President Assad: Speech #3, (Monday 20 June 2011) “We Control Events, rathern than Events Control Us”
Monday, June 20th, 2011
DAMASCUS, (SANA)_ President Bashar al-Assad Speaks to the Nation
He reiterated Monday that Syria’s option is to look forward into the future and to control the events rather than to be led by them.
In a speech to the citizens at Damascus University Auditorium, President al-Assad said “Credibility has formed the basis of the relation between the People and me, the credibility which has been built on deeds and not words, on substance and not on form,” describing today’s meeting as coming in a decisive moment in the history of Syria as to separate a yesterday, burdened with confusion, pain, and innocent blood, and tomorrow filled with hope.
President al-Assad added that Syria has witnessed ‘difficult days’ during which a big price from our security, stability and growth was paid because of killing operations, and terrifying the citizens, destroying public and private properties, which took place during popular protests in which scores of citizens, security forces, policemen and armed forces were martyred or wounded; ” this is a big loss for their families, Syria, and a heavy loss for me personally.”
President al-Assad prayed to God to grant all martyrs mercy and forgiveness, offering their families and relatives heartfelt condolences.
“Our only option is looking towards the future… we possess this option when we decide to make the future rather than have events make it… when we control it rather than it controls us… we lead rather than it leads us,” President al-Assad said, noting that this requires building upon a rich experience that showed shortcomings and a deep analysis.
President al-Assad asserted that Syria, throughout all of its history has been facing conspiracies against it for several reasons, some of which are linked to Syria’s important geographic and political status and others are linked to its political stances committed to its principles and interests.
“Conspiracies are like germs which increase every moment,” said President Al-Assad asserting that the solution is to enforce the immunity of our bodies investigating the domestic points of weakness as to repair them and that the solution is to sort our problems out by ourselves.
President al-Assad classified the components of what is going on in the street into three categories: the first who have a need, a demand from the State, which is the duty of the Stat to meet, the second is a number of breakers of law and wanted for justice, and the third is those who have an extremist thinking.
”What is going on in the street has three components the first one people who have needs and they want the state to fulfill them, the second component is represented through the outlaws and the wanted due to different criminal cases and they found that state institutions are a target for them because these institutions stand in the face of their interests and because they were dismissed from them so chaos for them a golden chance that they should seize to remain free and boost their illegal acts,” added President al-Assad.
“The third component is the most dangerous despite of being small and it is represented through those who have the Takfiri extremist ideology which we have experience for decades when it tried to sneak to Syria and it could get rid of it due to its people’s awareness and wisdom.”….
“What we need to think about is more important than analysis regarding the conspiracy, …
He said that saboteurs are a small but effective group that attempted to exploit others and took advantage of the good majority of the Syrian people to achieve several goals, stressing the importance of distinguishing between the two groups, noting that the first group is national and all the demands they relayed to him gave the homeland’s interest priority, saying “they want participation, not to be marginalized, and justice.”
President al-Assad pointed out that the recent pardon was the most comprehensive one for 23 years, with the last similar pardon being in1988, and that despite that there is desire for pardon to be more comprehensive, adding that pardon doesn’t take names into consideration but rather standards, pardoning everyone except crimes related to drugs, terrorism, armed insurgence and moral issues and similar crimes…..
…..”The question may be the number of these people… personally, I was surprised by this number as I had beloved it to be a few thousands before… at the beginning of the crisis, the number was over 64,000… imagine this number of wanted people for various cases whose sentences range from a few months in prison to execution, and they are loose,” President al-Assad said, noting that the current number is now a little less than 63,000 as some of them turned themselves in…..
….”I want to stress that the reform process is a complete and absolute conviction for us because it represent the interest of the country and the people’s desire… No sane person can stand against the interests of the country or the people”,President al-Assad stressed…..
President al-Assad considered the forming of a committee to set new parties law as basic step in the field of the political development and expanding the democratic life, adding that a new law for parties will enrich the partial plurality and open space for wider participation for the part of the different political parties…..
“As for the constitution for example… Should we amend some of its articles including the 8th article, or it will be better if we changed all the constitution…
“It’s very important that we all work on restoring trust to the Syrian economy… This is the most dangerous thing that we will face in the coming stage.”….
Fawaz Gerges on the President’s Speech in Arabic BBC. He says this speech is radically different from the first two because the Pres. spoke to the youth of Syria and said he was personally determined to reform.
Assad Acknowledges Threats Posed by Syrian Unrest
By ANTHONY SHADID, Published: June 20, 2011, NYTimes
BEIRUT, Lebanon — In his first address in two months, President Bashar al-Assad of Syria promised on Monday not to bow to pressure from what he called “saboteurs,” but offered a national dialogue that he said could bring change to a country where the ruling party and a single family have monopolized power for more than four decades.
For days, the speech had been anticipated as a crucial look into the leadership’s willingness to reform in the face of a three-month uprising and mounting pressure from Turkey, the United States and the European Union. In rhetoric at least, Mr. Assad offered a path for change, even if the speech lacked specifics and delivered somewhat vague deadlines.
But the sincerity of Mr. Assad’s leadership in surrendering real power remained a key question, and some opposition figures insisted that while some of his proposals had merit, the speech itself fell short of an ambitious program for far-reaching change in Syria.
“The speech was built on promises, and the street doesn’t trust the government to accept these promises,” said Louay Hussein, a prominent opposition figure in Damascus, the capital.
