“The Formation of Syria’s National Coalition: An Assessment and Analysis,” By Amr al-Azm
Tuesday, November 13th, 2012

Dr. Amr al-Azm
The Formation of Syria’s National Coalition: An Assessment and Analysis
By Amr al-Azm
Syria Comment – November 13, 2012
Following talks with a number of people who attended the Doha meeting of November 8-11, this is my assessment of the newly formed “National Coalition for Revolutionary Forces and the Syrian Opposition”. The coming together of the various Syrian opposition factions to finally strike a deal based on a 12 point agreement that would unify them under the umbrella of a newly created coalition body is remarkable considering the obstacles that had to be overcome. It faced intense opposition by some groups, particularly the SNC, which viewed this as a blatant effort to sideline them. Its members have fought for a leading role in the new group.
The original Riad Seif plan called for a council of 51 seats, a joint supreme military council, a judiciary commission and the formation of a provisional government selected from technocrats.
The new National Coalition that emerged in Doha on Monday ended up comprising of 65 seats. The SNC was earmarked 22 seats, the local administration councils were allocated 14 seats (one for each of the provinces in Syria), national figures were allocated initially 8 seats, eventually rising to 10 seats, with the balance (19 seats) to be distributed amongst the various remaining opposition groups and entities. The new coalition eventually managed late on Monday evening to eventually select Moaz Al-Khatib (a cleric and former imam of the Ummayad Mosque in Damascus) and two deputies (with a third still to be named by the Kurds) who are Riad Seif (both prominent dissidents and activists). A third position, which is until now poorly, understood is that of Secretary General, to be occupied by Mustapha Sabagh (head of the Syrian Business men Group). It is rumoured (by Al-Jazira and others) that the position would carry sweeping powers to rival even those of the head of the coalition Moaz Al-Khatib and seen as a principle demand by the Qataris.
Yet there are few details regarding the structure of the new coalition, or the mechanisms for decision-making within it. Nor is there a timeline for achieving its political goals in place. This all points to a clear lack of strategy and planning on the part of those who put this coalition together and those currently leading it. This in turn raises a number of serious challenges that need to be quickly addressed if this coalition is to have a chance of succeeding and not succumb to the same malaise that afflicted its much vaunted predecessor the SNC which is now reviled and delegitimized by many within the opposition and having lost credibility amongst its chief backers in the international community.
Immediate Challenges: The most immediate challenges are going to be those pertaining to strategic planning as well as transparency and legitimacy. These coupled with an ability to produce quick if not immediate tangible results to satisfy high expectations (often unrealistic) by the opposition.
- The most critical challenge of all is the clear lack of an agenda or any strategy and planning for the next steps by the new coalition and its leadership. This is further exacerbated by the lack of any real political experience at the international and domestic levels by those heading the coalition. This lack of experience and ability to strategize will very quickly affect the organizational and implementation abilities of the coalition. Left unaddressed this could easily lead to major errors, poor performance, mismanagement, dysfunctional decision making processes, ultimately degenerating into stasis and stagnation mirroring what happened to the SNC before them.
- The Doha meeting was expected to also produce a provisional government of technocrats. This did not happen and there are clearly a lot of reservations both within the SNC and the opposition at large for such a proposal. Yet the ability of the coalition to form such provisional technocrat government (relatively smoothly) will be taken as a critical sign by the international community of the measure of stability and maturity that the Syrian opposition has reached (or not!!!)
- The actual number of SNC members versus the officially stated figure of 23. Many of the names that appear on the list are known SNC members or belong to entities already represented in the SNC yet have been given independent seats separate from those belonging to the SNC. Whilst the figures fluctuate due to the fact that some may have already resigned from the SNC, it has been suggested that there are at least 10 names that are not listed with the SNC but are still members or represented within it. These include Riad Seif, Najib Ghadban, Mustapha Sabagh to name but a few. This discrepancy has already been noted by many and whilst there has been no major outcry as yet, that is more likely because people want to give the new coalition a chance. At the first sign of trouble however it will represent a soft underbelly on issues of transparency. Also makes for a poor start.
- The selection of representatives to fill the 14 seats of the Local Administration councils for the provinces is quickly proving to be controversial. Already there are voices being raised from within the provinces in Syria (the real people who are engaged in local administration) that they have not been consulted and that they object to many of those appointed. The selection was always going to be problematic but the lack of a clear and transparent mechanism is a serious problem that will have to be quickly addressed. Already there are accusations (unsubstantiated as yet) of cronyism profiteering and nepotism with the ink not even dry yet.
- There are prominent opposition entities inside and outside Syria such as the NCC (National Coordination Committee) that have yet to join in addition to any new entities or major defections that may emerge in the future for which no clear mechanisms or strategies for their inclusion appear to have been devised.
Suggested Responses: The following suggestions are made to help address the challenges raised above and are listed in order of priority rather than to reflect the above order of the challenges listed above.
- The first and most immediate response should be the bringing in of a team of professional consultants to assist and advise the leadership of the new council particularly on setting a agenda and matters strategy and planning. Ideally this team should have been in place to step in the minute the coalition was formed so that they could heat the ground running. Rapid demonstration of results is critical as there is a golden window right now that should be exploited to the maximum. Any errors will be quickly seized upon magnified and amplified. Its not too late yet but this should be a top priority. (you don’t want a re-run of some of those awkward meetings between Secretary Clinton and the SNC).
- A second priority is the need to quickly form the provisional technocrat government. All efforts should go into encouraging and helping/supporting the formation of this provisional government preferably before the meeting in Marrakesh. Whilst the Arab League and the GCC with perhaps one or two international countries such as France might be will to recognize the new coalition immediately, it is significant that the EU has chosen to be more circumspect opting to wait and see before formally committing. Given the challenges ahead that may be a wise choice.
- It is also critical that the issues of honesty and transparency highlighted above are addressed as quickly as possible. Whilst it is perfectly understandable that a significant amount of negotiations and horse-trading went on during the preliminary meetings prior to the announcements, it is essential that the outcome appears to be as honest and as transparent as possible. The glaring discrepancies mentioned above should not be discounted just because no one has yet objected aggressively. My suggestion is that the list is amended and relabeled to accurately reflect the true proportions. Those who wish to take up their seats in their new designation in the coalition should publicly resign from the SNC explaining why they have chosen to do so. I think if done quickly it will pass without much fuss. Failure to address this issue promptly will result in serious blowback. I sense a head of steam building already particularly from those on the ground inside in the provinces all you will need is a trigger. Also efforts should be made to encourage and, if need be, pressure the coalition to continue to work to be as inclusive as possible, again with a view to avoiding the errors of its predecessors.
In conclusion, this coalition will be given its honeymoon with the opposition in general and the internal opposition in particular. Its predecessor, the SNC, was given a honeymoon after all. But this will not last for long. The poor performance of the SNC and its causes are well known to most people. It will not take them long to conclude that due to the unfortunate overpopulation of SNC members in the new coalition, the virus that struck down the SNC has been transferred to the new coalition and that it is now stricken with the same malaise much to the embarrassment of all.
*Amr Al Azm is an associate professor of Middle East history and anthropology at Shawnee State University in Ohio.
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Comments (254)
Albo said:
I suggest we leave the heated exchange of the last post in its place.
About Al Azm. Well he listed a lot of caveats here.
As he said the European Union is still waiting before it recognize them. It remains to be seen if they are really united now and if they adequately represent Syrians. The first isn’t a given, the second is certainly not true.
About technocrats, the problem with them, as we saw in post crisis governments in Europe, is that people rarely trust technocrats, for bad, demagogic reasons or good.
So even more people would deny the coalition its popular legitimacy. This is probably why they haven’t formed it yet. As far as I’m concerned, as long as they don’t form a broader coalition in a more neutral country, I think their legitimacy is zilch.
November 13th, 2012, 9:44 am
Philippe Magnan said:
What is the FSA leadership saying about the National Coalition for Revolutionary Forces and the Syrian Opposition? Will its leadership have a seat at the table?
November 13th, 2012, 11:01 am
ann said:
At UN, Threats on Embassies in Syria Blamed on “Hacking,” Churkin Cites Benghazi
By Matthew Russell Lee
UNITED NATIONS, November 13 — After a reported threat against embassies in Damascus, Russia on November 12 proposed a draft press statement which would express grave concern the threats emanating from the Damascus military council of the Free Syrian Army and call on those who made them to repudiate the provocative statements.
The draft was blocked, by France, and a new “silence procedure” deadline was set for November 13 at noon.
An hour before that, Russian Ambassador Vitaly Churkin was asked, what about the press statement? He asked, which one? (There was also pending Friday a statement on Syria military action in the Golan — which Syria told Inner City Press was “orally approved” by the UN mission UNDOF.)
After Churkin asked, which one, Inner City Press specified, the threats against embassies to leave Damascus in 72 hours. Churkin replied that the response had been that the website with the threat had been hacked. He said he’s not sure of the technical details, but it may be that there are two competing groups.
Churkin mentioned other recent attacks on diplomatic premises, citing in particular the attack on the US facility in Benghazi in Libya.
November 13th, 2012, 11:41 am
ann said:
Enemy inside the gates: Syria’s main foe is ‘foreign-sponsored terrorists’ – 13 November, 2012
Syrian President Bashar Assad is not caught in a traditional civil war, but is rather struggling against an extra-state-sponsored war of terrorism to bring down his government, according to Russian experts.
Today, Western countries are implementing the primitive tool of ‘state-sponsored terrorism’ to influence the internal situation in foreign countries, argues Pavel Zolotarev, deputy director of the Institute for US and Canada Studies at the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Citing the situation in Syria, which has been engaged in a protracted conflict between a rebel opposition and pro-government forces, Zolotarev said that President Assad is not involved in what could be considered a “normal” civil war. Rather, the Syrian president is primarily fighting against foreign terrorists using foreign weapons, he told RT in a telephone interview.
“This is a very dangerous situation,” the analyst said, stressing that sovereign states have the right to change their leaders through “internal political movements and legitimate elections,” without fear of outside interference.
Zolotarev’s remarks closely mirror those of the Syrian president himself, who told RT in an interview in Damascus last week that the Syrian crisis “is about terrorism and the support coming from abroad to terrorists to destabilize Syria.
“This is our war,” the Assad stressed.
Earlier, Foreign Ministry spokesman Alexander Lukashevich said Russia is holding firm to the position that the Syrian crisis must be resolved by the Syrian people and without the use of force.
“The main criterion is the participants’ readiness to act by peaceful means without external interference, through dialogue and negotiations,” the diplomat stressed. “In compliance with the agreements recorded in the Geneva communique by the Action Group we will continue contacts with the Syrian government and all opposition groups based on a constructive approach.”
Meanwhile, Victoria Panova, associate professor of the Moscow State Institute of International Relations, told RT that the Syrian opposition movement could not be considered a grassroots movement because the Syrian opposition “would not be able to do anything without the support of the West and some Arab countries.”
Panova personally believes that President Assad “has been a weaker leader than his father,” Hafez Assad, who served as president of Syria from 1971 to 2000, and this allowed a rebel opposition to not only assert itself, but to garner foreign support.
Most disturbing for Panova, however, is not the question as to when or if the Syrian government under Assad falls, but what power structure will fill the void.
“In the event that even greater civil unrest unfolds if Assad is deposed, the West would not be able to take sides in the unrest because it would have been responsible for putting the new regime in power,” she noted.
All of these conditions make for a potentially “volatile situation” in the event that Assad is forcibly ousted from power, she concluded.
November 13th, 2012, 11:47 am
ann said:
Despite rebel unity deal, Syria has enough firepower to fight – November 13, 2012
“Syria has more than enough weapons for fighting the rebels,” said Igor Korotchenko, a retired colonel of Russia’s military general staff who is now editor of National Defense magazine. “As long as Bashar Assad has the money to pay his military, it will keep fighting.”
He said Syria has more than 1,000 tanks, along with a system of repair shops created during Soviet times and enough experienced personnel to service the weapons.
Analysts say it is difficult to come up with reliable figures on the Syrian air force and air defenses because of the extreme secrecy surrounding its military matters. Assad’s regime — its forces stretched thin on multiple fronts — has significantly increased its use of air power against Syrian rebels since the summer.
For now, government jets and helicopters are largely out of reach of the rebels’ arsenals, and Assad projects confidence at every turn. In an interview last week with Russia Today TV, Assad vowed to “live and die” in Syria, saying the conflict will never drive him into exile.
November 13th, 2012, 12:00 pm
sf94123 said:
Great work (challenges and recommendations)- Few questions :
Does the national coalition have any influence over rebels, warlords and jihadists in Syria?
How does the national coalition plan to end the killings “civil war” in Syria?
Are they waiting for the collapse of the current government or planning to negotiate with it?
The daily killings MUST be stopped first! Your thoughts please! Thank you.
November 13th, 2012, 12:01 pm
Observer said:
I love it.
Here we go again with Majbali, the stick in his throat is getting bigger.
I was the first to admit that many old money families may have had their wealth in dubious ways.
Nevertheless, the confiscation never established that fact first.
Second, there was no recourse or discussion.
Third, there was no compensation if it was deemed a legitimate ownership.
So, Majbali, it seems that your hatred of old money has transcended generations and therefore the children are guilty of the deeds of the fathers.
With logic like yours the children of the Prethident should then receive the fate of Hamza Alkhatib?
Not in my book, they are not responsible for the deeds of the fathers. Stolen properties and moneys should be returned in a cout of law not simple arbitrary confiscation.
And again Majbali, I have posted before that the connected civil servants under the Ottoman empire acted in an oppressive manner because the system was oppressive. Members of many families did take advantadge of this situation and it is tyranny that did this to the Levant and this current example is another one of tyranny and will be the dustbin of history.
Again I have absolutely nothing against you and I will maintain that there is NO dialogue only complete destruction of the regime just as the dissolution of the Ottoman empire had to happen as it was rotten to the core. Good riddance to both and to all oppressive regimes. Include in this KSA and Israel and yes Iran and yes Thouria Alathad.
Now people call for dialogue when the knife is near the jugular
November 13th, 2012, 12:26 pm
ann said:
5. sf94123 said: The daily killings MUST be stopped first! Your thoughts please! Thank you.
Welcome back San Fransisco. Here’s something maybe worth reading:
November 13th, 2012, 12:39 pm
Uzair8 said:
AJE blog about 2 hrs ago:
Iran will bring parties to the Syrian conflict to Tehran next week to participate in a “national dialogue,” Iranian media reported Tuesday, quoting a senior official.
The meeting will focus on promoting diplomacy and ending the violence in Syria, Iranian deputy foreign minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian told the Arabic-language Alalam channel.
He said the meeting would take place “next week” but did not give an exact date.
“Representatives of the Syrian government will hold talks with representatives from tribes, political parties, (political) minorities and the opposition,” he said, without elaborating.
November 13th, 2012, 12:50 pm
Amjad of Arabia said:
“As far as I’m concerned, as long as they don’t form a broader coalition in a more neutral country, I think their legitimacy is zilch.”
Oh gosh, so they’ve lost the backing of the Bong-literacy-is-like-so-overated-duuuude *snooooooort* demography. I’m sure that will be of concern to them.
Where does power come from? In advanced societies, it comes from strong institutions. It places like Syria where there aren’t any institutions worth the paper Albong wraps his weed in, it comes from the barrel of a gun. The political opposition can only exert influence on the armed groups if they can provide those groups with the means to carry on the war; weapons, supplies, medical aid, refuge for their families, uniforms, bullet proof armor, better weapons, and controlling the amount of retarded belly aching that goes on every time a shabiha khara has a bullet put through his head.
November 13th, 2012, 1:12 pm
Albo said:
Your usual logorrhea notwhistanding, not having the backing of some 40% of the Syrian population should be of concern. Not that they really are intent on finding a solution, anyway, other than protracted civil war.
November 13th, 2012, 1:23 pm
Albo said:
True story bro, overated.
November 13th, 2012, 1:33 pm
Aldendeshe said:
Readers of my non-fiction book Epicenter may recall that Chapter Five predicts this future headline: “ISRAEL DISCOVERS MASSIVE RESERVES OF OIL, GAS.” That chapter is based on prophecies in Deuteronomy that specifically indicate that “oil” and “hidden treasures” under the sea and the sands will be found in Israel in the last days of history. It is also based on the prophecies of Ezekiel 38 & 39 indicating that Israel will be significantly prosperous in the last days, before a Russian-Iranian-Turkish alliance forms against her and seeks to destroy her.
The Christian Bible is proven right again:
Deuteronomy 33?:19. “They will summon peoples to the mountain and there offer sacrifices of righteousness; they will feast on the abundance of the seas, on the treasures hidden in the sand.”
What is usually found in the seas, and in the deserts in the Middle East? Gas and Oil! These are the hidden treasures and Israel is beginning to find these treasures.” 40,000 Syrians died and Syria is destroyed all because the Semite wants to send a pipeline to Europe via Turkey so they can cash in on that find. But the Bible also says that Israel will be destroyed around the time of this find, and that Syria will discover a mountain of gold under the Euphrate’s river, in the days after Israel (ZIONISM) is destroyed.
November 13th, 2012, 2:32 pm
Visitor said:
Let’s throw some cold water on the love-u-4ever-can’t-live-without-u gang of noon-time sleep walkers.
France just announced recognition of the coalition as the ONE and ONLY legitimate representative of the Syrian PEOPLE. Britain and the rest of the EU will not be late in coming forth with similar recognition.
It goes without saying. The GCC and the AL have already done so.
The US will do likewise for sure.
We can now extrapolate easily by saying that Lavrov’s Geneva fig leaf is out in the wind with poor Lavrov left out in the Siberian cold freezing his balls off.
Kudos to Superpower Qatar.
November 13th, 2012, 2:37 pm
MarigoldRan said:
At this point the Western powers and the Arabs would recognize a MULE as “the sole representative government of the Syrian nation.” Anything is better than the current regime. This goes to show just how unpopular the Assad regime has become.
The Iranians are trying to hold a “peace conference.” The Russians are spewing some nonsense about negotiation. They just don’t get it, do they?
November 13th, 2012, 3:10 pm
5 dancing shlomos said:
puppets recognize a puppet as the legitimate puppet.
November 13th, 2012, 3:11 pm
Albo said:
9 months ago they recognized the SNC as one legitimate representative, now they call this coalition the only representative. They talk the talk but you’ll have to wait and see if they walk the walk.
Hollande has been threatening to intervene against your friends in Mali for months now, to no avail. He says he’ll just back an African force now, someday. Meanwhile his economy is going south, and his popularity polls are historically low. So don’t expect a second French Mandate anytime soon.
Funny oppositionists, talking tough but always pleading foreign forces to bail them out.
November 13th, 2012, 3:12 pm
5 dancing shlomos said:
president assad is unpopular with belly crawlers.
November 13th, 2012, 3:13 pm
Tara said:
Now that France has recognized The coalition as the One and Only legitimate representative of the Syrian people, how quickly someone will take a motion at the General Assembly to strip Batta’s regime from legitimacy?
I really really want to know…I need a 45 days advanced notice to take a vacation. I want to go to NYC to say Bye Bye to Shushu and her father,….the brilliant and beautiful.
November 13th, 2012, 3:14 pm
Citizen said:
Just as in the days of the classical Greek myths, hubris has its price.
Mr. David Cameron must guard , that the private death squad to assassinate him also by the law of the jungle!!!!
British SAS Training Rebels For Assassination of Assad
As British Prime Minister David Cameron prepares to use the Royal Air Force (RAF) in Syria to put an end to the massacres the Syrian regime is committing throughout the country, British Special Forces are training rebels to assassinate the Syrian president and his commanders, the London Daily Star reported.
UK government sources told the newspaper that British assassination squads are in Syria to train rebels on how to target President Bashar al-Assad and his warlords. Some troops hailing from Britain Special Air Service (SAS), Special Boat Section (SBS) and the Airborne Infantry of the British Army (Paras) are also in the country to teach Anti-Assad fighters techniques on the accurate use of weapons and explosives against Assad regime forces, the sources said.
Unlike the previous position of the United States and Western countries not to arm the Syrian rebels, U.S. president Barack Obama and Cameron are considering to intervene in Syria and to enforce a no-fly zone, the sources added.
Earlier this week, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad showed defiance when he appeared on Russian television warning against any intervention. Assad promised to take the fight till the end. “I’m Syrian, I was made in Syrian and I have to live in Syria and die in Syria,” he said.
