“What do Sunnis intend for Alawis following regime change?” by Khudr
Saturday, June 18th, 2011
The following article was first published on Syria Comment in August 2006. It is written by a Syrian Alawi friend who wrote under the pseudonym, Khudr. He authored it in response to President Bush’s pressure on Syria following the invasion of Iraq and killing of Rafiq Hariri. At the time, the US administration was casting about for a Syrian who could replace President Bashar al-Assad. Washington hoped to end Syrian influence in Lebanon, gain Syrian support for its occupation of Iraq, and extend its agenda for “Reform of the Greater Middle East.”
In particular, Bush policy makers were looking for an Alawi general who could overthrow Bashar al-Assad and replace the Assad family, while maintaining stability.
Today, Syrian opposition leaders believe a key to bringing down the regime is to divide the Alawi community. Bassma Kodmani has suggested that “Alawite leaders have sought to establish contacts with Sunni imams to seek guarantees for the community in return for abandoning the Assad regime. This, rather than defections in the army, could herald the unraveling of the regime’s powers of suppression.”
Mohja Kahf has similarly written that “four of seven major Alawite clans (Nuwaliya, Kalbiya, Haddadiya, Khayyatiya), issued statements dissociating themselves from the Assads.” (See my response to this: “Did Four Alawi Clans Dissociate themselves from the Assads, as the Opposition Claims? Not likely.”)
What do Sunnis intend for Alawis following regime change?
by Khudr
for Syria Comment
August 30, 2006
….. Radical change in Syria can be achieved only with the help of the Alawis themselves. Excluding a full-fledged mass uprising or a foreign invasion, Alawi rule can be terminated only if it is approved by Alawi Syrians or if they stand aside.
Why don’t Alawi Syrians terminate Assad’s rule?
It is no exaggeration to say that many Alawis are not happy, to say the least, with the present regime. The reasons that are usually given for this discontent are the following:
- Many Alawis live in poverty, such as those eking out an existence in the slums surrounding Damascus or the poor villages scattered about the coastal area, where unemployment and underemployment is so high.
- Political imprisonment awaits Alawis who dare to challenge the regime, such as befell the followers of Salah Jdeed and the Communist Workers Party in the past or Aaref Dalilah today.
There are also other important reasons that are rarely spoken of:
- Most of us have not lived the unjust circumstances that our fathers and grand-fathers were subjected to by the Sunnis. Thus, we do not have the same appreciation for the Alawi rule that the late president Hafiz Assad brought.
- Hafiz made huge improvements to our rural areas after centuries of utter neglect by successive Syrian governments, whether Ottoman or Syrian. (A negligence that the Assad regime is sadly repeating in the Jazeera and the north-eastern parts of Syria). However, these improvements, made by the Baath during its early days, have long since come to a halt. Actually, the condition of Alawis has been sliding backwards and not forwards for more than a generation.
In our fathers’ youth, cities at the foot of the Coastal Mountains, such as Tartous, Banias, Jabla, Latakia, were transformed from purely Sunni communities with some Christian inhabitants to organized multi-sectarian modern cities (of course relatively speaking). During our generation these nice cities have become run down and dirty places due to corruption, bad-planning, and patronage. We have watched them become a playground for the cowboys of the present generation, the Assad clan in Kurdaha, sometimes called the Shabbiha.
3. Our fathers’ support for Hafiz al-Assad was driven largely by their resentment against the wealthy bourgeoisie of Syria. The Baath Party claimed to oppose this wealthy class which seemed to monopolize trade and land. Most Syrians believed that they had acquired their advantages and wealth through nefarious and often violent means under the Ottomans. The Baathist movement won much of its legitimacy among the rural poor because it claimed to stand up for the little guy against the feudalists. The followers of Rifa`at al-Assad used to recount to us in the seventies how they admired him because he would pick up a dirty, used tuna can from the floor and drink tea from it.
Not any more. I wonder what those people would say about him now that he eats his foie gras with golden utensils in his multi-million dollar villas in France and Spain? An earlier generation of Alawis honestly admired the Alawis who took power. I still have not met a single person who has the slightest admiration for Rami Makhlouf or Asaf Shawkat, for example. Unfortunately, in our day, the Alawi rulers and their children are becoming the epitome of the bourgeoisie that we were taught to despise.
4. It is a fact that Alawis still control the important positions in the security systems in Syria. However, it is also a fact that this control serves only a small circle at the top of the pyramid and is becoming less and less beneficial or responsive to the poor members at the base.
5. Seeing that most of the leading members of the Assad regime have made full-fledged alliances with Sunni families. Many have done this through marriage, such as the president himself or Muhammad Nassif’s daughters; others have done it through monopoly enterprises, such as Maher al-Assad, Bahjat Suleiman, Asaf Shawkat, and many others. The regime has lost its claim to representing the Alawi sect or to defending its rights. The claims that Hafiz and his generation have used to gain our fathers’ support and admiration are largely gone.
6. The direction Syria is now heading in does not look good. The last thing Alawis want or need is to have a group of people leading Syria to catastrophe in their name, while they get so little advancement out of it. All of Syria accuses the Alawi sect of being responsible for the lamentable state of affairs.
So why then don’t Alawis do anything about the situation? Why are we silent? Why doesn’t an Alawi Army General carry out a coup?
Reasons general to all Syrian citizens:
1. The culture of fear has been deeply planted in every Syrian person regardless of their sect or race.
2. We have been deeply conditioned to mistrust and be suspicious of everyone, making it extremely hard for any two Syrians to work together, not to mention organize in a group. To see how deep this problem has become, look at how much the Syrians in the Diaspora are fragmented even when they are away from the regime and its influence. No two Syrian expatriates are able to organize a cultural gathering, not to mention a political party. No sooner does a new party emerge than its members, who are from the same sect and race and background, start to split apart into uncountable factions.
3. The external animosity of the United States paralyzes internal movements, organized to act against the regime, no matter how well intentioned they are. No one wants to risk a serious move against the regime while there is an enemy at the door. The United States has not shown any signs that it is interested in improving Syria’s internal situation or helping Syria. What the U.S. is asking for clearly and loudly are changes in external policies, period. Most of those policies are not attractive to the Syrian opposition. The regime is popular on most of these issues, such as the occupation of Palestine, the Golan, or Iraq.
A coup-d’etat at this moment risks being labeled “made in America” even if it does not have the slightest connection to America.
The present sentiment in the Syrian street is anti-American. This means that any opposition that seeks support from the Syrian street will be anti-American and will be spurned by the West, as happened with Hamas. Any opposition that seeks external support will lose the street, as is the case with Khaddam. We are in a tricky situation; the regime understands this well and has exploited with skill.
4. The organization of the Army and security forces was masterminded by the late president Hafiz Assad to prevent coups similar to those that rocked Syria during the three decades after Syrian independence. The Syrian forces capable of carry out a coup-d’etat – the Army, Special Forces, Police Force, and Security Apparatuses – are all burdened with a complex command structure, purposefully designed to frustrate plotters.
Lateral communication is absolutely forbidden between units; all communications between units must travel through a cumbersome vee, first ascending up the command structure to the top level of one unit before descending down again through the ranks of the other unit. Most importantly, the many units and departments have an interlocking command structure so that no entity is autonomous. They cannot act without several other departments knowing about it. For example, any air force unit is under the influence of aerial-security (Mukhabarat Jawiyyah), army-security (Mukhabarat Askariyyah), the morale-guidance headquarters (Idarat el Tawjih al-manawi), military police, air force headquarters, army general headquarters, the Republican Guards, and the Palace. Officers with loyalties to theses various branches of security are sprinkled liberally throughout the security forces. This command structure makes the military practically useless against foreign enemies but extremely effective at guaranteeing internal stability. Any attempt to rebel is quickly thwarted by the stultifying array of conflicting loyaltiesand can be dealt with on the spot.
5. Most Syrians, as unhappy as they are with the present regime, see no point in changing the regime without a solid alternative. The opposition has yet to present a clear vision for the future that would inspire people to risk the few joys of Syrian life that they have, security being at the top of the list. Vague and generalized talk about democracy and a better life are the only promises made by present regime-change advocates. They aren’t reassuring.
6. We have to admit that corruption has insinuated itself deep into the souls of almost every Syrian. It is highly questionable that any form of regime-change is going to achieve real economic or social change, without being preceded by a long process of grass roots reform and cultural revival.
We do have a corrupt leadership, but even an honest leadership would find it impossible to overcome the pervasive culture of bribery, disrespect for hard work, and indifference to public interest that is shared by state, and indeed, private sector employees. Most Syrians’ sense of virtue has become so crooked that fooling a customer is defined as cleverness, “shatara.”
Can change really be enforced from the top down? The regime changers avoid this thorny question, but it must be aired and debated. Are we willing to act, think, and work differently when the regime is changed?
Reasons specific to Alawi Syrian citizens:
The main reason that prevents Alawis from being active in supporting any regime change plans is their fear of the “other.” Those who propose regime change without explaining to us what the end of Alawi rule will mean for thousands of ordinary Alawis will get no where.
There are two sorts of “others” in Syria:
a. First are the Sunni religious and Kurdish opposition leaders who say bluntly and clearly: “We want to end the Alawi rule”.
b. Second is everyone else, who says shyly and elliptically: “The monopoly over top army and security posts by one sect should end.”
Not a single Syrian intellectual, political leader, or plain good-will writer, has ever dealt with the following fundamental question:
What exactly are your plans for the Alawis after we give up power?
Why do answers to this question have to be vague and general? What are your plans for the tens of thousands of Alawis who work in the army and other security apparatuses? What are your plans for the republican guard and the special forces that are staffed primarily by Alawis? Are you going to pay them pensions if you decide to disband their forces? Or will they be fired and dumped on the streets, humiliated, and ostracized as were the Sunnis and Baathists of Iraq were following the American invasion? Do you have any idea of the impact on security such dismissals would engender? Will you be satisfied with a scenario by which these forces remain in their positions in exchange for their giving up political power?
What are your plans for the tens of thousands of Alawis who work as government employees in many non-functional establishments? Are you going to close these establishments? Do you have any idea of the social impact of such closures? Are you going to stop improvement projects in the coastal area as all past Sunni governments have done since independence?
Are you going to reverse confiscation laws to return land taken from Sunni landlords and distributed among tens of thousands of farmers?
Are you going to demand that security officials stand trial for their actions during the last 35 years? What is the highest rank that you are going to hold responsible? Are you going to ask for trials for past deeds? How about the present leading elite? Who exactly are the people you want to hold responsible? And If you do bring them to trial, are you going to hold the Sunni elite to the same standard? Will Sunni families who have benefited from the regime through monopolies and sweet-heart deals, such as the Nahhas family in Damascus and the Jood family in Latakia, be treated as Alawis are?
These questions should be answered not only by opposition intellectuals, but also by every non-Alawi Syrian. What do you want to do with us if we give you back political power? Are you really willing to live side by side with us, to cherish Syria’s diversity, and consider the past 40 years merely another failed episode in our long history of failed revolutions.
A change for the better must include all sectors of Syrian society, including Alawi Syrians. Because Alawis control all the main security forces of the state, regime change will not happen without assuring them that they too will have a place in Syria’s new future. Without such assurances, there will be no Alawi Musharif, nor will any other army General carry out a coup d’etat that will bring anything other than chaos to Syria.
Syrians refuse to speak openly and honestly about our most important challenges; so much is kept in the dark. But this is no time for “shatara” or dissembling. We must confront and discuss religious and communal issues directly and honestly. If Sunnis really want regime change, then they have to address the Alawi issue head on. Unless the answers to these questions are cleared up by all concerned, Alawis, no matter how dissatisfied and disappointed with the present leadership, will not entertain the idea of regime change; they will not relinquish the ramparts of power.
Comments (210)
aboali said:
this is the standard of Syrian media: AlArabiya and AlJazeera Arabic owners are homosexual, we wish them and their families harm and death. How do you expect anyone to take Syrian media seriously? It’s worse than the Gaddafi media.
June 18th, 2011, 10:26 am
Great video, this is unbelievable… It reminds me of this man´s words :
June 18th, 2011, 10:39 am
Tara said:
To Khudr,
BRILLIANT!!!!!!!! Hay man where have you been all this time?
“These questions should be answered not only by opposition intellectuals, but also by every non-Alawi Syrian. What do you want to do with us if we give you back political power? Are you really willing to live side by side with us, to cherish Syria’s diversity, and consider the past 40 years merely another failed episode in our long history of failed revolutions.”
I will answer for myself and the people I am exposed to: YES, YES. YES. Let me remind you first if you have not been reading the SC lately. I am Sunni so I will answer for the Sunnis I know: We want to live side by side with you. We don’t want to be the others. Let us start a new page, topple the existing enterprise, give amnesty to the rank and file, build Syria, and reclaim our long lost civilization. We need guidance though… from brilliant people like you. How to bring this argument to every Syrian soul and how to proceed from here?
June 18th, 2011, 10:50 am
aboali said:
Ok, getting back to the point of the post. Alawis and Sunnis must become equals in the new Syria, no more sectarianism, no more nepotism. There must be some sort of truth and reconciliation commission, in which some high level crimes will be punished, and blanket amnesty for mid-level officers, and a thorough transparent investigation into the events of Hama and Tadmor prison Circa 80, as well as the current Syrian uprising, so that we can bury the demons of the past once and for all. I see secular parties forming and coming to the forefront of Syrian political and social life, with liberal Sunni, Alawi and Christian intellectuals all taking a leading role. Mainstream and moderate Islamic parties will play a major role too, headed by a reformed Muslim Brothers movement which will be good to ostracize the more extremist Islamic elements who have very little support in society as it is.
All in all I see the future of Syria being very bright in the long run after the regime falls.
June 18th, 2011, 10:53 am
syau said:
“the others”, you sound like you’ve watched too many episodes of lost.
June 18th, 2011, 10:55 am
Tara said:
Excuse my ignorance but what is “lost”? a TV show or something?
June 18th, 2011, 11:00 am
syau said:
or something.
June 18th, 2011, 11:05 am
I recognize your position is very generous and I am sure that most of the syrian population would take your position if they were allowed to pronounce.
But what about the properties and rights stolen by the regime profiters? what about the alawis and no alawis becoming noveaux riches by clientelism and corruption? They will keep their fortunes? What about the burgoisie and industrial syrians who were taken to misery? Or those syrians who were taken to prison or even to death? Who will pay for them? What about kurdish segregation for 40 years? There will be compensations for all these crimes comitted by the state? Honour compensations? Economic compensations? Will the people of Syria accept nothing else that Freedom?
June 18th, 2011, 11:08 am
Tara said:
common man. Don’t be silly. What is this something?
June 18th, 2011, 11:13 am
tara said:
I will answer in a little while. I have to take my kid somwhere… will talk then.
June 18th, 2011, 11:14 am
aboali said:
An important milestone for Aleppo. Syrian media claims the first martyr to die in Aleppo died from a “natural” heart attack. video shows blood on his shirt after being beaten, if he did die of a heart attack it was due to being brutally beaten by thugs.
on a related note, all hell is gonna break loose in Aleppo very soon, I guarantee that. Already outlying towns like Hrietan and Anadan have protested.
June 18th, 2011, 11:28 am
majedkhaldoon said:
In the transitional period, it is hard to deny rvenge,since the regime opted to violent brutal oppression and suppressi0on.to me the important thing is to set a court and try those accused of crimes and profiting enormously,but there will be forgiving,to many.
I doubt much an Alawi general will overthrow Bashar.I see the possible change is through one of two things
1) Maher get assasinated, Bashar quit and go to Iran.
2) Turkish invasion to some part of Syria,the current Alawi officers are not trained to fight they will surrender,the people will welcome Turkish control.
June 18th, 2011, 11:55 am
Syrian Commando said:
You’re all dreaming. This has passed the point of being a civil war.
You’re pushing buttons that are going to lead to World War III and mark my word not a single one of you will be spared. Your leaders as we speak, are securing their family’s safety. You think you can sit here and plot to destroy our country?
Your leaders have betrayed you and you don’t even realise it, whether you are in Europe, Israel or the USA. You are finished, if there is no war and you are deceased if there is.
Pick your poison. Either way, if you persist in terrorist action against my country and trying to fan the flames of sectarianism, you’re going down with us.
June 18th, 2011, 12:02 pm
Amir in Tel Aviv said:
This was quite a depressing read. Especially the part that illustrates the levels of mistrust among Syrians. what did strike me, is the difference between the two societies, the Jewish and the Arab Syrian, regarding trust.
If all this is true, then the best way would be to learn from the experience of the transition of power that took place in South-Africa 1990. I’m not suggesting that Syria is an Apartheid state. There are similarities though. A minority that voluntarily transfers power to the majority, after been given assurances for rights, safety and security.
The Syrian opposition will have to draft a proposed constitution to prove it’s good will and intentions.
South Africa’s constitution is one of the most liberal, and strongly puts emphasis on the issues of human rights, freedoms and equality.
June 18th, 2011, 12:19 pm
I see there is some kind of funny joking desperation in your words. Right, I agree with you, our leaders (Assad, Shawkat, Makhoulf,etc) are securing their families futures. You look like you are not a syrian, maybe a palestinian or a Hizballah lebanese?
Sorry, but when you say terrorist action against your country, do you mean our Syria terrorist action against which country of yours? Your supossed country is no longer yours. Now it is going to belong to all syrians, bedounis, kurdish, armenian, druze, etc like or not.
June 18th, 2011, 12:23 pm
Syrian Commando said:
Not a joke fake Syrian. This is a warning for people who value their families as the hour is getting close.
