Saudi Jihadists in Iraq far Outnumber Others
Posted by Joshua on Sunday, July 15th, 2007
T_desco posted this interesting article on the extent of Saudi participation in the foreign insurgency in Iraq.
Saudis’ role in Iraq insurgency outlined
Sunni extremists from Saudi Arabia make up half the foreign fighters in Iraq, many suicide bombers, a U.S. official says.
By Ned Parker, Times Staff Writer
July 15, 2007Although Bush administration officials have frequently lashed out at Syria and Iran, accusing it of helping insurgents and militias here, the largest number of foreign fighters and suicide bombers in Iraq come from a third neighbor, Saudi Arabia, according to a senior U.S. military officer and Iraqi lawmakers.
About 45% of all foreign militants targeting U.S. troops and Iraqi civilians and security forces are from Saudi Arabia; 15% are from Syria and Lebanon; and 10% are from North Africa, according to official U.S. military figures made available to The Times by the senior officer. Nearly half of the 135 foreigners in U.S. detention facilities in Iraq are Saudis, he said.
Fighters from Saudi Arabia are thought to have carried out more suicide bombings than those of any other nationality, said the senior U.S. officer, who spoke on condition of anonymity because of the subject’s sensitivity. It is apparently the first time a U.S. official has given such a breakdown on the role played by Saudi nationals in Iraq’s Sunni Arab insurgency.
He said 50% of all Saudi fighters in Iraq come here as suicide bombers. In the last six months, such bombings have killed or injured 4,000 Iraqis. …
(Los Angeles Times, July 15, 2007)
Here is another bit from from both Saudi and American officials explaining that Saudi Arabia is doing the best it can to stop fighters from sneaking into Iraq but cannot close down the flow because its border is too long and intelligence cooperation from the American-Iraqi side is zero. They both sound shockingly like Syrians!
The Saudi government does not dispute that some of its youths are ending up as suicide bombers in Iraq, but says it has done everything it can to stop the bloodshed.
"Saudis are actually being misused. Someone is helping them come to Iraq. Someone is helping them inside Iraq. Someone is recruiting them to be suicide bombers. We have no idea who these people are. We aren't getting any formal information from the Iraqi government," said Gen. Mansour Turki, spokesman for the Saudi Interior Ministry.
"If we get good feedback from the Iraqi government about Saudis being arrested in Iraq, probably we can help," he said.
Defenders of Saudi Arabia pointed out that it has sought to control its lengthy border with Iraq and has fought a bruising domestic war against Al Qaeda since Sept. 11.
"To suggest they've done nothing to stem the flow of people into Iraq is wrong," said a U.S. intelligence official in Washington, who spoke on condition of anonymity. "People do get across that border. You can always ask, 'Could more be done?' But what are they supposed to do, post a guard every 15 or 20 paces?"
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Comments (33)
Akbar Palace said:
Good News! It looks like Jihadism is losing the War on Terror…
“I want to live a normal life without Israeli assassinations and arrests,” one of the al-Aqsa leaders, Monif al-Rimawi, said after he and about 35 other wanted militants signed the pledges in the West Bank city of Ramallah.;_ylt=AkTfVbvbRaEEolUuelWpVWIE1vAI
Lebanon army advances into camp;_ylt=AtGKLwxp97ncKiElhQ7Bup4E1vAI
TOKYO (Reuters) – North Korea confirmed it has shut its nuclear reactor that provides the secretive state with material to make weapons-grade plutonium, China’s Xinhua news agency quoted a North Korean official as saying on Sunday.;_ylt=AqRbYYGc71nHwKWhISu7.yME1vAI
July 15th, 2007, 12:54 pm
ausamaa said:
Yeeeeeah Akbar Palace… keep your spirits high, count your blessings and more good news will continue coming your way..only be careful what you wish for….all good and bad things would be heading “your” way sooner or later!
