News Round Up (30 January 2013)

President Obama announced a new round of humanitarian assistance, an additional $155 million to provide for the urgent and pressing needs of civilians in Syria and refugees forced to flee the violence of the Assad regime. This brings America’s contribution to date to $365 million, making the United States the largest single donor of humanitarian assistance to the Syrian people.

Lakhdar Brahim of UN

Syria is being destroyed,” Lakhdar Brahimi, the joint U.N.-Arab League envoy to Syria, said after closed-door consultations with the Security Council.

Brahimi blamed both Syrian President Bashar Assad’s government and the Western-backed opposition forces.

“Objectively, they are cooperating to destroy Syria. Syria is being destroyed bit by bit. And in destroying Syria, the region is being pushed into a situation that is extremely bad, and extremely important for the entire world,” Brahimi said….”You may have seen that the two parties are maybe a little more embarrassed to say that ‘We’re going to achieve victory next week.’ And both sides have started to say, ‘If there is a political solution, perhaps we are willing to listen, provided that political solution will give us 100 percent of what we want.'”

United Nations reported a sharp increase in the number of refugees known officially to have fled Syria, increasing the total in neighboring countries to more than 700,000 from 500,000 in December.

Both Sides in Syria Trade Blame for Scores of Killings in Aleppo

People gathered at the banks of a small canal coming from a government-controlled suburb of Aleppo, Syria, to view dozens of bodies on Tuesday.
By HANIA MOURTADA and ALAN COWELL, Published: January 29, 2013

BEIRUT, Lebanon — An activist group with opposition contacts in Syria said on Tuesday that the muddied bodies of scores of people, most of them men in their 20s and 30s, had been found in a suburb of the northern city of Aleppo.

In Geneva, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees said on Tuesday that there had been an “unrelenting flow of refugees” across Syria’s borders, principally into Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq and Turkey.

The highest numbers were in Turkey, Jordan and Lebanon but smaller numbers had been registered in Egypt and North Africa, said Sybella Wilkes, a spokeswoman for the refugee agency.

The total now exceeds 700,000, made up of around 580,000 registered and the rest waiting to be registered as refugees. The spurt in refugees meant that 200,000 have fled in less than two months since early December when the total was around 500,000.

“We are trying to clear a backlog of people because the numbers have gone up so dramatically,” in Jordan and Lebanon particularly, Ms. Wilkes said.

The fighting has long ceased to be a straight contest between government and rebel forces. In the northern town of Ras al-Ain on the border with Turkey, rebels have fought Kurds. and in Deir al-Zour, rivalries among the groups claiming to have overrun the security office showed the contest between them to attract arms and recruits.

Omar Abu Layla, an activist documenting the fighting, said local and Al Nusra groups had joined in the fighting.

“Al Nusra are good in suicide attacks, but our battalions are better than them at storming,” he said.

In the central city of Homs, meanwhile, the toll of the fighting among the dwindling number of inhabitants seemed evident on Tuesday as government forces launched a rocket attack on the Jouret al-Shiyah neighborhood.

“Mercy, dear God, Mercy. I don’t know what’s going on. I feel that they’re shelling right above us,” said Um Abdo, a resident in her fifties. “I feel that the whole world is shaking. The shelling is so heavy and so close. Pray for us please. I swear we are drained and exhausted.”

World Bank, UN Provide Bleak Estimate of 2012 Economic Performance (Syria Report)
The World Bank and ESCWA have estimated Syria’s GDP to have plunged by 20 to 30 percent last year as the war engulfing the country continues to take its toll on the economy.

En Syrie, une «économie sous perfusion des pays amis» (This is an excellent run down by Jihad Yazigi and Caroline Donati of the many economic problems Syrians now face. Read all]
27 janvier 2013 | Par Caroline Donati

Comment tient la Syrie après presque deux années de révolution et de guerre ? Jihad Yazigi, rédacteur en chef du Syria Report, site d’information et d’analyse économique (, évalue les moyens de subsistance de la population et les ressources d’un régime sous perfusion de ses derniers alliés : « Il faudra vingt ans pour revenir au niveau d’avant-guerre », selon lui. Entretien.

Selon le Programme alimentaire mondial (PAM), près d’un million de Syriens seraient menacés de famine, cet hiver. Que pensez-vous de cette estimation ?

Il est aujourd’hui très difficile d’avoir des chiffres sur la situation mais le PAM a raison de tirer la sonnette d’alarme. Ce que l’on peut dire, c’est que la détérioration de la situation, qui s’est considérablement accélérée depuis l’été dernier et les combats à Alep, a aggravé une très profonde crise économique et sociale. Il y a une forte décroissance, le chômage est très élevé, le taux d’inflation officiel est de 50 % mais il est bien plus élevé car l’indice est mesuré par rapport aux prix officiels : par exemple, le mazout est calculé au prix de 27 livres syriennes le litre, alors qu’en réalité il est de 100 livres et bien plus.

Le grand problème qui se pose est un problème d’acheminement des biens, des produits agricoles. Il est très difficile de circuler d’une région à une autre, les routes sont très dangereuses, les attaques y sont permanentes de la part de bandes armées qui profitent du chaos.

À ce problème d’acheminement s’ajoute celui de la pauvreté. Beaucoup de gens ont perdu leur travail depuis longtemps et leurs économies fondent ou ont déjà fondu ; l’inflation atteint des niveaux records en particulier pour le pain, élément de base de l’alimentation des familles : dans certains quartiers touchés par la violence, elle atteint parfois 500 %. Il faut aussi savoir que les régions et les quartiers qui sont les plus touchés par la violence sont des zones pauvres. Cette combinaison de facteurs laisse prévoir ce type de situation : l’appauvrissement et le risque de famine…..

France Worried Syria will Fall into Hands of Islamist Militant Groups

PARIS (Reuters) – France’s foreign minister said on Monday Syria risks falling into the hands of Islamist militant groups if supporters of the Syrian opposition do not do more to help it in a 22-month-old revolt against President Bashar al-Assad.

Addressing the opening of a conference in Paris with senior members of the Syrian National Coalition, Laurent Fabius said the meeting must focus on making the opposition politically and militarily cohesive to encourage international assistance.

“Facing the collapse of a state and society, it is Islamist groups that risk gaining ground if we do not act as we should,” he said. “We cannot let a revolution that started as a peaceful and democratic protest degenerate into a conflict of militias.”

Western concern over the growing strength of jihadist militants fighting autonomously in the disorganized ranks of anti-Assad rebel forces is rising. This has hindered international aid to the moderate Syrian

Daniel Lippman, who has just returned from Turkey, wrote these two articles about Turkey and Syria and about Syrian refugees

NGO – ‘Initiative for a New Syria’ and its objectives. Financial report of donations inside Syria: The report can also be found online at

Migration Policy Institute’s online journal, the Migration Information Source, Hospitals and Doctors under Attack in Syria: Q&A with the Chair of the Humanitarian Aid Committee for the Syrian Expatriates Organization. Dr. Fadi Al Khankan of the Syrian Expatriates Organization, a nonprofit organization of Syrian Americans and Syrian Canadians that is providing medical care and humanitarian relief among other initiatives to establish a democratic Syria, recently sat for a Q&A with the Source.

Al-Nusra- Front claims Credit for Blast in Ismaili town in Syria

Syria’s Bashar Al-Assad Says His Wife Is Pregnant
2013-01-28 20:00:12.707 GMT

By Max Fisher
Jan. 28 (Washington Post) — Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, whose regime is embroiled in a now two-year civil war that has killed tens of thousands, gave a cheery interview to unnamed “visitors,” as reported by a sympathetic newspaper, in which he offhandedly revealed that his wife is pregnant. Asma al-Assad, the 37-year-old, British-born young mother of three (now four?),

Feeling All Cooped Up In The Syrian Capital
January 28, 2013 – NPR

…Watching television is probably the most common pastime these days. The most popular shows are Turkish soap operas, but every household also seems addicted to coverage of the war in Syria.

The average middle-class Damascene home has satellite TV complete with international news channels. Staunch pro-regime supporters shy away from watching the likes of BBC Arabic, CNN International and Al Jazeera, and instead watch Syrian state TV or Russia Today.

These choices can create tensions inside households, as individuals disagree on the politics.

To placate everyone, one couple hosting five relatives decided to purchase a second TV.

“We eat our meals together, and we don’t talk politics,” said the wife. “But come news time? We split up into two rooms, pro-regime and anti.”….

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Comments (857)

Ghufrsn said:

This is significant:
??? “?????? ?????? ??????”? ?? ??????? ???? “???????? ?????? ???? ?????? ????????? ???????” ???? ???? ?????? ???? ????? ???? ?? ??? ????? ??????? ?? ?????? ??????? ?? ???? ?? ???? “???????? ?????? ??????” ??????? ?? ?????? ??????? ???????? ?????? ?????? ??????? ???????? ?? ??? ???? ??????? ?? ?????? ?????? ? ???????? ??? ????? ??? ????? ???? ?????? ????? ?????? ????????? “?????? ?????? ?? ?????? ?? ?????? ?????? ??????? ?????? ???????? ?????? ?????? ??????”.

???? “??? ????? ?????? ?????? ?? ?????? ?? ?????? ?????? ?? ??????? ?? ???? ?? ???????. ???? ?? ??? ?? ?? ??? ???????? ??? ?????? ???? ??? ????? ????? ?????? ?? ??? ? ??? ???? ????? ????? ???? ???? ????? ??? ????? ?? ?????? (???????? ?????? ??????? ??????????? ?????? ???? ???????) ???????? ??? ?? ?????? ?????? ???? ???? ???????? ????? ????? ???????? ?????? ????? ?? ??????? ???? ????? ??? ?????”.?????? ?????? ?????? ?? ???? ?? “????? ?????? ???? ??? ???? ????? ?????? ???? ???? ?????? ??? ??? ??????? ???????? ??????? ?????? ?? ???? ????? ??????????? ???? ???? ?????? ?????? ???? ??????? ??????? ???????? ????? ??? ????? ?? ?????? ?????? ??? ????? ???”.

January 30th, 2013, 8:34 am


Visitor said:

The biggest donnors were not the Americans and not the Europeans. It was the Arabs with almost two third the total. Why is JL shy of mentioning that and falsely crediting the US in being the single largest donnor? If he includes the private donations from the GCC, then the US contributions will be dwarfed by comparison,

However, the distrbution mechanism is not the right mechanism. Also, the Arabs are not doing enough until they start delivering advanced weapons in large enough quantities.

On the other hand, Moaz Al-Khatib is no body and I always said that. If he wants to talk to criminal regime, then he’ll become even less relevant. At this point in time only FSA is acting on behalf of the Syrian people. None of these so-called coalitions is relevant. So there’s nothing significant Moaz or others can do.

January 30th, 2013, 8:40 am


zoo said:

Eastern Syrian town lives under al Qaeda rules

Wed, 30 Jan 2013 14:00 GMT
Source: reuters // Reuters

(This story was reported by a visiting journalist whose name has been withheld for security reasons)

* Alcohol banned and women forbidden to wear trousers

* Mayadin fell to rebel forces in November

* Islamist militants control oil and grain

* Residents views mixed on Islamist groups

MAYADIN, Syria, Jan 30 (Reuters) – In a small town in Syria’s east, Islamist militants have taken unclothed mannequins they see as sexually enticing out of the shops.

Members of the al-Nusra Front, al Qaeda’s Syria affiliate, have also prevented women from wearing trousers, preferring that they adopt the shapeless head-to-toe black veil.

The town of 54,000 on the Euphrates river offers a snapshot of what life could be like if Islamist rebels take control of significant areas of Syria as President Bashar al-Assad loses further ground.

Of all the hundreds of rebel units, al-Nusra is considered the most effective. Its fighters, who seek out death in battle as a form of martyrdom, have achieved victories in attacks on several military bases across the country.

They still represent a small fraction of the armed anti-Assad groups fighting in Syria but are growing in size and influence.

Their militants, bolstered by veteran Iraqis who battled U.S. forces, fought alongside rebel units from the Free Syrian Army, an umbrella group of rebels ranging from those who say they are fighting for democracy to hardline Islamists, to take Mayadin.

Government forces left the town in November and half its inhabitants fled during the fighting.

Now al-Nusra, the Free Syrian Army, local militia and tribal groups have carved the town into fiefdoms. Residents say there are around 8,000 armed men in total.

Insurgents with long Sunni-Muslim-style beards patrol the streets enforcing a strict interpretation of Islam. Alcohol is removed from shops. Daily religious teaching is provided for Mayadin’s children, who get free loaves of bread if they attend.

January 30th, 2013, 9:28 am


zoo said:

Rebel-held areas of Syria receive tiny share of aid – MSF

Reuters – 4 hours ago

BEIRUT (Reuters) – International aid to Syria is not being distributed equally, with government-controlled areas receiving nearly all of it while opposition-held zones get only a tiny share, a medical charity said.

Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) said rebel fighters had extended and consolidated their hold on large areas of Syria and it estimated at least a third of the country’s population – about seven million people – lived in areas beyond government control.

“The current aid system is unable to address the worsening living conditions facing people inside Syria,” said MSF president Dr. Marie-Pierre Allié in a statement late on Tuesday.

The statement said “areas under government control receive nearly all international aid, while opposition-held zones receive only a tiny share”. It did not give details on what percentage of aid was being distributed on each side.

January 30th, 2013, 9:31 am


zoo said:

Opposition figures hunted in Turkey

Turkish police clash with armed Syrians, thwart attempt to kidnap opposition figure

By Suzan Fraser, The Associated Press January 30, 2013 7:00 AM

ANKARA, Turkey – Turkish security forces have rescued a Syrian opposition figure allegedly kidnapped by four men who tried to return him to his country, officials said Wednesday.

A statement from the governor’s office for the Turkish border province of Hatay said Turkish security forces, acting on an intelligence tip on Tuesday, engaged in a firefight with four Syrians at a forested area near the border and rescued another Syrian they were trying to abduct. Two of the would-be abductors were wounded in the gunfight, while the rescued Syrian was unharmed, it said.

Three of the accused kidnappers were detained while the fourth managed to escape. Police later also detained five Turks allegedly implicated in the failed abduction, the statement said.

The country’s state-run Anadolu Agency said the Syrians broke into a home in Hatay, kidnapped a prominent Syrian dissident lawyer and forced him into a car before driving toward the frontier. It said a police vehicle followed the car to the border region before engaging in the firefight.

Anadolu identified the lawyer only by his initials M.E. and described him as a prominent opposition figure.

An official from the Hatay governor’s office could not confirm that the target of the abduction was a lawyer.

January 30th, 2013, 9:35 am


zoo said:

A Peace Package for the Middle East
Patrick Seale

Three highly-dangerous Middle East problems — Iran’s nuclear ambitions, the bloody civil war in Syria, and the long-festering Israeli-Palestinian conflict — pose a grave challenge to President Barack Obama and his foreign policy team of John Kerry at State, Chuck Hagel at Defence and John Brennan at the CIA, notes Patrick Seale.

It can thus be seen that Iran’s nuclear programme, Syria’s existential crisis and Israel’s land hunger are inextricably linked. Attempts to deal with these problems separately have so far failed. The obvious conclusion is that they may be better dealt with as a package. These are not marginal problems which can be left to fester. If the United States wishes to protect itself, its interests and its allies in a highly turbulent environment it must make a supreme effort to resolve them.

January 30th, 2013, 9:41 am


Visitor said:

This is the clearest indication so far that the regime is collapsing.

Israeli jet fighters bombed Syrian positions inside Syria near the Lebanese borders. Israel sent its warplanes on this mission because it seems to have obtained information about weapons being delivered to Hizbistani terrorists in Lebanon,

January 30th, 2013, 9:49 am


jna said:

Syria crisis: opposition leader offers talks with Assad regime

Moaz al-Khatib says he is prepared to negotiate

This should have happened a long, long time ago. But expect opposition factions cries of betrayal.

January 30th, 2013, 9:51 am


zoo said:

Moaz al Khatib is back in serious business now..

‘The conditions to begin the talks include that some 160,000 detainees are released, and that passports for exiled citizens are renewed in embassies abroad, AFP reported. Khatib said that since Damascus has called on the opposition to enter into dialogue, his proposal is “a goodwill initiative to seek a political solution to the crisis, to prepare for a transitional phase that prevents any more bloodshed.”

January 30th, 2013, 9:56 am


zoo said:

Think Again: The Muslim Brotherhood

How did so many Western analysts get Egypt’s Islamist movement so wrong?


“They’re democrats.”

Don’t kid yourself. Long before the Jan. 25 revolution that ousted Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, many academics and policymakers argued that his main adversary — the Muslim Brotherhood — had made its peace with democracy. This was based on the assumption that, since the Muslim Brotherhood participated in virtually every election under Mubarak, it was committed to the rule of the people as a matter of principle.

January 30th, 2013, 10:47 am


majedkhaldoun said:

What is the response from Assad regime to Muaz acceptance to have dialogue ? did Assad accept?who is refusing the dialogue?

Syrian media ignoring Brahimi speach, why?

it was announced that Kuwait and UA Amarats each volunteered 300 million each to the Syrians.

January 30th, 2013, 10:50 am


omen said:

how many months of promises of help for the opposition have we seen wound up being nothing but empty lies? how many times are we going to keep falling for it? it’s all PR, a charade meant go give appearance of help while, really, not giving a damn. and, i suspect, meant to quell a domestic population upset that more help isn’t forthcoming. what dictatorship supports freedom and the right of self determination for people of another country while denying it at home?

Arab governments are notorious on not delivering on financial pledges.

the only help that counts is properly arming the rebels. everything else only prolongs the killing.

January 30th, 2013, 11:02 am


zoo said:

#11 Majie

dunno yet… This the first time the opposition makes a reasonable offer of a cease fire that does not require Bashar al Assad to go, therefore the ball is now in Bashar’s camp.

In my view Bashar will show willingness to cooperate, but I think the humiliated opposition and the AL Nusra will oppose Al Khatib and do all they can to prevent these negotiations.

To be effective, this offer must be sealed within a UNSC resolution.

Kuwait and UAE are only ones in the GCC who really cared about the Syrians. They send humanitarian help to save Syrians, they don’t send weapons to kill them.

Syria was the only Arab country opposed to Saddam Hussein during the Iran-Iraq war and helped kick Saddam out of Kuwait. The Kuwaitis haven’t forgotten that.

Ibrahimi keeps blundering. He is a bit senile. Unless he retracts what he said about the ‘damaged’ legitimacy of Bashar al Assad, he will be ineffective as a impartial go-between and will be ignored by Syria.

January 30th, 2013, 11:02 am


jna said:

Camille Alexandre Otrakji (Facebook)

Moaz Alkhatib’s statement about his readiness to engage in dialogue with the Syrian government should not be met with ridicule by regime supporters. You can’t blame opposition for rejecting dialogue then fail to welcome Alkhatib’s offer. If you care about saving lives and wrapping up the conflict, retire sarcasm please. You don’t have to agree with all of Alkhatib’s or Haytham Manaa’s views to welcome their interest in a negotiated settlement.

Alkhatib’s conditions for dialogue are probably not easy to meet, so we are not there yet, but his statement is still a good development!/camille.otrakji/posts/558493977494814

January 30th, 2013, 11:15 am


omen said:


making the United States the largest single donor of humanitarian assistance to the Syrian people.


So why do Western bureaucrats keep flooding the Syrian Red Crescent [the Muslim version of the Red Cross] with money?” Although this official organization functions according to international law and gives receipts, Nyrabia suspects that it is under the regime’s control and that it sends aid only to pro-Assad regions.

January 30th, 2013, 11:16 am


revenire said:

Omen you’re insane. Arming the terrorists ensures that thousands more Syrians will die in a war that they can’t hope to win. The mob of terrorists known as the FSA can’t beat a national army and hold territory in Syria. Anything they capture will be bombed out of existence. Why don’t you leave the United States and go fight Omen?

It looks like one of the West’s puppets has been ordered to negotiate. I do note that Moaz al-Khatib has not made an issue of Assad stepping down. Perhaps he is not as obsessed as his associates.


Syria opposition chief says ready for dialogue with government

Syria’s main opposition bloc, known as the National Coalition for Revolutionary and Opposition Forces, says it is ready to hold a dialogue with the government officials.

Moaz al-Khatib, who heads the opposition bloc, announced on Wednesday that he is ready for “direct discussions” with representatives of the Syrian government in Cairo, Tunis or Istanbul.

However, he added that there “basic conditions” before holding talks with the Syrian officials over the crisis in the Arab country.

Many people, including large numbers of security forces, have been killed in the turmoil that erupted in Syria nearly two years ago.

In a key speech on January 6, Assad stated that Damascus was always ready to hold talks with the opposition and political parties and that he would call for a “comprehensive national dialog” after the terrorist activities stopped in the country.

On January 23, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov took a swipe at the Syrian opposition for its insistence on the removal of the country’s President Bashar al-Assad from power.

Lavrov cited the opposition’s “obsession” with the push for to oust Assad as a blow to the peace efforts by the former UN peace envoy for Syria Kofi Annan and his successor Lakhdar Brahimi.


