“Syrian Regime Loses Last Credible Ally among the Sunni Ulama,” by Thomas Pierret
Friday, March 22nd, 2013
Syrian regime loses last credible ally among the Sunni ulama
By Thomas Pierret (Lecturer in Contemporary Islam, University of Edinburgh)
For Syria Comment, March 22, 2013
With the assassination of Sheikh Muhammad Sa‘id Ramadan al-Buti (b. 1929), who was killed in Thursday’s bomb attack at the al-Iman mosque in Damascus, the Syrian regime lost its last credible ally among the Sunni religious elite. A Muslim scholar of world standing, al-Buti had conferred religious legitimacy on the Asad dynasty for more than three decades, with far more influence than discredited state creatures like Grand Mufti Ahmad Hassun.
The son of a Kurdish cleric who fled Kemalist repression and sought refuge in Damascus in the early 1930s, al-Buti earned a doctorate at al-Azhar before joining the staff of the faculty of sharia at the University of Damascus, of which he was dean from 1977 to 1983. In the meantime, he also became famous for polemical essays that were enormously popular among the religious-minded youth of the 1970s.
A staunch traditionalist, al-Buti was struggling on two fronts: on the one hand, he refuted western ideologies such as Marxism, nationalism and of course secularism; on the other hand, he relentlessly attacked the proponents of Islamic reform, from modernist Muhammad ‘Abduh to Salafi literalist Nasir al-Din al-Albani.
Al-Buti always remained a bitter enemy of non-traditionalist brands of Islam: a decade ago, he branded Islamic MP Muhammad Habash a “heretic” because he had claimed that the gates of paradise were open to Christians and Jews; a few years ago, al-Buti encouraged the regime to “cleanse” the country of Salafi zealots. His profound hostility to the central tenets of Baathist ideology did not prevent him from concluding an unlikely alliance with the Asad family.
Al-Buti made his first gestures of support for the regime during the 1979-82 insurgency: whereas most of his senior colleagues were either silent or supportive of the opposition, he vocally condemned the attacks carried out by Islamic militants. This stance was in line with his long-standing opposition to both military and political activism in the name of Islam, which had resulted in poor relations with the Muslim Brothers. Al-Buti’s quietist approach, which he fully expounded in 1993 in a book entitled Jihad in Islam, was in no way related to some secularist principles, but to the belief that Islam should be ‘the common element that unites’ all political forces rather than the preserve of one of them.
In exchange for helping the regime to defeat its Islamic opponents, al-Buti was endowed with informal leadership over Syrian Islam: although he did not occupy any prestigious position within the Ministry of Religious Endowments (awqaf) until his 2008 appointment as the preacher of the Umayyad Mosque in Damascus, he enjoyed a close relationship with Hafiz al-Asad, who used to grant him long personal meetings. Contrary to many pro-regime sheikhs, al-Buti did not use his political connections for personal enrichment. What he obtained in exchange for his loyalty was visibility through a weekly program on state television, as well the possibility to intercede in favour of some of his exiled colleagues who were willing to come back to the homeland. Therefore, criticisms of al-Buti’s pro-regime stance often went along with recognition that he had helped improve the situation of the religious elite after the fierce repression of the early 1980s.
Under Bashar al-Asad, al-Buti remained loyal to the regime in exchange for some concessions to the religious sector. In 2005, he branded the assassination of Rafiq al-Hariri as a US-Zionist conspiracy aimed at destroying Syria and Islam. Likewise, he described the execution of Saddam Hussein in 2007 as part of a US plan aimed at dividing Sunni and Shia Muslims, whom he called to unite, thereby repelling the opposition’s denunciation of the regime’s alliance with Iran. ‘Compensation’ for these declarations included a crackdown on women rights activism, more freedom for religious activities, a faculty of sharia in Aleppo, and the establishment of a short-lived League of the Ulama.
Following his appointment as the preacher of the Umayyad Mosque in 2008, al-Buti became increasingly influential within the Ministry of Religious Endowments by being entrusted with the supervision of an ambitious reform of higher Islamic education. On the eve of the 2011 revolution, however, relations with the authorities turned sour as a result of secularist measures such as a ban on face-veil (niqab) in schools and universities, as well as because of the broadcasting of a Ramadan series he deemed offensive to Islam.
In August 2010, al-Buti suggested that attacks on religion would entail painful retribution on the part of the Almighty: in a ‘vision’ he had in a dream, he said, he had seen a ‘devastating divine wrath filling the horizon’. A few months later, the Kurdish scholar first thought that this retribution had come under the form of the winter drought which for the third year, was hitting the country’s agriculture hard.
When demonstrations started in March 2011, al-Buti declared that this was the actual fulfillment of the godly vision he had had a few months earlier. Once again, the cleric gave credence to the regime’s narrative by speaking of a ‘Zionist conspiracy’. Although during the first weeks of the uprising al-Buti obtained further concessions like the closure of Damascus’ casino, the creation of a state-run Islamic satellite channel and his appointment as the head of a newly-created Union of the Ulama of Bilad al-Sham, his support for the regime gradually became unconditional and, above all, unlimited. A few days before his assassination, that is, two years into a conflict that had witnessed mass killing and destruction at the hands of the regime’s military, al-Buti was still encouraging the faithful to wage jihad in the ranks of the ‘heroic’ Syrian Arab Army, which he once compared to the Companions of the Prophet, in order to defeat the ‘global conspiracy’ against Syria.
Al-Buti, was the only respected scholar to express such vocal support for the regime after March 2011, the other religious sycophants being obscure, third-rank clerics, like Ahmad Sadiq, who was shot dead in Damascus a year ago. Therefore, regardless of who actually committed Thursday’s bomb attack (those who accuse the regime stress the fact that the attack took place in a heavily guarded neighbourhood, the al-Iman mosque being located a few meters away from the headquarters of the Ba‘th party; they also insist on the fact that bombing a Sunni mosque is an unprecedented pattern of operation on the part of Syrian insurgents (but it has been witnessed in Iraq), the tragic demise of al-Buti means that the regime has now ceased to enjoy any meaningful source of religious legitimacy among the Sunni clergy.
From Foreign Policy
President Bashar al-Assad issued a statement of condolences to the country promising to destroy “extremism” and cleanse the country. The main opposition armed group, the Free Syrian Army, denied responsibility for the attack, stressing its forces would never have targeted a mosque. Moaz al-Khatib, the head of the main opposition group, the Syrian National Coalition, condemned the assassination. Meanwhile, U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon authorized an investigation on Thursday into an alleged chemical weapons attack in Aleppo province. The government and opposition forces have traded blame over a missile attack in Khan al-Assal, which they say contained chemical weapons.
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Comments (240)
5 dancing shlomos said:
reading the article, it seems the honest, brave, and moral stand with the syrian government.
the quiet are mice and the opposition are … rats.
speaking of 3rd rank, 4th rank, bottom of the barrel rank …
“A Zionist Friendly, Right-wing Texan Islamist to Lead Syria?”
By Franklin Lamb | Al-Manar | March 22, 2013
A draft-dodging, Zionist friendly, right-wing Texan Islamist to lead Syria? Could the White House have dreamt for more?
Damascus – For the past year, a plan C or D, depending on how one numbers the failed “sure-fire” US-Israel projects in Syria was badly needed. And this week, according to Congressional staffers, both Tel Aviv and the White House are pinching themselves in disbelief over their good luck with installing republican leaning conservative Dixie businessman, the congenial, Ghassan Hitto, as Syria’s new interim Prime Minister.
Ghassan HittoSecuring the key position for Mr. Hitto, a decision made last year, was not easy and had to be approached gingerly. But finally, after weeks of sometimes intense debate within Syrian opposition circles, Washington, Ankara, Doha and Tel Aviv among others managed to appoint their preferred guy. “Hitto was the best of a bad lot”, one Congressional committee source, whose work load includes Syria, explained. “Bottom line, he’s an American, nearly thirty years here makes Ghassan one of us. And who cares if he came here as a teenage to dodge military service in Syria. We can count of him!”
And just as some Americans were beginning to believe that our government may be afflicted with a congenital incapacity to learn from our past mistakes, installing Hitto, “should keep hope alive and we should not give up”, according to our Ambassador in Beirut, Maury Connelly. “Look what we achieved in Libya” she lectured a visiting delegation recently. After the meeting, one participant deadpanned, “Good lord! If that woman had not been Jeff Feltman’s office favorite for whatever reason, she might still be serving coffee to State Department visitors at 2201 C St NW, Washington, DC!” Having quoted that snide comment, Maury is reputed to be a lovely lady. Just ask her frequent visitor, Samir Geagea of the Lebanese Forces, who is reputed to be her special confidant these days.
One recalls how Washington installed nearly one dozen Libyan ex-pats during the uprising just as the NATO no-fly zone was being launched. Most of them knew foreign countries better than their birth country and some needed to get their hands on a US supplied “non-lethal weapon” i.e. a GPS and a National Geographic map to find the places in west Libya which they were meant to govern.
Mr. Hitto solves a few immediate Syria problems for the White House. Or so they are hoping.
At minimum Hitto will be an American ‘potted plant’ who can be recognized and around whom NATO can corral and implant some of the desperate factions. He appears willing to take orders and is now involved in a crash-course to learn what he needs to know about Syria and the unfolding game plan. One congressional aide who helped vet Mr. Hitto claims he has “spunk and can be tough. And we think he will play ball.”
One proposal that Hitto has reportedly agreed to is the Dennis Ross/AIPAC proposal for a “political isolation law.” If adopted by the Hitto provisional government, this decree would ban nearly the whole ruling class in Syria from having any role in government. Its intention is to eliminate anyone who worked with either the Hafez or Bashar Assad regime from 1970 until today. “We need a clean break in Syria”, Ross reportedly told fellow conferees at the recent AIPAC convention.
Washington also encouraged Hitto to reject dialogue with the Government of Syria because neocons in Congress are insisting that “negotiations” with the Assad government will drag on interminably and allow the current regime to eradicate pockets of resistance and bring in more help from Russia and Iran.” Citing negotiations with Iran, Arizona Senator John McCain recently told Fox News that “if you try to negotiate with these people (Iran’s government) you will lose. And we did. We need action!” Some in Congress are telling the White House that the same is true with the Syrian government and it appears Mr. Hitto agrees.
The staffer also pointed out that “there has been a misreading of John Kerry’s recent position and that it does not reflect a notable change in the American position nor does it represent a step back from the statements that Barack Obama had made concerning the need for Al-Assad to step down. Obama and Hitto are on the same page.”
No sooner than Grassan Hitto was delegated than two insatiable US Senate war-mongers, Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) and Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) used the occasion of conflicting and unconfirmed reports of chemical weapons being used in Syria by increasing pressure on President Barack Obama to approve U.S. military involvement in Syria.
“That should include the provision of arms to vetted Syrian opposition groups, targeted strikes against Assad’s aircraft and Scud missile batteries on the ground, and the establishment of safe zones inside Syria to protect civilians and opposition groups,” the senators continued in their statement. “If today’s reports are substantiated, the tragic irony will be that these are the exact same actions that could have prevented the use of weapons of mass destruction in Syria.” Graham went even further and seemed to endorse a plan to put the label “U.S.” on the group in Syria during an interview recently with Foreign Policy. Graham said “We need a real partner in Syria.” In Ghassan Hitto, he and John McClain just may have one.
Washington and Tel Aviv see in their choice of Mr. Hitto, as a likely solution to numerous barriers to their goals in Syria for the following reasons.
They believe that Mr. Hitto can help end the infighting among the opposition to the current regime that has caused a stalemate. While Hitto is no Mohammad Morsi he does lean toward the Muslim Brotherhood and they supported him while knowing he was Washington’s choice. Hitto, some in Washington believe, can help neutralize them. The White House has reportedly told the EU that “the CIA recommended Hitto in order to preempt the crazies in this circus and Hitto can, as much as other prospects help with the formation of a US backed international bloc to get rid of Salafist groups in Syria.”
The in-depth US training of Ghassan has begun. An ‘advisory team’ is already appointed to indoctrinate him with the ‘message’ and he is being given an intensive cram course of what to do and what pitfalls to avoid. He will be expected to learn from missteps in Libya, Egypt and Iraq.
Ghassan has already been clued that if he wants to achieve more than to be Syria’s First “Interim” Prime Minister he will need to be a quick learner, able to adapt fast to the “manual”, mindful student, and above all, a team player. “We aren’t looking for another Hugo Chavez around here”, Ghassan was told recently in Istanbul, shortly before announcing his candidacy.
Hitto’s CIA handlers gave him the script and he read it well. In his first public address he deadpanned that he recognized the very difficult task that lies ahead for his administration. He has pledged to provide the services that many Syrians are lacking. He has also promised free and fair elections in a post-Assad regime Syria.
John Kerry says he is ready to work with Hitto. Kerry told members of Congress two years ago that he connected with and respects Bahar al-Assad and that “we can deal with him like we deal with the Canadians” he once told ultra Zionist Congressman Barney Frank. In private Kerry told staff members on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, “I like this guy Bashar and we can trust him much more than the Israelis. He’s good.” Having changed his tune, some are wondering how firm his support is for Mr. Hitto.
And he is reportedly eager for both and ready to get started. Earlier this week while giving a speech in Istanbul, he insisted that his priority was to utilize “all conceivable means” to topple President Bashar al-Assad and provide desperately-needed aid to the beleaguered people of Syria.” Washington understands that providing “desperately-needed aid” will soon include weapons.
Still, the White House and Tel Aviv know that it will be a daunting task building legitimacy for Hitto’s fledgling administration, because he is lacking the support of many high-profile members of his own coalition. He was voted in by 35 of the 49 coalition members who cast ballots, but another 15 members were not present, some bought off with cash and with several walking out in protest at Mr Hitto’s perceived links to the Muslim Brotherhood and its backers in Qatar.
“I have backed the idea of an alternative government for a long time,” said veteran opposition figure Haitham al-Maleh. “But I put my ballot in without a name because there were no candidates from inside Syria. I want a prime minister from inside Syria.” “The proposed government is controlled by the Muslim Brotherhood and the Qatar government,” one coalition member, Mr al-Labwani said. “We will be against this government and will not give it legality. Democracy is from the land and from the people not from a council that is composed by the governments of America and Qatar.”
According to a staffer in Kerry’s former Senate Foreign Relations Committee “Many Syrians, regard our appointment of Hitto with suspicion. Since the announcement, I have heard both Syrian nationalist figures and those from some minority communities criticize our move.”
It appears Washington, Doha and Tel Aviv have got their man in place.
What the Syrian people will think of their selection will likely be known soon.
the syrian people will choose al bashar with at least 72% votes in favor. (5ds)
March 22nd, 2013, 1:18 pm
5 dancing shlomos said:
bashar al assad
March 22nd, 2013, 1:29 pm
5 dancing shlomos said:
calling bandar.
March 22nd, 2013, 1:42 pm
Jasmine said:
Jean de silence @ 13
March 22nd, 2013, 1:58 pm
AIG said:
I am posting this here on the new thread again for your convenience:
And the other very Evil Nazis that were killed by Americans or Russians or hanged after the Nuremberg trials, what Evil killed them? For example this guy: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wilhelm_Frick
Is the opposite also true, that if someone does not die by Evil he is not Evil? It is another way of asking the question you did not answer if what you say about Evil being killed by Evil is a universal law or if sometimes there are exceptions.
March 22nd, 2013, 2:13 pm
AIG said:
You forgot to answer this part of the question:
“Is the opposite also true, that if someone does not die by Evil he is not Evil? It is another way of asking the question you did not answer if what you say about Evil being killed by Evil is a universal law or if sometimes there are exceptions.”
I also don’t understand what you mean. You say both the Allies and the Evil they associated with killed them. How could two different things kill the same person? Perhaps it is more accurate to say that because they were evil the Allies hanged them and not to say that Evil killed them?
March 22nd, 2013, 2:24 pm
Visitor said:
(“6. AIG said:
You forgot to answer this part of the question:
“Is the opposite also true, that if someone does not die by Evil he is not Evil? It is another way of asking the question you did not answer if what you say about Evil being killed by Evil is a universal law or if sometimes there are exceptions.”
I realize that. But, I have to go to Friday prayers now. That has to wait for later.
March 22nd, 2013, 3:06 pm
????? ???? ?????? ??????? | ????? ???? said:
[…] ????? ????? ?????? ????? ???? Syrian Regime Loses Last Credible Ally among the Sunni Ulama ????? ???? Thomas Pierret. ??? ?????? ???? ??? ???? ?? ???? […]
March 22nd, 2013, 3:26 pm
Uzair8 said:
Abdullah ?@SyrianSmurf 9h
1 US dollar = 136 Lira today.
For reference:
*2 years ago 1 US dollar = 50.
*1 week ago 1 US dollar = 111
*2 days ago 1 US Dollar = 123
March 22nd, 2013, 3:32 pm
zoo said:
France and UK rebuffed again by EU about supplying arms to Syrian rebels.
Obviously the EU are unconvinced by this puppet government lead by a US citizen concocted by Qatar and Turkey with French blessing
Fabius said EU governments must agree on “how to stop Bashar Assad from continuing to bomb and massacre the Syrian population and the opposition.”
But the other 25 EU ministers rallied behind the cautionary views of Germany, which argues that increased aid to rebel-held areas should be confined to improving their access to water, power, food and medical care.
German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle said he accepted that Britain, France and the U.S. had “good reasons” for wanting to increase the ability of opposition forces to defeat Assad’s military following two years of civil war.
But he warned that sending weapons was likely to have unintended and negative consequences. He said more civilians would be killed in crossfire, and Western-supplied weapons could end up in the hands of anti-Western jihadists, who are being blamed for Thursday night’s mosque bombing.
“We are still reluctant on lifting the arms embargo,” Westerwelle said, adding, “We have to avoid a conflagration and we have to prevent that aggressive offensive weapons come into the wrong hands.
All emphasized that the EU would not consider easing its arms embargo on Syria until the end of May, when the existing restrictions are due to expire.
March 22nd, 2013, 3:35 pm
Uzair8 said:
A 10 min talk on the role of scholars in Syria:
In english from 1:46
March 22nd, 2013, 3:48 pm
Syrialover said:
This is very moving and disturbing. Our elderly are the soul of our society, they are part of us.
I imagine my own older relatives, who helped others all their lives when strong and whose age now makes them vulnerable and in need of care and protection.
Story: Older refugees at huge risk in Syria
‘Older people are often ignored during emergencies like this. The lucky ones who are not pushed out of the way in queues waiting for aid are often given packages that are too heavy to carry, difficult to open and contain food they find hard to digest.
March 22nd, 2013, 3:49 pm
zoo said:
It is true that the death of Al Buti has diminished by one the numbers of clerics that are moderates and who reject both the Salafism and the Moslem brotherhood, but it has certainly increased the number of moderate Sunnis who now support the struggle against fanatism and extremism that Bashsr al Assad and the Baath regime is now championing.
In fact the violent death of Al Buti has suddenly transformed Bashar al Assad from an authoritarian leader to the defender and the hero of a religiously moderate Syria in which the majority of Syrians recognize themselves.
It’s no more a political struggle for democracy, but a struggle against the dark forces of religious fanatism.
In Egypt the same fight is going on but unfortunately there have no strong leader with an army who could defeat the Moslem Brotherhood’s take over of the country.
March 22nd, 2013, 3:52 pm
AIG said:
As usual you fool yourself Zoo or you are just spouting propaganda. Everyone except you knows that the killing of Al-Buti is a huge slap in the face and humiliation for Assad because he could not protect his major ally or in fact he killed him. The Sunnis of Syria see that Assad cannot provide basic security and that he is not to be relied upon. They also see how he cannot stabilize the economy or the lira, another humiliating slap in the face.
March 22nd, 2013, 4:02 pm
zoo said:
No one seems interested anymore in helping the opposition in their cyberwar. Why?
Lacking international support, Syria’s rebel hackers are losing the cyber war
The Syrian Electronic Army is on the offensive, targeting rebels and activists in support of the Syrian government.
On Syria’s digital battlefield, hackers loyal to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad are defeating the rebels’ cyber militias.
Just as the Syrian opposition leans on the West to supply weapons and other military aid, rebel hackers depend on the international community to help bolster their tactics.
But even as the conflict reaches new stages of violence – more than 70,000 people have been killed so far – support among international hacker communities is waning.
But after several arrests and convictions, Anonymous’ OpSyria seems to have ground to a halt. Without wider international support, Assad’s Syrian Electronic Army’s dominion in the Syrian internet war is all but unchallenged.
March 22nd, 2013, 4:12 pm
Sami said:
“has suddenly transformed Bashar al Assad from an authoritarian leader to the defender and the hero”
Defender? Do you call bombing Syrian cities and murdering Syrians defending?
Only fools, genocide enthusiasts, rapists and murders would think Assad is a hero!
Do you even read the utter garbage you write! The Syrian people have been humiliated and reduced to begging from ungrateful neighbours all because of the fool you call your hero, our cities are being reduced to rubble while our towns are being wiped out all because of the fool you call a hero, our children are growing up with the soundtrack of war as their lullabies all because of your fool hero.
I am disgusted and feel debased knowing people like you are Syrian, it brings a whole new meaning to shame having supporters and perpetrators of genocide share my country.
March 22nd, 2013, 4:21 pm
zoo said:
Baby Abdullah dislikes Erdogan and Morsi: both seek absolute power
Abdullah to Obama, Watch Out for Brother Mursi
By Jeffrey Goldberg Mar 22, 2013 1:18 PM ET
King Abdullah II of Jordan, a member of the dwindling band of Arab leaders who have somehow stayed in power despite the rise of what he calls a “Muslim Brotherhood crescent” across the Middle East, made an acute observation to me recently about the tactical immaturity of the Brotherhood’s leadership.
We were talking about the rise of political Islam in the region when the king made an unflattering comparison between Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the Islamist prime minister of Turkey, and Mohamed Mursi, the Muslim Brother who is president of Egypt.
Abdullah made it clear that he doesn’t particularly like either Erdogan or Mursi but that he distrusts the Turk more because he is cannier. Both men seek absolute power, Abdullah believes, but Erdogan is taking a slower, more deliberate approach than Mursi. “Instead of the Turkish model, taking six or seven years — being an Erdogan — Mursi wanted to do it overnight,” he said
March 22nd, 2013, 4:26 pm
revenire said:
Assad has always been my hero and the hero of tens of millions of Syrians.
I am laughing because when this ends with Assad’s victory and reelection in 2014 there will be some very depressed posters here at SC.
You can smell their defeat now. Look how they post.
C’mon Assad send some Scuds today. Give us a present.
March 22nd, 2013, 4:36 pm
AIG said:
You do know that Goldberg is a Zionist and served in the IDF? Why are you quoting him? Have you no shame? I thought you boycott Zionists. It seems though that you do so only when it suits you, vile hypocrite.
March 22nd, 2013, 4:36 pm
revenire said:
All of Syria’s enemies are weaklings. Assad is the strong one – stronger than Obama or Netanyahu or Ergodan. This is so funny to watch.
