“The Struggle for Abu Kamal: Peace after Defeating the Dictator’s Forces,” by Asaad al-Saleh

The Struggle for Abu Kamal: Peace after Defeating the Dictator’s Forces
Asaad al-Saleh, an Assist. Prof. at the University of Utah.

Located on the bank of the Euphrates near the borders with Iraq, Abu Kamal, the city and its towns, has been an active participant in the revolution. The first significant demonstration was as early as 22 April 2011.  This YouTube video shows people chanting with slogans intended as an affront to the regime. Shoes are thrown on a concrete portrait of Hafez al-Assad, as demonstrators gather in the center of the city. In the early stage of the uprising, repeated news of the demonstrations in Abu Kamal and other Syrian cities began to embarrass the regime’s media, particularly when Aljazeera and Alarabiya began to cover the protest in this traditionally neglected area. At that point, the government pretended that there was only a “crisis,” rather than a full-blown revolution, and people were not protesting against al-Assad’s rule. Abu Kamal, just like other restive areas, was slightly covered by the Syrian news agency, SANA.

Eventually, the army was sent to the city to quell the increasing protest. After initially cheering for the soldiers, hoping that the soldiers would either restrain from targeting civilians or, even better, defect, the residents of Abu Kamal gradually showed resistance to the presence of the army in their area. The last army stationed in Abu Kamal was the colonial French force. Yet, this foreign force was kicked out of Abu Kamal after a feud with the Uqaidat tribe that caused the death of French soldiers and, in retaliation, the chief of the tribe.

When both the rebels and the regime’s forces were fighting inside the city, the latter were overwhelmed by fighters who knew how to maneuver inside the area. The rebels destroyed many of the army’s vehicles and forced the soldiers to take shelter outside but still close to the city. For more than ten months, the regime was continuously shooting at commercial and residential areas, forcing almost all residents to leave the city and move either to the towns or to cross the borders to Iraq as refugees.

The regime’s last resort (to achieve almost nothing beyond destruction) was to use its air force to shell the city and some of the towns. One of the towns that were targeted by the military jets was al-Jalaa, the birthplace of the defected Syrian ambassador to Iraq and one of the Ugaidat’s leading figures, Nawaf al-Fares. Raids were launched almost daily from September 2012, mounting to 70 raids by 14 November, according to the official Facebook page representing the Local Coordination in Abu Kamal. The regime used heavy artillery against civilians and more than 1,000 mortars landed in the city. The bases for these attacks were the security headquarters and the only airport in the city, Hamdan airport. The rebels attempted to take over the heavily secured airport in early September of 2012, but were unsuccessful and some of them fell in the assault. Since then, they were preparing themselves to capture the airport and to terminate this center of regime’s power and destruction.

On 8 November 2012, the regime’s security headquarters, called the “security square” by the rebels, became under siege. This fortified area included the public hospital, where snipers were located, the military recruiting center, and the military intelligence building. Two days later, air raids showered the city to prevent the besieging rebels from taking over these bases. These raids left 16 people dead, five of them were women. On Thursday 15 November 2012, the rebels finally liberated the security square and downed a helicopter; but lost three fighters in the operation. The next and last important target was the Hamdan airport, which fell in their hands on Saturday 17 November. The regime’s soldiers and officers in the airport fled into the dessert, leaving behind them the last base of the regime in Abu Kamal. Freeing the airport was the bloodiest encounter for rebels, who lost 15 men. The casualties were from Abu Kamal and the towns’ participants, and one of the fallen heroes was from the town of al-Salhiya and is a relative to the author. Since then, peace returned to Abu Kamal and the regime did not (maybe could not) attack it again.

The advantages of liberating the airport and removing the regime’s forces from Abu Kamal are many but here are the most important ones. Since the fall of the airport, Abu Kamal did not witness any more air strikes, a situation that saved many lives and will allow more fighters to regroup and move to the other few areas under the control of the regime in Dayr al-Zour. Many of Abu Kamal’s fighters have appeared on videos addressing al-Assad by this warning: “Do not leave, we will come to you in Damascus.” This might be a serious threat if rebels across the country free their areas and start moving to the capital.  Additionally, according to Professor Juan Cole in his blog Informed Comment, there is an economic factor that should be noted when considering the liberation of Abu Kamal:

“70% of the goods coming into Syria were coming from the Iraq of PM Nouri al-Maliki, who had refused to join a blockade of Syria because of his new alliance with Iran. But al-Maliki’s attitude is irrelevant if the revolutionaries have Abu Kamal. This development is a nightmare for the Shiite-dominated government of Iraq, since it is fighting a low-intensity struggle with its Sunnis, who predominant in the areas abutting Syria. If Sunni fundamentalists in the FSA hook up with their Iraqi counterparts, that is trouble for al-Maliki and Iran. And, Iraqi Sunnis can now more freely export arms and goods to their Syrian co-religionists.”(Juan Cole).

Even though “70% of the goods” may be too good to be true—as the eastern Syrian region and its borders with Iraq have been out of government’s control since last year—any future trade with Iraq before the fall of al-Assad would be hard to imagine when this area is controlled by the revolutionaries. Professor Cole’s allusion to the Shia/Sunni binary can be seen within the context of Westerners magnifying these sectarian divisions when, at least in the completely Sunni Abu Kamal, people still emphasize that the fight is against al-Assad not his sect. More to the point, there were no reliable reports that Sunni Iraqi fighters assisted the FSA fighters in Abu Kamal.

The peace that Abu Kamal enjoys now is due to the operations that liberated it from the regime’s military and security presence, particularly after its airport was neutralized. If there is one lesson to be learned from liberating Abu Kamal, it is that a no-fly zone is urgently needed. Such a no-fly zone will save many lives and this will mean that the regime cannot kill more civilians and that the FSA, from all over Syrian cities and towns, will continue to remove al-Assad from Damascus.


News Round Up Follows

To Retrieve Attack Helicopters from Russia, Syria Asks Iraq for Help, Documents Show
Pro publica, by Michael Grabell, Dafna Linzer, and Jeff Larson, Nov. 29, 2012

In late October, Syria asked Iraqi authorities to grant air access for a cargo plane transporting refurbished attack helicopters from Russia, according to flight records obtained by ProPublica. With Turkish and European airspace off limits to Syrian arms shipments, the regime of Bashar al-Assad needs Iraq’s air corridor to get the helicopters home, where the government is struggling to suppress an uprisingIraq regained control of its airspace from the U.S. military just a year ago and has been under intense diplomatic pressure from the United States to isolate the Syrian regime. Turkey says it has closed its airspace to Syrian flights, and if Iraq did so, Syria would be virtually cut off from transporting military equipment by plane. European Union sanctions have already constricted arms transport by sea and air.

But it is unclear whether Iraq permitted the fly-overs described in the documents. The Syrian cargo plane scheduled to pick up the helicopters did not land or take off from Moscow at the appointed times this month, suggesting that those flights did not happen…..

Syria’s Internet shutdown leaves information void, may signal escalating war – Wash Post

….Omar Abu Laila, a spokesman for the rebel fighters in the eastern city of Deir al-Zour, said communications have been down for so long there that the new disruptions will have no impact. “The communication outage did not affect us,” he said. “You should report that we’re happy the rest of Syria joined us.”

Lakhdar Brahimi on Charlie Rose Show

I hope — I hope we don’t get there because military intervention is an — at best, at very best, a very, very risky thing.  You don’t want an Iraq, an intervention like Iraq.  You don’t want the intervention ala Afghanistan.  You don’t want an intervention ala Libya.  And I think — I really think you don’t need that because in the present circumstances, you will have that outside of the Security Council because you are not going to have a resolution that will allow military intervention.  That’s out of the question for the moment.  So you’ll have to do it from outside.  If you do it from outside, you’ll have a lot of opposition to hit from day one.  And it is — I mean, look, Libya is 6 million people.  They had no army, practically.  And you see the amount of destruction that has taken place.  You see how long it took, and you see the results.  So people — you know, a lot of people in Syria are saying, “Why not Libya?”  And they are wondering why the Americans and others don’t want to repeat.  But the Americans say, “No, you know, Libya was not a good experience for us.  We don’t want to repeat –“

-Damascus clashes cut off airport, Emirates suspends flights
By Oliver Holmes, 29 November 2012, Reuters News
* Fighting along airport road heaviest during crisis
* Internet down in Damascus, phone lines disrupted
* Rebels advancing but “not last days yet” for Assad

BEIRUT, Nov 29 (Reuters) – Syrian rebels battled forces loyal to President Bashar al-Assad just outside Damascus on Thursday, forcing the closure of the main airport road, and the Dubai-based Emirates airline suspended flights to the Syrian capital.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said that fighting along the road to the airport, southeast of Damascus, was heavier in that area that at any other time in the 20-month-old uprising against Assad.
“As of 20 minutes ago, there was heavy fighting along all the areas along the road,” the British-based Observatory’s director Rami Abdelrahman told Reuters by telephone. He said clashes were particularly intense in Babbila, a southern suburb bordering the insurgent stronghold of Tadamon.

Residents said Internet connections in the capital went down in the early afternoon and mobile and land telephone lines were only working intermittently, in what they said was the worst disruption to communication since conflict erupted last year.

Emirates said it was suspending daily flights to Damascus “until further notice”, but other airlines continued operations. Airport sources in Cairo said an Egypt Air flight that left at 1:30 pm (1130 GMT) had landed in Damascus as scheduled.
“The Egypt Air plane has arrived … and passengers are all safe but the pilot was instructed to take off back to Cairo without passengers if he felt that the situation there is not good to stay for longer,” an official at Cairo airport said.
Elsewhere in the capital, warplanes bombed Kafr Souseh and Daraya, two neighbourhoods that fringe the centre of the city where rebels have managed to hide out and ambush army units, opposition activists said.

The past two weeks have seen military gains by rebels who have stormed and taken army bases across Syria, exposing Assad’s loss of control in northern and eastern regions despite the devastating air power which he has used to bombard opposition strongholds.

A senior European Union official said that Assad appeared to be preparing for a military showdown around Damascus, possibly by isolating the city with a network of checkpoints.
“The rebels are gaining ground but it is still rather slow. We are not witnessing the last days yet,” the official said on condition of anonymity.

“On the outskirts of Damascus, there are mortars and more attacks. The regime is thinking of protecting itself … with checkpoints in the next few days … (It) seems the regime is preparing for major battle on Damascus.”

In the north of the country, rebel units launched an offensive to seize an army base close to the main north-south highway that would allow them to block troop movements and cut Assad’s main supply route to Aleppo, Syria’s biggest city.
The Observatory’s Abdelrahman said that rebel units from around Idlib province massed early on Thursday morning to attack Wadi al-Deif, a large base east of the rebel-held town of Maarat al-Numan.

Wadi al-Deif has been a thorn in the side of rebel units who first besieged the station in October but have met fierce resistance from government forces, backed up by air strikes.

If Wadi al-Deif fell to rebels, who already control northern border crossings to Turkey, Assad would be dependent on a single land route – from the Mediterranean port of Latakia – to supply his forces fighting to win back Aleppo.
Assad is fighting an insurgency that grew out of peaceful protests 20 months ago and has escalated, after a crackdown, into a civil war in which 40,000 people have been killed.

Most foreign powers have condemned Assad but have said they will stop short of providing arms to rebel fighters as they fear heavy weapons could make their way into the hands of radical Islamist units, who have grown increasingly prominent.
(Additional reporting by Dominic Evans and Erika Solomon in Beirut; Yasmine Saleh in Cairo, Praveen Menon in Dubai and Justyna Pawlak in Brussels; Editing by Mark Heinrich

the New York Times reports that Washington is considering a range of options to speed the departure of embattled President Bashar al-Assad. According to an anonymous administration official, several alternatives are under consideration, including directly arming rebels, deploying CIA operatives on the ground, and stationing surface-to-air missiles in Turkey. All these options have been discussed before, but according to the unnamed source quoted by the Times, rebel military success “has given this debate a new urgency, and a new focus.”