January 30th, 2013, 11:18 am


Erin said:

What was accomplished in Syria in the last two years?
If the answer is only destruction and more of the same then, it is clear that the Arabs can’t be ruled but with iron foot in their mouth and a stick hanging on their neck.
Democracy, came wrapped with filth of religion which can’t liberate human being, but to make human being more of a slave into the 21st century.
The west with its own phony idea of democracy hijacked the mind of the naive and had its hands soaked with the blood of the innocents.
Killing in syria now a days is as simple as it can get and each dead is no exsistance to anyone.
Russia, USA and the rest of the world have no interest in stopping the killing because it doesn’t affect their own internal policy and interest.
Syrians being killed is no more important than stray animals and even the latter get more attention than the Syrians.
Thanks to humanity where human being is equals to cheap flesh worth a one night sleep with a woman or women called for legal purpose a wife or wives.

January 30th, 2013, 11:31 am



Camille Otrakji is a regime supporter now trying to appear as a dissident. He spent the first year talking about the “conspiracy against Syria” and look at him now. He isn’t honest.

January 30th, 2013, 11:32 am


majedkhaldoun said:

Syria helped to kick Saddam out from Kuwait,along with KSA and Gulf states, did you forget.,Kuwait now is against Bashar.
I did not hear from Syria and Bashar that they welcome Muaz initiative, and probably Bashar will refuse, Muaz is sending his acceptance to have dialogue to split Russia from Syria, which is smart move, Assad refusal or nonresponse will antagonize Russia, Assad in his stupid mind will not be able to maneuvre, Bashar will be more isolated

January 30th, 2013, 11:40 am


Visitor said:

Thanks Georges @18 for this information.

We should be worried from now on from impostors, and remain always vigilant. We have quite few impostors right here on this blog.

January 30th, 2013, 11:44 am



From my study and understanding of islam, it is not compatible with democracy. Muslims who speak about democracy either have weak faith, or they don’t understand their religion.

The concept of nation is kufr in islam. Divine legislation is made in terms of “muslims” and “kuffar”. Not in terms of “syrians”.

I may be wrong, but this is what I understand from islam.

January 30th, 2013, 11:50 am


jna said:

RE: 18. GEORGESsaid:

Camille is not pretending to be opposition and he’s not opposition. He’s long supported a political solution (negotiation) but never supported the armed revolution.

January 30th, 2013, 11:50 am


Sam Alkhal said:

The release of160,000 detainees, for a meeting with the govt……that just goes to show, that the rebels are losing! It’s the same kind of ploy, as the 1st ceasesfire. All that did was buy rebels time to reinforce. They are losing men faster than they can recruit. For allyou haters out there, know this….An Assad will be in charge of Syria for long time coming. God bless Syria and Al Assad. God bless Syrian Army.

January 30th, 2013, 11:57 am



This is what I’m talking about. Here is what someone commented:

“Averroes Aleppo Al Nasr The dialogue is necessary Camille ,but in post Assad Syria.For example you will have to explain your former stance of a supporter of Hafez and Bashar’s massacres.”

January 30th, 2013, 12:00 pm


Sam said:

And for all the people that think democracy can work in the ME is gravely mistaken. The Sunni radicals, won’t seperate church from state, so can anyone explain as to how their democracy would work?? Every western country should worry about its broken economies, unemployment, hunger, homelessness, and greed.

January 30th, 2013, 12:03 pm



People who live in the west and support the regime are filthy. They are morally bankrupt.

This regime has no legitimacy. The only reason why we’re speaking of dialogue and negotiation with it is because it has the jets and the tanks to destroy and kill anyone against it.

And no, having supporters is not a sign of legitimacy. I can guarantee you that 95% of North Koreans would support the Dear Leader Kim Jong-Un against any “conspiracies”. This does not make his regime legitimate.

Something that is based on lies can never be legitimate.

January 30th, 2013, 12:09 pm


apple_mini said:

If it is true, Khatib’s decision will be the most important development this year. I respect Khatib greatly on this difficult decision considering how many out there are against it. Even if FSA does like the idea of negotiation through NC or Khatib in person, it is no longer that crucial. The foreign backers of FSA will have to accept and respect decisions from NC and Khatib, even they do not like it. As long as the conflict switches to political stage, the scale of military conflict will drastically reduce and give way to deals made on negotiation table. The FSA would soon collapse without foreign backing, especially from Turkey.

SAA and FSA might one day work hand in hand to cleanse those radical Islamists. More blood will be shed but it has to.

Assad should announce in the near future that he would not participate the election in 2014. He simply cannot even consider leading the country any longer. But he is crucial during transition time.

January 30th, 2013, 12:15 pm


Visitor said:

The concept of nation is very well entrenched and clearly defined in Islam,

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Those who do not understand Islam properly must refrain from making statements based on misinformation.

Islam defined the concept of nation well before any other people, and it defined it in the best manner for all mankind. There is no better definition for nation anywhere in the world outside the Holy Qur’an.

January 30th, 2013, 12:16 pm


majedkhaldoun said:

???????: ????? ????? ?? ?????? ?????????? ?????? ??????? ??? ????? ???? ??? ?????? ???????

Russian Foreign ministry demands investigations in Aleppo massacre,which clearly points to regime forces as the side that committed such massacre.

January 30th, 2013, 12:20 pm


Ghufran said:

???? ???? ???????? ??????? ?????? ???? ?????? ??? ?? “??????? ?? ???? ?? ????? ??? ??????? ????? ??? ???? ?? ????? ??? ????? ???? ???? ???? ?????? ???????”.
Terrorist in Algeria and Mali: bad
Terrorists in Syria: good
Israeli attack on Gaza: bad
Israeli attack on Syria: good
A wished for attack on Iran: really good
We talked about the anticipated timing of Israeli or NATO attacks on Syrian targets , attacks are likely when a response is kess likely, not that syria ever directly responded to israeli attacks, Israel did attack, many on the opposition are joyful (!!). Again and again, both the regime and Islamists show that they are not in a war with Israel but in a war with each other over power, the interest of Syrian people was never on the table, Syria lost $ 50 billion in 2 years not including real estate loss, it will take 20 years,according to a recent study, for the country to stand on its feet again assuming that the war stops tomorrow.
The regime’s refusal to accept Geneva accord , with assad out, and its expected refusal to talk to rebels is due to one major factor: Assad and his thugs want more time to smuggle their money and arrange for a new life in exile if things get really bad, some still think they can stay in the country and win only if they refuse to negotiate. This is the worst class of thugs Syria has witnessed since independance and before.

January 30th, 2013, 12:29 pm



I know Haytham Manna isn’t really liked among the opposition but I respect him because he has been honest from the beginning. Even though I don’t agree with many things he say, at least he is consistent. He doesn’t try to embellish and lie. I can see he genuinely loves his country and want to save it. I am curious, why is he disliked by many?

Camille Otrakji is just a regime supporter who now realizes that his Dear Leader can’t win and crush the revolution by violence and barbarism. He has realized that the regime is doomed and he is afraid that if things go on this way then we will have a real problem with extremists. So now he speaks of dialogue and political settlement. He isn’t doing it out of principles. He would’ve been perfectly happy if the regime had managed to crush the “conspiracy”.

January 30th, 2013, 12:42 pm


majedkhaldoun said:

We have to suspect that dialogue means give more time for Assad,Even then Assad is dumb enough , he will refuse.if he accepts , this is recognition of the coalition as a legitimate representative of Syrians,I expect Russia in the future will recognize the Coalition,too

January 30th, 2013, 12:54 pm



Al-Qaeda and such groups are symptoms of the terrible disease known as the Assad regime.

Regime supporters want to fight the symptoms instead of the disease.

January 30th, 2013, 12:57 pm


zoo said:

#16 Revenir

I am very suspicious of Al Khatib proposition

Moaz Al Khatib has been burnt internationally by his position in favor of Al Nusra and his pathetic first public appearance in front of Syrian refugees
He is weak and can easily be used by Qatar who wants to play another game in Syria after all the previous ones failed.

The opposition is presently discredited by the absence of any counter-offer to Bashar’s proposal. Therefore Qatar is pushing Al Khatib to officially declare some willingness to compromise.

Qatar expects that Bashar may refuse. However if he does accept, Qatar will finance islamists extremists in the ground in Syria to kill some opposition members and accuse Bashar of these killings. Bashar will then be blamed for not really wanting a negotiation.

Qatar is a vicious hyena that does not easily accept it is loosing.

January 30th, 2013, 1:15 pm


zoo said:

33. GEORGES said:

Al-Qaeda and such groups are symptoms of the terrible disease known as the Assad regime.

What about the Afghanistan regime, the Mali regime, the Yemen regime, 9/11 etc..

Al Qaeda is rather a symptom of the USA imperialistic regime..

January 30th, 2013, 1:20 pm


Dolly Buster said:

America’s GDP contracted -0.1%

I’m sure the Shia had a hearty laugh, until they found out their Syrian GDP fell -30.0%.

This is the toll of allowing idiots to rule.

January 30th, 2013, 1:28 pm


zoo said:

Syria is sending weapons to Hezbollah in Lebanon?!!
They have such a surplus?

Israeli airstrike hits truck convoy in Syria that may contain weapons bound for Hezbollah in Lebanon

Jan 30, 2013 1:07 PM ET

BEIRUT — Israel conducted an airstrike inside Syria overnight near the border with Lebanon, hitting a convoy of trucks, U.S. and regional officials said Wednesday.

The regional officials said Israel had been planning in the days leading up to the airstrike to hit a shipment of weapons bound for the Islamist militant group Hezbollah in Lebanon. They said the shipment included sophisticated, Russian-made SA-17 anti-aircraft missiles, which would be strategically “game-changing” in the hands of Hezbollah.

January 30th, 2013, 1:32 pm


Dolly Buster said:

21. GEORGES said:

From my study and understanding of islam, it is not compatible with democracy. Muslims who speak about democracy either have weak faith, or they don’t understand their religion.

The concept of nation is kufr in islam. Divine legislation is made in terms of “muslims” and “kuffar”. Not in terms of “syrians”.

I may be wrong, but this is what I understand from islam.

You are right. Islam claims to govern by what Allah has revealed, but in reality it boils down to following another dude.

So, this dude whose fatawa are being followed, becomes more powerful than the other citizens. Thus, the system becomes incompatible with democracy.

The only way it could be compatible with democracy, is if 100% of the population freely decided that they want Shari’ah. Then, they would be exercising their rights to do with themselves as they please.

January 30th, 2013, 1:38 pm


zoo said:

Breaking the impasse or a new trick?

Syrian National Coalition prepared to negotiate with Assad

Phil Sands Jan 31, 2013

While major opposition factions dismissed Mr Al Khatib’s proposal, some dissidents and analysts saw it as an attempt to break a damaging, long-running political impasse at the United Nations Security Council.

Russia, a key ally to Mr Al Assad’s regime, has consistently blamed the opposition’s refusal to negotiate for the worsening crisis. On Wednesday, Russian foreign minister Sergei Lavrov said the opposition’s “obsession” with toppling Mr Al Assad was mainly responsible for the conflict, in which more than 65,000 people have been killed.

With his offer, Mr Al Khatib can now say he is not against talks and that, as further sign of his reasonableness, he has not even demanded that military operations cease, or that Mr Al Assad stand down as preconditions.

That potentially puts the onus back on the Syrian president, either to release the prisoners and join the proposed talks, or to explain to his allies in Moscow why he will not do so.

Activists believe many of those taken into detention have, in fact, been executed by the security services, thus Mr Al Khatib’s offer is one he has calculating the regime can never agree to.

Read more:
Follow us: @TheNationalUAE on Twitter | on Facebook

January 30th, 2013, 1:40 pm


Marc said:

Mr Landis although you seem to be posting some french articles from time to time, which is a good thing because it often carries another point of view, you’ve never posted Rene Naba’s articles on Syria. Here is one written a year ago. He is probably one of the few honest experts that dedicated his life to the middle east as a journalist. Some sort of french Robert Fisk you might say!

January 30th, 2013, 1:44 pm


zoo said:

Thanks Kuwait! Syrians will be forever grateful and will not forget

Aid pledges to ‘catastrophic’ Syria exceed US$1.5b
Posted: 31 January 2013 0131 hrs

KUWAIT CITY: International donors on Wednesday pledged more than the targeted US$1.5 billion in aid for stricken Syrians, UN chief Ban Ki-moon said, warning of a “catastrophic” situation in the war-torn country.

“I am pleased to announce that pledges have exceeded the target… more than US$1.5 billion have been pledged including the US$184 million pledged by non-governmental organisations,” Ban told a news conference in Kuwait.

“The exact amount of the pledges are being calculated,” said the secretary general. “This is the largest response ever to a humanitarian pledging conference.”

Addressing the International Humanitarian Pledging Conference for Syria in Kuwait City, Ban had called for urgent financial aid, warning that if funds were not forthcoming “more Syrians will die.”

January 30th, 2013, 1:46 pm


ghufran said:

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January 30th, 2013, 1:56 pm


zoo said:

A Islamic witch hunt is starting in ‘secular’ Turkey?

French Academy member Amin Maalouf’s ‘Samarkand’ investigated by Turkish education board

Samarkand was first published in 1988 and is considered a modern classic.

French-Lebanese writer Amin Maalouf’s historical novel Samarkand is being investigated by Turkish authorities for allegedly “being vulgar and insulting Islam.”

A complaint was recently lodged by a parent against a history teacher in an Istanbul high school, after the teacher recommended Maalouf’s bestseller to students. The District National Education Directorate immediately launched an investigation into the teacher, who works at the Necip Faz?l K?sakürek High School in the Bahçelievler district of Istanbul.

Samarkand was first published in 1988 and is considered a modern classic.

January 30th, 2013, 2:16 pm


Visitor said:

Special thanks are due to Kuwait, the people, who contributed the most towards the successes of Nusra Front by being the largest GCC donors to the Front.

Also thanks to Turkey for investigating Maalouf’s novel. More investigations should be conducted of the literature of that era which should result in trashing most of the material written by Lebanese writers of that era who were nothing but stooges of imperialism. Some Egyptian writers of that era also fall under the same category.

January 30th, 2013, 2:16 pm


Citizen said:

Israeli warplane ‘struck target on Syria-Lebanon border’ amid weapons fears

January 30th, 2013, 2:23 pm


Uzair8 said:

Dialogue in exchange for release of 160,000 detainees.

Assad’s forces took great effort in detaining such a huge number of presumably mostly peaceful protestors/opposition.

The opposition will take much credit for their release and their popularity will increase on this achievement. Millions of families will be elated to have their family members, loved ones and relations back home.

The 160,000 free have plenty of stories to tell. The regimes beastly nature will be further exposed.

Will Assad/regime accept this condition?

Any subsequent dialogue would have no guarantee of success.

January 30th, 2013, 2:25 pm


MarigoldRan said:

The fact that Revenire of all people is calling Owen insane is proof that Owen is sane.

After all, if a crazy person calls you crazy, that means you’re normal.

In the meantime, the war continues. No negotiations. Assad will obviously NOT accept these conditions. A clever move by Khatib. The fact that the Assad regime relies on foreign powers like Iran and Hezbollah to survive means they’re losing on the ground. As long as the rebels keep on fighting, they’ll win. If Iran and Hezbollah continue to support the regime, both will be bled dry by this war.

They can forestall the inevitable. But they cannot change the outcome.

January 30th, 2013, 2:27 pm


Uzair8 said:

Already we’re hearing attempts to limit the damage of Medvedev’s comments.

On one forum someone I saw a user claim mistranslation.

Remember the transcript was released by Mr Medvedev’s office:


‘ …according to the transcript of an interview in Russian with CNN that was released by his office.’

January 30th, 2013, 2:32 pm


MarigoldRan said:

The regime is obviously bankrupt financially. But they do have weapons. What has happened is that they struck a deal with Iran and Hezbollah where they receive money from Iran and mercenaries from Hezbollah to continue the war IN RETURN for advanced air defense systems and chemical weapons, which will be shipped over the Lebanese border to Hezbollah.

But Israel says “no” to this deal. Hence the airstrike.

The regime is relying almost entirely on foreign support now to survive.

EDIT: Unless the regime actually frees the prisoners, the fighters on the ground will not accept negotiations regardless of what Khatib says. After all, the country is already destroyed. What is there to negotiate about? The rebels may as well finish the fight.

January 30th, 2013, 2:34 pm


Uzair8 said:



Couldn’t edit even with 2 minutes left. Should’ve been:

On one forum someone tried using the ‘interpretation’ excuse.


Moving on. Lol.

“And don’t believe the president’s mother has moved to the Emirates; it’s quite the contrary. She is visiting her daughter Bushra who has been depressed over the loss of her husband, Lt. Gen. Assef Shawkat. ”

January 30th, 2013, 2:52 pm


Visitor said:

Rumors were circulated by the French about Qatar arming fighters in Mali. HBJ, however, denied the rumors,

It is obvious that the rumors were started because Qatar refused to finance the French safari adventure. So the French sought to resort to blackmailing through rumors. This should prove without any doubt that Mali will turn into the graveyard of French imperialism and eventual bankruptcy of the French economy. They will not have better luck than the Americans had in Afghanistan from which they are eager to run away (2014) and Iraq from which they already ran. Obama is a marathon runner; Hollande is a runner up!!

Qatar is the best, and HBJ is a superstar!!

January 30th, 2013, 2:52 pm


MarigoldRan said:

The last several weeks have proven that the regime is incapable of launching sustained offensive operations.

They can hold on grimly in the cities, for now, but that is a losing strategy. Even in Damascus they’re having trouble delivering bread. And with industry and tax-collection at a stand-still, the cities cost MORE to maintain then what can be extracted from them. Also, the SAA is kaput. Most of the Sunni conscripts (and the majority of the SAA) have absolutely no desire to fight on behalf of the regime anymore, and runs away or defects at the first given opportunity.

With arms deliveries FROM Syria TO Hezbollah stopped by Israeli airstrikes, one wonders just how long Iran and Hezbollah will continue to support the regime financially and militarily. At some point they’re going to realize that the cost is too much to maintain.

And that should be the strategy of the guerillas: to continue until it becomes too expensive for Iran and Hezbollah to maintain the regime.

January 30th, 2013, 2:53 pm


majedkhaldoun said:

It is funny, how Zoozoo don’t know what to say, now in his comment he says “I don’t trust Muaz Khatib”, he is certainly waiting for instructions from Syria,Kookoo ghufran now talks about Mali,to avoid the news of Muaz. silly two.

Israel attack on the convoy ,is not definite yet,the pilots should have waited till the convoy reached inside Lebanon, however it is minor incident

January 30th, 2013, 2:54 pm


Observer said:

I think Moaz Alkhatib has
1. Taken the moral high ground of ageeing to meet with SOME members of the regime in an effort to end the misery and the bloodshed. He cares about the life of Syrians than the regime ever did or could do.
2. He demanded a simple two conditions: if you care about Syria release the prisoners and allow Syrians abroad to be legal wherever they may be.
3. It is a minimum for a dialogue NOT a NEGOTIATION.
4. There will be dissent against him and that is healthy debate and a proper counter image to the regime Alathad Aou Nouhrouk Albalad garbage
5. Those on the outside like the Russians accusing the opposition of refusing to give an inch will now have to show what they can produce with the regime.
6. Those in the opposition that thought it was too cozy with Qatar cannot now refuse to join fully as he showed independence.
7. The ball is squarely in the regime’s court.
8. There is no cessation of the activity on the ground

In the meantime, the rebels found the bodies in Aleppo not the regime. The water flows from the regime side to the rebel side.

The Russians are demanding an investigation

The Israelis bombed the convoy inside Syria last night. The Lebanese denied any activity on Lebanese soil and HA has no knowldge of a raid in Lebanon. No justification to heat up the border and clearly HA wants to lay low.

A good example that a no fly zone is very easy to do if there is a will.

Meantime, the regime keeps losing checkpoints and security buildings.

Justice for Hamza

January 30th, 2013, 2:56 pm


Tara said:

Israel struck a truck convoy loaded with weapons in its way to Nasrallah. Did our Batta do anything? What happened to “reserving his right to respond”. Does he not bother any more. Or our masculine “potent” Batta reserve his masculinity to killing Syrian children?

January 30th, 2013, 3:28 pm


AIG said:

Now the Syrian army is admitting that a site near Damascus was hit. Another proof that the Syrian air defense systems are useless against Israel’s technology. Yes, these are the systems that the “genius” Assad spent billions of dollars on.

January 30th, 2013, 4:11 pm


zoo said:


I repeat, I still don’t trust Al Khatib. Until now he has been the puppet of Erdogan and Qatar.

There are three possibilities:
1 -Khatib is showing his independence from his masters, and I admire him from that. (As he is a weak personality, I doubt this is the case)

2- His masters are under Western pressure and are changing their course. Yet as it is too humiliating for them to accept that they failed in toppling Bashar al Assad, they are throwing Khatib at the front line. They will take the pretext that “only Syrians must decide”.

3-Qatar and Turkey have not said their last word and they are using Khatib to set a trap to Bashar Al Assad.

I am waiting to see further development before deciding which scenario is going on.

January 30th, 2013, 4:14 pm


zoo said:


This is “clearest” proof the regime is falling
It is “clear” that the regime is falling
Bashar is “clearly” isolated
The rebels are “clearly’ winning
Another proof the army is useless


These “proofs” and “clarity” only show the darkness of doubts

January 30th, 2013, 4:20 pm


zoo said:

Poor innocent Qatar, it is been harassed by its “sister countries”… Who are these ‘evil’ sisters?

“Qatar has become quite accustomed to hearing such malicious propaganda against it”, said the Prime Minister and Foreign Minister H E Sheikh Hamad bin Jassem bin Jabor Al Thani.

