czech Republic 4.9 5.2
52 Lithuania 4.9 4.6
54 Seychelles 4.8 4.8
55 South Africa 4.7 4.9
56 Latvia 4.5 5
56 Malaysia 4.5 5.1
56 Namibia 4.5 4.5
56 Samoa 4.5 4.4
56 Slovakia 4.5 5
61 Cuba 4.4 4.3
61 Turkey 4.4 4.6
63 Italy 4.3 4.8
63 Saudi Arabia 4.3 3.5
65 Tunisia 4.2 4.4
66 Croatia 4.1 4.4
66 Georgia 4.1 3.9
66 Kuwait 4.1 4.3
69 Ghana 3.9 3.9
69 Montenegro 3.9 3.4
71 Bulgaria 3.8 3.6
71 Macedonia 3.8 3.6
71 Greece 3.8 4.7
71 Romania 3.8 3.8
75 Brazil 3.7 3.5
75 Colombia 3.7 3.8
75 Peru 3.7 3.6
75 Suriname 3.7 3.6
79 Burkina Faso 3.6 3.5
79 China 3.6 3.6
79 Swaziland 3.6 3.6
79 Trinidad and Tobago 3.6 3.6
83 Serbia 3.5 3.4
84 El Salvador 3.4 3.9
84 Guatemala 3.4 3.1
84 India 3.4 3.4
84 Panama 3.4 3.4
84 Thailand 3.4 3.5
89 Lesotho 3.3 3.2
89 Malawi 3.3 2.8
89 Mexico 3.3 3.6
89 Moldova 3.3 2.9
89 Morocco 3.3 3.5
89 Rwanda 3.3 3
95 Albania 3.2 3.4
95 Vanuatu 3.2 2.9
97 Liberia 3.1 2.4
97 Sri Lanka 3.1 3.2
99 Bosnia and Herzegovina 3 3.2
99 Dominican Republic 3 3
99 Jamaica 3 3.1
99 Madagascar 3 3.4
99 Senegal 3 3.4
99 Tonga 3 2.4
99 Zambia 3 2.8
106 Argentina 2.9 2.9
106 Benin 2.9 3.1
106 Gabon 2.9 3.1
106 Gambia 2.9 1.9
106 Niger 2.9 2.8
111 Algeria 2.8 3.2
111 Djibouti 2.8 3
111 Egypt 2.8 2.8
111 Indonesia 2.8 2.6
111 Kiribati 2.8 3.1
111 Mali 2.8 3.1
111 Sao Tome and Principe 2.8 2.7
111 Solomon Islands 2.8 2.9
111 Togo 2.8 2.7
120 Armenia 2.7 2.9
120 Bolivia 2.7 3
120 Ethiopia 2.7 2.6
120 Kazakhstan 2.7 2.2
120 Mongolia 2.7 3
120 Viet Nam 2.7 2.7
126 Eritrea 2.6 2.6
126 Guyana 2.6 2.6
126 Syria 2.6 2.1
126 Tanzania 2.6 3
130 Honduras 2.5 2.6
130 Lebanon 2.5 3
130 Libya 2.5 2.6
130 Maldives 2.5 2.8
130 Mauritania 2.5 2.8
130 Mozambique 2.5 2.6
130 Nicaragua 2.5 2.5
130 Nigeria 2.5 2.7
130 Uganda 2.5 2.6
139 Bangladesh 2.4 2.1
139 Belarus 2.4 2
139 Pakistan 2.4 2.5
139 Philippines 2.4 2.3
143 Azerbaijan 2.3 1.9
143 Comoros 2.3 2.5
143 Nepal 2.3 2.7
146 Cameroon 2.2 2.3
146 Ecuador 2.2 2
146 Kenya 2.2 2.1
146 Russia 2.2 2.1
146 Sierra Leone 2.2 1.9
146 Timor-Leste 2.2 2.2
146 Ukraine 2.2 2.5
146 Zimbabwe 2.2 1.8
154 Côte d´Ivoire 2.1 2
154 Papua New Guinea 2.1 2
154 Paraguay 2.1 2.4
154 Yemen 2.1 2.3
158 Cambodia 2 1.8
158 Central African Republic 2 2
158 Laos 2 2
158 Taijikistan 2 2
162 Angola 1.9 1.9
162 Congo, Republic 1.9 1.9
162 Congo, Democratic Republic 1.9 1.7
162 Guinea-Bissau 1.9 1.9
162 Kyrgyzstan 1.9 1.8
162 Venezuela 1.9 1.9
168 Burundi 1.8 1.9
168 Equatorial Guinea 1.8 1.7
168 Guinea 1.8 1.6
168 Haiti 1.8 1.4
168 Iran 1.8 2.3
168 Turkmenistan 1.8 1.8
174 Uzbekistan 1.7 1.8
175 Chad 1.6 1.6
176 Iraq 1.5 1.3
176 Sudan 1.5 1.6
178 Burma 1.4 1.3
179 Afghanistan 1.3 1.5
180 Somalia 1.1 1
Posted by Simon Rogers Tuesday 17 November 2009 08.42 EST Article history Printable versionSend to a friendShareClipContact us larger | smaller World newsAfghanistan · New Zealand · Singapore · Denmark · Sweden · Australia · Somalia · Canada · Switzerland · Finland · Netherlands · Iceland · Norway · Luxembourg · US domestic policy · Japan · Iran · Iraq · corruption index · Europe · Africa · Americas UK newsSocietyPublic finance More from Datablog on
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Corruption index 2010 from Transparency International: find out how each country compares
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Nordic five have a mystery to solve
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October 14th, 2011, 12:50 pm
Areal said:
229. Haytham Khoury said:
It seems putting these kids in prison and removing their nails means nothing for you.
I believe that you are honest but badly misinformed .
I believe that you have high level contacts with the opposition .
Please give us the list with the names of the 15 “kids” with their age and post a link to the photographs showing the results of the alleged torture.
( I am not holding my breath )
October 14th, 2011, 12:51 pm
jad said:
Why did you write these comment:
“May be for you the lives of those people means nothing, simply because they are from the populace.”
“I am sure that your president and his royal family look at the lives of those people of Dara’a as worthless , simply because they are from the populace.”
I did never justify the killing of any Syrian, protesters or army, I’m against any act of violence by anybody, I believe more in the nonviolence movement and in what the members of that movement are doing, it’s absolutely amazing, creative, courageous and above all safe, it’s worth being covered and encouraged than put aside, ridiculed and attacked daily by radicals with their continuous calls for more blood.
I know that only through the nonviolence collective acts the Syrians can do the best job without the need of anybody to die or for the country to be lost or occupied.
I don’t know why you wrote your harsh comment, but it’s OK, I understand that sometimes we react against people we feel somehow connected to than our softer reaction toward anybody else in the street.
I have a question for you since you said that you are very well connected:
How come most of the opposition figures changed their usual rhetoric message of couple weeks ago when they collectively called for international intervention and more sanctions to somehow lesser hard stand today?
Did they receive an order by Clinton to reduce the violence message they are using to attract the West NOT the Syrians?
It’s interesting that all of your friends including yourself suddenly changed your tone from let’s burn the country over all its citizens and imposing the most horrible sanction against the ‘populace’ to suddenly become a speaker of a lesser violence message with lesser sectarian attacks campaign against the minorities similar to that we’ve been reading in the media for the last couple weeks until the Veto at the UN and more obviously after Clinton message to the oppositions last week.
Is this the way the opposition planning to run the country getting order from the West not from the Syrians.
October 14th, 2011, 12:51 pm
annie said:
Harmoush, where is he ?
October 14th, 2011, 12:56 pm
Mina said:
Today in Italy, Berlusconi’s friends in the parliament have again helped him to escape from more trials. Italians say that they don’t trust their politicians anymore because it is just a game of voting for immunity for the other guys, no matter what their party is.
But the students decided to take it in their own hands, and they attacked some of Berlusconi’s companies offices.
as also some other companies
Tomorrow, their will be WORLDWIDE protests. People are fed up to be the cows of corrupted politicians who spend billions in useless wars. Check
Remi Makhluf, Mubarak, Ben Ali, Hariri, are all pawns in a system where to be coopted, you’ve got to play in the rules. If the rules don’t work, let’s change them.
October 14th, 2011, 1:00 pm
Ghat Al Bird said:
A belated congrats on a thoughful and respectful commentary.
October 14th, 2011, 1:05 pm
Dale Andersen said:
One of you Besho Buttkissers out there in SC Land (Ann or one of her loser pals) needs to pass on a message from a Homsi, “Tell Bashar he is finished”
October 14th, 2011, 1:08 pm
jad said:
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October 14th, 2011, 1:19 pm
Haytham Khoury said:
Dear Areal:
The torture of the kids is documented by many report. It seems you do not read the press, or rather you select what you read.
The local secret police soon arrested 15 boys between the ages of 10 and 15, detaining them under the control of Gen. Atef Najeeb, a cousin of President Bashar al-Assad.
In a gloomy interrogation room the children were beaten and bloodied, burned and had their fingernails pulled out by grown men working for a regime whose unchecked brutality appears increasingly to be sowing the seeds of its undoing.
Ten children living in the Syrian city of Daraa were inspired by the Arab Spring and wrote an expression of freedom on walls. They were arrested by the intelligence agency. Families of the children applied to the Office of the Governor, but that didn’t help. They went to the intelligence offices, that didn’t help either. Finally, the Office of the Governor was raided and the children were taken back. There was a problem however: Nails of the children had been removed and some of them had been raped. The families went ballistic and their tribes were outraged by the fact
October 14th, 2011, 1:22 pm
norman said:
237. norman said:
*Your comment is awaiting moderation.*
As you can see , Syria is better than Lebanon and Russia
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Corruption, country by country. The 2009 Transparency International index in fullEvery year, Transparency International ranks 180 countries to create its corruption index. Find out how each nation does
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Transparency international’s corruption index
How endemic is corruption around the world – and where does it flourish?
Transparency International’s 2009 Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) is the world’s most credible measure of of domestic, public sector corruption.
Figures released today show that public corruption in Afghanistan has worsened over the past two years and is now more rampant than in any country apart from Somalia. Afghanistan has sunk for the second straight year in this ranking of 180 nations based on perceived levels of corruption in the public sector.
The CPI scores countries on a scale of zero to 10, with zero indicating high levels of corruption and 10, low levels. That ranking is based on data from country experts and business leaders at 10 independent institutions, including the World Bank, Economist Intelligence Unit and World Economic Forum.
Countries which saw their ranking drop included Iran, which fell to 1.8 from 2.3 following the presidential election in June. Political turmoil also contributed to a fall in Ukraine’s score to 2.2 from 2.5. Greece saw its score slide to 3.8 from 4.7, reflecting insufficient ‘anti-corruption enforcement’, lengthy delays in the judicial process and a string of corporate scandals that TI said pointed to “systemic weaknesses”.
Fragile, unstable states that are scarred by war and ongoing conflict linger at the bottom of the index. Meanwhile, the highest scorers in the 2009 CPI are New Zealand, Denmark, Singapore, Sweden and Switzerland.
But the vast majority of countries in the 2009 index scored below five.
The full data is below and we’ve added in last year’s rankings too. Take a look and let us know what you can do with it. Also check out TI’s interactive map too.
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Data summary
Corruption index scores
Click heading to sort. High score equals least corrupt, low score equals most corrupt
2009 rank Country/Territory CPI 2009 Score CPI 2008 score
SOURCE: Transparency International
1 New Zealand 9.4 9.3
2 Denmark 9.3 9.3
3 Singapore 9.2 9.2
3 Sweden 9.2 9.3
5 Switzerland 9 9
6 Finland 8.9 9
6 Netherlands 8.9 8.9
8 Australia 8.7 8.7
8 Canada 8.7 8.7
8 Iceland 8.7 8.9
11 Norway 8.6 7.9
12 Hong Kong 8.2 8.1
12 Luxembourg 8.2 8.3
14 Germany 8 7.9
14 Ireland 8 7.7
16 Austria 7.9 8.1
17 Japan 7.7 7.3
17 United Kingdom 7.7 7.7
19 United States 7.5 7.3
20 Barbados 7.4 7
21 Belgium 7.1 7.3
22 Qatar 7 6.5
22 Saint Lucia 7 7.1
24 France 6.9 6.9
25 Chile 6.7 6.9
25 Uruguay 6.7 6.9
27 Cyprus 6.6 6.4
27 Estonia 6.6 6.6
27 Slovenia 6.6 6.7
30 United Arab Emirates 6.5 5.9
31 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 6.4 6.5
32 Israel 6.1 6
32 Spain 6.1 6.5
34 Dominica 5.9 6
35 Portugal 5.8 6.1
35 Puerto Rico 5.8 5.8
37 Botswana 5.6 5.8
37 Taiwan 5.6 5.7
39 Brunei Darussalam 5.5
39 Oman 5.5 5.5
39 Korea (South) 5.5 5.6
42 Mauritius 5.4 5.5
43 Costa Rica 5.3 5.1
43 Macau 5.3 5.4
45 Malta 5.2 5.8
46 Bahrain 5.1 5.4
46 Cape Verde 5.1 5.1
46 Hungary 5.1 5.1
49 Bhutan 5 5.2
49 Jordan 5 5.1
49 Poland 5 4.6
52 Czech Republic 4.9 5.2
52 Lithuania 4.9 4.6
54 Seychelles 4.8 4.8
55 South Africa 4.7 4.9
56 Latvia 4.5 5
56 Malaysia 4.5 5.1
56 Namibia 4.5 4.5
56 Samoa 4.5 4.4
56 Slovakia 4.5 5
61 Cuba 4.4 4.3
61 Turkey 4.4 4.6
63 Italy 4.3 4.8
63 Saudi Arabia 4.3 3.5
65 Tunisia 4.2 4.4
66 Croatia 4.1 4.4
66 Georgia 4.1 3.9
66 Kuwait 4.1 4.3
69 Ghana 3.9 3.9
69 Montenegro 3.9 3.4
71 Bulgaria 3.8 3.6
71 Macedonia 3.8 3.6
71 Greece 3.8 4.7
71 Romania 3.8 3.8
75 Brazil 3.7 3.5
75 Colombia 3.7 3.8
75 Peru 3.7 3.6
75 Suriname 3.7 3.6
79 Burkina Faso 3.6 3.5
79 China 3.6 3.6
79 Swaziland 3.6 3.6
79 Trinidad and Tobago 3.6 3.6
83 Serbia 3.5 3.4
84 El Salvador 3.4 3.9
84 Guatemala 3.4 3.1
84 India 3.4 3.4
84 Panama 3.4 3.4
84 Thailand 3.4 3.5
89 Lesotho 3.3 3.2
89 Malawi 3.3 2.8
89 Mexico 3.3 3.6
89 Moldova 3.3 2.9
89 Morocco 3.3 3.5
89 Rwanda 3.3 3
95 Albania 3.2 3.4
95 Vanuatu 3.2 2.9
97 Liberia 3.1 2.4
97 Sri Lanka 3.1 3.2
99 Bosnia and Herzegovina 3 3.2
99 Dominican Republic 3 3
99 Jamaica 3 3.1
99 Madagascar 3 3.4
99 Senegal 3 3.4
99 Tonga 3 2.4
99 Zambia 3 2.8
106 Argentina 2.9 2.9
106 Benin 2.9 3.1
106 Gabon 2.9 3.1
106 Gambia 2.9 1.9
106 Niger 2.9 2.8
111 Algeria 2.8 3.2
111 Djibouti 2.8 3
111 Egypt 2.8 2.8
111 Indonesia 2.8 2.6
111 Kiribati 2.8 3.1
111 Mali 2.8 3.1
111 Sao Tome and Principe 2.8 2.7
111 Solomon Islands 2.8 2.9
111 Togo 2.8 2.7
120 Armenia 2.7 2.9
120 Bolivia 2.7 3
120 Ethiopia 2.7 2.6
120 Kazakhstan 2.7 2.2
120 Mongolia 2.7 3
120 Viet Nam 2.7 2.7
126 Eritrea 2.6 2.6
126 Guyana 2.6 2.6
126 Syria 2.6 2.1
126 Tanzania 2.6 3
130 Honduras 2.5 2.6
130 Lebanon 2.5 3
130 Libya 2.5 2.6
130 Maldives 2.5 2.8
130 Mauritania 2.5 2.8
130 Mozambique 2.5 2.6
130 Nicaragua 2.5 2.5
130 Nigeria 2.5 2.7
130 Uganda 2.5 2.6
139 Bangladesh 2.4 2.1
139 Belarus 2.4 2
139 Pakistan 2.4 2.5
139 Philippines 2.4 2.3
143 Azerbaijan 2.3 1.9
143 Comoros 2.3 2.5
143 Nepal 2.3 2.7
146 Cameroon 2.2 2.3
146 Ecuador 2.2 2
146 Kenya 2.2 2.1
146 Russia 2.2 2.1
146 Sierra Leone 2.2 1.9
146 Timor-Leste 2.2 2.2
146 Ukraine 2.2 2.5
146 Zimbabwe 2.2 1.8
154 Côte d´Ivoire 2.1 2
154 Papua New Guinea 2.1 2
154 Paraguay 2.1 2.4
154 Yemen 2.1 2.3
158 Cambodia 2 1.8
158 Central African Republic 2 2
158 Laos 2 2
158 Taijikistan 2 2
162 Angola 1.9 1.9
162 Congo, Republic 1.9 1.9
162 Congo, Democratic Republic 1.9 1.7
162 Guinea-Bissau 1.9 1.9
162 Kyrgyzstan 1.9 1.8
162 Venezuela 1.9 1.9
168 Burundi 1.8 1.9
168 Equatorial Guinea 1.8 1.7
168 Guinea 1.8 1.6
168 Haiti 1.8 1.4
168 Iran 1.8 2.3
168 Turkmenistan 1.8 1.8
174 Uzbekistan 1.7 1.8
175 Chad 1.6 1.6
176 Iraq 1.5 1.3
176 Sudan 1.5 1.6
178 Burma 1.4 1.3
179 Afghanistan 1.3 1.5
180 Somalia 1.1 1
October 14th, 2011, 1:29 pm
Haytham Khoury said:
Dear Areal:
I hope what I put for you is enough prove.
I hope now you can admit these human right violations and express sympathy with the victims. Otherwise, all your constitutional discussion are meaningless.
October 14th, 2011, 1:34 pm
Syrian war crimes in Lebanon –
October 19-21, 1976 – The Syrian Army attacked the Christian village of Aishiyeh and committed a real Genocide. The majority of the victims were women, children and elderly. Women and girls were raped then slaughtered inside the church. Newborns were ripped apart. Children were decapitated with hatchets. Houses were burnt down. The rest escaped to another region. Francis Alfred Nasr was burnt alive before his father’s eyes.
