Western Press Misled – Who Shot the Nine Soldiers in Banyas? Not Syrian Security Forces

A number of news reports by AFP, the Guardian, and other news agencies and outlets are suggesting that Syrian security forces were responsible for shooting nine Syrian soldiers, who were killed in Banyas on Sunday. Some versions insist that they were shot for refusing orders to shoot at demonstrators.

Considerable evidence suggests this is not true and that western journalists are passing on bad information.

* Testimony of colonel `Uday Ahmad. My wife spoke this morning to one witness who denied the story. He is colonel `Uday Ahmad, brother-in-law of Lt. Col. Yasir Qash`ur, who was shot and killed in Banyas with eight other Syrian soldiers on Sunday April 10, 2011. Uday Ahmad was sitting in the back seat of the truck which Yasir was driving when he was shot dead on the highway outside Banyas. Uday said that shooting was coming from two directions. One was from the roof of a building facing the highway and another from people hiding behind the cement median of the highway. They jumped up and shot into the two trucks carrying Syrian troops, killing 9. Col. Uday survived. Here is video of the shooting shown on Syrian TV sent by my brother-in-law, Firas, who lives in Latakia.

* Video of one soldier purportedly confessing to being shot in the back by security forces and linked to by the Guardian has been completely misconstrued. The Guardian irresponsibly repeats a false interpretation of the video provided by an informant.

  1. This is what the Guardian writes: “Footage on YouTube shows an injured soldier saying he was shot in the back by security forces.”

The video does not “support” the story that the Guardian says it does. The soldier denies that he was ordered to fire on people. Instead, he says he was on his way to Banyas to enforce security. He does not say that he was shot at by government agents or soldiers. In fact he denies it. The interviewer tries to put words in his mouth but the soldier clearly denies the story that the interviewer is trying to make him confess to.  In the video, the wounded soldier is surrounded by people who are trying to get him to say that he was shot by a military officer. The soldier says clearly, “They [our superiors] told us, ‘Shoot at them IF they shoot at you.'”

The interviewer tried to get the wounded soldier to say that he had refused orders to shoot at the people when he asked : “When you did not shoot at us what happened?” But the soldier doesn’t understand the question because he has just said that he was not given orders to shoot at the people. The soldier replies, “Nothing, the shooting started from all directions”.  The interviewer repeats his question in another way by asking, “Why were you shooting at us, we are Muslims?” The soldier answers him, “I am Muslim too.”  The interviewer asks, “So why were you going to shoot at us?” The soldier replies, “We did not shoot at people. They shot at us at the bridge.”

* Alix Van Buren, a veteran reporter for la Repubblica, Italy’s leading newspaper, is in Damascus and sends the following report about the possible role of armed Khaddam agitators in Banyas.

Josh, the picture is extremely confusing and it is often impossible to confirm data on the web. The absence of most foreign media here in Syria adds to that murky picture. What I can contribute about the question of “foreign meddling” is the following. These are direct quotes from leading and respected opposition members:

Sunday two of ex-Vice President Khaddam’s men were arrested in Banyas. A human rights activist confirmed that they were sowing trouble by distributing money and weapons. I don’t know what to make of the confessions of the three guys shown on Syrian tv today. However, several Syrian dissidents believe in the presence and the role of “infiltrators”. Michel Kilo, though he accepts that possibility, cautioned that the issue of “infiltrators and conspiracies” should not be exploited as an obstacle in the quick transition towards democracy.

Haytham al-Maleh was the most explicit in pointing to the meddling of Khaddam people in and around Banias. He also mentioned the “loose dogs” loyal to Rifa’t al-Assad. According to him they are active particularly along the coast between Tartous and Latakya. Here is a link to my interview with al-Maleh in La Repubblica.

The veteran blogger Ahmed Abu ElKheir, unfortunately now in prison for the second time in less than a month, and not yet released, has links to Banyas. The first, peaceful demonstration of Saturday morning was also sparked by the request for his release. In his Facebook profile, before being arrested, he too lashed out against Khaddam. Several commentators from that area agreed with him, cursing Khaddam for meddling “with the blood of the innocents”.

Finally, what do you make of the remarks by Haytham al-Manna from Paris to Al Jazeera?

There is much buzz about that over here, although, the Western media doesn’t seem to have picked upon it yet. See the text in Arabic from Al Watan. Manna basically says that he was approached by a group of men, including a Syrian businessman holding a foreign passport, who asked him to facilitate the distribution of money and weapons to the young demonstrators. There is a vague reference to a person in the group, linked to a “major Arab Gulf country”. Al-Manna is from Dera’a, and if what he said is confirmed, his origin adds significance to the context. He reportedly issued a warning to the people in Dera’a not to accept offers of money or weapons from anyone.

I am trying to get confirmation of the above directly from him.

Also see my interview with Suhair al-Atassi

Post script to the previous note sent by Alix Van Buren:

I finally got through to Haytham Manna in Paris. He confirmed the story of Al Watan, adding a few details: he spoke about three groups having contacted him to provide money and weapons to the rebels in Syria. First, a Syrian businessman (the story reported by Al Jazeera); secondly, he was contacted by “several pro-American Syrian opposers” to put it in his words. (he referred to more than one individual); thirdly, he mentioned approaches of the same kind by “Syrians in Lebanon who are loyal to a Lebanese party which is against Syria”. Well, he probably means Hariri. But that is MY OWN ASSUMPTION, as he flatly refused to name names, for he said he does not want to get into “les contrastes libano-libanaises”. But when I pronounced that name asking him to fully express his thought, he did not contradict me. He did also refer to other nationalities “meddling” in the Syrian rebellion. He stated that the “Intifadat Karama”, the Intifada of Dignity, is a “purely Syrian affair” and that no one, “neither Jordanians, nor Lebanese, nor Saudis” should interfere. “It is a matter that Syrians must resolve among themselves”.

He also was extremely firm in saying that anyone providing money and weapons to the Syrian rebels, is “pushing them to commit suicide”, as “the confrontation with the Security apparatus cannot be won through armed clashes. Both the firepower and the sheer numbers of the military plus the security (which he puts at 2,5 millions in total) would crush them”, he says. In his opinion, “the young can prevail only through non-violence. He agrees that there are people close to Khaddam and Rifa’t along the coast, but he believes “they are very few – in the dozens” – and that the two exiled Syrians “don’t really have a political base of support”. The people who do create trouble and receive money for doing so, according to him, are simple “misérables”, “destitute individuals who will do so in exchange for money”.

All of the above is part of the current discourse among the Syrian opposition.

* A three-page document purporting to be a “top secret” Mukhabarat memo, giving instruction to intelligence forces that “it is acceptable to shoot some of the security agents or army officers in order to further deceive the enemy” has been published on the web and republished by all4Syria. A copy was sent to me with a translation by a journalist with a leading magazine for my thoughts. It has blood splattered on it and is clearly a fake. What army, after all, would survive even days if its top officers were publishing orders to shoot its own officers? Not a good moral booster for the troops.

AFP and other news agencies have quoted opposition members from Banyas insisting that the nine officers and soldiers of the Syrian army shot by government forces in Banyas. They also claim that “shadowy agents” opening fire on the people are agents of the regime.

“Banias is surrounded by tanks. No one can get in or out. It is like a prison,” said Yasser, a shopkeeper. “Security forces were responsible for killing soldiers in Banias because they had refused to attack the city,” he added – an account that differed sharply from the official version.

The official Sana news agency had said nine soldiers, including two officers, had been killed on Monday when their patrol was ambushed outside the town.

The army has encircled Banias since Monday, when shadowy agents of the regime opened fire on residents, particularly in front of mosques, killing four people and wounding 17….

Syrian soldiers shot for refusing to fire on protesters.
Katherine Marsh – a pseudonym – in Damascus
guardian, Tuesday 12 April 2011

Witnesses claim soldiers who disobeyed orders in Banias were shot by security services as crackdown on protests intensifies.

Syrian soldiers have been shot by security forces after refusing to fire on protesters, witnesses said, as a crackdown on anti-government demonstrations intensified.

Witnesses told al-Jazeera and the BBC that some soldiers had refused to shoot after the army moved into Banias in the wake of intense protests on Friday.

Human rights monitors named Mourad Hejjo, a conscript from Madaya village, as one of those shot by security snipers. “His family and town are saying he refused to shoot at his people,” said Wassim Tarif, a local human rights monitor.

Footage on YouTube shows an injured soldier saying he was shot in the back by security forces, while another video shows the funeral of Muhammad Awad Qunbar, who sources said was killed for refusing to fire on protesters. Signs of defections will be worrying to Syria‘s regime. State media reported a different version of events, claiming nine soldiers had been killed in an ambush by an armed group in Banias.

Activists said not all soldiers reported dead or injured were shot after refusing to fire. “We are investigating reports that some people have personal weapons and used them in self-defence,” said Tarif….

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Comments (151)

Vedat The Turk said:

This is shameful! Innocent people are being shot ny the military simply for expressing there legitimate grievances against their corrupt government. So far hundreds of innocent protestors have been brutally murdered. Whichever way this matter ends, the Assad family should be held to account. What is happening is inexcusable.

Also shame on the soldiers who carry out his orders! Ask any professional soldier and they will tell you that a real soldier does not follow orders when they include harming innocent civilians. This is why we have war crime tribunals. I pray that there still are soldiers in Syria who adhere to this basic military principal.

April 13th, 2011, 8:30 pm


Sophia said:

Dear prof. Landis,

Thank you for these infos which confirm that what is going on in Syria is clearly a conspiracy. And if Khaddam and Hariri hoodlums are behind, it is bound to fail.

To tell the truth, I was hesitant for few days about how to judge what is going on in Syria and why the protests were so violent. Yesterday, I decided to watch all those you tube videos posted by Syrian protesters and my impression is that most of them were staged.

However, the real opposition in Syria, the one that vies for real reform and freedom must stand and condemn what is going on. My impression is that, except the opposition figure you mentioned in this post, they are watching, hoping that external interference might tip the balance. This is dangerous both for Syria’s future and its opposition.

As for the Guardian article I was surprised to see the information as it is without verification and validation but then, it seems to me that Katherine Marsh is not speaking with a lot of people in Syria or maybe speaking to one side.

How dumb it is to believe such a story. If security personnel wanted to intimidate army personnel (and this is unlikely to happen) they might shoot one of them, not 19!

April 13th, 2011, 8:50 pm


ziadsoury said:

Dear Prof. Landis,

Where there is smoke there is fire. I can’t for sure say who killed these soldiers so I would not point fingers. All I ask for is for an independent investigation with forensic experts. They can tell us who murdered these soldiers. If the Syrian government wanted to find out they would have done with the all the martyrs for the last month.

BTW, both Rif3at and Khadam have committed crimes against the Syrian people and humanity and need to be tried in The Hague.

April 13th, 2011, 9:36 pm


Syria Almighty said:

Syrian Revolution scum. Every single one of them, a sniveling, lying coward. Reciprocation will come down hard on them, I assure you. Both Khaddam and Rifaat need to be executed.

April 13th, 2011, 9:42 pm


Hussam maqdisi said:

The Syrian uprising is a mix of honest freedom seekers, intellectuals, unemployed youth, thugs and religious fanatics. Both sides lie about what is really going on but the attack in Banyas is going to hurt this movement because most Syrians do not buy the other side’s story that Shabiha or security forces killed so many of their own to win sympathy from the public. There is tons of info that clearly indicate that those soldiers were attacked by armed gangs in Banyas who then fled to albayda village and surrounding areas. Numerous testimonies also support the government’s story. I sure hope that this revolution and the tragedy in Daraa and Banyas serve as a wakeup call for all. The regime can not survive in its current form and Syrians can not afford to allow elements like alqaida,mb and other militant groups to call the shots. More than one third of Syrians are either non Arab ,non-Sunni or non-Muslim. This is not Egypt or Tunisia.

April 13th, 2011, 10:03 pm


why-discuss said:

Michel Kilo, though he accepts that possibility, cautioned that the issue of “infiltrators and conspiracies” should not be exploited as an obstacle in the quick transition towards democracy.

I find this statement totally unreal: A “Quick transition” while the “issue” is about the blood of innocents. Is he sane??

April 13th, 2011, 10:14 pm


Syria Almighty said:

None of these revolution ..[edited for bad language. Do it again and you will be taken off the list] are sane. Peaceful revolution is a cover, just like weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.

April 13th, 2011, 10:21 pm


why-discuss said:

Future’s Jarrah denies involvement in Syria unrest

BEIRUT: Future Movement MP Jamal Jarrah denied Wednesday Syrian accusations that he was involved in financing and arming anti-regime protesters in Syria.

“We don’t have the desire, the ability or the intent to interfere in internal Syrian affairs,” Jarrah said in response to a report by state-run Syrian television.

In the report broadcast on state-run Syrian television a three-member “terrorist cell” said “external sides,” including Jarrah, had supplied the group with weapons.

Anas al-Kanj, who presented himself as the head of the “armed terrorist group” is heard saying in a taped broadcast that he had received “arms and money” from abroad, namely neighboring Lebanon, to fuel unrest.

