Sorting out David Ignatius

by Aron Lund for Syria Comment

David Ignatius has written an article in the Washington Post called “Sorting out the Syrian opposition”, where he provides names and manpower figures for the Syrian insurgency. He’s basing his argument on reports from a Syrian opposition group. I happen to know which one, but I haven’t seen the actual report, so I won’t comment on that.

The Ignatius article itself is, however, rather confused, and readers should beware. Let’s pick it apart.


— Excerpt: ”The biggest umbrella group is called the Jabhat al-Tahrir al-Souriya al-Islamiya. It has about 37,000 fighters, drawn from four main subgroups based in different parts of the country. These Saudi-backed groups are not hard-core Islamists but …” etc.

The group he’s referring to is the Syrian Islamic Liberation Front (SILF, until recently known as SLF, without the ”Islamic”). It was formed in mid-2012, and incorporates the biggest mainstream Islamist groups of the insurgency. The SILF includes the Farouq Battalions (mainly Homs + Turkish border), the Tawhid Brigade (Aleppo), the Suqour el-Sham Brigades (Idleb),  the Islam Brigade (Damascus), and a bunch of others.

Some of these groups were originally created in the name of the FSA but ”salafized” as the war went on, reflecting the new mood in the rebel movement and foreign funding requirements. It’s a basically mixed bag of opportunistic and principled Islamists, ranging from ideologically fuzzy big-tent movements (Tawhid Brigade) to rather grim-looking salafis (Islam Brigade).

They’re not simply ”Saudi-backed”, although they may be that as well (whatever it means, with all these princes doing their own thing). The northern wing of Farouq, for example, is well known to enjoy Turkish patronage. It’s been attacking Syrian army positions through Turkish territory, and it’s no coincidence that the main northern border crossings (outside Kurdish territory) are now controlled by Farouq. Several groups in the SILF also enjoy sponsorship from a donations network set up by Mohammed Surour Zeinelabidin, an influential Syrian salafi theologian whose relations with the government of Saudi Arabia are not good at all.


— Excerpt: ”The second-largest rebel coalition is more extreme and is dominated by hard-core Salafist Muslims. Its official name — Jabhat al-Islamiya al-Tahrir al-Souriya — is almost identical to that of the Saudi-backed group. Rebel sources count 11 different brigades from around the country that have merged to form this second coalition. Financing comes from wealthy Saudi, Kuwaiti and other Gulf Arab individuals. Rebel sources estimate about 13,000 Salafist fighters are gathered under this second umbrella.”

The names seem so similar because one of them is wrong, which should be obvious from the bungled Arabic grammar. The real name of this group is ”al-Jabha al-Islamiya al-Souriya”, or the Syrian Islamic Front (SIF).

The rest of the info seems correct, although the group itself claims to have about 25,000 fighters. Of course, only a minority of fighters are hardcore Islamists — most are simply religiously-minded Sunni men recruited off the street — but the central leadership holds to a strict salafi line. Some member factions seem a little less committed, but as an alliance, the SIF is dominated by a group called Ahrar al-Sham, and they’ve been salafi from day one. (As it happens, I just wrote a long report about the SIF and its member factions, which you can download here.)


— Excerpt: ”A third rebel group, known as Ahfad al-Rasoul, is funded by Qatar. It has perhaps 15,000 fighters.”

Well, maybe. There’s about a million different local groups in Syria called Ahfad al-Rasoul (”Descendants of the Prophet”), including some which are part of the SIF and the SILF and the FSA.

If there’s also an overarching Qatari-sponsored country-wide alliance of such factions, I haven’t heard of it, but I guess it could still exist. Judging by media reports and rebel statements on who conquers what in Syria, they’re not the dominant force anywhere in the country. Or maybe they’re just quietly playing sheish-beish and smoking argileh on Sheikh Hamad’s expense, because unlike a fighting army of 15,000, that could fly under the radar.


— Excerpt: ”The most dangerous group in the mix is the Jabhat al-Nusra, which is an offshoot of al-Qaeda in Iraq. By one rebel estimate, it has grown to include perhaps 6,000 fighters. But this group, perhaps fearing that it will be targeted by Western counterterrorism forces, is said to be keeping its head down — and perhaps commingling with the Salafist umbrella group.”

If by ”keeping its head down” you mean roaring full throttle into every battle in Syria, I suppose you could have a point. And they do in fact have something to say on the subject of heads, but not their own.

Whether Jabhat al-Nosra is ”the most dangerous group” depends on your point of view. For Assad? Possibly. For the USA? Very likely — perhaps not in the form of Jabhat el-Nosra itself, but they suck a lot of people into Qaeda-style salafi-jihadism, which is bad news for US security in the long term. For Syrian Sunni civilians? Not at all. For Syrian non-Sunni civilians? Maybe, maybe not. They’re ideologically extreme Alawite-baiters, and do not hesitate to kill civilian opponents or murder POWs, but they seem to have maintained a certain level of discipline in conquered areas so far. This is unlike some non-Islamist factions who randomly loot their way through civilian neighborhoods, and who sometimes express themselves in more sectarian and genocidal terms than any salafi. (Yeah, looking at you, Salaheddin Brigades of the Hama FSA.)


— Excerpt: ”Idriss and his Free Syrian Army command about 50,000 more fighters, rebel sources say.”

Rebel sources being Idriss and his Free Syrian Army command, I imagine. But OK. There’s a lot of people who claim to be part of that alliance, although it’s not true that the leaders ”command” most of them in any way at all (which I discussed with Koert Debeuf here; for context, first see here). Brig. Gen. Salim Idriss seems to be a nice guy, and he currently also seems to enjoys a degree of moral authority over parts of the revolutionary movement. But as far as I can tell, he has yet to issue a direct order to armed groups that will be obeyed out of earshot.

In fact, can anyone recall when rebels last captured anything inside Syria, and gave credit to Idriss and the FSA? Meanwhile, the SILF, SIF and Jabhat al-Nosra have been racking up garrison kills and village captures by the dozens every month since late 2012. That lack of raw power on the ground doesn’t make Idriss an unimportant figure, since he sits at the top of a major trickle-down mechanism for international sponsorship and now also enjoys a measure of political recognition, but lets keep things in perspective.

For those interested in this faction, Elizabeth O’Bagy just published a very interesting report. I think it’s maybe a bit on the optimistic side, but it’s still a must-read.


— Excerpt: ”Realistically, the best hope for U.S. policy is to press the Saudi-backed coalition and its 37,000 fighters, to work under the command of Idriss and the Free Syrian Army. That would bring a measure of order and would open the way for Idriss to negotiate a military transition government that would include reconcilable elements of Assad’s army.”

Here’s where it gets really weird. See, most of the ”Saudi-backed coalition” (SILF) is already part of Idriss’s (rather nominal) FSA command structure. All their main leaders are there. Abdulqader Saleh of the Tawhid Brigade and Osama el-Joneidi of the Farouq Battalions are members of the ”General Staff Advisory Council” under Idriss, Ahmed Eissa of Suqour el-Sham is part of the ”Northern Front Command”, and Zahran Alloush of the Islam Brigade sits on the ”Southern Front Command”. So, to indulge Mr. Ignatius by presuming that such an FSA structure actually operates on the ground, these two groups already overlap. Idriss does the talking, but out of the 50,000 FSA fighters, a full 37,000 come from the Islamist militias of the SILF. (No, I have no idea whether these numbers are accurate, but let’s accept them for the sake of discussion.)

To add to the confusion, at least one SIF faction (the Haqq Brigade of Homs) is also part of Idriss’s FSA command structure. It’s military commander, Abderrahman el-Soweiss – an ex-Hezb al-Tahrir prisoner who now runs a sizeable chunk of the Homs insurgency – has been named by Idriss as one of five commanders on the Homs front. That brings the number of Islamist fighters in the “secular” FSA to about 40,000 out of 50,000, and I’m still curious about who exactly makes up the remaining 20 percent.

Bottom line, Ignatius’s proposed strategy is based on a fundamental misunderstanding of these groups. The Idriss network, pace Debeuf, is not so much a functioning command hierarchy as it is a symbolic ”flag” to rally rebels amenable to Western and GCC support, and a distribution channel for guns, ammo and money from Saudi and other sources.

Many of the other groups mentioned here work in a similar fashion. They are not cohesive alliances, they are political planks and coordinating bodies for largely autonomous rebel factions, who have banded together to increase their military weight, acquire political representation, and gain access to foreign funds (state and non-state). The main exceptions are Jabhat el-Nosra and maybe the SIF, which seem to be reasonably cohesive and well delineated from the others.


From a self-interested US perspective, it might still be a good strategy for Washington to back the Idriss group, which unlike previous FSA incarnations has the significant advantage of existing outside of Twitter. The way to do it would be to make sure it receives abundant resources, and to help solidify the Islamist mainstream insurgency around it – i.e., the SILF, some of the SIF, and various unaffiliated strays.

That would of course require a level of cold-blooded realism not currently apparent in US policy circles, which have been making shrill little cries of shock and terror about talking to Islamists for over a decade – never mind arming them. But if the US is not prepared to deal with Islamist actors in Syria because they are theocratic and anti-semitic, or whatever, it should just excuse itself from Syrian insurgent politics entirely. Islamism is now the name of the game among Syria’s armed factions, so let’s not pretend that this conflict is something it’s not.

Anyway, political sensitivites aside, the American deep state already seems to be on the case. And I imagine that the purpose of the US backing such an armed coalition is to make it the platform on which a not-too-wobbly political leadership (of the Ghassan Hitto/Ahmed Moadh al-Khatib variety) could stand, and from there negotiate along the Geneva parameters with what’s left of the Assad regime. Or if that doesn’t work, the US & its allies will at least have built up a powerful client militia for future use. You can imagine it as kind of a Syrian Sahwa, like the one in Anbar, except this plays out while the Baath regime is still crumbling and with no US forces nearby. Or, with a little less optimism, think of it as the next TFG.