The victim’s names:
1. Francis Alfred Nasr (burnt alive).
2. Alfred Youssef Nasr
3. Fouad Gerges Najem (his wife and his 4 children).
4. Elias Fouad Najem
5. Amale Fouad Najem
6. Therese Fouad Najem
7. Georges Fouad Najem
8. Georgette Fouad Najem
9. Loutfallah Youssef El Chaar
10. Joseph Loutfallah El Chaar
11. Attallah Youssef El Chaar
12. Phillipe Sleiman Chedid
13. Albert Chahine Milan
14. Ibrahim Ephrem Nasr
15. Sleiman Ephrem Nasr
16. Tony Ibrahim Nasr (14 years old)
17. Jamil Elias Nasr
18. Nassim Jamil Nasr
19. Selim Jamil Nasr (16 years old).
20. Youssef Selim Nasr
21. Youssef Nasr Nasr
22. Antoinette Nasr Nasr
23. Simon Youssef Nasr
24. Fouad youssef Nasr (new born).
25. Toufic Nasr (70 years old).
26. Melhem Ephrem Ephrem (45 years old)
27. Sleiman Ephrem (25 years old).
28. Ibrahim Selim Aoun
29. Raymond Ibrahim Aoun (15 years old).
30. Melhem Mansour Aoun (73 years old)
31. Soldier Youssef Elias Abou Kheir (executed in the church).
32. Sleiman Ajjaj El Hajj (15 years old, executed in the church)
33. Pierre Naaemtallah Jabbour (13 years old, executed in the church).
34. Therese Fayez Najem
35. Najat Fayez Najem
36. Fayez Najem and his 2 daughters (5 and 3 years old).
37. Mountaha Rizk Najem
38. Karim Selim Najem
39. Youssef Tannous Abou Eid
40. Tannous Youssef Abou Eid
41. Ibrahim Elias Aoun
42. Jean Khalil Aoun
43. Gerges Maroun Aoun
44. Sleiman Ajjaj Aoun.
45. Tammam Abou Kheir Aoun
46. Assaad Melhem Anid
47. Elias Youssef Anid
48. Aziz Youssef Anid
49. Boulos Anid
50. Elias Assaad El Kesserwani
51. Youssef Assaad El Kesserwani
52. Boutros Fares Fares
53. Gerges Ibrahim Nasr
54. Ibrahim Selim Nasr
55. Joseph Farid Nasr
56. Khalil Gergy Nasr
57. Khalil Sleiman Nasr
58. Salwa Youssef Mezher
59. Philippe Toufic Afif
60. Majid Elias Afif
61. Melhem Chekri Honeineh
62. Nemr Rashid Abou Samra
63. Youssef Elias Noura
February 8, 1978 – The Syrian Army attacked the Lebanese Army at the caserne “Chukri Ghanem” of Fayadiyeh. At 5.30 am, the Syrians shelled all the Regions of East Beirut and opened fire towards the caserne. Lieutenant Abdallah Had****i, 3 soldiers and 4 civilians were killed on that day. Karam Karam, Samia Salameh and Christine Nasr Soleiman got killed, the day after. Hundreds were injured.
– April 9 to 13, 1978 – The Syrian Army wrathfully shelled the region of Ain El Remmaneh, East Beirut. The Hospitals Al Hayat and Hotel Dieu De France in the vicinity were completely or partially destroyed. All the patients were moved out from their rooms to the hospital’s shelter. The Syrian Army used the kind of artilleries that is forbidden at the Geneva Convention. More than 60 civilians were killed and 300 people injured.
The Martyrs of Ain El Remmaneh: (1976/77 incomplete – 1978 missing)
1. Therese Naoum
2. Toufic Nagib Canaan
3. Dani Kessabian
4. Tony Hatem Yazbek
5. Tony Khalil Hosh
6. Tony Yazbek
7. Tony Youssef El Mouallem
8. Tanios Rizk Harb
9. Robert Robershik
10. Chawki George Khabbaz
11. Charbel Melhem Haykal
12. Shehade Nohra Bassil
13. Charbel Selim Jaber
14. Toufic Youssef Nohra
15. Saad Mansour El Hayek
16. Semaan Assaker
17. Sami Sobhi Abdel Ahad
18. Saiid Elias El Halil
19. Samir Antoine Nassif
20. Samir Bshara Demian
21. Samir George Daaybess
22. Samir Sassine Mokbel
23. Raymond Tanios Saade
24. Joseph George Jazra
25. Joseph Haddad
26. George Tanios Hashem
27. Joseph Elias Abu Jaoude
28. Joseph Milad El Assiss
29. George Ghanem
30. Jean Anis Hashem
31. Gerges Zakhour
32. George Boulos Moa wad
33. George Pierre Minassian
34. Gerges Abdo Abu Rashed
35. Hamid Ghandour El Khoury
36. Hanna Amine Aoun
37. Hanna Samaha
38. George Dabdab
39. George Louis Makhlouf
40. George Makhlouf
41. George Nagib Mankoush
42. George Youssef Nakhleh
43. George Youssef Radwan
44. Joseph Antoine Moarkash
45. Joseph Elias El Jelekh
46. Gerges Fares Jreij
47. George Fares Jreij
48. Bassam Khoury
49. Boulos Fouad
50. Pierre Joseph Mazraani
51. Pierre Chehab Mansour
52. Pierre George Irani
53. Pierre Tanios kamilih
54. Antoine Aziz Haddad
55. Edward Melhem Touma
56. Elie AdibZakour
57. Akram Tanios Jawwad
58. Ibrahim Andre El Sabti
59. Edward Alphonse Faraj
60. Assaad Anis Nawwar
61. Elias Sabbagh
62. Emile Farid El Azzi
63. Emile Massoud Ghantous
64. Elie George El Jamil
65. Elie Salameh
66. Antoine Youssef Ghantous
67. Elie Tanios Noumour
68. Elie Abdel Waked
69. Elie Aoun
70. Elie Maroun Medawar
71. Elie Michel Farah
72. Elie Nacouzi
73. Antoine Hatem Yazbek
74. Emile Massoud Ghantous
75. Ibrahim Labib El Kallass
October 14th, 2011, 1:38 pm
June 15, 1978 – The Syrian Army, under Rifaat el Assad’s command, attacked the village of Deir El Ahmar and executed 13 innocent civilians and 1 officer, Sgt. Mansour Chitt. (see References)
The Victims’ names: (4 of these victims were massacred in January-March 23, 1976)
1. Melhem Lahoud Moubarak (Deir El Ahmar)
2. Wahib Majid Eid (Deir El Ahmar)
3. Gerges Lahoud Habshi (Deir El Ahmar)
4. Gerges Selim El Fakhry (Deir El Ahmar)
5. Akl Wassaf Habshi (Deir El Ahmar)
6. Ibrahim Mahrouss Khashan (Deir El Ahmar)
7. Mahrouss Khashan (Deir El Ahmar)
8. Melhem Toufic El Aakoury (Deir El Ahmar)
9. Nayef Mansour Dib (Deir El Ahmar)
10. Adam Majid Habshi (Deir El Ahmar)
11. Karam Majid Habshi (Deir El Ahmar)
12. Maurice Youssef Saade (Deir El Ahmar)
13. Nabil Farid Abi Younes (Deir El Ahmar)
14. Raymond Tanios Saade (Deir El Ahmar)
15. Tony Michel Abou Raffoul (Deir El Ahmar)
16. Elias Khattar Rahme (Deir El Ahmar)
17. Rashad Hani Chit (Deir El Ahmar
– June 28, 1978 – Syrian Special forces, under Ali Deeb’s command, attacked the villages of Al-Kaa, Ras Baalbak, Jdeidet Baalbak and Jdeidet el Feqha. At 1:30 am, the Syrians committed their Genocide in the Valley of “Wadi Al-Reyiane”, where 36 civilians were found in their pajamas tied up, mutilated and torn into pieces.
The Victims’ names: (1 name missing)
1. Akl Jamil Nasrallah
2. Milad Jamil Nasrallah
3. Youssef Jamil Nasrallah
4. Riyad Mtanios Nasrallah
5. Milad Mtanios Nasrallah
6. Gerges Mtanios Nasrallah
7. Habib Razzouk Nasrallah
8. Georges Ibrahim Nasrallah
9. Mtanios Youssef Matar
10. Hanna Gerges Matar
11. Elias Gerges Matar
12. Michel Khalil Matar
13. Michel Makhoul Matar
14. Camille Farhane Farha
15. Khalil Gerges Farha
16. Elias Mtanios Bitar
17. Mawsouf Elias Bitar
18. Youssef Habib Bitar
19. Hanni Chakour Bitar
20. Habib Bitar
21. Massoud Bitar
22. Fayad Jadat Awad
23. Soldier- Georges Fares Awad
24. Fares Boutros Awad
25. Said Awad
26. Edouard Saadallah El Arja
27. Eid Nakhle Mansour
28. Fayez Antoine Mourad
29. Raymond Akl Mourad
30. Elia Nicolas Louis
31. Hanna Labib Aoun
32. Youssef Chafic Nasr
33. Sami Youssef Haswani
34. Mohsen Georges Khoury
35. Khalil Tannous Khoury
October 14th, 2011, 1:43 pm
Mango said:
Russia a Force to Be Reckoned with in the Coming Years
Dmitriy SEDOV | 13.10.2011 | 13:50
The UNSC resolution on Syria as part of information warfare against Russia
Alexander MEZYAEV | 10.10.2011 | 13:46
Eurasian Project a Threat to New World Order
Elena PONOMAREVA | 09.10.2011 | 20:56
October 14th, 2011, 1:45 pm
June 30, 1978 – The Syrian Army shelled the Christian area of Beirut for 90 days. The shelling killed 600 civilians, injured 3000 and burnt down 10,000 buildings, 20,000 apartments and 5000 cars. It completely or partially destroyed Schools and Hospitals: Sacre Coeur, St. Therese, Hotel Dieu De France, St. George and Getawi. They provoked the exodus of 450,000 to different regions.
Beside all these atrocities, a booby-trapped car exploded in Ashrafieh, targeting Bashir Gemayel but instead killed tens of civilians
November 1, 1978 – The Syrian Army attacked the Village of Bhamdoun and slaughtered 9 members of 2 Christian Families, in order to activate Religious frictions between Muslims and Christians in the area
October 14th, 2011, 1:47 pm
Syria no kandahar said:
Follower of Mola Hytham advices:
??? ??? ??? ?????? ???? ????? ????? ????? ???????? ? ????? ?????? ??????? ??? ?? ??? ??? ?????? ?? ????? ????????? ?? ???????? .
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??? ????? – ????????
October 14th, 2011, 1:50 pm
Syrian war crimes in Lebanon –
December 24, 1980 – On Christmas Eve, the Syrian Army shelled the Christian town of Zahle, in the Bekaa Valley. Tens were killed and injured.
The Martyrs’ names:
1. Elie Joseph Saade
2. Hagop Hazigzian
3. Elias Nemr Abu Rjeily
4. Antoine Nagib Jabbour
5. Anis Youssef El Khoury
6. Elie Abu Rjeily
7. Pierre jean Moukarzel
8. Toufic Saliba
9. George Joseph Eid
10. George Jaalouk
11. George Dib el Khoury
12. George Chafic Hariz
13. Jean El Baalbaki
14. Gerges Jaalouk
15. Khalil Sleiman El Khoury
16. Rizkallah Youssef El Kassouf
17. Roukoz Sabbagh El Rami
18. Rita George Saade
19. Selim Farhat Assi
20. Tony Hanna Kassouf
21. Tony Zambaka
22. Farhat Issa
23. Farhat Kozhaya Shakira
24. Fassih Saiid Aylo
25. Fahima Younan
26. Louis Colanjian
27. Louis Youssef Younan
28. Marie Mershed Barakat
29. Michel Maalouf
30. Michel Elias Helou
31. Nicolas Selim Abu Dahr
32. Nicolas Mrad El Maalouf
33. Haroun Koshkarian
– December 24, 1980 – On Christmas Eve, the Syrian Army attacked Ain Dara village, in the Shouf. They massacred 2 civilians and kidnapped Tens others. Houses were burnt down.
– April 1 to July 1, 1981- The Syrian Army besieged and shelled the town of Zahle. Hundreds were killed and injured. Even the Red Cross was a target for the Syrians. On April 3rd, the Nun Marie Sophie Zoghbi was shot down with the driver, in her Red Cross Ambulance
October 14th, 2011, 1:52 pm
Syrian war crimes in Lebanon –
October 13, 1990 – The Syrian Army invaded The Christian area of Beirut, called the last free Zone. At 7:00 am, the Syrian Air force bombarded the Presidential Palace while the Syrian Army shelled with heavy artilleries and attacked the rest of the regions. Soldiers of the Lebanese Army were executed naked with a bullet in their foreheads. Thousands of civilians were massacred; women and girls were raped and ripped open; children were slaughtered and cut into pieces. Hospitals, Schools, Monasteries, houses and churches were shelled, destroyed and burnt down. Shelters were attacked and people were massacred; Priests were strangled or butchered. Hundreds were deported to Syrian prisons where they are detained until this present day.
October 14th, 2011, 1:56 pm
Mango said:
Corruption index scores
Click heading to sort. High score equals least corrupt, low score equals most corrupt
2009 rank Country/Territory CPI 2009 Score CPI 2008 score
SOURCE: Transparency International
?? ????? ??? ??????? ????? ???????? ????? ???? ???? ???????
October 14th, 2011, 1:59 pm
You said: “Shrines never meant anything to me except if they have an architectural appeal so yes I never visited Zainab shrine in Dimashq.”
It is called mazar Sit Zainab. No one that lives or lived in Damascus would call it “Zainab shrine”.
A simple girl from Damascus with your sophistication, who attended Damascus University and drove a car, would have known that a whole neighborhood in the southeast of metropolitan Damascus is called Sit Zainab.
Most people in Damascus have never visited the mazar you so called “Zainab shrine” either, but all people in Damascus know where Sit Zainab neighborhood is and the proper nomenclature.
It is like if someone from Damascus has never been to Abou Roumaneh, but still they would never call it Roumaneh street.
Unless you never left the Mazzeh neighborhood, and drove from your apartment to the University and back in Mazzeh only, I find it very strange that you never heard of the Sit Zainab neighborhood.
October 14th, 2011, 2:10 pm
Haytham Khoury said:
Do you trust Anwar al-Buni opinions about the reforms. You can ask him about that.
I never changed my opinion about the military intervention.
The opposition are changing, because of their inside discussion. There was a conference in Stockholm few days ago. That was a turning point.
In your opinion, if Bashar was serious about reform. He would accept the presence of opposition and negotiate with.
Even Hafez Assad did not do what Bashar did.
October 14th, 2011, 2:12 pm
Haytham Khoury said:
Dear SNK:
I do not feel any good when I hear these news. However, that shows the incapacity of the government to control the situation.
The political opposition condemn any violence.
October 14th, 2011, 2:15 pm
Haytham Khoury said:
Dear SNK@251:
What you posted confirm that the military solution that the government opted for is not working. On the contrary, it made the situation worse.
October 14th, 2011, 2:19 pm
Areal said:
244. Haytham Khoury said:
I asked for the names .
You answered with second hand articles with conflicting numbers 10 or 15 of children arrested.
I asked for photographs of all the alleged torture,
you came with a grainy video uploaded on August 2011 of one anonymous child.
I am sure you can do better .
October 14th, 2011, 2:26 pm
Tara said:
Listen to yourself. You used the term “shrine of sit Zainab”in post #207 and I used the same term without “sit” afterwards. Why is it ok for you to use it and not ok for me?
October 14th, 2011, 2:34 pm
Areal said:
257. Haytham Khoury said:
Dear SNK:
I do not feel any good when I hear these news. However, that shows the incapacity of the government to control the situation.
The political opposition condemn any violence.
I looks like the usual stance of terrorist organizations
IRA versus Sinn Féin
ETA versus Batasuna
IKHWAN versus Muslim Brothers
The political branch (CNS) doesn’t know that the military branch (FSA)is doing and has no control over the military ( terrorist ) operations inside Syria !!
Good to know it .
October 14th, 2011, 2:39 pm
Muhammad said:
So this one is for real ? I mean no Aljazeera pills, sexual services requests from ultra-extremist sheikhs, Hariri, Bandar, Beshmerka, the living dead or is it the usual story of waking up in the morning and then killing a totally innocent neighbour for no apparent reason what so ever ? If you really wish death on this man after seeing a confession on Syrian TV taken under duress and torture -no doubt- then you seriously need to check your moral compass.
You are not necessarily stupid or ignorant .. there is the third option of being BAISED. Why did you skip it ?
October 14th, 2011, 2:45 pm
Tara said:
Continuing on psychology analysis from a previous post, would you be able to explain to me why some Lebanese Christians support Bashar al Assad’s regime despite all the atrocities and massacres committed by the Syrians under the late papa Hafiz against them. I understand why the Alawis support Besho. I can also get myself to understand why some Syrian Christians are afraid of the change, but what I can not understand is the support of some Lebanese Christians. How can they forget what Syria has done to them?
October 14th, 2011, 2:49 pm
jad said:
???? ??? ?????? ???????? ??????
“In your opinion, if Bashar was serious about reform.”
He and his corrupted regime has no other choice but to reform, and I don’t think that any serious and true reform will take place in Syria either with this regime or with this oppositions any time soon.
Freedom, Democracy and Justice come with the society participation and from the daily practice and it needs many generations with serious work and use until they become mature.
“He would accept the presence of opposition and negotiate with.”
As far as I know through the news, Bashar with his regime never stopped calling for the opposition to come to the negotiation table while the opposition never stopped of refusing any negotiation whatever or whoever is there to talk to them and this is the problem because if any opposition dared to talk to the regime he/she will be immediately called a traitor by the oppositions which is somehow understandable, however, we as a Syrian society are now hostage of those two extreme sides that if they don’t find a base or compromise on their positions and even talk just to find some solution, we, as a society, are the biggest looser and we are/will be going to pay the heavy price of our blood, our future, our children and our stability, nobody else.
There is a need for those two radicals to put Syria and Syrians’ best interest as their goal not the narrow view of a TOTAL Winner and a TOTAL Looser mentality.
October 14th, 2011, 2:51 pm
Mina said:
If all the confessions we see on Syrian TV were lies learned by the protagonist after being tortured, Syrians would be the best actors on earth. The ones I saw were all showing people with limited comprehension abilities (and for this reason, cheap thugs one can buy easily) who would never have been able to learn such a long speech and to repeat the details without making mistakes.
October 14th, 2011, 2:55 pm
Areal said:
21. ANTOINE said :
247 , 248 , 250 , 252 , 253 ANTOINE said :
Syrian war crimes in Lebanon
The list includes the “freedom fighters”
The Sabra and Shatila massacre took place in the Sabra and Shatila Palestinian refugee camps in Beirut, Lebanon between September 16 and September 18, 1982, during the Lebanese civil war. Palestinian and Lebanese civilians were massacred in the camps by Christian Lebanese Phalangists while the camp was surrounded by the Israel Defense Force.
The exact number of victims is disputed, from 700–800 to 3,500 (depending on the source).
Soon , you will also claim that the Syrians instead of your “freedom fighters” were involved in that genocide and you will post the list of the victims !!
Please Alex don’t allow him to post the same list forever to bully the site , delete his posts.
October 14th, 2011, 2:57 pm
Tara said:
Tune on Aljazeera. Interviewing colonel Al Asa’ad. The head of the FSA.