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Comments (137)

Aldendeshe said:

Hey Landis why you blocking my comments with URL links? It worked on some links, not others.

November 30th, 2012, 12:23 am


ALI said:

Big thing has happened in Damascus in the last two days, the exact word didn’t leak out yet. All Alawi high ranking officers were summoned to the republican palace and still there behind closed doors. Two units of republican guards have been withdrawn from the coast (Tartous) back to Damascus. The internet/tel cutout has nothing to do with Jihadi attacks, it’s all part of the mystery panic state in the presidential palace.

According to some unconfirmed rumors within the Alawis community that it’s either Maher Assad has passed away or an Alawi high ranking officer tried to take a move against Bashar.

Alawis are not fleeing Damascus so at least we can be sure that no chaos within the sect inshallah.

If Maher really passed away then another Alawi martyr puts his life for Syria and Syrians.

I’ll let you know more details when I know more.

November 30th, 2012, 12:25 am


Aldendeshe said:


November 30th, 2012, 12:27 am


Aldendeshe said:

Thanks Ali, a valuable comment indeed.

November 30th, 2012, 12:32 am


Visitor said:

New video about recent battles near Damascus,



Ali Baba said

“If Maher really passed away then another Alawi martyr puts his life for Syria and Syrians.”

And all Syrians say: good riddance and speedy transport to lowest hell.

We know he is long dead. And soon duck will join him in ???? ????.

November 30th, 2012, 12:33 am


ALI said:

Shukram li Elrab, the Jihadi gangs were exterminated in the airport battle yesterday. They were lured to come from different sides (Haran/Awamied, Eastern Goutta, and Hutaitet Elturkman) they could pass the seventh bridge on the highway to Damascus airport then the Arabic Syrian Army heroes surrounded them and opened “napalm and white phosphorus” burning them alive.

More than 250 Jihadists were burned to death, and Damascus city council (mohafaza) cleaning trucks were called to clean the leftover of their flesh and blood, and still operating till now.

The Airport Battle will be remembered for long.

la 3aynaki ya Souria

November 30th, 2012, 12:34 am


ALI said:

“We know he is long dead”

No ya tyzi he was not long dead, he was just injured in the cheap attacked orchestrated by the French and Qatari intelligence. RIP ya abo Ali.

“And soon duck will join him”

Fashart ya 7ashara.

November 30th, 2012, 12:40 am


majedkhaldoun said:

Arming the rebels,makes no fly zone in the north unnecessary,Patriot missles system is to be used against Iran,not Syria.
The real battle is Damascus,airforce bombing there, is wrong,artillary can do the job,but to protect Damascus,we need to bomb Qassioun Mountain where Assad troops are stationed.

November 30th, 2012, 12:40 am


ALI said:



???? ?? ???? ????? ???? ???? ??? ???? ?? ?????? ?????????
???????? ?? ?????

November 30th, 2012, 12:44 am


Visitor said:

Ali the bonehead,

Your days are numbered and no embassy will rescue you and your delinquent hooligan old man

But at least you admit he (the idiot idol) is a duck.

November 30th, 2012, 1:05 am


ALI said:

Let’s see who’s got the “numbered” days you douchebag

I wonder how the Jihadists smelled after being burned alive? mmmm will it be BBQs or more like KFC.

will the Jihadists be able to fornicate the virgins after being grilled? Man I’m so glad with the great success of the airport battle

November 30th, 2012, 1:21 am


Hanzala said:

U.N. Envoy: No Return to Assad’s Old Syria

The old Syria ruled by President Bashar Assad’s family is finished and the “new Syria” will never be the same, the U.N. special envoy said Thursday, in a strong hint that Assad will have to step down before a civil war can end.


November 30th, 2012, 1:23 am


MarigoldRan said:

Pfffft. Ali shows his true colors. The regime fights only for itself, and no one else. If rumors of his death are true, no Sunni would mourn the death of Maher.

Time for the regime to die.

November 30th, 2012, 1:36 am


MarigoldRan said:

The regime has been posting news of its great “victories” for the last 9 months.

Yet it continues to lose.

November 30th, 2012, 1:39 am


Aldendeshe said:

No amount of weapon or upgrade will benefit the mercenaries, they simply don’t have the voice of the Syrian majority, and they will never will. The Jews think they can get an Atassi bitch, the daughter of a Baathit Sunni Moslem and Syrians will simply accept that ploy. I will take Assad Alawite shoe than her unworthy a*ss. Her father is one of Syria’s most despised people. He is responsible with his cousin Louai Atassi of overthrowing the Legally elected democratic and Parliamentary Government of Syria back on march 8, 1963. It is them, not the Alawites, it is her father, the one that dissolved the elected parliament, the legal government, the ranking military, the legal codes and courts, all existing State institutions, Nationalized all viable industries, and many small businesses, confiscated Real Estates from owners of second homes, expropriated land from landowners, nationalized banks and Financial, Insurabnce companies, closed private schools, took solecontrol of economy and production, agriculture of all under the State owned monopolies banned political parties, suspended the Independence constitution, declared Marshall law /State of Emergency that lasted until recently, set up the security of Baathist militia, setup the revolutionary command, notorious state security courts, banned all newspapers, radio and television, banned meetings and travels, supported the most notorious Middle East leftist terrorists, established Baath party, one party rule, fought the 1967 war and lost the Golan Height. Her two other uncles were ruthless Marxist rulers who ran Syria in the image of Stalin, another relative of her, Zuain, even shaped his mustaches in Stalin style and dressed like him commanding the street demos with the hordes of peasants and blue color workers, and I have the photos to prove it all. And some fu***ng dim witted subhuman, wants us to go back and be ruled by this click, go fu***k yourself.

I don’tgiva a f***ng dam what is left of Syria, people or structure, it can all be evaporated as far as I am concerned, anything but having another Attasi bastard that ruined Syria back in power. No F****ng way. Whatever it takes, even if it means cessation of life in the universe, well worth the price and sacrifice.

Stop the cowardness Bashar, now you cut the F***ng internet, Fu****k Declare State of War and get these Missiles and bombs with WMD’s and EXTERMINATE THEM ALLAH DAMIT. Enough Shia cowardness, the people of Syria wants these mercenaries and Atassi’s EXTERMINATED so they will never come back in another 30 years and repeat this dastardly episode again.

November 30th, 2012, 1:46 am


Jarthouma said:

Ali you stupid sectarian Alawite maggot of an incarnate.

Do you actually think we believe you. I mean how many times does the government spin rumours to bring out their starving divine duck as a false confidence boost.

I mean whatever is happening around the airport, and the rebels have not taken it yet, ( leave aside your stupid causality rate) they has reached it. I mean you cut down the Internet, haven’t pacified the outer districts of Damascua and we are now hearing of fighting around the airport. To top it all off, your planes are now becoming flying ducks! Yeah, all is well give yourself a pat on the back. The sectarian Alawities are safe “phew” ! Actually, this is with the strongest and most numerous of your forces in the south and in Damascus!!!

Don’t you get it ? You are now fighting all the Sunni population and we can get reinforcements with a blink of the eye. On the other hand every causality of yours a problem!

Now get to work and clean my shoes in a duck outfit. I might toss you some shabe7ha leftovers if you are lucky

November 30th, 2012, 3:06 am



The FSA scores another victory in Reef Dimashq by capturing two military units (533 and 542). They captured many army vehicles as can be seen in the video. Oh wait. These troop carrier trucks were sent by NATO through Turkey. They were disguised as bicycles. In addition to the trucks, the FSA spokesman claims that they also captured armored vehicles. They claim that around 300 shabihas were killed and 10s were captured. At least one armored vehicle can be seen in the video. Not bad at all.

??????? ??? ???????? 533 ? 542 ?? ??? ????29-11-2012

Also, here is a report about the latest developments regarding Damascus International Airport. The Rev. Military Council of Damascus claims that the
FSA controls about a strip of 20 km of the expressway leading to the airport.
They are now very close to the airport and claim they can target any military
activity occurring in the airport.

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November 30th, 2012, 3:07 am



I see that people are talking about Maher and the possibility that he is dead. It certainly is great news to hear that such a barbaric terrorist is dead, but we have to wait until this is confirmed. Actually, I am sure a lot of people in the opposition would like to see him get captured, subjected to a fair trial, and then hung in the Marjah square as punishment for all the massacres he has committed. It would be doubly great if he and Batta, the terrorist-in-chief are hung at the same time.

November 30th, 2012, 3:15 am


Jarthouma said:

Yeah, let them use chemical weapons in Damascus lol!

Only a Batta will use weapons that definitely affect all of the Shabi7ha districts as well.

Look idiots your supposed to survive your own attacks right ?

In this type of warfare where the maintenance of Damascus, at least, is important for survival ( at least for another year or two ) indiscriminate chemical weapons do not work. Small amounts here and there will, at best, have some psychological impact. It will not affect the reality on the ground. I mean the shmuck has levelled 30-40% of Syria anyway. Making it a no going back policy for the population of Syria as a whole.

Dream on sectarian Alawites….It is over!

November 30th, 2012, 3:22 am


Citizen said:

NATO Preparing Psy-Op in Syria


US Considers Directly Arming Syrian Rebels
Post-Election, Obama More Willing to Intervene

Obama’s Deeper Intervention into Syria: $200 million, Weapons, NATO Surface-to-Air Missiles and CIA Intelligence Officers

the US can invade and nobody can get the word out.
Syria: Internet and mobile communication ‘cut off’

November 30th, 2012, 3:36 am



Now this is what I call ingenuity. People in Duma recycle the remnants of of a bomb by using it to make a bicycle. Imagine what these people can do if given the opportunity and freedom to pursue their dreams in an egalitarian society.

??????? ???? ????? ????? ?????? ????? ??????? 100%

November 30th, 2012, 3:44 am


Dolly Buster said:

1. Aldendeshe said:
Hey Landis why you blocking my comments with URL links? It worked on some links, not others.

He is not blocking anything, have you taken my advice on leaving the browser running until 10:00 minutes run out. Then the post will work.

But if the countdown is not even initiated, then you probably used a word that is automatically blocked. You have to figure out which word it is and change it up.

November 30th, 2012, 3:46 am


Syrialover said:


Control yourself.

Though you are offering an insight into Alawi information and thinking, which is as real as anything else at this moment.

Saying that the sinister and cruel Maher Assad is a “martyr” and regretting his death is the most bizarre statement made here in months. Wasn’t everybody afraid of him, including his brother Bashar?

I had this vision of seeing him wheeled into court legless on a low trolley, and made to watch the audience sneering at him on giant screens as he sweated through evidence. What a shame if he’s died without suffering longer.

November 30th, 2012, 4:27 am


Syrialover said:


Hey, please, give us a break.

Do you seriously want to assist SNP/ALDENDESHE in dumping viral waste like #15 on this forum?

November 30th, 2012, 4:30 am


Badr said:

“Zoo” wrote:

“Lakhdar Ibrahimi will present his proposal to the UNSC on the 30th November

The proposal calls for negotiation for a transition government where Bashar al Assad will keep a representative role until the 2014 elections.”

Please provide a credible source, which reports the view of Mr. Ibrahimi on whether B. A. should step down or not before any transitional government could see the light of day. Isn’t this precisely the major sticking point before the UNSC can adopt a resolution. It seems to me that so far, he has not publicly expressed his position.