It does have a whiff of Dr. Strangelove to it, and the results won’t be a pretty sight, whatever happens, but I guess that’s just politics: you always work with all you got, and you never get all you want.

— Aron Lund

Correction, April 8, 2012: Thomas Pierret kindly pointed out that I’d mistakenly included Shuhada Souriya in my list of SILF members. That’s wrong, and I’ve now removed it from the text. It’s leader Jamal Maarouf is a member of the “Northern Region Command” in Salim Idriss’s FSA network, but they’re not in the SILF. Not that it would necessarily be a bad fit ideologically – the reason is more likely that the SILF was co-founded by Maarouf’s local rival in the Jebel Zawiya region, Ahmed Eissa of Suqour el-Sham.

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Comments (122)

Kirk H. Sowell said:

Good post Mr. Lund. Just two comments to add:

1) While there are multiple “Grandsons of the Prophet” groups around the country – or perhaps just one loosely-organized group – my understanding is that the most important and well-organized is in Damascus. It was initially close to the Assembly of Ansar al-Islam but I think has drifted toward Ahrar al-Sham without ever fully joining their new Syrian Islamic Front. Many sources say that the Damascus Ahfad al-Rasul/Grandsons is founded by Hamas members in the area, and if this is true would provide fuel to the “Qatar-backed” theory.

2) The Syrian Islamic Front (good to get the name right) is probably in fact the largest Salafist coalition that actually operates in a united manner. As you suggest the Syrian Liberation Front is a bit disjointed; they continue to have a common media front – and use a joint Facebook page – but their battlefield coordination appears to be less than the SIF.


April 3rd, 2013, 1:06 pm


Aron Lund said:

Kirk — Thanks for your comment, will respond quickly before the comment field descends to its usual mudslinging sectarian self.

1) You may well be right about that. I have no info either way. I’ve seen stuff from the Damascus group, but it’s not nation-wide & seems to be just one midsize faction among many in the Damascus region, so it makes no sense to claim (as WaPo did) that this is one of the biggest groups in Syria. Certainly no 15,000 fighters, unless there are significant affiliates outside Damascus to add to the pile. A Hamas connection would be very interesting, I had figured Hamas would try to avoid trouble in Syria right now.

2) I think the SIF is probably overstating the level of coordination among member factions, it’s likely to vary significantly from region to region. They’re still a pretty new project, and I’m not sure they will last. But in general I agree with you here as well. The S(I)LF doesn’t seem to be very coordinated at all, they don’t even walk in step politically all the time. But it’s hard to tell, and maybe they’re getting organized now, in conjunction with the Idriss FSA thing.

April 3rd, 2013, 1:18 pm


zoo said:


Ignatius views is that Qatar and KSA are competing for influence in Syria. Most of his articles are based on this assumption.

As Qatar has the monopoly on the SNC and is boasting the Moslem Brotherhood that KSA hates, KSA is pushing for the ‘good’ FSA with General Selim Idriss at its head to take over the opposition.

One result of that showdown is the blunt rejection of the SNC’s election by the FSA, giving a blow to Qatar’s strategy of pushing for a MB inspired interim government.
As for the Islamists extremists, according to Ignatius they are funded by private ‘charities’ in KSA and in Kuwait that out of the control of the state.

This explains why Ignatius is suggesting that “KSA’s funded fighters” and the FSA join forces as they will oppose Qatar’s SNC and the Islamists and take control of the negotiations process.

Qatar will not stay idle and will continue to push for its plan to promote its MB government on the international scene.
All these games show that the conflict is Syria is far from over.

April 3rd, 2013, 1:22 pm


Johannes de Silentio said:

So, as I understand it…[EDITED – No profanity Johannes-MTB]

Mossie would like that. Vattie wouldn’t…

April 3rd, 2013, 1:24 pm


majedkhaldoun said:

Sooner or later one or two faction will achieve enough success on ground,they will rally the rest around them,and from this successful group there will be a military leader who will lead this revolution,certainly it is not Salim Idris, he is the temporary figure,but empty of power.

There is major difference between Hito who refuses to negotiate with Assad,and Moaz Khatib who is offering to negotiate with Assad,success on ground will favor Hito,(friend of Sabbagh a pro Qatar person)lack of success on ground will favor Khatib.

SIF and Nusra are the most likely winner,unless US intervenes

April 3rd, 2013, 1:34 pm


Tara said:

Aron Lund,

Simple question:

Do you support the revolution? After 8 month of slaughtering the peaceful demonstators, Do you think the Syrian people did have the right to carry arms and topple the dictator?

April 3rd, 2013, 1:48 pm


Aron Lund said:

Zoo — I think that’s a major element of it, but the dividing lines are not so clear cut. There seem to be many pro-MB people in the Idriss FSA network, for example. And even if Qatar and Saudi Arabia sometimes battle it out among the rebels, they also seem to cooperate a lot.

One should probably not focus too exclusively on the foreign factor, the internal dynamics are even more important. Many groups will splinter on their own, over political differences (like negotiate/not negotiate), personal rivalries, or after power struggles, etc. Then each faction will hook up with a different foreign ally to gain strength, and the internal battle turns external, and vice versa… Not unlike Lebanon in the 80s. And very sad.

April 3rd, 2013, 1:51 pm


Akbar Palace said:

Aron Lund,

I have another simple question.

Why do you think a professor like Dr. Joshua Landis supported the Assad regime for most of his adult life?

April 3rd, 2013, 1:57 pm


revenire said:

What does that matter Tara? It doesn’t matter if Lund supports the Nusra Front or not. Ignatius wrote his crazed screed and at the end begged the US to do something.

April 3rd, 2013, 1:59 pm


Aron Lund said:

Tara — I don’t think it’s useful to think in terms of “the revolution” any more. It’s not simply a battle between two sides, people vs. dictator (or state vs. terrorists for that matter, lest the menhebbekjie get any ideas). It’s much more complex.

Of course the Assad family are total crooks. They should have left power a long time ago. Ideally on November 17, 1970. But they didn’t, and instead they built a pretty powerful regime. I always thought the militarization of the revolution would be a disaster, but I’m not sure there was a peaceful way to topple Assad either.

My basic idea about what should be done by the international community now is first and foremost to pour humanitarian aid into the country to save Syrian lives, and, secondly, to try to salvage a functioning Syrian state, through some sort of compromise, before it’s too late. How to make that happen, well that’s another matter. I don’t pretend to have the answers.

Sorry if you don’t agree.

April 3rd, 2013, 2:01 pm


revenire said:

Lund has nothing to say about who rules Syria – only Syrians do.

“People vs dictator” is funny. The Libyans killing Syrian civilians are not “the people” are they? For that matter neither are the Saudis, Chechens, Europeans, and Somalis (yes, Somalis are manning checkpoints in Aleppo).

Western journos, aside from being wrong, are so arrogant.

April 3rd, 2013, 2:08 pm


Aron Lund said:

11 # Revenire — To the contrary, I think the salient feature of Syrian politics for the past 43 years has been that Syrians have NOT had a say in who rules them.

(Now I’m off this comment thread. Sorry, but got work to do and won’t be able to keep track anyway. All you enjoy.)

April 3rd, 2013, 2:12 pm


revenire said:

Aaron especially Syrians from Texas hmm?


April 3rd, 2013, 2:17 pm


revenire said:

Despite Western journos who don’t appreciate the ironies of a Syrian from Texas appointed by the West “leading” Syria if elections were held today Assad would win by an overwhelming landslide.

April 3rd, 2013, 2:19 pm


Ghufran said:

There is no revolution except in the minds of Facebook activists and ivory tower writers, what we have today is a dirty war, rebels latest achievement t was raping and killing scores of women in sheikh maqsoud, details will emerge soon .

April 3rd, 2013, 2:21 pm


Tara said:


Thanks for your response. Sorry I was rude last time.

April 3rd, 2013, 2:35 pm


Ghufran said:

Darayya is said to be falling in regime hands according to few activists reports but darayya page denied the news.

April 3rd, 2013, 2:36 pm


Visitor said:

Not Lund again!!!

Nevertheless, as I have been saying all along JN and similar holy warriors are responsible for all the victories that this revolution achieved. And it IS a revolution and STILL IS whether Lund says so or not. You see Lund it is foolish to take you seriously. So, we don’t take you seriously.

Back to the main point. JN and similar holy warriors are efficient, disciplined, dedicated, well organized, effective fighters and are fearlessly courageous. Other groups that are mainly the product of the corrupt regime suffer from deficiencies that need to be addressed, such as corruption, lack of discipline, lack of organizational skills and perhaps lack of courage as well.

The Idriss structure must be revamped and all the units that presumably follow him, albeit nominally, must go through a rehabilitation process and trained by Nusra and its sisters in order to raise their fighting skills to acceptable levels allowing them to achieve something in actual battles. So, Nusra and sisters must lead the way for the revolution to triumph.

A rehabilitation process for the defectors is of utmost importance. Also, the talk about so-called international sponsorship of the fighting units must come to an end. The basic premise here is supply of arms in return for some illusory outcome(s) that may suite some foreign governments. Nusra and sisters have proven that efficiency in the battle compensates for any such promised arms that come at a price that Syrians are not willing to pay simply because the price compromises their dignity and honor.

it is time to tell America and Europe to F**k off.

April 3rd, 2013, 2:43 pm


revenire said:

Lund is right it isn’t, and never was, a revolution. No revolution in the Arab world could possibly be backed by reactionary dictatorships like Saudi Arabia or Qatar.

If Western journos want to have any credibility at all they should just come out and say that.

