“Syria’s New Government,” By EHSANI2
Posted by Joshua on Friday, April 15th, 2011
“Syria’s New Government”
For Syria Comment
April 15, 2011
Since the new Syrian Government was announced, the public reaction has largely been subdued. Most people are mesmerized by the extraordinary events on the ground, nevertheless, let me discuss the people of the new government and what it may mean for Syria’s domestic policy. CVs of all ministers..
The first notable change is the outright elimination of the office of the deputy Prime Minister for Economic affairs previously held by Mr. Dardari. In essence, no one replaced Mr. Dardari as his previous function was eliminated altogether. This is a significant change. As many readers of this forum recall, I was a fan of Mr. Dardari. For very understandable reasons, my view was not shared by a large segment of the Syrian population. Over time, Mr. Dardari’s name became synonymous with the two words: “economic reform”. When the public became disillusioned with the so-called reform process or the economy, Mr. Dardari took the brunt of the criticism. In the end, neither the wealthy industrialists nor the poor or the unemployed were happy with his performance. In truth, there were two reasons for Mr. Dardari’s downfall:
1- He was too optimistic when it came to portraying the country’s economic prospects.
2- He took on the hard task of removing key subsidies with minimum engagement with the public about the reasons why those steps were necessary.
For the past five years, discussions on the Syrian economy on this forum highlighted the enormous challenges ahead. While Mr. Dardari and others touted the imminent investments and out-sized growth prospects, many of us were highly skeptical. Regrettably, not much has changed. Indeed, if anything, the recent political events have made the task at hand enormously more challenging.
Suggestions for the New Government:
- Engage the public.
- Explain the economic challenges.
- Set realistic expectations.
- Don’t over promise and under deliver.
- Be decisive and make bold decisions.
The new notable additions to the new government are Mr. Mohammed al-Jlelati (Finance) and Mr. Nedal Alchaar (Economy and Trade). Both are fine individuals and excellent choices in the current circumstances.
Mr. al-Jlelati is known to the public through the Damascus Securities Exchange (DSE) as its acting CEO. He is a hands-on Technocrat. He is decisive. All signs are that he is not corrupt. He has been in close contact with the business world. He understands accounting, auditing and corporate governance. Of course, one can argue that his knowledge of finance and markets are limited to the local rather than international arena but this is a rather immaterial shortcoming given the current state of Syria’s financial market development. In sum, it is a good bet that Mr. al-Jlelati will be a technically sound and rather apolitical Finance Minister.
Mr. Nedal Alchaar is a particularly interesting appointment. Originally from Aleppo, he has been based in Bahrain. He has been in charge of the Accounting and Auditing Organization for Islamic Financial Institutions (AAOIFI). The organization is an independent body established to regulate and standardize the Islamic banking and finance industry in the areas of accounting, auditing, governance, ethics and Sharia. Mr. Alchaar is a highly respected individual in the field of Islamic Banking. Here is a recent quote by him from a year ago:
“The goal is to promote sound practices, not to catch people, and the most important thing is credibility. If this is going to spread and really serve the world and the public, not only Muslims, then it has to be done right. It has to be honest, straight and transparent. In money you always have to be honest, because you cannot repeat your mistakes. People will shy away, leave you and drop out.”
Mr. Alchaar is known to hundreds of institutions from over 40 countries. His numerous contacts will serve Syria well as he works to attract foreign investors (particularly gulf-based).
Suggestions to Mr. Alchaar:
- Now, that there is no longer an office for a Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Affairs, the Ministry of Trade and the Economy should take the initiative to broaden its responsibilities and become the single go-to office for everything to do with economic policy matters. This will promote better accountability, focus and transparency when it comes to who is in charge and who is responsible for both the failure and success of the domestic policy agenda.
Mr. Omar Ibrahim Galawanji – Minister for Local Administration: The third notable change in the government was the removal of the powerful Mr. Tamer Hajje. Just 24 hours before the formation of the new government, the sitting Governor of Aleppo issued a stinging criticism of Mr. Hajje and Otri about their delayed response to his repeated calls to accelerate the Tanzeem plans for his city. Mr. Omar Ibrahim Galawanji is now the new Minister for Local Administration replacing Mr. Tamer Hajje. This will be a key Ministry to watch as it is in charge of setting policy for the entire real estate sector and city planning for the country. It is arguably one of the most important ministries in the government.
Mrs. Lamia Asi: The fourth important change involved the Tourism Ministry. Mrs. Lamia Asi is now in charge. She had briefly run the Ministry of the Economy. She of course used to be the country’s Ambassador to Malaysia and is known to be a big fan of that Asian country’s development performance. She is also known to be practical and not dogmatic.
Suggestions to Mrs. Asi:
- A team of Syrian lawyers and Business men have recently made a trip to Turkey and met with that country’s Tourism Ministry. Turkey of course has done an outstanding job in attracting international chains to develop its coast by building as many as 490 five star resorts all over the country. How did they achieve this? By offering investors free land and an attractive 2% subsidized financing for 50% of the total cost of the project. Syria must start thinking along these lines. The country’s tourism industry needs a massive shot in the arm. The Turkish model must be studied in great detail. Reputable International investors must be given extremely attractive terms to help entice them to come and ensure the growth of this critical sector. The tourism ministry must stop becoming a profit center that squeezes investors for extra income and unattractive terms.
A final word:
Contrary to the criticism that the new government may have received from some corners, I believe that the mix struck the right tone. Almost all the Ministers have an excellent reputation when it comes to corruption and reputation. Most are technocrats and professionally sound. None seem to have extreme political orientations or leaning.
Having said this, we should not be fooled into thinking that this or any other government can turn Syria’s economic prospects around anytime soon. The challenges will be enormous. There is no magic formula. Years of economic mismanagement cannot be undone without pain or sacrifice. The recent population explosion is a tremendous burden. Moreover, the current political climate will make it very hard to relieve the pressures on the fiscal front when it comes to the expensive subsidies and the bleeding in the public sector. Finding the revenues to finance these prohibitive programs will be very hard. No one wants to pay taxes because the government does not provide enough services. The government cannot provide the services because it cannot (or is unwilling to) collect enough taxes from the wealthy. No one wants to lose the subsidies. No one has the stomach to privatize the vast inefficient public sector and save the treasury the yearly red ink. As revenues from natural resources dwindle, the country cannot keep paying out more than it takes forever. The time will soon come when the country either has to borrow or print money to pay its bills. The above vicious circle has to be broken. A new virtuous circle has to start taking hold. In the meantime, the new government must level with the Syrian people and explain the enormous challenges and policy dilemmas that it faces. Again, the following principals ought to be a good place to start:
- Engage the public.
- Explain the economic challenges.
- Set realistic expectations.
- Don’t over promise and under deliver.
- Be decisive and make bold decisions.
- Cut red tape and streamline the government bureaucracy (New Ministry?).
- Cut interest rates sharply and slowly weaken the exchange rate of the Syrian Pound.
- Cut taxes to 10% and make sure you collect taxes from the rich.
- Institute a real estate tax on high end properties that will fund local infrastructure.
- Tackle the public sector and start a national dialogue on the pros and cons of privatization.
- Give the Prime Minister and his cabinet the room to make policy outside of the dictate of the regional command of the party.
- Use already established best practices when formulating new laws by working with international organizations like the WTO and the IFC.
- Make the rule of law priority number one. Increase the compensation of the judiciary by at least 300%.
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Comments (245)
George Ajjan said:
This takes me back to the good ol’ days of Ehsani2. Very informative, nicely done.
April 15th, 2011, 5:26 pm
Steve said:
Nice article. Problem is people aren’t protesting not about the economy or price of bread!
April 15th, 2011, 5:54 pm
suri-Amreki said:
It sounds like the main goal of the new government is “economic reform”! The people would like to have jobs and lives comfortably! But I think they want freedom more than anything else! They want end of corruption! They want to be given a chance to participate in the political live! They want to be given a chance to make decisions country-wide. They want to provide input and get a chance to lead the country instead of just being spectators!!!
April 15th, 2011, 5:59 pm
Revlon said:
I protest the censorship of my earlier comment on “The Infiltrators” I demand an exaplanation!
April 15th, 2011, 6:29 pm
syau said:
Did you not read, ” Mr. al-Jlelati is known to the public through the Damascus Securities Exchange (DSE) as its acting CEO. He is a hands-on Technocrat. He is decisive. All signs are that he is not corrupt”
Most of these newly appointed ministers are prominant businessmen who have worked in Syria and abroad and are highly respected in there industries.
These are positive forces in the Syrian government. Look to the future positively. Councils are there to listen to the peopleof their district, and, in that way their voices are heard.
April 15th, 2011, 6:33 pm
Amir in Tel Aviv said:
This reminds me of a visit I made a few months ago to the hospital, to see a good friend of mine, who is also my neighbor. We both serve voluntarily in our building-board (or house-board, as we call this in Hebrew).
I did spend an hour with her, discussing the new design that we planed for the garden. we discussed the costs, and how can we persuade the rest of the neighbors to invest in the garden’s irrigation system (we wanted it computerized and automatic).
I knew all of this discussion was a waste of time, because my friend was dying. She had cancer. She died 3 weeks after I visited her in the hospital.
April 15th, 2011, 6:58 pm
Norman said:
I think that political reform has to be part of the goals for the new government and president Assad should be ahead of the revolution ,
April 15th, 2011, 7:04 pm
syau said:
Amir in Tel Aviv,
I am sorry about you friend. There is vast difference between a garden and a country. You are telling your friend this to console her knowing she is dying, Syria is not dying. There are attempts to destroy it, but it wont be destroyed and the new reforms and ministry will prove that to you.
April 15th, 2011, 7:04 pm
Off the Wall said:
Thanks for this wonderful post. I might add that to my knowledge, the new Minister of Agriculture is loved and respected as a capable, open minded senior official by the citizens of Lattakia, where he has been a governor for a few years now. Syrian agriculture needs this type of leadership more than anything now.
While I can add little to your economic advises, I can humbly add an advise, which would be very familiar to the current minister of Irrigation.
Establish a cabinet natural resources work team that includes the Ministers of Agriculture, Irrigation, and Environment, ensure the closest working relationship between these three ministers at their levels and establish liaison offices and similar teams at governorates level.
Also, while I am a big fan of labor movements, I think that the peasants and worker unions in Syria are way to politicized and corrupt. They must be kept at bay, but consulted during public engagements, but should have no over-riding power over the government. This is in line with your recommendation of giving the Prime Minister and his cabinet the room to make policy outside of the dictate of the regional command of the party. Remember that until the election of new regional command, Mr. Husain remains in charge of the economic affairs in that body.
Final recommendation, Make sure that ministers can over-ride security chiefs in their areas of authority at any level, and should be able to shield their sub-ordinates from such interference, across the nation.
The first battle for this government should be to survey all types of unnecessary security approvals that have been giving security agencies and the baath party undue override about the ability to hire and fire not to mentioned do business. All requirements of security approvals should be abandoned summarily, except for the appointment of posts that require its holder to work with national secrets. Such security clearances should be granted based on loyalty to country and nation, and not to a person or a political party and based on demonstrable honesty and cleanliness. I believe that a strong government should fight this battle on behalf of the citizen so that the executive branch regains its power. This is until an election of a real Parliament, not a dummy one like the one Syria has.
April 15th, 2011, 7:11 pm
Naji khaddour said:
It helps to bring a new government with qualified people. How many of those ministers are Baathist ? I am just wondering. The real test is ending the unacceptable interference of security officials in government affairs, bringing an end to the Shabeeha phenomenon and keeping promises about political reform. The new government is doomed to fail without serious reform. I will believe it when I see it.
April 15th, 2011, 7:34 pm
suri-Amreki said:
Economic reform is not enough! People want political reform too! They want to be sure that no one is above the law! No Asad or Makhlouf above the law!
You said: “Most of these newly appointed ministers are prominant businessmen who have worked in Syria and abroad and are highly respected in there industries.” That is the point! The focus is economy! PEOPLE WANT FREEDOM!
The other issue is: “Councils are there to listen to the peopleof their district, and, in that way their voices are heard.” How were these people elected/appointed? Do you really believe that they will pass the people’s messages to the government or the President?
Just tell me who owns (actually who is the only one who owns ALL cellphone companies? Here in the US it is a monopoly which is illegal! No one company (monopoly) is allowed to control the whole market unless the price is set by a Public Commission.
April 15th, 2011, 7:35 pm
Leo said:
Dear Ehsani,
Thank you for this valuable information on who these ministers are. Frankly speaking, I do not see how any economic team will be able to turn the tide. I am not optimistic because I see capital fleeing and this summer to be a very low touristic turnout. I already know many large Syrian families living outside of Syria deciding not to visit the country this summer and instead opting to go to Lebanon or Turkey, and maybe meet up with the rest of their family in another country. The stock market already dropped more than 12% in the past few weeks, and it will only decrease more. The main question is what can this government offer during this period of instability that the previous governments couldn’t during period of relative stability?
April 15th, 2011, 7:35 pm
Kareem Mahmoud said:
How can we collect taxes from the rich and connected if they only have to bribe a government tax assessor and pay pennies on the dollar?
Corrupt figures like rami,aljoud and numerous others have collected billions and paid pennies. I challenge the government to make public the amount of money they collected from those people. Corruption is Syria’s number one public enemy.
April 15th, 2011, 7:49 pm
Henry said:
It is clear that Assad has been giving orders to shoot demonstrators with live fire. Boutheina Shaaban, a part of his inner-circle, can say what she will, but the repeated shootings of demonstrators with live ammunitions speaks for itself.
This article and the accompanying video shows the nature of the regime: http://news.sky.com/skynews/Home/World-News/Video-Syria-Footage-Emerges-Of-Apparent-Attacks-On-Syrian-Anti-Government-Protesters-By-Armed-Men/Article/201104315973138?f=rss
Syria will be free soon!
April 15th, 2011, 8:22 pm
syau said:
suri- amreki,
In answer to your question, yes, I do believe the councillors will pass on their districs concers and demands to the government. After all, I am a positive thinker and believe the new reforms are for the greater good of the people.
“People want freedom” – freedom of what? Reforms have been put for forward. A ministry re shuffle – happening.
Corruption has in the past and is still being dealt with. Look at Mr. corruption himself Khaddam. In exile.
“The people need to know the Assad’s are not above the law” – Riffaat Assad is in exile.
The President of any country delegates. It is then up to the ministers to take on that oppertunity and do the best at what they are asked to do. If corruption still exists or demands of the people are not being listened to or messages passed on, well that will be looked at and dealt with.
The President listens to his people. After speeches, when driving off, he is mobbed with people’s requests – he listens and acts positively – proof of that is the two women who spoke to him in his speech proir to the current situation. Their story was also twisted in the media, which they swiftly corrected.
As to the cell phone companies, well lets privatise them and hike up the prices to be totally unaffordable for the common person not to be able to afford. Sounds like a solution to me.
April 15th, 2011, 8:25 pm
suri-amreki said:
It is funny. The president himself admitted that he was not aware of the demands of the people! If he does, why did not he act to lift the emergency law longtime ago?
If you do not know what is freedom, you need to get the definition of freedom from the dictionary. It is the freedom of speech, the freedom of choice!
Corruption: Are you serious? Are you saying that there is no corruption since Khaddam left Syria? Please!!!
Asad family: I wish all of them (It will happen anyway in few months) leave Syria!
Cell phones: privatization and multi-companies create competition and will lower prices unless all of them are owned by Makhloufs!!!
Do you know now why the people are uprising against a corrupt dictator and his oppressive regime?
April 15th, 2011, 9:21 pm
why-discuss said:
Long time democracies are not immune to corruption…. Maybe an example to follow in Syria
Quebec anti-corruption unit opens probe into espionage at Montreal city hall
Posted on Wed, Apr 13, 2011, 6:30 pm by Canadian Press
….Mayor Tremblay added that Quebec should be looking further than Montreal and be investigating allegations of collusion and corruption in the province’s construction industry.
“That’s where the real problem is, not just in Montreal but in all of Quebec,” Tremblay said.
The Quebec government has been under pressure to call a public inquiry into the much-maligned construction industry, but has resisted….
