Ambassador Ford Goes to Hama

Reader Comment by Abughassan:

This Friday was not very satisfying for the demonstration organizers. Most demos were small and almost none reported in Aleppo and Damascus proper. Reports about large demos in cities other than Hama and Homs were largely untrue and some were totally fake. My cousin denied seeing or hearing any demos in Latakia; another cousin in Aleppo confirmed that Friday was quiet. Security forces kept a low profile but that did not help increase the number of demos. We may be seeing some demonstration fatigue.

Ambassador Ford escorted into Hama by demonstrators demanding the fall of the regime. Youtube

Guardian (GB): US calls Syrian charge of incitement ‘rubbish’, 2011-07-08

Associated Press= WASHINGTON (AP) — The Obama administration has fired back at President Bashar Assad’s regime for accusing an American ambassador of attempting to destabilize Syria by visiting anti-government protesters in a besieged city. State … “The presence of U.S. ambassador in Hama without previous permission is obvious proof of the implication of the United States in the ongoing events, and of their attempts to increase
tensions there, which damage Syria’s security and stability,” the foreign ministry statement said….

Hama after the demonstrations. Youtube video of many burning cars and buses in the downtown region. Youtube

A Bab Touma, Damascus, Pro-Bashar Demonstration help in July 8

The person who sent me this photo writes: “They lost the plot in Hama it seems. Throwing flowers on the convoy?! Syrians sitting on the sidelines object to this. I was just passing by a huge pro demo in Bab Touma and took this photo. Thousands of people called to move the demo in front of the US embassy. They started car pooling and moving in masses. Anti-Americanism is on the rise in Syria thanks to the ambassador!”

FP Passport: Is this the anthem for the Syrian revolution? “Yalla Erhal Ya Bashar” (It’s time to leave, Bashar), seems to be the standout song of the Syrian uprising so …

Syrian Christians concerned about instability at home
July 07, 2011, By Brooke Anderson, The Daily Star

Saydnaya church, 27 kilometers north of Damascus, is second only to Jerusalem for Christian pilgrimage.

BEIRUT: As an increasing number of Syrians take to the streets to demand sweeping government reforms, many Syrian Christians are still hesitant to do so – afraid of an uncertain future as a minority that has until now been safe under the current secular government.

“To be honest, everybody’s worried,” Yohana Ibrahim, archbishop of the Syriac Orthodox Church in Aleppo told The Daily Star on a recent visit to Beirut. While he supports the demands for reform being made by the protesters, he emphasizes that he would not want the instability that potentially could come with a change in government and he hopes a national dialogue can soon be reached.

He says: “We don’t want what happened in Iraq to happen in Syria. We don’t want the country to be divided. And we don’t want Christians to leave Syria.”

This is perhaps why many of Syria’s Christians have remained largely silent since the popular uprising began just over three months ago. Most of the protests have taken place after Friday prayers in rural areas, with only minimal turnout in Damascus and Aleppo, the two largest, majority Sunni cities, where also the majority of Syria’s Christians reside.

Syria’s Christians comprise about 10 percent of the country’s population of 20 million. Most are concentrated in the country’s large cities, while there are also sizable communities on the coast and in the Hauran region, where the uprising began in March. So far, very few have been prominent in the uprising, which activists say has caused the deaths of more than 1,400 civilians as a result of a violent government crackdown.

Many people believe the community’s relative absence from protests is due to the stability they enjoy under the Alawite-run secular government, which has shown favoritism toward the country’s urban business elite – including secular Muslims and Christians – while taking a hard line against Islamist movements over the past 40 years.

“I’ve met Syrian Christians who’ve defended the regime because it’s not Islamic, but I think this could backfire on them,” says Imad Salamey, associate professor of political science at the Lebanese American University. “If they link themselves to a dictatorial regime that is largely disliked by the Syrian people, then some might think this will justify reprisals against them.”

Others are sympathetic to the idea that Syrian Christians are simply scared of chaos and persecution if the ongoing protests lead to Islamist overthrowing the secular Baath party government, similar to events in Iraq.

“It is the devil we know better than the devil we don’t know, I don’t blame them,” says Hind Aboud Kabawat, a Syrian Christian who divides her time between Toronto and Damascus, and who won the 2007 Women’s Peace Initiative award.

“It is not pleasant to see the Iraqi Christian refugees leaving Iraq after thousands of years of living in Iraq, or seeing Iran after the toppling of the Shah to have the Mullah.”

Historically, in a region of unrest, Syria has been a place of stability and sanctuary for Christians. Tens of thousands fled there to safety following the 2003 U.S.-led invasion of Iraq. And Christian holidays are nationally recognized in Syria.

Still, Kabawat seems to see it as being in Syrian Christians’ long-term interest to support the protesters. “Remember, if you are a real good Christian you have to side with the oppressed and not with the oppressors,” she says….

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Syrian Businessman Is Moving Wealth To Evade Sanctions, Treasury Says
2011-07-08 WSJ

The U.S. Treasury on Friday warned financial institutions to monitor for suspicious transactions involving Syrian officials–in particular, President Bashar al-Assad’s cousin, Rami Makhlouf, who is allegedly trying to hide his businesses ties and …

Zionists Chair Syrian Opposition Meeting in France
Local Editor, Manar (Thanks to The Passionate Attachment)

Key Zionist philosopher Bernard-Henri Levy; former French Minister of Foreign Affairs, and major advocate of the war against Iraq Bernard Kouchner; member of the youth movement in the Israeli right wing Likud party Frederick Ansel; and former Knesset member and Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak’s advisor Alex Goldfarb who was not questioned by anyone for claiming to be a Syrian opposition member and spokesman of “Democratic change in Syria” assembly; were basic participants in the Syrian opposition conference in Saint-Germain in France.

This “Zionist” atmosphere did not bother the attendees, which Muslim brotherhood representative in Paris, Moulhem Droubi, was among. One young Syrian girl “Souraya” interposed saying: “In this hall there is not one Syrian. In this hall, I only see Zionists.” However, she was immediately interrupted and dragged out by the French security under the eyes of the police.

According to the Lebanese daily As-Safir reporter in France Mohammad Ballout, Frederick Ansel responded to the young girl saying: “Unfortunately, some Arabs still regard Zionism as an insult, although it is a source of pride and honor.”

The Syrian opposition conference on Monday included speeches that called for toppling down the regime, and attacked Iran and Hezbollah, while completely ignoring occupied Palestine and the occupied Golan Heights.

Some speakers condemned “Iran and Hezbollah’s interference in Syria.”

Abughassan writes in the comment section:

The nature of political Islam and the history of MB added to the fact that Syria is a third world country with a diverse population all make it critical that a collapse of law and order is not permitted. The lesser of two evils is accepting a peaceful and gradual change of regime. Those who want another Iraq in Syria will be the first to blame “others” if things deteriorate into a status of total chaos and bloodshed. Cool heads,not hot blood,is what Syria needs today.

Samara writes

“Jr, the destroyer”. I like that. Hopefully he will destroy all the criminals who call themselves the MB, and the so called peaceful protesters who are killing and destroying our country.

Revlon Writes:

Lieutenant; Amjad Mohammad Al hameed, recent defector, provides account of war crimes commited in Rastan, last months:

– He is a tribe member
– Water, power and telephone lines disconnected.- Shelling of civilian neighbourhoods for three days.
– House searches, looting, and killing of civilians, including a baby girl.
– Piling up bodies and seriously wounded in containers.

This is the real dialogue that junior is conducting on the ground with Syrians people.

From the Turkish Press:

Iran’s role in Syria? Zaman

Turkey-Syria-Iran Triangle being redrawn?

Ron Paul condemns U.S. regime change promotion in Belarus or in “any other sovereign nation”
Statement on H.R. 515, the Belarus Democracy Reauthorization Act of 2011

Mr. Speaker, I rise in opposition to the “Belarus Democracy Act” reauthorization. This title of this bill would have amused George Orwell, as it is in fact a US regime-change bill. Where does the United States Congress derive the moral or legal authority to determine which political parties or organizations in Belarus — or anywhere else — are to be US-funded and which are to be destabilized? How can anyone argue that US support for regime-change in Belarus is somehow “promoting democracy”? We pick the parties who are to be supported and funded and somehow this is supposed to reflect the will of the Belarusian people? How would Americans feel if the tables were turned and a powerful foreign country demanded that only a political party it selected and funded could legitimately reflect the will of the American people?

However, representative of the so called “Salvation Front” headed by former Syrian vice-president Abdul Halim Khaddam, Ashraf Al-Moqdad called for “urgent assistance of Western countries,” and defended the participation of racist Zionist figures saying: “We are ready to meet with anyone in order to stop the bloodshed in Syria. The Syrian regime had conducted negotiations with Israel directly and indirectly. Then why can’t we meet with French officials who want to help the Syrian people? ”

For his part, Zionist Journalist Bernard Henri-Levy called in a statement the Security Council to refer the Syrian regime to the international tribunal. While Bernard Kouchner went further by saying that the international community should intervene militarily in Syria.

“We went to Libya, and we feel great injustice for leaving the Syrians alone,” he said, calling on “Arab spring” countries to end diplomatic relations with Syria.

Iran grooms Iraq to replace Syria? The National

Why Iraq may become Iran’s new best friend. There is a debate at the highest levels about how far Iran may go to spare its ally, Syria, from a free fall, Tareq Alhomayed, of the , wrote in a leader article. “I asked an analystwell-versed in Syrian issues about the Iranian role and he said that there are indications that Tehran is preparing Iraq to replace Syria as its closest ally in the region, in case the regime in Damascus falls.” This is seen in an increase in violent operations undertaken by militias backed by Iran in Iraq, especially in Sunni areas, with the approach of the US withdrawal.

Syria’s angel of death gives insight into terror
Jonathan Jones, 9 Juli 2011, Guardian

Jonathan Jones: Framing the debate: The footage showing a lone gunman shooting randomly before turning his fire on the cameraman is too raw not to be real

The angel of death has been caught on camera. That is what a gunman randomly shooting from a dark doorway looks like in raw and terrifying video footage that has surfaced this week on YouTube. Wearing military-looking khaki and firing quite randomly at people in a Syrian city, “without any reason and no demonstrations”, the figure embodies the stories of ruthless state violence emerging from a country where conventional reporting is all but impossible.

You look at death, and death looks at you. The cameraman – apparently using a mobile phone to grab these images in the heat of the moment – nervously and jerkily photographs a vertiginous collage of building facades, balconies and a fleeing crowd on the street below before homing in on the sinister military figure who is shooting from a doorway on a balcony just below his elevated viewpoint. But no sooner does the camera see the assassin than the assassin sees the photographer: and shoots. The last part of the video is a brown abstract mist as we hear moans against continuing shots and yells.

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Comments (497)

Joshua said:

A moderator is being added to Syria Comment, who will assist me in upholding the comment rules of SC.

Please forgive me for not being able to keep on top of the comment section.

Many commentators have complained about the level of abused and insult that has crept into the discussion section. We will stop that and encourage commentators to add content and intelligence to the section.

There are so few places where Syrians from all sides of the political spectrum can share and discuss their views.

I learn of most of the articles that I post to Syria Comment from the Comment Section. It is very important in helping me to build content and form my opinions about what is going on in Syria. I know many analysts and journalists also use it to find out about Syrian politics.

Let’s work together to keep it a smart and important site. So many people depend on it. And many of you have worked very hard to make it the best place to find out about what is going on. Thank you all for helping me. Last month, some 120,000 readers came to SC.

Best, Joshua

July 8th, 2011, 3:20 pm



Congratulations and thanks for improving control.

I am sorry for those who used agressive tactics but happy for the whole SC. This is a further step needed to promote dialogue and let it prevail over violence. Something the syrian regimen and their supporters have always needed.

July 8th, 2011, 3:58 pm


Aboud said:

There is a problem with the video you posted about Hama, professor Landis. You left out a key word in your description.

“Youtube video of many burning cars and buses in the downtown region”

Correction, your description should have read “Youtube video of many burning cars and buses belonging to the security forces in the downtown region ”

While some may debate whether the Hamwis were justified in repealing a force of security officers who had previously killed over a score of their friends, you did your mostly non Arabic, and non-Syrian readers, a huge disservice in not giving them all the facts to enable them to make a decision for themselves. We expect better from a blog that gets “120,000” visits a month.

It is as bad an omission as the fact that for two weeks in a row, you make no mention whatsoever of the widespread and highly successful general strikes that occurred yesterday on the 7th of July, and the week before.

July 8th, 2011, 4:18 pm


abughassan said:

The fact that a US ambassador went to Hama in the midst of demonstrations when Syrian security officers were not allowed speak volume about the level of separation between the regime and the people of Hama. If the model of Hama succeeds and we see more of it in other cities,then Bashar will have no choice but to resign. The only thing that keeps regime supporters hopeful is the silence of Aleppo and the relative silence in Damascus. Watch the army,calls for a takeover have fallen on deaf ears so far but that may not last if more Syrians take the streets. The opposition for the most part failed to present a timetable or a road map for the post-Bashar era and that needs to be done ASAP if they want undecided people to take them more seriously,it is not enough to say “the people want to topple the regime” and Hama is not big enough to force Bashar to resign.I suspect that we will have a major announcement by the government before next Thursday. BTW,I do not know who will pay for destroyed cars and properties other than ordinary Syrians,the confusion and loss of focus I see from some Syrians here and everywhere is astonishing.

July 8th, 2011, 4:25 pm



Thank you Joshua

In hamster school, we learned two things, well a bit more, but these two were very important, or so we pups were told.

1. Profanity is the weapon of the witless.

2. Freedom of Speech protects ones opinion on a matter not the words one chooses to use while stating ones opinion. This is very important because in most cities in the US, one can be fined for using profanities in public.

Profanity reduces anger. But when overused, and like any drug, it loses its effect and becomes an addiction, or as the addict in this case is rightfully called gross, or vulgar, or…. (i think all are better than cuss-head).

But when someone like the late and great George Carlin uses profanities, it is different. With his super-intelligent commentary on the collective stupidity of humanity (let us face it, he has a point*), his use of profanity serves not to inject absurdity into his monologue but to highlight the absurdity of our mundacity. And with all due respect to all of us, i doubt that individually, and quite frankly, some of us collectively, we are half as smart as someone who can come up with phrases like these:

There’s no present. There’s only the immediate future and the recent past.

The reason I talk to myself is because I’m the only one whose answers I accept.

Weather forecast for tonight: Dark. Continued dark overnight, with widely scattered light by morning.

I have as much authority as the Pope. I just don’t have as many people who believe it.

So let us not be profane, it only shows how far are we from great minds. With regular talk, we stand a 1 in a gazzilion chance of landing a good, catchy prhase, with profanity, it is zero.

* I know, it sounds racist

and that was my taradiddle

July 8th, 2011, 4:37 pm


why-discuss said:


I doubt very much that many cities will follow Hama’s path.
Hailing a US ambassador as he was a saviour is an insult to the majority of Syrians and Arabs. I think that it will have the exact opposite effect as it sort of confirm the narrative of the Governement that there is a US Israeli plot against Syria.
A US ambassador going there after lying about getting a permission is a display of US arrogance that we have been used to.
In addition the x-opposition meeting organized in a cinema by a known zionist Bernard Henry Levy does show the level despair and the confusion of the opposition to organize anything meaningful: A Antalya hotel, then a Paris Cinema, I wonder where will be the next meeting, a synagogue in Tel Aviv?
Associating with the US and Zionists will surely discrredit further for a long time the x-opposition and its Hama proxies. This is an act of high treason and they will bear the consequences as I don’t think the majority of Syrians, especially the army will forgive them that.

Is the US soon been kicked out of Iraq, looking for a new Arab military base close to Iraq to counter the tsunami of Iran replacing them in Iraq? I wonder…

July 8th, 2011, 5:07 pm


SYR.Expat said:

Dear Prof. Landis,

Thank you for adding a moderator. It’s definitely needed to restore civility to this forum.

Hope you had a nice vacation.

July 8th, 2011, 5:13 pm


Aboud said:


“it is different. With his super-intelligent commentary on the collective stupidity of humanity (let us face it, he has a point*)”

Bad, bad hamster, displaying your anti-human prejudices *sniff* I’m gonna pretend the Hamster-nation and all hamsters don’t exist. Then they’ll be sorry.

July 8th, 2011, 5:13 pm


SYR.Expat said:

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July 8th, 2011, 5:25 pm


AIG said:


Again, instead of dealing with the real issues you make it about the attitudes of Syrians to Israel and the US. Wake up. Syrians want freedom and dignity and a flowering economy, not excuses and blaming Israel and the US for all of Assads ills. Assad is the problem, not Israel or the US.

July 8th, 2011, 5:29 pm


Syrian Commando said:


Great post, great points. I doubt we’ll be seeing the US out of Iraq for the next 6 years at least.

>Hailing a US ambassador as he was a saviour is an insult to the majority of Syrians and Arabs. I think that it will have the exact opposite effect as it sort of confirm the narrative of the Governement that there is a US Israeli plot against Syria.

Even the most hardened deniers have loosened up and admitted the obvious.

July 8th, 2011, 5:33 pm



After all we have read, seen and heard, I think the only possible way for me to become a respectful assadist would be that Assad leave power by its own will.

July 8th, 2011, 5:35 pm


HS said:

On Syria’s angel of death gives insight into terror
Jonathan Jones, 9 Juli 2011, Guardian
Jonathan Jones: Framing the debate: The footage showing a lone gunman shooting randomly before turning his fire on the cameraman is too raw not to be real
In the case of a previous obvious fake video , I explained that the media should get professional experts and equipment to review the videos before endorsing them in their articles.

My advice applies also to this specific edited video.

July 8th, 2011, 5:40 pm


AIG said:

[Edited for insults]

You write:
“Even the most hardened deniers have loosened up and admitted the obvious.” Maybe you are right on this one. Can you give us some names so we know it isn’t another lie of yours?

And let’s not forget what you recently wrote:
“The Arabs are basically animals, they have no direction, they have no thoughts of their own. They drift from place to place, if they have oil, they live it up, if they don’t, they live like pigs. No goals, no achievements, no future.”

July 8th, 2011, 5:41 pm


Syrian Commando said:


The video seemed fake but it also doesn’t actually show a real uniform. What does “too raw not to be real” mean, lol.

You know, I give up. Where is this moderation? I do dish it out my fair share but this is harassment. I don’t log on here so that I can be harassed by Israeli citizens like every Palestinian has to be when they wake up in the morning. If this guy continues I’m not commenting anymore, feel free to interpret this as a victory, information terrorist and spammer “AIG”.

July 8th, 2011, 5:42 pm


AIG said:

[Edited for insults]

You really cannot take your own medicine can you coward?
Just answer the damn question.
You write:
“Even the most hardened deniers have loosened up and admitted the obvious.” Maybe you are right on this one. Can you give us some names so we know it isn’t another lie of yours?

And let’s not forget what you recently wrote:
“The Arabs are basically animals, they have no direction, they have no thoughts of their own. They drift from place to place, if they have oil, they live it up, if they don’t, they live like pigs. No goals, no achievements, no future.”

July 8th, 2011, 5:50 pm


jad said:

“Is the US soon been kicked out of Iraq,”
They are not leaving Iraq any time soon, they are negotiating their stay with Al Malki.

July 8th, 2011, 5:50 pm


Amir in Tel Aviv said:

The visit of the ambassador shows that the US (and probably France) are preparing for the day after Assad. They don’t want to be caught unprepared as they were in Tunisia.

And the ambassador driving to Hama, despite numerous road blocks, setup by the “armed gangs” that are terrorizing the drivers, is remarkably courageous…

July 8th, 2011, 5:52 pm


Syrian Commando said:

Adios, I don’t have time for [Edited for insults] I already answered your question on page 3 of the previous article, learn to read you [Edited for insults]

If any of you want to contact me, I’m on twitter:

I’m never returning. This reminds me too much of occupied Palestine.

July 8th, 2011, 5:55 pm




I think that on the basis of panarabic politics and ideology there is a substracte of racism, maybe light racism. As there is racism in a much more clear and negative way in the sionist politics.

I do not say that arabs are racist in the way Hitler was, and not even in the Chosen People concept jewish are, but when many arabs deal (in politics) with foreigners there is a kind of racism emerging constantly. How can you explain mixing constantly the concept Syrian with the concept Arab, pride, foreigner, shame? How can you explain denying others ideas or political arguments just because he is a foreigner or simply not arab and because of that they do not understand. I think there is even the sense in most arab countries that kurds or other ethincities are inferior. Would the arab countries ever accept the son of, let´s say, a Chinese muslim and an Indonesian born in Syria with syrian nationality become president? It makes smile. In the US the simple idea of having a black president let people smile some 30 years ago when there was a large part of society being racist.

What I say is that the component of racism that has Panarabism needed to grow and develop for protecting themselves against colonialism and sionism in the past (mirror theory) is now hurting national aspirations of every arab country to become modern free political entities.

July 8th, 2011, 5:55 pm


AIG said:

[Edited for insults]

I hope you are not lying this time when you say you are not returning, but alas, you are such a [Edited for insults], that what you write means nothing.

You could easily have linked to your response of given the names again, but you didn’t. We will all be left wondering why. Not really, we know by now what a liar you are.

July 8th, 2011, 6:01 pm


jad said:

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???? ????? ??? “???? ?? ????? ??? ????? ?????????? ?????? ?? 20 ??? 30 ????? ????? ??? ??? ???? ???? ??????? ????? ??????? ?????? ??????? ?????? ????? ?????”.

????? ??? “??? ????? ?????????? ??? 600 ???? ????? ???? ??? ????? ?????? 1600 ???? ???????? ?????? ?? ?????”.

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??????: ??????

July 8th, 2011, 6:03 pm


jad said:

“I’m never returning. This reminds me too much of occupied Palestine.”

And you let people to drive you away from your space that easily!!

July 8th, 2011, 6:07 pm




Me racist?!, some of my best friends are humans.

July 8th, 2011, 6:16 pm


Syria no kandahar said:

In Saudi Arabia ,the US best ally,a court today ordered cutting someones right arm,left leg,lashes and prison.That is all fine with all the free world.or like we say
In Syria ???? ????? ?????? ?????

July 8th, 2011, 6:18 pm


Aboud said:

“I’m never returning. This reminds me too much of occupied Palestine.”

Forgive me if I don’t believe a word of what you just wrote. From what I’ve seen you crave the attention too much. At most, you’ll be back under another name, like Syrian-Rambo-Energizer-Bunny.

And let’s face it people, we all know what really happened with the ambassador’s visit. On Thursday afternoon junior was in between a rock and a very hard place; damned if he did, damned if he didn’t.

The hardliners in his regime demanded that Hama be crushed; to do nothing while the city was so openly against him would have made him appear weak.

And yet if he caved in to the hardliners, the entire country would have ignited. Junior hoped that Hama could be subdued by a massive deployment of police and security, without the need for heavy tanks.

Astonishingly, the Hamwis managed to repel the truckloads and busloads of security men (that was what we saw in the video Landis posted, but omitted to adequately explain).

Bashar was screwed. He was in a lose-lose situation. Then cometh the angels of mercy, in the forms of their excellencies the Ambassadors to France and the USA. With their visits to Hama, Bashar could credibly excuse his inaction. I mean, this was obviously an American-French plot! It was bigger than him and the whole country!

Make no mistake, the regime would have happily sent in the tanks had the political cost not been prohibitive. The visit of the ambassadors staved off what would have been a massacre, and the consequences for the country, and the region, would have been tragic.

July 8th, 2011, 6:22 pm


873 said:

12. SANDRO LOEWE said:
“After all we have read, seen and heard, I think the only possible way for me to become a respectful assadist would be that Assad leave power by its own will.”

After all we have read, seen and heard, the world agrees that the only possible way for regional peace to be respected and reinstated would be for you and your fellow Israelis to leave the region. Your illegitimate claim to a piece of real estate 2000 yrs after it was voluntarily abandoned by those with whom you have no genetic link are a fraud, and the religious myths you base the State of Rothschild on are plagiarized fiction. Please be the first to go of your own free will. It only takes one to get the ball rolling, I respectfully nominate you.

July 8th, 2011, 6:32 pm


Aboud said:

The adventures of Spray-Man! Spraying anti-junior graffiti on the highways and bridges where it will be seen by all! Astonishing bravery 🙂

July 8th, 2011, 6:36 pm


syau said:

Syrian Commando,

Would you seriously grant them that pleasure? Reconsider.


Coming from someone who has never condemned the violence of the revolution, I would expect you to endorse vandals.

July 8th, 2011, 6:41 pm


democracynow said:

“Reports about large demos in cities other than Hama and Homs were largely untrue and some were totally fake.”

For Joshua Landis to post this outright lie at the top of a post speaking about Friday’s demos speaks volumes about the quality of this forum. So the video of the HUGE protest today in Deir Ezzor is fake? or does Abu Ghassan not consider Deir Ezzor people good enough to be Syrians? Bukmal is not good enough for you, Abu Ghassan? And speaking of Damascus proper, have you not heard of the demo in Midan in Damascus today? How about this video, have you not seen it too?

My, my. Talk about a smoking gun!

July 8th, 2011, 6:42 pm


vlad-the-syrian said:


I acknowledged you “added” a moderator. I hope the moderater you “added” will notice that

14. AIG said:

SC the demented liar [Yes, I have edited it. Such a waste of our time…]


16. AIG said:

SC the demented liar,

is a mere and provocative spam.

I hope also that the moderator when he moderates took also into consideration the “honesty” and “objectiveness” of the comment, if ever these words had to be of a any meaning to the afore said moderator.

What are the rules applied by the moderator ?

July 8th, 2011, 6:53 pm


democracynow said:

Obviously, the regime and its sycophants are quite pissed off at Ford’s visit to Hama. And now all their past prophecies about the protests being incited by the US are validated! But why did the Hamwis have to go and appear totally peaceful and harmless when Ford drove by? why didn’t they pelt him with shoes and rocks so we can prove to the world that they are the infidels-hating, sabotage-spreading salafis we claim they are?

The regime’s temperament and excessive heavy-handedness has long proved their paranoia and moral weakness, but I never thought they’d be so stupid and naive. In a different world, a Syrian citizen would ask his regime: if an ambassador of a foreign country is roaming freely around inciting sabotage, what are you gonna do about it?

Seriously, what is the regime gonna do about it?

Oh wait, they can always instruct ambassador Imad Mustafa to start attending Tea Party demos and incite violence… HAHAHA

July 8th, 2011, 6:55 pm


democracynow said:

Meanwhile, the regime is arresting people left and right. (You will not hear this from Joshua, of course). Today they picked up prof Osama Ghanam, a leftist activist and a man of theater.

Reforms? You bet!


Anas M’rawi, an activist, has been under arrest for a week as well:!/anasonline

This is the link to campaign to free him:!/search?q=%23FreeAnas

(again, you will not hear this from Joshua Landis)

July 8th, 2011, 6:57 pm


syau said:

Peaceful protests aren’t the problem in Hama or anywhere else for that matter, the problem is when the armed elements infiltrate the demonstrations and cause chaos. When they block roads and freeways, destroy their own countries infrastructure, burn cars and buses and terrorise and murder citizens. That is a problem that every country would oppose.

July 8th, 2011, 7:00 pm


Abughassan said:

I stand by what I said,people. Cities in Syria,other than Hama and Homs did not witness large demonstrations and there was none in Aleppo and only small demos in greater Damascus,and yes,aljazeera aired 2 fake videos from old demos as “new”.
I will not allow myself to be pushed in the pro or anti camps because I know better and I discovered without any doubt that both sides have legitimate issues but both sides lied and continue to lie. Syria will not be saved by the EU,the US,Turkey or even syrian militants,on both sides, who refuse to accept the opposition. Those who care to find the truth will testify that I was on the side of ordinary Syrians and against the regime from day one but not to the point of throwing Syria under the bus to cure some Syrians who are unable to see beyond their nose. The truth is a bitter pill to swallow especially if you already have a sore throat..

July 8th, 2011, 7:06 pm



Dear Joshua
I think it is about time college professors interested in Syrian Affairs stand for their colleagues in Syria. Two things are required

1. Condemning colleagues who collaborate with regime security in arresting students (cases documented at the University of Aleppo and the University of Damascus) because this is in full violation of their mission as university faculty responsible for ensuring the intellectual development of the youth not for their oppression.

2. Support colleagues who are languishing in regime’s jails for practicing what every college professor should teach and preach.

I propose that this comes first from faculty in middle eastern studies programs and then others can join in. I think the chronicle forum could be a good place to start. Please note that I said nothing about condemning the regime to allow a pragmatic posture that allows those who may have professional interest to maintain their information channels open. This way it remains within the professional standards and outside the political view of faculty members joining such petition.

July 8th, 2011, 7:09 pm


vlad-the-syrian said:


i agree on every word in #35


you are not a troll , so ?

July 8th, 2011, 7:24 pm


Amir in Tel Aviv said:

The ‘No Dialog’ demonstrations were huge. Biggest so far.
And any way, the size doesn’t really matter now. What does matter is the continuation, and the resolve.

July 8th, 2011, 7:24 pm


abughassan said:

48 years of albaath rule transformed syrian universities into disaster areas. colleges are heavily inflitrated by Mukhabarat, positions are given based on loyalty not ability,funds are stolen or not even allocated properly,research does not exist,and good qualified teachers are either depressed or out of the country,and some got even arrested for speaking out. This is the legacy of the one party rule and the Kingorepublic of 41 years of Alasad rule and 48 of albaath. Some will argue that education is mostly free in Syria,which is true,but who said that graduating tens of thousands of students without future jobs and without strong education is a function of the state? Obviously,some in Albaath leadership thought so.There was a time when it meant something to be a college student in Syria,not anymore. College students in Syria held demonstrations,debates and managed to find real jobs,but today,many are more interested in dating,signing Alasad re-election papers with their blood and looking for a quick way to get connected and join the corrupt establishment. I am,however,not willing to hang all of my grievances on the regime’s door,I realize that Syrians as a group have failed,and much of that failure is due to albaath and the regime as a whole.

July 8th, 2011, 7:29 pm


vlad-the-syrian said:

#18. Amir in Tel Aviv said:

The visit of the ambassador shows that the US (and probably France) are preparing “for the day after Assad”.

Unless by force and might, only if the syrian people want that but do they ?

Are you quite sure that the syrian people want the fall of the regime ?

Either yoy are ( Edited for personal attack) and ignorant, either you are lying. But as i’ve already said many times : you are lying only to yourself and to your own people.

Since the president is still so popular, on the other hand, you are underestimating the “common sense” of the syrian people. For you the syrians are asses unable to understand what really is going on, ? I infer hence from that, that you are a racist

July 8th, 2011, 7:35 pm


Tara said:


So what is your final conclusion of the ambassador visit to Hama? Was it a pro or anti regime move?

Is it fair to say that the visit was preemptive measure taken by the US to let Bashar knows that he is being watched closely so Hama II does not take place?

July 8th, 2011, 7:41 pm


abughassan said:

Some people are upset at the visit to Hama by amb Ford. He notified the MOFA but did not get an official permission. Others think his visit prevented a “massacre” in Hama,but some are furious about this display of “arrogance”. Ford is a politician and he wanted the US to look good and score points with the opposition,assuming that his visit will not validate the regime’s claims that the US is guilty of “planning and aggravating” this crisis. I do not know what the regime is going to lose because of this visit except prestige,after all,Ford did not see the army and the security forces inside the city,but I am waiting for Ford’s follow up statement about the visit and how the DOS in the US will react to his report.

July 8th, 2011, 7:41 pm


vlad-the-syrian said:


you say

“There was a time when it meant something to be a college student in Syria,not anymore ”

but how could that be under the Baath rule if “48 years of albaath rule transformed syrian universities into disaster areas” ?

and you say

“College students in Syria held demonstrations,debates and managed to find real jobs,but today,many are more interested in dating”

dating ? thgis is a bit whimsical

why dating should be in opposition with what you previoulsky declare ?

don’t you think that sex is somehow as much political as demonstrations and debates ?

July 8th, 2011, 7:42 pm


vlad-the-syrian said:


this visit (and the french one) is a mistake. The loss of prestige shall be short. The regime is not a butcher’s and the people know that. The regime is playing politics and i guess that for a great part the matter now is in the hands of the people. I am confident in the awakeness and common sense of the syrian people. The majority till now is for the regime and for the reforms whereas the protesters who still refuse the dialog are against the regime and against the reforms.

July 8th, 2011, 7:57 pm


vlad-the-syrian said:


how the transition could be practically achieved without dialog ?

The purpose of the dialog is not to keep the regime in place but to secure the transition towards a new one ? This cannot be done within few weeks.

If the US and the french are supporting the people who refuse the dialog, they are actually sabotaging the whole process.

Unless the US goal actually is the chaos and war ?

July 8th, 2011, 8:07 pm


why-discuss said:


And if he had been killed there? How sure was he that he would not be harmed? He must have received guarantees, from whom? Both sides? Why would someone in the government give him tacitely the green light?
Do you think the support and the popularity of the uprising in Hama has gone down in the eyes of the other oppositions and the syrians in general?
How are Damascus, Aleppo and Homs opposition reacting to the ‘warm’ welcome to Ford.

There are many questions about this visit that cannot be answered.

July 8th, 2011, 8:10 pm


jad said:

I was right in my prediction!

US sends message to Syria, Congress with diplomacy

“The Obama administration sent two distinct messages by dispatching the U.S. ambassador to Syria to meet anti-regime protesters in a besieged city. To Syrian President Bashar Assad: Reform now. To critics in the U.S. of its engagement policy: Stop complaining.”

“The solution has been to balance stinging criticism of the Assad regime’s conduct with continued pleas for it to lead a democratic transition. But the measured approach has faced a clamoring at home and in Syria for tougher action.”

“U.S. officials nevertheless insist that Ford is serving a vital role in making American concerns known to the Syrian government and providing assessments to policymakers back in Washington. Beyond that, he is providing moral support to protesters, officials say.”

“Ford left Hama during Friday prayers ahead of what are usually the week’s largest protests. He returned to Damascus safely Friday afternoon.
Separately Friday, the State Department said it summoned Syria’s ambassador to the U.S. earlier this week after receiving alarming reports of Syrian diplomats conducting video and photographic surveillance of people participating in protests in the United States.”

July 8th, 2011, 8:14 pm


why-discuss said:

I don’t get the meaning of these “two messages”, could anyone clarify. They look very stupid!

Full story
Who is lying?

…..Nuland also disputed the Syrian argument that Ford’s trip was unauthorized, explaining that the U.S. embassy informed the government ahead of time.

July 8th, 2011, 8:23 pm


jad said:

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July 8th, 2011, 8:24 pm


jad said:

“They look very stupid!”
I agree, but it seems that Obama administration are as stuck as the Syrian government, they have no clue how to fix this conflict so they are trying out different techniques!

“Who is lying?”
Actually non of them is lying, the american send the request but the Syrians didn’t give them the permission.

July 8th, 2011, 8:37 pm


vlad-the-syrian said:

47. jad

all this is a mere “mise en scène”

the US are deliberately pouring oil on the fire.

Ford has not received the approval from syrian authorities. So the US are lying not the syrians. I even think that Ford fooled the syrians by first playing the innocent tourist just the day before.

July 8th, 2011, 8:47 pm


vlad-the-syrian said:


besides i dont understand the authorities’ interest in lying ? what’s the purpose ?

i believe that this is some kind of a final step in the conspiracy device and was planned among other possibilities long ago. Ford couldnt go to Hama without previous contacts with the so-called opposition inside Hama and outside Syria and most probably they shared the infos with the french. Sarokozy is doing whatever the US wish.

July 8th, 2011, 8:55 pm


vlad-the-syrian said:


Ford “had a chance to talk to lots of average citizens — these were shopkeepers, people out on the street, young men,” said Victoria Nuland

But why Ford didnt’ talk to the average people of Aleppeo, Damascus, Qamishly, Tartous …

why only to the most extremists who didnt fail an occasion to shout ALLAH WA AKBAR and MALAYIN LIL JANNA RAYHEEN in additions to other dumb slogans, i mean the salafists and who stand by them ?

This visit is an interfrence in a sovereign country matters and an insult to its authorities.

July 8th, 2011, 9:05 pm


why-discuss said:


Beyond the media blitz, I think the visit has achieved several things that are helpful to the government

– Hama’s calls for NO DIALOG and the arrogant support of two foreign powers may press the local opposition intellectuals to the urgency for a national dialog before it’s too late. We will see that on Sunday
– It has allow the speculation that the US ambassador (and the US) may be in collusion with the Hama opposition as he was protected by them and not by police.
– Most important it has radicalised many hesitant syrians against an opposition that prostitutes itself and has lost its dignity by throwing flowers as it was a wedding (maybe it was) to an arch enemy of the Arabs and Syria.
Overall, I think the visit served well the government and was a disservice to the opposition that is now tainted.

Now if you think Ford has stopped a massacre, then he should go every friday back to Hama or any hot places.

That’s my take.

July 8th, 2011, 9:05 pm


vlad-the-syrian said:


by the way :

The the wreckage, the darkness ans the backwardness you are provoking in the whole area surrounding your arrogant utopia are enough proofs that you are noxiuous.

Your are making the desert grow all around your apartheid military camp because peace for you is the uttermost danger.

“Le désert croît , malheur à qui protège le désert.” this perfectly applies to you.

And taking this into consideration, the regime in Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt and even beyond is of no importance. What really matters for you is to achieve your goal. Bashar or another, democracy or not, the result should be strictly the same.