I have no interest in discussing Syrian affairs with you juveniles just passing a word from an intelligent source who thinks the chance of WWIII is extremely high and is in fact imminent. He is not Syrian, in case you want to know.
So you all should bunker down your families in Tel Aviv/USA/etc. because clearly no one who is Syrian would read the above article and not throw up at the sheer PLOTTING that is being committed against us.
June 18th, 2011, 12:29 pm
Ahhh Ahhh Ahhh, I can´t stop laughing. This is the total degradation of your psichotic and paranoic politics, this is the new and final tactics. A World War III is beginning tonight and stopping this international agression against Assadist Syria is the only solution. Is this a Hollywood film ?
When you say WORLD WAR III you mean some extra attacks in Irak, Lebanon, Palestine and Turkey, maybe in Jordan too?. Coming from who? Take care that the WORL WAR III does not explode inside your brain. God saves a good future for Syria.
June 18th, 2011, 12:44 pm
Syria no kandahar said:
MB is the hijacker of what is happening in Syria.they are doing the same thing they did in Egypt .They are cashing on Boazizi blood,and soil any clean youth movement with there dirty,stoned retarded teachings.
Albyanoni gives an iterview to an isreali Chanel ! Can you get any cheaper than that?These are the backbones of this so called revolution.in 200 years MB would’t have had the chance to climb the ladder without Boazizi blood,but now they have there chance and they are working day and night to get in power.they were always disliked by the main stream as much as governments,but they are expert in political trading,they are willing to sell anything for any price.
Honest syrians in the opposition who believe that this is mosaic movements should look at Egypt and see how MB rats there chewed every piece of revolution nuts and have already turned theme into extremist debris.Alaaroor has influence over Hama now more than god does,if he tells them to go over there buildings and masturbate,they will do so.If you don’t have good history you will never have good future,and that is MB,from Hassan Albana to Taifur to Shafka .
The bottom line is that it looks like no one in the ME is allowed to move up without green light from isreal:Iraq had 300 nuclear scientists,excellent universities,military industry…he did that without isreal green light ,he was pulled back 100years,Syria was going to reach 10 million tourists this year,strong growing economy,the best model of harmony and civilized 18 sectors living together happily…all done without isreal green light,actually with crossing israel’s red light(Iran),Syria head is needed,like yohanna head in the bible,MB are doing the dance,America will give the head to isreal,on a Saudi plate.too sad.
June 18th, 2011, 12:53 pm
Syrian Commando said:
Laugh it up Shlomo, the conflict behind the scenes is much bigger than just Syria and this fake revolution. Even China is positioning itself for action in the Pacific.
Don’t worry they will all perish along with us soon if the psychotic policy of the globalists does not halt. They are playing a game of chicken and its heading for a head-on collision.
They’re going to take unilateral action and its going to trigger off many mutual-defense pacts, just like in World War I.
June 18th, 2011, 1:05 pm
why-discuss said:
‘Syria tension visible along borders’
TV Interview with Omar Nashabeh, editor of al-Akhbar Daily from Lebanon
June 18th, 2011, 1:13 pm
5 dancing shlomos said:
How To Report On Syria – WaPo Edition
Moon of Alabama | June 18, 2011 via aletho news.wordpress
Do not visit the country. Report from Washington or Beirut.
Start with a thesis you have no way to verify. Use it as headline. For example:
Pressure on Syria’s Assad intensifies as protests persist
1a. Report of big demonstrations everywhere and of the government shooting demonstrators sourced solely to a shadowy anonymous group which claims to have organized them.
1b. Claim that the Syrian government “is not abandoning its strategy of relying on force to quell the dissent”.
2a. Report of a big and peaceful demonstration in Hama where no one was shot.
2b. Ignore your claim in 1b and claim that this is a sign that the government has “given up trying to assert control”.
3a. Report of various unsourced and likely false rumors.
3b. Claim that the various unsourced and likely false rumors “give the government jitters”.
3c. Quote someone from the Israel Lobby(!) in Washington(!) saying that the various unsourced and likely false rumors have the Syrian government “definitely panicking”.
4a. Report of a government concession which was obviously not a government concession.
4b. Have an opposition activist in Beirut(!) dismiss the government concession which was obviously not a government concession as being obviously not a government concession.
5a. Report that the Syrian leader is to make a televised address to the nation.
5b. Claim that this is a sign of his “absence”.
6. Quote the meaningless blustering of two anonymous U.S. officials in Washington(!).
7a. Report on reports about Turkish government intervention intentions which the Turkish government has thoroughly dismissed as utter nonsense.
7b. Claim that the opposition would like the reported Turkish government intervention which the Turkish government has thoroughly dismissed as utter nonsense.
7c. Quote an opposition activist in London(!) saying that the reported Turkish government intervention intentions which the Turkish government has thoroughly dismissed as nonsense is a “nightmare for the Syrian regime”.
7d. Claim that the “nightmare” is the explanation for an unrelated Syrian government operation against a small armed local rebellion.
8a. Repeat your reporting using various unsourced and likely false rumors.
8b. Quote an opposition activist in Ohio(!) with some theory about the meaning of the various unsourced and likely false rumors.
(Do NOT report of armed government opposition. Do NOT report that the demonstrations this Friday were smaller than last Friday. Do NOT report that the shadowy anonymous group’s website is registered and run in Germany by a German with a phone number in Berlin as contact information. Do NOT report that the group seems inactive as the last daily update on that site was eight days ago. )
Rinse and repeat next Friday.
June 18th, 2011, 1:32 pm
873 said:
16. Syrian Commando said:
“Not a joke fake Syrian. This is a warning for people who value their families as the hour is getting close.”
Syrian Commando, you are right. BTW-
Britain just issued alerts to UK citizens in Syria to leave immediately.
This site is full of Hasbara Sayanim who “are sure they know what Syrians think”. LOLOL
Back on the ranch… Israel’s proxy, the US, has at least 2 nuclear plants in Nebraska being submerged under massive flooding, with far more deluge yet to come. Not counting the dozens more nuclear plants at real risk if one of those vulnerable damns breaks. Yet this info is totally MIA from the jew-controlled media, so all agitprop can be focused on carrying out the widening ME War to benefit “the $hitty little country”, usurped by the AIPAC-American traitors. 300 million Americans left hung out to dry for the preservation of khazar filth to whom we owe nothing. Get ready for the NWO…
U.S. secretly backed Syrian opposition: report
Mon Apr 18, 2011
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The State Department has secretly funded Syrian opposition groups, according to diplomatic cables released by WikiLeaks, The Washington Post reported on Monday.
The cables show that the State Department has funneled as much as $6 million since 2006 to a group of Syrian exiles to operate a London-based satellite channel, Barada TV, and finance activities inside Syria, the Post said.
Barada TV began broadcasting in April 2009 but has ramped up operations to cover the mass protests in Syria that began last month as part of a long-standing campaign to overthrow President Bashar al-Assad the Post said.
The U.S. money for Syrian opposition figures began flowing under President George W. Bush after political ties with Damascus were frozen in 2005, the newspaper said.
The financial backing has continued under President Barack Obama, even as his administration sought to rebuild relations with Assad, the Post said. In January, the White House posted an ambassador to Damascus for the first time in six years.
The article said it is unclear whether the United States was still funding Syrian opposition groups, but the cables indicate money was set aside at least through September 2010.
An uprising against Assad’s authoritarian rule have spread across large parts of the country. Rights groups put the death toll at more than 200 people. Syrian authorities blame the violence on armed gangs.
The previously undisclosed cables show that U.S. Embassy officials in Damascus became worried in 2009 when they learned that Syrian intelligence agents were raising questions about U.S. programs, The Washington Post said.
An April 2009 cable signed by the top-ranking U.S. diplomat in Damascus at the time read Syrian authorities “would undoubtedly view any U.S. funds going to illegal political groups as tantamount to supporting regime change,” the Post reported.
“A reassessment of current U.S.-sponsored programing that supports anti- factions, both inside and outside Syria, may prove productive,” the cable said.
The Post said the State Department declined to comment on the authenticity of the cables or answer questions about its funding of Barada TV.
Syrian opposition asked for Israel’s help
By JPOST.COM STAFF 05/28/2011
Likud deputy minister says anti-regime figures in Syria wanted Netanyahu to use influence to convince int’l community to pressure Assad.
Deputy Minister for Galilee and Negev Development Ayoub Kara (Likud) on Saturday said that members of the Syrian opposition had turned to him to ask for Israel’s help in stopping the violence of Syrian President Bashar Assad’s regime against them. Kara made the statements at a cultural event in Beersheba.
June 18th, 2011, 1:39 pm
why-discuss said:
Dancing shlomos
Suggested updates to the Do and Don’t for foreign news reporter:
Mention that Bashar al Assad has promised vague reforms, too little too late.
Mention that the refugees keep flowing to Turkey, fleeing the massacre thus creating a humanitarian crisis similar to Sudan
DO NOT mention that the camps offer 3 meals a day, TV, washing machines, psychologist, entertainers for the children and Imams
Do not mention that there is another ‘secret’ camp where other groups are kept in total isolation and are going on hunger strike.
Do not mention that among the armed fighters hiding in the Syrian mountains at the borders with Turkey, there seem to be tchetchens with shaved head and black beard who hardly speak syrian arabic.
Do not show the photos of armed opposition fighters
June 18th, 2011, 2:00 pm
Badr said:
Syria eyewitness: Damascus divided on Assad regime
June 18th, 2011, 2:01 pm
Mina said:
Thanks for this minute of laugh Shlomo,
and please don’t tell anyone that Angelina Jolie went to visit the refugees of Darfour some years ago and will certainly be there too on July 9th for the independence of the rich-oil emirate. Indeed, they are all placing their pawns.
June 18th, 2011, 2:15 pm
why-discuss said:
What about conducting a serious poll instead of collecting random ‘eyewitnesses’
June 18th, 2011, 2:16 pm
Mina said:
Back to 1947 (but this time, establishing a Palestine statehood?)
June 18th, 2011, 2:24 pm
873 said:
The khazars need return back where they came from- the area between the Black and Caspian “Khazar” Sea formerly called by they themselves- Magog. Give them a big chunk of Turkey, a bit of Armenia, Azerbajian, Georgia and southern Russia. They can rebuild their Temples there.
June 18th, 2011, 2:31 pm
why-discuss said:
Afghanistan: After Iraq, another gift of the exhausted US to Iran?
June 18th, 2011, 2:45 pm
mo said:
My analysis is this:
I think the most they (the ‘revolutionists’) can hope for, a post-Asad Syria like Sadat’s Egypt:
– major geo-strategic realignment (pro-western)
– ‘de-asadification’ campaign (similar to the one against Nasserism, relying on Islamist movements, i.e. the MB)
– considerable short-term cash infusion, both from Western & Middle-eastern sources, to ease the transition (with a fake impression of economic improvement)
– someone from ‘inside’ ruling, replacement of the Baath with a more modern version, without a complete reversal, a new party? E.g. the ‘Democratic Arab Unity’
– business as usual in terms of democracy (perhaps planting the seeds for more unrest a few decades into the future)
In short a revolution on the international front, change of names on the domestic front.
Worst case is civil war.
Don’t you agree? Please share your comments.
June 18th, 2011, 2:52 pm
Mina said:
Thanks MO, I think your insights are quite realistic with what we know of the short-term policies of the Western actors (‘until their next elections,’ as it is).
Since you suggested a name for the party to take over, let me baptize next Friday “Friday of refugees: Iraqis, Kurds, Armenians, Suryanis, Assyrians, Palestinians (I hope I didn’t forget anyone?)”
Please all join the protests and sign up next door at the red cross and red crescent for you new apatrid documents and food stamps.
June 18th, 2011, 3:05 pm
why-discuss said:
You forgot the most important that will condition foreign financial support :
1-Break relation with Iran and Hezbollah
2-Open negotiations with Israel
3-Stop Syria’s influence in Lebanon
4-Naturalize all residents palestinians refugees
June 18th, 2011, 3:06 pm
why-discuss said:
AlJazeera showed very swiftly a video of Jisr Al Shourough liberated with pro-Bashar demonstrating.
Anywhere we can see it again?
June 18th, 2011, 3:14 pm
Tara said:
Amir and All,
Great comment! Yes it is depressing but is very true. I am sure many voices will be raised contesting Khudr article but they just do not want to admit it.
Most of the Menhebak guys here were not big fans of the regime before all of this started. You can read it in between the lines of some, and the actual lines of others. They are very concerned about an ugly civil war and foreign intervention. They are not seeing outside the box and can not see any another solution except being part of the Menhebaks arguing that the revolutionists stop revolutioning and the government proceed with real reform.
The truth is the revolutionists will not stop revolutioning and the Assads are not going to be toppled easily (except with either foreign intervention, economic collapse, massive uprising all over Syria including Damascus and Aleppo which has yet to materialize).
They hear us saying Mamenhebak and this is automatically perceived as Mamenhibkum. The truth is Mamenhebak does not equal Mamenhebkum. Mamenhebak is targeted towards Assad family and all the corrupt and murderer Sunnis that are part of the regime. I personally do not support having Al-Sharaa leading transition. The Antalya conference had it wrong. Their final conclusion was sectarian at worst and pure stupid at best. Sharaa is not better than Maher or Atef. They are all the same…
On the other hand, the Mamenhebaks are not loud enough to denounce Wisal, Aroor, and radical MBs who have committed crimes in Syria in the past. They are not loud enough explaining the difference between Mamenhebalk and Mamenhibkum. They have not come up yet with good vision and real strategy to achieve that vision. They are letting the Aroor guy hijack their revolution without resistance.
My opinion is Sunnis and Alawites should feel each other pain. We should be fighting both Assad’ criminal enterprise (that includes criminal Alawites and criminal Sunnis) and the radical MB, Wisal TV, and their followers.
Enough of crime scene investigation of every footage and every single comment. We should acknowledge each other pains and fears and come up with a solution that will make not break Syria.
Amir, South Africa model is intriguing. I am sure we can learn lot of lessons from them.
June 18th, 2011, 3:15 pm
873 said:
Foreign Intervention? The Syrian Color Revolution was greatly facilitated by the US Embassy there. Syria was safer with the official zionist stooges expelled and deprived of a Syrian base to organize an insurgency from inside the country. Diplomatic relations w/ Americans spy/envoys breached the door of Syrian national security as we see with the chaos they cause in Lebanon and increasingly in China.
U.S. denies support for Syrian opposition tantamount to regime change April 18, 2011 CNN
The Obama administration has sought to engage the al-Assad regime and appointed an ambassador to Damascus for the first time in six years. Although the administration has condemned the brutality of Syrian security forces on protestors, Washington has not called for al-Assad to step down from power.According to the WikiLeaks cables published by the Washington Post, the U.S. embassy in 2009 voiced concern that President Barack Obama’s efforts to engage al-Assad would be in jeopardy as a result of the U.S. activities with opposition groups.
Syrian officials “would undoubtedly view any U.S. funds going to illegal political groups as tantamount to supporting regime change,” read a diplomatic cable from April 2009.”A reassessment of current U.S.-sponsored programming that supports anti-[government] factions, both inside and outside Syria, may prove productive,” the cable said, adding the U.S. needed to “bring our U.S.-sponsored civil society and human rights programming into line a less confrontational bilateral relationship.”
The Obama administration has sought to engage the al-Assad regime and appointed an ambassador to Damascus for the first time in six years. Although the administration has condemned the brutality of Syrian security forces on protestors, Washington has not called for al-Assad to step down from power.According to the WikiLeaks cables published by the Washington Post, the U.S. embassy in 2009 voiced concern that President Barack Obama’s efforts to engage al-Assad would be in jeopardy as a result of the U.S. activities with opposition groups.
Syrian officials “would undoubtedly view any U.S. funds going to illegal political groups as tantamount to supporting regime change,” read a diplomatic cable from April 2009.”A reassessment of current U.S.-sponsored programming that supports anti-[government] factions, both inside and outside Syria, may prove productive,” the cable said, adding the U.S. needed to “bring our U.S.-sponsored civil society and human rights programming into line a less confrontational bilateral relationship.”
June 18th, 2011, 3:22 pm
why-discuss said:
That’s a very sound assessment of the dilemma.
Yet, I believe in redemption. I believe people can change and I believe that Bashar al Assad having gone through that terrible ordeal that opened his eyes to the brewing hatred, resentments and frustrations of a part of the population may be ready to listen and follow through real reforms.
Otherwise it is a dead end and the conflicts will remain for many months making life for everybody more and more dangerous and anguishing.
I do believe that Rami Maklouf is genuine in his decision. He was perceived as a money grabber guy, he seem to have changed for the sake of securing the unity of Syria. I am sure Bashar too.
June 18th, 2011, 3:27 pm
873 said:
For anyone interested in the Arab Color Revolution 2011 backstory and not just anti-Syria propaganda. Step by step on how Obama election campaign used its youth tsunami/social media phenomenon that swept Obama into the Presidency to overthrow target regimes, taking the tactics global.
June 18th, 2011, 3:51 pm
Tara said:
Let me start with an analogy: You can not invoke a verse from the Quraan to convince a non-muslim of how peaceful Islam is. Baathist can not invoke famous saying from one of Hafiz Assad speeches to convince general audience of how good the Baath is…. Then what follows as “I believe people can change and I believe that Bashar al Assad having gone through that terrible ordeal that opened his eyes to the brewing hatred, resentments and frustrations of a part of the population may be ready to listen and follow through real reforms” dose not have much credibility. How can you blame me? Actions speak louder then words. Nothing substantial so far was made to convince us that Bashar is capable of real reform.
