“The hunt for ‘plan B’, by Labott; Syria Needs a George Washington; Syria could become like North Korea; “The Burial Brigade of Homs,” by Putz
Posted by Joshua on Sunday, April 1st, 2012
The hunt for ‘plan B’ – planning for ‘the day after’ in Syria
By Elise Labott, CNN Foreign Affairs Reporter
Expectations are low for Sunday’s Friends of Syria meeting in Istanbul, where representatives from more than 70 nations and international organizations will gather to discuss ways to hasten the ouster of President Bashar al-Assad.
The reason is simple. The most critical piece is missing: Plan B.
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has made no secret of her frustration with the opposition Syrian National Council’s inability to offer a vision for a post-al-Assad Syria that all Syrians can sign on to. This week, Clinton said the United States would be “pushing them very hard” to present such a vision in Istanbul.
She’s not alone. Many a senior administration official has summed up the SNC in two words: “A mess.”
The characterization from European and Arab diplomats may be more diplomatic, but no less critical of the SNC’s lack of leadership, organizational skills and ideas.
“They are all over the map, depending on whom you talk to on any given day,” one senior U.S. official said. “It’s hard to think of what we can do going forward when there is no credible alternative.”
Lessons learned from Iraq
More importantly the SNC, made up of mostly Syrian exiles, has not demonstrated it has support inside Syria. U.S. officials are seeing parallels to the war in Iraq, where the United States relied too heavily upon the Iraqi National Congress – a group of exiles run by businessmen Ahmed Chalabi – which was ultimately found to be corrupt and unreliable. When Baghdad fell and the Baath party disbanded, it became quickly apparent the group had no base inside Iraq from which to draw, and the United States was left to run the country.
“The U.S. is hoping these expats can deliver. They are telling you they can, but their actions and infighting are telling you they can’t,” said the University of Oklahoma’s Joshua Landis, who writes Syria Comment, a daily newsletter on Syrian politics. “The Obama administration fears they will implode or be overtaken by actors within Syria who are better connected to forces on the ground. The Obama administration doesn’t want to be caught going down the same yellow brick trail as the Bush administration did when it backed the Iraqi National Council only to discover that it didn’t have much purchase with Iraqi society.”
Radwan Ziadeh, a member of the SNC and the executive director of the Syrian Center for Political and Strategic Studies in Washington, said the criticism of the group’s lack of vision is unfair given the uncertainty of the crisis. “We can come with a general plan, but how can we come up with a detailed plan?” he asked. “That will depend on the key players who emerge from this and we don’t’ know that yet. We don’t know how the regime will fall.”….
Last year the State Department gave modest funding to an initiative run by the U.S. Institute for Peace, aptly titled “The Day After.” The project centers around developing a set of recommendations for key sectors, like how to jump-start the economy, establish security and rule of law and write a new constitution. The participants, who include both Syrian exiles and Western technical experts, have met several times in Europe. Although the Syrian National Council is not officially affiliated with the USIP project, because the leadership was wary of participating in an enterprise funded by the United Sates, several of the group’s members are involved – including Ziadeh, who called it an “important tool” in transition planning.
But the State Department quickly became disenchanted with the project. Officials including U.S. Ambassador to Syria Robert Ford, who previously served in Iraq, felt it bore an uncanny resemblance to the Future of Iraq project,….
“You can get the same people to do the same project for Congo or Zimbabwe,” said Ayman Abdel Nour, who served as al-Assad’s adviser from 1997 to 2004….
Ausama Monajed, a member of the SNC who has taken part in the USIP project, said while it’s important to reach Syrians inside the country, it is unrealistic to expect those under deadly siege by the government to be thinking about the day-after. “The majority of the people can’t talk about tomorrow, they are worried about today,” he said. “They are in the middle of it and cannot see the bigger picture at this stage. There is no stomach for anyone in the inside to look at a health policy when they are being shot.”…
Trying to learn the lessons of Iraq, Ambassador Ford and others have concluded the exiles they are currently working with will not be able to get the economy running, turn on the electricity, or fix a pothole “the day after.”
While not abandoning the SNC entirely, senior officials say the Obama administration in recent months has begun to cast a much wider net for Syrians who can run Syria the day after al-Assad falls. The United States could no longer put all of its eggs in the SNC’s basket.
President Obama himself suggested the shift earlier this week in South Korea when, after a meeting with Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan, he said the U.S. would start aiding opposition groups inside Syria. Officials said non-lethal aid will include secure communications equipment to help opposition leaders on the ground communicate better with each other and with the outside world.
While in Syria, Ford amassed a network of opposition contacts on the ground that has been hard to tap into since the embassy closed and he left the country in February. Now he relies on Skype and other communications technologies to reach those inside…..
Syrian activist Ammar Abdulhamid, a fellow at the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies in Washington, is trying to bridge the gap between the exiles and those Syrians on the ground. He’s bringing together small groups of Syrian experts to brainstorm ideas for a transition, which he is feeding to opposition groups on the ground in Syria who the United States is now trying to reach. “We don’t have a political agenda and aren’t tabling a plan,” Abdulhamid said. “This is to raise public awareness and highlight the issues we are going to be facing once Assad falls. There needs to be a public debate and we want to empower Syrians to do that.”
Molham Aldrobi, a member of the SNC who serves on the Muslim Brotherhood’s Executive Council and has taken part in both the USIP and Abdulhamid’s projects, believes the opposition on the ground will eventually produce the “alternative” the U.S. and others are calling for. But he said more support for the opposition is needed, and that will determine who follows Assad and how much influence the international community will have on that person.
“Bashar al-Assad needs to know the world means business and so do the Syrian people,” he said. “The longer it takes, the more unstable this region will be and the worse the situation will be in the future. Or else the international community may find they won’t like who gets in. Because that person is going to say, ‘hands off, this is mine.'”
Video — Syria opposition: Don’t prolong catastrophe
by AlJazeeraEnglish on Apr 1, 2012
Burhan Ghalioun, the head of the opposition Syrian National Council (SNC), said at the opening of the so-called “Friends of Syria” in Istanbul: “We demand serious action. The Syrian regime will inevitably fall. Don’t prolong the catastrophe. The opposition is united; now it is time for you to unite and support the Syrian opposition.”
Mideast expert: Syria faces Iraq-style insurgency
Michael Hughes, Geopolitics Examiner
Syria is descending into a factional civil war which has taken on some of the contours of the insurgency the U.S. fought in Iraq for ten years, “at least in the methods of fighting and growing sectarian divide,” according to Professor Joshua Landis, Director of Middle East Studies at the University of Oklahoma. (See Upheaval within the Opposition: Defections, Terrorism, and Preparing for a Phase II Insurgency)
Landis is also author of the blog Syria Comment, a treasure-trove of intelligence that provides more sophisticated analysis on the situation than most Western sources.
Within an email to me on Saturday Professor Landis also stated that Syria could turn into “a North Korea of sorts”, plagued by misery, starvation and displacement, isolated from the international community but with a government that refuses to quit.”
Although Syrian President Bashar al-Assad is unlikely to cease employing violence to quell dissent anytime soon, Landis does not believe the Syrian despot will succeed in the long run:
I doubt he [Assad] will have a lot more success than the US has had in Iraq, although, his army probably understands Syrians a lot better than US troops and commanders did Iraqis. But they [Assad and his security forces] will probably still be provoked into over-reacting to terrorism and road-side bombs and lose the battle for hearts and minds.
Landis, often quoted as an expert in news outlets such as The New York Times and Reuters, explained in a recent post how the Arab Spring hit Syria in a much different way than it did other countries in the region. Syrian expats, as well as U.S. leaders, assumed Assad would fall within months, underestimating the intensity of the sectarian divide:
Syrian opposition members incorrectly believed a “Tahrir Square moment” would arrive within months of the uprising’s start, “eliminating the need for a coherent military strategy, a defined leadership, or how to parry government counter-insurgency operations.”
The reality is elite Westernized Syrian intellectuals living abroad, who want to see a purely secular and peaceful anti-government protest movement, are not the ones doing the bulk of the fighting. Jobless lower-class Muslim youth have been doing the heavy-lifting on the street with funds and arms from the Saudis and other Sunni benefactors.
In a recent discussion with Robert Wright on Bloggingheads.tv, Landis said the militarization and Islamization of the rebel movement was inevitable but, in some ways, perhaps necessary.
No secular nationalist ideology exists in Syria that can rally Syrian fighters. Hence, opposition military leaders have been inspiring their soldiers by relying upon the doctrine that is most readily available: jihad. This same doctrine has worked for Hezbollah and Hamas as well as insurgents in both Iraq and Afghanistan for years.
Syrian rebel leaders have been portraying the struggle as a holy war against a heathen dictator. And because of the Syrian government’s superior firepower, the Syrian rebels have had to resort to asymmetric warfare which includes “martyrdom operations” – so the Islamist ideology is well-aligned with the tactics now required to defeat the infidel.
Despite the humanitarian situation Landis does not believe the international community should intervene militarily because toppling Assad without having a viable alternative will lead to chaos and civil war.
The Syrian people must go through the process of building a nation on their own, Landis asserted, as opposed to having some regime dropped in by foreign powers. The Syrians should look at places like Turkey for examples of how to erect a stable country from the ground up. The Syrians need a George Washington-type who can win long hard-fought battles and unify disparate interests while forging a genuine national identity. As Landis said during the Wright interview:
“Syria needs a George Washington, but Americans cannot invent one for them.”
In the long run, nonintervention will result in less killing, as the Syrians themselves build and establish a legitimate government, as opposed to outsiders intervening and attempting to do it for them.
The Burial Brigade of Homs
An Executioner for Syria’s Rebels Tells His Story
By Ulrike Putz in Beirut, SPIEGEL ONLINE
Human Rights Watch has condemned abuses committed by Syrian rebels in their stronghold of Homs. But one member of a rebel “burial brigade” who has executed four men by slitting their throats defended his work in an interview with SPIEGEL ONLINE. “If we don’t do it, nobody will hold these perpetrators to account,” he said.
Hussein can barely remember the first time he executed someone. It was probably in a cemetery in the evening, or at night; he can’t recall exactly. It was definitely mid-October of last year, and the man was Shiite, for sure. He had confessed to killing women — decent women, whose husbands and sons had protested against Syrian President Bashar Assad’s regime. So the rebels had decided that the man, a soldier in the Syrian army, deserved to die, too.
Hussein didn’t care if the man had been beaten into a confession, or that he was terrified of death and had begun to stammer prayers. It was his tough luck that the rebels had caught him. Hussein took out his army knife and sliced the kneeling man’s neck. His comrades from the so-called “burial brigade” quickly interred the blood-stained corpse in the sand of the graveyard west of the Baba Amr area of the rebel stronghold of Homs. At the time, the neighborhood was in the hands of the insurgents.
That first execution was a rite of passage for Hussein. He now became a member of the Homs burial brigade. The men, of which there are only a handful, kill in the name of the Syrian revolution. They leave torture to others; that’s what the so-called interrogation brigade is for. “They do the ugly work,” says Hussein, who is currently being treated in a hospital in the Lebanese city of Tripoli. He was injured when a piece of shrapnel became lodged in his back during the army’s ground invasion of Baba Amr in early March.He is recovering in relatively safe Lebanon until he can return to Syria and “get back to work.” It’s a job he considers relatively clean. “Most men can torture, but they’re not able to kill from close range,” he explains. “I don’t know why, but it doesn’t bother me. That’s why they gave me the job of executioner. It’s something for a madman like me.”
Before he joined the Farouk Brigade, as the Baba Amr militia is known, last August, the 24-year-old had worked as a salesman. “I can sell everything, from porcelain to yogurt,” he says.
How the Rebels Lost Their Innocence
The bloody uprising against the Assad regime has now lasted for a year. And Hussein’s story illustrates that, in this time, the rebels have also lost their innocence.
There are probably many reasons for that development. Hussein can rattle off several of them. “There are no longer any laws in Syria,” he says. “Soldiers or thugs hired by the regime kill men, maim children and rape our women. If we don’t do it, nobody will hold these perpetrators to account.”
Another reason, he explains, is the desire for vengeance. “I have been arrested twice. I was tortured for 72 hours. They hung me by the hands, until the joints in my shoulders cracked. They burnt me with hot irons. Of course I want revenge.”….
So far, Hussein has cut the throats of four men. Among the group of executioners in Homs, he is the least experienced — something that he almost seems apologetic about. “I was wounded four times in the last seven months,” he says. “I was out of action for a long time.” On top of that, he also has other commitments. “I operate our heavy machine gun, a Russian BKC. Naturally I have killed a lot more men with that. But only four with the blade.” That will change soon, he says. “I hope I will be released from the hospital next week and can return to Homs. Then those dogs will be in for it.”….
House Intel Leaders: Arming Syria a Bad Idea – April 1, 2012
House intelligence leaders said on Sunday that arming Syrian rebels remains unwise because they are unknown actors and Syria’s regime continues to be backed by Iran and Russia.
“I think we both agree that’s probably a bad idea,” said Mike Rogers, R-Mich., chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, appearing on CNN’s State of the Union.
Appearing with Ranking Member C.A. “Dutch” Ruppersberger, D-Md., he argued for greater international diplomatic pressure rather than “sending in arms and hoping for the best.”
“We think that there are other things that we can do that we haven’t quite engaged in yet, and that probably need to happen,” Rogers said, including engaging the Arab League so the United States could take a “support role.”
Rogers said President Bashar Al-Assad’s regime appears unmoved by Washington’s pleading, but cautioned against weapons falling into the hands of “bad actors there.”
“We don’t really see Assad’s inner-circle crumbling,” Rogers said. “They believe that they’re winning.”
He added: “Iran and Russia both have stepped up to the plate and can’t afford, in their minds, can’t afford to lose Syria as their toehold.” Said Ruppersberger: “The United States can’t be sheriff for the whole world.” […]
China rejects Obama’s Iran oil import sanctions
by News Sources on April 1, 2012 (Thanks War in Context)
The Associated Press reports: China rejected President Barack Obama’s decision to move forward with plans for sanctions on countries buying oil from Iran, saying Saturday that Washington had no right to unilaterally punish other nations.
South Korean officials said they will continue working with the U.S. to reduce oil imports from Iran, as other U.S. allies who depend on Iranian oil worked to find alternative energy supplies.
Obama announced Friday that he is plowing ahead with the potential sanctions, which could affect U.S. allies in Asia and Europe, as part of a deepening campaign to starve Iran of money for its disputed nuclear program. The U.S. and allies believe that Iran is pursuing a nuclear bomb; Iran denies that.
China is one of the biggest importers of Iranian oil, and its Foreign Ministry reiterated its opposition to the U.S. moves.
Syria eyewitness dispatch: ‘I watched as Assad’s tanks rolled in to destroy a rebel town’,
by News Sources 03.31.2012
John Cantlie, an independent photojournalist, reports from the Syrian town of Saraqeb: The sound of the caterpillar tracks could be felt as much as heard, a deep rumble that sent a rattle through windows and a tremble of fear through the guts. Then we saw them. Huge Soviet-made T72s, accompanied by troop carriers driving slowly […]
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Comments (1,242)
Ghufran said:
Plan-B is ready but nobody is interested.
This plan requires a lot of money and man power and a political will.
Let people form parties and vote,and prosecute everybody who kills Syrians.
Too simple but too hard?
April 1st, 2012, 11:20 am
mjabali said:
Plan B= End violent actions in Syria and those who advocate them, government and opposition.
Plan C= Secular constitution, and the establishment of the real political parties on Syria proper.
Plan D= Voting with the new secular modern constitution in place.
April 1st, 2012, 11:35 am
Syrian Nationalist Party said:
Plan “B” will be ending miserably as plan “A” did. Plan “A” is now re-labeled Plan “F” and we told you so from day one, plan “B” will be re-labeled Plan “D” for disaster.
Anyone keeping tabs on Tlass and Kid, is he back in Syria as he promised? Or he is now a European Citizen, get to keep the hundreds of millions stolen from Syrian Treasury like Khaddam’s and Shahabi did, Sunni Moslems UUHHH. Sunni-vs Shia what a joke, what an idiocy.
Did the Moslem Brotherhood celebrates the horrific death of more than 9000 Syrians as they did the 30-40 thousands died in Hama when they had their first egotistic fit. Anyone care to rename this plan “B” to BULL***T, How about the more than 18,000 imprisoned in Assad tortures prisons.
April 1st, 2012, 11:47 am
Alan said:
Within an email to me on Saturday Professor Landis also stated that Syria could turn into “a North Korea of sorts”, plagued by misery, starvation and displacement, isolated from the international community but with a government that is refuses to quit.”
Mr. Landis correctly used the term (can) in the text but it isn’t obligatory!
At Syria exits always took place! I can pay your attention to that Syria can be invited to be the member of the Customs union:
Possible extension of the Customs union
Eurasian Economic Community
Existing Customs unions
Over time other members of EurAsEC can join the Customs union, in particular (Tajikistan).
On July 26, 2010 the president of Syria Bashar Assad expressed interest of Syria about the introduction of Syria in the Customs union.
In October, 2011 earlier begun negotiations on accession of Syria to the Customs union were continued, the draft agreement on creation of a zone of free tradewas developed
April 1st, 2012, 11:59 am
DAWOUD said:
1) No victory speech for the shoplifter Maqdisi, Hasan Nasr@@ the cult of personality propagandist, the blogger/English translator of Hasan’s speeches on her blog, …..
The Syrian revolution will continue until Syrians finish mopping up Bashar, Hasan, and their Shabiha!
Free Syria, Free Palestine!
2) Palestinians in Ramallah organized an event for Ali Farzat’s cartoons. For those who don’t know him, Ali Farzat is Syria’s world-renowned anti-Bashar cartoonist. Last year, Bashar’s and Hasan’s Shabiha broke his fingers in order to intimidate him and stop his courageous accurate cartoons.
Free Syria, Free Palestine!
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April 1st, 2012, 12:09 pm
Syria no Kandahar said:
MB supporters shoplifting knowledge is as impressive as MB experience in stealing revolutions.
April 1st, 2012, 12:13 pm
Mina said:
When you read this
“Amnesty International on Saturday urged Jordan to free six political activists charged with insulting King Abdullah II, as police broke up a demonstration in Amman demanding their release. The human rights watchdog “is calling for the immediate and unconditional release of six pro-reform activists held for ‘insulting’ the king,” it said in a statement.”
listen to this
??????? ?? ??? : ???? ???? ????????!?
(how many kids in this video?)
and see this picture:
You conclude that indeed, the US have no plan B in the region, i. e. no coherent policy.
April 1st, 2012, 12:24 pm
Uzair8 said:
If the regime supporters on here succeed in helping the regime survive, I hope they enjoy living in the ‘North-Korea’ of the middle east. I hope you enjoy watching/participating in the mass choreographed stadium events/displays.
I don’t think the regime will survive. It can decieve the world but God Almighty Sees everything. The innocent children have been targeted without mercy. Children who should be playing with smiles on their faces are having to experience and witness things that are the worst fear of adults. God Almighty Sees all this and when His Wrath stirs it is goodbye Mr Assad and goodbye regime.
Beware of the supplication of the oppressed.
April 1st, 2012, 12:26 pm
Aldendeshe said:
Mossad is now calling for Free Syria, Free Palestine, knowing that neither within reach, and only can results in destruction of Syria and the Palestinians. Cheap Strategists, Nothinyahoo needs to pay them higher wages to get smart one in on the plans. “AMMONITE ZIOPEDIA” strategies, deception and global crimes are well known now.
April 1st, 2012, 12:30 pm
Alan said:
the photo strongly impressing
April 1st, 2012, 12:31 pm
Afram said:
Syria Needs a George Washington?
Burhan Ghalioun is NO GW…Washington was a great team player.bad military tactician but a good strategist.
so Assad can play King George III?
you say allahu akbar..I say Yankee Doodle!
April 1st, 2012, 12:43 pm
Mina said:
Why can’t you consider that the children brought by their fathers and relatives in Khalidiyye in the video posted above from Youtube are neither Sunnis nor Shiis and that it is for them to decide when they grow up if they want to have a position in the controversy of the succession of Muhammad or not, recognize the Shii imams or not, or if they decide to be Muslim without a madhhab or an affiliation, or to be atheists or anything else?
What you call your sect is just an abstract name for tribalism, and a tribalism which has no ground in reality, that is DNA.
April 1st, 2012, 12:44 pm
Syria no Kandahar said:
MB is hated by most Sunnis .Most of Sunnis are AGAINST what is being done by
MB.95% of Syrians will take back security and shove freedom and democracy in the toilet if they have the choice.The (revolution ) has been raped by so many
Foreigners that now it is infected by all kind of STDs like:terrorism,Islamic extremism,Wahabism…and so forth.
Sunnis in Syria are smarter than being lead by people with foreign agenda to be
Dumped into the same kind of :Iraqi ,lybian,Yamani,Sudanese or Tunisian holes.
April 1st, 2012, 12:47 pm
DAWOUD said:
16. Mina
Bashar, the murderous dictator, did not leave the Sunni child Hamza al-Khateeb to grow up and decide Syria’s future. Bashar killed him and mutilated his genitals. Yes, Bashar cut the penis of a teeage Sunni boy! Bashar also has killed hundreds of innocent Syrian children-many of whom are Sunnis.
Does Bashar, the killer of children, deserve a chance? Hell NO!
April 1st, 2012, 12:50 pm
Dawoud said:
17. Syria no Kandahar
The “Muslim Brotherhood” is just a COCE name that Hasan Nasr of Hizb@@@, Shias, Alawis, Christians, etc. use instead of saying that they don’t want the Sunni majority to control government. Saying “the Muslim Brotherhood,” instead of saying “Sunni,” is their way of hiding their religious/sectarian bigotry.
I don’t defend the MB, but I trust the Arab people, including Syrians, to decide who rules them in free elections. Didn’t the MB emerge as the biggest winner in Egypt and Tunisian (al-Nahda)? I respect people’s choices.
April 1st, 2012, 12:56 pm
DAWOUD said:
I meant “Code name”
April 1st, 2012, 12:56 pm
Alan said:
USA Thwarts Israeli Attack on Iran
Roy Tov – March 29, 2012
April 1st, 2012, 1:16 pm
Alan said:
‘Friends’ in Need: Syrian rebels ‘to receive salaries’ from Gulf states
Saudi Arabia and its allies are thought to have agreed to pay salaries to rebels fighting the Syrian regime. The decision came as around 60 nations – all harsh critics of the Syrian government – met in Turkey to discuss how to bolster the opposition and intensify sanctions against President Assad. The U.S and its allies blame Assad for violence in the country, whereas Damascus says it’s fighting armed extremists. RT’s Sara Firth has been following the talks in Istanbul.
April 1st, 2012, 1:19 pm
jad said:
Alan 🙂
????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ????? ?? ?????
April 1st, 2012, 1:20 pm
Alan said:
23. JAD
????? ????? ?? ! 🙂
April 1st, 2012, 1:30 pm
Dawoud said:
9. Uzair8
I agree with you. I guess defending the most repressive N.Korea is not unimaginable for those who defend the regime that kills Syrian children and chop their penises! Another person here, who complains about the Sunni MB, is worried that Israel would attack the Shia Iran. I personally hope that BOTH Iran, the supporter of Bahar’s murder of Sunni Syrians, and Israel, the occupier/colonizer of Palestine, are BOTH defeated! Israel and Iran are now the biggest threat to Middle East peace and stability.
Didn’t Iran quietly cheer when George Bush invaded Iraq and gave Iraq to al-Maliki (Iran’s puppet)? I agree with the Saud monarch only this time (I don’t support undemocratic monarchies) that “[the] should cut the head of the snake [Iran}.” A war that will weaken BOTH Iran and Israel is a double blessing! I can’t wait to see it happen because Syria’s and Palestine’s innocents deserve justice!
April 1st, 2012, 1:38 pm
Tara said:
Damascus, here we come.
Damascus on edge as Syria’s strife encroaches on capital
Food prices on the rise, gas and electricity run short and latest influx of people fleeing Homs rattles capital
guardian.co.uk, Sunday 1 April 2012 10.51 EDT
But life is getting gradually harder. Depression and insomnia are reportedly growing as the tales of death and torture mix with uncertainty about the future, exacting a heavy mental toll. Sanctions applied by the US, Europe and some Arab countries have pushed up food and heating prices. The Syrian pound has lost half its value over a year, reaching one US cent in February.
The latest influx from Homs, where a month of shelling Baba Amr and other neighbourhoods tore families apart and sent survivors scattering, is rattling Damascus. Residents are conflicted: the bloody tales are harrowing, but there are many in the capital who still have much to lose.
A rich businessman says his friends grow more disgusted with the regime by the day. But Assad’s supporters are still passionate, too. A man from the coastal city of Latakia who drives a taxi in Damascus loudly rails against the protesters, screaming that they are “dogs” and berating them for using arms. Some, whatever their political hue, just want the crisis to end.
April 1st, 2012, 1:39 pm
Alan said:
Annan plan-only chance to settle Syrian crisis-Turkey
ISTANBUL, April 1 (Itar-Tass) — The plan on a peaceful settlement, proposed by special representative of the Arab League and the UN on Syria Kofi Annan, is the only chance to settle problems of that country at this time, said to Itar-Tass on Sunday adviser on foreign policy to the Turkish prime minister Ibrahim Kalin.
He emphasized that this plan is capable potentially of meeting the interests of all sides, involved in the conflict as well as members of the international community. “The opening of humanitarian corridors is one of the most important questions under discussion now.
“Participants are ready to start translating this initiative into life, but we need to get agreement from Syrian authorities. A humanitarian mission cannot take place without this,” he said.
Kalin expressed conviction that the conference of “Friends of Syria”, now in progress in Istanbul, will yield specific results at least in achieving some goals.
“The international pressure on Damascus has increased as compared with the time of holding the first conference in Tunisia,” he said, adding that “the level of representation of countries in Istanbul and their number increased”.
According to Erdogan’s adviser, forum participants discuss a broad range of issues, including a prospect for creating a buffer zone on the Turkish-Syrian border. The talks are attended by the Syrian National Council which was recognized by Turkey as a legitimate representative of Syrian people. According to Kalin’s data, it unites up to 90 percent of opposition Syrian forces.
Kalin also noted the final decision of the conference would not include a chance for preserving his post by Syrian President Bashar Assad during a settlement of the crisis and holding of reforms. However, he did not claim flatly that a way out of the crisis with the incumbent president is impossible.
April 1st, 2012, 1:44 pm
Mina said:
How else a 24-year-old could have traveled to Pakistan, Afghanistan, the UAE, Israel, and bought a huge collection of weapons?
A new “triple-agent”?
April 1st, 2012, 1:48 pm
DAWOUD said:
The Syrian Free Army-which would be armed with Saudi, Qatari, Libyan, Turkish, & Egyptian logistical/weaponry support-is the ONLY way to end Syria’s ongoing chaos and violence!
April 1st, 2012, 1:48 pm
Tara said:
Dear Bronco,
This is the link. Happy now? Aimed to please. * The meeting recognised the SNC as the “legitimate representative” of Syrians.*
1 April 2012
Opposition says Syrian rebel fighters to get salaries
US Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton: “The world will not waver, Assad must go”
Rebels fighting the government of President Bashar al-Assad in Syria will be paid salaries, the opposition Syrian National Council has announced.
Money will also be given to soldiers who defect from the government’s army, the SNC added, after a “Friends of the Syrian people” summit in Turkey.
Conference delegates said wealthy Gulf Arab states would supply millions of dollars a month for the SNC fund.
The meeting recognised the SNC as the “legitimate representative” of Syrians.
Damascus dubbed the gathering of some 70 Western and Arab foreign ministers in Istanbul as the “enemies of Syria”, and key players remained absent, including Russia, China and Iran.
At a news conference, Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu warned Syria that Kofi Annan’s six-point peace plan – which Damascus has agreed to in principle – was “not open-ended”.
His comments were echoed by US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton who said there was “no more time for excuses and delays” by the Assad government. “This is a moment of truth,” she said.
“The SNC will take charge of the payment of fixed salaries of all officers, soldiers, and others who are members of the Free Syrian Army,” SNC President Burhan Ghalioun told the conference.
The BBC’s Jonathan Head, in Istanbul, says the decision to pay rebel fighters is a significant step by the SNC in recognising the central role the armed insurgency is now playing in their campaign to oust President Assad.
An SNC leader told the BBC that she hoped more substantial funding would help bind the disparate units of the Free Syrian Army into a more coherent fighting force, and encourage other soldiers to defect from the government side.
The decision to increase non-lethal aid to the rebels by paying salaries to the fighters is a compromise, our correspondent says.
Not all opposition groups will be happy at the summit’s decision to channel the funds through the SNC – as well as recognising it as the legitimate representative of the Syrian people.
April 1st, 2012, 1:49 pm
Ghufran said:
This is an article from a site that is pro regime. The language is very unusual, I hope I am not reading too much into it :
April 1st, 2012, 1:50 pm
Hopeful said:
Here are the results so far on the Poll I am conducting on http://onsyria.wordpress.com/:
41 people voted for option 1. The regime stays on its current course of crushing the rebels, restraining free speech, restricting demonstrations, and introducing political reforms
1 person voted for option 2. The Free Syrian Army and Islamists are sufficiently armed to continue the fight, topple the regime and establish a new government
1 person voted for option 3. The West intervenes militarily, topples the regime and helps establish a democratic liberal government
25 people voted for option 4. The regime agrees to step aside and negotiates the creation of a transitional government and a safe exit for its leaders and supporters
It does surprise me that more people voted to maintain the status quo (option 1), than to engage with an alternative (option 4, which I believe is what Mr. Annan is ultimately trying to accomplish with his mission).
It is worth noting that among the 200+ viewers who viewed the post in the last two days, only 2 were from Syria (the majority is from the US). So the vote hardly represents what Syrians inside Syria really want. Nevertheless, it is a data point.
April 1st, 2012, 1:53 pm
Mina said:
“The rebels will get a salary”
I am sure all the poors of Iraq and elsewhere will appreciate the reach of such a bright idea.
April 1st, 2012, 2:19 pm
Alan said:
we congratulate you our friend Mister George Galloway
George Galloway – 2012-03-30 – Sky News – Bradford 1 [couchtripper]
April 1st, 2012, 2:28 pm
Alan said:
Description added: George Galloway’s victory speech Bradford West 30th March 2012 ]
April 1st, 2012, 2:30 pm
Antoine said:
“Anyone keeping tabs on Tlass and Kid, is he back in Syria as he promised? Or he is now a European Citizen, get to keep the hundreds of millions stolen from Syrian Treasury like Khaddam’s and Shahabi did, Sunni Moslems UUHHH. Sunni-vs Shia what a joke, what an idiocy”
Brigadier Manaf Tlass is currently commanding a Brigade of the Guards on the Golan Front.
April 1st, 2012, 2:30 pm
Antoine said:
Tareq al-Hashemi is in Qatar. Saleh al-Mutlaq al-Jubouri has been spotted in Istanbul. What do you think ?
April 1st, 2012, 2:32 pm
Ghufran said:
Nobody should question the motive behind posting an A list, enjoy, when people from both sides are getting kidnapped and killed at random, those lists are unnecessary, the listed officers are already targets. Those lists hurt the publisher more than the published.
April 1st, 2012, 2:33 pm
Aldendeshe said:
@35. Antoine said:
That is what Riffat Assad used to do whenever he wanted to slip into a commander wife or daughter bed. He gave him a quick promotion and sent him to command a battalion in the Golan, hoping then he will never return. Basically, the Golan front became a forced exile camp for the Assads. But where the other kid and his father setting now with all the millions they stole, Lake Geneva perhaps?
April 1st, 2012, 2:39 pm
Antoine said:
“Anyone keeping tabs on Tlass and Kid, is he back in Syria as he promised? Or he is now a European Citizen, get to keep the hundreds of millions stolen from Syrian Treasury like Khaddam’s and Shahabi did, Sunni Moslems UUHHH. Sunni-vs Shia what a joke, what an idiocy.’
Considering the intense animosity that exists between Tlass and the likes of Shihabi, Rifaat al Assad, Ghazi Kenaan, ( i.e real hardcore commanders), such a situation is unlikely. Qatar is a more likely destination.
April 1st, 2012, 2:39 pm
Antoine said:
I said Qatar is a more likely location. Maybe not.
April 1st, 2012, 2:45 pm
ann said:
I don’t see bibi natanyahu in the picture. Do you?!
April 1st, 2012, 2:45 pm
Ghufran said:
Where is the GCC and Hariri money when it is needed ?
Neighboring countries have welcomed rich Syrians who had to leave Syria or chose to leave Syria, poor Syrians do not have friends.
April 1st, 2012, 2:47 pm
Alan said:
Really it seems to you that this list will help Syrians to overcome the difficulties? to them to sneeze on tricks of psichological war ! Syrians don’t need people who bring them more pain and a negative! hang up the list on your wall!
April 1st, 2012, 2:52 pm
Afram said:
Syria Needs a George Washington?
The Ugly Truth the entire arab/muslims NEED military strongman like:Kemal Ataturk.
Petrodollar Wars:is delaying the progress,As a result,democracies& leadership is lacking.
Ataturk embarked upon a program of political&cultural reforms plus he secularized his nation-state.
Ataturk understood Islam well. He said –“Islam,this absurd theology of an immoral Bedouin, is a rotting corpse which poisons our lives Is simply asparagus and has no place here…”.
read Ataturk quote here:
And here:
ataturk was an atheist.ceased believing in God. he killed few extremist violent shieks and exiled many others.
muslims need to understand that the car has replaced the horse,why back to khilafah????!!!!????
April 1st, 2012, 2:53 pm
Ghufran said:
Once a liar,always a liar.
First they said they will only compete for a third of the seats at the PA, they lied, then they said they are inclusive but they just tried to shape a constitution that fits their tight pants, finally, they promised not to attemp a presidential bid, and they lied again.
Governments dominated by Islamists will be as bad as those ruled by Baathists, different slogans, more or less facial hair, but the same garbage.
April 1st, 2012, 2:58 pm
Alan said:
42. ANN
it is the second strong one for today 🙂
April 1st, 2012, 2:59 pm
ann said:
House Intel Leaders: Arming Syria a Bad Idea – April 1, 2012
House intelligence leaders said on Sunday that arming Syrian rebels remains unwise because they are unknown actors and Syria’s regime continues to be backed by Iran and Russia.
“I think we both agree that’s probably a bad idea,” said Mike Rogers, R-Mich., chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, appearing on CNN’s State of the Union.
Appearing with Ranking Member C.A. “Dutch” Ruppersberger, D-Md., he argued for greater international diplomatic pressure rather than “sending in arms and hoping for the best.”
“We think that there are other things that we can do that we haven’t quite engaged in yet, and that probably need to happen,” Rogers said, including engaging the Arab League so the United States could take a “support role.”
Rogers said President Bashar Al-Assad’s regime appears unmoved by Washington’s pleading, but cautioned against weapons falling into the hands of “bad actors there.”
“We don’t really see Assad’s inner-circle crumbling,” Rogers said. “They believe that they’re winning.”
He added: “Iran and Russia both have stepped up to the plate and can’t afford, in their minds, can’t afford to lose Syria as their toehold.”
Said Ruppersberger: “The United States can’t be sheriff for the whole world.”
April 1st, 2012, 3:08 pm
ann said:
Jordan renews rejection of military intervention in Syria – 1/4/2012
Istanbul, April 1 (Petra) — Foreign Minister Nasser Judeh on Sunday reiterated Jordan’s stance calling for an end to the bloodletting in Syria through achieving the Syrian people’s legitimate aspirations for reforms and political participation in a manner the preserves Syria’s territorial integrity and social fabric.
Addressing Friends of Syria meeting held in Istanbul today, Judeh called for an immediate implementation of UN-Arab League envoy, Kofi Anan’s six-point plan to spare Syria any foreign intervention in its affairs. The minister renewed Jordan’s rejection of any foreign military intervention in Syria. The FM told the meeting that Jordan hosts more than 90,000 Syrians in addition to a few thousands more refugees who came to Jordan since the outbreak of the crisis in Syria, pointing out the Jordanian government has allowed them to benefit from public health and education services.
April 1st, 2012, 3:21 pm
Alan said:
Israeli official calls Palestinian land protest ‘diplomatic terror’
By Associated Press, Published: March 31
JERUSALEM — Israel’s deputy foreign minister says an annual protest Palestinians mounted over the weekend is “political terrorism.”
Danny Ayalon spoke Saturday in Bat Yam, near Tel Aviv. He said Land Day protests are “a continuation of the diplomatic terrorism (Palestinian Authority President) Abu Mazen is using against Israel in international forums.”
Palestinians have held Land Day demonstrations since 1976 to protest what they say is discriminatory Israeli land policy. On Friday about 2,000 Arab-Israelis demonstrated in northern Israel, where much of Israel’s Arab minority lives. Israeli troops killed one protester in the Gaza Strip, and other supporters marched in Jordan and Lebanon.
Another 200 activists marched Saturday in Jaffa, the historically Arab quarter of Tel Aviv.
April 1st, 2012, 3:21 pm
jad said:
Mr. Moderator, please delete my comment in #43 too and be sure that I wont put any list of any names, it’s not my intention.
I agree with Ghufran that this is not the right thing to do.
Thank you.
April 1st, 2012, 3:27 pm
jad said:
Dear SNP
You know that I do respect you, and you know that I consider myself your friend and I know that it is mutual.
Could you please please please try not to write any comments against any religion. Please 🙂
April 1st, 2012, 3:31 pm
Alan said:
????! ?? ??? ????? ??????? ? ?? ?????? ?? ?????
European anti-Islamic rally in Denmark flops
An anti-Islamic gathering in Denmark’s second city has attracted fewer than 200 supporters compared with thousands of counter demonstrators of whom 83 were arrested.
The far-right activists later had to be escorted away from the rally on two buses by police on Saturday.
The rally was held in Aarhus, Denmark’s second largest city, 200km northwest of Copenhagen, the capital, drawing participants from several European countries, including Britain, Germany, Poland and Sweden.
The “European Counter-Jihad Meeting” started with a moment of silence for the seven people who were killed by an al-Qaeda-inspired gunman in France.
“There are 150 or 200 people, but I have the impression that there are not even 100 people really taking part in the demonstration,” a police officer at the far right rally in eastern Aarhus told AFP news agency.
April 1st, 2012, 3:32 pm
Antoine said:
“One day in early February 1984, I went to my office in the Headquarters, and while I was passing near Al-Jahiz Park, I noticed that many pictures of Rifaat Al-Assad, the president’s brother, were stuck on the walls. In the pictures he raised his fist as a symbol of power and challenge… I was not relieved about this silly and harmful sight and said to myself that, since I had always been annoyed at it, President Hafez Al-Assad was certainly more annoyed, as he was the most concerned about this issue.The introduction to the bookPresident Assad was the only person who followed up security issues relative to Unit 569 (the Defense Brigades). Whenever Brigadier-General Rifaat Al-Assad realized that a security officer in his brigade dealt with the Intelligence Department, he would send him to the special brigade prison and no one would hear of him any more. Consequently, the unit constituted a special ghetto that was hard to penetrate.
Yet, some unit officers used to communicate information to President Hafez Al-Assad through top secret channels that Rifaat himself failed to uncover. President Assad became increasingly convinced that Rifaat was harboring something, and that the unit was in a state of permanent alert although the domestic conditions did not necessitate it”
…..”At that moment, Colonel Sabbagh and his bodyguards (4 assistants armed with Russian rifles) arrived and disarmed Colonel Barakat. Lieutenant General Duba shouted at Major General Al-Shihabi that the issue was resolved… Then, he turned to Colonel Barakat and said, “Are you pointing your gun at me Salim? The latter replied, “Is it possible Abu Muhammad that I point my gun at you?” Then, Lieutenant General Duba slapped Colonel Barakat’s face and said, “I am Lieutenant General Duba, not Abu Muhammad, and I will take you to court Salim Barakat.” After that, Duba ordered that the lights be switched off, and ordered Colonel Asaad Sabbagh to get Colonel Barakat out of the car and to send him to the military police prison in Al-Kabun. The incident came to an end without uproar, and the number of the persons aware of its occurrence was limited”…….
“It was necessary to issue an order to form the Republican Guard in order to make the military forces in particular, and the rest of the people in general, understand that it was the duty of the Republican Guard to ensure the protection of the presidential palace, and that the Defense Brigades no longer had any role in protecting the President. We agreed that the Republican Guard would consist of an armored division to which were added three guard regiments whose cadres were similar to those of the commando regiments of the Special Units. And in order to set the Republican Guard on solid foundations from the start, I suggested to the President that we bring ready units straight from the divisions and military formations. For instance, we could bring an infantry battalion, or a tank battalion, or an artillery battalion from any division. Its readiness would not be affected and it was easy to form another battalion from within. Thus, the name of the unit that would join the Republican Guard appeared in the formation order for the first time… Rifaat Al-Assad attempted to hinder this formation, which he considered a blow dealt to him, and he forcefully prevented some battalions from joining the Republican Guard, but the tank units managed to break the siege laid to the guard and joined the formation. The 259th Battalion, 81st Brigade, the 3rd Division was the first to join. I feel proud that this battalion was the first tank battalion whose command I assumed in Homs after the glorious March 8 Revolution. Thus, the Republican Guard began to gradually stand on its feet in order to fulfill its noble task.”..
April 1st, 2012, 3:36 pm
Ghufran said:
The SNC did not get the label of the Sole Rep of Syrian people, and Qatar and KSA did not receive an endorsement for arming the FSA and other Syrian armed ani regime groups.
The Egyptian stock market lost 4 billion EP in one day of trading after the MB announced its intent to jump on the office of presidency, what may come next is an open confrontation with the army leadership which is not likely to give Egypt to the MB.
The SNC said it will “restructure” its body to become more inclusive and more democratic, that will not happen under Qatar and KSA sponsorship, corrupt GCC governments will only fund puppet politicians, others are not welcome to the freedom club.
Without a major change in structure and attitude, the SNC will become a group of angry and expensive paper tigers in exile.
Back to square one.
April 1st, 2012, 3:36 pm
jad said:
Please check what are the ‘colonial’ powers ‘chosen’ ‘Syrians’ doing during the enemies of Syria 2
April 1st, 2012, 3:36 pm
Alan said:
55. JAD
this is the third strong one for today ! funny !;)
April 1st, 2012, 3:42 pm
Antoine said:
SC Moderator :
This is the link to the lists of officers –
( I admit I try to sound more connected than I really am, its addiction)
Btw many of those officers are not well-known in Syria, its just to have fun, nothing else. People should get to know their leaders, you know.
April 1st, 2012, 3:43 pm
Syrian Nationalist Party said:
“The rebels will get a salary”
What about the orphans these Foreign backed genocidal war criminal mercenaries and murderers left homeless and hungry in Syria, in Homs, are they going to get a salary as well? Or Islam and its leaders only pay for act of war, slaughter and mayhem, not act of mercy and compassion.
What a fraud this pure filth (Islam) it is.April 1st, 2012, 3:44 pm
Antoine said:
For those who questioned my motives behind publishing the “list”, well the objective for compiling and posting these lists is to make people aware of the top ppl in the regime, especially those working in sensitive locations, so that people are aware about these elements. If somebody decides to “do” something to the people named in the list, that isn’t the fault of the compilers of the list. People need to know all the names, details, of people who are working for the regime.
Next will be names and details of all senior field commanders of the Army in Homs, Idlib, and Deirezzor.
Then will come the list of businessmen who are supporting the regime financially and are forcing their workers not to join the opposition,
All in all, the FSA have 2500 people under their radars, who are crucuial to the regime and are working in sensitive positions. So yeah, the regime rests on 2500 ppl. We will compile all the names, details, and particulars of these 2500 ppl. We have left out the civilan membership of the Baath Party Central Command, and the Parliament of Syria, becz in our assessment these are no longer crucial to the regime.
I am posting the lost again, bcz a new post has come up, I have posted this under this post before but the Moderator deleted it without informing me, which is very irritating, Moderator should at least give reason before making posts disappear randomly.
April 1st, 2012, 3:44 pm
Mawal95 said:
Antoine #44 claims Syrian security forces open live fire on peaceful protesters in Clock Square in Homs on Friday 22 Apr 2011. I say it’s a damn lie. I challenge Antoine to provide video evidence. I also challenge Antoine to provide video evidence for any other alleged atrocities anywhere in Syria on Friday 22 Apr 2011. I have seen a number of fakes that purport to be from that date specifically. I have never seen the real thing.
April 1st, 2012, 3:46 pm
jad said:
The news from my dungeon in Beirut:
??????? ?????? ?? ????? ?? ?????? 1-4-2012
April 1st, 2012, 3:47 pm
Alan said:
??????? ??????? :
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April 1st, 2012, 3:55 pm
Mawal95 said:
I said in an old thread: “Syrians are nationalistic. The definition of the nation that the Syrians are nationalistic about is the one developed and nurtured by the regime over four decades. The dissident factions have not attempted to articulate any alternative to it. Today the Syria of Assad still has a bone-crunchingly strong grip over how the Syrian nation and nationalism is defined.”
Joshua Landis says today: “No secular nationalist ideology exists in Syria that can rally Syrian fighters.”
My reply to that: No religious or Islamic nationalist ideology exists in Syria that can rally public opinion to support rebel fighters. In Syria the Sunni clerical leadership plus the generality of Sunni clerics, as well as the generality of the whole population, endorses the ban on religious political parties. It is part of the generally accepted concept of the nation of Syria.
Nir Rosen reported a few weeks ago: “A rebel military leader in Harasta confided that many people hoped there would be a declaration of jihad against the regime. But they don’t want to be accused of being Salafis. He did not expect such a declaration because the regime was not led by infidels and there were many Muslims in it, while the opposition also feared being accused of sectarianism.”
Joshua Landis says today “The Islamist ideology is well-aligned with the tactics now required to defeat the infidel.” I reply the Islamist ideology is NOT well aligned with a viable strategy required to win political support among the generality of the population.
April 1st, 2012, 4:11 pm
ann said:
Pope gives $100,000 aid to Syrian Church
Pope Benedict XVI has given $100,000 for the charitable work of the local Catholic Church in Syria, Vatican Radio reports on Sunday. The Catholic Church is active in charitable activities throughout Syria, especially in the areas of Homs and Aleppo. The Pope has repeatedly called for the end of violence in Syria and for dialogue between those involved in the conflict.
April 1st, 2012, 4:17 pm
jad said:
Sorry Alan 🙂
The picture I linked earlier end up being old and not from the enemies of Syria, I apologize to all.
I’ll try to be more careful next time.
April 1st, 2012, 4:22 pm
ann said:
Gulf states, SNC to bankroll Syrian rebels – 01 April, 2012
“The SNC will take charge of the payment of fixed salaries of all officers, soldiers, and others who are members of the Free Syrian Army,” Council head Burhan Ghalioun said.
Journalist and political analyst Christoph Hoerstel told RT that salaries for the rebels are not news, as they “have been paid since the beginning.”
He insists that the conflict in Syria had been planned in advance from as early as summer 2010, and that this information “kills the whole story the West and some of those corrupt allies… are making out of Syria.”
April 1st, 2012, 4:24 pm
Juergen said:
I know your thirst for what you might call “juicy” stories involving secret services and young terrorists. Just check the thorn tree forum on lonelyplanet.com. Youll find many young 24 year old travelling to Pakistan, Iran, Afghanistan. There are folks who like to travel and money is not the issue, if one wants to travel one can without major funds. But I assume you prefer the idea that someone is working for secret service agencies and travels in their order.
Mina, in every major city on this planet youll find people who will sell you a gun. There is a big illegal market, which is hard to control even in Europe with all the weapon registration and limited access to it legally. I would also add that its very unlikely that this weird fella was a Al Quaida agent, I believe that he wanted to enjoy worldwide attention, and this Al Qauida word is a gateopener, it works well as the syrian regime prooved to us.
April 1st, 2012, 4:26 pm
Tara said:
It is a low class word for unclean, untidy, or unkept person.
April 1st, 2012, 4:28 pm
irritated said:
In this latest episode of the FOS series, the FSA fighters got the promise of a paid job plus satellite communications and various electronic gadgets, but no weapons and corridors.
Against all expectations from their fans and the frantic effort of Davutoglu, the SNC got no recognition whatsoever, not the ‘sole’ not the ‘principal’, it was simply ignored.
Qatar and KSA keep sulking as they are expected to pay the salaries of the “100,000” FSA fighters and console themselves by reading the hacked emails of Bashar al Assad.
I guess many badly paid Syrian soldiers will defect when they’ll find out what’s the salary of a defector in the FSA.
Also as a consolation, Erdavutoglu hopes to get some of the ‘humanitarian’ money to continue building prefabs for his Syrian ‘social camps’ to host the Syrian ‘guests’ as long as they don’t ask for political asilum.
Overall a uneventful episode, when and where is the next one scheduled?
At Summit, Nations Move to Increase Aid for Syrian Rebels
Published: April 1, 2012
ISTANBUL — The United States and dozens of other countries moved closer on Sunday to direct intervention in the fighting in Syria, with Arab nations pledging $100 million to pay opposition fighters and the Obama administration agreeing to send communications equipment to help rebels organize and evade Syria’s military, according to participants gathered here.
April 1st, 2012, 4:29 pm
Alan said:
The Syrians NOT ONLY CATHOLICS can BUILD AGAINE all there churches by themselves !
Asking Pope Benedict XVI prays for the fastest peace in Syria
April 1st, 2012, 4:33 pm
Mawal95 said:
@ JAD #63: I appreciate getting the correction. Still, the picture of the guy playing cards reminds me that conferences with oral speeches are an old-fashioned and inefficient way of acquiring knowledge. Humans can read text at about twice the speed that that anyone can speak it. Text is searchable and skippable in a way that a live speech is not. Everybody should do what we do, which is sit in front of an information machine.
April 1st, 2012, 4:39 pm
Mawal95 said:
Jubel für das System
¡Viva el sistema
Bravo pour le système
??????? ???? ??? ??????? ????? ?????? ??????. ???! ?
April 1st, 2012, 4:44 pm
zoo said:
The official communique of the FOS
Chairman’s Conclusions: Second Conference of the Group of Friends of the Syrian People
1. The Second Conference of the Group of Friends of the Syrian People (“the Friends’ Group”) was held in Istanbul on 1 April 2012.
2. The Friends’ Group welcomed the growing interest and participation of the countries which totaled 82 at this meeting including the representatives from the United Nations, The League of Arab States, The European Union, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, the Gulf Cooperation Council and the African Union.
3. Recalling the conclusions of the first meeting in Tunisia, the Friends’ Group reaffirmed its determination to support the just cause of the Syrian people. The Friends Group underlined that the future of Syria must be determined by the Syrian people and that it will stand firmly by them until their rightful and legitimate aspirations are fulfilled. In this context, the Friends Group underscored its firm and strong commitment to the sovereignty, independence, political unity and territorial integrity of Syria.
4. The Syrian National Council presented a report to the Friends Group, regarding the situation on the ground in Syria. As explicitly stated in this report, the situation on the ground is grave. The Syrian regime’s widespread and systematic violations of human rights and fundamental freedoms continue unabated.
April 1st, 2012, 4:47 pm
zoo said:
Is Erdogan antagonising Annan?
ISTANBUL – Agence France-Presse
Turkey’s Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdo?an said today Ankara would not back any plan that would help the regime in Damascus to stay in power.
“It is not possible for us to support any plan that would help stay in power a regime that oppresses its own people,” Erdo?an said at the opening of the Friends of Syria conference in Istanbul.
April 1st, 2012, 4:52 pm
Dale Andersen said:
Memo To: HANS
RE: “…Syrian Nationalist Party, you have crossed the red line of sectarian provocation with your note about the ‘pure filth (Islam)’. This is intolerable…”
Ah, finally someone on SC who understands the meaning and usage of “red line”
April 1st, 2012, 4:53 pm
Son of Damascus said:
Here are the footage you claim to be lies:
(Clock square before any army thugs)
(Clock square during the siege by army thugs)
(Army thugs celebrating their “victory” after they besieged clock square)
Or is this part of Youtube’s conspiracy as well?
April 1st, 2012, 4:56 pm
Uzair8 said:
Asking for peace in this situation is like expecting someone who has just returned home from work to find his house in the process of being burgled and ransacked, his family being brutally beaten and killed, and female members of his family being raped, it is like expecting this person, as he steps inside, to ask for peace from all parties in the house (murderers/rapists/ burglers and family alike).
Would I be right?
April 1st, 2012, 4:57 pm
Leo Syriacus said:
So to understand it clearly the Istanbul conference conclusions read as follows:
Assad you need to peacefully cede power in negotiations with the SNC who are not terrorists but recognized opposition by most influential nations in the world, there is no mentioning of our bombs falling over your head as of yet.
Everyone knows that this is not gonna happen, Assad will never resign…even if he personally gives up on the “Assad Forever” crap the rest of the Mafia will assassinate him, he needs to die a hero.
So a few more months of carnage, then NATO bombs with much more carnage, then an Islamists-dominated government with even more carnage!!
What a scenario!! Syrians are damned if they do and damned if they don’t.
While other nations experienced freedom from tyrants and started their nation building (which will take decades,kid yourselves not) in the Arab Spring, Syria’s chapter is more tyranny,more repression,terrorism,civil war, raped and impregnated 13-year olds and carnage.
Really sad because Syrians are a great people with amazing potential.
April 1st, 2012, 5:00 pm
Uzair8 said:
You know when Assad and the mafia finally fall, it is gonna frustrate and hurt them all the more. Having survived so long and with their hopes of coming thru this crisis raised, having possibly come so close to survival (?) they and their supporters (incl. allies) will be absolutely gutted. At least Ben Ali and Mubarak fell relatively swiftly.
April 1st, 2012, 5:03 pm
Alan said:
Ah, finally someone on SC who understands the meaning and usage of “red line”
????? ??? ????? ??? ????? ????? ??????? ???????? ! ??? ???? ??? ?????? ??? ?? ???? ?? ??? ?????? ? ???? ???? ????? ????? ?
April 1st, 2012, 5:03 pm
Sunny said:
The Pope gave $100,000 ?! Thank you.
However, this is an insult. It is like Bill Gate gives $1 to Haiti to build few hospitals!! I read one time that GOD stands for Guns, Oil, and Drugs! We wonder why Muslim, Christians, and Jewish extremists exist?!
April 1st, 2012, 5:07 pm
Tara said:
FOS meeting have caused significant agitation among the regime supporters on SC. I recommend the use of Xanax cautiously. The forecast does not look bright for the regime. Please refrain from the use of escalating dose as time progress as things are destined to worsen. It is not a benign drug.
April 1st, 2012, 5:08 pm
Syria no Kandahar said:
Last fig leaf has fallen a while ago from Xanax dispensers:
??????? ????????
April 1st, 2012, 5:12 pm
Juergen said:
i heard it in Damascus, they told me its an old damascene word, not an insult to many as other words( as they told me) . But i was suprised that even its used in the tv series young folks dont seem to know it.
April 1st, 2012, 5:14 pm
Uzair8 said:
In the last few days I’ve seen, in the comment section of AJE Live Syria Blog, talk of a trickle of defections of Generals. I wonder how much truth there is to this. I guess we’ll have to wait for Prof JL’s next post to see if there is any mention of this (corroborated with other reports/sources).
An example of a comment from the blog:
‘Defection of Air Force General
Mohammad Yahya Bitar (its 5-th general that defect in last 4 days).
Defection of colonel Khaled al-Kassar Qutaini
Both join FSA…
3hrs ago’.
‘Popular now’ section of comments.
April 1st, 2012, 5:22 pm
Syria no kandahar said:
?? ??????? ?????? ????? ???? ?? ??? ????
April 1st, 2012, 5:22 pm
dawoud said:
Thanks to the Arab Gulf states for paying salaries of Free Syrian Army salaries. They also need to provids FSA with anti__tank missiles to destroy Bashar T72 tanks. Is she still trying to post English translation of Hasan latest speech on her blog!
April 1st, 2012, 5:24 pm
Syria no Kandahar said:
Crimes of FSA mafia:
April 1st, 2012, 5:26 pm
Mawal95 said:
@ SOD #74:
It’s universally accepted as fact that protesters tried to stage an sit-in overnight at Clock Square in Homs City in April 2011 and that the sit-in was dispersed by the security forces.
The three videos you linked to merely show that much and no more. I challenge you to show us non-fake videos of the security forces using lethal force on Friday 22 April 2011, or on any day in April 2011, or for that matter any day during this past year.
Since I know that lots of fakes exist (itself a sign that the real thing doesn’t exist in quantity, btw), I demand unmistakeable footage of the actual security forces actually firing (and not merely firing into the air) and I also want to see context that the targets being fired on were not firing on the security forces.
If the security forces were guilty of atrocities as you claim, you ought not to have a problem satisfying this request. But I have presented this challenge many times before and never come across anybody who replied with youtube links to show me that I am mistaken in my confidence that the Syrian security forces have not commited atrocities of disproportionate force.
April 1st, 2012, 5:31 pm
Dawoud said:
Does her blog have the English translation of latest propaganda speech of Hasan Nasr:-( 😛 🙂 😉 ?
April 1st, 2012, 5:41 pm
Tara said:
Another link. Notice the use of the word “all” Syrians. Anyhow, given the apparent agitation on SC, I will stop posting links to that effect if you want me too. You know I care about you.. but you’ve asked for it.
The “Friends of Syria” recognized the opposition Syrian National Council (SNC) as a legitimate representative of all Syrians, and “noted” it as the main opposition interlocutor with the international community – wording that fell short of full recognition of a group hampered by chronic disunity.
“Friends of Syria” try to turn screws on Assad
By Khaled Yacoub Oweis and Missy Ryan
April 1st, 2012, 5:42 pm
majedkhaldoun said:
It is insult for woman
April 1st, 2012, 5:43 pm
Tara said:
Malta delists Iranian tanker breaching Syria sanctions
VALLETTA | Sun Apr 1, 2012 3:46pm EDT
(Reuters) – The Maltese Foreign Ministry said on Sunday that it was delisting a Maltese-flagged, Iranian-owned tanker which was carrying Syrian crude oil in breach of international sanctions.
The M.T.Tour loaded the 120,000 tonne cargo of light crude at the Syrian port of Tartus last weekend, sent by the Iranian authorities after Syria was unable to find another vessel to take the cargo, worth some $84 million to the sanctions-hit Syrian government.
The ministry said the Maltese transport authorities took immediate action last week on learning that the Iranian ship flying the Maltese merchant shipping flag was carrying Syrian oil in breach of sanctions.
April 1st, 2012, 5:46 pm
Uzair8 said:
A thought that has just occured to me.
You know how the revolution has not been deterred by come what may. Sometimes I wonder how long the people can keep going. I just remembered how in Islam martyrs are not ‘dead’. They are alive and can still help the living. Even if it is encouragement.
You may have heard how Nelson Mandela, in his darkest days in confinement, was visited in a dream and encouraged by Imam Hussein (RA)(the blessed grandson of the Holy Prophet Sallalhu Alaihi WaSalam).
I’m sure the martyrs of Syria, Ghiath Matar, the men women and children who have been unjustly martyred, are helping and encouraging the revolution.
The spirit of the revolution hasn’t weakend. The candle-flame burns on, brighter still. Chasing away darkness and bringing light to every place.
Oh martyrs we will never forget.
I love you Syria.
April 1st, 2012, 5:46 pm
ann said:
Meet the so called friends of the Friends of Syria.
All those atrocity stories fed constantly to a Western audience intoxicated with enthusiasm for the global democratic revolution? No doubt the Syrian government — as all governments — has used force and no doubt it has used extreme force against those tho they feel are threatening. Ask any G-8 protester about this phenomenon. But even some of the cheerleaders of the Syrian revolution are starting to notice that the rebels are simply cooking up videos, Hollywood-style, to hand to the “free” press in the West. Here is another fake video that CNN fell for uncritically.
Hillary and the “Friends” are lying about the Annan plan. They demand that the government lay down its arms while all the while massively transferring military equipment to the rebels. Saudi Foreign minister Saud al-Faisal, a representative of one of the most brutal dictatorships on the face of the earth, said, “The arming of the [Syrian] opposition is a duty, I think, because it cannot defend itself except with weapons.” What a humanitarian! After providing covert military support through a morally-disintegrating Turkey, the US plans to overtly provide “communications” equipment to the Syrian rebels — more likely to be targeting devices linked to CIA satellites than Twitter devices, to be sure.
The result of “Friends of Syria II” will no doubt be more bloodshed in Syria, just as we saw the flicker of the promise of a return to normalcy and the promise of reform brought about by the recent (unnoticed by the West) constitutional referendum. But countries like Syria can no longer be allowed to solve their own domestic problems internally, and any solution therein attempted must be undermined by the US/NATO and its allies. Sovereignty must be destroyed in the name of global democratic revolution. With friends like these…
April 1st, 2012, 5:57 pm
Khalid Tlass said:
Abu Bakr, Omar, Othman, Ali.
We are the soldiers of the Sahaba, marching forward to create the State of Muhammad, the Great Caliphate of Omar in Syria !!
April 1st, 2012, 5:58 pm
jad said:
Thank god that we have Iran and Iraq as barrier between Syria and the ‘stan’ region.
April 1st, 2012, 6:01 pm
Jad said:
Otherwise the fighters there will pour into Syria after hearing about getting salaries from the rich khalijis.
BTW, who was paying until today then?
April 1st, 2012, 6:20 pm
jna said:
71. zoosaid:
The official communique of the FOS
I don’t have the patience to read these propaganda diatribes to the end. Been there, done that, come up with something new and constructive.
April 1st, 2012, 6:22 pm
bronco said:
#89 Tara said
“The “Friends of Syria” recognized the opposition Syrian National Council (SNC) as a legitimate representative of all Syrians,”
That was already THE “big success” of the SNC…at the Tunis FOS.
Nothing new…
The SNC is in eternal infancy and from FOS to FOS still hopes it will be taken seriously, but continues to fail. With a daddy like HBJ, a mummy like Davutoglu and an uncle like Juppe, what do you expect?
When is the next FOS, still in Paris as planned?
Khaled Oweiss uses these dramatic images: “Time running out”, “turning the screws” to create a sense or urgency and to hide the absence of a serious development.
At the end, these are all “verbal pressure”. I guess Bashar has put earplugs a long time ago to stop hearing the international cacophonia.
Please don’t refrain from posting the links that you find. It is always interesting to read.
April 1st, 2012, 6:24 pm
Dale Andersen said:
Memo To: JAD
RE: “…thank god that we have Iran and Iraq as a barrier…”
Yup! You can’t have it any better than with Iran and Iraq. They’re like ham & swiss cheese, Peanut butter & marshmallows, pastrami on rye, Easter & Christmas…
April 1st, 2012, 6:25 pm
omen said:
eloquent posters struggling for answers, pleading for understanding as to why seemingly rational people would irrationally support a barbaric and bloodthirsty regime.
they list plausible rationales, but even when considered in totality, comes up short and feels incomplete in answering “why?”
it isn’t even denial in preferring not to think about it. how do assad supporters look straight in the face of genocide and merely shrug or even cheerlead it.
i used to think this was because of self interest. people who benefited from assad being in power. but i think this goes deeper than mere greed.
this isn’t something that can be answered by political scientists or mena experts. i think this is something only psychologists can explain. one doesn’t sanction 40 years of pathological rule of dictators without absorbing some of it yourself.
April 1st, 2012, 6:29 pm
zoo said:
Hillary: Please Bashar, don’t “step aside” as we asked you before, implement the peace plan first.
Clinton to Assad: Don’t delay implementing peace plan
ISTANBUL | Sun Apr 1, 2012 11:55am EDT
(Reuters) – U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton warned Syrian President Bashar al-Assad on Sunday he could no longer delay implementing a UN-Arab League peace proposal to end fighting in Syria.
Speaking after a meeting between Western and Arab officials and members of the Syrian opposition in Istanbul, Clinton said Assad had so far refused to implement the Annan peace plan.
“There is no more time for excuses or delays … this is a moment of truth,” Clinton told a news conference.
April 1st, 2012, 6:33 pm
Tara said:
At first, you wanted a link, I gave you too. After the link(S) were provided, the recognition suddenly became unimportant… I thought you were arguing that Turkey and France wanted the recognition contrary to the rest of the 83 (that is eighty three) countries and organizations attending the FOS including the Vatican. No? That was not what you said?
Anyhow, I will continue posting interesting links as long as you promise you are not getting any Xanax. That advise was not for you..;)
April 1st, 2012, 6:36 pm
Aldendeshe said:
“….Joshua Landis says today “The Islamist ideology is well-aligned with the tactics now required to defeat the infidel.” …”
For the majority of Syrians the infidels are the Wahabis and Arab Rulers. The very same people who are calling many Syrians infidels. Loooooooooooooooosers, Stop taking your Qs from Landis, while he is taking his cash for paid to order blog statement.April 1st, 2012, 6:53 pm
Norman said:
This is the plan B that i called for on March 27 2011, still good today, there is no chance for the opposition to get international invasion and no chance for them to force themselves on the Syrian people, so join the process and the US should push them to do that if it really wants reform in Syria,
((( 145. Norman said:
Do you want Syria to follow the democracy of the US 200 years ago or today’s laws,
I think it is a waste of time to try to reinvent the wheel, Just adopt the American constitution and bill of rights and laws including anti discrimination laws in Housing and employment, call on American university to help set up districts, Divide the cities into towns and let them vote for their Meyers and city councils, let each County vote for it’s county executive and have rules as they have in the US to impeach them so the president does not have to intervene in whom to fire,let people rule themselves and blame themselves when thy do stupid things, with people ruling themselves new leaders will show up and prove themselves,)))
April 1st, 2012, 7:33 pm
Mawal95 said:
#71 ZOO linked to the chairman’s concluding statement of the Enemies of Syria Conference. I insist they are enemies of Syria. I cannot refer to them as friends of Syria. One of the things in the chairman’s concluding statement is: “The [Enemies of Syria] Group welcomes the commitment of the Syrian opposition, as articulated in the National Covenant, to a political and economic transition that is peaceful, orderly and stable.” (Another link to the same text is at http://ukinnl.fco.gov.uk/en/news/?view=News&id=749074282 ).
The opposition’s “National Covenant for a New Syria” just referred to, dated 27 Mar 2012, is online at among other places http://en.cihan.com.tr/caption/Syrian-National-Covenant-Draws-Syria-s-Future-Full-Text–CHNjY4OTg5LzQ= . I just read the opposition’s Covenant. It has no commitment to a peaceful, orderly or stable political transition. On the contrary, it says: “The revolution… began its second year with the determination to wrest freedom and dignity from a regime that….[blah, blah]…. In absolute defiance of the regime’s crimes and heinous acts, Syrians are resolved to topple the regime by escalating their struggle…. The current situation makes it incumbent on Syrians to marshal all their efforts in order to confront and bring down the regime.”
After that preamble, the National Covenent presents “the fundamental principles on which the new Syrian State will be created”. As I read those principles, they are basically the same as the regime’s principles. They could’ve easily been copied from speeches by Bashar Assad and from the new Syrian Constitution and from miscelleneous statements of the Syrian foreign ministry.
This reminds me of a very common phenomenon in political campaigning in other countries where the challenger or opposition party has essentially no distinctive policy ideas, and has decided to not venture to propound any, and instead wages a campaign on issues of “competence” and “integrity” for implementing the same platform as the incumbent. As I read the Syrian opposition’s political platform in the National Covenant statement, I see platitudinous banalities but I think I also see imitation of the incumbent’s platform as politically tried and proven to be popular.
April 1st, 2012, 7:40 pm
SC Moderation said:
For Ann, Dawoud, Chris, Aldendeshe, SNP, Majedkhaldoun, please send your answers to [email protected]
My apologies to all for an untimely failure of the mail dot com account!
April 1st, 2012, 7:46 pm
Tara said:
Turkey isolated? Turkey’s exports in March were the second highest monthly figures in her history.
Arab Spring nations back in business, exports climb
KAYSER? – Hürriyet Daily News
Turkey’s exports increased 8.1 percent in March from the same month a year earlier, according to Turkish Exporter’s Assembly. ‘We have begun make up for the adverse effects of the Arab Spring,’ the association says
March 2012’s exports were the second highest monthly figures in the history of the Republic, Economy Minister Zafer Ça?layan said yesterday, adding that it was also a record for March exports.
‘Figures not a joke’
“These figures are no April Fools’ joke. I am not surprised. Our exporters have a goal of $150 billion for 2012,” he said in a written statement.
April 1st, 2012, 7:49 pm
Mawal95 said:
Syria’s new Constitution is a revision of the old one. Revisions consist of insertions and deletions. In light of the political landscape in Egypt, Tunisia, Lebanon, and Iraq, the most important new insertion is in Article 8 of the new Constitution, which says: “No political activity shall be practiced, nor any political organization formed, on a religious or sectarian basis.”
The Syrian National Council and their “National Covenant for a New Syria” does not say anything in opposition to that important new clause or to the spirit of it. Not even indirectly. They say nothing contrary to the spirit of it. In so far as anything from the SNC is worth noting, their position on that issue is worth noting.
April 1st, 2012, 7:53 pm
Tara said:
People including religious employees (Hassoun, al-Rai, Buti, etc…) always support and pay respect to the mighty powerful. It is a pity!
Patriarch expresses gratitude to Turkey
ISTANBUL – Hürriyet Daily News
Lebanon-based Maronite Patriarch Bechara Boutros al-Rai has expressed gratitude to Turkey for its efforts to increase dialogue between Islam and Christianity.
April 1st, 2012, 8:09 pm
omen said:
mawal, would you support them if it did?
April 1st, 2012, 8:18 pm
Tara said:
Prince HBJ, the heart and soul of the Syrian revolution, is upsetting Malki’s masters in Iran a little bit too much…
First Published: 2012-04-02
Maliki uses Syria to slam Qatar, Saudi Arabia
Iraq’s prime minister on Sunday slammed Sunni-ruled Qatar and Saudi Arabia’s stance on arming Syrian rebels, as Doha hosted Baghdad’s fugitive vice president who is accused of running a death squad.
Nuri al-Maliki’s remarks were the latest in a dramatic cooling of ties between Qatar and Iraq, which have sharply disagreed on how to respond to President Bashar al-Assad’s year-long deadly crackdown on dissent in Syria.
“We reject any arming (of Syrian rebels) and the process to overthrow the (Assad) regime, because this will leave a greater crisis in the region,” Maliki said at a news conference.
“The stance of these two states is very strange,” he said in apparent reference to Qatar and Saudi Arabia.
“They are calling for sending arms instead of working on putting out the fire, and they will hear our voice, that we are against arming and against foreign interference.”
“We are against the interference of some countries in Syria’s internal affairs, and those countries that are interfering in Syria’s internal affairs will interfere in the internal affairs of any country,” the Iraqi leader added.
He also predicted that Assad’s regime will hang on, saying: “It has been one year and the regime did not fall, and it will not fall, and why should it fall?”
The Syria issue is fraught with sectarian tension, as its minority rulers are Alawites — an offshoot of Shiite Islam — who are trying to cling to power by brutally suppressing an uprising by the country’s majority Sunnis.
Qatar on Sunday welcomed Iraq’s Sunni Vice President Tareq al-Hashemi, who flew out of the autonomous Kurdistan region in north Iraq where he had been holed up since December.
Baghdad had demanded that Kurdistan hand over Hashemi, who is accused of running a death squad, to face justice, but the region declined to oblige.
Hashemi “arrived in Doha today (Sunday) in an official visit that will last a few days,” Qatari state news agency QNA said.
“He was received upon his arrival at Doha International Airport by the Qatari Minister of State Sheikh Hamad bin Nasser bin Jassem al-Thani,” QNA reported without giving further details.
A statement from Hashemi’s office said that he will meet Qatari Emir Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani and Prime Minister Sheikh Hamad bin Jassem bin Jabr al-Thani, before visiting unnamed other countries and returning to Kurdistan.
Maliki earlier told the news conference that Hashemi “is wanted in a member country of the Arab League, and he should not be received, especially under the title of vice president,” when asked about the possibility of Hashemi visiting other Arab states.
There have been other recent bumps in relations between Iraq and various Gulf countries, especially Qatar, that also involve a sectarian dimension.
Qatari Prime Minister Sheikh Hamad said in an interview with Al-Jazeera that “the weak representation from the Gulf countries in the Baghdad summit is a message to the government of Iraq.”
He went on to accuse Iraq of “neglecting” some parts of its population, including minority Sunnis, in the formation of its government.
Kuwait was the only one of the six Sunni-ruled Gulf Cooperation Council nations to be represented by its head of state at a landmark summit in Baghdad on Thursday.
“They should be more concerned about their own political issues and human rights issues and demands of their own population for democratic reforms than to judge others,” Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister Hussein al-Shahristani said.
April 1st, 2012, 8:20 pm
bronco said:
#102 Tara
The continuous wishful thinking of the SNC is pathetic. It reminds me of a kid trying to get attention and irremediably being given a lollipop just to get rid of him.
Juppe has already lost hopes about the SNC, he said he was disappointed by their meagre achievements.
Turkey is “politically” isolated in its foreign policy, its trading is doing well but could be affected by any military adventure. This is why Turkey is shouting but doing nothing.
Don’t worry, I don’t even know what Xanax is. In fact I think Ghalioun and Basma may need a replenishment of their stocks of sleeping pills.
April 1st, 2012, 8:23 pm
ann said:
Legitimizing Syria’s opposition a devotion of power monopoly – 2012-04-02
DAMASCUS, April 1 (Xinhua) — Syrian analysts and observers of all political affiliations lambasted the decision made Sunday by the international group “Friends of Syria” to recognize the oppositional Syrian National Council (SNC) as the sole representative of the Syrian people, saying the decision is a devotion of the principle of power monopoly.
Analysts said the recognition is reminiscent of the principle of totalitarian rule, which runs counter to the foundations of democracy advocated by Western countries.
“This is a devotion to the totalitarian concept to monopolize the authority,” Rajaa Naser, an opposition figure said.
Speaking to Xinhua, Naser said that “the SNC is only a representative of its followers and it can’t be a representative of the Syrian people,” stressing that such decision will not meet the aspirations of the Syrian people.
Another opponent figure, Ali Haidar, chairman of the opposition Syrian Social National Party, regarded the recognition as “a promise of the incapable to the worthless.”
He said the conferees in Istanbul do not have the right to name representatives on behalf of the Syrians because only the people have the right to choose who represent them. “This is a new failure in the search for an exit to Syria’s crisis,” he said.
Haidar, also a member of the opposing Popular Front for Liberation and Change, pointed out that the SNC is just one part of the opposition. “Where are other opposition parties?” he questioned.
“It’s impermissible for Arab and foreign countries to meet outside the Syrian territory, and decide to legitimize representatives on behalf of the Syrian people,” Abdullah said.
Downplaying the repercussions of the recognition, Abdullah said “this step will remain confined within the countries that have agreed to recognize the National Council, and will not be of practical results on the ground or any other political connotations.”
April 1st, 2012, 8:43 pm
Tara said:
I just don’t like the fact that Basma is Ghalioun’s sister-in-law. I think I have a psychological complex…
Erdogan’s behavior is perplexing. He talks the talk but does not walk the walk. Intense pleasing rhetoric yet blocking weapon smuggling across the borders? Schizophrenic behavior? He did not wait for the US blessings to send Mavi Marmara to Gaza. Why is he waiting for the US approval to help the revolution?
April 1st, 2012, 8:44 pm
omen said:
from above
bassma kodmani, SNC member, strongly disagreed with this notion and insists there IS a national syrian identity.
if there isn’t one, the refugee numbers would be much higher. people without an national identity would be much more willing to abandon their country.
if there isn’t one, why are christians and druze fighters in the fsa? and, yes, even alawites are in the fsa.
the desire for freedom and democracy is a unifying force. hell, self preservation against this savage regime is a unifying force.
April 1st, 2012, 9:16 pm
Norman said:
Erdogan might be smart enough to see that the goal is to involve Turkey in a war with Syria that will weaken it and make Israel the only power in the region,
April 1st, 2012, 9:22 pm
bronco said:
113. Tara
Modern Turkey, like most industrialized countries, worship the Trading God.
In view of the shrinking of the EU economy, the rebuff of the EU adherence and his religious convictions, Erdogan thought that it would be best to turn to the Middle East to increase trading and enrich Turkey. This is what the zero problem with neighbors was all about. He was even ready to scold Israel about Gaza and even to decrease its closeness with Israel to embrace the huge market of non or weakly industrialized Arab countries. A great bonanza for Turkish goods. Yet Turkey has little or no experience in the complex politics and shifting alliances in the Arab countries.
All was well, until the Syrian crisis started… Inexperienced Erdogan thought naively that a few advices to his friend Bashar Al Assad will do the trick: Announce and implement reforms.
Syria said thank you but this is not so simple and anyway it is none of your business.
Worried about the impact on trading, Erdogan remained patient but when he perceived that the repression was a blind attack on innocent Moslems, his religious faith dictated him that this could not go on and he changed the tone and became threatening. He thought that it would frighten off Bashar, but it had no effect whatsoever other than new trading laws that created hardship for the Turkish traders in the area.
His relation with the USA is not very harmonious as his rejection of Israel is a thorn. Nevertheless to please the US he accepted the missile defense that annoyed the Iranians and because Turkey is part of NATO, he preferred to keep a good relationships with the West.
Any military adventure, a war or any confrontation with Syria would be a disaster for the Trading God, for the internal stability of the country and may cost a lot of money. This is why Erdogan abhors the role Qatar and KSA are pushing him to play. He knows that a war would create unforeseen problems internally and with the Kurds.
Now he is torn between his dignity and the realization that he is trapped. After having insulted Bashar Al Assad, he can’t accept to deal with him anymore. Yet, he is aware that, despite huge efforts, threats, sanctions, no one has been until now able to remove Bashar from power.
He is now praying that somebody else or something will happen that will make Bashar disappear. Until when can he wait?
April 1st, 2012, 9:22 pm
jad said:
Terrorism management is what the enemies of Syria conference came out with:
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April 1st, 2012, 9:30 pm
omen said:
115. Norman 9:22
a sufficiently equipped fsa wouldn’t need turkey to fight its battles.
if it was to israel’s benefit to unseat assad, the US wouldn’t be dragging its feet as it is, and reluctant to intervene.
April 1st, 2012, 9:31 pm
jad said:
As usual, excellent analysis Bronco, please check this article:
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April 1st, 2012, 9:37 pm
Tara said:
Sound analysis… I just wish that you did not paint the sanctions against Syria as inconsequential to preserve objectivity. The new Turkish trade rules with Syria as part of the global sanctions against the regime is not inconsequential. The regime is very much isolated and the lira lost 50% of it’s value to say the least.
April 1st, 2012, 9:50 pm
Ghufran said:
Selective hearing has become the norm in Syrian politics. I do not know how anybody can talk about SF2 endorsing positions that were never mentioned in the closing statement or even in Hamad speech. Another irony is the call for democracy and a unified opposition then hearing Ghalioun asking that the SNC to be the “sole rep of the Syrian people” !!
I also “liked” Alarabi’s request to send the Syrian file to the UNSC under chapter 7, then he insisted that he wants a solution that is peaceful and ” Syrian” !!
The regime, on the other hand, wants to get paid for securing Syrian cities and towns by dictating what “reforms” can be allowed and what opposition is acceptable or not. Syrians will have a long summer, I hope at least that bloodshed goes down after this latest campaign comes to an end.
Russian sources are talking about mid April as the time when a major shift in the regime tactics is seen, but anybody who believes that the regime will share power by choice is daydreaming.
April 1st, 2012, 10:17 pm
Ghufran said:
Too many bridges have been burned, I can not see how Bashar can sit down on the same table with Hamad, Erdogan or Alfaisal, however, politicians have one common objective: power. Syrians will be better off starting a new page that does not include Bashar and his inner circle, the guy must leave, and the sooner that happens the better.
Dictators outlive elected officials but many of Bashar’s new enemies are dictators too, so according to the dictators manual, he who stays longer in power is the winner, nobody is worried about the “disposable” common guys, let us see who ‘wins’, I already know who are the losers: most of us.
April 1st, 2012, 10:33 pm
Norman said:
The Syrian people should not be slammed with an arrangement between the regime and the opposition, the regime should move on the reform it seeks with international observers and safety for the Syrian people, this anarchy has killed too many Syrians and it is time to get to the elections and let the winners take the helm and be responsible for the Syrian people .
April 1st, 2012, 10:36 pm
IMAD said:
So, can we now say that Assad will stay and that the revolution has failed?
April 1st, 2012, 10:56 pm
omen said:
The Syrian people should not be slammed with an arrangement between the regime and the opposition
the two are not equivalent. this is not a choice between dictator A and dictator B. the snc is a transitional entity.
i’ll leave the notion of assad holding clean and free elections to somebody else to scoff.
April 1st, 2012, 10:57 pm
majedkhaldoun said:
Ann and other
I apologize, it was april fool, I thought people will know that, it is a prank, If I receive E Mail I would Answer the E Mail not answer in SC.
I think this was a test too, you all can be assured that our E Mail is safe and confidential
I hope you all will smile now.
And Ann that was a nice response.
April 1st, 2012, 11:04 pm
bronco said:
#121 Tara
The sanctions are “inconsequential’ because they have not affected the regime course of action, and because, while making the common people suffer and the business community unease, they haven’t change significantly the mood of the Syrians in supporting or rejecting more or less the regime.
April 1st, 2012, 11:42 pm
zoo said:
More and more reasons for the USA to worry about a populist vote in Egypt.
Attacking the West, Islamist Gains in Egypt Presidential Bid
In Hard-Liner’s Surge, New Worries for Brotherhood
CAIRO — Hazem Salah Abu Ismail is an old-school Islamist.
He wants to move toward abolishing Egypt’s peace treaty with Israel and cites Iran as a successful model of independence from Washington. He worries about the mixing of the genders in the workplace and women’s work outside the home. And he promises to bring extraordinary prosperity to Egypt, if it turns its back on trade with the West.
He has also surged to become a front-runner in the race to become Egypt’s next president, reconfiguring political battle lines here. His success may help explain why the United States offered signs of tacit approval over the weekend when the Muslim Brotherhood, Egypt’s largest Islamic group, broke its pledge not to field its own candidate.
The Brotherhood’s candidate, Khairat el-Shater, a millionaire businessman considered the most formative influence on the group’s policies, is well known to both American diplomats and their contacts in the Egyptian military.
Mr. Shater has met with almost all the senior State Department officials and American lawmakers visiting Cairo. He is in regular contact with the American ambassador, Anne Patterson, as well as the executives of many American companies here, and United States officials have praised his moderation as well as his intelligence and effectiveness.
But Mr. Rashwan of Al Ahram predicted a hard-to-handicap face-off between Mr. Shater and Mr. Abu Ismail. While Mr. Shater has the backing of the Brotherhood’s formidable political machine, Mr. Rashwan said, Mr. Abu Ismail is more charismatic. And in addition to his support from those who favor his conservative religious ideas, Mr. Abu Ismail also benefits from populist appeals to Egypt’s poor and marginalized. Mr. Shater, in contrast, is a wealthy businessman and politician. “He is part of the elite,” Mr. Rashwan said.
Mr. Abu Ismail’s campaign posters already blanket the walls and car windows of Cairo. Last Tuesday, he was mobbed like a rock star at Cairo University. On Friday, busloads of his supporters staged a parade to deliver his formal application for candidacy, stopping traffic across the city.
“American and Israel pay enormous sums of money to control the whole society,” he declared at a rally last week. “We can’t be preoccupied by the issues of daily life rather than stand up to them.”
April 2nd, 2012, 12:11 am
omen said:
from above:
but this doesn’t tell the whole story. the professor leaves out who instigated this backlash.
April 2nd, 2012, 12:16 am
Jad said:
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April 2nd, 2012, 12:25 am
jad said:
Another pathetic attempt by the sectarian revolutionists and their khaliji criminal supporters to affect the communities of the southern region of Syria:
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April 2nd, 2012, 1:38 am
Son of Damascus said:
“I challenge you to show us non-fake videos of the security forces using lethal force on Friday 22 April 2011, or on any day in April 2011, or for that matter any day during this past year.”
Well here are a few video’s that your precious SANA will NEVER show, but I guess that for you is evidence enough that it never happened:
(At the end of this video you will see some of the tactics the thugs used to subdue the protesters)
(One of the protesters that was shot dead by the thugs sent in by Assad)
(an example of the peaceful demonstration before the Assad thugs ravaged through, notice the chant “Wahed Wahed Wahed, El Shaab el Souri Wahed”)
(Another example of the peaceful sit in, that would eventually see the Assad thugs break it up)
(Assadist thugs celebrating their so called victory, notice how in the previous videos you did not see any guns, why then would these thugs need AK 47’s to disperse a peaceful gathering?)
April 2nd, 2012, 1:57 am
Juergen said:
i know its an insult. Thank you.
April 2nd, 2012, 2:08 am
jad said:
Turkish lawmakers launch campaign for Syria
“A group of Turkish lawmakers and activists have launched a campaign by signing a joint statement to call on the Turkish government to stop what they called “destructive measures” against Syria.”
April 2nd, 2012, 2:14 am
Juergen said:
NYT:100 million Dollar for the syrian opposition from UAE, Qatar and KSA.
The article suggest that this money is mainly used to pay the fighters against Assad. It should also be a signal to those hesitating soldiers in the Syrian Army to defect.
April 2nd, 2012, 2:15 am
jad said:
This is what the ‘democratic’ developed world tax payers are paying for in Syria, Terrorism
????????? ?????? ???????? ???????? ???? ?????
???????? ?????? ????? ??????? ?? ??? ??????
And for spreading terrorism through TV channel:
???? ?????? ???? ????? ???? ????????
April 2nd, 2012, 2:17 am
omen said:
mossad, nuclear scientists and hookers!
(some scenarios sound fantastical but pat lang saw it fit to post.)
April 2nd, 2012, 5:20 am
Alan said:
138. OMEN said:
mossad, nuclear scientists and hookers!(some scenarios sound fantastical but pat lang saw it fit to post.)
It is simply silly! I don’t understand it! this Israel thinks that hands stopped in the 20th century? and that if on the basis of a science Iran does get the same effect without any use of radioactive materials! it is Israel suffers the thinking deadlock!
April 2nd, 2012, 6:51 am
Alan said:
Russia tests `world’s most powerful bomb`
April 2nd, 2012, 7:03 am
Alan said:
Jad ! where are your photos?
April 2nd, 2012, 7:26 am
Syria no Kandahar said:
Wahabis now are being double paid:by the families of their victims and by GCC.
April 2nd, 2012, 8:09 am
DAWOUD said:
The following is the only peace plan that will end Syria’s violence and genocidal dictatorship:
1) Saudi/Arab Gulf (Yes “Arab” because Iran is NOT Arab) money for the Syrian National Council and the Free Syrian Army.
2) American INDIRECT intervention. For example, the United States has already promised night vision and communications equipments to the FSA. They should also provide intelligence to the FSA about BAshar’s tank locations. The US military should conduct a cyber jamming warfare against Bashar’s radar and military machine.
3) Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Qatar, Jordan, and other Arab countries (Iran is NOT an Arab country) should provide anti-tank and anti-aircraft missiles to the FSA in order to destroy Bashar’s T72 tanks that are terrorizing civilians in Syrian towns and villages.
The above plan will not only ensure the downfall of Bashar’s murderous regime, but it may enable the FSA to execute an arrest warrant against Bashar’s main apologist/supporter: Hasan Nasr@@@ of the terrorist SECTARIAN Hizb@@@@.
April 2nd, 2012, 8:23 am
Syria no Kandahar said:
Dawod peace plan should be presinted to the SC!! It requires missiles!!didnt you already tried that in Bab Omer and has been piling weapons there for 10 years?
Why don’t you includ nuclear missiles in your peace plan?
April 2nd, 2012, 8:40 am
DAWOUD said:
144. Syria no Kandahar
Please see the videos of Bashar’s T-72 tanks terrorizing civilians in Homs, Derah, etc. These tanks need to be DESTROYED. Anti-Tank missiles from the Arab countries (Iran is NOT an Arab country) should do the job!
Free Syria, Free Palestine! Down with Iran and Israel!
April 2nd, 2012, 8:51 am
irritated said:
#143 Dawood
The GCC and Jordan are cowards and we all know it. When they are in trouble they call Big Daddy for help. Bashar was absolutely right in treating them of half-men, they are proving it again.
If they are so keen of unseating Bashar, why don’t they invade with their glorious high tech US trained army like they did in Bahrain? No, they prefer to buy the souls of mercenaries and poor people to do their dirty job. They look at the other Arabs as disposable resources like the asian and arab slaves they employ to do the work unworthy of their white dishdasha.
Being humiliated day after day, meeting after meeting by Bashar is becoming so intolerable for them that they are ready to pay anything to allow their wounded dignity to recover, as if they have a dignity.
Their countries are cardboard countries that could collapse anytime and if they persist in intervening in other countries internal politics, they should not be surprised that other countries will intervene in them and shake their rotten foundations.
By paying and the arming gangs and rebels, the GCC is opening a pandora box they won’t be able to close.
April 2nd, 2012, 8:54 am
DAWOUD said:
Terrorist Israeli settlers invade and rob a Palestine home in al-Khalil in occupied Palestine. They are trying to do in al-Khalil what their Zionist ancestors did in 1948: invade and steal Palestinian houses in order to build their fundamentalist Zionist entity on Palestinians stolen properties!
April 2nd, 2012, 8:55 am
irritated said:
#147 Dawood
When are the GCC countries, defender of the morals, going to announce “Friends of Palestine” meeting in Qatar?
April 2nd, 2012, 9:00 am
DAWOUD said:
146. irritated
The GCC and Jordan are all Arab countries. Iran and Russia are NOT Arab countries. Syrians don’t need anybody to fight for them. They only need the means to defend them. Once these anti-tank/aircraft rockets start flowing to the Free Syrian Army, 3/4th of Bashar’s Army (which is mostly made up of low-ranking terrorized Sunnis) will defect and join the revolution. Bashar will need to replenish his murderous army with Shia Lebanese/Iraqi Shabiha, which would be a blessing because the FSA will crush them and rid Sunni Iraqis/Lebanese of their evil!
Anti-tank/aircraft missiles for the FSA NOW!
Free Syria, Free Palestine!
April 2nd, 2012, 9:00 am
DAWOUD said:
148. irritated
That does not mean that the FSA should not accept Arab and GCC support in order to stop Bashar’s ongoing war crimes. After the downfall of Bashar and Hasan I will return to Syria and call for a “friends of Palestine” meeting in free Damascus! I am already in contact with many SNC and other Syrian figures.
Free Syria, Free Palestine!
April 2nd, 2012, 9:04 am
zoo said:
Turkey in a bind, running out of time
In the absence of a declaration of war or authorization by Parliament, it is a crime under Turkish law to allow Turkish territory be used for hostile purposes against any neighboring country. Turkey is hosting scores of rebel Syrian commanders, and there are serious claims that the rebel forces are receiving arms through Turkish territory. With almost 50 percent electoral support, the current Turkish government can escape all kinds of accountability problems for now, but as electoral support cannot last forever, tomorrow may be bleak — particularly if the effort to change Syrian regime fails.
April 2nd, 2012, 9:09 am
irritated said:
“After the downfall of Bashar and Hasan”
You’ll be too old then and there would be nothing left of Palestine to save.
Why don’t you call for “Friends of Palestine” meetings now?