“We have become quite used to hearing such allegations, parts of which might be coming from sister countries,” the PM said.

Launching a blistering attack on the sinister forces that were leveling false allegations against Qatar, the Premier said: “Those who make such accusations must produce evidence”.

“We know the secret behind rumour-mongering against us. Some of our friends have told us who are spreading such rumours”.

January 30th, 2013, 4:28 pm


Visitor said:

blah, blah, blah…. from con posters:


This is “clearest” proof the regime is falling
It is “clear” that the regime is falling
Bashar is “clearly” isolated………..

You are clearly a schmuck, a con and an idiot!!

January 30th, 2013, 4:28 pm


zoo said:

One of the national pages on Facebook network, which is called by the media office of the presidential of Syria Arab Republic, denies what was published in American Washington Post newspaper of a report under the title of “Syria’s Bashar al-Assad says his wife is pregnant”

The page says in a statement that has published today:

This news has written by Max Fesher who depended on a groups of lies and rumors that led him to false analyses
The page assures that “all what was reported about the Syrian President Bashar Assad is totally wrong, consequently Washington post is invited to deny what is talked about the President Assad”

January 30th, 2013, 4:31 pm


zoo said:

#60 visitor

I am so glad it made you mad@! and your natural vulgarity reappeared!

January 30th, 2013, 4:32 pm


majedkhaldoun said:

What did the Assad airforce do to Israeli jets, welcoming them?
??? ??? ???? ? ??? ????? ????

January 30th, 2013, 4:33 pm


AIG said:


If the Syrian army cannot protect Damascus from Israeli attacks, it is useless. Oh, you mean to say that the Syrian army is supposed to be used only against Syrian civilians and not against Israel? So you and Assad were lying all along. And why did your “genius” invest billions in air defense systems?

January 30th, 2013, 4:35 pm


AIG said:


Also, we would like to know if Assad was humiliated by the Israeli attack? Or does Assad never get “humiliated” by definition even when Israel can bomb in Damascus without him being able to do anything?

January 30th, 2013, 4:38 pm


Johannes de Silentio said:

55. TARA

“Our masculine “potent” Batta reserves his masculinity to killing Syrian children?”

It’s even worse. He’s denying he knocked up Asma. He just can’t get it up at all anymore. I guess that’s why impotent drones like Zoo and Mossie are attracted to him.

January 30th, 2013, 4:42 pm


Visitor said:

“#60 visitor

I am so glad it made you mad@! and your natural vulgarity reappeared!”

#62 Con Poster Zoo,

Mad? No!!
Contemptuous? YES!!

Vulgar? Much desreved when it comes to cons like you!

January 30th, 2013, 4:42 pm


Visitor said:

“What did the Assad airforce do to Israeli jets, welcoming them?
??? ??? ???? ? ??? ????? ????”

Please, MajedK make corrections.

Assad is not one of us!!

?? ???? ???? ???

Courtesy of martyr ?????

January 30th, 2013, 4:46 pm


revenire said:

“23. SAM ALKHAL said:
The release of160,000 detainees, for a meeting with the govt……that just goes to show, that the rebels are losing! It’s the same kind of ploy, as the 1st ceasesfire. All that did was buy rebels time to reinforce. They are losing men faster than they can recruit. For allyou haters out there, know this….An Assad will be in charge of Syria for long time coming. God bless Syria and Al Assad. God bless Syrian Army.”


January 30th, 2013, 4:54 pm


revenire said:

“26. GEORGES said:
Something that is based on lies can never be legitimate.”

Does that include your fake revolution?

January 30th, 2013, 5:01 pm


revenire said:


January 30th, 2013, 5:02 pm


majedkhaldoun said:

?? ?? ????? ?????? ??????? ???????? ?? ???? ???? ???? ???? ??????? ??????? ???????? ?? ????? ??? ????? ???? ??? ???? ?????? !!! ???? F???? ????? “??????? ???????” ?? ???? ??????? ??? ?? “????? ????????” ?? ?? ??????? ?????? ?????? ???? ????? ??? ???? ?????? ??????? ?????? ????? ???? ???? ????? ????????? ??????? ???? ?????? ??????? ??????? ??
The above is message from Farah Atassie

The Quraan says
????? ????? ????? ??? ???????? . ??? ???? ?????? ??? ??? ?? ?????? . ??? ????? ??????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ??? ????????. ??? ?? ?????

????? ??? ?????? ???? ????? ????? ????? ????? ?????? ????? ??? ????

Remember Hafiz
?? ?????? ?????? ?????? ???? ?????? ????? ????? ( ?? ????? ?? ???? ??????? ???? ???? )) ??? ??? ???? ???? ?? ??? ???????? ?????????? ?????? ?? ??????? ???? ??? ????? ??? ???? ?? ???????? …. ???? ??????? ?? ??? ???? ?????

January 30th, 2013, 5:04 pm


Tara said:

Kwait and UAE support Batta against the Syrian people. Are we sure the money collected are not going to be channeled to Batta to kill more Syrians and to buy Asma more shoes?

January 30th, 2013, 5:04 pm


Visitor said:

New attacks and successes by FSA, one military aircraft beats the dust while Israeli planes, unchallenged, wreck havoc on criminal bases, huge number of defectors and the demolishing of a shabiba ‘whorehouse’,

On the other hand, even though the so-called NC is irrelevant, it did disavow Moaz,

January 30th, 2013, 5:11 pm


majedkhaldoun said:

????? ???????? ?????? ???? ?? ????? ??????? ????????? 17 ????? ??????? ?? ????? ???????? ??? ???????? ????? ????? ????? ??????? ?? ???? ??????? ??? ??? ???? ?? ????? ???????
· 16 minutes ago ·

January 30th, 2013, 5:15 pm


revenire said:

I guess Israel is getting impatient with the FSA. Please keep sending jets to violate Lebanese and Syrian airspace Netanyahu, it makes things clearer for all but the most stupid of Wahabi apes.

January 30th, 2013, 5:27 pm


revenire said:
“Syrian soldiers capture a house with dozens of injured Al Qaeda/FSA terrorists”

January 30th, 2013, 5:41 pm


Observer said:

Alkhatib is humiliated according to trolls here but Freddo Batta Corleone is not humiliated that the air space of his impregnable resistance bastion against Zionism and Imperialism was breached without a fire cracker being shot or an airplane scrambled and his convoy was blown to smithereens.

Go figure that stupid logic.

Why is the regime sending weapons to HA? Is it because it now fears that it will no longer be able to do so?

Informed comment has a great piece today.

Last but not least the Aleppo university massacre was regime perpetrated. The bodies found in Aleppo is most likely regime perpetrated as well.

Now please go on and tell us about the superb wonderful state of the art Russian made antiaircraft missile system and S 300 air defense system and the SA 17 that was delivered to Thouria Alathad and the Iskander ballistic missiles sent to destroy the patriot missiles in Turkey. I have yet to see any Russian made piece of crap work properly in a modern war.

By the way did you notice that the site of RT arabic has a section in the upper left hand corner about Russian weapons?

Girls, Gas, and Weapons a la Putin


January 30th, 2013, 5:46 pm


Dolly Buster said:

It is a misconception that this is a fight against the evils of Imperialism and Wahhabism.

The truth is: Wahhab was a great scholar, and Western countries are filled with ordinary folk, and they are not emperors.

January 30th, 2013, 6:09 pm


Tara said:

It all occur to me while watching an old black and white Egyptian movie..

No wonder why Asma calls Bashar a Batta”. One humiliation after the other and the latest was the Israeli strike.

Asma should find herself a man that she can call ???????. I almost feel bad for her. All the shoes in the world is just not worth it.

January 30th, 2013, 6:16 pm


habib said:

So Israel attacked Syrian forces today…

Any Islamist hypocrites here want to accuse Assad of “defending” Israel, and being “supported” by the US?

No? Or would they rather cheer for the Zionists? Will we hear them say “we need all the help we can get” again?

Disgusting traitors.

January 30th, 2013, 6:17 pm


Tara said:

Israeli warplanes flew over Assad’s palace in 2006 after Syrian-backed militants in Gaza captured an Israeli soldier.
Syria confirms Israeli jets bombed military site
By BEN HUBBARD | Associated Press – 3 hrs ago

BEIRUT (AP) — Israel conducted a rare airstrike on a military target inside Syria, foreign officials and Syrian state TV said Wednesday, amid fears President Bashar Assad’s regime is providing weapons to the Islamic militant group Hezbollah.
A statement from the Syrian military read aloud on state TV confirmed the strike, saying the jets bombed a military research center in the area of Jamraya, northwest of the capital, Damascus.
The statement said the center was responsible for “raising the level of resistance and self-defense” of Syria’s military. It said the strike destroyed the center and a nearby building, killing two workers and wounding five others.

The Syrian army statement denied that the strike had targeted a convoy headed from Syria to Lebanon, instead portraying the strike as linked to the civil war pitting Assad’s forces against rebels seeking to push him from power.
“This proves that Israel is the instigator, beneficiary and sometimes executor of the terrorist acts targeting Syria and its people,” the statement said.

January 30th, 2013, 6:17 pm


Tara said:


Are you done with implicitly begging Israel to crush the “Islamist” revolution to keep its borders safe as granted by the rabbit of Jolan? When done, come back and express an opinion about the opposition and Israel but until then, we just won’t bother responding. D’accord?

January 30th, 2013, 6:23 pm


Dolly Buster said:

The Israeli military is being put to good use against Rafidah Majoos. Come on Tzipi, climb that plane and drop a 3-ton bomb on those terrorists.

Hava nagila ve nismeha

January 30th, 2013, 6:30 pm


habib said:

84. Tara

Are you done making stuff up?

I’ve expressed that I hope the Islamists will destroy Israel after they destroy Syria, and that Israel is sealing its own fate by helping the insurgents. From that to what you claim is a bit of a stretch no?

That’s the least they can do, if they want to earn my respect. If they end up like the pathetic Mursi, then to Hell with them.

January 30th, 2013, 6:35 pm


revenire said:

Tara is a Zionist supporter. She would be more than happy if Israel killed thousands of SAA soldiers if they got Batta in the process. It’s an obsession. We’ve all seen her discussing Assad’s potency. This has been going on with her over one year’s time. She’s jealous of Asma.

Remember when Tara tried to puff herself up here by claiming to know Asma’s cousins? LOL

It is obvious that the Israelis and the terrorists work together. Who has targeted Syria’s air bases for two years? The FSA gangs. Who bombed Syria today? Israel.

January 30th, 2013, 6:49 pm


zoo said:

The “sisters’ are saying bad words about Qatar…

Soccer’s “Qatargate”? Accusations Of Payoffs To Secure World Cup 2022 Bid

PARIS – When Qatar was chosen as the site for soccer’s World Cup in 2022, the sports world let out a collective: What?…Where?? But for the more cynical, the real question has always been: How?

According to Paris-based sports weekly France Football, the answer to that last question is: corruption. The French magazine published a 20-page investigation this week delving into the decision two years ago “outside any logic” by FIFA, soccer’s international governing board, to award the World Cup to the wealthy Gulf emirate.

“Should we re-vote for the 2022 World Cup?” titles France Football. That Qatar is such a weak soccer country (ranked 106th in the world) was the first reason many observers believed something was not right in its being chosen the 21st host of the World Cup.

But now, the respected French soccer weekly, which many in the sport know for its annual awarding of the Ballon d’or (Golden Ball) for the world’s top footballer, is detailing specific allegations for how Qatar essentially paid its way to hosting the event.

Top soccer personalities were allegedly paid large sums to praise the country’s qualities at FIFA conventions — the magazine says 11 million euros was the price for French soccer legend Zinedine Zidane, and a reportedly hefty check also to FC Barcelona’s coach at the time, Pep Guardiola.

Guido Tognoni, a former FIFA member, qualified the soccer federation “a little mafia.”

“It’s hard to talk about buying votes (per se), but rather the arrangement of votes thanks to agreements and the exchanging of favors,” Tognoni told France Football, according to a rundown of the accusations in the Belgium daily Le Soir.

January 30th, 2013, 6:53 pm


zoo said:

Qatar Zionists? no! They just love Tzipi!

(Ahlul Bayt News Agency) – The Zionist former Foreign Minister, Tzipi Livni admitted last week that the Arab Emirate of Qatar has funded the electoral campaign of Zionist Premier Benjamin Netanyahu and that of the ‘Yisrael Beiteinu’ party.

During an interview with the Zionist television Channel-1, Livni said that her rival Netanyahu has received from Qatar $3 million and the ‘Yisrael Beiteinu’ party $1.5 million for their campaigns.

However, Netanyahu promised the Qatari emir in exchange that he will meet Hamas after the elections and that the right-wing coalition will promote the creation of a Jordanian-Palestinian federation governed, she added, noting that Hamas and the Zionist officials had already secret meetings in Doha.

Livni also stated that she is a close friend of Mrs. Mozah, wife of Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani, the Emir of Qatar.

January 30th, 2013, 6:59 pm


Tara said:


Stupidity has no limit. Hasn’t it? You do not put yourself up by claiming you know Asma’s cousins or the Prince of England cousins. Lots of the “family” members( except the one that stole historical ancient artifacts to sell in the black market) are like country people, approachable.

January 30th, 2013, 7:02 pm


zoo said:

It looks that the opposition lately called on Israel for help in Damascus where they are totally crushed.

To repeat the mantra : “one more proof that the opposition is desperate”

January 30th, 2013, 7:04 pm


jna said:

Re: 66. Johannes de Silentiosaid: …..

Stupid, stupid, childish.

January 30th, 2013, 7:08 pm


zoo said:

#73 Tara

“Kwait and UAE support Batta against the Syrian people.”

Many ‘sister countries’ want to stop the Moslem Brotherhood virus from spreading.. Kuwait an UAE have been quarantining in prison many men and women found carrying the virus recently in their country.

January 30th, 2013, 7:11 pm


Ghufran said:

Army spokesperson said that Israel bombed a target in Jimrays, there is little information on the identity of the target and no confirmation on the earlier story that Israeli jets bombed a convoy carrying weapons to hizbullah. This attack is an embarrassment to syrian air force that has been active aginst targets inside Syria and Turkish jets but could not do anything to defend syria agsinst israel, it also puts rebels and Israel on the same front since both are targetting Syrian army, it is also a reminder that Israel was and still is the long term enemy, this frustrating situation is the product of regime policies, Arab impotence and Islamist thugs strategy of directing their guns against the wrong enemy.

January 30th, 2013, 7:19 pm


Syrian said:

???? ?????? ???????? ….

????? : ?? ?????? ??? ????? ?? ?????? ?????..
???? ?? ????? ??????? ???? ????? ??
????? : ?? ????.. ???? ?????? ????? ???????? ??? !!

January 30th, 2013, 7:24 pm


Tara said:


It is beyond ridiculous. All big shot shabeehas have a foothold in Dubai. No one dares to say any word about Batta in Dubai lest his/her residency permit or whatever they call it is withdrawn. Most of the regime money is in Dubai.

Arabism for you..that is.

January 30th, 2013, 7:31 pm


MarigoldRan said:

The regime bought a lot of weapons from Russia to use against its own people. Unfortunately none of those weapons work against Israel, who can bomb the regime at will.

What stupidity.

January 30th, 2013, 7:37 pm


Ghufran said:

Did anybody ask where is the money stolen from Syrians in the last 40 years?
The US gave $ 210 million ( plus $ 155 million pledged ), the UN will give $ 500 million, international and Arab donors pledged more than $ 1.2 billion.
It makes a lot of sense to see Rami give a fraction of his estimated $ 10 billion ( at least) to compensate people who became homeless to keep the regime of his cousin in place !!

January 30th, 2013, 7:38 pm


AIG said:

The bitter taste of humiliation is causing brain damage to regime supporters. There are some things you cannot hide like the helplessness and impotence of Assad to do anything against Israeli attacks. Why did the “genius” invest billions in useless systems instead of helping Syrians and the Syrian economy? The rebels will come to the only conclusion one can, that Assad’s regime is a house of cards behind which there is nothing. He is all talk with no substance. This will also show Nato that putting in place a no fly zone is less difficult than thought.

Assad has succeeded in reducing Syria to a failed state. All he can do is murder his own people. And his followers have become raving idiots foaming at the mouth and promising “destruction” left and right while they are losing all their money and assets and soon their lives.

January 30th, 2013, 7:49 pm


omen said:

the entire world has seemingly coalesced against the syrian people. what kind of power is capable causing such an alignment? why is the regime getting this much cover?

In Khatib’s defense, not only Western support didn’t materialize (expected) but Gulf appetite for the fight dropped. Weaponry and money down.

January 30th, 2013, 7:51 pm


Tara said:

Aleppo’s massacre

• The Telegraph’s Ruth Sherlock, who is in Aleppo, counted 79 bodies at the scene. She described how a father of two of the victims reacted. 

“These are my sons,” said Abu Mohammed, 73, as he shuffled towards the corpses laid out in rows in a schoolyard. A relative held his arm, as he stared at the exposed faces of the victims.

His legs buckled as he recognised the two young men, no older than 30 as his sons. They had travelled to central Aleppo, which is still in the hands of the Syrian government 20 days before.

“They thought they had nothing to fear from the government, so they went to renew their identity cards. But they didn’t come back. Now I have found them here.”

January 30th, 2013, 7:52 pm


MarigoldRan said:

This will help with FSA recruitment.

If the family members of the dead weren’t part of the FSA, they will be now.

January 30th, 2013, 7:55 pm


Ghufran said:

Strong words from Syrian government but people have heard that before:
???? ???? ???? ???? ??????? ?? ???? ?????? ??? ?????? ??????????? ????? ?????  ??? ?????? ?? ?? ????? . ????? : ” ??? ????????? ???????? ???? ??????? ?? ???????? ???????????? ???  ??????? ???????? ???? ?? ?????? ??? ????? ????? ?? ?????? ???? ??? ??????? ??????? ?? ??? ??? ???? ???? ? ??? ???? ???????? ??? ??????? ???????? ??? ??????? ??????? ?? ????? ?????? ??? ?? ???? ????? ????? ???????? ???? ??? ?? ????????
Emotions aside, Israel today is giving Syria an opportunity to change the discussion if a response is actually delivered beyond the predictable rhetoric, I do not know many people who believe that Syria will respond, personally,I think a response , as unlikely as it is, will weaken the opposition politically and give the regime an ounce of credibility, the US is not thrilled by Israel’s action because the timing is terrible according to people who see this as a boost to the regime’s line of rhetoric of being targeted by Israel and its allies.

January 30th, 2013, 7:55 pm


MarigoldRan said:

Everyone knows why Israel bombed Syria. Syria was transferring weapons to Hezbollah. Which means that the regime is losing the war.

This won’t change the discussion at all. If the regime was smart, it would NOT respond. It doesn’t have the resources or the willpower to fight against Israel.

Consider this: if the regime cannot beat a bunch of farmers/army deserters/former students armed with rifles and sub-machine guns, how does it expect to stand a chance against Israel?

January 30th, 2013, 7:59 pm


revenire said:

“100. OMEN said:
the entire world has seemingly coalesced against the syrian people. what kind of power is capable causing such an alignment? why is the regime getting this much cover?”

Because, aside from terrorists with glazed over eyes, the world knows that the Syrian people support their government and will fight to the death to save their nation.

Something a US clown like yourself can’t understand.

January 30th, 2013, 8:09 pm


MarigoldRan said:

And so the retard speaks again. Your attempts at trolling, Revenire, have been an abject failure. The only thing you’ve accomplished is getting trolled yourself.

January 30th, 2013, 8:10 pm


Tara said:

“???? ???? ???? ???? ??????? ?? ???? ?????? ??? ?????? ??????????? ????? ????? ??? ?????? ?? ?? ????? . ????? : ” ??? ????????? ???????? ???? ??????? ?? ???????? ???????????? ??? ??????? ???????? ???? ?? ?????? ??? ????? ????? ?? ?????? ???? ??? ??????? ??????? ?? ??? ??? ???? ???? ? ??? ???? ???????? ??? ??????? ???????? ??? ??????? ??????? ?? ????? ?????? ??? ?? ???? ????? ????? ???????? ???? ??? ?? ????????”

Hahaha.. I am still waiting for Batta’s response to the Israelis flying over the presidential palace in 2003? That was 10 years ago..

January 30th, 2013, 8:11 pm


Ghufran said:

I think you are wrong this time,marigold, it is probable that there will be a response, we also do not know yet what Israel did and what targets it bombed.
BTW, do you care to write in Arabic?

January 30th, 2013, 8:11 pm


MarigoldRan said:

I think the only response the regime will do is to try to transfer weapons more secretly next time. Either way, we’ll see.

By the way, I am NOT from the Middle East. Having studied a little of it, I can read Arabic, but my writing skills are quite awful.

As I’ve said before, I come from a place that also suffered a brutal and long civil war in the 20th century. I am currently fascinated by the events in Syria and I’m comparing it to what happened in my original country.

January 30th, 2013, 8:15 pm


zoo said:

Kuwait donor conference for Syria

Kuwait 300M
KSA: 345-125= 220M
Qatar ?
Canada 25M
China 1M

Who pledged 1 billion more?

January 30th, 2013, 8:18 pm


AIG said:


The murderous regime will not respond to the Israeli attack because this will allow Israel to react and gives the West the ability to bomb regime targets extensively without needing a UN resolution.