October 14th, 2011, 3:09 pm
norman said:
Syria saved Lebanon especially the Christians from annihilation by Jumblatt and the PLO.
October 14th, 2011, 3:18 pm
Tara said:
And then killed them.
October 14th, 2011, 3:20 pm
norman said:
Syria wanted to stop the civil war at any price and attacked everybody who did not have the same intention and was looking for an all out win.
October 14th, 2011, 3:25 pm
Whether it is the shrine or the mazar or the neighborhood or the round-about, they are all called Sit Zainab and not Zainab, and that is by people from Damascus of course.
I gave you an equivalent example with Abou Roumaneh versus Roumaneh street.
Somehow those nuances are being missed by you.
Ok maybe you didn’t care for Arabic literature and have never run across the poem referenced by Mr. Elias Muhana in his choice of Qifa Nabki for his blogging name.
Ask anyone from Damascus, will they ever call the “sa7et el-saba3 ba7rat” round-about, “sa7et el-ba7rat”? will they call “share3 abou rumaneh”, “rumaneh street” or “share3 rumaneh”? will they call the sit zainab round-about “dawwar zainab”, or “dawwar sit zainab”?
As for the name, I agree with you, ENIGMA would not suite you.
October 14th, 2011, 3:42 pm
Areal said:
Mass Quarrel between Armed Gangs ???
DARAA, SANA_ Mohammad Qassem al-Jamous has died and seven others have been wounded in mass quarrel between the armed gangs in Da’el, Daraa on Friday.
SANA reporter denied the existence of any demonstrations in Daraa, as broadcast by al-Jazeera satellite channel, affirming that the security forces and the army did not enter the city and they are non-existent there.
The reporter refuted as “completely untrue” what was broadcast by the malicious channel about the army clash with the protesters in the city.
October 14th, 2011, 3:50 pm
Tara said:
Unsubstantiated argument! I understand though that you need to believe in what support your views as you need to live in peace with yourself. That is called a defense mechanism.
October 14th, 2011, 4:02 pm
Tara said:
Do you agree with Norman’s post # 272 and 274?
October 14th, 2011, 4:07 pm
TARA said:
I tried to make it real simple. A location in Damascus and what the locals call it.
Geography is a very simple subject.
October 14th, 2011, 4:10 pm
I tried to make it real simple. A location in Damascus and what the locals call it.
Geography is a real simple subject.
October 14th, 2011, 4:18 pm
Areal said:
An army member was martyred on Friday in a terrorist attack carried out by an armed group on an army checkpoint in Enkhel town in Daraa province.
An informed source in Daraa told SANA correspondent that members of an armed group threw two grenades at an army checkpoint, one of which exploded, killing an army member.
The checkpoint members repelled the attack and killed two of the terrorists.
A number of citizens were injured when an explosive device blew up near the road reaching between Abu Bakr Mosque and al-Omari Mosque in the city of Daraa, planted by armed terrorist groups.
SANA correspondent reported that the device was planted 200 meters to the south of al-Omari Mosque, and that another explosive device was also planted 50 meters away, which was dismantled by a military engineering unit.
The correspondent said that the place where the two explosive devices were planted usually gets crowded with people before and after the Friday prayers.
Earlier, the inhabitants of Da’el city in Daraa province dismissed in statements to SANA correspondent as “untrue and fabricated news” what al-Jazeera channel reported that deaths are taking place among the city’s citizens at the hands of the army personnel.
The inhabitants expressed concern and fear that this news may be a way of giving an order for an operation by al-Jazeera to its armed agents on the ground as it has already done this several times before in different areas in the Syrian cities.
They said that the objective of such news is to spread anxiety and chaos among people.
Director of Awqaf (Religious Endowment) Department in Hama province, Abdulbaset Suleiman, categorically dismissed the false news broadcast by al-Arabiya channel on firing on prayers in some of the province’s mosques to allegedly prevent them from performing the Friday Prayers and gather outside the mosques.
Suleiman confirmed that the life in the city of Hama is quite normal and the citizens performed the Friday Prayers calmly, considering such news as part of the instigation campaign aimed at creating chaos and instability in Syria.
SANA correspondent in al-Qadam neighborhood in Damascus reported the owners of shops as decisively denying al-Arabiya news on protests in the neighborhood and that protesters are being fired on, stressing the news is “completely false and untrue”.
Gatherings were reported in separate areas in Idleb countryside following the Friday Prayers, which dispersed after a short while.
October 14th, 2011, 4:23 pm
Areal said:
From Al Jazeera
In this YouTube video, titled “Der’aa :: Friday in Dael free from the military”, Syrian protesters in Dael in Dera’a province marched through the streets, chanting “God is Great … Freedom!”
DARAA, SANA_ Mohammad Qassem al-Jamous has died and seven others have been wounded in mass quarrel between the armed gangs in Da’el, Daraa on Friday.
SANA reporter denied the existence of any demonstrations in Daraa, as broadcast by al-Jazeera satellite channel, affirming that the security forces and the army did not enter the city and they are non-existent there.
The reporter refuted as “completely untrue” what was broadcast by the malicious channel about the army clash with the protesters in the city.
October 14th, 2011, 4:31 pm
some guy no longer in damascus said:
they killed this kid in kadam( just south of midan) today. his funeral will be held in midan. tomorrow is a day for damascus. im returning to damascus for his funeral.
words cant express my sorrow and anger.
October 14th, 2011, 4:33 pm
Areal said:
Khaled Nasab ???? ??? 06/05/2011 Karam Al Zaitoun – Homs
Shalhoum Confesses to Opening Fire at Protests in Homs, Killing a Protester to Accuse Army
Oct 14, 2011
DAMASCUS, (SANA) – Terrorist Jumaa Mohammad Shalhoum confessed to opening fire at protests in Homs City and killing protester Khaled Nasab with a pump-action shotgun at al-Naziheen neighborhood with the aim of accusing army and security forces of doing it.
In confessions broadcast by the Syrian TV on Thursday, Shalhoum added that he was a member of the armed terrorist group which attacked army checkpoints in Dawar al-Fakhoura, al-Naziheen neighborhood and near al-Nahda Hospital in Homs for money.
He added that he attacked a military checkpoint and fired against the soldiers, adding that he and his group agreed to fire against protests to accuse the army and security forces of shooting protesters.
He said that he was promised to be given money in return for his participation, adding that they gave him SYP 1500.
October 14th, 2011, 4:57 pm
sheila said:
To #253. ANTOINE,
Thank you for explaining to the pro-regime crowd, what the Syrian regime is capable of. They do not seem to want to believe it.
October 14th, 2011, 5:09 pm
Timo’s killing did not light up Alhassaka.Khouri’s Devil need a new victim:
???? ????? ???????? ?? ?????? ?? ??? ?? ???????? ???? ????? ?????? ?? ?????? ?????? ???? ???????? ???? ????? ??????? ?????????? ????? ??????? ???? ??????? ???????? ?? ?????? ???? ?????? ?????????? ? ???? ?? ???? ????? ?????? ??????? ?? ??????? ?? ?????? ????.
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October 14th, 2011, 5:11 pm
Tara said:
Would the assassination plot be the twist that will press Iran to abandon Bashar?
“Washington sends top officials to Turkey, Russia and China seeking support against Iran’s alleged plot, but Tehran denies any involvement
“We would not be bringing forward a case unless we knew exactly how to support all the allegations that are contained in the indictment,” Obama said. “We know that he [the suspect involved in the plot] had direct links, was paid by and directed by individuals in the Iranian government.”
Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, accused Washington of trying to spread “Iranophobia” and said in a speech at an army base, “They will once again taste failure’s bitterness.” Questions are also mounting about why Tehran would countenance such an explosive act and over the details of the scheme, and whether it was perhaps a renegade operation by Quds force officers.”
October 14th, 2011, 5:19 pm
ann said:
FBI Insider: Obama Administration Likely Manufactured Dubious Iran Terror Plot
October 14th, 2011, 5:24 pm
Syria intervention in Lebanon,
Does anybody knows how many syrian soldiers lost their life in so-called Lebanon Civil War which was really an International War? Nobody knows and nobody will probably know. Many of those soldiers, from rural or beouins origin, did not even know that they were fighting in Lebanon. They were told by their generals to be fighting in Palestine to free Palestine from israeli occupation. Many lebanese in war zones know this facts. Tens of thousands of those syrians died. And were buried without any identification in mass graves. Their families in Syria never had the confirmation that their sons had died nor where had gone.
I explain this just to recognize the high price have syrians paid for the sake of the regional interests of the regime. After Lebanon was occupied de facto by Syrian Regime the levantine country became a place for all powerfull regime members to steal and abuse. Syrian people indeed paid a high price, lebanese people too. Palestinians too, of course. Who beneffited from war? Just garbage politicians and war lords in Lebanon who sold their souls to the conqueror as well as syrian regime capos.
The fact that lebanese people was a victim of international actors does not deny that they were victims or lebanese actors too. And the fact that they were victims of Syria does not avoid that syrian plain people was a victim too.
My respects to all those young syrians who fell in Lebanon fighting for what they thought it was a honourable cause, but taken to a sure death by their own regime.
October 14th, 2011, 5:24 pm
Hans said:
Lies Lies and more Lies!
Most of the posts here about lying, the Arabic and western news full of lies about Syria! we all hear, see and know that!
Why is that? There is an agenda the west and some of the pigs of the gulf countries are trying to push on Syria.
Toppling the regime probably is one of them, to support the opposition who proof to be no one but the radicals MB.
I am glad that Libya is not improving so the Arabs can see what the USA does to countries after Iraq destruction, and i am waiting for Iran to be next after Syria, but KSA is saved by the Americans and the Israelis.
I guess the MB and radicals are the best friends of the west at the current time because the west will get them in power to rule and abuse the others.
it is the western freedom the radicals enjoy in the west. but they don’t believe in religion tolerance toward the minorities in all the Arabs and other Muslim countries, example are countless from Pakistan to Morocco. Religion tolerance doesn’t exist in these countries dictionary including the new Iraqi constitution and the slaughtering of Christians in Egypt, but the radical live and abuse the freedom they have in the west and USA.
It is probably the dumb Americans that’s how they are called in Europe, are the looser at the end of this situation.
Hehehehe American missiles missing in Libya repeat of same story in Iraq, hopefully they are all moved to Gaza as the Americans have been reporting so will have more killing on the border of Gaza.
dumb Arabs.
People who want free Syria are not too many in the true meaning of free Syria and the people of Syria are not ready for western style democracy and that will never happens as long as you have bunch of retarded Imams and sheikhs are given the instruction for an Islamic Syria to the opposition. The values of the Syrian constitution was not found based on Islamic laws and the Sharia is not the law of Syria. most of the Syrian constitution was built on the french revolution values and equality of human beings.
God help us if the Sharia becomes the Law of Syria then will never catch with 21st century.
It is true that civilizations look up and forward and try to improve but to take Syria back to the middle age it helps only one country and you all know which one i am referring to, at the end it seems that the USA did and good job hijacking the arabic spring and turning it into a radical spring to take the Arabs few hundreds years backward.
Democracy HUH i need a joke now.
October 14th, 2011, 5:35 pm
The Demonstration of Love for the Leader, ??????? ?????????
October 14th, 2011, 6:47 pm
The minhibakites are amazing? They have no problem buying into the fabrications of the Syrian government about the Bandar gangs roaming Syria, but cannot stop whining about the alleged plot to assasinate the Saudi ambassador.
October 14th, 2011, 7:19 pm
Ali said:
Some Guy that was never in Damascus.
“words cant express my sorrow and anger.”
Well, No words can express my disgust! I wouldn’t be surprised if this another BS story like the little girl who drown, and the pathetic excuse for a revolution used her death in the most despicable way stating that she was killed by the Syrian GOVERNMENT.
Or maybe like that old man who died of natural causes and the so called freedom fighters added him on their list as killed by the GOVERNMENT. Hmmm. Heard of that electrician that died doing his job but was supposedly killed by the GOVERNMENT??? It doesn’t get any more pathetic than this. How is it that you people can sit there and pretend you give a **** and hundreds of army personnel and civilians are being killed everyday, and still call this peaceful. I’m absolutely disgusted!
October 14th, 2011, 7:36 pm
Haytham Khoury said:
Dear Jad@268:
The opposition figures that he invited including Michel Kilo, Louai Hussein, Mundher Khaddam and others, put one condition for the negotiations that was to stop all military actions, but the regime did not do so.
In your opinion was this just and real demand.
October 14th, 2011, 7:42 pm
Haytham Khoury said:
Dear Areal:
It is a mistake in the first place to discuss with people like you.
October 14th, 2011, 7:45 pm
Syria no kandahar said:
MB peaceful demonstrater,the man in the video is Erdogan
October 14th, 2011, 7:49 pm
Ali said:
Hamster…Just shows the level of intelligence and maturity we are dealing with…Grow up
October 14th, 2011, 7:53 pm
some guy no longer in damascus said:
i am from damascus, i know everything there is to know about damascus.
heres proof i was in damascus
i never insisted this revolution is peaceful, it has lost it’s peaceful element a looooong time ago.
if this happened somewhere far off like deir il zor or 3amouda, i wouldnt really comment ab out it.
but this kid died just south of midan, and he will be buried in midan tomorrow.
ali, bashar is a bad president because he allows rami makhlouf to run a monopoly in syria. thats all that is needed to tell you he is a bad president.
ali, my father was once exiled for writing poetry. thats all i need to tell you that there is no freedom of opinion and that you will be persecuted for your views.
ali, i inhaled the tear gas your besho thugs used on me.
one more thing: tackle the comment, not the commentator.
ps: i will not be attending the funeral, since could not secure transportation. sorry all.
October 14th, 2011, 7:57 pm
Ali said:
“they have no problem buying into the fabrications”
Really? How many times do we have to expose you! For the love of whoever you worship!!! Your sloppy fabrications have been exposed as many times as you’ve made BS comments.
October 14th, 2011, 8:00 pm
Haytham Khoury said:
Dear Jad:
Without understanding what went wrong:
1. Before Dara’a events
2. During Dara’a events
3. After Dara’a events
and putting to justice every one did wrong during these times, no reform will be meaningful.
Further, without accepting the essence of the regime (security and military nature) needs to be changed, no reform is meaningful.
Also, without accepting that ever Syrian is a human being, no reform is meaningful.
October 14th, 2011, 8:03 pm
Ali said:
1) That video tells me absolutely nothing to prove that you ever were in Damascus. You believe whatever you want.
2) No proof about your father (try something believable)
3)Tear gas…Again, not believable.
Why do feel the need to lie about your stories. You know one way or another they will be exposed. This child was most likely killed by those filthy terrorists as the Syrian army doesn’t target children and innocent souls. This is just another one of their games to shame the GOVERNMENT. Not gonna happen.
October 14th, 2011, 8:09 pm
some guy no longer in damascus said:
the al saleeb church is located in kasa3, please ask some one you know in damascus about it .
about the rest, im sorry you dont find me credible. maybe this will work out for you:
what makes you think im lying? i mean for all you know im a veiled on the internet. you dont know me, i tried linking my credibility to that one video infront of the al-saleeb church, so i beg of you, please ask some one you know in damascus about it. its located in kasa3.
i dont lie.
October 14th, 2011, 8:16 pm
friend in America said:
Regarding the plot assassinate the Saudi Ambassador…
Write what the Iranian propagandists want but the following will come out in the trial of this Syrian American defendant:
– Multiple recorded conversations with the defendant, with photos, about the assassination, believing the person the defendant is talking to is a representative of a Mexican drug cartel and agreeing on the price of $1.5 million US.
-Extensive discussions of how to kill the Ambassador, by car bomb at the ambassador’s favorite restaurant in Washington, blowing up the Ambassador’s car, by an airplane bomb, by shooting, or by other means.
– A transfer from an Iranian bank of $1.5 million USD to an account with authority of an Iranian embassy employee (rather, an al Quds employee) to withdraw.
– An assurance by the defendant that he can get $1.5 million USD from his source who is this same person in the Iranian embassy.
-Photos of this embassy man meeting with the defendant and giving him money.
You will find most of the disparaging comments on SC and elsewhere about the assassination are from Quds staffers in Damascus who are operating in the Ministry of Information. They have been there since Iran agreed to loan $6.5 billion to keep Syria’s international currency accounts solvent. For years the Assad government has been fond of asserting Syria is for Syrian, therefore no foreign intervention. That assertion is losing its legitimacy.
October 14th, 2011, 8:17 pm
Haytham Khoury said:
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Page: ?495 like this
October 14th, 2011, 8:34 pm
jad said:
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October 14th, 2011, 8:39 pm
Haytham Khoury said:
????? ????: ???? ?? ?????? ?? ????? ?????? ???? ?? ????????? ??? ??????
???? ?????? ?? ??????? ?????? ????? ???? ???? ???? ????? ??????? ?????? ?? ????? ??? ?????? ?? ????? ?????? ?? ????? ???????? ?? ?????? ????????? ??????? ?? ??????.
??? ????? ???? ????? ?? ??? ???? ????? ?????.
?? ???? ?????…..
????: ??? ????? ????? ??? ?????? ??????? ?? ????? ???? ???? ?? ???? ???? ????
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????: ???? ?? ?????? ?? ????? ?????? ???? ?? ????????? ??? ??????
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????: ???? ????? ??? 1976 ???? ??? ????? ??????
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October 14th, 2011, 8:42 pm
jad said:
Another faheeeeeeeeem from the SNC:
??? ?? ????? ???????? ?? ????? ???? ???? ???????????
?????????: ??????? ?????? ????? ?????? ???????? ?? ????? ??? ??????? ???????
??? – ???????.??
“??? ??????? ?? ????? ??????? ???????? ?? ?????? ??? ??? ????? ?????????? ?? ??????? ?????? ????? ?????? ???????? ???? ????? ????? ??????? ???????? ??? ????? ?? ??? ???????? ????? ?? ???? ?? ?????? ?????? ?????? ??? ??????? ?????? ???????.”
“??? ???? ???? ??? ????????? ??? ????? ???? ???? ????? ???? ??? ???? ???????? ??????? ?????? ???? ???? ???? ?????? ?? ?? ????? ???? ?????? ???? ????? ????? ?????????? ??? ?? ???? ??????? ???? ???? ?? ??? ??? ???? ??? ???? ???? ?? ???? ?????? ???????? ??? ?????? ?? ???? ??????.”
October 14th, 2011, 8:44 pm
Ali said:
“i mean for all you know im a veiled on the internet. you dont know me”
Exactly, so how do you expect me to believe a word you say?
Linking that video, which you say is “proof” means nothing to me. It consists of feet and papers. That could be anyone holding those signs. Anyone with common sense would say the same. In Damascus or not, I dont really care. I am debating politically, not personally.
October 14th, 2011, 8:47 pm
zoo said:
#267 Tara
Depending on whom you talk to, the Lebanese Christians, principally the Maronites allied with pro-Israel Geagea, will tell you the the Syrians massacred them, while the others, Greek orthodox, Armenians and Maronites now allied with Aoun and Frangie will tell you that the Syrian saved them from the Druze, the Sunni militias and the Palestinians.
The civil war in Lebanon was such a messy and complex war that violence, killings and excesses came from all the protagonists independently of their religion and political affiliation.