July 15th, 2007, 1:32 pm
ausamaa said:
Akkbar, Speak of the Devil,
Report: Iran has 600 targets for missile strike in Israel if attacked
By Yoav Stern, Barak Ravid and Yossi Melman Haaretz Correspondents and The Associated Press
July 15th, 2007, 1:39 pm
Akbar Palace said:
The report said the targets are within reach of Iranian missiles and would be completely destroyed if Israel should attack Iran or participate in an American attack on the country.
What if Turkey attacks Iran?
July 15th, 2007, 2:33 pm
ausamaa said:
I told you! just keep waiting and wishing for “good” news.
July 15th, 2007, 3:39 pm
Alex said:
Turkey is slowly moving the other direction. Israel still has many friends in Turkey but the country is gradually moving back to its Middle Easters/Islamic roots. Wait ten more years without settling peacefully with the Arabs and you might find Turkey and Iran on one side.
Did you notice that Turkey’s position on the war on Iraq was the closest to Syria’s? … that was a real test.
July 15th, 2007, 4:43 pm
Ford Prefect said:
And Akbar might not to have any further hopes of good news knowing that Iran has been handed two countries on a golden platter: Iraq and Afghanistan. No one in Iran is shedding any tears on the Bush administration’s grave and stupid mess they have created for the West in the region.
It wont be long before the region gravitates to the most powerful player in the region – shortly after the US is gone in humiliation.
Alex, your observation is telling and correct. Turkey will soon find that its national interest is going to be looking east rather than west.
July 15th, 2007, 5:04 pm
Akbar Palace said:
Pro-Hamas Alex warns…
Turkey is slowly moving the other direction.
Pro-jihadist Ausamma warns too…
Iran has 600 targets for missile strike in Israel if attacked.
And last but not least, pro-jihadist Ford Prefect warns as well…
It wont be long before the region gravitates to the most powerful player in the region – shortly after the US is gone in humiliation.
Alex –
I know everyone here wants me to worry. I don’t know why really.
One thing I am quite confident of, Turkey will not turn into another jihadist/Islamist state. The people don’t want it, and neither does their elected leaders.
Attaturk was a smart man. We need more people like him.
Turkey has freedom of religion. Muslims can practice their religion just as they can in every other Middle East country. You’d think that would suffice.
For the jihadists, freedom of religion “just doesn’t cut the mustard”. No, I’m not worrying. The Turks won’t allow their country to turn into another terror-supporting state. They value their democracy and their freedom.
July 15th, 2007, 5:15 pm
Ford Prefect said:
So, I am now labeled as pro-Jihadist? Wow! Glad to hear that the labeling system has now been streamlined. There are two kinds of labels now: agree with me (moderate person!) or otherwise be labeled pro-Jihadist. Nice intellect. You might want to file a patent for this ingenious labeling system.
July 15th, 2007, 5:36 pm
Akbar Palace said:
The NYT’s (no friend of GWB) reporter, John Burns, call the lastest US offensive in Iraq “…an astonishing success…”.
So, I am now labeled as pro-Jihadist? Wow!
Ford Prefect,
Here, being a pro-Jihadist is good thing. Don’t you want to fit in?
July 15th, 2007, 6:15 pm
SimoHurtta said:
What if Turkey attacks Iran?
Are nuts Akbar, why should they do that? Turkey has numerous lucrative business opportunities with Iran and strategic interests to tame the Kurds. There is no Turkish government which could persuade the nation to a war against Iran.
Some news of July 15 2007
Reports Say Turkey, Iran Reach Accord On Gas To Europe
Iran, Turkey work on joint railway
Maybe you mixed Iran and Iraq. Well the difference is not big only one letter. If USA can’t control the Kurdish independence movements there is a high probability that Turkey attacks Iraq. And that will increase US problems to a new level. Certainly that famous map of the new Middle East, where Turkey lost considerable areas, did get some attention in Turkish military. And Israel’s support to Kurds has not made the alliance stronger.
Akbar the “sad” truth is that Iran has to offer Turkey (among several others) much more than Israel. By the way what has Israel to offer besides some military and control gadgets?
July 15th, 2007, 6:26 pm
Akbar Palace said:
SimoHurtta –
You’re right. I don’t think Turkey would attack Iran. I guess my question was hypothetical with respect to Ausamma’s article:
The report said the targets are within reach of Iranian missiles and would be completely destroyed if Israel should attack Iran or participate in an American attack on the country.