April 15th, 2011, 9:39 pm
syau said:
Delegation…..How is anyone supposed to be completely in touch if the subordinate does not pass on what they should. Ministry re shuffle……
If you listen to his interviews, reforms were being discussed long ago. The emergency law is being lifted now. Other Acts and laws have to be put in place. He is not a magician to say presto, it’s done.
I do know what freedom is, I was asking you what the “protesters” are asking for – all they say is hourieh, hourieh. Elaborate without violence and betrayal.
I did not say there is no corruption since Khaddam and Rafaat, I said corruption was and still is being looked at, and, those two are in exile among others I might add. Bashar is looking into corruption further. Every government around the world has this problem.
Multi companies create competition and lower prices, well to a degree. Privitisation occurs one at a time. Until there are over 4 or 5 different companies, there is no lower price.
Bashar Assad is not a dictator. He is a brilliant sophisticated leader who is one among very little who are looking for unity in the Arab world. And furthermore, your wishes are one amongst very few.
April 15th, 2011, 9:59 pm
Revlon said:
To those who believe in, or propagate the fable of “THE INFILTRATORS” of the Rif3atites, Khaddamites, and 7arirites
The Syrian people regard these characters with disdain;
Khaddam was H Asad Confidante. He symbolizes corruption of the tyrant reign.
Rif3at, H Asad brother and Jr’s uncle, symbolizes brutality of the tyrant reign.
7ariri Jr symbolises forgery and demagoguery. He is responsible for the murder of dozens of Syrian labourers in Lebanon and for inciting the international community to unjustly impose sanctions on the Syrian people.
Khaddam, Uncle, and 7ariri have no interest in seeing freedom, justice and democracy in Syria! They realise that such will make them vulnerable to the justice of the free Syrian nation.
If the regime has evidence for the presence of “infiltrators”, then let them be interviewed, in safety, by independent parties.
If none were caught, after 30 days of complete mobilisation of security forces, republican guards, and Para-militias, the regime should admit to either their failure to protect the nation, or the inaccuracy of their claim; following the example of GWB and WMD.
April 15th, 2011, 10:06 pm
Syria Almighty said:
A stupid Syrian-American being stupid. How shocking and new. Moron.
April 15th, 2011, 10:08 pm
Majhool said:
No one cares about this shitty government. Don’t even dream that this Baathist government will last more than few months.
April 15th, 2011, 10:18 pm
jad said:
Dear Ehsani,
Thank you for the intro of the new government, it’s interesting the way you analyzed each of the new ministers character and directions.
I agree with you that the ministry of local administration is the one needs to be watched for all the issues in that matter needs to be looked after.
I hope that Mr. Ghalawnji can lead the ministry in the right direction.
I hope that this transitional government can build the solid base needed for the next government that supposedly will be the real reflection of all the changes and reforms we’ve been promised with, regarding political party representatives and true democratic parliament election.
I also agree with Leo that it will be very difficult mission for this government to do work properly under the current circumstances.
In anyway, I hope that God and the Syrian people help this government doing it’s job properly.
Thank you again 🙂
April 15th, 2011, 10:19 pm
Syria Almighty said:
I have a question for all the stupid people who are pretending that this is not a sectarian conflict. Why do people keep sending me messages on Facebook and Youtube such as:
“Alawite Pig”
“So will die like a DOG!!! Everyone who support the Monster Assad, must get killed! Like you and your Family!!! So shut up and got fuck your mother you pice of shit! you no honor, no pride, nothing. so die and go to hell!!!!”
“Anik Umak ya? Akhu Sharmuta!!!! I am Syrian and i will fuck your Familiy!
Just wait, if Assad get killed, than the Sunnis will kill all fucking Alawis! hahaha Biatch!
Go to HELL!!!”
“No matter you piece of shit! You will die and your fucking familiy! You? dont have the right to live! How you can support a dictator and murder like bashar? you son of a bitch. go to hell with you christian family and burn in hell!!!”
Those are just a few comments I have received, EVERY TIME one of those destined-to-die revolution criminals contact me and other people. I never speak about religion, nor have I told these people what religion I am. They just assume that I am an Alawite. When I tell them that I am not, they assume that I am a Christian (I am), and still wish death upon me, my family, and all Christians.
Everyone in the revolution is garbage.
April 15th, 2011, 10:20 pm
syau said:
Syria Almighty,
I think Revlon has a point here….Regarding Hariri, Khaddam etc, but that’s where it ends.
Evidence is there regarding people being paid to destabalise Syria.
But, you cannot tell a government of any country how to deal with there detainees. You certainly cannot give them a timeframe – especially 30 days. Thats ridiculous. Guantanamo Bay detainees would love a 30 day time frame.
April 15th, 2011, 10:26 pm
William Scott Scherk said:
I appreciate the brief portraits of and suggestions for the six ministers mentioned by the author. I hope that someone will give portraits of and suggestions for the remaining cabinet members.
April 15th, 2011, 10:30 pm
Vedat The Turk said:
@ Syria Almighty
Hi Syria Allmeaty.
Didn’t you read my last post to you the other day?
You shouldn’t just spew insults at others.
Remember: It is better to remain silent and be thought of as a fool than to speak and remove all doubt : )
April 15th, 2011, 10:31 pm
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April 15th, 2011, 10:31 pm
Vedat The Turk said:
@ Ehsani
Great article. Very informative. On paper all of the new members seems to have excellent credentials. My only concern is whether the system in place will actually allow them to implement any real change.
April 15th, 2011, 10:33 pm
jad said:
“following the example of GWB and WMD.”
It took the democratically elected GWB 8 long ugly years of wars, millions of refugees, millions of victims, civil war, destruction of a country, occupation of a country and destroying the economy of his own county, and after all that the new democratically elected Obama continue the mission and until today they didn’t find any WMD, they are still occupying Iraq and they didn’t even listen to their own people’s requests…….
Smart example to use to prove your ’30 days’ rant…yawn!!
April 15th, 2011, 10:37 pm
Syria Almighty said:
Vedat, no one in the Syrian Islamic Revolution deserves to be respected. Not a single ‘person,’ if you can even call them ‘people.’
April 15th, 2011, 10:38 pm
Syria Almighty said:
Another nice comment by a ‘peaceful protester’ of the ‘Syrian Revolution.’
“???? ????? ?? ???? ?? ??? ????? ??? ????? ?? ??? ??? ????? ???”
April 15th, 2011, 10:42 pm
Those are terrible messages you’re receiving. Maybe you wouldn’t get them if you didn’t spend your time defending a bunch of crooks and thugs. Maybe you wouldn’t get such vulgar messages if you weren’t so vulgar yourself.
The Syrian people aren’t stupid–they see things for what they. All these people that you’re hating on and insulting and you want to deport–well, they’re the Syrian people. The people have their minds made up. All your very highly intelligent posts (do you ever go back and read them?) will not change the perception that the regime has cemented for itself over the past 30 years. And if you don’t like it, well, pluck your eyebrows!!! (iza moo ‘ajbak…. nattif hawajbak!!!)
April 15th, 2011, 10:45 pm
Syria Almighty said:
I hope you remain exiled, moron 😉
April 15th, 2011, 10:46 pm
Syria Almighty said:
Also, it’s funny how defending a ‘bunch of crooks and thugs,’ as you call them, justifies extremists calling for the mass genocide of everyone that is not a Sunni Muslim Extremist. How rational of the ‘Syrian Revolution.’
April 15th, 2011, 10:49 pm
Revlon said:
Dear Mr E7sani; 30 Nobel Laureate Ministers can do nothing to effect a positive change in the lives of the Syrian people.
For forty years, hundreds of Ministers have come and gone!
All of them have either left unnoticed or left a legacy of corruption.
The problem is not in the Ministers!
It is the inherently corrupt system.
The system chew them up, spit them, and keep their balls.
April 15th, 2011, 10:57 pm
Listen, if you wanna go out and be stupid, then you’re going to get hate mail. I didn’t send it. I am not a Sunni Muslim extremist and no one’s calling for the genocide of anyone. It’s just another lie regime supporters use to try to justify their stupidity. Anyway, I’m not gonna argue with you anymore because it’s like arguing with the “hayt” (the wall).
Let’s hope that these are real changes and that we see more changes in the future. The regime holds the keys to power, and only in addressing the people’s legitimate frustrations will they be able to contain the current anger. Let’s hope the the rumors of lifting the emergency laws will turn out to be true and real change can be made. KEEP UP THE PROTESTS YA SOORIYYEEN!!! GOD BLESS YOU ALL: MUSLIM, CHRISTIAN, AND EVERYONE ELSE!!!
April 15th, 2011, 10:57 pm
jad said:
Syrian Almighty,
Why do you think most Syrians shy away from the ‘revolution’ FB site, it’s because of all the no brainer, no clear vision, no clear plan, no clear goal, propaganda, blood and emotional driven and no face to trust of the FB movement and the sad thing is that many of those people commenting on there have the same exact mentality that is reflected in the comment you are getting and to make things worst the majority of those people are not even on ground or even Syrian.
But may I ask what do you say to get these messages back? because it may also be your mistake saying something sectarian and provocative that lead to such harsh reply.
In anyway, don’t take any of those notes seriously, it’s all emotional nonsense.
Exiled Shami,
“hayt”? you sound more of an Exiled lebanese than Shami!
April 15th, 2011, 10:59 pm
syau said:
Exiled shami,
You are right, the Syrian people arn’t stupid and they can see things for what they are, that is why they can see through this farce of a revolution, the fake videos, the way some of their country men are betraying them for money and the way the way some are trying to make it into a sectarian war.
The Syrian people are not stupid. but stupid comments like yours- nattif hawajbak is just that.. Plain stupid
April 15th, 2011, 11:02 pm
Syria Almighty said:
I don’t speak sectarianism. I have always been proud to show everyone the peaceful diversity we have in Syria. I get these messages as replies when I show support to the president. I actually had to delete a lot of them, so the ones I showed you are not all of them.
On the other hand, comments like that are made as original messages, to which I then reply to. For example, this was an original message on someone else’s video (When millions of people demonstrated in support of the president):
“Anik Umak ya Bashar!
Shame on the People! But i know, this whole? Show is a Fake! The next Days will be verry Hard! Fuck Assad! Fuck Bath Party! Fuck Syrian Terror-Military!!!
Freedom for Syria!”
Evidently, before I ever said anything, this person was being vile. You can see how this person spits on every aspect of Syria, including the military. Such comments by these ‘revolutionists’ are everywhere without provocation.
April 15th, 2011, 11:14 pm
1. Don’t question my nationality.
2. People avoid the FB site because they’re scared of publicly affiliating with an anti-government site. Do you know why they’re scared. Because the Syrian regime terrorizes its people for speaking out. Your good old boys back home even imprisoned a 17 year old girl for blogging. You probably want to do that to all Syrians. Hell, maybe you can even get a job as a jailor!
Fact of the matter is that the biggest losers that I’ve ever seen in my entire life are the mukhabarat criminals I saw when I was called to fir’ falasteen. Biggest freaking losers–they would either be in prison or have janitor jobs if they were in any other country. I’m sure they’re your buddies. I’m sure you get a kick out of hanging out Friday afternoon and beating protesters. Simply disgusting human beings, the regime and everyone associated with it.
April 15th, 2011, 11:15 pm
Alex said:
Thanks Ehsani!
That was really fast. I don’t think anyone else wrote anything useful about the new government yet.
One more reason Syria Comment in one of the quickest and most reliable sources of information on Syria.
By the way, our friend Fadi Salem (one of our commentators here, under another name) was in the New York Times yesterday:
April 15th, 2011, 11:24 pm
Syria Almighty said:
Looks like Exiled Beiruti doesn’t support imprisoning criminals. not surprised, as it is an extremist who supports the fake revolution.
April 15th, 2011, 11:26 pm
Averroes said:
I tried posting a couple of entries on the “Syrian Revolution against Bashar 2011” on Facebook. I was polite, and just asked why not give reforms a chance, and that kind of thing.
It took 6 minutes, and I was thrown out and my entries deleted.
Very democratic, and a great indication of what’s to come if these guys take over.
April 15th, 2011, 11:28 pm
Norman said:
To all of you,
I hate to tell you that you are all wrong , the Syrian people as i saw in the last 4 weeks are stupid, they are being used in the Sunni, Shia war that is started by Saudi Arabia, If Syria does not get through this difficult time united, I expect Syria to be the way it was in the fifties being the playground of the countries around it,
April 15th, 2011, 11:30 pm
Syria Almighty said:
Averroes, they kick out anyone who supports the president, or even people who are neutral. I had to make several Facebook accounts because they kept blocking me every time I presented evidence of their lies.
Actually, what they love to do is have you join, but don’t kick you out. They just block you from posting or liking anything. They keep you in the group, though, to beef up their numbers.
Most of the people on that page are not even Syrian to begin with. When I used to go there, EVERYONE I clicked on was from some crap hole in Lebanon, or some other Arab country, or from the US, Canada, Europe or Israel. A lot of them were also English speakers who don’t understand a word of Arabic, so they can’t really read the violent commands of the Syrian revolution terrorists.
April 15th, 2011, 11:35 pm
jad said:
Syria Almighty,
I know what is there, I read lots of things, but if I go and try to reply to every nonsense I read I will never have time to focus on any issue. An advise from an older brother, just ignore those things, be fair and honest to what you believe in and never ever take anything as the ultimate truth there is no such thing, there is alwayse 2 sides to everything, if you do that everybody will accept you and listen to what you say.
Now excuse me I’m going to my good old boys in jail to beat a protester and be relaxed.
P.S. Stop making trouble and be nice 🙂
April 15th, 2011, 11:37 pm
NK said:
Jad, Shami, Revelon, Vedat and everyone else
I wasn’t going to say anything but this is driving me crazy
Here’s a link to Almight’s youtube profile
check the vile things he says in his comments for yourselves, for I refuse to quote such hateful comments. It’s the internet, spew hatred and you’ll find a lot of like minded people spewing hatred back!
Thanks for this detailed article, pretty impressive.
Jad, Norman (others feel free to chip in) 🙂
I have a couple questions, how much power does the government hold exactly ? Also we heard that this government is just a transitional one with the primary objective of meeting the demands of the people, which the regime summarized them (more or less) in the list of Buthina Shabaan, the key demands were new laws for the press, a new party law, further curbing of corruption and empowering the judiciary branch.
Do you think the new government will be granted enough authority to act on any of these demands ? knowing who are the pillars of corruption in Syria and how much power they possess I’m not sure they will allow a strong government to stop in there way.
I don’t think Bashar can afford to keep Rami around. Even though he’s not the only source of corruption, one can argue that he’s hated by the majority of Syrians. Right now he’s the symbol of corruption, and so a major liability on the regime, I honestly don’t see the “revolution” calming down unless he’s dealt with, on the other hand I don’t see him going down quietly, how do you see this playing out ?
Finally I came across this documentary earlier today
April 15th, 2011, 11:40 pm
Majhool said:
Just in case someone here is interested in knowing what the arab street including the MAJORITY of the syrian street really feels, I suggest that you read this. stop living in your bubbles.
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April 15th, 2011, 11:42 pm
Syria Almighty said:
Those ‘vile comments,’ as you call them, are not sectarian. They are simply to annoy those revolution criminals.
April 15th, 2011, 11:43 pm
jad said:
???? ????? ????? ????? ?????? ??? ????????
April 15th, 2011, 11:45 pm
Syria Almighty said:
Another nice comment:
“You and your Family will die!!!! HAHAHA Just wait Bitch waaaiiiittttt!!!! You will see! 🙂
Just because you support Assad! You will Burn for Ever in HELL!!!! You and your Family!!!!”
April 15th, 2011, 11:46 pm
Australian -Syrian said:
You seem to be a very intelligent man.I understand where you are coming from. But it is hard not to get infuriated at such comments. Those so-called peaceful protesters, and the ‘freedom-fighters’ are vile. If a country was to run on their commands, then it is going to be screwed. And the outsiders, who do they think they are? We are not getting involved in their political lives, why should they shove their fat heads into ours? They are blowing things out of proportion,and making things seem what they are not.
There is nothing more that i would like to see than Obama, Hariri, Saudi, and Jordanian either dead, or out of power. But i dont start abusing them, their families and their supporters in public. Yes, i may have some things to say about them, but i wont be vile enough to verbally assault one of their supporters. i dont see the satisfaction in doing so. I only abuse, when abused. And therefore i understand Syria-Almighty’s predicament.