Shortly after the address, activists reported protests erupting around Syria, including in the suburbs of Damascus.
Mr. Assad’s speech was different in tone from his first address after the uprising erupted in mid-March, when he called the demonstrations a conspiracy fomented by foreign enemies. He deployed some of the same language in Monday’s address — describing some of the trouble in Syria as “germs” that had infected the body politic — but acknowledged the depth of the gravest challenge to his 11 years in power.
He warned that the Syrian economy was reeling from the unrest and urged thousands of displaced to leave the Turkish border and return to their homes.
“There are those who give them the impression that the state will exact revenge,” he said in a speech that lasted more than an hour. “I affirm that is not true.”
Since the start of the uprising, Mr. Assad has offered occasional reforms that his opponents have derided as either too little or too late. In April, he lifted draconian emergency law, but largely unaccountable security forces have persisted in a ferocious crackdown that activists say has killed more than 1,400 people and led to more than 10,000 arrests. The government says armed insurgents are to blame for much of the violence and says hundreds of its security forces have been killed in attacks.
Some of the reforms he offered Monday have been on the table since 2005 — including a new law that would make possible parties other than the Baath Party, the instrument of Mr. Assad’s power whose pre-eminence is enshrined in the constitution.
But the speech seemed to suggest a different inflection to the government’s long-standing message. For weeks, it has offered a mantra that has underlined its many years in power: either us or chaos, a compelling point in a county shadowed by tension between its Sunni Muslim majority and a heterodox Muslim sect known as Alawites, from which Mr. Assad’s family hails. In his speech at Damascus University, Mr. Assad appeared to offer himself as the best means to bring about a change in one of the region’s most authoritarian states. Rather than us or chaos, his message was that he alone could deliver.
Flanked by a row of six Syrian flags, Mr. Assad said the state made a distinction between protesters with legitimate demands “and the saboteurs who represent a small group which has tried to exploit the good will of the Syrian people for its own ends.”
He added: “There can be no development without stability.”….
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Comments (68)
Nothing new under the sun. It seems like dictators are uncapable of facing changes. What is the reason of being near to collapse and being unable to make any concession? I do not understand. Is the same nature of the regime and its corrupted alliances causing this paralysis?
June 20th, 2011, 12:39 pm
Syria no kandahar said:
Syria commando
Why do say keep an eye on Qamishli?
June 20th, 2011, 12:49 pm
democracynow said:
Very disappointing. Nothing new. Repackaging and rehashing earlier speeches: conspiracies, germs, chaos..etc..
Well, since he has a penchant for reiteration, let me reiterate: Mr. President, your regime can not and will not ever reform.
June 20th, 2011, 12:55 pm
Syria no kadahar said:
Nothing the pres said or will say will make the opposition happy,they are interested in only one thing THE CHAIR,they are falling in the same trapp they are blaming the regime for.The opposition way of negotiation is this:they will step on the regim,squeez his neck,turn him blue ,and then ask him for immediate reforms befor he gives his last breaths.All that done peacefully of course,with the help of papa Rajab ,aunt Hillary,grandpa Sarkozi,uncl Hamad under the production of BIBI Inc.The Russian bear and the Chinese lion and the Persian tigers have been keeping BIBI’s employees away.
June 20th, 2011, 1:10 pm
AIG said:
Assad is certainly losing it with his conspiracy theories. The man that told the WSJ in that there will not be problems in Syria is clearly detached from what is going on around him. Somebody should remind him that he has been ruling Syria for the last 11 years and that Syria’s situation is his fault.
June 20th, 2011, 1:11 pm
George said:
11 years are not enough?. probably he needs 40 more years. his son could also continue his vsison till the end of 21 century.
Enough is emough.
But where is the opposition? very slow. Halab started to wake up. damascus still in different planet.
the Vatican is considering declaring Rami Makhlouf a saint. but one minister who prefers to keep his name anonymous is concerned Rami may move to vatican and start a “business” here. and potentially rob the country.
The italian mafia like him.
June 20th, 2011, 1:33 pm
jad said:
The message in the president speech as Abughassan wrote is good, I didn’t have any expectation of the speech but in general it reflects the situation in more realistic way than fantasy or only good wishing, August is not that far and a new political party law is in the process already, things will take some time to be materialized, we can’t see Syria changing from dictatorship to democracy in a blink, nobody can do that.
Dialouge can get Syrians much more goods than street protests, protesters should form groups and some kind of political forum to be ready to speaks on their behalf when the time comes, and it will only work if we all decided to go through it putting Syria best interest as our priorities, oppositions and regime a like.
I understand your point of a regional war being very close to erupt and I wish that you are wrong.
Whatever the president will say or promise the angry , grumpy, vision-less, plan-less, solution-less uprising organizers will say no to it, because they have nothing to talk about or to offer, but destruction, foreign intervention, social and economic collapse of Syria, if they ‘think’ rationally or have any good plan or vision or even care of Syria unity and Syrians welfare one bit they will be already negotiating with the regime, but the EMPTINESS and the dangerous UNKNOWN is all they got.
June 20th, 2011, 1:40 pm
Akbar Palace said:
Tell the truth to the participants here. At the Zionist Elders meeting we just attended, we paid the thousands of Syrian protestors to risk their lives and go out in the street.
Apparently, they have no other source of income.