IOW, what if another country attacks Iran and not Israel? Does the above still hold? If we look back at Saddam Hussein, Iran may try to bring Israel into the fray even if Israel doesn’t attack Iran.
It’s all so confusing.
The reason Syrian Comment participants are pro-Jihadist:
The Arab Media.
July 15th, 2007, 6:46 pm
Alex said:
Can we please manage without the labels? you and G love to start and end your comments with the same repetitive labels.
Is this how you communicate in real life?
The ones here that you often label with pro-jihad and pro-hamas are the most secular ones and most reasonable people…I know them.
And I know that you like to push people on this blog until they start saying racist or “pro-Hamas” like things. I don’t see you succeeding in doing that. It is not worth the effort. This will not turn into a jihadist forum no matter how much you try to push us 😉
July 15th, 2007, 7:07 pm
Ford Prefect said:
Akbar Palace said:
“Ford Prefect, Here, being a pro-Jihadist is good thing. Don’t you want to fit in?”
I find your label of me to be neither amusing nor a good thing. I find it to be demented and sick.
July 15th, 2007, 8:18 pm
majedkhaldoun said:
Turkey is massing 200,000 soldier on Iraq borders with Turkey,this is too large,they may achieve their objective in short time, Ordugan is waiting till after the election, which will be next week, the result of the attack will be a possible massacre of Kurds,and may be a confrontation with USA, both the army will get the blame for, also Maliki goverment may goverment may not be possible to form, Bush policy will most likely fail,than succeed
July 15th, 2007, 9:11 pm
Akbar Palace said:
Can we please manage without the labels? you and G love to start and end your comments with the same repetitive labels.
Hi Alex –
If you’re pro-Hamas, I conclude you’re pro-jihadist.
Tell me if I am wrong.
I am pro-Israel. Therefore, I am pro-Zionist. You can label me either one of the two if you wish, I wouldn’t take issue with you in the slightest. I just find it interesting that when some people stand for something, they get offended when they are reminded of it;)
Is this how you communicate in real life?
I communicate in various ways. On the internet (which is an open forum by-in-large; not like the Arab press), this is how I communicate. And while we’re discussing “communication”, feel free to chime in the next time an anti-semitic label is thrown in my direction;)
The ones here that you often label with pro-jihad and pro-hamas are the most secular ones and most reasonable people…I know them.
Yes, interestingly, many pro-jihadists and even suicide bombers have been secular. So what? The myths continue to evaporate.
And I know that you like to push people on this blog until they start saying racist or “pro-Hamas” like things.
I don’t tell people what to write. I ask questions, and you and your friends answer. It’s a wonderful thing this World Wide Web. Isn’t it?
I don’t see you succeeding in doing that. It is not worth the effort. This will not turn into a jihadist forum no matter how much you try to push us .
I’m never “pushed you” to say you were pro-Hamas. You give far more power to Jews than you should. Take some responsibility Habibi. You’re a grown man.
Ford Prefect said:
I find your label of me to be neither amusing nor a good thing. I find it to be demented and sick.
That’s too bad. I find your criticism of the US and Israel at EVERY opportunity to be demented and sick.
Ma la’asot?
In the interest of humanitarian issues, I’ll make a special trip to grocery store and send you a box of tissues.
July 15th, 2007, 9:33 pm
ausamaa said:
Akbar Palace says:
“I find your criticism of the US and Israel at EVERY opportunity to be demented and sick”.
I for one agree with you too. It is making us sick too. Ask them both, the US Admin and Israel, to stop presenting us with such “OPPORTUNITIES”!
By the way, being a defender of Israel, does not automatically entitle you to the title of defender of the US. There is a huge difference between the US and the “entity”. The “word” US still rings like Democracy and Freedom despite idiotic efforts by certain idiots; the “word” Israel is a whole different story…So stop “trying” to act clever!