April 3rd, 2013, 2:50 pm


Akbar Palace said:

Peaceful Ways to Topple Assad Lesson #1


I don’t think you were rude, and frankly, I don’t think your question was answered.

Get this:

“… I’m not sure there was a peaceful way to topple Assad either.”

April 3rd, 2013, 2:56 pm


5 dancing shlomos said:

#2 Kirk — Thanks for your comment, will respond quickly before the comment field descends to its usual mudslinging sectarian self. – lund

the mudslingers, propagandists are drawn from same well, funded by the same sorts that fund the aggressions against iraq, libya, syria, palestine, hezbullah, iran.

the responders to the propagandists, mudslingers support the legitimate govt of syria, syria, the syrian people.

lund seems to be another state funded sort sent out to misdirect, elide, deceive.

#7 “One should probably not focus too exclusively on the foreign factor” – lund

yes, let’s ignore the 100% factor.

al: i give you a forest but not the trees.

April 3rd, 2013, 3:04 pm


Tara said:


I was referring to a post I wrote a week or 2 ago.

April 3rd, 2013, 3:08 pm


revenire said:

I can confirm, from Syrian army sources, that Darayya is now rat-free.
The media of the West loves to announce rat victories that are really defeats.

As a matter of fact, the SAA has not lost one battle they engaged the enemy in this entire war.

April 3rd, 2013, 3:09 pm


revenire said:

Syria seen from Russia

In Moscow, the pro-western intelligentsia see the war in Syria as a distant conflict in which the Kremlin has aligned the country with the wrong side to maintain a useless naval base in Tartus.

Conversely, Putin sees the war as an episode of a conflict which, by virtue of the “Brzezinski doctrine”, has pitted since 1978 the Western-Islamist grand coalition against the USSR and then Russia. For the Kremlin, there is no doubt that the jihadists, who learned the ropes in the Middle East, will soon continue their destructive enterprise in Chechnya, Ingushetia and Dagestan. From this point of view, the fall of Syria would be immediately followed by the burning of the Russian Caucasus. Therefore support for the Syrian Arab Republic is not an exotic fad but a national security imperative.

With this in mind, the Kremlin’s expectations towards Syria are only stronger. During the interviews I have had with several Russian leaders during a visit to Moscow, I heard several criticisms.

1 – Moscow does not understand why Damascus has not taken any legal and diplomatic action to assert its rights. The Syrian Foreign Minister takes a defensive stance when attacked before the U.N. Council of Human Rights in Geneva and fails to defend its image. It could easily reverse this trend by bringing a complaint against its attackers before the International Court of Justice, as was once done successfully by Nicaragua against the United States. Of course the objective would not to obtain a conviction by France, the United Kingdom, Turkey, Qatar and Saudi Arabia, which could take place only after three to four years of procedure, but to reverse the rhetoric of the Security Council.

The filing of this complaint should be followed by a letter to the Security Council affirming the right of Syria to respond to its attackers. This letter would open the possibility for groups of Syrian Arab fighters to undertake their own armed actions from London to Doha.

2 – Numerous supporters of Vladimir Putin have become admirers of Bashar al-Assad in whom they see the man for the job. There is no doubt that the Kremlin, regarding his authority as both legitimate and legal, will support him until the end of his mandate. However, Russian leaders are questioning the will of the Syrian president to govern the country beyond. They observe that, despite repeated calls, Bashar al-Assad has not set a political program for the country’s future. To date, they are unaware of his choices on economic, social, cultural and other issues. They see him as the guarantor of a multi-faith society, tolerant and modern, but doubt his intention to go further, to be the one who will reshape and rebuild the country once peace has returned.

3 – Finally, in the Kremlin confidence abounds in the Syrian Arab Army and the Army of National Defense. It is noted that Damascus has not lost a battle against the jihadist Contras, but that the latter have nevertheless won positions without fighting, as shown by the betrayal of Raqqa. Therefore, the Syrian state can still hold out for the time required to finalize a regional Russian-American peace agreement, but it can also suddenly collapse as a result of betrayal.

This is why the Russian leaders are extremely worried by the lack of security around Bashar al-Assad which they tested during an audience he gave in his home to one of their delegations. A guest, ignoring the instructions that had been given at the entrance, kept his cell phone with him throughout the meeting. The phone rang twice without any guard intervening. We know that the Syrian services have foiled several attempts to assassinate Assad sponsored by NATO member states, but it is clear that his personal security is not assured. Some leaders argue that Russia is taking a big risk by supporting a leader who can be assassinated so easily.

Thierry Meyssan

April 3rd, 2013, 3:12 pm


Harry said:

@Aron “I think the salient feature of Syrian politics for the past 43 years has been that Syrians have NOT had a say in who rules them.”

Correct, though Syrians have way more rights (especially women) and religious freedoms than Saudis, Qatar or Bahrain have. Its beyond ironic these regimes want “democracy” in Syria, followed by supreme hypocrisy in the West.

“but I’m not sure there was a peaceful way to topple Assad either.”

Free and UN supervised presidential election isnt peaceful enough? It seems West think so, preferring carnage over peaceful elections, and flat-out refusing idea of Syrians deciding for themselves. The only logical explanation – no West/PGGC arabs puppet have any popularity among Syrians, while terrorists themselves cry to the media that Assad has support of 70% of Syrians.

“My basic idea about what should be done by the international community now is first and foremost to pour humanitarian aid into the country to save Syrian lives”

Unfortunately, to the West “humanitarian intervention” comes in form of bombs and open arming of pro-West backed terrorists. There is nothing humanitarian about that, simply a fig leaf term for open fighting on one side against the other.

April 3rd, 2013, 3:14 pm


Visitor said:

Another resounding victory for holy warriors in Dera’a,

April 3rd, 2013, 3:16 pm


Amir in Tel Aviv said:

1) Syria was ruled by the Assad-Makhlouf gang mafia junta, not by the Syrians. The two mafioso families left some leftover crumbs for a few wealthy Sunnies, to keep them quiet and obedient.

2) Right, Qatar and the KSA are reactionary (same way as you are. You’re their mirror image), but the overwhelming percentage of Arabs support the Syrian people, in it’s revolt. Polls also show zero support for Assad across Arabia.

April 3rd, 2013, 3:23 pm


majedkhaldoun said:

Akbar Palace
You are kidding, I think she understood Lund to be sympathetic to the revolution,and I am sure Joshua is pro revolution,since it started, there is no way a fair minded person could support brutal criminal like Assad, those who support him they should be locked up in mental sanitary institution,they are mentally very very crazy,whoever is against this revolution is out of his mind and criminal.
BTW if I want to become jew, do I have to eat tasetless food or talk from my nose,is that all what I need to become a jew?

April 3rd, 2013, 3:23 pm


MarigoldRan said:

Another base in Daraa captured. The retard remains retarded. [At this point I don’t even need to specify who the retard is.]

The war continues.

April 3rd, 2013, 3:34 pm


Akbar Palace said:

I was referring to a post I wrote a week or 2 ago.

Ooops. Sorry.

I think she understood Lund to be sympathetic to the revolution,and I am sure Joshua is pro revolution,since it started…


From the articles and coments I read from the professors, they don’t take a stand one way or the other. They seem to be objective reporters speaking from 40,000 ft then us guys who are CLEARLY anti-Assad.

… there is no way a fair minded person could support brutal criminal like Assad, those who support him they should be locked up in mental sanitary institution,they are mentally very very crazy,whoever is against this revolution is out of his mind and criminal.

I agree with you, yet, there seem to be a lot of these types around.

BTW if I want to become jew, do I have to eat tasetless food or talk from my nose,is that all what I need to become a jew?

Yes, you must eat tasteless food, but that’s why we have Mitzrachim in Israel, to teach us how to cook. Then again, the Ashkenasis eat out most of the time.

Sorry about my earlier post, it was insensitive. Yet, I hope we can joke a little bit about our similarities and our differences.;)

I would like you to try our Passover custom of eating gefilte fish and horseradish, just to see the look on your face! OTOH, when Matzoh balls are made right, there is nothing better!

April 3rd, 2013, 3:43 pm


majedkhaldoun said:

I hope you realize I was kidding,I appologize if you take it otherwise,just getting even
Metzoh balls are delicious,I don’t know Gefilte fish,when people get reasonable may be we get togather and eat it

April 3rd, 2013, 4:07 pm


revenire said:

HNN Homs News Network

Two Battalions of Armed Gangs have defected from free satans army (fsa) Terrorists, and have joined Armed Forces in protecting Mengh Military Airport, noting that in the past the Battalion known as “Al-Barak” also defected and joined the protection elements …


Source: Syrian Intelligence

April 3rd, 2013, 4:58 pm


revenire said:

HNN Homs News Network
4 minutes ago

Great News in as 34 wanted Traitors have laid down their Arms and surrendered to the Syrian Arab Army in Damascus, which has led to their immediate processing in accordance with the temporary provisional arrangement …




April 3rd, 2013, 5:00 pm


Tara said:


I am waiting for the proof. Where did I say Qatar’s Emir was elected?

Sadly for you, the proof you have that you are not a liar will only prove that you, as Mari calls you, a retard.

You are unable to comprehend posts and you misconstrued my reply to Zoo’s post in regard to Batta criticizing Erdogan as related to Qatar’s Emir.

You are stuck between a rock and a hard place. The proof you have that you are not a liar, only proves that you are a retard.

Please avoid discussing matters with me. I am forced to show disrespect, and this is not my nature.

April 3rd, 2013, 5:10 pm


zoo said:

Syrians in Egypt: Finding a way to work

The number of Syrians in Egypt is estimated to have exceeded one and a half million people, according to the Egypt-based
Fard Foundation and the Committee for Syrian Refugee Affairs in Egypt.