For the records, Bashar does not strike me as a psychopath. I can be easily persuaded to believe that he did not order the (shoot to kill and have no mercy decree) of the peaceful demonstrators. What strikes me about Bashar is that he was perhaps living in a fantasy world with Asmaa. The couple reminds me with the famous “Qu’ils mangent de la brioche”, translated as “let them eat cake”, supposedly spoken by Queen Marie Antoinette upon learning that the peasants had no bread during the French revolution. He had no grip of what was boiling in our hearts and minds. Remember his insistence that Syria is immune to the uprisings that spread the Arab world. Oh boy, was he so wrong? Now some one may ask, why was he so not in contact with reality? I don’t really know? Well he was an ophthalmologist by trade. They do not teach you Politics in Medical School. He had no experience. His so called western training was a 2 yrs residency training in Ophthalmology not a crash course in running a country. He is surrounded by thugs, thugs, and more thugs (Sunnis and Alawites). He may have been painted a picture of glorious conspiracy theory. Who knows?
Again, actions speak louder than words. Syria is bleeding, raped and humiliated to the bone so how can you blame us?
June 18th, 2011, 4:21 pm
daleandersen said:
Oh, those sneaky Turks!
“…a Turkish envoy will travel to Damascus in the coming days to bring a “warning letter” to Syrian President Bashar Assad, telling him to enact reforms and to remove his brother Maher Assad from the command of Syria’s Republican Guard and the Fourth Armored Division, Al-Arabiya reported on Saturday. Maher Assad is largely believed to be behind the three-month old violent crackdown on anti-regime protesters…”
June 18th, 2011, 4:21 pm
Badr said:
“What about conducting a serious poll”
Are you serious? Then why don’t you suggest to the powers that be in Syria, that they allow an internationally reputable polling firm, to conduct a scientific poll on issues related to the Syrian unrest?
June 18th, 2011, 4:27 pm
873 said:
AIPAC-America goes global.
June 18th, 2011, 4:29 pm
aboali said:
Seismic Shift in Syria is on the Horizon
A seismic shift in Syria is on the horizon, and a new phase is beginning to formulate, that is becoming more and more evident as events unfold in this once secretive and calm land. There is anticipation, ahead of the president’s key speech reportedly anytime now, of what it may herald for this country and it’s people. Most are expecting it to be concessionary and conciliatory, a Mea Culpa akin to Ben Ali’s and Mubarak’s (defeat speech?), instead of the victory parade turned disastrous debacle played out in front of the parliament on March 30th. Many see the writing on the wall more clearly now. The shedding of the corrupt billionaire business man and cousin of Bashar’s Rami Makhlouf was an overtly obvious sign of the start of this tumultuous shift, to be followed perhaps by Bashar’s own brother Maher. The very figures the west and Turkey singled out as being the forces holding back the “reformer” Bashar from making the much needed and necessary move from an autocratic to a democratic and inclusive regime in Syria. This move was, in their view, the only way to avoid a destabilizing conflict which could have wide reaching ramifications for the entire region, not to mention a grave matter of national security for Turkey, Syria’s powerful neighbor and a member of NATO, fearing a resurgence in Kurdish separatist activity and a mass influx of refugees. The statements coming out of western leaders corroborated this, Clinton called Bashar a reformer, and initially sanctions did not target the president himself.
June 18th, 2011, 4:31 pm
Kafka said:
I would be happy to discuss change if one of the present Sunni intellectuals is willing to come out in favor of the separtion of State from Religion, and publicly demanding to suppress the mention of religious affilitaions in the Syrian Constitution. Can you do that ?
June 18th, 2011, 5:11 pm
Abughassan said:
I have the advantage of being blessed with relatives from both sects,Sunni and Alawi.here is my take:
1. The average Sunni is not sectarian or violent.actually alawis in the last 45 years showed more sectarianism than Sunnis.most of the alawis I know,including some family members, are not fearful of Sunnis being in control of the government.
2. This is 2011,alawis are much better equipped today to handle any future economic and political challenges,and no regime will be able to discount their presence and significance.
3. The opposition must bring the subject of minorities to the table. I know that verbal guarantees will be met with suspicion and will not be enough. Our constitution and the new party law must clearly outlaw religious parties and have enough protection for all minorities.
4 civil war is likely if the mb or a similar party tries to capture power.I have not met or talked to any alawi,secular or not, who will accept having mb in power.
June 18th, 2011, 5:36 pm
It seems the debate centers on Sunna and Alawism. This is the speech of the regime, that was always based on fears of both communities. Why nobody mentions christians, druzes, alawis or other. Christian were the base of ideological arabism, druzes were the seeds of anti-colonialist revolution. Kurds and palestinians are also to play an important role in future Syria.
Why there is no mention about repsect for ethnical groups like kurds or armenian or even asyrian with their own languages too? What about rural vs urban differences? What about palestinians rights in case they have to remain forever in Syria? What about tribal beduin structures and rural life and the economic impact of the regime economics on them and new perspectives to be taken?
If all the problem is Sunni or Alawi I think it is going on the wrong direction. The problem is freedom, free parties and free elections and to put an end to state security apparatus. When it comes then will be time to discuss about religious parties. I do not think syrians are so stupid as lebanese have been regarding confessional politics. At the end there will be many parties representing armenians, kurdish, tribes, ortodox christians, other christians, MB, moderate sunna, rich sunna, poor sunna, etc.
But the first to show he is not stupid should be President Bashar by preparing new laws and sending to prison 30 o 40 more prominent corrupts and criminals. If he is not able to do so then he is much worse than his father and does not deserve presidency. Hafez Al Assad was a hardline dictator, right, but it was another time and he was known for its pragmatism and capabilities to adapt its own regime to changing realities. Frankly I think this is what has gone out of control from Bashar. He has trusted in proliberal economics and corrupts making proffit from it. And it has sent a large part of syrian population to poverty without state socialist structure. Now it is too late for amendments since economic liberalism has surpassed the no turning point. Yes you supporters of Assad are supporting an economic neoliberalism which is much harder and creator of poverty than any liberalism all around Europe.
June 18th, 2011, 6:07 pm
Tara said:
Democratic free Syria would guarantee equal rights to all minorities regardless of sect/tribe. I think with free Syria, we all would feel we are Syrians first. Sunnis would feel they are Syrian first and Sunni second. Alawites would feel they are Syrian first then Alawies second and so on. The question is how to get there?
June 18th, 2011, 6:22 pm
Abughassan said:
The new political system must include guarantees to all minorities and provide equal protection and opportunities to all Syrians. The reason why so much focus is being given to alawis and Sunnis is because alawis occupy the office of presidency and many sensitive army and security posts while Sunnis are 2/3 of the population. I am still not ready to support a faceless opposition with no leadership and no formal vision. Calling for Bashar’s removal is not enough,a new regime headed by religious thugs will be much worse,Syria deserves better. ?? ???? ?????? ?? ??? ????? ???? ???????
June 18th, 2011, 6:25 pm
Many of those who try to discredit protest against the regime by talking about US secret policies, Hariri trategies, Erdogan relations with MB, etc. should begin to observe that the problem, the root of the tragedy is inside Syria. Its name is Corruption, Lack of Rights and dictatorship.
Of course US is always double-standaring, as Syria has been in Lebanon or Irak for example. Sure that Hariri is looking for revenge but what was looking for who killed his father, Ghassan Tueini, Samir Kassar, etc? Perfectly clear that Erdogan has ambitions in Syria and simpatizes with MB but they have probably the most near to democracy in the islamic world.
What I want to express is that all these machiavelic actors have always been there including the syrian regime. Before and after.
Hafez and recently Bashar have played with them, getting beneffits and creating alliances. If now Syria can no longer beneffit from them is because there is a BIG problem inside Syria and the regime gives no guarantee to its old allies. In Egypt US, Saudi Arabia or MB were not the cause of the protest but the played their cards and knew how to take proffit while moderately respecting the will of people instead of denying realities. This is democracy and not a perfect and utopic ideal.
June 18th, 2011, 6:34 pm
Of course, in any democratic system, all citezens have the same rights and should have same opportunities. Even if many alawites have been corrupting the system the opposition should cancell all references to religion in their plans. If only 1 alawite was innocent of charges of corruption the separation by religion is senseless and unfair. Religion word should disappear from future constitution.
As far as I know, most supporters by corruption reasons or not, in Aleppo and Damascus, are sunnis. Out of 300 people I deal with almost all supporters I know are basically sunni. Litle druze, christians or alawis. No kurds known as proregime. Armenians rarely speak about politics.
So, acussing alawites of being responsible for corruption is a very big and unfair lie. This is another reason for the President to use his last chance to make a real change to a constitutional democracy based on secular bases.
June 18th, 2011, 6:55 pm
Abughassan said:
Bashar’s expected speech may be the regime’s last attempt to calm the streets and open a new page with syrians. Bashar still has support among syrians but that support is not enough to save the country or end this uprising. the regime’s previous reform measures did very little and did not change the minds of most syrians who do not want to keep the regime alive but may still be willing to allow Bashar to lead the change process,but his opportunity has a time limit and I truly believe next week may be his last chance. He ,in addition to doing the obvious,article 8 and electiobs ,needs to end the refugee problem and personally guarantee the safety of innocent syrians who fled to Turkey. Those linked to armed groups are not likely to return anyway.some refugees started a hunger strike and most are not allowed to communicate with the outside world and few were even beaten by Turkish guards who did not expect 10,000 refugees. There are also reports that Turkish authorities did not allow many of them to return.
June 18th, 2011, 7:34 pm
mjabali said:
Great article, but the some clowns on this board want to divert the subject to something repetitive and non-relevant.
Who does not see what is in store for the Alawis and the other minorities in Syria is hiding his/hers head in the sand. The Salafi movement is what controls the minds of most Sunnis that are eclipsing the moderate Sunnis of the 1970’s and 1960’s.
What in store for the Alawis is the decree of Ibn Taymiyah and nothing else, unless some brave Sunni will step up and burn that criminal decree that has caused so much blood through out the years.
Who doubts what is waiting for the minorities, other than the Alawis when the Muslim Brothers come to control Syria?
Here, the secular Sunnis has to step to the plate and show that the Sunnis has other than Ibn Taymiyah and co.
What we have seen so far is the Salfi Sunnis and not the enlightened ones, who told me that they went to the first few demos and now stay home because the crew of Ibn Taymiyah is taking over.
To all the Sunnis on this board who among you has the courage to stand up to the Fatawi of Ibn Taymiyah the CRIMINAL?
June 18th, 2011, 7:35 pm
Tara said:
And Who is Ibn Taymiyah now?
Can someone enlighten me?
June 18th, 2011, 7:53 pm
louai said:
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June 18th, 2011, 8:01 pm
daleandersen said:
More proof Bashar has learned NOTHING. More proof he’s a “dead man walking.”
“…Despite the widening military campaign and reports of violence, the Syrian government called on thousands of refugees to return home from temporary tent camps in Turkey and along the Syrian-Turkish border. The appeal came even as a mother, father and their two children were shot dead while trying to leave the besieged northern city of Jisr Shughur on a motorcycle, their bodies lying unattended on a bridge because of gunfire…”
Return to what, Bashar? And speaking of Bashar, when is pencil-neck going to come out of hiding and say something? People keep talking about a MAJOR SPEECH by King Bashar that will explain everything but when is the Big Kahuna going to show his face?
June 18th, 2011, 8:04 pm
why-discuss said:
From what you write, you seem to think that people don’t learn from their experiences. I disagree. I think first that Bashar was not living in fairy tale. Since he took power, troubles did not stop. He had the make the decision of withdrawing the army from Lebanon that was seen by many as a humiliation. He had to bear the international campaign and harassement against Syria about Hariri’s murder, then he had to deal with the million of iraqis refugees flowing in Syria, then he got daily accusations that he was supporting terrorism in Iraq and Palestine, the relentless pressure to break up with Iran coming from USA and the arab allies, including Egypt and Jordan, then the murder of Muhjniyeh.
When things were calming down, he started to open the economy and the uprising started.
You must admit he did not have it easy as you see to say.
So I don’t judge him as severely as you and as he is only 44, I am giving him the credit that the shock of the reality of the internal situation would be beneficial in convincing him to take the control of the situation in a more decisive way.
In my view, when you compare Bashar al Assad to all the leaders of the Arab world, he stands out as the most intelligent and also as someone who always refused to become dependent on western country and to act for the best of his country.
I think that if he goes, he will be regretted very quickly because I just don’t see any one in Syria who could take his place, who would be as young with as much experience.
Did you ever wonder why all Arabs and foreigners have always prefer Syria and Bashar to any other Arab countries?
Just because, Syria has kept its Arab authenticity , Arab pride and lack of pretention. Why do you think it was able to resist the pressure from the Western countries?
I can’t forecast what will happen, but I dread to see Syria becoming westernized like Dubai or Lebanon. Remember that a leaderless and economically bankrupt Syria will be obliged to join the ‘moderate’ camp by renouncing to Iran and to Palestine and embracing the USA and the the EU to get financial support. Did you ever consider that?
In my view the best bet is still Bashar al Assad.
June 18th, 2011, 8:15 pm
why-discuss said:
“Those linked to armed groups are not likely to return anyway.some refugees started a hunger strike and most are not allowed to communicate with the outside world and few were even beaten by Turkish guards who did not expect 10,000 refugees. There are also reports that Turkish authorities did not allow many of them to return.”
Soon, the Turks are likely to have a serious problem with the refugees as many don’t want to go back, either because their men are involved in armed groups, or army defectors or simply for economical reasons.
Turkey will not be able to send them back by force and they will have to absorb then and relocate them to the discontent of the Turks. I expect clashes and violent repression in the camps very soon.
Syria is announcing its willingness to take them back, so it can’t be blamed of rejecting them
A real dilemma for Turkey.
June 18th, 2011, 8:32 pm
why-discuss said:
Syria, pawn in power play by world’s major powers? Yes. By James M. Dorsey
Saturday, 18 June 2011
“Mr. Assad doesn’t as a result of Russian and Chinese attitudes and Western indecision. He can focus wholly on cracking down on protesters who have demonstrated remarkable resilience. For now, little on the horizon suggests that this will change.”
June 18th, 2011, 8:47 pm
jad said:
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June 18th, 2011, 9:31 pm
Tara said:
Was Tal Malouhi freed?
June 18th, 2011, 9:43 pm
daleandersen said:
Great line by the above Alawi writer:
“…An earlier generation of Alawis honestly admired the Alawis who took power. I still have not met a single Alawi who has the slightest admiration for Rami Makhlouf or Asaf Shawkat, for example. Unfortunately, in our day, the Alawi rulers and their children are becoming the epitome of what we were taught to despise…”
The reason is simple. Bashar’s generation of Alawi leaders morphed into mafia thugs and punks. You don’t admire such people. You avoid them and hope they kill each other in a gangland shootout..
June 18th, 2011, 9:53 pm
Chris W said:
Is it my imagination or are about 50% of the comments posted on this site by Jews and/or right wing militarists from America…?
June 18th, 2011, 10:04 pm
samara said:
I love my ” thugs”. God bless them.
June 18th, 2011, 10:04 pm
Shami said:
The turkish flag is also ours.
Turkey and Syria are united for ever.Union based on similar values and traditions:from religion,to gastronomy,culture,music :1000 years of common history…
Syria will also prove that Islam and liberal democracy are compatible.
June 18th, 2011, 10:24 pm
daleandersen said:
From the article above:
“…The organization of the Armed Forces was masterminded by Hafiz Assad to prevent coups. The Syrian forces capable of carry out a coup-d’etat – the Army, Special Forces, Police Force, and Security Apparatuses – are all burdened with a complex command structure, designed to frustrate plotters.
Lateral communication is absolutely forbidden between units; all communications between units must first ascend the command structure to the top level of one unit before descending down again through the ranks of the other unit. Most importantly, the many units and departments have an interlocking command structure so that no entity is autonomous. They cannot act without several other departments knowing about it.
This command structure makes the military practically useless against foreign enemies but extremely effective at guaranteeing internal stability…”
As I said earlier (and several of you good Syrians took exception), the Syrian military was designed from the ground up to instill fear in the Syrian people, not to deter a foreign enemy. Were Joe Stalin alive today, he’d be proud of Bashar…
June 18th, 2011, 10:36 pm
Tara said:
Moral support without foreign intervention!
We are done with 500 yrs of ottoman occupation. Change to come from within is what will restore our national dignity. Don’t you agree?
June 18th, 2011, 10:44 pm
daleandersen said:
Memo to CHRIS W:
RE: “50% of the comments on this site by Jews and/or right wing militarists from America”
Wrong, petunia. It’s closer to 75% Tara and Sophia, for example, work for the Mossad. WHY-DISCUSS is an M16 mole in the Turkish military. 873 publishes crypto-nazi literature for German headbangers. As for me, I operate out of a CIA money-laundering facility in Tajikistan.
Please don’t let on. We’re trying to keep it a secret…
June 18th, 2011, 10:46 pm
Norman said:
He was the inspiration for the Wahhabi and the Salafi movement,
June 18th, 2011, 10:50 pm
Shami said:
Syria will see billions of dollars to pour into it,from Turkish,European,American and Gulf investments.
Syria has an huge potential of development.
It has the potential to reach the GDP/Capita of European countries in one decade.
Also ,we should build an universal welfare system inshallah,in order to ensure a just distribution of wealth.
Poverty must be eradicated and the arrogance of the riches is not acceptable.