July 8th, 2011, 9:11 pm


syau said:

“Rallies in Most Provinces Voice Rejection of Foreign Interference in Syrian Affairs, Support National Dialogue and Reform”

On another note, Syria tv reports 5 deaths, “civilian and security personnel) during Friday protests. The number of deaths seems to be decreasing each week, hopefully next week there will be no deaths to report.

July 8th, 2011, 9:14 pm


vlad-the-syrian said:

WD #54

“then he should go every friday back to Hama or any hot places”

you are inconsistent and contradict yourself betwwen 2 sentences… As usual

July 8th, 2011, 9:15 pm


Shami said:

Why,as many pro asad-makhlouf regime lebanese,you are underestimating the political maturity of the syrian people.
You will understand better the syrian people after they gain back their freedom.

July 8th, 2011, 9:17 pm


daleandersen said:


“…the US is deliberately pouring oil on the fire…”

Maybe, baby, but it was you ( edited for bad language) who started the fire by not killing the Assad Mafia decades ago. Ambassador Ford was just adding a little oil to heat things up and maybe get this thing over with. After all, nobody in Syria seems to know what to do. Everybody’s confused and screaming and crying and bitching and moaning and calling anyone who doesn’t agree a Jew. Someone has to get this puppy on its feet. And as usual, it’s left to the USA to do the dirty work. Thanks a lot, ( Edited for bad language)!

“…this visit is an interference in a sovereign country matters and an insult to its authorities…”

Wrong! The dictator himself approved the visit. But don’t expect Junior to admit it. He’s not the truth-telling kind. The fact is, Bashar’s scared shitless of Fridays at the local mosque. He was hoping and praying that the US Ambassador’s trip to Hama will keep things peaceful and buy him one more week while he tries to figure out how to stay on his throne…

“…I think [Ford’s] visit served the government well…”

You bet it did, baby! We should charge Bashar for the visit, but hey, the USA ain’t like the mafia. There are things more important than money, yes?

July 8th, 2011, 9:25 pm


vlad-the-syrian said:


“but it was you idiots who started the fire by not killing the Assad Mafia decades ago”

this is very brilliant

“The dictator himself approved the visit”

2 lies in one sentence

“There are things more important than money”

not for you for sure

July 8th, 2011, 9:29 pm


why-discuss said:

Thurraya Ezzeh: St. Germaine Meeting Was Mere Zionist
PARIS- Thurraya Ezzeh, a pro-Palestinian Cause activist, said the main goal behind the conference held at Cinema St. Germaine in Paris is mere Zionist, adding the conference was a ceremony of hypocrisy in service of the Israeli interests par excellence and the participants had nothing to do with the Syrian people.

“All we could see at the meeting were Zionists like Bernard Kouchner and Henri Levy and others pro-Israel supporters who have only one dream, which is to establish Great Israel,” said Ezzeh in an interview with the Syrian TV via satellite on Thursday Ezzeh was dragged out from the meeting hall by the French security members as she was saying “There is no one Syrian person here. I can only see Zionists”.

Syrian Arab News Agency said that she noted that she went to the meeting along with a group of Syrian friends and anti-Zionism activists to speak out their opinion that the meeting was not for the sake of the Syrian people.

“When France is not concerned in saving the besieged Palestinian people in Gaza who are subjected to the most heinous massacres, how could it be concerned for the Syrian people,” Ezzeh wondered in her speech to the Syrian TV.

“The whole meeting was mere hypocrisy as the goal behind the France intervention is not humanitarian at all. It is rather aimed at serving the France’s interests in the region,” said Ezzeh.

A conference was held on Monday at Cinema St. Germaine in Paris under the name of “Popular Movement in Syria”, organized by La Regle du Jeu (The Rule of the Game) magazine and website which is headed by Bernard-Henri Levy, one of the staunchest defenders of Israel along with other French figures that can only be described as Israel’s friends in France.

The meeting was attended by Syrian opposition figures including members of Antalya Conference and the Muslim Brotherhood.

July 8th, 2011, 9:30 pm


Tara said:


The only thing keeping the regime from massacring ten of thousands of Syrians is the international community. Therefore, any moral support the Syrian people can get, is very much welcomed. With roses, why not? I still stick to my position that I do not approve any call for physical foreign intervention in Syria but aside than that, all efforts are very much appreciated. This is my take.

July 8th, 2011, 9:32 pm


why-discuss said:


I am not underestimating Syrians, quite the opposite.

July 8th, 2011, 9:33 pm


why-discuss said:


Do you accept moral support from the meeting in Cinema St Germain?

July 8th, 2011, 9:35 pm


jna said:

Why don’t these friggin Zionist provocateurs go to one of their zillion own web sites, including almost 100% of American public media? SC, although sometimes too outspoken, your passionate voice is needed here.

July 8th, 2011, 9:36 pm


Tara said:


No I don’t.

July 8th, 2011, 9:39 pm


vlad-the-syrian said:


after Serge Gainsbourg’s song HARLEY DAVIDSON OF A BITCH


July 8th, 2011, 9:39 pm


873 said:

48. WD,

Top message the US Embassy sent to the Syrians themselves was its present foreign intervention and subversion of their land; America’s brazen invasion of their national sovereignty. Other message was that the AIPAC-Arabs who threw flowers on Ford’s chariot and escorted him through their checkpoint fiefdoms are now America’s AIPAC-Syrian employees/lackey collaborators.

Wonder how high the bribes are? Is it like Beirut in the 1950’s where the US Ambassador arrived with suitcases packed w/ $100.00 bills and distributed them to the opposition (also like w/ Mossedegh?) If the puppets were smart, they’d demand it in euros.

As to those videos, for or against? Not so sure. Esp the one with the camera man getting shot. The background looked like photoshopped B roll. We still have no true idea of what is really happening in part 2 of the Color Revolution in Libya.

July 8th, 2011, 9:42 pm


vlad-the-syrian said:

WD #61

how much time the respectable opponents were given to express their claims ? do you have an idea of the percentage of time allowed for them during the Saint-Germain meeting ?

the answer is : at the end of the meeting, a few minutes.

The meeting was stopped because of an alleged alert bomb. It was too ridiculous to proceed further.

July 8th, 2011, 9:47 pm


why-discuss said:

Syrian opposition says not to attend national dialogue meeting

DAMASCUS, July 7 (Xinhua) — The Damascus-based Coordination Body of Syrian opposition parties said Thursday that it will not participate in the forthcoming consultative meeting for the national dialogue, which is scheduled in Damascus for July 10.

Lawyer Hassan Abdel-Azim, general coordinator of the body, told Xinhua by phone that “the body has decided not to take part in the upcoming meeting because of the lack of suitable climate for the dialogue.”

Other opposition figures told Xinhua by phone on Wednesday that they will not take part in the forthcoming meeting, saying that Syrian authorities “didn’t consider our suggestions earlier about creating a suitable climate for national dialogue and still resort to the security handling instead of political solution to tackle the current crisis.”

July 8th, 2011, 9:49 pm


Aboud said:

Difference between ambassadors; Robert Ford and Eric Chevallier go to a city under siege to lend its people moral support. Imad Mustapha spends his time spying on Syrian expatriates.

“US summons Syrian ambassador over ‘protest filming’ ”

Shameful, absolutely shameful.

July 8th, 2011, 9:51 pm


Mick said:

I heard Ambassador Ford was going to the Golan next to demand the occupation end there.

And the U.S. Ambassador to Bahrain was going to the Shi’ite areas to make sure they weren’t arrested and brutalized.

Oh wait. I forgot. U.S. Ambassadors don’t give a shit about Arabs unless it helps their narrow cause.

Sorry for the lapse of reason.

July 8th, 2011, 9:51 pm


vlad-the-syrian said:


????? ?? ????? ???? ??? ?????? ??????????? ?

July 8th, 2011, 9:54 pm


why-discuss said:


So you are selective on who gives the support. Obviously, like me, you disapprove of the syrian x-opposition prostituting with zionists. It is a shame.
Unfortunately the local syrian political opposition is like in a coma. Until someone wake them up and they become active instead of reactive, many months and deaths will happen..

July 8th, 2011, 9:57 pm


vlad-the-syrian said:


??? ????? ???
? ???? ???
? ?????? ???
? ???? ???
? ???? ???
? ?????? ???
??? ??? ? ??? ???
( Edited for bad language. If this continues, you will be asked not to comment for a week)

July 8th, 2011, 10:01 pm


Tara said:

Mick @ 71

Like the beloved Assad cared about the Shiaa in Bahrain or did something.., anything for the Golan. His narrow cause however is just to stay in power.

Why is it always difficult to look at the mirror? … Cause, the image is truly ugly.

July 8th, 2011, 10:04 pm


why-discuss said:


Sorry, are you a moderator or a censor?

July 8th, 2011, 10:08 pm


873 said:

70. Aboud said:
“Difference between ambassadors; Robert Ford and Eric Chevallier go to a city under siege to lend its people moral support.”

The handler went to manage his paid agents, the Islamic Sayanim.
Maybe they’ll bring in the Salafi Nahr El Barad crowd to fight Al CIAduh Taliban with MB operating as the spokesmen-public relations wing. Depends on if State Dept wants a more western look. If they’re trying to reinvigorate the War on Terror theme, I guess they’ll stay with the Central Casting ‘jihadi’ style. Actually the latter would be my guess. They have to outfit a credible threat, and Americans are burned out on that fake ADL attention whore Adam Pearlman who poses as Adam Gadahn. His career as Caliphate spokesman is about over- he never scared anyone and the fit on his turban makes anyones eyes roll.

July 8th, 2011, 10:09 pm


syau said:


Just to be clear, I said neck, not head in the previous post. When you live in a country, the president of that country is your president, whether you like it or not. So, if you do in fact live in Syria, he is your president, if not, then he isn’t.

Although I didn’t say it very nicely, unlike you, I dont use foul or vulgar words.

July 8th, 2011, 10:10 pm


vlad-the-syrian said:

exquisit TARA #62

“The only thing keeping the regime from massacring ten of thousands of Syrians is the international community”

This is untrue the regime is not massacring ten of thousands of Syrians and nobody in Syria believe he is doing that or intending to do that.

and below

“I still stick to my position that I do not approve any call for physical foreign intervention in Syria ”

These two assertions can work together.

You are making a contradiction or what the RAT would have called an oxymoron.

July 8th, 2011, 10:11 pm


why-discuss said:


I did not know that in the USA you could not use your cell phone to film demonstrations.

July 8th, 2011, 10:12 pm


873 said:

75. Tara said:
Like the beloved Assad cared about the Shiaa in Bahrain or did something.., anything for the Golan. His narrow cause however is just to stay in power.

Why is it always difficult to look at the mirror? … Cause, the image is truly ugly.

When you apply your ‘noble’ standard equally to all despots- esp your own- and not just apply it against govts you’d like to see replaced? Then others need listen, not before. Until then, its just more posing of selective ‘humanitarian concerns’ that NGOs have been using as a weapon to launch coup d’etats across the region.

July 8th, 2011, 10:13 pm


vlad-the-syrian said:

WD #76

ni l’un ni l’autre

rather a syrian “commonsensor” … albeit with all my respect

July 8th, 2011, 10:13 pm


Tara said:


Yes. I agree with your comment about the x- opposition. The fundamental problem though is that in view of all respected internal opposition, Bashar has not done a thing in regard to stopping the killing and therefore they are not interested in any dialogue while Maher and Atef lurking at the corner.

July 8th, 2011, 10:16 pm


Tara said:


Here we go again.

I am Syrian and was born in Damascus. My parents are too from Damascus. I lived in Mezza and went to Damascus University.


July 8th, 2011, 10:27 pm


syau said:

Why Discuss #80,

Take a look at this.

“Man Arrested for Filming Police From His Own Yard”

On another note,

“Syria: Lybia 2.0? It looks more likely by the day”
By Madison Ruppert

July 8th, 2011, 10:31 pm


vlad-the-syrian said:

TARA #83

“has not done a thing in regard to stopping killing ”

Untrue again , the syrian direction whith the help of the people has avoided the bloodshed. It would have been much worse without the wisdom of the direction and of the people.

But be sure that there will be a bloodshed in case of a foreign interference namely from the USA as this was the case in Vietnam, in Irak, in Afghanistan, in South-America etc… etc… etc…

July 8th, 2011, 10:37 pm


873 said:

71. Mick
Just a reprise if you have forgotten this gem:

“If I were an Arab leader, I would never sign an agreement with Israel. It is normal; we have taken their country. It is true God promised it to us, but how could that interest them? Our God is not theirs. There has been Anti – Semitism, the Nazis, Hitler, Auschwitz, but was that their fault ? They see but one thing: we have come and we have stolen their country. Why would they accept that?” — David Ben Gurion (the first Israeli Prime Minister) Quoted by Nahum Goldmann in Le Paraddoxe Juif (The Jewish Paradox), pp121.

July 8th, 2011, 10:44 pm


vlad-the-syrian said:


i maintain that given that the US army with its aircraft and heavy equipement is posted at only a few hundred of miles, Ford’s visit to Hama is not only pouring oil on the fire, but a bold action which purpose is to prepare the field for an intervention from Irak while another intervention is still at work from Turkey.

July 8th, 2011, 10:44 pm


Tara said:


I do not know what you call killing 10-20 in a day. But I call it bloodshed. The last updated number was ..what again? More than 1400. Am I wrong?

July 8th, 2011, 10:46 pm


Akbar Palace said:

Professor Josh,

Welcome Back! Without you we are like the lost children in “The Lord of the Flies”!

Reports about large demos in cities other than Hama and Homs were largely untrue and some were totally fake.

Huh?? I saw a video this evening showing a HUGE demonstration in Hama. The reporter said “tens-of-thousands”, and the video didn’t dipute this.



Do you have a link showing the last quote in your Post #14?

WD said:

Obviously, like me, you disapprove of the syrian x-opposition prostituting with zionists.

Obviously, many Arabs like you would prefer to get killed by your own government, and have all your human rights taken away rather than making peace with Israel (the single excuse for promoting Syrian abuses).

Of course, that’s no skin off our backs.

July 8th, 2011, 10:47 pm


why-discuss said:


The local opposition tells the government to stop violence as a prerequisite to dialog, but why they also don’t tell the street to stop provocative demonstrations labeled “NO DIALOG” or “Down with Bashar”. This is not the right atmosphere for dialogs either, right?

Unfortunately the local opposition is useless and apathetic, they have no control of the street who is controlled by the x-opposition and we suspect what their agendas is.
Until they wake up, we’ll be stuck with the egg and the hen and the country will stay in limbo.

July 8th, 2011, 10:50 pm


vlad-the-syrian said:

873 #87

“It is true God promised it to us”

your God is a lie. So this cannot be true. Put it politely, this is only jewish fabula, in other words ?????? ??????.

No God promised whatever to whomever. But no doubt Ben Gourion was a smart guy.

July 8th, 2011, 10:51 pm


why-discuss said:



July 8th, 2011, 10:52 pm


vlad-the-syrian said:


“many Arabs like you”


“rather than making peace with Israel”

hypocrite , Israel does not want peace. Nobody believes you except the zionists … who dont want peace.

July 8th, 2011, 10:55 pm


873 said:


This guy is a bit of a hillbilly sort from the appalachians. Doesnt go to demos or do any political stuff, but in his youtube presentation he unearthed that the US was buying hundreds of thousands of ‘underwater body bags’ back in Oct 2010. (long before any flooding) Also covered the Madrid quake, Haarp etc. Here is a black helicopter stalking his home. Couple weeks later he survived an assassination attempt by US govt when they tried to kill him via ‘car accident’.

So pardon me when I sneer about US “bringing democracy to the Arabs.” They’re trying to kill it in America, can anyone believe they stand for it over there??

July 8th, 2011, 10:56 pm


syau said:


The death toll includes that of over 500 security and army personnel and civilians murdered and mutilated at the hands of the MB followers. Armed gangs are involved here and although you prefer not to admit it, anyone can see it.

The death toll is a result of the killings and provocation of the armed gangs. Gunfire has been reported and proven within the protests. The Syrian government has admitted it has made mistakes, but you can’t go around blaming all the deaths on the government because that is totally false.

No sensationalising, call it how it is.

July 8th, 2011, 10:56 pm


why-discuss said:


If it was applied here, it would have been YOUTUBE bankrupt!

July 8th, 2011, 10:58 pm


vlad-the-syrian said:


“Am I wrong ? ”

yes i dare say you are

assuming this number is correct, how many soldiers, policemen, innocent civilians were killed ? and by whom if not by the peaceful (pissful) protesters ? who are now officially backed by the US ?

July 8th, 2011, 10:59 pm


873 said:


Ben Gurion references God when its expedient to call down the weight of a Supreme Authority to enforce his claims. Otherwise, he billed himself as an atheist. Typical isnt it?
Everything about this outfit is a fraud. The more one digs, the clearer it gets. Thats why the censorship of ‘antisemite’ is their best tool and weapon, and historical research is a felony offence.

July 8th, 2011, 11:05 pm


Ss said:

I disagree with those stating a possible US- Turkey intervention in Syria. Why to do that?. I think the militins inside Syria are enough to carry on the Western agenda. The visit of Ford to Hama is a boost for the militins to keep the hard work and continue what they are doing. I am sure the US would welcome more of these visits to boost the moral, and you know what: its not costly either. US will never ever interven, and they are having someone who is serving their plans for free.

Syria in an internal mess and I have no idea how our president would be able to solve it with people who are not willingto come to table or even open any sort of negotiation. I expect this to be a long long strugle. Those in the opposition who are cheering US intervention, I tell you what: go dream, this would be a political suicid if US commited to that, it will be the end of president Obama the next ellection. US people are already sick of two wars and they do not want to open a third field. They were even shy in leading the war in Lybia and they gave the leadership to France and UK.

Turkey to attack Syria, this is even a bigger jock.

The Syrian army is strong and united behind the president. I do not believe the army will solve this struggle. I do not believe that the militins are backing off anytime soon. If Damascus and Allepo are to come out then a sectarian war is inevitable. For all of that, US will need only to sit down and relax with cup of espresso coffee and watch this movie.

I am very sad and sickened that my lovely Syria is sinking infront of our eyes.

July 8th, 2011, 11:07 pm


vlad-the-syrian said:


90. Akbar Palace

should be moderated.

Thanks for your efforts.

July 8th, 2011, 11:08 pm


why-discuss said:

Should Ford, the U.S. Ambassador to Syria, Have Visited Hama?

Some observers say it was a provocative move, others call it overdue, and then there are those who say it is completely unwelcome.

For Tara:
“Still, the Syrian Twittersphere was alight with comments about Ford’s visit, with many calling for a U.S. ambassador in every Syrian city”

July 8th, 2011, 11:11 pm


873 said:


The twitter hoax has gone the way of the Britta Tom MacMaster schtick. NSA has robo twots that shoot out these fake messages by the thousands. If they’d just left that one piece of horse manure out of their MSM “reporting” it could have been believable. The twitter scam is a signature from the pen of the intelligence agencies and their proxies. A worse version of all these edited videos and doctored films as it is far easier to fake.

Do you live in Syria now?

The Syrian govt situation and weak economy/civil rights have been ongoing for decades. Curious about the intifadah trigger- why was the timing suddenly now? I cant believe an event in Tunis alone galvanized the sort of long running upheaval Syria is in. You believe this is a TOTALLY indigenous response- no outside ‘trainings’ or money or NGO ‘support’? All just 100% outraged Syrians?

July 8th, 2011, 11:11 pm


Mick said:


And just what is Syria to do about he Golan? As long the U.S. covers for Israel, anything Syria does will be labeled an ‘act of war’.

Look what happened to Hizballah in 2006 against a couple of soldiers in occupied Lebanon.

When you have the colonial powers (France, England, U.S.) able to do whatever the hell they want knowing the U.N. doesn’t dare touch them, what do you expect. You remember when the France and England tried to use Israel to regain control of the Suez?

Ask the average citizen of Niger and Chad about how much France cares about their ‘democracy’ vs. their control of Uranium.

Or how much England cares about the people that happen to live over BP oil land.

Not much different than Cheney and his lust for Iraqi oil.

So countries that can freely violate the U.N. charter, then bring up resolutions to suit their needs, are supposed to be respected?

Israel violates UNR 1701 on a daily basis. We in the West don’t care. Because the resolution was not meant to bring peace. It was meant as means of control of Lebanon.

So when the ambassador goes to Hamah, he isn’t bringing peace. Democracy. They sure as hell haven’t done that in any other country. They are bringing arrogance and control.

America is living on the coattails of WWII. But since then, we haven’t liberated shit. We are now the army for the IMF.

July 8th, 2011, 11:17 pm


vlad-the-syrian said:

#100 SS

“I am very sad and sickened that my lovely Syria is sinking infront of our eyes”

if you are sincere do tell me why the president is still more popular after all what happenned ? why there were no serious defections either in the army or in syrian embassies and foreign representations after more than 3 months of turmoil ?

who actually is attempting to make Syria sink into the chaos ? the syrian people alongside with the regime ? sabotaging themselves ?
a collective suicide by millions of people ?

July 8th, 2011, 11:20 pm


Tara said:


You lose me here. The atrocities was started by the regime and must be stopped first. There is truly no way out. Bashar needs to establish a very minimal level of trust with the street and has failed so far. People are angry and unstoppable. They are not forgiving. The mentality now is an eye for an eye meaning they will just not stop while crimes remain unpunished. I will say it again: Maher should be exiled and key criminals should be tried. Peaceful demonstration should be allowed. Let them go out and have fun. Make it social gatherings, allow any slogan whatsoever, and show extreme tolerance. Hama was a litmus test that Bashar failed miserably. Curb the thugs. Replace them with the army. Order no beating. Arrest ( in a civilized way) anyone who commits unlawful act. Establish this minimal amount of trust with the street and then have a nationals dialogue with the respected internal opposition. I do not believe the internal opposition can affect
the street. Curbing the ” security option” is what may affect the street. You can not talk to the street but you can pacify it. You then can start national dialogue with the Internal opposition.

July 8th, 2011, 11:25 pm


Akbar Palace said:

Syria Comment is a Learning Tool


Here’s some more Ben Gurion quotes. It includes the quote you cited with additional words you left out. Read ’em all.

July 8th, 2011, 11:26 pm


vlad-the-syrian said:

MICK 104

“Look what happened to Hizballah in 2006 against a couple of soldiers in occupied Lebanon”

Not indeed to Hizballah. But to Lebanon. Hundred of thousands of those little nice cluster bombs were disseminated in wide areas of south Lebanon. Many people people often children were killed and injured.

They carried on a tremendous war and destroyed half the country for a military mistake due to their own dumbness.

I agree with your opinion.

July 8th, 2011, 11:26 pm


vlad-the-syrian said:

107 AP

“Learning Tool”

learning about what ? israelis ?

nothing new under the sun.

about Syria ? none of your interest

July 8th, 2011, 11:35 pm


Jad said:

Good news, the chairman of Arab Banks union denie the economist news of smuggling $20 B from Syeia to Lebanon, saying that the news meant to destabilized the Syrian pound:

??? ???? ????? ??????? ??????? ????? ????? ??? ????? ???? 20 ????? ????? ?? ????? ??? ?????. ???? ????? ?? ??? ?? ???? ???????????? ? ??? ?? ???? ???? ??? ??????? ???????? ?????? ??????? ??????? .

July 9th, 2011, 12:00 am


syau said:

873 #95,

I was wondering about that, I assumed the most effective way they could remove him and others is via an ‘accident’. I actually haven’t actually looked into Maddison Ruppert in particular, I came across his work via Alex Jones’ website. Thanks for the info.

With the measures taken these days in so called democratic countries, I don’t think we can say democracy is practised by any government, no matter how much they try to drill it in or force it upon other countries, it’s a farce and use of the word is a means to an ends.


Thats great news, thanks. It’s mind boggling to witness the measures these people will go to in order to destabilise the country and its economy.

July 9th, 2011, 12:00 am


Jad said:

I’m against Mahatma Ford visit.

July 9th, 2011, 12:02 am


Norman said:

Ford went to Hama to gain credibility in the eyes of the congress so he can be confirmed, He might have been helped by the Syrian government that wants to keep him.


I do not know about University education in Syria in the last 30 years but when i was there it was good, there was no need to know anybody or belong to the Baath party as long as you have the grades, nobody asked about my religion or political association and most of us who went to school in Syria are successful in the US, probably most of the commentators here, many of us complain about the education in Syria but at the same time benefited from it and paid back nothing to improve that education and pay Syria back in money or time , There is more objectivity in admission to Syria’s universities than US ones, my experience ,

By the way lack of research come from lack of money supporting the research and lack of compliance and F/U by patients,

July 9th, 2011, 12:12 am


Netenyahu_in_hama said:

What??? now America will save Syria?? wow this is dangerous friends, and VERY desperate!

The US and the Zionists industrialists around the world are turning the middle east into HELL and they are now posing as saviors and friends of “opposition“. HEY haven`t you guys HAD history courses??? GUYS EVER HEARD of: HISTORY REPEATS ITSELF…??

They should send Feltman, Foxman and friends to Aleppo and we’ll show them Syrian hospitality à la Iraqi style.

I mean even if you send Bush or Netenyahu to Hama, they will receive them the same way they received the US ambassador yesterday:


July 9th, 2011, 12:24 am


vlad-the-syrian said:


???? ???? ? ???
????? ????

it is really like a pleague

??? ?????

July 9th, 2011, 12:25 am


Jad said:

??? ?????

Dear Vlad,
?? ??? ???? ?????? ????? ?? ?? ???? ????? ??? ?????? ? ?? ?????? ? ?? ?????????? ???? ????? ****??
?? ?? ?? ??? ?? ?? ??? ??? ?????? ??? ????? ??????? ????? ????? ??? ?? ????.

🙂 ????

July 9th, 2011, 12:36 am


Abughassan said:

It will be very difficult to challenge the fact that Syrian colleges have deteriorated since 1963 and especially in the last decade,please educate me if I was wrong. As for students dating,I mentioned that in combination of the poor education they receive,I could not care less if students date or not,we all know that family and individual values in Syria in 2011 are not the same as before,and I did not blame the regime for that,it is a national trend and we can not separate it from high unemployment rate and the inability to afford marriage. I still have not found why Ford’s visit was such an “evil act” in the eyes of some,I prefer to see what he has to say,the regime’s position is understood but frankly-speaking most people could not care less,national pride is still valuable but what is more valuable is getting out of this mess,and violence and grandeur positioning is not the answer,we want an agenda and a roadmap from the opposition not just slogans and burnt tires.

July 9th, 2011, 12:37 am


Nour said:

” I still have not found why Ford’s visit was such an “evil act” in the eyes of some.”

It was not an “evil act” as there are no “evil” or “saintly” acts in relations between countries. However, it violated diplomatic protocol and was an interference in the internal affairs of Syria. As far as I am concerned the only way that the regime mishandled the affair was by not expelling him immediately. The US ambassador has no business going to a restive town in a foreign country and joining local protests against the government. Such behavior is completely unbecoming of a diplomatic mission and is a clear attack on the sovereignty of the given country.

July 9th, 2011, 12:55 am


Samara said:


Totally agreed.

July 9th, 2011, 1:03 am


Syria no kandahar said:

I don’t think that the Imad Mustafa gets any permits during his trips in the that right?

July 9th, 2011, 1:07 am


Syria no kandahar said:

Hama is 700000,if you count 500000withe the opposition,that is 2%of Syria is 2%,didn’t have the right to lead 98%.
In Syria the maths are still very strongly in favor of the government,the biggest question is what is the percentage of Sunnis with or against the government?
These are the definite pro reform supporters:
Alawi,Christians,and Druz=26%
Most of Damascus=20%

Adding above total=66%

If you give half of the remaining percentage to the opposition and half to the pro
Government you will have 83% with the government and reform.
So just claiming victory by bringing 2% pro -Alaaroor Sunnis,and now pro-ford,is
Putting head in the sand,and even that is not duable because this opposition has no head,and soon enough will have no sand.

July 9th, 2011, 1:48 am


Nour said:


Under normal circumstances, no. And neither does the US ambassador need a permit to travel around Syria under normal circumstances. But let’s say, for example, during the siege of the Branch Davidian compound in Waco, TX, the Syrian ambassador to the US decided to make a visit on his own to the compound to encourage the Davidians to refuse any compromise with US authorities, what would the response of the US government have been?

July 9th, 2011, 1:52 am


Jad said:

?????? ?????? ???? ??????? ????????? ?? ????? ????? ????

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????? ?????? ?? ????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ????? ?? ???? 12 ??? ????? ???? ?????? ???? ???? ???? ????? ?????? ?? ??????.

???? ?? ?????? ?? ???? ?????? ?????? ?? ?????? ???? ????? ??? ?????? ??? ?????? ????? ????? ??? ?????? ?????????? ???? ?? ????? ?? ??????? ??? ?????????. ???? ????? ????? ?????? ????? ????? ?????? ???? ???? ?? 20 ???? ????? ????? ??????.

???? ?????? ?? “???? ????? ????? ???? ?? ??? ?????? ??? ????? ?????? ???? ????? ????? ???? ??? ??????”.

??? ??? ???? ?????? ?????? ??????? ???? ????? ?????? ?????? ???? ????? 300 ????.

???? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?? ?????? ???? ??? ?????? ??????? ?????? ???? ???? ?? ????? ???? ????? ?? ?????? ?? ?????????? ???????? ??????? ? ??? ????? ????? ???????? ???? ??????? ??????? ??? ???? ???? ??? ??????.

July 9th, 2011, 1:53 am


873 said:


Can you imagine if Russian diplomats showed up at the Watts riots or anti-Vietnam demonstrations in the 1960’s ‘to show their support for peace’? A hullabaloo! (though behind the scenes, the US was funding them all along?)

Just because Syria can not afford to treat it as such, doesnt make it not so: cumulatively and individually, everything the US is now doing vis a vis Syria- (Fitna Ford is only the latest example)- ARE ACTS OF WAR.

July 9th, 2011, 2:01 am


Norman said:

Still student of medicine and engineering graduating from Syrian universities ten to succeed in the US .and outdo he American ones.

July 9th, 2011, 2:16 am



VLAD @ 114

???? ??????

Thanks for the nice wishes. Shows how much you like Syria and Syrians. Yes there is a plague, it is called despotism, and it causes repression, bad management, distortion of national mores, and the list goes on. The Syrians are trying to get rid of it before your ill wishes become an irreversible reality. They also want to have immunity, through a new constitution, which includes the forbidden two words “term limit”.

July 9th, 2011, 2:30 am


democracynow said:


If you stand by what you said, then tell me: was the demo in Deir Ezzor fake? or are the people of Deir Ezzor not Syrian or human enough?

July 9th, 2011, 2:35 am



NORMAN @ 124
Agree with that largely not only in medicine but also in other technical fields. Remember that it now takes nearly perfect score to get into medical and/or engineering schools.

July 9th, 2011, 2:46 am



I am not sure if the Ambassador needed permission or only had to inform the MOFA of his intent to visit. This would probably be determined by an agreement. At some point in time, the US imposed a travel restriction on the Syrian Ambassador and his staff, which stipulated needing permission, as you mentioned in extra-ordinary situations, but a policy has to be issued and not inferred.

Syria has failed over the past three decades in reciprocating ill diplomatic treatment by the US. There was no American Ambassador for years, and yet, Syria never even contemplated a reduced level of its diplomatic mission in Washington DC. There may be a need for an ambassador, but a capable diplomat with the title of deputy Ambassador would have been able to do the minimum of required job. Notice that the US is reciprocating immediately by calling the Syrian Ambassador. Granted, there are ample justifications for retaining the Ambassador level, and no one can deny the accomplishments of the current Ambassador in terms of extending bridges to wealthy and influential Syrian expats, which was on display in the ill advised ADC leadership visit with the Syrian president, but a little national pride would not have hurt. Congress kept maligning Syria (not just the regime), The Americans were direct, and the Syrians, mostly used proxies.

I doubt that Bashar would expel the US or the French Ambassador. He still thinks that he will get everything back to normal and that he will be invited as a guest of honor on some not to far 4th or 14th of July celebration. And if he does, it would only be one more catastrophic misstep in managing this crisis.

July 9th, 2011, 3:23 am



I still believe, as I did a few months ago, that part of the Syrian’s students’ ability to outperform their counterparts in the US and elsewhere, i due to their exposure to the shock of freedom of thinking and expression, which sends these already top of the class students on a pleasure ride of using their brains and talents in ways they never dared to do before.

I war wrong, Washington is not reciprocating, it was upping the ante. The Syrian Ambassador was called in on Wednesday, even before the US Ambassador’s visit to Hama.

July 9th, 2011, 3:37 am


Aboud said:

@74 Your tears of rage are delicious, and is one of the reasons I like commenting here 🙂

@78 Your president, not mine. He can remain your president when he inevitably has to pack his bags for Iran. Evidently, he has to step on people’s heads to stay in power.

Expect to see the Baathists try to do something juvenile and silly, like getting the Russian ambassador to attend a pro-regime rally. Like all of junior’s friends, he would have to be bussed in under orders.

Al Sharq Al Awsat; “The Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost”

(ie Hafez, Bashar and Basel, el3an ro7on)

“???? ???? ??? ??? ?????? ????? ????.. ??? ?? ?????? ??????”

“A Witness Recounts How Interrogators Murdered the Young Boy Tamer…After Extensive Torture”

I find it disgusting and deplorable that junior’s supporters are so quick to get on Ambassador Ford’s case, but none of them have a word of compassion or condemnation for the brutal and unparalleled murder of Tamer, which has been reported numerously and confirmed beyond a doubt. Not even the Israelis acted with such barbarity towards its Arab prisoners.

July 9th, 2011, 4:30 am


Aboud said:

@74 Your tears of rage are delicious, and is one of the reasons I like commenting here 🙂

@78 Your president, not mine. He can remain your president when he inevitably has to pack his bags for Iran. Evidently, he has to step on people’s heads to stay in power.

Expect to see the Baathists try to do something juvenile and silly, like getting the Russian ambassador to attend a pro-regime rally. Like all of junior’s friends, he would have to be bussed in under orders.

Al Sharq Al Awsat; “The Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost”

(ie Hafez, Bashar and Basel, el3an ro7on)

“???? ???? ??? ??? ?????? ????? ????.. ??? ?? ?????? ??????”

“A Witness Recounts How Interrogators Murdered the Young Boy Tamer…After Extensive Torture”

I find it disgusting and deplorable that junior’s supporters are so quick to get on Ambassador Ford’s case, but none of them have a word of compassion or condemnation for the brutal and unparalleled murder of Tamer, which has been reported numerously and confirmed beyond a doubt. Not even the Israelis acted with such barbarity towards its Arab prisoners.

July 9th, 2011, 4:32 am



I doubt that the Russian Ambassador will go a long. Here is why

??????? ?????? ??? ?????? ??????
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????? ??????

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?? ????? ????????? ??????? ???? ?? ????? ????? ??? ???? ????? ??? ?????? ??? ??????? ?? ?? ???? ????? ???? ?????? ??????? ??????? ?????? ?????? ??????? ????? ??????? ????? ??? ?? ?? ???? ????? ????? ??????? ??? ??? ‘?? ?? ???? ?? ????? ??? ?????? ??? ????? ????? ??? ??? ??????? ???????? ???? ????? ?????? ???? ???????’ ???????? ?? ?? ????? ????? ??? ?????? ?? ‘?????? ??? ???’.

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??????? ????????? ???????

July 9th, 2011, 4:51 am


Samara said:


You’ll be singing this for your great Fridays.

July 9th, 2011, 4:51 am



Dear Syria Comment,

Yet again this blog continues to publish Assad-apologist articles and comments with little or no evidence, merely heresy from readers and under the guise of “neutrality” or to “show both side of the story”

You seem to forget that Assad has:

1. A total monopoly on all media and communications in the country
2. A total monopoly on all state resources
3. Full control of all military, security forces and militias who are allowed to act with total impunity and without fear of prosecution for war-crimes.
4. Full control of all roads, air and sea transportation channels as well as public transport.
5. Instant mobilization of all government workers.

The above 5 points are enough to warrant state-backed media as unreliable and fabricated (for the most part) in order to spread overtly biased opinions.

Protesters have NONE of the above, and yet Syria Comment still offers a forum for assad-apologists to spread and regurgitate SANA, Syria TV and Adduniya TV…etc.

SANA et al have offered fantastic stories of al jazeera distributing hallucinogenic pills to protesters, of protesters being organized by evil groups of ‘gays’, of protesters being sprayed by vitamin b12 which (to my utter surprise) when absorbed into the skin drives protesters ‘mad’, of thousands of salafi/jihadi/sunni/militant/ikhwan/terrorist gunmen roaming the country killing innocents and security forces (after hiding in sleeper cells for 20-40 years in the woods i assume)……and yet Syria Comment still tries to give these ‘news’ agencies credit and legitimacy.

This is not an ‘apples to apples’ comparison running here on this site (assuming you are trying to run a ‘neutral’ site). Pro-assad commenters are given priority on the main page and offer no evidence or special insight, just merely their biased opinions.

Abughassan Said:

This Friday was not very satisfying for the demonstration organizers. Most demos were small and almost none reported in Aleppo and Damascus proper.

Please see:

Damascus Suburbs:
Damascus Suburbs:
Damascus Suburbs:
Hajar Al Aswad:
El Tal:
Kafr Souse:
Ain al Arab:

Reports about large demos in cities other than Hama and Homs were largely untrue and some were totally fake.