Kanj, 29, said the funds and weapons were sent by Jarrah through an intermediary, Ahmad al-Uda, who identified himself as a member of Syria’s banned Muslim Brotherhood.

The cell claimed it had also received sniper rifles, pistols and hand grenades in addition to sophisticated mobile phones “with the aim to incite demonstrations and support the downfall of the regime in Syria.”

Kanj said he was instructed “to incite people to protest, particularly outside the Ommayad Mosque in Damascus” and in the flashpoint protest towns of Daraa, Latakieh and Banias.

“This is an extension of the campaign that has started in Lebanon,” Jarrah said, referring to a media campaign in Lebanon accusing the March 14 coalition, particularly caretaker Prime Minister Saad Hariri’s Future Movement, of playing a part in the ongoing unrest in Syria.

“If they [Syrians] have evidence, let them lodge a complaint with the Lebanese state, and the Lebanese judiciary will take action,” Jarrah added. – With additional reporting by AFP.

Read more: http://www.dailystar.com.lb/News/Politics/Apr/13/Futures-Jarrah-denies-involvement-in-Syria-Turmoil.ashx#ixzz1JSl70F5i
(The Daily Star :: Lebanon News :: http://www.dailystar.com.lb)

April 13th, 2011, 11:02 pm


why-discuss said:

New Wikileaks cables on Israel, including Mughniyeh murder
By Rima Aboulmona

BEIRUT: Wikileaks founder Julian Assange Friday, said thousands of cables about Israel will soon be released, including documents about the 2008 assassination of key Hezbollah commander Imad Mughniyeh.

“We have 6,000 secret documents about Israel and we intend to publish them soon,” Assange told the Israeli newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth.

He said the documents will also shed light on the fight against Iran’s nuclear program and “intelligence cooperation” between Israel and several other Arab countries.

The documents, according to Assange, reveal that many West Bank settlers were “willing to leave in return for financial compensation.”

He said the new cables on Israel will “uncover details and provide evidence on many issues that remained under suspicion or that you (media) were not able to publish due to military censorship.”

The leaks, Assange added, will reveal “sensitive Israeli issues” and documents dealing with Mughniyeh’s assassination in a car bombing in the Syrian capital, Damascus, in February 2008.

“It is clear from a cable dated November 18, 2006 that the U.S. received top secret intelligence data stating that Iran has appointed Mughniyeh as deputy to Hezbollah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah,” he said.

Yedioth Ahronoth wondered whether that piece of information has “expedited” plans for Mughniyeh’s assassination which the Israeli daily said, Washington has no doubt Israel was behind.

April 13th, 2011, 11:04 pm


AIG said:

Prof. Landis,

Do you really want us to believe that in Syria, one of the most oppressive regimes in the world, a place where a huge number of people work for the mukhabarat as informers, an organized gang of several people was able to organize and also inflict serious casualties on the Syrian army? If that is true, as people have already said, what exactly is the emergency law for if Assad cannot stop such a gang from organizing? I would need much more evidence to believe anything except that this was an inside job by the security forces.

Also, why is the government so much against the press if the violence is really so one sided? Let the foreign press in and let the truth shine.

April 13th, 2011, 11:06 pm


California Souri said:

Mr. Landis
It is getting confusing by the minute.
– I read the analysis of those fake “top secret Mukhabarat Memo” by Nizar Nayyouf, his insights on this memo are here: http://www.syriatruth.info/content/view/1960/36/

– Along with Yasser, Nizar’s cousin, Wahib, same rank as Yasser also lost his life.

– Although I am firmly of the opinion that outsiders such as Khaddam, and Samir Gaegae (not just Hariri) are instigating and fueling events, I am sad that the government has not been able to stop its own agitators. It is ironic that Syria borrowed a Libyan name for those who are doing some of the killing, we Syrians now have our own “Lijan Sha’biyya”. I am not sure why those militants are still shooting from roof tops.

– I am not sure why Bachar can’t see that Syrians (in or outside Syria) truely love him, and see in him a promissing future. He needs to come out armed with that one important “card” and face his people, put aside the old guard, and trust that we Syrians want him to stay, and want him to lead us into a new, reformed, modern, free, democratic Syria. I would like to wake up soon and see this new Syria, with Bachar’s name firmly in history as the one who changed Syria forever.

April 13th, 2011, 11:08 pm


Vedat The Turk said:

Whats being postulated about Khaddam and Hariri is simply self serving propaganda. If there was a whiff of truth to this it would be all over the reputable press. But the truth is that there is no credible evidence provided in the posting. Rather its all hearsay or based on statements that cannot be proven.

These comments have as much validity as the earlier posts six weeks ago that claimed that Assad was too popular a leader to face the same kinds of revolt appearing in Egypt and Tunisia. It was argued then in this blog that the revolts in those countries had actually strengthened Assads rule because they validated his past anti-Western policies. What rubbish! All they did was further isolate Syria and burden its economy.

When it comes to the present demonstrations they are popularly supported by the vast majority of the Syrian population. To argue otherwise is self delusional. Just look at the number of people who have died demonstrating for freedom. And still ordinary people continue to demonstrate undetered by the threat of further death!

The time for the end of the corrupt Assad family has come. They and there proponents should be held to account. What happened to Saddam Hussein family and is happening to Hosni Mubarak family will happen to the Assad clan. It may take a while but there day of reckoning will come – Isallah!

April 13th, 2011, 11:09 pm


George Krikorian said:

I don’t understand how much credibility have Khaddam or Rifaat. They both were pillars of the old regime (each in his own way), and they believe Syrians are going to listen to them. Both are burned forever politically. There are definitely meddlers in this so-called uprising. That does not imply that reforms should not take place as soon as possible. I believe the young and clairvoyant reformer who is Bashar shall definitely adopt this path.

April 13th, 2011, 11:11 pm


Syria Almighty said:

Vedat the Retard is a more suitable name for you.

April 13th, 2011, 11:15 pm


Majhool said:

This is the cheapest post thus far. Even if there was a shooting by armed group at the army that does not make the protesters part of it.

After all the number of protesters killed far exceeds that of the army/security forces. Do you really expect that after all this killing, no one will try to take revenge? some will (maybe).

there are 100s of videos showing people being shot, arrested, etc.. Why don’t you post them and dedicate two posts for each 9 killed?

April 13th, 2011, 11:15 pm


Duteronomy said:


Just because an AP reporter undercover in Damascus speaks with a “leading member” of the protesters and gets information- how does this prove a policy credible or bogus? There is nothing in this post other than projections of ‘what must be the case’ given what little credible evidence has emerged.

I fail to see how the video clip of people shooting the army truck would also have been taken so easily by such a well-positioned observer who just happened to have a camera handy. It seems just good enough to get a clear shot of what happened, while being just grainy enough to give the impression that the people firing weren’t in uniform.

This cannot be used to prove that the army was fired on by protesters; it can not prove that they were fired on by security officials. It can give support to a claim that someone was aware of what was going to happen and decided to make it into ‘evidence,’ but whose evidence it is difficult to see.

I wouldn’t put it past the Syrian government to put out the fake documents ‘spattered with blood’ to make any claims of government attacks seem bogus as well. They are adept at creating the evidence of a conspiracy that seeks to bring them down in order to point a finger at a boogeyman that may or may not exist. They can have the claim now that fake documents detailing horrendous crimes are being circulated as if they are official, thus giving more currency to the narrative that opposition figures will stop at nothing to bring down the regime and sow anti-government sentiment.

@ AIG: exactly.

April 13th, 2011, 11:20 pm


Majhool said:

This is on Syria-news

??? ???? ????? ?? ????? ?????? ???? ??? ???????? ????? ????? ????? ??????? ???? ??? ?????? ????????? ??? ????? ???????? ??? ??????? ????? ???? ?????? ?????? ????? ?? ??? ??? ???? ??? ?? ???????? ???????? ???? ??? ??? ?? ????? ??????? ???? ???? ???????? ?? ?????

Basically it says that there was an assault on security forces ( notice that those forces always wear plain cloths) by an unknown armed group ( probably also wearing plain cloths) that resulted in civilians being killed ( notice the security forces are shut at but only civilians died)

FYI, for all the die-hards here, No one believes the government.

April 13th, 2011, 11:23 pm


Jihad hathout said:

The emergency law was bad from the start and it is still bad today. It did not help Syria and it did not stop terrorist acts or reduce antigovernment activities. Preventing the press from monitoring Banyas in particular was a mistake but nobody in the regime trust foreign press because they believe that Syria is a target and those foreign journalists are agents.
Some people will not believe that it is possible for terrorists to attack the army but history tells otherwise especially when a city is in chaos,like Banyas was. the poor performance of official media,which is not highly regarded by many Syrians anyway,made things worse from a PR perspective,and the interviews aired on tv with alleged conspirators were not convincing,Syrians,suspicious by nature, want to see more.
The regime will survive if cool heads prevail and political concessions are made quickly,otherwise many neutral or silent people will lose faith in Bashar and his rule will be doomed. Friday will tell us a lot and the next 3 weeks will be decisive,and I am cautiously optimistic. Expect major changes in foreign policy if Syria survives this uprising. April 27th may witness the end of monopoly on cellular phone services in Syria, if this does not happen,many will assume that Bashar is not in charge.

April 13th, 2011, 11:34 pm


NK said:

Dear Dr. Landis

Messages containing any of the following elements will not be tolerated:

* Personal attacks against other contributors;
* Racist, sexist, obscene, or otherwise discriminatory or hateful language;
* Provocations designed to derail discussions away from substantive debate into dead-end arguments;

Exactly how many violations does it take to get someone banned on this Blog ?

April 13th, 2011, 11:50 pm


Majhool said:


If they are against, it takes one violation.

Souri, Almighty, etc.. Get an unlimited pass

April 13th, 2011, 11:53 pm


Majhool said:

This is the treatment of the innocent in Banyas ( He was released)


April 14th, 2011, 12:00 am


syau said:


Actually the article states that there was gunfire by an unknown armed group where civilians were shot, it also states that some security forces – being police officers were injured. It then goes on to say that the police requested the army intervene and help.

April 14th, 2011, 12:13 am


NK said:

Any idea where was this ?

I love how they were shouting alone at the beginning and after a bit people from the other side joined in, the look on the faces of those who were shouting for Bashar at the beginning is priceless! kinda funny they couldn’t find it in themselves to shout along when the shouts were “Souria, Souria” and “wahed wahed wahed, al shaab el souri wahed”, go figure …

In other news, Egyptians criticizing Syria

I don’t think they will change the tone anytime soon.

April 14th, 2011, 12:25 am


Revlon said:

A fable
Conceived by Jr.
Written by Mukhabarat
Published by: Makhloof Syrian Media

April 14th, 2011, 12:25 am


Ziad said:


Add to your list

. Posting violent videos unverified and unauthenticated from questionable sources.
. Repeating the same point in more than 10 comments.

If you express your point of view once no one would object, but if you repeat an idea many times and not respond to polite requests, you are inviting personal attacks.

I hope there will be some moderation to this blog.

April 14th, 2011, 12:32 am


California Souri said:

To Vedat,
The problem with those who are assuming the role of “Opposition” from abroad is simply, credibility. A few days ago, Khaddam said on BBC “OUR FORCES IN SYRIA ARE FIGHTING in Banyas, Deraa….”, he is a killer, his history as a killer goes back to 1963, as the governor of Hama, he destroyed Hama, way before Rifa’at Assad did it again in 1982. In 2000, Kaddam single handedly, killed “Damascus Spring” and put many Syrians in jail. He arrogantly declared at a Damascus University lecture: “we the Baathest are the thinkers of Syria, we are the poets, the university teachers, the doctors, the lawyers and we are it”.
Others in USA are faking “Mukhabarat” memos (similar to what some Iraqis did to invite American forces into Iraq with fake documents on WMD factory sites), they do this to gain visiting prof. status, or an invitation to some think tank board, or some few $millions for a “Tharwa” project.

If we are to replace one government because it is corrupt, we need one that is clean, fair, and has no history of abuse. Personally, I think Bachar knows what it takes, and is far more credible that Khaddam. I lived in Syria when Khaddam and his sons played the same role Rami Makhloof is playing now. I personally prefer Makhloof. Why?. While Khaddam and his sons took our money, they did not give the country any thing back. Makhloof on the other hand, while controling Syria’s money, he is providing services, industries, and building good projects. I’ll gladly take his corruption over Khaddam’s nucler waste, and expired spioled beef.

April 14th, 2011, 12:36 am


syau said:


Police brutality is ugly- if it actually happened that way. The young man in the video seems very highly sedated. He was slurring and unable to stand upright without holding on to something. You might say because of the pain he was in – possibly, but I think it might have something to do with the amount of drugs he was given prior to the tape being made.

Did you also notice how words were being put into his mouth – to me, it seemed that the 2 other people in the room video taping were the ones making assumptions and putting words in his mouth. the poor guy couldn’t even understand the well. They were constantly repeating there accusations. If indeed he was interrogated and subjected to brutality, they shouldnt have put him through all that questioning while being so sedated and make the situation worse by feeding him their recollection of the situation even though they werent there.

