Why Are Syrians So Prone to Factionalism? by Abdul Ahad; Ahrar al-Sham Takes Jarrah Air Base
Posted by Joshua on Tuesday, February 12th, 2013
Ghaith Abdul-Ahad – a must read – in the LRB
….We in the Middle East have always had a strong appetite for factionalism. Some attribute it to individualism, others blame the nature of our political development or our tribalism. Some even blame the weather. We call it tasharthum and we loathe it: we hold it as the main reason for all our losses and defeats, from al-Andalus to Palestine. Yet we love it and bask in it and excel at it, and if there is one thing we appreciate it is a faction that splinters into smaller factions. Yet even by the measure of previous civil wars in the Middle East, the Syrians seem to have reached new heights. After all, the Palestinians in their heyday had only a dozen or so factions, and the Lebanese, God bless them, pretending it was ideology that divided them, never exceeded thirty different factions……
‘The Americans gave their blessing,’ Abu Abdullah said, ‘and all the players converged and formed an operations room. It had the Qataris, the Saudis, the Turks and Hariri.’ In their infinite wisdom the players decided to entrust the running of the room – known as the Armament Room or the Istanbul Room after the city where it was based – to a Lebanese politician called Okab Sakr, a member of Hariri’s party who was widely seen as divisive and autocratic. The plan was to form military councils to be led and dominated by defectors from the Syrian army – this in order to appease the Americans, who were getting worried about the rising influence of the Islamists. All the fighting groups, it was assumed, would eventually agree to answer to the military councils because they were the main source of weapons.
At first, the plan seemed to be working. As summer approached military councils sprang up in Aleppo, Homs, Idlib and Deir al-Zour and some major battalions and factions did join in. Better weapons – though not the sophisticated anti-tank and anti-aircraft equipment the rebels wanted – started entering Syria from Turkey. Until this point, most of the weapons smuggled from Turkey had come in small shipments on horseback or carried on foot by intermediaries and the fighters themselves, but these new shipments were massive, sent by truck…..
What path now for Syria?
By David Ignatius, Tuesday, February 12, 2:52 PM
Syrian opposition fighters appear to be making significant gains on the battlefield this week, following an offer by their top political leader for negotiations with the regime of President Bashar al-Assad.
This military and diplomatic news may appear positive. But Syrian sources caution that the battlefield advances may accelerate movement toward a breakup of the country, as Alawite supporters of the regime retreat to their ancestral homeland in the northwestern region around Latakia. And there’s no sign that either Assad or his Russian patrons are paying any more than lip service to a political settlement.
One potential game-changer is a request for U.S. help in training elite rebel units, which has been drafted by Brig. Gen. Salim Idriss, the new commander of the opposition Free Syrian Army. In a letter dated Feb. 4, he seeks U.S. assistance in “training for:…
The al-Jarrah air base, about 30 miles east of Aleppo, which appears to have been overrun by fighters from Ahrar al-Sham, a battalion based in Idlib. Videos posted Tuesday by the rebels showed them walking past derelict Syrian warplanes and inside a fortified hangar containing what appeared to be two Czech-built ground assault planes. On camera, the rebels displayed dozens of bombs racked in a warehouse, and other ammunition and spoils of war….
[JL. Here is the video – the capture of the airport– the captured ammunition. Read about Ahrar al-Sham here. and here]
…One Syrian who works closely with the Free Syrian Army explained how creating an elite commando force could help check Syria’s drift toward becoming a failed state: “We still believe FSA on the ground is still needed badly to tip the power and support other parallel solutions, including the political one. But FSA [has] become a jungle. .?.?. My recommendation is .?.?. to start working on elite [forces that can] .?.?. initiate key attacks plus help as a buffer from potential warlords and fights among fragmented FSA factions. Plus, this unit can handle other key tasks, like securing chemical weapons.”
At Carnegie Foundation (via Syrian Support Group Policy Blog)
The End of the Syrian Conflict – Paul Salem
Syria is not transitioning; it is dissolving. The war is bringing to an end almost a century of integration that followed the dissolution of the Ottoman Empire, and the cohesive nationalism that was fostered in the Levant by European mandates. The rebels will not be able to defeat the regime in the near future, nor the regime the rebels, meaning that the conflict will be prolonged and hatred and suspicion will grow deeper. We will in the future be dealing with a failed state of scrambling power plays and violence in an area once known as the Syrian state.
On Arming the Opposition
Frederic Hof: The possibility of success for Brahimi’s plan or any type of political transition is almost nonexistent. The outcome of the conflict “will be determined by men with guns.” The U.S. should not seek to micromanage the Opposition in an attempt to bring about a desired conclusion to the war–it is far too late for that–but rather recognize the militarized fate of the conflict and influence its outcome by determining the best logistical systems for arming and supporting the FSA. This is now what the White House is wrestling with.
Emile Hokayem: There is a demand for U.S. leadership in the region. The Syrian conflict has exposed Gulf states’ weaknesses in that they seem unable to develop proxies on the ground in the way that Iran can. If the U.S. does not act now, it will be forced into a role of using drone strikes to target the most malevolent Islamist militias when the conflict inevitably dissolves into duels between competing religious factions. This is not ideal. The U.S. should decide who to support, or at least seek out the proper conduits for support to moderate groups.
Henri Barkey: The Opposition should not be armed; arms will proliferate to extremists. The Opposition is too fractured, and the U.S. will not make any friends on the ground at this point. Regional actors should become more heavily involved, but the U.S. should maintain a minimal role of humanitarian support and, perhaps, provision of intelligence.
Syria’s Battle Royale
The struggle for Damascus looks poised to transform this bloody conflict.
….There is an old adage that both Assad and his opponents no doubt know well: Whoever controls Damascus controls Syria. For that reason, the battle for the capital will be long and costly. Assad could check his opponents there, or exit the stage altogether. Given the ongoing fragmentation of the country, however, a rebel victory won’t be the end of this struggle. At the end of this battle for Damascus, it just may be that nobody controls Syria.
Bombing on Syria Border May Have Targeted Opposition Leader
By Raja Abdulrahim and Patrick J. McDonnell | Los Angeles Times
Syria finds means of financial survival – FT.com
Syria’s government is under growing financial pressure but is surviving through a mixture of help from allies, severe spending cuts, money from wealthy businessmen and the country’s remaining…
Syrian minister offers to meet opposition leader overseas
Ali Haidar raises prospect of free elections in response to surprise change of line by Syrian National Coalition leader
Jonathan Steele in Damascus, guardian.co.uk,
The Syrian government is ready to send a minister abroad for talks with Moaz al-Khatib, leader of the opposition Syrian National Coalition, who recently threw rebel politics into turmoil by coming out in favour of dialogue with the regime.
“I am willing to meet Mr Khatib in any foreign city where I can go in order to discuss preparations for a national dialogue”, Ali Haidar, the minister for national reconciliation, told the Guardian….
Syria’s Floundering Rebel Alliance
Daniel R. DePetris | February 5, 2013 | National Interest
The Syrian National Coalition has eclipsed the Syrian National Council as the opposition’s political bloc, but it is difficult to see where they are different.
In a new setback to opponents of President Bashar al-Assad, the rebel coalition tasked with providing Syrians with a political alternative failed for the second time to form a transitional government that would administer parts of Syria free from the army’s control. Delegates who participated in the meeting, which was conducted in Turkey, were forced to cut the deliberations short after the coalition was unable to agree on who would lead the newly-formed body and what role the group would play after Assad is defeated.
For those who have been seeking Bashar al-Assad’s ouster for nearly two years, putting pressure on the Syrian army has only been one half of the strategy. The other half, and one in which outside powers have tried to jump start for well over a year, has been to formulate a united bloc that could mold into an internationally-endorsed transitional government for Syrians. The rationale is simple: only through a confident and assertive opposition leadership will all Syrians feel comfortable to enough to switch sides.
Unfortunately, trying to create a body that would draw more Syrians away from the Assad regime has proved to be an immeasurably difficult task. In fact, it is primarily Assad’s actions—not the opposition—that have hurt the Syrian strongman the most.
The Syrian National Council—an organization created and endorsed by prominent Syrian dissidents earlier in the conflict—was designed to put a transition plan into action. But after months of arguing about what needed to be done and on how strongly they would push for outside intervention, members of the council found its credibility fatally weakened. The perception increased when rebels fighting in the name of the Free Syrian Army openly expressed their frustration about the exiles to anyone who would listen. The United States and its Western and Arab allies quickly lost faith in the council to do anything but bicker amongst themselves as the people they were supposed to represent continued dying in massacres and air strikes.
Realizing that Syrians would need better political representation if they had any chance of forging a post-Assad future, Western powers, Turkey, and Qatar managed to get the activists to reorganize. At first, the reorganization appeared to work; elements who stayed inside Syria were now given a say in what the country would look like after Assad was overthrown. The United States, Britain, France, and the Gulf Cooperation Council followed up with formal diplomatic recognition, bestowing upon the coalition the title of “legitimate representative of the Syrian people.”.. The Free Syrian Army is not even sure that the SNC can deliver, and the jihadists that are becoming more vocal and aggressive on the ground have dismissed them entirely.
All of this dysfunction has left Syrians who are in the middle in a terrible situation—stuck, with nowhere to go. Do they stick with a regime that is killing civilians in an unprecedented scale, or risk throwing their support to a rebel leadership that is still fighting about the very basics of democracy? The United States as well as its Western and Arab partners are rooting the opposition on. But all should be asking the same questions.
Saddam and the U.S. failed, so why should Maliki think he can control Iraq by force?
via War in Context on February 11, 2013
Patrick Cockburn writes: The civil war in Syria is destabilising Iraq as it changes the balance of power between the country’s communities. The Sunni minority in Iraq, which two years ago appeared defeated, has long been embittered and angry at discrimination against it by a hostile state. Today, it is emboldened by the uprising of the Syrian Sunni, as well as a growing sense that the political tide in the Middle East is turning against the Shia and in favour of the Sunni.