November 30th, 2012, 5:45 am


Dolly Buster said:

Some people have expressed hopes that Russia will give up supporting the regime. While this is a Sensible thing to expect, I am here to inform you that Russia does *not* do what is sensible.

Russia will double down in supporting the butchers, if there is another UN condemnation they will veto again.

Your mistake was that you ascribed your own human traits to Russians, and that just doesn’t work. Russia is only about evil and doing the wrong thing.

November 30th, 2012, 6:02 am


Syrialover said:

Samaritans in Syria inspire many to act – myself included

By Rym Ghazal


There have been many silent samaritans visiting Syrian refugee camps and even going into Syria with the sole purpose of “helping”. Only after a doctor friend came back did I see on Facebook his photos and notes on the horrible state of hospitals and clinics in Syria. This surgeon, of Syrian Lebanese origin, took a month off from work and headed to a war zone and volunteered his time.

His family kicked up a fuss, and even called him “selfish” for putting his life at risk when he has a family to support in Saudi Arabia. But he did it, and his bravery inspired a group of his friends (many who are engineers) to contemplate how they, too, could help Syria – when the fighting is over.

“When it is completely over, it will be so overwhelming, we won’t know where to start,” said a friend who will be assessing his family’s neighbourhood as a starting point.

People are hungry to help. Syria’s Baath regime locked out many of its citizens from active participation in their country’s development. Some have been exiled while others emigrated.

I know of westernised and Gulf nationals of Syrian origin who have been helping in the background, but are keeping a low profile as they don’t want any repercussions on relatives who still live in Syria.

But it is not just Syrians helping Syrians. And it shouldn’t be.

One idea I’ve had is to launch a reading and writing mission to Syria. I’ll call it “operation fairy tale”. The idea is that we would go to refugee camps and Syrian cities reading stories, donating books and notebooks and engaging children of all ages with a world of words.

Some might say this is the last thing Syrians need now; that what they need, and too often lack, are basic necessities like water and food. But any diversion from an ugly and harsh reality – if only for a few minutes – could do wonders.

And you never know. It might plant a seed of hope in someone’s soul by simply showing that people cared enough simply to be there as they suffered.

November 30th, 2012, 6:29 am


Syrialover said:

How Was Syria’s Internet Shut Down? Experts Explain Online Blackout

Technical evidence points to Government actions


November 30th, 2012, 6:34 am


ALI said:

Bi izn elrab the coming days will bring lots of surprises to all Jihadists and “freedom” bacterias, the Arabic Syrian Army is preparing a special bleach cleaning solution for the full wipe out, the airport battle is just the beginning.

Anybody dies defending a cause is martyr, and Maher died while was defending the country and the existence of minorities. He was our favorite leader over Bashar, simple because he was a real man not a woos.

November 30th, 2012, 7:28 am


ALI said:

and yes the govt shutdown the internet and tel so what? they gotta do what they gotta do to support the Arabic Syrian Army. State officials use the unknown Huawei-CDMA network for communication, this network is a gift from China and it’s exactly for days like these, its main station is in Qura Alassad and run by the branch 225.

November 30th, 2012, 7:36 am


Observer said:

How do you know he is dead?

The bleach you are talking about is that chemical weapons?

Do you justify using chemical weapons and if so in what circumstances?

Do you consider yourself Syrian first, Arab first, Alawi first?

Do you consider yourself anything else but Alawi?

Just curious.

November 30th, 2012, 7:39 am


Tara said:


Thanks for your honesty reflecting how the Alawis (and non/Alawis) Mnhebaks think. I actually feel no animosity towards you whatsoever. I resent however very much the closet Shabeehs who practice the famous Taqiah when fooling none but themselves.

With this mentality of justifying using chemical weapons against the people perceived by mnhebsaks as Jihadi 7ashara, things will only be solved by armed showdown. It is only when Mnhebaks are defeated militarily that the mere sense of defeat and powerlessness will force them to return to their senses and realize that the Alawi sectarian dynasty in Syria the way we had it was destined to not survive.

November 30th, 2012, 8:35 am


Sami said:

“Syrian army is cleaning up Daraya”

You know as someone that lost a person dear and close to my heart in the last “cleaning up” of Darayya by the Assadi militia the statement by ZOO above from the previous thread should’ve invoked anger and hatred towards this clueless commentator.

Instead all I feel for this person is pity, and sadness. I pity him/her for their callous blinders that somehow coverup the horrendous actions of the roving Assadi militia into a justified cause of “cleaning up”.

I can’t speak for her young children, nor for the battered and tortured soul of her husband but as someone that knew her and have been around her from the day he was born I would like to say to you is that I forgive you.

I forgive you for cheerleading her death and writing it off as another terrorist dead, I forgive you for your simplistic labelling of your fellow countrymen that somehow justify their killing, I forgive you for your treasonous support of a regime intent on killing its own citizens.

November 30th, 2012, 8:39 am



2. ALI

I hope you are right and Maher passed already and soon Bashar too. My congratulations to you, because it would allow alawites to keep somehow alive.

The struggle is going to go not just inside Damascus, and not even inside alleys, it is going to be an inside buildings / inside flats and villas´ war. Getting Bashar alive is like getting 1000 Binladens.

Great idiots of the regime, leaders and milicias. Blind stupid criminals and burglars. Your time has come.

The day you will be finished is today sooner than yesterday.

November 30th, 2012, 8:51 am


majedkhaldoun said:

Syrian airport officials are saying the airport is open,but no flights coming or leaving

The rebels are saying the aiport will be taken in few days

November 30th, 2012, 9:00 am


zoo said:

Egypt’s new Constitution: a blow to women, freedom of speech and human rights.
The Islamic Republic of Iran appears like a paradise of justice compared what is in for Egypt under the hypocritical Moslem Brotherhood.

Disputed articles in Egypt’s draft constitution
By The Associated Press | Associated Press – 12 hrs ago

CAIRO (AP) — An Islamist-dominated panel is voting on Egypt’s draft constitution, the country’s first charter after the uprising that toppled Hosni Mubarak. The draft largely reflects the conservative vision of the Islamists, with articles that rights activists, liberals and Christians fear will lead to restrictions on the rights of women and minorities and civil liberties in general.

Omissions of certain articles, such as bans on slavery or promises to adhere to international rights treaties, were equally worrying to critics of the new draft, who pulled out from the panel before the vote.

Here are some of the disputed articles:

— As in past constitutions, the new draft says that the “principles of Islamic law” will be the basis of law. Previously, the term “principles” allowed wide leeway in interpreting Shariah. But in the draft, a separate new article is added that seeks to define “principles” by pointing to particular theological doctrines and their rules. That could give Islamists the tool for insisting on stricter implementation of rulings of Shariah.

— A new article states that Egypt’s most respected Islamic institution, Al-Azhar, must be consulted on any matters related to Shariah, a measure critics fear will lead to oversight of legislation by clerics.

— An article underlines that the state will protect “the true nature of the Egyptian family … and promote its morals and values,” phrasing that is vague and suggests state control over the contents of such arts forms as books and films.

— The draft contains no article specifically establishing equality between men and women because of disputes over the phrasing. However, it maintains that a woman must balance her duties toward family and outside work, suggesting that she can be held accountable if her public role conflicts with her family duties. No such article is mentioned for men.

— An article bans insulting or defaming the prophet and messengers, but is vague about what constitutes an insult, raising concerns of restrictions to freedom of expression.

— An article seeking to ensure people’s dignity bans “insulting humans”, a vague phrasing that rights activists say contradicts freedom of expression.

— An article maintains that the state supports the arts, science and literature and works to implement them in a way that serves society. That has raised concerns that some arts deemed not in the service of society may be restricted or censored.

— An article preserves the right of the military to try civilians before military tribunals in cases for crimes that harm the armed forces without restrictions, despite an outcry from activists who were calling for the abolishing of such tribunals. More than 11,000 civilians were tried before military tribunals during the post-Mubarak transition overseen by the military.

November 30th, 2012, 9:04 am


Syrialover said:

ALI #29,

Goodness, how confused you are. How protected from the truth by myths and fantasies of “power”.

Maher Assad is not only a psychotic criminal thug with no legitimate role in Syria, he is also a failed, weak “woos”. He tried to shoot his sister’s husband Asef Shawkat dead and stuffed it up, and had to live with defeat when Shawkat was sent for repairs in France and returned to live in triumph in the Assad nest with the other vipers.

He may have lost his legs in that explosion but that would have been all because there was NOTHING between his legs. He was not a real man, he was a debased, vile criminal and thief who terrorised, killed and tortured for sport.

For a sense of the real Maher Assad – including his incompetence as a “military leader” – read this account by his sister in law and others who have had direct dealings with him:


November 30th, 2012, 9:08 am


zoo said:

Hello Dolly

“Russia will double down in supporting the butchers, if there is another UN condemnation they will veto again.”

Sigh of relief… as some Cassandra in this blog were affirming the contrary, but her predictions in the last year have always turned in the opposite direction. Thanks for bring some realpolitik in the rantings and wishful thinking of many.

November 30th, 2012, 9:09 am


zoo said:

Badr @25

I always try to post documented information from ‘reliable’ media.

This plan was reported twice by the medias both from anti-regime media. As the UNSC session was held in closed door, we don’t know exactly what Ibrahimi said. Ahead of that UNSC meetins, there were probably leaks about his plan.

On Al Shark Al Awsat, mouthpiece of the Saudis:

“But the coalition already faces a major test. It has not agreed on how to deal with international proposals that envisage a transitional period without requiring Assad to step down, an option deemed unthinkable by opposition groups in Syria.”


On France 24 in French in the round table with Randa Kassis that I have posted earlier. The question was clear.


November 30th, 2012, 9:20 am


Jarthouma said:

Ali, is this promise like your 2 week promise in Halab ? Lol!

Oh dear they are getting closer to the airport!!! Your Batta juice didn’t work. Quickly cleanse Damascus NOW!!! Yallah pray to your moon god

November 30th, 2012, 9:28 am


Syrialover said:

Today’s posters by those brilliant heroes in Kafranbel.

They are undeterred by Assad’s recently cowardly aerial destruction of their town and killing of their friends and family:



November 30th, 2012, 9:29 am


zoo said:


“The old Syria ruled by President Bashar Assad’s family is finished and the “new Syria” will never be the same,”

That’s such an evidence that Ibrahimi sounds really stupid, if he actually said that.
Of course Syria will not be the same and may not be ruled by the Assad, but the Baath Party will stay united and stronger than before and there will be multiple little opposition parties bickering with each other as they doing in Cairo right now and also there will roaming uncontrolled and lost militias, Libya like, still excited by the guns they are holding but refusing to budge.

By the way there is not a single hint that Bashar will step down: Only your wishful thinking… Previous leaks on Ibrahimi’s proposal say exactly the contrary.

November 30th, 2012, 9:32 am


zoo said:

The rebels and their Sunni Islamists groupies are targeting ‘bothering’ Iranian media in Syria

Blast wrecks 6 vehicles for Press TV and al-Alam Networks in Damascus
November 30, 2012 3:28 PM

A blast occurred in the Syrian capital Damascus, destroying six vehicles, including an SNG truck, belonging to Press TV and al-Alam television networks.

Syrian security forces said that the bomb explosion was carried out the office of Press TV in Damascus after a man was caught on camera sticking “something” to a car.

The person escaped minutes before the detonation.

The bomb attack, however, did not cause any casualties.

November 30th, 2012, 9:57 am


zoo said:

“Friends of Syria” working group meet in Tokyo.
Is this a replacement of the “4th Friends of Syria conference” announced to be held in Morocco on the 12 december?