April 14th, 2011, 12:46 am


Mina said:

Dear Josh, thanks a lot for this round-up. I was shocked by the Guardian’s article which obviously was written by someone visiting Twitter only.
All the Western coverage of the Syrian events have tried to depict it as a second North Korea, and even when locations of protests are given (a must !) no information is given as to whether the locality is mainly Sunni, Shii, Christian, Druze, Palestinian etc. The so called journalists who wrote these and claim to verify from local contacts seem to have forgotten to ask them if it is a poor or a rich neighborhood, if any Christian participate in the protest, etc.

April 14th, 2011, 12:47 am



Dear Mina,

I hate to say this, but Syria is a like a second North Korea. There has always been a huge cult of personality following the president pushed top-down from the government. There is no free press. You have security forces abusing the population at will. The government is ruthless in its persecution of dissent. Thousands have been killed by the government. Thousands have disappeared. They jailed a 17-year old girl for blogging for crying out loud!

As for the above post, it’s hard to say what happened without verifiable independent sources of information, and with official sources being comically useless. However, I would like to add that:

1. It is completely believeable (if not likely) that mukhabarat would shoot lower level army scrubs who refused to follow orders. Hmm… you have hundreds of thousands of plain-clothed mukhabarat thugs with weapons who are essentially beyond the law. Why wouldn’t they do this?

2. There haven’t been armed gangs in Syria for a long, long time. Why would they suddenly appear only to jeopardize what has been largely peaceful protests calling for human dignity? The whole armed gangs thing is a government lie. Beside there’s a huge armed gang that’s been operating freely in Syria for decades–it’s called the Baath party.

3. The regime has been Qaddhafi-esque is its relentless lying about the events of the current uprising. This narrative is completely consistent. They never seem to let me down.

Sorry but I don’t buy it. The mukhabarat killed the half-decent army scrubs who were not ruthless enough to kill innocents. But quite frankly, the mukhabarat are guilty even when they’re not doing anything. This represents the depth of the crisis that the Syrian people have to go through. The very first and most important part of it involves seeing things for what they are and calling for what is right.

HEY… SYRIA ALMIGHTY… You genuinely represent in every way supporters of the Baathist regime. Great job! 🙂

I look forward to returning to my country in dignity, rid of the murderous thugs that rule it.

April 14th, 2011, 1:04 am


Tony Donna said:

This article is a very sad attempt to divert attention from the real struggle of Syrian people for freedom.
It’s disappointing that a learned man would go down this path to divert attention and point fingers at Media when no one is allowed to go in and report back a true picture of what’s happening.
All these stories only confirm that everyone in position of power, present and past, and more specifically Bashar Assad and ruling family, his father’s VP Khadam, and his uncle Rifaat, are all graduates of one school that speaks one language of lies and death and staged confessions and interrogation.
The Syrian people’s revolt is against all these methods and tyranny deployed for the past five decades. Its obvious from the language of some comments here and other websites that the regime can only spit hateful threatening words, and this time not in Arabic but in good English.

April 14th, 2011, 2:01 am


KNZ said:

If the Syrian regime has nothing to hide, let them allow foreign press. Heck, even Gaddafi allowed some in after a while.

April 14th, 2011, 2:04 am


Democracy’s price may be too high for Syria – ABC Online | News Online Today said:

[…] estranged uncle of the President, Rifa’at al-Assad, of seeking to exploit the unrest by arming militias. The inability to gain a clear understanding of the circumstances in Syria underscores the […]

April 14th, 2011, 3:23 am


Elu24.com Democracy's price may be too high for Syria Find More Stories 14 April 2011 Democracy's price may be too high for Syria 10 Comments Antoun Is said:

[…] estranged uncle of the President, Rifa’at al-Assad, of seeking to exploit the unrest by arming militias. The inability to gain a clear understanding of the circumstances in Syria underscores the […]

April 14th, 2011, 3:57 am


abbas said:

Is the tourism season going to be a bust this year 🙁
looks like things are spiraling out of control and of course Khaddam and Rifaat et all are taking part in it because they are opportunists who have a bone to pick with Bashar, all the money they got from Syria is not enough to them, they are hungry for power, I call on all the protesters to declare a Friday without a protest as an olive branch the government and I hope the government will reciprocate and free all the political prisoners and hopefully we will build trust again between the two sides.
Is this doable ??

April 14th, 2011, 3:58 am


Australian -Syrian said:


It is only doable if the rioters and the betrayers stop what they are doing.

The government is only able to act, and act successfully, when this debacle ends.

May i just point out, that even if Syria reforms, and the government conforms to the demands of the people, which are quite misleading demands really, there is still going to be animosity between the haters, and Bashar. Why? i assume the answer is obvious.

April 14th, 2011, 5:35 am



Dear Abbas,

How about the government not shoot protesters? How about that for an olive branch? Protesters have a right to protest real injustices. “Security” forces shouldn’t be shooting protesters. No compromise is called for here. The criminals need to stop being criminal.

April 14th, 2011, 5:36 am



I submitted a comment that appears to have been censored, while crude offensive remarks by other posters appear to stand. What is this — Syria???

April 14th, 2011, 5:38 am


syau said:

Exiled Shami,

Are you there to witness the protesters being shot? Just in case you dont listen to reports, the so called “protesters” are shooting at innocent people, police officers and soldiers. Protesters do have the right to do just that Protest peacefully. When all this began, the “protesters” were destroying buildings, ATM’s shopfronts, whatever they can get their hands on.
Is that peaceful protesting?
Obviously that wasn’t enough damage for them to do, they thought it would be much more interesting to start harming people, make fake videos and be traitors of there county for money. Is that what peaceful means?

April 14th, 2011, 6:42 am


syau said:

Oh yes, the US said. That makes it correct then doesn’t it.

April 14th, 2011, 7:01 am



SYAU, you seem to be dependent on SANA for news. That’s like depending on cigarette companies to tell you how healthy cigarettes are. Reports from Deraa, including personal acquaintances who’s family live next to the Umari mosque, claim that it’s murder of innocents by security forces, and that the “armed thugs” that are supposedly Zionists conspicuously speak with the Alawi accent. Blood is being spills in the streets of your homeland, and it’s clear who’s doing the spilling.

What’s most unfortunate, is that you fail to condemn murder when its happening to your own countrymen, which in a way makes you an accomplice to the crime. Shame on you.

April 14th, 2011, 7:40 am


gk said:

It looks like the Syrian oppressive regime is learning from the previous uprising/revolution of people in Tunisia, Egypt, Yemen and Libya! But the Syrian regime uses the same tactic of lies and misinformation to discredit the people revolution! Accusing outsiders, conspiracy theories, shooting at peaceful demonstrators and arresting/killing demonstrators did not work in Tunisia and Egypt and will not work in Yemen, Libya and Syria.
To the heroes of the people revolution in Syria, Libya and Yemen: Allah be with you. It is either victory or martyrdom!!! Freedom is not awarded/given it is earned! Freedom needs sacrifice to obtain!

April 14th, 2011, 7:44 am


Amir in Tel Aviv said:

If I have to choose whom to believe, Syria (Tishrin) Comment OR the ‘Guardian’, it would definitely be the latter.

April 14th, 2011, 7:57 am


Revlon said:

Dear Joshua, I have played the above clip again and again and still unable to point the source of the fire on army vehicles.

Your wife said that “Uday said that shooting was coming from two directions. One was from the roof of a building facing the highway and another from people hiding behind the cement median of the highway. They jumped up and shot into the two trucks carrying Syrian troops, killing 9. Col. Uday survived”

Here are my own observations of the sequence of events as seen in this clip:

The camera was in a higher building, farther from away from ground zero.
The commentator described a plain cloths man as follows: “” hiding on the roof , randomly shooting, and may be sniping security forces”. Check it out for yourself! None of the frames, second by second show either a rifle firing coming from this roof.

Men in black (Al Kateeba Assowdaa, in English: Black Phalange, BP special security forces) were positioned on the street, next to and behind a cement barrier, and in front of the building.
They were in an attacking formation and were the only source of firing!

The target appeared to be a couple of plain clothes people, taking cover on the roof of the building

Firing on Army vehicle/s started only towards the end of the clip. The source/s of shooting at the army was/were not registered by the camera since it moved to focus on the target, the vehicle.

Firing back at the Men in Black (MIB) only took place then, and only at that moment. As the camera moved back, one can see the guy on the roof was hiding and scared oput of his wits. The BP were leaving the scene in hurry!

Why should they run away? They did something naughty!!

The way I read it, is that the army started to fire back on the BP!
It would not make sense that those hiding on the roof, even if they had guns, to pick up that exact moment when army vehicles approached, to start shooting!
I believe Mr Uday’s account might have been partly dictated by security forces, in order to fit their version of the story.

I think this clip incriminates BP in this tragedy!
If the regime’s case rests solely on this evidence, it would be another self-incriminating attempt at manipulating information.

If the regime were really genuine about their claim of a muderous act, they should have followed it with the minimum of invastigation; Autopsy.
Instead, they let the bodies be burried with the incriminating evidence.
They appeared as heroes in the eyes of the bereft families by considering them Maryrs and raising their ranks.
They feel good about smearing the reputation of the Peaceful revolution.

April 14th, 2011, 8:38 am


abbas said:

Dear exiled shami
The end result should be to eat grapes not to fight with the Nattoor like the saying goes. If demonstrators pull back for a day or two then we can stop the reaction and reactions that are going on, we will see if the gov release prisoners or arrest some more, if it’s true that Bashar doesn’t like to act under pressure may be this will be a chance for him, we need to step back from the brink, I don’t want to see more exiled Shamis

April 14th, 2011, 8:41 am


Australian -Syrian said:

Exiled Shami,
Who the hell do you think you are?! Are you insinuating that the Alawis are behind what is going on? Well mate, or should i say idiot, you are clearly wrong. Either you are subject to the extremist Suni religion, or you are Jew or American. I will not
say that you are a general Suni, beacuse you are not worth the dust on their feet.

In case you havent realised, Those who are behind the problems in Syria are Zionists morons attempting to destroy the great country that is Syria. Sadly for them, they will not succeed these Grotesqu monsters and their manifest absurdities are absolutely disgraceful. And apparently, you are subject to their stupid ways of thinking and manipulation.

IF all Shamie people think the way you do, than they all deserve to be exiled!

April 14th, 2011, 8:54 am


Shami said:

Dr LAndis , even prior to these events ,you were aware that they would use the same movie: Mossad,CIA,Khaddam,Ikhwan,and co…as if the syrian people dont have many reasons to protest.
You are quickly inclined to swallow their fabricated movies.(remember Sheikh al Khaznawi dissapearance moukhabarati movie)
According to them ,all the killings are from these mundassin.
Also ,Makhluf media are working hard to promote the views of the propaganda machine of Hezbollah which is woried to death.
This is understandable,the end of bashar’s regime will mean the end of hezb qom.
The most important tool of the iranian theocracy in the region is Bashar .

April 14th, 2011, 8:59 am


Revlon said:

The revolution’s song came from Dar3a. Its poem has come from Baniyas
????? – ?????? – ????? ????? ?? ??????? ?????? 8-4-2011

April 14th, 2011, 9:11 am


Malimajnoom said:

The neutrality of this blog is in question. There are too many conclusory statements without supporting evidence. The author’s judgement appears to have been compromised due to familial connections to recent events – in which I express my sincere condolences.

April 14th, 2011, 9:12 am


Shami said:

Australian ,the road will turn and these exiled people will return to Syria ,the asadian gang must not enjoy refugee status ,they must face justice and pay for all their crimes.

All these statues will be destroyed.

April 14th, 2011, 9:21 am


brian said:

That Katharine Marsh piece is almost identical to similar lies that emanated from Benghouzi in Libya…notice that it has no clear idenfiable source..the Libyan case has been debunked:


April 14th, 2011, 9:22 am


Akbar Palace said:

Baathism meets Zionism in Syria

Those who are behind the problems in Syria are Zionists morons attempting to destroy the great country that is Syria.


I’ve never seen so many dark skinned Zionists (and Zionist women wearing traditional clothing) speaking perfect arabic all in one place! Thank goodness we have You Tube. It’s remarkable how insidious the Zionists really are.

I’m sure if the Syrians opened some kosher chinese restaurants, somebody could earn a bundle.

April 14th, 2011, 9:22 am


Revlon said:

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April 14th, 2011, 9:23 am


nafdik said:

For all those who think the zionists, khaddam, rifaat, or lebanese MPs are behind the violence please consider:

– Who benefits from smearing the protestors and giving the security forces excuses to shut them down?

– How exactly does khaddam and rifaat benefit from this?

– How are Aljazeera, BBC, The Guardian, France 24, Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International benefiting from smearing the regime?

– When was the last time all of the above agreed on any topic that turned out to be a lie? (there was one incident I recall but I leave it as an exercise to you)

– Who is closing communication routes and confiscating cell phones?

– Who is deporting journalists?

– Even if there are few violent attacks on security forces, who is killing innocent civilians?