Could a variant of the Syrian revolt spread to the western Anbar Province and Sunni areas of Iraq north of Baghdad? The answer, crucial to the future of Iraq, depends on how the Prime Minister, Nouri al-Maliki, responds to the seven-week-long protests in Anbar and the Sunni heartlands. His problem is similar to that which, two years ago faced rulers in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Yemen and Syria. They had to choose between ceding some power and relying on repression.
Damascus on Edge as War Seeps Into Syrian Capital Damascus on Edge as War Seeps Into Syrian Capital
By an employee of The New York Times in Damascus, Syria and ANNE BARNARD, February 10, 2013
…“I didn’t see my family for more than a year,” a government soldier from a distant province said in a rare outpouring of candor. He was checking drivers’ identifications near the railway station at a checkpoint where hundreds of soldiers arrived last week with tanks and other armored vehicles.
“I am tired and haven’t slept well for a week,” he said, confiding in a traveler who happened to be from his hometown. “I have one wish — to see my family and have a long, long sleep. Then I don’t care if I die.”….
But even stationed here in Damascus, the heart of the government’s power, the soldier at the checkpoint — who was steady on his feet — said he felt vulnerable.
“It is very scary to spend a night and you expect to be shot or slaughtered at any moment,” he said. “We spend our nights counting the minutes until daytime.”…
Eyewitness account of 2 doctors who traveled to Syria to save lives
Wash Post…By Karen DeYoung and Joby Warrick
Iran and Hezbollah build militia networks in Syria in event that Assad falls, officials say Iran’s strategy, a senior Arab official agreed, has two tracks. “One is to support Assad to the hilt, the other is to set the stage for major mischief if he collapses.”
The officials spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss intelligence matters.
The fragmentation of Syria along religious and tribal lines is a growing concern for neighboring governments and the administration, as the civil war approaches its third year with little sign of a political solution or military victory for either Assad’s forces or the rebels….
KURDWATCH, February 9, 2013—On January 28, 2013, members of several Arab tribes attacked the homes of Armenian and Assyrian Christians in ad?Dalawiyah (twenty-five kilometers south of al?Qamishli) and tried to steal the harvest from their fields. The Assyrian Democratic Organization (ADO) demanded an end to these »foreign deeds«. In addition, twelve Syrian human-rights organizations protested against the attack on a Christian church near Aleppo and the kidnapping of Christians in al?Hasakah province. The kidnappings are typically connected to ransom demands. Moreover, armed Islamic groups have repeatedly called upon Christian families living in al?Hasakah to leave their villages.
Syria’s Druze minority is shifting its support to the opposition
By Babak Dehghanpisheh, Published: February 8
BEIRUT — Members of Syria’s Druze community, a small but significant religious minority, are joining the opposition in bigger numbers, ramping up pressure on the beleaguered government of President Bashar al-Assad, according to opposition activists and rebel military commanders….n the past couple of months, according to opposition activists, there have been more than a half-dozen anti-government protests in Sweida province, the ancestral homeland of the Druze in the southeast that had remained relatively quiet since the uprising began nearly two years ago. And in mid-December, rebel fighters announced the formation of the first revolutionary military council for Sweida province. The council coordinated the most significant battle in the Druze region since the conflict began.
In that mid-January clash, dozens of Druze fighters joined a rebel assault on a radar base on a mountaintop in Sweida province. The fighters killed several government soldiers but were ultimately routed by troops that outgunned them; the fighters retreated down the mountainside, suffering many casualties as they pulled back, according to rebel fighters who participated in the battle.
Still, some of the rebels considered the operation to be a victory. “The symbolic meaning of the Druze participating in this operation was just as important as destroying the radar tower,” said a 36-year-old Druze fighter …
Syria Rebel Leader Says ‘Beautiful Revolution Confiscated by Thieves’
???? ??? ????? ????????
by Naharnet Newsdesk
“The real revolution in Syria is over, we have been betrayed,” laments a bitter Abu Mahmoud, a respected rebel leader, accusing fellow commanders of marring a “beautiful” revolt through corruption.
“Our beautiful revolution has been confiscated by thieves and corruptors,” Abu Mahmoud tells Agence France Presse as he struggles to hide his bitterness at the way the revolt against President Bashar Assad’s regime is being fought these days.
Some rebel leaders have “enriched (themselves) shamefully at the cost of true revolutionaries who die on the front line,” he says.
Abu Mahmoud’s remarks confirm growing reports of looting and corruption by leading insurgents in rebel-controlled areas of strife-torn Syria.
Speaking from his home in the town of Atme — a key rebel rear base on the border with Turkey — Abu Mahmoud says he now watches his back, taking his Kalashnikov with him when he heads out “chopping wood or grazing goats in the mountains”.
Rebel fighters who took up arms against Assad’s forces in the initial days of the rebellion are increasingly abandoning their fight, frustrated at the level of corruption in their leadership, he says.
“These so-called commanders send us to die and they themselves stay behind to make money. They don’t come to the front line to fight and yet they are the ones who are heading the rebellion,” complains Abu Mahmoud.
“Wherever they go, they rob, they steal whatever they can carry and sell it illegally in Turkey — be it cars, electronic goods, machines, fuel, antiques, anything you can imagine!”
Abu Mahmoud cites the names of a dozen commanders from the rebel Free Syrian Army (FSA) — the main group fighting Assad’s forces — who he says are engaging in such practices in the provinces of Idlib and Aleppo.
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Comments (117)
MarigoldRan said:
Read the first article by Abdul-Ahad.
The Syrian war sounds like Afghanistan 2.0.
February 13th, 2013, 12:17 am
revenire said:
I told you it is the Americans who run the show.
Read it.
I also told you about the fake claims of victories in order to secure funding. Now Dr. Landis posts the very thing I said all along.
YouTube videos to secure funding. Men not fighting for freedom but for money.
Just as Dr. Assad said all along.
February 13th, 2013, 12:35 am
revenire said:
You see Madrigoldran you don’t need to believe me. Read what Dr. Landis has posted.
“These so-called commanders send us to die and they themselves stay behind to make money. They don’t come to the front line to fight and yet they are the ones who are heading the rebellion,” complains Abu Mahmoud.
You call that a revolution? Men with no honor. Pigs stealing from each other.
Assad is the real freedom fighter. Assad and all the heroes of the Syrian Arab Army not the expat pigs who grovel at the the feet of the Saudis for bullets.
We will never lose and there are millions of us.
We will send every rat to Hell.
February 13th, 2013, 1:00 am
MarigoldRan said:
Ah, the retard speaks again.
February 13th, 2013, 1:16 am
MarigoldRan said:
You’re a retard, Revenire. And a loser. And you support a regime of losers too. As I’ve said before, losers stick together. Why should anyone listen to you?
February 13th, 2013, 1:26 am
revenire said:
Read what is posted by Dr. Landis. It is no revolution against tyranny.
What soldier would die for THAT? Don’t tell me about the Vietcong. They fought to liberate their nation from colonialism. They were in the right.
The rats fight for nothing!
February 13th, 2013, 1:26 am
MarigoldRan said:
You’re just a loser who wants to carpet-bomb the country. You have no right to talk about the morality of other people.
I always find it ironic when a regime loser like you talks about morality, oh Mr. Carpet-Bomber.
February 13th, 2013, 1:27 am
ann said:
AAAH! The Wonders Of The Arab [Islamist] Spring 😉
Egypt at Risk of More Moody’s Cuts – Feb 12, 2013
Egypt’s credit rating, cut for the fifth time in two years by Moody’s Investors Service, may face another downgrade amid stalled talks over International Monetary Fund aid and political unrest, according to the ratings company.
The nation’srating was lowered by one level to B3 by New York-based Moody’s yesterday, putting it on par with Ukraine, Argentina and Nicaragua. The move, which puts Egypt six levels below investment grade, will remain on review for a further possible downgrade, Moody’s analysts including Thomas J Byrne wrote in a statement. Benchmark dollar bonds tumbled.
The cut was the fifth reduction in Egypt’s rating by Moody’s since the January 2011 uprising that ousted former President Hosni Mubarak from power. Changes in government and concern over policy, including the constitution, have stoked sporadic violence in the North African nation and stalled talks over $4.8 billion in IMF assistance. More than 50 people have been killed in recent clashes between protesters and police.
“I think Moody’s has it right, no one is owning the economic problem,” Jean-Michel Saliba, a London-based economist at BofA Merrill Lynch, said by phone yesterday. “There’s probably further downside to the bonds. Political violence in January has put down all hopes of a resolution to the political crisis in the near future.”
Violent Clashes’
Egypt’s rating was cut because of “the country’s ongoing unsettled political conditions and recent escalation of civil unrest in the form of violent clashes between protesters and security forces, resulting in many deaths,” according to the Moody’s statement.
The rating remains under review because the political challenges facing the government will make it more difficult to seal a deal with the Washington-based IMF. The turmoil also hampers Egypt’s ability to “adhere to a program of fiscal austerity, even if only gradually and cautiously,” Moody’s said in the statement.
Black Market
The Egyptian pound has retreated 7.9 percent since the central bank started auctioning dollars to local lenders in December, limiting access to the U.S. currency. The biggest drop in the currency’s value since its devaluation in 2003 has given rise to a black market where the dollar is sold at a premium of 3 percent to 5 percent, Cairo-based investment bank EFG-Hermes Holding SAE said in a report last week.
Moody’s is the third ratings company to reduce Egypt’s credit ranking since December, when Standard & Poor’s cut the nation to B-, also six levels below investment grade. Fitch Ratings followed with a downgrade to B, the fifth-highest junk level, last month. Moody’s also cited Egypt’s foreign reserves, which declined the most in a year last month to $13.6 billion, as one of the reasons for the downgrade.
