Has Russia Flipped? Clinton Says “Yes”
Posted by Joshua on Thursday, June 28th, 2012
Hillary Clinton says that Russia is ready to turn on Assad in what is a potential “turning point” in the conflict. This is the third or fourth time she has insisted that Russia is prepared to discuss a post-Assad Syria and the modalities of regime-change. In the past, these announcements have been premature and designed to shame the Russians into dumping Damascus. Will this time be different? Has Russia concluded that Assad is losing it? Addendum: Since writing this Russia has responded that it rejects an ‘external solution’ for Syria and that Syrians should decide the fate of President Bashar al-Assad.
Syrian authorities continue to insist that they will never turn the country over to the Muslim Brotherhood or form a coalition government with rebels. They are ready to fight to the end to save the country from Islamists – at least that is what they are saying to friends. They seem undaunted by Russian posturing. This all means that we are unlikely to see any big breakthroughs anytime soon. Russian authorities must be getting nervous about Assad’s strategy and staying power – all the same what can they do but try to create avenues for a Syrian soft landing? Damascus is unlikely to take their nudging seriously for some time. The high-powered conference is probably meaningless at this point, as Russia will most likely continue to insist on “loyal opposition” joining in a transitional government packed with Assad loyalists – a non-starter for both Assad and opposition figures.
China has also agreed to encourage the formation of a “transitional government” in a June 30 meeting of World leaders. Both Iran and Saudi Arabia have been excluded from the meeting. This change of strategy among Syria’s allies takes place as frequent bombings and opposition attacks have rocked downtown Damascus, forcing President Assad to announce that Syria has entered into a “real state of war.”
“Not one drop of petrol” has been available in Aleppo for a week now, friends lament. Media sources report that three Iranian gas carriers have sailed to Syria with gas shipments, but that will be a drop in the bucket. All the taxi services have come to a stand-still in Aleppo. Friends say they are willing to pay ten-times the amount of a liter of gas for their car but there just isn’t any. They are stranded in the homes. Those who have moved out to villas in the suburbs are really at a loss because they cannot walk down town or to go shopping. A blue bottle of cooking gas in Damascus goes for 4,000 pounds or about 50 dollars.It is only a matter of time before electricity stops all together and food becomes scarce. Transportation will be disrupted and supplies irregular around the country.
The economic situation in Syria continues to deteriorate as Syrians close to Assad recognize that he is incapable of managing or finding a way out the crises.
The problem is in the details. No one can imagine how a transition would work

Smokes rises after an explosion was heard near the Palace of Justice in central Damascus June 28, 2012
Russia Said to Endorse Replacing Assad in Turn Away From Ally
Flavia Krause-Jackson and Indira A.R. Lakshmanan, ©2012 Bloomberg News, June 28, 2012
June 28 (Bloomberg) — Russia has endorsed a detailed United Nations road map for a political transition in Syria, a sign that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has lost the support of a key ally, according to three United Nations diplomats.
Persuading Assad to step aside and forming a transitional government to pave the way for elections will be at the core of a June 30 conference of top diplomats organized by Kofi Annan, the UN’s special envoy on Syria, the officials said. All three asked not to be identified because the talks are private.
The foreign ministers of the five permanent UN Security Council members — China, France, Russia, the U.K., and the U.S. — as well as Turkey, Qatar and Iraq will attend the meeting in Geneva.
U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton yesterday called the conference a potential “turning point” in the conflict that already has claimed more than 10,000 lives.
Annan earlier this week gave the parties to the talks a few days to respond to a set of recommendations entitled “On Guidelines and Principles of a Syrian-led transition.” By late on June 26, the Russians had accepted the paper in full, including language that spells out Assad’s departure, according to the three officials, who all were informed of the decision.
The Annan document, which was reviewed by Bloomberg News, says a transitional government may include members of Assad’s government and opposition and other groups, although not “those whose continued presence and participation would undermine the credibility of the transition and jeopardize stability and reconciliation.”
Veto Power
According to a U.S. official, who was briefed on Annan’s plan, representatives of both the regime and the opposition could veto proposed members of a national unity government. He asked not to be identified in order to discuss the negotiations.
The latest effort to end the 16-month battle between the Alawite-dominated Assad regime and a largely Sunni Muslim uprising comes as Assad said his country is in a state of war. It also follows the Syrian downing of a Turkish military jet and an attack yesterday on Syria’s pro-government television station that killed seven journalists.
Russia has realized that Assad is losing the battle to preserve his grip on power, the UN officials said, and now the government of President Vladimir Putin is seeking a leading role in paving a smooth exit for a longtime Soviet and Russian client and arms customer.
“When Assad went into total war footing, he lost the Russians,” said George Lopez, a former UN sanctions investigator who’s now at the Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies at the University of Notre Dame in Indiana.
Iran Out
The Obama administration rejected Russia’s and Annan’s attempt to include Iran in the Geneva talks, and Russia in turn insisted that Saudi Arabia be excluded because the Sunni kingdom has funneled support to the Syrian opposition.
“If other countries don’t want the benefits of Iran’s cooperation, it is up to them,” Iran’s UN Ambassador Mohammed Khazaee told reporters in New York yesterday.
Aware of Putin’s sensitivity on the question of regime change in Syria, the U.S. accepted Russia’s demand that some Assad loyalists must be part of an interim government, according to two of the UN diplomats.
The UN officials also said that all the parties to the talks, as well as other nations such as Saudi Arabia and Iran, are in rare agreement that action is needed to prevent radical Sunni Islamists from filling a power vacuum in Syria.
Civil War
“We have made it clear to the Russians that the outcome they are most concerned about, which would be a sectarian civil war, is made more likely, not less likely, by the international community’s failure to take a strong position vis-a-vis the Assad regime,” Clinton said yesterday in Helsinki.
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, a former UN ambassador, will outline his country’s position in a news conference today in Moscow.
Landis answers questions on the Turkish issue:
1. Question: “Will the jet dispute change Turkey’s policy on Syria? Why? What is the primary concern for Turkey on Syria crisis?”
Turkey and Syria are in an undeclared state of war. Turkey is taking charge of the Western and Gulf led effort to carry out regime-change in Syria and strengthen the Syrian opposition.
In all likelihood, Turkey has been probing Syrian airspace for some time. Syria was undoubtedly trying to put a limit to Turkish aggressiveness and show that it has some defensive capability.
Turkey has smartly escalated and shown its own teeth and that it will not be intimidated or deterred by Syria.
2. Turkey is one of the most important mediators between Syria and West. Why will Syria attack the Turkish jet? Did it mean Syria has already lost the patience because Turkey hosts its opposition?
Syria no longer believes that Turkey is a mediator, but a combatant.
3. Many people thought the jet dispute will trigger NATO’s military move to Syria. But after a meet, NATO showed its caution on military intervention. In your opinion, what are NATO’s major concerns now? What will be the decisive factors on NATO decision making process?
Nato and the West believe that the Syrian insurgency is getting stronger and more capable by the month. They do not want to intervene directly and believe that they can change the balance of power in Syria and ultimately win by arming and training the opposition. For the West, the situation is Syria is moving in the right direction. Assad has announced that Syria is in a “real state of war” for the first time. He is beginning to understand what a predicament he is in. The chances of his being able to beat this are diminishing every day. Even he has begun to recognize this.
Blasts erupt near Syrian Justice Ministry
(CNN) — A day after attackers bombed a pro-government TV station, massive explosions shook the heart of Damascus near the Justice Ministry, the state-run media said.
Two blasts occurred in a parking lot Thursday outside the Palace of Justice, which houses the ministry, Syrian state TV said. The Local Coordination Committees of Syria confirmed the blast and said it occurred in the Marja neighborhood of central Damascus.
At least three people were injured and 20 cars were damaged, state TV said.
On Wednesday, bombers killed at least seven people in the headquarters of al-Ikhbaria, near Damascus, killing three journalists and four security guards, the state-run Syrian Arab News Agency reported. The attackers also ransacked and destroyed studios, the news outlet said.
There have been a flurry of attacks in Syria’s major cities of Damascus and Aleppo in recent months, strikes that President Bashar al-Assad’s regime has blamed on terrorists. Opposition groups have said the government itself has been behind such attacks to discredit the anti-regime forces.
In other provinces on Thursday, at least 50 people were killed, the LCC said. They include 22 in the Damascus suburbs and 11 people in Deir Ezzor.
opposition fighters attacked the headquarters of the pro-Assad television channel al-Ikhbariya outside Damascus — as violence once again engulfs the capital. The Syrian Arab News Agency has published images from the attack, which the state-run news outlet says killed several people and destroyed the station’s offices.
The Civil War in the Syrian Opposition: How Long Can the Free Syrian Army Hold Off Its Islamist Rivals?
Tyler Golson in the New Republic
If you want to know where the fourteen month-old Syrian revolution against President Bashar al-Assad is headed, the case of Walid al-Boustani provides a useful rubric. Al-Boustani led an ill-fated “Islamic Emirate of Homs” that lasted only a few weeks. Apparently the locals did not appreciate having an “Emir” who kidnapped and murdered their people while claiming to wage jihad against the regime of Bashar al-Assad. And so in March 2012 a local brigade of the Free Syrian Army executed the Lebanese-born al-Boustani, amidst accusations that the jihadist was not only a traitor to the Syrian revolution but also, in fact, an agent of the Syrian regime.
The incident is part of a larger clash that has mostly gone overlooked in the Western media—namely, the struggle between Syria’s two main armed opposition groups, groups that represent two radically different visions for Syria’s future. In that way, it’s not enough to simply know—as a recent article in the New York Times pointed out—that Saudi Arabia and Qatar, with assistance from the CIA, are funneling arms and cash to certain Syrian rebel groups via intermediaries in Turkey. It’s also important to know that the other rebel groups—those with an Islamist political agenda—that the United States and its allies have decided not to support are distrusted by the Syrian people themselves. Indeed, Washington’s largely hands-off approach to the Syria crisis has so far been greatly assisted by the Syrian public’s broad rejection of the hardcore Islamist rebels. But there’s no telling how much longer America’s strategic interests and the Syrian people’s sympathies will remain in sync.
THE FACTION OF the Syrian opposition that has been the main recipient of foreign arms is the Free Syrian Army (FSA), an umbrella organization headquartered in Turkey and encompassing upwards of a hundred semi-autonomous battalions of defected Syrian soldiers and armed civilians. Though many individual units and fighters loyal to the FSA adopt a conservative Islamic idiom and may express their struggle as “jihad,” the FSA central leadership espouses pluralist, nationalist, and even democratic ideals, reflecting its broad base of support in Syria, as well as the influence of its international sponsors.
The second group (broadly construed) vying for primacy of the Syrian armed opposition is the constellation of independent, hardcore Islamist “kata’ib” (brigades) claiming to wage violent jihad against the infidel Assad regime and its Shia backers, Iran and Hezbollah. The independent jihadist opposition draws from an expanding domestic pool of young men who feel abandoned by the international community and emboldened by the popularity of their radical Islamist cause beyond Syria’s borders and over social media.
The good news is that, Syrians mostly distrust the hardcore Islamists. While much of the public is liable to celebrate any attack against government forces, they remain deeply suspicious of the numerous, independent jihadist groups taking root throughout the country. A public opinion survey conducted by the US Institute of Peace in September 2011 found that only 35 percent of Syrians see religion as an important issue in the anti-government demonstrations, with less than 14 percent preferring religious leaders or parties to lead a post-Assad Syria as compared to 66 percent who viewed “democratically-elected leaders” as the most qualified.
Compounding Syrians’ ideological unease with jihadists is the widespread concern that Islamist groups have either been infiltrated by, or are directly working for the Syrian regime. Western media mostly overlooked the story of Walid al-Boustani, the would-be Emir of Homs, but the video of Boustani’s “trial” and execution by the FSA stirred considerable speculation among Arab audiences, who focused not on Boustani’s specific crimes but rather on his ties to a discredited Al-Qaeda-linked terrorist group back in Lebanon, Fatah al-Islam, which is widely believed to be a tool of Syrian intelligence.
It is well-established that the Syrian government in the past facilitated the transit of fighters to Al-Qaeda in Iraq through Syria in order to fight American coalition forces—and some of these battle-hardened jihadists have likely come back to Syria. But the Assad regime’s understanding with Islamic extremists has always been to allow them to attack their common enemy as long as they did not operate within Syria itself…..
Assad Foreign Policy (II): Strategies of Confrontation
By: Amal Saad-Ghorayeb, June 27, 2012 – al-Akhbar
Amal Saad-Ghorayeb places Assad foreign policy in context, particularly – “Syria’s intervention on behalf of right-wing Christian militias in Lebanon in 1976; its war against Palestinian groups in Lebanon in the 1980s; its decision to join the Gulf War coalition against Saddam Hussein in 1991; its reluctance to engage Israel militarily; and its participation in so-called peace negotiations with Israel since 1991.”
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Comments (373)
majedkhaldoun said:
Clinton said that Russia is giving indications that they are ready to abandon Assad
Akram Labwani said yesterday in a meeting with Arabiyeh that now Russian are convinced that Assad must go
Russia and China agreed for a meeting, US said that attending such meeting has to be preceded by acceptance that Assad will not be part of the new proposed government.
I think Russia has flipped
However this coming meeting either will be a turning point,or Arming the FSA with balancing power will procede,along with Turkey military prepareness,things are getting more critical.
June 28th, 2012, 9:25 am
Tara said:
Isn’t premature to say Russia flipped? Lavrov has made a statement to the contrary. I think Russia is still playing games, saying something then immediately the opposite.
June 28th, 2012, 9:34 am
Afram said:
Turkey Deploys Troops to Syrian Border,,As Russia denies reports it wants Bashar al-Assad out
Classic Stuffed Turkey is apparently not turning the other cheek, with the country’s media today reporting that a military deployment is en route to its border with Syria.
A dozen trucks and short-range antiaircraft missiles are making their way toward the south-central Kilis Province, which contains both a military base and a Syrian refugee camp.
other major Syria developments:
*Russia is denying earlier reports that it supported Kofi Annan’s plan for a new national unity government that could include the opposition—and would almost certainly exclude Bashar al-Assad, saying it would not endorse any calls for him to step down.
**bad news for terror INC,Syria will get its refurbished HELOS a Russian defense official announced today.
June 28th, 2012, 9:50 am
Stick to the truth said:
Again a pseudo-expertise by Dr. Landis.
June 28th, 2012, 10:25 am
Inhabitant of Damascus said:
Annan’s convening of a meeting an Action Group on Syria is probably the last remaining chance for a peaceful way out of the Syrian crisis. If this should fail, and the 300 UNSMIS observers be withdrawn by the security council in mid-July, coordinated international cooperation to resolve the crisis will have failed. A long and bloody civil war will follow.
So I find it surprising that the US is trying to muddy the waters, and undermine what Annan is trying to achieve. Clinton’s public efforts to second guess Russian policy is not only crass, it is completely counterproductive. If Clinton somehow thinks that her comments will pressure Russia to a change in policy on Syria, then she does not understand Putin or Lavrov at all. Russia will not do a flip-flop on Syria. But it will work for a ceasefire, and for political dialogue, and gradual political change. Clinton’s musings will only serve to make the Russians less willing to show movement.
I also find it counterproductive for the US to be so adamant about barring the participation of Iran in the Geneva talks. Iran has a great deal to offer at these talks – far more than the US to be honest. The US dealt themselves out of influence on the Syria issue a year ago by demanding that Assad step aside. That too was a counterproductive policy. I think the UN, Annan, but Ban ki-Moon in particular, should have insisted that Iran attend. If the US and Europeans chose to boycott, which would have made them look churlish to say the least, the meeting would not have lost any of its potential to convince Assad to compromise.
From the outset of this crisis it has been abundantly clear that the Assad regime has one solution – bludgeon the Syrian opposition into submission. There has been no sign of relent in this strategy. So Assad and his family and wider 2-3000 of core decision-makers and hangers-on will take a huge amount of effort to shift from their present course. Only Iran and Russia have the influence to nudge the Assad regime towards a political compromise.
June 28th, 2012, 10:30 am
Aldendeshe said:
?? ???? ??? ???? ???? ?????
June 28th, 2012, 10:52 am
Uzair8 said:
The way to stop the violence once and for all is to stop it at it’s source:
Removal of the ultra-violent regime.
June 28th, 2012, 11:04 am
b said:
Russia Said to Make Counter-Proposal to Annan’s Syria Plan
June 28th, 2012, 11:18 am
Syrialover said:
That’s a rational and realistic take on the Islamist involvement and its lack of acceptance by the Syrian people posted above. Thanks Dr Landis.
It makes no sense to imagine the Islamist cause gaining traction in Syria when you see how Syrians of all denominations and walks of life are united in showing their strength and defiance against the regime’s repression. Also its lack of relevance to the FSA, which is made up of the heart and blood of ordinary Syrians.
Syrians are not interested in more empty ideology, incompetent governance, intolerance and terror tactics.
That’s why the al qaeda card remains largely a weak Assadist propaganda and agent provacateur game.
June 28th, 2012, 11:22 am
Syrialover said:
# 4. Stick to the truth said: “Again a pseudo-expertise by Dr. Landis.”
Dr Landis can easily demonstrate more expertise and awareness of what’s happening in Syria than Assad and his entire team possess.
The regime and its supporters know and understand nothing and are interested in even less, to quote an old saying.
Their arrogant contempt and hatred for the Syrian people and ignorance of how they think has led them to stumble into a deep fire pit and flail around feeding the flames with petrol.
Watch them chanting “Assad or we burn the country”, dousing their own backsides with fuel and starting increasingly large fires they can’t control.
June 28th, 2012, 11:43 am
Syria no Kandahar said:
FSA ready for next pre-UN meeting massacre.
Time :Friday night
Victims:kidnapped kids and women by FSA criminals.
Weapons:wahabi swords.
Killers:FSA wahabist criminals.
Payer:HBJ and Al-Soud
Life on Aljazera tomorrow night.
June 28th, 2012, 12:24 pm
Syria no Kandahar said:
Some of Syrian killing lovers achievements today:killing a Dr and all her family:
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June 28th, 2012, 12:47 pm
Antoine said:
This is just one example that the Free Syrian Army , the “armed gangs” , is widely and openly accepted by a large section of ordinary Syrian citizens, including non-combatants.
This video shows how the sight of masked and armed FSA troops patrolling in pick-ups through the streets of Deirezzor is a normal sight for most residents.
Also point to be noted is that despite the total absence of Law enforcement agencies across a huge swathe of territory in Syria including a number of towns and cities, Syria has not witnessed the sort of rampant and widespread looting , lawlessness and plunder which visited Iraq after 9 April 2003 or Egypt on 11 February 2011. This despite the fact that Syrians are living under considerable material poverty.
On the contrary, FSA and local Revolutionary Councils have arrested and prosecuted citizens involved in looting Government property.
Despite the large number of military bases and weapons depots that has been overrun by FSA, we have not seen the proliferation of weapons in the hands of private citizens, which we normally associate with such events.
The FSA is in control and well-disciplined and has got a workable plan to maintain basic Civic life.
June 28th, 2012, 12:50 pm
Amjad said:
Expect the pro regimists to indulge in the usual infantile bashing of Professor Landis’ expertise as a political observer and analyst.
Although I doubt it’s too soon to claim, as Clinton has, that Russia has flipped. We’ve heard that numerous times in the past. Russia will say one thing to the West and the UN, and reverse its position the next day. An arms deal with the regime usually follows, with Bashat buying junk the Russians couldnt give away for free anywhere else.
June 28th, 2012, 1:28 pm
Amjad said:
Excellent analysis Antoine. Indeed, people feel much safer when the FSA is in control of an area. We’ve all seen what the central squares in Syria’s towns and cities look like when the security forces have been kicked out, no matter how briefly.
June 28th, 2012, 1:30 pm
zoo said:
Clinton says Yes, Russia say No
Russia rejects ‘external solution’ for Syria
By Stuart Williams | AFP – 3 hrs ago
Russia Thursday dampened hopes of a diplomatic breakthrough in efforts to end the Syria conflict, saying it opposed solutions from the outside and Syrians should decide the fate of President Bashar al-Assad.
June 28th, 2012, 1:39 pm
zoo said:
Tunisia revolution Season 2 : The demise of the new born Islamist government?
Tunisia politicians seek to bring down Islamist-led government
By Tarek Amara | Reuters – Wed, Jun 27, 2012
TUNIS (Reuters) – Tunisian parliamentarians are pushing for a no-confidence vote in the Islamist-led government, whose divisive decision to extradite Muammar Gaddafi’s prime minister has caused the country’s deepest political crisis since last year’s elections.
June 28th, 2012, 1:46 pm
Juergen said:
As the threat against foreign journalists has increased in Syria, so has the media’s reliance on opposition activists on the ground. But amid the growing fog of war, it’s becoming harder to tell the difference between truth, rumour and spin. Has the nexus between activists and journalists become too close? “ You’re totally dependent on the people you are with …. In this situation, it’s very difficult to investigate anything.”
“ As a Syrian, I don’t want people to see the ugly face of things either. But we’re talking about arming these guys. Who are the Free Syrian Army? What do we even know about them?”
“ In the end they have the goal of persuading the international community to intervene. They’re motivated by a sense of desperation, because the horrors in Syria are bad enough – there’s really no reason to invent anything.”
It’s a common sight in hotels and cafes across Antakya, a small city near the Turkish-Syrian border: a journalist interviewing someone who has fled from Syria.
Many have witnessed horrifying violence. Some have been imprisoned, some tortured. Others say they’ve seen Iranians patrolling alongside Syrian soldiers. As a journalist, you’re forced to rely mostly on gut instinct to discern what is true, because very little of it can be proven.
very graphic video
a whole family wiped out by Assad forces at Hosn al Akrad( Krak de Chevaliers) near Homs
June 28th, 2012, 1:55 pm
omen said:
6. ALDENDESHE, can i ask you something? sod recited some history. he said the snp assassinated a political leader back in the 50s. did doing so laid the groundwork for hafez assad to seize power? if your party assassinated one guy, why didn’t it assassinate either one of the assads when they’ve been so obviously bad for the country?
June 28th, 2012, 2:03 pm
bronco said:
Geneva’s choice: Either strictly enforcing Annan 6 points plan with Bashar Al Assad still in charge or a full scale regional war.
Now that the crisis has become international and has excluded any powerful military involvement from the West, the chances of the opposition to win militarily are much slimmer.
Lots of noise, bombs, declaration of power cannot hide the evidence that the opposition has no unity, no leader, no agenda other than causing destruction and fear and could easily end up by fighting against each other.
Now if the West wants to move Bashar Al Assad out by force, it is clear that it would trigger the collapse of the army and the security. Violent, divided, competing, revengeful and disorganized groups will takeover the country. A void that will immediately be filled by Islamists extremists just on the border to Israel.
Turkey can bark and show its teeth as much as it wants. Yet if there is a war, Turkey will be the first looser as it will be obliged to be become the de facto police in the occupied areas, its economy will suffer a lot and its army in Syria will become an easier target for the ‘terrorists’ PKK.
The West can only hope, as it has for more than a year, that the opposition would unite. Until now all its efforts to accomplish that have failed. If they hope that by arming the opposition, they will unite them, it seems that they are under a mental blackout, understandable in view of the frustration and rage of their impotence.
If the “friends of Syria’ in Geneva persist in calling for a forced regime change, that will be the end of any political solution and a full scale war will rage in the region with all the consequences for Israel and the West allies.
The choice is clear: A full commitment to Annan 6 point ( and not a 7 point calling for Bashar to move out) or a full scale regional war
June 28th, 2012, 2:14 pm
Syria no Kandahar said:
Antoine and Amjad are tapping shoulders about BS statement :
Why are most of the civilians fleeing FSA infested areas?
Why is the rent so expensive in Alraka and Alhassaka where most of the civilians flee FSA infested DearAlzoor?
Do you know that many many civilians have fled from DairAlzoor to Alraka and Alhassaka?
DairAlzoor is a hell,you can’t trust your dog or cat to FSA…and you know that…
If you are so impressed with FSA infested areas why don’t you spend your
Next vacation in DairAlzoor …may be you can watch FSA doing this:
June 28th, 2012, 2:18 pm
omen said:
juergen (1:55) i follow bbc reporter paul danahar who somehow got a visa to report in syria. he put out a string of incredulous tweets lending credibility to outrageous regime lies. he said things like it’s his understanding, from talking to diplomats, that no one in hula had their throats slashed or that no one was shot in close range. (oh, yes, they were.)
that made me look at channel 4’s alex thomson (who likewise got a visa to report in syria,) in a new light when he claimed that rebels gave him the wrong direction and tried to get him killed. unlikely because rebels rely on reporters to get their message out in pleading to the west for more help.
considering these two examples, i concluded these reporters must feel like they have apportion equal blame as a form of self defense and tar the rebels in addition to reporting the regime’s crimes just to make themselves not too much of a target when the regime could easily arrange to have them killed if reporters were too critical in coming down too hard on the regime.
June 28th, 2012, 2:24 pm
Uzair8 said:
Assad may be unsure of the Russian support so is reinforcing the relationship with Iran by thanking Iran for it’s help and promising to return loyalty. (?)
June 28th, 2012, 2:45 pm
Alan said:
Has Russia Flipped?
no it is not !
Clinton Says “Yes”- it is a psychological trick!
June 28th, 2012, 2:54 pm
Uzair8 said:
Russia’s support for Assad could be slipping
28 Jun 2012
The plan would “exclude from the government anyone whose participation would undermine it”, according to one diplomat, a heavy implication that Bashar al-Assad would be required step down from power.
Russia, Syria’s key major ally, has yet to make that leap, but optimism is growing among Western nations that its attitude is changing. Moscow is said to increasingly see Assad as a liability after several massacres of civilians by militias loyal to him during a supposed ceasefire. Syria’s downing of a Turkish jet flying near its coastline has only exacerbated tensions.
Read more:
June 28th, 2012, 3:37 pm
Uzair8 said:
A day may not be too far away when Russia will begin to evacuate it’s citizens from Syria and that’ll be the end of that.
June 28th, 2012, 3:39 pm
Tara said:
For someone who may not know you, You may sound pretty much worried about Israel in your assessment.
I think using Israel security by an Arab to influence the western decision in regard to the fate of Bashar al Batta is morally wrong. It is what Teresa Makhlouf tried which drawed profound contempt. Can you please avoid that discourse. It does not really fit you and it annoys me.
June 28th, 2012, 3:44 pm
Aldendeshe said:
That is an interesting Qs Omen,
HOOOYFFF, how to make this reply short and quick!
The old establishment of SSNP assassinated a communist paid thug who was giving the Baathist/ Communists inroad into political power seizure thru the army. Job well done, but unfortunately no follow thru came afterward, rather a retreat. Have they kept at it, got rid of a dozen Attassi’s and company of thugs, as well as the older Alawites in the army, Syria will have looked right now more like Germany today. It was essential for the Ammonites global conspirators using Communism as a front, a tool for world domination to bring in and empower the Baathists to destroy Syria, knowing that, in the end, this is what is going to be like, as today.
The conspirators relied on a degenerate colonel Louai Attasis, who was serving for some time as Syria military attache in Washington to bring in the Baathist to power in Syria. The period of time between 1963 and 1970 were Syria’s darkest ever. They practically destroyed the country in this brief time. Being mostly Sunni Moslems Baathists, it was a feeling of relief to the majority of Syrians when Alawi Hafez Assad came in and locked them up for life. I can say that as a child, was elated to see them gone.
Hafez, formulated and adopted a more Syria Centric policies, despite the lip service he paid to Arabism and Arab Nationalism. He was married to a family that was ardent SSNPiers. Although, many disapproved with Assad policies, there were many factors that prevented the sort of uprising we see now. The majority of Syrians, all sects, supported him and that is the main reason the Moslem Brotherhood failed in the 80s, lack of majority support. Added the total and great support Hafez received from International and Arab countries. Assad was skilled at neutralizing his opponents and pacifying them, even give them a breather so rebellion is contained.
The main reason Hafez enjoyed this mass support, is that the Sunni Baathists were very bad, atrocious, even worse than Saddam’s, they were the typical Rothschildian Troskites who were sent to Russia to destroy the Romanov and cease Russia’s wealth and State, and just as diabolically murderous. Very few knows that in the aftermath of the Russian Revolution ( Rothschild take over of Russia) out of 384 Commissars that ruled Communist Russia, 264 came from the United States and were English speaking persons).