June 18th, 2011, 10:51 pm
vlad-the-syrian said:
to you from the people of Aleppo. LEARN and enjoy !
June 18th, 2011, 10:52 pm
mjabali said:
You seem that you like to chat and not deal with real issues. They call this in Arabic Tharthara, which means chatting to no clear end just for the love of yapping.
Are you really serious when you said who is Ibn Taymiyah now and how his ideas are all over the place and control the discussion?
If you do not know you should stay away with your chat from a serious topic like the one posted above and which touches the lives of millions of Syrians. Probably you are not Syrian as I can smell from your attitude.
Ibn Taymiyah, who is called Shaykh al-Islam, is very important in our discussion today that is centered
around the relationship between Sunnis and Alawis.
His rules that is championed by al-3Ar3ur and Co. are the main belief of the Sunnis about almost everything.
As you SHOULD know, Ibn Taymiyah was the first one to issue a Fatwa (Some say another Criminal by the name of Al-Sidawi did that) regulating the relationship between his brand of the Sunnis and the “others.”
The others in the case of Ibn Taymiyah are the Alawis (our topic today just in case you are busy making coffee or something), Druze, Ismailis and of course Christians and Jews.
Ibn Taymiyah said, and on many occasions, that all of the above could be killed. The collection of his decrees has what comes to regulate the relationship between most of the Sunnis today and the rest.
As for his relevance today, if you cant not see that his teachings are still the main theoretical force behind what goes on in most of the Sunnis mind i advise you to come from underneath the rock you are under.
Sorry for the hard language which I deem necessary to any clown who try to divert our attention from this important topic.
If you can not the importance of this topic I advise you to leave this board and follow some websites about cooking and shopping.
June 18th, 2011, 10:53 pm
why-discuss said:
How rude you are! Who do you think you are to lecture anyone on what to say and what not to say?
I hope YOU leave this blog sooner than later!
June 18th, 2011, 11:01 pm
mjabali said:
I smell that you are of a Turkish origin after all, with dues respect to the good Turks among others.
WE all know that the Turks had left in Syrian Cities only, not the countryside of course, through their years of oppressive occupation many elements that were the Rami Makhlufs of a thousand years
They all lived in the big cities like Damascus where you developed this fake identity called al-Shami after you cleaned Syria from all of the others? This explains your attitude about all of the other minorities. I have read your posts and the evidence points to Ibn Taymiyah inside of you.
You did not enlighten us if you belief the Alawis are infidels/Kuffar or not? You see how you Muslim Brothers escape the real discussion? Do you have one brave man to discuss the lies and criminality of Ibn Taymiyah’s Fatawis that still to this day control your attitude about others and of course will determine the fate of the Alawi/Sunni relations for ever?
June 18th, 2011, 11:01 pm
why-discuss said:
“Syria will see billions of dollars to pour into it,from Turkish,European,American and Gulf investments.”
Yes, after Syria will become a puppet of Israel…
June 18th, 2011, 11:03 pm
why-discuss said:
Please go and smell somewhere else!
June 18th, 2011, 11:04 pm
mjabali said:
It is democracy have you heard of it? I can say whatever I want
June 18th, 2011, 11:09 pm
Shami said:
Ibn Taymiyya was a medieval thinker who lived during the time of the crusades(the last ones) and especially in the middle of the mongolian invasions era that saw the destruction of the scientifical and cultural center of Baghdad and must not be reduced to his contextual fatawas he was product of his time and his negative views were influenced by the fact that some groups collaborated with the mongols in order to annihilate the islamic civilization and even took part themselves in the massacres,the future proved the validity of his views because such alliances will be repeated during Taymur Lank invasions,his memory was charged with these events ,his familly left Harran for Damascus because of the Mongolian destructive and genocidal invasions.
Thats why it’s very important to place him in his context.
June 18th, 2011, 11:16 pm
Norman said:
I am glad that you are as frank as it gets, what a fresh air,
What good can come for one from winning the whole world and losing his honor and soul ,
What will happen to Syria is that they will give Syria loans like Lebanon then control it’s political well, As long as Syria does not have foreign debt it can survive and be free .
June 18th, 2011, 11:28 pm
Shami said:
Yes, after Syria will become a puppet of Israel…
Why discuss ,stop insulting the Syrian people,as if the only ones who are pro Palestinians are the khomainist and the qaradeeh …we are not Makhlouf and Asad or Khomainists who have long history of secret deal with israel.
Btw ,the hatred that is accumulated by the extremist shias of lebanon (hezbollah and amal)towards the palestinians contradict ( reality that you can not deny as lebanese) all the hypocrit slogans that they use in their name.
We will discuss with the Israelis directly and find a way to live together with the jews who will remain in our lands,the israelis are aware that they are surrounded by hundred of millions of arabs and muslims (mostly sunnis) and that there is no other choice other than a win-win settlement.
This israeli arrogance can only be reducated by the alliance of Turkey ,Syria and Egypt.
What the zionists fear are the people not corrupt and hypocrite regimes.
June 18th, 2011, 11:33 pm
Shami said:
reducated :reduced
June 18th, 2011, 11:44 pm
The protests in Damascus city and Aleppo prove that they are not the silent majority nomore. NO TO ISLAMIC EXTREMISM , NO TO MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD, NO TO SALAFI’S,NO TO TURKEY
June 18th, 2011, 11:51 pm
Shami said:
LOL this is all what they were able to gather ,now is that enough for menhebak to show himself and to speak to the nation tommorow ?because his hidding is a sign of cowardice .
Kanj,enjoy your menhebak mania as you like but in the reality ,you would hardly find one family in Aleppo which has not lost at least one of its members …wait ,eshbak ,it’s not the end of history,be sure that the statue of Hafez the beast (thanks HZ)in Aleppo will face its inescapable fate.
June 18th, 2011, 11:57 pm
Syrian Commando said:
What the zionist fear is a lack of debt and a closed monetary system, but Shami you’re too busy growing your beard to understand that.
Or maybe you do, oi vey?
More than >90% of people, whether they like the government or not want the riots to stop. Almost 100% want the terrorism to stop. But terrorism is the only way the whabbi/salafi/shitti etc. can get their way. No one wants their Islamist system, we want to move into the 21st century. We want less corruption. We want free business enterprise. THOSE ARE OUR ACTUAL DEMANDS, but the salafists and other nutcases want to drown it out with their dirty feet, dirty beards and empty slogans. They ruined what could have been a civilised evolution of government directed by the PEOPLE rather the government in reaction to a FAILED violent revolt. Believe me it failed, they can only resort to terrorism now.
Pretty soon the cost/benefit analysis will show it’s better just to deport all of them to a pacific island somewhere. They can have their islamist state there until a month later when they starve because none of them actually DO anything beneficial to society, like growing food.
June 18th, 2011, 11:59 pm
Mohamed Kanj said:
i sense so much hatred in you towards the majority of syrians, so much hatred towards the minorities of syria, so much hatred to the secular sunni majority in syria. This is the same hatred that is the core of the Muslim brotherhood and islamic extremists like yourself. When are you going to realise that you and the barbaric cannibal islamic extremist are in the 10% minority. You can huff and puff but you aint gonna blow any house down :-))))
June 19th, 2011, 12:02 am
tara said:
you are starting with an assumption that Sunnis should know Ibn Taymiyah. A false assumption.. You went far enough to say ” his rules that is championed by Aroor and co are the main belief of the Sunnis about almost everything”…A second false assumption. You became angry that a mainstream Sunni like me does not know Ibn Taymia… You finally concluded I am not Syrian.. Another wrong conclusion.
I am sorry to disappoint you but they do noy teach us Ibn Taymiah in “Sunni Schools” so we are sooo ignorant. The sad thing is you were taught by some one about him… Do you know what I mean?
Nevertheless, your assumptions are sectarian and no one is falling for them. You only represent yourself.
The last false assumption you made is in regard to cooking webpage. I do not need one… I am very good cook.
June 19th, 2011, 12:04 am
Shami said:
Kanj ,i’m a secular and very anti clerical sunni and i do not hate myself.
And where did i say that the islamists will have the absolute majority ?
In my opinion ,politicaly the max they could reach is 30 % at max.(at this time).
The great majority of aleppines are not secular but they would prefer to vote for liberal parties.(as it happened in syrian modern history)
And among the aleppine families who lost family members ,many of them are secular .(christians included :like Dr Chamoun)
The last one was Dr Hallak.
June 19th, 2011, 12:15 am
Mohamed Kanj said:
is this your version of a secular SYRIA? Do these women represent the majority of sunni syria??? Why is it very rare to see women from the secular ( majority ) sunni islamic faith protesting??
June 19th, 2011, 12:26 am
jad said:
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June 19th, 2011, 12:32 am
jad said:
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????? 19 ?????? 2011?
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June 19th, 2011, 12:39 am
Shami said:
I’m not from Damascus ,but in my city Aleppo that you praise ,most of women are veiled like this and even more.
Aleppo is today like a giant kandahar.
We all know that the islamic conservative signs have increased since asad took power and it will continue as long they are in power.
In order to change the mentalities you need a pluralistic civil society on the ground which can influence the society .
For time being ,we are not allowed to evolve towards social modernity because the only available alternative culture is that of menhebak which is self humiliation.
June 19th, 2011, 12:42 am
jad said:
Even John Stewart talks about The fake Gay Amina! 🙂
June 19th, 2011, 12:50 am
Samara said:
Menhebak,Menhebak, Men-heb-aaaaak!
listen to this and see if you would like to change your name,(id),pseudonym, what ever.
June 19th, 2011, 1:04 am
Syria no kandahar said:
What do Sunnis intend for Alawis:
The answer is simple,you can ask one of these guys:
-The guy who was hanged on a pole in Hama by Shami’s moderate secular open minded Sunnis .
-Nidal Janoud who had the Sunni Aroor treatment applied to him precisely .
-Officer Tallawi and his kids(Sunnis)who were prsumed by some Homsis to be Alawis and had the Alaaroor godly punishment .
-Iraq Shia and Christians :Ask them what Sunnis did to them and how many Sunnis invaded heaven after applying the Sunnis revolutionary treatment to them.
The only exits after regime change in Syria are:
-civil war.
-dividing the state(an isreal dream)into :Alawi,Sunni and Kurdish states …As far as Christians ?? ????? ??? ???????
June 19th, 2011, 1:20 am
mjabali said:
Fact one that you did not mention, or probably do not know because you were raised up on the official Sunni history: Ibn Taymiyah, and his father worked for the Mongolian ruler of Damascus. They were not Syrians who worked for non-Syrians occupying Syria, and you talk about the Islamic Civilization and its destruction. What side are you on: Syria or the Islamic Khilafa?
There were mongols fighting mongols on the land of Syria. Ibn Taymiayah was not Syrian, to remind you again, but still he issued Fatawis/decrees against the original population of Syria.
Fact two: You, as the rest of them Sunnis, promote the LIE that says that the Alawis had helped the Mongols. Historian would laugh at your claim these days my friend.
I heard this exact argument with all of the modern Islamic Fighting groups. This lie is stuck in your brain.
You see how in your argument you did not go that far from Ibn Taymiyah when you said :
” the future proved the validity….etc”
This is the crux of your argument and that of the Muslim Brothers and of course Ibn Taymiuy, Wahabis, Zarqawi and co.
You keep on repeating what these fanatics are saying and the truth say that these are fabrications and lies. The Sunnis had produced the official history over the years and which you are repeating.
Mr. Shami when Ibn Taymiyah and his masters the mongols were around the Alawis were of no military importance. Do you think that the Crusaders would spare them or anyone else?
Ibn Taymiyah and his masters the Mongols were supposed to protect the “Muslim” land and whoever was in it from the Crusaders. This is the truth. They FAILED because THEY were fighting among each other over the spoils of the land.
How many battles you fought each other in the days of your great “Islamic Civilization?” on the land of Syria?
Ibn Taymiyah and his masters the Mongols were NO BODY in front of the Crusaders, as a matter of fact, the masters of Ibn Taymiyah and his followers were bossed around by the Crusaders. Of course these Mongols and their puppet Ibn Taymiyah wanted to see someone as an escape goat so the Alawis were prime especially many Alawis owned land and the mongols and their invading tribes wanted land of course. Remember mr shami that some of Ibn Taymiyah’s fatawis were for the land of the Alawis.
Funny you mentioned Taymurlank and of course you did not know that Ibn Taymiah did not live when Taymurlank came to Damascus. Learn historical facts my friend before you fabricate any history.
Did Ibn Taymiyah work for a mongol named Mohammad Ibn Qalawun, who himself equipped with the Decree/Fatwa from Ibn Taymiyah killed and displaced many Syrians.
Did Mohammad Ibn Qalawun the Mongol kill the original Syrians for their land and did Ibn Taymiyah work for him or not at that time?
You fabricated history for a long time.
AS for his current importance; you must know that Ibn Taymiyah is the ideological inspiration for all of the fighting jihadi militant salafi movements.
By the way: you did not answer my question if the Alawis are infidels or not?
He is alive and well and here is some links for you:
In this link as you will see my friend Ibn Taymiyah is alive in 2006
Here is another link for you in which al-Zawahiri sends a letter to al-Zarqawi telling him that he admires Ibn Taymiyah and in it you smell the fake official history the Sunnis had produced over the years.
And here is another link for you about the importance of Ibn Taymiyah for a discourse between al-Zarqawi and al-Maqdisi
June 19th, 2011, 1:26 am
mjabali said:
Yes all Sunnis should know Ibn Taymiyah to see why this hatred that is going around. If you don’t, you should today before tomorrow.
In My opinion, most/if not all to make you happy/ Sunnis know the IDEAS and DECREES of Ibn Taymiyah one way or another.
All Sunnis and non Sunnis in the Middle East were affected by the WORDS of Ibn Taymiyah one way or another.
All Sunnis and non Sunnis in the Middle East are getting affected and will be affected by the Ideas and words of Ibn Taymiyah.
So, yes you should know who is Ibn Taymiyah.
AS for my second point, yes 99.oo or 98.00 of Sunnis, al-3Ar3ur among them, believe and live in and with Ibn Taymiyah. If you do not you present a small minority barely seen. Where are you not speaking against Ibn Taymiyah and his ideas.
You may say that you do not know who is that, and to that I said you should learn today before tomorrow.
You do not represent mainstream Sunnis as you claimed. That was a long time ago when mainstream Sunnis were kind of secular, but thanks for this Salafi storm since the 1980’s, Sunni seculars became rare and should be listed under the endangered species category. They do not fill a bus, as one Islamist used to boast not long ago on another popular site.
We all wish secularism, liberty and democracy for Syria and the whole region.
AS for you getting taught the teachings of Ibn Taymiyah, you should be able to see it around you. But, since you claimed you can not see this mountain, what can I say????
AS for your claim that “I was taught about him by someone,” come one lay off the conspiracy theory and go and learn about him yourself. I have his works and read most of his works, did you?
AS for labeling me “sectarian” sorry for being frank and call things with its true name. Call me whatever you feel like, i like different opinions and respect it.
AS for cooking we all know that we all could learn how to make a new dish.
June 19th, 2011, 1:45 am
Mohamed Kanj said:
nice song menhebak menhebak ya BASHAR. Shami, u should make that song as your ringtone on your phone
June 19th, 2011, 1:45 am
Usama said:
You’ve been telling us all hell is going to break loose in Aleppo for a while now. You were right. A huge crowd attended pro-Asad demonstrations today around Aleppo Castle 🙂 I hope you enjoyed the ????. I love Aleppo Castle, one of the coolest places in all of Syria.
About the MB, screw the MB. You just don’t seem to understand that there is no place for the MB in Syria. It’s not just the `Alawis, Shi`a, Christians, and Druze that hate the MB. The majority of Sunnis hate the MB, too. It is very difficult to take people like you, Revlon, Shami, and Majed seriously since your support for MB presence renders you irrelevant to the “discussion”.
Tara, #33
I agree with your comment, but the pro-revolution still doesn’t have the numbers to push its agenda across, sorry.
Tara, #44
For myself and every Syrian I know, we always identified ourselves as Syrian first, Arab second (you might be surprised to know most Kurds don’t mind being called Arab), and Muslim/Christian third. Syians are already “there” and have been for decades. I feel sorry for you if you grew up identifying youself as Sunni first.
Dale, #62
That part of the essay is not very accurate. Clearly the writer does not have any expertise in such an area. It is normal for communication to go up the ranks then back down. An officer is reponsible for the actions of his units. That means if someone screws up, his superior officer can be held responsible as well, which is why officers only take orders from their superior officers. It is called command structure and all armies have such structures.
As for the military being useless against foreign enemies, that is a big load of bullshit. If that were true, you’d already have your darling Eretz Yisrael today.
In conclusion: you’re still wrong and grossly ignorant.
I agree with you that Ibn Taymiyah’s fatawis have a huge impact on Middle Eastern life, but I hope you remember that at the end the MB fanatics are a very small minority, and that is enough to cause problems, but that still doesn’t mean that Sunnis hate `Alawis. If that were true, the protests would have actual significant numbers. I guarantee you the vast majority of Sunnis, even the religious ones, at least in Syria, really hate the MB. It really is best not to attack them, or anyone else for that matter, based on some douchebag’s fatawis.
Every Aleppine knows someone who was killed by the MB.
June 19th, 2011, 1:51 am
Usama said:
Here is some irony for you guys. During Saleh al-`Ali Friday, the “peaceful protesters” killed a policeman from Sheikh Badr, the home village of Saleh al-`Ali.