All these apes said Assad would fall in two weeks. They’re so desperate they’re murdering 83 year old Sunni clerics to “free” Syria from “Alawi oppression” – I rub this in every SOB’s face I can.
I love SC!
March 22nd, 2013, 4:39 pm
AIG said:
“C’mon Assad send some Scuds today. Give us a present.”
To Israel or as usual at your own cities and people? I think the latter, so why do you say “us”? You are not Israeli. The SCUDs are only a present to Syria’s enemies if they are a present to anyone. Assad in his stupidity is wrecking Syria’s infrastructure and economy. He is the dumbest of the dumb and I guess that is why you like him.
March 22nd, 2013, 4:41 pm
Uzair8 said:
Recently we have seen some insult fellow SC users as ‘pigs’ and ‘dogs’ and more.
There are decent people on here who are not the type to respond in like and stoop to such a level with personal attacks. It puts them in an awkward situation. It’s not right.
Let’s hope it doesn’t become necessary to email Prof JL leading to bans.
March 22nd, 2013, 4:43 pm
AIG said:
“All of Syria’s enemies are weaklings.”
And that is why Assad controls Raqaa and the Golan and that is why Syria’s economy is the strongest in the region. Only a strong leader would fire SCUDs at his own cities. Bibi and Erdogan are just wimps and would never do that. Assad for Zionist of the Year!
March 22nd, 2013, 4:50 pm
revenire said:
Uzair8 if you need a shoulder to cry on I might be able to rustle up Bill Scherk for you but please don’t complain if he gets “grabby”.
Question: Don’t you support terrorism? I didn’t see a word said when the cleric was murdered. You’re an animal and expect to be treated as one.
We shall continue to call a spade a spade.
March 22nd, 2013, 5:15 pm
revenire said:
HNN Homs News Network
More results of the West’s idea of “Democracy”..
March 22nd, 2013, 5:23 pm
Visitor said:
“In fact the violent death of Al Buti has suddenly transformed Bashar al Assad from an authoritarian leader to the defender and the hero of a religiously moderate Syria in which the majority of Syrians recognize themselves.
It’s no more a political struggle for democracy, but a struggle against the dark forces of religious fanatism.”
Have you seen your shirk lately, WarrenZoo?
March 22nd, 2013, 5:35 pm
Majed97 said:
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The question is does he or anyone in that coalition have any control over the militants on the ground…
March 22nd, 2013, 5:38 pm
Uzair8 said:
#23 Revenire
I didn’t say a word about the murder of the Shaykh?
You must have missed it.
Yesterday was a heavy and hurtful day as were most days throughout the 2 year uprising. Yesterday evening felt particularly sad.
This was even before I read the claims about possible defection and regime responsibility.
March 22nd, 2013, 5:41 pm
revenire said:
The politics of labelling in Syria
Another pervasive tendency in mainstream media is to call Syrian opposition supporters “anti-regime activists”, while calling their counterparts “regime supporters”. This labelling misrepresents the much broader political ambitions of the “regime supporters” who may or may not support the government per se, but are united by a fear for their lives, the territorial integrity of their country, communal coexistence and the state’s secular character, among other concerns . By referring to them to as “regime supporters” they are stripped of agency and a political cause and reduced to sectarian Assad groupies. By this logic, the Syrian “anti-regime activists” should be called “Jabhit al-Nusra supporters”, since that is the side they have aligned with. Otherwise, those who support the Syrian Arab Republic should be called precisely that or at the very least be referred to as “anti-terrorist activists” or “anti-sectarianism activists”. And if the objection is that they are government sponsored or supported (which would be an overgeneralization) then I challenge them to show me one opposition activist NGO that is not funded by a foreign government. But balance, accuracy and fairness is as alien to western media as humanity is to the “opposition”.
March 22nd, 2013, 5:44 pm
Tara said:
Zoo@ 12
The suicide attack that killed the Buti if indeed carried by Al Nusra would not make the regime any less evil in the eyes of moderate Syrians. I hope you would eventually come to realize that.
March 22nd, 2013, 6:16 pm
ann said:
“”” A draft-dodging, Zionist friendly, right-wing Texan Islamist to lead Syria? Could the White House have dreamt for more? “””
Sure, but `natanyahu was not available for the job 😀
March 22nd, 2013, 6:18 pm
Visitor said:
AIG @2:24 PM
Your un-answered question:
What I was saying is that some people like Hitler, Mussolini…Assad etc. are possessed by Evil because they sold themselves to Evil. These individuals are Evil personified. They do the bidding of Evil unreservedly. These end up consumed by Evil.
Others who may die by other means who may have behaved shamefully in life, these we call sinners. Of course there are those who are honorable and die honorably; but I think we’re not talking about this category.
Do you call sin evil? Some people may say sin is caused by Evil. But the sinner may not be possessed by Evil completely and may be given lesser punishment after death.
If you are capable of making the distinction between the Evil possessed and the sinner, I think you should be able to deduce the principle behind it.
The Evil possessed ones like Hitler, Moussolini, Assad etc… definitely get consumed by Evil.
As an atheist, I think you do not believe in the afterlife. But the consumption by Evil will get carried over to the after life in he form of eternal damnation. That’s where Hitler is now and that’s where Assad will be soon, as well as Assad senior who is currently in the company of Hitler in eternal damnation.
March 22nd, 2013, 6:34 pm
Uzair8 said:
Another statement from Sh. Yaqoubi on yesterdays incident.
Syrian Regime kills Dr. Bouti
16 hrs ago
We strongly condemn the bombing of mosques and the killing of people inside them. We have no doubt that the regime is responsible for the killing of Dr. Bouti, as we have reliable information on this. In fact, we were working towards to convince him defect from the regime and move outside Syria. The last article we wrote refuting his stance entitled “To Dr Bouti: Wake up from Your State of intoxication” had reached him, and he had begun thinking seriously about breaking away. One of his inner circle was assisting in this effort, Dr. Bouti was preparing to declare something against the regime on Friday as a suprise. We have no doubt that the regime was listening in on all his discussions, and therefore decided to get rid of him.”
March 22nd, 2013, 6:36 pm
Tara said:
I think your fundamental problem is your failure to understand the real psych of the Syrian people which can be simply summarized by????? ??? ??????
This was not just a protest slogan. This what motivates every single one of us to continue resistance against the regime. You may have never believed that Syrians meant what they said. I don’t think you ever believed that Syrians felt humiliated. I think your view of Assad and Damascus being the pulsing heart if Arabism has clouded your judgement. It has clouded the judgement of many Arabs too. Thinking about Assad and the Baath regime fills you with “pride”. A pride that you think Syrians share too. While thinking about Assad and Batta fills Syrians with utter resentment recalling the tortured Daraa’s children, the slaughtering of the peaceful demonstrators, the bombardment of the the cities and towns, etc, etc.. I think that is where you miscalculated.
I am sure some Syrians are afraid that al Nusra may have carried the attack against Buti. Syrians are in no love with Buti but they do not condone terror acts when carried against civilians. I am sure the resentment of Takfiris is mounting but I do not think their resentment against Takfiris will make them any less resentful to the regime.
March 22nd, 2013, 6:45 pm
Uzair8 said:
Comments in response to the above (#32) demanded proof from the Shaykh regarding the claims.
The Shaykh’s response:
7 hrs ago
The information is based on contact with two people who support our position from the inside circle around Dr. Bouti. He showed respect for our views and proofs and we kept trying till our last article “To Dr. Bouti! Wake up from your state of intoxication”. It made a huge impact on the people around him and the several events.
March 22nd, 2013, 6:47 pm
revenire said:
Anyone claiming al-Bouti was not behind Assad and the government 1000% is a pig – al-Yaqoubi doesn’t belong in Syria or here.
March 22nd, 2013, 6:53 pm
Uzair8 said:
Statement from Yemeni scholar Shaykh Habib Ali who spoke to Shaykh Buti 2 weeks ago by phone.
Alhabib Ali Al Jifri
“To Allah we belong and unto Him we shall return”
News of our Shaykh, the Allama, the Imam, Muhammad Sa’id Ramadan al-Bouti’s passing reached us. On Friday night, during his weekly lesson, in the Jami’ al-Iman mosque of Damascus, from a criminal explosion in which his grandson Ahmad and a number of students of knowledge were also martyred. The hearts of those who cognise the value of the great have been ruptured with the news of this loss; a mountain of mountains and a luminary of the luminaries of knowledge.
I spoke to him on the phone two weeks ago and the last thing he said to me was: “Only a few days of my life remain and I shall breathe the air of Paradise; do not forget your brother in your prayers.”
March 22nd, 2013, 6:55 pm
Tara said:
“we’re still here, and we’re still doing things our way”. We are very good in propaganda. From walking in Paris to walking in Tijara neighborhood in Damascus. Time will come one of those day when they will face their crimes.
A video posted on YouTube by al-Assad’s office shows him driving up to the building in the al-Tijara neighborhood — at the wheel of his own car — on Wednesday and walking inside, alone, watched by families from balconies and apartments nearby.
It was the second public outing for the normally camera-shy al-Assad family in less than a week, after months out of the limelight: Asma al-Assad was spotted at a “Mother’s Rally” at the Damascus Opera House last weekend, scotching rumors she had fled the country for Russia, the UK or Jordan.
“Making sure she is seen in public, showing that she is still with him, supporting him is very important… it is part of the show of defiance, of them saying ‘We’re still here, and we’re still doing things our way.'”
March 22nd, 2013, 7:04 pm
revenire said:
Mr Uzair8 did you watch al-Bouti’s speeches? He called the so-called opposition SCUM. To say what you say now dishonors his memory.
March 22nd, 2013, 7:08 pm
Syria no Kandahar said:
???? ???? ?????? ???????? ?????? ????? ??????? ????? ?? ????? ?????
March 22nd, 2013, 7:12 pm
revenire said:
Asma and Bashar are the world’s greatest couple.
March 22nd, 2013, 7:13 pm
majedkhaldoun said:
As for Mr.Buti
I read comments by Ghufran who said that missiles ,lanched by rebels killed Buti, to do that the missiles has to go through the walls of the Mosque, there is no hole in the wall of the Mosque,and there is no damage to the carpet,and all the victims were killed by head and upper chest injury, so the fabrications that has been spread by low intelligent people is not going to convince anybody.
The security around the Mosque is clear in the video I showed,the only one can go through,is Shabbiha,or HA, or defecting soldier.
As for Buti himself, he said we have to protect our leader by Jihad even if he is tyrant and was unjust to his people and even if he committed major sins.
Clear Mr Buti did not understand Islam ,Jihad is against non mosslems ,fight against moslems is FITNA sedition, the prophet and Quraan said this is worse than murder and those who commit such act are in hell.
When Buti said you may pray with picture of Bashar as praying rug he was very silly, when he said Chafez is in heaven next to Hafiz he proved his stupidity.
It is up to God now, but Buti deserves no respect,and he was a shame to the Islamic Ulamaa, and Hassoun should expect the same fate as Buti.
Bashar and his father and his family are evil people, God said that he will give them time,but later God will take them in a powerful way,God is capable.
March 22nd, 2013, 8:10 pm
Ziad said:
???? ???? ?????? – ?????? ??? ????? ..!
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???? ???? ???
March 22nd, 2013, 8:51 pm
Johannes de Silentio said:
“Al-Buti, a decade ago, branded Islamic MP Muhammad Habash a “heretic” because he had claimed that the gates of paradise were open to Christians and Jews”
Al-Buti sounds like a real asshole. Which means he and Mossie would get along just fine…
A New Bashar Cartoon
March 22nd, 2013, 9:03 pm
Visitor said:
Looks like there are more developments that bode even more ill for Assad and his thugs than the killing of a mule the Assads used to ride upon to enslave Syrians for the last few decades, and once the mule became useless they just threw it to the dogs as they will throw many such mules in the coming months.
The government of Hezbos in Beirut has just fallen. This will deprive Assad of tremendous clout that he used to rely upon to bypass international sanctions and to ride backdoor trojan horses into the West.
Having fallen right after the killing of Buti, this should be viewed as a tremendous blow not only for Assadistan but also to Mullah-stan.
It seems to me that the GCC star is rising very high above the region while Mullah-stan and its stooges are receding towards irrelevance at lightening speeds.
March 22nd, 2013, 9:31 pm
zoo said:
As you admitted that you belong to the rich well “connected”
rich Sunni families who have plentifully benefited from the regime and you have lived all your life in high class areas, Malaki or other and in villas in Zabadani and Bludane, away from the real ‘peasants’ Syrians, I am not sure you qualify to have the monopoly of understanding the “psyche of the Syrians”.
During the forty years of the Assad, we have never seen a sunni suicide bomber killing a sunni preacher and sunnis devouts in a sunni mosque.
There is no doubt for me that the neutral sunnis are now all moving toward the legal government side to protect them from the extremists.
March 22nd, 2013, 9:59 pm
zoo said:
Yet another slap on Cameron and Hollande’s already red face, and the first humiliation for Sheriff Hitto
France, Britain fail to win easing of Syria arms ban
By Adrian Croft and Conor Humphries DUBLIN (Reuters) – France and Britain failed to persuade the European Union to back their call to lift an arms embargo on Syrian rebels on Friday despite warning that President Bashar al-Assad could resort to using chemical weapons.
Paris and London want to exempt Assad’s opponents from an EU arms embargo, a step they believe would raise pressure on Assad to negotiate after two years of a civil war that has claimed 70,000 lives. …
March 22nd, 2013, 10:12 pm
ALI said:
Three big developments during Obama’s visit to the region
– Kurds now sleeping with Turks by denouncing the armed resistance
– Turks now sleeping with Israelis by accepting the Israeli apoplogy of killing peace activists
– Sunni Lebanese prime minister resigns causing Hisbuallh government to collapse
Some ignorant peopel would suggest that these are big blows to Assad which is absolutely rubbish. However, yes such events indicate that the big war is coming no doubts maybe this year.
In reality the Zionists should be worried, and I advise them to take more photos before wiping the occupied Palestine off the map
March 22nd, 2013, 10:13 pm
Tara said:
Hey…Do you know more then one Tara(s) ? I get jealous you know..
I have never ever made any statement about my family being rich or poor. To the contrary, the only statement I ever made, is that I never felt fit with Damascense social elite.
If you’re talking to another rich Tara on some other blog, I will never talk to you again.
March 22nd, 2013, 10:18 pm
zoo said:
Syrian opposition’s interim PM ‘there to fulfill US agenda’
British journalist Neil Clark told RT.
RT: The new Prime Minister of the Syrian opposition is a naturalized US citizen – what do you think drove his election?
NC: It reminds me of the election of Mahmoud Jibril in Libya, where a similar scenario was used. Just like Mr Hasan Hitto (elected the head of the “Syrian transitional government” at an opposition meeting in Turkey) Mahmoud Jibril has spent many decades studying in the US. It was revealed by WikiLeaks from the US diplomatic cables that Jibril was an Al-Qaeda man, that he would be a sort of person to follow the US line.
And it is exactly the same scenario with Hitto, because he spent decades living in Texas, he’s got the US passport.
Of course the Americans want to make sure that if President Assad falls – they got their man in Damascus. So they handpicked him, he was voted for by 35 people. It is ludicrous to argue that this guy has the right to rule Syria, where President Assad, whether we support him or not, does have sizable support in the country. This is why he is still in power.
The US wants this man (Hasan Hitto) as a leader opposed to President Assad to take power and obviously to do things expected of him, which would be to open up the Syrian economy to the US multinationals corporations and of course to break up with Hezbollah and Iran
Because if President Assad was as unpopular as the US and Britain would like him to be, President Assad would be gone by now.
The fact is that he (President Bashar Assad) has sizable support in the country. People in Syria look at the rebels and say “No, thanks, we don’t want these people. They (opposition groups) are much divided, they don’t know what they want to get. What we are going to get if they take power is radical Islam”.
So the citizens of Syria are rallying behind the government. So [elected opposition leader] Hasan Hitto has an impossible task.
March 22nd, 2013, 10:20 pm
Visitor said:
I usually find Ali ignorant and obnoxious. But this time I must thank him for reminding us that, in addition to the rising star of GCC, the star of Turkey and 3ammo Erdogan are also rising at lightening speeds. (As @10:13PM.)
This only confirms that the Sunnis are THE Real Muslims, as I pointed out in a previous exchange with MajedK and WarrenZoo, and also confirms so-called Shiite are impstors to Islam, and if ever they gain some power, no matter how little it may be, yet it will soon become naught and a mirage because they are cursed by the prayer of none but Al-Hussein just before he died, as we can see in the following from none but the most authentic of Shiite sources,
??? ???? ?????? ??? ????? : ” ????? ?? ?????? ??? ??? ?????? ????? ( ?? ????? ???????? ) ??????? ????? ???? ? ? ?? ??? ?????? ???? ???? ? ????? ????? ???????? ? ?? ???? ????? ??????? ” { ??????? ?????? 241 ? ????? ????? ??????? 949? ??? ????? 18:2?38
??? ??? ????? ???? ?????? ” ???? ?????? ????? ????? ?? ??? ?????? ? ????? ?? ?????? ???? ?????? ?? ??????? ?????? ” { ????? ?????? 34:1 }.
?? ?????? ???? ?? ???? ? ??? ????? ?????? ??? ???? ?? ?????? ???? ??? ” ?????? ??? ????? ?????? ? ??? ??? ????? ???????? ? ?? ????? ???? ??????? ???? ??????? ?? ?????? ? ?? ????? ???? ??? ????? “{ ??????? ?????? 234 ? ????? ????? ?????? ????? 242}.
We must realize that being the beloved grand son of our Holy Prophet (PBUH), the prayers of Al-Hussain are CERTAINLY answered and granted by the Al-Mighty. We saw the proof throughout history, and we see it now at work right in front of our own eyes.
March 22nd, 2013, 10:28 pm
zoo said:
I am not sure if you suffer of a sudden amnesia, but you have repeated several times that your family is rich and well connected and that you lived in the high class areas of Damascus. You have invited Visitor and Majed to a celebration party in the villa of your relatives in Zabadani and you admitted you have never been to souk Hamidieh or any areas where ‘peasants’ Syrian live and work.
You have also added to you have “pity” for your rich family because they are corrupted and you don’t agree with them.
Therefore your claimed understanding of the ‘psyche’ of the Syrians is more than suspicious.
March 22nd, 2013, 10:30 pm
revenire said:
March 22nd, 2013, 10:34 pm
Tara said:
Nope. My memory is very sharp. I said I was born in Mezza. Mezza has poor and rich neighborhoods. I did not specify. You can’t make any conclusion. I initvited majed but not visitor. Yes, my family is very connected politically. That may not translate to being rich. I used and still use peasants as a derogatory qualifier to describe uneducated savage shabeehas who are subjugating people. I do not use “peasant” to describe the poor. I do pity my family members who support the regime out of greed and who are blinded by that greed. Whatever I said is not enough for drawing a conclusion about my family except they are connected in someway to this rotten regime.
March 22nd, 2013, 10:51 pm
zoo said:
After two years, has the Moslem Brotherhood failed the test of gouvernance? .
After smaller demonstrations since last weekend outside the headquarters, thousands of activists thronged to the building and battled Brotherhood supporters with birdshot, rocks, knives, sticks and their fists Friday. Gunshots were heard ringing in the neighborhood.
Three Brotherhood offices were ransacked by mobs in another Cairo neighborhood, in the second-largest city of Alexandria and in the Nile Delta city of Mahalla.
Egypt has faced near-constant turmoil in the more than two years since longtime, authoritarian leader Hosni Mubarak was overthrown in a revolt. His successor Mohammed Morsi, the country’s first democratically elected leader, has faced increasing frustration over what many see as attempts by his group to monopolize power and the slow pace of his efforts to reform the state and fulfill the revolution’s promises of better living standards and justice.
March 22nd, 2013, 10:54 pm
Visitor said:
“…can’t make any conclusion. I initvited majed but not visitor…….”
As if Visitor is sooooooooo eager to accept and face sophistry face to face. Oooooo’ nooooooo but thank you ma’am!!
I have many many nice verandas in Zabadani that I can visit any time with open arms from nice and beatiful Zabadanians, drink bitter coffee, order mana’eesh at will without having to suffer any pain….
But I would go to Maliki to see my dear brother Dr. Khaldoun anytime after thug is thrown away and enjoy a sip of pure tea instead of getting polluted with haram arak offenders to our sensibilities. I will also invite him to Tartous and take him on a tour to Arwad and have him launch and dine on exquisite samakeh 7harra and siyadiyyeh and you can eat your heart out with your ridiculous sophistry all by yourself and stupid warrenzoo. ?? ?????? ??? ??????? ???. I am sure Khaldoun would agree me with me but he is wayyyyyyy toooooo polite to say it.
Hopefully by that time our Nusra holy warriors would have cleansed Damascus and the rest of Syria of any arak/alcohol production/importing outfits. Onwards Nusra and other holy fighters. Do you guys (holy fighters) remember this thug Assad couple years before revolution sitting next to Ummayad Mosque in this restaurant serving all the haran abomination next to the mosque drinking haram wine and alcohol in front of all to see. You guys (holy warriors) are the best thing ever happened to our Syria. It is YOU who will cleanse of all this abomination which made Allah stop the rain for few years as a sign of His displeasure at all these sins displayed in public, and Syria will become once again pure and beautiful and the magnet of east and west as it has been throughout history.
March 22nd, 2013, 11:19 pm
Ghufran said:
“Depriving the regime of the sectarian card is crucial for its ouster and for negotiating a Syrian national covenant on the basis of a modern statehood and equal citizenship and justice,” the statement said.
About 150 Alawite figures, including activists and religious leaders, who were mostly forced to flee Syria for supporting the revolt, will attend the conference in Cairo, which will start on Saturday.
Alawites were prominent in a leftist Syrian political movement that was crushed by Assad’s father, Hafez al-Assad, in the 1970s and 1980s, along with Islamist opposition.
Among prominent Alawites currently in jail is free-speech advocate Mazen Darwish, who worked on documenting the victims of the crackdown against the revolt, and Abdelaziz al-Khayyer, a centrist politician who advocated peaceful transition to democratic rule.
Issam Ibrahim, a lawyer who is helping organize the conference, said the uprising had given the Alawites a chance to show the sect was not monolithic, and that it aspired like the rest of the population to live under a multi-party democracy, while fearing the rise of Islamist extremism.
Ibrahim recalled taking part in a pro-democracy demonstration at the beginning of the uprising in the Sunni district of al-Khalidiya in the central city of Homs when the protesters came under attack by a pro-Assad militia.
“A group of us took refuge in a house, and the house owner, who did not know I was Alawite, began cursing Alawites. When my comrades told him I was one, he came to me and gave me the keys to his house.”
“We are in a sectarian crisis and the political forces of the opposition are falling into a serious error by not discussing it,” Ibrahim, whose father was jailed for years under the rule of the elder Assad, told Reuters.