When Bashar came to power, American-Rockfellarian as well as U.K- Rothschildian support for him were very strong. After all, he continued to plunder Syria oil and agriculture resources like his father and send it to Swiss and U.K. Banks, so as as the entire rank and file of the Bathists and army officers ( Shihabi, Tlass, Khaddam, Riffat and Co etc). The majority of Syrians supported him, Hariri continued the support to the Assads, as well as all Arabs, Moslems and International countries. Even the Moslem Brotherhood, partnered with Baathist Khaddam and only dumped him after they were paid up by Petro-Dollars, they are just MURTAZAQA, no difference than Christian Crusaders. Except the Crusaders came from Nobility of European families, the brotherhood drafted by Rothschild-Rockefeller from the streets, in typical communistic methods, and there really no difference between the two, just labels, both are just a tool of Anglo-American Zionists conspirators after plundering wealth of nations and enslaving them.
Even under those severe adverse conditions, it will be unwise to remove the Assad’s. The solution if for Assad to hand over power and military command to SSNPS(SNP)/SSNP. All other solutions to Syria’s problem will fail and lead to World War III.
Praise Daniel, Ezekiel and John the Revelator.
Here is a video for you Omen:
June 28th, 2012, 4:03 pm
Afram said:
The Huffington Post has written about todays//Obamacare & Court’s decision.
SO far 29000 comments been posted
SC has only tttennn/10 active commenters,guess what?my morning comment was summoned by the tinman,SC A-Team convened to request my order to appear?!?long live censorship!!!
Think for yourselves and let others enjoy the privilege to do so, too~Voltaire
June 28th, 2012, 4:10 pm
majedkhaldoun said:
Would Russia or US risk major war? neither will risk war.
Turkey may respond to Syrian provocation, Syria is afraid that FSA may create conditions that will provoke Turkey to respond, for that reason Syria pulled all its troops away from Turkish border 5-10 km.
Bronco clearly alluding that Assad is friend of Israel, so much for the lie that Syria is resistant state.
June 28th, 2012, 4:16 pm
Alan said:
I congratulate you Afram! always be the leader!
June 28th, 2012, 4:50 pm
bronco said:
#27 Tara
The USA does not give a damn about Syrians. Their whole policy in the Middle east is Oil and Israel.
So ignoring Israel in the equation is totally absurd. Syria happens to be one of the few neighbor countries who did not bow to sign a peace treaty and get paid with USA money.
All events happening with Israel’s neighbors are of a very high concern to the USA and Israel supporters.
Syria is the last active enemy of Israel, it has been a pain in the neck for the USA for years. They want it weak and the opposition with your “moral” support are just doing that.
Anyway, this is so obvious that I think it is a waste of time to repeat it.
Continue looking at Syria with short sight glasses, you may loose your balance soon.
June 28th, 2012, 4:55 pm
zoo said:
Israel does not seem to buy that the Moslem Brother Hood has turned in to an obedient poodle…
Containing the Islamist Revolution
Barack Obama is naïve to think that the uprisings sweeping the Middle East will be good for America. It’s time to retrench and protect U.S. interests from the Islamist tidal wave.
Unfortunately, the new reality in the greater Middle East is bad for the United States and its allies, including my country. Most importantly, the president should recognize that Islamist forces are on the move: They have seized control from Waziristan to the Atlantic Ocean in almost uninterrupted territorial contiguity. Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, and Libya are at the midst of a brutal and destructive battle for their identity. Their future territorial integrity is in doubt. In these five countries, and now in Egypt, the Islamist and extremist forces have the upper hand. The media has already replaced the term “Arab Spring” with “Arab Awakening.” Sooner rather than later, it will be replaced again by “Islamist takeover.”
June 28th, 2012, 5:05 pm
zoo said:
Libya Season 2: Post revolution chaos
Libya in Chaos
Rajan Menon
June 27, 2012
The upheaval in Libya was created by independent town councils, its multitudinous militias, the bloodshed produced by contests over land rights and smuggling routes, and the fights between tribes and ethnicities. Will it recede once a democratic polity sinks roots and establishes institutions that resolve societal disputes through bargaining, compromise and cooptation? Or will these problems prove so potent that they eventually deform the nascent system, creating disunity and paralysis? It’s impossible to say with any certainty. But this much is certain: Libya’s future depends on which of these patterns prevail.
June 28th, 2012, 5:10 pm
Tara said:
You are giving me contradictory arguments. The first argument was to point out that it is in Israel’s best interest to keep the dictatorship in Syria to prevent the infiltration of Islamists away from Israel’s north borders. The second argument was that opposing al Assad regime weakens the resistance stand of Syria and emboldens Israel. Choose your argument as you can’t have your cake and eat it too. Is getting rid of Assad would threaten or embolden Israel?
It is one thing when The US worries about Israel and a whole different thing when an Arab points out the importance of keeping Bashar al Assad at the top of the helm in order to maintain Israel security.
I prefer that you stick to the resistance card..
June 28th, 2012, 5:14 pm
Alan said:
Daoud ! where are you ?
UK report finds IDF tortures Palestinian children
British lawyers have lodged a complaint at the UN against Israel for allegedly torturing Palestinian children. Their report showed youngsters held in solitary confinement and shackled while in the custody of the Israeli military.
This is considered torture and in breach of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. A report funded by the UK Foreign Office claims Palestinian youths are routinely abused by Israeli authorities. A delegation of nine British lawyers revealed how Palestinians as young as 12 are treated when arrested and in Israeli custody. They spoke to UN agencies, former Israeli soldiers, Palestinian and Israeli NGOs and Palestinian children.
The report – Children in Military Custody – found that children are arrested by a number of soldiers normally in a night raid on their homes; they are then blindfolded with their wrists bound and transported to an interrogation centre face down on the floor of military vehicles.
“The majority are verbally and physically abused, without being informed of their right to see a lawyer or of their right to silence. They are sometimes held in solitary confinement and made to sign statements they can’t read because they are written in Hebrew,” the report says.
If Children are held for long periods in solitary confinement it is regarded as torture by the UN and is in breach of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child…/../…
June 28th, 2012, 5:27 pm
Assad´s Syria is near to the boiling spot. After some months Assad will be ¨al dente¨ to be vaporized from our country. Russia and China will agree on Assad family to flee. Syria will face a diallogue between army members (with security apparatus members who are not included in the embargo list) and a mixture of opposition parts from inside and outside the country. This diallogue will be sponsored by UN, Russia and US. Not Iran, of course. This is my bet at this point of the contest.
June 28th, 2012, 5:29 pm
bronco said:
#35 Tara
You totally misunderstood me.
The USA is concerned by Israel’s security. For decades,Syria has not been a threat at the borders but has been helping Hezbollah defend itself from Israel attacks in Lebanon. It has also hosted Hamas offices in Damascus and refused to sign a peace treaty.
Overall for Israel, until now Bashar’s Syria has been a nuisance but not a serious danger. Yet it’s alliance with Iran may change that in the future.
The immediate danger will come if Syria’s army collapses and the country is managed by armed rebels infiltrated by Islamists and Al Qaeeda, as the FSA is now.
They could easily move to Syria’s borders with Israel and start a bomb and guerilla attacks. Syria could then become like Yemen where the USA are attacking the Al Qaeeda bands to prevent them for creating a safe haven and threatening Saudi Arabia’s oil.
Just read all the Israeli’s newspapers. While they may think that weakening Syria will weaken Iran, or that ‘democracy is better than a dictatorship’, they are increasingly worried than an Islamist ideology uniting all Arab spring countries may become the nightmare they always dreaded.
June 28th, 2012, 5:36 pm
Juergen said:
Those who believe in conspiracies…
I think that a lot of those reporters dont get out of Damascus, they are kept in the cheesebell and the regime makes sure they will meet with the right folks. Our biggest Arab expert the 88 year old Peter Scholl Latour is known for his indepth talks in fance hotel bars with whisky and occasional tea rounds with the eyedoctor, at the end you will hear statements like: oh, he is a jovial nice fellow, not like those islamists who practice taquiyah in very move they do. I think the west is pretty much responsible for this kind of journalism, it shows clearly how much we really care about this part of the world.
June 28th, 2012, 5:37 pm
zoo said:
The rebels want to keep their human shields in Homs.
Syria accuses armed opposition of blocking humanitarian convoy in Homs
2012-06-29 01:22:19 [RSS]
The source attributed the failure of their mission to the impediments imposed by some parties “that have reneged on their promises to allow us in.”
The Red Crescent urged all parties to make human life their first priority and to facilitate the humanitarian mission to alleviate the suffering of the more vulnerable people.
The Red Cross and Red Crescent were granted permission from the Syrian government access to the troublesome areas in Homs, but the teams’ efforts were apparently hampered by the disagreements among the armed rebels in those areas.
June 28th, 2012, 5:43 pm
Alan said:
Russia against Syria solutions ‘dictated from abroad’
Assad’s fate “must be decided within the framework of a Syrian dialogue by the Syrian people themselves,” Lavrov told a news conference with his Tunisian counterpart.
“Foreign players should not be dictating their solutions to the Syrians. We do not and cannot support any intervention or solutions dictated from abroad,” he said.
Lavrov said there was “clearly” a need for a political transition in Syria but said world powers had still not agreed on a final document based on proposals by UN-Arab League envoy Kofi Annan for the talks.
June 28th, 2012, 5:57 pm
Tara said:
“….they are increasingly worried than an Islamist ideology uniting all Arab spring countries may become the nightmare they always dreaded.”
So you are maintaing that toppling Bashar is more threatening to Israel than keeping him on the helm. Let’s take this a step further. If so, you must then agree that the revolution was a home grown movement and was not a western-Israeli conspiracy against “the pulsing heart of Arabism”. Israel would not have wanted to intentionally bring “rouge elements, aka, “islamists” with jihadist ideology near it’s border so it logically follow that it did not conspire with the USA and other colonial powers from the get go to topple Bashar. If you to agree that it is indeed not a Western conspiracy, them you would have taken your first stand against Bashar al Assad as he always maintained that the revolution is a global conspiracy. I want you again to chose your argument.. Was the revolution a conspiracy or home grown?
I prefer that you stick to a home-grown argument otherwise you lose consistency..
June 28th, 2012, 6:09 pm
zoo said:
No mention of imports?
Exports to Syria plunge 74 percent to $22.1 million
Thursday,June 28 2012, Your time is 6:07:14 PM
Exports from Turkey’s southeast to Syria plunged 74 percent to $22.1 million in the first five months of the year compared with the same period last year, according to data by the Southeastern Anatolia Exports Union (GA?B). Last year’s exports figure for the period was $85.9 million.
Syria was the second country after Iraq in number of exports received from the region in 2010, but has fell to fifth place last year. This year Syria is not even amongst the first 20 countries on the list.
Alternative routes have been attempted due to transit pass challenges such as direct shipping from Mersin port, Ç?kmaz said, noting that Syria is a gateway to the Middle East and Gulf countries.
“Syria was an important country for us. But after the downing of the fighter jet the Syrian government [had a blatant attitude]. We, the Southeastern Exports Union, back the government’s decisions up to the end,” he said.
June 28th, 2012, 6:09 pm
bronco said:
#42 Tara
What’s the importance if it started by local attempts to copy what happened in Libya and Egypt? It was immediately taken over by every group or countries who had a long standing interests in overthrowing the government and have been waiting for the right moment to intervene.
Each group had its reasons and agendas, not often the same. Unhappy citizens, bitter expats, CIA, Israel’s Mossad, human right activists, revengeful Gulf states, religious fanatics, anti-iran activists, you name it.
Israel first thought that overthrowing Bashar who was anti-USA, will bring in a USA friendly government, especially when the SNC was created with Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and the USA backing it.
All these groups thought it would happen as fast as Tunisia or Egypt or that ultimately NATO will intervene. Well, it did work like that and after 18 months, the initial expectations have changed dramatically.
The USA and Israel are now worrying that what will replace Bashar Al Assad’s regime may not be necessarily a pro-USA regime and in the absence of a valid opposition, the chaos would be a greater danger to Israel and US interests in the region.
The more the situation last without a political solution, the more the rebels will be infiltrated by Islamists and Al Qaeeda, and the less chances a pro-USA regime will emerge and the more Syria’s neighbors, including Turkey, will be exposed to Al Qaeeda terrorism.
Sorry, that’s my last post on the subject.
June 28th, 2012, 6:36 pm
zoo said:
UN session on Syria; in Geneva on Saturday
(DP-News – agencies)
UN- Invitations to Saturday’s gathering in Geneva were sent by special envoy Kofi Annan to the five permanent members of the U.N. Security Council, including Syrian allies Russia and China, but not to major regional players Iran and Saudi Arabia.
World powers prepared for a high-level meeting that the U.S. hopes will be a turning point in Syria crisis.
The absence of those two countries, as well as the lack of any appetite for international military intervention, could make it difficult for the group to find the leverage to end the bloodshed in Syria. An effort by Annan to broker a peace plan failed earlier this year.
International convoy Annan made acceptance of his guidelines for a political transition for Syria a condition for organizing Saturday’s meeting, which will include the United States, Britain, France, Russia, China, Turkey, Iraq, Kuwait and Qatar. It will not include Iran or Saudi Arabia.
U.S. and other officials, speaking on the condition of anonymity about the ongoing sensitive discussions, said the plan includes an enhanced role for the Arab League, which will hold its own session on Syria early next week.
In a closed-door meeting with the Security Council on Tuesday, Annan deputy Nasser al-Kidwa said Annan had “made it clear that it is essential for states with influence to agree among themselves on a set of principles and guidelines in order to effectively support a Syrian-led political transition.”
June 28th, 2012, 6:51 pm
zoo said:
Tunisia Season 2 continues…
Extradition of Gaddafi Deputy Plunges Tunisia into Political Crisis
The extradition from Tunisia to Libya of Al-Baghdadi Ali al-Mahmoudi, former deputy to the late Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi, may be cheered in Tripoli. But it has exposed the growing power struggle between Islamists and secularists in Tunis
By Vivienne Walt | @vivwalt | June 26, 2012
The political furor in Tunisia has since laid bare deep rifts between the country’s secular liberals and Islamists, two factions wrestling for the country’s future in wake of the dictatorship’s collapse in January 2011. In some ways, the conflict mirrors the political struggles playing out in Libya and Egypt too, as all three countries try to rebuild after decades of one-man rule. In Tunisia, a three-way coalition has ruled the country since the first democratic elections last October, with the popular Islamic party Ennahda — long outlawed under the dictatorship — controlling the government under a Prime Minister, and the two major secular parties in control each of the presidency and the constitution-writing assembly.
Read more: http://world.time.com/2012/06/26/extradition-of-gaddafi-deputy-plunges-tunisia-into-political-crisis/?iid=gs-main-lede#ixzz1z8DgoRTe
June 28th, 2012, 7:00 pm
Tara said:
Dear Bronco,
So you are saying it was not conspoiracy from the get go. It was then taken ad advantage of…I am ok with your answer. It is consistent enough for me.
“sorry, that was my last post on the subject”. Why are you mad? If I was you ?? ????, I would appreciate that a chance was thrown at me to explain myself when the prevailing impression was that, as a regime supporter, you are willing to show concern for Israel’s peace and security in order to maintain al Assad where he is. I personally wouldn’t care about you, had you been willing to make such a concession just to save a dear leader… So if I was you, I would say “thanks Tara for giving me a chance to explain myself”. No?
June 28th, 2012, 7:04 pm
Uzair8 said:
Remember the Sh. Yaqoubi video from previous posts in which he addressed the Royal United Services Institute? Lord Risby introduced the Shaykh and for few days I was meaning to search to find more on him. I didn’t know anything about him and just looked him up.
He is an MP for the ruling Conservative party. I came across an article by him from March. It was quite interesting. A google search of SC didn’t show it being previously posted.
I do believe Assad could be gone by Christmas. The economic troubles and the current level of regime military losses are unsustainable. Surely?
Lord Risby: Economic collapse will finish the Assad regime
March 14, 2012
[Selected quote]
The country’s financial reserves will be exhausted this summer. Our admirable and until recent ambassador there, Simon Collis, believes that the regime will be gone by Christmas. In the absence of armed intervention or a sudden voluntary departure of the Assads, or some dialogue between them and the opposition, he is entirely correct. For all the current confusion about how and what to do, in the end l suspect the decisive factor will be the economy, stupid, after all.
June 28th, 2012, 7:05 pm
Ghufran said:
????? ???????? ?? ??????? ??? ???? ???? ???? ???????? ???? ?????? ?? ??? ????? ???? ????? ?? ???? (??????? 51).
That was according to a retired French army General,if he is right,that can not be good for the pride and stature of a NATO member (Turkey).
On a political level,Assad has become a liability to his own supporters,Russia will have no problem convincing Syria generals to abandon the horse to save the carriage as long as this abandonment does not mean giving Syria on a plate of silver to a regime that is too cozy to the GCC and too hostile to Iran. The incompetence of much of the opposition heads and their reactionary and inflammatory behavior along with their allegiance to Turkey and the GCC and their failure to address the problem of Islamist terrorists and common thugs make them more like clowns than actual leaders of a revolution.
June 28th, 2012, 7:15 pm
anwar said:
great job at cornering the loyalist with their own arguments
however I wouldn’t bother going further
this is of course the all encompassing conspiracy theory at its best
anything you throw at them will be a perfect fit to their puzzle
this leads to circular “conversation” as the one above
they are playing a game I refuse to join
Every interview from a pro-regime tool is basically the same
finger pointing everywhere but the issue itself
*finger point* USA is corrupt *finger point* Europe is corrupt *finger point* Italy’s minister is corrupt *finger point* Saudi *finger point* France ……..
Do not partake in those obvious distractions and mind games. I would just let the FSA do the talking by field.
June 28th, 2012, 7:16 pm
Syria no Kandahar said:
In 6000 years of Syrian history(I.e 6000 years befor FSA was formed) No Syrians
Were ever killed by:
1- cutting head
2-hanging of trees
3-suicide bombings
4-Video taped window jumping
5-video taped brain smashing
6-cutting bodies of dead people
7-disposal of dead people bodies in rivers
8-Vidio taped hijab-less minority girls hanging
Why are all of the above happening in Syria since FSA was formed?
What is your conclusion ??
6000 years of civilized Syria are replaced by FSA barbarism for who’s benifit?
June 28th, 2012, 7:45 pm
Tara said:
Dear Anwar
Cc: Bronco
I just want to be clear about my intention. I talk with Bronco often and I do not view him as a loyalist or as a mnhebak. He is different. I respect him a great deal and was pretty sincere in trying to explore the thinking to patch the apparent contradictions. I do not agree with him but the way he explained it, I do not see inconsistency anymore.
June 28th, 2012, 7:56 pm
Syria no Kandahar said:
Congratulations on your(Potential partial mnhebak
June 28th, 2012, 8:04 pm
Karabennemsi said:
@ 39
With all due respect, with that post you crossed a line which really should not be crossed.
Are you really one of these sad wannabe me-experts who feel the need to ridicule PSL for attention?
I am very disappointed by you, and it seems like outright stupidity to me to make fun of Peter Scholl-Latour.
This man has such an impressive personal history, he has brought so many important facts out into the daylight, he has done such a great job in bringing Okzident and Orient closer together, that it is just really bad behaviour to not respect his persona.
I did not know that you lived during civil war in the Lebanese mountains with some desparate Christians, I did not know that you were held captive by the Vietcong, but i guess you must have done a lot of other impressive stuff during your 60 years of middle east and war journalism experience, so that you dare to make fun of PSL.
I hope that you realise that by this post you showed off a huge lack of credibility.
It is not Mr Scholl-Latour’s fault that he is such a noteworthy person that Bashar al Assad respectfully grants any interview wish of him.
June 28th, 2012, 8:11 pm
Amir in Tel Aviv said:
I do not understand your admiration for Bronco. And I see no consistency in any of the mnhebaks’ claims.
First, it was a global KSA USA Zionist Qatari MB salafi conspiracy. A conspiracy began all of this.
Now he claims, it was a genuine revolution at first, which later was taken by the conspiratorial agents. See any consistency?
mnhebak arguments will always hit the brick wall.
June 28th, 2012, 8:15 pm
Son of Damascus said:
“he said things like it’s his understanding, from talking to diplomats, that no one in hula had their throats slashed or that no one was shot in close range. (oh, yes, they were.)”
You know something that is the biggest load of sh*t I have ever read from a BBC reporter, a simple look at the facts and he would have ascertained all that he needed to know that not only were people and children shot in close range, but a lot of them showed evidence of merciless butchering. Also which is much more horrifying is the fact from the pictures you can see many of the older children (between the ages of 10 – 15 years old) showed signs of struggle and bloody knuckles, a clear indication that the children fought back.
I won’t link that specific set here, but they are available. I will however link the pictures of Houla before the massacre, which in many ways hurt to look at knowing that many of the people in those photos are victims of Assad brutality.
June 28th, 2012, 8:24 pm
bronco said:
#47 Tara
“you are willing to show concern for Israel’s peace and security ”
Quite the contrary… I think Israel is a USA fabrication, that refuses to share the land with Palestinians in one state under the pretext that they do not want to be massacred the way the Europeans did to them. In fact in my view, it just hides their despise for Arabs and their pretention to be a superior race. Therefore they prefer to live among themselves on a stolen land with the support of their European guilt-stricken torturers and the USA.
I am more concerned that Israelis should not stop feeling the insecurity, consequences of their aggressive actions and their hard stand.
The countries who are very concerned by Israel’s security are the enemies of Syria as they realize that Syria has become a path for increasingly powerful Iran to create pressures on Israel than no Arab country has been able to do since Israel fabrication.
They wanted that to stop before it was too late.
The ‘Arab spring’ and the violent response by the regime to the the early protest in Syria was a golden opportunity.
They just did not imagine that the regime was so strong and united and that a large proportion of the Syrians supported totally the regime. They were also counting on a pro-USA opposition that would unite the Syrians against their leaders. We know the rest.
Syria, I repeat, is the only country that has steadily refused a peace deal with Israel that could have enriched the country rulers with money pouring from the USA and the EU, as it did for Egypt and Jordan. This is a fact, whatever explanations and reasons anti-Assad will invoke to diminish its value.
Now draw your own conclusions.
June 28th, 2012, 8:37 pm
jna said:
Juergen: Personally, I think you crossed a line with your message…
Justifying the murder of Syrian civilians because their views are in opposition to yours shows a certain fanaticism.
June 28th, 2012, 8:57 pm
Syrialover said:
# SNK 51
Sorry to disillusion you, but archaeologists and historians would tell you Syrians like the rest of humanity have been exposed to most of those listed practices in earlier times, maybe excluding the video element. They even had a taste of “suicide bombs” in Damascus well before the FSA was even thought of.
(Things got particuarly rough in Syria with the Mongol invasions. Tamerlane is said to have built a mountain of 20,000 skulls after the siege of Aleppo around 1400).
But the really shocking NEW development in Syrian history is the torture chambers and citizen massacres from within, not by invaders, but by Syria’s homegrown “rulers” the Assad regime.
So it’s accurate to say there is no precedent for the ASSAD FAMILY’S vicious, barbaric and traitorous behavior in Syria in the previous 6,000 years. I’m sure you’ll find they also pioneered videoing of tortures and excutions in Syria, copying the Nazis.
Those who are not keenly aware of all this must be the victims of the distorted education system and media under the current dictatorship where objective information about Syria and its history have been blotted out.
June 28th, 2012, 9:04 pm
Syrialover said:
Tara, Amir and Anwar, I’ve given my observations on Bronco before.
There are clearly dual parallel personalities there. One version is capable of calm, well-expressed discussion, indicating some knowledge of reality and expressing concern about dictatorships, corruption and greed.
The other, more prominent version of Bronco, follows a set script of cheering on Assad, sneering at regime opponents, raving about sinister western conspiracies and paying homage to Putin.
I’m guessing there is the wild bronco and the domesticated bronco – (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bronco) and the Assad regime’s behavior stirs excitement in the wild one.
June 28th, 2012, 9:29 pm
Syria no Kandahar said:
I agree with you Mongols and FSA are transient black pages in Syria’s history.
June 28th, 2012, 9:38 pm
majedkhaldoun said:
Some here on SC,say they are against Islamists in Syria, but they are for Islamists in Iran,What they mean they are against Sunni,and they are for Shiite,they are Afraid to say the truth, or they are Lying,more likely both.
Do they consider Shiite are not Moslems,they are Islamists ,and they rule Persia,and if they are against Islamists in Syria,then they should say they are against Islamists in Iran,but no, THey lie.
That is why USA does not believe Iranian when it come to Nuclear program,Iranians are raised and taught to lie.
June 28th, 2012, 9:46 pm
zoo said:
Show me the money… and I’ll allow the bikinis
Brotherhood shelves Egypt’s Islamization, for now
By HAMZA HENDAWI | Associated Press – 6 hrs ago
CAIRO (AP) — The Muslim Brotherhood has stopped talking about its longtime dream of an Islamic Egypt and expelling Israel’s ambassador to Cairo. Instead, President-elect Mohammed Morsi is hurriedly building a diverse alliance with leftists, liberals and Christians to bolster his battle to end military rule.
Those familiar with the group’s inner workings say, however, that this may only be a short-term strategy that will give way later to a push for the stricter imposition of Islamic law. That could partly explain why the secular generals who took over from ousted President Hosni Mubarak 16 months ago will not relinquish their hold on most levers of power.
June 28th, 2012, 10:00 pm
zoo said:
Syria’s Threatened Christians
Muzaffar Salman/Associated Press
Published: June 28, 2012
TEL AVIV, ISRAEL — Earlier this month, reports came from the Syrian city of Qusayr of an ominous warning to the town’s Christians: Either join the Sunni-led opposition against Bashar al-Assad or leave. Soon after, thousands of Christians fled the town.
After decades of protection by a secular-leaning dictatorship, the Qusayr ultimatum warned of a dark future for Syria’s Christian community. As the 15-month conflict rages with no end in sight, Syria’s many minorities have come face to face with the emerging threat posed by radical Sunni Islamists. These elements have established themselves as a key factor in Syria’s future, backed by immense political and economic support from the Arab world and indifference from the West.
June 28th, 2012, 10:10 pm
majedkhaldoun said:
Kamal Ghanjawi was killed by pro assad people to please Israel,the regime will not do investigatios, Just like Mughniyeh was killed in Syria, the Syrian regime is cooperating with Israel as Bronco suggested
June 28th, 2012, 10:11 pm
Syrialover said:
Time for a laugh at a clown – if it wasn’t such a tragedy for Syrians that Assad and co are still hanging on.
Delusionary Gaddafi-like lies are flying out of Bashar’s mouth. Very like the Libyan “ruler’s” bizarre bravado public statements as he got into a tighter and tighter corner.
Latest quotes:
“The responsibility of the Syrian government is to protect all of our residents….When you eliminate a terrorist, it’s possible that you are saving the lives of tens, hundreds, or even thousands.”
“No one knows how to solve Syria’s problems as well as we do.”
(Assad also criticized Syria’s neighbor Turkey) “What we see now shows the stance of some Turkish officials but not all,” he said. “The policies of the Turkish officials lead to the killing and bloodshed of the Syrian people.”
(Assad is scornful of reports that Iranian forces and fighters from Lebanon’s militant Hezbollah resistance movement were helping to direct Syrian army operations) “This is a joke that we hear many times in order to show that a rift has been created within the army and that therefore there is not an army.” (Huh?)
“We are on the same front (as Iran) and the name of this front is being independent and making national decisions.”
Report of Bashar Assad’s latest interview:
(brilliant script prepared with assistance of Jaafari family)
June 28th, 2012, 10:16 pm
zoo said:
China calls for political dialog with “no attached preconditions or predetermined outcome”.
China reaffirms support for political solution in Syria ahead of Geneva meeting
GOV.cn Thursday, June 28, 2012
China on Thursday reaffirmed its support for a political solution to the Syrian conflict ahead of an international conference on Syria to be held on Saturday in Geneva.
“China has always stood for a political solution,” Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei said during a regular press briefing.
He said the international community should aid the mediation efforts of Special Envoy Kofi Annan, encourage all parties in Syria to halt the violence and to implement the resolutions of the UN Security Council and Annan’s proposals, as well as launch a political dialogue with no attached preconditions or predetermined outcome.
The spokesman also reiterated that China will work with the international community to promote a peaceful and appropriate solution for the Syrian conflict.
Annan said Wednesday that he has invited the foreign ministers of the five permanent members of the UN Security Council — China, France, Russia, Britain and the United States — and Turkey to participate in Saturday’s international conference.
June 28th, 2012, 10:25 pm
Amir in Tel Aviv said:
Fabrication or Not, Israel is now a well established 64 y/o fact.
