Syria Disintegrating

Syria Disintegrating
Joshua Landis, Syria Comment
Nov. 6, 2012

Syria is disintegrating ever more quickly into every more factions.

This week we have reports of Palestinians killing Palestinians in Yarmouk and Tadamon. Kurds and Arabs are fighting, although, it appears the rebel woman commander Dejik Nurin is NOT dead. There is an urgent effort afoot to smooth over the hostilities between FSA and the Kurds. Barzani, Iraq’s president warned Syrian Kurds not to fight among themselves or to be sucked into the “fires of discord.”

Various FSA militias are fighting among themselves for checkpoints and border crossings. Car bombs and kidnappings abound. An Islamist car suicide bomber, reportedly from al-Nusra Front, drove into a center used as a base by Syrian security forces and pro-government militia in Hama province, killing at least 50 people. The poor are plundering the rich. The rich are fleeing in every greater numbers in order not to become targets of the poor. Everyone has a price-tag on his head. Wow to those who have wealthy relatives in the West. The cousin of a friend just went down stairs in Aleppo this morning to find, “You are next. Allahu Akbar,” written on the windshield of his car. He called wealthy relatives in the US. They are flying him and his family from Aleppo to Beirut on Friday. Their thinking is that they will spend much more on him when he is kidnapped. It is less expensive to pay for him to leave today than ransom him tomorrow.

The FSA captured an oilfield near Dayr az-Zur, which is only one among many to be had, but how anyone can make money from oilfields today is unclear. I have published maps of the oil fields. The Kurdish region has many, which should be able to pay for autonomy and perhaps eventual independence. Aleppo will be turned into a wasteland because it is the major prize of the North. The FSA moved into Aleppo too quickly, before having any plan for capturing it. But once in, there was no turning back. It is too important a prize for either side to leave to the other. Only the poor will remain in Aleppo.

Wealthier Syrians are confabbing in Doha with the Emirs and Americans in an effort to somehow get regime-change without a loss of control. But the meltdown is well on its way and has a dynamic all its own. There is no stopping it now. Syria is unleashed. Guns rule and the strong will eat the weak.  Brahimi speaks of Syria turning into Somalia and a “big catastrophe.” If that happens, it will become a prime target for American and Israeli drones, which will troll the skies in hunting aL-Qaida and those with a long beards, as is the case in Pakistan and Yemen.

News Round Up

LA Times [Reg]: In Syria, small-town rebels are stuck in big-city Aleppo

The outsiders, who entered Aleppo in July, have fought to a deadlock with government forces. Many residents of the once-prosperous city resent the fighters’ presence.ALEPPO, Syria — They are this ancient city’s bedraggled warriors: plowmen and …

These rebels who entered Aleppo from semirural, tradition-bound suburbs and agricultural areas found no spontaneous outpouring of support, no waves of sleeper cells yearning to join the revolution. Many shopkeepers in the historic Old City seem to avoid eye contact with the scruffy legions strutting along the cobblestoned streets of this former Silk Road terminus.

A reporter escorted by rebels on a recent visit couldn’t escape the sensation of accompanying an occupying force.

Syrian Jihadism by Aron Lund

As the Syrian opposition journalist Malik el-Abdeh puts it, ”the salafi narrative is the only narrative that will make any sense if you’re a religious Sunni in Syria today. The salafis are all about one thing: Ibn Taimiya, Ibn Taimiya, Ibn Taimiya. And what did he say? He said the Noseiris are more dangerous than Jews and Christians, you mustn’t trust them. Over the past year and a half, this has come to be seen as true by many in Syria. Also, jihad is a fundamental part of their beliefs; for a salafi, what makes you Muslim is your capacity to go and fight a jihad. So this jihad-focused ideology, which is anti-Noseiri and anti-Shia, becomes very attractive to a young Sunni man who’s been radicalized and wants to get out and fight.”16

 AP reports

In northern Syria, an opposition figure said rival rebel groups clashed Sunday for control of the Bab al-Salameh border crossing with Turkey. The crossing has been in the hands of rebels since July. The opposition figure spoke on condition of anonymity because of fear of retaliation.

He said the fighting was between the Northern Storm Brigade and the Amr bin al-Aas brigade, which has a large number of Islamic radicals.

There are dozens of opposition groups and rebel brigades fighting in the civil war. Rivalries are common, although violent clashes are unusual.

A Turkish government official based in the border town of Kilis confirmed two Syrian rebel groups were “engaged in a power struggle,” fighting each other for control of the Bab el-Salameh border crossing. The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity in line with government rules, said Turkish officials were still trying to determine who the two groups were.

Jerusalem Post: Brahimi: Syria risks becoming failed state

BEIRUT – The international envoy for Syria fears the country could turn into a new Somalia unless its crisis is resolved, warning of a scenario in which warlords and militia fill a void left by a collapsed state. In an interview with the London …

Cameron backs safe passage for Assad
2012-11-06, By Hannah Kuchler

Nov. 6 (Financial Times) — David Cameron has said Bashar al-Assad, Syria’s president, should be allowed a safe passage out of the country if it would end the bloodsh…

U.S. Presses Fractured Syrian Opposition To Unite

US secretary of state Hillary Clinton says Washington needs “an opposition that will be on record strongly resisting the efforts by extremists to hijack the Syrian revolution,” (1)

map by Laura Canali A close look at the oil reserves, refining and transport infrastructure of the northern Kurd area, one of Iraq's oil richest zones: location and names of main oil and gas fields; active, damaged and planned oil and gas pipelines; areas of tensions and guerrillas, layout of ethnic groups.

Libya helps bankroll Syrian opposition
Excerpt from Financial Times:

The top financier of the Syrian opposition is no Arabian Peninsula oil kingdom or cloak-and-dagger western spy outfit, but struggling, war-ravaged Libya, which is itself recovering from a devastating civil conflict.

According to a budget released by the Syrian National Council and posted to its website late on Sunday, the Libyan government contributed $20.3m of the $40.4m that the opposition umbrella group has amassed since its creation in August 2011.

Qatar gave $15m while the United Arab Emirates contributed $5m, according to the document.

Unlike Qatar and the UAE, which are absolute monarchies, Libya has embarked on a rocky path towards democracy and shares an ideological vision with Syrian revolutionaries.

The SNC’s publication of its budget appeared aimed at boosting its credibility by being transparent over its financing. According to the document, the SNC still has about $10.7m in the bank.

The report breaks down expenditures by both category and geography. According to the six-page document, 11 per cent of the money collected has been spent on overheads, with the rest devoted to aiding Syrians inside the country or refugees in neighbouring states.

Roughly 7 per cent of the funds, or about $2.8m, has been allocated to the Free Syrian Army. About $290,000 has been spent on hotels for SNC representatives during travels abroad. The organisation spent about $160,000 on relief efforts for the two mostly ethnic Kurdish provinces of northwest Syria.

In an apparent attempt to shore up its status ahead of a meeting later this week to discuss the US-backed proposals, the SNC announced on Monday that it would expand its membership to include more people from inside Syria.

A decline into uprising: How the geographic roots of revolt mirror Damascus’ economic mismanagement
By Jihad Yazigi on November 01, 2012 – Executive

While there is a general consensus that the uprising gripping Syria since March 2011 is part of the broader regional movement for better governance and more freedoms, there has been little debate as to the extent to which the economic and social conditions prevailing in the country contributed to the uprising. The question of whether Syrians revolted because of their thirst for freedom, justice and dignity or whether they did so because of their poor economic and social conditions remains, however, important if one wants to understand the reasons that led to the uprising and produce viable economic reconstruction plans.

At the beginning of 2011, Syria had been witnessing for several consecutive years an average annual growth in its gross domestic product (GDP) of between 4 and 5 percent, limited current account, trade and fiscal deficits, a stable foreign exchange rate, rising foreign investments and a curtailed inflation rate. These positive macroeconomic data hid, however, many imbalances that lay behind them, and other longer-term trends must be taken into account in order to better understand the dynamics of the revolution.

The level of GDP growth, for instance, may be high by Western standards but is wholly inadequate by Syrian ones. Indeed, according to most analysts, an average growth of 8 percent is required to generate enough jobs for new labor-market entrants. For more than three decades GDP growth has fallen short of that level, meaning an uninterrupted increase in unemployment for some 30 years in a row….

Booms and busts

A look at longer-term trends helps puts things in perspective. In 1946 Syria was a founding member of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), the predecessor of the World Trade Organization — out of only 23 countries in the world. In the 1950s, when Algeria was still under French rule and the majority of ‘third world’ countries were still fighting for independence, Syria had a buoyant economy and a vibrant political life. Then, three decades of strong state investment in the country’s physical infrastructure and in its health and education services helped boost the country’s development indicators. In the 1970s, Syria’s Human Development Index — a composite statistic of life expectancy, education and income calculated by the United Nations — was growing at a rate among the highest in the world. In 1983, Syria’s per capita GDP, at $1,901, was higher than that of Turkey — $1,753 — and almost on par with that of South Korea ($2,187). That was only 30 years ago.

Surveying what followed in the 1980s is important in order to trace back the economic challenges the country now faces. At the beginning of that decade the Syrian economy contracted sharply, partly as a consequence of the fall in global oil prices and the decline in remittances and aid from Gulf countries. The foreign currency reserves dried up, leading to a rapid devaluation in the value of the Syrian Pound starting in 1986; this year marked the beginning of the implosion of Syria’s middle class. ……

Starting in the 2000s, and coinciding with Bashar al-Assad succeeding his father as president, the decline in oil production again threatened the government’s fiscal position and serious economic reforms finally began. …. These developments spurred the creation of modern and relatively sophisticated banking and insurance sectors with the entry of some two dozen regional banks and financial institutions in the market. The expansion of retail trade and of the tourism industry was evidenced with the construction of large malls and the entry of global hotel operators. What is more, concessions were awarded to private international companies for the management of the country’s two ports of Tartous and Lattakia and there was a general boom in the services sector.

However, this policy of economic liberalization was marred with mistakes typical of similar processes in other developing countries.

The downside of opening up….

Was Murdered Lebanese Intel Chief a Hero or Double Agent?
By Erich Follath | Der Spiegel

Middle East lost, 06 Nov 2012
Shadi Hamid writes: One of the great mysteries of the past four years is how Barack Obama — who rose to the presidency, in part, on his promises to fundamentally re-think and re-orient U.S. policy in the Middle East — has instead spent his term running away from the region. It is difficult to remember […]
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Comments (102)

Aldendeshe said:

That bad huh… As long as they take the “ARAB”and “BAATH” word out of the country future middle name, it is all worth it, even if it says Syrian Islamic Republic, or Syria Alqaida Emirates or even Alciada Opium Empire it is fine to me, more proud of it.

November 6th, 2012, 4:46 pm


Syrian Natonalist Party said:

Landis, if you know the kind of geophysical, financial and social upheaval the world’s going to face in the next 5 years you will save your tears for something worthy of them, don’t waste them all on Syria, save some, you gonna need’em.

November 6th, 2012, 4:55 pm


Mina said:

The Protestant Church in Aleppo has been bombed today.

November 6th, 2012, 5:07 pm


Zenobia said:

WAR!!!.. WHAT IS IT GOOD FOR?!……absolutely nothin’!!

November 6th, 2012, 5:08 pm


Citizen said:

When the West hired, paid, and armed these mercs, they knew precisely what they were buying, and that is, highly radicalized Islamists with ties to Al-Qaeda, who have no room in their “vision” for a new Syria for Kurds, Alawites, Christians, or moderate Muslims.

And in spite of these attempts to deligitimize the current “rebels” and their organizations, the West may find that if these people wind up successfully overpowering the al-Assad government, the resulting government will be virulently anti-American, for all the blood and money spent.

November 6th, 2012, 5:43 pm


ALI said:

A controlled war to a limit could be a good thing but the current ordeal in Syria is surely no good.

November 6th, 2012, 5:57 pm


ann said:

Syria Calls Doha Process Partial, Feltman Monitors w/o Details, France on Lebanon

By Matthew Russell Lee

UNITED NATIONS, November 6 — After UN political chief Jeffrey Feltman briefed the Security Council on Syria, he came to take press questions at a televised stakeout, the first time since he’s had the job.

Feltman primarily conveyed the work and views of Joint Special Representative Lakhdar Brahimi, mentioning that his deputy Nassar Al-Kidwa is “monitoring” the Syrian opposition process in Doha.

Inner City Press asked Feltman what he makes of the criticism that the United States, whose State Department Feltman until this year served, is dominating or “picking a Syria opposition to supersede the failed Syrian National Council.”

Feltman replied rather implausibly, or diplomatically, that he is “not sure the role that governments are playing” in Doha. He went on to note that any transition should be Syrian led, and for that, the opposition must come together, “reflective of what’s actually happening on the ground.” Video here, from Minute 11:28.

Moments later Inner City Press asked Syrian Ambassador Bashar Ja’afari for his view of the Doha process. He shook his head and called it “partial” and “not implementing the Geneva document,” which he said required the opposition to acknowledge the need to negotiate with the current government.

After popping into the Security Council suite of rooms, Ja’afari re-emerged and told Inner City Press that what is important is to pressure countries which arm and support the armed groups, which he said are affiliated with Al Qaeda.

He mentioned the Al Nusra Front and “booby [trapped] cars,” saying that the Security Council didn’t react to or condemn such bombings.

You can’t be against terrorism in Mali and Afghanistan and support it elsewhere, Ja’afari says. But it seems that some can.

A subsequent read-out to Inner City Press had the US, in closed door consultations, alluding to pushing for “further measures” — that is, sanctions — after Brahimi briefs the Security Council later this month; the UK saying it must be under Chapter Seven of the UN Charter, and France insisting that Syria be condemned for moves on Lebanon, which President Francois Hollande just visited. And so it goes.
Inner City Press also asked Feltman about the Golan. Video here, from Minute 7:10. He described it as “Syrian on Syrian” fighting, but could spread the conflict into “areas which had been immune from fighting.”


November 6th, 2012, 6:00 pm


ghufran said:

congratulations for a well deserved achievement:
????? ??????? ?????? ?????? ????? ????? ??????? ???? ??????? ????????? ??????? ???? ?????? ???? ???? ??????? ????? ?? ??????? ??????? ????? ?????? ?? ??????? ???? ?? ???? ?? ??? ?????? ?????? ??? ???????? ?? “????? ?????”? ??? ?? ?????? ??????? ?? ???? ????? ??????.

November 6th, 2012, 6:20 pm



FSA military march in Assad home governorate of Latakia

November 6th, 2012, 6:28 pm


ann said:

1. Aldendeshe said:

“it is all worth it, even if it says Syrian Islamic Republic, or Syria Alqaida Emirates or even Alciada Opium Empire it is fine to me, more proud of it.”

You’re too funny Aldendeshe 😀

Obama and his Gang That Couldn’t Shoot Straight will be out of a job tomorrow 😉

November 6th, 2012, 6:29 pm


ghufran said:

news from Aleppo contradict the popular belief among rebel supporters that the fall of Aleppo is imminent, indeed, rebels are in a worse shape today in that area compared to 2 weeks ago. Both sides claim that “it is a matter of time” before they win, more than 19 months of waiting proved them all wrong, the only progress being made is in the business of destroying Syria,both sides can claim victory in that venue.

November 6th, 2012, 6:34 pm


ghufran said:

??? ???? ??????? ?????? ?????? ???? ????? ??? ????????? ??? “???? ???? ???????? ?????? ????? ??????? ?? ?? ?? ????? ?? ????? ??? ??? ???? ?????? ???? ????? ??????”? ????? ??? ??? “??? ???? ?????? ?????? ???????? ????? ?????? ?????”.
???? ????? ?? ???? ????? ????? “??????? ??? ???????????” ???????? ??? “??? ???? ????? ???? ???????? ?????? ????? ?????? ??? ??? ??????? ??????? ??? ?? ?? ????? ?? ????? ??? ??? ???? ?????? ?????? ??????? ???? ????? ????? ??????? ??????? ???????? ?? ????? ??????”.
hijaab is still waiting for something to happen in Syria before he would make a move, that “something” has to do with whether somebody can remove Assad or convince him to leave his post.
without giving the opposition a victory,even a symbolic one, they are unlikely to be able to bring themselves to the negotiating table. Assad is now a big hurdle for a lot of people not just those on the opposition side, I know for sure that a number of alawites prefer to see him leave since he is only serving as a magnet for anti regime attacks. the question is this, how will the opposition and the regime as a whole handle Assad’s absence?
until now,most of you, on the opposition side,insisted that Bashar holds the key to regime survival and his departure will push the regime over the cliff, however, Islamist thugs are not just fighting Assad and his inner circle,they are after everybody who dares to have a different take on religion,politics or life.
on the regime side, Assad serves as a tool to reassure supporters, his absence may do the exact opposite: make more people cling to their guns and become less willing to talk. what needs to be done is real measures to prepare Syria for the day after instead of focusing on one man and repeating the same old rhetoric like dumb parrots.

November 6th, 2012, 6:51 pm


ALI said:


Where do you stand in this crisis?

November 6th, 2012, 6:57 pm


Syrialover said:

Through the current bleakness, sanity lies in thinking positively about Syria’s future.

If you’re anywhere near NY you might be interested in this conference on Syria next week – impressive lineup of experts speaking.

It’s focusing on expatraiates’ potential role in the rebuilding of Syria.

It’s being run by Jusoor – anybody got any insights on them?

“Syria 2025: A Forum for Engagement on Syria’s Future”
New York, November 17, 2012

November 6th, 2012, 7:04 pm


ALI said:

Would anybody tell me why the opposition is so keen to turn the Palestinians against them?

shelling Yarmouk camp with mortars is not how you persuade or win a sect to your side.

November 6th, 2012, 7:09 pm


Syrialover said:

We’re getting more US election campaign comments dumped on this forum by all-American “ANN” in #10.

How upsetting for “ANN” if Obama wins – maybe their cyber job could be relocated to Iran or Russia.

November 6th, 2012, 7:13 pm


ann said:

Russian FM says Syria rebels have 50 Stingers – Tuesday, 06 November 2012

AMMAN: Syrian rebels under increasing attack from regime warplanes have obtained 50 Stinger shoulder-launched missiles, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said in Amman Tuesday after talks with a top dissident.

“Russia knows that the Syrian rebels have obtained 50 Stinger missiles from outside to hit (regime) jet fighters,” Lavrov told reporters, according to an Arabic translation of remarks he made in Russian.

“Those who are supplying arms to the opposition are delivering systems that are not intended for defence. There is confirmed information that on Syrian territory there are over 50 Stingers,” he said, as later quoted by Russia’s Interfax news agency.

“You know perfectly well what Stingers are intended for, all the more so that the leaders of the (rebel) Syrian Free Army have repeatedly said that civilian planes will be a legitimate target.”

Russian chief of staff General Nikolai Makarov in October said Syrian rebels had obtained shoulder-launched missile systems, including Stingers, made by the United States, but added it was not clear who had delivered the weapons.

At the time the United States vehemently denied it had supplied the rebels with any lethal weapons.

The first inkling that the rebels had access to shoulder-launched weapons came in July when US broadcaster NBC News reported that the FSA had obtained two dozen Stingers, also known as MANPADS, delivered via Turkey.


November 6th, 2012, 7:27 pm


Syrialover said:

A moving comment on Syria compared with cyclone Sandy

Article: Our Storm, and Syria’s


…a tweet from the Middle East-expert Karim Sadjadpour caught my eye: “Imagine experiencing Sandy every single day for 19 months straight, with no end in sight. #Syria.”

Yes, of course: the state of emergency, the uncertainty, the dread, the economy stalled, the schools shuttered, the families hunkered and bunkered and powerless—and those are the lucky ones compared to the evacuees, the refugees, those who have lost everything.

No, to be reminded of Syria’s nineteen months of hell—of torture and massacre and tanks in the streets and of cities bombarded, a seemingly inexorable slide from a season of fitful discontent into a generation of total war—is to be reassured that Sandy, however deadly, destructive, costly, and disruptive, is really not, as catastrophes go, so bad.

We knew Sandy was coming and we know Sandy will pass. For the survivors of people the storm kills, or for those whose homes and livelihoods it obliterates, it will not be over for a long time. But for the society as a whole, for the country, it’s hardly begun and it’s almost over.

It’s impossible to imagine Sandy every day for nineteen months with no end in sight. It’s not just the speed that makes this hurricane incomparable with the storms wracking Syria—what a crisis like Sandy reminds us, even in the teeth of a high-stakes Presidential election, is that our government is supposed to be here to protect us, and we believe not only that it should but also that it can.

The speed and over-all order—so far, at least—with which the mad machine that is New York City shut down over the past thirty-six hours is in every way the opposite of what we see in Syria. It’s not just that we’re in the throes of a natural disaster, as opposed to a war, though that helps. It’s that there is a sense of a common good that is broadly and urgently shared by the people and the state.

November 6th, 2012, 7:34 pm


Syrialover said:

“ANN” give us a break from the propaganda cut-pastes – go and watch your own country’s election coverage!

November 6th, 2012, 7:36 pm


Citizen said:

US CIA & Israeli Mossad sniper death squads targeting and killing civilians in Syria

November 6th, 2012, 7:37 pm


ALI said:

“US CIA & Israeli Mossad sniper death squads targeting and killing civilians in Syria”

Good article although it’s a well-known fact. bas ya3ni don’t you think Russia, Iran, and Hizboallah are sending in snipers as well?

November 6th, 2012, 7:57 pm


Sheila said:

Dear Syrialover
I know some of Jusoor people. It is a very good organization trying to help Syria and Syrians.

November 6th, 2012, 7:57 pm


Sheila said:

To those of you who are still wondering why the Syrian people are not relenting despite all the effort by the regime. Please keep in mind that this woman could have been me, your sister, your daughter or any woman in Syria Alassad.

November 6th, 2012, 8:05 pm


Sheila said:

Dear Ali @13
Ghufran is a smart and sensitive person who deep inside knows that the regime is terrible, but has a very hard time accepting that fact. He likes to pretend that he is neutral, however, from following his posts, I can tell you that to me he is a closeted regime supporter and a tortured soul.

November 6th, 2012, 8:10 pm


ann said:

Hungary denies selling weapons to Syrian opposition – 2012-11-07

BUDAPEST, Nov. 6 (Xinhua) — Hungary’s foreign and defense ministries on Tuesday issued a statement denying any involvement in weapon supply to the Syrian opposition.

The ministries were reacting to claims made earlier in the day by Imre Ivancsik, Socialist deputy chair of the defense committee of the parliament, that Hungarian companies may have supplied weapons to the Syrian opposition.

Ivancsik referred to reports by Public Russian television channel Rossiya 24 which cited an Egyptian businessman as saying that Hungarian and Bulgarian companies sold arms to Turkish companies with Syrian opposition forces among their clients.

The ministries’ statement said Hungary firmly opposes to violence on all levels, and supports the efforts of Lahdar Brahimi, special envoy of the United Nations and the Arab League, to stop the bloodshed and reach a peaceful settlement in Syria. It went on to add that arms, hunting rifles which had been repaired under guarantee in Hungary, had been legally exported to Turkey on a single occasion during the past two years.


November 6th, 2012, 8:16 pm


ALI said:


Appreciate your assessment of Ghufran.

Don’t you think that we’ve reached to the point where we should put an end to this bloodshed?

Will you be keen to end it up on the basis of (no winner – no loser) ya3ni la-‘3aleb wo la-ma’3loob?

November 6th, 2012, 8:18 pm


Syrialover said:


Thanks for your comment.

Well, let’s keep spreading the word about the Jusoor conference on Syria in NY next week.

November 6th, 2012, 8:40 pm


Johannes de Silentio said:

19 Syrialover

“ANN, go and watch your own country’s election coverage!”

Ann’s not an American. She’s a Syrian Christian living in Bulgaria.

November 6th, 2012, 8:42 pm


zoo said:

Funny, a year ago it was the economy that was supposed to “bring down the regime”
It seems that in a year time, there will still be predictions on what will “bring the regime down”.

November 6th, 2012, 8:47 pm


ann said:

Armed men blast evangelical church in Syria’s Aleppo – 2012-11-07

DAMASCUS, Nov. 6 (Xinhua) — A large portion of an evangelical church in Syria’s Aleppo was destroyed after armed men blasted the building on Tuesday, the pro-government al-Ekhbaria TV reported.

The church is located at al-Jdaideh district in the old quarter of Aleppo, reports said.

Blasts have become daily occurrences in the unrest-hit country. Earlier Tuesday, three people were killed when a booby-trapped car went off in the resort town of Zabadani near the Syrian capital Damascus, the pro-government Sham FM reported.

Meanwhile, a car bomb was dismantled by engineering units in Damascus’ district of Tadamun, witnesses told Xinhua.

Sounds of bomb shells reverberated in several areas across Damascus Tuesday in what appeared to be the army’s attacks on the rebels’ strongholds.

Activists reported aerial bombardments on the restive southern suburbs of Damascus, including Hajar al-Aswad and Tadamun. Intense clashes raged on in al-Tadamun and surrounding areas between the government troops and armed rebels.


November 6th, 2012, 8:58 pm


Syrialover said:

“I cannot watch peaceful demonstrations in Syria and NOT have hope for the future. Our people are beyond amazing.” – Rafif Jouejati (November 6, 2012)

More demonstrations in Damascus:

November 6th, 2012, 9:12 pm


Syrialover said:

Johannes de Silentio #28

Not true, but we know YOU are (a C in B).

Or are you just mortified than “ANN” is American.

November 6th, 2012, 9:16 pm


Syrialover said:

ZOO #29 said:

“Funny, a year ago it was the economy that was supposed to “bring down the regime”

What are you saying? The article Joshua posted by Jihad Yazigi (above) keeps that statement alive.

November 6th, 2012, 9:31 pm


Sheila said:

Dear Ali @26,
It is very hard for me to say this, because even though I have family in Syria, I am not there suffering. As we say in Arabic ???? ????? ????? ?? ??? ???? ?????. However, I truly believe that there is no turning back. This regime has to go. It is the people’s opportunity to uproot these criminals and hopefully set Syria on the right path. Today we see the physical destruction of the country, but the reality is that Syria has been completely destroyed long time ago. Completely rotted on the inside. The Assads can write the book on how to destroy a nation. Even before the uprising, The country had no functioning institutions, rampant corruption and failed economy. The educational system was in shambles, healthcare was in a sad state and the gap between the very rich and very poor was widening. Nepotism was the name of the game. The people had no voice, no jobs and no chance in life. Most people who could leave the country, left and those who decided to stay watched their kids dream of leaving. I think it would be foolish after all the heavy price that the people paid, to quit and give in. The criminal needs to go.

November 6th, 2012, 9:51 pm


ALI said:


Thanks for your reply. You’re such a sensitive person (boy/girl)

Everybody has been impacted somehow with what’s happening in Syria, maybe in different scales but everybody has experienced some sort of pain. I do feel for all those who have been severely impacted and value their sacrifices from both sides, especially those who died but at least they lost their lives for something they’ve truly believed in whether this thing is freedom or fighting for the sovereignty of Syria.

I mostly agree with what you have said, but it’s quite late to discuss historical facts about Syria such corruption, nepotism ..etc such facts belong to an old era before the current crisis. I do believe now it’s the time for ALL of us sit around the table to realize where we have ended up and hopefully take practical steps to stop this bloodshed.

Now you know for fact that exchanging thoughts online will not impact the on-going fight in Syria so rest assured that I’m not taking your fight from you. However, SyriaComment offers a parallel online legacy to what actually happening on ground in terms of different opinions and positions in reflection to different schools of thoughts for both opposition, loyalists. So why don’t we try , at least virtually, to get involved in a dialog with the aim to end this bloodshed considering the current circumstances?

Would you like to represent the opposition in this “Cyber-virtual” dialog? or do your see yourself representing another party?

November 6th, 2012, 10:49 pm


Ghufran said:

Obama, I believe, will win reelection.

November 6th, 2012, 11:08 pm


MarigoldRan said:

So in summary:

Assad and his friends got rich, which is fine, but forgot to take care of the poor and rural people, which is bad. Several years of drought hit. Syria hiked up gas prices and made other mistakes. The poor rose up in demonstrations.

Then Assad started shooting the poor people who rose up in demonstrations. This made the poor people angry. Assad could bomb and shell the poor all he wants, but the poor have nothing to lose except their lives. So the bombs and shells have had little effect except to make them angrier and poorer. Now we have a situation in Syria where the poor are selling possessions to buy guns and the rich are running away.


November 6th, 2012, 11:15 pm


MarigoldRan said:

Actually, the West has spent very little money on Syria. Most of the outside money coming to the FSA come from Libya, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar.

Iran is the big spender in this crisis, providing the regime with billion of dollars of money, gas, and weapons. Of the outside groups, they have the most to lose.

There will be no negotiations with Assad. There will be no compromise with him. He must go, one way or another. At this point, it doesn’t matter if the rest of the country is destroyed. Assad must leave or there will never be peace.

November 6th, 2012, 11:39 pm


MarigoldRan said:


There is no negotiation. Assad must go. Then perhaps the opposition will talk.

November 6th, 2012, 11:44 pm


Juergen said:

Here the syrian gangnam style

November 7th, 2012, 12:32 am


MarigoldRan said:

Obama won the election.

The Republican party lost big and now has some serious soul-searching to do.

For those of you who don’t know much about America, the Republican party bet big on white male voters and rich voters. They lost because everyone else (women, blacks, Hispanics, Asians, poor and middle class people, etc.) voted overwhelmingly for Obama.

It is in the best interests of the Republican party now to change course and try to win over the moderates and the middle class for future elections. Otherwise, they will continue to lose.

Some of you may be wondering why I am mentioning all this on a blog about Syria. And the reason I am doing so is to show the contrast between the American government and the Syrian government:

The American government, for all its warts, cares about the majority of it citizens. It has a NON-VIOLENT method of regime change. Its parties are ENCOURAGED to adapt to changing demographics and conditions.

In contrast, the Syrian government does NOT care about the majority of its citizens. It encourages and incites the minority against the majority. It bombs its citizens when they protest. It sticks stubbornly to methods of the past, and CANNOT ADAPT to changing circumstances. It promises security for freedom, but it can deliver neither.

And now, look at Syria. Look at where they are now.

November 7th, 2012, 12:54 am


ALI said:


Thanks for your input, I appreciate your emotional response and unconditional support to your stand. However, in politics it’s quite important to not get lost in details but rather keep focusing on the pic picture of Syria being in one piece.

Dialog does not mean Assad won’t leave or not brought to justice, but if we don’t sit and talk then only civilians are paying the price while Assad in his hideout and you’re blogging online with a cup of coffee.

The opposition has some tangible strength (i.e.liberated areas up north) to sit and talk rather just listen to demands.

Now if the dialog leads to Assad’s departure, will you sit and talk?

November 7th, 2012, 1:38 am


Johannes de Silentio said:

41 MarigoldRan:

“Obama won the election. The Republican party lost big.”

Not true about the Republicans losing big. You are a Syrian Syrian and therefore, you do not understand American democracy. I am a Syrian American and I do understand, so I’m going to explain it to you.

In 2008, The Democrats (Obama’s party) won and the Republicans (McCain’s party) lost big. Obama swept into power with big majorities in both houses of Congress. But this time, because of the economy, his popular majority (he won less than 50% of the popular vote) is razor thin. The Republicans have a big majority in the House of Representatives. The Democrats have a small majority in the Senate. But most importantly, the Republicans control governorships and legislatures in 30 of the 50 states. It’s gonna be interesting watching Obama trying to get things done.

Regarding Syria, it’s way down on Obama’s “to-do” list. The USA is moving big chunks of its military to East Asia. China is the main issue now that America is a “net exporter” of oil. We’re going to need the Middle East less and less as we become free of dependency on Arab oil.

November 7th, 2012, 1:42 am


MarigoldRan said:

If God or Allah came down from heaven and said, “Syrian opposition, if thou negotiates with Assad, I will guarantee that Assad leaves Syria peacefully,” then my answer to your question is “yes.”

But that has not happened yet, so the answer to your question is “no.”

What I mean is that if the opposition believes they can get Assad to leave through negotiation, they might negotiate, though it will take an act of God/Allah. Unfortunately, as of now, NO ONE in the Western governments and NO ONE in the FSA believe that they can negotiate with Assad.

And why should they trust this man? He has lied again, and again. He has promised reforms that have come to nothing. He negotiates in bad faith. He bombs his country. It’s time for him to pay the price of that.

The Russians and the Iranians do not understand this. They do not understand Arab anger and vengeance. They think, “oh, if only we can get the FSA to negotiate with Assad…”

NO. They are wrong. The FSA and the West will not negotiate with Assad anymore. Perhaps they may negotiate after Assad leaves. But not before then.

November 7th, 2012, 1:49 am


MarigoldRan said:

To Johannes:
For the Republicans, this was a stinging defeat. They bet the farm on beating Obama and they lost on the electoral college almost as badly as they did in 2008. More importantly, the Republicans are starting to realize that if they continue doing their 1950-style campaigns, they will continue to lose in the 21st century. When the options are “Change” or “Lose”, this provides a big incentive for “Change.” But that debate’s for another blog, not this one.

America wants to focus more on China. But I have a feeling they’ll be unable to do so thanks to Syria.

November 7th, 2012, 1:59 am


ALI said:


“If Allah himself said stop fighting I won’t stop”

That was a famous quote to many warlords during the Lebanese civil war, they kept saying it till they all understood that they were heading to a dead end and an endless bloodshed.

This is exactly what’s happening in Syria and we shall not wait for few more years of killing and destruction to stop this madness. The Lebanese learnt it the hard way, and we should not keep swallowing the sword in and out till we figure it out as well!!

Accepting the concept of dialog does not mean talking to Assad or taking promises out of him. It’s simply putting hands up saying yes we’re keen to find a solution.

November 7th, 2012, 2:08 am


MarigoldRan said:

The Lebanese civil war had many small villains, but it never had one big villain like Assad. Now, under other circumstances Assad may have turned out to be a decent man. He loves his wife, and takes care of his family. But as the ruler of a country… he is one of the worst in modern history.

And in response to your comment, perhaps the sword has to be swallowed. It is a terrible thing to say, but the regime has to be punished greatly or destroyed. Assad is doing what he does now because of what happened in Hama 30 years ago! He thinks he can get away with it now. The regime supporters must be taught a lesson they will never forget, for generations to come, so that this will not happen again 30 years in the future!

At this point the FSA is not fighting for themselves but for their children. They know Syria will be destroyed. But they must teach their enemies a lesson.

This war did not start in 2011. It began in 1982. If the perpetrators of Hama were properly punished in 1982, this would not be happening now.

November 7th, 2012, 2:22 am


Johannes de Silentio said:

45. MarigoldRan

“America wants to focus more on China. But I have a feeling they’ll be unable to do so thanks to Syria”

Syria is a train wreck and has no influence outside of Teheran and Moscow. Just build a fence around Syria and let the Syrians kill each other until it’s Last Man Standing

November 7th, 2012, 2:49 am


MarigoldRan said:

If a train wreck happens next to your best friend’s house, and sets the trees on fire, what do you do? Do you sit on your lawn observing it, or do you try to put it out?

If Syria was in Africa, then perhaps America can forget about it. But Syria is in the Levant, which is the area between TURKEY and ISRAEL.

Are you saying that America should abandon those two democratic and allied nations?

November 7th, 2012, 2:54 am


sf94123 said:


Hypocrite and revengist people like you who brought evil, death and destruction to Syria-Now you want to build a fence and let the Syrians kill each other by guns and bombs that you brokered and financed in the name of dignity and freedom. Go to hell.

November 7th, 2012, 3:30 am


Citizen said:

Does a bear relieve itself in the woods? yes!!

Neither the British nor the American government actually give a flying Frisbee about human rights when there is money to be made.

Even as it pontificates about the “Arab Spring” and its “humanitarian” war against Libya, the United States government has signed a new arms contract with the dictatorial regime of King Hamad Al-Khalifa of Bahrain. The US Defense Department has agreed a to provide the government of the tiny Persian Gulf monarchy with an additional $53 million of weapons. Bahrain’s security forces killed at least 30 people during the weeks of mass demonstrations earlier this year, when hundreds of thousands of protesters took to the streets of the capital, Manama, to demand political and social rights. The much larger neighboring kingdom of Saudi Arabia, also armed to the teeth with the latest US-made weaponry, aided the March crackdown in Manama, sending over 1,500 troops as well as police, armored personnel carriers and tanks across the causeway to Bahrain. There have been frequent reports in the subsequent months of opponents of the al-Khalifa regime being abducted or assassinated. Over 1,000 people have been arrested for taking part in the protests, with many held incommunicado and tortured. Thousands of public sector workers have been fired for allegedly taking to the streets against the government.

November 7th, 2012, 3:32 am


Citizen said:

Is Britain arming oppressive regimes in the Middle East?

November 7th, 2012, 3:33 am


MarigoldRan said:

America does care about human rights, but it plays second fiddle to national interests. It bombed Gaddafi because of the Lockerbie terrorist from 30 years ago, and it supports the oppressive Bahrain monarchy because it is an ally. The US State Department and the British MI6s have long memories. They saw the chance for revenge and they took it.

But every country behaves similarly.

The difference between America and Russia is that America believes in civil rights and humanitarian wars for its enemies, but Russia doesn’t care about how it pummels its enemies so long as it wins. Which one do you prefer? Would you prefer to be invaded by America or by Russia? Or is that a stupid question?

November 7th, 2012, 3:52 am


Albo said:


“At this point the FSA is not fighting for themselves but for their children. They know Syria will be destroyed. But they must teach their enemies a lesson.

This war did not start in 2011. It began in 1982. If the perpetrators of Hama were properly punished in 1982, this would not be happening now.”

And they’re destroying themselves in the process, too, so much for “arab anger and vengeance”. It’s exactly the mentality they had in Lebanon, where many lessons were learnt, but by everyone. At least Ali is understanding that Syrians need to talk, unlike you.

Regarding Hama perpetrators, indeed it’s too bad they weren’t properly punished. Any Syrian leadership ought to have repressed the Muslim Brotherhood when it started its offensive, but should have found a way to spare the human shields around them. Easier said than done, but still. There is no question that the MB never shied away from using extreme violence, a language they understand very well, they simply lacked the means to put their ideas into action so far.

November 7th, 2012, 4:27 am


Citizen said:

3 killed as blasts rock pro-Assad district in Damascus near presidential palace
A string of explosions rocked the area near the presidential palace in the Syrian capital, and were reportedly followed by mortar strikes and gunfire. The attack killed three people and wounded six others, SANA news agency reported.
Three of those injured were in critical condition.
Syrian state television said the attack was carried out by mortar bombs and caused casualties, but gave no further details, Khaleej Times reported.
The attack comes a day after a car bomb killed and wounded dozens near an Alawite mosque in al-Qadam, a southern Sunni neighborhood of the capital. Smoke was seen rising from the mosque, known as Mezze 86.

November 7th, 2012, 4:31 am


Syrialover said:

Britain to organise armed Syrian rebels into efficient fighting force


Britain is to increase its involvement in Syria’s bloody civil war by offering to organise the rebels fighting President Bashar Al Assad into a stronger force

In a significant departure MPs will be told today that the UK will directly deal with the armed opposition in Syria for the first time.

Britain is not allowed by a European Union arms embargo to supply weapons to Syria – a fact which Mr Cameron signalled was “frustrating” during a three day visit to the Middle East.

Downing Street said Britain wanted to also help the rebel fighters within Syria to work together to topple Assad, as happened in Libya to face Col Muammar Gaddafi’s brutal regime.

“The point of it will be to talk to the leaders of the local armed groups. What we’ve concluded is that it’s too hard to do this by only talking to people outside the country.

“The opposition have been very clear that they want help from the international community.”

Britain will also stress to the rebels the need to respect the human rights of captured Government, the source added.

He told British newspaper reporters: “On Syria, I’m frustrated that we aren’t able to do more, either at the UN where I’d like us to push harder for clearer resolutions calling on Syria for a clear political transition. But we’ll keep pushing.

Asked what he would say if Assad said today he was ready to leave and wanted a safe exit, the Prime Minister said: “Done. Anything, anything to get that man out of the country and to have a safe transition in Syria.

The Prime Minister will pledge an extra £14 million to refugees in Jordan today as he visits a refugee camp which has been set up for Syrians.

November 7th, 2012, 4:34 am


Albo said:

Another telegraph article abouth the UK and its history of interventions, with a nice map
And it wasn’t for the love of democracy, right.

But they will probably help selected groups in order to empower them over other militias they are afraid of. As we can see, everyone seems to have a dog in this fight, but they will only accelerate Syria’s disintegration, to paraphrase Landis title.

November 7th, 2012, 4:51 am


Syrialover said:

sf94123 #50

Good on you for calling out Johannes de Silento. He is weirdsville with a nasty twist.

He loves to come here and jeer and sneer at Syrians as if they were his inferiors by birth.

He feels it’s his “authorised business” to do this because his grandfather quit Syria to live in America decades ago (obviously before JdS was even born!).

We have been smugly told how smart his grandfather was to leave, what a rubbish heap the place is and how Syrians deserve everything they are getting.

How sour his life as a 3rd generation American must be for him to feel the need to come here and do this.

It’s sinking pretty low to make yourself feel good by making contemptuous, dismissive and hostile remarks about Syria to Syrians.

Maybe its because at some level he knows he’s missed out on a lot of special experiences and wonderful people because of his lack of direct connection with Syria.

November 7th, 2012, 5:39 am


Albo said:

JL wrote: “Brahimi speaks of Syria turning into Somalia and a “big catastrophe.” If that happens, it will become a prime target for American and Israeli drones, which will troll the skies in hunting aL-Qaida and those with a long beards, as is the case in Pakistan and Yemen.”


November 7th, 2012, 5:46 am


Albo said:

The edit function is bugged so here is what I have to say

“Since it began in 2004, the drone campaign has killed 49 militant leaders whose deaths have been confirmed by at least two credible news sources. While this represents a significant blow to the militant chain of command, these 49 deaths account for only 2% of all drone-related fatalities.”

By journalistic standards, those used for Syria, that would mean the rest are civilians. That’s surely why the dailymail went on and titled that drone attacks are ‘killing 49 people for every known terrorist in Pakistan’

November 7th, 2012, 6:00 am


Mina said:

These people are too young to know that no country boycotted the Olympic Games of 1936, organized by Hitler’s Germany.

What else can we do but to let them to the virtual dreamland they live in, where blond Anglo-Saxon actors save the world every now and then… (And eventually a Qatari or a Saudi!)

November 7th, 2012, 8:15 am


Syrian said:

58. SYRIALOVER said:
“Maybe its because at some level he knows he’s missed out on a lot of special experiences and wonderful people because of his lack of direct connection with Syria.”
Or maybe he looked too brown for the white red necks of Kansas,and have been called a camel jokey or a sand nigger by his beers, so all he can do is come here and unleash his inferiority complexities in this site

November 7th, 2012, 9:12 am


Visitor said:

The title of this post is plain wrong. Dr. Landis quite frequently chooses sensational catch words for reasons of his own.

The title should convey the message: Syria is being reborn after it has been disintegrating for the last 50 years under Draconianism

Dr. Landis owes his readers an explanation for his incessant misrepresentations.

I salute Sheila for her accurate assessment as well as for her determination.

November 7th, 2012, 9:31 am


Syrian said:

Beers = peers 🙂

November 7th, 2012, 9:38 am


Syrian Natonalist Party said:

Pope scraps planned Vatican mission to Syria
Too little way tooooo late. Islamists had taken over already. Like they say: ???? ?????

November 7th, 2012, 10:19 am


Visitor said:

Yesterday I made the following comment warning Assadist thugs of their impending doom.

If you are a thug in the Assadist army, you should ask yourself the question: how long the door of repentance will remain open? It may be just a little bit too late for you when you finally decide to become a non-thug good Syrian!”

When the door of repentance closes, thugs will be left to pay for their crimes.

I say today that the door will close sooner than many expect. It may have already closed.

The impending doom of the thug of Damascus is on the horizon. Nothing will save thugs.

November 7th, 2012, 10:40 am


Ghufran said:

Read and laugh at how one of the GCC countries deal with dissent:
(Bahrain decided to deprive 31 Bahraini from their citizenship)
????? ????? ???????? ????????? ??????? ?? ???? ??????? ???? ????? ?????? ?????? ????? ??? ????????.
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????? ??????? ???? ??????? ?????? ?? ??????? ?? ??????? ?????? ???? ????????.

November 7th, 2012, 11:15 am


zoo said:

Finally Obama will get rid of the incompetent Hillary.
Candidates : John Kerry, Susan Rice
Favorite : John Kerry ( like Erdogan, an old friend of Bashar al Assad turned to foe)

John Kerry’s views on 1 August 2012

A negotiated political transition remains Syria’s best chance to avoid a further descent into chaos.
“That is something that ought to weigh heavily, I think, on our Russian friends because I believe they have the greatest ability to be the game-changers here. I think we need to keep engaged very, very aggressively in our diplomacy and in our efforts to try to persuade everybody to see what is in, in fact, everybody’s similar interest here.
“That’s why it is imperative we work to expedite President Assad’s exit. Clearly we need to continue to try to convince Russia and China that it is in their interest to seek a political transition that does not include Assad.

November 7th, 2012, 11:24 am


zoo said:

Qardaha after the media reporting its divisions

Hometown of Hafez, Fortress of Loyalists

November 7th, 2012, 11:35 am


ghufran said:

(Cameron wants to talk to armed rebels (?))
Touring Zaatari refugee camp in northern Jordan, home to more than 33,000 people who have fled Syria, David Cameron said Wednesday that the U.K. planned to change its policy and deal directly with opposition military leaders.
Previously, Britain has had contacts only with exile groups and political opposition figures inside Syria.
Cameron says “there is an opportunity for Britain, for America, for Saudi Arabia, Jordan and like-minded allies to come together and try to help shape the opposition.”
(I am trying to figure out what topics Cameron will have with people who are engaged in suicide bombings, assassinations and looting,this is a new low for the UK, dumping people who call for a political settlement and talking to thugs is foolish and clearly shows how confused and clueless this guy is)

November 7th, 2012, 11:35 am


erin said:

Now the American election is over will see what Mr. O can do about Syria and the Arab spring, he may be working with Putin to destroy all the middle east and creat new small pieces of useless countries.
who knows! this coming four year we may see the arab spring spreading into KSA and the rest of the GCC that would be a good accomplishement for the poor.
Syria is in pieces thanks to west for killing all the innocent Syrians under the name of democracy.

November 7th, 2012, 11:38 am


ghufran said:

Egypt pours cold water on Riad Sayf:
??? ???? ???????? ?????? ???? ???? ???? ?? ?????? ??????? ?????? ???? ??? ?????? ????? ???? ??? ??????? ?????, ????? ??? ????? ????? ????????.
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November 7th, 2012, 11:41 am


Visitor said:

If Mr. Cameron wants to create the Coalition of the Willing in order to bomb out Assad and his thugs, then his efforts are welcome.

Otherwise, Syrians are not interested in listening to empty talk.

November 7th, 2012, 11:45 am


ghufran said:

the rebels have the will and the way to target civilian planes, they will claim that they only shoot planes filled with Shabeehas:
???? ????? ?? ????? ??????? ?????? ??????? ?? ‘????? ??????’ ?? ?????? ??? ?????? ??????? ??????? ???? ???? ?? ?????? ??????? ??? ??? ??????? ??????? ????? ????? ???? ?????? ???????? ????? ????.
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November 7th, 2012, 11:48 am


Albo said:

Cameron has his economy in shambles, I know that he would feel good if he could permanently cover Syria with depleted uranium, many traitors are calling for that but it won’t happen. Small Britain now knows its place in the world, as shown by their refusal to involve their bases in any US military build up against Iran, a country where they used to call the shots and one that they repeatedly bullied in the last decades.

”This makes clear that Iran, which has denied it has plans to develop a nuclear weapon, does not currently represent ”a clear and present threat”.

The UK would be in breach of international law if it facilitated what amounted to a pre-emptive strike on Iran,” said a senior London source.”

November 7th, 2012, 12:23 pm


Mina said:

From an Angry Arab correspondent
“From Akram: “The day refused to expire without leaving its bloody marks on the exhausted body of Damascus which experiences a real terrorism madness. 24 hours after a car bomb detonated in Mezza 86, an informal neighborhood in Mezza district inhabited mostly by poor Alawites, killing 11 with dozens injured, al-Wourood quarter of the north-eastern Damascene suburb of Qodssayia was the victim of another terrorist attack that happened on Tuesday afternoon. Initial reports indicated three explosions caused by one car bomb and two explosive devices that were implanted in the place. The explosions led to dozens of casualties: while the state-run agency news, Sana, reported 11 victims and tens injured, the loyal Qodssayia News Network (Arabic) said 30 were killed and more than 50 injured. Local TV stations broadcasted live scenes showing considerable damage in the place while emergency teams and civilians were trying to extinguish the fire caused by the explosions and evacuating the victims.

The explosions occurred in the heart of a crowded market near the neighborhood’s main bus station. Like Mezza 86, al-Wourood is a slum inhabited mainly by low-income Alawites who work in the army, security forces and other government agencies in what can be considered the direct result of the poor development the Syrian coastal countryside suffers from historically.

Few months ago, Qodssayia was a scene of high tensions and intensified clashes between FSA groups who infiltrated the suburb and the Syrian regime forces backed by popular committees from al-Wourood before the armed groups were forced to withdraw.

On the social media networks, reactions on this attack varied between the loyal networks mourning the victims and the opposite ones (Arabic) celebrating the attack using ugly sectarian expressions, while, on its news band, France 24 Arabic, reporting the attack, put the term terrorist between double-quotations:

Victims and casualties in a “terrorist” attack in a Damascene suburb !!!””

November 7th, 2012, 12:37 pm


Juergen said:


this is for you

Egypt gangnam style

November 7th, 2012, 1:44 pm


Uzair8 said:

‘Yesterday I posted about Food aid being sold in the state outlets. Hrer an article

Regime grabbing most aid sent to Syria Red Crescent, NGO says

Almost all international aid sent to the Syrian Arab Red Crescent is being confiscated by the regime and never reaches civilians in need, an umbrella relief group for the war-ravaged country said Wednesday.

“Ninety, even 95 percent of everything that is sent to Syrian Red Crescent headquarters in Damascus goes to support the Syrian regime, especially the soldiers,” said Tawfik Chamaa, spokesperson for the Union of Syrian Medical Relief Organizations.

“It will not reach the civilians who are bombed every day or besieged,” he told reporters in Geneva.’

To read more:

November 7th, 2012, 2:34 pm


Visitor said:

Uzair8 @78,

Thanks for bringing this up.

I already made comments about this few days ago.

Capable Syrians should send their support directly to the FSA.

No to Red Cross. No to Red Crescent. No to HCI. No to agents of ‘charity=defeat’.

Syrians do not need charities. They need weapons to fight criminal regime and its thugs.

Support only FSA and only directly – no middleman.

November 7th, 2012, 2:43 pm


Uzair8 said:

#79 Visitor

Yes. News like that makes ones blood boil. Disgusting regime.

November 7th, 2012, 2:52 pm


Uzair8 said:

Initially it was thought it was an airbase but later corrected as probably being a military material base. Lots of vehicles parked up.

Rebel spoils in Harasta base.

November 7th, 2012, 2:55 pm


ALI said:

Donating to FSA or Official Syrian Army (OSA) is like committing an act of killing.

If you’re sure that your ($$ = bullets) is going to stop some mercenaries from killing minorities or Shabeeha from slaughtering civilians, then yeah by all means do. However, in reality it’s highly likely that your donation will end up a lethal bullet directed to civilians or poor conscripts.

Don’t be part of the killing, try to be part of the solution.

November 7th, 2012, 3:21 pm


Visitor said:

Ali 82,

Donating to the FSA directly IS the SOLUTION.


Send your support directly to the FSA. No to Red Cross, No to Red Crescent, No to HCI, No to agents of ‘charity=defeat’

Syrians do not need charity. They need weapons to fight the criminal regime and its thugs.

November 7th, 2012, 3:26 pm


Tara said:

Ali @82,

I share your opinion. Although I am wholeheartedly with the revolution, and with the FSA, I could not get myself to do it as I am not sure in whom heart the bullet is going to be dislodged

November 7th, 2012, 3:40 pm


ALI said:


I’d agree if you’re only stopping criminals, but as long there’s a tinny possibility that you’re effort will be directed towards killing and bombing civilians then you’re no different of the regime you’re trying to fight.

Stubbornness puts Syria on the fastest track towards Somalia.

November 7th, 2012, 3:41 pm


ALI said:


Thanks for your understanding, it does make my day when I find folks from both sides who share my opinion of stopping the madness.

Are you familiar of the Lebanese civil wars?

November 7th, 2012, 3:43 pm


Tara said:


A bit. Yet, I think what happened in Syria is different. The sects fighting in Libnan were more or less equal in size and military power, while in Syria, the regime’s military power is overwhelmingly stronger compared with the majority that owns light firearms only. That is why I refuse to call what is happening in Syria a civil war, and while I do support the armed struggle against the regime, I can not deny that this armed struggle has been infiltrated by non-native ideology of Jihad( in its bad meaning) and at time immoral conducts and I am against both. Specifically, I am against the jihad idea of martyrdom in order to islametize (if you will) the world, as well as the so called jihad against the infidels. And yes, if the bullet is going to penetrate a heart of a criminal shabeeh, I would not hesitate.

November 7th, 2012, 4:00 pm


Visitor said:

Ali 85,

that is precisely the kind of logic that the criminal regime would want every one to follow.

Sorry, man. You are not making any sense whatsoever.

This revolution must be won in the field. It must be fought with the same determination as the Nazis were fought. Other than that, forget it.

I also find it troubling that you tend to equate such abominatuion as the regime with anything else. This regime is one of a kind. Any comparison with other entities will put you squarely in the Ghufran category. The Ghufarn category, FYI, is a camouflaged electronic Shabee7h who claims to be Palestinian (Which I recently uncovered as bull), who is in fact a hardline thug apologist, and who Sheila correctly described as closeted regime supporter.

November 7th, 2012, 4:03 pm


Visitor said:

O’ and I forgot to add to 88:

Send your support directly to the FSA. No to Red Cross, no to red Crescent, no to HCI, no to agents of ‘charity=defeat’, no to the middle man.

Syrians do not need charity. They need effective weapons in the hands of the FSA in order fight and defeat the criminal regime and its thugs.

November 7th, 2012, 4:11 pm


ALI said:


Thanks for sharing your point of view, you do come across like an educated person and I respect that.

According to (Fearon, 2007) in his book “Iraq’s civil war”, what’s happening in Syria is a full scale civil war. The size or equality between fighting armed sides has nothing to do with the diagnosis of being a civil war.

If you’re looking for a resemblance to the Lebanese civil war such as East and West Beirut then I do invite you to examine the situation in many neighborhoods in Homs.

You see in Syria it’s not only opposition Vs. loyalists anymore, it’s way complicated with the presence of Persians, Lebanese, Pakis, Libyans, Jihadists, Russians, NATO agents …. and the list goes on. Each gang gets supplies from its own source (sponsor).

Let’s assume you manged to oust Assad tomorrow and suddenly you’re in control of this banana state, how would you control all these fighting gangs?

November 7th, 2012, 4:24 pm


Syrialover said:

The courageous people of Kafranbel in Idlib had a poster voicing suspicions about Assad’s ceasefire last month.

That was too much for sensitive “strongman” Assad. On October 28 an airstrike destroyed the centre of their village with a massive blast that incinerated at least 20 people and left a huge crater.

But he hasn’t stopped the Kafranbel posters:

November 7th, 2012, 4:30 pm


ALI said:


I totally see where you’re coming from, and there’s no need to be sorry for expressing your logic whether I agree or not.

You mentioned that “This revolution must be won in the field” and i say great that would be an ideal clean solution if achieved. However, we both know it’s not achievable at least with the current surrounding circumstances giving the international betrayal, lack of effective weapons, Jihadists existence, embarrassing opposition political entities …etc

So does that mean that you keep fueling this civil war with innocent people till “one day” the battle is won? With no clear road-map in place I comfortably call this a suicidal mission but using others lives.

November 7th, 2012, 4:35 pm


Syrialover said:

Great, a calm, intelligent comment on Islamist elements in the revolution. It should be compulsory reading for all the “informed” commentators on the Syrian situation.

By Qunfuz, worth reading:

November 7th, 2012, 4:42 pm


Tara said:


Then what is the solution if this can’t be won in the battle field? Bashar, despite his declarations to the contrary, is not going to do any real reform. We can have elections under the current circumstances of imbalance of power and we all know the results: Bashar lil Abad. We were never short on elections.. The regime by design is incapable of reform because any real reform means its disintegration. The cost of the revolution was so dear. I do not need to recite the numbers. It doesn’t make sense we stop it now. He is not leaving the chair until he is extracted from it by force, and if he burns the country in the interim, then will rebuild it, and yes, it may take another war to do it.

November 7th, 2012, 4:44 pm


Visitor said:

Ali 92,

Obviously you’re not following up on the heroic successes of the FSA.

The only suicidal missions were the so-called silmiyya-sloganned initial demonstarions that were met with criminal rampages of the regime and its thugs.

The FSA must be supported and strengthened until it achieves victory. Criminal thugs must not be allowed to continue to terrorize the people. If you are weak at heart then obviously this revolution is not the place for you to be. The meek DO NOT INHERIT THE EARTH.

All the other execuses that you brought about so-called circumstances are IRRELEVANT. These are the tools of the apologists.

November 7th, 2012, 4:49 pm


ALI said:


Definitely you should NOT stop after all what you have given, but at the same time you should stop the drift towards “killing-only-method” revolution.

Assad is long gone and that’s why he’s quite keen to burn what left from Syria. However, with the current attitude of opposition armed groups and greediness of political entities I only see them spraying fuel to intensify this Syrian Holocaust.

I’m really keen to hear you input on this scenario, let’s assume you manged to oust Assad tomorrow and suddenly you’re in control of this banana state, how would you control all these fighting gangs?

November 7th, 2012, 5:03 pm


ALI said:


You did make a couple of good points, but I could not get your logic of ” If you are weak at heart then obviously this revolution is not the place for you to be”. how do you assess if I have a strong heart?

1- Does that mean i should be all in for killing in order to be rewarded a real revolutionist certificate?

2- Or does it mean i should enjoy watching Jihadists (similar to Shabeeha) on YT slaughtering Syrians because they have nominated themselves to implement their Islamic Imarah on Syria with no permission from Syrians?

3- Or does it mean i should applaud the FSA’s hiding in densely populated areas and then “tactically” withdrawing leaving widows and orphans stranded in streets?

November 7th, 2012, 5:14 pm


Visitor said:

Ali 97,

You have chosen the exact narrative of the apologists. This is a conscious choice on your part. So you are no different.

The answer to your question is none of the above.

Support the FSA or get out of this revolution. Period.

The revolution will weed out the impostors. Rest assured.

November 7th, 2012, 5:20 pm


ALI said:


Very true, I don’t follow the heroic successes of FSA. At the same time you do come across as FSA expert, and I’ll be really thankful if you help me putting my head around a couple of points.

I still find this word “FSA” quite ambiguous for me.

What’s the FSA?
Who’s sponsoring FSA?
How many brigades fight under the FSA?
Where does Jihadists fall within FSA?
How do we know an FSA fighter from another?

Thanks in advance.

November 7th, 2012, 5:21 pm


Visitor said:

Ali 99,

While I do not claim to be an expert on the FSA as you correctly point out, the contradiction in your question is obvious: Why are you asking me the question?

Clearly, you are making a rhetorical question.

But I wouldn’t hesitate to give you brief answers to your questions;

1) The FSA are those conscientious soldiers who correctly defined their role in the army as protectors of people and not the regime.

2) They defected from the criminal army for reason # 1 above.

3) They are the best Syria has ever produced especially in the last 50 years.

4) The non-Syrians joining the FSA based on Religous beliefs are welcome. We have no problem with that. They are our brothers in faith and are simply answering the call of duty. Syrians would do the same if circumstances were reversed.

5) As and outsider to the FSA, you do not need to know who make up the FSA. The FSA’s know each others very well, how many brigades they have and where they are located.

5) Hope that satisfies your curiosity.

November 7th, 2012, 5:42 pm


Syrialover said:

New post by Joshua and thread started

November 7th, 2012, 5:48 pm


Syria conflict: Obama urged to be tougher with Assad – live updates | Middle East News and North Africa News United News - Arab Social Network said:

[…] The rapid disintegration of Syria is now out of control, according to a particularly gloomy blogpost… The rich are fleeing in every greater numbers in order not to become targets of the poor. Everyone […]

January 6th, 2013, 1:33 pm