He said the document that would emerge from the conference “will affirm Alawite commitment to national unity and inter-communal existence and civic peace,” mirroring a stance the sect’s leaders took during French colonial rule in the 1920s in opposition to proposals for partition of the country.
“There is an Islamist current that is expanding at the expense of the democratic civic current, which needs to unite,” Ibrahim said. “We as Alawites are Syrians first. We are trying to be part of a real change.”
( I support the initiative but I am afraid it is too late to achieve anything)
I do not know how al- bouti was killed, I am , unlike some smart behinds on this blog, not an expert on suicide bombing or explosions, there is a number of theories about how the crime was executed, one thing for sure, trying to convince audience that the regime killed its most prominent Sunni sheik supporter is a hard sell to say the least, the finger prints of Takfiri Islamists are all over the place.
March 23rd, 2013, 12:14 am
apple_mini said:
I don’t see how Lebanon can be worse after the collapse of its government. The infiltration from the Sunni region has been none-stop. Yet, Lebanese army has done pretty much nothing to stop it.
Sunni in Lebanon know it well they cannot take over the country. HB is not losing ground. Christians feel more sympathy towards suffering of Christians in Syria, meanwhile threatened even more by radical Islamists.
All the significant change in Lebanon is those Sunni fighters and radicals are more agitated. But it has not changed the landscape, let alone the strategic map of Lebanon.
Kurds are not giving up their dream for their independence. Hence it won’t solve the potential clash with the rebels if the rebels are pushing deeper in their land. I don’t see Kurds will give up their position to succumb to Erdogan.
Israel and Turkey are already on the same boat on Syrian conflict. Their renewed alliance might be focusing on fighting against Jihadists.
Syria crisis started with impotence of the regime, then got aggravated by foreign meddling including Jihadists and international players. Now the rebels have morphed into a bloody wolf pack.
The regime is gaining more sympathy from moderate Sunni. The question is how to convert it to military advantage.
March 23rd, 2013, 12:55 am
revenire said:
March 23rd, 2013, 12:59 am
Syrian Atheist Against Dictatorships said:
#12 by ANN previous post, ANNA Syria coverage.
This Kapitan Khaled to the Russian guest (who obviously is some military hot shot coming to inspect Russia’s proteges in the Assadist army and assess how much more aid Russia should give):
????? ?? ??? ???? ????? = the country is not Bashar’s country (does not belong to Bashar) then lots of blabber about keeping the country whole…??? ?????? ???? One whole ideological army
But they have not bothered to translate for the honored guest or the viewers back in Russia what their true ideology was, scratched right there on the window behind the seat of honor prepared for the guest (most likely a couch pilfered from the house whose occupants have been kicked out):
????? ????? THANK YOU RUSSIA
Then below that -ready for it?- the true ideology of the Assadist Army they did not translate to Russian viewres:
????? ?? ?? ??? Al-ASSAD or NO ONE
March 23rd, 2013, 1:35 am
Syrian Atheist Against Dictatorships said:
#12 by ANN previous post, ANNA Syria coverage.
This Kapitan Khaled to the Russian guest (who obviously is some military hot shot coming to inspect Russia’s proteges in the Assadist army and assess how much more aid Russia should give):
????? ?? ??? ???? ????? = the country is not Bashar’s country (does not belong to Bashar) then lots of blabber about keeping the country whole…??? ?????? ???? One whole ideological army
But they have not bothered to translate for the honored guest or the viewers back in Russia what their true ideology was, scratched right there on the window behind the seat of honor prepared for the guest (most likely a couch pilfered from the house whose occupants have been kicked out):
????? ????? THANK YOU RUSSIA
Then below that -ready for it?- the true ideology of the Assadist Army they did not translate to Russian viewres:
????? ?? ?? ??? Al-ASSAD or NO ONE
March 23rd, 2013, 1:35 am
ann said:
Posting the same post twice is an act of desperation 😀
March 23rd, 2013, 1:41 am
annie said:
March 23rd, 2013, 1:53 am
ann said:
WARNING Gruesome Pictures of NATO’s Dead Mercenary Terrorists
(AKA Foreign Fighters By Western Media 😉 😉 )
these filthy animals were trying to cross into syria from lebanon on their way to terrorist paradise 😉
March 23rd, 2013, 1:56 am
ann said:
Riding Syria’s Express To Terrorist Paradise
WARNING: Dead Blood Thirsty Al-Qaeda Filthy Animal Mercenary Terrorists
Did I call them Al-Qaeda? How careless of me, what I meant to say was “foreign fighters” / “foreign jihadists” 😉
March 23rd, 2013, 2:15 am
Sami said:
Link to the article pasted by Ghufran for Khaled Yacoub Oweis latest about Alawites meeting in Cairo.
It is never too late Ghufran, after all isn’t Syria worth saving?
March 23rd, 2013, 2:29 am
ann said:
Tunisian Blood Thirsty Abu Zayd Exposes the Filth of the FSA after his Return to Tunisia 😀
Abu Zayd, who had previously appeared in a documentary on “foreign jihadists” [Mercenaries] in Syria, has now returned to his home country and is giving interviews on Tunisian TV station al-Tunisiyya while exposing the “Free Syrian Army” (FSA), whom he says the vast majority are basically misguided thieves who love money and are only motivated by self-interest.
March 23rd, 2013, 2:33 am
Juergen said:
A nun talks about the destruction of church property in the Latakia region
March 23rd, 2013, 3:05 am
ann said:
Anonymous releases thousands of alleged records of Israeli officials – March 22, 2013
Anonymous has struck again in its ongoing campaign against Israeli forces, this time by releasing thousands of names, ID numbers, email addresses and geographic data allegedly corresponding to Israeli politicians, IDF officers and even Mossad agents.
It appears that Anonymous has struck again in its ongoing cyber-war against the state of Israel, this time with the release of a batch of thousands of names, ID numbers, email addresses and geographic information which allegedly correspond to Israeli politicians, IDF officers, and even Mossad agents.
RT has viewed the spreadsheets but has not yet been able to verify the legitimacy of the data, which has quickly garnered thousands of views as the documents spread via social media.
Dubbed “#OpIsrael” on Twitter, various collectives of the amorphous Anonymous community are targeting official Israeli web domains, evidently causing intermittent disruption to the official website of spy agency Mossad via a self-described “sophisticated DDoS” attack.
March 23rd, 2013, 3:07 am
Juergen said:
The Cost of the Syrian Uprising: Shaykh Al-Bouti
“Seldom has there been a figure that in the midst of war would have found mourners for his death on all sides of the conflict.”
March 23rd, 2013, 3:17 am
ann said:
Great News For Al-Qaeda Posters and Their Supporters On This Blog!
A New Gitmo Paradise Club Resort 😀
Special Islamists Group Rates! Don’t let this opportunity pass you by! Lock in the savings! Space is limited! Book now!
March 23rd, 2013, 3:19 am
Juergen said:
The Dom: Syria’s Invisible Refugees
“But one ethnic minority has undergone more than its share of suffering — both during the current fighting and for centuries preceding it — and few outside of Syria know much about it. The group is known as the Dom and it has been a presence in Syria since before the Ottoman Empire.”
Muslim Brotherhood Holds Sway
Over Syrian Opposition
March 23rd, 2013, 3:20 am
ann said:
It’s Getting Crowded in Terrorist Paradise 😉
Allahu Akbar!
March 23rd, 2013, 3:38 am
ALI said:
Visitor, Khaldoun, Tara,
Could you please take your filthy invitations to each other away from this forum?
????? ?? ?? ??? Al-ASSAD or NO ONE
March 23rd, 2013, 3:40 am
apple_mini said:
After the rebels put a violent death to 85 years old Al-buti who had been a true scholar and spiritual leader to many open-minded Sunni and other Muslim and non-Muslim, the opposition and the rebels no longer have an iota pretense on moral high ground.
The violent death came with another 49 innocent lives right inside a mosque. How couldn’t anyone who had a little hope before for any positive outcome after this revolution immediately make a painful conclusion: the opposition and the rebels are working together to pull the country with all of her people and heritage to the dark age abysmal.
If the regime had been spending over 40 years to manage oppressing any political freedom and equal opportunity for general prosperity, the opposition and the rebels just managed to catch up the atrocity and calamity within a little more than two years.
Even worse, the intensity of violence from the regime would never be able to match up the Islamic radicals whose mentality go like this: drinking bears more sin than killing others who do not share the same religious pedigree.
March 23rd, 2013, 4:28 am
Juergen said:
Obama: post-Assad Syria of Islamist extremism is nightmare scenario
President warns ‘extremists thrive in chaos’ as he resists US lawmakers’ calls to involve US any deeper in Syrian uprising
“Something has been broken in Syria, and it’s not going to be put back together perfectly immediately, even after Assad leaves,” Obama said. “But we can begin the process of moving it in a better direction, and having a cohesive opposition is critical to that.”
March 23rd, 2013, 7:19 am
Juergen said:
Noam Chomsky on the ME and Syria
March 23rd, 2013, 7:29 am
Syrialover said:
Arrogant childish idiots of al Nusrah!
Photo: “Wahhabi-wannabe Jabhat Al Nusra’s Shariaa Council took down Al Battani’s statue in liberated Raqqa City,Syria ”
COMMENT: They should be rounded up, forced to restore the damage and then sent back home overseas to their mothers (and hopefully, to face arrest as suspected terrorists in their home countries).
Their dumb escapist fantasies are an insult to Islam and the Arab world.
March 23rd, 2013, 7:56 am
apple_mini said:
Tartus countryside: An explosive device has been exploded underneath the railway near al-Basatin Bridge, resulted in martial damages.
Great work, Rebels! While the funeral proceeding for Al-Buti is tearing the hearts and souls of Syrians, Syrian rebels teaming with foreign Jihadists are tearing this country apart piece by piece.
Railroad has no longer been in service for over a year now after those “revolutionists” started attacking it. Those infrastructures have no political or religious standing. Destroying them makes no sense except exasperating more burdens to war torn Syria in the future.
What is it in that backward Syrians’ mind? What are they trying to achieve? Destroying live and legend symbols of cultures and heritage of Syria, then bombing up what is needed for people and the society truly is showing us what kind of threat the country is facing. Those people are replacing what Syria used to have by caveman “culture”.
March 23rd, 2013, 7:58 am
Juergen said:
I found this disturbing video of a school in northern Aleppo, to my knowledge Ibleb and Aleppo have a reputation of being very conservative but this is more than conservative.
March 23rd, 2013, 8:01 am
Juergen said:
They want to bury Sheikh al Bouti in the garden next to the tomb of Salahedin. I wonder if they have eraded the graves for three turkish pilots who died in the 1st World War for that purpose, would suit them well.
March 23rd, 2013, 8:09 am
Jasmine said:
Juergen @79
Those are Israel’s new neighbors,and don’t say that we didn’t warn you !
March 23rd, 2013, 8:13 am
Juergen said:
I dont worry about Israel, they can defend themselves. Two things are certain, Assad and the regime will perish and those islamic crossdressers will not prevail in Syria.
March 23rd, 2013, 8:17 am
Syrialover said:
I agree. Very disturbing, but this type of bizarre extremist theatre is only achieved by placing communities under threat.
As I keep saying, watch these “holy warriors” bawl for their home governments to rescue them when they find the game is over and they become fugitives in a difficult situation.
March 23rd, 2013, 8:23 am
Syrialover said:
Dear ALI,
Those Alawites meeting in Cairo – are you wishing them well or do you wish them to hell?
March 23rd, 2013, 8:26 am
Juergen said:
” Our knowledge has made us cynical, our cleverness hard and unkind. We think too much, we feel too little”
Charlie Chaplins great speech, with arabic subtitles
March 23rd, 2013, 8:31 am
Syrialover said:
APPLE-MINI #74 said by mistake:
“After the rebels put a violent death to 85 years old Al-buti who had been a true scholar and spiritual leader to many open-minded Sunni and other Muslim and non-Muslim…”
It was the ASSAD regime agents who killed him.
The evidence is plentiful and clear enough for even young children to see that. There is zero evidence to the contrary.
March 23rd, 2013, 8:33 am
Hopeful said:
In the midst of darkness, it is nice to remind ourselves of the ingenuity and sense of humor of Syrians.
I think even Assad’s supports will find this to be clever and funny!
March 23rd, 2013, 8:33 am
Syrialover said:
In #74 APPLE_MINI said by mistake:
“After the rebels put a violent death to 85 years old Al-buti who had been a true scholar and spiritual leader to many open-minded Sunni and other Muslim and non-Muslim…”
It was the ASSAD regime agents who killed him.
The evidence is plentiful and clear enough for even young children to see that. There is zero evidence to the contrary.
March 23rd, 2013, 8:35 am
Juergen said:
Radio Interview with Father Paolo
Great that Humor at least not a victim in Syria.
March 23rd, 2013, 8:41 am
Tara said:
The video is disturbing. It is a real and present danger. We do not want to move from Assad or wiill burn the country to al Nusra or will burn the country. Very sad.
That is why Islamists on this blog do not care about the West arming the rebels and do not support the government in exile so the Nusra keeps the upper hand.
The defeat of al Assad is inevitable. Minorities more than anyone else should beg the West to arm the FSA and should support the moderate elements in the opposition otherwise we may also see little Christian girls wearing Niqab in the class too for its “homogeneous” calming effect.
March 23rd, 2013, 8:45 am
Jasmine said:
Juergen @ 82
I still think that it was not about removing Assad entirely,it is about weakening Syria,it is about Iran ,it is about Shiites and Sunnis,it is about these creepy Saudis,and I hope that these phantoms will vanish soon
It is time for a proper revolution!
March 23rd, 2013, 8:46 am
Observer said:
This article is a nice read about the gas exploration at stake in the area and how the conflict in Syria may have at least this element in explaining the regionalization of the conflict.
I must confess that I never thought the revolution would continue and spread and I must confess I never thought the regime would be so brutal and depraved.
Now if the Alawi community is willing to negotiate it means it has concluded that its survival is no longer tied to that of the regime.
March 23rd, 2013, 8:59 am
Syrialover said:
The disgusting subhuman Assad regime continues to find new ways to insult humanity.
First they arrange his killing, then they give him a hijacked staged funeral with fake mourners:
“DAMASCUS, Syria — Supporters of President Bashar Assad gathered in downtown Damascus amid tight security on Saturday for the funeral of one of Syria’s best-known clerics who was assassinated in a brazen mosque bombing earlier this week.
“Security forces sealed off all roads leading to the eighth century Omayyad Mosque where the funeral for Sheik Mohammad Said Ramadan al-Buti, an 84-year-old pro-government cleric, was held.
(It gets worse, Hezbollah and Iranians are star mourners!)
March 23rd, 2013, 9:01 am
AIG said:
“Juergen @79
Those are Israel’s new neighbors,and don’t say that we didn’t warn you !”
Why don’t you just come out and say it: Assad is good for Israel because he is a Zionist.
March 23rd, 2013, 9:01 am
Jasmine said:
AIG @94
If you really think that Assad is Zionist,why you were trying to get red of him,shouldn’t you be looking after your interest ?
Why don’t you admit it that you are scared from the unknown now?or the very well known but you refused to see it.
March 23rd, 2013, 9:12 am
Ghat Al Bird said:
This is not good news for some including Israel. A news report in the Guardian website is headlined;-
Maybe thats why a huge zionist rally will take place in America next month;-
To keep Ben Gurion dream alive;-
From the beginning, Zionists advocated a “Jewish State” not just in Palestine, but also in Jordan, southern Lebanon, and the Golan Heights as well. In 1918 Ben-Gurion described the future “Jewish state’s” frontiers in details as follows:
“to the north, the Litani river [in southern Lebanon], to the northeast, the Wadi ‘Owja, twenty miles south of Damascus; the southern border will be mobile and pushed into Sinai at least up to Wadi al-‘Arish; and to the east, the Syrian Desert, including the furthest edge of Transjordan” (Expulsion Of The Palestinians, p. 87) Click here to view the “Greater Israel” map that was submitted by the Zionists to the peace conference after WWI
March 23rd, 2013, 9:17 am
Juergen said:
Father Paolo has said while he was in Berlin ,that he is talking with Kurdish leaders to join the revolution and guard especially the minorities like Christians, Druze and the Alawites. He has joined an newly formed NGO called Relief and Reconciliation for Syria. They already prepare to train personnel to move into Syria and establish peace centers to prohibit any hate and revenge related massacres which are feared to take place in an post Assad Syria.
Honestly I am sick and tired of this reading in between the lines and coming always up with the same mantra: Its the geopolitics, stupid! I would like to remind you, yes in the beginning it was all about dignity and respect and freedom. Once the regime pulled the trigger on innocent people the regime digged their own grave. Syrians never have thought in such categories like Sunni vs Shia, that is an obsession by western scholars and by the wahabi/salafi movement.
March 23rd, 2013, 9:17 am
zoo said:
In Syria, Western Illusions Lead to Ill-Advised Action
The signs are now unmistakable: both openly and behind the scenes, a major Western effort to bring the Syrian civil war to a close with the defeat of the Assad regime is now underway. This is being undertaken with intentions of ending the stalemate in the war, and of preventing the dominance within the rebel camp of extreme, jihadi elements.
All this adds up to an unannounced change of direction by the West, which wants to bring the war in Syria to a conclusion as quickly as possible.
Will it work? Almost certainly not.
The obstacles to the success of this effort are formidable. To recap, its goals are: 1) the defeat of Assad, and; 2) the prevention of Islamist/jihadi predominance among the rebels.
Lets take each of these in turn.
At the present time, Assad’s forces do not appear anywhere near to collapse. He has benefited over the last two years from the tireless efforts of his own international backers — Russia and Iran (with the secondary efforts of Iranian region allies and clients, most importantly the government of Iraq and the Lebanese Hizballah). There are no indications that these backers are considering withdrawing support.
Assad’s army has suffered setbacks in recent weeks. Rebels now control much of Deraa province in the south. Further north, the rebels captured Raqaa, a provincial city of 250,000 inhabitants. This success was surely aided by the new, superior weaponry. However, neither of these gains affect the main contours of the war. Still under Assad control: the key areas of Damascus and its environs; the mainly Alawi western coastal area; the highway between them; the cities of Homs and Hama and about half of the city of Aleppo; and other urban areas dotted around the country.
Regarding the issue of Islamist dominance of the rebellion: controlling the distribution of arms among the myriad networks of which the Syrian rebellion consists is probably impossible. Syria-watchers have already unearthed photographic and video evidence showing weapons of the type introduced into Syria by the Croatia deal in the hands of jihadi and Salafi-Islamist fighters in various parts of the country. These include some of the most extreme elements, such as Ahrar al-Sham, a Salafi force prominent in the Aleppo area.
There is also little reason to believe that the men doing the fighting on the ground will see themselves beholden to something calling itself the “provisional government.” The rebels have already begun to put in place a variety of their own Islamic organs of governance in the areas the regime has left. And of course, the head of the so-called “provisional government” is himself a man with connections to Islamist organizations.
In short, the level of increased involvement which the U.S. and its allies appear to prefer is highly unlikely to produce either the defeat of Assad or the emergence of a coherent, Western-aligned insurgency.
It represents the reinforcing of the illusions that currently govern Western policy on the Middle East.
March 23rd, 2013, 9:19 am
AIG said:
Your claim is basically that Assad is better for Israel than whatever will replace him. Right?
It seems you want Israel to save Assad.
March 23rd, 2013, 9:20 am
apple_mini said:
#93 I really feel sorry for you and your opposition people. When facing atrocities committed by your rebels friends, not only you revolutionists cowardly shy away from confronting and condemning those barbarian rebels/Islamists, but also you people make up moronic accusation to blame the regime.
That kind of conspiracy theory is so lame, it is on par with accusing Bush was behind 9.11.
Come on, show us just a little courage and decency so we know there are at least few opposition members who could still be reasoning and functioning with average modesty.
March 23rd, 2013, 9:22 am
revenire said:
Here is how the “opposition” views the death of al-Bouti:
“The 47th ?@THE_47th 1h
They are burying the fucker in grand Omayyad Mosque next to Saladdine?! #BoutiFuneral #Syria”
“MohaNNad Rachid ???? ?@TheMoeDee 21 Mar
I’m happy bouti is dead.”
Those are just two. I can go on and on and on.
Nice huh?
March 23rd, 2013, 9:25 am
Syrialover said:
Thanks for the welcome update on good guy Father Paolo, I had lost sight of him.
He’s now spreading the word from Irqi Kurdistan, eh?
He’s got a lot of work to do in Iraq. Many Iraqi Christians at home and abroad have been disgracefully, unshakeably pro-Assad and indifferent to the people of Syria through this crisis.
I think it’s true to say they are “political Christians” and have little in common with the beliefs and values of mainstream Christianity and Father Paolo.
March 23rd, 2013, 9:26 am
Jasmine said:
Juergen @ 97
The real and proper revolution hasn’t started yet,and you seems to agree that what happened in Syria for the last 2 years was a mélange between geopolitics and abuse of religion and Ideology and a real call for democracy.
AIG@ 99
You are twisting the meaning of my words,it was you who is making the claim.
March 23rd, 2013, 9:34 am
Syrialover said:
#100 APPLE_MINI are you talking to me?
I don’t think you read my posts. I am strongly critical of al-Nusrah and sympathetic to everyone who is suffering in this nightmare, including many who find themselves fighting in the Syrian army.
I am also no fool, and the forensic and circumstantial evidence surrounding the al-Buti killing (which among other things left the mosque and even the victims mysteriously free of bomb blast damage) point to a classic badly staged stunt by the regime.
March 23rd, 2013, 9:38 am
zoo said:
Obama gave Netanyahu the green light on Iran
There are signs President Obama and Prime Minister Netanyahu have come to some sort of private understanding over Iran. I think Obama gave Netanyahu a green light to do whatever Israel has to do to stop Iran. America will give Israel the advanced weapons it needs for a preemptive strike against Iran’s nuclear sites, but will not join in that fight. Obama said, “we’ve got your back,” but did not say “we’ll be with you shoulder to shoulder should fighting break out.”
Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2013/03/22/obama-gave-netanyahu-green-light-on-iran/#ixzz2ON11wFwj
March 23rd, 2013, 9:43 am
Observer said:
Well you cannot have the cake and eat it too Mr. Obama
You cannot dissociate from the region after the debacle and defeat in Iraq and withdraw from the region while its autocratic regimes are falling one by one and then at the same time want to “manage” the outcome of such revolutions.
The regime in Syria painted the opposition with an Islamist hue and accused them immediately of terror and of being mercenaries and foreign jihadists and actually perpetrated massacres and ethnic cleansing to trap the minorities to its fate and to try to reenact the 82 narrative.
It failed, now the genie is out of the box and neither the US nor Russia are going to be able to put it back in.
Today division 38 fell to the rebels and another check point with its weapons fell as well and the videos today show several tanks one after the other being blown up in Darayya and new fighting has erupted in Aleppo.