April 15th, 2011, 11:56 pm
Majhool said:
April 15th, 2011, 11:57 pm
Australian -Syrian said:
Lets hope that whom ever wrote that to you will see their life at an end soon. (evil, i know, but they too are evil).
April 15th, 2011, 11:58 pm
jad said:
I didn’t read the comments they mean nothing to me, but it seems that you missed the videos themselves that he posted, those are the point.
Check out the Sectarian slogans where almost all of men there have swords, and check the one showing couple guys in their cars shooting guns..
April 16th, 2011, 12:01 am
Syria Almighty said:
Vile insults and threats against me, my family, my president and my country, and especially by outsiders, is something I do no tolerate for any reason. It is that kind of nonsense that boils my blood and causes me to lash out. Anyone who knows me, knows that I am not that kind of person normally. I don’t get angry over many things. This is one thing that DOES get me angry. It is even more frustrating when that person likes to talk trash behind a computer screen, knowing you can’t do anything about it. These people become pussy cats when they have to face the people they are trashing.
April 16th, 2011, 12:03 am
EHSANI2 said:
The Syrian stock market is actually already down 22.5% from its high in January.
Your positive remarks on the Minister of Agriculture are indeed accurate. His previous post as the Governor of Lattakia was favorable according to many. It would of course be great for the security agencies to reduce their interference in legislative matters.
I also hope that the system in place will actually allow the government to operate freely. This has not been the case in the past of course.
In the past 48 years, Syria actually had 28 Prime Ministers.
Thanks, and yes we love our very own Fadi from Aleppo.
You ask a tough question. Only time will tell if this government will be given the latitude to legislate freely.
April 16th, 2011, 12:09 am
Syria Almighty said:
I especially love this video:
April 16th, 2011, 12:11 am
NK said:
Dear Jad
Using the slogans uneducated people chant, or a video that the State TV clearly labeled as “thugs attacking peaceful demonstrators and terrorizing the populace” and label it instead “Terrorists of the Syrian Revolution” just for the purpose of attacking Sunni Muslims and people opposing the Syrian regime in general is vile and sectarian, if you condone such practices then that’s your business, maybe I had the wrong idea about you all along.
April 16th, 2011, 12:12 am
Revlon said:
Dear NK, Noted and not surprised!
The currently embedded clip hold the page owner’s name.
It has no revolution’s dubbing on it.
I do not know where it is, or who those people with macvhetties and sticks are!
None of the youtube clips I have seen so far, on the Syrian revolution pages, show demonstarators with machetties or sticks like this one does.
This one is exceptional and needs further investigation.
It could be a smearing attempt by the propoganda machine of Wa2dulfitnah.
It could also be true. It would then be exceptional, unrepresentative of the main stream of the revolution, and in need of urgent and wise handling by the ground leaders of the revolution.
I will keep searching!
April 16th, 2011, 12:14 am
Syria Almighty said:
Rev, there are a lot of incriminating videos that the revolution doesn’t put on its Facebook page. They don’t have a problem putting up fake videos, though!!
April 16th, 2011, 12:18 am
Norman said:
I see no other way but for the president to use the demonstration as a proof that reform has to be speedy and almost immediate as that is the only way to save the country and the Baath party as one of many,
The president has to lead and because this Friday passed by without death, I believe it is the right time for the president address the Syrian people on TV at night and directly taking responsibility for the delay in implementing reform and explaining the reason behind it, from the invasion of Iraq and how Syria was in their sight with the turn left plan to attack Syria to the Hariri investigation to the war of 2006 and 2008, The sanction that Syria suffered from for it’s Arabic stand did not help advance the Syrian economy ,and announcing the cancellation of article 8 and that the baath party is one of many that seek the best for Syria, announce party law and the illegality of foreign money interfering and donated to Syrian parties that should have no ethnic or religous affiliations .
Syria is better of addopting the American laws instead of trying to start new laws that are not tested,
April 16th, 2011, 12:24 am
Majhool said:
I am starting to appreciate your positions lately.
Syria will be just fine!!
April 16th, 2011, 12:29 am
Revlon said:
Dear Ehsani, Thank you very much for providing the actual count of Prime Ministers /Cabinets of Syria, over the period of the last 48 years.
Your figure of 28 prime ministers / cabinets, tallies well with my esitimated count of hundreds of Ministers!
The System is structurally corrupt.
Solving corruption can only be achieved by dismantling its structure!
Not by chasing, the “waterfalls” of its manifestations.
April 16th, 2011, 12:37 am
jad said:
First I didn’t read any comment there and I honestly didn’t see the attack on the Sunnis video you are talking about. I went in and checked the first two videos I told you about.
Second, I appreciate if you refrain from using personal judgment of things you don’t know. I’ve been long enough on SC and I already have my sets of rules that I stick to, sectarianism is one of them, so please don’t play on it especially with me.
Thank you.
April 16th, 2011, 12:53 am
Revlon said:
Speaker’s Corner: Free Dar3a; A proud young leader addresses demonstrators in Jasem.
I see no sticks or machetties here!
April 16th, 2011, 1:04 am
Revlon said:
#43 Dear NK,; The dubious video is for a gathering in front of a Mosque in Jableh.
I have just reviewed all of Jableh demonstrations of April 15th , published on facebook pages of The Syrian Revolution and Syria-leaks.
That video was not there.
The least I can say now is, that editors of Syrian revolution pages, have not sponsored or condoned such videos!
What that clip shows, is obviously against what the Syrian revolution stands for.
It remains to be seen whether that video was true, representing an undisciplined group of the revolution, or it was a staged, fabricated, smearing attempt by the System.
April 16th, 2011, 1:45 am
Syria Almighty said:
Does not represent the revolution??? ALL of the people on their stupid Facebook page are vile extremists calling to the destruction of non-Sunni factions in the country. The owner of the page is a self-proclaimed Muslim Brotherhood member. The page calls for blood and destruction. One of their videos has someone calling for the destruction of all Shi’ite mosques and the banning of mixed-gendered schools. That is EXACTLY what the revolution represents. It’s not freedom for the Syrians that want, its freedom for the Sunnis to do as they please with Syria.
April 16th, 2011, 1:49 am
Australian -Syrian said:
Exactly. The Sunni extremists are planning to destroy Syria, by killing all those who are not like them; people who don’t believe what they do and are open minded. The Brotherhood is a sorry excuse for a Muslim group. They are giving Muslims are bad name. All we are ever equated with is ‘terrorist’. Thanks to them. Now they want to ruin their own country. If the current Syrian Government falls and the likes of those morons take over, Syria will be damned.
I am against segregation, but when the situation goes too far, then i support the incarceration of all vile extremists. (if that is even possible).
April 16th, 2011, 1:57 am
Syria Almighty said:
These animals want the entire Middle east. Yesterday, they killed 10 people in Jordan, and said that they will not stop until they control the entire Arab world. People believe it when extremists are protesting and killing in Jordan, but when it comes to Syria, the media pretends that they are peaceful protests. Here in Canada, I watch CBC. A HORRIBLE news network. Yesterday, they reported that HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of people took to the streets in Sahat al Abassin. I have family that live there. It never happened. I’m positive that their ‘journalistic research’ consists of racist bigot CBC employees scouring the Syrian Revolution 2011 Facebook group for information. So far, ALL of their coverage has been lies on top of lies. For weeks, they refused to acknowledge even the existence of pro-government demonstrators when they were in the hundreds of thousands. I sent them a complaint with some videos of them, and they never replied. When pro-government demonstrations reached millions, CBC reported only ‘tens of thousands.’ I have since sent them another 2 messages, and they still have not replied back to me. I even mentioned that I may start a Facebook group to denounce and expose their lies and phony coverage of Syria.
April 16th, 2011, 2:08 am
Australian -Syrian said:
That reminds me about here in Australia. We had a large pro-Bashar demonstration a couple of weeks ago in Melbourne.7 News showed 2 seconds of it, saying that there were ‘200 people making noise outside Parliament House’ not even stating our purpose. We were in in the thousand. What was worse was that they ended the 2 second broadcast with a clip of someone burning Bashar’s picture, and violent protesters reeking havoc. That wasn’t us. They tried to manipulate the footage, to make it look as though we were ant-Bashar. What more was that i emailed nine news, ten news, and 60minutes, telling them that there was going to be a Pro-Bashar rally, and they never replied nor did they show up. I bet if i said it was anti-Bashar and government they would have come.
In Sydney, there were two demonstrations held. one consisted of 4000 people, and the other with up to 3000 people. There was no coverage of it. I dont know about you, but i think ALL foreign countries are against the regime. Looks like they are following the American’s path.
April 16th, 2011, 2:21 am
Syria Almighty said:
There is a stockpile of dozens of pro-government demonstrations in Syria and from all over the world on this page:
You need to go to the video section.
All those videos, and NONE of them get reported. Instead, CBC reported what they claimed to be anti-Syrian government demonstrations in Ottawa, even though the majority of people were carrying Jordanian flags. To add insult to injury, despite most of them being Jordanian, they did not even acknowledge it!!
April 16th, 2011, 2:21 am
Australian -Syrian said:
Syria- Almighty,
Do you mind putting that link about hariri up again? I cant seem to find it. It was the funny one with him and 2 others singing. i cant locate it on this blog for some reason, and i cant find it on youtube.
April 16th, 2011, 2:29 am
Syria Almighty said:
Here you go:
April 16th, 2011, 2:30 am
Australian -Syrian said:
That is such a hilarious clip. And soo true. And yes, they are ‘ Zbali'(trash).
April 16th, 2011, 2:53 am
syau said:
I think the comments were directed to the terrorists behind the revolution. Dont make it about the sunni. I also think if he was degraded and treated so discracefully, he should retaliate. They are threatening his family. What would you say if yours was threatened. I know I wouldnt be civil. I have also, along with many people I know tried to comment on the Syria revolution site to no avail. Any comments not to their liking is deleted, and when they realise their infomation is incorrect, they even delete their comment so they wont look stupid. Their game is up.
Syria Almighty,
Although this situation, fake videos, the conspiracy against Syria, the bloodshed is sad,- your video brought some laughter to my day.
If you and you loved ones are being attacked by vile creatures, then I say attack all you can. I’ve seen the pro Bashar facebook page and it’s a very positive page to look at amongst all this negativity.
April 16th, 2011, 3:13 am
Mouna said:
Syria Almighty, Syrian-Australian & Clone (SYAU),
Thank you for revealing your religious identities. Clearly all of your comments here are informed by your sectarian perspective.
April 16th, 2011, 7:38 am
omran said:
i agree with others, when we syrians who are for president bashar and his reform efforts comment on syrian so call revolution page LOL our comments are deleted as soon as they realise that we support syria and Bashar al asad. why?? if they are calling for freedom and want all syrians to engage in this freedom shuldnt they listen to the millions of syrians who support Bashar??? so whats the plan kill us if they ever take control??? one must realise that when u have the gulf states, saudi arabia fighting against you(syria) through a media war that either you suport Bashar assad or u are simply a anti-syrian-unity and anti pan arab nationalist no matter what area ur from within syria.
April 16th, 2011, 7:45 am
Sophia said:
There is an article by Ali el Bayanouni today in The Guardian claiming that the brotherhood would like to focus on internal democracy (translate controlling people’s private lives) while maintaining the same foreign policy.
Well this is not what he hints at in this interview with MEMRI TV, a zionist outlet, in 2008.
April 16th, 2011, 8:17 am
why-discuss said:
Syrian President To Address New Cabinet
Note the negative tone of the article
by The Associated Press
April 16, 2011
Syria’s president was expected to address the country’s new government Saturday in a speech that will be broadcast nationally amid a growing protest movement now entering its second month, a Syrian official said.
The speech will be only the second public appearance by President Bashar Assad since the protests began.
A new cabinet was formed Thursday as part of a wave of concessions stemming from an unprecedented protest movement demanding reform in Syria, one of the most authoritarian regimes in the Middle East.
More than 200 people have been killed in the government crackdown on protesters, rights groups say.
The protests have forced Assad to reach out to local leaders and offer overtures of reform — highly unusual steps for an authoritarian leader who keeps a tight grip on power with a small coterie of family and advisers.
A Syrian official told The Associated Press on Saturday that Assad would chair the first meeting of the new Cabinet in a speech that would be broadcast on Syrian television later in the day. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to give official statements to the media.
Assad has made only one public appearance since the demonstrations began, using a March 30 speech to blame a foreign conspiracy for the unrest.
His reaction enraged many Syrians who hoped to see him announce serious concessions.
The protest movement has been steadily growing since then and swelled Friday to the largest and most widespread gatherings to date, according to witnesses and activists. Tens of thousands or protesters made a bold march on the Syrian capital Friday, but security forces beat them back with tear gas and batons.
Syria’s state-run news agency SANA said a Syrian policeman died after being beaten by protesters during a demonstration in the central city of Homs on Friday. SANA said the 32-year-old policeman was beaten with sticks and stones on his chest and head during the protest.
The violence in Homs and the policeman’s death could not be independently confirmed. Syria has placed tight restrictions on media outlets and expelled foreign journalists.
On Friday, Syrian television for the first time showed video of protests in several cities — a sign that state-run TV cannot simply ignore the growing demonstrations.
April 16th, 2011, 8:35 am
qunfuz said:
a story to take your minds off things..
April 16th, 2011, 8:52 am
syau said:
You seem to be taking a leaf out of Revlons book…..Unless YOU are a clone of revlon. If you look at all my passed comments, I have never tried to make this sectarian, on the contrary, I have been saying not to play into the hands of the Syrian revolution and make it a sectarian war. I was talking about the animated video Syria almighty uploaded. That was humorous. I have never “revealed” my religious beliefs in my comments, my religious beliefs are my beliefs and in my heart, not to be displayed for you to see. I am a very proud muslim and do not wish to see muslims in-fighting. So do your homework and then comment on peoples perspectives. As for me, I do not care that you have shown me your religious “identity”.
I agree with you. If the Syrian Revolution is promoting freedom, shouldn’t anyone be able to comment on their page. It seems to be one sided freedom.
April 16th, 2011, 9:12 am
Revlon said:
# 79. Sophia,
You said ” There is an article by Ali el Bayanouni today in The Guardian claiming that the brotherhood would like to focus on internal democracy (translate controlling people’s private lives) while maintaining the same foreign policy”
I read the article. There is no mention of the expression “internal democracy”, in El Bayannouni article.
I used the search function on that page to see if such expression existed anywhere on the page!
It did exist. It came in a critique of the article, posted by “Les Politique”.
However, in case you missed the take home message of the article; here it is:
“We are committed to peaceful means, and we endorse the aims of the revolution to build a civil state committed to rule of law, governed by a new constitution that emerges from the will of the people through a transparent and free vote. It is time that all Syrians – men and women alike, regardless of ethnicity or religion – enjoy equal citizenship”
April 16th, 2011, 9:25 am
Kurd said:
Quick question:
The logo you have on this article has a few Arabic words, meaning Syrian Arab Republic. What really makes it a “republic”?
April 16th, 2011, 9:31 am
Australian -Syrian said:
Hi there. If you THINK you know what religious sect i belong to, then great. And no. My opinions are not a product of that.My opinions are a product of my knowledge and understandings. Judging by the lack of yours, i can say that i have a hunch what you are. But do i give a crap? No. Because that doesnt matter. What matters is that we all have different opinions, and for you to insinuate that our opinions are a product of what religion we are, shows how sectarian you are.
I have no clone as you so stupidly stated. Everyone here is themslef. Unless you have a clone, because as far as im concered, you will only be saying that if you had one. You try to accuse people of being clones because you want to deny the fact that there are many people who have similar views. You want to deny that more than one person can have similar opinions. Well, you are showing how inimical to positive comments you are.
You are showing your child like thoughts. So i will not bother with you anymore, because i do not argue with children.
April 16th, 2011, 9:38 am
Aboud said:
Regarding the video of pro-regime militamen stamping and abusing Syrian inhabitants of Al-Baida, a new video refutes the claim by regime apologists that the events took place in Iraq.
The video shows the area in Al-Baida where the abuse took place. The person shooting the video spoke in a shaky voice, saying that the black-clothed militiamen came from a neighboring village.
I look forward to whatever new outlandish claims pro-regime apologists will now make.