Who cares what deluded regime supporters believe? They will air any crazy conspiracy theory to try bolstering their support. This worked with the Syrian public for many years. But in the last two years they have opened their eyes to the lies of this regime. The rebels are fighting for dignity and freedom, and have no connection to Israel whatsoever.

All the Syrians that bought the regime lies about Israel are free to continue believing them. They deserve Assad for their stupidity. Israel and the “resistance” are just more means of Assad for manipulating weak minds.

January 30th, 2013, 8:19 pm


zoo said:

The Aleppo massacre

The diplomat reminded the claims of Syrian opposition that the bodies have flown down from the government-held areas were groundless because the river was crossed upstream by the barbed wire.

“The rebels accused the Syrian army of this atrocity. Syrian official SANA news agency, in turn, said the mass execution of the abducted civilians was conducted by a terrorist organization Jebhat an-Nusra,” Lukashevich said.

January 30th, 2013, 8:19 pm


Tara said:


I can’t even start telling you how much I appreciate you, Uzair, Omen, Jeurgen, WSS, and others who are not Syrian yet committed to our cause. You have an over-flowing humanity, something I always admired.

We love you guys!

January 30th, 2013, 8:23 pm


zoo said:

The attack is a message to IRAN..

The attack on Syria was a gesture to humiliate Iran and Hezbollah..
The Obama administration with the new defense ministry is in the process of working out a peaceful political deal about the nuclear issue with Iran.
Israel disagrees with that plan as they only want the USA to destroy all Iran’s nuclear capabilities.

As Israel cannot attack neither Iran nor Hezbollah, they cowardly attack the weakest link, under the applauses of Syria opposition and its masters.

January 30th, 2013, 8:29 pm


zoo said:

Israel is helping the opposition in destroying Syria’s defense system

Israeli airstrike targeted science facility near Syrian capital

Xinhua, January 31, 2013

Israeli war jets sneaked off radars and hit a center for scientific research in a suburb of Syrian capital Damascus at dawn Wednesday, the General Command of the Syrian Military said in a statement.

The military statement, splashed in a thick red news bar on the state-TV, said the Israeli fighter jets penetrated at dawn Wednesday the Syrian airspace and directly struck one of the country’s scientific research center located in the Jumraya suburb of the capital.

The attack came after many unsuccessful attempts by the “armed terrorist groups” to capture this site over the past months, the military statement said, hinting that the Israeli air raid played in the hands of the rebels.

It said the facility was responsible for lifting up the level of resistance and self-defense, adding that the attack led to the killing of two workers and the wounding of five others.

January 30th, 2013, 8:35 pm


MarigoldRan said:

@ Tara

Thank you! We love you too.

January 30th, 2013, 8:41 pm


Tara said:

A centre for “Scientific research”?

Laughable… Has that lab ever discovered or invented anything?

I find that line really funny. The stupid regime think everyone else is similarly stupid.

January 30th, 2013, 8:43 pm


omen said:

the troll who lives in bizzaro world still think the US is waging a diabolical plot to institute regime change by denying rebels money and arms and getting the gulf states to do the same.

January 30th, 2013, 8:44 pm


Ghufran said:

Yes,Israel chose the weakest of the three (Iran,Syria and hizbullah) but Israel did attack Syria before this internal war started and will continue to take every opportunity to remind its neighbors that it is still has the upper hand militarily. Israel’s terroristic behavior against the palestinians and its neighbors is only possible because countries in the region are ruled by corrupt governments and Arabs prefer to fight each other than fight the real enemy.

January 30th, 2013, 8:44 pm


habib said:

99. AIG

Gloat all you want.

The Zionist worms are digging their own grave. Once Mursi loses control of his Salafist dogs, and King Playstation flees to his mommy in the US, Israel will become the next target for worldwide Salafism.

Mark my words. This will be the end of Israel. I’m happy I’ll live to see its demise.

January 30th, 2013, 8:52 pm


Observer said:

The Syrians are threatening to respond.

Ghee how do you think they will do it?

1. Air force is out of the question. They neither have the airpower nor the technology to do anything about it.
2. Missiles galore. Possible they can fire a SCUD or two but there is a new Patriot battery deployed in Israel’s north just recently. Israel refuses to say anything about this. The intriguing thing is that the US has confirmed the strike. It is in Syrian territory to avoid implicating Lebanese HA in the mix. It is just at the border to show two things: we are watching you and your chemical weapons and we will not allow any transfer to HA. If Syria launches missiles and they are shot down; Israel can easily stay out of the fray and not even respond. It will embarrass the regime and Iran and Russia even further. As a so called responsible member of the famed UNSC, it will have to show responsibility or it will be associated with the Syrian regime forever as another rogue mafia governed conglomerate; a description given to Medvedev in no uncertain terms at Davos.
3. It is not yet a signal to Iran. For it was an attack on HA transfer of arms.

This article by Michel Kilo is worth posting in of itself as it clearly shows that Big Powers have interests not friends:

In it he clearly shows that the US is aiming to do two birds with one stone: give Iran a defeat to payback the one in Iraq and to destroy Syria as a threat to Israel. It is doing so slowly with little cost and little fanfare. Just sitting and watching this unfold and bleeding Iran further and destroying its capital in the Sunni Arab world.

It may backfire with a militancy much more acute than the regime is regarding Israel.

In 73 the Israelis said we had three surprises: the Syrian Army, the Egyptian Army, and the Israeli Navy that performed well.

In Syria we have had also surprises:
1. How deranged and murderous and backward the so called modernizing regime is.
2. The bravery and resilience and resourcefulness of the people
3. The absolute determination of the people to finish this regime once and for all.
4. How insignificant Syria really is to the geopolitics of the world
5. How weak Russia has become that it has to show abject stubborn insistence on playing big power.
6. How sectarian some have shown themselves to be including those that were always champions of Arab Nationalism
7. How detached the old Arab intellectual elites are in continuing to believe that Zionism and Imperialism is the root cause of all our ills.

January 30th, 2013, 8:57 pm


Ghufran said:

This is Moaz’s statement taken from his website:
?? ??? : ?? ????? ?? ?? ??????? ????? ???? ????? ??? ?????? ??
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?? ???? ???????? ?????? …
It will be a mistake for the NC to reject Moaz initiative.

January 30th, 2013, 9:04 pm


apple_mini said:

Those Syrian expats can stop cheerleadering Israeli air attack on Syria soil. Back in 2007, Israel destroyed Syrian Nuclear plant site. Syria did nothing. Syrian army cannot do nothing this time as well. Syria is not HA. It is a country of full sovereignty. Because of that, Syria has to endure this humiliation when facing a hostile neighbor with absolutely superior military prowess. Only that, Syria can preserve her homeland and prevent an absolute military loss.

I have been dreamed one day the Golan Height will come back to homeland. But I know It will only happen one day after all Syrians are working together to build an advanced country based on technology and social fairness.

The rebels has been constantly attacking and destroying Syrian national defense facilities, including air defense sites, communication sites, railroads, technical personnel and pretty much all other infrastructures. Those same Syrian expats who give 100% support to those rebels are now trying all they can to insult Syrian national defense. Do they have any decency for caring Syria as a nation?

No wonder only Al-Khatib came out to offer willingness to negotiate with the regime to save the country because he is from Syria. He was born there, raised there and he has true love for the country and her people.

January 30th, 2013, 9:09 pm


Tara said:

I support al Khateeb in his effort and trust he will not sell out the pain and sorrow of the Syrian people.

January 30th, 2013, 9:10 pm


Visitor said:

I think Assad wants to respond but he only got so many ballistic missiles to fire, and that may jeopardize his will which he made known to his thug generals recently in case he gets killed.

What that means is if he starts firing ballstics now at Israel, there will be less ballistics to fire on KSA and Qatar when he gets killed according to his will which requires that the ballistic stockpile must be divided equally and fired simultaneously in a big fire cracker show at the three countries.

So, based on the above revelation, the only way to make Bashar respond before he gets killed is to have Israel, Qatar and KSA conduct a joint raid on criminal thug.

If you can figure out the odds of the joint raid taking place, then you would know for sure when Bashar will ever respond. Your next best bet is to kill Bashar so that his will can be carried out by his servant thug generals.

That’s my opinion as far as choosing the time and place to respond to the ‘Zionist aggressions’.

January 30th, 2013, 9:13 pm


Citizen said:

David Cameron never answered a question to labour and now he’s dodged this? one too.big up George !
The modern state of Israel was founded by terrorist death squads such as the Irgun and the Stern Gang. In 1944, the Stern Gang assassinated British minister of state, Edward Moyne. In 1946, the Irgun bombed the King David Hotel, killing 91. In 1948, the Irgun and Stern Gang gave us Deir Yassin and murdered WWII hero Folke Bernadotte, the UN mediator sent to Palestine to resolve the war. Who? were the leaders of the Stern Gang and Irgun? Yitzhak Shamir and Menachem Begin, future prime ministers.
F**k you David

January 30th, 2013, 9:29 pm


majedkhaldoun said:

Ghufran said
it also puts rebels and Israel on the same front since both are targetting Syrian army,

that it is still has the upper hand militarily

Two sentences by Ghufran
Targetting : does not require two T, it should be targeting.
in the second sentence, it should read, it still has the upper hand, you don’t need ( is).so much for Ghufran english.

Now Israel did not attack Syrian army, it attacked HA weapon supplies, this could be Iranian military supplies to HA. The Syrian army is busy fighting Syrian people

January 30th, 2013, 9:30 pm


Akbar Palace said:


Your last post was a good one. Good observations.


It is obvious to me that another important difference between a democracy and an autocracy is that when democracies make mistakes, the people change the direction of the government. Example: Obama and Iraq.

Iran, Syria and Nasrallah only answer to “Supreme Leaders”, self-appointed cretins, and religious doctrine. They can’t change with the times! They’ve locked themselves and their people in time. They’re “frozen” and stunted in every sense.

January 30th, 2013, 9:37 pm


Citizen said:

The Syrian army is busy cleaning syrian land from non-Syrian people! are Al-zawahiri people Syrian ? they are Clintons people ! Davids people ! Natenjahou people ! to hell with them non Syrian insects !

January 30th, 2013, 9:40 pm


MarigoldRan said:

The regime considers only regime supporters to be “Syrian.” Whatever that means. Everyone else, according to the regime, are “terrorists.”

In other words, the regime considers 33% of the population of Syria as Syrians and the rest as “terrorists.” One wonders why the regime is losing.

What’s the point of calling the other side “terrorists” if the “terrorists” outnumber the regime?

EDIT: The regime believes in social equality for regime supporters because, after all, they are “Syrians.” According to the regime, everyone else can go to hell because they are “terrorists.”

January 30th, 2013, 9:50 pm


Akbar Palace said:


I understand the Stern Gang gave “you” Deir Yassin. And the “noble” Syrian government didn’t let the Israelis forget this during the Madrid Conference when peace talks began in the 90s, less than a decade after that “little” Hama affair.

And today, well into the second Assad-inspired attrocity, Deir Yassin doesn’t have the “shock” value it once had.

January 30th, 2013, 9:52 pm


MarigoldRan said:

According to the regime, all Syrians are equal. But some Syrians are more equal than others. And that’s because the others are “terrorists.”

January 30th, 2013, 9:53 pm


ghufran said:

I welcome khaldoun’s remarks about my English.
As for israel’s attack,we still do not know what was the target, but it won’t matter much (does “matter” need 2 Ts?)

January 30th, 2013, 9:57 pm


revenire said:

Ghufran your English is fine. Your message always comes through strong.

January 30th, 2013, 10:08 pm


AIG said:

“Mark my words”, there will always be a frustrated idiot predicting the demise of Israel. For over 60 years there has been a steady stream of these idiots and other idiots that believed them. The “Salafis” are the new salvation. It is clear that they are making the Arab states only weaker, not stronger. If living in a fantasy world helps you, be my guest.

January 30th, 2013, 10:44 pm


zoo said:

For those worried about what the Arab revolutions will bring, Egypt is instructive. It shows that the ideological agendas of the victors will often be battered by popular expectations. Mr Morsi won the most votes last June. Yet this backing has evaporated as the president has failed to unite Egyptians and take them into a post-Mubarak phase.

Islamists will have to absorb this message. The priority of Arab societies, from Egypt to Tunisia, from Libya to Syria, is to create prosperous, open societies. Islam is greatly valued, but it is not the bedrock of the social and political contract in most of the countries that have been through upheavals in the past two years. To replace one source of legitimacy, the people, by another, the Quran, is not what Tunisians, Egyptians, Libyans or Syrians fought for.

Read more:
Follow us: @TheNationalUAE on Twitter | on Facebook

January 30th, 2013, 10:50 pm


majedkhaldoun said:

Once someone takes official position, he is no longer free to say his personal ideas, he must consult with the people he leads, before making a statement.
Did Mr. Moaz Khatib consulted with his assistants,prior to making such statement?
There are people in the oppositions who agree with his initiative, and may be he did that under pressure, or under frustration,( I mean he sees aids to the rebels has declined), but whatever he did,(right or wrong),I don’t think he should withdraw his initiative, nor he should resign or be forced to leave, it may be a very smart initiative, and if failed then after giving it chance he will resign.
I believe Assad wil not accept Mr. Moaz initiative.

January 30th, 2013, 10:51 pm


Citizen said:

Is Israel completed the transfer system “Iron Dome” missile defense to the northern region? 2/3 of handicraft Gazza missiles reached the goal! Israelis apparently are looking for a new adventure!

January 30th, 2013, 10:53 pm


AIG said:

For someone who adores a “genius” that predicted that the Arab Spring will not come to Syria one month before it did, you sure have a lot to say about it. All the peaceful demonstrators in Syria were trying “to create prosperous, open societies”. But Assad decided to torture their kids and shot them. What the hell are you talking about?

January 30th, 2013, 10:54 pm


ann said:

133. ghufran

You’re a good person with a great big heart Dr. Ghufran.

God bless!

January 30th, 2013, 10:54 pm


zoo said:

American Enterprise NeoCon Danielle Pletka exposes her rejection of Chuck Hagel as a Defense secretary

Much has been revealed about Barack Obama’s nominee to be defense secretary in recent weeks. A quick rundown:

He thinks Palestinians are kept “caged like animals” by Israel
He is not “an Israeli Senator”
He is backed by a nexus of groups that support rapprochement with Iran
He supports better relations with Hamas and Hezbollah
He thinks that the prospect of the sequester will address the problem of a “bloated” Pentagon
He has called for an 80 percent reduction in the U.S. nuclear arsenal

There’s more, but let’s just take these issues and ask how the Senate should consider them

January 30th, 2013, 10:58 pm


zoo said:

138. majedkhaldoun

Majie, are YOU predicting Al Khatib may resign?

You sound totally confused…

It is yet to see who is really behind Khatib’s announcement?
He could not have made this daring announcement without the green light of Erdogan and Qatar. What do they have in mind?
Will they discreetly push it on reluctant expats opposition by cutting the funds? or are they are simply using the poor Al Khatib as a puppet to sacrify to their egos…

In both case, I have more sympathy for him, as, with this announcement, he is risking his life. The hardline opposition will certainly try to shut him off. This is when we will see the role Qatar and Erdogan are playing behind the curtain.

January 30th, 2013, 11:07 pm


zoo said:

It seems the NC reject their ‘president’ statement.
Any word from Sabra? Atasi?

Are we seeing another tragicomedy within the ranks of the expat opposition as Syrians on the ground are suffering and dying?

January 30th, 2013, 11:20 pm


zoo said:

Israel attacked two targets..

Israel informed U.S. of planned air strike in Syria, American official tells the New York Times

A number of sources from within Syria and outside its borders claimed Israel had launched two airstrikes in Syria; Israel hadn’t confirmed or denied the reports.
By Haaretz and Reuters | Jan.31, 2013 | 5:42 AM

Israel informed the United States of its plans to attack a military target inside Syria prior to launching an airstrike on a military research center outside Damascus, a U.S. official speaking on condition of anonymity told the New York Times on late on Wednesday.

In addition to the strike on the research center, Israeli warplanes bombed a convoy near Syria’s border with Lebanon, sources told Reuters, apparently targeting weapons destined for Hezbollah in what some called a warning to Damascus not to arm the Lebanese faction.

Syrian state television confirmed the reports that Israel had bombed a military research center at Jamraya, between Damascus and the nearby border, but Syrian rebels disputed that, saying their forces had attacked the site. No source spoke of a second Israeli strike.

January 30th, 2013, 11:23 pm


majedkhaldoun said:
No he should not resign now,in Islam the leader will consult with his advisors, and then he makes the decision himself,whether he agrees with his advisor or not, but then he is responsible for his decision,.
I am sure there will be a hot debate thursday, but his initiative,must go on.

January 30th, 2013, 11:24 pm


habib said:

136. AIG

“It is clear that they are making the Arab states only weaker, not stronger.”

Bingo! Them Israelis sure are clever. Arab regimes are afraid of losing power, so they rarely confront Israel directly. See what happened to Hamas after they became a regime, they turned into puppies. They even started arresting Palestinians who fired rockets at Israel!

But when Israel is surrounded by lawless Afghanistans, there will be no one to control these people who have nothing to lose, and you’ll get a thousand groups as ferocious as Hamas once was, if not more.

January 30th, 2013, 11:25 pm


ann said:

Israeli warplanes bomb research center near Damascus – Syrian military – 31 January, 2013

The Syrian army’s general command has issued a statement, saying an airstrike was launched by the IAF targeting a military research center in Jamraya, rural Damascus.

“Israeli fighter jets violated our air space at dawn today and carried out a direct strike on a scientific research center in charge of raising our level of resistance and self-defense,” the army statement said as cited by SANA.

The strike caused material damage to the center and a nearby building, killing two workers and wounding five others, the statement added. The Israeli warplanes were flying low under the radars and “snuck in from the north of Al-Sheikh Mountain” according to the report. It called the strike a “blatant act of aggression” against Syria and accused Israel of supporting terrorist activity in the country.

Although it has not yet been confirmed whether an airstrike indeed targeted a military site near Damascus, experts believe that after months of constant rebel attacks on Syrian air defense systems an airstrike would make sense.

“It finally makes sense because the rebels or as they like to call themselves the revolutionaries, they have been attacking air defense bases near Damascus for the past seven months,” Dr Ali Mohamad, editor in chief of the Syria Tribune news website told RT. “They’ve managed to attack the S-200 base and over four SM-2 and SM-3 bases. Now this followed by an airstrike from Israel. So it all adds up, it makes sense. It only shows that Israel has a great interest in the instability in Syria and that it is being helped by groups of armed rebels in Syria.”


January 30th, 2013, 11:29 pm


habib said:

Remember, the Salafists of the world are now learning how to make entire states disintegrate.

No doubt they will use this experience when they turn their blood lust on Israel and Europe. First, they will make their local sleeper cells revolt. Then they will flood in once those have established footholds. You saw it in Syria, and you’ll see it in Europe and Israel. Tactic works like a charm.

And I’ll look upon from a far and laugh at those retards once it happens. You reap what you sow.

January 30th, 2013, 11:31 pm


MarigoldRan said:

The regime is losing in Syria because it was STUPID.

When a couple of people begin protesting, don’t shoot them. And when more people protest because other protesters got shot, DON’T CONTINUE SHOOTING PROTESTERS. IT WILL ONLY MAKE THINGS WORSE.

As this continued, the regime turned large sections of Syria against it. The regime acted like a brutal idiot, and deserves to die. It opened the gates to Al Nusra.

Regime supporters are so incredibly STUPID. They think the solution to disagreement is violence.

January 30th, 2013, 11:34 pm


revenire said:

The advanced Syrian weapons that have the IDF worried
In addition to the SA-17 anti-aircraft missiles, the Syrians have Yakhont anti-ship cruise missiles and ballistic missiles.

The defense establishment has made it clear in the past that it is worried about the transfer of advanced weapons from Syria to the Hezbollah. Among the weapons are advanced surface to air missiles, anti-ship missiles and of course chemical weapons.

The weapons convoy attacked on Wednesday included advanced SA-17 antiaircraft missiles, reported the Associated Press. This is a Russian model mounted a mobile, self-propelled launcher with a relatively long range and a sophisticated tracking system. IDF estimates published in the past state Syria has a number of such SA-17 battalions.

Haaretz reported last year that Syria has trained Hezbollah fighters to use such anti-aircraft missiles.

Despite the ongoing uprising in Syria, the Syrian military has succeeded in maintaining its rocket and missile forces, senior Israeli military officials have said in the past. The Syrian government spent $3 billion on its air defense systems – almost the only investments made by the Syrian military in recent years. Former IDF deputy chief of staff, Maj. Gen. Yair Naveh, has said in the past “this should interest not only the IDF, but the entire Western world.”

Among the other advanced weapons in Syrian hands the IDF is worried about are the Yakhont SSN-26 anti-ship missiles and such surface-to-surface ballistic missiles as the Scud-D – in addition to chemical weapons such as Sarin, mustard and VX gas.

Just a year ago Syrian television broadcast pictures from an army exercise which showed the Yakhont cruise missiles, which have a range of up to 300 kilometers. Pictures of the SA-17 were also shown at the time. Senior Israel Air Force officers have said in the past that the acquisition of such advanced anti-aircraft missiles by terrorist organizations would affect Israel’s air superiority in the region. Until now such advanced weaponry was only in the hands of various militaries. A year ago, then Air Force head Maj. Gen. Ido Nehushtan said: “Syria is a country with a large military and the internal process happening there without a doubt increases the risk of the flow of weapons … The question of air superiority disturbs the sleep of the commander of the Air Force constantly and particularly recently,” said Nehushtan.