April 2nd, 2012, 9:12 am
irritated said:
#149 Dawood
“Syrians don’t need anybody to fight for them.”
So why are there Libyans, Saudis and North Africans among the fighters?
April 2nd, 2012, 9:15 am
zoo said:
Christians fight back to deligitimize the Constitutional panel
Egypt’s Coptic church to boycott constitutional panel
AFP – 1 hr 48 mins ago
Egypt’s Coptic Orthodox church has decided to boycott a Islamist-dominated panel charged with drafting the future constitution, the official MENA news agency reported on Monday.
The official MENA news agency reported that the decision was taken unanimously by the 20 members of the Holy Synod to remove the two church officials who sit on the committee.
April 2nd, 2012, 9:20 am
Dawoud said:
The following is the only peace plan that will end Syria’s violence and genocidal dictatorship:
1) Saudi/Arab Gulf (Yes “Arab” because Iran is NOT Arab) money for the Syrian National Council and the Free Syrian Army.
2) American INDIRECT intervention. For example, the United States has already promised night vision and communications equipments to the FSA. They should also provide intelligence to the FSA about BAshar’s tank locations. The US military should conduct a cyber jamming warfare against Bashar’s radar and military machine.
3) Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Qatar, Jordan, and other Arab countries (Iran is NOT an Arab country) should provide anti-tank and anti-aircraft missiles to the FSA in order to destroy Bashar’s T72 tanks that are terrorizing civilians in Syrian towns and villages.
The above plan will not only ensure the downfall of Bashar’s murderous regime, but it may enable the FSA to execute an arrest warrant against Bashar’s main apologist/supporter: Hasan Nasr@@@ of the terrorist SECTARIAN Hizb@@@@.
Please see the videos of Bashar’s T-72 tanks terrorizing civilians in Homs, Derah, etc. These tanks need to be DESTROYED. Anti-Tank missiles from the Arab countries (Iran is NOT an Arab country) should do the job!
The GCC and Jordan are all Arab countries. Iran and Russia are NOT Arab countries. Syrians don’t need anybody to fight for them. They only need the means to defend them. Once these anti-tank/aircraft rockets start flowing to the Free Syrian Army, 3/4th of Bashar’s Army (which is mostly made up of low-ranking terrorized Sunnis) will defect and join the revolution. Bashar will need to replenish his murderous army with Shia Lebanese/Iraqi Shabiha, which would be a blessing because the FSA will crush them and rid Sunni Iraqis/Lebanese of their evil!
Anti-tank/aircraft missiles for the FSA NOW!
After the downfall of Bashar and Hasan I will return to Syria and call for a “friends of Palestine” meeting in free Damascus! I am already in contact with many SNC and other Syrian figures.
Free Syria, Free Palestine!
April 2nd, 2012, 10:02 am
DAWOUD said:
P.S., thanks to our Arab Libyan bothers (Iranians are not Arab and not our brothers) for coming to help the FSA. However, with anti-tank weapons Syrians don’t need anybody to fight for them. Most Sunni soldiers (I like to say that Sunnis are 80-85% of Syrians to raise the blood pressure of Shia advocates and anti-Sunni bigots here) will defect!
April 2nd, 2012, 10:06 am
Aldendeshe said:
“..P.S., thanks to our Arab Libyan bothers (Iranians are not Arab and not our brothers)…”
That is one thing I can agree with Mossad Dawoud, they are Shia centric, in more hardcore ways than Israel is Jewish Centric.
April 2nd, 2012, 10:35 am
Dawoud said:
Dear Moderator:
If you don’t remove what the scu### ba# Aldenheshe said, “Mossad Agent,” my lawyer will contact you soon!
April 2nd, 2012, 10:45 am
NASA said:
155. Dawoud said:
1) Saudi/Arab Gulf (Yes “Arab” because Iran is NOT Arab) money for the Syrian National Council and the Free Syrian Army ….
How pathetic … you named Arabs that are not more than ‘stones over a chessboard’
April 2nd, 2012, 11:13 am
Amir in Tel Aviv said:
Viva la Revolucion!
April 2nd, 2012, 11:15 am
Aldendeshe said:
From Aldendeshe / SNP
I received your email but you gave a dis-functional email address for reply. We understand SC rules, what is confusing is the red line. What do you mean by “attacking Landis”, does that mean Landis can publish provocative, sectarian and inciting statements and we can not rebuttal on it, or not use sarcastic language, can you give example please.
When Landis un-professionally and inaccurately states that Nationalism is not hip in Syria and that Islamists are the way to free Syria, the perfect option at this stage, SNP and me are not allowed to respond to that? Do you call our response an attack or the sarcasm as an attack?
When Islamists from many mentally, culturally and spiritually backward countries attack Syrian cities, kidnap innocent people, rob museums, rape women, behead innocent women and children, destroy civilian infrastructure, expell native Syrian Christians from homes, incite government forces to respond to their Islamic Terror (Oxymoron) with massive use of force, to deliberately cause mayhem and destruction of Syrian towns and make fake videos, we are suppose to respond to all that by calling Islam and Islamist a holy people or religion sent from god? We are not allowed to state an accurate assessment of this Alien-Reptilian programming damages to our nation and express our outrage at its inhuman and savage crimes?
When Mossad agents come in here and make incitements, threats to annihilate half of Syria population, threat of using Islam as a Weapon of Mass Annihilation, I don’t see you editing their comments, why is that? Are you taking sides? Is Landis under pressure or extortion to take sides, why are they allowed free range in their violence and despicable comments here?
April 2nd, 2012, 11:31 am
Equus said:
SYRIA AT THE CROSSROADS: Is US-NATO Contemplating a “Plan B”?
So-called “Friends of Syria” aren’t at all friendly to most Syrians. Syrian National Council/Free Syrian Army hostility is visible in daily violence they commit.
In pursuit of unchallenged dominance, Syrians and others in the region die daily. That’s what imperialism’s all about. Body counts don’t matter, only wealth and unchallenged power.
Clinton’s a war goddess. She’s part and parcel of Washington’s plan to instigate and continue violence. Assad’s blamed for confronting it. Blame game strategy operates that way.
International involvement inside and outside Syria “drags into a second year,” said The Times. It “appears to be deepening.”
As long as Washington’s a member, the Security Council won’t tolerate international peace and security. Violence is standard practice. Targeted regimes are obligated to confront it.
April 2nd, 2012, 12:41 pm
Alan said:
Obama Plans Regime Change in Syria
By Stephen Lendman
International law prohibits interfering in the internal affairs of other states. For Washington, it’s official policy. Post-9/11, multiples countries were targeted, including Iran and Syria.
Regime change plans remain on track by any means, including war. If other methods fail against either or both countries, expect it.
Actions against Iran so far stop short of generating violence. It’s coming once Syria’s resolved. The road to Tehran runs through Damascus. Since last March, Washington-orchestrated Western-led insurgency wracked the country.
Libya’s model was replicated. So far it’s short of bombs away. Expect it if current measures fail. So far, Assad’s prevailed. He wants peaceful resolution, not conflict. Insurgents reject it. They’re resolved to fight and are well armed, trained and funded to do it.
Late Friday, Syrian Foreign Ministry spokesman Jihad al-Makdissi expressed optimism saying:
“The battle to topple the state is over. Our goal now is to ensure stability and create a perspective for reform and development in Syria while preventing others from sabotaging the path of reform.”
“When security can be maintained for civilians, the army will leave. This is a Syrian matter.”
While calling for a ceasefire on both sides, Annan’s six-point peace plan states:
“The Syrian government should immediately cease troop movements towards, end the use of heavy weapons in population centers, and begin pullback of military concentrations in and around population centers.”
April 2nd, 2012, 1:04 pm
Dale Andersen said:
RE: “…if you don’t remove what Aldenheshe said, Mossad Agent, my lawyer, will contact you soon!…”
Your lawyer’s an agent for the Mossad? Interesting. I thought you Arabs didn’t like Jews.
April 2nd, 2012, 1:09 pm
omen said:
just to be clear, alan, i don’t endorse mossad assassinating nuclear scientists or assassinating hookers!
April 2nd, 2012, 1:11 pm
omen said:
equus, i have to apologize. i didn’t mean to make light of the killings still happening in libya.
April 2nd, 2012, 1:16 pm
omen said:
nobody else upset that the professor is basically calling fsa terrorists?
let’s see how this context works (adapted from above):
April 2nd, 2012, 1:20 pm
omen said:
164. Dale Andersen said:
no, mr. anderson, dawoud is upset that aldenheshe is calling people opposed to the assad regime “mossad agents.”
April 2nd, 2012, 1:27 pm
omen said:
Top 5 Dangers that the Syria Conflict could Destabilize its Neighbors
April 2nd, 2012, 1:33 pm
Alan said:
165. OMEN
I said:
It is simply silly! I don’t understand it! this Israel thinks that hands stopped in the 20th century? and that if on the basis of a science Iran does get the same effect without any use of radioactive materials! it is Israel suffers the thinking deadlock!
as you see it is not about you ! problem of Israeli thinking as a whole!Who can give guarantees that tomorrow this Israel won’t spoil with Pakistan? it is not possible to spoil and to be at war with the moon under the safety slogan!
April 2nd, 2012, 1:37 pm
jad said:
Aldendeshe et al,
We can add attacking Hospitals to the long list of the fsa terrorist ‘achievement’ of kidnapping, killing, cutting, bombing, destroying infrastructure..etc etc….They already got the money they need to do that by the Americans and the EU tax payers.
From what this killer (reporter) is saying be ready for some graphic films after the ‘reporters’ (Omar Tillawi groups) get into the hospitals and start cutting and mutilating the corps and doctors and nurses inside the hospital then showing it to us as a ‘massacre’, similar to what they always do.
I wonder if terrorists and their supporters will deny this terrorist attack too and claim that fsa terrorist militias has nothing to do with it and give them the cover they always do.
????? ???? ???? ????? ?????? ?????? 2-4-2012
April 2nd, 2012, 1:40 pm
omen said:
yes alan, i just wanted to be on the record. i know you didn’t accuse me.
April 2nd, 2012, 1:45 pm
jad said:
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April 2nd, 2012, 1:47 pm
Equus said:
Obama Takes a Page from Reagan – Free Syrian Army are Now His Contras
Are we openly supporting al Qaeda under the Obama administration? Openly supporting terrorists… ?
If this sounds vaguely familiar, it should. This is what Reagan did back in the 80?s with the Contras. They were a terrorist organization designated by the CIA to destabilize the elected Sandinista government of Nicaragua who were funded by a neighboring dictatorship in Argentina (like Saudi Arabia is doing now with the Free Syrian Army) also publicly supported by the administration.
Congress eventually came to understand that the Contras were nothing more than a CIA backed terrorist organization and they defunded the program leading the Reagan administration (really run at the time by George H. W. Bush) to cut a secret deal which would later be discovered and examined… that was the Iran-Contra affair.
Yes folks, the Clinton/Obama regime is now entering into the new open season of yet another Iran-Contra type program where they publicly support and pay terrorists to destabilize a free nation.
April 2nd, 2012, 1:47 pm
omen said:
10:06 – dawoud, i know iranians who support the revolution. are they not your brothers?
April 2nd, 2012, 1:50 pm
Dawoud said:
164. Dale Andersen
I have to things to say to you:
1) I was joking when I said that I would ask my lawyer to call the moderator. Sorry if I didn’t make this joke clearer to you. I am the most anti-Israeli person here, but if Adenhenshe wants to call me “mossad,” then I call him/her “scu@ba@.” I just put the symbols to evade the filter, but I am sure that you know the bad name I have for him/her. In any case, a person who defend the regime that has killed over 20,000 Syrians-including innocent children-earns the title “sc@mb@g.”
2) I am anti-Israeli Zionism, but I am not anti-Jewish. I respect Judaism as a religion, but I despise Zionism and the idea/practice that it was/is acceptable to steal Palestinians’ land and colonize it! It is racist to say that ALL lawyers are Jewish. My family is Sunni Muslim Arab-American, and I have 3 very close relatives who are lawyers!
Sunnis in Syria, who are 80-85% of population, deserve protection. The best way to get it is for Arabs to send anti-tank rockets to the FSA!
Free Syria, Free Palestine!
April 2nd, 2012, 1:51 pm
Dawoud said:
175. omen
If you know something about the Arab World, then you know that “brother” is something that we only use to describe other Arabs-unless we are talking about our blood/biological Arabs. I thank and respect Iranians who support the blessed/courageous Syrian Revolution, but they are not Arab brothers. I wish that they succeed in gaining freedom in their own country by overthrowing the Wilayat al-Fagih of the Ayatollahs!
Anti-tank rockets for the FSA so that they can destroy Bashar’s T-72 tanks that are terrorizing Syrian innocents-particularly the majority Sunnis!
Free Syria, Free Palestine!
April 2nd, 2012, 1:57 pm
Alan said:
172. OMEN
with pleasure !
April 2nd, 2012, 1:58 pm
Anwar said:
about time Obama decided to take some action. I don’t care if he is recruiting/paying the talibans and the devil combined. Nothing is worse than Assad.
Dawood that is a very good plan. But please don’t group us Christians with Shia and Alawites…we don’t support their or the gov’ts cause in any way. christians in Syria are scared but all of my family and friends outside the country are rooting for the regime to fall.
April 2nd, 2012, 1:58 pm
Mina said:
“Annan says Syria agrees to 10 April peace deadline”
Kofi Annan asked the UN Security Council to back a 10 April deadline for partial implementation of his peace plan for Syria, telling its members that Syria had agreed to the date, diplomats said on Monday.
April 2nd, 2012, 1:59 pm
Syria no Kandahar said:
Bassam jaara was the head of Alzobi office in Syria (the days of red level corruption ),now
He ???? as full time triple digit $ revolutionist :
???? ?????? ?????? ????? ?? ??????? ??????? ????? ????? ??? ?? ?? ???? ?? ????? ????? ?? ??????: ?? ?????? ????? ????? ??????? ??????? ?? ?????? ?? ????? ????? ????? ?? ????? ????? ????? ??? ????? ?? ???? ??????? ?????? ???? ?? ??? ????? ??? ?????? ?????? ????? ????? ????? ??? ?????? ?? ???? ?????? .. ???????? ?? ???? ?? ?????? ?????? ??????? ??? ?????? ????? ???????? ???? ?????? ??? ?????? ????? ??? ????? ?????? ??? ????? ????? ?????? ..?? ?????? ?????? ?????? .. ????? ????? ?????? ?? ??????? ??????? ???? ???? ?????? ????? ????? ?????? ?????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ???? ???? ??????? ??? ???????? ????????? ..?? ????? ???? ?????? ??? ??????? ??????? ?? ?????? ?????? ???? ?? ???????? ????? ????? ?? ????? ???? ????????? ??? ????? ?? ??????? ??? ??????? ??????? ??? ?? ?????? ??????? ?????..??????? ????? ???? ?? ????? ????? ??? ??? ????????? .. ????????? ????????? ..
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April 2nd, 2012, 2:02 pm
DAWOUD said:
179. Anwar
Nice to hear from my Christian brother Anwar, who supports the Syrian Revolution against Bashar’s murderous regime. Anwar is Arab and he is my brother. Arabs who support murderous dictators are NOT my brothers!
???? ??? ???? ????
April 2nd, 2012, 2:03 pm
jad said:
What the west tax payers are going to buy?
Lots of American M829 missiles:
“??? ?????, ????? ????? M829 ??????? ????? ??? ???? ?????? ?? ???? : “????? ?????? ????” ? ???? ???? ???? ??? ?????? ????? ??????? ???????? ????? ?? ????? ????? ?? ?????? ??????”
April 2nd, 2012, 2:08 pm
Alan said:
?????? ???? ?????? ???????? ?? ????? ??????? ????? ( ??? ???? ???? ???????? ????? ???? ???? ???? !) ??? ??? ??????? ????? ??????? ??????? ? ??????? ??? ? ??????? ????? ????? ?????? ??????? ? ?????? ??????? ?????? ??????? ???? ??? ??? ?? ???? ????? ????? ????? ?????? ???? ! ??? ?????? ???????? ?? ????????? ??????? ??????? ??? ????????????? ? ??? ?? ????? ???????? ! ??? ??????? ?????? ??? ?????? ?? ???????? ?? ??????? ?????? ?????? ? ????? ????? ?????? ????? ? ???? !
April 2nd, 2012, 2:17 pm
Tara said:
The pro regime are now concerned about the west taxpayers?
April 2nd, 2012, 2:28 pm
MICHEL said:
Anti-Assad syrian christian reporting in. Down with Assad the butcher.
April 2nd, 2012, 2:42 pm
ghufran said:
the regime asked for 8 more days to start a cease fire but armed groups may not comply,then what?
Jaafari said it is premature to talk about UN observers but I think those observers are needed now to verify compliance with cease fire and expose those who kill and destroy.
April 2nd, 2012, 2:42 pm
jad said:
I’m sure that you will laugh more when a missile paid by you and me to hit our families and friends buildings and kill all of them, keep laughing until you cry.
The stupidity of some people are unbelievable.
April 2nd, 2012, 2:43 pm
jad said:
???? ?????? ?????? ?? ????? ??????? 2-4-2012
April 2nd, 2012, 2:46 pm
omen said:
155. Dawoud said:
assad should conscript the media shabiha in america. if they were rounded up and made to face rebel insurgency, maybe that would cause them to reconsider their blind support for a lunatic dictator.
April 2nd, 2012, 2:56 pm
jad said:
Another clip of the attack lead by the terrorists armed militias in Homs against a HOSPITAL full with doctors, nurses and civilians:
????? ???? ???? ????? ?????? ?????? 2-4-2012
April 2nd, 2012, 2:58 pm
omen said:
183. jad said:
assad still has the heavier munitions.
April 2nd, 2012, 3:05 pm
omen said:
wait a minute, M829 missiles is a tank round meant to be fired by tanks. fsa doesn’t have tanks!
you’re a effing liar, jad.p.s. i knew something was wrong. fsa doesn’t have equipment heavy enough to fire something like that.
April 2nd, 2012, 3:11 pm
jad said:
????? ?????? – ????? ??????? ??????? ??? ????? 21-2-2012
????? ??? ??????? ????? ?? ??? ????? ??????? 1/2/2012
“???? ????????? ????? ?? ??????? ?????? ?? ??? ????? ?????? ???? – ????? ??????? ????? ????? ???????? ?? ????? ??? ??????? ???? ???? ????? ????? ??????? ???? ?????”
????? ???? ????? ??? ????? ????? ??????
April 2nd, 2012, 3:23 pm
Hans said:
The Syrians don’t want or in need for anyone to make decisions for them, or to support them. All these parasites outside Syria don’t represent any Syrian inside the country, regardless of s/he religion, sect, tribe etc.
Election is the only way to have a forward move in Syria otherwise welcome to the new Somalia.
April 2nd, 2012, 3:30 pm
jad said:
Strange, we are only 10-15 people max on SC at the moment, where did the 40+ ‘voters’ came from in less than 30min?
April 2nd, 2012, 3:31 pm
Mina said:
People who compare Syria to North Korea should watch this clip of interviews from the Syrian street (Damascus) and explain me why they do such comparison, or how the people expressing their views have been coerced to state what they are saying…
(Thanks Jad)
April 2nd, 2012, 3:32 pm
Hans said:
it is well known that you can make a full fack video on youtube with every screen being fake even it shows people appears to be a live movie.
60 minutes showed how a person who presented as flying on a youtube was all a Hoax therefore most of these video posted by the FSA or their supporters are hoax with the help of the west who have sent very advanced technical communication support to Syria.
including very advanced Skype equipement can’t be blocked out or traced.
April 2nd, 2012, 3:37 pm
Mina said:
It is very easy to vote a multiple number of time on SC: first you can vote from you phone, your laptop, and your home computer; second you can use CC Cleaner and vote again; third you can ask all your FB friends to come and vote. Some people are empty enough to do such things, but they don’t fool anyone. Rather, their comments have convinced the world community of SC readers that their case was helpless, no matter how mean and stupid are the 17 mukhabarat branches.
April 2nd, 2012, 3:37 pm
Son of Damascus said:
Syria only has russian made tanks, they use 125mm rounds. An M829 is a 120mm uranium depleted round, made for the M1A1 & M1A2 Abrams tanks.
“The 120mm, M829 series, depleted uranium armor piercing fin stabilized discarding sabot-tracer (APFSDS-T) is the primary anti-armor 120mm smooth bore, M256 cannon, tank ammunition in service with the M1A1 and M1A2 Abrams tanks.”
April 2nd, 2012, 3:43 pm
jad said:
Dear Mina,
Thank you for explaining, I really don’t care much about this but after Syrialover’s note couple days ago, I started to check, and just now I noticed that in less than 30min 40+ voted under Michel, this is why I point this out.
186. MICHEL said:
Anti-Assad syrian christian reporting in. Down with Assad the butcher.
27 16
April 2nd, 2012, 3:44 pm
ann said:
U.S., others move closer to direct intervention on Syria: report – 2012-04-03
WASHINGTON, April 2 (Xinhua) — The United States and some other countries, by providing salaries and communications equipment to Syrian rebels, have moved closer to direct intervention in conflicts in Syria, a report said here on Monday.
Although there remains no agreement on arming the rebels, the offer, made public at the Friends of Syria meeting concluded in Turkey’s Istanbul on Sunday, is bringing the loose coalition to ” the edge of a proxy war” against the Syrian government led by President Bashar al-Assad, according to a New York Times story.
At the Istanbul meeting, some Arab nations, including Saudi Arabia, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates, have pledged to provide some 100 million U.S. dollars in salaries over three months for the rebel fighters inside Syria, said the report.
At the same arena, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton also for the first time confirmed that Washington was providing satellite communications equipment to help the opposition inside Syria. According to the Syrian National Council, the main opposition group, the American assistance will include night- vision goggles.
The report said that the moves reflect a growing consensus among the participants of the Friends of Syria meeting that the meditation efforts by UN-Arab League joint envoy Kofi Annan, were failing to halt violence in the Middle East country.
The newspaper viewed such moves as to “stretch the definition of humanitarian assistance and blur the line between so-called lethal and nonlethal support.”
April 2nd, 2012, 3:47 pm
jad said:
Son of Damascus,
Could you please explain to me why this terrorist in the picture has one then? and where did he get it from if as you claim it’s a depleted uranium armor?
Doesn’t that enough to make any Syrian to worry and question what those terrorists are planning to do to all of us?
April 2nd, 2012, 3:48 pm
ann said:
“Friends of Syria” meeting unilateral, against peaceful settlement: Russia – 2012-04-03
MOSCOW, April 2 (Xinhua) — The second “Friends of Syria” conference was unilateral and adverse to a peaceful settlement of the Syrian crisis, the Russian Foreign Ministry said on Monday.
“According to coming reports, unfortunately, the Istanbul meeting took place on a unilateral basis,” ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said, adding that neither the Syrian government nor influential groups of the Syrian political opposition were represented at the meeting.
The “Friends of Syria” group’s intention to provide direct support to the armed opposition would definitely run counter to a peaceful settlement of the civil conflict in the Middle East country, she said.
The spokeswoman also said: “We should not incite violence among Syrians, but should seek and ensure a prompt ceasefire and end to the violence from all sides, establish a broad Syrian dialogue, and find solutions acceptable to all Syrians.”
“Moscow believes it is of significance to focus on support for all Syrian parties without any exception in a bid to implement (UN and Arab League joint envoy) Kofi Annan’s proposals,” she stressed.
Also on Monday, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said after a meeting with his Armenian counterpart in Yerevan that Russia preferred to be “a friend to the whole Syrian people.”
“We were also invited to take part in the (Istanbul) meeting. We rejected the invitation for the easiest reason,” Lavrov was quoted as saying by the Itar-Tass news agency. “If we talk about the interests of the Syrian people, all parties, as well as all groups of the opposition, should be represented.”
Representatives from scores of countries attended the second ” Friends of Syria” conference in Istanbul on Sunday, recognizing the opposition Syrian National Council as a legitimate representative of all Syrians and an umbrella organization for Syrian opposition groups.
Russia refused to attend the meeting because it believed the group was paving the way for foreign intervention. Moscow also boycotted the group’s first meeting in February.
April 2nd, 2012, 3:50 pm
ann said:
Syrian authorities thwart gunmen infiltration from neighboring Turkey – 2012-04-03
DAMASCUS, April 2 (Xinhua) — Syrian authorities on Monday foiled an infiltration attempt by an “armed terrorist group” from the Turkish territories into Syria, state-run SANA news agency reported.
The government troops clashed with the infiltrators near Khirbet al-Jouz border village in the countryside of northern Idlib province, killing one of them as others have managed to flee back to Turkey, said SANA, adding that the fleeing gunmen opened fire from Guvecci town in Turkey, 500 meters from the Syrian- Turkish borders.
Quoting a source in Idlib, SANA said the authorities found different kinds of weapons left by the gunmen, including 1,500 electric detonators for explosive charges.
Many sneaking attempts from Turkey and Lebanon have been foiled by the Syrian competent authorities during the year-long crisis.
In Lebanon, a military court on Monday indicted six Syrian nationals and three Lebanese for arms trafficking and smuggling to Syria. However, only four Syrians and two Lebanese among the indicted are in custody while three others remain at large.
The Lebanese army had arrested the culprits who were driving two trucks loaded with weapons and ammunition ready to be smuggled into Syria.
Meanwhile, the Britain-based opposition Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said three civilians, five rebels and one army personnel were killed in clashes in Idlib earlier in the day.
Another opposition group, Local Coordination Committees (LCC), said 14 people were killed in Idlib on Monday. It put the overall toll of Monday’s casualties as many as 65. The opposition report couldn’t be independently verified.
Meanwhile, SANA said a total of 103 wanted people turned themselves in at the Madaya suburb of the capital Damascus Monday.
April 2nd, 2012, 3:53 pm
ann said:
Syrian opposition’s commitment crucial for success of Annan’s peace plan: Syria’s UN envoy – 2012-04-03
UNITED NATIONS, April 2 (Xinhua) — The Syrian government on Monday confirmed its acceptance of an April 10 deadline to end the year-long crisis in the Middle East country, but sought the same commitment from the opposition, which it says is crucial for the success of a peace plan by UN and Arab League joint envoy Kofi Annan.
The statement came as Bashar Ja’afari, the Syrian permanent representative to the United Nations, was speaking to reporters here shortly after Annan briefed the 15-nation UN Security Council behind closed doors via teleconference from Geneva.
“The Syrian government is committed but we are expecting Mr. Kofi Annan and some parties in the Security Council also to get the same kind of commitments from the (opposition),” Ja’afari said. “A plan wouldn’t be successful unless everybody is committed to it. ”
The Syrian ambassador said that his government and Annan have reached a “common accord” on the proposed April 10 deadline.
Earlier on Monday, Annan told the Security Council that the Syrian government has agreed to the April 10 deadline to end the crisis in the country, and that he is expecting details from Damascus “very shortly” on the implementation of the six-point peace plan.
Susan Rice, the U.S. UN ambassador who holds the rotating Security Council presidency for April, told reporters after the briefing: “Mr. Annan reported that he is expecting details from the Syrian government very shortly on the other aspects of his six- point plan including key requests for humanitarian access, the two- hour daily humanitarian pause as well as access for the media and of course the political process.”
April 2nd, 2012, 4:00 pm
omen said:
187. ghufran said:
are you shocked the regime doesn’t want to allow UN observers into the country who would then be able to document assad’s war crimes?
here is a good rule of thumb: the party resisting transparency the most – are the ones who have the most to hide. resisting disclosure is indication of guilt.
April 2nd, 2012, 4:05 pm
ann said:
Jordan rejects military interference in Syria – 2012-04-03
AMMAN, April 2 (Xinhua) — Jordan on Monday rejected any military interference in Syria, the state-run Petra news agency reported.
At a meeting with Italian Foreign Minister Giulio Terzi, Jordanian Minister of Foreign Affairs Nasser Judeh stressed the importance of a political solution to end the crisis in Syria.
The Jordanian minister called on Syria to immediately implement a six-point plan by former UN secretary general Kofi Annan that entails withdrawing weapons and military from towns, allowing in humanitarian aid and releasing the detainees.
The minister, who underlined the need for preserving the unity of Syria and its territorial integrity, said it is important to prevent any external interference in Syria’s internal affairs.
April 2nd, 2012, 4:07 pm
ann said:
Two Syrian opposition delegations to visit Moscow soon
Moscow expects the imminent arrival of two more delegations representing different Syrian opposition forces, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Monday. Moscow is in touch with various opposition groups, including the Syrian National Council and the National Coordination Committees, the minister recalled. “We are trying to befriend all Syrians, not just part of the Syrian people,” Interfax quoted Lavrov as saying. He also said Russia was absent from the Istanbul meeting of the Friends of Syria Group on April 2 because it was not attended by representatives of all Syrian sides, such as the government.
April 2nd, 2012, 4:11 pm
Son of Damascus said:
Honestly I am more worried about the Russian made tank shells, and armoury being used to pound and level Syrian towns and civilians.
I honestly dont understand how those russian made tank shells, tulip mortars, and armoury can be exempt from any outrage, when they are being used on a daily basis to kill Syrians, the same Syrian might I add that paid for those weapons. Or did Bashar and Co. mistaken the co-ordinates of Tel Aviv and have been hitting Homs, Idlib, Hama, Zabadani, Douma, Halab, Deir E Zour, and many other parts of the country by mistake?
You are reserving your outrage over one shell that CANT BE FIRED unless you use an Abrams tank, do you really believe the FSA has Abrams tanks?
As for the hospital you seem so worried about, does it not seem odd to you that there are snipers nests on top of those hospitals, since when do hospitals need snipers nests exactly, and what makes you so sure that the atrocities that have been committed in those hospitals will be the doing of the FSA? Was this not the same criminal regime exposed torturing the wounded in State Hospitals?
Another thing, why is it that the activists you choose to call terrorist are the one exposing the deaths and massacres and not Syria State TV, why does the State TV have to rely on Youtube videos when these things are happening in their very own country? Who is restricting state TV from filming?
April 2nd, 2012, 4:12 pm
ann said:
NATO opposes arming Syria rebels – Rasmussen
NATO’s chief has said the alliance is opposed to providing arms to the Syrian opposition. Anders Fogh Rasmussen called for a diplomatic solution, saying that the alliance has “no intention whatsoever of intervening in Syria.” Rasmussen told a news conference on Monday that providing any group with weapons would not be “the right way forward,” AFP reports. There is a clear risk that this would also lead to a “potentially dangerous proliferation of weapons in the region,” Rasmussen said.
April 2nd, 2012, 4:13 pm
Jad said:
Son of Damascus
Thank you for letting me know where your worries are, and for defending the terrorists, good job!
You asked why the Army is defending the hospital, here you go why, because the terrorist have history in attacking clinics and hospitals.
?????”????? ???????” ??????? ?????? ??? ??????
April 2nd, 2012, 4:17 pm
ann said:
Syria Says Turks, Saudis & Qataris “Declare War,” US Too, Rice Says Non-Lethal
By Matthew Russell Lee
UNITED NATIONS, April 2 — After Kofi Annan gave a closed door briefing Monday to the UN Security Council, Ambassadors including those of Russia and China said that April’s Council president Susan Rice of the US would give a summary and statement.
When Rice emerged she read from notes then took questions. Inner City Press asked if there had been a discussion of Gulf countries in the Friends of Syria group saying they will fund the rebels, and about the US provision of communications equipment to the opposition, are there any safeguards?
Ambassador Rice said that “one delegation” had raised the funding of the rebels issue. On US aid, she said it would be non-lethal.
Moments later Inner City Press asked Syrian Ambassador Bashar Ja’afari about this aid to the rebels and opposition. He quickly denounced the meeting in Istanbul of the “Enemies of Syria,” going on to call the funding of rebels an act of war.
Inner City Press asked again about the US, and Ja’afari denounced this communications aid as well. He was asked about Turkey’s assistance to refugees. He replied that Turkey is not an enemy of Syria, but Turkey’s government should have consulted Damascus before hosting such a meeting and should stop talking about regime change.
Ja’afari referred to Annan as the UN envoy, and did not mention the Arab League, which has called for a “political transition” away from Assad. There is a game, of who Annan is representing. On March 31 a Security Council Ambassador, one of the Elected Ten and not Permanent Five, told the Press on background
Before Rice spoke, Russian Ambassador Churkin told the Press that it was a “good meeting” and that “Kofi Annan is working hard.” Chinese Ambassador Li Baodong told the Press that “we are studying his proposal” and “we will have a chance to discuss.” Will that mean a Security Council “output”? Watch this site.
From the UN Mission transcript:
Inner City Press: Was there any discussion-was there any discussion of the announcement by some of the Friends of Syria that they would begin to pay salaries to the Free Syrian Army or other rebels? And can you also say-the U.S. offered to provide communications equipment. Can you specify a little bit who would get it, whether it could have any lethal usage, and what safeguards are in place?
Ambassador Rice: Well, let me in my capacity as president be clear in saying, I think, if I’m not mistaken, only one delegation raised that issue. Most were focused on the contents of the Joint Special Envoy’s briefing today. From the U.S. point of view-now speaking in my national capacity-as you know, we announced our readiness not only to increase our humanitarian assistance now to $25 million but also to begin to provide non-lethal assistance to the opposition, including in the form of communications equipment. That communications equipment is by its nature and by its definition non-lethal, and we will continue to work with other partners in the Friends of Democratic Syria, as was agreed in Tunis, to strengthen our efforts to support the effectiveness and coherence of the opposition.
April 2nd, 2012, 4:22 pm
Jad said:
Smuggling weapons into Syria
??????? ??????? ?????? ??? ????? 2-4-2012
April 2nd, 2012, 4:22 pm
annie said:
Supporting the Syrian People Fighting for Their Freedom—A Response to Widespread Objections
We, the Tarabut-Hithabrut movement, support unequivocally the Syrian people in their struggle for their liberty and their rights.
There are those who say that the situation in Syrian and the wider regional reality is complex, and they are right. However, we want to directly address the various objections raised against taking a position in favor of the democratic uprising of the Syrian people:
There are those who say that the Syrian regime is anti-imperialist and comprises the last barrier to Western domination in our region.
The Baath Party in Syria is a corrupt regime of a small group of super-wealthy and powerful people who control enormous amounts of capital, which was stolen directly out of the pockets of the Syrian people. This ruling junta is not motivated by anti-imperialist ideals and can serve neither as a model for these ideas or as a defender of socialism. Although this regime is in a confrontation with Israel and the United States, a series of event such as the Gulf War show that the regime’s positions on international affairs are not consistent or principled but opportunistic. In addition, the Cold War is long over and the regime has since become friendly to Putin’s Russia, which is, as should be emphasized, a capitalist, authoritarian government with its own imperialist ambitions in addition to being a regime supported by the new empire, China, which is equally devoid of scruples or constraints.
read on here : http://bandannie.com/2012/04/02/supporting-the-syrian-people-fighting-for-their-freedom-a-response-to-widespread-objections/
April 2nd, 2012, 4:24 pm
Mina said:
After the “humanitarian interventions” and the use of NGO and army for humanitarian work as in Afghanistan, we are being sold the “non-lethal interventions” in the midst of a huge bank crisis.
It’s your money they fire in the sky, darling!!
Meet the candidates:
April 2nd, 2012, 4:29 pm
ann said:
On Syria, Annan Team Won’t Comment on Funding Rebels, Confirms DPKO
By Matthew Russell Lee
UNITED NATIONS, April 2 — In the run up to Kofi Annan’s closed door briefing of the UN Security Council about Syria on Monday, the Friends of Syria moved to fund and aid the rebels, including a US pledge of communications equipment.
Inner City Press asked Annan’s spokesman Ahmad Fawzi
Does the Joint Special Envoy have any view of or comment on the decision at the Friends of Syria meeting, attended by Deputy El-Kidwa, by Gulf states to start paying money to armed rebels in Syria, andthe possibility that these funds will be used to purchase weapons? What about the US saying it will provide communications equipment – does the JSE think there should be any restrictions on this? Will you confirm a DPKO advance team going early this week, and that the proposal is for 200 to 250 monitors?
Fazwi responded, but declined comment on assistance to the rebels:
Subject: Re: Hi, Q on outcome(s) of Friends of Syria meeting, and DPKO
Date: Mon, Apr 2, 2012 at 1:19 AM
To: Matthew Russell Lee [at] InnerCityPress.com
From: Ahmad Fawzi
I will not make any comment unti after the JSE briefs the Council today at 1000EST/1600CET.
I can confirm, however, the DPKO advance team getting ready to send advance team. No comment on figures, yet.
The figures were given out on Thursday March 29 by a “senior Western diplomat,” seemingly sourced from the head of DPKO, the UN Peacekeeping department, who seen going into the Security Council’s closed door briefing on Monday morning. As first reported by Inner City Press, he has proposed the use by the UN of drones — some wonder if they would be useful, or are already fully in use by various parties, over Syria.
April 2nd, 2012, 4:34 pm
Son of Damascus said:
“Thank you for letting me know where your worried are, and for defending the terrorists, good job!”
If by defending Syrians I am considered by apologists defending terrorist so be it, at least I am not defending a mass murderer that thinks nothing of the Syrian people.
Notice how you failed to answer any of my questions and resorted to defamation
Whats next you will say I don’t sound Syrian enough or that I am a paid agent of the Salafi Mossad alliance against the nobel act of allowing Bashar to slaughter Syrians?
“You asked why the Army is defending the hospital, here you go why, because the terrorist have history in attacking clinics and hospitals”
No I asked why there is a SNIPER NEST on top of a hospital, and a sniper nest IS NOT A DEFENSIVE COVER, Snipers nests are OFFENSIVE COVERS in combat.
April 2nd, 2012, 4:47 pm
Juergen said:
Thank you for posting about Annans deadline. You just didnt mention the growing frustration on Annans side for the lack of willingness on the side of the Assad regime.
Behind closed doors Annan said that: ” He misses a sense of urgency by the Syrian government. Annan criticized the fact that the regime in Damascus has not yet moved. Still, there have been no concrete progress. A cease-fire on 10 April would be an important step, but he misses the urge of the Government to implement this cease fire quickly. In addition, other points of the agreed plan, such as access for humanitarian workers and journalists are not yet granted or implemented. The desired political change is also not visible.
article in german:
April 2nd, 2012, 4:55 pm
Juergen said:
German tv has shown for the first time since the communist regime collapsed in 1989 an hour long interview with the first lady of the GDR ( she also was education minister from 1963-1989) Margot Honecker. She has always turned down requests by the media so far, now the 84 year old made an interview in her exile in Santiago de Chile.
As one would have thought, she still does not regret anything which happend. As for the victims who got shot at by trying to escape the country by crossing the famous wall she answered:” At any border the soldiers will shoot, shy should we be different? Nobody had to climb over the wall, its a foolishness to loose ones life for that, its a tragedy for the mothers!” ( app. 1065 people were killed in 28 years at the border)
She then went on claiming that only a few political opponents were imprisoned, the majority were criminals. ” We still had bitter enemies even 40 years after introducing communism in our country.” Those enemyship started as one opponent said it wisely if you were thinking differently than what was expected and accepted.
A funny detail, in the course of their flight out of the country, Hafez al Assad offered them asylum and it was late Yassir Arafat who paid for the flight to Chile and the house she still lives in.
April 2nd, 2012, 5:05 pm
Uzair8 said:
212. Jad said:
“No problem kido, I owe your mom some money”
What the hell is this supposed to mean. This is below the belt. Unacceptable.
April 2nd, 2012, 5:11 pm
Jad said:
Son of Damascus
‘defamation’?! Seriously!
Anyway, before you become angry and too sensitive about my reply, here you go again what I asked you before the apologetic respond of yours for not worrying about depleted uranium in the hands of a terrorist groups.
Using your loginc that ‘it’s only one rocket’ the American administration along all the ‘humanitarian’ Europeans have no right to change the worlds’ airport security system because they discovered one guy having traces of substance that may or may not help developing a dirty bomb.
Again what I wrote before the lecture I received:
Could you please explain to me why this terrorist in the picture has one then? and where did he get it from if as you claim it’s a depleted uranium armor?
Doesn’t that enough to make any Syrian to worry and question what those terrorists are planning to do to all of us?
(No I asked why there is a SNIPER NEST on top of a hospital, and a sniper nest IS NOT A DEFENSIVE COVER, Snipers nests are OFFENSIVE COVERS in combat.)
I guess you didn’t know that the Army is dealing with terrorist armed groups that attack them everyday..and not with ‘olive branches’ as some may think, the terrorists turned it into a battle field and the army has the right to defend the state establishments.
April 2nd, 2012, 5:11 pm
Syria no Kandahar said:
Aroorists have only 22 millions more to kill,then they will have ??? ???? :
April 2nd, 2012, 5:17 pm
Son of Damascus said:
It is a picture of one tank shell, that is used by Abrams tanks. Show me a picture with the FSA shooting tank shells from Abrams tanks and I will start to worry.
The US would NEVER give the FSA a depleted uranium warhead, if the FSA happened to acquire one through Iraq the most they can do with it is an IED, while on the other hand the Syrian regime has been pounding with almost all their arsenal Syrian cities and towns.
It is the army that is attacking every day Jad, not the FSA whom you call terrorists.
I DONT BELIEVE IN AN AMRED STRUGGLE, but that does not make me blind to the fact the regime is causing MOST OF THE BLOODSHED. a small group of “terrorists” DONT HAVE THE CAPABILITIES to do nearly as much damage as the regime has been doing.
And if the regime wanted to DEFEND a hospital using a snipers nest defeats the purpose. Snipers are used to KILL not DEFEND….
April 2nd, 2012, 5:30 pm
Mawal95 said:
Commenter “Son of Damascus” at #133 links to five Youtube videos from an attempted sit-in overnight in Clock Square in Homs on 18/19 April 2011 and at #74 he links to a further 3 videos from the same event. And there are still more videos from the event at Youtube. But out of all those videos at Youtube, we don’t see the security forces using lethal force or disproportionate force. In one of the videos we see a few non-uniformed men with light cudgels beating one individual — and then we see the police telling these men to stop it. In another of the videos the man with the camera has a perfectly positioned view high up on a building on the square — if disproportionate force had happened, that camera would’ve recorded it. The gunfire noises heard in one of the videos is meaningless, because it’s totally disconnected from the visuals in the video and it’s so easy to add gunfire noises to a video’s soundtrack.
Apparently “Son of Damascus” has offered these videos as evidence that the sit-in was dispersed with disporportionate force. But what every reasonable person must conclude from them all — and so many of them — is that that the sit-in was dispersed with almost no force of any kind, neither proporionate or disproportionate. Rather, the protesters walked or ran from the square when the police arrived and told them they had to leave.
I reiterate my challenge to everybody:
I have made this challenge many times before and I’ve never come across anybody who replied with Youtube links to show me that I am mistaken in my great confidence that the Syrian security forces have NOT commited atrocities against peaceful protesters.
If the security forces had been guilty of atrocities, the video evidence would necessarily have to be there. Youtube has a truly gigantic number of videos of street protesting in Syria. And in all those videos there is an absence of (non-fake) videos of security forces comitting atrocities! This is prima facie good evidence that the security forces have been conducting their operations with good discipline.
Remember, the use of disproporionate force is contrary to the government’s well-defined and oft-repeated security policies. We must allow that a few isolated exceptions in violation of policy could have been commited by security men on the ground. But the gigantic number of protest videos, together with the absence of videos of disproporionate force, establishes as a fact in my mind that the security forces have been working with good discipline all this past year. To repeat, the Syrian security forces are well disciplined and this can be reliably verified by spending time at Youtube.
I have seen more video evidence of ill-disciplined security forces in Bahrain and Cairo than in Syria this past year.
April 2nd, 2012, 5:40 pm
Tara said:
150 were killed by Bashar al Assad today. Alfatiha upon their souls. Now and until the new deadline, the regime will be in a rabid race to kill Syrians.
April 2nd, 2012, 5:40 pm
Son of Damascus said:
Have a look at this compilation compiled by the Guardian.
Are these fake bullets that the regime is using?
Please provide us with videos where the Egyptian government or the Bahraini government has been using tanks, and artillery to quell the uprising.
April 2nd, 2012, 5:51 pm
ann said:
Middle East tensions to impact Gulf Arab countries till 2013: expert – 2012-04-03
DUBAI, April 2 (Xinhua) — The ongoing turmoil in Syria as well as the tensions between the West and Iran would continue their impact on Gulf Arab oil-exporting nations with a double-edged sword, an expert on the region’s economy said.
“Over the past 18 months, global economic uncertainties and massive regional sociopolitical instability have been a serious drag on investor sentiment in the Middle East region as a whole,” Farouk Soussa, Citigroup’s Middle East Chief Economist in Dubai, said in the latest Middle East Macroeconomic Monthly.
“In the coming 12 to 18 months, we think negative news flow on politics is likely to continue to act as a drag on regional risk asset performance,” he said.
“The conflict in Syria is likely to be long and drawn out, and could get worse before it gets better,” Soussa said, adding that ” There is no immediate resolution to the Iranian nuclear crisis in sight.”
Soussa identified a two-edge sword for the Gulf Arab economies. “The negative news flow has meant that Gulf risk assets have underperformed non-regional peers. We believe this is likely to continue to be the case so long as politics dominate the headlines, ” Soussa said, referring to five-year credit default swaps (CDS).”
With CDS, investors can insure sovereign bonds against default. The higher the value of a CDS, the fewer the market regards the underlying state’s capability to refinance itself.
Soussa said that “Middle Eastern sovereigns have seen their CDS spreads widen significantly more than non-regional emerging markets and there seems to be little distinction made between oil- rich Gulf sovereigns and the rest of the region.”
April 2nd, 2012, 5:51 pm
Syria no Kandahar said:
The clips of Egyptian Army vehicles running over copts are very easy to find on you tube ,do need help?
April 2nd, 2012, 6:13 pm
Son of Damascus said:
“But what every reasonable person must conclude from them all — and so many of them — is that that the sit-in was dispersed with almost no force of any kind, neither proporionate or disproportionate. Rather, the protesters walked or ran from the square when the police arrived and told them they had to leave.”
Are you kidding me?
were those just fire crackers going off in the air?
I would like to quote a person that used to blog here and WITNESSED what happened:
“Back in April, when the New Clock square in Homs was filled to the brim with demonstrations as large as those in Hama, the regime sent representatives to supposedly “negotiate” with sheikhs. At exactly 2:30 am, the sheikhs were locked in, and the security forces opened fire on the demonstrators. People were chased and gunned down in the streets. Not one had a weapon on them, there was no vandalism or destruction of public property of any sort that day. It was a bloody crackdown by a regime that knows no other way.”
April 2nd, 2012, 6:13 pm
jna said:
Does or does not the opposition intend to respect a ceasefire?
April 2nd, 2012, 6:14 pm
Mawal95 said:
@ SOD #231: I appreciate that you’re making an effort and I encourage you to keep trying. But that video at # 231 is worthless with regard to what we’re talking about. It’s worthless because (a) the part of the soundtrack with bullets noises appears to have no connection to the visuals we see, (b) we don’t see the security forces firing, (c) we don’t see any context sense in security forces firing, (d) we don’t see anybody shot.
Can you not come up with something better?
The video you linked #235 is worthless for the very same reasons plus much of it is incomprehensible low-resolution blur. In contrast, some of the other videos of the mundane protesting from that event are pretty good resolution.
Once again, I encourage you to come up with something better.
Here’s a video of a FAKE atrocity by security forces I have posted on this board at least twice before. It made a big impression on me last year because I initially thought it was genuine and the elaborateness of the fakery helped convince me that the real thing didn’t exist in quantity. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=od_bVIF_GbY
April 2nd, 2012, 6:15 pm
Son of Damascus said:
I guess you don’t know how to read, just know how to call my mother names and regurgitate fake propaganda from SANA and AL Dunia.
Let me show you what I wrote again:
“Please provide us with videos where the Egyptian government or the Bahraini government has been using tanks, and artillery to quell the uprising.”
Notice the Tank and artillery part…
April 2nd, 2012, 6:20 pm
Son of Damascus said:
There are DOCUMENTED deaths that occurred in those “worthless’ videos, I am saddened to see that the deaths of Syrians at the hands of the Assadist thuggery is “worthless” to you.
April 2nd, 2012, 6:23 pm
Mawal95 said:
@ SOD #239: Not documented on video. Testimonies of dissidents who claimed to be eye witnesses have zero credibility and are truly worthless.
I am all in favour of the truth, whatever it may be, and I suppose you are as well. We have to have high standards about quality of evidence.
April 2nd, 2012, 6:38 pm
Uzair8 said:
Why isn’t Assad addressing the nation? How long has it been? The country is in chaos and the situation is deteriorating fast. Where is he? Or are the men with guns running the show?
Why hasn’t he responded to the ‘Friends of Syria’ conference by ordering Walid Muallem to organise a ‘Friends of the Regime’ conference?
Probable list of attendees:
Special invitee:
April 2nd, 2012, 6:38 pm
Uzair8 said:
According to a recent comment (51 minutes ago) on AJE Syria blog the major roads to Damascus have been closed. The regime says it is for security reasons while the activists say the regime is scared of FSA entering Damascus.
Is this a regular occurrence. At night?
April 2nd, 2012, 6:42 pm
jad said:
“As for the hospital you seem so worried about, does it not seem odd to you that there are snipers nests on top of those hospitals, since when do hospitals need snipers nests exactly, and what makes you so sure that the atrocities that have been committed in those hospitals will be the doing of the FSA? ”
Son of Damascus,
You may need to read this to understand why I mentioned the hospital and why it’s significant and a cover up for a massacre done by fsa with two clips published by them and not by Addounia nor Alikhbariye and defiantly not by Sana:
????? ???? ???? ????? ?????? ?????? 2-4-2012
????? ???? ???? ????? ?????? ?????? 2-4-2012
‘Local Coordination Committees in Syria
Monday drew to an end with 150 martyrs in Syria, among them several women and children, 120 were martyred in Homs among them 75 unidentified bodies were found in Homsa Hospital, 16 martyrs in Idlib, 6 martyrs in Hama including 4 Free Syrian Army soldiers and 5 martyrs in Aleppo’
120 in Homs, 75 from the Hospital attacked by fsa
How many of the rest 45 casualties were actually killed inside the hospital or elsewhere in Homs? No information
How many casualties from the Syrian soldiers defending the hospital? No information
How many casualties from the armed fighters that attacked the hospital? Again nothing.
16 in Idleb, any details about the victims being civilians or fighters? No, but by logic and through the fights we are seeing on youtube happening today in Idleb I can assume that the many of the victims are actually fsa armed fighters
6 in Hama 4 fsa fighters
5 in Aleppo, also no details, but I read that in Anadan there was some fighting with armed militias today.
April 2nd, 2012, 6:43 pm
Mawal95 said:
Here’s 90 seconds of Bashar speaking to soldiers in Bab Amr on 27 Mar 2012, speaking in a serious tone about the armed rebels: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=E_MfYq_olrE#t=169s . It was broadcast nationwide in Syria.
PS: Brief interviews with people on the streets of Homs city regarding Bashar’s recent visit to Bab Amr: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MG8EUcvITDA
April 2nd, 2012, 6:47 pm
Uzair8 said:
@244 MAWAL95
I was aware of the Homs visit and comments but I meant a proper televised speech like he did previously (how many months ago?)
April 2nd, 2012, 6:57 pm
Dale Andersen said:
Memo To: HANS
RE: “…it is well known that you can make a full fack video…”
I don’t even want to ask what a “full fack video” is. It sounds like porn…
April 2nd, 2012, 7:01 pm
Mawal95 said:
I don’t see any particular reason why the country would benefit from another lengthy televised speech by Bashar at present. If Bashar finds he has a good reason for one, fine. I don’t find it myself. But I hope Bashar will make public appearances encouraging people to vote for the Baath Party in the parliamentary elections on 7 May 2012. I hope he does not stay neutral, merely encourage people to vote. I want campaigning for Baath candidates as such!!
By the way, did you see that over 7,000 candidates have submitted applications to compete in the parliamentary elections to be held on 7 May 2012? http://www.sana.sy/eng/21/2012/04/01/409817.htm . There are only 250 seats in the parliament. The government should raise the application fee by a factor of ten, or factor of 100, in future elections, to get rid of most of those thousands of silly candidates who don’t have a hope of getting elected.
In 2007 the number of entrants to the contest at the deadline for applications was 9770, of whom 2293 were approved to enter the contest, and all those entrants were competing over just 250 seats in parliament.
April 2nd, 2012, 7:09 pm
Syria no Kandahar said:
So you admit that the Egyptian army is running over copts,right?if you or loved ones were run over
(god forbid) by an army cars or Tanks or planes..,
What is the difference if they are going to die any way?
Did you or any opposition titans condmed killing the teachers in Deralzor?how do you support such
Cowards?who told you that me or jad or any of
The (revolution )haters support the regime or Iran
Or Hizbollah?all of us and 90%of Syrians are asking is for all parties to sit together and try to
Preserve what have been salvageable from our country.
April 2nd, 2012, 7:21 pm
jad said:
An excellent article about Bashar on Creative Syria, don’t be afraid of the length, it’s easy to read and very informative, enjoy:
The real Bashar Al-Assad
Monday, April 2nd, 2012 | A post by Camille Otrakji
Among the main pillars of the case for a revolution against President Assad is the assumption that he has little support among his people, he is not compatible with moral standards shared by other members of the international community and he does not have what it takes to lead Syria anyway.
Yet, many journalists who visited Syria admit that Assad still enjoys significant popular support and his qualities and his job performance over the years received over the top, bi-polar reviews. In the words of his adversaries, Assad is internationally respected, charming, attractive, fascinating, skilled, triumphant, most popular, and in total control … or not in control, weak, delusional, most hated, evil moron, or even Hitler-evil
There is much more material to choose from. Google search returned tens of millions of results for “Bashar al Assad”, higher than Egypt’s “Hosni Mubarak”, “King Abdullah” of Saudi Arabia, long-time Israeli Prime Minister “Benjamin Netanyahu”, or Turkish Prime minister “Erdogan”.
United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki Moon said “We all have a responsibility to work for a resolution of this profound and extremely dangerous crisis that has potentially massive repercussions for the region and the world.” The crisis in Syria could quickly escalate into civil wars in Syria and a number of its neighbors, a massive regional war between the Sunni and Shia alliances, or the return of the cold war. All of which will severely impact global economy.
Away from the adulation of his ardent supporters or the vilification of his outraged detractors, the real Bashar Al Assad is the central figure that will likely influence the outcome of the crisis more than anyone else. You really need to try to form a new, calm and impartial, assessment of the Syrian President.
Attempts to find solutions to the crisis in Syria failed in many cases because they implied a humiliation to the President, tried to force him to accept a major role for Islamists in Syrian politics, or relied on pressure with imposed deadlines from outside powers that attempted to treat Syria as a stage and not as a leading actor.
Leaders of “the international community”, journalists or analysts who cannot get over Assad’s responsibility for the thousands of Syrian who died during this conflict should keep in mind that the ratio if soldiers who were killed at the hands of the opposition to the civilians killed at the hands of the army is 3 to 1. Compare that to
Many Syrians are actively seeking political freedoms. Many others are unyielding in protecting their social freedoms as well as Syria’s unity and dignity. The first camp is leaderless and substantially divided. The second camp is unified behind one leader who is backed by a strong army. Neither camp will be able to defeat the other. The options are civil strife, regional war or a national coalition government.
One logical solution formula requires President Assad to delegate many of his responsibilities to a strong and qualified, non-Baathist, Prime Minister. Since the President, and parts of the current regime, are highly skilled and experienced in foreign policy and national security matters, he should still be in charge of those domains. Fighting corruption and running a cleaner, more transparent, more accountable and more efficient government should be the responsibility of a new Prime Minister and a national coalition cabinet that is empowered for the first time in decades, to seriously tackle the serious challenges that remain unaddressed. That way the President can concentrate on his top priorities and allow representatives of parties elected in large numbers to the Parliament to handle everything else. Syria’s strong secular army would remain the protector of secularism just like Turkey’s army protected secularism for many decades since Turkey first experimented with democracy.
Political reforms must take place, and Bashar Al Assad, far from the perfect figure his supporters see, is still the only leader that can lead Syria to free elections. Moderate, secular opposition must reclaim the revolution from the militants and the west must clearly seek and support moderates from the regime’s side and the opposition’s.
The most constructive approach today is to forget the past and to cooperate to try to shorten the difficult path to the return of stability to Syria.
April 2nd, 2012, 8:04 pm
SOn of Damascus said:
First of all those trucks were running over EGYPTIANS not just Copts.
And yes I do admit that the Egyptian and Bahraini governments used excessive force on an armed protesters, and that is a criminal act that should be persecuted if not locally, then through ICC.
If you fail to see the fact that your so called honourable Syrian Army is bombarding and killing civilians en masse all for the sake of Assadieh, that is your conscious not mine.
I DONT SUPPORT ANY KILLERS, I AM A PACIFIST for me guns are not the answer to any problem. However I don’t support sitting with killers, rapists, torturers, that think they own the country to negotiate my Freedom, they belong in Jail not the negotiation table.
I am appalled by all the unjustifiable actions that certain members of the opposition has partaken in, HOWEVER I am more disgusted by the apparent killing, maiming, raping, torturing, levelling of cities, usage of human shields, hypocrisy that this thuggish sorry excuse of a regime is conducting in, with a green light to do so by the Commander of the Syrian Army.
April 2nd, 2012, 8:10 pm
Son of Damascus said:
“Testimonies of dissidents who claimed to be eye witnesses have zero credibility and are truly worthless.”
Testimony from a dictatorship, that manufactures lies has zero credibility to anyone willing to use their brain.
April 2nd, 2012, 8:13 pm
majedkhaldoun said:
The syrian crisis,more and more is becoming in the hands of Russia and USA.
Clinton said the russian are here.
Lavrov said, Assad army must start withdrawing, followed immidietely by the armed opposition to withdraw.
The Friends of Syria recognized the SNC as a legitimate representatives of the Syrian people.
Syria admitted that April 10, is a day to stop military actions.
Assad is loosing allies, Brazil joined the friends of Syria, and Algeria too, with Russia is begining to change, and getting convinced that it is a real grass root revolution, Assad has at one point to concede.
It is not too late to save his skin, along with his family, and Syria must be for all syrians, with this thinking we can save Syria, we are not enemy of each other, we are against those who committed crimes, and the money that was stolen, must return, free syria is all what we want. christians and Alawi who supported Assad are welcome to change their mind and unite against brutal family dictator.
you need to calm down, and think about what you have done and said, you have no power to change things, not any one of us can, time for convincing others is gone long time ago, you live in the USA, there is a lot to learn from life here.
insults and mocking others with all your comments made us ignore them
Filthy words represent frustrations
April 2nd, 2012, 8:16 pm
Son of Damascus said:
Simple why not allow the international community and international journalist come in and show the world the governments side of events?
Why is it the government has to rely on the videos uploaded by the activists to show the world what is happening? Why not stick a camera on top of one of the many tanks that have been roaming around pounding cities? Or at the very least let SANA attempt to break a real news event? Or are they only handy when a pre-planned terrorist attack happen?
The opposition has nothing to hide, they have been willing to have any journalist embed with them, the regime is not only hiding but targeting anyone attempting to expose them, that does not seem suspect to you?
April 2nd, 2012, 8:19 pm
Ghufran said:
The down and up system is almost worthless, if you work at a firm or a university or happen to have 20 pc/smart phone/iPad devices, you can easily vote multiple times.
Ignore the up and down count whether you won or lost this childish race and focus on the message. Some people, from both sides I must add, have too much time on their hands.
April 2nd, 2012, 8:26 pm
Ghufran said:
SOD, you know that I respect you but do you really believe the opposition has nothing to hide or did not lie? Think again.
This is primarily a fight between an oppressive regime and a helpless public, but secondary forces have since the fall of 2011 taken a larger part in the chaos and violence, I hope you agree with this basic fact.
April 2nd, 2012, 8:31 pm
IMAD said:
“Russia is begining to change,and getting convinced that it is a real grass root revolution.”
What makes you say this? Care to elaborate?
April 2nd, 2012, 8:38 pm
Ghufran said:
I can not help expressing my joy at seeing that more Syrians, especially expats, are now realizing that this is a game for big players, we are mostly watching and expressing frustration, guilt and anger. There is one thing we CAN do: be nice to each other and help Syrians in need, too much to ask?
??? ???? ????? ?????? ? ??????
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“???? ???? ????????”
April 2nd, 2012, 8:40 pm
Ghufran said:
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Do not you think that the red officer must keep his mouth shut when it comes to the internal affairs of a sovereign nation?
Syrians, not the Mullahs or the IRG, will decide how to deal with other nations,friends and foes, the time now is for reconciliation and rebuilding a wounded nation, Syria, not to settle scores, there will be time for less important “stuff” later.
April 2nd, 2012, 8:49 pm
Son of Damascus said:
The secondary forces are not the opposition, and the crimes that are committed by the opposition or elements within it don’t represent the whole opposition. While the regime response has been an efficiently bloody response, that have included the use of heavy weapons like tanks, artillery, mortars, Rockets, and helicopter gunships, all of which need clearance form the heights levels of government to use on Syrian civilians.
I don’t believe in an armed resistance to topple this regime, because I know what this regime can do, and this plays right into the regimes rhetoric. And if by the slim chance an armed resistance wins, at what cost and human suffering and what guarantees would we have that these armed men will be any better than the ones they replaced?
For me the FSA should just stick to what they set out in the first place, protecting peaceful protesters and avoiding direct confrontations with the regime.
The lawlessness that is gripping Syria today is not the doing of the opposition, but that of the regime for not only are they killing anyone daring to open their mouths, but they are releasing only the worst criminals from jails while keeping the activist in there. How is it a shock to any one that there is lawlessness if that is the case, and how can we say the opposition is responsible for all of it?
April 2nd, 2012, 8:51 pm
zoo said:
The Free Syrian Army vs. the Syrian National Council—Which Should We Support?
David Schenker
March 31, 2012 | 12:00 am
A year into the Syrian uprising against Bashar Al-Assad, the dysfunctional nature of Syrian opposition politics isn’t exactly news. But the resignation last month of Syrian dissident Kamal Labwani from the Syrian National Council (SNC)—which he accused not only of being “undemocratic” and incompetent, but intent on undermining the secular basis of the revolution—is an especially troubling indictment of the opposition’s hapless government in exile. The Obama administration should heed Labwani’s testimony, and reassess its diplomacy accordingly. Indeed, taking a cue from Labwani’s experience, Washington should refocus its attention away from the SNC, in favor of providing more active support for the less centralized, but potentially more effective Free Syrian Army (FSA).
I can personally attest to the depth of Labwani’s commitment to a free Syria. I first met him in 2005, when he was in Washington for meetings with Bush administration officials. During a meeting at the Pentagon that I attended, Labwani, a medical doctor who was a prominent member of the “Damascus Spring” reform movement in 2001, did not ask for U.S. assistance in toppling Syria’s Assad regime. Instead, he spoke eloquently about the need for political reform in his country. When I asked him whether he feared being jailed on his return, he said he knew he would be arrested, but nonetheless believed it was important for U.S. officials to hear this message. As anticipated, Labwani was arrested upon his arrival in Damascus, and subsequently sentenced to twelve years of hard labor. He had spent five years in prison when he was released early last November, eight months after the start of the current uprising against the Assad regime.
Soon thereafter, Labwani joined the Turkey-based SNC, which was claiming to represent the Syrian opposition on the international stage. He quickly assessed, however, that his hopes for a democratic, pluralistic, and secular Syria would not be advanced through the organization. Fundamentally, Labwani wrote in his draft transition plan, the SNC was not created as “an operational body to win the revolution.” This lack of mission led to ethnic, religious and ideological divisions exploited by the regime. The SNC was rife with “political competition” when what was required was to “push single-mindedly to secure victory against the dictator.” Labwani was willing to serve time for trying to promote democratic change in Syria, yet he couldn’t abide the ineffectiveness of the SNC.
He hasn’t been alone in his frustration. International observers have found the SNC to be fractious, replete with infighting, lacking in credibility, and increasingly Islamist. In February, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton herself lamented the lack of a “viable” opposition.
While the SNC appears hapless, lately the FSA, which has little interest in being answerable to the SNC, has been taking positive steps to try and establish a more unified command. The FSA has largely been a franchise operation of around fifty battalions fighting the regime absent any centralized control, but in early March two rival officers vying for leadership of the FSA reconciled and issued a joint statement on YouTube directing troops to follow the orders of just one commander, Colonel Riad al-Assad. Even the SNC has started to come around to supporting the FSA, going so far as to establish a military council to support the force.
But, paralyzed by concerns about whether civilians will eventually have control over the military in post-conflict Syria, Washington has balked on providing military support to the FSA. When asked last week about the military opposition getting its “act together,” State Department spokesman Victoria Nuland changed the topic. “What we have been calling for,” she said, “is for the peaceful opposition to coordinate better … so a peaceful transition can go forward.”
Such inaction has consequences. In recent weeks, the FSA has suffered a series of tactical setbacks, raising the specter of a lengthy war of attrition and prolonged survival of the regime.
April 2nd, 2012, 8:53 pm
Tara said:
Damning testimony from Kurdish soldiers this time. A must read.
Syrian military kills civilians in reprisals, ‘executes own troops,’ defectors say
DOMZIN, IRAQ — Former Syrian soldiers who have escaped to northern Iraq are telling grisly stories of how their units executed unarmed civilians for demonstrating against the Assad regime and staged mass reprisals when residents shot back, on one occasion lining up and shooting 30 defenseless civilians.
The former soldiers – Syrian Kurds who’ve crossed the mountainous border into Iraq’s Kurdistan region in small groups over the past three months, a group that now totals well more than 400 – also brought tales of colleagues being shot for not firing on civilians. One former noncommissioned special-forces officer even said he suspected that other government troops had orchestrated an ambush his unit endured, in an effort to motivate the unit to kill civilians.
The troops were traumatized. After Rastan, Kawa said, “soldiers were breaking down.” That’s when more than a dozen top officers came to his base and gave two days of what he described as “political orientation.”
April 2nd, 2012, 8:58 pm
zoo said:
Turkey’s Syria plans hit a hard rock
Syrian President Bashar al-Assad may be angry over the “The Friends of the Syrian People” meeting in Istanbul but he does not have to worry much about the outcome. In the end the meeting only produced generalities, much to the annoyance of Syrians who were expecting concrete commitments against al-Assad.
In addition to this the Syrian National Council (SNC), which purports to represent all the people of Syria, only managed to get recognition as “one of the legitimate representatives” of the Syrians. Then there was the support – albeit lukewarm – the gathering had to give former U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan’s efforts, even though Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and the SNC abhor these efforts, which elevate al-Assad to the level of a legitimate interlocutor.
But then, Turkey is faced with more than just one contradiction over Syria. At any rate it is clear to most observers that Russia and Iran, in particular, will do everything to ensure that al-Assad and the Baath regime remain in power, and this is where Ankara’s expectations hit a hard rock.
In the end the Istanbul gathering seems to have merely provided an opportunity for Erdo?an to vent his indignation against al-Assad, and to express certain hopes that have little chance of being realized at this stage.
Turkey’s Syria policy is especially an example case of how the ruling AKP’s “proactive” policy has turned to a hyperactivity, prematurely landing Turkey in a position with no choice but to work actively for the departure of al–Assad.
As one European diplomat said during the Istanbul meeting: “al–Assad will remain for less time than he thinks, but for longer than we think.”
Turkey’s proactive stance is making it increasingly difficult to adapt.
April 2nd, 2012, 8:59 pm
Hopeful said:
I have four questions:
1. Does anyone on this forum believe that, if a truly democratic presidential elections are to be held in Syria today, Assad has a chance of winning, fair and square?
2. Will Syria be better off as a democratic nation, even if it means that it will end up being led by an Islamist regime which will support the “will of the majority” and impose restrictions on personal freedoms?
3. Is Syria a “moderate” society today? I don’t mean the affluent neighborhoods of Damascus and Aleppo. I mean “Syria”!
4. So long as the opinions of the “majority” of the people in the society are shaped by either the State’s propaganda machine or the conservative imams of the mosques, can this society ever be free?
April 2nd, 2012, 9:03 pm
jad said:
-Thank you for #251 note to our respected and beloved, Son of Damascus, it was needed.
-“There is one thing we CAN do: be nice to each other and help Syrians in need,too much to ask?”
Very well said!
-Regarding the thumbs count:
I’m don’t really care at the count, I just noticed that suddenly within a very short time the numbers multiplied 20 folds which is weird and it explains to Syrialover why one comment got 70+ hits in a week time while couple comments suddenly got 45+ in less than an hour.
Believe me, it’s the least of my concerns.
April 2nd, 2012, 9:05 pm
Tara said:
Pull troops first, Russia tells Syria
Russia criticizes an Istanbul meeting on Syria for being one-sided and for not contributing to peace, but calls on the regime to pull its troops first
“The Syrian government must take the first step and start the troop withdrawal in line with Kofi Annan’s plan,” Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said at a briefing in Yerevan. Lavrov added, however, that the opposition needs to reciprocate quickly.
April 2nd, 2012, 9:08 pm
jad said:
“David Schenker”! Really?!
Allah Yesam7ak 🙂
If the Syrian Kurd soldier in Roy Gutman’s article is one of the 330 soldiers the Bishmarkeh are training in a secret camp in Kurdistan Iraq to attack when needed, in that case, how accurate the testimony is, I ask?
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April 2nd, 2012, 9:11 pm
zoo said:
Syrian troops to pull out by the 10th april, and the rebel forces by the 12th April
Syria says it will pull out troops next week
Thomas Seibert and Joe Lauria
Apr 3, 2012
NEW YORK and ISTANBUL // Syria promised yesterday to pull its troops off the streets by next Tuesday and rebel forces are expected to follow within 48 hours.
The United States ambassador to the United Nations, Susan Rice, said Damascus had agreed to an immediate withdrawal of troops before the April 10 deadline, but “the proof is in the acting”.
“Some members of the Security Council expressed concern that the government of Syria not use the next days to intensify the violence and expressed some scepticism about the bona fides of the government,” Ms Rice said.
Ms Rice said opposition forces had been asked to pull back 48 hours after the government forces, but did not say if the Free Syrian Army (FSA) had agreed.
Unlike the Arab League’s initial peace plan agreed to by Damascus, Mr Annan’s proposals do not call for Mr Al Assad to step down as president.
“We are committed to implementing the six-point plan,” said Bashar Jaafari, the Syrian representative at the UN.
Syrian forces have routed rebels from several towns and cities over the past few weeks and it remained unclear whether the rebels would take advantage of the 48-hour window to regain lost territory, jeopardising the deal.
A UN peacekeeping team will join Mr Annan’s staff in Syria this week to prepare for a monitoring mission that would police a ceasefire. The team is expected to consist of about 250 unarmed observers pulled from neighbouring peacekeeping missions.
“The experience of other Arab Spring countries has shown that governments lost their power when the army changed sides,” he said. The promised payments had the aim of “strengthening the process of erosion” within the Syrian regime.
“I hope everyone wakes up to that fact,” he said. The offer of arms to the opposition was “very wrong”.
Turkey’s opposition criticised the Ankara government for burning all bridges with the Syrian regime while the outcome of the crisis was far from clear.
“We have a saying: Don’t jump into muddy water, and if you do, jump in with your feet first,” said Umut Oran of the opposition Republican People’s Party (CHP).
“On the Syrian issue, the prime minister took a header into muddy water.”
April 2nd, 2012, 9:13 pm
zoo said:
Is Brotherhood leader in Syria really moderate?
Zoi Constantine
Apr 2, 2012
Kamal Al Labwani, one of several prominent opposition figures to distance themselves from the SNC in the last month, reiterated his belief that the council is taking orders from the Brotherhood.
“The Brotherhood doesn’t have any history of democracy. They are lying to reach the authority, then they will forget every promise,” he said. “We have to make a real balance and we will not close our eyes. The Muslim Brotherhood plans to control Syria.”
But, while dismissing the accusations, Mr Al Drobi – who is also a member of the SNC’s international relations committee – said the Brotherhood should have the opportunity to prove themselves.
“In the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood, we never said things and did not do it,” he said. “All what I have said, I believe in it and I will stand behind it and you can hold me accountable to that document in the future. We have not done that as a tactical move.”
April 2nd, 2012, 9:18 pm
zoo said:
Syrians troops to withdraw by 10th of April and rebels forces by 12th April: Rice
Annan seeks UN Security Council support for April 10 deadline: Rice
English.news.cn 2012-04-03
UNITED NATIONS, April 2 (Xinhua) — Kofi Annan, the United Nations and Arab League joint special envoy for Syria, on Monday underlined the urgency in the Syrian situation and sought the support of the UN Security Council for the April 10 deadline to end the year-long violence in the Middle East country, said Susan Rice, the United States Ambassador to UN. Rice holds the rotating council presidency for April.
Rice made the remarks while reading a readout to the press here after Annan briefed the 15-nation council behind closed doors vie teleconference from Geneva.
Annan told the Security Council that the Syrian government had agreed to the April 10 deadline to end the crisis in the country, and he was expecting details from Damascus “very shortly” on the implementation of the six-point peace plan put forward by the special envoy, Rice said.
“Mr.Annan reported that he is expecting details from the Syrian government very shortly on the other aspects of his six- point plan including key requests for humanitarian access, the two- hour daily humanitarian pause as well as access for the media and of course the political process,” Rice said.
“Mr. Annan said he wished that he had this confirmation of action sooner, in other words that the April 10 deadline would ideally have been earlier than it is,” Rice said. Annan urged the government of Syria to start immediately and to ensure that forces move no further into population centers.
“Mr. Annan’s deputy, Mr. Nasser al-Kidwa, has also had constructive exchanges with the opposition to urge them to cease their operations within 48 hours of a complete cessation of government hostilities,” she said.
“Mr. Annan reported that the Syrian foreign minister sent him a letter yesterday in which he said that the Syrian military will begin immediately and by April 10 will complete the cessation of all forward deployment and use of heavy weapons and will complete its withdrawal from population centers,” Rice said.
April 2nd, 2012, 9:24 pm
jad said:
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Money for terrorism and weapons are starting to flow:
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April 2nd, 2012, 9:26 pm
Hopeful said:
What’s so special about the April 10th “date”, why not start today, or tomorrow?
April 2nd, 2012, 9:26 pm
Tara said:
Canada is becoming one of my favorite country
Canada banks on Syrian rebels with $1M grant
OTTAWA – Canada has committed $1 million to help Syrian opposition groups set aside their differences and present a credible alternative to President Bashar al-Assad’s regime.
The funding highlights perceived divisions between the Syrian National Council, the Free Syrian Army and other anti-Assad groups, which are considered key obstacles to stronger international involvement in Syria.
One Syrian-Canadian leader, however, says Canada and its allies are simply using the divisions as an excuse to avoid doing more to prevent the violence in Syria, which has killed an estimated 9,000 people over the past year.
The funding was announced by Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird at a high-level meeting on Syria in Turkey over the weekend and is in addition to $7.5 million in humanitarian assistance pledged last month.
April 2nd, 2012, 9:27 pm
zoo said:
France to deport three imams, two Islamist radicals
France’s Foreign Ministry has announced the deportation of two Islamist radicals and three Imams from Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Algeria. The statement says the Imams made anti-Semitic statements in their sermons and called for Muslims to reject Western values. The move comes as a part of a government crackdown following last month’s shootings in Toulouse.
April 2nd, 2012, 9:28 pm
jad said:
It seems that Sarko is starting his own war against radicalism, obviously for his presidential campaign, but how could he be against it at home and support radical terrorism ‘outside’ the ‘Republic’ any thoughts?
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April 2nd, 2012, 9:34 pm
Tara said:
Peter Jones: Aung Sang Suu Kyi an object lesson for Syria
Published on Tuesday 3 April 2012 00:00
Aung Sang Suu Kyi wore down Burma’s regime, but Syrians don’t have 22 years to wait as casualties grow, writes Peter Jones
Aung Sang Suu Kyi’s election to the Burmese parliament at the weekend is yet one more spark of freedom in the global movement that is steadily removing dictators from power. But there is no light yet showing in the dreadful night of despotism that grips Syria. Should the world’s democratic powers do more to hasten the departure of Syrian president Bashar al-Assad?
Developments in Burma suggest that there may be an alternative route to doing that other than the more forceful course of arming Syrian rebels and providing them with external military support – the action that proved, albeit bloodily, successful in Libya.
Ms Suu Kyi faced much the same military dictatorship that weighs in Syria. She had the long historic advantage of being the undisputed but deposed Burmese democratic leader. Having led her party, the National League for Democracy, to victory in elections in 1990, Burma’s military rulers stole the result and imprisoned Ms Suu Kyi.
She and her supporters did not resort to violence, but waged a long campaign of passive and peaceful resistance, apparently to no effect as the generals were utterly impervious to any international pressure, whether waged diplomatically, by economic sanctions or by campaign groups.
But something eventually gave. It appears to be a realisation by Burma’s rulers that being a client state of China, its most important trade partner by far, is no longer a safe bet. It has been strengthening ties with America, seeking to broaden its trading arena which necessitates reducing censorship, the release of political prisoners, and a dose of democracy.
Not too much, mind you. Only 44 seats in the 664-seat parliament were up for grabs so the regime is not about to lose any votes of confidence. Nevertheless, the genie is out of the box. Ms Suu Kyi now has a place in Burmese politics, and the generals can only silence it at great cost to themselves.
Now you might, quite reasonably, remark that 22 years is a heck of a long time for change to come about. Given that the death toll in the Syrian uprising is now probably close to about 10,000 after less than a year, the people cannot afford such a long wait. And it would be a constant reproach and stain on the democratic world’s conscience to sit back and allow the repression to continue.
April 2nd, 2012, 9:42 pm
jad said:
Are we reading the same thing, you in English and me in Arabic?
No wonder the terrorists are intensifying their attacks, they have plans ready to fail Annan’s plan, isn’t it obvious that alkhalyjeh are paying just for that, I put today’s attack against the Hospital in Homs within the plan, I’m sure that the footage will be broadcast April 10th on Aljazeera as a ‘massacre.
Isn’t this salafi sheikh Zoughby the same one I called radical when someone endlessly defended him as ‘angel’…funny!
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April 2nd, 2012, 9:42 pm
Ghufran said:
Should the US get its feet wet in the Syrian swamp?
(not that the US is not already involved)
April 2nd, 2012, 9:51 pm
bronco said:
Jad #265
Now that the Syrian government has accepted to withdraw the troops by the 10th April from towns, villages and cities, the opposition now boosted by the promised money and weapons may just take advantage of that to regain the towns they were removed from. Yet the opposition is required to withdraw armed elements by the 12th April. That means they have two days to do that. Will they comply or ignore the call?
Both withdrawals will be ‘observed’ by UN observers that cannot be accused of partiality of inefficiency like the AL observers.
Annan is opposed to further arming of the rebels and seems to want to prevent any attempt of a military escalation with weapons flowing.
He wants his plan to be the ONLY one.
For that purpose, I think he is preparing a UNSC resolution to oblige GCC, Turkey and all interested parties to comply to the Plan and stop arming or helping the rebels. Yet, he needs a diplomatic success immediately to proceed with the UNSC resolution and he is counting on Bashar to comply with the 10th April withdrawal as a proof of workability of the plan.
Yet there are many dangers to that deadline
– Would the Syrian army allowed to control the areas outside towns and cities where they are no civilians ?
– Where are the armed rebels going to withdraw? If they will hide outside civilian areas, in the mountains, they will be hunted by the Syrian army. Their only safe place is Turkey. Will they flee to Turkey?
– Would demonstrations be ‘legally’ allowed? How large would they be after the withdrawal of the Syrians troops? Who will protect the civilians from snipers from both sides?
The next week will a turning point.
April 2nd, 2012, 10:00 pm
bronco said:
#269 Tara
Aung Sang Suu Kyi = Ghalioun ???
April 2nd, 2012, 10:04 pm
Tara said:
I think she is a bit slimmer..
So the regime is changing tactic? Didn’t they say two days ago they won’t pull the army until the rebels stop first.
April 2nd, 2012, 10:17 pm
bronco said:
#274 Tara
You mean that Ghalioun only need a good diet to become a charismatic leader of the opposition?
Russia and Annan pressure… and the possibility to expose the opposition if it does not comply by the 12th.
April 2nd, 2012, 10:26 pm
zoo said:
????????? ???????? ?????? ?????? ????? ?????
April 2nd, 2012, 10:37 pm
Mina said:
233 SOD
There are several videos of the tanks sent to Pearl Square in Bahrein, and even of the Saudi armored vehicles. Fisk wrote an article too, in case you missed it.
You may even notice that things were bad in Bahrein precisely in February and March 2011, when the GCC+ally (remember the picture?) started to think that to have the cameras somewhere else would be a good idea.
April 2nd, 2012, 10:52 pm
Tara said:
“You mean that Ghalioun only need a good diet to become a charismatic leader of the opposition?”
No. No. Bronco. Good diet and exercise only makes attractive physique, the charisma comes from having a wife with a sleazy Louboutin shoes.
April 2nd, 2012, 10:56 pm
Mina said:
I quote you:
“The country is in chaos and the situation is deteriorating fast. ”
You and others have been selling this motto to the Western press for a year.
Could you then comment on this clip of the views of the Syrian street, on April 1st in Damascus? Do they looked like living in a country in chaos? Do they sound they have been coerced? Does the atmosphere looks like North Korea?
Maybe to visit Syria and confront reality would be a good therapy to many here.
(and this one from Homs
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MG8EUcvITDA )
April 2nd, 2012, 11:01 pm
omen said:
255. zoo 8:53 pm
why was he released early?
April 2nd, 2012, 11:07 pm
Son of Damascus said:
Assad thugs showing off their kill, boasting that the kill shots were head shots.
How so very honourable of them… guess those snipers nests are used more than just for “defending”.
April 2nd, 2012, 11:09 pm
Mina said:
Zoo #255
Thanks for posting this article on Labwani. An impressive person truly.
April 2nd, 2012, 11:13 pm
Mina said:
Jad #268 “how could he be against it at home and support radical terrorism ‘outside’ the ‘Republic’ any thoughts”
This has been the problem with EU policy in the latest years. Might be the work of some influential lobbies and think-tanks. Corruption exists there too, as you know. The Netherlands is another good example of the Sarkozy’s dichotomy: Shell friends at the top and Gerard Wilders in villages.
April 2nd, 2012, 11:21 pm
Son of Damascus said:
What is happening is Bahrain is atrocious, I keep myself updated on what is happening there. Their struggle is of freedom and respect, just like the struggle Syrians are facing today. I am well aware about the double standards, but as of yet the Bahraini or the GCC force has not shot a single tank shell, artillery shell, or mortar.
Again I don’t apologize for the brutal actions that were taken and are continuing to be taken on a daily basis in Bahrain, it is atrocious and criminal but what is happening in Syria by the hands of this regime supersedes that of the Bahraini government by a long shot.
April 2nd, 2012, 11:21 pm
omen said:
speaking of aung sang suu kyi, despite winning big gains in parliament, she and her party have not offered clear policy proposals.
landis lodges the same complaint against the snc.
by the professor’s logic, such a deficit disqualifies aung sang suu kyi and her party from leading the country and holding office!
April 2nd, 2012, 11:23 pm
Son of Damascus said:
Shit Assad supporters say…
April 2nd, 2012, 11:29 pm
Mina said:
On Bahrein, it seems shabihas are now being used (as they are in Egypt too, with no control for one year now)
The difference here is that in Syria, I believe the shabihas do not answer to the Damascus government but to local potentates.
April 2nd, 2012, 11:32 pm
omen said:
let assad send his tanks to bahrain to liberate the shia.
April 2nd, 2012, 11:35 pm
Ghufran said:
You can fit all of Bahrain in one of Damascus suburbs,and unlike Syria,Bahrainis do not have weapons and are still unwilling to use violence,the regime there did not have to use heavy weapons to pacify the opposition,Baharinis are also not as impoverished as Syrians and have not,yet,lost many lives in their uprising,but make no mistake about it,Iran and KSA will use Bahrainis in a proxy war if they have too. It remains to be seen whether the ruling family in Bahrain will wise up before it is too late.
My favorite part of the Bahraini story is that the regime removed the whole Pearl Roundabout when it was used as a gathering place for demonstrations.
April 2nd, 2012, 11:39 pm
Son of Damascus said:
Someone please point out to me where are the guns that these civilians were holding to be shot in the head and their groin by the security forces?
Oh yeah evidence from dissidents is “worthless”, because how dare they ever descent against his holiness Bashar…
April 2nd, 2012, 11:45 pm
Son of Damascus said:
“My favorite part of the Bahraini story is that the regime removed the whole Pearl Roundabout when it was used as a gathering place for demonstrations.”
That is one of my saddest parts, Bahrainis deserve much better than what they currently have. The government might try to erase what happened, but the people are not forgetting.
April 2nd, 2012, 11:55 pm
bronco said:
@279 Tara
On the picture Ghalioun is the only one clutching his fingers or is he scratching? Great charisma!
The two women are dressed like men, and Basma would be better in cowboy boots than in Louboutin.
April 3rd, 2012, 12:00 am
omen said:
why are half the posts upthread in pink? and this is inserted into the posts: Hot debate. What do you think?
was the site hacked?
April 3rd, 2012, 12:11 am
Ghufran said:
??????? ????????
April 3rd, 2012, 12:18 am
omen said:
how can the snc be faulted for being, on one hand, liberal, secular, westernized expats (therefore out of touch with what’s happening on the ground)…to on the other hand, a stalking horse coven of muslim brotherhood members intent on handing down sharia law.
they can’t be both things. which is it?
April 3rd, 2012, 12:20 am
Syria no kandahar said:
????? ????? ?????? ???? ?????
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April 3rd, 2012, 12:24 am
jad said:
Have you noticed that the numbers of ‘voters’ dropped after the exchange we had? Strange! I guess someone got scared and stopped since he/she will be discovered through the IP by the moderator.
April 3rd, 2012, 12:25 am
jad said:
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April 3rd, 2012, 12:58 am
omen said:
quoting prof. landis: Bashar has all the weaknesses of a teenager.
coincidentally, i ran across video of a young assad demonstrating this sense of emotional immaturity.
April 3rd, 2012, 1:01 am
jad said:
In the article you linked in #257:
[As one European diplomat said during the Istanbul meeting: “al–Assad will remain for less time than he thinks, but for longer than we think.”]
Do you think that this is the third stage of denial?
I mean, first they were in denial “Assad will fall”
Then they were angry “Assad must not be allowed to continue” threats etc.
Then they were bargaining that “Bashar will stay less than what he thinks but longer than we think”
What do you think will come next, depression and then acceptance?
April 3rd, 2012, 1:06 am
jad said:
You know how to analyse the situation better than any of the ‘specialists’ yes you don’t have the ‘organizations’, the ‘research centers’, the ‘lobbies’ or the ‘grants’ supporting them. they should hire you for a better ‘vision’.
I’ll try to answer some of your difficult questions:
– Would the Syrian army allowed to control the areas outside towns and cities where they are no civilians ?
In the negotiations, the control of Syria is a thick red line that wont’ be allowed to compromised so the Syria army will control every inch in Syria.
-Where are the armed rebels going to withdraw? If they will hide outside civilian areas, in the mountains, they will be hunted by the Syrian army. Their only safe place is Turkey. Will they flee to Turkey?
Again in the negotiation, the state will ‘forgive’ them but they must give back their weapons and disappear withing the civilians of their original communities. (not sure how easy that will be but this is one of the conditions of the Syrian government.
-Would demonstrations be ‘legally’ allowed? How large would they be after the withdrawal of the Syrians troops? Who will protect the civilians from snipers from both sides?
From what I read, YES, demonstrations will be allowed, and as long as there is not bullets or aggressive actions by the crowds the security forces and the police will not touch them.
The size of the demonstration may be comparable to what we saw under the AL observers time, I may be wrong too.
-The next week will a turning point.
It started yesterday, you think 150 casualties on a Monday was a coincidence, no, yesterday many attacks happened allover Syria with two bombs went off one in Damascus and the second in Aleppo, not to mention the attack of fsa in Homs, Idleb and Daraa.
April 3rd, 2012, 1:32 am
Juergen said:
The mhnbk syndrome, an disease first researched on sheep 40 years ago…
April 3rd, 2012, 1:38 am
jad said:
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April 3rd, 2012, 2:14 am
Uzair8 said:
The following article will not be good reading for the regime and it’s supporters.
April 2, 2012,
In Syria, Some Assad Loyalists Waver
April 3rd, 2012, 2:24 am
jad said:
Can you believe it? ‘North Korea’ is asking people their opinions about the coming parliament’s election on the ‘North Korean’ TV in a program hosting 3 ‘North Korean’ MPs (the program is too long and very slow) but it covers lots of technical issues with somehow challenging points.
???? ????? ???????? ??????? 2 4 2012
April 3rd, 2012, 3:15 am
Mina said:
I think the goats are from Pakistan, wasn’t that admitted?
April 3rd, 2012, 4:51 am
Mina said:
Food for thought:
US keeps eye on Syria, ties in Gulf
By M K Bhadrakumar
In an opinion-piece in the weekend, former secretary of state Henry Kissinger gave the intellectual construct to these concerns. The Arab Spring didn’t quite turn out to be the “regional, youth-led revolution on behalf of liberal democratic principles”. Nor do democrats exactly “predominate in the Syrian opposition.” The Arab League “consensus” over Syria is meaningless, shaped by authoritarian regimes that have no record as democracies. Kissinger warned:
The more sweeping the destruction of the existing order, the more difficult establishment of domestic authority is likely to prove … The more fragmented a society grows, the greater the temptation to foster unity by appeals to a vision of a merged nationalism and Islamism targeting Western values … At this writing, traditional fundamentalist political forces, reinforced by alliance with radical revolutionaries, threaten to dominate the process.
April 3rd, 2012, 5:09 am
Mina said:
Riad Turk calls the SNC to accept Annan plan.
April 3rd, 2012, 7:37 am
majedkhaldoun said:
We always felt that the FSA is more effective if they fight the Assad troops when they are very close to each other, the huge distance between the two sides gives great advantage to the Assad troops who has the advantage of long range weapons artillary,rockets and planes. The FSA has short range weapons, they can not reach far away, they do better fighting guerilla war, surprise attack is more effective, inflicting heavy losses on Assad troops can be accomplished by guerilla type fight. Maneuverability is more possible this way, too.
protecting city demonstrators is not their only job,and they can not be successful in that,they can protect against Shabbiha and snipers, but they can not fight against regular army.
April 3rd, 2012, 7:53 am
Mina said:
SOD 245 “First of all those trucks were running over EGYPTIANS not just Copts.”
SNK refers to the Maspero events,
while you refer to either the Muhammad Mahmud Street or the Tahrir events.
April 3rd, 2012, 7:54 am
mjabali said:
Did you go to the army? How come you are versed in war? Why don’t you call for the violent acts to end?
If you give a monkey a weapon it would take him just seconds to learn how to shoot and kill:
Call for peace in your land.
April 3rd, 2012, 8:13 am
Ales said:
Not many regrets, denials or rejections of “The Burial brigade of Homs”. If you support this killing of hundreds of people, you are a fanatic and a psycho yourself. No wonder these have cleansed Homs of their opponents.