“We are importing more goods from Turkey at the moment, but the majority still comes from Syria,” he added. “Some people, depending on the capital they have, transfer their factories to Cairo – but not everyone is able to.”

Syrians usually opt for businesses that are unique to them in order to succeed. Known to have one of the best cuisines in the Arab world, many have set up food businesses.

At El-Hossari Mosque in 6 October City, many Syrian vendors and shops have opened, offering patrons traditional pastries and desserts like baklavas, kunafeh and maamoul.
Businessmen flee to Egypt

Many Syrian businessmen who have arrived in Egypt are expected to invest in their host country’s economy.

“Several factory owners have dismantled their factories in Syria and shipped the equipment to Turkey, and then to Egypt, where they set them up again,” Um Abdallah said.

Turkish news agency Anadolu reported last December that the top-ten Syrian businesses had all “fled to Egypt.”

Syrian activist Khalil El-Egeili said that many of these businessmen prefer to invest in the stock market or deposit their money in Egyptian banks, according to Anadolu.

The news agency also reported that total Syrian investment in Egypt is currently estimated at between $400 million and $500 million.

April 3rd, 2013, 5:45 pm


zoo said:

Ironical: Israeli money will end up in Hamas’s hands..

Mavi Marmara victim to donate compensation to Hamas, Islamic Jihad

Activist Mehmet Tunç said he would donate the compensation to Hamas and Islamic Jihad in Palestine himself, adding that he would not touch even “one Turkish Lira” of it at a press conference today.

April 3rd, 2013, 5:47 pm


Syria said:

This news bit from a regime supporters site

???? ????? ?????
2 hours ago ·
???? ????? ????? // ??? :

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???? ????? ?????

April 3rd, 2013, 5:48 pm


Visitor said:

Syrian @ 5:48PM just provided an important update as usual. He did not make translation into English. So, I’ll make it for him.

This just happened 2 hours ago and reported by a regime thug mouthpiece so-called 3Akrama News Network 7Homs:

“We (regime thugs – my additions) with great honor (i.e. great disgrace – again my additions) present to you the news of the martyrdom (i.e. perishing to Jahannam – my additions) of 17 members of the National Defense and the SAA (i.e. regime thugs and shabbiha) when they were ambushed in the region of Qusur today. The injured were transferred to the Ahli Hospital in Zahraa district. While some bodies remain unrecovered due to the presence of a sniper (i.e holy victorious warior) in the area.”

End of translation with appropriate commentary added.

April 3rd, 2013, 6:08 pm


revenire said:

Tara remind me why I care if you respect me. You know I am 1000% behind Assad and hope every filthy rat is killed by our army. You never respected me you Qatari-loving traitor.

To Hell

April 3rd, 2013, 6:11 pm


Tara said:


It is not important that I do not respect you. It is important that you don’t respect yourself. A difficult concept?

April 3rd, 2013, 6:21 pm


Tara said:

Muslims believe that angels protect Damascus and that anyone attempting to harm Damascus will only bring on his fate. Is aerial bombardment of Damascus going to bring the end of Bashar?

Opposition activists reported shelling and warplane attacks across the suburbs of Damascus today. A Reuters reporter in the capital found a “new exodus” of residents fleeing the continued fighting there. A Syrian military commander has told rebels in Damascus that a continued attempt to advance in the capital would mean “certain death for them and their leaders”. The Local Co-ordination Committees group also reported shelling in Aleppo and its surroundings, and in Daraa province. The group said 38 people had been killed in fighting across the country today, including 18 in Damascus. Its reports cannot be verified because most media are banned from Syria.

April 3rd, 2013, 6:24 pm


Akbar Palace said:

Metzoh balls are delicious,I don’t know Gefilte fish,when people get reasonable may be we get togather and eat it


No problem, anytime!


Why are you so tightly wound around Dr. Assad? Even if this was a 10 year planned conspiracy between the Elders of Zion and BB Netanyahu and al-Queda, doesn’t Assad get a F- for not protecting Syrian society?

April 3rd, 2013, 6:27 pm


Syrian said:

Visitor @6:08
Thanks for the translation and the compliment,
I wish I have your energy, thanks for your always good work defending the revolution.
This news came just in time to answer the false news Reverse was spreading from the same city of Homs.thanks to you he and others can now read it in English!

April 3rd, 2013, 6:33 pm


revenire said:

Tara who said I don’t respect myself? You? You worship dictators in Qatar. You’re just a snake hiding behind the tears of people you’re helping to kill. Syrians. Syrians of all denominations.

Proud of yourself? Sitting in the US commenting here obsessively for YEARS?

I am proud of myself and my support of Syria.

April 3rd, 2013, 6:48 pm


Dolly Buster said:

But Qatar is a benign dictatorship.

April 3rd, 2013, 6:53 pm


revenire said:

I have to laugh at all these idiots who champion Qatar. Such desperate people who beg NATO to attack Syria. Khatib is such a coward as is Idriss. Idriss went to Europe begging for more weapons. If he was a man you all know what he would do with his side arm. The only thing a traitor can do.

April 3rd, 2013, 7:03 pm


ghufran said:

Assad’s fall,if it happens, will not end the regime
Losing Damascus, if it happens, will not end the war
as we speak, Darayya, even according to rebels, is about to fall, rebels in Homs are not going anywhere,etc, most gains by one side or the other have not been decisive enough to end the war, I do not buy the story that either side,especially rebels, is close to victory, such a victory is not allowed today.
A political solution that excludes jihadists and Assad family is the only way out despite the difficulties, I accept the argument that such a solution is very hard to reach today but the only alternative is a long and more destructive war.
most so-called experts have been wrong about Syria for two years, many western writers can not hide their hope to see Syria divided and totally dysfunctional, the new Syria makes their writing more exciting and it helps to inflate their ego.
Moaz still think a political solution is possible,that is why some of you do not like him, Manna’ has not changed his mind either, Egypts FM repeated his country’s position in support of a political solution, and the list goes on and on, one has to wonder why a solution has not been found if most countries are supportive of it !!

April 3rd, 2013, 7:04 pm


zoo said:

These Are the European Countries Sending Fighters into Syria

Zelin estimates that between 2,000 and 5,500 foreign fighters have entered Syria of which between 135-590 came from Europe. Here’s Zelin’s European break-down:

* Albania: 1
* Austria: 1
* Belgium: 14-85
* Britain: 28-134
* Bulgaria: 1
* Denmark: 3-78
* Finland: 13
* France: 30-92
* Germany: 3-40
* Ireland: 26
* Kosovo: 1
* Netherlands: 5-107
* Spain: 6
* Sweden: 5

Zelin estimates that there are currently 70-441 Europeans still in Syria, mostly on the front lines in the war against Assad.

I wonder if they’re all fighting for democracy and a Western-aligned Syria?

April 3rd, 2013, 8:20 pm


zoo said:

France in a state of anxiety, has changed its tune. He has discarded arming the rebels in favor of negotiations, but the conditions it is imposing make them unacceptable .

“If things continue like today, Syria will explode with on one side an Iranian-Syrian arch and on the other Sunni extremists, Al Qaeda. If we want to avoid this we neeed a solution for a political transition between reasonable people from the opposition and some elements of the regime but not Bashar al-Assad, “repeated Mr. Fabius.

April 3rd, 2013, 8:30 pm


revenire said:

France makes me laugh. All these idiots sending weapons to these freaks who behead people. Holy warriors my ass.

April 3rd, 2013, 8:43 pm


ann said:

Who cares what this loesr thinks!

Poll: French President Francois Hollande approval rating at record low – March 27, 2013

French President Francois Hollande’s popularity rating has fallen to a new record low, according to the latest poll


April 3rd, 2013, 8:49 pm


ann said:

Can you please release my post from moderation!

Thank you 🙂

April 3rd, 2013, 8:51 pm


revenire said:

Syria will fight. It is the center of resistance now. Russia just said that the West must recognize Iran’s right to nuclear power and technology. There is nothing – short of WW III – the West can do about it. The BRICS countries have drawn their own “red line” around Syria. Russia will not allow a direct attack on either Syria or Iran. The West has lost.

Long live Syria. Long live Assad.

April 3rd, 2013, 8:53 pm


zoo said:

Dangerous regional consequences in the eventuality of Daraa’s fall

A Western diplomat who monitors Syria from his base in Jordan said the fall of Daraa appeared imminent, possibly in the next few days or weeks. His assessment was based on classified intelligence information, he said, speaking on condition of anonymity in order not to hamper his intelligence-gathering efforts.

Daraa’s fall could unleash lawlessness on Jordan’s northern border and send jitters across the kingdom, a key U.S. ally which fears Islamic extremist groups on its doorstep.

Also of grave concern are rebel advances in areas near the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights.

“If Daraa falls, the rebels will come face-to-face with the Israeli army in the Golan,” said Hilal Khashan, a political science professor at the American University of Beirut.

Daraa province separates Damascus from the Golan Heights, which Israel captured in 1967 and annexed in 1981. In recent weeks, Israel has seen Syrian mortar rounds and bullets land in Israeli territory and tanks enter a demilitarized zone in the Golan Heights. Israeli security officials believe the incidents have been inadvertent but have threatened to retaliate.

In addition to complications arising from rebels controlling the frontiers with Israel and Jordan, the fall of Daraa may drag in members of Syria’s minority Druse community who live in the southern province of Sweida, Khashan said.

April 3rd, 2013, 9:00 pm


Visitor said:

I recently made comments that are now confirmed by the following analysis,

April 3rd, 2013, 9:12 pm


zoo said:


France is in a mess. They won’t be able to leave Mali. Hollande is hated and in the middle of a political scandal. The economy is in a shamble. Hollande’s popularity is crumbling by the day. France is no more a significant actor in Syria.
They have not even given a room for the “SNC embassy” in France after they claimed they will recognized immediately a governement in exile..
Turkey is out of the loop too. Busy with the PKK, the Olympics and the Constitution. Lakhdar Ibrahimi has been neutralized u by the Arab League giving Syria’s seat to Al Khatib.
Iran is watching. Finally the only active actors left are Qatar, the USA and KSA.