Please see:

Ma3rat Al Norman:
Deir El Zour:

My cousin denied seeing or hearing any demos in Latakia;

Please see:

another cousin in Aleppo confirmed that Friday was quiet. Security forces kept a low profile but that did not help increase the number of demos. We may be seeing some demonstration fatigue.

Please see (protester fatigue):



Can your “cousins” explain why most videos clearly state the date of the protests and the name (ie, Lah h7iwaar) if indeed the videos were fabricated? Maybe the protesters built a time-warp channel to beam themselves into the future in order to find out the names of the future Friday protests? Sounds like something Adduniya would broadcast….



July 9th, 2011, 4:53 am


Aboud said:

@131 Interesting perspective, the Russians did indeed change their tune on Libya, and now they seem to be hedging their bets for a post-junior world.

@132 Hehehe, nice song. But I already have my post-Bashar song picked out;

July 9th, 2011, 6:04 am


Revlon said:

Personal thoughts on Ambassador Ford’s historic mission to Hama city

First, here is a possible scenario for the sequence of events on the issue of “Permission”
– A prior request was indeed filed with the Ministry of Foreign affairs. The visit date was deliberately chosen, to be ahead of Friday-of-no-dialogue demonstrations.
– Jr, being the scrupulous he is, decided to give it a “very deep thought”, like the one he had been giving reforms for the last 11 years.
– Mr Ford read the lack of timely response as an implicit diplomatic no-objection.
– Counting on lack of prior security arrangements to be virtually sufficient to deter Mr Ford from daring the trip, Jr was caught with pants down when security checkpoint in Hama city called asking for directives as to whether they should let Mr Ford proceed.
– Stuck, Jr. chose not to make a diplomatic scene and let the US envoy proceed!

Second, the mission idea and Obama’s decision to authorise it were bright examples of creative diplomacy.

Third, The mission was daring. Mr Ford followed the brave Syrian Youths example; He decided to liberate himself from the fear of the fable of “Islamist threat” of Hama People propagated for the last 40 years by father and Jr.

Fourth, It was an example of a pre-emptive measure; It was not aimed at killing people this time, but at saving lives from imminent danger.
We will never know how many lives, courageous Ford’s visit have saved. That said, Syrian demonstrators, their families, and their supporters must feel indebted for President Obama and Mr. Ford’s timely show of support.

Fifth, The completion of Mr Ford’s mission was a historic, ground breaking event for the following reasons:
– It has provided the US with firsthand experience with the people behind the revolution.
– It has opened direct lines of communications between the activists on the ground and the international community, under the leadership of the US.
– The appreciation of the activists on the ground shall gradually reflect in a more positive view of the US policy in the current Syrian crisis. It will facilitate future negotiations of the exile groups on their behalf.
– Assuming Mr Ford indeed established bassic common understandings on the vision for future of Syrian American relations and other middle east issues, this visit should help to encourage the US to dump Jr, sooner than later.

The few hundred dollars, spent in two days of this visit shall have a more positive mutual understanding between the peoples of Syria and US than the years worth of lost opportunities and millions of dollars spent on radio sawa!

July 9th, 2011, 6:17 am


HS said:

I lost my access to the reports of US and French ambassadors after their visit to Jisr Al Shogour in June and their condolence letters to the families of the Security personnel which has been massacred there by the MBs.

July 9th, 2011, 6:26 am


HS said:

Wiki leaks
B. Manning , J. Assange , where are you ?

For those missing SC , he is Twitting as @SyrianCommando

July 9th, 2011, 6:33 am


Aboud said:

@135 “I lost my access to the reports of US and French ambassadors after their visit to Jisr Al Shogour in June and their condolence letters to the families of the Security personnel which has been massacred there by the MBs.”

If you are going to fight a war, then you have to let your soldiers know who it is they are fighting. Until now, Syrians don’t quite understand who it is the government is supposed to be fighting. Heck, it seems like the regime itself doesn’t know who it is fighting.

But I have yet to see a claim by the regime that the “MB” were behind Jisr Al Shoghour. The regime’s message has been very muddled and inconsistent, a fatal mistake if you are going to try to get the country on a war footing.

July 9th, 2011, 6:52 am


Pirouz said:

Speaking of “incitement,” one wonders how the U.S. State Department would react if an Iranian envoy arrived in Bahrain to tour a demonstration.

July 9th, 2011, 6:59 am


Simon said:

The way I see it:If the ambassadors visit has saved few lives on Friday from both sides,never mind for a little intimidation exercise by USA TO Syria as long as it is controlled,they are welcome for a real tour in all cities on every Friday till the dialogue is well established and the change of constitution is really happening and let them play the role of Mr Poirot and Sherlock Holmes to satisfy their egos.

July 9th, 2011, 7:09 am


Aboud said:

@138 A terrible analogy. A better one would be “What would the US State Department’s reaction be if the Iranian president toured an anti-Obama demonstration in the USA”.

The reaction would be…toz. As you may, or may not know, ambassadors are free to come and go in the USA without being accused of “incitement”.

The spirit of Ibrahim lives on in this Chicago demonstration. Allah erhamu.

July 9th, 2011, 7:14 am


Revlon said:

Response of the Syrian Revolution to the Ambassadors’visits have been positive.

The flyer of the Press release of the Syrian Revolution Coordinators Union; a statement on the visits of The French and Am,erican ambassadors to Hama and an open invitation to all diplomats to visit the city.!/photo.php?fbid=198655530183715&set=a.198655433517058.42770.183733028342632&type=1&theater

July 9th, 2011, 7:24 am


Tara said:

Revlon@ 134

Nice. Very nice.

July 9th, 2011, 7:29 am


Aboud said:

If the regime had allowed media and aid agencies free and unhindered access to Hama, there wouldn’t have been any need for the ambassadors to spend their off day there.

It never fails to amaze me how, despite every day proving the media clampdown to be counter productive, the regime still hasn’t gotten a clue. The few media organizations allowed in Damascus cannot go anywhere without mukhabarat handlers, but despite that, they manage to do some excellent reporting, especially CNN.

July 9th, 2011, 7:29 am


Revlon said:

A welcome statement and thank you to Ambassador Ford in yesterdays demonstration in Hama

July 9th, 2011, 7:33 am


Samara said:

Ford….a prick and a half.

Yes, thats our thank you to him

July 9th, 2011, 8:04 am


Revlon said:

142 Dear Tara, thank you for the note.
Do you forsee any quick impact of this visit on the American position twords the Regime?

July 9th, 2011, 8:17 am


Tara said:

Assad, a case of inferior intelligence

The regime is plagued by stupidity.  I am not saying this to annoy the supporters but I really mean it.  It never failed to not make a single smart decision and I think stupidity is what will bring Bashar down.

Refusal to allow free press is stupid.  Lack of free press made the whole world disbelieved any thing they tell us even when they may have credible evidence.
Plundering  Hama’ test was extremely stupid.  They could’ve factored Hama out completely had they allowed the peaceful demonstration to continue but to no avail.
Talking the talk without walking the walk is very stupid.  When he said he ordered no killing and 100 dies in one day, he made the world discredits his reforms intention even if it becomes genuine.  

Staging the demonstration on the Israeli  borders was stupid when the borders were quite  since 1972.  

Continuing with Wallah Menhebak phenomena is utterly stupid. I do not believe it helps the cause to show us the diverse aspects of how to worship Bashar ( kneeling to kiss his picture is a lesson in stupidity in a majority Muslim country where we were taught to not kneel except for god).  Allowing the Parliament clapping and the declaration that Bashar should lead the world is striking example of stupidity and inability to even pretend the can play democracy and civil institution.

Asma PR campaign in the Vogue magazine was  stupidity in action .  You hide your Chanel outfit in a country where small children are begging for money on the street.  And by the way, she is not from multimillionaire family as some have claimed.    Her father was a cardiologist and her mom was an embassy employee.  A doctor  in the UK  like a doctor in Canada can never be a millionaire.  He became one after the marriage not before and just finished building his villa in Yaafour.   

The average IQ for heads of state  is about 150 per a report  I ‘ve read in the past.  He could’ve surrounded himself with people collectively at that IQ level but insisted , he build a mafia regime run by al assad/ makhloof/ shaleesh clan who are going down in history as a classic textbook case of inferior intelligence.


July 9th, 2011, 8:20 am


Tara said:


Not sure but I think they are trying to build a case against him to finally declare him illegitimate once they have a better idea of how post- Bashar Syria looks like.

July 9th, 2011, 8:26 am


Aboud said:

@147 Well said Tara. For months we were waiting for a sign that the regime would actually get started on reforms. All they gave us were committees, more committees, and even more committees. Next they’ll announce they created a committee to keep track of all those committees.

@145 “Ford….a prick and a half. Yes, thats our thank you to him”

And the award for “Comment with the Least Constructive Contribution” goes to….

This Friday, the central city of Tadmur came out in a demonstration for the first time ever. This is highly significant, with Dayr El Zour also completely turned against the regime as well. Time is not on the side of the regime. They huff and puff and say that this has been going on forever, while on the revolution’s side, people’s attitude is “We are just getting started”

Ramadan approaches…..

July 9th, 2011, 8:29 am


Aboud said:

Excellent idea to appoint a moderator by the way. Alot less useless clutter on the comments section.

July 9th, 2011, 8:49 am


HS said:

The visit of the US ambassador in Hama has two opposite propaganda effects :

– for the e-activist side , they claim to be supported in their protest
– for the government side , it is a proof of foreign involvement in the unrest.

At the time ,
where US satellites are supposed to be able to spot a tennis ball on the ground and monitor all the communications,
sending an ambassador in a armored car through the roadblocks ( manned by the armed protesters ) to the center of Hama
before the real demonstrations even start
is not a fact finding mission,
is only a futile exercise to get a full western media coverage.

The end result could be a crystallization of the Syrian people in two antagonist camps , and may render the necessary political dialogue more difficult .

Meanwhile , the barbarian MB terrorists are thriving among the naive people.

July 9th, 2011, 8:50 am


syau said:

The Syrian revolution, a case of absolutely no intelligence.

The revolution is plagued by absolute stupidity. I am saying it because I know it. As the saying goes, only a fool will enter a war he cannot win. This is a war they cannot and will not win. Know yourself and know your enemies. The Syrian revolution is completely fragmented, they cannot agree on dialogue, let alone leadership. They will go nowhere fast.

The decision to fabricate videos is stupid and only serves to decrease credibility that wasn’t there to begin with, so, I would say they are in negative figures at the moment, and counting. Refusal to believe anything, but what the revolutionist’s produce, even without evidence is both desperate and pathetic.

Armed elements’ infiltrating the protests in Hama is stupid. The protests were peaceful to begin with, then the inclusion of blockades, destruction of infrastructure, burning cars and buses, terrorising residents with violence into forced strikes is vicious and will cause the downfall of the revolution sooner.

Talking the talk, but not walking the walk is stupid. They want reforms, but they don’t. They want dialogue, but they don’t, saying they are not violent, but they are. Murdering and mutilating and being openly sectarian allowed their true colours to show from early on in the game.

The revolutions PR campaign, although it included lots and lots of foreign dollars, was a total flop, filled with nothing but lies and failed to gain the respect and bring the most important element – the Syrian people on board. You hide your sectarianism in a diverse country. Being obsessed with the first lady is ridiculous.

The average IQ for the administration and faces of the revolution is next to zero, the average IQ for the thugs and murderers they have doing their dirty work on ground is zero. Building a revolution with the MB as the driver, and a few clowns in the passenger seat, with a foreign semi trailer pushing it along is destined to fail and go down in the history books as one of the worst ‘revolutions’ in history.
I am not saying this to upset any revolutionists, I really mean it.

HS #151,
Excellent analysis.

July 9th, 2011, 8:54 am


Tar said:


Good attempt. But remains just an attempt and I respect it. I to you someone ( I hope you think descent) who is completely fooled by the revolution and you to me is someone who is descent but completely fooled by the regime. The only difference here is that history is on my side not yours.

Anyway good morning to you!

July 9th, 2011, 9:05 am


majedkhaldoon said:

The worse stupidity the regime did, was using the oppression ( killing and arrests and torture of syrian, including children).
The dialogue will not succeed till the oppression is stopped,Fake opposition will not help the regime, only dialogue with true opposition,will resolve this crisis,but dialogue is not the only way,the regime ,by now, know what the people want,four months passed and no reform,you do not need dialogue to know what the people want,reform means change,this is something the regime is not willing to do.
So far we have demonstrations, a begining of revolution,so far the regime did not acknowledge this, this is another stupidity, calling it Germs,like Gaddafi calling the oppositions rats.
The ambassedor visit accomplished its goal, that is to say to the regime,Hama massacre must be avoided,and must not allow the repeat of Hama Massacre.

July 9th, 2011, 9:13 am


syau said:


We are on opposite sides of the fence, but contrary to what you may think, I am not fooled by anyone. And sorry to burst your bubble, but history is actually on my side not yours. I respect your position anyway, especially because you are not one of the vulgar sectarian pro revolutionists, but can’t understand why you are so quick to believe the lies coming from the revolution, even when lie after lie has been exposed.

By the way, it’s 11:15pm here, but good morning to you anyway.

July 9th, 2011, 9:18 am


Observer said:

I think the visit of the ambassadors to Hama and the discussion it followed is a tempest in a tea pot. The people at large in Syria are actually running the events with the regime continuing to respond in a haphazard manner.

For those of you who did not download and read the ICG report # 108 I urge you to do so and to go through very carefully how Junior with his inner circle actually dismantled one of the pillars of the father’s regime namely the Baath party. Likewise the armed forces were not in a better situation until Iran stepped in to help them re organize. This is not mentioned in the report by the way.

In this report: Despite its shortcomings, the Baath party was a means for the lower classes to advance their lot and since Junior and his cronies came to power they actually have stifled this aspect of the Baath party structure and replaced it with a ” this is my farm” mentality that trickles down all the way from the top to the most junior local thug appointed.

The practice of rotating leaders in various posts although it served the security agenda devastated the localities as each and every “temporary landlord” used his short term appointment for graft and corruption leaving the population with recurrent cycles of poverty.

In Deraa the local population that erupted in revolt were actually considered loyal to the regime but felt that they were disenfranchised by the new graft system put in place.

Not only does Junior have lost 10 years to institute reforms that are meaningful and lasting but he presided over the devastation of the small business sector with big business linked to his inner circle interfering in every aspect of the economic life of ordinary people.

The task is monumental and no wonder after reading the report that the regime seems incapable of reform. They do not even know how to begin: media law, party law, new constitution, etc….

Forget the Ambassador’s visit, read the report and re read it again loud. The report is devastating because it includes objective assessment of positive and negative background to the current situation.

The regime is deeply rotting from the inside and nothing absolutely nothing can save it.

On a sarcastic note, scientific evidence has shown lately that Rats are one of the best animals to adapt to new situations with an ability to live in garbage dumps that are now considered too toxic for humans to live in. Resistance to antibiotics is also the new phenomenon we see in the new Germs that are emerging.
Therefore, the Rats and the Germs are multiplying with clear evidence of their resilience and resistance to eradication methods.


July 9th, 2011, 9:20 am


Tara said:


Brilliant! This is the word I was looking for: fake opposition. I used “truly respected opposition in lieu of non- fake opposition. But I like your term better. Thank you. Another stupidity of the regime : ? Samiramis fake opposition by invitation only. I like it.

July 9th, 2011, 9:21 am


HS said:

On Asma and Vogue Magazine

Her father is a very renowned cardiologist based in London’s Harley Street.
Her mother was a diplomat.
Asma had a highly paid job in a financial institutions in London before her marriage.
(and she met Bashar in London before Basel’s accident )

Every real Syrian knows the story.

The Vogue PR campaign aims to promote Syria as tourist destination for the affluent readers of the magazine and has been written by the journalist in true Monaco’s style.

July 9th, 2011, 9:21 am


873 said:

139. Simon said:
“The way I see it:If the ambassadors visit has saved few lives on Friday from both sides,never mind for a little intimidation exercise by USA TO Syria as long as it is controlled,they are welcome for a real tour in all cities on every Friday till the dialogue is well established and the change of constitution is really happening and let them play the role of Mr Poirot and Sherlock Holmes to satisfy their egos.”

How casually people volunteer the breaching of OTHER peoples sovereignty. When Israel allows Syrian diplomats to tour all the towns of the West Bank and Gaza until a Palestinian “dialogue is well established and the change of constitution is really happening”, then maybe.

US still wont even allow Red Cross into their rendition torture chambers, neither will EU- and EU secretly has them all over the continent in the “good countries”. Why is there never any curiosity about these pits?

Lets see ANY country consent to outside snooping, much less the Knesset. How nonchalantly the shills volunteer other countries for examination they would NEVER consent to in their own. Like Chris W on here earlier “I supported taking out Saddam”?!! As if it should have been any of our affair. Rip apart an entire nation to install OUR brand of controller- Like we’d go to the store and switch milk brands or something. Get it through your heads: IT IS NOT YOUR COUNTRY- STAY OUT OF ITS BUSINESS.

If the phony NGOs and fake humanitarians are looking for a crusade, start in the USA where it is not just your right but your civil OBLIGATION to correct. Torture and murders at Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo have never stopped- they’ve just been distracted by the “arab despot’s prisons”.

Clean up your own mess, then preach.

July 9th, 2011, 9:26 am


Revlon said:

Blogger and Web site developper, Anas M3arrawi was abducted by Security thugs july 1st, in Karfr Sooseh and is still unaccounted for.

?????? ?????? ?????? ??? ???????? – Free Syrian Blogger Anas Maarawi

July 9th, 2011, 9:34 am


syau said:


Please tell how you are privy to such information. Provide facts, not fabrications. For all we know, he went into hiding and the revolution fabricated the kidnapping, which is where my bet is.

Funny, the free Amina campaign comes to mind.

July 9th, 2011, 9:41 am


Tara said:


Then good night.  You need  to get some rest.  We really all do.  

Amazing how it is a morning for me and night for you ( or vice versa for that matter).  Same I guess with how we are viewing things. 

I was also trying to indirectly answer a question from yesterday ( yesterday based on my time) if I still live in Syria.  

May be I am so quick to believe because I lived the life of oppression and witnessed injustices with my own eyes?  May be because I have true grievances and I do not trust that the regime can be possibly genuine about reforms.   My be because I have acquired a tastes of complete aversion after 11 years?  May be because I feel so sad about Syria being a backward country when I know first hand our potentials and what we can actually accomplish in a real democracy?  May be because I am the very very angry Tara who is shaken by Ali Abbas, and the veiled Banias woman who was gunned down then her dentures fell of?

Think about it..

July 9th, 2011, 9:49 am


syau said:


No, doesn’t do it for me, after all, common sense needs to prevail. Reforms will be implemented. The democracy you are thinking of is a mere word. Democracy forcibly trying to be implemented by foreigners is nothing but a farce, a word which is a means to achieve their agenda. There is a bigger game at play.

Influence of power or the power of influence…

Now ponder. By the way, anger is not a nice mask.

Your right about morning and night, and with that, good night.

July 9th, 2011, 9:59 am


Simon said:

Why don’t you look at this visit as an occasion to hold the Syrians altogether against the threat of foreign intervention,may be it is an eye opener for every one to realise who is the real enemy is,somehow I have this funny feeling that it was all staged.
I am not going to defend the Americans or crusades,this is not relevant in this discussion.

July 9th, 2011, 9:59 am


N.Z. said:

Tara, long live Syrian Women.

Your comments are a true reflection of what a Syrian woman is, was and will always be!

The true force of change.


July 9th, 2011, 10:04 am


Aboud said:

@152 “As the saying goes, only a fool will enter a war he cannot win”

Incorrect. History is full of wars that seemed unwinnable to the side that eventually won it. The American Revolution. The Scot’s War of Independence under Robert the Bruce, who started his reign losing every battle he fought and almost every family member, but by the time he died, was acknowledged as the greatest knight in Christendom.

Do you know when Hitler seemed at his strongest? The day before he lost Stalingrad.

In the Battle of Britain, the German’s had an overwhelmingly stronger air and bomber force. But Hitler and Goering kept making tactical blunders, and British industry managed to more than make up the RAF’s loses. One can plan one’s own actions, but one cannot predict what fatal mistakes and blunders the enemy will obligingly make, and junior’s response to events has been one hopeless blunder after the other. Did *anyone* read the ICG report?

Did the brave protestors in Dar’a, all those months ago, imagine for a moment what effects their actions would have, not just on the country, but on the region? When all this is over, I will get on a bus, and pray at the Al-Omari mosque. I hope until then my actions prove me worthy to do so, and of the freedoms we will win.

July 9th, 2011, 10:14 am


vlad-the-syrian said:


?? ??? ???? ?????? ?????

?? ?????? ??? ??? ???????? ??????? ???? ?????

July 9th, 2011, 10:24 am


vlad-the-syrian said:


i have more and more the feeling and the certainty that you are an


and “à ce titre” i can say that you’re very very very wicked and cynical.

I think that your are not syrian and you are not even a woman.

With others useless to mention here, you are one of the most futile and misinforming contributor. Your only role here is sabotage and intox

who are you trying to fool babe ? i’ve been observing now you for a long time

come on

July 9th, 2011, 10:37 am


Tara said:


Thank you very much for appointing a moderator.  I especially liked the warning that stated ” if this continues, you will be asked not to comment for a week”.  This was powerful and I believe the moderator means what he/she says.  

Interestingly, the bad language has completely disappeared for the last 10 or 11 hours so I am hopeful, that we the Syrians and the non-Syrians on this site are law abiding individuals who try to genuinely respect each other freedom of expression and emotion yet allow genuine albeit sometimes tough questions to be argued without restoring to mental violence.


July 9th, 2011, 10:39 am


Revlon said:

#156, Dear observer, thank you for the summary/highlights that you provided of the ICG report #108.

I find the gest enlightning and enticing to read the full report, as you recommended.

I have tried but could not find the full report, and would appreciate if you could provide the link once more.

The inevitability of change and the dismantling of the regime at the hands of the revolution is not doubted.

However, prolonging the ordeal incurs daily loss of precious lives, the berievement of families and children, suffering of more detainees, and the potential sliding in sectarian violence.

Unlike the moto of the regime, which is to impose authority at any coast, the goal of the revolution is to dismantle the regime at the least of costs.

This can be best achieved by mobilising all available resources, including the pressure of the international community.

In that vein, I do see Mr Ford’s visit to have had played a positive impact by averting a bloody show down in the city and to have brought the US closer to fully supporting the Revolution as a viable and credible alternative to reviving a brain dead system.


July 9th, 2011, 10:45 am




It is obvious to me that the Men7ebbak crowd haven’t even read the executive summary. We are all waiting for the second part, which really talk about regime response.

I would have said enjoy, but there is nothing to enjoy in the report. It is a sad state where Bashar al Assad and his team have led the country to.

As usual, very astute.

Couldn’t have dreamed of saying it better. Way to go TARA

July 9th, 2011, 10:57 am


N.Z. said:

It was everyone’s hope that Bashar will ensure us all a smooth transition. He will have entered Syrian history as the Transitional Leader of a Democratic Syria. Our wishful hopes had vanished after the first infamous speech. Yet, we sold him time at the expense of the martyrs, perhaps, he is a different dictator, a fake one? We tried to convince ourselves. Many still are.

Where are we now?
The first camp, a legitimate body, the protesters whom began to escalate their slogans week after week, hoping that the words will translate to actions. Indeed. They were faced with bigger lies, insults and fabrications, even more they were labeled anything, from terrorists to infiltrators to traitors…hundreds dead, many unaccounted for, either tortured, imprisoned or vanished, like the thousands before them.

When people want change, no one can stop them.
The legitimate camp has numbers, the illegitimate camp has power and numbers. The silent majority are the largest in number. It is this group that will decide the outcome.

Being on the right side of history is the right thing to do. Change is never easy, in fact it is hard and costly. We like it or not, we are in the midst of change. People remain but governments and leaders go and come. They are not forever.

Let courage and not fear dictate our move.
Let wisdom not emotions guide us.
Let us stand together with the people, pressuring the government for either a smooth transition with them, NOW, or without them. Both options equal change. Things will never be the same. This is a fact.

July 9th, 2011, 11:11 am


why-discuss said:

Pirouz said:

“Speaking of “incitement,” one wonders how the U.S. State Department would react if an Iranian envoy arrived in Bahrain to tour a demonstration.”

Excellent!!!! or the Iranian ambassador in Bahrain together with the Syrian ambassador would visit the opposition to express their support to the ‘victims’ and to make ‘contacts’

July 9th, 2011, 11:14 am


Ghat Al Bird said:

An eye opener commentary/critic that in my opinion should be read by ALL Syrians.

Kiss Of ‘Democratic’ Death: Israel’s Plot To Take Down Syria II
Posted: July 9, 2011

by Jonathan Azaziah

Media Manipulation: Zionism and Al-Jazeera Unite

No attack on sovereign nations, whether overt like in Libya or covert like in Syria, comes without a steady flow of propaganda against the ‘hostile environment’ being targeted. And the psychological warfare being waged against Syria is exceedingly heavy. The Zionist-run, Zionist-owned Western mainstream press was not alone in this sustained campaign of skullduggery though. This time around, it partnered up with the Qatari state media giant Al-Jazeera to boost the hasbara festivities and give them an ‘Arab’ feel, therefore granting ‘legitimacy’ to the aforesaid hasbara.

Al-Jazeera has operated with a pro-Israel, anti-Resistance stance from its inception, employing many Zionist hardliners to shape programming and reporting (73). The reason for this, unbeknownst to most, is that the US-backed Qatari dictator, Emir Hamad Bin Khalifa al-Thani, did not create Al-Jazeera, although he is its predominant fiancier. Al-Jazeera was created by the French-Israeli billionaire Zionist brothers, David and Jean Frydman, who set up the network to infiltrate media in the Islamic World and to control Middle East discourse on the Zionist occupation of Palestine. Both of them served as senior advisors to the Zionist war criminal prime ministers Yitzhak Rabin and Ehud Barak (74). Jean Frydman was also the personal financier of the father of Israel’s illegal nuclear program, war criminal Shimon Peres, and he poured millions of dollars into the ‘Oslo process (75),’ which tightened the Zionist entity’s stranglehold over Palestine.

For those who were unaware of Al-Jazeera’s hidden Zionist history and blind to its Zionist bias due to its ‘credible’ reporting on US war crimes in occupied Iraq and Afghanistan, the shroud of credibility began to vanish during the ‘Jan25 Revolution’ in Egypt, the hub being Tahrir Square in Cairo. Egypt’s revolution was/is a blend of Zionist infiltration through Western NGOs and globalist meddling at the highest level to counteract real frustration, real anger, real revolutionaries and their solidarity-anti-war-based activism.

The driving force behind the legitimate aspects of the revolution was Mubarak’s indentured servitude to Zionism and the pro-Israel administration in Washington D.C.; Tahrir Square’s protesters wanted an end to American military aid, an end to IMF domination, an end to Zionism and the liberation of Palestine. Activists repeatedly made these demands and continue to do so to this very moment. Al-Jazeera reported on none of it and continues to report on none of it, deliberately ignoring it and forging a watered-down false narrative to sell subscriptions to Western masses. Al-Jazeera’s analysis of the events in Egypt was completely dominated by Westerners from Zionist think tanks and NGOs, the same NGOs directing and funding the infiltration of the revolution (76).

Al-Jazeera further shot itself in the foot when it began covering the CIA’s coup attempt in Libya, peddling rumors, outright fabrications, unverified statistics and anti-Qaddafi propaganda as legitimate journalism to justify NATO’s invasion. Al-Jazeera’s work on Libya has been nothing short of warmongering (77). This is to be expected though, and not only because of the undeniable Zionism of Al-Jazeera. Al-Jazeera’s patron, the despot of Qatar, is entrenched in the criminal war being waged against Libya. The CIA-backed, Israeli-advised rebels are receiving anti-tank weapons from Qatar (78), they have already signed an oil-marketing deal with Qatar (79), and together, the Qatar Emir and the Libyan rebels have begged America like dogs to amp up its destruction of Libya (80). With Libya under NATO siege and Egypt’s revolution hijacked and crushed, Al-Jazeera turned its attention to Syria.

The Western media’s alliance with Al-Jazeera reared its ugly head from the onset of the ‘Syrian Revolution.’ As the last section completely exposed, the ‘peaceful demonstrators’ were actually armed rebels, with their weapons coming from Zionist ally Jordan and their orders coming from Tel Aviv, Washington D.C. and Riyadh. After months of lies and propaganda, the United States government has finally admitted that there are indeed armed rebels carrying out violence in Syria, stating ‘there are a lot of them (81).’ Mainstream media has deliberately ignored the provocations of and attacks on Syrian security forces that have occurred from the opening week of the revolt, in which the Saudi-Israeli-directed armed gangs fired on and killed policemen and torched courthouses, hospitals, communications centers and Bashar al-Assad’s party headquarters (82). Hundreds of soldiers have been killed by this Zionist-designed insurrection and at least three mass graves filled with Syrian security forces have been found already (83).

Instead of reporting these facts, Al-Jazeera has fabricated multiple eyewitness reports, bloated the death toll, broadcasted incitement against Bashar al-Assad, put forth the foreign policy objectives of the GCC dictatorships to bring down the Syrian government and ignored the vital fact that the Zionist-run National Endowment for Democracy (NED) is active on the ground in Syria (84). Instead of reporting these facts, the mainstream media and Al-Jazeera peddle the (admittedly) unverifiable, false casualty claims of London-based Syrian opposition groups, which boast about their membership with Zionism’s NED (85). Instead of reporting these facts, Al-Jazeera is manipulating imagery to fit with its anti-Syria agenda and paying actors to make false statements against Bashar al-Assad (86).

Mainstream media has consistently reported on snipers shooting at ‘pro-democracy’ protesters and has published recorded ‘eyewitness’ testimony from a member of Syrian security forces who ‘admitted’ that the snipers are Syrian military. The problem with this ‘eyewitness,’ like every other ‘eyewitness’ presented by the Al-Jazeera-Zionist media axis, is that his name isn’t real, his voice has been modified, and the person who supposedly produced the recording isn’t using his real name either (87).

None of it is real and everything is muddled because it’s another Zionist media fabrication. What is not being reported in the mainstream, is that the Syrian government has fully disclosed that there are indeed snipers firing not only on ‘protesters,’ but security forces as well (88). Mainstream media would never reveal that the snipers are agents of the Zionist-Saudi plan to destabilize Syria put together by Saudi National Security Advisor ‘Prince’ Bandar bin Sultan and the slippery Zionist criminal, Jeffrey Feltman (discussed earlier). The Feltman-Sultan plan, financed by $2 billion in Saudi funds, trained agents within Syria in sniper fire, arson and ‘sectarian attacks,’ all for the cause of fracturing Syria and terminating its support for Hezbollah and Iran (89). Hence, why the Zionist media is also spreading vile hasbara about Iranian forces and Hezbollah fighters assisting Bashar al-Assad ‘crush dissent,’ obvious lies originating from Mossad and its closest ally in Syria, the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood (90).

The nail in Al-Jazeera’s coffin in regards to its war on the Syrian nation is the resignation of its Beirut Bureau Chief, Ghassan Bin Jeddo, one of the most respected and objective journalists in the entire Arab world. Bin Jeddo, a fervent Arab nationalist and passionate supporter of Resistance to Zionism, resigned over Al-Jazeera’s shameless adherence to the foreign policy initiatives of the Zionist-Saudi alliance (91). He was furious that Al-Jazeera had launched a ‘smear campaign’ against Syria and labeled the network a ‘propaganda outlet (92).’ Going even further, Bin Jeddo declared “Al-Jazeera has resorted to gutter journalism. It is now an operations room for incitement and mobilization (93).” Ben Jeddo also confirmed that Al-Jazeera was fabricating information for its propaganda assault on Syria and expressed his disgust at the channel’s reporting on events in Bahrain (94). Ben Jeddo now plans to launch a new Arab channel from Beirut (95), presumably to counteract Al-Jazeera and its campaign against regional Resistance, Syria in particular.

Lastly, the demonstrations against Bashar al-Assad, despite their Zionist-Saudi financing and training have been minuscule considering Syria’s population consists of more than 20 million people. In contrast, the solidarity with the Resistance government has been tremendous and of course, not covered at all or mentioned in passing in typical ‘downplaying’ fashion by the Zionist media (Al-Jazeera included).

On June 21st, millions of Syrians hit the streets throughout the nation in solidarity with Bashar al-Assad and the Resistance, including the Zionist-Saudi-strongholds of Aleppo and Homs, shattering the illusion that the President had no support in these cities (96). On March 29th, just two weeks after the destabilization plot began, hundreds of thousands marched through Damascus and four other cities in solidarity with Bashar al-Assad, eclipsing the smaller demos held by Zionism’s agents, displaying pictures of the President and flags of Syria together with occupied Palestine (97).

The June 15th rally for Bashar al-Assad was equally impressive, with hundreds of thousands of supporters unveiling a 2.3 kilometer flag that stretched through the streets of Damascus and chanting, “the people want Bashar al-Assad! (98)” The Chaldean Bishop of Aleppo attended the massive rally and confirmed that not only do Syria’s Christians wholeheartedly support Bashar al-Assad but 80% of Syria does (99). Abroad, Bashar al-Assad is receiving the same support in global arenas like Bulgaria (100), Lebanon (101) and even Dearborn, Michigan (102). With global support and the overwhelming solidarity of the populace on Bashar al-Assad’s side, it is evident that what the Syrian people want is not the overthrow of the person defending their nation from Zionist colonization but his continued reign with the necessary reforms implemented to better Syria as a whole. It is also evident that the ‘Syrian Revolution’ is a carefully concocted media farce serving as a cover for a destablization plot that is being executed by Zionism and its allies.

Scott Creighton, a journalist and activist who operates the American Everyman/Willy Loman blog at, perfectly (and brilliantly) pegged the strategy of the mainstream media’s reporting on Syria as “activists’ said journalism.” Any person claiming to be an activist can call into the control rooms and operations boards of any media outlet and ‘report’ something, and because the person on the other end of the phone is claiming to be an activist, the said media outlet can print it without any investigation or discretion and present it as accurate, fact-based news. Unfortunately for the powers that be, this pathetic excuse for journalism crumbles under scrutiny as the ‘activists’ are all linked to Zionism’s NGOs which continue to hover at the center of the destabilization effort against Syria (103). And unfortunately for the powers that be, what their fake ‘activists say,’ is trumped by what the real activists say: ‘Resistance and Bashar are here to stay.’

May 31st, 2010. Early in the morning, in international waters, Zionist naval commandos illegally stormed an aid ship known as the Mavi Marmara, a Turkish ship part of the Freedom Flotilla mission to break Israel’s criminal siege against the Gaza Strip, and in stunningly savage fashion, murdered 9 unarmed Turkish peace activists with the youngest being 19-year old Furkan Dogan, a dual Turkish-American citizen. The motive for this savagery, was to kill a historic nuclear agreement between Brazil, Turkey and Iran; which Israel did (104). Beyond that however, more so than another statistic on the Zionist entity’s century-old rap sheet, the attack on the Mavi Marmara was an act of war.

Turkish-Israeli relations had been going south since the Second Intifada. And each subsequent Zionist-initiated disaster/massacre, including Israel’s orchestration of Iraq’s destruction and its bloodthirsty, genocidal bombing of Lebanon in Summer 2006, soured ‘diplomacy’ even further. But it was at the 2009 World Economic Forum where, at least in appearance, civility between Turkey and the Zionist entity had hit a stonewall. Prime Minister Erdogan and the war criminal Shimon Peres shared a furious exchange in which Erdogan bashed the Zionist regime for its crimes against humanity in Gaza. In the aftermath, Turkey cancelled military exercises with IOF (105). Tension was at its peak, and analysts, activists and observers alike agreed that the Mavi Marmara murders were the proverbial straw that would break the camel’s back. It was believed that Turkey would cut its ties with the Zionist entity once and for all.

Everybody was wrong. Instead of withdrawing recognition of the usurping, occupying entity, the Turkish government bizarrely asked (over and over and over again) for it to apologize for its crimes and compensate the victims’ families with Zionist blood money. What is even more bizarre, is that after the Zionist entity humiliated Turkey to an even greater degree by stating publicly it would not apologize under any circumstances (106), Turkey still asked for the apology, as if it was a dog pleading with its master for a treat.

The incessant begging exposed Turkey’s real agenda and its attempt at portraying itself as a nation of Resistance slowly disintegrated. Turkey wanted entry into the European Union, a stronger role in NATO and desperately wanted the title of ‘regional power,’ serving as a power broker and go-between for East and West. How does a nation achieve such lofty ambitions? By bowing down to the Zionist entity of course. Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Turkey’s incumbent Prime Minister, accepted the ‘Courage to Care’ award from the ADL (107), a rotten, racist Zionist organization that has been linked to spying and other subversive activities for years. What kind of Resistance figure accepts an award from any Zionist institution, let alone one as vilely treacherous as the ADL?

Additionally, Erdogan, a defender of Zionism’s Armenian Genocide and denier of it even being a genocide, came under fire from the Mossad-CIA psyop known as Wikileaks and in the aftermath of the ‘Cablegate’ scandal, sent helicopters to the Zionist entity during recent forest fires on ethnically cleansed land in Palestine (108). Erdogan and his government did not send helicopters to Pakistan, Yemen or Somalia after Zionist stooge Obama’s drone bombings. Nor did he send helicopters to illegally besieged Gaza or Lebanon after the Zionist entity’s murderous bombings in 2006 and 2008-09. No, he sent helicopters to ‘Israel’ to show solidarity with Benjamin Netanyahu and mend ‘broken’ relations.