When the Maronites were on the verge of defeat in front of the Palestinians,the Druze and Sunnis militias, the Maronite Lebanese president Frangie called on Syria to intervene.
“In October 1976, Syria accepted the proposal of the Arab League summit in Riyadh. This gave Syria a mandate to keep 40,000 troops in Lebanon as the bulk of an Arab Deterrent Force charged with disentangling the combatants and restoring calm” (wikipedia)
The huge mistake was that the mandate was not limited in time and the Arab league never asked Syria to withdraw its troops.
Therefore the Syrian army “pacified” the country and settled in Lebanon. Some Syrian leaders, like Abdel Halim Khaddam, found that Lebanon was a good place to make money with corrupted Lebanese and intervene in the political directions of the country.
With time, the gratitude faded away and the resentment grew against Syria and the abuses and interference of its representatives in the political life of the country. We know the rest….
The Syrians responsible of crimes during that war were never indicted. The same applies to Christian Lebanese leaders responsible of horrendous massacres. In addition some of them are shamelessly still active in Lebanese politics. There has not been any thorough judicial investigation of the terrible crimes that happened during and after this war. This is why the murder of Hariri rallied the Lebanese who thought that finally some kind of justice was coming to their country.
Therefore the obituaries presented by Antoine of Christians killed should be completed by the obituaries of the Moslems, Druzes and Syrians soldiers who died during that war.
Then we could have the whole picture of the victims of that dirty war that no Lebanese want to remember.
October 14th, 2011, 8:56 pm
Dale Andersen said:
Memo To: AREAL
RE: Antoine’s posting of specific incidents of Syrian imperialist, colonialist war crimes in Lebanon
It really bothers you, doesn’t it, dude. You Besho Buttlickers like to point your garlicky fingers at the West and scream “Colonialists! Imperialists!” when in fact the biggest perpetrators in the Middle Easts in recent times have been the Syrians.
And your only response to Antoine was, “Well, what about Israel?” Nice try, Dude! Clean up your own dirty house and maybe then we’ll discuss the JewBoys.
The sad thing is, regarding Lebanon, you Syrians don’t think you did anything wrong.
And you never apologized to Lebanon.
And you don’t plan to apologize in the future.
And you wonder why nobody likes you…
October 14th, 2011, 8:57 pm
some guy no longer in damascus said:
by that logic, there is NO way i can prove to you i was in Damascus, my father’s exile or the tear gas incident. im using my personal experiences that are also political to justify my views. you keep branding them as lies, how can i gain your trust?
using your logic, i can simply say: You are an israeli agent, attempting to convince people that there is a conspiracy in syria. so that besho can get a stronger grip on syria, and keep silence in the golan. ofcourse i dont say it, because its pretty stupid to say so, but thats your technique. if you dont like my posts, tackle the comments, disprove them! dont attack me. dont find me credible? tell people why! otherwise if you dont have proof whether i was or wasnt in damascus, dont bother.
ps: you made this personal when you called me some guy that was never in damascus, and you know what ? when politicians are killing kids in my neighborhood, personal is political.
October 14th, 2011, 8:58 pm
jad said:
Here we go, the main issue, Iran the BAD ‘Shia’:
???????? ??????? ???? ????? ??????? ??? ???? ??????
??????: ???? ????? ?? ?????? ?????? ?????? ??????? ??????? ?????? ????????? ?? ????? ????? ?????? ?????? ??? ??????? ?????? ?????? ???? ???? ???? ?????? ?????? ???? ?????.
(Haytham, didn’t you tell us couple days ago that the SNC is NOT asking anybody for recognition?! I guess they are not sharing with you some important information)
??? ???? ????? ?? ?????? ?????? ?? ????? ???????? ???????? ??? ?????? ?? ?? “??? ?????” ?? ????? ?? ????? ???? ???? ????? ????? ???????? ???????? ?? ??????. ????? ??? ?????? ?????? ???? ??????? “????? ??????? ??????????? ??? ???? ??????”.
(So, when the average Syrians warn that this uprising may end up as a civil war, we get attacked and called names but when they talk about it, it’s OK! Halal!)
???? ??? ?????? ?????? ??????? ?? ??????? ???? ?????? ?? “?????? ??????? ???? ??? ?????? ??????? ??? ????? ?? ????? ???? ??? ?? ???? ?? ????? ??? ??? ???? ????????? ???????????? ??? ???? ????”.
?????: “?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ??? ??? ???? ???? ????? ??????? ????? ?? ???? ?????? ?????? ????? ???????? ?????? ????? ??????? ?????? ?? ??????”. ???? ????? ??????? ???????? ???????? ??????? ???? ???? ?? ??? ?????? ???? ?????? ???? ????? ??????? ?????? ??????. ???? ?????: “????? ?? ??? ?? ???? ???? ????? ??? ???? ????? ?????.. ??? ?? ??? ????? ???? ??? ????? ?????”.
???? ??????? ??? ?? “?????? ??????? ??? ?????? ?? ????? ???? ????? ???? ???? ?? ???? ?????”. ?????: “??? ?? ?????? ???? ????? ???? ?????? ?? ?????”? ??? ?????? ?????? ????? ???? ?????. ???? ??????? ?? “???? ????? ?????.. ??? ???? ?????? ??????? ????? ?? ?????? ???? ?? ??? ????? ??????? ????????? ???? ????? ??? ????? ??????”.
(Amazing the amount of contradiction they fell in when they open their mouths…the FRAGILE economy, aren’t they the ones who begged the west for the sanctions against all Syrians and not only the regime! yet he continue his blah blah blah…what a bunch of BLIND Syrian Intellectuals and ‘revolution’ specialist we have…)
????? ??? ??? “????? ????? ?? ???? ?????? ??????.. ?? ??? ?????? ????? ?????? ??? ?????? ??? ???????? ???????”. ????: “????? ?? ????? ??? ??? ????? ???? ??? ????? ??? ????? ????????”. ????? ??????? ?????? ????? ???? ????? ???????? ????? ?? ??? ??? ??? ??????? ??? ?????? ???? ????????? ??????? ?? ???????.
(Here he come the fake Brit with his ‘smart’ theories:)
??? ????? ??? ????? ???? ????? ?? ??????? ???? ???????? ??????? ?????? ???? ?????? ????? ??? ????? ????? ??????. ?????? ????: “?? ??? ??? ??????? ?????? ?????? ?? ????? ?????? ????? ????? ????? ?? ?????? ?????? ???? ??????”? ?????? ??????? ?????? ????? ???? ???? ????? ?? ?? ???? ?? ?????.
(Oh..I have an idea, let’s ask Turkey to occupy Syria..AGAIN…
???? ????? ?? ????? ?? ????????!!!)
????: “??? ????? ??? ???? ???? ?? ????? ?????? ??????? ??????? ???? ?????? ?????? ???? ?????? ?????? ????? ??????”. ?????: “??? ????? ?? ??????? ????? ?????? ???????? ????? ??? ?????”. ?????? ?? ?? ??????? “??? ???? ????????? ?? ?????? ??????? ???? ?? ????? ????????? ???????? ??? ??? ???????? ??????? ?? ???? ?????”.
(now the balanced one will talk: itfadal)
???? ?? ???? ????????? ?? ?????? ?????? ?????? ????? ????? ???? ?? ??? ???? ?? ???? ?????? ?????? ???? ????? “????? ??? ???? ???? ???” ?? ??? ??? ????? ???? ???? ???? ???????? ?? ?????.
???? ????? “??? ??? ?? ??? ?? ???? ????? ?? ??????? ????? ????? ??? ???? ???? ???”. ????? “?? ???? ????? ?? ??????? ????? ?? ????? ????? ??? ??????? ????? ?????? ?? ????????”.
?????? “??? ???? ?? ???? ?? ??? ????? ?? ???? ???? ????? ???? ?? ??? ????? ?? ????”. ???? ??? “?? ??????? ?? ???? ??? ????? ??? ??? ?? ??????? ?? ?????? ??????????”? ????? ?? “????? ?????? ??? ?? ??? ????????? ?? ???? ????”.
(Sure, he WON’T ask for any intervention AT ALL…I so believe him…)
???? ??? ????? ??? ????? “?? ????? ??? ??? ?????? ???????” ???????? ????? “???? ????? ?????? ?? ??? ????? ???????? ???? ???? ??????”? ????? “?? ??? ???? ??? ???? ?????? ???? ????? ??? ??????? ?????????”. ???? ????? ????? ??? ?????? ?????? “???? ????? ???? ?????? ???? ?????? ???? ????”. ???? ??? “?? ???? ???? ??? ????? ?? ?????”.
(shee bi2arref)
????? ????? ??? ????? ????/???? ???? ???????? ??? ?????? ???? ????? ?? ???? ???? ?? 2900 ???? ???? ????? ??????? ???? ???? ????? “?????? ??????? ?????” ?????? ????? ?????????? ?? ??????.
??????? ?????? ?????? ???? ????? ?????? ????? ?? ?????? ?? ????? ?????/?????? ?? ??????? ?? ????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?? ???? ???? ??????? ??????? ???? ???? ??? ????????? ???????????? ?????? ??????? ???????? ???????? ??? ???? ????? ?? ????? ????? ????? ????? ???????.
October 14th, 2011, 9:05 pm
zoo said:
Haytham #293
The Syrian local opposition missed the boat when they put conditions for a dialog. Neither the government not they had any control on the demonstrations and the violent excesses that were escalating. The cycle of violence was going out of control. It was the responsibility of both the government AND the opposition to stop it.
Yet, the opposition either thought they would be treated as traitors, or more probably they knew they had no control of the demonstrations orchestrated from outside, so they withdrew and put the burden on the government to stop them ‘peacefully’ before dialog.
If they had accepted to sit and setup WITH the government a strategy of reforms AND a strategy of pacification, they would have gained more credibility within the Syrian population, many of them identifying with the opposition. This would have brought back to Syria a movement that started in Sweden and the US.
Under advices of the ones who thought Bashar Al Assad will go easily like Mobarak, they refused.
By doing so, they allowed violence to grow and the uprising to be hijacked by Westerners and others with a dubious agenda.
Now with the UN veto, this western Turkey-French-Syria opposition is stuck.
They are scrambling to decide on what to do while the country sees murders and account settlings.
Now that it is clear that unlike Mobarak, Bashar Al Assad is still holding on, it is time for the local opposition to offer dialog now and get the ball in its camp, strong of the support of Russia and China. I hope they don’t miss the boat again.
October 14th, 2011, 9:19 pm
Ali said:
I dont trust anyone that supports terrorism, murder and mutilations. How many times do we have to expose the fabricated videos and pictures to disprove your statements?
PS. Calling you Some guy that was never in Damascus is my personal opinion. You cant change my mind. I think about things logically.
October 14th, 2011, 9:19 pm
Ya Mara Ghalba said:
Morpheus, a Damascus-based architect, says: “The “Silent Majority” failed so far to seize its right to preserve the important achievements of the Syrian state since its birth in 1947 and to enter the political debate strongly and effectively using peaceful means and civic action.”
Once again I say that my reading of Syria’s situation is that the majority of Syrians are committed to this regime. An uncommitted “Silent Majority” is a myth. There will be parliamentary elections in 2012. If no major opposition to the regime emerges in the election contest (which is looking very likely right now, you know), that’ll shred up Morpheus’s intangible notion that “the Silent Majority failed to seize its right to enter the political debate”. Instead, it’ll be making it clear to us all that the majority supports this regime.
Separately from that, Morpheus is making another mistake when he says that sectarianism is increasing. Once again I say that Syria’s events of this year affirm that Syria is safe from sectarianism:
October 14th, 2011, 9:20 pm
Tara said:
Thank you for your answer.
October 14th, 2011, 9:21 pm
Haytham Khoury said:
??? ?????? ??? ???? ????? ???? ??? ?????? ?????? ??????? ???? ??????? ????? ?????? ?? ????? ??????? ??????? ???? ???? ??? ????? ??????? ?????????? ????????.
???? ???? ?? ???? ?????? ?? ??????? ????????? ???? ???? ??????? ?????? ???????? ????? ?? ??? ?? ???? ????? ??? ??????? ??? ??? ?? ??????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ??? ???? ???? ?? ???? ??? ????????? ?????? ???? ???????
October 14th, 2011, 9:27 pm
Haytham Khoury said:
Dear Zoo@312:
I agree with you that the opposition has no control on the demonstrators.
I have no doubt that the opposition figures that I mentioned in a previous post felt embarrassed to start the dialogue, while people continue to die in the street. However, there is another reason: there is no trust between the opposition figures (even the moderate ones) and the regime.
Despite all that, the dialogue continued with fewer opposition figures. What came from that dialogue? Nothing. Anybody have an explanation??
What is the problem?
Bashar lacks leadership.
If Bashar had leadership he would have met with all the opposition figures one by one in his office that would have established trust. Trust is important in politics. Is this hard. Please tell me. I invite everybody to tell me if this is hard.
October 14th, 2011, 9:46 pm
Dale Andersen said:
Memo To: TARA
RE: Zoo’s interpretation of “current events” concerning Syria and Lebanon
Don’t thank him, Tara. Zoo’s just a guy on the street with too much time on his hands. He’s no more an expert on Syria’s Lebanon “adventure” than the Man-in-the-Moon.
When you get down to it, all he’s saying is, it wasn’t just Syria, everyone was shooting at everybody and Syria got caught in the middle of it and yes, SOME Syrians committed crimes, but then again, so did the Maronites and the Druze and gosh, it was soooo confusing.
Did you notice how Zoo never touched on the MURDER of Prime Minister Hariri? You Syrians killed him. You didn’t pull the trigger. You got your toadies and collaborators, Hizbollah, to do it, but you told them to. Why? Because Hariri had the balls to tell you bastards to GET OUT.
It’s time for Syria to man up and apologize.
October 14th, 2011, 9:46 pm
Ali said:
Reports state that an armed terrorist group on Friday evening attacked a bus heading from Damascus to Aleppo with more than 22 passengers on board, inuring the driver, a woman and a policeman.
The bus driver told the Syrian TV that after crossing the Talbiseh bridge, gunmen hiding among trees opened fire on the bus, causing him to sustain injuries from gunshot shrapnel, adding that he passed out as passengers were screaming and woke up in a hospital.
Dr. Samer Khalil from Aleppo National Hospital said the injured driver was admitted with fragment from a shotgun round in the right eye and that he will undergo surgery to extract the foreign object from his eye.
Mohammad Qassem al-Jamous has died and seven others have been wounded in mass quarrel between the armed gangs in Da’el, Daraa on Friday
?Two men arrested while planning plant explosive cans in “Al Zira’a” pro Assad neighborhood.
October 14th, 2011, 9:51 pm
zoo said:
Haytham #316
The SNC is courting the “temporary” military rulers in Egypt?
Why not, but I doubt Egypt will dare support such groups whose leader Borhan Ghalioun is probably persona non grata in Saudi Arabia. Remember that Saudi Arabia is the rare supporter of the crumbling economy of Egypt and is not particularly incline to fund a group with an anti-Islam leader.
By choosing Ghalioun the ‘opposition’ hoped to please their Western sponsors. By doing so, they have displeased the rich Moslem country. A big dilemma that they may solve by removing Ghalioun or …
October 14th, 2011, 9:53 pm
zoo said:
Dale Andersen
Your critic and your brilliant remarks are the best compliment I could get! Thanks
October 14th, 2011, 9:56 pm
zoo said:
Haytham #317
I agree that mistrust on both sides has been ( and still is) the main obstacle. I also guess that leadership was absent on both sides.
Now the Russians are the warrant of the seriousness of the dialog with the government. The SNC has bluntly refused and has criticized Russia, so why is the local opposition not jumping in the boat now and re-integrate the ‘revolution’ to Syrians?
October 14th, 2011, 10:02 pm
Amir in Tel Aviv said:
You’re wasting your time on this mnhebakiest of mnhebaks, Ali. You have to prove nothing to no one.
October 14th, 2011, 10:04 pm
Dale Andersen said:
It’s not “critic.” It’s “criticism” or “critique.” Learn the lingo, zoo. Then you might be able to pass yourself off as an educated man…
October 14th, 2011, 10:06 pm
zoo said:
Dale Andersen
Thanks teach! Always so thoughtful!
October 14th, 2011, 10:12 pm
zoo said:
Assassination of Meshaal Tamo view by a Turkish politician
Selahattin Demirta?, BDP co-chair, says he warned President Gül and Foreign Minister Davuto?lu against a spillover from Syria
…Commenting on the recent assassination of Syrian Kurdish leader Meshaal Tamo, Demirta? said the Kurds had not been involved in domestic insurrection, or revolted against al-Assad, and were balanced in their politics. He added that he was not directly in contact with Syrian Kurds and received information indirectly.
“They might be trying to incite the Kurdish people with such assassinations. This could turn into a Kurdish-Arab, Sunni-Shiite conflict. Maybe that’s what they’re planning,” Demirta? said. “The whole thing is heading toward a dangerous point.”
The Turkish government has overstretched itself to the point of interfering with Syria, said Demirta?, urging the ruling party to provide an explanation as to what the Turkish and Kurdish people should expect for the future of the region.{…}
October 14th, 2011, 10:30 pm
jad said:
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(????? ? ? ?? ? ?? ??????? ? ? ?? ? ? ?)
October 14th, 2011, 10:30 pm
Haytham Khoury said:
Dear Zoo.
I think the Egyptian military council refused to receive the SNC to do not have a political problem with the Syrian regime. On the other hand, there is an Egyptian political coalition that recognized the SNC as representative of Syrian opposition and revolution.
I do not think the SNC are very occupied by the geopolitical issues. They are looking for any support. They went to Egypt, because they felt the the Syrian people would accept in good way the Egyptian support. On the other hand, the Gulf state support may create a controversy.
Regarding Ghalioun as head, that was because he initiated the effort to form the council. Further, without him the opposition inside the country would never join the SNC coalition.
I should tell you that the Syrian opposition is still naive in term of geopolitical calculation. Also, it is still absorbed by its internal conflicts rather by its strategic calculations
October 14th, 2011, 10:34 pm
ann said:
On Syria, she voiced support for the burgeoning opposition against the regime of Syrian President Bashar Assad,
The U.S. cannot speed that process along. “IT CANNOT BE ACCELERATED FROM OUTSIDE,” Clinton told the AP.
October 14th, 2011, 10:35 pm
jad said:
????? ??????? ??????? ???? 55 ????? ?????
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???? ??? ????? 20.6 ????? ????? ?? ?????? ?????? ???????? ?????? ??????? ?????? ????? 35.3 ????? ????? ?? ????? ????????? ??????? ????????.
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????? ??????? ???? «????? ???? ???? ??????? ?????? ?????? ?? ??????? ??????? ???? ??? ???????? ????? ??????? ?? ??? ??????? ?????????.» (??????)
October 14th, 2011, 10:42 pm
jna said:
I’m sure you notice that Dale, the American sycophant, will never own up to his own country’s atrocities which dwarf anything he accuses Syria of.
October 14th, 2011, 10:42 pm
Haytham Khoury said:
@ Zoo # 322.