The revolution has taken a life of its own. Now when I listen to Alalam or Manar and read their contents it seems that they are quite concerned about the rise of the Salafist jihadists amongst the Sunnis. Well like Obama you cannot have the cake and eat it too, you cannot call for an Islamic revival and call for Islamic revolution and deny it to the others. You cannot show the Muslim world how your religious based ideological revolutionary fervor and actions in defeating the IDF and creating a deterrent to its aggression and then not expect those same Muslims to emulate you in their struggle. You cannot ask them to be free of secular ideology that divided Arabs and Muslims and at the same time ally yourself with a fundamentalist secular regime in Syria.
There will be in the face of oppression and despair and destruction a return to the roots of the society and this will be Islam. What kind of Islam and how it will solve the pressing problems is another area of debate.
Arguing that fear of this new phenomenon is reason to keep the old system is bogus. Arguing that Saddam’s security reign is better than today’s chaos is no argument at all. It is a racist argument, for people across the globe deserve better in both cases.
The people will sort it out. Israel now after asking the Palestinians to legitimize the theft of their land by recognizing it is asking them to legitimize their exclusion so that the apartheid state they are implementing will not be criticized for what it is.
I think Zionism has turned out to be as despicable as Nazism after all.
How can a Jewish person with a straight face ask the victim of theft and rape of his land to legitimize the rape and the theft and now the very existence of that person on his own land as a full citizen.
Here in the US you would go to jail if you were to assign a job based on creed or gender or age or race and in Israel they want it to be the norm and to have the victim of such discrimination legitimize it.
Zionism is an abomination and will be defeated. The Arab revolutions are cleaning up house first before they clean up the whole region.
If Israel thinks it can attack Iran to create a defeat of Islam as it did Arabism in 67 it is sorely mistaken.
The Israelis need to know: me and my brother against my cousin and me and my cousin against the stranger. People will rally to Iran if it is attacked.
But hey stupidity and greed and evil are universal including in Israel.
March 23rd, 2013, 9:45 am
Tara said:
Another air base in southern Syria was liberated.
The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, which has a network of sources among activists across Syria, said among those killed was the base commander after a two-week battle for the site in Deraa, a province bordering Jordan where initially peaceful protests against Assad set off Syria’s two-year uprising.
“Fighters from the Nusra Front, Yarmouk Martyrs Brigade, and other battalions seized control of the 38th division air defense base, near the town of Saida on the Damascus-Amman highway, after 16 days of fierce clashes,” the Observatory said.
March 23rd, 2013, 9:45 am
zoo said:
Europe’s Latest Export: Jihadists
By Soeren Kern
More than 1,000 Muslims from across Europe are currently active as Islamic jihadists, or holy warriors, in Syria, which has replaced Afghanistan, Pakistan and Somalia as the main destination for militant Islamists seeking to obtain immediate combat experience with little or no official scrutiny.
As the number of European jihadists in Syria grows, European officials are beginning to express concerns about the threat these “enemies within” will pose when they return to Europe.
March 23rd, 2013, 9:45 am
zoo said:
Will the opposition get the seat of Syria in the Qatar dominated Arab league as promised, or it will only get a tap in the back?
The Arab League called on the National Coalition on March 6 to form an executive body to take up Syria’s seat and take part in the summit.
But Lebanon distanced itself from the decision, while Algeria and Iraq expressed reservations.
In all, nine of the bloc’s other 21 members retain diplomatic missions in Damascus — Algeria, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Oman, Palestine, Sudan and Yemen — despite its decision last November to recognise the National Coalition as the legitimate representative of the Syrian people.
The opposition alliance has begun steps to form an executive body to administer rebel-held territory inside Syria, electing Ghassan Hitto as interim premier at a meeting in Turkey on Tuesday.
But a League official said the National Coalition needed to go further. Hitto’s election “is important but is not enough,” he said, speaking on condition of anonymity.
“We are still waiting for the formation of the interim government.”
Hitto will be among the opposition delegates addressing the Doha summit, National Coalition member Ahmed Ramadan told AFP.
“We will be represented by interim Prime Minister Ghassan Hitto, National Coalition head Ahmed Moaz al-Khatib, and the chief of staff of the (rebel) Syrian Free Army, General Selim Idriss,” Ramadan said.
“For the first time ever, the delegation should be addressing the Arab summit.”
March 23rd, 2013, 9:54 am
zoo said:
#107 Tara
You mean occupied by Jihadists?
March 23rd, 2013, 9:59 am
AIG said:
Dear Observer,
“Zionism is an abomination and will be defeated. The Arab revolutions are cleaning up house first before they clean up the whole region.”
You know where to find us. We will be waiting for the “clean up”. As I always told the regime idiots, you have every right to fight us if you want, but don’t complain if the results are not to your liking. You want a war, be prepared to live with its consequences. No whining afterwards. I suggest you wait a few decades until your economy and technology are on par with Israel, but hey, knock yourself out, as they say.
As for Zionism, it is a fact that it is the most successful ideology in the middle east by far. Just look at the results. Israel is quiet and prosperous while all its neighbors are in turmoil to say the least. Israel has a thriving economy while Syria, Egypt, Jordan and Lebanon are in dire straits. Israel has by far the most advanced technology in the region and is a world technology leader.
March 23rd, 2013, 10:09 am
Tara said:
At this point the rebels have no choice other than to align themselves with jihadists who own the weapons. Many reports in the past told us Syrians grew beards and put on Islamic grabs to appease the weapons sponsors. I do not blame them.
March 23rd, 2013, 10:12 am
Tara said:
Thanks for your nice words the other day.
March 23rd, 2013, 10:14 am
apple_mini said:
#104 Enough for me. I tried, I really did.
Guess it is impossible to display logic towards the opposition. 50 people died, over 80 injured and the regime was able to cover it up to fool those victims and their families. Yet, you opposition members can discover the stunt by just looking at some pictures published by SANA which is the official news service of the regime.
What can I say? At least one thing you and me can agree upon, Syrians who are not on either sides just won’t buy your conspiracy theory. People draw simple conclusion based upon motives and methods.
March 23rd, 2013, 10:15 am
AIG said:
Let’s see you use your own logic: Who killed Hariri in your opinion?
March 23rd, 2013, 10:17 am
AIG said:
I really hope that there are many that think like you in Syria and the Arab world because the amount of crazy people you need to deal with is huge and you will need all the help you can get.
March 23rd, 2013, 10:21 am
mjabali said:
Tara is drunk again.
The type of Islam that invading Syria is dangerous. It is not some guys pretending and letting their beards grow. It is deeper and more complicated than this. You, are trying to pretend this firebrand Islam does not exist. Stop hitting the bottle this early and see the freaks who are around.
Still waiting for you to stand up for women after being pushed to the sides.
tsk tsk tsk…. learn from “peasant” women how you have a voice…
March 23rd, 2013, 10:28 am
Tara said:
Hitto-Idriss-al Khatib.
I have no problem with this ticket.
March 23rd, 2013, 10:30 am
Observer said:
Zionism has morphed from a liberation movement into a racist exclusivist ideology.
Success was also attributed to Nazism after the debacle of the Weimar Republic
If you and the millions of Jews want to come and live in the holy land for whatever reason you are most welcome to do so and let us do it like the WASP did it in the US
Secular non religious unified federated area of the ME with freedom and justice for all.
After all, my jewish friends remember the time when certain posts and universities were off limits to jews here in the US.
Let us do it with a combination of US minded constitution and a EU economic union.
Zionism and Salafism will go down the dustbin of history.
Remember the establishment of the state of Israel has no legal basis for the UN charter forbids dividing countries, the mandate power Britain had no legality to promise anything, Balfour declaration was illegal and even if implemented had prejudiced the Palestinians and the ethnic cleansing that followed was and remains a war crime.
The war of aggressions that Israel waged are all illegal and even threat of war with Iran is illegal
The Nuremberg trials established that the ultimate war crime is a crime of aggression for it permits all other crimes. Iran has never attacked Israel and the declarations of its President referred to the Occupation of Jerusalem as a condition that need to be abolished. Not wiping any body off the map.
Your entity has more than 200 nuclear warheads and does not want anyone in the region to have a deterrent effort against it, well tough luck you will have to live in a nuclear area eventually and you will have to give citizenship to the Palestinians and you will have to abandon apartheid policies of your exclusivist ideology.
If you think the turmoil is going to spare you you must be as delusional as the head of the regime in Syria
Again being anti zionist and anti apartheid does not mean being pro regime or pro salafism
One fact that has changed for ever is the idea of the IDF carrying the fight immediately to the outside of Israel and to the attacker’s territory this is long gone. Your interior is as vulnerable as your neighbors’ interior now
If Iran attacked Israel without a reason, then it would be taken to the ICC and declared a war criminal and likewise should be the case for Israel. Iran never attacked Israel.
Also it is clear in 2006 that not only you could not bring the end to your satisfaction but the Israeli soldier showed that he/she are not interested in fighting any longer like your older generation did. They are interested in sipping drinks on the beach.
If you do not see that your system of apartheid is finished then I would advise you to call the prehtident of thouria for advise on how to spin it.
Your economic success does not justify the complete moral depravity of an exclusivist ideology that promotes apartheid. Hitler rebuilt Germany and many thought like you that it was the most successful ideology and flocked to its propaganda machine.
Your are certainly more intelligent than that.
Finally the era of armies waging war on you is over, you are going to have a multitude of factions and non state actors that will fight you by a variety of means not all of which are armed until you evolve and accept the others in your midst.
Remember this: we are not native americans that can be put in reservations and forgotten.
It may take one hundred or more years but like you we never forget and sometimes we forgive.
March 23rd, 2013, 10:31 am
mjabali said:
Hajji Observer:
Still waiting to see any secular anti Assad group that is organized? The only ones who are showing up are the loud mouth Islamists. Unless the Syrian seculars lead the way destruction is the end result in Syria and around Syria.
?? ??? ????? ?????????? ????? ??? ?????? ????. ????? ??????? ?? ?????????? ???? ???? ?????????? ????? ?? ??? ??? ?????? ?????? ?????? ????????..
March 23rd, 2013, 10:33 am
AIG said:
I appreciate the fact that what you are saying comes from a good place and your intentions are good.
But I have heard the same tired words hundreds of times and the reason they sound delusional to me is that I just look around and what do I see? I see Arab countries that are removed from the ideal you describe as removed can be.
If you want anyone in Israel to even start listening to you, make ONE Arab country come close to the ideal you describe. If you cannot do that in ONE country of your own, why should we listen to you? Make ONE Arab country democratic and liberal and tolerant, and then we will talk.
March 23rd, 2013, 10:40 am
revenire said:
From the funeral of martyr al-Bouti…
Bishop al-Kouri: We Will Never Fall before Israel Because of Our Faith
For his part, Patriarchal Vicar of the Roman Orthodox Church, Bishop Luqa al- Khoury, said “They killed scholar al-Bouti because he taught the world of right, he who had always known the right, and because he wanted to unite Christianity and Islam.”
“Scholar al-Bouti was not only for Islam, but he was also a word of amity and peace,” Bishop al-Khoury added.
He addressed US President Barack Obama saying “Israel is not strong. We are the strong due to our faith and love for our land, and if you give Israel all the tools of war you possess, we will never fall due to our faith and love for our land,” reiterating that Syria will always be proud any where any time because it is strong.”
March 23rd, 2013, 10:42 am
revenire said:
Tara expresses her support for the murderers of al-Bouti every single day.
March 23rd, 2013, 10:44 am
Tara said:
Uncle Mjabali,
One should not assert him/herself by exchanging insults. It is not my style.
And I suspect you are only looking for a show down for live entertainment purpose. I am really completely not interested.
March 23rd, 2013, 10:45 am
Johannes de Silentio said:
“Obama gave Netanyahu the green light on Iran”
A New Bashar Cartoon:
March 23rd, 2013, 10:57 am
revenire said:
Decisive Battle of Aleppo -1- (Translated)
The battle of Aleppo countryside, Syrian Arab Army, Syrian People and Syrian State vs herds of NATO sponsored Al Qaeda terrorists, see how the Syrian Arab Army delivered a decisive blow to the tens of terrorist groups and their commanders in NATO stations in Turkey, Jordan, Israel and Lebanon, in addition to the German spying ship in the international waters off the Syrian coast, 3 satellites covering the region 24/7 and they couldn’t see the Syrian Army on the ground changing the battle from defense into offense and winning it.
March 23rd, 2013, 11:04 am
Ghat Al Bird said:
@118. Disbelief or planned all along?
According to Congressional staffers, both Tel Aviv and the White House are pinching themselves in disbelief over their good luck with installing republican leaning conservative Dixie businessman, the congenial, Ghassan Hitto, as Syria’s new interim Prime Minister.
Securing the key position for Mr. Hitto, a decision made last year, was not so easy and had to be approached gingerly. But finally, after weeks of sometimes intense debate within Syrian opposition circles, Washington, Ankara, Doha and Tel Aviv among others, managed to appoint their preferred guy.
March 23rd, 2013, 11:11 am
revenire said:
Everyone should watch the video I posted above @126. It isn’t like the rat’s YouTube videos of fake victories. This is the real deal.
There is even more good news from Ziad today. A head rat – THE head rat of the Nusra Front pedophiles was killed. He’s dead and currently suffering in Hell for all eternity.
The news from all over Syria is good. Our army is killing rats as fast as they can fire. Weapons from our allies are pouring in. Our army is not in the mood for prisoners due to our boy’s anger at what the Wahabi apes have done to Syria. The mood in the country after al-Bouti’s murder is “kill them all Mr. President” and our glorious army is doing just that.
From Ziad at SyPer
CONFIRMED: JABHAT AL-NUSRA CHIEF OF OPERATIONS KILLED 100%. We reported last week the death of Abu Muhammad Al-Jawlani, arguably the most wanted terrorist in the Syrian conflict. But, it was not absolutely certain. Now, the facts are in. The man whose real name is Adnaan Al-Hajj-Ali, along with his confederate in murder, Mustafa Al-Badawi, have been put to death by a MiG23 in Douma Farms. His death is a devastating blow to the organizational structure of Al-Qaeda in Syria.
Adnaan Al-Hajj-Ali, seen above with the self-important smile of someone who just got invited to a sumptuous dinner but didn’t know his host would be Beelzebub. He also had bad teeth.
Al-Hajj-Ali was born in the Golan Height’s capital of Qunyatra. Badawi was a Homsi. Together, they recruited and organized cells of fanatical, ignorant atheist-nihilists for fighting our army. The high level of compartmentalization of the Jabhat Al-Nusra means operational death for the cadres of rodents now scurrying about without any command structure. This was a death blow to the rats. But, it’s going to get better.
Monzer said his friend in the MI told him the MiG23 which fired the lethal rocket that killed this vermin was directed after intercepting Al-Hajj-Ali’s communication with a unit fighting in Barzeh in the northern Damascus suburbs. Once the coordinates were given, a single laser-guided missile from our Flogger splattered this King Rat all over the countryside. Bon appetit!
March 23rd, 2013, 11:17 am
zoo said:
#112 Tara
You’ll blame yourself sooner than you think.
When you have open your door to the devils, you can’t make them go away.
In a few months, it will be very clear that the “ticket” you like is a ticket leading to hell.
Despite the US hawks, the sneaky Qatar, the hypocrite Turkey and the paranoiac France, Syria will not be another Libya or another Iraq.
March 23rd, 2013, 11:20 am
revenire said:
March 23rd, 2013, 11:21 am
zoo said:
When will Hitto and his government move inside Syria as agreed?
I hope Hitto will show he is a real Texan Sheriff and will dare to go inside Syria more than 5 kms away from the Turkish border and without extreme protection.
In the 70% of ‘liberated’ Syria, thousands are waiting to hail him as their hero.
I hope CNN will be there too to show us the crowd.
I can’t wait to see his triumphal entry in Azaaz
March 23rd, 2013, 11:33 am
AIG said:
So the regime is “winning”. Good to know. If that is what you call “winning” I would be interested to know what you call “losing”. As for Bishop Kouri, is he saying Israel killed Al-Bouti, just like we killed Hariri? It is good we are no forgotten. Even while Assad is killing his own people, the regime is not ashamed to blame Israel.
March 23rd, 2013, 11:35 am
AIG said:
“When will Hitto and his government move inside Syria as agreed?”
I would say about a week after Assad enters the Golan as promised for decades.
March 23rd, 2013, 11:37 am
Tara said:
Who are you referring to as “the devil”? Al Nusra or the guys on the ticket?
Or is it anyone else who is not Bashar?
Bashar is history. Really! Minorities should start accepting that so we can work together to move forward.
March 23rd, 2013, 11:37 am
AIG said:
“Despite the US hawks, the sneaky Qatar, the hypocrite Turkey and the paranoiac France, Syria will not be another Libya or another Iraq.”
What will it be then Zoo, what is the model?
And why do you think you have any credibility when you said that a revolution or the Arab Spring will never come to Syria? Or when you said the rebels would never attack Aleppo or Damascus? Or when you said the sanctions were not hurting the Syrian economy? etc. etc. etc.
March 23rd, 2013, 11:41 am
Visitor said:
“The Israelis need to know: me and my brother against my cousin and me and my cousin against the stranger. People will rally to Iran if it is attacked.”
False and false and false on all counts.
Iran under the Mullahs will not generate an iota of sympathy among the Muslims if attacked by any military power, be it the US or the Israelis – Not any more than the pathetic level of sympathy Saddam generated when attacked twice by the Americans.
You’re living in an illusory world totally disconnected from reality:
1) The Muslim movements that you’re referring to never considered mullah Iran a model to be emulated to say the the least. For you to suggest that Muslims are so gullible to be envious of so-called illusory ‘victories’ and seek to emulate is a clear sign of intellectual bankruptcy, and disconnection from the real world. I suggest you watch and read less of AlAlam or Manar and similar delusion-inducing media outlets.
2) Muslim movements, whether the MBs the Salafists or whatever comes to your mind, are well rooted in history and were on the scene even when no one heard of some impostor like Khomeini.
3) By in large, Muslims look at Mullah-stan as an impostor deviate that has nothing to do with Islam. Saddam received more support from a wide spectrum of the same audience you refer to as envious of Mullah-theocracy during his war against these mullahs, for the simple reasons outlined above.
4) anyone can go and bomb mullah-stan the moment they feel like it. We’ll wake up next morning business as usual.
March 23rd, 2013, 11:46 am
zoo said:
March 23rd, 2013, 11:47 am
Atassi said:
revenire … in Homsi We say telhass Malhass.
March 23rd, 2013, 11:48 am
zoo said:
You know who are the devils I mean… They are your suicide bombing friends that you are welcoming with open arms in a country where you don’t even live.
If you hope minorities will take that ticket to hell, you are mistaken. Look around you..
After more than 2 years, did the minority in Egypt jumped in with the Moslem Brotherhood ticket?
March 23rd, 2013, 11:52 am
Ghufran said:
What does Chomsky, who has infuriated some with his dismissal of the “new military humanism”, think should be done in Syria, if anything? Should the west arm the opposition? Should it intervene? “I tend to think that providing arms is going to escalate the conflict. I think there has to be some kind of negotiated settlement. The question is which kind. But it’s going to have to be primarily among Syrians. Outsiders can try to help set up the conditions, and there’s no doubt that the government is carrying out plenty of atrocities, and the opposition some, but not as many. There’s a threat that the country is on a suicidal course. Nobody wants that.”
( The Guardian)
March 23rd, 2013, 12:01 pm
zoo said:
Opposition who rejoiced at Buti’s murder is now grinding their teeth in frustration .
Syrian officials buried Buti on grounds beside the tomb of the Saladin, heralded as a heroic warrior in Islam for pushing back the Crusaders in the 12th century. The Ummayyad Mosque is Islam’s third most important landmark.
March 23rd, 2013, 12:03 pm
AIG said:
“They are your suicide bombing friends that you are welcoming with open arms in a country where you don’t even live.”
You mean like the suicide bombers you welcomed to Lebanon, Iraq and Israel? What a vile hypocrite. Why the sudden change of heart about suicide bombing?
March 23rd, 2013, 12:04 pm
Tara said:
Where did I say I welcome jihadists with open arms? I don’t . Please read my posts again. I said the rebels had to make some alliance they will probably not keep in the day after Besho
What is your evidence that it is Brotherhood ticket. Idriss is a secular army man. Alkhatib preaches the moderate Islam I submit to, and Hitto ain’t Islamist at all with probably Christian non veiled American wife?
You see al Nusra everywhere. I don’t.
March 23rd, 2013, 12:27 pm
#90 TARA, you don’t get it
I prefer the Syria envisioned by the SNC rather than the Syrian envisioned by Nusra and similar groups, but what you and I personally support is completely irrelevant because you will find others who support another self-proclaimed government.
How will the self-proclaimed government deal with the syrians among the rebels and civil opposition who do not recognize the legitimacy of this parachuted made in US government? Jail them? Fighting them?
Who will impose their rules on the other?
Who has legal basis? Why not the other? How do you know?
Calling yourself “the government” implies that any other ruling system or group is illegitimate.
To solve the problem they should rename themselves and call themselves, not “the government”, but “a government for people who recognize our authority and legitimacy” and anything they do has no ‘legal’ basis unless it is enforced. Enforcing requires men with guns. The only people with power are armed men and I don’t think these armed men will abandon Nusra for some US made government that they rightfully see as an attempt to hijack ‘their’ achievements.
March 23rd, 2013, 12:28 pm
revenire said:
Maybe we could ask Dr. Landis to run an election here at SC? Perhaps Tara is president of the New Syria after all.
I wonder what happened to the FSA Air Force and Capt. Omen? It’s been months…
March 23rd, 2013, 12:40 pm
ann said:
`bibi kissing ottoman you know what!!!
News Analysis: Rapprochement reveals alignment between Turkey, Israel in regional politics – 2013-03-23
“This indicates that we have entered a new phase in Syria where both Turkey and Israel have the same interest in seeing the embattled President Bashar al-Assad to depart from power,” said Mehmet Seyfettin Erol, professor of international relations at Ankara-based Gazi University.
“The United States also shares the same goal in Syria which is to have stable government following the current Syrian regime,” he added.
“That is why it was important for Ankara and Tel Aviv to mend the fences.”
“This agreement will change the political balances of the whole region and will have implications on cases like Syria, Iran, Iraq and possibly Cyprus,” said Murat Yekin, columnist at Radikal daily.
What comes next is explained by Turkish analyst Zeynep Gurcanli, head of Ankara-based Diplomatic Correspondents’ Association.
She said the upgrade in ties with the exchange of ambassadors will follow the compensation deal for the victims of the flotilla attack and non-liability agreement for Israeli soldiers involved in the incident.
“Turkey will also remove its veto on Israeli participation into NATO military drills,” she said, stressing that similar decisions can be taken in other international platforms where Turkey blocked Israeli advances.
March 23rd, 2013, 12:43 pm
zoo said:
I kind of enjoy been stalked by a small smelly poodle that reacts to each of my post.
I don’t understand barking.