April 3rd, 2012, 8:41 am
DAWOUD said:
305. Uzair8
I heard somebody on NRR saying yesterday that air flights from Syria to the Arab Gulf are booked (full) for the next 3 months! Why? Many regime folks are NOT so confident that the regime would be in good shape for a long time, and they are trying to find a possible way out!
It is nice to know that not so many regime folks are trying to run to Iran! Airline tickets to Tehran are still available!
A Message to OMEN
Dear OMEN:
Yesterday, you asked me whether non-Arab Iranians, who are against Bashar’s murderous regime, could be my “brothers.” I tried to answer you by defining who is an “Arab,” and what Arabs describe as being “brother.”
However, unlike the murderous Syrian regime and its apologists here, I admit my mistakes and apologize after process of soul searching. Didn’t al-Farouk Omar Ibn al-Khatab say:
“Hold yourself accountable before you are held accountable, and weigh yourself before you are weighed!”
P.S., al-Farouk Omar would never have approved the unjust/criminal killing of non-Muslims. When he entered the city of Jerusalem, the Christian Patriarch asked to pray in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. However, after thanking the Christian leader for the offer he refused because he was afraid that future Muslims would take this church away of Christians (if an admired companion of Prophet Mohammad, Omar, prayed in the church). Omar prayed in a nearby empty area, which later became Omar Mosque-which is still one of the most visited sites for Muslims in al-Quds (Jerusalem).
Accordingly, I now say that all decent human beings-who oppose tyranny (e.g., Bashar’s) and occupation (Israeli occupation/colonialism) are my brothers and sisters regardless of their religion/ethnicity/sexual orientation/etc.!!!!!!!!!
For example, I would be proud if Professor Hamid Dabashi (an Iranian) allows me to call him brother. I ALSO DON’T WANT A COUNTRY THAT PRODUCED DABASHI TO BE DESTROYED BY AN ISRAELI ATTACK! Here is an excellent article for Mr. Dabashi:
Hamid Dabashi
Arab Spring exposes Nasrallah’s hypocrisy
The Shia leader is happy to support protesters in Bahrain and Egypt, but he won’t criticise Syria’s violent crackdown.
Last Modified: 22 Jun 2011 16:15
Hassan Nasrallah is in trouble. This time the troubles of the Secretary General of Hezbollah, which were hitherto the source of his strength, are not coming from Israel, or from the sectarian politics of Lebanon. Seyyed Hassan’s troubles, which this time around are the harbingers of his undoing as an outdated fighter, are coming from, of all places, the Arab Spring.
The Arab Spring, the transnational uprising of masses of millions of people from Morocco to Oman, from Syria to Yemen, is making the aging warrior redundant – his habitually eloquent tongue now stuttering for words. Two years ago, he thought he got away with rejecting the democratic uprising in Iran (whose brutal ruling regime is his principle patron and financier), as a plot by the US, Israel, and Saudi Arabia.
And he did – aided and abetted by the moral and intellectual sclerosis of a segment of Arab intellectuals who thought Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and the Islamic theocracy were the vanguard of “resistance” to US/Israel imperialism in the region and thus should be spared from criticism. And then Tunisia happened, and Egypt, and Libya, and Bahrain, and Yemen – and then, Hassan Nasrallah and Ali Khamenei’s nightmare, Syria happened. It is a sad scene to see a once mighty warrior being bypassed by the force of history, and all he can do is to fumble clumsily to reveal he has not learned the art of aging gracefully.
Deja vu
April 3rd, 2012, 8:48 am
irritated said:
#296 omen
The SNC secular or islamist?
“they can’t be both things. which is it?”
None, a bunch of bitter opportunists trying to grab a power they were made to think was at reach. They fool no one anymore, even the FOS twice gave a tap on the back and told them to unite. How can you ever unite egotistic and greedy power grabbers?
April 3rd, 2012, 9:19 am
Ghufran said:
I know that some of you are religious and some are not, some are Muslims and some are not, but I have joined a number of Syrians who decided to send all of their charity money to Syria this year to support orphans who lost their parent(s) in the last year. I will give ideas about how to do this as soon as I get few questions answered.
April 3rd, 2012, 9:21 am
majedkhaldoun said:
I will turn the question to you.
Why dont you call Bashar to stop the violence immidiately?
There will not be FSA if Bashar did not start this violence, I call on you to admit that Bashar started the violence and he should be to blame
April 3rd, 2012, 9:26 am
irritated said:
#313 Dawood
Read more rantings of Hamid Dabashi, the guy is writing a melodrama, not a realistic view of the situation. For him ‘the Arab Spring’ is a divine event that can only succeed
“The Arab Spring has unleashed the power of ordinary people and staged the public space they occupy and the civic associations they will eventually and inevitably form on that space. The Arab Spring has already given birth to a robust revolutionary gemeinschaft that will stay with these societies no matter who and what is in power.”
On Syria: Where the Left is right and the Right is wrong
Both the Left and the Right in Syria are “statists” – power hungry, reaching to gain control of the state apparatus.
April 3rd, 2012, 9:36 am
Afram said:
O’boy,the syrians are trapped in a whirlpool of feel or to fear Annan plan?
Vietnamese and Americans talked peace in france while the jungle war was in full force.
where are the syrians dialogue tables?
each side unilaterally try to design & adjust plans for their demise.
Moreover,their attempts would fail to address the main issues.
I see catastrophe, both sides leave us no more purpose point or shape for moderation, Ahlan WA-SAHLAN civil war…!!
Visualize this folks: regime permits opposition demonstrations & counter-demonstration by regime supporters close to each others.
then maximum penetration/suicide bomber drives an explosives-laden car, victims on both sides then pointing fingers at each others, easy to Undermine ANNANS plan by KHALIGIS.
Not hard to figure this one out. What’s harder to do…Is Hit a hole in one! then say peace folks
April 3rd, 2012, 10:06 am
Juergen said:
Wounded Syrians are treated in Germany
For rhe first time, two seriously injured civil war refugees from Syria have been flown to Germany for treatment. The two siblings are treated with massive burn injuries in a Munich hospital. Many donors took over the transport costs.
Tens of thousands of Syrians have since the beginning of the uprising been injured. Well the first time two teenagers seriously injured were flown to Germany for treatment. Since the weekend, according to SPIEGEL ONLINE, a 13-year-old girl and her 17-year-old brother are treated in the Hauner Children’s Hospital in Munich.
The two are from the northwest of Syria, and were in an attack on her house in March severely injured. Large parts of their skin are burned. After fleeing to Lebanon, the siblings were initially treated at a hospital in the northern Lebanese city of Tripoli.
The doctors there could indeed save the lives of patients, an adequate supply and further skin grafts were there not possible. Therefore, doctors and journalists, organized with the help of the German Embassy in Beirut their further transport to Germany. Donors took over the costs.
(translated from German)
April 3rd, 2012, 10:16 am
Son of Damascus said:
Syria: As His Adversaries Scramble for a Strategy, Assad Sets His Terms
By TONY KARON April 3, 2012
That which has not been achieved on the battlefield can rarely be achieved at the negotiation table, and the harsh reality facing Syria’s opposition is that the regime of President Bashar al-Assad has not been defeated, nor is it in danger of imminent collapse. Assad has promised, former U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan announced Monday, to begin a partial implementation of Annan’s peace plan by withdrawing troops and heavy weaponry from opposition-stronghold cities on April 10.
In response, Western powers were left warning of unspecified “consequences” for failure to do so, and citing the history of Assad breaking promises. Skepticism from opposition activists on the ground was hardly surprising, but had little effect — they haven’t exactly been party to shaping Annan’s plan, which in itself is a reflection of their relative weakness in the power equation right now.
Formulating a strategy in response to Assad appears to be the role of the Western and Arab powers who’ve backed the exile-based Syrian National Council, and after last weekend’s inconclusive Friends of Syria meeting in Istanbul, they don’t appear yet to have achieved a strategic consensus.
April 3rd, 2012, 10:23 am
DAWOUD said:
I know that many pro-regime folks, particularly the brainwashed American who unashamedly claims that Hamza al-Khateeb was killed by “Saudi terrorists:-), like to quote Lebanon’s al-Akhbar Newspaper (both in English and Arabic). They fail to mention that this newspaper, al-Akhbar, is affiliated with the SECTARIAN Hizballah! Many people don’t know that, and that’s why pro-regime folks like the brainwashed American like to post from it, instead of being more honest and posting from directly from al-Manar TV/newspaper; or from the Hizballah press office 🙂
Below is an Arabic article about the hypocrisy and lack of honesty/principle on the part of the pro-regime media (like al-Akhbar) and personalities-particularly as they criticize al-Jazeera (the Network of the free):
“????? ????????”.. ??????? ?????? ????
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April 3rd, 2012, 10:30 am
Juergen said:
Antonia Rados ( the german version of Christine Amanpour) has aired an controversial report last night in which she accused Muammar Gaddafi for systematically abuse of women.
RTL Reporter Antonia Rados on the trail of the rapist Muammar al-Gaddafi
Libyan dictator Muammar al-Gaddafi – now overthrown and killed – was apparently a rapist. Ironically, Antonia Rados found out about it only days after they had met Gaddafi in one of his last interviews in Tripoli. And she decided to pursue these outrageous rumors.
Until the fall of the dictator in August 2011, she researched in secret, then they went another four times to Libya. “The more we researched, the more unbelievable it was,” says Rados, who spoke with Gaddafi’s former bodyguard and his female rape victims to get information. “There were many women who admired and Gaddafi wanted to meet him. Then he raped them.”
Depending on the RTL reporter inquired, the clearer it became that it was not isolated abuse acted, but many women were affected. “We learned about many new victims -. It almost blew the imagination” It was always clear, a certain pattern: Gaddafi used rape as a weapon. Rebel tribes were forced to give him girls as a “gift”.
When the RTL team in the city in western Libya Sawia traveled there to investigate, it met with weeping men. All these years, so they said they had been years of shame. No one was able to talk about the blackmail, neither the mothers nor the fathers of the women. A Quran teacher, the young women had revealed: “At that time no one dared to say this girl, she had been raped by Gaddafi It would have killed her..”
“Gaddafi was crazy. He was violent. I know whereof I speak,” complains one of the victims. “Everyone knew that Gaddafi antippte a woman if he wanted them,” says one teacher, as the Libyan dictator signaled his desire. This gesture is for the secret service have always been the unmistakable reference to bring the woman to him.
According to an insider who had worked for Qaddafi, even international business people knew something about the double life of the dictator. They brought escort girls as a “gift” for Gaddafi, because they knew that these would make it easier doing business with him. In the course of their research Antonia Rados also came across several sources that Gaddafi’s Ukrainian nurses accused of complicity.
They cared about the health official of the Libyan revolutionary leader, they should have secretly carried out in order Gaddafi abortions at his rape victims. For this purpose, even its own clinic was established at the university – in addition to a bedroom of the dictator. To confront the nurses with the allegations, Antonia Rados also traveled to the Ukraine.
While filming the RTL reporter came across a woman who had been admitted for this reason precisely. Antonia Rados: “The story of the taxi driver a year ago I was at first inconceivable, but in the course of my research has unfortunately confirmed everything he told me back then.”
(translated from German)
There is a short video on the homepage, the hour long report has not been posted yet.
April 3rd, 2012, 10:39 am
jad said:
I’m very happy to know that the most sectarian commentators on SC are unhappy with Alakhbar articles, they prefer the ‘Wahabi supremacy’ propaganda of alkhalayjeh.
Back to reality, an interesting article to read:
US keeps eye on Syria, ties in Gulf
By M K Bhadrakumar
Expectations were low that the “Friends of Syria” meeting in Turkey on April Fool’s Day would produce anything significant by way of advancing the agenda of regime change in Syria.
The host country tried very hard to produce a rabbit out of the hat. But the spectacle on the Bosphorus produced only one winner – the United States. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton walked away laughing.
Things got bogged down on several counts. The Syrian opposition remains a motley crowd. The regime of President Bashar al-Assad shows no signs of fatigue and enjoys solid backing of the security and military establishment and bureaucracy. It is lurching toward the political and diplomatic high ground by announcing cooperation with the former United Nations secretary general Kofi Annan’s six-point plan while forcefully changing the ground situation in its favor.
April 3rd, 2012, 10:53 am
mjabali said:
If my call makes any difference: I call on Bashar al-Assad and the opposition to stop killing each other and using violence as a solution for this chaos. They are all Syrians at the end of the day.
Violence is not going to solve matters as you see. You want to raise the stakes and arm the FSA: ok: what is the result of this other than more violence with uncertainty if Bashar will fall or not. You see that Bashar has strong allies too and they are going to arm him too, and may send him people to fight if the situation called for that: but do we Syrians need this?
Think of the future of Syria as a state and people.
As for who started the violence: now I care less because I worry about the present and the future. Blaming one side now is too late. You stop the killing first then we start looking at what happened after a long needed healing sessions. The bloodshed taking place in Syria now is not good for ordinary Syrians like you and I.
April 3rd, 2012, 11:01 am
Mina said:
It is sad to discuss of these massacres and crimes and new victims everyday as accountants but I notice, after the terrifying links you posted of the attack of an hospital in Homs yesterday, that Haaretz reports it “according to Channel 10” today at 10h15, but that Le Monde, BBC etc, have not yet been ordered to speak about it. It is in the way they have been “treating the information” you feel there has always been something fishy.
Instead, Le Monde title is “Rifaat al Asad prend ses distances avec son neveu”, as if they were best friends yesterday…(that’s the title, but in the main article, it says he has been a foe since 1984!) The degree of ignorance of the young journalists nowadays is unbeatable.
April 3rd, 2012, 11:28 am
Mina said:
I am still waiting to hear any comment of Jürgen, SOD, Majed, Uzayr, Tara, about that
Or do they believe it is infiltrated shabeehas who were in charge of the making-up of these fake videos, including the fake injured child one?
Even the Guardian today has its doubts
April 3rd, 2012, 11:37 am
Jad said:
I guess you missed these words:
‘We are a hospitable nation’
Hospitable to rich criminals he means
France, UK and Spain Hosting the Butcher of Hama
April 3rd, 2012, 11:39 am
jad said:
A new English term is born: ‘Jazeeratized’
Al Jazeera is a pan Arab satellite channel recently launching new sub channels in other languages like English, Persian and Turkish, supposed to be unbiased and professional, turned to be biased hawkish and very unprofessional, they had to fabricate info to serve their warmongering in the so called Arab Spring
Mr. X is Jazeeratized, he believes what mass media channels show him without applying his common sense.
April 3rd, 2012, 12:08 pm
jad said:
Is the Russian media raising the volume up against the Americans and their allies destructive role in Syria accusing them directly of ‘promoting civil war as official policy towards Syria.’
This is by far the strongest verbal attack against the ‘enemies of Syria’ I read on RT
American ?annibalism in Syria (Op-Ed)
Resolutions calling on Syrian president Bashar al-Assad to step down, the West and its allies have gone ballistic in their desire of regime change.
After February’s veto, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov asked US Secretary of State Hilary Clinton, “What’s the endgame?”, to which she replied: “The endgame in the absence of us acting together as the international community, I fear, is civil war.”
She wasn’t kidding either, because the US and its allies are doing exactly that: promoting civil war as official policy towards Syria. Foreign Policy (a Washington Post publication) reports on 28th March that Senators John McCain (Republican from Arizona) and “five like-minded lawmakers” submitted a new resolution on Syria before Congress, calling for Congressional “support for arming the opposition against the regime of Bashar al Assad”. The resolution stops short of calling for direct US military intervention, which McCain openly and fully supports, as does Senator Joe Lieberman from Connecticut.
Their goal is to create a consensus on increasing US support for the Syrian opposition, around which US lawmakers can rally. So far, in addition to McCain and Lieberman, the resolution is backed by Republican Senators Lindsey Graham (South Carolina), Jon Kyl (Arizona), Kelly Ayotte (New Hampshire) and John Hoeven (North Dakota). The very powerful pro-Israel lobby AIPAC – American Israeli Public Affairs Committee – couldn’t be happier…
The resolution “supports calls by Arab leaders to provide the people of Syria with the means to defend themselves against Bashar al-Assad and his forces, including through the provision of weapons and other material support, and calls on President Obama to work closely with regional partners to implement these efforts effectively.”
Alas! An old adage says that when a civilized man captures a primitive cannibal, he may punish him in any way he pleases except…he may not eat him!
Adrian Salbuchi for RT
April 3rd, 2012, 12:22 pm
Son of Damascus said:
You posted a video from Al Dunnia and you want us to comment on it?
I like my brain cells, don’t need them messed up with Al Dunnia propaganda…
As for the Guardian article here is a titbit you might have missed:
“Once again, people have started relying more on western media to know what’s going on. That is reflected in the number of viewers the BBC Arabic TV channel gained during the past year – reportedly more than 10m while leading Arab channels have been losing viewers.”
Notice that even though I proficient in reading, writing in Arabic I mostly refrain from posting anything from Arabic media…. Full of hyperbole with little facts.
“SOD 245 “First of all those trucks were running over EGYPTIANS not just Copts.”
SNK refers to the Maspero events,
while you refer to either the Muhammad Mahmud Street or the Tahrir events.”
I was referring to Egyptians, in all cases it was Egyptians being run over not just Copts. Last I checked Copts are still Egyptian…
April 3rd, 2012, 12:26 pm
Syria no Kandahar said:
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April 3rd, 2012, 12:45 pm
Son of Damascus said:
What about BBC, NYT, UN, Human Right Watch, Amnesty, ICG, ICC….
Are they all lying or is ?????? ???? ?????? ??? ?
April 3rd, 2012, 12:50 pm
zoo said:
Is Turkey about to loose another regional trading partner?
Iranian suspicion grows over Turkey’s regional role
By Marcus George
DUBAI (Reuters) – A senior Iranian political figure has spoken out against Turkey hosting Iran’s next talks with world powers on its disputed nuclear program, in the latest anti-Turkish broadside from politicians in Tehran, Fars news agency reported late on Monday.
Last month Turkey offered Istanbul as the venue for talks expected to take place on April 13, a proposal which appeared to gather momentum last week when Iranian Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi said Istanbul would be “the best option”.
Turkey has repeatedly backed Iran’s right to develop peaceful nuclear technology.
Once-warm Iranian-Turkish ties have cooled over the past year due to the popular revolt in Syria, Iran’s closest Arab ally and a steadfast backer of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.
“Given the fact that our friends in Turkey have failed to fulfill some of our agreements, the talks… had better be held in another friendly country,” said former presidential candidate Mohsen Rezaie, Fars News reported.
Speaking to staff of the Economic Cooperation Organization, a regional trade body with offices in Tehran, Rezaie did not specify what Turkey’s failures were, but said that Baghdad, Damascus or Beirut would be a more suitable venue.
“Offering Istanbul as the venue for the upcoming talks … might give this wrong impression to the opposite side that Iran has grown weak and is in weak conditions,” he added.
Rezaie has been an influential figure in Iranian politics for more than three decades since he was appointed commander in chief of the Revolutionary Guards, the elite force created to protect Iran’s system of theocratic rule.
A critic and electoral rival of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in 2009, Rezaie is now secretary of the Expediency Council, an influential body that advises Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, who directs nuclear policy.
His comments are a rare public criticism of neighboring Turkey, whose prime minister, Tayyip Erdogan, stressed the value of relations with Iran during a visit to Tehran last week.
Iranian MP Esmail Kowsari has accused Turkey of being a messenger of the United States and Israel, saying that “it would surely be hated by its own people and other nations in the region because it is hand in hand with the arrogant (Western) powers,” the Iranian Labor News Agency reported on Monday.
Kowsari ridiculed Turkey’s hosting on Sunday of a “Friends of Syria” of mostly Western and Arab countries, which he described as only enemies of Syria.
Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani called the Istanbul event a “conference to bribe Israel” and said regional nations that described Syria as a dictatorship were no better themselves, Fars reported.
Tensions with Turkey over Syria are awkward for Iran, which needs all the regional friends it can get to mitigate the effects of increasingly fierce Western economic sanctions.
April 3rd, 2012, 12:56 pm
zoo said:
Red Cross Proposes Daily Cease-Fires in Syria
UNITED NATIONS — The Syrian government has agreed to withdraw its security forces from in and around major population centers by April 10, ostensibly paving the way for a general cease-fire two days later, the special envoy told the Security Council on Monday.
In a further sign of outside efforts to slow the violence, the International Committee of the Red Cross in Geneva said its president would arrive in Damascus, the Syrian capital, on Tuesday to renew his appeal for a daily two-hour suspension of hostilities to facilitate the evacuation of the wounded and the delivery of aid. It was unclear how Syrian officials would respond to the plea from the Red Cross chief, Jakob Kellenberger.
At the United Nations, too, many Security Council members greeted the information from Kofi Annan, the joint special envoy of the United Nations and the Arab League, with a certain skepticism given Syria‘s record of disregarding peace plans it had accepted.
Even Mr. Annan asked the Council to publicly endorse the April 10 deadline as a means of pressuring Syria to respect it, said diplomats who were in a closed-door briefing conducted from abroad by satellite. Mr. Annan also asked that the Council commission contingency plans to deploy United Nations observers should the cease-fire become a reality, the diplomats and United Nations officials said.
Council members moved to make an endorsement, but the idea of sending a United Nations observer mission was expected to be more problematic. Both Russia and China have repeatedly wielded their Council veto power to reject anything that they suspect might result in outside interference.
April 3rd, 2012, 1:00 pm
majedkhaldoun said:
You say violence will not solve the crisis, please tell that to the regime.
you say I am raising the stake by calling to arm the FSA, the only way to convince the regime that violence is useless, is to have balance of power, so arming the FSA is extremely important.
You say bashar has allies, aliies can not afford the cost of this oppression by the regime it will cost billions, there is a limit of allies help.
You say Bashar may not fall, how could a ruler hated by 80% of his people survive? I say almost everyone says he will fall.
You say you do not care who started the violence, you should care, the one who started the violence must pay for his crimes, the present is strongly connected with the past, whoever cause the crisis is the one who should be punished. you say you do not care, this is clear way to mean that you support the tyrant, we care and care deeply, and if you do not care
then you are accomplice with this tyrant.April 3rd, 2012, 1:01 pm
Juergen said:
come on you know who have the real mastership in fake videos, its Al Dunia and state tv which occupy this field since a long time.
Everyone watching state tv and Al Dunia should consider visting a doctor afterwards.
What do you think by the presidency campaign of Saad Assarir in Egypt? With that elvislike hiptwister he might scare some salafis.
Here is a song by him:
I kind of liked his other song more: Bhbak himar, which brings more relevance to our topic…
April 3rd, 2012, 1:05 pm
irritated said:
#329 Jad
A new English term is born: ‘JazeeRATized’
I like it, there is the word RAT in it at the image of HBJ.
April 3rd, 2012, 1:06 pm
irritated said:
“how could a ruler hated by 80% of his people survive”
I guess it is a typing mistake, you meant 8% I am sure.
April 3rd, 2012, 1:09 pm
Mina said:
I have seen this video (the one which is given in full in the al Dunya program linked in my comment above) on France 2 during the 20 PM news. It was given as an evidence of injured children during the Baba Amro bombing. Do you think it helps their case for some to let their destiny in the hands of such people? The people who can go that far can work for both sides in a conflict very easily. You probably know that with all the books you’ve read on WWII.
I don’t care if the full version was leaked to al Dunya by some people within the “Baba Amro rebels” who thought this was disgusting enough to be leaked. This video has been broadcasted on most major Western networks as evidence of the poor injured girl with an interview of her mother. When you hear (listen from 1’23) the comments in the background and the making-off of the video, with rehearsal, you really better distance yourself from the people who can do that.
April 3rd, 2012, 1:11 pm
Mina said:
Jad, 331
I am afraid that the US, France and the UK have simply decided last year to launch WWIII, simply to cover up their bank and debt crisis.
Now the French news speak of a possible intervention in Mali.
When you realize that the Arab Spring last year was conveniently used to cover (Fukushima and) the regime change in Ivory Coast, you get really worried. Low-scale civil wars in the Middle East to be sure the migrants and investors assets don’t leave the US and the EU, as they had started to do in the last 5 years, and full wars (to be stopped only in case of regime change implementation) in the areas where big business is made (gold, batteries minerals and diverse metals, cacao, uranium, etc.)
April 3rd, 2012, 1:19 pm
bronco said:
Thanks for you appreciation.
I usually try to read between the lines of the declaration in the press and imagine the rest. I could be wrong and I have been. I thought Erdogan was cool, patient, humble and reasonable but now I see he is agitated, impatient, loud voiced and often unreasonable.
From the start, I had no consideration for Ghalioun and I was right.
I think that a glimpse of hope may come from the FSA leadership and the local opposition as they are not as polluted as the SNC and they care about Syrian lives.
Time will tell if the FSA will be able to join the NCC in a real nationalistic opposition.
April 3rd, 2012, 1:20 pm
mjabali said:
Arguing with you gets nowhere. I don’t know if you understand what I write in English. If you want me to answer in Arabic let me know.
AGAIN: violence is no good for any party. Also violence is no good by any party. ?????? ????? ??? ????? ???????
AGAIN: the most important issue now is how to stop the carnage. I will buy any story about who started what just end this violence that is harvesting more Syrians day after day.
You can not control the past but you can work a little on your present to try and predict your future. The Arabs/Muslims are obsessed with the past, something that makes them detached from the realities of the present.
April 3rd, 2012, 1:20 pm
Juergen said:
Some nice cartoons about the arabellion, click through the images
I like number 14 and 24, quite some truth to it.
April 3rd, 2012, 1:22 pm
jad said:
An interesting visit to the FSA camp, what I don’t understand is why those young Syrian soldiers let radicals to infiltrate them and use them, they sound naive comparing to those armed gangs we see footage of attacking the Syrian Army:
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April 3rd, 2012, 1:22 pm
zoo said:
Annan plan in action…
UN peacekeepers due in Syria on Thursday
Published Tuesday, April 3, 2012
An advance team from the UN peacekeeping department is expected in Damascus within 48 hours to discuss deployment of observers to monitor a ceasefire in Syria, the spokesman for UN special envoy Kofi Annan said on Tuesday.
“A DPKO (Department of Peacekeeping Operations) planning mission should be arriving in Damascus within 48 hours,” spokesman Ahmad Fawzi said in Geneva.
As part of the six-part peace plan put forward by Annan to halt the fighting, UN peacekeepers are planning for a ceasefire monitoring mission that would have 200 to 250 unarmed observers.
Any such force would need to be backed by a UN Security Council resolution, but both Russia and China, who have vetoed two previous resolutions condemning Syria President Bashar Assad, have said they were willing to support monitors.
The observer mission is also reliant upon a cessation in violence from all sides.
April 3rd, 2012, 1:30 pm
majedkhaldoun said:
Mjabali said
“the most important issue now is how to stop the carnage”
I agree, and the best answer is Run fair, monitored election, no one should be banned, and the people will must be respected
The problem is how to convince the regime to respect the people decision, this regime is corrupt and criminal, and violence happy, this regime must go.
April 3rd, 2012, 1:41 pm
Tara said:
Yes. I agree. Ghalioun’s pose is questionable and work is needed to highlight the feminine image of the SNC. I agree they both dressed like men… They are not embracing the feminine part of this revolution. I wish I can advise Basma….
After all perception is more important than reality. Case in point, Asma al Assad and Seif al Islam Quaddafi . They remind me with each other… Both were hailed as reformers with “western” values of freedom and democracy before they were exposed. Now the world knows better. You can be a savage while sporting a high Louboutin heal or Giorgio Armani suits.
April 3rd, 2012, 1:41 pm
Dale Andersen said:
RE: “…AGAIN: violence is no good for any party…”
Not so fast, dude. If violence is the only language the other side understands, then you have no choice but to use it. The Assad Mafia was conceived, nurtured and built on violence. It understands no other language. When it dies (and it will), the music at its funeral will be a symphony of violence. So strap yourself in. Bumpy ride ahead.
April 3rd, 2012, 1:43 pm
jad said:
I think we had some discussion about FSA before, and I still have the same views regarding them, they’ve been used as the cover up of a civil war militias.
It’s almost two months after our discussion and it seems that fsa is even more infiltrated by radicals than before, and becomes a mercenaries for khalayjeh and colonial powers.
From the footage I see, I don’t think the fighters of fsa on ground really care about any Syrian lives, they are still using them as human shields and when those innocent Syrians get killed they become propaganda opportunities.
I don’t trust fsa.
April 3rd, 2012, 1:45 pm
majedkhaldoun said:
Since election is not possible in the near future, allow peaceful demonstrations
April 3rd, 2012, 1:48 pm
mjabali said:
You said: “Run fair ,monitored election, no one should be banned, and the people will must be respected”
I have been telling you this from day one. Political parties and peaceful demonstrators can achieve way more than FSA units any time any day. The only thing I would argue is that: ethnic and religious parties should not be encouraged.
April 3rd, 2012, 1:55 pm
Tara said:
The amount of lies being told every day by some regime supporters on SC is unbelievable. I truly believe that no one capable of as much lies unless he/she lies for money. People who lie like this are a disgrace.
And on top of that, they are fooling no one except themselves.
I don’t know what kind of being they are…April 3rd, 2012, 1:58 pm
jad said:
I find it funny that a non-Arabic speaking person is showing his objection against the contents of a Syrian TV channels that he doesn’t even watch or understand to have a say in the subject, yet he will say it anyway.
Pity that Syrian TV, Alikhbariyeh and Addounia lost a very important viewer as Herschel Krustofski tsk tsk tsk!I’m sure he understands what the news anchor is saying, I didn’t 😉
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April 3rd, 2012, 2:00 pm
Mina said:
I have asked you several times to give your opinion on the rehearsed videos. Could you explain me what is your point? I have reiterated my request several times in the last two months.
April 3rd, 2012, 2:05 pm
mjabali said:
Memo to Dale:
If you understand what I wrote you will SEE that I said “all” parties: Assad and opposition. I stand for no use of violence by any party. The text is clear. So, your logic does not apply to what I said. I want to ask you one question since you are a fan of violence vs violence instead of international law vs violence, or passive resistance vs violence.
But wait, I forgot, you are Dale the man who wrote one of the most racist and violent , jokes, remarks and language concerning Alawis here on Syria Comment so everything you speak for should be expected.
Memo with the question:
Dude: Why don’t you put your words into practice and go and fight al-Assad’s forces?
April 3rd, 2012, 2:09 pm
Son of Damascus said:
Why don’t you give us your opinion on all the fake videos that Al Dunnia keep posting?
Why don’t you apply the same level of investigative analysis towards the crap that Al Dunnia keeps publishing?
Ever wondered why Al Dunnia has to rely on Youtube videos when these things are happening in their back yard? Videos might I add that were uploaded by the activists everyone is so quick to call terrorists?
Why won’t the regime allow international media in with unfettered access?
If the regimes version of events is true, what are they hiding?
April 3rd, 2012, 2:09 pm
VOLK said:
Russia rejects deadline for Annan’s Syria peace plan
Russia on Monday rejected Arab and Western calls for a deadline to be set for the Syrian regime’s implementation of a peace plan put forward by international mediator Kofi Annan.
“Ultimatums and artificial deadlines rarely help matters,” Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said while on a visit to the former Soviet nation of Armenia.
April 3rd, 2012, 2:16 pm
Uzair8 said:
Do you notice how people give equal weight to the opposing sides. You know how when Isreal carpet bombs Gaza and all you hear from global leaders is call for restraint from both sides? Ignoring the one-sidedness of the situation and without distinguishing between the occupier and the occupied, the oppressor and the oppressed, the senior party and the victim.
Here is an altered version of the scenario posted in #75
Asking for peace in this situation is like expecting someone who has just returned home from work to find his home in the process of being burgled and ransacked, his family being brutally beaten and killed, and female members of his family being raped, it is like expecting this person, as he steps inside, to ask for peace from all parties in the house (murderers/rapists/ burglers and family alike).
As he steps inside and is confronted by the unfolding horror, he hesitates, deciding not to intervene due to fear of being labelled a ‘terrorist’ by the intruders and their supporters. He instead appeals for restraint from all side.
Would I be right?
April 3rd, 2012, 2:21 pm
jad said:
One of many of Addounia fabrications:
The funeral of three teachers kidnapped and killed in Deir Azzor
????? ??????? ????????? ?? ??? ????? 31-3-2012
April 3rd, 2012, 2:23 pm
Mina said:
Al Dunya functions with an old soviet mentality and the “regime anchors” can be really pathetic in their defense of the party. I have no problem with saying that many things in Syria are very much like the fifties, in term of mentality. The newspapers, the university, etc. I have tried to relate that to patriarchy and the peculiar, mafious mediterranean version of tribalism that exists in the Levant in general -including Israel- but no one answered.
Still, that does not change the fact that these rehearsed videos exist, that they have been instrumental in all the developments of the situation in Syria, and that you conveniently refuse to say what you think of it. I have asked Jürgen and Tara for months about it, without any answer.
April 3rd, 2012, 2:31 pm
Son of Damascus said:
“One of many of Addounia fabrications:
The funeral of three teachers kidnapped and killed in Deir Azzor”
Where were they when Karam El Zietoun happened, Baba Amr, Idlib, Douma, and countless other atrocities?
Or do they just reserve their sadness and outrage when it happens to minorities, soldiers, and attacks (that they have a special gift to be there when it happens, and somehow no where to be seen when anything else happens)?
I would be inclined to believe them if they told the WHOLE truth, not just what fits their agenda.
HRW, Red Cross, Amnesty, UN… is publishing both sides (and guess which side has been documented so many times that the UN alone has over 1000 documented cases), that is why I am inclined to believe them, and not a word that comes out of that propaganda station.
April 3rd, 2012, 2:38 pm
Mina said:
On what ground do you say that Karm al Zeytun was committed by shabeehas and not by Islamists?
Killing teachers when they are not from the area is very reminicent of Yemen.
April 3rd, 2012, 2:47 pm
Son of Damascus said:
The person you attached (Rafik Letuf) in the youtube video was on that very same segment denying that the Karam El Zeitoun massacre ever happened. He claims to have hours of evidence (just like all State commentators) but never actually shows it to anyone… hmmm why would he do that?
Below is the entire segment with this “expert”, if he is out right lying about Karam El Zeitoun what makes me believe he is saying the truth about anything else?
For the record I commented on this video that Jad first posted back on March 24th.
April 3rd, 2012, 2:47 pm
Son of Damascus said:
“On what ground do you say that Karm al Zeytun was committed by shabeehas and not by Islamists?”
I had posted a video of a survivor (Who was shot) and explained what happened.
(listen at the 1:00 minute mark, he clearly states it was the Shabeeha)
PS the man eventually died from his wounds.
April 3rd, 2012, 2:49 pm
jad said:
Son of Damascus
I thought that you wanted to document every Syrian we lost?
Aren’t those ‘minorities’ part of that project?
Or should we shut up and only count the ‘majority’ side and the hell with the rest of the killed Syrians, they just don’t deserve to be mentioned.
What kind of project are you working on if you ‘inclined’ to believe the ‘propaganda’ of Addounia ‘funerals’ and believes every fart the “Gods” of ‘HRW, Red Cross, Amnesty, UN’ publish?
Good luck with that project, it sounds promising.
April 3rd, 2012, 2:55 pm
Uzair8 said:
#328 JAD
Looks like someone or some people have been trying to artificially introduce this previously non-existent propaganda ‘term’ into the Urban lexicon.
Thank’s for bringing it to our attention. It must be exposed and nipped in the bud.
April 3rd, 2012, 2:56 pm
irritated said:
#350 Majedakhaldoon
“Since election is not possible in the near future, allow peaceful demonstrations”
Demonstrate about what? Calling for NATO, Calling for the UNSC, Calling for Turkey, Calling for Bashar to step down? Calling for a Islamic emirate? All these have been heard 1000 times and have lead to nothing but a circle of violence that have encouraged criminals to participate in the chaos.
These young people should be encouraged to join political reunions and parties and actively work together to have their voice heard in a new parliament, government, president elections, not vainly in the streets.
It has become clear that Bashar and his government are here to stay until next elections, so going back to the street to shout, dance, make videos, repeat threats and provoke violence is now a waste of time and energy.
More maturity and realism is now required from the people in the street and the ones who lead them.
April 3rd, 2012, 2:58 pm
Son of Damascus said:
“Aren’t those ‘minorities’ part of that project?”
Are you trying to twist my words, I am speaking about Al dunnia not me Jad…
In case your memory is short i’ll repeat what I said:
“Or do they just reserve their sadness and outrage when it happens to minorities, soldiers, and attacks (that they have a special gift to be there when it happens, and somehow no where to be seen when anything else happens)?”
April 3rd, 2012, 2:58 pm
irritated said:
#366 Uzair8 said
‘JazeeRATized’ artificially introduced..
Whatever, it is great addition to the Urban lexicon, congrats to the inventors.
April 3rd, 2012, 3:01 pm
Tara said:
Sorry Mina, but I do not have the mental energy anymore to get involved in a futile conversation. It has almost been a year since I started on SC and all discussions with you were parallel. To you it is all fabrication except if it involves the Copts in Egypt and the Bahraini rebels. This is not who my psych is built. I abhor human suffering and also abhor those who are not able to sympathize with the generic, non-branded humans. Do not worry about my opinion. It is not likely to change your mind-set. There is no point…
April 3rd, 2012, 3:08 pm
Mina said:
Sorry, when you have posted this video I saw it then and now again, and I don’t see how it proves anything. A man has been shot in the back, and it is said he is in a civil hospital in Homs on 11th March.
He says he was “there” but we do not know why it should be true, how he was brought to this hospital, why were the women and children slaughtered as on the horrific pictures of the massacre, and not just shot with bullets. The interviewer puts words in his mouth, when he starts about the free syrian army. So what, the fsa happened to pass there and they took this guy with them? There were no more shabeehas in the area? They had done their slaughtered and moved somewhere else?
You can’t rewrite history and pretend that all the massacres in Alergia have been committed by the army, as Jürgen tried.
At some stage, people who can do that are easy to manipulate, and they never know for who they are working (remember the Hamas bombings that would always serve only the interests of the Likud?)
April 3rd, 2012, 3:09 pm
jad said:
Son of Damascus
I’m not twisting anything, you even repeat it as a prove of what I just wrote to you.
Could you please define what ‘minorities’ means in your comment?
Are you or are you not interested in putting the names of all Syrians who we lost? If yes then every name counts, we can’t be picky.
April 3rd, 2012, 3:11 pm
Mina said:
You are right. There is no point. Just consider all these fabricated videos are made by infiltrated shabeehas. It will make things easier.
I was waiting for something more elaborate, like a FB ready pasted answer.
April 3rd, 2012, 3:12 pm
Uzair8 said:
@369 Irritated
Isn’t the Urban dictionary about terms that are commonly used in urban culture? This sounds like a new invention and only used in propaganda circles (?)
Should there be a rule that for a term to be added to the Urban dictionary it should have been commonly in use in urban culture for a certain amount of time?
What do you think.
April 3rd, 2012, 3:13 pm
Son of Damascus said:
“I’m not twisting anything, you even repeat it as a prove of what I just wrote to you.”
Really?!! You are doing it AGAIN.
Again since your memory is so bad, here what I wrote:
“Where were they when Karam El Zietoun happened, Baba Amr, Idlib, Douma, and countless other atrocities?
Or do they just reserve their sadness and outrage when it happens to minorities, soldiers, and attacks (that they have a special gift to be there when it happens, and somehow no where to be seen when anything else happens)?”
You again are trying to avoid answering me by throwing baseless accusations about me, and questioning me about who is and is not a minority.
April 3rd, 2012, 3:19 pm
Son of Damascus said:
Why would someone that was just shot, tortured, had gasoline poured on him, witness the death of his family members be lying about who perpetrated the crimes? (and eventually DIED FROM HIS WOUNDS)
You make no sense at all…
April 3rd, 2012, 3:21 pm
jad said:
Son of Damascus,
Please stop hiding behind your fingers, atrocities and killing is happening both ways, the other side is no angels as you might think.
Just yesterday I posted a development of a massacre happened in Homs hospital and committed by the terrorists who filmed themselves doing it and later on I post the results of that attack in numbers by no other than the LCC, yet you came back with:
“As for the hospital you seem so worried about, does it not seem odd to you that there are snipers nests on top of those hospitals, since when do hospitals need snipers nests exactly, and what makes you so sure that the atrocities that have been committed in those hospitals will be the doing of the FSA? Was this not the same criminal regime exposed torturing the wounded in State Hospitals?”
Yet you want me to throw all that out and only read ‘Gods’ organizations’ statements and ignore Addounia and the Syrian TV Well, I’m sorry, I wont. Syrian TV, Alikhbaryeh, Addounia and Sana are the Syrian national only media and I’ll read them and watch their news exactly as I do watch and listen to other media, I’m not going to box myself in one sided world and claim that this is the only reality I believe, it’s not what I’m interested in.
April 3rd, 2012, 3:21 pm
jad said:
Son of Damascus
What is the ‘minorities’ you meant? Stop playing ignorant.
April 3rd, 2012, 3:22 pm
Syria no Kandahar said:
Wahabis abnoring goes off when crimes are committed by wahabis.
April 3rd, 2012, 3:23 pm
zoo said:
The concluding paragraphs of the article posted by SOD #320
Syria: As His Adversaries Scramble for a Strategy, Assad Sets His Terms
By Tony Karon April 3, 2012
Assad will likely seek to take advantage of that disarray to implement a version of Annan’s plan on his own terms. Thus the comment by a regime spokesman last Friday that the security forces would not withdraw from cities in which they have operated against rebels until “normal life” had been restored, although others have claimed that the military campaign is largely over and that the regime is simply “mopping up.” Either way, the April 10 date allows for at least another week of that — and, of course, there’s no guarantee that rebel units on the ground will comply, which regime forces would take as a pretext to continue their operations.
Even if the “Friends of Syria” had agreed on a strategy to reverse the imbalance between the regime and its opponents, such a strategy would take many months to have much effect. It’s not going to happen before the Annan plan goes into effect. And the balance of forces on the ground, and internationally, is such that Annan’s best leverage in persuading Assad to do his bidding is the support of China and Russia for his mission. The Russians, however, have made clear they are sympathetic to Assad’s insistence that a restoration of peace puts an onus on rebels to halt their armed actions. The regime’s game will be to stay onside with Moscow, and Annan may have to devote much of his energy to persuading the Russians to back his vision on implementing the plan.
One way to ensure compliance would be to insert peacekeeping forces, but the regime is unlikely to accept foreign troops on its territory, and it has not been sufficiently weakened to be compelled by international pressure to do so. Much will depend on how it conducts itself in the coming weeks, as it seeks to implement the peace plan on its own terms to ensure that it stays on top. But it remains vulnerable to political opposition. Indeed, the most dangerous aspect of the Annan plan for the regime may be the requirement that it allow space for a resumption of political protest, under international monitoring. Right now, Assad may have more to fear from massive crowds protesting in his cities than he does from insurgent fighters. After all, his forces had opened fire on those protesters long before the opposition turned to arms.
Read more: http://globalspin.blogs.time.com/2012/04/03/syria-as-his-adversaries-scramble-for-a-strategy-assad-sets-his-terms/#ixzz1r0UEmlfm
April 3rd, 2012, 3:24 pm
Tara said:
Hyenas can’t help not being hyenas. They are genetically programmer as such
Syria steps up assault as UN moves to send monitors
AFP – 16 mins ago
Fierce clashes erupted on Tuesday as Syria’s regime sent reinforcements into rebel areas despite a truce pledge, and the UN said it was rushing a team to Damascus to pave the way for peace monitors.
The surge in violence killed at least 38 people, including 25 civilians, mostly in north and central Syria, and saw a string of arson attacks on homes, activists and monitors said.
It came a day after peace envoy Kofi Annan told the UN Security Council that President Bashar al-Assad had given assurances he would “immediately” start pulling back his forces and complete a military withdrawal from urban areas by April 10.
Foreign Minister Walid Muallem on Tuesday pledged Syria would do its utmost to ensure the success of a Red Cross mission as he met the organisation’s head, Jakob Kellenberger, who was in Damascus to seek a daily humanitarian ceasefire.
Washington said on Tuesday that Assad was failing to live up to pledges for a truce.
“The assertion to Kofi Annan was that Assad would start implementing his commitments immediately to withdraw from cities. I want to advise that we have seen no evidence today that he is implementing any of those commitments,” US State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland told reporters.
In Geneva, a spokesman for Annan said the office of the UN-Arab League envoy expected a “UN advance team on the deployment of monitors to arrive in Syria in the next 48 hours.”
April 3rd, 2012, 3:35 pm
Son of Damascus said:
“Please stop hiding behind your fingers, atrocities and killing is happening both ways, the other side is no angels as you might think”
I am not hiding from anything, I use my real email address. I know one of the people that helped start this blog rather well (he happens to not agree with my point of view). If you would like I will ask the moderator to send you my email and my real name. People in the regime HAVE THREATENED ME (as in my life), I am not scared of them, or anyone else for that matter.
The only reason I use Son of Damascus as my handle is because I value my anonymity online.
Yes I know there is no angels, crimes are being committed by BOTH SIDE, HOWEVER one side is propagating the majority of the atrocities that AL Dunnia TV/AlAkhbariyeh/SANA conveniently forgets to mention anything about it, that is what I am talking about, NOT ME.
“What is the ‘minorities’ you meant stop playing ignorant.”
I guess you forgot that Syria enjoys many different proud cultures and holy religions (or you are trying to paint me as a sectarian fool, my wife happens to be a Christian, and the decision when we have kids will be left up to them which one they choose) below are a few in case you forgot:
Armenians, Assyrians, Alawis, Kurds, Palestinians, Shia, Druze, Christians…
April 3rd, 2012, 3:37 pm
Jad said:
I doubt that fsa will be able to be part of the solution
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April 3rd, 2012, 3:52 pm
Uzair8 said:
“We will not turn our backs on the Syrian people, we will not leave the Syrian people to their own fate,” Erdogan told a meeting of his ruling AK Party on Tuesday.
Ok were gonna have the rebel salaries paid and now, as suggested on ‘the walls’, the SNC should address economic concerns presenting an economic plan funded by wealthy gulf allies.
We will then have a (temporary caretaker) government in waiting (capable of paying government employee salaries) and future army. All that would then be required would be for Turkey to intervene militarily and chase away the regime (only good for ‘fighting’ helpless civilians).
Your Excellency. Honourable Prime Minister. We shall take you at your word.
April 3rd, 2012, 3:59 pm
Uzair8 said:
Just read about the formation of a new battalion ‘Knights of Aleppo’.
What a great name! Evoking Middle Age honour and chivalry. The exact opposite of the wild regime hordes.
Long live the FSA!
April 3rd, 2012, 4:14 pm
Jad said:
Dear Son of Damascus
Do you really need to explain to me your intention? Come on! are you calling me stupid 🙂
Look, my point is exactly similar to yours, you are calling the Syrian media biased and one sided and I’m calling the other side of the WORLD’s media of being biased and propaganda machine.
If we both want to fully believe one side of the conflict we both lose and become prisoners of our own believes which is not what we both want, right?
No need to prove me anything, I already believe in you since the first exchange we had 🙂
I respect you, I trust you and believe in your noble intentions, keep doing and writing in what you believe is right, you hold one pieace of the better future for all of us and many other Syrians are holding their owns, we need all the pieces to go out of this mess, the only thing we need to do as Syrians is to keep talking to each others non of us can afford to survive alone.
April 3rd, 2012, 4:17 pm
Hopeful said:
I have one question for the regime’s supporters on this forum, and one question for the opponents. I ask you to be honest with yourselves before you answer and think with your mind not your emotions.
My question to the regime supporters: Do you believe that, after all what happened in the past year, Bashar Assad will still be able to lead Syria out of this crisis; or is it time to look for an alternative that both sides can agree on? You may love the guy, but is he the right leader under the current circumstances?
My question to the regime opponents: If the regime falls tomorrow and Assad gets on a plane and leaves Syria, who is the person who can take charge and prevent Syria from falling into an anarchy and a full-fledged civil war? You may hate the guy’s guts, but what happens to Syria if he disappears tomorrow?
April 3rd, 2012, 4:23 pm
jad said:
April 3rd, 2012, 4:30 pm
Michel said:
Is this the website where I will finally find regime supporters that can admit that the regime is committing atrocities against political dissenters? let’s hope such people exist!
April 3rd, 2012, 4:52 pm
jad said:
Bab Al7art Part 6
Very entertaining, prayers, poetry, singing, shishe, teens, the ugly flag next to ksa flag (or Alqaeda) not sure and lots of weapons. Enjoy the show!
????? ????? ????? ???????? ????? ?????? ???? +18
April 3rd, 2012, 5:01 pm
Uzair8 said:
Isn’t the phrase ‘fierce clashes’ over-used and frustrating? When one is keenly waiting for news from a conflict, and this term comes up, it captures the interest but doesn’t really tell you anything.
From AJE Syria blog comment section:
‘Damascus suburbs: Fierce clashes between free Syrian army and regime’s army in each Harasta, Moaddamiya and Misraba
15 minutes ago’
April 3rd, 2012, 5:02 pm
Tara said:
No. Wrong address. This is the site of “see no evil”, “blame the victim” , and “feel no remorse”. Welcome. Let’s see what your is label going to be. They call me Teuteu. I have allowed it on once, But do not worry, we have a nice sensitive moderator who watch out for all of us.
April 3rd, 2012, 5:03 pm
Alan said:
Syrian army kills eight terrorists in Idlib, frees 66 in Homs
News | 03.04.2012 | 06:23
The Syrian army has killed at least eight armed men in fresh clashes in northwestern city of Idlib, while freeing 66 people kidnapped by armed terrorist gangs in Homs.
Eight terrorists were killed as fresh clashes broken out between the Syrian army and armed groups in the northwestern city of Idlib on Monday. There are no reports on possible casualties from the Syrian army.
Meanwhile, the Syrian Army has managed to free 66 people kidnapped by armed groups in the western city of Homs.
Syria has been experiencing unrest since mid-March 2011 and many people, including security forces, have lost their lives in the violence.
The West and the Syrian opposition accuse the government of killing the protesters. But Damascus blames ”outlaws, saboteurs and armed terrorist groups” for the unrest, stating that it is being orchestrated from abroad.
Syrian President Bashar al-Assad said on February 20 that “some foreign countries” are fueling the turmoil in Syria by supporting and funding “armed terrorist groups fighting against the government.”
[
Xinhua: Syria Media Slams “Friends of Syria” Meeting as Deformed
Official Syrian media launched on Monday a scathing criticism on the “Friends of Syria” conference held a day earlier in Turkey’s Istanbul, describing it as deformed and an attempt to “bury the mission of Arab League (AL)-UN joint envoy Kofi Annan.”
Al-Thawra daily said the conference was an attempt to ” circumvent political solution and to bury Annan’s mission.”
Al-Baath newspaper said in an editorial titled “a new failure” that the conference had turned into a “platform for aggressive and provocative statements against Syria that encourage more bloodshed. ”
It said the conference was an attempt to “blow up and derail” Annan’s mission, adding “it was normal for this deformed conference to fail … as the participants would be obliged sooner or later to acknowledge that the steadfastness of the Syrians throughout the past months and their gathering around their leadership … have enable Syria to go beyond the crisis, fall all bets and win the battle.”
Tishrin daily said the conference has consolidated the presence of a regional and international orientation that runs counter to the content of Annan’s initiative.
“There is an orientation towards a field and political escalation … to slam doors before any political solution to the crisis.” it said, adding that this stance has raised a question about Annan’s position towards these practices and policies that impede the success of his mission.
Tishrin also criticized some countries’ decision to arm and submit financial aids to the Syrian opposition, saying “this demonstrate the size of foreign involvement in fueling events in Syria.”
On Sunday, representatives from more than 80 countries voiced support for the Syrian opposition as they met in the Turkish city of Istanbul, seeking to mount international pressure on Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s government to stop the year-long violence and agree on a peaceful political transition.
The meeting agreed to recognize the opposition broad-based Syrian National Council (SNC) as a legitimate representative of all Syrians and an umbrella organization for Syrian opposition groups.
The conference also vowed to render all possible assistance, both technical advice and direct support, to a Syria-led political process that is peaceful, orderly and stable. It also agreed to continue and increase, as a matter of urgency, its assistance, including funding and financial support, to meet the needs of the Syrian people.
Washington will offer another 12 million U.S. dollars in humanitarian aid for Syria’s embattled population, and will also provide communication equipment to help the opposition forces evade government attacks.
April 3rd, 2012, 5:12 pm
jad said:
A ‘documentary’ of the massacre attack by the terrorists (they look like Alqaeda, shaved heads and long beards) against the National Hospital in Homs, no final number of the Syrians killed in this holy ‘Ghazwa’:
??? – ????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ??? ?????? ???? 2-4-2012 +18
April 3rd, 2012, 5:16 pm
omen said:
312. Ales said:
ales, please define who is “these”? you left it ambiguous. regime? or opposition?
i don’t condone revenge killings, but you tell me, who light the fuse to cause people to seek retribution?
but here, there is a solution to prevent vigilantism. from the brilliant andrew tabler:
April 3rd, 2012, 5:24 pm
majedkhaldoun said:
I did not know that Ali Habib died, can someone tell us how he died
April 3rd, 2012, 5:27 pm
omen said:
313. ((((DAWOUD)))) said:
April 3rd, 2012, 5:30 pm
Syria no Kandahar said:
Like Alaaroor,Alzoahri and Birnard levy.
April 3rd, 2012, 5:39 pm
jad said:
????? ?????!
Kidnapping poor Syrians and forcing them to nod their heads in agreement with whatever the terrorist behind the camera is saying, so convincing!
Is HRW documenting these statements?
??? ????? ? ???????? ?????? ????? ???
April 3rd, 2012, 5:55 pm
omen said:
per cnn last night, citizen journalist ali othman has been capture by the regime. it is feared he is being tortured and might be killed.
please call and write u.s. syria embassy and demand he be released.
[email protected]
(202) 232-6316
April 3rd, 2012, 5:58 pm
Uzair8 said:
Just reading the FSA page on wiki after along time. It used to be very short and not updated. Worth checking out. Particularly the FSA operations. Rastan, Brigadier-General Salman al-Awaja incident, the heartbreaking unsuccessful Idlib defection etc.
Long live the FSA!! Can strike anywhere, anytime.
‘This if true is highly significant; it is the first attack of this kind within the capital itself and would lend weight to the Free Syrian Army’s claim that it can strike anywhere in Syria.'</small
April 3rd, 2012, 6:08 pm
irritated said:
#400 Omen
What is citizen journalist? Never heard that term.
You mean a protester equipped with communication equipments and video camera and video editing equipments supplied by Qatar and KSA, using Skype on internet supplied by Syriatel to send sensitive information to Al Jazeera and Haaretz.
Well, if he is doing illegal and spying activities that proved to be threat to the security of the State, like in any other countries, he will be jailed and brought to justice. It will be up to him to prove his innocence. Maybe the NYT could for an international lawyer to help him but no one can’t call a government to release a suspicious person.
April 3rd, 2012, 6:12 pm
omen said:
what snakes this regime is!
April 3rd, 2012, 6:15 pm
omen said:
irritated – slaughtered or alive, you blame the victim. there is a word for such callousness.
April 3rd, 2012, 6:18 pm
jad said:
??????? ???????? 3-4-2012.mp4
Here is the link of the original interview with Ali Hashem
April 3rd, 2012, 6:22 pm
jad said:
“Long live the FSA!! Can strike anywhere, anytime.”
Hopefully it strikes your cave in Tora Bora.
April 3rd, 2012, 6:24 pm
Juergen said:
you ask me the other day if i have seen the Marlboro campaign in Berlin. Yes, and thats the answer of some creative soul:
April 3rd, 2012, 6:24 pm
omen said:
Peter Jones: Aung Sang Suu Kyi an object lesson for Syria
problem with this op-ed is that the writer assumes the burma revolution is done. it’s not.
April 3rd, 2012, 6:56 pm
jad said:
Damascus: Syrian troops start withdrawal
Syrian troops have begun withdrawing from some cities and returning to their bases, Damascus says. This comes as a part of the UN-Arab League plan to stop the bloodshed in the country and get the government and opposition to the negotiation table.
The government’s forces have only retreated from the calmer cities, reports the Associated Press quoting a government official, while hotspots have only seen redeployment as soldiers took positions on the outskirts.
The news comes several days after Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad accepted a peace plan requiring forces loyal to him to cease fire and withdraw from cities by April 10. If this is implemented, rebel fighters will have 48 hours to halt military operations. The aim is to bring all hostilities to an end by April 12.
The plan, brought to Syria by UN and Arab League envoy Kofi Annan, also calls for an immediate daily two-hour halt to fighting so that aid groups can reach suffering civilians.
It remains unclear whether the Free Syrian Army, one of the major opposition groups battling Assad’s forces in Syria, will abide by the ceasefire.
Russia’s Foreign Ministry said on Tuesday that Syria had informed them that it has started implementing the peace plan.
April 3rd, 2012, 7:02 pm
omen said:
401. Uzair8 said:
Just reading the FSA page on wiki after along time. It used to be very short and not updated. Worth checking out. Particularly the FSA operations.
i remember being astonished the first time reading about how libya rebels lured a regime tank for ambush and were able to capture it.
once rebel forces learn insurgency tactics such as these, they add to their bag of tricks and expand their repertoire. and then it’s just a matter of time for the regime to fall. can you hear the clock ticking, bashar?
Long live the FSA!! Can strike anywhere, anytime.
April 3rd, 2012, 7:13 pm
MICHEL said:
The salafi terrorist Noura Aljizawi was arrested by the glorious patriotic security forces/army whose sole goal is to protect the syrian people (protect the regime? what are you smoking?). Thank god, I couldn’t sleep at night knowing that such terrorists were freely roaming around.
! ?????? ??? ?????? ???? ?????
April 3rd, 2012, 7:18 pm
Mawal95 said:
#296 asked: How can the SNC be faulted for being, on one hand, secular westernized expats out of touch with what’s happening on the ground… and, on the other hand, a trojan horse of muslim brotherhood members intent on handing down sharia law. They can’t be both things. Which is it?
Answer: They are both things. Surely you’ve heard repeatedly that the SNC lacks unity and has been unable to produce statements of political vision because of a lack of internal consensus. The SNC did produce a consensus statement on 27 mar 2012 which I linked to above.
If you read that statement you’ll see it’s thoroughly secular. But outside the SNC there’s a widespread assessment that the MB wing of the SNC is going along with this just temporarily and just to please the SNC’s patrons in the Western countries.
An example of this widespread assessment is the commenter quoted by MINA at #307:
“The revolution will have to be judged by its destination, not its origin; its outcome, not its proclamations…. The more sweeping the destruction of the existing order, the more difficult establishment of domestic authority is likely to prove…. At this writing, traditional fundamentalist [religous] political forces, reinforced by alliance with radical revolutionaries, threaten to dominate the process.” http://hanan-revue.blogspot.com/2012/03/new-doctrine-of-intervention.html
PS: Here’s a video tour of Bab Amr streets recorded by a member of the Syrian army sitting on top of a tank driving through the streets. Apparently recorded just after the army took full control of the streets a few weeks ago. Shows the soldiers in good spirits. Shows extensive damage to buildings that I haven’t seen previously. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ymRM44nRWek
PS: Nasty looking machine gun said to be owned by a rebel in Homs on 30 Mar 2012: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=284007818340047&set=a.121012647972899.23699.120873964653434&type=1&ref=nf
April 3rd, 2012, 7:27 pm
omen said:
mawal, are you trying to suggest one man with a machine gun destroyed bab amr? come now.
your “doubts” could easily be resolved if only assad would allow in UN observers to document the mayhem. but he’s unwilling to do so. wonder why.
MINA at #307: “The revolution will have to be judged by its destination…The more sweeping the destruction of the existing order, the more difficult establishment of domestic authority is likely to prove.
what of assad destroying order? how many towns and cities is he going to demolish?
assad throws the vase against the wall and you fault the opposition for failing to piece it back together again flawlessly.
April 3rd, 2012, 8:27 pm
jna said:
once rebel forces learn insurgency tactics such as these, they add to their bag of tricks and expand their repertoire. and then it’s just a matter of time for the regime to fall.
It’s a self-absorbed mistake to disregard that the army learns tricks also. Have you noticed their success lately?
April 3rd, 2012, 8:31 pm
ann said:
Tanker with Syrian oil passes through Egypt’s Suez – Tue Apr 3, 2012
The M.T. Tour, a tanker identified by the United States as owned by a sanctions-evading company set up by Iran, passed through Egypt’s Suez Canal on Tuesday.
The ship, owned by ISIM Tour Ltd, had been held up by Egyptian authorities for five days for not paying passage fees through the canal, which guarantees a right of passage to all ships during war and peacetime.
A canal official said the 81,000-tonne M.T. Tour was carrying crude from Syria to Singapore, and had been “allowed to pass through the Suez Canal, after paying the required fees”.
Reuters reported on Friday that the M.T. Tour was shipping a cargo of 120,000 tonnes of Syrian crude to a state-run Chinese company.
The official added that the tanker had come from Syria and was heading to Singapore. He said it had been carrying a Maltese flag but was now registered under a Bolivian flag. The official had no knowledge of any link with Iran.
Malta said on Sunday it was delisting the M.T. Tour on learning that it was carrying Syrian oil in breach of international sanctions. [ what international sanctions? 8) ]
April 3rd, 2012, 8:31 pm
Tara said:
Israel predicts few casualties from war with Iran
Assessment presented to security cabinet forecasts fewer than 300 casualties during three weeks of rocket attacks
The Israeli defence minister, Ehud Barak, last November sought to allay fears of a high number of civilian casualties in a conflict resulting from an attack on Iran. “There’s no chance in such a situation for 500,000 killed, not 5,000 or even 500 killed,” he told Israel Radio.
According to the recent security assessment, Iran’s conventional missile capabilities are limited.
On other fronts, Hamas has said it will not be drawn into a conflict between Israel and Iran, and Syria’s internal turmoil may hamper its ability to engage in an external conflict. However, Hezbollah in Lebanon would be expected to target missiles from its large arsenal towards Israel, which would in turn deploy its Iron Dome anti-missile defence system.
April 3rd, 2012, 8:41 pm
omen said:
from pat lang’s blog, a former special forces officer:
April 3rd, 2012, 8:50 pm
Tara said:
Syria under a curse. From one thug to another thug.
Syria: Bashar al-Assad’s uncle Rifaat says he will not hold on to power for much longer
Rifaat al-Assad, the exiled uncle of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, has said it is unlikely his nephew can hold on to power for much longer.
By Chris Irvine, agencies10:41AM BST 03 Apr 2012
In an interview with the BBC, Rifaat, 73, who led a military assault on Hama in 1982 to suppress an uprising, killing up to 40,000, said: “The problems are now general to all parts of Syria – there are no places that have escaped violence – so I don’t think he can stay in power.
“I would say, though, that he should stay so he can co-operate with a new government and offer the experience he has.”
Despite his comments, he insisted that the Assad family was still “pretty much accept by the Syrian people.”
Rifaat has lived in exile since unsuccessfully attempt to seize power from his brother Hafez, in the 1980s.
His comments came as fierce clashes broke out Tuesday between Syrian troops and rebels as the regime sent reinforcements into some hot spots, despite a pledge by President Bashar al-Assad to implement a peace plan.
April 3rd, 2012, 8:52 pm
Tara said:
Erdogan seems very inflamed or is it a show?
Syria unrest: Turkey says UN ‘supports’ repression
Mr Erdogan says Turkey will not turn its back on the Syrian people
Turkey PM Recep Tayyip Erdogan has accused the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) of indirectly supporting the oppression of the Syrian people by failing to unite on Syria.
Mr Erdogan said the UNSC was standing by with its “hands and arms tied” while the Syrian people were dying every day.
What we have seen since 1 April is not encouraging and should the government of Syria use this window, rather than to de-escalate, to intensify violence, it would be most unfortunate.
Mr Erdogan said by not taking a decision on Syria, the UN Security Council had “indirectly supported the oppression. To stand by with your hands and arms tied while the Syrian people are dying every day is to support the oppression”.
Read more..
April 3rd, 2012, 9:00 pm
Tara said:
US ambassador warns Syria regime over violence
Ms Rice warned Syria not to intensify the violence in the days before 10 April
America’s ambassador to the UN has warned Syria not to intensify violence in the days leading up to a ceasefire proposed by the UN and Arab League.
Susan Rice said the Security Council must respond urgently if Syria failed to keep its pledge to end military operations by 10 April.
Ms Rice said that “from the US point of view, and I think the point of view of many member states, what we have seen since April 1 is not encouraging”.
She said the US was “concerned and quite sceptical that the government of Syria will suddenly adhere to its commitments”.
If the Syrian authorities use the time up to 10 April to intensify rather than decrease the violence, the Security Council would “need to respond to that failure in a very urgent and serious way”, she said.
April 3rd, 2012, 9:13 pm
Ghufran said:
Rifaat Alassad will probably die in exile, his only chance of returning alive is if Syria gets divided along sectarian lines because there are still people in Syria, mostly hit men who were paid by him and few corrupt business men who dealt with him, who still think he has something to offer. The Saudis always had good relations with him, there is also a connection between him and the royal family through previous marriages.
Europe may still allow some members of Alassad family and his inner circle to flee to Europe if that becomes a necessity for those members because money speaks louder than ethics for most governments.
CNN put a summary of Rifaat’s interview, he expresses his disrespect for Bashar and his admiration of Hafez, he did not mention his friend, Khaddam, and he insisted that the Hama massacre was a fight between the MB and the state.
Nobody takes the man seriously, he is lucky he is not in prison, ask the EU why.
April 3rd, 2012, 9:30 pm
Halabi said:
This a pro-Bashar demonstration in Deir al-Zour. I would love to read a few paragraphs of analysis by Mawal or Mina on this scene, especially who these people are, what are they thinking, who they represent. They obviously love Bashar and Syria, they are completely secular, tolerant and full of life. Something along those lines…
Notice the armed men guarding the demonstration. They seem to have a civilian pickup truck and aren’t wearing uniforms. Are they legitimate police officers? It sure doesn’t look like it. According to menhebak logic they are armed gangs. The Syrian military to shell their homes, burn them to the ground and force their families into exile.
But that won’t happen because these armed gangs protect everything that is good in this world: Bashar and his cronies.
April 3rd, 2012, 9:37 pm
Afram said:
April 3rd, 2012, 9:37 pm
Alan said:
Damascus: Syrian troops start withdrawal
This is the judgement day, If West still goes ahead with their plan of Arming the Opposition, It should not be tolerated and BRICS should declare those as ACT of terrorism. As US and their Allies are literally trying to support those whose intention towards their government and their country citizens is fake, The people of Syria should realise this game of US. They always made other do their dirty work and later cleaned those who did their dirty work.
Every countries who support arming the opposition should be dealted harshly and BRICS should start international sanctions as US and their idiot allies does under the Fake and ugly organization, NATO. but i wonder what is this UN (US boot licker) will do for anyone else in this world.
April 3rd, 2012, 9:38 pm
Syria no Kandahar said:
What about ?????? ?????? ????? ???????
What about ?????? ?????? ???? ??? ??????
How many people get their numbers from
The Dajjal Rami?
Have you really seen any fair and balanced network about Syria?
I am talking about criminal activities practiced by
Aljazera, Alarabia and Alwissal not about idiots
Like BBC and NY times who are as smart as John
McCain who is advocating bombing Syria like SNC
April 3rd, 2012, 9:39 pm
omen said:
do we know about the kinds of programs henry kissinger sanctioned in latin america? nevermind his record in vietnam.
April 3rd, 2012, 9:54 pm
Tara said:
Basma is providing a very good vision. Implement Annan plan in it’s entirety. Bashar to delegate his powers to a caretaker, then an interim government composed of the opposition and regime figures who have no blood on their hands.
Negotiation can start only if al-Assad steps down: SNC
ANKARA – Hürriyet Daily News
SNC spokeswoman Basma Qadmani rejects a compromise between the SNC and the ruling al-Assad regime
The Syrian National Council (SNC) can only engage in negotiations for a political transition if al-Assad hands over power to an interim government composed of the opposition and people from the regime with “no blood on their hands,” a Syrian dissident has said.
“First, the items of the Annan plan should be fully implemented before we speak about a political process,” SNC spokeswoman Basma Qadmani said in an interview with Hürriyet Daily News yesterday, referring to the plan outlined by U.N. envoy Kofi Annan.
“We never speak about an open dialogue,” Qadmani said, adding that negotiations could only start based on a clear plan, carrying international guarantees. She said the Annan plan was an expression of the kind of international support that could be provided. “For us, this plan contains modalities for a transition to a different political system in Syria.”
Qadmani rejected the idea of a compromise between the SNC and the ruling al-Assad regime. “While the regime calls for open dialogue and compromise between parties, we see this is not a valid point of departure. The point of a departure is a plan, which will then set the modalities for transition to democracy,” she added.
The first move should be to get the president delegate his powers to a figure in an interim government, Qadmani said.
“We could have a caretaker and this caretaker would then be responsible for setting up a government or calling a government that is composed of the opposition and people from the regime, acceptable people who have no blood on their hands and were not directly involved in the repression,” she stated. That government could then carry the transition period forward in all dimensions security, political, institutional and economic, Qadmani added.
April 3rd, 2012, 9:58 pm
jad said:
It’s official, fsa are not only radical terrorists they are also mercenaries and traitors they are not looking for any BS of freedom, democracy or dignity, their only paid mission is to destroy the Syrian State and help its enemies take over all of us for money, there shouldn’t be any forgiveness for those paid traitors.
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April 3rd, 2012, 10:59 pm
jad said:
I have a feeling that a war will start soon, with Turkey, what do you think?
April 3rd, 2012, 11:09 pm
Ghufran said:
Alarab online poll:
?????? ??????? ????? ?????? ?? ?????? ??????? ???? ???????? ??????????? ???????? ????? ?? ????? ????? ???:
?????? ??????
???? ?????? ????????
???? ??????
Number of votes: 53,935
( do you really believe this?)
April 3rd, 2012, 11:32 pm
omen said:
the (faux) anti-imperialist/genocide enabler crowd are applauding maliki’s latest statement against arming the rebels and objecting to “outside interference into syria’s affairs” – taking it as some kind of principled stand.
what they don’t know is that in mid-march, iraq was caught allowing arms from iran to be smuggled through, going to equip syria’s regime.
April 3rd, 2012, 11:33 pm
jad said:
99% out of 53,935.
April 3rd, 2012, 11:37 pm
Equus said:
Dernières nouvelles de Homs et de Kusayr
Par Mère Agnès-Mariam de la Croix
Certaines familles sont retournées pour surveiller leurs biens. L’une d’entre elles raconte cet épisode
ubuesque : « Nous ouvrons la porte et, voilà, le salon est rempli de monde. Ils portent nos pyjamas et mangent dans nos assiettes.
Interloqués nous les fixons du regard. Gêné, leur leader nous dit « quand vous voulez on vous rendra votre maison ; mais la réalité s’impose. Il faut les laisser faire et se rendre à l’évidence : notre maison n’est plus à nous ».
Pourquoi affirmons-nous que ces gens ont été « forcés » de partir ? Parce que progressivement mais efficacement les membres de la branche armée de l’opposition syrienne ont opéré ce qu’on peut appeler une « redistribution démographique » : par des francs-tireurs et des actes d’agression criminelle ils ont harcelé la population civile « non agréée » : les minorités alaouite, chrétienne, chiite et beaucoup de musulmans modérés qui n’ont pas désiré participer aux activités Dissidentes. Ce n’est pas un génocide massif mais une liquidation à petits feux.
Dès le début de l’année scolaire des sévices répétés ont été enregistrés contre les établissements scolaires : kidnapping du corps enseignant, instituteurs et institutrices, harcèlement des écoliers, incendie des écoles ou leur bombardement. Cela a amené progressivement à la fermeture des écoles puis des universités.
l’administration civile ont été les victimes innocentes des actes qui ont dépassé le simple assassinat pour revêtir les aspects les plus barbares du crime gratuit : personnes égorgées, mutilées, éventrées, dépecées, jetées dans les coins des rues ou dans les poubelles.
Ces actes atroces étaient ensuite exploités médiatiquement pour en imputer la responsabilité aux forces gouvernementales
April 3rd, 2012, 11:45 pm
jad said:
Another terrorist attack in Damascus today, this time in Barzeh, no casualties, thanks God.
??? https://www.facebook.com/chaam.syria3
????? ??????? ??????? ???? ?????? ??? ?????? ?? ?? ?? ????? ???? … ??????? ??????? ??? ???????? ??? …
???????? ???????? ??? ???? …
April 3rd, 2012, 11:48 pm
omen said:
equus, do you know why rifaat al assad isn’t in prison for war crimes?
April 3rd, 2012, 11:52 pm
Ghufran said:
Alarab online is not exactly pro regime but I agree that the poll is not realistic, however,more people now think that there can not be a solution in Syria without the participation of the regime . The SNC is asking to exclude Bashar from the process and I think that is widely accepted by most including Russia, but nobody is now going as far as insisting that he resigns, I just believe that he should for the sake of national unity.
Your fear of a war launched by Turkey is understood but not supported by events on the ground and on the international scene, the most armed rebels can do is create a situation where they force the regime to give more concessions and inflame the situation to win political support for their cause.
Annan plan may actually fail if there was a new round of fighting that includes the usage of heavy weapons after April 10th, but the regime and top generals are not backing off from their position that no protected enclaves be allowed and no new BA to be established on Syrian territories regardless of the political price.
The regime is also recruiting new Internet bloggers who are spreading unfounded information on armed rebels hoping that this will ease pressure on the regime, the picture is the opposite, armed rebels are on the run and smuggling of weapons actually went down.
Assad wants April to be the month when he announces that the backbone of armed resistance has been broken, but his plans to manufacture a friendly PA will back fire, Syrians will not go back to the pre march 2011 era, he needs to swallow his pride, enjoy his “victory” and let Syrians start a new chapter without him and his family.
April 4th, 2012, 12:10 am
Ghufran said:
Even regime supporters are not sure that PA elections in May is a good idea
This is from shamnews:
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Any PA without a national consensus will not be legitimate
April 4th, 2012, 12:23 am
jad said:
I’m not sure if the situation is as simple as you describe it.
From the news websites, youtube, FB and Twitter the situation seems way more complicated and things are changing by the minute on ground, the armed terrorist groups have no shortage of anything, the amount of attacks are the same as last month, so I’m not sure how you came to the conclusion that April will be the ‘victory’ month for Bashar.
Personally, I think this month will be as bloody as the months before, Annan can’t succeed when the whole world except Russia is against his plan and working day and night behind doors to fail him.
Turkey is obviously ready to attack, it’s just waiting for the green light by the Americans, it may not be a full scale war, but a localized war that will make the situation deteriorate even further since any body who dares to go protect on the streets during war time will be labeled as traitor and will be treated by force and the majority of the Syrians even if they hate the government will have no choice but to support it and stuck to it in war times.
April 4th, 2012, 12:32 am
bronco said:
#431. jad said:
“I have a feeling that a war will start soon, with Turkey, what do you think?”
Jad, the Turkish public opinion is not ready for a war. Erdogan is being criticized daily in the press for having been too bold, too impatient and being now cornered. There could be lots of unrest in Turkey if a war is started with Syria.
Erdogan is in favor of the Annan plan if it stops the violence but he is against Bashar staying undefinitely in power.
To a war, he prefers supervised elections that, in his view, will remove Bashar and the Baath party from power once for all without bloodshed.
Annan knows that and he knows that Qatar and KSA think the same.
His strategy is probably to convince these countries that if they want to get rid of Bashar, the best way is to cooperate so early elections can be held where there are high chances Bashar will loose and will be obliged to leave his place. Therefore it would be in their interest to encourage the opposition to accept the plan so peace and security may return and elections can be held under UN supervision.
To support this strategy, Annan is counting on Bashar to show real signs of collaborating with the plan by withdrawing and accepting peaceful demonstrations and counter demonstrations as well as the humanitarian aids proposed.
If then, the opposition persists in rejecting the plan and not withdrawing all armed presence from the streets, then I think Annan will immediately call for UN assembly resolution to enterinate the plan, force the armed opposition to collaborate with the plan and block Turkey and the hardliners from supplying weapons or money to buy weapons.
If Bashar does not implement the plan then the Annan plan is dead and chaos will prevail in Syria spilling to the neighbors to the joy of Israel.
So until we see how the Syrian forces will behave and how the armed rebels will behave, it is impossible to predict what will happen.
April 4th, 2012, 12:40 am
Ghufran said:
Is not it sad that foreign journalists are more sensible and thoughtful than the Arab ones?
I could have written this article,it summarized the situation very well:
April 4th, 2012, 12:50 am
omen said:
halabi : Notice the armed men guarding the demonstration. They seem to have a civilian pickup truck and aren’t wearing uniforms. Are they legitimate police officers? It sure doesn’t look like it.
you have to read this account.
it describes the shabiha in action.
April 4th, 2012, 2:02 am
Juergen said:
I guess there was never any nation who put him on a warrant.
I believe that there was a deal made with Rifaat and the Asaad clan, because Syria never pushed their european counterparts to arrest him either, so all loooks like a golden handshake for this bloody bastard.
The funny thing is also, i saw two properties of him in Syria, one old restaurant which used to belong to him in Damascus, and his villa in Latakia. Both places were sealed and no one lives there. If he was such a criminal to the Assad clan, why then they dont sell such or let others live inside.
I assume that this might change in the course when the regime will fall, its hard to tell the world why such a criminal who posesses great amounts of money from the Syrians is enjoying live in London and Paris.
April 4th, 2012, 2:24 am
Mina said:
424 Halabi
You know the ultra-nationalists in Turkey? They look exactly the same. They are air-heads, just as brain-washed dhihadists are air-heads. The problem is that 1) they exist, 2) they are numerous.
You can’t build the next country with denying their existence. This is why I asked once about “how do you see day 2, if Bashar simply takes a plane with his extended family”. (And got zero answer from the usual crowD). Do you really believe that the people who actually control the countryside and the muhafazaat will disappear that easily?
April 4th, 2012, 2:34 am
Mina said:
377 SOD
“and died of his wounds”. The problem when people start to lie is that they usually add a new lie at every episode.
In the video you posted, do you really think the wounds look like something one can die from? The man is in full spirits, seating and speaking, and you want some to believe that he died from his wounds?
You write for people who can’t open videos or what?April 4th, 2012, 2:42 am
Alan said:
American ?annibalism in Syria (Op-Ed)
Resolutions calling on Syrian president Bashar al-Assad to step down, the West and its allies have gone ballistic in their desire of regime change.
After February’s veto, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov asked US Secretary of State Hilary Clinton, “What’s the endgame?”, to which she replied: “The endgame in the absence of us acting together as the international community, I fear, is civil war.”
She wasn’t kidding either, because the US and its allies are doing exactly that: promoting civil war as official policy towards Syria. Foreign Policy (a Washington Post publication) reports on 28th March that Senators John McCain (Republican from Arizona) and “five like-minded lawmakers” submitted a new resolution on Syria before Congress, calling for Congressional “support for arming the opposition against the regime of Bashar al Assad”. The resolution stops short of calling for direct US military intervention, which McCain openly and fully supports, as does Senator Joe Lieberman from Connecticut.
Their goal is to create a consensus on increasing US support for the Syrian opposition, around which US lawmakers can rally. So far, in addition to McCain and Lieberman, the resolution is backed by Republican Senators Lindsey Graham (South Carolina), Jon Kyl (Arizona), Kelly Ayotte (New Hampshire) and John Hoeven (North Dakota). The very powerful pro-Israel lobby AIPAC – American Israeli Public Affairs Committee – couldn’t be happier…
The resolution “supports calls by Arab leaders to provide the people of Syria with the means to defend themselves against Bashar al-Assad and his forces, including through the provision of weapons and other material support, and calls on President Obama to work closely with regional partners to implement these efforts effectively.”
It also urges Obama to support the so-called “Friends of the Syrian People” contact group of Arab states which agreed in a meeting in Istanbul on Sunday to provide monthly funding worth several million dollars to pay a “salary” to opposition fighters in Syria and encourage more defections from President Bashar Assad’s army.
As reported by the Associated Press, “This money is the first formal international support for the rebels, and officials attending the “Friends of Syria” conference said the substantial funds would also probably be used to purchase weapons on the black market for the rebel Free Syria Army.”
The message is therefore quite clear for all to understand: once again, as in the case of Libya last year, the US and its client states in the Middle East are paying huge amounts of money to mercenary armies – including “buying weapons on the black market for the rebel Free Syria army” – in order to overthrow the legal government of a sovereign country, this time, Syria.
Using Orwellian newspeak, Hilary Clinton referred to these millions of dollars as “humanitarian aid to Syria”. So far, Syrian “freedom fighters” have received an official total of $25 million in such “humanitarian aid”, and only God knows how many millions more in black money are being funneled to local criminals, thugs and mercenaries inside Syria from secret CIA, MI6 and Mossad organized crime coffers, to be used for such black market arms purchases.
Clearly, in war and in peace, under today’s global power system, money talks… and it does so very loudly! “Mr. Money is indeed a powerful Lord!” 16th Century Spanish poet Francisco de Quevedo once said. Five centuries later, nothing new under the sun
April 4th, 2012, 2:47 am
Mina said:
390 Michel
Of course they exist. They simply call for an orderly transition, with UN Peace corps and monitored elections, instead of every sultan round the corner playing the great Middle Ages lords. It is pretty clear that the “regime is (and has been) committing atrocities against political dissenters” but the problem is that it is the normal political culture in ALL the neighboring countries, no matter the religion they claim they have.
April 4th, 2012, 2:48 am
Alan said:
Israeli-US Air, Naval Forces Train for Energy War
Breakdown: Turkish-Israeli battle over Cyprus pipeline
Turkey starts drilling in Northern Cyprus
Three Russian companies bid for Greece’s gas assets
Report: Cyprus talking to Lebanon on Israel sea border row
Israeli, Greek and U.S. forces are in the midst of a drill in preparation for a possible war over Israel’s huge off-shore gas discoveries, which also may contain commercializable oil. Lebanon and Hizbullah have claimed the fields are in Lebanese territory and that they will “defend” the area against drilling by Israel.
The week-long drill is simulating air-to-air combat and anti-submarine warfare and is taking place off the coast of Turkey, possibly signaling it not to interfere with Israeli energy operations in the Mediterranean Sea. The “enemy” forces will be similar to those of the Turkish air force, according to the Defencenet.gr website.
Joint exercises also will take place off the coast of Cyprus and at the port in Haifa, with the participation of the famed U.S. Sixth Fleet.
The United States and Israel also are preparing for a massive “Austere Challenge” exercise this summer involving thousands of soldiers from both countries.
Last week, a one-day drill included Israeli soldiers operating the Arrow, the Patriot, Hawk, Stinger, and Iron Dome batteries defense systems, according to DefenseProfessionals.com.
“The ability of the formation to bring together all the defense systems is amazing”, said U.S. Army Col. Stephen Richmond, head of the 10th Army Air and Missile Defense Command. “I’m very impressed with the capabilities presented here,” he was quoted as saying.
Russia is keeping a wary eye on the American-Israeli exercises and is staging its own war drill in a Syrian port, according to DEBKAfile. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov warned this week against a pre-emptive strike, which he said would violate international law.
A Russian guided missile destroyer reportedly sailed to the Syrian port of Tartus for an exercise with what DEBKAfile said is three-fold message for the United States that Moscow is supplying Syrian President Bashar Assad with defense systems, that the Russian and Iranian support of Assad will continue and that the deployment of the warship illustrates Moscow’s ability for a rapid response to foreign maneuvers.
April 4th, 2012, 3:05 am
Alan said:
Frankfurt ‘anti-capitalist’ protest turns into riot
April 4th, 2012, 3:12 am
Alan said:
Russia, Iran set to counter US/Israeli strike against Iran. US-led naval drill
April 3, 2012
Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov issued a strong warning against a military attack on Iran Monday, April 2,, saying that a pre-emptive strike would violate international law. His comments, made during a visit to Armenia, stopped short of threatening (the US and/or Israel) of consequences. But they backed up and were in tune with the explicit threat from Iran’s supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei last Thursday of strong Iranian resistance to foreign intervention in Syria and vow to defend Damascus as the “center of resistance against Israel.”
Western military observers link the two statements as representing an evolving Russian-Iranian front. After their shared success in delivering Bashar Assad from the revolt against his regime, the two partners are preparing to fend off a potential strike against Tehran’s nuclear program as well as shore up Iran’s regional interests from the Persian Gulf to the Mediterranean. They are getting set to counter two US-led steps, disclosed here byDEBKAfile:
1. Although the US-backed Friends of Syria 2, which took place Sunday, April 1, in Istanbul, offered the Syrian Free Army no direct assistance or support, Saudi Arabia and Qatar established an international fund to pay rebel fighters a regular wage. They hope to lure more officers and men into defecting from the army units loyal to Assad.
Moscow and Tehran view this step as Arab intervention in the Syrian conflict.
2. The US, Israel and Greece launched a shadowy air-naval exercise in the Mediterranean Thursday, March 29. Codenamed “Noble Dina,” it appears to range across a broad sweep of sea up to Crete and including the waters off Turkey, Cyprus, and Israel Navy bases in Haifa and Ashdod ports./../..
April 4th, 2012, 3:32 am
Alan said:
UNSC mulls draft statement on Syria
The UN Security Council went into session on Tuesday to consider a draft statement demanding that the Syrian authorities end military operations by April 10th, and the opposition – over the next 48 hours, France Press reports.
According to a ceasefire plan proposed by UN and Arab League envoy Kofi Annan, the Syrian government is required to stop all military operations immediately.
If Syria fails to honor the ceasefire, the Security Council will send monitors to secure the implementation of the ceasefire agreements.
April 4th, 2012, 4:11 am
Mina said:
bashar al Asad was planning to overthrow the Moroccan dynasty and set up an islamist regime there! With the help of the Algerian generals!
It looks like the French media don’t understand what is an April fool.
“L’information est à prendre avec des pincettes, elle fait cependant le buzz sur les réseaux sociaux au Maroc. Le président syrien Bachar Al Assad voulait renverser le Roi Mohammed VI avec l’aide des services secrets algériens. C’est en tout cas ce que vient de révéler un officier des services secrets syriens.
Le régime syrien voulait faire abdiquer la monarchie marocaine et créer un régime islamiste, qui servirait de base avancée à l’Iran, a affirmé Houssam Aouak au quotidien panarabe basé à Londres Al Watan Al Arabi.”
April 4th, 2012, 4:34 am
Alan said:
US’ ABM noose around China, Russia
April 4th, 2012, 5:23 am
Latif said:
Oglu told Clinton Turkey can absorb as much as 2 million refugees, but he thinks the number will be 5 million if Annan plan fails.
April 4th, 2012, 5:36 am
Mina said:
From Libya
to Syria
April 4th, 2012, 5:42 am
Mina said:
Egypt: Political Islam is now totally controling mosques. Soon in your neighborhood!
April 4th, 2012, 5:50 am
Juergen said:
Hamed Abdel Samad, controversial book author of books like: “The downfall of Islam”, “Farewell from heaven” has written this on his facebook page:
“My vision for the world in 2018: After a youth revolt, both in Iran and Saudi Arabia elected democratic governments reign. Even in Egypt, Syria, Lebanon and Jordan,the democracy after years of chaos has succeded. Israel voluntarily has given up their atomic bomb programme and leaves the settlements in the West Bank and on the Golan Heights. The largest free trade zone in the world is being built in the Middle East. Money from the Gulf States, young people from North Africa and HiTec from Israel. The Euro will crash. Hungary declares war on Romania and built concentration camps for Sinti and Roma. The Europeans are trying to sacrifice Romania in order to keep the peace in the old continent, but the Americans do not want to abandon the Romanians. The Russians are allied with the Hungarians. The economic crisis in China is intensifying, and masses of migrants make their escape. The Tunisian former premier explained: the boat is full and we can not even integrate the Italian immigrants, though they are culturally close to us!”
April 4th, 2012, 6:00 am
Juergen said:
Mnhbaks rush, there is a TIME magazine online poll questioning whether the eyedoctor is worthy to be in the list of the 100 most influental people on earth…
The voting so far:
In Favor: 49,86%
Against: 50,14%
No worries, the list of choosen figures is long and some had the same hate potential like Assad: Khomeni for instance.
Reminds me kind of the old joke about Hafez. Clinton back in 1996 was suffering from the Lewinsky scandal. His reelection is at stake, so his advisors suggest to get foreign advisors of successful elected presidents. They search for the most successful leaders, and all agree that Hafez al Assad with 98,9% made it. So Bill calls Hafez and asks him to get his advisors tohelp him to get reelected. Hafez agrees and all the preelectzion campaign went smooth. On election evening Clinton and his advisors watch tv and await the actual figures. The Tv announcer said: “98,5 % for Assad!”
April 4th, 2012, 6:09 am
Juergen said:
Just read that in Al Watan they wrote that until 10th April not all military operations will come to an end. Opposition forced revealed that an extensive military operation will take place north of Aleppo headed by Assaf Schauwkat. It seeems that the syrian army tries to end the uprise by the FSA before the deadline given by Annan is reached.
Meanwhile the Syrian orthodox church has given the order for all churches to postpone any outside procession or celebration of easter outside of the churches. This move is seen as an precaution as well as an hommage to all the matyrs. The church left it open which martyrs will be remembered.
April 4th, 2012, 7:32 am
VOLK said:
Syria opposition will never defeat Assad’s army, says Russia
“It is clear as day that even if the Syrian opposition is armed to the teeth, it will not be able to defeat the government’s army,” Interfax quoted Lavrov as saying while on a visit to the ex-Soviet nation of Azerbaijan.
“Instead, there will be carnage that lasts many, many years – mutual destruction,” said Lavrov.
April 4th, 2012, 8:00 am
Tara said:
This is the real story about the hospital liberated by the FSA
9.09am: Gruesome video has emerged purporting to show decomposing bodies, discovered after Monday’s reported liberation of a hospital in Homs.
The clip shows several bodies in a container lorry outside the hospital and more in the hospitals morgue. [warning: disturbing content]
The clip came as more details emerged about the raid. Dima Moussa, media spokeswoman for the Revolutionary Council of Homs, has this account:
Assad’s forces took over the National Hospital some time ago and turned it into a military barrack. There have been reports of injured people being taken there and tortured to death, in addition to the retaining of the bodies of people killed by Assad forces.
Assad snipers have been actively targeting civilians from the hospital, making the surrounding areas very dangerous for any kind of movement. The Free Syrian Army went in to take over the hospital and put an end to these attacks against innocent civilians.
As of now, there is still at least one part of the hospital occupied by a group of soldiers from the Assad army. We have received reports about bodies being discovered inside the hospital, but these reports have not yet been confirmed, and the exact number is not yet available.
Video has also emerged purporting to show the liberation of the hospital in Homs by the Farouq brigade.
April 4th, 2012, 8:16 am
Mina said:
“Meanwhile the Syrian orthodox church has given the order for all churches to postpone any outside procession or celebration of easter outside of the churches.”
They did the same last year, out of respect for the martyrs too.
