Obama’s State of the Union – Reactions; Battle for Damascus Promises to be Long
Posted by Joshua on Wednesday, February 13th, 2013
The Avoider
Barack Obama’s State of the Union address makes one thing clear: The world is no longer America’s problem.
….Not the Destroyer and Rebuilder of Worlds
Surprise, surprise: There was scant mention of Syria in the president’s speech — just one throwaway line about supporting Syria’s opposition. Obama did not disengage from Iraq and Afghanistan only to plunge America into new black holes in the Middle East.
Obama isn’t worried about boots on the ground in Syria. That was never on the table. Instead the question is this: Given the uncertainty about the end state in Syria and the risks of providing serious weapons to the rebels (and a no-fly zone) that might alter the arc of the fight against the regime, the president saw and continues to see no purpose in America providing arms of marginal utility. That course would either expose him to be truly weak and ineffectual or lead to calls to do more. So he’s going to provide non-lethal support and is apparently prepared to take the hits from critics who see the president’s policy as passive, cruel, and unforgiving, particularly now that we know that members of his own cabinet clearly wanted to do more…..
It’s the Middle Class, Not the Middle East
Spoiler alert: Barack Obama might still be a consequential foreign-policy president if he’s lucky, willful, and skillful. But it’s his domestic legacy that will make or break his presidency. Health care — his signature legacy issue — will look much better if the economy improves, driven by a revived housing market and rising employment, and of course if some broader deal can be struck on entitlements and taxes. Immigration reform and gun-control legislation driven by a functional bipartisanship would cement that legacy. He’d be an historic rather than a great president…
The Middle East is violent and volatile and may yet suck him in, but if he can avoid it, he’ll try. This was a State of the Union address that stressed fixing America’s broken house, not chasing around the world trying to fix everyone else’s. The future of America isn’t Cairo or Damascus; it’s Chicago and Detroit.
Fred Hoff – The President’s Decision-Making on Syria – former Special Advisor for Transition in Syria at the US Department of State.
….The Clinton-Petraeus-Panetta-Dempsey story is probably mortifying for all concerned, including the president. Ideally this tempest-in-a-teapot would somehow facilitate reconsideration of the current approach to Syrian policy rather than entomb it in concrete. Historians will, in time, examine why President Obama, knowing that the prospects for a peaceful, managed Syrian political transition were receding to the vanishing point, chose not to enter the arena where the struggle for Syria was actually being waged. In the fullness of time scribes may conclude that by the time the United States tried to influence the course of the armed struggle (if indeed a policy adjustment was ever made) it was too late. They may well write about the bloody minded determination of Moscow, Tehran and Hezbollah to win in Syria. But no one can really know what scholars will be writing years from now. Without a crystal ball the United States must do its best, with the imperfect tools at its disposal, to mitigate the damage done by a ruling family willing to burn a country and imperil its neighbors, including important American allies and friends. Standing clear of Syria and its associated wreckage will not be possible and should not be seen as a policy option. That which was reportedly decided months ago should be urgently reconsidered. Our supposed lack of influence will surely be confirmed if we opt to believe we have none.
Kerry Seeks to Change Assad’s Thinking on Syria
2013-02-13 18: By MATTHEW LEE, Washington (AP)
Secretary of State John Kerry says he has some ideas on how to change Syrian President Bashar Assad’s calculations on remaining in power and will raise them with European and Mideast leaders on his first official overseas trip.
In Speech, Obama Tempers Expectations of Syria’s Future
By SCOTT SHANE, February 13, 2013, NYTimes
WASHINGTON – Having overruled top advisers who had argued for arming the opposition in Syria, President Obama appeared to moderate his expectations for change in that war-torn country in Tuesday’s State of the Union speech.
“We will keep the pressure on a Syrian regime that has murdered its own people, and support opposition leaders that respect the rights of every Syrian,” Mr. Obama said. He made no predictions about where that support might lead.
A year earlier, in his 2012 address, Mr. Obama had expressed confidence that the end of the regime of President Bashar al-Assad was near. Noting that Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi, the Libyan dictator, had been ousted by a popular revolt, the president said then: “And in Syria, I have no doubt that the Assad regime will soon discover that the forces of change can’t be reversed, and that human dignity can’t be denied.”
State of the Union: 4 Takes on Afghanistan, Syria, President’s Style
By: Larisa Epatko – PBS
….Joshua Landis
Anyone who was hoping that President Obama would follow a more muscular policy on Syria during his second term was disappointed. Obama believes that previous presidents have over-committed the United States in the Middle East. He is trying to draw down troops in Afghanistan, stay out of Iraq, finesse demands that he solve the Arab-Israeli conflict, and do everything possible not to get sucked into Syria. The potential for mission-creep in Syria is enormous as the country slips into civil war and the opposition splinters into emulous factionalism and becomes dominated by Islamists.
From earlier interviews on 60 minutes and with the New Republic, President Obama made it clear that he does not believe that saving Syria is America’s responsibility, or even within the capability of the U.S. His non-committal and anodyne statement in the State of the Union address that the U.S. would “stand with citizens as they demand their universal rights and support stable transitions to democracy,” could not be read as a battle cry or promise of greater U.S. involvement.
I saw an article about Deputy Foreign Minister Miqdad’s speculation that the United States might change its policy with our new secretary of state. And I notice that Tishreen newspaper, while admitting that Americans are practical people, also will change its “tactics” with Syria.
I would like to tell Syrians that Tishreen is right: Americans are practical people. Our interests are for a region with stability, freedom, human rights, and economic opportunity for its people. The Syrian regime has long threatened those three interests, never more so than now. Therefore, we will continue to work to support these Syrians whose efforts are creating a new, transitional governing body in Damascus with full executive authorities composed of persons agreed to by the opposition and government negotiators. And everyone in Washington understands that the opposition won’t accept Assad and his regime surrogates being in that transition body. As practical people, Americans understand that Asad and those symbols must, therefore, step aside. President Obama again made that clear in his January 29 video, posted below.
We are practical but we also have deep concerns for the suffering of the Syrian people. For this reason, we have increased by another $ 155 million American humanitarian assistance to help victims inside Syria now as well as refugees in the neighboring countries. We are using every possible way to get food and medical supplies into Syria, including to places like Aleppo, Atmeh and Damascus. …
Abbie Fielding-Smith – Financial Times
“Both the FSA and the Syrian army have destroyed us” – our story from Damascus

Most of Ahrar al-Sham’s fighters are Syrian nationals
Ahrar al-Sham jihadists emerge from shadows in Syria
Victories of Ahrar al-Sham jihadists, trumpeted on Internet, have been accomplished thanks to financial backing from Gulf Arab countries.
Middle East Online, By Herve Bar – ATME (Syria)
Jihadist group Ahrar al-Sham is emerging from the shadows of the larger rebel outfit Al-Nusra Front as key player in northern Syria, playing up its nationalist roots and more moderate form of Islam.
Fighters from the group, whose name means in Arabic the “Free Men of Syria”, are mainly to be found on the battlefields in the northern provinces of Idlib, Aleppo and central Hama alongside some 30 other jihadist organisations.
For a long time it was eclipsed by the hardline Al-Nusra Front which has claimed responsibility for the majority of deadly suicide bombings in Syria’s nearly two-year conflict and is blacklisted by Washington as a terror outfit.
But in recent months Ahrar al-Sham has begun unleashing its fighters across the battlefronts, especially in Idlib where they played a leading role in advances around the city of Jisr al-Shughur, a reporter said.
Its fighters are also on the frontlines of the battles around the city of Idlib and further south in Maarat al-Numan.
Their victories have been trumpeted on the Internet and, rebel sources say, have been accomplished thanks to financial backing from Gulf Arab countries.
At the end of December, Ahrar al-Sham announced the creation of an Islamic front grouping a dozen of other organisations including Ansar al-Sham, Liwa al-Haq and Jamaat al-Taliaa.
On January 31 several other groups announced on a statement posted on the Internet that they had joined forces with Ahrar al-Sham to form a broader coalition dubbed “Harakat Ahrar al-Sham al-Islamiyya” (The Islamic Movement of Ahrar al-Sham).
Although some Arab jihadists fight amongst their ranks, most of Ahrar al-Sham’s fighters are Syrian nationals while the group’s founders, according to a source close to it, were former political prisoners released in an amnesty.
“The founders of the movement are all former political prisoners who were detained in the infamous Sednaya prison near Damascus,” the source said.
“For years they lived and suffered together in jail (but) were set free as part of an amnesty ordered by the regime in May 2011.”
The group appears to be well-structured although the names of their commanders are not in the public domain. However, a fighter known as Abu Anas is the leader for battlegrounds in northern Syria.
One of Ahrar al-Sham’s strengths is that it has deep roots in northern rebel-held territory, where unlike the shadowy Al-Nusra Front, its men enjoy grassroots support because some are from the villages and cities of the region.
The group’s approach to Islam is less rigid that the position of Al-Nusra Front — which Washington says has links to Al-Qaeda in Iraq — with group leaders insisting they oppose “fanaticism.”
Ahrar al-Sham supports the creation of an Islamic state in Syria but one that is based on sharia, Islamic law that would guarantee the rights of minorities including Christians.
“Their rhetoric is loaded with Islamic references but… deep down their goal is to restore the sovereignty of the Syrian people and do away with dictatorship,” said Jean-Pierre Filiu, an expert on jihadist movements.
On the ground Ahrar al-Sham fight sometimes alongside the mainstream rebel Free Syrian Army and Al-Nusra, joining in attacks on regime military targets — but apparently refrain from taking part in suicide bombings.
Like other jihadists their fighters wear black turbans and their beards long, and fly a white flag with an eagle soaring over the name of the group on their checkpoints.
Jihad in Syria ~ Reaching an international level ? [Translation of video made by Chechen Jihadis]
by pietervanostaeyen
Jihad in Syria seems to have reached a new level. As already known for a longer while international Jihadism in Syria is growing stronger. There have been multiple reports of foreigners from all over the Arab world fighting (and dying) in Syria. Even Western (European, American and Canadian) Jihadi’s have been reported fighting Bashar al-Assad’s army.
This one appears to be new however. This video, made by Chechen Jihadi’s, points out that more and more foreign brigades are being active in Syria. Their agenda ? To spread international Jihadism and topple the regime. Their means ? To call out for international financial support…..
Saudi Arabia: Eastern Promises
February 12, 2013 Frederic Wehrey – Sada
…The reverberations of Syria on Saudi society have not helped reform coordination. As the officially sanctioned clergy frame the civil war in sectarian terms—demonizing the Alawis—the Shia of the Eastern Province have likewise come under increased pressure. Many are believed to sympathize with the Assad regime, despite the fact that Nimr Baqir al-Nimr, perhaps the most outspoken of the Shia clerics, has called for the downfall of Bashar. The statements of Syrian (and Iranian) officials have not helped matters; these governments typically speak about the affairs of the Eastern Province to advance their own self-serving regional agendas. For example, in March of last year, the Syrian delegate to the United Nations proposed sending Syrian troops to protect the population of Qatif after the Saudi delegate suggested Saudi troops should be sent to Syria to stop the massacres against the Syrian people….
UN Security Council Needs Solid Position on Syrian Crisis — Saudi FM
By Asharq Al-Awsat | Asharq Alawsat
Syrian Rebels Loot Artifacts to Raise Money for Fight Against Assad
By Taylor Luck | The Washington Post
Insight: Divided Damascus confronted by all-out war
By Samia Nakhoul
DAMASCUS | Wed Feb 13, 2013
…Just as loyalist forces seem unable to regain control of the country, there looks to be little chance the rebels can storm the center of Damascus and attack the seat of Assad’s power.
For most of last week the army rained shells on the eastern and southern neighborhoods of Douma, Jobar, Zamalka and Hajar al-Aswad, using units of the elite Republican Guard based on the imposing Qasioun mountain that looms over the city.
The rebels, trying to break through the government’s defense perimeter, were periodically able to overrun roadblocks and some army positions, but at heavy cost.
Jobar and Zamalka are situated near military compounds housing Assad’s forces, while Hajar al-Aswad in the south is one of the gateways into the city, close to Assad’s home and the headquarters of his republican guard and army….
NOWHERE NEAR OVEROrdinary Syrians are convinced their ordeal is nowhere near over. While they believe Assad will not be able to reverse the gains of the rebels, they cannot see his enemies prevailing over his superior firepower, and Russian and Iranian support.
“The regime won’t be able to crush the revolution and the rebels won’t be able to bring down the regime,” said leading opposition figure Hassan Abdel-Azim. “The continuation of violence won’t lead to the downfall of the regime, it will lead to the seizure of the country by armed gangs, which will pose a grave danger not only to Syria but to our neighbors”.
“Right now no one is capable of winning,” said a Damascus-based senior Arab envoy. “The crisis will continue if there is no political process. It is deadlock.”
Other diplomats in Damascus say the United States and its allies are getting cold feet about arming the rebels, fearing the growing influence of Islamist radicals such the al-Nusra Front linked to al-Qaeda, banned last year by Washington.
Some remarks recur again and again in Damascus conversations: “Maybe he will stay in power, after all”, and, above all, “Who is the alternative to Assad?”
“At first I thought it was a matter of months. That’s why I came here and stayed to bear witness to the final moments,” said Rana Mardam Beik, a Syrian-American writer. “But it looks like it will be a while so I am thinking of going back to the U.S.”
Loyalty to Assad is partly fed by fear of the alternative. Facing a Sunni-dominated revolt, Syria’s minorities, including Christians and Assad’s own Alawites – an offshoot of Shi’ite Islam – fear they will slaughtered or sidelined if the revolution succeeds and Sunni fundamentalists come to power…..COSTLY WAR
Alongside sectarian hatreds, class and tribal acrimony is also surfacing. Wealthy Sunnis in the capital are already in a panic about poor Sunni Islamists from rural areas descending on their neighborhoods.
“When they come they will eat us alive”, one rich Sunni resident of Damascus said, repeating what a cab driver dropping him in the posh Abou Roummaneh district told him: “Looting these houses will be allowed.”
Yet many activists feel protective of the revolution, despite the brutal behavior of some Islamist rebels.
“People talk about chaos and anarchy after Assad, but so what if we have two years of a messy transition? That is better than to endure another 30 years of this rule,” said Rana Darwaza, 40, a Sunni academic in Damascus.
Prominent human rights lawyer Anwar al-Bunni said the suffering is a price that had to be paid. “Those on the ground will continue to fight even with their bare hands”, he said.
He said there are thousands of prisoners in horrific conditions in Assad’s jails. Some suffocate in overcrowded cells while others die under torture or from untreated wounds. “They don’t give them medical treatment or pain killers or antibiotics. They leave them to die,” he said.
Close watchers of Syria predict that if there is no settlement in a few months the conflict could go on for years. Yet the economy is collapsing, leaving the government to rely on dwindling foreign reserves, private assets and Iranian funds.
There is no tourism, no oil revenue, and 70 percent of businesses have left Syria, said analyst Nabil Samman. “We are heading for destruction, the future is dark”, he added….
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Comments (457)
revenire said:
Again thanks to Dr. Landis we see who is looting Syria and who isn’t looting Syria:
“Syrian rebels loot artifacts to raise money for fight against Assad”
Dr. Landis posted the story above.
Tara maybe you should tell him who you know. 😉
February 13th, 2013, 4:44 pm
Uzair8 said:
I remember you had a little giggle at the UK horse meat issue.
You’d be pleased to know the heroic FSA are on top of things. They’ve raided a couple of meat firms.
February 13th, 2013, 5:39 pm
majedkhaldoun said:
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February 13th, 2013, 5:47 pm
Uzair8 said:
The Kalbfather
So Asma must be approaching the due date of delivery.
I’m reminded of the church christening scene in The Godfather with Michael Corleone as godfather to the child. The scene intercut by assassinations of the heads of the rival mafia families by assassins dispatched by Michael Corleone.
Imagine Assad pacing up and down the corridor outside the hospital delivery room where Asma (offscreen) is going through labour. The scene intercut by shabeeha assassins sent to target opposition leaders. Perhaps George Sabra escaping by good fortune?
Fortress Ship
Assad shouldn’t feel so secure on the Russian ship. The FSA are creeping towards Damascus and will soon be breathing down his neck. The opposition will get to him one way or another. Recall how in The Godfather 3 (GF3), the unarmed Calo, sent by Don Corleone, reaches the seemingly well protected Don Lucchese?
Actually, wouldn’t that be a fitting end to the eye doctor? Also there’ll be plenty of neck to aim at.
Btw in the week the Pope announces his resignation, is there something stirring in the Vatican, just as in GF3.
February 13th, 2013, 6:07 pm
Tara said:
Happy Valentine day to the FSA and I hope they get to see their loved ones tomorrow.
And to my freind in the North Pole, please drink a cup of coffee a day. It cuts all-cause death rate by 10%. I always worry about your health.
February 13th, 2013, 6:23 pm
Visitor said:
Three posts ago I made the following comment,
“Shadi Hamid, while correctly arguing that Syria is not Iraq, yet he is arguing in a wilderness. While Mr. Obama, is by no means another Wilson, yet he is leading the US into the same isolationist environment that Wilson led America into after WWI, and the American public is applauding.
That’s why Syrians should not waste their efforts debating chicken versus eggs arguments. Syrians must support the FSA in all its formations with men, money, weapons and in the media. Only a true strong natioal army like the FSA could resolve the Syrian problem and allow Syrians to live in dignity.
The evil regime must be defeated militarily in the field. That is a precondition to become free and with dignity.”
JL agrees with me three posts later.
February 13th, 2013, 6:27 pm
Juergen said:
let the children speak, heartbreaking interviews with small Homsi children
February 13th, 2013, 6:29 pm
Visitor said:
A thug supporter bites the dust,
February 13th, 2013, 6:30 pm
zoo said:
106. Syrialover
If the ABC Palmyra man wants to be less ridicule in his fears, he should read the articles that J.L is posting and not Al Jazeera. We know who are the looters…
Syrian rebels loot artifacts to raise money for fight against Assad
February 13th, 2013, 6:35 pm
darryl said:
6. Visitor said:
“Three posts ago I made the following comment,
JL agrees with me three posts later.”
Gosh Dear Visitor you are so good at these things, now kindly explain what Tah Seen mean in Surat Al-Naml 🙂
February 13th, 2013, 6:44 pm
Development Agency my foot. This is the front for Iranian Intelligence, money laundering, smuggling, and black operations. There is talk that the fella bit the dust further north than claimed as some activists have talked about the operation happening in Aleppo. I suspect he is the “Executive” of providing monetary and shabeeha manpower to the retard prethident, including the caravans of fuel, curtsy Lebanese screwed up government.
A strong sign was also sent to Nus-Lira. One more elephant size hole in his “air tight security” system.
February 13th, 2013, 6:48 pm
zoo said:
Is Turkey considering dividing Syria, North-South, like it did in Cyprus?
Obama washes his hands of the situation in Syria and pathetic ambassador Ford who feel totally let down tries to keep his head up after all the promises he made to the rebels…
After the bombing at the border, Turkey seems in disarray, not knowing whom to blame, especially that it looks more like a terrorist attack from rebels who want to hurt Turkey for some reasons. This maybe just the beginning and Turkey must step in to control the North of Syria if it wants to protect itself.
They have the perfect excuse now.
If Al Khatib does not succeed in establishing a political dialog, then Syria will be virtually divided in two parts. As they did it in Cyprus, Turkey is maybe considering making the North of Syria an independent Islamic state under its control.
They are already teaching turkish to the Syrian children refugees..
February 13th, 2013, 6:57 pm
Juergen said:
you can probably tell me where do these two galleries get their Palmyra heads from?
Btw Mr Torkom Demirjian from Ariadne Galleries has a long lasting relationship to Syrian “art”dealers from Syria since the early 80s. So I guess the real expertice of how to sell the nations real tresures rests within this mafiaregime!
February 13th, 2013, 6:58 pm
zoo said:
Yes! Now it is clear why the Syrian rebels put a car bomb near the Turkish border: Turkey has been stopping delivery of weapons to the rebels since a month!
Turkey seizes huge arms cache to Syria
Ankara attempts to silence observers who say it is arming Syrian opposition militants, claiming to have seized arms destined for the Arab republic(?)
Hundreds of rifles, shotguns and bullets that were to be sent from Turkey to violence-plagued Syria have been seized over the last month by Turkish security forces, Customs and Trade Minister Hayati Yaz?c? said yesterday.
Yaz?c?’s statements came in response to national and international criticism on Turkey’s “reluctance” to control the arms flow to Syria and the accusation that Turkey is responsible for supplying arms to Syrian rebels.
Some 110 air guns, 51 shotguns, 86 rifle scopes, 86 rifle clips, 104 gun clips and 50,375 bullets were seized in five operations conducted in the last week of January, Yaz?c? told daily Hürriyet.
Cars searched in the operation all carried Syrian plates.
Refuting claims that Turkey was arming the opposition to Damascus, Yaz?c? said Turkey had been conducting controls on all 10 border gates to stop illegal arms-trafficking in the region and had been taking necessary measures to protect Turkish citizens’ lives and provide humanitarian help to the Syrian people, “who are under attack from the Bashar al-Assad regime.”
February 13th, 2013, 7:07 pm
zoo said:
What a ridiculous accusation… I don’t even want to refute it.
The experts in stealing artifacts from the Arab world have always been the Europeans. Their glorious museums are full of stolen arts.
You better address your complaints to them…
February 13th, 2013, 7:15 pm
Tara said:
None other than Bashar’s family and acquaintances stole antiquities before the revolution. I do not know after the revolution but before, it was a family business. But to be fair, Batta may not have approved it but he only punished it by a slap on the wrist.
February 13th, 2013, 7:22 pm
revenire said:
Tara calm yourself. Your obsession with Bashar is showing again.
I am certain you have relatives that pocket silverware after a nice dinner party. We all have a few black sheep.
Let’s cut the Assad family some slack. They can’t all be angels like your hero Bashar is.
February 13th, 2013, 7:26 pm
majedkhaldoun said:
Farah Atassie said
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February 13th, 2013, 7:35 pm
zoo said:
Erdogan knows that the target of the border attack is not the Syrian opposition as they claim. It is clear that it is an attack on Turkey, either to force it to intervene militarily or as a retaliation from the turkish crackdown on the weapons smuggling that was a good business for the Bab Al Hawa rebels…
Turkish PM warns of retaliation after blast
“I saw the Syrian National Coalition’s claims in the papers today. I’m not sure if these are true,” the prime minister said in Ankara in reference to the group’s claim that they were the target of the blast.
Asked if the target was Turkey, Erdo?an said: “There is no doubt. If this is happening inside Turkey’s borders, [it means] some want to drag Turkey into this and provoke it, but we are not worried. We want the [aftermath of the] incident to settle down and then [we will] take action thoroughly. But I want you to know this. Nothing will go unanswered,” Erdo?an said.
February 13th, 2013, 7:37 pm
majedkhaldoun said:
February 13th, 2013, 7:42 pm
Tara said:
One suspect detained in Turkish-Syrian border blast probe
February 13th, 2013, 7:52 pm
William Scott Scherk said:
MAJEDKHALDOUN, please accept condolences from me on the horrifying, pointless death of your elderly brother. Shot to death while collecting wood.
I note the anonymous regime shills either doubt your tale or denigrate you and your family’s suffering. You ability to grieve and yet not call for reprisals and further death is impressive. The inability of the regimist cutouts and operators to condole you or your family is striking. The implacable inhumanity of an Arab like Zoorritated is plain. The insanity of the non-arguments of the troubled munchkin underlines his own depraved indifference. Each is plainly unable or unwilling to grant you humanity (Kudos again to MJABALI for being clear-eyed and expressing his emotions to a brother Syrian).
My heart is also with you, with all who suffer in their souls the effects of the Baath dictature. It is sad and depressing to read the appalling spin of the haters and NATO-resident western Assadist operatives.
February 13th, 2013, 7:54 pm
Tara said:
Allepo’s airport is the next in line symbolic victory
Syrian rebels are battling government troops for control of a military base that protects a major airport, AP reports.
Rebels have been attacking the civilian airport in the city of Aleppo for weeks, and now appear to have overrun the main defences around the facility.
But the airport itself, which stopped handling any flights weeks ago because of the fighting, still remains in regime hands.
On Tuesday, opposition fighters captured large parts of the “Brigade 80” base near the airport and attacked another major air base, Nairab, adjacent to the international airport after taking control of al-Manara army checkpoint just outside it.
By Wednesday, the Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said the rebels were “almost fully in control” of the “Brigade 80” base.
It said more than 40 government troops were killed in the fighting, including two brigadier generals, a colonel and two lieutenant colonels. The report could not be independently confirmed.
Heavy clashes were also still raging for control of the Nairab base as well as outside the civilian airport, which both have their own defences in addition to the protection provided by Brigade 80.
February 13th, 2013, 8:08 pm
Observer said:
Why would the Iranian travel through Damascus?
He can fly direct to Beirut. I guess he was delivering flowers to the Sayyda Zeinab shrine.
More important another Iranian was killed. He remains anonymous.
Daily star reports that the rebels have made significant advances on the 80th division while Cham Press talks of heroic defense of the area.
Slowly but surely there are way more fires than the regime can put out. Also the weapons are getting bigger.
So from Graffiti on the walls of Dar’a the spray paint has become captured t 72 and T 55 and T 62 and 23 mm AA guns and B10 recoilless canon and AT weapons.
Mazoot tankers are blocked on the Syrian border by Lebanese that have no fuel while the regime in Lebanon is surely trying to get fuel to the regime in Syria.
It is going to blow up in Lebanon.
Now, it may be that Israel killed the Iranian “diplomat”
Will Syria respond?
Will Iran respond
WIll HA respond?
Meanwhile this is interesting reading
I do not agree with him at all on many subjects but as usual I read all venues.
I also sense panic in both Zoozoo and Revthir
They want France to bomb Al Nusra as in Mali?
Why? Does Syria have uranium? Oil? It has retarded failed optometrists that cannot see beyond their noses.
It would have been better to respond to the children of Dera’a when it was a good time to do some reforms.
Are you preparing your parkas for winter in Belarus?
All of those countries GNP do not amount to the GNP of the Swiss.
February 13th, 2013, 8:11 pm
Uzair8 said:
I follow some forums to gage responses to developments.
One is Iran Military Forum where they have little tolerance for opposite views. They are as deluded (deliberately) as they get in siding with Assad.
So it’s great seeing, after the rebel capture of Jarra base and developments in general, a post like the following:
February 13, 2013, 06:08:59 AM
i have finally given up on my strong belief that Assad will win this war. i stress too much that i might end up getting sick. its about time i accept that the terrorists are too strong for the army or they have the support of the syrian people. i cant believe the SAA havent taken control of Daraya and they have been fighting there for months. how will they take over the whole country if they fail to take such a small place. im so dissapointed.
Btw Citizen, what do you say about these following claims by another poster on there. Some SC users are fond of using Anna News footage:
Russians have great influence on syrian regime. And russians can not be trusted in nay way. They are traitors and zionists puppets. Russians give up their own country to US and zionists 20 year ago.
Captured journalist Anhar Kochneva had issued many warnings about so called Anna News team, which is russian team and is filming events in Daraya now. She said that they are playing double games. So Kochneva was captured and her fate is unclear for 4 months. Iran’s ambassador in Russia talked about her recently.
February 13th, 2013, 8:12 pm
Uzair8 said:
Also on the same forum users were not happy about the loss of bases such as Jarra and wondered why Assad didn’t request help from volunteers (incl. Iran, Iraq, Leb) to reinforce besieged areas. One or two users suggested Assad was probably unaware of the true situation as officers in besieged areas don’t dare tell the truth and instead are telling Assad he is winning.
Perhaps Assad’s officers are telling him he’s winning. Perhaps he in turn is reassuring Asma that he is winning.
Then one day a concerned Asma turns to her husband:
“Bashar Dear, why has your mother gone to Dubai?”
February 13th, 2013, 8:22 pm
Ghufran said:
Now it is John Kerry’s turn, the tone is different but what matters is the outcome:
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Kerry came to join Obama’s NS team after more hawkish figures left or were asked to resign.
February 13th, 2013, 8:52 pm
revenire said:
“Weeping Bill” Scherk must have missed Majedkhaldoun saying he would take revenge on any supporter of Assad he met.
I’ve never seen Bill weep for any civilians murdered by his rat friends. What a surprise.
February 13th, 2013, 8:53 pm
jna said:
Agencies warn Congress not to use humanitarian aid as tool against Syria’s Assad
Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., is leading the charge to require the Obama administration to give the Syrian Opposition Coalition responsibility for aid delivery. The proposal was made after a bipartisan Senate delegation visited the region last month and heard firsthand Syrians’ frustrations with the pace and scope of U.S. and other foreign assistance.
The senators recommended that the Obama administration step up its support for the coalition so that the body “can visibly play a meaningful role in delivery of U.S. humanitarian aid.”
Executives from leading international aid groups are urging Congress to reject the recommendation. They say the proposal risks the traditional neutrality of aid missions and would place delivery of aid in the hands of an organization with no network for delivering it.[…]
February 13th, 2013, 9:16 pm
Ghufran said:
Part of Maqdisi’s statement:
??? ????? ???????? ????? ??? ???? ???? ????? ? ????- ????? ???????? – ?? ????? ??????? ?????? ???????? ?? ????? ??????? ??? ??????? ??????? ? ?????? ?????? ??? ????? ????? ?????? ?????? ?? ???????? ? ?????? ? ?????? ??????? ??????? ???? ?? ?????? ??????? ?????? ? ?? ???? ?????? ?????? ??????? ? ? ????? ?????? ????? ?? ????? ????????? ????? ??????? ??? ?? ??? ? ????? ? ?????? ?????? ???? ?? ???? ?????? ? ? ?? ?? ????? ??? ???? ? ????? ? ?? ?? ????? ???? ????? ? ?? ???? ??? ????? ( ??? ?? ???? ?? ??????? ??????? ) ?? ???????? ? ?? ??????? .
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Full text at sham life website
February 13th, 2013, 9:16 pm
Ghufran said:
???? ??????? ?? ???? ??????? ????????? ????? ?????? ????????? ??????? ???? ???? ?? ????? ???? ????? ??? ???? ???? ???? 3 ?????? ???? ????? ????? ?????.
???? ???? ???? “??? ????? ????? ???? ??? ????? ?????? ????? ?? ??? ?? ??????? ??? ??? ??? ???? ???? ??? ???? ??? ??? ????? ????? ???… ??? ??? ???? ??????? ?? ????? ?? ????? ????? ???? ?????? ???? ???? ????? ?????? ???? ????? ??? ??? ????? ?????….?????? ??? ??? ????? ??? ?? ???? ?? ??? ?????? ?????…????? ????? ?????? ??? ??? ????? ????..????? ??????? ????? ?????? ???…????? ?????? ????? ??? ????? ?????? ??????”.
Where HBJ’s dollars when you need them?
February 13th, 2013, 9:28 pm
MarigoldRan said:
The regime STILL haven’t taken Daraya. And this after a month of their “offensive.”
For that matter, they still haven’t taken all of Homs either.