April 16th, 2011, 9:55 am
syau said:
I think it’s unhealthy for anybody to listen to this guy, he is an eccentric lunatic. So what if there are Shiite religious schools in Syria, I thought that was part of freedom of religion. He thinks that is inticing secretarism? There are Jahova’s witnesses going around to peoples private dwellings everyday, promoting their beliefs, handing out pamphlets trying to intice people to their religion. Nobody says thats promoting secretarism. He commented that his organisation congratulated Hazballah when their resistance forced Israel out of Lebanon, but now that they have entered the government in Lebanon, he does not support them??
This guy is a lunatic.
April 16th, 2011, 10:03 am
Aboud said:
Regarding the video of pro-regime militiamen stomping on and abusing Syrian inhabitants of Al-Biyada, a new video refutes the claim by regime apologists that the events took place in Iraq.
The video shows the area in Al-Biyada where the abuse took place. The person shooting the video spoke in a shaky voice, saying that the black-clothed militiamen came from a neighboring village.
I look forward to whatever new outlandish claims pro-regime apologists will now make.
What they can’t explain away is the clear and irrefutable signs of torture numerous Syrian prisoners have on them. Hint to SANA; not everyone is as gullible as the people who work there.
April 16th, 2011, 10:04 am
Aboud said:
And by the way, initially I was one of those who were content to just let events happen as they may, and hoping I wouldn’t be caught up in the worst of things. I’ve never suffered any personall injustice, so I was content to let the chips fall where they may.
Two things changed that; the unfathomable abuses committed on the inhabitants of Biyada, and the equally unfathomable speech by Bashar. Biyada was the turning point, it was Bashar’s Abu Ghuraib. Those who were apathetic are no longer so. Our conscious demands that we take a stand against such barbarity.
April 16th, 2011, 10:10 am
Sophia said:
#83 Revlon
I cite from the article in The Guardian: ”though the major disagreement between the regime and the main opposition parties is not over foreign policy, but focuses on internal affairs and the lack of democracy.”
Is this not a contradiction with what Al-Bayanouni is saying on Memri TV, the second link in my previous comment that you seem to ignore?
I do not discuss with commentators and I try not to post more than one comment, but I do when I have additional information to give and this is the case here.
April 16th, 2011, 10:21 am
majedkhaldoon said:
What will the president say?
I am looking forward for him to tackle reform issues,to annul emergency rule,and to cancel law # 8,and to say that those thugs and shabbiha will no longer hurt people,demonstrating for freedom.declare the judicial system,completely independent of the executive part,release all political prisoners,start taking the corrupt people to court,free the press,nationalize Syria tel,arrange for transparent elections.
I do not think he will do any of these things,instead we will hear promises,which we have been hearing for 40 years,empty promises,we are tired of those promises. I hope I am wrong,but lack of trust,in dictators to do reform makes me not to believe he will do anything good.
He does not understand the urgency that is needed.A month has passed.
while some say that he is good but the people around him are bad,I say we need a president who is capable of reining those people, not a powerless one.
April 16th, 2011, 10:24 am
Amir in Tel Aviv said:
“…Also, it’s funny how defending a ‘bunch of crooks and thugs,’ as you call them, justifies extremists calling for the mass genocide of everyone that is not a Sunni Muslim Extremist. How rational of the ‘Syrian Revolution’.”
Did you mean the “mass genocide” that the Syrian army, led by elements from your sect, committed during the eighties ?
Unlike you, the Syrian Sunnies have very good reasons, supported by very strong evidences, to hate and fear YOU.
Instead of spewing your meaningless BS, it’s time that your sect’s leadership sits with the rest of Syrians, to discuss the terms of surrender. 12% cannot for long dictate to the rest 88%. It’s time for your sect to defuse this time bomb, before the blood bath starts.
Moron. (Sorry, I had to).
April 16th, 2011, 10:33 am
NK said:
More videos for all you who believed the lies of the regime about the Bayda video
Keep watching State TV and believing the lies of the regime
April 16th, 2011, 10:42 am
syau said:
Amir in tel aviv,
Yet another person who doesnt read previous comments. I know this comment is directed to SYRIA ALMIGHTY, you may have got his name wrong there, but I will say that in previous comments, he has stated that he is actually Christian. You of all people – if you do indeed live in Tel Aviv, have no business trying to play the sectarian game. I’ts about time the abused, under nourished Palastinians who are fighting for survival on a daily basis got there just deserves. Try looking at Israel first, then comment on Syria’s sectrarian issues.
April 16th, 2011, 10:43 am
Aboud said:
Thank you NK. A better move by the regime would have been to send one of Bsshar’s high-level flunkies to Al-Biyada and plead, nay, BEG the mothers and sisters of the abused men for their forgiveness. Seriously,who the hell is giving Bashar all this lousy advice? He couldn’t be doing a worse job if he had it in for the regime.
April 16th, 2011, 10:47 am
syau said:
Ok, I promise to keep watching State TV, if you promise to keep watching the outright lies and rubbish that comes out of Al Jazzera and BBC. I’ll even give you The Syrian Revolution facebook page if you like, we all know how much truth and justice is in that.
April 16th, 2011, 10:47 am
Aboud said:
The young man who appears in the video has obviously lost alot of weight and is shaken by his ordeal. His voice is trembling as he recounts how Bashar’s militiamen shot up the mosque, stole women’s jewelry, and *insulted Abu Baker and Omar (companions of the Prophet)*, a clear giveaway as to the sect of the perpetrators.
April 16th, 2011, 10:57 am
Amir in Tel Aviv said:
I have (as an Israeli Jew) every right to comment about, and to discuss every aspect of the fabric of OUR disturbed and retarded Middle-East. I’m a part of this ME whether you like it or not. Deraa is located some 130 km from my home.
On top of this, Almighty dragged me into his sick mind with the video he posted, that portrays Haddam and Hariri with the star of David in the background. Stop patronizing. If you are “allowed” to comment about the Palestinians (probably not your ‘F’ business), I have the right to comment about the retarded Arab sectarianism.
April 16th, 2011, 10:59 am
syau said:
I forgot to mention that it’s the same voice behind the camera every time – remember the video of the sedated young man you previously posted. Also, they say stuttering is a sign of lying. The man in you video was constantly stuttering. Towards the end, after he finished ranting on, he paused, then that annoying voice behind the camera asked him “is there anything else”? (obviously a que to take the sectarian path) He then said that they swore at the “sahabeh” and Rasool A.S.
That is a total load of rubbish. No muslim, be it Alawi, Shia, Sunni, Druz or any other kind would sware or degrade the prophet Mohamad A.S. in anyway whatsoever! That would be the most un religious thing anyone could ever do.
If not anything else, that comment from that lier is the proof that none of what he said happened.
NK, I thought you were smarter than that. Read between the lines and dont make this out to be secretarian, for you will be putting you hand, inhand with the demons behind this entire mess.
April 16th, 2011, 11:06 am
syau said:
Amir in Tel Aviv,
You have a point about the star of david, but that is it. You do not need to point the finger further into the sectarian war that seems to be what is the new route for the Syrian Revolution to take
Leave that road alone. Now if you will excuse me, I will be watching the brilliant Bashar Assad speaking.
April 16th, 2011, 11:10 am
Aboud said:
SYAU conveniently ignores the videos that show the cameraman entering the village, and driving straight to the square where the abuse took place. Building for building, frame for frame, that is the exact same square.
The young man was stuttering? Who here on this forum can possibly recount going through something like that and *not* stutter? Don’t know about you, but I’d stutter if I recalled how I had a near car-accident, much less get stomped on by a bunch of sahabi hating sectarian fatties who would piss their Bashar-issued black pants if ordered to go to the Golan for a day and do some real fighting.
Here in the Middle East, you can tune in to any number of satellite channels, associated with certain “sects”, and hear swearing at the Prophet’s companions, any time of day. We hear it so much we are no longer shocked by it. Just shocked someone would deny it.
April 16th, 2011, 11:18 am
Amir in Tel Aviv said:
The Syrian captain from his sinking ship: We will teach the Orientalists, the meaning of (Arab) democracy. Good luck.
April 16th, 2011, 11:27 am
Revlon said:
#90 Sophia, At the risk of being taken as imposing, please allow me to clear a misunderstanding, and re-stress a point.
First; You said:
( ” I cite from the article in The Guardian: ”though the major disagreement between the regime and the main opposition parties is not over foreign policy, but focuses on internal affairs and the lack of democracy.”
Is this not a contradiction with what Al-Bayanouni is saying on Memri TV, the second link in my previous comment that you seem to ignore?)
Apologies for overlooking the second link.
This time I watched the 7.36 minute video clip.
My answer: I do not find a contradiction!
# 79 Second; You said
” There is an article by Ali el Bayanouni today in The Guardian claiming that the brotherhood would like to focus on internal democracy (translate controlling people’s private lives) while maintaining the same foreign policy”
I reiterate; I have not found any reference to the expression of “Ïnternal democracy” in either El Byanouni’s article or his Video clip!, as you claimed!
April 16th, 2011, 11:29 am
NK said:
Much better than the first speech, he touched on everything that needed to be addressed, only thing he didn’t mention is article 8 but that might be mentioned when the new party law is announced.
All in all I’m finally satisfied with the speech, now let’s see if the new government will be granted enough authority to implement the needed reforms.
April 16th, 2011, 11:50 am
majedkhaldoon said:
It was a good speech,many things were addressed,I did not see anything about political prisoners however, hopefully it will be part of removing the emergency law.
April 16th, 2011, 11:53 am
AIG said:
Bashar has just figured out that he needs to create jobs for Syria’s youth? He is a fast learner!
As usual, trying to buy time.
April 16th, 2011, 11:56 am
syau said:
Well, after that brilliant speech, I will say to you Aboud, that I did not ignore anything. I will also say that you seem to be ignoring my end comments. I said that the man in the clip said that they were also swearing at the Prophet Mohamad A.S. That does not and should not happen by any muslim!
I will also say to you that if you listen to satellite channels of certain “sects” degrading other sects, I dont listen to that. And I’m sure that every sect will be doing the same to the other if it is being televised as such.
Regarding stuttering, I do not stutter under pressure. If I am telling the truth, there is nothing to worry about and my consience would be clear…. No need to stutter, as stuttering is a sign of lying.
Now for the morons on BBC commenting on Bashar’s speech, they can rant on all they like. Their empty talk is worthless.
April 16th, 2011, 11:56 am
syau said:
Is that positivity i hear in you comments?
April 16th, 2011, 11:59 am
jad said:
I agree with NK, it’s much better than the first one, unfortunately the President looks exhausted:
-Declaring all the Syrians who died as martyrs
-Emergency law to be removed next week
-Engage the public as Ehsani’s suggested
-New media law is under work
-Explain the economic challenges without unrealistic expectation
-Transparency between citizens and ministers on all decisions
-More strict monitoring over government contract and spending
-Monitor of the senior position personnels’ wealth before and after being in the government as a way to fight corruption
-E government to fight lower level corruption
-DOMESTIC issues are number one priorities for all ministers.
-Concentrate on small and mid size buisness (in my humble opinion, this is actually a smart move, small buisness including creative industry is a very dynamic and excellent start for a poor country like Syria, I just hope that the government do that and support the majority of young Syrians with their business and it defiantly will defiantly encourage youth creativity)
No mention for article 8, but as NK wrote, that will be the next step when a more comprehensive political party law is announce.
A bit long but good and capture many important issues.
Will see if any of these things going to be adopted and if this government will have more power than the ones before.
April 16th, 2011, 12:10 pm
Majed khayat said:
I will be happy when all political prisoners are released and other measures promised becoming the law of the land. People want maher acting as the brother of the president ,not as a military commander,and asef serving as a brother in law,and not as a spy chief,and rami focusing on spending his money instead of making more at the expense of syrians. Bashar is probably the least violent and the least corrupt but his family needs to leave us alone.things may finally be on the right track but it is too early to celebrate .
April 16th, 2011, 12:18 pm
Syria Almighty said:
I’m shocked! CBC just reported (On their news bar) that a Syrian policeman was BEATEN TO DEATH at a ‘peaceful protest’ in Homs!
April 16th, 2011, 12:21 pm
Revlon said:
A positive perspective on the Syrian revolution, for the interested.
April 16th, 2011, 12:21 pm
Syria Almighty said:
I like how the Zionist scum is promoting sectarianism, and accuses ‘my sect (Christianity???)’ of oppressing the Sunnis and committing genocide against them in the 80s (The fight against the Muslim Brotherhood terrorist organization).
April 16th, 2011, 12:40 pm
Nafdik said:
Today is a historic day.
The president was perfect. Abous chawarbak ya bashar.
If he actually follow through with the polictical reforms and allow press and demonstration we can say this is the beginning of a real baath.
Thank you the heros of Daraa. again, you gave your blood for the freedom of syria.
For alex, jad, norman, and the other who believed that syria can be reformed, today i am inclined to agree with your point of view. Of course the devil is in the details, but today i think we can celebrate.
April 16th, 2011, 12:42 pm
Naji said:
Excellent address by pres Assad to the new government today…the content and backdrop are a million times better than the last circus…very professional, well informed, and serious…good coverage of all the key points that needed to be addressed and answeres ALL the demands of the protests in a serious measurable way…!
Chapeau…for now!
At least he/they indicated they know the actual problems and what’s needed to immediately address them… Now whether it is realistically possible to accomplish this with the current power structure, even with the best of intentions, is something we will have to wait and see! Still, hopefully whatever reforms they manage to accomplish will enable a more civilized dialogue and better chances for the next step…
April 16th, 2011, 12:42 pm
Majhool said:
Of course syria can be reformed. It would be racist to think otherwise. If you meant :the assad regime can be reformed, then i believe its too early to judge. Remember that if true reform is put in place, he will have to let go of presidency eventually.
April 16th, 2011, 12:45 pm
Syria Almighty said:
I wouldn’t say that ALL the demands of the revolution have been addressed. The president failed to concede to their demands of destroying all Shi’ite mosques, banning mixed-gendered schools, and the complete genocide of non-Sunnis.
April 16th, 2011, 12:46 pm
Naji said:
…good coverage of ALL the key points that needed to be addressed and answeres almost all the demands of the protests (except article 8 of the constitution)in a serious measurable way…!
April 16th, 2011, 12:49 pm
Naji said:
SA@116, I didn’t hear these demands voiced at any of the protests!!
April 16th, 2011, 12:52 pm
Nafdik said:
I agree with your 3 points:
– i meant the regime can be reformed and eventually dismanteled gradually
– i agree we have to see e results, but the direction is positive. It could change.
– of course the end is that we will have true democracy and limited terms. I hope this is a 2 year project.
April 16th, 2011, 12:52 pm
Syria Almighty said:
I do not support the removal of the government and dismantling of the Ba’ath party. Democracy is a joke of a concept. May the president be the president his entire life. He is the best man for the job.
April 16th, 2011, 12:58 pm
Majhool said:
Thanks for the clarifications. I am well aware of the demands of the streets. The people will not stop protesting until
1- All political prisoners are out
2- Illegal Security forces dismantled.
3- Syriatel stripped away from Makhlouf
4- Atef Najeeb punished, preferably a capital punishment.
5- Allowing all exiled syrians to come back.
6- No More Baath.
Assad hinted that demonstrations will be considered sabotage once reforms are enacted. People will not accept that threat, until the average joe is 1000% convinced that the government is sincere they will continue on.
Remember that in 2000-2001 reform was promised but only to end.
April 16th, 2011, 1:08 pm
NK said:
One commentator from Daraa told Al Jazeera they welcome the president’s speech but they still want political prisoners released and security forces put on a tight leash, until then they’ll keep protesting, hopefully this issue will be addressed as well, the president didn’t talk about security forces directly, we’ll see.
I don’t really care what the guy in the video said, be it true or false it’s beside the point, my point was that State TV/dunya was lying even after all the criticism of the previous few weeks, as I said before, Al Jazeera had no way to verify if that video was authentic, State TV/Dunya do have the means to check the location, when they choose to lie willingly, and they insist on deceiving the public, they’re not worthy of my trust or time.
The people in Bayda were physically abused, you don’t need to rely on comments to see that, the guy was kicked in the face and stepped on, those who took pleasure in humiliating innocent Syrians must be brought to justice or the cycle of hate and abuse will never stop. You get upset when your local news agency lies about the pro-regime rallies, how do you think the people in Bayda felt when they watched State TV giving a free pass to their abusers ?