June 20th, 2011, 1:44 pm
aboali said:
Proof, for the pro-regime goons who like to accuse anyone who doesn’t share their affection and deification of Bashar the Butcher of being a non-Syrian living outside Syria. in your face fools:
also note my strategic use of a bag of Bizr Shams to blend in with the min7ibak crowd, who as you can see is composed of a few Baath activists leading some clueless street kids in chants, with profanity used as the next clip shows:
Kids chant “Ya Obama Ya 3rsa, bidna n7arer el Aqsa” while behind them families with kids sit at the Cafes. Yup, that’s the real level of thinking of the pro-regime crowd, nothing but vulgarity and violence, even toward kids. Note also the obvious sectarian chants about Qirdaha, and the swearing at AlJazeera channel. Previously they had chanted that infamous “toz mara tanyeh fe amreka wa bretanya” that was heard during Gaddafi speeches, guess we know where their inspirations come from now!
June 20th, 2011, 1:48 pm
why-discuss said:
“Somebody should remind him that he has been ruling Syria for the last 11 years and that Syria’s situation is his fault.
Why don’t you call him or send an email or a tweet?
June 20th, 2011, 1:52 pm
jad said:
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????: ????? “???????”
June 20th, 2011, 1:53 pm
TURK said:
Syrian govenment organise a huge pro-govenment demonstration to support Bashar al-Assad’s speech.It will be in Damascus tomorrow
June 20th, 2011, 1:53 pm
why-discuss said:
“Apparently, they have no other source of income.”
You are THE economically successful paranocracy of the region, normal that you pay!
June 20th, 2011, 1:54 pm
Mina said:
Ya Aboali,
As long as you post and curse, I am your fan since this is the living proof of progresses on the Syrian ground.
June 20th, 2011, 1:56 pm
jad said:
By Agence France-Presse, Updated: 6/20/2011
Syria’s Assad offers dialogue, rejects ‘chaos’
President Bashar al-Assad said on Monday that dialogue could lead to a new constitution and even the end of his Baath party’s monopoly on power, but that he refused to reform Syria under “chaos.”
His remarks were condemned by pro-democracy activists who vowed that the “revolution” — now in its fourth month — must go on.
Assad spoke as European foreign ministers prepared to beef up sanctions on the embattled president and Britain demanded that he “reform or step aside.”
French Foreign Minister Alain Juppe said Assad had reached a “point of no return” by brutally repressing protesters.
After widespread condemnation of his regime’s crackdown, Assad said in a televised speech at Damascus University that the country was at a “turning point.”
He said dialogue was under way that could lead to a new constitution and raised the possibility of elections and an end to the ruling Baath party’s dominance, a key opposition demand, while warning the economy was on the verge of collapse.
“We can say that national dialogue is the slogan of the next stage,” Assad said. “The national dialogue could lead to amendments of the constitution or to a new constitution.”
Reform was “a total commitment in the interest of the nation,” he added.
Assad offered condolences to the families of “martyrs” from the unrest rocking the country since mid-March, but said there could be “no development without stability, no reform in the face of sabotage and chaos.”
“We make a distinction between those (with legitimate grievances) and the saboteurs who represent a small group which has tried to exploit the goodwill of the Syrian people for its own ends,” said Assad.
His third speech to the nation since the protests broke out was buoyed by a Russian pledge to block Western moves against him at the United Nations.
Witnesses and opposition activists said the speech was followed by protests in the northern city of Aleppo, in the flashpoint province of Idlib in the northwest, the central regions of Homs and Hama and in Damascus suburbs.
“The protesters condemned the speech which branded them as saboteurs, extremists,” the head of the London-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, Rami Abdel Rahman, told AFP by telephone.
“The demonstrators are calling for freedom and dignity.”
Abdel Rahman said authorities arrested 60 demonstrators in Aleppo over the past 24 hours.
According to Abdel Rahman’s group, the violence has so far claimed the lives of 1,310 civilians and 341 security force members.
Opposition activists said Assad’s speech failed to specify concrete steps — namely the pullout of troops from besieged cities — and only deepened the crisis.
The Coordination Committee, an umbrella group of activists, called for “the revolution to carry on until all its aims have been achieved.”
“We consider any dialogue useless that does not turn the page on the current regime,” it said in a statement received by AFP.
Prominent human rights lawyer Anwar al-Bunni, who was freed from five years in prison last month, called Assad’s speech “disappointing.”
“The key demands made by the people were not mentioned and the existence of a political crisis has been ignored,” he said.
In a first reaction to the speech, British Foreign Secretary William Hague said on Twitter it was “disappointing & unconvincing.”
“Little new on how reforms will be implemented & when, or how he will end violence,” he tweeted.
Juppe told reporters in Luxembourg: “Some believe that there’s still time for him to change his ways and commit to a (reform) process. For my part, I doubt it. I think that the point of no return has been reached.”
Their comments came as EU foreign ministers prepared to expand sanctions against Assad’s regime, according to a draft resolution to be adopted later on Monday.
The EU has been looking at adding firms and a dozen people to a blacklist of 23 people targeted by an asset freeze and travel ban which already includes Assad and key allies.
Western governments have also been circulating a draft resolution at the Security Council that would condemn Assad’s crackdown on dissent, but Russia warned it could veto to block any such move.
Russian President Dmitry Medvedev said in an interview on Monday with the Financial Times that he feared the text would be used as cover for Libya-style military action — which he described a “meaningless military operation.”
He said Russia would use its right of veto.
Meanwhile, as International Committee of the Red Cross chief Jakob Kellenberger began a two-day trip to Syria, the authorities took diplomats and journalists to what they said was the site of a mass grave of people killed by “armed groups.”