As far as I can remember, both Assads were more than willing to have peace with Israel.
But then there was this tiny issue of the Golan.
Unlike the wasteland of the Sinai, which has no value, but strategic and military, the Golan has many values.
Personally, I would trade to Golan for a genuine peace with the Syrian people (not with the Syrian junta). But Israel’s governments thought differently.
In retrospective, I believe it was wise not to do business with the junta, and to wait for the people to take Syria were it belongs (with it’s people).
My bottom line: contrary to what you said (“Syria, I repeat, is the only country that has steadily refused a peace deal with Israel”), it was Israel that has refused to deal with the junta.
June 28th, 2012, 10:28 pm
Syrialover said:
# 61. Syria no Kandahar said: “I agree with you Mongols and FSA are transient black pages in Syria’s history.”
What? Of course I did NOT say that about the FSA! Why lie about that.
I believe the opposite. The FSA’s efforts are a significant building block for Syria’s better future and will long be remembered, admired and honoured for this.
There’s nothing transient about what the FSA is out to achieve. And their success is going to bring a fresh start and hope for all Syrians.
(I think we will discover that the final numbers of Syrian people killed by the Assad regime will overshadow the Mongol Tamerlane’s efforts).
June 28th, 2012, 10:31 pm
bronco said:
#65 Majedalkhaldoon
Please could you stop putting words in my mouth.
I never said that Bashar al Assad is cooperating with Israel, you did.
Bashar al Assad has been and still is the Arab main enemy of Israel in the region while people like Ghaliun and Basma Qadmani, representing the opposition and therefore yourself, have openly and repeatedly open their arms to Israel. The opposition is the one cooperating with Israel to overthrow Bashar al Assad at any cost..
Distorting my words works against you.
June 28th, 2012, 10:35 pm
Syrialover said:
When will the UN stop stating that 10,000 have died in Syria?
Isn’t there a more current and plausible official figure out there?
It has to be at least double that now – maybe even treble. The 30,000+ deaths in Libya, most at the hands of Gaddafi’s forces, were not really comprehended until the main crisis was over.
And before we get the usual excited squeals, it’s now been stated by Human Rights Watch that NATO was responsible for 72 civilian deaths in Libya, while Amnesty International puts the figure at 55.
June 28th, 2012, 10:47 pm
Syrialover said:
Majedalkhaldoon, be careful not to stir the wild Bronco. It is always there next to the domesticated one, ready to kick and shake its head wildly.
June 28th, 2012, 10:51 pm
Observer said:
Fredo gave a 1 hour long interview with the Iranian press. He said that never friend nor foe can impose a non Syrian solution. He essentially is saying that he will resist Russian pressure.
He has Iran as the last ally at this time.
Go back to my previous post where I predicted that Putin will dump Fredo when he either gets something in return or the price to pay is too high.
Germs are on their way to Damascus. Unfortunately he has kidnapped and hijacked the Alawi community by tying their fate to his. Any honorable person and there are many in this community as in all of Syria should just abandon the sinking ship now.
Where is ANN quoting xinhua news? I guess the Chinese news are no longer flattering any longer
June 28th, 2012, 11:00 pm
zoo said:
“I guess the Chinese news are no longer flattering any longer”
Tough meeting on Saturday…
June 28th, 2012, 11:08 pm
ann said:
Gunmen kill university professor, family members in Syria’s Homs – 2012-06-28
DAMASCUS, June 28 (Xinhua) — Armed groups assassinated a university professor and five of her family members on the outskirts of the central city of Homs Thursday, state-run SANA news agency reported.
Ahlam Imad, professor at the Faculty of Engineering and Petrochemical, was killed when armed groups stormed her house and shot her down along with her family members, including three children.
The government forces clashed with the armed men after the murder, killing 10 of them, SANA said.
Two of the killed militants are not Syrians, it said.
The situation in Homs, a stronghold of armed insurgency, has dramatically deteriorated. In some cases crimes in the province bore the hallmarks of sectarian rivalries.
Earlier Thursday, an official of the Syrian Red Crescent hinted that his group and representatives of the International Red Cross have been blocked by armed opposition from entering restive areas of Homs to evacuate and render help to people.
June 28th, 2012, 11:34 pm
ann said:
Pillay July 2 Briefing Not Only Syria & Libya, Also Palestine & Sudans
By Matthew Russell Lee, Exclusive
UNITED NATIONS, June 28 — After France requested a Security Council briefing by High Commissioner Navi Pillay about Syria, others said Libya should be included as well.
On June 27 French Ambassador Gerard Araud told Inner City Press that Pillay’s briefing would, as before, be on the Middle East (that is, Syria), but she might answer questions about Libya.
“Let’s see if Pillay is prepared on all these topics,” joked one Council members. One wag said she might have to “pull an all nighter,” perhaps with the help of the excellent coffee Osorio’s known to serve in the Council. Then again, some of Pillay’s briefings to the Human Rights Council in Geneva are largely based on reading the newspapers.
June 28th, 2012, 11:52 pm
majedkhaldoun said:
You said
“Now if the West wants to move Bashar Al Assad out by force, it is clear that it would trigger the collapse of the army and the security. Violent, divided, competing, revengeful and disorganized groups will takeover the country. A void that will immediately be filled by Islamists extremists just on the border to Israel.”
When you say just on the border of Israel , it is clear that you are worried about Israel,it is clear that you remind the west that if Bashar is removed, Israel will be in trouble.
You either don’t know what you are saying, or you meant what you said but get in trouble and now you are trying to obfiscate the issue.
Your worry about Israel, mean you like Israel, your worry about Israel, and defending the regime you are saying what Makhloof said, that the security of Israel, comes from security of Bashar Assad,Your worry about Israel,means that you want to protect Israel.
I can assure you that Israel does not need your protection, and never need your worry.
Iran who talks against Israel,is the best friend of Israel,US went through two wars east and west of Iran,to support Iran,and handed Iraq to pro Iran maliki,US is the one who made Iran what it is now,and US can and will control those Faqihs pretending to be Moslem, and they are bunch of liers.
Iran needs a revolution to get rid of those who call themselves moslems, they are the Islamists in Iran that we need to rid the world from.
June 28th, 2012, 11:52 pm
Juergen said:
Let us not forget what the crusaders did in Syria, it was recorded that in one case one village in northern Syria was raided and they found the inhabitants cooked and eaten by the hungry crusaders. You can read the account of arab historians in the great book by Amin Maalouf, “The crusades through Arab eyes”.
I was pointing out that the media in the Assad universe is not sanctious and actions against them are happening because people dont see a difference in them and the regime.
One of the first things an military intervention will do is to destroy the tv and radio broadcast. By the way Hafez al Assad took control of the media right after his takeover of power, the media control is crucial to any dictatorship. By dehuminizing the opposition by the Assad media helps to set the grounds for mass killings and massacres done by the henchmen of this regime, I am sorry I still believe that. If that is fanatism to you, I can live with it.
Kara #54
PSL, well my old history teacher was a big fan of him, and I think it my generation never was as educated as him. See, someone who has seen all, has met with all will also know all. Did he predict the Arab spring? No he didnt. He is since many years obsessed with the idea that radical islamists will take over the world, well in my eyes that suits him well in selling his books. To be frank his style of writing reminds me a lot of writings done back in the Nazi era, there were many books printed in admiration for Ibn Saud and his glorious fight against the British, in the 40s in Germany. His style of portraying the weak western world can also be seen as a neo Spengler style of criticism. The problem rests that folks like my respected history teacher know the arab world just through his works, they know the Quran only through his comments and excerpts, to them Islam and the Arabs are all about fighting, blood and honor.
June 29th, 2012, 12:01 am
Syrialover said:
A plausible account of what’s behind the assassination of Hamas operative Kamal Ranaja in Damascus (and no, it’s not Israel).
I’m no fan of Israel, but his death didn’t sound Mossad-like, more the style of the Syrian regime. And I wondered at the time why Mossad would mount a complicated risky exercise inside Syria at the moment for a non-Assadist target.
June 29th, 2012, 12:04 am
ann said:
Israel Fears Rise of US-Supported Jihadists in Syria – June 28, 2012
Russia shares Israel’s concerns as the US continues to recklessly arm Syria’s rebel militias
Indeed, current US policy, as Joshua Landis, an expert on Syria from the University of Oklahoma wrote in Foreign Policy this month, “is pursuing regime change by civil war in Syria.”
“Russia is opposed to regime change in Syria not only on principle, but because the likely new regime would be headed by an Islamist government inimical to Russian interests,” reports investigative journalist Joe Lauria.
“Russia feels that the West doesn’t know how to handle regime change and that the outcome is almost invariably the kind of the chaos from which Islamic extremist movements arise,” Mark Galeotti, who chairs the Center for Global Affairs at New York University, told Lauria.
The US policy of arming and supporting the Syrian rebel militias could be potentially catastrophic. As UN envoy to Syria said just this week: “Syria is not Libya, it will not implode, it will explode beyond its borders.”
June 29th, 2012, 12:16 am
ann said:
Here’s how to ‘fix’ Syria, Uncle Sam – 6/29/2012
Here’s how it goes when you need to meddle in somebody else’s fight: In this case, I mean 10 percent Christian Syria, which is being being lured into our imperial night-vision cross hairs.
1. Subcontract a 1960s vintage jet to Mr. Fix-it. Have him fix up a museum-quality jet fighter.
2. Donate aforementioned F-4 Phantom to Turkey with a spiffy new NATO paint job.
3. Aim the weapon over Syria’s airspace (possibly by remote control), where it will be downed by a 1970s vintage Russian-made and maintained surface-to-air missile.
4. Then snivel loudly in the biased, bought-and-paid-for mainstream media about how Bashar Assad (the Hitler of the Month) started the imbroglio.
5. After that, it’s off to the races. It’s the new, improved foreign policy.
6. Invite France, the U.K., Germany, Iceland, and debtor nations to garrison some real estate crusader fort near Homs.
7. Email press releases to the usual suspects and talking heads.
June 29th, 2012, 12:32 am
ann said:
Assad: External Solution to the Crisis is Unacceptable
Syrian President Bashar Assad said on Thursday that an external solution to the crisis in his country “is unacceptable.”
Speaking during an interview on Iranian state television, Assad said, “A proposal which is not Syrian will not be accepted because apart from us, no one knows to solve the problem.” Addressing the escalating crisis in the relations with Turkey, Assad said, “There is a big difference between the positions of officials in Ankara compared to the positive attitude of the Turkish people towards Syria.”
June 29th, 2012, 12:35 am
Juergen said:
The Syrian civilians who became rebel fighters
“Omar has not been lucky. A large man with a shaggy beard and tight curly black hair, he emigrated to Libya to set up a kebab restaurant. It did well so he set up another one.
Then last year the Libyan revolution erupted and one restaurant was destroyed by Nato bombing, the other by Colonel Gaddafi’s forces.
So he packed up his bags and brought his family back to his native Syria. The country was already in the throes of protests calling for change.
But as the government began to physically suppress its opponents so those calls became increasingly vociferous, by stages morphing into armed insurrection.
Like many men in his neighbourhood, he had not held a weapon since his two years national service.
But as the violence began to spiral, mechanics, shopkeepers and chefs like Omar took up arms, forming the rebel Free Syrian Army. He became a marked man and as government forces advanced he was forced to run away again, abandoning yet another business.”
June 29th, 2012, 12:49 am
ann said:
Nobel Peace Laureate Mairead Maguire says ‘NO to war in Syria’ and calls for all inclusive dialogue to solve the conflict – 29 June 2012
Who are the voices of peace in regard to the crisis in Syria? Many of them we cannot hear from where we are standing. They are the mothers and fathers and children who want to leave their homes to walk to market or to school without fear. They are the people, who have been working hard for Syria, for the idea of Syria as a secular and modern country.
The face of the Mufti of Syria is hardly known in the western world, but if we have learned anything from past conflict, it is the importance of all inclusive dialogue. He and many other Syrians who have peace in their hearts should be invited to sit with a council of elders from other countries, to tell of their stories and proposals for ways forward for the Syrian people. The United Nations was not set up to provide an arena for the voices and games of the powerful; rather it should be a forum for such Syrian voices to be heard. We need to put ourselves in the shoes of the Syrian people and find peaceful ways forward in order to stop this mad rush towards a war the mothers and fathers and children of Syria do not want and do not deserve.
We are sure there are many heroes in Syria among them, christian patriarchs, bishops, priests, and religious. A modern hero of peace, one whose name we do know and whose voice we have heard is Mother Agnes Mariam*. In her community her voice has been clear, pure and loud. And it should be so in the West. Like many people in Syria she has been placed in life threatening situations, but for the sake of peace she has chosen to risk her own existence for the safety and security of others. She has spoken out against the lack of truth in our media regarding Syria and about the terror and chaos which a ‘third force’ seems to be spreading across the country. Her words confront and challenge us because they do not mirror the picture of events in Syria we have built up in our minds over many months of reading our newspapers and watching the news on our televisions. Much of the terror has been imported, we learn from her. She can tell us about the thousands of christian refugees, forced to flee their homes by an imported Islamist extreme. But Mother Agnes Mariam’s concerns, irrespective of religion, are for all the victims of the terror and conflict, as ours must be.
In all our hearts we know War is not the answer for Syria (Nor for Iran). Intervention in Syria would only make things worse. I believe all sides are committing war crimes and the provision of arms will only results in further death. The US/UK/NATO and all foreign governments should stay out of Syria and keep their funding and troops out of Syria.
June 29th, 2012, 12:55 am
ann said:
Igniting the Syrian powder keg – 29 June 2012
Undoubtedly, Washington is playing a double game here. On the one hand, it is attempting to exert as much pressure as possible on Moscow to knuckle under to imperialist intervention in Syria. On the other, it is laying the groundwork for another propaganda campaign, this one aimed at casting Russia as the impediment to “peace,” even as the US and its allies dramatically escalate their not-so-covert war.
In the name of “democracy,” “human rights,” and “humanitarianism,” US imperialism and its allies have plunged Syria into a sectarian civil war. While feigning support for Annan’s ceasefire plan, Washington has armed the so-called “rebels,” who are increasingly dominated by Sunni Islamist elements, including those connected to Al Qaeda. The US claims to be providing these forces only with “non-lethal” aid—communications gear and intelligence used to coordinate attacks—but it has sent a contingent of CIA operatives to the Turkish-Syrian border to coordinate the distribution of weaponry paid for by Washington’s regional client states, the monarchical dictatorships of Saudi Arabia and Qatar.
The criminal and reckless character of US policy is becoming more apparent with each passing day. The regional, ethnic and religious tensions that have been stoked up by the imperialist intervention in Syria are not only creating conditions for a bloodbath in that country, but threaten to drag the entire region into war.
These are the real stakes in Syria. The working class must oppose the US-led intervention on the principled basis that settling accounts with the Assad regime is the task of the working class, not the predatory imperialist powers that are seeking to foment a sectarian war in order to further the colonial-style subjugation of the entire region.
June 29th, 2012, 1:08 am
ann said:
Assad Sees ‘Indirect’ Western Hand in Syria Uprising – Jun 29, 2012
TEHRAN, Iran (AFP)–Syrian President Bashar al-Assad said in an interview on Iranian state television on Thursday that he believed Western and some regional countries were playing a role in supporting the uprising against his regime.
He acknowledged that “material proof does not exist” because “most of the time their support is hidden and indirect,” but “their relations (with the armed opposition) are clear.”
The interview was recorded a week ago in Mr. Assad’s palace in Damascus, Iranian media said.
That was before several key events in the Syrian conflict, including Syria’s downing of a Turkish fighter jet a week ago, a deadly attack on a pro-regime TV station in Damascus and the calling of international talks in Geneva from Friday to seek a path to peace in Syria.
No explanation was given for the lengthy delay of the broadcast.
Mr. Assad, speaking calmly, insisted that a “resolution to the Syrian crisis is in the hands of the Syrians.”
He also insisted that “al Qaeda and extremist religious groups are involved in terrorist actions” and that the latter comprised most of the armed opposition groups in Syria.
“Our responsibility is defending civilians. When a terrorist is killed, tens of civilians are saved,” he said.
Several reputable U.S. media outlets have reported that CIA officers were present in Turkey on the border with Syria tasked with trying to control the flow of weapons and cash to Syria’s opposition apparently supplied by Gulf Arabs.
June 29th, 2012, 1:29 am
Juergen said:
There is a rare video report of how the FSA is fighting in Idleb in the BBC link I posted.
Here is an translated into Arabic report of channel 4 ( from last month I think)
June 29th, 2012, 1:31 am
ann said:
Oil soars to USD 92 a barrel amid rising Syria tension
June 29th, 2012, 1:32 am
Juergen said:
Interview with Basel Shahade, thats how inventious this rebellion was from the beginning!
Robert Fisk: Western agreement ‘could leave Syria in Assad’s hands for two more years’
Special Report: Need for oil routes buys time, claims key Damascus figure
President Bashar al-Assad of Syria may last longer than his opponents believe – and with the tacit acceptance of Western leaders anxious to secure new oil routes to Europe via Syria before the fall of the regime. According to a source closely involved in the possible transition from Ba’ath party power, the Americans, Russians and Europeans are also putting together a deal that would permit Assad to remain leader for at least another two years in return for political concessions to Iran and Saudi Arabia in both Lebanon and Iraq.
For its part, Russia would be assured of its continued military base at Tartous in Syria and a relationship with whatever government in Damascus eventually emerges with the support of Iran and Saudi Arabia. Russia’s recent concession – that Assad may not be essential in a future Syrian power structure – is part of an understanding in the West which may accept Assad’s presidency in return for an agreement that stops a further slide into civil war.
June 29th, 2012, 1:41 am
ann said:
Turkish lira down on Syria tensions, rate outlook – Jun 28, 2012
Turkey’s currency fell to a two-week low against the dollar and bond and stock prices dropped on Thursday on worries about escalating tensions with Syria as troops moved up to the border.
June 29th, 2012, 1:50 am
Alan said:
Jad ! where are you ? your comments are missing !
June 29th, 2012, 2:04 am
ann said:
Russia opposes alien solution to Syrian crisis
June 29th, 2012, 2:07 am
Roland said:
Since the USA will simply renege on any deal at first opportunity, there’s no point in either Bashar or Putin making a deal with the USA.
Putin just has to think about how the USA added the Baltic states to NATO, or about how the USA unilaterally abrogated the ABM treaty, to know that there’s no point in compromising with the Western Bloc on the Syrian problem. The Western regimes cannot be trusted to abide by any commitments.
Bashar just has to look at how Qaddafi was sodomized on streaming webcast while Western advisors looked on, or at how Saddam hanged by a kangaroo court, to know that no Western promises of amnesty would be worth the breath or ink used to give them. So Bashar might as well fight in the hills, and in the streets, etc. and never surrender.
June 29th, 2012, 2:24 am
Alan said:
Syria: Plans of 1957 As Implemented In 2011/12
June 29th, 2012, 2:39 am
Mina said:
In the Gulf, you cannot criticize the governement, the royal families, the state, religion, but barking at foreigners or foreign states is an option, even if you are the chief of police. That’s what Twitter has been created for!
Egypt was responding to Dubai police chief Dahi Khalfan who made comments about Egypt on Twitter after Muslim Brotherhood candidate Mohamed Morsi won the presidential election.
June 29th, 2012, 2:55 am
karabennemsi said:
78. Jürgen
First i have to say the book your recommending to SNK is as a matter of fact really good.
Now to your answer to me.
Well he may not have predicted the so called Arab spring, yet it was not exactly a foreseeable move from the Arabs to call for democracy in times of a food crisis. Who predicted that anyway? So that is a really thin line of argumentation your walking on here. One thing he did predict however was 9/11.
I can not see how he is “obsessed with the idea that radical islamists will take over the world”, I’d be really grateful if you could go a little bit further in detail here.
Also i don’t think his rather unemotional and fact-oriented style of writing can be classified as lingua tertii imperii, i would rather say it’s a typical historian and analyst way of writing. However, you might feel different here.
I am pretty sure that you are not too familiar with Spengler at all, and your refernce to the ‘Untergang des Abendlandes’ is totally out of place; since the major point of the whole book was more the thought of classifying and demystifying civilasations in general by comparsion throughout place and time. The predicted downfall however was only the specification of the back-then-current status of central europe in the circle of life of civilasations.
Peter Scholl Latour now is not a philospher, and definetely not an history theoretician, he is a journalist. So when he reports the shrinking western influence on kazakhstan, or the heavy fighting in eastern timor, he puts these developments only in comparsion to the events in the same places during the last 100 years or so. This is a huge difference, as you will hopefully acknowledge.
Also it is a pitty that your history teacher apparently only read some of his works, and that he assumes that Islam therefore is mainly about warefare. But that can not be the fault of a war reporter.
I’m sorry, but your opinion about Scholl-Latour seems to be mainly an emotional one. What a shame you feel the need to express such hatred of this brave man without him being mentioned before at all.
And what a boldness to protray him as a journalist ignorant of the middle east and its facades and nuances and political lies.
June 29th, 2012, 3:05 am
ann said:
Turkish policies led to bloodshed in Syria: Assad – June 29 2012
Syrian President Bashar al Assad accused Syria’s foes of trying to interfere in his country’s internal affairs with U.N. resolutions and by bringing about the failure of Kofi Annan’s peace plan, in a rare interview broadcast yesterday.
But he said he did not believe the crisis would result in military action in Syria.
What happened in Libya was “not a solution to be copied because it took Libya from one situation into a much worse one. We all now see how the Libyan people are paying the price,” he said.
“The policies of the Turkish officials lead to the killing and bloodshed of the Syrian people,” said Assad.
However, Assad was scornful on Thursday of reports that Iranian forces and fighters from Lebanon’s militant Hezbollah resistance movement had been helping direct Syrian army operations.
“This is a joke that we hear many times in order to show that a rift has been created within the army and that therefore there is not an army,” he said.
Thanking Iran for being such a loyal friend, he said Damascus would repay such loyalty. He said: “We are on the same front and the name of this front is being independent and making national decisions.”
“The responsibility of the Syrian government is to protect all of our residents. You have a responsibility to annihilate terrorists in any corner of the country,” Assad told Iranian state television.
“When you eliminate a terrorist, it’s possible that you are saving the lives of tens, hundreds, or even thousands,” he said, referring to last month’s massacre in the village of Houla in which more than 100 people, including women and children, were killed.
“We will not accept any non-Syrian, non-national model, whether it comes from big countries or friendly countries. No one knows how to solve Syria’s problems as well as we do,” he said.
“We are moving forward with political reforms. But for terrorists and the governments that support them, reforms have no meaning.”
June 29th, 2012, 3:51 am
Mina said:
It looks like Meshaal woould prefer a nice house in Amman rather than an expensive appartment in Doha.
June 29th, 2012, 4:08 am
Alan said:
Russia made ??a strategic missile test run of the territorial waters of Syria!
June 29th, 2012, 4:10 am
ann said:
Saudis forces mass on Jordanian, Iraqi borders. Turkey, Syria reinforce strength – June 29, 2012
debkafile’s military sources report heavy Saudi troop movements toward the Jordanian and Iraqi borders Thursday overnight and up until Friday morning, June 29, after King Abdullah put the Saudi military on high alert for joining an anti-Assad offensive in Syria. The Saudi units are poised with tanks, missiles, special forces and anti-air batteries to enter Jordan in two heads:
One will safeguard Jordan’s King Abdullah against potential Syrian or Iranian reprisals from Syria or Iraq.
The second will cut north through Jordan to enter southeastern Syriam, where a security zone will be established around the towns of Deraa, Deir al-Zour and Abu Kemal – all centers of the anti-Assad rebellion. The region is also the home terrain of the Shammar tribe, brethren of the Shammars of the Saudi Nejd province.
The Saudi units deployed on the Iraqi border are there to defend the kingdom against potential incursions by Iraqi Shiite militias crossing into the kingdom for reprisals. The Iraqi militias are well trained and armed and serve under officers of the Iranian Al-Qods Brigades, the Revolutionary Guards’ external arm.
Western Gulf sources report that Jordan too is on war alert.
Following the downing of a Turkish plane by Syria a week ago, Turkey continues to build up its Syrian border units with anti-aircraft guns, tanks and missiles towed by long convoys of trucks.
A Free Syria Army officer, Gen. Mustafa al-Sheikh, reported Friday that 170 Syrian army tanks of the 17th Mechanized Division were massed near the village of Musalmieh northeast of Aleppo, 30 km from the Turkish border. He said they stood ready to attack any Turkish forces crossing into Syria.
June 29th, 2012, 4:26 am
Alan said:
Britain and the US have begun efforts to openly derail the UN and Arab League envoy Kofi Annan’s six-point plan for ending the violence in Syria by pressuring him to change plans and seek ouster of Syrian president Bashar al-Assad.
Unflipping believable, and qualifies as hubris on the cusp of madness!
I strongly doubt that either Russia or China will sign off on such a plan, because they understand that the unrest in Syria has been orchestrated in large part, by outside influences.
And what about the Syrian people, thank you very much?!?!?
What about their needs and concerns if Bashir Al-Assad is deposed, particularly the Syrian Christian community, one of the oldest practicing Christian communities on the planet?!?
This is colonialism writ large.
June 29th, 2012, 4:43 am
omen said:
13. ANTOINE said: Also point to be noted is that despite the total absence of Law enforcement agencies across a huge swathe of territory in Syria including a number of towns and cities, Syria has not witnessed the sort of rampant and widespread looting , lawlessness and plunder which visited Iraq after 9 April 2003 or Egypt on 11 February 2011. This despite the fact that Syrians are living under considerable material poverty.
On the contrary, FSA and local Revolutionary Councils have arrested and prosecuted citizens involved in looting Government property.
The FSA is in control and well-disciplined and has got a workable plan to maintain basic Civic life.
a few independent journalists have marveled at how organized and cohesive this group’s efforts have been. one even said the lcc was more organized than the revolutionary activists in egypt. the lcc isn’t given enough credit in mainstream media. probably because it runs counter to the preferred narrative that predicts syria would collapse into a failed state status if this malignant criminal regime were ever to be pulled out by its roots.
we have “ethnic or sectarian cleansing.” a phrase needs to be invented to describe removing the corrupt from power.
June 29th, 2012, 5:29 am
omen said:
revelatory acronyms:
friends of egypt turns out to be a foe.
friends of syria turns out to be full of shhhhh.
June 29th, 2012, 5:32 am
Alan said:
US-Russia push Syria solution, Assad vows to ‘annihilate terrorists’
The US secretary of state and her Russian counterpart will push to find common ground on the Syrian conflict at a summit in St Petersburg. The meeting comes as bomb blasts struck Damascus and Syrian President Assad pledged to “annihilate terrorists.”
The two powers are expected to discuss Kofi Annan’s unity government plan ahead of a crucial meeting on Syria in Geneva on Saturday, which will bring together UN Security Council members, European and some Middle East countries.
Annan’s plan does not call for Assad’s ouster, but pushes for the creation of a transitional government that would exclude figures that jeopardize stability.
Washington is a strong advocate of a political transition plan in Syria that stipulates the removal of President Assad. However, Russia categorically opposes the idea that other countries should dictate the future of Syria, believing that the decision is up to Syrians themselves.
“We will not support and cannot support any meddling from outside or any imposition of recipes. This also concerns the fate of the president of the country, Bashar al-Assad,” Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on the eve of the meeting…/../..
June 29th, 2012, 5:39 am
omen said:
re ghalioun’s visit to syria
did he bring anything with him besides photographers? you know, like money, food, weapons and medical supplies?
khaldoun earlier noted money the snc has been collecting from expats and gulf states have only trickled down to the fsa. what is being done with the money?
June 29th, 2012, 5:44 am
omen said:
i’m starting to have second thoughts about that cia story. are they really there to help the rebels? when previously, obama had been going around pressuring other countries not to arm the rebels. why would he go from unhelpful to helpful overnight?
why would they even disclose such news?
if you were an arms smuggler and suddenly heard the cia were now trawling the scene, wouldn’t that make you want to be less visible and pull back from doing any trafficking? look at what the cia did to that russian arms trafficker.
and why has american ally jordan closed it’s borders? that is one more avenue cut off making it harder to smuggle needed goods.
June 29th, 2012, 5:56 am
Alan said:
106. OMEN, 107. OMEN
Thump up !
June 29th, 2012, 6:16 am
Tara said:
It is clear that Russia is enjoying the attention. It is Russia’s way to validate itself as a major player. I think this is stemming from an inferiority complex Russia feels towards the real world powers. I think the US, France, UK, and Turkey should cancel the meeting and just work on arming the FSA with quality weapons. It is an illusion to think a political solution is possible. A war against Assad and his shabeehas appear to be the only way out.