As for the speech, it’s not about me being positive or negative, when the president does something right I’ll support him and when he does something wrong I’ll criticize him. Today was a good day.
April 16th, 2011, 1:11 pm
Nafdik said:
Syrian allmighty,
Of course you can support a baath dictatorship. The question is do you support killing, arresting and torturing, peaceful protesters to maintain the dictatorship?
If not what will you do when millions go to the street demanding the end of the baath and the assads.
April 16th, 2011, 1:11 pm
Nafdik said:
Sorry for the flood of comments, but i want to point to 2 very positive signals in the speech.
1) he mentioned the mouamara but then dismiseed focusing on it and said the right thing is to focus on people demand and that will combat the mouamara.
2) he used the word karama many time and this is a key demand. Recognising this is the beginning of dialog.
April 16th, 2011, 1:16 pm
Amir in Tel Aviv said:
Isn’t it ironic that a 49 year old ‘Emergency law’, is to be lifted during times of … hmmm.. emergency ?
April 16th, 2011, 1:16 pm
Syria Almighty said:
You’re delusional.
April 16th, 2011, 1:20 pm
Mina said:
Al Jazeera opens it newshour with news of Syria and a red banner saying “people on the internet call for more demonstrations on sunday”. Wonderful, people from where? with a Libyan agenda?
Why are diplomats so “diplomat” and don’t simply cut relations with such places?
The best for al-Asad is to let the people create parties. They have so little ideas apart from confessionalism that at least it will become visible for what reasons the Baath was created.
April 16th, 2011, 1:26 pm
Dr.Fawaz said:
Dear Prof.Landis
Radical Muslims do not want real reforms….They just want to control power to take revenge from all minorities in Syria…..All people in Syria enjoy their religious freedom,,,,,Christian in Syria have an absolute freedom to express themselves, and all people are the same.
In Syria we need economic reforms, such reforms are not obtained in destroying private and public properties…. Protesters in Lattakia had attacked policemen who did not use force against them….Most injured people who are in Lattakia hospitals are policemen…..We live in North America but we depend on our families to know the truth…..Most Arabic media are controlled by Saudi Arabia and Qatar which are trying to provoke disturbances in Syria and at the same time ignoring what is happening in Bahrin and Saudia……
Dear Prof I lived in Gulf for a long time and know the real bad system there…..they should spend their money in a real uprising not in making problems every place….No need to remind everyone that Gulf countries especially Saudia had supported Taliban regime and Most of 11-9 attack terrorists are from Saudia
Dear Prof I feel that the States is doing a great mistake if it will support this group in Syria…..The states should support the reforms in Syria by president Al-Aasad who is honest in these steps and in the real peace procedure.
April 16th, 2011, 1:26 pm
Revlon said:
Ladies protest in Baniyas, Today
A spirited, young poet of the revolution, for the interested
????? ???? ??????? ???? ???? ?? ??? ????? ?????? ?????
April 16th, 2011, 1:49 pm
Syria Almighty said:
LOL! I go to Revlon’s Muslim Extemist Facebook page, and what is the first thing I see???? A member WITH A SWASTIKA FOR A PROFILE PICTURE.
April 16th, 2011, 1:57 pm
jad said:
Any link?
Thank you!
Funny comment:
Kristina Yousef ?? ?? ??? ? ?? ?? ???? , ????? ????? ????? ??? ?????? ,? ?????? ???? ???????? ???? ??? ?????. ???? ? ????
April 16th, 2011, 2:00 pm
Syria Almighty said:
Jad, it is in Revlon’s first link.
This is the member in question:
April 16th, 2011, 2:02 pm
????? said:
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April 16th, 2011, 2:13 pm
Revlon said:
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April 16th, 2011, 2:17 pm
William Scott Scherk said:
The gentleman who goes under the name of Syria Almighty writes from (I believe) Canada. He wrote today: “I do not support the removal of the government and dismantling of the Ba’ath party. Democracy is a joke of a concept. May the president be the president his entire life. He is the best man for the job.”
I am Canadian, from Vancouver. Readers of Mr Landis’s blog may not be aware, but Canada is having a federal election on May 2nd.
Several questions come to mind:
— does Mr Almighty have the right to vote in Canada?
— does Mr Almighty truly consider that Canadian democracy is ‘a joke of a concept’?
— does Mr Almighty have any attachment to Canada as a recent immigrant or refugee, or is he a visitor?
— how does Mr Almighty become knowledgeable about reality in Syria?
I wonder why Mr Almighty is apparently disdainful of the country we both inhabit.
He doesn’t like Canada or its democratic freedoms, it seems on first glance. I find this troubling. Why is he here, and not in Dimashq?
I reported the swastika-bearing Facebook member for using a symbol of hate, and hope he or she (and his four Facebook ‘friends’) are removed not only from membership on the page in question, but also from Facebook itself. I will report back on that.
April 16th, 2011, 2:28 pm
Bassam janoudi said:
The real test is how the security forces behave and how the president deals with people like Maher, Asef and Rami who are universally disliked by the people because they are corrupt or violent. I liked the speech but I simply do not trust the regime, we have to wait and see. No violence and no sectarian slogans please. We are all Syrians .
April 16th, 2011, 3:11 pm
AIG said:
Interesting, even some Druze in the Golan are demonstrating against Assad:
And no, this is not organized by the Israeli government.
April 16th, 2011, 4:01 pm
Mouna said:
Anyone found it extremely hilarious when Syrian media started using terms like ???? ???? ??????? ??????? ???? ???????? ??? ???????? ?????? ??????? ?????????? LOL
April 16th, 2011, 4:22 pm
Shami coming back said:
I was pleased by the comments of president Bashar today. Hopefully this will translate into real changes for Syria. The thing that impressed me the most is that, in contrast to all the previous Arab rulers that have faced uprisings, he did acknowledge in a way the legitimacy od the protesters’ demands. I think this will do much to quell the protests. It is going to be very difficult over the long term to curb the influence of the security forces despite new laws.
Mr. Scherck, I apologize on behalf of my countryman syria-almighty. He was dropped on the head as a baby. I’m not sure how you guys gave him a visa. Feel free to deport him back to Syria. He has a lot of work to do back home, stopping democratic change and all.
April 16th, 2011, 4:52 pm
Shami coming back said:
Btw, Canada is a fine fine country (but too cold for me). If only the Syrian government was 1% of what Canada’s government is. Unfortunately we have people who have been forced to eat terd and somehow have come to like it over the years.
Rumi told a story that applies well to regime supporters. A traveler from bagdad (then the foremost city in the world) was traveling and came upon a tent that belonged to a Bedouin man and his wife. The traveler was tired and asked for some food. The Bedouin man took out a rat he caught and began to cook it for him. Over dinner, the man from Baghdad began telling stories of all the incredible cuisine, arts, scholarship, and culture that was back in his home city. After dinner, he then thanked his hosts and went on his way. The Bedouin man’s wife then said “can you believe all the amazing things he mentioned?” the Bedouin man replied “can’t you tell he’s lying? He’s just jealous of our rats!”
April 16th, 2011, 5:03 pm
Fadi said:
It is really makes you feel sick to follow Aljazeera news. They repeat the same headlines, the same photos, the same clip every single day. They are trying their best to advance the agenda of their payers. They do not want their basket to be empty; they want to put any crap out to assure the stream of millions of dollars to their bank. For example the headlines today, which was the same for over a month now. When we call back home they tell us, this is all lie, listen to old syrian TV; this is the most reliable source now. Back to Aljazeer headline today:
??????? ????? ???? ????? ????
??????? ?????? ???? ?????? ??????
Yesterday they did not even mention the attacks on the Jordanian police and it took them 24 hours to report that (Well perhaps they were waiting the okay from their payers) Today Aljazeera stated
???????? ????? ???????? ???????
April 16th, 2011, 5:11 pm
Fadi said:
The evidence is mounting as to who is behind the Syria unrest. The Futre Movement and Saad Hariri are the leaders of the movement that is shaking the stability in Syria. They included the Muslim Brotherhood and the former Syrian Deputy President Abdel Halim Khaddam, in their evil act to destabilize Syria. Hariri got a big hit when he was brought down by a very sophisticated political game in which Syria Hezbollah, and Iran were real players. They found him incabable of being a prime minister and a danger for the country and the “Moqawama”. Hariri now wants to retaliate and he choose a good time to move the Bandar ben Sultan plan that perhaps was blessed by Western countries (At least that what the street believe) into action. Khadam and Muslim Brotherhood would welcome such a plan as it has always been a dream for both to get rid of the syrian leader. What is going on has the signature of big players not just a simple peole going out the streets and honestly asking for their rights. THIS IS PROVEN A LIE. Jordan on the other hand has been hostile to Syria and part of the above group that includes Hariri, Saudi, Khadam, Muslim brotherhoods and I would add any radial islamist. Jordan has been the path for all these weapons that is killing our people, and I believe the smuggle happened with the knowledge of the Jordanian intelligent agencies that decreased its control of the borders. We do not have to excuse the corrupted Syrian Police who will allow any shipment to come in if you pay them 20-40$; we have to be transparent and criticize ourselves and perhaps we should blame ourselves first before blaming others.
Hariri argues that the plan is needed to:
He argues that;
Najib in the previous blog mentioned
“Alawis have been massacred and oppressed and treated as heretics for more than 400 hundreds years. obviousely they do not want to go through this again”. “if you search Salafi sites and read through their literature on what they think Alawis are, you will quickly understand that those fears are still justified”
I agree with that. When you are threatened you go to your roots. Alawi will be one hand to face the threat. If the threat was regional; Alawi will gather with Shiite (Example Iran, Hezballah, and Syria), and Shiite will gather with Shiite to face any danger.
President Assad tha father was aware of his enemies. He supported Iran back then despite all the Arabs were supportive of Iraq. He new them one by one. The enemy is back to take his Son off but the enemy ignored the fact that LIONS BREED LIONS.
April 16th, 2011, 5:21 pm
Fadi said:
Dr. Fawaz in this Blog mentioned “All people in Syria enjoy their religious freedom,,,,,Christian in Syria have an absolute freedom to express themselves, and all people are the same. In Syria we need economic reforms, such reforms are not obtained in destroying private and public properties…. Protesters in Lattakia had attacked policemen who did not use force against them” Well said Dr. Fawaz. We indeed enjoyed a peacful childhood where there was no fear of walking the streets of Syria at 3AM. Shame on the radicals.I am confident that good Syrians will get over this and move on. These stupid biased medial multiply the hundreds of people by 1000 to make it 100000 people out and shouting down for the government. All lies….these medias got the check…..I am sure millions of dollars. Oh my god, you cannot control your own home, I feel sorry for this president and the pressure he will be facing ahead.
April 16th, 2011, 5:28 pm
Nafdik said:
I think that bashar has the full support of rami, maher, asef, and other clan members.
I suspect that they understood that the violent pathnis not in their interest, in particular it is not in their economic interest.
The speech today seems carefully planned and very bold in its promises so it most likely the concensus.
April 16th, 2011, 5:32 pm
N.Z. said:
Freeing political prisoners will not be granted, simply because the death toll of political prisoners will surface. I will add, they are plenty.
To those who keep on criticizing ALJAZEERA, they are the spit image of Bush & Co and their cronies. Can we forget the leading roles it played in covering the massacres that were committed in Afghanistan, Iraq, Lebanon and Gaza.
Exposing injustices is a virtue. Our heartfelt gratitude to all those who are leading us out from the darkness, the dead and alive alike.
We are all better off when we are treated equally and justly.
It is time to change some of the disturbing undertone we read on the commentary section. The president himself admitted some of the mistakes that were done over the years. Saying the truth rather than appeasing an unjust act is pathetic. Silence is more sound.
Let us all move forward, no one wants the status quo.
April 16th, 2011, 5:39 pm
Nafdik said:
Regarding what he said about demonstrations being not allowed after reforms. I think he misspoke, what he meant is that they will have laws regulating demonstrations where you can get a license. What will not be tolerated is demos without license.
I am guessing this because of the tone of the speech. If on the other hand he means that all demonstrations are not tolerated then all bets are off and thismspeechnwould be as bad as the previous one.
April 16th, 2011, 6:23 pm
why-discuss said:
Protest against al Jazira in Damascus: Anyone heard about a protest that happened today in front of Al Jazira Office in Abu Rummaneh? I wonder why no news channel reported it, No Youtube? No eye witness? Strange…
Many syrians are fed up with the hysteria of Al Jazira Arabic that after having successfully encouraged Tunisia and Egypt revolution, have also been a parameters in encouraging the Libyans in a disastrous and murderous revolution.
As for Syria, their coverage is so negative and biased that one wonders if they are not carried away by the sacred mission to create a chain of revolutions in the Arab world, yet carefully avoiding Bahrein and Saudi Arabia, that makes one suspicious. What is their agenda?
April 16th, 2011, 6:35 pm
NK said:
Ironically the news outlet you’re accusing of being biased reported this demonstration.
Please share one link where Al Jazeera reported something that turned out to be false since this whole thing started. Every single time they reported about Syria they had someone from the regime to tell the other side of the story, of course like a rabid dog everyone of them was more interested in attacking the channel and it’s reporters than to actually report the story and those who did report the story turned out to be utter liars.
But of course, every channel that reports something that doesn’t fit the regime propaganda is biased and unprofessional.
April 16th, 2011, 6:55 pm
majhool said:
why discuss
pro regime demonstrations are no news…and yes the goal is to get rid of people like you. with all due respect of course.
now i remembered …you are the one who argued in the past that syria is no police state…
fyi. banias there was a women demonstration calling for the fall of the regime…was not on aljazeera.
you stick to the syrian tv and enjoy the bubble.
April 16th, 2011, 6:57 pm
syau said:
I agree with you, the president is be facing alot of pressure in times to come. His speech was positively brilliant as are all his speeches. It was mentioned in a previous comment that he looked exhausted. With the events of the passed month and the evil enemies he was facing, one would imagine he would be a little exhausted.
You are absolutely correct when you said lions breed lions.
They can try and try, but will not bring a lion down.
April 16th, 2011, 7:28 pm
why-discuss said:
Thanks fort civilized way of telling to … because I expressed a point of view you don’t share. That really shows that you are on your nerves and you need to cool off.
Maybe you are starting Alzeimer or you are really overwhelmed by your hatred toward anyone disagreing with you as I never said Syria was not a police state. I do believe there are many police states in the Arab world, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, West Bank, Jordan etc.. and now Bahrein.
Thanks for your advices about what I should watch, I suggest you stick to Walt Disney channel to calm your bursting hormones.
April 16th, 2011, 7:46 pm
majhool said:
why discuss
thank you for your kind words
walt disney is one of my favorite and you are now my favorite character.
April 16th, 2011, 7:55 pm
majedkhaldoon said:
We should wait a week,if the prisoners are not released,if the investigations of Shabbiha is not done,if the emergency law is not lifted or if it is replaced with similar law, then the syrian people must rise again,this time we will not believe any speech anymore.
we need concrete actions,corruption must go, and those who profit from their job at the state,must show their wealth before and after,they should show where they get the money from.
We need to eliminate security people, they are so many,their number must decrease to minimum, no one should be arrested for voicing his opinion or complaining about officials.
April 16th, 2011, 8:08 pm
why-discuss said:
You are absolutely right, Al Jazeera reports all important events. News is not what they report but how they present them, the tone, the emphasis. This is where I stopped trusting them. They appear to me as they have been taken by their self-importance and displayed an increased arrogance after having had an important role in the success of the egyptian and tunisian revolution. By simply avoiding, omitting, editing and emphasising events, they are passing messages that look impartial but that are not. At least with FoX news or CNN, you know what you are watching. With al Jazeera you wonder what is their hidden agenda. I can’t believe it does not have one.
April 16th, 2011, 8:18 pm
Revlon said:
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??? ???? ??? ??? ??? ????? ??? ??? ??? ????? ????? ????
April 16th, 2011, 8:19 pm
why-discuss said:
Mahjool- Goofy
April 16th, 2011, 8:20 pm
syau said:
“we should wait a week” . “we will not believe any speech anymore” “the Syrian people must rise again”. “no one should be arrested for voicing his opinion”. Bla bla bla…….