The third such “mass grave” near the restive northern town of Jisr al-Shughur, the focus of military operations since June 12, contained eight bodies.
June 20th, 2011, 1:57 pm
Rani said:
He is dying his hair black, like Mubarak. The axis he is forming Syria-Iran-Rusia-China with connections to Lebanon can not make any sane Turk happy. The rummors about Russian flags in some pro-government demonstrations can not add comfort to Turkey, so is the alleged Russian navy base in Lattakia. I dont believe one or two blogs that said that some high ups in Syria were talking about Iskenderun, nobody can be that stupid, but then who knows. The whole thing goes counter to any things evisioned or planned by Turkey. Most of the oil ports of SE Turkey are within easy missiles range from Lattakia. Suddenly the anti-missile ships of the US navy and thus NATO and the carrier force in the east Med. start to make sense to the Turkish armed forces. In the border of Hattai province Syrian tanks and armoured carriers are within the range of Turkish weapons. Most probably Turkish drones, some of them made in Israel, that were doing all kind of jobs in Afganistan, are now flying over that border taking pictures. Any stray bullet or missile can realy start things. And there are people there who will be glad to start the celebration.
June 20th, 2011, 2:03 pm
jad said:
?.???? ???? ?? ????? ???? ????? ?????
Assad Speaks, the Protests Continue — and the Kurds Come Into Play
Posted: 06/20/11 11:43 AM ET
President Bashar Assad gave his first speech in two months to a carefully selected gathering of dignitaries at the University of Damascus, but it was not a game changer. As soon as the speech ended, thousands thronged the streets in many Syrian towns, including suburbs of the capital, chanting their displeasure with the leader. Bashar Assad repeated the old allegations about conspiracies inspired by unspecified countries, but the old goods seem to have no effect anymore. The uprising continues and with it the merciless crackdown.
In recent days the protest and the retaliatory indiscriminate killings took place in the heavily Kurdish northeast region of Syria. A book published some years ago by K. Yildiz referred to the Kurds of Syria as “the forgotten people”. Not anymore. The Kurdish population of Syria numbers two million, and mainly in the Jazeera region along the borders with Turkey and Iraq, separated from their ethnic brothers through the artificial demarcation of boundaries in the aftermath of the First World War and the demise of the Ottoman Empire.
A large population of Kurds has resided for generations in the big cities, including Damascus and Aleppo. In fact, members of this group played a significant role in the early history of independent Syria. The first three military dictators of Syria, Husni Zaim, Sami Hinawi and Adib Shishakli were of Kurdish descent. Yet the Kurds of the Jazeera were always a thorn in the side of the Syrian state, maintaining their traditional way of life. The Ba’ath regime, coming to power in 1963, decided to resolve this problem by initiating a policy of Arabization of the Jazeera. The prominent Kurdish historian Ismet Cheriff Vanly wrote in the late 1960’s about attempts at ethnic cleansing of the Kurds, but the Ba’ath regime failed.
Northeast Syria is still mainly Kurdish, so the regime enforced an iron-fist policy there, while neglecting completely its economic development. The inevitable results were poverty, near starvation due to the dwindling water resources, mass immigration to the big cities, and inevitably growing Kurdish political radicalization.
In 1986 and 2004, there were violent outbursts of angry Kurds, which were typically quelled by the use of brute force. The Kurds may have been forgotten but they were not quiet. While Syria repressed it own Kurdish population, it encouraged, for many years, subversive anti-Turkish activities by Kurdish elements from the Kurdish Workers Party (PKK), operating from its territory. This Ba’athi dangerous game came to an abrupt end in October 1998, when Hafiz Assad capitulated to a Turkish ultimatum and removed the PKK from its territory, including their leader, Abdallah Ucalan, who surprisingly enough found himself in a Turkish jail some weeks later…
Now, the Kurdish question seems to get back to the limelight, as the Syrian regime loses its grip over large parts of the country. The Kurds of the Jazeera were slow to react to the uprising in Syria. They are Sunni Muslims as most of the protesters are, but they constitute a distinct ethnic minority, and this is the prime motivation for their behavior. They remembered that their past protests against the regime failed to elicit support among the Sunni Arabs, and they preferred sitting on the fence, but the ongoing protest and the increasing likelihood of collapse in Damascus, finally brought them to the streets. The killings in Deir A Zor and in Qamishli will not stop their protest, as the killings in the rest of Syria will fail to put an end to the uprising there.
With that happening, the Kurds are going to play their traditional role in Middle East politics — that of the inevitable victims of geopolitical circumstances. The Turks are increasingly worried about the Kurdish situation in Syria, and they are openly threatening to intervene there militarily, while the PKK has intensified its operations in Turkey itself. That is not good news for the oppressed Kurds of the Jazeera, which can expect no sympathy from the Syrian regime. This is a classic situation of being between the hammer and the anvil, something that is not new for the Kurds, who continue to be the largest ethnic minority in the Middle East without an independent state of its own.
This is a tragedy, and not the least of the tragedies that befall upon Syria, something that Bashar Assad’s latest speech did nothing to stop.
June 20th, 2011, 2:06 pm
HS said:
Until now , I refrained to report on some facts I cannot substantiate more than saying that these very reliable witness are not pro regime :
At the beginning of the protests :
She has been offered a large sum of money by a taxi driver driver if she can mobilize her friends for an anti regime . The man also said he was smuggling arms through the border.