Most analysis about the war being in deadlock is plain wrong. This war will be characterized by long sieges followed by rapid gains. ALL of the rapid gains over the last 14 months have been by the rebels. They are clearly winning, albeit slowly.
It will be a long war. And the pace will be slower than what most people would prefer. But it is NOT a deadlocked war. Just look at the progress the rebels have made over the last 2 months.
All military trends point towards an eventual rebel victory. In this war of attrition, the rebels are out-lasting the regime.
February 13th, 2013, 9:38 pm
Ghufran said:
Syria has two competing shabeeha gangs:
???? ???? ?? “???? ????? ?????”? ??????? ?? ??? ? ?????? ??? ??? ??? ?? ?? ???? ???? ??? ????? ???? ??? ??? ???? ?????? ?????? ???? ????? ?????? ? ??????.
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? ???? ????? ??? ????????? ???? ???? ?? ????? ???? ??? ???? ?? 60 ??? ???? ????? ?????? ? ?? ????? ???? ??????? ?? ????? ????? ???? ????? ???? ?? “? ??????? ???????.
The murder drew many angry responses sent to aksalser ( opposition website).
One of the legacies of this war is that it broke the walls of fear, the fear from the regime is long gone, now the fear from accountability is gone too, that is not good for Syria, forget the regime and the opposition, when thugs do not have anybody to stop them they will steal,rape and kill without hesitation. Rebels killed or removed security forces and police in many Syrian towns but often failed to control criminals many of whom are rebels themselves.
February 13th, 2013, 9:40 pm
majedkhaldoun said:
Thankyou for your kind words.
Any news about Aniseh? I heared she is very sick.
February 13th, 2013, 9:49 pm
revenire said:
Majedkhaldoun yeah she’s nuts, wandering around talking to herself but guess what? She’s alive.
February 13th, 2013, 9:56 pm
Syrian said:
I don’t know how true is this artical but I don’t think it will be accepted by the majority
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1- ???????? ?????? ????? ??????: ?????? ?????? ???????.
2- ???????? ??????? ????? ??????: ?????? ???????? ??????? ????????.
3- ???????? ??????? ????? ??????: ?????? ??????? ????? ?????.
4- ???????? ??????? ????? ??????: ?????? ?????? ?????????.
5- ???????? ??????? ????? ??????: ?????? ???????? ??????????? ?????????.
6- ???????? ??????? ????? ??????: ?????? ????????? ????? ??????.
7- ???????? ??????? ????? ??????: ?????? ????????? ?????????.
8- ???????? ??????? ????? ??????: ?????? ??????????? ???????? ????? ??????? ???????.
9- ???????? ??????? ????? ??????: ?????? ???? ?????.
10- ???????? ??????? ????? ??????: ?????? ?????????.
February 13th, 2013, 9:56 pm
MarigoldRan said:
Revenire, you’re so stupid that you can’t even troll a brick wall. The only thing you’re good for is getting trolled yourself.
February 13th, 2013, 9:57 pm
revenire said:
February 13th, 2013, 10:02 pm
revenire said:
This dam? 🙂
February 13th, 2013, 10:47 pm
revenire said:
These rats won’t be bothering anyone else in Jobar or anyplace else.
To Hell!
February 13th, 2013, 10:52 pm
revenire said:
One of those videos I posted shows a little kid and FSA members chanting “Bin Laden is our leader” and “Shiites and Alawites to be beheaded.”
Is that what it is about? Killing minorities?
February 13th, 2013, 11:29 pm
Doesn’t strike me as fair representation of Syrian Society. It is top-heavy with elites. Farmers are way under represented proportional to their numbers and contributions and sacrifices in the revolution.
But it would be interesting to see the comment from the retards after they run the text through google.
February 14th, 2013, 12:12 am
Good that the nut woman is alive, Aneeetheh should be kept alive so that she get to see the last of her abominable litter be raised on the spike paying for her and her mate’s shi..ty upbringing.
February 14th, 2013, 12:19 am
UZAIR @25 and @26
Went to the site you described. Here is what I read
1. Superiority complex manifesting in anti-arab racist comments. Very denigrating to the foolish prethident nationalists fan club
2. Laughable talks about “lack of transparency” in syrian regime media coming from those whose national TV translated Syria into Bahrain during a guest head of state speech not to mention photoshoping a picture of a plastic model plane over a majestic scenery form beautiful Iran.
3. And before i forget, also noticeable was the extreme hate for Turkey and the sectarian comments about sunnies. And these comments are not coming from an impressionable child with stupid parent or uncle, but from mature people who supposedly are leading the Islamic awakening of the 20th century. … crap… that was last century..
ah… I see the retards are well represented now… good. Here is one for you retards.
the thumb down button is to the right ↓
February 14th, 2013, 12:51 am
ghufran said:
I personally gave up on the possibility of a healthy functioning state after what I saw in the last 2 years in Syria. A country that produced this regime with all of its criminals and thieves,then reacted by producing another group of thugs, anti regime this time, can not be fixed, my best hope is the cessation of violence and some type of a dysfunctional tribal democracy or half democracy, something like Lebanon, where people still hate each other but let the people they hate live. two main problems remain: Assad dogs and the pigs of the foreign jihadists.
I realize that most Syrians are not in these two categories but people without guns do not count in today’s Syria.
February 14th, 2013, 12:55 am
Dummy retards, you were supposed to give me the thumbdown not your guy.
February 14th, 2013, 1:04 am
apple_mini said:
Well, just take a look at posters on this site and examine the rave and rants.
Many personal attacks are thrown at; rampant personal insults; hysterical and hateful threats. Nothing can be accomplished like this. Not even a meaningful and constructive debate.
Willful blindness and monumental naivety can be forgiven. But not the screaming hatred and deadened revenge.
When one takes side on killing and suffering in a war and refuses to see all the killing and all the suffering, that person is a threat to peace.
February 14th, 2013, 1:21 am
It has long ceased to be political side. It was always moral and immoral. Failing to recognize this doesn’t say much about one’s character.
Consider this a personal non-insult
February 14th, 2013, 1:32 am
Aldendeshe said:
The offer presented by that U.N. thug about Syria Settlemnet is not acceptable.
February 14th, 2013, 1:37 am
Juergen said:
What you answered is ridiculous. What we have in our museums was purchased long before, when Germany still had an Kaiser or in the time of Hitler. I was talking about modern day sales of antiquities with the knowledge of the regime or under their control. Of course all what is sold today in such prestigious galleries is labeled with colonial purchase, but in this market that is an open lie. Every year more and more goods from Palmyra are on the market as well as artefacts of Ebla ( see Ariadne section of south arabian artefacts) and from the so called dead cities. You should face it, its your regime who exploited this in such an extent that rebel forces hopefully will never achieve. By the way the director of the National Museum in Damascus told me frankly that without the French there would be no museums in Syria, or they would be in bad order. That was already the case when I last visited the museum in late 2010.
February 14th, 2013, 1:39 am
Syrian Nationalist Party said:
The very first task of any serious and viable United Nations resolution on Syria to be acceptable is to show Syrians the money. The hundreds of billions needed to rebuild and compensate the injured for damages caused by this illegal war crimes and genocide committed by the Secret Cabals with help from known persons and governments in violation of International Laws and United Nations Charter.
Absent this very first part of business, President Assad should not make any settlement and continue the war expanding it to the entire region. SNP has the master plan that will insure payoff or demise of the enemies.
Any political settlement in Syria must also include the Golan and Iskenderun repatriation, as well as, settlement of the Palestinian refugees, assurances by the Western countries that military action against Iran and the threats thereof will cease, and the various sanction regimes on Syria and Iran will be all eliminated forthwith upon the day of settlement signing and cash delivery. A U.N. team must be first appointed to make an estimate of the damages to physical property in Syria, loss of life, revenue, income, profit and assets, expenses incurred by refugees, and any person, or business that will file a claim with the U.N. team to totals out the actual amount needed to be paid by the United Nations resolution, under chapter 7 by the countries that have hand in this illegal interference in the Syria war and has incurred a liability for the crimes either by its leader or government action or its media action.
Additionally, The United Nations must order and provide immediate Medical and Rehabilitation facilities to take care of those permanently injured and insure monthly cash aid is provided to them for life of disability.
Bashar Assad and Syrians will be the losers to settle now, after Syria is devastated on a mere political settlement of the Syria war. SNP will not accept any political settlement which results in handing power to Islamic Terrorists or groups paid by Syria’s enemies to instigate this destruction upon it without such compensations and will work to defeat any settlement advanced that is not meeting the priority compensation requirement.
February 14th, 2013, 1:40 am
Aldendeshe said:
February 14th, 2013, 1:41 am
Juergen said:
I wonder what Maqdad is taking lately, half of the country is not under their control, and he sees victory has been achieved already. A nice case for psychotherapeuts. Neglection of truth and delusion.
Syrian Deputy Foreign Minister Faisal al-Maqdad speaks with CNN’s Frederik Pleitgen about potential peace talks.
“We have already won”
February 14th, 2013, 1:41 am
Juergen said:
February 14th, 2013, 1:50 am
Juergen said:
prankster tries to get Bashars phone number
February 14th, 2013, 1:59 am
MarigoldRan said:
As the regime loses more and more, the nutcases get nuttier and nuttier. I find that amusing. Cry more, nutcases. Cry more. Not only am I right, I also have the pleasure of trolling you. It’s wonderful!
@ Ghufran,
At this point I don’t think even the Lebanese solution will work. As I’ve said before, the Lebanese solution is the BEST CASE SCENARIO. Right now we’re staring at the Afghanistan solution.
Syria ISN’T going to be rebuilt as long as Assad is in power. The UN, the GCC, and the Western nations who HAVE the money and the resources to rebuild the country are NOT going to do so as long as Assad remains alive in Syria.
And if Assad takes the war outside of Syria, the forces outside of Syria will take the war to him. What comes around, goes around.
February 14th, 2013, 2:07 am
Aldendeshe said:
Right now we’re staring at the Afghanistan solution.
Oh I am excited about that solution. Prefer that outcome than settling without compensation. This will give us the needed space and manpower to operate in the region and get that compensation. We got nothing to lose now, nothing to protect, so we may as well make use of the space.
February 14th, 2013, 2:19 am
MarigoldRan said:
Never said the Afghanistan solution was a GOOD solution.
However it is better than the alternative: the Rwandan solution.
I think it’s too late for the Lebanese solution.
February 14th, 2013, 2:24 am
Aldendeshe said:
You right I don’t believe Moses talked to god on the mount and drank Caffe Latte, I don’t giva a dam about Allah and sh**t like that so I am sane and operate as independent Human, by my name, by my will , by my power, I don’t need Allah and I don’t call on his name and will not invoke his name or will, he is KAKA to me. Now go die for him in Jihad and stop wasting your life here go bend over 5 times right now dude, you are a sinner, Allah need martyr shed blood, not yabbers on blogs.
February 14th, 2013, 2:32 am
MarigoldRan said:
So instead of worshiping Allah, you worship Assad? Do you pray to him like Revenire does?
I don’t know. It sure doesn’t seem like the better alternative. Assad doesn’t even look manly. I still don’t know why Asma married that wimpy-looking man.
Honestly, with that mustache, Assad looks like a wimpy version of HItler.
February 14th, 2013, 2:35 am
Juergen said:
Amneh al-Khatib killed by shelling in Kafranbel. Her headless body slumps over the remains of her last meal.
February 14th, 2013, 2:40 am
Aldendeshe said:
No I don’t really care about Assad, his rule, his regime, Baathism, Arab Nationalism, Islam or Arabs and Jews, as well as Semites. I worship Nature, Sun and Pus***y. As long as the sun
rises, nature and food grows and babies born and live eternally.
Will get back to that good life soon after ARMAGEDON.
February 14th, 2013, 2:50 am
MarigoldRan said:
Sure. In other words, like 90% of atheists, you worship yourself.
February 14th, 2013, 2:53 am
Aldendeshe said:
No not myself. My DiC**K, I named him MO, after a famous Arab who loved women for himself. IT IS CUTE HA. By the way MARIGOLDSTEIN is a JEW, he writes here under 3 other names.
February 14th, 2013, 3:01 am
MarigoldRan said:
Whatever. You lost. Have fun playing with yourself.
February 14th, 2013, 3:05 am
Aldendeshe said:
NO I did not lose, I stepped down to talk to subhuman.
February 14th, 2013, 3:10 am
Juergen said:
Robert Fisk:
How Canada, land of political correctness, became the latest front in the Syrian civil war
“If you believe in free speech,” said the email, “please cancel Robert Fisk’s tour.” Now, where have I seen these ruthless tactics before…
” But it was an instructive lesson to find that Muslim Arabs living in Canada, resident in Canada and, I’m sure, in many cases citizens of Canada, forgot the basic freedoms of the land in which they have chosen to be. Once anger overcame them, they preferred the suppression tactics of the dictators they hate.”
Assad’s bravery toward Turkey
February 14th, 2013, 3:18 am
SNP/DANDASHI derangement is independent of time and space. It has its own universe where laws of physics don’t work. It is transcendent. But it comes in pairs. Buy one, get one free, at your own peril.
February 14th, 2013, 4:40 am
apple_mini said:
From John Kerry’s newly speech praising Al-Khatib, you can sense the urgency from US to press a political solution to end the violence. I suspect the US might openly tone down their demand on the regime and allow the idea that Assad to be part of the transitional government.
We need to see what will be playing out in the next several days.
After US sets its new agenda, its puppets like SA and Qatar have to scale back their hardline position.
Qatar forfeits Syrian embassy compound to send out message to the opposition. But their supply of weapons has gone more secretive and might have tapering off. Whatever it is, US is watching it closely. As soon as US openly supports a political solution, those weapon shipments will be stopped by US.
It will be interesting to see how US deal with Turkey’s policy towards Syria since Erdogan is a little unpredictable by his odd political characters.
February 14th, 2013, 6:55 am
Hanzala said:
February 14th, 2013, 7:07 am
zoo said:
The upcoming motto of Syria
“a video posted on YouTube showing fighters from the Nusra Front celebrating and chanting “Allahu Akbar, Nusra Nusra”.”
February 14th, 2013, 8:24 am
Juergen said:
Iran has an new fighter jet, at least on this photoshop finished picture….
Quite an embarrassing moment, the new F-313 fighter jet with stealth technology seen on this picture in 5000 m height in front of the famous Mt Damavand, yet iranian bloggers claim that this picture is a fake.
February 14th, 2013, 8:39 am
Dolly Buster said:
The minorities started the war. Syrian Christians want to massacre the 75% majority Sunnis, only because they feel threatened. What an arrogant thing to attempt.
So I say Christians in Syria should be demoted after the revolution wins.
February 14th, 2013, 8:44 am
Visitor said:
You guys should know that AlDendeshe is cursed by his own mother. You can interact with him at your own risk.
February 14th, 2013, 8:44 am
zoo said:
#69 apple-minie
The weapons delivery to the rebels seems tampering.
Lebanon and Jordan are already trying officially to prevent their passage and now, Turkey after the bomb at the airport is scrambling to show that it is doing the same.
The border with Iraq is the only one still open to sunni islamists and weapons.
The decrease of weapons and slow down of funding to the rebels will soon be the source of internal tensions within the already highly divided groups. The Islamists are still getting funds but because Al Nusra is declared a terrorist organization, transfer of funds to them will become increasingly risky.
Even if they occupy more rural areas, the rebels can easily be dislodged if their supply of food, money and weapons dries up. They will need to kidnap, loot and attack humanitarian convoy in order to survive.
Time is playing against the armed rebels. The Syrian government as well as the political opposition know that.
This is why the Syrian government is not ready to make any concession while the opposition is scrambling to find a face saving way to enter into a dialog.
February 14th, 2013, 8:47 am
zoo said:
Which powers are potential replacements to police the region?
Qatar? KSA, Iran, Turkey?
Syria is is clearly betting on an alliance with Iraq and Iran, while the other countries are hesitantly betting on Turkey and KSA.
America in Strategic Retreat from the Middle East
By Riad Kahwaji & Theodore Karasik
Looking closely at the situation in this region, starting with North Africa, the U.S. is hardly present in the most important battle on Al-Qaeda in Al-Maghreb with France leading the way in flushing the radical Islamic fighters from Mali.
In the Levant, namely in Syria, Washington has rejected all calls for either intervention or assisting the rebels in their fight against an Iranian-backed regime, and has remained idle watching radical Islamic groups affiliated with Al-Qaeda establish a foothold in a highly strategic place like Syria.
What is more astonishing to many observers is to see the Russian Navy move in full strength off the Syrian coastline conducting maneuvers and supplying arms to the Syrian regime.
Even the Patriot missiles deployed under a NATO umbrella along the Turkish-Syrian borders are mostly supplied by European countries – Germany and the Netherlands.
In the Arabian Gulf region the size of the U.S. fleet was reduced with the withdrawal of two aircraft carrier strike forces. Finally in Afghanistan the United States will soon start the drawdown of its forces that will lead for their full withdrawal by end of 2014.
This Neo-Isolationalism school thinks that, over time, the U.S. will not need to be the dominant power in the Gulf region, mainly to protect oil supplies and their transit to customers and allies in the East. The reason behind the strategic shift is not just about money; the abrupt change is the reality that America cannot be everywhere at once, and also that energy resources are closer to home, particularly in extracting energy wealth from shale oil and gas.
Neo-Isolationalism in American foreign policy is also allowing Arab countries to police themselves when it comes to regional upheaval, leaving America happily on the sidelines.
February 14th, 2013, 9:11 am
ann said:
This blog is a hornets nest of `israelis and their gabhat alnusra whipping boys 😉
Aldendeshe figured it all out long time ago
February 14th, 2013, 9:24 am
zoo said:
With Hasakah under threat of falling under Al Nusra control, the alarm bell is ringing higher and the pressure increasing for the Al Khatib group to reach an agreement for a dialog.
“Al-Nusra, which includes Iraqi commanders, has experience in making car bombs and the group lately helped opposition fighters take over the main Thalatheen Street in southern Damascus by exploding a car bomb in a security compound, according to opposition sources.
The rebel advance in Hasakah province has raised concern among the political leadership of the opposition, which has little control over the rebels, about deepening ethnic tensions between Arabs and Kurds, who already have decades long land disputes in the province.”
February 14th, 2013, 9:39 am
Erin said:
“Obama’s State of the Union – Reactions; Battle for Damascus Promises to be Long”
How come no one wants to give an answer to the multiple hot air announcement by Mr. O, Miss piggy, that Assad days are numbered!
it is clear that the more radicals get killed in Syria the better off is USA and Israel, leave it to more dump than a box of rocks arabs to figure that one out.
it is clear that JL now feels that Syria is not a Priority for Mr. O, i thought it was his and Miss Piggy top priority few months ago.
what has changed? or it was all a hoax to let Syrians kill each other and let the mercenaries kill more of the Syrians.
The new Spring Syria looks like Somalia 2.0 it is clear that the Arabs took this one again in their ass.
February 14th, 2013, 9:42 am
zoo said:
In view of the USA retreat from the ME, new formal alliances are emerging: Iran signs a security treaty with Russia.
Why Iran is falling into Russia’s arms
Iranian authorities are nervous about expected unrest during the elections, and so have called on Russia to help prevent an Iranian version of the “Arab Spring.” But Russia made its support conditional on signing a security treaty with Iran; Tehran complied last month.
The agreement represents a break with an old principle in Iran’s defense and security doctrines.
Days after the Irano-Russian pact was signed, Putin announced that he had terminated security cooperation with the United States on the fight against drug trafficking, people-smuggling and piracy.
Observers in Tehran say the change in relations is caused by several factors. Both regimes are involved in the Syrian civil war on the side of Bashar al-Assad’s regime. Both believe that the “Arab Spring” is the result of “plots” hatched by Washington under the Bush administration. Both fear that the “velvet revolution” recipe for regime change could be used against them.
And both Moscow and Tehran regard what they see as an US strategic retreat under President Obama as an opportunity. They think that, with the United States out, no other power has the capacity to check their regional ambitions.
February 14th, 2013, 9:47 am
zoo said:
“what has changed?”
The simple realization that apparently the only possible alternative to Bashar al Assad rule would be Al Qaeda rule, as after 18 months the forever divided opposition has been not be able to propose anything else than empty promises and encouragements to violence.
February 14th, 2013, 9:54 am
Visitor said:
Here’s the latest from the ‘resistance’ retards:
One guy told another who happened to be a ‘resistance’ bum: “Assad is getting his diesel from Lebanon, now.” The bum answered: “of course, that is Israeli diesel intended to burn Syria.”
February 14th, 2013, 9:54 am
Visitor said:
The Mullah-stani thug who bit the dust recently, was also killed by Israelis, according to ‘resistance’ bum sources,
The thug was on a mission to ‘rebuild’ Aleppo after he finished ‘rebuilding’ Lebanon.
According to Dr. Landis Mr. O. is no-builder. Who needs American builders when we have so many ‘builders’ flying around? If it wasn’t for the Israelis, could you imagine?
February 14th, 2013, 10:05 am
zoo said:
After buying off France, now Qatar trying to buy off … Russia
Qatar may invest as much as $3.5 bln in Russian bank
Reuters , Thursday 14 Feb 2013
Qatar’s sovereign wealth fund is in advanced talks with Russia’s second-largest bank VTB about injecting between $3 billion and $3.5 billion into the banking giant, the Telegraph reported.
VTB will likely issue the Qataris with $1.5 billion of new equity and $1.5 billion of mandatory convertible bonds under the structure of the deal, the daily said citing sources.
February 14th, 2013, 10:18 am
zoo said:
Egyptian activist killed in combat in Syria
Mohamed Mehrez, a political activist and Islamist, was killed fighting alongside the Syrian opposition
Zeinab El Gundy, Wednesday 13 Feb 2013
Egyptian activist Mohamed Mehrez has been killed in combat in Syria, according to reports circulating on social media on Wednesday which were confirmed by Mehrez’s family.
According to news reports, Mehrez, who had Islamist sympathies, was shot down by a pro-regime sniper in a battle last Tuesday near Aleppo airport.
The 27-year-old been well-known on the Egyptian blogging and activist scene since 2005, initially as an opponent of the Mubarak regime.
A friend of the slain activist, who wished to remain anonymous, told Ahram Online that Mehrez had previously been a member of the Muslim Brotherhood but had left the group and become an independent Islamist activist.
Mehrez’s brother Yasser Mehrez is an official spokesperson of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt.
February 14th, 2013, 10:22 am
Erin said:
Ann saye
“This blog is a hornets nest of `israelis and their gabhat alnusra whipping boys
Aldendeshe figured it all out long time ago”
Ann, I wonder if there is grant from the State department and the Israelis to keep this blog up.
It is clear that all the honest and innocent Syrians who use to write here have left, therefore, the court is left for the radicals and retards.
excatly like on the ground, all the innocent and honest syrians are been killed and the black trash bags are what is taking over syria as they took over this blog, coincidence!
February 14th, 2013, 10:28 am
Aldendeshe said:
Keep track of these 2 links:
Pope resigned to avoid arrest order by European country, so they are reporting, I do not know the merit of it but keep track of it on these 2 links:
February 14th, 2013, 10:54 am
revenire said:
45 people, mostly women and children, kidnapped in Syria – reports
A group of armed men have attacked a bus in Syria and kidnapped 45 people, mostly women and children, who were traveling from Idlib province to Damascus, RIA Novosti reported citing Al Mayadeen TV.
A local source has confirmed to RT Arabic that a bus was intercepted in Syria. Contact with the passengers of the inner-route bus was lost approximately an hour after the vehicle left Idlib, the source added.
Some reports suggested the bus was stopped over a religious argument.
Lebanese newspaper Al Joumhouria reported that the latest incident was the “first of its kind” in the countryside of Idlib, where “armed groups besieged the town of Kefraya for sectarian reasons, not allowing citizens to get out of the town.”
The conflict in Syria has been ongoing since March 2011, and has claimed the lives of nearly 70,000 people, according to UN estimates.
February 14th, 2013, 11:02 am
ann said:
84. zoo said:
“”” Qatar’s sovereign wealth fund “””
They must be referring to their democratic share of money looted from the Libyan people 😉
They should refer to it as “Qatar’s THEFT Fund”
February 14th, 2013, 11:05 am
revenire said:
Qatar is one of the worst nations on the planet. If a general war breaks out in the Middle East I imagine the Iranians have several thousand missiles targeted on Qatar and the American bases there.
Saudi Arabia is an appendage of the same evil.
If we woke up tomorrow and both country’s rulers were gone the world would be better off.
February 14th, 2013, 11:23 am
Ghat Al Bird said:
Interesting statement on another website……..
Rebel fighters who took up arms against Assad’s forces in the initial days of the rebellion are increasingly abandoning their fight, frustrated at the level of corruption in their leadership, he says.
“These so-called commanders send us to die and they themselves stay behind to make money. They don’t come to the front line to fight and yet they are the ones who are heading the rebellion,” complains Abu Mahmoud.
“Wherever they go, they rob, they steal whatever they can carry and sell it illegally in Turkey — be it cars, electronic goods, machines, fuel, antiques, anything you can imagine!”
February 14th, 2013, 11:29 am
ann said:
86. Erin said:
“”” Ann, I wonder if there is grant from the State department and the Israelis to keep this blog up “””
It’s obvious considering their cliffsNotes expertise on Syria, and their mediocre/naive propaganda contributions 😉
Sad but very entertaining at the same time 😀
February 14th, 2013, 11:34 am
annie said:
“Back from hell, back from Syria
By Koert Debeuf
CAIRO – From 18 to 23 January I travelled to the Hatay region in Turkey and the Aleppo region in northern Syria.
I was there with Rami Jarah and Deiaa Dughmoch (two Syrian activists who had in the past visited the Liberal group in the European Parliament) and Hisham Saad Eddin (the cousin of general Haqim Saad Eddin, from Rastan Homs, where most generals of the Free Syrian Army come from).
February 14th, 2013, 11:39 am
revenire said:
Koert Debeuf is a dog that wants NATO to attack Syria. He’s a pig who lied his teeth off.
February 14th, 2013, 11:51 am
Juergen said:
If you are citizen of the US or regulary visit the US, then such fanatasies of a killed US president could bring you up on a list of suspects, you could end up with the rats you seem to fancy secretly.
February 14th, 2013, 12:05 pm
Visitor said:
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A Syrian report indicated that the criminal mullah-stani thug who recently bit the dust was in fact killed inside Syria and not on a highway in Lebanon as some media reported. The criminal thug was killed while commanding operations against our heroes of the blessed FSA in Jimraya.
This will be the end of every thug who gets involved in criminal acts against our blessed FSA heroes.
February 14th, 2013, 12:14 pm
revenire said:
Excuse me Juergen?
“If you are citizen of the US or regulary visit the US, then such fanatasies of a killed US president could bring you up on a list of suspects, you could end up with the rats you seem to fancy secretly.”
What are you on about? A list of suspects?
I said I am certain that Iran has THOUSANDS of missiles aimed at Qatar and if general war breaks out we will find out just how well the Iron Dome works.
Maybe you’d like me to post in German so you can understand what I post?
That ridiculous propaganda piece you posted about a rat constitution amused me.
February 14th, 2013, 12:44 pm
revenire said:
Who do you think all these people are? You don’t see them beheading anyone and they’re certainly not afraid of Assad.
February 14th, 2013, 12:45 pm
Dolly Buster said:
Did you know that salafi scholar Bin Baz said: “Enmity towards Saudi Arabia is enmity towards truth.”
He has a point.
Places like Qatar and Kuwait have cash, so you should always value their opinions. Because: when people are well-fed and well-rested, they can reason with more clarity. So, I would take Qatar’s position.
When I was on Champs-Elysees the other day, I noticed the Qatari flag. It looks like they have an embassy right on Charles de Gaulle Square. More lavish spending and success by Qatar.
February 14th, 2013, 12:46 pm
apple_mini said:
Rumor says a new Syrian transition plan just came out. It does not ask Assad to relinquish his power explicitly. But a new senate body will be formed from all sides and election then it will serve the executive power.
The question is how long it will take to establish new national army force so both side can feel safe and secured to let go their own army, assuming UN peacekeepers will be around.
February 14th, 2013, 12:52 pm
omen said:
“syria rebels loot artifacts”
why would well financed cia/nato/mason/illumaniti/lizard people supported death squads need to loot anything?
February 14th, 2013, 12:57 pm
Badr said:
A few comments on comments:
1. “The Arab’s age of enlightenment and tolerance is still 100 years away…”
With such an attitude of resignation, it may even take longer, if not forever to reach that age. Fighting despotic regimes, proper education, all sorts of public awareness campaigns, . . . go a long way toward achieving that goal.
2. “prolific pro-Assad debater . . . but he was unbelievably high class”
Unless we’re talking economy here, then in my view, supporting a corrupt brutal oppression indicates a total absence of class.
3. “The regime weakens. The war continues. Honestly, what else is there to say?”
Almost nothing. Just keep us posted, you know every once in a while, on how much stronger and stronger you feel vindicated in your assertion that “Best to split Syria into many pieces. The other options are eternal war or genocide. The sects cannot live together in peace.”
4. “what message will it send to the region about the viability and reliability of Islamist governments?”
The message of that democracy is much more than just a free election conducted once, and so a lot of long hard work is still needed to achieve any semblance of democracy.
5. “It is clear that he is a manipulative . . . asshole with a marginally retarded IQ.”
Did you say manipulative with low IQ? How could it be!
February 14th, 2013, 12:59 pm
zoo said:
#100 Apple_mini
I hope it is true. An agreement was urgent otherwise both the opposition and the Syrian government were going to loose Syria to Al Qaeda and the Islamists.
I hope they finally came to their sense and accept that to save Syria, they must compromise without endangering the integrity of the only united and disciplined force that can defend Syria from the Islamists hordes: the national Syrian army. Yet, to keep the army intact, the opposition will have to accept the present commandment structure abd therefore Bashar al Assad will have to stay until the islamist danger is gone.
February 14th, 2013, 1:09 pm
Aldendeshe said:
why would well financed cia/nato/mason/illumaniti/lizard people supported death squads need to loot anything?
Because like they did in Iraq, Israeli Jews criminals gangs where running to every bombing scene and behind ambulances to steal body parts, while other Jewish criminals were stealing Iraqi artifacts on order, specifically going after well studied artifacts that required a professional Archeologist behind them. SNP has couple of names of these Archeologist experts culprit on file. They are stealing it because of Israeli masters purchasing it. If there is no market,they would not done that. Someone is buying, and that is eventually trackable. It is going to ends up in someone home or on display at dealers or galleries and with financial rewards and investigative team, it will be found.
February 14th, 2013, 1:16 pm
Visitor said:
Riad 7Hijab, the PM who answered his conscious and refused to be a tool in the hand of the Mullahs rejects and their equally rejected stooges, reveals that Syria is occupied by the Mullah-stanis, something we already knew long ago,
Syrians have the duty to liberate their land from this hateful occupation.
February 14th, 2013, 1:19 pm
zoo said:
Confused CNN is in Damascus and files many reports…
Syrian official: ‘We have already won’
CNN exclusive: Fragile cease-fire holds in besieged town
“We are for peace. We don’t want war. We are 100% committed to peace,” said a rebel leader who goes by the name Al Abrash. “But if they want a war, we are ready for that. We didn’t agree to the cease-fire out of weakness. We did it to protect the women and children.”