What do you think this is, a movie? These things take time to be implemented. The president has already said the emergency law will be lifted in a weeks time. He has given the green light to LICENCED peaceful protests, on the condition that no infastructure damage will be tolerated.
He touched on many things, most of all the importance of the Syrian people. Political prisioners are there for a reason. I’m sure when it’s the right time for it, they will be assessed, and each one will be judged by his own merits.
Nice, a facebook page totally dedicated to negativity. Expected.
April 16th, 2011, 9:57 pm
Shami said:
The Tunisian ,Egyptian and Syrian people have proved to be civilized people.
Today more than ever i’m proud to be Syrian.
I do not believe Bashar but he can not avoid change by ignoring the dynamic of history ,these reforms are necessary in order to avoid a very bloody regime’s end,the aim is the transition from a dictatorial family regime to a democratic regime.
April 16th, 2011, 9:59 pm
Revlon said:
Nightly responses to the Speech:
Dar3a; Ir7al
and Dar3a ladies
and Mu3addamiyyeh
April 16th, 2011, 9:59 pm
syau said:
Your first two clips are from the same rally, in the first clip, the audio is cut off half way through the clip – why? If indeed it was taped the same night of Bashar’s speech, could the possible be supporting him and audio cut off so that doesn’t come out, and, you can put your negative spin on it? The third clip,well that was just strange and didn’t seem as though it happened recently, if it did, well I’m assuming they were paid to go out there and say what they did because no sane person would say that after Bashar’s speech which centered around the requests of the protesters and positivity. A concept you don’t seem familiar with.
It was a positive speech and the people saw it that way. The only ones to put their negative spin on it were the geese on BBC immediately after Bashar’s speech. They didn’t even have much time to rant on as they continued repeating the stupid comment after stupid comment because they had nothing legitimate to suggest.
April 16th, 2011, 10:30 pm
majedkhaldoon said:
what do you mean by LICENSED demonstration?
To me the license may not be approved at time,,even that it is peacefull,I want assurance that peacefull demonstratin is approved,even that it is against the rgime..
Lifting the emergency law,must mean release of all political prisoners,we want to know what happened to those who died , how did they died,and who was resposible for their death,in prison.
We want to know if the regime is sincere,and mean what he says,we will not be fooled by words,that does not translate to real action.
April 16th, 2011, 10:32 pm
syau said:
As I said, any law or Act that is passed through ANY government takes time. Bashar has always been and will always be sincere.
Good things come to those who wait. Nothing can be done in a blink of an eye and no one is telling you to wait forever, Things will be implemented in due time.
April 16th, 2011, 10:38 pm
Norman said:
After the president speech which seems to be bold and showing his intention for a speedy reform, now the ball is in the opposition corner, They can continue to demonstrate calling for the fall of the regime and might look as not genuine in their intention or they can call for demonstration to support the president speedy reform agenda and get all what they want by pushing the president ahead of them,
If they are smart they will do the later,,,,,,Will see.
April 16th, 2011, 10:59 pm
Australian -Syrian said:
No Syau,
I dont agree. All around the world laws take time, up to years to get into action. But in Syria, it has to be done NOW!!!! In Syria, a law must be put into action within 2 hours of being thought of. In Syria, a law must be put into action so quick, that the government doesn’t even have the time to consider whether it is going to be effective or not. PATHETIC. All those people who think that laws are so easily implemented are sorely mistaken. It takes time if you want the law to be flawless and effective. It takes time for a group of people to get together and make a law that will meet the demands of the people. IT TAKES TIME…
Bashar’s words are sincere. And he means what he says. MAJEDKHALDOON, Bashar’s words, are his actions. He will act, because when he says something, he pulls through. Dont let you dislike cloud your rational thinking.
April 16th, 2011, 11:04 pm
Fadi said:
majedkhaldoon said; “If……If…….If……If….. then the syrian people must rise again,this time we will not believe any speech anymore”
What the Syrian people must rise again. If one hears you he would say wawwww as if millions of the Syrian people were in the streets. We saw who was in the streets. First no minorities were in the streets. Tha majority of Sunnis 50% are into their own business and do not want to protest,40% perhaps feel empathy or sympathy with the hardliners and only would come out if they feel the ship (goverment) is sinking. We are left with 10% who are in Duma, Deraa, and other wellknown cities that harbor such stupid, radical, dalafi, wahabi people. Let them rise. Why again, they have been rising for a month now and the Irony they wait till their Jumaa. I wonder what these mosques are producing: Iman or Kufr. Let them rise after the president clearly stated: After the emergency law is lifted, there should be no more demonstration and I order the ministry of interior to apply the law strictly on those seeking corruption”. Let them rise and I would like you to rise with them. Perhaps you are living abroad and easy to throw words and inflam people. After his words I do not think there should be mercy. I mean you cannot live in your home if any of your kids is making trouble. You have to set the law.
Man if you think the Egyptian style will happen and the army will dance with people then you are wrong. The regime is strong and going no where…..no where…..the president was decent, honest, and open, and he really exercised a high level of patient with some people like yourself who wants everything to happen at once. He is staying,,,,,supported by millions of Syrians everywhere…..Will see you around in a month from now and will let you know the results of your rise.
April 16th, 2011, 11:12 pm
syau said:
Agreed. But unfortunately seeing the intention of the opposition it seems that the will push the former. The are negative and will continue to be the negative force we all know they are.
April 16th, 2011, 11:15 pm
syau said:
Well said. Unfortunately the day for prayer has been turned by these radicals into a day of kufr, lie upon lie upon lie and betrayal of their government and people.
I would also like to add that Bashar does not only have millions of supporters in Syria. There are countless abroad who love and support him. I was at one of the rallies held here and the amount of love and respect everyone had for him is uplifting to say the least. There also were a number of “sects” there supporting him. Looks like at the end of the day Syrians unite in support of a great leader. I have 4 sons, and ALL of them were inspired by Bashar and the love people have for him. He is an inspirational person and all the negativity around him will fizzle away as it is part of the minority negativity.
April 16th, 2011, 11:37 pm
Revlon said:
?????? ??????? || ???? ??????? ???????? ?????? ?? ??? ????? ?? ????? ?????? ?????????? ? ????? ????? ????? ????? ???????? ?????? ???? ?????? ??? ????? ??????
????? ??? ????? ?????? ?????? ????? ????
April 16th, 2011, 11:40 pm
AIG said:
We keep hearing how loved Bashar is. If that is the case, why is he afraid to run for free elections? Why is he afraid of freedom of speech in Syria? A person so popular would not need such an oppressive regime to stay in power.
April 16th, 2011, 11:44 pm
majedkhaldoon said:
I want to say thank you William scott scherk
April 16th, 2011, 11:44 pm
AIG said:
Landis is quoted in Time article:
April 16th, 2011, 11:53 pm
Nafdik said:
Dear friends,
You have to get used to the fact that if people want to protest everyday they should.
The idea of compromise is that the protests stay peaceful and the government refrains from killing innocents and torturing children.
April 16th, 2011, 11:53 pm
NK said:
What they don’t realize is that Bashar’s regime is over regardless of the outcome of this uprising.
There are two ways this will end now
a- The regime doesn’t implement the reforms promised today and they’ll be forced out by the continuation of these demonstrations.
b- The regime implements the reforms and we get a free election in 2014, if they think Bashar stands a chance in a free election they are sorely mistaken …
Fadi thinks the people demonstrating care about the threats Bashar made today of not allowing further demonstrations, what exactly will he do that the security forces didn’t already try ? kill 10% of the Syrian population all over Syria ? really ? that’s laughable. Those who demonstrated in Tahrir square were in no way more than 1-2 millions, that’s 2% of the Egyptian population at best, so the Syrian demonstrations are already 5 times the size of the Egyptian uprising. In the 80s there was an armed conflict so H.Assad had an excuse to slaughter 10,000-30,000 people, Bashar can not do the same against unarmed civilians, he’s already under enormous pressure and the death toll is around 200, so keep on dreaming if you’re predicting a bloodbath in the future.
The best thing Bashar can do is pave the way for a clean democratic transition in 2014. Which is in my opinion the best chance for Syria to become a real democracy versus going through a period of uncertainty.
Finally, It’s really getting old referring to Syrian citizens as animals, radicals, terrorists or other derogatory slurs, and using the revolution as an excuse to take cheap shots at Sunni Muslims in Syria.
April 17th, 2011, 12:11 am
syau said:
Oh, are you using that line now are you. The government has NEVER tortured children. Your childish thoughts are certainly not rational.
People can protest but with a licence. Gee, that sounds just like in western countries. Ironic isnt it?
April 17th, 2011, 12:12 am
suri-Amreki said:
May be there is no need for a transition! Just a new election should be held and let the people decide if they want Baath Party and Asad to continue ruling!
April 17th, 2011, 12:22 am
syau said:
If you are assuming when I say radicals that I am referring to Sunni, then that is what you must think of them.
The ridiculously silly Syrian Revolution can take any route they wish, even if it means turning Syrian against Syrian. They can say what they like about the president, but no one here can say radicals. The Syrian revolution nonsense works along the line of as long as the ends justifies the means – no matter what.
No one needs to use the Syrian Revolution to take cheap shots at anyone, that organisation and what it really stands for is the cheapest they come. They are using the words Syrian revolution to implement their own wicked agenda, lets not run around that in circles.
April 17th, 2011, 12:23 am
SYAU said:
I agree since especially with the technology available to the Syrian people, Assad cannot apply force with impunity or in secret.
In Western countries there is rule of law. Do you really believe there will be free judiciary to which protesters can appeal if their license for protest is denied by the police?
April 17th, 2011, 12:27 am
Ben Waxman said:
How about this idea: explain to the nation that there is no threat of an Israeli invasion, therefore it is possible to lower the military budget?
April 17th, 2011, 12:35 am
Averroes said:
Democracy is certainly not a bad system inherintly. However, there needs to be a consensus on some common ground before Democracy can have a chance of functioning. in Canada, I have not heard the Toris preaching that the liberals men should be executed, their women raped and taken as slaves, and their property confiscated.
Believe it or not, this is the official Fatwa of Salafi andMuslim Brotherhood clerics, vis-a-vis Shia and Alawites. With that kind of a rift in society, would you trust a simple count of votes if you belonged to these minorities?
Religeous reform has to come before deep political reform, but as long as we have Saudi Arabia there preaching sectarian hatred, that is going to be a very difficult task to achieve.
April 17th, 2011, 12:46 am
Akbar Palace said:
Popular Presidents-for-Life NewZ
We keep hearing how loved Bashar is. If that is the case, why is he afraid to run for free elections?
I thought AIG’s question was a good one. Were you planning to answer it?
April 17th, 2011, 12:46 am
NK said:
The general trend on this blog the past few days is extremely sectarian, I’m not the only one annoyed by it. Attacking people because of their religious believes and wishing them death is the definition of sectarianism. Did anyone of those demonstrating pick up arms ? no, even the regime is accusing thugs and not the demonstrations.
So since the demonstrations have been peaceful and you insist on calling them radicals and want them killed, you are basically passing judgment on a group of people just for what you think they believe, do you know who else did that ? I’m pretty sure AIG can give you a few hints.
If you want to criticize 10% of the Syrian population please do so based on their actions and their actions alone, and without using sectarian language.
Thank you
I dare you to present any evidence of any Syrian cleric preaching such things in Syria.
April 17th, 2011, 12:53 am
Akbar Palace said:
Since Dr. Bashar spent some time in the West, I wonder if he is familiar with the following Elton John song:
When are you gonna come down
When are you going to land
I should have stayed on the farm
I should have listened to my old man
You know you can’t hold me forever
I didn’t sign up with you
I’m not a present for your friends to open
This boy’s too young to be singing the blues
So goodbye yellow brick road
Where the dogs of society howl
You can’t plant me in your penthouse
I’m going back to my plough
Back to the howling old owl in the woods
Hunting the horny back toad
Oh I’ve finally decided my future lies
Beyond the yellow brick road
What do you think you’ll do then
I bet that’ll shoot down your plane
It’ll take you a couple of vodka and tonics
To set you on your feet again
Maybe you’ll get a replacement
There’s plenty like me to be found
Mongrels who ain’t got a penny
Sniffing for tidbits like you on the ground
So goodbye yellow brick road
Where the dogs of society howl
You can’t plant me in your penthouse
I’m going back to my plough
Back to the howling old owl in the woods
Hunting the horny back toad
Oh I’ve finally decided my future lies
Beyond the yellow brick road
April 17th, 2011, 12:59 am
Dr.Fawaz said:
Our problem in Syria that radical Sunni people want to change Syria to a Taliban regime…..They are supported by Wahaby regime in Saudia…..I tell them they are dreaming …as the army is controlling the situation …the army is supporting the president …Syrian people are lucky because they have such president…He is controlling his alliance who are very angry from what is happening by these radicals who kill innocent people to make the regime use violence in order to make US invades Syria….That will not happen as it may lead to open a big war in the middle east…The regime in Syria is strong…The president is a real reformer….Many of Syrian want the government not only to stop the emergency law but to have a strong anti terrorism law because of the great fears from radical terrorist Muslims who want to kill others in order to go to the Paradise where they can find rivers of wine and beautiful women?????????? it is the culture of killing which all have seen on 11-9 event…..
April 17th, 2011, 1:06 am
N.Z. said:
Your words reflects president Bashar’s first speech. Syrians are not kids. Your choice of words, intentionally or not, lack sensitivity. 40 yeas of oppression is sufficient.
Labelling and dissecting our social fabric and worship places in every comment you make, is counterproductive to building bridges. If your intent is love and support for president Bashar, fine, but build bridges not explosives.
When the masses decide that enough is enough, no one can stop them.
Fear stops when dignity is robbed.
Mubarak is not Egypt, and president Bashar is not Syria.
Our social fabric is as rich as an Ajami carpet, colourful, intricate,… and that what makes it beautiful and unique.
April 17th, 2011, 1:07 am
WHY said:
To all the scum who said that the video of stomping on civilians took place in Iraq and not in Bayda, Syria
and you keep defending el nizam oo amno oo jaisho abo sha7a6a?
April 17th, 2011, 1:21 am
Suri-Amreki said:
1. Please stop accusing the thousands of demonstrators in tens of cities of being wahhabis! Everyone knows that these are lies! Reminds me of Muhammed Saeed al-Sahaf! Continue the lies does not make it true!
2. Our country does not belong to a person! It belongs to the people!
3. Stating that it is either the Bashar regime or chaos does not make sense! It is a blackmail tht people are sick of. The more the regime repeat it, the more people will demand: “change the regime!”
4. I hope that the regime will start making changes that the demonstrators are demanding (freedom of assembly, more political parties, eliminating monopoly, end of corruption, an honest election) or there will be more demonstrations! And sooner or later, the regime will fall unless it will implement the demands of the people!!!
April 17th, 2011, 1:28 am
Dr.Fawaz said:
To all
we agree on economic reforms and on fighting corruption
but see these points of view which support that armed terrorists are controlling the demonstrated crowds
*Armed terrorists had spread fear between people and many of them were arrested by civilian people not by the police security.
*why all demonstrations start from the mosque?
*when destroying properties they shout ALLAH AKBAR does ALLAH love to do that?
*Are mosques places to store Guns?
*Syria had a bad experience with Islamic radicals.
*In Banyas they asked for face cover freedom and to ban unisex schools.
*The sensitivity from radical Muslims is not restricted to Syria but it is spreading all over the world
April 17th, 2011, 1:52 am
syau said:
I dare you to show in any of my comments that I have at anytime promoted sectarianism. Throught all my comments, I have been possibly the only one to CONSTANTLY say not go go down the sectarian path. Some were continuously commenting on Bashars religion and the regime being one, Well, I said to that, the he is the President and should be seen as that, not as what his religion is, because that is not the question here. I HAVE NOT NOR WILL I EVER SAY THAT SOMEONE SHOULD BE KILLED BECAUSE OF WHAT THEY BELIEVE
I have never attacked anyone because of the beliefs, but I have been, on a number of occasions, as people assume that because I have similure views to some here, or that I support President Bashar that I must be of that sect. I have never stated what sect I belong to. Mouna – the new revlon thanked me for “revelling my true identity” because I found an animated clip humorous. THAT is sectarian. No matter what religion I am, I am proud of it and Mouna/revlon should not make it sound degradable.