I did not agree with SNC delegation refusal to meet with the Russian officials. I felt it was a stupid diplomatic act. I expressed that to them, even while they were in Moscow (indeed, I was in contact with them while they were in Moscow).
However, let tell you what happened. They were invited to Moscow without knowing about the Russian agenda. They thought they were going to improve their relationship with Moscow. However, while they are there they discovered that the Russian agenda is to discuss a potential dialogue with the Syrian regime. They felt that they were unprepared to discuss the terms of this dialogue. They canceled the meeting while they were in Moscow.
A lesson for the future: always ask about the visit purpose, before going. The stakes are always big in in international relationships and you can’t go without preparations.
October 14th, 2011, 10:48 pm
Haytham Khoury said:
@ ZOO #322
Also, the Syrian regime is not very happy about the Russian mediation, because it feels it is a Syrian internal issue.
For this reason, the regime also is too stubborn.
October 14th, 2011, 11:11 pm
zoo said:
Haytham #332
Come on, Russia has been repeated for weeks and weeks that they want the opposition to dialog with the government. The UN veto was just about that. You mean the SNC did not read news?
I just don’t buy the excuse they give which is an insult to intelligence. What? they think we are so ignorant to believe that nonsense!
My opinion is that they are so pumped up by the support they have from western countries that they thought they could convince the Russians to go against Bashar Al Assad. How arrogant and stupid!
When it failed they made up that ridiculous excuse. Very disappointing from a professor in philosophy!
Sorry Haytham, but their credibility is going down while their arrogance and stupidity is going up..
I suggest you switch and use your energy to help and boost the local opposition as much as you can. While naive, they are the only ones genuinely interested in solving that issue peacefully and without a hidden agenda.
#333 The regime has no choice they must swallow their pride or in a few weeks they’ll be gone if there is a new UN resolution this time supported by Russia and China
October 14th, 2011, 11:19 pm
jad said:
Dear Haytham,
You are doing it again, writing something that contradict what you wrote a day before:
“I did not agree with SNC delegation refusal to meet with the Russian officials. I felt it was a stupid diplomatic act. I expressed that to them, even while they were in Moscow”
How can you disagree with the SNC decision while you clearly despise the Russian position and being vocal about that in your article and in your comments:
“Unfortunately, the one who is intervening the Syrian internal affairs is Russia, but we discovered its malignant behavior.”
“Thank you very much. I sent it to Gahlioun yesterday, while he was in Moscow. He confronted the Russian with their manipulative schemes.”
“Russia is playing a very dirty game. Dr. Galioun confronted the Russians on that when he was on Tuesday.”
See my friend Haytham, when a failed arrogant and stupid opposition gaining its success through the mistakes of a failed criminal and stupid regime and not from the good and meaningful achievements or from a heroic stand by its members’s in support of the average Syrians without starving them and taking away their money through the international sanctions it makes you understand why the average Syrian ‘Abu Ahmad’ don’t trust or support this kind of bankrupt oppositions and why the West is finding it too easy for using this council and its clowns for political gains in the continuous power struggle over the middle east.
Both, the regime and the opposition are collections of failed opportunists individuals and the result of their stupid efforts will be a mirror of themselves…this regime deserve this opposition both are the same evil, unfortunately the biggest looser is the average Syrian ‘Abu Ahmad’.
October 14th, 2011, 11:19 pm
zoo said:
The Copts march and the lies of the Egyptian army on the events.
In an interactive, the Guardian has gathered more testimonies given by some of those on the march of Coptic Christians in Cairo on Sunday night that ended with 26 dead and more than 500 injured. Many of them have been translated into English for the first time and directly contradict the claims made by the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces in Wednesday’s press conference regarding the origins and nature of the violence
Here are some quotes from the testimonies:
Bishoy Saad
The soldier at the tank hatch was opening machine gun fire in every direction … we could just hear screams and the window glass in the building next to Maspero shattering from the gunfire
Ragy El-Kashef
I saw three soldiers carrying a corpse and throwing it into the Nile … I saw scenes with my own eyes that will haunt me forever
Khaled El-Sherbini
The Copts (men, women, children and elders) were being beaten by thugs … no not
beaten, annihilated
Hani Bushra
The order to use live ammunition was made in front of me … This is not religious strife, this is state sponsored terrorism.
Lobna Darwish
I found a woman screaming … I ran to hug her, and her husband was shot dead by her feet.
October 14th, 2011, 11:27 pm
zoo said:
JNA #331
I know, it is called the Israeli selective amnesia. No cure found yet.
October 14th, 2011, 11:34 pm
Haytham Khoury said:
Dear JAD @335.
I agree with you both the opposition and the regime are stupid. I do not defend the opposition unconditionally. I defend the Syrian people unconditionally, especially those are victim of aggression.
Please do not look at my apparent contradiction. I sometimes use political rhetoric.
Regarding my previous post. I will explain for you the Russian attitude. The Russian strategy is to prolong the regime’s life at any cost. They want the dialogue to give the regime time. However, that does not mean they are completely not serious about the dialogue. They think they can do it. However, are they realistic. I do not know. For this reason, I still believe the opposition should continue to contact the Russians, even for discussing the terms of dialogue. As I was told they will try to do so. As I mentioned previously, the regime is not very willing to cooperate with the Russian initiative ( I can support that by facts, I will write an article about that).
The problem with the Syrian opposition is they are not very expert in diplomacy. They need to learn. I am preparing for them a small study on the Russian diplomacy since Putin came to power. The problem with the Syrian regime it is too stiff.
October 14th, 2011, 11:39 pm
jad said:
Dear Haytham,
Thank you for the explanation.
I disagree with you regarding the opposition not being ‘expert’ in diplomacy, they are doing good job in the game of diplomacy especially in the West so that is not a valid excuse, they knew how to make the US and the EU to put on many sanctions that effect the average Syrians more than the regime and they knew how to help the West to try to push further and get involved and probably ‘soon’ intervene politically and militarily in Syria, so they are not that ‘naive’ or need more ‘help’ they did enough damage in their ‘diplomacy’ skills and they didn’t stop, now they are pushing the ‘Dynamo’ (Qatar and KSA) to do more damage to Syria…they will get the fire they are calling for sooner or later but at that time it will burn them too.
October 14th, 2011, 11:49 pm
jad said:
To those who missed the fun:
?????? ????? ???????
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???? ?????? «????? ?????? ??????????»? ???? ???? ??????? ??? ?? ??????? ??????? ????? «???????» ??? ???? «??????».
?????? ????? «??????? ?????»? «??? ????»? «??????? ???????»? «??????? ???????»? «??????? ???» ??????? ?? ??? «????? ?????? ??????????» ???? ?? ????? ??????? ????? ?????? ?????? ??????? ???? ?????? ??? ??? ????? ????? ???? ?????? ?????? ????? ??? ?? ????? ?? ???? ???????? ?????? ??????? ??? ?????? ??? ???????? ??? ????? «???????» ???????? ???????? ??????.
??? ??? ????? ?????? ?? ??????? ?????? «??????? ?????» ??? ???? ?? ????? ??? ???? ?????? ?? ??? ??? ?? ?? ???? ???? ?????????.
October 14th, 2011, 11:59 pm
zoo said:
Haytham #338
Why do you question Russia’s realism and not the western’s realism about Syria.
If there has been the emergence of an opposition leadership both geographically, politically and militarily to challenge seriously the present regime, the western position of removing Bashar Al Assad may have been qualified of ‘realistic’, but after 7 months and the UN veto, it is clear that it did not happen and won’t happen, despite the increased hysteria of the media realizing that their hard work lead to nothing. The position of the Russian seems now to be the most realistic one.
I understand that the local Syrian opposition is having hard time to have its voice heard. They must unite, the Third way with the others to become a serious negotiator when dealing with the government who, we know it, excels in smart diplomacy.
This is where you can help.
I hope that the Russian will supervise and moderate the dialog, despite the reluctance of the regime. As I said before the regime has no choice if it wants to survive than follow the road the Russian are telling them to follow. This time, the clock is really ticking.
October 15th, 2011, 12:09 am
jad said:
Alarming news!
Are we heading toward the Algerian style killing during the power struggle of the 90s, a family of 5 where slaughtered in Idleb provence, the mother is pregnant and the kids are 3,4 and 7 years old.
??? ????? ????? ?? 5 ????? ?? ??? ???? “????”
?? ??? ??????? 3 ????? ????? ??????
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????? ??????? ??? ??? (?? ?) ?????? ?????? (?? ?) ?? ???? ???? ???? ?3 ????? (????? ????) ?????? ??????? ??? 3 ?4 ?7 ?????.
??????? ??? ??????? ??????? “??????”? ?????? ?? “?? ????? ??????? ?? ??? ????????? ????”.
???? ????? ????? ??? ?????? ??? ?????? ???? ??? ?????????? ?? “??????? ????? ?????? ???? ??? ???? ????? ????? ??? ??? ???? ???? ?????? ??????? ???? ???? ????? ??????? ?? ????? ????? ??????”.
??? ??? ????? ??? ?? “????? ????? ??? ??? 48 ???? ??? ?????? ???? ?? ????? ??????”.
???? ???? ???? ???????? ??? ??? ????? ?? ????? ??? ?? “????? ?? ???? ????? ?? ??? ??????? ?? ?? ???? ?????? ???????? ???? ?????? ???????”.
???? ??? ?? ??? ????? ?????? ???? ?? ?????? ??????? ?? ??? ?? ????? ??? ????? ????? ???? ??? ????? “???” ????.
October 15th, 2011, 12:40 am
340. JAD
You must have missed the fun when the websites of several ministries of the murderous Syrian regime were hacked. Tell your friends at in the Electronic Syrian Army to watch out.
October 15th, 2011, 12:45 am
Revlon said:
257. Dear ANTOINE,
The data you have posted is very important.
I would like to know what would constitute to you a proper handling of this file of crimes against humanity committed by the Syrian regime and its armed forces, in post-Asad, Free Syria?
October 15th, 2011, 12:50 am
ann said:
NY judge: Al-Qaida owes $9.3 billion for 9/11 harm – 4 hrs ago
NEW YORK (AP) — A magistrate judge in New York has recommended al-Qaida be assessed $9.3 billion for the damage done to properties and businesses in the Sept. 11 attacks.
Federal Magistrate Judge Frank Maas in a ruling Friday sent the recommendation to a district judge presiding over a lawsuit brought by several insurance companies.
The companies in 2003 sued various defendants, seeking damages for the 2001 terror attacks, which demolished the World Trade Center’s twin towers. Al-Qaida never responded to the lawsuit and was found in default in 2006. Maas determined the actual damages and then tripled them as allowed by law.
At this time, the companies were only seeking an assessment of damages against al-Qaida. The organization founded by Osama bin Laden is blamed for orchestrating the terror attacks.
October 15th, 2011, 12:52 am
jad said:
I guess I missed that fun, what a lost!
I’ll tell my friends in the ESA your message, to watch out from your rage, Thanks!
October 15th, 2011, 12:52 am
irritated said:
#343 Syr-expat
Hacking is business as usual on Internet: High-Tech Harvard was hacked so why not low-tech Syrian government websites! Nothing funny and nothing to be proud of!
October 15th, 2011, 12:54 am
Ali said:
Stop tiring your pretty little fingers writing nonsense and find something useful to do with your time. Two words for you…DOUBLE VETO
October 15th, 2011, 1:30 am
Dale Andersen said:
Memo To: JNA
RE: “…which dwarf anything he accuses Syria of…”
You see? You can’t admit your imperialist crimes. It sticks in your throat. So you try to turn it back at the accuser. You say, “No matter how much genocide and human rights violations Syria perpetrated in Lebanon, what the USA has done is WORSE.” Sorry. That doesn’t excuse you. And it won’t make it go away.
After Bashar is dead, a number of Syrians are going to be put on trial (just like the Serbs and Rwandans) and do you think the Court will buy the argument, “Well gee, we may have killed and raped and fucked over little Lebanon but what America did is worse, okay?” The judge will say, “Nice try, Dude.”
Also, there’ll be the question of reparations for Lebabon. The new government of Syria will have to pay Lebanon and probably have to apologize.
And you still think it was a little thing. Of course, you forgot to ask the Lebanese. How convenient of you!
So strap yourselves in. Because as Yogi once said, “It ain’t over ’till it’s over.”
October 15th, 2011, 2:01 am
Ghufran said:
???? ???? ?????
October 15th, 2011, 2:11 am
ann said:
Lawmakers push hard line on Iran, Syria – October 14, 2011
“The Iranian and Syrian governments continue their current behavior at ever-increasing risk of isolation,” said Wendy Sherman, under secretary of state for political affairs. “Our actions to counter their domestic, regional, and international belligerency are unmistakably escalating the cost of doing business as usual for both countries.”
The United States and its allies are “making progress in both Iran and Syria,” insisted David Cohen, Treasury under secretary for terrorism and financial intelligence. Despite the recent imposition of a host of new economic sanctions, all options “are on the table” and “we will continue (to develop) new and innovative ways” to punish the two governments if they fail to change, he said.
Sherman and Cohen both issued strong condemnations of the alleged assassination plot.
“This plot was a flagrant violation of international law and a (dangerous) escalation by Iran,” Sherman said. “The regime must be held accountable for its actions.”
The “murder for hire” plot is a “wake-up call,” argued Florida GOP Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, the chairwoman of the committee. “Imagine how much more blatant (Iran’s) aggression would be if it had nuclear weapons.”
California Rep. Howard Berman, the committee’s top Democrat, said he was “sickened” by the “twisted” plot.
October 15th, 2011, 2:18 am
ann said:
At UN As Germany Raises Syria, Russia Say Improper, Arab Group Meets – on Iran
UNITED NATIONS, October 14 , updated – When the UN Security Council met for its monthly “horizon briefing” by the Department of Political Affairs on Friday, multiple sources told Inner City Press that the topics were Somalia, Madagascar and sanctions.
On sanctions, as exclusively reported by Inner City Press, a draft resolution for additional sanctions on Eritrea was circulated in Friday morning’s session. Not on agenda but discussed, according to German Ambassador Peter Wittig, was the issue of Syria.
Wittig emerged from the Council and told the press that he had raised Syria, saying that since the double veto, which Syria celebrated as a victory, the crackdown had continued.
Moments later, Russian Deputy Permanent Representative Pankin likewise told Inner City Press what he had said in consultations: that raising Syria was “procedurally improper.” Pankin said, “Somalia and Madagascar were on the agenda. If you want to raise Syria, do it the proper way.”
Clearly, the rifts in the Security Council continue. So too, it appears, in the Arab group, which met Friday afternoon at Qatar’s mission to the UN at 809 UN Plaza, source said on the topic of the alleged Iranian plot against Saudi Arabia’s ambassador in Washington.
Some speculated that the locale and topic meant that Syrian Permanent Representative Bashar Ja’afari would not attend. But he arrived, smiling, at 4:05 pm. Moments later Somalia’s Permanent Representative went in, followed ten minutes later by Morocco’s Permanent Representative Loulichki, seeking a seat on the Security Council in the October 21 election. We’ll have more on this – watch this site.
Update of 6:11 pm — a source back from the Arab Group meeting says a statement on Iran was agreed, with an oral reservation by Bashar Ja’afari of Syria, and will go to the Security Council and General Assembly…
October 15th, 2011, 2:20 am
Ghufran said:
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October 15th, 2011, 2:32 am
Ghufran said:
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October 15th, 2011, 2:36 am
Mina said:
Permanent link for the Guardian article on the Copts march in Cairo given (wrongly) above:
When you’ll be finish with “regime change”, don’t forget to tell us how fun is “nation-building”.
In case you want to ask the Afghans and the Iraqis (6 hours of electricity per day in Baghdad) how it looks like, please read:
October 15th, 2011, 2:41 am
Mina said:
Thank you so much for posting M. Darwish’s poetry. It is refreshing. Does anyone have some good links for Marcel Khalife’s songs (especially with Umayma in Festival of Bayt al-Din, if possible), because what is available on Youtube is very small.
October 15th, 2011, 2:43 am
Alex said:
Thank you Ghat Al bird, hope to see you here more often.
Dear Haytham (#200), I did not delete any of your comments. Sometimes they go automatically to the spam filter if they include links or numbers or excessive formatting. I also notice some comments stuck in the moderation folder because some of you enter your name quickly and mis a letter of two. That way you sound like a new contributor which means your comment does not get released until a moderator notices it.
If this happens again, please send me an email and I will login and release it. Otherwise I am not here most of the time.
October 15th, 2011, 3:32 am
some guy no longer in damascus said:
thats too bad. lakan my advise to you is just ignore my posts.
October 15th, 2011, 5:44 am
Areal said:
294. Haytham Khoury said:
Dear Areal:
It is a mistake in the first place to discuss with people like you
You are unable post the list of the 15 alleged children which have been allegedly tortured by the Syrian police in Deraa around March 18th 2011,
despite your real relations to members of the opposition in the SNC.
Thank you for the admission of the tale that some make you ( and others) believe.
Thank you for talking again and again about this event and giving me the possibility to extirpate the truth from your sources.
October 15th, 2011, 6:48 am
Mina said:
Sorry to repeat it but, the Syrians who are now resorting to violence and are not afraid to carry weapons and launch attacks on the army did not simply read Aboud’s posts on SC and thought well yes he has a point.
They are of only 2 kinds: 1) normal thugs who have always been trafficking drugs and weapons as a living (and indeed, the gov is responsible for having turned a blind eye on the country, thus becoming a self-proclaimed ‘rogue-state’); 2) manipulated fanatics who have always considered Asad’s family and the Baathists as “kuffar-s”, since there is no more awful word in their mind than “secularism”.
October 15th, 2011, 7:01 am
Syrialover said:
You must be feeling frantic! Even though you’ve worn your hand out cutting and pasting a couple of entries here over 60 paragraphs long, your cyberpest crown has been knocked off your head by Antoine, Areal and Norman.
You’ll have to copy and paste a few telephone directories to get back in the running.
What’s wrong?
Why the repeat posts, and why include all the slops (ie Turn autoplay offTurn autoplay on ump to content [s]Jump to comments [c]Jump to site navigation [0]Jump to search [4]Terms and conditions [8] AD INFINITUM)?
And why not just summarise and put the link to Transparancy International’s report (which is freely out there for all to see)?
If it’s lack of technical know-how, it doesn’t take much to learn how to copy and format text properly.
October 15th, 2011, 7:03 am
Todd said:
If I just landed from Mars, I would think that what is being destroyed in Syria, based on Morpheus’s piece, is some enlightened form of Western secular liberalism: religious diversity, Arabs and non-Arabs all working together to make a beautiful society. Sounds wonderful indeed!
Indeed Syria could have been all that, except for one thing: it’s obsession with Jews and with Israel. Syria could have chosen a different path: it didn’t have to become a center for Middle East terrorism, a proxy for Iran and a home for Hamas and Hezbollah. The ingredients were all there (and Morpheus relates to this: religious diversity and secularism – never mind for a moment the treatment of Syria’s Jews, now long gone) for a Syria that could have been allied to the West and an economy that would have flourished in that milieu.