Tal Kalakh, near Syria’s border with Lebanon was one of the first cities to rebel against the regime of President Bashar al-Assad. It has seen heavy fighting since the uprising began.
February 14th, 2013, 1:20 pm
omen said:
re Clinton-Petraeus-Panetta-Dempsey:
earlier, i spoke too hurriedly. i don’t reserve blame only for clinton. i blame everybody in the administration who failed to vocally & publicly advocate for arming the the rebels. i fault panetta who rushed to the cameras when half the regime’s inner circle was killed in the damascus bombing – to decry the violence. (this told you whose side he’s on. i have never seen panetta express this kind of urgency when civilians were butchered.) i fault dempsey who has lied about benghazi (with claims about being unable to respond rapidly) and who has lied about our ability to respond to the regime’s chemical arsenal, giving assad, in effect, a green light to use them!
this is how you can tell when someone is acting on principle: they would have loudly advocated arming the rebels while in office. then, to underline their disgust, resigned their position to protest the administration’s inaction over syria. the resulting media attention would have not only raised awareness over the immorality of the US standly idly by and allowing syrians to be killed but would have applied pressure on the administration to do something about it. while i consider hof to be more noble than the rest, he himself failed to follow this path.
the clinton et al. approach was dishonest and meant to preserve their own self interests, whether via future political office or to secure positions in the private sector. straining to be non controversial doesn’t help anybody but themselves.
February 14th, 2013, 1:21 pm
AIG said:
“Did you say manipulative with low IQ? How could it be!”
I have a dog that is quite manipulative. It knows how to tug at my emotions. You do not need a high IQ for that. You just need to know that when some Syrians hear words such as “Palestinians”, “Zionists”, “Western Hegemony” they retreat into the emotional equivalent of the fetal position and their thinking gets clouded.
February 14th, 2013, 1:21 pm
MarigoldRan said:
Hasakah falling. The SAA doesn’t even try to hold towns in that province anymore. When Al Nusra shows up, the army brigades tuck tails and run away.
Aleppo airport under siege. Going the way of Taftanatz.
In another six months, the rebels will be in total control of 4-5 provinces [Deir El Ezzor, Raqqa, Aleppo, Idlib]. At that point they can begin launching sustained offensives into the remaining provinces of Hamas, Homs, Damascus, and Lattakia.
February 14th, 2013, 1:22 pm
Mr.Hosam Joshnevis,Chief of the Iranian Commite for the Reconstruction of Lebanon killed in a road ambush on his way from Damascus to Beirut.
Even the iranian leaders are not safe anymore. Get ready.
February 14th, 2013, 1:31 pm
MarigoldRan said:
The various peace proposals being floated around are not even worth mentioning.
This will be settled militarily.
February 14th, 2013, 1:33 pm
Aldendeshe said:
This will be settled militarily.
Good news, What a relief, way to go baby…..all the way to Armenia, Muscat and Sanna and the Algerian boarder…keep it up, keep it up.
February 14th, 2013, 1:38 pm
MarigoldRan said:
Hello Mr. Dickhead. Fondling yourself again?
Last time I heard from you, you wrote that you worshipped your dick. Therefore; Mr. Dickhead.
EDIT: Unfortunately, I don’t have time right now to debate with dickhead like you. I’ve got a life and work to do. Goodbye, Mr. Dickhead.
February 14th, 2013, 1:38 pm
zoo said:
Scores of Tunisian Mercenaries Killed in Syria?
Damascus, Feb 14 (Prensa Latina) Tunisian radio is confirming that 132 Tunisian mercenaries were killed in the northern Syrian province of Aleppo as they joined armed groups seeking to overthrow the government of President Bashar Al Assad, according to a report broadcast today on local television.
The recent report provides new evidence on the presence of mercenaries and terrorists from various countries in the fierce campaign that is being carried out against Syria, said the local report.
According to Tunisian radio station Express FM, the majority of the insurgents killed by the Syrian Arab Army come from Sidi Bouzid province, many of whom have joined the al-Nusra Front, an armed branch of the Al Qaeda network in that part of the Levant.
The source noted that al-Nusra distributed photos of four of the dead Tunisians and promised to send the remaining photos of the terrorists who had been killed to leaders in Sidi Bouzin in the next few days.
Alleged photos of some the Tunisian Takrifist killed
February 14th, 2013, 1:42 pm
Aldendeshe said:
Go to hell Jewhead. You are a JEW, Therefore Mr. Jewhead. No, I am not fondling myself, I am fondling on Bar Rafaeli, just like every white man did in the last 5 years.
February 14th, 2013, 1:42 pm
MarigoldRan said:
Maybe I can spare a few minutes to troll you.
I never said I was Jewish. But you most definitely said you worshipped your dick.
So: Hello, Mr. Dickhead. How does it feel to be a dickhead?
February 14th, 2013, 1:46 pm
omen said:
all these arguments about obama’s “philosophical” approach to syria or the region is BS. aaron david miller if full of it. corporate interests are the drivers of US policy. not some high minded ideal.
February 14th, 2013, 1:48 pm
Aldendeshe said:
Are you embarrassed of being a Jew, or trying to deceive us that you are Syrian? What is the pay for Blog Chill slaves nowadays in that boiler room you are chained in? Did you know that in 1973 war on the Golan, Israeli tank drivers where chained in so they don’t run away.
February 14th, 2013, 1:51 pm
revenire said:
Iran runs Syria and not the government? Ha ha ha! Give me some of what you’re drinking!
February 14th, 2013, 1:55 pm
MarigoldRan said:
Oh, the Dickhead speaks again.
Is this the best you can do, Mr. Dickhead? Mr. Dickhead, you aren’t even good at being a dickhead.
Stop worshiping your dick and maybe you can start using your brain for once.
February 14th, 2013, 1:56 pm
revenire said:
Marigoldran did you have dog for breakfast again? Don’t you ever tire of it?
What’s with all the vulgar language to people? Having a bad day? Can you talk without calling people names like “dickhead” please?
Just make your usual point: “the war continues” and maybe add “many will die” or “the sects will never live together again” (except they are and will) and move along.
February 14th, 2013, 1:57 pm
MarigoldRan said:
The retard and the dickhead, sitting on a tree.
K – I – S – S – I – N – G.
Chao. Unlike some others on the blog, I have a life to live.
February 14th, 2013, 1:59 pm
omen said:
did the regime move its cw stockpile?
February 14th, 2013, 2:01 pm
Observer said:
I thought the glorious SAA is destroying lairs of foreign mercenaries and terrorists that have sent poor civilians into a state of panic and that they are winning the battle daily.
They have taken Bab Amr and they are clearing the outskirts of Aleppo airport and they are cleansing Daraya and they have inflicted heavy casualties and destroyed their ammunition.
Yet every day I hear of a brigade or a division falling into the hands of the FSA. Division 80 in Aleppo Division 17 in Raqqa Division 39 in Daraa.
Today two Sukhois were shot down with videos posted of the two aircraft falling. I did not see a pilot bail out though. Are they strapped to their seats? Do they deny them parachutes?
I predict that Zoozoo will predict that Kerri will come and shake hands with the boy prethident to start a drone war in Syria targeting Al Nusra front and I predict that he will predict that the opposition will go to Moscow to receive support for supplying weapons to the moderate FSA provided they fight the Nusra front and the Ahrar Assham.
I predict that he will predict that the SAA is going to receive the help of Mirage and F 16 support as it battles the Al Qaeda boggey man.
Here is the most retarded statement from this inner regime troll
” without endangering the integrity of the only united and disciplined force that can defend Syria from the Islamists hordes: the national Syrian army. Yet, to keep the army intact, the opposition will have to accept the present commandment structure abd therefore Bashar al Assad will have to stay until the islamist danger is gone.”
The words disciplined and force and defend with regard to the SAA are oxymorons. Hahahahahahaha
They have to “accept” the present commandment structure that is with the Marshal of the Soviet Union and of the Syrian Republic who got his rank and baton of Marshal fighting a real war with epic battles like those of operation Bagration or the D Day invasion of France.
Of course this command structure is the one that defended aganist the raid by the Israelis on Deir Ezzor and on Jermaiah This is the same Marshal of the SAA that has defeated “hordes” of Islamist forces in Daraya and Bab Amr and Taftanaz and Jarrah and Sahoua and Sfeira and Raqqa. This is the Marshal of the SAA that had his troops leave Lebanon with trucks filled to the brim with stolen furniture and piples and windows and doors of the buildings they forcibly occupied and in shabby trucks without their tarpolines and with broken windshields.
I love it. Please I have not had so much laughter in a whole week.
The “only disciplined effective force” my foot indeed.
Justice for Hamza. Is Atef Najib conducting any disciplined effective operations against the hordes in Deraa?
February 14th, 2013, 2:10 pm
omen said:
re why haven’t the hundreds of thousands of sunni civil servants resigned en masse?
thank you for this valuble insight. you are right. my unfamiliarity with the culture, i would not have guessed this as an answer.
i wonder if there is additional nuance. civil servants are more privileged. they have been sheltered from the wrath of the regime. that has insulated them from the harsh realities of what other people (especially the poor) have had to endure. choosing to be oblivious and clinging to denial is still a choice one makes.
while it is impossible for me truly understand this fear the regime has inculcated for decades and while i try to put myself in other people’s shoes to avoid being judgmental, i can’t help but be resentful. these workers clinging to their jobs is helping the regime remain intact. i am surprised you are so forgiving.
February 14th, 2013, 2:32 pm
majedkhaldoun said:
someone sent me this message
????? ?????? ???? ???? ????? ?????? ???? ????? ?????? ?? ???? ??? ??????? ???? ???
????? ??? ???????? ???? ?? ??????? ????? 8 ??????
???? ???? ??? ?????….????? ?????? ?????? ??? ???? ????????
You read Syrian media,you think it is all over the rebels are defeated, ( Miqdad said we already won),then you read and watch U-Tube and see the regime is losing,They(proAssad)lie to raise their morals,some are spining everything,they are wasting their time,I quit reading many comments
February 14th, 2013, 2:35 pm
revenire said:
Omen Tara is not in Syria and is about as Syria as Hillary Clinton. Syria is a SECULAR nation. Most Syrians support the government.
You yourself Omen live in the United States. What right do you have to condemn government supporters?
February 14th, 2013, 2:40 pm
majedkhaldoun said:
February 14th, 2013, 2:42 pm
Aldendeshe said:
It is amazing that despite the massive casualties, in tens of thousands inflicted on the Syrian army, Alawites and other minorities, the people and army remain steadfast behind Bashar Assad and the government. It is not as much as they love him but more as much they despise the enemies of Syria and understand what is really going on. Even fighters, who were deceived into joining the enemies so called liberator units, are complaining about the leader’s crimes and the strange non Syrians leading them.
February 14th, 2013, 3:00 pm
Visitor said:
Eight criminal aircraft shot down in one day!!
Wow!! That means advanced weapons deliveries from our GCC brothers have just picked up steam with the spring warming up.
February 14th, 2013, 3:14 pm
FSA shoot down a jet of the criminal regime with a portable missile launcher:
February 14th, 2013, 4:17 pm
Citizen said:
February 14 in the province of Homs by the Syrian army has been eliminated bandits who tried to break through on the outskirts of Ayia Kafar-Al-Quseir. The operation resulted in six militants were killed and four captured. Also belonging to the bandits seized automatic weapons.
In the city of Aleppo, the Syrian security forces was neutralized gang that robbed civilians. We arrested bandits seized a large amount of stolen jewelry and currency notes in various currencies.
February 14th, 2013, 4:21 pm
Citizen said:
American Jihadist in Syria Is a Petty Criminal from Miami Florida
His name is William Eric Houran, a drug addict and a thief which is the common type of people in the so called “free Syrian Army”, that is destroying Syria. Ironically, the West considers these people as the “sole representatives of the Syrian people”.
February 14th, 2013, 4:29 pm
zoo said:
The West is waking up to the realities of the FSA…
The opposition is realizing too late that by allowing Islamists and criminals in their ranks, the FSA has actually killed the revolution.
February 14th, 2013, 4:31 pm
ann said:
Mullah William Hague refers to Al-Qaeda in Syria as jihadists not terrorists, but God forbide they make it back to Europe alive, they become terrorists 😉
Jihadists in Syria threat to West – Feb 14 2013
British jihadists [Al Qaeda] fighting the Assad regime in Syria could return to carry out terrorist attacks in the UK, Foreign Secretary William Hague has warned.
Mr Hague said Syria had now become the “number one destination” for Islamist extremists [Al Qaeda] seeking to hijack the popular uprisings across the Arab world.
Speaking at the Royal United Services Institute, he said the longer the conflict went on, the greater the danger was that battle-hardened militants would return to pose a threat in the West.
“This includes a number of individuals [Al Qaeda] connected with the United Kingdom and other European countries,” he said.
“They may not pose a threat to us when they first go to Syria, but if they survive some may return ideologically hardened and with experience of weapons and explosives.”
February 14th, 2013, 4:32 pm
Citizen said:
Zoo! To f*ck this west along and across! Where they grew tainted genetically modified milk!
About revolution: it become tired religious sectarian Engineering of Dajjal Bernard Louis
February 14th, 2013, 4:42 pm
Citizen said:
Do you see any signs of fire. Helicopters burn like motherfuckers when they crash…let alone be shot down with ordnance.
Second point. This aint deer huntin. If you hang around an aircraft you just shot down you are likely to eat a lot of ordnance from his buddies. They don’t fly alone. This vid is a fraud!
February 14th, 2013, 4:44 pm
revenire said:
Think it isn’t the same guy. Doesn’t look the same.
Whoever he is I hope he catches a bullet soon. What a pig to come to Syria to kill Syrians.
February 14th, 2013, 4:45 pm
revenire said:
Who is the lunatic who thinks EIGHT fighter jets were shot down today? Get off your crack pipe Wahabi ape. Our air force is killing hundreds of rats each day.
February 14th, 2013, 4:49 pm
Citizen said:
On January 22 a telling leak cropped up in the Internet. British defense contractor’s BRITAM server was hacked and megabytes of classified internal files of the firm were released to the public. Now the case is acquiring a Britamgate scale due to the publication on Prison Planet. What is the story behind the leakage? Why this scandal is likely to turn around the situation in Syria?
” Phil
We’ve got a new offer. It’s about Syria again. Qataris propose an attractive deal and swear that the idea is approved by Washington.
We’ll have to deliver a CW to Homs, a Soviet origin g-shell from Libya similar to those that Assad should have.
They want us to deploy our Ukrainian personnel that should speak Russian and make a video record.
Frankly, I don’t think it’s a good idea but the sums proposed are enormous. Your opinion?
Kind regards David”
To clarify the things, CW is a standard abbreviation for Chemical Weapons; ‘g-shell’ is a bomb consisting of an explosive projectile filled with toxic gas.
Taking into account the memorable Barack Obama’s warning that the ‘use or even transportation of chemical weapons by the Assad regime would represent a “red line” that would precipitate military intervention’, a message he reiterated last month after the election to the second term, the plotted operation, if carried out, would provide an ideal pretext for the foreign intervention into Syria. Israel has voiced the same warnings last week.
What is almost more scandalous than what is proposed here (creating a false flag to be blamed on the Syrian government) is that this is business as usual for this alleged “defense company”, and many others like it.
February 14th, 2013, 4:52 pm
Citizen said:
Hague: Syria turning into jihadist magnet
February 14th, 2013, 4:58 pm
Citizen said:
What was silent in Munich
Western politicians do not want to admit their mistakes
15.02.2013 / Ivan S. Malevich – a retired colonel, candidate of military sciences.
WEST in illusions
Prospects for resolving the conflicts in the Middle East and North Africa has become one of the main topics at the summit. And this is my justification. The American edition of Daily Beast on January 31 in an article entitled “The failure of the Americans in Syria,” writes: “Violence and the emergency laws in Egypt. French troops, fighting with Islamist militants in Mali. Emboldened radicals attacked the gas plant in Algeria and left behind dozens of victims. Each of these events led to bouts of despair in the West about the unintended consequences of the Arab Spring. ”
In this regard, important words were heard at the conference of Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, who said: “If you look at today, the most troubled region – the Middle East, North Africa, the Sahel zone, it’s hard to shake the feeling of a curved space. Many questions arise in connection with the approach taken by our partners. Does support performances for regime change to justify terrorist methods? Whether in a conflict situation to fight with those who commit to another? When allowed to work with authoritarian regimes (both secular and not), and when allowed to maintain their violent overthrow? ”
However, during a conference on these inconvenient for Western politicians answer questions never sounded, including from U.S. Vice President Joe Biden. As you know, the United States is “democratizing” the Middle East and North Africa, in alliance with Qatar and Saudi Arabia, in which Wahhabism is the official ideology.
It seems that the main reason for this silence lies in the fact that the West will never admit their mistakes. In fact, today it’s clear that the situation in Mali is a consequence of the collapse of the regime of Muammar Gaddafi, as allies of the West in this act, Islamist terrorists of all stripes, taking advanced weapons from Libyan arsenals, have moved further south to continue Arab Spring. Directly in Libya actually originated power vacuum when control of many cities and provinces have set no subordinate and radical field commanders. As a result, the country began a struggle for spheres of influence between the tribal groups, some Islamists are at war with other Islamists, the Islamists are fighting with all tribes. Death in Benghazi U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens was an illustration of the established in the country of chaos and anarchy.
As you know, the West initiated action to overthrow the regime of Muammar Gaddafi was France, which is now fighting against their former allies in Libya Mali. The reason for such action is as old as the French – the struggle for resources, oddly enough, with NATO colleagues. However, the conference did not remember about it.
Masters direct shadow on the fence
We can also assume that the reluctance to admit mistakes leaders of the Western powers due to ignorance of the existence of these errors, it is believed that their actions are absolutely correct and are not negotiable. The cause of this fact can be understood from the article known journalist Michael Hastings’ sins, General David Petraeus. ” In it he gave a very demonstrative opinion of the former director of the CIA, who said: “The fact they believe the political leaders in each case, it is much more important than what is happening in reality.”
It turns out that this belief is achieved very simply. As the author writes, “The whole philosophy of life Petraeus was based on deception, for concealing the truth, to create a false image.” No doubt, in all their high places and was guided by this principle, Petraeus, representing the country’s leadership false information upon which important state decisions.
It appears that such figures in the West, which create the illusion with his leadership toward reality, enough. The confirmation of this is the events in Syria, which repeat exactly what was happening in Libya. True, the effects in the real world out there, according to experts, will be much worse. In particular, in his speech at the conference, U.S. Vice President Joe Biden said that Syrian President Bashar Assad must leave his post, and all must agree. He not only said that will happen to those who do not agree with this requirement of the United States. Among these opponents are, and Russia. And with that, the U.S. should be considered.
Similarly, at the time said about Muammar Gaddafi. Without a doubt, the vice-president of the United States that Assad may resign only on the will of the Syrian people, that is, after the legitimate presidential elections as soon as in the Syrian opposition would not be the political support of the U.S. and the West. It’s safe to say that after the conflict in Syria would be quickly resolved. But for that the U.S. must first admit their mistake for Arab Spring, the mastermind behind which they were, led to “unintended consequences.” The more that Barack Obama, in his inaugural speech declared: “A decade of war is nearing its end.”
February 14th, 2013, 5:12 pm
Tara said:
The world should not use the words ” jihadists” and “terrorists” interchangeably. Terrorist kill civilians and are to be hunted and punished. Jihadists are motivated by Jihad which by definition a struggle against oneself or an oppressor and never meant to fight those who do not share your beliefs. Those who are helping stopping the slaughter of the Syrian people may be jihadists but they are not terrorists.
February 14th, 2013, 5:12 pm
Citizen said:
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February 14th, 2013, 5:21 pm
Citizen said:
Arab countries are deliberately pushed into the abyss
A large-scale attack against Syria, which was attended by all the neighboring countries, all states of the Persian Gulf, the Arab League and the international community, with the exception of a few countries seeking to pursue an independent policy and are aware of the danger of the situation, due less to the economic benefits of the West in the region as the U.S. desire and world imperialism to ensure Israel’s security by reducing the resistance forces in the region.
All events are the so-called “Arab Spring” radically affect only the secular states of the region, where the unrest occurring lead to the overthrow of the regime and the rise to power of the neo-Islamists, which the U.S. and Israel have counted after the defeat of the Israeli forces in the 2006 war. With a view to joining the Salafis and takfiriststov to power from prison in Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Jordan, Turkey, Guantanamo were released thousands of Islamic extremists, with the condition of their participation in the events in Syria, which has proved a tough nut and continues to resist for 2 years.
Under the banner of the struggle for the “pure Islam” and the slogan of liberation “oppressed” Sunni population, which strongly supports Qatar minded and inspire fanatics rushed to free the Arab countries of the “godless.” Obsessed with the idea and led by Salafist religious leaders, to distribute the fatwa on killing the educated part of the population, these biological robots, convinced of their own righteousness and a cheap cannon fodder, in the name of Islam, thousands die in Syria. Given the high birth rate and a low standard of living and education of the population, the source of manpower virtually exhausted.
The degree of insanity, which fall under the influence of the leaders of the Salafi fighters of the “Arab Spring”, the cases demonstrate their amazing zombie. In Syria, the bodies of the militants killed the so-called Free Syrian Army battalions and “en-Dzhebhat Nusra” of the toilet are armored to protect their genitals. Fact that suicide bombers wear such protection before the fight, or terrorist attack, confident in the fact that on the light in the garden, which they depict and promise sheikhs, bless them to kill their neighbors, they will be met hurii and then these organs they need, In the pockets of extremists are eliminated and women’s underwear, which they take with them into battle with the hope, in the case death, to give him a heavenly mistresses.
Ambitious plan for the destruction of enemies hands themselves enemies involves provocative activities, the use of internal contradictions and discontent to start destructive process of self-destruction of unwanted states.
Evidence of external influence on what is happening in Syria is the fact that at the beginning of the event centers riots occurred in the border areas, and I must admit that the authors of the brilliant plan to significantly expand the range of diversions to break the country’s infrastructure, they loaded it into the bloody conflict, which seems around the world as a purely internal.
The project, developed by the U.S. and Israel, involves organizing a “strict guidance” Israeli intelligence attacks against both Sunni and against the Shiites, and the blame for them lies on the opposite side to further foment discord and hatred. This technology has been successfully tested in Lebanon in 1975, when, after its use in the country civil war broke out, which resulted in the resistance in the south have been weakened to the point that in 1982, the Israeli army invaded Lebanon and reached nearly to the capital. If only because of the Syrian army was prevented its full grip.
Now the proof of Israel’s participation in the ongoing events in Syria, including the above, is the abundance takfiristov and Salafis in northern Lebanon, controlled by pro-Western and pro-party “March 14 coalition.” Poctavki carried out weapons and militants in neighboring Syria and takfiristov spiritual leader Sheikh Ahmad al-Athir, patronized by the party, travels on a specially equipped buses under armed guard throughout Lebanon to spread religious intolerance and handing out medieval fatwas inciting hatred in Lebanese society.
Given the fact that the Lebanese war was sparked by provocation – Islamic extremists capture bus with Christians from the village of Ain Al-Rumman and killings – movement in the country leader takfiristov causes unpleasant analogy.
In addition to all the above, you should take into consideration the fact that the authors of the plan methodically and steadily trying to drag Syria into the conflict Palestinian refugees. Many Palestinians have been attracted to the side of the Islamists. Affected by the desperate situation of the refugees and their grinding poverty and backwardness. The clearest proof of this is leaving Hamas in Syria, which gave him shelter for a long time. Now Hamas is completely under the influence and patronage of Qatar, and in Palestinian refugee camps are working to attract young fighters on the side of the SSA under the banner of “jihad.” In this sense the provocation in the Palestinian refugee camp of Yarmouk and activation of radicals in the camps of Palestinian and Syrian refugees in the neighboring countries of Syria – Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey.
Vlastpriderzhaschie in these countries, self-employed and career enrichment, suicidal blind eye to their policies and threat of obscurantism that can burn the entire Arab Middle East in favor of the U.S. and Israel, and in accordance with their plans. It will take the same number or not, time will tell.
February 14th, 2013, 5:27 pm
Observer said:
Just checked the headlines
Al Watan admitted the fall of Division 80 in Aleppo
Three aircraft are confirmed downed today and the NYT has this story on its front page in the digital edition.
They now control the entire Hasaka province.
His source of oil is out.
His airbases are slowly being taken away.
AA missiles are being used. This means no aircraft can fly lower than 8000 meters this means no accurate bombing not that the Russian equipment was of any consequence to start with.
Here is the story
Here is your so called “the only united and disciplined force that can defend Syria from the Islamists hordes: the national Syrian army” being defeated by the citizens of Syria with barely any significant foreign help and despite every effort by the Russian Iranian combined efforts and despite the so called “concern” for jihadi elements joining the fight.
United Disciplined Defending Force are oxymorons spewed by oxymoronic regime insiders from the inner circle of the barbaric mafiosi regime of thouria alathad.
Belarus is waiting. Borat’s Belarus and Kazakhstan are waiting for your investments.
Hahahahahaha. I love it. Mirages and F 16 and drones to the rescue.
Iranian “reconstruction” generals for Aleppo. Hahahahaha that is another oxymoron if ever there was one.
Zionist agents killed him. I am waiting for the response. I am holding my breath. But wait, we will use MIG 23 (without electronic gear as supplied by our friends the Russians to make sure Israel is secure) to avenge the “destabilization” campaign of the Zionist Al Caida Mossadi CIA conthpiracy on thouria flathead
Please post some more, it is hilarious indeed.
February 14th, 2013, 5:42 pm
revenire said:
How stupid the West is. Now they’ve drawn all the rats to Syria and one of the men who did – Hague – it is crying about it.
February 14th, 2013, 5:53 pm
Syrialover said:
OMEN #125 said:
“Why haven’t the hundreds of thousands of sunni civil servants resigned en masse?”
Come on, they need to eat! They will desperately hang on while they are still being paid, often the only members of their extended families to still have an income.
They are daily fearful of their modest pay cutting out, which it will if Assad runs out of funds. It buys less and less of the basic things every day.
Civil service jobs and pensions are just about the only source of income still available for millions of ordinary Syrians.
I know people in those jobs who hate the regime but see their government jobs as a rare case of redistribution of Syria’s national resources and a source of basic survival, not an Assad thing.
February 14th, 2013, 5:57 pm
zoo said:
#143 Tara
For the Moslem Brotherhood, Jihad is a war of hatred against the non-moslems and the goal is to create a Caliphate.
On a website devoted to Ramadhan, the Muslim Brotherhood posted a series of articles by Dr. Ahmad ‘Abd Al-Khaleq about Al-Walaa Wa’l-Baraa, an Islamic doctrine which, in its fundamentalist interpretation, stipulates absolute allegiance to the community of Muslims and total rejection of non-Muslims and of Muslims who have strayed from the path of Islam.
In his articles, the writer argues that according to this principle, a Muslim can come closer to Allah by hating all non-Muslims -Christians, Jews, atheists, or polytheists – and by waging jihad against them in every possible manner.[68]
“Indeed, the Muslim Brotherhood has a long-standing war on the West. From 1948 until the 1970s it engaged in assassinations and terrorism in Egypt, and has indoctrinated many who went on to commit acts of terror.[69] Muslim Brotherhood’s supreme guide issued the statement that Al Qaeda’s “Bin Laden is a Jihad Fighter.”[70]
The accused mastermind of the 9/11 terror massacre, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed was raised in Kuwait and joined the Muslim Brotherhood at age 16.
February 14th, 2013, 6:03 pm
Tara said:
Omen @125
Cc: Syrialover
“while it is impossible for me truly understand this fear the regime has inculcated for decades and while i try to put myself in other people’s shoes to avoid being judgmental, i can’t help but be resentful. these workers clinging to their jobs is helping the regime remain intact. i am surprised you are so forgiving.”
I forgive them because their apathetic behavior is expected. It stems from what psychologists call “learned helplessness”
From Wiki: Learned helplessness is the condition of a human or animal that has learned to behave helplessly, failing to respond even though there are opportunities for it to help itself by avoiding unpleasant circumstances or by gaining positive rewards. Learned helplessness theory is the view that clinical depression and related mental illnesses may result from a perceived absence of control over the outcome of a situation.
In the learned helplessness experiment an animal is repeatedly hurt by an adverse stimulus which it cannot escape.
Eventually the animal will stop trying to avoid the pain and behave as if it is utterly helpless to change the situation.
Finally, when opportunities to escape are presented, this learned helplessness prevents any action. The only coping mechanism the animal uses is to be stoical and put up with the discomfort, not expending energy getting worked up about the adverse stimulus.
Syrians were hurt repeatedly by this murder us regime. We suppressed Hama from our collective memories for too long yet it was a pretty effective tool in our learned helplessness. When opportunities to escape the reign are presented through civil disobedience, lots of Syrians just do not react..
February 14th, 2013, 6:05 pm
zoo said:
#147 Revenire
As long as 60,000 Syrians were killed and others threatened by these criminal jihadists, the West was blindly encouraging the killings and sending knifes.
Now that these jihadists have grown out of proportion and may be soon threatening the West ( and Israel), Hague starts to worry and want to stop them.
His recommended brilliant and original solution: End Syria civil war now.
February 14th, 2013, 6:11 pm
revenire said:
“Jihad Makdisi and Western media: a scandal
Will anyone in Western media apologize for the lies and fabrications that they have spread about this case? Will the Washington Post apologize for the lies that they spread about his defection and about his being debriefed by the CIA when the mad has not stepped foot in the US? The statement that was released by Makdisi yesterday refutes all the lies of Saudi, Qatari, and Western media about the case. They owe their readers a big apology. As for the statement by Jihad, it was rather ambiguous and wishy-washy. It sounded as someone is watching developments to see who would come out on top, not wishing to hedge bets at this stage.”
February 14th, 2013, 6:16 pm
Visitor said:
From the NYT article @146:
“At least 100 members of the armed forces were killed in Shadadah, the observatory said, while 30 Nusra fighters were killed, including five from Kuwait and Iraq. “
May Allah reward those Kuwaiti and Iraqi brothers the highest place in Paradise, along with their Syrian comrades, for coming to the aid of their Syrian brothers and for having conducted proper Jihad on the Way of Allah as Allah commanded in His Holy Book.
February 14th, 2013, 6:17 pm
ghufran said:
Kerry is supposed to visit Syria next week
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the opposition is furious, the regime may use the visit to dodge the bullet about Bashar who I think will be the corner stone of any future settlement, I want him to leave after he appoints a successor, many people want him dead, others want him to stay no matter what, very few look at the big picture: a country that is collapsing, a government that failed and terrorized its people, an opposition that is dominated by armed thugs , and a group of international and regional players who are selling syrian blood to buy influence in Syria.
February 14th, 2013, 6:23 pm
Aldendeshe said:
May Allah reward those Kuwaiti and Iraqi brothers..
They are devil worshipper fighting to bring in Awar Al Dajjal so expect eternal hell for their cursed soul. Prayer to Allah is like prayer to donkey, they are never answeared. As you see, Moslems are in a bottomless hole. Only Jewish Emirs pretending to be Moslems are living like kings. Look at the state of 1.3 billion Moslem? they are the poorest, least educated and living in misrable hell. Prey to a frog,you will have better luck in your life and in the after as well.