July 15th, 2007, 10:19 pm
why-discuss said:
Akbar, the outcome of the election of a new Turkey president by the whole population instead of the parlement will come as a shock to the US and its anti-islamic allies: There will be an more islamic president that you ever dreamt of, and that is going to cause a change of the relationship between the US and Turkey.
I wont be surprised if the Israeli ‘pentagon’ is not encouraging the kurdish PKK to create border problems in Iraq to create instability in Turkey and prevent Turkey to have a close relationship with the arab countries and to sell more of israeli manufactured weapons. In addition a united anti-israeli Iraq is the worst legacy Bush will leave to Israel and that threat is so probable that Israel’ s pentagon is surely trying to find anyway to prevent Iraq to be united.. a very natural strategy. So I wont be surprised that Israel is also creating havocks in Iraq to weaken the Shia and divide the country. If they are not doing that, then Israel is a dummy.
July 15th, 2007, 10:26 pm
ausamaa said:
Oh Please, do not give them any new ideas!
July 15th, 2007, 10:33 pm
SimoHurtta said:
IOW, what if another country attacks Iran and not Israel? Does the above still hold? If we look back at Saddam Hussein, Iran may try to bring Israel into the fray even if Israel doesn’t attack Iran.
You are nuts Akbar and poor propagandist. The only country which would want to attack Iran, besides Israel, is USA (= its leadership, without the country’s populations support). Iran will certainly not attack Israel or USA. It would be a national suicide for Iran and they are not stupid. Defending against an attack is a completely different matter. All (most) Iranians would be ready to defend their country (and oil). Even for superpowers to win a nation which dislikes the occupier is extremely difficult. Soviet Union learned it in 1939 with Finland and USA in Vietnam. Now USA and GB are getting a lesson of this again in Iraq.
Most of the world hates Israel’s policy but not a single country is ready to start a war with that nation packed with nukes. Not Syria or Iran, but naturally they prepare their defences against an “defensive attack” (as you in Israel call those attacks). As Martin van Creveld—an Israeli military historian at the Hebrew University in Israel—puts it, “Obviously, we don’t want Iran to have nuclear weapons and I don’t know if they’re developing them, but if they’re not developing them, they’re crazy.”
July 15th, 2007, 10:45 pm
Ford Prefect said:
And that hapless soul still confuses the entire US with one branch of its government. Criticizing the government is a fundamental right and it is NOT at all the same as criticizing the country.
But, of course, that is what his neocon masters like all Americans to believe: criticize your government and you have our choice of labels that we will throw at you. Criticize the President, and Gonzales will get you fired from the Justice Department. Criticize the government, and someone will be asked to blow the cover of your wife and endanger her life. Ha’aretz writers? Oh, they have been discredited a long time ago. Noam Chomsky? Oh, he is a discredited self-hating Jew. Jewish Voice for Peace? Oh, they are tree-hugging liberals. Jews for Peace in Palestine and Israel? Oh no. They are a bunch of terrorists-sympathizers. And the list goes on and on and on…
No wonder the American people voted NO to what the administration stood for last November’s elections – in spite of the continuous propaganda spewed by Fox News and Murdock’s mouthpieces. So now, that misguided life form, would very much like to label me and all Americans who object to the war and its management – 66% of us according to the latest polls – as pro-Jihadists, soft on terrorism, or similar empty labels fit for the mass confusion.
No wonder that Olmert approval rating by the Israeli public stands at less than the margin of error approval rating.
Teddy Roosevelt once said: “Patriotism means to stand by the country. It does not mean to stand by the president.” It has never been more accurate.
So now, certain convenient words or sentences (never mind the overall topic or any discussion) from the above will be highlighted, cut, pasted, changed to italics, responded to, and a final label is stamped from a choice of fun-sized sound bites like pro-Ba’athist, pro-regime, pro-terrorists, pro-jihadists (that is a new one!), or pro-something that sounds fashionable from the repertoire of Ahmad Perle, Fuad Pipes, or Daniel Chalabi.
Meanwhile, this paranoid carbon-based life form is thinking: ” Yeah! Bring ’em on. I got them. Yeah!”
You watch and see: it won’t be long before a new comment appears with the above characteristics.