Diplomats scramble to save Syria peace conference
Diplomats scrambled Friday to save a peace plan for Syria in the face of 11th-hour objections from Russia that threaten a key international conference on ending the nearly 16-month long conflict.
Western governments have told UN-Arab League peace envoy Kofi Annan that there is no point in going ahead with Saturday’s planned meeting in Geneva unless prior agreement can be reached on his proposals for a political transition in Syria, diplomats said.
Amid the flurry of diplomatic activity, French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius was to hold Paris talks with Abdel Basset Sayda, head of the exiled opposition Syrian National Council, which has expressed its own reservations about any transition plan that does not require Assad to quit.
missile batteries “The opposition has not yet received the details of the Annan proposal and cannot reply to it,” SNC spokesman George Sabra told AFP on Thursday.
“But its firm position remains that the opposition would not participate in any political project unless Bashar al-Assad is removed from power.”
Thursday’s heaviest death toll was in the northern Damascus suburb of Douma where a bombardment by the army killed 36 people, among them six women and six children, the Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said.
Footage postage by activists on YouTube showed the bloodied body of a young boy with a man standing over it screaming: “Was this child taking up arms against the Assad regime?”
June 29th, 2012, 7:14 am
Amir in Tel Aviv said:
Are the captured officers Sunni or Alawi? Can you tell by their names or their accent?
June 29th, 2012, 8:04 am
bronco said:
#77 Majedalkhadoon
I don’t see any point in responding in details to your interpretations of what I write. Obviously your reading is as infantile as your predictions, your declared love and your repeated call for more killings in Syria, as well as your visceral hatred for Iran that you have been hammering on us for months.
The people who love Israel are your friends, the SNC and the others. They are the ones who are plotting with the CIA and Israeli Mossad to wreck Syria. [Edited by Moderator]
June 29th, 2012, 8:26 am
zoo said:
The FSA seems worried that they will not be able to move freely their weapons and fighters on the Turkish border now that the Turkish and the Syrian Army are moving. Maybe Erdogan is using that pretext to control better the FSA?
Syrian army amassing near Turkish border, FSA general claims
ANTAKYA – Reuters
A general in the rebel Free Syria Army said today that Syrian government forces had amassed around 170 tanks north of the city Aleppo, near the Turkish border, but there was no independent confirmation of the report.
General Mustafa al-Sheikh, head of the Higher Military Council, an association of senior officers who defected from President Bashar al-Assad’s forces, said the tanks had assembled at the Infantry School near the village of Musalmieh northeast of the city of Aleppo, 30 kilometers from the Turkish border.
June 29th, 2012, 8:35 am
zoo said:
Baby Erdogan to Baba Nato: No No-fly zone ?
No-fly zone reports denied by Ankara
REUTERS/Jean-Paul Pelissier
Turkish Foreign Ministry sources have denied reports that Turkey sought NATO support to create a no-fly zone near Syria.
A British daily reported yesterday that Ankara “has requested that the alliance draw up contingency plans for a no-fly zone to protect Turkish territory in the event of further acts of Syrian aggression,” citing an unnamed U.S. diplomat.
June 29th, 2012, 8:39 am
zoo said:
The opposition meeting on 2nd July in Cairo for that elusive ‘common’ vision
Syrian National Council won’t join interim government until Assad quits
The opposition Syrian National Council said on Thursday that it will not join any interim government until President Bashar al-Assad quits. Peace envoy Kofi Annan is pushing the idea, but the main opposition group “has not yet received the details of the Annan proposal and cannot reply to it,” SNC spokesman George Sabra told AFP. The opposition will not participate in any political project “unless Bashar al-Assad is removed from power,” he stressed. The opposition will meet in Cairo on July 2 to “develop a common vision for the interim period and the future of Syria,” Sabra said.
June 29th, 2012, 8:43 am
majedkhaldoun said:
As I said in comment #30 that Syrian troops are withdrawing from Turkish borders,5-10 Km, Turkish troops are massing huge power at the Syrian Turkish borders, a safe area is created ,de facto, in northern Syria, another helicopter was downed today,.war seems more likely.
The meeting between Clinton and Lavrove ,today, will determine the success of Geneve meeting or not.I still do not understand the reason for Kuwait presence in this meeting.
June 29th, 2012, 8:53 am
Tara said:
Who is the third Arab country attending Geneva conference besides Kwait and Qatar?
From their IDs, it appears that one was born in Jableh and the other in Salamieh. Probably not Sunnis. I actually fault Sunnis corroborators even
more and hope they receive same treatment or worse. I must say though those people do not look sinister. I almost felt bad watching them. I am against having them or anyone tortured. Arrest them to neutralize them but no maltreatment.
June 29th, 2012, 8:55 am
irritated said:
It looks like Miss Piggy had a new hair style ( more Miss Piggy than ever) and a wider smile in St Petersburg but it was not enough to convince Lavrov that the ‘solution’ to Syria crisis was simply to remove Bashar Al Assad.
Will humiliated Annan resign? Will frustated General Mood go home? Will Turkey decide to invade Syria with the help of Saudi and Qatari soldiers? Will Erdogan need another urgent colonoscopy?
Will Edlib declare its independence to become the first islamic emirate in Syria?
Or will everything continues as it is now?
June 29th, 2012, 9:05 am
Son of Damascus said:
Amir, & Tara,
The first guy is not from Salamieh but from Swieda, reading his father’s name on his ID card would make me believe he is Druze, but that can be debated. (His mothers names is Salamieh, he was born in Mutaan, Sweida)
Second guy was involved in the Sadnaya prison massacre, by his name you would think he is Sunni (Mounir Ahmad) but that as well is up for debate.
June 29th, 2012, 9:16 am
Tara said:
Thanks. I watched the link while driving. Read the word Salamieh and thought it was his birth place. If the other guy was involved in Sednaya massacre then an eye for an eye..
June 29th, 2012, 9:20 am
irritated said:
If the Syrian army succeeds in defeating the ‘national’ rebels armed trained and guided by the USA and Turkey, funded by Saudi Arabia and Qatar and motivated by religious sectarian fervor, I think all Syrians, especially the mother and fathers of the army soldiers should be very proud.
June 29th, 2012, 9:23 am
zoo said:
Can the Geneva meeting on Syria accomplish anything?
Kofi Annan, the UN special envoy to Syria, says he is ‘optimistic’ the emergency meeting on Syria will yield results, but the parties involved have already staked out some irreconcilable demands.
By Ariel Zirulnick, Staff writer / June 29, 2012
June 29th, 2012, 9:32 am
AIG said:
Peace must be around the corner! It turns out both sides believe the other is working with Israel. You of course are both right. Israel is working with both parties so whoever wins, we win!
How about adopting the simple and obvious view? Israel is working with neither side, it is just a bystander. This is not about Israel, it is about the Syrian’s people right to dignity and an accountable government.
June 29th, 2012, 9:34 am
Amir in Tel Aviv said:
Tara & Son of Damascus,
Thanks. They look heavily beaten. I agree with you Tara. No torture should be allowed. The revolutionaries must act and behave according to the norms of the new Syria they want to create. They should avoid the methods of the old and dying regime.
So it’s not that easy to tell whether a Syrian person is Sunni, Alawi, Druze Christian etc. That’s interesting to know. The look, the accent, the place of birth, the names and names of the parents. And still you can’t determine for sure the ethnic / sect background.
To me it shows that the Syrian society is more diversified and mixed. Good news for the new Syria, I believe.
June 29th, 2012, 9:43 am
Ghufran said:
Few points:
1. Political Islam is a negative force but violent Islamists are just pure evil
2. Being a Shia terrorist or a Shia Islamist does not make you less dangerous or less evil than a Sunni one,it just happened that Wahhabism and Alqaida prey on Sunnis not Shia,most people,even foreigners,know that most terrorists are Muslims and most Muslim terrorists are Sunni,I have nothing against either in principle but I am not going to pretend that the only problem in the middle east is those evil dictators.
3. The talks about massive Turkish troops on the borders,the downing of syrian helicopters every day,etc,is closer to sci fi than reality,it is not worth commenting on
4. A simple reminder: having an MD or a PhD degree does not make one an expert on military or political affairs,I actually find many ,not most,doctors,,MDs and non MDs,to be stubborn,boring and vain,no disrespect intended 🙂
June 29th, 2012, 9:50 am
Son of Damascus said:
A new piece by Amal Hanano
One Year of Hope
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way — in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only.
When I was in secondary school in Aleppo, one of the required English texts was an abridged version of Charles Dickens’ A Tale of Two Cities. Back then, I sat at an old wooden bench with two girls — who were once my best friends, but now we barely speak — and together we read dusty words about a revolution steeped in blood and sacrifice in a place that seemed so far away in time and space from our isolated lives.
The story of two places, rich and poor, privileged and oppressed, was also the story of our Syria. When we read Dickens, we could not imagine similar scenes unfolding in Syria during our lifetime. In 2011, scenes of protests and funerals, torture and murder, international press conferences and presidential interviews, were recorded not on the pages of a novel but in videos and photographs, in tweets and Facebook statuses, transferred via Skype and YouTube. Over two centuries later we would write the same story: the story of a revolution.
Exactly one year ago, I was in an Aleppo that has since become another city, a city of dreams and nightmares. The revolution changed the city, the country and the people. I wrote about the Syria I knew, but the Syria I would grow to know was vaster — both more beautiful and more monstrous than I had ever imagined. More monstrous than what we had all imagined.
So much has changed since last year… when the word shabiha had not yet become a household term, when resistance was not “resistance” but Resistance, the Muse track that comes after Uprising, when the revolution’s anthem “Yalla irhal ya Bashar” made its debut on the streets of Hama, when thousands of Syrians were still alive.
June 29th, 2012, 9:51 am
zoo said:
The UAE “unofficial” reaction to the Moslem Brotherhood take over of Egypt
Dubai police chief Dahi Khalfan who made comments about Egypt on Twitter after Muslim Brotherhood candidate Mohamed Mursi won the presidential election.
“If they tried to shake the security of the Gulf, bloodshed will be up to their knees,” Khalfan said, according to the tweet reported by Al-Ahram which was no longer on Twitter.
In other tweets, also after Mursi’s win was announced, he said: “An unfortunate choice. The repercussions of this choice will not be light for poor ordinary people.”
June 29th, 2012, 9:52 am
irritated said:
#124 SOD
The academic and “poetic” style of Amal Hanano who prefers to use references to Western literature rather than to the rich works in the Arab literature that deal with similar issues, is a total disappointment.
June 29th, 2012, 10:00 am
Tara said:
“I actually find many ,not most,doctors,,MDs and non MDs,to be stubborn,boring and vain..”
Not true. They can be more interesting than what you think.
June 29th, 2012, 10:06 am
Son of Damascus said:
I am sure she will not lose any sleep over your critique. While this “disappointing” Syrian writer has been featured in Foreign Policy, Jadaliyya, and the National care to inform us where have you been published? Or is your irritated critique a privilege for the comment section of SC exclusively?
June 29th, 2012, 10:09 am
irritated said:
#128 SOD
That’s the point, she writes for a western audience using Western references. I wish she would bring that same western audience to learn more about the richness of Arab writers rather than refer to the English literature… Naguib Mahfouz, Taha Husayn, Tawfik al Hakim wrote works in Arabic that deal with similar subjects as Dickens.
Maybe she is not familiar or doesn’t appreciate these arab authors…
I am not neither a journalist nor a writer. I am no competition to her.
June 29th, 2012, 10:32 am
zoo said:
An eminent Turkish journalist admits:
We are neither democratic nor do we believe in freedom of expression
In these situations, we have no tolerance. We do not accept press freedom. Even if we are not a fan of it, we are caught in the steam of exaggerated nationalism. We are always right; what we say is always true. Even if we think exactly the opposite, we should keep quiet. Any outspoken critic is labeled a traitor.
As you can see, we are all liberal and democratic according to how much it serves our own purpose.
June 29th, 2012, 10:39 am
Son of Damascus said:
While agree with you regarding the rich history that the Arabic language has, and the many great writers that have written similar subject matter as Dickens. One should not count Dickens as just English literature.
I happen to speak four languages fluently, in all four languages I had A Tale Of Two Cities as required reading, as well as Tolstoy’s War & Peace. The beauty of the written language can transcend any language barrier, and referencing Dickens is not a shame or disappointment but rather a great juxtaposition of the reality that faces Syria today.
June 29th, 2012, 10:41 am
majedkhaldoun said:
You need to delete Ghufran comment as it is personal insult to MD, Ghufran has crossed the line
Ghufran said more sunni are terrorist, he is ignoring the fact that while Sunni are more than 1.3 billion, Shiite are less than 100 million.,this is deliberately ignored by Ghufran.
June 29th, 2012, 10:54 am
norman said:
As an MD i say you are mean but,,,Right.
June 29th, 2012, 11:06 am
Uzair8 said:
Robert Fisk: Western agreement ‘could leave Syria in Assad’s hands for two more years’
Special Report: Need for oil routes buys time, claims key Damascus figure
Friday 29 June 2012
President Bashar al-Assad of Syria may last far longer than his opponents believe – and with the tacit acceptance of Western leaders anxious to secure new oil routes to Europe via Syria before the fall of the regime. According to a source intimately involved in the possible transition from Baath party power, the Americans, Russians and Europeans are also putting together an agreement that would permit Assad to remain leader of Syria for at least another two years in return for political concessions to Iran and Saudi Arabia in both Lebanon and Iraq.
Read more:
June 29th, 2012, 11:26 am
Uzair8 said:
Daily I see more and more FSA successes including reports and video of tanks and helicopters being destroyed.
If let’s say there is an average daily loss of 5 tanks/BMP’s then in a hundred days that is 500 tanks/BMP’s lost.
Even Robert Fisk in the above article quotes that Assad’s forces are taking a beating. This could be worse than Chechnya. The Russians faced a much smaller territory and population.
Russians faced some devastating ambushes which we could see repeated in Syria.
June 29th, 2012, 11:31 am
Uzair8 said:
Robert Fisk had been quiter than expected on the Syrian issue, preferring to comment on Egypt or other non-Syrian issues.
It seems he has been doing his research and has come up with an interesting article. The article also touches on Vedat’s comment regarding the Algerian scenario.
Amongst other ‘revelations’ Mr Fisk also says that Jamil Hassan is leading the horror show.
June 29th, 2012, 11:55 am
Antoine said:
Quit hating for a moment and check out this interesting report from 2008 about a mixed Sunni-Christian village in Qalamoun in Reef Dimashq, the only surviving Aramaic-speaking village in Syria.
June 29th, 2012, 11:58 am
Alan said:
Daily I see more and more FSA successes
What Makes Serial Killers Tick?
Statistically, the average serial killer is a white male from a lower-to-middle-class background, usually in his twenties or thirties. Many were physically or emotionally abused by parents. Some were adopted. As children, fledgling serial killers often set fires, torture animals, and wet their beds (these red-flag behaviors are known as the “triad” of symptoms.) Brain injuries are common. Some are very intelligent and have shown great promise as successful professionals. They are also fascinated with the police and authority in general. They have either attempted to become police themselves but were rejected, worked as security guards, or served in the military. Many, including John Gacy, the Hillside Stranglers, andTed Bundy, have disguised themselves as law enforcement officials to gain access to their victims.
June 29th, 2012, 12:02 pm
Antoine said:
102. OMEN said :
” one even said the lcc was more organized than the revolutionary activists in Egypt”
Oh come on, don’t demean the LCC by comparing them to the Egyptian or Bahraini revolutionaries, those were terrible failures who were neither organzied, nor smart, nor did they face the same challenges as the LCCs.
Although I repsect the Egyptian Revolution for it was the spark that ignited the Syrian one, I must admit I like Mubarak and I don’t understand why many Egyptians hate him, Mubarak was able to usher in economic liberalization in Egypt , that alone was the reason that Egypt did not witness large-scale violence like Syria or Libya or Iraq ( all restrictive economies).
In my opinion, Egyptians should thank Mubarak and Sadat for taking Egypt out of the Soviet clutch and therefore saving Egypt from the fate of Libya, Iraq and Syria.
And I can say with confidence, that citizens of Egypt, Jordan, KSA, Tunisia, Qatar , are much more happy, prosperous, and safe, than their counterparts who live in Sovietesque dictatorships.
So much for the resistance.
June 29th, 2012, 12:06 pm
Syria no Kandahar said:
FSA massacre due any moment.
June 29th, 2012, 12:13 pm
omen said:
123. most people,even foreigners,know that most terrorists are Muslims and most Muslim terrorists are Sunni,
I have nothing against either in principle but I am not going to pretend that the only problem in the middle east is those evil dictators.?
ghufran, do you not believe the assad regime evil?
“most terrorists”…how many terrorists are there?
instead of the number of terrorists, isn’t the more relevant metric the number of people who have been murdered?
let’s compare the regime’s record to that of alqaeda.
when you add the number of people killed during the uprising, plus the number killed in tadmur prison, plus the number killed during hama massacre, it should be blatantly obvious to anyone that this terrorist regime has alqaeda beat. state powers are more lethal than non state actors.
June 29th, 2012, 12:14 pm
omen said:
139. i’m not the one who said it, antoine. i was just noting what a reporter said. i’m crushed you thought i was being demeaning to the lcc. i admire them greatly. i was noting the difference in media treatment. egyptian activists got a lot press while the lcc do not.
granted the revolution in egypt has not been completed, do you have to call it a failure? the activists there didn’t spring up out of the blue just last year. their growth can be traced back to the second intifada and is based in part on the labor movement. one need not bash one in order to elevate the other.
p.s. i can’t believe you’re a neoliberal. noam chomsky blames the ill effects of globalization, and the resultant increase in disparity between rich and poor, for fueling the arab spring.
June 29th, 2012, 12:27 pm
Antoine said:
AJE’s Nisreen el Shamayleh’s report on Syrian refugees in Jordan :
June 29th, 2012, 12:32 pm
omen said:
for some reason, my comment got marked as spam while in the middle of editing.
June 29th, 2012, 12:37 pm
Antoine said:
I didn’t say you were demeaning the LCCs, whoever wrote that did it unconsciously
The Egyptian Revolution’s roots aren’t strong, the activist groups who were most active in Tahrir Square failed to make a mark in either Parliamentary or Presidential elections, even the original Uprising registered a weak response in the Governorates outside of cairo , Alexandria or Suez.
I am not saying the Egyptian Revolution is a failure, it is a success, but a success only because of the good work done by Sadat and Mubarak. Plus the fact that Egypt is relatively much more developed and than most Arab countries, because they came into contact with the West much earlier ( early 19th century).
What the Arab World needs is a good dose of economic liberty ( equal opportunities for all). Mark my words, you liberalize the economy, you allow all the poor , oppressed, starving people in the villages to move up the social ladder and displace all the parasitic elites who have been feeding on Arab blood in the name of Socialism and Resistance.
You also destroy the rigid class system that has been in place in the M.E since the 1920s.
Hence you destroy social injustice (or perceotion of it) , thus limiting the propensity for extremism to grow.
June 29th, 2012, 12:45 pm
omen said:
an interesting admission from the establishment:
June 29th, 2012, 12:45 pm
Uzair8 said:
I was flicking channels earlier and stopped at RT. I nearly chocked on my lunch when the presenter sourced a Debka report about Saudi forces gathering on the southern border and Turkish on the north.
Quoting Debka tells you everything about RT. A joke channel with joke sources.
Btw.. Why do I feel that the western presenters on RT are traitors? Lol. Watching them report lies and give the channel a respectable facade, that’s how I feel.
Also RT keeps playing that same footage on every Syria report. The masked men firing across the street. One with a hand-gun.
June 29th, 2012, 12:46 pm
Antoine said:
You gotta realize that Arab socio-economic elites owe their position more on the commanding status they traditionally enjoyed in the State rather than their individual capabilities. The one-party Socialist system in Syria, Algeria, etc. and formerly in Iraq, Libya, and Egypt, served the purpose of preserving these elites dominance and power.
Level the playing field and they will disappear.
Why do you think the Algerian elite doesn’t want to liberalize ?
June 29th, 2012, 12:47 pm
norman said:
As i said before, At the end of the day the only way out as i see is for president Assad to declare that the constitution does not allow him to run in 2014 and to give the full support for the government to fight the militants as terror group, The Syrian army just need the political cover to restore peace, at the same time free and democratic electios will be done under international supervision.
June 29th, 2012, 12:48 pm
Alan said:
which international observers have even propose us? need 50 centuries for the international organizations to be neutral! look at the second protocol!
June 29th, 2012, 1:04 pm
Badr said:
I, for one, believe that if Annan’s plan had been fully enforced, it would not have been in the regime’s interest.
June 29th, 2012, 1:04 pm
norman said:
Alan, Get the Carter center, Syria need legitimate elections,
June 29th, 2012, 1:08 pm
ss said:
132. majedkhaldoun said:
You need to delete Ghufran comment as it is personal insult to MD, Ghufran has crossed the line. Ghufran said more sunni are terrorist, he is ignoring the fact that while Sunni are more than 1.3 billion, Shiite are less than 100 million.,this is deliberately ignored by Ghufran”.
I agree with Majedkhaldoun. On the other hand it is factual to say that all terrorists organizations and all the 911 terrorists belong to the Sunni Sect. Please correct me if I am wrong. With the exception of the war and fight between HA and Israel, I find no evidence in the history of Shia exploding themselves in the flights, metro, trains, cars, etc. I do not find any shiia who hold people hustage and then behead them. Now I may be wrong and you may provide me with evidence of Shia terrorism. It is fair to say that the majority if not all the terrorists stems from the Sunni sector. I wonder why????
June 29th, 2012, 1:36 pm
Tara said:
Your president has given full support to his occupying army to fight the people from day one. What we have seen is all he got…unless be gets extra help from the Lebanese terrorist group HA or from his masters, the Mullahs..so you may get depressed if you like. We are too numerous to be annihilated. We survived 17 months so far and will survive until he is toppled…and we snail prevail. Sorry for being direct, but you people need to be psychologically prepped…
June 29th, 2012, 1:45 pm
Tara said:
Assad: Syria must ‘annihilate terrorists’
Published: June 29, 2012 at 3:00 AM
“The responsibility of the Syrian government is to protect all our residents. We have a responsibility to annihilate terrorists in every corner of the country,” Assad said in a taped interview broadcast Thursday on Iranian state television.
In the interview, which The New York Times said was recorded in Damascus last week, Assad thanked Iran for being one of the “wise governments” supporting Syria in the face of a 16-month uprising, which Assad repeated was led by foreign-backed terrorists.
“We highly appreciate the realistic stance of an important regional country such as Iran,” said Assad, whose Arabic words were dubbed by the network into Persian.
He said Syria would reciprocate the loyalty.
June 29th, 2012, 1:46 pm
majedkhaldoun said:
Mubarak was president,Mursi was in jail, Now Mursi is president and Mubarak in jail.
Mursi plan is to attend Azhar jum3a Salat always,hopefully he will meet Egyptians this way and talk to them.
June 29th, 2012, 1:52 pm
Juergen said:
June 29th, 2012, 1:52 pm
irritated said:
131. Son of Damascus
I agree with you but in this particular case Amal Hanano did not use Dickens for the “beauty of the written language’ but for the social contents and the description of poverty and abuses, that are omnipresent in Arab literature.
I just regret that Arabic literature is not referred to and praised enough by Arab journalists and writers that have a large audience.
June 29th, 2012, 1:54 pm
majedkhaldoun said:
Have you not seen what Shiite did in Iraq, and What Iran did to Iraq,have you not seen what HA did in Lebanon, Who killed Hariri?or the other 27 lebanese, Imad Mughnieyeh was terrorist.
Have you heared of Ayman Jm3a,or Ali Abbas
June 29th, 2012, 2:01 pm
zoo said:
Egypt: The Army is the guardian of Egypt from domestic and external threats
The armed forces, said Major General Mahmoud Hegazy, would continue to be the “trustworthy guardian” of the nation and its people. When pressed to explain what the role of “guardian” entailed, Maj Gen Mohammed El Assar abruptly chipped in: “Interpret it any way you like.”
The final word was Gen Hegazy’s. The military, he said, would protect the country from external as well as domestic threats.
June 29th, 2012, 2:01 pm
Tara said:
Should we read more.. Or just the quote? I need guidance.
June 29th, 2012, 2:06 pm
irritated said:
History rewritten by our local Medecin sans frontiere turned into a geopolitical strategist after his secret vacations in Antakya
What did Iran do in Iraq? I missed something…
Saddam Husseyn and Ben Laden are the most lethal terrorists in the history of terrorism and they just happened to be Sunnis.
June 29th, 2012, 2:12 pm
zoo said:
#161 Tara
You could, nothing really new.
June 29th, 2012, 2:14 pm
norman said:
Tara said: ((Sorry for being direct, but you people need to be psychologically prepped…))
I wonder who you people, Christians, Shia Sunni who support the president, don’t you think that you are threatening us,
who we are too numerous to be annihilated, terrorists, or you think it is a fight between Sunni and Shia?, i am just asking because most in the Syrian government are Sunni and the security cabinet is mostly Sunni, you probably talking in the name of terrorists,
June 29th, 2012, 2:17 pm
Syrialover said:
Son of Damascus
We’ll see the real birth of Arab writing when Arab writers and their works are not restricted by paranoid dictatorships.
June 29th, 2012, 2:34 pm
norman said:
The plan that the West has is for Egypt and any other Arab country to have a president and a prime minster, if the West likes the president then he is charge of foreign policy , if they don’t then the prime minster is in charge, they did that to Arafat, Abbas, and Hamas, they changed depending on the person that they can control, it would be interesting to see if they try to do that in Syria, keep the president but give all his responsibility to the prime minster, i think they will but i don’t think that Syria will agree.
June 29th, 2012, 2:36 pm
Tara said:
Supporters vs non supporters..
June 29th, 2012, 2:51 pm
norman said:
So can i assume that you are prepared psychologically?.
June 29th, 2012, 2:54 pm
ann said:
Armenia’s national airline resuming flights to Syria on request from the Catholicos – 29 June 2012
Yerevan, June 29, Interfax – Armenia’s national airline, Armavia, is due to resume on July 2 regular flights to Aleppo, a Syrian city where the majority of the Arab country’s ethnic Armenian community lives, after suspending them in March due to due to the domestic political crisis in Syria, company spokeswoman Nana Avetisova said.
“In view of great demand for Yerevan-Aleppo-Yerevan flights and a request from the Catholicos Karekin II of All Armenians it has been decided to resume traffic,” Avetisova told Interfax.
Initially there would be one flight per week in each direction, but there would be more flights afterward if necessary, she said.
There are 60,000 ethnic Armenians in Syria. Aleppo is home to 45,000 of them.
June 29th, 2012, 2:54 pm
Tara said:
For the Syrian people to emerge voctorious against the tyranny and the self- interest groups.. Absolutely…
Yet, I deeply care about some (not all) supporters and would like them psyched into this. Have a soft heart..can’t help it.
June 29th, 2012, 2:59 pm
norman said:
But are you prepared to be defeated as expected, no matter what your supporters say, the supporters of peace and security in Syria will not quit until the last terrorist leaves our beautiful Syria.
June 29th, 2012, 3:06 pm
ss said:
“the supporters of peace and security in Syria will not quit until the last terrorist leaves our beautiful Syria”
You may say that again. I like this statement
June 29th, 2012, 3:14 pm
omen said:
134. UZAIR8 said: Robert Fisk: Western agreement ‘could leave Syria in Assad’s hands for two more years’ …Need for oil routes buys time, claims key Damascus figure
i knew it! i’ve been trying to make this argument and felt like nobody believed me.
multinationals have been desperate for a route bringing down oil from the caspian sea for a long time.
there’s an expectation that obama will act after november. i don’t think so.
despicable that pipelines are more important than people being slaughtered.
obama, un, nato & eu need to be called out on this by reporters.
it’s not a “political solution” they are trying to craft. they’re trying to preserve corporate profit margins. on the backs of the dead.
June 29th, 2012, 3:19 pm
Syrialover said:
Irritated #162 said:
“What did Iran do in Iraq? I missed something”
Very funny!
You’ve missed so much you won’t know where to start.
The Mahdi Army militia under al-Sadr in Iraq were quite busy with roadside bombs, you’d recall if you were old enough to follow the news from 2003 onwards.
And here’s a helpful article: Leaked Reports Detail Iran’s Aid for Iraqi Militias
And another one: Iran backs three Shia terror groups in Iraq:
The Shia are extreme victims of Saddam and his loyalists in Iraq, but with the help of Iran they also play the same game hard.