April 4th, 2012, 8:21 am
DAWOUD said:
Describing Aljazeera as a “Wahabi” media is not only preposterous, but also very inaccurate. This network has always been negatively viewed by Saudi Arabia and all the Arab regimes (except for Syria until March of 2011 when it began to ACCURATELY cover the war crimes Bashar’s and Hasan’s Shabiha). Even Alarabiya, which is close to Saudi Arabia,is NOT a Wahabi media. Do you think that Wahabi fundamentalist are happy to see Alarabiya’s female anchors, many of whom are featuring fake cosmetically-enhanced figures, lips, br@@@, etc.? Even Saudi Arabia as a government is not really Wahabi. Saudi Arabia is an oppressive monarchy like al-Assad’s (yah, Syria is a “republic,” not monarchy although power transfers from father to son!). There are certain religious policies that are adopted by the Saudi state to sedate Wahabi religious scholars, some of which (e.g., banning women from driving) are silly!
Now, we don’t really have any “Wahabi” state in the world, but we have Shia fundamentalist states, which operate according to the priciple of the Wilayat al-faqih. Below is a PARTIAL list of Wilayet al-Faqih media, which support the dictator of Syria and his ongoing war crimes:
Iran’s Press and Al-Alam TV
Lebanon’s al-Manar TV/newspaer
Lebanon’s Assafir Newspaper (which is disguised as a leftist/intellectual newspaper)
Lebanon’s al-Akhbar Newspaper
Iraq’s al-Fourat TV
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April 4th, 2012, 8:31 am
Mina said:
Very interesting comments to this Kissinger piece in the Washington Post
April 4th, 2012, 8:39 am
DAWOUD said:
A memo to all my fellow anti-Syrian dictator commenters (TARA, MajedKhaldoun, SOD, et al.):
Please stop quoting pro-Israeli Zionist neo-cons EVEN if what they say seem favorable to the Syrian Revolution. These figures would really be surprised when they find out that the courageous Syrian Revolution also would ultimately seek to liberate the Golan Heights and Occupied Palestine. Below is a partial list of U.S. pro-Israeli Zionists, whose views on Syria are badly-intentioned and should not be posted:
Elliot Abrams, William (Bill) Kristol, ALL OF Fox News Channel, Dennis Ross, etc.
April 4th, 2012, 8:48 am
Uzair8 said:
@465 Dawood
Do you mean like the following? 🙂
“While the monarchies of the Middle East have a fighting chance to reform and survive, the region’s fake republics have been falling like dominoes — and Syria is next.”
Elliott Abrams, Friday, March 25
April 4th, 2012, 9:02 am
Mina said:
In Mali they get both a new regime and an Islamist insurrection:
Mali’s junta on Wednesday accused rebels controlling the northern city of Gao of grave human rights abuses, in particluar the kidnap and rape of women and girls.
“The populations of northern Mali, specifically those in Gao, are suffering grave human rights violations” since the town was seized Saturday by Tuareg rebels and Islamists, the junta said in a statement.
Spokesman Amadou Konare pointed the finger at the Tuareg rebel Azawad National Liberation Movement, the Islamist Ansar Dine and Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM).
“Women and girls have been kidnapped and raped by the new occupants who are laying down their own law,” the statement said, without giving further details.
A Gao resident, who asked not to be identified by name or employment, confirmed the junta’s accusations.
“It is a reality here. At night they kidnap women, take them away and rape them,” he said, adding there had been at least a dozen cases since Saturday.
Over the weekend the Tuareg and Islamists seized the three main northern centres of Kidal, Gao and the fabled city of Timbuktu, the former seeking regional independence and the latter sharia, Islamic law.
The resident of Gao said “every kind of robbery imaginable has happened here since those people arrived: people have been fleeced, pillaged, vandalised. There is no transport and those who try to leave the city are turned back.”
A band of low-ranking officers ousted the government on 22 March for its alleged incompetence in stamping out the northern rebellion, but have since lost territory larger than France to the various rebel groups.
April 4th, 2012, 9:05 am
Uzair8 said:
More than a year into the revolution we have seen the masses shake off the cloud of fear hanging over them. We all know Syria was built on a personality cult with statues and portraits everywhere. How long before the cult like characteristics affecting a certain portion of the population begin to wear off?
Moving on. Syrians are told that this is all the doing of Prince Bandar. If true, that the events reaching the current situation were masterminded by Prince Bandar, then he must be a genius of Henry Kissinger proportions.
Another thing. Do you notice how foreign officials, regime allies, conveniently ignore commenting on the people (who are rising up) and prefer to talk about the democratic credentials of the countries supposedly supporting the revolution?
I heard an Iranian official* point to the undemocratic nature of the regional nations supporting the opposition. His conclusion was that this shows it cannot be about freedom and democracy.
See next comment.
April 4th, 2012, 9:24 am
Uzair8 said:
Heard the following last night on BBC World Service.
The War Over Syria
The conflict in Syria is transfixing the Middle East.
But it is transforming it too.
Barbara Plett, the BBC’s UN Correspondent, returns to the Middle East to examine how the future of the Assads could also shape the future of the region.
April 4th, 2012, 9:27 am
Juergen said:
Saad Assarir is really pushing his presidency campaign in Egypt…
Ali Ferzat is determined to return to Syria
an other interview with him
April 4th, 2012, 9:44 am
ghufran said:
If the news about the LCC agreeing to go to Russia for talks are true, that could be a breakthrough politically, no response from the SNC which angered Moscow by ignoring Annan mission and going to Turkey under KSA and Qatar umbrella.
April 17-18th is said to be the date, this leaves the SNC alone, so far.
April 4th, 2012, 9:52 am
Juergen said:
Günther Grass the nobel price winner for Literature 2006 has written an controversial poem(title: What has to be said) about the planned war against Iran by Israel.
I have not found yet an adequate translation of the poem, the NYT will publish it today, as soon as they do i will post it here.
Grass is stressing in the poem that Israel is a much bigger threat to the world with is atomic weaponry than Iran which has not proven to have the bomb yet.
He wrote in the poem: “tomorrow could already be too late” and Germany could be a “supplier to a crime”, referring to a deal sealed last month for Berlin to sell Israel a sixth nuclear-capable Dolphin-class submarine.
“I admit: I will be silent no longer, because I am sick of the hypocrisy of the West”.
April 4th, 2012, 10:00 am
mjabali said:
I said yesterday that weapons are dangerous things to play with especially by those who do not care about the consequences.
In this link an anti Assad fighter shoots at a platform that contains missiles. The missiles flew in all directions and most likely they will kill or destroy anything they would hit, which would be most likely some poor villagers because the whole thing is taking place in the countryside.
So, life is bad to begin with then you die in your home with an anti aircraft missile. Of course you can blame the government for that…
Syria is going to hell because all insist on using violence as THE method to solve this chaos.
April 4th, 2012, 10:25 am
Jad said:
Regarding Frankfurt news here are couple clips if interested, one of the Shabiha was hurt, maybe ksa and qatar should send the protesters some weapons so they can protect themselves from the German Shabiha army:
Frankfurt riot 2 – 31.03.2012.AVI
Teil 2 Demo Frankfurt 31.03 Linke Gewalttäter beschießen Menschen mit Feuerwerkskörpern
Dave is hurt for calling his favourit propohanda wahabi news network, so he runs to the rescuse, how cute!April 4th, 2012, 10:27 am
jna said:
461. Tarasaid:
This is the real story about the hospital liberated by the FSA
Video has also emerged purporting to show the liberation of the hospital in Homs by the Farouq brigade.
Tara, you left out the Guardian’s informative final sentence: “The footage cannot be verified and at times appears to resemble a recreation of a raid rather than a raid itself.”
April 4th, 2012, 10:33 am
Alan said:
Stroitransgaz completes stage of Syria project
MOSCOW, April 4 (Itar-Tass) — Stroitransgaz has completed the next stage of the Syria project. The Russian company said in a release that spare parts for the project for the construction of a natural gas processing plant (GPP-1), which will ensure reliable operation of the facility in the future have been supplied in full volume.
In accordance with the contract, after the GPP-1 commissioning Stroitransgaz was fulfilling annual warranty obligations. At the request of the Syrian authorities the Russian company continued to provide services for the facility’s technical maintenance.
According to the company head Sergei Makarov, “Despite the difficulties the company is currently facing, we do not intend to curtail operations in Syria.” “At present, Stroitransgaz continues to provide technical assistance services for the first gas processing plant and continues to build a second,” he said. “A special system of security measures aimed at saving the lives and health of our employees is applied in Syria. The Syrian side represented by the customer – the Syrian Gas Company and the state security forces, provides an active assistance to us in this.”
Stroitransgaz is an engineering-construction company that provides all forms of services related to the implementation of large projects – from the development of project documentation to warranty maintenance. The sphere of the company activity is the construction and reconstruction of industrial and infrastructure facilities, primarily in the oil, natural gas and electric power industries. Stroitransgaz holds the first place among Russian companies engaged in industrial facilities’ construction. According to an assessment by the international rating agency Engineering News-Record, Stroitransgaz is one of the largest engineering-construction companies in the world.
Stroitransgaz has been working in Syria since 2000. The company has already completed projects for the construction of the Arab Gas Pipeline with the length of 319 kilometres and the GPP-1 (South Middle Area Gas Exploitation Project, SMAGEP).
April 4th, 2012, 10:57 am
mjabali said:
Dear Jad:
I just replied to your points about al-Jazeera and the Spam ate my comment.
April 4th, 2012, 10:59 am
Alan said:
Two groups of Syrian opposition to come to Moscow in days
BAKU, April 4 (Itar-Tass) — Two groups of Syria’s opposition are coming to Moscow in the next few days, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said on Wednesday.
“Now we are welcoming representatives from domestic opposition, from the National Coordination Committee,” he said. “In a couple of days, another opposition group is coming.”
“We think it is necessary to work with all, to persuade them that we want to help Syrians solve their problems by themselves,” the Russian foreign minister stressed.
He noted that there is no unity within the Syrian opposition. “It took not very long for the Libyan opposition to unite, while there is no unity in the Syrian opposition,” he said. “There are several opposition groups both inside Syria, national committee and national movements, and abroad. We meet with all of them.”
“The West however is seeking to avert them from a dialogue,” Lavrov noted. “It means that they want to find solutions on the basis of the use of force.”
April 4th, 2012, 10:59 am
majedkhaldoun said:
?? ???? ???????.. ?????? ????? ??????????
April 4th, 2012, 11:07 am
Mina said:
HELP! Does anyone know where Mali is located??
Please send your informations and gifts to the authors of these:
(the “two-month old coup” that happened on March 22nd)
(the junta calls for a meeting with the local organizations for tomorrow, thursday March 5th…)
It is just the new al-Qaeda hotspot, so they really need to catch up quickly. If you have ever heard of Tombouctou and Gao, and their medieval kingdom and Islamic libraries, please give them an idea, because usually in France most people think that Senegal and Mali were “islamized” in the 20th century.
April 4th, 2012, 11:09 am
jad said:
ma fhmt, sho asdak ‘khalo’?
Dear Mjabali
I’ll send the moderator an email to ask him to let the comment ‘free’ 🙂
Alsiddik argued with Haytham almale7 and accuse Israel of killing Hariri:
????? ?????? ???? ?????? ??????: ??????? ????? ???? ??????
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While on it, George Sabra (aka Mr. La2lou2) is begging Clinton to attack Syria and he even gave her the plan:
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April 4th, 2012, 11:09 am
Tara said:
You do not demand any disclaimer from any regime supporter despite linking blatant lies. Can I call that being biased?
April 4th, 2012, 11:18 am
jna said:
Re: 442. Ghufran
Tony Karon is not an ordinary Western journalist. He’s about as good as it gets in covering international affairs. I’m amazed he has worked at Time for so long, as the average American journalist standard surrounding him is so much lower.
April 4th, 2012, 11:19 am
Alan said:
Friends of Syria undermine peace process – Lavrov
April 4th, 2012, 11:25 am
jad said:
Mr. Haytham Manna3 on BBC
???? ??? BBC: ??????? ???? ????
After the interview he was attacked by the usual gangs for not agreeing with their propaganda. The reason why many people respect Haytham is because he is an honest and brave politician, interesting enough for the same time many hate him for the same reason.
Haytham Manna
??? ????????
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April 4th, 2012, 11:25 am
Juergen said:
Apparently Mina you are not well enough informed. The Tuareg staged attacks against the military since beginning of this year. The junta who took over power did so because in their eyes the government under Toure was too soft and weak on the Tuarag. The Tuareg themselves have the aim to recreate their old Tuareg country which consists of land now part of the following countries: Libya, Niger, Mali, Burkina Faso and Algeria. By the way it was Ghadaffi who supported the Tuareg and their aim. After the downfall of Muamars nurses kingdom those fighters fled to do their job now back home.
The name Tuareg came out of a local language in Libya, and therefore to call them northafrican or part of the Maghreb is at least theoretically corect. I do believe that for themselves they choose not to be connected with the Arab world, thats at least the view of most Kabyle tribes in that area.
April 4th, 2012, 11:27 am
jad said:
LOLOL Ahleen, al ya3ni ana fhmt aloula la ifham altanyeh…shou ya3ni ‘kourmandji’?
April 4th, 2012, 11:28 am
zoo said:
Signs that Iran wants to distance itself further from Turkey?
Iran prefers Iraq host nuclear talks: Baghdad
Published Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Iran wants crucial nuclear talks with world powers to take place in Baghdad instead of Istanbul, according to a statement from Iraq welcoming the proposal.
An “Iranian delegation expressed the desire for Iraq to host the international meeting on the Iranian nuclear file of the five permanent members of the (UN) Security Council plus Germany” in Baghdad, the statement posted on the foreign ministry’s website late on Tuesday said.
US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton announced last weekend that the talks are due to take place April 13 and 14 in Istanbul.
But EU diplomats cautioned that the venue was still under discussion, and Russia said on Monday that “the date and the place of the meeting have not been definitively set.”
April 4th, 2012, 11:29 am
Alan said:
George Galloway
George Galloway, interviewed after his sensational election victory to become MP for Bradford West, responds to the question, “Do you condemn those attacking British soldiers in Afghanistan?”
April 4th, 2012, 11:31 am
Mina said:
As for your informations about Syria, this one is also defective.
For some odd reason, some of the Tuaregs have allied with the Aqmi group. Don’t tell me you are not aware of the many kidnappings, ransom requests and killings that have occured recently in Mali and Niger.
For someone of “works in the airline industry”, it wouldn’t sound too serious.April 4th, 2012, 11:35 am
zoo said:
Egyptian army jails officer who joined protests
CAIRO, (Reuters) – A military officer who joined popular protests against Egypt’s former president Hosni Mubarak and military rule last year has been sentenced by a military court to six years in prison, an army judicial source told Reuters on Wednesday.
Major Ahmed Ali Shouman, the first army officer to have joined the uprising that started in Cairo’s Tahrir Square in January last year, was charged with abandoning his unit and weapons and joining protests in military uniform.
“Ahmed Shouman was sentenced to six years in jail, charged with refusing to obey military rules and voicing political views in media outlets,” the army source said.
“This was a violation of martial law that bans military personnel from communicating with the media.”
The sentence will be formally announced at a court hearing on April 11, but Shouman can appeal, the army source said.
April 4th, 2012, 11:36 am
jad said:
The armed gangs in Syria are nothing but terrorists. While the devils making explosives to kill other Syrians, the bomb went off destroying the residential building they were hiding in and killing 7 innocent people with 2 kids.
On top of that, after attacking everything from roads, to trains to gas pipelines to hospitals, today the same terrorist criminals attacked and burned the Red Crescent warehouse where food and medical materials are stored….is there also ‘detainees’ hiding inside a syringe to ‘free’?? Criminals!
Let’s wait for the Guaridan to tell us the ‘real’ story!….
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April 4th, 2012, 11:41 am
zoo said:
Distressed FSA renews accusation on Hezbollah and Iran
“In a report confirmed by an FSA source inside Syria, it was claimed that deputy commander of the FSA’s forces in Damascus, Colonel al-Moatasim Billah Abu al-Walid, was arrested by Syrian army forces following an ambush last week.”
IRGC, Hezbollah helping regime forces – FSA commander
By Nadia Al-Turki
London, Asharq Al-Awsat – Colonel Khalid al-Habous, commander of the operations of the Free Syrian Army [FSA] in Damascus and the surrounding area, confirmed the presence of elements of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corp [IRGC] and Hezbollah operating on the ground in Syria.
the FSA commander acknowledged that “our resources do not allow us to take control on the ground. Our confrontations with the regime’s forces are based on hit-and-run tactics.”
Colonel al-Habous also revealed that “we are in dire need of sniper rifles and silencers, as well as advanced communication equipment that cannot be hacked and shoulder-mounted anti-aircraft weaponry.” He added that the FSA is suffering from a lack of ammunition, but that the opposition forces attack al-Assad military warehouses and camps in order to seize ammunition.
He stressed “we do not rely on guerrilla warfare and do not believe in such uncontrolled combat. We adopt a tactic that is taught in most international military colleges, namely that of lightning strikes…to attack our targets with small numbers and capture the spoils [of war].”
He informed Asharq Al-Awsat that “numerous defected soldiers and civilians present on the ground in the battle with al-Assad forces…have seen Iranian snipers and Hezbollah elements with their own eyes.
In a report confirmed by an FSA source inside Syria, it was claimed that deputy commander of the FSA’s forces in Damascus, Colonel al-Moatasim Billah Abu al-Walid, was arrested by Syrian army forces following an ambush last week.
April 4th, 2012, 11:44 am
Dawoud said:
The anti-Sunni advocate/supporter of Iran’s/Hizballah’s anti-Sunni Wilayat al-faqih (or the 12th Imam fundamentalist/undemocratic theocracy) should keep saying “newbie” until the anti-Sunni female, who says that Hamza al-Khateeb was killed by “Saudi terrorists,” offers him a date 🙂
The Syrian Revolution is not about Wahabism, it’s about freedom and dignity. It will go on until Bashar al-Assad and Hasan Nasrallah are exiled to Iran, or arrested-which ever comes first!
You can disguise your anti-Sunni bigotry by using “Wahabi” and “MB.” These two are only code names that pro-Bashar shias and their media, the wilayat al-faqih media (e.g, Assafir, Al-Manar, al-Akhbar, Press TV, al-Alam, etc.), use to justify Bashar’s tyranny over Syria’s majority-Sunni Muslims!
Free Syria, Free Palestine!
April 4th, 2012, 11:47 am
irritated said:
494. jad said:
“the same terrorist criminals attacked and burned the Red Crescent warehouse”
You know very well that the media will say that the Syrian government did that so as to blame the terrorists: A ridiculous song that we’ve been hearing for the last year and that many opposition supporters believe firmly.
April 4th, 2012, 11:48 am
Alan said:
489. JAD
????? ?? ???? ???? ???? ???????? ?? ??????? ????? ??????? ????? ?????????? ??????? ?? ??????? ???????? ? ????? ?????? ??????? ? ??????? ??????? ???????? ??????? ???? LOL !
April 4th, 2012, 11:50 am
Jad said:
Ref. Almale7 and Saddik:
????? ???? ?????? ? ???? ??????
April 4th, 2012, 11:50 am
Mina said:
Thanks for the link to the BBC program. The Saudi “strategist” explains that his prince did not want to speak about “giving weapons to the rebels”, (listen 12’50) because 1) he did not mean now; 2) he did not mean heavy weapons; 3) it was to be understood for the Syrian government as a “nasiha” that otherwise, the rebels would have weapons soon and it would be war.
Universities should open special courses for who needs to understand Saudi logic.
At 14′ to 16′ he seems to be describing his last video game. The other guests are between smile and shame for the ridiculous guy. He should try to get a job in Tash wa Matash. For those who missed it:
April 4th, 2012, 11:55 am
Juergen said:
the quest of independance of the Tuarag is as old as some of those countries involved. I do see that there are salafists on the ground, but also regional superpowers( like Libya) did their share in arming the resistance groups. So you back the junta for their overthrow of the democratic elected government?
April 4th, 2012, 11:56 am
zoo said:
Why Germans do not dare say that Israel, not Iran, is a threat to world peace?
Gunther Grass:
“Why do I only say now, aged and with my last ink: the atomic power Israel is endangering the already fragile world peace?” reads the poem, which was published in the daily Sueddeutsche Zeitung.
Grass answers that Nazi Germany’s “incomparable” crimes against Jews and fears of accusations of anti-Semitism kept him from openly criticising Israel.
But now, “tomorrow could already be too late” and Germany could be a “supplier to a crime”, referring to a deal sealed last month for Berlin to sell Israel a sixth nuclear-capable Dolphin-class submarine.
Henryk M”I admit: I will be silent no longer, because I am sick of the hypocrisy of the West”
Broder, a prominent German Jewish columnist, accused Grass in light of his poem of being “the prototype of the educated anti-Semitist”.
“Grass has always had a problem with Jews but he has never articulated it as clearly as with this ‘poem’,” Broder wrote in the daily Die Welt.
April 4th, 2012, 11:57 am
zoo said:
Turk journalists can have sense of humor
The ironic Friends of Syria
It was an irony, as one Syrian state television anchor said, that the Istanbul gathering of the “Friends of Syria” took place on April Fools’ Day. Their previous meeting in Tunis was less than good and too fractured. The fine spring day in Istanbul has refreshed hopes, but the Friends of Syria may have to tour half the globe before they can eventually meet in Damascus.
The date for the meeting was not the only irony. The foreign Friends of Syria have committed more funding for the Syrian Friends of Syria, but the Syrian Friends of Syria, not happy with the $30 million budget for their march towards democracy, are asking for a minimum of $1 million per day.
The Turkish Friends of Syria, boasting the world’s second fastest growing and 16th biggest economy should be able to provide that negligible sum – and more in the future. But Russia and China are not smaller economies and their vaults are not cash-stripped.
Of course, the Friends have every liberty to call themselves whatever fancy and amicable looking name they choose. But a more realistic brand could have been the “Foes of Bashar al-Assad.” My friend’s cat simply meowed and left the room when I told him that a philanthropic coalition, which deeply cared for its Syrian brothers, was at the beginning of a possibly long world tour. Like a philharmonic orchestra, it was performing next in Paris. Shiraz is a Persian cat who is very keen on Middle Eastern politics.
Perhaps the bigger irony on April Fools’ Day was the Turkish treatment of the group of Syrian protestors who rallied against the Istanbul meeting. The pro-al-Assad demonstrators were pushed away and pepper gas-sprayed by the police who must have thought they are the Foes of Syria, since the Friends were inside the building. The Foes of Syria were silenced while inside the building the Friends of Syria were busy discussing how to introduce democracy to the Syrians.
April 4th, 2012, 12:03 pm
irritated said:
You forgot the hairy cherries on the cake: The Salafists
April 4th, 2012, 12:05 pm
Dawoud said:
505. irritated
Thanks irritated.
Below are the code names that anti-Sunni and pro-murderous Syrian dictator Shias/Alawis use:
“Muslim Brotherhood”
keep saying “newbie” (I don’t mean you “irritated” because the person knows who he is) until the female who says that Hamza al-Khateeb was killed by “Saudi terrorists” offers you a date. Aslo, please stay busy reading the pro-Iran/Hizballah Wilayat al-faqih media: al-Akhbar, As-Safir, Press TV, al-Alam TV, etc.
April 4th, 2012, 12:10 pm
Jad said:
So according to the bigotry propaganda lovers if you dare to criticize ksa or qatar crappy propaganda Wahabi media you Immediatly become an Anti-Sunni (new term is born) this level of thinking reminds me with his highness prince Mish3al (aka Misho) talks about why women shouldn’t drive and should listen to the King, otherwise they end up driving TANKS.
Enjoy Misho lecture, it suits the deep discussion of Wahabi-lovers accusations to anybody who disagree with terrorism as Anti-Sunni yet we wonder who gives us the bad reputation:
April 4th, 2012, 12:32 pm
Khalid Tlass said:
The great hero and fighter, Lt. Abdul Razzaq Tlass, outside Homs National Hospital, after liberating it from Assad forces, along with his band of fierce fighters.
78 decomposed bodies bearing signs of torture were discovered in the Hospital premises, refrigerator and in container trucks outside the hospital.
Homs National Hospital is under FSA Control !!!
April 4th, 2012, 12:33 pm
Tara said:
If prisoners refused to say that ‘Assad is our leader’, they sat them down naked on to a glass bottle. The bottleneck penetrated [their anus].”
Syrian refugees: In their own words
Monday 2 April 2012 15.00 EDT
Living in a predominantly Alevi neighbourhood in Antakya, Salwa explains that she now introduces herself and her daughters as Palestinian to everyone she meets, just in case. “In our old apartment people knew we had come from Syria, and the police came twice to check our documents.” Reem adds: “People in Turkey always ask if you are Sunni or Alevi. I stopped answering that question because I am worried of what they might do if I tell them that I am Sunni.” Salwa nods. “This question used to be irrelevant in Syria, nobody would ask it.” She is afraid that her country might slide into a bloody civil war soon. “Now it seems your sect is all people care about.”
April 4th, 2012, 12:34 pm
Tara said:
Norwegian to lead UN’s team in Syria
April 4, 2012
Major General Robert Mood of Norway has been selected to lead the United Nations’ support team for UN Special Envoy Kofi Annan in Syria. His duties will include preparations for a UN observation force in Syria that’s currently under evaluation by the UN Security Council.
Major General Robert has lengthy experience from earlier UN operations, and is a former inspector general of the Norwegian army.
Mood, who’s originally from Kragerø on Norway’s southern coast, will lead a team of military experts that’s expected to soon travel to Damascus for talks with both sides in the violent conflict between the Syrian regime and opposition forces. The team will evaluate the situation on the ground and the prospects for deploying an unarmed force of international observers.
The goal is to end all forms of armed violence, secure humanitarian aid and support political reforms. The embattled Syrian regime recently accepted Annan’s six-point plan for Syria, including a withdrawal of Syrian military from populated areas by next Tuesday. Now the regime is expected to abide by its agreement.
“Norway is giving its full support to Annan’s peace plan,” said Norwegian Defense Minister Espen Barth Eide. He said he was “very glad” that Mood was asked to help Annan “in his important work.”
Eide said Mood had extensive knowledge of the region and lengthy experience with UN operations in troubled areas. Until last spring, he was chief of the UN’s observer mission in the Middle East (UNTSO – United Nations Truce Supervision Organization) and he currently leads the Norwegian defense department’s veteran services.
Mood characterized his new job as “adviser” for Kofi Annan. He said he was asked to take the post by both the UN and the Norwegian military, and he agreed because “this is all about finding out how we in practice can halt the violence on the ground in Syria. When you’re asked to contribute towards stopping the violence, it’s impossible to say ‘no.’”
He also said that being asked to take on the UN post was “an enormous recognition of the job Norwegian women and men, our veterans, have done around the world for the UN and with a UN mandate.”
Mood is also a former inspector general for the Norwegian army. An estimated 9,000 Syrians have been killed in the violence that began last spring.
April 4th, 2012, 12:36 pm
Mina said:
I am not sure if it is in the air to see every new war as a cool independentist movement, but Touré was criticized 2 months before the coup for not doing enough about what was going on in the north (it was still the Tuaregs we were hearing about then). But now that the north is almost in secession, we don’t hear about the Tuaregs anymore. They are not interested in cities, in case it escaped the ethnological literature you read.
April 4th, 2012, 12:55 pm
Mina said:
Here is a Tuareg website about what is going on.
Apparently, the “Ansar Dine” people in north Mali are three men who all belonged to Toure’s regime (but one of them is from a Tuareg tribe) and are famous for their corruption and trafics.
The Tuareg suspect the Islamist takeover to be a counter revolution against them.
So it’s not only in Egypt, Syria, Nigeria, that Salafis are used for counter-revolutions? It is becoming viral.
In Mauritania too demonstrations are getting bigger.
April 4th, 2012, 1:13 pm
zoo said:
Iran snubs Turkey over Syria.
“Taking into account the extremist and illogical position of Turkey on Syria”
Venue disaccord over Iran nuclear talks
By Marc Burleigh | AFP – 22 mins ago
Iran’s sudden about-face on Istanbul also hinted at animosity towards Turkey over its position on Syria, the Islamic republic’s principal ally in the Middle East.
Turkey, which has called for Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to step down to end the year-long bloody strife in his country, on Sunday hosted a “Friends of Syria” conference sympathetic to Syrian rebels and criticised by Tehran.
Turkey, a NATO member, has also joined a US-imposed sanctions push to cut purchases of Iranian oil.
“Turkey is now excluded,” Aladin Borujerdi, the head of the Iranian parliament’s foreign affairs commission, told the Iranian channel Al-Alam.
“That is the position of parliament and the government. We have proposed Baghdad, and if the other side accepts, it will be Baghdad,” he said.
“Taking into account the extremist and illogical position of Turkey on Syria and the recent conference on Syria, Turkey has de facto lost any competence to host the meeting,” Borujerdi added.
April 4th, 2012, 1:23 pm
Khalid Tlass said:
I protest. My comments are not appearing as I post them. It seems you have put me under moderation, without informing me, or worse, even banned me, without giving a reason.
April 4th, 2012, 1:24 pm
Tara said:
I so much want to know what is happening in north Mali. It is as important as knowing about Cambodia.
April 4th, 2012, 1:27 pm
Tara said:
Why do even the Russians care? They are indirectly responsible for the death of thousands of Syrians. If Russia demanded Bashar to resign, he could’ve not resisted the international pressure. Russia emboldened him to defy and it is responsible.
Russia makes its Syria case on Capitol Hill
Posted By Josh Rogin Tuesday, April 3, 2012 – 7:22 PM
Russian Embassy officials defended their country’s defense of the Syrian regime in a meeting with congressional staffers on Capitol Hill Tuesday afternoon, in a private briefing hosted by Senate Majority Whip Richard Durbin (D-IL).
“The Embassy of the Russian Federation to the USA in cooperation with the office of Honorable Senator Richard Durbin has the honor to invite you to a briefing on Russia’s approach to the situation in Syria,” reads the official invitation, obtained by The Cable. “Officers of the Embassy’s political and congressional sections will be ready to provide you with an overview of the Russian position, as well as answer your questions on this pressing international issue.”
The briefing was led by Russian embassy officials Anton Vushkarnik and Sergey Kuznetsov, according to the invitation, but several other embassy officials also spoke at the meeting.
About half a dozen Senate staffers attended the briefing, which got pretty heated, according to congressional sources briefed on the meeting. The Russian embassy officials refused to acknowledge basic facts about the burgeoning conflict in Syria, including that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad continues to kill his own people. The Russia officials also claimed that an equal number of Syrian civilians have died at the hands of the Syrian opposition.
The Russian officials also defended their country’s ongoing arms sales to the Syrian regime, pointing out that there is no international law preventing such sales. (Of course, it was Russia along with China that vetoed the U.N. Security Council resolution that would have instituted such an arms embargo.)
The Russian officials also drew an equivalency between the killing of civilians in Syria and the Israeli occupation of the West Bank and Gaza, arguing that the U.S. government protects the Israeli government in the United Nations when its actions are criticized, the congressional sources said. The Russian officials accused the U.S. government of hypocrisy and arrogance in its public calls for better Russian behavior in Syria.
Since last year, Durbin has been actively calling for more international action and pressure on the Syrian regime to compel a halt in government sponsored violence.
“Today’s meeting gave a bipartisan group of offices the opportunity to voice their serious concerns about Russia’s arms sales to Syria directly to the Russian Embassy. Many on the Hill, led by Senators Durbin, Cornyn, Ayotte and Gillibrand, have strongly condemned Russia’s role in the bloody conflict,” Durbin’s spokesman Max Gleishman told The Cable.
April 4th, 2012, 1:35 pm
Tara said:
Burak Bekdil Alevi?
April 4th, 2012, 1:44 pm
Uzair8 said:
507. Khalid Tlass
Yes Khalid.
I saw the report of the recapture of the hospital earlier elswhere along with a photo of Lt Tlass draped in a Syrian revolutionary flag.
There seems to be something about him. Something I like. I see in him a real concern for the people. I see in him piety and trustworthiness. Leadership. Previously I had only seen a video of him amongst civilians and they genuinely seemed to love him. A champion of the people. He gives me hope.
Definitely one to watch. Interestingly he is also the nephew of Mustafa Tlass.
I pray that Allah SWT guides and protects Lt Tlass and all revolutionaries from the enemies of the people.
April 4th, 2012, 2:12 pm
Tara said:
Uzair and Khaled
I agree with you. There is definitely something gracious about him.
April 4th, 2012, 2:26 pm
mjabali said:
al-Jazeera has no problem showing dead Syrians everyday for the last year, but they are sensitive to the dead of a European country.
You know that they stopped airing the massacre of the Militant Wahabi Islamist in France so France and Europe do not see the ugly face of their creed.
But the truth can not be hid for long. The other day I was watching a show on al-Arabiyah called the Industry of Death ????? ?????and in it they spoke with some Muslim leaders in France. The first man had a beard with no mustache and the second one has a goatee with no mustache: this means that the nice moderate Islam the North Africans know is getting replaced rapidly with the money of Qatar, Saudi and the like, with the Salafi brand of Islam.
al-Jazeera is not going to block the damaging agenda of the Salafis who as you can see are invading Europe fast.
April 4th, 2012, 2:28 pm
Latif said:
That stupid Oglu can talk as much as he likes. How I wish Turkey make the mistake of entering Syria. They will be humiliated. They only know how to kill innocent farmers in Kurdistan, Gog-Magog scumbags. Not surprised Turkey and the west are together in this. Turkey Gog-Magog, west Dajjal, and the Arab countries that are with them are Qarn Al-Shaytan. The three evils together. Three stooge ideologies. But inshallah when Allah says enough and the time for Muhammad the Second arrives, these countries will bow down in fear of getting destroyed. And hopefully when he does come, I don’t want him to forgive. I want him to destroy all those nations.
I don’t like Bashar Al-Assad and the Baathist fools who are Salafists the First. But I know that these revolutions are simply replacing puppets for puppets. It’s the western plan to bring about a fake “Islamic”-shaped new Middle East, one which would give Israel the preemptive measure to strike its neighbors by claiming “self-defense”, and thereby accomplishing their expansionist agendas. Just watch if (or should I say “when”) Syria and Egypt turn Salafist and begin to pose their fake threats on Israel. Golden opportunity for the Israelis to attack their neighbors, gain land, make neutral zones and those countries will humiliate these nations even more. Right now they’re banking on Assad to fall. But perhaps God is with Syria. He will not let it fall like Egypt has fallen or Libya has fallen.
Israel is banking on getting Sinai and the Golan and possible all of Quneitra. The MB is basically second version of Nasser. Nasser and other so-called Arabists served the same function back then ans MB is doing now.
They tried it in Jordan but failed, thanks to the gumption of the Hahsemites who refused to be seduced into the third-word Socialist system and reed millions of MBs in their country, but instead got the masses of Palestinians some real jobs. Look to Jordan for a clue.
April 4th, 2012, 2:29 pm
Juergen said:
Conspiracy fears in Syria
Foreign powers as a scapegoat
By Jan Kuhlmann
The Arab League has been kept in its “Declaration of Baghdad” against foreign interference in the conflict in Syria. This warning to the West may be understandable historically, politically, it is directed mostly against their own opposition.
Mighty is he who has the most weapons. And who ruthlessly uses them like Bashar al-Assad. The dictator of Damascus has no inhibitions when it comes to oppress his own people.
At least so far, the Syrian army is for him a reliable partner. Just as Russia and China, which let him pass with his bloodbath without batting of an eyelash. Happy is he who can rely on his friends in times of crisis. But it’s not just tanks and partners with whom Assad goes to war. On his side there is also something that could be described as a grand narrative.
A grand narrative – this is a recurring rhetoric, believed by masses of people, without questioning it. It is almost universally true, which gives it enormous power when they sent uses for its own purposes. How does this work, is shown almost in an exemplary way by Bashar Assad.
The grand narrative – it is in Syria, that mainly foreign powers, have turned otherwise satisfied Syrians against their ever caring government.The foreign forces, they want to create chaos, to enforce their own interests, suppress the Syrians and divide the country.
Who are these dark forces, as everyone knows, without having to be called: the U.S., of course, the evil Satan, Israel, the Zionist enemy, and Europe, and the rich Gulf states, which make the imperialist West common cause of TV channel al-Jazeera as a journalistic stooges of politics. It’s conspiracy rhetoric in its purest form.
But it shows its effect. The overthrow of the Assad regime has so far not been successful mainly because important groups in the country are still behind the dictator and his system. You see the Assad clan as a protecting power, acting solely in the interests of the country and Syria saved from disintegration.
The fact that this grand narrative fall into fertile soil and its bloom can be explained mainly from the Arab history. A very good read its the newly published book “The Arabs” of the Oxford historian Eugene Rogan.
The history of the Arab world – especially, tells of how a region has been dominated for centuries by foreign powers. First it was the Ottomans, who ruled from Istanbul. Then came the British and French. Later the Americans. The war against Saddam Hussein after the attacks of 11 September – he confirmed in the eyes of many Arabs, only the evil doings of the dark foreign powers.
One can even understand it.
Since it is not surprising that these grand narrative is also widespread in other Arab countries – Egypt for example. The Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation in Cairo are feeling it, its executives are accused for their alleged activities for democracy with foreign, have financed about illegal funds. Now, we often hear, that only the Egyptians decide over Egypt – and not the foreigners.
So much of this effort which is meant to be independent, it is in the 21 Century out of date if that makes a cooperation across national borders impossible. And it is unacceptable if it is against democracy.
Behind the Cairo process is primarily the work of one minister, who was sitting under the ousted President Mubarak in the Cabinet. Here the old system is fighting against democracy – the old system, which received billions of aid from abroad and which we financed a comfortable life.
The grand narrative – it is powerful. A physical weapon however powerful can not destroy it. Who wants to win in the Syrian conflict, needs to win people’s minds for themselves.
( translated from German)
April 4th, 2012, 2:34 pm
Halabi said:
Thanks Omen. It was a good read. One of my friends is a shabeeh in Aleppo, technically ???? ?????, and he showed me his orders last summer to stand outside a certain mosque after Friday prayers. I don’t think he is a killer and can’t imagine that he would hurt people he knows, but I am sure he gets a kick out of beating people up. (He was violent when we were young and loves guns and military stuff, even though he didn’t serve).
It’s going to be very hard bringing the fighters and killers from both sides back to normal society but it will happen eventually. We just have to survive long enough to see it. True menhebaks, the electronic army, on the other hand, is a lost cause. Their minds are too corrupted with warped histories and conspiracies to be salvaged.
April 4th, 2012, 2:35 pm
Uzair8 said:
517 TARA:
Yes that is the word. Learning about his successful operation and seeing his image, it definitely struck me. I don’t know if I felt like this throughout the revolution, or as strongly. The feeling has lingered for a couple of hours. Perhaps because the need for figures to rally around hasn’t been greater. Of course the Tlass name makes a difference.
I remember when seeing the report and image I immediately thought about using the image elsewhere as an avatar and the name of the battalion as a signature. The reason being that if others who may have doubts about whats happening in Syria and doubts about the FSA then perhaps they can be reassured and won over by Lt Tlass.
Another observation. I’m assuming the Farouq Battalion (Homs) is named after the second Caliph of Islam Umar Farouq (RA). So we have Umar (RA) defending the city of Khalid bin Waleed (RA). If Im correct in early Islam it was Umar (RA) who dismissed Khalid bin Waleed from his post as military general.
Ironically the Shia people don’t like both these personalities (especially the second Caliph).
Anyway. I’m on the periphery. What really matters is what Syrians think.
April 4th, 2012, 2:47 pm
Syria no Kandahar said:
Too bad Aljazera and Tara cant add this to their very accurate list of people
Killed ????? ????? ??????.Khaled Taja in a place where terrorists can’t lie any
More.i quess in the other wold every body is mixed together and people might
Be sitting around a table they refused to sit around here(if they have tables there):
???? ??? ??? ????? ???????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ???? ???? ?????? ?? «?????? ????» ?? ???? ?????? ????? ??? ???? ???? ?? ?????.
???? ??? ?????? ????? ???????? ????? ??? ?? ??? ?? ???? ??? ???? ???? ????? ????? ??? ??????? ?? ?????? ???? ???? ???? ??? ??????? .
??????? ???? ???? ??? ??? ??? ????? ???????? ??? ????? ????? ?? ???? ???? ??????? ???? ?????? ??????? ?????? ??????? ????? ??? 1966 ???? ?????? ?? ??????? ??? ???? ???? ?? ????????? ???????? ??????????? ??? ??? ?????? ?????? ???????: ???????? ??????????? ????? ??????? ????? ?????? ?????? ????? ??????? ???????? ????? ???? ???? ?????? ??????? ???????? ?????? ?? ??????? ???????? ???????????.
April 4th, 2012, 2:49 pm
mjabali said:
It is a shame when a Syrian like you start admiring someone who attacked a hospital. You are a doctor and know what could be in the hospital other than pro Assad elements. Syria is going to hell because of these type of actions.
April 4th, 2012, 2:52 pm
mjabali said:
This “gracious” guy you are admiring attacked a hospital in my country.
You know that al-Assad and his troops are coming and you know the rest.
Here is an observation for you Uzair: al-Faruq battalion is named after the second Caliph Umar who is well known to never be a fighting man. how come? He was never known in battles so how come you name a battalion after someone who has no clue about war?
by the way stop saying you are on the side while you come and throw your poison in this blog. You are not.
April 4th, 2012, 3:02 pm
Syria no Kandahar said:
Being a doctor means nothing, Alzoahri is a doctor who killed 3000 Americans who supports a terrorists movement in Syria.
April 4th, 2012, 3:04 pm
majedkhaldoun said:
Your knowledge of History is very wrong
Omar Ibn Al Khattab was in several battles, stop your wrong ideas please.
April 4th, 2012, 3:09 pm
Jad said:
I agree with your comment about Terrorist News Network of Aljazeera, they have one message to spread ‘Vive La Terrorism, Vive La Mal’
What I find disgusting the most is the
staniscalling for blood and death and glorifying warlords while their own people’s kids are treated like products.There is a disgusting documentary about the issue in Afghanistan, it makes you feel sick to the core and hate yourself being human, its called La Dance Des Garçon Afghan, that is what those radicals want to turn us to, Animals.
April 4th, 2012, 3:12 pm
Uzair8 said:
525. mjabali
‘…attacked a hospital..’
The reports were about liberating a hospital.
‘..never be a fighting man..’
It is absurd to say Umar (RA) wasn’t a ‘fighting man’. Many battalions/brigades have been formed named after famous Companions for inspiration. Btw ‘I’ didn’t name any battalions.
‘…stop saying you are on the side…’
I have to regularly remind myself not to over-post on here or get in the way. I am opinionated but at the same time realise I’m on the periphery.
April 4th, 2012, 3:17 pm
omen said:
441. Ghufran said:
Is not it sad that foreign journalists are more sensible and thoughtful than the Arab ones?
I could have written this article,it summarized the situation very well
you give more weight to dispassionate western analysis, far remove from events on the ground, than you do to desperate cries for help from your own people?
April 4th, 2012, 3:18 pm
omen said:
what happened to the edit function?
i meant to add to the above:
especially from an organ known to defend the interests of the powerful over the weak.
April 4th, 2012, 3:20 pm
Hans said:
individual who is banned more than 5 times a year should not be allowed to post on SC for ever under the same account, given that many try to use many different accounts under different names.
April 4th, 2012, 3:21 pm
omen said:
why is this hospital issue even being debated? the regime is on record as being documented using torture in hospitals:
April 4th, 2012, 3:24 pm
majedkhaldoun said:
You are wrong as usual, you do knot know history, Omar Ibn Alkhattab participated in Uhud Battle and others, please correct your wrong statement
April 4th, 2012, 3:26 pm
mjabali said:
The name al-Faruq came from the day Umar became a Muslim because of its importance, and did not come from his prowess in battles.
???????: ??? ??? ???? ???????
As for how many times did Umar ibn al-Khattab run away from battles here are many links:
In this link Umar running away from battles
Here is a text from al-Bukhari:
???? ??????? ?? ????? ?? ???? ?????? ?? ??? ??? ???? ?????: (???? ???? ?? ??????? ?????? ??? ??? ???? ?????) . ?? ???? ???????.
?? ??? ????? ???: ???? ??? ??? ???? ???? ??? ??? ?? ???????? ????? ????? ?? ???????? ???? ?? ???????? ????? ?? ????? ?????? ?????? ??? ???? ????? ???? ??? ??????? ????? ??? ??????? ?? ????? ?????? ????? ?????? ???? ?????? ?? ??? ?????? ?????? ?? ?????? ?????? ???????? ??????? ???? ???? ???? ?? ?????? ?? ??????? ???? ??: ?? ??? ??????? ???: ??? ????… (???? ???????: 5/101).
So, do you have a different history Mr. Majedkhaldoun?
April 4th, 2012, 3:29 pm
Jad said:
April 4th, 2012, 3:31 pm
omen said:
Halabi, after the regime falls, do you think the idea of holding a truth and reconciliation commission, like was done in south africa and rwanda, would work in syria? could that help heal these rifts?
April 4th, 2012, 3:36 pm
Khalid Tlass said:
Why is a self-professed secularist like yourself throwing out Shia ithna’Ashari arguments about Caliph Omar ? Abd why are you engaging in Shia-Sunni polemics regarding the Sahaba ? Haven’t you yourself proclaimed that you are secular and do not care about narrow religious and sectarian differences ?
yet now you are engaging in polemics about the Sahaba and are insulting our Caliphs ?
Sp what do we conclude ? Either you are not true to your word, or you are Ithna’Ashari and not Alawi, as you claim.
P.S : I am for using stronger words to describe your posting content, but am avoiding it out of respect for Moderator’s wishes and rules.
April 4th, 2012, 3:39 pm
omen said:
reptilian overlords! that always makes me giggle.
April 4th, 2012, 3:40 pm
Tara said:
Tara a doctor?
My knowledge in regard to Aspirin, statin, and vitamin D is common knowledge of the educated health care consumer and does not necessarily reflect a medical training.
It is targeted to a freind of mine to whom I have profound unexplained mental connection. There is a big irony in regard to that subject..
The regime you are defending is documented to have turned the Syrian hospitals into torture centers. You support the regime by not condemning it.
Let me ask you now a real direct question. How is the generic sunni Tara can ever trust the generic Alawi Mjabali going forward after the Assad vanishes? I understand that not all Alawis are with the regime. I understand that they are being rubbed of their Alawitehood.
I understand their fear. I understand the injustice historically fallen upon them. I understand only few have blood in their hands.
I understand that lots of Sunnis have blood on their hands. I understand all that and some more.
I also know that what the generic me is hoping for is a secular democratic state where rights are protected for all. I am trying to discuss the issue at a personal level to a generic Tara… How can we trust you anymore?
April 4th, 2012, 3:43 pm
Uzair8 said:
We can agree to disagree on Lt Tlass. I posted describing my instincts. Just his appearance and demeanor. Notice how I didn’t post about him after seeing the report several hours ago and only responded because Khalid Tlass raised the subject?
About Lt. Abdul Razzaq Tlass, perhaps, as some may say, there appears light (noor) on his face, which is having an affect on some of us.
Btw are the Tlass family descendants of the Prophet (Sallalahu Alaihi Wa Salam) ?
April 4th, 2012, 3:44 pm
majedkhaldoun said:
Obviously you are Shiite, since you quote Shiite version, Umar was in Uhud battle, and was in other battles, go back and read history and correct yourself.
You can google his name
April 4th, 2012, 3:48 pm
jad said:
I agree with you, someone who was banned many times in different blogs in a matter of couple months not even a year for the same reason shouldn’t be allowed to comment any more.
We are already in April, the ban lifting should be over, it was an offer for limited time in March 🙂
April 4th, 2012, 3:49 pm
Khalid Tlass said:
Did you see the video after the National Hospital was liberated ?
That Hospital was not a Hospital, it was captured by Assad forces in October and since then has been used for :
1. Capturing and torturing injured Syrian anti-regimists who came there for treatment
2. Storing dead bodies in the refrigerators.
3. Organ harvesting of dead bodies by Shabbiha
4. Weapons storgage and resting place for Assad forces
5. Sniper nests and firing positions for the shabbiha.
Any building which is used for the above purposes loses any privilege of being a “hospital” in any sense of the term.
Come to admit it, the Hospital was occupied by Assadists, they got kicked out of the Hospital by Abdur Razzaq Tlass and his boys, now FSA in control, and your Tartousi Generals are licking their wounds in their lairs and planning a new massacre of civilans to avenge theur setback.
April 4th, 2012, 3:50 pm
Khalid Tlass said:
It is obvious Mjabali is not a Nusayri, but a pure Ithna’Ashari. A secular Alawi will not be parroting those polemics about Umar al-Farouq (radi’ Allahu anh)
Dr. Khaldoun,
What madhab/ fiqh do you follow ?
April 4th, 2012, 3:53 pm
majedkhaldoun said:
You told us before you are syrian, and against Arab, now we know you are Shiite and from Iran, could you tell us the truth, from what part of Iran are you?
April 4th, 2012, 3:53 pm
majedkhaldoun said:
I am Sunni , Hanafi, but I respect all religions, except the one that permit lying, you call it dissimulation if they lie ,and allow their followers to lie ,then they can not be trusted
April 4th, 2012, 3:58 pm
jad said:
So Khaldoun
What’s wrong with Shia?
You are using it as an accusation, what happened to your ‘morals’? Lost them somewhere?
April 4th, 2012, 3:58 pm
Khalid Tlass said:
Dr. Khaldoun,
It is not necessary he be Iranian, he can be an Iraqi Shi’ite since he has on many occassions expressed his hatred for the Baath Party and Saddam Hussein.
Dr. Khaldoun,
What madhab do you follow ? Do you believe in Wahdat al-Wujood ?
April 4th, 2012, 4:02 pm
Khalid Tlass said:
546. majedkhaldoun said:
I am Sunni , Hanafi, but I respect all religions, except the one that permit lying, you call it dissimulation if they lie ,and allow their followers to lie ,then they can not be trusted”
Thats interesting. Do you think al-Bouti and Hassoun are really Hanafi ?
Also, when you say “lying” you obviosuly mean TAQIYAH.
Also being a Hanafi, do you believe in Wahdat al-Wujood and
that Prophet (saw) is made of Nour ?
April 4th, 2012, 4:05 pm
Uzair8 said:
543. Khalid Tlass
Yes Khalid I did see the video although normally I avoid videos with brutality and graphic images. Looked like fungus ridden corpses in the lorry.
Btw, Khalid tread carefully. Others are calling for your banning although up to #543 you have said nothing to justify such calls.
April 4th, 2012, 4:06 pm
mjabali said:
I do not defend the regime. I am not a fan of the Assad regime. This regime and others are taking Syria to an uncertain future.
As for turning hospitals into torture chambers I doubt that. The Assad men may guard and rough up certain people but torture chambers are in prisons and Security branches buildings. al-Assad had filled Syria with those and he is in no need to turn the hospital to torture chambers. al-Assad and his guys may wait in hospitals to arrest wounded fighter who may come there.
But also, hospitals in Syria are filled any day with normal people who need medical attention. What about those?
AS for trust between Alawis and Sunnis, in my humble opinion, that needs lots of time, work and will from both parties.
You also said the magic word: Secular democratic state. This will protect all citizens. With time and work, Syrians will probably understand each other more. It is not hard to do but you need the will to do it.
al-Assads (father and son) and the traditional Sunni establishment never worked to make people from both sects understand or respect each other.
So, it is up to Tara and Mjabali and the rest of Syrians to make this work, otherwise Syria is going to be divided.
April 4th, 2012, 4:06 pm
Alan said:
Ex-employee: Al Jazeera provided Syrian rebels with satphones
Damascus confirms adherence to Annan`s peace plan – diplomat
Syrian Tsunami
The Syrian opposition is unable to defeat the government forces even if it is armed to the teeth. All those who dissuade the opposition members from coming into contact with the official authorities are risking outside intervention and bomb attacks. Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said as much speaking before the students at the Moscow State University branch in Baku.
The audience bombarded the Russian minister with questions which dealt with both the international agenda and his personal life.
Naturally, the present-day developments in the Middle East and in North Africa were in the focus of attention. In Syria the world community is doing its utmost to offer help in the settlement of the conflict between official Damascus and the opposition. The plan that was worked out by the UN / LAS Joint Special Envoy Kofi Annan has already been adopted. Before April 10th the authorities should begin pulling out the troops from the Syrian cities, and the opposition members should follow their example in 48 hours at the minimum. As you know, the Western countries and also some Arab states are conducting a dialogue only with those who are against President Assad. For its part, Moscow favours contacts with both the Syrian government and the opposition, Sergei Lavrov told the students.
“It is necessary to work with everyone and to do whatever is possible to persuade them that we want to help the people in Syria resolve their problems. The majority of Western partners and some Arab countries are trying to talk the Syrians out of entering the dialogue with the authorities. And this means only one thing: that a solution to the problem can be found only through the use of force. As I said before, it is absolutely clear that the opposition even if it is armed to the teeth will not defeat the Syrian army. Hence, the involvement of outside forces and bomb attacks remain a possibility. And this is a provocative way. Syria is a multi-confessional and a multi-ethnic country – in other words, the hottest spot in the Middle East. Thus, a tsunami may follow as a result.”
As regards the opposition members, the events in Libya are a good example. The UN Mandate on Libya was abused by the West, the Russian minister said. As a result, Libya is facing many problems now: skirmishes between various groups continue and the problem concerning the spread of arms, including anti-aircraft systems, has not been settled yet. The “Libyan scenario” is convincing evidence that settling conflicts by means of force is inadmissible in the modern world.
Those in Baku paid paramount attention to Lavrov’s statement. Nearly 50 per cent of questions concerned Nagorno-Karabakh. Over the past few years the number of thorny issues between Armenia and Azerbaijan has decreased.
“I believe that the lack of mutual trust prevents them fulfilling the final agreements. This is a very important psychological barrier. I believe that the meetings President Medvedev holds with his Azeri and Armenian counterparts are helpful in overcoming this barrier. Russia, the USA and France that are acting as the three co-chairmen of the OSCE Minsk Group are ready to seal any settlement by international guarantees, including the presence of observers and peacekeepers in the region.”
The talk with the students in Baku proved serious. But of course, they showed a great deal of interest not only in the political events. Asked how he spent his spare time, Lavrov said that he liked rafting and alpine skiing.
April 4th, 2012, 4:09 pm
majedkhaldoun said:
I ,just like you
April 4th, 2012, 4:09 pm
jad said:
Mutual feeling Majed!
For the lovely radicals we have today on SC, enjoy the new Homs, where the science-haters terrorists turn schools into detention centers and slaughter house..I guess this is no problem for any the Stan region.
????? ??????? ????????? ?? ??? 4-4-2012
April 4th, 2012, 4:09 pm
Khalid Tlass said:
You did not answer my question, do you believe in Wahdat al-Wujood ?
April 4th, 2012, 4:14 pm
Uzair8 said:
Just seen this in AJE Syria blog comment section (popular now):
‘Deputy minister of finance defects from his post in Damascus, arrives in Turkey with his family.
48 minutes ago.’
Also this:
‘Minister of Communications and Technology Emad Abdul-Ghani Sabouni announces his defection as he arrives in Turkey amid a wave of the highest level regime defections yet. In his statement denouncing the regime for its handling of the crisis, Abdul-Ghani Sabouni said he expects many more defections very soon.
44 minutes ago’
April 4th, 2012, 4:16 pm
Khalid Tlass said:
Do not fall for the flowery words of MJABALI.
He is doing Taqiyah. Google Taqiyah and see what it means. He is pretending to be moderate and against the regime. But sometimes, when he is angry and frustrated, his real self comes out : sectarian, anti-Sunni, and he even threatened that “Assad men are coming”. LOL. He is really not at all secular,otherwise he wouldn;t have insulted our caliph Omar.
April 4th, 2012, 4:17 pm
jad said:
You may need to check this, it’s showing brain wash at work between the armed ignorant:
???? ?? ????? ?? ??? ??????? ?????? ????? 3-4-2012
April 4th, 2012, 4:20 pm
Alan said:
????? ???? ??????? ??? ?????? ??????? ??? 10 ?????
“????? ?????”
???? ????? ??????? ???????? ?????? ???????? ???????? ??? ????????? ?? ???? ???????? ?????? ???? ?????? ???? ????? ?? 10 ?????/????? ??????.
???? ????? ???? ???????? ??????? ??? ?? ?????? ?? ???? ???? ???????? ?????? ??????? ?? ????? ?????? ?? ????? ????.
????? ?? ???? ????????? ?? ????? ???????? ??????? ?????? ??????? ?? ?????? ?? ???????? ??????? ?? ????? ??? ????? ?? ?????.
???? ???? ???????? ?????? ????? ?????? ?? ??? ???? ?? ????? ????????? ?? ????? ????? ???? ???? ?? ???????? ???????? ????? ??? “???? ??????? (????? ???????? ???????) ????? ???? ?? ??????? ??? ????? ??????”.
??? ??? ?????? ??? ??????? ?????? “????? ????? ??? ??????? ????? ???? ???? ????? ????? ???????? ???????”? ????? ?? ????? ???? ??? ????? ?? ???? ?????? ???????.
April 4th, 2012, 4:21 pm
Khalid Tlass said:
That Hospital was not a Hospital, it was captured by Assad forces in October and since then has been used for :
1. Capturing and torturing injured Syrian anti-regimists who came there for treatment
2. Storing dead bodies in the refrigerators.
3. Organ harvesting of dead bodies by Shabbiha
4. Weapons storgage and resting place for Assad forces
5. Sniper nests and firing positions for the shabbiha.
Any building which is used for the above purposes loses any privilege of being a “hospital” in any sense of the term.
Come to admit it, the Hospital was occupied by Assadists, they got kicked out of the Hospital by Abdur Razzaq Tlass and his boys, now FSA in control, and the bloodthirsty Tartousi Generals are licking their wounds in their lairs and planning a new massacre of civilans to avenge theur setback.
April 4th, 2012, 4:21 pm
Alan said:
Jad ! for U
April 4th, 2012, 4:25 pm
mjabali said:
al-Bukhari is not a Shia. Also, try to refute what they said and do not dismiss it just because Shia are parroting it.
I am waiting on you and Khaled Tlass to come up with texts to refute what I said.
Khaled Tlass:
We live in the 21st C., and now we should be able to discuss matters related to history with an open mind. If you want to use any type of language that would reflect what you can come up with.
April 4th, 2012, 4:25 pm
jad said:
Could you please put KT comments into moderation, seriously!
What crap is that in 557!!!
April 4th, 2012, 4:29 pm
mjabali said:
Let Khaled Tlass post whatever he wants. That is his right. You notice what type of logic he is bringing to this blog.
Khlaed Tlass:
Syria so far witnessed actions and reactions, so, when FSA’s al-Faruq Brigade attacks the hospital and this becomes major news you know what is coming next. You do not need that much brain to predict this.
April 4th, 2012, 4:38 pm
Khalid Tlass said:
This is what a small Syrian town of less than 20,000 people looks like when not occupied by Assad forces –
Al-Boukamal, Deirezzor Province (right on the Iraqi border)
April 4th, 2012, 4:39 pm
Tara said:
I will reply later. Have to take 3 “fake” children for ice cream.
I am surprised you are still talking to me. I was mean to you and I regret it, then you get on my nerve again so I get mean again and then regret it again. You are entitled to your opinion as long as you are not an infiltrator. I just do not agree with your views and I eally am not mean..
In a salafi government you envision to have, am I going to be forced to cover my hair? What if I don’t comply?
April 4th, 2012, 4:42 pm
jad said:
KT is not even Syrian, so with his ridiculous sectarian comments he is giving all of us bad rep, not that we don’t have Syrians with the same ‘lovely’ mentality of him on SC, however, we defiantly don’t need more of those.
Just ugly comments and they affect the whole conversation to go south and toward one subject.
Moderation is the least of what this person deserve, if not banning forever from commenting on SC, they did it in 7ee6an 4 times already, why not SC?
April 4th, 2012, 4:43 pm
jad said:
I’m glad that your imagination is developing, going from one to 3, Mabrouk 🙂
April 4th, 2012, 4:44 pm
Khalid Tlass said:
Again, ya Jabali, why are you bringing up al Bukhari ?
You yourself claimed that you are secular and do not want to be involved in narrow religious and sectarian fights,
YET you are repeatedly engaging into discussions about our Ahadith with the aim of insulting our Caliphs,
If you are really secular you should stay away from these religious discussions, if you were really secular you will have no interest in Omar bin Khattab(ra) and Sahih al-Bukhari.
So tell the truth, you hate Omar bin Kahttab and Khalid ibn al Waleed bcz they kicked the Pheonicians and Byzantines’ ass.
And if you still insist on getting into quarrels about our Sahaba and our religious beliefs,
May I speak about the fake Hidden Imam “Mahdi” who is supposed to be hiding in a Mosque in Samara2, Iraq ?
Or should I speak about MUTA marriage ?
Or how Iran was converted to Shi’ism by the sword of the Safawiyoun ?
Or should I speak about the terrorists who bombed the Iraqi Embassy in Beirut in 1981 which kiled 200 innoccent people and also killed Balqis al-Rawi, the wife of Nizar Qabbani ?
So better not engage in these narrow sectarian quarrels.
April 4th, 2012, 4:47 pm
Alan said:
CrossTalk: Arab Spring Break
Does the growing popularity of the Muslim Brotherhood mean the Arab Spring may see its end very soon? Since the Brotherhood has chosen to field a presidential candidate, does it have a good chance of winning? Will it be able to fix the country’s economy? And could the Muslim Brotherhood protect the minorities? CrossTalking with Nabila Ramdani, Oren Kessler and Alyssa Lappen.
April 4th, 2012, 4:53 pm
Khalid Tlass said:
564.MJABALI said:
“Khlaed Tlass:
Syria so far witnessed actions and reactions, so, when FSA’s al-Faruq Brigade attacks the hospital and this becomes major news you know what is coming next. You do not need that much brain to predict this”
One week ago you were predicting something big for the killing of 15 Shabbeh in a village by the FSA near al-Qusayr.
Listen, the Syrian people are fed up with all these mean threats and have seen enough massacres and enough threats, so nothing scares them anymore. Half of Homs has been flattened already and more than 2000 Homs people killed in last 2 months, so can;t see what they are scared of.
April 4th, 2012, 4:54 pm
Khalid Tlass said:
Who were the terrorists who bombed the Iraqi Embassy in Beirut in 1981 which kiled 200 innoccent people and also killed Balqis al-Rawi, the wife of Nizar Qabbani ?
Every Arab should know about this incident and who caused it.
April 4th, 2012, 4:55 pm
Alan said:
[RT News]
‘Pentagon freaks creep into China’s backyard’
April 4th, 2012, 4:56 pm
Syria no Kandahar said:
Just heard on Aljazera that the cleaning guy for minster of education has defected
To Turkey.Any one can confirm that?
April 4th, 2012, 4:59 pm
mjabali said:
Khaled Tlass:
Anytime anyone try to discuss anything related to Islam people try to silence them? Till when?
I am not a Shia so discussing their matters with me does not serve your purpose. So play another one.
April 4th, 2012, 5:00 pm
Khalid Tlass said:
566. TARA said :
“In a Salafi government you envision to have, am I going to be forced to cover my hair? What if I don’t comply?”
I used to be much more moderate before 2011, trust me. The hatred I saw made me hate even more.
In my version of Salafi Govt, Islamization will be very gradual. No, we will not force anyone to cover their hair in public, but we will teach little girls in school that it is always better to cover your hair. Basically we will Islamise the population starting with the younger generation. We will not force adult people who are already used to their lifestyle to change it.
Ours is a long-term plan.
During the Ottomans’ time, all the women of Syria used to cover themselves, unveiling as a practice was introduced by the French and later spread by the Nasserists and Baathists.
So veiling is natural for Syria. Even during pre-Islamic times women used to veil themsleves in Syria and Iraq.
April 4th, 2012, 5:00 pm
omen said:
lessons from the former maldives president recently toppled in a coup:
April 4th, 2012, 5:00 pm
jad said:
An article about the existing of armed groups as early as April in the Syrian protests:
Surprise Video Changes Syria “Timeline”
Of all the myths obstructing the honest portrayal of events in Syria this past year, none has been more fiercely guarded by regime-change advocates than this one stark falsehood:
Myth – the Syrian regime has only been shooting unarmed, peaceful protestors until very recently when opposition groups finally decided to arm themselves in self-defense.
On the contrary, there is clear evidence that armed groups have targeted and killed security forces and civilians from within weeks of the first small protests in March 2011. An earlier investigative piece I wrote on the Syrian casualty lists identifies the shooting deaths of nine Syrian soldiers in Banyas on April 10, 2011 as one important timeline marker for premeditated opposition violence.
Ignoring this vital piece of information about the security landscape has helped shape a fundamentally flawed narrative of events in Syria. Furthermore, this false storyline has directly contributed to the escalation of the crisis by inciting rage against the “one-sided” violence of the regime, and emboldening opponents with a misplaced “righteousness” that kills legitimate debate on Syria.
But this narrative has been unraveling in the past few months. Photos and video footage of armed men with heavy weapons proudly declaring their stripes – some of them religious extremists advocating the killing of civilians based on sectarian differences – have been recently making the rounds.
Jihadist web chatter about armed groups in Syria, suicide bombings in Damascus and Aleppo, and now Al Qaeda’s “call to battle” have forced western pundits – who know a red line when they see one – to grudgingly acknowledge there are two sides in Syria’s violent tug of war.
Quite suddenly, this has forced a shift in the discourse on Syria. Regime opponents have taken care, however, to ensure that the new narrative incorporates the existence of armed groups without challenging the core premise that “the regime massacres peaceful protestors.”
This effectively means that armed opposition can only be introduced into the Syrian crisis “timeline” at a date long after the outbreak of protests.
Consequently, it is only in early 2012 that references to armed militias have trickled into the media marketplace – and always in the context of a carefully scripted storyline which misleadingly claims – as in this February New York Times opinion piece: “the resistance” has only “now begun to arm itself and to exercise self-defense.”
Here’s why I think Ali Hashem’s video footage needs an airing. It is time for a wholesale reevaluation of the facts in the Syrian crisis – beginning on day one, from the ground up, without any of the old assumptions that inhibit investigation outside of the bad-guy-good-guy theme. Maybe there aren’t any good guys in Syria? Or maybe the crisis in Syria is less about Syrians than it is about the geopolitical aspirations of others? We will only know this more decisively if we scroll back to Hashem’s April 2011 timeline to find out who hijacked the peaceful protests in Syria. Was it the regime – or the regime-changers? Unless we trace this back to the beginning, any step forward will be proceeding deaf, dumb and blind in Syria.
Sharmine Narwani is a commentary writer and political analyst covering the Middle East.
April 4th, 2012, 5:03 pm
Khalid Tlass said:
“Anytime anyone try to discuss anything related to Islam people try to silence them? Till when?
I am not a Shia so discussing their matters with me does not serve your purpose. So play another one.”
Do not provoke people’s religious beliefs, it is one of the first lessons of peaceful coexistence.
If you are not Shia WHY are you bringing up the topic of Omar ibn al-Khattab and sahih al Bukhari ? What interest do you have in it ? Why are you not bringing up any other Companion of the Prophet ? Why Umar ?
You still haven’t answered me, who were the people who bombed the Iraqi Embassy in Beirut in 1981, that killed 200 innoccent people and also Balqis al-Rawi, the wife of Nizar Qabbani ?
April 4th, 2012, 5:05 pm
jad said:
I can’t confirm that, but I read that in Turkey they have a severe shortage of janitors, that may explain it.
April 4th, 2012, 5:05 pm
omen said:
halabi: True menhebaks, the electronic army, on the other hand, is a lost cause.
let me guess…menhebaks is another word for brown noser.
April 4th, 2012, 5:10 pm
omen said:
halabi: True menhebaks, the electronic army, on the other hand, is a lost cause. Their minds are too corrupted with warped histories and conspiracies to be salvaged.
let me guess…menhebaks is another word for br0wn-n0ser.
April 4th, 2012, 5:13 pm
mjabali said:
Khaled Tlass:
I am not provoking people’s religious beliefs when I discuss Umar Ibn al-Khattab especially when there is a group carrying his name operating in my country Syria in the current time.
You are the one who is provoking us Syrians from day one.
April 4th, 2012, 5:14 pm
omen said:
mic check – why aren’t my posts showing?
i can’t say menhebaks? but other people are!
April 4th, 2012, 5:14 pm
omen said:
halabi: It’s going to be very hard bringing the fighters and killers from both sides back to normal society but it will happen eventually. We just have to survive long enough to see it. True menhebaks, the electronic army, on the other hand, is a lost cause. Their minds are too corrupted with warped histories and conspiracies to be salvaged.
is menhebaks another word for br0wn n0ser?
April 4th, 2012, 5:15 pm
SC Moderation said:
I want to push a button to decide where the line of insult, personal attack, provocation and other needless crap is.
If commentators had an up or down vote on all these items, would you vote green thumb up to release them all from the dungeon, or vote red thumb down to keep them there?
With such contempt for each other, where do the Syrians on this board decide whether to censor or let debate flow as it shall … ?
[email protected]
April 4th, 2012, 7:04 pm
Alan said:
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April 4th, 2012, 5:18 pm
Khalid Tlass said:
Can Bashar put up as brave a face as this when his Republican Guard and 4th and 3rd Division face endgame in Damascus ( hypothetically) ?
9th April, 2003, Baghdad :
April 4th, 2012, 5:23 pm
Khalid Tlass said:
You still avoided the question :
Who were the people who bombed the Iraqi Embassy in Beirut in 1981, that killed 200 innoccent people and also Balqis al-Rawi, the wife of Nizar Qabbani ?
April 4th, 2012, 5:24 pm
Alan said:
Syria: For the UK, it is urgent to do nothing
The House of Commons Library is supposed to provide completely “impartial advice and analysis” to Members of the UK Parliament and their staff. The least that one can say is that this debriefing on the crisis in Syria after 12 months of unrest is somewhat general and vague.
After examining the different types of sanctions inflicted on Syria, the report observes that no external intervention is possible because of Russia’s and China’s adamancy to abide by international law at the Security Council and Syria’s capacity to militarily enforce the sovereignty of its territory.
While acknowledging that the information is difficult to verify, the report embraces the view commonly prevailing in the media and among Western foreign offices and the Gulf States regarding the situation on the ground, and the tone is even more restrained when it comes to addressing the possible actions to be envisaged.
The Kingdom will content itself with sending food aid to the population and supporting the rehabilitation of certain public infrastructure that was damaged, including the distribution of drinking water.
Remaining particularly vague and based on articles picked at random rather than on intelligence reports, the HCL report leaves one to imagine that Great Britain is feigning belief in NATO’s version, but that she is actually convinced it is urgent to wait and move on to another case.
This report is moreover an excellent snapshot, consensual and politically correct, of the dominant official view among politicians and the media of the aligned countries, constituting a far cry from ground reality.
April 4th, 2012, 5:25 pm
omen said:
mjabali: As for turning hospitals into torture chambers I doubt that. The Assad men may guard and rough up certain people but torture chambers are in prisons and Security branches buildings. al-Assad had filled Syria with those and he is in no need to turn the hospital to torture chambers. al-Assad and his guys may wait in hospitals to arrest wounded fighter who may come there.
did you miss my post at 3:24? the UN documented the regime using torture in hospitals.
he is in no need to turn the hospital to torture chambers.
this kind of reasoning assumes the regime is rational! assad has no need to do any of the mayhem and butchering he is employing, but he does it anyways because he and those in power are insane.
you claim not to be a fan of the regime but you make plenty of excuses for it.
April 4th, 2012, 5:36 pm
Uzair8 said:
565. Syria no Kandahar said:
“Just heard on Aljazera that the cleaning guy for minster of education has defected
To Turkey.Any one can confirm that?”
Lol..very funny.
In #551 I did mention it was from the comment section. Of course it was unverified and we need to wait for confirmation. I posted it because, firstly, it sounded significant and, secondly, there didn’t appear any questioning/corrections from other senior commentors there(for an hour or so). I checked to make sure it wasn’t posted by a pro-regime troll.
Just before coming across the reports/comments I was thinking of posting a Syria related comment on here to steer the discussion back to syria from the off-topic issue. That is one reason why I posted the ‘reports’.
Perhaps I should’ve posed it as a question and asked if there was any truth to these reports. It could be that a SC user or silent reader may know more and confirm or rubbish a ‘report’.
Btw, if these reports are true, the regime will have to put all deputy ministers under house arrest.
April 4th, 2012, 5:39 pm
Antoine said:
It maybe true Uzair, lately, AJE Live Blog and other Syria related Live Blogs have become very lousy and report an incident 2-3 hours after it happened.
April 4th, 2012, 5:49 pm
majedkhaldoun said:
Sorry i have to go for a while
Yes I do believe in Wahdet Al Wujood
This is a philosophy that I thought about it and believe it
Jad said
Mutual feeling , Majed
No Jad I am much better, you dont even come close.
Yes you are Shiite, stop avoiding the truth, and your attack on Umar can only comes from persian Shiite, desecnt people tell the truth.
Umar was in Uhud battle , you google him and you will find that he was, Umar never was afraid of anyone except God,Mouhammad said if there was a prophet after me it would have been Umar Ibn AlKhattab
Your claim is Shiite claim, can only comes from Abu Lu2lu2a the second.
Saying what you said, disqualify you, and all what you say, should not be believed anymore, what a shame.
April 4th, 2012, 5:49 pm
Alan said:
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April 4th, 2012, 6:03 pm
omen said:
unprincipled spoiled sycophants for the regime mock honest laborers. why am i not surprised.
April 4th, 2012, 6:09 pm
Tara said:
I so much agree with you. People who mock hardworking laborers deserve nothing but contempt. They are usually the novo rich.
April 4th, 2012, 6:21 pm
jad said:
In the last couple weeks, many in Germany are questioning Syria and the ‘reporters’ real stories, as usual, if the German media start to talk about something fishy, the rest of Europe will follow soon, here is the clip:
Aufgedeckt – Die Schauspieler von Syrien
The clip is talking about how fake the reporters are and how the TV channels in German even the respected ones are publishing those stuff, and that this reporter (khaled) is not the only one, there are many examples of him.
I know that it’s not related to Syria but one of the biggest debates in Germany today is about a famous German poet who wrote a poem called ‘What must be said’ criticizing Israel and defend Iran.
Please use Google translator to get the story, it’s interesting to see how criticizing israel in any way is still a taboo even in one of the most democratic country of the world.
April 4th, 2012, 6:27 pm
jad said:
“People who mock hardworking laborers deserve nothing but contempt.”
What about those who curse others as ‘peasants’, what do we call them?
April 4th, 2012, 6:31 pm
Tara said:
In case you have not grasped the concept yet, “peasants” is used as deragatory qualifier to describe uncivil people including the novo rich. It has nothing to do with the farming business.
Where is SS? I bought a real orange tree to be raised indoor (at least that is the premise). I am so excited about it. I always always wanted to raise an orang tree. If it stays alive, I will get a …lemon tree.
April 4th, 2012, 6:42 pm
jad said:
“novo rich”, you mean nouveau riche?
I see, because the first time ‘some’ ‘one’ use it on SC it was meant to describe the Alawites.
I’m glad to know that Tara is not one of those bad bad people who call others ‘peasants’ 🙂
April 4th, 2012, 6:49 pm
jad said:
If I’m an American, German, Iranian, Israeli or Iraqi, can people call me Syrian?
BTW, in your mission of changing the world vocabulary, you left these two out:
-reptilian overlords! that always makes me giggle.
-is menhebaks another word for br0wn n0ser?
April 4th, 2012, 6:55 pm
Tara said:
Nouveau riche is nicer than novo rich. It sounds French (oh-la-la.)
No. Tara will continue to use the word peasant as is, a derogatory qualifier to describe people who degrade or commit atrocious acts against other people. May be with a disclaimer: “no offense to real peasants”
April 4th, 2012, 6:57 pm
jad said:
While on it you may need to change the Webster dictionary
And you missed this out of your lovely list
-reptilian overlords! that always makes me giggle.
Good luck in your ‘holy’ mission against the ‘peasants’.
April 4th, 2012, 6:59 pm
irritated said:
#570 Khaled Tlass
“So veiling is natural for Syria. Even during pre-Islamic times women used to veil themsleves in Syria and Iraq.”
Let’s go back to pre-islamic, it sounds much more jolly than what you propose for Syria, there was gambling, drinking and lots of fun venerating naked idols.
A detail: Black, white or colorful veil?
April 4th, 2012, 7:03 pm
irritated said:
#573 Khaled Tlass
“Who were the terrorists who bombed the Iraqi Embassy in Beirut in 1981?”
It was proved to be an explosion of a butagaz while the embassy cook was preparing a hot biryani.
April 4th, 2012, 7:12 pm
Uzair8 said:
In hyancite I could have left out the following sentence in #522:
‘Ironically the Shia people don’t like both these personalities (especially the second Caliph).’
In sharing an observation, if I felt it necessary to include that sentence for context and pointing out symbolism then I could have replaced ‘Shia people’ with something like ‘some muslims’. The indirect approach may have avoided provoking anyone. I apologise for any provocation.
Sometimes one spots a pattern or symbolism and wants to share.
April 4th, 2012, 7:13 pm
jna said:
557. Uzair8said:
(…)‘Minister of Communications and Technology Emad Abdul-Ghani Sabouni announces his defection as he arrives in Turkey(…)”
Any news source yet or is it more disinformation?
April 4th, 2012, 7:13 pm
Uzair8 said:
@609 JNA.
Nothing yet although my sources are limited. Anyone here heard anything on arab social networks?
If it helps, the two comments (defections) have recieved 15 and 20 likes.
Anyway the regime hasn’t denied it yet 😀
April 4th, 2012, 7:37 pm
omen said:
you should post your stash every day!
mine were the ones about m3nheb@k. i really did want an cultural explanation of it, as well as being a dig.
April 4th, 2012, 7:39 pm
Halabi said:
Omen – I think there will be some kind of reconciliation process after Assad is gone and the chaos is contained. If Assad is able to stay in power and somehow crush the revolution, there will be no process. Lots of people will be jailed and then Bashar will come out with victory speech No. XX and say khilsit. His father came out months after Hama and said: “what happened in Hama has happened.” That’s it. I’m sure Bashar will slur his way through a longer speech.
Moderator: why are my comments being held back? I contribute rarely and keep it clean – if I am banned for some reason please let me know. I understand using words like menhebak, a term that regime supporters use in their chants and wear as a badge of honor, makes the pro-Assad crowd look silly, but it pales in comparison to the relentless, sectarian attack on the revolution.
April 4th, 2012, 7:46 pm
omen said:
ooh, cool button.
April 4th, 2012, 7:50 pm
Tara said:
“Comment does not reflect Official Iranian foreign policy”… I thought Iranians are more man-ly than this. Afraid of taking responsibility of what Borujerdi said?
Ankara summons Iran envoy over Syria conference remarks
(AFP) – 4 hours ago
ANKARA — Turkey’s foreign ministry summoned the Iranian ambassador Wednesday over remarks by a top offical in Tehran denouncing an international conference on the Syria crisis held in Istanbul.
The move came as Iran said it no longer wanted Turkey to host nuclear talks, and followed comments made by Iranian parliament speaker Ali Larijani critical of Ankara for staging the “Friends of Syria” conference.
“We summoned Iranian envoy today to demand an explanation on the remarks,” Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu told a press conference, without specifically naming Larijani.
He also said he had contacted Iranian Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi on Tuesday to express Ankara’s dismay at the comments that “obviously contradicted the deep-rooted relations” between the two countries.
Salehi said the comments did not reflect official Iranian foreign policy, Davutoglu told reporters, noting that Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan met Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad last week in Tehran for talks held “in respect and mutual understanding”.
However, Iran’s about-face on Istanbul as the venue for planned April 13 international talks on its nuclear drive suggests it is annoyed with Turkey over its stance on Syria, the Islamic republic’s main ally in the Middle East.
“Taking into account the extremist and illogical position of Turkey on Syria and the recent conference on Syria, Turkey has de facto lost any competence to host the meeting,” Aladin Borujerdi, the head of the Iranian parliament’s foreign affairs commission, said on Iranian television Wednesday.
April 4th, 2012, 7:54 pm
Ghufran said:
Israeli press is not impressed with the FSA
April 4th, 2012, 8:09 pm
majedkhaldoun said:
What we realy need,is discuss current crisis, not attack a religion, but when someone attack my religion, I have to defend it, it is just like personal attack.
Also naming religion is not insult, it is the name of the religion, and what they believe in
Also, Bukhari talked in his book about Ahadiths only, anything that is not Hadith is not in the original Bukhari book, it was added by someone for his own purpose, and should not be claimed that Bukhari said it, I have Bukhari book, and the story that was mentioned is added by evil writer, fabrication must not be a way of discussion.
It is well documented that NON MUSLEMS made changes to Quraan and this is now taught in some areas in the Middle East, and it is a fact that some countries are jealous that the prophet came in Arabia, and with Arabic language, and that is why some countries are adding and changing, and in fact they even change the interpretation of Quraan, as in the end of Souret Al Israa they changed the meaning in a very strange way one can only laugh at their interpretation.
April 4th, 2012, 8:11 pm
omen said:
Ghufran 8:09
please, for months and months libya rebels were routinely mocked for their lack of experience. we know how that story ended.
April 4th, 2012, 8:18 pm
Dale Andersen said:
Memo To: TARA
RE: “…I thought Iranians are more manly…”
Some are. In fact, some Persians are so manly, they refuse to touch a woman for fear they will end up gay. Sad but true. This is why wrestling is so popular in Iran.
April 4th, 2012, 8:22 pm
omen said:
although this poster on another board inadvertently explained for me why it unlikely the FSA will receive anti tank weaponry they’ve been pleading for:
i doubt the US will forward weapons to the rebels anything the israelis would object to.
perhaps they can procure this from qatar.
April 4th, 2012, 8:23 pm
zoo said:
In line with the new media trend, another tough criticism of the opposition.
Syria’s Opposition in Exile Plagued by Infighting
By Viktoria Kleber in Istanbul
The Syrian National Council claims to represent the uprising in Syria. But while rebels in the country continue to die at the hands of Bashar Assad’s troops, the different factions in the opposition in exile compete for positions and influence.
Chandeliers cast a shimmering, golden light over red leather sofas and the flag of the Syrian opposition hung in the lobby, when the Syrian National Council (SNC) met early last week at the Green Park Hotel on Istanbul’s waterfront. Members of the Syrian opposition in exile, wearing suits and ties, hurried into the hotel past a tired-looking young man — a man no one had invited and no one was eager to ask in.
As the conference participants handed over their smartphones at security and chatted about the endless rounds of conferences (“First America, now Istanbul, next week Hamburg, then Sydney, so many appointments, you know?”) the uninvited guest asked in a quiet voice to be allowed in.
April 4th, 2012, 8:25 pm
irritated said:
#616 Ghufran
“Israeli press is not impressed with the FSA”
who is?
April 4th, 2012, 8:27 pm
Ghufran said:
This is a very interesting video
Zuhair Alsiddiq and Haytham Almaleh
April 4th, 2012, 8:31 pm
Ghufran said:
???? ????? ??????? ?? ???? ??????????? ???????? ???? ?? ?????? “?????? ???????? ???? ??????? ?????? ??????? ?? ????” ???? ??????. ???? ?????? ?????? ?? ?????? ?????? ??????? ??? ??? ?????????
http://www.shamlife.com/?page=show_det&select_page=9&id=21540 ]
This will become a real story if the man is not released
April 4th, 2012, 8:35 pm
Tara said:
London 2012 – Syrians ‘don’t want to take part’
Wed, 04 Apr 04:00:00 2012
Abdelbasset Saroot, the former Syria international goalkeeper, has said his country’s athletes do not want to compete in this year’s London Olympics because “they don’t want to play for a flag that they have no pride or faith in”.
In an interview with ITV News, 20-year-old Saroot said: “I personally know the majority of the athletes don’t want to take part and they are only going (out of) fear (for) their families – the regime repercussions if they don’t comply.”
Saroot, whose country failed to qualify for this summer’s Olympic soccer tournament after a 2-1 defeat by Uzbekistan last month, is a supporter of the anti-government protests in Syria.
“My message as a footballer, athlete and activist first of all is that we are seeing a real massacre here and the world isn’t speaking except of numbers and death tolls.
“These are real people, this is a massacre because people are being butchered, people in the world have forgotten about the humanitarian crisis – houses are being demolished.”
April 4th, 2012, 8:39 pm
omen said:
when you lose the footballers, you’ve lost the country.
April 4th, 2012, 8:53 pm
Ghufran said:
??????? ??????? ?????? ?????? ???? ????
April 4th, 2012, 8:56 pm
majedkhaldoun said:
Who will protect the international observers while in duty in Syria?
FSA may have to do it
April 4th, 2012, 8:58 pm
omen said:
578. Khalid Tlass said:
During the Ottomans’ time,
this is 2012, not yester-millennium.
what’s the difference between foreign imperialism and gender imperialism?
April 4th, 2012, 9:03 pm
irritated said:
628. majedkhaldoun said:
“Who will protect the international observers while in duty in Syria?
FSA may have to do it”
They complain they have no ammunitions…
April 4th, 2012, 9:06 pm
Ghufran said:
??? ?? ?? ????? ????
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??????? ??????? ??????? ????? ?? ?????? ??????? ???????? ?????? .
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?????? ??????? ??????? ????? ???? ???????? ?? ??????? ????? ??? ?????? ???? ?????? ??? ????? ????? ??? ????? ????? ??????? .
April 4th, 2012, 9:08 pm
Mawal95 said:
MINA #447 said: “It is pretty clear that the regime is (and has been) committing atrocities against political dissenters”.
I challenge MINA to provide video evidence to support that statement.
I assert the regime is NOT and has NOT committed atrocities against political dissenters. Here once again is a reiteration of some of my support for this assertion. I challenge MINA or any body else to argue against what I’m saying here.
April 4th, 2012, 9:18 pm
Mawal95 said:
Lavrov, 4 apr 2012: It is crystal clear that the opposition would not defeat Syrian Army even if the opposition were armed to the teeth. http://www.sana.sy/eng/22/2012/04/04/410469.htm . That’s what I think too!
Lavrov, 3 apr 2012: “Russia strives for a full implementation of Kofi Annan’s peace plan and works with the Syrian government on a daily basis.” http://twitter.com/#!/MFA_Russia
Deputy Foreign Minister Ryabkov, 3 apr 2012: “The U.S. and the EU use sanctions as amulets against evil spirits because they have no rational approach to the situation.” He was speaking of Iran but the same is true of Syria. http://twitter.com/#!/MFA_Russia
Thank you Russia for your well-informed and rational thinking.
April 4th, 2012, 9:23 pm
zoo said:
Al-Shatar’s nomination and the dangerous possibilities
By Emad El Din Adeeb
Egypt has once again taken a step towards the furnace of bloody clashes!
The Muslim Brotherhood’s nomination of the engineer Khairat al-Shatar for president has brought the political situation as a whole in the country near to an explosion, which will (unfortunately) only end with clashes on the street.
The nomination, which was announced a few days ahead of the deadline, will lead to several complex outcomes in several directions, which can be summarized as follows:
1. The nomination of engineer al-Shatar will cause the votes within the Islamist current to fragment and be spread between the five main candidates: Dr. Mohammad Salim Al-Awa, Dr. Abdel Moneim Aboul Fotouh, Sheikh Hazem Salah Abu Ismail, Professor Bassem Khafaji and finally engineer al-Shatar.
2. The nomination also declares a direct overt clash with the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF), which continued to believe the Brotherhood’s promise that it would not nominate a candidate to run for the presidency.
3. It will have a negative impact upon the cohesion between the Muslim Brotherhood elite and their support base, especially among the youth who consider Dr. Aboul Fotouh to be a model.
4. SCAF is now under pressure to respond to the “Brotherhood’s act” with a counter measure, either constitutionally in the courts, or by putting forward a last-minute candidate from the military establishment.
Engineer Khairat al-Shatar comes from Alexandria, the stronghold of the Muslim Brotherhood and Salafist currents, and he is the “commercial and financial mastermind behind the Brotherhood”, whilst Dr. Aboul Fotouh [before being forced out of the group] represented an enlightened trend of political openness.
April 4th, 2012, 9:30 pm
Jad said:
Dear Son of Damascus
Where are you today?
I missed your comment.
April 4th, 2012, 9:45 pm
Halabi said:
Here are some of the regime’s thugs stomping on the good people of Bayda near Banyas. http://youtu.be/nmIeSZGx5Dc
Just one of thousands of crimes committed by Assad’s soldiers and thugs over decades of the family’s brutal dictatorship.
I do agree with #632 that “Assad government is full of liars…[and] is mindlessly depraved.”
As for “an accused should be presumed innocent until found guilty beyond all reasonable doubt,” I challenge #632 to show me how this system of justice in Syria actually works. The regime says that over 6000 people, half of them civilians, have been killed in the past year. Yet not a single person has been charged with murder and most crimes aren’t investigated.
What kind of state shirks its duties in such a way, especially when the vast majority of the country is calm and behind the government 100%. One that is full of liars and is mindlessly depraved…
April 4th, 2012, 9:48 pm
Tara said:
Syria and insurgency
In the coming days, the military aspect of the problem will be discussed. Remarks and discussions in the wake of the Friends of Syria meeting in Istanbul show that there is a general predisposition in that direction. However the problem is who would do this job, and how? Of course the first candidate to come to mind is Turkey.
If the “fast friends” of Syria want to topple the regime by means of a conventional insurgency, that means they will have to work in a more systematic and sophisticated way. The “Free Syrian Army” must be removed from cyberspace quickly. Although giving them money and preparing to pay their salaries sounds good, at the end of the day these will not provide the necessary military, political, and psychological wherewithal.
Also, according to “insurgency theory,” mere non-lethal healthcare supplies and communications equipment will not be enough to get rid of al-Assad. In such a plan, the most important job is to provide safe havens and basic- and advanced- level guerilla training for the insurgents.
Who would do the job of transforming the Free Syrian Army into a guerilla force, and how? When one looks at the range, discourse, and efforts of the Turkish government, it seems as though it will have to shoulder this job sooner or later inevitably.
Even if the technical challenges can be overcome, the most important issue the government would have to deal with is how this job would be carried out as a covert operation. The public revelation of such an effort could cause very serious political and legal problems both domestic and foreign. The competitive and information-leaking culture of inter-agency and intelligence groups as seen in the recent M?T crisis and systematic “psychological operations” of the Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) are quite educational. I can say that it has never ever been possible in Turkey to keeping such an effort secret.
April 4th, 2012, 9:51 pm
omen said:
i’m sure similar arguments were made back in the day:
April 4th, 2012, 10:10 pm
Mawal95 said:
The following is supplementary to what I said at #632 regarding alleged atrocities by Syrian security forces against political dissenters.
#637 has the following quote from Hurriyet newspaper in Turkey in a discussion about the option of a future operation of covert or secretive material support to the Syrian rebels by the Turkish goverment:
Likewise, I say that if the Syrian government had a policy of covertly committing atrocities against peaceful dissidents, while overtly disavowing such a policy, it would never be possible in Syria to keep it a secret.
April 4th, 2012, 10:11 pm
omen said:
Lavrov, 4 apr 2012: It is crystal clear that the opposition would not defeat Syrian Army even if the opposition were armed to the teeth.
this is a strange statement. why make it now? it’s like he’s trying to dissuade other entities from arming the FSA or trying to psych the opposition into standing down. there is something desperate about it.
a person confident of having a good hand doesn’t stoop to bluffing.