February 14th, 2013, 6:23 pm
Syrialover said:
ZOO #9
That was a sharp shot of reality from ABC reporting on Palmyra.
He’s talking directly to local people he’s related to there, not quoting distant news sources.
He indicates Assad forces have free rein with tanks and airstrikes and a full monopoly on looting and destruction of historic sites in Palmyra. There seems to be little open rebel presence there apart from that bomb, which has brought massive revenge on the whole town from the regime.
I would only dare dispute ABC if I had an equivalent source that told me differently. Do you?
Anyone who missed what ABC said about Palmyra, read it here: https://joshualandis.com/blog/?p=17715&cp=all#comment-349018
February 14th, 2013, 6:29 pm
Visitor said:
Ghufran gets BMS, then he goes to the WC here:
Ghufran then leaves the WC and posts on SC.
February 14th, 2013, 6:36 pm
Syrialover said:
TARA #150
The “learned helplessness” discussion would have been more meaningful a year ago.
But not now.
Every day I am desperately grateful that some of my relatives are still in government jobs in Aleppo and elsewhere that are paying them an income. This is the only insurance against them and their wider families facing possible starvation.
And even this slim lifeline may not last.
Believe me, Syrians struggling inside Syria are well over the issue of opposing the regime by showing civil disobedience and abandoning their jobs. They just need to SURVIVE.
I think Moaz al-Khatib understands that very well and he also just wants them to survive.
February 14th, 2013, 6:45 pm
Syrialover said:
Open letter to Syrian regime supporters (particularly those sitting on their sofas outside Syria)
“Recently, it seems that there’s been a lot of ‘soul-searching’ amongst those who still support the regime, especially following the prisoner exchange with the 48 Iranians, the Aleppo University Massacre, and the regime’s inaction in response to the Israeli air strike. There does exist a large amount of rhetoric against pro-regime Syrians from the pro-revolution Syrians, and vice versa, and that’s led me to think a lot about these events. It’s led me to think about these events, and what pro-regime Syrians are feeling, thinking. Which, really, has just led me to think about their support for the regime in the first place, especially to those Syrians who are abroad and still support the regime.
This isn’t about the revolution, or why you don’t support it. This is about the regime. This is about your support for the regime. This is about why, for 40+ years, people are still supporting the regime, especially when they don’t live in Syria. Syrians in Syria supporting the regime is a different thing – or Syrians who recently left… This is addressed to people whose families left Syria a while ago, people who were born and raised abroad, yet still wave the regime flag high, and proud. (Note: this is not directed to non-Syrians who support the regime. In fact, I could not care less about your support.)
I think about these pro-regime Syrians who live abroad, and I wonder if they ever even saw the same Syria I did. I lived in Syria briefly, and went back everywhere, and even I know I have an incomplete view of what it was. Syria was not in a good state, was never in a good state. You didn’t have to be opposition to notice this, you didn’t have to be Ikhwan to notice this, you didn’t have to have anything but eyes to see this.
Think about why you left to go to Canada, the U.S., Australia, etc… Why did your families leave Syria? Probably for “better opportunities.” But why did your family have to leave? If the regime is so amazing, why did your family essentially abandon it? Why did thousands, and thousands, of Syrians leave?
For a country that is supposedly so free, and amazing, didn’t you think it was weird how not one bad word could ever be said about the regime, any part of it? Again, don’t think about this in terms of the revolution or the “ahdath” or whatever you want to call what’s been happening since March 2011. Think about prior to that. Think of how websites such as YouTube, Facebook, etc. were blocked because people dared criticize the regime on it. Did you not think it was weird that you need a proxy to access websites because they’d been blocked by the government? Or did you never notice that? Did your family never warn you to not say negative things about the government online, out of fear?
Didn’t you ever hold your breath in fear when walking past the Mukhabarat? Didn’t they make you feel uneasy? Even if your family had ties to government, didn’t they make you uncomfortable? Weren’t your family members afraid of them?
Didn’t you notice how corruption permeated every aspect of life in Syria? You couldn’t get anything done without having a bribe, and/or a wasta. You would get pulled over by the cops just so that you can bribe them. Didn’t you ever have to open up your wallet, fork over 100, 200, 500, SP to the cop to get out of some bizarre traffic violation you never were aware existed? Or did you never see this?
Didn’t you think it was weird that people talked of the president with religious fervor? That taxi-cabs plastered his picture on their windows, that every store and office had a picture of Bashar and his father hanging up? Didn’t you notice the campaigns that were “WE LOVE YOU” with the president doing a nazi-esque salute? Didn’t you ever giggle at these displays, only to be hushed up by your family members, out of fear?
Didn’t you ever hear strange stories about the regime such as the story about the minister who disagreed with the president, only to commit suicide later – with two gunshots to the back of the head? Didn’t you hear vague stories about Rami Makhlouf’s bodyguards beating up people for looking at him wrong, or for ‘insulting’ him?
Read more:
February 14th, 2013, 6:48 pm
Tara said:
Was Che Guevara an Islamist who wants to establish Imara and kill the infidels? The Jihadists helping fighting the regime to stop its wholesale slaughter of the Syrian people are not different than Che if you will. We should not be taken hostage by the fear of minorities of fanatic ideology, and keep being slaughtered just in order to ease that fear. It does not make sense.
February 14th, 2013, 6:53 pm
Tara said:
Aldendeshe or SNP has an obvious mental problem and he does not appear to be complaint with psych meds. I suspect, he gets committed to a mental institution when he disappears from SC. Just an FYI since you are relatively new.
February 14th, 2013, 6:58 pm
Juergen said:
Here are some excerpts of the Interview with Assad, Lavrov and Annan in a 45min special documentary which was titled: “The trap of Syria”
The interviews were all in English, the German dubbing makes it difficlut to hear the excact words sometimes, I had to retranslate from German in some parts.
“We can not talk about a good situation, innocent people loose their lives in attacks. They are killed by terrorists from abroad. I admit, there are also Syrians among them, but the most important questions is, do they have support in the society? If that would be the case the situation would be hopeless.”
“He ( Assad) is not really in line with the events. He is much more in the thinking that history is on his side.”
“We didnt choose to go to war, and we didnt choose the means in this war. To us all kinds of terrorists are coming with sophisticated weapons which they can carry.They have started to kill people. To destroy the infrastructure.To destroy public institutions. Everything. We defend ourself as the circumstances are requests us to do and according to the tactics of the enemy. They are using heavy weaponry, You have to retaliate in the same way.”
“The authoroties made many mistakes. They have for a long time not listened to the legitimate demands of the opposition. The protests then degenerated into violence on both sides.And now we have regretfully an militarization of the conflict. The opposition is getting stronger by the day, and they recveive aid from abroud. The government reacts to this violence which were in the beginning caused by the mistakes of this government. Its an vicious circle.”
“what are the criteria you use for the speed reforms have to take place? Noone has them. When you drive a car, there is an sign saying 100 km/h. And whith reforms, does anyone has the excact criterias or an speedometer? So its subjective.”
Kofi Annan
” Misinformation and psychological warfare is very much an integral part of this Syrian civil war. This is by far the most terrible war, if you take Somalia, Bosnia or the Kosovo. Its extremly difficukt to negotiate unbiased or unaffected in this matter.One has to be extremly careful when to asess and analyze information.”
“The people who say the regime must be changed, those who then say the regime has to be replaced are motivated, conciously or unconciously by the idea of an big middle eastern north african region. George Bush jr had once declared Democracy in the ME is our highest goal. The problems which we have today in Afghanistan and Iraq will be ours for a long time.We still have an disturbing situation in Egypt. This land has no solution to unify the nation. And we have a lot problems with Libya.”
Assad on the Patriot defense system set up by NATO in south of Turkey:
“This is part of the NATO defense shield which was already started to construct in Turkey a year ago. The Turks didnt want to admit that because many Turks are against the idea that Turkey is part of this programme. A second aspect of that is that the Turkish PM Erdogan tries summon all Turks in this politics against Syria. Which has failed of course.That is why he lets the Patriots set up at our border in order to give Turks the impression that Turkey is at danger, that Syria would attack Turkey. Which is unrealistic. Thats what its all about with the Patriots, its part of the Turkeys domestic politics.”
on his negotiations with Annan
” We have started right on discussing the conflict in Syria. I have concentrated mainly on the question of violence.If you want to succeed I told Annan, then you have to focus on the question of violence in your initiative. If you dont stop the terrorists who come to Syria mainly from Turkey and Qatar, you will fail. And if you dont stop the money flow which keeps the violence going here, the whole initiative will fail. That was the first recall of our first meeting.”
Annan on that meeting
” I had on that occasion I had the sense that he does not accept reality, he argued that in Syria itself there were no problems. and that those problems which we see today are caused by foreign terrorists. And if those foreigns would leave Syria, the Syrians would take care of their own issues. In other words, he did not notice the dispute within the country and the civil rights movement which led to the civil war we are living of today.”
“When it comes to my postion as President, the Syrian people have to decide. And if the Syrian people does no longer wants me, how could I remain? Such an decision must be found in an national dialogue. Whatever this national dialogue will decide we will decide as the government. Including me.
on the Houla massacre
“The people who are killed were loyal to the government. Why should an government militia kill people who are loyal to the government? Thats an contradition and its unrealistic. The militias of the terrorists did commit this massacre in that village. And they have them made photos and posted them on youtube. The tv stations then said it was the government. It was committed by the gangs by the terrorists.”
Annan on the future of negotiations:
It wasnt helpful. It wasnt helpful. If you try to get people on an negotiation table in order to find an political solution you can of course raise preconditions. But you must then take your seat at the table and fight for your positions and points.Those who ask as aprecondition that Assad must go, you make it unpossible to bring the people to one table. It was clear that he( Assad) would
not accept that. I am relived that this position obviously is changing. They seem to realize that this Assad must go mantra was the wrong approach and that one has to sit and talk.”
“I had the impression that some people had the aim to influence Russia to change their position. And when we asked which kind of change you want from us, they answered to us: You must take care that Assad resigns. we have told them, that about Assads fate the Syrians have to decide. But apart from all of that, He does not going to listen to anyone. ”
Here is the whole 45min report:
February 14th, 2013, 7:00 pm
revenire said:
Tara sorry but you need to put your thinking cap on. Rats who murder women and children and threaten to behead Alawites and sing songs praising Bin Laden are just rats and rats, like all vermin, need to be eradicated.
You are a radical terrorist supporter and if Obama enforced his own laws you’d be sitting in jail obsessing over Bashar.
Please control yourself!
February 14th, 2013, 7:01 pm
Syrialover said:
Syrians loyal to Assad tour the streets of Damascus today. This “Million Man March” is just pathetic.
COMMENT: Roaring in laughter! The rest must be in bread and petrol queues or have lost their nerve and fled to safety.
February 14th, 2013, 7:03 pm
Juergen said:
Here are some excerpts of the Interview with Assad, Lavrov and Annan in a 45min special documentary which was titled: “The trap of Syria”. It was aired yesterday in our national tv.
The interviews were all in English, the German dubbing makes it difficult to hear the excact words sometimes, I had to retranslate from German in some parts.
“We can not talk about a good situation, innocent people loose their lives in attacks. They are killed by terrorists from abroad. I admit, there are also Syrians among them, but the most important questions is, do they have support in the society? If that would be the case the situation would be hopeless.”
“He ( Assad) is not really in line with the events. He is much more in the thinking that history is on his side.”
“We didnt choose to go to war, and we didnt choose the means in this war. To us all kinds of terrorists are coming with sophisticated weapons which they can carry.They have started to kill people. To destroy the infrastructure.To destroy public institutions. Everything. We defend ourself as the circumstances are requests us to do and according to the tactics of the enemy. They are using heavy weaponry, You have to retaliate in the same way.”
“The authoroties made many mistakes. They have for a long time not listened to the legitimate demands of the opposition. The protests then degenerated into violence on both sides.And now we have regretfully an militarization of the conflict. The opposition is getting stronger by the day, and they recveive aid from abroud. The government reacts to this violence which were in the beginning caused by the mistakes of this government. Its an vicious circle.”
“what are the criteria you use for the speed reforms have to take place? Noone has them. When you drive a car, there is an sign saying 100 km/h. And whith reforms, does anyone has the excact criterias or an speedometer? So its subjective.”
Kofi Annan
” Misinformation and psychological warfare is very much an integral part of this Syrian civil war. This is by far the most terrible war, if you take Somalia, Bosnia or the Kosovo. Its extremly difficukt to negotiate unbiased or unaffected in this matter.One has to be extremly careful when to asess and analyze information.”
“The people who say the regime must be changed, those who then say the regime has to be replaced are motivated, conciously or unconciously by the idea of an big middle eastern north african region. George Bush jr had once declared Democracy in the ME is our highest goal. The problems which we have today in Afghanistan and Iraq will be ours for a long time.We still have an disturbing situation in Egypt. This land has no solution to unify the nation. And we have a lot problems with Libya.”
Assad on the Patriot defense system set up by NATO in south of Turkey:
“This is part of the NATO defense shield which was already started to construct in Turkey a year ago. The Turks didnt want to admit that because many Turks are against the idea that Turkey is part of this programme. A second aspect of that is that the Turkish PM Erdogan tries summon all Turks in this politics against Syria. Which has failed of course.That is why he lets the Patriots set up at our border in order to give Turks the impression that Turkey is at danger, that Syria would attack Turkey. Which is unrealistic. Thats what its all about with the Patriots, its part of the Turkeys domestic politics.”
on his negotiations with Annan
” We have started right on discussing the conflict in Syria. I have concentrated mainly on the question of violence.If you want to succeed I told Annan, then you have to focus on the question of violence in your initiative. If you dont stop the terrorists who come to Syria mainly from Turkey and Qatar, you will fail. And if you dont stop the money flow which keeps the violence going here, the whole initiative will fail. That was the first recall of our first meeting.”
” I had on that occasion I had the sense that he does not accept reality, he argued that in Syria itself there were no problems. and that those problems which we see today are caused by foreign terrorists. And if those foreigns would leave Syria, the Syrians would take care of their own issues. In other words, he did not notice the dispute within the country and the civil rights movement which led to the civil war we are living of today.”
“When it comes to my postion as President, the Syrian people have to decide. And if the Syrian people does no longer wants me, how could I remain? Such an decision must be found in an national dialogue. Whatever this national dialogue will decide we will decide as the government. Including me.
on the Houla massacre
“The people who are killed were loyal to the government. Why should an government militia kill people who are loyal to the government? Thats an contradition and its unrealistic. The militias of the terrorists did commit this massacre in that village. And they have them made photos and posted them on youtube. The tv stations then said it was the government. It was committed by the gangs by the terrorists.”
Annan on the future of negotiations:
It wasnt helpful. It wasnt helpful. If you try to get people on an negotiation table in order to find an political solution you can of course raise preconditions. But you must then take your seat at the table and fight for your positions and points.Those who ask as aprecondition that Assad must go, you make it unpossible to bring the people to one table. It was clear that he( Assad) would
not accept that. I am relived that this position obviously is changing. They seem to realize that this Assad must go mantra was the wrong approach and that one has to sit and talk.”
“I had the impression that some people had the aim to influence Russia to change their position. And when we asked which kind of change you want from us, they answered to us: You must take care that Assad resigns. we have told them, that about Assads fate the Syrians have to decide. But apart from all of that, He does not going to listen to anyone. ”
Here is the whole 45min report:
February 14th, 2013, 7:07 pm
Aldendeshe said:
161. Tarasaid:
JEW TARA, Even if your god Elohim /Yehwe/Allah begged me, I will still spit in his face and refuse.
February 14th, 2013, 7:07 pm
Syrian said:
LoL, even the Chechen is downing the mighty Rev. SAF airplanes
HA, IRG. Meet our brothers the Chechens,
As expected the 1st Arabic they learned is to curse Batta’ mother.lol
February 14th, 2013, 7:14 pm
zoo said:
#160 Tara
I know you’s trying hard to boost the image of these throat-cutters, sorry but your comparison to Che Guevara is far too absurd to even try to comment on it.
February 14th, 2013, 7:21 pm
zoo said:
#167 Syrian
It will be his last words too before he’ll go in smoke.
February 14th, 2013, 7:22 pm
Aldendeshe said:
Looks like Putin did not do good job, should have used nukes back then.
February 14th, 2013, 7:31 pm
Syrian said:
#169 ZOO
Go ahead do it.He already did it and he seems to be in very good health and spirit
February 14th, 2013, 7:33 pm
Tara said:
It is ok. Worshiping a mass murderer is not unheard of you know. It happens… To my profound sadness.
I am curious if you have an opportunity to see Batta and Asma on this Valentine day, what would you do or say? I hope your heart is strong enough to withstand your profound emotions. I really do not like it that you “love” Batta. Can you stop loving him? I do not like it when one man worships another.
February 14th, 2013, 7:35 pm
zoo said:
Dead end in perspective…
After their meeting the coalition members boosted by Qatar, seem to be putting again the same conditions for the dialog and the same old proposal of a “governement in exile within a week”
Al Khatib offer had been totally neutralized by the Moslem Brotherhood who dominate the coalition.
Syrian opposition sets conditions for talks with Assad
AMMAN, Feb 15 (Reuters) – The Syrian National Coalition opposition group is ready to negotiate a departure for President Bashar al-Assad with any member of his government who has not participated in the crackdown on the uprising, a high-level coalition member said on Friday.
Coalition president Moaz Alkhatib formulated the initiative in broad terms last month without consulting the coalition, catching the 70-member assembly by surprise. A powerful bloc in the coalition dominated by the Muslim Brotherhood, the only organised group in the political opposition, criticised the initiative as harming the revolution.
Bunni, one of a handful of liberals in the Islamist-dominated assembly, told Reuters that Assad and his cohorts in the military and intelligence apparatus cannot be part of any negotiations.
“We are willing to negotiate with any civilian official the removal of Bashar and the end of despotism,” Bunni said from Cairo.
“Bashar and his cohorts will not be party to any talks. We will not regard those present from the government’s side as his representatives,” Bunni added.
February 14th, 2013, 7:36 pm
zoo said:
#172 Tara
I am more concerned about the average syrians loosing their jobs and their dignity and having to beg to feed their family more than I am of St Valentine day that means nothing to them.
You can repeat your curses and your accusations in every single post you write, but when I see where the disastrous opposition’s actions have brought the country, I stand even more firmly on my position.
February 14th, 2013, 7:46 pm
zoo said:
#171 Syrian
I only wish him a end worth of a good jihadist..
February 14th, 2013, 7:50 pm
zoo said:
Where stupidity and desperation leads…
“The Free Syrian Army said Wednesday it had issued arrest warrants against Mikati and two of his relatives over what it claimed was a Lebanese government decision to allow Syrian tanker trucks to fill up with diesel in Lebanon.”
BEIRUT: Prime Minister Najib Mikati has dismissed the announcement that the rebel Free Syrian Army will arrest him and two of his relatives should they enter Syria, a source close to Mikati said Thursday.
“These [threats] aren’t even worth a response because they come within the framework of a well-known media and political campaign,” the source told The Daily Star.
The Free Syrian Army said Wednesday it had issued arrest warrants against Mikati and two of his relatives over what it claimed was a Lebanese government decision to allow Syrian tanker trucks to fill up with diesel in Lebanon.
Read more: http://www.dailystar.com.lb/News/Local-News/2013/Feb-15/206554-mikati-brushes-off-fsa-arrest-warrants.ashx#ixzz2KvO3ol2q
(The Daily Star :: Lebanon News :: http://www.dailystar.com.lb)
February 14th, 2013, 7:53 pm
revenire said:
For me President Assad is a hero. Syria is withstanding the assault of many nations under his leadership. His wife is a beautiful example of a Syrian woman.
I am proud of both of them.
February 14th, 2013, 8:02 pm
Tara said:
Your stated love and concern towards the Syrian people has always manifested via “blame the victim”.. Interesting kind of love but on behalf of the Syrian people, I say thanks but no thanks.
It is also interesting that when I simply state well known
facts about Bashar, you simply register it as curses and accusations. Your loving mind can’t just simply accept fact telling, You only like to hear expressions of complete submission. Again, this affection to a man-made God if you will does not fit you. It bothers me…very much. Drop it. You deserve better
February 14th, 2013, 8:04 pm
Tara said:
In case you were trying to inject yourself into the conversation, please note that you and your emotional status is of no interest to me whatsoever. Just so you know. If you worship Batta, please by all mean… Worship him more. It does not annoy me a bit. To the contrary, it entertains me so to speak. I hope you get it.
February 14th, 2013, 8:13 pm
Aldendeshe said:
Reuters) – Israeli police detained 10 women at one of Judaism’s most sacred sites on Monday for wearing prayer shawls, which Orthodox tradition sees as solely for men, a spokesman said.
February 14th, 2013, 8:19 pm
Syrialover said:
Just listened to that interesting BBC program on the Alawi (linked in an earlier post by Joshua Landis.
But I was left frustrated by the failure to mention:
1. the corruption and commerical monopolies that placed Bashar’s cousin Rami Makhlouf and his Alawi associates in control over well over 60% of the Syrian economy
2. the huge Alawi employment industry created with Asssad’s 14 security forces (mentioning the fact they found jobs in the army as a way out of poverty is only a fraction of the real story!)
3. the aggressive, offensive and arrogant behavior of the wide-reaching powerful Alawi elite circles created by the Assads, their lack of accountability, and clear contempt and lack of interest in and respect for the people of Syria (including ordinary fellow Alawi.
But still worth listening to for some of the insights: http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b01qdtql
February 14th, 2013, 8:24 pm
Tara said:
???? ???? ??? ?????….????? ?????? ?????? ??? ???? ????????
This is the most romantic statement I heard today. Love it. Hats off to it’s writer…
February 14th, 2013, 8:26 pm
Syrialover said:
Syria rebels capture oil field and military base: http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2013/feb/14/syria-rebels-oil-military
Great tweet:
“I literally can’t type fast enough to properly cover all the rebel victories in Syria” – James Miller (http://twitter.com/JMiller_EA)
February 14th, 2013, 8:36 pm
ann said:
2 Tunisian radicals killed in Syria’s Aleppo airport attack – 2013-02-14
TUNIS, Feb. 14 (Xinhua) — Two Tunisian radicals were killed during the attack that took place on Tuesday against Aleppo’s international airport in Syria, the Tunisian Shems FM radio station reported Thursday.
The pair, identified as Abdelkamel el-Hani, 29, and Tarek Jellali, 40, joined the ranks of the Salafist Jihadi organization, Al Nusra Front, which are engaged in fighting against the Syrian administration, the report said.
Hani was sentenced to 15 years in jail for belonging to the Soliman Islamic militant group which was dismantled in 2007, but was released following a general amnesty decree issued by Tunisia’ s transitional authorities after the ouster of former Tunisian President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali, according to one of his relatives.
Recently, Abou Iyadh, a Tunisian Salafist leader currently wanted by the Tunisian authorities, asked some 12,000 Tunisian Islamic radicals fighting in Iraq, Syria, Yemen and Mali to return home, Tunisia’s Ansar El Shariaa website said.
Eleven Tunisians were among the Islamist radical group that attacked the Algerian gas plant at In Amenas last month, in which at least 38 hostages were killed.
February 14th, 2013, 8:40 pm
Ghufran said:
?? ???? ????? ????????
With love
February 14th, 2013, 8:55 pm
Syrian said:
A face coverd FSA soldier sends a Valentine card to his girl
“You are the only one who knows my eyes, a year and half have passed, I miss you”
February 14th, 2013, 9:06 pm
revenire said:
Tara I wasn’t talking to you. Did you imagine I was?
Please try to not see me as your SC Assad stand-in. I know you’re very intoxicated by me but restrain yourself. It’s a little embarrassing for you. I am sure you’ve seen Mari waving his hands trying for my attention and how that looks.
A little more Asma and a little less Tara would help.
February 14th, 2013, 9:07 pm
Tara said:
Syrian @186
Ah. That is so sweet!! I am getting jealous. 😉
I wish I was in the film making business to highlight all these emotions of our Syrian revolution. I would make several movies, about the refugees, the broken lives of many Syrians, about a love relationship between an anti and a pro, and a last one about the supporters of the regime that I would call From My Window Without Emotions. This profession of mine is boring me.
February 14th, 2013, 9:33 pm
Dolly Buster said:
So Ann, have you thought about why Chinese newspapers support Assad?
What’s in it for Red China
February 14th, 2013, 10:01 pm
Syrian said:
So many heroic stories are written everyday in our beloved Syria , some will be known some will go unrecognized, one thing for sure the Syrian people have shown the world of our great spirit that 50 years of darkness could not kill.
We are the Phoenix rising from the ashes.
February 14th, 2013, 10:08 pm
Dolly Buster said:
Syria is now one of the worst places in the world.
Liberia sounds sweet compared to Homs.
All of this was caused by the refusal of 1 Shiite tyrant to leave power after 50 years.
For this obstinacy, he will be brutally killed on CNN later this year.
February 14th, 2013, 10:12 pm
apple_mini said:
I see the flame war here is more like sympathizers flocking and getting high. Yet, without even looking closer to those gains are about and what the consequences are. That is quite a cheap cheerleadering victory but it is still better than cheerleadering killing.
The rebel made several gains this week. NYT says Jirah airfield had dozens of fighter jets intact. NYT disappointed me for this sloppy report. But again you can never expect full story can recovered from a single news source; The airfield had no military use so why the regime still guarded it was kinda bizarre. That one should have been completely abandoned or set up as a trap.
Today there was at least one MIG-21 got lost. Not sure whether it was shot down or due to mechanical failure. If it was indeed shot down, then by what weapon? That is the crucial info. If the rebel now have access to MANPADS, then the regime will have to withhold their air power and deploy more mechanized infantries.
Hasaka had very few spots controlled and guarded by the regime. Now they got defeated and abandoned the province completely. Losing many army personnel over there is not acceptable to the regime. Their commanding structure is a joke. There have been so many car bombing targeting army outposts, yet they still managed to allow any vehicle to get closer to their compound. At those remote locations with fewer attacks from the rebel, those posts seem to be less prepared for any serious attack and those army men seem to be less experienced not aware of any potential dangers out there. The regime will lose its oil from Hasaka and Iran will step in to support the regime’s need. If not, the regime will have a fierce battle with the rebel over there soon.
Whether the rebel can completely take over Hasaka is up to Kurdish people in Al-Hasakah. My bet is they will not just hand it over to the Islamists without fight. If the whole province is under the rebel’s control, then expect all kind of weapons from the regime to harass the region.
The regime is intensifying its advance in Aleppo. I believe their strategy is to take back Aleppo and cut off the rebel’s support in the area. Also they can spare more units later for taking back Syria-Turkey border area instead of getting stuck in urban fighting. If the regime can successfully take control of border crossings, they can be in the driver side of this civil war.
Not much news in Damascus and it is an indication that the Operation Epic is near its end. The regime is now concentrating its power in East Ghouta. The regime razed residential area near Mezze military airport for preventing the rebel’s infiltration. Not sure there were any residents left before the destruction.
In the coming days and weeks, there will be more rebel gains since the regime is still gradually contacting its army to implement its own strategy. It is possible that the process is not well-planned and painful.
As soon as the regime feels its loss of its strategic spots, they will get it back even it means steep loss. For that reason, Aleppo international airport will not taken by the rebels and the surrounding areas are taken back by the regime.
February 14th, 2013, 10:25 pm
MarigoldRan said:
@ Tara
I’ve always known Aldendeshe was a dickhead. But now I have confirmation. He said earlier he worships his dick. That makes him a dickhead.
@ Apple_Mini
Oh. So that’s your prediction. My prediction? The regime’s simply losing. You can try to spin the Jarrah loss however you want, but the loss of 20 jets and the airbase is a big blow.
Most of the jets are non-functioning because the regime sabotaged them BEFORE the base got captured. They didn’t want it to fall into rebel hands. Regardless, the regime just lost 20 jets.
By the way, the regime cannot afford to take steep losses. They don’t have the manpower for it. So your analysis and predictions are on par with Zoo’s:
February 14th, 2013, 10:39 pm
Observer said:
I went and searched the State Department web site for the upcoming trip by Kerry and here is the transcript of today’s briefing in which Kerry has no intention of going to Damascus contrary to what was quoted by SANA from Addyar and then quoted by RT from Cham Press.
The transcripts is available on the State Department web site as the daily briefing by Victoria Nuland.
It would have made the first order of news if Kerry was going to go to Damascus.
Laughvrov has not returned his call for three days now. So I call this posturing.
In the meantime, the revolution took a break to watch the state of the onion yesterday as it comes to foreign policy. They smoked a cigar and drank some tea and went about their business removing one piece of the mafiosi state at a time.
Obama is a president most interested in taking care of his home turf and it is infinitely more difficult than foreign policy. He also was a community organizer and this where his heart and soul is. In domestic affairs. Syria is of no strategic importance to the US. Neither money nor weapons nor boots on the ground or drones in the skies will be used in Syria. Let them duke it out. The US has no dog in this fight. OK? Comprende?
The US will suffer whether it intervenes or it sits by. Therefore it is cheaper and more pragmatic to let events unfold. After all thouria alathad is closer to Grozhni than Miami. Let Laughvrov deal with it. Let us watch the spectacle of the weapons of Russia fail and see how many people are willing to buy them. Let the Iranians send more corps general to be assassinated and let them spend billions on shoring up the Corleone family and bleed to death.
Meanwhile the oxymoronic “single unified disciplined defending force” capable of destroying the “hordes” of jihadists is winning daily heroic battles against the lairs of terroristic mercenaries armed and sent by the “world wide conthpiracy” against thouria alathad.
TARA ZOO is a card carrying member of the inner delusional circle of the mafiosi regime. If you read Jurgen’s account of the 45 minute documentary he is clearly in a delusional state and has created circular arguments that prevent him for facing reality.
I also believe that he has surrounded himself with a whole cadre of people that do not dare tell him the truth and if they do so they will be eliminated.
This was the case with Hitler in his bunker when he was ordering imaginary armies on his map and the case with Saddam when no one dared tell him that there is no air defense system left or guards to conduct any operations on the ground.
Please post again that ZOO that the 60 000 dead were killed by terrorists recognizing that there are at least 60 000 dead and that these terrorists have killed so many and yet not a single officer resigned or was replaced and no minister of interior or defense were brought in front of a commission of inquiry.
Moudhek Moubki indeed. Oxymorons worshiping an oxymoronic failed optometrist.
Justice for Hamza.
February 14th, 2013, 10:39 pm
MarigoldRan said:
@ Dolly
China supports Russia on Syria because it wins China diplomatic points with Russia.
After all, China has a problem with North Korea and might need Russian diplomatic support in the future.
February 14th, 2013, 10:44 pm
ann said:
190. Dolly Parton
You should stick to singing country and western music instead of posting `israeli naive and infantile propaganda 😉
February 14th, 2013, 10:45 pm
MarigoldRan said:
Once the regime loses territory for longer than a month, the regime is incapable of re-taking it.