June 19th, 2011, 2:03 am
Samara said:
Syria no Kandahar,
I think there will be no room in heaven for all the good people anymore. Due to the number of Sunni extremists killing the Alawis and Shias. They have dibs in heaven now. Oh well, what can we do?
Killing and murdering the Alawi people at the moment will only get worse if the regime stands down. Lest hope that the Shabiha brothers start taking action and kill, mutilate, and disembody all the members of the MB, and their affiliates, as the MB have been doing to the solders and the predominantly Alawi citizens.
Allah, Souria, Bashar ou Bas!!
Menhebak Ya Bashar. Ya Doctorna!Ya Habibna! Ya Za3imna!
June 19th, 2011, 2:09 am
Shami said:
Mjabali,did you mean that the Mamluk sultans were mongols ?(in fact there are two different groups,the turkish mameluks and the circassian mameluks)
Those during Ibn Taymiyya time were of turkish origin.
Qalawun for example was a Turk.
If not who is this mongol ruler of Damascus ?
Is he the ruler who jailed him for heresy ?
And who are these foreigner rulers of Syria ? do you mean ImadEdine,Nureddin,Salahadin,Sayf Din Qutuz,Baybars ? who defeated both the crusaders and the mongols ?
Also were did i write that Taymur Lank invaded Syria during Ibn Taymiyya time ?I used the word “future”.check it again and control your blood blessure !
Yes ,there are some people who read Ibn Taymiyya today in a wrong and literal way as it has been shown by Prof Jean Michot,he can be understood better by people who have some knowledge in philosophy and history and today most of these islamists are ignorant in both fields,they come mostly from exact science and theology faculties.
June 19th, 2011, 2:15 am
Syrian Knight said:
Samara, I like your thinking. Everyone affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood and any anti-Syrian radical group have no right to live. Their existence must be corrected in the most gruesome, dehumanizing way. This is the way these destined-to-die filth bags kill innocent people, and the favor should be reciprocated tenfold.
June 19th, 2011, 2:21 am
Samara said:
Syrian Knight,
Spoken like a true Syrian, who wants his country clean from filth.
Its so funny how history repeats itself. Look at what is happening in occupied Palestine, and then look at what the British did to the Aboriginal people of Australia. And then look at what the Americans did to their Black people. And then come back and see what is happening in Syria. How one dominant sects wants to destroy the minority. I swear the MB and their bros remind me of the Israeli filth, and the British. Actually, i doubt even the Jews did to the Palestinians what the MB are doing to the Alawis. so yes, they do deserve to be ‘ corrected in the most gruesome, dehumanizing way’.
June 19th, 2011, 2:35 am
Shami said:
Usaman,Samara ,Knight and all the other criminals here , so if all Syria hates the MB and muslim conservatives so what is the cause of all your paranoia ?
If i understand you ,Syrian knight,Usama,Samara ,Bashar’s shabiha should act quickly in order to kill as much possible syrian conservative muslims in order to make your orgasm coming ?
June 19th, 2011, 2:36 am
Shami said:
Samara ,and the Mb and other conservative muslims in occupied Palestine ,must they also be annihilated ?
occupied palestine you said ya qardouha ?
June 19th, 2011, 2:38 am
Syrian Knight said:
There is nothing conservative about people who cut off heads and mutilate bodies, you piece of garbage.
June 19th, 2011, 2:49 am
Syrian Knight said:
Let us marvel at some of the achievements by these ‘peaceful protesters.’
June 19th, 2011, 2:55 am
Samara said:
You are a low lfe. And yes, i did say occupied Palestine.
‘ qardouha’ ? Seriously? lol.
Now, Shami, go play with your toys. Then have a hot bath. And then go to sleep. No one wants to hear how much you idolize the MB.
June 19th, 2011, 3:04 am
Samara said:
Syrian Knight,
That brought tears to my eyes. May God Take the lives of those who did that. Tfeh 3alayon.
June 19th, 2011, 3:09 am
Mina said:
If you are Palestinian you need some networks and the help of some people outside, this is how I understand the fact Hamas considers itself as a branch of the Egyptian MB.
But I don’t see how does that reconcile with the fact Hamas was supposedly created in Israeli jails with the open purpose of making a rival to Fatah and an easily manipulated extremist group (while Fata and other Palestinian factions were too much on the left, these bloody Arab leftists that the neocon try to suppress anywhere they show up, as with Syria, as with the Iraqi communists under Saddam…).
June 19th, 2011, 3:24 am
syau said:
Aboali, #11,
I don’t know if you witnessed the pro Assad, pro unity, anti foreign intervention rally in Aleppo, If you didn’t it was the opposite of all hell breaking free. The demonstration illustrated that the people of Aleppo are against this violent revolution and foreign intervention in Syria. They showed the world that they don’t want all hell to break free and be invaded by foreign entities.
To me, it sounds like you let you hatred rule your thought process. How can you claim to care for Syria, yet advocate, along with Shami to name one, foreign intervention in the country you claim to reside in and love?
June 19th, 2011, 3:50 am
Shami said:
Mina,i acknowledge the israeli intelligence game ,but change is a natural fact in history ,your views are static and dont take into account change and btw asad jails are full of leftists and communists ,alawites included.
It seems that your only alternative is chaos or brutal dictature ,this is not acceptable argument,you dont see it ,but our potential to be a powerful arab-turkish muslim and democratic umma is huge.The favorable factors are many.
You are a pessimist person ,i have nothing you ,but history is a dymanic process.
June 19th, 2011, 3:53 am
Louai said:
i enjoyed reading Khudr’s article but i wish i can read something from him regarding the recent events,he sound to have Scientific thinking of an insider ,if you are reading this words Khudr please provide us with your analysis of the situation in Syria if you can . thank you
June 19th, 2011, 3:54 am
Shami said:
SYAU ,the foreigner entities are asad regime ,gangs and statues.
Our culture is closer to that of Turkey whith whose we have more than 1000 years of common history than the ugly and unsophisticated menhebak culture promoted here in music and blood by the shabiha girl above.
June 19th, 2011, 3:57 am
syau said:
Hillary Clinton caught lying about the situation in Syria.
“Clinton on Syria: Astounding lies, Zero Legitimacy”
Tony Catalucci
June 18, 2011
She must be watching too much Al Jazeera.
Shami, I remember reading one of you comments where you said “I’m as sectarian as they come”, every single comment you make whether you re write that comment or not, just states it over and over again.
Foreign entities are not Bashar or the regime. They are Syrian. To enlighten you, foreign entities are those that are not Syrian. Foreign entities that you are advocating will destroy Syria without a single thought to you or your family if they invade the country. Start thinking, don’t let your pure hatred for those that are not extremists cloud you thoughts.
June 19th, 2011, 4:05 am
Samara said:
June 19th, 2011, 4:05 am
Shami said:
Samara ,would you like such husband for your daughter?
Mabrouk in advance anyway !
June 19th, 2011, 4:09 am
Louai said:
Syria No Kandahar
‘Alaaroor has influence over Hama now more than god does,if he tells them to go over there buildings and masturbate,they will do so’ 😀
June 19th, 2011, 4:11 am
Syria no kandahar said:
Carbage to be imported to Syria:
????? ??????? ??????? ??????? ??????? ???? ????? ??????? ?????? ?????? ??????? ?? ??? ?? ?/?
??? ??????? ???? ?? ???? ???
This is the main reason the west,US Turkey and isreal support MB and Salafi movements because it is the best way to steel the Arab spring and Boazizi blood from the revolutionist and to assure that our people ?? ???? ??? ????? ????
June 19th, 2011, 4:14 am
syau said:
Arour and Wisal tv promote terror. His influence is terrifying, he seems to have a hypnotic effect on lost souls. I think the program should be banned in Syria, I’m sure the US or any other country would ban the program without a second thought if he was promoting hatred amongst Americans.
June 19th, 2011, 4:22 am
SYR.Expat said:
Very interesting article by Khudr. It raises many valid concerns and should be taken seriously.
Few comments:
– This regime is unsustainable and is going to collapse anyway, with or without protests. It’s not a question of if, but when (and how). Therefore, the Alawi community which holds power needs to be proactive and not wait until “the ax falls on the head” (an Arabic saying). Sticking to a dying order is not wise.
– One solution to the problem is to follow the example of South Africa.
– Another solution to the problem is for a majority of Sunnis to become Alawis, or vice versa.
– One great point in the article is that “Syrians in the Diaspora are fragmented even when they are away from the regime and its influence. No two Syrian expatriates are able to organize a cultural gathering, not to mention a political party.” I have always told friends that we can’t lay all the blame on the government. We have to accept part of the blame.
– “This command structure makes the military practically useless against foreign enemies but extremely effective at guaranteeing internal stability”
This should help dismiss the myth of mukawamah “resistance” in case there were still people in denial. Rami let it slip from his mouth in his famous or infamous veiled threat directed at Israel. Those Palestinians who were killed by the Israelis would have been killed by the Syrian soldiers had they tried to get too close to the border a year ago. It’s all a game. What’s important is the Chair.
June 19th, 2011, 4:23 am
SYR.Expat said:
A new article about Syria in the Economist:
June 19th, 2011, 4:29 am
Syria no kandahar said:
To follow the example of south Africa?
Who are the white and who are the black?
Are you serious?are Sunnis being treated like Negros ?is that the reason that Aleppo and Damascus(60%of Syria)are still sleeping?
June 19th, 2011, 4:50 am
Mina said:
Thanks for the link to Jon Steward show.
He has a few points about Amina that we didn’t read much:
– it happens during a month where gay marriage is in the top news in the US
– the Ohio guy behing the fake “Paula Brooks” is an ancient construction worker AND military
By the way, these Arab revolts happen when the US election campaign is going to start, so what is at stake is also the Arab vote and the influence of some MB networks there (why not exporting something that didn’t work in the first place?)
Shami, fundamentalists will always support other fundamentalists. In the end you get Saudi Arabia, Iran and the Vatican voting together against contraception. The survival of Protestant and Jewish fundamentalists depends on the Muslims staying backwards.
June 19th, 2011, 5:00 am
louai said:
sadly i agree with you and with Syria no Kandahar about the hypnotic effect of Aroor and his alikes however i couldn’t stop laughing from the way Kandahar put it, very well said . 🙂
i dont think there is an international law to prevent this , i mean how is it possible that some one could appear on the TV like that and start to pump all the sick ignorant sectarian people and send them to the streets to kill or get killed ?
its not only Aroor , what about Al Jazeera ?? i cant believe it that they are getting away with all the lives we lost just because of their fabrications, don’t undermine Hamza’s photos and Hajer’s story and and and … ,if there is something like international law , Al jazeera should be closed from day one of the Libyan revolution not the Syrian one!! and Qatar should be paying compensations to EVERY single family who lost some one in Syria ..
even BBC !!! they thought they ae doing the Syrian people a favor by repeating the same fabrications over and over again ,there is something called TV license a monthly payments in England goes to the BBC to support free and independent media ,I refuse to pay it after what I saw ,we even had to demonstrate in fornt of the BBC head quarter last week ( who noticed that they made some improvements or its only me? )
I do not blame Al Aroor if he talks , I blame the TV that broadcast and the people who financed him knowing that he was responsible in a way or another of the killing of many Syrians in the 80s and much more in the last 4 months
Aroor and without a question is the one who influence the vast majority of the people who still go to demonstrate and still send their kids to demonstrate. NONE of the people who call themselves opposition has any influence on the people on the streets only Aroor and what he represent has .that’s the Syrian opposition for you .
June 19th, 2011, 5:02 am
Mina said:
About Aroor
the first time I heard about this guy and clicked a link to his TV show was in February when US kids on Twitter were mentioning him as “the guy who speaks about Syria” and re-tweeting his posts which were adds for his weekly show.
For Shami,
By the way, since you are from Aleppo, you know that there is no 2 MB who agree on anything, don’t you ?
In Egypt there’s the anti-music trend and the neutral to music trend, what about Syria?
In Aleppo, I attended once a lecture where at least 3 persons who are known as MB attended. 1 is 70 or 80 years old and he was a nice guy, open to philosophy etc, and 2 were the Turkish trend: teachers in some technical faculties, one with his wife wearing a short skirt and high heels, but there questions and their tone was deeply agressive. They refused the hermeneutical approach to religious text, nothing could be discussed by Christians etc.
June 19th, 2011, 5:11 am
samara said:
Actually, im still single. But thanks for the image. I might think of him for myself. But then again, id prefer someone with a bit more muscle. I dont like the beard though. You might want to think about getting hitched to Hariri. I hear he is looking for a new man in his life.
June 19th, 2011, 5:15 am
syau said:
Your right, I have also noticed that BBC Arabic have toned down their use of ‘eyewitnesses’ and fabrications, although not by much. Alarabia has also toned down a small amount. The only one that is still a full scale fabrication network is Al Jazeera. I think the money invested in Aljazeera’s fabrications and smear campaign is too great for them to tone down their lies anytime soon.
I also believe the network and the Qatar government should have to pay compensation to the victims and their families as well as many of the Syrians who now live in fear of the growing sectarianism in Syria thanks to the murders and mutilations we have witnessed and Arour’s ever growing influence.
June 19th, 2011, 5:28 am
daleandersen said:
A little Alawi history:
In 1258, the Mongols ransacked Baghdad. After that, they swept through Syria, capturing Hama and Aleppo. The Alawi helped them against the Muslims and after the Egyptian Mamluk Sultan Baybars defeated the Mongols at Ayn Jalut, he marched against the Alawis, destroyed their castles and forced them to build mosques. They built the mosques but refused to worship in them. In fact, the traveler and writer, Ibn Battuta, who was in Syria in 1326, noted that the Alawi mosques were being used as stables for cattle and sheep.
June 19th, 2011, 5:29 am
Syria no kandahar said:
If any one closes his eyes and tries to concentrate on analysis of the Arabic Spring events and course thinks are actually not too difficult to analyze :
1-This all started with Boazizi famous incident ,which clearly was spontaneous .
2-The consequences of Aboazizis incident were uncontrollable and spontaneous at the beginning , in the Tunisian revolution.
3-if the west have kept this tsunami natural,it would have been a disaster.All the Arabic countries would have turned into secular democratic nations.in few years Egypt,Syria,Tunis…etc would have turned into giants economically and socially,that would have been a disaster for Isreal,EU,US SA ant Turkey,that was when MB and Islamic services were needed.
4-By injecting MB Salafi and Wahabi poisons into the blood of the revolutions it was a definite way to steer these movements from national movements to religious ones and hence to change there agenda into religious one.
5-So in Egypt MB and Salafi movements will make sure that the Main agenda will be stupid things like sharia and Copts oppression.And in Syria this is even more clear,MB is the official theaf of Syrian revolution,already going into history by hanging teachers and burning soldiers and hanging them on poles.
6-clearly the only happy person at the end of this is Isreal,watching like a roaster,smiling and looking as virgin as could be,happy that not even one isreal flag was burned,but Chinese and Russian ones,which makes you wonder :can isreal be this innocent?
June 19th, 2011, 5:31 am
Mina said:
Syrians don’t need foreign media (a coterie of journalists with well-to-do backgrounds) to do a poll, since they have a brilliant med-school Aleppo student who have started it. Here are the first 3 interviews he made:
June 19th, 2011, 5:32 am
Mina said:
Quoting an article by you on the AOL-owned Hufpo to put yourself in the position of authority does not work.
What is needed here is a SOURCE for this garbage you give (taken from the first Google result on Nusayris Syria as I can see, but you should know that websites are most often to spread propaganda than actual facts).
The Mongols had erased the Ismaili Shiis from Alamut before coming to Baghdad and move to Syria. They forged an alliance with the Christians, through contacts with the papacy actually, against the Syrian Shiis (Nusayris and Ismaili Nizaris).
Here are some academic references (one written by an Israeli, so don’t say it is biased)
There was never a support of the Shiis for the Crusaders, on the opposite the medieval Europeans books are full of legends on the dangerous Assassins, who killed some famous crusaders and envoys.
June 19th, 2011, 5:53 am
Mina said:
Ma’arrat al Nu’man on May 4th, 6 weeks ago, “peaceful protesters” ready for more:
June 19th, 2011, 6:14 am
Sisyphus said:
I believe Khudr’s article contains the most important questions for Syria of all the posts I’ve read on this blog. More generally, it gets to the heart of the social contract that concerns all communities in Syria. How do we build a new Syria?
However, I don’t think all of these questions can be answered to Khudr’s satisfaction. Did the pre-revolution situation have an explicit social contract? He is aware that the contract is changing, “However, these improvements, made by the Baath during its early days, have long since come to a halt. Actually, the condition of Alawis has been sliding backwards and not forwards for more than a generation.”
Try answering Khudr’s questions from a pre-revolution perspective. For example:
“What are your plans for the tens of thousands of Alawis who work as government employees in many non-functional establishments? Are you going to close these establishments? Do you have any idea of the social impact of such closures?”
Well if we tried to answer this question ten years ago and six months ago the two answers would be different.
Ten years ago: unnecessary patronage jobs paid for by oil revenues will continue to be a pillar of the regime.
Six months ago: inefficient government industries will be shut down or privatised and mazot subsidies will be stopped.
Did Khudr expect real answers to these questions from the Assad regime?
He goes on to demand answers regarding how Alawis will be treated should their grip on power be broken. But what is the current social contract then? That the Sunni majority should be broken under the heels of a paranoid sectarian corruption machine?