– Even if there are violent attacks shouldn’t our security forces focus on them rather than focusing on harassing and imprisoning peaceful protestors?

– Do you actually believe the ‘confession’ clips shown on TV?

– Why are neutral observers not allowed in?

– Assuming the protestors have split into 2 factions one that wants to counter violence with violence and another that wants peaceful regime change. Should the latter be punished for the former?

– Is this not reminiscent of Israels excuses for attacking Palestinians and Lebanese? Protect their civilians against terrorists?

April 14th, 2011, 9:24 am


Revlon said:

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April 14th, 2011, 9:29 am


Revlon said:

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April 11

April 14th, 2011, 9:37 am


Dr.Fawaz said:

Dear Prof.Landis
The truth is that radical Muslims are killing innocent people and attack the army ….Our resources are our families and people in Lattakia and Banyas…..The media especially Aljazeera and Alarabia TV are trying to broadcast false news against the regime in Syria….They are trying to make people fight each other…..The Syrian official media are telling the truth…..what is happening in Syria : radical Muslims are trying to control power in Syria to transfer our lovely country to Talipan regime….Most Syrian want the reforms but few of them support these Islamic terrorists

April 14th, 2011, 9:46 am


N.Z. said:


Shame on you!!
You are neither an Arab-Syrian nor an Australian, You are a coward.

Your words are a mere picture of your true identity.

We Syrians are one people, one nation, with multi ethnicity and religious believes. Fhimt or la?

April 14th, 2011, 9:55 am


norman said:

A soldier is killed in Banias by snipers, according to AL Jazeera and BBC

April 14th, 2011, 9:57 am


Australian -Syrian said:

Akbar Palace,
Your sarcasm humours me. First, when stating that all the Zionists are behind all this, i assumed that you would have been reading
previous comments and articles. The Zionists are the ones who sparked this whole situation, and like those protesters and gun men who were caught harming the innocent people said, they are manipulating them to do so. A whole group of protesters admitted to being paid to do what they are doing. All i can say is shame on them, for i never fathom how anyone, whether Syrian or not, would betray their “Watun” for something as material as money.

You ask who benifits from all that is going on. I say, where the hell have you been the past few years?

How exactly does khaddam and rifaat benefit from this? You ask. Well, they are desiring to see a great country condemned. Yes, they do benifi from that. Because if Syria is no longer the tough and united country that it is, many people will be happy. As they can invade it and make it another Iraq.

Who is killing innocent people you ask? Well, once again, open your eyes, your mind and start observing for yourself what is happening. Those ‘so- called’ soldiers or officials killing innocet people. Have you not seen how they suddenly appear as protesters, after they kill someone? Have you not seen how a supposed soldier attacked an innocent by-stander, then miraculously appeared only minutes later as an anti-Bashar protester? Ive seen all this on news broadcasts. Then so should you. If you have no faith in them, fair enough. But dont think that you, or anyone else who comments like you, are going to have an effect on what we think, and what we KNOW. We are smarter than those who are easily manipulated into conforming to others’ way of thinking. And beliveing lies. I assuse that answers your question, ‘do you belive the confessions on tv?’ Yes i do.

What about those men that were caught? Didn’t they say that they attacked under orders? I assume that you are going to say that they were forced to say that by the Pro- Bashar media or something else that sounds stupid. Well, perceive things how you want to, but for you to say that outsiders will not benifit from what is happening, then you sir, or mam, are blinded by hatred of the Bashare government.

You are comparing Syria to Israel? HA! Syria is nothing like that country. Syria IS trying to protect itself from terrorists, but unlike the Jews, Syria is not killing people for the sake of it. And like i said, it is not the government who is killing these people, it is outsiders, or people within the circle of the President, who are trying to overthrow him. Bashar will never allow the killing of his people. What is happening is out of his reach…he is not authorising it.

April 14th, 2011, 10:01 am


syau said:

Exiled Shami,

#30 – Actually, I dont depend on SANA for news, I also watch the rubbish that comes out of BBC, Al Jazzera, the internet and watch youtube broadcasts. I do though, keep and open mind and can see the fake from true. I also do not assume that everything bad happening in Syria is the fault of the Alawi just because the President is of that Sect. All that should matter is that he is the President, not what religious denomination he is. It seems like you along with others are happy to turn this into a sectarian war – shame on YOU. FYI – the President’s wife is not Alawi. Has that factored into your equasion at all?

The real problems need to be dealt with and swiftly… Who is trying to drive economic growth and foreign investment out of Syria? Who is trying and trying to bring down the government and failing constantly so they will try a new route which is a sectarian war, and people like you fall for it. Blood was spilled so automatically it must be those who are of the same denomination as the President.

I do not ask nor am interested in following up what religion the leader of the country I live in is because it’s on a no need to know basis.

When the unfortunate circumstances of September 11 happened, there were reports all over the world that Muslim terrorists were behind it. Nobody elaborated on what affiliation they were.
Stop instigation further hate amongst muslims by making the situation in Syria to be a sectarian problem. Again I will say that there are outside entities along with some living in Syria who are behind this farce of a revolution campaign trying to divide and destabalise the nation. They can try and try, but the wont succeed.

April 14th, 2011, 10:09 am


surprised said:

Prof. Landis, are you also working on behalf of Syrian media?

April 14th, 2011, 10:31 am


syau said:


If only the Syrian nationals who BY THEIR OWN ADMITTION, took bribes to betray their country and fellow countrymen, would defend their country and heritage as you did, well, we wouldnt be in this mess and the Syrian revolution farce and all the bloodshed would be a passing nightmare. Hopefully there is remorse there and they feel bad about biting the hand that fed them. Then there might be hope that no one else will betray Syria as when the dust settles and this is over, the power hungry evil pscho’s will probably at it again with yet another version and attempt at destabalising Syria, because the scene in this movie is becoming too predictable

April 14th, 2011, 10:38 am


Nafdik said:

Thanks Australian Syrian for the reply.

Can you recall an incident when all the sources i mentioned: aljazeera, cnn, bbc, drance 24, alarabia, human rights watch and amnesty international agreed on false facts?

Other than in relation to Syria?

April 14th, 2011, 10:46 am


jad said:

D.N.N ???? ???? ?????????
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3 hours ago ·

Mohammad Youssef Shaar ??? ???? ?????? ???????? ????????? ?? ??? ??????…. ?? ??? ?? ??? ?????? ????? ??? ????? ??? ?? ???? ?? ??? .. .. ??? ?? ???? ?? ?????? ?????… ??? ??? ????????? ???? ????? ??????? ?? ????? .. .??????? ??? ????? ??? ?? ??????? ????? ??? ??????? ??? ?? ??? ???? ??? ????..???? ???? ??? ?? ???? ??? ?????.. ???? ??? ??? ??????? ?????? ?????? ???????? ?????? ????? ?????… ????? ????? ????? ??? ??????? ????? ???????….??? ??? ??? ????? ?? ???? ?????… .. ???? ?? ??????? ??? ??????? .. ????? ???? ????? ?? ???? ????????
about an hour ago

April 14th, 2011, 10:50 am


syrian free christian said:

We Syrians know the gov better that anyone , they are the ones who benefit fro this only , how stupid could anyone be to attack the army ?
the security forces of maher al asad are excuting anyone who dosent shoot the innocent protestors .
this bullshit is an addition to the stupidity of the current regym
they are going down sooner or later , the wall of fear is broken
my condolenses to your wifes loss but please tell her the truth .

April 14th, 2011, 11:01 am


majedkhaldoon said:

There will be more demonstrations ,friday.
Where is the reform that we were promised it is coming?there is no reform,we are tired to hear those promises,we do not trust this regime who is resorting to lies and deceiving,security forces and Shabbiha ARE who are doing the crimes,we will not be deceived,The syrian people know that.
April 17 is coming,it was the day the french left Syria, hopefully it is going to be the day The Asadists will leave.
We must regain our freedom,The Syrian will be free,no matter how much this will cost.

April 14th, 2011, 11:13 am


why-discuss said:


“It’s remarkable how insidious the Zionists really are.”

They certainly are.. Look at the history of vicious crimes in occupying palestine and killing resistants everywhere in the world, including in Dubai disguised in innocent tourists.
They are master of disguise and manipulation, I am glad you admit it!

April 14th, 2011, 11:18 am


why-discuss said:


“We must regain our freedom,The Syrian will be free,no matter how much this will cost.”

You sound like Bush about Iraq. Maybe you should share the cost by participating in these demonstrations!

April 14th, 2011, 11:21 am


norman said:

The new government,

2011-04-14 18:13:53

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copy rights © syria-news 2010

April 14th, 2011, 11:27 am


why-discuss said:

Who is behind Katherine Marsh? It is a pseudonym of a journalist in Syrian. Anyone knows? Why is he/she hiding his/her real name?

April 14th, 2011, 11:33 am


N.Z. said:


Is there another link where we can read your interview with Suhair Atassi in English/Arabic?


April 14th, 2011, 11:40 am


Syria Almighty said:

Lebanese security forces capture 2 men trying to infiltrate Syria with a car full weapons:


But, but… there are no foreign elements causing violence in Syria! There are only peaceful protesters!!

April 14th, 2011, 11:43 am


jad said:

Dr. Landis.
You are correct about the authenticity of the three-page document, it’s fake:

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April 14th, 2011, 11:49 am


jad said:

I run the article into translation, it’s readable:

‘A slap to the Revolution, so Syrian become citizens’
April 6, 2011 – page 17 Section: FOREIGN POLICY

DAMASCUS – The slap that woke Syria was settled by the little hand that now welcomed at the front door to Dumm, a new neighborhood outside the capital. Behind the smile is bright Suhair al-Atassi, perhaps the most prominent dissident in the country. “Really, it’s a dream to be here. Only ten days ago, m ‘expecting the worst torture, “congratulates the petite woman in jeans, 39, two eyes that sparkle’ s enthusiasm. Not that that ceffonea a robust security agent which is fabled in the spring of freedom, would dare to lightly. Entertainer of the most respected politician living in the city, heir to a ‘illustrious dynasty, the Atassi – presidents, ministers, ambassadors, judges, all stubborn in the application of democracy, the children of the’ Arab Liberal Age “at the turn of the century – has just Suhair back from prison after 15 days of strike fame.È out with the release of political prisoners launched by the new government. Ms. Atassi, because she was arrested? “I’ll tell. The first “day of rage”, March 15, When ‘I saw young people take to the streets, men and women of every ethnicity and religion, I announced that the Syrians are now real citizens, no more sheep. That country has no Sayyed, a Lord. Dangerous words in the eyes of the regime. In addition, there ‘was that previous history of the slap. ” Com ‘has been that story? “In February we had been strapped to a rally of solidarity with the Tunisians and Egyptians. I complained to the central mukhabarat of Bab Touma. Sa ‘cos I got in return? Only insults threats. A mukhabarat I growled: “You’ll see, you kill someone. Clean up the streets by cockroaches, prostitutes like you. Then, m ‘struck. Here, at the time m’ is the slap game.” An act impulsively or move a blatant ? “a movement of ‘instinct, however, dictated by the dignity of the citizen. After all, the Arab awakening, a slap is not the most infamous act of a policeman, without consequences. It has a driving force since December 17 the young man in Tunisia Bouaziz after such mortification s’ is sacrificed in the fire, sparking the revolt of millions off the coast of ‘the dunes of the Atlantic’ Hijaz. “His rebellion, however, has had an impact?” I have not intimidated. I started to show . I was arrested March 16 in a Sitin for political prisoners. mukhabarat I wanted to make me pay. Do not forget the ‘hatred in their eyes when m’ were taken in two by the arms, beating four others behind.’re mukhabarat against me alone. Ironically, the central me medicated. “Have you been given the presence of a lawyer?” Yes, and the judge sympathized with us. The real issue, however, is another: the overwhelming power of the Mukhabarat, which deprives the judiciary. I started with the other women on hunger strike. When they released all but me, so I did not know ‘to expect. mukhabarat I m’ had sworn the kidnapping, rape, death if I did not stop ‘s activities My Forum, also on Facebook. They took my son in Lebanon. Alone in his cell, I thought my hour had come. But then, at 8.45 on Sunday evening, the jail’s’ al-hamdulillah is open, God be praised. L ‘incuboè evaporated. “repeating his gesture?” Now the square is open. Facebook has broken the’ isolation of Syria with the ‘outside, and the people inside. Connect Syrian and Egyptian dissident historians and young actors in a new way of doing politics. “And the ‘opposition party in this scenario?” And’ late, as in Egypt, stained by the ideologies of the party – the Communists, Nasser, nationalist – and an ‘average age of 60. The ‘burst of youth has disrupted the scene. In 2005, I opened my forum to a committee only young people, the untried, dynamic, far more dangerous. And he wants to know something? Ironically, all happened under the questoè guard of President Bashar al-Assad. “Meaning?” What news are germinated on the ground of freedom granted by Assad after ‘coming to power. Maybe even he’s’ waiting for the result. If I guess his intention, he wanted to buy legitimacy in the eyes of the Syrians. When the scheme s’ is aware of the risk, the repression began. But under his rule was established civil society, have developed the Internet, the student movements in 2003, important phenomena of volunteers: those who are now in place. “In your opinion, what is the course of Syrian protest?” Until now the ‘It found that young Syrians were not committed as the Egyptians and Tunisians. that Syria was not ripe. What time would serve to throw the solid foundations of a revolt. To be honest, I do not even know who really mobilize the rebellion. I know, however, that when blood is shed, no turning back. Syria has changed. I ‘ve told the judge, and m he ‘smiled: we want to be real citizens. “- from our correspondent ALIX VAN BUREN

April 14th, 2011, 11:53 am


Dr.Fawaz said:

Dear Prof. Landis
I feel strange not to publish my comment which explain the truth of what is happening in Syria …..I hoped that we have real freedom to express our opinion in North America.
Best regards

April 14th, 2011, 12:05 pm


NK said:

Dear Australian -Syrian

You need a new pair of glasses …

April 14th, 2011, 12:11 pm


Atassi said:

World News
U.S. Says Iran Helps Crackdown in Syria
By Adam Entous And Matthew Rosenberg
14 April 2011
The Wall Street Journal Online

Iran is secretly helping Syrian President Bashar al-Assad put down pro-democracy demonstrations, according to U.S. officials, who say Tehran is providing gear to suppress crowds and assistance blocking and monitoring protesters’ use of the Internet, cellphones and text-messaging.