The USA and KSA favor negotiations with the regime, Qatar wants a military victory. The game is tight.

April 3rd, 2013, 9:14 pm


Tara said:

There have also been reports of horrific abuse and rape in Syria’s detention centers. “The daily rape took place in front of the other girls. That was the time they would remove the blindfold so the girls could see what was happening before their eyes, and wouldn’t know when their turn would come,” said one woman who was held prisoner, according to a BBC report.

Syria’s Rape Crisis: Women Under Siege Project Maps Sexual Violence
Posted: 04/03/2013 2:29 pm EDT  

Some of the project’s findings:

80 percent of the reports include female victims; 20 percent of reports include male victims
Ages of female victims ranged from 7 to 46
Gang rape allegedly occurred in 40 percent of the reports about women
Nearly 50 percent of reports about men involve rape, while 25 percent detail sexual violence without penetration, such as shocks to the genitals


April 3rd, 2013, 9:17 pm


revenire said:

HNN Homs News Network



April 3rd, 2013, 9:22 pm


revenire said:


Our unstoppable Troops have managed to progress deeper into the City of “Al-Raqqah” and have now accessed the “Al-Dallah” roundabout after several pre-emptive strikes with Artillery, the source adding that Troops have seized a large number vehicles equipped with machine guns, as well as a large number of Armed Mercenaries have been killed and arrested …


Source: RNN

April 3rd, 2013, 9:23 pm


revenire said:


April 3rd, 2013, 9:25 pm


Tara said:


Again you could not comprehend written language. I stated that you do not respect yourself not because you support the regime, rather because you lack integrity. Integrity means that when you lie and get caught, you acknowledge your mistake and apologize for it.

You lied. You claimed that I stated Qatar’s Emir was elected. I simply asked you to prove it or say sorry. You did not. If you had integrity, you would acknowledge you lied or you made a mistake. Instead, you went on a tangent crying you are proud of yourself supporting the regime and blah balh blah ..we, the traitors, worship Qatar. This was not about Batta or Qatar. This was about acknowledging that you lied or you made a mistake. Comprehende?

In any case, I do not have mental energy for you and this topic is now closed.

April 3rd, 2013, 9:29 pm


Tara said:

Let’s save Homs.

Sorry for the long post. SAMS is a trustworthy society and its members are working very hard in the relief effort. Please consider donating.

A newly formed coalition of American relief organizations supporting Syria, ARCS, launches a $1 million campaign to save Homs

A group of sixteen American relief and humanitarian organizations today announce that they have formed the American Relief Coalition for Syria (ARCS) in order to facilitate coordination, planning and advocacy for humanitarian assistance for Syria. The member organizations are proud to announce that they have together raised and spent more than $45 million in the last year on humanitarian and medical relief in Syria.

As the Syrian humanitarian crisis enters its third year unabated, it brings with it disastrous fallouts in most areas of the country. In addition to the astronomical influx of refugees to neighboring countries, now at 1.2 million and estimated by the UNHCR to have reached 14,000 new refugee arrivals every day, there is an increased number of people in need inside Syria, presently estimated to be more than 7 million. Most of them live in areas outside of the control of the Syrian government and have limited and inconsistent access to humanitarian assistance.

On March 3-4, 2013, representatives of the sixteen U.S.-based NGOs met to map the current relief efforts and increase capacity though collaboration and advocacy. The meeting was attended by Ambassador Robert Ford, Representative Najib Ghadbian of the Syrian Opposition Coalition, as well as by representatives of UNHCR, UNOCHA, the State Department, USAID, Treasury Department, Commerce Department, ICRC, InterAction, and many other NGOs and foundations.

One of the main purposes of the coalition is to respond to emergency situations, and so as its first effort ARCS will respond immediately to the deteriorating situation in Homs through the launch of a $1 Million Campaign to Save Homs.

This initiative is in response to an urgent plea from local NGOs in the city of Homs, Syria, as residents experience a deteriorating humanitarian situation and basic medical supplies and food items are depleted. The campaign intends to send urgent financial assistance to the blockaded populations in Homs and to prevent another wave of internal displacement and influx of a large number of refugees to Lebanon. The recent shelling of Al-Waar district, home to more than 500,000 people, most of whom were displaced from other areas in Homs, has exacerbated the already tenuous humanitarian situation and received little media coverage.

ARCS calls on all donors to contribute generously to their organizations in order to meet the goals of the campaign and address the urgent needs in the city of Homs.

The Coalition also calls on President Obama, the State Department and USAID to respond to the deteriorating crisis in Homs and in Syria by increasing humanitarian assistance, introducing a resolution at the United Nations Security Council for cross-border humanitarian assistance, and to lead the international effort to end the crisis by all means necessary.

The Coalition includes the following members:
* Syrian American Medical Society (SAMS)
* Syrian Sunrise Foundation (SSF)
* Syria Relief and Development (SRD)
* NuDay Syria
* The Maram Foundation
* Swasia Charity Foundation
* Zakat Foundation
* Syrian Orphans
* Hope for Syria
* Mercy Without Limits
* Life for Relief and Development
* Syrian American Engineers Association (SAEA)
* Syrian Center for Political and Strategic Studies (SCPSS), advisory member
* Syrian Expatriates Organization (SEO), advisory member
* Syrian American Council (SAC), advisory member
* United Charity, advisory member

April 3rd, 2013, 9:46 pm


Ghufran said:

Thank you,Tara
Any tips on how to directly send donations to Syria though approved banks, Lebanese banks are refusing to send money to Syria now?

April 3rd, 2013, 10:01 pm


ann said:

France’s Déjà Vu: We’ve Seen This Economic Disaster Before – Mar 29 2013

Why the unemployment, racist rhetoric, and disenchanted public Hollande currently faces is reminiscent of 1938

From the Great Depression, France now finds itself mired in the Great Recession. This week the French government acknowledged that more than three million men and women are now out of work — a number that all parties agree is heavy with symbolism. Should the trend continue — unemployment has hemorrhaged without stop for 22 straight months — France will soon break the record of 10.8 percent. (Here, too, the reality is much darker: unemployment among those between 18-25 is two to three times greater, while long-term unemployment grows wider and deeper.) One of the few sectors where jobs are being created is Pôle Emploi, the government agency tasked with supporting and advising the unemployed.

April 3rd, 2013, 10:11 pm


Ghufran said:

There was a blood bath in sheikh Maqsoud , regime media is silent, SOHR is not saying much and western media is ignoring the massacres, I found these testimonies:
????? ??? ????? ?? ????? ????? ???? ???? ????? ????? ????? ??? ???? (???? ?????? ) ?? ??? ????? (???? ?????? ) ??? ????? ????? ????
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?????? ?????? ???? ????? ????? ????????? .. ??? ?????

April 3rd, 2013, 10:14 pm


ann said:

62. Ghufran said:

Any tips on how to directly send donations to Syria?

Send it care of the CIA humanitarian Guns For Al-Qaeda fund for Syria 😀 😀 😀


April 3rd, 2013, 10:18 pm


revenire said:


April 3rd, 2013, 10:28 pm


ann said:

Ireland is ‘biggest’ contributor of fighters [MERCENARIES] in Syria conflict – 04 April 2013

Newly published research by the International Centre for the Study of Radicalisation (ICSR), has found that as many as 26 people from Ireland are known to have taken part in the conflict since it broke out in 2011.

The lead researcher in the project, Prof Peter Neumann of King’s College London, said: “What we found is that per capita, Ireland is probably the biggest (contributor of fighters) of all the countries we looked at because Ireland has a small population.”

The ICSR report found that as many as 590 Europeans from 14 countries have travelled to Syria to fight the regime of Bashar al-Assad.

As many as 134 fighters have travelled from Britain, up to 40 from Germany and 92 from France.

There has already been two known deaths of fighters from Ireland

Hudhaifa Elsayed (22), originally from Egypt, but living for much of his life in Drogheda, Co Louth, died last December in a gunfight with regime forces in the north-western province Idleb province.

A secondary school student from Navan, 16-year-old Shamseddin Gaidan, died in February.

According to Prof Neumann, many of the fighters from Ireland are of Libyan descent.

“You have to look at these people very closely and see what kind of ideology and agenda they have,” he said.

“In the case of Ireland it seems like a lot of the people, possibly all of the people who have gone to Syria, are part of a Libyan group which is called Liwa al-Ummah.

“They are of Libyan descent, they participated in the overthrown of Gaddafi and they returned to Ireland.


April 3rd, 2013, 10:37 pm


majedkhaldoun said:

I lost few comments too, you are not targeted.

Zoo said
A Western diplomat who monitors Syria from his base in Jordan said the fall of Daraa appeared imminent, possibly in the next few days or weeks. His assessment was based on classified intelligence information
it is possible Deraa will fall soon,that leaves Izraa next,expect defections and surrender

Losing Damascus means losing international legitimacy and Assad will be reduced to mafia only,and it means HA will be isolated and it is possible HA has to change and Nasrallah has to go to Iran.
Assad fall is a major blow to the regime,his fall means the fall of his brother and Makhloof family, Hafez made it clear there is no other Alawi in line of succession,so who they are going to fight for?

April 3rd, 2013, 10:38 pm


revenire said:

Tara stop pretending you can give orders to me. If you want to boss a man around tell your husband to take the garbage out.