All of the bluster aside, Turkish-Israeli relations were never strained. It was mere theater; surface hostility. More important than Erdogan’s pathetic, cringe-worthy Zionist solidarity, is what everything boils down to in geopolitics: money, and like the sorely-missed Malcolm X once said, “Zionists have mastered the science of dollarism.” Thousands of Zionist companies operate in Turkey with the gleeful blessing of the Turkish government (109). Turkish-Israeli bilateral trade amounts to at least $3 billion annually and leaders from both entities gloat that is most likely much more than that. Within weeks of the Freedom Flotilla massacre, the Zionist entity and Turkey signed a military deal for $190 million worth of drone technology. Israel’s products (all of which are produced on stolen land from stolen Palestinian natural resources) are deeply entrenched in Turkish society, with nearly all of Turkey’s software, from cell phones to medical equipment, being produced by Zionism (110). Turkey and ‘Israel’ were never going to end such profitable dealings.

The continuing trade and business dealings between Tel Aviv and Ankara in the wake of the Mavi Marmara murders has brought all public animosity to a screeching halt. The Zionist regime and Erdogan’s government are now collaborating in order to doctor a UN report regarding last year’s Freedom Flotilla massacre, with Turkey asking Israel to minimize the damage that Turkey’s image may incur (111). In return, with heavy pressure from the Zionist regime (112), Turkey stopped the Mavi Marmara from sailing with the new Freedom Flotilla II – Stay Human mission to Gaza by refusing to let it sail from Turkish ports (113). And with Turkish-Israeli reconciliation now near imminent completion as Turkish and Zionist officials are working to put together an official ‘reconciliation’ document (114), Ankara and Tel Aviv are now focusing their energies on a most intricate (and regionally rewarding) project: executing the ‘Clean Break’ plan to ‘roll back’ Syria.

This is affirmed by the February comments of, Dr. Oded Eran, who served as the Zionist ambassador to the European Union, ambassador to Jordan and is currently the director of the treacherous Israeli Institute For National Security studies (115). He spoke in a most ominous manner about the Arab revolutions and the affect that they would have on Turkish-Israeli ties. Disturbingly, he stated, “Given the seriousness of the situation created by the political upheaval in the Arab world, this may accelerate the process of restoring Turkish-Israeli ties.” Eran also stated that it would be in the best interest of the Zionist regime and Turkey to cooperate in delivering stability to the Middle East (116). How better for Israel and Turkey to bring ‘stability,’ i.e. propping up dictatorships that support the hegemonic Zionist agenda and toppling those who don’t, than invoking the Israeli-Turkish joint intelligence agreement.

This 1993 Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) facilitated far-reaching, dastardly cooperation between Turkey and Zionism. The Zionist entity armed and trained the Turkish army in ‘anti-terror’ warfare along the borders of Iraq, Iran and Syria and Turkey allowed the Zionist entity to gather intelligence on Iran and Syria from within Turkey. The militaries of each entity meet frequently to discuss the prospects attained and assess it in the context of usefulness in future military and intelligence operations against ‘hostile environments.’ Under this agreement, Turkey is supporting the Israeli-Saudi operation against Syria in its entirety and it is assisting the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood’s incursions into the border town of Jisr al-Shughour militarily and with intelligence. All the while Turkey is exerting pressure on Bashar al-Assad to accept the Tel Aviv-Riyadh-Washington plans of regime change and step down (117). Erdogan has publicly declared that Bashar al-Assad’s response to the uprising is nothing short of “savagery (118),” knowing full-well that his country is supporting an armed insurrection.

Turkey’s involvement goes deeper. Turkish military and political leaders are heavily discussing the idea of setting up a buffer-zone within northern Syria, a deliberate violation of Syrian sovereignty. This will provide armed MB fighters easier entry into Syria to carry out the orders of Tel Aviv and Riyadh. Turkey has given safe haven to the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood’s leaders and recently hosted a high-level meeting between Syrian opposition figures and US officials (119). Ankara also hosted former CIA head and current Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta for five days in late April. The topic? Regime change in Syria (120). The Zionist-run US government has formed operational headquarters in southern Turkey near the Syrian border and has upped its aid to the Turkish army to assist Syrian dissidents in any way possible, including armed MB members (121). On the media front, the Turkish NTV channel has been churning out the same lies that the Zionist media has, including the lunacy about Iranian soldiers and Hezbollah ‘suppressing protesters (122).’

The most frightening development of all, is that Turkey has given the green light to NATO to transform the Izmir Air Station in western Turkey into a base for ground forces (123). Former Turkish diplomat Ozdemn Sanberk, who is well-known and is still frequently called upon by government circles (124) and is currently sitting on the High Advisory Board of the Global Political Trends Center, a think tank that openly collaborates with the Soros-funded London School of Economics (125), has stated in a recent interview that Bashar al-Assad is ‘doomed’ and has admitted that Turkey is pursuing a policy that will ensure the ‘demise of the (Syrian) regime while protecting Turkish security (126).’ Is Sanberk referring to a NATO invasion of Syria? With Ankara already militarily involved in Syria as per its MOU with Israel and the events that led up to the NATO invasion of Libya paralleling the events in Syria, such an action is not out of the question.

What makes Turkey’s involvement so dangerous to Syria and detrimental to Resistance throughout the region is that it is clearly a beast with two faces. It disgustingly wears a mask of Islam and Resistance to fool and manipulate the naive and the hopeful while its true face remains submerged in a mound of intrigue and subversion, all for its Zionist masters. And what exactly is the true goal of this Tel Aviv-Ankara-Riyadh axis, excluding the aforementioned ‘regional stability?’ It isn’t just regime change. This axis wants to take down al-Assad and replace it with a racist, Saudi-like regime that will cripple ties with Iran and recognize the Zionist regime as a legitimate country (127). It will be up to the Syrian people, not just Bashar al-Assad and his army, to fight this plot and save their country.

A Gay Girl In Damascus: Mere Hoax Or Israeli Intelligence Operation?

Hands down, without question, the most bizarre case that has come out of the Zionist plot to take down Syria is the blog known as ‘A Gay Girl In Damascus.’ This odd blog has been hailed and excessively promoted by the Zionist media over the last several months as a means to severely persecute Bashar al-Assad and the Syrian state as a whole. Supposedly, a half-Syrian, half-American lesbian blogger-activist named Amina Abdallah Araf al-Omari, who had been operating the blog for five years to raise awareness on Syria’s ‘poor human rights record,’ was abducted by Syrian security forces for her anti-regime activities. Apart from the obvious Zionist undertone beneath this persona and the story surrounding the ‘abduction,’ there was something else drastically wrong with all of it: nobody had ever met this ‘Amina Abdallah Araf al-Omari’ in person; not a single soul (128).

Nobody had ever met her before because, Amina Abdallah Araf al-Omari didn’t exist. She was the creation of 40-year old Thomas J. Macmaster from Stone Mountain, Georgia who now lives in Edinburgh, Scotland (129). But the trip through the realm of the bizarre doesn’t end there. It was uncovered that Macmaster once wrote about ‘Amina’s dream’ to learn Hebrew, live in the Zionist entity and represent Syria in the ethnically cleansed land now known as ‘Israel (130).’ Despite Macmaster then attempting to portray ‘Amina’ as pro-Palestinian (131), this single post revealed the very unsettling presence of Zionism.

And it gets more bizarre still. The ‘Amina’ profile was then linked to an Israeli website where Macmaster kept a log completely in Hebrew, something Macmaster has attempted to downplay as mere ‘web phishing (132).’ Phishing? Doubtful. Fishy? Absolutely. Once Macmaster was outed as the mastermind behind the Amina hoax, he issued an apology on the ‘Gay Girl In Damascus’ blog. Macmaster delivered the apology to the world from Istanbul, Turkey (133). Yes, of all of the places in the world to be while Zionism and Saudi Arabia direct armed insurrectionists against Syria, an American who is seemingly fluent in Hebrew is spreading hasbara about Bashar al-Assad and distributing fake reports about ‘human rights violations’ from Turkey, a central player in the ‘kiss of democratic death.’

Mask of Zion’s sources have confirmed that Macmaster had also befriended several prominent solidarity activists, scholars and (real) pro-Palestine bloggers on Facebook, the social networking giant owned by Zionist Mark Zuckerberg. It is necessary to document that Facebook was started with capital provided by men who were board members of CIA’s business wing, In-Q-Tel and is now being used by the agency to recruit personnel for its ‘National Clandestine Service (134).’ Zuckerberg met with Zionist war criminal Shimon Peres at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland in February 2009 to discuss ‘fighting anti-Semitism’ with Facebook (135), an Orwellian premise if there ever was one. And when the Zionist entity called on Zuckerberg to remove the ‘Third Intifada’ fan page from his website, he heeded the call and did just that, in violation of free speech everywhere (136). Facebook is a data-mining festival being monitored by the CIA that is literally run by Zionist thought police.

Why aren’t the important questions being asked? This was deception on a massive scale, and the links between Macmaster, the Zionist entity, Syria and Turkey at this particular moment in history are undeniable. They are not coincidental and they stick out like a peacock in a white room.

Why was Tom Macmaster allowed to operate a fraudulent profile on Zionist-owned Facebook, essentially keeping tabs on top personalities in the solidarity movement? Is Tom Macmaster an intelligence officer employed by the Zionist entity, the United States or is he an informant/asset of either/both? Indirectly of course, Macmaster is an asset of the Zionist-globalist agenda against Syria simply because of the hasbara he disseminated, but if in fact Macmaster was/is a paid intelligence agent, it raises a much more sinister question: how many more like Macmaster are out there? The answer could be tens, hundreds or even thousands, especially considering Israel operates a vast and hyperactive cyber warfare unit that employs thousands of agents (137). Lastly, if Macmaster was/is an intelligence asset, how much did the now-exposed two-faced Turkish government know about his activities? Was it assisting him? Protecting him? Are there others like Macmaster in Turkey?

Though these questions will most likely never be answered, what is clear is that the Zionist media will latch on to anything and everything that it can get its grimy tentacles on in its efforts to make Syria out to be a monster and justify a NATO invasion. What is also clear, is that activists must be careful, as Zionism’s agents lurk at every dark corner of the internet, which has become a battleground in the war of oppressed vs. oppressor.

The Zionist entity and its coalition of devilish allies are just as relentless to topple Syria now as they were when the ‘Syrian Revolution’ first began in mid-March. And the ‘international community’ of warmongers and kleptocrats are raising the stakes. The International Criminal Court has issued an indictment for Bashar al-Assad for ‘murdering anti-government protesters (138).’ Was an investigation conducted? Of course not. Is there any evidence of such outrageous claims? No, not even a smidgen.

The US has imposed sanctions on Bashar al-Assad and six top officials in the Syrian government, a move that was condemned by Syria as ‘serving Israeli interests’ in the region (139). The EU, led by Zionist-dominated France, has imposed much more punishing sanctions, which have already taken effect on the everyday lives of Syria’s citizenry. The Assad government has lashed out at Europe and slammed its move as ‘economic warfare (140).’ France has openly pursued regime change in Syria with Saudi Arabia and the US since 2006 (141).

In addition to facing a Zionist-manipulated armed revolt on the homefront and sanctions hammering its economy from abroad, the Syrian government is being ripped to shreds in the Zionist media, which is now accusing Bashar al-Assad of being behind the Naksa Day protests in al-Jaulan on June 5th. He is being accused of paying poor farmers in the village of Majdal Shams $1,000.00 apiece to rush the ‘border’ with the Zionist entity in hopes of taking international attention off of his brutality against ‘pro-democracy’ protesters.

The origin of this pathetic information blows its smokescreen away however and reveals it as sheer falsehood. It was produced by none other than the Reform Party of Syria, headed by Farid al-Ghadry, AIPAC member and Zionist agent who as aforementioned, has been at the core of fueling the unrest in Syria (142). When this information failed to materialize as believable, the Zionist media then magically produced a ‘Syrian government’ document that ‘confirmed’ another one of its lies from a month earlier, that Syria organized the protests on May 15th, Nakba Day. Under scrutiny, this crashes and burns too.

The ‘Syrian government’ document was ‘obtained’ by Michael Weiss (143), the head of Just Journalism, a widely-known Zionist propaganda outlet that is rabidly anti-Islam, anti-Arab, anti-Resistance and openly dedicated to ‘defending’ Israel in the media and whitewashing Israeli crimes (144). Weiss and the rest of the propagandists in the Zionist media failed to mention that the Nakba Day protests were organized by solidarity activists and Palestinian refugee rights groups from Lebanon and occupied Palestine with no connection to any government. These same activists were involved in the June 5th Naksa Day events (145), which will now forever be remembered as the Naksa Day Massacre, as barbaric Israeli forces shot dead 23 Syrians and Palestinians, including a woman and a child, and wounded more than 350 other civilians for simply demanding Right of Return (146). Do not ever expect these truths to flow from the mouths of the likes of Farid al-Ghadry, Ammar Abdulhamid or Michael Weiss.

The Zionist regime and its allies are not in business to play checkers. Chess is the name of the game and the ‘rollback’ of Syria would only be step one in the greater scheme of things; greater as in Greater Israel. Behind the ‘kiss of democratic death’ to remove Bashar al-Assad and his Resistance government are two key Zionist goals: control of energy and domination of territory. Syria lies smack dab in the middle of two natural gas corridors that the hegemonic powers have had their eyes on for decades. The first unites Turkey and the Caspian Sea with Palestine and the Red Sea and the second unites (occupied) Iraq with the Mediterranean. Sitting within these corridors are massive natural gas fields off of the Levantine coastlines of Damascus and Beirut which Iran has offered Syria assistance in exploring and cultivating. If Bashar al-Assad is taken down, the Zionist entity and its Euro-American allies will step in and take over the Levantine energy project (147).

It is no secret that the Zionist entity’s goal has always been to extend its borders from the Egyptian Nile to the Iraqi Euphrates, ethnically cleansing everything in its path to make way for Greater Israel. Included in this sadistic project would be the confiscation of all of Syria and all of Lebanon (148). There are two obstacles standing in the way of the ultimate Zionist colonization project: Bashar al-Assad and the Lebanese Islamic Resistance movement, Hezbollah. If Bashar al-Assad and his government are defeated by the Zionist-Saudi-engineered uprising, the Lebanese Resistance will lose its only nation-state ally in the Arab world. Reports are already surfacing that Hezbollah is taking precautions against the fall of their ally by transferring missiles that are stored in secure caches in Syria across the border through camouflage to defend their weaponry from possible Israeli bombardment (149). Israeli-created, Qatari-funded Al-Jazeera has launched a full-scale propaganda campaign against hero, revolutionary and Hezbollah Secretary General, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, labeling him a ‘hypocrite’ for standing in solidarity with Bashar al-Assad (150).

This insidious slander against one of, if not the only righteous leader in the Arab world is designed to drive a wedge between human rights factions and solidarity groups, splinter social justice movements and fracture Resistance blocs so Zionism’s tentacles can pick up the pieces and put them back together in the warped fashion of its choice. Hezbollah is the only reason why there are not criminal Zionist extremists living in US-subsidized settlements on the Litani River. Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah is the only voice that thunders loud enough to strike fear into the hearts of the Zionist entity’s leaders, who know that the Sayyed does not lie and does not exaggerate. Hezbollah is the only group in the entire region to deliver a conclusive military defeat to the Israeli occupation army, and the Zionist regime has long sought revenge for its humiliation at the hands of the Lebanese Resistance. Bashar al-Assad has supported Hezbollah’s steadfastness in the face of every act of Zionist intransigence. He will not abandon Hezbollah and Hezbollah will not abandon Bashar al-Assad, and this infuriates Zionism to no avail.

Beyond Lebanon and Syria lies the grand prize that the Zionist entity longs to conquer, demolish and rebuild as a Zionist colony: the Islamic Republic of Iran, and the Zionist-run mega-think tank known as the Brookings Institution has already laid out every possibility in ‘defeating’ Iran in a menacing policy study called ‘Which Path To Persia?’ This paper was written by a slew of influential Zionist policy makers including former ambassador to Israel and chief Zionist lobbyist Martin Indyk and former CIA analyst, Obama advisor and Zionist war criminal Bruce Riedel (151). Riedel frequently speaks at Israel’s Institute For National Security Studies in Tel Aviv and was the Zionist regime’s chief asset in the White House for Afghanistan policy (152). The Zionist-composed ‘Path to Persia’ paper speaks in-depth about Iranian influence over Syria and Hezbollah and discusses several options in eliminating this influence. The Brookings Institution has also published a recent paper that demands Bashar al-Assad step down and accept US-Israeli-mandated regime change immediately (153).

These are indeed grand plans, grand designs and grand plots for the Zionist entity to finally bring to fruition its supremacist fantasy of Greater Israel and what one-eyed war criminal and Zionist mass murderer Moshe Dayan called, ‘an Israeli empire (154).’ But what stands in the way of this hegemonic nightmare is the sincere, righteous Resistance that has kept the usurping Israeli entity from conquering Palestine despite 63 years of ethnic cleansing, massacres, mass murder, land theft, usurpation, assassinations, intimidation and demolitions. It has stopped Israel from turning Syria and Lebanon into Zionist colonies. It has stopped Israel from re-conquering the Sinai and it is firmly standing its ground in occupied Somalia and occupied Kashmir against the allies of Zionism.

The Zionist regime’s plans to take down Syria, Hezbollah and Iran will fail not only because the combined military might of these three powers are more awesome than Tel Aviv, London, Paris and Washington D.C. care to admit, but because these three powers have the backing of the people; the backing of the oppressed who would give their lives before bowing down to Western neo-colonial interests. Al-Jazeera’s vicious, degrading propaganda against Sayyed Nasrallah has been spat upon by the people of the region. Bashar al-Assad, as documented earlier, is receiving overwhelming support from the Syrian populace despite the ongoing Zionist-Saudi operation against his government. And Iran, despite thirty years of Zionist-British-American subversion against the Islamic Revolution, continues to flourish in defiance thanks to the backing of its people.

Israel’s ‘kiss of democratic death’ succeeded in bringing horrific chaos to Syria but it has failed in all other aspects. Al-Jumhuriyyah al-Arabiyyah as-Suriyyah will prevail today as it did yesterday under Bashar al-Assad’s late father, Hafez, in the face of the same Zionist tactics. Long live the Resistance, the almost ethereal force that has always served as a humbling reminder to oppressive powers. And in that spirit, may they be reminded again now: your reign, your games and your plots are as temporary as the night is dark.

July 9th, 2011, 11:14 am


Abughassan said:

Over the last three months I managed to ‘accidentally” irritate some people here on both sides of this crisis because I refused to believe everything I see or hear on tv and YouTube. I am not going to claim that everything I wrote was found to be a complete factual description of Syria,Syrians and the uprising,but I did what I want to do: infuse some neutrality and common sense in the jungle of emotions,misinformation and ,at times,total idiocy. A recent meeting with Syrian expats confirmed my suspicions that the divisions in Syria are deeper than what most,including me,arevwilling to admit,and those divisions are unfortunately drawn along sectarian lines with few exceptions,this is why I am opposed to albaath and islamists and a relentless supporter of a secular democracy,those who argue otherwise are wrong because they ignore the realities of Syrian society. There are still educated Syrians with money who have the logic of a six grader,and that is not surprising at times like this especially after 63 years of albaath rule and 41 years of Alasad family rule. Syria will eventually get out of this mess but we should stop bloodshed and sideline extremists especially the new Talibans who want to steal this uprising and use the blood of honorable young Syrians to capture power. Watch Egypt and learn,egyptiians are usually 10-20 years ahead of other Arabs with the exception of Lebanon and Tunisia. After the removal of this regime,Syrians will discover that the regime did not stay in power just because of oppression but because many Syrians never grew since the early 60s and in many cases they simply regressed.

July 9th, 2011, 11:14 am


Tara said:


For the records: 

When I started her, I truly believed all regime supporters on this site were paid Mukhabarat  or paid something who are hired as part of a massive PR campaign to spew pro regime propaganda in the west.  I was wrong!  I  came to appreciate that most if not all of the regime supporters on this site are really genuine people who express genuine feelings and they are not paid.  Moreover, I also learned that supporting the regime at this time does not necessarily means menhebak.

In reality vlad,  I am how you see me in Syria comments but obviously my real name is not Tara.  My real name is a Syrian name.   And,  I am not a professional blogger.  Never in my entire life I have blogged anywhere except in Syria Comments.  You are however entitled to your own opinion and I am completely indifferent to it.

I actually do not wish to carry a conversation with some one like you who was extremely inappropriate at some point.  And despite my despise of the Syrian regime, I would not blame your discourse then on the regime as I think that behavior of yours was only a reflection of your personal culture.     

July 9th, 2011, 11:17 am


jad said:

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July 9th, 2011, 11:31 am


why-discuss said:


Was the visit of Ford and Chevallier staged?

I get that funny feeling too that it was staged. I mentioned that before the visit. They may have not given the permission, but they may have tacitly tolerated it.

While little is said about him, the french ambassador Chevallier is known to have expressed a lot of reservations about the opposition’s methods and actions, right from the beginning. His views were ignored and dismissed by the french press, all in its hysterical mission of promoting the 1879 french revolution in the arab world.
The presence of the french ambassador has put a lot of doubt on my mind of the ‘real’ reason of that visit.
In my view, it was a fact finding mission on the opposition’s political landscape, its readiness for dialog, all with the discreet approval of the Syrian government.
What did they found out, what is their conclusion, we will see it soon in the media from the actions the US and France will be taking.

July 9th, 2011, 11:37 am


Revlon said:

175. Dear OFF THE WALL, thank you very much for the link.

July 9th, 2011, 11:40 am


vlad-the-syrian said:


“egyptians are usually 10-20 years ahead of other Arabs”

this is your assumption

July 9th, 2011, 11:41 am


jad said:

The french ambassador went to Hama in couple visits before last Friday but nobody cares for him and the media didn’t even mention that.
About their conclusion, on FB couple sites report that his report read:

“Lots of security forces checkpoints and no existence of any militia”

I didn’t read that in the media yet.

‘the Egyptian 10-20 years ahead’ What a horrible future for us then.

July 9th, 2011, 11:43 am


vlad-the-syrian said:

WD #182

you are right about Chevalier. He was hushed by l’homme droit dans ses crottes.

“In my view, it was a fact finding mission”

i’m afraid it’s much more than that.

July 9th, 2011, 11:44 am


jad said:

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July 9th, 2011, 11:47 am


Abughassan said:

Egypt was always ahead but not necessarily better. Egyptians despite having Mubarak’s rule enjoyed greater freedom than most Arabs and used western -style economic models long before it was accepted by other Arab countries with the exception of oil-rich gulf countries. Denying that Egypt had pioneered in a variety of economic and political venues does not reduce the validity of that “assumption”..

July 9th, 2011, 11:53 am


why-discuss said:


The hardline opposition local agents of the x-opposition are now ruling the streets in Hama and other ‘restive’ cities. See how they obey to the god facebook. It does not shock you?
Any concession given by the government outside an agreed frame of dialog will be immediately interpreted as a sign of weakness and would trigger worse demonstrations and provocations. Don’t fool yourself thinking that the street who want Bashar out will calm with concessions. You need 2 to tango.

The government has offered a dialog with no conditions. The opposition is putting conditions. They want to let loose a crowd of lawless people who call for NO DIALOG and Down with the regime every friday. For people disagreeing with them, they could turn dangerous. Do you protect this people or no? Would you take the responsibility of civilian death in Hama because the state was absent?

Until the opposition and the government agree on a middle ground, and there is no breakthrough, the situation will rot and in my view, the opposition may loose all what they gained

July 9th, 2011, 11:53 am


vlad-the-syrian said:


?? ??? ???? ????? ???? ???? ???? ???? ??? ???? ????????


?? ??? ?? ?????? ??? ?? ???? ???? ????????

are you sure ?

July 9th, 2011, 11:53 am


vlad-the-syrian said:

WHY #189

“The government has offered a dialog with no conditions. The opposition is putting conditions”

What do you mean by “no conditions” ?

You should rather say : the government offered dialog and the opposition is refusing the dialog.

Because offering dialog, this already implies conditions that can be negociated.

Whereas refusing dialog at all is, for the meer common sense, equivalent to “no conditions” .

July 9th, 2011, 12:03 pm


jad said:

Positive 🙂

July 9th, 2011, 12:03 pm


vlad-the-syrian said:


“ahead” i meant politically

are you speaking about the average egyptians ?

what do you think then of the MB influence ? so backward or ahead ?

i think that there is much more backwardness and ignorance in Egypt than in Syria

July 9th, 2011, 12:08 pm


Tara said:


Did Fidaa Al Syed and Bassam Al Abdallah participate in any of the external opposition meetings?

July 9th, 2011, 12:11 pm


why-discuss said:


I disagree with you.

The economical models that Egypt ‘pioneered’ have benefited a clique of businessmen and pushed the common egyptian to misery or expatriation. It has also contributed to extreme corruption and to the uprising. I think Egypt’s economical development is a social failure.
Politically we know that it was a dictatorship disguised in democracy.
I think Egypt has gone backward in the last 10 years, especially if you compare it to Iran and Turkey.

Syria, despite being at war, overburden with sanctions, receiving no billions of help has managed to succeed in some areas. There is no extreme poverty, there is social security net, and no national debts.
Of course its growth is slow, it is corrupted and the pace of market economy was too fast. Overall I think Syria can do much better than Egypt, once that crisis is passed.

July 9th, 2011, 12:11 pm


why-discuss said:


I don’t know who did and who did not. Did you keep track?

July 9th, 2011, 12:14 pm


AIG said:

Michel Kilo explains why there should be no negotiations with the government:

Since Kilo I understand is one of the most respected opposition figures, this should put the case to rest.

July 9th, 2011, 12:14 pm


Syria no kandahar said:

So the Pro-Aroor Hamawi today wer call:freedom..freedom.
What more freedom they want,they are free to take people on the pole and hang
Them,they are free to burn buses,they are free to burn cars,they are free to block roads,free to burn tires,free to through stones,free to make check points…where can you get this kind of freedom..not even in the zoo.
For the Alaaroor Worshippers on this site,and ther sedated unconcious so called syrians ,may be they can translate what Abdulhaleem kashosh was singing(I strongly condem his killing,which has Alaaroor followers fingerprints):
???? ??? ????? ???? ??? ????? ?????
So in English simply it is stating that if the prs comes to Hama,we will kill him,which country in the world allows such a statement?

July 9th, 2011, 12:14 pm


vlad-the-syrian said:

JAD #187

???? ????? ?????? ???????? ???? ????? ??? ?????? ?????? ???? “??? ???? ?????? ??????? ???????

i hope it’s just a question of ???? and they’ll find a solution in order to meet ASAP

July 9th, 2011, 12:15 pm


Abughassan said:

Hama proved to be a hard nut to crack,but there has to be a solution to the standstill if Syria is to move forward. It is not appropriate to suggest that Hamwis can run this city by themselves without the presence of local police and unarmed government workers. The army is not likely to enter the city unless Hamwis choose to escalate the situation and resort to violence and destruction
which seems less likely now,however,the regime will not simply collapse just because there are people in Hama who demand an immediate resignation of Bashar and the government,other cities,notably Aleppo and Damascus , have to join in for that to happen,and that does not seem to be on the horizon anytime
soon. For the coming dialogue conference to have any effect,orders to release prisoners and a clear announcement about article-8 have to follow. Credible opposition figures are not likely to engage in a dialogue with the regime without these two measures. Targeting Syria with sanctions and trying to squeeze the Syrian economy along with proposed western measures to “punish” the regime will be counterproductive and mostly hurt ordinary Syrians. I am saddened to see that there are Syrian expats who advocate not sending any money to Syrian private banks because they are fearful that this will prolong the life of the regime,and some even claimed that the money will be “stolen” by the regime.I yet have to hear any evidence that Syrians who received money from their relatives abroad were not able to take their money when they asked for it.

July 9th, 2011, 12:15 pm


jad said:

Stop searching for an Obama Doctrine
Fareed Zakaria

“Syria is different, with a regime more firmly and brutally in control. And while I wish President Obama would voice his preference that President Bashar al-Assad should resign, it is worth noting that the same critics who want Obama to say this also criticize him for calling for Gaddafi’s ouster when he does not have the means to make it happen. Or perhaps they want us to intervene in Syria as well, which would bring the war count to four.

In all these cases, what marks administration policy is a careful calculation of costs and benefits. The great temptation of modern American foreign policy, from Versailles to Vietnam to Iraq, has been to make grand declarations — enunciate doctrines — that then produce huge commitments and costs. We are coming off a decade of such rhetoric and interventions and are still paying the price: more than $2?trillion, not to mention the massive cost in human lives. In that context, a foreign policy that emphasizes strategic restraint is appropriate and wise.”

July 9th, 2011, 12:15 pm


AIG said:

Why Discuss,

Syria has a serious extreme poverty and poverty problem and it is growing:

In addition, the recent drought has pushed 2-3 million into extreme poverty.

July 9th, 2011, 12:19 pm


vlad-the-syrian said:


i don’t believe a single word of what you say

but pray you to accept my compliment : you are one of the most maleficent here

July 9th, 2011, 12:20 pm


Simon said:

Why don’t you look at this visit as an occasion to hold the Syrians altogether against the threat of foreign intervention,may be it is an eye opener for every one to realise who is the real enemy is,somehow I have this funny feeling that it was all staged.
I am not going to defend the Americans or crusades,this is not relevant in this discussion.

July 9th, 2011, 12:24 pm


jad said:

Oil traders should watch for instability in Syria

Syria’s president Bashar al Assad once flaunted his immunity from the wave of protest-driven unrest in the Middle East. Today, while the regime is unlikely to fall in the near term, there’s no doubt that instability is on the rise.

That has broad geopolitical implications for the Middle East. And while Lebanon and Israel are often mentioned, Iraq stands to lose the most. Syria could, for example, become a base for groups seeking to undermine stability in Iraq, increasing risks for the growth of oil production. Oil traders should watch closely how Bashar handles Syria’s political turmoil.

Iraq’s oil production capacity will be a key variable influencing energy markets in the next two decades. Oil minister Abdul-Kareem Luaibi has said recently that he expects to see an increase from 2.7 million bpd today to 8 million bpd by in 2017. While this is overly optimistic, if current political conditions persist Iraq could very well produce 4.5 to 5 million bpd in 2015 and 7-8 million bpd in 2020. But if instability flows from Syria, the story could turn out to be much less promising, putting additional upward pressure on the oil futures market.

Syria is now a hub for Sunni opposition groups that reject the current Iraqi political process. If unrest grows in Syria, the regime might not be able to limit these groups’ ability to destabilize Iraq. Recent comments by Iraq’s parliament speaker Usama al Nujaifi floating the idea of an autonomous Sunni region reflect the rising frustration among Iraqi Sunnis. Should Syria become destabilized,Sunnis in Iraq could very well be emboldened to expand their attacks against the political order.

In the medium term, should the Assad regime fall, the rise of a regime supported by hardline Sunnis would be an even worse scenario. Backed by regional powers,Syria would become a hub for forces seeking to undermine the Shia dominated Iraqi system. This, in part, explains why over two months ago Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al Maliki sent a message to Assad supporting Syria’s effort to confront conspiracies. More broadly, politicians from different political blocs have also come out in support of Assad.

Looking ahead, oil traders need to keep an eye on Syria. The key question is not only whether Bashar stays in power. Equally important is whether the Syrian regime will be able to restore political stability in Syria. In the next few years, no other political issue in the entire region is likely to be more important to oil markets.

July 9th, 2011, 12:25 pm


Amnesia said:


Enough with the attacks already. The discussions were interesting before reading your last posts.

July 9th, 2011, 12:25 pm


why-discuss said:


The government said: Come and we will discuss all the subjects openly, that includes the necessary security arrangements to manage the demonstrations effectively.
The opposition says” Make the security arrangements on your own and then we will join the dialog”
It is obvious that the security arrangements to insure peaceful demonstrations is a task to be discussed as it involves the army, the police and the demonstration organizers

In my view, as the opposition has no access to the demonstrations organizers who are commanded by the x-opposition, they can’t take any responsibility in discussing any security, therefore they throw the ball to the government.
The opposition lacks initiative and guts! they are in reactive mode, come on, move!

July 9th, 2011, 12:26 pm


jad said:

?????? ????? ?????? ???????? ???? ????: ????? ????? ???????!
?????? ???? ??????
09/ 07/ 2011

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July 9th, 2011, 12:26 pm


AIG said:


Why are you attacking Tara? She has been extremely consistent and there is nothing in what she says that justifies your ad-hominem attacks. She does not use personal attacks, so why are you trying to attack her personally and not her ideas? Probably because you don’t have good answers.

I suggest, we argue issues, not attack each other. But if you wish, two can play the game as SC found out.

July 9th, 2011, 12:27 pm


jad said:

“The opposition lacks initiative and guts! they are in reactive mode, come on, move!”

Don’t they remind you of the Lebanese oppositions? They have nothing new to offer or attract anybody and they are waiting for a sign from the west of what to do, it’s the same game over and over and over yet some of our people still don’t get it.

July 9th, 2011, 12:30 pm


AIG said:

Why Discuss,

Why are you ignoring what Michel Kilo said:
Long banned from speaking out, Kilo was heard by the Syrian people for the first time last week in a government-sanctioned opposition meeting. Syrian state television broadcast the event. Kilo sent out tweets outlining his recommendations, saying the government must:
-Recognize political parties.
-Allow the opposition to publish a newspaper as a trust-building measure.
-First, send the army back to base.

Certainly the government can on its own accept the two first points. Otherwise, the dialog is a sham, just like the one Assad had with the people of Deraa.

July 9th, 2011, 12:30 pm


vlad-the-syrian said:


your are twisting the facts

First, i attacked nobody. I only expressed my feeling to the contributor TARA by adressing TARA without any word of insult.

” The discussions were interesting before reading your last posts.”

i’m not preventing anyone to discuss and SC commentors can ignore me totally if they want to discuss. If this is your case feel free to proceed.

July 9th, 2011, 12:32 pm


Abughassan said:

That was my point about Egypt. Syrians can and must learn from Egypt including their failed economic policies,however,when it comes to politics,Egyptians enjoyed greater freedom in their press,judiciary system and public activism. It is not a case of who is better,it is a case of how to rebuilt Syria by Syrians who are not afraid of learning from others,including Egypt. This BTW assumes looking at how the MB behaves in Egypt,the problem is that all MBs are not created the same 🙂

July 9th, 2011, 12:33 pm


AIG said:


The Lebanese “opposition” became opposition through a democratic process. How easily you forget that before that the Hezbollah led opposition organized a months long sit in to pressure the government. The dead lock was only solved with the Doha agreement after the May 8 military intervention of Hezbollah.

What is there to discuss? Assad needs to follow the Kilo points and convince people he is serious about reforms. He needs to commit to a process in which in 18 months or so there are real free multi party elections.

July 9th, 2011, 12:35 pm


vlad-the-syrian said:

209 AIG

Why are you attacking Tara?

come on ! This is really silly.

I expressed the feeling that TARA is doing here a certain job. Very much like you.

July 9th, 2011, 12:37 pm


Tara said:

I don’t either and would love to know.  I view these 2 Guys as the most influential figures of the Syrian Street.  Bassam strikes me as a very intelligent young man, may be in his 30s, based in Washington DC, very representable, “cute” in a way,  with long family track record of being jailed and oppressed by the regime.  He was appointed to be the spokesperson of the Syrian revolution 2011 and to us the revolutionists ( or revolutionists wannabe)  a likable figure.  Fidaa is on the other hand is viewed by supporters on SC as ” a bit tainted” although I did not critically  read the available reports linking him to ” conservative Islam” but he has or had the fuzzy beard thing.  

Having read the Syrian revolution FB, for more than a month, and having observed what happened on the ground, I believe these 2 guys do really influence the street much more than the true internal opposition does.  I just do not know how they are affiliated with Antalya and other external opposition and find that relation very important to know.

July 9th, 2011, 12:37 pm


AIG said:


When you say Tara is lying about her identity, that is a personal attack.
I hope you understand that. You are calling her a liar when you have zero proof.

July 9th, 2011, 12:38 pm


jad said:

Just ignore anybody who want to provoke you in any way, take my advise and do not engage when it’s not needed.
Cheers 🙂

July 9th, 2011, 12:38 pm


vlad-the-syrian said:


“the problem is that all MBs are not created the same”

well to tell you frankly my opinion : i doubt this very much.
I evev think that the MBs strategy in Egypt is to disseminate and try not to look “created the same” as you put it.

July 9th, 2011, 12:41 pm


AIG said:


I am not doing anyone’s job. I have been posting on this site for years. I am just an Israeli interested in Syria and Lebanon.

Let me explain to you again. If I were to say that I think you are working for the Syrian muchabarat, would you view that as a personal attack? I think you would. To be perfectly clear, I actually do not think you are working for the muchabarat.

If someone has different views than yours it does not mean they are “working for somebody”. Get used to pluralism.

July 9th, 2011, 12:43 pm



Regime friendly media blitz starts. The search fir articles affirming a comforting notion that the US wants assad, and at the same time attacking the people of Hama, while pretending to attack that Ambassador’s visit only serve to highlight the regime’s and its proponents use of ugly xenophobia as yet one more divisive technique.