February 13th, 2013, 1:34 am
Juergen said:
February 13th, 2013, 1:53 am
ann said:
Obama softens his rhetoric on Syria – Tuesday, February 12, 2013
In his State of the Union speech Tuesday evening, U.S. President Barack Obama significantly scaled down his rhetoric on the Syria crisis, lowering the high expectations he set only a year ago.
Obama did say Tuesday, “In the Middle East, we will stand with citizens as they demand their universal rights, and support stable transitions to democracy.”
February 13th, 2013, 2:11 am
ann said:
Hackers Expose U.S. False Flag to Frame Syria – February 13, 2013
• Mercenary emails indicate U.S. may have proposed “false flag” chemical attack
Hacked emails from a British mercenary company were posted online, leading to claims Washington was backing a dirty war against Syria in which a chemical attack on Syria could be blamed on the Syrian regime, thereby strengthening the case for immediate intervention on the part of the United States military.
British mercenary company, Britam Defence, has since admitted it was hacked but claimed the hacker, who posted his online name as “JAsIrX,” had maliciously and cleverly used hacked material to generate forgeries to destroy the company’s reputation and make it look like it was involved in shocking behavior.
According to a spokesman for the company, it was really a “risk management firm” and not a mercenary company like those hired by the U.S. Defense Department to carry out military operations in places like Iraq and Afghanistan.
However, the sheer volume of hacked documents from Britam demonstrates that the UK firm has a hand in more than just paper-pushing. It is clearly a company with tentacles that reach into all parts of the military-industrial complex in the UK and overseas.
One of the hacked emails that has resulted in the most embarrassment for the U.S. government concerned Syria. The email reads as follows:
Phil, we’ve got a new offer. It’s about Syria again. Qataris propose an attractive deal and swear that the idea is approved in Washington. We’ll have to deliver a CW to Homs, a Soviet origin g-shell [sic] from Libya similar to those that Assad should have. They want us to deploy our Ukrainian personnel that should speak Russian and make a video record. Frankly, I don’t think it is a good idea but the sums proposed are enormous. Your opinion?
Kind regards,
The “Phil” referred to in the email is purported to be Philip Doughy, Britam’s founder. The “David” is the director of development, David Goulding. The “CW” in the email refers to Chemical Weapon and the “g-shell” implies a gas-warfare-type shell.
The company claims the email was a forgery. Nevertheless, its release coincided with warnings by Israel and the Obama White House that Syrian leader Bashar al Assad was liable to use his chemical weapons on the Arab revolutionaries and Islamist militias trying to overthrow his government. Israel has insisted it reserves the right to attack Syria’s chemical sites and the issue has encouraged neocons to argue it is time for the U.S. and its allies to get more directly involved in overthrowing Assad. Russia has insisted Assad has given it an assurance he will not use chemical weapons on his people.
In all, 423 megabytes of zip files were hacked from Britam. Aside from the one on Syria, there were others related to Iran that have caused considerable controversy.
For example, one file folder contained outlines of plans for varying types of military actions to be undertaken as part of an attack on Iran. The topics listed in the files were under headings such as “Fix enemy forces and lure them to the killing zones.” Another had the title, “Move from their garrisons to occupy AA at Grid (1556) (IAW Movement Order).” The IAW stands for “in agreement with.”
The hacker, who posted the files, said he hacked Britam’s website after discovering it was on a Malaysian server and that its files indicated it had plans for the invasion of Syria and Iran. He described it as a private military company. To prove his case, he also released copies of emails and files with titles such as “WMM Baghdad 5” and “Iran issue” with the date, 24-01-2013.
One file contained a listing of many of Britam’s clients, including Halliburton with which it has an ongoing $16M contract for what it terms “risk assessment, planning and close protection of personnel” in oilfields in parts of Iraq. A similar contract worth $11M is with BP.
February 13th, 2013, 2:25 am
ann said:
Human Rights Group Charges U.S. Backs Terrorists in Syria –
January 16, 2013
• IHRC urges Obama to take closer look at whom U.S. is arming
When the International Human Rights Commission (IHRC) says the Free Syrian Army (FSA) is nothing but a bunch of terrorists, one might expect the Obama White House to take note, but instead it has remained silent. The reality is that the United States and its allies, including Israel and major Arab states like Saudi Arabia, have continued to arm, train and fund Arab revolutionary terrorists trying to overthrow the secular Syrian regime of Bashar al Assad. At the same time, Washington has turned a blind eye when confronted with proof that the same revolutionaries have employed the kinds of terror tactics frequently used by our supposed enemies in Afghanistan and Pakistan.
The IHRC has not been alone in trying to encourage Washington to look more closely at the militias it has encouraged to lay waste to Syria. Christian churches for the past two years have warned that many of the Syrian opposition groups represent a dangerous mix of Islamists determined to transform Syria into a strict Islamic state. Some of the Islamists have publicly beheaded both Christians and members of the ruling Alawite sect, which is an offshoot of Shiite Islam.
The condemnation of the FSA by Muhammad Shahid Amin Khan, head of the IHRC, has made people around the globe sit up and take notice. He pointed an accusing finger at Turkey, Qatar and the Saudis for arming and funding the Arab revolutionaries, claiming their strategy was having a destabilizing effect on other Muslim countries. In his opinion, Syria was being subjected to the same kind of terrorism one associated with Pakistan and Afghanistan. The countries he singled out for criticism, however, are merely a front for the bigger players in the mix, namely the U.S., Britain, France and Israel.
Khan also accused the Western media and Arab nations of deliberately distorting the truth about the Syrian conflict. There is clear evidence D.C. and its allies have deliberately obscured the horror inflicted by Arab revolutionaries operating under the FSA, which is now controlled by an umbrella group, the National Council for Syrian Revolutionary and Opposition Forces. It received Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s blessing in December 2012.
The umbrella group is comprised of a motley bunch of organizations, the most powerful being the Muslim Brotherhood. There are also bodies like the Syrian Liberation Front representing numerous Islamist brigades and the Syrian Islamic Front that controls a variety of extreme, radical
President Barack Obama has consistently refused to respond to legitimate concerns raised by a variety of organizations about the dangers of replacing the Assad regime with one led by sectarian extremists funded by the Saudis and Qataris. In September 2012, a Pew Research poll showed a majority of Americans were opposed to the policy of arming Syrian opposition groups. The Barnabus Fund has warned if Washington and its allies turn away from atrocities committed against Christians by elements of FSA, the Christian church in Syria, as happened in Iraq, could quickly decline and never recover.
February 13th, 2013, 2:38 am
Mina said:
A revolution of thugs whose least concern is what their wives and kids are going to eat tomorrow as long as they can play the hero for a second.
No Arabic newspaper will have the guts to translate Abdulahad’s article.
February 13th, 2013, 2:43 am
Smug happiness at Egypt’s economic problems,
A smiley
a wink
You tell me who are the thugs.
who don’t care for blood spilled
or for bread soaked
as long as the get to play
the anti-semite
February 13th, 2013, 2:55 am
Uzair8 said:
Armed Gangs.
Now there’s a phrase I haven’t, thankfully, heard for a while.
February 13th, 2013, 3:03 am
apple_mini said:
It is very clear now that US has achieved its initial objectives on Syria civil war. Syria is no longer a meaningful threat to Israel. Even Assad and his regime survive, the crescent resistance now has a very weak link. So it can be considered a broken link there.
Right now, their priority is containment of fall-out of those Islamic radicals and Jihadist.
When Obama said Assad needed to go, it signaled US policy towards Syria and led the momentum to elements inside Syria and most of all NATO and GCC: it was a green light to every possible way to topple the regime. Understandably, Israel keeps its silence and heighten its watch on its border.
Attack to US compound in Libya might be a wake-up call to Obama warning his the blowback from using Jihadists, or he had conscious concerns about the destruction and brutality from both sides in Syria. Facing those uncertainties during campaign season, he turned down the proposal to arm chosen Syrian rebels. By that time, objective to weaken Assad has achieved its goal, so even the proposal was given approval be every branches except Obama, there was no discrepancy on US policy or interest.
Right after Obama won the election, Cameron staged a PR by visiting Syrian refugee camps in Jordan and claimed he had to convince Obama that Syrian crisis should be Obama’s first priority after winning. US did not buy it.
US and UK are a little different regarding foreign policy towards GCC. GCC no only want a weak Syria, they also want to make sure her future government is the same color as them. I bet they have been dreaming to impose and infuse their ideology and influence in Syria. It is personal and almost an obsession. Syria is the jewel of crown, the beacon of Arabic culture and identity.
US did not buy Cameron’s enthusiasm. The continuous fall-out of Jihadists in Syria has been snow-balling. Turkey is no longer immune to it. By dipping their feet deep in Syria mess, Turkey is not doing itself or NATO any good. That somehow frustrates US on how to contain spillover of Jihadists in the region. The priority and objective of US have turned from regime change to containing global threats of Jihadists from Syria. But Turkey still obsessed with Assad. Even though, Turkey is a member of NATO and considered to be an ally of US. But Turkey is really not that trusty on US policy book.
Israel dictates US ME policy. Turkey is dispensable if there is any conflict.
My prediction is that sooner or later, US drone attacks will be all over Syrian not to fight the government but the Jihadists.
Iran does need to give moral support to HB in Lebanon and Assad. Consider the superiority of Israeli military power, having a crescent resistance is nice. HB and Syria serve a very good buffer and distraction when it comes to confrontation with Israel.
Iranian priority is her nuclear prowess. The success of DPRK’s newest nuclear test pretty much means Iran is ready. After Iran becomes official nuclear capable, Iran can safely step back from the crescent resistance. Although, it is not going to happen since it is not Iranian interest.