January 30th, 2013, 11:35 pm


zoo said:


“the leader will consult with his advisors,”

Who are they? Qatar and Erdogan? The others, Atasi and Sabra are totally insignificant.

If these two are serious in supporting the offer, Al Khatib will stay and proceed with this initiative that the Russians, Iran and many countries will encourage.

But if these two are not honest with Al Khatib and they are playing a dirty game with him, he may choose to resign.

January 30th, 2013, 11:35 pm


habib said:

150. MarigoldRan

The appearance of Nusra types was inevitable, doesn’t matter what the regime did.

Look at Egypt now. The Islamists got what they wanted, and now they want even more. Give them an inch and they’ll take a mile.

Assad fucked up, but it really doesn’t matter for the big picture. He could had gone on an eternal vacation to Siberia, but we’d still get a civil war, as it has been brewing since 1982. Islamist types were just waiting for the right excuse to take advantage of.

January 30th, 2013, 11:43 pm


MarigoldRan said:

@ Habib

In which case, the correct lesson would be:


And Egypt is fine (kind of). At least compared to Syria. At least Egypt isn’t in the middle of a giant civil war with tens of thousands of dead and more. And the reason for that was because the Egyptian army DIDN’T shoot the protesters.

As I’ve said before: what comes around, goes around.

EDIT: Say what you want about Egypt, or Pakistan, or even Afghanistan. But ALL of those countries are doing better than Syria. At this point even AFGHANISTAN has a better government than Syria. At least Karzai isn’t actively trying to turn his country into rubble.

January 30th, 2013, 11:46 pm


majedkhaldoun said:

The good decision is the decision that proves later on that it was right, it is well accepted that the decision of large number of people is more subject to emotion than wisdom, and frequently inferior,while the decision of a wise leader is rarely emotional,while the decision of stupid leader is always bad,and thus he should be removed.
??? ???? ???????? ???? ????? ???????

January 30th, 2013, 11:49 pm


MarigoldRan said:

@ Majed

Exactly. And that’s the problem with dictatorships. Every once in a while you’ll get a stupid dictator. And NOTHING is worse for a country than a stupid dictator because not only is he stupid, he has the POWER to make stupid decisions and destroy the country.

It’s like allowing Revenire to run his own country. Think of how that country will turn out.

January 30th, 2013, 11:51 pm


ann said:

As Saudis Pledge for Syria, UN Silent on Sanctions, Crackdowns on Media

By Matthew Russell Lee

UNITED NATIONS, January 30 — Saudi Arabia and other countries which are arming the rebels in Syria on Wednesday announced pledges for humanitarian aid, with $300 million each from Kuwait, the UAE and the Saudis.

UN humanitarian official John Ging, when asked by Inner City Press about the current impact of sanctions on humanitarian activities in Syria, acknowledged that the sanctions are a problem, noting their causing shortages not only of medicine but also of fuel.

So, Inner City Press asked Ging, will the UN be raising the impact of sanctions at the meeting in Kuwait?

Ging said that would be up to the “participants,” seeming to mean the donors themselves. But the UN didn’t leave it up to donors to come up with the $1.5 billion estimate. And isn’t the UN supposed to lead? To identify a problem, even if one powerful donors would rather ignore, and raise the issue? We’ll see.

UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon met with the Gulf leaders, with nary a word in the read-outs about their crackdown on online dissent, consistent as noted yesterday with the UN’s South Asia silence.

Meanwhile the reporting on the pledge conference has been strange to say the least. A Reuters piece, also linking in Lakhdar Brahimi’s briefing to the Security Council in New York, relies along entirely on the Kuwait News Agency, though three separate Reuters credits are given, “Sylvia Westall, William Maclean and Lisa Shumaker.”


January 30th, 2013, 11:59 pm


AIG said:


Well, you ran away from Syria, or will not go there to help the fighting. But not all people are cowards like you. And the salafists can only destabilize countries like Syria in which the government is unaccountable to its people and the elites run away with their tail between their legs at the first sign of trouble.

Salafist sleeper cells in Israel? What are you smoking? If they had any, they would have used them by now, for example during the second intifada. In any case, since you support a dictator who funded and hosted salafist groups, your position is completely inconsistent. Assad funded and armed Hezbollah and Hamas. Sure, now there will be other groups. But trying to sell Assad as some shield against islamism is nonsense. He is the problem, not the solution.

January 31st, 2013, 12:19 am


ann said:

Syria: Kurds seize French ambulance in Serekaniye (Ras al-Ayn)

“People’s Defense Units (YPG) forces have seized a French ambulance in the West Kurdistan city of Serêkaniyê on Tuesday. The ambulance, carrying a French plate, “CP-253-DE” and some documents written in French, is believed to be carrying military equipments from Turkey to the armed gang groups in the Syrian Kurdish city Serêkaniyê.

Clashes between West Kurdistan YPG forces and Turkey-backed armed groups continue in some places of the city as YPG continues to fight to clear the city of gangs.

Several days ago, YPG revealed that the Turkish state has been sending ambulances, loaded with arms and other military equipment, into Serêkaniyê in support of the armed groups that have been attacking the Kurdish people here for months now and leading to a conflict environment in the Kurdish city.

The ambulance YPG forces seized on Tuesday is also believed to have been brought into the Kurdish city via Turkish borders. YPG sources remarked that the gangs tried hard not to give the ambulance which -it added- was to be used to carry the goods the gangs plunder in the Kurdish city.

January 31st, 2013, 12:24 am


Syrialover said:

Message to the Muslim Brotherhood – the self-appointed, free-riding, power stealers in the Syrian opposition:

Get out of the way, get lost, and stop interfering in Syrian opposition affairs.

You have NOTHING to offer.

Just like your counterparts in Egypt.

We’re watching your destructive tantrums and blocking everything and anything unless it allows you to grab the wheel.

To drive where? For whose benefit? To what effect? And representing who inside Syria?

I pray Moaz al-Khatib refuses to be blackmailed and threatened by them – for the sake of all Syrians who have sacrificed in this revolution for freedom and dignity and a future with hope.

January 31st, 2013, 12:35 am


Juergen said:

Sama al Masri dances for Mursi and the Salafists

January 31st, 2013, 2:21 am


Citizen said:

The Syrian government army reported that the Israeli Air Force on Jan. 30 attacked a military research center in Dzhamraye, a suburb of Damascus. Command statement, reported Agence France-Presse

According to the report, Syrian airspace was violated by Israeli aircraft at dawn Wednesday. Planes were flying midget height, so that their appearance was not fixed radars.

As a result of the incident, the death of two workers of the research center. Premises suffered considerable damage.

The Syrian military has also previously denied widespread media reports that the Israeli Air Force attacked the convoys carrying weapons from Syria to Lebanon, near the border between the two countries.

158- AEG – why Israeli pilots killed Syrian civilian engineers? you want the Syrians killed Israeli engineering staff? It is a cowardly act, teenager and lead to a curse on the Effectiveness

January 31st, 2013, 2:47 am


Citizen said:

??? ? ???? ??? ??? ???????????????????????????????????????????????? ! ?? ???? ???????????? ??????????????????????????????????????????????? !

January 31st, 2013, 2:53 am


Citizen said:

The Russian Foreign Ministry said that the Russian authorities are checking reports of IAF air strike on Syria. It noted that Israel has flagrantly violated the UN Charter, if confirmed information about the attacks.

Israel informed the U.S. attack on Syria
11:36 / 31.01.2013
U.S. authorities have been notified of the planned Israeli strike on Syria. U.S. officials on condition of anonymity said that Israel informed the U.S. about the attack.

In the United States notes that bombed a convoy of modern anti-aircraft missiles from Syria heading to one of the bases of the Lebanese “Hezbollah.” According to the business newspaper “The View” , Israeli officials did not confirm reports about the bombing of the Syrian command Damascus.

Command of the Armed Forces of Syria said on Thursday night that the Israeli Air Force attacked and destroyed a research center near Damascus. As a result, suffered heavy damage, killing two officers, five others were wounded, said the Syrian side.

The Western media have previously reported Israeli air strike on convoys of arms in the Syrian-Lebanese border. However, the Syrian military post of the impact on the convoy with guns denied.

Deputy spokesman of UN Secretary General Eduardo del Buey later acknowledged that peacekeepers in Lebanon actually saw increased activity Israeli Air Force, but no information about the impacts on their part on Syrian territory has been reported.

January 31st, 2013, 2:58 am


Dolly Buster said:

149. habib said:

Remember, the Salafists of the world are now learning how to make entire states disintegrate.

No doubt they will use this experience when they turn their blood lust on Israel and Europe. First, they will make their local sleeper cells revolt. Then they will flood in once those have established footholds. You saw it in Syria, and you’ll see it in Europe and Israel. Tactic works like a charm.

And I’ll look upon from a far and laugh at those retards once it happens. You reap what you sow.

Not really, because revolutions happen only in police states like Egypt and Syria.
As for the developed world, it is stable.

You have to understand that the oppressive regime was the thing which made the uprising possible.

January 31st, 2013, 3:03 am


Citizen said:

Israel calls on the U.S. to bomb Iran
Meanwhile, it was reported that from January 25, the Israeli armed forces, including the BBC, are in the highest state of readiness. At the same time trusting circles reported that senior members of the government of the country in recent days declined from foreign trips last Saturday and all are located in Israel at their jobs.

Independent analysts puzzled unexpected deployment over the weekend three batteries missile defense system “Iron Dome” (“Iron Dome”) in the north of Israel. They do not exclude that the measure was motivated by reports that groups of “Hezbollah” in the immediate vicinity of the storage of chemical weapons Syrian armed forces at any time and are able to control these weapons of mass destruction. Israeli officials have made ??it clear that in the event of such a development is not ruled out an attack on these facilities in Syria, as well as the troops “Hezbollah” in Lebanon.

January 31st, 2013, 3:03 am


Dolly Buster said:

136. AIG said:

“Mark my words”, there will always be a frustrated idiot predicting the demise of Israel. For over 60 years there has been a steady stream of these idiots and other idiots that believed them.

There will be a compromise solution in about 30 years, in which Israel will be canceled as a state, but the people of Israel will be allowed to continue their lives as normal.

January 31st, 2013, 3:13 am


Hopeful said:

Great leaders lead, not dictate. Mr. Al-Khatib just proved that he is one. Sure he may be forced to resign, but he clearly cares more about Syria than about his position – a stark contrast to the current ruler of Damascus.

This is a timely and needed breath of fresh air.

His offer came in a short and straightforward message on his Facebook page. Contrast that with the convoluted, idiotic, five-point “plan” that Assad dictated to “his people” among a fanfare of applause and admiration to the all-mighty amazing leader.

January 31st, 2013, 3:44 am


Citizen said:

The situation with the Israeli air bombardment of Syria looks utterly bizarre. That is – the impact was. But that was bombed – versions differ so dramatically, it’s clear – someone is lying. Or Israel or Syria.
Israeli version – they bombed a certain column that something moved to Lebanon. Syrians say – bombed a military research center.
The subtlety is that the bomb tower, moving into Lebanon from Damascus, not just today. Or at least this version looks very doubtful. The reason is quite humdrum: two days of rains, mountain passes – ice. Moreover, more than serious – I talked with Damascus – there shrug – passes are closed. For two days. For trucks – exactly. That is, if the military would say – of course they will go, but the logic in this is zero. Uhnut somewhere in a ditch, and then to deeper – and bombing is not necessary.

Because the Syrians until version looks more logical and consistent. The question remains – why?

Answers right immediately suggests two. First – this is a test of Syrian air defenses. What’s there and how. The second – the Israelis do not like the prospect of talks between the opposition and the government, and so they are trying to cheer up the situation somehow. The logic of Israel – let the Arabs slaughter each other as possible.

Both answers are uncertain, but the version on Action against Israel in moving any weapons in Lebanon is even more questionable. That chemical weapons, air defense systems “Buk”, as seems to be announced. The more quickly and at any price.

In general, while it is clear that nothing is clear. We’ll wait.

January 31st, 2013, 4:00 am


Dolly Buster said:

233. revenire said:

Russia, like Dr. Assad, plays chess. The Americans are fools.

Well, the results speak for themselves. USA is the sole superpower,

while Syria and Russia are locked in a battle for Worst Third World Sh?thole award.

January 31st, 2013, 4:20 am


Badr said:

“When a couple of people begin protesting, don’t shoot them.”

And if they had not shot at or tortured them, wouldn’t the protest still have gotten bigger and louder? Can’t see a way the Assad regime could have followed to remain in power for many years to come.

January 31st, 2013, 4:24 am


Hanzala said:

tens of Assad soldiers wiped out

January 31st, 2013, 6:21 am


Citizen said:

What kind of (superpower) are US , gosh ?
(superpowers)money was not enough to borrowing pants !Mr. Panetta in difficulty! when Russia comes on line, the United States go to offline and from there make a missed call! US do not like to be on par with the rival! and if the enemy is a weak state, the United States invited all allies for Cutting it to pieces! fu! fu!
and about (Sh?thole) it is exactly an American military budget!!
take care ! The sun setting from the west.

January 31st, 2013, 6:58 am


Akbar Palace said:

May as well smack the Zionist punching bag, because there’s nothing else to do NewZ

In the “bizarro” world of the ME, the “Do Nothing” and impotent Arab League (remember them?) swiftly condemned Israel’s attack on Syria…

I just thought the opposition may find that funny some how. And the retarded Assad supporters may actually be cheering…,7340,L-4339481,00.html

January 31st, 2013, 7:08 am


majedkhaldoun said:

The nice thing about democracy and free elections is that the bad leader is removed in few years, even that the decision could be inferior and emotional, there is no guarantees that the replacement is much better, here in US we had very bad leader George Bush, his replacement Obama is a little better , but not much, it is rare to have a good great leader,great leaders come after very hard time, they save the country,but that requires some firmness and justice,certainly democracy is better than dictatorship, Revolutions always create great leaders as they develope experience during the revolution and they rise during very hard time, kings and kids are very bad leaders.
It is a problem that we frequently reward the good leader by giving the authority after his death to his son,who does not qualify for leadership.It was great choice from God that the prophet Muhammad did not have a son to inherit his rule.

January 31st, 2013, 7:40 am


Dolly Buster said:

Well if the U.S. is poor and helpless as you say, then it is not an Empire. This proves the conflict is not about Imperialism.

I’ve been saying all along that only commie fools still talk about Imperialism.

January 31st, 2013, 7:52 am


majedkhaldoun said:

Radwan Ziadeh
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January 31st, 2013, 8:03 am


zoo said:

Now the Syrian government is legitimate?
The opposition busy fighting and killing the Syrian army of the ‘illegitimate’ government criticizes it from not preventing Israel’s attack that the USA had agreed upon.

Al Khatib should have condemned the USA and the West for giving the greenlight to attack Syria already weakened.

I am right to be suspicious about Al Khatib. He is fake…

Opposition condemns Syria inaction after Israel air strike
BEIRUT – Agence France-Presse
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Syrian opposition chief Ahmed Moaz al-Khatib. AFP photo

Syrian opposition chief Ahmed Moaz al-Khatib. AFP photo
Syria’s main opposition chief on Thursday condemned President Bashar al-Assad’s regime for its failure to take action against an Israeli air strike a day earlier.

“Shame on you, O regime of Bashar al-Assad, that the Israeli warplanes have come and your jets are only focused on destroying mosques and universities, and to kill civilians,” Syrian National Coalition chief Moaz al-Khatib said.

“Your planes are watching and they do not stop the Israeli jets,” he told Al-Jazeera television.

January 31st, 2013, 9:12 am


zoo said:

Turkey not only stealing Syria’s factories, they are stealing its manpower.

Syrians may get work permission within 10 days, Turkish minister says

GAZ?ANTEP – Anatolia News Agency

Syrians who have fled to Turkey from violence in their country will likely receive permission to work in Turkey within 10 days, Family and Social Policies Minister Fatma ?ahin has said.

“The fifth organized industrial zone in Gaziantep needs skilled personnel. There are skilled people among our brothers who came from Syria. We have resolved their problem of residence permits. Last week, the prime minister instructed the labor minister on this issue. I presume that this permission [issue] will be resolved within 10 days and we will solve the [matter of] work permission,” ?ahin said.

The procedure is necessary for Syrians who entered Turkey with their passport, she said. u

January 31st, 2013, 9:16 am


zoo said:

You called for them. You’re next!

King Abdullah: New Taliban likely to be in Syria

“Fareed Zakaria GPS,” Sundays at 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. ET on CNN

Fareed Zakaria speaks with King Abdullah II of Jordan about the future of Bashar al-Assad’s regime in Syria and radical Islamists in the region.

January 31st, 2013, 9:25 am


omen said:

15. mjabali said: An article worth reading about the current situation in Syria by Yasin al-Hajj Saleh. It is called ” The most dangerous phase in the Syrian Revolution.” ??????? ????? ????? ?? ?????? ???????

63. Badr said: MJABALI @ 5:53 am & SYRIAN HAMSTER @ 6:24 am: Can you infer what exactly Yassin al-Haj Saleh is proposing as a way out of the quagmire?

was an answer given?

January 31st, 2013, 9:41 am


Syrialover said:

A plea for help.

Aid convoy for Syrians from Germany passes through other European countries but stalled at Greek Turkish border on whim of Turkish officials.

Spread the word. Publicize and shame those Turks responsible,

January 31st, 2013, 9:52 am


omen said:

172. Badr said: “When a couple of people begin protesting, don’t shoot them.”

And if they had not shot at or tortured them, wouldn’t the protest still have gotten bigger and louder? Can’t see a way the Assad regime could have followed to remain in power for many years to come.

syrians have said it before. bashar would have retained his popularity had he implemented reforms promised.

January 31st, 2013, 9:55 am


Citizen said:

revenire !:)
(Radwan Ziadeh
I generalize for the benefit of
For the security of information on networking) Bill Scherk services from Surrey welcomes you!

January 31st, 2013, 9:56 am


Visitor said:

Akbar Palace @175,

I couldn’t find any news in Arab media which talks about Arab League condemnation of the attack. The guy mentioned in your link is not Arab League. He is Hizbistani minister in the Lebanese government.

But I did find this article which talks about the details of the attack. It says that there were two raids. One of them targeted a convoy carrying SAM17 missiles to Hizbistan. The other raid targeted a research center for chems near Damascus. Apparently the thugs defenses were not aware of the attack because the attacking planes did not show on their radars. They kept silent and they probably would have continued to be silent if it wasn’t for the media.

January 31st, 2013, 9:57 am


Syrialover said:

ZOO #181

News of that initiative to speed up work permits for Syrian refugees in Turkey is good news for Assad’s victims and also shows a strongly compassionate policy by Turkey.

You posting it with a silly critical comment wildly backfired.

January 31st, 2013, 10:10 am


zoo said:

Anything to kill more Syrians…

The rebels building bombs to Syria

As the civil war in Syria continues, home-made weapons are a key tool in the Free Syrian Army’s campaign to try and oust President Bashar al-Assad.

The BBC’s James Reynolds travelled to a secret location to visit a bomb-making workshop run by the rebels.

January 31st, 2013, 10:13 am


zoo said:

#189 SL

You’re right, Erdogan is the Turkish Mother Theresa

January 31st, 2013, 10:14 am


Syrialover said:

Establishment of “National Preparatory Committee for Transitional Justice” Announced in Istanbul, Turkey

Syrian Judges, Lawyers, Activists to Prepare Plans for Post-Assad Judicial System and Reconciliation

January 31st, 2013, 10:15 am


Visitor said:

Abdullah II of Jordan, his throne in danger, says:

“you know, Jordan is today and has been committed since three weeks into the Afghan campaign. We’ve been there for many, many years. But today, when we look at Jordanian troops deploying to Afghanistan, we’ve got to really think, because I think the new Taliban that we’re going to have to deal with is actually going to be in Syria.”

Abdullah II to Obama: I hear ya! You’re running out of Afghanistan in 2014. Well, in this case there is nothing else for me to do either. Mission accomplished a la Bush.

January 31st, 2013, 10:17 am


omen said:

184. Syrialover said: A plea for help.
Aid convoy for Syrians from Germany passes through other European countries but stalled at Greek Turkish border on whim of Turkish officials.

Spread the word. Publicize and shame those Turks responsible,

spread this number:

call the turkish embassy in washington d.c.

+1 202 612 6700

press 1 for english, then press 0
to leave message of protest with operator.

January 31st, 2013, 10:21 am


zoo said:

In 6 months, Rime Allaf is changing her tune: Who is now running out of friends and against the wall?

July 2012

“Assad has run out of friends, and out of time
The Syrian regime has its back against the wall now that its people have found their voice, says Rime Allaf.

January 2012

“Mr. Khatib was in a very difficult position because the Americans, the French and their allies put pressure on the opposition, saying they have’ll nothing until they prove that they are able to control the Islamists, “she told AFP.

For this researcher, “today many Syrians who resisted for two years, are tired of war and do not see the end of the tunnel. They say it may be a small window that opens”

January 31st, 2013, 10:23 am


zoo said:

#194 Omen

Turks never called for humanitarian goods from outside, they only want the money so they can show off how ‘human’ they are.

January 31st, 2013, 10:28 am


Syrialover said:

#195 ZOO

Rime Allaf is always good to read. She’s on the right side and sincere.

Again, thanks for posting the information.