Now that Syria is crumbling, as Morpheus points out into sectarianism (and sectarian warfare and a possible – likely? – civil war), no one in the West cares: anything that comes next is better than a regime that was home to terrorism, served as a proxy for Iran and was obsessed with destroying Israel by creating mayhem in the region at every opportunity. Syria could have chosen a much different path – and didn’t. It now pays the price.
October 15th, 2011, 7:05 am
Tara said:
Sorry. I think Zoo is an expert and I like him. I may disagree with him but he comes off pretty solid.
October 15th, 2011, 8:21 am
Mina said:
On Qatar’s “democracy” (or what is a Gulf ‘state’? just a company, from ownership to management)
(sounds a bit like when Jordan announces an election and then postpones it indefinitely)
October 15th, 2011, 8:47 am
Muhammad said:
@ 269. Mina said:
“If all the confessions we see on Syrian TV were lies learned by the protagonist after being tortured, Syrians would be the best actors on earth. The ones I saw were all showing people with limited comprehension abilities (and for this reason, cheap thugs one can buy easily) who would never have been able to learn such a long speech and to repeat the details without making mistakes.”
What mistakes are you talking about ? Do you have the original text to compare with ??!! Where exactly are you posting from ?
These people are not stupid. They only look so because they have to rehearse the stupid lies told to them by the ultra-stupid, ultra-criminal psychopathic “security” officers.
October 15th, 2011, 8:50 am
Revlon said:
+Entire regime phlange defect, and join the FSA in th aftermath of the martyrdom of a young man on the hands of Jr’s thugs
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October 15th, 2011, 9:08 am
Shami said:
Hayallah Dimashq Bani Umayya.
October 15th, 2011, 9:10 am
Revlon said:
Regime excize “Shabbeha surcharge” on lebanese owned trucks tansiting through Syria
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October 15th, 2011, 9:18 am
Tara said:
In the strongest comments yet by the official, Navi Pillay, the United Nations high commissioner for human rights, said …..
“The onus is on all members of the international community to take protective action in a collective manner, before the continual ruthless repression and killings drive the country into a full-blown civil war,” Ms. Pillay said in a statement.
She stopped short of calling for military intervention, and her spokesman, Rupert Colville, said that it was for the international community to decide on the appropriate measures. World powers intervened militarily in Libya when government forces turned on protesters.
“What we are calling for is a really coherent approach by all states,” Mr. Colville said in an interview. “Nothing done up until now really seems to be working.”
October 15th, 2011, 9:27 am
Mina said:
Yemen can do better,
or when the political situation is rotten, expect the tribes to be dumb enough.
October 15th, 2011, 9:28 am
Revlon said:
Homs shall prevail, hence the Revolution, against all odds!
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October 15th, 2011, 9:31 am
Mina said:
Which details? Apparently you haven’t seen any of these confessions. When a dumb guy talks for 15 minutes on who he met, who gave him money, where, what he did during the first demos, in the second, etc, i call it details.
October 15th, 2011, 9:36 am
Areal said:
360. Mina said:
1) normal thugs who have always been trafficking drugs and weapons as a living (and indeed, the gov is responsible for having turned a blind eye on the country, thus becoming a self-proclaimed ‘rogue-state’)
Smuggling in Syria is a very thorny issue.
My “witness experience” of it is 20 years old when I was traveling from a neighboring country to Syria by road.
At that time , Syria was not able to import some goods due to “foreign” restrictions.
So the smugglers were thriving with imports of bananas and car spare parts and I can assure you that they outsmarted the customs officers with a very impressive “industrial” like organization.
In no case , government officials were involved in the operations.
I assume they lost part of their “customers” when the government allowed more imports and the foreign governments relaxed their export controls to Syria.
I assume that they found other products to replace bananas , may be more profitable but far less acceptable to the Syrian authorities and I assume that the Syrian authorities started to react strongly.
October 15th, 2011, 9:41 am
Areal said:
President al-Assad Issues Decision No. 33 on Forming National Committee for Preparing Draft Constitution
Oct 15, 2011
DAMASCUS, (SANA) – President Bashar al-Assad on Saturday issued presidential decision No. 33 on forming the national committee for preparing a draft constitution for the Syrian Arab Republic to be issued later according to the constitutional principles.
According to the decree, the Committee must complete its mission within a period not exceeding four months from the date of issuing the decree and it has the right to consult whoever it finds appropriate to accomplish the mission.
The committee chairman is Mazhar al-Anbari and the members are Abdel Karim Oudi, Dr. Kamal Sharaf, Muhram Tayyareh, Dr. Adel Jamous, Mumtaz Fawakheri, Dr. Aziz Shukri, Dr. Abboud al-Saraj, Dr. Fuad Deib, Dr. Sam Delleh, Dr. Said Nehayli, Dr. Mikhael Nacol, Dr. Farouk Basha, Qadri Jamil, Nizar Skeif, Ahmad Eido, Abdel Rahman al-Zakahi, Dr. Jasem Zakariya, Dr. Mohammad Kheir Akkam, Dr. Kinda al-Shammat, Dr. Abdel Hai al-Sayyed, Dr. Jamileh Sharbaji, Dr. Amal Yazji, Ahmad Saleh Ibrahim, Omran al-Zoubi, Nabih Jalahej, Ismat Anabri, Mahmoud Younes and Ahmad Kazbari.
October 15th, 2011, 9:57 am
Areal said:
PFCL: Serious Constructive Dialogue the Only Way to Resolve the Crisis
Oct 15, 2011
DAMASCUS, (SANA) – Popular Front for Change and Liberation (PFCL) said the Front delegation’s visit to Moscow last week came in the framework of its continuous efforts to find a solution to the crisis in Syria, convey a complete image on the reality of what is taking place and confirm Russia’s rejection of any foreign interference in Syria’s internal affairs.
In a press conference, the PFCL statement described the meetings with Russian officials as an opportunity to stress the Front’s principles based on the need for protecting peaceful national popular activity through rejecting all forms of foreign interference and stressing that serious constructive dialogue between national parties is the only way to come out of the crisis.
The statement called for preparing the appropriate atmosphere to launch the comprehensive national dialogue through enhancing confidence between all spectrums of the society and implementing the recommendations of the consultative meeting held in Damascus last July.
The statement hailed Russia’s and China’s stances and veto of a UNSC draft resolution against Syria which would have permitted western aggression on the Syrian people and infringed on its national sovereignty and independent decision.
It called for continuing communication among all parties of national opposition as essential part of the Syrian national texture.
The statement considered comprehensive reform a righteous demand and that freedom, justice and development are the basics for the people’s dignity and interests.
The PFCL members told the journalists that the Russian and Chinese veto conveyed a message to the world of a new political and international scene where Syria will be the gate between the East and the West.
The members indicated to the Russian Foreign Ministry’s interest and readiness to speed up dialogue.
October 15th, 2011, 10:03 am
Revlon said:
Defected Corporal in Damascus Airpor Police: Regime officers, especially 3alawis, have been sending lately their family members outside Syria, to undeclared destinations!
I belive it is time that the EU and US enforce a travel ban on the families of the blacklistted individuals as well.
They should not be given the advantage of safeguarding their families in “Conspiring Coutries” which will serve to free their hands and evil minds to disrupt the life and living of other families.
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Corporal, Mahmood AbdulRahman, from the Police force of Damascus International Airport.
– I herby announce my defection from the Regime due to their atrocities against unarmed civilian demonstarators
– I would like to draw the attention to the fact that high ranking regime Officers, particularly 3alawis, have been sending their family members to undeclared destinations!
October 15th, 2011, 10:09 am
Syria no kandahar said:
What happened with your lie the other day about
?????? ???? ??? ?? ????????? ??????.May be it was you in the video they gave you a tie .you need to lose weight.Another lie.lies are you oxygen .for you
????? ????? ?????? ??????
October 15th, 2011, 10:12 am
Areal said:
Higher Elections Committee: Elections Law Aims at Free, Democratic Elections
Oct 14, 2011
DAMASCUS, (SANA) – Chairman of the Higher Elections Committee, Attorney General Khalaf al-Azzawi, asserted that the committee is tasked with supervising elections to ensure a free and democratic process.
law No.101
– allows judiciary committees to supervise the election process.
– necessitates that nominees should be Syrian citizens for at least 10 years, but it excluded from this rule people who were granted the Syrian citizenship according to law No. 49, who can vote regardless of this time duration.
– elections will be conducted in one day from 7 in the morning to 10 in the evening, unlike previous elections which used to be conducted during 2 days.
For his part, Assistant Interior Minister, Dr. Hassan Jalali, said the committee
– will give an election card to all electors
– was formed in line with the development and modernization process in Syria, pointing out that the elections law allows judicial authorities to be the main supervisors over the elections process.
– three ministries will supervise the elections process: the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Interior and the Ministry of Local Administration.
Director of Local Councils at the Local Administration Ministry, Khaled Kamel, said that 28/10/2011 is the date when nominations for local councils will start and that there are conditions that nominees should fulfill;
for example, nominees should be Syrian citizens for at least 10 years, except for those who were granted the Syrian citizenship according to law No. 49 for 2011, and candidates should be over 25 years old.
Last August, his Excellency President Bashar al-Assad issued legislative Decree No. 101 for the year 2011 pertaining to General Elections Law.
The law aims at improving the election process, ensuring the right of the candidates in supervising the process and maintaining the judicial supervision.
It also provides for forming a higher judicial committee for elections with its headquarters in Damascus to monitor the elections and ensure its integrity, in addition to forming judicial sub-committees in every Syrian province affiliated to the higher committee.
The Law stipulates that elections are to be held with public, secret, direct and equal voting where each Syrian voter, who completed eighteen years old, has one vote. The Law does not allow army members and policemen in service to participate in elections.
Right of the candidates in supervising the process and maintaining the judicial supervision
Among the missions of elections committee are to enable candidates or their agents to supervise voting process, votes counting and to listen to their remarks and objections, and so to enable media means and press to oversee voting process and votes counting.
The Law also stipulates that each governorate form an electoral circle except the Governorate of Aleppo which consists of two circles: Aleppo and Aleppo Countryside.Law enables candidates or their agents to supervise voting process, votes counting and to listen to their remarks and objections
The People Assembly –the Parliament- consists of representatives from two sectors ..workers, peasants sector and the rest of the people.
The candidates for the parliament and the local administration should be a twenty-five year old literate Syrian Arab national for at least ten years, according to the Law stipulations.
Elections campaign should not include any racial, sectarian ethnic or tribal indications Elections campaign should not include any racial, sectarian ethnic or tribal indications and candidates should not use foreign media for their election campaigns, which should be halted twenty four hours before the elections date.
The Law also regulates the counting votes, the procedures of voting, elections disruption penalties and results of votes’ announcement.
Minister Ghalawanji: Decree 101 Positive Step to Improve Electoral Process
Minister of Local Administration Omar Ibrahim Ghalawanji said that the new law on general elections is a positive step to improve the electoral process in terms of monitoring and penalties. In a statement to SANA, The minister said that the law regulates the whole electoral process and the transfer of the power of monitoring elections to the judicial authority to ensure free and fair elections.
He said that the higher committee for supervising elections is appointed by a presidential decree and has independent sub-committees in the provinces.
He added that there is a whole chapter for penalties which includes 10 articles. The material penalty amounts to SYP 50,000 in some cases and in other cases 3-year imprisonment.
The decree allows all the parties to be formed according to the legislative decree no.101 to present their candidates through individual or collective lists, the Minister added.
October 15th, 2011, 10:16 am
uzair8 said:
Lebanon: As Syria retreats, Iran advances
By Amir Taheri
Saturday, 15 October 2011
While President Bashar al-Assad is killing people to maintain power in Damascus, his regime may be losing the grip that Syria had built over Lebanon since the 1970s.
As Syria’s influence in Lebanon wanes, that of Iran, already significant, increases.
There are several reasons behind Syria’s declining power in Lebanon.
To start with, there is the perception, growing by the day, that Syria is so mired in domestic troubles that it would not be able to meddle in Lebanese affairs for some time.
Then there is the decline in Syria’s ability to be generous with its “allies” in Lebanon.
In fact, the regime in Damascus never had real friends in Lebanon. Those who befriended it did so either out of fear or greed.
The fear factor was established with over 100 political assassinations, including those of two Lebanese presidents, one prime minister, and dozens of parliamentarians.
Read more:
October 15th, 2011, 10:19 am
sheila said:
To #292. Ali,
A Guy that never lived in Syria.
Well, No words can express my disgust! How is it that you people can sit there and pretend you care while hundreds of army personnel and civilians are being killed everyday, and still go out in the thousands singing and dancing holding Bashar’s pictures, celebrating while their mothers and wives are still weeping. I’m absolutely disgusted! wouldn’t be surprised if there is another story like the people in Damascus coming out of the mosque to thank God for the rain, or the former government official committing suicide by putting two bullets in his own head. Hmmm. Heard of that officer who died doing his job killing the demonstrators, It doesn’t get any more pathetic than this.
October 15th, 2011, 10:21 am
Revlon said:
An important statement by a lawyer who defected recently.
?????? ??????? ??? ?????? ??? ???? 13-10
Lawyer Abdessalam Abu Khalil
I hereby announce my defection from the Syrian Bar Association due to the following:
1. The Bar has been made to stay at bay from all the ongoing violations of the constitution and the laws by the illegitimate regime.
2. In protest of the orders of the Bar to member lawyers not to defend detained demonstrators.
3. Embezzling the arrested demonstrators, in collaboration with investigating Judges and the arresting security officers, in order to finance the crackdown.
4. The Bar premises, together with other professional Licensing bodies have become de facto branches of the various security branches of the illegitimate regime.
Live Long Proud Syria
October 15th, 2011, 10:29 am
Tara said:
Revlon @ 375
I believe it. I have lots of family members that are “part of the regime” so what I am going to say is based on personal experience. Lots of family members of the regime “officers” carry dual citizenship. Despite that, when a couple expect a baby, they travel to the US or a western country for delivery so the “offspring” is born in that country, of course paying between 10,000-20,000$ in cash for doctors and hospital expense. They want their kids to be born in the US rather than acquire citizenship later. This is the “patriotic” regime that we have in Syria.
October 15th, 2011, 10:30 am
sheila said:
To #300. Ali,
You just proved beyond reasonable doubt that you have never lived in Syria by saying the following:
“the Syrian army doesn’t target children and innocent souls”. Very delusional indeed.
October 15th, 2011, 10:39 am
Revlon said:
Emotional words of mourning father of Child Ibrahim Mohammad Shaiban as he shows the body of his beloved child with a gaping hole in his chest:
– This is a result of the veto of Russia’s president Medivev
– This is a result of Chinese presesident’s veto
– This a result of B. Asad’s reforms
– May God avenge the death of my child from you
To this devastated father and to me, The Russian, the Chinese, and the presidents of all other countries who abstained from voting against the protection of Syrian civilians are accomplices in the murdering of his child.
???? ??? ?????? ????? ??????? ???? ?????
October 15th, 2011, 10:45 am
Areal said:
375. Revlon said:
Defected Corporal in Damascus Airpor Police:
Regime officers, especially 3alawis, have been sending lately their family members outside Syria, to undeclared destinations!
Do you really expect that the officers will reveal destinations to the spy that the MB killers planted in the Damascus Airport Police ?
October 15th, 2011, 10:47 am
Revlon said:
Beginnings of the funeral procession of the Martyred Child Ibrahim AlShaibain
AlDaqaq Mosque, Damascus, today.
????? ????? ??????? ??????? ???? ?????? ???? 15-10-2011 – ????? – ????
October 15th, 2011, 11:07 am
Areal said:
381. Tara said:
Revlon @ 375
I believe it. I have lots of family members that are “part of the regime” so what I am going to say is based on personal experience. Lots of family members of the regime “officers” carry dual citizenship. Despite that, when a couple expect a baby, they travel to the US or a western country for delivery so the “offspring” is born in that country, of course paying between 10,000-20,000$ in cash for doctors and hospital expense. They want their kids to be born in the US rather than acquire citizenship later. This is the “patriotic” regime that we have in Syria.
I know a couple Canadian-European living in Saudi Arabia who wants the delivery to be done in the European country at a cost largely inferior and they can pay by credit card or check or wire transfer.
The child will have dual nationality ( but not the Saudi one ).
October 15th, 2011, 11:15 am
Syria no kandahar said:
???. ????
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October 15th, 2011, 11:15 am
Revlon said:
The moments of panic and helplessness that the demonstrator youths lived while rushing Ibrahim, the mortally wounded by a sniper bullet in the heart, to medical attention.
???? ??????? ????? ??????? ???????? ?? ?? ????? ???? ????? ????? +18 – ????? – ????
October 15th, 2011, 11:20 am
Areal said:
Terrorists Confess to Erecting Barricades, Committing Assault, Robbery, Murder, Rape and Attacking Government Establishments in Homs
Oct 15, 2011
DAMASCUS, (SANA) – Terrorists Hasan Ayoub and Abdelkader Nabhan confessed to participating in erecting barricades in al-Rastan and Talbiseh areas in Homs along with other terrorists and committing armed robbery and rape.
In confessions set to be broadcast on the Syrian TV on Saturday evening, terrorist Ayoub confessed to participating in attacks on government establishment and security detachments and burning and pillaging them, while Nabhan confessed to participating in assaulting civilians and shooting at them.
October 15th, 2011, 11:24 am
Revlon said:
Debriefing by Officer Ammar AlWawi of the FSA on operations in Aleppo:
1. A convoy of Shabbeha was ambushed in Andan resulting in killing four
2. A Kafr Hamra State Security check point was attacked by the unit
3. A Shabbeha Bus heading to Idlib was ambushed and its Shabbeeha passengers killed. Their leader was able to escape.
4. The Shabbeeha siege of AlRazi Hospital where 4 wounded demonstrators were being treated was foiled by our unit.
10 2011 15
15 10 2011 ??????? ???? ?????? ???? ?????? ???? ????? ?????? ?????? ????? ?????? ???? ?? ?????? ????? ?? ????? ???
October 15th, 2011, 11:36 am
Areal said:
387. Revlon said:
The moments of panic and helplessness, as demonstrator youths rushed Ibrahim who was mortally wounded by a sniper bullet in the heart to medical attention.
CONDOLENCES to the family for the loss of a beloved child.
October 15th, 2011, 11:40 am
Revlon said:
??? ???? ??????? ????? ???? ?????? ??????? ????? ??????? ?????? ???? ?????? 15 10 2011
October 15th, 2011, 11:41 am
Revlon said:
The massive funeral procession of Child Ibrahim:
Abu Hafez,
Yel3an Rohak;
A chant echoed by the millions of Syrians mourning the savage death of Ibrahim on the hands of cold blooded, Jr and his snipers!
October 15th, 2011, 11:50 am
Amir in Tel Aviv said:
Thank you for your valuable posting and translation to English. You are doing great job!
October 15th, 2011, 12:01 pm
Revlon said:
390. Dear Areal:
Defenders and supporters of Jr and his regime are morally parties to this child murder!
Anything you write in Jr’s support is another bullet in his hand that will find its way to another child’s heart.
Syrian families need your support in seeking international help to stop Jr’s killing machine; your condolences then would be more fitting!