February 13th, 2013, 5:51 am
abc said:
The situation in my home city Palmyra is terrible and is getting worse; it is a hell of terror and destruction. The air strikes has started yesterday . I spoke to my family there one hour ago and I am in shock. Nobody outside is reporting it.
Since the suicide explosion in the intelligence building on 6 February there have been tanks and explosions from shelling and guns everywhere in the city. The Assad gangs have gone mad. Many more were killed in the explosion than they admit and they are taking revenge on the whole of Palmyra.
Some of my family are missing. Those I find by phone who have left the city say everyone has been forced to run away by the Assad troops and the air strikes. it is chaotic. With shortage of food and everything.
Almost 80% of the people have now left.60% of east part of Palmyra and the oasis has been leveled. Palmyra is a ghost town
. I spoke with my family these last few days while they tried to protect their homes and shops but it became too dangerous for them with the air strikes. Now everything they left has been looted and destroyed by the Assad gangs.
The rebels who did the attack on the intelligence building are not enough to fight and protect the people. I know there has been fighting near the Tadmore prison, but I don’t think they are able to push the army back at all. The people of Palmyra are suffering with no help from anywhere. For months they have struggled with food shortages and everything, and have been in terror from the security services, but this is the finish.
I don’t know what kind of future can be in Palmyra now. They told me the temple of Bel in the Palmyra Roman site has been partially destroyed, and the famous old Zenobia hotel looted and other tourist places destroyed.
Probably the worse would happen if no one stopping Assad destroying the ancient monuments out of revenge.
February 13th, 2013, 6:24 am
@16 Nonsense
We all have found that Syria was never intended to be a meaningful threat to Israel ever since Hafez Assad ascended the ladder of power through backstabbing those who made something out of him.
Through everyday of the ongoing massacre, Syrians and the world are finding out that all the military expenditures were aimed precisely for the day of the massacre the assads anticipated that they will have to commit against Syrians to keep the country as their private farm.
Every time i read one of those meaningless resistance nonsense i decry the wasted time, money, and blood. The assads list of crimes against syria includes, in addition to the mass murder of Syrians, destruction of the country, the premeditated assault on the country’s incredible potential.
February 13th, 2013, 6:25 am
zoo said:
Another Afghanistan in making: Ahrar al-Sham jihadists emerge from shadows in Syria
Victories of Ahrar al-Sham jihadists, trumpeted on Internet, have been accomplished thanks to financial backing from Gulf Arab countries.
Middle East Online By Herve Bar – ATME (Syria)
Most of Ahrar al-Sham’s fighters are Syrian nationals
Jihadist group Ahrar al-Sham is emerging from the shadows of the larger rebel outfit Al-Nusra Front as key player in northern Syria, playing up its nationalist roots and more moderate form of Islam.
Fighters from the group, whose name means in Arabic the “Free Men of Syria”, are mainly to be found on the battlefields in the northern provinces of Idlib, Aleppo and central Hama alongside some 30 other jihadist organisations.
For a long time it was eclipsed by the hardline Al-Nusra Front which has claimed responsibility for the majority of deadly suicide bombings in Syria’s nearly two-year conflict and is blacklisted by Washington as a terror outfit.
But in recent months Ahrar al-Sham has begun unleashing its fighters across the battlefronts, especially in Idlib where they played a leading role in advances around the city of Jisr al-Shughur, a reporter said.
Its fighters are also on the frontlines of the battles around the city of Idlib and further south in Maarat al-Numan.
Their victories have been trumpeted on the Internet and, rebel sources say, have been accomplished thanks to financial backing from Gulf Arab countries.
At the end of December, Ahrar al-Sham announced the creation of an Islamic front grouping a dozen of other organisations including Ansar al-Sham, Liwa al-Haq and Jamaat al-Taliaa.
Ahrar al-Sham supports the creation of an Islamic state in Syria but one that is based on sharia, Islamic law that would guarantee the rights of minorities including Christians.
“Their rhetoric is loaded with Islamic references but… deep down their goal is to restore the sovereignty of the Syrian people and do away with dictatorship,” said Jean-Pierre Filiu, an expert on jihadist movements.
On the ground Ahrar al-Sham fight sometimes alongside the mainstream rebel Free Syrian Army and Al-Nusra, joining in attacks on regime military targets — but apparently refrain from taking part in suicide bombings.
Like other jihadists their fighters wear black turbans and their beards long, and fly a white flag with an eagle soaring over the name of the group on their checkpoints.
February 13th, 2013, 7:56 am
zoo said:
Russia will continue to supply arms to Syria: export agency
By Reuters
Published Wednesday, February 13, 2013
Russia is still delivering weapons to Syria and will continue to do so despite the Middle East country’s civil war, the head of the state arms exporter said on Wednesday.
February 13th, 2013, 8:01 am
zoo said:
“if no one stopping Assad destroying the ancient monuments out of revenge.”
What a laughable statement… We know who is destroying and looting monuments in Syria.
February 13th, 2013, 8:11 am
zoo said:
#16 Mini-apple
“My prediction is that sooner or later, US drone attacks will be all over Syrian not to fight the government but the Jihadists.”
I think you are right. The USA is watching with apprehension the victories of Al Qaeda in Syria, childishly applauded by the Bashar-haters.
The USA has been considering creating ‘elite’ Syrians militias to fight against the jihadists, but they know it’s far too late. They know that the only force that can do destroy Al Qaeeda is, like in Yemen, the Syrian Army with the help of US drones.
Now, the USA want a urgent resolution of the internal Syrian conflict by political means in order to be able to help the Syrian army to tackle the much worse problem of the Jihadists who are getting at the door of Israel.
Alternatively they may have considered using Hezbollah militias as proxy to do that dirty job. To force them in, they may create a ‘humanitarian’ sectarian crisis where Hezbollah will feel compelled to intervene. I doubt the Hezbollah will play that game.
The USA is in a clear dilemma: Either they keep Bashar al Assad and his army intact and strong to fight the Jihadists or they let Syria become another Afghanistan.
February 13th, 2013, 8:25 am
Dolly Buster said:
How is it unfair to get weapons, when the other side is heavily armed? (The Shia Majus in the regime are heavily armed.)
The only unfair thing about it, is that rebel weapons are too little. We should give them: attack aircraft, tanks, and possibly a smaller-scale nuclear bomb.
That would be fair, because then the heroes of FSA could wipe out the Russian forces with more ease and nonchalance than usual.
February 13th, 2013, 8:36 am
Tara said:
France, UK, and now Qatar
Syria crisis: Qatar ‘handing embassy to opposition’
The Gulf state of Qatar has reportedly decided to hand over the Syrian embassy in its capital, Doha, to the main opposition alliance in Syria.
News of the transfer was announced by the Syrian National Coalition (SNC), which has already appointed an ambassador and staff members.
February 13th, 2013, 8:41 am
Tara said:
Makdissi’s statement in Bakourland
Makdissi confirms defection
Ten weeks after his defection was first reported former foreign ministry spokesman Jihad Makdissi has confirmed that he fled Syria because of polarization of the country.
“I left Syria because of the violence and polarization that left no place for moderation and diplomacy,” Makdissi said in a statement to Sky News Arabia quoted by Lebanon’s Daily Star.
But his whereabouts are still a mystery. He denied that he had travelled to the US as the Guardian reported in December.
The statement said he was with some “honest brothers who are helping the Syrian people overcome their humanitarian crisis with no discrimination.”
He added: “I didn’t travel to Europe or the United States although my passport would have easily entitled me to [do so ]
From the Guardian
February 13th, 2013, 9:07 am
ann said:
Syrian rebels loot artifacts to raise money for fight against Assad – February 12, 2013
As the war nears its third year, the United Nations and conservationists warn that Syria’s historical sites face a new, more dangerous threat: a sophisticated network of smugglers and dealers looking to capitalize on the country’s cultural riches
“Some days we are fighters; others we are archaeologists,” Jihad Abu Saoud, a 27-year-old rebel from the Syrian city of Idlib, said in an interview in this northern Jordanian city. Saoud claimed to have recently uncovered tablets from the Bronze Age city of Ebla inscribed in?the Sumerian script.
Since the onset of the conflict in Syria, the international community has expressed alarm over the fate of the country’s diverse heritage landmarks and stunning archaeological sites.
As the war nears its third year, the United Nations and conservationists warn that Syria’s historical sites face a new and more dangerous threat: a sophisticated network of smugglers and dealers — prime among them members of the cash-strapped insurgency — looking to capitalize on the country’s cultural riches.
“In light of previous experiences in situations of conflict, with respect to cultural heritage, the risk of looting and illicit trafficking of Syrian cultural objects appears to be high,” said Anna Paolini, head of the Jordan office of the U.N. Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.
The extent of the trade is unknown because of difficulties accessing historical sites in the war-torn country, according to UNESCO, which hosted a regional workshop in Amman on Sunday on protecting Syrian cultural heritage from trafficking. There are conflicting reports about the fate of artifacts from Syria, long a cultural crossroads.
Twelve of the country’s 36 museums have been looted, according to the France-based Association for the Protection of Syrian Archaeology. In a Jan. 22 report, however, the Syrian Directorate General of Antiquities and Museums said the bulk of the items have been accounted for and transferred to secure locations.
Only two pieces have been taken from display cases since the start of the conflict, the ministry reported: a bronze statue from the northwestern city of Hama dating to the Aramaic period and a collection of marble figurines and tablets from the museum at Apamea.
Yet Syrian authorities and conservationists concur on the increasing vulnerability of the country’s archaeological sites, which, according to the government report, have been subject to “several” acts of vandalism and illegal excavations.
“This isn’t just the history of Syria but the history of mankind at stake,” said Maamoun Abdulkarim, head of the Syrian antiquities directorate.