January 31st, 2013, 10:31 am


zoo said:

The Islamists should get the Peace Nobel prize: they forced the Syrian opposition to the negotiating table.

A special mention to the contribution of Qatar and Turkey.

January 31st, 2013, 10:31 am


Syrialover said:

ZOO #198

The Islamists will have performed the REAL miracle if they can force Bashar Assad to the negotiating table.

If that happens a special mention will have to go to Russia and Iran. A mention of shame and mockery at their failure to get Assad there themselves.

January 31st, 2013, 10:36 am


zoo said:

Syria: Feeling abandoned by the West, opposition leader wants to negotiate

For the director of the Syrian Observatory of Human Rights (OSDH) Rami Abdel Rahman Khatib “is aware that Syria is being destroyed and that a military solution alone can not lead to freedom. He also noted that the international community has made unfulfilled promises. ”


Mr. Abdel Rahman, whose NGO relies on a broad network of activists and doctors across the country, notes that “the army is still on the side of Assad and although ASL has been successful, the situation on the ground is blocked unless a major event make things happen. ”

“It’s very easy to sit in a hotel and criticize Khatib while people are being killed or starving,” he says to the address of critics of the opposition leader.

For Volker Perthes, director of the German Institute of foreign policy and security issues based in Berlin, “Khatib’s attitude is simply realistic.”

“If you want to stop the bloodshed, you must go to the political transformations that incorporate elements of the current system,” says the author of “The Syria under Bashar.”

January 31st, 2013, 10:37 am


omen said:

196. zoo, turks have the best run refugee camps of anybody. have you seen the trailers they’ve set up syrians? even their voucher system that allows for refugees to go into market to buy their own food is an incredibly thoughtful approach that recognizes that even when people have hit bottom, psychologically, it’s healthier for them to be able to exercise independence of choice instead of being set up to passively accept aid.

turks are hard to figure out though. they’re unpredictable. on one hand, they’re willing to buck US pressure and act independently (as was done in the run up to iraq war.) on the other, they’re willing to help prop up the oppressor of syria, iran, and undermine sanctions by giving them gold.

January 31st, 2013, 10:45 am


zoo said:

#199 SL

You seem to have forgotten the sequence of events:

Bashar twice offered dialog and both were rejected bluntly because the opposition put his resignation as a condition.
“we can’t negotiate with a criminal”

Now the opposition is abandoned by the West who keeps putting their own conditions to provide help, the most important of them being that the opposition must reject and get rid of al Nusra islamists.

Therefore the opposition has decided to renounce to its condition of Bashar’s resignation for starting a dialog.
“Now we can negotiate with a criminal’

Hurray, al Nusra deserve the Nobel prize

January 31st, 2013, 10:47 am


Syrialover said:

More good news. Syrian Coalition gets together with over 130 aid agencies:

Announcing the formation of Syrian Humanitarian Aid NGOs Network

The Syrian Center for Political and Strategic Studies, in cooperation with Syrian Business Council for Relief and Development, has held an international conference for coordination among the Syrian Humanitarian Aid NGOs in Istanbul-Turkey on 29th of January, 2013.

Over 130 Syrian and International humanitarian aid NGOs participated in the conference, in addition to the Humanitarian and Relief Aid Unit of the National Coalition for Syrian Revolutionary and Opposition Forces.

January 31st, 2013, 10:49 am


Syrialover said:

#202 ZOO,

Stop with the delusions and empty spin.

Bashar Assad has NEVER made a genuine offer to neogitate a settlement.

It’s not in his DNA or in the interestes of his supporters. Proven fact.

You’re stuck with that reality.

January 31st, 2013, 10:55 am


zoo said:


Erdogan is on election path. He wants to be Turkey’s president and show the Turks and the world that he is an example of a compassionate moslem democratic leader.
I don’t deny that he is doing a good job in the camps, helping these poor Syrians who left their homes in panic. He has done a good job in the economy of Turkey by learning from the Europeans then switching to the Arab market when Europe collapsed.

Yet Turkey has a lot to be forgiven, its history is a long butchery.
Erdogan is trying to rebuild the image of Turkey, and he was doing well until, full of his successes and inhabited by his faith, he decided to move Turkey toward a more Islamic society.

Many TV reports show that tensions are brewing on that issue.
Erdogan has neutralized the strongest opponent to his ‘islamization’, the army. He is gradually infiltrating the judicial. Turkey is the country where there is the highest number of journalists in jail. Kurds are treated as second class citizens, and social injustice is widely spread.

I doubt very much the Turks will allow Erdogan to be their president seeking more power for this position.

January 31st, 2013, 11:00 am


Syrialover said:


That al-Khatib guy is really bothering you.

How come you have stopped calling for him to return to Syria? Is it because he has shown wisdom and strategic nous and turned the tables and invited the regime to come out of Syria and talk?

Read Moaz al-Khatib’s statement for a strongly sane, intelligent and humane appraisal of the situation in Syria.

Then compare it with the chilling nonsense and lies in Bashar Assad’s opera house speech.

January 31st, 2013, 11:07 am


zoo said:

#204 SL

Whether genuine or not, Bashar did propose it officially in his speech while the opposition rejected it officially.
Now we see that it was the opposition who was not ‘genuine’, since they are changing their mind now.

I know that you hate the idea that the opposition is yielding to the dialog without Bashar stepping aside, but it was bound to happen. I have repeated often that ultimately the opposition would be so desperate that they will swallow their pride and accept to negotiate with Bashar al Assad.
By the way, the same is happening in Bahrain and Egypt: the opposition calls for negotiation, unconditionally to save the country and citizen lives.
If the Syrian opposition had made that decision earlier, they would have saved thousands of lives. Egypt opposition understood that immediately and swallowed their pride for the sake of Egypt.

January 31st, 2013, 11:11 am


Syrialover said:

And ZOO #205,

Please stop all that distractionist stuff on Erdogan and Turkey. Save it for another time, another forum.

Let’s get back to sorting out Bashar Assad and the shocking mess he’s made of Syria.

January 31st, 2013, 11:11 am


omen said:

190. zoo said: Anything to kill more Syrians…Syria As the civil war in Syria continues, home-made weapons are a key tool in the Free Syrian Army’s campaign to try and oust President Bashar al-Assad.

i caught that segment. an insurgency force that enjoyed the support of the west/nato/cia wouldn’t be forced to resort to such desperate attempts as to concocting homemade devices. this is what makes the troll’s claims of the US waging regime change so laughable when the facts demonstrate that the west is starving the opposition of support. in fact, there is more proof that the west is helping to keep the regime alive. see the UN funding the regime half a billion dollars, for just one example.

another photo that demonstrates the reality that the fsa are on their own. they’re being kept alive (mostly) by small individual funders.

A Free Syrian Army fighter uses a shotgun to fire a homemade grenade at Syrian Army soldiers during a fight in the Arabeen neighbourhood of Damascus January 24, 2013.

rebels being forced to using a slingshot to launch a grenade is probably the most emblematic image of their desperate straits. the odds are stacked against the opposition and yet they are managing to make gains. it’s almost a miracle.

January 31st, 2013, 11:16 am


zoo said:

#206 SL

Khatib made several mistakes: he vocally supported al Nusra and he left Erdogan to speak to the Syrian refugee while he was present.

Now this is a new chance for him to rehabilitate himself in the eyes of the Syrians and the international community.
I don’t care is his preaching are ‘humane’ or not, he is a religious man after all…
That does not make him a political man. He is not the Sunni Seyyed Nasrallah yet.

I am waiting to see if he will continue in the new path he started. Yet his lack of criticism on Israel bombing Syria is another mistake. He seems like an amateur stumbling on every stone.
Will he mature? Only time will say.

January 31st, 2013, 11:21 am


Syrialover said:

#ZOO 207

Wrong interpretation of everything. Among other minor points, Bashar is no longer recognized as a legitimate leader by over 100 nations.

Who is saying anyone is planning on negotiating a settlement that actually includes him continung in power? He’s gone too far down the insane and stupid track to drop his delusions. As we know, it’s not in his DNA.

Interesting to see if this latest development accelerates cracks in regime ranks.

And on your comment on Khatib failing to attack Israel for bombing Syria. He said something far more relevant: pointing out that Assad is deploying the airforce and army full strength to destroy Syria and killing Syrians instead of attacking Israel.

January 31st, 2013, 11:21 am


zoo said:

#208 SL

Shall I repeat it again as you seem deaf: I write what I want and when I want.
You don’t like it? just skip it and stop patronize me!

January 31st, 2013, 11:25 am


zoo said:

#211 Sl

Are you serious?

“Interesting to see if this latest development accelerates cracks in regime ranks”

The regime ranks are stronger than ever.
The opposition is not cracking, it’s already in pieces. The question is who will use the broom first.

January 31st, 2013, 11:29 am


Syrialover said:

# 212. ZOO,

Come on, YOU patronize SyriaComment readers every day for hours with your postings. I have no problem with you feeling patronized, though in fact you should be feeling caught out.

January 31st, 2013, 11:29 am


Observer said:

There is a huge difference between the proposal by Moaz and the one by the boy prethident.
The boy prethident offered to have the opposition lay down their arms, to have them come and talk to him UNDER the umbrella of HIS regime and therefore took out any element that would lead to real reforms.

His refusal to discuss the military and the security system is a non starter whereas the proposal by Moaz is genuinely caring about the 160 000 detainees that the regime is holding.

News today are that the regime is accelerating the executions in the various prisons to reduce that number and to get rid of elements it does not want to release except as dead bodies.

The degree of depravity of the regime is beyond the pale. And those that defend it are a stain on humanity.

Now Iran is threatening Israel.

Great, let them duke it out. I would love to see the Israelis and the Iranians fight it out.

If anyone thinks that negotiating with the regime is a defeat they are delusional for I do not think that the regime is capable of reform and therefore once forced to accept the reform it will be its demise.

Security system=demise

The only question remaining is whether the demise of the regime will be less or more bloody.

January 31st, 2013, 11:33 am


Syrialover said:

#213 ZOO

“The regime ranks are stronger than ever.”

Somebody is feeding you that reassurance which you are gulping down. Bashar’s sister and mother obviously didn’t feel it enough to stay in Syria.

And even fierce regime loyalist SyrianCommando is tweeting in disgust:

“Shame on the Syrian government for accepting humiliation after humiliation, shame on them for having no dignity or any bravery at all.”

January 31st, 2013, 11:42 am


revenire said:

What happened to the “no negotiations as long as Assad remains president” position?

January 31st, 2013, 11:45 am


Syrialover said:

Well observed as usual, thanks OBSERVER in #215.

The Nazis too rushed to execute as many as they could in their prison camps when they saw the end coming. A pointless act of spite and evil.

January 31st, 2013, 11:48 am


Badr said:

Analysis: Strike adds complexity to tense region

By Jonathan Marcus
BBC Defence Correspondent

Israel’s reported air attack against a target or targets in Syria leaves many questions unanswered.

President Assad may be slowly losing his fight for survival in Syria but the demise of his regime is not yet a foregone conclusion.

He may believe that something will survive and having a well-armed ally in Lebanon may suit his longer-term strategic goals, if indeed there is “a longer-term” for the Assad regime.

January 31st, 2013, 11:53 am


revenire said:

Has the FSA condemned the Israeli attack on Syria? I have been unable to find such a statement.

January 31st, 2013, 11:55 am


Dolly Buster said:

Why should FSA condemn the Israeli attack, if it only targeted the Shia babykillers? Think about it.

January 31st, 2013, 12:01 pm


zoo said:

#214 SL

You have an explanation to just everything. Good for you.

January 31st, 2013, 12:01 pm


Syrialover said:

Here’s a worthwhile twitter thread to follow – it’s by the FSA

January 31st, 2013, 12:05 pm


zoo said:

#220 Revenir

Condemn? Hail you mean?

They will soon realize that by not condemning it, they’ll be loosing even more of their already scarce supporters.

Also maybe they’re waiting for Al Nusra’s reaction, as they can displease their strongest ally.

January 31st, 2013, 12:05 pm


Syrialover said:

#222. ZOO

I don’t feel patronized by that statement, I feel praised. Thanks.

Another backfire.

January 31st, 2013, 12:08 pm


zoo said:

#223 SL

Very worthwhile indeed, a source of inspiration.

Keep the good work, you’ll make it.

January 31st, 2013, 12:12 pm


Observer said:

I thought this video clip from the Syrian AlIkhabirah TV station is of absolutely excellent value and shows a great explanation of how the Syrian Air Defense system was able to shoot down the Turkish Phantoms especially since they were of the Weasel type meaning electronic warfare capability.

I thought it made perfect sense

It was on All4Syria

January 31st, 2013, 12:14 pm


zoo said:

217. revenire

“What happened to the “no negotiations as long as Assad remains president” position?”

.. deafening silence..

January 31st, 2013, 12:15 pm


revenire said:

Even Egypt condemned the Israeli attack on Syria. Why no condemnation from the FSA?

January 31st, 2013, 12:15 pm


habib said:

154. MarigoldRan

As I said, Bashar could had buried himself from the start, jihadis would flock to Syria to kill infidels anyhow. It is open season on Shias across the ME. Look at Pakistan. It’s not as if Sunnis are “oppressed” there, or what?

158. AIG

You have about one million Arabs in Israel, right? Push them enough, and they’ll revolt. And even if they don’t, you’ll be doomed anyway,once the West falls. As for me and living in Syria, I’m not from Syria myself, but have relatives there.

165. Dolly Buster

Lol, keep dreaming. France is probably the first Euro country to go.

January 31st, 2013, 12:17 pm


Akbar Palace said:

reverse asks:

Has the FSA condemned the Israeli attack on Syria? I have been unable to find such a statement.


Why would a group of people getting slaughtered by the tens of thousands bother to complain about a few measly attacks on Iranian weapons?

Think dude!

Meanwhile, all the usual murderers and thugs are suddenly whining. Oh that’s right, Israel is defending herself again. What Chutzpah! If only the FSA could defend themselves like the Israelis…

Hezbollah, which has supported Syrian President Bashar al-Assad as he battles an armed uprising in which 60,000 people have been killed, said Israel was trying to thwart Arab military power and vowed to stand by its ally.

Iranian deputy foreign minister Hossein Amir Abdullahian said the attack “demonstrates the shared goals of terrorists and the Zionist regime”, Fars news agency reported.,7340,L-4339661,00.html

January 31st, 2013, 12:22 pm


zoo said:

215. Observer

I enjoy your ‘nuances’ trying to have the anti-regime swallow the bitter pill while thinking it’s a chocolate.
Your effort to make it sound as a ‘victory’ is denied even by the opposition itself.

To put it bluntly: the Syrian opposition is against the wall and have no choice than to yield to the pressure from the ‘sister’ countries and admitting their failure.
There could be a nobility in admitting failure if it saves lives.

January 31st, 2013, 12:23 pm


Dolly Buster said:

228. zoo said:

217. revenire

“What happened to the “no negotiations as long as Assad remains president” position?”

.. deafening silence..

Well this is proof why there shouldn’t be negotiations. If you display any good will, they will take it as a sign of weakness.

So only strength and fist to the face, is the remedy for the Shiite-Russian alliance.

January 31st, 2013, 12:23 pm


Observer said:

Another excellent information from Al Quds and I can read that there are now some intelligent leaders on the regime side that are talking more sense than ever: here is the Syrian Ambassador in Lebanon about the response to the Israeli aggression

I am anxious to see the follow up on this statement and see if theere will be real action thereafter and to see what the regime supporters say.

As for the quote from Habib above:” You have about one million Arabs in Israel, right? Push them enough, and they’ll revolt”. I think it applies equally to the Bahrainis and to the Yemenis and the Egyptians and the Lybians and to the Tunisians and most certainly to the Syrians.

Habib go over the two sites I mentioned there is a sign of intelligence on the regime side these days.

I am eagerly awaiting the response to this latest heinous attack on a Syrian Army research center in the science of self defense.

January 31st, 2013, 12:27 pm


majedkhaldoun said:

Zoozoo is talking like a crazy man , just ran away from insanity prison, ???????
His analysis is so stupid,and out of line, he sounds like Ghawwar,he understands things in his own interpretation, not how it was meant to be, he is wrong in his understanding.

January 31st, 2013, 12:29 pm


MarigoldRan said:


The Syrian opposition is winning. They have no reason to negotiate.

Besides, most of the country is destroyed. What have they to negotiate about? The regime has made the mistake of destroying too much of the country. Now their enemies have no reason to negotiate.

As usual your analysis is wrong. The Israel strike changes nothing. The war continues.

EDIT: The SAA has been making boasts about its air defense system…

What air defense system? What air defense system allows Israel jets to strike at will?

January 31st, 2013, 12:29 pm


revenire said:

I thought they vowed NEVER to negotiate with Assad? What changed their minds?

January 31st, 2013, 12:38 pm


Observer said:

The outside opposition according to pro regime trolls is irrelevant and in a state of constant demise. So what is it, are they relevant or not relevant? If they are relevant do they have any say on the ground or not? If they do not have a say, then they are relevant in hotels and meetings and if they are capable of ordering the FSA then they have never asked to stop the actions of self defense that they are doing.

Those that think that the regime can stay need to go and drink some more kool aid.

If Moaz says he is willing to talk if you release 160 000 detainees then he is now relevant?

Follow the liar to the doorstep as we say in Damascus.

Lying murderous mafiosi regime it was and remains and it needs to be uprooted fully.

Check the links I posted and have a laugh today

January 31st, 2013, 12:40 pm


MarigoldRan said:

They’re not planning to negotiate. Al Khatib just proposed an impossible condition for the regime to accept. But if the regime doesn’t accept the offer, it makes them look bad. Basically what Al Khatib did was to focus the spotlight on the thousands of prisoners the regime holds.

It’s a clever move.

The fighting continues.

January 31st, 2013, 12:44 pm


revenire said:

Seems to me the negotiation offer is an indication the opposition feels Assad can’t be beaten on the battlefield.

January 31st, 2013, 12:45 pm


MarigoldRan said:

Seems to me Revenire that you’re a retard.

We’ll see how it turns out. It appears the fighting continues unabated. If the “peace negotiations” turn to nothing, can we quote you on this? Like the way I would mention casually every time you make silly statements that you thought the Vietnam Civil War was only about 10 years long?

You’re stupid, Revenire. When you predict something, the OPPOSITE happens. But that’s par for the course for stupid people. Like you, Revenire.

January 31st, 2013, 12:46 pm


Juergen said:

Assads appraised air defense is likely to be a nice fairytale. I remember well enough those attacks near Deir az Zhor and the greeting of IDF planes over Assads house in Melke during the last Lebanon war. In the Damascus coffee houses it was a big laugh then.

Here are two reports on how reliable the defense system in reality is:

According to the reports the air defense system consists of these parts:

Radar: Syria has a dense radar network. Although many devices are decades old, they still work well.

Air missiles: The Arsenal existed before the uprisings of some 900 major and 4,000 smaller rockets Soviet and Russian origin. Many of them were “obsolete and becoming obsolete weapons and sensors,” writes Nerguizian. The effectiveness is therefore questionable.

Aircraft guns: Syria’s antiaircraft consists partly of radar-guided, partly out visually controlled guns with calibers from 14.5 to 100 millimeters Soviet and Russian origin. The flak could not stop fast attack waves with modern fighter jets. In June, Syria had succeeded to shoot down a Turkish reconnaissance aircraft, according to U.S. officials most likely using its anti-aircraft guns. However, the plane had already been at least four minutes before in Syrian territorial waters, air space which already belongs to Syria. Why did the pilot stayed there, is still unclear.
Manpads: Syria’s military has an unknown amount of portable surface to air missiles of Soviet and Russian origin.

Der Spiegel:

How many anti-aircraft defenses and Manpads actually still be under the control of the regime is totally unclear. The rebels have in recent months conquer some military bases, where they could always conquer Manpads and anti-aircraft missiles.

The Manpads are of great value for the rebels, because they can use it to shoot down bombers and helicopters of the regime. The air defense missiles arent a big gain, especially since it seems most of these are outdated, its a barely usable device. The “New York Times” reporter and weapons expert CJ Chivers, who works regularly in Syria, called rockets from the Syrian arsenal as useless Soviet relics, which you should probably better describe as “toxic waste”.

January 31st, 2013, 12:49 pm


revenire said:

Emergency meeting in Cairo for the SNC. Wonder if they will denounce Moaz al-Khatib for offering to negotiate with Assad. They all said no negotiations ever with the regime. This is a 180 degree turnaround.

January 31st, 2013, 12:56 pm


revenire said:

Juergen you are probably aware Chivers did a story about the spread of Iranian bullets in Africa – not kidding. He was worried about bullets with Israeli nukes etc.

Chivers is just another press whore.

Think the Ha’aretz story on what Israel fears about Syria’s arsenal is more on the mark. Israel knows Hezbollah has at least 70,000 rockets (and if Hezbollah has 70,000 how many does Syria have? 300,000? More?). They’re afraid of them.

My understanding is air defense and the acquisition of missiles has been a singular focus of the SAA.

One of the primary goals of the war: destroy Syria and you weaken Hezbollah and Iran.

The FSA is allied with Israel. The Israeli attack exposes it like nothing else so far. I think it was a very stupid move that gave Assad a gift.

January 31st, 2013, 1:00 pm


zoo said:

#236 MARI

“The Syrian opposition is winning. They have no reason to negotiate.”

I see, this is why they had an alzheimer fit about the condition they have repeated 1000 times and now they call for negotiation without that condition.