March 23rd, 2013, 12:45 pm
revenire said:
I am sure everyone remembers the air base that was taken over by the “holy warriors” a few months back – many videos were posted, cheering apes could be heard saying there were MiGs and all manner of equipment there – even some missiles. Some even posted videos of the formation of the FSA Air Force (if you can find that video please post it so I can laugh).
What happened to this base?
Majed, Tara, Omen, Marigoldran, Visitor, Observer and a few other idiots all posted squealing exhortations that now the Presidential Palace would be bombed. Tara – for the 1001st time – said Assad is done for (Asma’s cousins had assured her they were on the side of the killers of al-Bouti and had betrayed their nation and its people).
Can anyone tell me what happened?
I ask because the animalistic Tara posted about a new air base taken over by the rats today and I wondered if they media just recycles the same videos from the last base or what? Are these videos make in Qatar on a Hollywood-style movie lot?
March 23rd, 2013, 12:50 pm
AIG said:
“I kind of enjoy been stalked by a small smelly poodle that reacts to each of my post. I don’t understand barking.”
I enjoy very much showing what a vile hypocrite you are. And not only do you not “understand barking”, you do not understand much else. So you see, we can find common ground and enjoy an activity together. Maybe there is hope for peace.
March 23rd, 2013, 12:52 pm
Juergen said:
March 23rd, 2013, 12:55 pm
Juergen said:
March 23rd, 2013, 12:55 pm
Juergen said:
??????????? ?? ?? ????? ?????? ????? ??? ?? ??? ?????? ??????? ?? ?????? ????????. ?? ?????? – ?? ?? ???????? – ???? ??? ????????? ??????? ??? ????? ??? ????? ???????????. ????? ????? ?? ??????? ???? ????? ????? ??? ?????? ????? ??? ??? ????? ???? ???? ???????
Democracy always came either from the uterus of the Civil War or a World War. It is arrogant, yes racist to believe that Arab societies are inherently incapable of democracy. But it is also naive to think that they can establish democracy like the others without paying the price for it.
Hamed Abdel Samad
March 23rd, 2013, 12:59 pm
revenire said:
Perhaps Juergen can help me find the FSA Air Force if he stops posting pro-terrorist propaganda long enough.
March 23rd, 2013, 1:14 pm
Ziad said:
March 23rd, 2013, 1:14 pm
ann said:
`bibi kissing ottoman!!!
News Analysis: Rapprochement reveals alignment between Turkey, Israel in regional politics – 2013-03-23
“This indicates that we have entered a new phase in Syria where both Turkey and Israel have the same interest in seeing the embattled President Bashar al-Assad to depart from power,” said Mehmet Seyfettin Erol, professor of international relations at Ankara-based Gazi University.
`bibi kissing ottoman!!!
News Analysis: Rapprochement reveals alignment between Turkey, Israel in regional politics – 2013-03-23
“This indicates that we have entered a new phase in Syria where both Turkey and Israel have the same interest in seeing the embattled President Bashar al-Assad to depart from power,” said Mehmet Seyfettin Erol, professor of international relations at Ankara-based Gazi University.
“The United States also shares the same goal in Syria which is to have stable government following the current Syrian regime,” he added.
“That is why it was important for Ankara and Tel Aviv to mend the fences.”
“This agreement will change the political balances of the whole region and will have implications on cases like Syria, Iran, Iraq and possibly Cyprus,” said Murat Yekin, columnist at Radikal daily.
What comes next is explained by Turkish analyst Zeynep Gurcanli, head of Ankara-based Diplomatic Correspondents’ Association.
She said the upgrade in ties with the exchange of ambassadors will follow the compensation deal for the victims of the flotilla attack and non-liability agreement for Israeli soldiers involved in the incident.
“Turkey will also remove its veto on Israeli participation into NATO military drills,” she said, stressing that similar decisions can be taken in other international platforms where Turkey blocked Israeli advances.
145. ann said:
*Your comment is awaiting moderation.*
`bibi kissing ottoman you know what!!!
News Analysis: Rapprochement reveals alignment between Turkey, Israel in regional politics – 2013-03-23
“This indicates that we have entered a new phase in Syria where both Turkey and Israel have the same interest in seeing the embattled President Bashar al-Assad to depart from power,” said Mehmet Seyfettin Erol, professor of international relations at Ankara-based Gazi University.
“The United States also shares the same goal in Syria which is to have stable government following the current Syrian regime,” he added.
“That is why it was important for Ankara and Tel Aviv to mend the fences.”
“This agreement will change the political balances of the whole region and will have implications on cases like Syria, Iran, Iraq and possibly Cyprus,” said Murat Yekin, columnist at Radikal daily.
What comes next is explained by Turkish analyst Zeynep Gurcanli, head of Ankara-based Diplomatic Correspondents’ Association.
She said the upgrade in ties with the exchange of ambassadors will follow the compensation deal for the victims of the flotilla attack and non-liability agreement for Israeli soldiers involved in the incident.
“Turkey will also remove its veto on Israeli participation into NATO military drills,” she said, stressing that similar decisions can be taken in other international platforms where Turkey blocked Israeli advances.
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145. ann said:
*Your comment is awaiting moderation.*
`bibi kissing ottoman you know what!!!
News Analysis: Rapprochement reveals alignment between Turkey, Israel in regional politics – 2013-03-23
“This indicates that we have entered a new phase in Syria where both Turkey and Israel have the same interest in seeing the embattled President Bashar al-Assad to depart from power,” said Mehmet Seyfettin Erol, professor of international relations at Ankara-based Gazi University.
“The United States also shares the same goal in Syria which is to have stable government following the current Syrian regime,” he added.
“That is why it was important for Ankara and Tel Aviv to mend the fences.”
“This agreement will change the political balances of the whole region and will have implications on cases like Syria, Iran, Iraq and possibly Cyprus,” said Murat Yekin, columnist at Radikal daily.
What comes next is explained by Turkish analyst Zeynep Gurcanli, head of Ankara-based Diplomatic Correspondents’ Association.
She said the upgrade in ties with the exchange of ambassadors will follow the compensation deal for the victims of the flotilla attack and non-liability agreement for Israeli soldiers involved in the incident.
“Turkey will also remove its veto on Israeli participation into NATO military drills,” she said, stressing that similar decisions can be taken in other international platforms where Turkey blocked Israeli advances.
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Click to EditRequest Deletion (7 minutes and 54 seconds)
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`bibi kissing ottoman!!!
News Analysis: Rapprochement reveals alignment between Turkey, Israel in regional politics – 2013-03-23
“This indicates that we have entered a new phase in Syria where both Turkey and Israel have the same interest in seeing the embattled President Bashar al-Assad to depart from power,” said Mehmet Seyfettin Erol, professor of international relations at Ankara-based Gazi University.
“The United States also shares the same goal in Syria which is to have stable government following the current Syrian regime,” he added.
“That is why it was important for Ankara and Tel Aviv to mend the fences.”
“This agreement will change the political balances of the whole region and will have implications on cases like Syria, Iran, Iraq and possibly Cyprus,” said Murat Yekin, columnist at Radikal daily.
What comes next is explained by Turkish analyst Zeynep Gurcanli, head of Ankara-based Diplomatic Correspondents’ Association.
She said the upgrade in ties with the exchange of ambassadors will follow the compensation deal for the victims of the flotilla attack and non-liability agreement for Israeli soldiers involved in the incident.
“Turkey will also remove its veto on Israeli participation into NATO military drills,” she said, stressing that similar decisions can be taken in other international platforms where Turkey blocked Israeli advances.
145. ann said:
*Your comment is awaiting moderation.*
`bibi kissing ottoman you know what!!!
News Analysis: Rapprochement reveals alignment between Turkey, Israel in regional politics – 2013-03-23
“This indicates that we have entered a new phase in Syria where both Turkey and Israel have the same interest in seeing the embattled President Bashar al-Assad to depart from power,” said Mehmet Seyfettin Erol, professor of international relations at Ankara-based Gazi University.
“The United States also shares the same goal in Syria which is to have stable government following the current Syrian regime,” he added.
“That is why it was important for Ankara and Tel Aviv to mend the fences.”
“This agreement will change the political balances of the whole region and will have implications on cases like Syria, Iran, Iraq and possibly Cyprus,” said Murat Yekin, columnist at Radikal daily.
What comes next is explained by Turkish analyst Zeynep Gurcanli, head of Ankara-based Diplomatic Correspondents’ Association.
She said the upgrade in ties with the exchange of ambassadors will follow the compensation deal for the victims of the flotilla attack and non-liability agreement for Israeli soldiers involved in the incident.
“Turkey will also remove its veto on Israeli participation into NATO military drills,” she said, stressing that similar decisions can be taken in other international platforms where Turkey blocked Israeli advances.
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Click to EditRequest Deletion (7 minutes and 54 seconds)
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145. ann said:
*Your comment is awaiting moderation.*
`bibi kissing ottoman you know what!!!
News Analysis: Rapprochement reveals alignment between Turkey, Israel in regional politics – 2013-03-23
“This indicates that we have entered a new phase in Syria where both Turkey and Israel have the same interest in seeing the embattled President Bashar al-Assad to depart from power,” said Mehmet Seyfettin Erol, professor of international relations at Ankara-based Gazi University.
“The United States also shares the same goal in Syria which is to have stable government following the current Syrian regime,” he added.
“That is why it was important for Ankara and Tel Aviv to mend the fences.”
“This agreement will change the political balances of the whole region and will have implications on cases like Syria, Iran, Iraq and possibly Cyprus,” said Murat Yekin, columnist at Radikal daily.
What comes next is explained by Turkish analyst Zeynep Gurcanli, head of Ankara-based Diplomatic Correspondents’ Association.
She said the upgrade in ties with the exchange of ambassadors will follow the compensation deal for the victims of the flotilla attack and non-liability agreement for Israeli soldiers involved in the incident.
“Turkey will also remove its veto on Israeli participation into NATO military drills,” she said, stressing that similar decisions can be taken in other international platforms where Turkey blocked Israeli advances.
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Click to EditRequest Deletion (7 minutes and 54 seconds)
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`bibi kissing ottoman!!!
News Analysis: Rapprochement reveals alignment between Turkey, Israel in regional politics – 2013-03-23
“This indicates that we have entered a new phase in Syria where both Turkey and Israel have the same interest in seeing the embattled President Bashar al-Assad to depart from power,” said Mehmet Seyfettin Erol, professor of international relations at Ankara-based Gazi University.
“The United States also shares the same goal in Syria which is to have stable government following the current Syrian regime,” he added.
“That is why it was important for Ankara and Tel Aviv to mend the fences.”
“This agreement will change the political balances of the whole region and will have implications on cases like Syria, Iran, Iraq and possibly Cyprus,” said Murat Yekin, columnist at Radikal daily.
What comes next is explained by Turkish analyst Zeynep Gurcanli, head of Ankara-based Diplomatic Correspondents’ Association.
She said the upgrade in ties with the exchange of ambassadors will follow the compensation deal for the victims of the flotilla attack and non-liability agreement for Israeli soldiers involved in the incident.
“Turkey will also remove its veto on Israeli participation into NATO military drills,” she said, stressing that similar decisions can be taken in other international platforms where Turkey blocked Israeli advances.
145. ann said:
*Your comment is awaiting moderation.*
`bibi kissing ottoman you know what!!!
News Analysis: Rapprochement reveals alignment between Turkey, Israel in regional politics – 2013-03-23
“This indicates that we have entered a new phase in Syria where both Turkey and Israel have the same interest in seeing the embattled President Bashar al-Assad to depart from power,” said Mehmet Seyfettin Erol, professor of international relations at Ankara-based Gazi University.
“The United States also shares the same goal in Syria which is to have stable government following the current Syrian regime,” he added.
“That is why it was important for Ankara and Tel Aviv to mend the fences.”
“This agreement will change the political balances of the whole region and will have implications on cases like Syria, Iran, Iraq and possibly Cyprus,” said Murat Yekin, columnist at Radikal daily.
What comes next is explained by Turkish analyst Zeynep Gurcanli, head of Ankara-based Diplomatic Correspondents’ Association.
She said the upgrade in ties with the exchange of ambassadors will follow the compensation deal for the victims of the flotilla attack and non-liability agreement for Israeli soldiers involved in the incident.
“Turkey will also remove its veto on Israeli participation into NATO military drills,” she said, stressing that similar decisions can be taken in other international platforms where Turkey blocked Israeli advances.
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Click to EditRequest Deletion (7 minutes and 54 seconds)
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145. ann said:
*Your comment is awaiting moderation.*
`bibi kissing ottoman you know what!!!
News Analysis: Rapprochement reveals alignment between Turkey, Israel in regional politics – 2013-03-23
“This indicates that we have entered a new phase in Syria where both Turkey and Israel have the same interest in seeing the embattled President Bashar al-Assad to depart from power,” said Mehmet Seyfettin Erol, professor of international relations at Ankara-based Gazi University.
“The United States also shares the same goal in Syria which is to have stable government following the current Syrian regime,” he added.
“That is why it was important for Ankara and Tel Aviv to mend the fences.”
“This agreement will change the political balances of the whole region and will have implications on cases like Syria, Iran, Iraq and possibly Cyprus,” said Murat Yekin, columnist at Radikal daily.
What comes next is explained by Turkish analyst Zeynep Gurcanli, head of Ankara-based Diplomatic Correspondents’ Association.
She said the upgrade in ties with the exchange of ambassadors will follow the compensation deal for the victims of the flotilla attack and non-liability agreement for Israeli soldiers involved in the incident.
“Turkey will also remove its veto on Israeli participation into NATO military drills,” she said, stressing that similar decisions can be taken in other international platforms where Turkey blocked Israeli advances.
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Click to EditRequest Deletion (7 minutes and 54 seconds)
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`bibi kissing ottoman!!!
News Analysis: Rapprochement reveals alignment between Turkey, Israel in regional politics – 2013-03-23
“This indicates that we have entered a new phase in Syria where both Turkey and Israel have the same interest in seeing the embattled President Bashar al-Assad to depart from power,” said Mehmet Seyfettin Erol, professor of international relations at Ankara-based Gazi University.
“The United States also shares the same goal in Syria which is to have stable government following the current Syrian regime,” he added.
“That is why it was important for Ankara and Tel Aviv to mend the fences.”
“This agreement will change the political balances of the whole region and will have implications on cases like Syria, Iran, Iraq and possibly Cyprus,” said Murat Yekin, columnist at Radikal daily.
What comes next is explained by Turkish analyst Zeynep Gurcanli, head of Ankara-based Diplomatic Correspondents’ Association.
She said the upgrade in ties with the exchange of ambassadors will follow the compensation deal for the victims of the flotilla attack and non-liability agreement for Israeli soldiers involved in the incident.
“Turkey will also remove its veto on Israeli participation into NATO military drills,” she said, stressing that similar decisions can be taken in other international platforms where Turkey blocked Israeli advances.
145. ann said:
*Your comment is awaiting moderation.*
`bibi kissing ottoman you know what!!!
News Analysis: Rapprochement reveals alignment between Turkey, Israel in regional politics – 2013-03-23
“This indicates that we have entered a new phase in Syria where both Turkey and Israel have the same interest in seeing the embattled President Bashar al-Assad to depart from power,” said Mehmet Seyfettin Erol, professor of international relations at Ankara-based Gazi University.
“The United States also shares the same goal in Syria which is to have stable government following the current Syrian regime,” he added.
“That is why it was important for Ankara and Tel Aviv to mend the fences.”
“This agreement will change the political balances of the whole region and will have implications on cases like Syria, Iran, Iraq and possibly Cyprus,” said Murat Yekin, columnist at Radikal daily.
What comes next is explained by Turkish analyst Zeynep Gurcanli, head of Ankara-based Diplomatic Correspondents’ Association.
She said the upgrade in ties with the exchange of ambassadors will follow the compensation deal for the victims of the flotilla attack and non-liability agreement for Israeli soldiers involved in the incident.
“Turkey will also remove its veto on Israeli participation into NATO military drills,” she said, stressing that similar decisions can be taken in other international platforms where Turkey blocked Israeli advances.
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Click to EditRequest Deletion (7 minutes and 54 seconds)
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145. ann said:
*Your comment is awaiting moderation.*
`bibi kissing ottoman you know what!!!
News Analysis: Rapprochement reveals alignment between Turkey, Israel in regional politics – 2013-03-23
“This indicates that we have entered a new phase in Syria where both Turkey and Israel have the same interest in seeing the embattled President Bashar al-Assad to depart from power,” said Mehmet Seyfettin Erol, professor of international relations at Ankara-based Gazi University.
“The United States also shares the same goal in Syria which is to have stable government following the current Syrian regime,” he added.
“That is why it was important for Ankara and Tel Aviv to mend the fences.”
“This agreement will change the political balances of the whole region and will have implications on cases like Syria, Iran, Iraq and possibly Cyprus,” said Murat Yekin, columnist at Radikal daily.
What comes next is explained by Turkish analyst Zeynep Gurcanli, head of Ankara-based Diplomatic Correspondents’ Association.
She said the upgrade in ties with the exchange of ambassadors will follow the compensation deal for the victims of the flotilla attack and non-liability agreement for Israeli soldiers involved in the incident.
“Turkey will also remove its veto on Israeli participation into NATO military drills,” she said, stressing that similar decisions can be taken in other international platforms where Turkey blocked Israeli advances.
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Click to EditRequest Deletion (7 minutes and 54 seconds)
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`bibi kissing ottoman!!!
News Analysis: Rapprochement reveals alignment between Turkey, Israel in regional politics – 2013-03-23
“This indicates that we have entered a new phase in Syria where both Turkey and Israel have the same interest in seeing the embattled President Bashar al-Assad to depart from power,” said Mehmet Seyfettin Erol, professor of international relations at Ankara-based Gazi University.
“The United States also shares the same goal in Syria which is to have stable government following the current Syrian regime,” he added.
“That is why it was important for Ankara and Tel Aviv to mend the fences.”
“This agreement will change the political balances of the whole region and will have implications on cases like Syria, Iran, Iraq and possibly Cyprus,” said Murat Yekin, columnist at Radikal daily.
What comes next is explained by Turkish analyst Zeynep Gurcanli, head of Ankara-based Diplomatic Correspondents’ Association.
She said the upgrade in ties with the exchange of ambassadors will follow the compensation deal for the victims of the flotilla attack and non-liability agreement for Israeli soldiers involved in the incident.
“Turkey will also remove its veto on Israeli participation into NATO military drills,” she said, stressing that similar decisions can be taken in other international platforms where Turkey blocked Israeli advances.
145. ann said:
*Your comment is awaiting moderation.*
`bibi kissing ottoman you know what!!!
News Analysis: Rapprochement reveals alignment between Turkey, Israel in regional politics – 2013-03-23
“This indicates that we have entered a new phase in Syria where both Turkey and Israel have the same interest in seeing the embattled President Bashar al-Assad to depart from power,” said Mehmet Seyfettin Erol, professor of international relations at Ankara-based Gazi University.
“The United States also shares the same goal in Syria which is to have stable government following the current Syrian regime,” he added.
“That is why it was important for Ankara and Tel Aviv to mend the fences.”
“This agreement will change the political balances of the whole region and will have implications on cases like Syria, Iran, Iraq and possibly Cyprus,” said Murat Yekin, columnist at Radikal daily.
What comes next is explained by Turkish analyst Zeynep Gurcanli, head of Ankara-based Diplomatic Correspondents’ Association.
She said the upgrade in ties with the exchange of ambassadors will follow the compensation deal for the victims of the flotilla attack and non-liability agreement for Israeli soldiers involved in the incident.
“Turkey will also remove its veto on Israeli participation into NATO military drills,” she said, stressing that similar decisions can be taken in other international platforms where Turkey blocked Israeli advances.
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Click to EditRequest Deletion (7 minutes and 54 seconds)
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145. ann said:
*Your comment is awaiting moderation.*
`bibi kissing ottoman you know what!!!
News Analysis: Rapprochement reveals alignment between Turkey, Israel in regional politics – 2013-03-23
“This indicates that we have entered a new phase in Syria where both Turkey and Israel have the same interest in seeing the embattled President Bashar al-Assad to depart from power,” said Mehmet Seyfettin Erol, professor of international relations at Ankara-based Gazi University.
“The United States also shares the same goal in Syria which is to have stable government following the current Syrian regime,” he added.
“That is why it was important for Ankara and Tel Aviv to mend the fences.”
“This agreement will change the political balances of the whole region and will have implications on cases like Syria, Iran, Iraq and possibly Cyprus,” said Murat Yekin, columnist at Radikal daily.
What comes next is explained by Turkish analyst Zeynep Gurcanli, head of Ankara-based Diplomatic Correspondents’ Association.
She said the upgrade in ties with the exchange of ambassadors will follow the compensation deal for the victims of the flotilla attack and non-liability agreement for Israeli soldiers involved in the incident.
“Turkey will also remove its veto on Israeli participation into NATO military drills,” she said, stressing that similar decisions can be taken in other international platforms where Turkey blocked Israeli advances.
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Click to EditRequest Deletion (7 minutes and 54 seconds)
Thumb up 0 Thumb down 0
`bibi kissing ottoman!!!
News Analysis: Rapprochement reveals alignment between Turkey, Israel in regional politics – 2013-03-23
“This indicates that we have entered a new phase in Syria where both Turkey and Israel have the same interest in seeing the embattled President Bashar al-Assad to depart from power,” said Mehmet Seyfettin Erol, professor of international relations at Ankara-based Gazi University.
“The United States also shares the same goal in Syria which is to have stable government following the current Syrian regime,” he added.
“That is why it was important for Ankara and Tel Aviv to mend the fences.”
“This agreement will change the political balances of the whole region and will have implications on cases like Syria, Iran, Iraq and possibly Cyprus,” said Murat Yekin, columnist at Radikal daily.
What comes next is explained by Turkish analyst Zeynep Gurcanli, head of Ankara-based Diplomatic Correspondents’ Association.
She said the upgrade in ties with the exchange of ambassadors will follow the compensation deal for the victims of the flotilla attack and non-liability agreement for Israeli soldiers involved in the incident.
“Turkey will also remove its veto on Israeli participation into NATO military drills,” she said, stressing that similar decisions can be taken in other international platforms where Turkey blocked Israeli advances.
145. ann said:
*Your comment is awaiting moderation.*
`bibi kissing ottoman you know what!!!
News Analysis: Rapprochement reveals alignment between Turkey, Israel in regional politics – 2013-03-23
“This indicates that we have entered a new phase in Syria where both Turkey and Israel have the same interest in seeing the embattled President Bashar al-Assad to depart from power,” said Mehmet Seyfettin Erol, professor of international relations at Ankara-based Gazi University.
“The United States also shares the same goal in Syria which is to have stable government following the current Syrian regime,” he added.
“That is why it was important for Ankara and Tel Aviv to mend the fences.”
“This agreement will change the political balances of the whole region and will have implications on cases like Syria, Iran, Iraq and possibly Cyprus,” said Murat Yekin, columnist at Radikal daily.
What comes next is explained by Turkish analyst Zeynep Gurcanli, head of Ankara-based Diplomatic Correspondents’ Association.