But let me repeat the above quotation, so it might not be conveniently forgotten in the cut-and-paste process that will follow:
“Patriotism means to stand by the country. It does not mean to stand by the president.” – Theodore Roosevelt
July 16th, 2007, 12:02 am
Alex said:
Let me explain to you the problem with your processing of information (at least information on this blog).
Instead of tiring your brain with the calculations required for understanding the meaning of every message, you go for the lazy approach of pulling out “the results” (the way you understand a comment that we write) from a pre-calculated LUT (lookup table) that you have internalized at some point in the past… if you read the word Hamas in a message, then you conclude “pro-jihadist”, if you read “Israel made a mistake” you conclude “anti-semitic”
Read about it here if you want. This efficient approach is good for a trigonometry table application, not for mideast politics .. those are a bit less straightforward … you will need to use your brain to understand… there are no shortcuts.
July 16th, 2007, 12:06 am
George Ajjan said:
As indicated in the Chronicles article of mine that Alex mentioned last week in his post about the prospects of peace/war between Syria/Israel, the whole issue of “foreign fighters” in Iraq is mostly a political scapegoat that makes for good sound bytes on the evening news but bears little overall impact on the challenges facing Iraq.
July 16th, 2007, 12:09 am
Akbar Palace said:
But, of course, that is what his neocon masters like all Americans to believe: criticize your government and you have our choice of labels that we will throw at you.
Dear Ford Prefect,
You can criticize whomever suits your fancy. And you have. George Bush, “neocon masters”, Ehud Olmert, Israel and all the usual suspects.
And now I will criticize YOU, your forum PRO-JIHADIST buddies, your Syrian-apologizist friends, and everyone else who excuses the racist terrorist who are actually killing more muslims in the Middle East than George W. Bush could ever hope for.
Criticize the President, and Gonzales will get you fired from the Justice Department.
Yes. Were you whining when Clinton fired 140 judges from the Justice Dept.? I suspect not. The long and short of it is, the administration can fire anyone they want. These public servants serve “at the pleasure of the president”.
Criticize the government, and someone will be asked to blow the cover of your wife and endanger her life.
Golly, I wonder why Richard Armitage was never indicted for anything. He was the leaker. Perhaps Valerie Plame wasn’t even working for the CIA at the time.
However, if you REALLY want to endanger you life Mr. Prefect, perhaps you should be an anti-Syrian member of the Lebanese cabinet?
Or do you NOT criticize anything eminating from the “terrorist side” of the globe? You’re so “objective” Mr. Prefect.;)
Ha’aretz writers? Oh, they have been discredited a long time ago.
The opposite. Ha’aretz is the Arab World’s best source of information! Interestingly, as liberal and kooky as most of Ha’aretz’s writers are, they still aren’t willing to dismantle Israel and die at the hands of your terrorist heroes.
Noam Chomsky? Oh, he is a discredited self-hating Jew.
Last I checked, most Jews are pro-Israel. I’m guessing maybe 1% of Jews believe Israel is “illegitimate” like good ‘ol Noam. Probably most of this 1% is represented by the anti-Zionist Satmar religious sect. (who would be dead today if the State of Israel didn’t protect them).
So yes, I would say your friend Noam is irrelevant at best.
Jewish Voice for Peace? Oh, they are tree-hugging liberals.
No, actually they’ve very nice people who believe in a Jewish State and Israel’s right to exist. I know PLENTY of Jewish liberals. They just happen to believe that the Arabs want peace. Most of these people went into hiding after Camp David 2000.
Jews for Peace in Palestine and Israel? Oh no. They are a bunch of terrorists-sympathizers. And the list goes on and on and on…
I’m still waiting for the Muslims for Peace in Palestine and Israel.;)
Mr. Ford Prefect –
Keep rambling and whining. This is fun.
July 16th, 2007, 12:38 am
Alex said:
Akbar, I am happy you are now less negative about Haaretz.
Here is one from Zvi Bar’el roday
Coffee or tea, Mr. Assad?