During his visit to Syrian refugee camps in Jordan, Cameron urged the United States to pressure the international community to offer more help to Syrians who were forced to leave their country due to ongoing violence.
“Right here in Jordan I am hearing appalling stories of what has happened inside Syria and one of the first things I want to talk to Obama about is how we must do more to try and solve this crisis,” Cameron said.
Since March 2011, an overall death toll of more than 37,000 was recorded by the monitoring group, the Observatory of Human Rights. The New York Times said more than 20,000 members of the Syrian army have defected and joined the Free Syrian Army across the country.
November 13th, 2012, 3:16 pm
Citizen said:
Syrians supporting Assad turn into ‘dead men walking’
November 13th, 2012, 3:37 pm
zoo said:
#18 Tara
France is the only western country that has recognized the NSCROF as the ‘sole’ representaive of the Syrians to please the golden cow Qatar.
US and UK refused to use that qualifier.
Yer, France’s message is clear for the next step:
Bring in the other opposition groups, unite with the armed forces then we may recognize you as a government, but don’t expect us to give you any weapons.
A long and painful way to go for the NCSROF…
French ministers disagree on Syrian opposition
France’s Defence Minister said today it was still too early to recognize the newly created Syrian opposition coalition, calling for more to be done to unite the armed factions under its umbrella, Reuters reported.
Paris, one of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s harshest critics, has said it would recognize a provisional government that included all strands of society.
But it has ruled out arming rebel forces, concerned weapons could get into the hands of radical Islamists.
“What happened in Doha is a step forward,” Defence Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian told reporters in Paris.
“We consider it to be significant. It is still not sufficient to constitute a provisional government that can be recognized internationally. But it’s on the right track.”
He said that while political unity was important it had to be accompanied by the unification of the various armed groups.
November 13th, 2012, 4:00 pm
zoo said:
The moment of truth for the Moslem Brotherhood double game?
Egypt’s Brotherhood slams Israel over Gaza strikes
By AYA BATRAWY | Associated Press
In its statement, the Brotherhood’s Freedom and Justice Party referred to Israel as a “Zionist occupier” and a “racist state,” placing Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman on the “fringes” of the “far right.”
November 13th, 2012, 4:11 pm
annie said:
The latest Qunfuz piece (another of my favourites with Rime Allaf and Maysaloon)
Robin Yassin-Kassab
Finally, Leadership
Following my previous comment on the astounding failures of Syrian political elites, I must report some optimism. The Syrian National Council has accepted its place within the new Syrian National Coalition (it makes up a third of the new body), and the Coalition has won recognition by the Arab League, France, Japan and others.
The Coalition’s choice of leaders is the most inspiring sign, one which suggests both that the Coalition is no foreign front, and that another, much more positive aspect of Syria is finally coming to the fore.
President Ahmad Muaz al-Khatib is a mosque imam, an engineer and a public intellectual. He is Islamist enough for the Islamists and less extreme Salafists of the armed resistance to give him a hearing, but not Islamist enough to scare secularists and minority groups. He has written books on the importance of minority religious rights and women’s rights in a just Islamic society. His speeches since assuming his position have reached out to minorities and to the soldiers in Asad’s army, who he described as victims of the regime.
Vice President Riyadh Saif is a businessman, former MP, and a liberal democrat.
And Vice President Suheir al-Atassi, daughter of foundational Ba’athist Jamal al-Atassi, is a human rights activist, a secular feminist, a founder of the Syrian Revolution General Commission, and a key activist of the grassroots Local Coordination Committees. She is the sort of person who should have been representing the Revolution at the highest level from the very start.
All three leaders have been active participants in the revolution inside Syria, and all three have suffered imprisonment. All three are known and respected by Syrians inside the country.
The Local Coordination Committees have joined the Coalition, and noises of optimism are bubbling up from revolutionaries inside and outside. As a minor anecdote, I notice that a pro-revolution Alawi friend of mine is expressing optimism about the future for the first time in a long while.
But in some quarters the bickering and sniping continues unabated. Rim Turkmani of the Building the Syrian State group complained to the Guardian that the Coalition was formed in response to outside pressure. This is partially true, and it’s a great shame, a stain on Syrian political elites, that it took threats, promises and cajolements from Qatar, France, Britain and America to achieve this compromise. Yet urgency – the suffering of the people – demands that all strands of Syrian opposition support the Coalition. Though there is still a very long way to go, Asad is losing on the battlefield. By force of arms, areas of the country have been liberated (or partially liberated, as they still suffer terrible bombing). To allow the splintered military leadership to rule in these areas without any central coordination and advice, without any common system of law, would open the way to a warlord-riven and sectarian future (Asad opened this door initially; there’s no need for political elites to push it further open).
Seemingly insistent on Syrian self-reliance, it is a contradiction for Rim to also say that the ‘international community’ should first agree on Syria, +36and that Syrians should then take their lead from this foreign consensus.
The real unity which matters right now is not that of the political opposition, but that of the international community. Once an international consensus is agreed it is going to be much easier to unite the opposition, and more importantly, end the regime. Russia and China are going to view this group as hostile to them. They are key players in this conflict, and you simply can’t solve a conflict if you do not involve all the players.
This strikes me as totally unrealistic. There is never going to be international consensus on Syria, no more than there’s ever going to be consensus on Palestine. In the one case Russia backs an unworkable regime; in the other America backs its unreasonable ally. When coupled with the notion of negotiations with the regime, which Building the Syrian State also subscribes to, Rim’s stance becomes almost criminally unrealistic. It has been obvious for over a year that the regime has decided (as its shabeeha scawl on the walls) “al-Asad or we’ll burn the country.” The ceasefire plans of the Arab League, Kofi Annan and al-Akhdar Ibrahimi have come and gone, and Asad’s campaign of torture, shooting, shelling, and aerial bombardment has escalated steadily. After two years of burning, staring into the abyss of Somalisation, Syria does not need to wait for further proof of the regime’s inability to compromise. There should be negotiations with representatives of people and communities who are scared by the revolution (and this will be facilitated by the fall of the regime, when such people will finally be able to represent themselves), but not with criminals who don’t want and aren’t capable of negotiations, who use talk of negotiations to buy more killing time. The only subject for negotiations with the regime is the terms of its surrender, and negotiations can only be held after it has stopped its violence and released the prisoners.
I met Rim Turkmani in London (and she’s intelligent, principled and highly educated as well as friendly and civilised – I hope she’ll forgive me for disagreeing with her in public) and heard her make this analogy: “We have to negotiate with the regime just as the parent of a kidnapped child has to negotiate with the hostage taker, because the child’s survival is of paramount importance.” If I can twist the metaphor somewhat, I would respond that the regime has kidnapped ten children and has already killed eight while negotiations continue. It’s killed eight in gales of laughter, and given interviews to the newspapers about how good the killing felt. It’s time not for a negotiator, but for a marksman.
Rim also says the Coalition doesn’t represent all of the fighters or people on the ground. Of course this is true. That’s why the Coalition has a great deal of work to do. It may be too late (after nearly two years of elite bickering) for a political leadership to assert control over many of the fighters, particularly the Salafis, but someone has to try. Efficiently coordinating funds and weapons deliveries would be a great start, and would stop the rise in importance in Gulf-funded al-Qa’ida types. As for the unarmed revolutionaries, many don’t wish to be ‘represented’ by any body. What they want is for the regime to be neutralised, and then to be able to express themselves in democratic elections. It’s the Coalition’s job to achieve these two aims. With forty thousand dead and the country in ruins, there is no more time to waste.
November 13th, 2012, 4:13 pm
Syrialover said:
Good to see it said and that it’s now out there, thanks AMR AL-AZM (lead post above). It’s putting public pressure on those who want to still fool around and play personal politics.
It lines up with what the UK representative Jon Wilkes has just said about the importance of building the skills of opposition technocrats.
Wilkes also said that the UK is ready to help train them now.
Go for it Moaz Al-Khatib!
(What Wilkes has been saying: https://joshualandis.com/blog/?p=16696&cp=all#comment-334670)
November 13th, 2012, 4:19 pm
Citizen said:
US call Syrian opposition a legitimate representative of syrian people.
legitimate ? wich legitimate ? is it know-how? Or Is it democracy of coercion? have you asked the opinion of the Syrian people?Do you think that the opinion of the Syrians is not important? is it external dictatorship taking into account the interests of the West! the time will correct your illusion painfuly!
November 13th, 2012, 4:27 pm
Tara said:
The link is confusing. Has France recognized it or not? Who’s speaking for France? The foreign minister or the defense minister? Does France need its ministers to form a coalition too?
What about Morsi? Shouldn’t Egypt be the first Arab country after the GCC to recognize the coalition?
I doubt Qatar has gone through all that pain for nothing.. We will soon find out during “liberation of Damascus” if the FSA has quality weapons. I liked the name of this past Friday: Marching-to-Damascus.
November 13th, 2012, 4:28 pm
annie said:
Sorry, forgot the link of the Qunfuz article
November 13th, 2012, 4:28 pm
Syrialover said:
And before we get the usual cats chorus fussing about the UK offering to train opposition technocrats and who should be recruited, let’s recall:
– the UK has long been a desired source of external studies and training for most Syrians, much preferred over Soviet bloc and non-English speaking countries.
– it will be an astronomical improvement to have Syrians running the show who got there because of qualifications and relevant experience, instead of who their daddies and uncles are.
November 13th, 2012, 4:29 pm
Visitor said:
I said not long ago when Mr. Cameron was visiting the region that if he is seeking to form the coalition of the willing, then his efforts should be welcomed and encouraged.
If he also wants to send MI6 death squads to Syria in order to arrest or kill Bashar, then that’s even better. Do it. Syrians will not consider it a hostile act from Britain against Syria. They will consider it a very very friendly, courteous and civilized act, the equivalent of the British Secret Service attempting to eliminate Hitler. Nothing to worry about.
November 13th, 2012, 4:40 pm
This cannot possibly be good for Assad. FSA capture dozens of military vehicles in Harasta. A few days old but have not seen it posted.
November 13th, 2012, 4:44 pm
FSA capture military base and some type of radar installation in Ghouta. 20 KM from presidential palace. NOV 12.
November 13th, 2012, 4:57 pm
True said:
Wazzup feeble-minded apologists?
I can’t believe you’re still in support for Batta waq waq!!! open up your eyes and see your surroundings, it’s happening you bloody dweebs!!
Man can’t wait to enjoy the sun and view from Qurdaha
Qurd wala enit ma tefham!!
November 13th, 2012, 4:57 pm
Syrialover said:
ANNIE #23,
Thanks for posting that very good piece by Qunfuz.
Here’s an excerpt from it which should be repeated as a mantra:
“President Ahmad Muaz al-Khatib is Islamist enough for the Islamists and less extreme Salafists of the armed resistance to give him a hearing, but not Islamist enough to scare secularists and minority groups…. His speeches since assuming his position have reached out to minorities and to the soldiers in Asad’s army, who he described as victims of the regime.”
November 13th, 2012, 5:05 pm
True said:
The second Dar’a is declared the Southern buffer-zone is the second when Batta will start begging for immunity deal. But no way hosay, the FSA is coming to your bedroom to show you some serious lessons in manhood, at that time you’ll waq waq for every innocent soul and displaced Syrian.
I’ll start drinking lots of fluids from now and saving the mother nature call till I visit elmal3oon in Qurdaha.
I think elQrood should be shipped to Iran for good, minorities right my as***********
November 13th, 2012, 5:09 pm
zoo said:
It took 2 years for the incomplete and under influence coalition to be born thanks to Qatar, France and the US sticks and carrot approach.
It may take more months and years to unite all the other opposition groups who are in strong disagreement as well as the divided and polluted armed forces. In addition the chance it wins on the ground are far from certain.
In the meantime Syrians on both sides are dying and the country is deshumanizing itself and falling prey to non-Syrians with their own agendas.
I agree with Rim Turkmani. One should do anything to save a kidnapped child, even negotiate with the holders who are also Syrians.
In refusing that, the opposition is bearing a large part of the responsibility of all the death that will incur. It will be stained and will never be able to acquire a real legitimacy.
November 13th, 2012, 5:13 pm
Syrialover said:
The question of what happens to the Syrian embassies in countries recognizing the opposition has got loudmouthed regime thug tweeter Syrian Commando nervous:
November 13th, 2012, 5:14 pm
Syrialover said:
I guess that means the day the US formally recognizes the opposition, those sleazy Jaafaris (father and daughter) will be put out onto the pavement with their belongings in New York.
Never mind the misery of permanent unemployment soon-to-be-ex-UN representative Bashar Jaafari, your smartass little daughter Sherry Jaafari has ways of earning money…
November 13th, 2012, 5:31 pm
True said:
Hey gals and lads,
It’s been a while and I’m happy to see some of you are still hanging around here, and kicking some apologists bums.
Our great revolution has gone through ups and downs and our spirits, at lest mine, have gone similarly highs and lows. There were moments where I felt it’s not happening and the Batta is just gonna stick around till 2014, but every time i felt losing hope I did look at those courageous men who put their souls on their hands and decided to pay for our existence and freedom. Thanks to everybody for doing anything to keep this revolution alive, to keep the hope of having a better Syria.
OTW, Annie, N.Z, Sheila, Tare, Aboud, Zenobia, Husam, Haytham Khoury, Khalid Tlass, SL, majedkhaldoun, REVLON, VISITOR, Observer ….. etc I hope you all doing well.
November 13th, 2012, 5:32 pm
Tara said:
Hi True
Long time no see! Welcome back. Hope your family doing well.
I can’t tell you how proud I feel being Syrian nowadays. Not only we taught the word it’s first alphabet but also we defined what dignity and pride is. And of course, we owe all of this to the Heroes of the FSA.
November 13th, 2012, 5:37 pm
Warren said:
Saudi student jailed for plot to attack Bush’s home
A Saudi student who plotted to bomb the Texas home of ex-President George W Bush and other targets has been sentenced to life in jail.
A judge said he had no doubt Khalid Aldawsari, convicted in June of trying to use a weapon of mass destruction, was serious about his plans.
The FBI found bomb-making materials in the 22-year-old’s Lubbock, Texas home just before his February 2011 arrest.
Nuclear power plants and hydroelectric dams were also on his list of targets.
At the sentencing in Amarillo, Texas, Judge Donald Walter said: “The bottom line is that but by the grace of God there would be dead Americans.
“You would have done it. In every step, it was you all alone.”
Another Sunni terrorist prosecuted!
November 13th, 2012, 5:50 pm
Citizen said:
Now let’s see a mirror image of supreme written: Syria’s special operations team takes aim Cameron’s head! Britains will consider it a very very friendly, courteous and civilized act. Nothing to worry about….
November 13th, 2012, 6:01 pm
True said:
Long time no see indeed, how’ve you been? hows your little daughter?
Yes indeed Syrians have written their names in gold, and soon will redefine the meaning freedom.
I share your hope of having us represented genuinely for the first time in the next General Assembly meeting.
November 13th, 2012, 6:08 pm
Tara said:
I am in anticipation of the ” Liberation of Damascus”. The way to the presidential place has to go through Damascus proper. Will Batta burn Damascus
proper too? Will he unleash air bombardment and blind bombs?
November 13th, 2012, 6:26 pm
True said:
I’ll keep calling you Aboud instead of Amjad, this name has really bad memories for apologists beside it’s the name you were using every time you were interviewed by BBC.
Tbh I’d rather to have the big villa for myself :), listen up dawg, we should build a resort in Qurdaha for FSA heroes and keep Qurdahans there to do the service around, any service tsk tsk tsk.
Have you seen elBatta lately? I hear he’s hiding in Tartous waq waq
November 13th, 2012, 6:28 pm
True said:
elBatta has burned Damascus already. Have you seen videos from al-Tadamon or al-Yarmouk? his Shabiha didn’t leave a tree or a stone in place.
The original plan was to bombard Damascus from the mountain of Alwai colony in 86, but FSA has flipped the table and showered this settlement with mortars last week showing a high heel and sending a message to Batta.
Are we still on for Mana2iesh breaky bi elsha3lan?
November 13th, 2012, 6:35 pm
Tara said:
We sure are. But as I told Dawoud before, you are paying.
..I just got strange feeling imagining the moment. A melancholic one..every time, Damascus and it’s verandas , or the Hamidieh come to my mind, the same exact feeling strikes me.
November 13th, 2012, 6:51 pm
ann said:
Islamist Savages …
Syria: Murder of priest leaves Christians in fear – Wednesday, 14th November 2012
Catholic Charity helping those suffering Christian persecution worldwide
A YOUNG UK-based mother has given a powerful testimony of the suffering of close family and friends in Syria reeling from the savage murder of their parish priest.
The young married woman with two daughters described how Christians and others in her native city of Qatana, south-west of the Syrian capital, Damascus, were being terrorised by extremists demanding they leave the country or risk being killed.
Reporting on telephone conversations and other contact with friends and family in Syria, she said the local community was traumatised by the killing of Fr Fadi Haddad, 43, parish priest of Qatana’s Orthodox parish of St Elias.
The priest’s naked body was discovered on the side of a road outside Damascus on 25th October, several days after he had been abducted. His eyes had been gauged out and his body mutilated.
The young mother explained how Fr Haddad, a close family friend and neighbour in Qatana, had gone missing after setting off by car to negotiate the release of a Christian dentist from the city who himself had been kidnapped a few days earlier.
The woman, who cannot be named without risk to her family’s safety, told Catholic charity Aid to the Church in Need: “My family and friends very much feel under threat.
“People from the area have said that extremists have gone through the streets shouting ‘Alawites to the grave, Christians to Beirut’. They want to kick us out. They say that if Christians refuse to leave they will end up in the grave like the Alawites.”
“Nobody seems to care what is happening to us Christians in Syria.
“The government we had in the past was bad but at least we were safe. At least we could walk the streets. You’d never think you might be bombed by extremists. Not anymore. Now it’s very scary.
“Now they are bombing churches. Look at what has happened to our churches in places like Aleppo and Homs.”
She said that the frequent attacks on churches meant people were often too afraid to go to church and that Christians’ fears were heightened by rumours spread on Facebook and other social media.
“The extremists threaten us Christians when we want to celebrate major feasts like Christmas and Easter. They don’t want us in the area at all.”
The woman said her family had warned against efforts to track down the priest’s killers in case of retaliation, adding that her mother was still traumatised by the sight of the disfigured face of the clergyman whose body she had prepared for burial.
She said the family were devastated by the killing of the priest who was in the same class at a school with her brother and who had taught her at the local Sunday school.
The fate is unknown of the kidnapped Christian dentist, whose freedom Fr Haddad had tried to secure.
A ransom of up to 50 million Syrian pounds (US$700,000) had been requested for the dentist’s release.
The ransom reportedly rose to 750 million Syrian pounds after the abduction of the priest and the dentist’s father-in-law who was travelling with the cleric when they were kidnapped. The latter’s fate is also unknown.
Stressing the fear for Christians in Syria, the woman said: “I cannot sleep at night. Whenever I call my family and I can’t get through, I immediately start fearing the worst. I feel I am living a nightmare every day.”
She described how her niece had a lucky escape when a bomb went off in Damascus last month opposite her school. Fortunately, she was at home that day.
She said that many Christians and others had tried to leave but there had been a clampdown on visas to neighbouring countries.
The woman said that her mother was terrified of bombs blowing out the windows of her home and that at various times had abandoned her bedroom and slept in the hallway.
The young woman and her husband moved to the UK several years ago and now have permanent residency here with their children but most of their family are still in Syria.
She asked for prayers and support, urging that action be taken to protect her people in Syria, especially Christians.
In a statement, Greek Orthodox Patriarch Ignatius IV Hazim, who led Fr Haddad’s funeral service and who had originally ordained Fr Haddad in 1995, described the priest as “a martyr of reconciliation and harmony”.
He added: “We strongly condemn this brutal and barbaric act against civilians, the innocent and the men of God who strive to be apostles of peace.”
November 13th, 2012, 6:58 pm
True said:
Tara, this feeling will be reality soon, hopefully by next March elBatta will be hanged in al-Marja square.
Hehehhe I just remembered how at the beginning of this revolution we all were accused of being blogging from one boiler-room in Jordan, and how we do shifts and get paid by jeffrey feltman 🙂 poor studious aologists.
November 13th, 2012, 7:01 pm
Warren said:
Abu Qatada release: Cameron ‘fed up’
Prime Minister David Cameron says he is “completely fed up” about the release on bail of Abu Qatada after the Muslim cleric won his deportation appeal.