April 3rd, 2013, 10:43 pm


ann said:

West preparing modified Libyan scenario for Syria? – April 03, 2013

“The political manoeuvre phase has come to an end, and the West is starting to implement a modified Libyan scenario in Syria, which is to ouster Assad by supporting rebels and providing them with weapons,” said Alexei Pushkov, head of the State Duma Committee on Foreign Affairs.

West preparing modified Libyan scenario for Syria?
Pushkov said France and Britain already voiced their intentions to begin arms supplies to Syrian rebels. Although not influencing the conflict in Syria directly, the US, he said, is playing the role of coordinator and organiser.

“It is no secret that American military instructors are training militants at bases in Jordan,” Pushkov said.


April 3rd, 2013, 11:07 pm


ann said:

Syria: Rebels set 3 eastern oil wells alight – 03/31/2013

Oil ministry official says Syrian rebels set oil wells ablaze following disputes among fighters, causing a daily loss of nearly 5,000 barrels of oil and 52,000 cubic meters of gas, according to Syrian state media

BEIRUT – Syrian rebels have set three oil wells in the east of the country ablaze, causing a daily loss of nearly 5,000 barrels of oil and 52,000 cubic meters of gas, state media quoted an oil ministry official as saying on Sunday.

SANA news agency said the damage to the oil wells in Deir al-Zor province, much of which is in rebel hands, followed disputes among the fighters over “sharing out the stolen oil” from fields in areas they control.

It said Syria’s Furat Petroleum Corporation was working to extinguish the three fires. A total of nine wells had been set on fire by the rebels, the agency added, without saying when the other six had been set ablaze.


April 3rd, 2013, 11:16 pm


Syrian said:

The Kurds in shaykh Maksood fighting Batt’s militia


April 3rd, 2013, 11:18 pm


Syrian said:

France can keep their weapons, thank you Russia
100 Batta’s militia caught
80 dead
And tons of weapons and Ammunitions in Dare Alzoor

April 3rd, 2013, 11:29 pm


MarigoldRan said:

The rebels get their weapons from the Russians and the Iranians too.

First they hand it to the Assadists, and after that the Assadists surrender it to the rebels….

The regime loses ground. The war continues. For the first time, the rebels have a solid supply network channeling a steady flow of weapons to Damascus.

April 3rd, 2013, 11:37 pm


ann said:

Syria military warns rebels against taking Damascus, says push into city means ‘certain death’ – April 03, 2013

A military commander told the pro-government al-Watan newspaper that any advance by the rebels on Damascus means “certain death for them and their leaders.” The commander, who is not named in the Wednesday report, said the bravery of government troops on the battlefield is keeping Damascus safe.


April 3rd, 2013, 11:45 pm


revenire said:

Turkish disinformation
From Angry Arab’s correspondent in Turkey: ” Turkish state run Anatolia Agency “wrote” a statement on behalf of Syrian Observatory For Human Rights to blame “Assad forces” as the perpetrator of the mortar attack against the Damascus University which killed 12 students.

From the news of Anatolian Agency:

“Syrian Observatory For Human Rights (SOHR) announced that Assad forces shelled the Baramakah Neighborhood of capital Damascus. ‘Mortars hit Architecture Collage of Damascus University and killed 12 people’ said London based Observatory”

The director of the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, Rami Abdulrahman said that the they don’t have such a stament. “On the contrary, the Syrian Observatory indirectly blamed the armed opposition for the mortar shell. I ensure you, the statements are a fake” said Abdulrahman.

Anatolia Agency still refuse to comment on the issue.

News of AA:–sam-universitesine-saldiri The concerning news of sol daily:

April 3rd, 2013, 11:48 pm


revenire said:

Syria: U.S. Creates New Gang – Ignatius Doubles Insurgent Numbers

Purposely leaked form the Obama administration to the Washington Post:
The United States and Jordan have stepped up training of Syrian opposition forces that may be used to establish a buffer zone along Syria’s southern border, according to U.S. and Jordanian officials.

Jordanian security officials said a previous timetable to complete training of about 3,000 Free Syrian Army officers by the end of June has been moved up to the end of this month in light of the border victories.

“Buffer zones on the Syrian side of the border is the only way to keep the conflict away from Jordan,” said Mahmoud Irdaisat, head of the Amman-based Center for Strategic Studies at the King Abdullah II Defense Studies Academy

Rebel officials who say they have taken part in the U.S.-Jordanian training at a Jordanian military base say they are being prepared to maintain the zones using surface-to-air missiles and heavy artillery without military invention from outside forces.

Several senior Israeli military officials have voiced support for buffer zones.
The leak to the Post is message to AIPAC and other hawks who are increasingly impatient with the progress in Syria. The U.S. is training its own gang for creating safe zones in Syria on behalf of Israel and Jordan who do not want the conflict to further cross their borders.
The U.S. hopes to have vetted those gang members enough to trust them with manpads. Good luck with that. How these troops are to handle heavy artillery without a very capable logistic chain is not yet clear. Heavy artillery is notorious for using very large amount of resources for often dubious military gain.

There are of course many other gangs in Syria and the Post’s David Ignatius is trying to sort them:

The biggest umbrella group is called the Jabhat al-Tahrir al-Souriya al-Islamiya. It has about 37,000 fighters …

The second-largest rebel coalition is more extreme and is dominated by hard-core Salafist Muslims. Its official name — Jabhat al-Islamiya al-Tahrir al-Souriya — is almost identical to that of the Saudi-backed group […] Rebel sources estimate about 13,000 Salafist fighters are gathered under this second umbrella.

A third rebel group, known as Ahfad al-Rasoul, is funded by Qatar. It has perhaps 15,000 fighters.

The most dangerous group in the mix is the Jabhat al-Nusra, which is an offshoot of al-Qaeda in Iraq. By one rebel estimate, it has grown to include perhaps 6,000 fighters.
Idriss and his Free Syrian Army command about 50,000 more fighters, rebel sources say.

Realistically, the best hope for U.S. policy is to press the Saudi-backed coalition and its 37,000 fighters, to work under the command of Idriss and the Free Syrian Army.

If one adds those Ignatius numbers up there are 65,000 in three big Islamist groups, 50,000 under Idriss and 6,000 Jabhat al-Nusra Jihadists. In total an army of some 120,000 men.

That sounds impressive but, as Aron Lund points out, is completely wrong.

Idriss does not have any troops at all. The first and second group Ignatius mentions are nominally under his command, take the money and weapons he offers but otherwise do not care what he says. The third group Ignatius mentions does not really exits. If one adds the still dubious numbers after correcting for Ignatius (willful?) errors the total is 50,000 plus the 6,000 al-Nusra Jihadists, less than half the force size Ignatius claims.

My best guestimate for the real numbers is less than half of Ignatius’ corrected numbers. These are roving gangs that sometimes work together for a while to create a temporary Schwerpunkt and to attack and take this or that small military base. Another type of their action is to take some town or city block and fight from there until they get kicked out again. Rinse, repeat. There isn’t that much manpower needed do those two type of action and we have seen little else. All the insurgencies “brigades” are actual the size of small companies, some 100 to 120 men. Their “battalions” are little more than platoons. Then one has to account for the insurgency’s combat losses which are significant.

Without U.S. air support the new gang trained in Jordan will have problems to hold any larger area. The safe zones will be anything but safe. U.S air support will not be coming. The BRICS countries have taken a clear position and the U.S. is not willing to, again, piss off more than half of the world for little gain.

The numbers in play and movements under way still very much favor a positive outcome for the Syrian government under Bashar al-Assad.

April 3rd, 2013, 11:51 pm


MarigoldRan said:

Oh hey, it’s a loser!

Hello loser. How does it feel to support a loser regime?

April 3rd, 2013, 11:53 pm


Syrian said:

The loser got a beating today from Tara.
Yo Rev. why could not just say that you thought Tara was talking about Qatar?
Really ! What a loser.

April 4th, 2013, 12:07 am


Ghufran said:

What the FSA needs to do to win support from Syrians is to remove criminal elements in its command structure and allow civilian leadership to oversee its actuvities. Allowing sectarian figures to function as leaders and spokespersons for the FSA means that a large section of the Syrian military will continue to see the FSA as an enemy not much different from Nusra thugs, keep in mind that dealawinizing the military and security forces will simply create another insurgency that will keep this war raging for decades and will certainly increase efforts to partition Syria , those alawite officers need assurances that they will not become unemployed and that their families and communities will not be targeted, I do not doubt that foreign interference in the FSA makes any meaningful political move in that direction very difficult but until this is done it will not be possible to end this war regardless of how many bases the rebels capture, Syria has millions of people who are ready to carry arms to defend themselves against islamists and foreign jihadists, common sense requires that opposition leaders reach out to those people instead of making daily threats and violent attacks on Syrian soldiers who will naturally rally behind their leaders, as corrupt as they are, because they are left with no other choice. The comments made by foreign posters and Islamists on this blog show without the shadow of a doubt that most of those Internet thugs are after one thing: Syria’s destruction.

April 4th, 2013, 12:09 am


Syrian said:

Western union still works to Syria

April 4th, 2013, 12:15 am


Citizen said:

U.S. used to commit aggression on the individual defenseless state and connects with a huge number of allies! Today the U.S. is weaker than defend against N.Korea, Iran, China, Russia, Latin American and Asian countries
Syria is the straw that could break the camel’s back!

April 4th, 2013, 12:25 am


ann said:

Syria’s oil losses aggravate, gov’t looks for alternatives – 2013-04-04

DAMASCUS, April 3 (Xinhua) — Syria, which said lately that armed groups have set nine oil wells ablaze that caused oil wastes of hundreds of thousands of barrels, is now looking for alternatives to protect its oil wealth and ensure the country’s needs of oil derivatives.

Syrian Oil Minister Suleiman Abbas told local media Wednesday that the current events in the country have left several oil wells out of the government’s control and protection, thus polluting the environment and causing damages that hinder the investment of these wells.