He demands that the Sunni majority should be open and honest about their intentions before the Alawi security regime can be expected to make a change. But how can we do that while we are put in prison for nothing? Who institutionalised sectarianism in Syria? Hafez Assad and his friends did, when they took over the Baath party and the country. Khudr sounds like an Israeli who says ‘the Palestinians have to guarantee a Jewish state before we give them back any part of what we stole from them’. No Khudr, the Palestinians don’t have to guarantee anything to anybody in order to get back what is rightfully theirs, and the Sunnis don’t have to demonstrate anything to the Alawis, or any other minority for that matter, in order to get rid of the Alawi mafia that is ruling them. I’m afraid you will have to trust the majority.
June 19th, 2011, 6:16 am
Thanks said:
Dear Dr. Landis,
Thanks for bringing up this today, i think all these questions can have satisfying answers by professional experts, taking the lead and working together to ensure fair and practical solutions, toward civil and modern Syria, they have to formulate and implement new strategies in there pivotal fields:
– Jurisdiction system: Fair and Practical
– Public Communication: Respect, Engage and Build
– Security system: Respect, Protect and Professional Standards
Syrians among sectarian, geographical and classes lines, have become more empowered, enlightened and more globalized, the old ways of ruling them has to be changed.
Let me try to answer some of these questions, suggesting examples, up to my knowledge:
1- What are your plans for the tens of thousands of Alawis who work in the army and other security apparatuses?
Once strategies, values, guidelines of army have been established, they will be appraised according to the system, they need to remain in their posts as long as they remain loyal to the new values and works to implement the new strategies.
2- What are your plans for the republican guard and the Special Forces that are staffed primarily by Alawis? Are you going to pay them pensions if you decide to disband their forces? Or will they be fired and dumped on the streets, humiliated, and ostracized as were the Sunnis and Baathists of Iraq were following the American invasion? Do you have any idea of the impact on security such dismissals would engender? Will you be satisfied with a scenario by which these forces remain in their positions in exchange for their giving up political power? What are your plans for the tens of thousands of Alawis who work as government employees in many non-functional establishments? Are you going to close these establishments? Do you have any idea of the social impact of such closures? Are you going to stop improvement projects in the coastal area as all past Sunni governments have done since independence?
The Social Security Net of Syria has to be updated, there should be unemployment benefits, pension and protection plans for the weak and old, human resources management best practices on macro and micro levels in private and public sector should be embraced, these entities should be managed effectively and efficiently, enormous opportunities of income are still available in Syria, they are waiting to be taped, in all areas of Syria there is potential for growth, new modern laws for decentralization ruling and accountability has to be in place.
3- Are you going to reverse confiscation laws to return land taken from Sunni landlords and distributed among tens of thousands of farmers?
Solutions that make most people happy should be used, they should be perceived as fair, and yet productive, there is no point in reverse confiscation laws that benefit tens of thousands of farmers, but new types of agreement and protection can be established to give autonomy to capital and ensure social justice, some lands has been recently acquired to the benefit of the few businessmen, and made a lot of people poor and very few very rich.
4- Are you going to demand that security officials stand trial for their actions during the last 35 years? What is the highest rank that you are going to hold responsible? Are you going to ask for trials for past deeds? How about the present leading elite? Who exactly are the people you want to hold responsible? And If you do bring them to trial, are you going to hold the Sunni elite to the same standard? Will Sunni families who have benefited from the regime through monopolies and sweet-heart deals, such as the Nahhas family in Damascus and the Jood family in Latakia, be treated as Alawis are?
A skillful national forgiveness state is established and people are encouraged to look for the future, and be aligned with productive and responsible practices, I know Syrian people, I am sure once their rights are respected, their life is improving, they see and feel bad people have no impact. The guilty people don’t need to stand trials for their crimes either in security or in business, they should work according to new values and practices or stop working, people in the big companies has to have their rights, and business people has to start sustainable projects that employ people, enhance infrastructure, the act of short term gains has to be stopped, Structural monopolies have to pay the price of this feature for governemnt that will use the money to enhance infrastrcture and pay benefits (e.g. GSM networks, with regard security officers they need to work to protect people and respect their rights, famous names should avoid the field or go abroad.
There were some ideas, what do you think?
June 19th, 2011, 6:17 am
Revlon said:
How 3alawi or other minorities feel or intend to do is not going to stop the revolution from reaching its destination; Free Syria.
It may only impact on its time frame and ensuing case scenario.
Where do 3alawis currently stand in the current conflict?
– 3alawis at the top will not give up power; It means virtual and literal survival for themselves and their families.
The shifting trend in power struggle indicates that It will be taken away from them.
– 3alawi benefactors, who constitute the majority of 3alawis will cease to be proactive once they realise the ship is sinking.
Such will be signalled by one of the following scenarios:
Jr steps down; Very unlikely
Jr does not have the cash to pay their salaries
Another unforeseen scenario
Jumping the sinking ship would then be a matter of damage limitation and self preservation
– Only a minority of 3alawis are not benefactors of the regime.
Most are from marginal small families, without blood relationship to dominant ones.
Some were persecuted for political or intellectual inclinations.
3. How should the victorious people handle the legacy of corruption and atrocities!
Here is my humble say:
This revolution, as per slogans/mission statement is about restoring the right of self determination for all people of Syria, regardless of ethnicity.
Such entails the enforcement of the basic human rights set forth in the universal declaration of human rights.
The first task to address is the people’s grievances, current and past, for the last 40 years!
This should be an immediate priority, and should be drafted, agreed upon, and announced as soon as possible.
The announcement should detail a road map with time plan that is enough to reassure the people that justice will be excised and acts of revenge would be equally punishable.
The plan should include the formation of a special civil court, headed by independent mutually agreed judges, and observed by international human rights bodies.
This should calm down the raging feeling of anger and guards against sporadic acts of revenge.
Corruption and violence against civilians over the last 40 years have not been limited to a religion or sect.
In fact, due to their sheer number, it is quite probable that there are more Sunnis who were involved in corruption than 3alawis or Christians.
Perpetrators shall be accountable for their acts as individuals.
There will be no collective punishment similar to H Asad’s in Hama, A plight some pro-regime posters on this blog still take pride in!
That shall not happen in Free Syria.
June 19th, 2011, 7:40 am
Mina said:
Joshua Landis on Syria:
June 19th, 2011, 8:33 am
Revlon said:
How should Post-regime Free Syrians manage the “deeply sectarian”, 40 year old legacy of socio-economical imbalances of the public sector, including the army?
Here is my humble take on the subject!
People will need to compete for public sector jobs on basis of merits.
This will come as bad news to some; to those who hold their jobs on the basis of loyalty or ethnicity.
However, it should come as very good news to all of those who belive in fairness:
– It is only fair to get what you deserve
– Those who lose their jobs should have retraining opportunities to make them suitable for emerging public or private sector opportunities.
– The jobless should have an equal opportunity, irrespective of religion, to compete for jobs.
The organisational structure of the public sector, including army and security apparatus should be revamped to adapt to the new political and economical system.
Nearly all top managers/commanders (usually >50years) should be phased out into retirement; they are, with few exceptions, highly corrupt
– Those who fill middle managerial positions should undergo a professional re-assessment to fill the vacant top managerial jobs.
– The remaining jobs should be subjected to deep reforms:
Redundant eliminated.
Needed/Productive ones re-filled on the basis of merit.
Those who currently fill these positions should have equal right and opportunity to re-apply and compete for these vacancies.
– The size of the professional, non-conscript army should be gradually reduced.
– All top commanders laid off; with few exceptions they are corrupt.
– All middle ranks need to undergo reassessment and fairly compete for assuming commanding positions, irrespective of ethnicities.
– Republican guards should be integrated in the regular army and subjected to the rules detailed above.
– The size of the security apparatus needs to be significantly cut.
– All top commanders laid off; All are corrupt and suspected of committing atrocities.
– Middle and low ranks should undergo careful re-evaluation for their human rights records.
Clean ones are re-habilitated and compete with the jobless for their new positions.
Those charged with corruption or violent acts should be suspended until Court ruling or clearance.
June 19th, 2011, 8:40 am
John khouri said:
News just I’n from Homs – Islamic extremists roaming hamadieh and other Christian areas I’n Homs city chanting slogans ” we remember how you christian infidels I’n America burnt our korans”. Do the extremists still think the 35% minorities of Syria will side with them ?
June 19th, 2011, 8:49 am
syau said:
Revlon, #131
“There will be no collective punishment similar to H Asad’s in Hama, A plight some pro-regime posters on this blog still take pride in!”
There is nothing in this violent, hate filled revolution that anyone that is pro unity will take pride in. This revolution has been nothing but sinister, vengeful, murderous and sectarian. It is everything a revolution isn’t.
On ‘collective punishment,’ review history and not your own twisted version of it. Minorities have not, nor will they ever act like the dreaded MB. They will never conduct acts of insurgency, blowing up innocent people and destroy infrastructure, nor will they murder and mutilate and send bodies back to their families dismembered in plastic bags. Slaughtering intellectuals, cadets, and prominent military personnel is not something that minorities or anyone for that matter will consider doing. The only ones capable of such evil is the MB. Nobody other than the MB or deranged psychos alike would declare jihad on the government and attempt to assassinate the president twice.
President Hafez Al Assad gave ample notice for all those not affiliated with the MB and all civilians to leave as there were plans to eradicate the insurgents.
The MB on the other hand, being the vile, hateful, sectarian creatures they are, will commit the most horrific of crimes such as what we have witnessed during this farce you call a revolution. And now, with the use of technology and funds from foreign entities at their disposal, and Arour and his likes spreading their venom, they are able to poison the minds of many more young influential minds and continue the downward spiral of hate and terror. Killing, revenge and utter hatred is running through the veins of the MB, not peace, fairness and democracy.
June 19th, 2011, 8:49 am
mjabali said:
Here is for you a list of the rulers of Damascus during the times of Ibn Taymiyah and tell me how many Syrians did rule:
1260 1260
?? ????? ???? ????? 1260 1165
???? ????? ????? ??????? 1165 1262
???? ????? ???? ??????? ??????? 1262 1272
— ???? ????? ??????? ??? ????? 1265 1265 ?? ??? ??????
?? ????? ?????? ??????? 1271 1279
???? ?????? 1279 1279 ???? ? ???? ???? ???????? ?? ????? ???? ??? ??? ??? ?? ??????? ??????
????? ?????? 1279 1279 ???? ?????? ??? ??? ??? 1296 ?. ? 1299 ?.
???? ????? ?????? 1279 1290 ???? ??????? ????
??? ?? 1290 1291
?? ????? ???? ?????? 1291 1296
??? ????? ?????? ? 1296 1296
???? ????? ????? ? 1296 1300 ?? ??????
??? ????? ???? 1300 1307
????? ? 1307 1311
??? ?????? 1311 1312
??? ???? ??? ????? ???? ???? ??????? 1312 1340 1340
?????? ?????? 1340 1341 ?? ???
????? ??????? ? 1341 1349
????? ??? 1349 1349 ?? ???? ????? ???? ??????
?????? 1349 1175
????? ??????
AS you can see mr. Shami none was Syrian and mostly Truks/Mongols and on few occasions they were Slave Soldiers/Mamlukes from other origins.
AS you should know there is no difference between the Mongols and the Turks. They are the same people no matter how much you try to deny that.
As you know this class of slave soldiers that ruled Syria since the late Abbasid period were dominated by the Mongol/Turks for a long time.
AS for Qalawun his mother is Ashlun Khatun the daughter of Sankai bin Qarajin bin Jigan ????? ?? ????? ???? ????? ?? ?????? ?? ?????
So if his father as you claim a Turk and his mother is the daughter of this famous warrior (i.e killer) so how can’t he be a mongol?
The wars of these Slave Soldiers/Mamlukes on the land of Syria can not be denied, something you are doing.
What they did to the Syrian population is obvious.
You are skirting the real issues again.
Ibn Taymiyah is alive and well contrary to your claims. Ibn Taymiyah is in the actions and minds of gazillions of Sunnis.
By the way, you did not answer my question if the Alawis are infidels or not?
June 19th, 2011, 9:20 am
majedkhaldoon said:
You said it: Turkey controlled Syria for long time,as I said before Turkey has a leading role in the middle East.Please note that Turkey of today is not like the Ottoman,it is a republic,with democratic system.
The question is would the US concede Syria to Turkey?,as of today I doubt it.
If the syrian army begins shelling the opposition close to the border.Turkey will use this as a pretext to send its troops into Syria.The syrian army is no match to the Turkish army,we however should not forget that US has a big base close to Syria.
June 19th, 2011, 9:40 am
Mina said:
Take notice also that Dale Andersen who is posting here just to make some advertisment for his blog has a post there on the Nazis in the Middle-East and their influence during WWII where he was able not to mention even once either the Turks or the Ottoman empire.
Poor Dale, open a book about WWI and the relation of Turkey and Germany one day… Or just make a career as a revisionnist, it works fine in your country.
June 19th, 2011, 9:46 am
syau said:
I think you may have your wires crossed, review who made the comment you are referring to and make the corrections.
Although, I will tell you that no true Syrian will belittle their own countries armed forces, nor advocate foreign intervention in their country.
June 19th, 2011, 9:51 am
aboali said:
#106 Ha Ha, oh yeah I witnessed them for myself because I work in that area. A few hundred Baathists, and some curious onlookers eating bizr and baleela, what a “spontaneous” show of affection for Bashar that was. Also, a fight broke out when one Min7bak guy tried to latesh and tabek another min7ibak guy’s sister, the police stepped in to break it up, hilarious I tell you!
But what’s more funny, is that today there were only about 30 school kids there sitting on the steps chanting, there were more Syrian t.v crew than people!
Seriously, I’ve seen more people gathered in that area for the shooting of a historic musalasal or something last year, than were gathered to chant for Bashar. Khalas your lies are see through, a handful of Baathists won’t hide the fact that Aleppo is going to rise soon and kick the regime’s ass. And before you go mouthing off, I took videos of the pro-regime gathering with my mobile, I’ll upload them tonight to prove what I just said.
June 19th, 2011, 9:59 am
Revlon said:
25 civilians, including the first in Aleppo fell martyrs this weeked to Jr’s demonstration laws!
Al Fati7a upon their souls.
May God bless their families with solace and empower them with patience.
June 19th, 2011, 10:02 am
syau said:
“Russia’s Permanent Representative to UN: Saboteur members in Syrian opposition seek chaos in Syria”
#140, Trying to convince yourself? That’s called desperation. I suppose desperate times call for desperate measures, like the naming of the past friday. That went well for you didnt it?
Upload as many as you like, there are videos of the rallies, both in Aleppo and Jisr Alshughour.
Because you love Aljazeera’s reporting so much, I thought I would let you know that another one of their anchores has resigned, he stated it was because of Aljazeera’s distortion of the facts, and went on to say that if Al jazeera continue on their path of distortion, many more will resign.
June 19th, 2011, 10:09 am
samara said:
When are we going to read al fatiha upon your soul, and say ” may God bless your family with solace and empower them with patience” ? Soon i hope. But then again, i dont even think you deserve that.
At times when the true martyrs have sufferred, you keep your pretty little mouth shut and dont bother saying what you bestow upon the revolutionaries.
You should be saying ” Al fatiha upon the slain solders, their families who have also been attacked, the mutilated pro-regimists including the troops….” and to all the others who died at the hand of your brothers.
Revlon, you and your murderous bros will soon regret all you have said and done. The MB will soon be dust.
June 19th, 2011, 10:26 am
samara said:
This was written by Jenny Hocking, in 2004.
“Incidents of political violence and dissent internationally are constructed according to a framework of an apparent concern for political rights, disarmament and even peace, which in reality reflects only a concern for economic or political expediency. Only thus can the Castro regime in Cuba and the Sandanistas in Nicaragau be described as ‘terrorists’, whilst the brutal Somoza regime or the Indonesean Military- which took control with the support of the US in 1965, killing hundreds of thousands of people- were not. Similarly:
in the 1990s, the US provided 80% of the arms for Turkey’s encounter with the Kurds in its southeast region, killing tenz of thousands, driving 2-3million out of their homes, leaving 3500 villages destroyed…and with every imaginable atrocity”.
She attacks the fact the ” official” or “legitimate” terrorism is generally acceped. By who??? Thats right, the US.
The US can kill as many people as they want. They can provide arms to whom ever they want. But its not terrorism. They can claim that other countries are acting in terror, but if the US kills every damn person on the face of the earth, its not terrorism. If the Israelis kill as many Palestinians as they want, its not terrorism. If the MB and violent protesters in Syria kill all the pro-regimists, its not terror.
The US can shove it.
June 19th, 2011, 10:45 am
why-discuss said:
Ausama Monajed seems to reflect the opposition despair and only hope:
No civil war, the army will defect, the army will defect!
June 19th, 2011, 10:56 am
aboali said:
#142 see how stupid you pro-regimers are. I work there, I can see it with my own eyes, and still you’re lying about it.
I’m posting the videos I took so the whole world can see what a bunch of ridiculous liars the Syrian media is. Oh and about all the pro-regime idiots who are honking their horns and doing tashfeet till 4 o’clock in the morning in Mogambo and Forkan, we’re gonna put nails on the roads for you idiots, see how you like that, faseh your dawleeb and your Bashar.
June 19th, 2011, 10:57 am
HS said:
Aboali #140
To save your work time , here is the video
of the rally in Aleppo 18.06.2011
June 19th, 2011, 10:59 am
Syrian Knight said:
Who does [edited for dirt] think he is fooling? I saw videos of the rally in Aleppo. There were thousands and thousands of people. That piece of garbage wants people to believe there were only dozens.