Murat Al-Numan fell over a month ago. Still in rebel hands. Most of Deir El Ezzor province fell more than a month ago. Still firmly in rebel hands. Most of Aleppo and Idlib fell more than a month ago. Still in rebel hands. East Ghouta is still in rebel hands. As is Douma. And Daraya.
The regime simply doesn’t have the manpower to hold ground. It relies on tanks, helicopters, and planes to survive. But its supply of tanks and planes are limited and falling….
You should stick to watching pornographic cartoons instead of annoying successful people.
February 14th, 2013, 10:47 pm
revenire said:
Apple thank you for that report. I have sent Dr. Assad a letter today asking him to accelerate the razing of towns hiding rats. Some of us have hopes he will conduct a merciless bombing campaign to “pave” the vermin’s nests.
Our boys are doing a good job in Aleppo and the new drones from Iran are helping us spot rats trying to cross the borders. As you know, not even the mighty America can seal her borders – drugs come in through the porous border with Mexico – but we’re trying.
As war criminal William Hague said, Syria has become a terrorist magnet. Thousands of foreign rats are entering. Last night I was talking to a Libyan from Tripoli who felt the call to come murder Syrians. He believed that Assad was an apostate and Alawites needed to be killed, called the Kurds “monkeys” and said all Syrian Christians needed to die or be driven out.
February 14th, 2013, 10:50 pm
Observer said:
This is interesting news about the death of Mughniah
After his death the campaign to implicate Syria for the murder of Hariri ceased
February 14th, 2013, 10:56 pm
Syrian said:
The regime supporters have Aldendashi and we have Marigoldran, we both can do fine without them
February 14th, 2013, 11:08 pm
MarigoldRan said:
I beg to disagree. My predictions are almost always right.
February 14th, 2013, 11:13 pm
Aldendeshe said:
As you know, not even the mighty America can seal her borders
That is a B.S.. Send a letter to Dr. Assad tonight let him know that SNP has the technology that will hermetically seal Syria’s borders. Not only can do that, but the system will shoot to kill any intruder using automated mean. The entire border, including sea coast and mountain can be controlled. He can sit in his office and watch all borders live in real time, he can manually disable auto-kill function if he so mercifully chooses to save a wild worthy four legged animal like deer or fawn or hyena, or not so worthy two legged and really wild animals from Arabian, Turkmen Libyan or Chechen species.
But I think like the rag head mullah, he is playing the Zionist plot to slow kill Syria. Otherwise, there will be 350,000 IRGC long ago in Syria thumbing their coc*k** a bedouin Jews in Arabia.
They love Moslems and Zionists, hate Syrians.
February 14th, 2013, 11:18 pm
Visitor said:
Did I not mention already that Apple-Mini is Albo in disguise?
Do you guys still remember Albo?
He was known as Albong the neo-Nazi skin head by Amjad.
He also lives in Hamburg where he hangs out with other skin heads.
He thinks he is an expert in economics. But he showed promise as a good number cruncher.
February 14th, 2013, 11:26 pm
Aldendeshe said:
200. Syriansaid:
The regime supporters have Aldendashi and we have Marigoldran, we both can do fine without them
Oh Sure you do, you just need your paid Jewish HASBARA that you can play for and against the regime in perfectly controlled comments that you pre approve twice a day in your daily meetings. Would not that be then like all Jewish controlled media and blogs, that America and the world is fed up with.
Where we learn that 19 cave dwellers from Afghanistan came to U.S. and after 2 hours of flight training, managed to fly jumbo jets and fool the multibillion NORAD defense systems, the world most sophisticated radar. Then what, let me guess, we discuss pink poodles and some Jewish bimbo new hair cut on here too, anything but real news.
The world is fed up, Jacob trouble is coming, read the bible. Just search jacob trouble like never before.
February 14th, 2013, 11:47 pm
Ghufran said:
Human Rights Watch has urged donors not to wait for Syria’s go-ahead, but immediately expand support to NGOs already able to deliver aid from Turkey into opposition-held areas. The UN agency for refugees, UNHCR, on Wednesday completed its second aid delivery into north-west Syria, where thousands of internally displaced people are in dire need. The operation, carried out in partnership with the Syrian Arab Red Crescent and the local community, consisted of seven trucks carrying 1,000 tents and 15,000 blankets. The convoy travelled from Latakia on the Syrian coast and Damascus to the Bab al-Hawa area near the Turkish border.
UNHCR’s previous aid convoy to northern Syria at the end of January was the first of its kind, delivering 2,000 tents and 15,000 blankets from Latakia to A’zaz, also close to the Turkish border.
( aid to Syrian refugees is already being stolen by neighboring countries , Syrian regime agents and other Syrians who are only loyal to their pocketbook )
February 15th, 2013, 12:10 am
Aldendeshe said:
OOPS, top of the hour, shift Change, LOL. the HASBARA night shift gone, paid by the hour….. LOL…don’t forget your brown launch bags, that saussage will not be Kosher in the morning.
February 15th, 2013, 12:12 am
revenire said:
The paid shills.
Say Mari how many times did you eat dog today? You Vietnamese are very resourceful. I bet not a single part of the dog is wasted.
February 15th, 2013, 12:15 am
MarigoldRan said:
Still posting continuously since the afternoon, I see.
And you still think I’m Vietnamese. As I’ve said before, you’re a retard.
February 15th, 2013, 12:18 am
Ghufran said:
???? ????? ??????? ????? ?? ?????? ?????? ?? ??????? ????? ???? ??????? ??????? ?? ???? ??? ???? ???? ??? “??????” ?? ?????.
????? ???? “???? ?????????” ???????? ????? ???? ????? ??? ???? ??? ??? ?????????? ?? ????? ?????? ????? ?? “??????? ??????? ???? ???? ??? ???? ????? ??? ?? ??????? (???????) ????”.
?????? ?????? ?? “??????? ???? ????? ?????? ??? ???? ??? ???? ??????? ?? ????? ?????? ?? ??????? ????? ??????? ????????? ??????? ???? ???? ??? ?????? ?????????? ???????? ???????? ??? ????? ??????”.
???? ?????? ???????? ??????? ???? ??? ?? ??? ???? ????? ??????? ??????? ?? ?????? ??? ????????? ????? ?? ??? ?????? ??????? ???????? ??????? ????? ???? ??????? ????? ???????? ?? ??????.
source: aksalser
( like it or not, unless governments of foreign nations , pro and anti regime, have a taste of the misery Syrians are drinking every day, those governments are likely to continue to support their thugs in Syria instead of helping to end the war)
February 15th, 2013, 12:22 am
Syrian said:
… ??????? ???? ?? ???? ? ???? ?? ??? ? ????…. ??? ?????? ?????????? ????….
???? ?? ??? ?????? ???? ?? ???????????…. ?? ?????? ?????? ???? ???????… ????? ?????? ???? ???…
???? ?????? ???… ???? ? ?????? ??? ?????? ?????? ????…
February 15th, 2013, 12:34 am
Aldendeshe said:
Rather than the Baathist regime set up a website and display, document all the atrocities against the people and country of Syria for the world to see, they are actively engaged in hiding many of these atrocities out of shame for the incompetence of the regime. They should be ashamed, that alone is crime they should be tried for.
February 15th, 2013, 12:38 am
Juergen said:
Here is an other example of war time valentine greetings, this one is from Aleppo
February 15th, 2013, 1:51 am
retard @ 187
??? ???? ???? ???????
some more athma
and more athma
a little more athma
may be a little more athma
and more to come*
* photo found in the pocket of a dead shabbeeh who promissed to kill for athma.
February 15th, 2013, 2:23 am
Citizen said:
February 15th, 2013, 5:27 am
Albo said:
“203. VISITOR said:
Did I not mention already that Apple-Mini is Albo in disguise?
Do you guys still remember Albo?
He was known as Albong the neo-Nazi skin head by Amjad.
He also lives in Hamburg where he hangs out with other skin heads.
He thinks he is an expert in economics. But he showed promise as a good number cruncher.”
It appears I’m still haunting Mr Visitor from hell, he sees me everywhere.
Oh and you still have that rich imagination, I see, that’s what explains your ridiculous beliefs in the first place. So how are your islamists buddies faring?
Ah yes, still wallowing in their excrements. Blowing sh*t up and themselves from time to time. Thankfully Al Jazeera is still making sensational headlines years on, to no avail. Newspaper victories whenever a few punks in arms show up somewhere with a camera. Lol
February 15th, 2013, 5:45 am
Juergen said:
February 15th, 2013, 6:15 am
Juergen said:
February 15th, 2013, 6:57 am
Juergen said:
Cooking gas in Syria today costs as much as 3300 SYP, and that is for just one jar!
The prices used to be at 400 SYP before the war.
The Syrian civil war has destroyed nearly half the country’s wealth
“43% of the country’s capital stock is gone”
February 15th, 2013, 7:02 am
Citizen said:
218. JUERGEN said:
The Syrian civil war has destroyed nearly half the country’s wealth
rejoice! you supported that and you’ve promoted! !
February 15th, 2013, 7:34 am
zoo said:
#218 Juergen
Is this one the great achievement of the ‘revolution’ together with 2.5 million displaced and refugees, malnutrition in the North_east and 70,000 death?
Rejoice, it is a really a success.
February 15th, 2013, 8:10 am
zoo said:
What the Islamists want for Syria. I am sure many on this blog will fully agree…
“Women must cover their entire bodies. Everyone must pray five times a day. Dancing should be prohibited. Differing interpretations of Islam would be tolerated, they say, as long as those beliefs remained “a secret” — a kind of “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy.”
Why Syria’s Islamists Are Gaining
Published: February 14, 2013
The rebels in the Free Syrian Army don’t doubt that they will drive President Bashar al-Assad from power — eventually — but they have no idea what will happen afterward: Democracy? An Islamic republic? An Islamic dictatorship? The fighters I met on a recent visit here were unable to articulate any long-term political vision.
“The people who believe in a strict Islam will do anything, fight anybody, do anything for Islam,” a barber who recently reopened his shop told me. “They are like the U.S. Special Forces. They like death more than life.”
The grass-roots supporters of the Islamists whom I spoke with were a mixture of devout fundamentalist Muslims, returning merchants struggling to make ends meet, parents of dead fighters for the Free Syrian Army, and some of the fighters themselves.
They insisted that they wanted only a “pure” Islam, not a Taliban-style government, to replace the Assad family’s regime, which has ruled Syria since 1971. But they offered examples of purity that sounded Talibanesque: Women must cover their entire bodies. Everyone must pray five times a day. Dancing should be prohibited. Differing interpretations of Islam would be tolerated, they say, as long as those beliefs remained “a secret” — a kind of “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy.
He added: “We will keep going with our own power and our guns and Allah. We will make victory ourselves and have freedom and an Islamic country.”
February 15th, 2013, 8:15 am
zoo said:
The Syrian government did so well to get rid of these pathetic cartoonest characters.
Ryad Hijab repeats the Israeli mantra: It’s all the fault of Iran
The former prime minister of Syria delivered a harsh critique of the country’s president during an interview with al-Arabiya Friday, claiming that “not even the Nazis did what Bashar Assad’s doing in Syria.”
Riad Hijab, who defected from his post in Damascus six months ago, also told the Arabic-language news outlet that Iran is “actively running” Syria.
“Syria is occupied by the Iranian regime,” he said. “Who runs the country isn’t Bashar Assad but Kassem Suleimani, the head of Iran’s al-Quds Brigades [within the Revolutionary Guards].”
February 15th, 2013, 8:22 am
Visitor said:
“It appears I’m still haunting Mr Visitor from hell, he sees me everywhere.”
Albo aka Apple-Mini incarnate @215,
Haunted by you? In your dreams!
I was haunted by the circular logic @192.
So now you admit you’re Albo. I am just letting everyone knows who you are so they too can get haunted by neo nazi skin heads.
February 15th, 2013, 8:41 am
zoo said:
February 15th, 2013, 8:58 am
zoo said:
February 15th, 2013, 9:07 am
zoo said:
178 Tara
I just wished you had as many compassionate words for the sufferings of the average Syrians than you have hateful words for a man and his family.
Bashar al Assad is only one player and many of your tribe are integral part of the game.
I worship nobody but I fully reject religious ideologies that want to shape a country.
In Syria, the only love and compassion I had and I still have is for the Syrian people.
February 15th, 2013, 9:09 am
Visitor said:
February 15th, 2013, 9:15 am
majedkhaldoun said:
Asteroid is passing close to the earth, meteors hit Russia
February 15th, 2013, 9:21 am
zoo said:
Do the rebels have control over the areas around the borders or not? If yes, so who is firing the mortars on Turkey? Who is exploding cars in the borders?.
Turkey responds to mortar shell from Syria
A mortar shell supposedly fired from Syria landed in the town of Yaylada?? in the southern Turkish province of Hatay late on Thursday.
February 15th, 2013, 9:22 am
zoo said:
February 15th, 2013, 9:31 am
zoo said:
Will Al Azhar become the Sunni version of Qom?
Al Azhar’s shake-up has ramifications far beyond Egypt
HA Hellyer Feb 15, 2013
Read more: http://www.thenational.ae/thenationalconversation/comment/al-azhars-shake-up-has-ramifications-far-beyond-egypt#ixzz2Kyi6pEQ5
February 15th, 2013, 9:33 am
zoo said:
The rich are not the ones suffering from this absurd ‘freedom of expression revolution’.
Syrian investments flow into Arab countries
Syria faces large scale capital flight
Beirut/Dubai: Arab countries have found a new source of foreign investment amid the region’s turmoil: Syrian businessmen who have given up on their war-riven country and want to do business with neighbours.
After waiting it out for a long time, many in Syria’s business class are finally coming to the conclusion that their country’s conflict “is going to be a long-term crisis”, said Awni Al Rushoud, head of the Jordan Investment Board. “We are trying to facilitate all tools for them,” he added.
“The whole region has Syrians going and investing,” said Jihad Yazigi, editor of the Syria Report business newsletter.
The Jordan Investment Board registered more than 100 million dinars (Dh518 million, $140 million) worth of Syrian investment in the last two months of 2012.
Egypt is also potentially well-positioned to gain from a Syrian business exodus. Some Syrian businesses went there in the 1990s, taking advantage of its reasonable cost of living, low labour costs, textile industry knowhow and lack of visa requirements.
Samir Seifan, a Dubai-based economist affiliated with the Syrian opposition, estimated that more than 1,000 Syrian businessmen were living in Cairo.
February 15th, 2013, 9:40 am
Sami said:
Sir Spin-a-lot is at it yet again…
70,000 deaths are now to be blamed on the revolution and not the fool that is carpet bombing the entire nation. What started as civil disobedience and turned into a war waged by an illegitimate government on its own people, in which only a small part decided to carry arms and fight back the monstrous actions of this heinous government is completely beyond your scope of understanding.
Zoo Can you please provide us with a link from any NGO’s or UN body that shares this opinion of yours? From every report I have read the majority of the deaths are attributed to the direct actions of the Assadi militias.
“A mortar shell supposedly fired from Syria landed in the town of Yaylada??”
Does google maps not work where you are at?
Who controls this area of Latakia Zoo? Is Latakia all of a sudden in Idlib?
And when you say your compassion is for the Syrian people does that include when you were cheerleading the “clean up and disinfection” of Baba Amr?
February 15th, 2013, 9:46 am
zoo said:
Your revolution is an success, enjoy every minute and every death of it!
February 15th, 2013, 9:55 am
Visitor said:
On the other hand, and on the other side of the border, our Iraqi brothers have risen from the aftermath the of US machination in Iraq which was followed by Mullah-stani devious and criminal plottings against them. Our Iraqi bothers are sending a clear message to the mullah apes of Mullah-stan, that there will be no more Kisras once Kisra is gone, as our beloved Prophet (PBUH) told us,
The asteroids which hit evil Russia today are punishment to its crimes against the Syrian people. This could be followed by more devastations if the Russians do not withdraw to the far reaches of Siberia where they should freeze to death.
February 15th, 2013, 9:59 am
revenire said:
Sami if 700,000 martyrs have to die to save Syria so be it.
Dr. Assad give the command. Start the bombing campaign. After 2-3 weeks it will be over.
Long live Syria.
February 15th, 2013, 10:00 am
Sami said:
Again Zoo your lack of citations to back up your claims and sad attempt at somehow blaming me for the actions of the government you support is very telling….
You can write it as many times you want, you can throw quotation marks on every massacre and atrocities committed by your government it will not hide the fact you support the murder and destruction of Syria and Syrians. As long as you support this regime, you support murder.
February 15th, 2013, 10:03 am
zoo said:
Is this a rerun of the news posted in October 2012….
Syria – Mortar shell lands in southern Turkey (12/10/5)
A mortar shell landed in Yayladagi town of southern province of Hatay. No casualties were reported.
Hatay Governor Celalettin Lekesiz told AA correspondent on Friday that a mortar shell fell at rural area in Asagipulluyazi village in Yayladagi, 50 meters away from the Syria border.
There were no casualties, he said.
Turkish army immediately fired back, the governor said.
February 15th, 2013, 10:07 am
revenire said:
“236. SAMI said:
Again Zoo your lack of citations to back up your claims and sad attempt at somehow blaming me for the actions of the government you support is very telling….”
Would it matter if we included the BBC or the Saudi press? This is war and each side has its media as part of the war.
You are a terrorist. Syria spits you out.
February 15th, 2013, 10:09 am
Visitor said:
The distortion of democracy by western so-called liberals and the true form of democracy,
“???? ??????????? ????????? ????? ?? ???? ??? ????? ??? ???? ????? ?? ??? ??? ?????? ?? ??? ?????? ????? ??? ???????? ??????? ?? ????? ????? ????? ?? ??????? ??????? ???? ????? ?????? ???????.”
This is exactly what the Syrians are now practicing in liberated Syria.
February 15th, 2013, 10:09 am
ann said:
Hypocrisy: US Arms Al Qaeda in Syria – Feb 13, 2013
AFP has reported that a recent NATO airstrike in Afghanistan has killed over 10 civilians in an all-too-familiar headline glossed over by the Western media in an exercise of both depravity and hypocrisy. RT’s article, “NATO airstrike kills 10 Afghan civilians, mostly women and children – officials,” notes in particular that up to 11,864 civilians were killed in Afghanistan between 2007 and 2011, and that civilian deaths before 2007 were not even tracked by the UN.
Such facts reveal alarming hypocrisy as the UN keeps almost daily, inflated tallies of civilian deaths elsewhere, in particular, in nations like Libya and Syria where Western interests have been heavily involved in regime change and in dire need of manipulating public perception worldwide. The United Nations had in fact pieced together a dubious report crafted from “witness accounts” compiled not in Syria, or even beyond its borders in a refugee camp, but instead, in Geneva by “witnesses” supplied by the so-called Syrian “opposition.”
Worse yet, that UN report was co-authored by Karen Koning AbuZayd, a director of the US Washington-based corporate think-tank, Middle East Policy Council. Its board of directors includes Exxon men, CIA agents, representatives of the Saudi Binladin Group (Osama Bin Laden’s family business), former ambassadors to Kuwait, Oman, and Qatar, US military and government representatives, and even the president of the US-Qatar Business Council, which includes amongst its membership, Al Jazeera, Chevron, Exxon, munitions manufacturer Raytheon (who supplied the opening salvos during NATO’s operations against Libya), and Boeing.
In other words, the very underwriters of the armed militancy that is consuming Syria are sitting along side the head of the UN commission producing reports portraying the Syrian government as guilty of “war crimes and crimes against humanity.
The hypocrisy does not end there. The pretense the US and NATO have used for over a decade to occupy, subjugate and slaughter the people of Afghanistan – in a conflict increasingly creeping over both Afghanistan’s borders with Pakistan and Iran – is supposedly to fight “terrorism.” Western interests have been allowed to fight this “war on terrorism” with impunity, and even without UN monitoring for years, while Syria was immediately condemned for fighting against Al Qaeda terrorists overtly flooding into their nation with NATO assistance.
Indeed, as NATO claims to fight terrorism in Afghanistan, it has already handed over the North African nation of Libya to Al Qaeda terrorists, specifically the the US State Department, United Nations, and the UK Home Office (page 5, .pdf)-listed terrorist organization, the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG). The US in particular oversaw the rise of the Al Qaeda terror-emirate Benghazi, even having a US ambassador slain there by the very terrorists it had armed, funded, trained, provided air support for, and thrust into power.
These same terrorists have been documented extensively as spearheading the invasion of northern Syria via NATO-member Turkey, with NATO cash and weapons in cooperation with Saudi Arabia and Qatar.
The glaring hypocrisy of so-called “international law” and “international institutions” is on full display. Nations like Russia, China, Iran, India, Pakistan, Indonesia, Brazil, and many others should give serious thought to peeling away from the United Nations, the compromised International Criminal Court, and other corrupt, Western-serving institutions that will, and in many cases already are, being turned against them, their interests, and national sovereignty.
February 15th, 2013, 10:09 am
zoo said:
#242 Sami
As you are enjoying every minute of the death and destruction of Syria and you are just praying it goes on, you can actively participate in it by sending money to Al Nusra…
Some on this Blog have the right contact for that.
February 15th, 2013, 10:13 am
Visitor said:
Look at these terrorist thugs and at what they’re doing,
These are rafidis who came to Bahrain from Iran in the early 60s. When will the King send them back to where they came from?
Indeed, if you offer generosity to those who do not deserve it they will come back and bite the hand which lifted them out of destitute!!
February 15th, 2013, 10:15 am
revenire said:
Vistor why not get a gun and go fight with your brother rats?
February 15th, 2013, 10:17 am
zoo said:
Allahu Akbar! God is showing which side he is with…
The Russia should dump Bashar al Assad immediately to prevent more catastrophes.
“The asteroids which hit evil Russia today are punishment to its crimes against the Syrian people.”
February 15th, 2013, 10:21 am
revenire said:
Majedkhaldoun an asteroid is hitting the FSA today too: it is called the Syrian Air Force.
February 15th, 2013, 10:25 am
Sami said:
Yet again Zoo you blame me for your positions.
I am not the one whom celebrated the destruction of Darayya, I am not the one whom celebrated the clean up and disinfection of Baba Amr, I am not the one callously arguing massacres never happened, I am not the one doubting the use of cluster munitions, I am not the one predicting falsely, i am not the one spinning everything to make the regime look good. You are guilty of all of that and even more…
Please do provide us with one citation to prove any of your callous posts? Where and whom has documented the fact the rebels or the revolution are responsible for 70,000 deaths. Still waiting……
February 15th, 2013, 10:43 am
majedkhaldoun said:
is the name of the city of Qum, came from Qumameh , which means where trash is accumilated
February 15th, 2013, 11:01 am
revenire said:
Of course the “revolution” is responsible for EVERY Syrian killed. What good would a citation do? Rats would dismiss it in two seconds.
Sami if this war is still going on in two years there will be 500,000 dead. I hope you believe it is worth it.
February 15th, 2013, 11:07 am
Dolly Buster said:
Wow, that guy knows what time it is.
February 15th, 2013, 11:10 am
Visitor said:
MajedK @247,
I think you’re asking me a question. And my answer is YES. The name of Qom comes from Qumamah which as you said means garbage. It used to be a garbage collection site during al-Rachid Khilafa until the safawi rafidis came in and found it the ideal place to cage the mullah apes. And they have been dumping them in this Qumamah place ever since. We all know their chief Qomqom (Khomeini) is the product of Punjabi mut’3a slavery which means qumamah in layman’s terms. And worse, they try to pollute the memory of our beloved Prophet (PBUH) by falsely claiming they descend from him, May Allah curse them 4ever and ever. Could you imagine what our Prophet (PBUH) will do to these apes products of mut’3a on the Day of Judgement? The best thing, I think He (PBUH) will find a Qumamah quarter in lowest and darkest Jahannam to dumb them and keep them sequestered in it for ever.
February 15th, 2013, 11:12 am
Juergen said:
Smiling Chavez
February 15th, 2013, 11:14 am
apple_mini said:
Looks like many members of the opposition are feeling sapping of enthusiasm due to unexpected long and horrific ongoing war. There have been some pep talks around to cheer up their gloomy morale. The opposition are circulating a new motto: The greater the struggle the greater the glory.
I posted my opinion somewhere else to respond that kind of mindset:
In other words, the more blood to shed, the more intensity of thrill.
Who are those revolutionists? If they are so ready to sacrifice for their goal and change, why not learn from Gandhi to spare the majority citizens from suffering?
I am pretty sure if the revolutionists had taken non-violence path and had no fear to face the regime’s brutality, their blood and sacrifice would have won support from majority of Syrians. The regime would have crumpled within.
Instead, the revolutionists quickly took arms and started its own brutality. And even without wasting any time, the revolutionists had embraced the Islamic Jihadists, relying on their ruthless tactics and terror.
Too many innocent Syrians have died, no only by the regime’s force, but also by direct killing from the rebels/Jihadists. The rebels have been taking civilians as human shield for its urban war. Your so-called glory is a farce, an insult to Syrians who never wanted a war to destroy their families and the country.
February 15th, 2013, 11:17 am
Syrian said:
So many videos came out from the heroic take over of the Sahwa battalion in Dara’a, including the video showing the corpse of the commanding officer whose battalion had rained death and destruction on every thing that moved.
This video stands out, it shows the hero of Dara’a attacking tanks and missiles site with only light arms
King Abdel Allah you can close the border and make Zoo and Co.Very happy ,but here the heros of Dara’a has proven their bravery had beaten the many.
February 15th, 2013, 11:21 am
revenire said:
A few Syrian Air Force meteors brought freedom to Ghouta.
February 15th, 2013, 11:22 am
Dolly Buster said:
I have beef with the Shia from 2 sides: One is non-religious and purely political. And the second, is theological.
I noticed that EVERY time there is a war I care about, the Shia take the opposing side from mine.
For instance: I was opposed to Bush’s attack on Iraq. Well, the Shia decided it would be a nifty idea to fight on Bush’s side.
February 15th, 2013, 11:35 am
Citizen said:
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????? ??????? ??? ?? “??????? ??????? ??????? ??????????? ??????? ???????? ?????? ?????? ??????? ?????? ???????? ??? ?????? ???? ??? ??????? ?????? ??? ???? ??? ??????? ??????? ???????? ????????? ???????? ???? ????? ??? ????? ?? ????????? ?? ??????? ???? ???? ??? ????? ???????? ???????? ???? ?????? ?? ?????? ???????? ??????? ??????? ??????? ?????????? ????? ????? ?????? ?? ?????? ??????? ?????? ???????? ????? ??? ?????? ???? ?????? ?????? ?????? ???? ????????? ????????? ?????? “???????” ?”???? ??????” ?????? ?? ????????? ???? ?????? ?? ????? “???????” ???????? ????? ???? ??????? ??????? ??????? ????? ?????? ?????? ???”.
February 15th, 2013, 11:38 am
Aldendeshe said:
254. reveniresaid:
A few Syrian Air Force meteors brought freedom to Ghouta.
Why only one fighter jet operating all over Syria, why not 300 of these running on the hour? Why not one balistic missile was launched at offending countries that train and send terrorists to kill and rob Syria is ever launched. If I was Syra leader and a Kuwaiti or Libyan terrorists get caught, those countries are now dust.
February 15th, 2013, 11:41 am
revenire said:
Not sure why we don’t see jets bombing any rat that moves 24/7. I am all for it and for keeping it going until we run out of rats or run out of bombs.
February 15th, 2013, 11:50 am
Juergen said:
life of a dictator
Kadyrow of Chechnya, dictatorship granted from Putin, like Assad inhereted his reign from his father
have a look at his private instagram account
February 15th, 2013, 11:52 am
Syrian said:
Because half of the airplanes don’t work the other half they don’t trust most of their pilots.
The one they trust are fallen like flies in the hands of FSA.some alive some dead
Here is the last dead one 2 days ago from Tartous
February 15th, 2013, 12:00 pm
Mina said:
New “freedom” for the same old policemen in Egypt
But you’re free to believe that the MB didn’t make a deal with the police.
February 15th, 2013, 12:05 pm
majedkhaldoun said:
Thank you visitor
I think we have garbage commentors here on SC,they probably came from Qum-mameh
February 15th, 2013, 12:08 pm
Syrian said:
Who needs King Abdel Allah’s help!!
The heroes of Dara’a take back the weapons from Batta’s militias
February 15th, 2013, 12:11 pm
Visitor said:
The latest addition to the FSA arsenal,
Now, I am really upset!! Why don’t our FSA heroes start firing these missiles at Bashar, Asma, kids. mother, brother, sister and …Quradha
Is the FSA waiting for Nusra to come and show them how to use them? Come on guys what the hell were you doing while you were in the so-called SAA? They didn’t teach you anything??.
Majedk @262,
You are absolutely right.
Most of these commentators are either mullah-stanis or hizbistanis. None of them are Syrians. And they talk about our good Chechen, Iraqi and Kuwaiti brothers as foreigners. No they are not foreigners. They are our brothers in faith who came to finish off these rafidi thugs once and for all because their trash mullahs sent their mut’3a trash to trash Syria and polute the memeory of our beloved Prophet (PBUH) with their trash.
Does Zoo ever comment in Arabic? I think he is trash mut’3a product from Qumamah.
February 15th, 2013, 12:18 pm
Aldendeshe said:
For instance: I was opposed to Bush’s attack on Iraq. Well, the Shia decided it would be a nifty idea to fight on Bush’s side.
That was really low of Shia to do that. But don’t forget that all Sunni Moslem countries, including all Arab countries, helped both Busches murder millions of Iraqi Sunni Moslem. They helped them during Desert Storm media show, during the Iraq-Afghanistan shock and awe invasion and even now Qatar maintain U.S. largest military base, Saudi Arabia maintain large drone base killing Moslem Yemenites, and many more in all Sunni Moslem countries. So why you are picking on Shia only? Because Arabs making payola for your terrorism in Syria and Shia are not.
You are not appreciating the fact that Iran Shia can field 350,000 IRGC in Syria and put this Zionist conspiracy to end right away, but they did not do it, just to help you Sunni Moslem out defeat Syria. Helping Moslem Brothers against Nationalists.
February 15th, 2013, 12:20 pm
Uzair8 said:
Aje syria blog.
Syria about 4 hours ago
Activists reported renewed fighting between regime forces and rebels in the northern city of Aleppo, as the opposition attempted to gain control of the civilian international airport and the nearby Nairab military base.
“The army shelled the area around Aleppo international airport and Nayrab air base on Friday morning, while rebels used homemade rockets to shell Nayrab,” Rami Abdel Rahman, the director of the Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, said.
He said at least 150 rebels and government troops have been killed in the battles near the airport on Wednesday and Thursday. The death toll was almost evenly divided between opposition fighters and regime soldiers.
On Wednesday, rebels captured most of the “Brigade 80” force that is in charge of protecting the airport area.
“The army is preparing a large-scale operation to take back control of Base 80,” Abdel Rahman said.
Rebels in Aleppo have say they shifted focus weeks ago from the city to airbases in the province.
Opposition fighters see the capture of airports such as Al-Jarrah, also in Aleppo province, few days ago as a way to seize large amounts of ammunition and to put out of action warplanes used by the regime air force to bombard rebel-held areas.