I have commented on how the Syrian revolution organisation nonsense
has tried to push this into a sectarian war. It is confirmed that they have ties with the Muslim Brotherhood. Lets not pretend they a perfect holy clan.
So do not assume or twist my comments to you own advantage and make this about me being sectarian. Its the Syrian Revolution, all it stands for and all those who know what is stands for and still support it who want to play the sectarian game not me.
April 17th, 2011, 2:03 am
Syria Almighty said:
DAMMIT! I wrote a really long response to William… and when I posted it, it didn’t work. I am not going to type it again. I don’t owe him an explanation.
April 17th, 2011, 2:06 am
suri-amreki said:
One more thing that should be part of the changes: limit the term that the President can serve!!! No more forever and no inheriting the country!!!
April 17th, 2011, 2:13 am
syau said:
I forgot to ask you if you have seen the contents of your video clips and your “peaceful protests” It clearly shows them holding swords, bats, sticks, anything they can get their hands on to destroy public and private property. The proof is there. Look for it. There are also clips showing your peaceful protesters getting into cars (after they cover their faces) and shooting randomly. Is that peaceful to you? Weapons were discovered in Mosques…..Peaceful? NO.
Destroying and chopping the head off the Late Hafez Assad’s statue
Your loved organisation is showing the world that it’s ok in Syria to destroy infastructure, lie, be a traitor to you country and its people, and when the president puts forward reforms, its ok to still continue with you “peaceful protests” if all your demands are not met immediately. The Syrian revolution stands not for real revolution, but hate and evil.
April 17th, 2011, 2:13 am
Syria Almighty said:
“188. suri-amreki said:
One more thing that should be part of the changes: limit the term that the President can serve!!! No more forever and no inheriting the country!!!”
Go fuck yourself.
April 17th, 2011, 2:15 am
syau said:
Dr Fawaz,
Surely you are not saying that the Syrian people actually want anti-terror laws in place of the emergency law- why would they, that might mean that the law is there to protect the people of Syria, and the dreaded muslim brotherhood organisation and other evil organisations including Khaddam and Harriri will have their hands tied and unable to attack Syria and all it stands for… Until they try again, because they’ve lost this round.
If only your sanity rubbed off on others.
April 17th, 2011, 2:24 am
suri-amreki said:
Syria Almighty,
Your response tells a lot about the supporters of the oppressive regime!
April 17th, 2011, 2:25 am
Syria Almighty said:
“192. suri-amreki said:
Syria Almighty,
Your response tells a lot about the supporters of the oppressive regime!”
How nice of you to spit on millions of Syrians for your own personal defense. I think you should spend the rest of your days in the US. You are not welcome in Syria. Keep your term limits over there.
April 17th, 2011, 2:30 am
Dr.Fawaz said:
I think you have misunderstand me
AS the government had decided to stop the emergency law in Syria within a week, I am clear that we need anti terror law as the safety of people in Syria is more important than the fake freedom which radicals are asking…. The government should be strong to eradicate all radicals…….
If it is my choice I keep the emergency law and add the anti terror law to keep the security of all people in Syria and basically we are still in an emergency situation
April 17th, 2011, 2:47 am
Mina said:
One thing missing in al-Asad speech, is the issue of the clear red lines that laws should be. Recently people I know in Syria have been complaining that in the past it was easy to know what was forbidden and what was allowed (and that was not much). But as the system has tried to open up, people ended with many security apparatus all claiming to be above the over, and every single piece of it unable to take a decision. As a result a common statement heard these days is “I don’t know. There is responsibility here. I can’t take this responsibility” (meaning i am not high enough in the privileged classes). That is why only Syrian exiles can do good business. They come and whenever they are bothered by someone, they start showing their passport and talk a foreign language. Since there is a law (!) to forbid giving a bad idea of the country when you are a civil servant, it helps for many daily things. I cannot see any way out of this crisis without elections (and then, who knows, maybe the Qataris will start to be jealous… oh sorry I forgot, they hire mainly their workers and journalists from abroad…)
April 17th, 2011, 2:48 am
Australian -Syrian said:
Syria -Almighty is right. You are quite the ass-hole. Your comments show your fantastic American personality, and your convergence to the American way of thinking. The longer the Assad family rule the country, the better, and the less you go to Syria, the better. As far as i am concerned, a pathetic loser like yourself does not deserve to call himself Souri-Amreki, you should be Asshole-Amrieci. Or Obama’s / the Americans but kisser. Which ever you like.
I dont hate Americns, but Americans like yourself, then yes i cant stand them.
April 17th, 2011, 2:48 am
syau said:
Dr. Fawaz,
I totally agree with you. Although some here wont be able to understand it properly and think we are being sectarian when we say radicals because they cant see what is staring them directly in the face or look outside the box they are in.
April 17th, 2011, 2:54 am
Revlon said:
185. Dear Dr.Fawaz
You asked: “why all demonstrations start from the mosque?”
I say: because gatherings in houses of worship are permitted under emergency laws.
You asked: “Are mosques places to store Guns?”
I say: No they are not. If your are referring to Al 3omari Mosque regime’s account then I would question its merit. The system has no credibility. It does not allow independant parties to interview the accused.
Their evidence is inadmissable in any court of justice. They collected it. Their testimony would not be accepted either; a torturer is not a credable witness.
You said: “Syria had a bad experience with Islamic radicals”
I say I respect your view point.
Mine is different.
As a Syrian, I belive that the majority of Syrians, numerically that is’have had one of the worst experiences with a dicatorship.
The so-called Ïslamic radicals”story is that of H Asad regime. Such characterisation was convenient in order to be given the blind eye by the world.
Dar3a today, would have been 7ama part 2, had not been for the facebook, youtube, Al jazeera, and the non-polar global, political context.
You said: “In Banyas they asked for face cover freedom and to ban unisex schools”
I say: What is wrong with that?
Dress code is a form of freedom of expression. Some people find it more decent that wearing miniskirt!
No body is asking for banning uni-sex schools.
They are asking to have a choice to send their children to uni-sex school.
If they are not paying enough tax to support government sponsership. Then they should at least allow them to build their own uni-sex schools.
You said; “The sensitivity from radical Muslims is not restricted to Syria but it is spreading all over the world!
First; Muslems living in isalamic countries”:
Interpretation of Islam as a religeon, and any other ideology for that matter (political, theistic or otherwise)is as diverse as peoples thumbprints are. Under normal conditions, interpretatyions and practices follow the Gaussian distribution. Nearly 80% would make the main (moderate) stream. The other 20% is shared by the right and left radicals.
Muslems living in Non-islamic countries. Orthodox (not radical) Moslems have problems adjusting to living in a vastly different western culture.
They are not their by choice. They were forced out of their homeland by dictatorships back home. They would rather be living in their home countries, should their safety be guaranteed.
Mal-adaptation in the west is in my humble opinion, mainly cultural, rather than religeous.
Freedom of speach in the west takes priority!
In oriental / eastern counties, particularly in those with mixed religeons, freedom of speach is tempered by respect to other people’s beliefe’s. I believe such respect is a virtue and need to be encouraged.
April 17th, 2011, 3:04 am
syau said:
I forgot to get back to you regarding your article.
It was interesting, althought it left me with some questions, What was in his breifcase, what is with the mother daughter situation…
If there is a continuance, please let me know.
April 17th, 2011, 3:07 am
Badr said:
“We keep hearing how loved Bashar is. If that is the case, why is he afraid to run for free elections?”
Allow me to play the devil’s advocate. The Syrian people cannot be trusted to conduct honest, orderly and peaceful elections.
April 17th, 2011, 3:09 am
Australian -Syrian said:
What do you mean by your comment?
April 17th, 2011, 3:27 am
syau said:
Revlon says :
“The so-called Ïslamic radicals”story is that of H Asad regime. Such characterisation was convenient in order to be given the blind eye by the world.
Dar3a today, would have been 7ama part 2, had not been for the facebook, youtube, Al jazeera, and the non-polar global, political context”
Are you kidding me! Did you convieniently forget the autrocities commited by the muslim brotherhood in Syria. The only one blinded is you.
April 17th, 2011, 3:41 am
NK said:
To my fellow “Mundaseen” you might enjoy this blog 😉
I hate to break this to you, but H.Assad was not that much better than Ikhwan, the atrocities committed by him and his regime over 30 years, and sadly by his son’s security forces in the past few weeks are just as bad, if not worse. I know you don’t want to believe it, but the families of Daraa know who killed their fathers, brothers, and children and those responsible will be brought to justice, believe that.
April 17th, 2011, 3:54 am
Mina said:
Silence on Bahrain and even more on Iraq is astonishing.
Contradictions seem difficult to hide:
April 17th, 2011, 3:55 am
Mina said:
The 3rd clip (Mu’adamiya) posted by Revlon is certainly true, but you can hear there is no more than 15 people there. Someone on Facebook was even giving the things they were going to shout as the group started to shout I suspect. I watched al Asad speech live on al Jazeera and then checked Twitter. After a few tweets with the joke “al shaab yurid tafsir al khitab” someone wrote that demonstrators (millions, for sure) were shouting this now in a “spontane” demo after the speech.
I still wonder why Ghonim, the Google engineer who was arrested and then released by the Egyptians, calls for the fall of al Asad several times a day on Twitter. Start to be fed up with people who have two passports. They should have one and get involved in the politics of only one country.
April 17th, 2011, 4:04 am
SYR said:
I’ve witnessed the transformation of this site from a subtle shoe polishing service for the Syrian regime to a full blown propaganda machine. It has become another apologist for a bunch of criminals who have been stealing and murdering Syrians for 40 years. The level of commenting has deteriorated to the point where this site has lost credibility. I’m one of the silent majority in Syria. We’re not sectarians nor want to divide the country. However, the president has proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that he is a liar and as much a scumbag as his dead father. He has lost credibility too and is losing respect fast among an increasing number of Syrians.
As stupid as Ben Ali and Mubarak were and as crazy as Qaddagi and Saleh are, Assad is no better than them. In fact because he is younger he is more dangerous.
Syria has changed forever. The people are not vultures to live off the bones left from the lions and hyenas of the regime. The regime and its corrupt supporters should and will all be brought to justice sooner or later. The fact that the regime is made up almost entirely of Alawites in Syria doesn’t mean that the Sunnis will butcher them when matters escalate. The regime tried to convince the Alawites that it’s a matter of existence. If the regime goes they will go down too. This is not true although a large number of the Alawites believe it for the time being. But even among the Alawites whom for the most part were poor and are still poor signs of disbelief and unrest are starting to show. They will not all go down with the unavoidable fall of the Assads and the Makhloufs and the wealthy Sunnis and Christians who support and make up the present regime. It is not a matter of days or weeks maybe but the end for this regime is near. The Muslim brotherhood will not take over like they failed to do so in Tunisia and Egypt. Syrians are smarter than you and some of your commentators give them credit for. The end of the regime is not the end of Syria. More lives will be lost before the dicatator either steps down or get the hell out of here. But he will fall and Syria will be a better place.
April 17th, 2011, 4:21 am
Mina said:
War business:
(must read)
April 17th, 2011, 4:52 am
syau said:
Thankyou for the clarification on that particular clip. If only the Syrian revolution would let the public voice their own opinion without enticing them or that their fellow conspiritors would stop enticing people with money to inforce their uprising.
I also think that the Khitab was quite clear, not in need of tfsir.
A no-brainer.
April 17th, 2011, 4:54 am
Australian -Syrian said:
“I hate to break this to you, but H.Assad was not that much better than Ikhwan”
You are soo mistaken.
What Hafez Al Assad(bless be his name) did, was at no point anything like the Ikhwan. The Ikhwan are a disgrace to the Muslim world. If you do not remember, it was Umar Jawwad, (aka Abu Bakr) who ordered the attacks on Hamma.What the Baath Party and their soldiers did was to protect Syria from such monsters. If they were not stopped, Syria would have been another holocaust. What the Brotherhood were trying to achieve is what Hitler was achieving in Germany in the 1940s. Hitler wanted to get rid of the Jews, Jawwad wanted to destroy the Alawis.
So, Who’s worse again? Yep, im sure its the Ikhwan.
Dont let your hatred cloud reason. If you say you dont hate Hafez and his son, then you are wrong, because your comment definitely shows your true malice.
April 17th, 2011, 5:01 am
syau said:
Again, thankyou. A very interesting ariticle. I believe the time chosen for the Arab league summit was a time when it was conveniently certain that not all nations in the league were able to attend. That is how they got their votes for the no fly zone. by deception.
How sad that some Arab nations conspire and deceive against their sister countries – Yet another example of how The ends justifies the means.
April 17th, 2011, 5:14 am
syau said:
Stop trying to justify their actions. I’m also sure that the families of the 83 Syrian cadets slaughtered by the Muslim Brotherhood also know who killed their loved ones, and the families of those victims where the bombings took place when insurgency was at its all time high by the muslim brotherhood know who killed their loved ones. The families of the prominent ministers killed by the muslim brotherhood also are aware who killed thier loved ones. I also think the Syrian people know who was behind the destruction of infustructure in Syria, and, the two attempts on the life of The Late President Hafez Al Assad. Yep again,
the muslim brotherhood.
What a wonderful group to be associated with. You just keep defending that if you like.
April 17th, 2011, 5:24 am
Aboud said:
@196. Australian -Syrian
Seeing as how I seem to be the only Syrian inside Syria on this forum, it is you and the rest of the expatriate Baathist loving scum who should STFU. Someday, I want you to come to Syria, and get hauled out of your home, hand tied behind your back, and put face down in a market square, and lashed, stomped on, your sister and mother called a whore, your home possessions stolen, and your mosque shot up.
In short, I want to happen to you what happened to the brave people of Biyada last week by your unwashed, barely literate friends, who can only wave AK-47s in the face of defenseless civilians but who would shit their shabiha pants if they ever got sent to a real war. And THEN let’s see you get online from Australia and bark about how you want for president for life, the man who with his papa made sure the Golan remained the safest place for an Israeli to live in.
God bless a free Syria, free from 15 security apparatuses and free from inherited presidencies.
April 17th, 2011, 5:48 am
anonymous said:
Ministers will be required to disclose their personal wealth in order to avoid any suspicions regarding corruption. Great idea.
Now, what about the mukhabarat chiefs? They need to be seen to be honest as well, surely? What about the president himself? Is he a billionaire or does he survive on his official salary?
Isn’t it actually more important for the people to see that the president is clean? Or is corruption allowed for the mukhabarat and the president but not for government ministers?
April 17th, 2011, 6:03 am
syau said:
Usually I wouldnt say this to anyone, but although your comments do not deserve to be dignified with any comments, you are vile creature. Get a life.
Don’t bother to get back to this one, as he is not worth an iota of your time. I also wonder who the illiterate one is who thinks he is THE only Syrian on this blog who lives in Syria.
April 17th, 2011, 6:10 am
Australian -Syrian said:
# 211. Aboud ,
Before i insult you and call you a filthy scum bag, i will oppose you no-good filthy comment.
First, you S.O.B, i would like to say, that you say:
” Someday, I want you to come to Syria, and get hauled out of your home, hand tied behind your back, and put face down in a market square, and lashed, stomped on, your sister and mother called a whore, your home possessions stolen, and your mosque shot up.”
You bloody bastard. What you are describing happened to the pro-Bashar people. Argu all you like you dumb ass, but you will only be arguing with yourself…..And may all that happen to you and your family.
You say that what happened to those people last week was by my ‘friends’? You filthy donkey. You dont even know what you are talking about. You are just a Jew loving, extremist but kissing ass who hates the President, and thus you make up crap. Well, eat that crap you are selling, because thats what it is. CRAP. All those so called ‘peacefull protesters’ shooting and killing pro-Bashar people, and the outside nobs who are encouraging all this, is apparently unseen by you.
And what the hell are you on about? What gave you the bloody impression that Hafez al Assad made the Golan the safest place for an Israeli to live in? Are you stupid, or are stupid? I think ill go with the latter.
When you and your family get beaten up and then fried to death after Syria has no more Assad as the leader, dont go crying and kissing Bashar’s feet. Because people like you will be kicking themselves in the head if Bashar is no longer in power. Unless you are a part of the Ikhwan and the terrorist group, then you will benift highly. BTW, Dont let your sister and mother walk out uncovered in the streets when the Ikhwan take over, they will get shot.