April 4th, 2012, 10:17 pm
mjabali said:
I told you before that I am not a Shia, and of course I told you many times that I am Syrian.
Why do you have to shift the conversation to where I am from and what I could be instead of coming with real responses.
I am Syrian and not an Arab.
You insist on cursing at me every time I question the history they taught you.
You also insist on calling me Iranian, as if it is an insult.
You called me Abu Lu2Lu2a the second: and for those who do not know Abu Lu2Lu2a is the one who assasinated Umar Ibn al-Khattab.
All I said was that Umar was not known for his prowess as a fighter when there were fights during his days. I brought you a story they tell about him and how he ran away in battle, so where is the insult in the matter?
Also? al-Bukhari wrote books about history other than his famous hadith book. al-Bukhari wrote: al-Tarikh al-Kabir, al-Tarikh al-Saghir and al-Tarikh al-Awsat.
?????? ??????? ??????????? ????? ?????? ??? ????
April 4th, 2012, 10:17 pm
Mawal95 said:
Lavrov, 4 apr 2012: It is crystal clear that the opposition would not defeat Syrian Army even if the opposition were armed to the teeth.
Lavrov is saying that as an honest assessment in good faith. You may think that Lavrov is in error about it (I don’t) but you may not think Lavrov is bluffing or pretentious.
April 4th, 2012, 10:20 pm
mjabali said:
Religion is destroying the real quest of the Syrian people for liberty and change for a better future.
April 4th, 2012, 10:21 pm
omen said:
i think what i want, mawal.
we shall see in due time the accuracy rate of lavrov’s crystal ball.
April 4th, 2012, 10:26 pm
Syria no Kandahar said:
Some of the pro-FSA Doctors here should apply for a job at the (Burial Brigade).
With their extensive surgical experience they will do very well cutting heads the
Sharia way. Qatar will pay them well .Average work load 150 heads to cut monthly.
PS: No need for Anesthesia.
April 4th, 2012, 10:29 pm
Ghufran said:
????? ?????? ?????? ??????? ???? as of now
??????? ?????? ????? ???? ?????? ? ?????????
April 4th, 2012, 10:35 pm
Ghufran said:
?????? ??? ?????? ?????? ? ?????
????? ???? ??????? ????? ??? ????????
April 4th, 2012, 10:50 pm
jad said:
You can spot 4 ‘volunteers’ just under this post, 3 non-Syrians (sorry SCM) and 1 Syrian, no female in the list I suggest.
Gunter’s poem made it to the US M of A 🙂
Ghufran, enjoy:
What has to be said
Why am I silent, conceal too long,
what is obvious and in war games
has been trained, at whose end we as survivors
will at the most be footnotes.
It is the alleged right of first strike,
with which the Iranian people,
subjugated by a loudmouth
and steered towards organized elation,
could be snuffed out with,
because the building of a nuclear bomb
within its fiefdom is assumed.
But why do I prohibit myself,
to name that other country,
in which for years – though kept secret –
a growing capability exists
though out of control as
not open for audit?
The general concealment of this fact,
to which my silence subjugated,
feels for me like a burdoning lie
and a coercion, which promises punishment;
the verdict “antisemitism” is commonly used.
But now, because from my country,
which for its very own crimes,
which are incomparable,
is called up again and again and taken to task,
repeatedly and businesslike, though
by slippy lips declared as reparation,
another submarine to Israel
shall be delivered, whose specialty
consists of, steering all-annihilating warheads
whereto, the existence
of a single bomb is unproven,
but as a fear shall be conclusiveness,
I say, what has to be said.
April 4th, 2012, 10:52 pm
Son of Damascus said:
Dear Jad,
I’m still here.
I try to avoid SC when overt religious hate is prevalent, or when it turns into SectarianComment rather than SyriaComment…
I care about Syrian issues, I have no appetite for any religious issues these days.
There is more than enough things to be outraged over, I have no room for the crap that has been going on here today.
’til tomorrow perhaps.
April 4th, 2012, 11:01 pm
Mawal95 said:
Since it’s been a relatively slow day for news, here’s an historical vignette, a pro-Assad mawal sung in Damascus in 1995 : http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=UbFJFfagtGA#t=178s
??? ?? ???? ????? ?????. ???
April 4th, 2012, 11:03 pm
Afram said:
641. mjabali said:
You also insist on calling me Iranian, as if it is an insult.
You called me Abu Lu2Lu2a the second: and for those who do not know Abu Lu2Lu2a is the one who assasinated Umar Ibn al-Khattab
The 17 year old persian abu loua,louah was Abraham Lincoln of his time.
omar killed his father,sold his mother and sisters to slave owners and sold the boy abu loua,louah to weapon-maker,was abused,little fed worked long hours,so he complained to omar about his misery,omar had him beaten up b/c the poor boy complained…the boy avenged his family honor by killing omar.
I salute the freedom fighter abu loua,louah…history is on the side of the young boy after 1400 years.
April 4th, 2012, 11:07 pm
jad said:
Thank you Son of Damascus,
I’m in the same camp :), Later!
P.S. If interested, pick up the latest issue of Lapham’s Quarterly, you will know what I mean when you read it, this issue is titled:
“Means of Communication” ]
April 4th, 2012, 11:10 pm
omen said:
with this context in mind, lavrov’s panic is understandable.
from aljazeera english:
prof. landis:
April 4th, 2012, 11:14 pm
omen said:
i want to put money on this.
the first tank or the first helicopter the rebels take out, what percentage of the syrian army do you think will defect as a result?
place your estimate here:
April 4th, 2012, 11:36 pm
jad said:
Here you go one of the volunteer, SC infamous
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April 4th, 2012, 11:43 pm
jad said:
Bashar and the regime has no say in why the majority of Syrians are against this disgusting pathetic terrorist strategies that is targeting the average Syrian before anything else.
The Syrians won’t support this filthy khaliji radical terrorism, they are mature enough to reject it and to stand together against the daily barbaric attacks:
????? ????? ????? ?? ????? ??? ????? 4-4-2012
April 5th, 2012, 12:25 am
jad said:
Bomber kills four American troops in Afghan north
???????????: ???????? ?????4 ????? ??????????
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???? ??? ???? ???????? ?? ????? ?? ????? ?? ?????? ????? ??????? ???? ?? ???? ?????????. (??????)
April 5th, 2012, 12:30 am
majedkhaldoun said:
You did not say that Abu Lu2lu2a the first is the one who murdered The good Khalifa Umar.
You did not say that Abu Lu2lu2a had a dispute with his owner, as he was a slave, about his fee and complain to Umar, there was a court and his owner was found right, and then he got mad, and decided to kill Umar.
You did not say that Umar was not guarded when he was killed by Abu Lu2lu2a. He was getting out of the mosque.
You did not say that Abu Lu2lu2a was not Muslem and he was brought to Medina where God forbade for any non Muslem to be there.
You did not say that your country Iran built a mosque in his name even that he was not Muslem.
You did not say that Iran is the enemy of the Arab.
Your revenge from Khalifa Umar, is by saying things about him to distort his reputation, you went as far as saying he ran out in Battle, actually he was couragous and strong and he never ran out from battle, these stories that you say are the Shiite version, and any story to the contrary is not true.
Go back and read how great Umar was.
BTW you need to tell the truth, about yourself, we have no evidence that you are syrian, Most syrian are Arab, and Syria is the heart of Arabism, could you tell us what is your ancestry, did you came from Iran? or from europe. so you say you are not Arab, and you are not Kurd.Your defense of our enemy Iran, and all the story about Umar
make you Iranian not Syrian tell us the truth.If you dont believe you are Arab Syrian then or kurd syrian then what are you, why are you afraid to tell us about your ancestry? Most Alawis are proud of being Arab and they defend the Arab cause.April 5th, 2012, 12:37 am
Syrian Nationalist Party said:
prof. landis:
if you get good anti-tank, good anti-heliocopter missiles in there, obviously, this insurgency can wreak havoc in syria and destroy the morale of the syrian army….
So you destroy the Syrian army (in your wildest dream- Israel could not scratch it) and then what? The majority of Syrians will not let you rule them, they will not allow Islamists rule in Syria, but keep taking Landis advise please. What are you going to do then, when your dreams go really wet and wild and all the Syrian army destroyed, are you going to destroy the majority of Syrians next?
April 5th, 2012, 12:40 am
jad said:
‘Your defense of our enemy Iran’
Talk about yourself, Iran (the Shia) is your OWN enemy out of the sectarian issue you have against it like alkhalayjeh.
Iran is not OUR enemy, it’s OUR friend.
April 5th, 2012, 1:03 am
jad said:
Mr. Moderator.
Thank you for the link and for the sunflower icon 🙂
April 5th, 2012, 1:06 am
majedkhaldoun said:
Iran occupied Syria till 64 BC
Iran fought with the Arab,till the Arab first defeated Iran in Zee Qar Battle, this war that took long time, the war of Dahes and Al Ghabra2, the Arab defeated Iran at the hands of The great Khaled Ibn Al Waleed
Iran fought with an Arabic Iraq and Iraq defeated Iran, US helped Iran by getting rid of Saddam.
Iran continue to threaten the Atrab world even in these days.
Iran continue to occupy three Islands that belong to UA Imarat,even today.
Iran is helping Bashar against the Syrian people, and sending arms ,money and expert to do that.
Based on the above Iran is our enemy.
I think you should ban Arabic writing since you do not understand Arabic well, many are written to say insults, and you do not delete them, if we respond we get in trouble.
This is not to say quote in Arabic is not acceptable, only the comment that is written in arabic.
April 5th, 2012, 1:28 am
Juergen said:
you questioned why it is still a taboo to talk about Israel the way Grass did. Well first of all people like Grass who were in the SS ( Hitlers elite army which had a reputation of mass killings) are still alive, many of the victims too, and i do think that we will see gradual change in our attitude towards Israel only after those who have committed those atrocities and those who were victimized have left this world. Still that will mark our identity forever. A country which had a majority in favor for the Nazi party, for the Nazi rule set the fire on their own countrymen for their religion. Over 6 million people have been killed, whole generations have been extinguished and i may say that because of what we have done, the Palestinians lost their land even though the process of what later became Isarel started already years before the Nazis took control. Many people i know critize the Israli government and make fine distinctions between jews and israel, on the official level you cant raise questions like Sigmar Gabriel did the other day during his visit to Israel. They say old men are the most dangerous, because they have nothing to loose. Grass surely is of such kind, i adore him for ever for one book the ” The tin drum”, but his political views and the engagement for the SPD party is something i seperate from him being a writer. What some of those who critized him bitterly yesterday rightly said is that he downplayed the regime in Iran. A regime which denies the Holocaust, who is working towards and extinction of the jewish state should not just be mentioned by one sentence for what it is. To call him an Anti-Semite is the obvious reaction of some, kind of the knock out for a discussion. I do believe that many share his view, but many will also share after 60 years resentments against Jews, and that i think is unacceptable.
April 5th, 2012, 1:49 am
jad said:
Are you seriously calculating your judgment about something happened in 64BC? Or something happened 1500 years ago?
The real reason you hate them is that Iran is ‘Majoosi’ according to your standards and it’s not about a 64BC silly reason you claim. We both know that.
About your strange suggestion to ban Arabic comments:
I strongly disagree with that, it is unacceptable whatever your reasons are, instead you can be considerate to others in your comments so no body will even dare to write any bad thing to you but when you start attacking others you will get a reply in any language they know, it’s a two way road.
April 5th, 2012, 1:59 am
omen said:
557. Uzair8said:
hopefully, this one will tell us about all the loot the regime has stolen from the syrian people. further angering an already suffering populace.
is this the man who got hold of and leaked assad’s emails? maybe he’ll have more secrets to share with us!
/does a happy dance
April 5th, 2012, 2:09 am
jad said:
SS? Seriously? Are you kidding me or kidding yourself? The man was born in 1927, so when Nazi German lost he wasn’t even 18…
He is a NOBEL prize winner, an excellent and well respected German writer, besides, being a member of the SDP is not a crime unless you live on the moon!
Man, you know how to make up stories… full of holes stories.
April 5th, 2012, 2:11 am
Juergen said:
The word Iran is used just since the 1930s, the word Persia should be used in historical terms, when you write about their invasion in Syria it would be correct to say the Parthians invaded. The Shah did change the name of the country in 1934 after building an german-persian partnership. The word literaly means land of the Aryans. The shah did so to show that his land progressed and no more ties are there with the brtish world which still called Iran Persia.
I dont know if you really think that Iran attacked Iraq, the opposite is true. If you visit cities like Ahwaz and the huge graveyards in Tehran you wouls see what a terrible war this was for this nation, and almost every family has lost a member. I think the biggest dilemna was always that Persians always felt betrayed, and overruled by Arabs. When the Arabs conquerred Persia, the state was the first nonarab state to be seized and the country was fare more advanced than the rual arabian peninsula. To some the fact that Muhammed was sent to the Arabs may be the biggest insult, and not one was among them a choosen one. Some scholars say that Zoroaster was the persian phrophet God has sent, but i leave that assumption to others.
April 5th, 2012, 2:12 am
Khalid Tlass said:
659. Syrian Nationalist Party said:
“So you destroy the Syrian army (in your wildest dream- Israel could not scratch it) and then what? The majority of Syrians will not let you rule them, they will not allow Islamists rule in Syria next?”
LOL LOL buddy, Israel never wanted to scratch the Syrian Army.
Who are you fooling you Phoenician serf ?The majority of Syrians are Islamists, those who are not, will change sides in a hour, especially the non-Islamist secular Sunni who have love of money and fear of death.
April 5th, 2012, 2:13 am
Khalid Tlass said:
Did you support the Iraqi Baath Party policies towards Iran and ASsad ?
April 5th, 2012, 2:15 am
Juergen said:
he entered the SS when he was 17 years old. And membership in that elite army was voluntarily. He made that himself public in his last book. ( Beim Häuten der Zwiebel 2006) It would have been a much lesser scandal if he would have said so earlier. He positioned himself always politically, and that was then a happy meal for his critics.
I dont criticize him for being a member of the SPD, not at all. But to position oneself to one party, to one ideology, and he was seen by many as the left moral authority. Right now he may be on a mission like Pere Abe, who knows.
April 5th, 2012, 2:26 am
Juergen said:
Photos of Marcel Mettelsiefen, who was the brave cameramen who made the video reports in Bab Amr. He has given an interview which i will translate now.
here are some of his ptotographs which he made:
April 5th, 2012, 2:53 am
Juergen said:
Sorry its a longer interview, but worthwhile reading for all sides.
In Syria rages a battle of images
The journalist and photographer Marcel Mettelsiefen was in the past seven months in Syria. He has accompanied Assad’s supporters and rebels for weeks with the camera. With Florian Guckelsberger he spoke of parallels to Libya, in a state of journalism and the often one-sided reporting.
The European: You recently came back from their recent trip to Syria. How was the situation in the country, as you left it?
Mettelsiefen: It depends greatly on where you are. This time I was not aware that part of the country in which there are the insurgents. I wanted to do a story about the Alawites, about the people behind the Assad regime. Even the silent mass of the Christian population, the Pacific and undecided. This was only possible because I was completely kept away from the rebel strongholds and of my contacts to the opposition in order not to endanger them.
In the northwestern mountains around Tartus and Banias where the Alawites settle, it was surprisingly quiet. Scattered roadside and a lot of skepticism towards foreigners are the only noticeable changes in this region to the pre-revolutionary Syria. And Damascus is still in a kind of bubble – there are plenty of roadblocks, especially in Kafar Sousah around the central intelligence – to most people realize the situation is not, however. In the Christian quarter of Bab Touma has opened two months ago, a new night club that is packed especially on weekends.
The European: Meanwhile, the West has imposed significant sanctions against Syria – how to act out the life in the country?
Mettelsiefen: Those sanctions hit the wrong, as always. Assad has with China, Russia, Iran and Iraq also strong partners to strengthen the regime, not only financially . Small businesses and middle class meets the embargo on the other hand very hard, banking and international transactions are not possible for months. Tourism is completely broken. Syria’s policy of economic openness, of which the enterprise had been seized power Bashar al-Assad’s strong profits, is ruined by it completely. At the end such sanctions will strengthen the political elite who benefit from a national defiance.
The European: The EU sanctions thus cause a rally-round-the-flag effect, which supports the Syrian government?
Mettelsiefen: Yes, at least for now. The sanctions policy of the West is in my opinion, too shortsighted and is counterproductive. On the other hand, it is difficult to say what response would be appropriate to build up pressure on Damascus.
The European: However, there currently appears to be no alternative to these measures, the UN Security Council but further blocked by the veto of Russia and China. The Observer Mission of the Arab League has resulted in the end nothing.
Mettelsiefen: I think the opportunity to respond to these sensitive conflict, are always lower. Too much time has gone by, have wasted too many chances. Syria is in chaos, it is torn by civil war. A constructive dialogue there will not be because the opposition refuses the face of mounting casualties to engage in negotiations with Assad. Thus, the regime has achieved exactly what it wanted. With the day of peaceful resistance was violent, all the dialogue options were passé.
The European: In recent months, you were seven times in Syria, including in rebel strongholds. How is life different here from that in Damascus? Are there now two worlds in Syria?
Mettelsiefen: The country is divided and the longer the conflict, the deeper the rift between the factions. Homs is a good example because it is the religious composition of Syria in the small mirrors – one could say what happened in Homs, threatening the entire country: This is a terrific glimpse into the future. The rebels are under enormous pressure, especially militarily. There is no real consensus in the opposition, as many have noted insurgents, that the path of violent resistance leads to nowhere. Now the opposition is divided between those who want to keep fighting, and those that take a longer-term approach.
The European: The situation is similar in Libya after the overthrow Gaddafi. The loss of a unifying moment, the struggle against the regime, has revealed how divided and disunited, the rebels are. Will Syria face a similar fate if Assad should have to leave the country?
Mettelsiefen: I do not wish that for the country. Now it comes down to how far Syria is drawn into the vortex of violence. Damascus and Aleppo will certainly be able to quickly find their way back on to some normality. Detached from the larger geopolitical scenario, I think that Syria will be stabile. But there are too many factors involved to say that with certainty can.
“Religion keeps alive the rebellion”
The European: What role does the belief in this specific context?
Mettelsiefen: The importance of religion is increasing. The riots were fed from the beginning of two different currents. On the one hand there is the republican-democratic activists who are known from Tahrir Square in Cairo. The just do not want more of an autocratic regime to be controlled. The second trend is clearly religious. The longer the conflict, the more difficult it is for Democrats to prevail. Currently, the religious approach keeps alive the rebellion.
The European: Religion is the fuel of the revolution?
Mettelsiefen: In tough times, faith is very important. In the centers of the revolution, Homs, Hama, Idlib, sheikhs have taken a leadership role – all religious movements had been banned. The Muslim Brotherhood has always been existing and Syria Salafis see in this rebellion a way to step out of the ground. However, it is important to distinguish them from God’s radical fighters. Jihadists are, in my opinion, still in the minority. The longer this conflict, however, the greater the risk that such radical forces gain importance.
At the same external factors play an increasingly important role. Syria is the site of an intra-Islamic conflict: between the Shiites in Syria, Iran and Hezbollah in Lebanon on the one hand, and the Sunnis in Qatar and Saudi Arabia on the other side. Without these influences from outside the conflict would not be nearly as dramatic and dangerous. What happened in Syria, has the potential to spread into a conflagration.
The European: The conflict is highly complex. If you are a journalist under the impression that the coverage in the German media, which is just?
Mettelsiefen: It has rarely been so difficult to work a journalist in a country like Syria. It is a fine line between reporting and independent political activism. What happened in Syria at present is undoubtedly awful and unacceptable especially the humanitarian situation in the disputed districts. Nevertheless, we must be careful journalists, we do not hit too emotional to one side. In many conversations with international colleagues, I got the impression that we are in danger of committing the same mistake as in Libya. Eventually, you realize that those who you supported in their mission of democracy committed crimes. This one sided reporting is of course also the result of the syrian government agenda towards the media.Therefore, the only way to tell from Syria, was the illegal entry. Therefore you have to go into the hands of activists.
Activists have a political agenda . Western media had a hard time from the beginning to prove the authenticity of the blurry YouTube videos. So it is more important that independent journalists “witness” the events on the spot. This only works as long as you remain truly independent.
I sensed the dangers and pitfalls in my recent trips to Homs significantly. You should be aware that one is embedded. If we go to Syria, we enter into the hands of people who are a particular – want to see their reality . In such a situations it is difficult to remain neutral – but the decision of an illegal entry to the rebels is inherently political activism.
“The truth dies first”
The European: The observation of the experiment affected the outcome – the basic dilemma of every reporting.
Mettelsiefen: Exactly. The Arab world is not accustomed to Western media standards, the Arab context is very different than ours. I have often noted in interviews. You only get one-sided view of things taught, there is always a hidden agenda.
The European: cameras are in a conflict such as weapons, because the rebels know the power of reporting – if they just created in the West political pressure on the government. As you go on site to deal with this knowledge?
Mettelsiefen: The work is really difficult. I was now in Syria, and often question my perception of reality again and again, as I see in the media obviously manipulated video.
The European: Is there a truth that one could talk about?
Mettelsiefen: The truth is well known, dies first. It is purely a media battle, nothing else. A battle of images. State television tried every night, the reports from CNN and other stations to use for their purposes. Even if you as a Western journalist manages to lead a strong, reflective interview, it is immediately taken up by the government propaganda and twisted into its opposite. Even with my own work that is done.
see the article, there are more images of his work
(translated from German)
April 5th, 2012, 3:12 am
jad said:
Haytham Almale7, how sad, going from a respected lawyer to a weapon smuggler:
“Haitham Al Maleh is preparing himself to be the next Syrian president, but he says he’s also number one on the Syrian regime’s hitlist for assassination.
Al Maleh is a leading figure in Syria’s opposition, known as the country’s father of human rights, who’s spent many years in prison for his work.
Yaara Bou Melhem gets close-up access to him in exile in Cairo, as he works to arm and finance the Free Syrian Army in its fight against the Assad regime and its violent crackdown on opposition.
But at the age of 81 and constantly fearing for his life, will he ever see a free Syria?”
April 5th, 2012, 3:17 am
jad said:
There isn’t a need to paste the whole article, you can use Google translator link like this:
April 5th, 2012, 3:22 am
jad said:
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April 5th, 2012, 3:27 am
Mina said:
Ghufran 623
Indeed it is, but could you provide some explanations?
one is an ex fake witness and now he claims the opposite of what he had been giving as evidence but was apparently considered a fake evidence.
Who is the journalist, what was she doing here and how was it leaked?
Why is Siddiq nervous?
and more and more.
April 5th, 2012, 3:34 am
omen said:
interesting timing:
they better effing bring humanitarian aide/medical supplies with them. they can start with this starving baby.
April 5th, 2012, 3:40 am
Khalid Tlass said:
TARA, you asked me about my vision for a Salafism in the Syrian State,
here it is :
In our version of Salafi Govt, Islamization will be very gradual. No, we will not force anyone to cover their hair in public, but we will teach little girls in school that it is always better to cover your hair. Basically we will Islamise the population starting with the younger generation. We will not force adult people who are already used to their lifestyle to change it.
Ours is a long-term plan.
During the Ottomans’ time, all the women of Syria used to cover themselves, unveiling as a practice was introduced by the French and later spread by the Nasserists and Baathists.
So veiling is natural for Syria. Even during pre-Islamic times women used to veil themsleves in Syria and Iraq.
WE are like the new army of the Sahaba, bringing a new Caliphate unto Syria, we are the descendtants of Khalid bin Walid and Umar ibn al Khattab.
April 5th, 2012, 3:51 am
Alan said:
Norwegian Gen flies to Syria for ceasefire talks
Apr 5, 2012 09:23 Moscow Time
Norwegian Major-General Robert Mood is on his way to Damascus to try to mediate a ceasefire agreement that will allow 250 UN observers monitor the implementation of a peace plan earlier suggested by UN-Arab League special envoy Kofi Annan.
Clashes between the Syrian army and the rebels have continued for more than a year.
The UN says some 9,000 people are said to have been killed during the conflict.
Prior to his appointment as a UN peacekeeper in Syria, Robert Mood served as head of mission of the UN peacekeeping operation in the Middle East.
April 5th, 2012, 3:56 am
jad said:
Please check the whole documentary to understand the situation better.
Haytham Almale7 is the new weapon dealer, he is shopping for weapons to smuggle into Syria, he is trying to collect $1M to buy weapons, he did interview with people who may buy him weapons and since he has the money, many will contact him, one of them happened to be Siddq, here is the full documentary about the new Haytham Almal7 the weapon ‘buyer’
April 5th, 2012, 4:01 am
Juergen said:
many thanks, that will help.
April 5th, 2012, 4:03 am
Alan said:
Scritto da Michele Marsonet
Tuesday 03 April 2012
Scegliere tra dittature ed Islam.
Chi oggi manifesta dei dubbi circa l’opportunità che Europa e USA favoriscano la caduta di Assad in Siria rischia di essere considerato un provocatore. Simili dubbi varcano i limiti del politically correct, e si sa che tali limiti sono ben circoscritti. Guai a chi li oltrepassa, il risultato è sempre l’emarginazione politica e culturale. Il presidente siriano è uno spietato dittatore che non esita a massacrare i suoi concittadini pur di mantenere il potere. L’Occidente deve dunque dare il suo contributo affinché la democrazia trionfi ovunque sia possibile.
D’accordo, vi sono eccezioni come la Cina, ma in quel frangente si ha a che fare con una superpotenza emergente (anzi, ormai emersa), che per di più può giocare brutti scherzi sui mercati facendo valere il suo potere economico. Meglio quindi essere cauti. Il caso della Siria è diverso. Paese importante sì, ma piccolo, e collocato in un’area geografica che si presta a interventi politici indiretti e militari diretti, quando fosse chiara la volontà di procedere.
Anche chi nutriva dubbi sulle cosiddette “primavere arabe” rischiava sino a poco tempo fa l’emarginazione. Poi si è visto che il prezzo da pagare per spazzar via i dittatori è pesante. Il radicalismo islamico ha preso piede anche dove era stato tenuto per decenni sotto controllo. In Egitto esso reclama il potere, ed è ovvio visto il trionfo ottenuto alle elezioni. Non parliamo poi dell’intervento militare occidentale in Libia, dove ancora non si sa con chiarezza chi siano i nuovi governanti.
Può sembrare, questo, un ragionamento cinico. Ogni popolo ha diritto a scegliere il governo che desidera, e se vuole un governo islamico più o meno radicale ben venga. L’importante è che si tengano elezioni libere.
Il problema è che l’Occidente parte con l’intento di “esportare” la democrazia liberale, salvo poi rendersi conto che essa non è trasferibile in modo automatico a contesti politici e culturali che hanno tradizioni millenarie assai diverse, per non dire antitetiche. Difficile che governi dichiaratamente islamici mantengano rapporti di buon vicinato limitandosi a imporre la legge coranica entro i loro territori. L’Islam tende a espandersi, sfruttando anche le masse di emigrati presenti nelle nazioni occidentali.
Ed è pure difficoltoso mantenere buoni rapporti con governi islamici ufficialmente moderati, come quello turco. Cancellata – in pratica, se non nella teoria – l’eredità di Ataturk, la Turchia ora si propone quale polo di attrazione per tutti i Paesi che facevano parte del defunto impero ottomano. Anche se non se ne parla molto, l’influenza turca è forte in Bosnia e in Albania, e le comuni radici islamiche vengono in questi casi invocate senza remore.
Scriveva Samuel Huntington ne Lo scontro delle civiltà che “Le cause della rinnovata conflittualità tra Islam e Occidente si riassumono dunque nelle due questioni fondamentali: potere e cultura. Chi comanda chi? Questo fondamentale quesito politico posto a suo tempo da Lenin è alla base della contesa tra Islam e Occidente. In questo caso, tuttavia, si aggiunge poi l’ulteriore elemento di conflittualità, che Lenin avrebbe considerato insignificante, tra due diverse concezioni del bene e del male nonché, di conseguenza, della ragione e del torto. Fino a quando l’Islam resterà l’Islam (e tale resterà) e l’Occidente resterà l’Occidente (cosa meno sicura) il conflitto di fondo tra due grandi civiltà e stili di vita continuerà a caratterizzare in futuro i reciproci rapporti, come ha fatto per quattordici secoli”.
In questa situazione la pretesa di esportare la democrazia è un errore grave. Né appare chiara la strategia praticata dall’attuale amministrazione USA, animata più dai buoni propositi che dal necessario realismo politico. Resta da capire, a casa nostra, che fine farà la tradizionale tendenza di una buona parte dei politici a considerare l’Italia quale vero centro del Mediterraneo e garante dell’amicizia tra Islam ed Europa.
April 5th, 2012, 4:15 am
Alan said:
M. Yusin: The Egyptian Islamists reached Washington. “Muslim Brotherhood” arrived on shows to the USA
10:30 05.04.2012
Representatives of the Egyptian movement “Muslim Brotherhood” arrived to Washington with the visit first in the history which will last week. Their purpose – to prove to Americans including to interlocutors in the White house that Islamists don’t represent threat for the USA and that with them is possible and it is necessary to deal.
However, Americans have no other exit – “Muslim Brotherhood” supervises new parliament of Egypt and has every chance to lead the presidential candidate. The main problem of the USA – to achieve, that Islamists refrained from sharp steps to foreign policy and didn’t break off the peace treaty with Israel. Liberal politicians in Cairo are afraid that in exchange for a moderate course of “Brothers” concerning Tel Aviv the USA will shut eyes to Islamization them Egypt.
“Muslim Brotherhood” went to Washington in the extremely important for Egypt the moment. In the country in the heat of fight round the text of the new constitution. A key question – whether in it it will be fixed that from now on Egypt will begin to live under Sharia laws. Many liberals and Christians Copts are convinced: such is an ultimate goal of “Muslim Brotherhood” and even more radical Salafi from the An-Nur party, taken the second place on recent parliamentary elections.
In protest at the future Islamization of Egypt representatives of secular and Coptic movements in a pointed manner left the constitutional meeting which develops the basic law. According to liberals and Christians, Islamists established complete control over this body, ignoring the point of view of opponents.
However, Americans try to see the matter more pragmatically. They consider that with Islamists it is necessary to work, convince them to pursue more weighed policy. The bargaining chip of Washington – the multi-billion military help to lose which any Egyptian leader won’t want, he adhered to how radical views.
“It is worth to remember: many of those who heads today “Muslim Brotherhood”, for many years carried out in prison, they didn’t receive information that occurs in the world. And now at these people – huge desire that them recognized as high-grade, legitimate players in political arena”, – the expert of fund Carnegie across the Middle East Marina Ottauey – one of organizers of visit to Washington considers delegations of “Muslim Brotherhood”.
Analysts cite as an example Tunisia – one more Arab country where last year there was a revolution. There elections were won too by Islamic party – “An-Nakhda”, but after fierce debate her leaders agreed to make a compromise and not to enter the constitution based on norms of Sharia in the country.
However, in Tunisia a situation a bit different, than in Egypt. Secular parties there are more influential, besides dependence on the former mother country, France where hundreds thousands Tunisians work is great. In Egypt, the largest state of the Arab world, nationalist sentiments on which Islamic, anti-Israeli and anti-western ideas are imposed are much stronger. With the Egyptian parties sponsors from Gulf States – first of all Qatar and Saudi Arabia conduct active “work”.
So fight for minds and hearts of the Egyptian Islamists only begins. Visit to Washington delegations of “Muslim Brotherhood” – only one of its stages. And not fact that the solving. Leaders of “Muslim Brotherhood” have a limited leeway. Having declared the sympathies for the USA and having gone on too obvious concessions on the Israeli direction, they risk to lose support of considerably adjusted electorate which will pass in this case to ????????? – even more irreconcilable and uncompromising. The same on a visit precisely won’t go to the USA.
April 5th, 2012, 4:24 am
Mina said:
As usual, Brussels is the heart of antiquity traffic (sent to London and Amsterdam next)
April 5th, 2012, 4:49 am
Mina said:
Here is a clear commentary on the blog of a Figaro journalist
April 5th, 2012, 5:39 am
Aldendeshe said:
LOL LOL buddy, Israel never wanted to scratch the Syrian Army.
Who are you fooling you Phoenician serf ?@KHALID MOSSAD TLASS:
Israeli sure tried hard for decades, not only to destroy the Syrian army, but the Shia army in Lebanon as well. After repeated failures, then resorted to Islamists to destroy Syrians first, before Assad army in the hope that this will weaken the Shia army. Did you know about the many illegitimate sons of Mustafa Tlass?
I did not know Tlass had sired Israeli bastard kid secretly raised up but apparently so, a skit-so with multiple personalities disorder and user names.Serfs are the one that places a dog rag on the ground, turn toward a dysfunctional, abandoned gateway to the underworld, and bend over 5 times a day to worship a reptile god.
April 5th, 2012, 6:57 am
DAWOUD said:
Why should it be scandalous for Aljazeera to smuggle communications equipments to Syrian activist, who in their turn broadcast live updates through satellite on SYPE? How else would Aljazeera show live Internet broadcasts of rallies in Idlib, Homs, Reef Dimashq, Hama, etc.? Aljazeera does not deny it, and there are no reasons for it to do so. I am sure other media organizations are doing the same thing in order to evade Bashar’s censors. Do you think that the world media should depend on Bashar’s and Rami Makhlouf’s Internet and Syria Tel.?!
The Rami Maklouf media in Syria and the Wilayat al-Faqih (the 12th imam theocracy) propaganda outlets in Lebanon and Iran (As-Safir, al-Akhbar, al-Manar, Press TV, al-Alam, al-Fourat TV, etc.) did not reveal anything wrong at all. Thank you Aljazeera and other NYC-based non-gov’tal organizations for smuggling satellite Internet equipment to Syria!
April 5th, 2012, 8:11 am
Uzair8 said:
About the subject of ‘internal colonialism’. Just came across something while reading an older article:
“…the existence of the regime is like an invasion of the state, a colonisation of society
“Burhan Ghalioun
April 5th, 2012, 8:13 am
DAWOUD said:
I just want to remind everybody with my Syrian peace plan before I go on vacation:
1) anti-Tank and anti-aircraft rockets to the Free Syrian Army so that they can destroy Bashar’s T-72 tanks and planes that are terrorizing Syrian civilians.
2) I know that Jordan denies sending Saudi arms to the FSA, but I know that in 99% of the cases when Jordan denies something it actually confirms it. We not only need arms through Jordan, but also for the ARAB Jordanians and Saudis (Iran and Russia are NOT Arab countries) to send special operations forces to conduct COVERT qualitative operations against Bashar’s forces in Derah and Southern/Central/Eastern Syria!
3) Well-qualified Arab military advisers (Iran and Russia are FOREIGN not arab) should accompany FSA fighters inside Syria.
April 5th, 2012, 8:21 am
irritated said:
#663 Juergen
“I do believe that many share his view, but many will also share after 60 years resentments against Jews, and that i think is unacceptable.”
That’s strange, you kept repeating that Germans do not know who is Jewish and who is not and therefore you were unable to tell us who is Jewish in the German government.
I am certain that anti-semitism is only dormant in Germany, like in most Europeans countries.
It is not only part of your history but part of your DNA. If any economical unrest happens in Germany, the Jews will be the first to be blamed, probably before the Turks. You must be relieved that German economy is in good shape.Calling for the state of Israel to be wiped out of the map never meant killing the Jews but obliging them to merge with the Arabs in a country called Palestine and erase the entity called Israel from the map. That has always been Iran’s policy: One State called Palestine, no more Israel.
Of course the Zionists and their media outlets translated that statement in a direct new holocaust threat to make Israel appear like the innocent victim and Ahmadinejad like the new Hitler and Israel’s eventual attack on Iran as an act of self defense. Zionists have proven their ability to manipulate the information to their advantage for 60 years. Any critic of Israel triggers a spontaneous accusation of anti-semitism, and anti-semitism is the Achilleus’s heel of Europeans. They know what they are doing but fooling less and less people, Gunther Grass is one of them.
April 5th, 2012, 8:50 am
Mina said:
The link you provided to the program has been removed (after a call from The Hague?) here is a new link
Funny, at 1’05, the mini-demo of “Syrian activists” on Tahrir is made mainly of Egyptians.
April 5th, 2012, 8:57 am
irritated said:
689. DAWOUD said:
“I just want to remind everybody with my Syrian peace plan before I go on vacation:”
Are you going to Hatay to give some of your advices to the FSA?
April 5th, 2012, 8:58 am
irritated said:
#688 Uzair8 said
“…the existence of the regime is like an invasion of the state, a colonisation of society
“Burhan Ghalioun
Please give us more of these flamboyant and melodramatic statements of Burhan Ghalioun and his mates.
April 5th, 2012, 9:01 am
zoo said:
Annan’s plan should be regime change
By Michael Young
The Daily Star
What a shock it must have been for Kofi Annan to realize that the Syrian regime and opposition agree over nothing except to largely ignore his splendid little plan for ending the conflict in Syria.
Annan, the United Nations-Arab League envoy, is no naïf. He did what all good diplomats do: He added a splash of reciprocity, a pinch of incentives, an aroma of consensus, and presto, he presented us with a more refined version of a failed Arab League plan crafted last November. The core of the Arab proposal was that the Syrian regime should withdraw its forces from cities, put an end to its violence against protesters, release prisoners, and begin a dialogue with the opposition. Yet President Bashar Assad could never implement such a plan, since it would encourage millions of Syrians to go out into the streets and call for his head, without fear of retribution.
When Annan took over, he did concede something to Assad, namely the latitude to lead negotiations with the opposition, and in that way regain a measure of legitimacy. This was a retreat from the Arab League project of last January, which called upon the president to step down and hand over power to his vice president. The envoy brought the Russians and Chinese on board to pressure Assad, but it was Annan’s obligation to understand that the dynamics of the situation made implementation as impossible today as it was last November.
Read more: http://www.dailystar.com.lb/Opinion/Columnist/2012/Apr-05/169279-annans-plan-should-be-regime-change.ashx#ixzz1rAdyB64o
April 5th, 2012, 9:03 am
zoo said:
France not optimistic about Syria, ready for new UN action if no cease-fire by April 12
By Associated Press, Updated: Thursday, April 5, 8:33 AM
PARIS — France’s foreign minister says he’s not optimistic about a peace plan for Syria and is ready to push for stronger U.N. action if an April 12 deadline for a cease-fire is not met.
Alain Juppe says he thinks Syrian President Bashar Assad “is deceiving us” when he promises to abide by the peace plan. It is being negotiated by former U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan.
Juppe, speaking to reporters Thursday, asked, “Can we be optimistic? I am not.”
He said if all the conditions of the cease-fire plan are not met, including the arrival of 200 observers, by April 12, “we must go back to the U.N. Security Council.”
April 5th, 2012, 9:06 am
zoo said:
Is the reporter describing what could be a model for the “ceasefire”?
There was anecdotal evidence earlier this week that Syrian security forces had reduced their presence in some hot spots in the suburbs of Damascus. In Saqba, a district 15 minutes east of the Syrian capital where frequent clashes and protests have taken place, a reporter did not see any tanks or armored vehicles.
But military checkpoints dotted the approach to the district center and security officers checked all cars and demanded identification of all young men. Cinderblock shelters and tents had been erected for the soldiers, suggesting the government foresaw an indefinite crisis.
Most shops were open, and people were cleaning and fixing them up. Shopkeepers said they had kept them closed ever since in a general strike after a government crackdown two months ago, but were now reopening as part of a coordinated decision by local protest leaders. People spoke openly against the government in the shops and streets, despite the heavy security presence.
Abu Fahad, 30, a protest organizer who declined to give his full name for safety reasons, said in his upscale furniture store in Saqba that protesters would keep demonstrating until 2014, the end of Mr. Assad’s term, if necessary.
April 5th, 2012, 9:19 am
Syria no Kandahar said:
Dawod peace plan includes Arab advisers for FSA, specifically the Burial brigade is needing some advisers.FSA head choppers admitted their chopping activities and Dowod is strongly supporting having Arab advisers for (continuing Chopping Education) for FSA head choppers. SA (Arab speaking country, thanks god, Iran is not) is a world known authority in head chopping. SA has at least 150 employed head choppers. FSA burial brigade should always be sharp edged and up to date.
If FSA mojahed tries to chop head of an infidel (ie Alawi, Shie or Christian, Sunnis are not infidels) and he just does small cut and the head does not get severed how embarrassing is that,that is also against god law.
Dawod enjoy your vacation (in infidel lands)
April 5th, 2012, 9:23 am
Mina said:
For those who missed it
As the SBS commentator says about the Haytham al Maleh clip: amazing that they left that be filmed. It says it all about the “Syrian opposition”.
April 5th, 2012, 9:28 am
irritated said:
#697 SNK
Are meat grinders part of the US and Turkish non-lethal aid to the Opposition?
April 5th, 2012, 9:40 am
Syria no Kandahar said:
The US knows what a crap FSA and SNC are. if it was not for US-Iran conflict, they would have been designated as terrorist organizations,which they are.
Turkey is another Jumblat.
April 5th, 2012, 9:54 am
DAWOUD said:
TO # 692. irritated
NO, I am going with my son to visit colleges. I also want to make sure that I would not be paying college tuition to a university with conspiracy theory professors who propagate that Hamza al-Khateeb was killed by “Saudi terrorists!”
In any case, thanks to Turkey for offering refuge to terrorized Syrian refugees and to the courageous Free Syrian Army, which is made up of honorable soldiers who defected from Bashar’s murderous army because they refused to shoot innocent/peaceful demonstrators.
April 5th, 2012, 10:03 am
majedkhaldoun said:
The south western part of Iran close to Kuwait, we the Arab call it AlHamra, it has arabic people, and Iran took it from us and there are three Islands that Iran confiscated from the Imarat, and refuse international judge to determine who these Islands belong to.
Who started the war between Iraq and Iran depends on what you consider the cause, Interfering in Iraq internal affairs, instigating the Shiite to revolt against Saddam, and there was documented attempt to assassinate Saddam and refusing to hand over AlHamra to Iraq, to me all are reasons to consider Iran as the agressor.
And I am aware of the change of name.
Today we have evidence that Iran tried to assassinate the ambassador of KSA to the USA.
Iran threatened to close Hurmoze Strait. sending financial support to Al Hoothi in Yemen and sending troops and money and arms to Bashar.
Iran does not believe in democracy and is controlled by religious Mulla creating sedition between Shiite and Sunni.
Yes I consider Iran as the enemy of the Arab, it is a long enmity. I mentioned in the past the wars between Persia and Arab, I may add that Persians cooperated with Holagu to defeat the Arab and caused the death of over 250,000, the safawi war is another example.
April 5th, 2012, 10:09 am
jad said:
Using your ‘Arabism’ logic, Spain is also our enemy, it occupies more than 3 islands from Morocco, how about France?
They are our enemy they occupy us and work against every thing Arabic from the crusaders until today? how about the British didn’t they give Palestine to Israel for nothing? or the Americans, attacking many Arabs and Muslim countries and killing millions, aren’t they OUR enemy? Turkey? 400 years of backward ‘sultan’ brutal occupation and today arming and training Syrians to kill other Syrians, what do we call them, FRIENDS…
Again, your hate toward Iran is from a pure religious issue and it`s more accurate to write that Iran is YOUR enemy.
April 5th, 2012, 10:46 am
majedkhaldoun said:
Iran and Turkey can be our Ally on the base that the enemy of my enemy is someone I can work with.
April 5th, 2012, 10:56 am
jad said:
Let`s see how the UN will deal with those terrorists when they wont stop their attacks:
???????? ???? ????? ?????? ?????? ???? ??????
April 5th, 2012, 10:57 am
mjabali said:
The name of the city you are talking about is al-Muhamara and not alHamra. ??????? ???? ??????
April 5th, 2012, 11:00 am
Afram said:
Safawi wars..Iran is the enemy Israel is NOT!!!!!
What causes people to be preoccupied with themselves and ignores others?
it reminds me with the catchphrase delivered by Robert De Niro in the movie Taxi Driver “You talkin’to me?”
The syrians are waiting for Godot.Ah! wait a second Afram,I see him,I see him,coffee Annan to the rescue,to stop us from commiting suicide(A Tragicomedy)The point is …
Godot is anything people give meaning to. Anything that gives? them a direction in this absurd world. Without Godot the only thing to do is suicide,however,even that isn’t a good option because then we’d be alone.The implication is that Godot/Annan never get the job done,then what?
continue to wait,Godot isn’t going to save anyone;he isn’t really there.Godot is what people invent to give meaning to their own existence.syrians,and only syrians can and should stop the madness combat
April 5th, 2012, 11:04 am
jad said:
Both Turkey and Iran want what`s best for them not us, regardless of what they both say.
April 5th, 2012, 11:04 am
Syria no Kandahar said:
Khed Taja’s house robbed yesterday while his family at bed side.Befor democracy
Imported to us from SA no one could dare to rob even ????? ???? house.one more
Achievement of (Honorable burial Brigade,FSA revolution ).
April 5th, 2012, 11:08 am
Tara said:
You are right. Petty thefts were not common before. Only massive scale robberies, robbing the nation resources that is.
I heard through the grape vine few years ago that a VIP thief was robbing Syrian antiquity artifacts to sell it in the black market. Nice Bushbush had to intervene personally to “clear” the robber, a family member, you know. What else could Bashar have done? Your beloved leader has a kind heart when it comes to family…he just can’t help it.
April 5th, 2012, 11:28 am
Son of Damascus said:
Thieving runs in the family:
April 5th, 2012, 11:48 am
irritated said:
“Today we have evidence that Iran tried to assassinate the ambassador of KSA to the USA.”
What a pity it did not succeed… What’s your source of evidence?
April 5th, 2012, 12:50 pm
Ghufran said:
Zuhair alsaddiq is a tool, he was paid and now he is looking for a new source of income, it is a travesty of justice that he is not in prison.
Almaleh was wise enough to refuse to take him seriously.
Rafiq alhariri’s assassination was a crime against Lebanon and advocates of dialogue and compromise, the man was not an extremist but was a deal maker.
Syrian regime, and Syria in general,l ost a lot because of his assassination, that loss does not completely rule out an involvement of the Syrian intelligence in the killing but makes that involvement unlikely, if a Syrian agent, or agents, had anything to do with the killing, that agent was probably a paid double agent, I still think Israel or another foreign power was behind the killing, he was a threat only to those who do not want a stable Lebanon, the regime committed a lot of mistakes in Lebanon and supervised a large network of thugs and smugglers but the stability of Lebanon, with a strong regime influence, was always in the regime’s best interest.
The guy who filmed the exchange was not probably a journalist, both men, especially Zuhair, were looking for fame and recognition.
April 5th, 2012, 12:50 pm
irritated said:
“terrorized Syrian refugees”
Oh! oh! don’t use this word! Erdogan will not be happy. It is not applicable as none of the Syrians are recognized as ‘refugees’ in Turkey by law.
If they were UN recognized refugees they could ask for asylum. In Turkey, they are temporary ‘guests’ and are refused asylum.
The generosity of Turkey is just out of pure necessity.
April 5th, 2012, 12:57 pm
irritated said:
#713 Dawood
No guests, no refugees.
“We call them ‘Syrians under temporary protection’,”
April 5th, 2012, 1:01 pm
zoo said:
Boosted by the popular Islamist sympathy waves in North Africa and in the Arab world, Al Qaeeda is creeping into Africa to establish new bases, another threat for France over its african ex-colonies.
France urges talks with Mali rebels, unity against al Qaeda
For long one of the most stable democracies in West Africa, Mali has plunged into turmoil since a widely condemned coup on March 22 that emboldened Tuareg rebels to seize half the country in their quest for a northern homeland.
The rebels, battling alongside Islamist militants who want to impose sharia, or Islamic law, swept through northern Mali last week, pushing government forces from Kidal, Gao and Timbuktu, the three northern regions of Mali that the MNLA says will form the new state.
Juppe said Paris was in contact with the various players in Mali, including the MNLA, which he said was a credible interlocutor. He said there was clear distinction between that group which was seeking independence and the Ansar Dine Islamists, who had been “infiltrated” by al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb.
“They have another objective which is to establish an Islamist regime in Mali and the Sahel as a whole,” Juppe said. “I don’t see how we could have dialogue with AQIM whose objective is to kill our citizens.”
April 5th, 2012, 1:16 pm
zoo said:
Defiant Erdogan antagonizes further Iran by accusing them of being liars the same way he accused Israel last year.
Is the Iran-Turkey honeymoon turning really sour?
“It is necessary to act honestly. They continue to lose prestige in the world because of a lack of honesty,” Erdogan told a televised press conference in the latest salvo in the war of words between the two countries.
April 5th, 2012, 1:23 pm
zoo said:
In line with the media trend to criticize the foreign opposition (SNC), another tough article from no other than anti-regime Khaled Oweiss.
Is the outside opposition incompetent and/or corrupted?
Syria revolt hampered by disunity, supply failures
By Khaled Yacoub Oweis | Reuters – 2 hrs 13 mins ago
“It has been all in vain,” he said. “Communications in most of Idlib have been cut for three months and we cannot get a Thuraya (satellite) phone because of the incompetence, or corruption, of the opposition on the outside.”
Ali was told that the opposition Syrian National Council (SNC) had sent $17,000 to an operative in the Turkish city of Antakya to buy him cameras, satellite phones and internet video broadcasting equipment, but when he contacted the operative he was given a run-around and returned empty-handed to Syria.
“The SNC are squabbling and drafting plans for a post-Assad Syria while not getting simple logistical requirements right,” Ali fumed. “The regime cannot annihilate the revolt, but the revolt will not be able to topple it without outside support.”
April 5th, 2012, 1:31 pm
Tara said:
I started to like Erdogan more and more. I like direct people who call things by their names. Iran is making a mockery of itself lately. Their foreign minister trying to distance “the official position of the republic of Iran” from what the parlimentarian proclaimed was pretty pathetic, their “support of the underdogs in the world” did not stand their sectarian support of the Alawi regime in Syria, etc..
Iran was a “pride” story that went astray. Agree with Erdo’s assessment. They have lost lot of prestige in my views.
April 5th, 2012, 1:38 pm
jad said:
Since Ann is not around here is what’s happening in the UN behind doors:
UN Blacks Out Syria’s Speech, Ban’s Amateur Hour & Minute of Silence?
UNITED NATIONS, April 5 — When Kofi Annan gave a briefing by video to the UN General Assembly Thursday morning, though the press was not allowed in the conference room, the speech was broadcast on UN Television. So too the speeches by the Qatari President of the GA Nassir Abdulaziz Al-Nasser, and Secretary General Ban Ki-moon.
But just as Syria’s Permanent Representative Bashar Ja’afari took the floor to respond, UN TV went dark. To some it seemed, especially with regard to the speeches of Ban and the PGA, like hearing the prosecution but blacking out the defense — and thereby even giving the defense an issue. Welcome to amateur hour.
Inner City Press asked the spokeswoman for the PGA why UN TV had stopped broadcasting. It was agreed, she said. Inner City Press asked, “Agreed by whom?”
Through the windows of the ECOSOC chamber, the Press could see the Permanent Representative of Saudi Arabia speaking, then another country which “raised its flag” or asked to speak but was not permitted.
Meanwhile, despite the argument that it was a closed meeting, the French Mission to the UN was tweeting from inside, decrying the “rant” of the Syrian Ambassador. When French Permanent Representive Gerard Araud left mid-speech, Inner City Press asked him about the curtailed UNTV coverage but he did not answer. Cradle of media freedom?
Once the noon briefing was over, Nesirky’s office announced that Syria’s Ja’afari would now hold a press conference at 3 pm. Watch this site.
April 5th, 2012, 1:54 pm
Alan said:
Violence Worsening in Syria in Spite of Pledge, U.N. Says
BEIRUT, Lebanon — Spasms of fierce new fighting, some just miles from Syria’s capital, were reported on Thursday, and the leader of the United Nations said the conflict was getting worse — contradicting assurances by the Syrian government to a special diplomatic envoy that it was complying with his cease-fire plan.
The violence came as the Security Council issued a statement requesting Syria’s compliance with the plan, particularly its April 10 deadline for a military pullback from major population centers. The statement itself reflected the deep doubts harbored among many nations that President Bashar al-Assad of Syria intends to keep his word.
Mr. Assad, who regards the opposition as terrorist gangs financed by Syria’s enemies, has habitually reneged on previous commitments aimed at halting the 13-month-old uprising against him, now the most chaotic of the Arab Spring democracy revolts.
The Security Council issued the statement as the special diplomatic envoy, Kofi Annan, appointed by the United Nations and Arab League to broker a halt to the Syrian conflict, briefed the General Assembly by videoconference from Geneva on his latest diplomatic entreaties to Mr. Assad and the opposition forces aligned against him. Mr. Annan also announced he would travel to Iran — the Syrian government’s only remaining significant supporter in the Middle East — on April 11.
But the grimness of Mr. Annan’s mission was underscored by Ban Ki-moon, the secretary general of the United Nations, who spoke to the General Assembly ahead of the briefing. “Despite the Syrian government’s acceptance of the joint special envoy’s plan of initial proposals to resolve the crisis, the violence and assaults in civilian areas have not stopped,” Mr. Ban said. “The situation on the ground continues to deteriorate.”
The latest outbreaks of violence came a day after Russia, the Syrian government’s most powerful defender, invited both the Syrian foreign minister and representatives of the opposition to Moscow for talks this month and warned foreign sympathizers of armed rebels not to supply them with more weapons.
Activist groups on Thursday reported clashes in the north and south of the country, as Turkish officials spoke of a surge in the number of Syrian refugees fleeing across the border into their country. News reports put the number arriving in Turkey on Wednesday at between 800 and 1,000, adding to the 20,000-plus Syrians who have already taken refuge there.
Under the terms of Mr. Annan’s plan, the Syrian forces committed to an April 10 deadline to withdraw troops and heavy weapons from major population centers, to be followed by a 48-hour period in which all combatants from both sides would cease all violence.
Mr. Annan’s spokesman said in Geneva on Thursday that Syria was claiming to have s already begun troop withdrawals in some areas. The spokesman, Ahmad Fawzi, said Syrian officials “have told us they have begun withdrawing troops from certain areas,” including Dara’a, Idlib and Zabadani.
“We expect them to continue and to abide by he pledges they have made,” Mr. Fawzi told reporters in Geneva.
April 5th, 2012, 1:56 pm
jad said:
The first reaction from the Syrian government against the suspicion role of Pillay being a tool for political decisions:
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Which totally fits in the ‘humanitarian’ war agenda:
From the Cold War to NATO’s “Humanitarian Wars” – The Complicity of the United Nations
Humanitarian wars, especially under the guise of the “Responsibility to Protect (R2P),” are a modern form of imperialism. The standard pattern that the United States and its allies use to execute them is one where genocide and ethnic cleansing are vociferously alleged by a coalition of governments, media organizations, and non-governmental front organizations. The allegations – often lurid and unfounded – then provide moral and diplomatic cover for a variety of sanctions that undermine and isolate the target country in question, and thereby pave the way for military intervention. This is the post-Cold War modus operandi of the US and NATO.
In facilitating this neo-imperialism, the United Nations has been complicit in the hijacking of its own posts and offices by Washington.
Former UN secretary-general Kofi Annan has been appointed a “special peace envoy” with a mediating role in Syria. Yet, how can Annan be evaluated as an “honest broker” considering his past instrumental role in developing the doctrine of R2P – the very pretext that has served to facilitate several US/NATO criminal wars of aggression? Furthermore, the evidence attests that the US and its allies – despite mouthing support for Annan’s supposed peace plan – are not interested in a mediated, peaceful solution in Syria.
April 5th, 2012, 1:58 pm
Alan said:
Stratfor Emails: Pentagon-Hired Mercenaries Intervening in Syria Since December
Via Jeremy Scahill, this news from Alakhbar English (Lebanese paper) on the WikiLeaks Stratfor emails:
US government officials requested that an American private security firm contact Syrian opposition figures in Turkey to see “how they can help in regime change,” the CEO of one of these firms told Stratfor in a company email obtained by WikiLeaks and Al-Akhbar.
James F. Smith, former director of Blackwater, is currently the Chief Executive of SCG International, a private security firm with experience in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Libya. In what appears to be his first email to Stratfor, Smith stated that his “background is CIA” and his company is comprised of “former DOD [Department of Defense], CIA and former law enforcement personnel.”
“We provide services for those same groups in the form of training, security and information collection,” he explained to Stratfor. (doc-id5441475)
In a 13 December 2011 email to Stratfor’s VP for counter-terrorism Fred Burton, which Burton shared with Stratfor’s briefers, Smith claimed that “[he] and Walid Phares were getting air cover from Congresswoman [Sue] Myrick to engage Syrian opposition in Turkey (non-MB and non-Qatari) on a fact finding mission for Congress.”
James Smith told Scahill “he’s been operating in both Syria & Libya the past year” but that “Stratfor’s internal description of his work was ‘inaccurate.’” The December date of the emails coincides with previous Stratfor revelations about covert operations inside Syria.
April 5th, 2012, 1:59 pm
jad said:
????? ???? ?????? ???? ???? ???? ?????
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“????? ??????? ??????? ??????? ??????? ?????? ????? ??????? ?? ???? ???? ??????? ????? ??????? ????? ??????? ?????? ????? ??????? ????? ??????? ?????? ??? ??????? ??????? ??? ?????? 5 ?????/????? ??? ??? ???????? ?? ?????.
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April 5th, 2012, 2:00 pm
Alan said:
As Washington Aids the Syrian Opposition…
Ed Husain, Senior Fellow for Middle Eastern Studies, Council on Foreign Relations:
In the Syrian opposition, it’s no exaggeration to say that there are Saudi Salafis, as well as al-Qaeda elements, and others who are included toward more extreme versions of religiosity present in that conflict. Given that we don’t really know who the Syrian opposition is composed of in detail, how wise is it to then bring down another regime and put in its place yet another Muslim Brotherhood-led government?
Priest from the Syrian district of Hamidiya:
“Some Christians who tried to escape a week ago were stopped from leaving by the rebels and were instead forced to go to a mosque to act as shields,” he said. “They thought that, because Christians support Assad, the government would not attack them.”
April 5th, 2012, 2:01 pm
Alan said:
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??? ??? ?????? ?? «?????» ???? ????????? ]
April 5th, 2012, 2:09 pm
jad said:
??????? ? ??????? ???????? .. ????? ??????? ????????
April 5th, 2012, 2:14 pm
Juergen said:
come on, do you really believe this Saddam propaganda? After what has happend to the US in Tehran, you think that they let them get away with that? The war was provoked by the Iraqis in order to destabilize and to establish at the long run an US friendly regime.
Saddam was armed and did the dirty work, what was unexpected was the sense of matyrdom the Iranians portrayed. I visited the graveyard in Tehran, filled with graves. The most gruesome is the part where the keyholder children are buried. In 1987 Khomeni ordered young children, some as young as 10 to the warzone, with a keynecklace around their neck, and they told those kids, if they die they will get into paradise with this key.
There is a section for the thousands who have died with teddybears and comicpaintings at their graves. Following your logic Germany would be still the bitter enemy of France, for centuries Germans were taught that the French are so and so and therefore our enemies.
Thats the rule of violence, and we all should know better. In an ideal world I would propose that arabic states should offer student exchange programmes, that always works to reduce hate on both sides.
April 5th, 2012, 2:17 pm
Alan said:
Russian warns against arming Syrian opposition
April 5th, 2012, 2:26 pm
jad said:
LOLOL, So after snubbing anything comes out of the Syrian media, the ‘holly’ Jadaliyya is ‘lowering’ its ‘heavenly’ ‘rebellious’ level and is trying to show what the ‘horrible’ ‘other side’ is writing…of course, with a formal apologies in the intro…what a stupid page and stupid owners:
Syria Media Roundup (April-4)
[This is a roundup of news articles and other materials circulating on Syria and reflects a wide variety of opinions. It does not reflect the views of the Syria Page Editors or of Jadaliyya. You may send your own recommendations for inclusion in each week’s roundup to [email protected] by Monday night of every week]
April 5th, 2012, 2:30 pm
Alan said:
UN looks for ‘broader mandate’ to monitor Syrian ceasefire
April 5th, 2012, 2:35 pm
Syria no Kandahar said:
????? ?????? ????
????? ??????
April 5th, 2012, 2:40 pm
Alan said:
From the Cold War to NATO’s “Humanitarian Wars” – The Complicity of the United Nations
by Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya
April 5th, 2012, 2:45 pm
Uzair8 said:
[Comment stuck in moderation since 1st April]
There are reports coming out of Syria that President Bashar Assad and his Foreign Minister Walid Muallem have defected. Alongside these reports unverified internet footage apparantly captured on a nomads mobile phone shows the pair fleeing on foot across the desert in the direction of Jordan.
The regime has played down the defections accusing the pair of being part of the revolution. It claimed the pair had been in communication with the opposition for some time going all the way back to the initial Qatari attempt to bribe Muallem. It is said Muallem was asked by the Qataris to approach Assad with a view to encourage him to also defect.
Damascus has released what it says is an image secretly taken showing a secret meeting held between the pair and Qatari PM Hamad bin Jassem in a cafe at an undisclosed location on the Lebanonese side of the border in recent months.
The Qatari government has declined to comment.
Unconfirmed reports say Asma Assad has condemned the defection of her husband and has vowed to stand by the Syrian regime till the end.
On pro-regime online social networks there is increasing chatter of the possibility that Bushra Assad will be asked to step into the presidential post.
April 5th, 2012, 2:46 pm
Mawal95 said:
The following half a dozen videos are brief interviews with Syrians citizens on the streets (???? ?????? ??????). They were broadcast nationwide in Syria in recent days. Most of them are from http://www.youtube.com/user/alikhbariasyria/videos
2 apr 2012. Brief interviews with Syrians on the street in Aleppo on the question of what they want in candidates for parliament in the upcoming election: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N5cXZ3zod3o . Please notice that in this video, again and again, while someone is being interviewed on camera on the street, many passers-by are stopping and standing around in the background, hoping that they will be asked for their own view — hoping they will have the honour of proclaiming on national TV that they adhere to the spirit of national unity and support the civil political process.
2 apr 2012. Brief interviews with Syrians on the street in Homs City on the question of what they want in candidates for parliament in the upcoming election: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hXjTN_bzMOU . Again notice the same behaviour as in the previous video (to a lesser degree) — i.e. people are lining up for an opportunity to talk into the camera.
2 apr 2012. Brief interviews with Syrians on the Street on their view of the “Enemies of Syria” conference in Istanbul: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XMTXcqmL10g . This video shows the same behaviour I’m talking about. At time 3:18 the TV camera has shown up at a place on a street, and is interviewing one passer-by, who stands alone. Later, the same place on the street is thronged with people wanting the opportunity to say their say, as seen at time 3:32. I’ve seen this behaviour many, many times before. I take it as an indicator that the Syrian Street positively supports the regime. In other words, I take it as one piece of evidence for my view that the idea of a uncommitted silent majority is an idea without a solid factual basis and is a false idea.
4 apr 2012. The same behaviour is in the video that JAD linked to at #656 above, where citizens are denouncing the violence of the rebels: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6SMQGXck6ww . JAD comments: “Bashar and the regime has no say in why the majority of Syrians are against this disgusting pathetic terrorist strategy that is targeting the average Syrian before anything else.” I don’t fully agree with that comment by JAD because I believe the majority of Syrians are positively with the regime. JAD himself is not positively with the regime (whereas I am). Apparently JAD would like an election where any alternative secular political party was elected, and the regime’s party was voted out of office. I believe JAD’s attitude is not supported by even a large minority of Syrians, never mind the majority. If JAD’s attitude were supported by a large minority — which is to say, if a considerable market demand for such a political party existed — we’d see the market demand being supplied. Whereas we see on the ground today that nine new political parties have been fully registered since the new parties law came into effect in August 2011 and NONE of these parties is generating any interest among the public.
3 apr 2012. Brief interviews with Syrian citizens arriving at the airport from overseas. They know the foreign news media is riddled with falsehoods about what’s happening in their country: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NA_OuOO3lTw
4 apr 2012. The Governor of Outer Damascus visits Zabadani. The video has some words from the Governor followed by some brief interviews with citizens in Zabadani: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tE33KxA_nyQ
4 apr 2012. Brief interviews with citizens who attended a candle-light evening ceremony honouring killed security men, Latakia: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5IGWWGVUEDE
SANA.SY at the moment is carrying a news story that the Regional Leadership of the Baath Party has issued a statement that in Syria there is strong national unity on the ground. http://www.sana.sy/eng/21/2012/04/05/410692.htm My comment: that is not spurious boosterism. It’s based on observable facts, and if you haven’t observed those facts yourself, I think you haven’t been paying enough attention to what is and isn’t happening on the ground.
April 5th, 2012, 2:55 pm
Alan said:
Myth of “Syrian rebels”…they’re mostly for posing for video cameras while foreign mercenaries hired by foreign powers do the heavy lifting:
“…Leaked emails show an American private security company, SCG International has been helping the Syrian opposition in its efforts to overthrow President Bashar al-Assad at the request of US officials.
The whistleblower website, Wikileaks, released the emails sent by SCG Chief Executive James F. Smith, the former director of the notorious company Blackwater, which is blamed for the killing of many civilians in Iraq and Afghanistan.
In one of the emails, Smith says his company was contracted to engage the Turkey-based Syrian opposition in a so-called “fact finding mission,” but “the true mission is how they can help in regime change.”
US Mercenaries Intervening In Syria – Leaked Emails
April 5th, 2012, 2:59 pm
Uzair8 said:
536. mjabali said:
“As for how many times did Umar ibn al-Khattab run away from battles”
Sayyidina Umar ibn al Khattab (RA) never left the side of the Prophet (S) either in life or death. 🙂
April 5th, 2012, 3:37 pm
Alan said:
19.03.2012 Satanovsky: Syria will bog down in civil war
In the capital of Syria now very restlessly. Governmental security forces liquidated group of extremists which grasped the house in the west of Damascus. At building storm in a quarter el-Mezze were killed three fighters. There are victims and among military. Shots in different parts of the city were audible also last night. Whether get events in Syria especially dangerous character? Or they pass to any new phase after which it is necessary to wait for an outcome? The situation in Syria at interview to the channel “Russia 24” was estimated by the president of Institute of the Middle East Evgenia Satanovsky. “When there is no the base where it is possible to establish the government, it is necessary to pass to guerrilla and terrorist work.
Today in Syria such bases are smoothed out. Therefore further in the region will go slow, but long civil war” — considers the expert. Evgeny Satanovsky confirmed information that in Syria really there are serious fights.” The Syrian army conducts difficult fights in spite of the fact that it is extremely well prepared and not bad armed. The matter is that mobilization of radicals goes across all Middle East. Therefore to say that a situation in Syria — easy walk isn’t necessary” in any way — the president of Institute of the Middle East ascertained.
April 5th, 2012, 3:46 pm
Juergen said:
do you honestly expect Syrians would say the truth in front of an cameramen on the street?
Have you ever talked to an unknown Syrian over such issues out in the public?
April 5th, 2012, 3:52 pm
Juergen said:
Christian Activist Hadeel Kouki on Syria
April 5th, 2012, 4:01 pm
omen said:
i get madder every time i read the above posting. people are dying and all critics can think to do is to chastise the snc. people are dying!
doesn’t the professor realize acting to drive the focus into nitpicking the opposition only serves to prop up the regime? surely, that can’t be his intention.
April 5th, 2012, 4:06 pm
Mina said:
738 Jürgen
Interesting that you bring this topic now but did not answer to me 2 days ago when I asked about a link posted by Jad if the people interviewed in the street in Damascus (about 15) looked coerced or braiwashed…
A very good example of how Syrians feel free to talk on camera is the SBS tv documentary on Haytham al Maleh when he meets Zuhayr Siddiq, don’t you think so?
April 5th, 2012, 4:07 pm
Juergen said:
I do know that people under despotism tend to develop what i call an survival mode.They will say what is expected of them to be said. Critical thinking is undevoloped, or at least thats not what you learn in syrian public schools.
Therefore i see no reason in believing that queued up “bypassers” take their chance to talk freely from their heart to an offical cameremen who has guards of the muhabarat for his safetey with him.
I have only twice had an open and honest conversation with Syrians, and that is not because i had no chance, being a highly interested person in politics i tried many times, but thats the first lesson a Syrian is learning, dont talk about politics.Those times i talked to one who has been imprisoned before and to one who was in exile for 20 years and just came back to bury his mother.
I think we are far from having trustworthy opinion polls from Syria, and yet journalism in Syria doesnt deserve to be called Journalism, a more workable term would be mouthpiece of the regime.
April 5th, 2012, 4:18 pm
jad said:
Juergen knows everything anywhere in the world. He knows how Syrians think and feel even when they are sleeping.I think that he has ‘friends’ in the djin who helps him…Allah A3lam!
April 5th, 2012, 4:25 pm
Alan said:
At first we will learn to jump – and then to us water will pour
Remember such joke? The person comes to a madhouse and sees — loonies rise by a tower and jump to the empty concrete pool. Break. «That you do?» — the person asks. «And to us told — at first we will learn to jump, and then to us water will pour».
Such impression that today this joke became reality – Syrian Revolution. 🙂
April 5th, 2012, 4:25 pm
Juergen said:
I have not been to Latin America, Australia and the Antarctica, so i wont comment on those regions…
And for the knowledge, thats quite an assumption, i go for what Montaigne has said : Que sais-je?
I have a voodoo puppet in my house does that make me a master of the jiin?
Come on mnhbaks, can you let the eydoctor down, he will loose if you dont queue up for his support… some hours are left…
April 5th, 2012, 4:34 pm
jad said:
Juergen the great,
“I have not been to Latin America, Australia and the Antarctica, so i wont comment on those regions…’
Thank God!
“mnhbaks” You may need to learn how to write it correct before you even use it 😉
April 5th, 2012, 4:43 pm
Uzair8 said:
#745 Alan
It’s an interesting scenario (joke). It is easy to criticize but what other realistic option did the syrian people have? Any suggestions?
They saw a limited window of opportunity* and went for broke. A desperate situation.
*Taking advantage of the arab spring. While the winds were strong and favorable.
April 5th, 2012, 4:44 pm
jad said:
Nizar Jafari Interview 5April12
In English for those who doesn’t know how to write ‘mnhbaks’, yet keep preaching Syrians of how to think, how typical!
Qatar Manipulating UN General Assembly
April 5th, 2012, 4:46 pm
Khalid Tlass said:
That guy Khomeini has been a tool of anti-Islamic, Zionist, and fascist forces from day 1. The very objective of the CIA to allow him to take over was to portray a “respectable” figure of Shi’ism who will lend some ounce of credibilty to the fake fictitious propaganda you are hearing about our Sunni Caliphs from the mouths of some kids on SyriaComment.
From Day 1 Khomeini’s plan was to conquer the whole of the Middle East and then the whole of the Muslim World, Iran-Iraq War, or as we call it “Qadisiyah 2” was just one piece of the puzzle. But soldiers of the Sahaba are standing firmly in the way of this grand plan, and the fight at this moment is taking place in Syria.
April 5th, 2012, 4:48 pm
Khalid Tlass said:
If there was one Army Israelis tried to destroy it was the Iraqi Army, look up about 1981 Osirak raid, Iraq was on the verge of exterminating the Majoosi cancer once and for all when Israel came to save their ancient friends.
And I would like to ask YOU who was behind the 1981 bombing of the Iraqi Embassy in Beirut, which killed 200 innoccent civilans, 60 of the top trained Palestinian fedayeen who were about to destroy Israel and their Phoenician stooges in Lebanon, and Balqis al-Rawi, the wife of Nizar Qabbani.
April 5th, 2012, 4:52 pm
Mina said:
Open your eyes: in these street interviews, it is not the camera which is moving to chase people. It is mainly passerbys and who wants to talk stay and wait and talk.
Of course I will not claim that they don’t cut whoever made critics. But stop seeing dictatorship victims everywhere.
Dictatorship starts in the household, and it is for countries and cultures to evolve to the absolute individualism you are enjoying and want the rest of the world to enjoy. That does not mean that all of these people are coerced. What about jumping in Gulf type of religious coercion, would it make a change?
April 5th, 2012, 4:57 pm
Khalid Tlass said:
TARA, you asked me about my vision for a Salafism in the Syrian State,
here it is :
In our version of Salafi Govt, Islamization will be very gradual. No, we will not force anyone to cover their hair in public, but we will teach little girls in school that it is always better to cover your hair. Basically we will Islamise the population starting with the younger generation. We will not force adult people who are already used to their lifestyle to change it.
Ours is a long-term plan.
During the Ottomans’ time, all the women of Syria used to cover themselves, unveiling as a practice was introduced by the French and later spread by the Nasserists and Baathists.
So veiling is natural for Syria. Even during pre-Islamic times women used to veil themsleves in Syria and Iraq.
WE are like the new army of the Sahaba, bringing a new Caliphate unto Syria, we are the descendtants of Khalid bin Walid and Umar ibn al Khattab
Please respond if you have read this comment, bcz you asked me a question, and I feel obligatted to answer. So far I have posted this comment twice but did not get any confirmation from you.
April 5th, 2012, 4:59 pm
irritated said:
#744 Jad
Many CIA operators are disguised in innocent travel agents for the Middle East.
April 5th, 2012, 5:06 pm
Mina said:
Thanks a lot for this link
Clear, concise, efficient.
April 5th, 2012, 5:09 pm
zoo said:
#718. Tara
In politics, you never say to a “friendly” country that it is “dishonest”. Iran has been direct in disapproving openly “Turkey illogical and extremist’ position about Syria and susceptible Erdogan has reacted emotionally as he always does, by insulting Iran.
I am sure he will be made to regret bitterly what he said. Iran is not a country that accept insults in silence.
April 5th, 2012, 5:14 pm
Tara said:
Dear Khaled
I read it. I am sorry I did not acknowledge I read it. It is rude not to acknowledge a post directed at me. I apologize.
See Khaled, I wouldn’t want Yara to wear a hijab since childhood and I am not sure if I want to live in a country like Iran where this becomes the norm. Yara can decide in the future for herself.
Khaled, I am Sunni Muslim and I believe in God. But I don’t want Anything whatever it is to be imposed on me. How are you going to patch this in a salafi state? Am I going to be declared infedel? I am not an infedel. I fast Ramadan and I occasionally pray. Islam is my only religion and I think I am a true believer. Being a true believer to me is a “state of heart”. I think I am a good person and I think I’ve done lots of good things in my life. So how are you going to deal with me in a salafi state?
April 5th, 2012, 5:16 pm
Juergen said:
Both are not my cup of tea. Both are responsible for crimes and atrocities. The point was who has started the war. I always thought that this Saddam propaganda would be toxic for those opposing Assad.
April 5th, 2012, 5:19 pm
Uzair8 said:
How exactly is the Turkish position on syria ‘illogical and extremist’.?
The ming boggles ?!#@!
April 5th, 2012, 5:20 pm
Tara said:
Although I have learned a painful lesson in the past of not to ask for personal info regardless of the intention, I will venture to say that I really think you are either very young or there is very soft person under this hard shell. I might be wrong but this is my assessment of you.
You can ignore my assessment if you want to. Will not take it personal.
April 5th, 2012, 5:22 pm
Ghufran said:
SAMS just lost a number of its founding board and the BOD who left in protest of SAMS becoming an arm of the SNC and getting politicized.
We talked about this before, this is the result of mixing charity and politics. First SAMS was in bed with the regime and now they discovered a new bed.
???? ????? ??? ??????? ?? ???
April 5th, 2012, 5:23 pm
Khalid Tlass said:
JUERGEN said : “. I always thought that this Saddam propaganda would be toxic for those opposing Assad”
The irony is Assad actively helped and gave shelter to all those Iraqi Shia activists who were escaping from Saddam’s regime in the 1980s. Among them was someone named Nouri al Maliki, who fled Baghdad in 1981 and went straight to Damascus, and lived there for 10 full years under the active guidance of the Syrian Mukhabarat’s Palestine Branch.
Assad also gave refuge to many Iraqi Shia clerics who were escaping Iraq in the 1980s.
For his part, Saddam welcomed the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood and even made preparations for their military training in Iraq.
So it is highly probable that a guy who hates Assad will find Saddam more acceptable, and a guy who hates saddam will find Assad more lovely.
I personally know many Iraqi Shia who just hate Saddam and lost friends and family to Saddam’s purges, but they are fully supportive towards Bashar and hate the Syrian Uprising.
Its like someone who hated Ho Chi Minh but supported Pol Pot.
April 5th, 2012, 5:29 pm
Juergen said:
you and others move from one hotspot to the other. I have never before cared to post on a blog, i used to think its a waste of time.For Syria i do make a difference, because i care for this country as i care for my own. I am not one who goes around and wants to liberate others. I have made the experience of how life is without freedom, and i experienced the struggle to achieve that freedom. That i have always wished for Syria and the Syrians. If you want to judge me on that, do as you please.
Mina, whenever there was a camerateam in my town when i was a boy, the shops were filled with food, which usually was seldomly in stock. Those who pass on the street were preselected, parts of streets closed to people to pass and they did that perfectly not even western reporters knew they spoke to mostly muhabarat guys.
April 5th, 2012, 5:30 pm
Khalid Tlass said:
One should be soft towards some, and hard to others. Even Bashar is like that. That is just pure survival instinct.
April 5th, 2012, 5:31 pm
irritated said:
UZAIR8 #760
You want a drawing? Illogical means that Erdogan says he is accepting the Annan plan and in the same time he asks for Bashar Al Assad to resign.
Extremist because he encourages armed rebellions, instead of encouraging negotiations.
I think the Iranians were polite, they should have told me that he need to see a psychiatrist to cure his ego problem.
April 5th, 2012, 5:33 pm
Juergen said:
Sorry i dont buy it, whoever calls Saddam a better choice over Assad, or finds reason in his brutal rule ( the shia and the kurds can tell) is either doomed with Sunnisuperior thinking or is not quite sane.
April 5th, 2012, 5:33 pm
Khalid Tlass said:
What do you say about those Iraqi Shia who lost their friends, family, property, everything, in Saddam’s many massacres, but still support Assad and hate the Syrian Uprising, just because it is led by Sunnis ?
As I said, it is like hating Stalin and supporting Ceausescu.
April 5th, 2012, 5:37 pm
Alakid said:
First Turkish bombs agains Syria. 05.04.12 at 17.10
April 5th, 2012, 5:37 pm
Uzair8 said:
766. Irritated
Was Iran referring to Turkey’s position on the Annan plan specifically or to Turkey’s general position on the revolution from the start?
April 5th, 2012, 5:37 pm
Uzair8 said:
Shouldn’t we be consistant? I disliked Saddam for exactly the same reasons as I dislike Assad.
April 5th, 2012, 5:40 pm
Khalid Tlass said:
Another thing Juergen,
What would you say about the Iraqi Sadrists who opposed Saddam for 24 years and paid a heavy price ( FYI 2 of the most respected Shia clerics in the world, Baqir alSadr and Sadeq alSadr, were killed by the previous Iraqi regime) ; yet now are volunteering to fight in Syria beside Bashar’s Army ? many of these sadrists have been captured and killed by the FSA, and much evidence points to the fact that these Sadrist mercenaries were involved in the many sectarian massacres in Homs.
April 5th, 2012, 5:41 pm
irritated said:
Khaled Tlass
We all hope the sunni Caliphate comes back so all women will be veiled and kept locked. Men will marry 4 times and will rule under the Sharia laws: Hands off for a thief, stoning for adultery and whips for drinking.
Any chance to reinstate slavery? That would be a dream come true for all men, right?
April 5th, 2012, 5:41 pm
Khalid Tlass said:
770. Uzair8 said:
Shouldn’t we be consistant? I disliked Saddam for exactly the same reasons as I dislike Assad.”
Hehehe Uzayr, you are a bit naive. I have absolutely no intention of living in Iraq under Saddam’s regime (if he were to be resurrected), but he is extremely useful for all Sunnis as a counter-weight to Iran and for keeping 20 million Iraqi Shias under tight control.
Think big Uzayr, do you think all those Hezbollahis and sadrists will particularly look forward to taking part in and living under Assad . But they support him bcz they have comon interests, common enemies, Assad is a useful tool in supprrssing the Sunnis and the Salafis, and besides the Rafidi gain some deep inner satisfaction at seeing us humilaited.
Don’t believe me ? Why do they support the murtad Algerian regime do you think ?
Already they are feeling nostalgic about Mubarak, Gaddafi and Ben Ali, they just love to see practising Sunnis to be suppressed.
April 5th, 2012, 5:48 pm
zoo said:
Syrian Kurdish groups reunite with opposition
?pek Yezdani ?pek Yezdani
The Kurdish groups who previously split from the most prominent Syrian opposition group, the Syrian National Council (SNC), have reunited with it after the council accepted the addition of a paragraph to the “National Contract of the New Syria” that recognizes the “Kurdish identity.”
“We added a paragraph to the ‘National Contract of the New Syria,’ and the Kurdish groups who left our conference last week with the aim of unification have agreed to be represented under the roof of the SNC. However, we have not yet heard anything from the Syrian Kurdish parties based in Northern Iraq,” the Turkey representative of the SNC, Khaled Khoja, told Hürriyet Daily News in an interview Thursday.
Syrian dissidents led by the Syrian National Council had revealed the main principles of a future Syrian constitution in a meeting at which all of the opposition groups gathered on March 28 ahead of the international “Friends of Syria” meeting in Istanbul. However, some Kurdish groups walked out of the conference, protesting the lack of any representation of the Kurdish identity in the “National Contract of the New Syria” document, which was later submitted to the international community at the Friends of Syria meeting April 1.
Two Kurdish groups, The Kurdish Freedom Party in Syria (Azadi) and Al Mustaqbal, have agreed to unite with the SNC after an additional line was added to the document saying that “Kurdish national identity is recognized within the framework of the unity of the people and territory of Syria. Kurdish people will be paid compensation because of the oppression they have encountered in previous years.”
April 5th, 2012, 5:51 pm
Uzair8 said:
Dear moderator, maybe the ‘term’ ‘jazearatizad’ (or however it is spelt) could be added to the list of words triggering moderation?
Possibly a non-existent meaningless ‘term’.
Btw I think Jeurgen has today answered the questions addressed to him excellently. Expressed what was in my mind too. A usual no answer is satisfactory for some.
April 5th, 2012, 5:54 pm
Khalid Tlass said:
TARA said ;
“Khaled, I am Sunni Muslim and I believe in God. But I don’t want Anything whatever it is to be imposed on me. How are you going to patch this in a salafi state? Am I going to be declared infedel? I am not an infedel. I fast Ramadan and I occasionally pray. Islam is my only religion and I think I am a true believer. Being a true believer to me is a “state of heart”. I think I am a good person and I think I’ve done lots of good things in my life. So how are you going to deal with me in a salafi state?”
As I said, adult people will not be forced to change their lifestyle, but we’ll make sure their kids don’t.
Btw the vast majority of Sunni Syrian women cover their hair. Wacth this – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5f1VEQC0TpY&feature=relmfu
Also you will find it hard to find 1 uncovered woman in all of Homs, Hama, Idlib, Halab, Raqqah, Deirezzor, Deraa.
So people like you are a very rare occurrence, less than 2 % of the population. They can be accomodated.
April 5th, 2012, 5:57 pm
Khalid Tlass said:
Did you see my reply to your query about Saddam’s regime ?
April 5th, 2012, 5:59 pm
DAWOUD said:
# 719. said:
“Since Ann is not around here is what’s happening in the UN behind doors”
First, the pro-dictator anti-Sunni tried to please the anti-Sunni/pro-dictator by saying “newbie!” Second, he is filling up for her when she is away.
All this reminds me of the Arabic saying: “???? ??? ?????”
This saying is also in English: “love killed a cat!” 🙂
More posting from the undemocratic anti-Sunni/pro-dictator Wilayat al-faqih (12th imam) media: As-Safir, al-Akhbar, al-Manar, Press TV, etc.
April 5th, 2012, 6:00 pm
Uzair8 said:
778 Khalid
Sunnis are not the majority in Iraq so it wouldn’t be right for them to have disproportionate power.
I couldn’t support brutality and injustice no matter what and regardless of the considerations you pointed out.
April 5th, 2012, 6:04 pm
omen said:
666. jad 2:11 am
i was wondering who would end up with that number. lol
April 5th, 2012, 6:05 pm
Juergen said:
for me its like choosing between plague and cholera. I just dont see a reason to value how much evil one is, if one is more evil whatsoever. Under this logic Mao was less evil than Hitler because it was Hitler who industrialized mass murder, with Mao more people died, but more through hunger and bad policies. Does that make Mao a better person?
I dont think so. Ernst Jandl has once said it right for me, there is nothing right in wrong.
April 5th, 2012, 6:06 pm
DAWOUD said:
P.S., keep cheering for the murderous Syrian dictator, who is killing mostly Sunni Arab/Kurdish Syrians (Yes, Syria’s Kurds are mostly Sunni. Also, Iraq’s Kurd’s-e.g., Iraqi foreign minister Zeiari, are mostly Sunni) by using the following bigoted/stereotypical CODE NAME:
“Muslim Brotherhood”
Liberal anti-Bashar Syrians are now posting on the Internet with these code names: “Salafist, etc.” just to belittle the dictator/his supporters and their silly logic!
April 5th, 2012, 6:08 pm
Tara said:
Then I guess I like emotional countries/ people As opposed to countries/people incapable of “emotion-ing”…
But wait one second. It is ok for Iran to describe Turkey as illogic and extreme and not ok for Turkey to call Iran dishonest?
Additionally, Iran is an isolated country who is trying hard to evade sanctions….Iran needs Turkey much more than Turkey needs Iran. How is Iran going to respond to the insult other than by using a barrage of verbal assaults? A technique that is usually invoked by … the defeated
April 5th, 2012, 6:08 pm
Will said:
My good friend who has done a lot of hacking work on the Syrian government says they’re now printing money in Russia, whose government has also given them 2bn+ euros in aid.
April 5th, 2012, 6:16 pm
Halabi said:
How many times has Khalid Tlass been to “Homs, Hama, Idlib, Halab, Raqqah, Deirezzor, Deraa” to know what women are like there? And you want to force other people’s children to wear hijab and learn Islam? I don’t think that platform will be successful in a democratic country.
Salafis won’t become a dominant party with this type of thinking in a free society because their vision is so strict that even they can’t comply. Like the Salafi getting a nose job in Egypt, or the extremist sheikhs who are secret drug and sex addicts we see Saudi Arabia, Iran, Pakistan and other countries. A free press will expose this hypocrisy as well as provide clear arguments against the Salafi agenda.
People want dignity, freedom and a modern government that can deliver security and jobs. Islamists have to come up with ideas to address these issues – most religious people I know seem to think they are doing a good job worshiping their jobs and aren’t waiting for government clerics to show them the way.
Debating Salafis is futile because they won’t change their mind. Just like the menhebak. The only difference today is that the menhebak is cheering on an actual army that’s shelling poor towns like Anadan and Taftanaz, while the Salafi hopes to have such power in the future. There is no question who is causing more damage today.
April 5th, 2012, 6:17 pm
Syrialover said:
755. Irritated said:
“Many CIA operators are disguised in innocent travel agents for the Middle East”
They would have to be brilliant double-agent operators, wouldn’t they, dedicated to bringing in western tourists and all that $ for a closed network of local Syrian businessmen to benefit from!
Random expressions of paranoia and propaganda like this just add fuel to the funeral pyre of Syria’s tourism industry and international business connections.
April 5th, 2012, 6:29 pm
jad said:
What an Anti-Sunni Ashraf is, he dares to criticize the MBs, Ya 3eeb alshoum….akeed Anti-Sunni, mafi majal!
????? ????? ????????!!! ?? ????? ??????? ?????!!
by Ashraf Almoukdad
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April 5th, 2012, 6:33 pm
Mawal95 said:
A platoon Syrian soldiers smiling with virtuous smiles as they stand over the bodies of dead rebels, uploaded 30 Mar 2012:
April 5th, 2012, 6:37 pm
Uzair8 said:
783 Dawoud
Spot on about the ‘code-words’.
About the consistancy. See how some Iranians or Shia people were against Baathism in Iraq but support it in Syria? You may have seen the image elsewhere:
786 Halabi
Some good points. ‘786’ too.
Some achievement for the regime to become more unpopular than Salafis.
781 Omen
666 lol. I noticed that. Was it in support of a Nazi too or were quotation marks missed out?
407 JAD
May I ask why you are internationalising the conflict? And I would appreciate if you could kindly leave my cave out of this. Thank you.
April 5th, 2012, 6:50 pm
Uzair8 said:
Me thinks the Golan would rather not be liberated just yet. Golanese would rather wait until Syria is free. Perhaps the Golan will free itself from Isreal and then liberate Syria?
April 5th, 2012, 7:13 pm
jad said:
Syria: What part do they not understand?
Let us make it perfectly simple, in fact let us make it idiot-proof: if you arm terrorists and send them to create havoc among a civilian population, the authorities have the right to react, to restore order, to punish the perpetrators and to apply the law of the land. What part of that is difficult to understand?
Let us back this up with an idiot-proof analogy. Farmer A has a farm with a complex mix of fields and crops and micro-climates but generally speaking, all parts of his farm and the tremendous mix of workers from several tribes and religions live happily together, respect each others’ differences and are productive. There is however one problem. Farmer A’s land lies in a strategically important area, involving gas and oil pipelines and is considered as a stepping stone to the Great Farm to the East, coveted by the FUKUS farmers to the West.
The FUKUS farmers therefore stir up trouble in farmer A’s land, sending in terrorists from the North and West, creating ethnic, tribal and religious strife where there had been none for years, since the last time they tried. Farmer A reacted to this scourge, which was raping girls, pillaging and torching villages, slicing the breasts off women, murdering, stealing and destroying public and private property, armed with machine guns, anti-tank missiles, anti-personnel mines and rocket-propelled grenades. He lost over 3,000 members murdered by the FUKUS terrorists…yet the FUKUS-Axis and its umbrella organism, called the United Farmers’ Organization (UFO), led by Man-ki Boon, blamed Farmer A for the crisis and continued to accuse him of abuses and of perpetuating the conflict while all the time under their noses FUKUS-Axis friends and UFO members continued to arm the terrorists and instigate violence against the brave farmer.
What part of that is difficult to understand?
In fact, let us face Messrs. Ban-Ki Moon and the leaders of the FUKUS-Axis – Sarkozy, Cameron and Obama, and their nasty sidekicks in their respective Foreign Affairs Departments and UN Reps – sit them down and fire some questions at them.
April 5th, 2012, 7:20 pm
Uzair8 said:
It was a joke.
A don’t live in a cave and I’m not an afghan. I dislike al qaeda and am not a fan of the taleban.
The joke was that those who accuse others of calling for internationalising (intervention) the crisis are internationalising it themselves (your post in 407).
April 5th, 2012, 7:35 pm
omen said:
May I ask why you are internationalising the conflict?
oh, i don’t know, uzair8, i thought jad’s scenario of ksa invading germany to liberate protesters pretty funny.
April 5th, 2012, 7:38 pm
Syrialover said:
Mawal95 in #789 posted a video (posted here already before) of Syrian troops triumphantly kicking around the mutilated bodies of young Syrian men they had killed.