Countries supporting Syrian rebels meet in Tokyo
2012-11-30 19:20:22

TOKYO, Nov. 30 (Xinhua) — Delegates from more than 60 countries supporting the Syrian rebels gathered Friday here and called for imposing more sanctions on the Syrian government led by President Bashar al-Assad.

The meeting was held by the Friends of the Syrian People International Working Group on Sanctions and co-chaired by Morocco, Japan and the European External Action Service, an organ of the European Union.

In a statement released after the meeting, the group said it welcomes the National Coalition which is newly founded by the Syrian rebels and called for members of the Friends of Syria to impose more sanctions on Syrian government.

This is the 5th meeting held by the working group. The first meeting was held in April in Paris and the last meeting was in Hague in September.

November 30th, 2012, 10:06 am


Tara said:

Love it.  It is not just the people of Syria against the regime.  It is the whole world against it.

Hackers warning to Syria
Global hacking network Anonymous said it will shut down Syrian government websites around the world in response to the Assad regime’s internet blackout. Reuters reports:

Anonymous, a loose affiliation of hacking groups that opposes Internet censorship, said it will remove from the Internet all web assets belonging to Assad’s government that are outside Syria, starting with embassies.

By 1000 GMT on Friday, the website for Syria’s embassy in Belgium was down but the embassy in China – which Anonymous said it would target first – was operating. Most government ministry websites were down although this could be due to the blackout.


November 30th, 2012, 10:09 am


Visitor said:

“Blast wrecks 6 vehicles for Press TV and al-Alam Networks in Damascus
November 30, 2012 3:28 PM

A blast occurred in the Syrian capital Damascus, destroying six vehicles, including an SNG truck, belonging to Press TV and al-Alam television networks.”

Very good news!!!

Less trash for spaming ANN and swindler Zoo to dump here. What a relief for us overworked contributors??

November 30th, 2012, 10:48 am


Citizen said:

????? ????? ????? ?????? ?? ????? ?????? ! ??????? ?????? ????? ? ?????? !

November 30th, 2012, 11:17 am


Mina said:

So these poor cowards have to attack journalists because they can’t make progresses against the government?

November 30th, 2012, 11:31 am


zoo said:

Murders, car bombs, attacks on journalists, attacks on electricity distribution, attack on Internet stations..

Are these signs of the rebels imminent “glorious victory” or the work of desperate islamist cowards who are loosing steam and fear their end is nearing?

November 30th, 2012, 11:41 am


Dolly Buster said:

Pro-Russian journalists are legitimate targets for criticism.

Those who broadcast pro-dictatorship channels (RussiaToday) have blood on their hands.

I don’t see why suicide car bombing would be a problematic technique, provided that the target is legitimate.
Why do you care if the operative committed suicide or not?

November 30th, 2012, 11:51 am


Visitor said:


You should be able to distinguish between Rusky informers and mullah-stani ones.

These ones (Press and 3Alam) are mullah-stani.

November 30th, 2012, 11:58 am




President Assad needs reinforcements in his Republican Guard to defend Malki from the crazy terrorist population of all Syria.

Why don´t you travel to Syria to defend your heroe? Oh right the airport is closed…. well, it is easy just come trough the lebanese syrian border with any of the Hezballah trucks coming daily to Syria.

November 30th, 2012, 12:18 pm


zoo said:

I hope Morsi will very soon return to the “Planet of the Apes” where he came from.

That’s a good example of a moslem country who is 90% moslem and who rejects the Moslem Brotherhood hypocrical and cheap abuse of religion feeling to manipulate them.
I hope that this will snowball in Tunisia…

Democracy YES, Moslem Brotherhood, NO! Salafi Caliphate, NO!

November 30th, 2012, 12:25 pm


zoo said:

The Award of the best political cartoons goes to ….Kafranbel.
This place seem to have many talented artists.
I hope a book will come out with these drawings so people would remember with nostalgia this period of the old Syria.

November 30th, 2012, 12:30 pm


Visitor said:

Coorection bleating Ewe from the Zoo (55),


November 30th, 2012, 12:34 pm


ann said:

18. Amjad of Arabia AKA ajdab of `israel said:

“”” Days like this, you remember to thank heavens Israel had the foresight to bomb Batta’s nuclear reactor back in 2007. Thank you Ehud Olmert, I will say a prayer for you tonight “””


Showing your true colors Ayy

November 30th, 2012, 12:35 pm


zoo said:

2 Years after the revolution started, that’s an update on Tunisia under the Moslem Brotherhood ruling

Violent protests injure hundreds in Tunisia
December 01, 2012

The violence in Siliana comes as clashes, strikes and attacks by Salafists have multiplied across Tunisia, plunging the country into a political impasse.

Much of Tunisia’s interior suffers from a chronic lack of development and has seen rising discontent over the government’s failure to improve living standards.

Precarious living conditions and widespread unemployment were driving factors behind Ben Ali’s overthrow in the first of the Arab Spring uprisings that have since swept the region.

November 30th, 2012, 12:40 pm


zoo said:

57. Visitor

Thanks , one more..


November 30th, 2012, 12:41 pm


Visitor said:

Bleating Zoo,

Can’t say NO to HBJ!


You’re an anarchist ewe not a peaceful one.

post script

Why did you switch from Sheikho-cracy to Islamo-cracy during edit time?

You just don’t know what you want, proving my point that you are an anarchist ewe.

November 30th, 2012, 12:45 pm


zoo said:

The reward of young lebanese sunni islamists looking for martyrdom in Syria.

Reports: 17 Lebanese Islamists Killed in Syria Ambush

by Naharnet Newsdesk 2 hours ago

Some 17 Lebanese Islamists were killed in Syria on Friday as they were infiltrating the country, reported various media outlets.

Agence France Presse said that 17 Lebanese Sunni fighters were killed in Syria’s Tall Kalakh border area in an ambush carried out by regime forces.

A security source said that the victims were fighting alongside the Syrian opposition.

November 30th, 2012, 12:47 pm


zoo said:


Ewe, indeed

November 30th, 2012, 12:51 pm


Tara said:


Hi.  “Why do you care if the operative committed suicide or not?”

?????? ???.  Very funny the way you simply stated it.

It is just that suicide bombing is a blind operation and can kill civilians in addition to the target intended and therefore terrorize people.  The innocent bystander could be a child.  

November 30th, 2012, 1:03 pm


Visitor said:

Ewe from the Zoo (63),

Chosen specifically for its rhyming effects.

Glad we agree on one thing at least. But, strange, you never sounded like you have any poetic aptitude.

O’, I Forgot you’re not an Arab!!

November 30th, 2012, 1:04 pm


Tara said:

Bombing should occur near the presidential palace to shock and awe.  It is  not important to hold onto the airport, it is important to destroy it.     

Syrian fighting rages as rebels push for Damascus 
Martin Chulov in Beirut
The Guardian, Friday 30 November 2012 


Seizing the airport was also a stated goal of the second co-ordinated attempt to take Damascus in the past four months.

“We want to liberate the airport because of reports we see and our own information we have that shows civilian airplanes are being flown in here with weapons for the regime,” rebel spokesman Musaab Abu Qitada said of the latest assault. “It is our right to stop this.”

While Damascus does not appear to be at imminent risk of falling, Assad’s battle weary forces remain stretched and heavily engaged in all corners of the country. Recent defectors speak of low morale and growing problems with supply lines in the city.

The outgoing US secretary of state, Hilary Clinton, who with Barack Obama had refused to supply weapons to the Free Syria Army, said recent developments showed the dynamic in Syria was changing.

“I don’t know if you can say that the entire country is at a tipping point, but it certainly seems that the regime will be harder pressed in the coming months,” she said. “It appears as though the opposition is now capable of holding ground and that they are better equipped and more able to bring the fight to the government forces.”

November 30th, 2012, 1:27 pm


majedkhaldoun said:

Lakhdar Ibrahimi suggested to send peacekeeping forces to Syria, it must be supported by resolution in the UNSC. Jaafari said he approved
Such resolution will give Bashar time, and his approval undicates the weakness of his forces,and will stop the advances of FSA,such force will protect Assad only.

November 30th, 2012, 1:40 pm


5 dancing shlomos said:


What do they want from Syria?

By Finian Cunningham | Press TV | November 29, 2012

“What do they want from Jaramana? The town brings together people from all over Syria and welcomes everybody.” These were the anguished words of one distraught resident in the Syrian town of Jaramana that was devastated by multiple deadly explosions this week.

The death toll has yet to be confirmed. Early reports on the blasts said 34 were killed. Later, the toll was put at more than 50, with over 120 injured, many critical. All of the victims were civilian.

Over the past 20 months, Syria has witnessed dozens of massacres and horrific car bombings in its capital Damascus and in other cities and countless villages across the country. But the latest atrocity in Jaramana, located close to the capital, is distinguishable perhaps because it most clearly shows the vile Machiavellian mentality of the perpetrators in their broader strategy towards the Middle Eastern country.

As the words of the shell-shocked resident above indicate, Jaramana can be seen as an exemplar of the pluralist nature of the Syrian society, “welcoming everybody”. The town is particularly known for its Christian and Druze Muslim communities, who by all accounts have coexisted peacefully for centuries. The populace is also largely supportive of the Syrian government of President Bashar al-Assad.

This Wednesday morning, as workers, mothers and school children were going about their usual daily routine, two massive no-warning explosions ripped through the heart of Jaramana. The second blast was detonated minutes after the first one when bystanders were rushing to the scene to aid the wounded. The heinous calculation of the perpetrators was to maximise the killing and suffering.

“What do they want from Jaramana?” The answer is revealed in the resident’s subsequent words: “The town brings together people from all over Syria and welcomes everybody.”

The terrorist war on Syria, which the Western media trumpet as a “pro-democracy uprising”, is aimed at precisely the opposite of pluralist coexistence. What the terrorists want is to tear the tolerant soul out of the country and plunge its people into an internecine, hate-filled sectarian bloodbath.

The targeting of Jaramana is a deliberate, brutal calculation to precipitate such a bloodbath. The town has been inflicted with several similar, although less deadly, bombings in recent months. On 29 October, a car bomb killed 11 people.

There are no military or state security installations in Jaramana. As noted, it is a urban district known for its tolerance towards mixed religions and cultural heritage. But, for the terrorists and their fiendish mentality, that civic virtue made Jaramana a prime target.

The armed militants in Syria are driven by Sunni extremists of Wahhabist or Salafist tendencies, who see pluralist coexistence of Sunni, Shia, Alawite, Druze, Christian, Jews and non-believers as anathema to their demented puritanical ideology.

Other elements within the Syrian armed militant groups would appear to be simply “soldiers of fortune” – mercenaries and criminal opportunists who have no particular religious affiliation.

However, taken together, these various militant factions are united by one criminal goal: to smash Syria, ruthlessly and recklessly.

The Syrian society, as it currently exists with its emphasis on secular pluralism, must be destroyed at all costs by these extremists and criminal opportunists. The most effective way to sabotage Syria is to unleash a sectarian bloodbath and to pit communities at each other’s throats. That will ensure the collapse of the central government and the splintering of society into sects. In this intended milieu of violence, chaos and fear, Syria will then be at the mercy of those who want to dominate this proud, historic country.

The enemies are well known. Western governments have had their knives out for Syria over many years, seeing it as a strategic obstacle of popular resistance to Western imperialism and Zionism in the Middle East. The Sunni regimes of Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Turkey and latterly Egypt under Mohammed Morsi want to see Syria roped into their camp, with the added appeal of undermining Iran’s regional influence.

Saudi Arabia’s autocrats are particularly obsessed with defeating what they perceive jealously as the Shia Crescent represented by Iran, Syria and Lebanon’s Hezbollah. Both of these agenda converge on the objective of isolating Iran and setting up the Islamic Republic for an all-out military assault.