May you go to hell a thousand times. Lets all pray for that.
April 17th, 2011, 6:12 am
Aboud said:
Well, if ASStralian-Syrian and SillyYoungAdolescentUnderage are the best the regime can come up with on such a distinguished website as this, Bashar’s days are shorter than even I could have hoped for. Seriously, Ikhwan? It’s either Bashar or the Muslim Brotherhood? What can I say about the regime when the best they can come up with, are the same tired lines that so spectacularly failed for Bush and Mubarak. The regime needs a better script, or better writers.
But this is a real gem;
“What you are describing happened to the pro-Bashar people.”
So, those defenseless civilians in Biyada were actually PRO BASHAR people. Those guys in black with the AK-47s were actually….what exactly? First you say they were Iraqis, and when that turned out to be a lie, now you claim they were not on the side of the regime? Man, if I was a mukhabarat, I’d be real worried right now. I might get disowned by the regime and called a foreign spy, if a Youtube clip should appear of me performing my normal Bashar-sanctioned duties of torturing teenagers and pulling the nails off of old men.
Now that the regime’s downfall has become inevitable, I’d like to invite everyone to share what is the first thing they would like to do after Bashar moves to Tehran. What would you like to do that you can’t under the present atmosphere in Syria.
For myself, I’d like to start a consumer advocacy group. Right now Syrians are being bled dry by one of the highest mobile-call rates in the world. Big business needs someone to keep an eye on them, and until Syria recovers from the mismanagement of 40 plus years of Baathist rule, the average Syrian’s income will remain quite limited.
Share your post-regime to do list. And please, no more Ikhwan scare-mongering. To keep trying a failed line of scare tactics would mean you have the IQ of a cactus. Or a Baathist. Or a Baathist living abroad.
God bless a free Syria, free from the notion that we need to give up the Golan, give up freedom of thought, and give up economic liberties so that the big bad wolf/Ikhwan won’t come and bite us.
April 17th, 2011, 6:57 am
Fadi said:
I moved what I wrote 2 days to this Blog since most of the action is. I was writing somewhere else. SYAU: you already commented on this but I did not know that most of the people were here. I want to make sure that those who are counting on foreign involvement in Syria read my view:
It is speculated now that some organizations, countries, and people are behind the unrest in Syria to mention few: Islamic Brotherhood, Saudi Arabia, Khadam, Hariri and his fellow Jamal Jarah. They are using the people and moving the street to achieve their agenda. Some people are even talking of western involvement in the uprise. Some believe that Syria is no different than Egypt, Libya, or Tunisia and what happened there could happen in Syria. What makes Syria different?
First lest us look at the Strong Axis: Iran, Hezbollah, and Syria.
Some believe that the west including Israel would love to give big blow to the growing Iranian influence in the region. The Iranian nuclear ambition and influence is not welcomed by the western power. By taking Syria off, they would isolate Iran, and later disarm Hezbollah perhaps through a United Nations coalition forces.
This is easy to say but perhaps remains a dream for several reasons:
1. The current relatively calm situation in Iraq would have never occurred without Syria and Iranian involvement. Although on the surface there is a lot of strong language against both regimes but my personal believe that Iran and Syria played a role in calming Iraq. We do not hear our troops being harmed now days as we used to hear in the recent past. Recently the Mehdi army declared that they want our troops out of Iraq and 2 million came out in the streets a week ago. Alsadar has not done anything for 2 years and now coming out with his army. Perhaps a message from the Iranian and Syrians that “We are here, we have influence in the country, and we could move the streets anytime”.
2. Syria is the most important alliance for Iran political influence and existence. Iranians are trying to avoid any political announcements because they believe in the Syrian ability to crack down the current demonstrations as the Iranians themselves did although I believe we should differentiate between the unrest that is taking place in Syria now and the Iranian unrest which is beyond the scope of my review. Iranian although silent, does not mean they don’t support their alliance Syria. It’s just they don’t want to give the current conflict a sectarian view. But if they feel that their arm will be cut then they will step up and play their cards in Afganestan, Iraq, Bahrain, Kuwait, even the north of Saudi Arabia as some Shiite exists in these countries (many in Iraq) and they are loyal to Iran.Not to mention that the passage of Oil could be under Iranian attack in the Persian Gulf (Excuse me Arab but this is called by history the Persian gulf)
3. The Syrian army, intelligent agencies, and police have been practicing a high level of patience but last Friday declared that enough is enough. All these agencies are extremely loyal to President Assad. What happened in Egypt will never ever happen in Syria; here the army is with the president. Moreover, millions of Alawait people are willing to defend President Assad till death. Sectarian war would be the end result of any attempt to change the current government
4. Hezbollah and Israel conflict may come to frontline in case of western attacks on Syria.
5. All of us remember the Syrian-Turkish Crisis. Turkey deployed all its army on the southern border with Syria. Rumors spread in Syria that President Assad the father back then told Turkey that his war is not with them. If they will attack from north all Syria Missiles will target Tel Aviv. I recall that no single Syrian army was deployed to the borders with Turkey and Turkey did nothing.
6. Syria is important geopolitical player in this region if not the most important player. Instability of Syria will lead a total mess in the whole region from Afghanistan to Lebanon. For all the reasons mentions I really doubt that the west is naïve in reading the Syrian situation. I really doubt that such attack will happen and if it did then the costs will definitely be high
There are some voices from the Middle East including my family members who are saying to me: Why America is doing that? Why they want to bring Radicals to Syria? Is Obama aware of the grave situation if the radicals come? Don’t they get it that the current unrest is caused by some organizations who are using the people as a mean to reach their goal?
Well many questions and even angry ones that I find myself puzzled with. I really do not believe for a second that it is in the interest of America to bring the radical Brotherhood Islam to lead Syria. This organization is equal to AlQaeda. Do we need alQaeda anywhere in the world; the answer is NO.
Syrian government has been saying for a month now that outsiders are behind the unrest, unfortunately no one listened or even believed. They went condemning the government. People from both sides innocents and army men were killed; they say that the army is shooting others to give means for the government to be brutal. Well with the 10 people killed in Jordan by the Islamist radicals today I think people all over the world will look at the king of Jordan and will believe his story. Well the news is out
Islamists attack Jordan police with swords, daggers
Syria has been saying that police men were killed by outsiders. No one believed. Should we connect the dots now.
April 17th, 2011, 7:33 am
suri-amreki said:
It looks like several commentators are working full-time to defend the oppressive regime! Are you guys getting paid?
I honestly look forward to talk to my fellow Syrians so we can Syria a better place for us and our kids. I try to provide constructive comments and suggestions but what I get from you are comments which are not contributing to the discussion!
Let me tell you that your tactics will not help Syria and the Syrians and will not be considered beneficial to the Bashar regime. If you think you are right, just present your case! We want to improve your country, what are you doing to do that?
April 17th, 2011, 7:39 am
syau said:
Aboud –
Before I advise you that I will not bother re butting any of your comments or consider any of the silly childish names you come up with, I will tell you that I cannot believe you do in fact live in Syria because Syria has generally intelligent people living there, unless you are part of the un intelligent Syrian Revolution group -who are mainly on a large scale living abroad anyway.
I will in future refrain from discussing any issues with someone who is so intellectually stunt.
he is obviously trying to bait you as he has nothing intellectual or worth while to say, so dont take the bait.
I will also say for anyone to think that the military should be scaled back to cut funding, I think now is the time it is needed most, If Syria is to fight corruption, especially along the boarders where weapons are being smuggled in, and inturn filter out any terrorist groups, it is of most importance the military stands as is.
April 17th, 2011, 7:45 am
Australian -Syrian said:
I will not bother with such a moron who could not come up with something more creative than “ASStralian”. LOL
I dont take his attacks personally, because he is a loser. I couldnt care less.
April 17th, 2011, 7:54 am
syau said:
Thanks for reiterating that, it is a very interesting, highly intelligent comment. Hopefully this time around some who are so clouded by hate and are unable to see straight can take notice of it.
Just to give you a “heads up”, if you get personally attacked because you are not anti Bashar, dont be surprised, because the only way some of these people can get their point of hate across is by verbal abuse.
The ones that are aware that Bashar’s speech is one of positive reform and for the better of the country, are not commenting with silly remarks against ones who have the absolute right of supporting the Great leader Bashar Assad. They try to make it into a sectarian debate and degrade and personally attack certain “sects” to “bait us” but that bait should not be taken.
April 17th, 2011, 8:00 am
Mouna said:
I’m currently working on my to-do list. The first thing I can come up with is:
Call for banning the use of the letter “Qaf” in public. Perhaps we will have to allocate spaces (or create blogs) where certain people could cluck all they want. 🙂
April 17th, 2011, 8:01 am
Mouna said:
Looking at ASStralian’s comment #213, it is clear he didn’t bother, didn’t take the attack personally, and couldn’t care less.
April 17th, 2011, 8:08 am
Australian -Syrian said:
LOL. you are soo funny! I wasnt offended by the personal attack, i was offended on behalf of the Assad government and all those innocent people that have been killed thanks to people like you and your friend. So MORON, at least thats what your name looks like, i will continue to attack on behalf of my brothers.
April 17th, 2011, 8:13 am
Aboud said:
Haha, nice one Mona. I’m all for different dialects, but some people really seem to overdo it with the clucking.
Suri-Amreki, there is an old saying that goes; In an argument, if the law is on your side, emphasize the law. If common sense is on your side, ignore the law and emphasize common sense. If neither are on your side, then pound the table as hard as you can. And since neither the law or common sense are on the side of pro-regime apologists, every second word that comes out of their mouth is the word “crap” or some derivative of it. Apparently living abroad hasn’t educated them to the finer arts of a democratic discussion.
What I’d like to do after the regime falls is to replace all the statues of papa, with those of people who have actually done something worthwhile for Syria. The man lost the Golan Heights as defense minister, and failed to get it back decades later. Don’t know about you, but if I had such a dad, I’d be embarrassed to go into politics, let alone try to inherit the country from him.
Also, can we have a bit more variety when it comes to posters? We keep seeing the same face and pose all over the place.
God bless a free Syria, free from egotistical monuments, free from useless members of parliament who do not represent anyone, and free from apologists who still cluck about “and inturn filter out any terrorist groups”, and yet are unable to provide any shred of evidence on the existence of such groups. I’m sure their intellects are too narrow to have ever read George Orwell’s brilliant “Animal Farm”, they sound just like Squealer. “It was Snowball! It was all Snowball! Snowball is ruining everything! Snowball stole the milk and destroyed the mill! Snowball! *oink oink*”
April 17th, 2011, 8:17 am
why-discuss said:
Australian -Syrian
Please don’t use bad words when you get excited, it may not bother the person you are adressing them to, but I do read your posts and it bothers me a lot.
Syrians are generally calm people, please stay cool even if you are provoked by people who have different agendas and opinions. You know very well that you won’t be able to change their mind, so why bother?
April 17th, 2011, 8:22 am
Revlon said:
Listen to Jr presenting his reforms to the paliament (voice enactment)!
New cabinet;
Abu Satour: Minister of interior
Ali baba: Minister of finance
Abul Mout: Minister of Sa77a
Abul qa76: Minister of Agriculture…
You’ve got watch this!
April 17th, 2011, 8:24 am
Australian -Syrian said:
You are right. It wont change their minds. But when idiots like that go too far, then there is no harm in retaliation. I respect that others have different opinions, but it looks as though they dont. Judging by their comments. So, like i said, retaliation is needed.
April 17th, 2011, 8:29 am
syau said:
The letter “Qaf” as you put it, is in the arabic alphabet. Look it up, it might help you. Otherwise, I will say that you are just another person that is intellectually stunt.
Discuss something of importance and stop being childish both of you
This blog is for comments about Syria, not about the way people use the letters of the alphabet in their dialect.
Yet another person who is not worth commenting on. So people of actual intelligence, out of sight, out of mind in the case of mouna and aboud.
April 17th, 2011, 8:30 am
syau said:
Why Discuss,
My point exactly.
April 17th, 2011, 8:32 am
why-discuss said:
“Bahrain cracks down on protesting footballers
Football star among hundreds of athletes suspended from national team for taking part in anti-government protests.”
That’s is all Al Jazeera reports on Bahrein. For an impartial News Channel, they seem to have some obvious preferences and a “mission”:
April 17th, 2011, 8:33 am
Mouna said:
And put Bu-Haneh and 3ale 3ebbASS from al-Baydah video on a protest-handling course, preferably in Australia so that ASStralian can teach them how to say “monkey monkey” back home. LOL
April 17th, 2011, 8:46 am
syau said:
I must say, although very distasteful, it had some humour to it,
I will also stress that this youtube clip proves my point exactly about dubbing the voices in any other video to suit and enhance your agenda.
Another thing to point out which is totally in character, your people are already insulting the new ministers, prior to to their first day on the job. Well done, in perfect character as always –
so positive when looking to the future.
April 17th, 2011, 8:49 am
Aboud said:
“Yet another person who is not worth commenting on”, this in a comment commenting to a comment by a commentator the original commentator did not like. Typical Baathist, say one thing, and go do another.
What I’d like to do after the regime falls is see the 1000 Syrian Lira note replaced. Why is it that the great Syrian revolutionaries are not represented on our currency? There are only two Syrians on Syrian banknotes; Zenobia, which I like, and papa, who’s list of blunders are so long it will need a thousand liras worth of notebooks to list.
God bless a free Syria,free from so much Orwellian double-think one marvels at the regime apologists’ capacity for holding so many contradictory thoughts in their heads all at once. And free from people who have lived abroad, and think they know politics, but obviously do not know who George Orwell was.
April 17th, 2011, 8:51 am
Revlon said:
Dear SYAU, MOUNA and all fellow Syrians on this blog,
BLRR “Wa Jadilhom Billati Hya A7san” SL3
BLRR “Wala Tastawi l7asana Wala SSai2h, Idfa3 Billati Hya A7san”SL3
We are all brothers!
SYAU is right.
Alqaf as pronouced by mountain and country dwellars is the correct one!
Stereotyping is an unfair practice! It does not promote harmony, in our beautifuly diversified nation.
Please resist the temptation!
Lets engage our minds, not our istincts!
Thank you all!
April 17th, 2011, 8:52 am
Australian -Syrian said:
I have read Animal Farm. In year 11. Nice to know you are still indulging in kids stuff. But i cant make out which pig you are. Napoleon, or Squealer. Id say squealer. Yep, Squealer. Spreading all the lies and filth the anti-government people are endorsing.
April 17th, 2011, 8:55 am
syau said:
Finally, we agree on something. Lets hope the word spreads.
April 17th, 2011, 9:13 am
Aboud said:
*facepalm* See people, what happens when a Baathist and Wikipedia meet? They can’t even get the basic facts right.
Squealer was the mouthpiece of Napoleon, the Stalinist-like pig. Every good on the farm was supposed to be attributed to Napoleon; if the hens lay more eggs, it was under Comrade Napoleon’s inspiration. If the animals worked harder, it was due to Comrade Napoleon’s leadership. Songs were written in Comrade Napoleon’s honor, he could do no wrong, he was of infinite wisdom. And anyone who disagreed with him had their throats torn out by his shabiha…I mean, his guard dogs.
Seeing the similarities between Comrade Napoleon and junior, who here is taking on the role of Squealor?
After the regime falls, I’d like to do away with the useless curriculum where children are forced to study absurd party propaganda, and replace it with courses on how to be responsible citizens, and reading the great literature of the world. Like Animal Farm.
God bless free Syria, free from propaganda that starts as early as grade school.
April 17th, 2011, 9:36 am
Revlon said:
?????? ::???? ??????? ?? ?????? ??? ????? ???????? ?????? ?????? ??? ???? ????? ????? ?????? ???? ???? ??????? ????? ????????? ?????
14 minutes ago
April 17th, 2011, 11:15 am
Revlon said:
?????? ??????? – ??? || ????? ???????? ?????? ??????? ??? ?????? ??????? ??????? ?? 41 ????? ?? ???????? ??? ??????
29 minutes ago
April 17th, 2011, 11:22 am
Revlon said:
Mature response to Jr’s Speach.
?????? ??????? ??????? ???? ?????? 17-4 ????? ????? – ???
April 17th, 2011, 11:41 am
jad said:
Happy 65 Syrian Independence day
April 17 1946-2011
April 17th, 2011, 11:56 am
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