February 13th, 2013, 9:10 am
Tara said:
Makdissi, a minority, was the regime mouthpiece and yet defected. Shouldn’t his defection embarrass the regime supporters? Why would a minority in an important political position defect? Do you guys ever ask yourself a question like that? I guess not. Slaves: enjoy being slaves. You do not deserve better.
February 13th, 2013, 9:18 am
majedkhaldoun said:
February 13th, 2013, 9:26 am
Good news indeed.
At the end no human being, even acting as a diplomat, can bear for a long time the responsability of so many atrocities and massacres commited by a gang of criminals and corrupt bastards. Most diplomats in this situation tend to defect since they use to be cultivated and have some sensitivity not like most brain washed militars. It is just a question of time for all politicians (non tribal, non alawis) to defect. Even Colin Powell, in the centre of the Empire, could not bear the hard wieght of the Iraq invasion and atrocities.
February 13th, 2013, 9:32 am
revenire said:
February 13th, 2013, 9:36 am
My most sincere condolences to you and your family.
Every syrian dies in this fight for freedom, justice and dignity the pressure increases on those of us who are still alive.
I feel we have the responsability of living the life of those who are gone and fighting in their name too. We must not stop.
The victory is nearer.
February 13th, 2013, 9:40 am
Sami said:
What a laughable statement…
In the past three years I have discovered something I wish I never have. It takes some kind of special evil for someone to cheerlead the death and destruction of ones own people and country, but to continuously deny the overwhelming evidence of the horrible massacres and destruction committed by the regime is worst than the most imaginable evil on earth, for the cheerleaders are morally bunkrupt but the deniers are devoid of any morals and humanity. It is no wonder how the deniers under their cheap facade hold such lowly and totally evilly leaders in such high regards.
I am sorry to hear about what is happening to your family and ancient city, as horrible as it is it is sadly not unique for our entire nation in suffering from maurading pillagers that are willing to torch and scorch the country for the idiot in the chief.
I hope your family and loved ones are sheltered and safe. Thank you for sharing the important but I am sure painful news.
February 13th, 2013, 9:41 am
revenire said:
What kind of clown is this “ABC”? You have me howling in laughter my friend.
February 13th, 2013, 9:44 am
revenire said:
So another FAKE story disproven. Makdissi didn’t defect and never went to the US, as the Israelis and their rat allies all said.
“Jihad Makdissi ?@Makdissi
I confirm authenticity of the Press Release issued today where i explained why I left the regime and my current political position# Syria”
But what is this lie spread by the British and the Israelis?
“Report: Former Syria FM spokesman in U.S., cooperating with intelligence
The Guardian reports that Jihad Makdissi, who was the public face of the Assad regime’s 20-month-old battle with rebels, fled to Washington with the aid of U.S. officials.”
Makdissi said:
The former Syrian official denied that he had traveled to the Europe or the United States since leaving his country, instead stating he was with some “honest brothers who are helping the Syrian people overcome their humanitarian crisis with no discrimination.”
“I didn’t travel to Europe or the United States although my passport would have easily entitled me to [do so],” he said.
Makdissi’s whereabouts have been a mystery ever since reports of his departure from Syria.
While some media reports said Makdissi traveled to London with his family, others claimed the CIA had secured him safe passage to the United States.
In the statement, he said that his former position as Syrian Foreign Ministry spokesperson did not grant him access to any “additional information” not available to ordinary Syrian citizens.
Makdissi said that those revolting against President Bashar Assad had rightful demands “that no one could deny.”
“The rebels, however, were still unable to convince the minds of Syrians of their movement because of reasons that are well known.”
February 13th, 2013, 9:51 am
majedkhaldoun said:
I dont believe good christians support Assad regime
Druze are joining the revolution,and Christians will join too.Assad thugs are alone
February 13th, 2013, 10:08 am
ann said:
35. majedkhaldoun said:
“”” I dont believe good Christians support Assad regime
Druze are joining the revolution,and Christians will join too. “””
REALLY! 😀 😀 😀
February 13th, 2013, 10:27 am
revenire said:
Ask Jumblatt if the Druze support the rats.
February 13th, 2013, 10:48 am
ann said:
35. majedkhaldoun said:
“”” I dont believe good christians support Assad regime
Druze are joining the revolution,and Christians will join too. “””
February 13th, 2013, 10:52 am
Visitor said:
MajedK @35,
I recently commented on an encounter with a Syriac from Aleppo who introduced himself to me as Abou el-Meesh (i.e. Michel). He was on his way to France with the rest of his family apparently until things cool down in Aleppo. I asked him why the Christian community does not come out clearly in support of the revolution in order to influence the outcome. His reply to me was charactersitic of Syrian Bourgoisie mentality: ???? ?????? ??? ???? ????
February 13th, 2013, 10:55 am
zoo said:
Makdissi says ‘destructive’ division behind Syria departure
February 13, 2013 01:00)
By Jana El-Hassan The Daily Star
In the statement, he said that his former position as Syrian Foreign Ministry spokesperson did not grant him access to any “additional information” not available to ordinary Syrian citizens.
Makdissi said that those revolting against President Bashar Assad had rightful demands “that no one could deny.”
“The rebels, however, were still unable to convince the minds of Syrians of their movement because of reasons that are well known.”
Read more: http://www.dailystar.com.lb/News/Middle-East/2013/Feb-13/206289-syrias-makdissi-says-left-country-over-violence.ashx#ixzz2KnNS8jkN
February 13th, 2013, 11:01 am
Visitor said:
MajedK @35,
I recently (about two months ago) commented here about an encounter I had with a Christian Syriac from Aleppo who introduced himself to me as Abu el-Meesh (i.e. Michel). he was on his way to France along with his family apparently until things cool down. I asked him specifically why doesn’t the Chrisrtian community come out in support of the revolution in the open in order to influence its outcome. His reply to me was characteristic of Syrian Bourgoisie mentality: ???? ?????? ??? ???? ????
As you can see from the title of the al-Arabiya article, Christian participitation in the revolution was mute at best reflecting exactly the attitude of Abu el-Meesh. Rahi’s recent visit to Damascus and what he said during the visit was a huge fiasco for the Christians in general. I am gald some Christian voices dissociated themselves from Rahi’s behaviour and some even attacked his behavior as repugnant.
February 13th, 2013, 11:03 am
Tara said:
— Jihad Makdissi (@Makdissi)
February 13, 2013
I confirm authenticity of the Press Release issued today where i explained why I left the regime and my currentpolitical position# Syria
“Leaving” the regime means defection to me.
February 13th, 2013, 11:03 am
zoo said:
Qatar gesture of exasperation. Will it snowball?
Qatar Grants Syrian Opposition Embassy
13/02/2013 Asharq Al-Awsat
London, Asharq Al-Awsat—Qatar has become the first state to turn over embassy facilities to the Syrian opposition, according to a statement released by the Syrian National Coalition (SNC).
The SNC official statement read, “Qatar has taken the decision to hand over the Syrian embassy building in Doha to Mr. Nizar Al Haraki” adding “Qatar has acted faster than the Friends of Syria coalition.”
The SNC also stressed that, “The flag of the revolution will be raised above the building.”
February 13th, 2013, 11:04 am
majedkhaldoun said:
The Syrian revolution is not against Christians, it is against Assad dictatorship,many Christians joined and support the revolution,some died as martyrs, .
Syrian revolution is not in Libya,Syrian are different from Libyans,how many christians were killed by rebels in Syria? how many christians were killed by the regime in Syria?, they are many times more.Christians are very reasonable people in general,many christians in Lebanon support the rebels, such as Amin Gmeyyel, Cardinal Raii said we don’t take one side over the other,he realized many christians are supportive of the rebels,,We Musslems believe Jesus will return from Omayya mosque,I know of Christians who fast in Ramadan,Orthodox in Syria have close ideas to the Moslem ideology, Mosslems and Christians attend each other holy celebrations, in Jerusalems the Christians holy places keys are given to Muslems to protect..
February 13th, 2013, 11:21 am
revenire said:
Majedkhaldoun nonsense.
First of all there is no Syrian revolution and secondly Christians have been targeted by your rat friends. Entire Christian villages have been surrounded and the people starved and murdered.
Do you take us for idiots?
February 13th, 2013, 11:31 am
revenire said:
Tara feeling better today?
You would say the Moon was made of cheese if you believed imaginary FSA pilots could fly it into Bashar’s palace. You’re filled with hatred toward Syrians. You cheer their death and call for more blood
We all saw it yesterday with your manic posts suggesting 40 year old MIGs could be “driven” into the sky to kill Asma and her children.
Please get some help.
February 13th, 2013, 11:34 am
revenire said:
February 13th, 2013, 11:36 am
revenire said:
February 13th, 2013, 11:44 am
ann said:
44. majedkhaldoun said:
“”” Ann, The Syrian revolution is not against Christians “””
Armed rebels attack ancient village church in northern Syria – February 11, 2013
Damascus: Armed rebels have wreaked havoc on an archeological village in Syria’s northern province of Aleppo, the pro-government al-Watan daily said Monday.
Armed rebels attack ancient village, church in northern Syria
Gunmen attacked the archeological Brad village, some 40 km north of Aleppo. The village, inhabited by 5,000 Kurds and annually visited by Christian pilgrims, combines a tomb and church of Saint Maroun, the patron saint of the Maronites, according to the report.
Armed rebels attack ancient village, church in northern Syria
Quoting local villagers, al-Watan said the Mar Maroun Church was vandalized and its windows were smashed.
The Lebanese Patriarch’s visit came amid reports of harassment against Christians in rebel-held areas in Syria by the OPPOSITION fighters, whose ranks have been OVERWHELMED with ISLAMIST radicals.