In his NPR interview, Mr. Kilo says the following as he describes his reaction to being criticized by the youth (of the streets):

Kilo’s jowly face breaks into a wide smile, his thick eyebrows move up his face and he laughs. “I am telling you, I am old, but mentally, I am very young. What the youth have managed to do is enormous. They have the right to criticize all of us.”

And the wise dean of Syria’s opposition is correct. We have heard from everyone pontificating about the visit, throwing cheep shots, popping a vein in vanity, so let us for once hear what these youth have to say:

???? ?? ??????? ?????? ??????? ??????? ???? ??? ????? ??????? ???????? ???????

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???? ????? ??? ? ?????? ???????? ???????

???? 09/07/2011

They said their word, all else is rubbish.

July 9th, 2011, 12:43 pm


vlad-the-syrian said:


“I hope you understand that”

nope . So what ?

July 9th, 2011, 12:43 pm


Abughassan said:

Thanks for Fareed Zakaria comment. The guy is higly educated and usually thoughtful and moderate,may be Josh should consider inviting him to SC 🙂
(hope dr landis is not offended if I call him Josh ,I also have a doctorate degree and most people use my first nick name too 🙂 )
Bashar,my dear Syrian brothers and sisters,have to go and take the regime with him,but that must be done in a gradual and peaceful manner. Do not listen to those who say otherwise.

July 9th, 2011, 12:43 pm


Amnesia said:

VLAD, thanks for the response.

“Without any word of insult” though? Really?

Maleficent means, “harmful or evil in intent.”

I didn’t “twist” anything. You should apologize to Tara.

The end.

July 9th, 2011, 12:44 pm


Abughassan said:

The regime will not take any meaningful measures against the US ambassador.

July 9th, 2011, 12:48 pm


vlad-the-syrian said:


“I am not doing anyone’s job”

i have the right to not believe you

“Get used to pluralism”

keep your fake pluralism for yourself and leave us alone. And mark please that we don’t need you and we have nothing to give you. Get used to it 🙂

July 9th, 2011, 12:48 pm


vlad-the-syrian said:


“Maleficent” in terms of action, deeds, efficiency …

yes TARA is formidable. What should i apologize for ? I even complmented he or her. 🙂

July 9th, 2011, 12:51 pm


vlad-the-syrian said:


“Get used to pluralism”

are you kidding me ? I am a pious polytheist 🙂

July 9th, 2011, 12:53 pm


AIG said:

Vlad the Syrian,

“i have the right to not believe you”

Of course you do, but if you believe something without any evidence to support it, what does it say about you? And if you assert what you believe publicly without any proof, that is a personal attack. So if you have evidence that I work for somebody in posting here, please post it. Otherwise, we will have to conclude that your credibility is very low.

July 9th, 2011, 12:53 pm


Syria no kandahar said:

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????? :?? ?? ???? ??? ??? ??? ??? ?? ?????
?????:???? ???? ????? ????? ???????
?????:????????? ??? ???? ?? ???????

July 9th, 2011, 12:56 pm


AIG said:

Vlad the Syrian,

Still awaiting your evidence that I work for somebody in posting on this site.

Do you have any, or did you make a claim with zero evidence to back it?

July 9th, 2011, 1:00 pm


vlad-the-syrian said:

JAD #218

dont worry my friend . My position is strictly rational. This is what is most annoying for them.

July 9th, 2011, 1:05 pm


Tara said:


# 216 was addressed to you. Could not edit it. Any comment?

July 9th, 2011, 1:05 pm


AIG said:

Vlad the Syrian,

Again, where is your evidence? Why won’t you post it?
In my book, it is a cowardly act to make an accusation that you cannot back with a shred of evidence.

July 9th, 2011, 1:05 pm


AIG said:

Vlad the Syrian,

“dont worry my friend . My position is strictly rational. This is what is most annoying for them.”

How can your position be considered even remotely rational when you make claims without a shred of evidence? That is very close to the definition of being irrational.

July 9th, 2011, 1:07 pm



The opposition does not lack initiative. It is the smarter of the two. It is the traditional opposition, internally and externally, who is facing the challenge of its lifetime. Those who trust the Syrian people are supporting the street and will not act alone without the street backing them up and without their actions being consistent with the demands of the people.

The regime is not serious, not even about its own reform, because it knows it is incapable of reform, and you know it. It is only hoping for time to tire the demonstrators because its own forces are tired and scattered all around, albeit still unified under its command, its media and mouthpieces have become the joke of the town, and its advocates including regime-made-to-order opposition is exposed for the fraud it is.

I would advise all of us to recognize that this is the first true rural revolution in modern Arab history. The Egyptian and Tunisian revolutions were mostly urban revolutions, and before that, the Naser, Baath, Yemen, etc…. (all the socialist arab republics) were military coups with civilian participation from the sons of elite who thought nationalism and socialism is a cool thing. This revolution is creating its own reality, a reality that we have never seen before and it is far too early to dismiss it. Intellectual and honest opposition thinkers recognize that and recognize that for once, the elites should sit in the back, for they have been fooled by the regime many times despite of their intellect. Their turn will come, but it will only be under the watchful eyes of their people.

@ 230
What you wrote is not funny, it is amateurish and sophomoric. No wonder the regime is going blindly if this is the kind of people it relies on.

July 9th, 2011, 1:10 pm


vlad-the-syrian said:


come on ! I dont care if my credibility is very low for you or people like you. As for your own credibility being an appointed contributor, i think it is very high here on SC and shared by many readers.

July 9th, 2011, 1:12 pm


AIG said:

Vlad the Syrian,

Where is your evidence for your claim that I work for somebody in posting here? I hope you understand that I will not let this issue go. You made the claim, you need to provide the evidence.
Again, in my book, making a claim without any evidence is cowardly and immature and of course far from rational. So how are you going to remedy the situation? We are waiting.

July 9th, 2011, 1:14 pm


5 dancing shlomos said:

zakaria is part of the elite (better known as blood suckers) and manipulates opinion.

220. AIG said:
I am not doing anyone’s job. I have been posting on this site for years. I am just an Israeli interested in Syria and Lebanon.

israelis are interested in syria and lebanon and iraq and jordan to possess to add to palestine. israelis covet land, water, oil, air, soil (stole tons of top soil from lebanon).

July 9th, 2011, 1:15 pm


why-discuss said:


“Having read the Syrian revolution FB, for more than a month, and having observed what happened on the ground, I believe these 2 guys do really influence the street much more than the true internal opposition does”

That’s is the problem. The local opposition are intellectuals, mostly old, who lost their fighting abilities. Yet they keep claiming they don’t want foreign interference but they do nothing to prevent this foreign interference to sneak in, control the streets and discredit them.
I wish they bring new blood, bold people with energy and ideas and who are not afraid of confronting the x-opposition prostituted with zionists and infiltrated with extremists. ( I do not know these 2 guys agenda… do you?)
Mr Kilo, Mr Delila, shake yourself, stop putting barriers, jump in the heat of dialogs, get young people with you, test the willingness of the opponents, you can always get out, but don’t let the x-opposition dictate its agenda on the streets and on the future of Syria.

July 9th, 2011, 1:16 pm


Nour said:

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?????, 09 ?????/???? 2011 14:54

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July 9th, 2011, 1:19 pm


Nour said:

“In my book, it is a cowardly act to make an accusation that you cannot back with a shred of evidence.”

Do you hold your US and “Israeli” governments to that same standard?

July 9th, 2011, 1:23 pm


Badr said:

The lesser of two evils is accepting a peaceful and gradual change of regime.

Abu Ghassan,

Do you believe that Bashar al-Asad can and is willing to lead genuine reforms, which at the end of the day will result in a regime change?

July 9th, 2011, 1:26 pm


AIG said:


“Do you hold your US and “Israeli” governments to that same standard?”

Of course, that is why politicians are voted out of office many times in Israel. The question to you is, do you hold Assad and his regime to that standard?

July 9th, 2011, 1:27 pm


AIG said:


We hear your advice to the opposition. What is your advice to the government? Do you support Assad making the concessions Kilo request? If not, why not?

Frankly, I think you are making too many demands of the opposition and not holding the government to the same standard. Am I wrong?

July 9th, 2011, 1:29 pm


vlad-the-syrian said:


“I hope you understand that I will not let this issue go.”

nope sir. So what ?

My position is only rational and mind you dialectical.

I have the right to see black when the color is black and white when it’s white. I dont mind being not credible by people like you when i’m right and when i agree with myself. You can only discuss philosophically the last matter which is “agreeing with oneself”.

I have nothing to add. As for you, YOU have much evidence to proove. We have been waiting for too much time now. And i fear it is unfortunately too late. I sincerely (:)) encourage you to keep lying to your own people and keep posting here as much as you like.

July 9th, 2011, 1:30 pm




Hama proved to be a hard nut to crack,but there has to be a solution to the standstill if Syria is to move forward. It is not appropriate to suggest that Hamwis can run this city by themselves without the presence of local police and unarmed government workers.

So by “hard nut to crack” you mean that after murdering hundreds of peaceful protesters, including women and children that Bashar & Co. are still unable to subdue the protesters and make them bow to their will under oppression, torture and injustice right?

And by “solution to the standstill” do you mean a repeat of 1982? Or do you not acknowledge that Hafez murdered tens of thousands then?

And finally you state:

“It is not appropriate to suggest that Hamwis can run this city by themselves without the presence of local police and unarmed government workers.”

I think its very appropriate and very apparent that Hamwi’s are more than capable of running the city themselves as has been the case over the past couple of weeks. When a government murders whole families and when almost every family in Hama lost a soul to the massacre in 1982, i think anything is better than the current government system.

PS, no response to all the “fake videos” i posted yet?



July 9th, 2011, 1:35 pm


Tara said:


I will rephrase. I see 3 players here. ( Excluding fake opposition)

The x-opposition

The internal opposition

The street.

Now, I believe the street listens to the Syrian Revolution 2011 face book. I see the FB being led by Fidaa, and represented by Bassam. Although, Fidaa is in Sweden and Bassam is in DC, I do not classify them as part of the external opposition. I classify them as part of the street. I do not know what Bassam and Fidaa agenda is other than the overthrown of Bahar. They both probably lack political maturity and can perhaps be unintentionally “badly influenced” by some not very good elements in the external opposition.

My point is: For the revlolution to morph into a striking power, the true respected internal opposition should unit forces with these two guys who can influence the street and be a single entity that can effect changes

July 9th, 2011, 1:36 pm


Syria no kandahar said:

First rural revolution?
Not really.Yemen was rural,Libya is rural,Tunisia was far as outcomes:magnificent.Alaaroor revolution will produce a fealthy Syria.don’t use
Imported terms to cover up this Islamic movement.all Syria is practically rural,this is not japan.this is all revenge driven movement by people who are willing to slaughter as soon as they get in power.ther is nothing civilized about islamic revolution,and ther has been never a civilized Islamic revolution in history.
Non-Islamic opposition figures are more afraid from Islamic current than from the government,didt you hear killo stating that he is feeling for the last 4months that he is living in Afghanstan,gues what ,when your pro-Aroor gangs take over,he will not be living at all,like thousands of fellow Christians in Iraq enjoying there heavenly freedom given to them by Sunni terrorist UNDEDR THE GROUND.

July 9th, 2011, 1:36 pm


why-discuss said:

Seeking ‘realistic’ change in Syria
Prominent activist calls on protesters to work with government to bring democracy.( Louay Hussein)

A sign of hope for the apathetic local opposition?

July 9th, 2011, 1:41 pm


vlad-the-syrian said:


take another word :

i long ago said to the God of your book “Edited for racism. Vlad, I warned you before. One more strike and you will be banned for a week”
and i’m still waiting for the punishment
And do you think that i would fear to tell AIG that i don’t believe a snigle word of what he or she says ?

Come on ! don’t try to fool a syrian devout polytheist like me with the old book 🙂

July 9th, 2011, 1:43 pm


AIG said:

Vlad the Syrian,

I have given you many opportunities to post the evidence for your claim that I work for somebody in posting on this site. You have not produced it. I therefore have to conclude that you do not have that evidence, but please prove me wrong. Your act of making unsubstantiated claims is an act of cowardice and deceit. Just like the acts of the mafia regime you support. Thank you for helping explain the true nature of the Assad regime. By replicating their methods on this site, you let everybody see what the brave Syrians have to deal with.

You also write another claim:
“YOU have much evidence to proove. We have been waiting for too much time now.”
Evidence for what? Or is this another of your false claims?

Also let me note that from my experience people who like you, write or say: “i’m right and when i agree with myself” are usually crazy and have personality disorders. Maybe you phrased that sentence incorrectly?

July 9th, 2011, 1:44 pm



I stand corrected on Yemen. I am not sure about Libya and if Rural areas carry the same meaning as they do in Syria. As for the rest of your post, it is meaningless and carry a lot of racism in it, and thus, i will not indulge in discussing it.

July 9th, 2011, 1:50 pm




From which part of Russia are you? Did you live in Syria before USSR collapsed or after? Or are you ucranian?

July 9th, 2011, 1:51 pm


Tara said:


Read 251 again in case you did not pay attention. Tough moderator?

July 9th, 2011, 1:58 pm


vlad-the-syrian said:


you miss the point or play as if you missed it , upon which i did express a special stress and which is ‘agreeing with oneself” : i opened this matter to rational debate. I’m not sure you can catch up with this. I resign helping you for this purpose even if you pay me.

As for rationale and dialectics, be sure i know very much what is a lie. The old book was much instructing. I have no proof to produce for whatever claim you utter. Common sense is enough. I consider you a kind of neo shnorrer.

July 9th, 2011, 1:58 pm


Abughassan said:

I can tell,and most of you can,when posters exaggerate and manipulate,and frankly-speaking I do not have time to be part of “he said,she said”. I found a number of fake videos posted by Syrians especially those who are anti regime. Giving Syrians a choice between a government-free Hama and a security forces-oppressed Hama is similar to choosing between albaath and the sane person should encourage cities in Syria to act as an independent mini state,and no sane Syrian should tolerate atrocities by security forces. Those who want Hama to stay as is are hoping that other cities will duplicate that model so Bashar will have ti choose between a bloody crackdown or resignation,and i am not in favor of this outcome unless it is done with the full participation of the army which must restore order and keep syria in one piece.There are demonstrations in most Syrian cities but most of those have been small with known exceptions. The opposition must move forward with a political plan as soon as the famous demands of Kilo are met,Syrians will not keep demonstrating forever and the regime can not hesitate forever.

July 9th, 2011, 1:59 pm


why-discuss said:


I dont want to repeat my self, but here is what I see

– Any concession outside a serious and agreed frame of dialog is counterproductive and will trigger more violence and increased demands. It is a package of reforms, no little drops…
– Ensuring the security of the peaceful demonstrations is not exclusively the responsibility of the government, it is also the responsibility of the opposition organizers to prevent provocations and violence.
– These security arrangements and the sharing of responsibilities should be part of what is discussed in the dialog meeting called by the government

By refusing dialog under the pretext that there is no security for the peaceful demonstrations, the opposition is implictly admitting that it has no control over the demonstrations and can’t take any responsibility in ensuring its security.

This is why I think the present opposition political leadership in Syria is pathetic and it is nit such people that would make any change. The x-opposition is erring and nothing will come out of it either except incitations to more provocations and anarchy.

I tell the local opposition again: Jump into the dialog, fight for the rights, demand, listen… but do something!

July 9th, 2011, 2:02 pm


Nour said:

“Of course, that is why politicians are voted out of office many times in Israel. The question to you is, do you hold Assad and his regime to that standard?”

Whether or not they get voted out of office is irrelevant. We’re talking about YOUR standards. You claim that you will not let anyone get away with making claims not supported by evidence. Do you hold your US and “Israeli” governments to the same standard? This means, did you react the same way when the US lied through their teeth about Iraqi WMD’s? Keeping in mind that this was a lie that led to the killing of 2 million Iraqis, the displacement of 6-7 million, and the destruction of an entire country for generations.

July 9th, 2011, 2:02 pm


vlad-the-syrian said:


you are unfair

i can accept the word “blasphematory” but surely not the insulting “racism”

i dont mind being despised here by some people i’m apparently annoying

but tell me please why it is so unbearable at the verge ‘hum edited for obscenity ?) of the 21st century to say on a political opinion blog about Syria that the God of the Bible is a lie ?

this is bigotery

and i didnt even say that i’m atheist

July 9th, 2011, 2:08 pm


Syria no kandahar said:

As soon as you bring Alaaroot in the picture,the Alaaroor crowd calls you racist!!.And as soon as you bring Terrorism and fundamentals Islam,you are a racist!!
Will you can post thousands of comments here and you will not be able to have a cat in Hama say :miao…Alaaroor can go on Alwisal TV and in
5 min he can make All his worshippers in Hama next day close there stores,hate there neighbors,burn buses….
The different opposition aspects should realize one thing:All the Arab revolutions so far has been stolen by Islamists,and have produced worse outcomes than befor,Syria will not be an exception unless you keep it 100%secular,which it is not happening.

Proud Anti-Aroor Racist

July 9th, 2011, 2:11 pm


AIG said:

Vlad the Syrian,

What is racism? It is assigning stereotypes to people just based on what they are and what their opinions are. This is exactly what you did in the case of Tara and me. Just because you do not like who we are and what our opinions are, you made accusations against us without a shred of evidence. So yes, you are a racist and a bigot. Not to mention that your acts are cowardly and deceitful.

July 9th, 2011, 2:17 pm


5 dancing shlomos said:

“The outgoing U.S. ambassador to Israel, James Cunningham, offers the Jerusalem Post a litany of ways in which we’ve(U.S.A) been at Israel’s beck and call. Problems with U.S.-Israel relations? Nah. Nothing that a few hundred million(billion) bucks and 20 F-16s can’t fix (that was the failed bribe price for the settlement freeze).”


“Stealing Success Tel Aviv Style”

how to be rich without any talent except for browbeating, killing, stealing, lying.

July 9th, 2011, 2:22 pm


AIG said:


I don’t understand what you are saying. I uphold my standards by voting against politicians that I don’t deem to be in line with them. What other way is their for me to uphold my standards? As for the US actions in Iraq, it is for Americans to decide, not Israelis.

In retrospect, I think that the way Iraq was handled after the war was horrible and a huge mistake of lack of planning. As for the war itself, the problem was that Saddam wanted to give the impression that he still had WMD and that complicated matters. It was a tough call to make and the US intelligence services made the wrong one.

July 9th, 2011, 2:23 pm


vlad-the-syrian said:


“Not to mention that your acts are cowardly and deceitful”

Untrue (a falsehood a lie)

July 9th, 2011, 2:26 pm


Abughassan said:

Are you guys exchanging ideas about reform with Israeli citizens?

July 9th, 2011, 2:31 pm



I have read almost all your posts, and I am yet to see anything secular in your discourse. Quite the contrary.

July 9th, 2011, 2:32 pm


AIG said:


Do you really expect the opposition that is 4 months old to be as organized as the regime which is 40 years old? Do you really expect it to reveal itself and thus allow the regime to arrest the leaders? They are not dumb. That is why Kilo put forward his demands. They make perfect sense and if the regime is serious about reforms, it should prove this by measures of good will. The Syrian people are smart enough to see when the regime is sincere.

July 9th, 2011, 2:35 pm


Jad said:

And some of them are even defending a Zionist against supposedly their own people and they want to force us to believe that they are Syrians! Fakeness at its finest!

July 9th, 2011, 2:37 pm


AIG said:

Vlad the Syrian,

You write:
“Not to mention that your acts are cowardly and deceitful”

Untrue (a falsehood a lie)

Posting false accusation about Tara and me is a cowardly and deceitful act. You did just that. You were asked for evidence for your accusations. You failed to bring any. Therefore your acts are cowardly and deceitful.

July 9th, 2011, 2:37 pm


AIG said:


Unless you specify exactly who you mean that are fake Syrians and give them an opportunity to defend themselves, your post is very cowardly.

I am referring to this from you:
And some of them are even defending a Zionist againt their own peopl and they want to force you to believe that they are Syrians! Fakeness at it’s finest!

Do you really want to defend racism on the part of Syrians like Vlad-the Syrian? Why would you do that?

July 9th, 2011, 2:40 pm


vlad-the-syrian said:


Not very far. Transylvania actually

266. ABUGHASSAN said:

“Are you guys exchanging ideas about reform with Israeli citizens?”

i’m not racist and not against ideas. But these “Israeli citizens” have no ideas at all and know nothing about exchange. And I dont understand why for these Israeli citizens are still doing here .

July 9th, 2011, 2:40 pm


vlad-the-syrian said:


for the last time :

i expressed the personal feeling which i think is shared by many readers here (who are not idiots) that you and some others are doing here a job for which you have been appointed.

This is neither deceitful nor coward only common sense.

July 9th, 2011, 2:46 pm


pelican noir said:

268. AIG said:


Do you really expect the opposition that is 4 months old to be as organized as the regime which is 40 years old? Do you really expect it to reveal itself and thus allow the regime to arrest the leaders? They are not dumb. That is why Kilo put forward his demands. They make perfect sense and if the regime is serious about reforms, it should prove this by measures of good will. The Syrian people are smart enough to see when the regime is sincere.

if prefer this

yes for the overwhelming of the syrian people i would say for a majority of at least 60% the regime IS sincere and IS carrying on the reforms. The regime started reforming from 2000-2001 and fullfilled significant reforms despite all the impediments that everybody know. And now you are pushing for quick and radical reforms while at the same time using every heavy unproductive pression possible as never before and backing the most negative forces in Syria ?

I dont get it

What is your real purpose ? helping a peaceful civic transition or weakening Syria by all means ?

July 9th, 2011, 2:59 pm


Aboud said:

“And some of them are even defending a Zionist against supposedly their own people and they want to force us to believe that they are Syrians! Fakeness at its finest!”

And I will defend AIG and anyone else from outright racist, reprehensible comments, just as I’d do so if someone called you something racist. Or are you upset we called a certain someone’s silly bluff involving lawyers and lawsuits?

If you do not like the fact that there are Israelis on this forum, then you are free to complain to professor Landis. And I’ll teach you something it took me a while to learn; Israelis don’t really consider it an insult when you call them “Zionists”.

It’s as silly as Imad Mustapha videoing demonstrators outside his embassy, when those same demonstrators are going to post videos of themselves on Youtube.

@272 “And I dont understand why for these Israeli citizens are still doing here .”

Because once a forum starts banning Israelis because you, Vlad, don’t like them, it will start banning anyone else based on flimsy criteria; non-Baathists, people who aren’t Baathist enough, people who haven’t been Baathists since Michael Aflaq first dreamed up the word…get the idea?

July 9th, 2011, 2:59 pm


vlad-the-syrian said:

268. AIG said:


Do you really expect the opposition that is 4 months old to be as organized as the regime which is 40 years old? Do you really expect it to reveal itself and thus allow the regime to arrest the leaders? They are not dumb. That is why Kilo put forward his demands. They make perfect sense and if the regime is serious about reforms, it should prove this by measures of good will. The Syrian people are smart enough to see when the regime is sincere.

if prefer this

yes for the overwhelming majority of the syrian people i would say for a majority of at least 60% the regime IS sincere and IS carrying on the reforms. The regime started reforming from 2000-2001 and fullfilled significant reforms despite all the impediments that everybody know. And now you are pushing for quick and radical reforms while at the same time using every heavy unproductive pression possible as never before and backing the most negative forces in Syria ?

I dont get it

What is your real purpose ? helping a peaceful civic transition or weakening Syria by all means ?

July 9th, 2011, 2:59 pm


AIG said:

Vlad the Syrian,

When you express your feelings about ideas that is fine. That is what we are here for. What you call “expressing feelings about individuals” is nothing more than a cowardly and deceitful personal attack unless you have any evidence to back what you say. That you cannot see the difference just shows how immature you are. So yes, you are a racist and your actions are cowardly and deceitful.

Let me give you an example that perhaps will jolt your understanding. Remember, this is just an example, I do not believe this. If I were to write that based on the way you write and what you write, I believe your mother is a prostitute and that I think many others reading this site believe so also, would you take that as a personal attack even though I am just “expressing my feelings”?

July 9th, 2011, 3:02 pm


jad said:

Back off!
I asked you many times before, do not address me at all.
Stop faking your high morals, it’s too fake, most of the usual guys here know you, the problem with the new ones is that they don’t know who they are dealing with, a refresh of your reality is necessary, this is one of many but it combine lots of things about you:

“Dear “just Asking”/AIG

When you asked me to remove you from moderation (your comment is checked before it is released) you promised you will stick to one comment per day.

Joshua is the one banning you, but let me explain to you why he is doing so. It is obvious from your experimental participation here (as “just asking”) that you did not learn from your past mistakes that got you in daily confrontations with a large number of other contributors.”

A specific number of how many post per day per commentator might be a good idea to reduce this kind of personal attacks and will make your job easier, it was tried before and it works.
Better have quality than quantity.
Thank you!

July 9th, 2011, 3:06 pm


AIG said:


Thank you, I did not even realize they were trying to insult me by calling me a Zionist since of course I am a proud Zionist.

July 9th, 2011, 3:06 pm




“I found a number of fake videos posted by Syrians especially those who are anti regime.”

Please do share and offer your analysis and proof. ESPECIALLY anti-regime videos.

“Giving Syrians a choice between a government-free Hama and a security forces-oppressed Hama is similar to choosing between albaath and the MB.”

—Hmmm, let me think about this for a moment…. If i was a Hamwi, and i had to answer your question based on the past 40 years of history, my guess is that Hamwi’s would not choose the baathi’s that slaughtered tens of thousands of their fellow family members (women, babies, children and all)….after all, murdering your citizens is considered wrong in most countries ya Abughassan, wallah, im not lying, it really is truly wrong, go look it up….

“no sane person should encourage cities in Syria to act as an independent mini state,and no sane Syrian should tolerate atrocities by security forces. ”

—Well said, thats why Syrians are protesting against the atrocities.

“Those who want Hama to stay as is are hoping that other cities will duplicate that model so Bashar will have ti choose between a bloody crackdown or resignation,”

—Yes, we’re getting somewhere here now ya abughassan……

“and i am not in favor of this outcome unless it is done with the full participation of the army which must restore order and keep syria in one piece.”

—You mean the same army that has been murdering innocent men, women and children right? You want that army to have ‘full participation’ in restoring order and keeping Syria in one piece?

There are demonstrations in most Syrian cities but most of those have been small with known exceptions.

—So now there are protests? I thought in your opening comment your “cousins” reported to you that there were almost no protests. Please elaborate on your crowd-analysis skills ya Prof. Abughassan

The opposition must move forward with a political plan as soon as the famous demands of Kilo are met,Syrians will not keep demonstrating forever and the regime can not hesitate forever.

—The first demand is to end the murder, torture and arrest of innocent men women and children. Your beloved Bashar refuses this, like father like son. And yes, Syrians will demonstrate forever, for the choice is to demonstrate or death and torture at the hands of your beloved Bashar. And if this (brutal crackdown and murder) is what you call ‘hesitation’ by the regime…..then god only knows what you mean to be the alternative to ‘regime hesitation’



July 9th, 2011, 3:13 pm


AIG said:


Alas for you there has been a change of policy here, and my number of posts are not limited. Alex was not happy with what I wrote about his comments. That is fine. But the correct solution is not to limit my ability to make comments, it is to moderate comments that I make that are not inline with the site policies. So far, none of my comments has been moderated by the new moderator because I do my best to stick to the rules.

Again, instead of answering my question, you make an allegation about me being fake. An allegation without any proof. I repeat, such allegations are cowardly. Let’s discuss the issues, not attack each other. You attacked your fellow Syrians calling them “fake” and were not brave enough to name them. Why? Don’t they deserve a chance to protect themselves?

July 9th, 2011, 3:13 pm


Nour said:

” As for the war itself, the problem was that Saddam wanted to give the impression that he still had WMD and that complicated matters. It was a tough call to make and the US intelligence services made the wrong one.”

There’s your hypocrisy and double standard. You try to make excuses for the lies of the US government but you throw a fit here pretending you uphold the values of honesty and truth. You know very well that the intelligence was fabricated. You know very well that the presentation of Colin Powell in the UN was a complete farce. You know very well that the Office of Special Plans was created by Paul Wolfowitz and Douglas Feith in order to fabricate evidence about Iraqi WMD’s because the intelligence the administration was receiving from the CIA was not satisfactory. How can you claim that Saddam was giving the impression that he continued to possess WMD’s when the Iraqi government repeatedly insisted that they did no longer had any WMD’s and several experts were stating unequivocally that Iraq’s WMD’s were destroyed. If you truly held the standards you claim to hold then you should call those in the Bush administration, liars, cowards, and criminals.

July 9th, 2011, 3:15 pm


AIG said:


No I don’t know what you wrote. Saddam told the FBI exactly what I wrote:

This is the opening paragraph:
Saddam Hussein told an FBI interviewer before he was hanged that he allowed the world to believe he had weapons of mass destruction because he was worried about appearing weak to Iran, according to declassified accounts of the interviews released yesterday. The former Iraqi president also denounced Osama bin Laden as “a zealot” and said he had no dealings with al-Qaeda.

July 9th, 2011, 3:21 pm


vlad-the-syrian said:


haha after awkward and silly precautions you come to the point “I believe your mother is a prostitute”

you didnt deal with my mother to declare that she is a prostitute. But this even cannot bother me since i think you are a liar.

But I dealt with you and your likes more often than i would have whished to be absolutely certain of that. ( Edited for personal insult. Vlad-The-Syrian: This was your third strike. You are not allowed to post until next Saturday. I will remove your future posts manually untill JL blocks you on Monday)

July 9th, 2011, 3:27 pm


873 said:

Here is how an unarmed, peaceful protestor is dealt with in the heart of the only democracy in the middle east. Talk about a quintessential image of what these Star of Moloch worshippers are really about. This kid could end up like Rachel Corrie if he doesnt watch it, and the AIPAC-American Congress & WH will do zip to help him. The hypocrisy is getting too transparent and tired.

Also a huge number of anti-govt protestors in Baghdad and around Iraq were beaten and tortured yesterday. Still havent seen any of the same outraged moral shrieks over the million killed in Iraq (and millions of refugees, being paid for and hosted by SRYIA).

Amnesty, HRW, NGO, Inc. and all you fake humanitarians and democracy reformers- where are you???? When the USA became ‘Saddam’ torture became kosher?

July 9th, 2011, 3:28 pm


AIG said:

Vlad the Syrian,

Again you make two false accusations. Where did I lie? You take my words out of context. Here is my full quote:
“Let me give you an example that perhaps will jolt your understanding. Remember, this is just an example, I do not believe this. If I were to write that based on the way you write and what you write, I believe your mother is a prostitute and that I think many others reading this site believe so also, would you take that as a personal attack even though I am just “expressing my feelings”?”

Again, it seems you don’t get it.
And you call me a “shnorrer”. Based on what? Do you have evidence or are you using personal attacks again me because you have no real arguments?

July 9th, 2011, 3:31 pm


daleandersen said:

Memo To: AIG

RE: Vlad-The-Syrian’s ….(Edited. inappropriate quote)

Really? Why am I not surprised? … ( Edited)

My compliments to you for exposing this side of him. It explains everything…

July 9th, 2011, 3:38 pm


Aboud said:

From Wikipedia;

Schnorrer (???????; also spelled shnorrer) is a Yiddish term meaning “beggar” or “sponger”.[1] The word Schnorrer also occurs in German to describe a person who frequently asks for little things, like cigarettes or little sums of money, without offering a return, and has thus come to mean freeloader.

I don’t recall anyone asking Vlad for cigarettes….

July 9th, 2011, 3:42 pm


AIG said:


Let me be perfectly clear, I DO NOT believe AT ALL that Vlad’s mother is of ill repute. I am just trying to give him an example that will jerk him strong enough to understand what is wrong about unfounded personal attacks, the kind he launched at both Tara and me.

So please, delete your post if you still can. If not, request the moderator to do so. In my humble opinion, it is in poor taste,

July 9th, 2011, 3:46 pm


daleandersen said:

Relax, AIG.

We all understand. Vlad has a sordid past and you did a hell of a detective job getting the facts out in the open. And you’re too modest and humble to take credit for it. So let me once more applaud you and toot your horn.

One more thing. We should probably report him to the al-Mukhabarat. I don’t think Junior likes people of ( Edited for insult).

July 9th, 2011, 3:59 pm


norman said:

(( 129. OFF THE WALL said:

NORMAN @ 124
Agree with that largely not only in medicine but also in other technical fields. Remember that it now takes nearly perfect score to get into medical and/or engineering schools.))

as you said it is not medicine and engineering so it is not limited to top in high school, it might be related to the fact that people who travel to succeed and make a diffrence tend to do well as are the kids in this country who want to go charter school, I ma trying to say that the drive make people better ,

((OTW said

I still believe, as I did a few months ago, that part of the Syrian’s students’ ability to outperform their counterparts in the US and elsewhere, i due to their exposure to the shock of freedom of thinking and expression, which sends these already top of the class students on a pleasure ride of using their brains and talents in ways they never dared to do before.))

I agree about the economic system in the US but i have yet to see Syrians who are running for office or care about that, they might care about the view of the people who are running toward Syria , easy credit , contract laws and tort laws and simple procedures and rules have a lot to do with our success.

We should know that the children in the Us who do not complete high school is probably higher than the kids in Syria and that our degrees are very well thought of in the US ,

So all of all our education is decent , we need more practical skills but on paper we are pretty, pretty GOOD.

July 9th, 2011, 4:00 pm


AIG said:


Seriously, please delete your post. It is not helping making this site a great venue for discussion.

July 9th, 2011, 4:01 pm


AIG said:

Vlad the syrian,

Where is the evidence for your cowardly and deceitful attacks on Tara and me? Your racism knows no bounds.

July 9th, 2011, 4:04 pm


Aboud said:

Daleandersen, in four posts you’ve contributed less than most people manage in just two sentences. You might think about changing your tone.

July 9th, 2011, 4:08 pm


Nour said:

“No I don’t know what you wrote. Saddam told the FBI exactly what I wrote:”

You are either playing dumb, or you’re lying yourself. Who cares what Saddam supposedly told an FBI agent years after the fact? The reality is that Iraq continually denied that it possessed any WMD’s and even submitted a report made up of thousands of pages to the UN establishing that their WMD program was terminated and destroyed.

Moreover, did the administration not lie about the Niger yellow cake purchase? Did they not lie about the alleged links to al-Qaeda? What is your position on that? Why can’t you uphold your ostensible standards in this case and call the people running the Bush administration liars and cowards?

July 9th, 2011, 4:14 pm


AIG said:


The fact is that Iraq maintained an ambiguous attitude towards whether it had WMDs. As Saddam admitted, they wanted people to think they may have WMDs. If anyone in the Bush administration was lying then of course he should be punished. But as an Israeli, what exactly do you want me to do about it? It is up to Americans to keep their politicians straight.

July 9th, 2011, 4:28 pm


majedkhaldoon said:

July 9th, 2011, 4:40 pm


Amnesia said:


I think it is clear that the Bush administration made decisions based on lies, however it happened. This is something that will go down in history books. Don’t worry about that.

The US will be paying the price for this for a long time. Will the US be able to always maintain global superiority? I doubt it.

A recent report in the news was of a new estimate from the Eisenhower Research Project at Brown University estimating that the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq will cost between 3.6 and 4.4 trillion dollars, not including an estimated trillion dollars in interest payments on the debt and hundreds of billions of dollars in disability and other expenses that the researchers could not properly estimate.

Let’s be clear about the above: those two wars are estimated to cost US taxpayers 5-6 trillion dollars. That’s $5,000,000,000,000 to $6,000,000,000,000 (some say more is likely). Unsuccessful wars at that. The Bush administration did a lot of damage for sure.

However, let’s be practical now. Administrations change. You may think that members of Congress and the current US administration have ulterior motives. You will though find this phenomenon in every country, including in the governments of China and Russia that decide to back the Assad government. This is not something to fear. On the contrary, Syrians would do well to use these motives to the nation’s advantage. These are considerations that largely take place behind the scenes, out of public view.

Let’s also admit something obvious: Obama is not Bush. Far from it. He has his own interests, sure. Just as with everyone else.

All of the above mentioned facts can be brushed aside for a moment. Syria is more important. And when Barack Obama, or any other president or prime minister, speaks in support of the right to demonstrate and not be attacked and tortured for doing so, I FULLY SUPPORT THOSE WORDS. Those words.

If Bashar Assad wishes to help his people, I support him in that. Unfortunately, many of us are very disheartened by the obvious atrocities the Syrian government is responsible for. Leave propoganda aside. Maher and others are directly responsible for many abuses, murders. Murderers were supplied weapons. Many Syrians want or wanted to speak in support of Assad, but he seems to be unaware of his country’s situation.

We should support words of reason here. George W. Bush has nothing to do with Syria at the current time. He’s history. How can Syria reign in on it’s own government-supported criminals? Can it?

July 9th, 2011, 5:09 pm


Abughassan said:

Most syrians ,me included, are in love with Syria,not Bashar or the MB,but some hate the regime more than they love a unified ,diverse and tolerant Syria which will be more of a wish than a reality if we allow islamists and the MB to cash on the blood of brave syrians who died in the name of freedom. My posts earned the ire of The new Talibans but I could not care less,those people do not have a progressive plan for the future and they never did…

July 9th, 2011, 5:15 pm


HS said:

The dialogue and the internal opposition

To respond to the call for dialogue , the members of the internal opposition will have to show an extreme courage , braving the threats of the MB extremists who cannot be part of any democratic dialogue in Syria .