At the same time, communications intercepted by U.S. spy agencies show Tehran is actively exploring ways to aid some Shiite hardliners in Bahrain and Yemen and destabilize longstanding U.S. allies there, say U.S. officials familiar with the intelligence. Such moves could challenge interests of the U.S. and Saudi Arabia and inflame sectarian tensions across the Middle East, they say.

“We believe that Iran is materially assisting the Syrian government in its efforts to suppress their own people,” said an Obama administration official.

U.S. officials say they don’t see Iran as the driving force behind popular revolts against longtime U.S. allies in the Mideast, and caution they have no concrete evidence that Iran is providing or preparing large-scale financial or military support to opposition elements in Bahrain or Yemen.

Rather, the White House has worried that protracted political turmoil could provide an opening for additional influence by Tehran, whose nuclear ambitions are a concern to the U.S. and its allies in Europe and the Middle East.

So far, an administration official said, Iranian “aspirations far outpace their ability to project their influence into these places.”

By disclosing intelligence about Iranian involvement, the U.S. appears to be trying to put Tehran on notice that it is under close surveillance in Washington. “We’re keeping an eye on these activities,” another Obama administration official said.

The U.S. disclosures also appear designed to help soothe anxious Arab and Israeli allies, who have privately complained that President Barack Obama, in his enthusiasm to embrace popular uprisings, is paying scant attention to how the revolts could play into the hands of their regional nemesis, Iran. By voicing concerns about Iran’s activities, the U.S. appears to be trying to close ranks, at least in part, with Saudi and Bahraini leaders whose warnings about Tehran’s influence in their internal affairs have long been played down in Washington.

Iranian diplomats didn’t immediately respond to requests for comment.

Some U.S. officials have expressed surprise that Shiite-dominated Iran hasn’t intervened more aggressively to support Mr. Assad and Shiites in Bahrain. Officials said they believed Iran has secretly promised more help to Mr. Assad if the protests intensify.

U.S. officials believe Iran’s recent support for Mr. Assad reflects Tehran’s concerns about losing a critical regional ally and military partner against Israel.

So far, officials said, Iran has begun transferring to Damascus equipment to help security forces put down protests. This includes providing Syrian authorities with equipment, advice and technical know-how to help curtail and monitor internal communications, including the email and online postings that opposition groups commonly use to organize their protests and report security excesses, officials said. Some deliveries have been made and others are believed to be in the works, they said.

Iran is also sharing “lessons learned” from its 2009 crackdown on protesters who demanded the removal of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the officials said. “These guys know the best practice in this kind of situation—they’ve had lots of experience in this sphere,” a U.S. defense official said of the Iranians.

“The Syrians don’t want to see a Green Revolution in their country,” the defense official added, referring to the protest movement in Iran. “The Iranians are ready to help.”

Any aid to Mr. Assad could signal an escalation of sectarian proxy battles in the region, one the U.S. has sought to avert.

The Obama administration repeatedly pressed Sunni-ruled Saudi Arabia and Bahrain not to use force against largely Shiite protesters, according to U.S. officials, fearing that would provide Iran with an excuse to start meddling in Bahrain and elsewhere in the Middle East. Under Tehran’s religious code, Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has an obligation to protect the rights of Shiites world-wide. “We told them not to use force because it would provide Iran with an excuse,” a senior U.S. official said. “They didn’t listen.”

Last month, Saudi Arabia sent troops into neighboring Bahrain to support the island kingdom’s ruling al-Khalifa family against protesters.

The U.S. is concerned large-scale solidarity protests could break out in Iraq, whose Shiite majority has close religious ties to Bahrain’s Shiites. That could complicate U.S. plans for withdrawing troops this year. The U.S. has long accused Iran of providing weapons, funding and training to anti-American militants in Iraq and to the Taliban in Afghanistan, as well as to Hezbollah in Lebanon.

The latest U.S. assessment is based on intelligence that includes intercepted communications among Iranian officials as well as between Iranian officials and Bahraini and Yemeni opposition figures. Military officials describe intercepted “chatter” in which Iranian officials have talked of the possibility of shipping cash, weapons or both to opposition elements in both countries.

A U.S. defense official said Iranian policy makers are seriously debating how much aid, if any, to provide to Bahrain’s opposition. Another U.S. official said some intelligence indicated that Iran has made small-scale transfers of money and light weapons—”a few dozen guns, maybe less, definitely not more”—into Bahrain. Much of the intelligence suggests Iran and Hezbollah were focused now on using propaganda to assert influence among restive Shiites.

Other Iranian officials appear content to let Bahrain’s leaders become more repressive, which the defense official said is “probably more effective at getting people riled up against the king” than anything Tehran could do.

The Bahraini and Yemeni governments have long claimed Iran is meddling in their internal affairs, an issue they know could alarm their U.S. counterparts.

U.S. intelligence agencies have long been skeptical of such claims. But last week, after talks in Riyadh, Defense Secretary Robert Gates said the U.S. has unspecified “evidence” of Iranian interference in Bahrain and elsewhere.

Shiite political leaders in Bahrain say that while they have cultural and religious connections to Iran, they aren’t seeking help or guidance from abroad. They say accusations of Iranian involvement are designed to deflect their demands for democratic reforms and to justify Bahrain’s widescale detention of suspected protest organizers, which the government has said it suspects of ties to Iran or its ally, Hezbollah.

“Bahraini Shia are very aware of how they’re paying the price for Iran’s growing power in the region,” said Nabeel Rajab, president of the Bahrain Centre for Human Rights. “They know to keep their distance.”

To keep a lid on tensions in Bahrain, which is home to the U.S. Navy’s Fifth Fleet, the White House has encouraged protesters to negotiate with the king, rather than seek his ouster.

In Yemen, the U.S. has shifted from supporting President Ali Abdullah Saleh to backing talks aimed at easing him from power.

Last year, the U.S. picked up intelligence showing Iran had provided a small amount of support to Yemen’s Houthi rebels, which have fought against Saudi and Yemeni forces, although officials say their knowledge is limited because of a lack of U.S. intelligence sources in the area.

The Houthis, who aren’t part of the political opposition demanding Mr. Saleh’s removal, have stayed quiet in their home region during the past two months of upheaval. The Houthis follow a minor offshoot of Shiism that isn’t the same as the version practiced in Iran.

Jay Solomon, Nathan Hodge, Margaret Coker and Bill Spindle contributed to this article.

April 14th, 2011, 12:28 pm


jad said:

Here we go, the American administration is steering the sectarian element in Syria and cooling it down in Bahrain, but what matter the most is this:

“The U.S. disclosures also appear designed to help soothe anxious Arab and Israeli allies, who have privately complained that President Barack Obama, in his enthusiasm to embrace popular uprisings, is paying scant attention to how the revolts could play into the hands of their regional nemesis, Iran. By voicing concerns about Iran’s activities, the U.S. appears to be trying to close ranks, at least in part, with Saudi and Bahraini leaders whose warnings about Tehran’s influence in their internal affairs have long been played down in Washington.”


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April 14th, 2011, 12:30 pm


Vedat The Turk said:

@ Syria Almighty

Is the only thing you can do is throw insults and profanities? Seriously. I have gone through the last couple of weeks of posts you have made to this blog and they all come across as anger infused hateful comments.

If you choose to critique someone’s comments fine. But do it in an intelligent coherent manner that highlights what you do not agree with. This way you can sway others with your knowledge and skill. To just spew out anger and insults makes you come across as foolish and lacking in refinement. In other words: Better to remain silent and be thought of as a fool than to speak up and remove all doubt : )

April 14th, 2011, 12:30 pm


Nour said:

I can’t believe what I’m reading here by some of the posters supporting this “Revolution”. When the news first broke of the nine soldiers killed, most did not even want to bring them up, as they didn’t think they were important. Then, when they couldn’t really ignore the fact that nine Syrian soldiers were shot at and killed by armed men, they changed the strategy into one blaming the security forces for killing them due to their refusal to follow orders to shoot at demonstrators. Now, when this accusation is totally refuted, they descend into mass hysteria and throw a fit about the audacity of Prof. Landis to refute these claims. It doesn’t seem to bother them that there are really armed groups causing trouble in Syria. It doesn’t seem to bother them that these “revolutionists” have used every possible immoral, unethical, disgraceful, and debased means to sell a story and incite people against the regime. I wish some of you would just come clean and admit that you support the armed groups, and support the use of violence to overthrow the regime, rather than pretend to be innocent advocates of peaceful protests. The fate of a country is at hand here; this is not a game or a joke. Either take a clear position or spare us your moral righteousness. Do you or do you not support the presence of armed groups in Syria? Do you or do you not support the use of violence for the sake of toppling the regime? If not, then you should clearly condemn those who are using these means. If so, then at least be honest with us.

April 14th, 2011, 12:33 pm


????? said:

everyone is just doing their best to analyse explain suppot present supporting evidence of who why and what is happening.
few are putting their fingers on the wound, syrian tv , almutran almufti all are killing themselves by giving hints and suggestions that what is happening is coz of sectarian and ethnic issues,
Syrians don’t give a shit about these things,
in arabic they are pushing the people to say .
almutran today issued a statement for Christians to stay in churches celebrating ,
? ??? ???? ????? ??????? ???????? ?? ???? ???????? ??????? ??????? ???????? ??? ????? ?????? ???????? ???????? ???????? ???? ??????? ?????? ?? ?????????? ??? ?????? ??? ???? ????? ?????? ?? ?? ??? ????? ???? ?????? ????? ???????? ??????? ??????? ??? ???? ????????? ?? ?? ???????? ????????? ????????? ????????? ?????????.
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what do u read between the lines? that there might happen at attack on u so stay in doors!!
the national tv is broadcasting stupid documentaries of syrians of different sectarian backgrounds living peacefully with each other!!!!
a very very dirty game
peace to our martyrs they didn’t die for this

April 14th, 2011, 12:37 pm


EHSANI2 said:

A decent looking government. The Minister of Economy and trade is noteworthy. I think that this is a positive development overall. I believe that this ministry will consolidate more decision making under its roof now. There will be more accountability and focus. Looks good.

April 14th, 2011, 12:41 pm


syrian said:

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April 14th, 2011, 12:53 pm


jad said:

Dear Oumniya,
“what do u read between the lines?”
I think our Christian Syrians are doing the right thing, what I read between the lines is not that they are afraid, it’s more out of respect that the nation is in mourn so no celebration are needed, if they didn’t do that it’ll be very insulting that part of the Syrians are celebration while their brothers and sister are dead.
That was a very smart, responsible and courageous decision.

“that there might happen at attack on u so stay in doors!!”
There is a possibility during these times that someone (Amn, Thugs, Shabiha, Moundaseen or simply Radicals) as we saw in Egypt before do attack to make more trouble.
Stay home or inside Churches, nothing wrong with that.

P.S. an early Happy and Safe Easter Season to all.

Dear Nour,
Some guys on SC are already wrote that they are comfortable with the idea of arming citizens and using kids, I guess you missed that.

April 14th, 2011, 1:02 pm


Nour said:


What information do you have on the new minister of economy and trade? I’d be interested to know.

April 14th, 2011, 1:56 pm


NK said:


I can only speak for myself, and I’m totally against anyone carrying any weapons let alone shooting at security forces regardless of their transgressions, protecting the public is the responsibility of police not anyone else (not even Al-lijan Al shaabiya), if security forces are indeed shooting protesters then sadly that’s a price Syrians will have to pay for their freedoms, retaliation and taking up arms won’t get us anywhere.

The insulting part though is smearing all those Syrians with legitimate demands as agents of foreign shadowy forces. Or accusing all those who demonstrated all over Syria as violent thugs, not to mention the insults/attacks those of us who don’t want to accept empty promises have endured.