February 13th, 2013, 11:49 am
Visitor said:
Mullah-stan utilizes photoshop deception to inflate its posture and to deceive those gullible enough to be deceived by its preposterous claims,
It looks like the so-called ‘resistance’ mantra oulived its usefullness and even backfired.
February 13th, 2013, 11:49 am
majedkhaldoun said:
You said it
the pro-government al-Watan daily said Monday.
If anyone believes this source,he will believe Elephants can fly.
February 13th, 2013, 11:59 am
ann said:
Last Fridays them in Egypt was “Friday Of Dignity”
Wondering what this Fridays them is going to be 😉
February 13th, 2013, 12:00 pm
ann said:
51. majedkhaldoun said:
“”” Ann
You said it
the pro-government al-Watan daily said Monday.
If anyone believes this source,he will believe Elephants can fly. “””
Just because the `israeli owned media doesn’t report it, doesn’t mean it did not happen Doctor 😉
February 13th, 2013, 12:04 pm
Syrian said:
This Shabeeh in this video executed an FSA soldier in cold blood with great enjoyment.
Now he is in the hands of the FSA, I think he will wish for death and will not get it
February 13th, 2013, 12:25 pm
Christians are not mainly pro-Assad. Many christians in Homs, Hama and Aleppo support the revolution. Maybe they do not join the FSA and shout Allahuakbar but they support it ideollogically. Trying to identify this revolution with Sunnir Islam would be a great mistake. Because the decaying system in Syria was also created by the pasivity and acceptance of corruption and clientelism by Sunna Islam.
I know christians in Damascus who support the regime, other that support the peacefull revolution and other who support total destruction of Assad mafia.
The role played by christian arabs during Arab Nahda, the Independence period, and the creation of socialist Syria was fundamental. Syria would not be Syria without christians. But could be almost the same without alawis since they were almost inexistent in social, cultural and economical terms until independence.
February 13th, 2013, 12:35 pm
apple_mini said:
Just caught a piece of news:
A statue of the blind Arab poet Abu al-Ala al-Maari, famed for his 11th-century critiques of Islam and other religions, has been decapitated and toppled by Jihadists.
An activist called Safi, who described himself as a moderate Muslim, also condemned the attack on Maari’s statue. “The war against the regime does not give justification for anyone to destroy the cultural heritage of the country.”
I think those so-called ”moderate Muslim” just do not get it: This act is really not about destroying the culture heritage. It is an epitome of rampant Islamic radicalism being raging violence in Syria, suppressing thoughts and reasons in our mind and trying to send Syria back to the dark age.
Condemnation from those moderates should be fierce and straightforward. Moderates in the rank of opposition should be realistic and critical: if they want to see progressive and advanced future in Syria. They need to face off with those radicals NOW!
February 13th, 2013, 12:39 pm
Syrian said:
Hakam Al Baba
?????? ??????.. ???? ?? ?????? ??????? ????? ???? ??????? ????? ??????? ?????? ????? ?????? ???? ??? ??? ?????? ?????? ????? ???????? ????? ????? ??? ????????? ??????? ???????? ????? ????? ??? ??????? ????? ?????? ?? ??? ????? ??????? ?????? ??? ??? ???? ???? ?????? ???????? ??? ????? ?? ???? ????? ????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ??????? ??? ??????? ???????? ???????? ???? ?????? ??? ?????? ? ???? ??? ?? ???? ??????? ???? ??????? ??? ??????? ???? ????? ???????? ??? ?????? ?? ????? ?????? ????? ????? ?????? ??? ??????? ??????? ????????? ?? ?????? ?????? ?????? ???? ?????? ???? ?? ??????? ???? ??????? ???? ??? ?????? ?? ???? ???? ??????? ???? ??????? ???? ?????? ??????? ????????? ?????? ??????? ??? ????? ????? ??? ?????? ???? ????.. ??? ??? ???????
February 13th, 2013, 12:41 pm
Tara said:
“??? ???? ??????? ???? ??? ?????? ?? ???? ???? ??????? ???? ??????? ???? ?????? ??????? ????????? ?????? ??????? ??? ????? ????? ??? ?????? ???? ????.. ??? ??? ???????”
Syrian, exactly!
Some mistakes are expected to happen but our revolution remains sacred as sacred as the Christ is .
And by the way, thx for your contribution. I am growing addicted.
February 13th, 2013, 12:51 pm
Majedkhaldoun said:
Sandro I fully agree, we should remember Fares Khoury.This life is like pendulum,
I do believe Syria will go through messy period 2-5 years after we get rid of the criminal Assad
BTW I want to thank you for your kind words
February 13th, 2013, 12:54 pm
More loses for the regime;
Everything indicates Damascus is going to become a real hell in the coming months until FSA gets control of main roads east and soouth of Damascus centre (Autostrad Mezze-Muhallaq Al Janoubi and Autostrad Ibn Al Amid-Barze).
Negotiations in Moscow between opposition and Waleed Moallem should talk about type of coffin for Mr. Dictator.
February 13th, 2013, 12:56 pm
Observer said:
We did not need a post about Syrians being so factional. Look at the diversity of commentators on this blog. They are all quite opinionated and fiercely indepdendent. This is something we always had. Choukri Quatli told Abd al Nasser when the United Arab Republic was born: 60% think they are presidents, 30% think they are prophets, and 10% think they are God.
February 13th, 2013, 1:14 pm
zoo said:
Georges Sabra is a pathetic liar trying to appear as hero protected by God.
He said they missed the bomb by half an hour because they ‘prayed’ longer, but it was because they ran out of gazoline.
That’s what he said:
The Syrian National Coalition spokesman George Sabra said.. had they not taken longer than necessary to pray during the journey they would not have been saved from the blast.
And that was what happened
“The third day was supposed to be for field tours in the Idlib countryside through the Bab al-Hawa crossing on the Turkish-Syrian border. Sarmini said: “The bad weather and stopping at a rest house to get gasoline delayed us by around half an hour. ”
February 13th, 2013, 1:17 pm
Your are the best image to describe this regime. Even the victim is of a murder attempt is subject to criminalization for the only ¨mistake¨ of having saved his life.
February 13th, 2013, 1:24 pm
Mjabali said:
The article Prof. Landis linked to about Factionalism in Syria is ok at best for the simple fact that the writer did not discuss the real history behind why Syrians behave like that.
Before jumping into current history you need to see on what people have been building their notions based on.
It is the violent history of Syria that is the main reason why we have all of these groups to begin with. Many of these groups did not come to Syria through peaceful means. This may explain why each faction act independently and suspicious of the others.
The history of Syria can explain why Syrians are that many factions.
February 13th, 2013, 1:32 pm
mjabali said:
Again this is the link to the al-Qaida child singing in Bansh/Syria to Bin Laden and Co. He also sings about slaughtering the Alawis and Shia…
February 13th, 2013, 1:37 pm
Mjabali said:
Here is a link to a group of Chechen fighters in Syria forming a Chechen fighting group within Syria…
February 13th, 2013, 1:42 pm
Ghufran said:
Welcome to the promised land :
???? ??????? ?????? ?????????? ?? ?????? ??????? ????? ??????? ????? ????? ??? ?????? ??? ???? ??? ?? ???? ???? ????????.
???? ??? ????? ??? ???? ???? ???? ??? 30 ????? ?? ??? ??????? ???? ???? ??? 200 ??? ?? ???? ??????? ?? “???????? ????? ?????? ??? ??????? ????????”.
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????? “?? ???? ???? ????? 150 ??? 200 ??? ?? ??????? ??? ???? ???? ??? ?????”.
????? ????? ??????? ?? ?? ???? ?????? ???? ?? ???? ??? ?????? ??????? ?? ?? ???? ?? ????? ??????.
February 13th, 2013, 1:59 pm
ann said:
Today’s PROPAGANDA Prize Goes To “The Washington Post” AKA NEOCON CENTRAL!
The mystery of SYRIA’s missing-in-action FOREIGN MINISTER 😀
Posted by Liz Sly on February 13, 2013
Oh well, what did you expect from the Washington Post?!
February 13th, 2013, 2:01 pm
Mjabali said:
A link to a video where a White American Salafi Jihadi fighter appears to be fighting in Syria….
February 13th, 2013, 2:02 pm
Any problem ?
Assad Hara uses profesional criminals from HA and Iran to kill the syrian people. So it is normal to hire fighters against Assad Hara.
Or how do you think we are going to oust Assad Hara?
February 13th, 2013, 2:15 pm
zoo said:
Sabra’s theory about being the target of the Turkish border explosion sounds absurd.
If the regime really wanted to kill the opposition delegation, why did they go to the troubles of loading a car with bombs in Syria, go through the rebels held border of Bab Al Hawa, risking to be detected when they could have simply bomb them when they were in their minibus touring Syria for 3 days!
It is obvious that the car loaded with bombs came from some rebels in Bab Al Hawa who had maybe some griefs with the Turks probably over taxes not being paid by the Turkish lorries.
Sabra is transforming the explosion into a divine intervention who saved the heroes of the noble revolution, hoping to get some recognition.
In any case that is probably the exp opp’s last “tour” in ‘liberated’ Northern Syria.
Who was the covered woman in the back seat?
“A security guard who was at the scene of the blast said a covered woman remained in the backseat while two other suspects spent a few minutes by the driver’s seat. ”
One of the suspects was seen walking toward the Turkish side of the border while two others walked toward the Syrian side.
February 13th, 2013, 2:16 pm
majedkhaldoun said:
Mrs. Ann
So where is Maqdissi?
February 13th, 2013, 2:16 pm
ann said:
68. ann said:
Today’s PROPAGANDA Prize Goes To “The Washington Post” AKA NEOCON CENTRAL!
Looks like the highly efficient forces of evil and hate on this blog notified the Post and corrected their headline.