Another told me that during the anti regime protests he has seen some anti regime gangsters was shooting at the anti regime protesters to create chaos.
Today , in Aleppo, the only protest is the usual students in the University dormitories . As everybody knows these students are not from Aleppo but from other cities.
June 20th, 2011, 2:10 pm
daleandersen said:
Everything with Bashar is the same old shit rehashed. He is a man who has learned nothing and forgotten nothing. He is incapable of change. He needs to go.
June 20th, 2011, 2:18 pm
aboali said:
this is what the people of Homs thought of Assad and his speech, jeering and throwing shoes at his picture:
June 20th, 2011, 2:34 pm
Amir in Tel Aviv said:
This was a very clumsy attempt to buy some more time. I’m not sure that Turkey can be fooled by such a crude maneuver. Turkey’s ultimatum ends in 5 days, just in time for another Friday.
June 20th, 2011, 2:39 pm
aboali said:
and here too, the people of Kafar Nibol give Assad the shoe treatment:
June 20th, 2011, 2:40 pm
jad said:
Shoes/sha7a6a/shaloukh language will get them ‘shoesY’ results, let them keep throwing shoes as much as they want, they wont get anything until they start to learn how to use their brains and mouths instead of their shoes, if they have any.
June 20th, 2011, 2:46 pm
Mina said:
Shout loud enough on Syria, because it will help cover Bahrain (but there of course, it is only ‘claims’)
June 20th, 2011, 2:56 pm
NK said:
About the speech you can really take away a few simple messages
– Syria was always a target for conspiracies, and these events are not different, the origins of this last one started with Louis Daguerre inventing the camera in 1829, and Martin Cooper inventing the Mobile phone in 1973 (both of which are of course Zionists), so as you can see they have been planning for almost 200 years.
– We have 64000 fugitives roaming around the country, so expect the number of dead terrorists (also known among Syrians as innocent civilian martyrs) to rise from 1500 to 60000-plus in the few coming days/weeks.
– The terrorists in Jisr had advanced weaponry, they even had anti-aircraft weapons (no seriously he did say that), they also had advanced communication devices (cell phones and laptops both of which are “new” and “advanced” technologies introduced to the public in 1973 and 1981 respectively).
– Once we quell this uprising, we will be asking the wealthy about what they did to support the Syrian economy (pound), after all financing this oppressive regime is a “patriotic duty”.
– Changing the constitution/new laws require a Parliament, so after we elect a new Baathist Parliament they (the newly “freely” elected MPs) will discuss amending or changing the constitution, this will only take 3 to 5 months, barely enough time to hunt down the 64000 fugitives.
The guy chanting had a weird accent, definitely not Alepine, after all we don’t say ???? ??? ???????.
June 20th, 2011, 2:57 pm
Amir in Tel Aviv said:
He looks very bad, if you ask me. When I saw him on TV today, this reminded me of a corpse that has to be painted and dyed, to make it look a bit more lively. A colorful mummy. And he looks extremely slim and gloomy. Most probably he lost his appetite. And his annoying and pointless giggles are no more (that’s a good thing though). I would recommend a general checkup. He looks sick of worries.
June 20th, 2011, 2:58 pm
AIG said:
You are right, they should do what the regime does, arrest pro regime demonstrators and torture them.
Who is in power? Assad. Who has to act in a smart way or go? Assad. When I read these posts of yours it becomes clear that you are pro-regime. Otherwise, you would be criticizing both sides at least or yu would accept the fact that since Assad has been in power for the last 11 years he bears the most responsibility for the situation and he has to act to solve it peacefully. So far Assad has acted liked a detached idiot.
June 20th, 2011, 2:59 pm
jad said:
????? ?? ????? ?????? ????? ?????? ???? ??? ?????
June 20th, 2011, 2:59 pm
why-discuss said:
I think Bashar is an intelligent man. You don’t change a constitution that has been here for more than 40 years in 3 weeks. Any other precise announcement he would have made about changes not only would have been met with the usual ‘too little, too late” but also considered as ridiculous by people who know what it is to change radically a system of governance.
In Egypt and Tunis, they are planning to push the election even further. Any change takes planning and time.
The ones who think changes in a country can be done just by announcing them are childish or ill intentioned. Any new law in the US takes years to be announced, more than a year to be approved and more months to be implemented.
For the nerds in Sweden, it is a simple as a Windows reboot.
I think his speech was balanced, he did not look panicky or worried. I think he is holding very well and will stand until what he says is accomplished. Let demonstrations against him go on, it won’t change much. Neither Cruela Catherine Ashton and the dalmatians can do much in creating a diversion from the economical disaster looming the E.U.
June 20th, 2011, 3:04 pm
jad said:
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June 20th, 2011, 3:09 pm
why-discuss said:
AIG, AP, Amir in Hell-Aviv,Dale Christian Andersen
I really enjoy the way you, Israelis are jumping in this blog, hysterically saying that it was a bad speech etc..
What’s going on with you? You are not the ones to judge. We didn’t give a damn about your leader’s speech with the yoyos in the US congress, so please calm down.
Mind your own apartheid country! It needs a serious overhaul. When is Bibi going to announce it? when he’ll be in a coma maybe?