Brilliant logic..

January 31st, 2013, 1:11 pm


zoo said:

#243 Revenir

The expat op is bankrupt. The ‘sister’ countries have probably stopped funding them. They have no choice than to accept anything the Moslem Brotherood Trio will dictate them..

In Egypt the MB is been squeezed by the people. Qatar is fed up of feeding the greedy and useless expat op and Turkey is fed up of feeding Syrian refugees.

The mood is either for a ‘diplomatic’ U-turn that will be presented as an ‘humanitarian gesture’ to save Syrian lives, or Al Khatib is kicked out as a ‘traitor”!

January 31st, 2013, 1:18 pm


MarigoldRan said:

Should we quote you on this, Zoo? Let’s wait a month or two and see who is right.

If you’re wrong, then every time you say something, I’m just going to bring this up again and again. Will that be ok with you? After all, accountability is important. Wouldn’t you agree?

@ Revenire

I noticed you thought that the Vietnam War was only 10 years long. Given your past track record, what makes you think that you are correct now?

@ Everyone

The war continues. Everyone should save their energy. This war will continue on for many, many years.

January 31st, 2013, 1:20 pm


zoo said:


What are your points you are referring to?
The war will go for years?
The negotiation will not happen?
Bashar will resign?
The FSA will win military and take over Syria?

January 31st, 2013, 1:22 pm


MarigoldRan said:

Do you believe the opposition is seriously planning to negotiate right now?

I say “no.” Revenire says “yes.” He said Khatib’s statement was a 180 degree turnaround. What is your opinion?

EDIT: To answer your question, that is the point that I’m referring to.

January 31st, 2013, 1:23 pm


zoo said:

The USA testing the waters before its own U-turn?
Biden to meet Russian FM and Moaz Al Khatib, the Syrian opposition leader…

Syria on Agenda at Every Stop as Biden Embarks on Europe Tour
By Margaret Talev – Jan 31, 2013 12:49 PM ET

Vice President Joe Biden will meet with Syrian opposition leaders and make the international response to the rebellion against the regime of Bashar al-Assad a focus of talks during a three-nation European visit that begins tomorrow, advisers said.

Syria will be discussed with “all of the leaders” Biden will meet over the next several days, including German Chancellor Angela Merkel, French President Francois Hollande, British Prime Minister David Cameron and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, said Biden national security adviser Tony Blinken. Biden will press Russia “to put their full weight into a political transition in Syria,” he said.

Biden also will meet on Feb. 2 with Syrian opposition leaders including Moaz al-Khatib and the UN envoy to Syria, Lakhdar Brahimi, Blinken said. That meeting will take place while Biden attends the Munich Security Conference, the focal point of the trip. He’ll also visit France and the U.K. on the first foreign journey of his second term.

While the future of the European Union and concerns about global economic growth will also be on the agenda for the vice president’s talks, Biden’s trip comes as the U.S. is increasing humanitarian funding for Syrians while resisting calls for lethal assistance for rebels or military intervention.

Fighting between the Assad regime and rebels has displaced millions and led to the deaths of more than 60,000 people.

Unrest in Egypt and U.S. assistance for the French intervention in Mali also will be topics for talks.

“We see increasingly a recognition that we have a common problem that we need to contend with together” Blinken said of discussions among the U.S. and allies about porous borders, ungoverned territory, loose weapons and unstable governments in North Africa and the Middle East and the potential for the spread of extremism and violence.

“This requires a comprehensive approach,” Blinken said. “It also requires a common approach” and Biden wants “to confer with leaders about that.”

January 31st, 2013, 1:27 pm


MarigoldRan said:

@ Zoo

Ha ha ha. At least you’re more clever than Revenire.

Fair enough.

January 31st, 2013, 1:29 pm


zoo said:

#249 Mari

The opposition has no choice. They will show some symbolic resistance, putting some new conditions on the West like guarantees they will get positions in the new government and continued funding but after a little while, they will dicreetly negotiate while Bashar is in power.

January 31st, 2013, 1:34 pm


MarigoldRan said:

@ Zoo

Ok. That’s your position.

My position:

I don’t think that’s going to happen. Besides the hatred and the anger and the fact that there’s really nothing to negotiate about (everything’s already destroyed), there is the problem that there is no such “opposition” that you speak of. In fact, there’s dozens of different opposition groups INSIDE the country.

Khatib doesn’t speak for any of them. Or at least none of the ones that are actually doing the fighting.

The war continues. There might be symbolic talks that drag on for years, but it will have no effect on the fighting.

If Syria re-establishes a government again, 10 years from now, the only government that will be acceptable will be the Lebanese one. The other alternatives are partition, or genocide.

January 31st, 2013, 1:36 pm


zoo said:


We’ll see.. You obviously know little about the mentality in the Middle East. What will happen will be a good lesson for you.
Al Khatib will meet with Biden and Lavrov.. With whom are the armed gangs in Syria meeting with?

January 31st, 2013, 1:39 pm


MarigoldRan said:

We’ll see. I think you’re wrong. It’ll be a good lesson for you. Look at Lebanon.

January 31st, 2013, 1:40 pm


AIG said:

“You obviously know little about the mentality in the Middle East”

Says the disciple of the “genius” that predicted that the Arab Spring will not come to Syria one month before it did.

If Assad understood the middle east and the mentality of his own people would Syria be in the position is is now? You are clueless and grasping at straws. Whatever you say has zero credibility given the actual facts on the ground in Syria.

January 31st, 2013, 1:50 pm


revenire said:

Hmm. I wonder if al-Khatib’s life is in danger now?

Al-Moaz’s statements, posted on his Facebook page, were later taken down and replaced by another posting in which he clarified he would be negotiating a transitional phase “to prevent more bloodshed” and asserting that he was expressing his personal opinion.

“There are those who sit on their couches and say … do not negotiate. We don’t negotiate about the regime remaining, but for its departure at the lowest cost in blood and destruction,” he wrote.

The Syrian National Council, the largest group in the coalition, said al-Khatib’s statements do not reflect the position of the coalition, which refuses to negotiate with a “criminal regime.”

“No dialogue with the butchers,” Suheir Atassi, a senior member of the coalition, wrote on her Twitter account.

January 31st, 2013, 1:56 pm


zoo said:

Latest: The opposition is Cairo is not putting anymore the resignation of Bashar al Assad as a prerequisite to negotiations but as a ‘focus’ of the negotiation.

As predicted they are coming out with some remarks that are supposed to be face saving. They now declare that the goal of the negotiation is the removal of the regime and all its pillars.
That was Russia’s position all along: the removal of the regime may come after the negotiations not before and also after consultation with the Syrian people.

In other word, it seems that the opposition is accepting that negotiations should start while Bashar is in power.

Any dialogue must focus on the departure of Assad regime (opposition)

AFP | 01.31.2013 | 8:40 p.m.

The Coalition of the Syrian opposition said Thursday that any dialogue should focus on the departure of the regime of President Bashar al-Assad, a day after a surprise announcement of its head that he was “ready to discuss with representatives of the regime. ”

At the end of its meeting in Cairo, the coalition said in a statement that “any negotiation or dialogue should focus on the departure of the regime and all its pillars,” saying “welcome any political solution or international effort to achieve this goal” .

January 31st, 2013, 2:03 pm


zoo said:

Al Khatib has been courageous to stand in front of the other op expats and say: Enough is Enough, we will negotiate and we will have Bashar go without further killings and deaths.

I hope he survives Al Nusra, the FSA and the other op expats’s knives.

January 31st, 2013, 2:17 pm


Visitor said:

MajedK @235 said,

“…talking like a crazy man , just ran away from insanity prison, ???????
His analysis is so stupid,and out of line, he sounds like Ghawwar”

I fully concur. that has been the case since he was shown to be a fake poster full of lies and deception. He knows now that his credibility is a BIG O – ZERO.

That’s what we should keep emphasizing MajedK in order to make him irrelevant with every contributor here at SC except for idiots like him.

Just look at the stupidity of iterpreting the statement from Cairo in which he claims that it is in conformity with Russian position:

“AFP | 01.31.2013 | 8:40 p.m.

The Coalition of the Syrian opposition said Thursday that any dialogue should focus on the departure of the regime of President Bashar al-Assad, a day after a surprise announcement of its head that he was “ready to discuss with representatives of the regime. ”

How can any idiot interpret it that way?

To me, who is neither a fan of NC nor SNC, which I made clear several times, I read the statement to mean No dialogue with Bashar or any of his criminal thugs. Period!!

January 31st, 2013, 2:19 pm


ghufran said:

“Revolutions always create great leaders”
I think most of us would agree that this statement is not true, the examples are all over the place especially in the Middle East.
Revolutions often replace hated regimes with a new group of thugs, Iran as an example. Islamists in Syria want to use the blood of Syrians to capture power while their leaders are in Europe and the US waiting for the right moment to go back as “heroes” , that happened in Egypt and we are seeing that play in a number of countries.
What is happening in Syria today is no longer a revolution, I am not sure it ever was, and I certainly would like to see those “great leaders” mr khaldoun is talking about.
Only a pleural democracy,as dysfunctional as it might be, will work in a country like Syria, Islamists talk about it but we know they are lying, citing Turkey as an example of an islamist democracy is an insult to our intelligence and to history, Turkey did not get to where it is today until after decades of military rule and secular government, what some people here wants is a theocracy wearing a democracy dress.
(mr khaldoun, read this post twice,please, and help me correct any grammar mistakes)

January 31st, 2013, 2:27 pm


Observer said:

ZOO I thought the opposition is irrelevant and Alkhatib is a stooge and a stupid and a retard and a traitor now you hope he stays on board.
Do I read desperation here?

Meanwhile the latest is that the SAA Air Force has just broke the sound barrier over……TelAviv? No Bousra Alharir

January 31st, 2013, 2:40 pm


omen said:

river of hell



yesterday bbc world news didn’t even cover this story. they failed to run footage of this nightmare.

if this had happened in any other country, this story would have been the headline lead in broadcast news over the course of a few days. instead, this was run as just a one day blip. if the west was intent on regime change, corporate media wouldn’t be this preferential to bashar in shielding the regime from direct responsibility by muddying the waters and blaming both sides.

January 31st, 2013, 2:48 pm


revenire said:

Guess the opposition has given up on Assad leaving. I imagine this makes the terrorists very angry.

Maybe Moaz al-Khatib has had a “Damascus Road” conversion.

Visitor perhaps they will appoint you lead negotiator? I doubt it by maybe.


January 31st, 2013, 2:51 pm


revenire said:

Omen it should be news. Those men were executed because they would not join the terrorists.

January 31st, 2013, 2:51 pm


omen said:


Ms. Sherlock, of The Daily Telegraph, reported that many of the dead were residents of rebel-held areas whose families said they disappeared after traveling to government-held areas.

January 31st, 2013, 2:57 pm


revenire said:

Oh yeah, we trust the British. LOL poor Omen – his boy has given up on removing Assad and now wants to discuss a face-saving surrender.

January 31st, 2013, 3:09 pm


revenire said:

Wow, that has to be demoralizing for the fighters on the ground. What are the rats dying for if their leader is just going to cut a deal with Assad?

January 31st, 2013, 3:16 pm


omen said:

“These are my sons,” said Abu Mohammed, 73, as he shuffled towards the corpses laid out in rows in a schoolyard. A relative held his arm, as he stared at the exposed faces of the victims.

His legs buckled as he recognised the two young men, no older than 30, as his sons. They had travelled to central Aleppo, which is still in the hands of the Syrian government, 20 days before.

“They thought they had nothing to fear from the government, so they went to renew their identity cards. But they didn’t come back. Now I have found them here.”

January 31st, 2013, 3:17 pm


revenire said:

Now Al Khatib is branded a traitor?

Sheikh Al Khatib, who was chosen as head of the Syrian National Coalition last year, listed two preconditions for the talks: the release of 160,000 prisoners detained in the regime’s jails and the extension or renewal of passports of Syrians living abroad for a minimum of two years.

His proposal was rejected by the Syrian opposition groups that insist on Mr Al Assad’s stepping down as a preamble to any dialogue with the regime. Members of the opposition coalition said Mr Al Khatib’s statements reflected his personal opinions and are in contrast with the provisions of the Doha agreement. Other opposition factions went as far as accusing him of treason.

“Accusations of treason are nothing new to the opposition’s vernacular. In fact, they are an integral part of it,” the writer said. “Opposition figures use them against anyone who disagrees with them. Thus, Sheikh Al Khatib, yesterdays hero elected unanimously to lead the opposition coalition, is now viewed as the murderous regime’s partner in crime.”

However, Mr Al Khatib’s proposal wasn’t arbitrary. He based it on data and facts made available to him in the past two weeks during his participation with international powers in London and Paris, where his hopes for increased military support for the opposition were shut down.

The West, mainly the US, gave up on the idea of arming the rebel fighters. President Barack Obama emphasised it in his inauguration speech as he confirmed his inclination towards peaceful dialogue. It was a clear message to the Syrian opposition that the US would not interfere militarily in the Syrian crisis.

January 31st, 2013, 3:30 pm


Dolly Buster said:

244. revenire said:

Israel knows Hezbollah has at least 70,000 rockets (and if Hezbollah has 70,000 how many does Syria have? 300,000? More?). They’re afraid of them.

Israel is extremely strong militarily, it could destroy the entire country of Russia if it came to war.

So, some monkeys from Hezboshaytan and their ridiculous firecrackers are no obstacle at all.

Shiites should just give up and realize their time has passed. There was a moment after 2003 when they formed a Shia Crescent. But now: every Shiite power is crashing down simultaneously. Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, and Iran, will all see diminished influence of these magian bastards.

January 31st, 2013, 3:51 pm


majedkhaldoun said:

Omen 269
This is a proof that the regime killed those young men.

Zoozoo said there is barbwire crossing Quaqe river, this is a lie Zoozoo, show it , you can not prove it, the video did not show such barbwire..
Between lies,crazy analysis,failed predictions and delusion, Zoozoo has no credibility

January 31st, 2013, 3:55 pm


revenire said:

Israel could destroy Russia? It couldn’t even destroy Hamas. That’s funny but knock yourself out. There is nothing wrong with fantasies. Each day we see terrorist supporters here claiming mobs of convicts and rats can win against a national army.

I think it would be a mistake for Syria to attack Israel now and I doubt anyone in a position of leadership in the SAA even considers it. That would be just what the West wants.

January 31st, 2013, 3:58 pm


Citizen said:

It would be nice if Syrian Army decided to bomb Dimona complex in reply !
illegal production of deadly nuclear warheads to be destroyed! where are roosters of prohibition of weapons of mass destruction? are they blind ?
272. DOLLY BUSTER said:
Israel is extremely strong militarily, it could destroy the entire country of Russia if it came to war.
Is it your time come to drink a breast milk baby ?

January 31st, 2013, 4:18 pm


Citizen said:

262. It’s okay to ask Vinogradov and to remember ego of Führer!

January 31st, 2013, 4:26 pm


Citizen said:

Syria files UN complaint over Israeli airstrike, Iran warns of ‘serious consequences’

January 31st, 2013, 4:40 pm


AIG said:

And Assad continues killing his own people and doing nothing about Israel. The way of the coward. Just as all regime supporters are. They talk big but think “it is not a good idea to attack Israel” and find 100 reasons to justify their cowardice and humiliation.

January 31st, 2013, 4:49 pm


omen said:

The FSA is allied with Israel.

unsupported fiction. if this was true, fsa would be lavishly supported. you know this isn’t the case. they are still desperate for arms and even bullets. the reason rebels had to resort to looting is because they’ve gotten so little monetary support from countries that had pledged to subsidize them with salary.

in fact, it’s reasonable to assume israel/aipac lobbying has prevented the US from properly arming the rebels the very weapons needed to neutralize the regime’s airforce.

another curiosity. the israeli strike story helped knock the river of hell atrocity out of the headlines.

January 31st, 2013, 4:59 pm


Visitor said:

New successes for FSA, and additional defeats for criminal regime:

FSA shoots down plane laden with weapons near Damascus (????? ???? ????????)

FSA shoots down a MIG above airport Sean in Damascus countryside.

FSA destroys T-82 tank and three armoured vehicles.

FSA shells the Military Vehicle Administration in 7Harasta.

FSA gains control over the town of Janoudia (population 60000) in Idlib countryside.

Criminal regime continues to fail in its desperate attempt to occupy Darayya eighty days since its campaign began. FSA continues to control it.

Criminal regime lost 10 tanks and over 100 hell-bound thugs over the last few days in its desperate attempt to gain control of Darayya.

The only success the criminal regime was able to achieve today was to commit more crimes against civiliaans and more destructions on residential neighbourhoods.

See here,

January 31st, 2013, 5:05 pm


revenire said:

The masters of the FSA – the West – would like nothing better than for Syria to retaliate against Israel on their terms so they can start bombing Syria.

Of course Israel and the FSA are allies. You hear no condemnation of Israel from the FSA. Israel and the FSA both want to destroy Syria and her army.

January 31st, 2013, 5:05 pm


revenire said:

Palestinian hero Leila Khaled opposes US machinations in Mid East
‘We stand by the Syrian Army and the people of Syria’

Would you explain the position of PFLP on the imperialist aggression in Syria?

Now, they want to establish the “Greater Middle East Initiative” using religious and sectarian conflict. This is what is going on in Syria. According to the last census, there are 11 million, 800 thousand Palestinians. But only a quarter of this population is living on Palestinian land. A huge population is exiled and the only country that has received that population with open arms is Syria. What was done to us is now being done to Syria.

I am screaming with the top of my voice: We stand by the Syrian Army and the people of Syria. We are confident in the people of Syria, who have taken us, Palestinians, under their wings and hosted us on their land for over sixty years. We are confident that they will prevail over this problem.

January 31st, 2013, 5:08 pm


zoo said:

I am hearing teeth grinding at Al Khatib U-turn. A U-turn applauded by all Western countries, the UN and discreetly by the AL.

I still think that Qatar and Turkey are behind Al Khatib spectacular declaration. I do not know their reasons.
Yet Al Khatib showed courage to take it publicly, knowing he would be criticized and could be in danger.
I hope his meeting with Biden and Lavrov with strenghten him as he is facing violent reactions from the expats op and FSA-Al Nusra.

The Geneva accord “ambiguity” that Ibrahimi pointed out to UNSC may be finally clarified:
Negotiations with the syrian government will take place while Bashar is still power.

If all goes well, I see the Geneva accord be ratified in an UNSC resolution.

Die hards! get used to that…

January 31st, 2013, 5:34 pm


Syrialover said:

Syria a top focus for Biden 3-country trip

WASHINGTON — The ongoing civil war in Syria will be a primary focus when Vice President Joe Biden embarks on a three-country swing through Europe.

Biden leaves Thursday for Germany, France and the United Kingdom. It’s his first international trip since the Obama administration’s second term started.

While in Munich, Biden will meet with Moaz al-Khatib, Syria’s top opposition leader, and with Lakhdar Brahimi, the international peace envoy for Syria. Biden will also discuss the Syrian conflict with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. Russia plays a key role in international efforts to resolve the conflict due to its longstanding ties to Syrian President Bashar Assad’s regime.

Syria is also expected to come up when Biden meets with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, British Prime Minister David Cameron and French President Francois Hollande.

January 31st, 2013, 5:39 pm


zoo said:

Majie #273

It was reported here, I did not invent it. I always indicate the source of my information. You never do that!

The diplomat reminded the claims of Syrian opposition that the bodies have flown down from the government-held areas were groundless because the river was crossed upstream by the barbed wire.

January 31st, 2013, 5:47 pm


Citizen said:

If you add up the strangeness with the Syrian air defense with the political results of the Israeli raid, the logical explanation would be the version agreed by all relevant parties in Syria Marlezonski Ballet decision.
Syria and Russia – were removed from important defense facilities, U.S. – knew and said nothing, Arabs – have reacted in the right way, Israel – hung on a greater target. Decision that the new target for the passionate energy of the Middle East is Israel. Nothing personal – just Occam’s razor and the available information. To whom it may seem strange part of Tel Aviv, but in history, Jews have repeatedly betrayed the Jews for their own personal goals. Become clear and the motives of such key figures as His Highness the Aga Khan, who had been silent for so long about what is happening in Syria, and all of a sudden, the other day decided to support the government of Assad. The leader of the Ismaili figure is not very simple; it is enough to say that in addition to the vast personal wealth, and leadership of the Ismaili community, His Majesty as a relative of the British royal family, and the German high society.

It may seem brutal – this turn of events obviously endangers the lives of ordinary citizens of Israel. But cynical geopolitics suffers sentiments only as propaganda. Actually, Washington has meant that, in its strategic planning based on the fact that for the foreseeable future, the state of Israel will disappear from the map of the Middle East. It is logical to assume that the written off assets to try to use the full before disposal. For example, the thinning ranks particularly zealous defenders of Islam – after the Israeli army is not the weakest in the region. The future will tell …

January 31st, 2013, 5:50 pm


zoo said:

From the Opposition meeting in Cairo: waiting to USA and Russia

Reached by phone by AFP in Beirut, Walid al-Bunni, a spokesman for the Coalition, stated that “there was no dissent at the meeting, there was certainly clarifications regarding the way ( Mr. Khatib did) his statements, but there was no dissension at all. “He added that the opposition “is waiting” to see the results of Russian-American talks. “We will then adopt a position. There is a solution that is taking shape and we are preparing politically for everything that can be decided,” he added without giving further details.