Syria is therefore a crucial geopolitical prize for the West and its regional allies. The supposed advocacy of democratic reforms by Western governments and their corporate media mouthpieces is of course a cynical cover for their criminal imperialist agenda. That particular ridiculous lie is exposed by the West’s collusion with the most repressive dictatorial regimes on the planet – the Persian Gulf monarchies – in “liberating” Syria.

Also, if Saudi Arabia and Qatar are so concerned about the welfare of their Arab Muslim brothers in Syria, why aren’t these supposedly chivalrous monarchs sending weapons and fighters to help the besieged Palestinian people of Gaza?

A measure of the Syrian prize is the criminal lengths to which the enemies of Syria are willing to go in order to vanquish the country and install their self-styled regime.

The massacres of families and children in villages like Houla and Qubair; the cold-blooded execution of civilians forced to kneel before their killers; and the callous bombing of civilians as seen this week in Jaramana are techniques of terror that the Western governments and their allies have perfected elsewhere over several decades. The Americans used such demonic scientific terrorism in Central America; the French in North Africa; and the British in East Africa and more recently in Northern Ireland.

Syria is witnessing the worst of all possible criminal assaults – the evolution and amalgamation of Western state terrorism fueled with the petrodollars of mindless Arab despots.

Adding to the abomination, many of the crimes in Syria have been filmed by the perpetrators and subsequently released claiming that they were the action of government forces. One incident was the explosive demolition of a mosque by the mercenaries in Aleppo, who were filmed laughing at their war crime. Western media claimed it was the Syrian national army, only for it to emerge that it was actually the members of the so-called Free Syrian Army.

Recent claims that the Syrian armed forces are using cluster bombs to kill children have been given the usual Western media prominence. But given the track record of the Western-backed mercenaries and the Western propaganda machine, the weight of suspicion surely lies on them.

Within hours of the mass murder of the innocents in Jaramana, the United Nations General Assembly in New York adopted a draft resolution condemning the Syrian government for what it called “widespread human rights abuses”.

The condemnation was co-sponsored by the United States, Britain, France, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey – the very sponsors of Western state terrorism plunging the Syrian people into a bloodbath. The UN stands as an institution that is not just a debased propaganda tool, it is a propaganda tool splattered with the blood of innocents

November 30th, 2012, 1:50 pm


Tara said:


That what I was afraid of. Now that the military power is tipping towards the rebels, a peacekeeping mission to be sent consented by the regime. It will only prolong Batta’s life and ensure him an honorable exit. Batta’s life should end shortly and in the worst possible way. The coalition should not approve of Ibrahimi’s plan. Where was the peacekeeping mission when 30,000 Syrians were slaughtered?

November 30th, 2012, 1:56 pm


Citizen said:

Hacking network Anonymous declares cyber war on Syrian govt
Anonymous have said they will shut down the Syrian governments websites around the world in response to Syria’s internet blackout.
(Anonymous: tear the ass!Drink the Ocean !To go all your capabilities to hell demons)
For the second day all internet services, mobile phones and many fixed line phones are out of action.
A tweet on Friday from the group read, “Government of Syria cuts country’s internet access – anonymous goes on warpath.”
Anonymous quickly called their campaign Opsyria. At 02:00 am GMT on Friday they started removing all the Syrian government’s internet properties that remained online, after the country’s Web access was severed, they also targeted domains ran by pro-government sympathizers.
Some of the Syrian organizations and companies that have been hacked by Anonymous include Syrian Railways, the Syrian parliament, Syrian TV and the Syrian Embassy in China.
The hackers also managed to download 1GB of confidential memos and emails from the Syrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs including details about plane loads of cash from Russia and arms from Ukraine, which they have uploaded for public viewing.
Hacking by pro Syrian regime forces – who had previously targeted Al Jazeera and Reuters – has dried up in the last few days presumably because of the Syrian internet blackout, Security Week, an online internet security journal, reports. Although, it is not possible to verify many of these claims because of the internet blackout……..
Zbigniew Brzezinski tells Harold Evans why the gap between rich and poor in America could lead to social unrest.

The central message of Strategic Vision is how much more ghastly it will be on all fronts if America cannot urgently mobilize a national will for renewal.

With his experience as a national security adviser and author of perceptive foreign-policy treatises, Brzezinski offers a panoramic appraisal of the states he identifies as most geopolitically endangered: Pakistan, Afghanistan, Israel and the greater Middle East, Georgia, Taiwan, South Korea, Belarus, and Ukraine. ………..

November 30th, 2012, 2:32 pm


majedkhaldoun said:

dear Tara
Ibrahimi is marginalized, , however would Assad and Russia approve 10,000 UN soldier in Syria, with their weapons? to act as peace keepers?
Jaafari is lying.
As for Assad,he will run away, he lied when he said he will die in Syria.

November 30th, 2012, 2:33 pm


zoo said:

Sounds familiar? “Anyone of a different opinion is immediately being cast as an agent or a stooge.”

War rips apart families, neighbors in Syria
By ZEINA KARAM | Associated Press – 1 hr 30 mins ago


But behind the broad outlines, even families within the same community have been wrenched apart.

Some are torn by ideology: In a family, some remain fiercely loyal to Assad, alienating those who became regime opponents. Despite years of discrimination under the Assad family rule, even some Sunni Muslims back him, whether out of fear of the alternative or belief in the regime narrative boasting of Syria as an oasis of secularism and stability in a turbulent region.

Others families are divided by circumstances: Young army conscripts find themselves fighting for a regime they fear defecting from even as their brothers join the rebels.

“Syrian society has been deeply fragmented along multiple lines which may take generations to repair,” said Randa Kassis, a Syrian anthropologist opposed to Assad’s regime. “Anyone of a different opinion is immediately being cast as an agent or a stooge.”

“It will take a lot of work to instill a culture of tolerance and acceptance, of give and take among people,” said the Paris-based Kassis, who founded the Movement for a Pluralistic Society, an organization working for a secular and united civil society in Syria.

In that atmosphere, a difference of opinion within a family can swell into a bitter split.

November 30th, 2012, 2:41 pm


zoo said:

Soon the “Happy” Sunni Republic of Syria…Death to heretics!

Militant leader in Syria seeks Islamic state
By ANDREA ROSA | Associated Press – 3 hrs ago


RAS AL-AYN, Syria (AP) — A leader of an al-Qaida-inspired militant group fighting the regime in Syria said his men do not fear death and they are determined to form an Islamic state.

Jabhat al-Nusra — Arabic for “the Support Front” — has claimed responsibility for suicide bombings and other attacks on regime targets across the country. The group has raised fears of a growing Islamic militant element among the forces seeking to topple President Bashar Assad.

“Thanks to our strong faith we do not fear death, because we think that if you are killed by the hands of this regime, then we will be martyrs and we will go to paradise,” said Sheik Abu Ahmed, 41, a regional military commander for al-Nusra in the northern Hasaka region.

“We want Sharia (Islamic law) to be applied because it’s the right path for all humanity,” he added. “All these constitutional laws couldn’t realize the people’s happiness.”

November 30th, 2012, 2:48 pm


ghufran said:

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I can not rule out that Ibrahimi and most western governments may be trying to give Assad more time but I still think the main reason for Ibrahimi’s position is the common and real fear that what may come next will be worse than Assad if the transition was not orderly and somewhat acceptable to both parties, if you think what Syria has now is the worst things can get ,you are sadly mistaken, a blood bath is in the waiting if no settlement is reached, your excitement about rebels advances is understood but it is time that you allow yourself to look at the whole picture, anger and the urge to get even can easily cloud good judgement.

November 30th, 2012, 2:52 pm


zoo said:

How Syria Turned Off the Internet
November 29, 2012


November 30th, 2012, 2:53 pm


zoo said:

#74 Gufran

They can’t see anymore, they are blinded by hysteria, blood and hatred… Just read their posts. It seems they are written by mentally deranged kids playing a video game of killing, totally indifferent to the suffering of the Syrians and only aiming at winning their game at any cost.
When someone comes with a solution that will prevent further bloodshed, they scream: No! The blood of the Syrians is not important, it’s the blood of Bashar we want.

November 30th, 2012, 3:02 pm


Tara said:


Listen to you. Too much criticism from someone cheering the cleaning of Darrya. Don’t you think? Even all the atrocities that happened against the people of Syria was not good enough for you yesterday when it came to 6 centuries of Alawi historical injustice.

November 30th, 2012, 3:07 pm


zoo said:

It looks like the ‘decisive’ Damas war once again slipped out of the hands of the rebels who in the contrary seem to be taking a good beating all over Syria and on its borders.

Of course the FSA commanders who predicted a ‘divine victory’ in Damas will invoke the regime’s cheap shot of the “Internet switch off” as the reason for the failure.

In any case thank Allah, Jabhat al Nusra is still active in car bombings and murders… At least the FSA has that to rely on.

November 30th, 2012, 3:15 pm


Citizen said:

Arms smugglers captured in Jordan sought to aid jihadists in Syria, cell phone data showed
AMMAN — Jordan has again reported efforts to block the flow of
weapons to rebels in neighboring Syria.The Public Security Department said five Jordanians were captured on suspicion of smuggling weapons into Syria. A department statement said the alleged smugglers sought to move a large weapons cache, particularly assault rifles, along Jordan’s northern border.
“Because of information gathered from their mobile phones and computers, it was clear that these men were either supporting or attempting to join jihadist fighters in Syria,” a Jordanian security source said.
The statement said the detainees were residents of the northern
Jordanian village of Tura. One of the detainees was said to have been released in 2012 after he served five years of a 15-year sentence for an insurgency plot in the kingdom.
Authorities determined that the weapons were meant to have been
transported to the southern Syrian city of Dera. The source said the shipment was ordered by Al Qaida-aligned militias.
At least 250 Jordanian fighters were believed to have crossed into Syria in 2012. Islamist sources said 15 Jordanians were killed in the Sunni revolt in Syria.

November 30th, 2012, 3:15 pm


zoo said:


I never cheered any death, but I report them. Can you say the same?
No only you cheer but you repeatedly call for sadistic death and destruction. Read yourself, you increasingly sound like a blood thirsty vampire.
Your brother is Sandro Loewe. You should join him in his repeated murder calls.

November 30th, 2012, 3:20 pm


zoo said:

Hariri and Sakr Caught Red-Handed


The exploits of Future MP Okab Sakr have not been limited to providing arms to Syrian opposition fighters. The recordings obtained by Al-Akhbar have also shed light on his pivotal role in closely following up on military operations in Syria, even personally leading military operations rooms spread throughout Turkey and Lebanon.
Audio recording:

Okab Sakr: Hello.

UV: Yes, brother.

OS: Yes.

UV: What is required, what do you need?

OS: We need machine guns, bullets, PKC [machine gun] bullets, RPG rounds, and more advanced weapons for Aleppo, the Aleppo countryside, and the Idlib region.

UV: Which areas specifically?

OS: Aleppo and the Aleppo countryside, [and] Azaz and the surrounding regions. There are areas under siege in Idlib; a number of areas are coming under intense attack at present. The order needs to be delivered as quickly as possible.

UV: Okay, but what advanced weapons specifically?

OS: I don’t know. Nothing specific. But the order basically [consists of] anti-aircraft and anti-tank [weapons], along with ordinary or light to medium weapons.

UV: Okay, Okay.

more audio….

November 30th, 2012, 3:32 pm


Tara said:


What has happened to you? I can’t even have a slightest conversation with you without the name calling. Was it like this since we started or am I becoming sensitive?