October 15th, 2011, 12:04 pm
Revlon said:
393. Dear Amir in Tel Aviv, you are welcome!
October 15th, 2011, 12:05 pm
sheila said:
Dear Some Guy No Longer In Damascus,
I have been following your back and forth with Ali. Please note that Ali can only be one of the following:
1- Very dumb.
2- Part of the regime.
3- Paid to write on SC.
4- Completely brain washed.
This is why you can not use logic and empirical evidence with him. God knows you have tried. I think you are a very decent person. I have always admired your comments. I wish that some day we will meet in free Syria. You are a remarkable young man.
October 15th, 2011, 12:05 pm
The father of Ibrahim Shaiban can say whatever will sooth his grief and help him with his loss of his child. We all sympathize with this grief stricken father. We all mourn the loss of another Syrian child.
But please understand that neither the Russian and Chinese veto votes in the UNSC, nor the sanctions and all the pressures and declarations by the western countries are going to stop such tragedies from occurring.
Only Syrians can stop this race to the bottom in Syria.
Not the Arab league or Arab governments and not the UN or foreign governments can stop the madness and restore peace and civility to Syria.
The Syrian regime/government with all its affiliates and the opposition/revolution with all its affiliates are as equally responsible for this race to the bottom.
Syria is where it is today because of both camps’ actions and reactions to each other.
Both camps share the responsibility of the deaths and destruction inflicted upon the Syrian people.
The so called silent majority has been boxed between two choices that have shown equally repulsive behavior, accusations and counter accusations of incrimination and evilness, self-righteous proclamations, demands for revenge and retribution, lies, intrigues and deceptions, and the race to the bottom continues.
I wish you could only see how much of a mirror image are the two camps of each other.
Syria deserves better, and I only hope that somewhere within that silent majority, there is a Nelson Mandela to lead it to a safe harbor, before it is too late.
October 15th, 2011, 12:07 pm
Areal said:
392. Revlon said:
The massive funeral procession of Child Ibrahim:
A chant echoed by the millions of Syrians mourning
Look at the video !!
As 379. sheila said:
Protesters still go out in the thousands singing and dancing , celebrating their achievements while the parents are still weeping. I’m absolutely disgusted!
October 15th, 2011, 12:10 pm
Mango said:
????? ????? ? ???? ????? ??????? ????? ??????? ???????????? ???????
????? ?????? ? ???? ????? ???????? ?????? ????????
????? ?????? ???
?? ???? ?????? ?????? ?????? ??????????
October 15th, 2011, 12:16 pm
Mina said:
In Roma now: burned cars, riots…
More pictures here:
US economic protests start with cartoons, check out here:
You think they don’t use teargas?
October 15th, 2011, 12:26 pm
Areal said:
394. Revlon said:
390. Dear Areal:
Defenders and supporters of Jr and his regime are morally parties to this child murder!
Anything you write in Jr’s support is another bullet in his hand that will find its way to another child’s heart.
Syrian families need your support in seeking international help to stop Jr’s killing machine; your condolences then would be more fitting!
Anything you write in opposition ( and FSA ) support is another killed security personnel.
Syrian families need your support in keeping international interference outside Syria and to stop MB killing machine.
October 15th, 2011, 12:33 pm
Revlon said:
The Baath State, Asad’s Syria and Syrian Wars (Hama and the current uprisings)
Yasin AlHaj Saleh
24537????? 15 ????? ????? 2011 – ????? 78 – ?????
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October 15th, 2011, 12:43 pm
Mango said:
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October 15th, 2011, 12:44 pm
Tara said:
Just heard on Aljazeera an interesting report about Beirut Film Festival and the absence of Iranian movies participating this year in the festival.
October 15th, 2011, 12:48 pm
Mango said:
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????? ?????? ? ???? ????? ???????? ?????? ????????
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October 15th, 2011, 12:57 pm
jad said:
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October 15th, 2011, 1:02 pm
zoo said:
Saudi Arabia in panic mode as Iran’s power is bound to grow in Iraq
October 14, 2011
Saudi Arabia’s Limited Options Against Iran
By Stratfor
Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Saud al-Faisal on Thursday vowed revenge for an alleged plot by Tehran to assassinate the Saudi ambassador to the United States with the help of someone claiming to be a member of a Mexican drug cartel.
Saudi Arabia is facing a nightmare scenario in the Persian Gulf. By the end of the year, the United States is scheduled to complete its troop withdrawal from Iraq, and whatever troop presence the United States tries to keep in Iraq past the deadline will not be enough to convince anyone, especially Saudi Arabia and Iran, that the United States will be able to prevent Iran from emerging as the dominant force in the Persian Gulf region. These next few months are therefore critical for Tehran to reshape the politics of the region while the United States is still distracted, Turkey is still early in its rise and Iran still has the upper hand. Iran can only achieve this goal of regional hegemony if it can effectively exploit the vulnerabilities of its Arab neighbors – especially Saudi Arabia – who are extremely unnerved by the thought of the United States leaving behind a power vacuum in the region for Iran to fill.
Iran’s main strategic intent is to convince the United States and Saudi Arabia that there is no better choice but to reach an unsavory accommodation with Tehran, one that would be negotiated in Iran’s favor and grant Tehran the regional legitimacy it’s been seeking for centuries. The Saudis want to prevent this scenario at all costs, and so can be expected to do everything it can to show Washington that Iran is too dangerous to negotiate with and that more must be done by the United States to keep Iran contained behind its mountain borders. Purported Iranian plots aimed at assassinating Saudi diplomats certainly help underscore that message, but there is still little hiding the fact that the United States simply doesn’t have good options in dealing with Iran in the near term.
The United States doesn’t have the resources to devote to blocking Iran in Iraq, or engaging in military action against Iran. In today’s fragile global economic environment, the Iranian retaliatory option of mining and attempting to shut down the Strait of Hormuz, through which 40 percent of the world’s seaborne trade passes through each day, remains a potent deterrent. In describing how it intends to hold Iran accountable for this alleged assassination plot, the White House has focused on increased sanctions, but by now it should be obvious that Iran will find ways to insulate itself from sanctions and continue its day-to-day business with a multitude of shell firms looking to make a profit in trading with Iran at higher premiums.
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Stratfor Islamic Republic of Iran
Saudi Arabia United States
Iraq Saud al-Faisal
Prince foreign minister
[+] More
Given that the United States is Saudi Arabia’s main security guarantor, the lack of U.S. options means that Saudi Arabia also has very few, if any, good options against Iran in the current threat environment. Saudi Arabia’s best geopolitical weapon is its oil wealth, but even the threat of flooding the oil markets to cut into Iran’s own oil revenues carries its fair share of complications. Saudi Arabia claims that it would take 30 to 60 days to reach a maximum level of output around 12.5 million barrels per day, but they would have to sustain that level of production for an extensive period of time in today’s depressed market to begin to make a serious dent in Iran’s oil income. There are already questions about whether Saudi Arabia has the capability to surge production on this scale, not to mention the complications it would face from other oil producers that would also suffer the consequences of an oil flood in the markets. So far, there hasn’t been any indication that Saudi Arabia is prepared to go this route in the first place.
Saudi Arabia also has the more traditional option of backing dissidents and Sunni militants in Iran, Iraq, Lebanon and Syria in an effort to undercut Iran’s growing influence in the region, but engaging in a full-fledged proxy battle with Iran also carries major implications. Of most concern to Saudi Arabia is Iran’s likely covert response along the eastern littoral of the Arabian Peninsula. Saudi Arabia is already extremely concerned with the situation in Bahrain, where it fears growing Shiite unrest will cascade into Saudi Arabia’s oil-rich, Shiite-concentrated Eastern Province. Iran’s capabilities in this region are more limited relative to its covert presence in Iraq and Lebanon, but the Saudi regime is on the alert for signs of Iranian prodding in this tense Sunni-Shiite borderland. A rare security incident in Qatif in Saudi Arabia’s Eastern Province Oct. 3 clearly highlighted this threat when a group of Shiite rioters reportedly shot automatic weapons at security forces.
Saudi Arabia has every interest in trying to convince Iran in the coming months that Riyadh has the will, capability and U.S. support necessary to respond to any Iranian act of aggression. The reality of the situation, however, reveals just how constrained the Saudi regime is in trying to contain their historic Persian rivals.
A Stratfor Intelligence Report.
October 15th, 2011, 1:13 pm
Revlon said:
401. Arealsaid:
“Anything you write in opposition ( and FSA ) support is another killed security personnel.
Syrian families need your support in keeping international interference outside Syria and to stop MB killing machine.”
All of the hundreds of murdered demonstrators shown on video clips while being shot or sniped at, like Child Ibrahim was, on this blog have been unarmed civilians!
Not a single video evidence exists of security officers or army soldiers being killed by demonstrators.
The only claims of targeted attacks on security officers and shabbeha, aka thugs, and Asad army have come from the recently formed FAO and FSA.
All such attacks have targeted armed regime personnel and in defence of civilian demonstrators.
None targeted regime civilians.
Killing Thugs attacking civilians is self defence and is justified;
Killing unarmed demonstrators, Child Ibrahim was one, is a crime that need to be stopped.
Taking down snipers and security agents, like the one who took the life of Ibrahim, is justified; It has preserved the lives of their next potential victims.
October 15th, 2011, 1:17 pm
Ghufran said:
????? ?? ?? ??????
October 15th, 2011, 1:22 pm
Revlon said:
over 300 soldiers defected across Syria last week; Most were from the Republican Guards
???????: ?????? ???? ?? 300 ?? ????? ???????? ???? ?????
2011/10/15??? ??: ????? ?????
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(??????? ??)
October 15th, 2011, 1:33 pm
Revlon said:
Anas AlAbdeh, Leader of Justice and Construction Movement and member of the SNC to the Media Center for the Support of Homs Revolutionists:
– Post-Asad Syria shall be like post-independance Syria; Multiparty Democratic System.
– Naming one Friday in support of the SNC is virtual recognition of the revolution of the SNC as their representative.
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October 15th, 2011, 1:52 pm
Ghufran said:
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October 15th, 2011, 1:53 pm
Syria no kandahar said:
Revlon ??????
?????? ?????? ??????
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October 15th, 2011, 1:56 pm
Revlon said:
Today’s operations of KIW phalanges of the FSA in Homs:
– 10:00 hr: Shabbeeha Bus was ambushed; 30 Passengers were killed or wounded
-Afternoon: Army checkpoint at Sixty street was attacked; manning soldiers were killed and an armored vehicle was destroyed.
???? ????? ???? ?? ??? ?????? Youth Syria For Freedom
????? ???? ???? ?? ?????? – ????? ??? ???? ?????? ??????? ??????
???? ?????? ?? ???? ??? ??? ?????? ??????? ?????? ???? ???? ?? ?????? ???????? ??? ???? ???? ????? ??? ???? ????? ???? ???
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26 minutes ago
October 15th, 2011, 2:18 pm
Mina said:
Indeed, it might be a gesture towards their friends in prison: many good Iranian directors are in prison because they have expressed sympathy for the Green Movement. It is a complicate job there with all the laws getting worse by the day about not being allowed to film a woman with her hair open.
Not getting better though in Turkey:
And for the FBI, it seems they’ve located the Aljazeera pills. Where? In Mexico of all places:
October 15th, 2011, 2:21 pm
Revlon said:
An officer and a 6 soldier unit defected today in AlHara, Horan.
The resulting shoot out resulted in killing three and wounding three others of Asad forces; the latter were executed on the spot by their commander officer Abdeen, instead of rushing them to the hospital.
???? ????? ????? #syria •? ???? ????? ?????: ??????? : ?????? ?????? ????? ?????? ??????? ??? ????????? ?? ????? ????? ??? ?????? ???? ???????? ?? ???????? ????? ???? ????? ?????? ??? ??? ??? ???? ???? ?? ????? ?????? ???? ???? ????? ???? ????? ???????? ????? ?????? ?? ????? ?????? ???? ?????????? (??????) ???? ????? ??? ????? ?????? ??????? ???????? ??? ????? ????? ?? ??? ????? ????? ..
8 minutes ago
October 15th, 2011, 2:31 pm
Tara said:
This insistence on the head cover is ridiculous and does take away from the movies.
October 15th, 2011, 2:35 pm
Revlon said:
413. SNK, your two-cell neural circuit is shorting!
?????? ?????? ??????
?????? ?????? ??????
??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
Revert to using one!…. and try again!
October 15th, 2011, 2:35 pm
Revlon said:
?? ??? ???? ?????? ??? ??? ????? ???? ?????
???? ???? ???????? ?? 6 ??, 2011 – 02:42 ?????
??? ????? ?????? ????? ??? ??? ????? ???? ??? ????? ??????? ??????? ??????? ?? ?????? ??? ??? ?? ???? ???? ??????? ???? ???? ??? ???? ?????? ??? ??? ????? .
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October 15th, 2011, 2:47 pm
Ghufran said:
??? ??? ????????? ?? ????? ??? ?? ????? ????? ????? ????? ? ??? ?????? ??? ????? ? ?????? ?????????? ?? ???? ????? ? ???? ?????? ?? ?? ??????? ????????? ??????? ? ?? ??? ????? ?????? ? ?????? ?????? ? ?????? ?????? ????? ????? ? ?????? ?????? ? ??? ??????
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October 15th, 2011, 2:58 pm
Revlon said:
Building the Syrian state dictates the dismantling of All of the Regime’s State institutions!
???? ?????? ?????? ???????
???? !the-syrian ?? 15 ????? ?????, 2011 – 05:43 ????? – 2 ?.???? ??????? ???????
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October 15th, 2011, 3:03 pm
jad said:
Comment by one of my friend:
“??? ???? ??? ??????? …??? ????? ???? ??????? …??? ????? ????? ???? ??? ?????? ???? ??? ?????? ????? ?? ????…???? ?????? ?????? ??? ???? ???? …????? ?? ?????? ..?? ???? ?? ?????? ???????? ??????? ?? ?? ????? ????….
?? ???? ????? ..??? ?????? ??????? …
??? ????? ?? ????? ?? ????? ?? ????? ?? ?? ?????…
?? ???? ?????? ?????? ????? ?????? ??? ????? …
?????? ?? ??????? …?? ?????? ????? ..??? ???? …????? ??????? ???? ????? ..???? ??? ????? ??????? …
???? ????? ?? ???????”
Gandhi’s non-violence speech
October 15th, 2011, 3:14 pm
Syria no kandahar said:
Revlon ?????? ????????
????? ??? ??????
???? ????? ????? ?????????
???? ????????
???? ??????? ??????? ?????????
??? ???? ?????? ??????
October 15th, 2011, 3:35 pm
majedkhaldoun said:
Watching the funeral of Ibrahin Al Shaibani
I would say this represent 20,000,considering every one has a family of five who support him they represent over hundred thousand people, this is where the silent majority.
To the regime supporters after watching this video,you ought to shut up,you must be ashamed of your support for the murderer Bashar,go to the wastebasket of history and bury yourself,Syria will be freed from the Assad thugs and you will face trial.
October 15th, 2011, 3:58 pm
jad said:
«??????????» ?????? ??????? ??????? …
??? ????? ??????? ?? ????? ??????? ???? ??????? ???????? ???? ?????? ??????? ??? ??????? ??????? ???? ??? ???? ???????? ????? ???? ???? ?? ??? ?????????. ??? ????????????? ?? ??? ???????? ??? ??? ??? ?? ??? ?????????? ????????…
???? ???????? ?? ???? ?????? ??? 4 ????? ????? ?????? ?? «?????? ?? ???????? ??? ?????? ??????????? ?????? ?? ??? ??????? ????? ?????? ?????? ??????????» ?? ????? ??? ?????????? ??????? ?? ????? ?????? ??????? ??? ?????? ?????? ????? ????? ????????. ??? ???? ???????? ??«?????? ????????» ?? ??? ????? ?????? ?? ????? ????? ??????? ?????? «???? ??????»? ?? ????? ????? ??? ????? ??????? ?????.
???? ???????? ????? ?????? ?? ?? ????? «?????? ??????»? ?? ???? ?? ??? ??? ?????? ???? ???????. ??? ?? ???????? ????? ?????? ?????? ??????? ???????? ??? ????? ???????? ???????? ??? ?????? ???????? ?? ??? ??? ????????? ?????????? ???? ???? ?????? ?? ???????? ????? ??????? ???????????? ?????: «??????? ????? ???? ?????? ?????? ????? ?? ??????? ??????? ???? ??????? ???? ?????? ??? ???????? ??????? ???????? ?????? ?? ??????».
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??? ????? «?????? ??????»? ????? ?????? ?? ????? ??? ?? ???????? ???????? ???? ?????:
1- ???? ??????? ?? ????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ??????? ??????? ??? ???????? ?? ???? ????? ?????? ? ??? ?????? – ??? ????????. ???? ?? ??? ?? ???? ?????? ?????? ???? ????????? ??????? «???????». ?????? ?? ????? ?????? ?????????? ?? ??? ?????? ??? ??????? ?? ???? ??????? ?? ?????? ??????????? ??«??????»? ????? ???????? ??????? ?? ?????? ??????? ???????. ??????? ???????? ??«??????» ?????? ??? ????? ????? ??????? ?? ???????? ?????? ?? ????? ??????…
2- ?????????? ?? ??????? ?????? ????? ??????. ??? ???? ??? ????????? ??? ????? ????? ??????? ?? ???? ?????? ???? ?????? ???? ??? ????? «??????? ????????» ???????? ????????? ?????? ????? ?????? ??? ?? ???? «???????» ???? ??? ??????? ?? ??? ?? ??? ?????. ?????? ??? ????? ?????? ?????? ??? ??????? ???? ???? «????????» ?? ??? ?????? ?????? ?????? ???? ??? ??????? ?? ?? ?????? ??????? ??? ??? ???? ??????? ????? ?????. ??? ???? ???????? ????? ???? ?????? ??? ????? ???????? ???????? ????? ??????? ?? ????? ?? ??? ??????? ???????? ?????? ?? ????? ??? ?? ?????? ???????? ???????.
3- ?? ??? ???? ????? ?????? ???? «??????» ??????? ??????. ????? ???? ?????? ?????? ??? ??? ???? ???? ?? ?????? ?????? ?? ????? ???????? ??? ??? ???????? (??? ?? ???? ????). ?????? ??? ??? ????? ????? ??????? ??? ???? ?????? ???????? ???? ?? ?? ??? ???. ????? ??????? ???? ?????? ???? ??? ?????? ???? ?????? ?? ????? ????? ????. ???? ???? ?? ?? ????? ?????: ?? ?????? ???? ?????????? ???????? ???? ??????? ??? ????? ??? ????? «???????» (??? ?????? ?????? ??????? ????????)? ???? ????? ????? «????» (????? ??? ????? ?? ????? ??????) ?????? ?? ????????. ???? ???? ??? ?????? ?? ??????? ???????? ????? ????????? ??????? ??????????. ???? ???? ???? «????».