June 20th, 2011, 3:11 pm
Syrian Knight said:
The protesters do not want freedom or democracy. We saw their ‘democracy’ as they cut off heads, raped women, hanged innocent people and desecrated their bodies for follow a different religion, and killed many people and put them into mass graves. These people are Islamist barbarians. Stop trying to reason with them, because they cannot be reasoned with. Nothing you offer them will make them happy, as they will just keep changing their demands and refuse dialog. It’s time to put them in their graves. These people don’t deserve any rights or freedom. The only thing they deserve is a bullet in their heads. These people have no brains. It’s time to to filter the human beings from the mutants.
June 20th, 2011, 3:11 pm
aboali said:
video very clearly showing police firing on unarmed protesters in Homs last Friday
June 20th, 2011, 3:11 pm
Syrian Knight said:
They are not shooting directly at anyone, you moron. And who are you to say that they are unarmed ‘protesters?’ Were you there? Zionist filth.
June 20th, 2011, 3:22 pm
AIG said:
Why Discuss,
Israel is a democracy thank you. If Israelis do not like Bibi, they will vote him out.
As for being hysterical it is you. You cannot stand even a little criticism, you are so antidemocratic. You are against freedom of speech and a free press because you are antidemocratic. You are peeing in your pants because the truth about Assad is coming out. Why is that? Why are you afraid of the truth?
It is time for Assad to go instead of dragging Syria with him into the abyss. Nobody can keep the brave Syrians down in their quest for freedom and dignity. And if you think democracy in Syria is bad for Israel, why don’t you support change instead of backing the Rabbit of the Golan and his regime that knows only how to attack Syrians?
June 20th, 2011, 3:22 pm
What SYRIAN KNIGHT said should be accepted by most radical anti-regime by only changing some 6 or 7 words:
(…) The supporters do not want freedom or democracy. We saw their ‘democracy’ as they cut off heads, raped women, hanged innocent people and desecrated their bodies for follow a different religion, and killed many people and put them into mass graves. These people are anti-democratic barbarians. Stop trying to reason with them, because they cannot be reasoned with. Nothing you ask them will make them happy, as they will just keep not acomplishing their offers and refuse dialog. It’s time to put them in their graves. These people don’t deserve any rights or freedom. The only thing they deserve is a bullet in their heads. These people have no brains. It’s time to to filter the human beings from the mutants (…)
These words are the words of an animal who really merites not life. This is a shame on you Syrian Knight, you are a stupid. Because of people like you syria is suffering these days.
June 20th, 2011, 3:30 pm
Mina said:
Israel a democracy?
Sorry, a place where it is not possible to have a civil wedding is NOT a democracy. You can read it in your own newspapers:
I quote:
“Religious authorities in Israel don’t perform interfaith weddings, although the country recognizes civil weddings conducted abroad. ”
You are importing and exporting religious fundamentalism, like you buddies the Americans. Full point.
June 20th, 2011, 3:34 pm
Aboud said:
“You don’t change a constitution that has been here for more than 40 years in 3 weeks”
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. How do you think he got the job? The clause that lowered the age limit on the presidency was changed in *three hours*
June 20th, 2011, 3:38 pm
vlad-the-syrian said:
Dear HS and fellow syrians
i suggest to contribute no more to this blog since our dear “opponents” dont produce any valuable arguments
it is useless non-efficient and time waisting
let them rather drown themselves under their own spam and filthy garbage without any contridiction
opposing contradiction only fuel their stupid rhetoric
besides why we should give them ideas that they can use in their ugly plot and improve their methods ? like stressing on their stupidity and lack of positiveness (where is your program, what practcal suggestions are you making ? etc…)
they can’t lie to us and they can’t fool us
so they are only lying to their own people by misinforming and hiding evidence
let them go on lying !
sooner or later they will taste the effects of such attitude
from time to time though let us insult them as they deserve just for the fun
les chiens aboient la caravane passe 🙂
June 20th, 2011, 3:41 pm
AIG said:
You are a joke of an extremist. Israel needs to improve like all countries, but it is a very successful democracy and part of the OECD. Syrians are trying to achieve rights Israelis have for decades like freedom of speech, free multi party elections, etc. And the brave Syrians will get them despite of all the regime supporters that cannot bear to see democracy and freedom finally come to Syria. You do not represent the freedom loving and dignity seeking Syrians. You represent a small sector who needs to subjugate the rest of the Syrians in order to keep their ill gotten gains.
If you are not afraid of the truth, let the free press in.
If Assad is really popular, let him compete in free elections.
But of course, you will not allow any of the above become you know the truth; Assad is a brutal dictator with little chance of winning any majority of the vote in Syria.
June 20th, 2011, 3:47 pm
HS said:
I found on another blog
a very interesting link
The Man behind “Syria Revolution 2011? Facebook Page Speaks Out
The official spokesman
( His name is ???? ????? ???? ????? ???? Fida’ ad-Din Tariif as-Sayyid `Isa, born 1985.)
of the site lives in Sweden and leads Sweden’s chapter of the Muslim Brotherhood .
Ammar Abdulhamid, an activist in Maryland, estimated that they delivered 100 satellite phones, along with hundreds of cameras and laptops….
June 20th, 2011, 3:47 pm
vlad-the-syrian said:
petit con va te faire mettre chez les saoudiens 🙂
@ AI(r)G
a 30% ultra-religious military oligarchy this is your fake democracy. You’re doing better then KSA and Iran but unfortunately less than Pakistan and Somalia. You’ll improve in the coming years i’m quite sure. You racist shmekele
June 20th, 2011, 3:55 pm
Very brief excursion from the Rathole
You are right, It was another sane commenter THANKS who linked to the NGO sponsored Youth Parliament. (in Arabic)
You do not change 40 years constitution in 3 weeks, you really do it in 3 hours.