November 30th, 2012, 3:45 pm


Dolly Buster said:

76 ZOO:
When someone comes with a solution that will prevent further bloodshed, they scream: No! The blood of the Syrians is not important, it’s the blood of Bashar we want. §

It’s important to decisively slaughter the Alawite/KGB evildoers, and the UN is completely ineffectual at it. The UN only issues worried statements about how worried they are. Such weakness is laughed at by the truly evil people of the Kremlin and Nusay?iyyah.

Btw have you seen that video of Alawite/KGB troops stabbing a dead guy in the head with a knife?

These people don’t care about Kofi Annan’s outrage. The Nusay?is are demented, and the way to deal with them is the Sword !

November 30th, 2012, 3:53 pm


ghufran said:

????? ???? “????” ??? ??????? ??????? ??????? ??? ???????? ?? ????? ????? ???? “Speak2Tweet” ?????? ?????? ??????? ???????? ?? ????? ????? ??? ?????? ??? ????? ??????? ????? ??? ????? ?????? ????? ?????? ?????? ??? ???? ?????? ??? ?????? ??? ?????.
????? ??????? ???? ???? ??? ??? ?? ?????? ????? ?? ??? ???????? ?? ???? ?? ????? ?????? “Speak2Tweet” ?????? ?? ??? ?? ??? ?????? ???????? ????????? ???????.
???? ??? ?????? ??? ?? ???? ?????? ??????? ???????? ?????? ?? ???????? ??????? ??? ??????? ??????? ???? ??? ?????? ?????? ???? ???????? ?? ???? ????? ??????? ????? ????? ??????? ????? ?????? ?? ?????? ??????? ??? ???? ????? ?????. ?????? ????? ?? ????? ???????? ??? ???????? ??? ???? ?????? (???????? ??????? ????????) ???????? ??? ??????? ????????? ?????????? ??????? ????????.

November 30th, 2012, 4:05 pm


Ghat Al Bird said:

Its a daily part of the CBS evening news to state…” in Syria the forces of dictator Assad are still killing children”.

The comment section of SC provides an unfortunate reality of the pros and cons of the close to two years of bloodshed.

The basic question as to why the so called “western powers” [U.S., France, England especially] have committed themselves to participate in providing arms, support etc,. has never been really analyzed.

Could it be that the real reasons are not so much a dictator or rebels as it is “oil and gas pipelines”? According to reports a completely unkown to the international public, Sheikh Moaz al-Khatib has been catapulted to the presidency of the Syrian National Coalition. The Sheikh its also reported is an official with the Shell Oil company.

Could there also be a connection with whats occurring in Iraq?

November 30th, 2012, 4:09 pm


Visitor said:

Ibrahimi is dreaming. The most he would get is few hundred observers ala Dabi who will travel to Syria and spend their time observing from hotel rooms. Syria needs over 100,000 peace keepers and the agreement of all fighters on the ground to make it work.

No country is willing to send troops for peace keeping in Syria in order to get killed.

On the other hand, the oil business of FSA is booming,


November 30th, 2012, 4:10 pm


Citizen said:

Syrian Rebels… It Could Be The West Worst Nightmare

November 30th, 2012, 4:15 pm


Citizen said:

Breaking: Western-backed Terrorists in Syria Slaughter Christians in Bombing

Al Qaeda terrorists, backed, armed, funded, and diplomatically recognized by the West, have detonated 2 car bombs in Christian-Druze quarters in Damascus, killing dozens.

Excusing egregious acts of terrorism aimed at Syria’s civilian population by claiming those targeted were “mostly loyal to President Bashar Assad” has been a favorite tactic of AP, BBC, CNN, Fox News, and others. In reality, the vast majority of Syrians, from Christians to Druze, from Shia’a Muslims to moderate Sunnis, are targets of the sectarian extremist, Saudi-Wahhabi indoctrinated terrorists the US, Israel, and Saudi Arabia have been funding, arming, importing from across the region, and arraying against the people of Syria since at least 2007.

November 30th, 2012, 4:19 pm


majedkhaldoun said:

There in Syria we say
Iza anta akramta allaeema tamarrada, calling you Vampire is a bad personal insult.

No one will listen to Ibrahimi, The time for political solution is long gone, the question we need to deal with is what to do with 80% of Assad sect who supported him to the end, there is precedent,at the time of the Prophet, he let that decision to the enemy, the Khaybar jews, they choose to die,and Moses sentenced those who disobeyed him to kill themselves, I think we must have more mercy, we should take their money , all their money,and give it to their victims.

November 30th, 2012, 4:41 pm


Majed97 said:



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November 30th, 2012, 4:48 pm


Aldendeshe said:


You really make me sick sometime, worse than Landis and the coward Shia in Damascus and Tehran, such as the comment you made above, warning the subhumans that what come after Assad is a bloodbath for Syria. Like these Mothers***fers are not making sure and working hard so that this is the outcome!!!!

What we need to do is plan ahead, not rely on coward Shia, when it comes to end (IF) that is a huge if, we need to direct the victor in Syria and use his talent and skill, bravery on a host of targets all over the Middle East. We need to spread this out beyond Syria, Bashar is in fact a hindering Shia power, working the Zionist plan, it is the ones that come after him , that will revenge for Syria. Assad is in fact like all Shia, just a hindering power.

You see, it only take one blast to take out a city state like Qatar and guess what, it will cost the attackers about $4.80 and couple empty cans of Pepsi, it is all in the manuals, on DVD and all over secure internet sites, hidden on the images you see in porn websites. Just what the f***k. wht are they thinking.

November 30th, 2012, 4:55 pm


MarigoldRan said:


If Maher is dead, then he is a martyr for the Alawites. I can agree with that statement. However, he is NOT martyr for the country. The Assads have ALWAYS fought for their family first, the Alawites second, and the country third, in that order of priority. This is why the regime is willing to burn down the country to protect themselves. And this is why they’re losing, because the country has turned against their family.


Look, would you rather live in Libya or Egypt right now? Or in Syria? Say what you want about Libya or Egypt, but both countries are doing better than Syria. And the reason Syria is doing so badly is because Syria is totalitarian dictatorship, and when the dictator decides to take his country to Hell, everyone has to follow.

The Syrian Civil War is a DIRECT RESULT of Assad’s actions. Any explanation that does not mention this central fact is dishonest.

November 30th, 2012, 5:10 pm


MarigoldRan said:

The regime has nothing to offer for the future for Syria. No one knows how the future will turn out. But almost EVERYONE knows the regime must go.

Consider: Even Al Nusra is more popular in Syria than the regime. This amazing fact should tell you something about how doomed and unpopular the regime has become.

How are these “jihadist groups” operating in Syria unless they have the support of the population? The regime says they’re terrorists, but how can they be in Syria unless they have the support of the population? Do regime supporters still have critical thinking skills, or has 30 years of dictatorship turned their brains into mush?

November 30th, 2012, 5:13 pm


Visitor said:

MajedKhaldoun @90,

Anything the Prophet did is good with me.

You have a plan.

November 30th, 2012, 5:26 pm


Tara said:

How can a transitional governing body have full executive powers if Bashar is still at the helm and his thug shabeeha lurking in the background waiting for orders to kill?  Why did Ibrahimi coward out from discussing the real sticky point?  As long as Batta is in the government, no one will have full executive power except the mafia that he represents.  This is not about hatred, blood, revenge, or getting even.  This isn’t even about justice being served.  This is the fundamental issue that faced the Syrian people from day one.  


He said an eventual Security Council resolution must include “a large, robust peacekeeping force” to ensure a ceasefire is observed because the government and opposition do not trust each other.

It must also include the establishment of a transitional governing body with full executive powers at the beginning of the political process and elections at the end.


November 30th, 2012, 6:01 pm


Visitor said:

Ewe at the Zoo bleated,

“Hariri and Sakr Caught Red-Handed”

So, what is the big deal? We should thank them like we thank HBJ. No?

Too bad they’re not doing more!!!

November 30th, 2012, 6:03 pm



Hariri should sell FSA a mininuclear bomb to be exploded in Al Qardaha soon. Another one in Al Malki quarter.

Take a tour in Aleppo and check the damage generated by Assad Forces.


November 30th, 2012, 6:14 pm


majedkhaldoun said:

I just received this E-Mail,I did not verify it
??? ??? ??? ????? ??? ???? ??? ???
?????? ?????? ???? ???? ????? ??? ?????
?????? ????? ????? ??? ????? ????? ????? ???????\????? ????? ?? ????? ??????? ?????????? ?????? ???? ???? ???? ??? ??? ????? ??? ?? ?????? ??
??????? ??????? ???????? ????? ???? ??????? ????? ?? ??? ????? ?? ??? ?????? ????? ?????? ????\ ?????? ??????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ??? ?????? ??? ????? ??? ????? ??? ??? ?? ???

November 30th, 2012, 6:15 pm


Visitor said:

MejedJhaldoun’s e-mail may have something real behind it.

Read this,

????? ????? ?????? ???????? ???? ??? ??????????? ???????? ??? ?????? ?? ????? ???????? ??????? ?? ?????? ????? ?? ???? ??? ????? ?? ??? ??????? ????????? ??? ?????? ?????? ?? ????? ???????? ?? ????? ?? ??? ??? ?????? ???? ???? ??? ??????? ???? ?????? ??? ??? ????? ????? ?? ????? ????????? ??????? ???? ????? ???? ???? ????? ??? ????????? ?????: “??? ???? ????? ????? ????”.

?? ??? ??????? ??? “??? ??? ??????? ????? ??? ??? ?????? ???? ???? ?? ????? ?? ???????? ???????? ????? ???????”? ???? ??? “?????? ?????????” ?? ????? ??? ?????? ????? ??? ???? ?????? ??????? ??????? ??? ????? ??????? ?? ?????? ?????????? ?? “????? ?????? ????” ?????? ??????? ???? ???? ?”???????”? ???? ?? ?? ?????? ???????? ??????? ???????? ???? ???? ????? ?? ????? ????? ??????? ???????? ???? ??????? ?????? ???????? ??? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ????? ??????? “??? ??????? ??????? ??? ????? ?? ???? ????? ???????? ?????? ?????? ?? ??????”? ???? ????? ??????? ???????? ???????? ?? ???? ?? ????? ??? ????? ?? ????? ????? ?????? ??? ??35 ????? ??????? ????? ??????? ??????? ?? ??? ????????? ???????? ?? ???? ???????? ??????? ???????? ???????? ?? ??? ????? ?????????.

Who is this French lady, wife of Syrian economist, who just left her Abu Rummana luxury home?

Is this where Ali Baba getting his tips from? Is he and his hoologan dad on their way to the Canadian embassy in Beirut?

November 30th, 2012, 6:21 pm


Syrian Nationalist Party said:

100. majedkhaldounsaid:

I just received this E-Mail,I did not verify it
??? ??? ??? ????? ??? ???? ??? ???
?????? ?????? ???? ???? ????? ??? ?????
?????? ????? ????? ??? ????? ????? ????? ???????????? ????? ?? ????? ??????? ?????????? ?????? ???? ???? ???? ??? ??? ????? ??? ?? ?????? ??
??????? ??????? ???????? ????? ???? ??????? ????? ?? ??? ????? ?? ??? ?????? ????? ?????? ???? ?????? ??????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ??? ?????? ??? ????? ??? ????? ??? ??? ?? ???


We know he is in an extraordinary secret meeting with his top army generals. Hopefully, bravery is on the discussion table.

November 30th, 2012, 6:22 pm


Aldendeshe said:

??? ??? ??? ??????? ???????? ??? ????? ??? ???? ??? ???
?????? ?????? ???? ???? ????? ??? ?????
?????? ????? ????? ??? ????? ????? ????? ???????????? ????? ?? ????? ??????? ?????????? ?????? ???? ???? ???? ??? ??? ????? ??? ?? ?????? ??