“In any country in the world, any flammable oil well is considered a national disaster, so how would it be like in case there were nine wells ablaze, especially that three of these wells are still burning,” said Abbas.

Abbas told al-Thawra newspaper that it is still impossible to accurately assess the losses owing to the lack of adequate information about the size of the assault. Yet, he said initial estimates have put the oil waste at about 750,000 barrels.

Syria has repeatedly complained of the frequent assaults by what it called armed terrorist groups on oil wells.

The attacks, along with the world economic sanctions on the oil sector, have triggered off a crunching crisis in the country and a shortage in gasoline, diesel fuel and gas.

Signs of gasoline crisis are clearly seen in the capital Damascus, where long queues of vehicles wait in front of petrol stations for their turns for hours. A gas cylinder, used to be sold at 350 Syrian pounds (about 5 U.S. dollars) before the crisis in mid-March of 2011, is now sold, if there is any, at 2,500 pounds (35 dollars).

The European Union (EU) has slapped Syria with harsh economic sanctions including an embargo on purchasing or transporting Syrian oil and prohibiting companies from dealing with Syria or investing in it, in addition to withdrawing experts and staff, suspending funding, and imposing sanctions on Syrian petroleum companies.

The Syrian government is now making contacts to secure financing for the Baghdad-Syrian border gas pipeline, in order to implement the Iran-Iraq-Syria-EU gas pipeline project inside the Syrian territory.

Al-Eqtisadi or the “economic” website pointed out that the project has come in accordance with a memorandum of understanding signed by the oil ministers of Iran, Iraq and Syria in mid-2011.

Given the economic importance of this regional project and the need to secure additional sources of gas to achieve energy security in Syria in the future, the Syrian government discussed the project with an estimated cost of about 360 million dollars within the Syrian territory only.

The agreement provides for extending a pipeline to transport natural gas from Iran to Syria through Iraqi territory with a capacity of about 110 million cubic meters per day, starting from gas-producing fields in Iran to the Mediterranean coast of Syria, and that the extension of the line is to be extended to Europe later.


April 4th, 2013, 12:26 am


Juergen said:

Now we know why the Ghaddafis are now in Oman

Colonel Gaddafi’s daughter kicked out of Algerian safehouse because ‘she kept setting fire to it in fits of rage’

“The situation came to a head late last year when she destroyed a portrait of Algerian president Abdul Aziz Bouteflika, Algerian newspaper Ennahar reported.”

April 4th, 2013, 12:27 am


ann said:

Syrian opposition parties’ bickering surfaces, buoys up gov’t stance – 2013-04-03

• Political bickering among Syria’s fragile opposition parties have increasingly surfaced.
• There have been about fighting among several opposition rebel groups over sharing looted funds.
• Assad has reportedly stressed that Syria is now more capable to achieve victory.

DAMASCUS, April 2 (Xinhua) — Political bickering among Syria’s fragile opposition parties have increasingly surfaced, raising the stakes that they would never succeed in achieving their goals and strengthening the government’s stance.

Ahmed Moaz al-Khatib, the retired chairman of the Syrian Opposition National Coalition, recently warned of what he called a “crystal-clear conspiracy” on Syria represented by foreign intervention to divide the country.

He unleashed a scathing criticism of some opposition figures inside the coalition, without naming them, and labeled them as ” opportunists and blackmailers in politics and nationalism.”

In a recent interview with the Dubai satellite channel, al- Khatib said that some opposition figures “are behaving improperly, ” and disclosed that “intransigence” is the main characteristic of the coalition’s work.

Al-Khatib explained that he has decided to resign for several internal reasons related to the coalition, as well as for other foreign reasons.

He said that he has taken his decision in light of the ” disparity” inside the coalition and the criticism he has toward ” our brothers in the coalition.”

Also, in an open letter to the Muslim Brotherhood, the Joint Command of the rebels Free Syrian Army said: “We hold you responsible for delaying victory of the revolution and fragmentation of the opposition.”

The rebels accused the Muslim Brotherhood of undermining the revolt against Bashar al-Assad and trying to dictate opposition politics.

Over the past few months, there have been many reports about fighting among several opposition rebel groups over sharing looted funds that have mostly ended up in several deaths from both sides.

Anti-Muslim Brotherhood sentiment is growing among Syrians as most of them are getting increasingly frustrated with their stubborn attitudes and practices that fuelled sectarian rifts and endangered the country’s coherent tissue.

Moreover, fighters on the ground have repeatedly said that they don’t care about decisions or stances taken by the coalition of the Syrian opposition parties, suggesting that what matters is their actions on the battlefield and that they alone can make the difference.

This has further enhanced the Syrian government’s stand. President al-Assad has reportedly stressed following a recent meeting with military commanders that Syria is now more capable to achieve victory.

The Syrian Dama-Post site said that al-Assad has revealed during the meeting that the battle is long “and the battle of triumph has begun… what we hide for our enemies is sufficient to make them think of defeat before anything else… we are steadfast and are coming to make victory.”


April 4th, 2013, 12:35 am


Juergen said:

The regime is advising Syrians in the US to leave the country due to the danger of an nuclear attack by North Korea. Is Jafaari and Co going nuts these days?

April 4th, 2013, 12:35 am


revenire said:

LOL the Daily Mail? This from a guy who ridicule SANA? LOL again.

Sad Juergen. Always a day late and a dollar short.

April 4th, 2013, 12:37 am


Juergen said:


At least they are the on the market since 1896, and they are a private company, and the Brits can choose which newspaper to read. I doubt Sana will be much longer around after this regime has gone. I wonder what Syrians will do with the amount of wasta positioned “journalists” who may have never set a foot into a Journalism school. May be send them to North Corea, looks like their merits could be used there.

heartbreaking story of a a girl named Isra, and her fight to walk again

April 4th, 2013, 12:44 am


ann said:

US Marines share a special message – 4 hours ago

Very interesting comments by US Marines


April 4th, 2013, 12:46 am


Juergen said:

Reve you may enjoy this Zainab “rap”

April 4th, 2013, 12:49 am


Juergen said:

Syria’s ancient oasis city of Palmyra threatened in fighting

“For the past two months we have had shelling every night,” said the resident, who supports the opposition movement. “The army have positioned themselves in the museum, between the town and the ruins.”

April 4th, 2013, 12:54 am


revenire said:

Yes Juergen the brilliant Western journos knowing lies about Iraq helped murder 500,000 innocents. Bravo. So much better than SANA.

April 4th, 2013, 1:01 am


ghufran said:

Syria Has a Massive Rape Crisis:

All across the war-torn country, regime soldiers are said to be sexually violating women and men from the opposition, destroying families and, in some cases, taking lives.
Lauren WolfeApr 3 2013, 7:30 AM ET

( the report may not be inclusive and it clearly focuses on crimes committed by regime forces since most of its data comes from refugee camps but from what I have read and heard, regime forces and their supporters are behind many confirmed cases of rape, up to 15% are listed as “unknown”. My conclusion is that this is now a national tragedy, both sides are doing it, the regime forces are being blamed for most documented cases but rebels are catching up, sheihk Maqsoud is the latest example, Homs probably has suffered the most, I am for catching and punishing each one of those animals, many of their victims are already dead, recent fatwas by wahhabi sheikhs legitimazing the rape of non sunni and non muslim women are likely to increase the size of he problem, the report failed to say anything about that)

moving to Time’s 100, does this make any sense to you? (absolutely, no way):

Mohamed Morsi 66,403 87,932
Arvind Kejriwal 37,937 1,558
Bashar Assad 33,326 34,653

April 4th, 2013, 1:17 am


MarigoldRan said:

The retard has no life or job, so he spends his time getting his butt kicked on blogs.

April 4th, 2013, 1:29 am


Citizen said:

Syria. Damascus. The peaceful town. Which defends.
Music (15 minutes) from the movie “Damascus – the peaceful city.”
The filming was done in March 2013.
You see the night city, which shelled the gang of terrorists, you see a suburb of Damascus, which was destroyed by mercenaries of NATO and Qatar, and you return to the city, which is under fire again by terrorists …
The Syrians think of peaceful times, who will return, be sure it must be returned to Syria when the last mercenary-terrorist special forces abandoned NATO and Qatar will be destroyed in this beautiful country ..

April 4th, 2013, 1:47 am


MarigoldRan said:

What comes around, goes around. Regimes that commit violence get violence back in turn. Shut your whining. You’re just getting what you deserve.

April 4th, 2013, 1:50 am


annie said:

The Daily Show: Egypt, Mohamed Morsi, and Bassem Youssef

Absolutely tops in every respect !

April 4th, 2013, 2:19 am


Uzair8 said:

Tomorrow’s News Today

I get the feeling we may see a high profile defection soon.

If, as it appears, rebels are to move onto Damascus soon, squeezing it from the north and the south (Dera’a), then we may well see some abandon ship if they possibly can. Mr Muallem? Mrs Shaaban? If the fighting reaches Damascus then why would some continue to stand with the regime? Fighting and chaos in Damascus may present an opportunity to escape.

Imagine if the regime flees to a coastal enclave to continue to fight from there. By then surely with defection or capture of regime figures (from Damascus) we will see those figures speak freely and reveal a lot of ‘reality’. They will contradict the past and current regime narrative. In this context how many of those around the globe who accept or support the regime narrative (eg BRIC) will continue to stand with the regime? How bad will Iran look, especially if it continues to back the remnants of the regime on the coast (Alawite State)?

Iran is sensitive to it’s image. It likes to portray itself as the good guy, moral and upright. The champion of ‘Islamic awakening’ and ‘resistance’. It’ll have little to hide behind. Currently it repeats the (exagerrated) mantra of ‘NATO’, ‘Zio-Salafi’, etc in order to distract from it’s own unacceptable role in this situation.