Seriously, why discuss? just state your command and we are your following idiots…..
Arooour Obsessed Qandahari @ 4
National Pride Exam:
Fill in the space:
The Russian bear and the Chinese lion and the Persian tigers
and the SYRIAN ……… have been keeping BIBI’s employees away
CHOICES: (You may only pick one, two, three, or four)
For someone as bombastic about Syrian Pride, it is very funny to be proud of all but Bashar, your national symbol, or is it cymbol……
I see rust on your armor. Or is that ……….. Nop, it is not dry blood, but it sure is brown.
I have no comment (for now) on the best speech since Churchil and Back to the Rathole
June 20th, 2011, 4:01 pm
vlad-the-syrian said:
HS #41
is this ???? ????? ???? ????? ???? his real name ?
too funny ! i guess he is the one whith the wahhabi black spot on the head that Dr Landis interviewd some time ago
June 20th, 2011, 4:11 pm
HS said:
Cher Vlad
Je n’avais pas vu votre proverbe avant mon dernier message !!
See you later in a civilized and peaceful place .
June 20th, 2011, 4:13 pm
vlad-the-syrian said:
dear HS #46
in Syria hopefully
June 20th, 2011, 4:17 pm
Yup, loneliness does that to you, and yes you do and they are all Men7ebbak Crowd.
You, Impaler wannabe, Don Quixote & civilized world…. You are deep, i like oxymoronic riddles.
Just noticed, you beat me to it. Well, you are beating me to the honor daily, you are mundass on the inside. Stay safe man.
June 20th, 2011, 4:25 pm
You too, stay safe. But ABOALI is still beating me to the honor of being Mundass on the inside.
June 20th, 2011, 4:41 pm
vlad-the-syrian said:
@47 RAT
why do you call me impaler ?
i ignored that lonely rats masturbate in their tiny bleak hole
the more they masturbate, smarter they feel. This is your oxymoron. Keep it to yourself rat
and beware the snakes 🙂
June 20th, 2011, 4:44 pm
jad said:
Mr. ‘Jarbou3’ ‘?????’ (no offence but this is one of the real scientific name of Syrian Hamster) is implying to your name Vlad; Vlad the Impaler AKA Count Dracula.
June 20th, 2011, 4:52 pm
Your obsession with masturbation only equals Qnadhari’s obsession with Arooour. You have a lot in common. BTW: I know a good owel who doubles as psychologist, she can help you with your obsession.
I am not afraid of snakes anymore. Din’t you know, we broke the fear barrier three months ago, which your doctor called, respect for the state.
Have to go now, I have to get ready for the loyalist rally tomorrow, i heared they are giving away sunflower seeds. Yummy, my favorate meal. It is far better than the crappy feeding tabletts.
Bye now, try to saty sane, …..oops, another oxymoron.
June 20th, 2011, 5:02 pm
Syrian Knight said:
SL, YOU are the stupid animal who does not value life. There was no killing before you Islamist retards showed up demanding Sharia law, segregation, death to minorities, etc all under the guise of ‘democracy and freedom.’ It was not the government who did anything, it was YOU low lives. Fuck you and the pig’s ass you came out of. You are the ones ruining Syria. There is no value to your own lives. Not even you scumbags value your own lives. You go out on the streets demanding violence, knowing full well that you may get shot by a terrorist trying to cause panic, but you don’t care. That is how all Islamists are. They don’t care about life. They only care about Sunni domination. Do you think the terrorists who flew planes into buildings cared about their lives or the lives they took??? NO! How about the countless barbarians who blow themselves up in Iraq every day just to do “God’s work” and kill two dozen “Heretical Shia???” NO. You Islamists are dangerous enemies. You give cancer to any country you touch. You are not afraid to die doing “God’s work.” Islamists are the lowest of the low. It’s time to send them to the lowest area possible; a little place us HUMAN BEINGS call Hell. You are not human, and no one like you is human. You are so full of shit. If Syria had ANY OTHER GOVERNMENT, there would be 100,000 people dead right now. ANY other government. Mubarak killed 900 people in 2 weeks, and there was not even any armed terrorists. The United States killed 1.5 MILLION people in Iraq without remorse. Now we have around 1,400 people dead in Syria in THREE MONTHS, plus over 500 killed by your terrorist friends. How many people would Mubarak have killed if he sustained steady attacks for 3 MONTHS??? You are looking at close to 11,000!! And yet NOBODY in the international community criticized Mubarak! NO ONE! They are all hypocrites! The US was CRYING to see Mubarak the murderer go! They didn’t want him to leave even though his ouster had popular support! Only a few Islamists in Syria want the government removed, and suddenly, the international community cares about the Syrian people??? Go choke on a pork chop.
June 20th, 2011, 5:04 pm
vladimir-the-syrian said:
JAD #50
is it so ? unbelievable
i fixed this as you can notice
June 20th, 2011, 5:04 pm
syrian kday said:
syrian knight,
it is men like you , we need to get rid off. we have no room for you in syria.
on another note: bisho doesnt understand: ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS!,
bashar has yet to show us , that he is up for positive criticism, and that no one is above the law…so far he has FAILED miserably.
to summarize:
i want a syria, where i have the right to criticize any one holding a formal position. be it, the president, the minister or the police chief. bashar still thinks hes immune to fault, he believes hes a prophet of some sort thats not prone to error. *this is whats devastating the nation*
June 20th, 2011, 5:13 pm
why-discuss said:
“If Israelis do not like Bibi, they will vote him out.”