So you plan on putting nails on the roads? I hope people like you plan on getting bullets in your heads.
June 19th, 2011, 11:15 am
aboali said:
Edited for lots of insults and dirt.
wonder why the videos you see are all shot at close range????? I’ll show you why idiots, because this is what it looks like when you pan out:
where’s the tens of thousands???? til7aso my ass
June 19th, 2011, 11:21 am
Syrian Knight said:
Let’s not go dirty – Edited.
June 19th, 2011, 11:25 am
why-discuss said:
From your video ‘pan’ version, it does look like a big and popular gathering.
Maybe you should have put nails on the street to prevent too much freedom of expression that goes against your convictions.
June 19th, 2011, 11:27 am
Mina said:
Yes, and he has a litany of unverified things such as the bishops who would have addressed crowds. The only 2 bishops I have heard of were supporting the governement, plus a 3rd one who was interviewed 3 months ago on al Jazeera (which i was still watching then) and whose voice was covered with the heavy sounds played of videos of the demonstrations on the screen, to make it impossible for anyone to concentrate on what he was saying.
If the guy is serious, he should post here the videos of the events he is refering to.
What worries me for the Middle East is that the more the economic crisis in Europe and the US will go deeper, the more these guys will try anything to go back home!! The crisis sucks.
June 19th, 2011, 11:30 am
aboali said:
#150 Syrian [I don’t have time to edite every comment. I will have to start banning. Let’s stop using bad language and insults – JL], that video I posted was taken at exactly 7:30 pm yesterday, right when live video was being broadcast on Dunya t.v of tens “of thousands”. Anyway, I’m going there right now to film more videos and post them, ….
June 19th, 2011, 11:31 am
Revlon said:
#143 Dear SAMARA, Reading AlFati7a is Fardh Kifayeh on Moslems.
If one reads it in a forum is enough. Not every one has to.
Like some posters, I cover the revolution’s side of the story!
The side of the peaceful, brave young men who sacrificed their life so that I and others would live to be free in our country, Syria.
The least I can contribute to their brave soul is to read Al Fati7a and feel for the pain that heir families go through.
If you do feel the same about pro-regime martyrs, I urge you to read AlFati7a upon their souls.
It would be more decent and respectful of you.
June 19th, 2011, 11:39 am
Syrian Knight said:
[I don’t have time to edite every comment. I will have to start banning. Let’s stop using bad language and insults – JL]
June 19th, 2011, 11:40 am
Tara said:
What do you think about HA position in regard to the Syrian revolution? Do you think Syed Hassan Nasralla last speech was a good one?
I always had a very tender spot in my heart towards HA and Syed Hassan. Watching his speeches never failed to induce intense emotion in my heart. An emotion that is difficult for me to describe… Funny you should mention Arabic pride in a previous comment. In my opinion Arabic pride in recent history was brought to life by HA and HA only and otherwise did not exist.
I remember buying some groceries from a Lebanese store while on vacation in a western country few wks after the Israeli withdrawal from South Lebanon. The worker was a young man from Tunisia. The encounter was really very brief but left me with a very unpleasant memory of how backward, biased and mislead we are in the ME. He did not share my love to HA and made an offensive sectarian comment towards Lebanese Shiite. I found myself defending them with passion… Trust me, I would have just smiled and left if he had attacked me personally. What I am trying to say is that I was very very Pro HA, Pro Shiite, Pro Syed Hasan. My whole family was. I did not believe for a second the so called “Iranian agenda” in the ME.
Things have changed for me now. There were reports on the Syrian Revolution Face Book about HA students who are studying in Damascus writing Mukhabarat reports about their fellow Syrian students. There were also reports that they were helping security forces brutalizing and arresting medical students who dared to protest in Damascus University School of Medicine. There were reports that Iran is sending electric sticks to help oppressing the demonstrators. There are reports of the skillful snipers being Iranian. There are reports of Iran providing technological assistance to the regime to track face book users and satellite phones. Of course, I can not verify any of the above… Then came Sayed Hassan speech…. I wish he did not speak… He came off very insincere. Shockingly insincere. Granted, I am psychologically propped to perceive any speech that does not support the revolution of the peaceful demonstrators as offensive but I don’t think that was the reason for my extreme disappointment with Sayed Hassan. I acknowledge that HA can not betray Bashar for reasons we all know and I respect that. Turning a blind eye to the pain and suffering is however something I do not respect. He should have just kept quite and distance himself from commenting.
Sometimes people are forced to walk a fine line and manage to do so skillfully. In case of Sayed Hasan, I think he failed…
For the records, I have not changed my mind about the Arabic pride thing I mentioned above.
June 19th, 2011, 11:51 am
HS said:
Aboali in Aleppo said
Oh and about all the pro-regime idiots who are honking their horns and doing tashfeet till 4 o’clock in the morning in Mogambo and Forkan, we’re gonna put nails on the roads for you idiots,
What an brilliant idea,
If you put the nails after midnight and please remove them before 7am next morning for New Mall’s supermarket opening.
Please if you can also move the football stadium ( you have time for that one before the next season )
And above all , please if you can also silence the loudspeakers of the nearby mosque ( you can put the prayer calls on a Facebook page )
Have a good day
June 19th, 2011, 11:52 am
N.Z. said:
It is getting uglier by the minute. Someone I know just returned from Damascus, told of horror stories taking place in Damascus and surrounding areas. The regime is desperate, suspicious and lashing left and right. Young men in Damascus are grabbed as they leave mosques, taken to unknown places beaten and slashed by knives all over their hands, thrown to the floor and abused physically and emotionally, the dirty language used by the thugs against men and women is beyond description. One of the youth is a 16 year old that was captured in a video coming out of the mosque, they spotted him and found his residence, they knocked on the door asking his parents were is he? He was not home. They told his parents they have one week to hand him over, or they will take the whole family in lieu of him, what a choice. Those that are beaten are threatened with death, if they told anyone or spoke to journalists. The first young man was released after the amnesty issued more than a week ago. They were released in my opinion to instill horror in the population. In Shaalan, Damascus 4 men were chanting for freedom, when a group of pro oppression ganged on them and beat the hell out of them. A young woman took issue with the beating and yelled, stop, she was thrown to the ground and beaten, cursed by a Syrian mob. Is this how reform looks like?
Maher on the other hand is boasting that he is still in his pyjama, he did not wear his uniform i.e., what we have done so far is nothing compared of what is coming. Reminds me of Gaddaffi and sons. Like father like son, brother like nephew. This regime brutality is generational. The second generation is a replica of the first. To Syrians it is a deja vu all over again.
Dead bodies are thrown in the middle of the squares at night, so the families will identify, bury and spread the word. This took place in Dariyah and Kiswa.
The 10000 refugees in Turkey were promised safety if they return to their homeland, I understand that 65 were killed upon returning. Is this the reform that we are promised.
Seems that Assad and co. are competing with Qaddafi ad co.
Both Libyans and Syrians are under the mercy of God. It is anyone’s guess how many more will die, until this Mafia comes to the realization, they are no longer tolerated. Their eyes as well as the eyes of their supporters are wide shut.
June 19th, 2011, 12:17 pm
Averroes said:
This is what awaits Alawis in Syria if Wahabi terrorists are allowed to act in Syria.
This is from a crime that took place in Iraq in 2006, but apparently uncovered recently.
No one can deny that the Wahabis and extremist Islamists hold that kind of mentality vis-a-vis minority Muslims including Shia, Alawis, and others. No one can deny it.
Basically this was Jeish Al Iraq Al-Islami or some other Wahabi, Saudi funded and inspired terrorist group. They ambushed a Shiite wedding party, and ended up killing all the men, tied rocks to the feet of 20 children and drowned them alive, and then raped all the women in the basement of a Mosque.
The virus that acted in Jisr Al-Shughour is the exact same.
So .. this is what awaits Syria if these terrorists take over. Let us hope and work that they don’t.
The Wahabis are a tiny minority in contemporary Sunni Islam, and indeed most of those that took to the streets of Damascus and Aleppo in the last few days are Sunnis, which tells me that these criminal Wahabis will not succeed in Syria.
June 19th, 2011, 12:20 pm
Mina said:
You don’t have to believe everything you read on facebook. The electric sticks you mention are used in every G8 and G20 demonstrations in the US and Europe. They are cnosidered civilized ways to fight protesters, since they don’t kill (it is called Taser). Just as France and the UK had delievered tear gas and hand grenades to Bahrain and Tunisia, and more severe weapons to Qaddafi just 4 months before launching a war on him, Iran probably sends weapons to Syria, which is under embargo.
But why would Iranians come to the rescue of the Syrian police and army, I don’t see, since last time during the Iran demonstrations the blame was put on HA for having sent people to curb the demonstrations and attack the protesters.
It is not nice, especially in Disneyland where these things do not happen. But it is not better or worse than killing people in Afghanistan and Iraq by shooting at them from a computer in the US who is directing an unmanned drone. The question is, if the Al Jazeera/al Aroor propaganda was an attack made to impose an STL decision, it is an escalation in the so-called “international justice” that rises some questions.
June 19th, 2011, 12:36 pm
N.Z. said:
Wahabi terrorists ?
As a Syrian I have only witnessed the Assad’s terror. The humiliation I’ve witnessed under this Mafia, let alone treason and massacres under their eye watch is more than sufficient to say enough. They have far exceeded their welcome.
June 19th, 2011, 12:42 pm
Yazan said:
This is an important discussion, indeed. Although I think the circumstances are rather different nowadays. This is what I wrote to a friend when he asked me about the article.
I think the context has changed, since the article was written. While back then the pressure came from the outside, and the regime had a solid ground and history of resistance to such pressure that the only thing that could’ve cracked them is an implosion within their own ranks. Back then, for any prospects of regime change, the Alawites’ active support was mandatory. Right now, it is completely different. Right now there is a real window of possibility that the regime might fall (with or without Alawi support). Many Alawis know that full well, and they know that even if it dissents into a gruesome civil war, they will eventually lose out, perhaps even after terrible losses in life and property. They know both scenarios do not hold well for their status in Syria, at least on the short term. That is why there’s so much tension, and so little tolerance of dissidence within the Alawi communities.
The longer this drags on, the bigger the potential losses are for Alawis. At least that’s what I believe they believe.
On another hand, and away from the sectarian track, when it comes to true nation building, the same result holds true. In essence, while the discussion of post-Assad Syrian need be done in great detail, and without shying away from any taboo, to build up trust between different sects/ideologies. It needs to be done within a real framework of nation building, not the traditional tribal mindset that treats Alawis as a distinct group, that has distinct problems, and these problems need be addressed independently. But to melt all these groups into one pot, and discuss the issues as issues facing the country. So far the regime’s preferred strategy is to divide the country into different groups and deal with each one as a distinct issue (take the Kurdish problem for example). Rather than treating all of them as Syrians, and all of their problems of symptoms for national issues.
June 19th, 2011, 12:44 pm
N.Z. said:
I assure you that no one will come to the rescue of this regime. They have few friends left now, their exit is smoother today than tomorrow. As a Syrians my concern is not their safe departure, rather the safety of Syrians, my countrymen.
June 19th, 2011, 12:48 pm
vlad-the-syrian said:
HS 160
you’re loosing your time answreing to this idiot
ABOLAI is not living in Aleppo but somewhere in USA and he is probably an afro-am convert working with anti-regime cyberactivists that once shared info with some ABADAYAT from Homs neighborhoods involved in the riots. He learned some words of arabic and boast being syrian.
I revealed this a month ago while he was prentending to be from Homs. He disappeared since for a time and now he’s back assuming that the matter was forgotten.
There were hundred of thousands of people pro-regime demonstrating in Aleppo. All my relatives and friends living there confirmed it to me. Not to mention the vids.
all these zombies and 3farit will be crushed sooner or later and we’ll get rid of them once for all in Syria as in Lebanon. Wait and see.
June 19th, 2011, 12:50 pm
Syrian Commando said:
Just keep repeating it, one day even you will be convinced!
I agree SK, MB is totally finished, the hate level amongst everyone against them alarms me — this is what the enemy wants. We have to get through this phase with restrained security, I don’t want people taking the law in their hands.
When its all over, we’ll clean house. >95% of Syria is with the government, as far as popular support goes, they are finished. This sectarian garbage is another sign of desperation, it’s not going to happen, you blew your load too early and everyone knows who is directing it.
Hey Americans! Your government is banning the usage of futures on Silver and Gold unless you’ve got like 1 million dollar to secure your contracts, lol! Your currency is FINISHED and this is why your government is desperate to push for World War III. The retards actually think they can make a gain rather than destroy the world! Congratulations on your absolutely retarded administration and we’ll see you in hell.
June 19th, 2011, 12:53 pm
vlad-the-syrian said:
you say
“So far the regime’s preferred strategy is to divide the country into different groups and deal with each one as a distinct issue (take the Kurdish problem for example). Rather than treating all of them as Syrians, and all of their problems of symptoms for national issues.”
i say this is an utter lie. Till now there is no kurdish upraising.
June 19th, 2011, 12:54 pm
Mina said:
Did Turkey enter Syria?
June 19th, 2011, 12:56 pm
vlad-the-syrian said:
“you blew your load too early”
i agree on that. What is striking about these so-called revolutionarists is there stupidity. Hundred of millions of dollars where poured uselessly in this shit. At a time level it’s much more than the US propaganda against USSR during the cold war.
June 19th, 2011, 12:59 pm
vlad-the-syrian said:
164 “As a Syrian I have only witnessed the Assad’s terror”
166 “rather the safety of Syrians, my countrymen.”
stop pretending lously that you are a syrian. You stress too much upon that. Obviously you are not.
June 19th, 2011, 1:04 pm
Yazan said:
I never said anything about a Kurdish uprising. There’s always been a Kurdish problem, though. And the regime always treated it, and advertised it as such, a problem, reserved for the Kurds. Rather than a national problem of Syrians with regards to their natural national rights. That is what I meant. It isn’t a new strategy, and it has worked very well for them. Treat everyone as distinct tribes, and buy the loyalties of their leaders, with money, privileges and such.
It’s very sad actually.
June 19th, 2011, 1:12 pm
Akbar Palace said:
I am happy to report that our agents in the US and Israel have succeeded in keeping the Syrian GDP below $5000/yr despite the best efforts of the Syrian lion cub Bashar Assad (aka “Assad Jr.).
We have also succeeded with the Syrian poor (everyone except a few trusted friends) in forcing them to demonstrate in the street despite risking life and limb.
In all, things are going well. Please feel free to contact us if there is anything else you need: Kosher food, prayer shawls, purim cookies, baby blood from the goyim
June 19th, 2011, 1:13 pm
vlad-the-syrian said:
vulgar shnorrer shmok
how much are you paid to deliver this kind of brilliant contribution ? go beg elsewhere
June 19th, 2011, 1:17 pm
vlad-the-syrian said:
sadly you are wrong nevertheless and your argument is stupid
advocate for the kurdish cause in Turkey.
June 19th, 2011, 1:21 pm
aboali said:
here you go, hot off the press, for all the pro-regime idiots on this blog. I got in close to your pro-regime rally in Aleppo and took the videos.
part 1 is from a distance, part 2 is up close to the perimeter of a large empty circle, with a few Shabebat thawra in it to give the appearance of large crowds to anyone standing at a distance.
Note the large empty circle in the middle is to give the appearance of a mass of crowded people, where actually it’s just a bunch of flag wavers around the perimeter, no more than 300-400 hundred. Also not the soos, bizr, ice cream and balelah sellers, yeah they’re your “hundreds of thousands” of pro-regime supporters eh. By the way, the organizers wore blue jackets with “itihad shabebt el thawra” written on them, so this is an event definitely organized by the Baath party.
and for #167 vlad the idiot, if this isn’t proof enough that I’m in Halab, I’m gonna take a video there again tomorrow, this time with a piece of paper with “vlad the idiot, I’m in Halab” written on it as I film your pathetic rally. How does that sound moron?
Stay tuned folks, more to come soon….
June 19th, 2011, 1:40 pm
N.Z. said:
Bashar, Maher, Assef…. a bunch of SAVAGES, giving orders to men that they turned into timely weapons of mass destruction, these are creatures that have been robed from their humanity by Assad’s family. This is a gang that had lost perspective of what is right and what is wrong.
Watching on our TV screens what is taking place in Syria, by the regime on their own people is beyond savagery.
Shooting to kill is one thing, but the methods of torture they are using is beyond savagery. Torture.. inflicting pain on another being by despicable methods, what kind of reform is this ? Does he know? some are still defending him, claiming that he has no powers. A bunch of idiots.
June 19th, 2011, 1:46 pm
Norman said:
It looks better for the president and the government than i thought,
June 19th, 2011, 1:57 pm
vlad-the-syrian said:
the afro-am salafist pretending to be from Aleppo after he asserted beign from Homs some weeks ago
tell your friends the zombies from Bab Amro and Souk al Hashish that they are done.
June 19th, 2011, 2:03 pm
Mina said:
You just demonstrated that Syria doesn’t need to allow the so-called Western free press and its crowd of infiltrators and operatives:
June 19th, 2011, 2:05 pm
Norman said:
President Assad to give a speech Monday,
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June 19th, 2011, 2:35 pm
Yazan said:
#38 Tara,
This is what I’ve been trying to mumble unintelligibly for the past four months. Thanks for being terribly more eloquent and accurate than I could possibly be.
June 19th, 2011, 2:57 pm
To the Young Sage from the East Yazan
Sanity is a rare commodity these days on SC. Thank you for sharing some of yours, especially in the fourth paragraph (last)of your post # 165.