Most significantly, Iran’s political proteges are now ruthless in distorting and corrupting the development of a sound and functioning government in Iraq.
Just a start, to help you catch up on what you’ve missed.
June 29th, 2012, 3:19 pm
ss said:
159. majedkhaldoun said:
Have you not seen what Shiite did in Iraq, and What Iran did to Iraq,have you not seen what HA did in Lebanon, Who killed Hariri?or the other 27 lebanese, Imad Mughnieyeh was terrorist.
Have you heared of Ayman Jm3a,or Ali Abbas”
Have you not seen what Shiite did in Iraq?
I saw and know that Saddam Hussien wiped them out, sure I did
What Iran did to Iraq?
Do you consider a declared war by Saddam Hussien against Iran a terrorist act from the Iranian
Who killed Hariri?
I do not know, perhaps the Siddique, your cheap agent knows
Imad Mughnieyeh was terrorist.
Have you heared of Ayman Jm3a,or Ali Abbas”??
Not really, but I heard of many many terrorists, they were on the cover of TIMES magazine as well, evils like Ben Laden and his followers that killed thousands of Americans in 911. Do you agree with me on that. Do you know what their sect is???. I am sorry but you started this in your previous blog and I am trying to clarify that most terrorists who kill, behead, and explode themselves are unfortunately from the Sunni sect. I believe the WHAHABISM is the reason for that
June 29th, 2012, 3:21 pm
Syrialover said:
Irritated #162 also said:
“Saddam Husseyn and Ben Laden are the most lethal terrorists in the history of terrorism and they just happened to be Sunnis.”
Hey, you really ARE out to insult and belittle Shia Iran’s efforts!
Iran has long worn the crown for leading the world in State-sponsored terrorism. Way above anything smalltimer Saddam Hussein ever dreamt of.
Majedkhaldoun in #159 has also given some excellent pointers for beginners, with especially honourable mentions for Hezbollah.
If you did some serious reading, you’d find Iran is even linked to Lockerbie.
And they’re currently busy with plots to assassinate diplomats from countries they don’t like: http://www.iranfocus.com/en/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=25300:iran-targets-us-diplomats-for-terrorist-attacks&catid=4:iran-general&Itemid=26
Hope this helps.
June 29th, 2012, 3:34 pm
majedkhaldoun said:
You missed everything you don’t like to see and hear
I told you before, Close your eyes and put your fingers in your ears, then you can say I don’t see nothing and I don;t hear a thing,
It seems the meeting in Geneve will fail,this leaves us with one solution, arm FSA, blow the head of Bashar,it is better than foreign intervention.
June 29th, 2012, 3:41 pm
Alan said:
NATO Member Turkey Harboring Terrorist Army
Syrian Rebels are Al Qaeda Terrorists
By US officials’ own admissions, since 2007 a combined US-Israeli-Saudi effort to assemble and deploy against Syria and Iran an army of sectarian extremists drawn from the ranks of Al Qaeda and its affiliates has been underway. In Seymour Hersh’s 2007 New Yorker article, “The Redirection,” he reported, “The U.S. has also taken part in clandestine operations aimed at Iran and its ally Syria. A by-product of these activities has been the bolstering of Sunni extremist groups that espouse a militant vision of Islam and are hostile to America and sympathetic to Al Qaeda.”
June 29th, 2012, 3:41 pm
Alan said:
congratulate the University of Oklahoma! Syria Comment blog has raised the level of sectarianism! the scale is beyond human patience
176. SYRIALOVER take cup of ice tea istead of coffe!
June 29th, 2012, 4:03 pm
omen said:
145. ANTOINE said: The Egyptian Revolution’s roots aren’t strong, the activist groups who were most active in Tahrir Square failed to make a mark in either Parliamentary or Presidential elections, even the original Uprising registered a weak response in the Governorates outside of cairo , Alexandria or Suez.
did you want syrians to come out to vote for parliament? or did you dismiss it as a farce? same thing with egypt. any scaf sanctioned electoral process is tainted. when seeking to topple a regime, you don’t lend legitimacy to a corrupt process.
June 29th, 2012, 4:13 pm
Alan said:
The Carter Center is not a reference to the Syrian people!
We teached the alphabet to the world, know how to establish the necessary references to ourselves! We do not need canning centers CMC
June 29th, 2012, 4:19 pm
“the supporters of peace and security in Syria will not quit until the last terrorist leaves our beautiful Syria”
What do you mean terrorists leave Syria, Assad the buffoon and his terrorist gangs must be tried in court of law… no leaving for them.
We teached the alphabet to the world, know how to establish the necessary references to ourselves!
No you didn’t teached anyone anything. Those who did are long gone….really long gone.
Gotcha, I edit, you get only once chance to register your impotent rage. …..bet you are fuming.. Three to four comments, worth about 88 red marks, and all you get is 22….May be you should complain to the moderator and ask that the editing time allowance is reduced. This will teached the rat a lesson.
June 29th, 2012, 4:20 pm
Syrialover said:
My dear SS (#175).
Calm down, please. Take your hand off the panic button. Nobody grown up or normal likes Wahhabists, al qaeda or Islamic extremists.
We all know they have nothing to offer and their attraction evaporates with the growth of economic opportunities and political freedom.
Only sad cases, losers, people with mental problems and bored teenagers play with those ideologies when there are alternative life paths on offer.
Shia terrorism is a bit diferent because it is State-sponsored and punches way above its weight population-wise.* You are welcome to read my helpful information posted above for Irritated, who is confused about the issue.
(*Sunni are more than 1.3 billion, Shiite are less than 100 million – from Majedkhaldoun #42)
June 29th, 2012, 4:26 pm
So there are at least four paranoid, anti intellectual dictators (or dicta-fans) now on SC who object to #165… Nice to know that.
June 29th, 2012, 4:39 pm
Syrialover said:
# 179. Alan
Thanks, but I have confided why I am not rushing to accept your drinks. I have heard about Putin-sponsored ricin in drinks of tea.
Now, I’m not saying you’d deliberately do it to a respectable friend from SyriaComment… but you’re so close to Putin you may use an unwashed cup that still has traces of it.
June 29th, 2012, 4:39 pm
Well, what do we have… one moment regime-of-the-buffoon defenders are proud of those who teached the world the alphabet, and a moment later… they are against their legal theories… I thought you also teached the world laws.
June 29th, 2012, 4:44 pm
Syrialover said:
Syrian Hamster #185
Yep. And check back later – there’ll suddenly be 14 who give the red thumbs down on freedom for Arab writers, then 24.
June 29th, 2012, 4:48 pm
omen said:
more on iraq terror groups:
June 29th, 2012, 4:54 pm
Sure thing brother….
oops I just exposed both of us as MBs, I used the word brother…but you know what… it is far sweeter than “rafiq”..whether ANGRYARAB
likes that or not.
June 29th, 2012, 4:56 pm
Stick to the Truth said:
Those are the people who want to build a democratic system in Syria. I have no other description for these people except savage, barbaric and primitive
Shame on you.
June 29th, 2012, 5:02 pm
No, those are the people who want to destroy the murderous terrorist, regime-of-the-buffoon, in order to avenge those who wanted to build a democratic system in Syria and others who were murdered and shelled by the regime-of-the-buffoon, while people like the defenders of the regime-of-the-buffoon and the teary eyed buffoon lovers were watching and beating their chests like you know who…
We warned the-regime-of-the-buffoon, and the buffoon-clan, for every democrat they torture and kill, they are creating 10 people set on making sure that they do not get to kill any more and that detest of them will become detest of their lives…. you don’t treat the citizen of Syria or for that matter, any other country with the contempt the regime-of-the-buffoon and its defenders show to country they are burning and expect to walk scot-free…
You reap what you sow… we told them.
They sowed hate, they get hate.
They sowed contempt, they get contempt.
They sowed murder, death they will get.
And words in their defense are as effective as the most advanced manure spreading machine.. it is part of the planting…
So keep your righteous indignation for that moment in time when the regime-of-the-buffoon tanks reach your family house in their bombardment and burning of country for the buffoon, you will need it, if you are SYRIAN.
June 29th, 2012, 5:14 pm
omen said:
157. JUERGEN said:
1:52 pm
juergen, no comment?
from a layperson’s impression, mb seems to have too healthy a regard for profit to risk marring egypt’s heritage/golden goose.
June 29th, 2012, 5:17 pm
Tara said:
You should understand the comment as it is. People who committed Sednaya massacre And other massacres will be brought to justice. We shall not forget and we shall not forgive. Justice
will be served and those who committed killing should be tried and receive capital judgement as allowed by law.
June 29th, 2012, 5:32 pm
Tara said:
I do not watch videos like these. Additionally, they are often fabricated. The perpetrators of this crime should also be tried and served justice. No exception
June 29th, 2012, 5:54 pm
irritated said:
#174 Syria Lover
“If you did some serious reading, you’d find Iran is even linked to Lockerbie.”
You don’t need to do serious reading to read that Al Qaeeda and the worst terrorists in the world are Sunnis, mostly connected to Wahhabi KSA. It is all over the news
9/11: All sunnis , no a single Iranian, strange for a ‘sponsor of international terrorism’
Besides killing Kurds and Shias, Saddam Husseyn has killed millions with the help of Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and the emirates during the Iraq-Iran war. Al Qaeeda as much and continues. Daily, dozens of Shia pilgrims are murdered in Iraq by Sunni terrorists. And you talk about Lockerbye!
Because HA and Iran are the enemies of Israel, they have become ‘the sponsors’ of terrorism’ for the supporters of Israel, when we all know that the Wahhabis are not only the sponsors of Al Qaeeda and Islamist terrorism in the Arab world, Afghanistan, Yemen and Pakistan and the UK, but also they breed a new generation of terrorists for the 21th century.
Unfortunately that is the hard reality.
June 29th, 2012, 6:14 pm
Tara said:
Will Turkey go to war with Syria?
….Erdogan… called the Syrian president a “bloody dictator,” and warned that one more incident would force Turkey to “teach those who dare to test the limits of its might.” Will Turkey do what the U.S., NATO, and the United Nations won’t, and go to war against Assad?
Turkey might have no choice but to attack: Syria and Turkey definitely moved “nearer to war” this week, says Osman Cicekli at Euronews. If Syria crosses the line again, and certainly if it lets the fight against its rebels spill over the border, “Turkey will be seen as a weak country” if it doesn’t follow through on its threat to fight. That could spell Assad’s doom, as “the Turkish Air Force is more powerful than the Syrian Air Force in every way.”
But Turkey still wants to avoid war….look closely and you’ll see that Erdogan appears to be trying to figure out how to back away from the precipice. He may just be talking tough to “reassure his people that he’s no wimp.”
And the Turkish people don’t want to fight Assad: If you’re waiting for Turkey to invade Syria, don’t hold your breath, says Justin Vela at Foreign Policy. In polls, only 11 percent of the Turkish people are in favor of attacking…
June 29th, 2012, 6:14 pm
STICK TO THE TRUTH… Really, try that once, it pays.
June 29th, 2012, 6:17 pm
zoo said:
Clinton, Lavrov set for Syria showdown
By MATTHEW LEE, Associated Press – 8 hours ago
ST. PETERSBURG, Russia (AP) — U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton and Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov were heading for a face-to-face showdown over Syria on Friday as major powers prepared for a weekend conference to hash out a political transition plan for the country.
On the eve of Saturday’s conference aimed at ending 16 months of brutal violence in Syria, Clinton and Lavrov were to meet in St. Petersburg in a bid to iron out deep differences over the transition plan being pushed by U.N. envoy Kofi Annan that calls for the formation of a national unity government that would oversee the drafting of a new constitution and elections.
U.S. officials are adamant that the plan will not allow Syrian President Bashar Assad to remain in power at the top of the transitional government, but Russia insists that outsiders cannot dictate the ultimate solution or the composition of the interim administration.
Annan laid out his expectations for the weekend conference in an op-ed in The Washington Post. The future government in Syria, he said “must include a government of national unity that would exercise full executive powers. This government could include members of the present government and the opposition and other groups, but those whose continued presence and participation would undermine the credibility of the transition and jeopardize stability and reconciliation would be excluded.”
Such a proposal does not explicitly bar Assad, but the U.S. and other western powers who will participate in the conference said that is implicit.
Assad also said any future government in Syria must hold free and fair elections for a multiparty government.
June 29th, 2012, 6:23 pm
Stick to the Truth said:
“Thanks. I watched the link while driving. Read the word Salamieh and thought it was his birth place. If the other guy was involved in Sednaya massacre then an eye for an eye..”
Dear Mr. Landis,
how would you understand this posting? This sort of posting shall be moderated and the user shall be baned.
[Edited by Moderator]
June 29th, 2012, 6:27 pm
Juergen said:
such cartoons do speak of themselves. Usually islamists dont make it to pagan sights, but because pharaoh was mentioned in the Quran most will visit in Egypt.
It may be off topic, but with all the gulf tourists Syria enjoyed before the rebellion, there were only a few historical places where you would see them visiting. You never saw them in Palmyra or Dura Europos, but in Bosra you could see them flock the old roman theatre- because the Bosra music festival is shown every year throughout the region in tv.
June 29th, 2012, 6:30 pm
anwar said:
just finished watching an interview from father Paolo
he doesn’t get mentioned much here but what an inspiration
exposing the rotting state of the bribed (more like flat bought out) church in syria. He is a true hero and well spoken too.
I will follow his lead to death and hope the rest of the christians finally see the light
June 29th, 2012, 6:32 pm
Ghufran said:
I may have stepped on some tender feet with my last comment,but none of my Sunni friends and relatives had a problem with what I wrote because they know it is the truth.
I am fully aware of what Shia death squads did in Iraq and what alawi thugs did in Syria,thuggery and terrorism have no religion but those of you who choose to ignore the “other” bad guys in Syria and blame every thing that goes wrong on Shia and alawites can not and should not be taken seriously.
June 29th, 2012, 6:34 pm
Tara said:
I wonder what they ate? I am sure not a Persian caviar. I think Hillary’s stomach can’t digest it. In any case it appears that Hillary soften Lavrov up. Did she cook for him? Or was it the new hairstyle that charmed him?
“We may get there tomorrow, we may not,” a senior State Department official told reporters as U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton left Russia for Geneva, where the conference will be held Saturday.
Clinton and Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov met for one hour in St. Petersburg, then shared dinner before Clinton left Russia. The official said the two talked through all the areas of differences and difficulties.
Lavrov issued a more hopeful statement after the meeting.
“I have felt a change in my colleague Hillary Clinton’s position in a way that I heard no ultimatums, nothing was said about that paper (the Annan plan) being absolutely unchangeable,” Lavrov was quoted by the Interfax news agency as saying.
“(We) agreed to look for an agreement that will bring us closer based on a clear understanding of what’s written in the Annan plan that (all) sides in Syria need an incentive for a national dialogue,” Lavrov was quoted as saying. “But it’s only up to the Syrians to make agreements on what the Syrian state will be like, who will hold (government) jobs and positions.”
Lavrov predicted the meeting had a “good chance” of finding a way forward. “But I am not saying that we will agree on every dot,” he said.
Read More……..
June 29th, 2012, 6:42 pm
irritated said:
#199 Stick to the truth
I fully agree with you.
It was not written as a quote from the Bible, it was a direct call for revenge and murder, which is prohibited on this site.
June 29th, 2012, 6:46 pm
bronco said:
#203 Tara
It looks that it was the other way around… Flattery always works with women like Clinton who has a poor record as a Secretary of States, except for travelling where he broke the records.
“Mr Lavrov added that he “felt a change, in that there were no ultimatums [from the US] and there was no word about the paper under discussion being a sacred, final text.” He said Mrs Clinton was an “experienced diplomat who said she understood our position”.
June 29th, 2012, 6:54 pm
Tara said:
Are you saying he charmed her rather than she charmed him? I haven’t taken a good look at him in the past. I will check him out to see if he has potentials..
June 29th, 2012, 6:59 pm
zoo said:
June 29, 2012
Syrian Conflict Promises Toxic Outcome
By Dilip Hiro
Such global visions do not inform FSA commanders, who routinely foreswear any sectarian bias. Yet the FSA consists almost entirely of Sunnis, many followers of the clandestine, deeply rooted, anti-Shia Muslim Brotherhood. Most FSA units are named after historical Sunni warriors who battled Shias.
al-Qaeda leader Ayman Zawahiri called on Muslims in Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Turkey and elsewhere to join the fight against ‘the pernicious, cancerous regime’ of Assad last February – and many militant jihadists heeded the call.
Terrorist attacks on the Syrian government’s targets have been claimed by Jabhat al-Nusra li Ahl Ash-Sham, or Support Front for the People of Syria, an al-Qaeda affiliate. Farouq Brigade, composed mainly of al-Qaeda operatives, is an openly recognized part of the FSA, and performing better than other FSA units.
Regrettably, leaders in Washington, Ankara, Riyadh and Doha have either failed to ponder the probable consequences of the overthrow of Assad or feel unduly confident of managing them: a bloody civil war destabilizing the region, at worst; the post-Assad regime inheriting a fractured country where al-Qaeda militants have free rein, at best; and an inevitable spike in oil prices for a world in the midst of the longest recession since the 1930s Great Depression.
June 29th, 2012, 7:05 pm
Norman said:
He probably gave her a sobering listen in history and what happened in Afghanistan and how AL Qaeda was born, he mentioned to her, (( foul me once shame on you foul me twice , shame on me)) and the US does not want to be taken for the second time., he might have awaken her motherly instinct of self protection.
June 29th, 2012, 7:10 pm
Norman said:
Tara, Majed,
What do you think about what the commander of the FSA ASAAD did, running away with 2 million dollars.
June 29th, 2012, 7:12 pm
bronco said:
206. Tara
I really don’t know who charmed who, but Lavrov expressed that Hillary was suave and charming. It does not mean she’ll stay like that during Saturday meeting in Geneva where the cards will be put on the table.
My view is that they may possibly agree on early presidential elections like they did in Nicaragua as it was suggested by Baker on the discussion below.
The opposition will have a real problem: nominating a candidate.
I guess you lately fell under Ghaliun’s charm. What about the new low key SNC leader? Any suggestion for a candidate for presidential elections in Syria to compete with Bashar?
Secretary Clinton: June 2012 » Conversations on Diplomacy Moderated by Charlie Rose
Hillary Rodham Clinton
Secretary of State
Former Secretary of State James A. Baker III
Benjamin Franklin Room
Washington, DC
June 20, 2012
June 29th, 2012, 7:14 pm
zoo said:
209. Norman
Was it confirmed that Ryad Al Assad ran away to Bulgaria with money belonging to the opposition?
I have not seen any confirmation or denial in the western media
June 29th, 2012, 7:32 pm
Syria no Kandahar said:
Exactly on time,wahabists massacre done.Same
BS and lies about the who did it.The pre-UN massacre,Episode 4 done as I have been expecting :exactly on the same time
June 29th, 2012, 7:42 pm
Tara said:
210. Bronco
“I guess you lately fell under Ghaliun’s charm”
As much as you fell for the brilliant and beautiful Shehrazad Jaafari. Let’s start with you first. Any suggestion for female candidate for presidential election in Syris?
June 29th, 2012, 7:52 pm
Tara said:
Syria’s widows: Hungry and homeless, but undefeated
We had liked each other for years. He was a lovely person; he had a good sense of humour and liked to help others. We had a happy life before the revolution. He was easygoing. He liked whatever I cooked. After he was killed and we buried him, we went to Damascus to be with my in-laws and wait for things to calm down. But then we heard, from family who were still there, that security had looted our house and set it on fire, so we had nowhere to live any more
Um Ahmad
Do you believe in love at first sight? He was good-looking, blonde and blue-eyed; his family was originally from Russia. I pretended not to look at him, but he came over and tried to talk to me. I was shy at first, but then I gave in. I couldn’t help it. After two years we got married. My family didn’t approve because they were of a different sect, but we were very happy. Abu Ahmed was very liberated, he allowed mixed socialising, with men and women. He wasn’t one of those husbands always asking “Where did you go today?” “Who did you visit?” He trusted me. He would send me texts to my cell phone. He wrote me this poem two months ago.
Everyday I remember my kids, dead and missing. This is how my day is.
June 29th, 2012, 8:25 pm
bronco said:
#213 Tara
Of course.. you did not guess? B.Q of course, who else? She is your favorite too…
June 29th, 2012, 8:32 pm
irritated said:
Many of the Guardian and Der Spiegel articles would make very good TV serials… They describe moving and entertaining characters.
I am sure they will be an inspiration for the Ramadan serials writers.
June 29th, 2012, 8:36 pm
Tara said:
I asked you a serious question. You don’t like B.Q. It is probably one of the two whose pictures adored the walls where you live. Out of the two, who is your candidate?
I checked Lavrov out. He’s got some potential..He may have charmed her. He looks sharp and..
I think I got a perhaps well-deserved dose of humility last year living a life where almost none is good enough..
June 29th, 2012, 8:58 pm
Syrialover said:
Dear Irritated,
You’re out there emotionally armed and in the thick of it. So I will ask your opinion.
What can the Middle East do about Sunni-Shia enmity?
It’s been a source of destruction and disruption for 1,300 years now, and in human social evolution terms it’s way past when it should have died out.
In the 21st century, Bashar Assad’s alliance with Iran has been a disaster for the people of Syria, both internally and externally.
Maybe post-Assad, Syrians will have a chance to develop their country without this tribal issue infecting things.
What do you think?
June 29th, 2012, 9:03 pm
jna said:
210. bronco said: My view is that they may possibly agree on early presidential elections like they did in Nicaragua as it was suggested by Baker on the discussion below.
Thank you, Bronco, for bringing this discussion to our attention. I’d like to flesh it out a little with a few quotes. As for U.S. Secretaries of State, I’ve long been comparatively impressed by Jim Baker. My impression is that this is what the Russians and Chinese have been pushing for for a while now, including the Security Council veto period. And I wish that our host, Joshua Landis, would give more weight to this path in his commentary on Syria Comment and elsewhere. I worry that it might be now too late to persuade the armed opposition to cease fire for a period leading to free and fair internationally suprevised elections.
…”SECRETARY BAKER: Well, I say our allies in the region. Yeah, they’re doing it. And it’s not something we have to do. I look at Syria and I think why are we not calling for something that we – this is – it may not be the right comparison, but in 1989, when we came into office, the wars in Central America were the holy grail of the left, political left in this country, and the holy grail of the political right in this country. We said if we can take these wars out of domestic politics, we can cure the foreign policy problem, and we did.
How did we do it? We put it to both parties – Daniel Ortega, the hardline, authoritarian dictator, if you will, in Nicaragua, and to Violeta Chamorro, the opposition candidate. We said if you’ll hold an election and both agree to abide by the results, that’s the way we’ll get out of this conundrum. That’s what happened. And both of them did agree, finally, to abide by the results. Ortega lost. President Carter was very instrumental in getting him to leave office. Why don’t we try something like that in Syria, I mean, and say look, political transition is what we’re looking for. Everybody – even the Russians, I think – would have difficulty saying no, we’re not going to go for an election, particularly if you let Bashar run. Let him run. Make sure you have a lot of observers in there. Make sure they can’t fix the election. Why not try that?”
“SECRETARY CLINTON: Well, actually, that is the path that we are trying. … So, I mean, the path forward is exactly as Jim has described it. Getting the people and the interests on that path has been what we’ve been working on now for several months.”
June 29th, 2012, 9:14 pm
omen said:
49. GHUFRAN said: Russia will have no problem convincing Syria generals to abandon the horse to save the carriage as long as this abandonment does not mean giving Syria on a plate of silver to a regime that is too cozy to the GCC and too hostile to Iran.
you give priority to russian demands over and above what fellow syrians are demanding? who is russia to dictate terms?
The incompetence of much of the opposition heads and their reactionary and inflammatory behavior along with their allegiance to Turkey and the GCC and their failure to address the problem of Islamist terrorists and common thugs make them more like clowns than actual leaders of a revolution.
there have been a rash of interviews profiling rebels who have said over and over again they refuse to align with extremists. do you not believe them? or have you not bothered to read the articles?
here are a couple more current ones:
you’re nitpicking the opposition for (imagined) lack of ideological purity when this is going on:
June 29th, 2012, 9:32 pm
omen said:
are you more worried about iran than you are syria?
June 29th, 2012, 9:47 pm
Norman said:
We used to see and hear from him a lot, he disappeared in the last 2 weeks, i think it is true.
June 29th, 2012, 10:07 pm
bronco said:
I don’t see any candidate who can compete with Bashar Al Assad, sorry. I wish there was a Abdel Fotouh in Syria… he was my favorite for Egypt.
June 29th, 2012, 10:13 pm
irritated said:
#218 SL
Sorry, we have a much too great difference of perception of what is good (or what has been good or bad) for Syria for me to give me my opinion on that subject.
June 29th, 2012, 10:17 pm
majedkhaldoun said:
Dear Norman
I watched Ryad Al Asaad yesterday interviewd on Arabiyeh.from Istanbule.
The news you said was proven false it was fabrication reported by Ghufran,along with saying that Shah Reza is a daughter of king Abdulaziz. If you meet Ryad Asaad you know that he is honest person.
Norman you are good person, believe in true democracy, and you deserve respect, I don’t have problem with you, I have problem with liers not an honest person like you.
June 29th, 2012, 10:37 pm
Norman said:
Thanks Majed.
June 29th, 2012, 10:53 pm
jna said:
If this has already been posted here, I apologize.
“Doubts Cast on Turkey’s Story of Jet
U.S. Intelligence, Contradicting Ankara, Indicates Aircraft Was Shot Down by Syria in Its Own Airspace, Officials Say
U.S. intelligence indicates that a Turkish warplane shot down by Syrian forces was most likely hit by shore-based antiaircraft guns while it was inside Syrian airspace, American officials said, a finding in tune with Syria’s account and at odds with Turkey.
The Turkish government, which moved tanks to the Syrian border after the June 22 incident, says the debris fell in Syrian waters, but maintains its fighter was shot down without warning in international airspace. Ankara also has said the jet was hit too far from Syrian territory to have been engaged by an antiaircraft gun.
Damascus has said it …”
June 29th, 2012, 11:35 pm
ann said:
In Syria, Mood Will Leave After 3 Months, Downgraded Mission for Ladsous?
By Matthew Russell Lee, Exclusive
UNITED NATIONS, June 29 — Robert Mood will not continue in Syria when the three month Mission mandate expires, Security Council sources have exclusively told Inner City Press.
Rather than convert Mood’s observer mission into an armed peacekeeping mission, as some had proposed, now Secretary General Ban Ki-moon intends to downgrade it to a “political mission” led by a civilians, even smaller than the current 300 person UNSMIS.
To some this seems like throwing in the towel. A more cynical view is that some in the West and Gulf want things to get worse in Syria, either to justify further arming the rebels, or to intervene.
Could this be among the reasons that Mood will not continue past July 20? Or is this notification intended to be an ultimatum?
In the run up to tomorrow’s ministerial talks in Geneva, some well placed Council sources tell Inner City Press not matter what is agreed there, “neither side in Syria will implement it.”
They predict further escalation: “the government used light arms, so the rebels got them. The government used tanks, and suddenly the rebels got anti-tank weapons” from Qatar and Saudi Arabia. “Now that the government’s using helicopters, the rebels will get surface to air missiles and shoot one down. Then what?”
June 30th, 2012, 12:09 am
ann said:
More Turkey Bluster on Syria – Jun 30, 2012
Comment: Erdogan’s handling of the shoot down incident amounts to bluster. Sending anti-aircraft weapons to Hatay Province is little more than a first pump. The consultation with NATO was even less significant. His tame responses to date make the Syrian shoot down look justified under the circumstances.
Three patterns are emerging in Syrian opposition activities that have not been previously present. Bombings are becoming more frequent as a weapon of choice; more bombings are occurring in Damascus; and the fighting is taking on the characteristics of other professional terrorist campaigns during the past ten years. The inference is that the opposition fight is being increasingly waged and taken over by professional Islamist terrorists.
Jordan: According to unconfirmed reports, Jordanian intelligence forces have arrested two Syrian opposition leaders as part of a crackdown on the Syrian opposition. Earlier this month, a number of refugees were denied entry into Jordan at the Queen Alia International Airport due to security concerns. However, the Jordanian air force apparently is encouraging defections.
Comment: Jordanian policy towards Syria looks inconsistent, but the King most likely is taking prudent action to ensure that Syrian opposition agitators do not start trouble in the Kingdom.