She said the upgrade in ties with the exchange of ambassadors will follow the compensation deal for the victims of the flotilla attack and non-liability agreement for Israeli soldiers involved in the incident.
“Turkey will also remove its veto on Israeli participation into NATO military drills,” she said, stressing that similar decisions can be taken in other international platforms where Turkey blocked Israeli advances.
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145. ann said:
*Your comment is awaiting moderation.*
`bibi kissing ottoman you know what!!!
News Analysis: Rapprochement reveals alignment between Turkey, Israel in regional politics – 2013-03-23
“This indicates that we have entered a new phase in Syria where both Turkey and Israel have the same interest in seeing the embattled President Bashar al-Assad to depart from power,” said Mehmet Seyfettin Erol, professor of international relations at Ankara-based Gazi University.
“The United States also shares the same goal in Syria which is to have stable government following the current Syrian regime,” he added.
“That is why it was important for Ankara and Tel Aviv to mend the fences.”
“This agreement will change the political balances of the whole region and will have implications on cases like Syria, Iran, Iraq and possibly Cyprus,” said Murat Yekin, columnist at Radikal daily.
What comes next is explained by Turkish analyst Zeynep Gurcanli, head of Ankara-based Diplomatic Correspondents’ Association.
She said the upgrade in ties with the exchange of ambassadors will follow the compensation deal for the victims of the flotilla attack and non-liability agreement for Israeli soldiers involved in the incident.
“Turkey will also remove its veto on Israeli participation into NATO military drills,” she said, stressing that similar decisions can be taken in other international platforms where Turkey blocked Israeli advances.
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Click to EditRequest Deletion (7 minutes and 54 seconds)
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`bibi kissing ottoman!!!
News Analysis: Rapprochement reveals alignment between Turkey, Israel in regional politics – 2013-03-23
“This indicates that we have entered a new phase in Syria where both Turkey and Israel have the same interest in seeing the embattled President Bashar al-Assad to depart from power,” said Mehmet Seyfettin Erol, professor of international relations at Ankara-based Gazi University.
“The United States also shares the same goal in Syria which is to have stable government following the current Syrian regime,” he added.
“That is why it was important for Ankara and Tel Aviv to mend the fences.”
“This agreement will change the political balances of the whole region and will have implications on cases like Syria, Iran, Iraq and possibly Cyprus,” said Murat Yekin, columnist at Radikal daily.
What comes next is explained by Turkish analyst Zeynep Gurcanli, head of Ankara-based Diplomatic Correspondents’ Association.
She said the upgrade in ties with the exchange of ambassadors will follow the compensation deal for the victims of the flotilla attack and non-liability agreement for Israeli soldiers involved in the incident.
“Turkey will also remove its veto on Israeli participation into NATO military drills,” she said, stressing that similar decisions can be taken in other international platforms where Turkey blocked Israeli advances.
145. ann said:
*Your comment is awaiting moderation.*
`bibi kissing ottoman you know what!!!
News Analysis: Rapprochement reveals alignment between Turkey, Israel in regional politics – 2013-03-23
“This indicates that we have entered a new phase in Syria where both Turkey and Israel have the same interest in seeing the embattled President Bashar al-Assad to depart from power,” said Mehmet Seyfettin Erol, professor of international relations at Ankara-based Gazi University.
“The United States also shares the same goal in Syria which is to have stable government following the current Syrian regime,” he added.
“That is why it was important for Ankara and Tel Aviv to mend the fences.”
“This agreement will change the political balances of the whole region and will have implications on cases like Syria, Iran, Iraq and possibly Cyprus,” said Murat Yekin, columnist at Radikal daily.
What comes next is explained by Turkish analyst Zeynep Gurcanli, head of Ankara-based Diplomatic Correspondents’ Association.
She said the upgrade in ties with the exchange of ambassadors will follow the compensation deal for the victims of the flotilla attack and non-liability agreement for Israeli soldiers involved in the incident.
“Turkey will also remove its veto on Israeli participation into NATO military drills,” she said, stressing that similar decisions can be taken in other international platforms where Turkey blocked Israeli advances.
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145. ann said:
*Your comment is awaiting moderation.*
`bibi kissing ottoman you know what!!!
News Analysis: Rapprochement reveals alignment between Turkey, Israel in regional politics – 2013-03-23
“This indicates that we have entered a new phase in Syria where both Turkey and Israel have the same interest in seeing the embattled President Bashar al-Assad to depart from power,” said Mehmet Seyfettin Erol, professor of international relations at Ankara-based Gazi University.
“The United States also shares the same goal in Syria which is to have stable government following the current Syrian regime,” he added.
“That is why it was important for Ankara and Tel Aviv to mend the fences.”
“This agreement will change the political balances of the whole region and will have implications on cases like Syria, Iran, Iraq and possibly Cyprus,” said Murat Yekin, columnist at Radikal daily.
What comes next is explained by Turkish analyst Zeynep Gurcanli, head of Ankara-based Diplomatic Correspondents’ Association.
She said the upgrade in ties with the exchange of ambassadors will follow the compensation deal for the victims of the flotilla attack and non-liability agreement for Israeli soldiers involved in the incident.
“Turkey will also remove its veto on Israeli participation into NATO military drills,” she said, stressing that similar decisions can be taken in other international platforms where Turkey blocked Israeli advances.
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Click to EditRequest Deletion (7 minutes and 54 seconds)
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`bibi kissing ottoman!!!
News Analysis: Rapprochement reveals alignment between Turkey, Israel in regional politics – 2013-03-23
“This indicates that we have entered a new phase in Syria where both Turkey and Israel have the same interest in seeing the embattled President Bashar al-Assad to depart from power,” said Mehmet Seyfettin Erol, professor of international relations at Ankara-based Gazi University.
“The United States also shares the same goal in Syria which is to have stable government following the current Syrian regime,” he added.
“That is why it was important for Ankara and Tel Aviv to mend the fences.”
“This agreement will change the political balances of the whole region and will have implications on cases like Syria, Iran, Iraq and possibly Cyprus,” said Murat Yekin, columnist at Radikal daily.
What comes next is explained by Turkish analyst Zeynep Gurcanli, head of Ankara-based Diplomatic Correspondents’ Association.
She said the upgrade in ties with the exchange of ambassadors will follow the compensation deal for the victims of the flotilla attack and non-liability agreement for Israeli soldiers involved in the incident.
“Turkey will also remove its veto on Israeli participation into NATO military drills,” she said, stressing that similar decisions can be taken in other international platforms where Turkey blocked Israeli advances.
145. ann said:
*Your comment is awaiting moderation.*
`bibi kissing ottoman you know what!!!
News Analysis: Rapprochement reveals alignment between Turkey, Israel in regional politics – 2013-03-23
“This indicates that we have entered a new phase in Syria where both Turkey and Israel have the same interest in seeing the embattled President Bashar al-Assad to depart from power,” said Mehmet Seyfettin Erol, professor of international relations at Ankara-based Gazi University.
“The United States also shares the same goal in Syria which is to have stable government following the current Syrian regime,” he added.
“That is why it was important for Ankara and Tel Aviv to mend the fences.”
“This agreement will change the political balances of the whole region and will have implications on cases like Syria, Iran, Iraq and possibly Cyprus,” said Murat Yekin, columnist at Radikal daily.
What comes next is explained by Turkish analyst Zeynep Gurcanli, head of Ankara-based Diplomatic Correspondents’ Association.
She said the upgrade in ties with the exchange of ambassadors will follow the compensation deal for the victims of the flotilla attack and non-liability agreement for Israeli soldiers involved in the incident.
“Turkey will also remove its veto on Israeli participation into NATO military drills,” she said, stressing that similar decisions can be taken in other international platforms where Turkey blocked Israeli advances.
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145. ann said:
*Your comment is awaiting moderation.*
`bibi kissing ottoman you know what!!!
News Analysis: Rapprochement reveals alignment between Turkey, Israel in regional politics – 2013-03-23
“This indicates that we have entered a new phase in Syria where both Turkey and Israel have the same interest in seeing the embattled President Bashar al-Assad to depart from power,” said Mehmet Seyfettin Erol, professor of international relations at Ankara-based Gazi University.
“The United States also shares the same goal in Syria which is to have stable government following the current Syrian regime,” he added.
“That is why it was important for Ankara and Tel Aviv to mend the fences.”
“This agreement will change the political balances of the whole region and will have implications on cases like Syria, Iran, Iraq and possibly Cyprus,” said Murat Yekin, columnist at Radikal daily.
What comes next is explained by Turkish analyst Zeynep Gurcanli, head of Ankara-based Diplomatic Correspondents’ Association.
She said the upgrade in ties with the exchange of ambassadors will follow the compensation deal for the victims of the flotilla attack and non-liability agreement for Israeli soldiers involved in the incident.
“Turkey will also remove its veto on Israeli participation into NATO military drills,” she said, stressing that similar decisions can be taken in other international platforms where Turkey blocked Israeli advances.
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Click to EditRequest Deletion (7 minutes and 54 seconds)
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`bibi kissing ottoman!!!
News Analysis: Rapprochement reveals alignment between Turkey, Israel in regional politics – 2013-03-23
“This indicates that we have entered a new phase in Syria where both Turkey and Israel have the same interest in seeing the embattled President Bashar al-Assad to depart from power,” said Mehmet Seyfettin Erol, professor of international relations at Ankara-based Gazi University.
“The United States also shares the same goal in Syria which is to have stable government following the current Syrian regime,” he added.
“That is why it was important for Ankara and Tel Aviv to mend the fences.”
“This agreement will change the political balances of the whole region and will have implications on cases like Syria, Iran, Iraq and possibly Cyprus,” said Murat Yekin, columnist at Radikal daily.
What comes next is explained by Turkish analyst Zeynep Gurcanli, head of Ankara-based Diplomatic Correspondents’ Association.
She said the upgrade in ties with the exchange of ambassadors will follow the compensation deal for the victims of the flotilla attack and non-liability agreement for Israeli soldiers involved in the incident.
“Turkey will also remove its veto on Israeli participation into NATO military drills,” she said, stressing that similar decisions can be taken in other international platforms where Turkey blocked Israeli advances.
145. ann said:
*Your comment is awaiting moderation.*
`bibi kissing ottoman you know what!!!
News Analysis: Rapprochement reveals alignment between Turkey, Israel in regional politics – 2013-03-23
“This indicates that we have entered a new phase in Syria where both Turkey and Israel have the same interest in seeing the embattled President Bashar al-Assad to depart from power,” said Mehmet Seyfettin Erol, professor of international relations at Ankara-based Gazi University.
“The United States also shares the same goal in Syria which is to have stable government following the current Syrian regime,” he added.
“That is why it was important for Ankara and Tel Aviv to mend the fences.”
“This agreement will change the political balances of the whole region and will have implications on cases like Syria, Iran, Iraq and possibly Cyprus,” said Murat Yekin, columnist at Radikal daily.
What comes next is explained by Turkish analyst Zeynep Gurcanli, head of Ankara-based Diplomatic Correspondents’ Association.
She said the upgrade in ties with the exchange of ambassadors will follow the compensation deal for the victims of the flotilla attack and non-liability agreement for Israeli soldiers involved in the incident.
“Turkey will also remove its veto on Israeli participation into NATO military drills,” she said, stressing that similar decisions can be taken in other international platforms where Turkey blocked Israeli advances.
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Click to EditRequest Deletion (7 minutes and 54 seconds)
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145. ann said:
*Your comment is awaiting moderation.*
`bibi kissing ottoman you know what!!!
News Analysis: Rapprochement reveals alignment between Turkey, Israel in regional politics – 2013-03-23
“This indicates that we have entered a new phase in Syria where both Turkey and Israel have the same interest in seeing the embattled President Bashar al-Assad to depart from power,” said Mehmet Seyfettin Erol, professor of international relations at Ankara-based Gazi University.
“The United States also shares the same goal in Syria which is to have stable government following the current Syrian regime,” he added.
“That is why it was important for Ankara and Tel Aviv to mend the fences.”
“This agreement will change the political balances of the whole region and will have implications on cases like Syria, Iran, Iraq and possibly Cyprus,” said Murat Yekin, columnist at Radikal daily.
What comes next is explained by Turkish analyst Zeynep Gurcanli, head of Ankara-based Diplomatic Correspondents’ Association.
She said the upgrade in ties with the exchange of ambassadors will follow the compensation deal for the victims of the flotilla attack and non-liability agreement for Israeli soldiers involved in the incident.
“Turkey will also remove its veto on Israeli participation into NATO military drills,” she said, stressing that similar decisions can be taken in other international platforms where Turkey blocked Israeli advances.
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Click to EditRequest Deletion (7 minutes and 54 seconds)
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`bibi kissing ottoman!!!
News Analysis: Rapprochement reveals alignment between Turkey, Israel in regional politics – 2013-03-23
“This indicates that we have entered a new phase in Syria where both Turkey and Israel have the same interest in seeing the embattled President Bashar al-Assad to depart from power,” said Mehmet Seyfettin Erol, professor of international relations at Ankara-based Gazi University.
“The United States also shares the same goal in Syria which is to have stable government following the current Syrian regime,” he added.
“That is why it was important for Ankara and Tel Aviv to mend the fences.”
“This agreement will change the political balances of the whole region and will have implications on cases like Syria, Iran, Iraq and possibly Cyprus,” said Murat Yekin, columnist at Radikal daily.
What comes next is explained by Turkish analyst Zeynep Gurcanli, head of Ankara-based Diplomatic Correspondents’ Association.
She said the upgrade in ties with the exchange of ambassadors will follow the compensation deal for the victims of the flotilla attack and non-liability agreement for Israeli soldiers involved in the incident.
“Turkey will also remove its veto on Israeli participation into NATO military drills,” she said, stressing that similar decisions can be taken in other international platforms where Turkey blocked Israeli advances.
145. ann said:
*Your comment is awaiting moderation.*
`bibi kissing ottoman you know what!!!
News Analysis: Rapprochement reveals alignment between Turkey, Israel in regional politics – 2013-03-23
“This indicates that we have entered a new phase in Syria where both Turkey and Israel have the same interest in seeing the embattled President Bashar al-Assad to depart from power,” said Mehmet Seyfettin Erol, professor of international relations at Ankara-based Gazi University.
“The United States also shares the same goal in Syria which is to have stable government following the current Syrian regime,” he added.
“That is why it was important for Ankara and Tel Aviv to mend the fences.”
“This agreement will change the political balances of the whole region and will have implications on cases like Syria, Iran, Iraq and possibly Cyprus,” said Murat Yekin, columnist at Radikal daily.
What comes next is explained by Turkish analyst Zeynep Gurcanli, head of Ankara-based Diplomatic Correspondents’ Association.
She said the upgrade in ties with the exchange of ambassadors will follow the compensation deal for the victims of the flotilla attack and non-liability agreement for Israeli soldiers involved in the incident.
“Turkey will also remove its veto on Israeli participation into NATO military drills,” she said, stressing that similar decisions can be taken in other international platforms where Turkey blocked Israeli advances.
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Click to EditRequest Deletion (7 minutes and 54 seconds)
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145. ann said:
*Your comment is awaiting moderation.*
`bibi kissing ottoman you know what!!!
News Analysis: Rapprochement reveals alignment between Turkey, Israel in regional politics – 2013-03-23
“This indicates that we have entered a new phase in Syria where both Turkey and Israel have the same interest in seeing the embattled President Bashar al-Assad to depart from power,” said Mehmet Seyfettin Erol, professor of international relations at Ankara-based Gazi University.
“The United States also shares the same goal in Syria which is to have stable government following the current Syrian regime,” he added.
“That is why it was important for Ankara and Tel Aviv to mend the fences.”
“This agreement will change the political balances of the whole region and will have implications on cases like Syria, Iran, Iraq and possibly Cyprus,” said Murat Yekin, columnist at Radikal daily.
What comes next is explained by Turkish analyst Zeynep Gurcanli, head of Ankara-based Diplomatic Correspondents’ Association.
She said the upgrade in ties with the exchange of ambassadors will follow the compensation deal for the victims of the flotilla attack and non-liability agreement for Israeli soldiers involved in the incident.
“Turkey will also remove its veto on Israeli participation into NATO military drills,” she said, stressing that similar decisions can be taken in other international platforms where Turkey blocked Israeli advances.
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Click to EditRequest Deletion (7 minutes and 54 seconds)
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`bibi kissing ottoman!!!
News Analysis: Rapprochement reveals alignment between Turkey, Israel in regional politics – 2013-03-23
“This indicates that we have entered a new phase in Syria where both Turkey and Israel have the same interest in seeing the embattled President Bashar al-Assad to depart from power,” said Mehmet Seyfettin Erol, professor of international relations at Ankara-based Gazi University.
“The United States also shares the same goal in Syria which is to have stable government following the current Syrian regime,” he added.
“That is why it was important for Ankara and Tel Aviv to mend the fences.”
“This agreement will change the political balances of the whole region and will have implications on cases like Syria, Iran, Iraq and possibly Cyprus,” said Murat Yekin, columnist at Radikal daily.
What comes next is explained by Turkish analyst Zeynep Gurcanli, head of Ankara-based Diplomatic Correspondents’ Association.
She said the upgrade in ties with the exchange of ambassadors will follow the compensation deal for the victims of the flotilla attack and non-liability agreement for Israeli soldiers involved in the incident.
“Turkey will also remove its veto on Israeli participation into NATO military drills,” she said, stressing that similar decisions can be taken in other international platforms where Turkey blocked Israeli advances.
145. ann said:
*Your comment is awaiting moderation.*
`bibi kissing ottoman you know what!!!
News Analysis: Rapprochement reveals alignment between Turkey, Israel in regional politics – 2013-03-23
“This indicates that we have entered a new phase in Syria where both Turkey and Israel have the same interest in seeing the embattled President Bashar al-Assad to depart from power,” said Mehmet Seyfettin Erol, professor of international relations at Ankara-based Gazi University.
“The United States also shares the same goal in Syria which is to have stable government following the current Syrian regime,” he added.
“That is why it was important for Ankara and Tel Aviv to mend the fences.”
“This agreement will change the political balances of the whole region and will have implications on cases like Syria, Iran, Iraq and possibly Cyprus,” said Murat Yekin, columnist at Radikal daily.
What comes next is explained by Turkish analyst Zeynep Gurcanli, head of Ankara-based Diplomatic Correspondents’ Association.
She said the upgrade in ties with the exchange of ambassadors will follow the compensation deal for the victims of the flotilla attack and non-liability agreement for Israeli soldiers involved in the incident.
“Turkey will also remove its veto on Israeli participation into NATO military drills,” she said, stressing that similar decisions can be taken in other international platforms where Turkey blocked Israeli advances.
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Click to EditRequest Deletion (7 minutes and 54 seconds)
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145. ann said:
*Your comment is awaiting moderation.*
`bibi kissing ottoman you know what!!!
News Analysis: Rapprochement reveals alignment between Turkey, Israel in regional politics – 2013-03-23
“This indicates that we have entered a new phase in Syria where both Turkey and Israel have the same interest in seeing the embattled President Bashar al-Assad to depart from power,” said Mehmet Seyfettin Erol, professor of international relations at Ankara-based Gazi University.
“The United States also shares the same goal in Syria which is to have stable government following the current Syrian regime,” he added.
“That is why it was important for Ankara and Tel Aviv to mend the fences.”
“This agreement will change the political balances of the whole region and will have implications on cases like Syria, Iran, Iraq and possibly Cyprus,” said Murat Yekin, columnist at Radikal daily.
What comes next is explained by Turkish analyst Zeynep Gurcanli, head of Ankara-based Diplomatic Correspondents’ Association.
She said the upgrade in ties with the exchange of ambassadors will follow the compensation deal for the victims of the flotilla attack and non-liability agreement for Israeli soldiers involved in the incident.
“Turkey will also remove its veto on Israeli participation into NATO military drills,” she said, stressing that similar decisions can be taken in other international platforms where Turkey blocked Israeli advances.
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Click to EditRequest Deletion (7 minutes and 54 seconds)
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`bibi kissing ottoman!!!
News Analysis: Rapprochement reveals alignment between Turkey, Israel in regional politics – 2013-03-23
“This indicates that we have entered a new phase in Syria where both Turkey and Israel have the same interest in seeing the embattled President Bashar al-Assad to depart from power,” said Mehmet Seyfettin Erol, professor of international relations at Ankara-based Gazi University.
“The United States also shares the same goal in Syria which is to have stable government following the current Syrian regime,” he added.
“That is why it was important for Ankara and Tel Aviv to mend the fences.”
“This agreement will change the political balances of the whole region and will have implications on cases like Syria, Iran, Iraq and possibly Cyprus,” said Murat Yekin, columnist at Radikal daily.
What comes next is explained by Turkish analyst Zeynep Gurcanli, head of Ankara-based Diplomatic Correspondents’ Association.
She said the upgrade in ties with the exchange of ambassadors will follow the compensation deal for the victims of the flotilla attack and non-liability agreement for Israeli soldiers involved in the incident.
“Turkey will also remove its veto on Israeli participation into NATO military drills,” she said, stressing that similar decisions can be taken in other international platforms where Turkey blocked Israeli advances.
145. ann said:
*Your comment is awaiting moderation.*
`bibi kissing ottoman you know what!!!
News Analysis: Rapprochement reveals alignment between Turkey, Israel in regional politics – 2013-03-23
“This indicates that we have entered a new phase in Syria where both Turkey and Israel have the same interest in seeing the embattled President Bashar al-Assad to depart from power,” said Mehmet Seyfettin Erol, professor of international relations at Ankara-based Gazi University.
“The United States also shares the same goal in Syria which is to have stable government following the current Syrian regime,” he added.
“That is why it was important for Ankara and Tel Aviv to mend the fences.”
“This agreement will change the political balances of the whole region and will have implications on cases like Syria, Iran, Iraq and possibly Cyprus,” said Murat Yekin, columnist at Radikal daily.
What comes next is explained by Turkish analyst Zeynep Gurcanli, head of Ankara-based Diplomatic Correspondents’ Association.
She said the upgrade in ties with the exchange of ambassadors will follow the compensation deal for the victims of the flotilla attack and non-liability agreement for Israeli soldiers involved in the incident.
“Turkey will also remove its veto on Israeli participation into NATO military drills,” she said, stressing that similar decisions can be taken in other international platforms where Turkey blocked Israeli advances.
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Click to EditRequest Deletion (7 minutes and 54 seconds)
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145. ann said:
*Your comment is awaiting moderation.*
`bibi kissing ottoman you know what!!!
News Analysis: Rapprochement reveals alignment between Turkey, Israel in regional politics – 2013-03-23
“This indicates that we have entered a new phase in Syria where both Turkey and Israel have the same interest in seeing the embattled President Bashar al-Assad to depart from power,” said Mehmet Seyfettin Erol, professor of international relations at Ankara-based Gazi University.
“The United States also shares the same goal in Syria which is to have stable government following the current Syrian regime,” he added.