So , it is not surprising that some Syrian members of the opposition exhibit varying preconditions before they could attend a conference, knowing perfectly that their conditions cannot be met by any responsible government.

July 9th, 2011, 5:15 pm


Syria no kandahar said:

I think although you present very nice theoretical wishes,these are not practical.If you think about practical exits from the current problem,there is not too many.MB will not accept Alawi control any more.Alawi will not be able to live in MB controlled environment .So MB and Minorities are like oil and water they don’t mix.I think that if MB Cont to enjoy this international universal support Syria is going to the ugliest civil war in the history of humanity,followen by syrians cantons or Syrian nations,which I think is the main goal of all this.

July 9th, 2011, 5:40 pm


873 said:

294. Nour,

There is always a new casus belli lie to attack the next Muslim country. If its not WMDs, its lack of “freedom and reform” or lack of economic development etc etc The lies are always customized to the vices of the “next Hitler” that needs to be taken out.

What is interesting is that the nation who allowed itself to be subverted, debauched and corrupted by a Molech cult is now suffering some of that which it so arrogantly heaped on others (whether via Illuminati false flag ‘natural disasters’ or karma is beyond my discernment).

After Iraq Wars waged for oil greed? USA gets the BP oil spill destroying its Gulf of Mex.
After how many tons of DU the USA military has bombed onto impoverished, innocent countries in the M.E.? USA is now directly downwind from the worst catastrophe in human history, with thousands of tons of Fukushima radiation being dumped in every corner of the United States- over crop soil, water supplies etc.

There is no justice or consequences coming from the UN, ICC, ICJ or international community against the war criminals for these crimes. (tho they will hastily go after any crimes of a weakened Syria). So higher justice seems to now be moving into gear. The lies have caught up with the USA and are bouncing back at it in physical form.

Depleted Uranium Storage Facility Next to Cosmo Oil Refinary In Chiba Burned after Earthquake Hit on March 11, 2011
Chiba Nippo July 1, 2011

Depleted Uranium Storage Facility Also Burned when Cosmo Oil’s Gas Tank Exploded

On June 30 Chiba Prefectural Assembly held meetings of 2 standing committees […] it was revealed that the LPG (liquefied petroleum gas) tank fire and explosion at Cosmo Oil Refinery in Ichihara City, Chiba also burned the adjacent depleted uranium storage facility. There was no leak of radioactive materials, according to the committee.

The Chiba prefectural fire department disclosed that the depleted uranium storage facility’s roof was burned down because of the fire and explosion of the LPG tank at Cosmo Oil. The depleted uranium storage facility belongs to Chisso Petrochemical [subsidiary of Chisso Corporation].

According to the fire department, the storage facility is licensed by the national government as “nuclear fuel usage location”, and had 765 kilograms of depleted uranium that contained 0.3% of radioactive material [uranium]. The depleted uranium is used as catalyst for gas production.

July 9th, 2011, 5:43 pm


why-discuss said:


I find it so strange that people say I love Syria BUT I don’t like the regime.
After more than 40 years of Al Assad, Syria in impregnated by the ‘regime’, it is almost in the DNA of the generation that did not know anything else.
The psyche of the Syrians has been molded by the influence of a secular authoritarian regime who has tried to keep religion out of the political scene, who has supported and helped millions of arab refugees without inviting Angelina Jolie, who has protected Syria from the horrors of the Iraq invasion and who has been punished because of its independence towards the hegemony of western powers.
Syrians own their pride in large part to to the Assad’s rule.
Of course there was dark and negative sides to the authoritarian regime, with corruption, lack of freedom. And this has also marked the psyche of the Syrians.
Anyone who loves Syria must recognize that and stop saying that Syria would have been better without the Assad, I doubt that very much, it would have been like Iraq or Yemen or even Lebanon.
Syrians should not reject the past 40 years, it is part of them and they should be proud of it , not ashamed.

July 9th, 2011, 5:46 pm




Anyone who loves Syria must recognize that and stop saying that Syria would have been better without the Assad, I doubt that very much, it would have been like Iraq or Yemen or even Lebanon.

Well, actually Syria is like Yemen nowadays. And I do not believe Lebanon and Iraq would have fall so deep was it not for the role Syria regime played in these two neighouring countries. As you may well know. So, the leason is clear. Syria regime creates chaos around them just to avoid anyone of even dreaming of a little change in the country system.

This may have worked in the past but now it is time to confront realities that have been hidden for 40 years. And as you say Syrians have not learned to face open politics and act in freedom and responsability. Even if it was financed or pushed from outside, you should be proud of brave syrians taking the streets asking for justice and dignity. The change will come from the basis and not from the regime. Or do you suppose that because Syria was under Assads 40 years it has to be another 40 years more?

July 9th, 2011, 6:09 pm


Tara said:


Have I not read your post right?

What you just stated is horrifying. It is a collective DNA that is expressing itself in the Syrian society as Trisomy 21 i.e. Down Syndrome and making us a retarded country. What you just said is probably the definition of the personality cult.

We are supposed to ” love” our tormentor? Did you not see the killing or the beating? Did you not see the subjugation? You are talking about pride.. What pride, the one of the University professor who was kicked by the Shabbiha and his pride was raped. Can anyone please post in Arabic the statements shouted by the Shabbiha for Why-discuss review and will ask the moderator to allow it.

You .. can keep that pride. For the rest of the Syrian people, Thanks but no thanks. We are not interested.

July 9th, 2011, 6:13 pm




Why Discuss and many many syrians (I include myself in the past) have been under the effects of STOCKHOLM SYNDROME:

Please read carefully and tell me if this description taken from Wikipedia does or does not suit many pro regime elements:

In psychology, Stockholm syndrome is a term used to describe a real paradoxical psychological phenomenon wherein hostages express empathy and have positive feelings towards their captors; sometimes to the point of defending them. These feelings are generally considered irrational in light of the danger or risk endured by the victims, who essentially mistake a lack of abuse from their captors as an act of kindness.

July 9th, 2011, 6:35 pm


873 said:

The next war after Syria is already gearing up and being pushed by the Khazar (edited for insult) using American money and troops. These (edited for insult) never quit with their fitna. Once again, getting USA to do their destruction for them. Recall a much earlier post where I pointed out how the Khazars are buying up land in the Tierra del Fuego and Patagonia areas. Look at the map, a ‘humanitarian invasion’ would give them a foothold in the heart of that region, which is also right next to the largest freshwater aquifer on the planet. Unbelievable.

July 9th, 2011, 6:45 pm


abughassan said:

Saying that Lebanon and Iraq are messed up because of the Syrian regime is simply not true. Lebanon’s civil war was not caused by Syria,and the Lebanese political system,family and sect-based,is not invented by Syria.Lebanon’s problems started a long time before Hizbullah was founded and long begore the Iranian revolution.In my humble opinio,Lebanon will never be a normal functioning state,and this has nothing to do with Syria,indeed,separating Lebanon from Syria by France and Great Britain in the 1920s may have a lot to do with its problems today,and for the records,I am not defending the unacceptable practices of many syrian army and security officers in Lebanon between 1976-2005 and I am not asking for a unification of the two countries (sorry SSNP 🙂 )
As for iraq,Saddam was a bitter enemy of the Syrian regime and during his days Syria had little influence in Iraq,what really destroyed Iraq is Saddam Hussein and US invasion of that country.
Please try to be more factual,syrian and non syrian bloggers alike,so we all can enjoy reading your posts instead of having to stop your attempts to rewrite history.

July 9th, 2011, 6:48 pm




I think you miss a lot of historical facts in Lebanon begining in 1970 (black semptember and rise of Hafez Al Assad) that show that without Israel and Syria civil war in Lebanon would have not been possible. What is left in Lebanon is the worse of detritus (today´s politicians) of a wilderness promoted from outside.

Regarding Irak, please just take a look at the sharp death toll increase in the number of deaths in Irak since the uprising began in Syria. The conclusion is so easy…

July 9th, 2011, 7:04 pm


Aboud said:

@307 There is a difference between rewriting history, and ignoring it. For too long, Lebanon was treated like a fiefdom of Syria. The regime *was* responsible for much of the sorry states of Lebanon and Iraq, and just because some don’t like to hear it said, doesn’t make it any less true. What sick, perverted mind put Eli Hubaika in the Lebanese government? Hafez Assad.

The regime has spent too long trying to scare Syrians, and the world, with the threat that Syria could turn into another Lebanon or Iraq. Those two countries became that way due in a large part to the meddling of the regime in Damascus.

Furthermore, I find it insulting that the regime’s supporters here think so little of the Syrian people, that they think we cannot do better than a “Yemen” standard of living were it not for the Assad family. The corruption, waste, and ineptitude that Syrians have had to live under these past 40 years is beyond doubt.

I am here to tell the regime’s supporters that without the Assad family, Syria could very well have been one of the leading economic, military, and political forces between Europe and China, and not have to depend on an Iranian theocracy to prop it up.

If the regime’s supporters love Hafez so much, they are welcome to keep using the 1000 lira bills long after his image has been removed from them.

July 9th, 2011, 7:10 pm


Tara said:


I do not think Stokholm Syndrome applies to the Lebanese. They are not subjected to the misery we were subjected to living in Syria, therefore they can not feel empathy or compassion to our cause.

They are probably exposed to what they believe the patriotic side of the regime. A young president with the so called western education and a ” glamorous wife” providing strategic and material support to HA, building a strong alliance with Iran and restoring “their” Arabic pride. A narrative that I myself fell for – for quite sometime. They are perhaps turning a blind eye on the fact that Bashar, a master power broker, supported the resistance for his own narrow cause that is to stay in power. Like the father like the son. Why
isn’t Bashar supporting the Shiaa cause in Bahrain? Are Palestinian more worthy or is it a political deal with the Saudi? Have you not hear the Arab silence? Why is the KSA Turing a blind eye towards the Syrian plight? Does their involvement in Bahrain paid for by our sufferring?

For the regime supporters who are Alawis, I find them a very good excuse. It’s their fear of Aroor and MB as I am not sure how loud they can hear the non Alawis condemnation of Aroor and his likes or of they hear it at all.

I do not really believe that Stokholm Syndrom apply here. That is my take.

July 9th, 2011, 7:19 pm


MNA said:


Feel free to express your opinion and I and many here will hear it, respect it and try to learn from it, but I think you should stop speaking for the syrian people.

July 9th, 2011, 7:28 pm


Tara said:


Fair enough, The Syrian people that I represent.


July 9th, 2011, 7:33 pm


873 said:



I dont think I caught your answer- Do you presently live in Syria? If not, how long since you left?

July 9th, 2011, 7:47 pm


MNA said:

Fair enough. And for the records it is MNA and not MINA.

July 9th, 2011, 7:52 pm


Syria no kandahar said:

Tara has down syndrome
SL has Stockholm syndrome
Syria is having traumatic bleeding after being raped by MB,Turkey,France,US,Saudis,Qater.some so called syrians enjoyed seeing her naked and raped,some are clapping,some are stabbing here while she is being raped,some are taking turns and raping ther own countries,some are removing the condoms from rapist to ensure she will get STDs,some are covering her mouth while she is being raped so she would’t cry,or so no one will hear her crying,some are giving the rapist clothing to clean the evidence…no one is trying to save her…no one…even her kids.

July 9th, 2011, 8:04 pm


Mawal95 said:

I said yesterday I’m quiting coming to this blog, and I mean it, but I have an irresistible urge to get one more thing off my chest before I permanently quit.

I’ve never set foot in Syria in my life, and I’ve confidently said that this regime was never in trouble and isn’t in trouble going forward. One of the cornerstones of my knowledge base is that I’ve watched a lot of Arabic pop music concerts at Youtube (for the reason that I sincerely love some of the music). Now I’m going to do some sociological and political observation of the following three concert videos. All three are live performances of the same song. The lyrics of the song can be summarized as “We raise our hands, Syria is our country, Bashar is our leader”. The dates of the three videos are 2010, 2009 and 1999. The one dated 1999 has the name “Hafez” not “Bashar” of course. I present the videos as evidence that these lyrics are endorsed by the overwhelmingly majority of Syrian society, and particularly by the better educated.

The first video was recorded in Spring 2010 at Abbasiyyin Stadium in Damascus (seating capacity 30,000, but only one-third of the seats were used for the concert). The crowd in the video is an ordinary set of concert-goers drawn from a wide spectrum of Damascus society, who have come to listen to a generally non-political pop singer who primarily sings about romantic love. The singer is one of the most well known in the Arabic world — e.g. at Youtube you can see he has fully filled the big outdoor Carthage arena in Tunis on a number of occasions. He is a commercial pop singer from Lebanon (legal firstname is Mohammed, but not his stage name). He wouldn’t sing “Bashar is our lion” in Damascus if it lacked broad appeal in the Damascus market — it would be foolish marketing, and he knows that. At the end of the performace of this song, the crowd chants “Allah, Souria, Bashar Wa Bas”. The upload date at Youtube is 5 Apr 2010.

In the next video, the singer is a moderately well-known Syrian national with at least two albums to his credit. The video’s date is stated as 2009, uploaded May 2011. I believe the stated date is correct but the date doesn’t really matter. The audio is mis-sync’d with the visual by a quarter second. The people in this video are not gathered for a political meeting. They’re gathered to dine and dance. In a conceivable abstraction they could’ve a wide diversity political opinions, but in the reality they’re all regime supporters (or all so far as we can see). (start time @ 1:10)

The next video is from 1999. The singer here is a universally admired prolific superstar, who I reckon is pretty likely to have sold more records in Syria over the past 20 years than any other artist, although she does a mediocre job on this song. Most of the rest of the songs she sings in this 1999 concert are the usual romantic love stuff in the lyrics (as can be seen elsewhere at Youtube). I have also videos of the same singer singing the same song at concerts in Syria in 1995. The point of this video is that the society indoctrinates people to be pro-regime from a young age. Indoctrination is easy because it doesn’t involve changing hearts and minds. It involves reaffirmation.

All firsthand information I’ve got about Syria leads me to believe that the behavior in the above videos is fairly representative of the bulk of the society. I’ve watched hours worth of political opinion aired in recent interviews with ordinary Syrians concerning the current political situation, produced by Syrian State TV and Al-Dunia TV and available for viewing at I’ve come away from watching those TV interviews with high confidence that the people in them are not a selected subset of the whole society. They fairly represent the bulk of the whole society. That is, the bulk of the society positively supports the current regime. The notion that there’s an uncommitted silent majority is a myth. If you’re willing to put in some time into finding out that it’s a myth, you can do it at Youtube. You don’t even need to understand Arabic to appreciate because all of what the people are saying in those interviews boils down to “I’m supporting the reforms that are being introduced by the regime and I’m not supporting any anti-regime alternative.”

Joshua said the following on this blog in May. I can’t find the exact words at the blog, and I take these words from the May issue of “A couple of months ago [early March] Syrian youth were depoliticised and very uninterested in anything political because they did not think there was any future, they did not think they could change anything.” I say on the contrary Syrian youth have been solidly and consciously pro-regime for years and therefore it is grossly false to say that they were “depoliticised”.

July 9th, 2011, 8:16 pm


Mawal95 said:

Abughassan said “We may be seeing some demonstration fatigue.” Here are five different videos of the demonstration in the square in central Hama on Friday July 8. If you’ve been looking at this site over time, as I have, you can see some demonstration fatigue here too. The first 21 seconds of the first video says it best.

As you know, that’s the site where according to newspaper reports hundreds of thousands of protesters gathered on Friday July 1. I didn’t bother to count the size of the above crowd carefully, but I feel my original estimate of 15,000 for July 1 is a very substantial overestimate for the crowd on July 8.

I was expecting Hama to be lower this week because over the past few months there’ve been plenty of cases of lower turnout at a site on a Friday in the wake of violence on TV news in the neighborhood during the earlier days of that week. As Joshua has said, there’s been a pattern where a move towards violence by some anti-regime people has tended to discourage ordinary decent protestors from showing up.

July 9th, 2011, 8:42 pm


daleandersen said:

Memo to: Syria No Kandahar

RE: “…Syria is having traumatic bleeding after being raped…”

A paraphrase of a Jim Morrison lyric

What have they done to our Syria?
What have they done to our fair sister?
Ravaged and plundered and ripped her and bit her
Stuck her with knives in the side of the dawn
And tied her with fences and dragged her down

Now THAT’S how a real poet would say it…

July 9th, 2011, 8:47 pm


Tara said:


How is it relevant?

July 9th, 2011, 8:58 pm


Nour said:

Jad, what do you think of this?

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2011-07-10 | ??? ?????? | ?????????

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July 9th, 2011, 9:16 pm


Nour said:

And here:

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July 9th, 2011, 9:33 pm


Norman said:


You are right, The Baath Party and Hafiz Assad made Syria matter in the Mideast, Before the Baath party and president Assad , Syria was a Banana republic controlled by Iraq, and Egypt He did not just make Syria matter, He saved Lebanon from the civil war and protected the Iraqi refugees and protected Syria from an invasion that was in the work with what they called , TURN LEFT policy to occupy Syria after Iraq. How Sad to see the Hamwis who are known for their fierce fighting in the war with Israel cheering the American Ambassador that his country is responsible for killing many Iraqis directly and Palestinians indirectly , That is shameful.

July 9th, 2011, 9:51 pm


Norman said:

The US still has faith in president Assad ,

Robert Ford in Jisr al-Shughur on June 20th. Getty

U.S. May Be Doing Something Useful in SyriaElien Becque 4:30 PM ET 687 Views Comment U.S. Ambassador to Syria Robert Ford only assumed his position in December but his itinerary Friday suggests that active diplomacy may well be forming inside the serene white buildings of the U.S. Embassy in Syria’s capital. Ford traveled to Hama in an unannounced visit that made the United States’ support for protesters clear and inspired jubilation Hama’s streets. It’s worth seeing crowds greet the U.S. convoy with red and pink roses and what appear to be entire olive trees in this Washington Post video.

The United States has only bothered to have an Ambassador in Syria since February of last year when President Obama decided to stop the Bush Administration’s practice of thumbing its nose at the often touchy Syrian regime as the best way to handle diplomatic relations between the two countries. Since Ford has been on duty his presence has been questioned partly because it appeared he wasn’t dong much. But as White House press secretary Jay Carney said in April, “Having an ambassador to Syria has allowed us to be in Syria, in the presence of the government to make our views known directly.” Now it appears that Ford has been given free rein to make the United State’s views known to more than just regime officials.

In a statement the Syrian Foreign Ministry condemmend Ford’s visit with unsurprising hyperbole with regard to perceived American intentions: “The presence of the US ambassador in Hama without previous permission is obvious proof of a clear evidence of the United States’ involvement in current events in Syria and its attempt to incite an escalation in the situation, which disturbs Syria’s security and stability.”

On the contrary, unlike the political situation in Libya, Ford’s action and the United States’ retention of a full diplomatic post in Damascus indicates that the Obama Administration has at least a small measure of hope that Syria will stabilize.

The State Department responded to the accusations: “The fundamental intention was to make absolutely clear with his physical presence that we stand with those Syrians who are expressing their right to speak for change.”

The key for possible diplomacy is that Ford is physically in Syria. In February when the Libyan regime began to falter U.S. diplomats there were immediately evacuated from Tripoli. The United States is fully aware that unlike Qaddafi and unlike his father, Bashar al-Assad isn’t a war criminal yet. It appears that for now decision-makers in Damascus and Washington have decided to nudge for reform without abandoning ship.

July 9th, 2011, 10:09 pm


why-discuss said:


At least one sensible person who think that without the Assad and the Baath, Syria may have been a failed country, similar to Lebanon.

Obviously many here have not been in Syria for a long time, and they have this demonized image projected by the expats who feel unjustly exiled and resentful.
Before the uprising, Syria was a happy and sociable country. Ask any foreigner living there for years. The ones who were living in Cairo or Amman were telling me that coming to Syria was a breath of fresh air. The faces of the common people in the street of Damascus are 100 time more cheerful than the faces in Paris or London or Beirut, everyone who comes to Syria say so.
Syrians in Syria are gentle, humble and civilized, people, respectful of family traditions and tolerant.
Whether it is pleasant or not, all Syrians who are now in their forties and lived all their life in Syria are the product of the Baath education, the Baath world view and the Assad rule.
If they are what they are it is partly due to that environment.
Syria has been closed to foreign influence for years, so the western influences has only touched the expats and the exiles.
These Syrians expats and exiles who were brought up and lived for years abroad do not represent the real Syria. They are a minority who often think high of themselves.
What really makes the Syria that people say they love are exactly the people who lived there all their life and who are 100% the product of the Baath system and the Assad rule..


I stay on my position, Syria is a proud arab country because of the intelligent foreign policy of the Baath party.
Syria is a welcoming country because it had political stability and a unique social net that you don’t find in many equivalent arab countries. It has a secularist world view and a joy of living that other arab countries envy.
I said it before, the failure is the economy and the decomposition of the party’s ideal with the increased corruption due to the growing and badly distributed wealth of the country.
Syrians should be proud of their country and ready to make changes without denying the gain the country made during the Baath ruling.

July 9th, 2011, 10:35 pm


Abughassan said:

I hope I am not being packaged as a regime supporter just because I dared to have a factual look at Syria today and Syria after 1963. The truth is that I came from a higly educated family,a diverse background and a traditional anti Ba’ath environment. Nobody in my family took a dime from the regime or worked for the army or the security forces,and three members of my extended family went
to prison for having anti regime activities,but none was violent. One of my parent is a Sunni from Al-midan in Damascus,but I am still unwilling to provide Syria on a silver plate to a Taliban theocracy or a Harriri-Saudi dollacracy. I am equally disturbed by Iran mullahs and Syrian islamists. Emotions and the loss of lives is forcing many Syrians to give their mind a break,they want revenge and they want immediate justice,even street justice. Syria has a lot of potential but we need to start using soft power and logic to change this regime. I yet have to see a comprehensive plan by the opposition but I believe this is coming and I will support that plan as long as it protects the rights of Syrians to choose,ensure a peaceful and gradual transfer of power and alienate extremists. The regime is responsible for the miserable condition of the secular opposition,and people like Dalia,Kilo and others need support which means:
1.the release of all political prisoners
2.abolishment of article-8
3.keeping security forces under the authority of an independent judicial system
4.allowing free elections
The alternative is a blood bath and a lost country.
Corrupt officials and their partners in the business community have started to send their money out of Syria but not at the scale reported in the British press,however,this is a sign of a new era,we want that era to be civilized and non violent. The regime inflated the scope of armed resistance but that resistance exists and it is a mix of common thugs and militant islamists,most Syrians are not in this category. Hundreds of army officers,police and security officers lost their lives and most were killed by anti regime forces,stop kidding yourself and misinform others,the whole truth is the only truth.Bashar will not be president much longer but I do not want him removed by NATO or by an Islamist coup,political pressure from Syrians is enough to convince him to go,and I will be the first to vote for a new elected president when the time comes. The new coalition formed today by secular parties is a step in the right direction,I hope Hamwis and like-minded opposition groups move in the same direction. We did that in the 50s and we can do it again..

July 9th, 2011, 10:41 pm


Tara said:


I am curious?

Do you think that the Mamenhebak guys /gals on SC are revengeful expats/ exiles?

July 9th, 2011, 10:47 pm


Syria no kandahar said:

The number of Kilo and Dalila supporters in the street is 0 .The street supports MB and Alaroor.
No Sunni will ever support some one named mishel.
Let’s respect our brains and stop wishful analysis,the facts are horrible.

July 9th, 2011, 10:57 pm


Abughassan said:

I want to take a break from political blogging and thank Joshua for keeping this blog alive and well. hope that we all use it to learn and inform. I will come back when I see a need.
Peace to all…
Back to my original job saving lives 🙂

July 9th, 2011, 11:03 pm


Tara said:


You don’t know that. I support them completely.

July 9th, 2011, 11:05 pm


873 said:

321. Tara,
“How is it relevant?”

So I guess you are not inside Syria? Do I really have to explain this? The relevance is blatantly obvious. You have made a number of definitive statements about the Syrian situation which if you have seen them first hand by being on the ground yourself in the country NOW, have far more merit than if you are another Syrian expat thousands of miles away voicing an opinion- however informed that opinion may or may not be. This site and the media seems full of Syrian & Isreali ‘commentators’ who are not there IN PERSON. Those who are inside like the zionist MSM are such slanted sources they need’nt even be considered.

Is there any poster on this site who can give first hand witness to events? Who- no matter what your bias- can at least dispel some of the basic, verifiable wrong facts & propaganda; pro-regime, anti-regime, doesnt matter as long as objectively accurate. Otherwise its just outsiders cherry picking twitter and youtube according to each’s particular political bent.

July 9th, 2011, 11:07 pm


Tara said:


What is happening? Why are you leaving?

July 9th, 2011, 11:07 pm


Tara said:


Are you Syrian?

July 9th, 2011, 11:10 pm


why-discuss said:


Unfortunately I think most of these on SC are expats or exiled, otherwise they would not want anarchy in the country where they and their family live.

There are also some local or remote idealists who think that Syria could have become Switzerland if…..instead of the Baath party and the Assad.

There are also some religiously oriented comenters who disagree with the secular attitude of the Assad and want this to change

Just by their nuance and moderation, you can know who are the syrians who live in Syria and want changes but not anarchy or a religious rule.

On the ground there are a lot of disgruntled people ( with no internet access) who have been left out the growth of wealth that has benefited large cities like Aleppo and Damascus. They want a change… to their financial situation… and also some calling for a sunni religious ruler they believe would be fairer.
“We want freedom” = “We want a good job”
“We want a regime change”= “We want a good and successful moslem leader.. like Erdogan”

July 9th, 2011, 11:15 pm


873 said:


I have already said I am American in a past posting. I dont pretend to be Syrian- I’m not.

Whoever is actually there observing the scene themselves should be taken much more seriously than those who arent- even if one disagrees with their politics.

July 9th, 2011, 11:15 pm


why-discuss said:

Life goes on…

Keyword Damascus International Fair – International Expo
DAMASCUS- The 58th edition of Damascus International Fair is to be launched Wednesday under the title “Love Greeting to Syria” with the participation of 22 Arab and foreign countries.

July 9th, 2011, 11:19 pm


Majed97 said:

I’ve been away from Syria for a long time; so from far, I thought the “revolution” looked good when it first started… but now it’s far from looking good. Ottomans, Zionists, and now America itself are championing justice…in Syria?! Well, I can now safely say I’ve seen everything. They say America is a nation of laws; yep, selectively enforced. I guess it is true what they say about politics making strange bedfellows…Have Syrians become that naïve?!!

Why do people with closed minds always shout the loudest? Do you really trust people like that who are religiously charged with hate, and have no idea what they want, with Syria’s future? They want no dialog; they have no specific agenda and have no leadership (unless you consider Ford, Levy and Erdogan their leaders)…

Secular revolutions don’t usually spring out of mosques on Fridays and use religious slogans. Be afraid, be very afraid of the dark knights.

July 9th, 2011, 11:21 pm


Syria no kandahar said:

I know that.I said the number in the street is don’t count,you are not in the street.

July 9th, 2011, 11:22 pm


ss said:

Its really great to see on YOUTUBE hundreds of thousands of Syrians back to the streets supporting peace, and security. Its amazing to see all these people with different religions holding our beloved flags. Tomorrow people in Lattakia will come out to hold the 16 KM flag. Syrians will come back to logic. The honorable people of two major cities understood the evil act of the MB early on. I am so happy to see the mass support of president Assad in the streets.

July 9th, 2011, 11:29 pm


873 said:

335. why-discuss said:
“Unfortunately I think most of these on SC are expats or exiled, otherwise they would not want anarchy in the country where they and their family live.”

This was my thought as well. And the more destabilized, divided and vulnerable Syria gets, the less likelihood of the outcome being anything other than another Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya or Yemen- especially with noxious NWO vultures circling the country like sharks. “Weakness is provocative” as Donald Rumsfeld said and that outlook hasnt changed. Certain sharks would love to have a Syrian civil war and will infiltrate their death squads to foment it if necessary.

July 9th, 2011, 11:31 pm


Tara said:


2 Questions

Where do you think I fit in all of that? Be honest . I would not get mad and I will always talk to you

I was reviewing some old comments. There was a commentator named Why. Was that you?

Kandahar, we should send a delegate from SC to the national dialogue to help with it.

July 9th, 2011, 11:32 pm


ss said:

comment 338 by MAJED 97

Do you really trust people like that who are religiously charged with hate, and have no idea what they want, with Syria’s future? Secular revolutions don’t usually spring out of mosques on Fridays and use religious slogans.

I like your statement. The people who are presumably called revolutionist are really scary, and close to being if not already criminals. I have not seen a single youtube video that shows decent people with peaceful demonstration. Unfortunately the Islamic religion has been infiltrated with violent people who turned the mosques from places of prayers to places where criminals, MB are produced.

July 9th, 2011, 11:37 pm


Norman said:

It is apparent that the opposition won, now that the president want free election and multiparty system, The regime as we know is no more, I just do not understand to why they do not declare victory and enjoy their winnings,

July 9th, 2011, 11:50 pm




“…but I could not care less,those people do not have a progressive plan for the future and they never did…”

—So the Baath party does have progressive plan i guess? Murdering innocents? Torture? Arrest? Oppression? Corruption?…..sounds very ‘progressive’


“….and people like Dalia,Kilo and others need support which means:
1.the release of all political prisoners
2.abolishment of article-8
3.keeping security forces under the authority of an independent judicial system
4.allowing free elections
The alternative is a blood bath and a lost country.”

— I think the first demand of ALL innocent Syrians is:

1. Stop the Murder/Torture/Arrest
2. Stop the Murder/Torture/Arrest
3. Stop the Murder/Torture/Arrest

The “blood bath” alternative you speak of is happening now. If you love your country like you say you do and you “save lives” then i find it very offensive that you refuse to recognize that Bashar & Co (whom you obviously support full-heartedly) is murdering innocent men, women and children and arresting and subjecting others to the most brutal torture humans have ever endured since the Dark Ages.


“….Hundreds of army officers,police and security officers lost their lives and most were killed by anti regime forces,stop kidding yourself and misinform others,the whole truth is the only truth.Bashar will not be president much longer but I do not want him removed by NATO or by an Islamist coup,…”

— “Hundreds of army officers, police…” really? Do you actually believe that? You dont think for one second Maher & Co. wouldn’t kill his own security or army members without hesitation? How come there are hundreds if not thousands of videos out (all fake you presume) showing innocents murdered but NONE of military, police or security (shabeeha)? Where is the evidence? How on earth would innocent protesters be able to murder “hundreds” of security forces? With sticks? Rocks? Sling-Shots? Pea-Shooters? Squirt Guns??

Please abughassan, dont try and distance yourself from Bashar & Co. now after your clear support for him and his policies. If you dont support him, then you definitely apologized enough for him enough.

And who here supports Bahsar being removed by NATO? Do the protesters in the street support that? No, they dont. So stop putting those words into their mouths and please show some compassion and respect for the innocent dead.

PS: You have not been able to counter or support 1 point you’ve made since the beginning of this post.



July 10th, 2011, 12:01 am


Ss said:

Comment 345 by Anonymous

The army main objective was to restore security, not random killing. Militins, security forces, and innocent syrians lost their lives. The word Shabeeha and other slogans are being missused to and part of the fabrication by aljazeera like media. What do you expect from the army? Sit down and watch.

Many Iraqi lost their lives during the US war to bring Saddam Hussien own.

If the army was radomly killing people as you describe then the death toll should have been in the tens of thousands.

Your last days are over, let me remind you:no one in the world would be willing to give MB a handshake.

July 10th, 2011, 12:18 am


Syria no kandahar said:

You know that MB is running events in the streets,and you know that MB is not a peaceful movement,so who are you fooling?So MB&co are the criminals who have been destroying the country over the last 4 months,if it was not for them ther would have been no killing,no arrests and no tortur.political gains and reforms can be achieved without destroying the country.Terrorist organization like MB can’t lead any in hell is better than living in country ruled by MB.if you want to watch videos for your terrorists friends in MB there are hundreds of them on you tube,famous ones are Nidal Janoud slaughtering,soldier’s beautiful public hanging in restive hamah directed by MB devils&co.
Befor you remove the chip from Bashar’s eye,remove the large wood from MB devil eyes.

July 10th, 2011, 12:45 am


why-discuss said:


I would say you are part of these idealists who are shocked by the recent violence and need to quickly find a culprit on which you can dump all the negative events of the history of Syria. In a way discharging the Syrians from any responsibility and putting all the blame on a group.
If Syria has been spared from the violence in neigbouring countries it is not by accident. I don’t mean to say that the Baath Party and the Assad did not make huge mistakes and miscalculation but they have protected the country for the last 40 years and made the Syrians proud of being Syrians and having such a popular president among the arabs. The price was lack of freedom and autarcy.
When the sky became brighter and the country started to open up, modernize and move forward, this is the time the old grievances took over, taking advantage of a world economical crisis to accuse the system of all the evils.
Be sure that if the system changes, there will be a lot of dissatisfaction because after what happened, expectations will run much higher and there would be no one to blame.
Look at Egypt and Tunisia, they are paralyzed, workers want more salary, they refuse any authority. Get ready for a very bumpy road if Bashar al Assad is replaced.
You can continue to be shocked by deaths, it is natural. I just hope this comes to an end without more sufferings.

It is possible that I mistyped by nick name and it was Why.. I am not sure.

July 10th, 2011, 1:12 am


Tara said:


” I stay on my position..”…. Have you ever changed your position? Ever?

Have a good night!

July 10th, 2011, 1:42 am


Ahmed said:

I wonder if this blog is propagating the regime’s story. Last Friday at least one person were killed in Damascus (how comes he was killed without demonstration???), and around 30 in different parts in Syria. Even in Lattakia there was 1 demonstration, the same in Jablah and Tartous. There were several in Damascus and Aleppo.

You can see in this map all the spots had demonstrations WITH videos of that demonstrations. Unless you think the videos are faked, you won’t have any reason to believe what Abughassan is saying!!!

July 10th, 2011, 2:36 am


syau said:

Why Discuss #303,

Beautifully put.

July 10th, 2011, 3:30 am


Usama said:


Is there an email address where I can reach you directly? There is something I would like to share with you (not a virus, I swear!).

July 10th, 2011, 3:46 am


Aboud said:

“Human Rights Watch: Syrian forces ordered to shoot unarmed protesters”

July 10th, 2011, 4:06 am


Revlon said:

Hama anarchists/t3errorists clean up their city streets yesterday

July 10th, 2011, 5:35 am


Aboud said:

Hama anarchists/t3errorists clean up their city streets yesterday

LOL! 🙂 🙂 🙂

And how many people have died in Hama since Friday? Not surprisingly, none.

July 10th, 2011, 5:38 am


louai said:

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July 10th, 2011, 5:41 am


Mina said:

You summarized the protests perfectly, for those I know who joined it
I quote you:
““We want freedom” = “We want a good job”
“We want a regime change”= “We want a good and successful moslem leader.. like Erdogan””

Just like Aboud writing yesterday that there are protests because the Syrians want to be as good as the neighbours in terms of economic achievements. OK, send 3 millions Syrians to Germany who will work from 7 AM to 4 PM, and have the kids stay in the shop on week-ends, and send all the money abroad (plus while they work and have to pay a heavy rent, they won’t have as many children as in a rural context); then ask the US to provide you with a nice package such as, let’s say 3 billions a year.

Then I’m sure Syria will make it in 24 months.

July 10th, 2011, 5:44 am


Aboud said:

@355 When you post newspaper articles, claiming things no one else has seen or heard, it would be useful if you at least posted the link, and the newspaper or website’s name.

A question to the regime supporters, why is Najati Tayara still in jail after two months?

July 10th, 2011, 5:45 am


Simon said:

#334 TARA
Who is posting as 873 is purely a stirrer,I didn’t get from him any consistency or true conviction in any comments of his,he is certainly not Syrian,although he is pretending to be by his theatrical answers and cliché type,he is purely a show off and trouble maker,he wants to destroy the discussion here,please be aware of him and his non agenda.

July 10th, 2011, 5:47 am


HS said:

Once upon a time , I gave in response to the request of Syrian Commando a way to establish communication securely and confidentially.
It is still valid.
Please have a look at the link under HS on the first line of this message for the email ; just replace SPAM by @ and delete the extra http://

July 10th, 2011, 5:47 am


Aboud said:


And yet Syria have more than 3 million of its people working outside of Syria, but has that translated into economic prosperity? If prosperity at home depended on the number of expatriates, Lebanon would have the world’s highest standard of living.

Turkey is a modern, pluralistic state, with one of the highest standards of living in the region, and all that without depending on oil. Syria has an abundance of natural resources, but you wouldn’t know it. Jordan barely has any resources at all, but it has a more developed economy.

Whichever way the regime supporters twist and turn, there is no escaping the reality that the Assad family’s rule has been an unmitigated disaster for Syria, politically, socially, economically, and militarily. How can anyone put up statues to a man who lost every war he fought.

July 10th, 2011, 5:50 am



WHY-DISCUSS, co, and admirers @ 303 and what followed

Initially I wanted to write about the Syrian in # 318 who has never been to Syria and was still able to analyze the country from three Men7ebbak songs, but that was so preposterous in ways that it put it on auto-ridicule.

But # 303 is a whole different story, a useless propaganda pamphlet, it is still dangerous in its message aiming at defeating the spirit of the Syrian People as they awake .