4- ?????? ??? ?????? ????? ??????? ?? ?????? ?? ???? ??????? ?? ????? ?? ??????. ?????? ?? ???????? ???? ????? ??????? ?????? ??????? ???? ????? ???? ?? ????????? ???????? ?? ?? ??????. ??????? ??? ?????? ????? ?? ?? ????? ????? ???????. ?????? ??? ????? ????? ??? ???? ???? ?????? ??????? ?? ???? «???????? ??? ????? ?????? ??????»? ????? ??? ??? ?? ???? ?????? ?????? ???? ????? ??? «?????? ???????» ?? ???????? ????? ??? ??? ??????? ?????? ?????? ????? ??? ?????? ?????… ?? ??? ???? ?????? ?????? (??? ?? ?? ?????? ??? ?? ????? ????????? ??? ?????? ?? ???? ??? ???)? ?? ???? ?? ?? ??? ????????? ????? ???? ?? ???? ??? ???? ?????? ???? ?????? ??? ????? ???????? ???? ????? ??? ????? ??????… ??? ???????? ?? ???? ????? ??? ?? ???? ?????? ?????? ?? ??? ????? ??? ????? ????? ?????? ??????? ???? ????????? ??????. ??? ?? ?? ????? ?????? ?????? ?? ????? ????? ?????? ??? ??? ????? ?????? ????? ?? ???????? ?????? ??????. ??? ?????? ???? ?? ??? ??????? ??? ????? «???????» ???????? ?? ?????? ?? ???????? ????? ?????? ??? ?????.
??? ??? ??? ?????? ?????? ?? ??? ?? ??????? ??? ???? ?? ?????? ?????????????? ???? ????? ???? ?? ????? ??? ??????? ?????? ??????? ?? ???????? ????? ?????? ?????? ?? ????? ?????? ??????? ????? ?????? ????????????. ??? ??? ???? ??????? ????. ??? ???????? ????????? ?? ?????????? ???????? ??? ?? ????? ?? ?? ??? ??????.
(???? «???? ?????? ???????? ?? ?????? ??????»
? ??? ?????? ?? ???? «????? ?????»)
Saudi Arabia’s Invisible Hand in the Arab Spring
John R. Bradley
‘From the very beginning of the revolt in the Middle East, Riyadh has reached beyond its borders to influence events. So far, the kingdom has successfully outmaneuvered its rival Iran. Democracy, meanwhile, hasn’t even qualified as an afterthought.’
“Looking at the future of the Middle East, perhaps the most decisive change could come in Syria. It was with a heavy dose of irony that King Abdullah condemned Syria for the murderous crackdown Damascus was waging against its own popular rebellion in early August. Of course, Riyadh has a less than exemplary human rights record, to say the least. Likewise, King Abdullah’s announcement that he was withdrawing Saudi Arabia’s ambassador to Damascus was less a protest against the savage brutality of the Syrian regime (if it was at all) as it was another chapter in Riyadh’s ongoing effort to loosen Iran’s grasp on the region’s counterrevolution. The simultaneous decision by fellow Gulf Cooperation Council members — Kuwait and Bahrain — to likewise withdraw their ambassadors, followed by a communiqué from the Arab League expressing predictably muted misgivings about Damascus’ ongoing massacres, indicated the kingdom’s ability to line up allies and make them dance to the tune of the regional powerhouse.
If the Syrian regime collapses (which is hardly imminent but appearing more and more possible as peaceful demonstrations give way to armed insurrection), it would mean the end not only of a brutal dictatorship but also of the only other ostensibly secular Arab country apart from Tunisia — another boon for Riyadh. However, in light of Saudi Arabia’s hardened stance, the real question is what it envisions would happen in Syria if the regime were overthrown. Riyadh’s hope, clearly, is that a post-Assad Syria would align itself with a new Sunni-led, more anti-Iran government in Damascus. That may be hoping against hope, at least in the short term, because Syria is more likely to descend into a bloody, sectarian-driven civil war than witness a smooth transition to a new government. Riyadh, though, is banking on the Muslim Brotherhood and its allies ultimately coming out on top. It is certainly true that, since most Syrians are Sunnis and the Muslim Brotherhood is the best organized of the opposition groups, they are the most likely to fill the vacuum in the long term.
If the Arab Spring had any hope of ushering in greater freedom and democracy, it would have had to challenge from the beginning the influence of Saudi Arabia, the region’s Washington-allied superpower and its most antidemocratic, repressive regime. That is a tall order indeed. The tragic irony of the uprisings is that the exact opposite happened.”
October 15th, 2011, 4:09 pm
Syria no kandahar said:
If we do your stupid math on 1100 soldiers killed by your terrorist friends,the result will be 23 millions silent majority minus your friends the killers.
October 15th, 2011, 4:11 pm
Tara said:
October 15th, 2011, 4:19 pm
majedkhaldoun said:
??? ??????? ????? ??????? ??????? ?????? ??????? ???????? ? ??????? ????? :
… ?????????? ??????? ????? ??? ???????? ?????????? ??????? ????? ??? ?????????
Shamena means all of Syria
October 15th, 2011, 4:19 pm
majedkhaldoun said:
The majority of soldiers who died ,were killed by your Shabbiha
October 15th, 2011, 4:22 pm
jad said:
???? ???? ????? ??????
???? ???
?????? ?????????? ?? ????? ??????? ??? ????? ???? ????? ?? ?????? ????????.
?????? ??????? ??? ????? ?? ??? ??????? ??????? ???????? ?????? ?? ??????? ?????? ???????. ??????? ??? ????? ?? ??????? ?? ???? ??????? ??? ????? ???? ???? ?? ????? ??????? ?? ??? ?????? ??? ???????? ?? ?????? ?? ?? ??? ?????? ??? ??????? ?????? ??????? ?? ???????. ?????? ??????? ??? ????? ?????? ?? ????? ?????? ???? ?? ??????? ??????? ????? ???????? ?????. ??? ?? ????? ???? ??????? ?? ??????? ???????? ?? ????? ????? ????? ??? ?????? ??? ????? ??????. ?????? ??? ????? ?? ???? ?? ????? ????? ??? ??? ?????? ????. ???? ?????? ???? ?????? ?? ???? ???? ?? ???? ??? ????? ?????. ??? ???? ?????? ?? ????? ?? ???? ?? ???? ?? ???? ?????? ????? ??? ??? ???? «?? ?????» ?? ??? ?????? ?????? ?? ??? ?? ??? ????? ?? ????? ?????? ????.
????? ?? ????? ?????? ??????? ??? ???? ??????? ????? ????? ?????? ???? ?? ???? ??? ???????? ?? ????? ???? ????? ????? ??????? ??? ?? ???? «??????» ?? ????? ??? ????? ???? ?? ??????? ???? ??????? ???? ????? ?????????? ??? ??? ???????? ????????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ????? ????? ???? ?? ???? ????? ?????? ?????? ??????? ?? ?????.
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??? ??? ???? ?????? ??? ??? ??? ????? ???? ????? ???? ????? ????? ?? ??????? ???? ?? ??? ??????? «??????». ?? ?? ???? ??? ???? ?????? ?????? ???? ???? ?? ??????????? ???? ?? ????? ?????? ??????? ??? ?????????? ????????? ????????? ??? ????? «??????» ???? ?? ??? ?????? ???? ??????? ?????? ????? ?????? ??? ????? ???? ???? ?? ??????? .. ????? ???? ??? ???? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ???? ???? ?? ??? ???? ??? ?? ???? ??? ?????? ???? ???? ???? ????? ??? ????????? ??????.
??? ?????? ???? ???? ??????? ??????? ????? ????? ??????? ??? ????? ????? ???? ????? ??? ?? ?????. ?????? ?????? ??? ??? ????? ???? ???? ?????? ???? ??? ????????? ???? ???? ??? ?? ???? ????? ?????? ????????? ?? ???????? ?? ?????????? ????? ???? ????? ???? ??? ????? ?? ???? ??? ???? ??????.
?? ???? ???????? ????? ????????? ??????? .. ?? ??????.
October 15th, 2011, 4:29 pm
Uzair8 said:
A brief promo video ‘Syrian Regime’s crimes against humanity’:
Mr Assad, have you seen the original ‘Assault on Precinct 13’?
If so, then you should know the protestors are determined.
October 15th, 2011, 4:40 pm
Syria no kandahar said:
????? ???? ??????? ???? ?????? ????? ?????? ?? ??? ???? ???? ?????? ?????
??? ????? ??? ????? ??????? ???? ??????? ?????? ???????
???????? ??? ????
October 15th, 2011, 4:43 pm
Uzair8 said:
From Sheikh Yaqoubi’s FB page:
‘Al-Mu’tasim Billah Al-Asali is a great Syrian singer from Damascus; and a true lover of the Beloved Prophet PBUH. He is , one of the superstars of the Arab World with an amazing voice and true passion. Please, join his page and listen to his songs. He is the Chanter of the Syrian Uprising.’
October 15th, 2011, 4:47 pm
Ali said:
Actually my comment proves that I am not naive as you and your “revolutionists”….And I wasn’t asking for your meaningless 2%.
October 15th, 2011, 5:13 pm
majedkhaldoun said:
thank you ,that is funny
October 15th, 2011, 5:15 pm
bronco said:
Tara #427
“Ford noted that sanctions implemented by the United States and the European Union — which recently sanctioned the Syrian Central Bank –”
No, No, Heckle, the sanction is on the Syrian Commercial Bank, not on the Syrian Central Bank…
He needs a good ophtalmologist, we all know a good(?) one, even though Heckle may not get an appointment very soon.
October 15th, 2011, 5:33 pm
You said: Building the Syrian state dictates the dismantling of All of the Regime’s State institutions!
Not only you are completely mistaken, but you need to be on notice you and your criminal opposition/revolution that the destruction of Syria, the Syrian State Institutions, and the killing of Syrians whoever they may be, are as criminal acts as the regime/government’s acts, whom you are accusing of the same.
For months we have not seen any effort towards the building of a new Syria by this criminal opposition/revolution. We have not seen any blue print for a constitution, civil, commercial or criminal laws, any regulations providing safety and prosperity for citizens and public and private entities.
The so called intellectuals, who are playing musical chairs at their conferences and meetings, have failed dismally to provide the needed leadership. Their statements and actions have proven them to be a bunch of pseudo-intellectuals without any vision, wisdom, ethics or humility.
They are as bombastic, as unethical, as immature and as irresponsible as their claims that the regime/government they are trying to unseat is.
From their safe locations in exile, they send our youth to a non productive, destructive confrontation with the regime forces, using them as canon fodder, while they point fingers to violence and atrocities, to which they have been active co-conspirators in committing, inciting and planning.
The competition between the so called leaders of this criminal destruction and take-over of the Syrian State with its institutions, is blinding whatever little vision they possess.
For your information Mr. REVOLUTION the Syrian state and its institutions does not belong to Mr. Assad and his regime and nor to you or whom ever you support in that criminal bunch of revolutionaries pseudo-intellectuals.
We the silent majority are fed-up with both sides and we will hold you responsible for the outcome, if you drag Syria to a civil war.
Syrian institutions must be safeguarded and not dismantled. They are precious and must be built on and not taken down. They must be improved and not destroyed.
The musical chairs council does not represent Syria or the Syrian majority. They have not been elected by the Syrian people. They are an illegal body that has not been subject to any Syrian legitimate constitutional process.
The Syrian government, with all its failings, is at least trying to put a constitutional face on the reforms, for whatever it is worth, it is a step in the right direction.
October 15th, 2011, 5:35 pm
zoo said:
It’ final: All the US troops are leaving Iraq by end year,
but the US embassy in Baghdad is the largest in the world, even larger that the US embassy in Tehran that has become an anti-US museum.
US drops plans to keep troops in Iraq
But a senior Obama administration official in Washington confirmed Saturday that all American troops will leave Iraq except for about 160 active-duty soldiers attached to the U.S. Embassy.
The U.S. Embassy in Baghdad is the largest in the world, and the State Department will have offices in Basra, Irbil and Kirkuk as well as other locations around the country where contractors will train Iraqi forces on U.S. military equipment they’re purchasing.
October 15th, 2011, 5:46 pm
ghassan karam said:
The achilles’ heal of the presentation by Morpheus is summarides in his own words:
“Nothing is far more dangerous than leaving crucial decisions with impact for years to come to angry protestors and ineffective bodies of governance. This condition is threatening the collective belief in the Syrian state capability of existence and survival. A regime change is needed in a manner that is not threatening to integration and unity of national institutions.”
To blame the demonstrators for the current state of affairs is not much different than blaming the victim. No one benefits from killings, mayhem and the pain that they impose collectively on society in addition to the economic dislocations that ensue. Only one side could have prevented this sad state of affairs and it is for the ruling Ba’ath party to have heard the message that the citizens have endorsed. No more dictatorship, no more monopoly on power by one select group and no more cult of personality. People have marched to ask that they be heard and that they be treated as citizens will intrinsic rights. Alas the regime proved beyond the shadow of the doubt its inability to reform or to accommodate meaningful change. Its response was to let loose its thugs and send its tanks to destroy and demolish. That is not a response of a party that is interested in dialogue or that is willing to pack up and go home when the people ask it to do so.
Syria did not have to end where it is know had the ruling party acted responsibly by allowing demonstrations, making meaningful changes, opening up the political process and holding credible free elections. There is a good example of how things could have turned to be by looking at Tunis and , with all its counter revolutionary acts, even Egypt. But Bashar et al have spoken clearly and unambiguously in favour of a solution that is repressive, undemocratic and cruel, a solution similar to that of Libya.
I believe , rather strongly, that Morpheus and many on his side of the aisle, so to speak, have misread the Syrian uprising. It is to be understood as a revolution a demand to restructure and transform Syria and it is rather clear that oppresors cannot be expected to reform themselves so as to stop exploitation.
I will however agree with Morpheus that the danger of any revolutionary activity is for the oppressed to rise and become the oppressors. That is a risk that accompanies all revolutions and we have to be willing to take it if we are to be on the right side of history.
October 15th, 2011, 5:53 pm
Haytham Khoury said:
Dear Areal #359:
I am sorry if I got angry against you yesterday. However, let me explain to you why I got angry.
For me, I do not care about politician too much. One goes; another one comes. If all of them goes to hell, I do not care.
What I care about is the people. What I care about seeing nobody is killed and nobody is tortured. It doesn’t matter what religion or race they are
This thing that I would like all people condemning.
For this reason, I had the sense of indignation, when I felt that people were minimizing the torture of these kids and the killing of a couple of people for political reasons.
By the way, when we try to do psychological assessment for people. Two criteria indicate the development of the conscious: Empathy (when you see or hear about people’s suffering) and remorse (when you inflict suffering on people).
I hope all of us we can agree in this forum that the the bottom line of any political differences is human life and human dignity.
Do not think I care too much about proving my point to anybody. I see a lot of people during the day. I try to understand their psychological structure and then I go my way.
October 15th, 2011, 6:03 pm
SF94123 said:
Sadly, Syria headed for a full blown civil war as the people of Damascus and Aleppo are “behind the scenes” preparing to join the demonstrators in large numbers. If what I was told is true, we are going to witness the bloodiest and most cruel civil war in the history of mankind. Government and oppositions must immediately and genuinely agree to dialogue to avert a mad man-made disaster before it is too late. Time is of the essence! Let’s don’t destroy Syria- where we grew up- the Cradle of Civilizations- PLEASE.
October 15th, 2011, 6:57 pm
Jad said:
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October 15th, 2011, 6:57 pm
annie said:
Going thru the comments is a roller coaster, alternating between rage AREAL’s pulsions at censorship (Please Alex … , delete his (Antoine’s) posts.) and laughter (loved 290. SYRIAN HAMSTER) but always that sombre feeling of wasted lives and Antoine’s list is really gloomy.
Sorry AREAL, you feel like a Dutch uncle in a corner. I have decided to skip you.
Some guy (never 🙂 ) in Damascus, don’t pay the ones who want to cleanse you out any attention.
And of course Haytham, Radar, Sheila, Tara, Uzair8 the terrorist MB mob are a balm on a broken heart. Haytham, I would like to be one of your patients : you are so human ! Vraiment touchant !
October 15th, 2011, 6:59 pm
Haytham Khoury said:
@ Annie #443
Thank you Annie
October 15th, 2011, 7:06 pm
Tara said:
Educated health care consumers should check doctors background. This is what RF ( I am afraid to say his name) may find while searching for an ophthalmologist in Syria’baan-confirms-bashar-al-asad-mentally-disabled-393306’baan-confirms-bashar-al-asad-is-mentally-disabled/
On another topic, I am sure you know that Saba’a Bahrat square is much smaller then Omayad square in Damascus. The following is what our local Mamenhebaks say
?????? ???? ??? ?????? ?? ???? ????????. ?????? ??????? ??????? ?? ???? ??? ?????, ?????? ??????? ??????? ????? ????? ?????. Then ….
October 15th, 2011, 7:25 pm
Haytham Khoury said:
Dear Ghufran @412:
I was the one who proposed the idea of Transition Council. I sent that proposal to the Antalya Conference. However, the Antalya Conference did not adopt it, because the opposition was so fragmented. I fought for it till the end at many levels. I am the one who encouraged the liberals (Ghalioun) to meet the the moderate conservatives (Ziadeh et al.). At the beginning, they could not tolerate each other. For this reason, if anybody has anything to blame regarding the current council. That person should address the blame to me.
October 15th, 2011, 7:26 pm
Haytham Khoury said:
Dear Alex @357:
I am sorry if I did any injustice on you. It seems I am targeting you these days.
October 15th, 2011, 7:31 pm
Haytham Khoury said:
Dear Jad@ 339:
To have good relationships with people who meet with you in the interest does not require big diplomatic ability. The real diplomatic test is to discuss and reach consensus and compromise with people who have different views or agendas than you.
October 15th, 2011, 7:47 pm
bronco said:
Tara #445
Then two mentally disabled will finally meet!
And the third one maybe the one who need to compare the size of squares to re-assure himseld/herself about the questionnable popular support for Mr president.
Would His/Her next prediction be the Place De La Concorde with Ghalioun been hailed at the first french-syrian president in Syria.. Even Carla Bruni may bring her newborn to celebrate!
October 15th, 2011, 7:52 pm
zoo said:
A very bizarre interview…
Haitham al-Maleh: Yes to International Intervention in Syria
EK: What if the Security Council authorizes NATO to intervene in Syria? What would your position be then?
HM: There would be no problem then. If that happens, NATO would be subject to the Security Council and its mandate. That would guarantee that the intervention would not turn into an occupation. When they occupied Iraq, it was without a UN resolution. But when the UN intervenes, the party intervening is bound by resolutions and is obliged to comply with them. What happened in Iraq is unacceptable. But what happened in Libya is different.
October 15th, 2011, 8:11 pm
Tara said:
Carla is determined to hide her baby from the public eyes. She is going to have to leave him with the nanny during the inauguration. We won’t have the celebration in Paris though. We will have it all over Syria and I propose the epi- center of celebration to be in Bab al Sba’a
On serious note: in your eyes.. what is the problem with Ghalioun being the future Mr. President? Why are you against him? Why is the assumption that he is going to be a western puppet? He is secular alright. That is shown on his track record long before the revolution. No shariaa law under his watch and minorities should feel protected and on top of that…..he dose look presidential. I just do not like blue-eyed, hair-dyed presidents. They are ugly!
October 15th, 2011, 8:23 pm
Dale Andersen said: