Syria: An Uprising, Not a Revolution, By Yazan Badran
Posted by Alex on Tuesday, July 5th, 2011
Syria: An Uprising, Not a Revolution
By Yazan Badran for Syria Comment
It has been four months, give or take, since the beginning of the protest movement in Syria. Many pages have been written about the nature of this conflict, from many points of view–pro and contra. Aside from the propaganda being hailed from every side, there has been precious little investigative or analytical work being done. And even then, it inevitably wanders down the sectarian narrative as if that’s the only possible explanation for the uprising, and the subsequent stalemate. I personally believe that while the sectarian issue is of great importance to the discussion, it should not be the dominant line of discourse.
This is one attempt to explore a different facet to the conflict. It is by no means a comprehensive analysis, but an attempt to highlight an area that has not been sufficiently discussed with regards to its importance to the developments on the ground.
Narratives and struggles
Since the very beginnings of the uprising, its most delicate task was how to define itself to the rest of the country. And in that regard, it has failed miserably. The uprising completely forfeited the ground and left the discourse to be run by everybody else; the regime, the opposition and the outside players. It is a catastrophic failure, even for a decentralized, disorganized popular movement.
There are three main facets to the struggle, and they represent the three main narratives:
Class struggle
It is what I believe the true propagator and the most essential element in the fomenting and even the survival of the uprising. It is also the most evident. But, ironically, it is the least-highlighted and discussed.
The overwhelming majority of those protesting represent the most alienated, impoverished and, indeed, humiliated populations in Syria. They are those who have been completely and utterly starved out by the last 10 years. Their humiliation and dehumanization does not happen in the political sphere but rather on the level of their daily bread. Their struggle is against the cruelest realities of the “modernization era” of Syria.
This is a narrative, and indeed, a struggle, that should’ve been actively carried over by the truly revolutionary elements in the uprising. A vanguard of sorts, the responsibility of which, would have been to propagate this line of discourse so as to better represent, defend and define the uprising. To establish a consciousness of this struggle as a class-struggle that involves the impoverished and the alienated regardless of religion or sect. The lack of such vanguard meant that those demonstrating, those who make up the physical component in the uprising were left with no voice of their own. One need only to observe how successful and important the role of such vanguard was in the Egyptian revolution, to know what catastrophic effect its lacking had on the Syrian uprising. (Union activists in Egypt had a great role in mobilizing the working class, and keeping them mobilized even after the fall of Mubarak. The demonstrations in Cairo and elsewhere greatly benefited from the simultaneous strikes that took place all over the country, where in many parts the workers took over their factories.)
Sectarian struggle
The sectarian narrative has been a very useful propaganda tool for both sides. The Syrian regime has stuck to this narrative since the very early days of the uprising. It advertised sectarian vengeance and hatred, both indirectly, and indeed sometimes in less-ambiguous terms, as the main catalyst behind the protests. While only a small, negligible minority in the uprising (or the correspondent elements in the opposition) have attempted to directly invoke sectarian language, other elements in the opposition as well, inadvertently or otherwise, still managed to succumb to this narrative. In their attempt to expose what they viewed as a sectarian element to the regime’s crackdown, they have exposed their own narrow-minded and simplistic understanding of the nature of this uprising.
The main consequence of the dominance of this narrative is to pit the natural allies within the proletariat against each other, and to let them disintegrate into petty sectarian fights, instead of focusing on their real enemy. It is not unusual, nor is it original. In fact, throughout history, this has been the most effective tool in preempting and responding to any revolutionary intent.
Political struggle
It is the middle ground that the established opposition feels more comfortable with. Frightened by the disastrous consequences and possibilities resulting from the regime’s reliance on a sectarian discourse, and unwilling, or incapable, of leading the uprising in truly revolutionary fashion, the opposition has also struggled to propagate a political discourse that they, as representatives of the middle class, are more familiar with. (regardless of how “leftist” the Syrian opposition may seem, their narrative represents the interests of the middle-class/petitebourgeoisie).
A Personal Perspective
I come from two distinct backgrounds. My maternal and paternal families, albeit being both Alawis, are quite different in how they came about. In fact, I would go further and say that both families represent a certain arch-type within Alawi society, and between these two lies the overwhelming majority of Alawis. I, myself, was consciously shielded from both families by my parents. Which is why I can attempt to look at it from an objective perspective, and why I find myself outside of both.
My mother’s is a small landowning family that used to reside in the area around Jisr al-Shughour. They were forcibly resettled in the west (Mashqita) during the Safarbarlek (World War I), and later moved to Latakia. In Latakia, they were a poor urban family supported by my grandfather, a conscript in the Army of the Levant, under the French mandate. Their development, in one generation (that of the 60s~70s) into one of high social standard, wealth and impeccable education, is a story that, while remarkable, could also be found in many other Alawi (and other minority sects as well) families of that era. They represent a once burgeoning and becoming middle class of professionals educated between western and eastern Europe.
My father’s side, on the other hand, was a family of great religious prestige but little wealth. My grandfather, his father, and especially my grandmother’s father were renowned Sheikhs in their locales. Throughout the same period, they advanced in a very different way to my maternal family. They now represent a class of low-income government clerks, army personnel and such. I won’t go into the reasons of why two families with the same opportunities could develop so differently, but what I want to say is that they both represent a larger phenomenon seen throughout Alawi society, and indeed within other sects as well.
Needless to say, secular values are stronger in the former and more traditional tribal ones are stronger in the latter.
Apart from individual sympathizers, both families stand firmly against the uprising. And while my mother’s family moves slowly towards a coherent defense of their best interests, siding with a political discourse, my father’s family, bizarrely, slides to an extreme and sometimes violent posture against the protesters and all their demands.
This is the sectarian narrative in its utmost success. A family struggling with economic realities of alienation and dehumanization defends its status-quo with all means possible. This is where the uprising fails. This is true not only for Alawis, mind you, but for many other sects within this struggle. The specific dynamics of how this works for Alawis were discussed in an excellent piece on this very blog a few weeks ago.
As I said, this is not an attempt at a comprehensive analysis of the crisis, but one that tries to shed light on parts of it that are drowned by the propaganda machine of both sides and a sensationalist media that only amplifies this propaganda.
As it should be obvious by now, and as I have mentioned before on this blog, I personally would’ve wanted to be part of a truly revolutionary change. Destructive as it may be on the short term, it has always been the catalyst of real progress. And while a revolution is still brewing in the country, this isn’t one yet. As it stands, with the failure of the proletariat to realize itself and the vicious sectarian out-pour, it seems that the political struggle is the only valid ticket out of this crisis. This will turn the uprising into a bourgeoisie revolution, akin to the revolutions that brought democracy to Europe. Nevertheless, the problems afflicting the working class, which were at the core of this uprising, will not be solved, and with the economy being the worst hit, they will most probably deteriorate further. Thus, there is a greater need today to reorganize these classes for the betterment of their conditions and to avoid the dangers of sectarian intrastruggles that have threatened and will threaten to tear them and the nation apart.
Posted by Camille Otrakji
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Comments (85)
Goo start, which could evolve with time as things move on the ground and in hotel conference rooms.
One small note for now, i think that the economic part of your family narrative is in no way restricted to minorities as you have described it. It is shared by many families, independent of sect, originally hailing from then small towns (not villages nor cities), who have done reasonably well through education and some entrepreneurship and moved up the social latter into comfortable middle and upper middle class, while their cousins remained stuck into low paying government and army jobs. There was a window at some point in time, and that window have not only shrunk, it is probably all closed by now. In its place, a siphon is opened in the opposite direction.
July 5th, 2011, 6:19 pm
daleandersen said:
“…The uprising completely forfeited the ground and left the discourse to be run by everybody else…”
“…[class struggle] is … the most essential element in the fomenting and even the survival of the uprising…”
Oh sweet baby Jesus, a Marxist interpretation of the Syrian protest. Just when we thought Syrian Commando and 873 had cornered the stupid market, this piece of excrement comes out of the woodwork.
Hey Yazan, everywhere Marxism has been tried, it has failed. You’d think by now there’d be no Marxists left who’d publicly admit to it. Just goes to show that you can fool some of the people ALL the time…
July 5th, 2011, 7:08 pm
Mina said:
Thanks a lot for this constructive post.
The class struggle is not mentioned because it would precisely hurt the bailers: they share neo-liberalism as a dogma, be they secular outsiders or Gulf manipulated.
Class struggle is not addressed in the Western media either because to question the dogma of money is not acceptable. It may lead to protests as in Greece, for example. London has seen a huge such protest by youth and students recently too.
Bashar al Asad made the cruel mistake of giving concessions to the religious conservatives and to the ultra-liberals during the last 11 years. What is needed here is to invent a third way.
July 5th, 2011, 7:11 pm
Mina said:
You say that the sectarian issue has been wrongly used by all sides, but how then can you address and answer the claims of some newspapers who have tried to depict the situation as a reverse Bahrain situation where a minority Shiite gov would oppress a Sunni majority?