“That is why it was important for Ankara and Tel Aviv to mend the fences.”
“This agreement will change the political balances of the whole region and will have implications on cases like Syria, Iran, Iraq and possibly Cyprus,” said Murat Yekin, columnist at Radikal daily.
What comes next is explained by Turkish analyst Zeynep Gurcanli, head of Ankara-based Diplomatic Correspondents’ Association.
She said the upgrade in ties with the exchange of ambassadors will follow the compensation deal for the victims of the flotilla attack and non-liability agreement for Israeli soldiers involved in the incident.
“Turkey will also remove its veto on Israeli participation into NATO military drills,” she said, stressing that similar decisions can be taken in other international platforms where Turkey blocked Israeli advances.
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Click to EditRequest Deletion (7 minutes and 54 seconds)
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`bibi kissing ottoman!!!
News Analysis: Rapprochement reveals alignment between Turkey, Israel in regional politics – 2013-03-23
“This indicates that we have entered a new phase in Syria where both Turkey and Israel have the same interest in seeing the embattled President Bashar al-Assad to depart from power,” said Mehmet Seyfettin Erol, professor of international relations at Ankara-based Gazi University.
“The United States also shares the same goal in Syria which is to have stable government following the current Syrian regime,” he added.
“That is why it was important for Ankara and Tel Aviv to mend the fences.”
“This agreement will change the political balances of the whole region and will have implications on cases like Syria, Iran, Iraq and possibly Cyprus,” said Murat Yekin, columnist at Radikal daily.
What comes next is explained by Turkish analyst Zeynep Gurcanli, head of Ankara-based Diplomatic Correspondents’ Association.
She said the upgrade in ties with the exchange of ambassadors will follow the compensation deal for the victims of the flotilla attack and non-liability agreement for Israeli soldiers involved in the incident.
“Turkey will also remove its veto on Israeli participation into NATO military drills,” she said, stressing that similar decisions can be taken in other international platforms where Turkey blocked Israeli advances.
145. ann said:
*Your comment is awaiting moderation.*
`bibi kissing ottoman you know what!!!
News Analysis: Rapprochement reveals alignment between Turkey, Israel in regional politics – 2013-03-23
“This indicates that we have entered a new phase in Syria where both Turkey and Israel have the same interest in seeing the embattled President Bashar al-Assad to depart from power,” said Mehmet Seyfettin Erol, professor of international relations at Ankara-based Gazi University.
“The United States also shares the same goal in Syria which is to have stable government following the current Syrian regime,” he added.
“That is why it was important for Ankara and Tel Aviv to mend the fences.”
“This agreement will change the political balances of the whole region and will have implications on cases like Syria, Iran, Iraq and possibly Cyprus,” said Murat Yekin, columnist at Radikal daily.
What comes next is explained by Turkish analyst Zeynep Gurcanli, head of Ankara-based Diplomatic Correspondents’ Association.
She said the upgrade in ties with the exchange of ambassadors will follow the compensation deal for the victims of the flotilla attack and non-liability agreement for Israeli soldiers involved in the incident.
“Turkey will also remove its veto on Israeli participation into NATO military drills,” she said, stressing that similar decisions can be taken in other international platforms where Turkey blocked Israeli advances.
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Click to EditRequest Deletion (7 minutes and 54 seconds)
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145. ann said:
*Your comment is awaiting moderation.*
`bibi kissing ottoman you know what!!!
News Analysis: Rapprochement reveals alignment between Turkey, Israel in regional politics – 2013-03-23
“This indicates that we have entered a new phase in Syria where both Turkey and Israel have the same interest in seeing the embattled President Bashar al-Assad to depart from power,” said Mehmet Seyfettin Erol, professor of international relations at Ankara-based Gazi University.
“The United States also shares the same goal in Syria which is to have stable government following the current Syrian regime,” he added.
“That is why it was important for Ankara and Tel Aviv to mend the fences.”
“This agreement will change the political balances of the whole region and will have implications on cases like Syria, Iran, Iraq and possibly Cyprus,” said Murat Yekin, columnist at Radikal daily.
What comes next is explained by Turki
March 23rd, 2013, 1:18 pm
revenire said:
She is gorgeous. What a First Lady – so caring and kind.
March 23rd, 2013, 1:25 pm
mjabali said:
I am interested to see why you did not stand up for your rights when silenced and insulted? You know Peasant women would never take that. They work and produce, like you, and hence they always have their say in decision making in the villages that I know. No one told them the things you were told. Just wondering. I respect in you that you work and have an input into this world, like the many women in my family. I do not like your ideas: that is no secret.
March 23rd, 2013, 1:25 pm
revenire said:
Juergen this is from real Syria not your rats in Kafranbel.
March 23rd, 2013, 1:26 pm
revenire said:
Juergen be sure to watch that one and pass it around among the smelly rodents that sit on Twitter all day calling for Syrian blood. You know the kind: they don’t live in Syria and aren’t man enough to go fight for what they say they believe in. We call them “rats” because they are rats.
March 23rd, 2013, 1:30 pm
Visitor said:
March 23rd, 2013, 1:31 pm
revenire said:
This is what the rats fighting for the Zionist enemy against Syria believe:
March 23rd, 2013, 1:34 pm
Visitor said:
I say Asmaa is du*gly, and Bashar is fu*gly.
That makes them a ‘perfect’ couple after you remove the stars (*) in the above words.
March 23rd, 2013, 1:36 pm
5 dancing shlomos said:
not familiar with father paolo but found following article. either paolo is dull witted or for 30 years he was an agent for the jewish west.
comfortable in iraqi kurdistan, father paolo?
Asharq Al-Awsat talks to Jesuit priest expelled from Syria
Posted By Asharq Al-Awsat On June 22, 2012
Beirut, Asharq Al-Awsat – Father Paolo Dall’Oglio was transferred from Damascus to Beirut after being expelled from Syria by the al-Assad regime. The Jesuit Priest had overseen the ancient Deir Mar Musa desert monastery in Syria for over 30 years; however his ongoing criticism of the violence being carried out by the al-Assad regime resulted in Damascus expelling him from the country. Father Dall’Oglio most recently invited the friends of young opposition filmmaker Bassel Shahade – who was killed in Homs in May by the al-Assad regime – to take part in a memorial prayer service at Deir Mar Musa, something that angered the al-Assad regime. The Catholic priest now finds himself secluded in a Jesuit monastery in Beirut, preparing for a trip to Iraqi Kurdistan, where he will head a new monastic mission concerned with promoting interfaith dialogue, after his time in Syria came to an abrupt end thanks to his outspoken views on the Syrian crisis.
In an exclusive interview with Asharq Al-Awsat, Jesuit Father Paolo Dall’Oglio spoke about the situation in Syria and his time there. He revealed that “I am very sad, I may have left Syria…but my spirit remains there.” He added “the Syrian regime pressured the Church to expel me, and then took the initiative to quickly apply this decision and withdraw me from Syria.”
Speaking about the situation in Syria prior to the revolution, Father Dall’Oglio asserted that “the people of Syria lived under a pseudo-peace for dozens of years, where the prions were full and the torture rooms were in use and fear was rife. People were afraid to talk about the government, even in private.” He added “despite this, the people did not become accustomed to seeing blood in the streets or experience the prospect of not returning to their homes at night in safety, and this is what has been lost today in Syria in light of the revolution, civil war and general state of lawlessness.”
The Jesuit priest also stressed that “the Syrian people today are calling for freedom and democracy and dignity”, but added that “objective geo-political reasons relating to Syria make this prospect unlikely.”
He also spoke sadly about the “ongoing civil war in Syria, and the Sunni – Shiite conflict, as well as the international community failing to shoulder its responsibilities towards Syria” confirming that “Israel’s interests are also being served by what is happening, and all of this contributes to the whole-sale slaughter of the Syrian people.”
Speaking to Asharq Al-Awsat in Arabic, Father Paolo Dall’Oglio asked “what can we do in response to all this?”, answering “we must continue our civil and media work until God answers our prayers.”
As for the al-Assad regime’s claims that what is happening is not a popular uprising but the action of “armed gangs”, the Jesuit priest stressed that “this is a lie that would be laughable if its results were not so disastrous from a human rights standpoint. I personally know the Syrian youth; they are not committing violence or carrying arms, they are taking to the streets unarmed to call for freedom, but they are being viewed as enemies of the regime because they want to replace the bad with the good!” He also warned that “the longer the civil war goes on, the more intolerance, ignorance and lawlessness will occur on the scene.”
Father Dall’Oglio’s recent visit to the city of al-Qusair in Homs further angered the al-Assad regime, prompting Damascus to step up its efforts to deport him from the country. As for why he visited the city, the priest revealed “I went to look for some people who have been detained and missing for months” adding “they had been returned to their homes.” He confirmed that al-Qusair had witnessed “sectarian violence”, but stressed that the majority of Syrian people reject “sectarian logic” with regards to the revolution.
The Jesuit priest also confirmed that “some Christians have joined the fighting and are fighting with the Free Syrian Army [FSA]” stressing that what is happening in Syria is a “civil war”
As for how many Christians are taking part in the revolution, Father Dall’Oglio stressed “the majority of Syrians are staying in their homes for fear of the violence taking place in the streets, and that includes the Christians.” He asked “who are the heroes that will take to the streets under fire, for this requires strong belief, whilst the Christians are used to being second-class citizens and supporters of the regime, so where will they get the determination to take to the streets?”
Father Dall’Oglio also expressed his sadness that the Church has “unfortunately, been used for decades as cover for the Syrian regime” adding that the leaders of the Church have “over the past decades, become used to supporting the regime, as it provides them with comfortable cover for their religious practices.”
He stressed “I am not blaming anyone, but I feel sorry for the people who are lying to themselves out of fear of spectres” adding “I pray for everybody who has been harmed or wronged, I ask for blessings for them and pray for change so that they can enjoy human life and dignity.”
March 23rd, 2013, 1:37 pm
MarigoldRan said:
Military base in Daraa falls.
The war continues.
March 23rd, 2013, 2:02 pm
Juergen said:
March 23rd, 2013, 2:05 pm
revenire said:
Rumors are that Father Paolo is one of those Catholic pedophiles we hear about so often. Tlass liked him a lot of I remember.
March 23rd, 2013, 2:07 pm
Observer said:
Majbali I do not care one bit for any ideology that is exclusivist and does not recognize the other. The Baath in iraq was a mirror image of he Wahabi of KSA and the Baath of Hafez was a mirror image of MB exclusivist takfiri ideology. Both are abhorrent to me. Yet at this time and place they have the ascendency and I will do everything in my power to defend freedom from any tyrant. I have to confess that in my life I have done too little and opted for security rather than freedom and here I am suffering the consequence in my own country.
There is a difference between facts on the ground and the discussion of rights.
Facts of economic success in Israel are not attributable to Zionism they are attributed to Democracy and the rule of Law and free economy.
Facts of our infighting and backwardness and disarray are attributable to despotism and ignorance and economic socialist archaic policies.
I will never recognize the exclusive right of anyone to exclude the other.
I understand your anguish about security after the holocaust and I have met Jewish Canadians that wanted to have Israel ” in case things got ugly in Canada” this is the degree of fear that your experiences have left you with. Never trust your security to anyone. I fully appreciate that, nevertheless acting immorally and illegally towards either Palestinians or Arabs or Iranians and threatening them with war lest they abandon this or that perfectly legitimate program is criminal to say the least.
I want you and all others for all faiths and denominations and what have you to live in the ME this diversity in the right environment will explode the talents of so many in our midst that perhaps Silicon valley will look like a picnic in comparison.
I also would like very much to make sure that this fear of the minorities from oppression be put to rest once and for all, for fear is the driver of so much hatred and evil and violence.
Just read Majbali to realize that he is extremely fearful of the Islamists just as I am as they EXCLUDE the other and hence they can DEMONIZE and hence they can MASSACRE the other. This was the steps that led to your holocaust and this same system is leading to this slow and relentless holocaust.
Every dark cloud has a silver lining.
March 23rd, 2013, 2:11 pm
majedkhaldoun said:
Visitor, Tara you are welcome along with the rest of good people on SC to come to denver and visit me,Broadmore in Colorado spring,Vail and Dillon are as beautifull as switerland,winter park ,breckenridge ski resorts,and Estes park,with nice scenaries remind me of part of syria but much more beautiful.
The most important part the new goverment must do are
1 Obtain Arabic and foreign recognitions.
2 create one top military command, this is extremely important,This is called Arkan Al Jaish Al Hurr,under which all military commanders must agree to follow order,and there they will get arms and logistics and intelligence,and money.
3 provide social aids to the refugees and those wo lost their homes
Today the rebels( mostly JAN) took control of strategic airforce base , 6 miles from Deraa,this means Deraa will be free city soon,and the road to Damascus will be under the control of the rebels
Assad Mafia are getting weaker every day,there will come a point Assad will not be able to defend Damascus.
The victories of FSA is what prompting England and France to call for arming the FSA before it is too late to get credits.
March 23rd, 2013, 2:34 pm
Visitor said:
Has Darayya been conquered by Assadistan yet?
Your argument about Assadistan retaking the Golan is mute. Assad cannot even retake a nearby suburb of Damascus over four months into the campaign of destroying it. Nevertheless, Assad senior made a business deal and sold the Golan as all Syrians know. Assad senior and junior are both instructed by Evil possessing them to ‘honor’ the deal. So, take it from me. They will be fully consumed by Evil before they shoot one bullet south towards the Golan. I guess, you should not complain about it. Evil is serving your interests in this particular incident.
I think if the Darayyans offer Assad a similar deal, if they can offer such a deal, he might leave them alone and take his thugs away from Darayya, and start shooting in a different direction.
March 23rd, 2013, 2:35 pm
revenire said:
LOL this ape Majed makes the same post day after day. It’s really pathetic. Now another air base was taken but they haven’t told us about the last one – the one they claimed to have captured an air force full of planes from – is?
March 23rd, 2013, 2:36 pm
Uzair8 said:
This blog could get into trouble for slander and libel.
UN High Commisioner for Human Rights was called a ‘WOG’. A racist term.
Now there seems to be more slander.
March 23rd, 2013, 2:45 pm
AIG said:
If a person says to you: “Come live with me, it will be great, I believe all people should be well!” and you look through his window and see him beating up his family, what value do you give his words?
If you want something to be done, you lead by example and implement it first in your own home. The facts on the ground are important to the discussion of rights because a healthy society is built on trust and what you preach cannot be different from what you implement in your own house.
So it does not really help if you paint a rosy picture and do not even bother to make it reality in your own house. Believe me, if ONE Arab society was the picture you are painting, I would be all ears.
And until that day, the day that we can make peace based on trust and tolerance, Israel has to be on its guard. What you call immoral actions by Israel I just see as a country exercising its right to self defense. Of course, Israel does make mistakes and of course there are also immoral Israelis, like in any country. But by and large, Israel is walking a fine line in a tough neighborhood and tries making the right decisions, not always successfully.
March 23rd, 2013, 2:47 pm
revenire said:
Uzair8 are you denying the rumors about Father Paolo? They are all over the Internet. The claim is he is a disgraced pedophile. The church tries to hide it but like so many priests it is too late.
No blog, and no one, can get into trouble for saying it. You’re out of your mind.
Please keep your deviants out of Syria.
March 23rd, 2013, 2:48 pm
revenire said:
This is truly a beautiful video.
March 23rd, 2013, 2:49 pm
zoo said:
Fighters from the Druze minority joins the Syrian army against the rebels near the Golan
Clashes have also raged near the border with Israel, which is growing concerned that Islamist rebels may be emboldened to end the quiet on the Golan front maintained by Assad and his father before him during their four decade rule of Syria… Rebels last Wednesday overran at least three towns near the Israeli-Syrian disengagement line but appeared to lose ground after militias loyal to Assad pushed them back in a fierce battle.
Rami Abdelrahman, head of the Observatory, said he recorded one of the heaviest single death tolls for rebels in the fighting near the Israeli border. “We have 35 fighters recorded by name and at least 20 more missing, this is a huge number to be lost in a single battle and shows how hard they (Assad’s forces) are fighting for these areas,” Abdelrahman said. He said the pro-government militias involved were made up of fighters from Syria’s Druze minority, a sect which for some time had stayed on the sidelines of the conflict but now increasingly appears to be swinging its weight behind Assad.
Their involvement could increase sectarian bloodshed in Syria, already wracked by tensions between the Sunni Muslim majority that has led the uprising and the Alawite minority to which Assad belongs.
March 23rd, 2013, 2:52 pm
zoo said:
Momentum weakened for Syrian president’s ouster
March 23, 2013
Beyond threats of military intervention, there is growing consensus that little can be done to put new pressure on Assad
Without more foreign pressure and aid, it’s unlikely Assad would leave for months or even years, said Ken Pollack, a Mideast expert at the Brookings Institution in Washington and a member of the National Security Council during the Clinton administration.
“The situation has degenerated into a bloody, but potentially very durable stalemate,” Pollack said.
March 23rd, 2013, 3:05 pm
Juergen said:
See such mechanisms of labeling one does not work at all for Father Paolo, he is an inspiration to all who have met him and have seen his humble care for all people of Syria. He has his own mind, many times he has proven that the offical backup of this brutal regime by members of his own church is a crime. He said while he was in Berlin:
“Many of my church in Syria see themselves as civil servants to the regime. I regret that their voice is heard and through their post and attire they strenghten the propaganda of the regime. I am sorry, many Christians will leave the country, and with them the bishops.”
March 23rd, 2013, 3:23 pm
Syrian Atheist Against Dictatorships said:
Anti-air missiles, local production, no need to owe anyone any favors
March 23rd, 2013, 3:24 pm
AIG said:
Why should we worry about Islamists in the Golan? We are not worried because we know Assad will protect us as he and his family have done for the last 40 years.
As for the Druze, I have served with many of them in the IDF. They are indeed excellent soldiers.
You really suck at your main activity, which is propaganda. You post an article from the Times of Israel which is really a call to send arms to the rebels so as to stop a deadly stalemate.
March 23rd, 2013, 3:25 pm
Juergen said:
5 dancing shlomos
See such mechanisms of labeling one does not work at all for Father Paolo, he is an inspiration to all who have met him and have seen his humble care for all people of Syria. I can not think of an other European who integrated himself more than he has done in Syria. He has his own mind, many times he has proven that the official backup of this brutal regime by members of his own church is a crime. He said while he was in Berlin:
“Many of my church in Syria see themselves as civil servants to the regime. I regret that their voice is heard and through their post and attire they strenghten the propaganda of the regime. I am sorry, many Christians will leave the country, and with them the bishops.”
March 23rd, 2013, 3:27 pm
Citizen said:
must see these humanitarian missiles !
With Iraq
I want to say unfortunately the main role player in Iraq, Libya and the Syria war is the AKP ( Erdogan’s ruling party ) and most of the bombings in Syria are planned and organised by Turkish – Israeli and American intelligence
the raw material for all the bombings is from Turkey
TNT and others
Iraq yes , it was 2003 after Erdogan came to power, they made a deal with the USA and Britain on how much they can profit if Turkey allows the USA-NATO bases to be used
Turkish intelligence name is “MIT ”
The Turkish opposition refused, but the US and NATO used all the bases in Turkey, believe me
and also the bombings everyday in Iraq are from infiltrators by Erdogan
That is why Maliki ( the Iraqi PM ) does not allow any truck from Turkey to go to Iraq , the trucks that used to export from Turkey to Iraq because of fear that bombs are hidden inside.
since 1 year , Turkish trucks are not allowed
That’s why hundreds, even thousands of businessmen have gone bankrupt
People who exported fruits and vegetables
Including many Antakya businessmen
They were exporting to the Gulf countries through Iraq
And Antakya was the biggest exporter
With Syria:
Because the border gate cilvegözü is now in the hands of Al Qaeda – they actually came from Turkey and killed all the soldiers there
It was managed under the command of the CIA – Mossad- MI6 and Turkish MIT
For the past few months , maybe 6-7 months, every kind of weapon has been transferred from Turkey to Syria through cilvegözü
Most of the weapons come from Libya and go to Iskenderun port
And always they say it is ” humanitarian aid ”
People who worked in Iskederun sea port admitted that all the containers are heavy weapons , missiles – humanitarian missiles 😀
Before 2 years the UK and USA ambassadors were exploring the Syrian – Turkish border , nobody knows why they were doing that …..
March 23rd, 2013, 3:29 pm
Citizen said:
Obama Talks “Peace” in Israel while Preparing War
March 23rd, 2013, 3:31 pm
Citizen said:
Agency Feeds Intelligence to Rebel Fighters, in Move That Deepens U.S. Involvement in Conflict
The Central Intelligence Agency is expanding its role in the campaign against the Syrian regime by feeding intelligence to select rebel fighters to use against government forces, current and former U.S. officials said.
The move is part of a U.S. effort to stem the rise of Islamist extremists in Syria by aiding secular forces, U.S. officials said, amid fears that the fall of President Bashar al-Assad would enable al Qaeda to flourish in Syria.
The expanded CIA role bolsters an effort by Western intelligence agencies to support the Syrian opposition with training in areas including weapons use, urban combat and ……..
the wall street journal
March 23rd, 2013, 3:40 pm
Citizen said:
March 23rd, 2013, 3:41 pm
Juergen said:
Israel Says Syria Reason for Restoring Turkey Ties
March 23rd, 2013, 3:50 pm
Syrialover said:
More positive and encouraging news from CITIZEN in #180. Thanks.
March 23rd, 2013, 4:37 pm
ALI said:
What a disgusting day
March 23rd, 2013, 4:38 pm
revenire said:
More rats dishonoring the martyr al-Bouti:.
“Khalil Abdullah ?@AbulFidaHamwi 16m
Bouti represents everything rotten about Sunnism – pathetic quietism in the face of tyrants to extract meaningless concessions #Syria”
“Alexblx ?@Alexblx 21 Mar
Pro #Assad #Syria Christian activist @edwardedark – parrots Regime line on #Bouti death: ‘terrorist bomber kills pro regime Islamic scholar'”
March 23rd, 2013, 4:46 pm
Juergen said:
You should care about your health, if I would dig into the opposite twitter front my blood pressure would set new records.
March 23rd, 2013, 4:48 pm
zoo said:
<How hypocritical, ungrateful and coward is Father Dall'oglio. He benefited from the religious tolerance of Syria and now he blames the "Church" for cowardice as if he does belong to that same Church.
Good riddance from Syria. I hope he never put his foot again and that he goes and stays in Turkey where religious tolerance is an example for the region.
“Father Dall’Oglio also expressed his sadness that the Church ( himself) has “unfortunately, been used for decades as cover for the Syrian regime” adding that the leaders of the Church ( and himself) have “over the past decades, become used to supporting the regime, as it provides them with comfortable cover for their religious practices.”
March 23rd, 2013, 4:51 pm
zoo said:
A bad surprise for Obama, France and the UK?