Spooky! 😀
February 13th, 2013, 2:20 pm
ann said:
72. majedkhaldoun said:
Mrs. Ann
So where is Maqdissi?
I don’t know and I don’t care 😀 😀 😀
February 13th, 2013, 2:23 pm
Visitor said:
The importance of thr Jarrah airbase victory:
1). Huge cache of weapons gained by the blessed revolution.
2). Criminal regime no longer has supply lines to the east.
3). Deir Ezzor wil be next to be cleansed of regime filth.
4). Aleppo main airport is next in line to be liberated, cutting off important supply lines to the north used by criminal regime and its mullah masters, and giving the revolution in the north a gateway to outside world allowing weapons deliveries from the GCC expected to accelerate very soon.
February 13th, 2013, 2:27 pm
zoo said:
Will rich Syrians and Palestinians become Dominican citizens?
Citizenship programs attracting huge interest amid Mideast turmoil
KINGSTON – The Associated Press
Turmoil in the Middle East leads to a surge of interest in programs that allow investors to buy citizenship in other countries, mostly in the Caribbean, in return for a healthy contribution. Many seek a second passport for hassle-free travel or a ready escape hatch if the situation worsens at home
February 13th, 2013, 2:29 pm
zoo said:
Kerry seeks to change Assad’s thinking on Syria
By MATTHEW LEE, Associated Press | February 13, 2013
WASHINGTON (AP) — Secretary of State John Kerry said Wednesday he has some ideas on how to change Syrian President Bashar Assad’s calculation on remaining in power and will raise them with European and Mideast leaders on his first official overseas trip later this month.
Kerry told reporters after meeting Jordanian Foreign Minister Nasser Judeh at the State Department that he hoped Assad could be convinced to enter into a negotiated solution with the Syrian opposition that would end almost two years of bloody violence that has killed nearly 70,000 people and move forward with true democratic reform.
“We need to address the question of President Assad’s calculation currently. I believe there are additional things that can be done to change his current perception,” he said, adding: “I’ve got a good sense of what I think we might propose.”
Kerry did not elaborate on the ideas and pointedly offered no guarantee of success, particularly since Assad has defied calls to step down and clung to power throughout the crisis that has grown increasingly desperate. But, Kerry said his priority was to find a peaceful resolution to the conflict.
“I can assure you my goal is to see us change his calculation, my goal is to see us have a negotiated outcome and minimize the violence,” he said. “It may not be possible. I am not going to stand here and tell you that’s automatic or easily achievable. There are a lot of forces that have been unleashed here over the course of the last months.”
February 13th, 2013, 2:34 pm
Tara said:
Can someone explain Ann’s love to use smile or other faces in single or multiple? I find that retarded. Also, the depth of her comments or answers is striking.
Ann, can you stop using faces.
February 13th, 2013, 2:38 pm
revenire said:
Yes Liz Sly and the erstwhile Washington Post won the Propaganda Award for today but I still have to wonder if the story of the air base with its jets just sitting there like ripe fruit for the picking should have gotten more votes? Maybe tomorrow.
February 13th, 2013, 2:40 pm
revenire said:
Tara your wish is our command.
Emoticons express our feelings.
🙂 🙂 🙂
February 13th, 2013, 2:41 pm
zoo said:
More military “victories” of Al Nusra are bad news for the opposition who would survive only is there is a diplomatic solution.
Aware of their weak situation, Qatar is trying to boost them by making a mediatized gesture.
North Syria is becoming like North Mali before France “cleaned it up” from the Islamists.
It seems that the Syrian army has decided to leave that task to some other military entities.
February 13th, 2013, 2:48 pm
Tara said:
I welcome any military victory against the regime. It will help weaken it until its disintegration.
February 13th, 2013, 2:52 pm
Observer said:
I agree with Majbali that history plays a role. I would also say that there has been a systematic fragmentation of the society that is the by product of the general outcome of any dictatorial regime where any grouping or gathering of community creation is VERBOTTEN forcing a de facto return to the clan and the faction and the family.
In the case of Syria there was also a very deliberate attempt to actually CORRUPT the people. The father encouraged bribery by saying it is only natural to pay government employees a token of appreciation for their efforts. This corrupting influence in assocaiton with complete absence of a normal governance leads to extreme individualism. It is only natural.
But now to some important questions and I would like to say the following and bring it to the attention of TARA and SYRIAN HAMSTER.
Al Alam news and Al Manar news reported that some rebel commander quit accusing the revolution of being hijacked by thieves.
It was promptly used by Atwan for his editorial comment to denigrate the revolution.
Some on this blog took it up to tell us that this is a revolution of thieves.
None of them however acknowldge that the word REVOLUTION has been used by all these propaganda outlets.
So after all Al Alam and Al Manar have RECOGNIZED that this is a revolution and not the usual propaganda garbage of ” mercenaries and terrorists and gangs hiding in their lairs ” and a ” world wide Israeli Mossadi CIA AlCAIDA conspiracy” to break the ” heroic axis of resistance and sway the beating heart of the Arab nation from its principles and fixed positions”.
IT IS A REVOLUTION AND IT WAS DECLARED SO BY NONE OTHER THAN AL MANAR AND ALALAM even in their base attempt at bismirching the repuation of the 70 000 dead and the 200 000 detained and the tortured and abused and raped and electrocuted and beaten and wipped victims of the mafia hate filled sectarian barbaric regime of thouria alathad.
I also think that Atwan may have recieved some persian carpets lately as gifts.
February 13th, 2013, 2:59 pm
Mjabli said:
Sandro Low said in comment # 70:
“Assad Hara uses profesional criminals from HA and Iran to kill the syrian people. So it is normal to hire fighters against Assad Hara.”
Dude leave the Vodka bottle, it is still early in the day.
Those foreigners are not hired: they are in Syria to settle their, frustrations in life, mental illnesses and hallucinations of paradise and meeting women and boys.
If you bring, or happy to have these lunatics in Syria you must be out of your mind.
There is nothing good from these freaks…Syrians should solve this problem by themselves…
Leave the International Jihadi Salafi freaks out of Syria.
February 13th, 2013, 3:03 pm
MarigoldRan said:
A basic problem for the regime is that the Islamic groups in Syria are considered to be AN IMPROVEMENT upon the regime.
Mjabali and Zoo and Apple_Mini’s comments miss the mark. They can say whatever they want about the regime’s enemies, but everyone else considers the regime to be WORSE.
As long as regime supporters are UNABLE to offer anything in DEFENSE of the regime, this perception will not change.
February 13th, 2013, 3:04 pm
Mjabali said:
You are wrong. Two wrongs does not make it right.
Jihadi Islamists are no good for a very mixed society like Syria.
????????? ??? ???? ????? ??? ??????? ?????? ?? ???? ?????? ??? ?? ???…??? ???? ?? ???? ????? ????? ??? ?? ??? ?????…
February 13th, 2013, 3:10 pm
Visitor said:
The blessed FSA of the revolution has disproven all the classical theories of scientific warfare. As a result, a new history of warfare theories needs to be urgently rewritten. The FSA has proven that you can start from absolute nothing facing an organized trained army, without mercy, equiped with modern tanks, jet fighters, missiles and the deadliest weapons, and yet in a matter of few months, you can surpass this army in victories and achievements. The FSA, supported by our brothers in faith from wherever they came from, has given new meaning to the eternal values of bravery, heroism, martyrdom and generosity.
February 13th, 2013, 3:16 pm
revenire said:
President Assad called it a revolution too:
“At the beginning they wanted it a fake revolution but the Syrian people rebelled against them; then they tried to impose it secretly through money, the media and arms; and when they failed, they moved to the second phase through dropping the masks of a “peaceful revolution” and unveiled the cover of the weapons they were using secretly to use them openly, starting their attempts to occupy certain cities in order to attack other cities. Their brutality didn’t intimidate our people, thanks to their awareness and steadfastness; so our people rejected them and unveiled their lies. Therefore they decided to take revenge on the people through spreading terrorism indiscriminately everywhere.
“They call it a revolution, but in fact it has nothing to do with revolutions. A revolution needs thinkers. A revolution is built on thought. Where are their thinkers? A revolution needs leaders. Who is its leader? Revolutions are built on science and thought not on ignorance, on pushing the country ahead not taking it centuries back, on spreading light not cutting power lines. A revolution is usually done by the people not by importing foreigners to rebel against the people. A revolution is in the interest of people not against the interests of people. Is this a revolution? Are those revolutionaries? They are a bunch of criminals.”
February 13th, 2013, 3:18 pm
zoo said:
The FSA “genius” war strategies, what a joke…
The FSA is simply following Al Qaeda proven guerilla strategies developed for decades in Afghanistan and Iraq. They have not invented anything except the use of Youtube for their propaganda.
Without Al Nusra and without the funds coming from rich Jihadist sympathizers, the FSA would have disappeared in thin air a long time ago.
They should have a Ben Laden statue replacing Hafez Al Assad’s. He is their master.
February 13th, 2013, 3:33 pm
MarigoldRan said:
Whatever you say, Zoo. Based on the results, these tactics and strategies have been quite successful. And based on your prior predictions, you have no credibility.
Similarly, the regime would have disappeared a long time ago too, without the support of foreign actors like Iran and Russia. So regime supporters like you have no right to complain.
What comes around, goes around.
EDIT: Oh yeah, one minor point: currently, Bin Laden IS more popular in Syria than Assad. Think about that. What does this say about Assad?
February 13th, 2013, 3:35 pm
majedkhaldoun said:
Thank you, Aseel
We are Syrians, and we both believe in free election and respect the rights of minorities has to be respected, we both agree that Assad is the problem.