February 15th, 2013, 12:27 pm
majedkhaldoun said:
I am really proud of our FSA, While Assad thugs has been trying for four months to take over Darayya and failed miserably, FSA has been taking bases like Liwaa 38 at AlSahwa, capturing huge ammunitions,
Now who is the rat and who is the lion? That is what I meant those spinners and Assad thugs on SC are garbage.,Assad troops are demoralized and exhausted, they don’t believe in their fights.
February 15th, 2013, 12:37 pm
That definitely looked like bird poop falling from the sky.
February 15th, 2013, 1:10 pm
Visitor said:
Hey Syrian @260,
Did you notice the thug’s mother name is Anitha.
Was Anitha doing part time ‘work’ while with Hafeth?
Just curious!!!
February 15th, 2013, 1:21 pm
zoo said:
Some comments here are solid proofs that Islam is a certainly a religion of peace..PFHUIT!
No wonder al Azhar mullah are panicking..
February 15th, 2013, 2:14 pm
Ziad said:
????? ????? ????? ??????? ????????
February 15th, 2013, 2:19 pm
zoo said:
Lebanon arrests 11 armed men including 4 Syrians
The Lebanese army on Friday said it has arrested 11 men, including four Syrians, for weapons possession in a tense border town that has seen frequent unrest linked to the war in neighbouring Syria.
“Army units deployed in Arsal arrested on Thursday and Friday 11 people including four Syrians, and seized from their possession weapons, ammunition and military material,” the army said in a statement.
The arrests took place “in a mountainous region leading to the Lebanese-Syrian border,” and were part of “operations the army is carrying out to arrest wanted people… and to end weapons smuggling and illegal crossings” across the border.
February 15th, 2013, 2:19 pm
Juergen said:
February 15th, 2013, 2:22 pm
zoo said:
Lavrov: Rebels should drop Assad demand
(Published: Feb. 15, 2013 at 10:31 AM
MOSCOW, Feb. 15 (UPI) — Syrian rebels should abandon demands for President Bashar Assad to resign before they begin peace talks, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said.
Lavrov said Assad has made it clear he will not step down and demands for him to do so will only result in more violence, Britain’s Guardian newspaper reported Friday.
“Either we have to want to save lives and … forget about who is responsible for the time being, and to bring all of them to the negotiating table, or we don’t care about lives and care about [Assad’s] fate,” Lavrov said in an interview with German broadcaster ARD.
Lavron, conceding reforms offered by Assad were inadequate, said the president was offering a dialogue the rebels should accept because they have not offered any alternatives.
“The only thing which is uniting the opposition is toppling the regime,” he said. “In almost two years [the opposition] never produced any constructive platform.”
Rebels are acting against the government in parallel “with quite a number of terrorists groups,” Lavrov said.
Rebels with al-Qaida-linked fighters said they had nearly full control of an oil-rich northeast region Friday, the third big gain claimed by them this week.
The reported takeover of the hotly contested Hasaka province — a fertile, rich area 375 miles northeast of Damascus near Iraq — came with critical assistance from the Sunni Islamic and jihadi militant al-Nusra Front after three days of bitter fighting, the Britain-based opposition Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said.
Read more: http://www.upi.com/Top_News/World-News/2013/02/15/Lavrov-Rebels-should-drop-Assad-demand/UPI-67481360913400/#ixzz2KzuWHL38
February 15th, 2013, 2:23 pm
Juergen said:
Lavrow interview with german ARD ( national tv)
This is an copy probably the Russians have made of this interview.
Quite revealing.
February 15th, 2013, 2:28 pm
zoo said:
Tehran will fight tooth and nail to hold onto Syria.
Read more: http://www.upi.com/Top_News/Special/2013/02/15/Syria-Mystery-shrouds-slaying-of-Iranian/UPI-13381360951905/#ixzz2Kzvif5NE
February 15th, 2013, 2:31 pm
Regime supporters, what do you think of the shabihha? Will they be tried for their crimes? Who will bring them to justice, the one who created them in the first place?
February 15th, 2013, 2:32 pm
Badr said:
The new Syria will need human rights, not reprisals
Kenneth Roth
The Guardian
February 15th, 2013, 2:34 pm
zoo said:
#283 Georges
Tried? That’s a good joke, half of the Syrian population will be on trial!
February 15th, 2013, 2:43 pm
revenire said:
Georges wants to put more than half the nation of Syria on trial. LOL
February 15th, 2013, 2:47 pm
zoo said:
More about the shell that fell in Turkey: fights in Kassab.
The shell was fired Thursday during clashes between forces loyal to the Syrian regime and rebels in the town of Kasab in Syria’s Latakia governorate, the Anatolia news agency reported Friday.
Officials said the shell landed about a half-mile from Turkey’s Kayapinar military outpost.
Turkey responded with strikes against Syrian army targets, Today’s Zaman reported.e shell was fired during clashes between forces loyal to the Syrian regime and rebels
Read more: http://www.upi.com/Top_News/World-News/2013/02/15/Syrian-shell-falls-in-Turkish-town/UPI-98321360949620/#ixzz2L00inX4w
February 15th, 2013, 2:51 pm
zoo said:
Photos of the competing Carnivals in Egypt
February 15th, 2013, 2:57 pm
revenire said:
Lavrov’s always quite impressive.
February 15th, 2013, 3:01 pm
MarigoldRan said:
Most regime supporters obviously don’t have a job given the continuous frequency of their posts.
The regime is losing, so I guess it would make sense for losers to flock in support of the loser regime.
The rebels are steadily (though slowly) making gains. In the last 6 months they’ve captured several major airports and towns. The regime on the other hand has tried for several months to take a couple of neighborhood in Damascus with their best troops and they still haven’t managed it.
The longer the war continues, the more the regime loses.
February 15th, 2013, 3:01 pm
MarigoldRan said:
In about 16 months of fighting, the rebels have taken 90% of 4-5 major provinces, out of about 10. They also control at least half of Daraya and Damascus province, and have a foothold in Homs and Lattakia.
For a guerilla war, that’s FAST progress. If it continues at this rate, the regime will be out of territory in another 2-3 years.
In effect the regime has already lost most of the north and the east. The rebels will spend the next 6 months taking out the last regime strongholds in those areas, and consolidate their gains. The real battle of Damascus and Hamas will probably begin in Fall of 2013.
February 15th, 2013, 3:09 pm
Tara said:
Most anti- regime think you are intertwined with the inner circle. Are you?
I certainly hope you aren’t. None of the inner circle I know of is worth discussing with..
February 15th, 2013, 3:27 pm
Mina said:
In case you’ve missed it
And the “national dialogue” hosted by al Azhar for one day with some 50 participants around a table, including Wael Ghoneim and a few priests of different obedience but not a single woman.
(strangely “The Arabist” decided not to report on that)
Neither did he comment on this one, where al-Tayyeb scorned Ahmadinejad (to get a big check?) and the Shias, while al Azhar has happily received the money of the Ismailis in the very recent years to build a garden and do some needed renovations!
Please don’t tell al-Tayyeb that al-Azhar was built by the Shias!
February 15th, 2013, 3:37 pm
omen said:
22. wss said: Kudos again to MJABALI for being clear-eyed and expressing his emotions to a brother Syrian.
where! i want to see. i couldn’t find it.
ghufran – 🙁 🙁 🙁
February 15th, 2013, 3:48 pm
omen said:
278. badr: majoritarian hubris
i have a lot of respect for ken roth. he demonstrated integrity during the israel/lebanon incursion. but it is so odd to me that his lecturing has been nearly one sided. any faults of the opposition has been exacerbated by the almost complete lack of support from the west. why doesn’t roth take the west to task?
btw, how is HRW funded? does it get corporate donations?
February 15th, 2013, 4:06 pm
revenire said:
Omen please don’t waste our time asking how HRW is funded when you can use Google just like the rest of us.
Thank you.
February 15th, 2013, 4:09 pm
The fool retard son of aneetha has just been demoted by his iranian masters from prethident to mayor. LOL.
So much for nationalism… retard loyalists.
February 15th, 2013, 4:52 pm
Dolly Buster said:
Revenire, sometimes I listen to enemy songs if the tune is good.
With that in mind, I give you this pro-Assad video:
February 15th, 2013, 5:22 pm
majedkhaldoun said:
Mrs Ann this is for you
Dunia TV said
?????? ??????? ????? ???????? ????? ??????? ????? ????? ?????? ?????? ??? ??????? ??????? ??????? ??? ???? ????? ???? ????
( ???? ???? _ ???? ?????? _ ????????? ) .. !
February 15th, 2013, 5:27 pm
Albo said:
“The asteroids which hit evil Russia today are punishment to its crimes against the Syrian people. This could be followed by more devastations if the Russians do not withdraw to the far reaches of Siberia where they should freeze to death.”
Wow. That’s the legacy of a lifetime of banging one’s head on the floor.
Lots of ridiculous comments, things aren’t changing here. Unrealistic assessments of the situation on the ground, bigotry against shias, claims of non-existent moral superiority and so on.
One can still hope, seeing Tunisia and Egypt, that more decent political ideas may prevail with time there. Over time, if they oust their islamists who are being exposed as incompetents, and manage to create a model worth imitating, then may be it can set a wide-reaching example for every Arab population to follow, away from the nonsensical theocratic tendencies.
The region is literally sinking. All the while, India and China are indigenously developing modern arms industries, which is the only way to consolidate your sovereignty in this world. They are becoming spacefaring civilizations by launching satellites into space, putting humans into orbit in the case of China which is already eying the Moon. Regions like South East Asia and Latin America are steadily developing, while many sub saharian African countries are fast improving, starting from a very low base but many already offering better living conditions than an Arab country like Yemen.
Indeed while we can see hope in most parts of the so-called third world, most Arab countries are stalling and many are regressing. Look no further than the petty bigotry displayed in here to find an answer as to why that is. So either they persist in their pettiness and face stagnation or even collapse like Syria, or decency becomes mandatory and even we Syrians will make a fresh start. one day.
February 15th, 2013, 5:36 pm
zoo said:
Turkey and the opposition trapped: Al Nusra behind the border bombing?
Al-Nusra, Turkey become alone on different Syria path
The Islamist al-Qaeda affiliated group has characterized itself as having a huge interest in prolonging conflict against Damascus while trying to liquidate “brainwashed secular” rebel factions. Initially, “befriended with its enemies’ enemy” al-Nusra’s friction with other rebel factions – dubbed as “secular” because its high command defected from secular President Bashar al-Assad’s military – has recently begun to turn violent with several clashes, revenge kidnappings and assassinations.
Having said that, the attack in Cilvegözü might also be backlash by al-Nusra after seeing Turkey turn off the “cash” flow since the group also confirmed to U.S. media that there “are some who they have scores to settle within an easy reach in Turkey.”
Turning to the realpolitik from would-be plots, in case more baby steps are made in talks between the SNC and Damascus, al-Nusra might be put in a troubled position. One where it could possess security risks to its former rebel allies, to the regime as well as to Turkey. The security risk would not be the only woe for Turkey if the “too-early-to-call” negotiations scenario matures as it would remain among the few who cheer in the by-then-slimmed-chorus against President al-Assad.
February 15th, 2013, 5:41 pm
zoo said:
February 15th, 2013, 5:59 pm
zoo said:
It is so funny to see the SNCROF furiously transforming the open offer of Al Khatib for a dialog with Bashar al Assad to a half rotten ‘fresh’ offer of ‘negotiating Bashar exit’ straight from Qatar’s drawer and 18 months old.
Avoiding ridicule was not part of the SNCROF training in Turkey, the UK, France and Germany hotel lobbies.
Opposition makes fresh talks offer
February 16, 2013
AMMAN: Syria’s opposition coalition is ready to negotiate President Bashar Al Assad’s exit with any member of his government who has not participated in his military crackdown on the uprising, coalition members said on Friday.
February 15th, 2013, 6:00 pm
Tara said:
Only conditional dialogue the regime. Take it or leave it.
• The Syrian opposition coalition insists it won’t negotiate with President Bashar al-Assad and his inner circle as it seeks to clarify an agreed line on the issue of talks with the Syrian government. After an overnight meeting of the coalition’s 12-member politburo in Cairo, member Walid Bunni said the leadership endorses leader Moaz al-Khatib’s dialogue initiative, but has set guidelines for peace talks to be presented for approval by the full 70-member assembly. He said:
We are willing to negotiate with any civilian official the removal of Bashar and the end of despotism. Bashar and his cohorts will not be party to any talks. We will not regard those present from the government’s side as his representatives.
February 15th, 2013, 6:03 pm
zoo said:
#292 Tara
Are you?
February 15th, 2013, 6:09 pm
Tara said:
Shiaa kidnapping Sunnis in Syria.
Gunmen kidnap more than 100 civilians in Syria: NGO
BEIRUT: More than 100 civilians have been abducted by armed groups in the Syrian province of Idlib in separate incidents, a watchdog said on Friday, expressing alarm over what it said were “sectarian kidnappings”.
The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) said the kidnappings in the northwestern province occurred on Thursday in two separate incidents.
A group of some 70 men and women passengers on four mini-buses were abducted near an army checkpoint when travelling towards the provincial capital, also Idlib, by pro-regime armed men, said the Britain-based Observatory.
It said the kidnappers were from the Shia-majority villages of Al-Fua and Kafraya, while the passengers hailed from the mostly Sunni villages of Saraqeb, Sarmin and Binnish.
February 15th, 2013, 6:13 pm
zoo said:
‘Little princes’ family corruption creeping with Erdogan and Mursi.. Sons in law, sons, cousins get special favors.
Behind closed doors, be it in Ankara, Moscow, Riyadh, or Washington, Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdo?an is not shy about telling foreign leaders or prominent businessmen that if they want pipelines or other deals to proceed, they should contract Çalik Holdings in which his son-in-law Berat Albayrak is chief executive.
Egypt’s aviation minister says the hiring of President Mohammed Morsi’s son to a highly-paid government job was justified, dismissing accusations of nepotism… Omar, one of the president’s five children and a recent university graduate, got the internally-advertised job in a department that usually hires with a starting monthly salary of $5,000. Such a figure is unheard of for new graduates in Egypt, where the starting salary for a government job can be as low as $75.
Clearly, the Muslim Brotherhood is just as corrupt as the regime it replaced, if not more so.
February 15th, 2013, 6:19 pm
Tara said:
I changed my movie title for my new profession. From My Window Without A Consciounce. I like it better. I am open to suggestion..
February 15th, 2013, 6:25 pm
zoo said:
#306 Tara
Your source is a Sunni propaganda Pakistani newspaper funded by KSA.
That’s the AFP official press release
Syria armed group kidnaps 40 civilians
(AFP) / 14 February 2013
An armed group in northwest Syria on Thursday hijacked a bus and kidnapped at least 40 civilians, mostly women and children, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said.
“Most of the victims were women and children, barring a couple of men,” said Observatory director Rami Abdel Rahman, whose Britain-based centre added they came from Al-Fua and Kafraya villages in Idlib province.
Both are majority Shiite Muslim villages, while most rebels are Sunni.
The Observatory said the bus had been en route to Damascus. It did not specify which group was behind the kidnapping.
“The group were probably warlords who have taken advantage of a total security vacuum in areas where the army has pulled out,” said Abdel Rahman, who warned that there has been an increase in kidnappings in northern Syria.
“There are many who are taking advantage of the conflict and an absence of centralised power,” he said.
“We are very concerned about what may happen to these women and children.”
February 15th, 2013, 6:27 pm
omen said:
148. Syrialover said: I know people in those jobs who hate the regime but see their government jobs as a rare case of redistribution of Syria’s national resources and a source of basic survival, not an Assad thing.
it’s a tough position to be in, for sure. maybe i would feel differently if i were in their shoes. but at the same time, the harsh truth is that continuing to work for the regime is helping to keep it running. sometimes acting on one’s own short-term interest is a trap. the best long-interest for nearly everyone is for this regime to be toppled. the sooner the regime is got rid of, the sooner people can rebuild.
this discussion started on earlier thread. there i included the caveat that if the west had the people’s best interest at heart, it would have offered to guarantee the salary & pensions of civil servants so they could step aside to allow the regime to topple.
alternatively, NC & al-khatib should also offer a proposal guaranteeing current salary and a job to return to in the new regime if current workers agree to step aside.
visitor, saudi royals could easily offer to subsidize the salaries of current regime civil servants and encourage them to step down in a bid to speed up the fall of the regime. it’s telling the saudis have failed to do so.
February 15th, 2013, 6:31 pm
Syrian said:
@Wesal_TV: ???? ????? : ???? ????? ?? ?????? ????? ???? ???? ?? ????? ????? ??? ??????? ??? ??? ????? ???? ??? ?????
February 15th, 2013, 6:34 pm
Tara said:
Please read the link properly. There were 2 separate incidents reported by the observatory. One where 70 people got kidnapped and the other that you mentioned where 40 people where kidnapped. It was the 70 people incidents that been reported as Sunnis kidnapped by shiaa.
February 15th, 2013, 6:37 pm
zoo said:
#308 Tara
Congratulation, I guess they kicked you out of your old profession because of your obsession about Bashar Al Assad that was eating you up and taking all you time: your patients were dying.
In your new movie, you will be free to pour all your hatred for Bashar and his family and your love for the Moslem Brotherhood and the bloodthirsty Al Nusra.
I am sure you can convince Joshua Landis to pass you the name and email of some candidates on this Blog who could collaborate with you.
There are real talents around.
February 15th, 2013, 6:42 pm
Visitor said:
????????? ????????
???? ??? ???????
???? ???? ????????
??? ???? ??????
It only took two hours to storm the 80 Brigade by our FSA heroes leaving many Assad dogs to rot while finding their ways to lowest darkest Jahannam,
As I predicted not long ago, the main Aleppo Airport is now under assault by the blessed heroes of the FSA led by the fearless Nusra holy warriors. It wouldn’t be long before the airport is liberated cutting off major supply avenue to the Assad rodents up north.
February 15th, 2013, 6:44 pm
zoo said:
#312 Tara
Then it was a retaliation for the first kidnapping.
North Syria so well ‘controlled’ by the rebels is the Wild West now…
February 15th, 2013, 6:46 pm
zoo said:
After reading the post of one of your favorite poster, I want to add a small update:
In your new movie, you will be free to pour all your hatred for Bashar and his family and your love for the Moslem Brotherhood and the “holy” bloodthirsty Al Nusra warriors.
February 15th, 2013, 6:49 pm
Tara said:
Patients what?
Too indispensable to be rid of. Unmatched skills…. You need to believe me on this one.
Why do you sound too angry. It is Friday. Lighten up.
February 15th, 2013, 6:49 pm
omen said:
this explains civil servants who remain out of fear. while i sympathize, there are also civil servants who remain because they are true believers (bill talks about how the regime has a cult like grip on the culture that has preyed on vulnerable psyches. 40 years of brainswashing cannot be easy to overcome.) or that they remain because they have profited from being loyalists.
while neither you nor SL is guilty of this, there is a lot of condemnation of alawites on the board. the truth is sunnis also continue to support this regime. fair is fair. if alawites are subject to condemnation, so should sunni supporters of assad.
February 15th, 2013, 6:53 pm
zoo said:
“the harsh truth is that continuing to work for the regime is helping to keep it running”:
How sickening! You are asking the Syrians to let their family die of hunger and become martyrs to a ‘revolution’ that most of them don’t even believe in, just for you to be happy that the regime would fall?
If you are not crippled, what are you waiting to go and fight for your ideals, instead of asking others to do it for you?.
February 15th, 2013, 6:57 pm
Tara said:
Zoo, dear,
I am not going to waste my time on dear leader… It is the job of those who worship him. I would definitely be like “Bashar who?” few years from now… I am going to explore the minds of those who worship him. It is sad but intriguing. Did you like my title? Isn’t expressive? It summarizes it all. From a comfortable window somewhere in the universe inside or outside Syria, sanctioning and approving the killings.. Very sad… Isn’t it?
February 15th, 2013, 6:57 pm
omen said:
313. zoo, you ask for civil servants to continue to support a genocidal regime guilty of war crimes on a mass scale.
February 15th, 2013, 7:02 pm
Visitor said:
So, what’s going on in the forgotten epic battle of Sfeira? Remember the convoy of 3000 Assad dogs with their 30 tanks and other heavy weapons heading from 7Hama to Sfeira?
Well, it looks like our Nusra holy warriors have turned the tide in their favors despite all odds, read it here,
Does any one still have problems with Nusra being the leading most efficient, most effective, most disciplined, most organized and most dedicated fighting force in this blessed revolution which is scoring most of the major victories against the most evil of all regimes?
February 15th, 2013, 7:03 pm
zoo said:
#317 Tara
You are certainly indispensable here. Who better than you can express in almost every single post so much genuine frustration and hatred?
The Moslem Brotherhood needs you.. Al Nusra holy warriors need you.
You give them such a boost and the invaluable legitimacy they badly needed.
Promise you’ll never let them down.
February 15th, 2013, 7:03 pm
Tara said:
Time for Arak. You said this is the only thing you drink. You need it badly. Do they sell Arak in Australia?
February 15th, 2013, 7:07 pm
Syrian said:
“That definitely looked like bird poop falling from the sky.”
It is raining pilots hallelujah,it is rainig pilots hallelujah lol
50 years old, in most air forces would’ve been retired…
Oh well, Batta must be running out of loyal pilots ..
Good riddance
February 15th, 2013, 7:08 pm
zoo said:
#321 Omen
Who the hell you think you are to ask them to let their family die?
Have you lost your senses?
Are you making arrangement to adopt the widow and the orphans? I can help you on that if you wish, there are already more hundred of thousands families who need support because the provider is dead or lost his job.
February 15th, 2013, 7:10 pm
zoo said:
#324 Tara
No, my area is controlled by the Moslem Brotherhood.
February 15th, 2013, 7:12 pm
Tara said:
I do not like MB nor do I like Al Nusra. While I am familiar with the MB, I am not familar with Al Nusra. If al Nusra’s goal is to establish an Islamic Imara then they will not succeed in Syria. If they are fighting with the Syria people to prevent their slaughter, then any help is welcome.
You know that about me. Do not deceive yourself.
February 15th, 2013, 7:12 pm
MarigoldRan said:
I’ve noticed that regime offensives begin with a lot of fanfare… but then they don’t go anywhere. Is the regime STILL trying to take Daraya and Douma? Didn’t they launch an offensive on those places like two months ago?
Rebel offensives, on the other hand, actually lead to results. It might take a while, but they are capturing towns and airfields one after another.
I remain puzzled by how inept the regime has managed the whole war. Despite significant Russian and Iranian help, the regime has managed to lose more than half the country in only 14-16 months of fighting. One wonders what the next 14-16 months will bring for the regime.
February 15th, 2013, 7:14 pm
Juergen said:
At least you then have the best tea, El Arosa.
February 15th, 2013, 7:21 pm
omen said:
320. zoo, the regime is the master in creating widows and orphans. you didn’t object then. urging people to step down from a job isn’t the same as the regime killing off entire families!
plus, you conveniently overlook my suggestion that these salaries be subsidized by the opposition. so spare me the faux outrage.
February 15th, 2013, 7:23 pm
Visitor said:
What is the truth behind eliminating the mullah thug, Shateri, ostensibly responsible for the reconstruction of south Lebanon and south Beirut, but in fact is a high ranking RG tasked with ensuring that vital mullah-stani plots in Syria and neighbouring Lebanon are implemented in accordance with mullah-apes designs?
Today, on the heel of Sheteri burial, a high ranking mulla ape, Mahdi Ta’eb, described Syria as the 35th province of Mullah-stan ranking it higher in importance than the oil producing Ahwaz province. Some commentators on this forum ridiculed Bashar as having been demoted to a mayor by the mullahs. Well, when you have over 60000 Bassij mercenaries operating in Syria, and when your so-called army cannot be trusted by you as a so-called prethident, I guess you wouldn’t have much to complain about being demoted.
Here’s where Shateri’s assassination fits within the picture. Shateri was responsible for the regime’s latest campaign against Darayya, Douma and Mouaddamiya for the specfic objective of keeping the Mezzeh military airbase, as well as he Beirut-Damascus highway under regime control, because the Damascus international airport is no longer secure and therefore other routes of supply have to be secured. It was Shateri’s plan to reduce the neighbourhoods surrounding Mezzeh to rubble to achieve the objective. Furthermore, Shateri was responsible for the latest Lebanese army fiasco in Arsal in which Hizbistani members and some Lebanese soldiers dressed in civilian clothes assassinated Khaled al-Hmayyed, a known Syrian activist, in Arsal prompting the Arsalis to swiftly retaliate killing two Lebanese soldiers and the two Hizbistani thugs. Shateri’s plot bore fruit temporarily because it succeeded in drawing the Lebanese army with about 1500 troops to the Arsal area encircling the town and indirectly hampering coordination with the revolution fighters in the Qusair-7Homs area. Shateri’s plan was to use the Lebanese army in order to influence the ongoing battle in the 7Homs area. Arsal houses thousands of Syrian refugees and is a major conduit of supplies to the revolution in Qusair and 7Homs.
Arsal has been tense since the incident. Today the army arrested several Arsalis. But again the Arsalis swiftly retaliated injuring three soldiers from the Lebanese army,
Fahd Al-Masry, chief media spokesman of the united FSA commad, today responded to the mullah ape, Ta’eb, by declaring that the region will not achieve security until Mullah-stan is divided into 18 states with Ahwaz becoming an Arab state under Arab control. And he further advised Bassij mercenaries to bring in their burial shrouds with them to Syria. But, worse comes to worse they will be fed to dogs while heading to their final destination in lowest darkest Jahannam.
February 15th, 2013, 7:32 pm
MarigoldRan said:
Ah. Thank you, Visitor. Damascus is now considered to be a province of Iran. How interesting. What was this about foreign interference in Syrian affairs?
February 15th, 2013, 7:36 pm
Syrian said:
269. VISITOR said
“Did you notice the thug’s mother name is Anitha.
Was Anitha doing part time ‘work’ while with Hafeth?
Just curious!!!”
Ayman Abdel Alnoor from all for Syria site was able to prove that one of Anitha nephews, the brother of Rami Makhlof was the illegitimate son of Hafiiiz.
Make your own conclusion
February 15th, 2013, 7:38 pm
Tara said:
It seems to be 2 not one IRG were killed by the rebels. If the Iranians are proved to be providing al Assad with men to kill Syrians, them they should kiss Zainab shrine good bye. We will not allow them a foot step near it.
A senior commander of Iran’s elite Revolutionary Guards has been killed while travelling from Syria to Lebanon, according to Iranian authorities.
A man identified as General Hassan Shateri was reportedly assassinated by what Iranian officials described as “the agents and supporters of the Zionist regime” while travelling from Damascus to Beirut.
It was not immediately clear in which of the two countries Shateri was killed but a Syrian rebel commander said an Iranian official was killed in an attack carried out by Syrian rebels in Zabadani in southwestern Syria, close to the Lebanese border.
“General Hassan Shateri was martyred by the agents and supporters of the Zionist regime on his way to Beirut from Damascus,” the semi-official Mehr news agency quoted the Revolutionary Guards’ spokesman, Ramezan Sharif, as saying on Thursday.
Iran’s embassy in Lebanon, meanwhile, identified the dead man as Hessam Khoshnevis, leading to confusion that there might be a second death. But the circumstances given about Khoshnevis’s death and his job title were similar to those of Shateri.
The British-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights told AFP that Shateri was killed when a rebel group ambushed his vehicle while he was returning to Lebanon from Syria.
On Thursday Iran held a funeral ceremony for Shateri in Tehran that was attended by the foreign minister, Ali Akbar Salehi, and the commander of the Revolutionary Guards, Mohammad Ali Jafari. Ghasem Suleimani, the man who heads the external arm of the Revolutionary Guards, known as the Quds force, members of which usually shun public ceremonies, also attended the funeral.
February 15th, 2013, 7:55 pm
@ 313
Poor Tara’s punchbag, it is coming unhinged, freaking totally.
Othe foolish mulla today, made an implicit recognition that Ahwas is not Iranian territory.
That declaration now makes The Syrian revolution a war for liberation and make every single iranian interest a legitimate target, especially on Syrian soils.
February 15th, 2013, 7:56 pm
omen said:
zoo, why are you so sensitive to my suggestion about civil servants? is it because you are one? how is it you have a list of people who are dead or who have lost their job? and why haven’t you answered tara’s query?
February 15th, 2013, 7:57 pm
@ 313
Poor Tara’s punchbag, it is coming unhinged, freaking totally.
On the demoted retard prethident:
The foolish mulla made an implicit recognition that Ahwas is not Iranian territory.
That declaration now makes The Syrian revolution a war for liberation and make every single iranian interest a legitimate target, especially on Syrian soils. I really hoped it doesn’t get this way. I like Iran and decent Iranians.
February 15th, 2013, 7:57 pm
revenire said:
Someone asked about Al-Safira? Our boys eliminated over 2300 rats (more but only 2300 had papers).
Any other questions?
February 15th, 2013, 8:06 pm
revenire said:
To Hell
February 15th, 2013, 8:12 pm
Akbar Palace said:
I guess my question is “What is Hezbollah doing to protect Syrians from the IRG?”.
February 15th, 2013, 8:21 pm
Visitor said:
“visitor, saudi royals could easily offer to subsidize the salaries of current regime civil servants and encourage them to step down in a bid to speed up the fall of the regime. it’s telling the saudis have failed to do so.”
Omen 304,
In theory the Saudis can. It is a piece of cake for their resources. But the civil servants must first make the first move and declare their desire to defect. Otherwise, it will just play right into the typically Syrian mentality of mercatile politics, which the Syrians will turn into a business to live of.
There is no escaping from the fact that any Syrian looking for freedom and dignity, a price has to be paid and not to be received by the individual seeking freedom and dignity.
February 15th, 2013, 8:38 pm
revenire said:
Omen and Visitor what a stunning idea to turn free Syrians into slaves of the House of Saud.
I can see you two will go far in life and someday can hope to be allowed to walk around without straight jackets on.
February 15th, 2013, 8:57 pm
Tara said:
You have been listening to too much Ali el Deek’s???? ??????. No wonder you are….angry?
Can I introduce you to real music? It softens your soul. I hope you understand the lyrics. The lyrics are integral part of the music. Look it up if unable to understand it. do not care much about the video clip. Listen first before watching the clip.
And by the way, Melhem Zein is Shiaa… In case this is a priority for you relating to people..and art.
February 15th, 2013, 9:06 pm
ann said:
US reluctant to step in vs. Syrian chemical threat, urges neighbors to cope – January 28, 2013
Strong reluctance to stepping in to prevent the use of Syria’s chemical weapons was registered by President Barack Obama in an interview Monday, Jan. 28 to The New Republic: “In a situation like Syria, I have to ask: can we make a difference in that situation?” He then continued to ask rhetoricalally: “Could it trigger even worse violence or the use of chemical weapons? What offers the best prospect of a stable post-Assad regime? And how do I weigh tens of thousands who’ve been killed in Syria versus the tens of thousands who are currently being killed in Congo?”
Apples and oranges, commented one Washington observer, after hearing President Obama’s queries.
February 15th, 2013, 9:40 pm
zoo said:
331. omen
That’s total nonsense..