Abu Qatada was earlier freed from prison after a UK court ruled he might not get a fair trial if deported to Jordan to face bomb plot charges.
Mr Cameron said ministers had “moved heaven and earth” to try to deport him and would continue to do so.
Labour said people would be “horrified” and urged ministers to act quickly.
Mr Cameron told BBC News: “I am completely fed up with the fact this man is still at large in our country, he has no right to be there, we believe he’s a threat to our country
Why doesn’t this Sunni terrorist go back home to Jordan? Why does this Sunni terrorist and his family prefer to live on welfare in a “kaffir” country? Is this just another example of Sunni Taqqiyya?
November 13th, 2012, 7:05 pm
habib said:
Hmmm, from all this vague mumbo jumbo, it seems this group will have as little influence on the ground as the last one…
Where’s Fadwa Soleiman, couldn’t she be another of their token Alawite poster-children?
November 13th, 2012, 7:07 pm
Tara said:
Would Khatib convince the opposition to dialogue an exile with al Assad? The real problem is Bashar is out of touch with reality and therefore has deep conviction that he is truly loved. He would never agree to leave by choice and will drag his Alawi supporters with him until the end. The Sunni supporters will easily switch side once the balance of power is tipped toward the revolution.
Khatib also said he was not averse to negotiating with Assad. He added that political dialogue didn’t mean “surrendering to the regime’s cruelty” but was the pragmatic “lesser of two evils”.
November 13th, 2012, 7:08 pm
Warren said:
Coptic Pope Warns of Extremism In Egypt’s Constituent Assembly
Bishop Tawadros II has said that the Orthodox Church is committed to keeping Article 2 of Egypt’s draft constitution intact, as it was in the old constitution.
In a meeting with a delegation from the syndicates of journalists and lawyers at the Monastery of Saint Bishoy yesterday [Nov. 12], Tawadros threatened to withdraw church representatives from the Constituent Assembly, should the extremist atmosphere within the committee continue to prevail. He also explained that the church is coordinating with Al-Azhar University on the constitution.
Karem Mahmoud, secretary-general of the Syndicate of Journalists, said that the syndicate has postponed its Extraordinary General Assembly meeting until Nov. 25, as the previous date coincided with the papal inauguration ceremony.
Mohammed Abdel Qoddous, rapporteur of the Freedoms Committee at the Syndicate of Journalists, conveyed greetings from the Supreme Guide of the Muslim Brotherhood and added that there were three fundamental problems that the pope hoped to solve. These include the equal rights of Egyptian Copts and Muslims to hold positions of public office — a national, not sectarian, demand — the freedom to build churches and the prevention of sectarian incidents.
The pope met with Mukhtar al-Hamalawy, the governor Beheira governorate, and said that he believes that the situation in the country changed following the January 25 Revolution, since Copts began to resort to the government and the parliament — rather than the church — to demand that their problems be resolved.
Read more: http://www.al-monitor.com/pulse/politics/2012/11/egypt-coptic-pope-would-keep-constitution-article-on-religion.html#ixzz2C9R8Kinw
November 13th, 2012, 7:13 pm
Warren said:
Salafist Influence Grows in Tunisia
“It was an emotional reaction by one of the brothers,” said Ahmad, a follower of Jihadist Salafism in Tunisia, about the statements made by the Imam of al-Noor Mosque in the town of Douar Hicher in which he called on the Salafist youth to carry their coffins over their shoulders, in a declaration of armed jihad.
Read more: http://www.al-monitor.com/pulse/politics/2012/11/tunisia-salafists-clash-with-security-forces-ennahda-on-the-fence.html#ixzz2C9RnXgee
November 13th, 2012, 7:15 pm
Warren said:
Germany debates help for Syrian Christians
In Syria, the Christian minority was long left in peace by the Assad regime – but they are between the front lines in the civil war. Germany is considering offering them a safe haven.
Germany taking in Syrian Christians – it would be an act of humanity. This is how the chairman of Chancellor Merkel’s conservative Christian Democrats’ parliamentary group, Volker Kauder, described it to the “Frankfurter Allgmeine Zeitung” daily. Interior Minister Hans-Peter Friedrich agreed in the newspaper to grant refuge to Syrian Christians, because they face “persecution of the highest order.”
Christians under pressure
Christians have lived in the area of ??modern Syria since their religion came into being about two thousand years ago. The Syrian Orthodox Church is one of the oldest churches. Some of the faithful still speak Aramaic, the language of Jesus. Christians have always played a clear role in the present-day Syrian Arab Republic. In the 1940s, for example, the country had a Christian prime minister, Faris al-Churi.
November 13th, 2012, 7:22 pm
Syrian said:
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?????? 13th, 2012 by admin
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November 13th, 2012, 7:46 pm
Amjad of Arabia said:
“Have you seen elBatta lately? I hear he’s hiding in Tartous waq waq”
The only people who ever see Batta these days are the foreign media. He hasn’t even given an interview to Syrian media lately.
“Christians in Syria, Seperating Fact from Fiction”
November 13th, 2012, 7:50 pm
mjabali said:
Observer Old Money Syndicate:
Ya munafiq: I always call for political parties, elections and negotiation, from the first time I started writing in this blog.
You, were posing as a man who is for justice and civility to solve problems: but your words show that you are for revenge and violence. Blood thirsty is what you are at the end of the day.
You, the ACLU card member holder calling for revenge. This is bad senior.
AS for your old money and the Ottomans: I have this to say to you: till today people in Syria are holding into property given to them by the Ottomans. So what the hell are you talking about when you claim that the Ottoman influence is gone from Syria. Wake up.
By the way, your post is boring as usual. Some parts of it made me think that you are on planet Kooko.
November 13th, 2012, 9:43 pm
Visitor said:
President Hollande is ready to send weapons to Syria, calling on all countries who will recognize the coalition to do the same,
““On the question of weapons deliveries, France did not support it as long as it wasn’t clear where these weapons went,” Hollande said.
“With the coalition, as soon as it is a legitimate government of Syria, this question will be looked at by France, but also by all countries that recognise this government.””
More ….
Get your radar up on the roof immediately. Back to Homs right away before those backward Saudis hear from mjabali about your sixth sense, and use six poled-pillars for radar support.
Nice to meet you true True.
November 13th, 2012, 10:08 pm
zoo said:
52. Tara
If Khatib tries to convince the SNC that the only valid and bloodless solution is to negotiate with Bashar, there will be criminal attempts on his life to scare him away.
Of course the Syrian government will be conveniently accused.
The Islamists that are behind the SNC want the end of the Baath party, its replacement by a Moslem Brotherhood leadership, like Egypt, Tunisia and Libya. To destroy the Baath party, they will not tolerate any chance of negotiation, they want the head of the party, Bashar al Assad at any cost.
November 13th, 2012, 10:15 pm
corporatist said:
Seems this new group will have all the success of the old group. I can’t imagine any Syrian applauding a foreign imposed and hand-picked group like this.
November 13th, 2012, 10:21 pm
zoo said:
While the GCC, the USA and some EU members expressed their satisfaction and reservations about the new coalition, why is Turkey still silent?
Is Erdogan furious that the SNC that he pampered and spend money on are in minority in the new coalition?
Is he annoyed that a moderate sheikh and not a Moslem Brotherhood member has taken the leadership?
Is he worried that this group will not achieve any tangible result on the ground soon enough and that Turkey will be obliged to act militarily to stop the continuous flow of refugees and protect the bordering villages.
November 13th, 2012, 10:37 pm
Ghufran said:
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It is very early to assess the impact of Doha conference. The big guys have yet to speak, Hammoudeh is not one of them., my own prediction is that the new alliance will not do much until there is a real shift in US and Russian policies, such a shift requires a similar shift on the battle field, the rest is empty babbling.
November 13th, 2012, 10:48 pm
ann said:
News Analysis: AL recognition of Syrian opposition coalition ” hesitant,” adding “intricacy” to crisis – 2012-11-14
CAIRO, Nov. 13 (Xinhua) — The Arab League (AL)’s recognition to the Syrian National Coalition for Opposition and Revolutionary Forces is believed by some experts to be “hesitant” and adding complexity to the 20-month-old Syrian crisis.
Despite the positivity manifested in favor of the opposition side, some experts believe the admission does not add anything conducive to solving the Syrian crisis; on the contrary, it adds to its perplexity.
“Recognizing the new coalition as a representative for the aspirations of the Syrian people is in fact an ‘undecided’ move,” Noha Bakr, political science professor at the American University in Cairo told Xinhua.
The recognition seemed reluctant; though many members of the AL want to root for the opposition, the group does not yet have a plan to go with a full recognition of them, so it preferred to recognize them “in a diplomatic way,” according to analysts.
“The AL thinks the Syrian crisis will follow the path of Libya, and that once they recognize a ‘replacement,’ the current government will stagger, but the Syrian issue is totally different from the Libyan one”, Bakr said, adding that due to factional, ethnic, and religious splits in Syria, the international community must view the Syrian crisis in a different light.
Agreeing with Bakr’s view, political expert with Ahram Center for Political and Strategic Studies Saed Lawendy said the AL recognition of the coalition “added to the crisis complexity”, ruling out the possibility that the Syrian opposition groups could be united under this umbrella.
“I don’t think the internal Syrian factions will join this coalition,” he said. “The oppositions abroad are too different from those inside Syria.”
“The AL, though keen on supporting the Syrian people, did not say if it will call on the conflicting sides to have a dialogue,” Lawendy added, advising the AL on the necessity of a plan for averting a full-scale civil war in Syria.
November 13th, 2012, 10:58 pm
Ghufran said:
The old thugs are gone, welcome the new thugs:
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November 13th, 2012, 11:33 pm
Ghufran said:
Smuggling of weapons has not stopped since March,2011 or before but large scale weapons delivery is a different matter. Calling the new opposition creature a legitimate rep of syrians is not the same as ” the sole” rep of syrians,and giving this new body a seat at the UN requires a UNSC resolution not just a statement from a French politician.
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However, there might be benefits from this new entity if other forces join in and if a similar move at the rebels level is taken, either possibility is a tall order for now, I also welcome any measures that can pressure the regime but I only heard calls for more fighting and more blood shed,that (coming from Doha) will seriously hurt the SNC.2’s chances of winning support inside Syria, I have not seen any reasonable assessment of this new political initiative except an attempt by Amr who avoided explosive issues that can easily make this initiative more of a theatre than an actual piece of work.
November 13th, 2012, 11:52 pm
Johannes de Silentio said:
55. Warren
“Germany debates help for Syrian Christians, is considering offering them a safe haven.”
Amazingly good news. This is like when Israel airlifted thousands of Falashas out of northern Ethiopia to save them from genocide at the hands of the nasty Sudanese Muslims.
Also, with the Christians gone, it would leave dear, dear Syria to be fought over by all those freedom-loving, democracy-loving Syrian Muslims who can’t understand why nobody likes them.
November 14th, 2012, 1:31 am
Juergen said:
12 pictures of the life in Aleppo nowadays
November 14th, 2012, 2:07 am
True said:
Wazzup Visitor?
Seems like you kept these retarded apologists on a tight leash eh, very well done buddy.
I’ll grant immunity to every Qurdahan who could say 2erd instead of Qurd, see my big heart and they say we’re not tolerant 🙂
November 14th, 2012, 2:36 am
annie said:
Speech by Sheik Moaz Al Khatib, head of the Syrian National Coalition
Posted November 14, 2012 by bandannie in Sheik Moaz Al Khatib, Syrian National Coalition. Tagged: Sheik Moaz Al Khatib, Syrian National Coalition for Opposition and Revolutionary Forces. Leave a Comment | Edit
Sheik Moaz Al Khatib, head of the newly established Syrian National Coalition for Opposition and Revolutionary Forces November 11, 2012, Qatar
The Syrian people are the product of 10,000 years of civilization. The great people of Syria are facing daily, a programmed war of extermination and savage destruction. It can be safely said that there is not a citizen that has not been harmed by this regime. Many parties have exerted much effort to pull this regime out of its primitiveness, its savagery and its stupidity but have been put off by its stubbornness and its arrogance. The regime has destroyed all aspects of normal life and turned Syria into ruins; it has worked for fifty years to negate the will of the people and to play on its contradictions using them to tear apart our people.
After a long struggle, numerous patriotic groups have now united as one to stop the massacre to which our people are being subjected to daily as the rest of world passively listens and watches.
Our primary task is to provide emergent humanitarian relief to our people and to stop the torrent of blood the runs day and night, as we unite our ranks to remove this tyrannical regime with all it symbols and build a righteous society based on justice and the dignity that is bestowed by god on every human being.
I would like to alert you to certain issues, even if I deviate a little from the norms of diplomatic protocol.
The first issue is that our revolution is a peaceful revolution from its beginning to its end and it is the regime alone that bears the moral and legal responsibility; for it is the regime that forced our people to resort to armed resistance to defend themselves, their families, their property and their religion.
In dozens of cities flowers were carried during demonstrations by thousands of young men and women. They carried flowers and cold water to give to members of the security forces to ask for their right, to simply express themselves. This monstrous regime responded with arrests, jail and torture and then proceeded to destroy the physical, social and economic structure of the country after destroying its intellectual and moral fabric for the past fifty years.
We salute the struggle of this great people, men, women and children and we salute their legendary courage in the face of oppression and destruction as we stand with respect in memory of the souls of our martyrs. We also salute with loyalty all of the fighters of the Free Syrian Army who defend the revolution in the face of tyranny.
The regime has destroyed our people, our country and our army that we honor and feel the pain at the sight of every coffin of a dead soldier. This is the army built by the people’s hard work, sweat and tears to defend the country only to be turned by the regime against the people.
Our people’s demands were very simple, brothers, all our people wanted is for every individual to be able to go to sleep without fear. This was the demand of our people, brothers, and the regime did not respond to this simple demand, and today there are no acceptable decisions short of the departure of the regime and the complete dismantling of its monstrous structure.
The second issue has to do with the Islamisation of the revolution and what is said, day and night, about the savagery of the Syrian people and its rebels.
Oh brothers, and I take full responsibility for what I say, every fighter is looking for freedom but some are driven to extremes by the savagery of the regime’s forces. Efforts are underway by legal councils to regulate the behavior of the rebel fighters even when it comes to their dealings with enemies.
This revolution uses “takbir”(the chanting of Allah is great) in all its corners, not to push anyone away for our brothers from all faiths are our partners. Many of our Christian brothers have joined us as we started demonstrating from within mosques and chanted “Allahu Akbar” in the face of the tyrant. The Islam that we carry with us is an Islam that builds civilizations and honors human beings, an Islam that embraces Christianity in the most sacred of lands, an Islam that unites people not divides them, an Islam that considers that strength is in diversity not in isolation.
And at the wake of the first martyrs in Douma, it was made very clear that we are demanding freedom for every Sunni and Alawi, every Christian and Druzi, every Ismaili and Suriani. We feel the pain of every one of them, from the injustices perpetrated against our Arabism to the injustices perpetrated against the great Kurdish people and to the injustices dealt to every segment of our society. What is present in our country is not only coexistence but true compassion and love for the other. Our work will end, and I say this specifically to our brethrens inside Syria, as soon as free elections are held. Every legal and constitutional question is suspended until then so that the people will decide on their legal system and their constitution with free elections after the fall of the regime and in an atmosphere of total freedom and equality.
Thirdly, the revolution distances itself from the idea of revenge against anyone and there will be judiciary committees to hold accountable anyone who commits crimes against innocent citizens. I also plea, knowing that many Syrian army officers and soldiers are honorable people suppressed by iron and fire as we all were, I plea with them to prepare to defect from this corrupt body and to help us build the Syria of the future. The majority has suffered and the minorities have suffered and the regime has turned us against each other; it is time to unite in love to face the long night.
Fourthly, we as individuals and communities, do not and will not pledge allegiance to any side or cause that is harmful to our people, our unity or our land and this blood is the signature of our commitment. We pledge in front of our people to protect their interests, their land, their religion, their morals, their freedom and the rule of law. The coming Syria will be for all its sons and daughters. I pledge personally in front of my brothers, to be at the service of my people, to unite them and that every decision made in their interest to regain their dignity.
Fifthly, we call on the international community, on its governments to honor pledges of help to our people. Our people, Oh brothers, are not a primitive or marginal people, they are the makers of a great civilization and when our people’s rights are returned they will rise again and create a great civilization after the fall of the regime.
We ask for all forms of humanitarian, political and economic support.
In the name of all of our absent brothers in Syria, I extend my thanks to the government of Qatar and its people, Saudi Arabia and the UAE. I thank our partners in civilization and history, our Turkish brothers as well as our brothers in Libya, Jordan and Egypt. I hope we can work together to alleviate the suffering of the Syrian people. I would also like to thank all of our brothers who worked tirelessly over many nights to put together this coalition. I would also like to thank the Syrian National Council for working with us as brothers, because in the end we are brothers. Finally I want to address our great people with reverence and kiss the hand of every mother and father. I also want to salute the steadfastness of our young men and women. I want to salute especially the Syrian woman, the greatest woman on this earth, who made the human beings who conquered iron and blood. I would also like to address our children with they have my unconditional love and tell them that we will shed our blood so that they can go to bed happy, with a smile on their lips and with love and peace in their dreams. I want to tell all Syrians that if you find good in what I do then keep me, but otherwise ask me to leave; I love you all and I ask god for success, praise be to Allah, Lord of the worlds.
source : posted by N.Z. on Walls (https://7ee6an.wordpress.com/2012/09/26/superior-my-a/comment-page-3/#comment-16444)
November 14th, 2012, 2:45 am
ann said:
Report: Rebels seize villages on Israel-Syria border – 11.14.12
At least 200 rebel soldiers took over Beerajam and Bariqa in demilitarized buffer zone, Israeli military intelligence source tells The Telegraph
At least 200 rebel soldiers had taken over Beerajam and Bariqa, two isolated villages nestled in the buffer zone established between Israel and Syria, an Israeli military intelligence source told The Telegraph.
Over the past week, two Syrian mortar shells landed inside Israeli territory. The IDF retaliated on two occasions by firing a missile and tank shells. Reports said that the Syrian army scaled down its deployment in the region following the Israeli response.
“The rebels are employing a clear tactic of drawing the regime forces to fight in these demilitarized areas because of the limitations on the Syrian armed forces,” the source said.
“Rebels have seized control of the area north of Quneitra and the area to its south. If they are brave they will try to make a swift move to cut off Quneitra city and cut off the road to Damascus. We cannot rule that out as a next step.”
The armistice agreed in 1974 prohibits the Syrian government from engaging in military activity within a buffer zone that runs along the length of the Israeli border, with a width just under six miles.
According to Israeli officials, the rebels in control of Quneitra are members of a radical Salafist faction calling itself “Eagles of the Golan”.
The group, made up largely of foreign fighters, including al-Qaeda militants from Iraq, boasts that that once it has ousted the Assad regime, it will focus its attention on Israel.
“We are used to a Cold War situation between Israel and Syria but what we are seeing along the border now is a situation similar to that of Lebanon or Sinai, where a weak sovereign state is failing to exert its control over an area that different rebel groups can use to attack Israel,” a source said.
On Tuesday, Israel’s Channel 1 reported that Assad’s regime had conveyed a message to Israel that it will act to prevent accidental fire in the Golan Heights. The message was relayed via the United Nations headquarters that is enforcing the ceasefire agreement between Israel and Syria.
The Free Syria Army warned Israel on Sunday against interfering in the civil war which has been ravaging Syria since March 2011.
A report by Turkey’s Anadolu news Agency quoted a statement issued by the FSA saying that Israel’s rocket fire at Syria on Sunday afternoon was aimed to help the Assad regime in his war against opposition forces.
“Israel assisted Assad’s criminal regime by firing at FSA forces that were closing in on Damascus forces and negotiating their surrender,” the Free Syria Army statement said.
“The Israeli forces interfered with the intent of saving Assad’s force by delivering a direct hit to the rebels and breaking their siege over Assad’s criminal forces.”
‘Israel aiding Syrian regime’
On Tuesday, Mustafa al-Sheikh, the head of the Free Syrian Army’s military council said that “Israel is aiding the Syrian regime and its allies in accordance with their partnership.”
In an interview with the London-based al-Sharq al-Awsat, al-Sheikh said that “this agreement was clearly evident when Israel allowed Syrian forces to enter UN-controlled zones in the Golan without any objection.
November 14th, 2012, 2:48 am
Mina said:
Seems hard to motivate the rebels without promessing them the Golan. They are ok to kill Syrians but only if the stakes are high!