February 13th, 2013, 3:38 pm
Citizen said:
Hypocrisy: US Arms Al Qaeda in Syria, Mass-Slaughters Civilians in Afghanistan
February 13, 2013 (LD) – AFP has reported that a recent NATO airstrike in Afghanistan has killed over 10 civilians in an all-too-familiar headline glossed over by the Western media in an exercise of both depravity and hypocrisy. RT’s article, “NATO airstrike kills 10 Afghan civilians, mostly women and children – officials,” notes in particular that up to 11,864 civilians were killed in Afghanistan between 2007 and 2011, and that civilian deaths before 2007 were not even tracked by the UN.
Such facts reveal alarming hypocrisy as the UN keeps almost daily, inflated tallies of civilian deaths elsewhere, in particular, in nations like Libya and Syria where Western interests have been heavily involved in regime change and in dire need of manipulating public perception worldwide. The United Nations had in fact pieced together a dubious report crafted from “witness accounts” compiled not in Syria, or even beyond its borders in a refugee camp, but instead, in Geneva by “witnesses” supplied by the so-called Syrian “opposition.”
February 13th, 2013, 3:39 pm
MarigoldRan said:
I ALWAYS find it amusing when a regime supporter complain about other peoples’ hypocrisy.
As I’ve said before: they have no right to complain. If they do, no one cares.
February 13th, 2013, 3:41 pm
zoo said:
After Hollande and The King of Jordan, now Obama softens his rhetoric on Syria
Posted By Josh Rogin Tuesday, February 12, 2013 – 11:27 PM Share
In his State of the Union speech Tuesday evening, U.S. President Barack Obama significantly scaled down his rhetoric on the Syria crisis, lowering the high expectations he set only a year ago.
“We will keep the pressure on a Syrian regime that has murdered its own people, and support opposition leaders that respect the rights of every Syrian,” Obama said Tuesday.
But in his 2012 State of the Union Address, Obama made a bold prediction that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and his government would quickly come to the realization that change in Syria was inevitable.
“And in Syria, I have no doubt that the Assad regime will soon discover that the forces of change cannot be reversed, and that human dignity cannot be denied.”
He now seems have some doubt.
Obama’s 2012 speech came only five months after he first declared that Assad had to go.
“The future of Syria must be determined by its people, but President Bashar al-Assad is standing in their way,” Obama said in a written statement in August 2011. “For the sake of the Syrian people, the time has come for President Assad to step aside.”
Now, 18 months after that call, Assad remains in place and the civil war in Syria rages on, with an estimated 70,000 civilian deaths, according to the United Nations. The Obama administration has resisted getting involved in the conflict other than through the dispersal of a limited amount of humanitarian aid.
February 13th, 2013, 3:44 pm
revenire said:
Has Assad fallen yet? Is it all over?
February 13th, 2013, 3:48 pm
revenire said:
“Bin Laden IS more popular in Syria than Assad.” < This statement is from a guy who eats dogs.
We're wondering how Mari would know such things? Has he conducted a poll of 23 million Syrians?
February 13th, 2013, 3:50 pm
Citizen said:
Joyful Afghanistan. Joyful Iraq. Joyful Libya. Joyful Egypt. Syria, gulped in anticipation of joy. Whom could I forget?
February 13th, 2013, 3:50 pm
Tara said:
I personally know an antiquity thief related to Batta living at large, punished by a slap on the hand..
Syria Official Warns of Trafficking in Antiquities
By DALE GAVLAK Associated Press Feb 13, 2013, 9:49 AM
February 13th, 2013, 3:53 pm
revenire said:
Tara you ALWAYS preface your ‘stories’ with “I know such and such personally” – no one but other idiots believes it.
You and the cousins story was one of your funniest moments.
Any FSA pilots “driving” the MIGs into Bashar’s palace today?
February 13th, 2013, 4:09 pm
Dolly Buster said:
Not all wars are the same, we should look at them on a case-to-case basis.
I thought the attack on Iraq in 2003 was wrong, because the U.S. pretended it was about WMD and Saddam’s crimes, when it actuality it wasn’t. The American public didn’t really care for Saddam’s crimes.
But Libya strikes me as an upright campaign, because the U.S. was not looking for war in 2011. It was dragged into it, and the Republicans protested.
Egypt is another improvement: it used be run for 30 years by one family, and now there is more breathing room.
February 13th, 2013, 4:22 pm
Citizen said:
February 13th, 2013, 4:22 pm
Juergen said:
Money laundring, mullah style!
Former Iranian minister of Finance was caught in Düsseldorf by the German customs control, carrying an million Euro cheque in his luggage on the way to Caracas.
February 13th, 2013, 4:22 pm
Citizen said:
U.S. and another terrorist Chechen fighting with the free and the rule!!!!
February 13th, 2013, 4:24 pm
Dolly Buster said:
Well not everybody is a plumber, to know such details about machinery.
A decapitation strike is one idea, but somehow I’ve always imagined Bashar’s lifeless corpse which is relatively intact on TV, and not in smithereens.
February 13th, 2013, 4:32 pm
Juergen said:
shortly our national tv will bring an 45min documentary in which Assad is interviewed, as well as Kofi Annan and russian foreign minister Lavrov.
I will see if the video is put online, i will try to translate the important parts.
Hubert Seipel, the journalist who made this documentary was last known for his one sided Putin portray, DER SPIEGEL has commented on his documentary:
“It is surprising what kind of opinins are mentioned in the documentary, at one point it is mentionend that violent clashes with the people never occured during the reign of Hafez al Assad. That this men fought over years an utterly brutal war against Islamists and has eraded almost an entire city entirely, those facts were not even mentioned.”
So I guess Mr Seipel is an other victim of the regime propaganda. Well done Mrs Shabaan!
here is a picture of the journalist with Putin
February 13th, 2013, 4:33 pm
Syrialover said:
It is very disturbing to read what is happening now in Palmyra from ABC in #19.
More cruel destruction with no point. More masses of ordinary Syrians traumatized and suddenly homeless and running for their lives. What for? So Assad’s forces can keep showing they mean it when they threaten to burn the country? And also a chance by Assad gangs to terrorize unarmed people, chase them away and then rob their homes.
Palmyra will be another good case for those gathering evidence of war crimes. Syria also needs Palmyra for its tourism industry. Destroying that town is economic vandalism.
It’s clear ZOO and REVENIRE are uncomfortable and embarrassed with ABCs report – they show it with their silly comments.
ZOO in #21 tries propagandist desperation with the words: “What a laughable statement [accusing Assad regime forces]… We know who is destroying and looting monuments in Syria”.
Sorry ZOO, you don’t convince even yourself with that bit of bravado.
If people in Palmyra are reporting that the regime is damaging famous ancient mounments for revenge, then we know the physical evidence and witnesses are there.
February 13th, 2013, 4:34 pm
Syrian said:
Going back to school !
Tara, you welcome
And thanks for your compliment, I value your contribution as much if not more.
February 13th, 2013, 4:44 pm
Atwan… Ghufran… or ANN…. what’s the difference…. heck even the three retards posted articles lamenting the “the theft of the revolution”
People who were against the revolution from day one now lament that it has been stolen from them….it is not funny.
Yet, the issue is very serious, especially in Aleppo. OTW touched on that a couple of times here
While OTW’s article may have overlooked the hoards of criminal jail-inmates who were released by the retarded prethident during the early days of the revolution (could our retard psychopath among them) with ultimate goal of creating an atmosphere of lawlessness, his article nonetheless shows that honest concerns, unlike the pathetic attempts by regime propagandists including those who may have, as you said, received a new shipment of rugs.
February 13th, 2013, 4:50 pm
Citizen said:
Site “Blagovest” reports – Two more Christian priests kidnapped Syrian rebels. According to the Armenian Catholic Bishop of Aleppo Boutros Marayati, his cleric Michelle Kayyal Antiochian Orthodox priest and Maher Mahfouz were abducted on Saturday, February 9, on the way from Aleppo to Damascus.
Until now, the fate of both priests no information. It is also unknown as to which group the kidnappers belong to and what are the reasons for the kidnapping.
Both cleric went to public bus, which was full of passengers. With them was another priest, a member of the Catholic Order of the Salesians. Sharbel.
At 30 km from Damascus bus stop insurgents who checked documents of passengers took away two priests. O. Sharbel they have not touched.
In parting, the militants said later, “they will tell their own terms,” but so far no any relatives of the kidnapped or representatives of dioceses have not received any news, said Bishop Marayati.
February 13th, 2013, 4:52 pm
Citizen said:
????? ????? ?????? ??? ????? ????
February 13th, 2013, 5:09 pm
Juergen said:
let the children speak up
watch what little Ahmad has to say:
February 13th, 2013, 5:10 pm
Citizen said:
What awaits the Middle East?
February 13th, 2013, 5:15 pm
Citizen said:
In the province of Idleb (Sarakeb) terrorists from the “Front of Al-Nusra” seized a bus with forty-seven women and children. This bus was heading from Idleb to Damascus.
In the city of Idleb Syrian Army units liberated territory canning factory.
In the course of a special operation in Vaardet Khaled al-Daaher Syrian troops, backed by air force killed more than a hundred terrorists from the “Front of Al-Nusra.”
February 13th, 2013, 5:28 pm
Juergen said:
Happy Violentine!
family photo of the Ghazal family
February 13th, 2013, 6:13 pm
Syrian said:
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February 13th, 2013, 6:19 pm
Juergen said:
what happend, how did this video slip from your hands?
I am relieved, the syrian state tv is as dumb as ever.
February 13th, 2013, 6:20 pm
Mina said:
99 Dolly
“More breathing room in Egypt” ? Could you develop? Do you have any article or documentary that would argue in this sense? Reading http://www.egyptindependent.com and http://english.ahram.org.eg/
does not really give weight to your point.
Close enough from the authorities, although the article tries to minimize this:
February 14th, 2013, 4:30 am
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