June 30th, 2012, 12:28 am
ann said:
US, Russia Grand Bargain on Syria Stalls, Talks to Continue
Secret Talks Would Keep Assad in Power for Years
by Jason Ditz, June 29, 2012
The deal was apparently being fueled in part by European fears that the Syrian civil war could cut fuel supplies to the continent, at a time when the Iran sanctions are already driving prices in Europe through the roof. The decision to “choose stability” means that instead of imposing regime change on Syria, the US et al will be imposing Assad on them, whether they want him or not.
For Russia, the deal would mean Western promises that they can keep a naval base in Tartus, and that the Syrian regime would remain pro-Russian going forward, though it only “guarantees” Assad’s continued rule for the first two years.
But the bargain doesn’t stop at the Syrian border, and would mean some “concessions” against Iran on Russia’s part, and giving Saudi Arabia direct influence in Iraq and Lebanon, with an eye toward preventing prolonged Shi’ite rule in either country.
June 30th, 2012, 12:52 am
ann said:
US plays down Turkish troop moves near Syria border – 7 Hours Ago
The US military’s top officer General Martin Dempsey said his Turkish counterpart, General Necdet Ozel, was “taking a very measured approach to the incident.”
Dempsey, who told reporters he had spoken recently with Ozel, acknowledged there was a “risk of escalation” after Syria’s “hostile act.”
But both Dempsey and Defense Secretary Leon Panetta told a news conference the deployment of Turkish tanks, troops and missile batteries did not signal an imminent war between Turkey and Syria.
Dempsey said “the movement, the internal movement of their ground forces, I wouldn’t suggest — I wouldn’t read that as provocative in any way.
“But you’d probably have to ask the Turks. I’ve asked them and they are not seeking to be provocative.”
Panetta added: “And I wouldn’t read too much into the (troops) movements that have been in the press.”
“We continue to be in close discussions with them with regards to how we best approach the situation in Syria,” Panetta said.
June 30th, 2012, 1:00 am
HASSAN said:
My friends, don’t worry, the SYRIAN ARAB ARMY will fight on and on for the sake of the martyrs of 1967 and 1973.
This is not only about Syria anymore, this is about the pride , dignity, and future of the Arab Nation.
June 30th, 2012, 1:40 am
HASSAN said:
Abu Hafez, don’t worry, you have men that have kicked Israeli ass in 1973 and 1982. These terrorists are nothing.
For God, Assad, and Syria.
June 30th, 2012, 1:42 am
Juergen said:
more entertaining that Al Dunia and state tv?
June 30th, 2012, 3:08 am
Alan said:
(but you’re so close to Putin you may use an unwashed cup that still has traces of it.)
vulgarly expressed! it seems as who that praised you on a cultural being!!!
June 30th, 2012, 4:01 am
Alan said:
is not to sell -Israel is experiencing – KSA also buys and what does not make !
Missile shopping: Turkey to buy long-range missile system
June 30th, 2012, 4:09 am
Adam Neira said:
Prayers for Syria.
Many nations have an interest in seeing a mitigation and end to the terrible violence in Syria. Either downwardly spiralling vortexes of evil will take hold and suck everyone in, or uplifting thermals of spiritual potential will develop. The country must be stabilised. Russia has a big part to play in the peacemaking game. Also, Kofi Annan’s call to Iranian Foreign Minister Ali-Akbar Salehi on this issue was constructive. The Middle East jigsaw puzzle will be solved with many players participating. May the spirit of wisdom rest on the shoulders of the people deliberating in Geneva this weekend.
June 30th, 2012, 4:57 am
Ghufran said:
Norman,sham press is the only site that claimed Riyad al-asaad fled to Bulgharia, I do not believe the rumors are true,that does not change my mind about the man and the people who support him.
June 30th, 2012, 5:13 am
HASSAN said:
Dr. Bashar al Assad is the best man to lead Syria and Russia better not suggest otherwise. As Dr. Assad himself stated, Syria will not accept any external solutions, no matter what the contents and what the source. We hope Russia understands how much Syrian people appreciate Bashar al-Assad, so Russia’s goodwill with the Syrian people rests as long as it respects the will of the Syrian people.
It is naive to think that the Syrian Arab Army will ever abandon the Assad name, because it was the Assads who built the Syrian Arab Army from scratch in 1963. The Army belongs to Assad, and anybody who thinks otherwise better talk to Comrade Defense Minister Dawoud Rajiha and Comrade General Fahd Jassem al Freij.
Al shaab yureed Bashar al Assad !!
June 30th, 2012, 5:48 am
Alan said:
Mr Landis !
The country must be stabilised. Russia has a big part to play in the peacemaking game.
Have you any specific recomendations about that big part ?
June 30th, 2012, 6:01 am
Alan said:
Propagandists Sell ‘Vigilante’ Solution for Syria
Bypassing the UN to “end violence” of its own creation, West plumbs new depths of own depravity.
Tony Cartalucci, Contributor
Ned Dobos of Australia’s University of New South Wales, Canberra has given a presentation, served up in the form of an op-ed in the Sydney Morning Herald titled, “Syria needs a vigilante to save its people,” that can only be described as a new benchmark in Western duplicity.
Cued up by the forces of Western imperialism, Dobos plugs in every keyword and talking point flowing through the halls of the very corporate-funded think tanks that have engineered the blood-soaked destabilization in Syria in the first place.
Sidestepping entirely the history of the current conflict, both in Syria, and in a broader regional context, as well as inconvenient facts regarding the driving factors behind the violence Dobos seeks to end with his proposal, he maintains that there is a “moral imperative” for nations to act outside of the “paralyzed” United Nations.
Dobos conducts a rambling pedantic philosophical defense of what is essentially a unilateral act of war built on patently false pretenses, as NATO has already done in Libya, and as the US has done in Iraq and Afghanistan at the cost of millions of innocent lives.
Dobos concludes by stating:
Champions of the UN often fail to see or acknowledge that the obligations of a state’s international commitments are equally prima facie, and that in some cases a perfectly good justification for their transgression will be available.
Syria is one of those cases. The global body entrusted with the task of preventing human rights abuses is, once again, paralysed by politics. For any state that is able and willing to act unilaterally, the imperative to defend people against murder, torture and rape trumps fidelity to international covenant. A vigilante that defends the innocent when the police can’t or won’t is not a villain, he is a hero. – “Syria needs a vigilante to save its people” Ned Dobos, SMH.The Truth Drowns Western & Dobos’ Flights of R2P Fancy ../../..
June 30th, 2012, 7:30 am
Alan said:
More about Syria
A traveler and an independent journalist, Vyacheslav Krasko, who returned from Syria some time ago, in an exclusive interview for the Voice of Russia, provided detailed information about the country to which paramount attention is currently being paid.
He has spent 3 weeks in Syria, trying to understand what is really happening there.
Vyacheslav Krasko flew to Damascus on April 29th, when in accordance with the plan of the UN-Arab League Special Envoy for Syria Kofi Annan the government troops and the opposition declared a ceasefire. The Russian journalist arrived in Syria from Libya. During his 3-week trip to Syria he visited the city of Deraa in the south of the country, where disturbances started in March of 2011, Bosri, once a tourist centre that now is practically completely blocked by the rebels, Tartus that hosts a Russian naval base, and Latakia, which is the largest seaport of Syria. Vyacheslav Krasko also planned to visit Palmyra, the main sight of interest in Syria, and Homs but the local residents said that it was very dangerous.
“When I was in Damascus, there were dozens of people there who arrived in Damascus from Homs. They all, including women, children, men, and old people, were refugees, and all of them said that a trip to Homs might be dangerous. This means that the people are leaving territories where the rebels are operating. Rebels pose a serious danger. That is why the people in Syria usually take a decision to go to Damascus which is controlled by the government troops. Among the problems Syria is facing now is the problem of corruption. Another problem is that representatives of the ruling class are interfering in business. And still, the current developments in Syria were not caused by the above-mentioned circumstances. The fact that terrorists are operating in the country is far more dangerous. Under the existing conditions, the majority of people in Syria give preference to the lawful government.”
In the big Syrian cities that are controlled by the current government life is normal, continues Vyacheslav Krasko.
June 30th, 2012, 7:44 am
zoo said:
Syria activists: Troops recover rebellious suburb
Associated Press – 1 hr 16 mins ago
BEIRUT (AP) — Activists say Syrian troops have regained control of a rebellious Damascus suburb after a 10-day assault that left dozens dead and hundreds wounded.
The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights and local activist Mohammed Saeed say troops recaptured Douma outside the capital late Friday.
The Observatory says conditions in Douma are miserable, with dead bodies in the streets.
It says there is a lack of food, electricity and running water.
Douma has been a hotbed of dissent since the uprising against President Bashar Assad began in March last year.
Troops loyal to Assad are strong in central Damascus, but have battled to control the ring of suburbs and settlements in the surrounding countryside. The army launches frequent offensives into the suburbs only to see them slip back into rebel control.
June 30th, 2012, 8:26 am
zoo said:
A slap to Erdogan: USA contradicts Turkish report
Turkish jet shot down inside Syrian airspace: report
ISTANBUL – Hürriyet Daily News
U.S. intelligence indicated a Turkish warplane shot down by Syrian forces was most likely hit by shore-based anti-aircraft guns while flying inside Syrian airspace, American officials said, according to the Wall Street Journal. The finding falls in tune with Syria’s account of the incident and contrasts reports from Turkish officials.
A former senior U.S. official who worked closely with Turkey said he believed the flight’s course was meant to test Syria’s response. “You think that the airplane was there by mistake?” the former official said. “These countries are all testing how fast they get picked up and how fast someone responds. It’s part of training.”
A Turkish official said the plane wasn’t on a surveillance mission when it was shot down. “All NATO members have condemned the Syrian hostile act and have supported Turkey,” the official said.
June 30th, 2012, 8:29 am
@240 Conversation with the Comrade Generals
They will, they will, right after they finish the conversation with “comrade general Faraj Shihadeh Almuqt and comrade general Muneer Ahmad Shulibi. It should not take long before they come knocking on Rajha’s and Friej’s doors, and then on to the sewage pipe where comerade marshal doctor buffoon bashar blue eyes athad will be hiding.
June 30th, 2012, 8:33 am
Syrialover said:
# 240. HASSAN explained to us: “The Army belongs to Assad, and anybody who thinks otherwise better talk to Comrade Defense Minister Dawoud Rajiha and Comrade General Fahd Jassem al Freij.”
The army belongs to Assad – in other words, it’s his own private army, just like an outlaw warlord or crime boss would have.
Thanks for putting that clearly on the record.
It’s good to have this confirmed by someone like you, someone who appears to be a close Assad ally.
June 30th, 2012, 8:40 am
zoo said:
The revolution in Saudi Arabia is starting
So you think you can swing: Saudi sex parties all the rage
Published: 29 June, 2012, 20:33
Swinging sex parties are slowing finding a place among Saudi Arabia`s foreign residents and elite. One foreign couple gave a sneak peak into their private lives that could cost them their freedom or more in the conservative Islamic kingdom.
The couple, living in the capital Riyadh, says they organize so-called “wife-swapping” parties once a month with up to five couples participating.
“It is something we do and we are not ashamed of it,” said Tara, who asked that her full name not to be disclosed. Partner swapping is the best way “to find out more about ourselves sexually,” she argues.
“What we do is we put all our names in a hat and draw out one woman and one man, then we continue until all the names are counted and then we begin,” her husband Mark said, adding that everyone comes voluntarily and nobody is coerced into participating.
June 30th, 2012, 8:43 am
Hassan said:
Syrian Hamster, what makes you so confident ? We are an Army which has defaeted ISRAEL in 1973 and 1982, thousands upon thousands of tough Russian trained Syrian soldiers are waiting for the command.
June 30th, 2012, 8:51 am
Syrialover said:
# 243. Alan,
Thanks for that piece of comedy about that puzzle-faced Russian who “spent 3 weeks in Syria, trying to understand what is really happening there”.
I am laughing out loud as I read it.
It is seriously funny. He puts two and two together and comes up with 3, scratching his head, his face earnest as he walks around Latakia and Tartous and Deraa.
He was advised to stay away from Homs and Palmyra, obviously by his regime escorts and the Syrian soldiers he met at checkpoints. They knew what reactions he’d get to his Russian passport and his regime entourage.
With mock-naivety he says: “When Syrian soldiers at the checkpoints saw a Russian passport, they said with a friendly smile: “Welcome to Syria”.”
The guy is a comic genius. Watch the name Vyacheslav Krasko for other hilarious writing.
June 30th, 2012, 9:07 am
zoo said:
Turkey in defensive panic mode: It was time.
Iran, Syria to target Turkish troops in Lebanon
With the embattled Syrian minority regime officially designated as a “hostile state” by Turkish Prime Minister Recep Rayyip Erdo?an — who was unequivocally clear this Tuesday during a speech in Parliament that Bashar al-Assad’s government represents a “clear and present danger” to the security of Turkey after shooting down an unarmed Turkish jet in international airspace — we now find ourselves in a different set of circumstances.
Turkey has rushed to beef up security in key border areas, raised the alert level nationwide, changed the rules of engagement to respond immediately to any Syrian provocation and successfully secured NATO backing to respond to an uncalled for and unjustified attack on a Turkish jet. But the intelligence community is worried that the next provocation from the Assad regime or its unwavering patron, Iran, may not come from the border areas Turkey shares with both countries but most likely from a distant place where both Syria and Iran have substantial leverage: Lebanon.
June 30th, 2012, 9:08 am
Tara said:
The Mullahs are not leaving any room for possible reconciliation with the Syrian people in the phase after Batta’s demise.
U.N. publishes report on Iran arms trade with Syria
UNITED NATIONS | Fri Jun 29, 2012 11:48pm EDT
(Reuters) – A U.N. Security Council committee has published a report on Iranian sanctions violations, including shipments of weapons to Syria in breach of a U.N. ban on weapons exports by the Islamic Republic.
June 30th, 2012, 9:10 am
Halabi said:
All the hijackers on September 11 were Arabs, which led some Americans to say that while not all Arabs are terrorists, most terrorists are Arabs. Others just blamed terrorism on Muslims. We (we being sane, non-racist peace-loving people) dismissed the argument as reductive and racist.
But now it’s refined to most terrorists are Sunnis, a better argument that I assume is teached at Sectarian Hatred University, where many of our semi-illiterate Syrian doctors here appear to have graduated from.
Who is a terrorist? The person who bombs a busy market or civilian airplane is a terrorist for sure. But if a person carries a weapon to fend off the incoming state-sponsored militias and military from killing his family and stealing their possessions to be sold in a sectarian flea market, well he’s only a terrorist if he’s Sunni.
What about killing babies, that can’t be right. That’s also allowed if the baby is Sunni because it’s more likely that he will become a terrorist.
Reminds me of the Palestinian rap ??? ??????. http://youtu.be/5QofhhkuKVk
The last verse asks how can we stop being a terrorist: Kneeling down in handcuffs, watching our houses being destroys, refugees suffering, orphans everywhere, is that what you want? Wallow in our sorrows, bury our dead just so you feel safe? Do we have the blood of dogs (which is yes, but only for Sunnis).
June 30th, 2012, 9:12 am
irritated said:
234. Juergen
more entertaining that Al Dunia and state tv?
Much more.. their choices of characters and events are more dramatic, adventurous and tear jerking than the local TVs.
Surely the local TV should learn how to stir the emotions of western audiences, avid of exotic names and dramas, to make them disregard the larger picture.
June 30th, 2012, 9:16 am
Syrialover said:
#248. ZOO
That piece you posted about the naughty, naughty sex parties in Saudi Arabia, doesn’t have an author, but I think it could be Vyacheslav Krasko, that comedy writer posted by Alan above.
He’s doing a satire on the “News of the World”, the paper full of made up scandals that Rupert Murdoch was forced to closed.
June 30th, 2012, 9:16 am
What makes me so confident….
History and the law of garbage. Nations eventually throw away garbage like Assads and their supporters.
June 30th, 2012, 9:22 am
Uzair8 said:
An interesting opinion piece which seems to detail the background dialogue.
Behind-the-scenes Russian diplomacy
By Ali Bluwi
Saturday, 30 June 2012
All indicators reveal that the Turkish fighter was downed by Russian and rather than Syrian defenses. The incident came as a reaction to the Syrian pilot who fled in his Russian-made plane to Jordan.
The Syrian pilot managed to flee thanks to the Israeli effort in crippling the Russian-made radar in Syria. Tel Aviv had one objective: To send a clear message to Iran that the Russian traditional air defense system is weak and can be beaten. Russia’s response was quick. By downing the Turkish fighter, Russia sent a message that the Russian air defense system is as good as its Western counterpart.
Read more:
June 30th, 2012, 9:25 am
Syrialover said:
Hassan (#248) said: “Syrian Hamster, what makes you so confident ? We are an Army which has defaeted ISRAEL in 1973 and 1982, thousands upon thousands of tough Russian trained Syrian soldiers are waiting for the command.”
The use of “We” clarifies your professional role, thanks.
And yeah, Mr Hamster, what makes you so confident? Share your secret tips with Hassan, he could use some advice in his job.
June 30th, 2012, 9:27 am
irritated said:
#252 Halabi
No use to turn around the pot and find far fetch arguments:
The 9/11 team was strictly made up of Arab Sunnis and they all had a direct or indirect connection with Saudi Arabia. This investigation path was not followed thoroughly because of Saudi Arabia’s intimate relation with the USA.
It’s time for the Arab Sunnis to get out of the shade of this country that corrupts people, bred terrorism and has put all Sunnis on the defensive.
It’ high time for Sunnis to rebel and affirm their real aspirations that have been hijacked by countries like Saudi Arabia, Qatar and the greedy and complacent Western allies.
I think this is part of the “Arab Spring”.
June 30th, 2012, 9:29 am
zoo said:
254. Syrialover
Oh, too bad it’s made up.
June 30th, 2012, 9:33 am
Tara said:
“The Law of Garbage”
Brilliant invokation.
June 30th, 2012, 9:38 am
zoo said:
More of Wahhabi’s inspired extremists on rampage
Hardline Islamists destroy Muslim religious shrines in Timbuktu
Agence France-Presse
Jul 1, 2012
Armed militants from the fundamentalist Ansar Dine group have already destroyed the ancient tomb of at least one revered Muslim figures on Saturday, just days after UNESCO named the city an endangered world heritage site.
“They have raped Timbuktu today. It is a crime,” said a source close to a local imam after the onslaught began early Saturday.
nsar Dine, one of the Islamist groups which seized control of the vast desert north of Mali in the chaotic aftermath of a March coup in Bamako, said no religious site would be safe in Timbuktu.
“Ansar Dine will today destroy every mausoleum in the city. All of them, without exception,” spokesman Sanda Ould Boumama told AFP through an interpreter from the city.
June 30th, 2012, 9:39 am
Syrialover said:
# 258.Irritated
The Sunni-Shia issue is being nicely stoked and kept alive, 1,300 years and counting.
And it’s no use, because the mass of the world public that links Moslems with terrorism see Shia and Sunni as all one – they are oblivious to the divide.
June 30th, 2012, 9:41 am
zoo said:
Post-Soviet dreams distort Russia’s view of Syria’s hard reality
Alan Philps
Jun 29, 2012
Russia has almost no strategic interests in Syria. The vaunted “naval base” on the Mediterranean coast at Tartus is no more than a pier and a floating repair shop. Its loss would have no significant effect on Russian naval capability.
As a customer for Russian arms, Syria represents only 5 per cent of total sales, and the major proposed deals – for air-defence missiles and advanced fighters – have been postponed or abandoned in the interests of good relations with the West and Israel.
The basis for Russian support of President Bashar Al Assad, even as his regime looks ever shakier, is not shared interests. It is simply nostalgia among the Moscow elites for Russia’s great-power status, which has led them to try to prevent “the final disappearance of the last ghostly traces of Soviet might”.
June 30th, 2012, 9:43 am
Tara said:
I agree totally. I think I elluded to that before. I am getting better in psychoanalysis. Unfortunately Syria is becoming the destination of everyone’s fantasy.
June 30th, 2012, 9:49 am
Judging by the blind swallowing and parroting of dogma, said commentator needs no tips to advance in ranks around the regime-of-the-buffoon.
June 30th, 2012, 9:50 am
Syrialover said:
# 259. Zoo said: “Oh, too bad it’s made up’
Come on, that’s never stopped you posting stuff. Don’t stop now.
Could you and Alan please keep an eye out for more stuff in the Russian press by “traveler and independent journalist” Vyacheslav Krasko (as in #242).
I am now a fan of his humor writing – he gave me a laugh in this time of anxiety and heartbreak about what is happening in Syria.
June 30th, 2012, 9:56 am
Alan said:
each witness, or analyst who speak an opinion that you do not like you are painting him in black! so do not be!do you need analysts or journalists? from the non-free non-Syrian Army?
June 30th, 2012, 10:05 am
Syrialover said:
That comment (#263) on why Russia persists with its stance on Syria is the sweet and mild version.
Unfortunately below is more the ugly truth:
“Russia’s political class never accepted concepts like “responsibility to protect”, which aim to limit the ability of authoritarian governments to repress their own people.
“Sovereignty, to the Russian leadership, means an unlimited licence for governments to do as they please within their national borders.”
“…the Russian leadership has been obsessed with the idea of America and the EU engineering the overthrow of governments that, for whatever reason, they find unsuitable.
“President Vladimir Putin and his team seem to be convinced that something like that could happen to Russia.”
From ‘Why Russia is standing by Syria’s Assad’ http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-18462813
June 30th, 2012, 10:08 am
Thanks for posting, that was a good article.
June 30th, 2012, 10:18 am
omen said:
i’m seeing people persist in describing this as a “civil war.”
they need to be reminded the majority of victims slain were unarmed.
June 30th, 2012, 10:31 am
omen said:
no country is going to put their prestige on the line for nostalgia. this is has something to do with the proposed pipeline (as fisk points out) and russia’s interest in iraqi oil.
there was another article that talked about how europe is reliant on oil and gas from russia. a new pipeline delivering oil from iraq and the caspian sea is going to weaken russia’s dominance as europe’s main supplier.
June 30th, 2012, 10:38 am
Alan said:
Russia has almost no strategic interests in Syria
Alan Philps
Bravo! Assess the geopolitical seasoned!!! If this address what is the charge!!! Noted to the defect appeared to press the Russian analysts from you , God willing, very wise! !
June 30th, 2012, 10:48 am
majedkhaldoun said:
President Mursi of Egypt said ,he wants to see the blood bath in Syria stop, He said Syrian people are Brothers of Egyptian people.
I believe Egypt should have been in Geneve conference today rather than Quwait
June 30th, 2012, 10:48 am
omen said:
In 6000 years of Syrian history(I.e 6000 years befor FSA was formed) No Syrians
Were ever killed by:
1- cutting head
2-hanging of trees
3-suicide bombings
4-Video taped window jumping
5-video taped brain smashing
6-cutting bodies of dead people
7-disposal of dead people bodies in rivers
8-Vidio taped hijab-less minority girls hanging
Why are all of the above happening in Syria since FSA was formed?
What is your conclusion ??
6000 years of civilized Syria are replaced by FSA barbarism for who’s benefit? 7:45 pm
i’ve asked you before but you didn’t answer. have you called or written amnesty international or human rights watch and demand these atrocities be investigated?
i keep reading and hearing people reference how alawites were historically persecuted in the past. but i never get details. how were alawites persecuted? we’re they murdered en masse like sunnis are being now?
June 30th, 2012, 10:54 am
Alan said:
????? ???? ??? ???? ???????? ??????? ????? ???? ????? !
June 30th, 2012, 10:58 am
Tara said:
Good point. Are Alawis playing victims to justify this massive savagery? What are the historical evidence of their persecution? Other than citing Ibn Taymieh’s fatwas, I have not heard any evidence? Is Ibn Taymieh’s document all they got?
June 30th, 2012, 10:59 am
Syrialover said:
Here’s an article I believe you were thinking of. It’s about Russia’s reasons for stayng close to Iran, where Syria is a link.
It makes a range of interesting points worth noting, including:
” Why is Iran so central to Mr. Putin’s global pretensions? Take a look at the Caspian Sea area map and the strategic equations come into relief. Iran acts as a southern bottleneck to the geography of Central Asia. It could offer the West access to the region’s resources that would bypass Russia. If Iran reverted to pro-Western alignment, the huge reserves of oil and gas landlocked in Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan and the like could flow directly out to the world without a veto from Moscow.”
June 30th, 2012, 11:04 am
omen said:
i hate when i overlook the obvious.
227. JNA said:
“Doubts Cast on Turkey’s Story of Jet
U.S. Intelligence, Contradicting Ankara, Indicates Aircraft Was Shot Down by Syria in Its Own Airspace, Officials Say 11:35 pm
maybe so. but syria still shot without giving warning. left unanswered is why syria was on a hair trigger alert. it wasn’t acting defensively, as being claimed, in protecting sovereign air space. it was acting offensively. why? (i had to read this to be reminded.)
June 30th, 2012, 11:08 am
zoo said:
#277 SL
All big powers that have established or want to establish domination to enhance or preserve their economical assets think about their strategic interests first. “Democracy’, ‘freedom’ and ‘human rights’ have a low priority in their calculations unless they can serve their interests.
Some of the genuine opposition are naive to believe in ‘morals’ There is no morals in politics, just interests.
June 30th, 2012, 11:13 am
zoo said:
Weakening Iran? Can it fight back?
Iran Braces For Full Force Of EU Oil Embargo
By Golnaz Esfandiari, RFE/RL
July 1 figures to be a bad day for Iran — that’s when hard-hitting EU sanctions on Iran’s oil exports take full effect. The sanctions targeting the country’s economic lifeline are the EU’s toughest measures to date concerning Iran’s controversial nuclear activities. Economists believe they could slash Iran’s oil revenues by half.
June 30th, 2012, 11:17 am
Alan said:
If you have constructive ideas you might request from the Russians to serve the people of Syria and not to serve both sides of the crisis rather than blame Say it
June 30th, 2012, 11:18 am
Syrialover said:
# 274. OMEN
I’m sure all the human rights and war crimes bodies already have SNK’s list dealt with in detail in their massive files labelled “Assad regime: crimes and evidence”
June 30th, 2012, 11:18 am
irritated said:
Any ‘massive’ demonstrations reported on Friday? Any strike? any government officials defection?
It seems that the new SNC leader’s voice is getting weaker by the day.
June 30th, 2012, 11:23 am
Syrialover said:
#280 ZOO,
“Iran Braces For Full Force Of EU Oil Embargo – could slash Iran’s oil revenues by half.”
The mullahs gift to the Iranian people.
Should make Iran’s “leaders” wasting resources in Syria even less popular at home among the already huge unemployment and economic shambles they have created by mismanagement.
June 30th, 2012, 11:27 am
Tara said:
No need for massive demonstration any more and no one is calling for it. It is an armed struggle. We do not want people to demonstrate any more and be sitting ducks for snipers. This phase is completed already.
June 30th, 2012, 11:29 am
zoo said:
No foreign intervention in Syria resolution, RI, Russia agree
The Jakarta Post, Bandung, West Java | World | Fri, 06/29/2012 4:37 PM
President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono and his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin are on the same page: Foreign interests should stay out of Syrian conflict resolution.
“President Putin and I share a common view that it must be stopped,” Yudhoyono said during a public lecture on “Geopolitics development in Asia Pacific in the 21st century and its effects on Indonesia” at the Army Officer School’s Soedirman Building in Bandung, West Java, on Friday.
“But all political process will depend on the Syrian people themselves.”
He said Indonesia would continue to contribute to efforts to stop the violence in Syria, which had already claimed “many lives”.
“That’s why I had a meeting with Putin in Los Cabos [Mexico] because Russia and Syria have a close relationship,” Yudhoyono said.
He said he had also talked with United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon about the Syrian conflict “because there will be a meeting among veto holders tomorrow [Saturday].”
Yudhoyono said he suggested the UN immediately order a cease fire and the deployment of an unarmed peacekeeping force to get the situation under control.
A cease-fire, he said, managed to reduce tension between Lebanon and Israel after they had exchanged fire for two weeks in 2010.
“If [a cease fire and the deployment of peacekeeping forces] does not work, there is another option – a peacemaking process must be begun,” he said, referring to the deployment of a peacemaking force.
Different from peacekeeping, a peacemaking process is a possible proposal to bring conflicting parties to negotiations by force.
Yudhoyono said the last option was not meant to attack Syrian President Bashar al-Assad but rather to stop “war”, as tensions had also escalated between Syria and neighboring Turkey.
June 30th, 2012, 11:33 am
Syrialover said:
Alan, I miss that you have not offered me a cup of coffee or tea or anything for a while.