ON Romance
I find it so strange that people say I love Syria BUT I don’t like the regime.

Get used to it. Eternalizing the transient is one of the hallmarks of totalitarianism and people have for long rejected Syria-Al-Assad and have finally summoned the courage to show how much the appreciate and love the regime. Your conflation of regime-person and state is a major part of what people are revolting against.

On Microbiology
After more than 40 years of Al Assad, Syria in impregnated by the ‘regime’, it is almost in the DNA of the generation that did not know anything else.

Sometimes viral infections hide as DNA, but they remain parasitic viral infections. While as a men7ebbak human you are unable to distinguish between parasite and a healthy cell, the Syrian people, having just become germs themselves, can now distinguish the parasitic virus from their own DNA. What you are seeing is merely symptoms of rejecting the parasite.

Freudian Pseudo-analysis
The psyche of the Syrians has been molded by the influence of a secular authoritarian

Not any more, the authoritarian part was merely hiding behind the fake secular and all it did is to malign secular values through criminal repression. It is these fake secular regimes, and their beneficiaries who are responsible for the setbacks real secularism suffers. If wahabi money is Arour’s mother, your regime is his father, you gave birth to Arour, CONGRATULATIONS, it is a boy.

On Faith and Rituals
Regime who has tried to keep religion out of the political scene

Not true, the regime used religion, Hafez Assad himself in his famous anti MB speech relied on religious tone and words. The regime used religion to its advantage, it supported religious parties in neighboring countries, and it relied heavily of its own cadre of so called scholars like Bouti, Hassoun, Habash, to name a few in order to further its agenda. It is chickens come to roost.

Beauty and the Humanitarian
who has supported and helped millions of arab refugees without inviting Angelina Jolie,

Both untrue. How did the regime help millions of Arabs?, it was the Syrian people who did. And it is nothing new to their culture with zero credit given to the regime. They have historically accepted multiple migrations of oppressed people and massacred ethnic groups. Just ask any Armenian in Aleppo, the ASSAD family had nothing to do with that. It would have been the same, if not better without the interference of the regime security agencies in the work of civil society. The regime paid nothing from its pocket, unless to insist on conflating the state with the regime. It was Syrian people donations and taxes that supported the refugees. Not the Assad Klan, all what the Klan did was to have its name on the schools, hospitals and other venues that housed and fed the refugees. And even then, that name was imposed. Your faith in Syrian People is so low.

And Angelina Julie came to Syria to visit Iraqi Refugees, don’t you recall the BMW ride in Damascus with Bashar driving, Asma chatting, and Brad and Angelina sitting in the back. You should review your regime propaganda more often, it was in vogue.

Of Punishment
who has protected Syria from the horrors of the Iraq invasion and who has been punished because of its independence towards the hegemony of western powers..

By torturing Maher Arrar on behalf of the US. Every little child now knows that what saved Syria was not the regime, it was the stupidity of bush and his gang.

Speaking of Punishment, you are absolutely right, hobnobbing with the Queen and Dinner with the Sarkozies are both severe punishment.

Pride and …., Again
Syrians own their pride in large part to to the Assad’s rule.

Pride in deteriorating status on every index of (economic, scientific, human rights, and social development, and …). Sorry Mr. True Syrian, as you can see, the demonstrators are downtrodden people, they are humble and still consider pride to be one of the major sins. They left pride in the accomplishments of the Assads to those rich folks who benefitted from the regime, and by the way, weren’t these intellectuals and educated and rich folks supposed to lift Syria’s position on these indexes. I guess they were busy being proud in Bashar and his elegant family as you seem to have been. Tongue in cheek.

A Confession?
Of course there was dark and negative sides to the authoritarian regime, with corruption, lack of freedom. And this has also marked the psyche of the Syrians. Anyone who loves Syria must recognize that and stop saying that Syria would have been better without the Assad, I doubt that very much, it would have been like Iraq or Yemen or even Lebanon.

Too many things in one statement. You have no proof that Syria is better off than it would have been. But I do have many proofs to the contrary. I look at countries who were behind Syria on many things in 1963, including GDP, and who also had to struggle with internal and external wars, regional maladies, and western interference, but managed to get rid of Assad-like regimes, they are much better. Look around and you will find that empirical evidence shatter your argument.

Pride the III
Syrians should not reject the past 40 years, it is part of them and they should be proud of it , not ashamed.

We are not ashamed of the 40 years, it is the Assads, their agents, and the Men7ebbak crowd who should be ashamed, I am proud of the resilience of the Syrian people and of their ability to demonstrate that they have dignity, no matter what the criminal regime does.

And that is my taradiddle

July 10th, 2011, 5:52 am


Aboud said:

@361 Magnificent Mr Hamster! This is the kind of well thought out comments Joshua Landis wishes his readers would post more of, I’m sure.

I say, let’s replace junior with a hamster, he could do a better job.

So, not one of the menhebak crowd know why Najati Tayara is still in jail after two months?

July 10th, 2011, 6:07 am


Mina said:

Aboud and Hamster in La-la Land,

I quote Hamster:
“I look at countries who were behind Syria on many things in 1963, including GDP, and who also had to struggle with internal and external wars, regional maladies, and western interference, but managed to get rid of Assad-like regimes, they are much better. Look around and you will find that empirical evidence shatter your argument.”

Could you give me the names of such countries? Or send some of the famous Al-Jazeera pills?

July 10th, 2011, 6:13 am


Aboud said:

“Or send some of the famous Al-Jazeera pills?”

This is your weak response to Hamster’s excellent post? Why is it that when the menhebak crowd are presented with facts, they turn to insults? Remove the insults from their posts, and they have precious little to say (except for “Menhebak you defender against Zionist-Indian fighter pilots!”)

Or maybe they think that Syria today is better than Argentina, Brazil, Spain, South Korea, Malaysia, Indonesia…shall I go on?

Stiiiiiill waiting to hear why Najati Tayara is in jail. How can the regime expect anyone to hold a dialogue with it, when doing so will only get them the same treatment as Mr Tayara.

July 10th, 2011, 6:23 am


syau said:

“Consultative Meeting for National Dialogue Kicks Off”

Also today, “Syrians Raise Largest National Flag to Support Reform Program and Reject Foreign Interference”

July 10th, 2011, 6:39 am


Aboud said:

Joke. How many Bashar supporters does it take to change a burned out light bulb?

None, they don’t think the light bulb needs changing. It’s working as intended and can stay like that “ilal abad”

On Friday, when the shabiha scum attacked the demonstrators, half a dozen of them surrounded a demonstrator and started beating him up. One of his friends yelled to him “There are six of them now, blow yourself up!” The shabiha scum all turned tail and ran like cockroaches. The friends had a good laugh all weekend.

July 10th, 2011, 6:39 am


Mina said:

Spain?? Sorry, you should start reading real newspapers…

Malaysia and Turkey as model of democracies? Ask the Christians and the Chinese. They had riots in Malaysia because they were wondering if they should translate God with Allah…

In Brasil the police regularly sends death-commandos to the slums, is that what you want for Aleppo’s Salah al Din and for Damascus’s Birzeh? Well, you almost got there.

Here is for you to read on the real economy of Western economies. I am sorry Western embassies don’t easily give visas to Syrians because if they could see the number of people begging and sleeping in the streets they would stop buying any nonsense from the Gulf TV stations.

By the way, where did you see that Brasil or Argentina or South Korea were comparable to Syria in 1963?
(They were so much incomparable that both Lebanese and Syrians were migrating to Brasil and Argentina since the end of the 19th c…)

July 10th, 2011, 6:40 am


louai said:

Aboud 357, you are right, the link is there now, sometimes its difficult to update a comment after posting on Syria Comment.
Here its again

Thousands left Hama to neighbouring towns for different reasons ,some were accused of being agents to the government , full article in Arabic ..

July 10th, 2011, 6:53 am


Aboud said:

@368 Thank you. Syria Truth have always posted outlandish articles before, but let’s not get into that.

If what they say is true, then it is shocking. Why hasn’t Syrian TV interviewed these latest refugees? Not only do I ask them to do so, I demand it. If this story has any credibility, then all the world’s press must be invited in to speak with them. Their stories must be heard far and wide. They should be put infront of ambassadors and dignitaries, and Amnesty International should be invited to speak with them.

You get my drift? None of these things will be done of course, for obvious reasons.

@367 Mina, please show a bit more maturity than thinking that Bashar has created a paradise just because other countries have some problems. Why is it that the menhebak crowd cannot answer with tangible accomplishments, and instead have to point out some troubles the rest of the world is having.

Soon the menhebak crowd will get so desperate that one of them will say “See, we are better than Japan! We don’t have to suffer tsunamis and earthquakes! All thanks to Bashar!”

Reminds me of George W Bush’s campaign against Kerry in 2004. The man couldn’t trumpet any accomplishments, he just talked about his opponent’s weak points. “Negative campaigning” I believe its called.

Brazilian Death Squads? In February officers were arrested for taking part in such horrendous practices.

Spain? Bust and boom is part of the natural economic cycle. You might as well ask that tigers not eat baby zebras.

Malaysia? Give…me…a…break. The fact that you think that Bashar has made Syria preferable to Malaysia just goes to show your ignorance about both countries.

Stop defending Bashar by using tales about other countries that you dredged up after a ten minute Google search.

July 10th, 2011, 7:18 am


Aboud said:

Joke. How many anti-regimers does Al-Dunya TV think are needed to change a light bulb?

Al-Jazeera, Al-Arabiya, Amnesty International, the UN, Harriri, Bandar, Salafis, the Muslim Brotherhood, all of Europe, the USA, the BBC, France 24, Reuters, Time, Newsweek, Erdogan…..

July 10th, 2011, 7:23 am


Amir in Tel Aviv said:

Israeli singer Amir Benayoun sings for the Syrian revolutionaries

One more of Amir Benayoun’s songs I like a lot “When You Are Sad”

July 10th, 2011, 7:32 am


Aboud said:

@371 Obviously Amir Benayoun is a Salafi :p

In 1963, Syria was ahead of South Korea, Thailand, Oman and Gabon in income per capita (I counted four countries before giving up).

Today, all these countries rank higher. But that’s OK, Bashar has at least managed to help us stay ahead of India.

July 10th, 2011, 7:38 am


N.Z. said:

Could you give me the names of such countries? Or send some of the famous Al-Jazeera pills?

Malysia is an example, Mahatir Mohammad is a living example, when he was doing his phd, his ambition was to make his country, economically, ranking with that of Syria. He became P.M. Of Malysia in 1963 and the rest is a blight history, unlike Syria from that period onward is one of the lowest ranking in the world on all levels.

Another example Italy, the country was behind in its GDP, and the list is long.

These are but two examples of countries that were trailing behind our Souria Albaath.

July 10th, 2011, 7:41 am


louai said:

Aboud 369

i dont take it for granted as a fact what ever i read on ‘Syria Truth’ for the same reason , if the story is true we will defiantly see the Syrian TV intervening the refugees from Hama , i also demand the same thing , you know the Syrian media not that responsive , the story is about Friday and Saturday and maybe still taking place ,if its true we will hear more news from more credible media .

July 10th, 2011, 7:44 am



Aljazeera Pill From Lala Land

Oops, South Korea was wors than Syria in the 1960s, Brazil almost the same, and check out those lebanese, when the data starts after the civil war. They have no shame beating the Eternal Leader economically, despite of all of their problems (including power outages, and non-existant state)

For more fun, check the Aljazeera Pill in Linear Scale , too bad, South Korea screws up the scale.

MINA: You need to join the 21st Century, old causes are now defunct. Even in Brazil, things are changing with Civil Society, Indiginuous people are fighting for their rights and they are not waiting for European revolutionaries to show them the way. Nore are the Syrian. All star buck (or pick up the coffee shop you like) leftists and revolutionaries have managed to do is to glorify dictators merely for shouting Down with the US. in the 21st century, our new leaders afre more like Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva than Castro.

and please do not ask me for Aljazeera pills any more, find your own dealer

July 10th, 2011, 7:50 am


syau said:

Revlon #353,

“Hama anarchists/t3errorists clean up their city streets yesterday”

It’s good to know they are cleaning up after their destructive actions, I thought they would expect security personnel to clean up after them.

The angelic peaceful protesters at work in Hama Friday 8th July. Clearly people that care for their country.

July 10th, 2011, 8:02 am


Aboud said:

@374 Well put sir. And I’m willing to wait and see, and give a fair hearing to anyone who says they had to leave their homes under such circumstances.

July 10th, 2011, 8:21 am


Aboud said:

The massive, massive funeral of Hadi Jundi, killed on Friday in Homs

“Protestor fatigue”? This was a massive, massive turnout.

July 10th, 2011, 8:27 am


HS said:

Before March , it was possible for a woman to walk peacefully in any Syrian street at anytime without any concern for her safety.

Now to travel safely from Damascus to Aleppo driving near Hama, you have to use an armored car and armed guards like an US ambassador ,
thanks to the “peaceful” armed MB protesters.

July 10th, 2011, 8:31 am


Aboud said:

Before March, it was possible for a woman to walk peacefully in any Syrian street at anytime without concern for her safety.

Now, people can’t even travel from Homs to Marmarita for a casual summer lunch without worrying about regime militia roadblocks, and the shabiha scum who can haul off anyone based on a last name. Not to mention all the Syrians mourning their loved ones who were killed, wounded, and imprisoned for no reason other than that they demanded the same freedoms, much of the rest of the world take for granted.

I’m guessing none of the menhebak crowd have even heard of Najati Tayara, or don’t dare say why he’s been in prison for two months. I want every sycophant to remember that, when they ask why we don’t want any dialogue with that butcher Bashar.

July 10th, 2011, 8:37 am


why-discuss said:

Syrian Hamster

It seems that my post disturbed you enough to pull you out of your hole to elaborate that intellectually challenging critique. Unfortunately, when I read it, I got quickly bored by the verbosity, the permanent negativity and the media cliches you are using to qualify history and facts. You could have said it all in a few sentences, but I guess you enjoy very much reading yourself as I have noticed on your previous posts. Anyway I am glad I gave you that opportunity to display your writing talents. Yet, sorry, but you “subtle humor’ does not catch on me. Yet, keep on trying, some seems to like it.

You are free to continue living in your negative vision of 40 years of Syria history, I prefer to keep the bright view of a country, its history and people that I respect and that I trust will move successfully to a new phase, while hopefully preserving many of the positive assets the Baath party and the Assad rule gave them.

July 10th, 2011, 8:51 am



SS said:

“The army main objective was to restore security, not random killing.”

—The army is specifically targeting peaceful protesters. The army’s main objective is to restore oppressive and corrupt baathi order. The army is not restoring security.

“Militins, security forces, and innocent syrians lost their lives. The word Shabeeha and other slogans are being missused to and part of the fabrication by aljazeera like media. What do you expect from the army? Sit down and watch.”

— Al Jazeera is not the devil, they are not responsible for all that is bad in the world (we can attribute that to NWO elites et al) and contrary to what you may think, Al Jazeera didnt distribute hallucinogenic pills to protesters. Im not defending Al Jazeera, they have their own US/Saudi/Qatari agenda to promote, but Syria TV and Adduniya are absolutely ridiculous in their claims, to think otherwise is to fool yourself. Would Syria TV objectively report on the Hama massacre in 1982? No. Therefore their credibility is lost immediately base don that point.

—And as for the army, i dont expect them to “sit and watch” i expect them to protect our brothers and sisters across the country, instead they are murdering innocent men, women and children (mostly Mahers dogs)

“Many Iraqi lost their lives during the US war to bring Saddam Hussien own.”

—Has nothing to do with Syria. Iraq was invaded by a foreign army. Syria has not. If you believe thousands of sunni/jihadi/salafi/ikhwan gunmen “infiltrated” Syria all of the sudden, then why dont you protest against Bashar since he and the baath regime always promised us “security and stability”, but if all these “terrorists” entered the country (after 30 years of hiding in the woods) then Bashar & Co. failed in their promise to us and should be replaced immediately.

“If the army was radomly killing people as you describe then the death toll should have been in the tens of thousands.”

—Do you remember Hama? 1982? Who perpetrated that massacre? Was it not the brave Syrian Army? Or was it legions of Rambo’s from America? The death toll will be higher as long as the army has free reign to murder with impunity.

“Your last days are over, let me remind you:no one in the world would be willing to give MB a handshake.”

—Who’s giving MB a handshake? I never mentioned MB or promoted them or said anything about them. Your creating a ‘boogeyman’ to scare people and calling it ‘MB” the same way Israel tries to convince the world that Iran is the new ‘boogeyman’ and the US tries to label “arab muslims” as terrorist ‘boogymen’. Your taking a line straight from the Bush/Netanyahu Doctrine.

—I’d like to think my best days are ahead of me 🙂


You know that MB is running events in the streets,and you know that MB is not a peaceful movement,so who are you fooling?

—Actually, no, i dont know that. If you did then i’d guess its high time you present some evidence. I’ve never mentioned MB before. Pls read above (MB=Boogeymen=Israeli/US scare tactics)

So MB&co are the criminals who have been destroying the country over the last 4 months,if it was not for them ther would have been no killing,no arrests and no tortur.political gains and reforms can be achieved without destroying the country.Terrorist organization like MB can’t lead any in hell is better than living in country ruled by MB.if you want to watch videos for your terrorists friends in MB there are hundreds of them on you tube,famous ones are Nidal Janoud slaughtering,soldier’s beautiful public hanging in restive hamah directed by MB devils&co.

—Your mistaken. The MB didnt start the protests. The protests started in Dara’a. The parents of the tortured children started protesting against the barbaric treatment of their children at the hands of Bashar’s cousin and his security. Then the rest of Syria rose in solidarity with Dara’a after Bashar & Co. started to murder these poor families in cold blood on the streets.

Befor you remove the chip from Bashar’s eye,remove the large wood from MB devil eyes.

—Im not sure i get that last sentence, but sounds like something a Baathi Propaganda Office would issue.

Syrians want to live in a free a just society, without fear of execution, torture and arbitrary arrest. Without the burden of corruption and poverty. Syrians want to exercise their god-given right to speak their mind and live how they see fit. Not how Al-Assad sees fit. Al-Assad has built a society with the sole purpose of serving his interests (read:money) and his family. Al-Assad has hijacked the Alawi faith to make sure people associate Alawi with Al-Assad, which is not true and to the detrimental effect to all poor Alawi’s. This is Al-Assad. His time up. Game Over.



July 10th, 2011, 8:59 am


Simon said:

“Still, Kabawat seems to see it as being in Syrian Christians’ long-term interest to support the protesters. “Remember, if you are a real good Christian you have to side with the oppressed and not with the oppressors,” she says….”

kabawat is in theory right,but she should know better that the dream model of Syrian political life is in the process of merging in a slow bleeding style revolution.

Only four months ago,who would think that the Syrians would be able to discuss and debate opposing ideas on TV now,may be after all the Syrians who are killed so far in this uprising,are not killed in vain.
It took the west 200 years plus to establish their own way of so called freedom ,democracy,which they are still in doubt about it.
So why Syrians are asked to rush or else.
I always looked at the Christians in Syria as a low profile influential in politics,may be it is about time for Kabawat to go back and get involved full time in building Syria.

July 10th, 2011, 9:00 am



Ye’r observent. But still, ya keep painten the fella pink, it aint flyen, not with a kegg a moonshine. Howizzat fer negetivity.

I is readen mi own writen to stay in mood. Whoddya like me ta say “men7ebbak” after i just whisseled “ma-men7ebbak” just munts ago.

dang, me weren’t tryen to humurate ya fella.

Seriously, Chellanging critique, I really do not think so. Your # 303 was simply a collection of regime propaganda with a very amatuerish attempt at telling people to just accept thigs as they are and shove it. That is not optimism, it is defeatist, and sinister. The psych you talked about is real, though, and it will take years if not decades to rehebilitate the Syrian people and their istitutions from the dammage wroght by the regime you are defending and trying as best as you can to maintain. But judging from others, at least on human rights level, the progress may come much faster with the right help. Buot you are asking me to be treated by the abuser, how is that for fantacy

July 10th, 2011, 9:22 am


why-discuss said:


I do change my mind when the proofs are convincing but when I read Abboud, Hamster, Demonow, Revlon and the Anti bunch, frankly it makes me even more convinced about my opinions, maybe sometimes going overboard, I admit.
In addition reading the western media and their “humanistic” narrative when we all know what they are after has also that effect on me. Contrary to the french media (in my view influenced by revengeful and rich Hariri’s friends in Paris) who want to see the collapse of Syria, the USA and Turkey have shown firmness but moderation and relentlessly called for dialogs. I hope this happens sooner than later and that these dark days become part of the past we need to forget.

July 10th, 2011, 9:24 am


why-discuss said:

SYRIAN Hamster

As your english writing has become even more gibberish, either you forgot to put your reading glasses or you need a good eye doctor.
So “simple and amateurish” that you felt compelled to write 3 pages of rebuttal. I’ll try next time to be more complex and professional to give you the opportunity of writing your first novel.

July 10th, 2011, 9:29 am


why-discuss said:

Syria opens national dialogue amid crisis

A national dialogue joined by the members of the ruling Baath Party and independent lawmakers has got underway in Syria in the hope of curbing the months-long deadly unrest in the country.

Vice president Faruq al-Shara opened the meeting on Sunday, saying it aims at triggering “Syria’s transition towards a multi-party democratic state,” AFP reported.

The reformed state is where “everyone will be equal and able to participate in the building of the nation’s future,” he said.

July 10th, 2011, 9:38 am



It was sinister, remember.. That what got me down from the treetop.

July 10th, 2011, 9:47 am


Observer said:

I have to confess that I did not read all of the comments but actually went over the last 100 rather quickly.
I would argue that there is a tone of beginning to justify the last 40 years as being good to Syria; this is an indication that we are on the verge of the end of this era and there is a tacit agreement in this regard.
The point is a recognition on those supportive of the regime that it failed. Although one would argue that the elder did manage to give Syria significant political and regional clout beyond its own basis of power with astute skill and a good sense of direction and strategic thinking but at the expense of total neglect of the internal health of the society and the country. Now the chickens have come home to roost as the country crumbles from within.

The opening statement of today’s meeting is also a recognition of the fact that status ante is no longer possible or tenable. The purpose of the meeting is not to stop the change but to control it to the favor of the Clan: the inner circle of the Assad family. It is not in favor of Syria nor in favor or the larger elite circle or the connected business class.
It is telling that none of the key figures in the regime were present and this indicates that if it leads to positive results the Clan will then make it its own and claim the success. If it fails it has the vice president as the fall figure to blame and the participants to pick up the pieces.

May I ask if anyone knows if there were economic elites, business leaders, banking officials, and most importantly pillars of the security services present at this conference? This is important to know as it gives weight to the value of this conference.

Meanwhile, the repression if it continues will mean one thing only and that is that this conference and these meetings are nothing more than window dressing.

On statistics: Syria in the fifties had one of the highest rates of growth of any third world country. Damascus had full electricity when the late King Hussein of Jordan was born in a candle lit room. Women had the right to vote in 1945 whereas the Swiss gave it to women in 1975. History did not start when Hafez came to power although some may like to think otherwise.

Germs in Syria have developed resistance to antibiotics, and Rats in Libya are multiplying and coming out of the sewers to converge on Tripoli.

July 10th, 2011, 9:50 am


syau said:

And the fabrications continue…..
‘No Dialogue’ Friday becomes magical Friday.

Funny, I thought people lose the use of limbs when they die, especially via a bullet to the head. It seems those who are affiliated with the Syrian revolution must be super human to defy the laws of nature in such a manner.

July 10th, 2011, 9:54 am


Mango said:

breaking news!The new term appeared in a democracy NO for dialogue !!!

Where are the political opponents of The ruler regime ? didn’t you speak on behalf of Syrian people ? tell please Syrian people from syrian land what are going to do !!

July 10th, 2011, 10:03 am


Revlon said:

Here is a poster for father and son MB’s,
check it out, Syria No kandahar and other secular Syria Commenters!!/photo.php?fbid=10150728510710727&set=a.10150397575815727.619133.420796315726&type=1&theater

July 10th, 2011, 10:05 am


Revlon said:

Watch Mr Sal7a being attacked by a pack of Jr’s dialogue thugs:
Preliminary consultation session, in the buildup to holding the “National Intiative for the Future of Syria”which was soon cancelled.

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July 10th, 2011, 10:29 am


873 said:

358. Simon said:
#334 TARA
“Who is posting as 873 is purely a stirrer,I didn’t get from him any consistency or true conviction in any comments of his,he is certainly not Syrian,although he is pretending to be by his theatrical answers and cliché type,he is purely a show off and trouble maker,he wants to destroy the discussion here,please be aware of him and his non agenda.”

No sayan, I am not Syrian and never pretended to be. In fact I have said openly (this is the THIRD time) that I am American. Especially- an American is who is sick of having my country pay for serial wars and war crimes in the middle east for the Israeli AIPAC clique who has infiltrated our govt. They are behind these phony Arab Color Revolutions- now the latest one in Syria. Because I bring up issues you dont want to hear, in a way you dont want to hear them, I am a ‘troublemaker’. How typical. Before a few on here pushed certain issues- hard- these threads seemed to be fairly confined to discussion of how, when, why and where the awful Syrian govt should be overthrown and all things negative to support that. (Except for Syr Commando who was vehemently loud and strident in trying to compensate for the fact that his anti-foreign intervention position at SC seemed to be in a minority here).

Certainly, the most crucial piece of the Syrian crisis- USIsrael- wasn’t being much discussed (like usually happens with the STL).
I am under no illusions about the Syrian dictatorship and their history. But it is not my place to tell Syrians what their govt should be. My business is my OWN govt aka the Knesset Sayanim / AIPAC-American Congress, and to get them out of the area and to stop bashing ME countries using our troops and money, especially Syria. And hopefully to someday get the AIPAC traitors out of America. (In case you missed the latest dumbfounding horror freak show when our Real Politique President, Netanyahu, performed in Congress recently? I suggest you take a watch and cringe.) To understand why it is totaly relevant to Syria’s Color Rev reread one of his policies which the AIPAC Congress has been following in the region for the last decade “Clean Break Strategy for Securing the Realm”. If you cant see how this relates to the current M.E. debacle, and specifically Syria, maybe its because you refuse to.

178. A brilliant analysis by Azaziah. Who is for SURE a Class A ‘troublemaker’. Not.

July 10th, 2011, 10:33 am


Revlon said:

#393- Thank you Aboali for the link to Mr. Ford’s notes on his visit to 7ama, and the mn7ibbak attacks of the US embassy in Damascus!

July 10th, 2011, 10:36 am


syau said:


I’m not so sure USrael were behind the revolution in Egypt, they did hijack it later on, but I think it began as a revolution by the people aimed at removing a USrael puppet president, and move more towards a unified Arab world as other recent ‘revolutions’.

I do think though, the revolution in Syria is a hijacking of the ‘Arab spring’. Arabs are sick of USrael running the show and have had enough of being led by puppet leaders. Syria is not a puppet government and supports the resistance, to break the uprisings against puppet countries, hijack it. Their formular wont in Syria, the pillars are strong. The army supports Bashar and most importantly the people of Syria support their leader.

On another note, Syrians in Melbourne, Australia today held a rally in support of President Assad, national unity and the move towards dialogue and reforms. Another great day where Christians and Muslims stood side by side and again showed their support for Syria and rejection of foreign interference in Syria. The moves towards reforms and multi party system is an achievement in Syria and should be seen as so. The Syrian revolution and 3ar3ourists should call for a stop to the ugly sectarianism, violence and fabrications that this revolution has brought with it and allow positive change to occure.

July 10th, 2011, 10:53 am


Syria no kandahar said:

Did you watch Hadi jundi vidio:??? ??? ????? ???? ????
Yes Hadi take some Viagra with you,you will be so tired,70 of them every day,one every 18 min ,take alot of Viagra ,you will need 70 viagras every day,and don’t worry your wife is not there,even if she goes on the street and does MB criminal activitis,she will go to a women section in heaven it is all filled with pro-Aroor followers and they are all gay men,she will be safe.

As far Revlon and ???? ?????vidio,if you ask any one from Latakia about ???? ????? they will terll you it is ????? ???????? or ?????? found something else to be proud of.

July 10th, 2011, 10:55 am


HS said:

One said :
Now, people can’t even travel from Homs to Marmarita for a casual summer lunch
My questions:
Is the Homsi cooking worth the trip unless they are serving Aleppo’s dishes guaranteed without germs !

July 10th, 2011, 10:59 am


Aboud said:

@398 Your comments are disgusting, and one of the reasons why Landis had to appoint a moderator on this website. Disgusting, but the predictable reaction of someone shaken to his core at the sight of those multitudes of funeral goers.

And this is why dialogue with junior is a waste of time. This is him promising free and fair elections…back in 2004 LOL!

@399 I really have become used to lowering my expectations of you people, and every time you find a way to fail to meet even those LOL!

July 10th, 2011, 11:02 am


majedkhaldoon said:

Why Discuss
It is part of Syrian DNA is to opt for and demand freedom and justice,the Assads represtent the opposite,they represent tyrany and corruption, this is abhored by the syrians.

the meeting today,july 10,is another meeting that is a waste of time,it is part of MEDIA WAR, the regime is having dialogue with itself,the opposition were abscent, except for Tayyep Tyzini, who said the conditions for the success is to end the security violent crackdown,watching Farooq Al Shar3 at the same time, as if he is begging him not to say anything more,Farooq was pathetic.
4 months in this uprising and still there is no reform,the quiet majority will soon start complain, a month from now,half of what we will talk about is going to be the deteriorating economy.

July 10th, 2011, 11:06 am


Syria no kandahar said:

May be you can ask prof to hire???? ??????she will not allow such statement.

July 10th, 2011, 11:08 am


Simon said:

There is no Syrian in his full mind believes that USA would like to interfere in the middle East,Americans have done enough damage to make them the most hated in the Globe,so cool down,your Obama can’t afford visiting Syria,with no trophy in return,you are out of the game,time for the East now,go and solve your problems and stop amplifying our news for the sake of hiding your troubles.
Are you happy now?
I would like you to stick to your ideology in this last comment which you have produced.
Somehow I found it so strange why you are defending the Sovereignty of Syria in your previous message,I am not buying it.

July 10th, 2011, 11:10 am


syau said:

The Mb’s are at it again,

‘Syrian security member’s son killed’

Unknown assailants have killed the son of a member of the Syrian security forces after kidnapping him and have dismembered his body, an informed source says.

Talking to Press TV, the source added that police have launched an investigation into the incident and have arrested a suspect in relation to the killing.

“There are now two possibilities; one is that the murder was in line with the tribal killings, and the second, that it was committed by armed men who are killing and slaughtering people in Syria these days,” the source further said.

Most of the murders and the subsequent dismemberment of the bodies are attributed to Salafi groups backed by Saudi Arabia.

Syria has been experiencing unrest over the past months, with demonstrations held both against and in support of the country’s President Bashar al-Assad.

The opposition accuses security forces of being behind the deaths of those killed during unrest. But, the government blames armed gangs for the deadly violence, stressing that the unrest is being orchestrated from abroad.

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has vowed to bring those behind the killings to justice as several members of armed terrorist groups have been arrested so far.

In early June, at least 120 Syrian forces were killed when armed groups attacked them in the northwestern town of Jisr al-Shughour.

#400, Don’t you think your comments over the past few months have been worthy of a moderator?

July 10th, 2011, 11:11 am


majedkhaldoon said:

Is this alliance between the Communists and SSNP,is it to form new party? are we going to see alliances away from the Baath party? do you belong to the other wing of SSNP that allied with Baath or are you allied with this wing(AliHaydar)?

AbuGhassan, I think you will be back soon

July 10th, 2011, 11:16 am


why-discuss said:

Gov’t-organized consultative meeting for national dialogue opens to discuss crisis in Syria

DAMASCUS, July 10 (Xinhua) — The government-organized consultative meeting which aims to bring in pro- and anti-regime figures to discuss the crisis in the country opened Sunday here amid low-show from the opposition’s prominent figures….

July 10th, 2011, 11:21 am


HS said:

ABOUD said in #380:
Now, people can’t even travel from Homs to Marmarita for a casual summer lunch

My comment :
It is commendable to support the tourist industry
but less
to forget all the Syrians mourning their loved security personnel who were killed, wounded for no reason other than that they defended your freedom to have a casual summer lunch ( with a cold beer ).

July 10th, 2011, 11:24 am


Revlon said:

Funeral of Martyr young man Hadi AlJundi, today, Homs.
Victim to Jr.’s Street Dialogue, on Friday-Of-No-Dialogue

His last wish was to be remembered when freedom is celebrated in Syria.

Mourners chant:
No dialogue, Get out Basahr!
We do not forget Martyr’s blood!

AlFati7a upon his soul,
May God bless his family with solace and empower them with patience.
Thank you aboud for posting the link earlier.

July 10th, 2011, 11:37 am


Revlon said:

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July 10th, 2011, 11:38 am


why-discuss said:


“It is part of Syrian DNA is to opt for and demand freedom and justice”
Yes, it certainly is. The young generation like everywhere in the world wants changes and wants to have a say in the political choices of the government. The trouble in that they don’t have yet the DNA on how to proceed. Because of the other DNAs they have inherited, I know they are capable of learning and they will ultimately succeed.
There has been many revolutions and each one is different: South Africa, Cuba, Venezuela, Iran etc… I hope Syria’s will be remembered as an unusual one where common sense prevailed over extremism.

Please note that until now these countries are still not criticizing Bashar Al Assad, while ‘human rights’ colonial powers are lashing at him. Can you find an explanation?

July 10th, 2011, 11:40 am


Atassi said:

A Note from Ambassador Robert Ford!/note.php?note_id=10150237831306938&comments
Mr. Ambassador Ford,
Thanks for standing up with the Syrians …
Where are the Arab ambassadors !!! the impotence and powerlessness ..!!

July 10th, 2011, 11:48 am


Mina said:

Aboud and Hamster
Then you speak for the social class that had to share its money with rural Syria and the moutain Alawites.. sorry guys, it’s called democracy and equality through wealth redistribution.
If the country is in ruin, why so many millionaires? Why specialist physicians charge 500 lira (10 dollars or so) to any customer, even the poorer who dare coming to his luxurious office?

July 10th, 2011, 11:54 am


Friend in America said:

I think this is a record number of posts and 120,000 hits in the last month indicates this is the most important blog on the ME for information and opinion. A welcome to those who joined this site in the recent months. I hope you enjoy SC and learn from the posts of others as I have.

For the most part recent posts on this site have been informative with opinions clearly expressed, but a few are repeating rude behavour of attacking the person instead of the comment. The moderators properly are editing swear words. The rest is up to us.

If I want my comment to be respected by others including those who disagree with what I write, then I have to respect the comments of those with whom I may disagree. Actually it is those comments that I learn the most from. It is all right to challenge misinformation or different opinions, but we can do so without attacking the person who made the comment.That is the basis of constructive dialogue that freedom of speech creates. Lets enjoy freedom of speech.

July 10th, 2011, 12:04 pm


why-discuss said:

Syria Begins National Talks On Political Crisis

Deborah Amos from NPR going to Damascus

July 10th, 2011, 12:14 pm


Tara said:

AIG, and Amnesia,

Thank you for defending me yesterday.

I like it and it says much about you.

July 10th, 2011, 12:24 pm


why-discuss said:

A Note from Ambassador Robert Ford on Facebook

I love his outrage about eggs and tomatoes and his use of “mnehbak”.. so cool. Maybe the embassy should move to Hama, a much safer and friendlier place to Americans where they usually throw flowers. .

Outside the Embassy demonstrators complained about U.S. policy towards the Syrian government and my trip to Hama.

As I have said before, we respect the right of all Syrians – and people in all countries – to express their opinions freely and in a climate of mutual respect. We wish the Syrian government would do the same – and stop beating and shooting peaceful demonstrators. I have not seen the police assault a “mnhebak” demonstration yet. I am glad – I want all Syrians to enjoy the right to demonstrate peacefully. On July 9 a “mnhebak” group threw rocks at our embassy, causing some damage. They resorted to violence, unlike the people in Hama, who have stayed peaceful. Go look at the Ba’ath or police headquarters in Hama – no damage that I saw.

Other protesters threw eggs and tomatoes at our embassy. If they cared about their fellow Syrians the protesters would stop throwing this food at us and donate it to those Syrians who don’t have enough to eat. And how ironic that the Syrian Government lets an anti-U.S. demonstration proceed freely while their security thugs beat down olive branch-carrying peaceful protesters elsewhere.

The people in Hama have been demonstrating peacefully for weeks. Yes, there is a general strike, but what caused it? The government security measures that killed protesters in Hama. In addition, the government began arresting people at night and without any kind of judicial warrant. Assad had promised in his last speech that there would be no more arrests without judicial process. Families in Hama told me of repeated cases where this was not the reality. And I saw no signs of armed gangs anywhere – not at any of the civilian street barricades we passed.

Hama and the Syrian crisis is not about the U.S. at all. This is a crisis the Syrian people are in the process of solving. It is a crisis about dignity, human rights, and the rule of law. We regret the loss of life of all Syrians killed, civilians and security members both, and hope that the Syrian people will be able to find their way out of this crisis soon. Respect for basic human rights is a key element of the solution.

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July 10th, 2011, 12:24 pm


Abughassan said:

I am away but not out. I will be posting again soon when there are new developments worthy of discussion. It comforts me that I was accused of being both pro regime and anti regime,I hope more of us eventually carry that badge of honor and be pro Syria and anti violence.