I just read this
???? ?????? ???? ??????? ?????? ?????? ????????
?????? ?? ???? ??? ???? ???? ??????? ? ?? ???? ???? ??? ????? ??? ???????
Is this really the best man for the job at this point of time ?


Al Jazeera english report said the new cabinet is big time socialist policy supporters, do you think there’s any truth to that ?

April 14th, 2011, 2:05 pm


Nour said:


No one is smearing all the protesters. Just about everyone condemning the infiltrators and shadowy forces are emphasizing that there are indeed many genuine protesters with rightful demands. However, the so-called facebook “Revolutionists”, along with their filthy Arab media are engaging in dishonest, unethical behavior. They are outright lying and spreading false, fake, and fabricated information. Doesn’t that take away from their credibility, in your opinion? If they were genuine, why would they need to lie? What’s the purpose of spreading a forged internal security memo? What’s the point of faking videos and pictures? This is not a game. We are in a serious situation that involves the fate of a country, so if these people are so nonchalant about such disgraceful methods, why should I ever trust them or support them in their war against the regime?

April 14th, 2011, 2:19 pm


Mina said:

Socialist policy or not, could the enlightened Syrian opponents abroad explain to their agitated brothers (or rather the agitating ones) that there is a major economic crisis in the world and a catastrophe in Japan that is already worse than Chernobyl, so that a better economy for Syria in the near future is simply impossible ? If they can wait a little, that should be just the time needed to build real hostels and hotels and be able to have a good tourism in ten or twenty years, when the levels of contamination of products coming from Japan and food coming from a very big area around Japan will start to be safe again.

April 14th, 2011, 2:24 pm


majedkhaldoon said:

Haytham Manna3 said people should not arm themself,He believes that the revolution in Egypt and Tunis are similar to Syria, Dr. Tizini said it may be that the regime impose on us to get arms.
I strongly believe that the syrian must arm themselves,why?
Look at HA he is fully armed,It is his arming that helped him defeat Isreal,In Iraq,Iraqee resistant,armed themselves,it is what helped to force USA to think about leaving Iraq,and the armed Libyan who is resisting Gaddafi.
I see double standard calling For HA to arm and denying Syrian to arm,Arming people defend freedom.
I am proud of the Syrian revolution ,in 1925, they carried arms and forced France to withdraw.
Those who nare supporting the regime , do not want the people to arm so they continue to kill Syrian calling for freedom,continue to deceive people by their lies
This is not a temporary uprising, this is serious change, it is about time understand it this way.

April 14th, 2011, 2:39 pm


gk said:

The talking points of the Syrian Regime!
1. The demonstrators (terrorists and ????????? ??????
) are outsiders supported by Harriri, Mossad and the US in addition to Saudi Arabia and the rest of the Gulf countries!

2. They say that they are peaceful but they are snipering and killing innocent people (look at the videos)

3. If you want to change the regime, chaos, killing and ethnic cleansing will be all over the country. Do you want peaceful Syria to become another Lebanon, Iraq or Libya?

4. All media except us are liars!!!!

April 14th, 2011, 2:55 pm


Atassi said:


I don’t know The“Revolutionists” identity. BUT I truly know the regime, I know what they have done in the past, and what kind of despicable act it’s capable of doing now.
The people has spoken ” BASHAR OUT” We heard it loud and clear and
We need to ask ourselves, Is the regime ethical and honest? I personly believe they are NOT. We both know that the brain washing machines are working very hard at both sides, and i will only stand by and help my fellow Syrians…

April 14th, 2011, 2:58 pm


Nour said:


Thank you for at least being honest and declaring your support for arming Syrian groups. However, I think it’s silly to compare HA and resistance against foreign occupation to what is happening in Syria. HA and resistance groups used their arms against foreign armies and occupiers. In this case, these armed groups are shooting at and killing fellow Syrians. Killing Syrian soldiers is not in my opinion a valid way to organize a “Revolution.” Moreover, the groups that are getting the arms are not exactly groups to look up to, as they include Khaddam supporters, Refaat Assad goons, and MB thugs. Therefore, forgive me if I cannot lend my support to such a so-called “revolution.”

April 14th, 2011, 3:07 pm


Nour said:


Your problem is that you want to simply topple the regime at any cost, without regard for what replaces it. Is this really a rational way to proceed? It doesn’t matter to you the type of people those “revolutionists” are? You are simply willing to take your chances only because you want to satisfy grudges you have against the regime? Do you care about the fate of the country? Is it possible that something worse could come about should the regime be toppled?

April 14th, 2011, 3:10 pm


WHY said:


Why don’t you come clear and say that you support the government and the oppressive security forces’ murder of demonstrators, in which they were mostly peaceful. Yes they were always peaceful in the beginning but there was some property destruction AFTER the security killed tens of them. Just admit that you are a fascist who doesn’t give a damn about civil liberties and would use any excuse just to oppress the masses because for you freedom means chaos. You are no different than Mussolini..7el 3ana yah roo7 khaleek bi mashaklak bi lebnan

April 14th, 2011, 3:12 pm


NK said:


Let’s not confuse the FB pages with actual Syrians demonstrating on the streets, I don’t expect anyone to support the FB page, I do expect everyone to support actual protesters who are being beaten, humiliated and arrested all over Syria. Let’s say Daraa and Banyas has “thugs” terrorizing and shooting, why arrest intellectuals like “Fayez Sara” ? why beat up/arrest university students in Damascus ?

Of course the fabricated videos that are being spread around take away from the FB page credibility, but so does the face confessions broadcast on State TV (remember the Egyptian spy ?), the only difference is the FB wanna-be journalists have no way of confirming the authenticity of the material they publish, whereas the State TV does. The Lebanese MP challenged the Syrian government to present their “evidence” of his involvement in what is going on in Syria to the Lebanese justice system, let’s wait and see how they will respond.

This guy have some valid points


No one expects the Syrian economy to flourish in a couple years, we do expect the policy not to be reactionary and not to reverse the economic reform Syria was undergoing, we tried socialism for 30 years, it didn’t work so well !!! Still I’d love to hear what Ehsani has to say.

April 14th, 2011, 3:13 pm


Shami said:

Khaddam is one of hafez asad dinosaurus and Rifaat is Maher Asad.
Bashar is good for you because he is SSNP as are the Makhlufs…who are the most corrupt people you can have.
So plz tell what you think about the many Makhlufs and Asads who control the government.

Ehsani are you naive,as if the ministers in Syria have guenine power of decision making.
Remember what happened to Dr Rifai:

April 14th, 2011, 3:24 pm


Nour said:


Take it easy and calm down. These trendy terms such as “fascist”, “civil liberties,” “freedom”, etc. are meaningless if they are not properly defined and applied correctly. Fascism is an ideology of political nationalism, and I definitely don’t subscribe to it. As for Liberties and Freedom, I support them within their proper definition and not as mere slogans to use in order to incite people and agitate them irresponsibly.

In any case, if you read my previous posts, you would know that I do not support the regime, nor do I deny that it is a repressive, oppressive regime. However, I explained that I do not believe that satisfying grudges and settling scores is a way to proceed for the betterment of Syria. I also most definitely absolutely oppose chaos, instability, and the use of vulgar sectarianism to incite people to violence.

April 14th, 2011, 3:27 pm


Majhool said:

?????? ????? ???? ??????? ?? ????????? ??? ????? ??????? ??????? ??? ?? ??????? ?????? ???????

Not criminals yet got tortured

April 14th, 2011, 3:34 pm


marwan alshaer said:

i am not surprised that some syrians, and non-syrians alike, are denying the obvious: yes there are honest pro democracy demonstrators,but there are also thugs and armed militia-terror groups. there is no excuse for burning buildings, destroying property or shooting at people and security/army officers, this is why this movement will probably fail in its goal to topple the regime,but i certainly hope that the blood of innocent syrians from all sides is the price we have to pay for freedom and prosperity.
as for Bashar, his regime can not survive without major changes from the top down and albaath has no choice but to share power or be forced out, and I strongly believe that Bashar may not, and probably should not,run for a third term. We still need the president now unless he takes a U-turn and refuses to keep his promises.

April 14th, 2011, 3:36 pm


Nour said:


I think it would be naive to believe that what those FB “revolutionists”, along with the broad-based Arab media, are doing is simply innocently posting videos and spreading information that they are unable to verify. They are not mere amateurs that are making errors along the way. This is part of an organized, concerted campaign to incite people to violence and hatred. That’s why I completely reject it and reject those organizing this whole charade. As for the genuine protesters I already accepted some of their demands as legitimate and I have stated that they have the absolute right to demonstrate peacefully. I also condemn in the strongest possible terms the use of violence (ANY VIOLENCE) by security officers against peaceful protesters. I have no illusions about the nature of the moukhabarat in Syria, I understand quite well their repression and their despicable treatment of Syrian citizens, and I outright reject it.

However, I do not believe that I should just support anyone opposing the regime by simple virtue of their opposition to the regime. I support ideas not reactions. I also don’t support many of the demands of the protesters, regardless of the fact that I support their right to protest peacefully. And I definitely don’t support he use of dishonest and disingenuous means to combat the regime, because to me people using such means are no better than the regime.

April 14th, 2011, 3:46 pm


Majhool said:

?????? ????? ???? ??????? ?? ????????? ??? ????? ??????? ??????? ??? ?? ??????? ?????? ???????

Not criminals yet got tortured

April 14th, 2011, 3:47 pm


Vedat The Turk said:

@ California Souri

Thanks for your input. I can see where you are coming from. But there is something that I would appreciate if you could answer for me: How do you know that the statements Khaddam made to the BBC were truthful? He is known to be less than truthful in his claims so why should anyone beleive him now?

From all of the evidence that has been presented in the reputable press the uprising in Syria has been a grass roots movement without ANY foreign inducement. Just as in Tunisia, Egypt, Yemen, Libya etc. To say that the demonstrators are being guided by foreign powers in Beiruit or Paris is laughable and has no place in scholarly discussion of what is taking place.

No doubt foreign agents are on the ground gathering intelligence and trying to figure out what is going on. But this is far different than former Baathists acting as agent provocateurs for foreign powers.

April 14th, 2011, 3:55 pm



Dear Abbas,

I appreciate you comments and your pragmatism. I certainly would not like to see more exiles. But in settling for a compromise with an armed robber, you need to remain mindful of who is the criminal.

Australian Shami:
I would like reply point-by-point. Perhaps this can shed some light on our differences.

“Exiled Shami,
Who the hell do you think you are?! Are you insinuating that the Alawis are behind what is going on? Well mate, or should i say idiot, you are clearly wrong. Either you are subject to the extremist Suni religion, or you are Jew or American. I will not
say that you are a general Suni, beacuse you are not worth the dust on their feet.”

1. I am a Syrian, of Syrian blood, from Bab Sreejeh in Sham. My military service branch (‘askariyeh shu’beh) is in Kanawat. I am not a Jew or an American.
2. If I were a Jew or an American, what’s the problem?
3. If I were a Sunni or Shiite or Christian or Jew or Ahmadi or Alawi, what’s the problem?

The problem is when government abuses its people and becomes self-serving at the expense of its people. If people of a certain group have vested interests in government remaining self-serving, then I’m going to call it out. Syria is a home to all its people, but the Ta’ifiyya exists because of abuses of power by a few Tawa’if. It’s not a perceived problem, it’s a real problem, and it’s not off the table for discussion. Some people want it to be off the table for discussion because they have everything to lose if you expose the matter to open examination. As someone said, “truth does not shrink from inquiry, only falseness”. The problem is when people can’t have a civilized debate, and instead resort to character smearing and labeling, instead of addressing the issues at hand.

“In case you havent realised, Those who are behind the problems in Syria are Zionists morons attempting to destroy the great country that is Syria. Sadly for them, they will not succeed these Grotesqu monsters and their manifest absurdities are absolutely disgraceful. And apparently, you are subject to their stupid ways of thinking and manipulation.”

In case you haven’t realized, the Baatists have destroyed Syria already. Israel would kick our ass in an instant in a war because of decade of criminal mismanagement. To pour salt in the wound, the Baathists cynically boast of their “resistance” to Israel, when the reality is they handed over the Golan Heights, and since then the safest border with Israel has been the Syrian border. I hope that Syrians wake up and smell the coffee. The Syria that I would like to see is a strong Syria, that has leverage against the Zionists, not leverage against its own people.

“IF all Shamie people think the way you do, than they all deserve to be exiled!”

Hmmm… So because I disagree with you I deserved to be exiled. That’s just sad. I hate to break it to you. Syria is my country as much as it is yours. I will never try to prevent anyone from going into my country. But God be my witness, I will spend my every dirham and dinar, and spend my last drop of blood, to help take my country back from the thugs that have stole it.

I look forward to returning to my beloved country in dignity, free of the murderous thugs who rule it.

April 14th, 2011, 4:03 pm


Silv said:

about the “Egyptian spy”, read this
and this

The guy has a US passport, worked in Saudi Arabia, travelled in South America and demonstrated in Tahrir.
If the Americans had been more cautious about who they were sending to Guantanamo, they wouldn’t have taken in Yemeni kids, Pakistani and Afghan innocents, etc. But as we all know,army officers don’t like to play smart.