What about Vodka?
June 30th, 2012, 11:36 am
Syria no Kandahar said:
Phase 2:Armed struggle
June 30th, 2012, 11:37 am
Alan said:
What about Vodka?
see the comment 275 !!!
June 30th, 2012, 11:59 am
zoo said:
The Hariri’s Tribunal in jeopardy
The Illegality of the STL
The renewed US legal offensive against Hezbollah coincides with the blowing apart of the legality of establishing the STL by the four legal teams defending Salim Ayyash, Mustafa Badreddine, Hussein Oneissi, and Assad Sabra.
In this respect, the lawyers initiated three consecutive campaigns. First it challenged the legality of United Nations Security Council (UNSC) resolution 1757 on 30 May 2007, which established the court, considering that the 14 February 2005 crime did not pose a threat to international peace and security.
The decision of judges … is expected in the next few weeks.
The second campaign … refers to the illegality of the indictment which was issued by Bellemare in 2011.
The argument stressed that Bellemare’s appointment as international prosecutor was for one year, ending on 13 November 2010. Therefore, he did not have the legal authority to issue the indictment.
STL officials told Al-Akhbar that the challenge to the legality of the indictment caused a stir in the hallways of the court’s headquarters at the Hague. It hit the prosecutor’s office bureaucracy where it hurt.
The third – and not necessarily the final –
June 30th, 2012, 12:02 pm
Alan said:
President Morsi hails “new Egypt” but faces challenges to authority
June 30th, 2012, 12:12 pm
irritated said:
Armed struggle? Abandoning their wife and children? who will protect them? The Syrian Army? The FSA?
“The Observatory said about 100 families, mostly women and children, remain in Douma as men had to flee because of waves of arrests.”
June 30th, 2012, 12:14 pm
zoo said:
One more effort to ‘unite’ the opposition on the elusive ‘common vision’: 200+ oppositions groups to participate
In Egypt, Arab League deputy chief Ahmed ben Heli told reporters that a Syrian opposition meeting will be held Monday in Cairo.
He said more than 200 Syrians representing opposition groups from inside and outside the country have been invited along with foreign ministers from the five permanent U.N. Security Council members — the United States, Britain, China, France and Russia. Also invited were Annan and envoys from Iraq, Kuwait, Qatar, Turkey and Tunisia.
They will discuss agreeing on a common vision to deal with the next stage, he said.
The regional and international participation will only be in the opening and closing sessions while the opposition groups alone will discuss the issue for two days.
Previous attempts in the past weeks to hold a similar meeting at the league’s headquarters in Cairo failed because of differences between opposition groups.
British Foreign Secretary William Hague welcomed next week’s meeting.
“In our view the transition must involve representatives of all Syrian communities,” he said in Geneva.
June 30th, 2012, 12:18 pm
Alan said:
For America the exceptional, foreign ‘partnership’ is just a euphemistic oxymoron for designated morons eager to be US minions to promote ‘the freedom agenda’ of the unipolar world disorder at the expense of their nations’ sovereignty and dignity.
Firstly, as the former CIA chieftain Leon Panetta used to say, ‘there’s only one game in town’ – in this case, the US Global Blame Game, aka Information Support Operation for R2P and ‘humanitarian’ interventions.
Secondly, you don’t have to be a KGB colonel to figure out that a White House figurehead is whimsical dependent variable; in the meantime US foreign policy towards Russia is a real constant, bolstered by non-negotiable bipartisan ideological dogma since the days of yore.
If there’s anything for the Russian president to wait for, it has nothing to do with the US November elections: American presidents don’t formulate Russian policy; they are just allowed to execute it.
Well, despite all his credentials, the maven has badly failed to meet the expectations: his take was to tank rather than to think the imponderables…/../…
US foreign policy calculated cul-de-sac (Op-Ed)
June 30th, 2012, 12:23 pm
Tara said:
Phase 3: Victory.
June 30th, 2012, 12:26 pm
Syria no Kandahar said:
Victory is phase 4
Phase 3 is defeating Islamist Terrorists.
June 30th, 2012, 12:37 pm
Uzair8 said:
Raised on power, Assad risks all
Sat Jun 30, 2012
[Selected quotes]
“Our age, like any other, is the age of the powerful only; and there is no place in it for the weak,” he told Damascus university students this month. A week later, he told his cabinet: “When one is in a state of war, all our policies and capabilities must be used to secure victory.”
“I was asked several times last week why I look pale, and whether it was because of the pressures. I said no. In fact I was a little ill,” Assad told the students.
June 30th, 2012, 12:41 pm
Uzair8 said:
Syrian Army with new Russian sniper rifles?
For use against FSA or peaceful protestors, or both?
June 30th, 2012, 12:48 pm
omen said:
296. SYRIA NO KANDAHAR said: Phase 3 is defeating Islamist Terrorists.
i didn’t know this before:
wonder why mrs. clinton doesn’t mention it.
ty so much. hadn’t seen that one.
June 30th, 2012, 12:55 pm
irritated said:
Phase 3 Significant enlargement of Turkey refugee camps to house all the FSA soldiers, their family and many hardline “activists”
Phase 4 Security is back in Syria. Borders with Turkey are closed.
Phase 5 Free presidential election
June 30th, 2012, 12:55 pm
irritated said:
#299 Omen
“Syria a state sponsor of terrorism. ”
Saying that would mean that Syria is sponsoring the FSA
June 30th, 2012, 12:57 pm
omen said:
i hadn’t heard that last part described before.
now it’s going to haunt me.
June 30th, 2012, 1:04 pm
Mina said:
262 Zoo
And still no condemnation from KSA? What kind of moral autority is that?
June 30th, 2012, 1:30 pm
Mina said:
By the way, how come the Saudi owned businesses in Syria have not yet closed, in sign of protest? The juicy Four Seasons, for example? Or are politics and business to be kept apart?
June 30th, 2012, 1:47 pm
Halabi said:
Dozens of people were injured and an unknown number were killed today in Zamelka near Damascus during a funeral.
Moment of the explosion
Aftermath – very graphic
Whoever did this is a terrorist, and the state does nothing to investigate the crime or provide medical aid to its victims is working hand-in-hand with terrorists.
June 30th, 2012, 2:13 pm
Tara said:
They’re wasting taxpayers money. After all the martyrs and spilled blood, Can any insane person believe that Syrians will drop their arms and accept a freaking government that Bashar is part of it. The point is any government that has Bashar in it is a pseudo government where the only decision maker is thug one…The armed struggle will continue..We have no interest.
Syria conference leaves open Assad question
By JOHN HEILPRIN and MATTHEW LEE | Associated Press – 6 mins ago
GENEVA (AP) — An international conference accepted a U.N.-brokered peace plan for Syria, but left open whether the country’s president could be part of a transitional government.
The U.S. backed away from demands that President Bashar Assad be excluded, hoping the concession would encourage Russia to put greater pressure on its longtime ally to end the violent crackdown that the opposition says has claimed over 14,000 lives.
U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton insisted that Assad would still have to go, saying “it is now “incumbent on Russia and China to show Assad the writing on the wall.”
Moscow had refused to back a provision that would call for Assad to step aside, insisting that outsiders cannot order a political solution for Syria.
Syria envoy Kofi Annan said following talks that “it is for the people of Syria to come to a political agreement.”
“I will doubt that the Syrians who have fought so hard to have independence … will select people with blood on their hands to lead them,” he said.
The envoy earlier warned the permanent members of the U.N. Security Council — Britain, China, France, Russia and the United States — that if they fail to act at the talks hosted by the United Nations at its European headquarters in Geneva, they face an international crisis of “grave severity” that could spark violence across the region and provide a new front for terrorism.
“History is a somber judge and it will judge us all harshly, if we prove incapable of taking the right path today,” he said.
He appeared to specifically aim his words at Russia, Syria’s most important ally, protector and arms supplier.
The U.S. has been adamant that Assad should not be allowed to remain in power at the top of the transitional government, and there is little chance that the fragmented Syrian opposition would go along with any plan that does not explicitly say Bashar must go.
“While many spoke of united support for one … some simultaneously took national or collective initiatives of their own, undermining the process. This has fueled uncertainty in Syria, in turn fueling the flames of violence,” Annan said. “By being here today, you suggest the intention to show that leadership. But can you, can we follow through?”
He said that “the way things have been going thus far — we are not helping anyone. Let us break this trend and start being of some use.”
June 30th, 2012, 2:15 pm
Stick to the Truth said:
#306 TARA
“We have no interest”
Who are we?
And who is the taxpayer. The “Rebelles?
Russia did not flipp. Hillary is no longer credible, she shall step down and leave the world in peace
June 30th, 2012, 2:36 pm
omen said:
who better than a professor based in oklahoma to shepherd us to gain a greater understanding of the byzantine politics of global oil? why hasn’t he done so? or has he already given that lecture and i missed it?
June 30th, 2012, 2:36 pm
Alan said:
Time for regime change in the USA 🙂
June 30th, 2012, 3:11 pm
majedkhaldoun said:
I think many will say this meeting in Geneve is wast of time and effort.
They agreed to have a new government ,transitional one, with full executive authority
there is no mechanism, no timetable and we don’t know who will participate in it except what Annan said,no one in it who might jeopardize its success.
Does that government with full executive authority means Assad authority is gone?
Would Assad agree to the agreement while he said he will not take orders from outside?
Would Russia or can Russia force Assad to stop military use against Syrians?end violence,I doubt it.
Listening to Clinton and Lavrov, leave us with more confusion, they all are bunch of liers,
Lavrov was obstreperous, and he lied repeatedly, but looked he was in a defensive position. Clinton looked non clear, confusing.
Who won, no one
We will know more if Security council comes out with something under chapter seven.
June 30th, 2012, 3:14 pm
Alan said:
Path for Peace: Russia & West agree on transition government for Syria
The worlds major world powers have agreed on a transitional roadmap for Syria, which they say will allow Syrians to determine their own future without outside interference. Following a crisis meeting in Geneva, Russia’s Foreign Minister said the document contains no ultimatums and includes representatives from all sides of the political divide. RT’s Yegor Piskunov sums up the outcome of the gathering.
get a hot cup of cofe friend !!!
June 30th, 2012, 3:54 pm
Amir in Tel Aviv said:
Baby boy Rayan, the adorable little shabbiha.
He’s got a stomach ache after eating Ara’ir. So cute
June 30th, 2012, 3:59 pm
Afram said:
bankrupt World Powers Approve ‘Last-Ditch’ Syria Plan
President Bashar al-Assad could be part of transitional government
World powers approved a plan today to end fighting in Syria and support a transitional government that may or may not include President Bashar al-Assad.
First>both sides in the Syria conflict will be asked to recommit to a ceasefire.
Then> the UN and the Arab League will try to implement a six-point plan without waiting for others to join in,said Joint Special Envoy Decaf-Kofi Annan.
Key to the plan will be a transitional government,which could include current Syrian leaders and will be decided on by Syrians. killary Clinton said that Assad “will still have to go,” but Moscow continues to insist that Syria must determine its own president.
The agreement,which includes having Syria release detainees and welcome journalists,and allow peaceful demonstrations,is a last-ditch effort to end the fighting there “We should never have reached this point,” Annan said.
*finally the murderer of Folke Bernadotte,terrorist Yitzhak Shamir is roasting in hell.good riddance!!
June 30th, 2012, 4:14 pm
Alan said:
How Did This Shelling Kill “60 Soldiers”?
On Friday, Syrian troops shelled a suburb of Damascus, killing an estimated 125 civilians and 60 soldiers.
Dear Associated Press.
Did shelling by Syrian troops really kill “60 soldiers”?
There was noone else involved? Just “civilians” and “soldiers”?
Really? 🙂
June 30th, 2012, 4:24 pm
Alan said:
312. AFRAM
(killary Clinton said that Assad “will still have to go)
the others also share with you the opinion
June 30th, 2012, 4:34 pm
ann said:
On Syria, As Clinton Claims Text Ousts Assad, Lavrov Laughs
By Matthew Russell Lee
UNITED NATIONS, June 30 — When six hours late Kofi Annan emerged from the Action Group on Syria to speak, his key line to the press when asked if Bashar Assad will end 2012 in power or at the International Criminal court was that he’d left his crystal ball at home.
The real news was in the back to back press conferences of Hillary Clinton and Sergey Lavrov. Clinton, who took only two questions, claimed that despite agreeing to significant Russia demanded changes to Kofi Annan’s draft, Assad still couldn’t remain in power under the “mutual consent” clause. She then took questions from AP and Saudi-funded Al Arabiya and moved on.
Lavrov came out and mocked those who’d claimed they wouldn’t agree to change “even a comma,” noting the major changes Russia got.
The draft would have “exclude[d] from government those whose continued presence and participation would undermine of the transition and jeopardize stability and reconciliation.” Russia got this removed.
He focused on those funding the opposition who want a spiraling of violence, and chided those – Hillary – who blocked the presence at the Action Group of Iran.
June 30th, 2012, 4:42 pm
ann said:
Syria plan doesn’t rule out Assad role in future government – June 30, 2012
The transition plan could take up to a year to take shape, Annan said.
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov told reporters that the Syrian people would decide who is in the transitional government and made no mention of Assad being excluded.
The communique endorsed by the world powers also reaffirmed a demand that Annan’s six-point peace blueprint be implemented as soon as possible. Annan’s calls for a cease-fire have been widely ignored, but the world powers vowed to use their influence to force compliance.
The final wording of Saturday’s communique was revised to allay Russian concerns that an earlier version implicitly excluded Assad from the transitional government. Washington and its allies had wanted stronger language that would have, in effect, barred Assad from remaining in power. But Russia appeared to have prevailed on the point, despite Clinton’s repeated assertions that Assad must go.
The transitional “governing body” will exercise “full executive powers” and “could include members of the present government and the opposition and other groups and shall be formed on the basis of mutual consent,” Saturday’s communique read.
June 30th, 2012, 4:49 pm
ann said:
Syria transition plan: Assad, opposition must cooperate, says Annan – Jul 1st, 2012
He said a “strong transformational wind” was blowing and could not be resisted for long. He said the new government would be formed by discussion, negotiation and mutual consent, and the “Action Group” on Syria that met in Geneva on Saturday would reconvene as necessary,
June 30th, 2012, 4:54 pm
Syrialover said:
This is where Irritated and co talk nonesense.
They claim males who happen to be in areas where civilians have been under attack by troops should 1) stand still and wait to be swept up in mass arrests, torture and possible death or 2) fight back.
Take your pick!
Tell us Irritated, which of those two options would you take? Or a third – get out of the way to survive.
If you have any family and friends inside Syria with male members aged between 14 and 60, please ask them what they would do.
Get real!
Here’s what I’m referring to:
# 292. Irritated said:” Armed struggle? Abandoning their wife and children? who will protect them? The Syrian Army? The FSA?” – “The Observatory said about 100 families, mostly women and children, remain in Douma as men had to flee because of waves of arrests.”
June 30th, 2012, 5:21 pm
AJ said:
So it turns out it’s the US who has flipped, not Russia.
June 30th, 2012, 5:26 pm
Syrialover said:
I am concerned that young kid could be on steriods.
June 30th, 2012, 5:27 pm
Syria no Kandahar said:
Lovers of Syrians killing :killed a doctor in flying science claiming that he was (Shabih)
???? ????? ???? ??? ????? “????? ????? ??? ?????? ??????” ??????? ?????? ?? ??? ??????? ??????? ??????? ???? ??? ????? ???? ????? ?? ??? ????? ??????? ????? ???? ????? ???? ???? ??????? ??? ???? ??? ????.
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Syrian killing lovers killed very well respected doctor graduate of Tolose university in France
With some patents in flying science because
He was SHABEEH!!!
June 30th, 2012, 5:28 pm
Syrialover said:
313. Alan
I see. This is a special war where soldiers are allowed to kill, kill, kill and smash up homes and never be attacked back?
Only when the “state” attacks its citizens. In Russia they know all about that.
June 30th, 2012, 5:30 pm
Amir in Tel Aviv said:
The plan is first of all a slap on the face of this dying junta.
Russia and China admit that the newly approved constitution (if you can call this shameful paper, a constitution) is a scorn and is a disgrace.
The problem is that the new-new constitution, that Russia and China want to sponsor, will also be annihilated sooner than later. And Syria will have it’s 3rd constitution, when the junta perishes.
This process ridicules the action of drafting constitutions. Is this their real intent?
June 30th, 2012, 5:40 pm
Ghufran said:
I disagree with Hassan on Bashar,the man should not have been forced on syrians as a president in 2000 to start with. This crisis sealed my opinion about him,he failed on multiple levels as he only succeeded in staying in power. The honorable thing,if this word exists in Syria today,is to resign and let syrians choose a successor, as whether he is legally liable for the blood shed,I hope that an independent court will decide that,syrians should not let this bloody period ends without a proper closure.
The Geneva plan,as inadequate as it is,provides guidelines for how to start the process of ending this dark phase in syria’s history,but nothing will happen if the weapons keep coming and syrians continue to be killed like sheep.
Majedkhaldoun is right about Egypt,the region has a lot to gain if Egypt is given its rightful place in any conference about the Middle East,however,since this is a conflict and since Iran is somehow involved,Iran must be part of the conference too.
June 30th, 2012, 6:48 pm
Ghufran said:
It is now the US,not SANA, who is calling Erdogan a liar:
June 30th, 2012, 6:58 pm
omen said:
is this the onion?
June 30th, 2012, 7:00 pm
Ghufran said:
A good article by Fareed Zakaria:
June 30th, 2012, 7:04 pm
irritated said:
#319 SL
What a question? Fight back of course, protect your family even to death.
Would you abandon your family to a unknown fate, especially if you believe they will massacred like in Houla? I wouldn’t. I’ll die with them.
June 30th, 2012, 7:13 pm
zoo said:
Russia delighted with the outcome of the Geneva meeting but Hillary is still hammering her ‘fiction’ mantra.
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said he was “delighted” with the result. The key point was that the deal did not attempt to impose a process on Syria, he said
It did not imply at all that Assad should step down as there were no preconditions excluding any group from the proposed national unity government, Lavrov said.
But U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said it sent a clear message to Assad that he must quit.
“Assad will still have to go,” Clinton told reporters. “What we have done here is to strip away the fiction that he and those with blood on their hands can stay in power.”
June 30th, 2012, 7:18 pm
bronco said:
The meeting in Geneva is just another confirmation by the Western powers and the Arab actors that Annan’s six points plan is the only plan to follow.
This time it is more specific at establishing milestones as well as the intention to work out the necessary steps and time frame to reach these milestones.
In fact, it brings nothing new in terms of contents, just more details.
The important achievement is that now Turkey, Qatar ( and KSA), the USA, the Uk and France have to officially adhere to it: No more arms smuggling, no more airplanes spying, no more money for the armed rebels.
To move forward, Syria will need to be immediately reintegrated in the AL and all sanctions canceled. Then the Syrian government could accept to deal with the AL again.
The AL meeting in Cairo to ‘unite’ the opposition will probably be the occasion for the opposition to officially accept the Annan plan and to reluctantly accept the dialog with the regime under the UN-AL umbrella.
All this look rosy… will it happen?
June 30th, 2012, 7:36 pm
Tara said:
The verdict belongs to the people: it is an all out war. There is no peace and there is no plan.
Syria rebels: ‘There is no peace and there is no plan’
As the international community meets to discuss diplomacy, Bashar al-Assad’s opponents talk of all-out struggle
guardian.co.uk, Saturday 30 June 2012 18.44 EDT
Before Saturday’s United Nations summit on Syria, some supporters of the country’s opposition had their own plan – of sorts – to stop the unfolding catastrophe. It ignored the ongoing high-stakes diplomacy and any other talk of internationally brokered peace. All-out war, said activists, exiles and guerrillas alike, was now the only way to bring an end to the chaos in Syria.
“If Assad stays or goes is not the problem. It’s the regime that needs to go. If that doesn’t happen, then no reasonable person can say there has been progress.”
One man, recovering in hospital from a bullet wound to his kidney, said talks could never advance while Russia held most of the negotiating trump cards. “Impossible,” he said, as he tried in vain to lift his emaciated frame to press home his point. “We will finish what we started.”
“I’ve seen the face of this regime, because I was one of their soldiers,” Khiari said, displaying his military identification which listed him as an officer. “I know what needs to be done to get rid of them. Negotiations to them are a chance to stall. And they show weakness. There is nothing left to do except fight. And we will meet our challenges.”
And in recent weeks a new theme has crept into their discussions. Where basics such as supply lines and evacuations to Turkey once dominated, a new dialogue is taking place – how to prepare for life after Assad and what sort of society might rise from the ruins.
“I’m not going to say I’m speaking for a grieving mother,” said Idris inside her small flat in Antakya, where she now lives with her two daughters. “But the feeling of loss is very real and so is the need to do something about it. Blood brings blood. The people will take revenge. I’m not going to pretend that they won’t.”
June 30th, 2012, 7:40 pm
Tara said:
Lavrov was able to remove “the pre condition” and deserves to feel delighted. What is Hillary so happy about? Her defeat? We knew her as a brilliant women. Is she suffering short/term memory loss? How can she still talk non-sense and declare that “Assad still have to go” after the Russians prevailed?
June 30th, 2012, 7:47 pm
bronco said:
It seems I was right about the outcome of the Geneva meeting.
June 30th, 2012, 7:49 pm
Tara said:
Another failure of humanity today. The world continued to give Bashar a license to kill. Douma is declared cleansed by SANA. One of those days, in the new Syria, we will also hear that Syria has been cleansed.
Syria Troops Regain Key Damascus Suburb
01 Jul 2012
Syrian troops flushed out rebels from a key Damascus suburb Saturday, regaining control of a key area just outside the capital after a 10-day assault that left dozens dead, hundreds wounded and caused a major humanitarian crisis, reports The Associated Press.
The relentless offensive against Douma forced residents and fighters to flee, leaving a trail of destruction and bodies in the streets, activists said.
In Zamalka, another suburb of Damascus, activists said more than 30 people were killed and many others wounded Saturday evening when a mortar shell struck a car that exploded as a funeral procession was taking place.
June 30th, 2012, 8:47 pm
Tara said:
June 30th, 2012, 8:54 pm
omen said:
justice is possible, it’s possible.
June 30th, 2012, 9:11 pm
zoo said:
Turkey playing with fire
At Syria’s border, after months of waiting, the weapons arrive
A village four kilometres from Turkey has become the key hub of arms shipments and defectors joining the Free Syria Army
The guerillas of northern Syria are waiting for another special delivery. When it comes, any day now, it will make the same journey as the two previous shipments that have made their way here, across crop fields worn brown by the sun, up a steep and ragged concrete road and into a decrepit police station that is fast becoming one of the Syrian revolution’s most important clearing houses.
Here in this tiny village, men from all over the country have sought refuge. Some have stayed just long enough to be fed and watered before making the last leg of their journey to the safety of Turkey. Others have made this town of 5,000 home, arriving with their families and military weapons that they donated to the rebel cause.
Until last month, scrimping and scrounging weapons from defectors was the only way to resupply a tired and outgunned rebel army. But that changed in May, something the guerilla leadership readily acknowledges.
“True the weapons came,” said one Free Syria Army commander, Abdul-Rahman Hallak, sitting in the old police station’s meeting room. “There have been around 5,000. That’s true too. But it is not enough to win a war.”
With the arrival of the weapons, this unlikely town’s importance as a hub has only increased. The nearest regime forces are more than 12 kilometres away and have not dared to enter since November. On the other side, the four kilometres to Turkey is a haven of olive groves and potato fields – ideal backdrop for smuggling runs. The 16 kilometre stretch is a buffer zone in all but name; the weapons that are now making their way here cannot possibly do so without Turkish consent.
Defectors now know that this town is their quickest way to safety and have been flocking here from around Syria in large numbers.
“Every day we are getting around 20 coming through here,” said Hallak. “Yesterday there were 24. They are coming from all over Syria
June 30th, 2012, 9:34 pm
Observer said:
So? Lavrov said this and Annan said that and Hillary talked and Hague talked and all agreed that the current regime cannot continue and needs a transitional government. Even supporters of the regime on this blog agree to that.
The elephant in the room remains: if the regime structure remains with just window dressing then this is just talk.
Where is the beef? These talks have no beef. The people inside Syria no longer believe anything from the world community. If the regime thinks that these talks are going to save it it is delusional. If the opposition thinks that Russia is going to deliver Fredo they are as delusional. The opposition and the VAST majority of Syrians know that the regime will need to be UPROOTED. They are several steps ahead of everyone else.
Cheers the germs have multiple antibiotic resistance profile now including resistance to meetings in Geneva and Moscow and Tehran
June 30th, 2012, 11:41 pm
jna said:
Re: 220. omen said:
“At Syria’s border, after months of waiting, the weapons arrive
you’re nitpicking the opposition for (imagined) lack of ideological purity when this is going on:”One video dropped off last month depicted a scene of unimaginable horror. A man in military uniform stood above two bound men with a chainsaw. He taunted them about their imminent death and said their only God was Syrian president Bashar al-Assad.Then he put the chainsaw to work, decapitating one man in a series of strokes, his blood splattering the traumatised man next to him as he waited his fate.”
Omen, in regard the above here is what I came across re: the Guardian’s, Martin Chulov’s, example of his usual taking opposition tales as gospel:
kristyan benedict?@KreaseChan
@Brown_Moses he has removed reference to the chainsaw video now – a friend in Leb contacted him to point out its the grim Mexican one..
Brown Moses?@Brown_Moses
@kreasechan I emailed him too, he replied to say he would remove. I’m surprised the people who showed it to him didn’t know it was fake
Omen, I don’t know how the dialogue was described in the article as it was. Don’t think Mexicans would be describing Assad as the only God in Arabic.
June 30th, 2012, 11:41 pm
Antoine said:
Hello, seeing you after a long time, really missed you, why so few comment these days ?
What about the statement that SNP plans to lodge criminal case against Burhan Ghalioun based on anti-terrorism laws in France for the assassination of the Masyaf Branch leader of SSNP ? Does the statement still stand ?
And what about the recent Burhan Ghalioun phto-op with armed rebels in Idleb ?
July 1st, 2012, 1:00 am
OMEN #274
i’ve asked you before but you didn’t answer. have you called or written amnesty international or human rights watch and demand these atrocities be investigated?
i keep reading and hearing people reference how alawites were historically persecuted in the past. but i never get details. how were alawites persecuted? we’re they murdered en masse like sunnis are being now?
OMEN, you live in the USA and can relate to the persecution of minorities there I hope. How about African Americans? American Natives? Jews? Irish Catholics? Muslims? Do we need to ask amnesty international or human rights watch to verify if there was any persecution?
Your concern about Sunni persecution would have been considered genuine if you had condemned Israeli persecution of Palestinian Arab Sunnis.
Alawites were persecuted, but not to the extent of murder and lynching, as you are well aware of these incidents in the history of the USA. The KKK or its equivalent did not exist in Syria. But still the Alawis suffered from persecution.
July 1st, 2012, 1:31 am
annie said:
He is waiting for one of his followers from the other side of the border
July 1st, 2012, 1:58 am
Aldendeshe said:
Court is a waste of time, specially suing in a State that is a sponsor of Global Terrorism, how can they prove him culprit anyway! I don’t pay any attention to Gallioun or SNC. Keeping track of and checkmating the masters better than the puppets. What do I think of it? Just a stupid dog trick, what else. Absurd, I mean, how on earth these dim wits and their ignorant masters thought they could win in Syria using bloody sectarian plots and Islamist is beyond me and any intelligent person who have the minimum of knowledge about Syria and Syrians. The sad part, is that despite tens of thousands dead and missing, they failed to progress one inch in nearly 2 years.
July 1st, 2012, 2:21 am
Antoine said:
What are you talking about “bloody sectarian plots” ? Was there any sectariansim in Daraa in March ? When was the first time SNP heard a sectarian slogan or a sectarian programme from the “opposition” ? Please don’t get me wrong, but I persoanlly have not seen any sectarianism, or sectarian plans / programme or slogans from Opposition at least till early February of 2012.
So please enlighten me on why SNP thinks that this was a sectarian plot. Again I remind ALdendeshe that the chants in Daraa were not sectarian.
July 1st, 2012, 2:44 am
Antoine said:
Aldendeshe, I have another question for you ( different topic) :
Why do some Syrian Army officers wera Green beret cap and Green epaulettes instead of the standard black / khaki ? What does Green beret and Green epaulette mean in the Syrian Army ? Both Hassan Turkmani and Tlass used to wear it.