Hatham Manna’ on the last Doha circus
November 14th, 2012, 3:30 am
Citizen said:
??????: ???? ??????????? ?????????? ?? ???? ????? ??? ??? ?????? ???????? ??? ??? ???? ???
November 14th, 2012, 3:36 am
Citizen said:
West Conjures Fake “Syrian” Government
November 14th, 2012, 4:01 am
Citizen said:
This is the true essence of the CIA
November 14th, 2012, 6:01 am
habib said:
70. ann
Can it be any clearer that the Israelis are rooting for the insurgents, even the Salafist parts?
I’d like to see what the retards who claimed Israel is in bed with Bashar have to say…
We can only hope these groups will do what they promised and attack Israel once they enter Golan, but I highly doubt this will happen. They can sit snugly in Golan and let Israel fire at Syrian tanks if they come too close. Disgusting.
I have vowed to critisise both sides, but with developments like this, it is already becoming a challenge.
November 14th, 2012, 6:19 am
Observer said:
Majbali you really have lost it
How is it that holding property makes Ottoman influence still present. I told you all of it was confiscated. There is nothing left.
Also why is it that asking for criminals to be brought to justice is revenge?
Why is it that asking for a truth and reconciliation commission asking for revenge?
Why is asking for the abolition of the death penalty revenge?
I think the paranoia of past persecution and years of indoctrination has clouded your judgement.
I also love it when you clearly show the grudge you have against so called old money.
Life is not fair, some have genes to make them super athletes and others are born with genes that make them unable to process table sugar and yet others are born with genes that cause brain toxicity.
No one is born into a hatred gene. It is taught and nourished and eats away at everything.
Your rants are to me a very clear indication that the regime is losing and losing big time.
Who would have imagined that whole swaths of the country are no go zones for the hundreds of thousands of security troops and thugs and corrupters that the regime had at its hands. Who would have imagined that the prime minister of the Prethident would defect on him and yet in typical fashion like the man who puts the skin of his behind on his face goes on without embarrassment?
Here are the news from the pro regime sides
Iran is to call for a conference of dialogue
Medvedev says Russia is neutral but others are not
Mikdad says attacking Syria will not be easy
Freddo says that Syria will affect the world from the Pacific to the Atlantic.
Holly cow, is this the regime that you support? Is there an indication from the interview that Freddo gave to the RT channel that he is in full possession of his mental faculties? How can you dialogue let alone negotiate with delusion?
Finally: what would be an unboring comment to you?
Would it be hmmmm : the Prethident issued a decree to pardon street vendors from soiling the streets? would be it the news of the 10 agreements we signed with North Korea in the field ( oh my ) of electricity generation? Would be the decision to open a university in Quneitra? ( the latest news from SANA by the way ).
So cheers, I am now going to read every word of the SANA report with excitement for it is so unboring and then go one to Addounia also so inspiring.
Justice for Hamza Alkhatib
November 14th, 2012, 7:05 am
Observer said:
This is a question for all on this blog
Is there a Massada complex among the regime and its head?
Are we to expect a Samson action?
How many are willing to go into this scenario from the regime side in your opinion?
November 14th, 2012, 7:20 am
Visitor said:
True said,
“I’ll grant immunity to every Qurdahan who could say 2erd instead of Qurd, see my big heart and they say we’re not tolerant “
I have no problem with good causes, as long as they prove their worth obedeiently serving our brothers who will move to town shortly.
November 14th, 2012, 7:45 am
Visitor said:
Habib is eager to liberate the Golan,
I will paraphrase this guy for you. What did you use to call him? Jin-blat?
?? ????? ?? ??????? ????? ?? ???? ??????.
November 14th, 2012, 8:42 am
Dawoud said:
Stop Hizbistan’s (Hasan Nasrillat’s Hizb al-Shytan) and Ayatollahistan’s (Iran’s) Terrorism in Syria!
Free Syria, Free Palestine, Stop Shia Terrorism!
November 14th, 2012, 8:45 am
Warren said:
Israeli air strike kills Hamas military chief Jabari
Hamas says the head of its military wing has been killed in an Israeli air strike.
Israel said it had targeted Ahmed al-Jabari because of what it called his decade-long terrorist activity.
He is the most senior Hamas official to be killed since an Israeli offensive in Gaza four years ago.
Witnesses say Jabari was traveling in his vehicle in Gaza City when his car exploded. There are reports his deputy has also been killed.
The Israeli intelligence agency Shin Bet said in a statement: “Jabari was responsible for financing and directing military operations and attacks against Israel.
“His elimination today is a message to Hamas officials in Gaza that if they continue promoting terrorism against Israel, they will be hurt.”
The BBC correspondent in Gaza says the sound of gunfire is echoing through the streets. He says there is a lot of anger in the City, and there are fears the attack could lead to a major escalation of violence.
Another filthy Sunni Pallie terrorist bites the dust! Watch how the Pallie parasites cry, scream and do nothing!
November 14th, 2012, 9:49 am
Warren said:
Israel threatens to topple Abbas if Palestinians win U.N. bid
Israel’s foreign ministry has proposed in a policy paper “toppling” Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas if a Palestinian bid of state observer status at the United Nations is approved later this month.
“Toppling Abu Mazen’s (Abbas’s) regime would be the only option in this case,” the position paper obtained by AFP says. “Any other option… would mean waving a white flag and admitting the failure of the Israeli leadership to deal with the challenge.”
The position paper is a draft document that is expected to be endorsed by Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman, who would then present it to the Israeli officials charged with formulating Israel’s response to the Palestinian bid.
Lieberman has already reportedly expressed his view that Abbas’s Palestinian Authority should be dismantled if the U.N. bid succeeds.
No doubt the Pallie prostitutes new client and sugar daddy Qatar will come to their resuce! (Sarcasm)
November 14th, 2012, 9:57 am
annie said:
Hello True, had not seen you. Happy to know you are still with the Revolution and have not forgotten your mates.
this is THE speech in the original http://youtu.be/5ihiBBv670M
Oh, and this is for the menhebaks, look who is supporting you and your criminal prez http://www.al-monitor.com/pulse/security/01/11/israel-is-better-off-with-assad.html#ixzz2CCm6gVpA
And finally 45. True If I had any say I would forbid the humiliation of anyone whether it be in Qardaha or any place. Humiliation debases the person who dishes it out.
November 14th, 2012, 10:43 am
erin said:
the new coalition is compounded of people who will be killing each other in the future to be the next dictator of Syria.
it is not a democracy it is a new slavery in Syria.
Arabs will never have democracy, under the title of Islam.
get rid of Islam and democracy will flourish by itself.
November 14th, 2012, 11:18 am
mjabali said:
Observer Old Money Syndicate:
Again, you rant and rant and rant and rant and accuse me of that.
A cheap and primitive technique like this is not going to work with me. Go try another method.
Nevertheless, let me smash your weak logic as my habit:
Yes, the Ottoman’s influence is still felt in Syria today. You could see that on the material level and on the ideological level.
The Ottomans and their gang ruled what came to be known as Syria for 600 or 700 years or so. They influenced everything in that place, including the demographics and of course the distribution of wealth. They also controlled every institution existed. They counted the breath you could intake. So, their institutions and establishments did not disappear when Nasser came and took the land away from few of that class. It was well entrenched within.
A real example for you mr. old money, my friends’ mother who came from a family whose’ land was supposedly taken away by the state. She inherited, from her family of course, the rights to small properties here and the in the heart of the city I came from. When Nasser came he was not able to corral all of the holding of that class, and therefore left small properties here and there. These small properties are fortunes in Syrian standards. To make the story short: the Ottoman benefits to the few is still felt today, even though the “Ottomans” are out of Syria.
The ideas the Ottomans set in Syria regarding minorities, as an example, are still the rule today in Syria. The Sunnis of Syria never made the attempt to step out of the way the Ottomans thought of the Syrians. The Sunnis of Syria, except for a small portion, still think the way the Ottoman wanted them.
AS for your revenge calls; you astonish me sometimes mr. “observer.” Some days you say you want to start reconciling Syrians while on other days you show clearly that you are for the military solutions and do not mind violence. There are contradictions in your stances.
As for Hamza al-Khatieb: Yes Justice for this little Syrian boy.
Call for the immediate end of violence in Syria. Call for political solutions and not for the death and destruction of the country.
November 14th, 2012, 12:02 pm
mjabali said:
It is funny when some of those pretending to defend Islam are the ones who end up putting there feet in their mouths.
So, after their leader called his dick the 6th pillar of Islam, today we have two characters (probably the same person), making fun of the letter Qaf and slandering the Alawites who pronounce in a certain manner.
So, if you take the theory of these two characters the word Quran ???? should be pronounced Aur’an ????? i.e switching the Qaf with a hamza. Therefore the Qura’ain Verse : Iqra’ should be pronounced U’ra’
??? ??? ???????? ????? ????? ??? ????? ???????.
??????? ?? ??? ????? ???????? ??????..
November 14th, 2012, 12:09 pm
zoo said:
Obama’s Nightmare
Published: November 13, 2012
So the situation is not hopeless. I know American officials are tantalized by the idea of flipping Syria from the Iranian to the Western camp by toppling Assad. That would make my day, too, but I’m skeptical it would end the conflict. I fear that toppling Assad, without a neutral third party inside Syria to referee a transition, could lead not only to permanent civil war in Syria but one that spreads around the region. It’s a real long shot, but we should keep trying to work with Russia — Syria’s lawyer — to see if together we can broker a power-sharing deal inside Syria and a United Nations-led multinational force to oversee it. Otherwise, this fire will rage on and spread, as the acid from the Shiite-Sunni conflict eats away at the bonds holding the Middle East together and standing between this region and chaos.
November 14th, 2012, 12:13 pm
zoo said:
Where is the Arab League?
Hit on Hamas military chief is only the beginning
This is not just “another” assassination, but rather a hit on one of the top people in the movement and the person in the leadership most identified with the terror struggle against Israel.
The Israeli action today is the beginning of the story, not its end. All of the Palestinian factions will try in the upcoming hours to avenge Jabari’s death by every means. The confusion of the first hour in Gaza is now being replaced by an unambiguous call for vengeance.
November 14th, 2012, 12:26 pm
zoo said:
Another tap in the back?
U.S. stops short of recognizing Syrian opposition body
Wed Nov 14, 2012 11:05am EST
* U.S. praises coalition, but holds off on full recognition
* France leads the diplomatic charge on Syria, as in Libya
* Syria denounces new coalition as bent on war
By Mariam Karouny
BEIRUT, Nov 14 (Reuters) – The United States declined to follow France in fully recognising a fledgling Syrian opposition coalition on Wednesday, saying the body must prove its worth, after its predecessor was dogged by feuding and accusations of Islamist domination.
Syria decried the new grouping, which it said had closed the door to a negotiated solution with President Bashar al-Assad.
“The whole world, and Syria too, says the problem in Syria should be solved in a peaceful framework and through a national dialogue, (but) the first decision taken after forming the coalition in Doha was to reject dialogue and to continue the war,” Deputy Foreign Minister Faisal Mekdad said.
November 14th, 2012, 12:39 pm
zoo said:
New Syrian opposition body chooses Cairo as base
CAIRO, (Reuters) – Syria’s new opposition coalition will set up its headquarters in Cairo, the hub of Arab diplomacy, as it lobbies foreign powers for recognition as the war-torn country’s legitimate government, officials in the movement said.
Mouaz Alkhatib, a moderate Sunni Muslim cleric who fled Syria for Cairo in July, was elected on Sunday to head the coalition, the latest attempt to present a united front after more than a year of bickering among Bashar al-Assad’s opponents.
Twenty months of conflict have killed more than 38,000 people, leaving insurgents with few weapons to fight Assad’s air force and heavy artillery.
The opposition is under growing pressure to form a body that can rule after him as rebels advance on the ground and the country slides further into economic and social chaos.
“The decision has been taken to make Cairo the permanent headquarters for the Syrian opposition coalition to meet and plan ahead,” an aide to Alkhatib said on condition of anonymity.
Prominent coalition member Walid el-Bunni from the former Syrian National Council (SNC) confirmed the decision on Wednesday and said the movement was in talks with the Egyptian government to finalise arrangements for the new headquarters.
Six Arab Gulf countries and France have announced their support for the coalition but it still lacks full recognition from the United States, other European countries and the Arab League.
November 14th, 2012, 12:58 pm
Tara said:
Zoo@ 89
Shouldn’t Miss Peggy offer her criteria or define how the Coalition body can ” prove it’s worth”. We have only seen empty rhetoric from this administration . What exactly they would like to seer before helping the revolution topple Batta, or is it just the usual lip service?
November 14th, 2012, 1:06 pm
Syrialover said:
A closer look at the picture shows that Israeli claims justifying its strikes in Gaza don’t stand up.
Analysis shows that Palestinian projectiles are largely generated as a response to Israeli strikes.
The data also shows factions in Gaza are restraining themselves and are not responding to every Israeli escalation.
November 14th, 2012, 1:57 pm
Visitor said:
There are four issues facing the newly formed coalition. They are resistance, governance, diplomacy and aid, Khoury says.
I think we kind of figured that much here if we overlook the love-u-4ever-die-without-u distractors.
November 14th, 2012, 2:20 pm
zoo said:
The requirements of the Western countries, friends of Syria are clear
1) The new coalition does not include opposition groups within Syria: It must reach them and try to convince them to join.
3) It does not include the FSA commanders, it must reach them AND control them.
3) It should work toward a political settlement and not a military one. That implies some sort of negotiations with the regime.
Unfortunately the Moslem Brotherhood in the signed deal creating the coalition have made sure that this is explicitly forbidden.
In summary, by having their headquarter in MB lead Egyt thus embracing the strong influence of MB (dictated by Qatar), they have put themselves in a corner by appearing to be the Moslem Brotherhood servants, just like the SNC.
The chosen leaders, the sheikh, the woman and the businessman, are only for the facade, they have no decision power whatsoever and the huge tasks require not only courageous but powerful leaders.
As long the opposition focuses exclusively on a military solution to the issue, they will never get the West on their side and without the West, they are bound to fail while more syrians will die.
November 14th, 2012, 2:20 pm
ALI said:
I enjoy your comments but I find your language a little bit harsh. I don’t suppose you like to be called a Sunni terrorist or servants of Alawis for 40 years?
I’m really sorry but I just wanted to highlight to you and your folks that we’re more civilized than you guys and if we don’t reciprocate the insulate it doesn’t mean we’re not able to.
Most of Alawis who controlled you for 40 years could easily pronounce Qerd as 2erd, so I don’t believe your sectarian filter would work here.
Would you agree to sit around the table and start a dialog?
November 14th, 2012, 2:44 pm
Mina said:
Might not be available for reading for too long (and appreciate the moral offered)
Jon Williams BBC Foreign Editor tweets: 11 month old son of BBC colleague killed in #Gaza. Sister-in-law killed, brother critically injured. Civilians always casualties of conflict.
November 14th, 2012, 3:13 pm
Warren said:
French Authorities Launch Investigation Into Arafat’s Death
Stratfor’s Vice President of Intelligence Fred Burton discusses the low probability of investigators finding any evidence indicating that Yasser Arafat was poisoned in 2004.
For more analysis, visit: http://www.Stratfor.com
November 14th, 2012, 3:16 pm
ALI said:
The invasion of Gaza has started and now all real Arabs should stop everything to support our Palestinian brothers in Gaza. Although Hamas’ stand of the situation in Syria was not really pleasant but we still need to stay behind them for the core case of our existence, for Palestine.
If Jihadists and what you call FSA have a little amount of decency should stop their unexplained attacks against the state and channel their efforts to Palestine. Will the opposition stick to our commitment to Palestine? Or it’s an ideal opportunity to submit its credentials to Israel?
Watch and see Jihadists.
November 14th, 2012, 3:17 pm
ALI said:
Hold on a second, my previous post doesn’t apply for opposition and FSA Jihadists simply because they are not Arabs and Palestine has no meaning for them.
November 14th, 2012, 3:39 pm
Warren said:
Pakistan agrees Afghan Taliban releases in Islamabad talks
Pakistan has agreed to free several jailed Afghan Taliban officials during talks in Islamabad with Afghan peace negotiators, officials say.
But the Afghan delegation has extended its stay for an extra day, amid disagreements about who will be freed.
Afghan sources told the BBC the former Taliban justice minister Mullah Turabi and two intelligence officials are among the group who will be released.
One Afghan official described the move as a positive gesture towards peace.
Pakistan says it backs peace efforts. The BBC’s Orla Guerin says the releases are a tangible step to prove this.
Our correspondent, reporting from Islamabad, says that the key issues are who is being freed, and how much power they have.
Crucially, it appears that the Taliban number two, Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar is not among those being released – at least for now.
However, Afghan officials hope that Mullah Turabi can bring field commanders into talks. But one Taliban leader told the BBC he no longer has any influence over the movement.
More Paki duplicity, these released sunni terrorists will go back to attacking NATO forces. The West must hold this vile terrorist country called Pakistan to account; the Paki nuke is a threat to Western civilization: these savages cannot be trusted!
November 14th, 2012, 3:53 pm
5 dancing shlomos said:
the coalition and the arab league are fronts for u.s. which is a front for israel/jewry.
president assad has been willing to negotiate.
the opposition of terrorists, backed and supported by the world’s biggest terrorists, has not.
November 14th, 2012, 4:10 pm
“The invasion of Gaza has started and now all real Arabs should stop everything to support our Palestinian brothers in Gaza. Although Hamas’ stand of the situation in Syria was not really pleasant but we still need to stay behind them for the core case of our existence, for Palestine.
If Jihadists and what you call FSA have a little amount of decency should stop their unexplained attacks against the state and channel their efforts to Palestine. Will the opposition stick to our commitment to Palestine? Or it’s an ideal opportunity to submit its credentials to Israel?
Watch and see Jihadists.
This comment must earn the “Smartest Comment of the Day Award.” It was so good that it was followed by another comment that is even smarter. The supporters of the terrorist Syrian regime are getting smarter by the day.
I like the part about the “unexplained attacks against the state.” After the murder of thousands of people by the terrorist Syrian regime, not to mention the wounded and the destruction of thousands of homes, there are still people that can’t understand why the FSA is defending itself and the free Syrian people who want to get rid of this most barbaric regime.
As for Gaza, the FSA wants to follow the lead of Syria, Iran, and Iran’s tail, HA. Will Batta order the terrorist pilots of the Syrian Air Force currently busy indiscriminately bombing Syrian towns and cities to turn around and head to Gaza or at least the Golan Heights, or will he instead send intercontinental expressions of condemnation that will make the Israelis shiver in fear. Will Iran and its tail use their drones and rockets to defend the Gazans? The last I checked, at least according to their statements in the past few months, the Iranians can wipe out Israel. So what are they going to do? Judging by their reaction to the last Gaza war, I think Israel should expect a major attack by the fearless Iranian and HA commandos who will teach Israelis a lesson it will never forget.
November 14th, 2012, 4:14 pm
Warren said:
Is Israel Better Off With Assad in Power?
Nobody knows who the insurgents really are or the kind of Syria Israel will have to grapple with once they seize power. With the incumbent regime, by contrast, we’ve been getting along for dozens of years.
Unlike the prophecies about the fall of Assad’s regime within a matter of weeks or within a relatively short period of time, the situation in Syria is becoming increasingly entangled. As time goes by, pivotal issues concerning the civil war between the insurgents and the Syrian regime come to light. The first one is the fog shrouding the identity of these insurgents. It remains unclear who leads the Syrian opposition and where they want to take Syria once Assad’s regime is toppled. Furthermore, it becomes increasingly evident that the insurgents also consist of external forces which are unrelated to the Syrian people. Those are international terrorist groups, some of which fall under the definition of al-Qaeda while others are affiliated with Salafist and radical and fundamentalist Islamic organizations. Druze and other minorities, which are concerned by of what underlies these rebel organizations, do not cooperate with them. Pitted against them is the Syrian military, whose command skeleton consists of the Alawite community. Realizing that losing the war against the insurgency could mean their death sentence, they are in fact fighting for their life.
Read more: http://www.al-monitor.com/pulse/security/01/11/israel-is-better-off-with-assad.html#ixzz2CEiBghZS
November 14th, 2012, 4:53 pm
annie said:
Did we not always suspect that he is rooting for Assad ?
Crown it ?
22:13 President Barack Obama said Wednesday the United States is encouraged by Syria’s new opposition coalition but is not ready to crown it the sole legitimate representative of the Syrian people.