Your purpose? You always rave indignantly about any criticism of Assadist forces and cheer about any setback to those who oppose them.
So I am kindly wondering if there is another Mawal95s posting here, who wants to demonstrate Assad’s crimes. Or must we accept there is only one, and you are now taking sick pride and thrills from that video. If so, you have mental health problems.
Incidentally, such footage is valuable for criminal trials and intelligence briefings, but it breaks my heart and disturbs me that the families of the victims have the extra pain and horror with such videos being shown to the world.
April 5th, 2012, 7:39 pm
omen said:
777. Khalid Tlass said:
you’re the reason i have to battle bigoted people who insist arabs aren’t ready for or are “unworthy” of democracy. you give fuel to islamophobes.
So people like you are a very rare occurrence, less than 2 % of the population.
salafists are a rarity too.
April 5th, 2012, 7:49 pm
jad said:
“It was a joke.”
It’s not even funny, and nobody is laughing.
April 5th, 2012, 7:55 pm
Tara said:
Is jad a nickname for Jihad?
April 5th, 2012, 8:01 pm
zoo said:
#784. Tara said:
“How is Iran going to respond to the insult other than by using a barrage of verbal assaults? ”
In politics there is no place for expressing emotions.
Trading between the two countries is 10 billion euros to be tripled in the next 5 years. Do you think Erdogan will renounce to that?
April 5th, 2012, 8:11 pm
zoo said:
Annan in action: The UN calls the Syrian government and the armed rebels to cease armed violence and enter into a political dialog
Security Council Presidential Statement on Syria Signals Intention to Authorize Mechanism to Monitor End of Violence, or ‘Consider Further Steps’
The Council requested the Secretary-General to provide proposals for a mechanism to monitor the cessation of violence and other aspects of Mr. Annan’s six-point plan, to which the Syrian authorities agreed on 25 March, as soon as appropriate after consultations with the Government. It reiterated the importance of a peaceful political settlement of the crisis, an end to human rights violations, the opening of humanitarian access and the start of a Syrian-led transition to a democratic, pluralistic political system.
“The Security Council calls upon the Syrian Government to implement urgently and visibly its commitments, as it agreed to do in its communication to the Envoy of 1 April, to (a) cease troop movements towards population centres, (b) cease all use of heavy weapons in such centres, and (c) begin pullback of military concentrations in and around population centres, and to fulfil these in their entirety by no later than 10 April 2012.
“The Security Council calls upon all parties, including the opposition, to cease armed violence in all its forms within 48 hours of the implementation in their entirety by the Syrian Government of measures (a), (b), (c) above. The Security Council further calls upon the opposition to engage with the Envoy in this regard.
April 5th, 2012, 8:18 pm
Tara said:
Is it a unilateral trade? Does Turkey import from Iran?
April 5th, 2012, 8:22 pm
Tara said:
11.36am: Last Friday’s protests in Syrian were dedicated to the opposition’s disappointment over the response to the bloodshed in the country by Muslims and Arabs. One of the opposition groups has now made a highly emotive comparison – especially for Muslims – by claiming that what is happening in Homs is “more atrocious that what happened in the Bosnian town of Srebrenica”.
In a statement titled Homsenica, the Revolutionary Council of Homs claims that “ethnic cleansing” in Homs has displaced more than 500,000 people, whereas between 50,000 and 80,000 Bosnians Muslims were forced out of Srebrenica .
Around 8,000 Muslim males were killed in the Srebrencia massacre, making it the worst act of mass murder in Europe committed since the second world war.
Dima Moussa, from the Revolutionary Council of Homs, said:
What has happened in the last two months – February and March of 2012 – is that nearly half a million people who live in predominantly Sunni neighbourhoods near …Alawite neighborhoods, were forced to leave their homes. This came after the residents witnessed atrocious crimes including slaughtering women and children; burning and abusing dead bodies; group-raping women and little girls, some of whom under the age of 12; terrorising the residents with heavy bombing and destroying their homes on top of them; cutting off water, electricity, and communications; and preventing food and medicine from reaching these neighbourhoods.
After the residents left their homes, the regime immediately brought loyalist Alawite and Shia families to live in the homes that belong to mostly Sunni families. The regime’s thugs then looted the other homes that remained unoccupied and robbed their contents in an organised manner, and then they set the homes on fire.
April 5th, 2012, 8:29 pm
zoo said:
#800 Tara
About Half of Turkey’s Oil Needs Supplied by Iran ( July 2011)
Iran is Turkey’s second largest supplier of natural gas after Russia.
The Islamic Republic of Iran has become the Turkish third trade partner after Germany and Britain.
On the other hand, the trade balance is growing in favor of Iran since 1993, increasing more steeply since the first purchase of natural gas from Iran in 2001.
Turkish exports to Iran are mainly machinery, motor vehicles, iron and steel products, boilers, electric devices, tobacco products. Crude oil and natural gas dominate Iranian exports to Turkey with 90%.
In the last ten years, direct investments in Turkey from Iran exceeded 110 million $.
April 5th, 2012, 8:30 pm
jad said:
LOLOL, no, I choose it from AhmadineJAD, I thought that it was funny how the American say that name, they never say it right and always pronouns the last three letters in a strange way.
April 5th, 2012, 8:36 pm
ann said:
Defiant Syria is upgrading its military capabilities – 04/06/2012
Damascus recently declared number of new surface-to-air missile systems operational; IDF modifies way it flies in North, particularly when conducting missions over Lebanon.
Despite the ongoing internal unrest, Syria is continuing to upgrade its military capabilities and recently declared a number of new surface-to-air missile systems (SAMs) operational.
Over the past year, Syria has received a number of SA- 17 batteries from Russia under a deal signed several years ago. Two batteries are already reportedly operational and deployed along Syria’s border with Lebanon. A third is undergoing training.
As a result, the IDF has modified the way it flies in the North and particularly when conducting missions over Lebanon, where it continues to fly to gather intelligence on Hezbollah activities.
Also known as the Buk System, the SA-17 has a range of about 30 km. and can intercept multiple targets flying at altitudes of over 40,000 feet.
The launchers are mounted on trucks and are mobile, making them difficult targets.
Another system that recently became operational is the Yakhont anti-ship missile which has the Israeli Navy concerned about the possibility that it will also be transferred to Hezbollah ahead of a future conflict. Syria already tested the Yakhnot in recent maneuvers and it is said to be a sophisticated missile with a range of about 300 km.
April 5th, 2012, 8:38 pm
Tara said:
So if I understand correctly, Iran exports gas and oil to Turkey. Turkey exports iron, tobacco, etc to Iran with a margin of 90% Iranian export and 10% Turkish export. Did I get that right?
Can’t Turkey find another oil and gas supplier? If trade between Iran and Turkey stopped, wouldn’t Iran lose a huge market?
April 5th, 2012, 8:41 pm
ann said:
Continued ..
“The military is not overly affected by the resistance and is continuing with its procurement plans as well as the integration of new capabilities into operational service,” a senior IDF officer recently explained.
In addition to establishing the new SAM batteries, Syria is also believed to be in talks with Russia about upgrading some of its older model combat aircraft with structural overhauls as well as the installation of new avionics.
Syria is believed to have invested billions of dollars in the past 10 years in new SAMs aimed at undermining Israel’s ability to operate in Syria or Lebanon in a future war. Israel fears that some of the systems might make their way into Hezbollah hands in Lebanon such as the SA-8 truckmounted system.
Israel is concerned with the increase in the transfer of weaponry from Syria to Lebanon in recent months. Hezbollah is believed to have obtained several dozen more M-600 long-range missiles, as well as additional 302 mm. Khaibar-1 rockets, which have a range of about 100 km.
It is already believed to have a significant arsenal of M600s, which are manufactured in Syria as a clone of Iran’s Fateh-110.
The M600 has a range of around 300 km. It can carry a half-ton warhead and has superior accuracy.
April 5th, 2012, 8:44 pm
jad said:
It seems that Turkey is attacking Syria
First Turkish bombs agains Syria. 05.04.12 at 17.10 p.m
April 5th, 2012, 8:46 pm
Tara said:
Saudi Arabia’s Syrian jihad
By Joshua Jacobs
When the Syrian uprising began last March, Saudi Arabia was in a state of panic. The revolution in Egypt, the uprising in Bahrain, and the bubbling civil war in Yemen consumed attention and cultivated a manic siege mentality. This fear and clarion call for stability stymied any potential efforts at exploiting the regional chaos. However as the Saudi domestic and geopolitical situation began to stabilize, they began to look hungrily at the potential opportunity in Syria.
When the Syrian uprising began last March, Saudi Arabia was in a state of panic. The revolution in Egypt, the uprising in Bahrain, and the bubbling civil war in Yemen consumed attention and cultivated a manic siege mentality. This fear and clarion call for stability stymied any potential efforts at exploiting the regional chaos. However as the Saudi domestic and geopolitical situation began to stabilize, they began to look hungrily at the potential opportunity in Syria.
The danger of course is that while Saudi Arabia embarks on its jihad to topple Assad, it will get free reign in picking the winners and losers amongst the opposition. This will have the effect of distorting the movement by strengthening ideologically allied Islamist groups at the expense of moderates and secularists. Indeed there is a worrying precedent in Afghanistan where the Pakistani Inter-Services Intelligence agency altered the political landscape by controlling who did or did not receive support. If the Western powers, Turkey included, voluntarily stand aside and let Saudi Arabia and its Gulf allies unilaterally control the process of arming the opposition, then they might find themselves appalled at the result.
The international community as a whole should be cautious in the manner that it approaches intervention in Syria. Footing responsibility to Saudi Arabia and her allies risks ideologically poisoning the opposition movement as Sunni religious groups receive disproportionate support and other groups adapt their message to receive support. If the United States and her Western allies are committed to supporting the Syrian revolution, they cannot afford to sit back and do it through intermediaries.
April 5th, 2012, 8:52 pm
bronco said:
If you read carefully the UN statement posted by ZOO #798, you will read that besides calling the Syrian government to withdraw heavy weapons by the 10th April, it is only asked to C) “BEGIN pullback of military concentrations in and around population centres” by the 10th April. It does not say when the pullback should be total.
This means that the army ( without heavy weapons) is not committed to have finished their withdrawal from the population centers by the 10th. They could keep checkpoints undefinetly.
The armed rebels are required to stop violence by the 12th April. That means that in case violence erupts between the 10th and the 12th the army could stop its withdrawal and re occupy the populations centers. The plan will then be dead.
April 5th, 2012, 8:54 pm
ann said:
AIR DEFENCE SYSTEMS – export catalogue – Page – 18
April 5th, 2012, 8:57 pm
jad said:
Do you think the Turkish attack linked is real? the timing can’ be more awkward, it must be a hoax or something, I can’t find any news about such attack anywhere on the net.
It writes that it happened 17:00 which is 10 hours ago, yet not a single word about it, strange!
April 5th, 2012, 9:01 pm
zoo said:
802. Tara
It seems that Iran exports to Turkey sligthly more than it imports.
Let’s say 55-45%
Turkey needs Iran for oil and gaz but also because it has to sell what it manufactures.
For oil, Turkey is looking at buying it from Libya but the transport costs will make it more expensive. Turkey would have hard time finding a trading partner for the 5 billions as Britain and Europe are in crisis and China is increasing its presence in the ME
It may create a serious economical crisis for Erdogan
April 5th, 2012, 9:10 pm
ann said:
Elbeyli is way way too far from the Syrian border
April 5th, 2012, 9:10 pm
bronco said:
#808 Jad
It could be the Turkish army training at the borders. I don’t think that Erdogan would dare attack Syria now.
April 5th, 2012, 9:13 pm
ann said:
Elbeyli : http://www.worldcities.us/Elbeyli/
April 5th, 2012, 9:13 pm
jad said:
Thank you Ann.
BTW, welcome back, I covered the Innercity Press 🙂
April 5th, 2012, 9:16 pm
ann said:
Thank you JAD 😀
April 5th, 2012, 9:18 pm
Jad said:
My pleasure 🙂
April 5th, 2012, 9:20 pm
majedkhaldoun said:
Un does not say BEGIN, Bashar must stop all military actions BY april 10
Jad do you realy think the war started? No
April 5th, 2012, 9:21 pm
Tara said:
Sorry Zoo, I am not following. From what you said, it is going to be a mutual problem for both. It doesn’t seem that Iran has a leverage over Turkey in term of trades. Iran will still need to sell its oil and gas to someone and there aren’t lots of buyers out there under the sanctiond so they both will have serious economic problem.
April 5th, 2012, 9:23 pm
Jad said:
I think that it’ll start sooner or later.
April 5th, 2012, 9:25 pm
bronco said:
This is what I thought. 10th april is not a deadline for troops to end the withdrawal but to ‘begin’ the withdrawal.
Annan said opposition groups his team had spoken to had “committed to call for cessation of violence once the Syrian government has demonstrably fulfilled its commitments.”
Earlier, pro-government daily Al-Watan quoted an unnamed government official as saying Damascus is not bound by a deadline.
“April 10 is the date set for the beginning, not the end, of the withdrawal of troops and it does not constitute a deadline,” it said.
April 5th, 2012, 9:25 pm
Tara said:
No Jad. I don’t like it when you call people name and therefore I will call you Jihad and invite everyone to do the same when you call people name. You stop and I will stop. Deal?
April 5th, 2012, 9:26 pm
Tara said:
Why is Alan Juppe the loudest European figure against Bashar? Any explanation for that?
April 5th, 2012, 9:28 pm
omen said:
799. Tara 8:29
this begs the question “where are the masses?” where is damascus? where is the tipping point?
April 5th, 2012, 9:31 pm
Jad said:
I already told you to mind your own buisness.
April 5th, 2012, 9:32 pm
Norman said:
SAMS, The Syrian American Medical society is breaking apart, i hope not Syria next.
Dear Society Members:
We are saddened to inform you that members of Board of Foundation and Board of Governors have decided to resign from their positions in the Society effective last night. We respect their decision and value their contributions to the society and to the welfare of the patients in Syria. We highly appreciate their history of charity, volunteerism and philanthropy.
It pains us that such respected leaders and founders of SAMS have decided to leave their Society at a crucial juncture and at a critical stage of the crisis in Syria.
We had disagreements on several organizational issues including setting priorities, the level of transparency, the degree of responsiveness to our members and the boundaries and overlap between different entities within the organization in the absence of perfect bylaws. We also had differences in opinion on the roles and responsibility of the Board of Foundation members and their accountability to the elected board and to the membership. Our board insisted on the urgency of decision-making process during crisis especially when it comes to the best way in dealing with the funds raised for medical relief in our beloved country Syria. We believe that such disagreements should not have lead to their departure at a critical time to our country and our Society.
Our main challenge was how to best align the decision making of our Foundation with the concerns of our membership and our elected Board of Directors. We tried not to end up with two governing bodies of the same organization. Our Foundation Board clearly felt otherwise as reflected in their following statement.
We highly value the contributions of every one of the resigning leaders. We wish them well and leave the door open for them to rejoin their Society. We pray for them and their families and ask God to bless them for their contributions, their selflessness, their commitment to service and their leadership.
Regardless of the painful decision of the Foundation Board, we hope that we all continue to serve our patients, our country and our members at the highest level of service and passion. We will continue to stress on dealing with each other with kindness, professionalism and respect. We ask you to join us in thanking our resigning leaders and wishing them the best.
M. Zaher Sahloul Abdel Ghani Sankri-Tarbichi Randa Loutfi
Ayman Saleh Tarek Ktela Bassel Atassi
-The resigning board requested to send the following message to our members. Although our board was conflicted about this issue, but upon the insistence of the Foundation Board and as a measure of appreciation and goodwill, our board decided to share without editing the letter written by the resigning leaders.
Dear Members of SAMS:
It is with great regret we inform you that the entire bodies of SAMS Board of Foundation (BOF), SAMS Board of Governors (BOG), SAMS Vice-President and SAMS Chairman of the bylaws committee, have all made the unanimous decision of resigning their positions.
Let there be no mistake, this is not about Syrian politics as this decision would’ve been made a while back or not at all. We continue to believe in nonpolitical missions as core principals of medical societies. It is our collective belief that the current Board of Directors (BOD) is systematically attempting to strip other boards of its independent thinking and decision making abilities, actions not consistent with SAMS bylaws and core values.
The BOD repeatedly demanded of the BOF approval of decisions made by the BOD even at times when the Foundation officers believed these decisions were not in compliance with best practices. Opinions can potentially differ but intimidation, patronization and questioning others’ integrity can not and should not be tolerated. Our repeated calls for inclusiveness were to no avail.
We would like to thank all of those who have been part of SAMS journey over the last fourteen years. We are grateful for the opportunities we were given to serve our patients and colleagues and the trust you bestowed upon all of us over the years in the different positions we highly held and regarded. Your trust gave us the incentive to work under SAMS banner not only in Homs, Aleppo, Damascus, and Lattakia but other countries such as Egypt, Morocco, Sudan and Bosnia to name a few. It is because of that trust and what SAMS means to all of us we felt compelled to make this very painful decision.
As we are forced to depart SAMS we continue to hold dear to our hearts SAMS original mission and vision that we all believed in and hopefully translated into actions. We hope our prior actions vow for us. We also remain confident in the future and in our collective abilities to make a difference.
Rami Akhrass, M.D. (Chairman BOF, past-president, BOG); Naim Farhat, M.D. (Chairman BOG, past-president, BOF);Thabet Al-Sheikh, M.D. (BOF, BOG, past-president); Ayman Saleh, M.D. (Vice-President, BOF Treasurer); Nizar Zein, M.D. (SAMS co-founder, past vice-president, past convention chair, BOG); Firas Abou Koura, M.D. (Chairman of Bylaws committee, past convention chair, BOF).
April 5th, 2012, 9:34 pm
zoo said:
#820 Tara
You are right, Iran is prevented from selling its oil by the US sanctions, but then it may sell less and the price will go up because Saudi Arabia and Libya cannot cover 100% for Iran’s oil.
There is already discussions that the oil sanctions are backfiring in Europe with price increase. Also Turkey may have problems finding oil at a reasonable price and that could hamper its industrial growth.
Iranians are already under economical stress and could endure more hardship while in Turkey, it may create social and political tremors.
April 5th, 2012, 9:34 pm
Tara said:
Who is the devil in Passion of the Christ? I personally turn my face to avoid looking at her every time I watch.
April 5th, 2012, 9:54 pm
zoo said:
#820 Tara
When NATO will withdraw from Afghanistan in 2014, Iran could trade directly with China through Afghanistan. It will open new opportunities as China is very oil hungry and is not under the US influence.
As Iran expanded its power once the US left Iraq, it will do the same with Afghanistan after the US and Nato leave.
April 5th, 2012, 9:56 pm
omen said:
ahmadinejad, you funny guy. i kill you last.
April 5th, 2012, 9:57 pm
bronco said:
“Why is Alan Juppe the loudest European figure against Bashar?”
I guess any of those:
– Guilt over France mishaps with Ben Ali
– Need of GCC oil, money and investments to save the french economy
– Push by Hariri and the Lebanese anti-syrians to settle scores with Bashar
– Support for “french’ opposition leaders Ghaliun and Basma
– Sarkozy’s need of another success for re-election.
– Deep antagonism toward Iran’s theocracy and its allies
and probably others…
April 5th, 2012, 10:08 pm
Tara said:
“this begs the question “where are the masses?” where is damascus? where is the tipping point?”
I wish I can answer this question which has been irritating me for a while. What possibly could tame fellow Aleppines and some Damascenes from not rising in support of their brothers. Damn the wealth that degrades human beings and renders them incapable of being humans.
April 5th, 2012, 10:13 pm
zoo said:
What do Iran sanctions cost you? About 25 cents a gallon, experts say.
While consumers may support sanctions on Iran to dissuade it from pursuing a nuclear weapon, a foreign trade advocate says, they should also be told how sanctions impact Americans.
By Howard LaFranchi, Staff writer / April 5, 2012
Twenty-five cents a gallon – that’s about how much some international energy experts say the tough US sanctions on Iran’s oil industry are costing Americans at the pump.
April 5th, 2012, 10:19 pm
Tara said:
Dear Moderator
I see you pulled my comment for moderation. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to explain myself. Uzair8 is constantly being called Zuhair without his permission. Another poster is being called Jackass..etc. I appealed to Jad nicely and politely to stop insulting people. He ignored my civil request and continued his behavior. I had to resort to an “alternative”way to demonstrate to Jad that it isn’t nice to call people name. That is all.
April 5th, 2012, 10:22 pm
Tara said:
Thanks. I miss Ambassador Ford roaming around in the streets of Damascus, traveling to Hama, talking to peaceful demonstrators, writing on his FB, etc..
April 5th, 2012, 10:25 pm
Tara said:
I wish you were the president of Syria…I mean it.
But… you must practice to smile. It ain’t that difficult.
April 5th, 2012, 10:41 pm
zoo said:
Happy Easter to all Christians, the Lebanese way in arabic in a mall.
Jesus is Risen song ??????: ?????? ???
April 5th, 2012, 10:50 pm
Ghufran said:
The Turkish Generals are opposed to a military action against Syria unless the PKK expands its military activities to the point where the prestige of the Turkish army is seriously undermined,and I do not see this happening any time soon.
The plans for establishing safe protectorates in northern Syria proved to be empty threats due to the Russian-Iranian factor and the inability of armed rebels and the SNC to generate the mass defections they promised for months, however, the units used by the regime are under a lot of stress, most key officers are not being able to see their families for more than few days a months and a lot of them are only given few hours of sleep per day.
This situation is unsustainable for both sides,and at one point, hopefully soon, people are going to take a deep breath and accept the fact that the country they all claim to love is being destroyed.
Annan plan will certainly not see full implementation because of three factors:
1. There is a decision at the highest levels in the regime not to allow another BA in Syria or any significant victory by armed rebels, this makes a full and fast cease fire unlikely.
2. armed rebels are not under one command, I think there will always be groups that will not stop firing at the army and security forces no matter what.
3. The bar will continue to be raised by the US, via the UN, to push the regime to do more and we will hear statements about the regime’s failure to abide by Annan plan.
The biggest obstacle to success is the bad blood between those who failed to topple the regime and the hard core Assadists who have not yet accepted the new reality in Syria.
Personally, I am cautiously optimistic, but the country I have known is changed forever,and it will take a long time to call it home again.
April 6th, 2012, 12:03 am
Ghufran said:
On the issue of arming Syrian rebels:
April 6th, 2012, 12:15 am
jad said:
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April 6th, 2012, 12:35 am
jad said:
The respected opposition, Haytham Manna3, ‘No to weapons, only peaceful means can win’
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April 6th, 2012, 12:44 am
omen said:
April 6th, 2012, 12:52 am
jad said:
Zouhair,I see, so now the ‘Stan’ region is a sensitive issue that we should not dare to mention?
But for
someone like you, an anonymous Pakistani Zouhair, cheering for hatred between Shia/Alawites and Sunni in Syria, or calling for more Syrian blood to be spelled, or calling for sending more weapons and support destruction in my country Syria should be accepted and encouraged?What freaking Tora Bora Cave you live in dude! Stay away from my country and I’ll stay away from the caves you call home and you promote it to us as the ‘bright’ future.????? ?? ???!
April 6th, 2012, 12:53 am
Ghufran said:
A very good article on Syrian Kurds and their Turkish neighbors:
April 6th, 2012, 12:57 am
Ghufran said:
On Kurds and their relation with Turkey,Syrian regime and the PKK:
April 6th, 2012, 1:00 am
SC Moderation said:
If commentatorss here cannot moderate hateful, personally-abusive or contemptuous expressions against other participants – when repeatedly reminded of the rules of discourse – options are limited.
If any commentator abuses the rules, regardless of provocation, all posts from that commentator will be held in moderation for 24 hours from this moment forward.
Khalid Tlass – if you read this note, I ask you for the final time to respond to repeated emails sent to your Syria Comment registration address. If you do not answer the emails, you will lose your posting privileges until you do so.
[email protected]
April 6th, 2012, 1:06 am
majedkhaldoun said:
The questions are would Syrian regime abide by ceasefire?
Would Syria claim the opposition did not comply?
The regime is probably plan and excute explosion by cars infront of goverment building as they did before,and say the opposition did it. this will be excuse to continue the military opression of Syrian.
Does withdrawing from cities mean only Damascus and Aleppo?
Is partial withrawal, considered enough?
would cover part of the tanks with blanket mean withdrawal?
Would continue to fly helicopters be considered not military.?
Is sending Shabbiha is allowed?
Is this really the last chance for the regime?
Would Turkey do something?
Would the people in Damascus go to the street if ceasefire announced?
Would there be coup? as USA expect. Would Bashar run away?
Would there be civil war?
April 6th, 2012, 1:17 am
Mina said:
When you say “This situation is unsustainable for both sides,and at one point, hopefully soon, people are going to take a deep breath and accept the fact that the country they all claim to love is being destroyed.” I am afraid that for millenarists who have been fed for years about stories of the coming of the Mahdi and fighting the Anti-Christ this may not happen. The role of the Gulf in the spread of religious hatred all over the world should be exposed.
April 6th, 2012, 1:37 am
Mina said:
“Those who pass on the street were preselected, parts of streets closed to people to pass and they did that perfectly not even western reporters knew they spoke to mostly muhabarat guys”
This is called paranoia, but as you grew up in the DDR, no doubt you have you reasons to be paranoid. Just like the Syrians have theirs and will obviously never talk politics with someone as suspicious as you!
But luckily the young generation is slightly less paranoid and Syria will see change, if only it is allowed to run elections and change its constitution without the Gulf funded groups start messing with it as they are trying to do in Egypt and elsewhere.
You mention “guys”? Then you simply haven’t watched the video I posted and commented after Jad 2-3 days ago. Half of them were women and students and it was taken near the Damascus university.
April 6th, 2012, 1:47 am
Mina said:
“A free press will expose this hypocrisy as well as provide clear arguments against the Salafi agenda.”
Have you seen the free Saudi-funded Arabic newspapers in London expose anything? How do you expect journalists critical of the sheikhs to ever get visas to the Gulf countries and be able to roam the country freely? Even those with visas cannot roam the country!
April 6th, 2012, 2:01 am
Juergen said:
I doubt you have ever been to Syria, not that this is an important fact, but you seem to have no imagination whatsoever to understand how life is inside an dictatorship. Sorry paranoia is not part of my phycis, you could say that i am beyond help curious and impatient but believe me i dont give a damn about secret services, i laugh about them and their dirty work. I just know that such a regime depends highly on their secret service, otherwise we would have seen unrest much before. I let you believe that those interviewed express their deepest feelings, I assume that you also take for granted all the other programmes they air are true as well. Wont be too long to enjoy their wicked theories.
See Annan said it clearly yesterday: “We must silence the tanks, helicopters, mortars and guns, and stop all other forms of violence, too: sexual abuse, torture, executions, abductions, destruction of homes, forced displacement and other such abuses, including on children,”
April 6th, 2012, 2:26 am
Juergen said:
Wait the savior hasnt risen yet, its on Sunday!
I love this Fairuz easter song, its a bit less military in sound…
April 6th, 2012, 2:28 am
Juergen said:
This one is great for today:
April 6th, 2012, 2:41 am
Mina said:
(‘an’ana from Angry Arab from Jadaliyya:
Acts of protest have not been limited to the government ministries. Employees from different departments of such larger-than-life companies as Saudi Airlines and the Saudi Telecom Company (STC) have gone on strike for days, at times weeks, due to widespread corruption, deteriorating employment conditions, and on-the-job discriminatory practices. Several times, these employees were able to momentarily shut down one of Riyadh’s busiest intersections on Olaya Street facing the Kingdom Tower, before riot police quickly dispersed them. In early March 2012, following major student protests at Riyadh’s King Saud University, over five thousand women gathered at the King Khalid University in Abha. Contrary to media and official claims, which were overwhelmingly sectarian and dismissive in tone, the female students had been voicing their anger at corrupt administrative measures, discriminatory gender practices, and increasingly restrictive policies. Campus security allowed state police to enter the university in order to put down the protest. As a result, one student was killed, another had a miscarriage, and over forty others were seriously injured. The story was quickly repackaged in the local media as one of female students protesting, of all things, garbage at their university. (…)”
April 6th, 2012, 2:59 am
Mina said:
What Angry Arab’s correspondent reports on the BBC journalist treatement of a Bahreini opponent (http://angryarab.blogspot.de/2012/04/nabil-rajab.html)make me think about the BBC program posted here by Jad featuring Haytham Manna and a Saudi playstation strategist: I was amazed at the time given to the Saudi guy to speak, while he had nothing to say and that the other guests were ever smiling and looking desparate and ashamed for the guy.
That the Gulf is essential in financing expensive universities and libraries in the UK has certainly nothing to do with it. The limits of liberalism are for all to be seen in this time of bank crisis.
Hey Jürgen, for someone who has lived in both communism and liberalism, do you have any suggestions for a third way?
April 6th, 2012, 3:06 am
Juergen said:
The lion king of Damascus
could this great comedian come from Aleppo?
April 6th, 2012, 3:25 am
Juergen said:
there is no third way for me. I think the human nature prohibits altruistic forms of life. I do believe that democracy is the most complicated form of state in which you need constant goodwill and civil engagement by the mass majorities.
April 6th, 2012, 3:29 am
Juergen said:
Here is a good comment by Hubert Wetzel, Süddeutsche Zeitung
Three and a half years in the Bosnian war, tens of thousands of people were murdered, raped and driven away – accompanied by numerous UN Security Council resolutions and decisions of the NATO. The international community should draw on the situation in Syria an important conclusion: the use of military force is sometimes morally necessary.
I used google translate, most of the meaning is there,only one word which was not translated is “kuschte”, that means that someone is giving in, he does not pursue his way.
April 6th, 2012, 4:10 am
Alan said:
Sample Article: Syria: Russian Ship To Hold Drills Off Mediterranean Coast
A Russian warship will dock at the Syrian port of Tartus before performing exercises off the country’s coast, an unnamed source said April 5, RIA Novosti reported. The Smetlivy, a Kashin-class destroyer, will stay in the western Mediterranean through May, the source said.
April 6th, 2012, 4:11 am
Alan said:
Syria troops pursue rebels
RABAT, April 6 (Itar-Tass) — While the international community is making strenuous efforts to settle the crisis in Syria by political and diplomatic ways, the country’s troops continue to pursue the armed opposition fighters.
The situation is uneasy in the north-west of the republic in the Idlib province. The SANA news agency reported that as a result of a successful operation, troops loyal to the government liberated the city of Taftanaz and arrested a large number of rebels. There were clashes between the military special forces and the Syrian Free Army in the vicinity of the country’s economic capital Aleppo, located 340 km north of Damascus. At the same time there was a shootout with armed in the streets of Hama. Army reinforcements that were dispatched there started sweeping the troubled neighbourhoods. The militants entrenched in the Hamidiya district and attempted to block the Damascus-Aleppo highway.
The UN Security Council urged the Syrian authorities to “urgently and visibly” fulfil their obligations under the Kofi Annan’s Syrian settlement plan and to do so in full volume no later than April 10, 2012. It is specified in an official statement of the UN Security Council chairman that the Syrian government should “stop the movement of troops to settlements and to stop using heavy weapons, as well as to begin the withdrawal of troops, concentrated in and around the settlements.” The Council urged “all the sides, including the opposition, to stop violence in all its forms within 48 hours after these measures are fully implemented by the Syrian government.” The statement emphasised the importance of “a peaceful political settlement of the crisis through a comprehensive and immediate fulfilment of all aspects of the six-point proposal of the special envoy.”
Syrian Ambassador to the UN Bashar al-Jafari said for his part that the government of the republic wants to get guarantees that the “militants will not seize cities when the troops are withdrawn from them.” The diplomat stressed that Damascus insists “on getting such written guarantees personally from Joint Special Envoy of the United Nations and the League of Arab States on the Syrian Crisis Kofi Annan” after he holds consultations in Saudi Arabia, Turkey and other countries supporting the rebels. “We demand a guarantee that the militants will not fill the vacuum after the withdrawal of troops,” he said.
Meanwhile, the process of large-scale reforms that was launched by the Moroccan authorities last year has again been positively assessed by Europe. Secretary General of the Council of Europe Thorbjorn Jagland who was on a visit to Rabat said that the EU and the Council of Europe “support the ongoing reforms in the kingdom.” According to him, the Council of Europe attaches major importance to cooperation with Morocco in such matters such fighting against corruption, illegal immigration, cross-border crime and drug trafficking. Jagland therefore pointed to “the importance of joint action” between the Council of Europe and Rabat “to ensure stability in the Mediterranean region and North Africa.” He called the reforms conducted in Morocco “positive changes,” describing the kingdom as a “serious and reliable partner” with which the Council of Europe wants to develop cooperation. Jagland also welcomed the constitutional reform initiated Morocco last year, in particular, the aspects related to securing women’s rights and strengthening the role of the parliamentary opposition.
April 6th, 2012, 4:44 am
Alan said:
Al-Jazzeera fabricates stories on Syria: former producer
A former employee of the Arab satellite network Al-Jazeera says the news channel fabricates stories on the unrest in Syria.
“The facts are totally different with the reports in the media (Al Jazeera), extremely different,” Reuters quoted Moussa Ahmed, a former producer for Al-Jazeera’s Beirut Bureau, as saying on Wednesday.
Ahmed said the channel concealed many facts, with editors’ opinions becoming the so-called facts, adding, “I’m so sorry that we concealed facts for so long a time.”
Ahmed is one of the five Al-Jazeera employees in Lebanon who resigned from the TV station over the channel’s biased stand on Syria in the middle of March.
Al-Jazeera is also accused of blowing the opposition movement in Syria out of proportion and covering up the truth in the country.
It is widely believed that the Emir of Qatar has a direct influence on the nature of programs broadcast in Al-Jazeera.
In addition, the Qatari-based network’s biased policy towards Bahrain and Libya has caused dispute among the news network staff.
April 6th, 2012, 4:51 am
Dale Andersen said:
It’s about time the Powers-That-Be
on SC took JADDIE behind the woodshed and gave him a good old country butt-kicking…
April 6th, 2012, 4:52 am
Mawal95 said:
Commenter “Syrialover” at #792 apparently thinks it’s a crime to kill rebels. Whereas I think it’s honourable and virtuous, and I’m pleased to see the soldiers of Syrian army agree with me in spades. I was unaware that the video I posted at #786 had been posted by someone else earlier. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EeBjVBeY2j4. I like the video, and found it worth watching, because it shows good fighting spirit among the soldiers as they stand over the bodies of dead rebels. The video is also notable for illustrating the soldiers supporting the Syria of Assad: When they cheer and chant it’s not merely for the Syrian State, not merely for the forces of Law & Order; they specifically cheer for Bashar Assad. As I said a couple of months ago on this board in a comment on a similar video:
April 6th, 2012, 6:09 am
jad said:
Stop preaching, do the cleaning right, check your email:
407 JAD
May I ask why you are internationalising the conflict? And I would appreciate if you could kindly leave my cave out of this. Thank you.
April 6th, 2012, 6:11 am
Khalid Tlass said:
SC Moderator,
the email I used to register on SC i usually do not visit and use it for ushc activity that its full of spam 20,000 emails and am unable to read any of it. I could not find any email from SC Moderation.
I personally do not think I have “broken” any of the rules. Discussing sects, sectarianism, and geopolitics certainly isn’t against the rules.
I don’t think I have made attempts to overtly personalize any discussion especially with intent to abuse the rules.
Besides, I feel SC Moderation nowadays is very sensitive to ANY personalized discussion that even borders on an angry exchange. This is, strictly speaking, reading too much into the rules.
April 6th, 2012, 6:39 am
Khalid Tlass said:
Okay Moderator, I found your mail and sent a reply.
April 6th, 2012, 6:53 am
Khalid Tlass said:
838. GHUFRAN said :
“1. There is a decision at the highest levels in the regime not to allow another BA in Syria or any significant victory by armed rebels, this makes a full and fast cease fire unlikely.”
At this moment there is a much larger Baba Amr in Rastan, Houla and Talbiseh in the same Governorate. Infact these 2 towns are much more firmly under the control of the FSA than Baba Amr ever was. The only difference is that Ratsan has not at all received any mdeia attention whatsoever, which has been helpful. I personally am very angry at the international media who flocked to Baba Amr from November to January. Numerous documentaries were made about the FSA in Baba Amr. This unnecessary media attention only made the regime look humiliated and forced it to take a hard line and try to crush the Baba Amr rebels. Another reason why Baba Amr attracted the attention of the regime was because of the well-known citizen journalists like Khaled Abou Salah amd armed leaders like Abdur Rezzaq Tlass. Another reason was Homs being a mixed city, the Alawites were feeling highly threatened by the presence of an FSA stringhold like Baba Amr. So the regime felt it necessary to restore its reputation as the protector of minorities.
As we speak, there is a much larger Baba Amr in Rastan, Talbiseh, Houla, and Qusayr, all in Homs. All these towns are mostly under FSA control. There is a very minimum of regime presence in these towns, a few snipers at some public buildings. Ijn the case of rastan, even the snipers have been eliminated and the regime is shelling the city from 2 kms away.
Even Binnish in Idlib Governorate is a mini-Baba Amr. Till now the regime has not been able to even start an operation, despite the fact the town sits on the highway to Aleppo and is just 10 kms away from Idlib City. This is because all the approach roads leading to Binnish for 5 kms have been ringed and seeded with anti-tank mines and IEDs.
The only reason Baba Amr attracted the nefarious attention of the regime was its high media visibility. There are many more safe havens similar to B.A across Syria as we speak, and it will take very heavy and indiscriminate shelling to dislodge the FSA from their positions
April 6th, 2012, 7:10 am
Mawal95 said:
I agree with # 863 Khalid Tlass when he says: “I personally do not think I have “broken” any of the [SyriaComment] rules. Discussing sects, sectarianism, and geopolitics certainly isn’t against the rules. I don’t think I have made attempts to overtly personalize any discussion especially with intent to abuse the rules.”
I haven’t see all of Khalid Tlass’s comments, but in all the ones I’ve seen they have been compliant with the forum’s rules. They are highly unpopular with many.
April 6th, 2012, 7:13 am
Khalid Tlass said:
^^ To encapsulate my above point in short, there are still many towns in Homs Governorate that are firmly under FSA control and regime presence/activity is confined to a few sniper positions and limited incursions into the outskirts. Rastan, Talbiseh, Houla, alQusayr are some examples.
So these are all like Baba Amr, so Ghufran’s point that the regime will not allow any more Baba Amrs is not grounded in fact, bcz there are already many Baba Amrs and the regime can’t do anything about it short of obliterating the town from the face of the earth. The reason we hear more about Baba Amr was becz of the mdeia attention it received, starting from November last year, and the sense of insecurity it created among the regime supporters belonging to a certain demographic community in Homs City.
April 6th, 2012, 7:16 am
Mawal95 said:
I just spent a few minutes at Youtube and I can’t see any confirmation whatever for Khalid Tlass’s claim about the current state of Al-Rastan in Homs. After that, I didn’t bother looking into the same question for the other towns in Homs province he makes claims about. In recent months in Al-Rastan, anti-regime protest turnout has been very slight (see http://www.onsyria.com). That’s a first indicator Khalid Tlass’s claim is not right. Today is Friday. Check out footage of anti-regime gatherings in Al-Rastan at Youtube for today.
Khalid Tlass is well aware that the regime thoroughly defeated the rebels in Al-Rastan in October 2011 when the rebels were much more numerous in Al-Rastan than they are today. It was achieved without a great deal of damage to the town’s buildings. (And much of the damage to buildings that I’ve seen for Al-Rastan looks to me to have been done by rebel IEDs).
April 6th, 2012, 7:46 am
Khalid Tlass said:
^^ Hahaha in your wildest dreams, ask your armchair Generals to hitch you a ride to Rastan before April 12 if they can. You are factually correct when you say FSA was routed from Ratsan back in October, but Rastan was again liberated back in January, you can see it up on Google. There are still some regime forces nera the river, but its pretty much a liberated city.
the reason turnout at protests is less is becz every day at least 50 mortar shells are fired on Rastan, on Fridays the number goes up to more than 100. Several ppl were killed in protests when shells landed right in the middle of the rally.
April 6th, 2012, 7:54 am
Uzair8 said:
807. bronco said:
‘That means that in case violence erupts between the 10th and the 12th the army could stop its withdrawal and re occupy the populations centers. The plan will then be dead.’
It looks like regime supporters are wanting to see the Anna plan fail. (?)
Going by the comments on here it looks like that. I’m worried that the regime will carry out black operations and blame it on the opposition in order to re-occupy the towns and cities.
April 6th, 2012, 8:06 am
Juergen said:
its all a bad joke as it seems. If we would leave the military component of this plan aside for a moment. Allowing its citizen the full constitutional rights to assembly and demonstrate and to allow foreign journalists to travel freely in the country is more than this regime can tolerate.
Surely they will have certain sensitive spots like Omayad square constantly under regime control, just to ensure no Tahrir moment would be near. In places like Hama, Homs, Darraa, Idleb it would be very difficult for them to pursue that goal on a long term. I believe they already have the plan in their drawers to prevent the whole endeavour from implementing.
April 6th, 2012, 8:23 am
Uzair8 said:
Last night on BBC radio 5 the presenter talked about the syrian situation with an arab-british journalist. One thing they touched on was the issue of the regime leaving behind the police from where it vacates its military forces. They argue the military and police are one and the same (both defenders of the regime).
Listen from after 14 minutes:
Btw. I’m sure Irritated will have enjoyed #733. [The comment wasn’t really in moderation since 1st April].
April 6th, 2012, 8:26 am
Juergen said:
Those who havent participated yet here is the TIME online pool asking for the eyedoctors entry in their 100 most important people in the world.
The voting will end today.
April 6th, 2012, 8:26 am
Uzair8 said:
789. Jad
I wouldn’t be surprised if this is the kind of narrative the people are daily force-fed by State Tv with the regime relying on the people not to dare question it.
April 6th, 2012, 8:35 am
Mawal95 said:
Khalid Tlass said “Rastan was again liberated back in January, you can see it up on Google.” I wasn’t able to see it. I request one or more links, Khalid. You say yourself that the Rastan situation is not in the mass media, Khalid, and so you need to back up your claim with solid evidence from somewhere. Otherwise it deserves the status of “another fictitious story from Syrian dissidents who have no loyalty to the truth”. By the way, another reason why I’ll be confidently refusing to believe this story until after I’ve seen solid evidence is that I’ve seen a pattern in Syria where: if armed rebels totally take over a district and hold it for a while, and then the Syrian army goes in and totally drives the rebels out, then the rebels do not take control over it again at a later date. The classic example is Hama city. I believe Rastan fits this pattern. I’d be grateful to you to prove me wrong, Khalid.
April 6th, 2012, 8:46 am
zoo said:
Clinton’s scare campaign
By preaching confrontation instead of reconciliation on Syrian and Iranian crises, she has exposed America’s aggressive face
By Patrick Seale, Special to Gulf News
Published: 00:00 April 6, 2012
Does US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton want confrontation and war in the Middle East or dialogue, reconciliation and peace? Her pronouncements and policies during her visit to the region suggest impatient belligerence. She seems intent on spreading mayhem, to the puzzlement and anxiety of many of the locals, as I discovered on a visit which coincided with hers.
In Riyadh last Saturday, March 31, she returned to her now familiar theme of seeking to incite the Gulf Arabs against Iran, a country she insists on demonising as ‘a regional and global threat.’ At a meeting with foreign ministers of the six-nation Gulf Cooperation Council (Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, the UAE and Oman) she proposed erecting a strong missile shield to protect the Arab states of the Gulf.
Many Gulf Arabs I spoke to in the region earlier this week see Iran as a potential partner rather than an enemy. They think it is the US and Israel that are seeking to deepen the rift between Iran and the Arabs — and between Sunnis and Shiites — for their own geostrategic advantage.
From Riyadh, Clinton went to Istanbul to attend the ‘Friends of Syria’ meeting, where she again preached confrontation rather than reconciliation — this time against Syria. Kofi Annan, the former UN secretary general, has been mandated by both the UN and the Arab League to seek a peaceful resolution of the Syrian crisis. Last Monday, he told the UN Security Council that the Syrian government had pledged to adhere to the ceasefire and pull back its troops by April 10, in accordance with Annan’s own six-point peace plan.
But on Syria, as on Iran, Clinton has displayed nothing but impatient belligerence. As if seeking to undermine Annan’s mission, she has misrepresented his objectives. Annan called for a simultaneous ceasefire by both the regime and the armed opposition.
Annan’s six-point peace plan makes no mention of Al Assad stepping down, but Clinton keeps repeating that ‘ Al Assad must go!’ Annan has stated clearly that he is against arming the opposition, knowing that it will only lead to more bloodshed. But Clinton has come very close to endorsing armed opposition to the Syrian regime. She has confirmed that the US is providing Syrian fighters with satellite communications equipment to enable them to ‘organise and evade attacks by the regime.’ While promising $25 million (Dh92 million) in humanitarian aid, she has encouraged Arab Gulf states to pledge $100 million in pay for opposition fighters. In his report from Istanbul on the Friends of Syria meeting, Steven Lee Myers of the New York Times commented that this ‘blurs the line between lethal and non-lethal support.’
By setting up a working group to coordinate US, EU and Arab sanctions against Syria, Clinton’s evident intention would seem to be to bring down the Syrian regime in order to weaken Iran. By seeming to fear a peaceful settlement of the Syrian and Iranian crises, she has exposed America’s aggressive face.
Annan’s mission has only just begun. It might take weeks, if not months, before it shows results. There is clearly a need to give him more time, while pressing both sides to put up their guns. Similarly, Ashton’s attempts to re-start a dialogue with Iran in order to arrive at an overall settlement should be given every encouragement and not sabotaged by unnecessary threats and crippling sanctions.
The US should be careful not to add to the catastrophic legacy of its wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, not to mention the violent hostility its policies and actions have aroused in Pakistan, Yemen, the Horn of Africa and elsewhere in the Arab and Muslim world.
April 6th, 2012, 8:51 am
zoo said:
The Sharia law effective method to discourage thieves
Islamist commander cuts off vandal’s hand in Timbuktu
The Islamist commander who seized control of Timbuktu this week has imposed a harsh regime of Sharia law on the city and led by example after cutting a man’s hand off in public.
April 6th, 2012, 8:56 am
Juergen said:
so the syrian police now will get many tanks right? Blue paint must be hard to get lately in Syria.
April 6th, 2012, 8:57 am
zoo said:
Early signs of failure? Annan seems unable to prevent the armed rebels to reenter the areas the army withdrew from.
Syria’s U.N. Ambassador Bashar Ja’afari confirmed that hostilities have escalated in some “hotspots” where he said armed groups have “jumped to fill the vacuum” when they heard that the Syrian government withdrew some military units.
He reiterated the government’s commitment to “the success” of Annan’s six-point plan and said all heavy weapons would be withdrawn by April 10. But he also appeared to put at least one condition on the pullout of Syrian troops from cities and towns.
Ja’afari accused Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, France and the United States of assisting the Free Syrian Army and said his government needs “a crystal cut commitment and a guarantee by Mr. Annan himself after he consults with Saudi Arabia, Turkey and the others that once the government will observe and will respect the end of violence, the other parties will do the same and not fill the vacuum.”
He said obtaining the guarantee before the April 10 deadline for the pullout “is an integral part of the common understanding between Mr. Kofi Annan and the Syrian government.” He added that Syria needs “a written commitment from everybody including the imam of Saudi Arabia.”
Ja’afari called the press conference late Thursday to attack General Assembly President Nassir Abdulaziz Al-Nasser, who is from Qatar, for refusing to allow him to present Syria’s position at the General Assembly or to call for a one-minute silence to honor all those who’ve died in the Syrian conflict.
Annan said all opposition parties his team has talked to “are committed to call for cessation of violence once the Syrian government has demonstrably fulfilled its commitments regarding use of heavy weapons and troop withdrawals.”
April 6th, 2012, 9:10 am
zoo said:
Syria: Navy Pillay is promoting lies
Syria rebuffs UN human rights chief’s remarks as “lies”
DAMASCUS, April 5 (Xinhua) — The Syrian foreign ministry on Thursday dismissed as “mere lies” remarks made by the United Nations Human Rights Commissioner Navi Pillay claiming that there is enough evidence to bring charges against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.
In a stern statement carried by the state-run SANA news agency, the ministry accused Pillay of “turning a blind eye to the terrorism practiced against the Syrian people on the hands of armed terrorist groups.”
“At the time Pillay was supposed to bear the responsibility of her high position and to talk honestly about what is going on in Syria of human rights abuses carried out by armed terrorist groups, the commissioner has just chosen to gather and promote lies and allegations without checking their credibility,” the statement said.
April 6th, 2012, 9:14 am
Dawoud said:
The undemocratic Shia political theology, Wilayat al-Faqih ????? ??????, and the Iranian “High commisioner” in Lebanon, Hasan Nasrallah, are facing an uncertain future after the demise of the Syrian murderous dictator. The NYT article blow mentions that “The Hizballah Foundation” and that one Hizballah supporter in this foundation goes to Facebook and other Websites to spread pro-Hizballah views.
P.S., below are the SECTARIAN CODE NAMES that anti-Sunni/pro-dictator commentators use here and elsewhere to de-legitimize Syria’s legitimate anti-dictator revolution:
“Muslim Brotherhood”
Loyalty to Syrian President Could Isolate Hezbollah
Published: April 5, 2012
BEIRUT, Lebanon — Mazen, a carpenter who organizes protests against President Bashar al-Assad in a suburb of Damascus, Syria, has torn down the posters of Hassan Nasrallah, the leader of Hezbollah, that once decorated his car and shop.
Like many Syrians, Mazen, 35, revered Mr. Nasrallah for his confrontational stance with Israel. He considered Hezbollah, the Lebanese militant group and political party, as an Arab champion of the dispossessed, not just for its Shiite Muslim base but for Sunnis like himself. But now that Hezbollah has stood by Mr. Assad during his deadly yearlong crackdown on the uprising against his rule, Mazen sees Hezbollah as a sectarian party that supports Mr. Assad because his opponents are mainly Sunnis.
April 6th, 2012, 9:38 am
Juergen said:
very good comment on the controversial debate on the poem Günter Grass has written about Israel
“Both countries help each other, increase their influence far beyond their actual achieve those objectives. In a perverse way, they are in a mutual dependency. This would cause their own, they would not have taken the whole world hostage.”
again translated via google translate
April 6th, 2012, 9:40 am
Dawoud said:
Loyalty to Syrian President Could Isolate Hezbollah
Published: April 06, 2012
BEIRUT, Lebanon – Mazen, a carpenter who organizes protests against President Bashar al-Assad in a suburb of Damascus, Syria, has torn down the posters of Hassan Nasrallah, the leader of Hezbollah, that once decorated his car and shop.
Like many Syrians, Mazen, 35, revered Mr. Nasrallah for his confrontational stance with Israel. He considered Hezbollah, the Lebanese militant group and political party, as an Arab champion of the dispossessed, not just for its Shiite Muslim base but for Sunnis like himself. But now that Hezbollah has stood by Mr. Assad during his deadly yearlong crackdown on the uprising against his rule, Mazen sees Hezbollah as a sectarian party that supports Mr. Assad because his opponents are mainly Sunnis.
“Now, I hate Hezbollah,” he said. “Nasrallah should stand with the people’s revolution if he believes in God.”
Mr. Nasrallah’s decision to maintain his critical alliance with Syria has risked Hezbollah’s standing and its attempts to build pan-Islamic ties in Lebanon and the wider Arab world.
Though Hezbollah’s base in Lebanon remains strong, it runs an increasing risk of finding itself isolated, possibly caught up in a sectarian war between its patron, Iran, the region’s Shiite power, and Saudi Arabia, a protector of Sunni interests in the Middle East. Its longtime ally, Hamas, the Palestinian militant group, has distanced itself from the Assad government, moving its headquarters out of Damascus, and Sunni revolutionaries in Syria have explicitly denounced Hezbollah as an enemy. At home, its Lebanese rivals sense a rare opportunity to erode its power.
In a delicate adjustment in the face of these new realities – and the resilience of the uprising – Hezbollah has shifted its tone. In carefully calibrated speeches last month, Mr. Nasrallah gently but firmly signaled that Mr. Assad could not crush the uprising by force and must lay down arms and seek a political settlement. He implicitly acknowledged the growing moral outrage in the wider Muslim world at the mounting death toll, obliquely noted that the Syrian government was accused of “targeting civilians” and urged Mr. Assad to “present the facts to the people.”
Behind the scenes, Mr. Nasrallah personally tried to start a reconciliation process in Syria early in the uprising and is now renewing those efforts, said Ali Barakeh, a Hamas official involved in the talks.
“He refuses the killing for both sides,” said Mr. Barakeh, the Beirut representative for Hamas.
Mr. Barakeh said that Mr. Nasrallah visited Damascus in April of last year and briefly persuaded Mr. Assad to try to reach a political solution, with Hezbollah and Hamas acting as mediators. But as Hamas began reaching out to fellow Sunni Muslims in the opposition, the plan was scuttled by the Syrian government.
… ]
April 6th, 2012, 9:41 am
abbas said:
856 Jurgen
the accent is lebanese
April 6th, 2012, 9:58 am
Mawal95 said:
In response to what I see at #884, here’s Hezbollah’s position on politics in Syria as stated by its leader Hassan Nasrallah on Al-Manar TV (the TV channel owned or affiliated with Hezbollah):
Nasrallah on 24 or 25 Oct 2011: “The Syrian Popular Will is to support the [regime’s] reforms…. But if the people start opposing the regime, we [Hezbollah] will support the people.”
Hassan Nasrallah on 15 Mar 2012: “Thus dear [Syrian] brethrens! Do us a favor and try to find a political solution for this crisis. These are our limits. As for how they [Syrians] address it politically, this is not our affair as Lebanese.”
Nasrallah’s position on Syria has two halfs. The first half is that whatever the Syrians decide is fine with Hizbollah, though of course being a civilized person Nasrallah also adds that “our recommendation to all of our Syrian brethrens is lay arms down and head to the mechanisms of a political solution.”
The second half of Nasrallah’s position is encapsulated in the following quote dated 15 Mar 2012, which Nasrallah has said on many other dates before March: “Those who want to destroy Syria or overthrow the regime have no ability to do so…. The latest developments have proved that a wager on the fall of the regime didn’t give a payback.”
April 6th, 2012, 10:04 am
DAWOUD said:
The person above, # 863. JAD, who complained about my earlier comments should have understood that I was ONLY responding to his earlier hateful/prejudiced attacks on my name & character. He called me DAVE, instead of my real name, Dawoud, in order to question my religion and Arab loyatly, and he keeps repeating the above anti-Sunni bigotted/stereotypical code names (“Salafist,” “Wahabi,” “Muslim Brotherhood”) in order to express his sectarian hatred and de-legitimize Syria’s legitimate anti-dictator revolt (by utilizing SECTARIAN bigotry!). I have a collection of this person’s pro-dictator comments, which I will email to Professor Landis.
April 6th, 2012, 10:09 am
zoo said:
Experts sound alarm over Syria archaeological treasures
April 06, 2012 12:03 AM
By Jocelyne Zablit
Agence France Presse
BEIRUT: Syria’s yearlong revolt has exposed to looting and destruction the country’s archaeological treasures, experts warn, including the ancient city of Palmyra and the Greco-Roman ruins of Apamea.
Most vulnerable are strife-torn areas that have fallen outside the full control of the regime, they say, where looters have already targeted museums, excavation sites and monuments.
“In the past three to four months there has been a lot of looting,” said Hiba al-Sakhel, director of museums in Syria. “In Apamea, we have a video showing looters removing mosaics with drills. And in Palmyra there is a lot of looting and clandestine digging.”
Sakhel said other historical sites across the country have fallen prey to looters who are taking advantage of the violence that has swept the country for more than a year to pilfer antiquities.
She said although the practice has been ongoing for years, the pace has increased as a result of the unrest, which has left many sites unprotected and inaccessible.
“Syria has not been fully searched by archaeologists so wherever you dig you make a find,” Sakhel said. “I believe those doing the looting are locals drawn by profit and who care little about the importance of the country’s heritage.”
According to experts, thieves have already made off with items from the museum in the central city of Hama, including antique weapons and a statue dating back to Aramaic times.
April 6th, 2012, 10:12 am
Uzair8 said:
879. Juergen
Yes the regime will have something up its sleeve. It is already talking about an increase in ‘terrorism’ and the increase in the number of soldiers and police killed in a letter to the UN (recent update on AJE syria blog – 38 minutes ago).
It also occured to me a couple of hours ago, that the regime will have planted some ‘armed gangs’ out there from the beginning exactly for a situation like this. Conveniently ‘breaking’ or nullifying a ceasefire as and when required.
What do people think? I don’t think the regime will have missed a trick or left any stone unturned.
April 6th, 2012, 10:14 am
Khalid Tlass said:
Ignore this poster “Ghufran”…..
his mother was a radical Palestinian Marxist activist and his father was a hardcoree Alawite Jadidist activist…..these kinds of people have nothing in common with Syria, they are the enemeies of the Syrian people.April 6th, 2012, 10:17 am
Equus said:
Man Who Was Waterboarded 183 Times, Confesses Complete Responsibility for 9/11 and Will Be Executed.
It was reported on BBC News tonight that Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and four others will be charged with orchestrating the September 11 attacks.
What the report omitted to say was that many sources, including the New York Times (could any institution be less anti-establishment?), reported in April 2009 that Khalid Sheikh Mohammed had been waterboarded 183 times in Guantanano Bay.
Of course in democratic countries no juries or defendants become the norm and torture is legal. After 183 times being waterboarded even Dick Cheney will confess to his involvement in 9/11. First, it was Ben Ladden who did it..then this man in a year from now we have a third name.
April 6th, 2012, 10:39 am
Uzair8 said:
#887 Dawoud
Yes. Your goodself reminded me of something I wanted to clarify.
It is a tactic. Instead of countering the substance of some comments, false name-calling (buzz words) is used to influence others to ignore (or take less seriously) the comments of a (for example)’taleban’.
To reassure people I’m not ‘taleban’, with reluctance I will post the following (forgive the Off-topic subject):
– I dislike al-qaeda and think they are Kharijites of today. Anyway, they would regard someone like me a polytheist (mushrik), innovator and grave-worshiper.
– Taleban understanding and implementation of Islam is questionable. They may mean well. They are a different school of thought closer to Salafi/Wahabi. They would regard me as an innovator. The so called pakistani taleban have been destroying shrines and displaying the remains of the occupants of the graves.
– Having said that I believe the Taleban have every right to defend their country from foreign forces.
– People like me are the majority in the Indian subcontinent. Out of lets say 500 million muslims, 348.5* million are said to follow the version of sunni Islam I do (called ‘Barelvi’ by some). This version is the same as that of Syrian Sh. Yaqoubi.**
* Also see the correction in 3rd post:
** I can provide details on request.
April 6th, 2012, 10:40 am
Tara said:
I was a bit taken back with your wishes of Happy Easter ” to Christians”. I felt being excluded. You don’t want us to have a happy Sunday? I usually wish happy Ramadan or happy Eid to everyone. I am disappointed. It bothered me all nightlong.
April 6th, 2012, 10:43 am
Equus said:
Destabilization Campaigns from Bosnia to Libya to Syria
by Scott Creighton
Remember, the Clintons didn’t start it, but they continued the terrorist destabilization campaign in Bosnia for years until in 95 they were finally allowed to bomb government targets and the civilian population via one of the first NATO R2P campaigns. They funded al Qaeda back then to create the internal conflict in order to force a regime change and the Balkinization of the country. This is exactly what they’re doing again now in Syria and what they did in Libya. It’s nothing new. Reagan used terrorist “freedom fighters” in Nicaragua in much the same way. They did it in Iran in ’53 and the list goes on and on.
April 6th, 2012, 10:52 am
Son of Damascus said:
Khaled Tlass,
“Ignore this poster “Ghufran”…”
I don’t take advise from bigots… but will make sure to ignore you and your hate filled comments.
For the record Khalid, I drink, eat pork, and I am married to a non Moslem, and have been known to indulge in all three at once. So if you consider Ghufran “an enemy of Syria”, I am sure you would consider me an enemy of Allah.
And Ghufran is one of the most respectable commentators here on SC, only fools would ignore what Ghufran has to say.
April 6th, 2012, 10:52 am
Dawoud said:
892. Uzair8
Thanks for your excellent comment. No, you don’t have to apologize for who you are. Bashar and Bouthayna Sha’abn gave these anti-Sunni hateful CODE Names to their supporters, including commentators on “Syria Comment,” in March of 2011. They did so by labeling the legitimate anti-dictator revolution-which was NO different than the Tunisian Revolution-as “Salafist,” “Muslim Brotherhood,” “Taliban,” “al-Qa’id,” and “Wahabi.” This was very sad and disgusting because in March of 2011 there was no FSA and the revolution was completely peaceful. Whom should we blame for militarizing a pro-democracy and peaceful revolution? Bashar, the murderous/hereditary dictator.
April 6th, 2012, 10:53 am
Alan said:
‘American people after fixing ailing economy not war’
US Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner has warned about the adverse consequences of the tensions with Iran and high oil prices, saying they posed ‘the biggest threats’ to the US economy.
Pair to get rid of addictions! many to use oil, many to be spent on the weapon!
The oil market in the USA
The USA import about 55 % of total amount of consumption of oil and 45 % extract independently. The main countries exporters of oil in the USA are Saudi Arabia – 1,66 million barrels a day, Venezuela – 1,54, Mexico – 1,42, Nigeria – 86, Iraq – 78, Norway – 33, Angola – 32, Great Britain – 31.
Thus, about 30 % of oil imported to the USA and 15 % from total amount of consumption of oil in the USA – oil of the Arab origin.
According to the experts, strategic stocks of oil in the USA make 658 million barrels. For comparison in Japan – 321 million barrels, and in Germany – 191 million barrels.
The military budget of the USA in 2012 more than military budgets of China and Russia together taken: the military budget in the size – 662 000 000 000 dollars in 2012
April 6th, 2012, 11:05 am
DAWOUD said:
Press TV, which is posted in the comment above this one, is NOT a real journalistic outlet. It belongs to Iran’s government. It is part of Iran’s Wilayat al-Fagih undemocratic/pro-dictator political ideology!
April 6th, 2012, 11:10 am
Syrian Nationalist Party said:
Happy Passover to all.
April 6th, 2012, 11:11 am
Syrian Nationalist Party said:
And Good Friday as well.
April 6th, 2012, 11:14 am
Syrian Nationalist Party said:
@ “……. After 183 times being waterboarded even Dick Cheney will confess to his involvement in 9/11…”
Cheney did confess long time ago, without waterboarding:
April 6th, 2012, 11:14 am
jad said:
A Salafi (Arabic: ?????) is a Muslim who emphasises the Salaf (“predecessors” or “ancestors”), the earliest Muslims, as model examples of Islamic practice.[1] The term has been in use since the middle ages but today refers especially to a follower of a modern Sunni Islamic movement known as the Salafiyyah, which is related to or includes Wahhabism, so that the two terms are sometimes erroneously viewed as synonymous.
Wahhabism (Arabic: ???????) is a branch of Islam.[1] It is a form of Salafism, and a religious movement within Sunni Islam[2] Wahhabism was developed by an eighteenth century muslim theologian, Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab (1703–1792) from Najd, Saudi Arabia. Ibn Abd Al-Wahhab advocated purging Islam of what he considered to be impurities and innovations. His has become the dominant form of Islam in Saudi Arabia.[3] Its adherents prefer to be referred to as Salafis.
Muslim Brotherhood
The Society of the Muslim Brothers (Arabic: ??????? ????????? al-?i?w?n/ikhwan/el-ekhwan al-muslim?n, often simply “The Brotherhood” or “MB”) is the world’s most influential[2] and one of the largest Islamist movements,[3] and is the largest political opposition organization in many Arab states.[which?] Founded by 1928 in Egypt by the Islamic scholar and schoolteacher Hassan al-Banna, by the end of World War II the MB had an estimated two million members.[4][5] Its ideas had gained it supporters throughout the Arab world and influenced other Islamist groups with its “model of political activism combined with Islamic charity work”.[6] Its most famous slogan, used worldwide, is “Islam is the solution.”
On the other hand:
Doesn’t exist in Wikipedia.
I Google ‘Anti-Sunni’ word to find out who/when/where is used, the results show that the term is used in:
1-Alqaeda publications (books/websites/politics/movements)
2-In news about Sunnis-Shia strives (mainly in Iran, Iraq, Pakistan and Afghanistan)
In conclusion, the term ‘Anti-Sunni’ is actually the ‘sectarian’ code word used for escalating the Sunni-Shia arguments, while ‘Salafi’ ‘wahhabi’ and ‘Muslim Brotherhood’ are technical terms referring to a ‘political-religious’ movements/parties which has nothing sectarian about them.
April 6th, 2012, 11:26 am
Syrian Nationalist Party said:
@JAD lets not promote losers and Foreign Intel Agencies puppets, write something positive, explain what Syrian Nationalism is all about please.
April 6th, 2012, 11:32 am
jad said:
Back to the main subject of Syria Comment: Syria.
A very balanced and worth reading article by ORG, it comes to the same conclusion that every sane Syrian can come to if we want to stop the bloodshed: ‘The Answer is Dialogue’.
ORG Liddite on Syria: The Answer is Dialogue
“The only solution for Syria is through the negotiation process initiated by Kofi Annan, the UN-Arab League Joint Special Envoy for Syria”, the veteran Guardian Chief Foreign Correspondent Jonathan Steele, said at ORG’s Liddite meeting on 21 March 2012.
Jonathan Steele has recently returned from Syria where he interviewed the disaffected, unemployed men aged under 30, who appear, he said, to make up the majority of the activists, and gauged what their interests were in the current deadlock. He found there was no appetite for foreign intervention. In their view it would mean a re-run of what happened in Iraq after the 2003 US-led invasion, when a million Iraqi refugees fled to Syria. There was also little or no support for the idea of outside states like Qatar or Saudi Arabia arming the Free Syrian Army.
This was also true of the older oppositionist figures. In Jonathan Steele’s view, there is no evidence that the regime is on the brink of collapse – it probably has the support of the majority of Syrians, and with the exception of Homs, the major cities. So, in his view, dialogue is the only option remaining for a peaceful solution. Western media have been very critical of Annan’s mission instead of encouraging talks as the last option remaining, Jonathan Steele said. Despite much pessimism expressed already, these talks could be effective after all due to Kofi Annan’s balanced and even-handed approach, which only speaks of a ‘political transition’.
The Annan plan has been backed by the Russians – who, according to Jonathan Steele, are being unfairly criticised for their UN Security Council veto in February. The veto was prompted by the United States pushing a resolution proposed by Morocco, just as the Russian Foreign Minister, Sergei Lavrov, was in Damascus to meet President Assad. After Russian cajoling, the Syrian government now accepts international mediation. This is a big shift. Mediation, however, requires the opposition and its western and Arab League backers to stop insisting Assad surrenders power before talks begin.
he Western-backed Security Council draft in February had supported the Arab League’s call for President Assad to step down and transfer power to his Vice-President before any dialogue could begin. Western diplomats knew such a reference to regime change would mean the Russians and Chinese would veto the resolution. Knowing this, the US decided to put the Moroccan draft to a sudden vote, directly before Sergei Lavrov was meeting Assad to conduct negotiations. Now it seems that US demands for Assad to step down have been put to one side.
By contrast, the Annan plan, which has been called “Syria’s last chance” by Russia’s President Medvedev, does not call for Assad to stand down. As a result, it has been heavily criticised by the opposition Syrian National Council. Given the entrenched positions of both sides, former UN Secretary General Kofi Annan has spoken of a long drawn out political process – saying there is “no deadline.”
One of the key questions in any dialogue process would be: Who will be the interlocutors – and who do the oppositionists represent? Also the timing of moves from the side of the government and the opposition is of the essence. In a situation of deadlock, such moves have to happen nearly simultaneously, backed by talks, and given that, first of all, there will need to be a ceasefire.
It remains to be seen if the ceasefire deadline next week will be adhered to.
April 6th, 2012, 11:34 am
Juergen said:
A funny scandal is going on in Moscow this week. DER SPIEGEL writes that Patriach Kirill may have a lust for expensive swiss watches.
See this photo of an official visit of an goverment represantive. Notice the watch on his arm, a Breguet as some say worth about 30.000 Euro. Kirill said that he has only one watch which was given to him from President Medwedjew, and its not an “expensive” one.
now see this photo, which was published after the scandal broke out:
as you see thanks to Photoshop the whole watch is gone, just the shadow on the table tells us its the same picture…
Does anyone know if the eyedoctor is giving swiss luxury watches to his clergy men? There is an old saying, to learn from Russis means to learn to win.
Those who are eager for more gossip here is the whole article:
Given what is at stake for this regime, they are willing to all it takes to save their … you know what i mean.
April 6th, 2012, 11:34 am
Alan said:
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April 6th, 2012, 11:36 am
Ghufran said:
The biggest threat to the regime is not the armed rebels, actually violence committed by those groups have helped the regime more than the opposition especially in cities like Aleppo and Latakia. Kurds and Druz are unlikely to jump on the FSA-armed jihadists wagon any time soon,and most Alawites are either watchfull or supportive of the regime.
Elite forces in the army remain tired and overworked but still loyal to the regime. What the regime fears the most is a coalition, not necessarily unity, of anti regime forces that speak from the middle and respect Syria’s diversity, those forces received the bulk of the regime’s wrath in the past and they continue to get arrested and chased around by the regime thugs who were told that those forces are more dangerous than alqaida because they are far more effective in uniting Syrians against the regime than those who blow up buildings and kidnapp/assassinate people they do not like.
The temporary surge in the popularity of violent elements in the opposition is due to the brutality of the regime and the lack of any political roadmap that gives Syrians hope and confidence that there is a third option for Syria. Opposing Annan plan is naturally expected to come from parties like KSA, Qatar, Jihadists and Assadists who have too much to lose if people like Kilo, Manna, Khayyer, Haidar and their likes become more relevant than Hamad, Ar’our and Islamists with guns.
April 6th, 2012, 11:48 am
Equus said:
We want war, and we want it now ~ by Pepe Escobar
What the hell is wrong with those Arabs?
With friends like these … It all had to do with that Friends of Syria (fools for war?) meeting in Istanbul. Picture Saudi Foreign Minister Saud al-Faisal – who seems to have a knack for sending US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton into rapture – feverishly arguing that the House of Saud, those paragons of democracy, had “a duty” to weaponize the Syrian “revolutionary” opposition.
And picture al-Faisal ordering an immediate ceasefire by the Bashar al-Assad government, guilty – according to the House of Saud – not only of cruel repression but crimes against humanity.
No; this was not a Monty Python sketch.
To make sure he was milking the right cow, al-Faisal also said that the Gulf Counter-revolution Club (GCC), also known as Gulf Cooperation Council, wanted to get further into bed with the United States. Translation, if any was needed; the US-GCC tag team, as expressed by the weaponization of the Syrian “rebels”, is meant to body slam Iran.
Clinton got the pledge from the House of Saud in person, before landing in Istanbul. Washington’s return gift was of the Pentagon kind; the GCC soon will be protected from “evil” Iran by a US-supplied missile shield. That implies that an attack on Iran may have been discarded for 2012 – but it’s certainly “on the table” for 2013.
Asian nations – especially BRICS members China and India – will keep buying oil from Iran; the problem is what the European poodles will do. Other real problems are that the Kurds in northern Iraq are taking their oil off the market until Baghdad pays them the share they had agreed upon. And then there are Syria’s 400,000 barrels a day, which have been dwindling over the past few months.
US rhetoric about “democracy” and “freedom” notwithstanding. It’s all about classic, imperial divide and rule, profiting from pitting Sunnis against Shi’ites.
(Obviously it’s working; solely the highly educated sees the big picture. Others still believe it’s a genuine revolution in name of democracy. What they ignore, democracy is another sort of commodity for sell and evidently you can bid/ask on Wall street).
April 6th, 2012, 11:50 am
Alan said:
908. EQUUS
Thank U ! it confirms article 906
April 6th, 2012, 11:57 am
zoo said:
#893 Tara
I did not mean to exclude anyone. I think that each religion and sect has its own specific celebrations, that’s the way it is. Would you feel excluded if I congratulate Jews on Hannukah?
April 6th, 2012, 12:14 pm
Alan said:
US missile defense plans may signal strike on Iran, Russia warns
April 6th, 2012, 12:27 pm
Alan said:
Only mutual efforts can stop standoff in Syria – Russian FM
April 6th, 2012, 12:31 pm
Hopeful said:
If Assad calls for early presidential elections, supervised by international observers, and announces that he would NOT run, but will head a transitional government to oversee the process, what will be the Opposition response? What will be the response of the West and the Arabs?
April 6th, 2012, 12:34 pm
Alan said:
Norweigan general leads UN team into Syria to talk about UN mission to verify cease-fire
A team led by a Norwegian major general arrived Thursday in Damascus to negotiate the possible deployment of U.N. monitors for any cease-fire between Syrian troops and rebel forces.
Ahmad Fawzi, a spokesman for peace envoy Kofi Annan, reported the arrival and said the U.N. is already asking members to contribute 200 to 250 soldiers to monitor a cease-fire that officials hope would start April 10.
Annan has asked the Norwegian major-general, Robert Mood, to begin discussing with the Syrian authorities “the eventual deployment of this U.N. supervision and monitoring mission,” Fawzi said.
Such a contingent would first have to be authorized by the 15-nation Security Council.
I frankly wouldn’t hold my breath that magically, just because of a date on a calendar, that the “rebel forces” (read: hired mercs) will lay down their weapons, and sing “Kumbyah”, along with Syrian forces.
My suspicion is that Annan pushed al-Assad for this deadline for cessation of hostilities because such a deadline is not achievable.
And what happens, then, on the 11th of April, if there has been no substantive cease-fire? And what world player will be willing, if not eager, to act, even without a UN mandate?
Were I a betting woman, I would not bet against some kind of “shadow NATO engagement” to bring about regime change, but the kind of involvement which couldn’t quite be pinned directly on NATO by a very angered China and Russia, which would, reasonably, see such an action as an “end-run” against the UN, and done without any UN mandate whatever.
April 6th, 2012, 12:38 pm
Tara said:
I knew you will come back asking about the Jewish holiday. No I won’t.
I may have had an exaggerated response to your comment. Who knows? Women are moody and unpredictable. You can never be right with us sometimes. A stranger once riding an elevator with me wished me a merry christmas and I replied I don’t celebrate Christmas… I immediately regretted my reply.
Lots of people sent me Christmas cards knowing I am Muslim and I like it. Anyway happy Easter to you too.
April 6th, 2012, 12:39 pm
Mina said:
Their answer will be “first you go and then we’ll vote, inshallah”; then some will start to say that to vote is undemocratic (some Salafis in Egypt of Hiz al Nur are now accusing the Muslim Brothers of not complying with Islam by having a candidate in the presidential election!)
News from Saudi Arabia: only twenty-five??
I start to think that if the US needed a consensus to keep G’mo open and put to death Khalid Sheikh Muhammad and others, they’ve got it now…
April 6th, 2012, 12:40 pm
Syrian Nationalist Party said:
913. Hopeful said:
If Assad calls for early presidential elections, supervised by international observers, and announces that he would NOT run, but will head a transitional government to oversee the process, what will be the Opposition response? What will be the response of the West and the Arabs?
None of that really matter, what matter to Syria now is where to secure a minimum of 200 billion in grants (not loans) to get Syria off the ground. Obviously, one needs to get rid of corruption regime and hire honest, qualified administrators, economic developers and leaders in Syria that can attract the majority support and foreign cash. Otherwise, the last person please shut the light behind you before you leave.
April 6th, 2012, 12:44 pm
Alan said:
173. ALAN said:
One American official person spoke during interview that at any president Syria will be hostile for the United States of America as any future president of Syria will demand return in full Golan to SAR
And as Israel will a little possibly want to go on this that the USA will be on a place of the opponent of Syria!
April 6th, 2012, 12:56 pm
Maher said:
Re: SNP #917
I think we need 3 steps:
1. Stop the bleeding
2. Stabilze
3. Rebuild
I agree that Syria needs a fresh start and a new regime to do #3, but it is almost impossible to achieve #1 and #2 without the active participation of the current regime. Assad can seize the initiative by presenting a roadmap for a future for Syria that does NOT include him being on the top.
April 6th, 2012, 1:04 pm
Alan said:
???? ????? !
West’s intervention in Libya tipped Mali into chaos
Source: Daily Star
When Western forces helped topple Libya’s Moamer Kadhafi they forced hundreds of well-armed Tuareg fighters to flee home to Mali, tipping another fragile African state into chaos, experts say.
And for some observers, the Western powers’ role in helping trigger the crisis now gives them a responsibility to help try to end it.
“It must be said and said again that the factor that unleashed all of this is the Western intervention in Libya,” said Eric Denece, director of the French Centre for Intelligence Research (CF2R), a think tank.
When Kadhafi’s regime fell to a popular uprising backed by NATO warplanes, his Tuareg hired guns fled south across the Sahara to their former homes in Mali and Niger in heavily-armed convoys of off-road pick-up trucks.
“At first, these veterans of the Libyan militia had nothing against Mali, but nature abhors a vacuum, and they needed to find something to do. So they allied with local groups, and now look where we are,” he said.
In the past two weeks since a military coup in Mali caused a collapse in government authority, Tuareg rebels have seized the entire north and east of the country, including major towns like Gao and Timbuktu.
Most worryingly for foreign observers, Islamist fighters from the local Ansar Dine group and from Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM), the North African wing of the global extremist network, have been fighting alongside the Tuaregs.
Denece argues that the West, and France in particular, should have been aware of the result of their actions in Libya and acted before now.
“The Malian foreign minister, Soumeylou Boubeye Maiga, came almost every month to Paris for talks at the foreign ministry, the Elysee and the DGSE foreign intelligence service,” he told AFP.
“He told them: ‘Now that you have intervened and created chaos, what are you doing to help us, the countries in the region? Your intervention spread weapons and fighters across the Sahel. You know we can’t fight those people’.”
April 6th, 2012, 1:06 pm
Syrian Nationalist Party said:
918. Alan said:
One American official person spoke during interview that at any president Syria will be hostile for the United States of America as any future president of Syria will demand return in full Golan to SAR, And as Israel will a little possibly want to go on this that the USA will be on a place of the opponent of Syria!
SNP offered a solution to the Golan that preclude Syria from having to take this hostile position to the United States. In a nutshell, Israel will return the Golan to Syria proper, in exchange Israeli can remain on the hill, can even keep on settling on it, so as for Golan natives and other Syrians can relocate to the hill, for sure I will make a home of it as well.
It will be ruled by an a Golan Council made up of both Syrians and Israeli, Israel or others will need to financially compensate any person his land were taken by Israel to build Jewish settlement on it as settlements needs not be dismantled. This is a win-win plan, no loser under this Golan solution. A Golan development Council will be established to over sees the planning and investments on the hill, insure that the few billions Israel will come up with is spent right for the Development of the Golan ( Syrians has no money).
What is wrong with that plan you say, well, the first serious and challenging problem is that it will bring peace to the Middle East (no one happy to see that, not even Israel) and second, you have a lame Government in Syria that consider anything other than Baathism as REACTIONARY PLOT by ANTI ARAB, ANTI MOSLEM CONSPIRATORS.
April 6th, 2012, 1:13 pm
Uzair8 said:
Some places in Syria are said to be short of food and water.
Just want to take the opportunity to suggest an idea on my mind.
KSA could send Ajwa dates to the opposition/FSA. Nutritious, satiating (even in small amounts) and easy to smuggle in, transport and store. Remain edible for a long time.
Can be a quick temporary option in urgent situations.
April 6th, 2012, 1:15 pm
Aldendeshe said:
“………@ Assad can seize the initiative by presenting a roadmap for a future for Syria that does NOT include him being on the top….”
Will not bet a dime on that anymore.
April 6th, 2012, 1:20 pm
Equus said:
Le Point.Fr the voice of Bernard-Henry Lévy shed some light on reality. How genuine is the revolution??
Les trésors de la Syrie antique en danger
Le Point.fr – Publié le 06/04/2012 à 10:35 – Modifié le 06/04/2012 à 11:03
L’exceptionnel patrimoine archéologique syrien est plus que jamais exposé aux pillages et aux destructions.
April 6th, 2012, 1:26 pm
Mina said:
Alan 920
So obviously a chaos zone in the Sahel serves the US interest, since that was a traditional French stronghold. One may ask, why is Sarkozy making so much to serve US interests? One may answer, one of his close relatives works for Carlyle, and Sarkozy might very well get ousted and wants a well paid job for the rest of his career.
Same for Ivory Coast, a former French zone of interest, where the local community has been dumped to let the US favorite step in.
April 6th, 2012, 1:30 pm
Juergen said:
I suppose Syrians are used to dates. In the bosnian war ( 20 years ago it started today) the Saudis sent large amounts of dates as an first aid to feed the hungry. In one village i was told in Sarajewo the people did not know what to do with them, as they dont know the custom of eating them for ending a fast day in ramadan. So the villagers asked the elders of the village and all agreed they would make Slivovic out of the dates, so they did. Slivovic is the local alcohol usually made out of plums. I never got to know if they have sent the saudi embassy a bottle of their brew, would have been funny.
April 6th, 2012, 1:32 pm
Juergen said:
i got twisted in your logic. If Ghadaffi was the biggest sponsor for the Tuareg, how come it is now the USA who is reponsible? Or do you mean that they are responsible for the ethnical cleansing the Tuareg claim the Toure government had imposed on them? But I guess at the end of the day whats important is that the US and the Zionists are behind every coup d`etat right?
April 6th, 2012, 1:35 pm
Alan said:
924. EQUUS
You R today worthy to attention
April 6th, 2012, 1:40 pm
Mawal95 said:
In late 2011 seven Iranian electrical engineers working in Syria were abducted. In January they appeared at Youtube in the custody of the notorious rebel Abdul Razzaq Tlass. They are still held captive or they are dead somewhere. In late January eleven other Iranians were abducted in Syria and five of these were released in late March. One of the released men reported after his release: “Our captors told us to say that we are Iranian soldiers that have come to kill the people of Syria, and if we don’t do as they say they will not free us and worse may even kill us.
We thought to ourselves that they want us to falsely confess so that they will have an excuse to kill us. We said that lying is not allowed in Islam and we will not lie, do what you will.” http://www.presstv.ir/detail/234904.html
That attitude is the right attitude to take under the circumstances. A number of Syrians who’ve made false statements under threat of death have had the wrong attitude, in my opinion.
The Attorney General of Hama, Adnan Bakkour, was abducted on 29 Aug 2011 and appeared in a video on the Internet on 31 Aug 2011 saying: “I have resigned in protest of the savage regime’s practices against peaceful demonstrators.” His body has not been recovered, but he is more certainly dead than he would’ve been if he’d said “I will not lie, do what you will”.
April 6th, 2012, 1:42 pm
Alan said:
Great anti-Chinese wall
The Syrian and Iranian crises during which China showed unexpected activity outside of a zone of the next interests, – only a small screw in the being untwisted car of global opposition.
Formally China – the second economy of the world, but physical industrial outputs in Heavenly Empire already now on many positions above, than in the USA. So, production of steel in the People’s Republic of China in the 2011th was almost seven times more than in States, making nearly a half world, production of cars – in 2,5 times. Private consumption grows also. A strategic objective of Beijing is achievement of “average prosperity” – at level of countries of Eastern Europe. Speech, thus, goes about emergence of “jade billion”, comparable on a resursoyemkost with “gold”. Thus the increase in the sizes of domestic market will sharply weaken dependence of the Chinese economy on export to Europe and the USA.
Taking into account resource crisis, on a question as “the jade billion” with “gold” will coexist, there is only one answer – in any way. The Syrian crisis, in fact – only the first obvious result of formation of military blocks resisting each other.
The Chinese economy critically depends on import of resources (so, on oil this dependence is already higher, than in the USA – 55,2 %); food self-sufficiency sank into oblivion together with consumption growth – for example, the People’s Republic of China imports 81 % of a soya loved in the local people. To provide itself with raw materials and agricultural production, Heavenly Empire undertook enormous on scales economic expansion in Africa, in the Middle East. However, considering a difficult situation with world resource base, it automatically led to collision of interests of China and the West. So, Nigeria in the 2006th specially under “Han” exposed all international oil-extracting companies from the market – and those definitely weren’t delighted to it.
As a result of the USA and EU already moved to a crusade against “new colonialism”. “Five-minutes of hatred” in the western mass media (“the face of the Chinese neo-colonialism is more blood-thirsty and dangerous, than classical, western characters of the colonial past”) promptly developed into specific actions. Let’s tell, rapid growth of the Chinese oil export from Sudan where China supervised 40 % of oil production, ended badly for Sudan. In the 2007th the incorporated military command across Africa (AFRICOM) was created, and in the 2011th petroliferous South became the independent state with a westernized mode.
Approximately the Libyan revolution and crisis round Iran (it is the third on the importance the supplier of oil in the People’s Republic of China) had the same implications.
The situation for China becomes complicated that the long coastline of the People’s Republic of China almost completely screened a chain of the American allies is Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and Philippines. Differently, between China and raw materials there are Americans. “Within the first chain of islands at the USA is four large allies, by means of which America tries to starve to death the Chinese dragon to turn it into the Chinese worm” — major general Lo Yuan ascertained.
Chinese react to a situation in several directions. First, the Chinese Air Force and fleet grow almost in a geometrical progression, thus the ocean ships first of all are under construction. So, the number of submarines with anti-ship missiles was over the last 10 years quadrupled. By 2020th year in China it is planned to construct four aircraft carriers – thus one already is. The large landing ships are under construction.
Secondly, the People’s Republic of China looks for alternative exits to the World Ocean – through finally run across in camp of Beijing Pakistan and long ago Burma which has turned into the Chinese backyard.
Thirdly, Heavenly Empire creates the chain of strong points reaching for the Persian Gulf – “pearls thread”. On the coast and the islands of Burma the impressive network from military bases and radar points — Sittwe, by Kyokpyu on Ramri’s island is created. Other strong points are under construction in Hangyi, Mergui, Zadedzhi. On Koko’s islands Chinese placed radar system. To Bangladesh the Chittagong port, on Sri Lanka — Hambantota, on the Maldives — Marao’s military base, plus hanging directly over an entrance to the Persian Gulf the Pakistan pair – Gvadar and Pasni is erected. Differently, the network of the Chinese strong points in the Indian Ocean more than impresses.
… ]
April 6th, 2012, 1:57 pm
Mina said:
Why have you decided to melt in one group the Islamists of AQMI and the Tuareg independentists? Any agenda?
Things are very easy in your world.You should have opened the links I gave you yesterday with the blog and the Tuareg website.Not every Tuareg came with the Qaddafi guys; these in turn were being killed as former supporters and as blacks; one of the Ansar al Din Tuareg is a former close high ranking guy of Toure’s regime
I was just pointing at Sarkozy’s role in the current mess in Libya and Mali. And as the fact Mali and Ivory Coast are former French strongholds.
April 6th, 2012, 2:00 pm
Uzair8 said:
926. Jeurgen
That is bizarre! Thanks for sharing that info.
It also raises another issue.
Some people are angry with the gulf countries for making Nato intervention in Libya possible. They are also not happy with the Saudi/Qatar alliance with western powers in what they see as a zionist agenda. They blame the Wahabi/Salafist/Al-Qaeda types in Libya of over-throwing Gaddafi with Nato.
This plays into the end-time narrative (hadith) that the modern day Kharijites (Wahabi, Salafi etc according to some interprtations) will be fighting on the side of the AntiChrist.
On the topic of Syria they are cynical and suspect a similar pattern as in Libya.
My answer to them is that when a situation becomes so bad we demand the muslim nations to do something. We put aside their credentials* or other considerations.
For example Bosnia is unfolding and Saudi and Iran send aid. Do we (or did we) stop and look at the credentials of these nations or other considerations? No.
To be clear I’m not a fan of Saudi.
* People raise the undemocratic nature of Saudi.
April 6th, 2012, 2:03 pm
Alan said:
PetroChina became first-ever on oil production
MEXICO CITY, on March 30. The Chinese company PetroChina overtook the American petrogiant of ExxonMobil and became the largest global manufacturer of the oil which actions address at the exchange.
PetroChina created 13 years ago reported that in 2011 extracted 886,1 million barrels of oil. Thus, daily average oil production by the Chinese company made 2,43 million barrels while ExxonMobil extracted 2,3 million barrels of oil a day, reports RIA Novosti news agency.
At this PetroChina, which action bargain at the exchange in Hong Kong, last year increased oil production by 3,3 %, and the American company reduced by 5 %.
Meanwhile, ExxonMobil being the largest producer of gas in the USA, still far ahead of the PetroChina company on total amount of production of the hydrocarbons measured in barrels of an oil equivalent. In 2011 production of Exxon hydrocarbons made 4,5 million barrels of an oil equivalent a day, having increased by 1,3 % in comparison with previous year. PetroChina extracted 3,5 million barrels of an oil equivalent per day.
Also Exxon is still more expensive than PetroChina — market capitalization of the American giant makes $405 billion, and Chinese — $254 billion.
Besides, ExxonMobil surpasses PetroChina and in such indicator, as profit. In 2011 the profit of the American giant made $41 billion, and PetroChina — $21 billion.
April 6th, 2012, 2:05 pm
jad said:
Saudi Youth can visit shopping malls
April 6th, 2012, 2:20 pm
Juergen said:
I bet you arent for the Saudis. You know the Bosnians were always proud about to be the most european looking of all muslims, blond haired, blue eyed, yet you can find that also in Syria btw.
In Sarajewo i was walking and i got uplifted when i heard the azan. There was a nice old ottoman mosque and i could not believe what i saw, there was a muazin on the minaret performing azan with no microfone, no tape just his voice.
Inside the mosque there was no barrier between the men and the women, and this laisser faire, easygoing islam was evident before the war. The drinking of alcohol was not an issue for most muslims. After the war the Saudis and the Iranians alike tried to gain ground. I remember well the muslim mufti ( a great intellectual ) send out his greetings for Christmas, and the next day the saudi ambassador send out the message to the world stating that no muslim should ever congratulate an infidel for his unbelief. Of such hatred the war started but i guess such “bedoui” just dont know any better.
April 6th, 2012, 2:25 pm
Juergen said:
that should prevent riots i suppose, what else can they do in their free time apart killing time in the malls?
April 6th, 2012, 2:27 pm
jad said:
The mercenaries who war in Syria
The Syrian National Council, an institution that brings together groups opposed to President Bashar Al-Assad, announced this weekend that the rebel soldiers in the country will be paid with financial assistance from “Western nations.” The decision, taken at a conference in Turkey, proves what everyone already knew: there is foreign interference in an internal conflict.
“The SNC will be responsible for payments of fixed salaries for all officers, soldiers and others who are members of the Free Syrian Army,” said the chairman, Burhan Ghalioun, at the conference. According to a BBC report, “delegates at the conference affirmed that the rich Arab Gulf countries would contribute millions of dollars each month to the funds of the SNC.”
The decisions of the meeting in Turkey tend to further exacerbate the internal conflict, increasing the death toll in Syria.
“We want to topple Assad”
Elliott Abrams, former security adviser to the White House said, “there is no diplomatic solution to the downfall of Assad” and the U.S. must fund the mercenaries. For him, “arming the rebels will also have a political and psychological impact, helping the morale of the rebels and helping to convince many that are on the fence that we really want to topple Assad.”