B. al Asad’s wife as many other in the ruling elite are Sunnis, so how mentioning it without being “too sectarian” according to some here?
Another issue which is not address but is linked with the class struggle is the almost feodal system that prevail in some areas of Lebanon, as far as I know, but what about Syria? Was it completely banned by Hafez al Asad? I mean peasants cultivating for big land owners and getting only very little or almost only the right to stay on the spot.
July 5th, 2011, 7:20 pm
Abughassan said:
It was essential for Syria to see a period of stability after the country was changing governments and presidents every 6 months. Hafez alasad provided that stability at the expense of freedom,however,he decided to become a king and only allow cosmetic political life in a country that was always diverse and vibrant until 1963. Baathists won seats prior to 1963 with real public support but then focused on how to stay in power and deprived others the right to take part in the national decision-making process. There will be no future for Syria without bringing an end to family rule and albaath domination of political life. Sectarianism in Syria is mostly fueled by oppression and poverty which make it easier for evil sheikhs to take over the minds of some Syrians. Sunnis in Syria were historically tolerant and very different from those in the gulf,but it is very hard in Syria today to separate sectarian feelings from political positions,and those who truly succeed in strengthening that separation give hope for a civilized end to Syria’s crisis.
July 5th, 2011, 7:25 pm
Akbar Palace said:
Amnesty (finally) accuses Syria of crimes against humanity
Amnesty International has called for a UN-backed investigation into the violence in Syria, saying the regime’s crackdown on pro-democracy protesters may constitute crimes against humanity.
July 5th, 2011, 7:25 pm
jad said:
The ugly hypocrisy of the west
Did amnesty find the killing and wiping out all the indigenous people in the US, Canada, Australia a crime against humanity?
Did Amnesty find the killing of 500,000 Iraqi kids before 2003 a crime against humanity?
Did Amnesty find the killing of millions of Iraqis as a result of the West invasion a crime against humanity?
Did Amnesty find the 3 millions Iraqis refugee thrown out of their country because of the West a crime against humanity?
Did amnesty find the american barbaric invasions of too many countries to count anything close to crime against humanity?
Did Amnesty find the occupation of Palestine with all the disaster it brings to the region a crime against humanity?
How about Afghanistan that nobody even mention….
Amnesty and other western ‘human-rights’ ‘organizations’ are going to be seen as hypocrites until they try their own ‘non-colored’ colonial breeds, and until then everything they say or write or proclaim regardless how accurate and true is nothing but ‘Hypocrisy’ in it’s ugliest face.
Posting this by a thug made the news sounds even uglier.
July 5th, 2011, 7:52 pm
Tara said:
Abughassan# 5
Extremely agree.
July 5th, 2011, 7:57 pm
Aboud said:
Jad, with this post of yours, you have proven once and for all that you do not care one bit for Syrians, but only for the regime. What if half the things in that report is true? Wouldn’t you want to know? Wouldn’t you want to stop such practices?
Nope, your knee jerk and outrageous reaction is to come to that shit head Bashar’s defence, and how? By citing Cowboys and Indians?
How dare you. Take your fake, “save the lira” campaigns, and shove it up the ass of the other Western apologists. The only thing you care about is saving junior.
Yazan, I am by no means low classed, or unemployed, and neither is anyone else I know who is active in the revolution. Are Ghota and Insha’at in Homs low class neighborhoods like Baba Amr? Heck no, and yet every night they host some of the largest demonstrations in the city. You’d know this if you were actually in Syria.
It is a testament to the bravery of the Syrian people that they have come so far, on so little, when the forces arrayed against them had so much. THAT is the “unmitigated disaster” of the regime; to have so hopelessly lost their external allies, to have become so isolated at home and abroad, and to have lost control of so much of the country, with so little to show for it.
July 5th, 2011, 8:24 pm
Jad said:
Come on Jad, you’re being unfair. Amnesty International did find that the killing of Iraqis was a crime against humanity, but only when the killing was committed by Saddam. I mean how can you expect them to criticize the US invasion of Iraq when it was done to bring freedom to Iraqis? I mean if a couple million have to die and a few million more have to be displaced, and the entire country has to be destroyed for generations, well that’s just a worthwhile price to pay for freedom. It’s all about freedom, don’t you get it? When the west kills people and destroys countries it is for the sake of freedom. When others use violence it is to deny people their freedom. And therefore Amnesty International cannot criticize such countries on principle. Also, it’s not like their report isn’t based on hard, first hand evidence. I mean they did talk to 50 people in Lebanon and over the phone.
July 5th, 2011, 8:25 pm
syau said:
This is the uprising in Hama that Aboud is proudly advocating.
“Law Enforcement Officer Martyred, Others Injured by Armed Group in Hama”
HAMA, (SANA) – A group of saboteurs cut off roads, set up roadblocks and burned tires in several areas in the city of Hama on Tuesday, in addition to committing acts of vandalism and burning a bus.
An official source at Hama said that law-enforcement forces intervened to restore security and stability to the areas where the events took place, and were attacked by armed groups who opened fire on them and used Molotov cocktails and nail bombs.
In the ensuing confrontation, one law-enforcement officer was martyred and 13 were injured, while a number of armed men were injured and others were arrested.
Earlier on Monday, these groups cut off roads, committed vandalism, burned tires and prevented people from going to work.
The source pointed out that citizens asked law-enforcement sources to intervene and protect them from the armed groups terrorizing them.
Supporting the Syrian economy is supporting Syrian citizens, they are the ones who will be hit the hardest if the economy falls.
The people supporting the sanctions and endorsing actions to damage the economy do not care for the Syrian people or their financial status if if it was to fall. As long as their agenda is met, to hell with the people. If you were in Syria or cared about Syrian citizens, you would be aware of that.
July 5th, 2011, 8:25 pm
Nour said:
Come on Jad, you’re being unfair. Amnesty International did find that the killing of Iraqis was a crime against humanity, but only when the killing was committed by Saddam. I mean how can you expect them to criticize the US invasion of Iraq when it was done to bring freedom to Iraqis? I mean if a couple million have to die and a few million more have to be displaced, and the entire country has to be destroyed for generations, well that’s just a worthwhile price to pay for freedom. It’s all about freedom, don’t you get it? When the west kills people and destroys countries it is for the sake of freedom. When others use violence it is to deny people their freedom. And therefore Amnesty International cannot criticize such countries on principle. Also, it’s not like their report isn’t based on hard, first hand evidence. I mean they did talk to 50 people in Lebanon and over the phone.
July 5th, 2011, 8:27 pm
Yazan said:
I think the main difference between the minority sects and the mainstream majority is in the way they handled this window of opportunity. For many reasons, I believe (some of which have to do with a stronger penetration of secular thought, and some of which have to do with the fact that they’ve been deprived for so long, and they felt threatened for so long), minorities pursued the opportunities for higher-end education and scholarships outside of the country much more aggressively.
If you look at the radically secular currents of the time (SSNP, Marxists and to a lesser degree, Nasserists) you’ll see that minorities were the main carrier of these ideologies. (SSNP was quite diverse but there was a distinct Orthodox Christian flavor to its followers, Communist Labour Party, the most radical Trotskyist party at the time, was predominantly Alawi and Ismaili, even Nasserism which did at times attract the mainstream Sunni majority, was still carried more strongly by Ismailis, and still is).
I agree with you though that that short window of opportunity has long been closed, and we’ve been in reverse mode for quite some time now (I’d argue, at least since the late 80s).
I see a lot of intellectual and journalistic “cowardice” or at least, laziness, when it comes to analyzing the sectarian and the class struggles.
It is a matter of fact that while there are many Sunni elements in the regime, they are powerless at times like this. The real power is in the hands of that small circle of decision makers, which happens to be Alawi. It would be tempting to take the easy road and say it’s because the regime is sectarian by nature, but that’s not a real answer. I hate to use this analogy but the closest thing to it is a Mafia family. It is constructed in that sense, and it’s no coincidence that the people Hafiz al-Assad trusted most were related to him one way or another (and later their relatives became Bashar al-Assad’s trusted circle).
That feudal system was dealt a fatal blow under Nasser, and although the secession government and later even Hafiz Assad, backtracked on some of these measures (I have different opinions about how effective and/or destructive they’ve been to Syria’s economy), the system was already unacceptable in Syria by that time.
July 5th, 2011, 8:30 pm
Aboud said:
@11 If you have to quote from SANA, then you’re desperate. Or is Al-Baida still in northern Iraq? Are Syrian refugees just visiting family in Turkey? Did you manage to catch any of the 64,000 Salafis running about the country?
July 5th, 2011, 8:32 pm
Revlon said:
You said:
” I believe that the next meeting ,the coordination committee of the national democratic conference,will have ( must stress) a law to protect minorities,
This must include the formation of a council(body)that must have a veto power that can block any legistlation that could effect their minorities negatively, this body will be elected by the minoritie”
I say:
Forming councils to protect sects, while reassuring in the short term would serve to promote and institutionalize sectarianism and division.
Writing a constitution that gives equal human and civil rights and empowers an able justice system is all that is needed to protect the rights of, and empower all of us human beings, irrespective of ideology.
Such move shall promote and establish human rights-centered rather than sect-centered (be it religeous or ideological) nationhood.
July 5th, 2011, 8:39 pm
why-discuss said:
The West is now accusing IRAN of a secret collusion with Kadafi to weaken Europe so they spare Syria.
Actually Libya supported Iran during the Iraq-Iran war, so it is quite possible and it would be a very smart move from Iran. Sorry I could not find en english translation
Le jeu de l’Iran dans les crises en Libye et en Syrie
L’intervention armée en Libye a-t-elle conduit à une alliance secrète entre l’Iran et le pouvoir du colonel Mouammar Kadhafi ? C’est ce que qu’avancent désormais des milieux de renseignements occidentaux. La République islamique, craignant les conséquences de cette opération européenne et américaine en Afrique du Nord, aurait élaboré un plan pour transformer la Tripolitaine et la Cyrénaïque en bourbier pour les alliés de l’OTAN. Du moins, pour y faire durer le plus longtemps possible la résistance des forces de Kadhafi.
July 5th, 2011, 8:46 pm
Tara said:
Regime’ supporters were praising Hama’ peaceful demonstrations in the very recent past and now talking about armed gangs to provide a pretext. Where were the armed gangs in the recent past? Just arrived when security forces rolled in?
See why I never believed the armed gangs thing.
July 5th, 2011, 8:47 pm
Nour said:
SANA didn’t say anything about Al Baida, the person who made the comments about Syrian refugees in Turkey was subsequently fired, and no one said there were 64,000 Salafis running around. On the other hand, if you’re still relying for your information on the “revolutionists” or on the Syrian Human Rights Observatory, then you are the one getting desperate, as these people have told lie after lie without anyone being held accountable for their lies.
July 5th, 2011, 8:53 pm
Tara said:
Why- discuss,
So Iran is willing to support the devil to save Bashar? And you consider that a smart move?
I am amazed!
July 5th, 2011, 8:54 pm
Syria no kandahar said:
Jad,back off,Aboud is the only true Syrian compare yourself to him,he is :
-from Alinshaat in Homs,can you challenge that.
-He knows how to (shov things in Asses),Alaaroor gave him PHD in that.
-Any one who disagrees with him is pro jr
-Aboud don’t care about iraqis,they are animals and they are not from Homs .
-Aboud is what the new Alaaroor Syria will look like,He will shov up the old 6000years old Syria up somebodies ass
-Aboud has magnificent plans for Syria and that is:getting rid of jr,and then cleaning Syria from jr,and then eradicating Syria from jr,and then making sure there is no jr in Syria,and then shoving jr up someboies Ass,and and and…
Get reservations to go to Aboud’s Syria…seats are limited …due too much shoving up
???? ????? ????? ???
July 5th, 2011, 8:59 pm
Aboud said:
“the person who made the comments about Syrian refugees in Turkey was subsequently fired”
Have you learned nothing? In Baathist-land no one is “fired”, they are reassigned.
“Comical Sally Returns to Defend Syria”
And I didn’t make up the 64,000 figure, that came straight from junior’s mouth (refer to his third speech). And if they aren’t Salafis, what crimes are they wanted for? You want to tell me all 64,000 are vandals or armed gangs? Heck, this country would be ashes by now if that were the case.
And why is Jad talking to himself at @10? Someone forget which character he’s supposed to be on?
July 5th, 2011, 8:59 pm
why-discuss said:
Assad might attack Syrian Kurds, opposition claims
A Kurdish opposition leader in Syria has said Syrian President Bashar al-Assad wanted to launch an assault on Syrian Kurds living in the northern part of Syria in a bid to quell uprisings in the country, but that he refrained because he feared Turkey’s reaction…
July 5th, 2011, 8:59 pm
Nour said:
When protesters were demonstrating peacefully no one had any problem with it. But they couldn’t stop there. They had to infringe on other people’s rights. When people tried to demonstrate in support of President Assad’s reforms, they were attacked and their properties were destroyed. When the “revolutionists” called for a general strike, they threatened people with serious harm if they opened their stores. Such lawlessness and chaos is completely unacceptable in any country. These people have to be arrested and the state must reassert control over the city. Nowhere in the world would the state accept that a city be emptied of police or security presence and should police or security be attacked upon attempting to reoccupy their headquarters and stations in a city the attackers would be dealt with severely.
July 5th, 2011, 9:01 pm
Nour said:
Why don’t you go check how many outstanding warrants there are in your favorite western countries before you ridicule the statement by President Bashar al Assad?
July 5th, 2011, 9:06 pm
Samara said:
I totally agree with you. The American government can kill whom ever they want, and it will be considered needed to bring peace. They can destroy countries, in the name of bringing democracy or fighting terrorism. But why can they do all thay and it not be considered terrorism?? Why can they kill innocent people and get away with it? Why do they not get sanctioned by the UN? Because they are the UN. Why is it that the American and the British were against Syria due to its helping the Palestinian and the Leabanese movements, why are they targetting Syria on that bases, when thay helped the Turks defeat the Kurds for no apparrent reason other than the fact that they were Kurds? In the prosess killing an overwhelming number of innocent people and destroying hundresd of villages. Why is it that the US has the freedom to call terrorism on what it like, and call freedom fighting on what it likes?
July 5th, 2011, 9:07 pm
Aboud said:
@23 “When people tried to demonstrate in support of President Assad’s reforms, they were attacked and their properties were destroyed”
Bullshit. Any pro-junior demonstration always has half a division of police, shabiha and mukhabarat around to protect it. I remember seeing one pro-eye doctor demonstration infront of the Homs New Clock that had 50 demonstrators, and about 500 policemen around the area.
Pro-junior demonstrators get transportation courtesy of the government, and all the protection they could need. Anyone not for the eye doctor gets shot, their homes raided, their wounded relatives arrested at hospitals, beaten, tortured, and made to give “confessions” on videos. That’s if they don’t get sent back to their families dead, minus a penis.
July 5th, 2011, 9:08 pm
Tara said:
All fabricatioins and lies. All regime’ production. All to provide a pretext.
July 5th, 2011, 9:09 pm
syau said:
“See why I never believed the armed gangs thing.”
That’s actually quite funny, if you choose to stay in your ignorant fairytale land, do so.
During demonstrations in Hama in support of the president, the peace loving fairies you don’t believe exist weren’t pleased with the show of support and attacked the supporters.
They have also set up road blocks, threatened shop owners with violence if they do not comply with orders to conduct strikes, committed acts of vandalism and so on. Security personnel would not be needed in Hama if there weren’t any armed gangs creating havoc.
People who do not support this revolution (ones that you call regime supporters because things are so black and white) will support peaceful demonstrations, but when they cease to be peaceful, they will no longer be praised.
When decisive action is needed to protect the citizens and infrastrucure, it should be taken.
July 5th, 2011, 9:11 pm
Jad said:
WD, Nour
I doubt Iran is doing that but if it’s doing that then I agree with you, that is a very very smart move and that will take us back to the earlier post I linked about the Turkey-Iran power struggle.
If Turkey is in Lybia with the other Arab cowards bombing it then Iran have the right to be there too.
I guess some people prefere to see Syria being bombed now by the ‘non-colored’ west more than anything else.
I guess the Europeans are stuck in Lybia for a while wasting lives and money, how smart!!
July 5th, 2011, 9:12 pm
why-discuss said:
I stick to my position. In diplomacy, they are all devils. Some are smarter than others, some get away with crimes, some don’t.
You’re thinking about morality? Forget it, there is no morality in cold war.
To eliminate Khadaffi’s circle in Libya also has far reaching strategic consequences. It is rather amusing to see the arguments to the contrary being put forth (including by some liberal and left circles) minimizing or actually denying that oil is a factor in the current NATO military intervention in Libya. This line of thinking is such utter nonsense that it hardly deserves commentary (but, yes, I will do so all the same).
* It is noticeable how little is made of the fact that 60% of Libya’s oil goes to China. As in Sudan, where oil politics underline the political and ethnic considerations, oil and the wealth that comes from oil play big in the Libyan events.
* In those areas controlled by the rebels, international oil companies have already moved in to get contracts at much cheaper rates than those negotiated by the Khadaffi government. We can expect, should Khadaffi’s regime finally go the way of Saddam’s, that a new Libyan government’s oil policy would include a weakening of OPEC.
* The British-French rush to war against Libya also has an energy connection. While it is not generally advertised, with the serious reduction of North Sea oil – overdeveloped with great encouragement by Margaret Thatcher – Britain finds itself in something of an energy crunch and is looking for more stable oil sources. It sees a great opportunity in overthrowing Khadaffi.
* The French impetus is a little different but not much. The Fukushima nuclear accident – whose parameters appear to be much worse than publicized – has shaken a country where 80% of its power generation comes from nuclear energy. For France, ‘diversifying’ its energy sources means relying on more, rather than less, oil given its growing concerns of a Fukushima type accident.
* To the degree it can increase its Middle East oil and gas sources, France can rely on Russian sources less. Limiting its dependence on Russian oil – with its political consequences – is a key factor (not the only one) explaining the current French military aggressiveness in Libya, of course under the cover of ‘humanitarian’ concerns and ‘the values’ of the French Revolution, values that were easily forgotten as France tortured and slaughtered a million Algeria between 1954 and 1962. Is it coincidence that a week after Khadaffi, in anger, claimed he would cancel his oil contracts with French and British oil companies, that both countries discovered Libya’s humanitarian crisis?
* In a more general sense a change in Libya shifts the balance of power in the region to the right at a time when the dramatic events of the past year are shifting the balance of power in the opposite direction.
….. And that while Khadaffi is admittedly no angel or great democrat at home, that he is respected in the Third World for good reason and that known Third World left leaders – Castro, Chavez, Nelson Mandela – and others are not abandoning him at present.
July 5th, 2011, 9:15 pm
majedkhaldoon said:
Dear Revlon
The minorities need to be assured that if they split from the assad family, they will not go back to be treated as before,I am sure they know that this revolution is for freedom, and they know that there is no freedom now,we need to get them on our side,and need them to share in building a society that is productive.right now,the regime is scaring them, we need to isolate the assad clan further,The minorities are part of the syrian mosaic,we all have equal rights.
July 5th, 2011, 9:18 pm
Tara said:
People who do not support this revolution will adopt any line provided by the regime to provide noise so the difference between facts and fiction becomes vey hazy.
People who support this revolution are either MB/Zionist or in my case naive/ ignorant living in a fairytale land. I Am already tired of this line. Can we change it?
July 5th, 2011, 9:25 pm
syau said:
People who support this revolution as it is, complete with violence, hate, treason, attempts to cripple the economy and everything else that accompanies it, are people who are not supporting Syria and its citizens, but its enemies, no matter who they are.
No lines are being adopted Tara, the evidence is there for all to see.
This revolution is not about reform or democracy. Look at the bigger picture and you will see it for what it is.
July 5th, 2011, 9:41 pm
mjabali said:
Good article.
What I understand is that minorities has to stick together in the face of the chaos that had started. (Liberal Sunnis are among these minorities)
The class argument is good, but these classes are still separated along sectarian and religious lines. I see no unity in vision among the same class. Things are blinded by religious alliances.
The religious alternative (Muslim Sunni and Salafi in nature), that is trying to pop through, is scary as we can see especially for the minorities.
It did not even come up with any document to ease the fears of those minorities. They can not take a stand about if these minorities are going to be dealt with according to current international law or the laws of the 13th and 17th based on the 7th?
Instead what we heard, if true, is a want to loot the women and kill the men. So far the army has been the factor making the state whole, but for how long?
If things had started with the Friday of the Burning of the Decrees of Hate (???? ??? ????? ?????), that could have been a good start. So far things are spiraling out of control day after day.
Civil war and the fragmentation of Syria is coming around the corner, so for how long the inevitable could be restrained?
The ball is in the court of the religious planners of this chaos in Syria to show the minorities what they has in store for them.
July 5th, 2011, 9:44 pm
louai said:
People who support ‘the revolution’ will adopt any line provided by the countless liars (activists eye witnesses and with help of the Zionists) to provide noise so the difference between facts and fiction becomes vey hazy.
People who support their government are either Bathists/Shabiha or in my case Islam phobic minorities . I Am already tired of this line. Can we change it?
July 5th, 2011, 9:47 pm
Abughassan said:
The only way to assure Syrians who are afraid of a regime change is for the opposition to unite under the goal of secular democracy,and I see little chance of this happening now. People are also watching Egypt where the revolution is being “stolen” and sold to the islamists who ,in Syria and Egypt alike,could not care less about women and minorities but may be willing to make tactical statements that satisfy the US and pacify those who want to trust them,I do not …
July 5th, 2011, 9:52 pm
Tar said:
At least we agree that morality is not a factor and they are all devils.
Who is shiaa expert? The Internet?
July 5th, 2011, 10:02 pm
Norman said:
I agree , Deeds are more important than words, so far this uprising as Yazan calls it has no intention of equality to all ,
July 5th, 2011, 10:03 pm
Samara said:
The reason why your filthy anit-regime demonatrators do not get any police protection is due the copious amout of soldiers, police and so on, that are being attacked by the protesters. The vile mosters like yourself who go out and protest against Bashar al Assad carry weapons, but when they are confronted by the troops, they claim to be peace demonstrators, and when they get close enough, they stary pulling yout their guns, knives, machetties, bats, and other weapons. That is why the pro-Assad demonstrations need protection, from people who will attack them.
You are such a scum! “That’s if they don’t get sent back to their families dead, minus a penis”. Are you refering to the innocent soldiers, the three farmers from Tartous, Nidal Janoud, and all others who were murdered at the dirty hands of the MB? Then you are right. But for you to twist things around and say that that is what the pro-Bahsar people, or his poilice are doing, then ya habibi, you ae a pure load of horse crap. The overwhelming amout of the dead who support the regime were mutilated, and that included the chopping off of their penis and shoving it in their mouths. That is the trade-mark of the MB. It has been for decades. Everyone knows that. Sorry, evryone with a brain. They not only have been murdering innocent people, who are predominantly Alawi, and doing such horrid things, they, your brothers, have also been destroying public and private property. On the news an old man was saying that his shop got broken into and destroyed, and possessions stolen, why? Because he didnt demonstrate with the ass-holes who call themselves the MB.
Where have you been these past few months? Hiding under a rock? Seriously, the crimes of the MB, and the revolutionaries will NEVER be forgotten. They are the ones who are gonna pay. I pray day and night that all that has happened to the pro-regime people, will happent to the violent, and murderous anti-regimeists. At any effing cost.
July 5th, 2011, 10:14 pm
louai said:
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July 5th, 2011, 10:16 pm
Samara said:
Again i post a comment that is waiting moderation. What is Landis hinting?
July 5th, 2011, 10:32 pm
Samara said:
Lets see if i post it again if it will work,
The reason why your filthy anit-regime demonatrators do not get any police protection is due the copious amout of soldiers, police and so on, that are being attacked by the protesters. The vile mosters like yourself who go out and protest against Bashar al Assad carry weapons, but when they are confronted by the troops, they claim to be peace demonstrators, and when they get close enough, they stary pulling yout their guns, knives, machetties, bats, and other weapons. That is why the pro-Assad demonstrations need protection, from people who will attack them.
You are such a scum! “That’s if they don’t get sent back to their families dead, minus a penis”. Are you refering to the innocent soldiers, the three farmers from Tartous, Nidal Janoud, and all others who were murdered at the dirty hands of the MB? Then you are right. But for you to twist things around and say that that is what the pro-Bahsar people, or his poilice are doing, then ya habibi, you ae a pure load of horse crap. The overwhelming amout of the dead who support the regime were mutilated, and that included the chopping off of their penis and shoving it in their mouths. That is the trade-mark of the MB. It has been for decades. Everyone knows that. Sorry, evryone with a brain. They not only have been murdering innocent people, who are predominantly Alawi, and doing such horrid things, they, your brothers, have also been destroying public and private property. On the news an old man was saying that his shop got broken into and destroyed, and possessions stolen, why? Because he didnt demonstrate with the ass-holes who call themselves the MB.
Where have you been these past few months? Hiding under a rock? Seriously, the crimes of the MB, and the revolutionaries will NEVER be forgotten. They are the ones who are gonna pay. I pray day and night that all that has happened to the pro-regime people, will happent to the violent, and murderous anti-regimeists. At any effing cost
July 5th, 2011, 10:38 pm
Abughassan said:
The MB did send a rep to that meeting in Paris,and the ex-chief Byanoni was not very thrilled about that but refused to directly criticize the decision to send that rep to a meeting full of anti Syrian and pro Israel figures. Whoever attended that meeting made a huge political mistake,and time will tell if I was right on this one.
July 5th, 2011, 10:49 pm
Revlon said:
31. Dear majed Khaldoon,
I acknowledge the presence of an element of fear amongst minorities.
The revolution’s non-sectarian, nationalistic identity and aims have been made amply clear through slogans chanted on the streets by demonstrators, published on face book pages of the Syrian revolution, voiced by its activists, and declatred by the Antalia intiative.
It is the responsibility of those who consider themselves ” threatened minorities” to decide whether they support the revolution or to stick with Jr The reformer.
Those of them who have decided to support the revolution, in principle, and would like to seek assurances from main stream leaders, have a resposnsibilty to engage in activism and lobby for their constituencies, at all levels (street, facebook,audiovisual media, etc)
Freedom does not guarantee your rights
It guarantees your right to achieve them
The revolution is moving away from the paternalistic approach of tyranny, to individual responsibility.
Hiding behind virtual fears is no excuse to any one.
Brave young Syrians have taken the responsibility to engage adversity, risking their life and livelihood, in order to earn the freedom that we shall all enjoy.
I want to ask those who consider themselves “Threatened Minorities” and have not supported the revolution!
What have you done to earn yours?
Liberate yourself from from your own fear!
Walk out with the braves and speak up like a free soul.
July 5th, 2011, 10:53 pm
Abughassan said:
Young idealists and freedom- loving protestors who went out for dignity and democracy do not scare anybody except those can only thrive under a dictatorship and corruption. What scares many Syrians,not just minorities,is the islamists who have shown again and again they are intolerant and exclusivinists (a new word in the english language). The sweet talk we hear today will be
replaced by brutality against dissidents in the future if those islamists manage to capture power. Another clear danger is evidence that islamists are learning from previous mistakes,that is why they accepted aid from the west,gave interviews to Israeli journalists,spoke softly about Israel and attended meetings held by pro Israel figures and “assured” the west that they have “modified” their position on
critical issues that matter to human rights activists.
The buttom line is,islamists will do or say anything to ascend to power. It is a fatal mistake to allow religious parties in Syria. Conservative Muslims are free to influence their future political parties and movements but they can not use Islam
as a cover or deny membership to non Muslims and minorities. We have enough iraqs and Talibans in our world.
July 5th, 2011, 11:23 pm
sheila said:
Dear Yazan,
Even though you are attempting to be open minded and objective, your background is seeping through your opinion. All this analysis means nothing. It all boils down to being ruled by a mafia. No matter how much money you have or what social status you possess, you are constantly subjected to humiliation. As a business man, you have to partner up with these thugs to do any kind of business. People are sick and tired of corruption and tyrany. I am constantly amused by how the alawiis of Syria always claimed discrimination because of their religion, when the reality is that they were discriminated against based on social class. Many sunnis, christians and other sects and ethnicities suffered the same treatment. If you look at the well to do class in Syria, you can find all sects, religions and ethnicities living in harmony and respecting each other. This is true in all countries and societies.
We all know that not all alawiis benefited from this regime or support this regime, however, they are all suffering from tremendous fear for their future after the fall of this regime. I do not blame them. If I were the father of Hamza, I do not know what I would be capable of doing to those bastards that tortured my son and killed him. I just hope and pray that cool heads will prevail.
I also find it very interesting when you compare what the regime does and its propaganda to that of the demonstrators. Please remember that this country and its people have been suffering from this regime for a very long time. This regime that can write the book on how to destroy a country. Unlike the regime, the people have no infrastructure of anything. With that in mind, they deserve nothing but respect.
July 5th, 2011, 11:26 pm
louai said:
thank you Yazan for the article
in your opinion , if we take out the sectarian motive and the media support and propaganda how much will be left to this uprising?
yes there is injustice and there are many poor people who were victems of the corruption that the president did not deal with before he applied the economy reform but they are from all sects why poor Christians alawites and Druz did not join?
Some one said Insha’at and ghota (rich Sunni neighbourhoods in Homs) are demonstrating every night ,that is a fact but are the demonstrators from those neighbourhoods??? That what counts
July 5th, 2011, 11:39 pm
Yazan said:
Dear Sheila,
You’re free to speculate all you want on how my background is seeping through my words. However, I have no interest in discussing that with someone who knows so little about me.
But I will respond to your last point. I’m very careful with my words, and I should expect as much care from the reader. When I speak of demonstrators, I say “demonstrators”. I did not equate the regime’s propaganda to that of the “demonstrators”. I did compare (but never “equate”) it however to that of the opposition (especially those outside of the country) which is trying to make a name for itself as the spokespeople for the demonstrators, while they couldn’t be any further from such honest representation. Far from it, I have nothing but respect for what those demonstrating have brought to the country. For how much, and how long, they’ve resisted this propaganda, and I’ve contrasted that with how little resistance to such propaganda other parts of society have shown.
If we take the sectarian motive out of the uprising? I’d say you’ll have 90% still on the ground. If we take the sectarian motive out of both sides? I’d say it will at least double in size.
July 5th, 2011, 11:48 pm
Alex said:
Since Yazan in online, I’ll ask him a different question:
What is your rough estimate of the popularity of the following parties among the Alawis:
1) The Baath
2) The various shades of Communist parties
3) The SSNP
4) New parties that will be formed if political reforms are implemented.
This is the same question I asked Bassam Alkadi but he did not answer it, see if I get a more direct response from you.
July 6th, 2011, 12:07 am
louai said:
Yazan, thank you for your answer, I agree with you that if you take out the sectarian motive from both sides the number will double or maybe you will see all Syria on the streets
I was never a fan of the Syrian TV I actually because of it and later the Lebanese channels stopped to like any kind of media and now I just hate it, but after March started to read news and watch TV and I most say the Syrian official and semi official media was the least to promote any sectarian language .in facebook groups you rarely read any sectarian comment or post but go and read the comments and even the main posts of the Syrian revolution 2011 webpage on the first week of the uprising and you know what I ma talking about , I see no points for the state to promote sectarianism as it may get it the minorities’ support out of fear but it cost it the loos of the Sunni majority(76% of the population) at the same time .
July 6th, 2011, 12:27 am
Yazan said:
The definition of a political party, a group of people that are united under a certain ideology and are working to advance certain political goals, does not apply to the Baath anymore. It is a monolith of citizens who were herded as members. I daresay most of which never even read the Baath constitution, or went to more than 2-3 meetings. So I really can’t give you an answer to that one.
Also, you have to keep in mind that many Alawis were born in period where there was no politics at all in the country. These are either inclined to follow their parents, or, and for the most part, are completely apolitical.
As for the rest.
The SSNP never really had a wide base among Alawis to start with. The membership, or at least the sympathy for the party runs in family lines for the most part. If I had to venture a guess, I’d say no more than 5%.
Communists, I think are the majority of politicized Alawis. In my own class of 36 kids (middle school), there was at least 6-7 kids whose parents, or uncles served prison time for their communist political affiliations. (Hizb al-Amal, Maktab Siyassi). I’d say at least 10-20% of Alawis would join a communist or very leftist part.
New parties, especially those either center left (democratic socialists), or center right (liberal conservative), will have a vast amount of untapped, apolitical supporters-in-waiting to convert. These will be the most successful in the short or mid-term future.
The state, and its affiliated media (Dunia, Sham FM, etc.) did promote a sectarian angle.
Sham FM (and before you tell me it’s a private radio station, I’ll tell you that I know the owner personally, and his family and I know how far their connection to the regime goes), more than once said that tanks were moving from al-Zahra (a conservative Alawi neighborhood in Homs), to crush the demonstrators (or the terrorists as they called them) in Bab al-Sebaa (A conservative Sunni neighborhood). My whole extended family lives in al-Zahra, and they told me that not a single soldier did move. One wonders, why be so specific about the neighborhoods? And then why lie about it?
Syrian TV, as well as al-Dunia, in characterizing all those demonstrating as Salafists out to get the minorities of Syria, and in constantly spreading deadly rumors (like the one about the Israeli flag in Bab al-Sebaa) were also inflaming a sectarian issue.
July 6th, 2011, 12:55 am
Syrian Commando said:
>While only a small, negligible minority in the uprising (or the correspondent elements in the opposition) have attempted to directly invoke sectarian language
Oh please, we hear what the MB uprising in Hama is chanting.
Government on the other hand, has been wise enough to censor any direct references to any minorities from its broadcasts. Who is using the “sectarian card”?
As for this being a class struggle… no. See, I used to be a socialist too, but this little tautology is nonsensical. Every uprising can be interpreted as a class struggle. You cannot get rid of class, Egalitarianism is bullshit.
Even so, I do support the SSNP and communist party in principle.
July 6th, 2011, 12:55 am
Syrian Commando said:
Hahahaha… Turkey’s reaction. Hahahahaha, meanwhile they’re bombing PKK position. That’s really rich, thanks for that laugh.
July 6th, 2011, 12:59 am
Abughassan said:
Here is my take on political affiliations of alawis using personal contacts and some relatives accounts ( though i was not asked 🙂 ):
The wild card is whether army personnel will be permitted to join political parties,the intention is to keep the army apolitical but that did not win approval of Baathists who have much to lose.albaath still have support among those employed by the state,poor farmers and some hard-core loyalists. The SSNP has decent support among educated alawis and that support is likely to grow at the expense of other parties including the communist parties. A hybrid party that combines a secular philosophy with a socialist mindset would win the support of most alawis.Baathists on my alawi relatives side are over 50% but most are casual baathis and could not care less about the party today.
Less than 10% of my Sunni relatives are baathis with more than 80% not rooting for any particular party and less than 10% belonging to other movments. None of my relatives as far as I know is a member of the MB (not that I expect them to announce it)
Percentage of alawis who are deeply religious is less than 10%
Percentage on my Sunni side : more than 30%
this is not by any mean a true description of both sects.
July 6th, 2011, 1:24 am
Zenobia said:
A really excellent and insightful piece Yazan. You are shining a light where it should be shined. Thanks so much for contributing it.
July 6th, 2011, 1:58 am
Simon said:
A good analysis of the uprising but we have to remember that the positive outcome is already sweeping Syria,reforms are on the way and change is imminent,MB will have to reassess their old grudges attitude and provide a 21 century vision to able Syria to move forwards.
the Government has achieved a lot for the last four months and the army is supporting it and it will carry on.
Minorities will never accept Hourias style of living,they will leave this to Saudi and Afghanistan to enjoy it,it is about time to address the sexual frustration of MB.
Sectarianism always existed in Syria and there were always hidden rules to follow to able them to live in harmony and tolerance. sexual and religious discrimination always existed in a very subtle form but it was controlled.
It is nice to dream and hope for a perfect,harmonious and fair society,but this is non existent.
Although Syrians don’t lack the sense of patriotism,but the last 4 months were a big challenge to its strength and if anything it made them more tenacious.
July 6th, 2011, 2:06 am
SYR.Expat said:
Thank you Yazan for your input and clarifications, especially in regards to the role of the state media and its affiliates in promoting a “sectarian angle.”
“The state, and its affiliated media (Dunia, Sham FM, etc.) did promote a sectarian angle.”
Promoting a sectarian angle is a double-edged sword. People should stop playing this ugly card.
July 6th, 2011, 2:26 am
Syrian Commando said:
Like I said, this assertion is rubbish and its quite likely he either did not listen to the media he listed or misinterpreted everything FIGHTING sectarianism as promoting sectarianism.
If anything the listed media promoted unity.
July 6th, 2011, 2:46 am
Dear Yazan
This article, appearing in today’s Alquds Alarabi, posits similar concerns as yours, albeit it goes a little more into possible options. I would like to hear your opinion :
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July 6th, 2011, 4:32 am
Tara said:
I am in it for political freedom ie freedom and dignity, the rule of law, democracy and all these nice things. I agree with your overall assessment but would like to know your opinion in regard to the percentage make up of the “uprising” in term of class struggle vs political struggle.
July 6th, 2011, 5:51 am
Yazan said:
Interesting article, I will comment more later.
As far as I know, and correct me if I’m wrong, you did not go down to the street and demonstrate. Me, and you, don’t make the cut. We’re still the silent majority.
I’d say at least 80-90% of the demonstrations are because of social and economic injustices. But if you asked them, they wouldn’t tell you that. They’d tell you a word, “Hurriyeh”, that they can not explain, and when they do, the snobs, the racists, and the class-prejudiced will tell you, “look at them, they don’t even know what they want.” This is, in Marxist terms, the class-consciousness that is lacking. They know what they want, they want freedom from their humiliation and dehumanization, and they experience that in their economic reality. So it is a class-struggle, but it is being fought by a disorganized class that is unable to realize itself and its power.
July 6th, 2011, 6:34 am
873 said:
Is this Syria Comment’s ‘Yazan Badran’ who billed himself in one of his earlier posts as being Japanese? The name and look is pure Israeli. Another Mista’aravim speaking as an “Arab” expert?
Is he any relation to Tony Badran of neocon, WINEP/AIPAC-American repute?
July 6th, 2011, 6:37 am
Yazan said:
Why am I not surprised that your knowledge of the Arabic language is just as acute and shrewd as your political awareness? But, I’m a nice a guy, I’ll give a little lesson for free.
Yazan (???) means the valley in old Arabic. It’s a Yemeni name, and it’s famous as a part of the legend of Saif bin thi Yazan (??? ?? ?? ???) or Saif, the son of the king of the valley. It’s a very famous folk tale about a Yemeni king. Read more about it here ( or in English if you don’t understand Arabic
Badran (?????), well that’s just a family name, it’s muthanna for Badr.
No, I’m not a relative of Tony Badran. Badran is the name of several families in many Arab countries including Lebanon and Jordan. They’re not related. Most famous of Badrans, is a former Prime Minister of Jordan.
Moving on. I am Syrian, I’m not Israeli. I’m living in Japan, I’m not Japanese. And I’ve been blogging for 6 years. But I’m also not surprised you haven’t been to my blog (hint, click on my name), I usually blog for readers with a better IQ.
One more thing, perhaps next time you could use Very useful. (I wish that was still online, but alas)
July 6th, 2011, 7:08 am
Tara said:
Isn’t social and economic injustice the other face of lack of hurriah and political freedom?
Wouldn’t social and economic justice be established with hurriah? Aren’t we all not talking about the same things ( class struggle and political struggle) but perhaps using different terms?
July 6th, 2011, 7:10 am
Yazan said:
No, these are two different struggles. They overlap at many places but they are different struggles.
India for example, is the world’s largest democracy, but it is also one of the most socially and economically unjust places on earth.
Conversely, there are many examples of dictatorships (brutal ones for that matter) that brought about unparalleled economic prosperity (Spain, Taiwan and South Korea come to mind)
On the other hand, many argue that economic emancipation will eventually bring about an inevitable political and social emancipation. That’s true for many places (South Korea again), but the advancement is very slow. Look at the gulf (and by that I mean the really prosperous countries, Qatar, Kuwait, UAE, Bahrain..)
Class-struggles, still exist even in the most prosperous countries. Even in those with unparalleled even distribution of wealth (Japan, Sweden). Marxist theory holds that class-struggle is one for post-democratic world. An unrealistic ideal, it may be. But I don’t see the point of living for realistic ideals.
July 6th, 2011, 7:21 am
Tara said:
Good answer. I like it. Thank you.
July 6th, 2011, 7:49 am
Sheila said:
Dear Yazan,
I am sorry if I offended you in any way. That was not my goal. It is true that I do not know you, but I do have certain respect for you. This respect stems from the fact that you are attempting to think this problem through and trying to be as objective as you can. However, I think the fact that I do not know you, should make you more interested in hearing how I felt when I read your article. I truly feel that you are struggling with this. Your famliy supports the regime, but you are unable to forgive all the atrocities.
You also did not address all the points that I raised, specifically, my challenge to your claim that this is a poor man’s uprising. I completely disagree. This is everybody getting sick and tired of this mafia ruling the country. The people in Aleppo and Damascus have been trying very hard to join in, but what people do not know is that the security presence in these cities is above and beyond belief. This is not an uprising of the poor.
I hope that there are more people like you Yazan, who are willing to think independently and face the issues at hand, but please keep an open mind about comments like mine. I really did try to convey to you what I truly felt.
July 6th, 2011, 9:36 am
N.Z. said:
Yazan, thanks for the time and effort, both, in writing about your personal life,thoughts, and responding.
Your Alawites family are but a representation of the majority of `syrian families and not sect related, in terms of pro and contra, ……
Your answer to Tara is very telling of your upbringing, a sound analysis in regards to the protesters. We are all together in this struggle against the Assad mafia, who in no shape or form are representative of the Syrian Alawites, they are power hungry trying to salvage their status quo, on the expense of our future.
A just word in front of an abusive dictator, we, collectively are guilty and responsible at once, for allowing this self serving family to rule us for so long, out of fear. Their brutality is legendary. Any security service can apprehend anyone, but only one, either the father or son, has the power to release them.
These brave men and women who took to the streets are the most patriotic, peace loving and selfless citizens the world had ever known. We have no choice but to give them full credit.
Everyone on this blog wants change, but we, all, are cowards, sitting in the comfort of our homes and criticizing the young and old for their bravery, labelling them one time as Salafist and the next time as MB. Hypocrites.
It is your likes, Yazan, those with a sense of social justice and equality for all, your likes who have the courage to be proud of their respective background, can take us and the country to a safe landing.
July 6th, 2011, 9:46 am
William Scott Scherk said:
Abu Ghassan, at #36:
Little chance? See the statements from the Kilo get-together, see the statements for the Haitham Malla/Dalila get-together ( — looks like this group cannot get approval to meet together from the government, which I do not understand!).
I mean only to point out that these attempts at pulling together opposition voices and forces are explicit in the bottom line for a civil/secular Syria, even though public dissemination is being resisted by the government, if not repressed.
The Kilo conference, documents, and statements are slightly more particular about the precise elements of civil state that are necessary in law.
To my eyes, at least, the bottom line on these foundation documents is a civil Syria, and worthy of your full support, Abu Ghassan.
If the government could allow them to meet together, and to publish their views freely and to speak frankly to state media . . . but for some reason Syria must wait until an 80-article restrictive media legal framework is decreed some months down the road.
How can there be a free and open debate, consensus, unification if the state actors may still arrest and detain anyone arbitrarily for unauthorized gatherings and publications and statements?
(this is not to mention folks awaiting a release for ‘political crimes’ and those such as my contacts within official Syrian media who are afraid to honestly report, not to mention those among the 10,000 detainess who may be guilty of nothing more than opinion. This is why the precondition for opposition attendance at a a regime-sponsored dialogue is that repression of political opinion be lifted and detainees to released. If only Assad could issue a political amnesty decree . . . )
The Ikhwan in Egypt and their new party are having an in-the-open testing of their acts, policies and statements. So far the MB has fissured and disfellowshipped groups formerly within. The old guard now faces the fact of 5 former MB political formations — which reject any authoritarian internal structure (
Interesting times indeed for the MB and allies/former allies in Egypt, Abu Ghassan — but all is not simple, nor unexposed, nor unresisted or unremarked. Egypt has the benefit over Syria of a much more robust media and a now-open political space.
July 6th, 2011, 10:00 am
vlad-the-syrian said:
“So far the MB has fissured and disfellowshipped groups formerly within”
i dont think it is serious
disseminating is the MB’s strategy in Egypt
anyway it is too soon to draw out a correct analysis
July 6th, 2011, 10:31 am
William Scott Scherk said:
To the transylvania impaler in #69 —
I see a list of actions in Egypt involving the Ikhwan there. You can dispute my interpretation, you can tell SC readers what you think of the facts if you like, but do acknowledge my report of fissure and disfellowship is true. Here is what Ikhwan did and have had done to it, in order:
– ‘reformed’ its guidance bureau to remove reformists
– ordered youth to abstain from Egyptian demonstrations
– got in the game and joined demos later
– announced its party would be Freedom and Justice
– announced Ikhwan members could only join one party (guess which party?)
– youth group announced conference
– leadership of youth group conference disfellowshipped
– some in youth group support other emerging party
– more disfellowships
– former Ikhwan guidance dude says will run for Prez
– disfellowshipped
– other Ikhwan dude in youth adheres to newer party
– bye bye youth dude
– (and a few more details familiar to anyone watching Egyptian politics lately)
Ikhwan in Egypt is discovering you get what you pay for. They paid for freedom of speech and opinion, and are confronted with the reality that folks do not think in lockstep or wish to be herded into camps of obedient sheep. I make no predictions of electoral strength, just point out the possibilities, since the liberal wing of the Ikhwan-flavoured are also in the game and playing hard.
July 6th, 2011, 10:48 am
N.Z. said:
200 tanks moved to Hama, after Fridays peaceful protests!
Another massacre is taking place in Hama, and yet they are spectators cheering this dictator and his sadist turned men
July 6th, 2011, 11:02 am
873 said:
62. Yazan said:
Why am I not surprised that your knowledge of the Arabic language is just as acute and shrewd as your political awareness? But, I’m a nice a guy, I’ll give a little lesson for free.
If your blog is as mediocre as your posts- glad I skipped it, I havent missed a thing. You have zero new to add, just more of the usual cliches on this subject that I suppose you think are original and insightful LOLOL.
“The conflict comprises: 1. Class issues 2. Sectarian infighting 3. Political struggle” DUH! This has been covered ad infinitum here by EVERYONE! Wow, I’m dumbstruck at your new revelations!!
If I want the regurgitated obvious, I’ll stick to US state media, not some third rate nobody w/ affectations to ‘journalism’ or professional analysis. More intellectual ‘products’ from a bureaucratic mind.
Dont know what you mean by “arch type” but if you’re quoting Carl Jung the word is Archetype and the concept has nothing to do with any thing you have presented. My arabic is far from fluent, but your english could also use a Dr.
July 6th, 2011, 11:34 am
Abughassan said:
I said what I said because I know that the popularity of islamists and conservative Muslims in Syria is higher than what many people here are willing to admit. The answer is not to cave in and reverse secular measures to pacify these groups,like the return of teachers who cover every inch of their body before they go to public schools to teach our kids about the “diverse” world we live in. The regime has only itself to blame when it imprisoned people like Kilo and Dalila and weakened secular opposition to the point that we are mostly left with militant islamists who are hungry to take over and retaliate against everybody who does not share their twisted version of Islam. It is a matter of national security that those seculars be left free to assemble and organize so they can pursue what we called “the third option”. Until this is done,this uprising will be largely a battle between security apparatus and militant Muslims who managed to keep Syria in a state of confusion and tension waiting for their opponents to make more mistakes that will surely inflame the streets.
July 6th, 2011, 11:39 am
vlad-the-syrian said:
WSS @70
you seem very disturbed and angry about what i’ve said in comment #69
“disseminating is the MB’s strategy in Egypt”
hence i can only assume that i’m right and that this is te truth
all these people (your friends) are and remain Ikhwan
July 6th, 2011, 11:40 am
William Scott Scherk said:
Vlad, please forgive, I did not mean my tone to appear angry, but factual. I will of course read your analysis of the splits and personages and parties derivative of the Egyptian MB (not to mention the salafists!) and look forward to your dissection of all of the varied islamist currents in Syria also. Please note that I condemn the sectarian hate preached by the offshore cleric Aroun.
Abu Ghassan, I surely respect you — the things I mention are meant only to broaden discussion, not to reject your findings or opinions. What you say about Kilo and Dalila rings true to reality to me from my far away vantage in Vancouver. I do point out that the MB situation in Egypt (and Nadha in Tunisia) is fully in the open now, in contest, under frank and open discussion and legal struggle between elements.
Surely, in Syria it cannot be too much for anyone to ask that the most well-known dissidents can have a platform now? Why does everything wait until the month after tomorrow? If Assad can decree various amnesties, surely he can decree a suspension of existing punishments and curbs and repressions on media/opinion/expression. Surely folks can do the preparatory discussions for forming future parties without facing detention or investigation and secret punishments or suppression.
The road ahead is long, as in Tunisia and Egypt. The free opinion space there came first — they have a long way to go before elections for parliaments, for a new constitution, for executive elections.
It is my hope that the regime in Syria will give some policy directives today, immediately, to open the civil discourse space. I cannot imagine what they are waiting for. Will there be no free speech and assembly and publication until some yon distant day when all the dialoque has been marshalled? What about now?
July 6th, 2011, 12:06 pm
873 said:
Dear Moderator,
Please ask Syrian Ambassador to the US to give some information from their side of the story- specifically, their claims that outside agitators have been infiltrated into Syria. Who? Where? How?
Even many of the MSM have alluded to this as fact, but of course it is not in the interests of their bosses to further investigate this angle. It is referrenced in 1-2 sentences only, then quickly passed over. A full, honest investigation into evidence for its validity or non-validity- THAT would be unique material.
SC has had the anti-Assad Ausama “Chalabi” group from London on here, the US student w/ his long supposed “fair” article (that ended up making Syria look bad), and the Gay Girl Damascene via American intel agent Britta MacMaster & Co. (Presented by Landis who is on the board of an anti-Syria NGO)
Why not an unequivocal piece from the other side? Please give the pro-Syria camp a platform too so that S Commando doesnt have to be the lone vehement voice for that side!
July 6th, 2011, 12:27 pm
Abughassan said:
It does not look like the coming meeting on july10th will add much to efforts to provide a solution to this crisis because many prominent opposition figures are not happy with the regime’s sluggish response to basic demands like a preliminary position on the abolishment of article-8,a commitment to free elections and,most importantly,the release of all political prisoners. We just have to wait for another month or so before we can take a deep breath,assuming that the regime is not buying time and playing games. Bashar is not receiving good advice,this is why he waited 11 years to do what is right,and yet he is still very cautious and even hesitant. I am not ready to declare that the beginning of the end of this crisis has been reached but there are encouraging signs,however,signs are not a substitute for solid measures. Some loyalists are still unwilling to understand that Bashar will at best be a transitional president who must deliver on promises he made in 2000,then repeated those promises in 2005,but waited until now to allow political reform to get out of jail..
July 6th, 2011, 12:48 pm
Yazan said:
Dear Sheila,
Not offended, at all. But, simply put, I feel that it’s a futile effort for us to discuss “me”, while you know so little about me. (not to mention that it’s beside the point.)
Case in point, what you mentioned in your last comment. I am not struggling with the fact that my family is supporting the regime, for several reasons. One, is because, and I’ve mentioned that, my relationship with the “family” is minimal. They don’t reflect on me, and I don’t reflect on them. Another one would be, that while the majority of the family does support the regime, those who don’t are very vocal and very important people in the public discourse. Along with many reasons relating to my own life, and family history, that you couldn’t possibly have known, and that I’m not inclined to share here.
It’s not that I’m “unable” to forgive the atrocities. I’m not trying to forgive them. I have a first hand account of them, and I’m not in any psychological struggle whether to forgive them or not. I’m simply trying to analyse them.
Ofcourse none of these things, are ones that you could’ve known, but all of them would be important to a discussion about me, I’m just not sure why we’d want to go there. I’d love to discuss what’s written, regardless of who wrote it. Agree?
Everybody is certainly fed up with this failed mode of governance, I agree. But not everybody is inclined to join in the protests. In Homs, the only city where upper-middle class neighborhoods joined in, it took them 3 months, and an unprecedented crackdown, and the sight of tanks in their neighborhoods to rise up. The uprising certainly started as one of the working classes revolting against their conditions, and it is sustained by these. The rural vs. urban character of the uprising only strengthens my claim. It is significant because historically the rural areas were the Baath’s main base of support. But in the last 10-20 years they’ve seen all the wealth they achieved under the first 20yrs of socialism disappear.