November 30th, 2012, 6:31 pm


Visitor said:

SNP @102,

You are betting your money on a mule!!!

November 30th, 2012, 6:32 pm


Aldendeshe said:

104. Visitorsaid:

SNP @102,

You are betting your money on a mule!!!

No we are betting our money and Syria future (getting the needed Cash) on the real Al Qaida brave men, not Al Ciada drug runners, nor Qatar Al Mossaida Scientist Bombers, betting on real Moslem Jihadis who like to get rid of the Gulf Clowns, Zionist stooges and establish a real Islamic Ummah State with 200,000,000 standing army. Even Iran, will be converted to SUNNI Islam. There will be no more coward sects in Islam, just brave Sunni’s.

November 30th, 2012, 6:39 pm


Visitor said:

SNP @105,

?? ?? ????? ????? ???? ??? ?? ???? ??????? ?? ????

November 30th, 2012, 6:55 pm


Hasan said:

Great article! describes all the revolutionary process in Abu Kamal and the political analysis in addition to highlighting the success of the free army
Congratulations to free Abu Kamal!

November 30th, 2012, 6:58 pm


zoo said:

The war-mongering in this blog are furious that a peaceful solution could be found that will spare lives… No.. They want the blood of Bashar al Assad and the Alawi heretics. They want to win their destructive and monstrous “revolution” at any cost.

I hope that the West has still some conscience to stop these mad and sick Qataris and Sunnis Lebanese from encouraging the killing of Syrians to satisfy their pathetic ego.
After two years these morons have not been able to build a credible alternative to the regime. In Libya it took 3 months. It is clear that they are dumb, inefficient and dangerous. They will be stopped or the world got mad.

November 30th, 2012, 7:04 pm


zoo said:

After a peaceful revolution in Tunisia, now the failed Moslem Brotherhood government is using the army to quell the uprising.

Tunisian leader fears that clashes could spread
By BOUAZZA BEN BOUAZZA | Associated Press – 1 hr 9 mins ago


TUNIS, Tunisia (AP) — The army moved into a southwestern Tunisian town, an official and witnesses said Friday, the fourth day of protests that have injured more than 300 people.

President Moncef Marzouki said on television that the North African country’s government has not “met the expectations of the people” and asked that a new one, smaller and specialized to deal with the unrest, be formed. The current government has about 80 members.

November 30th, 2012, 7:18 pm


ghufran said:

???? ??????? ?? ??? ????? ????? ????? ?????? ????? ??”????? ????? ????” ?”??????”? ?? ??? ???????? ???? ?????? ?? ???????? ????? ???? ???? ????? ?? ?????? ????? ???? ???????? ?? ????????.
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????? ?????? ?? ?? ?????? ?? ????? ??? ? ???? ?? ??? ?? ???? ????? ??? ??? ???? “?????? ???? ????? ????????? ????? ???? ?????” ?”????? ???? ??? ???????”? ?? ????? ????? ??? ???? ?????? ????? ????? ???? ??????? ??? ?????? ?? ????? ???????? ???? ?????? ????????? ?? ???????? ??? ???? ??? ????????.
????? ?????? ???? “????? ???? ????? ????? ????”.
????? ???? ?? ????? ???? ???? ?? ???? ????? ????? “????? ???”? ?? “????????? ????????? ????????? ?? ??????? ????? ?? ?????? ?????? ?? ?????? ??????? ??? ????? ?????? ?? ?????? ???? ??? ????? ????????”.
??? ????? ?? ??? ???? ??? ????????? ???? ???? ????? ???? ????? ??? ????? “????? ????? ????? ?? ???? ??????”? ????? ??? ????????? “????? ???? ????? ??????”.
???? ?????? ?????: “?????? ?? ????? ????? ?????? ????? ???? ??????? ??????? ??????? ??????? ????? ??????? ?? ?????? ??????”? ????? ??? ?????????? ??????: “?? ?? ??????? ????? ????????”.
did thousands of Syrians die to replace Assad thugs with new thugs?

November 30th, 2012, 7:28 pm


zoo said:

#109 Ghufran

The desintegration of the FSA is looming, increasingly infected by thugs, criminals, opportunists and islamists.

Months ago I warned that if the FSA does not prevent and fight the infiltration of these viruses in their ranks, it’ll be contaminated. Now it is seriously contaminated, beyond repair.

Syria has become a magnet for islamists adventurers and criminals and they know that they are welcomed by the FSA to help the war against the “heretics” ruling this country.

The FSA has totally lost its credibility among Syrians and the international community. Disunited, leaderless, polluted, the FSA’s demise, like the SNC that fell into the same trap, is unraveling under our eyes.
After a period of hope that the FSA would discipline itself and be respected to the point that the Syrian army would massively defect and the Syrian would rally to them, the international community is again focusing on a political settlement.
A new season is starting…

November 30th, 2012, 7:55 pm


Sheila said:

Dear Ali,
You claim you are Alawi, yet you talk like a Christian, so what is it?
Regarding your uncertainty about the mystery panic state in the presidential palace, let me assure you that it is the latter, since many high ranking Alawi officers have been in contact with the CIA plotting to overthrow Bashar from within. This is old news.
I am surprised at your sectarian tone. It is sad to see how people can completely delude themselves into believing fairy tails. Wake up and smell the gun powder. The FSA is advancing rapidly. This regime’s days are numbered.
After watching the video yesterday from Halab, I want more than ever to see the bastard-in-chief Bashar dragged in the streets of Damascus for all of us to watch. At the same time, I want no innocent Alawi or otherwise to be harmed.

November 30th, 2012, 7:58 pm


Visitor said:

The last thing ???? ???? ?????? told us before he went into oblivion was that the Americans were committing suicide by the thousands around Baghdad.

???? ???? ?????? now reappeared in a Goofy Zoo to tell us that the FSA is doing the same around Damascus.

November 30th, 2012, 8:28 pm


Syrian Nationalist Party said:

Now you can be sure the Israeli mercenaries took a heavy beating this week, just read the last dozen cheap disinformation comments from the paid Alciada posters here, they are all in sync on new campaign. Strange they never discuss the slaughtering of something like 3000 mercenaries in one town alone few days ago. Are you in panic now? Don’t you have 30k more that wanted to be slaughtered? Send them over. Next…

November 30th, 2012, 8:35 pm


Ghufran said:

???? ????? “??????” ?? ?????? ?? ?????? ??? 30 ???? ??????? ???? ?? ?????? ?????? ??????? ??????? ?????? ??? ???? ???????? ??????? ???????? ??? ?? ????? ????? ?? ??? ?????? ??????? ???????? ?? ??? ????? ???? ?? ??? ????????? ?? ??? ??? ???? 22 ????? ????? 21 ??????? ???????? ??? ??? ???????
There is an unlimited supply of Islamists who may not listen to any future Syrian governmen but will follow the fatwas of their sheikhs who can only prosper when there is conflict and violence.

November 30th, 2012, 8:36 pm


Syrian Nationalist Party said:

“JEWS HAVE BOUGHT OUR COUNTRY!” is the chief rallying cry of the Nationalist “Jobbik” Party of Hungary.

As Hungary’s third-largest party holding 44 of 386 seats in parliament, Jobbik—Movement for a Better Hungary—describes itself as a “patriotic Christian party whose purpose is the protection of Hungarian values and interests.”

Closely allied with Jobbik is the “Magyar Garda” or Hungarian Guard, a growing militia and paramilitary group dedicated to “rescuing” and “arming” Hungarians in order to “challenge” the state’s monopoly of force.

With Christian rhetoric such as, “Jews have desecrated our national symbols,”


Now you know where the trillions stolen from the Pentagon and gold from Nova Scotia World reserve vault is hidden.

November 30th, 2012, 8:40 pm


Aldendeshe said:

We are counting on that supply line to never dry. Will need them to extract the 600+ billions from the Gulf Zionist puppets emirs, or be replaced by real Moslem Emirs that is not on Israel best friend list. Couple will need that $4.80 and 2 empty soda cans to take south with them, just in case the emir check bounced.

November 30th, 2012, 8:49 pm


Johannes de Silentio said:

113. Syrian Nationalist Party:

“cheap disinformation from paid fhe Alciada posters here”

Geez, if I didn’t know better, I’d say you were in lockstep with Spammie Annie. But you’re not that deep, are you, Nattie?

And by the way, it’s “al Qaeda” not “Alciada.” If you’re going to diss somebody, at least get the spelling right.

Just so you know, I’m not a paid al Qaeda poster. But Zoo, Citizen, Vatty, Tara and Aldendeshe are. I saw them whispering around a table in a bar in the Bab Touma district and when they saw me coming, they clammed up. They were OBVIOUSLY plotting something sinister. Also, they were counting money. It must have been the money from their al Qaeda paymaster.

I hope this helps you in your laudable effort to save Syria from the International Islamist/Jew Conspiracy…

November 30th, 2012, 9:01 pm


Hamoudeh al-Halabi said:

99. Sandro Loewe said “Hariri should sell FSA a mininuclear bomb to be exploded in Al Qardaha soon. Another one in Al Malki quarter. Take a tour in Aleppo and check the damage generated by Assad Forces.”

Congratulations, you caught up with Chemical Ali and the Syrian Nazi Party member. Absolutely disgusting. The horrific suffering of the people of Aleppo can never justify such sick calls for mass murder, and it is this kind of hatred and disregard for human life that displeases God, delays victory and prolongs suffering.

November 30th, 2012, 9:03 pm


MarigoldRan said:

The Sunni logic is this:

Assad bombed our cities and killed our children when we protested. We suffered. Fine. Therefore, we’re going to make DAMN sure that Assad and his regime supporters suffer too.

Blood for blood.
Destruction for destruction.
Death for death.

You regime supporters started it. But we will end it.

So to all you regime supporters: SHUT IT. It’s too late to complain about the destruction. You should have thought about this BEFORE you started the war.

The regime did not show pity when it was strong. Why should its enemies show pity to it now that it’s weak?

November 30th, 2012, 9:10 pm


Hamoudeh al-Halabi said:

99. Sandro Loewe said: “Hariri should sell FSA a mininuclear bomb to be exploded in Al Qardaha soon. Another one in Al Malki quarter. Take a tour in Aleppo and check the damage generated by Assad Forces.”

Congratulations, you caught up with Chemical Ali and the Syrian Nazi Party member. Absolutely disgusting. How can you use the horrific suffering of the people of Aleppo to justify such sick calls for mass murder?

119. MARIGOLDRAN said: “The Sunni logic is this: … Blood for blood.
Destruction for destruction. Death for death.”

And disbelief for disbelief. That’s not Sunni logic, one cannot repay injustice with injustice in Islam. One cannot retaliate with disregard for the Sacred Law.

To you both, it is this kind of hatred and disregard for human life that displeases and angers God, delays victory against the tyranny and prolongs the peoples’ suffering.

La hawla wa la quwata illa billah

November 30th, 2012, 9:21 pm


MarigoldRan said:

The regime’s supporters must be taught a lesson that they never forget. THAT would be justice.

The severity of that lesson will depend on interpretation. There are many members of the FSA who believe in a very severe interpretation.

Personally? My personal opinion? I say it’s time to end the war after Assad and his family is dead or exiled. I agree with you. Eternal vengeance has no end. But many will not agree with me.

November 30th, 2012, 9:25 pm


Aldendeshe said:

I hope this helps you in your laudable effort to save Syria from the International Islamist/Jew Conspiracy…

No, just International Jewish one, Islamist not really in this, they are waiting the finish line, the one you see being slaughtered by the 1000’s by Assad forces are the drugged fake ones trained by Alciada, some have real names like Ehud Cohen, but with Qatari or Lebanese id stating Mohammad Abdul Al Althani Aldajjal. 17 of these faked ideed ones were EXTERMINATED in Tel Kalakh last night.