April 6th, 2012, 2:28 pm
Ghufran said:
There is more than 4,000 displaced families in Tartous who were forced to leave their homes in Homs. Those families are being faced with high rent of 10-15 thousand Lira per month and are having difficulties finding food and supplies due to the lack of money and the indifference they see from authorities and the public as a whole. The church in Mashta Elhilou is helping some families but that church has limited funds too.
Many children from Homs have lost this school year and are only left with memories of destruction and misery.
April 6th, 2012, 2:29 pm
jad said:
In memory for Khaled Taja.
One of the best Syrian movies he played in:
Damascus with my love trailer
April 6th, 2012, 2:40 pm
jad said:
Qatari UN Rule Breakings
“Bashar Al Jafari, Syria’s UN Perm. Representative details on April 5th 2012 how the Qatari President of the UN General Assembly, Mr. Naser Al-Nasr compromised UN GA rules for national political ends.”
April 6th, 2012, 3:09 pm
jad said:
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April 6th, 2012, 3:27 pm
zoo said:
In Egypt, the military and Mobarak junta may soon be back in power
Mubarak deputy decides to run for Egypt president
By AYA BATRAWY | Associated Press – 26 mins ago
CAIRO (AP) — A former strongman of ousted President Hosni Mubarak’s regime announced Friday that he will enter Egypt’s presidential race after supporters marched and pleaded for him to run.
Omar Suleiman’s entry reversed an earlier decision and was likely to shake up an already heated race that pits former regime officials against Islamists for the country’s top post.
The announcement by Suleiman, a longtime Mubarak ally who served as Egypt’s intelligence chief for 18 years, also was a major setback for two other ex-regime officials who have announced plans to run for president: former foreign minister and ex-Arab League chief, Amr Moussa, and former prime minister and Mubarak confidant, Ahmed Shafiq.
All three are widely seen as symbols of the old regime but have support among some liberals and moderates who fear the Islamists’ rising power.
A win for Suleiman would largely keep control of Egypt in the hands of military, which took power after Mubarak’s ouster last year.
April 6th, 2012, 3:28 pm
Alan said:
Turkeys Balancing act with Syria and Iran
April 6th, 2012, 3:29 pm
Alan said:
Das Ist Phantastisch Jad !
April 6th, 2012, 3:34 pm
zoo said:
Worried Turkey may need the UN’s help to deal with the Syrians fleeing the fights.
Dozens killed in Syria in prelude to ceasefire
Phil Sands and Thomas Seibert
Apr 7, 2012
The Syrian government sent formal letters to the UN Security Council and General Assembly in which it blamed “armed terrorist groups” for the escalation, saying that the groups had become more active since Damascus signed up to the Annan plan.
Syrian officials have indicated they will not halt army operations unless rebels first put down their weapons, so the letter may presage a delay in implementing the withdrawal on those grounds.
Refugee flows have also been surging since the peace deal was agreed, the Turkish government said.
In a phone call to the UN security general, Ban Ki-moon, yesterday morning, Turkey’s foreign minister, Ahmet Davutoglu, said refugee arrivals from Syria had risen to record levels. About 2,800 refugees arrived on Thursday.
“I told him [Mr Ban] military operations against civilians in the areas of Aleppo and Idlib and people fleeing out of fear of those operations led to a crowd gathering at our border,” Mr Davutoglu said.
“I told him arrivals have doubled after Bashar Al Assad said he would implement Kofi Annan’s plan.”
For the first time since the crisis began in March of last year, the Turkish foreign minister also suggested that Ankara might ask the UN for support in dealing with the refugee influx.
“The United Nations should take a much more active role in this issue,” the foreign minister said. “If they continue to arrive at this rate, we will need the UN and international community to step in.”
April 6th, 2012, 3:36 pm
Alan said:
Israel’s New Strategic Environment
April 6th, 2012, 3:38 pm
jad said:
Zoo, Bronco
I don’t understand why the Syrian refuge families don’t come back home instead of living like that in Turkey?
Syria managed to help more than 230k in 2006, can’t it get back its people..really strange.
For me it seems that those Syrian refugees in Turkey are treated more as hostages than refugee, they should let them go back home with the Syrian government Amnesty with promise not to touch any of them.
April 6th, 2012, 3:51 pm
Alan said:
SAUDI ARABIA AND QATAR: The Incendiary Role of the West’s Arab Clients
THE HISTORY OF “REGIME CHANGE”: Putting Syria into some perspective
Assad actually appears to have a large measure of popularity, not only in Syria, but elsewhere in the Middle East. This includes not just fellow Alawites, but Syria’s two million Christians and no small number of Sunnis. Gaddafi had at least as much support in Libya and elsewhere in Africa. The difference between the two cases, at least so far, is that the Holy Triumvirate bombed and machine-gunned Libya daily for seven months, unceasingly, crushing the pro-government forces, as well as Gaddafi himself, and effecting the Triumvirate’s treasured “regime change”.
Now, rampant chaos, anarchy, looting and shooting, revenge murders, tribal war, militia war, religious war, civil war, the most awful racism against the black population, loss of their cherished welfare state, and possible dismemberment of the country into several mini-states are the new daily life for the Libyan people. The capital city of Tripoli is “wallowing in four months of uncollected garbage” because the landfill is controlled by a faction that doesn’t want the trash of another faction.1 Just imagine what has happened to the country’s infrastructure.
This may be what Syria has to look forward to if the Triumvirate gets its way, although the Masters of the Universe undoubtedly believe that the people of Libya should be grateful to them for their “liberation”.
As to the current violence in Syria, we must consider the numerous reports of forces providing military support to the Syrian rebels — the UK, France, the US, Turkey, Israel, Qatar, the Gulf states, and everyone’s favorite champion of freedom and democracy, Saudi Arabia; with Syria claiming to have captured some 14 French soldiers; plus individual jihadists and mercenaries from Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq, Libya, et al, joining the anti-government forces, their number including al-Qaeda veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan who are likely behind the car bombs in an attempt to create chaos and destabilize the country. This may mark the third time the United States has been on the same side as al-Qaeda, adding to Afghanistan and Libya.
Stratfor, the private and conservative American intelligence firm with high-level connections, reported that “most of the opposition’s more serious claims have turned out to be grossly exaggerated or simply untrue.” Opposition groups including the Syrian National Council, the Free Syrian Army and the London-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights began disseminating “claims that regime forces besieged Homs and imposed a 72-hour deadline for Syrian defectors to surrender themselves and their weapons or face a potential massacre.” That news made international headlines.
Stratfor’s investigation, however, found “no signs of a massacre,” and declared that “opposition forces have an interest in portraying an impending massacre, hoping to mimic the conditions that propelled a foreign military intervention in Libya.” Stratfor added that any suggestions of massacres are unlikely because the Syrian “regime has calibrated its crackdowns to avoid just such a scenario. Regime forces have been careful to avoid the high casualty numbers that could lead to an intervention based on humanitarian grounds.”2
Reva Bhalla, Stratfor’s Director of Analysis, reported in a December 2011 email on a meeting she attended at the Pentagon about Syria: “After a couple hours of talking, they said without saying that SOF [Special Operation Forces] teams (presumably from US, UK, France, Jordan, Turkey) are already on the ground focused on recce [reconnaissance] missions and training opposition forces.” We know of Bhalla’s comments thanks to the 5 million Stratfor emails obtained by the Internet hacker group Anonymous in December and passed on to Wikileaks.3
Human Rights Watch has reported that both Syrian government security forces and Syria’s armed rebels have committed serious human rights abuses, including kidnapings, torture, and executions. But only the Holy Triumvirate can get away with the sanctions they love to impose. Assad’s wife is now banned from traveling to EU countries and any assets she may have there are frozen. Same for Assad’s mother, sister and sister-in-law, as well as eight of his government ministers. Assad himself received the same treatment last May.4 Because the Triumvirate can.
April 6th, 2012, 3:58 pm
omen said:
heard sarkozy this morning hysterically denounce tuaregs as alqueda. it was until then was i struck by the irony of regime supporters rantings in pointing to mali.
gaddafi used the tuaregs to kill protesters he defamed as “alqaeda” in libya. now suddenly tuaregs have been converted into the very entity they previously been fighting?
from juan cole:
who knew regime supporters and sarkozy had so much in common?
there is something sad in these desperate attempts at deflection. desperation is born from fear. i’m sorry that the assadists are so afraid.
April 6th, 2012, 4:10 pm
Alan said:
This Week at War: Syria as Prologue
The uprising could be the sign of even bigger battles to come in the proxy war between Saudi Arabia and Iran.
The Turkish government hosted a conference last weekend in Istanbul to discuss possible international responses to Syria’s budding civil war. The conference attendees, including the United States along with dozens of other countries and organizations, called themselves the “Friends of Syria” and declared open support for the rebels fighting the Syrian army. The Friends also announced substantial financial support for the rebellion, including $100 million — pledged by Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) — to pay salaries to the fighters, a direct inducement to government soldiers to defect to the rebellion. For its part, the U.S. government pledged an additional $12 million in humanitarian assistance to international organizations aiding the Syrian opposition. This assistance will include satellite communications equipment for rebel fighters and night vision goggles. Attending the conference, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said discussions were occurring on “how best to expand this support.”
The broad and growing international support for the Syrian rebels is no doubt motivated by several concerns. On a humanitarian level, Bashar al-Assad’s security forces are now suspected of killing more than 9,000 civilians over the past year. From this perspective, non-lethal assistance to the opposition seems the least the international community can do to help civilians cope with the widespread disorder inside the country.
At a more practical level, leaders like Turkey’s Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, host of the Istanbul conference, undoubtedly fear population displacement and cross-border refugee flows as a result of the fighting. Assisting the rebels may help keep them and their supporting populations inside the country. Erdogan’s support for the rebels may also be an acknowledgement that Assad’s remaining time may be limited. If there is to be regime change in Damascus, Erdogan and other leaders will be in a better position to protect their interests if they already have a supportive relationship with Syria’s future leaders.
It is at the strategic level where the stakes in Syria are high and rising. The country has become a battleground in the proxy war between Saudi Arabia and its smaller Sunni-Arab neighbors against Iran. Smaller versions of the Saudi-Iran proxy war have played out in Bahrain, Lebanon, and Yemen. The clash in Syria raises the intensity and the stakes to a much higher level.
Should the Assad regime fall and Syria’s Sunni majority win control, Iran would suffer a crushing geo-strategic defeat. Not only would Tehran lose a loyal and well-located ally, Tehran’s line of support to Hezbollah in southern Lebanon would be imperiled. The arrival of Sunni control in Syria might also boost the morale and material support of Iraq’s anti-Iranian Sunni minority, a development Riyadh would no doubt welcome.
April 6th, 2012, 4:10 pm
Alan said:
Putin reportedly confirms that Russia is actively working on psychotronic weapons
April 6th, 2012, 4:18 pm
bronco said:
Turkey’s limited options on the influx of “refugees”
By hosting the FSA close to Syria’s borders, Turkey have send a clear message to the opposition that it can count on Turkey in their struggle to overthrow Bashr Al Assad. Turkey has allowed its porous borders to be used by journalists, arms smugglers and foreign fighters to enter Syria.
This has triggered massive reactions from the Syrian army in border towns and created tensions and confrontations. As a result, the same borders are been used in the other directions. Syrians fleeing the fights are pouring into Turkey emptying the border towns that will be retaken by the Syrian Army and sealed off.
Turkey had not expected the situation to last more than a few months.
Now the situation is escalating and Turkey has to show the Opposition that it is still keeping its word. This is where there is a dilemma. Actively supporting the Opposition means providing more weapons or get involved directly. Doing that, it will alienate Iran, its own population as well as betray the spirit of Annan’s UN sponsored peace plan.
Turkey has a verbal commitment of the GCC to pay the guerillas to see the end of Bashar. It also has a reluctant support from the US and the EU worrying about the infiltrations of Al Qaeeda in the ranks of FSA and about hampering the UN plan.
So Turkey wants Annan’s plan to fail at any cost so that Turkey can claim the need of ‘corridors’ and ‘safe area’ within Syria under a UNSC resolution with the hopes Russia, disappointed by Bashar’s performance, will not veto it. This way, Turkey will get rid of all the refugees and the FSA and start to disengage from the prickly situation as it would consider having fulfilled its commitment to the Opposition.
The trouble is that Annan’s plan cannot fail at 100%. It was clear that it was an ideal plan and an ideal deadline. Any improvement on the ground will be hailed as a success by Annan, by China, Iran and the BRICSs. Therefore Turkey may find itself again in a bind. The cost of keeping the “refugees” will increase and may oblige Turkey to call for the UN help. It will do that reluctantly, because the status of UN refugee will allow many Syrians to ask for permanent asylum in Turkey, of which they are denied now.
Therefore Turkey’s only option now is to encourage more fights so as to create a huge humanitarian crisis that would oblige the international community to intervene and force Syria to accept “safe areas’ within Syria to move all the refugees under UN protection.
Therefore Turkey seems now engaged in a war with Syria by proxy hoping the Turks and the international community would give the Turkish army the green light to invade Syria and create safe areas to dump the ‘refugees’ problem back to the UN and wash its hands for what would happen next.
So it is no surprise that the fights going on in Edlib and other border towns are more fierce than ever.
April 6th, 2012, 4:19 pm
Juergen said:
Just got off the phone with the guy who owns the hotel i usually stay in Damascus. He said that for some months they were closed but reopend it some weeks ago, now they are filled with refugees from Homs. I asked them if the government pays for the refugees, he told me no, they have to pay by themselves. He told me that prices went up because of the refugges, an lease for an apartment was 25.000 SYP, now prices went up to 60.000 SYP.
April 6th, 2012, 4:27 pm
omen said:
alan 3:58 pm
Just imagine what has happened to the country’s infrastructure.
i caught a glimpse of one of tripoli’s hospital that syrian rebels had been taken to. clean and modern and filled with lots of doctors and nurses. relaxed and chit-chating until the wounded were brought through.
April 6th, 2012, 4:28 pm
omen said:
earlier the blog relayed how business men were abandoning their plants. after the regime falls, the workers should take them over and reopen them as worker owned cooperatives!
as demonstrated in naomi klein’s documentary the take.
April 6th, 2012, 4:38 pm
jad said:
The interesting thing I noticed today is that the local TV did broadcast interviews with people in the streets of different cities more than any other Fridays, they interviewed Syrians (and one Sudanese) in Damascus, Damascus’ suburbs, Aleppo, Alhasaka, Alraqqa, Tartous, Deir Ba3lba.
Some of those they interviewed were a bit silly though especially when they say that ‘everything is alright’ (Come on!, It’s not)
I think that the Syrian TV channels must make efforts to report about the thousands of innocent civilian we lost in these times.
If interested in the ‘North Koreans’ you can see all those reports on this youtube channel
You will like this, and I’m sure no other Arab will even comprehend how we Syrians do it, God bless Syria and Syrians:
????? ????? ???? ??????? ????? ???? ????? ???????? 6 4 2012
April 6th, 2012, 4:46 pm
Juergen said:
nice cartoon about the situation of democracy in Egypt posted by Hamed Abdel Samad
April 6th, 2012, 4:58 pm
Alan said:
Germany sees Easter peace marches
Germany is seeing traditional Easter peace marches whose participants want the NATO troops withdrawal from Afghanistan, no military threats to Iran and Syria and the regulation of Israeli-Iranian conflict.
A total of 80 marches are planned during Easter holidays all across Germany.
April 6th, 2012, 5:01 pm
Juergen said:
isnt that what we all hear on the phone, all is good…
At least syrian muslims know churches from the inside and vice versa. Thats a big advantage to know each other.
April 6th, 2012, 5:01 pm
omen said:
960. juergen, maybe it’s just me but facebook says not available.
962. i read elsewhere how different syrians worship together one another’s various saints, even ones they don’t even ascribe to. i thought it beautiful.
April 6th, 2012, 5:05 pm
omen said:
juergen, i want to craft a button on twibbon.com to represent alawis who support the revolution. do you know which symbology would be appropriate, apart from a green sword?
April 6th, 2012, 5:22 pm
Alan said:
E.Satanovsky ( mossad agent ): Small, but very dangerous. Qatar can force out Russia from the world gas market
19:08 06.04.2012
As it is paradoxical, tiny, but ambitious and dynamic Qatar is the main competitor of Russia in the world markets of energy carriers. While Moscow, uvyazy in the international political and technical problems, built pipelines which should allow to it to solve problems with the countries-tranziterami, Doha created the network which has captured the whole world of terminals of the liquefied natural gas (LNG) and created the largest specialized fleet from 54 vessels.
About got stuck at a stage of negotiations South Stream we will hold back, but the Russian gas which will arrive to Europe on “Nord Stream”, and to China and other countries of Asia on ESPO under construction, will meet in these markets the most serious competition from Qatar.
In 2010 the emirate put 55,7 million tons of SPG to 23 countries. In 2011 – 77 million tons, and by the end of 2012 plan to sell 120 million tons. The Qatar origin has 23 % of consumed EU of gas. In eight years volume of production and SPG export in Qatar grew six times, and the five years’ development plan of its economy assumes to enclose more than $96 billion in expansion of fields and processing productions at preservation in the preserved type of a number of the largest gas fields.
Isolated from a land Saudi Arabia which cut it in due time from the United Arab Emirates, Qatar was compelled to concentrate on production and export of SPG and now doesn’t depend on the neighbor rival. And his partners of Exxon Mobil and British Petroleum possess the most advanced technologies of liquefaction of gas.
The growing market of Qatar gas is Europe. In Asia the number of his clients includes India, the People’s Republic of China, Malaysia, Pakistan, South Korea and Japan. In North America – the USA and Canada. In South America since 2011 – Argentina and Brazil (Petrobras).
Competing in the European Union countries to the Algerian and Egyptian gas, the main pressure renders the emirate on Russian “Gazprom”, pushing aside it even in such traditional markets, as Italy and Poland where deliveries of SPG will begin in 2013. Actively there are negotiations on export of Qatar gas to the Baltic States, to Ukraine and to Belarus. In Asia the Qatar liquefied gas – the competitor of the Russian SPG made on Sakhalin and the Far East.
The Russian politicians in vain believed that creation so-called “gas OPEC” (A forum of the countries – exporters of gas) will appear a basis of the union of producers of gas which can dictate it to consumers of a condition in interests of all players of the market. For Qatar all sense of this organization is settled by an arrangement of its headquarters in Doha and imitation possibility in its framework of collective actions that allows to distract attention of competitors from the approach to their interests. Discussion is similar to distracting maneuver about investments of the emirate into “Yamal LNG” project also. While economic cooperation of Qatar and Russia less than $20 million a year. And if Russia is open for cooperation, presence of the Russian businessIn Qatar it is extremely complicated.
Prompt expansion of a Qatar terminal network, dumping and transition from ???????? deliveries to sredne – and to long-term contracts don’t give the grounds for optimistical estimations of possibilities of the coordination of the Russian and Qatar gas strategy. The geography of Qatar terminals SPG covers Great Britain, continental Europe, the USA (one only terminal Golden Pass at coast of Gulf of Mexico has capacity of 15,6 million tons ??? in a year), Latin America, the countries Near and Middle East.
April 6th, 2012, 5:22 pm
Juergen said:
Its one of the nicest things to watch, young muslim girls and boys visiting Maalula, or to see christian women visiting the Omayad mosque for the grave of John the Baptist. Syrians are far from being ignorant to the faith of the other. An kuwaiti friend made his holidays here in Germany for almost 2 months. I saw him at the end of his holiday. I asked him if he had seen the big dome in Cologne or has seen an famous monastery and he said no, why should I as a Muslim go into a church or a monastery…
sorry the setting of the facebook page prohibts the viewing if you are not signed in. In the cartoon you can see 4 men in a boat, each trying to move the boat in his direction.
about the symbol, i could also just think of the sword of Ali.
April 6th, 2012, 5:24 pm
Norman said:
sixty Million Turkey is crying uncle with 20 thousands Syrians, 25 Million Syria took in more than a Million Iraqi and provided health care, housing and free education for them with no assistants, more to it with sanctions, GOD Bless Arab Syria, no place like that place the home for the statue of liberty if there is justice in the world.
April 6th, 2012, 6:35 pm
Uzair8 said:
955. Juergen
So refugees are good for business? It seems the hotels can live without tourism.
April 6th, 2012, 6:45 pm
Uzair8 said:
The Long Good Friday
Now and then people come on here and post psychological propaganda, trying to put a dampener on the revolution, saying how the revolution has come to a standstill and is coming to an end.
If you look back early on in the revolution we had to wait for friday for the next demonstrations and increase in activity. There was a joke about how the regime didn’t look forward to fridays. The situation eventually changed and everyday was like a friday and this has been the case for some months now. We became so accustomed to this that whenever there were a couple of relatively quiet days we became worried at the loss of revolutionary momentum. Pro-regime would come and say the revolution was strong at the beginning but was now finished.
The revolution has achieved so much already. We forget how the regime has lost the strengthening and deepening political and economic relationship with a Sunni neighbour (Turkey) which also lent greater legitimacy to the minority regime.
Anyway does anyone know what this friday was called?
April 6th, 2012, 7:01 pm
Mawal95 said:
#958 JAD linked to http://www.youtube.com/user/manqol5/videos . That account at Youtube, Manqol5, has uploaded 1477 videos within the past two days. Related is http://www.youtube.com/user/manqol4/videos , account Manqol4, which has uploaded 1,450 videos in the last two days. I have old bookmarks for the accounts Manqol1 and Manqolnn but those accounts were terminated by Youtube for some reason. Terminated for no good reason as far as I can see. Manqol1 was the most recent one to be terminated by Youtube. It was very big. I have now lost several saved video links because of the termination of Manqol1. Account Manqol2 has not been terminated, http://www.youtube.com/user/manqol2/videos . On the bright side, it looks like the pixel resolution quality of the new Manqol is a little better than it was in the old Manqol even though it’s still only “240p”.
April 6th, 2012, 7:14 pm
Uzair8 said:
Have a look at this story from Al Arabiya. Plenty of talking points:
Syrian army general boosts morale of troops in Homs, restricts their leaves
Saturday, 07 April 2012
April 6th, 2012, 7:21 pm
Syrialover said:
This forum can be a magnet lately for some chillingly creepy and ugly thinkers.
MAWAL95 (#862), had to tell us again how much of a kick he got out of a video he posted showing Syrian troops kicking around badly mutilated bodies of young Syrian men.
“… I like the video, and found it worth watching, because it shows good fighting spirit among the soldiers as they stand over the bodies of dead rebels.”
I suspect you collect snuff videos too.
Sick, sick.
And: “The video is also notable for illustrating the soldiers supporting the Syria of Assad: When they cheer and chant it’s not merely for the Syrian State, not merely for the forces of Law & Order; they specifically cheer for Bashar Assad.”
What a childish comment about a staged video.
April 6th, 2012, 7:40 pm
Mawal95 said:
#970 UZAIR8 linked to a nice piece about a video of a recent speech to the troops by a Syrian army general. The general said: “I did not come here to encourage you, but on the contrary, you have encouraged me and boosted my morale, especially with your smiling faces…. I admire every soldier and every officer in this unit…. Armed groups are still present in villages, trying to put down our enthusiasm,” General Badii said amid the chants of his soldiers “God, Syria and Bashar only.”
The general also said “I believe, and probably you too, that if we return [to our barracks] the armed groups will return and take our positions here.” But the civilian leadership “has patience and wisdom in managing the crisis”, he added. http://english.alarabiya.net/articles/2012/04/07/205912.html . The news story doesn’t have the actual video. I’m sure I’d enjoy it.
April 6th, 2012, 7:41 pm
Tara said:
Turkey says 2,800 flee Syria in one day
By Can Sezer | Reuters –
REYHANLI, Turkey (Reuters) – More than 2,800 Syrians fled across the border to Turkey from the region of Idlib on Thursday, a Turkish official said, more than double the highest previous one-day total.
April 6th, 2012, 8:03 pm
Ghufran said:
Both George Sabrah and Riyad Alas’aad said that they will abide by Annan’s plan but one, Alas’aad added that the FSA will do its part after the army withdraws,and the other, Sabrah, finished by saying that he does not expect the regime to respect the plan and that should prompt the UNSC to treat the Syians file under chapter 7.
Syrian authorities now want written guarantees that the FSA and other armed groups do not reoccupy cleared areas after the army leaves,they also requested that police force be exempted from the plan,one source from the opposition accused the syrian government of playing games and that it will keep army personnel in cities wearing police uniform.
I peronally believe that the only doable thing is taking heavy weapons and tanks out and releasing prisoners, this in a perfect world must be followed by a meaningful political negotiations. Almouallem will not go to Russia to eat Caviar.
It is now clear that both sides are ready to play games and blame the other side for not implementing Annan’s plan, the only thing that can add pressure on the fighting paries is sending an adequate group of observers to monitor compliance, expect the regime to require the UN to do the job in stages and insist on being notified about when and where those observers will go, I hope that the UN sticks to its original plan for a free and unrestricted access to troubled spots.
April 6th, 2012, 8:14 pm
Tara said:
I do not read Mawal95 but I read you. What he said reflect extreme mental disturbance. There is also another profound mental illness having to do with cadavers that I would not like to discuss.
Imagine we have lived in Syria door to door with the kind of people who get “high” from watching soldiers kicking mutilated bodies. Creepy, isn’t it? I would never want to be a co-citizen with such people. They should have their independent creepy state. I promise I will not visit. They can go to the moon as far as I am concerned. I won’t miss them. There can’t be reconciliation with such people.
April 6th, 2012, 8:28 pm
Tara said:
Syria: Holy Land Custodian speaks out against military intervention
By: Oliver Maksan in Jerusalem
Posted: Friday, April 6, 2012 11:31 pm
Asked if he considered the Syrian church leaders’s policy of preserving the status quo to be the right course, Fr Pizzaballa said: “I well understand the tried and tested approach. But it has no future.
“Because like it or not, the regime has no future. But I am certainly aware that many are afraid of the situation once it is deposed.”
April 6th, 2012, 8:49 pm
omen said:
971. Syrialover 7:40
yikes, syria has already been turned into north korea!
April 6th, 2012, 8:59 pm
omen said:
shorter Pizzaballa:
i know things are effed up but pretend everything is just fine!
April 6th, 2012, 9:05 pm
jad said:
In this video you will see how the real ‘brave’ Americans some on here are cheering for:
Video of Blackwater Contractors Driving Over Iraqi Woman
“Cenk Uygur discusses a video recently released by Harper’s Magazine that shows private contractors from Blackwater in Iraq hitting cars in traffic and running over a woman then fleeing the scene.”
April 6th, 2012, 9:21 pm
Tara said:
Ambassador Ford is so sincere in his affection towards Syria. I have very soft hear for people who have genuine affection for Syria.
Syria pointing artillery at residential areas, U.S. says after releasing new satellite imaged
Reuters Apr 6, 2012 – 8:58 PM ET
WASHINGTON — The United States released satellite images on Friday that it said showed Syria has artillery poised to hit residential areas and has moved some forces from one town to another despite calls for a withdrawal.
Robert Ford, the U.S. ambassador to Syria, posted the images on Facebook in what seemed an effort to pressure Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to pull back forces as called for in a peace plan devised by former U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan.
While Ford said Syrian forces had indeed withdrawn from some areas, he cited media reports that they had fired artillery at residential areas in several towns over the last two days and had carried out “arrest sweeps” in Damascus suburbs.
“The regime and the Syrian people should know that we are watching. The regime cannot hide the truth,” he added.
On Thursday, Annan said he was told by Damascus that troop withdrawals were underway from Idlib, as well as Zabadani and Deraa. But U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon said on Friday the conflict was worsening and attacks on civilian areas persisted.
It is not easy for an untrained eye to see the details in the satellite images Ford posted on Friday on the Facebook page.
The images were marked with arrows and tank symbols that Ford said indicated the presence of armored vehicles.
Ford said the images showed the withdrawal of tanks from Dael in Deraa province as well as from Taftanaz, a village east of Idlib city in Idlib province.
However, Ford said “the Syrian government simply moved some armored vehicles out of Taftanaz to the nearby town of Zirdana.”
Other images carried arrow markings and a caption that said the Syrian government had “kept artillery units near residential areas” such as in Homs and Zabadani “where they could again fire upon them.”
It was the second time Ford has posted satellite photos to try to show proof of Syria targeting residential neighborhoods. The earlier images were released on Feb. 10.
April 6th, 2012, 9:21 pm
omen said:
true, jad, that was despicable. hope blackwater gets held to account. but i can’t think of anyone who advocates u.s. invading syria.
April 6th, 2012, 9:32 pm
Ghufran said:
Ban Ki Moon has accused the Syrian regime of breaking the April 10th agreement already.
He said that cease fire was supposed to be implemented immediately and be complete by April 10th. Jaafari thinks otherwise, he said the agreement calls for the implementation to start on the 10th with no deadline for its completion.
Back to square one.
April 6th, 2012, 9:59 pm
omen said:
is this indication that the even the angry arab knows the tide is turning? now he’s taken to mocking the regime’s military. (shhhh, don’t let mawal see this.)
April 6th, 2012, 10:15 pm
jad said:
?? ????? ?????? ????? ?????? ?????????? PH ?? F 🙂
April 6th, 2012, 10:16 pm
ann said:
Syria Statement Laundered by Wires – April 6, 2012
UNITED NATIONS, April 6 — On a day when the UN in New York was closed and essentially did nothing, including not answering questions about the death of the president of Malawi and a mutiny in Eastern Congo where it has a peacekeeping mission, 7 pm Secretary General Ban Ki-moon’s spokesman Martin Nesirky sent an e-mail.
It conveyed a canned quote from Ban Ki-moon, a seeming cut and paste statement that might have been issued yesterday, or last week, or from Washington, or Paris. It seemed perfunctory — but soon it appeared, in full and with no added analysis or context, on the Reuters newswire.
AFP issued a longer story, but the additional length was only Ban Ki-moon’s quotes from the day before, combined with more quotes from Nesirky. This is what these professional journalists call having two source — i.e., “confirmation.”
The problem with this is that it gives the impression that something is being done when it is not. Even the most passionately anti-Assad activist is ill-served by this type of cut and paste stenography, or quote laundering. But this is what happened on Good Friday, as on so many other days.
April 6th, 2012, 10:18 pm
ann said:
At UN, Ban Said to Commend Syria, “Secret Suck Up” Like Sri Lanka? – April 5, 2012
UNITED NATIONS, April 5 — The ambiguous, some say shameful, role of Secretary General Ban Ki-moon in today’s UN came into relief Thursday when Syria’s Permanent Representative Bashar Ja’afari told Inner City Press that, privately, Ban had “commended the Syrian government.”
This is at odds with public statements by Ban Ki-moon, such as that President Bashar al Assad had lost his sense of humanity. But placating — or as some call it, sucking up to — strongmen has become a Ban Ki-moon trait. As exclusively reported by Inner City Press, Ban berated his own staff for alleged unfairness in front of President Mahinda Rajapaksa of Sri Lanka, accused of killing 40,000 civilians.
Inner City Press asked Ja’afari what he thinks of Ban Ki-moon’s role, since Ban has acknowledged taking flights on jets owned by the Qatari government. “On other matters he says it’s up to member states, but do you think he is operating differently on this, and if so why?”
Tellingly, Ja’afari defended Ban, recounting what one wag characterized as Ban’s secret Syria suck-up. More seriously, some take this to mean, Ban is so weak that all sides can claim him. Mubarak’s ambassador Maged Abdelaziz publicly trashed Ban, and said much worse in private, Inner City Press is told — and has been rewarded with the post of Special Adviser on Africa.
Maged was still sitting in Egypt’s seat in the General Assembly meeting on Syria on Thursday morning, of which UN TV televised the first part, but cut off just as Ja’afari began to speak for Syria. Many saw this as unfair or a form of censorship, another example of Banning of free press.
At Thursday’s noon briefing, Inner City Press asked Ban’s spokesman Martin Nesirky why UN TV had shown only some speeches, and not what Syria itself said. Nesirky said, as the PGA’s spokeswoman had at some length, that it was an informal meeting, therefore not televised.
Inner City Press asked, but why then was a portion of the informal meeting televised? Nesirky said, because there was public interest in it.
April 6th, 2012, 10:27 pm
jad said:
Haytham Manna3 latest article in Assafir, as usual of him, Excellent!
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April 6th, 2012, 10:48 pm
Ghufran said:
Mannaa is a reflection of what is possible in Syria,an opposition member who wants to change the regime but does not want to destroy the state. He earned my respect a long time ago, I hope, for the sake of Syria, that he does not mysteriously get assassinated, and that he lives to become a prominent political figure in the new Syria, those who doubts his patriotism are the ones who deserve this ugly label, it is ok to disagree with the man, but he proved to be cleaner and more thoughtful than most.
???? ???? : ? ???? ?????
April 6th, 2012, 11:07 pm
jad said:
Interesting interview with Michel Kilo about his new Democratic Forum. I think it’s what Haytham Khoury is working on with this group of internal oppositions, I hope that Haytham can introduce it to us in more details for discussion.
The only differences I found is that they are more liberal than the SNC, they are not calling for military intervention, and they claim that they don’t want the role of turkey and qatar since both of those country are promoting civil war through the militarization of the movement and they want to be open toward Russia and work with them more.
«L’opposition syrienne doit coopérer avec les Russes»
INTERVIEW – Refus de militariser la révolte, dialogue avec Moscou, Michel Kilo, figure libérale de l’opposition syrienne, explique au Figaro pourquoi il a décidé de créer son propre mouvement politique, le Forum démocratique.
LE FIGARO. – N’allez-vous pas accentuer la cacophonie au sein de l’opposition?
Michel KILO. – Pas du tout. Contrairement au Conseil national syrien (CNS), le Forum démocratique, que je vais lancer le 15 avril au Caire, regroupera surtout des personnalités de la société civile de l’intérieur de la Syrie, comme Areth Delila, Fayez Sara et d’autres, qui ont également fait de nombreuses années de prison, pendant que les dirigeants du CNS étaient tranquillement installés à l’étranger. De nombreux jeunes des comités de coordination de la révolte en font également partie. Contrairement au CNS, le Forum s’oppose à la militarisation du soulèvement, et le conseil des sages que nous allons former motivera notre choix en faveur d’une solution politique.
April 6th, 2012, 11:25 pm
Ghufran said:
According to
SOHR, an organization referenced by western press and trashed by both the regime and most of the opposition, 38% of those who died, with documented names, during the Syrian uprising were from the army and security forces, SOHR does not break the numbers in the two categories: defectors and loyalists.
For every 10,000 Syrians,3 died from violence if we to accept the SOHR figures.
Local sources insist that the number is at least 50% higher.
April 6th, 2012, 11:28 pm
Syria no Kandahar said:
If you are not with us ,we will kill you.
???? ????? ???? ????? ????? ????? ???? ???????
April 6th, 2012, 11:37 pm
Ghufran said:
This is from Walls ????? :
Assad or We Scorch the Country (By OTW)
“It is incumbent on all armed-resistance groups to agree to the plan and to declare a halt to all operations as of April 10. However, it is also no wonder that shrill shills on SC are now propagating hairsplitting interpretation of what “heavy weapons mean” and whether the April 10 deadline is deadline for full withdrawal or for starting the withdrawal with open ended process. This in itself is a sign of things to come and it shows that the regime and its supporters continue to think that they can outsmart the world with their pathetic sophistry aiming to drag thing long enough for them to reestablish a pre March 2011 conditions”.
April 6th, 2012, 11:40 pm
Jerusalem said:
desperation is born from fear. i’m sorry that the assadists are so afraid.
You shouldn’t be sorry at all, this is what the poet Makdisi said (If u read Arabic)
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As for desperation is born from fear: This what Chinese vice foreign minister said: The US has the strongest military in the world and spends more than any other country. But the US always feels unsafe or insecure about other countries. So who lives in fear?
April 6th, 2012, 11:47 pm
jad said:
Totally agree with you about Haytham Manna3, pity that Syria is not a democratic state, otherwise, he would’ve been the head of one of the three highest position in the country, PM, President or the Opposition block leader.
April 6th, 2012, 11:47 pm
Equus said:
Putin reportedly confirms that Russia is actively working on psychotronic weapons
I’m not surprised at all. Sputnik, the first artificial satellite to be launched by the Soviet Union on October 4, 1957. The US at that time did not know how far was the sky and busy making cowboy movies showing aboriginal as savage bad guy and a cowboy the good white man (destroying countries) identical characteristics of the Texan president. Mind you I’m not impressed with Mr. Obomer either sending drones to perish families claiming the drone did it . Apparently, everyone who sleeps in the white house turns into “a cowboy:good white man”
April 7th, 2012, 12:01 am
Ghufran said:
It looks like Egypt is allowing Syrian oil to go through the Suwais canal after the tanker pays the dues,an average of $ 300,000.
The buyer is usually India or China who are probably getting the oil at a discount.
April 7th, 2012, 12:03 am
Juergen said:
well that goes only for those cheaper places, those fancy 5 star downtown places and the boutique riyad style hotels in the old city with sometimes just 8 rooms suffer deeply as only rich could afford to stay there. I wonder if the rich lebanese would be still around, usually they came over for weekends in Damascus. The Dedeman hotel in Palmyra ( local chain belonging to the Assads) has neen robbed i was told. In their oldest part Agatha Christie used to stay.
April 7th, 2012, 12:09 am
Equus said:
THE HISTORY OF “REGIME CHANGE”: Putting Syria into some perspective
by William Blum
the Holy Triumvirate recognizes no higher power and believes, literally, that they can do whatever they want in the world, to whomever they want, for as long as they want, and call it whatever they want, like “humanitarian intervention”. The 19th- and 20th-century colonialist-imperialist mentality is alive and well in the West.
Next on their agenda: the removal of Bashar al-Assad of Syria. As with Gaddafi, the ground is being laid with continual news reports — from CNN to al Jazeera — of Assad’s alleged barbarity, presented as both uncompromising and unprovoked. After months of this media onslaught who can doubt that what’s happening in Syria is yet another of those cherished Arab Spring “popular uprisings” against a “brutal dictator” who must be overthrown? And that the Assad government is overwhelmingly the cause of the violence.
Assad actually appears to have a large measure of popularity, not only in Syria, but elsewhere in the Middle East. This includes not just fellow Alawites, but Syria’s two million Christians and no small number of Sunnis.
From regime change in Libya to Now, rampant chaos, anarchy, looting and shooting, revenge murders, tribal war, militia war, religious war, civil war, the most awful racism against the black population, loss of their cherished welfare state, and possible dismemberment of the country into several mini-states are the new daily life for the Libyan people. The capital city of Tripoli is “wallowing in four months of uncollected garbage” because the landfill is controlled by a faction that doesn’t want the trash of another faction.1
(Even the garbage they argue about..and that is considered democracy for Bernard-Henry Levy. Probably his laughing in his dreams how he sold Sarko the whole spiel. He got away but Sarko is in the mist of presidential year. )
Stratfor, the private and conservative American intelligence firm with high-level connections, reported that “most of the opposition’s more serious claims have turned out to be grossly exaggerated or simply untrue.” Opposition groups including the Syrian National Council, the Free Syrian Army and the London-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights began disseminating “claims that regime forces besieged Homs and imposed a 72-hour deadline for Syrian defectors to surrender themselves and their weapons or face a potential massacre.” That news made international headlines. Stratfor’s investigation, however, found “no signs of a massacre,” and declared that “opposition forces have an interest in portraying an impending massacre, hoping to mimic the conditions that propelled a foreign military intervention in Libya.” Stratfor added that any suggestions of massacres are unlikely because the Syrian “regime has calibrated its crackdowns to avoid just such a scenario. Regime forces have been careful to avoid the high casualty numbers that could lead to an intervention based on humanitarian grounds.”2
April 7th, 2012, 12:13 am
omen said:
what’s latin for stalking horse?
April 7th, 2012, 12:35 am
omen said:
the regime is unworthy of being defended by misguided anti-imperialists:
Assad’s relationship to Israeli and US imperialism
April 7th, 2012, 12:53 am
Juergen said:
“Serious allegations against Egyptian mobile operator
The Internet played in the uprising in Egypt an important role: protesters organized themselves online through social networks. In January 2011, was Egypt’s government shut down Internet and mobile networks – and helped with the private providers willing to criticize civil rights.”
-If that goes for Egypt, we can only imagine what the Syrian regime is capable of doing.-
April 7th, 2012, 12:54 am
Juergen said:
I just know horse is equum. Stalking i dont know.
April 7th, 2012, 12:55 am
ann said:
A risky Syria scenario for Turkey – 06 April 2012
If Turkey does not take steps to satisfy expectations in the Middle East, its recently created image as a strong regional leader will be damaged. A more passive stance than what is desired will create disappointment. The very same Arab media that has been busy loudly praising Turkey’s role in recent years has already begun to publish articles dismissing Ankara’s stance.
But if Turkey is able to shake off these criticisms and embrace a more active set of regional policies — imagining for a moment a unilateral invasion — it would encounter booby traps and propaganda campaigns. It may have to deal with outside powers that support the Baathists, sectarian violence or even become the target of Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) traps and missiles. Turkey, invited to shoulder this role by the Arab media and Arab politicians, would no doubt hear, “Is the Ottoman Empire returning?” The Iranian media has been labeling Turkey’s efforts to stop the flow of blood in the region as nothing more than attempts to act as a tool for the interests of the West. Rest assured that criticism such as this will emerge against Turkey’s efforts not only from abroad, but also from within the country.
It is an absolute must that Ankara continues to follow a cool and sanguine set of policies in the face of the crisis in Syria, not forgetting for a moment that both possible scenarios faced by Turkey could be used by those who are uncomfortable with Turkey’s growing regional power.
It is interesting that just as I was writing my thoughts on the risks inherent in Ankara’s potential policies for Syria, the latest report on the crisis from one of the most important think-tanks in Ankara, the International Strategic Research Organization (USAK), reached my desk. The report, an important one composed of careful analyses and advice on the topic, includes the following sentence, “Turkey is resolute on the topic of Syria, but it must hold onto its cautious approach and keep itself from being pushed into warfare, or single-handed intervention.”
April 7th, 2012, 12:57 am
omen said:
993. Jerusalem 11:47
you have me mistaken for a republican. i don’t defend the overly excessive amount of money that’s spent on the military industrial complex.
April 7th, 2012, 1:03 am
jad said:
Regarding 7ee6an’s article you paste part of; what’s striking the most is the unfortunate reality that those who radicalized themselves in one world had come to, they stopped seeing anybody out of their circle as a full Syrian citizen who has the same rights they do with or without the regime, with or without Baath, with or without Bashar, they only have enemies now, (with us/and against us) is the new mantra.
They want to win regardless if they have the populous support they need or not, it doesn’t matter anymore for them of how many Syrians actually support them or how many Syrians should suffer on the way, what matters the most is to become the champions even if they sacrifice all Syrians on the way to that ‘Divine victory’.
They reach a disastrous level in their thinking, now they have categories for every segment of the Syrian society according to how those millions of people receive and react toward the ‘holy’ new ‘saint’ called ‘Revolution’ and depend of how those millions think of it, they will be treated after the ‘holiness’ ‘chosen’ ones win, somehow they become close to what 3ar3our said many moths ago in his famous categorizing of the Syrians the day AFTER.
It seems that they took their decision not to communicate with any segment of the Syrian society anymore except their own ‘cult’ and to continue radicalizing even further their perceptions toward others.
The irony I found in that article is that it criticize the regime for promoting ‘Apres moi le deluge’ while the article itself is promoting another version of the same thing, that is ‘L’etat, c’est moi’, sad enough, they are sacrificing all the Syrians for…..’le deluge’…..nothing else.
April 7th, 2012, 1:49 am
omen said:
There is room for everyone at the rendezvous of victory. ~ edward said
April 7th, 2012, 2:03 am
Alan said:
Putin Confirms Zombie Creating Superweapon ‘Real’
Unveiled over the weekend and dismissed as an April Fool’s Day joke, Russia’s announcement of a zombie-creating “superweapon” is all too real, insists Premier Vladimir Putin. The zombification ray is being developed by scientists as a more “politically acceptable” alternative to nuclear weapons, as well as a nifty new form of crowd control.
While we’ve probably got your attention by now, it is at this point we need to discuss the semantics of the matter, and what we mean by “zombie.” The gun is not, naturally, creating Romero-style zombies, which would be worse than useless as a form of crowd control. Instead, it is aiming for the ability to enthrall the living (along the lines of the Bela Lugosi-era Dracula). In short, it is not undead related, but a mind control ray.
Still, great fodder for a dystopian novel, but is it real? The details on how the weapon putatively works are light, but they are referred to as “directed energy” weapons, something the US has already begun rolling out. The leap from shining a hot (not necessarily visible spectrum) light on someone’s arm until they go “oww” to full-fledged mind control appears to be a long one indeed.
But not, necessarily, an unimagined one. The Air Force has been angling for mind control (or at least dumbening) weapons for years now. Russia has been working on it too, naturally.
The claim that they have (or are close to having) broken the barrier to full scale mind control by way of electromagnetic waves could well be a massive bluff. The story, however, has a mind of its own, and that will be even harder to control, and the term “zombie creating superweapon” alone is likely to make the story more pernicious than any movie zombie plague.
April 7th, 2012, 2:07 am
jad said:
The original article of how Blackwater american mercenaries were conducting work in Iraq with 5 videos, no wonder they where hated that much and the Iraqi government sent them out.
“The Warrior Class”: The Blackwater Videos
The April 2012 issue of Harper’s Magazine includes “The Warrior Class,” a feature by Charles Glass on the rise of private-security contractors since 9/11. The conclusion to the piece describes a series of videos shown to Glass by a source who had worked for the private-security company Blackwater (now Academi, formerly also Xe Services) in Iraq. Clips and photos from the videos are shown below, introduced by Glass’s descriptions:
But what about the tape dated April 1, 2006, which was shot from the front seat of the fourth car in an armored convoy? Driving along a wide boulevard in Baghdad, the lead vehicle swerved close to the curb of a traffic island. A woman in a black full-length burka began to cross the street. The vehicle struck the woman and knocked her unconscious body into the gutter. The cars slowed for a moment, but did not stop, nor did they even determine whether the victim was dead or alive. A voice in the car taking the video said, “Oh, my God!” Yet no one was heard on the radio requesting help for her. Most sickeningly, the sequence had been set to an AC/DC song, whose pounding, metallic chorus declared: “You’ve been… thunderstruck!”
April 7th, 2012, 2:39 am
jad said:
Radicalization of the Syrians abroad:
More than 8 men of the international Syrian ‘snc’ supporters attacked a Syrian man in Romania because he questioned one of the ‘revolution’ supporter’s story, according to the news turkey and qatar are forcing the Romanian authorities to drop the charges since all the attackers are members of the snc:
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April 7th, 2012, 3:12 am
jna said:
974. Ghufransaid: (…)
It is now clear that both sides are ready to play games and blame the other side for not implementing Annan’s plan, the only thing that can add pressure on the fighting paries is sending an adequate group of observers to monitor compliance, expect the regime to require the UN to do the job in stages and insist on being notified about when and where those observers will go, I hope that the UN sticks to its original plan for a free and unrestricted access to troubled spots.
Well put. And following on the presence of UN observers, the government and the opposition must work together (pushed by respective supporting governments) to negotiate a plan for national elections; contested by Baath, opposition, and more parties; which are stingently observed by UN international monitors. In the end, a free and fair election is the only way to end the violence and the present morass the Syrians are in.
April 7th, 2012, 3:36 am
Alan said:
15 Mar 2012 Special Interview Webster Tarpley
April 7th, 2012, 4:02 am
Antoine said:
I want to post this for you GHUFRAN, I know you will like what it, please read it and maybe this is why many Damascenes are still reluctant to join the opposition –
“Sunni or Shia, fault line runs between have and have nots
James Meek in Baghdad
Friday 11 April 2003 15.15 BST
The two distinct mainstream paths of Islam, Sunni and Shia, divide Iraqi society. As Sunnis and Shias emerged into the scurrying, burning, breaking madness of Baghdad yesterday, a city sacking itself, the Sunni-Shia divide was meaningless. The true gulf was economic. The have-nots were taking from the haves.
Smoke rose from burning ministries, and documents which a few days ago still meant something snowed on to the road, and Baghdad residents were confused. Yes, let Saddam be removed from power, but why did the Americans have to unleash such chaos on the capital, or at least fail to leash it?
A young Iraqi architect, and self-proclaimed atheist, G A Ahad, said there was Sunni-Shia tension, but western perceptions of it as tension between pro- and anti- Saddam forces were exaggerated.
“Mostly the Sunnis are terrified at the prospect of the Shia governing them,” he said. “Most of the bourgeoisie are Sunni because of the long history of Sunni political dominance. The Shia are the oppressed, the underprivileged. Most of the looters are Shias.
“But then you can’t have a line dividing the Sunni and Shia in Iraq. You could have lots of Shia whose point of view is that the Americans are infidels and invaders. And you can have some Sunnis against Saddam because he is an oppressor.”
A walk through part of Baghdad’s old quarter yesterday, through areas traditionally inhabited by both Shias and Sunnis, bore out Ahad’s words. The religious divide was, for the time being at least, less important than the fact that the city was being plundered, and the invaders who had caused the police to flee were doing nothing to stop it.
On the Tigris embankment road of Abu Muwas, where bright green spring leaves hung in the sun, shading tarmac scorched and pitted by fighting, Hassan al-Musawi, an elderly, unemployed driver, offered sweet biscuits. He brought out a vial of perfume and ran a trace over the heels of his guests’ hands, an Iraqi Shia practice.
“Most of the people accept the Americans for one reason: history has not yet produced anyone like Saddam. Even Hitler did not persecute his own people like Saddam,” he said. “The Americans’ aim is not colonisation or occupation. They have companies and want to invest in our resources, and give us a share. I don’t look on this as an occupation. It’s pure business.”
Further along Abu Muwas, beyond one of the isolated protective cordons of US marines, whose overwhelming concern is protecting themselves against suicide bombers, the ransacked offices of the United Nations development programme were a burning husk.
“The Shias, they don’t hate Saddam Hussein because he’s a Sunni,” said Eyad Hamid, a young looter hauling off a truck battery on a trolley. “We’re all one people, and we were all being persecuted by the same guy.”
… ]
April 7th, 2012, 4:18 am
Uzair8 said:
Is it true the FSA are luring the Shabeeha by using a trail of cheap perfume scent leading to an alleyway ambush?
April 7th, 2012, 5:47 am
Mina said:
Is the 911 case over?
April 7th, 2012, 6:53 am
VOLK said:
The mission of the UN monitors in Syria should comprise contingents from the countries that would prove acceptable to Syria, Deputy Russian Foreign Minister Gennady Gatilov said in a statement.
The future mission should comprise some 200 to 250 peacekeepers.
April 7th, 2012, 8:42 am
Syria no Kandahar said:
Insead of taking your (fake) kids for ice cream,
Take them for Allah Akbar camp:
April 7th, 2012, 8:46 am
Syria no Kandahar said:
A Kurdish guy gets electrocuted while lifting (Kurdistan ) flag. Poor Syria, have so many flags now: two stars, three stars, Kurdish, Alqaeda ..
Jebran Khalil jebran would have said:
??? ???? ???? ??????? ??? ???? ?????
April 7th, 2012, 8:56 am
Tara said:
Iran may have crossed the line with Turkey’s Erdogan. Iran never understood Erdogan that well. When Erdo believes in someone, he will go the full extent for them. When the attitude is shifted for for any reason, he takes it very personally and concludes that he has been cheated. He becomes infuriated and can’t hide it either. I think I share the same emotion genes with Erdo.
Iran is on the verge of losing Turkey
The prevailing impression until recently was that Turkey had taken Iran’s side on the issue of nuclear energy, despite internal and external criticism.
Indeed, Ankara truly did all that it could. Last week’s visit to Tehran in particular inspired much hope. Turkey’s aim was to avert a military intervention by either Israel or the U.S. and to solve the matter through negotiation.
Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdo?an’s meeting with Ayatollah Khamanei was of crucial significance. Things were over and done with when the Shiite leader told the Turkish prime minister that “building weapons of mass destruction amounts to a sin in our religion.” Erdo?an and Foreign Minister Ahmet Davuto?lu took those words at face value. They acquiesced, even if they did not vouch for it, and proceeded to openly share this both with us in Turkey and with the Western world. They heartily espoused the idea of watching after Iran.
Tehran had also given the green light for proposed nuclear talks to be held in Istanbul. Iran had preferred Istanbul from the very start anyhow. While the West shrank away a little, Tehran remained insistent. After this, however, everything turned topsy-turvy. Parties who initially accepted the idea rejected Istanbul, and proposed Baghdad or Damascus.
Things fell apart at this point. It became apparent the Iranians knew or understood little of Erdo?an, because this style of engagement is entirely out of the prime minister’s line. When Erdo?an believes in someone, he will go to the full extent for them. When that attitude shifts for any reason, he takes it very personally and concludes he has been cheated. He becomes infuriated, and cannot hide it, either.
It was the same story this time around as well. He issued a reply to Iran that was tougher than anything we had seen before. He accused them of evasion and self-isolation.
Everything here is connected to the disagreements over Syria and the wrangling over next year’s presidential elections. It came to light that Syria is more important to Iran than Turkey is. The “Friends of Syria” meeting in Istanbul suddenly began to stand out, thanks in part to the internal dispute within Iran. Radicals went up in mutiny, claiming it would be wrong to go to Istanbul, where Syria’s enemies meet. Regardless of what the government has to say, Turkey fulminated in the wake of these attacks, which it was not at all used to.
This incident has inflicted a deep scar on Turkish-Iranian relations, and the prime minister gave an appropriate response. In turn, Iran will perhaps see that it has come to the brink of losing Turkey, and that it may even have crossed that line. Iran must at least come to the realization that it will no longer be facing a Turkey that remains sympathetic despite all the pressure it faces.
April 7th, 2012, 9:19 am
Tara said:
My kids go to Sunday School. Yours do not go to Jesus Akbar camp?
They should…spirituality is imporatant for humans. Don’t you think?
April 7th, 2012, 9:23 am
Tara said:
Read Tara @1018 and tell me what you think.
Do you think the Turkish public opinion ready to show Iran the cold shoulder? I don’t read any Iranian press. Do they have free press like Turkey does. The Turkish press runs lots of article criticizing Erdo and his politics. Do they have that in Iran or it is “glory to the Mullahs all 4 seasons”?
April 7th, 2012, 9:44 am
Alan said:
Russia’s moon re-conquest plan revealed
Russian scientists want to send two lunar rovers and several landing stations after 2020 as part of the country’s return to the moon. The planned study of polar regions is aimed at eventually creating a permanent manned base there.
The attention was drawn to moon’s poles by the discovery of ice there, reports RIA Novosti, citing a draft space research roadmap prepared by the Russian Academy of Sciences.
The first stage of the new lunar program will begin in 2015, with the launch of Luna-Resurs and Luna-Glob probes. Both are similar in design and will study south and north poles of the moon respectively.
The missions include landing a station with a small lunar rover equipped for taking soil samples from the depth of up to two meters. The samples will be examined on site.
After 2020 a new stage is scheduled with two bigger rovers planned for delivery. Their missions may last as long as five years, with rovers scouting the area as far as 30 km far from their landing spots.
The two missions have several objectives, including field testing of precise landing with the use of a beacon on ground for guidance and engagement between landing stations and rovers aimed at preserving energy during lunar nights. The experiments will be carried out in collaboration with other nations, such as India.
The rovers will also take six or seven samples of lunar soil. A station is scheduled to land on the Moon in 2023 to pick up the samples and return them to Earth. Their study back at home will provide data needed to design a manned lunar base sometime in the more distant future, the roadmap says. The rovers and the station may become the first building blocks of the base.
April 7th, 2012, 10:05 am
Mawal95 said:
This lengthy post is about the nature of the solution to the Syrian conflict. Or at least the solution as the regime sees it.
I take as my point departure a recent statement by George Galloway. George Galloway is a longtime member of the British Parliament (since 1987). He was expelled from the British Labour Party in 2003 because of his vocal opposition to the invasion of Iraq. Last year he opposed the bombing of Libya.
Here’s his opinion on Syria today: “The Syrian regime for 40 years has been play-acting and betraying…. I hope the Syrian people can find their way to a peaceful and negotiated solution to this conflict. Assad must go…. We cannot have one family, one party, one regime ruling forever…. I hope and believe that the Kofi Annan plan of a negotiated transition to democracy in Syria can work. I believe that we will have democratic elections in Syria this year. But if I’m wrong anybody who launches a united progressive democratic struggle against the Syrian regime will have my support.”
George Galloway has a principled policy difference with the UK government on the principles of UK interference in the affairs of other States. But he does not appear to have an information difference with the government on the nature of Syria’s politics and society. From his above statement, he appears to be as badly misinformed about the Syrian regime as the UK foreign minister is.
Galloway appears to be unaware that Syria had free and fair Local Council Elections on 12 Dec 2011 (turnout: 41%); and the people of Syria approved a revised Constitution in a national referendum on 26 Feb 2012 (turnout 57%; voting Yes = 89%); and Syria will have free and fair Parliamentary Elections on 7 May 2012; and will have a free and fair Presidential Election in 2014. Contrary to Galloway, there can never be hope for a “negotiated transition to democracy” in Syria, because Syria already transitioned to democracy under this past year’s comprehensive reform program, under which there was enacted a new Elections Law, a new Political Parties Law, a new Information Media Law, a new law liberally regulating the right to protest in public, and finally a new Constitution.
Galloway appears to be unaware of the big fact in Syria that the Assad’s party is expected to win comfortably in any democratic elections. There can never be hope of a “negotiated solution to this conflict”, because the regime’s unshakeable position is that the solution is essentially just the Will of the people of Syria as expressed in the results of competitive elections.
If you doubt that Assad’s Baath party is powerfully positioned to win the competitive elections, take a look at this litany of over 20 reasons for expecting Assad’s party to win comfortably in the 7 May 2012 parliamentary elections (all of which has been on SyriaComment before): http://www.moonofalabama.org/2012/03/open-thread-2012-07.html#c6a00d8341c640e53ef0168e90185c0970c
The following is a handful of quotes from Syrian government spokespeople showing you that George Galloway or anyone else is mistaken to be hoping for a “negotiated solution to this conflict”.
In these quotes, the term “ballot box” refers the 12 Dec 2011 Local Council Elections, the 26 Feb 2012 Constitutional Referendum, the 7 May 2012 Parliamentary Elections, the 2014 Presidential Election, and subsequent elections.
10 Jan 2012: Bashar Assad said that since the Parties and Elections Laws were enacted in August 2011 any politician who has an idea should go with it “to the ballot box, which is the voice of law for everything in this country; this is the core of the issue…. When we differ, we go to the ballot box.” http://www.sana.sy/eng/21/2012/01/11/393338.htm
14 Mar 2012: Syria’s foreign ministry spokesman Jihad Maqdisi said Syria seeks a political solution to the crisis. Regarding the form of any proposed political solution, Maqdisi said that a political solution means the ballot box will be the decisive criterion for all. http://www.sana.sy/eng/21/2012/03/14/406166.htm
10 Feb 2012: Syria’s deputy foreign minister Faisal Mikdad said that the ballot boxes are to decide who will lead the Syrian State. (He also said that a national dialog conference among government and opposition is valuable as a process for helping get out of the current crisis, but I say it’s fair to add that any such a dialog must be largely inconsequential because what’s decisive is the results at the ballot boxes). http://www.sana.sy/eng/337/2012/02/10/399591.htm
14 Feb 2012: Syria’s Ambassador to China Imad Moustapha said the Syrian people will decide what they want for Syria through the ballot box in the forthcoming elections. The government and opposition must listen to the people’s demands. This can only take place through free elections, he said. Only when the Syrian people say their word, then we can move forward, he said. http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/indepth/2012-02/16/c_131414691.htm
In an interview on 19 Nov 2011 Bashar Assad was asked: “A sector of the community is opposed to the regime. Even if it’s a minority, it exists. Do they not have the right to their say?” Bashar’s answer: “They have the right, but through the elections. We are going to have elections…. We will have a new parliament. After that we’re going to have a new government. We’re going to have a new Constitution. That Constitution will set the basis for electing a President. The ballot boxes will decide who should be the President.” http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=YkMTRU_j5H0#t=47s
Interview on 7 Dec 2011:
Bashar Assad: “The election, the ballot box, this is the only way.”
Barbara Walters: “If you have elections, will they be elections for president?”
Assad: We are going to have first of all the local administration election this month.
Walters: Local administration, but what about the president?
Assad: Yeah, after that, we are going to have the parliamentarian election, which is the most important. Talking about presidential election, it’s going to be in 2014.
Walters: People don’t want to wait that long, till 2014.
Assad: Which people?
Walters: The people who are protesting.
Assad: How much, how many, are they majority or not? — that’s why you need to wait first of all for the parliamentarian elections. These elections will tell you are you going to have majority or minority. Then you can think about presidential election, but not before. Before that you don’t have a clear indication.
….Later In The Interview: Walters: You are still having protests and now your military is involved and there are armed people on the other side. There is turmoil in your country. But you are saying that in general you have the support of your people?
Assad: Yeah but let’s wait for the elections to be clear.
Walters: But that’s, that’s, this is 2011 we are talking, this can’t go on for two years.
Assad: No, no, I am talking now about these next elections. We are going to have the parliamentary elections.
Walters: And?
Assad: I belong to the Baath Party. We will see what the position of our party is. Because this is an indication. It’s important. It’s not only the person [of president]. You [the president] are part of another party, of another identity.
Walters: Yeah but your party is not going to want to give up power?
Assad: Why give up if the party has the right like any other party to compete and win the elections. But through the election we will find out do we still have support as a party.
Walters: And your parliamentary elections, they will be open enough so that people can vote against the party?
Assad: Of course. Anyone.
Walters: And that would be the end of the Baath Party and you in terms of leadership?
Assad: If the people said no to the Baath Party, if they [the Baath] lost, you can say this is the end.
Walters: Is there an opposition that they can go to?
Assad: We have opposition. But it takes time to have strong opposition. You have so many figures now if they unified themselves and go to the election, you can have one strong election. That depends on the tactic that they are going to adopt. I cannot tell you they are going to be strong or not. I don’t know. And I don’t know about how much support among the people they have. How much support they have among the people I cannot tell you.
April 7th, 2012, 10:18 am
Aldendeshe said:
I am far more upset with Tlass and kid, Khaddam and kids, Riffat and kids, Shahiha and kids who stole hundredth of millions from Syria and ran to live in the West than with President Assad who is fighting a war for Syria’s survival. There must be a legal action against these individuals to bring them to account for the genocidal war crime they committed while in office in Syria, the human right abuses should not go unpunished. The stolen assets should be ceased by the courts and returned to Syrians. There will be a consequence for having these individuals residing comfortably in the west.
April 7th, 2012, 10:18 am
abbas said:
Are the celebrations going to involve gunfire this year or we learned our lesson
April 7th, 2012, 10:22 am
Valerya said:
1024 Abbas this video from lebanon !it is not syrian!
April 7th, 2012, 10:33 am
Syria no Kandahar said:
Tara said:
Jesus Akbar Camp
I thought you respect Jesus ??
That is an insult to him on Easter!
April 7th, 2012, 10:59 am
Tara said:
Of course I love Jesus. It is addressed to you SNK not to him.
When you repeatedly mock “Allah Akbar”, ie “God is great” that Muslims use in their daily prayers and when you do not respond to multiple attempts of pleading for civil dialogue, I have to resort to alternative method of convincing you to respect other’s religions. That is all Kandi. I am just like Iran. Can’t respond to insult in silence.
Any way, we used to celebrate Good Friday with my dad’s ex “fiancé” in Kasab, an Armenian family who has immigrated to Montreal. I loved the parade in Kasab on Good Friday. And I so much like Gregorian music. Do you?
April 7th, 2012, 11:13 am
jad said:
A saudi jihadist in Homs:
?????? ????? ?? ???
April 7th, 2012, 11:19 am
Mina said:
As a chance, Lebanon is a model in privatization. They even have an FSA hospital.
“In Tripoli’s Abu Samra district, there is a hospital occupied entirely by wounded Syrians – mostly fighters injured in battles with the Syrian army – who were brought into Lebanon illegally.
They are safe and secure in Lebanon. The hospital has its own security detail. There are two daily shifts, with four armed guards stationed at the hospital during each shift. New patients are admitted daily, usually about four or five, but sometimes as many as 25. This is not the only hospital in Tripoli that treats wounded Syrians, but it is the only one under the “control” of the Free Syrian Army.”
April 7th, 2012, 11:26 am
Valerya said:
Valerya, I edited to sentence-case.]
1028 this dialect is not Saudi ! Saudi can not say Homs al-kadimi ( I ) in the end is Homsi dialect
Mina said:
Thanks for coming!
STL President Cannot Confirm Tribunal’s Legitimacy
April 7th, 2012, 11:29 am
Hans said:
is the halt on this blog indicates that there is nothing new going on in Syria or it is just the calm before the storm?
No new posting by the Owner for a while,
is Mr. Landis on a mission with the state department?
I see that the USA is not requesting Assad to step down anymore, it maybe the time for Obama to step down.
April 7th, 2012, 11:30 am
jad said:
Here is the original clip from ‘Alansar’, he may very well be a Syrian lived in the gulf, I have no clue, but his dialect is closer to khaliji than to Syrian:
????? ??????? – ??? – ???? ?? ?????
April 7th, 2012, 11:54 am
mjabali said:
Syria No Kandahar:
The Turks has a very dirty history when it comes to the Syrian coast and Kasab, since someone mentioned Kasab and the Armenians here.
When I was growing up in Syria in the 1980’s the Turks crossed the border into Kasab and detonated an explosives in front of the main Armenian church in Kasab to give the Armenians a message, because, as I remember, the Armenians used to have a militant group that used to attack Turkish interests at that time period.
I think the Turks had done many of those incursions into Kasab.
Here is a link to an article that appeared in New York Times regarding what happened to the Christians in current day Turkey:
Read it and you will see how much the Christians constituted of that part of “Turkey.”
April 7th, 2012, 12:05 pm
Norman said:
For the UN mission to succeed, there should moniters to see who is breaking the Ceasefire, without that both parties will blame the others and end up where we started.
April 7th, 2012, 12:14 pm
ghufran said:
At the heart of the Syrian crisis lies the dispute about Iran and the western position about Israel and the balance of power in the Middle East, that does not negate the fact that Syrians are oppressed and impoverished and deserve a better government and an Assad-free new regime.
Syrians who want to anatagonize Iran are affected by the old virus called “my enemy’s friend is my enemy”.
read this about Iran’s nuclear program:
April 7th, 2012, 12:32 pm
mjabali said:
You have a very good point. This blog sometimes becomes utter chaos and no real information or dialogue.
Moderation is hard, but, it nevertheless, affected what appears here.
You have some treating this blog as if it is their diary book telling us every little thing about themselves. Here the blog is becoming an emotional outlet and therefore, these people are uttering things they are regretting and apologizing for later. Also there are there are those who are taking it to a the next level of insanity by talking about Ajwa (dates) and class remarks about perfumes, or just provocations and accusations and no real information.
I did not forget the international jihadists who are pouring gas into the fire.
What the heck, it is not their country and therefore who cares about the body count.
Emotions are running high on this blog as it seems, which is affecting the quality of dialogue. You can apply this rule into the Syrian case and you will see how impossible it is to convince any party with anything.
April 7th, 2012, 12:33 pm
Tara said:
One more small detail to add to SC diary. I had a nightmare last night where the current moderator resigned and Joshua asked Ann to moderate. I woke up in panic….
I sincerely hope the current moderator stays with us at least until Bashar is toppled.
April 7th, 2012, 12:45 pm
jad said:
Sultan Erdo is back to his cage:
Turkey may take ‘steps’ after Syria deadline
Turkey’s prime minister says the country will wait “patiently” to see if Syria abides by a cease-fire deadline, but may take certain “steps” if the violence does not stop after that.
Recep Tayyip Erdogan did not specify today what measures Turkey would take, but Ankara has in the past floated the idea of creating a buffer zone inside Syria if refugee flows become overwhelming.
Officials say nearly 700 Syrians have crossed into Turkey since Friday, raising the number of refugees to 24,324. Turkey has also said it would seek U.N. assistance if the influx continues.
Syrian President Bashar Assad has accepted a cease-fire deadline brokered by international envoy Kofi Annan, which calls for his forces to pull out of towns and cities by Tuesday.
April 7th, 2012, 12:45 pm
DAWOUD said:
1041. Tara
That person is busy working at “Hizballah Foundation”
April 7th, 2012, 12:47 pm
Hopeful said:
Any self-respecting government will resign immediately if things like this happen in its own country. What interior minister can stay in his job allowing this to happen?
[ + ???? ????? ????? ??????? ?????? ?? ?? ????????
TRANS Flash brutal massacre committed by the regime in the neighborhood of Derbaalbh ]
April 7th, 2012, 12:55 pm
jad said:
The current moderator is doing a superb job, I commend him and thank him for his hardworking and his respectful manners toward all of us.
In the last three days he wrote many notes and edited some of my comments and I’m obliged to listen to him, this is his mission and he is doing is perfectly, he has rules that needs to be implemented on all of us and I respect that.
I agree an support every decision he made so far, I can’t even have one objection at all…
JL is very very lucky to have such a person to be SC moderator.
April 7th, 2012, 12:56 pm
omen said:
a christian syrian, citing long history of sectarian tolerance, rejects baseless theories:
April 7th, 2012, 12:58 pm
Mina said:
The video is genuine and they killed rebels too, but the guy who speaks to the camera does not sound Syrian to me.
He sounds a little like the clips posted by Jad about the Ansar, where two person try to speak mainly in classical Arabic to hide their origin. They didn’t sound khalijis in my view but rather Libyans or around the borders of Libya.
April 7th, 2012, 1:16 pm
Mawal95 said:
Rally in Sabaa Bahrat Square in Damascus for the Baath Party today 7 Apr 2012.
As shown on Syrian State TV:
As shown on Al-Ikhbaria Al-Souria TV:
The flag seen all over the square is the Baath Party’s flag, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Flag_of_the_Ba%27ath_Party.svg . The videos come with nice (imho) old school Levantine music in places.
The crowd size is not to be belittled, but it doesn’t fill the square as much as we’ve seen for a number of pro-government rallies this past year. That a Baath Party rally does not bring out as large a crowd as the bigger ones of the pro-government rallies does not surprise me. A
lthough it’s too late now, I would’ve preferred if Bashar & Co. had rebranded the Baath Party under a new name — a new party name for a new political era would’ve probably been better marketing, I think, although it’s impossible to be certain about it. Many other people were in favour of rebranding the party but reportedly Bashar Assad was not one of them, according to http://english.al-akhbar.com/content/syria-regime-reclaiming-initiative
April 7th, 2012, 1:19 pm
Halabi said:
In Assad’s Syria nonviolent patriots like Tal Almalouhi and Mazen Darwish rot in dungeons while Al Qaeda terrorists are treated well and released in fake amnesties.
Here is the tale of Abu Musab Al Suri. http://on.wsj.com/IijR11
“Mr. al-Suri was recently set free from prison in Damascus, Syria, and his current whereabouts are unknown. Turned over to Syria after his capture by the CIA in late 2005, Mr. al-Suri was released sometime in December (according to intelligence sources and jihadist websites) by the regime of President Bashar al-Assad—a move apparently intended to warn the West of the consequences for opposing his rule.
Mr. al-Suri has been credited by Western European intelligence agencies and police with drafting the blueprints for the train bombings in Madrid in 2004 and London in 2005, as well as with helping to shape Abu Musab al-Zarqawi’s terror campaign in Iraq. Apprehended on Oct. 31, 2005 by the Pakistani intelligence service, he was turned over to the CIA, which sent him back to his native Syria. He was “treated well during his incarceration” of six years, according to an Islamist spokesman in London, Dr. Yasser al-Siri. Some Islamists place him now in Syria; others suggest that he was flown to Iran, where he resided along with other top figures in al Qaeda after the organization’s defeat in Afghanistan, before he made his way to Pakistan.”
None of this is surprising of course. Assad’s Syria is a state sponsor of terrorism and his mufti has boasted about having sleeper cells in the West ready to strike at any moment. This is the “foreign policy” that the menhebak loves about Assad, the policy they are willing to kill and die for.
April 7th, 2012, 1:21 pm
omen said:
1036. mjabali 12:33
I did not forget the international jihadists who are pouring gas into the fire.
allow me to remind you: a word of truth against an oppressive ruler is considered to be the best of Jihad.
April 7th, 2012, 1:31 pm
Tara said:
Long gone the days when Syrians adored Hassan Nasrallah. Ironically, we loved our future killer. Who would know then that he will actively participate in butchering Syrians..HA dug its own grave by killing Syrians.
April 7th, 2012, 1:37 pm
DAWOUD said:
A message to Hizballah’s/Bashar’s commentators: ????? ?????? ??? ??? ???? ???? ???? ??????
?????? ?? ??? ???? ?????? ??? ??????? ?? ????? ??????? ??? ???????? ??????! ?? ?????, ?? ??? ????, ????? ?????
Reports are everywhere about
non-Arab Iranians and Shia Shabiha from the TERRORIST Hizballah killing our brothers and sisters in Syria.
Anybody from the terrorist “Hizballah Foundation,” which is mentioned in this article http://www.nytimes.com/2012/04/06/world/middleeast/hezbollahs-syria-policy-puts-it-at-risk.html?_r=1 (a Hizballah woman is talking about posting pro-Hizballah propaganda on Facebook), is posting here on Syria Comment to spread pro-dictator, pro-Majous, pro-Hizballah propaganda?
Below is a story on the Persians ?????? ?????, non-Arabs, killing our Syrian brothers/sisters:
Iranian Fighters Are Killing Syrian Troops Who Refuse to Fire On Protesters
Michael Kelley|March 08, 2012|
Thousands of members of Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps and Lebanon’s Hezbollah were fighting in Syria as of July and killing Syrian troops who refused to open fire on protestors, according to internal Stratfor emails leaked by WikiLeaks.
April 7th, 2012, 1:52 pm
bronco said:
The Turks are preaching acceptation of minorities but until now they refuse to compensate the Armenians they massacred not on thousands but in hundred of thousands after WW1. Until they do, their talk of being tolerant ‘moderate moslems’ toward minorities sounds very hollow.
The day that France, US and other countries will force Turkey to admit the ‘massacre’ they will be obliged to return stolen properties and pay compensation. Then we can believe in Turkish ‘virtuous’ power as president GUL qualifies it.
Let us not forget that Turkey while supposedly neutral in WWII helped tremendously Hitler and Nazis in their war effort, playing on the two sides, all because of money. Until now the Turks put money and trading above all other ideologies.
Was Nazi-Germany allies with Turks during WW2?
No. Turkey was neutral until several months before the end of the war, at which point it joined the Allies
In October 1941, Turkey signed an important trade agreement with Germany. In exchange for raw material, especially chromite ore, Germany would supply Turkey with war materials and other finished goods. At the same time, Turkey maintained friendly relations with the U.S. and Britain, which supplied Turkey with modern war equipment in exchange for chromite ore. Turkey’s chromite ore was critical for the Nazis. Turkey was their sole source for chrome, a vital element in steel making. Albert Speer stated that Turkey’s chromite ore was so vital to the Nazis that war production would come to a complete stop 10 months after the supply was cut off. The ore was shipped from Turkey by rail through some of the most rugged country in the world. Towards the end of the war, the allies targeted bridges along the main rail line to stop the chromite shipments.
It wasn’t until April 1944 before Turkey ceased the chromite exports to Germany, and then only after being threatened with the same economic sanctions that the other neutral countries were under. Later in August, Turkey suspended all diplomatic relations with Germany. Late in February 1945, on the eve of establishing the United Nations, Turkey declared war on Germany.
April 7th, 2012, 2:13 pm
jad said:
So if the Syrian Army retaliate with a rocket to this house where the armed militias are using in their attack, are the armed victims count as civilians too or are they going to cry ‘massacre’?
??????? ??? ?? ???????
??? ??? ?????????? ?? ??????? ?? ????? ?????? ??????
April 7th, 2012, 2:16 pm
Ghufran said:
It is unfortunate to see many Syrians fall in the trap of group thinking, you see this when the subject is Iran, Assad, Hizbullah and secular opposition.
It degrades the value of any comment to copy statements that have no credibility and no common sense, this is one reason why so many outsiders do not believe the regime propaganda and much of the opposition, Jazeera-type, claims.
The more this crisis takes to end the more I realize that the label of a tribal third world country is well deserved for most of us, that includes pro Assad syrians who are unable to imagine a country that is 7,000 year old without their beloved unelected leader, and it also includes expats who brought their regressive mentality to their new country of residence.
PRN islamists never ceased to amaze me, Just yesterday, I saw a covered Syrian woman who do not shake hands with Arab men kissing the male partner of her husband at a restaurant !! Please explain this to me if you can, also educate me on how is giving guns to angry Syrians is going to reduce violence and bring freedom, are we, as a group, really this naive, to be polite, or it is just a phase?
April 7th, 2012, 2:24 pm
bronco said:
1039 Jad
I believe these are the reasons Sultan Erdo appears to step back and wait:
– He got a cold shower from Iran’s snubbing Turkey for the nuclear talks and possibly threatening to decrease trade.
– The US told him to calm down and wait for Kofi Annan plan’s outcome and then the US will be on his side if it fails.
– He got feedback that any attack on Syria may cause a internal political crisis as the Turkish public opinion is not yet endorsing the idea of a a war that could cause economical hardship.
– He plays an hypocrite waiting game of showing he is a “patient dove” while encouraging armed rebels to provoke the failure of Annan’s plan until the time the UNSC votes a resolution giving Turkey the greenlight to create the ‘humanitarian corridors’ and to invade some part of Syria so as to get rid of the refugees.
April 7th, 2012, 2:34 pm
Mina said:
It didn’t get reported by the BBC
April 7th, 2012, 2:37 pm
Hopeful said:
Re: JAD # 1050
This is really painful for me to watch. We are all witnessing the country spiraling into a civil war and no one seems to be able to do anything about it. What a shame! What a waste!
Forget Iraq, Lebanon, Iran, Arabism, etc,. With all the internal problems Syria has with ignorance, poverty, radicalization, etc., shouldn’t the government have focused internally over the past decade to build a better future for Syria? Isn’t what we are witnessing now a result of all kinds of social illnesses that were left to grow in the Syrian society with little or no attention?
Doesn’t Syria deserve better?
April 7th, 2012, 2:50 pm
zoo said:
Mortar bombs on a Shia pilgrim bus crossing the Syria-Lebanon border kill 7 and wounds 21. Any guess who is to blame?
Lebanon-Syria border bus attack kills 7, wounds 21
Al-QAA, Lebanon: Seven people were killed, including a Lebanese man and members of Syrian General Security, and 21 others were wounded Saturday after a bus carrying (Shia) pilgrims was struck by a mortar bomb while undergoing inspection on the Syrian side of the border with Lebanon.
The Lebanese victim of Saturday’s incident was identified as Mohammad al-Tala, who, along with another member of the bus, was on his way to Iraq on a Shiite pilgrimage, according to Lebanese security sources.
The five other victims were members of Syrian General Security who were inspecting the vehicle that had earlier passed through the east Lebanon border crossing of Jouesiyeh.
Four Syrian and seven Lebanese pilgrims were among the wounded, who were transported to three hospitals in Lebanon.
The sources said the vast majority of the passengers were Lebanese from the Hermel region and that they had been on their way to Iraq on a Shiite pilgrimage.
April 7th, 2012, 3:00 pm
omen said:
since y’all are analyzing video, explain this one for me. my guesses:
?army shooter is a lousy shot.
?army shooter is a good soul with a conscience and doesn’t want to kill, just offer warning shots.
how is it the videographer continues filming after being fired upon? is he hiding behind a car while holding up camera?
April 7th, 2012, 3:01 pm
omen said:
1056. ghufran 2:58 pm
which article are you pointing to? that’s a section to enter comments.
April 7th, 2012, 3:20 pm
Alan said:
[EDITED to sentence case: The Security Council and General Assembly of the United Nations vote against Syria. What choice of Russia? ]
Non-profit, non-governmental organization
Governance and Problem Analysis Center
Video for russian speaking !
April 7th, 2012, 3:25 pm
omen said:
1053. Mina said:
It didn’t get reported by the BBC
this has been getting coverage on aljazeera english.
April 7th, 2012, 3:31 pm
bronco said:
#989 Jad
What Michel Kilo seems not to realize is that as Bashar al Assad was “repressing” the rebellion, he was in the same time protecting Syria’s future from the Islamist octopus: the SNC and its allies Turkey, Qatar and KSA.
Syria, without the ruthless response to the rebellion, would have become the Islamist Syria Michel Kilo refuses.
Where was Michel Kilo when parts of Syria was falling into the hands of Islamists in Bab Amr and Deraa and Syrian soldiers were dying to prevent caliphates or emirates to emerge in Homs?
Now that the danger has been discarded at the cost of civilians and military lives, it’s too easy now to say we don’t want and Islamist Syria.
Michel Kilo should at least give that credit to Bashar Al Assad instead of treating him of liar.
April 7th, 2012, 3:37 pm
omen said:
1051. Ghufran said:
third world country? i don’t understand this disdain you hold for your own country/culture. i hope you haven’t internalized the anti-arab, anti-muslim bias that is too often reflected in western media.
this question goes under the heading of “why aren’t the masses rising?”
i saw this phenomena play out over tripoli. so called “experts” kept arguing that gaddafi had too much support from his own people, that’s why tripoli remained quiet. no. the reason was because the culture of fear brought upon a terrorist regime was so great and had too strong a grip that the masses were too paralyzed to risk revolting.
it’s not until the armed opposition demonstrates a degree of power in inflicting enough damage against the regime military (with the implication that the rebels are equipped enough to provide enough protection) will the masses feel assured enough to join the revolution. the masses will join when they are assured they are backing the tide that is winning.
April 7th, 2012, 3:53 pm
Thor said:
It is obvious that the rebellion in Syria is fueled by more than the peoples demand for democracy. It is also a power play by USA vs. China and Russia. All those people dead are pawns in geo politics. Shame on you Obama!
April 7th, 2012, 3:57 pm
Alan said:
UN blames Assad, Assad blames opposition for violence ahead of ceasefire
Thousands of people have taken into the streets of Damascus in a massive pro-government rally. Syrian President Assad, meanwhile, has sent a message to the UN blaming the opposition for the recent spate of violence ahead of the ceasefire deadline.
In the message to the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon and the president of the Security Council, Assad said that “terrorist acts” have increased in the past few days.
“The terrorist acts committed by the armed terrorist groups in Syria have increased during the last few days, particularly after reaching an understanding on Kofi Annan’s plan,” said the letter.
These armed groups, Assad wrote, have been funded and armed by countries such as Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar and now they are interested only in violence, despite the April 10 ceasefire deadline.
Damascus is concerned that there is no indication from the opposition as to whether or not they are fully committed to the peace plan developed by UN-Arab League envoy Kofi Annan and and was agreed by Assad.
Meanwhile, thousands of Syrians have taken to the streets of Damascus on Saturday to commemorate the 65th anniversary of the creation of President Bashar al-Assad’s ruling Baath party.
Supporters gathered in the central Sabaa Bahrat Square, waving the red, black and green national flag and portraits of Assad as patriotic music blared from loudspeakers, AFP reports.
People, all against international interference in Syria, are showing support for the reform program Assad promised to implement.
The rally comes as UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon accused Syrian authorities of not doing enough to show their commitment to Annan’s plan to stop the conflict. But Assad has denied these accusations, saying that for days now he has been withdrawing his tanks and troops from populated areas, just as the six-point peace plan requires.
At the same time there is a UN team in Damascus preparing the groundwork for next week’s ceasefire deadline. If the April 10 timeframe earlier adopted by the Syrian government is met, then all opposition fighters should stop their operations within 48 hours of the deadline – by 6 am local time on April 12.
April 7th, 2012, 3:58 pm
omen said:
people don’t realize that unity is their strength. if enough had stood up together, there wouldn’t have been the need to militarize the revolution.
“power of the people” isn’t just a mindless cliche.
April 7th, 2012, 4:01 pm
MICHEL said:
The honorable patriotic Syrian Arab Army beats a poor guy who refuses to declare Bashar as his God, and spits on his picture instead:
April 7th, 2012, 4:03 pm
Thor said:
Then again to be fair, the popular complaint against USA is that it tries to act as world police, something nobody outside USA wants.
Situation in Syria reminds us all that we are still living in the middle ages.
My advice to the current ruler is: Apologize, make amends and make it count, relinquish power slowly (a few years) because just because there is a rebellion does not mean the new rulers will be any better than the ones overthrown, in fact history shows there is a chance they might be worse.
April 7th, 2012, 4:09 pm
ghufran said:
Go back to SC files and see what a number of us said about the intervention in Libya.
(BTW, I personally think that the risk of civil war in Syria is lower today compared to few months ago, but a new reality will emerge where Syrians are sharply divided, I can live with that if the only alternative is civil war)
April 7th, 2012, 4:12 pm
Ghufran said:
Slowly but steadily, more people now are realizing that NATO intervention in Libya was a mistake.
Oglu promised to establish a safe zone for Syrian fighters if Annan mission fails, this is why he is doing his best to make sure it does just that, but is Turkey really ready to start another war?
Erdogan and his GCC friends are not helping Syria or their own interest by saying too much and doing so little, they cry for UN help, then when a decent plan emerges, they work against it !!
April 7th, 2012, 4:13 pm
omen said:
1053. Mina said:
It didn’t get reported by the BBC
i should have known. google says the bbc has been covering this!
April 7th, 2012, 4:21 pm
Alan said:
«P5+1» all dressed up, nowhere to go
In international diplomacy, when scheduling a major event on which issues of war and peace are pegged and that date is just a week away, and if you still don’t know the venue, you’re indeed in some serious trouble. The US secretary of state Hillary Clinton announced while on a visit to Istanbul to attend the ‘Friends of Syria’ meet on April 1 that the long-awaited meeting of the so-called ‘P5+1’ to discuss the Iran nuclear issue would take place on April 13. She disclosed that Istanbul would be the venue../../..
April 7th, 2012, 4:22 pm
Hopeful said:
Re: Mina #1055
The April 2011 attack in Syria you mentioned was a criminal attack not unlike the criminal attack in 2007 by Fatah Al-Islam on the Lebanese Army.
Somehow, the weak dis-functional government/regime in Lebanon, along with its sectarian fragmented society, managed to deal with it and prevent it from spiraling into a civil war. And this is a country (Lebanon) that is more of a hotbed for external interferences and foreign conspiracies than any other countries in the world. How did they manage that?
Are things better in Syria in April 2012 than they were in April 2011? When do we stop blaming the “outside” for our problems and start blaming ourselves and our leadership? Why is there no accountability whatsoever for the people running the country and managing the crisis?
April 7th, 2012, 4:26 pm
Shami said:
I saw a covered Syrian woman who do not shake hands with Arab men kissing the male partner of her husband at a restaurant.
Is that “imaginary perception”not resultant of the dualistic divide of your personality ?.
April 7th, 2012, 4:31 pm
omen said:
the u.s. wants to put a missile shield system in turkey. would erdogan condition his allowing it only if aid is provided to help the rebels remove the regime?
April 7th, 2012, 4:35 pm
abbas said:
According to my calculations it’s about time for another damaging discovery from the so called Assad emails
April 7th, 2012, 4:37 pm
omen said:
shami, isn’t that a little mean?
being ambiguous could be coping device or a survival tactic.
April 7th, 2012, 4:48 pm
Thor said:
Syrian population and the syrian land is what is being fough over, or is it not? Total defense of current rulers would be to nuke themselves and the whole country to oblivion. Then they could properly go down in history as the ones who would not lose at any cost.
There is much propaganda in the western media right now, one has grown cynical since Iraq 1.
April 7th, 2012, 4:58 pm
omen said:
or, more simply, he could just be conflicted, as i’m sure many people are.
April 7th, 2012, 4:59 pm
Mina said:
22 “Hopeful”
So the attack on the army where Joshua Landis’ relative was killed in April 2011, and Jisr al Shughur, it was not already civil war for you?
When the attackers are not Syrians, as in many videos, it is not called civil war but djihadist warfare.
How was Syria supposed to build a better future with 1 million Iraqi refugees (for whom the UN seems to have made a point in keeping things as they were)? Their presence had regularly made prices go very high.
Remember there was 2 waves: pre-2003, and then later on the Christians, victims of exactions at the hands of the Sunnis and the Kurds. (Thanks to the great implementation of a parliamentarian system that can only lead to the ethnic cleansing of some areas by who want to assure a majority).
April 7th, 2012, 5:05 pm
Ghufran said:
Without an even- handed UN, Annan mission will fail. Syria needs a lot more than 250 observers to do the job, and the mission is going nowhere if armed rebels are allowed to roam the streets and continue to occupy certain spots, especially in northern Syria.
The easy part is to monitor regime’s activities,there is an army of reporters who feed the media every day, and there are satellite images than can easily detect heavy weapons and shelling that come from the regime side, but any truce needs compliance from both sides, the media reported, and rightfully so, that the army has not stopped its attacks in parts of Syria but nobody wants to talk about the continuous attacks on army posts and checkpoints which, if they do not stop, can make any truce impossible to achieve.
This is the time for the armed rebels to prove that they have a command structure and that they actually listen to the FSA leaders and the SNC, my own opinion is that those groups are unwilling to abide by any agreement and that will give an excuse for the regime to continue its attacks, it will also force Russia to take a softer position against the regime.
The continuing fight is a wish comes true for advocates of a violent solution to this crisis, I do not believe that the regime will risk losing the loyalty of top generals just to keep BKM happy, those armed rebels must be held to the same standards as the army, so far, Annan and BKM have been silent as a grave on this explosive issue.
(excuse me for choosing which posters I respond too)
April 7th, 2012, 5:11 pm
Mina said:
Omen 1069
Then provide the link; you are confusing with an execution that happened in 2011. Now we have 25 women condemned to death (and another 1700 indonesians in Saudi jails), and there is no other accusations than “different crimes”. Please ask the free journalists roaming freely in Saudi Arabia to tell me more about it.
The reason why I refered to the BBC (after I posted the link from Le Monde yesterday about this story) is that the UK, very sadly, is so totally dependent on Gulf money, especially in the academy, and again among the London elite, that even when it will report it, it won’t stay too long on the front page.
April 7th, 2012, 5:17 pm
Mina said:
1071 “Hopeful”
You are mentioning Nahr al Bared, and comparing it to weapons and satellite phones brought into Syria in April 2011 from 3 different borders. I cannot see how the comparison is justified.
Then you say “this is a country (Lebanon) that is more of a hotbed for external interferences and foreign conspiracies”, can you tell me in what Lebanon has more of these than Syria? Syria has no border with Iraq? Syria has no bilateral defence agreement with Iran? Syria has no land occupied by Israel? Syria has no special relation with Israel/ICC/US/STL blacklisted Hezbollah?
Frankly, I would tell you that yes, if not for the raving of Erdogan and the Saudis and Qataris, things are better in Syria now than a year ago. A year ago some people believed that there was a genuine grassroot movement protest of some size. And now they know that the numbers had been grossly exagerated and that among the 9000+ dead, there is at least one third from the army, and that they were not dealing with a peaceful movement.