That monstruous revolution is the one that eats up the Syrians. Never in Syria 40 years, 90,000 people were killed. Never in 40 years, we have seen kidnaps, heads cut, houses destroyed and one million Syrians refugees begging for food and shelters.
Syrians were proud and independent, now this failed revolution has brought them humiliation and dependency on donors.
This “revolution’ is nothing but a curse that brought only divisions, death, pain and sufferings.
Only mentally deranged, fools and sadistics feel good by putting more conditions to a ceasefire so people continue to die.
They will never be forgiven to have allowed that slaughter to reach that level of horror, never.
February 15th, 2013, 9:42 pm
zoo said:
I am not here to reply to questions from people I have no respect for and certainly not to stupid questions.
February 15th, 2013, 9:47 pm
zoo said:
Sorry, the situation is far too sad for so many Syrians that I just can’t think about listening to music.
The cruelty, inhumanity, hysteria, vulgarity, sadism and stupidity of some commenters on this blog has become unbearable
February 15th, 2013, 9:54 pm
revenire said:
Assad has nothing to worry about. The opposition are real clowns. I’ve never heard of amateurs like them saying they will help him negotiate a peaceful exit. Ha ha ha.
February 15th, 2013, 10:04 pm
Aldendeshe said:
343. reveniresaid:
Assad has nothing to worry about. The opposition are real clowns. I’ve never heard of amateurs like them saying they will help him negotiate a peaceful exit. Ha ha ha.
SNP and Aldendeshe are real opposition to the Baathist regime sole rule in Syria and to Arab Nationalist hoax for decades. Are we a bunch clowns and amateurs? Please don’t call these vile criminals, mercenaries and foreign agents that are set up as front for Israeli asymmetric attack on Syria as OPPOSITION.
February 15th, 2013, 10:12 pm
ann said:
343. zoo said:
“”” The cruelty, inhumanity, hysteria, vulgarity, sadism and stupidity of some commenters on this blog has become unbearable “””
Cheer up ZOO! No one here pays attention to these paid bloggers for hire clowns. Besides they can be absurdly entertaining at times 🙂
Let’s make lemonade at of this lemon ZOO 😉
February 15th, 2013, 10:32 pm
Tara said:
No Hamidieh, jeans and T-shirt only. No party in Zabadani. No Damascene veranda. No Yasmeen. No Arak. Not even coffee. No free hair, only pony tail. Absolutely no make up. Do not smile, never smiled. No music. No change in career. Absolutely nothing to do with movie industry. Where did you get your stupid title from? No dark blue manicure. Hate all shades of blue except of course the shade of the beloved’s eyes. No Zeit ou Zaatar. Everybody should hate Zeit ou Zaatar. Never watch a movie I recommend. And who is the french doctor who stole your heart? Never heard of him and he exists only in your brain. But you hate Bashar. No no no, but you hate Bashar. Nothing matter but Bashar. bashar Bashar..oh Bashar.
I was about to forget size 12 and above, what do we call that? Infatuation? The beautiful and talented ( the ugly and dull in my book) And who said Damascene know how to cook. What is Mehshe again? A club name? Smiling is anti humans. I refuse to smile. Do not even know how. Nobody taught me. It is melancholia and Maqam Qurd. What Colour Burqa do you like to wear? No such thing as a pink burqa.
Go and have a lemonade with Ann. She will change your mood. You will be mesmerized with her gore movies and???????? ??????? laughs. I am scaring myself now thinking about her and will need someone to tell me a bedtime story so she does not appear in my dreams.
February 15th, 2013, 10:57 pm
340. ZOO
You blame the revolution for what you describe, I blame the regime. Why are we so different?
February 15th, 2013, 11:43 pm
ghufran said:
Malcolm Garcia-NY Times:
“The rebels in the Free Syrian Army don’t doubt that they will drive President Bashar al-Assad from power — eventually — but they have no idea what will happen afterward: Democracy? An Islamic republic? An Islamic dictatorship? The fighters I met on a recent visit here were unable to articulate any long-term political vision”
(there was never a political vision, the only task given to the rebels is to kill and destroy,and when the job is done,erdo and JBH will take care of the “politics” with the help of the “faithful”. This is why after 2 years of blood shed the opposition has no political plan and no vision for the structure of the new government, they have not been programmed to think yet !!)
the truth is, the opposition can not form a government, they should be part of one but they have to accept and preserve whatever is left of the state institutions with certain negotiated exclusions regarding albaath,the army and security forces. the only other solution is partition without total separation, that may be an attractive short term solution until the fresh wounds start to heal. Attacking Damascus and Latakia will end any prospect of a political solution, only idiots really believe that rebels can take these two cities without massive casualties and near total destruction of whatever is left of Syria.
February 15th, 2013, 11:55 pm
MarigoldRan said:
The regime continues to lose. And as it loses, it will attract more losers to it.
After all, losers support the loser regime.
February 15th, 2013, 11:56 pm
ghufran said:
Salamiyyeh-the victim of Terrorism:
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those of you who still have doubts that terrorists dominate rebel groups are in denial, it took some people a year to believe that rebels have detonated car bombs in civilian areas.
You can not fix stupid !!
February 16th, 2013, 12:28 am
Citizen said:
February 15 Syrian army was recognized terrorist attack on a checkpoint in the province of Homs on the road to Salamis. During the fight, six militants were killed, along with the leader of the gang.
In Homs Syrian military freed from terrorists Dzhobar area. According to the results of the operation were seized huge quantity of arms and ammunition as well as mine. In the den of militants was discovered an unfinished tunnel, which they tried to dig and technique that was used for this purpose.
The Syrian army broke through the blockade of the villages of Al-Vahha Hanaser and in the province of Homs. Militants besiege the villages for three months, making it difficult to supply food to civilians. Now, thanks to the actions of the Syrian military, in the villages for the first time in a long time there was fresh bread. People greet Syrian troops!
February 16th, 2013, 1:23 am
Citizen said:
A new study using data from a pair of gravity-measuring NASA satellites finds that large parts of the arid Middle East region lost freshwater reserves rapidly during the past decade.
Scientists at the University of California, Irvine; NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md.; and the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colo., found during a seven-year period beginning in 2003 that parts of Turkey, Syria, Iraq and Iran along the Tigris and Euphrates river basins lost 117 million acre feet (144 cubic kilometers) of total stored freshwater. That is almost the amount of water in the Dead Sea. The researchers attribute about 60 percent of the loss to pumping of groundwater from underground reservoirs.
February 16th, 2013, 1:31 am
Citizen said:
President Vladimir Putin, introducing a new concept of Russia’s foreign policy that relies more heavily on ‘soft power,’ expressed confidence that the country’s influence in the world “will continue to strengthen.”
Introducing the changes to Russia’s foreign policy strategy during a session with Security Council members, Putin said the document takes into account global developments, including “the global financial crisis that still plagues us, redistribution of the balance of forces in world affairs, as well as sharply growing turbulence in the Middle East and North Africa.”
In dealing with these global hot spots, Russia will make an active use of economic diplomacy and the so-called “soft power practices” in its foreign policy, the Russian leader said.
Soft power, a concept developed by the US scholar Joseph Nye, promotes the ability to attract and co-opt people rather than resort to force in order to obtain the results that are acceptable for both sides.
It is through these techniques that Russia will continue pursuing an active and constructive policy in international affairs, the President pledged.
Presently, Russia finds itself at variance with the United States on a number of pressing global issues, like how to handle the crisis in Syria, where a militant opposition has been engaged in a 22-month violent standoff against government forces loyal to President Assad, to Russia’s response to US plans to build a missile defense system in Eastern Europe, a plan that Moscow says threatens to destroy regional strategic balance and spark another arms race.
At the same time, Moscow and Washington have been exchanging a series of legislative blows at each other – from the U.S. Magnitsky Act to Russia’s Dima Yakovlev Law, as well as a number of other lesser known moves – that have dampened the initial enthusiasm over the Russia-US reset.
Yet, both Russia and the United States, looking for ways to overcome the global financial crisis, understand that they must maintain some level of good relations.
Putin’s revamped foreign policy will therefore seek favorable conditions for the implementation of tasks of domestic development, as well as for the settlement of social and economic tasks, Putin noted.
All of these initiatives, however, must respect “the defining role of the United Nations and the supremacy of international law.”
“We are expanding comprehensive cooperation with all partners on the basis of equality and mutual respect,” the President said. He also stressed that the document “pays necessary attention to the protection of rights and interests of our citizens and fellow countrymen abroad”.
The President instructed ministries and departments to cooperate in implementing the concept “with the coordinating role of the Russian Foreign Ministry”.
February 16th, 2013, 1:38 am
Badr said:
Analysis: Arabs mired in messy transitions two years after heady uprisings
By Alistair Lyon (Reuters)
February 16th, 2013, 1:52 am
Juergen said:
Lust and Islam: The sexual frustration of the masses
“Sex and the Citadel”: In the bedrooms of the Arab Spring, it does not look good, says the journalist and immunologist Shereen El Feki. The obstacle to the political freedom.
“Prude Muslims, uninhibited “Westerners” – this is a young idea. Until well into the 19th Century was the Orient to the West as a haven of sensuality and freedom of movement, you enjoyed it at harem paintings by European artists and craved uncensored editions of “1001 Nights”.
here are some excerpts of her book:
here is an speech she gave:
February 16th, 2013, 2:28 am
Juergen said:
an new book:
Lust and Islam: The sexual frustration of the masses
“Sex and the Citadel”: In the bedrooms of the Arab Spring, it does not look good, says the journalist and immunologist Shereen El Feki. The obstacle to the political freedom.
“Prude Muslims, uninhibited “Westerners” – this is a young idea. Until well into the 19th Century was the Orient to the West as a haven of sensuality and freedom of movement, you enjoyed it at harem paintings by European artists and craved uncensored editions of “1001 Nights”.
here are some excerpts of her book:
here is an speech she gave:
February 16th, 2013, 2:32 am
After the declaration by an influential Iranian cleric that Syria is the 35th province of Iran, every single loyalist on syria comment and elsewhere should be treated as an agent (????)of foreign occupation.
Not a blip from the pathetic retards about their “violated” national honor, for they have none, personal or national.
February 16th, 2013, 2:45 am
MarigoldRan said:
February 16th, 2013, 2:52 am
Syrialover said:
Your criticism of Syria’s civil servants for not walking away from their jobs in protest against the regime might feel principled and idealistic, but it’s not realistic, or fair.
It’s a scorched earth concept. The collapse of that sector would deepen the destruction and make it even harder to salvage and rebuild a post-Assad Syria.
It’s also a mistake to claim that staying in a public sector job = supporting the regime.
Syria’s public sector might be inefficient and overstaffed, but it accounts for at least 70% of employment in the country (a situation persisting with shrinking agricultural employment and failure of the distorted private sector to deliver jobs.)
Apart from havng the country crash to ground zero, do you want all those people and their families, including those serving the country’s infrastrucuture and education and health systems, to volunteer to swell the ocean of people needing food aid to survive?
February 16th, 2013, 5:38 am
Visitor said:
The asteroid which hit Russia was equivalent to 12 atomic bombs the size of the bomb which was dropped on Hiroshima,
The only regret is that it didn’t hit the more appropriate target of the Kremlin.
Next time InshAllah
February 16th, 2013, 7:07 am
zoo said:
The rebels attack the Golan demilitarized zone.
Also on Saturday, fighting erupted in the Golan Heights as rebels overran a military police checkpoint at Khan Arnabeh, a town just beyond the outer ceasefire line along the demilitarised zone bordering Israel, said the Observatory.
The rebels captured weapons and a tank after seizing the checkpoint, and blew up the tank when regime forces began to retaliate.
The army shelled Khan Arnabeh and the nearby village of Jubata al-Khashab, located inside the ceasefire zone.
The Golan has been tense since the outbreak two years ago of the anti-regime uprising in Syria that has turned into a bloody insurgency, at times spilling over with mortar and gunfire into the Israeli-held zone.
Regime forces meanwhile killed a key commander of the jihadist Al-Nusra Front on Friday night, also losing seven of their own men when they attacked his safehouse near the rebel-held city of Shadadeh, said the Observatory.
The Al-Nusra Front seized Shadadeh on Thursday after three days of fierce fighting and car bomb attacks that left more than 100 troops dead.
The clashes come a day after 170 people — 39 civilians, 53 soldiers and 78 rebels — were killed nationwide, according to the Observatory, which relies on a network of activists, medics and lawyers on the ground for its reports.
February 16th, 2013, 8:06 am
zoo said:
“Urgent action” means what? More french hot air, Pfuitt!
France’s defence minister Jean-Yves Le Drian has called for urgent action to effect a transfer of power in civil-war torn Syria that excludes President Bashar al-Assad.
“Given the enormous price paid already by the Syrian people… it is more urgent than ever to act to overcome differences in favour of a political transition,” Le Drian told a security forum in the United Arab Emirates.
He said the change should be “a transition in which president Assad would no longer keep his place”.
February 16th, 2013, 8:14 am
Observer said:
The inner circle of the regime is unhinged. The revolution killed 90 000 people and made them orphans and widows and refugees begging others for aid. Or so they say.
Well Debra Amos reported from Atmeh refugee camp that the aid that came in, on the insistence of the syrian regime, had to be delivered through the Syrian Red Crescent.
The Syrian Red Crescent workers were met with jeers and an angry crowd and they had to be removed. The blankets and aid was taken to a warehouse because the Syrian refugees refused yes refused to take the aid through regime means. Even though the aid came from the UN the Syrian regime in its depravity insisted that the Red Crescent deliver it.
Well the people said: he makes us refugees and then insists on delivering aid to us?
They refused the aid.
So TARA you and I know that the regime inner circle troll on this blog is delusional. He claims that the death of 90 000 by this revolution will never be forgiven.
He admits to 90 000 dead and he admits to a revolution; and in the same sentence bring the concept of non forgiveness into it.
Oxymoronic oxymoron who says ” the only disciplined effective united defending” force in Syria being the SAA is “capable” of confronting the Islamists threat and now tells us another oxymoronic statement of ” the revolution that killed 90 000 will never be “forgiven” “.
Yes there will be no forgiveness and there will be massive ethnic cleansing and there will be a significant reduction of the number of Syrians when this is all finished and there will be villages wiped off the face of the earth.
Meanwhile I visited Manar and Alam and Mayaddeen and RT and SANA and guess what not a word on Syria or Aleppo or anything.
Justice for Hamza and yes no forgiveness for his torturers and killers starting with Shabih number one and with his cousin Atef.
February 16th, 2013, 8:35 am
Unhinged doesn’t describe it. Their masters in Iran have become unhinged, so you can imagine their own delusional state of mind.
These agents of foreign occupation must be tried for grand treason and I am not saying this lightly. Being a retard or delusional is not an acceptable escape from punishment, even for mass murderers and their supporters.
The funny thing is that the puppet master, moving these retarded marionettes thinks that it is invisible… It aint.
February 16th, 2013, 8:48 am
Observer said:
Agreed. High Treason it is
February 16th, 2013, 8:49 am
zoo said:
Responses from the USA to Saudi Arabia and Qatar calling for the UNSC to “act” and about the alleged “UN Plan” for Syria
MS. NULAND: But right now, we don’t see any point in going back to the Security Council because we don’t have consensus among the Security Council members.
QUESTION: Can I ask about a report in the – in a Saudi newspaper, the Al Sharq Al Awsat, which is saying it’s obtained a copy of a draft plan that’s doing the rounds at the United Nations, which has been drafted by the United Nations with the opposition for the creation of a 140-seat senate to oversee some kind of transition committee in Syria. Is this – can you talk to us about this? Is this something that the United States has been involved with?
MS. NULAND: I have no information on that. Sounds like you may have your hands on some sort of internal UN thinking. I would send you to the UN. I haven’t seen that.
February 16th, 2013, 8:51 am
Tara said:
February 16th, 2013, 8:55 am
zoo said:
The rebel-controlled North Syrian Paradise of Idlib.
Gunmen kidnap 300 Syrians, says report
Mass incident in predominantly Sunni Idlib province is presumed to be retaliation for the abduction of 42 Shiites
February 16, 2013, 3:23 pm
February 16th, 2013, 8:56 am
Tara said:
Why have the rebels not targeted Tartus base yet? Not cost effective?
Lavrov dismissive of Syrian opposition
Russia’s foreign minister has dismissed the Syrian opposition as offering nothing constructive since the uprising began.
In an hour-long interview with the German broadcaster ARD, Sergei Lavrov urged the opposition to abandon preconditions for talks with the Assad government.
The price for insisting on the removal of Assad before talks begin, will be more violence, he said.
Lavrov conceded that the reforms offered by Assad were too little, too late, and that the Syrian president was not “really getting in line with events”.
But he claimed Assad was offering a form of dialogue which the opposition should seize.
The opposition is not offering any political alternative. The only thing which is uniting the opposition is toppling the regime … In almost two years [the opposition] never produced any constructive platform.
Lavrov insisted that last June’s Geneva agreement, which does not explicitly call for Assad to go, should be the basis for a settlement.
He said that Assad has made it clear he has no intention of standing down, so insisting that he leaves only prolongs the conflict, Lavrov argued.
He said Syria was locked in a “vicious circle” of violence from both sides.
Either we have to want to save lives, and then we have to forget about who is responsible for the time being, and to bring all of them to the negotiating table, or we don’t care about care about lives and care about Assad fate.
February 16th, 2013, 9:17 am
Visitor said:
This is hot straight from the burner,
??? ??? ?? ???? ??? ????? ???????? ?????? ???? ??????? ???????? ?? ??? ?????? ??????? ??? ?????? ????? “??????? ?? ???? ?????? ????? ?????” ??? ?? ??? ?? ???? ????? ????? ??????? ?????????.
Druze religous leaders renewed their calls to their sons to defect from the regime’s army, and head home because,by not defecting, they would be defending so-called leaders killing the sons of Syria. It says.
I guess eveyone knows who is doing the killing except the exceptional retard with the exceptionally low IQ!!
Have you no shame??
Shameless, dishonorable, thug, reject of muta’3a slavery. Normally, expected from such qualities.
And I wonder who in his/her right mind would want to interact with such abomination of an individual? Worse he offers Omen no respect when he ain’t got none.
Again, shameless.
February 16th, 2013, 9:18 am
Juergen said:
tune in, the Nasrallah show has just started
February 16th, 2013, 9:35 am
Qurr…daha under attack
???? ????? ???? ?? ??? ????? ?? ???????? ??? ????? ??? ??? ????? ?? ???? ??? ???? ?????
February 16th, 2013, 10:06 am
Iran should invade Iraq, Syria and Lebanon and point a governor for every satrapy. The realm of the Persian Empire is back. The mediterranean float of the Persian King God is set to control the Levant. Israelis will be sent to Babylon into exile. Syrians will be sacrificed en masse into the altar of the Temple of God Ali, god of blood and suffering or crucified in the desert.
US and Israel are happy watching this scenario approaching while syrian population is being massacred fighting for FREEDOM, DIGNITY and DEMOCRACY, values that have been forgotten LONG TIME AGO in the western populations.
Shame on the peoples who live in democracy and forget those who fought for this democracy.
February 16th, 2013, 10:13 am
Visitor said:
Sandro @373,
I do not think they can do what you’re saying. They can only plot and use deception because they know they are cursed specifically in the area related to what you are saying. It is recorded in their own books by their own mullah apes,
??? ???? ?????? ??? ????? : ” ????? ?? ?????? ??? ??? ?????? ????? ( ?? ????? ???????? ) ??????? ????? ???? ? ? ?? ??? ?????? ???? ???? ? ????? ????? ???????? ? ?? ???? ????? ??????? ” { ??????? ?????? 241 ? ????? ????? ??????? 949? ??? ????? 18:2?38
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February 16th, 2013, 10:22 am
Aldendeshe said:
After the declaration by an influential Iranian cleric that Syria is the 35th province of Iran, every single loyalist on syria comment and elsewhere should be treated as an agent (????)of foreign occupation.
Not a blip from the pathetic retards about their “violated” national honor, for they have none, personal or national.
10 7
February 16th, 2013, 2:45 am
358. MarigoldRansaid:
9 7
Don’t listen to genetically retarded Jewish minds. All those posters on this issue are posting pre arranged and formulated response. They are Israelis working here on wages. This latest allegation about this Iran comment was concocted at desperados Mossad meetings and low paid HASBARA ideas…. retards.
No such statement ever made by Iranian. And even if they did, for those real human Syrians, you should understand the language and thought behind it, it is not one of domination, it is love for the country and people what will have been the intended message. I only wish they will make this reality and send in enough IRGC’s to equal Mossad mercenaries men disguised as Moslems and Liberation army to stop this genocidal asymmetric attack on Syria.
February 16th, 2013, 10:26 am
Nus-lira’s appearance coincides with observation of 15 busloads of his thugs crossing the boarder to Syria.
I hope they brought their burial shrouds with them, the criminal retard mu7afeth (formerly prethident) murdered 90,000 Syrians, making shrouds hard to come by.
February 16th, 2013, 10:27 am
Juergen said:
February 16th, 2013, 10:39 am
Juergen said:
Yet an other episode of “Everything is possible in the ME “.
Five Syrian nationals wounded near border taken to Israeli hospital
The nationals, thought to be rebels wounded by pro-Assad forces, taken to Safed hospital in Israel’s north.
February 16th, 2013, 10:48 am
ann said:
Armenian massacres on web site of White House – 16 February 2013 Saturday
Campaign begins on the web site of the White House to inform individuals about Armenian massacres in Anatolia between 1914-1922
A signature campaign was initiated on the official web site of the US White House in order to inform individuals about Armenian massacres which took place in Anatolia between 1914-1922 and in order to encourage the US President Barack Obama to issue a declaration on the Armenian massacres.
Turkish and Azeri associations active in the United States placed an application named “Note the genocide and remember it” in a section titled “We are the people” on the official web site of the Obama administration.
US officials have said that, if the Turkish and Azeri associations can collect 100,000 signatures by March 15, US President Obama may make an official statement on the Armenian massacres in Anatolia between 1914 and 1922.
February 16th, 2013, 10:57 am
ann said:
`israel nursing their wounded Al-Qaeda terrorists allies in Syria
February 16th, 2013, 11:08 am
Citizen said:
Syrian fighters are terrified by Russian tanks.
In Syria, the continuing bloody war. In the battle the Syrian government army is actively using weapons and equipment produced in Russia, including our tanks. They have earned excellent reviews in Syria. This is despite the mass of mud poured on domestic armor former leaders of the native of the Ministry of Defence.
In informal conversations warlords CCA recognized that the Russian T-72 tanks equipped with reactive armor, gives them a lot of trouble. Sometimes they just do not know how to fight them. T-72 can withstand numerous hit from antitank grenades (RPGs) and remains in operation. Moreover, according to the available information the SSA fighters recently even had to be subjected to special tests in the government army captured Russian-made tanks. They just fired him from the RPG. After 13 hits the tank was full combat capability – he received injuries were not critical. And last year, one of the commanders of rebel forces also complained to our tanks. According to him, during the fight on the Russian tank was made 15 shots from an RPG, but it has not been destroyed.
Earlier, the T 72 has demonstrated its high survivability in Chechnya, better than T 80.
February 16th, 2013, 11:18 am
Mina said:
For those who missed it
at minute 17 on Bashar’s importance for the Egyptian salafis
(but the rest is worth seeing as well)
February 16th, 2013, 11:30 am
ann said:
Syria accuses Turkey of hindering crisis-solving process – 2013-02-15
DAMASCUS, Feb. 15 — Syrian Foreign Ministry has accused Turkey of hindering the Syrian political process put forward recently to solve the long-standing crisis, the state media reported Friday.
The ministry’s remarks came in a letter sent to the United Nations about Turkey’s “destructive role” in the Syrian crisis, according to the state-run SANA news agency.
The ministry stressed that “Turkey has escalated its aggressive stances toward Syria by placing hurdles in the face of the political program aimed to solve the crisis.”
It charged that the Turkish government had practiced pressures on the Syrian opposition in exile to reject the political vision outlined by Syrian President Bashar al-Assad last month.
“Turkey has also turned its territories into centers for training, harboring, arming and funding armed terrorist groups, including al-Qaida network,” it said.
It called on the international community to shoulder the responsibilities in putting an end to the Turkish government’s actions that run counter to the international charters.
February 16th, 2013, 11:34 am
Ziad said:
February 16th, 2013, 11:35 am
Mina said:
A new record for Morsi: he made Egypt a failed state in less than a year
What happens when people don’t believe in courts (see the Port Said supporters…)
February 16th, 2013, 12:24 pm
Ghat Al Bird said:
So its Israel after all.
Free Syrian Army commander: ““In my opinion, America wants to maintain the war so Al-Assad won’t have a huge army to attack Israel. America only cares about Israel”
“… So Syrians feel abandoned and increasingly skeptical of Western expressions of concern.“Why did America go into Libya and not Syria?” asked Abu-Mohammad al-Husen, a Free Syrian Army commander.
“In my opinion, America wants to maintain the war so Al-Assad won’t have a huge army to attack Israel. America only cares about Israel. That’s why we say only Allah and the jihadists support us.”…”
February 16th, 2013, 12:28 pm
ann said:
Clashes rage in vicinity of Syria’s Aleppo airport – 2013-02-16
DAMASCUS, Feb. 15 — Clashes continued Friday between the rebels and the Syrian troops in the vicinity of a military airfield and the international airport of the country’s northern province of Aleppo, activist’ reports said.
The rebels have unleashed attacks against the civilian airport of Aleppo and the nearby al-Nairab airbase since Wednesday, activists said, placing the death toll of the three-day-long clashes at 150, roughly evenly divided between the rebels and the government troops.
The Syrian army was poised to wrest back control over the Brigade 80 base, of which the rebels have overrun large swathes. The army ringed the base to recapture it.
The brigade 80 was used by the government troops to provide protection for Aleppo’s international airport and the adjacent al-Nairab airbase.
The recent incidents came as the rebels had been taking pains to achieve territorial gains in a bid to empower their position in possible negations with the administration of President Bashar al- Assad, local analysts say.
Syria’s Minister of National Reconciliation, Ali Haidar, recently said that he was ready to hold talks with al-Khatib but said that any dialogue should take place on Syrian soil.
February 16th, 2013, 12:44 pm
revenire said:
Black Box of Free Syrian Army Is Back in Damascus
The secret service of the Syrian government has managed to once more checkmate the Turkey’s officials in a successful operation during which a fugitive captain of the Syrian army, who had defected to the Free Syrian Army, has been captured. Once in Turkey, the defective captain was in charge of the intelligence operations of the Free Syrian Army in that country. Now he is back in Syria along with a treasure of information.
This development took place a few days ago and many websites in Turkey have reported the disappearance of the fugitive Captain Riad al-Ahmad. The Syrian media also published reports about successful operations by the country’s secret services which led to the capture of the fugitive army officer.
Riad al-Ahmad is considered the treasure trove of the secrets of the Free Syrian Army. He was the first Syrian army officer to desert the army and escape to Turkey. He was originally serving in the Syrian city of Banias. After being identified by the secret service as an organizer of the armed protests and finding out about his arrest writ, he fled to Iskenderun in Turkey and was welcomed by officials of the Turkish secret service.
The defection of Riad al-Ahmad took place even sooner than Lieutenant Colonel Hussein Harmoush, who also defected to Turkey. Once in Turkey, Harmoush helped with the establishment of the Free Syrian Army. He was then captured by the Syrian secret service in cooperation with some secret service officers of Turkey. After his televised confessions were aired in which he revealed for the first time that the Turkish army has set up bases to train the Syrian opposition, his fate has remained undetermined. Of course, some sources claim that he has been executed by the President Bashar Al-Assad’s government.
Riad al-Ahmad, however, has seen a different fate. Since he was among the first officers to desert the Syrian army, he was granted Turkish citizenship and has been free to roam different cities of Turkey in order to take necessary measures to pave the way for the defection of other Syrian officers and military personnel.
After Riad al-Asad fled to Syria and started the Free Syrian Army, al-Ahmad was appointed in charge of the intelligence branch of the Free Syrian Army. Due to his long beard, he gradually got close to Sheikh Adnan Al-Aroor, the mufti of the Syrian militants and got his hands on huge funds which were channeled to the Sheikh by Saudi Arabia.
Captain Riad al-Ahmad was present in all intelligence and operational sessions held by the militants of the Free Syrian Army and also most joint sessions which were attended by Turkish, US, French, Israeli, and Qatari intelligence officers. As a result, he was well versed about the tiniest details of the Free Syrian Army’s field operations.
To hunt down this precious prey, the Syrian secret service activated its branch in Turkey. Since 2004 and after expansion of relations between Ankara and Damascus, the aforesaid branch was on the Syrian secret service payroll, though its operations were quite limited. Its members were then missioned to track down and capture the fugitive captain and send him back to Syria.
Although Turkish media reported that he had disappeared after a car accident, Syrian news sources close to the country’s government have announced that he has been abducted by a member of the Air Force Intelligence who was an infiltrator. The Syrian agent was accompanying al-Ahmad as a close friend before abducting him in cooperation with certain Syrian secret service agents in Turkey as he was moving toward the border. He has been transferred into Syria and is now being interrogated by the Syrian secret service.
Some reports say after the disappearance of Captain Riad al-Ahmad, the Turkish government has taken strict security measures in all areas of its territory where commanders of the Free Syrian Army are present. Since that time, security has been also beefed up around the camp lodging Syrian refugees whose members are, in fact, family members of the Free Syrian Army militants and other insurgent groups.
They also say that just two days after the apprehension of the fugitive captain, the Syrian army has dealt severe blows to the Free Syrian Army and militants fighting for al-Nusra Front. The operations which started last Wednesday have left hundreds of members of the Free Syrian Army dead. Perhaps the most important blow by the Syrian army was dealt to command room of the militants in the city of Idlib in which the commander of Liwa al-Sham Brigade was killed along with 12 other commanders of the Free Syrian Army.
They say the Syrian army has found the cellphone number of the slain commander in the phone book of Riad al-Ahmad’s cellphone. They have been then able to find his location and target him. In the same region, a repeated attack on the militants who had taken up position inside Wadi al-Zeif garrison near the city of Ma’arrat al-Numan, caused them to withdraw from their position leaving behind considerable casualties.
On the basis of the information disclosed by al-Ahmad, operation called al-Qisas al-Adil, which was to be launched by the terrorist al-Nusra Front in order to penetrate the capital Damascus, was nipped in the bud. The Syrian army pounded their positions in Zemlika and a nearby area as a result of which hundreds of militants were killed and those areas fell into the hands of the Syrian army.
The armed Syrian militants have confessed to heavy blows which have been dealt on them by the Syrian army in the area of al-Safira near the city of Aleppo, images of which have been also posted on the Web through the YouTube and the Facebook. The Web site Al-Haqiqa which is close to the Syrian militants has put the number of armed militants killed by the Syrian army operation in al-Safira at 250-300 and has quoted a similar figure for the injured.
In one of the videos published by the militants on the YouTube, a person who is filming the dead bodies of the militants killed in al-Safira admits that “the number of the martyrs amounts to hundreds.” He emphasizes that the Syrian army has attacked al-Safira with full force, including tens of tanks, armored personnel carriers and other military vehicles.