Knowing the danger of it’s narrative being contradicted or exposed, the regime may well, before it runs for the coast, execute those, whom it can’t take with them, who know either too much or enough. Maybe they’ll get rid of them and make it appear it was a rebel car bomb or something.

Mr Muallem, Mrs Shaaban, Mr Sharaa etc be very careful. Get out while you can.

April 4th, 2013, 2:30 am


Uzair8 said:

Tomorrow’s News Today

As the regime enters the twilight of the football season facing certain relegation, it seems it will fight on until survival is mathematically impossible.

April 4th, 2013, 2:35 am


Uzair8 said:

A video was posted elsewhere yesterday introduced thus:

‘Funeral of latest Hezbollah martyr defending the shrine of Sayyida Zaynab’

Convenient cover?

For all we know the foreign fighter, member of a lebanese armed gang, was killed in Homs, Qusayr or elsewhere in Syria.

Now they can just claim any fighters were killed defending the shrine.

It would be easy to do. Fighters entering syria would first be sent to the shrine and have a group photo shot next to the shrine. Next they would be sent on their actual mission elsewhere in Syria. If any are killed it can be presented as ‘martyrdom while defending the shrine’. The photo presented as evidence to reinforce this claim.

I’ve seen these kind of group photos. See here.

April 4th, 2013, 2:41 am


Citizen said:

“The political manoeuvre phase has come to an end, and the West is starting to implement a modified Libyan scenario in Syria, which is to ouster Assad by supporting rebels and providing them with weapons,” said Alexei Pushkov, head of the State Duma Committee on Foreign Affairs.

Pushkov said France and Britain already voiced their intentions to begin arms supplies to Syrian rebels.

Although not influencing the conflict in Syria directly, the US, he said, is playing the role of coordinator and organiser.

“It is no secret that American military instructors are training militants at bases in Jordan,” Pushkov said.

shortly Russia, China and Iran will form a peacekeeping force of 300 thousand to enter Syria under the banner of the BRICs!

April 4th, 2013, 2:48 am


Dolly Buster said:

60. Tara said:


You lied. You claimed that I stated Qatar’s Emir was elected.

Maybe he misunderstood you, because he posted a video of Hamad bin Jassem, and then you said someone was elected. Then he connected your remark to HBJ. It’s no big deal.

April 4th, 2013, 3:29 am


Citizen said:

The West professes to be fighting against Islamism yet is joined at the hip to Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey.

April 4th, 2013, 4:33 am


Dolly Buster said:

Marcus P is an idiot Russophile and I hate him with a passion.

April 4th, 2013, 5:38 am


apple_mini said:

NYT reports an insight story about Iran helping training irregular forces for the regime. There are about 50,000 or even up to 100,000. My guess is that the recent upbeat and confident tone of Assad has something to do with it.

No surprise on this report.

Assad is maturing as a leader from this ongoing crisis. He has learn his lessons but still he should not be a candidate for future leader of Syria. But preserving a strong government force is crucial for Syria. Only that can counter the vicious and widespread rebel fighters who are getting more radical and brutal everyday.

April 4th, 2013, 7:47 am


zoo said:

#79 Reve

The Ignatius report is part of an intensive media psychological campaign against Bashar al Assad and the Damascus residents.

Bashar’s announced death reported here by our local Salafist, the bombing of the university pinned on the government, the tempestuous announcement of the imminent fall of Deraa as a prelude to the fall of Damascus, the inflation of the number of rebel fighters. All this is the propaganda of the desperate.

What is happening is that the Qatar’s ‘coup’ of creating a ghost government supposed to control the ‘liberated’ swaths has been received very coldly by the embarrassed West and squarely rejected by the FSA. The opposition is back to square one, divided, weaken and more suspicious.

The disarray increased when France, a strong vocal supporter of arming the rebels, changed its tune and now talks about negotiations.
To compensate for these failures, the media campaign aims at creating the impression that the Syrian army is loosing ground and the rebels winning.
The arrival of the Saudi funded croatian weapons have certainly helped the armed gangs to advance in some areas, but their advantage is waning and if there are no new supplies of amunition soon, the rebels will loose all their gains.
The loss of territories by the rebels are hardly mentioned in the media while any centimeter they win is claimed as a ‘blow’ or as a “strategic” victory.

The media effect is also waning. People just don’t buy Al Jazeera and Al Arabya anymore.
What counts is that the Syrians are fed up with that oxymoron mess still called ‘revolution’ by some who still live in their fantasy world.

April 4th, 2013, 8:51 am


ginger said:

there is another option – how about America stops supporting islamists – the syrian army are allowed to restore security – and presidential elections are allowed to take place. there will be one regardless in 2014.

let the people of syria decide if they would rather be ruled by Assad or islamic extremists. Syria now has a constitution and Assad could only stay for 14 years – long enough for a political opposition to form within syria if that is the people’s will

April 4th, 2013, 9:03 am


zoo said:

An average Syrian views on the revolution

My colleague Mona Mahmood has been speaking to Ammar Muhsin, a resident of Latakia and Assad supporter. Latakia, on the west coast of Syria, is viewed as one of Assad’s biggest support bases and strongholds.

Muhsin was damning about the rebels, saying:

Revolution in Syria is different to anywhere else in the world. It is the revolution of those who were unemployed and now can work as rebels and fight against their people. It is the revolution of criminals who were wanted by the law and now are imposing their own law on the ground through weaponry.

He said the people who supported the rebels did so for financial reasons: “This is not an oil state and most of the people have low incomes; they support the rebels for the sake of money, not for freedom or democracy.”

Muhsin asked why the rebels were strongest near the borders with Turkey, Lebanon and Jordan. “If these neighbouring states closed their borders with Syria for a single month, Syria would clear out all these terrorists.”

He said he was living in Aleppo when the war began.

I was working in a factory making biscuits in Aleppo and my monthly salary was 22,000 Syrian pounds … The terrorists blew it up and I lost my job.

I went back to work in my hometown Latakia selling fruit, but the problem is when I send pick-ups loaded with fruit to other cities and towns, they get looted and their drivers are kidnapped. Is this freedom?

April 4th, 2013, 9:05 am


zoo said:

#109 Apple_mini

Excellent news that will make the baby king of Jordan think twice about letting the CIA train fighters in his country, with the aim of toppling Syria’s president.

It is time Iran shows that it will respect its mutual defense agreement it signed wit Syria.
Iran will never forget that Syria stood alone against all the Arab countries that supported Saddam Hossein in his war against Iran when Saddam was using chemical supplied by Europe and applauded.
Because of that, there is never enough that Iran can do for Syria.

April 4th, 2013, 9:16 am


Harry said:

@63. Ghufran said:
“Any tips on how to directly send donations to Syria though approved banks, Lebanese banks are refusing to send money to Syria now?”

You would be funding terrorists, these “humanitarians” just another outlet to provide full assistance to mostly foreign mercenaries.

The most telling line “to lead the international effort to end the crisis by all means necessary.” Which is another way of saying – they want NATO to attack Syria.

April 4th, 2013, 10:39 am


Imaginary Syria | Souciant said:

[…] number of factions, with all kinds of ideologies at play in the Syrian opposition forces. Assad is, from all accounts, vastly overstating the number of foreign fighters involved in the opposition, though obviously […]

April 5th, 2013, 3:26 am


habib said:

30. Akbar Palace

How cute, the Zionist/Salafi embrace.

Anyone wants to tell me about the secret Assad-Israel alliance again?

April 5th, 2013, 1:57 pm


Syrialover said:


Your post is a silly attempt at a joke.

There is NO WAY normal elections could be held while the Assad regime survives. It would only complicate and deepen the chaos, divisions and fighting.

In your jokester thinking, the regime would never “lose” (they would see to that in how the elections are conducted), and if there was a sign they or their proxies could lose, they would resume fighting to the death.

Your credibility was shot and your cover blown anyway by your opening words: “how about America stops supporting islamists – the syrian army are allowed to restore security”

So America is in there supporting people? Really?

And the Syrian army has destroyed the country already in their idiotic, disastrous and failed attempts to “restore security”.

April 12th, 2013, 5:08 pm


Will the National Dialogue Put an End for the Two-year Syrian Conflict? | Free Syrian Blog said:

[…] Via Syria comment: Sorting out David Ignatius                                                         […]

April 12th, 2013, 6:43 pm


Moral expediency. The US, Israel and Al Qaeda in Syria. | notthemsmdotcom said:

[…] Syria analysts with an ounce of honesty now fully admit the vast majority of supposed “rebels” are Salafi/Jihaddi inspired militants, or at least under the […]

May 6th, 2013, 10:19 am


Strategic Intelligence Assessment for Syria (2) – State of Play Part I – Pro-Assad Groups and Moderate Opposition Forces | Red (team) Analysis said:

[…] about 50,000 more fighters, rebel sources say” (Ignatius, 3 April 2013). However, Lund (4 April 2013) in his comment on Ignatius’ article for Syria Comment questions this estimates, considering […]

July 15th, 2013, 6:14 am


Strategic Intelligence Assessment for Syria (4) – State of Play Part III | Red (team) Analysis said:

[…] al-Sham (Lund 2013: 16), Liwa al-Tawhid and Liwa al-Islam (Lund 3013: 27 using Noah Bonsey, Lund, 3 April 2013). According to Lund, most of the SLF factions are also now part of the Supreme Joint Military […]

September 12th, 2013, 8:35 am


Al-Qaeda In Syria Declares War On The Rebellion | The Syrian Intifada said:

[…] meant it did not have to loot, which had discredited many FSA-branded rebels. And it was “roaring full throttle into every battle,” not without success. This apparent-ubiquity as the tip of the insurgency’s spear […]

May 29th, 2015, 9:14 pm