What was al Asad supposed to do? Take a plane to Dubai like Ben Ali and others? And let the country be destroyed by the same brainwashed air-heads who are now taking Egypt to the abyss?
Another reason things are better is that there is a law for the parties and that we are getting closer everyday from 7th May.
April 7th, 2012, 5:27 pm
omen said:
thor, assad has pledged for ELEEEEVEEEEN LOOOONG YEEEEEARS to deliver promised reforms. not one step has he made in that direction. when you count his father, the lunatics have been in charge for 40 years! how many more people have to die before the world figures out the regime are pathological liars?
if this was the west, you wouldn’t put up with this kind of treatment for five days, thor! it indicates a kind of bigotry or bias that you were willing to tolerate this kind of abuse for arabs.
how many more decades are we supposed to ignore people being slaughtered?
April 7th, 2012, 6:08 pm
Halabi said:
Some great work by Assad’s soldiers.
Dead children. Now I know what the shooter was saying to celebrate the kill: ???, ???
These children must have been terrorists which explains why there is no outrage about their deaths in Syrian Shabbiha media.
Assad’s new scorched earth tactics in Anadan. http://youtu.be/4BYmT7xd3Ds
From the beginning of the revolution, well before the formation of the FSA, Assad’s army has destroyed the property and livestock of poor villagers across the country. Crushing motorcycles and donkey massacres have been documented in many places.
Now the new trend is to burn the homes and businesses of activists, defected soldiers and anyone linked to them. How can anyone, other than the brainwashed we-love-you crowd (the other term is apparently banned now), see this as just, as the normal action of law enforcement? If someone is an activist organizing and documenting protests, should his car be crushed with a tank? If someone is a murderer who killed soldiers should his parent’s home be burned to the ground?
Forcing people to become refugees in their own land generally backfires. Syria is already one of the poorest and least developed countries in the region and Assad is using our military that we paid for to bomb us back a few decades. It’s amazing how some people equate between attacks on checkpoints and the destruction of neighborhoods and villages.
April 7th, 2012, 6:20 pm
irritated said:
#1974 Abbas
“damaging discovery from the so called Assad emails”
Assad emails were quickly forgotten and caused no damage at all. It was a light diversion that lasted a few days.
Finally it only interested a few fashion oriented women and libidinous men who usually read tabloids.
April 7th, 2012, 6:22 pm
Jad said:
Preaching is the Americans specialities
Cops Attack and Strip Naked innocent woman
Police Brutality: Lincoln officer avoids prison for kicking woman!
Cop Punches Woman In Face Four Times During Arrest For Riding A Bike
Police Brutality: Woman Beaten Off Camera (graphic)
Not to forget what they did to the Iraqis
April 7th, 2012, 6:32 pm
omen said:
1080. Mina 5:17
i don’t disagree with you about the pernicious effect of saudi royal influence. showering public relation firms with money is how they were able to manipulate u.s. public sentiment who worked to deflect anger which shielded saudis from being held responsible for funding actors responsible for 9/11.
instead of invading afghanistan, we should have invaded ksa!
April 7th, 2012, 7:25 pm
Mawal95 said:
From SANA dated 7 Apr 2012: 335 gunmen from Idleb governorate surrendered their weapons and turned themselves in to the authorities. These individuals said that they wish to return to society and resume their normal lives. They said they were misdirected and misguided in taking up arms. They advised others against making the same mistake. http://www.sana.sy/eng/337/2012/04/07/411119.htm
Unfortunately SANA doesn’t report the time interval during which the 335 gunmen turned themselves and their weapons in to the authorities. I don’t presume that they were all on the same day.
Under the amnesty rules, these gunmen are allowed to walk free right away because they surrendered their weapons and they made a promise of good behavior.
April 7th, 2012, 7:30 pm
omen said:
10 more videos, jad, and you would have had me convinced.
April 7th, 2012, 7:33 pm
omen said:
1068. Ghufran said:
Slowly but steadily, more people now are realizing that NATO intervention in Libya was a mistake.
which people? are libyans saying this?
April 7th, 2012, 7:38 pm
Syria no Kandahar said:
That is all crap,
FSA have destroyed one of the dearest churches to all Christians by using it for their criminal activities, kicked 90% of homsi Christians from their houses. Stick to your
wahabi poison, trying to add a drop of christian honeyto It does not change flavor.April 7th, 2012, 7:40 pm
Syria no Kandahar said:
With all my respect I think that you are not fair. I am not the one who used the term (fake) kids, I borrowed that from Tara. If you or Tara understands the point of my post was to point the usage of kids by opposition and teaching them the ugly war games. You totally ignore Tara’s continuous insults to others:
-her statement (Jesus Akbar camp)is an insult to Christians, she admits that.
-She insulted Ann by calling her a (nightmare) moderator.
-She insults others for her lack of debate intellectuality by using repeatedly the term (your beloved leader)
-Since when was using the term wahabi poison forbidden?
Any way do me a favor and close my account completely and if possible remove all my comments from your record. I am out for good. Freedom of speech here is a joke.
April 7th, 2012, 8:11 pm
jad said:
Collateral Murder – Wikileaks – Iraq
April 7th, 2012, 9:19 pm
Shami said:
You are not representative of our Christian people in Syria, so stop speaking in their name.
The christians were present prior to assad, very active, respected and all syrians were proud of them, they co existed for centuries with the muslims, since the Assad years, Syria has seen the Christian prestige weakened, this paranoia which is build on fear of an imaginery enemy is not going to solve your situation, it would be tragical if the Christians in Syria are as doomed than a dictatorial regime.
April 7th, 2012, 9:23 pm
jad said:
Dear SNK,
Take it easy, it’s just a warning, the moderator has rules to force on all of us, and he obviously is doing the best he could.
Please try not to be too sensitive about it by taking it as a personal issue, it’s obviously not, just ignore the provocateurs and you will be fine 🙂
April 7th, 2012, 9:39 pm
jad said:
After sultan Erdo, his little helper, Oglu, is asking the forgiveness from Iran.
BTW, what’s the big deal of holding the meeting in Turkey, that the ottomans are so worry to lose hosting it?
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April 7th, 2012, 9:43 pm
Tara said:
I am seeing more and more evidence of a growing Turkish public sentiment in support of the Syrian people against the tyranny.
Iran’s unbelievable hypocrisy
In the aftermath of the “Friends of the Syrian People” meeting in Istanbul, a most bizarre statement came from Tehran.
Ali Larijani, the speaker of the Iranian Parliament, condemned the meeting and dubbed its participants as “the enemies of Syria.” He even argued that the meeting was organized by Turkey, of course, “to bribe Israel.”
But Iran should know better who “the enemies of the Syrian people” really are. After all, it is Tehran who is supporting and arming the illegitimate regime in Damascus which has killed more than 9,000 Syrian citizens in the past year. It is even reported that the “Islamic Republic” is actively participating in this mass murder, by putting its military advisers and even snipers at the service of the tyranny of Bashar al-Assad.
In other words, if we want to name any “enemy of the Syrian people,” we should probably look to somewhere other than the Turkish government.
In fact, the Turkish government, like it or not for any other reason, has been doing its best to help the Syrian people. When Syria was threatened by the Bush Administration in 2005, it was Ankara who reached out to Damascus and saved it from total isolation. Soon Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdo?an befriended Bashar al-Assad, and solved all longtime problems between the two countries.
Visa requirements were lifted as trade and tourism boomed between the two nations.
When the Arab Spring reached Syria, Turkey again tried to help, by trying to persuade the al-Assad regime for a peaceful transition to democracy. Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davuto?lu visited Damascus again and again to convince the regime to refrain from violence and reach a consensus with the opposition under Turkish mediation.
But, well, the leopard did not change its spots. The Baath regime proved that nothing has changed since 1982, when it killed tens of thousands of Sunnis in Hama and Homs – a monstrosity that Sunni Turks know and remember well. Soon, thousands fled to Turkey to find shelter, and Ankara, as a friend of the Syrian people, welcomed them. These survivors also made Turkey even more aware and alarmed about the barbarism of the al-Assad regime.
So, today Turkey is condemning the Syrian regime, supporting the Syrian opposition, and trying to mobilize the international community, only because it is indeed the friend of the Syria people.
Tehran’s dishonesty is evident not only its anti-Turkish demagoguery on Syria, where it itself carries the real guilt, but also its total disrespect to Ankara’s efforts to find a diplomatic solution to the nuclear crisis. In 2010, Ankara went out of its way to help Tehran on this, by first brokering a nuclear swap deal and then voting “no” to sanctions on Iran at the United Nations Security Council. But all that goodwill on the Turkish side has simply been exploited by Iran to earn more time for its spooky nuclear program.
[ … ]
April 7th, 2012, 10:03 pm
ann said:
Ban’s UN Silent 13 Hours as Ali Saleh Gunmen Take Yemen Airport – April 7, 2012
UNITED NATIONS, April 7 — The UN has touted as a rare success its role in Yemen, where Ali Saleh ostensibly stepped down in exchange for impunity. But now that gunmen loyal to Saleh have taken over the Sana’a airport, the UN has nothing to say.
Early on April 7 — 13 hours ago as of this initial publication — Inner City Press asked UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon’s two top spokesman if Ban had “any comment (or calls) about the reported closing of the Sana’a airport by elements of Yemen’s military?”
Ban’s office provided no comment or response, even as it sent out messages touting an upcoming “Google +” chat by Ban with young people, presumably in Yemen as well. Ban’s UN likes good news, at any cost.
Some skeptics wonder if in this case, Ban wants to see if Salah emerges stronger, so that Ban is not found criticizing a strongman who is returning to the fore.
April 7th, 2012, 10:11 pm
omen said:
chris hedges, quoting h. richard niebuhr, said:
it’s a trap to think disagreements are about sunni vs shia.
April 7th, 2012, 10:51 pm
Hans said:
Happy Easter to every Christian in Syria, Christ is risen, in spite of everyone who trying to hide his name.
Arab Christians are the light of the Arabs, past, present and future.
no one can hide the light.
April 7th, 2012, 11:15 pm
Ghufran said:
Waiting to see if the FSA will verify if this video is genuine or not,the Israeli guy is actually an Israeli official but whether abubilal is from the FSA is not clear:
April 7th, 2012, 11:20 pm
omen said:
a family dies clinging to one another.
god rest their souls.
April 7th, 2012, 11:35 pm
Ghufran said:
Syrian government is about to resign, no clear indication whether a non Baathist will head the new government or not, I doubt that many opposition members will join the new government until basic demands are met.
Typically, clean elections take place first and that has not happened yet, also,the much needed announcement by Bashar that he will not run for another term has not happened, and many Syrians I talked to believe that any political solution will be very difficult if measures to end the ruling family domination are not taken in addition to removing key figures in the security forces and allowing Syrians who lost loved ones to sue those who they believe we’re responsible for their loss.
Bandages are not enough now to heal the deep wounds in Syria.
April 7th, 2012, 11:38 pm
omen said:
Syrian government is about to resign?
is this a belated april fool’s?
April 7th, 2012, 11:50 pm
omen said:
from the earlier aljazeera report:
maybe the money could also be going to bribe regime members to entice them to resign and leave the country. with the promise that the west wont pursue them to prosecute for war crimes.
April 7th, 2012, 11:56 pm
ann said:
335 wanted people surrender in North of Syria – 2012-04-08
DAMASCUS – As many as 335 wanted people turned themselves in to authorities in the northern province of Idlib Saturday amid renewed violence reported in other parts of Syria, state-run SANA news agency reported.
The Idlib province has emerged as one of the main battlegrounds between rebel forces and government troops. The clashes in Idlib, which is on the borders with Turkey, have sent thousands of people fleeing for their lives to neighboring Turkey.
Government troops have managed to dislodge most of the rebels in Idlib but are still quashing remnants of those fighters in the northern area, a well informed source told Xinhua recently.
Meanwhile, SANA said that competent authorities raided Saturday many armed groups’ hideouts in the Douma suburb of the capital Damascus, adding that the raid resulted in confiscating large amounts of weapons and ammunition in addition to communication devices.
Unidentified number of gunmen were killed during the raid, SANA said, adding that government forces also arrested a number of the most dangerous wanted people.
In central Homs province, engineering units dismantled Saturday five explosive devices weighing between 10 to 40 kilograms that were planted in different areas at the Deir Baalabeh neighborhood.
Opposition activists said that Deir Baalabeh district and the Douma suburb were under a large-scale military operation over the past days.
April 8th, 2012, 12:21 am
abbas said:
May be I didn’t convey my thinking clearly, I did not mean the emails were damaging, I was thinking of the fact that every time things tend to quite down a bit something happen to pour oil on the flames again, I was not interested at all in the emails, If it’s true or not does not concern me a bit, if that’s all what Asmaa spent then I should be president because my wife spends more than her in a day, I am just upset that some new grad from an ivy league school working for one of the alphabet agencies is laughing his heart out because of our stupidity
April 8th, 2012, 12:32 am
ann said:
Journalist exposes CNN behind explosions in Syria – 2012/04/08
A Syrian journalist has revealed indications of an international media campaign aimed at distorting the facts on the ground in Syria to blame the Syrian Army for bloodshed.
Rafik Lutf, member of Arab Journalists Union in the United States, told on Saturday that the CNN, Qatar-based broadcaster, Al Jazeera, and other Western and Arabic satellite news channels were forwarding the cause with the help of armed groups.
He said, through fabricating and falsifying events, the campaign was seeking to accuse the Army of violating the rights of and terrorizing civilians.
Lutf had felt suspicious about live streaming of a camera in the city of Homs in western Syria and thus started to follow the coverage.
After 12 hours, a plume of smoke rose from the area where the camera was directed to. CNN and Al Jazeera crew were the first to arrive at the scene.
When CNN correspondent, Arwa Damon, went live to talk about the explosion, which had struck a pipeline in the city, the news channel broadcast some images that had been shot by the camera before the blast.
The coincidence lead Lutf to the conclusion that the CNN crew had known about the explosion before it even happened.
“I was able to figure out the live streaming of a camera, which showed that the CNN is involved in the explosions of oil pipelines in Homs. At first, I did not know who’s filming it, but, later on, I discovered that the fixed camera was for the CNN. And Al Jazeera was also involved in this matter…,” he said.
Through this, our correspondent concluded, the CNN was trying to make believe that the Syrian government was shelling Homs.
Our reporter said Al Jazeera, with the help of some correspondents in Homs, also faked gunshots during live calls with its reporters to falsely show that the Army is shelling the city.
April 8th, 2012, 12:48 am
Ghufran said:
Some said he is dead,others, including the CIA, said he is in Syria.
9 years after the fall of Baghdad,he is back:
??? ??????
[ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zofQzvONEWI ]
April 8th, 2012, 12:51 am
Halabi said:
This what Syrians in a village in Hama had to deal with today.
Ann, here’s another Rafiq Lutf theory from the world’s most credible source. First he exposed Paltalk and now CNN. I can’t wait until he exposes how Twitter is behind the shelling of Homs.
“Lutf Divulges Paltalk Rooms’ Fabricated Lies and Instigation against Syria
Apr 27, 2011
Damascus, (SANA)-Blogger and Member of Arab Journalists Union in America, Rafiq Lutf, has divulged the black rooms on the American Paltalk Website which fabricates lies and instigates against Syria through giving instructions and plans for the people, and contacting media bodies.
Lutf said that the black rooms also fabricate films and add voices to them, adding that the films are originally taken from support rallies and later fabricated as the support slogans are changed into opposition slogans.
In an interview with the Syrian Satellite Channel, Lutf said “A strange room called’ Freedom and Justice’ suddenly appeared on the Paltalk Website as it encompassed about 20 members at the beginning, and then the number increased to 30 and later it reached 1,000 and then 2,000.”
Lutf lived in the USA since he was 16 years old and he has recently returned to Syria. He is one of the witnesses who have been able to disclose the conspiring group against Syria through the Paltalk rooms as he has a room on the website, and he is experienced in the work of this room on the internet.”
April 8th, 2012, 1:05 am
Mina said:
Thanks for admitting with me that what the Saudis are trying to promote as real Islam is just a one way destruction of the religion and a new fitna.
About Libya, how come the free-roaming journalists are not telling us more about the opinions of the “liberated” Libyan people? Too dangerous? It doesn’t pay well enough?
April 8th, 2012, 4:15 am
Mina said:
The series of shooting in France and in the US lately (after the Toulouse guy, there is a new one in Essonne committing blind shootings), remembers me of Michael Moore movie Bowling for Columbine.
He was making a parallel between the fact people in this region were for many of them working for weapon manufacturer Lockheed Martin, and gave images of the Bosnian war and Clinton’s policy towards it.
Just like today we are fed with fightings and bodies everyday but when the narrative does not make sense anymore (hello BKM?) these random shootings by disoriented people is what it leads to.
April 8th, 2012, 4:33 am
Alan said:
Syria threatens pullout from ceasefire deal unless given ‘written guarantees’
April 8th, 2012, 7:04 am
Alan said:
Bahrain crackdown: ‘Opposition in dire need of media spotlight’
????? ??? ??????? ??? ???? ??? ?????? ??? ???? ???????? (??????)
April 8th, 2012, 7:08 am
Alan said:
Pope urges end to Syria bloodshed
Pope Benedict XVI called on Sunday for an end to bloodshed in Syria and a commitment to dialogue to end the violence there, as part of a wider appeal to give hope to the entire Middle East.
“May the risen Christ grant hope to the Middle East and enable all the ethnic, cultural and religious groups in that region to work together to advance the common good and respect for human rights,” he said in his traditional “Urbi et Orbi” message to mark Easter Sunday.
“Particularly in Syria, may there be an end to bloodshed and an immediate commitment to the path of respect, dialogue and reconciliation, as called for by the international community,” he said.
The pontiff also voiced hope that refugees fleeing the crisis in Syria who are in need of humanitarian assistance are given help to relieve “their dreadful sufferings”.
Turning to Iraq, he encouraged the people to “spare no effort in pursuing the path of stability and development”.
He added: “In the Holy Land, may Israelis and Palestinians courageously take up anew the peace process,” with direct talks between the two sides frozen since September 2010.
April 8th, 2012, 8:17 am
Alan said:
?????? ??????? ???? ????? ??? ???? ?????? 2012/4/6
TRANS French journalist Thierry Meyssan on the channel floor 06/04/2012 ]
April 8th, 2012, 8:23 am
Tara said:
Bushbush wants written guarantee from the “armed gangs”, Turkey, Qatar, And KSA before stopping the butchery? How a out from us on SC, does he want any written anything?
We all knew from day one he was playing games buying time hoping to kill the revolution. Well, he was wrong. Every time Bashar killed one Syrian, 10 Syrians join in. He will never win this Wack-A-Mole game. This is the end of the game for him. Not that the world is not convinced from the beginning that he is a liar butcher, but that the world has now exhausted all maneuvers to end the bloodshed peacefully. It is time he is forcefully removed.
Syria rejects army pullback without guarantees
AFP – 1 hr 56 mins ago
Syria said on Sunday, ahead of a UN deadline, that its forces will not withdraw from protest hubs without written guarantees, as the main opposition group urged UN intervention after one of the deadliest days in a year.
As Tuesday’s deadline loomed for regime forces to cease fire and pull back from rebel cities, the foreign ministry said it had not been given assurances that “armed terrorist groups” would also put down their guns.
“To say that Syria will pull back its forces from towns on April 10 is inaccurate, Kofi Annan having not yet presented written guarantees on the acceptance by armed terrorist groups of a halt to all violence,” it said.
On Thursday, the UN Security Council formally endorsed the deadline for Syrian troops and big guns to be withdrawn from cities, but Damascus said a day later the number of “terrorist acts” has risen since the deal was agreed with UN and Arab League envoy Annan.
“Mr Annan has not submitted written guarantees from the governments of Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Turkey on stopping their funding to terrorist groups,” the ministry added of its northern neighbour and strongest critics in the Arab world.
April 8th, 2012, 8:40 am
jna said:
Tara, from what I’ve seen of your writing here you’ve never liked the idea of ceasefire, monitors, negotiations, and elections in Syria.
It’s quite true that a ceasefire requires both opposing forces to cease fire or an approximation of that. I haven’t seen any declaration of intent to ceasefire by the opposition, unlike the government. I still support the government pulling back it’s forces this week if only to test the intent of the opposition which may not have the courage to voice ceasefire support while becoming aware that this is it’s best option. If the opposition continues the insurgency then the government would be forced to reinsert the army.
April 8th, 2012, 8:56 am
Mawal95 said:
Syria no Kandahar has been one of the better contributors to this board over the past year. Once or twice last summer he got chided by the moderator for being too angry, and one of those instances the moderator was probably right.
But he has been very well behaved throughout year 2012 in everything I’ve seen. At #1091 he says he wants to leave due to bad moderating. I agree with him that the moderator has misunderstood him, and I say the moderator for no good reason is not letting him speak with his own voice.
I too would quit the board as an expression of protest at the annoying moderating, if this moderating keeps up.
In fact at this stage in my experience this moderating is as bad has having no moderating.
There is so much rubbish on the board with or without formal moderation that the positive difference formal moderation makes is small, and this is fully counterbalanced by the negative aspects of the moderation, including the regular distraction the moderator is regularly causing.
I know it’s against the rules to “badger” the moderator.
April 8th, 2012, 9:04 am
Tara said:
It is just that I am not stupid nor am I trying to play stupid. Bashar is not going to stop the killing because his survival is contingent upon continuing the killing. He will fight until the last man and he is just pitting out a show to buy time. He has maneuvered his way around for a whole year. Now he wants written guarantees? Why did he not say that to Annan on the first day? Why did he wait until one day prior to the deadline. Did he demand that from Annan and Annan hid it from the world? Doesn’t that tell you anything?
April 8th, 2012, 9:08 am
Mina said:
It took 2 weeks for the Turkish religious establishment to react to the Saudi Grand Mufti fatwa against churches. From who did he have to ask for authorization?
April 8th, 2012, 10:27 am
Hans said:
Obama’s White House having Easter Egg hunt today for the holy day like today.
The Eggs though this time are the heads of the Arabs. every egg hunted is put in the basket for the wolves to sacrifice latter.
A Jewish Rabbi had blessed the game and now it is on.
The chocolate only for the infidels and every traitors who his hand soaked in the Syrian blood.
all of the MB shouting Allah Akbar in the White House, They visit the White House more often than they visit Palestine.
Syrians are been wrapped in their tears, blood with a broken heart on a day like this where the nation is hanged on a cross of traitors, wimps, jealous of Syrian nation.
April 8th, 2012, 10:31 am
jna said:
Tara, I disagree because the best bet for the survival of Assad, the Baath party, and their circle of interests is a transition to elections. Either an outright win or a share in an elected government would buffer them more than this trajectory toward civil war which is eventually a losing situation. And I think that the regime, The Russians, the Chinese, the Iranians are smart enough to grasp this.
April 8th, 2012, 10:35 am
Uzair8 said:
AJE Inside Syria:
Will Annan’s Syria peace plan succeed?
08 Apr 2012
As fighting continues, we discuss if Syria’s government is pulling back from the United Nations peace plan.
Fawaz Gerges, the director of the Middle East Centre and International Relations at the London School of Economics and Political Science and Professor of International Relations.
Michael Weis, the communications director for the Henry Jackson Society which is a foreign policy think-tank based in London.
Haitham al-Sibahie, a member of the Syrian Social Club based in London who supports regime change through peaceful means.
April 8th, 2012, 10:46 am
Alan said:
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April 8th, 2012, 10:54 am
Alan said:
Syrian opposition refuses to give authorities guarantees on ceasefire
BEIRUT, April 8 (Itar-Tass) — The Syrian opposition will not give written guarantees on a ceasefire to the country’s authorities, said on Sunday commander of the so-called Syrian Liberation Army (SLA), Colonel Riad al-Asaad, hiding in Turkey.
According to the colonel, the SLA “does not recognize the Bashar Assad regime and will not give any guarantees”. Al-Asaad emphasized that if the Syrian authorities abide by the plan of settling the conflict, submitted by special envoy of the UN and the Arab League Kofi Annan, and withdraw their troops from cities, SLA fighters will also lay down arms.
Earlier in the day, spokesman of the Syrian Foreign Ministry Jihad Makdessi said that the Syrian authorities would pull out government troops from cities if the opposition gives “written guarantees” on a ceasefire.
The UN Security Council adopted a statement on Syria on Thursday where it called on Damascus to fulfill urgently obligations on the settlement plan, submitted by Kofi Annan, under which the Syrian government should halt advance of troops to populated centres by April 10, stop any use of military hardware in such centres as well as start withdrawing troops, massed inside and outside cities in the country.
April 8th, 2012, 11:05 am
Ghufran said:
I spoke last week about the army’s decision, backed by Russia, not to allow armed rebels to remain in the streets or occupy villages and small towns in Syria.
Yes, Bashar is buying time and his forces have not stopped firing on rebels, but those rebels have continued their attacks and refused to withdraw to their houses and villages, what Ghalioun said about the cease fire does not mean anything after we have seen that nobody listens to the guy in Syria.
You can not have a cease fire that is one sided and we will never reach a peaceful solution to this crisis if armed men are left free to attack and destroy, those rebels are actually helping the regime and inflicting pain and suffering on the very same people they are trying to protect, if you actually believe that theory.
The objective for many from day one was a violent regime change and not the cessation of violence, this violence, being called holy by some Sheikhs, is as bad as the brutal attacks launched by security forces, it is a monster that feeds itself.
As of now, Annan plan is in the intensive care, there is a definite need to provide guarantees that the army, and the rebels, keep the right of self defense, and that no armed forces except police are permitted to roam the streets in Syria.
Both sides are using loop holes in Annan plan to keep fighting. We have the responsibility to be factual and fair even with our adversaries if the objective is peace, but have we reached that stage where peace is actually our objective?
One thing in common between the two fighting factions: they want to eliminate the other side.
April 8th, 2012, 11:13 am
Halabi said:
The writing on the wall, with the blood of martyrs. This is truly the work of the deranged. http://youtu.be/RjwUW25JmXk
Are these the rights guaranteed in the new constitution that the we-love-you crowd supports? Is dipping into the blood of even a terrorist to write sectarian and hateful slogans part of the legitimate actions of state security forces?
After decades of oppression, this brutality no longer surprises or scares the Syrian people. It just provides more proof that Assad and his police state must fall.
April 8th, 2012, 11:24 am
Ghufran said:
47% of readers on alarabiya.net think that the Arab Spring either did not change anything or has led to the domination of Islamists:
????????? ?????? ??????:
????? ????????? 04-04-2012 | ????? ??????? 3,859
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53% | 2,063 ???
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32% | 1,224 ???
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15% | 572 ???
April 8th, 2012, 11:33 am
Alan said:
1127. HALABI
imagine that I same as you Halabi and it is a pity for your naivety in your calculation to trust your children’s treatments
April 8th, 2012, 11:37 am
Halabi said:
Ghufran #1126
“this violence,being called holy by some Sheikhs,is as bad as the brutal attacks launched by security forces”
Not quite as bad. Maybe a small percentage. The violence of the FSA and other armed opposition groups, excluding the bombings in Aleppo and Damascus which weren’t investigated, haven’t leveled entire city blocks. To be charitable, lets say the bombings were FSA, the total destruction by the revolution is much less than that inflicted on Baba Amr, just one neighborhood in Homs.
“One thing in common between the two fighting factions: they want to eliminate the other side.”
This might be true, but I don’t presume to know what people want. The revolution’s main slogan is the overthrow of the regime and the creation of democratic state with dignity for all citizens. The regime’s slogan is Assad or we burn the country.
Even if both sides want to eliminate the other, there’s only one side that has the capability to do so, and, as we have seen over the past year and also previous decades, the will to do so.
I understand the desire to show the brutality of both sides in an effort to reach a solution, but I don’t see how this argument can win over the victims of decades of oppression because it’s based on a falsehood that the violence is equal. It isn’t.
April 8th, 2012, 11:47 am
jad said:
Easter/Palm Sunday in Syria
?????? ?????? ???? ?????? ?????? ??????
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April 8th, 2012, 11:56 am
Antoine said:
Even I have to agree that Ghufran’s assessment is lopsided and maybe have to do with his background, the same with Landis, lets call spade a spade ; according to Post-Modernism no person is free from the biases of his surroundings and his upbringings.
April 8th, 2012, 12:03 pm
Antoine said:
939. Ghufran said:
“There is more than 4,000 displaced families in Tartous who were forced to leave their homes in Homs”
Actually, there are credible rumors that the regime is planning to resetlle them in Baba Amr.
April 8th, 2012, 12:06 pm
Alan said:
???????? “?????? ???? ???????”
Foreign Terrorist Organization ? 29 take traning in US
April 6, 2012
Posted by Seymour M. Hersh
From the air, the terrain of the Department of Energy’s Nevada National Security Site, with its arid high plains and remote mountain peaks, has the look of northwest Iran. The site, some sixty-five miles northwest of Las Vegas, was once used for nuclear testing, and now includes a counterintelligence training facility and a private airport capable of handling Boeing 737 aircraft. It’s a restricted area, and inhospitable—in certain sections, the curious are warned that the site’s security personnel are authorized to use deadly force, if necessary, against intruders.
It was here that the Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) conducted training, beginning in 2005, for members of the Mujahideen-e-Khalq, a dissident Iranian opposition group known in the West as the M.E.K. The M.E.K. had its beginnings as a Marxist-Islamist student-led group and, in the nineteen-seventies, it was linked to the assassination of six American citizens. It was initially part of the broad-based revolution that led to the 1979 overthrow of the Shah of Iran. But, within a few years, the group was waging a bloody internal war with the ruling clerics, and, in 1997, it was listed as a foreign terrorist organization by the State Department.
In 2002, the M.E.K. earned some international credibility by publicly revealing—accurately—that Iran had begun enriching uranium at a secret underground location. Mohamed ElBaradei, who at the time was the director general of the International Atomic Energy Agency, the United Nations’ nuclear monitoring agency, told me later that he had been informed that the information was supplied by the Mossad. The M.E.K.’s ties with Western intelligence deepened after the fall of the Iraqi regime in 2003, and JSOC began operating inside Iran in an effort to substantiate the Bush Administration’s fears that Iran was building the bomb at one or more secret underground locations.
Funds were covertly passed to a number of dissident organizations, for intelligence collection and, ultimately, for anti-regime terrorist activities. Directly, or indirectly, the M.E.K. ended up with resources like arms and intelligence. Some American-supported covert operations continue in Iran today, according to past and present intelligence officials and military consultants…/../…
April 8th, 2012, 12:17 pm
Alan said:
though call any war where ideally all observe laws! again naivety!
April 8th, 2012, 12:27 pm
Mina said:
Politely, The Independent (http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/politics/a-dirty-deal-uzbek-dictator-has-uk-over-a-barrel-7626972.html) decided not to mention the 2005-2006 demonstrations
April 8th, 2012, 12:30 pm
Tara said:
Links should be allowed.
The regime should be exposed.
It is the least we can do to those slaughtered and degraded by the butcher of Syria.
People who support atrocious acts directly or indirectly by supporting the regime should be encouraged to stop sheltering themselves to stop living in their self-made bubble and to realize what they are supporting. They should pause and watch everything to be watched. They are eventually responsible in front of themselves.
April 8th, 2012, 12:31 pm
Badr said:
What else could one really expect!
Syria wants ‘written guarantees’ from opposition
April 8th, 2012, 12:34 pm
Alan said:
1138. MINA
Obama quickly reacted. the expert in revolutions, the professor of university Mike McFaul sent the ambassador of the USA to Moscow!!
April 8th, 2012, 12:44 pm
Antoine said:
I have limited inside knowledge of Syria and most of it is gleaned through second-hand sources and the Internet,
I know the Baath revolution in 1961-63 was started by Akram al-Hawrani from the villages of Hama, now the regime is attacking these very villages, and we are yet to see any significant pro-regime demonstration from rural Hama
So my question is,
is it possible that the people who voted Baath in 1961 and who were enthusistic Baathists in the 1960s and benefited from Akram al-Hawrani’s Land Reforms, are now firmly on the side of the opposition ?
April 8th, 2012, 1:04 pm
Mawal95 said:
#1132 by “Halabi” is a good post:
Me and “Halabi” agree about almost nothing, but I concede he’s right that there is no justification for the treatment of the dead body in the first of those videos.
Did you hear the soldiers chanting in that video? The sound is mis-synchronized with the audio by about half a second, by the way. I am going to repeat what I said at #862 earlier in this thread and I invite you to argue against it:
I assume of course that the Syrian army is the army of the people by the people for the people.
April 8th, 2012, 1:08 pm
Alan said:
mey be they need Valerya ! she has a good origin place ? 🙂
April 8th, 2012, 1:17 pm
jad said:
Meaningful message to both the Government and the Oppositions:
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April 8th, 2012, 1:21 pm
Alan said:
????? ?????? ????? ?????? ! ????? ?????? around the world !!! Bernardo ben Luiso !
Almost 40 die in Nigeria church bombing
A powerful car bomb exploding outside a packed Easter congregation in the central Nigerian city of Kaduna is known to have left 38 people dead and many more injured.
In the past, all attacks of this kind have been the work of the Islamist group Boko Haram.
April 8th, 2012, 1:24 pm
DAWOUD said:
1048. DAWOUD said:
[Dawoud – you have been warned against sectarian language.]
A message to Hizballah’s/Bashar’s commentators: ????? ?????? ??? ??? ???? ???? ???? ??????
?????? ?? ??? ???? ?????? ??? ??????? ?? ????? ??????? ??? ???????? ??????! ?? ?????, ?? ??? ????, ????? ????? ???????
Reports are everywhere about non-Arab Iranians and Shia Shabiha from the TERRORIST Hizballah killing our brothers and sisters in Syria.
Anybody from the terrorist “Hizballah Foundation,” which is mentioned in this article http://www.nytimes.com/2012/04/06/world/middleeast/hezbollahs-syria-policy-puts-it-at-risk.html?_r=1 (a Hizballah woman is talking about posting pro-Hizballah propaganda on Facebook), is posting here on Syria Comment to spread pro-dictator, pro-Majous, pro-Hizballah propaganda?
Below is a story on the Persians ?????? ?????, non-Arabs, killing our Syrian brothers/sisters:
Iranian Fighters Are Killing Syrian Troops Who Refuse to Fire On Protesters
Michael Kelley|March 08, 2012|
Thousands of members of Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps and Lebanon’s Hezbollah were fighting in Syria as of July and killing Syrian troops who refused to open fire on protestors, according to internal Stratfor emails leaked by WikiLeaks.
Dear Moderator:
I disagree with your characterization of my comment as “sectarian” for the following reasons:
1) describing Syria as “Islamiyah” ??????? or Islamic does NOT deny the EQUAL rights of non-Muslims in the country. Strangely, even al-Assad’s constitution describes Syria as an Arab/Muslsim nation. In fact, Bashar’s latest constitution-which he passed a few weeks in a fraudulent referendum while his tanks were shedding Syrian blood-makes it a REQUIREMENT for the Syrian president to be “Muslim.”
Interestingly, the Muslim Brotherhood’s latest covenant supports non-Muslims to be president of Syria! Enough with the CODE WORDS (MB, Salafist, Wahabi, etc.) that Bashar and his supporters/apologists here and elsewhere use to de-legitimize Syria’s legitimate revolution against Bashar’s tyranny!
2) Maybe I should not used “majous” to describe Persians, although many Iranians who don’t believe in the “Islamic Republic” would be proud to be called so. Does it Iran use the pre-Islamic Persian calendar? What about the campaign that the Shah led in the mid-1970s to celebrate Iran’s pre-Islamic history, and return Iran’s cultural/social perspectives to that era? Probably, he didn’t have time to shift the Persian alphabet from Arabic to Latin, which was what Kamal Atatuk did to completely secularize Turkey and deny its Islamic identity!!!!!!!
3) Saying that Iran is “non-Arab” is NOT sectarian. It is factual! Most Iranians are Persian not Arab. Surely, there are Kurds, Azeris, and others. I support the right of all Iranian minorities to celebrate their languages and culture. In fact, I support the right of Azeri Iranians to break up from Iran and unite with Azerbaijan. That’s why the Azeri parliament now calls Azerbaijan “North Azerbaijan” because they want to free the 16-20 million Azeris who are under Iranian occupation!
4) Isn’t it not sectarianism for Iran to prohibit Sunnis from building their mosques in Iran. Also, is not sectarianism for the terrorist Hizballah and Iran to send their Shabiha to advise Bashar on killing Sunni Syrians? Please see the post below, including the VIDEO:
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April 8th, 2012, 1:25 pm
Hopeful said:
Re: Halabi #1132
We know that fighters and soldiers, no matter who they are, are capable of doing horrible things in wars. We all have seen images of US and Israeli soldiers committing crimes and despicable acts.
The difference is in how the leadership deals with them. Speak up against these acts, call for real investigations, and bring people to justice! Or stick your head in the sand, claim that nothing like this is happening, or even worst, reward the perpetrators!
I have heard many in the Syrian opposition distancing themselves from the violent criminal acts that some rebels/fighters are committing (on many anti-regime TV channels like Al-Jazeera).
But I have not heard any regime supporter speak up against the acts that some soldiers and security forces are committing; and certainly not on pro-regime TV channels. This is how you lose credibility with the silent majority sitting on the sidelines!
April 8th, 2012, 1:26 pm
Alan said:
Annan renews ceasefire call
International envoy Kofi Annan has renewed his call for a truce in Syria. In a statement issued Sunday, he said he had been shocked by the latest wave of violence in this Middle East country.
Under his peace plan, the government must start withdrawing forces from population centres on Tuesday, and the armed opposition must observe a complete ceasefire beginning with Thursday.
The government, however, says it cannot withdraw forces as long as it hasn’t received written guarantees that the opposition will hold fire. The opposition refuses to extend any such guarantees.
Syrian opposition declines ceasefire
The armed Syrian opposition group calling itself ‘The Free Syrian Army’ has refused to submit written guarantees that it will hold fire, in accordance with Kofi Annan’s settlement plan which calls for a truce and a pullback of government forces from population centres.
The Syrian government says it cannot withdraw troops as long as it hasn’t received ceasefire guarantees.
‘Syria prepared to rebuff aggression‘– Ambassador
Syria possesses convincing evidence that the Syrian opposition is receiving Israeli arms which is being smuggled across Lebanon and Turkey.
Speaking in Moscow Sunday, Ambassador Riyadh Haddad also said that his country is determined to offer a strong response to a military aggression against it.
He dismissed reports of Iranian commandoes operating in Syria as a hostile propaganda ploy.
April 8th, 2012, 1:26 pm
Mina said:
Antoine 1143
Ever heard of “rural exodus” in Syria? You think the families of the people leaving around Hama are the same people who were there 50 years ago?
Apart from the peaceful demos of the leftist elite FB users in Damascus who had called for the first mini demos in February and March, and that from the Hamidiyye merchants who thought they should make more money no matter the fact there was less tourism because of the EU/US economic crisis, most of the violent uprising started in places famous for their extremist minorities (Homs, Edleb, Daraa).
Even in Aleppo, the only area which saw an important demo last Spring was one of the poorest district, Salah al-Din.
April 8th, 2012, 1:33 pm
DAWOUD said:
1047. Tara said:
Long gone the days when Syrians adored Hassan Nasrallah. Ironically, we loved our future killer. Who would know then that he will actively participate in butchering Syrians..HA dug its own grave by killing Syrians.
Dear Sister Tara:
I can’t agree with you more! Free Syria, Free Palestine!
April 8th, 2012, 1:34 pm
Tara said:
Why do you always think you are entitled to your opinion while others who disagree with you aren’t? You expressed an opinion that graphic links should not be allowed and I expressed the opposite opinion. What is wrong with that other than it doesn’t fit a specific agenda. Stop your attempt to bully me. It is not working.
April 8th, 2012, 1:35 pm
Alan said:
1151. DAWOUD
you consider SC a suitable place for carrying out war of nerves against the SAR brave army ?
April 8th, 2012, 1:39 pm
DAWOUD said:
1157. Alan
With all due respect (I actually don’t have any respect for anybody
like you who apologizes and defends a 43-year-old murderous/hereditary dictatorship), NO respect for those who defend a butcher who is has killed thousands of Syrian!
Is SC a appropriate platform for expressing pro-dictator/pro-butcher perspectives? Wake up!
April 8th, 2012, 1:55 pm
Alan said:
Syrian Arab Army
From: http://www.facebook.com/syrians.youtube ]
April 8th, 2012, 1:56 pm
DAWOUD said:
To Bashar’s apologist/supporter # 1157. Alan
Is “Syria Comment” the best platform for you to express your pro-dictator/pro-butcher perspectives?
Unfortunately, the Syrian army is STILL following the orders of a murderous dictator, who is the son of a murderous dictator. Syria’s honest soldiers, who understand that their role is to protect Syrians and not kill them on behalf of dictators, have defected to the FREE Syrian Army (FSA).
Free Syria, Free Palestine!
April 8th, 2012, 2:02 pm
jad said:
If you want to lie at least try to be good at it:
Here is what I wrote:
“Could you please stop with the extreme graphics, at least write a warning or something, it’s extremely disturbing and ugly.”
“Could you please add a note that if anybody wants to share something as disgusting as what ‘Halabi’ just posted to be very clear of what he/she is putting and to think twice of such disgusting links.”
I’m asking ‘adults’ to be responsible enough and declare what they are linking, Son of Damascus is always write ‘GRAPHICS’ before he links anything that is remotely close to the horrific bloody clip that Halabi and others are linking.
Do you think that there are not enough bloody and horrific crimes done by fsa that can be linked here?
There are plenty of those but out of respect to the dead and to the few respected commentators left on SC I don’t link.
So again, if you want to claim something that I didn’t write, go read again and understand it before you start this useless arguing competition, it’s getting ridiculous.
Keep in mind, that I’m not interested and have no time to your endless useless debates, KT may enjoy your endless arguments, I don’t.
“Stop your attempt to bully me.”
April 8th, 2012, 2:22 pm
Norman said:
If you want to liberate Palestine, just force Saudi Arabia and the other Arab states to stop supplying the West with oil until Israel carry on the UN Security council resolutions, that can be done without killing anybody or firing a shot. We have traitors in our Arab Family.
April 8th, 2012, 2:28 pm
Tara said:
You are not civil and you are not polite. Stop insulting me and do not attempt to tell me it is not my business when I express an opinion. My opinion is not directed at you. .
reflects your upbringing and your personality. Writing your insults in Arabic to evade moderation is pathetic to say the least.
Your vulgar language
April 8th, 2012, 2:30 pm
Alan said:
syrian army ready to be in service to fight with your sweet cocktail!
surprisingly!why you don’t want to remind that the Syrian Army released the French, Turkish, Saudi and others captured officers who in battlefields didn’t forget to remind of the international conventions on the relation of prisoners of war.
April 8th, 2012, 2:33 pm
bronco said:
1095. jad said:
“what’s the big deal of holding the meeting in Turkey, that the ottomans are so worry to lose hosting it?”
After having turned its political back to Israel and embraced the Moslem world as a great commercial potential partner, Turkey wants to be a ‘virtuous’ power in the region and especially rehabilitate Sunni Islam that has been badly damaged by Islamic extremists in the last 20 years. Qatar shares the same goal.
So Turkey wants to show to the world that “moderate” Sunni have no problem with Shia or Christians and in the contrary it wants to unite them under an economical growth that would erase all sectarian dissensions.
Therefore any tension with a Moslem country is to be avoided.
Turkey deeply hopes that Syria will also become a Sunni-lead country with whom there will be harmony. Unfortunately this is not happening and Syria is now a thorn in Turkey’s moderate Sunni diplomacy.
Search for prestige and international visibility are part of a strategy to become a big international player.
April 8th, 2012, 2:35 pm
irritated said:
1151 Dawood
“I support the right of all Iranian minorities to celebrate their languages and culture.”
That’s so generous, I have tears in my eyes of gratitude
BTW, are you a party leader, a religious leader?
April 8th, 2012, 2:43 pm
jad said:
The Syrian Foreign Ministry statement
???? ???????? ??????? 8-4-2012
April 8th, 2012, 2:46 pm
Ghufran's said:
I accept the fact that no person can be perfectly objective, bias is in our blood and we practice it every day,but bias has different shades and levels, and certain people take their bias and prejudice too far, then it becomes overtly harmful and it can reach the level of a crime punishable by law in many countries when it has a direct negative and unjust effect on people’s lives, That was not a lecture but it is common knowledge, I am not offended by the comments I received on my piece regarding the cease fire.
There is nothing wrong in asking both fighting sides to play by the same rules even if one is more brutal and more lethal since the objective is peace and not winning in the narrow sense if the word, it is abundantly clear that the regime is looking for excuses to delay its inevitable demise, and the actions of some opposition members is helping the regime to do just that.
Only thugs and beneficiaries of the Assad regime wants it to survive, I hope I am not being “biased” again.
April 8th, 2012, 2:49 pm
Tara said:
Yesterday recorded the highest number of death since Annan’s initiative.
Almost 130 dead in Syria ahead of deadline: NGO
BEIRUT (AP) — The U.S. warned Syria it won’t be able to deceive the world about compliance with a cease-fire that is just days away, as regime forces pounded more opposition strongholds Saturday in an apparent rush to crush resistance before troops must withdraw. Activists said more than 100 people were killed, including at least 87 civilians.
Ban said on Friday that the increased attacks by Assad’s forces on cities “violate” a UN Security Council statement demanding an end to hostilities by Tuesday’s truce deadline.
He indicated that he believes Assad’s government is using the deadline to pull troops and heavy weapons away from cities as “an excuse” to step up the killing.
Ban “deplores the assault by the Syrian authorities against innocent civilians, including women and children, despite the commitments by the government of Syria to cease all use of heavy weapons in population centres,” said his spokesman Martin Nesirky.
“The April 10 timeline to fulfill the government’s implementation of its commitments, as endorsed by the Security Council, is not an excuse for continued killing,” Ban added.
Elsewhere, Turkey said on Saturday nearly 700 Syrian refugees poured across the border in 24 hours, bringing to more than 24,000 the total number of Syrians seeking haven there.
April 8th, 2012, 2:53 pm
Hopeful said:
Re: Mina # 1151
“And have you seen any of these US or Israeli soldiers who committed despicable acts go to jail?”
Yes I have – plenty. I will be happy to send you numerous links regarding the jail sentences, the trials, the media coverage, etc.
“Do you know about private mercenary firms who worked in Iraq and are legally not held accountable?”
Yes I do. It is despicable. The US media is exposing them (as we saw in the videos that JAD has posted). Many in the US government are vocal against them and will bring them to justice. And I have not heard anyone in the US administration or Congress defend their act or portray them as heroes!
“And by the way, the Syrian government has condemned the acts of violences committed by their forces”
Maybe I missed that. Please let me know where I can go to see/hear/read about this.
April 8th, 2012, 2:53 pm
Alan said:
Turkey, can cut for itself!! within own dimensions! I am afraid from Turkey sees a bad Tailor !
April 8th, 2012, 2:59 pm
Mina said:
“So Turkey wants to show to the world that “moderate” Sunni have no problem with Shia or Christians”
Precisely, I just realize that there is no majority Sunni country that can boast of having a peaceful coexistence of its Muslims and its Christians, except Syria. Maybe in Cameroon and Senegal too?
How can Turkey think it can attain this virtuous image without doing a lot of PR and start with a reconciliation with the Armenians and giving a real existence to the Syriac Orthodox church in school programmes and official history? Is it because of the way they got Antioch that they avoid to discuss this chapter?
April 8th, 2012, 3:01 pm
omen said:
1100. Ghufran said: Waiting to see if the FSA will verify if this video is genuine or not,the Israeli guy is actually an Israeli official but whether abubilal is from the FSA is not clear: 11:20 pm
April 8th, 2012, 3:03 pm
jad said:
While I agree with the spirit of your call and want to see justice and for those who committed crimes in Syria be brought to justice regardless of their ranks or positions, I have to say that when Rumsfield, Bush and Blair pay for what their armies did to Iraqis, Lebanese and Palestinians I’ll agree with you that they are looking for justice.
Non of the soldiers accused of committing those famous crimes in Iraq had a sentence close enough to what they did.
Please share with us those ‘plenty’ of examples you are referring to.
Here is one of the most famous massacre committed by american soldiers against Iraqi women and children, I’m not writing about the Afghani killing ‘mistakes’ since nobody in the american media even write about those, they never took place as far as the media concern:
Trial of Wuterich
The court martial of Wuterich, the only defendant to stand trial for the Haditha killings, took place in January 2012. During the trial Sgt. Sanick Dela Cruz testified that he urinated on the skull of one of the dead Iraqis. He also testified, after describing how Wuterich shot the passengers of the car himself from close range, “Sergeant Wuterich approached me and told me if anyone asks, the Iraqis were running away from the car and the Iraqi army shot them”.
In a plea deal, Wuterich pled guilty to dereliction of duty, while charges of assault and manslaughter were dropped.[16] He was convicted of a single count of negligent dereliction of duty on January 24, 2012, receiving a rank reduction and pay cut but avoiding jail time.
April 8th, 2012, 3:07 pm
Ghufran said:
The video about an Israeli official talking to an alleged FSA officer is all over the Internet,I am not trying to fool anybody,I am not even sure the guy on the other side is from the FSA,do not watch the video if you think it is bad for your health.
I accept the fact that no person can be perfectly objective,bias is in our blood and we practice it every day,but bias has different shades and levels,and certain people take their bias and prejudice too far,then it becomes overtly harmful and it can reach the level of a crime punishable by law in many countries when it has a direct negative and unjust effect on people’s lives, That was not a lecture but it is common knowledge,I am not offended by the comments I received on my piece regarding the cease fire.
There is nothing wrong in asking both fighting sides to play by the same rules even if one is more brutal and more lethal since the objective is peace and not winning in the narrow sense of the word,it is abundantly clear that the regime is looking for excuses to delay its inevitable demise,and the actions of some is helping the regime to do just that.
Only thugs and beneficiaries of the Assad regime want it to survive, I hope I am not being “biased” again.
April 8th, 2012, 3:08 pm
Mina said:
Thanks for providing the links you mention. About the condemnation of the violence committed by the security services, check Bashar’s interviews (paper and tv) since one year.
About Abu Ghraib, proof that the media outcry in 2006 did not change anything there:
“On October 29, 2007, the memoir of a soldier stationed in Abu Ghraib, Iraq during 2005/2006 was published. Torture Central chronicled many events previously unreported in the news media, including torture that continued at Abu Ghraib over a year after the abuse photos were published.”
As for responsibilities: “Documents obtained by The Washington Post and the ACLU show that the senior U.S. military officer in Iraq Lt. Gen. Ricardo Sanchez authorized the use of military dogs, temperature extremes, reversed sleep patterns and sensory deprivation as interrogation methods in Abu Ghraib.”
As of where we state now: “On June 27, 2011 the U.S. Supreme Court declined to hear the appeal of lawsuits from a group of 250 Iraqis who wanted to sue the two contractors CACI International Inc. and Titan Corp. (now a subsidiary of L-3 Communications) over claims of abuse by interrogators and translators at the prison. The suits had been dismissed by the lower courts on the grounds that the companies held a derivative sovereign immunity from suits based on their status as government contractors pursuant to a battle-field preemption doctrine.”
If you want I can move to Rachel Corrie case?
After all, you brought the topic, so what did you mean (#1143) by “We all have seen images of US and Israeli soldiers committing crimes and despicable acts.
The difference is in how the leadership deals with them. Speak up against these acts, call for real investigations, and bring people to justice! Or stick your head in the sand…”
April 8th, 2012, 3:12 pm
omen said:
why would any israeli official agree to be filmed in the first place? israel knows being seen as collaborating with an arab group will taint it.
israel wants the fsa to be tainted.
it’s bashar assad israel is seeking to protect.
April 8th, 2012, 3:20 pm
Alan said:
Israel Bars Poet Over Poem
April 08, 2012| News | Jason Ditz
Israel’s Interior Ministry has announced that they are banning German Nobel Laureate Gunter Grass from entering Israel, despite the fact that Grass never suggested he wanted to visit in the first place.
Termed Germany’s “most famous living writer,” Grass spawned a flurry of outrage last week by releasing a poem criticizing Israeli threats to attack Iran and suggesting Germany should stop sending nuclear submarines to Israel, which might be involved in carrying out an attack.
Israeli officials insisted that the poem was proof that both Grass and a broad swath of Western intellectuals are anti-semites, and said that Grass had published the poem before Passover explicitly to accuse the Jews of “ritual murder.”
Though Israeli officials have issued angry statements condemning a large number of people for opposing war on Iran, the sheer volume and shrillness of the statements in Grass’ case are unusual, and don’t seem to be dying down, with Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman saying Israel holds “ill will” toward Grass and other “cynics.”
April 8th, 2012, 3:23 pm
omen said:
mina, isn’t it nice to find a point of agreement?
i’ll post some libya info in a few.
April 8th, 2012, 3:25 pm
jad said:
In a whole year they couldn’t find one prove of HA or Iranian fighters, now they are kidnapping Iraqis and forcing them to say that they are from ‘Almahdi army, it’s all about finding any Shia elements to force it in the crises to make it more sectarian:
Syria Tube | ?? ?????? ?? ?????? ?????? ?????? ???? ??????
April 8th, 2012, 3:29 pm
bronco said:
1163. Mina
Yes, Turkey has a very dark past with minorities and it is trying now to act as the new ‘virtuous’ regional leader.
As long as Turkey has not admitted publicly the massacre of the Armenians, obtain forgiveness and PAY compensations, all their words about ‘virtue’ and religious tolerance is unconvincing.
For now its first step is to become THE “moderate” Sunni leader of the region. While Iran doesn’t mind and does not feel threatened, KSA is increasingly seeing Turkey as a competition and will probably attempt to undermine it when time comes.
Struggle for power in the region is going well.
April 8th, 2012, 3:32 pm
Mina said:
I think that it is not being biased to say that most of the pro-Syrian revo are either naive and/or young. Something which strikes me as well is that unlike the Egyptian and Tunisian movements where one could see people of all age and of all social background (i.e. poors AND rich, old people AND youngsters), we see mainly 20-40 years old men (and their kids) on the pictures from Syria (I am speaking of the peaceful demos).
April 8th, 2012, 3:32 pm
Alan said:
1149. DAWOUD
Asking you to be attentive concerning personal expressions! who ask you to respect or not respect! please do not repeat such lexicon with me !
April 8th, 2012, 3:44 pm
Antoine said:
GHUFRAN said : “it is abundantly clear that the regime is looking for excuses to delay its inevitable demise,and the actions of some is helping the regime to do just that. Only thugs and beneficiaries of the Assad regime want it to survive”
You recognize the right of the FSA to shoot back when they are shot at, do you or do you not ? Because any opinion of your level of impartiality will depend on what answer you give to this question.
( I already know you recognize the right of the Army to shoot back)
April 8th, 2012, 3:59 pm
Mina said:
“Hopeful” 1152
And have you seen any of these US or Israeli soldiers who committed despicable acts go to jail?
Do you know about private mercenary firms who worked in Iraq and are legally not held accountable?
The real Syrian opposition, unlike the US expats who just comment from their sofas, has condemned Qatari, Turkish and Saudi attitude which is equivalent in diplomatic terms to an actual declaration of war.
And by the way, the Syrian government has condemned the acts of violences committed by their forces (i am not counting here the battles with the armed rebels and mercenaries in Homs and Edleb areas).
The article of [
+ http://english.al-akhbar.com/content/syria-regime-reclaiming-initiative ] alakhbarenglish posted yesterday by Alan mentions the fact that a complete restructuration of the infamous 17 security services is now on the way.
I cannot imagine this would not go without some of the people who have big pieces in the cake to lose to side with the rebels.
So in the end, just as with any terrorists, rebels don’t even know who they take money from, and who they kill for.
April 8th, 2012, 4:05 pm
Hopeful said:
Re: JAD #1165
Rumsfield, Bush and Blair all spoke against the crimes their soldiers have committed, AND they and their parties were all thrown out of office in disgrace for being such lousy leaders!
Do I think they got off easy? Yes I do. Is justice served completely? Of course not! But these morons are gone and history will not treat them kindly.
Here is what Hilary Clinton said about the US soldiers found urinating on Afghan’s dead soldiers http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OsvxcGC9-EU. Would Walid Almualem make such statements about the videos we just saw of Syrian soldiers? Wouldn’t you have more respect for him and his government if he does?
April 8th, 2012, 4:11 pm
Alan said:
Enemies of Syrians pose as ‘Friends of Syria’: Iran Cmdr.
An Iranian official says Saudi Arabia, Qatar and other members of the so-called “Friends of Syria” group are playing into the hands of the Zionists and arrogant powers.
“The current conspiracy against Syria is hypocritical and complicated,” Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of Iran’s Armed Forces Major General Hassan Firouzabadi said on Sunday.
He added that the Syrian president’s support for the anti-Zionist resistance front is what distinguishes Bashar al-Assad from the regional leaders plotting against him.
Syria has been the scene of unrest since mid-March, 2011, with demonstrations being held both against and in support of the Assad government.
The West and the Syrian opposition blame Damascus for the year-long turmoil, but the government says the “terrorists” are responsible for the unrest, which it says is being orchestrated from abroad.
Since the beginning of the unrest, Saudi Arabia has played an important role in arming Syrian armed rebels and providing them with other kinds of support.
On February 20, the Syrian President revealed that “some foreign countries” are fueling the turmoil in Syria by supporting and funding “armed terrorist groups fighting against the government.”
Firouzabadi, who is a member of the Supreme National Security Council, further described the issue of Palestine as the most important in the world of Islam, adding that it is the “religious and Islamic obligation” of every Muslim to defend the Palestinian people and their cause.
“If the Zionists cause any trouble for the security of the region, there will remain no safe place for them in the occupied lands,” he added.
April 8th, 2012, 4:21 pm
Uzair8 said:
Disaffection, fear growing among Syria’s Alawites
Phil Sands
Apr 8, 2012
DAMASCUS // In the Alawite heartlands of Latakia and the mountainous rural hinterlands surrounding the city, the regime of President Bashar Al Assad still commands overwhelming support, buttressed by patronage networks and deeply entrenched fears of sectarian bloodshed.
But activists in the region say there are signs disaffection with Al Assad family rule is slowly spreading among those outside of privileged elite circles, a discord encapsulated in a new slogan, increasingly heard among ordinary Alawites: “For them the palaces, for us the coffins.”
Read more:
April 8th, 2012, 4:29 pm
Mina said:
“For them the palaces, for us the coffins.”
Could fit as well for the people who get killed because al-Aroor and the SNC tell them to.
Interesting quote: “Many leading opposition activists – including protest organisers – are drawn from Syria’s Druze, Christian, Alawite and Ismaili minority communities.
Yet the anti-regime movement has been at its most powerful and militant in areas where Syria’s Sunni majority dominates, such as Deraa, Homs, Hama, Deir Ezzor and Idlib.”
So one can only wonder: why do Sunnis resort directly to armed uprising? Djihad ideology? In 15 years of “Islamic” satellite TVs no one has been able to challenge that?
April 8th, 2012, 4:37 pm
Khalid Tlass said:
Latest message from Lieutenant Abdel Razzaq Tlass from Homs.
April 8th, 2012, 4:50 pm
Uzair8 said:
1181 MINA
Not a bad slogan is it if I may say so myself (even if introduced by Assad loyalists)?
Still, in all Arab Spring nations, why is it the opposition had the best slogans?
Moving on.
Let me guess nobody really supports the brutal regime anymore (?) Can we divide SC users into 2 camps?
1. Those who want regime change.
2. Those who want a regimented change.
[I understand people’s (particularly regime supporters) reluctance to answer this fearing repercussions as Shabeeha may not be able to distinguish between certain terms.]
Another thing.
The revolution is in its second year and we still see the attempt by all parties to win over various parts of the syrian population. Can we divide the syrians into 3 categories? :
1. Those who had enough of the tyranny and rose up.
2. Those too frightened to rise up against the tyranny.
3. Those who didn’t feel they lived under tyranny.
What proportion of the syrian population would each category represent?
The Phil Sands article in my previous comment mentions the presence of a remaining Hafez al-Assad statue in Latakia. I was under the assumption the opposition had only one statue remaining to topple. The one in the Presidential Palace. Asma’s husband.
April 8th, 2012, 5:05 pm
Khalid Tlass said:
Latest video from al Rastan show FSA full of confidence, high morale and completely in control : ( for you MAWAL 95)
( FSA don’t need lame pep talk from some General to motivate them)
April 8th, 2012, 5:08 pm
omen said:
khalid, i hope you weren’t offended when i faulted your stances for islamophobia.
i didn’t mean “you” specifically. i meant you figuratively.
April 8th, 2012, 5:21 pm
Alan said:
the writer Phil Sands in his small article used the word “Alawites” of 19 times and the word “Latakia” of 14 times and “Al Assad” of 8 times. it is what wanted to pay your attention!!!
April 8th, 2012, 5:30 pm
omen said:
wasn’t there a good-bye blog posting here from ehsani a few minutes ago? where did it go?
April 8th, 2012, 5:34 pm
Uzair8 said:
The regime may be going all out trying to cover all bases and even thinking it is succeeding in regaining the intiative. Trouble for the regime may come from unexpected sources. From it’s own sect/tribe, from within the palace, from anywhere.
You may have missed the incident of the sit-in outside the syrian parliament today:
I don’t know if her protest was a general one or targeted specifically at the regime. Hey, apparantly she was arrested so the regime doesn’t seem to be so sure too.
Rima Dali:
“Stop the Killing. We want to build a nation for all Syrians.”
April 8th, 2012, 5:36 pm
Khalid Tlass said:
We want to be what God has ordered us to be, we care less what people think and what phobia they have. Anyway, nowadays our fights in the Middle East are solely against another sect. I am not joking when I say many Sunnis nowadays see another sect as the enemy and not the West, nor Israel. The immeidate urge is to liberate Arab lands from secular tyrants who rule Muslim populations yet insult the religion of those that they rule.
And I am also not joking when I say, most Sunnis believe Al Qaida is a fake and fictitious elements, invented by ppl who intend to harm Islam. Al Qaida has brought only misery upon Sunnis. Ask any random Sunni guy in Iraq or Syria.
April 8th, 2012, 5:38 pm
omen said:
1180. Uzair8 said:
alawite elites better hurry up and cut a deal with snc/fsa and unite to throw assad under the bus. doing so would go a longs ways in forstalling a populist driven campaign of reprisals.
April 8th, 2012, 5:41 pm
jad said:
Could you please stop with the extreme graphics, at least write a warning or something, it’s extremely disturbing and ugly.
There are plenty of bloody and graphics from both sides, what is the point of showing these ‘porno’ when everybody is trying to make things better.
Could you please add a note that if anybody wants to share something as disgusting as what ‘Halabi’ just posted to be very clear of what he/she is putting and to think twice of such disgusting links.
We are not in a competition of showing who is more subhuman than the other, we already passed this point 10 months ago.
April 8th, 2012, 5:43 pm
omen said:
1173. Mina said:
there were women protesters in the earlier demos. but then the regime started raping women activists. no surprise women are now unwilling to demonstrate.
is rape one of the virtues of a secular government?
April 8th, 2012, 5:53 pm
Alan said:
????????, ??????????. ? ????? ????? ????????. ????????? ??? ?? [email protected] ]
moderator ! your deleting 1181 coment do my adress mistake !!!
April 8th, 2012, 5:54 pm
Halabi said:
More videos of Assad’s soldiers, part of the so-called professional army, celebrating their victories.
These men might have been FSA, and were willing to die in their fight against Assad. Or not. Either way, there is no justification for this treatment after they were killed. It’s a violation of basic rules of war and of the Syrian constitution.
April 8th, 2012, 5:55 pm
Uzair8 said:
1189. omen
Now that the SNC/FSA have access to funds I wonder if they will decide to place a bounty for the tyrants arrest? It might tempt a Shabeeha.
Perhaps the re-emergence of Saddam’s deputy Ibrahim al Douri, will give them the idea of releasing a pack of cards representing key regime figures and encouraging their arrest or capture after they go on the run in the near future.
April 8th, 2012, 5:56 pm
jad said:
An interesting study about Taliban and Alqaeda which gives an idea why Taliban lately is held to a ‘better’ status than the devils of alqaeda.
According to the writers of this study, Taliban is less evil than Alqaeda, because it is dominated by people with conservative Pashtun identity, while alqaeda is purely Wahabbis, therefore, it’s ‘good’ to ‘support’ it and negotiate with it while trying to separate it from Alqaeda.
Welcome to the new world of US&Taliban Inc.
Separating the Taliban from al-Qaeda:
The Core of Success in Afghanistan
Alex Strick van Linschoten
Felix Kuehn
April 8th, 2012, 5:58 pm
jad said:
The Syrian Army high spirit 🙂
??????? ????? ?????? ??? ??? ???? ??? ????? ?????
April 8th, 2012, 6:07 pm
jad said:
????? ?????: ???????? ????? ?????? ??? ???? ?? ???? ??????? ????????
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??? ??????? ?????? ??? ????? ?? ???? ????? “ANB”: ” ???? ???? ????? ???????? ??? ????? ???? ??????? ?????”.
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April 8th, 2012, 6:15 pm
jad said:
A brave woman, walking in the middle of her neighborhood, Douma, some youth thugs in the street were harassing here, yet she shout out her political opinion in support of Basha Alasad without any fear.
Are the military rebels going to kill the whole society to prove their twisted points? From what I see I guess they are willing and ready to do just that.
????? ?? ???? ????? ?????????? ????? ???? ???? ????
April 8th, 2012, 6:28 pm
Tara said:
Mr. Annan, dear: no need to be shocked. We knew all along.
Kofi Annan decries ‘atrocities’ in Syria
U.N. peace envoy Kofi Annan said yesterday he was shocked by the mounting violence, which reportedly killed more than 130 people over the weekend, as Damascus said its troops would not withdraw from protest hubs without written guarantees.
“I am shocked by recent reports of a surge in violence and atrocities in several towns and villages in Syria, resulting in alarming levels of casualties, refugees and displaced persons, in violation of assurances given to me,” Annan said in a statement.
“Mr. Annan has not submitted written guarantees from the governments of Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Turkey on stopping their funding to terrorist groups,” the Foreign Ministry said.
The ministry also said that when Annan met President Bashar al-Assad in Damascus, the former U.N. chief “said he would work to stop the violence, disarm armed groups … and initiate a comprehensive national dialogue with opposition movements … It is this principle on which Syria accepted Annan’s mission and his six-point plan.”
Around 90 tanks and armored vehicles, backed by helicopters, bombarded the al-Rouge Plain southwest of Idlib city, the provincial capital, activists inside Syria and on the border with Turkey told Reuters.
April 8th, 2012, 6:33 pm
Uzair8 said:
Just came across something interesting. I regularly check to see what Sufi Master Sheikh Nazim have to say about Syria. There hasn’t been anything on the topic for a while.
Came across the following:
Today Mawlana gave important instructions to the Hashemite Royal family and to all Arabs and Muslims.
Addressing Shaykh Hisham Qabbani, Mawlana asked all the ‘ulama to issue a fatwa/legal judgment concerning the necessity of an Islamic Caliphate and the conditions required of whoever occupies that post. Mawlana warned all the ‘ulama who, for their love of dunya, allow tyranny and transgression and tell the people lies and do not show them the True way. The one “To Whom The Throne Of Sham Belongs” is the one, chosen and authorized by all the saints, to unite the Muslims under two flags – the flag of the Prophet (sas) and the flag of the Mahdi (as).
To Whom The Throne of Sham Belongs
Monday, April 09, 2012
[Select english subtitles]
April 8th, 2012, 6:33 pm
Halabi said:
It looks like I offended the sensitivities of a commentator who uses the N-word openly. Next time I will warn if a video is “graphic” or “disturbing.”
Maybe others could flag obviously false articles from Syria Truth as lies…
Ghufran, I agree with your position of ending the violence and starting dialogue, and I share your apprehension of foreign powers vying for Syria and your disdain for the GCC, although calling them goat emirs and insulting the people there is excessive. But I just don’t see the value in equating the violence, it’s a misrepresentation of the facts. That being said, I didn’t intend to offend you and I hope someday we can meet in person in a free Syria.
On another note, Assad’s boy at the foreign ministry says the “armed terrorist gangs” need to sign some kind of cease-fire document. If the army has only engaged armed gangs, that means that there are dozens of villages and cities that Annan has to go to in order to negotiate the cease-fire, an impossible task.
Some of the gangs don’t exist according to Syrian officials, like the Farouk Brigade whose leader was allegedly killed in Baba Amr in February, a coward’s death as the pro-regime media said. Yet Tlass is still alive and his militia is active. Should he sign a cease-fire, and if so, does that mean that the regime lied about its victory in Baba Amr, when it made fun of “strategic withdrawal” and said it was the “katakeet” brigade?
Today’s statement is clear: Assad has no intention of accepting that his time is up and will do all he can to prolong the inevitable. At this point, those who support him have to understand how destructive his presence is. The biggest fear is no longer the unknown and hasn’t been for a year; it’s the continuation of Assad’s eternal rule.
April 8th, 2012, 6:37 pm
Tara said:
Mosques and churches are fair targets in the eyes of Assad’s shabeeha.
Are we going to have enough prisons to accommodate the criminal shabeehas? We may need to ask friendly government to accommodate some in case our prison facilities grew to their full capacity.
Syria: Easter cancelled in Homs after churches bombed
Homs at Easter used to be a tapestry of colourful parades, said Dima Moussa, a member of the Syrian National Council who recalled years of festive visits to her family in Homs as a young woman.
“You could feel Easter across the whole city. Everybody would put on their best clothes, a the children would parade around their church playing instruments,” said Dima. “We painted boiled eggs and brought them to Church to be blessed.”
“It is a family occasion. Everyone would visit their relatives, bringing with them colourful eggs and chocolate for the children. My grandparents would put on huge meals, often a whole sheep, for the whole family”.
Two weeks ago Moussa’s relatives fled from Homs as government forces began shelling the Christian neighbourhoods of Hamidiyah and Boustan al-Diwan where they lived.
Videos of the area show streets riddled with debris, and concrete buildings shattered by shells and bullet holes.
“The windows of my grandfather’s home were shattered by shelling,” said Moussa. “The regime doesn’t care anymore, they are targeting all neighbourhoods, and mosques and churches.”
April 8th, 2012, 6:44 pm
omen said:
1194. Halabi said:
More videos of Assad’s soldiers, part of the so-called professional army, celebrating their victories.
[Warning: graphic content]
[Warning: graphic content]
there is no justification for this treatment after they were killed. 5:55 pm
what is the meaning of the red ribbon tied to the epaulets?
April 8th, 2012, 7:02 pm
jad said:
You didn’t offend me, you are free to post any graphic movie you want, please go a head, I’ll be more than happy to do the same.
‘who uses the N-word openly’
I didn’t know that using the N word as an example of how ugly the others using sectarian N words against Syrian Alawites, would offend s sensitive soul like yourself, I’m happy to see a ‘halabi’ like yourself a strong supporter of fighting the discrimination in language against the Africans while forgetting to have the same attitude toward the discrimination against the Syrian Alawites.
Here is an article from Syria Truth, mo tikram:
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April 8th, 2012, 7:03 pm
Halabi said:
????? ?? ???? ????? ?????????? ????? ???? ???? ????
“Are the military rebels going to kill the whole society to prove their twisted points? From what I see I guess they are willing and ready to do just that.”
Did anyone kill that woman? Did anyone attack her in the video? It looks like she was able to walk down the street without being attacked. Protesters have been arrested in Damascus for wearing the wrong t-shirt. One man was famously beaten on Syrian TV for repeating an anti-regime slogan at an opposition meeting.
But the men7ebak sees a video of opposition (or terrorist as the headline says) not attacking a woman as a sign of them willing to “kill the whole society.”
April 8th, 2012, 7:07 pm
jad said:
One of the armed militia snipers were hit while shooting at the Syrian Army, as usual he will be registered as a ‘civilian’ victim.
Be aware that it may be ‘disturbing’:
Syria Tube | ??? ?????? ??????? ?????? ????? ?????? ??????
April 8th, 2012, 7:13 pm
jad said:
‘Did anyone kill that woman? Did anyone attack her in the video?’
Don’t worry, the ‘peaceful’ armed militiamen/3ara3eer do that later, I guess that you didn’t see Syria No Kandahar’s link [
] about that man who opened his mouth on TV and they killed him two days later or for that young man in Hama who spoke to the Arab observers about the armed militia and they hanged him in the village the next morning.
Let me know when you see those clips.
April 8th, 2012, 7:19 pm
Tara said:
1122. JNA said:
Tara, I disagree because the best bet for the survival of Assad, the Baath party, and their circle of interests is a transition to elections. Either an outright win or a share in an elected government would buffer them more than this trajectory toward civil war which is eventually a losing situation. And I think that the regime, The Russians, the Chinese, the Iranians are
smart enough to grasp this.
The Ba’ath party is only a facade to the rule of the mafia family. Please don’t kid yourself. The mafia family couldn’t care less about the Ba’ath ideology or Arab nationalism. Bashar will not agree to cease fire and couldn’t care less about the survival of the Baath party. It is his family rule what he cares about. Moreover, Bashar has a full insight into the crimes he has committed. He was warned and knows well that the international justice strong memory and long arm will eventually get him.
Assad and his thugs sees one strategy. It is either him or they will burn the country. The Russians and Chinese will change when the tide turns. The Iranians along with HA have their own sectarian agenda. Sectarianism continues to blind them and have cost them to lose their prestige and status in the middle east. They are a hopeless case at this point.
Syrians though have news for Bashar. It will not be him and he will not be able to burn the country. It is a matter of time, but you and I know that his fate has been sealed.
April 8th, 2012, 7:20 pm
Tara said:
I think Erdogan means what he says this time.
Turkey warns of ‘steps’ if Syria mayhem doesn’t end
Turkey’s prime minister has warned of as yet unspecified “steps” if the government of neighbouring Syria fails to abide by an April 10 deadline to cease violence, local media reported on Sunday.
“We will patiently follow the process until April 10,” Recep Tayyip Erdogan was quoted as saying by daily Hurriyet.
But “we will implement steps” if violence does not stop after that, he added.
The Turkish premier did not specify what measures his government would take, but the mass influx of refugees fleeing the Syrian unrest has raised alarm in Ankara which has voiced support for the Syrian opposition.
Different scenarios are being floated by the press, including the setting up of a buffer zone along the border with Syria to protect refugees.
April 8th, 2012, 7:28 pm
omen said:
4:21 – alan, who do you think the majority of palestinians are supporting? the revolution or the regime?
April 8th, 2012, 7:29 pm
omen said:
7:19 – jad, do you have these clips?
April 8th, 2012, 7:30 pm
jad said:
Internal struggle between the armed militia is behind the assassination of Amjad Al7ameed, a defected officer:
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April 8th, 2012, 7:41 pm
Tara said:
“An 80-year-old man,” he says, his voice rising. “What can they want with an 80-year-old man? I’ve worked hard all my life, I’ve done nothing wrong, and this is how my wife and I are treated in our old age.”
Syria Eyewitness: Beaten and burnt… a family’s tale of torture
His wife is now in hospital recovering after the family fled to Lebanon. She escaped the blowtorch but the beating took its toll. Yousef barely speaks, staring blankly around him…..Like thousands of Syrian refugees, they are staying in one of the few Sunni villages in the Hezbollah ruled and Shia-dominated Bekaa valley. In the streets of Baalbek, just down the road, pictures of Assad shoulder to shoulder with the Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah adorn the streets, showing local support for the regime across the border.
April 8th, 2012, 7:52 pm
Tara said:
Animals. They are animals!
“When they went to torture the wife, the husband was shouting ‘she is pregnant, she has a baby inside her’. But they had no problem with doing this to her. They had no mercy.”
Syrian security officials ‘tortured pregnant mother with electric shocks in front of infant sons’
Syrian security officials tortured a pregnant mother and a father with electric shocks in front of their infant sons, according to an eyewitness who was held in the same cell.
Mr Karnebo spent a day in the same cell as the captive family, who were of Somali origin. As the revolt took hold, all outsiders were viewed with deep suspicion, apparently explaining their arrest.
The father, whose name was Ahmed and who looked to be in his twenties, was in the cell alongside his pregnant wife, who was about the same age. The couple’s two boys – aged about three and five – were also with them. So was Ahmed’s mother, a woman in her fifties.
“The security men wanted them to confess to destroying buildings. They wanted them to admit they had come from outside the country to cause trouble in Syria,” said Mr Karnebo. “But they were just people who had come to Syria to look for a better life.”
April 8th, 2012, 8:14 pm
mjabali said:
Happy Easter all of the Syrian Christians on this blog and all over the world.
I am not religious to pray but my heart and soul are with you and with every minority person in the Middle East that has been through hardships and discrimination for at least a thousand year if not more.
April 8th, 2012, 10:04 pm
Norman said:
I got news from my cousin that Hamadia is taken over by the rebels and that they are taking over the houses of the Christians that ran out fearing for thier lives, he feels that it will be difficult to dislodge them if they do not leave by themselves without destroying the area because of the narrow roads.
April 8th, 2012, 10:05 pm
Norman said:
Thank you, Do you think that Syria might break apart?.
April 8th, 2012, 10:07 pm
Son of Damascus said:
Man being tortured alive and beaten by callous human beings. If that was not enough to quell their unquenchable desire for blood, they pour gasoline and burn the poor soul alive.
April 8th, 2012, 10:14 pm
mjabali said:
I am afraid that Syria is going to break apart unless some miracle happens in the near future.
April 8th, 2012, 10:17 pm
omen said:
alawites are worried about reprisals. tell them to give up assad and after the regime falls, UN peacekeepers can be placed to safeguard them.
April 8th, 2012, 10:20 pm
omen said:
burning people alive…the regime are nazis.
nazis deserved to be bombed.
April 8th, 2012, 10:32 pm
Ghufran said:
I made my opinion on the right of self defense a long time ago, it is a god-given right, what you and I say about it does not matter much, but how much of the FSA attacks were actually in self defense?
This site is showered by countless videos of the FSA bragging about attacking army posts and checkpoints, they also attacked buildings and numerous targets in the name of self defense.
I support the right of FSA soldiers to defect and take the sides of unarmed civilians when they are being shot at or when their homes are shelled, however, nobody today believes that the FSA is doing just that, they are on a violent mission to “defeat” the regime militarily, and in the process,Syria will be destroyed then partitioned along sectarian lines.
At one point, armed people need to go back to their families and towns if a peaceful solution is really being sought, what I see is the opposite, in summary, I am sick of how Syrians are treating their country, blaming the regime for this outcome, even if this charge has merit (and it does) is not good enough.
April 8th, 2012, 11:04 pm
Son of Damascus said:
I don’t know if you know Arabic, but if you would hear what these soldiers of death were saying to this brave man.
While beating him you hear that he is from Baba Amr, they kept yelling at him to swear his allegiance to Bashar, he kept saying : “Oh God”, so they lit him on fire this brave man in one of his last words said: “I salute the Syrian People” and then started in his last rites, they butchered him at the end and kept yelling : “You want freedom!!! You want to salute the Syrian people you Pimp!!!
The commentary adds a level of barbarity that shows what type of lowlife callousness these people are really like.
April 8th, 2012, 11:05 pm
mjabali said:
Revenge is not going to take you anywhere.
All you have is talk and of course talk is cheap.
Talk is easy dude, you are not even a Syrian and still encourage sectarian killings and street justice in Syria.
But since you quote Ibn Taymiyah and have him be your guiding light I have to expect this sectarian tone from you.
April 8th, 2012, 11:06 pm
Jad said:
Son of Damascus
Isn’t it obvious that the clip is fabricated?
They did that many times already and this one sounds and looks the same. Even the accent sounds funny ‘biddkon 7 irryehh’.
April 8th, 2012, 11:17 pm
Jad said:
?????? ???? ??? ?????? ???? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?? ?????
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????? ?????? ?? “?????? ?????? ???? ?????? ??? (???? ????? ??????? ???????? ???????) ???? ???? ??? ????? ??? ????? ?????? ???? ????? ??????”.
(? ? ?)
April 8th, 2012, 11:21 pm
Ghufran said:
Just in case you are not cross-eyed yet:
???? ????? ???? ?? ???? “????? ????”? ??? ?????? ???? “???????? ???? ?????? ?? ????? ?????? ???? ?????? ??? ?? ?? ???? ??????? ??????? ?????? ?? ?????”? ??????? ??? ?? ????? ????? ?????? ?? ??? ???? ????? ???? ??? ??? ??????? ??? ??????? ?? ?????? ??? ?? ??????? ??? “??? ??? ?????? ??????”? ??? ?? ??????.
???? ??????? ???? “??????? ???????? ????? ????”? ???? ??? ?????? “??? ????? ?????? ??? 10 (???) ????? ???????? ???? ???? ???? ??????? ???? ?? ???? ?? ????.”
on the issue of non Syrians pouring oil on fire:
Training and financial help have been provided to a number of anti regime figures and organizations since the days of GWB, that help took the form of tech training, direct monetary support and political support.
After Saad Hariri was forced to leave his post as a PM, his party and agents started a new campaign to hit back at the regime for playing a role in his political defeat. Since March of last year, Saudi individuals and sheikhs jumped in and now Qatar is helping in paying the bills.
There is not a country in the Middle East today that does not have its feet deep in the Syrian quagmire, many electronic soldiers are actually Lebanese. This is an international bloody fight now, the fuel is Syrian citizens, typically poor, some are religious but some are not, when this is all done, the fuel will be burned and the rich and connected cats will find a way to run away or get richer.
April 8th, 2012, 11:22 pm
Halabi said:
There are people in this world who don’t have a problem using racial slurs and others who do. I group myself with the latter. I can’t remember if I ever mentioned Alawites in my comments, other than to reprimand KT for his sectarian attacks and perhaps once to explain my view on reconciliation (which didn’t include the annihilation of anyone, FYI). It isn’t my job to police other people’s bigotry on blogs – there’s too much venom on both sides to keep up with.
I don’t think there is an equivalent of N-word for the Alawites, and if there is one I am 100% certain that I didn’t use it. While I don’t care about religion or race, a good portion of your posts have coded slurs against Sunnis (Salafi, 3ar3our, Wahhabi, Takfiri, Iqsa-i, etc.) You are free to your opinions, and I am free to call them out.
We disagree on the fundamental issues of freedom and justice for the Syrian people. You think this revolution will destroy the country and I think the Assad regime already is. You ignore thousands of deaths committed by a powerful military and highlight the few crimes that fit your narrative, and I ignore the casualties among Assad’s soldiers.
I have faith in the Syrian people and you think that only one man can lead it.
April 8th, 2012, 11:29 pm
Son of Damascus said:
How can someone fake lighting a human on fire and sticking a blade to the back of his head?
Did you hear the hysteria of the goons, they sounded like hyenas circling their kill.
The killers sounded Syrian to me, don’t know what you are on about with their accent.
This is clear evidence of barbarity, and the sad part it is systematic and used as a tool to hail their accomplishments.
April 9th, 2012, 12:05 am
Ghufran said:
I wonder how western governments will respond if the Syrian oil company gets the nod from Iraq to develop oil fields in Iraq? Iraqi sources indicate that the permit will probably be granted. This comes after confirmation that Egypt, India and China are ignoring the oil embargo against Syria.
The $ according to bankers and gold traders in Syria will reach 65 lira by the end of April barring any unforeseen circumstances, like a swift deterioration in security or a major development with Turkey, unlikely but not unimaginable.
Until today, every $ you send to Syria carries a potential loss of 10-15 lira, SCB is supposedly trying to reduce the difference between official price and BMP to 0.5- 1 Lira to encourage expats and foreigners to send $ and buy Syrian Liras.
April 9th, 2012, 12:07 am
Ghufran said:
For the record, I have nothing against most Khalijis, I just do not have any respect for their rulers and many of their Taliban-type sheikhs.
April 9th, 2012, 12:28 am
Syrialover said:
I have just read an interesting but depressing analysis of the intertwining of business with government in Syria and its devastating impact on the rest of the country (sowing the seeds of the current showdown). It names some families who have benefited from the Assad regime who remain nervously loyal.
Below are excerpts from the article, “The Syrian Regime’s Business Backbone” by Bassam Haddad:
By the late 1990s, the business community that the Asads had created in their own image had transformed Syria from a semi-socialist state into a crony capitalist state par excellence. The economic liberalization that started in 1991 had redounded heavily to the benefit of tycoons who had ties to the state or those who partnered with state officials. The private sector outgrew the public sector, but the most affluent members of the private sector were state officials, politicians and their relatives.
After Bashar al-Asad succeeded his father in 2000, the architects of Syria’s economic policy sought to liberalize the economy [details] with a mixture of state and market approaches that ultimately privileged the market, but a market without robust institutions or accountability.
Again, the regime had consolidated its alliance with big business at the expense of smaller businesses as well as the Syrian majority who depended on the state for services, subsidies and welfare. It had perpetuated cronyism, but dressed it in new garb. Families associated with the regime in one way or another came to dominate the private sector, in addition to exercising considerable control over public economic assets.
These clans include the Asads and Makhloufs, but also the Shalish, al-Hassan, Najib, Hamsho, Hambouba, Shawkat and al-As‘ad families, to name a few. The reconstituted business community, which now included regime officials, close supporters and a thick sliver of the traditional bourgeoisie, effected a deeper (and, for the regime, more dangerous) polarization of Syrian society along lines of income and region.
Successive years of scant rainfall and drought after 2003 produced massive rural in-migration to the cities — more than 1 million people had moved by 2009 — widening the social and regional gaps still further. Major cities, such as Damascus and Aleppo, absorbed that migration more easily than smaller ones, which were increasingly starved of infrastructural investment. Provincial cities like Dir‘a, Idlib, Homs and Hama, along with their hinterlands, are now the main battlegrounds of the rebellion.
Those living in rural areas have seen their livelihoods gutted by reduction of subsidies, disinvestment and the effects of urbanization, as well as decades of corrupt authoritarian rule.
It is not just presidential blood relatives like Makhlouf who have remained loyal. Other major players hailing from the above families have stood firm by the regime, financing its orchestrated mass rallies and public relations campaigns, as well as helping to float the Syrian currency. Most malcontents limit themselves to spiriting capital out of the country and expressing private wishes for regime change. Those who do back the uprising do it quietly and extremely carefully, highlighting the fealty of their counterparts.
For these [business cronies]to switch sides would thus be an enormous gamble on the opposition’s forbearance. Big business’ support is not solely responsible for the regime’s resilience, but it would have been difficult for the regime to hold out in Damascus and Aleppo had these monied interests explicitly thrown their lot in with the protesters. The regime-business alliance took shape over decades, and it is unlikely to snap until the very last moment.
April 9th, 2012, 12:38 am
Jad said:
Don’t you think that you are so unfair when you group all Muslim Sunnis under the ‘code’ you are refering to?
Since when Wahabi, Alqaeda, Salafis are the only representative of Muslim Sunnis worldwide? Do we have Syrian wahabi mosques?
Don’t you see how damaging is that to all of us when we let radicals and terrorists to represent our beliefs. And someone like yourself even promote this notion, that the radicals are THE representatives of us.
Seriously, we need to take our religion away from the bad guys and show it the way it should be.
Salafis, Wahabi and Alqaeda represent only themselves and they are no more than 2% of Muslims worldwide and you want them to be our representatives, that is the most absurd comment I read so far.
(I never used the other words you put, I don’t even know those)
I don’t think that we disagree on the fundamentals of freedom or the necessity of a true social and political revolution, that is your own interpretation of my position not my real position.
About the rest of your comment, it’s not even worth to waste time to explain my position especially when you are fine to ignore half of the victims.
April 9th, 2012, 12:45 am
Syrialover said:
Good interview with Yassin Haj Saleh, a high calibre veteran anti-Assadist now underground in Damascus.
[Saleh] believes the lack of unity and organization among armed factions and political groups are obstacles to the revolt progressing faster, as is a lack of “new” thinking.
What is most needed, he says, is fresh thinking about a dynamic, grass-roots upheaval that emerged with a vitality that shocked him and other longtime dissidents, both in Syria and outside. Too many Syrian intellectuals, he said, are still shackled to Arab nationalism and other Cold War-era ideas and political ideologies.
“It’s not a matter about living abroad and inside,” said Saleh, a dapper figure in a sweater and chinos, far from the image of the harried, bedraggled man on the run. “It’s a matter of traditional mentality that cannot deal with new facts and new generations and a new sense of life.”
April 9th, 2012, 1:07 am
omen said:
1226. mjabali 11:06 Revenge is not going to take you anywhere. All you have is talk and of course talk is cheap. Talk is easy dude, you are not even a Syrian and still encourage sectarian killings and street justice in Syria. But since you quote Ibn Taymiyah and have him be your guiding light I have to expect this sectarian tone from you.
you call it revenge. i call it preventing future atrocities.
what a strange sensibility you have, mjabali. the regime goes on a killing spree but dare anyone protest and call for action to stop officials who are sanctioning war crimes – you consider that uncouth. your idea of civilized behavior is to allow regime slaughter to be a one way street.
April 9th, 2012, 1:09 am
omen said:
true, mjabali, i am not syrian, but i am a human being. and i know that people, no matter their nationality or ethnicity, should not be subjected to such acts of depravity.
how can it be that i am more upset about your fellow countrymen being slaughtered than you are?
April 9th, 2012, 1:19 am
omen said:
1224. Ghufran said: At one point, armed people need to go back to their families and towns if a peaceful solution is really being sought, what I see is the opposite, in summary, I am sick of how Syrians are treating their country, blaming the regime for this outcome, even if this charge has merit (and it does) is not good enough.
your solution is merely a bidding for time allowing for the regime to regroup and restrengthen.
for over a year the regime has shown itself as an entity that cannot be reasoned with. for over a year assad has had a chance to resolve this crisis. how many more years do you expect the opposition to wait for assad to come to his senses?
to quote a snc member:
don’t prolong the catastrophe.
the quicker the opposition acts to overthrow assad, the sooner the country can work on rebuilding.
April 9th, 2012, 2:47 am
Mina said:
Here is the link to the article about the reform of the 17 infamous security services
(Thanks Mawal)
April 9th, 2012, 3:57 am
Mina said:
According to this article, France is still negociating for the captured officers. All of them would have been binationals from North African countries, and they would have been found with NATO materials. So it’s NATO now or GLADIO? Since when can NATO carry undercover activities?
Also worth reading
April 9th, 2012, 5:47 am
Mawal95 said:
@ Khalid Tlass #1183: Thanks for the reply. I’ve now taken a look at a number of rebel videos out of Al-Rastan in recent days. I’m convinced there’s a armed rebel presence on the ground in the town. But I can only see it as smallish in size. I’m unconvinced they’re in control of the town. If I come across a telling video on this question over the next week, I’ll post it at SyriaComment. Once again, I appreciate that Youtube link from you.
April 9th, 2012, 7:01 am
zoo said:
The rebels take revenge of their failure by massacring innocent civilians in their own homes
Live cross: Syria rebels storm gov’t workers’ residential area
Syrian rebels have reportedly stormed a residential area for government employees in Adra, near the capital of Damascus. More than 60 people are feared dead, and over a hundred were kidnapped. Earlier, our correspondent Alaa Ebrahim in Damascus told us that government troops had begun operations to retake the residential compound.
December 12th, 2013, 9:39 pm
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