Short Musings from the Rathole
Unlike most of those anti lazy-despot, I have taken the threat of Syrian Commando (comments # 13 & 16) very seriously. I have Gathered The Family, and we are ready for launch outside planet earth to escape the reach of the great victor of WW-III, this time with or without his mustash. Commando, being as knowledgeable, just give us a hint for zero hour, is it hapenning before the fourth brigade finish liberating Iskandorana and Jolan, or afterward.
To Musically Challanged SAMARA and her fanb club including Commandos, Impalers, and Don Quixotes
The competetion for shallowness, which seems to be the first qualifier for Men7ebbak gang must have been very easy for all of you, In brutality, howver, seems that lazy-doc-despot and his jammi-bro would not tolerate a secomd place. Since you seem to display all the characteristic lack of intellect i have noticed from the laughable Syrian Electronic Army, I guess you are probably in the Commando force of that army. Is your army joining the eternal leader in his WW-III.
Are you sure this is a pro regime rally and not an MB rally, I noticed that all women wore some sort of head cover, Being the non-syrian as i am, i follow the teachings of educated syrians inside syria like MINA, Sophia, Arrour-Obsessed Qandahari, that australian kid, the fearsom Commando, Niqab is only for MB salafi extremist killers. You trickster. No sir, this is not Aleppo, this was shot in the same studio in Hollywood where Johnson, the CIA and the MOSSAD shot the moonlanding to bring down the great lions, in one area, it passes an area known for its islamists. The The real aleppo rally can only be seen at Addunya TV. And you are not Syrian, in fact ABOALI is a german.
Proud Impaler Wannabe
You have just added racism to the list of your wonderful traits. Off course, anyone who smiled and mentally applauded your comment # 162, is as racist as you are.
Also thanks for sharing some of your Sanity. BTW, I forgot to mention int, I visited the young parlaiment page, and it was enjoyable. A majority of these young poeple had far more perpsective, prgmatism, and intelligence than the mental dumps the regime propagandists on SC and other face book pages have (combined). But one thing that attracted my attention, funny, the project seems to be funded by the Embassy of the UK with the Ministry of Work and Social Affairs. I thought the britts only fund zionist-MB-Bandar-Aljazeera-Alarabya-Salafi-Martian conspiracies. Care to ellaborate, please
Why are you so obsessed in justifying ban on journalists in Syria. (Comments 129 & 181). Does the truth coming out hurt you som much…..? Who do you think writes all these conspiracy articles you love to share here–Duh?
Note to Self: Most of what I wrote today is silly, but it is no worse than murder advocacy the progandists have been enjoying in response to a serious post.
Back to the Rathole
June 19th, 2011, 3:33 pm
vlad-the-syrian said:
to the rat
i’m quoting myself :
“What is striking about these so-called revolutionarists is their stupidity”
nothing new under the sun
stay in your rat hole since you dont want to acknowledge the truth i.e hundreds of millions of dollars that have been spent for support to the reactionaries (the so called “revolution”) … uselessly 🙂
now your fellow revlislamists are playing their last cards : blood and more blood murders rapes riots ramsacking threats etc …
the veiled abadayates 3afarits and zombies you are defending will be prosecuted publicly by the syrian people. They will not escape it i tell you.
better keep by yourself in your rat hole for your own safety
June 19th, 2011, 4:28 pm
Yazan said:
Syrian Hamster,
Someone who is this fluent in the art of sarcasm is someone I admire deeply. Thank you for the kind words.
June 19th, 2011, 5:06 pm
jad said:
Mina #135
Thanks for the link of Mounajed interview.
It’s seriously scary that this fake Brit along ponytail and the boring Ziade are considered to be the smartest between the uprising organizers, they apparently have no clue of what to do or any vision of what’s the future of Syria is beyond the destruction they are leading with the help of foreigners.
It’s disturbing to listen to these people at this critical bloody times Syria is in. They are planning to destroy everything from social fabric, economy, army, religion harmony just to rule over Syrians without showing any sign of responsibility for the results.
We already have similar criminals:
????? ..????? ?? ?????? ???
???????? ??? ???? ??????? 18-6
June 19th, 2011, 5:08 pm
Badr said:
Concerning your nationality, can you explain your saying:
“and now I stand, as cowardly as I am, with my own people against tyrany”
“Being the non-syrian as i am” ?
June 19th, 2011, 5:13 pm
Aboud said:
Predictions for junior’s speech tomorrow;
-He will make the penal code easier to understand by imposing one punishment for all crimes; death by firing squad.
-He will improve the educational system by introducing modern day subjects like civics and economics, using as examples the lives of the world’s most brilliant people (No, not Ghandi for civics nor Adam Smith for economics. Instead, Papa Assad and Makhlouf).
-He will address Syria’s shortage of foreign currency by hiring out shabiha scum as mercenaries to Ghadafi…oh wait, that’s already been done.
-He will improve the quality of life in Syria’s cities with wholesale “renovations” of said cities. Engineering, Baathists style. Dubai uses bulldozers, Baathists use indiscriminate artillery shelling.
-He will work towards making Syrians more cosmopolitan by encouraging travel to neighboring countries; see, those 10,000+ refugees in Turkey are actually part of a cultural exchange program.
On a serious note, I expect zilch from junior’s speech tomorrow. He wouldn’t even be making it unless he was shitting bricks from Turkish pressure.
June 19th, 2011, 5:35 pm
jad said:
Interview with the Russian ambassador in Damascus:
Russian Ambassador to Syria part 2 ???? ?? ?????? ?????? ?? ?????
June 19th, 2011, 5:40 pm
vlad-the-syrian said:
as this was suspected earlier the implication of turkish parts is now clear. Erdogan is playing a dirty game.
It will not be a surprise if they cut the water to raise the pressure as they have done in the past. I guess and fear that Turkey is seeking to provoke a casus belli
June 19th, 2011, 5:44 pm
Sure thing. First they accused all of us of being Salafies, when that was shown for the crap it is, they started calling all of the free people non-syrians (which rather cynical, since there is no freedom in syria). Just consider the past few days. Tara was accused of not being Syrian, it was discovered that she writes like an American Guy by some smart Be7ebooo woman. Today was ABOALI’s turn. I am just preempting the accusation, and confessing, the same way those terrorists caught in Jad’s unfailing propaganda farces from Addunya. Tomorrow, it will be a new thing. I can’t waite. Let’s see what Headquarter orders on the attack menue tomorrow.
Sarcasm seems to be the only way I can now deal with the farcidal, yet murderous methods of the Syrian regime, the vulgarity of its lackies, and the deprevity of its propaganda.
June 19th, 2011, 5:45 pm
Syria´s regime and its stability has always been based on this propaganda that tries to give a nice and unreal idea of what is really happening in the minds of many syrians and specially tries to hide what is happening inside syrian prisons and corruption circles.
June 19th, 2011, 5:51 pm
jad said:
Rat, you better mind your own business especially when I didn’t step on your tail.
June 19th, 2011, 5:52 pm
shamsnn said:
152. aboali
Are you really insinuating that not a lot of people are for Assad??
Here is the video of the Aleppo pro-demo:
Do you expect our people to sleep at the citadel?
Long live SYRIA
June 19th, 2011, 5:52 pm
jad said:
This is a very good comment that went unnoticed and it fits under this post:
I have studied Mid-East affairs for the past 15 years. I am not an expert in Syrian Politics’ but have devoted 10 of the 15 years study on Syria. 95% or more, of comments, views & analysis of activities unfolding in Syria are in fact bias & frequently sensationalized. We have now witnessed over three months of unrest in Syria & ironically most articles, & reports continue to press the fact that the President an “Alawite”, & his supporters who are also “Alawites” & are a minority, have controlled Syria since the Late Havez came into power. Tv, social media & online articles as such have dominated headlines with “pro democracy” titles, but somehow ensure we are always reminded of the fact the minority Alawite sect controls a predominately Sunni occupied society. One could legitimately argue that foreign media has in fact portrayed the Syrian unrest due to Peaceful protest motivated by democratic reform. But once again never fail to remain us that the President is of an Islamic minority. I personally am not a patron of any non democratic government but I always remain objective & legitimate with my analysis & views. “My professional analysis of the unrest”
1.President Bashar in fact has over 80% of Syrian population support.
2.80% of supporters consist of, Muslims and Christians.
3.There is a legitimate unit of peaceful protectors that are requesting reform & the government has acknowledged the need to press on such reform
4.These same protectors are unaware of & are not in anyway connected with the Extremist Islamic brotherhood who are attempting to create religiously motivated unrest in Syria by committing violent & brutal crimes in the country against, peaceful protectors & security & army personnel
5.June 17th foreign media reported Mass anti government rallies took place, but opted to use a pro Assad rally photo & short video clip, It’s logical to assume you would use photos & video Clips of the Anti government protest, this means either, the anti government protest didn’t take place or it was to small to broadcast. The answer is, It was to small to broadcast.
6.Over 2 million Christians have pledged support for Assad
7. Over 70% of Muslims have pledge support for Assad
8.All peaceful religious leaders have already engaged with the president in talks & are satisfied with the governments proposed reform
9.The Syrian army is in no way divided nor has any personnel rebellious activity taken place
10.We know this due to numerous army personnel who were announced as part of the deflecting group, hours later contacted Syrian authorities & Syrian media & have conducted live interviews denouncing such reports & reject such claims
11.The Main capitals of Syria are the vital organs of a successful or failed government
12.Every main capital has rejected opposition to the government emphatically & engaged freely in pro Assad protest
13.It is highly unlikely that the government will be ousted
14.Over 5, 000 terror suspects have been of which the vast majority have opening admitted on tv to carrying arms & shooting at both innocent protectors as well as government forces
15. Once the Assad government complete their objective & intall complete peace & security to outer cities Syrians will form stronger bonds
16.The government will develop stronger legitimacy & credibility
17.Syrian government will produce evidence of the causes of the unrest & will do this in time
18.Reforms will be adhered
19.The countries security, credibility, civilians, and status will accentuate
June 18th, 2011, 11:30 am
June 19th, 2011, 5:53 pm
why-discuss said:
Syria under Bashar Al Assad has made the first resistance victory of the Arabs of 2006 possible. This is something that HA find it impossible to ignore. You don’t turn your back in 6 weeks on a friend who helped you for decades moreover when you are suspicious of the real situation on the ground and you are used to relentless plotting from western countries and Israel against all the allies of the resistance.
Hamas has turned their back to Bashar al Assad because of his clear stand against the MB, despite all the support they got from Syria. I call this a betrayal and Hamas will not have a place in Syria anymore. They lost its confidence
Iran never forgot that Syria was the only Arab country that stood against Saddam Hossein during the 8 years Iraq-Iran war when ALL the arab countries were giving money and support to that criminal.
Almost a million died in this war. Arab counties have all blood on their hand.
Iran will always stay next to Assad’s Syria, and HA too.
If Bashar goes, Syria will probably switch to the US and Saudi Arabia like Mobarak’s Egypt, a puppet.
June 19th, 2011, 5:55 pm
jad said:
I have the same feeling, the Turks didn’t get enough reasons to get involved in Jisr Ashghour and they will look for another way to intervene militarily, and it may be the way you described that will trigger it, however, Iraq will be affected and I’m not sure if the Iraqis will stay quite regarding water especially when the summer just start and when they were crying thirsty couple months ago.
June 19th, 2011, 5:57 pm
why-discuss said:
Thanks for the post of David Michael, very much to the point.
When I see these opposition pseudo-intellectuals talking with such assurance of things they seem not to understand at all, I feel sick that people are dying because of these morons.
June 19th, 2011, 6:03 pm
why-discuss said:
About the Turks. If they do anything to Syria, they will alienate the whole Arab world and loose the market they have been trying hard to get.
I think Erdogan is still supporting Bashar Al Assad but does not want it to be too obvious.
In any case Turkey will soon be stuck with 10,000 refugees who would not want to go back after tasting a 5 stars refugee camp and the visit of a Hollywood star they never heard about before.
June 19th, 2011, 6:10 pm
John Smith (actually Aboud) said:
@196 Jad is upset his generic-name-fake-westerner post went unnoticed. Here, I can play the same game.
POST BY John Edward Jones Smith, the third.
Sitting here from my vantage point in North Virginia, I’d like to put forward my professional and totally unbiased opinions;
1- I must humbly say that Bashar is the most brilliant leader in the history of history, and all the protestors are a bunch of ingrates for not appreciating how much of a great leader he is. MENHIBAAAAAK!!!!!!
2- Syria’s enemies will be crushed like rats; all of them. The Zionists, the Turks, the Salafis, Harriri, Bandar, Qatar, the USA, Europe. Doesn’t matter the great Assad family never managed to liberate the Golan, that was just a cunning plan to lull our enemies into a false sense of superiority. It worked, no one thinks the Syrian armed forces are worth crap.
3- Bashar will defeat the evil plot to turn Syria into an Islamic fundamentalist country, with the help of those two stalwart Islamic fundamentalists, Hizbollah and Iran.
4- Bashar isn’t hiding from view, he’s playing hard to get.
Therefore, just like my fellow Baathists-living-in-the-west on this forum, I think that western style democracy and free societies are a scam, and such societies should be condemned to the lowest levels of hell. Now, excuse me while I go pick up my unemployment cheque.
June 19th, 2011, 6:14 pm
N.Z. said:
Those who call their country Syria, are Syrians. But those who call their country Souria alassad are the opportunist , brain washed, fictious Syrians. They are the ones who condone a family at the expense of a nation. They are the ones who are choosing to turn a blind eye on torturers and killers.
June 19th, 2011, 6:19 pm
vlad-the-syrian said:
a complementary 20th point of my own :
due to the wisdom of the syrian direction and the syrian people :
the bloodbath has been avoided. It could have been much worse. I think that the direction and the people have done their best to act wiseley and curb the violence.
Of course the pro-zombies will disagree.
May God protect Syria (although i’m anti-monotheist)
June 19th, 2011, 6:26 pm
jad said:
Regarding the refugee, I think If someone had an issue with the regime (being related to an armed person), unemployed, eating three meals a day for free with his family and friends, getting free and plenty of hot water, play grounds for his kids and feeling safe he will stay there until the end of the summer vacation especially when he knows that things are not settle back in Syria.
I don’t expect the refugee to get back home until the end of the summer unless Turkey decided to force them back.
June 19th, 2011, 6:36 pm
Syrian Commando said:
You can’t spell Erdogan without using dog:
They want to cut the water? LOL. Such a brazen act will at will put pressure on Assad indeed — to attack Turkey with missiles. It’s going to be a lot more than a casus belli, we’ll start the war ourselves.
They want to invade? Again, this will put pressure to counter attack and attack with missiles. Due to mutual-defense pacts, this will trigger off a wider and wider conflict. I am convinced this is the the strategy Turkey has been ordered to do within the coming weeks. It will prove to be fatal to the region, and if my information is correct, the world.
Don’t forget, we’ve used to have just as man long-range launchers targeting Turkey as we had Israel. These are being redistributed as we speak along with a reconfiguration of the air defense system. We were planning to attack their dam but backed off upon advise not to. Now in this circumstance, with the majority of people backing the government and a foreign government “intervening” — this will absolutely kill the “revolution”. The figure will change from >95% to 98%, i.e. all but the die hard MB retards.
In the scheme of creating internal conflict, a Turkish intervention would be CURRENTLY counter-productive. So they’re backing off for now, but they have their eye on our land in the North. They’re vastly underestimating what we’re capable of. We can end Turkey forever if our existence came under threat.
The militant Kurds are always known to back the wrong horse, it’s a shame they’ll never get to see their aspirations now. As the picture becomes clear, they will see their assumptions were all incorrect.
If Israel is smart, it will back off and not provoke Lebanon as not to be a party to the conflict just yet. Israel has the most to gain out of wider war as long as it doesn’t get involved. That said, the leadership is absolutely retarded so no doubt they’ll get arrogant and think they can gain something by attacking.
June 19th, 2011, 6:59 pm
jad said:
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June 19th, 2011, 7:15 pm
5 dancing shlomos said:
28. 873 said:
“The khazars need return back where they came from…”
hell doesnt want them back.
June 20th, 2011, 12:04 pm
Husam said:
As a syrian I hope for democracy but I am afraid. I am Alawi and I do not know what a new regime will bring to us. How do they guarantee that allwis will not be killed and they will have the same rights as other. historically we suffered a lot.
also most christian are with the “silent opposition” some consider them on our side. not true. only a few opporunistics.
June 20th, 2011, 1:22 pm
Akbar Palace said:
Dear 5 dancing ahmads,
The “khazars” aren’t killing Arabs, it is your unelected despots.
June 23rd, 2011, 1:01 pm
Wael Tlass said:
Why should Alawis be afraid of a Sunni majority Government democratically elected ? We will guarantee reserved seats in Parliament for all religious and ethnic minorities. ‘Alawi military officers can continue in their present posts, but those who have reached long past retirement age but yet are on “extension” will have to be retired.
Alas, but those low-ranking soldiers and Mukhabarat officials, whether Alawis or Sunnis or Shi’is or Christians, will have to answer for their cruel deeds in the past 4 months. Cases of torture, rape, unjustified killing by individual soldiers will have to be punished. It is a fact that many killngs and beatings were not orderd by the high copmmand, but committed out of individual sectarian hatred and fear. And Republican Guard and 4th Division cannot be disbanded, but there should be lateral-entry program so that Sunni officers and soldiers from other units and regimets can enter these elite forces.
July 9th, 2011, 12:00 pm