Al-Ahmad also gave away the details of the logistical lines of the Free Syrian Army from Turkey into the Aleppo and adjacent areas. As a direct consequence of the revelation, five trucks loaded with arms and ammunitions which had been dispatched by Turkey for militants in Aleppo were targeted.
It is almost beyond doubt that the Syrian Air Force Intelligence has been able to kill more than 2,500 members of the Free Syrian Army and terrorists affiliated to al-Nusra Front in different parts of the country only on the basis of the information it has extracted from its precious prey. One must wait and see how many more blows the armed militants will suffer at the hands of the Syrian army when more information is decoded from the “black box” of the Syrian militants.
February 16th, 2013, 12:50 pm
February 16th, 2013, 12:50 pm
revenire said:
@378 “Juergen”
It isn’t exactly news the Zionists are supporting the rats.
No new terrorist garbage from your favorite rat nest? I’d bet the Israelis help them make videos (not the stupid signs though – the English is so bad).
February 16th, 2013, 12:53 pm
revenire said:
Excellent comment from Ziad’s blog:
Many of the videos posted by the armed militant opposition groups are highly suspect, for several reasons:
1. Civilian casualties INCLUDE opposition militants, but not government soldiers, so the bigger the number, the bigger the international sympathy. Because of this methodology of including militants, in fact, the larger this number the better! However, this is a major ploy to get international sympathy even while foreign fighters are added to the death toll as civilians. It is a strategy of trying to win either way: either they win on the battlefield, or they find a way to drag in NATO through mass civilian casualties which has been their major game plan from the beginning which never materialized and which they bet everything on.
2. They kill soldiers and civilians and post the videos as crimes the regime supposedly committed, even when the facts are not even close to matching up. For example, claiming sectarian slaughter of civilians when it turns out all of the civilians are shia or another sect people forget about, secural Baathists of all religions! Again, they are trying to compete for public opinion and international intervention and the media has been cooperative while sympathizers believe what they want to believe. They are murderers so they launder their crimes by blaming the government.
3. Videos and photos are being recycled from other conflicts, including Iraq and Libya, and are being faked 100%! They have been caught so many times, but this is all part of the same media war trying to reach a level where NATO will justify intervention on humanitarian grounds when it is more lies. Other videos show jets with their afterburners on claiming they are on fire or burning up, and never show the planes go down. At least half are faked, and the really ones are a lot more obvious to confirm. The point is, they need morale boosters to keep up their charade otherwise everyone will give up on them, including themselves.
4. They will do anything to get international intervention, including false flags, siding with Israel and Turkey against Syria, get funding from Saudi and Qatar, and weapons, intelligence and equipment from the US and others. So, don’t be surprised when they try to claim again that chemical weapons are being used when they have never been. In fact, when they poisoned the top brass of the security, the militants were the first to introduce chemical weapons, albeit highly targeted ones. They are also claiming to prepare them on the internet and even seize them in fighting. If they get their hands on them, they don’t have to use them, just scare NATO to intervene and force their hand. So, the Syrian army is making sure that cannot happen.
5. The people hate them. In the North where they have taken over places, the people reject them, not for sectarian reasons but because of the way they behave. Most are criminals and islamists who want the spoils of war and to dictate how others should live. This was never what the legitimate opposition was about, or else they were never a legitimate opposition to begin with. They merely want to replace a secular system with a discriminatory and oppressive religious dictatorship. So, even opposition activists are rejecting these people and the foreign fighters, and these islamic militants are killing secular opposition. They don’t show these videos, but they exist and the islamists don’t care who they kill!
So, expect more sensationalized news from the mass media until they get their incident in place that will succeed in dragging in NATO. But, it could be a regional and then a world war that they spark where the Western alliance wants to use islamic fundamentalism against the region, Russia and China as it has for the past 30-40 years. So, if you are against this type of terrorism and imperialism, you should be against those who sponsor it and the ideology of it itself.
February 16th, 2013, 12:59 pm
omen said:
386. ghat, israel is influential but the ultimate driver of US policy is corporate interests. for the oligarchs who run the US, their priority is profit. syria is an important transit route to export oil. if rebel commanders quoted were aware of the oil contracts being prepped to build future pipelines through syria, their views would become more nuanced.
this is a case of either
a) oligarchs are not above using israel as a fig leaf to hide behind. or b) israel colludes with the oligarchs in order to forward their agenda.
but israel is not all defining. we got rid of mubarak and ousted gaddafi despite israeli opposition – are a couple of examples of the US acting counter to israeli interests. certainly, our invading iraq didn’t make israel safer. doing so strengthened iran’s grip on the region, israel’s enemy.
February 16th, 2013, 1:03 pm
Mina said:
Thanks to Qardawi, that’s how Cairo look like today (the guy now comes every week or so to give the friday’s preach on TV and was one of the few members of the commitee that elected the new al Azhar’s mufti last week). I wish the Syrians that he won’t put his foot again in their country.
February 16th, 2013, 1:05 pm
Uzair8 said:
Shift inside #Druze community vis-a-vis conflict in #Syria is important. Counting on Michel Kilo 2lead similar effort among #Christians
Posted under an hour ago on:
February 16th, 2013, 1:06 pm
Juergen said:
For those who dont have an satalite dish, here is a way to watch almost all stations on web for free.
February 16th, 2013, 1:14 pm
Uzair8 said:
Talking of ‘Syrianperspective’ and Ziad, I read the following on a hardcore regime supporting site earlier (IMF):
Just how reliable is
Because, if he really has direct communication with Syrian Intelligence and the Syrian Arab Army
I count more than 10,000 rebels killed in the past week.
Not to mention the more than 20,000 killed previously.
The 2 immediately following comments respond to the above.
February 16th, 2013, 1:15 pm
omen said:
it just occurred to me the meteor that streaked across siberia could have accidentally triggered russia’s nuclear response system. it could have sent a nuke headed for the capital. there have been close calls before. food for thought.
February 16th, 2013, 1:19 pm
revenire said:
LOL no, a meteor could not trigger an accidental nuclear response. God, you’re a daft one Omen.
February 16th, 2013, 1:24 pm
Juergen said:
Funny, syrian state tv explores that Kurdish live among them, now they play kurdish songs and dances…
February 16th, 2013, 1:26 pm
Dolly Buster said:
Hey it says on Twitter that Damascus is out of electricity.
I hope this is a planned blackout to facilitate military conquest of the city.
I don’t feel like waiting months for the war to finish, let’s just take out the Syrian government and Mufti Hasoon in the first quarter of 2013.
February 16th, 2013, 1:31 pm
Ghufran said:
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That follows the beheading of abu alalaa alma’arri statue in Idleb.
Militant Arab Talibans may look different but they are the same disease, they never believed in elections, never accepted women as equal and never tolerated minorities,
Do not kid yourself by believing otherwise. Those animals are unintentional allies of existing and previous non religious dictatorships.
February 16th, 2013, 1:33 pm
Citizen said:
fu*k them all !http://youtu.be/XjuvUAGXopo?t=6s
February 16th, 2013, 1:34 pm
omen said:
February 16th, 2013, 1:38 pm
omen said:
It isn’t exactly news the Zionists are supporting the rats.
both israel and u.s. officials have publicly stated as a priority that syria’s intelligence arm (secret police) of the regime remain in place in the event that assad is eventually toppled. that should tell you which side israel favors.
rami makhlouf even once boasted in an interview that only the regime can guarantee israel’s safety.
February 16th, 2013, 1:42 pm
Ghufran said:
“I don’t feel like waiting months for the war to finish, let’s just take out the Syrian government and Mufti Hasoon in the first quarter of 2013”
Another young wart on SC, so it is either old unreformable dinasours or young dumb clowns?
Even people who used to write sensible and thought- provoking posts are now members of the belly dancer and the drummers band.
Both sides in Syria will try to score before the big boys sit down and decide how to divide the cake.
If you want to be relevant, do something to help refugees and people in need, otherwise Syrians will be better off if you just be quiet and eat your happy meal.
?? ??? ???? ?? ????? ?????
February 16th, 2013, 1:45 pm
revenire said:
“It says on Twitter.”
I get all my news from Twitter.
February 16th, 2013, 1:46 pm
In the progressist parties in Europe everybody has traditinally defended the idea that the american people is stupid and ignorant in general terms. In the last decade or two decades this idea has changed to a more positive focuss trying to see the american people as a very democratic one.
Frankly, after reactions about 11-S, where 0,1 % of the crimes commited by the US where commited on their own people (most were latins), after invasion of Iraq on basis of deception and after seeing how the ¨people of freedom and dignity¨ leaves alone a whole country fighting with its hands against the Iranian-Russian-Assad Mafia Dictatorship, I must say that the american people as a people is one of two options:
1) A piece of flesh without brain and anima
2) A Fxxxx people without any value about democracy or freedom
February 16th, 2013, 1:53 pm
omen said:
dolly, that’s funny. i ran across the mufti’s comments last night on naharnet. my first thought was how the hell is he able to run around free? what made you mention him? the same?
February 16th, 2013, 1:57 pm
Visitor said:
Uzair8 @394,
I reported that information instantaneously. See 370 above.
February 16th, 2013, 1:57 pm
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February 16th, 2013, 1:59 pm
Mina said:
The Kurds are better pictured on Syrian TV than on the Turkish soap broadcasted by MBC in Arabic and depicting them as stupid animals (“al-ard al-tayyiba”). You’ll find it on your teledunet tuner.
If you know what is going on in Ra’s al Ayn and Hasaka since two months you probably understand why Syrian TV starts to be grateful to the Kurds.
February 16th, 2013, 2:00 pm
zoo said:
Will Syria enter in the Guiness Book of Records for the longest, bloodiest and messiest failed ‘Regime Change revolution’ in history?
February 16th, 2013, 2:10 pm
Citizen said:
fu*k them all!!
Analysts believe the move by Turkey is part of an anti-Syria plot hatched by the US, Qatar and Saudi Arabia to fuel the unrest in the country by increasing the number of militants fighting against the government.
Four Turkish officers killed in Aleppo clashes: Report
February 16th, 2013, 2:12 pm
Juergen said:
better late than never right? See, these kind of openness to the Kurdish culture is new, and I thought is worth mentioning.
February 16th, 2013, 2:13 pm
zoo said:
What do young Saudis do on vacation when their Vice & Vertu police does not watch them?
Heavy drinks, light drugs and minor rape…
Saudi air force sergeant pleads not guilty to raping boy, 13, in Vegas
Chairez said Alotaibi and four friends arrived in Las Vegas early December 31 and spent six hours drinking at a strip club before the alleged attack in the bathroom of a sixth-floor hotel room where up to four other men smoked cigarettes or marijuana.
The boy was visiting Las Vegas with his divorced father from Sacramento, Calif., Chairez said. The boy told police he was on the way to meet a friend at a Krispy Kreme doughnut shop in the hotel when he was abducted.
Police said Alotaibi acknowledged during questioning that he had sex with the boy, and investigators collected DNA evidence including a soiled towel from the bathroom.
Read more: http://www.thenational.ae/news/world/middle-east/saudi-air-force-sergeant-pleads-not-guilty-to-raping-boy-13-in-vegas#ixzz2L5htpjT9
Follow us: @TheNationalUAE on Twitter | thenational.ae on Facebook
February 16th, 2013, 2:16 pm
Visitor said:
Thanx Georges @389.
I searched for that video for over a week.
February 16th, 2013, 2:18 pm
Citizen said:
The underlying scenario of Worldwide conflict goes far beyond the diabolical design of Orwell’s 1984.
The Ministry of Truth upholds war as a peace-making undertaking by twisting realities upside down.
In turn, the lies and fabrications of the mainstream media are presented with various innuendos in a complex web of deceit.”
The temptation to view this tense political atmosphere as doomed is high. Indeed, today’s modern weapons systems know no bounds in their potential for carnage and destruction, and we have some very dangerous leaders (many of whom have been “democratically” elected) poised at the triggers. They are, after all, the ones who stand to profit from taking us into the next World War.
This is exactly the reason why we must not unplug, tune out or look away. The world cannot afford more victims of war. There ARE steps to take, and they require mass mobilization. As Finian Cunningham wrote:
“War is not inevitable. It is an ineluctable outcome of capitalist power rivalry, which history has shown us time and again. But it is not inevitable. The way to stop another world war is for the mass of people to put an end to the capitalist system. That means bringing governments, banks, industries and militaries under public, democratic control on the basis of internationalist solidarity. We got nothing to lose except our chains.”
Awareness of what is happening in the world around us is a crucial first step. Don’t automatically trust the news you read – question it; check the sources; follow the money. And more than anything, keep the dialogue going and spread the message to those around you. The tools are all there – newsletters, social media, videos – so let’s get creative and put them to good use.
February 16th, 2013, 2:18 pm
Uzair8 said:
409. Visitor
Yes, I did see your comment earlier. 🙂
I was just building on your comment with the additional hope of Michel Kilo persuading the Christian community to move in the right direction.
What a terrifying thought for Assadists.
Btw I always try to include the time/date of tweets/updates.
February 16th, 2013, 2:20 pm
zoo said:
Top Syrian Sunni cleric criticizes Turkish PM’s stance
Ahmad Badreddin Hassoun, the top Sunni cleric in Syria, told Beirut-based al-Mayadin TV that Erdo?an’s stance surprised him given that he had earlier expressed his personal respect for Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. The cleric also said he did not understand why Turkey opened its borders “to allow murderers and thieves to cross into Syria.”
“They have done such insane thing in the past; they might do more stupid things in the coming period,” he said, adding that Turkey had shown its “true face” during the insurrection and claimed that there was close cooperation between Turkish and Israeli intelligence.
Miqdad also warned Erdo?an that the Turkish people would call him to account, while adding that Syria had suggested that Turkey be added to the list of states that support terrorism.
February 16th, 2013, 2:21 pm
Citizen said:
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February 16th, 2013, 2:29 pm
zoo said:
The wave of kidnappings of sectarian nature in allegedly “rebels controlled areas” show that these rebels are unable to protect civilians and that North Syria has become a lawless mini-Somalia.
It’s time for Turkey to enter and police it.
The first kidnappings took place on Thursday, when 42 minority Shiite Muslims, mainly women and children, were seized from a bus traveling to Damascus, the capital, from their villages, Fouaa and Kfarya, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, an antigovernment watchdog group based in Britain with a network of activists in Syria.
It was unclear who kidnapped them. Some elements of the mainly Sunni Muslim uprising have portrayed all Shiites as supporters of the government and its crackdown on the uprising, and some Shiite communities have provided gunmen to pro-government militias. Hezbollah, the Lebanese Shiite militia and political party, has also been accused of joining the conflict on the government’s side.
Later on Thursday, scores of people, mostly women from the mainly Sunni town of Saraqeb, were kidnapped by Shiite gunmen, apparently in retaliation, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights and a rebel commander, who was reached in Turkey. The group reported that 300 were taken hostage, while the commander said about 100 were abducted.
The kidnappings of civilians on both sides have raised fears that the sectarian conflict is escalating, and reports of women and girls being raped have become widespread. The United Nations special representative on sexual violence in conflict, Zainab Hawa Bangura, called for the women’s release.
February 16th, 2013, 2:29 pm
Uzair8 said:
419 Zoo
I was just about to ask whether there was a video of the Mufti Hassoun interview with translation. I was interested to know what the Mufti had to say.
“Miqdad also warned Erdo?an that the Turkish people would call him to account,”
You mean (via) elections?
February 16th, 2013, 2:35 pm
omen said:
israel nursing their wounded Al-Qaeda terrorists allies in Syria
if this is the case, i want to see a similar headline announcing al qaeda terrorists nursing wounded regime army soldiers in rebel held underground clinics.
February 16th, 2013, 2:37 pm
Aldendeshe said:
If you want to be relevant, do something to help refugees and people in need, otherwise Syrians will be better off if you just be quiet and eat your happy meal.
The hell with Paleo-Palestinian, Iraqis and Syrian refugees. Arm yourselves mothe*rfu*ckers, all of you men, women and children 9-78 years of age and fight for your right and property. Cannot afford rifles, use knifes, arrows and spears.
Why do I have to plead with Iranian to send in IRGC troupes to stop the Israeli mercenaries bas*tar*d from killing Syrians robbing the country, why do you pay ransom and hand your women over, fight, join the Syrian Government forces and ask for arm, help them defeat the Islamic Terrorists working for Israel and Jews to destroy Syria and the Middle East, just as they did to other countries. Coward Allah worshipper, you run to live in tents, getting handover from the same sadistic enemies that sent you to life of refugee. Why there are 700,000 Syrian refugees instead of 700,000 in arms? Cowards, the only shi*t you are good for is bowing down five time a day to your demonic master.
Same to Plaeo thugs and Iraqis, all you doing is selling your women pu**ssy in clubs and refugee camps, buy guns after couple of tricks, then go fight for your land, honor and dignity. You don’t, because you aint got any dignity; you puked it all on that prayer rag.
February 16th, 2013, 2:40 pm
omen said:
zoo, it is strange how you are fixated on this one saudi related rape story while you ignore all the horrors the regime is guilty of.
February 16th, 2013, 2:41 pm
Citizen said:
In the vicinity of Damascus today army troops destroyed a large number of militants and several commanders gangs.
The main fighting and anti-terrorist operations took place in the Duma, the Hajar al-Aswad, Tel Kurdi, hot spots remain Zamalka, ARBIGNY, plantations around Maadamii and Adry.
In the satellite town of Damascus Duma today destroyed militants field headquarters and warehouses of weapons and ammunition. Among the identified terrorists – the leader of one of the armed groups belonging to “en-Dzhebhat Nusra” Samer Dayub.
Near the Hajar al-Aswad was detected and eliminated underground workshops for making improvised explosive devices and all that were inside it terrorists personally identifiable group leader Saeed al-Taraweeh.
In the Tel Kurdi due to differences over Sharia law and the obligation of their performance there was bloody fight militants. Terrorists “Liwa al-Islam”, belonging to the organization, “al-Dzhebhat Nusra”, and members of the “Lebanon Ahrar al-Sham” of the so-called free Syrian army at one another.
In the province of Homs in Buveyda Al-Sharq was neutralized terrorist group traveling in cars.
East of the town near the village of Hosh Telbisa Hazha Syrian army unit was tracked and destroyed by a band of rebels led by its field commander Dzhamaurom themselves.
Such an operation was successfully completed in the city of Ar-Rastan. Its result was the elimination of gang leader Walid al-Sauvaha and all members of his group. Besides belonging to terrorists destroyed cars.
February 16th, 2013, 2:44 pm
Citizen said:
The war “on terror” has become a war OF terror, upon those who we know are mostly defenseless. It is only right that someone did something to help them.
Thank you, Russia, indeed!
February 16th, 2013, 2:50 pm
omen said:
421. zoo, you support turkish peacekeepers on syrian soil?
February 16th, 2013, 2:51 pm
Uzair8 said:
Not being able to stand up to or defeat the heroic rebels, the regime and it’s apologists have instead resorted to tarnishing and maligning them.
The Syrian people, involved in this honourable revolution, have always insisted that all those associated with it preserve the honour, morality and righteousness of the revolution and not do anything that may harm it’s image.
Not only that, this is also a battle for the hearts and minds of all syrians. Which can only be won by holding aloft the upmost ideals.
The revolution is right and just. It is honourable. Time hasn’t caused us to forget Ghiyath Matar or the countless martyrs who have honourably led the way.
The Syrian people will carry the revolution home and they will show magninimity. In doing so they will confirm the legendary status of this glorious uprising. InshaAllah.
February 16th, 2013, 3:05 pm
ann said:
US reluctant to step in vs. Syrian chemical threat, urges neighbors to cope 😀
Strong reluctance to stepping in to prevent the use of Syria’s chemical weapons was registered by President Barack Obama in an interview Monday, Jan. 28 to The New Republic:
“ In a situation like Syria, I have to ask: can we make a difference in that situation?”
He then continued to ask rhetorically:
“ Could it trigger even worse violence or the use of chemical weapons?
What offers the best prospect of a stable post-Assad regime? And how do I weigh tens of thousands who’ve been killed in Syria versus the tens of thousands who are currently being killed in Congo? ”
February 16th, 2013, 3:09 pm
Akbar Palace said:
An interesting observation: many of the posters here can’t accept the fact that arabs are killing arabs, so once again imaginary forces are at play. Jews and al-quefa are working together. Don’t expect to see any proof.
February 16th, 2013, 3:38 pm
ghufran said:
This war needs to end, thinking that force will solve this conflict is a form of delusion.
I welcome hamster’s remarks, they confirm my belief that most educated Syrians are unable to lead ,they are trapped in a cage guarded by a mix of guilt and hypocrisy.
February 16th, 2013, 3:48 pm
Citizen said:
U.S. fighters rose to intercept Russian strategic bombers Tu-95. Sources of NBC
Washington. February 16. INTERFAX.RU – the United States will once again call on Russia to abandon the military and economic support for the Syrian regime …
Lavrov:We know that sometimes people in the media play into the hands of those who want to to move the public opinion one way or another
Western media frenzy over “inevitable” fall of Syrian government reveals what these journalists want, as opposed to the reality of situation.
Syrian rebels loot artifacts to raise money for fight against Assad
February 16th, 2013, 3:56 pm
Juergen said:
February 16th, 2013, 4:06 pm
Juergen said:
Syrian civil war edges closer as seven rebels taken to Israeli hospital
Earlier on Saturday, Syrian rebels overran a military police checkpoint in Khan Arnabeh, a town in the Golan Heights near the ceasefire line along the demilitarized zone with Israel.
One of the men is reportedly severely wounded, while the others suffered medium injuries from bullets and shrapnel.
February 16th, 2013, 4:09 pm
Citizen said:
arabs are killing arabs?
are you mean Bani Khaibars are killing Syrians? The Syrians are sacrifice ?blood in exchange for gas ? or is it enough to kill half the population of the earth in order to ensure the security of Israel?
Maybe you should turn the land upside down in order to recover the capitalist economy from the financial crisis?
When the day will come that Washington will leave us alone and will not interfere in our affairs??
February 16th, 2013, 4:14 pm
omen said:
431. Akbar Palace
proof would be nice but in the absence of evidence, people are forced to war game hypotheticals in an attempt to try to get a handle of what is going on. corporate lead governments can’t very well admit syrians are being sacrificed in the interest of oil profits (there is circumstantial evidence though.)
something else i am still puzzling out. if israel is so anti-salafist, the sensible thing to do would have been to help strengthen the secular moderate faction of fsa. yet it failed to do so.
and then there is joe lieberman who confidently announced that a shia vs sunni war will be the next great conflagration. is israel helping to set this up?
also, pundits react with horror the idea of “islamists” growing in influence and cite this as a reason why the west is refusing to arm the rebels. but u.s. has history of empowering the most reactionary forces in the region. we have put warlords with atrocious records in charge. see afghanistan & iraq. it seems to me that the west is intentionally creating this vaccuum. what i dislike is pundits treating this as accidental or unintentional policy when we have a history of doing just this. syria for some reason is the bizarro world of u.s. policy. the normal rules don’t apply. any place else causing instability, we send in drones. any place else threatening the region with chemical stockpile, we threaten the dictator (without leaving any room for doubt) or invade them to remove the threat. but with assad, we just shrug our shoulders and pretend we can’t do anything about it.
whatever plans the west has in mind, syrians will have to work hard to make sure their revolution isn’t hijacked.
February 16th, 2013, 4:22 pm
Citizen said:
The US Federal Reserve System bankers are dry behind the ears in plundering other nations. The method is the same – exchanging real resources, goods, assets for pieces of paper, call it Federal Reserve bonds, US Treasury loan securities or US dollar bills…etc. The issuer never intends to redeem bonds. Formally the US Department of Treasury or Reserve banks could be an issuer. Doesn’t matter. It’s still the very same people who are behind them – the bankers seizing natural resources, gold and other treasures of other nations…
The very understanding that there are visible and invisible worlds allows to see through many mysteries of world politics and affairs. I agree with German expert Arthur Stern that it changes the vision of the WWII history and the postwar world order.
It should be expected the Federal Reserve bankers will do their best to avoid payments. They will flood the world with false bills denominated in fabulous sums to make people believe all such securities are fakes. They will use special services to find bearers of real Federal Reserve notes in order to neutralize them. In the language of special services neutralization means murder. Or they may be buying notes out for a token sum (say 1% of the nominal sum). The way the Federal Reserve System and the Central Intelligence Agency tackle the issue of «secret bonds» is a bright example of close collusion between money lenders and «knights of cloak and dagger». The efforts aimed at neutralization of «secret» bonds bearers is part of broader scale activities aimed at evading the global responsibility and obligations. The strategic goal of the campaign is to devalue all liabilities of the US Federal Reserve System and US Department of Treasury by flooding the world financial system with the FRS production in the form of dollar bills.
February 16th, 2013, 4:26 pm
Syrialover said:
Below is something that needs to be remembered and repeated. It’s stayed in my mind.
It’s from a comment by NZ on the OTW site, criticizing those who keep misrepresenting the Syrian conflict as ‘sectarian’:
“When describing the people of Syria as consisting of “minorities” and a “majority” give the impression as if these two groups are not one entity. No historical emphasis on their co-existence and their shared history was given. ex: places of worships standing side by side, Aramaic the language of Jesus still spoken by both Muslims and Christians, Syrians welcoming refugees from all religious backgrounds and sects throughout history…this is what we Syrians are proud of, this is what differentiate the Syrian culture from other cultures, more than music and food…
February 16th, 2013, 4:34 pm
Juergen said:
I think Israel is until now paralyzed on the political levels when it comes how to deal with the arab spring. This treatment of “FSA” soldiers could end in an PR disaster for the FSA. As someone in the Israeli government rightly said, if we openly support the opposition in Syria, this would be an boost for the regime. Nonevertheless there is not an small number of Israelis who wholeheartly support the Syrian people in their fight against this regime.
February 16th, 2013, 4:35 pm
Syrialover said:
#437 OMEN said:
“if israel is so anti-salafist, the sensible thing to do would have been to help strengthen the secular moderate faction of fsa. yet it failed to do so.”
What???? Just imagine what a terminal disaster that would be for the FSA!
Even the US when providing hundreds of millions of dollars in aid to Syrian refugees, has to do it invisibly through international aid agencies as they can’t risk having “gift of the USA” on goods.
February 16th, 2013, 4:43 pm
revenire said:
I am laughing at the term “Arab Spring” – a term signifying a failed Western project.
The Israelis have been helping the FSA since the start. It doesn’t matter who agrees.
February 16th, 2013, 4:45 pm
omen said:
juergen, you are right. i should have differentiated. average israelis have no control over the oligarchs who rule their country. just like americans have no control over the oligarchs who control u.s. policy. our “democracy” is a sham.
February 16th, 2013, 4:45 pm
Visitor said:
“Will Syria enter in the Guiness Book of Records for the longest, bloodiest and messiest failed ‘Regime Change revolution’ in history?”
But , Zoo, already entered the Guiness Book of Records as the troll on SC with the lowest IQ ever!!
……With Ghufran as a runner up!
February 16th, 2013, 4:49 pm
omen said:
syrialover, i dont mean direct help. but it would have been useful if israelis didn’t lobby against arming rebels. (if that is what happened.)
Even the US when providing hundreds of millions of dollars in aid to Syrian refugees, has to do it invisibly through international aid agencies as they can’t risk having “gift of the USA” on goods.
i don’t think this is true. when i hear interviews from refugees, they are always asking “where is the help from the usa?” they are desperate to see evidence of it.
February 16th, 2013, 4:49 pm
majedkhaldoun said:
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February 16th, 2013, 5:07 pm
Syrialover said:
OMEN #445,
No, you’ll find it’s true about the level of US govt. humanitarian aid to Syria (and the fact they have to do it discreetly via other agencies).
I’ve read the figures in a number of US government statements, along with descriptions of how that funding is distributed and why it’s done that way.
Your imemdiate suspicions and rejection of the idea that the US is funding aid happens to illustrate their reasons for keeping it low-key and unidentified.
FYI, here is information from a recent report.
“More than half of the $365m pledged by the US to assist Syria, is for people inside Syria.
“Among the assistance provided by the US is clean water, food and medical care.
“Aid distribution policy
“However, the United Nations and various NGOs which distribute aid in the country face a challenge in distributing US aid. They are not able to distribute US marked aid.
“The US administration recently came under criticism for this decision from a group of senators that met with members of the Syrian opposition.
“Of further contention is the channel on distribution. While officials say they do not distribute aid through the Syrian opposition, with Richard saying that the opposition is “not built as an organisation to deliver aid”, Senator Chris Coons feels that this decision needs to be changed.
“Coon said that aid was “going through international aid agencies and being distributed out of Damascus, rather than in ways that strengthen the credibility and the reach and effectiveness of the Syrian opposition council.”
February 16th, 2013, 5:19 pm
Visitor said:
Salim Idris on Hizbistani mercenaries in Syria,
My only objection is that Idriss should not have associated the Name of Allah with the evil Hizbistanis. He could have referred to them in many ways without this association, for example: Hizb Hassan, Hizb Mullah-stan in Lebanon, Hizb Nus-lira, Hizb al-Shaytan…
February 16th, 2013, 5:20 pm
Dolly Buster said:
The typical Arab state was run for 30 years by one person, and then another 30 years by his son.
Bashar Assad planned to rule until year 2030, when he would be succeeded by Hafidh Assad Jr. until year 2060.
So, an “arab spring” is in order, to ensure that Hosni is not succeeded by Jamal, etc.
February 16th, 2013, 5:22 pm
omen said:
forgot to include in my scenario an obvious one. one i have consistently raised as being my suspicion. u.s. failure to provide more support for the opposition is because it prefers assad remain in power. the regime would count as the most reactionary force in the region.
February 16th, 2013, 5:26 pm
omen said:
I am laughing at the term “Arab Spring” – a term signifying a failed Western project.
dolly, he misses the irony that often it was the west who first put these dictators in power.
February 16th, 2013, 5:30 pm
revenire said:
Dolly what about one of the main patrons of the Syrian “revolution” Saudi Arabia?
The HOUSE OF SAUD is a family right?
I don’t see your rats objecting to that family. Not even once have I heard an objection. They are so arrogant they named the entire country after themselves.
So skip the history lesson for me because you’re full of it up to your eyeballs.
February 16th, 2013, 5:42 pm
omen said:
syrialover: Your imemdiate suspicions and rejection of the idea that the US is funding aid happens to illustrate their reasons for keeping it low-key and unidentified.
no, you misinterpret me. this is not what i’m saying. i don’t doubt the u.s. is sending humanitarian aide. what i’m questioning is the idea of refugees rejecting provisions simply because it has american branding.
February 16th, 2013, 5:43 pm
Akbar Palace said:
I am open to evalauate any idea here if there is evidence. Right now, there is more evidence that Iran is involved in Syria than any other outside actor.9
February 16th, 2013, 6:06 pm
Akbar Palace said:
I am open to evalauate any idea here if there is evidence. Right now, there is more evidence that Iran is involved in Syria than any other outside actor.9
February 16th, 2013, 6:06 pm
Syrialover said:
New thread started
February 16th, 2013, 6:27 pm
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