Here is Henry Ford, now you would not call this guy lunatic conspiracy freak would you? Oh Hell you would, they even called MIT doctorates in physics and chemistries who stated the tower were blown up as such.


November 30th, 2012, 9:27 pm


Johannes de Silentio said:

121. Aldendeshe

“drugged fake ones trained by Alciada”

So you admit to being a paid al Qaeda poster, eh? Well well well.

November 30th, 2012, 9:59 pm


Ghufran said:

It is a testimony about the destructive and exclusionary nature of this rebellion when moderate and educated Syrians ,who oppose the regime and want a modern political system in Syria , have little or no influence over the street and the opposition today. The rebels may need, due to their number, prevail in most of Syria but they will NOT win the support of millions of Syrians who refuse to be ruled by thugs in beards as much as they resented being ruled by thugs with Baathist masks. None of you presented a vision for the future that can stand the challenges of the 21st century, most of what I hear is calls for revenge and orgasmic cheers when the ” enemy” drinks from the fatal wine Syria abundantly produces today, I will wait and see how your heros will fix the country when much of what is left is destroyed buildings and shattered lives, saying that the ” regime started it” is not good enough,you are kidding nobody but yourselves.

November 30th, 2012, 10:10 pm


MarigoldRan said:

Syria’s got a lot of problems. No one can argue against that. But none of these problems can be fixed until the regime is finished.

The longer the regime and its supporters continue to fight, the worse it will be for them and for everyone else. The West and the FSA will not negotiate until Assad and his family is gone, along with most of his friends and cronies.

This is something that regime supporters, Russia, and Iran do not realize. The healing cannot even begin until most of the regime is finished.

And any complaints about the destruction the FSA is doing to the country is pure horse-manure. The regime is doing most of the destruction, so put the blame where it belongs.

November 30th, 2012, 10:20 pm


Ghufran said:

???? ???? ??????? ??????? ????????  ??? ???? ??? ???? ???? ???????? ??????? ????? ?????? ?? ????? ????  “????? ?????? ?? ????? ??? ????? ??????? ?? ?????? ??? ????? ?? ????? ???? ??? ???? ???? ???? ??????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ??????????”.
????? ????? ?? “????? ?????? ?? ????? ??? ???? ??? ????? ?????? ???????? ??? ???? ?????? ???? ??? ??? ?? ????? ?????? ??????????”.
??? ??? ??? ????? ????? ??????? ???? ?? ?????? ??? ??????? ?????? ???  “??? ?? ????? ?????? ???????”.
????? ??? ??? ?????? ?????? ????? ????? ??????? ??????? ??????? ?? “?????? ??? ??? ???? ????? ???????  ?????? “?? ??? ?????? ????? ???? ???? ???? ????? ???? ????? ????? ????????? ?? ?????? ??? ??? ?? ????? ???????? ????????? ?? ????? ???? ??? ?????”.
?????   “?? ???????? ????? ????? ???? ??????? ?????? ??????? ?????? ??????????”
??????   ??? “??? ??? ???????? ????????? ????? ????????? ????? ?????? ?? ????? ???? ????? ???? ???? ????? ???????? ??????? ?? ?????”. (?.?)

November 30th, 2012, 10:21 pm


Observer said:

I quote ZOO here
“The war-mongering in this blog are furious that a peaceful solution could be found that will spare lives… No.. They want the blood of Bashar al Assad and the Alawi heretics. They want to win their destructive and monstrous “revolution” at any cost.

I hope that the West has still some conscience to stop these mad and sick Qataris and Sunnis Lebanese from encouraging the killing of Syrians to satisfy their pathetic ego.
After two years these morons have not been able to build a credible alternative to the regime. In Libya it took 3 months. It is clear that they are dumb, inefficient and dangerous. They will be stopped or the world got mad.”

Where were you when the regime was about to “finish” the rebellion and fighting tooth and nail against any intervention from the evil West? Now you want intervention? You must be desperate. Why don’t you ask for the Russian Federation to send troops to Syria? Or Iran Guards and HA fighters?

November 30th, 2012, 10:24 pm


MarigoldRan said:


Almost everyone agrees a political solution must be found. Your quote is typical diplomatic-speak. No where is there talk of Assad in that communique, which is why that communique is worthless.

Furthermore, the opposition outside of the country is much more willing to negotiate than the opposition INSIDE the country.

Any diplomatic note on Syria that does not mention the issue of Assad is worthless. Ignore them. Not worth the paper it’s printed on.

November 30th, 2012, 10:43 pm


Ghufran said:

It was difficult to get information from Syria today but it looks more likely than not that the regime is on the offense in Ghoutah and around Damascus,it is also almost certain that the government turned off those routers that allow Internet in Syria, many are now fearful that this was done in preparation for a large scale violent campaign after the government lost many positions in the north and the east. I find it absolutely amazing that many of you are still denying the fact that most of Syria’s friends and enemies alike want this war to continue, sending jihadists with weapons on one hand and allowing this regime to bomb Syrian cities on the other hand is nothing but a criminal behavior, Syrian lives are not worth much nowadays.

November 30th, 2012, 11:37 pm


MarigoldRan said:

The rebels do not have to win in Damascus this time. They just have to keep the regime occupied. Most of Assad’s best troops are located there, which means the rebels can make gains elsewhere.

Even if the regime drives the rebels back this time, which is likely, what are they going to do next? The regime could not crush the rebellion in March, and now that it’s weaker and the rebels many times stronger, how do they intend to win now?

No one wants a war like this to continue. But EVERYONE wants to win, and thinks they can do it. The regime hopes to hold on and do enough damage to the country to force the rebels to negotiate. But the rebels will not negotiate with this evil regime, and rightfully so.

In the end, the regime’s strategy is a losing one. They still don’t understand: NO ONE in the opposition will even begin to negotiate until Assad and his family is gone. The regime and its Alawite supporters are a fighting a losing war against a determined and more numerous enemy.

They can postpone the inevitable but they cannot turn the tide. And the longer it goes on, the worse it will be for them.

November 30th, 2012, 11:44 pm


zoo said:

#40 Marigoldran

The rebels are winning in areas close to the borders as they count on the support, supplies, hospitals and shelters of their islamist allies in Turkey, Jordan, Iraq and Lebanon.
Once they move away from the border areas, they are taking one beating after the other and they end up by withdrawing “tactically”

On the ‘liberated’ areas emptied from civilians, they are at the mercy of the air bombings, therefore they don’t have any real control of these areas as they can’t protect the population and any way most have left to bordering countries.

The rebel militias are clearly outnumbered and disorganized, they stand no chance to move deeper inside Syria, as in addition, the population inside Syria does not help them and seem to reject their destructive presence.
They can only be nuisance…

Call that winning, if you want.

December 1st, 2012, 1:08 pm


zoo said:

The FSA and the CNSROF as they stands today have zero chances to be accepted by the majority of the Syrians, should an election or a referendum be held.
After each day that passes, less and less reasonable Syrians would dare to put the fate of their country in such polluted and incompetent hands.

December 1st, 2012, 1:14 pm


zoo said:

Syria opposition government nears, Brotherhood flexes muscle
By Khaled Yacoub Oweis

CAIRO | Thu Nov 29, 2012 9:34pm GMT

(Reuters) – The Syrian opposition made progress on Thursday toward forming a transitional government at the first meeting of their new coalition in Cairo and the Muslim Brotherhood emerged as an overwhelmingly powerful kingmaker, delegates said.

In a sign of its strength within the leadership of the opposition, the Brotherhood and its allies pushed for the adoption of an internal constitution that allows choosing the prime minister and the cabinet with a simple majority, rather than a two-thirds majority.

Since the coalition was set up in Qatar earlier this month with Gulf and Western support, the Brotherhood has swiftly assembled a de facto majority bloc, according to insiders keeping tabs of changes in the membership of the coalition.

The meeting in a luxury Cairo hotel, now in its second day, was held behind closed doors.

“It looks like the internal constitution will be pushed through without any real discussion. The Brotherhood has Qatar behind it and they are getting what they want,” one delegate said on condition of anonymity.

The formation of a transitional government could encourage greater Western backing for the 20-month revolt against four decades of autocratic rule by Assad and his later father, President Hafez al-Assad.

The bloody repression of an armed Islamist uprising against the elder Assad’s rule in the 1980s killed many thousands of Brotherhood followers, as well as leftists, and forced many Syrians to leave the country.

Membership of the Brotherhood became punishable by death and the movement was decimated, to the point that the Brotherhood announced in 2009 that it was ‘suspending’ opposition to Assad.

The revolt in March last year revived the Brotherhood’s fortunes and opened more sources of financing for the organisation from exiled conservative Syrians.

But independent delegates at the Cairo meeting said the process by which a transitional government is being pushed through does not bode well for a democratic future for Syria.

“The West is sending a signal that it is ready to accept the Brotherhood as the only guarantee of stability other than Assad. It has not learnt from what happened in Egypt. I am afraid Syria will become like Iran, rather than a democracy,” said one of them, speaking on condition of anonymity.

Conspicuously absent from the Cairo discussions was Sheikh Moaz al-Khatib, the coalition’s president, a popular Damascene preacher who is increasingly seen as a religious figurehead who is respected inside Syria and an interlocutor with outside powers, rather than a hands-on leader.

Aware they could quickly lose credibility with rebels and opposition activists inside Syria, the 60 delegates postponed possibly divisive discussions on the final membership of the coalition and began talks on an internal constitution as a first step toward forming a transitional government.

Liaison between the coalition and rebels has been assigned to former Prime Minister Riad Hijab, the highest ranking official to defect since the revolt, coalition sources said.

December 1st, 2012, 1:23 pm


zoo said:

Countries that abstain from voting for Palestine in the UN:

Albanie, Andorre, Australie, Bahamas, Barbade, Bosnie, Bulgarie, Cameroun, Colombie, Croatie, République démocratique du Congo, Estonie, Fidji, Allemagne, Guatemala, Haïti, Hongrie, Lettonie, Lithuanie, Malawi, Monaco, Mongolie, Monténégro, Pays-Bas, Papouasie Nouvelle Guinée, Paraguay, Pologne, Corée du Sud, Moldavie, Roumanie, Rwanda, Samoa, Saint Marin, Singapour, Slovaquie, Slovénie, Macédoine, Togo, Tonga, Royaume-Uni, Vanuatu.

Anyone has the list about the Golan restitution request voted at the UN?

December 1st, 2012, 1:35 pm


zoo said:

Was it voted at the UN general assembly? Western media are very discreet about it.


UN Renews Demand that Israel Rescind Its Decision to Annex Occupied Golan, Comply with UNSC Resolution 497
Nov 16, 2012

Following the passing of the resolution, Syria’s Permanent Representative to the UN Bashar al-Jafari offered, in a statement, thanks to the delegations which voted in favor of the resolution, calling on the countries which abstained from voting to reconsider their stance before the resolution is to be adopted by the UN General Assembly.

“161 countries voted in favor of the draft resolution. 35 countries contributed in presenting it which confirms the big international support to the issue of Syria’s full restoration of the occupied Syria Golan to the June 4, 1967 line.”


December 1st, 2012, 1:46 pm



“He it is Who hath sent His messenger with the guidance and the Religion of Truth, that He may cause it to prevail over all religion, however much the idolaters may be averse.” QURAN 9:33

“…Say: Perish in your rage!…” QURAN 3:119

December 5th, 2012, 10:11 pm