Also many Syrian Army members wear the red cap and red epaulettes ? ( I know Maroon is the colour for the Special Forces / Airborne/Paratroops)
What are the meanings of the different colours in the army uniform ? Just curious.
July 1st, 2012, 2:51 am
Aldendeshe said:
Used to know that, can’t remember, the army file been out of my hand since 1996. I am in charge of military hardware, alien (extraterrestrial and subterranean) file and the strategies.
Darra was not sectarian, but it was part of the dialectic plan that was purely sectarian in its core, expelling 50,000 Christians from Homs for example, one of a 10,000 sectarian hatred manifested under this “Dialectic Plot”. Go back and watch the Video in my comment # 28 on page 1 of this Landis latest post comically titled DID RUSSIA FLIP. LOL Landis, if Syria goes, Russia goes, they know better and even China does. NO, they will never flip. They will come down with all their armies and fight in Syria, rather than on Russia’s border.
After finally gaining freedom from 70+ years of slavery to a Kabbalah worshiping Khazzar control and suffer so many millions of death on the hand of the American sent Commissars, 2 world wars, they are not going to go back and play this already exposed plan all over again. The Bible, the Hebrew one, and the Christian one made it clear: Syria is ARMAGEDDON.
July 1st, 2012, 3:44 am
Juergen said:
I never heard that KSA is imposing sanctions as the US do on their own citizens. Waleed ibn Talal ibn Saud owns this Four Seasons Hotel 100% means he owns the property as well. ( He holds currently 21% stocks of the Four Seasons company-Paris George V Hotel is the second 100% owned property by him)Its a private investment like many other, so why should KSA intervene on such levels? To be honest I hope this regime will not go on selling off property, as i mentioned before the famous Khan Assad Pasha is on the selling table, Kempinski wants to turn that into a five star boutique hotel. Well that was their plan before 2011. Was Assad aware that this company hold high ties with Israel?
Here is an article that may interest you:
July 1st, 2012, 3:44 am
Badr said:
The professor would better not waste his time commenting on a nonsense story about a negotiated deal to transfer oil through Syria!
July 1st, 2012, 3:53 am
Antoine said:
I believe ( from reliable sources ) that most of the 50,000 Christians who fled Homs did so for the same reason that 500,000 Sunnis fled from Khaldiye, Jouret al Shyah, Qousour, Bayada.
I don’t think Farouq Brigade purposefully expelled the Christians. Rather Farouq Brigade wanted Christians to stay in Homs because then Assad would have to be a bit careful in indiscriminate shelling of opposition-held Christian areas ( remember East Beirut – 1978 and Zahle-Bekaa in 1984 ) .
Bustan al Deewan was in Opposition control since November and some of the earlies defections occurred there. Hamidiye was captured by FSA in February and as you know Baath Party City HQ was in Hamidiye, so you can figure out for yourself.
In fact reliable sources indicate Regime actively encouraged Christians to leave Homs and also al-Qusayr (where Christians are 25 percent of the population) through a variety of old Israeli 1948 Nakba-style propaganda, manipulation through rumor-mongering, as well as false flag actions.
Even as late as April, most Christians were living in Qusayr.
They had to release all the deranged Al Qaeda types from Lebanese prisons and send them to Qusayr, no ? For the same “dialectical plot” SNP talking about ?
How come there have been no sectarian incidents in the Zabadani-Madaya-Bloudan belt, or in Qalamoun mountains , where Sunnis and Christians live side-by-side and have strong FSA presence and clashes with the Army ?
Why there haven’t been sectarian incidents between Daraa and Sweida, or beteen Arabs and Kurds in Aleppo, despite heavy FSA presence in those regions ?
So who is implementing the dialectical plot eh ?
Again, if SNP has better information, please inform me.
July 1st, 2012, 4:03 am
Juergen said:
July 1st, 2012, 4:12 am
Alan said:
your facebook links lovers ?The Chita’s …….s ?
July 1st, 2012, 4:27 am
Juergen said:
The special envoy Annan said at a news conference when asked whether it was right, “people with blood on their hands”like Assad take part in the proposed transitional government, “I hope that people with blood on their hands are not the only people in Syria. “He doubts that the Syrians would like to participate with such persons.
At the beginning Annan had advertised in plain words to resolve the differences. The veto powers should finally begin to “make themselves useful.” Otherwise, the consequences would threaten the entire Middle East region and “a new frontier for international terrorism,” could be established, warned the broker.
July 1st, 2012, 4:31 am
Juergen said:
I see only a grapefruit.
I kind of like this one too, reminds me somehow of those who still think all is halweh in Basharland…
July 1st, 2012, 4:44 am
Atheist Syrian Salafist Against Dictatorships said:
It is not a pure coincidence or mistake that many commentators when talking about Syria and Russia nowadays (especially when doing it in Arabic) tend to make a common slip of the tongue and swap the s for the r using “rusi” for “suri” and vice versa; more like a Freudian slip, just listen to wazeer-el-kharijia al-SURI Sergei Lavrov give his interpretation of the “agreement” reached by the Geneva conference!
Wait, did I just say Suri instead of Rusi? Oh, what the heck, they’re one and the same now, ain’t they? No need to bother making the distinction anymore…
As to the “agreement” itself, well, is there anything new? Washington back-tracking on all they insisted on and caving in to the Russians and the Chinese ? Clinton just mouthed words and more words before; now she just mixes in other words and puts her own interpretation on them, as if by just mouthing the words, like some magic charm or a voodoo mumbo-jumbo incantation, their interpretation will somehow be the one that is the final outcome.
Syrians cannot depend on anyone to help them wrest their country back from the claws of the criminal AsMAA, only themselves.
?????? ?? ?????? ????? ?? ??? ?? ???? ???? ????
July 1st, 2012, 5:42 am
Observer said:
Here is the text:
As I noted before it leaves the situation the same. If the regime were to implement a few of the provisions it will mean its end. The paragraph about having members of the current regime in the new transition is simply a non starter.
Annan can now hide behind this document lest he be accused of allowing another Rwanda
Action Group for Syria
Final Communiqué
1. On 30 June 2012, the Secretaries-General of the United Nations and the League
of Arab States, the Foreign Ministers of China, France, Russia, United Kingdom, United
States, Turkey, Iraq (Chair of the Summit of the League of Arab States), Kuwait (Chair
of the Council of Foreign Ministers of the League of Arab States) and Qatar (Chair of
the Arab Follow-up Committee on Syria of the League of Arab States), and the
European Union High Representative for Foreign and Security Policy met at the United
Nations Office at Geneva as the Action Group for Syria, chaired by the Joint Special
Envoy of the United Nations and the League of Arab States for Syria.
2. Action Group members came together out of grave alarm at the situation in
Syria. They strongly condemn the continued and escalating killing, destruction and
human rights abuses. They are deeply concerned at the failure to protect civilians, the
intensification of the violence, the potential for even deeper conflict in the country, and
the regional dimensions of the problem. The unacceptable nature and magnitude of the
crisis demands a common position and joint international action.
3. Action Group members are committed to the sovereignty, independence,
national unity and territorial integrity of Syria. They are determined to work urgently
and intensively to bring about an end to the violence and human rights abuses and the
launch of a Syrian-led political process leading to a transition that meets the legitimate
aspirations of the Syrian people and enables them independently and democratically to
determine their own future.
4. To secure these common objectives, the Action Group members (i) identified
steps and measures by the parties to secure full implementation of the six-point plan and
Security Council resolutions 2042 and 2043, including an immediate cessation of
violence in all its forms; (ii) agreed on guidelines and principles for a political transition
that meets the legitimate aspirations of the Syrian people; and (iii) agreed on actions
they would take to implement the above in support of the Joint Special Envoy’s efforts
to facilitate a Syrian-led political process. They are convinced that this can encourage
and support progress on the ground and will help to facilitate and support a Syrian-led
Identified steps and measures by the parties to secure full implementation of the
six-point plan and Security Council resolutions 2042 and 2043, including an
immediate cessation of violence in all its forms
5. The parties must fully implement the six-point plan and Security Council
resolutions 2042 and 2043. To this end:
o All parties must re-commit to a sustained cessation of armed violence in all its
forms and implementation of the six-point plan immediately and without waiting
for the actions of others. The government and armed opposition groups must
cooperate with UNSMIS with a view to furthering the implementation of the
above in accordance with its mandate.2
o A cessation of armed violence must be sustained with immediate, credible and
visible actions by the Government of Syria to implement the other items of the
six-point plan including:
o Intensification of the pace and scale of release of arbitrarily detained
persons, including especially vulnerable categories of persons, and
persons involved in peaceful political activities; provision without delay
through appropriate channels of a list of all places in which such persons
are being detained; the immediate organization of access to such
locations; and the provision through appropriate channels of prompt
responses to all written requests for information, access or release
regarding such persons;
o Ensuring freedom of movement throughout the country for journalists
and a non-discriminatory visa policy for them;
o Respecting freedom of association and the right to demonstrate
peacefully as legally guaranteed.
o In all circumstances, all parties must show full respect for UNSMIS’ safety and
security and fully cooperate with and facilitate the Mission in all respects.
o In all circumstances, the Government must allow immediate and full
humanitarian access to humanitarian organizations to all areas affected by the
fighting. The Government and all parties must enable the evacuation of the
wounded, and all civilians who wish to leave to do so. All parties must fully
adhere to their obligations under international law, including in relation to the
protection of civilians.
Agreed Principles and Guide-lines for a Syrian-led transition
6. Action Group members agreed on the following ‘Principles and Guide-lines on a
Syrian-led transition’:
Any political settlement must deliver to the people of Syria a transition
• Offers a perspective for the future that can be shared by all in Syria;
• Establishes clear steps according to a firm time-table towards the
realization of that perspective;
• Can be implemented in a climate of safety for all, stability and calm;
•Is reached rapidly without further bloodshed and violence and is credible.3
I. Perspective for the Future
The aspirations of the people of Syria have been clearly expressed by the
wide range of Syrians consulted. There is an overwhelming wish for a
state that:
• Is genuinely democratic and pluralistic, giving space to established and
newly emerging political actors to compete fairly and equally in elections.
This also means that the commitment to multi-party democracy must be a
lasting one, going beyond an initial round of elections.
• Complies with international standards on human rights, the
independence of the judiciary, accountability of those in government and
the rule of law. It is not enough just to enunciate such a commitment.
There must be mechanisms available to the people to ensure that these
commitments are kept by those in authority.
• Offers equal opportunities and chances for all. There is no room for
sectarianism or discrimination on ethnic, religious, linguistic or any other
grounds. Numerically smaller communities must be assured that their
rights will be respected.
II. Clear Steps in the Transition
The conflict in Syria will only end when all sides are assured that there is a
peaceful way towards a common future for all in Syria. It is therefore
essential that any settlement provides for clear and irreversible steps in the
transition according to a fixed time frame. The key steps in any transition
• The establishment of a transitional governing body which can establish a
neutral environment in which the transition can take place. That means that
the transitional governing body would exercise full executive powers. It
could include members of the present government and the opposition and
other groups and shall be formed on the basis of mutual consent.
• It is for the Syrian people to determine the future of the country. All
groups and segments of society in Syria must be enabled to participate in a
National Dialogue process. That process must not only be inclusive, it
must also be meaningful—that is to say, its key outcomes must be
• On this basis, there can be a review of the constitutional order and the
legal system. The result of constitutional drafting would be subject to
popular approval.
• Once the new constitutional order is established, it is necessary to
prepare for and conduct free and fair multi-party elections for the new
institutions and offices that have been established.
• Women must be fully represented in all aspects of the transition.4
III. Safety, stability and calm
Any transition involves change. However, it is essential to ensure that the
transition can be implemented in a way that assures the safety of all in an
atmosphere of stability and calm. This requires:
• Consolidation of full calm and stability. All parties must cooperate with
the transitional governing body in ensuring the permanent cessation of
violence. This includes completion of withdrawals and addressing the
issue of the disarming, demobilization and reintegration of armed groups.
• Effective steps to ensure that vulnerable groups are protected and
immediate action is taken to address humanitarian issues in areas of need.
It is also necessary to ensure that the release of the detained is completed
• Continuity of governmental institutions and qualified staff. The public
services must be preserved or restored. This includes the military forces
and security services. However, all governmental institutions, including
the intelligence services, have to perform according to human rights and
professional standards and operate under a top leadership that inspires
public confidence, under the control of the transitional governing body.
• Commitment to Accountability and National Reconciliation.
Accountability for acts committed during the present conflict must be
addressed. There also needs to be a comprehensive package for transitional
justice, including compensation or rehabilitation for victims of the present
conflict, steps towards national reconciliation and forgiveness.
IV. Rapid steps to come to a Credible Political Agreement
It is for the people of Syria to come to a political agreement, but time is
running out. It is clear that:
• The sovereignty, independence, unity and territorial integrity of Syria
must be respected.
• The conflict must be resolved through peaceful dialogue and negotiation
alone. Conditions conducive to a political settlement must now be put in
• There must be an end to bloodshed. All parties must re-commit
themselves credibly to the six-point plan. This must include a cessation of
armed violence in all its forms and immediate, credible and visible actions
to implement items 2-6 of the six-point plan.
• All parties must now engage genuinely with the Joint Special Envoy.
The parties must be prepared to put forward effective interlocutors to work
expeditiously towards a Syrian-led settlement that meets the legitimate
aspirations of the people. The process must be fully inclusive to ensure
that the views of all segments of Syrian society are heard in shaping the
political settlement for the transition.
The organized international community, including the members of the
Action Group stands ready to offer significant support for the
implementation of an agreement reached by the parties. This may include 5
an international assistance presence under a United Nations Mandate if
requested. Significant funds will be available to support reconstruction and
Agreed actions Group members will take to implement the above in support of the
Joint Special Envoy’s efforts to facilitate a Syrian-led political process
7. Action Group members will engage as appropriate, and apply joint and sustained
pressure on, the parties in Syria to take the steps and measures outlined in paragraph 5.
8. Action Group members are opposed to any further militarization of the conflict.
9. Action Group members underscore to the Government of Syria the importance
of the appointment of an effective empowered interlocutor, when requested by the Joint
Special Envoy to do so, to work on the basis of the six-point plan and this communiqué.
10. Action Group members urge the opposition to increase cohesion and be in a
position to ensure effective representative interlocutors to work on the basis of the sixpoint plan and this communiqué.
11. Action Group members will give full support to the Joint Special Envoy and his
team as they immediately engage the Government and opposition, and consult widely
with Syrian society, as well as other international actors, to further develop the way
12. Action Group members would welcome the Joint Special Envoy’s further
convening of a meeting of the Action Group should he deem it necessary to review the
concrete progress taken on all points agreed in this communiqué, and to determine what
further and additional steps and actions are needed from the Action Group to address the
crisis. The Joint Special Envoy will also keep the United Nations and the League of
Arab States informed
July 1st, 2012, 7:35 am
Observer said:
I am sorry for posting the whole document but I felt that it is essential reading and I know that each side will find elements to its satisfaction
The meeting was like the AL and the Majlis. It met like the muscles of the pelvic floor when conducting their daily routine
The mountain delivered a mouse
July 1st, 2012, 7:40 am
majedkhaldoun said:
Is this deal going to Security Council to be approved under chapter seven?to make it enforceable?or this is just talk?
Would Russia veto this deal in the SC?
Who will enforce this deal?who will choose the new government and when?the deal says that Assad must pull his military machine without waiting to the other side as said by Annan, would he comply?
The new deal says the new transitional government have full executive power,and must be neutral,this clearly says that Assad lost his executive authority.
Before anyone feels elated or depressed we must wait and see what will happen in the SC.
I strongly believe that Lavrov was tricked.
July 1st, 2012, 7:55 am
Juergen said:
Regarding the Contact Group meeting in Geneva on 30 June 2012
What has happened in Geneva is a farce in every sense of the word. The members of the Security Council have accepted the Russian dictates abandoning the Syrian people and leaving them completely on their own in the face of their victimizes. On its part, the regime has responded to this ‘salutation’ with an even more startling response yesterday by breaking the record of the number of martyrs who fall for its massacres and which have become the national policy it uses.
The Contact Group has asked the Syrian people to engage in dialogue with its victimizer who has not for 16 months ceased to kill its people, mutilate their children, rape their women. It has further called on the Syrian people to come to an understanding for a transitional period without foreign intervention.
What a farce!
The Syrian people are left with no other option than to engage in a popular liberation war to claim its own victory counting on God, Syrian heroes and sisterly countries which have openly expressed their active support to the Syrian people’s right to uproot the tyrannical regime and establish a civil democratic independent sovereign state.
I call upon my brothers and sisters in media pages to call next Friday ‘Popular Liberation War’. All categories of the Syrian people will take part in this holy war which is going to purge our homeland of tyranny, corruption and dictatorship and liberate us forever from the rule of criminals and murderers.
Burhan Ghalyoun
July 1st, 2012, 8:35 am
Observer said:
Just one perspective.
When the revolt started in Damascus with the merchants of Harika chanting the Syrian people will not be humiliated, they also chanted to sacrifice themselves for Fredo (Bashar). This is because they wanted reform without appearing to challenge the very existence of the regime.
When the children in Daraa wrote graffiti demanding the end of the regime it was in imitation of others in the Arab world and when they were arrested their parents and the leaders of the community asked for their release arguing that this was child’s play.
In both instances the regime reacted with utter contempt and extreme brutality and now the people have moved inexorably towards a complete uprooting of the regime.
In essence the meeting in Geneva is meant to try to snatch survival of the regime from defeat but in my opinion the people in Syria have moved beyond this meeting just as they moved beyond the external opposition’s divisiveness and bickering
July 1st, 2012, 8:46 am
Atheist Syrian Salafist Against Dictatorships said:
@Observer: I think mastery of “Intentionally Ambiguous Language” is a necessary requirement for anyone contemplating a career as a diplomat, and particularly so at the UN.
@Majedkhaldoun: “I strongly believe that Lavrov was tricked.”
Will have to disagree on that one. Lavrov and Putin are determined to spoil any solution that has even the slightest chance of seeing Jr ousted; the upcoming russian and chinese veto at the SC will prove this, if any such resolution were to reach it in the first place.
I don’t say this because I want it to be so, but from my conviction that Putin is a very stubborn Cold War warrior intent on winning this battle, a decision he made way back: slug it out to the very end, come what may, and regardless of how many Syrians perish. The west, too, wants the country in absolute tatters and will step in only if the FSA and the LCCs have got the upper hand, not to help them finish the regime off but to make sure that they don’t win a complete and total victory…sort of like in Bosnia.
Pessimistic, cynical, conspiratorial! you may say, but the treachery of the west knows no limits, imo. Russia isn’t much better, but at least it is showing its true face.
July 1st, 2012, 8:59 am
zoo said:
As expected.. but this is no more a UN plan, it is a plan also agreed by the “allies” of the opposition: Qatar and Turkey.
Syrian opposition rejects UN transition plan
By ZEINA KARAM | Associated Press – 1 hr 39 mins ago
BEIRUT (AP) — Syrian opposition groups on Sunday rejected a U.N.-brokered peace plan for a political transition in Syria, calling it ambiguous and a waste of time and vowing not to negotiate with President Bashar Assad or members of his “murderous” regime.
The disappointed reaction underlined the seemingly intractable nature of the Syrian conflict, which this week saw some of the bloodiest violence since the start of the uprising against Assad’s regime in March 2011.
July 1st, 2012, 9:22 am
ann said:
Annan: Russia, West agree on transition government for Syria – 01 July, 2012
Prior to the conference, Annan had proposed a plan for a unity government in Syria excluding political figures that would compromise the country’s stability and effectively calling for the removal of President Bashar al-Assad. Moscow refused to back such a condition and also made sure the plan brokered in Geneva would not require Assad to step down.
“We consider it of the utmost importance that this document does not seek to dictate to the Syrian sides how the transition process should happen politically. How exactly this process will take place is up to the Syrian people. This document is very precise on that,” Lavrov told reporters.
However Patrick Henningsen, associate editor at Infowar.com, does not believe the Geneva meeting will have a positive outcome, saying it was set up to fail.
“As this meeting is going on in Geneva, the West are backing proxy guerilla armies of foreign fighters who are getting refuge in countries like Turkey over the border where Syria cannot hit them.”
Assad had earlier stated that he will not accept any transition plan that is “not Syrian,” “not national.” Henningsen believes that Assad has hinted in the media as to what Western plans for Syria really are.
“Ideally they would like to break the county up into separate regions and to balkanize this country for many reasons – energy pipeline project coming from Qatar, border disputes with Turkey, and also to minimize Russia’s influence not just in Tartus, but overall in the coastal region.”
July 1st, 2012, 9:59 am
bronco said:
Obviously there has been a secret agreement between the USA and Russia.
Syria does not represent an economical interest for the USA: They have enough bases in the Gulf to protect the oil.
Syria has been a nuisance for Israel. It has helped Hezbollah rearm. It has allowed Iran to sneak in close to Israel borders. It has also hosted Hamas. It had a strong army. These are the real dangers it represented.
After 18 months of fights, the economy is a shamble, Iran is squeezed economically and has other priorities, Hamas is now supported by Moslem Brotherhood Egypt who will take over championing the Palestinian cause and Syria’s army is weakened.
Therefore Syria’s regime doesn’t presents any potential danger to Israel as long as there is a centralized law and order and that an Islamist government does not emerge. The fear it that, on the long term, it may ally with other Islamist governments in the region and threatened Israel again.
It seems that the USA has therefore lost interest in Syria.
It has conceded to Russia the task of rebuilding Syria politically with the conditions that it stops helping HA, limit its relation with Iran to economical relations and does not become Islamist. Today, Syria can easily meet these conditions. Its highest priority would be to rebuild their government and their economy, a daunting task after the carnage the country has lived through. It will takes years. The USA is assured of that.
The opposition must accept that they will never get the victory they were aiming at. Simply because they have been unable to present s single front, their goals are unclear, ambiguous and perceived as dangerous for the region (and Israel) by Western powers.
The Western countries as well as the staunch supporters of the opposition ( Qatar, KSA, Turkey) have reached that pragmatic conclusion:
Syria’s government has been crippled enough not to present a danger to the region for the short and medium term. The danger now comes from the numerous opposition’s armed groups that have many conflicting agendas that could create havock in the region.
They have to be stopped. This is the task of the UN with the help of Russia to do that. Russia has “carte blanche”
The Geneva meeting showed the flip of the USA and the FOS toward a more pragmatic and reasonable approach ( some will say cynical) to the situation in Syria.
July 1st, 2012, 10:00 am
Mina said:
Ghalyoun would have been smart if he could understand before thousands were killed that a low-profile academic like him cannot make a good politician. As for the traitors who have helped fail any hope in Syria by bringing in fake videos from Iraq, Mexico, Lebanon, to help boast the crowd, they are now victims of their own lies, like in Peter and the Wolf. All this has been forecasted by many. No one will ever care about the soul of a Palestinian, an Iraqi or a Syrian. This is all about oil, refugees, partition of Iraq, and the so-called peace process. Now you are free to lose your time in wishful thinking, but people die everyday, from both sides.
Some news from Lybia? Regime change was supposed to be finally working out, unlike in Somalia, Afghanistan, Iraq……………
July 1st, 2012, 10:05 am
irritated said:
#366 Mina
Who cares about dead Libyans? The oil and business contracts with ‘the liberators’ are alive and well.
July 1st, 2012, 10:45 am
Observer said:
Another wate of time.
Everybody got something
Russia can now hide behind this meeting to call for a transitional government when it knows full well that there is no way to implement that with Fredo in place.
The US and allies can claim that the transitional government is being blocked by the presence of Fredo and there will be no dialogue.
The regime is crumbling and the opposition will gain in power.
The flow of arms will continue, the rebels will become more lethal the regime more savage and the place will fall apart.
Without mechanisms to force both sides to stop the meeting was nothing more than posturing. I do not see anyone winning or losing.
In simple terms: so? Russia said this and the US said that and Annan said this and that. So? Where is the beef as Ronald Reagan said to Walter Mondale during the debate leaving him speechless.
July 1st, 2012, 11:40 am
Syrialover said:
329. Irritated
You prove my point with your double talk and nonesense!
You assert that YOU would fight if the army attacked where you live. “Fight back of course, protect your family even to death”
But whenever any ordinary Syrians fight back in your view they are all vicious al-qaeda-sponsored traitorous criminal scum.
And if they escape a roundup by heavily armed troops for mass arrest and torture they are cowards and letting their family down, according to you.
Well, here’s some really amazing NEWS for you: families in Syria desperately push their military-age men out the door and order them to hide because they know such men and family with them will be a target of the army. They want them to survive.
Any connections you have in Syria obviously belong to a well protected species.
Lucky you, lucky them.
For now.
I’m the one who is irritated now! Along with every other normal person who reads your entries.
July 1st, 2012, 11:40 am
omen said:
349. BADR said: The professor would better not waste his time commenting on a nonsense story about a negotiated deal to transfer oil through Syria!
why is it nonsense?
July 1st, 2012, 5:41 pm
sf94123 said:
Reading between the lines:
– Syrians will form a transitional government and genuine opposition groups will join
– Oppositions outside Syria are pragmatic and ambiguous and will continue to make noise. They have fallen out of favor and soon they will be forgotten
– KSA , Qatar, and Turkey will stop funding and arms transfer to SFA and other militants
– Turkey will monitor its border with Syria and will stop the flow of weapons and militants
– Border camp in Turkey will be a transitional point. Some of SFA/ militants will be permitted to live in Turkey, EU, and the US. The remaining will be deported back to their countries such as Libya, SA and etc.
– Constitution will be amended and election will be held at an agreeable date
– Election will be monitored by international observers and result will be certified accordingly
– Everyone is allowed to run for president. Candidates are required to meet the Constitution requirement
July 1st, 2012, 5:53 pm
omen said:
342. SALAH ADDIN said: you live in the USA and can relate to the persecution of minorities there I hope. How about African Americans? American Natives? Jews? Irish Catholics? Muslims? Do we need to ask amnesty international or human rights watch to verify if there was any persecution? Your concern about Sunni persecution would have been considered genuine if you had condemned Israeli persecution of Palestinian Arab Sunnis. Alawites were persecuted, but not to the extent of murder and lynching, as you are well aware of these incidents in the history of the USA. The KKK or its equivalent did not exist in Syria. But still the Alawis suffered from persecution.
thank you for answering but i don’t understand why you took offense. i didn’t ask to be offensive but because i really didn’t know. it was an honest question. i’m sorry if i didn’t frame the question with more sensitivity.
the reference to amnesty international was not related to the historic question but to the list of murders snk had listed.
July 1st, 2012, 5:54 pm
sf94123 said:
Comment 370- second point- I meant to say “Oppositions outside Syria are not pragmatic and ambiguous at best” .
July 1st, 2012, 6:24 pm
Ryan Jamil said:
Reading Syria comment,listening to Turkish and Gulf leaders and watching dozens of SAT TVs for more than one year, makes us feel that the Syrian regime is falling,and the Syrian Army is breaking up.During this long time some facts arose:
1-That the so called peaceful revolution was only armed struggle by the opposition supported by Alqaeda 21 suicide attacks in the cities killing innocent people in the name of revolution ,which reduced the supporters of the opposition and showed it as terrorists killing their own people.
2-The attacks that the armed opposition launched against the rail ways, the bus stations(destroyed hundreds buses),and blowing up of gas pipes and oil pipes created a real living problem to the poor Syrians who blame the opposition for that.
3- After failing to gather huge numbers for peaceful demonstrations like Tunisia and Egypt(the cracking is the same in Syria ,Egypt and Tunisia)the opposition and its supporters resorted to arms in an attempt to create Bangazi like safe zones on the borders .They failed ,so they resorted to mobilize confessionalism and promote hatred between Syrian people through SAT TVs airing fanatic and racial speeches (if 10%aired in the US about black and white we would have seen a civil war).
4- The steadfastness of the regime supported by a majority inside(between 60 and 65%) and by Russia and Iran enabled it to survive this US, European ,Turkish and Gulf attack.Talking about the regime fall looks like a wish and the lie of Goha who promoted it and finally believed it.
5- Unfortunately the opposition is unable to go to dialogue with the regime ,so they refused it and made a condition to topple the regime before any talks.Yet the balance of power is in the favor of the regime and the super powers are aware of that and pushing them to the abyss.
6- Finally this soft war will not result in changing the Syrian regime ,instead people feel that the economic,financial ,political ,diplomatic , press and media ,confessional ,and terrorist attacks pressure(suicide bombers)will strengthen the regime and bring more support.
July 3rd, 2012, 3:14 am
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