What is worrying is that you like this moron!
It says at lot about you Israelis and your fake Walt Disney apartheid democracy with “freedom of expression” and “economical success” that you repeat at nausea as if you want to convince yourself.
And hell with the palestinians refugees, they don’t deserve freedom of expression because their land has been stolen by the ‘God chosen people’…
I guess you prefer the yoyos of the US congress, 29 jumps in an hour! They should enter in the Guiness Book!
June 20th, 2011, 5:17 pm
vladimir-the-syrian said:
your are right.
Mubarak stole 40 billions USD from his people. Barely 2 billions were “generously” offered back to Egypt. Not yet though only a promise by now. He leaves a fallen state with tremendous poorness and misery. With the MB taking over the power in the next months.
Syria is not a fallen state despite :
– heavy international sanctions
– unprecedented drought
– nearly 800 000 iraki refugees if not more, with their children and youth admitted for free in public schools and universities
– passive rampant sabotage (including low-level corruption) – by 20% of the population who dont accept the idea that the president is not a sunni muslim
– contunal efforts from KSA and its lebanese allies aka Haririe and cie to harm by all ways
– oil revenues diminishing
– clanic struggles
– sectarian divisions
– inefficiency of large sectors of obsolete public adminsitration
– inappropriate economy system
– stupid oppostion with no ideas and no program whatsoever
– state of war with Israel
– etc … etc…
and yet from 2008 to 2010 Syria achieved an avrage 5% GNP growth (more if you take in consideration the underground economy)
how much Assad’s assets were frozen in foreign banks. Could anybody dare tell ? Peanuts
June 20th, 2011, 5:27 pm
why-discuss said:
Syria’s Assad hints at Baath monopoly’s end ( Turkish Newspaper)
June 20th, 2011, 5:29 pm
why-discuss said:
Wannabe Syrian Hamster
You are staying so long in the darkness of your rathole that not you are becoming blind but you are subjected to hallucinations.
Get out and join the peaceful demonstrations asking for reforms and blood, that would do you good.
June 20th, 2011, 5:32 pm
Aboud said:
“Fuck you and the pig’s ass you came out of”
I don’t know what’s sadder, the fact that someone would write such a juvenile sentence, or the fact that it isn’t the most juvenile sentence to ever be typed out by a hysterical Baathist.
June 20th, 2011, 5:41 pm
vladimir-the-syrian said:
i suggest for you the RUB3 AL KHALI in your cherished Saudia
hurry ! 72 virgins are waiting there just for you
plenty of room for you and your alikes. You will be free to rule omnipotently there , apply your chariah and chase the oxymoronic hamsters …
petit con
June 20th, 2011, 5:51 pm
Mina said:
It looks like your swears have caused a panick among Canadian protestants and Aleppine Syro-Canadian teenagers with a Turkish background and a French education (but yet unable to speak French, until now).
Here is a link to an article about the visit of US Amb and Red Cross president to the 3rd mass grave of Josr al shughur,
I hope they’ll give a phonecall to Kitty Ashton.
June 20th, 2011, 5:58 pm
Aboud said:
Sorry, but I’m still shaking my head in bewilderment at the whole “Fuck you and the pig’s ass you came out of” business. I can imagine junior’s phone calls with world leaders;
Erdogan: President Assad, you should take care of the refugees on the borders and stop killing demonstrators. Please sir, for the sake of regional peace and stability.
Bashar: Fuck you and the Ottaman pig’s ass you came out of!
Somedays, the Baathists make things so easy for us, you wonder why the revolution even needs people to post anything here.
June 20th, 2011, 6:08 pm
chris said:
thank you syrianknight what you have writtne is 100% what most syrians think!
the oppositions so called freedom is sharia and they dont even have a leader, maybe he’s still in jihad training to swipe the few remaining christians in the middle east and the preaching to his fellow western muslims to take advantage of their freedom!
jeez islam doesn’t like what goes around comes around do they! and they certainly don’t beleive in equality do they now!
By the way i luv that whole pig ass comment
June 20th, 2011, 7:58 pm
vlad-the-syrian said:
is this your proof ? very convincing
June 20th, 2011, 8:14 pm
aboali said:
#60 hmmmm, well if you’d like even more proof I could always spray paint in big golden 10 meter high bold font “VLAD IS AN IDIOT” on the sides of the citadel. But that would be a bit extreme don’t you think?
Nope, perhaps I’ll get the Baathists and street kids to sing you a song along the lines of “Ya Obama Ya 3arsa, bidna n7arer el aqsa”
June 20th, 2011, 8:41 pm
Usama said:
Aboud, #58
You should send that “exclusive” account of the Asad-Erdoghan phone call to someone like Thomas Friedman. It will make front page news on the NY Times and you’ll be the most famous anonymous “eyewitness” in the world!
June 20th, 2011, 11:12 pm
Assad must turn words into action | said:
[…] yesterday’s speech, Assad again reinforced a hazard of nonconformist Islamist elements within a republic focussed on commanding a will on […]
June 22nd, 2011, 6:12 am
Assad Speaks to Syrian People and Turkey said:
[…] on Monday, June 20, Assad broke his silence, stepped in front of the television cameras and spoke to the Syrian public for close to an […]
June 30th, 2011, 11:28 am