July 10th, 2011, 12:38 pm


AIG said:


You are welcome.
Personal attacks should have no place on this site.

July 10th, 2011, 12:41 pm


Aboud said:

@412 “Aboud and Hamster
Then you speak for the social class that had to share its money with rural Syria and the moutain Alawites.. sorry guys, it’s called democracy and equality through wealth redistribution.”


No, it’s called socialism. And yes actually, I am in favor of equal distribution of wealth. Just not the way the Baathist do it, where all the wealth is equally distributed among Rami Makhlouf and Bashar’s other relatives.

And in any economy, even in war torn ones, you find people who profit from connections or nepotism. You can proudly trumpet the number of millionaires in Syria when proximity to the regime no longer becomes a pre-requisite for a successful business.

Mina, I ask again, have you even read the ICG report? It clearly states how the Baath party abandoned the countryside which you seem to care so much about.

July 10th, 2011, 12:45 pm


Aboud said:

@418 “Personal attacks should have no place on this site.”

You Zionist! :p

July 10th, 2011, 12:46 pm


louai said:

it was insulting to see the French and the American ambassadors visiting Hama under the current circumstances and its shameless of him to write such a note , there is a colonial tone in his note and action ,people dont understand that Syrians are sensitive when it comes to foreign interferences in our internal matters , i blame my government for not reflecting its vast majority of citizens who got offended of the visit and want the gov to kick him out, I wished if my government had the guts to send this guy home , we don’t need other nation’s ambassadors to tell us what to do and how to act , and now he is using terms like menhibak and mamenhebak ( we love you and we don’t love you –for the president-) what a pathetic way to justify his visit ! the people of Syria will not tolerate such behaviour even if the government did !

July 10th, 2011, 12:52 pm


louai said:

His visit and note added insult to the injury and the anger is mounting up ! respected opposition members should condemn the visit and the note if they are really honest when promising us with more Karama – Dignity- for the future !

July 10th, 2011, 12:56 pm


Amnesia said:

Atassi, my sentiments exactly. I am proud that Ambassador Ford did what he did and said what he said, and disheartened that no Arab or Muslim ambassador is willing to do the same.

Mostly, I am proud of Hama’s hospitality and resolve to continue their struggle for justice.

To the commentator who attacked Homsi food, the best food I ever had was with families in Homs.


Hashem Al-Atassi was well-respected for his insistence on the rule of law. The military, along with French occupation, obstructed his movement in Syria. In the quest for a return to rule of law in our country, we can start by insisting that rules are followed on this forum.


July 10th, 2011, 1:02 pm


daleandersen said:


…Syria’s vice president Farouk al-Sharaaon on Sunday called for a transition to democracy in a country ruled for four decades by an authoritarian family dynasty, crediting mass protests with forcing the regime to consider reforms while also warning against further demonstrations…

Gee! I wonder if Junior told him to do this, or if he was acting on his own. Time will tell…

July 10th, 2011, 1:07 pm


AIG said:


That’s it. You forced my hand. I have to call you a devoted freedom, democracy and dignity advocate. 🙂

July 10th, 2011, 1:12 pm


daleandersen said:

Memo to: LOUAI

RE: “…I blame my government for not reflecting its vast majority of citizens who got offended of [Ambassador Ford’s] visit and want the gov to kick him out…”

Careful Louai, Junior doesn’t like criticism. He may read this and put your name on a list.

On a more serious note, the Syrian government may realize that Ford’s trip to the site of the 1982 massacre was very popular with Syrians. Isn’t it instructive that the only man in Syria bold enough to stand up to the Assad Mafia is an American?

July 10th, 2011, 1:16 pm


Amnesia said:

From CNN:
(Syrian Vice President) Al-Shara acknowledged that a surge of violence in Syria precipitated Sunday’s meeting. “We have to admit that without the big sacrifices that were presented by the Syrian people, from the blood of their sons, civilians or military in more than one province, city and town, this meeting wouldn’t have happened,” he said.

This is positive, what he said. Now he needs to seriously tackle the issue of violence from the government and those thugs armed and protected by the government.

I hope he is both sincere and capable.

July 10th, 2011, 1:20 pm


Tara said:

Why,@ 41 regarding Mr. Ford note

Impressive… I always liked love letters.

The use of Menhebak word is so revealing…

Louai, I am sorry to disappoint you but it really really partially restored my Karamah.

Syrians( that I represent, MNA: do you like that?) have never felt any prouder ( except after Israel withdrawal from South Lebanon). This is becoming a superior-superior relationship that I have always wanted.

For me, I will send Mr. Ford a bouquet of roses. I have not decided on the colour yet.

July 10th, 2011, 1:31 pm


Nour said:


I support the SSNP whose president is Dr. Ali Haidar. This party was historically persecuted by the regime because it always refused to compromise on its principles, and even refused to be part of the national front when Herdan’s faction enthusiastically joined. Dr. Ali Haidar was even in danger of being arrested as recently as last April due to the positions he was taking regarding the protests. This is why I always insist that I am not a supporter of the regime but am merely concerned about the future of Syria and want the change to happen in a way that doesn’t cause chaos or instability.

July 10th, 2011, 1:34 pm


Aboud said:

@427 Very noble sentiments, I hope it indicates a new way forward.

July 10th, 2011, 1:38 pm


Akbar Palace said:

Nice to see the anti-Baathists are not rolling over and playing dead.

Good work. Freedom isn’t free.

July 10th, 2011, 1:41 pm


Aboud said:

@431 “Good work. Freedom isn’t free.”

Yeah, it costs a buck ‘o five.

@429 Thank you Nour for taking the time to let us know your thoughts. It’s appreciated.

July 10th, 2011, 1:48 pm


873 said:

397. syau said:
“I’m not so sure USrael were behind the revolution in Egypt, they did hijack it later on, but I think it began as a revolution by the people aimed at removing a USrael puppet president, and move more towards a unified Arab world as other recent ‘revolutions’.

US was COMPLETELY behind the Egyptian ‘revolution’ and they incited it- including the cultivation of the “spontaneous” mascot Google’s Wael Ghoneim- operating from Qatar wasnt he? It was put together beginning in 2005, with tens of millions, think tank seminars for youth protesters etc etc. One of the main players was Carnegie Endowment for International Peace and the point person in the campaign was a woman named Michelle Dunne. She came out and admitted it saying they had the new replacement Egyptian govt waiting in the wings before Dec 2010. She even used the words “shadow government”. Kid you not. There were American legislators involved as well. Major media outlets and corporations backed events like in the “Cedar Revolution” in Lebanon. (which used Orange & Rose Revs as models).

Corps and govt money underwrote AYM as I mentioned earlier. I am aware that no matter how much evidence or proof someone may provide on this, it will be dismissed. Believe what you like. (Of course none of the above gov-corp machinations could be considered ‘conspiracy’ right?)

BTW- none of that denies the validity and justice of what the hundreds of thousands of Egyptians were fighting for or that their cause was right. The west’s regime change infrastructure took the legit dissent that was already there and used it for their ends. I do believe that the Egyptians can boot the intl gangsters out and get what they want from it none the less. The fact that they sent the IMF packing was a very great start.

If the west was serious, they would force Mubarak to return the 67 billion he stole to Egypt to rebuild- no strings attached. But that would give Egypt alot of freedom from IMF World Bank cluthches- hence dont see it happening anytime soon.

July 10th, 2011, 2:13 pm


Mina said:

I love Ford too. I ‘m sure his visit will oblige Aroor’s friends to start to behave. Shaghal balhum….

July 10th, 2011, 2:20 pm


Tara said:


I mentioned before that a lot of damascene has nothing but contempt towards 
???? ???? ??????

This is my proof

See the very unusual number of people attending the Friday prayer in Oumayad mosque and you will get the idea.

July 10th, 2011, 2:24 pm


873 said:

403. Simon said:
“There is no Syrian in his full mind believes that USA would like to interfere in the middle East”

US Ambassador just went to Hama to “support a group” that is trying to overthrow the govt of the country. I guess he just wanted to exchange recipes? LOLOLOL Oh please.

Go check the Congressional Record and Budget and see the millions given towards the War on Terror- of which the “Arab Revolt” can be subsumed. Greater Middle East New Middle East Arab Spring 2005 or was that the 2011 version?

Dude, that post was not just hopelessly ill informed, but irrational. Verging on AIG status as pernicious spam.

July 10th, 2011, 2:25 pm


5 dancing shlomos said:

The Powers of Manipulation: Islam as a Geopolitical Tool to Control the Middle East, by Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya

July 10th, 2011, 2:26 pm


louai said:


‘Louai, I am sorry to disappoint you but it really really partially restored my Karamah.’

how?!! How the ambassador’s visit restored your Karamah Tara? Please explain.

Regarding the roses, send him bloody red roses ,I know he loves the bloody red colour, his love to the Syrians is bloody red !!
He is collecting our Syrian blood and using it to paint the walls of the American brothel of Politics

July 10th, 2011, 2:26 pm


Tara said:

Akbar Palce,

Please explain your statement # 431. Thanks.

July 10th, 2011, 2:27 pm


5 dancing shlomos said:

Syrian Activists Say…

Perception of Syrian conflict defined by baseless “activist” statements.

July 10th, 2011, 2:32 pm


Aboud said:

I’d like to ask the moderator on this forum, are the comments made in @398 considered acceptable on this website? Hani Al-Jundi hasn’t been burried 10 hours, and yet we see such perverted and disgraceful insults towards him.

If such comments are acceptable, then let us know, so we can ratchet up the rhetoric appropriately.

July 10th, 2011, 2:36 pm


Syria no kandahar said:

No it is not acceptable,why don’t you put me in ??? ??????.

July 10th, 2011, 2:42 pm


Simon said:

#436 Dear 873
Wishful thinking but not American certainly !!!
you are wasting your time at SC.
talk about peace so we can visit you soon in Tel aviv? or beg for peace? this would be a better wording.
Don’t bother to answer.

July 10th, 2011, 2:58 pm


Syria no kandahar said:

??? ???? ?????????
Or I have a better idea,when you establish your Islamic republic of Syria ,you can have ????? ????? ???????? ?????? ?? ??????under the direction of his holiness big ass Alaaroor,make order to cut like 3toes from right leg,2 fingers from left hand,pease..please…I big you,don’t cut know what…in case I end up by mistake in??? ??? ?????….?? ??????

July 10th, 2011, 3:02 pm


MNA said:


If you truly believe that Amb Ford and what he represents went to Hama for humanitarian reasons, then sending roses to him is justifiable. However, if you are just saying it in spite of some people on this blog or just b/c you are at a point in which you are willing to accept anyone’ s support regardless of their intention and motives, then maybe you should reconsider your statement and position. I happen to believe that Mr. Ford had no humanitarian intentions and instead his intentions were similar to the ones he had when he was runing the US ambassy in Baghdad. He truly presented the regime with a very valuable gift.

July 10th, 2011, 3:54 pm


873 said:

416. why-discuss said:
A Note from Ambassador Robert Ford on Facebook

To the Fitna Feltman and Fitna Ford School,
Your patronizing post really IS a work of ##$%$@## spam. (I helped you out moderator). Wont waste time addressing the audacity of your mind numbing hypocrisy except for one point. The reference to hungry Syrians is totally tasteless but to be expected from entities who still operate dozens of Abu Ghraib facilities around the world. When do those prisoners get to demonstrate?

It was the Syrian government who has picked up the tab for several million starving Iraqi refugees the last time your mafia brought freedom and democracy that citizens had to flee from. The Syrians have graciously done so for years while your handlers have contributed little but misery, DU, death and destruction. Take your death squads and go home.

July 10th, 2011, 4:08 pm


Nour said:

This was the statement made by Dr. Ali Haidar at the consultative meeting.

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July 10th, 2011, 4:19 pm


N.Z. said:


,,,,,the only man in Syria bold enough to stand up to the Assad Mafia is an American?”

Neither you nor your government have anything to be proud of in dealing with peace/social justice. Your foreign affair records are more shameful than all the Arab dictators combined. The numbers of Iraqis you slaughtered in IRAQ, as well the numbers of refugees is sufficient for you, if you have a drop of humanity, put your tail between your leg and keep quiet. Not mentioning the long list of atrocities committed in your name, starting with the atomic bomb in Japan……. the list is too long.

Ask Kissinger, and his love affair with dictators… in fact Ford visit was to help Bashar and not the Hamwis. The father that was responsible for Hama l, had a eulogy and time on CNN as much as Reagan, he was missed by the American administration, I assure you, no Syrian will ever miss him.

The only thing, that with his visit, yes, there was no blood shed. So spare us your bravado!

July 10th, 2011, 4:30 pm


Tara said:


I truly believe that Mr. Ford went to Hama for humanitarian reason and I absolutely appreciate any humanitarian or moral support offered. I will never accept physical foreign intervention just to be clear in case you have not read my previous posts. I do accept intense outside political pressure to get real meaningful reforms or to overthrow the regime but never physical intervention.

MNA, I said before I am your average Syrian citizen. I do stand my position. I am asking you to interpret my post based on that stated fact. You can call me perhaps a new generation of average Syrians. I do not blindly submit to conspiracy theories and I prefer to use my own judgment. I refuse to blindly characterize the west or Israel as culprits for our problem. The culpability in my opinion is our disintegrated internal affairs.

Should evidence to the contrary comes up, I am most definitely willing to reconsider my position.

But for now, I changed my mind regarding roses. I am actually sending him white Magnolia flowers.

July 10th, 2011, 4:40 pm




July 10th, 2011, 4:55 pm


Akbar Palace said:

Please explain your statement # 431. Thanks.


There isn’t much to explain. I have always been against totalitarian regimes like the one that has stifled Syria for the past 40+ years.

The Syrians and the region deserves better: democracy. It is a WIN/WIN for everybody.

I am glad that those on this forum who feel the same as I do are not “caving in” to the loud voices of stagnation (the Baathist camp), and are continuing to let their voices for freedom be heard.

I also would like to congratulate AIG for his well-thought-out responses.

July 10th, 2011, 5:05 pm



When it all began all people in Damascus city used to say: it will take 2 or 3 weeks maximum. Now we are 5 days away to be in a 4 months long insurrection. I think in 4 months the whole security apparatus should have been able to turn the TERRORISTS AND GANGS OF THUGS to ashes.

If they are not able to do so, then I think there is a clear sign that there is something else than TERRORISTS AND GANGS OF THUGS. There is unarmed people asking for something else. There are some 2.000 deaths. And there are tens of thousands of people than have jailed and eventually tortured. And there is the need of changing a regime that cannot control nor satisfy its people demands.

July 10th, 2011, 5:21 pm


Tara said:


Pride for me is not an empty hollow concept.  It is a trait that you acquire and not born with.  National pride for me is a profound positive emotion that requires the development of a high opinion of one’s nation.

I will admit that despite our history as the cradle of civilization and the rise and glory of the Islamic empire, I was never able to feel genuinely proud.   History was not enough for me given our current state of affairs.  The first time I ever felt proud was made available by HA and the withdrawal of Israel from south Lebanon.  (It is therefore up until this second, I could not condemn HA despite evidence suggesting it’s participation in our current oppression)… Syrian have lived humiliating life over the last 40 years at least in my view and accepted that life without dissent, up until the start of the Syrian revolution with its early slogan of        ????? ?????? ?? ????? .  A humiliation that was epitomized by the most shocking scene I was ever exposed to brought to us in Bayda, Banias where Assad mercenaries literally walked on our fellow Syrians.  The prior lack of dissent made me feel extremely humiliated.

The west has never had any respect to our national pride.  Perhaps we were not worthy of that respect as we have almost never done anything to deserve it ( collectively as a nation).  We were views as backward Arabs, oppressed by their authoritarian regimes and not even worth of democracy.  Did you not hear the derogatory western comment that ” democracy is not suitable for the Muslim world “.  Our weakness provoked aggression and aggression made us weaker.   I  symbolized  the visit as an event where the west has finally acknowledged our right for the same universal values westerners have, a first active step to break that cycle of weakness and aggression.                   

July 10th, 2011, 5:40 pm


Tara said:

Akbar Palace,

The wall of fear has been shattered.

And it feels good… pretty good.

July 10th, 2011, 5:46 pm


873 said:

450. Tara said:
“But for now, I changed my mind regarding roses. I am actually sending him white Magnolia flowers.”

Fitna Ford would certainly hire you for the CIA (or has he already?) Or you could get a job with Mahmoud Abbas and the Palestinian Authority? Some of the stuff you say sounds right out of the mouth of a couple of security officers I once met in Ramallah. I bet they take women, now that reform has been enacted.

July 10th, 2011, 6:03 pm


Aboud said:


“Now we are 5 days away to be in a 4 months long insurrection. I think in 4 months the whole security apparatus should have been able to turn the TERRORISTS AND GANGS OF THUGS to ashes. ”

“If they are not able to do so, then I think there is a clear sign that there is something else than TERRORISTS AND GANGS OF THUGS”

Well put. As time goes on, the regime’s very weak narrative becomes even weaker. Right now, you could beat it up with wet spaghetti.

July 10th, 2011, 6:04 pm


Tara said:


you said you are American. How do you know the word “Fitna”?

July 10th, 2011, 6:06 pm


Syria no kandahar said: one is saying they are armed..we believe you Sandro bek..MB dos’t believe in armed resistance..wallahe alazem we believe you..they don’t even believe in fire crackers..they believe in throwing roses and olive branches on every one…did’t you read Hassn Albna:he said whoever hits you on your left cheek,turn your right cheek for him.There was just simple errors,you know,Nidal janood was working in meat grounding Sunni MB machine,and by mistake he fell into it…that machine is actually now used by MB to throw roses on foriegn ambassadors .And as far as jisr alshoghor ,MB was trying to launch a new project to develop BB guns for Syrian kids,so they imported the guns from turkey and the kids by mistake gave the BB guns to there parents who used them to play with Baathist mean ugly infidel soldiers who by mistake fell in the same meat grounding MB machine…those kids are now in turkey still playing with there BB guns..I swear god.. If you dont believe me even ask angilina Julie …
Sandroe Afandi…we believe you..even Alaaroor believes in peace..if you are Sunni…if not he will just have to put you in the MB grounding Sunni machine..peacefully.

July 10th, 2011, 6:08 pm


why-discuss said:

Tara, Louai

I think the ambassador note is a fake.

It is certainly not written by an ambassador and why would he put it on Facebook page and not in an interview or a declaration.
The style is childish and his reference to tomatoes and eggs as well as “menhabak” are not what you expect from a serious diplomat.
I challenge anyone to prove he wrote it.
If he did, it would be in all newspapers, not on Facebook only and anyway everybody would have said that he writes like a schoolboy

The opposition gave the Gay Girl in Damascus, now they offer us The Uncle Sam Ambassador in Hama, the freedom fight continues…..

July 10th, 2011, 6:19 pm


873 said:

458. Tara

I have been to Syria many times. Studied, worked and lived there. Fantastic country. Dont be so quick to give it away.
(No that is not an endorsement for the Assads).

460. why-discuss said:
“I think the ambassador note is a fake.”

His hypocritical condescending style were just the reasons it struck me as real!?!? Consistent w/ the Axis of Evil mentality and all that. Maybe he twitters too?

July 10th, 2011, 6:19 pm


Tara said:


I Hope it is not. I liked the use of ” menhebak” . It gave me an impression that he knows what is happening well.

I already bought the flowers. I will hold off sending them until we know for sure.

July 10th, 2011, 6:26 pm


873 said:

Remind Ford to send you your first paycheck too, or better yet have him pay you in cash- euro.

July 10th, 2011, 6:37 pm


why-discuss said:


You hope it is not a fake… Why? Because he was so much in line with your views and he sounded so cool?

Send the flowers to the writer of this fake note instead. He would be happy to see that how easily he has fooled you and others.
Please don’t forget to send him and the Ambassador a fresh bunch of rotten tomatoes and eggs for me.

July 10th, 2011, 6:40 pm


N.Z. said:

What dialogue?
There are pleading with Syrians to return! What about Anas Maarawi?????????

Syrian blogger and web developer Anas Maarawi is the latest online activist to have been detained in a series of arrests sweeping Syria.

Detained on July 1 in Damascus, news of Maarawi’s arrest did not emerge until later in the week, and since then, a Facebook page has been created, campaigning for his release. The page has already attracted over 1,800 members.

Maarawi is well known in the Middle Eastern open source community, particularly for his efforts in founding Ardroid, the first Arabic blog dedicated to the Android operating system. Some of the blog’s latest posts are now dedicated to spreading the word about Maarawi’s arrest.

Since his disappearance, aside from the Facebook campaign, several online efforts have been put in place in the hopes of pressuring the Syrian government to release Maarawi. A blog has been created, while on Twitter, the hashtag, #FreeAnas is being used to spread the word, and even Reddit and Hacker News have become a tool to spread political awareness.

Anas’ reputation precedes him, and his Twitter bio bears the short but foreboding words, “He who is brave is free.” For tips on how you can help spread the word about Anas, take a look at this list.

July 10th, 2011, 6:40 pm


why-discuss said:


I agree with the convincing condescending style but the ‘mnhebak’; and ridiculous outrage over the tomatoes and eggs was just too much! If this is true, this ambassador is just a moron.

July 10th, 2011, 6:44 pm


Tara said:


I ask you to stop the accusation. Can you?

Don’t worry. I am well paid. I do not need an added paycheck.

July 10th, 2011, 6:47 pm


why-discuss said:

Le Monde reports that eggs, tomatoes and other food were thrown for 31 hours on the US and French embassy in Damascus. French flag was burned. The Syrian ambassador in Paris was called, as french were outraged by this demonstration against their embassy. Aren’t they sympathetic to peaceful demonstrations when they happen in Hama?

They asked the security to crackdown on these protesters.

I am surprised by the contradiction. This is freedom of expression at its best. Any one said that throwing food is not allowed in a peaceful demonstration.

July 10th, 2011, 6:56 pm


MNA said:


Amb Ford did not act on his own in this very delicate manner. He is the US ambassador to Syria and as such he is representing US interest in Syria. Now the last time I checked, the US does nothing humanitarian when it comes to the Middle East, it 100% follows its interests and we all know where its interests lie. This has nothing to do with conspiracies and has a lot to do with interests. Why didn’t the US intervene humanitarly in Bahrain if humanitarian intervention is its policy. We should be very careful about cheering up for humanitarian support b/c under this cover the whole military intervention in Libya started. Dignity/ karameh is very important and noble concept, but we can’t be selective about it. There is no dignity in allowing and cheering up for foreign interference in our internal affairs. Once you allow countries to interfere in your affairs you won’t be able to stop them if they decide to translate their interference to different forms. I still insist that Mr. Ford has done a favor to the regime, after all, people forgot about Hama and instead are taking about his visit.

July 10th, 2011, 7:01 pm


Tara said:


Someone should email the embassy to ask for verification.

But You got that right. He deserves the flowers because “he was so much in line with my views and he sounded pretty cool”. And I just like cool people who agree with me. After all, It is MY flowers and I can send it to whoever I want. Just a reminder, in the future Syria, we will all have the right for freedom of speech and freedom of sending flowers. Have you heard of that?

And just for you, Why, I promise to ask the new Syrian govenment to grant us the freedom of throwing eggs and tomatoes as long as no hunger left behind. Deal?

July 10th, 2011, 7:02 pm


Tara said:


Why did the US support the Egyptian revolution despite having their puppet Mubarak there?

July 10th, 2011, 7:17 pm


Syria no kandahar said:

I think we should cast votes about if Tara should send flowers or not?we are new democracy remember.she also should send eggplants to Bashar.

July 10th, 2011, 7:20 pm


873 said:

467. Tara said:
“I ask you to stop the accusation. Can you?”

I said that to make you THINK. Do you realize what sending flowers to a foreign govt official who is trying to attack your country means? Even in the US, such an act could get one in alot of trouble under the circumstances.

You have the BEST resource you could want right inside Syria (if you are in Syria). USE IT. Get off this blog where we all have our own highly charged views and everybody makes good convincing arguments for their position.

Take a calm, free day and go visit and talk to some of those refugees from Iraq that are in Syria. Ask them what happened, why they left, why they havent returned, what is going on in Iraq? Ask about the war.
Ask if the US brought freedom as it marketed. Ask them for their opinion and advice. Just let them talk. They can give you much deeper, more valuable insights on all this than SC. It would be an invaluable investment to you and worth every minute. And it may brighten up somebody else’s day too. Talk to the refugees, starting with Iraqi women.

July 10th, 2011, 7:32 pm


Tara said:


On a serious note, I think democracy is probably a learned process. If I dared to declare my desire to send flowers to the American Ambassador the first time I posted in Syria Comments, the commentators would have wanted me to be tried for great treason. Now, we are discussing getting a vote and having a reasonable exchange with MNA in regard to my rationale for saying such a horrible comment. When I first started here, I thought every one is Mukhabarat and you thought I am a terrorist. After a while, we learned you all are not Mukhabarat and I am not a terrorist.


Still waiting to hear a “smart” response about my hunger line. Did you like it?

July 10th, 2011, 7:32 pm


Friend in America said:

873 @ 434:
I disagree with the suggestion the Arab Spring in Egypt was instigated by the US. A reading of the newspapers at that time will show otherwise.
After the disturbances erupted many urged pro-active support for the students but disagreement within the US government was so strong that a decision on whether to take a position was not possible. Many in the state department, and others who had dealt with the government in Cairo, strongly argued in favor of supporting Mubarek’s government or at the very least standing aside. During the time of indecision some will remember Secretary of State Clinton made contradictory statements, not that she did not understand (she did) but because policy “signals” shifted almost daily. The Israeli government was backing the Mubarek government at that time and was making its opinion known behind the scenes. Various foreign policy think tanks held discussion after discussion to trying to develop a consensus among policy advisors. None was achieved.
President Obama finally stated publicly his support for peaceful transition and castigated those who used brutality. An impasse occurred in Egypt. Finally an agreement was made in Cairo between the protesters and military leaders for Mubarak to resign. Even then Mubarak was not required to leave the country.
My opinion at that time was the President should stand up for the values he annunciated in his 2009 Cairo speech. Sometimes I wondered if contents of that speech had been forgotten in the White House.

The statements and activities of individuals and think tanks in 2005 had no bearing. They never became the policy of the Bush administration and certainly not of the Obama administration. In 2011 nobody even remembered them.
Thank you for reading my reply and best regards,

July 10th, 2011, 7:44 pm


why-discuss said:


I know, Tara, that you like cool people who agrees with you. Asma is cool but she prefers Chanel and you like Prada.. so no chance you send her flowers.

Do send Ford flowers with a copy of his note, then you would get the confirmation it was him who wrote it or Uncle Sam Goes to Hama facebook impersonator

Besides this ( fake?) note, he and the french ambassador have remained rather silent about their escapade in Hama, don’t you think it is strange if they had such a great time there ?

July 10th, 2011, 7:45 pm


ss said:

US is not that stupid to bring Islamic charged radical regime to sit instead of Assad. We have to admit that Assad father and now son built a secular goverment by all means. US wants secular goverments all over the middle east. Mr. Ford and the previous consulates know that fact well. Mr./ Fords’ visit to Hama might have helped him gain some personal political points or some fame. I think it helped the Syrian goverment as well. The videos on youtube showing people throwing flowers on Mr. Fords’ car might not be a welcoming signal by the majority of Syrians who fear Iraq example in Syria. At the end of the day US wants moderate govermenets and will not attempt to bring AlQaeda MB to lead instead of Assad rather it will do the best “under the table” to help Assad pass this tough time.

July 10th, 2011, 7:48 pm


MNA said:


Let’s clarify few things:

1- The US did not support the Egyptian, Tunisian, Libyan revolutions at the beginning. Tunisia took it by surprise, Egypt was a done deal and the US had no choice but to support the revolution if it were to preserve any of what was left of its interests, and its support of the Libyan revolution was motivated by the desire to control another important oil source.
2- Geopolitically, Egypt under Mubarak became so marginalized that could not even affect events happening in its own backyard. It became so marginalized and ineffective that it could not even protect or carry on with US interests in the region. It was simply a depleted card and needed to be changed.
3- The outcome of post Mubarak Egypt was pretty much clear. The Egyptian army is very close to the US and the army will dictate the future of Egypt.

Now I ask you to answer my questions:
1- Why hasn’t the US supported the revolution in Bahrain?
2- Why hasn’t the US supported the revolution in Yemen?
2- Why hasn’t the US supported the revolution in Syria the same way it supported the revolutions in Egypt or Libya?

July 10th, 2011, 7:49 pm


syau said:

873 #434,

Thanks for the clarification.

July 10th, 2011, 7:59 pm


why-discuss said:


I agree fully with you on the US wanted to help Bashar as much as possible through this time.
If only we knew what information Ford and Chevallier gathered in Hama.
I thought that for once we would get a serious report on the real situation there. Instead we get a (fake?)note on facebook, attributed to Ford, enthusiastically cheered by the opposition, that says exactly what the opposition wants to hear about Hama’s people. It also make Ford appear like Robin Hood supporting these peaceful, cheerful and hungry protesters in Hama.

Ford may have seen the exact opposite: a religiously charged crowd, indicating without any doubt what sort of government they want.
When and how would we know? Were is wikileaks??

July 10th, 2011, 8:03 pm


louai said:

Tara , i like most what you wrote but completely disagree with you regarding the nature of the visit and i will write to you later


i hope it’s a fake but its too late , he spoiled my evening already, however the visit was not a fake unfortunately.

July 10th, 2011, 8:08 pm


Tara said:

Dear Why,

I am not understanding you well here. What do you mean with the “Ambassadors have remained rather silent about their escapade in Hama”. I thought the “schoolboy style” letter reflects his findings during the excursion.

I was hoping you come back with a smart response to my hunger line. Did you like it? 31 hours of throwing tomatoes and eggs can help combating hunger. May be they should offer it to the Syrians first then send it to Africa if no interest?

I hope you celebrate Eid. I do. It is coming at the end of Ramadan as you know. We like to exchange gifts during Eid in my family so I will be asking some family members of mine who are close to the regime to find me a one of a kind digital picture of Asma..and Bashar. It would be my gift to you for Eid, only if you promise to find a super elegant frame for it. I think that might lessen your desire for throwing eggs and tomatoes on people.

July 10th, 2011, 8:15 pm


873 said:

“At the end of the day US wants moderate govermenets and will not attempt to bring AlQaeda MB to lead instead of Assad rather it will do the best “under the table” to help Assad pass this tough time.”

Moderate like Saudi Arabia who gets their FULL support? or the Taliban/Al Qaeda which they themselves created? Or Hamas which Israel created? They brought in the Ayatollah when the Shah was no longer useful. They even made offers to Hezbollah shortly after 911, if they’d play their game. Tunisia, Libya, Iraq, Egypt regimes were all very secular and they’re history. I dont think they care one way or the other- just so long as it serves their ends. They’ll take whoever agrees to serve them. Hegelian methods.

Both Wayne Madsen (former NSA) and a top oil co CEO said they were bringing in MB governance all over the middle east. These 2 guys are usually reliable.

July 10th, 2011, 8:24 pm


syau said:


The Taliban was an Islamic charged radical organisation, that didn’t stop the US from funding and supporting them. What’s to stop them from saying to any country they succeed in destabilising, that they can remove them too if they veer off course.

There’s a bigger game at play here, and I think that any opportunity they have at preventing Syria from being a powerful player in the world wide chess game, they will use it no matter who is used in the process. Weakening Syria would weaken other regional players…..The ends justifies the means.

873, Just saw you post, I totally agree.

July 10th, 2011, 8:27 pm


daleandersen said:

Memo To: SS & MNA

“…we have to admit that Assad father and now son built a secular goverment by all means…”

Because the Assads are afraid of religion. While their torturers were beating a teenage protestor to death, they screamed at the poor kid to admit that Bashar Assad is “God.”

“…Mr. Ford has done a favor to the regime…”

Absolutely. No question. He reminded Junior that if he wants flowers and olive branches, he has to rule with justice and compassion. Bashar could start by getting rid of his mafia. But that would be hard. Mafioso don’t like it when you fire them.

July 10th, 2011, 8:29 pm


MNA said:

Amb Ford’s visit was a win /win situation for both the US and the Syrian government.
1- The US administration scored some points with a small majority of the Syrian people and positioned itself in a better situation should events go favorably in the direction of the protestors.
2- The US administration favorably positioned itself in the upcoming congress confirmation hearing of Amb Ford
3- The Syrian government got a confirmation to its story of conspiracy and foreign intervention by none other than the US.
4- The Syrian government will most surely get support from many Syrians as a result of this perceived foreign intervention in local affairs.
But regardless of the true motive behind this visit and who lost or gained as a result, we should all condemn it with the strongest terms. For the Anti-regime, super powers or non don’t do things for humanitarian reasons, they do things that serve their interests and sooner or later they will demand a payback and you better be able to afford the price. And for the pro-regime, if the US is doing the regime a favor and helping it thru this difficult time, we should ask our self what is that they want in return and whether or not you will be able to afford it.

July 10th, 2011, 8:35 pm


873 said:

474. Friend in America said:
873 @ 434:
“I disagree with the suggestion the Arab Spring in Egypt was instigated by the US. A reading of the newspapers at that time will show otherwise.”

This is not a matter of opinion or interpretation, its fact. If you’re not willing to do the research into the think tanks, funding documents etc that spanned Bush and Obama years and who were behind the uprisings? No problem.
but alot of proof is out there that these were not ‘spontaneous’ uprisings any more than a bunch of guys in a cave pulled off 911. (Despite fact that OBL was an admitted CIA asset. Logistically, it just wasnt possible.) George Soros even discussed some of the pre-planning – maybe at Davos- dont recall offhand.

Again, that doesnt mean the masses are working for CIA or anything like that, or that they arent fighting for legit reasons. But their frustrations were ignited and harnessed by the syndicate. It also doesnt mean that the countries cant use it to their own advantage and really change.

July 10th, 2011, 8:37 pm


syau said:

Why is ‘democratic’ Isreal barring pro Palestinian activists from entering the country?

Aboud, What’s happening in Homs at the moment, anything interesting?

Also, according to Hama news, the peaceful riotors, sorry protesters are occuiping the streets and imposing a curfew and threatening to burn any car they see after 10:00pm.

July 10th, 2011, 8:42 pm


873 said:

“And for the pro-regime, if the US is doing the regime a favor and helping it thru this difficult time, we should ask our self what is that they want in return and whether or not you will be able to afford it.”

I agree with most of what you said, except the above sentence. Syria wouldnt BE in this mayhem to start with if it werent for the US meddling. They want to bring Assad down so they can cut off Hezbollah, to then maybe attack Iran. The tripartite of Syria, Hez, and Iran has got to be ruptured- from which ever side is willing to cave or play ball so US can weaken and isolate the other. What if they turned the tables and they ALL decided simultaneously to become slaves and play ball? It could get interesting!?!! (Iran announced that they have been invited to sit in on NATO meetings and Ahmedinejad is always calling for a NWO.)
This whole saga could turn out to be the Mother of all Rabbit Holes!

In that case what would Israel do?? Since it wont want to stop attacking until the Nile-Efrat property is theirs’.

July 10th, 2011, 8:48 pm


MNA said:


I was just making the point that once we agree that countries and especially super powers don’t make policy decisions out of humanitarian concerns, no one should welcome such a visit regardless of once perception. It is simply up to no good.

July 10th, 2011, 8:57 pm


syau said:


Take a look at this, and please let me know what you think.

Reports emerging that the leader of the terrorist group in Homs has been apprehended by the Syrian army. Hopefully the area will be cleared of all armed gangs asap.

May God protect the Syrian army and hasten their efforts in eradicating all armed gangs in Syria.

July 10th, 2011, 9:13 pm


Norman said:


I would not be surprised as the US needed a card it can use against Syria and Hezbollah, 1959 was the excuse that they need to implicate Syria , Hariri fell in the trap as he thought they really wanted to help Lebanon get rid of Syria.

They just wanted to have a reason for Syria and Hezbollah to be accused.

July 10th, 2011, 9:24 pm


Tara said:


I think WHY-DISCUSSED posted a link last Saturday from qiffa nabki in that regard. Nasrallah evidence of STL lack of objectivity sounded very credible.

July 10th, 2011, 9:35 pm


syau said:


Yes, Hariri Sr fell into the trap, and I don’t think he knew Hariri Jr was one of those setting the trap.

July 10th, 2011, 9:40 pm


Norman said:


I thought about junior being involved , but felt that he is too stupid to plan anything and too clumsy to be trusted with a complex plan like this,

July 10th, 2011, 9:48 pm


Norman said:

this is not the Embassy face book page as the Embassy will not quot the AL Quds Al Arabi,

July 10th, 2011, 10:43 pm


5 dancing shlomos said:

not sure why anyone would be impresssed with anything the american ambassador says or does.

he is the ambassador of zionized america: a jewish controlled white house, state dept, and congress,propaganda tanks, and media (jsm).

any thing he says, no matter how pleasing, has to be taken with a grain of salt then spat out – back into his face.

zionized america(and the shitty one) is the starter, stirrer, agitator behind the violence in syria.

zionized amurderka wants a servile, degraded, dependent syria.

he is no friend. nothing from america, the west, is from friendship.

it is war. his actions are a tactic.

treat him for what he is: the representative of the enemies’ dog. israel is the enemy and america is israel’s servile dog.

July 11th, 2011, 11:44 am


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