To read more: http://www.nowlebanon.com/NewsArticleDetails.aspx?ID=253828#ixzz2CEiOdUsE
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November 14th, 2012, 4:57 pm
MarigoldRan said:
Assad has NOT been willing to negotiate. Note the campaign of violence that started almost two years ago against protests, and more recently against the FSA. If he’s willing to negotiate, why is he still calling them terrorists? Why is he still bombing his cities?
No one in the West or the opposition will negotiate with Assad. The war continues, until Assad goes.
The Alawites are fighting for their lives? Good for them. Considering how they behaved when they were in power, it’s time that they got a taste of their own medicine. The Alawites can fight for their lives, and STILL LOSE because the majority of the army is made up of Sunni conscripts who are seriously beginning to wonder why they’re still fighting for the regime.
November 14th, 2012, 5:09 pm
True said:
I do have a special respect to this name “Ali” so I’m not gonna pick on it but for sure you’re a sneaky snake piece of sh!t.
First of all, you keep saying sorry and apologies to portray yourself as an upper class educated minority comparing to us, but I’ll tell you what? we’re in no need to your apologies you pathetic apologist, and to be more precised rap all your apologies on this blog and shove it down your dirty mouth eh.
I know for fact that most Alawis in rich neighborhoods within Damascus could speak proper Shami accent or at least an acceptable version of it but the Qurd has special effect on them and I doubt any Alawi would say 2erd unintentionally. Your def not a Sunni neither an Alawi, I’d guess you’re one of those kids who always were isolated at school with no acknowledgement from anyone except the school janitor (Azen) especially after hours when he used to ask you to help him around eh. You did migrate out of Syria but all these memories are still with you and will stay till you come clean one day. My wild guess that you’re an Ismaili or a Christian but hey if you’re ashamed of your skin then there’s no need to verify my guess.
“servants of Alawis for 40 years”
You got that right, and yes it’s our mistake to consider you humans and try to coexist with you but now the train is already on its way either to new the Syria or to Somalia (as you said) but in both cases we happy to take this Alawi element out of the equation.
“If Jihadists and what you call FSA have a little amount of decency should stop their unexplained attacks”
Oh noo don’t start your Athadstan broken record again for …. sake. who arrested Hamas’ leaders few weeks ago? who destroyed Yarmouk camp in Damascus? Who stopped issuing passports to Palestinians in Syria? It’s your regime, so before you drop crocodile tears on Palestinians in Gaza let’s try protecting Palestinian refugees in Syria from your Batta. Syrians and FSA won’t forget the awesome support from Palestinians during this revolution and after we’re done from Batta we will join hands with them to liberate Palestine and till that time they are our brothers in bread and blood not yours.
You keep talking about dialogue although I can no see any hope in it. However, yes for argument sake I say yes I’m keen to initiate a dialogue with you. what’s next?
November 14th, 2012, 5:11 pm
Albo said:
On Gaza, what is certain is that the Israelis are taking advantage of the situation, as Hamas has cut its ties with the Syrian government and turned to be openly hostile to its former sponsor, they painted themselves into a corner. Not that they would be in any position to meanigfully counter-attack, same as before, but at least they wouldn’t be as isolated politically in the region; they will pay a price for that.
Soon everyone will see that neither the Egyptian Brotherhood, nor the Qataris or the Turks can do anything for them. As an aside, it will be interesting to see the reaction of the Arab street, when these new players will be proved powerless. Especially when they are western backed and Israel is non-negotiable, some are in for a big hangover in the future.
November 14th, 2012, 5:52 pm
Warren said:
ALBO # 108
No need to worry, Hamas’ Sunni brothers the Qataris, Morsi and SNC/FSA will come to their rescue!
As we speak right now Wahhabistan and the Qataris are financing and arming a Free Palestinian Army! lol
November 14th, 2012, 6:00 pm
Warren said:
IDF video shows moment of strike that killed Hamas military chief
One less Sunni terrorist!
When IDF kills a Sunni terrorist no one here complains; but when the SAA kills a Sunni terrorist everyone here starts crying!
November 14th, 2012, 6:17 pm
Syria no Kandahar said:
Never in the history of humanity has been any dirtier,uglier or filthier than this (revolution )….
Very gross clip showing a (freedom fighter) cutting the head of a Palestinian !!
Europe,US and JL want to give these guys heavy weapons!!’
Very disturbing video:
November 14th, 2012, 6:35 pm
Citizen said:
Israel and FSA Jointly Attack Syria
Israel has exchanged fire with Syria at the border of the occupied Syrian Golan Heights.
Israel has admitted to allowing the FSA terrorist insurgents to use the Golan heights as cover. The NATO backed opposition (FSA insurgents and SNC puppets) are puppets of Israel and Nato and want to ally with them if the Syrian government falls. The entire insurgency in Syria is part of a Zionist-NATO plot hatched years ago, to destroy Syria and break Syria/Iran ties.
November 14th, 2012, 6:36 pm
True said:
Oh dear you still alive!!
This glorious revolution is with Palestinians heart and soul, and there’s noway on earth that FSA will commit such a crime. This is a fabricated video by your Batta’s shabiha trying to flip the Palestinians against the revolution, rest assured this won’t happen you dweeb.
November 14th, 2012, 6:53 pm
Citizen said:
Is Bashar al-Assad Syria’s Abraham Lincoln?
The Syrian president’s fans are comparing him with the hero of America’s Civil War. Here’s why they’re wrong.
You wouldn’t think, judging by the horrific news coming out of Syria, that President Bashar al-Assad would have many defenders. But there are some. Many are Syrians who are close to his regime. Others are foreign well-wishers who have their own reasons for lending him their support. And some are even comparing the embattled Syrian president to Abraham Lincoln. Seriously.
One of the most interesting arguments that I’ve heard so far comes from the the president of the Institute for the Middle East in Moscow, a man with the evocative name of Yevgeny Satanovsky. In his article, Satanovsky assails the West for its alleged hypocrisy in condemning Assad:
Abraham Lincoln was lucky to have lived when he did. Surely he would have appeared a vicious tyrant had Twitter, Facebook, Al Jazeera, NATO and the UN existed when he encouraged the efforts of Union forces to suppress Confederate separatists. But Lincoln is an American national hero, a bastion of democracy and a martyr. It is quite possible that in the future these very same words will be used, at least in the Arab world, to describe Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, who is now widely reviled by the international community. History is full of surprises.
In other words, according to Satanovsky, Assad is getting a bum rap. When Abraham Lincoln launched his effort to prevent the southern states of the Confederacy from seceding from the Union, he was just doing what the Syrian president is doing today: preventing rebels from tearing his country apart.
Satanovsky isn’t the only one to have drawn this comparison. The notion of Assad as a misunderstood patriot, fighting to preserve his nation’s territorial integrity — just as Lincoln did in his day — can be encountered in all sorts of places around the Internet. “This war is just like the American civil war and Assad is just like Abraham Lincoln,” writes one commenter in response to an article on Syria published on the website of the Arabic-language broadcaster Al-Arabiya. “The Shabiha [the pro-Assad militia] could be compared to Sherman’s march to the Atlantic.”
In some ways the analogy is a bit ironic, since Assad himself persists in denying that anything like a civil war is taking place in his country. Officially he insists that the whole crisis is the result of intervention by various foreign powers that have stirred up “terrorists” against the Syrian people. (I doubt that he believes this in private, though I can’t really say.)
Still, it’s interesting that people feel inclined to make the comparison. Is there anything to it? Ask most Americans, and they’ll instinctively reject it — though usually without being able to explain why. But let’s not throw the baby out with the bathwater just yet.
November 14th, 2012, 6:57 pm
ghufran said:
Obama today:
Mr. President, the Assad regime is engage in a brutal crackdown on its people. France has recognized the opposition coalition. What would it take for the United States to do the same? And is there any point at which the United States would consider arming the rebels?
OBAMA: You know, I was one of the first leaders, I think around the world, to say Assad had to go in response to the incredible brutality that his government displayed, in the face of what were initially peaceful protests. Obviously the situation has seriously deteriorated since then. We have been extensively engaged with the international community as well as regional powers to help the opposition. We have committed hundreds of millions of dollars to humanitarian aid to help folks both inside of Syria, and outside of Syria.
We are constantly consulting with the opposition on how they can get organized so that they’re not splintered, and divided in the face of the onslaught from the Assad regime. We are in very close contact with countries like Turkey and Jordan that immediately border Syria, and obviously Israel which is having already grave concerns, as we do, about for example, movements of chemical weapons that might occur in such a chaotic atmosphere.
And they could have an impact, not just within Syria, but on the region as a whole. I’m encouraged to see that the Syrian opposition created an umbrella group that may have more cohesion than they’ve had in the past. We’re going to be talking to them. My envoys are going to be traveling to, you know various meetings that are going to be taking place with the international community, and the opposition. We consider them a legitimate representative of the aspirations of the Syrian people. We’re not yet prepared to recognize them as some sort of government in exile, but we do think that it is a broad-based representative group.
One of the questions that we’re going to continue to press is, making sure that that opposition is committed to a democratic Syria, an inclusive Syria, a moderate Syria.
We have seen extremist elements insinuate themselves into the opposition. And, you know, one of the things that we have to be on guard about, particularly when we start talking about arming opposition figures, is that we’re not indirectly putting arms in the hands of folks who would do Americans harm, or do Israelis harm, or otherwise engage in – in actions that are detrimental to our national security.
So we’re – we’re constantly probing, and working on that issue. The more engaged we are, the more we’ll be in a position to make sure that – that we are encouraging the most moderate, thoughtful elements of the opposition that are committed to inclusion, observance of human rights, and working cooperatively with us over the long-term.
(that should serve as a reality check)
November 14th, 2012, 7:09 pm
Observer said:
I never insulted you and I am not sure what ranting you are referring to.
Your explanation about Ottoman rule makes sense and therefore I stand corrected and I agree that the land distribution and favoritism has its indirect influence.
I am not sure though about Sunni attitude. I grew up in a non practicing family and I always felt Muslim by culture and upbringing but never ever as a so called Sunni.
I did not even know of real differences with Shia and Ismaili and Druze and as a matter of fact my best man at my wedding was a Druze and I did not know it at that time.
I am sorry you are confused. The regime has to be uprooted. It does not mean violently. However, the regime having chosen a military solution first and foremost will factually have to face militarization of the revolution. If it withdraws heavy weapons and permits demonstrations as the governor of Hama did at the beginning before his dismissal, then we can talk about peaceful removal.
The dialogue will then move into negotiations of what institutions to preserve what institutions to neutralize and what institutions to demolish and how to go about bringing both sides to justice and to truth and reconciliation.
If in this negotiations you deem that living under one roof without discrimination is not possible then peaceful separation of the sects is fine with me.
If you aim to negotiate a survival of this regime then it is a non starter.
Now show me the beef. How in practice would you dismantle the regime and any hint of discrimination by anybody.
Homework for all of us
November 14th, 2012, 7:12 pm
ghufran said:
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Mr Al-Khatib’s 4 NOs beg the question: why do you need a political body if the only strategy is to continue this war until total “victory” ?
Later on, Khatib said that if the new entity received recognition,it will be able to buy and send weapons “jaharan naharan”.
Earlier,an opposition figure described Mr Al-Khatib:
???? ??????? ???????? ???????? ??????? ???????? ????? ????? ????? ???????? ?? ???? ???? ???????? ?????? ???????? ??????? ???? ???? ?????? ???? “??? ??????? ??????” ????? “?????? ???” ? “??? ?????? ?????”.
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????? ??????? “??? ??????? ??? ???? ??? ????? ?? ??????? ???? ??????: ??? ??? ???? ???? ??? ??????? ??????? ??? ??????? ????????? ??????? ????? ?????? ??? ???? ?????? ?????”.
?????? “??? ??? ??????? ??? ????? ??? ???? ?????? ???????? ???? ????? ???? ???????? ???? ???? ????? ?? ????????”.
???? ?????? ????? “??????” ???????? ???? ????? ?? “???? ???? ?? ???? ???? ??????. ????? ?? ???? ??? ??? ?????? ???? ????? ?? ???? ?????? ??? ???? ????? ??????? ???? ???? ??? ??? ?????? ???? ???? ??? ???????? ???????? ???? ????? ?????? ????”
I do not think there is much room for moderate people in Syria any more, militants run that country and militant views dominate the media. Moderates are not supported by the west and the GCC and they are largely ignored by the media because moderation is not as sexy as militancy, and moderation may actually save the country and turn the heat against those who were steering the country in the other direction.
(compare khatib’s previous speeches to his latest “hot” press releases)
November 14th, 2012, 7:35 pm
Dolly Buster said:
101. 5 dancing shlomos said:
? president assad has been willing to negotiate. ?
Maybe he should, like, step down and stuff.
Why would that be a problem?
Is the country dependent on 1 person?
Bashar al-Kalb should recognize that something has gone extremely wrong: France (one of the major world powers) has recognized “the terrorists” as the legitimate government of Syria. Such recognitions are never withdrawn.
So, is Assad hoping to pacify Syria — and then *never* re-establish diplomatic relations with the Republic of France? What fun !
November 14th, 2012, 7:49 pm
Warren said:
Saudi Student-Turned-Jihadi Sentenced to Life in Prison in US Bomb Plot
After 15 Saudi hijackers took part in the terror attacks of 9/11 and after an army of Saudi jihadis has invaded Syria to kill Syrians as part of their jihad, a former Texas college student from Saudi Arabia was sentenced to life in prison on Tuesday for trying to make a bomb for use in a religious attack, possibly targeting former U.S. President George W. Bush.
Khalid Ali-M Aldawsari was sentenced in Amarillo, Texas, where jurors convicted him in June of attempting to use a weapon of mass destruction. Prosecutors say he had collected bomb-making material in his apartment and researched possible targets, including the Dallas home of Bush. A handwritten journal found in his apartment included notes that he believed it was time for “jihad,” a Muslim term for holy war.
November 14th, 2012, 7:59 pm
ALI said:
Thanks for your reply and please allow me to assure you that using profanity (like walad elshware3) on me won’t make me lose it. I still believe that you have a good heart as all Syrians (that’s if you are a Syrian) but you got a little bit confused and lost your avenue with all these scenes of killing and violence by Assad, Jihadists and gangs of FSA. So I forgive you (Yes I’m waaaaaay civilized than you)
I belong to the religion of loving Syria and my heart beats with Arabisim and the dream of liberating Palestine. I won’t allow you to put me in a box and write my sect on it, so I decline to answer your guess of my background.
Back to the dialog, the aim would be to come up with a suitable solution to end up this situation, assuming Assad is out of the equation. You’ll be the representative of opposition and I’ll represent the other side (not the regime side). Any questions?
November 14th, 2012, 8:27 pm
zoo said:
The dark face of Al Khatib
The new leader of Syria’s opposition has a history of statements that are anti-Semitic, outrageous, and sometimes downright bizarre.
Khatib’s website features numerous instances of anti-Semitic rhetoric. In one of his own articles, he writes that one of Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein’s positive legacies was “terrifying the Jews.” He has also published others’ anti-Semitic observations on his site: In one article, written by Abdul Salam Basiouni, Jews are described as “gold worshipers.” Finally, in an obituary of a Gaza sheikh copied from IslamSyria, Jews are dubbed “the enemies of God.”
While Khatib used his post-election speech to call for equal rights for “all parts of the harmonious Syrian people,” his previous rhetoric toward his country’s minorities has been nothing short of virulent. One of his articles describes Shiite using the slur rawafid, or “rejectionists”; he even goes further, criticizing Shiites’ ability to “establish lies and follow them.” Such language, needless to say, will hardly reassure the country’s Alawite community, a Shiite offshoot to which Assad belongs.
Khatib’s animosity toward the West is similarly evident in his writing. In one article, written in 2011, the new coalition leader speaks of “stupid American, cunning British, and malignant French diplomacy.” He also accuses Western powers of propping up the old Egyptian regime and working to weaken the country for their own ends. “The collapse of the Egyptian regime is the beginning of the international regional system’s descent,” he writes. “The collapse of Egypt itself is an enormous Israeli desire [emanating] from its frightening project to split the region into repugnant sectarian entities.”
The new Syrian opposition leader doesn’t hesitate to stoke Muslims’ fears of persecution at the hands of the West. He posted on his website a flamboyant Dutch Radio report on the imminent ethnic cleansing of Europe’s Muslim minorities, based on statements by right-wing European figures and Rached Ghannouchi, the leader of the Tunisia’s Islamist Al-Nahda party, which is now a major partner in the country’s coalition government.
Rather than a positive step forward, Khatib’s leadership suggests that Syria’s opposition is poised to repeat the same mistakes that have bedeviled it since the beginning of the revolt.
November 14th, 2012, 8:33 pm
Sheila said:
It has become very upsetting reading all these derogatory terms uttered against Alawiis and Qurdaha. It is unethical, immoral and down right bigoted. Let us use these terms to describe the actual criminals, not those “criminalized” by association.
I offer my sincere apology to every Alawi on this blog.
November 14th, 2012, 8:45 pm
MarigoldRan said:
I can’t believe I’m saying this, but at this point the jihadists are more popular than the regime. Say what you want about jihadists , but they haven’t been nearly as destructive as the regime.
The regime is giving secularism a bad name.
The Assad propaganda machine has been screaming about an alliance between NATO and Al Qaeda. Even if that is true, it would only show how hated the regime has become, that mortal enemies like Al Qaeda and NATO would choose to ally to fight against it. The people in the regime probably aren’t thinking too clearly right now.
November 14th, 2012, 8:46 pm
ALI said:
Although you have decided to stop conversing with me but thank you for being human to non Sunnis.
November 14th, 2012, 8:52 pm
Syria no Kandahar said:
Jordan is now starting with appetizers ….the main poisonous dish is coming later.
Stupidly Jordan has been allowing the poison to be prepared in its kitchen thinking that it will be only served to sister Syria….Turkey will be served in all you can eat
Style later:
???? ????? ??????? ???????? ??????? ?? ?????? ?????? ??? ???????? ?????? ????? ?????? ?? ???? ????? ???????? ???? ??? ????????? ????? 12 ????? ?????.
???? ?? ???? ?????? ?? “12 ????? ?????? ????? ????? ????? ?????? ?? ???????? ????? ?????? ?? ????. ???? ??? ???????? ?? ????? ????? ??? ????? ????? ????? ?????”. ????? ?? “??? ???????? ?????? ?????? ????”.
November 14th, 2012, 9:03 pm
Syria no Kandahar said:
The new Dajjal Alkateeb claims that their Islam is the one which huggs christianity….meanwhile his
Co-terrorists attack a peaceful city ??? ????? (liberating)it,causing most of its people to flee it ,
Taking 22 soldiers and many civilian workers as hostages, and based on their high Islamic manners they kill them all then bury them in a mass grave … All with the help of Turkish intelligence and under the Turkish flag….
Why is it that every time these rabed wahabi dogs
Infest a town to protect its people , all the people flee for their lives:
November 14th, 2012, 9:20 pm
Majed97 said:
Albo- 107
Good observation. Looks like Hamas has taken the bait set up for it by Qatar and KSA by drawing it away from the resistance front (Syria, Iran and Hizballh) only to leave it exposed and isolated and well set up for the knock out punch that is being delivered to it now by Israel.
Despite all the phony protests and empty talks by the “moderate” Arabs today, Hamas stands alone now. It is unlikely to survive, leaving Abbas and his the “moderate” Palestinians as the only Palestinian representative. The question is: when will the Arab streets wake up and realize the true nature of this “Arab Spring”!?! And will Arabs ever overcome their sectarian prejudice and be able to sort out their friends and enemies!?! I have my doubts…
November 14th, 2012, 9:20 pm
Warren said:
Avi Dichter, former head of the shin bet, with a massage to the people of syria – ?????
November 14th, 2012, 10:17 pm
Ghufran said:
Hague of GB is not ready to drop his pants yet:
“We want the Syrian opposition to be inclusive … and to have support inside Syria and if they have this, yes, we will then recognise them as the legitimate representative of the Syrian people.”
November 14th, 2012, 10:20 pm
Warren said:
Recognition of new Syrian opposition poses peculiar question for Turkey
Turkey, the main backer of the newly formed Syrian Coalition for Opposition and Revolutionary Forces, is not committed to recognizing it as the sole legitimate representative of Syria just yet, partly out of concerns over the diplomatic implications of such a move at a time when Ankara hands the Syrian regime protest notes over what it says are violations of its border, according to experts.