April 14th, 2011, 4:38 pm


ziadsoury said:


I agree with you as far as the need for a change. However, there is no need to use arms by the people. The difference between Egypt and Libya is one called a revolution and the other is a civil war. The Egyptians had the sympathy of the entire world while the Libyans do not. I also a strong believer in the right to bear arms (just like the US allows its citizens) but the use of these arms must be very restricted.


The Syrian economy will never get there as long as the goal to be the second coming of Jamaica. Yes tourism is important and Syria has much to offer but it should not be the main engine behind its economy. We need a better vision and goals. The Syrians have the ability to succeed in the fields of science, medicine, engineering and business beyond your imagination (this blog is a proof of that). In order to do so they need to revamp the legal and educational systems at a minimum. Tell me which major company is willing to open a research and development center in Syria? None comes to mind. No one in their right mind would put his Intellectual Property at the mercy of the Syrian legal system.
Education is more than remembering multiplications and divisions by heart. It is about the ability to question everything and come up with your own conclusions. It is about the ability to fail, accept failure and learn from it in order to succeed. Critical thinking is not allowed in the educational system. Yes I went to High school in Syria and got into the engineering school in Aleppo but not once was I allowed to think for myself. I remember getting ready for the political science final, barely studied for it. All I did was talk about the efforts of our Father Hafez Al Asad in multiple essays and answers. All my answers were very similar. Hafez was the greatest leader in Syrian history. I got 80%. You call that an education?

April 14th, 2011, 4:39 pm


majedkhaldoon said:

I am surprised at the way you twist facts, you are supporter of tyrany and support the dictator, while you advocate freedom, this is pure hypocracy.
You are wrong on all accounts-
1-HA used his arms against Lebanese ,do not tell me otherwise ,deceiving will not work
2- Those who are killing are not the protestors ,they are the regime stoodges, please stop denying this fact,yes killing syrian is wrong but who is doing the killing ,get your fact straight, thet are hired by the regime,they are the criminals.
3-Your SSNP is known for their criminal acts, they killed,Riad Al Solh,They killed Adnan Al Maliki, proven by court, They helped Asad to kill Hariri
We have enough of lies and dictatorship,and if you support freedom you will be against dictators, while you support,tyrany,I promise you one thing ,your time is up.

April 14th, 2011, 4:43 pm


Atassi said:

Sure. I wanted this evil GONE, I have many many issues with This oppressive regime and I have no regret for saying that and I hope one day it will topple and go to hell.. Blood sucking, civilian killing, oppression …What more!

April 14th, 2011, 5:01 pm


Nour said:


I would appreciate it if you would stick to issues you have more knowledge on and stay away from the SSNP for now, for you have no clue what you are talking about. Before commenting on Adnan al Maliki’s assassination being “proven by court” go back and read the court transcripts if they interest you. Al Maliki was killed by Akram Al Deiri in conjunction with Egyptian intelligence, and there is clear evidence of that. But in any case, this is not the issue now.

You show yourself to be no better than the Baathist regime, because you cannot tolerate anyone having a different viewpoint than yours. Either I support this silly “revolution” or I am a supporter of “tyranny” according to you. In other words, there is no room for alternate views and you are ready to condemn everyone who doesn’t agree with your version of things. Well, that’s exactly why I don’t support this “revolution”, because it is filled with people like yourself, who are no better than the Baathist regime, and want to impose their views on everyone. I’ll refrain from discussing or debating any matter with you because it will get us no where.

April 14th, 2011, 5:18 pm


NK said:

This Imam was among the Daraa delegation that met Bashar earlier today, here’s what he has to say.

P.S he confirms all the atrocities that were security forces committed in Daraa.

April 14th, 2011, 6:25 pm


brian said:

\’U.S. Says Iran Helps Crackdown in Syria
By Adam Entous And Matthew Rosenberg
14 April 2011
The Wall Street Journal Online\’

well, US not only helps the crack down in Bahrain, Clinton gave the goahead for the saudist invade. The US is in no position to rebuke the iranians for what they think iran did given what the US democrat govt has really done!

April 14th, 2011, 6:55 pm


NK said:


Authorities arrest freelance journalist reporting for France Culture who occasionally works for Le Monde

Eleven journalists detained as threats to media increase

Reporters Without Borders today called on the Syrian government to free nearly a dozen journalists and netizens it has imprisoned as it battles protests against the regime of President Bashar al-Assad.

“The terror and arbitrary rule must end,” the media freedom organisation said, “and all those held, as well as prisoners of conscience, must be released.”

Among journalists and netizens arrested are Algerian freelance reporter Khaled Sid Mohand, who was making documentaries for the French broadcaster France Culture’s “Sur les docks” programme and who also works for the French daily Le Monde. He was picked up on 9 April and is thought be in a Damascus prison.

Syrian journalist and writer Fayez Sara was arrested on 11 April in the capital after attending a meeting of the opposition Damascus Declaration National Council. He was earlier arrested in 2008 and imprisoned for two and a half years for signing the Declaration, which calls for lifting the state of emergency, allowing freedom of expression and assembly and the departure of the ruling Assad family.

Threats and attacks on journalists have increased during the current unrest and foreign journalists, including those working for the Associated Press and Reuters news agencies, have been deported. Many Syrian journalists and bloggers have also been arrested. The regime is preventing foreign and local journalists from covering demonstrations and some have been physically attacked. Entry visas for foreign journalists are hard to get.

Syrians and foreigners living in the country are afraid to speak up and the authorities have imposed a media blackout on the protests and on the brutality of police and troops against demonstrators.

Those being held include Wassim Hassan, blogger (since today), Mohamed Zaid Mistou, Syrian-born Norwegian correspondent for the news website Al-Arabiya.net (since 7 April), Akram Abu Safi and Sobhie Naeem Al-Assal (since 24 March), Amer Matar, of Al-Hayat (1 April), journalist Zaher Omareen (27 March), journalist and writer Mohamed Dibo (19 March), blogger Ahmed Hadifa (24 March) and Kurdish blogger Kamal Hussein Sheikou (held since 16 March).

April 14th, 2011, 7:10 pm


Australian -Syrian said:

# 78 nk,
You need a new PhD, as far as im concerned you should flush that one down the toilet and gete one for ‘dumbness’.

April 14th, 2011, 7:33 pm


Off the Wall said:

Thanks for your kind words a couple of days ago. I have been reluctant to post yesterday as I have noticed a trend that I am not happy being a participant at. Please recognize that. I could not agree more with your comment #104 In both of its components.

You have asked about end game, and believe me, my head is about to explode thinking about one and i can not find one that would be a win-win scenario. As for who to blame, I will not continue posting the same thing over and over again.

April 14th, 2011, 8:20 pm


NK said:

Australian -Syrian

I’m still waiting your apology for attacking me earlier, next time you have a nervous breakdown make sure you’re attacking the right guy N.Z =/= NK
It’s funny how you study law yet have very little respect for any laws or human rights. /golfclap

April 14th, 2011, 8:29 pm


Australian-Syrian said:

LOL, I apologize for that mistake!I meant to write N.Z, not NK.
My glasses were out of reach when i was typing…HAHA:)
So N.Z that comment was referred to you.

April 14th, 2011, 9:44 pm


Syria Almighty said:

I like how all the terrorist supporters willfully ignored the news article showing terrorists from Lebanon trying to enter Syria.

April 14th, 2011, 10:34 pm


Australian -Syrian said:

Syria Almighty,
Well, what do you expect? Honestly if a terrorist from the outside was starring these people in the face, they’d deny it. They would either say that the Syrian government has hired them to act that way, or that they are not really terrorist, that the media is making up lies.

April 15th, 2011, 3:12 am


Mahjool said:

?????? ???? ???????? ????

April 15th, 2011, 3:16 am


Umniyya said:

Dear JAd
i know that there is a huge possibility that alshabeeha might do something crazy, if this crazy inside the regime decided to go on with the plot that those who are moving these things are sectarian issues and a sectarian war will result out of it.
what i am saying that everyone is trying to change the course of these demonstrations, and force it into the sectarian track.
open the tv and see the stupid programs 24 hours broadcasting that we are one people and never thought to ask about each others’ Gods!!! ALmufti SY TV almutran now. dounia tv which this blog seems so much in love with has interviewed “a Muslim girl” who said that someone removed her scarf while she was walking , WTF IS THIS
almutran on one hand has invited the Christians to respect the martyrs and celebrate in doors but on another hand his following lines are supporting the idea.
SYRIANS DON’T GIVE A SHIT ABOUT THESE THINGS. those who moved didn’t have these ideas in their minds, THEY ARE forcing these ideas into the people’s minds
I am syrian i lived all my life in syria i never thought this way. Syrians are fully aware of the results of these things.
syrians are fully aware that khadam is a …[edited] .

April 15th, 2011, 3:59 am


Maysaloon - ?????? said:

[…] shootings, at least on the Syrian coast, might have actually been carried out by groups linked to Khaddam. I can't discount that, and it might be quite possible. But there are so many lies, and such a […]

April 15th, 2011, 4:27 am


Ali Mohey Aldeen said:

Interesting post, though Joshua obviously has not been a fan of the Assad’s policy; however, he is being neutral in the way several documents have been presented.

April 15th, 2011, 6:24 am


khalid said:

dear all,(addressing especially the true and honest Syrians)
dear brothers try as ever not to be misguided by the anti-Arab Syrian political positions whose partisans have been planning to destabilize Syria since long time and are still on the same track

let’s draw a simple comparison on some internal Syrian governmental positions :
as you know sectarianism is the mortal opium to all people
as you know there is no country to be built on religion-based standards (the thing that we are being trapped to by some defamed poodles (such as Bander bin Satan (???? ?? ?????)& Saad al Hariri the ugly monkey (???? ??????? ??????? ????? ? ??????? )and abd al shitan khaddaa(??? ??????? ????? )

we in dear Syria never ever interested in talking in sectarian way because this language addresses only the illiterate who are no more than an easy tool in the hands of the obscurantist ugly semi-religious clerks of such clercks can address nothing but the emotions & playing on sectarian feelings ( ???? ??? ?? ?? ???? ????? ????? ??? ????? ??? ????? ???? ?????? ????? ???? ????? : ??? ????? ?? ????? ???? ?? ?????? ?????? ????????? ??? ?? ?? ???? ??? ???? ?????? ???? ???? ??? ?? ?
???? ????? ????? ?????? ????? ?? ??? ?????? ???? ??? ?? ??? ???? ????? ????? ?????? ????? ???? ? ???? ?????? )

every simple human being who addresses the mind can attract people from so many political / religious / intellectual orientations and can enter into their own hearts just because he is a human being

dear religion is pure relation between a Man & the all Mighty Alla and there is nothing in life to measure piety but the real ,true and direct-to-sky deeds / the pure and heartily tolerant and humanitarian communications

as a true Muslim I will never ever allow any human being to interfere in the relation between Alla and me because once an infallible human being interfered I will be spontaneously obsessed & remoe-controlled by those who set themselves on earth as the holy power (He is only the All Mighty Alla to evaluate my deeds and misdeeds and not an infallible humane being who eats and urine and ….) really I will be vulnerable to misguiding
I shall stick to the holy Qouran & to every piece of info (from any rational references )that demands me to act aS A HUMAN BEING AND AS an uppish

regarding Syria;s international position :
Syria is on graound supporting the true Arab causes (Palestine cause and adopt the Palestinian rights and suffers from US sanctions because of such political positions (do the so-called Saudi or Any other semi-Arab in other Arab countries do the same ANSWER ME IF YOU REALIZE AND ABLE TO Analyze OH ARAB HUMAN beings

Syria was against the USA invasion of Iraq UNLIKE other semi_ARAB entities

Syria has no USA military or AIR bases on its SYRIAN TERRITORIES

SYRIA UNLIKE MOST ARAB SEMI_COUNTRIES has its independent national political will really unlike those Arabic-speaking countries whose political will is controlled by the USA

to Syria every so-known as Arab citizen can enter without a VISA UNLIKE what is followed by other Arab semi-countries

all of you are mere poodles in the hands of the true enemies of the true ARAB & true ISLAM if you as ARAB do not walk in the ARAB SYRIAN ORBIT (4 ur info SYRIAN ORIENTATIONS CAN work and apply to all Arab people but not all other so-called Arab political orientations could apply to all Arab people

??????? ???? ???????? ?? ?? ??? ???? ?????? ??? ?????????? ????? ??? ???? ????? ??? ???? ? ???? ???? ?????? ??????
???????????????????????????????? ???????????????? ????? ?????? ?? ??? ?????? ? ???????? ???? ??? ???? ????? ??????? ??? ?? ????? ???? ?? ??? ??? ?? ???? ????? ???????

????? ?????? ?? ????? ?????? ?????? ???????

??? ??????????????????? ???? ?????? ????? ????????????????