In Latakia, Skantouri, and Ramel Falastini, as well as Homs Baba Amro and to a lesser degree Bab al-Sebaa (the hotbeds of demonstrations, in their respective cities), are areas where a “respectable” middle-class person would never dare go, these are places plagued by poverty, illness, unemployment, crime, etc.
Like I told Tara, the middle class has much more to lose in participating. And regardless of whether they sympathize or not, they still have not made a serious participation, apart from facebook groups which I am a member of several.
July 6th, 2011, 10:46 pm
louai said:
dear Yazan sorry for the delay
there is no comparison between the stat’s media and the opposition media(wisal safa jazeera arabya you name it) when it comes to sectarian language and rumours ,i don’t like doing that but i have to go throw some examples to explain
the Syrian soldiers who were executed and slaughtered by Jisr el shoghor terrorists video , it has clear sectarian motive and it was obvious a hate crime ,the dump terrorists posted it on youtube and here is the original video with the filthy sectarian language
Addunia TV report muting the filthy sectarian talk and other filthy talks (the same did the Syrian TV)
its one example that I remembered , if addunia wanted to use these video in a sectarian way to scare minorities so it’s a golden opportunity to do so
as for the rumor about the Israeli flag ,its started with a phone call to sham FM from a lady who claimed to be from Homs and said the story but I heard later on Addunia TV the presenter condemning the story and stating that they went and investigated but nothing found but the Syrian flag , that was confirmed on one of the opposition websites (in ugly way) here is the link
?????? ???? ???? ???????? ???????? ?? ????? ??? ???? ???
there are hundreds of similar clips and I am sure you know that ,maybe state’s media is not perfect but its incomparable to the opposition media’s sectarian war .
July 7th, 2011, 4:35 am
Aboud said:
@79 “In Homs, the only city where upper-middle class neighborhoods joined in, it took them 3 months, and an unprecedented crackdown, and the sight of tanks in their neighborhoods to rise up”
At the start, anyone who wanted to demonstrate would go to Khaldia or Baba Amr to join Friday prayers. Once the number of people participating from Insha’at grew to sufficient numbers, nightly demonstrations started to be held there.
I remember the first time Insha’at came out on their own. It was about a month ago. The security forces had beefed up their presence there. At exactly noon, massive amounts of gunfire was heard. It was firing meant to intimidate the people of Baba Amr from going out to Friday prayers.
It had the opposite effect. People in Insha’at were maddened by this display of blatant bullying. Right after Friday prayer, they went out in the streets and chanted in support of Baba Amr. The more the firing grew in Baba Amr, the bigger and louder the Insha’at demonstration got. For two hours, the demonstrators walked up and down the neighborhood, shouting at the top of their lungs.
The next day, the army replaced the shabiha at the checkpoint, and we have rarely heard a shot from Baba Amr since then.
July 7th, 2011, 4:58 am
On Olives and Sake» Blog Archive » Syria: An Uprising, Not a Revolution said:
[…] A guest-post at Joshua Landis’ Syria Comment. […]
July 7th, 2011, 6:15 am
its over the conspiracy by us israel saudi arabia turkey,aljazeera,amnesty international,hrw,and mrach 14th movement,is now full blown exposed..its done,give it up,this is absolute evidence and proof of cpnspiracy by these above mentioned countreis and organizations..period..there is nothing else to discuss..its proven deal with it…
MUST READ!!! Kiss Of ‘Democratic’ Death: Israel’s Plot To Take Down Syria I by Jonathan Azaziah
MUST SEE!!!Kiss Of ‘Democratic’ Death: Israel’s Plot To Take Down Syria II by Jonathan Azaziah
Energy wars and the destabilization of Syria- Geopolitics at it’s worst
July 7th, 2011, 2:17 pm
???? ???? ??????? said:
Dear Yazan
Thank you for this candid article, it is very informative regardless of my assessment of it. You introduced yourself so we understand better what you say. In turn, for the same reasons, I should introduce myself. I am 43 years old, originally from Homs, agnostic, individualistic, studied engineering for a long time and then decided to become a historian. Currently, I teach Middle Eastern history in the USA. I agree with you that sectarianism is over-used by westerners studying Syria while disregarding other explanatory factors. However, the sectarian identity is quite strong in Syria that it must be taken into consideration as a viable explanatory factor. The fact that sectarianism is a negative taboo is indicative of its powers despite people’s avowed hatred of it. It is not necessarily a conscious choice, but even your assessment of the current situation in Syria shows a strong sectarian perspective (not preference). I am not accusing you of sectarianism, I am just saying that your understanding of Syria is shaped by your social and sectarian belonging in many ways. Your Marxist penchant will find my social relativism quite abhorrent. Unlike Marxists, I do not distinguish between “good” and “bad” uprisings or revolutions. The notions of class and class consciousness are too rigid as tools of social analysis in my opinion. Back to Syria, probably a good majority of the protesters are protesting for economic reasons, but Marxism will naturally filter out such reason as identity, migration, the psychology of repression or relative poverty and unequal distribution of opportunity. I find your disdain of the so called “Houriyyas” quite elitist, but that accords well with your claim that they lack a rational self-conscious avant garde to lead them to a “good revolution” worthy of support. It is really telling that your analysis sounds like a nationalist discourse, I would call it Alawi nationalism. Again this is not an insult, what I mean is that your analysis sounds like other known discourses uttered by emerging national middle classes; which is exactly the way Hafiz al-Asad presented himself, a hero and liberator of the Alawis in Syria; and the reaction of Bashar al-Assad and his supporters would be made very clear by such a theory. It is no surprise that the Syrian Social Nationalist Party has many supporters among Alawis and Christians in Syria. Again, this is not an insult, because I do not posit Alawi nationalism as an opposite to Arab nationalism because I really do not care about ideologies. What could unite all Syrians today is a rejection of the police state that the Assads have established. What is really hurtful today is that supporters of Assad would hide behind all kinds of exclusive elitist rhetoric to disguise the fact that they really consider that guy and his father as national emancipators regardless of the suffering that this family has caused our country. I don’t call on people to support the uprising, I however do call on them to support the desire for change and an acknowledgment of how horribly oppressive this regime is. Do voice your opinion, your road-map, your initiative, whatever, but do not deride the demonstrators. By the way, our two immediate families share many commonalities in their history despite my last name which could insinuate the contrary. I do hate the Assad regime, but my strong feelings do not come from a sectarian perspective but rather from deeply seated trauma. I do sincerely hate religions and will struggle against an Islamist state in Syria the same way I struggle against the Assad state. I hope you understand that feeling which I share with many of the demonstrators regardless of whatever other reason have pushed them over the edge. I hope to continue the debate, my blog address is given above. regards
July 10th, 2011, 1:44 am
Yazan said:
Dear Ahmad,
In my attempt to present a coherent Marxist interpretation of the uprising I may have, inadvertently, obscured my own strong personal inclinations. And your excellent response is evident of that, to me.
I don’t do that often. In fact on my own blog, I show quite the disdain for those who do that. But because this is an article that was written for SyriaComment, and because I felt that a Marxist interpretation (however rigid, it may be to some people) is needed at this point, I chose to swallow that bitter pill.
Let me explain a little further, so we can perhaps be on the same wavelength.
I do not (nor do I believe Marx, Engels, Gramsci, or even Lenin) portray revolutions as “good” or “bad”. But, and especially in Leninist Marxism, there is a rigid portrayal of a successful social revolution (not “good”, but “successful”). The model that Lenin presented, is the model I used here, because it’s the most accessible to many people.
Further still, I did not introduce myself in the article. I introduced my extended families, and I made it clear that I have absolutely nothing in common with either. If I was to try and introduce myself in a finite number of social stereotypes I’d say I’m an: Individualist, Humanist, Atheist, very strongly influenced by Marxist, existential and later situationalist literature. But this is what I am today, as I write this.
My immediate family history is completely independent and utterly different from that of my extended ones. Hafez al-Assad made sure that my father had to live in voluntary exile for 10 years, and undercover/voluntary house arrest for 20. At 5yrs old, I had to change my name, every time I crossed the borders. I don’t see Hafez al-Assad, nor his son as emancipators. And if my words are not as clear-cut, even here, as you might expect them to be, it’s because I hold an infinite amount of fear/caution and silence within.
I did not, nor will I ever, deride those demonstrating. After 6 years of conscious struggle and trying to cut that umbilical cord to that place, those demonstrators were the only thing that brought me back. And I share your every sentiment in that regard.
This article is not about “me”, I have my blog to write about that. This is exactly what I billed it out:
“This is one attempt to explore a different facet to the conflict. It is by no means a comprehensive analysis, but an attempt to highlight an area that has not been sufficiently discussed with regards to its importance to the developments on the ground.”
July 12th, 2011, 12:31 am
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