November 14th, 2012, 10:33 pm
Ghufran said:
???? ???????
Suhair suggested that a dialogue gets started with Islamist groups as a way to prevent future problems after any regime change. Who among you think that suicide bombers and virgin seekers (in heaven) are interested in “talking” ?
Mrs Atassi spoke to Reuters.
November 14th, 2012, 10:57 pm
Johannes de Silentio said:
103. Warren
“Is Israel Better Off With Assad in Power?”
Who cares? Screw Israel! For once in your pathetic life, Warren, analyze an issue without concerning yourself about the Zionists. And when you do, take those 5 Dancing Shlomo whackjobs with you and tell them to take their heads out of their asses.
Bottom line, Israel will do what Israel will do. For the rest of us, the key is to move on and make this revolution happen. When Batta is dead, there’ll be a kid in town and the Jews will have to accept it. Case closed…
November 14th, 2012, 11:07 pm
Warren said:
Johannes #132
Don’t tell me you’re supporting the sunni insurgency? Say it ain’t so!
Don’t be naive, this ain’t a “revolution” it’s a sunni putsch!
This is a sunni power grab!
November 14th, 2012, 11:18 pm
Ghufran said:
From aljazeera comment section:
???? ???????? – ??? ?????
??? ???????? ??????? ???? ???? ????? ??? ????????? ????? ?????? ?????? ??? ?????? ???????, ??? ????????? ????????? ? ????????? ? ???????? ????? ??????? ??????? ?? ?????, ??? ????? ?????? ??????? ???? ???? ????? ???? ??????? ?????????, ??????? ?? ??? ???? ????? ???? ??????? ?????? ?????? ?????????? ?????? ??????? ?? ?????? ?? ????? ??????? ???????? ?? ???????? ??????? ?????????? ???????? ?????? ??? ????? ????? ???? ???????? ?? ???? ??? ????.
November 14th, 2012, 11:20 pm
zoo said:
The conditions for the West to fully recognize the NSCROF are clear
1) They must reach the internal Syrian Opposition groups who are not convinced of the legitimacy of the NCSROF and disagree with its approach.
2) They must reach the FSA leadership and overlook and control its activities, making sure that Islamist extremists are eliminated from its ranks.
3) They must stop focusing on a military solution and consider rather a diplomatic one.
On that last point, the Moslem Brotherhood, supported by Qatar and hiding behind “the moderates”, have obliged the opposition to include a clause making it a crime to enter in any negotiations with the regime, thus excluding a political solution to the issue.
By doing so, the CNSROF has put itself in a corner, just like the SNC did.
If like France, Turkey recognizes the NCSROF as the ‘sole’ representative of the Syrians, it will have to abide to their request for military help as no Western country will do it, in addition to breaking officially the diplomatic relation with Syria by closing its consulates still operating. Despite Qatar’s financial pressures, I doubt Erdogan will dare to make such recognition, especially that the Arab League didn’t either.
In view of the daunting task, and the corner they are put themselves in, I think the CNSROF will remain in limbo, just like the SNC with some scarce and vague recognition.
As long as the opposition rejects a political negotiated solution and focuses on a military victory, they will not get a serious support from the West and without the West, they are powerless.
In the meantime more Syrians will die
November 14th, 2012, 11:28 pm
zoo said:
#130 Ghufran
Maybe Mrs VP Atasi should invite some of these bearded thug to her salon for a tea and offer them a ticket to Mali.
November 14th, 2012, 11:34 pm
ALI said:
Johannes de Silentio:
Full respect Sir.
Screw Israel indeed.
November 14th, 2012, 11:39 pm
MarigoldRan said:
Warren, all revolutions are power grabs- you idiot. Of course it’s a Sunni putsch: a war of the majority against the ruling minority. That’s exactly what the definition of a revolution IS.
To Zoo: The regime started it. They chose not to negotiate. Now they’re losing and they’re screaming, “Oh no, let’s negotiate.” The regime is getting their just deserts. And whatever happens, NO ONE’S going to negotiate with Assad.
November 14th, 2012, 11:44 pm
Syrialover said:
Assad groupie and shoe-licker Patrick Seale (who has made a weak “I was wrong” statement to try to save his reputation) has written a lightweight piece about the new opposition coalition.
He can’t help himself, symptoms of his infatuation with Assad are still evident. And he actually refers to “recent sensible suggestions by Russia and China”.
Seale’s academic and publishing career should die with Assad.
November 14th, 2012, 11:49 pm
zoo said:
By attacking Gaza, Israel is testing Qatar, Turkey, Egypt’s commitment to protect their new ally Moslem Brotherhood Hamas.
Lukewarm reactions as expected as none of these countries are ready to retaliate. Then it will be clear that Hamas is finished and having lost Iran and Syria, is now a powerless orphan.
Then Israel will start to deal with Abbas by finding a way to weaken him to prevent the UN vote. They will make use of the unrest in Jordan to put pressure on the King to temper Abbas and postpone or cancel the vote, otherwise Israel will encourage the confrontations that may topple the king and transform Jordan into a Palestinian state.
The “arab spring’ has open a pandora box whose only beneficiary is Israel while some still talk about “freedom and dignity”
November 14th, 2012, 11:52 pm
zoo said:
Russia : No to a recognition of the new coalition
GCC, Russia fail to reach agreement on Syria
English.news.cn 2012-11-15
RIYADH, Nov. 14, (Xinhua) — The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries and Russia failed to reach an agreement regarding the Syrian crisis, Qatari Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Sheikh Hamad bin Jassim al-Thani said Wednesday night, according to Saudi News Agency.
November 14th, 2012, 11:57 pm
Syrialover said:
It must be frustrating to see the spotlight on charming and classy Suhair Atassi as a representative of Syrians instead of superwitch liar-for-hire Bouthaina Shaaban.
By the way, I’m still watching to see what happens with the court case accusing Dr BS of involvement in terrorist plots in Lebabon.
November 14th, 2012, 11:59 pm
MarigoldRan said:
The Arab Spring was a series of revolutions against horrible dictators who mismanaged their countries.
Messy? Yes. But better than the governments they replaced! It’s the dictator’s fault that there had to a revolution in the first place.
So stop blaming the protesters and the revolutionaries. Get your head out of the sand and realize that it’s the dictators who f-ed up their countries in the first place.
In the end, all those police states that promised security, couldn’t keep anything secure at all. All those police states that promised they could beat Israel, they couldn’t beat Israel either.
November 15th, 2012, 12:00 am
Ghufran said:
Actually,I am neutral on Suhair and I support her right to talk and I would like to see more Suhairs in the opposition, whether I agree with her views on Islamists or not,that is another matter. I do not believe that holy violence and democracy can be placed in the same sentence.
November 15th, 2012, 12:04 am
Uzair8 said:
An article. I’ll just list the sub-headings to give you an idea of it’s content.
By Jonathan Spyer November 14, 2012
This article will focus in more detail on the various phases of
the regime’s response to the insurgency and will attempt some speculation regarding the regime’s likely responses in the period ahead in light of the consistent elements in its strategy so far.
*Dr. Jonathan Spyer is a senior research fellow at the Global Research in International Affairs (GLORIA) Center, Interdisciplinary Center (IDC) Herzliya. His first book, The Transforming Fire: The Rise of the Israel-Islamist Conflict, was published in 2010. He has visited Syria twice since the beginning of the uprising
November 15th, 2012, 1:29 am
Uzair8 said:
From AJE blog 7 minutes ago:
The Associated Press is reporting that government forces in Syria have beefed up security around Damascus, amid the Free Syrian Army’s attack on the capital.
The administration of President Bashar al-Assad is reportedly calling for more troops to amass around the capital.
About 20,000 opposition militants have moved into neighbouring areas of the Syrian capital, under the mission reportedly codenamed “Pushing Forward to Damascus”, forming ranks and awaiting an opportunity for a downtown invasion, according to reports.
Intensified bombings have been heard from the downtown hotels as the conflict has extended into regions in eastern and southern Damascus.
On Tuesday morning, government forces killed more than 100 militants in the outskirts of the capital as they made attempts to attack an army base, according to reports in Syria.
Government forces have been warned of threats as the attacks have employed a large number of fighters, compared with a previous attack conducted by the FSA on July 15, codenamed “Damascus Volcano”, which lasted a week before falling apart. In addition, some surface-to-air weapons carried by the militants are reportedly posing threats.
November 15th, 2012, 2:08 am
Juergen said:
Happy new year to all the Muslims
1432 years of Higra as old as this song
November 15th, 2012, 2:27 am
Juergen said:
two mhenbaks in passion
November 15th, 2012, 2:33 am
Juergen said:
Sheikh al Khatib on CNN
November 15th, 2012, 2:38 am
Hamoudeh al-Halabi said:
Starving Prisoners: Dachau – Trnopolje – Hama
November 15th, 2012, 3:13 am
Mina said:
Saudi bazaris play their video games in real life
November 15th, 2012, 5:01 am
Citizen said:
Syrian reshuffle
November 15th, 2012, 5:19 am
Citizen said:
France to call for lifting Syria arms embargo
France is going to call on the EU to lift embargo on sending “defensive weapons” to Syrian rebel fighters, French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius said Thursday.
On Tuesday, France’s President François Hollande officially recognized the newly formed Syrian opposition coalition as the country’s sole legitimate government and said Paris and its partners should revisit the Europe’s embargo on arms deliveries to Syria.
November 15th, 2012, 5:26 am
Citizen said:
impotent Arab Higher Committee to meet over Gaza strip attack ! Do not laugh !
November 15th, 2012, 5:34 am
Syrialover said:
UZAIR #145, thanks for the link to that article.
Here’s an excerpt worth quoting:
“The Asad regime has always suffered from a legitimacy deficit. It was a regime whose support base was unusually narrow. Only a single ethnic minority community, the Alawites–from whom the Asad family themselves had emerged–had a clear commitment to the regime. To mask this deficit, the regime cloaked itself in Arab nationalist ideology and rhetoric.
“The legitimacy deficit meant that when an uprising against it began, the Asad regime possessed few options other than brute force. The Asads created and maintained their rule through fear. They would either reinstate this fear or their rule would come to an end. This was clear to both supporters and opponents of the regime.”
A legitimacy deficit.
Neat way to put it.
November 15th, 2012, 5:55 am
Syrialover said:
Good to see Moaz al-Khatib interviewed on CNN.
What a relief it is for the world to see Syrians represented by someone intelligent-looking who speaks authentically and credibly.
At last, a man with a normal voice, normal-sized head, no failed mustache, who isn’t lisping preposterous lies, someone who isn’t viewed by the world as a freak and vicious murdererous tyrant.
Soon, soon, the creepy sight of Assad will be forgotten like Saddam Hussein and Gaddafi.
November 15th, 2012, 6:13 am
Observer said:
What did Lavrov ask and what is it that he did not receive?
Does anyone know.
Mikdad says that with the agreement of the UN they are going after the rebels in the separation zone on the Golan. So all of a sudden the UN has a weight.
J’amuse Jaffari is asking the human rights council to put pressure on countries arming the opposition. How dare he talk of human rights? He should go and face the mother of Hamza Alkhatib and find out if she will be amused by his theatrics.
What an irony that the pictures coming out of Gaza can now be superimposed on those coming from Syria. What a shame on all of us for allowing the criminality of this and other regimes to stay in power for so long.
Uprooting of all dictatorships from Morocco to Bahrain
Justice for Hamza.
November 15th, 2012, 6:16 am
Observer said:
A lot of pro regime are talking negotiations these days when in the past they used to say “khilset” and likewise the revolution at the beginning thought it would be weeks before the regime would buckle.
Now that the military aspect is predominant, can someone from the pro regime please tell us what kind of negotiations are needed?
What red lines are off the table, what persons are in or out, what subjects are taboo, what pre conditions are needed, where and when and by whom, etc…..
Desperation is the name of the game, and yes the future may be bleak but it will be bleak for every body in Syria including the pro regime supporters.
Justice for Hamza
November 15th, 2012, 6:38 am
Syrialover said:
Bashar Jaafari is now worried about human rights because he’s anxious about his own situation.
He’ll soon be losing his non-legitimate job as Syrian representative at the UN and his comfortable NY home.
And he and little smartass daughter Sherry may also lose the right to hustle themselves a living in the US or Europe
That would be Jaafari’s version of threatened human rights.
November 15th, 2012, 6:40 am
mjabali said:
Mr. Observer:
You called me many names, so do not forget that, but, I won’t make that an issue. The main issue now is how to save Syria, and create a new space for all to live in?
What you said in your last post makes sense. The country needs to rebuild in the right manner. But, also, the country needs to stop this war ASAP and get rid of all prospects of danger for a new country to come, or even be possible.
What exactly needs to be done, and what institutions to save and how, that needs a long spread sheet I can put it to you in few flash points:
1- Human Rights
2- Democracy
3- Legal powers
4- Police, Security, and national army.
5- Education
6- Jobs.
7- Religion.
Have a good day.
November 15th, 2012, 6:42 am
Hamoudeh al-Halabi said:
Two Weeks of Defections and Formations
November 15th, 2012, 9:34 am
Uzair8 said:
I was switching channels yesterday and stopped at RT while Crosstalk was on and I caught a gentleman have his say. I liked the end part of what he said. Then I switched over.
The particular segment was from 10 minutes:
Crosstalk – Syrian Reshuffle
Or watch on Youtube:
Edit: Just watched from a couple of minutes before the segment specified above and the presenter claims that the longer this situation continues the stronger Assad’s base becomes.
November 15th, 2012, 11:35 am
Dolly Buster said:
Uzair8, you probably shouldn’t be watching Russian garbage. I never give that KGB station RT even 1 second of attention.
Unfortunately here and there I still see the words RT on the internet. So I am looking for software which could block such disgusting terms from my browsing experience. Until then, I am ignoring it on purpose.
November 15th, 2012, 11:59 am
Uzair8 said:
#162 Dolly Buster
I agree. I avoid RT and Press Tv. Childish and nauseating channels.
However yesterday I just happened to tune in and saw that guest speak some truth.
November 15th, 2012, 12:34 pm
Ghufran said:
This is why Patrick was attacked:
“This policy can only prolong Syria’s agony. It will also undermine the peace efforts of the UN and Arab League envoy Lakhdar Brahimi, as well as some recent sensible suggestions by Russia and China. The west cannot pay lip service to the notion of a ceasefire while arming the rebels. What the international community should be doing is imposing a ceasefire on both sides while pressing them to come to the table to negotiate a peaceful transition – even if this means negotiating with Bashar al-Assad himself. To demand his departure as a precondition for talks is unrealistic. As he told Russian television the other day: “I am a Syrian … I will live in Syria and die in Syria.”
All sides should heed the wise advice from Norway’s foreign minister, Jonas Gahr Store: “Dialogue is the strategy of the brave.”
Comment: I do not pretend that I own the truth but I know that Syria can not be ruled by militants, Assad and his supporters have the right to resist foreign influence and Islamists domination but they need to accept the fact that millions of Syrians do not want Assad and his regime, millitants on the opposition side wants to have it all and I do not see this happening any time soon, it takes wisdom and humility to accept compromise, these two elements are absent among fighting factions who chose the easier but more destructive path: war.
November 15th, 2012, 12:42 pm
Dolly Buster said:
Ghufran says:
? Assad and his supporters have the right to resist foreign influence ?
No, they don’t. If a ruler is massacring his population, we don’t have to treat “State Sovereignty” as the thing of utmost value.
Instead, the international community should go in there and sort it out.
This crap about ‘treason’ and ‘foreign agents’ is from the old playbook of dictatorial regimes.
Notice how the despicable nation of Russia is now also introducing new “treason” laws. What that really means, is No Dissent allowed, and the population must shut up and accept to live as 2nd class citizens.
November 15th, 2012, 12:58 pm
Visitor said:
The coalition of the willing is coming through slowly but surely.
Turkey follows France’s announcement and declares the newly formed coalition the only legitimate representative of the Syrian people. Furthermore, France is asking the Europeans to lift the embargo on weapons delivery to our FSA heroes.
Good news today.
November 15th, 2012, 1:12 pm
While we advance in the process of finishing Assads do not forget what happened in the first days of peacefull revolution before the FSA was created as an answer to Assad Mafia violence against demosntrators:
Thousands of videos like that are available in the net, showing how extreme violence and massacres were committed on the syrian population for committing the sole crime of asking freedom and end of dictatorship regime.
November 15th, 2012, 1:42 pm
I have watched at CROSS TALK at RT. This would be but couldnt´t be english speaking RUSSIAN TV is decaying.
What a fuxxing program and what a fuxxing contents. This is vomitive. Russia will get stucked in the middle at the end of the story.
Putin, Syria is going to show you how real men are. Keep on drinking vodka and wait til your time comes.
November 15th, 2012, 1:49 pm
Hamoudeh al-Halabi said:
Three Weeks of Shabbiha Leaks
November 15th, 2012, 2:03 pm
5 dancing shlomos said:
the judaized u.s. did not/does not negotiate with syria, iraq, afganistan, iran, lebanon, sudan, somalia, yemen, palestine, serbia, others.
all those countries named wished for an honest, purposeful negotiation.
the judaized amurderka dictates, subverts, terrorizes, lies. and bombs. shifts blame.
many of its keyboard terrorists, dupes, stooges, post at SC
November 15th, 2012, 3:03 pm
Dolly Buster said:
But Shlomo, all those countries were undemocratic. Serbia was ruled by Slobodan Milosevic from the late 1980s until year 2001. So the idea was to apply pressure to topple him.
I guess the key question is: What would happen if the entire world started to resemble the West? Meaning, if free elections and free market existed not only in the West but also in: Belarus, Cuba, Syria.
November 15th, 2012, 3:22 pm
5 dancing shlomos said:
the govts toppling u.s. ruled by corrupt jewry and corrupt bankers and corrupt ceos is democratic?
3rd party candidates forcefully removed from conventions and debates.
world stradling prisons gulag, many secret. all having torture and death.
iraq under s. hussein was paradise compared to the free market democracy brought by u.s.
all other countries taking steps to improvement were reduced to hell by the judaized west.
free market is propaganda. does not exist.
the majority of the citizens of syria support president because they know that amurderka and its puppets will bring death, misery, servility, corruption beyond imagining, poverty.
November 15th, 2012, 3:33 pm
5 dancing shlomos said:
puppet mouthers for judaized amurderka hang yourselves from shame.
what human willingly chooses to be a dog?
November 15th, 2012, 3:35 pm
Citizen said:
Turkish leaders!You are useful only for licking the rear of the West
The dog does not bite own tail ha ha ha ha
Turkey to take steps for measures against Israel
November 15th, 2012, 3:40 pm
Johannes de Silentio said:
“Iraq under S. Hussein was paradise compared to the free market democracy brought by USA”
It was paradise for one guy. Saddam. Everyone else walked on eggshells around that maniac. You crossed him and you were toast. And not only you. Your whole family went down along with you.
Ask the Kurds and the Shi’ites if life under Saddam was paradise, you idiot.
November 15th, 2012, 3:41 pm
Johannes de Silentio said:
By the way, welcome back, Shlomo. Good to know the doctors released you from the facililty in Cypress. Gave you a clean bill of health. Don’t worry about the rape charge. The nurse agreed not to press charges.
November 15th, 2012, 3:45 pm
Citizen said:
Turkish leaders! Enjoy watching !
November 15th, 2012, 3:51 pm
5 dancing shlomos said:
post # 172 stands.
November 15th, 2012, 3:59 pm
Johannes de Silentio said:
“post # 172 stands”
It doesn’t stand on your say-so, you twit. You’ll have to do better than that. Everyone on this messageboard (except for four deranged graduates of Lobotomy U.) knows you’re insane. Everyone knows your long absence from posting here was due to your having to spend time in an asylum for the criminally insane. So stop trying to pretend you’re normal. You’re not.
November 15th, 2012, 4:11 pm
Mina said:
While in Egypt
Co-founder of the April 6 Youth Movement Ahmed Maher announced on Thursday he would freeze his membership of the Constituent Assembly on 18 November.
Maher said he had made the decision because the assembly had “ignored all proposals made by civil forces, political movements and civil society organisations.”
He criticised how the assembly had been functioning, especially in light of the decisions on Wednesday and Thursday to pass certain articles without adequate debate.
Additionally, Maher criticised the short period of debate held on each article of the draft constitution so far and the decision to allow substitute members to vote on articles, in breach of earlier agreements.