Syria chemical weapons: finger pointed at jihadists
By Alex Thomson, Chief Correspondent, Channel 4 News
6:18PM GMT 23 Mar 2013
Whatever happened last week in the town of Khan al-Assal, west of Aleppo, it achieved something extraordinary in the Syrian civil war: unity among Washington, Moscow and Damascus.
All welcomed the rapid decision by Ban Ki-moon, the United Nations secretary-general, to investigate an alleged chemical attack that reportedly killed 26, including Syrian soldiers.
Unusually, the request for that investigation came from the Syrian regime, which claimed that Islamic jihadist rebels launched a chemical weapons attack. Since then, precious little evidence in any way has come from the area despite an awful lot of diplomatic noise around the world.
However a senior source close to the Syrian Army has given Channel 4 News the first clear account of what he claims is believed to have occurred on Tuesday. He is a trusted and hitherto reliable source who does not wish to be identified.
The Syrian military is said to believe that a home-made locally-manufactured rocket was fired, containing a form of chlorine known as CL17, easily available as a swimming pool cleaner. They claim that the warhead contained a quantity of the gas, dissolved in saline solution.
March 23rd, 2013, 5:01 pm
Juergen said:
Thousands grieve for murdered Syrian imam who supported Assad
“Everyone knew where Al Bouti was, if we had wanted to kill him it would have been very simple to do it, the Free Syrian Army is strong in Ruken El Deen,” said a commander with the FSA in Damascus.
“We certainly didn’t kill Al Bouti and if we had wanted to we could have done it much more easily than putting a bomb in a highly secured mosque.”
“Two weeks ago Sheikh Al Bouti had requested permission from the security services to travel to Malaysia for an Islamic conference he was going to take part in,” said a Syrian businessman who was familiar with Mr Al Bouti’s travel arrangements
March 23rd, 2013, 5:04 pm
AIG said:
You really do not understand the concept of criticizing an organization you belong to, do you? You know, that is what enlightened people do. Americans criticize their own government, Israelis criticize their government. Not everybody is a Baathist like you. Father Dall’Oglio has every right to criticize the church he belongs. Your inability to criticize Assad has brough Syria to where it is.
One more thing you do not understand is that religious tolerance is not some favor or present that a government gives its people. Governments that are not religiously tolerant are tyrannies.
March 23rd, 2013, 5:08 pm
revenire said:
“The Syrian Revolution General Commission rejects the new interim government in Syria.”
So much for that. Idiots.
March 23rd, 2013, 5:09 pm
revenire said:
“Ghassan Hitto is loyal to Muslim Brotherhood and has nothing to do with the Syrian Kurds” – PYD spokesman in Europe
Muslim Brotherhood rat.
March 23rd, 2013, 5:11 pm
AIG said:
“A bad surprise for Obama, France and the UK?
Syria chemical weapons: finger pointed at jihadists”
Again, you show how distorted your way of thinking is. If chemical weapons were used against people in Khan al-Assalit it is first and foremost bad news for Syrians. And again, since Obama wants to arm moderates, don’t you think this is a good excuse to give them weapons, so as to make sure the jihadists don’t get stronger? And how is this, if true, not terrible news for Assad as it shows that jihadists can manufacture and deliver chemical weapons?
As I keep saying, you stink at propaganda. Keep your day job.
March 23rd, 2013, 5:13 pm
Juergen said:
March 23rd, 2013, 5:23 pm
Juergen said:
March 23rd, 2013, 5:23 pm
Juergen said:
Alex Thomsons report on the burial:
March 23rd, 2013, 5:30 pm
Uzair8 said:
Are you going to apologise to HasanSari for calling him a ‘bald lying clown’ (paraphrase) when he tweeted a couple of weeks ago the news about the Alawite meeting in Cairo (23 Mar)?
To be fair I wasn’t sure of it myself. I didn’t want to get my hopes up and be disappointed.
This is great news.
HasanSari was right. His reliability has gone up a little.
March 23rd, 2013, 5:35 pm
Sami said:
“How hypocritical, ungrateful and coward is Father Dall’oglio”
This person you call a coward has done more for Syria than you will ever dream of accomplishing, and your so-called “religious tolerance” and respect for any moderate opposition to Besho is self evident in the statement above.
Just come out and say it and stop hiding behind this cheap facade, be more like you pal Revenire. You oppose anyone and anything that opposes Bashar, and if they do oppose him then they deserve to die.
March 23rd, 2013, 5:58 pm
Tara said:
Do you understand that attacking father Paolo degrades one to nothing but a mere worshiper of Bashar? Why are you doing this? You are so disappointing me. There is no enough reason in the world for this.
March 23rd, 2013, 6:10 pm
zoo said:
I always thought that Father dell’Oglio was a saint man, but when he makes this kind of declaration blaming the Church for condoning the regime in Syria when he is an integral part of the Church, or when he dares qualify with condescendance the Syrian Christians as cowards, I do not accept that. No respectable man of God will make such a judgement.
If he was really honest and humble, he would have blamed himself to have remained silent if he truly witnessed the oppression he is now describing. His silence makes him a double coward.
I think he turned out to be a hypocrite that does not deserve neither any respect or even to be a priest.
March 23rd, 2013, 6:37 pm
zoo said:
After two years of probation, Egyptians want Morsi out and the army in
Apparently, we knew how to bring down a dictator but not how to build a democracy. Rather than focusing on drafting a constitution as a first step, we rushed into parliamentary and then presidential elections. Only later did we realise our error: we had been grooming a new dictator without setting up a system that would enable us to question him.
It is time now to correct this mistake before the economy deteriorates further and political instability turns into chaos. The removal of the Morsi regime is one step, but finding an alternative will be more difficult.
The fear of political chaos and economic failure under Mr Morsi, and the need for security and stability, are encouraging Egyptians to re-evaluate the role of the military. To many, the armed forces seem like the last bulwark to save Egypt and guide the country towards the liberal democracy we have always longed to have.
Read more: http://www.thenational.ae/thenationalconversation/comment/as-turmoil-grows-in-egypt-army-rule-finds-new-support#ixzz2OPDqQqSG
Follow us: @TheNationalUAE on Twitter | thenational.ae on Facebook
March 23rd, 2013, 6:48 pm
Tara said:
Had he said anything before the beginning of the revolution, he would be considered an agitator inciting violence. The revolution started 2 years ago, should he lie or attest to the truth that he witnessed ?
March 23rd, 2013, 6:54 pm
zoo said:
After the rejection by the EU of the arms delivery to rebels, the SNC is getting another significant blow: The Free Syrian Army does not endorse Hitto.
Syrian Free Army says it wants majority consensus on premier
Sunday, 24 March 2013
The Free Syrian Army said it would only recognize an opposition prime minister who is accepted by all members of the Syrian National Coalition, following the controversial appointment of Ghassan Hitto to serve as Syria’s first opposition premier.
“The Free Syrian Army requires for its cooperation [with the opposition coalition] the achievement of a political consensus on the name of the prime minister,” FSA chief of staff General Saleem Idris said in a statement aired by Al Arabiya television
Opposition leader Soheir Atassi who had frozen her membership said on Thursday she was rejoining the body.
There was no indication that the other opposition figures who had suspended their Coalition memberships were reconsidering. They included several members who walked out of the Istanbul Coalition gathering in protest at Hitto’s election.
March 23rd, 2013, 6:56 pm
annie said:
Sheikh Saeed Ramadan al Bouti might have been a supporter of the Assad regime, but his murder is as tragic to the Syrians in the opposition, though many might not realise it yet. One might ask whether the death of this one man is any different to the tens of thousands of Syrians that have been murdered over the past two years, and it is a fair question to ask. The answer is both no and yes, as clear as everything else in the Middle East. No insofar as he is just the latest victim of Assad’s quixotic crusade to hold an entire country to ransom, and yes, because the death of a man of his theological and intellectual calibre will be a great blow to Islam, and not just any Islam, but Levantine Islam.
March 23rd, 2013, 6:58 pm
AIG said:
Right, an article by one person means that all Egyptians want the army. You know that the Muslim Brotherhood won 50% of the Egyptian Parliament? Even if their power is down to 30%, you still have them and the Salafis that do not want the army back. Together that is probably at least 50% of Egyptians. Morsi may not be the answer, but the army isn’t one also.
March 23rd, 2013, 6:59 pm
annie said:
Deal with the Devil
There is no political solution with this regime. There were no reforms coming in March 2011, and there was never going to be any hope of Assad leaving power without turning the country into rubble. A regime which is interested in a “political solution” and “dialogue” does not lock up and torture intellectuals and activists, such as Omar Aziz. Nor would it torture activists like Ghiath Mattar to death in its prisons after he gave flowers and water to soldiers during the initial peaceful protests in Syria.
March 23rd, 2013, 7:00 pm
AIG said:
“After the rejection by the EU of the arms delivery to rebels, the SNC is getting another significant blow: The Free Syrian Army does not endorse Hitto.”
Again, you are wrong on both counts. France and the UK will provide weapons without EU permission. They are just going through the process to show they tried their best to make it a EU action. As for the FSA action, it is not a blow to anybody, it is just healthy dialog between different organizations in the opposition. Since you do not understand how democratic institutions work, you see any disagreement as a “blow” to somebody when in fact disagreement and compromise are the norm in healthy organizations.
March 23rd, 2013, 7:06 pm
AIG said:
Is it true or not that the regime killed Omar Aziz and Ghiath Mattar? What is your opinion on this?
March 23rd, 2013, 7:07 pm
zoo said:
He has witnessed the ‘repression’ for 30 years in silence?
If he was courageous he should have been outspoken a long time ago. That’s exactly why I say it is shameful that he dares express criticism toward the Church and toward the Syrian Christians when he should have instead apologized humbly for his own cowardice.
I understand fear and cowardice but I have no respect for people who do not take responsibility for their own flaws, especially a priest.
March 23rd, 2013, 7:14 pm
zoo said:
The interim government of “Hitto and the Cowboys” was rushed by Big Bird and the Ottoman Sul.tan with three ambitions:
1) Get the EU to allow arms delivery to the rebels
2) Get the FSA on its side
3) Get Syria’s seat at the Arab League
1) The EU says NO again to UK and France on exempting the Syrian rebels form the arms embargo.
2) The FSA said NO to Hitto.
3) The AL will probably say NO for Syria’s seat as that they prefer to wait that there is a recognized ‘government’. To compensate for the humiliation, Hitto will be allowed to address the AL.
Finally Big Bird and the Ottoman Sul.tan got three humiliating slaps and one tap in the back. “Unite, unite unite and come back later”.
So let’s see now if Hitto and his Cowboys will fulfill their promise to move to the ‘70% liberated areas’ of Syria.
I can’t wait to see that. It is a historic moment, I hope it won’t be delayed to 2014.
March 23rd, 2013, 7:26 pm
Akbar Palace said:
acts of economic success in Israel are not attributable to Zionism they are attributed to Democracy and the rule of Law and free economy.
I appreciated your post where you mentioned this to AIG.
In fact, Zionist promotes Democracy, Rule of Law, AND a Free Economy. Zionism provides for a homeland for the Jewish People and also provides freedom for those that don’t consider themselves part of the Jewish People. Whereas the official religion in Great Britain is the Church of England, Israel has no official religion.
The point is, those who are not Christian in Great Britain are not discriminated against, and similarly, non-Jews are not discriminated against in Israel.
I agree with you that the ME could be the next “Silicon Vally”, but we aren’t there yet. We need strong-minded moderates like you to hold power in these ME countries. That’s just MHO.
March 23rd, 2013, 7:30 pm
AIG said:
Again you demonstrate that you have no idea how democracy works. When the “Supreme Leader” does not dictate policy there is always disagreements and a give and take. Whenever that happens in the context of the opposition, or the EU, or Turkish politics etc. you see that as an “humiliation”. But in fact, a society where these things do not happen, like your beloved Baath one, is backward and leads to the failures we see in Syria.
March 23rd, 2013, 7:46 pm
zoo said:
I told you, I don’t understand barking.. save your energy to support the Palestinians.
March 23rd, 2013, 7:50 pm
AIG said:
Let me repeat, you do not understand many things. And you are a conceited fool if you think I care one iota if you read what I write or not. You are a convenient tool that I use to show the hypocrisy, cruelty, internal contradictions and lack of democratic understanding of regime supporters and their ideas. I couldn’t have wished for a better tool, so I guess I should thank you.
March 23rd, 2013, 7:55 pm
Tara said:
Why did Mikati resign? Why did Nasrallah let him go easily? Did Iran want more involvement of HA in Syria?
decision to step down came after disagreements on two domestic issues — an elections supervisory commission and extending a security chief’s mandate.
The 57-year-old was involved in a contentious bid to extend the term of the Sunni head of Lebanon’s Internal Security Forces, General Ashraf Rifi, which was opposed by a majority of the government.
“In a few days a major security institution risks falling into the void when its director general retires. I felt that during this sensitive period that he should stay in office… but I found that the council of ministers does not share my opinion on this,” he said in announcing his resignation.
Rifi, a Sunni and opponent of Syria, was a thorn in Hezbollah’s side.
His officers were involved in the investigation that led to the indictment by the International Criminal Court of four Hezbollah members for their alleged role in the murder of former premier Rafiq Hariri in 2005.
Two pro-Syrian newspapers, Al-Akhbar and As-Safir, reported on Saturday that Mikati had sent a message to Hassan Nasrallah, head of Hezbollah, warning that he would resign if his movement did not accept Rifi staying on.
Nasrallah reportedly replied: “Do what you think is best.”
Another bone of contention was Mikati’s insistence on holding an election in June but before a move by Christian parties to change an electoral law that they feel is detrimental to their community.
The daily Al-Nahar, close to the opposition that is hostile to Damascus, expected a “protracted crisis,” while Al-Akhbar on the opposite of the political divide said Mikati’s resignation “means the end of the policy of disassociation.”
“This resignation plan can expect to have security repercussions not only on the border with Syria, but also within Lebanon. The political chaos will last a long time,” it said.
March 23rd, 2013, 7:57 pm
Visitor said:
Can anyone read invisible ink?
Neither Obama nor John Kerry visited Iraq on their first Middle East tours!!
March 23rd, 2013, 8:06 pm
zoo said:
Father Dell’Oglio was expelled only because he published in July 2011 a document on the Dar Musa website advising the Syrian Government on how to change Syria’s political system.
It is clearly none of the business of a christian priest, a foreign guest, to give his advices to a government on political matters when he was not asked to.
He went far beyond his religious role and he needed to go.
The declarations he made later are due to his frustration of having been kicked out after 30 years.
March 23rd, 2013, 8:07 pm
AIG said:
“It is clearly none of the business of a christian priest, a foreign guest, to give his advices to a government on political matters when he was not asked to.”
Thanks again for showing us that you completely lack understanding of what democracy and freedom of speech mean. You actually support exiling someone for speaking his mind and asking for political change! You must have a small dictator in you, you are certainly a good fit for Assad.
March 23rd, 2013, 8:10 pm
zoo said:
I suggest you make a tour to Raqqah just to say thanks to the Islamists that you support and encourage them to attack Damascus the soonest possible.
How Islamist Rebels in Syria Are Ruling a Fallen Provincial Capital
That Islamists now run this city is unmistakable. On Thursday, a massive black flag bearing the Islamic Shahada (“There is No God but God and Mohammad is his Messenger”) was hoisted atop a flagpole in the square in front of the elegant multi-arched Governorate building, near a fallen bronze statue of Hafez Assad in tribal garb. “Tomorrow will be better” is spray-painted along the statue’s back, but not all of Raqqa’s residents think so. Even those who want an Islamic state–which appears to be a clear majority–are wary of what seems to be Jabhat’s version of it.
The Islamists have maintained order, protected property and set up a Hayaa Shariyaa (Shari’a Association) to hear court cases and establish religious classes among other duties. They are working to get civil institutions up and running. In one letter dated March 17, Jabhat al-Nusra said it “invites” former civil servants to return to work. It was signed by the group’s emir in Raqqa, “Your brother in Jabhat al-Nusra, Abu Saad al-Hadrame.” The groups are also looking at how to secure salaries.
But the Jabhat has distributed other pamphlets too, including one a few days ago that called for replacing the tri-starred revolutionary flag with the Islamist black one. “Yes to choosing that the [black] banner ….. be the flag of the Syrian revolution and Syria.” It upset a fair number of people, some of whom simply want a civil state. Others feared that it would serve as an excuse for the regime to brand the city’s residents as extremists, or place Raqqa on a list the U.S. is allegedly putting together of Islamist targets in Syria for potential drone strikes.
At least a few hundred publicly protested against the raising of the black flag in the square outside the governorate, while others complained inside the privacy of their homes. “We all pray, we all say ‘There is no God but God,’ but I will not raise this flag,” an older man said. “Are they trying to breakaway from Syria? From the country of Syria? That [black] flag doesn’t represent me,” said another. “This is an insult to people who died for the revolutionary flag,” one young man said.
March 23rd, 2013, 8:18 pm
apple_mini said:
Yeah, the opposition, the rebels and their supporters did it again. The rebels/Islamists overran 38th division air defense base. They are all cheerleadering their new “victory”
Yet, when Israel air raided Syria, they humiliated the regime for failing to provide protection. They showed everyone that was another proof the regime is corrupted to build useless Russian air defense system.
An air defense base is part of national defense system. It is part of crucial national infrastructures.
People working at an air defense include military guards, officers and most importantly many technicians operating radar, commanding, communication and launching procedure. It takes great deal of background training and onsite training to establish a team of qualified technicians to work on the base. They are not field combatants.
Of course, those rebels will never miss a chance to attack those air defense bases. Does it give any military advantage for the rebels? Not really, unless they work for Israel. And are we expecting those uneducated and ignorant rebel fighters capable of run an air defense base in the future? Well, you know the answer.
And of course, anything hurts the regime even though it means hurting Syria as a state is enough to trigger happiness from the opposition and its supporters. Simply disgusting!
Well, one more thing, they are getting quite desperate for foreign intervention. So no matter where their “help” comes from Jihadists in Africa or in China, or foreign intelligences like CIA, MI5, Mossad, Turkey spies and Saudi dirty cops.
I hope those Zionists can skip my posts all together. After all, 1000 posts from those Zionists are not worth one minute of speech from Noam Chomsky. Jewish people will be damned if they keep expelling those wise voices within themselves.
March 23rd, 2013, 8:26 pm
Visitor said:
It is now clear that there is no such thing as ‘secularists’ in the Arab world. The reason is very simple, and I did explain in a previous post that such ‘secularism’ has been transplanted by few Arab elites from foreign cultures whose evolutions bear no resemblance whasoever to Arab and Muslim experiences in general. The result of such bastardized form of so-called secularism was the plunging of the region into the rule by despotic dictators who cost the region and its people dearly in terms of lack of progress, material and human losses and economic regression. After a century of unaccountable rule and crushing of every opposition movement, those who benefited from such despotic environment have grown accustomed to consider it their birth right and no one else’s to be in power. This is what is happening in Egypt right now, where so-called liberals and ‘secularists’ are resorting to acts of violence and terror after losing in the polls,
I say, put them in jail for a century or so as an eye for an eye pay back. May be they would start to learn how to be down to earth and become more democrats.
March 23rd, 2013, 8:26 pm
AIG said:
So let me understand, you are against people asking for political change and you complain about Islamists? How exactly are people like Tara, who are liberal and hate violence going to get change from a regime that thinks like you and does not allow any dissent? Please explain to us how this works. If Assad would have allowed free discourse and a true open dialog, Syria would not be where it is. The rise of the Islamists is the fault of Assad who quashed any secular, liberal and non-violent dissenters.
You put people like Tara in jail or exiled them. Now you complain about the Islamists. Typical vile hypocrisy.
March 23rd, 2013, 8:28 pm
AIG said:
“An air defense base is part of national defense system. It is part of crucial national infrastructures.”
So why doesn’t Assad defend them? Wait, I thought Assad was “winning”. What a bunch of whiners.
Since the system did not work anyway when Israel attacked, your argument is moot. The air defense system is useless and the rebels did the right thing over running the base.
March 23rd, 2013, 8:34 pm
zoo said:
There is not point in stalking me and barking , hoping for my attention. I systematically skip Israelis posts.
March 23rd, 2013, 8:45 pm
AIG said:
You are a conceited fool after all. Who cares if you read my posts or not? You are just a convenient tool to show how bankrupt regime supporters are. Even if you did read my posts, you would not understand them.
March 23rd, 2013, 8:51 pm
Ghufran said:
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[email protected]
March 23rd, 2013, 9:02 pm
Ghufran said:
Half of what is in this testimony is pure garbage, the type of garbage that the EU likes to hear:
??? ???? “???????? ??????” ??????? ?? ???? ???? ???? ? ?? “???? ??????” ???? ????? ??????? ?????? ?? ?? ????? “?????? ?????” ??????? ??? ???? ??????.
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March 23rd, 2013, 9:10 pm
Uzair8 said:
New Post up.
March 23rd, 2013, 9:22 pm
majedkhaldoun said:
Mini apple
The importance of taking over the air defence base is that it is close to the city of Deraa,and control the road to Damascus,it will help bolster arm supplies to the rebels in Darayya, Horan and Ghouta provide more than half the food supply to the people in Damascus.
Isolating Assad thugs in Damascus will weaken them.
I doubt Assad will launch missles at areas around Deraa,unless he is very carefull not to fall in Israel
March 23rd, 2013, 9:22 pm
revenire said:
Tara how many times am I going to have to hear you’re disappointed with Zoo? It seems like you say this nearly as many times as you say you want Assad dead.
March 23rd, 2013, 9:55 pm
sheikh premji azeem said:
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March 23rd, 2013, 10:02 pm
Murder of a Cleric: Order, Chaos, and Justice in a Violent World | What Would Muhammad Do? said:
[…] up to Marxists and nationalists on one hand, and to Salafi Muslims on the other. There is a good biography of Shaykh al-Bouti, including coverage of his […]
March 24th, 2013, 12:34 am
Qui a tué Al Bouti, qui est responsable et pourquoi est-il mort ? | Un oeil sur la Syrie said:
[…] une figure incontournable de la scène religieuse syrienne, grâce à un habile mélange de rigidité doctrinale et de servilité politique, il avait perdu en […]
March 26th, 2013, 6:41 pm
Syria Media Roundup (March 28) | YALLA SOURIYA said:
[…] Syrian Regime Loses Last Credible Ally Among the Sunni Ulema Thomas Pierret provides an overview of al Bouti’s political and religious stances. […]
March 29th, 2013, 10:01 am
Siria, Chi ha ucciso lo shaykh al Buti? - SiriaLibano said:
[…] une figure incontournable de la scène religieuse syrienne, grâce à un habile mélange de rigidité doctrinale et de servilité politique, il avait perdu en […]
March 30th, 2013, 3:19 pm
Speaking of the Dead - 1st Ethical Charitable Trust | 1st Ethical Charitable Trust said:
[…] reflections have played largely on my mind since the killing of Sheikh al-Bouti in Syria last month. While the Syrian regime – for which he had long been in vocal support – […]
April 10th, 2013, 7:59 am