April 15th, 2011, 8:36 am


Why do they look for Bashar’s good side? | peacefare.net said:

[…] Joshua Landis has published evidence that the allegation of Syrian soldiers having been shot for refusing to fire on protesters […]

April 15th, 2011, 9:19 am


5 dancing shlomos said:

Disgraceful Distortions by The Guardian

Syria and the Delusions of the Western Press


April 15th, 2011, 1:15 pm


Christian Syrian American said:

I cannot believe how anyone can believe any sotry from the Syrian ruling family ! I do beleive strongly that those officers were killed by secret police. The regime has done many henious crimes in the past and has fabricated many stories.

Those who defend the regime are either beneficial from it or ignorant people !

Viva free and democratic Syria

April 15th, 2011, 10:03 pm


nissim said:

As for the ” document” of Mukhabarat, it’s useful to read how Syrian well-known Nizar Nayouf discovered on 13 April that it’s fabricated by Syrian Dr. Radwan Ziadah living in Washington and working with Mossad officer Nir Boms:

April 16th, 2011, 12:15 am


Scott Liddle said:

This post gets front page coverage in today’s copy of Tishreen (Sat. 16 April) under the headline:
??????? ??????? ??????? ?????? ???? ???? ?? ?????? ????????? ???????

And the surtitle:
???? ?????? ???? ???? ????? ??????? ?? ????? ????? ??????

April 16th, 2011, 8:09 am


????? said:

?? ???? ????? ! ???? ????????? ?????? ????? ??? ??????? ?????????? ??????? ! ????? ??? ???? ??? ?? ??? ? ????? ?????? ?????? ! ?????? ??? ??? ???????? ! ??????? ???? ? ???? ?? ????? ??? ??????????? !

April 16th, 2011, 9:41 am


A propos des troubles en Syrie « Mounadil al Djazaïri said:

[…] La presse occidentale induite en erreur – Qui a tué par balles 9 soldats à Banias? […]

April 17th, 2011, 9:10 am


koki said:

?????? ???????? ????? ???? ?? ???? ???? ????? ????? ???? ???????? ???? ?????? ?? ????? ????????? ????????? ?? ??? ?? ????? ???? ???? ??????? ?????? ?? ?????? ??? ??? ?? ????? ??????? ???? ?????? ???? ??? ???? ????? ?? ??????? ????????? ??????? ?????? ????? ?????? ?? ????? ???? ?????? ?????? ??? ??? ???????? ???????? , ??? ?????? ???? ??????????? ??? ???? ????? ?????? ???? ???? ?????? ??? ???? ????????? ??? ???? ?? ??? ????? ????? ?? ?????? ??????? ??????? ??? ?????? ?? ?????? ???? ???? ????? ??? ?? ??? ?? ?????? ?? ????? ??? ?????? ?????? ???? ?? ??? ?????? ?? ?? ??? ??? ????????? , ???? ??????? ???? ?? ??? ???? ???? ???? ????? ???? ????? ????? ???? ????? ?? ????????? ???? ?? ???????? ????? ??? ??? ?? ??????? ?? ??????? ???? ????? ??? ????? ???????? ?? ??? ???? ????? ???? ?? ??????? ????? ????? ???????? ??? ??????? ?? ??? ??? ????? ??? ????? .????

April 17th, 2011, 4:12 pm


Latakian said:

I don’t see any weapons in the video. The guys running away could be running away from the heavy firing of the soldiers themselves we have no way of knowing. And, the truck should have been seen on fire from the heavy firing that we heard, especially since the “fighters” where so close to the vehicles.
And one should notice how the TV anchorwoman said: These are the “peaceful” protests that they claim.
As if everyother cities had armed protests. The syrian government is defending it’s massacres (Like today they killed many in Lattakia including what seemed to be a child) and we see their lies distrivbuted on the internet.

April 18th, 2011, 5:40 am


Media Distorts Truth To Propagandize For NATO-Backed War On Syria | prison planet blog said:

[…] the Center for Middle East Studies and Associate Professor at the University of Oklahoma, documents how AFP, the Guardian and other media outlets completely misconstrued a video that purported to show… as a punishment for refusing to gun down […]

April 26th, 2011, 1:30 pm


Hidden behind propaganda a giant crime against Libya is fact « Mein Parteibuch Zweitblog said:

[…] regime change in Syria, the imperial British Guardian spreads the same sort of absurd anonymous lies accompanied by the same sort of faked videos that were used against Libya: Syrian soldiers shot for […]

April 26th, 2011, 9:14 pm


Syria Propaganda Intensifies to Justify Yet Another “Humanitarian Intervention” | End the Lie – Independent News said:

[…] a story that will allow, yet again, the UN to justify an invasion. In fact, it has already been revealed that the claims of Syrian security forces murdering Syrian soldiers, along with other information, […]

April 27th, 2011, 12:07 am


Media Distorts Truth To Propagandize For NATO-Backed War On Syria | Breaking news, current events, and the truth exposed! said:

[…] the Center for Middle East Studies and Associate Professor at the University of Oklahoma, documents how AFP, the Guardian and other media outlets completely misconstrued a video that purported to show… as a punishment for refusing to gun down […]

April 30th, 2011, 9:12 am


Media Distorts Truth To Propagandize For NATO-Backed War On Syria « truth.valor.freedom said:

[…] Center for Middle East Studies and Associate Professor at the University of Oklahoma, documents how AFP, the Guardian and other media outlets completely misconstrued a video that purported to show… as a punishment for refusing to gun down […]

May 3rd, 2011, 12:24 pm


Syria: Lybia 2.0? It looks more likely by the day | Sovereign Independent said:

[…] This would not be the only instance in which mystery gunmen were fomenting violence between both sides in a foreign nation, as Tony Cartalucci has detailed. Arab bloggers have also covered this issue, as well as the Director of the Center for Middle East Studies and Associate Professor at the University of Oklahoma…. […]

July 8th, 2011, 5:35 pm


Syria: Lybia 2.0? It looks more likely by the day « WRC559 said:

[…] This would not be the only instance in which mystery gunmen were fomenting violence between both sides in a foreign nation, as Tony Cartalucci has detailed. Arab bloggers have also covered this issue, as well as the Director of the Center for Middle East Studies and Associate Professor at the University of Oklahoma…. […]

July 9th, 2011, 5:08 am


Syrie : déstabilisation orchestrée | Association EEChO said:

[…] journalistes plutôt lucides ont fait état de la présence de snipers, qui ont tué des personnes dans leur voiture ou en pleine rue, sans se rendre compte de la […]

July 13th, 2011, 10:27 am


873 said:

Kudos to Landis for being fair and objective re: this latest slur against Syria. His wife’s first hand contact with those involved couldnt be more credible.
Not to say allegations against the regime are not true in other cases, and instances where regime is guilty, let it be proven and acknowledged. On the other hand, propaganda disinfo should be exposed and reviled.

Landis is doing the work here today that the MSM would be doing if it had integrity. No more comment needed on that. Thank you Mr Landis.

August 4th, 2011, 4:49 pm


873 said:

16. Duteronomy:

You’re missing the most important factor here and that is that part of story was verified by Landis’s wife whose contact was IN THE WAGON ITSELF FEATURED IN THE VIDEO. So its not all just another ‘he said she said’ photoshop montage.

August 4th, 2011, 5:27 pm


True said:

Besho and his inner circle people along, of course, with his ancestors simply downgraded Syria from a “State” to just a “Farm” & people from “Citizens” to “Slaves”, they appointed bunch of thugs and gangs to run the farm while sucking up resources to the last drop of our blood. Yet you still find some deluded people like “Menhebks” come and argue that there’s no other option but the “family”.

Besho’s nepotism brings a thug like Fawaz (the cousin) to be the lord of Lattakia (btw he likes to call himself Austaz. Fawaz), and the same nepotism brings another thug like Rami Makhlouf (the other cousin) to be the lord of Syrian economy (yes he calls himself Asutaz. Rami) and surely the list goes on and on.

Besho is incapable to deliver a new modern State FREE of corruption, nepotism and Bathissts, Besho should leave the office.

August 4th, 2011, 5:42 pm


Syrie: Mensonges, salades ou vérités ??? said:

[…] l’orienter insidieusement dans un sens voulu… Comme cela a été attesté sur l’excellent Blog Syria Comment de Joshuah Landis, on arrive à transmettre le contraire de ce qu’attestent les personnes […]

August 8th, 2011, 2:19 pm


Siria, la ricetta di Luay Hussein said:

[…] sulla Siria contemporanea avviato e per lunghi anni moderato dall’americano Joshua Landis, sposato con la figlia di un generale alawita – ha intervistato […]

October 22nd, 2011, 11:42 am


Tambores de guerra para Siria: comienzan las mentiras mediáticas para justificar la intervención | Falsas banderas said:

[…] Joshua Landis, director del Centro de Estudios del Medio Oriente y profesor asociado en la Universidad de […]

October 30th, 2011, 8:38 pm


Sibia Liria. Notizie false o senza prove « SibiaLiria said:

[…] Oltre al famoso Osservatorio siriano per i diritti umani basato in Gran Bretagna e che ha due teste in lotta fra loro, un’altra fonte dei media e dell’Onu sono i Comitati di coordinamento locale, che nutrono con le loro cifre il Centro di documentazione sulle violazioni (Vdc). La statistica del Vdc entrata nell’ultimo rapporto dell’Onu, di pochi giorni fa, parla di “6.399 civili e 1.680 disertori uccisi” fra il 15 marzo 2011 e il 15 febbraio 2012. Insomma: tutti i membri delle forze di sicurezza uccisi erano disertori? Nessun soldato, per il Vdc, è stato ucciso dall’opposizione armata, tranne quelli passati contro il regime, che verrebbero trucidati dai commilitoni? Questo si scontra con il rapporto (occultato) degli osservatori della Lega Araba (http://tunisitri.wordpress.com/2012/01/30/le-rapport-de-la-mission-des-observateurs-arabes-en-syrie/#more-4548/) che hanno testimoniato di atti di violenza da parte dell’opposizione armata contro civili e militari. Lunghe liste di “vittime del terrorismo” sono diffuse con aggiornamenti giornalieri ovviamente ignorati dai media.  Inoltre l’esercito non avrebbe potuto mantenersi così coeso se avesse passato per le armi tanti suoi membri. Il governo dà ampia pubblicità ai nomi e all’origine dei soldati uccisi e ne trasmette i funerali. L’opposizione invece non fornisce i nomi dei presunti disertori che elenca fra le vittime. Fra le prime vittime militari, nove soldati su un bus attaccato già il 10 aprile 2011 verso Tartous. Presunti “testimoni” citati dai media li indicavano come disertori uccisi per aver rifiutato di sparare sui dimostranti. Ma un sopravvissuto ha negato recisamente (https://joshualandis.com/blog/?p=9115). […]

July 5th, 2013, 5:06 am


Cos’è successo davvero a Homs? « SibiaLiria said:

[…] Oltre al famoso Osservatorio siriano per i diritti umani basato in Gran Bretagna e che ha due teste in lotta fra loro, un’altra fonte dei media e dell’Onu sono i Comitati di coordinamento locale, che nutrono con le loro cifre il Centro di documentazione sulle violazioni (Vdc). La statistica del Vdc entrata nell’ultimo rapporto dell’Onu, di pochi giorni fa, parla di “6.399 civili e 1.680 disertori uccisi” fra il 15 marzo 2011 e il 15 febbraio 2012. Insomma: tutti i membri delle forze di sicurezza uccisi erano disertori? Nessun soldato, per il Vdc, è stato ucciso dall’opposizione armata, tranne quelli passati contro il regime, che verrebbero trucidati dai commilitoni? Questo si scontra con il rapporto (occultato) degli osservatori della Lega Araba (http://tunisitri.wordpress.com/2012/01/30/le-rapport-de-la-mission-des-observateurs-arabes-en-syrie/#more-4548/) che hanno testimoniato di atti di violenza da parte dell’opposizione armata contro civili e militari. Lunghe liste di “vittime del terrorismo” sono diffuse con aggiornamenti giornalieri ovviamente ignorati dai media.  Inoltre l’esercito non avrebbe potuto mantenersi così coeso se avesse passato per le armi tanti suoi membri. Il governo dà ampia pubblicità ai nomi e all’origine dei soldati uccisi e ne trasmette i funerali. L’opposizione invece non fornisce i nomi dei presunti disertori che elenca fra le vittime. Fra le prime vittime militari, nove soldati su un bus attaccato già il 10 aprile 2011 verso Tartous. Presunti “testimoni” citati dai media li indicavano come disertori uccisi per aver rifiutato di sparare sui dimostranti. Ma un sopravvissuto ha negato recisamente (https://joshualandis.com/blog/?p=9115). […]

July 5th, 2013, 5:07 am



[…] negado disparar contra manifestantes. Sin embargo un superviviente refutó eso rotundamente (https://joshualandis.com/blog/?p=9115). Además, muchos vídeos de “mártires” que circulan por youtube, y […]

July 5th, 2013, 5:09 am


What Revolution? Part 1: Demystifying the Syrian Uprising said:

[…] party headquarters, in the first week of major protests in Daraa, and the assassination of security forces by unknown gunmen in the ensuing weeks as the regime sought to de-escalate the situation with […]

September 19th, 2013, 10:09 am


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