He said he would need a number of guarantees before he would consider returning to the assembly.
He stated that all sessions held over the last week should be declared void and be held again. He added that the drafting committee would have to change its membership to allow for more diversity, and the drafting process would have to be extended for another three months at least. He also added that a clear and suitable timetable would have to be set for the completion of the consitution.
The assembly has been threatened with withdrawals, particularly from non-Islamists members, for many weeks.
On Wednesday, thirteen members said they would not play any further role at the constitution-drafting body. Some threatened to withdraw completely. They said they had taken the action in protest at the way debates were being managed.
The thirteen included former Arab League secretary-general Amr Moussa, liberal Wafd Party leader Sayed Badawi and Ghad Al-Thawra Party leader Ayman Nour.
The beleaguered assembly has already suffered a number of withdrawals since 11 June, when the ‘Egyptian Bloc’ parties – including the Free Egyptians, the Egyptian Social Democratic Party and the leftist Tagammu Party – initiated a walk-out, followed by the Karama Party, the Socialist Popular Alliance Party and the Democratic Front Party, to allow greater representation for women, young people and Coptic Christians, while also registering their objection to “Islamist monopolisation” of the assembly.
November 15th, 2012, 4:23 pm
annie said:
Thank you Sheila for 121. I totally agree that there is no point in insulting Alawis for being Alawi;
As usual love the latest Qunfuz about the current events
Robin Yassin-Kassab
Hypocrisy, As Usual
Israel has launched yet another attack against the Gaza Strip, striking the densely-populated and besieged territory from the air and the sea, and as usual the United States, Canada and Britain have lined up in support of Zionist terrorism.
Speaking from a system poisoned by the Israel lobby, State Department spokesman Mark Toner says: “There is no justification for the violence that Hamas and other terrorist organizations are employing against the people of Israel. We call on those responsible to stop these cowardly acts immediately. We support Israel’s right to defend itself.” Confusing Zionist settlers for ‘the Jewish people’, confusing perpetrator with victim, and then parroting outmoded ‘war on terror’ propaganda, Canadian foreign minister John Baird vomits the following: “Far too often, the Jewish people find themselves on the front lines in the struggle against terrorism, the great struggle of our generation.” Then Britain’s foreign minister William Hague makes the following immoral and illogical comment: “I utterly condemn rocket attacks from Gaza into southern Israel by Hamas and other armed groups. This creates an intolerable situation for Israeli civilians in southern Israel, who have the right to live without fear of attack from Gaza.”
Two things must be said. First, this round of escalation, like the 2008/2009 slaughter, was started by Israel. It is totally mendacious to pretend otherwise. The Hamas government in Gaza refrained from stopping other groups from firing missiles as a result of Israel’s murder of a disabled man and of a twelve-year-old boy in Gaza. Here is a timeline of events. Second, the settlers of southern Israel do not have the right to live without fear of attack while the original inhabitants of ‘southern Israel’ are herded into refugee camps. Eighty percent of people in Gaza are descendants of refugees ethnically cleansed from their villages and towns by Zionist militias in 1947 and 1948.
No Western approach to the Middle East will be coherent or helpful so long as the West remains attached to apartheid Israel. America has granted some millions of dollars to support Syrian refugees and to provide a few revolutionary activists with satellite phones, but Obama refuses to recognise the Syrian National Coalition as representative of the Syrian people, and has made it clear that the US won’t be supplying weaponry to the Free Syrian Army. Indeed, the Obama administration has been preventing Qatar and Saudi Arabia from providing effective weaponry to the resistance. Fear of Islamism translates here into fear of anti-Zionism. No weapons can be supplied which might one day be turned against the occupiers of the Golan Heights and the tormentors of the Palestinians.
Oil and geostrategy also ensure that Western policy on the Middle East will continue to lack credibility. After visiting Syrian refugee camps in Jordan David Cameron seemed to incline to arming the Syrian resistance, but he arrived in Jordan after a tour of the Gulf in which he’d offered to arm several tyrannies, including the Bahraini tyranny which is killing, imprisoning and torturing its democratic opposition. Bahrain hosts the US Fifth Fleet.
States and politicians are beholden to interests and lobbies. There is less excuse for individual activists and ‘anti-imperialists’ who are partial to one group’s freedom but make excuses for denying that of another. Many support the Bahraini revolution but not the Syrian, or vice versa, for sectarian reasons or out of blanket thinking (of course, sectarianism is a form of blanket thinking). And many of those who are quite correctly calling for demonstrations today against Zionist terror have not stirred in the last two years as forty thousand Syrians have been slaughtered, except perhaps to explain that the victims are enacting a dastardly plot against a resistance regime. A recent Facebook status from Sharif Nashashibi serves as an excellent rejoinder: “Sadly, there are people who condemn the slaughter of Palestinians but defend the slaughter of Syrians, and vice versa. As a Palestinian and a Syrian, I totally reject these hypocrites’ so-called support. The suffering of Palestine is the suffering of Syria, and vice versa. We are one and the same.”
This is absolutely correct. The slaughter of the people of bilad ash-Sham is as much of an abomination in Syria as it is in Palestine. American support for the frenzied Zionist bombing of Gaza is no more or less disgusting than Russian (and Iranian) support for Asadist barbarism. Furthermore, both Palestinians and Syrians have the right to self-defence. This is why I support providing anti-aircraft weaponry to both the Syrian and the Palestinian resistance.
Many analysts believe the timing of Israel’s attack has been determined by upcoming elections. Netanyahu needs to look tough for his rabid public, so he brings more trauma and death to Gaza. It is grotequely easy for Zionists to act out their impulses on the Palestinians, just as they used to find south Lebanon easy. In this revolutionary age, is no Arab power going to make the slaughter more expensive?
Saad el-Katatny of Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood says, “The brutal aggression on Gaza proves that Israel has not yet learned that Egypt has changed.” So far, President Morsi has recalled the Egyptian ambassador from Tel Aviv, called a UN Security Council meeting, and opened the Rafah border for medical evacuations. This is far more than Mubarak would have done, but it’s still not nearly enough. The Qatari foreign minister says, “This filthy crime must not pass without a punishment.” Again, words are not enough. (By the by, I wonder if infantile leftists will decide that Palestinian resistance is a foreign plot now that the Qatari emir has visited Gaza and funded some projects there?)
While pointless adventurism would be criminally stupid at this moment of general Arab crisis, the new leaders of revolutionary Egypt, Tunisia and Libya, and old leaders seeking to adapt to the revolutionary wave, should remember that national dignity as expressed through a pro-Arab and anti-imperialist foreign policy is one of the key demands of Arab revolutionaries. This is a test for the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood in particular. The Palestinians must not be left alone indefinitely.
November 15th, 2012, 4:44 pm
Syrialover said:
Urbicide, the stupid, spiteful war crime done by those already into genocide.
Bashar Assad has set a shocking new precedent for a “government” committing massive urbicide it against its own cities.
But here’s a reminder that it’s the Israelis who created an art form of urbicide.
November 15th, 2012, 4:49 pm
Syrialover said:
# 173 5 DANCING SHLOMOS Asked:
what human willingly chooses to be a dog?
Answer: You appparently, in your frantic, aggressive chanting of conspiracy theories and defence of the Assad regime
November 15th, 2012, 4:55 pm
Syrialover said:
Thank you for putting on the record those Shabbiha Leaks (#169) and the distressing evidence of concentration camp treatment of citizens locked up by Assad(#149).
We’re looking forward to the best-evidenced war crimes ever held when whining, cringing Bashar Assad is prodded into the dock and his legless brother Maher carried.
November 15th, 2012, 5:09 pm
Citizen said:
will Algeria become the next target after Syria?
?? ????? ??????? ????? ?????? ??? ??????
November 15th, 2012, 5:29 pm
Citizen said:
Royal Navy could send warships to impose Syria no-fly zone
November 15th, 2012, 5:52 pm
Dolly Buster said:
Again Citizen, Russian sources are not credible.
The KGB wants to undermine democracy, and that is the purpose of their broadcasting.
November 15th, 2012, 5:52 pm
Citizen said:
?????? ???????? ???? ????? ??? ???? ??????? ???????
Finkelstein: Doubts Gaza crisis will escalate
The Israeli military is converging on Gaza, as it continues to pummel the Palestinians from air, sea and land.
The Operation, dubbed “Pillars of Defence” – is on the verge of turning into a new invasion, as Tel Aviv says it’s prepared to go all the way – under the pretext of self-defence.
3 Israelis and at least 15 Palestinians – including children and a pregnant woman – have already been killed.
Political scientist, activist and author Norman Finkelstein doubts that the current crisis in Gaza will further escalate.
November 15th, 2012, 6:33 pm
Observer said:
The regime has to unilaterally stop 100% of violence and immediately and without any conditions.
The regime will send in police to protect and monitor all peaceful demonstrations.
The regime will accept the resignation of the president and appointment of his VP for a period of three months during which a transition regime is put in place.
The regime will accept 30-50 000 troops to monitor the situation and to enforce the withdrawal of the troops
The regime will accept the resignation and immediate return of all of the ambassadors and the resignation of the cabinet and of all the members of parliament.
The central bank will be in the hands of a UN body.
All of the wealth of the families in power will be immediately confiscated and the regime willingly and unconditionally will expose where all the hidden wealth is located.
The regime will preserve and maintain all of the security files under a UN body to review all the records and all the decisions secret and otherwise.
The regime will provide all the engineering equipment and all the fuel and all the food and shelter and costs of such including repatriation of displaced persons and compensation of destroyed properties and start immediate rebuilding of the cities destroyed.
The regime will arrest all of the commanders that repeatedly and without duress ordered the killing and torture and detention of people and for those that ordered firing on crowds and civilians and all pilots that participated in bombing civilian targets.
The following institutions will be destroyed
State security system and its attendant courts
All corrupt judges.
All paid clerics and the ministry of religious affairs. ( each community can voluntarily choose its people not the regime )
All Baath party offices in every institution where it exists.
All Baath party members will volunteer their time towards civil service duties until the destruction is rebuilt.
The ministry of oil will be under UN supervision and its revenues used solely for reconstruction.
All contracts to buy weapons will be abolished and all moneys will be used for reconstruction.
The following ministries will be suspended for a time
Religious affairs
Sports and Youth
Interior as a care taker only and under supervision of the UN
The embassies of Russia and China and Iran will be downgraded.
The border crossings will be open fully without custom duties for a period of three months.
The companies run by the regime families will run as a public utility without profit.
All military ranks above that of major will have all of their orders and duties under supervision.
Here we have a few steps that very quickly come to mind on how to proceed with the dismantling of the regime.
I confess it was quick and without huge deliberation and much more concrete than the vague pontifications of the pro regime supporters of stop violence and dialogue and negotiations and minority rights.
All of these issues can be discussed with the Syrian Coalition and most importantly the commanders on the ground after the regime is dismantled.
Now some people will call this one sided and unrealistic but what the heck Freddo wanted it this way. He even said he will live and die in Syria. Well he will be served his wish on a platter.
November 15th, 2012, 6:42 pm
Ghufran said:
This adds another element of uncertainty to the situation in Syria:
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Parts of the Golan on the Syrian side is under rebels control.
189- do we have the right to laugh even that what is going on in Syria is not funny by any standard? I do not see a need to respond to the post,I find it ,in a strange way, humerous.
November 15th, 2012, 6:43 pm
Tara said:
“As long as the opposition rejects a political negotiated solution and focuses on a military victory, they will not get a serious support from the West and without the West, they are powerless.”
If the opposition agrees to “negotiate” with the regime while Bashar is at the helm, the western support becomes meaningless. Certainly the opposition would not need their hand to be held during the process.
The Syrian people have learned during the last 19 months that Basgar’s invitation to dialogue is meaningless as he certainly will not negotiate his departure. The support requested from the West is military one to allow advanced weapons to reach the rebels.
November 15th, 2012, 7:34 pm
Citizen said:
Palestinian rockets proving costly Iron Dome anti-missile system is not working!
November 15th, 2012, 7:41 pm
Sheila said:
We all need to see the post of Hamoudeh al Halabi @149. It is just beyond belief. This is what they do to our kids. He is only 18.
Today the body of Nour Almaktabi was returned to his family in Aleppo. After 5 months of barbaric torture, his body could not take it anymore. Nour was a doctor and a father of 5 children. He was only 47 years old. His crime: doing what he took an oath to do, helping the wounded.
Dear Ghufran, Ali, Warren, SNK, Zoo, Albo and co, keep in mind that any one of us could have been in Nour’s place for any irrelevant reason.
November 15th, 2012, 7:46 pm
Tara said:
UK to step up support for Syrian opposition
William Hague to brief MPs on plans to either recognise the new coalition or call for a lifting of the EU arms embargo
But French foreign minister Laurent Fabius said on Thursday that his country was willing to advocate a lifting of the EU embargo on the provision of arms to the opposition so long as only specialised defensive arms, such as anti-aircraft weaponry, were supplied. The Russians are likely to see any provision of military arms as a breach of international law.
Fabius said: “For the moment, there is an embargo, so there are no arms being delivered from the European side. The issue … will no doubt be raised for defensive arms.”
November 15th, 2012, 8:02 pm
Sheila said:
Dear Annie,
You are the best. Always thoughtful, smart and articulate.
November 15th, 2012, 8:12 pm
Sheila said:
I am trying to understand this conviction by many that the Syrian revolution is a conspiracy instigated by outsiders. Does anyone feel that the Syrian people lack incentives, motivations and reasons to want to get rid of their regime?
November 15th, 2012, 8:16 pm
Tara said:
November 15th, 2012, 8:57 pm
zoo said:
Paul Wolfowitz:
In some ways, the most important question about Benghazi is whether we will make similar mistakes in the future, as the administration seems to be doing in Syria by outsourcing the arming of the Syrian opposition, resulting in a growing domination of the rebel forces by Islamist groups. And unlike Libya – where the people do appreciate the American role in helping them against Qaddafi – the people of Syria are bitter and angry about the emptiness of American rhetoric.
November 15th, 2012, 8:58 pm
zoo said:
The new coalition should show willingness to negotiate without pre-conditions, even if the Syrian government rejects it.
At least they show good will and put the regime on the defensive.
Otherwise they’ll appear to be the one who are blocking the situation and they’ll bear the full responsibility of the military confrontation’s human casualties.,
Al Khatib showed some willingness, but he will be shut off by the Moslem Brotherhood who are confident that a military victory will allow them to realize their goal of transforming by force the “decadent” secular Syrian society promoted by the Baath into a new society purified by Sunni Islam. We see this happening in Tunisia, Egypt and Libya.
November 15th, 2012, 9:22 pm
Syrialover said:
That “rationalision” and delusionary excuse comes from those who for whatever reason dread the loss of the Assad regime status quo.
That is because they or those connected to them have something to lose personally – employment, useful contacts, investments, privileges, status, protection. The list goes on. In many cases unearned and gained at the disadvantage of other Syrians.
The Syria they are anxious to have saved by Assad’s extreme violence is their version of the country – a small and comfortable bubble, cut off from reality.
November 15th, 2012, 9:26 pm
Syrialover said:
Maybe Moaz al-Khatib will succeed in becoming the Nelson Mandela of the Middle East.
A respected, unifying and reassuring figure that people trust to do the right thing.
November 15th, 2012, 9:31 pm
Ghufran said:
The upcoming war in Gaza came at an inconvenient time when war mongers were focused on Syria and were not ready for images of Palestinian children getting killed by the IDF
( I have to add that 3 Israeli civilians were killed too). This mini war came only days after Moza and her stuffed potato Hammoudeh made a ” historical visit” to Gaza.
Rest assured that every diplomatic effort by the West, Turkey and the AL ( including Egypt) will focus on ending the shelling of Israeli cities not the Israel’s aggression. Ironically enough,most of Gaza’s missiles probably came from Iran and Syria.
November 15th, 2012, 9:32 pm
Tara said:
Politics aside, the Syrian people are not a proper milieu for a “purified” Islamic society. I yet have to know a Syrian who does not love life and enjoy its simple pleasures. I just do not see it happening. Syrians are too cultured to be able to submit to a religious ideology of any sort. Hijab and tight jeans can be seen in one Syrian woman at the same time. Silly but very true analogy(if you will of what the society is about. The society is moderate by its genetic design and that will not change under any influence.
November 15th, 2012, 9:34 pm
zoo said:
Turkey, maybe embarrassed, gave a low profile recognition of the CNSROF…
Davuto?lu’s statement came a day after France strongly recognized the national coalition as the sole representative of the Syrian people and as the future Syrian government. Turkey’s statement was not as powerful as that issued by France, but underlined its recognition of the group as the legitimate representative of the Syrian people.
While the French recognition was announced by French President François Hollande, Turkey’s came from its foreign minister and during an address to the OIC, in a rather low-profile mood.
November 15th, 2012, 9:36 pm
Visitor said:
Syrialover 201,
Correction. Mu’az himself is not the unifying figure and that should be dispelled as a misconception once and for all. Politicians should no longer be turned into idols.
The unifying factor is the platform that everyone agreed upon.
If Mu’az or anyone in that coalition deviates one iota from that platform, I will not support him. I am sure many will do the same and the coalition will fall apart.
November 15th, 2012, 9:41 pm
Ghufran said:
Mr SL 200,
You either do not know enough Syians, assuming that you are Syrian,or you are dodging the fact that there are many Syrians with no love for Assad and no connection with the regime who are now very uneasy at the direction this revolution has taken.
Even the anti regime London-based HRW admitted that close to 10,000 regime soldiers and officers were killed by the rebels, that is more than what Israel killed in 1973, another tragedy is that the regime forces killed more Syrians than what Israel did in the last 30 years, it is a war that only benefits Israel and Islamist terrorists, denying these facts will not make them magically disappear. An end to the blood shed is the only way out, people who are still dreaming of a military victory are not ready yet to see the light, I thought that a stalemate will convince angry Syrians from both sides to change their ” strategy” but I was wrong, Syia is being destroyed by its people with the help of Turkey, Iran and the GCC and the refusal of Russia and the US to end this bloody dance.
November 15th, 2012, 9:44 pm
zoo said:
Which society was more modern than Iran at the time of the Shah? It was far more cosmopolite than Syria, operas, night clubs, bars. Iranians are genetically and historically more hedonists than the Syrians.
See what happened gradually when you let religious people sneakily take power to control and transform the society to “purify it from western influences”
In Syria, after 19 months, it is clear to everybody that the only powerful and organized groups in the opposition is close to the Moslem Brotherhood financed by Qatar and supported ideologically by the AKP.
Therefore they are the ones who will be manipulating the CNSROF in the background as they manipulated the SNC.
They are the ones who will lead the country, should the armed rebels are able to take control of the country. I have no doubt about that. Once they’re on, they will never let go as they will get an enormous support from their allies.
If Bashar Al Assad who symbolizes the secular Syria is forced to go because of a military defeat, you could can say goodbye to the image you have of today’s Syrian society.
November 15th, 2012, 9:53 pm
Dolly Buster said:
196. Sheila:
? I am trying to understand this conviction by many that the Syrian revolution is a conspiracy ?
Yeah, that is a major problem in the world. A lot of dumbasses believe in Conspiracy Theories. So, if you say something like: “We should support Democracy and the Free Market,” they will say: “You naive fool !! All of that is just a conspiracy by the R?ptilians!!”
But actually, all their conspiracy theories are wrong – and even mutually contradictory.
Often they even misspell the names of the nefarious characters from their Theory. (e.g. “Rockefellor”) Which shows the depths of their cluelessness.
November 15th, 2012, 9:59 pm
Syrialover said:
ZOO said of the MB (#207):
“They are the ones who will lead the country, should the armed rebels are able to take control of the country. I have no doubt about that”
Comment: Many analysts and observers seriously doubt that, based on the history and role of the MB in Syria, and situation inside Syria, which is very different to Egypt.
ZOO, will you be disappointed, or relieved and pleased when you are proven wrong?
November 15th, 2012, 10:07 pm
Tara said:
Dear Zoo,
Dare I say that Syria is much deeper etched in the history of civilization compared to the Persian empire even long before Christianity and Islam? Dare I say that their Green movement miserably failed while our revolution is alive and kicking. Sorry but I refuse the comparison. I have always been very proud of my ancient heritage and nothing can impress me…Syrians are moderate without any western influence. Damascenes might not go to bars or the opera, but they sure never miss an occasion to picnic out, sit on their portable chairs, drink tee, smoke argileh, and flirt with the moon. You can see all Damascus out in a late summer night. And the “secular” regime deserves no credit for that. People deserve their government and Iranians so far deserve their theocracy… They will change it when they deserve better.