By Zvi Bar’el
“To the best of our knowledge and in my personal assessment, as well, we are not expecting a war this summer,” declared Deputy Chief of Staff Moshe Kaplinsky, arranging the summer for us. But what is “to the best of our knowledge” and what is the meaning of “my personal assessment?” Is that the same personal or institutional assessment that can tell whether Assad wants peace? Is this the same database that led Military Intelligence (MI) to determine that Iran would have nuclear capability starting in mid-2009, after we had already heard various and sundry assessments? The same database that was unable to predict that Hamas would seize control of Gaza and, before that, that Hamas would win the elections?
The question of what those supposedly in the know really do know, and to what extent we can rely on their assessments, is a very important one.
Whoever does not know whether Assad really wants peace cannot know whether Assad wants war. Herein lies the major problem: In the absence of real knowledge, Israel’s security is beginning to rely on subjective logic and, even worse, on frozen mind-sets. The mind-set, for example, that says that Assad wants Washington, not Israel; that he is preparing a war but does not want to wage it and, primarily, that Syria’s entire policy is based on what Syria alone wants, and Israel plays no role whatsoever in influencing Syria’s wishes.
Read more
July 16th, 2007, 12:56 am
annie said:
A simple message from the Iraqi resistance
Very moving and to the point.
July 16th, 2007, 4:51 am
Alex said:
wow! … but something is not right … Too sophisticated for a resistance video production. Who helped them with it?
July 16th, 2007, 5:23 am
Akbar Palace said:
Another forum pro-jihadist, Annie states:
Very moving and to the point.
That the Iraqi insurgency and Saddam have killed more Iraqi civilians than the coalition forces does not seem to matter to the participants here.
It also doesn’t matter that the Iraqi government continues to request that coalition forces stay in Iraq to help combat Iraqi terrorism.
Annie’s terrorist friends state:
We are simple people who chose principles over fear.
You are simple homicidal maniacs.
July 16th, 2007, 10:53 am
Ford Prefect said:
WARNING: This might upset some neocons/Likudist on this blog.
The Associated Press
Published: July 14, 2007
Iraqi official accuses U.S. troops of human rights violations.
BAGHDAD: A key adviser to Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki accused U.S. forces Saturday of human rights violations, embarassing the government and cooperating with “gangs of killers” in its campaign against al-Qaida in Iraq.
July 16th, 2007, 1:12 pm
Akbar Palace said:
Suicide bomb kills at least 85 in Iraq’s Kirkuk
Pro-jihadists have nothing to say.
July 16th, 2007, 4:21 pm
SimoHurtta said:
Pro-jihadists have nothing to say.
Well Akbar if you want I could ask some questions. How many Jihadists were there planting bombs in Iraq during Saddam’s time? By the way how do know that the bombs were not put by Mossad? As you remember the Jewish terrorists who exploded King David Hotel in Jerusalem were dressed as Arabs. And many times since then …
An other question. After we discussed about Turkey and I reminded you about the economical co-operation between Turkey and Iran, I tried to find new news about Israel’s business ties with the surrounding area. The news about Egypt was building a wall on the border. New business news with Israel and Jordan seem to real curiosity. Not to mention Lebanon and Syria. Seems that Israel is completely isolated culturally and economically from the region. Why Akbar? They do not like your people or you do not like them? The Turks, Iranians and Arabs are increasing substantially their economical ties. Israel has really dropped out of the boat…
July 16th, 2007, 5:17 pm
ausamaa said:
AKbar Palace,
Oh, never mind.
July 16th, 2007, 10:21 pm
Akbar Palace said:
Since no one else will discuss human rights on this website (except for the prime terrorist targets of Israel and the US and the terrorist safe-haven of Syria), I thought I’d remind the readership of other lands so typical of the Middle East…
Feel free to comment and/or excuse away.;jsessionid=45BQVYBAZNEV1QFIQMGCFFWAVCBQUIV0?xml=/news/2007/07/16/wsaudi116.xml
Dear Ford Prefect,
Where’s Bill Clinton & Jimmah Carter? I couldn’t find them in this cute little picture? q:0p
July 17th, 2007, 1:18 am
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