November 15th, 2012, 10:18 pm
zoo said:
Morsi foreign policy has been limited to fund raising trips and empty rhetoric. Now is the moment of truth.
What happened to the promised quartet with Iran and KSA to solve Syria’s problem? He seems to have forgotten about it because he made the mistake of not including his main bankroller, Qatar.
Now he is faced with a real foreign policy test and he is on the same side as Qatar and Turkey in having presented themselves as the defenders of Hamas, Gaza and the Palestinians.
Let’s see if they are serious about that or it is just empty words. If they don’t act vigorously, Hamas and the Palestinians will not easily forgive them.
November 15th, 2012, 10:21 pm
Syrialover said:
Not quite right. You are thinking of the “Assad model”.
In crisis times you need a unifying figure to get everyone to look at, follow and respect the platform. Even those who don’t agree with details of the platform, then go along with it because they feel that figure can be trusted to consult and compromise if needed, and has the interests of the country at heart.
That’s extremely true of modern western politics. “Divisive figures” get the country into a mess by stirring intractable opposition, creating needless conflicts and impasses, and damaging respect for the office they hold.
Nasser was a unifying figure in his time, albeit with a few mis-steps. But nobody in the Middle East since that I can think of.
November 15th, 2012, 10:23 pm
zoo said:
210. Tara
Obviously you know very little about the iranians and their everyday life. Love of nature, picnicing, dancing and having fun is part of their traditions. There are a lot of similarities between the Syrians and the Iranians, certainly much much more than with the Saudis or the Qataris.
The green revolution had the courage not to call for foreigners to help them. A failure yes, but a proof of the dignity of the Iranians who made alone their first revolution and refuse to condone any kind of violence, even if they have to wait for another opportunity.
In any case the MB will never take control of the country because the solution will be through negotiations under a UN control that will keep the secular Baath party as a major actor in the future of Syria.
November 15th, 2012, 10:35 pm
Visitor said:
Syrialover 212,
You are still incorrect.
I do not believe anyone in the coalition or outside the coalition would vote for Mu’az because he is Mu’az. Without the platform there would not have been a coalition. We all know how long it took to form this coalition. They were not fighting for Mu’az, Saif or whoever else during all that time they spent in Qatar. That actually shoud be a good thing and encouraged. We do not want a one man show anymore. In fact, we should highlight the marvelous show(s) of all the ordinary Syrians who made and continue to make the sacrifices. These are the ones that should make and continue to make the decisions. Highlighting charisma (which I do not think Mu’az has it any way). Is not good for that purpose. Unless you keep watch over the platform and how he and all the rest adhere to it, you lose compass. Strictly speaking neither Mu’az nor anyone else in that coalition has the mandate from the people.
If after all this trauma the Syrians would still need to idolize persons, then nothing has been achieve and it will be a betrayal to all the martyrs.
I still think that support to the FSA by us expatriate should be sent directly to the FSA until we gain more confidence with this coalition.
Our real heroes now and in the future will continue to be the FSA.
November 15th, 2012, 10:43 pm
zoo said:
#209 SL
November 15th, 2012, 10:43 pm
Tara said:
Have I ever told you “obviously, you know very little about this or that”? No, I haven’t and I will not.
In any case, you are right. I am not an Iranian expert. I wanted to visit once but my expert friend was not interested in my company and until he/she changes his/her mind, I ain’t going there alone. 😉
My exposure with Iranians is limited to very cultured professional friends in the US and to a shocking scene of may be a herd of 200 women completely covered in black burqa sitting on the ground one next to the other in Damascus airport year 2010 waiting for
transportation to their final pilgrimage destination.
November 15th, 2012, 10:58 pm
Tara said:
The “we” in “we do not want a one man show anymore” sound very genuine. May be I was mistaken and that you are not the one I thought you are.
Can’t agree more that we should be done with idolatry for ever. Yes, politician should not be made idols.
November 15th, 2012, 11:10 pm
Visitor said:
Well, I am always right and I know it even when I am wrong.
Do you think I am surprised?
November 15th, 2012, 11:29 pm
Syrialover said:
Hey, you are getting me badly wrong!
I was speculating Khatib could potentially emerge in that role as an elected leader of a party with a clear platform that could win an election.
The alternatives you are projecting represent chaos – what paralysed the SNC all these months.
Think, think, think systems and processes. Think leadership within that.
Come on, you know the FSA are my heroes, and I’ll be telling that to every one of them I encounter for the rest of my life.
We seem to be on separate pages and different topics.
I am NOT talking about idols or “one man bands” who are not part of a formal party political system.
So Nelson Mandela should not have emerged as a spokesman, visionary and unifying figure [as leader of his party, which was elected to lead the country] after all the hell and hatred of South Africa’s apartheid era?
I can’t imagine it.
He gave a huge boost to African pride and consciousness because of what he stood for and articulated, not because he was a one man ruler. His impact was felt in many countries on that continent, not just his own. People contrasted him with the other corrupt, mediocre, and bad leaders they are burdened with.
Churchill and Roosevelt made a huge difference to the mood, sense of purpose and morale of their countries when it was most needed. But they sure weren’t “presidents for life”.
November 16th, 2012, 12:01 am
MarigoldRan said:
What exactly is so wrong about those Islamists that everyone’s talking about?
They’re better than the regime.
November 16th, 2012, 12:17 am
Syrialover said:
Please REASSURE ME you are not accepting that the main parties competing in elections for a legitimate government in Syria will end up being led and represented by some uncharismatic and inarticulate lumps who got there just because they had the numbers from sectarian or ideological alliances within their party and the system.
Rather than someone appointed to party leadership because of talent, lack of petty ego, ability to solve problems and work with others, leadership skills, dedication and willingness to work hard, integrity, and the persona to win elections?
There are signs that al-Khatib would succeed in the latter category.
November 16th, 2012, 12:22 am
Hamoudeh al-Halabi said:
CNN and Jazeera English Interview Shaykh Moaz al-Khatib
November 16th, 2012, 12:50 am
Juergen said:
I am confident there are many good folks like Sheikh al Khatib out there, but when the guns and bombs are speakings such voices of reason and unity may not be heard.
“The tyran dies, and his reign ends, the matyr dies and his reign starts.”
Søren Kierkegaard
November 16th, 2012, 4:03 am
Albo said:
“220. MARIGOLDRAN said:
What exactly is so wrong about those Islamists that everyone’s talking about?
They’re better than the regime.”
Simple, in a country with multiple religions like Syria, having Islamists in power is the recipe for perpetual war and social turmoil. Of course if you think the rebels will sweep through the country unopposed like a mongolian horde, it’s ok I guess. Many are in such state of delusion, I’m thinking of Observer for example. Just wait and see.
The international response to the new coalition is quite circumspect, rhetorics and feel-good statements aside. The French for example clearly passed the buck to the EU, with its bloated decision-making process which need the agreement of each single member state (27 countries bickering all the time about everything). No meeting has even been schedulded so far, and unsurprisingly analysts are pouring cold water on the whole idea.
November 16th, 2012, 4:18 am
Albo said:
210 Tara
“Dare I say that their Green movement miserably failed while our revolution is alive and kicking. ”
Well they stopped short of destroying their country and selling it to interested foreigners. The difference with Iran, was that it was the rich, “cool” youth who started the protest. Not the “poor, pious, rural” as in Syria. In Iran these people supported the theocracy, most of the Basijis who repressed the protesters were from their ranks.
If we’re gonna compare civilizations, well both Syria and Iran have very ancient cultures, not much of a contest here. The point is, during the islamic revolution, many marxist and liberal groups (like many enthusiastic watchers in the West) were completely decieved. They fought alongside the Mullahs only to be ditched and backstabbed later.
In Egypt, the young liberals, facebook generation started everything, the credit for the revolution goes to them as the Brotherhood didn’t dare to go out at first and remained quiet long after they were in the streets. Yet their result at the parlimentary election was 9%. The MB originally said they would not run a candidate for the presidency, we see how they kept their word.
In Tunisia, the Islamists officially ruled out sharia in the new constitution, yet they established religious committees in rural areas and small cities to apply sharia inspired rules. And the best was when the smooth talking Ghannouchi was exposed in that video where he encouraged salafis. Their win at the presidential election was an easy one while Tunisians, by the way, always had a reputation of being very moderate and respectful to women (which was true).
Therefore, seeing that political islam has a long history of double language, you’re trusting them at your own peril. These arguments are intended for you, we long made up our minds when we saw rebels fighting alongside foreign jihadis, having no qualms with terrorism, something most of the opposition shamelessly endorse.
November 16th, 2012, 5:13 am
Hamoudeh al-Halabi said:
Syriac Orthodox-Christian Archbishop of Aleppo: Not many foreign fighters in Syria
November 16th, 2012, 6:25 am
Observer said:
The Op ed today in the NYT talks about the next genocide happening in Syria and how to prevent it.
I have called many times to abolish the death penalty and to immediately form a truth and reconciliation commission so as to force the pro regime elements to know that they are not going to be forced to fight to the end.
The author below thinks that massive reprisals will happen when the regime falls:
Today hundreds of bodies were found in Harasta and I do not sense among ALBO and ZOO and Majbali a real fear that I full share of horrors that may come.
This is why I have asked and continue to ask for a complete uprooting of the regime and this is why I asked whether the regime has a Massada complex.
Here is the op ed about the potential for genocide in Syria
November 16th, 2012, 7:09 am
Observer said:
I do sense a real fear that I full share with ALBO and ZOO and Majbali and Warren of the potential for genocide.
Sorry for the typo
November 16th, 2012, 7:11 am
Tara said:
This Friday is named “Support the National Coalition Friday”
The group posts numerous videos of demonstrations “in support of the National Coalition” (the new anti-regime coalition) it says have taken place today in various parts of the country. The name of today’s protests is “Support of the National Coalition Friday”, according to the LCCS.
November 16th, 2012, 7:12 am
Observer said:
Wouldn’t have been better if this stupid regime agreed from the outset to allow for demonstrations and for a change of the regime by having the office of president become a symbolic position and having the prime minister appointed from the opposition to form a national unity government for a transition and a new constitution?
Freddo would have stayed playing on his iPad and his spouse shopping on line and knowing how argumentative the Syrians it would have taken them 2-3 years for a new constitution.
Criminal stupidity and stupid criminality has characterized this regime from the outset.
November 16th, 2012, 7:36 am
Citizen said:
Some comments on this blog are rolls over with hate, malice, intolerance, personifying, Abuse , Insults and curses, Lack of discipline, Lack of awareness and knowledge,Childhood, quackery, Fraud, psychosis , propensity to crime and phrenetics!
November 16th, 2012, 8:17 am
Albo said:
227 Observer
“The real choice in Syria today is not between Alawites or Sunnis, or between Mr. Assad and Al Qaeda, but between action enabling further crimes against humanity to take place and action dedicated to ending impunity for such crimes once and for all.”
This is correct, it took time but the western coverage of Syria is finally improving. Because massacres, heavy casualties are occuring in Syria the possibility of further atrocities on all groups, population displacement increase by the day. If they could swarm alawis areas it’s difficult to imagine the rebels showing any restraint. Their own behaviour is well known and documented now
But as the “libanisation” of Syria is under way, if the foreign coutries continue to support the rebellion, we’ll rather see a violence similar to that conflict or more recently, Iraq. That is many deads, a lot of terrorism, but no “genocide”. That’s where we’re heading to, the Anbar region of Iraq hasn’t disappeared, its sunni population wasn’t cleansed.
November 16th, 2012, 8:18 am
Amjad of Arabia said:
Hey Albong, with your whining about “slavery” in the Gulf. This is what slavery looks like, and right in the heart of your beloved Russia
Even the police were in on it. Disgusting. Disgraceful, but the kind of thing Albong the Qurdahan stoner will inevitably waste our time desperately trying to defend just to hear himself talk.
Doesn’t it bite you that Ar’our has been to Syria more times recently than you ever will again? LOL!
November 16th, 2012, 8:22 am
Albo said:
Hi dipsh*it, you were missed.
Criticizing the Gulf is our duty as Arabs, and since many are intent on reproducing their social values, it is important to expose them.
Russia is just an ally of Syria’s government. What happens in Russia, or Venezuela or any country that deals with the Syrian regime, you may disapprove of but in the end no one ever intended to imitate their social values. We didn’t imitate them during the Soviet era either. They are still miles ahead of Gulf hell holes socially and technologically, but nice distraction.
I’ll certainly come back to Syria, but I wouldn’t discuss your chances. You can keep worshipping your sixth pillar until then.
November 16th, 2012, 8:41 am
[email protected] said:
Syrialover 221,
I thought you would say anything but ask that question.
This is what it is all about after all, isn’t it? People want to rule themselves. They have the final say.
Churchill was perhaps the most accomplished orator in history. He won the Brits the war of their very existence. He was extremely talented, no doubt about it. Yet after the war, the Brits decided to dumb him. No one complained and no one should.
Nasser was also an accomplished orator. But he brought ignominious defeat to Egypt and every Arab. When he staged his highly charged emotional resignation speech millions marched to the streets in Cairo and other Arab cities stupidly asking him to stay. If he was in Nazi Germany, Hitler would have handed him a gun to shoot himself just like Roemel did after losing North Africa.
So what do you prefer? The British way or the way Arabs stupidly behaved over the last 50-70 years?
November 16th, 2012, 8:53 am
Albo said:
“Which really doesn’t bode well for you people at all. Start mapping out camp sites in Turkey among your fellow co-religionists.”
read the rest of the post, you fantasies =/= reality.
“Why haven’t the Qurdahans like Albong taken in any of the so called tens of thousands of Christians who were “cleansed” from Homs. Disgusting, disgraceful. ”
The coast is packed with them. Many of the sunni bourgeoisie, too. I know I know, you don’t see the tents so it must not have happened. lol.
“Putting up grotesque statues of “beloved leader”…check.
15 security agencies…check.
Mock trials and mass oppression of dissidents…check.
President for life…check.
Accuse any and all dissidents of being in the pay of “foreign powers”…check.”
Also found in many other arab countries, minus may be the personality cult. Homegrown in most cases, no need to import foreign templates. Say again?
I wonder why do you think I feel so concerned about the president’s sister, I couldn’t care less, but since you think she’s so corrupt then she fits well with the emiratis.
November 16th, 2012, 9:00 am
Amjad of Arabia said:
“I wonder why do you think I feel so concerned about the president’s sister”
LOOOOOOL!!! So the b*tch has been thrown under the bus. The thieving Qurdahan pigs have started falling out with each other. Typical.
“I know I know, you don’t see the tents so it must not have happened. lol. ”
Where? Show me pictures of a group of Christian refugees on the coast. You have a whole day to back up your oink oink with something approaching proof. I dare you.
“Also found in many other arab countries”
15 security agencies? LOL no, no other country in the world except Communist ones were so paranoid about internal security. Has your pathetic Qurdahan oink oink state ever managed to pull off a successful operation in Israel, or are their “talents” limited to blowing up Lebanese reporters? Answer in ten oinks or less.
November 16th, 2012, 9:09 am
Albo said:
Funny, I know that if I tell you I never was a fan of our leadership, you will never believe it and just start to say that we “have started falling out with each other” now.
I don’t care. Anyway, no need to grunt all the time Amjad we already know about your porcine nature.
You want pictures? I don’t have any. That’s something I know from witnesses, not fucking articles. Just ask some people who know you twit.
November 16th, 2012, 9:18 am
Albo said:
And here is the kind of ideology Abjad is hell-bent on defending here, from my oh so vicious and unfair attacks
It gets better and better at the end. Other than oil and gas, this is the main thing Gulf Arabs export, cretinous, anti-civilization salafism.
November 16th, 2012, 9:22 am
Amjad of Arabia said:
” That’s something I know from witnesses oink oink ”
Translated that means
“Comrades! We have discovered documents that prove that Snowball was in league with the Salafi Farmer Jones this whole time!”
Not that I was really expecting much better from the stoner.
“Ethiopian maid publicly abused in Lebanon takes her own life – video”
And who has been running Lebanon for the past 2 years? Your beloved Hizbollshaytan. Other than exhorting their followers to kill infidels, has this morally bankrupt and sectarian organization done anything to promote social justice in the country?
Wasn’t it an organization set up to liberate Palestine? Look at that wimp Nasrallah now, sitting on the sidelines like a pussy while Gaza gets blown to pieces. LOL! “Muqawama”. Wallak my sixth pillar bi haik muqawama wa hayk sha3eb
November 16th, 2012, 9:29 am
Albo said:
My porcine friend, two wrongs don’t make a right, but nice efforts to evade the subject at hand. In the Gulf, it’s not only maids but all the physical and menial work that is manned by underpaid migrants stripped of their rights.
And how Hezbollah is responsible for what rich Lebanese of all sects do to their maids, we still wonder.
For now, it’s Morsi and Hamad who are thoroughly humiliated by what’s happening in Gaza, not the other way around. People thought Morsi and his rich friend could change something, they will see that they were sorely mistaken.
November 16th, 2012, 9:43 am
Warren said:
Kurds in disputed town on Turkish border ask Syrian rebels to withdraw
The two major Syrian Kurdish political factions have put aside their differences and called for rebels to leave this city, where they’ve been battling troops loyal to Syrian President Bashar Assad for the past week.
Both the Kurdish United Democratic Party, known by its initials as the PYD, and the Kurdish National Council, the other main Kurdish political party in Syria, fear that the arrival of rebels in Kurdish areas will bring destruction to Syria’s relatively quiet northeast.
“Every place the Free Syrian Army controls has been destroyed,” Suleiman Ismail, a Kurdish National Council representative in Dar Bassiyeh, a predominantly Kurdish city about 30 miles east of Ras al Ayn, said, referring to the rebels by one of the umbrella names they use. “We have asked them not to come here and negotiated with them, but so far they have not agreed to stay out.”
Read more here: http://www.mcclatchydc.com/2012/11/14/174668/kurds-in-disputed-town-on-turkish.html#storylink=cpy
November 16th, 2012, 10:29 am
habib said:
Hamas played on the wrong horse. That’s all that has happened, not all this conspiracy bunk.
The Gaza people are going to be mince meat, and there’s not a single thing their new Gulf and MB friends are gonna do about it.
November 16th, 2012, 11:05 am
Tara said:
You must be kidding. Like the “pulsing heart of Arabism” has done a thing for them. Give us a break and please do not fool yourself
November 16th, 2012, 11:10 am
habib said:
245. Tara
The weapons Hamas are defending themselves with are supplied by Syria and Iran.
Qatar and the other “moderates” wouldn’t send weapons to Hamas in a million years, like they do in Syria.
Can you at least admit these obvious facts?
November 16th, 2012, 11:18 am
habib said:
Demonstrations in Jordan, seems more massive than anything I’ve seen from Syria recently:
November 16th, 2012, 11:21 am
Majed97 said:
The question is what’s going to happen after Hamas depletes its stock of Syrian and Iranian weapons!? What will they fight with then? the phony protests and loud speeches from their new friends?!
November 16th, 2012, 11:39 am
5 dancing shlomos said:
it is not a revolution. it is not a civil war.
it is a criminal aggression by external war mongers: israel, u.s. england, france, arabia, qatar, turkey, joined by syrian stooges, thugs.
November 16th, 2012, 12:43 pm
Uzair8 said:
New post up.
This is also a test. I had 2 failed attempts to post a comment in the new thread.
November 16th, 2012, 1:03 pm
Dolly Buster said:
249. 5 dancing shlomos says:
? it is a criminal aggression by external war mongers: israel, u.s. england, france, arabia, qatar ?
And their motivation is what?
Why would Qatar and England want to attack some Third World Police State
November 16th, 2012, 8:50 pm
5 dancing shlomos said:
you also want to ask me why billionaires steal?
like you really present an argument.
ask the aggressors.
November 17th, 2012, 12:50 pm
Johannes de Silentio said:
“Hizbollshaytan. Has this morally bankrupt and sectarian organization done anything? Wasn’t it an organization set up to liberate Palestine? Look at that wimp Nasrallah now, sitting on the sidelines like a pussy”
Oh well put. I wonder if anyone (besides his wife) has EVER called Nasrallah a pussy…
November 20th, 2012, 12:44 am
Johannes de Silentio said:
Dancing Shlomo has erectile dysfunction
November 20th, 2012, 12:45 am