The representative of the Syrian opposition in France, Monzer Makhous, explained “the easing of” Mr. Khatib by the fact he “feels a special responsibility to try to resolve the situation in front of the catastrophe in Syria.” He said that the discussions would happen without President Assad and his entourage which he described as “war criminals.”

January 31st, 2013, 6:04 pm


Syrialover said:

As one observer tweeted, those “Syrian opposition members” criticizing Khatib are sitting safe on their sofas yelling against discussions, instead calling for more killing, more chaos and destruction until the Muslim Brotherhood get what they want in their plan to grab power.

Disgusting. Will more public commentators please name and shame the MB and their buddies in the SC, revealing their distance from involvement in the revolution and lack of connections inside Syria.

Expose their delusionary plans to hitch a free ride to power climbing over the backs of others.

For Syria’s sake, Syrians working towards post-Assad Syria need to publicly and loudly outflank and reject the MB elements disrupting the opposition NOW, not later.

The MB and Assadists – basically on the same side of the fence (including traditional links with Iran).

January 31st, 2013, 6:05 pm


Syrialover said:

Here’s a top quality think piece, way above most other things on what’s happening in the ME. I didn’t tick every single point, but there was a lot to agree with and reflect on.

Read it and you’ll feel you’ve eaten a nourishing meal after being drowned in junk food snacks.

Article:” The myth of the Islamist winter”

Egypt and Tunisia aren’t sliding into chaos – they are simply learning how to be democracies.

(originally published in French)

January 31st, 2013, 6:21 pm


omen said:

is there video or photos showing the aftermath of the israeli air strike?

January 31st, 2013, 7:09 pm


revenire said:

Omen there is this thing called “Google” and this other thing called “YouTube” to search for things.

January 31st, 2013, 7:36 pm


Akbar Palace said:

“You obviously know little about the mentality in the Middle East”

This is a code phrase from the ME thugs and their supporters that excuses regime violence and mistreatment of the population.

But G-d forbid if Israel builds a house over an artificial boundary…OMG!

January 31st, 2013, 8:03 pm


Ghufran said:

Sayda of the SNC is as lonely as a straight guy in a gay bar ( I am in love with the analogy):
???? ?? ?? ???? ???? ????? ??????? ???? ???? ???? ????? ??? ??? “??? ??????? ????? ?????? ? ????? ????? ????? ?????? ? ??? ?????? ??????? ?? ?????? ?????? ????? ????? ?????? ??????? ??????? ??????? ??? ???????? ?????? ??????? ????????, ???? ????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ??????? ????? ?? ????? ?? ???? ??? ???? ?????? ??????? ?????? ???????, ??? ?? ?????? ???? ?????? ??????? ?? ????? ???????? ??? ????? ???? ????? ????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ????? ????? ??? ????? ?????? ?? ????? ???? ?????? ?????? ???????? ???????? ?????? ?????? …
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January 31st, 2013, 8:05 pm


Visitor said:

As I have been predicting when the weather was freezing, that come the warmer winds of spring, our FSA heroes and the vanguards of the holy Nusra warriors will move on the offensive once again in order to route the thugs, remnants of the Mongolian rejects and the abomination of the human race descendants of Nazism that currently occupy Damascus.

Sure enough this is the case and the battle of Damascus is heatimg up as the first winds of spring begin thawing the cold hills and plains surrounding it.

On the other hand Assad thug is digging a trench around the airport. But, Allah Willing, we will see the airport in the hands of our fearless fighters once the Nusra puts its efforts towards achieving the goal,

The dogs may continue to bark. However we do not perceive any effect from such canine distraction on the forward march of our heroes towards final victory against the epitome of evil.

January 31st, 2013, 8:26 pm


zoo said:

USA-RUSSIA plan: The Syrian Coalition discarded from the negotiation process

Russian and Turkish FMs to talk Syria
During the meeting, Lavrov is expected to inform Davuto?lu about ongoing trilateral talks between Russia, the United States and the United Nations special envoy for Syria, Lakhdar Brahimi, as part of the Geneva Agreement.

With concerns that al-Assad’s immediate fall would create chaos in Syria, Washington is considering a gradual transition in the country that would commence by creating the necessary conditions for fair elections.

Washington’s proposal to Moscow

In the meantime, as the Syrian National Coalition seems to be far from becoming a strong body that could lead an interim government, Washington proposed to Russia the joint preparation of a list of potential government officials who could lead the process. A separate body to provide security in the country is also being considered as part of the talks.

According to diplomatic sources, although it sounds good in theory, its implementation is unlikely to be possible as an agreement on whether or not the process will include al-Assad has not been reached.

Al-Khatib’s recent statement that they could talk to al-Assad has prompted questions. Turkish Foreign Ministry spokesperson Selçuk Ünal described the possibility as hypothetical and said al-Assad had refused similar calls in the past.


January 31st, 2013, 8:29 pm


zoo said:

Turkey’s focus ‘shifts’ from Syria to Baghdad ( where the real business is)

Turkey’s focus in Washington is shifting to Iraq from Syria, according to Jim Jeffrey, ex-US envoy to Iraq and Turkey, due to the Obama administration’s reluctance to intervene in the Syrian conflict

January 31st, 2013, 8:32 pm


Ghufran said:

Jonathan Steele- The Guardian:

The motives behind Israel’s attack on Syria on Wednesday are still as obscure as the nature of the target. But two things seem clear. It was related to Israel’s long war with Hezbollah in Lebanon rather than any desire to intervene in the fighting in Syria. Yet the attack was also a reminder that Syria’s turmoil is having dangerously unpredictable consequences across the region.
Finding a viable political solution is therefore all the more urgent. So it was good to hear that Moaz al-Khatib, who leads the Syrian National Coalition – the group of exiles who support armed intervention against the Syrian government and are backed by western and Gulf Arab states – now advocates talks with Basher al-Assad’s people. This is not the view of French, British and US leaders or most of Khatib’s Syrian colleagues, who talk vaguely of a political outcome but only mean Assad’s unilateral surrender.
Their unrealistic line was on display again on Monday, when France hosted the so-called Friends of Syria. Its analysis was gloomy. State institutions are collapsing, Islamist groups are gaining ground, more and more Syrians are dying, and there is no breakthrough in sight. “We cannot let a revolution that started as a peaceful and democratic protest degenerate into a conflict of militias,” said Laurent Fabius, the French foreign minister, even as he talked of more aid on the battlefield.
Several civic groups that reject the armed struggle were equally pessimistic at a meeting in Geneva. Theirs is the voice of Syria’s secular intelligentsia, who oppose foreign military intervention and favour a ceasefire and a negotiated solution on the lines that Lakhdar Brahimi, the UN/Arab League mediator, is trying to broker. Because they do not support the western line, they tend to be ignored by foreign politicians.
Many live in Syria. Indeed, their contingent in Geneva would have been more impressive if the Swiss had not denied visas for almost 60 people. Rajaa al-Nasser, a Syrian lawyer from the National Co-ordination Body for Democratic Change, says a Swiss official told him the reason was political. Haytham Manna, the leader of the NCB’s foreign wing, believes France asked the Swiss to block insiders who might puncture the myth that the west’s clients represent all Syrian opinion. The Swiss foreign ministry was not available for comment.
Assad’s non-violent opponents agonise most over whether to accept his recently renewed offer of a “national dialogue”. Several have spent years in prison and distrust the government. But as casualties go on rising, those oppositionists who favour negotiations won out in Geneva, calling for talks on a new constitution and a transitional government.

January 31st, 2013, 8:36 pm


zoo said:

The monarchies have chosen evolution over revolution. So far, it seems the better course.

Arab Spring’s hits and misses

By Fareed Zakaria, Published: January 30

But then Egypt started going down the wrong path, and Jordan made a set of wise choices.

Put simply, Egypt chose democratization before liberalization. Elections became the most important element of the new order, used in legitimizing the new government, electing a president and ratifying the new constitution.
In Jordan, by contrast, the king did not rush to hold elections (and was widely criticized for his deliberate pace). Instead, he appointed a council to propose changes to the constitution. The members consulted many people in Jordan and in the West to determine how to make the country’s political system more democratic and inclusive.

January 31st, 2013, 8:43 pm


Visitor said:

Special greetings go to all the FSA commaders who declared today without any room for doubt or misinterpretations that there will be no talks whatsoever with the criminal regime, and they further declared that any person, particularly a novice politicians, in an obvious reference to Moaz, is not part of the glorious revolution when he calls for any kind of dialog outside of these parameters.

Therefore, I tell those who keep misinterpreting, that their delusions are in vain. In addition, those who claim attachement to the FSA and keep playing with their tails right and left are pathetic hypocrites and the revolution will exorcize them to irrelevamce.

FSA will bring victory with Allah’s Grace and not through talking to criminals.

January 31st, 2013, 8:54 pm


apple_mini said:


Israel attacked Syria and her sovereignty was violated. Since the opposition considers the current Syria government is illegitimate and the opposition is the sole legitimate representative of Syria, the opposition must first condemn the attack and launch retaliation against Israel. Instead, the opposition is still attacking the regime’s institutes, destroying SAA’s military capabilities.

By accusing the regime being coward, is that exactly accusing the regime’s failing of its responsibility to protect Syria sovereignty? Is this exactly admitting the legitimacy of the regime?

January 31st, 2013, 9:07 pm


revenire said:

Ziad reminds us of what’s important in life.

SyrPer confirms the deaths of the following roaches at Al-Sabina and Hajr Al-Aswad:

Taha Oussama
Muhammad Ramadan
Ghanem Al-Ghanem
Yasser Al-Hajj
Riyad Al-Burghush

In a continuing operation at Al-Nabak, the following additional rats were killed:

Hazem Al-Rifa’i
Muheeb Al-Jabrani
Tariz Ahmad Al-Ma’touq
Ali Hussein Madani
Taher Makram Dreikneh
Khaled Al-Rifa’i

January 31st, 2013, 9:10 pm


revenire said:

There’s no place to hide:

In Darayya, a rat nest was uncovered with rats inside. According to Monzer, the troops were warned that the nest was not empty and they went in with machine guns, on automatic, spraying everything. This battle took place at Al-Shreida and netted the following carcasses:

Qutayba Khudeir
Abdul -Razzaq Khalil
Fadl Muhammad Alloush
Hussein Mahmoud Al-Hussayni
Hatem Al-Qaadiri
“Abu Umar Al-Shami”, his i.d. still pending

At the Shrine of Our Lady Sakina in Darayya, several IEDs were dismantled by sappers.

Watch this long video showing the liberation of Darayya by Tischtern and posted by John Esq.:–NfY9M&

Another video taken by some rube shows our tanks in combat in Darayya. The use of the expression Allahu Akbar makes you almost sick when it’s repeated constantly:

January 31st, 2013, 9:12 pm


Ghufran said:

Cayanne- 14 year old girl from Aleppo
(source CNN):
I am angry and I feel hatred to the people that are ruining my country, anyone who is holding a gun and shooting no matter which side they’re on. Those who stole my childhood and that of so many others.
My dream was to apply to universities with my friends as well as cry tears of joy when we threw our graduation hats in the air. Now that was crushed to pieces. One part of me, knows that this isn’t good bye, and that no matter where this crazy world takes us when the time is right we will return.
Another part of me is scared that more people will die, even if they are not close to me. Everyone has a family, friends and they suffering. I am scared that I will lose the hope that I now have about being able to return, and being left with nothing but memories.

January 31st, 2013, 9:15 pm


MarigoldRan said:

Syria is not a country anymore, so what sovereignty was violated? Israel was stopping one armed militia (the regime) from transporting arms to another armed militia (Hezbollah). From Israel’s perspective (now I’m not saying their perspective is correct), the purpose of the bombing was to kill terrorists.

After all, both the regime and Hezbollah ARE terrorists.

In the meantime, the war continues.

EDIT: As Visitor mentioned, Khatib does not speak for the fighters on the ground. They will not negotiate.

January 31st, 2013, 9:31 pm


apple_mini said:

If the FSA rejects civilian part of the opposition, then the FSA will lose its camouflage and become plain militias. The FSA will get rejected by its foreign backers, in particular, the Turkey government.

Sooner or later, their supply will get so dried up that they have no choice but disbanding themselves.

If the FSA is able to analyze their future and battle ground situation, I am pretty sure they will reach the same conclusion.

If the FSA is playing a game now and trying to squeeze more power out in their favor, I hope the NC is getting ready to deal with it.

January 31st, 2013, 9:49 pm


zoo said:


“They will not negotiate.”

They won’t need to, they’ll probably be crushed before they change their mind.
The solution is no more in the hands of the armed rebels. They can claim victories on all the military bases they want, they are doomed. I expect massive ‘defections’ the other way when their salaries won’t be paid anymore by Qatar and KSA and they run out of weapons.

The solution is now in the hands of the USA-RUSSIA and the UN. It’s in stage 5.

January 31st, 2013, 9:50 pm


MarigoldRan said:


You and other regime supporters have been making predictions since TWO YEARS AGO that the FSA will be crushed.

The FSA has not been crushed. In fact, the FSA controls more of the country than ever before. If the regime could not beat the FSA in January of LAST YEAR, how do you expect the regime to win IN THE PRESENT YEAR?

@ Apple Mini

The civilian part of the FSA honestly have no desire to negotiate either. Nor does America or Qatar or Saudi Arabia, or Turkey. They will continue to support the FSA and the refugees with humanitarian aid (and in the case of Saudi Arabia- with weapons too) REGARDLESS of whether the civilian side of the FSA wants to negotiate.

In other words, there really is no incentive for the FSA to negotiate. Once again, what is there to negotiate about? The country’s already destroyed, and they’re not receiving weapons from the West anyways.

@ Everyone

As I’ve said before, the war continues.

January 31st, 2013, 9:55 pm


MarigoldRan said:

According to the perspective of the West, the situation in Syria is a bunch of armed militias fighting against one another. The country has no sovereignty. However, the West considers the regime to be worse than any of the other groups in Syria.

In other words, Obama doesn’t want anything to do with Syria. He’ll provide humanitarian aid, but that’s about it. But similarly, it also means America has absolutely no leverage over the fighting arm of the FSA.

So if the fighting arm of the FSA chooses not to negotiate, then the war continues. It doesn’t really matter what the West says or does. And it doesn’t even really matter what Al Khatib or the NC says or does. Regime supporters who think this will be determined by America or Russia or any of the politicians OUTSIDE of the country are delusional.

The people in control of the situation are the people on the ground with the weapons. And they (at least on the FSA side) intend to fight. Forever, if necessary.

January 31st, 2013, 10:01 pm


zoo said:

Now that Miss Piggy got glasses and is leaving her job, she starts to throw all kind of empty warnings.

She’ll be quickly forgotten.
She’s been the stupidest secretary of states in years.

January 31st, 2013, 10:03 pm


MarigoldRan said:

I don’t agree. Under her watch, both Syria and Iran are being bled to death at little cost to America. I would say that’s pretty smart, at least from the American perspective.

I’m not going to discuss the MORALITY of abandoning Syria to its fate. But from a realist perspective, she’s been pretty effective.

January 31st, 2013, 10:06 pm


Akbar Palace said:

…the opposition must first condemn the attack and launch retaliation against Israel.


Says who? Maybe the opposition doesn’t give a crap about Israel defanging thugs. Maybe all the opposition cares about is freedom right now.

January 31st, 2013, 10:07 pm


revenire said:

Funny, when I ask for anyone to name what part of Syria the FSA controls I never get an answer.

January 31st, 2013, 10:08 pm


MarigoldRan said:

The opposition as of now considers the regime to be worse than Israel. At least Israel doesn’t mass-shell and mass-bomb its villagers and cities. At least Israel doesn’t drive hundreds of thousands of SYRIANS into refugee camps.

Israel is a problem for the future. The regime is the problem of today.

January 31st, 2013, 10:08 pm


MarigoldRan said:

@ Revenire

Most of the countryside. And therefore most of the country.

The FSA can launch attacks into Damascus. Where are they launching these attacks from? After all, Damascus is in the middle of Syria.


January 31st, 2013, 10:10 pm


zoo said:

#308 MARI

You are totally wrong. First you were not here 2 years ago, second I had high hopes then that the FSA will not allow the Islamists to get in. When they used them in their ranks to carry suicide bombs, less than a year ago, I predicted the FSA has signed its death sentence.
I stick to my prediction.
As soon as there is a political agreement, most of the FSA will defect and the rest will be chased and killed. Some will find refuge and permanent exile in Turkey or joining the militias in Iraq. There will be a panic in their ranks.

January 31st, 2013, 10:10 pm


MarigoldRan said:

@ Zoo

You can believe what you want. But how long are you going to stick to that belief? For example, how long are you willing to wait before you’ll admit you’re wrong?

All evidence on the ground show that NO ONE in the fighting wing of the FSA is defecting to the regime’s side. They show NO INCLINATION of stopping the war. In fact, if anything the Islamists and Al-Nusra are GAINING in popularity as the war continues.

Your predictions have NOT borne out. The FSA continues to fight. And by all accounts, it appears they will fight indefinitely. The regime has not made any progress AT ALL over the last six months in re-taking the country.

What evidence do you have that the regime is making political or military progress?

January 31st, 2013, 10:12 pm


revenire said:

LOL @ most of the country

If that were true they’d set up a government in these liberated areas.

January 31st, 2013, 10:16 pm


zoo said:

Threatened Israel most likely behind airstrikes

Friday 1 February 2013

WHEN Israel refuses to confirm or deny reports of military action it is believed to have carried out, most intelligence analysts sit up and take notice.

It is a measure of how seriously the Israelis now take and react to the political disintegration of Syria and the capacity of jihadist and Islamic extremist elements to benefit from the chaos that they gambled on the strikes.

Israel is now faced with instability on every one of its borders – Lebanon, Syria, Jordan and Egypt/Gaza. These multiple threats have in turn created a new strategic environment in Israel.

In striking at Hezbollah’s capacity to arm itself with more sophisticated tactical weapons derived from Syria, Israel is laying down a marker.

The Israeli Government and military recognises President Assad’s regime is all too ready to acknowledge the debt it owes Hezbollah for the assistance it has rendered in attempts to quell the Syrian insurgency.

Given this, Jerusalem will do everything in its power to ensure Mr Assad is unable to repay that debt by providing his Hezbollah ally with the weapons and material to prepare for a war with Israel far more damaging than that of 2006 when the two implacable foes last crossed swords.

Yesterday Syria formally complained to the United Nations over the reported Israeli airstrikes. For now it’s as good a confirmation of the Israeli action as we are likely to get. That said, Damascus can complain all it wants. Israel rarely pays much attention to international diplomatic niceties when it perceives its security to be threatened. That much recent history in the Middle East has certainly shown us.

January 31st, 2013, 10:17 pm


MarigoldRan said:

@ Revenire

They will, once the regime is defeated.

I noticed there are no regime soldiers in those areas. But there are FSA soldiers. So if anything, the FSA control those places. Whoever has troops there controls it.

How do you think the FSA launches attacks into Damascus? From what bases are they being supplied from? After all, Damascus is in the middle of Syria.

January 31st, 2013, 10:19 pm


revenire said:

Well… the SAA has troops all over the country so if we go by your own words the government controls the entire nation.

You haven’t even named a single area but rather said the FSA controls the entire countryside thereby the entire nation.

Seems to me they tried to take a few small villages this week and the population there drove them out. Sure a few guys with guns can take over a chicken farm but that’s not really a strategic target.

Do they control the North? South? East? Any towns?

Name a town for me they control. Just one. It can be a tiny one but no chicken farms.

January 31st, 2013, 10:24 pm


zoo said:


“What evidence do you have that the regime is making political or military progress?”

I don’t have any, I am just inventing, just like all the newspapers do.

Have you ever looked at Syria map? Damascus is in the middle???

January 31st, 2013, 10:26 pm


MarigoldRan said:

Obvious ones:


Murat Al Numan


Al Bukamal (on the Iraq side)

Half of Aleppo

Most of Idlib

A Quarter of Damascus


Various border towns: Bab al Salam, Tal Abyad.

Half of Deir El Ezzor

January 31st, 2013, 10:28 pm


revenire said:

Mari I am sorry. The FSA does control the area of Aleppo where they dumped the bodies on the men they murdered who would not join al-Nusra. Sorry.

January 31st, 2013, 10:29 pm


MarigoldRan said:

@ Revenire

Before you challenge others on this, do a little bit of research first. It’s not hard. That way you’ll look less like an idiot.

EDIT: That wikipedia page includes a pretty good summary of what cities and towns are under whose hands. As usual, you are a retard. I think that’s pretty conclusive evidence you just got destroyed. AGAIN.

@ Zoo

Oh, so you’re making it up? Fair enough. Let’s see who is right. But your predictions so far have not done very well.

January 31st, 2013, 10:31 pm


revenire said:

Mari that is meaningless. This is your source? Ha ha.

January 31st, 2013, 10:38 pm


MarigoldRan said:

You have a better one? What is the evidence behind YOUR statement that the FSA doesn’t control any major towns or cities?

If not, then I think my evidence stands. It’s better than yours, at least.

January 31st, 2013, 10:40 pm


revenire said:

I suggest you talk to some Syrian, and other, government sources before you go wild with Wikipedia. The FSA holds nothing in Syria. In any contested cities the SAA could level the entire city but the FSA uses civilians as shields, as in Aleppo.

January 31st, 2013, 10:42 pm


MarigoldRan said:

In an argument, Revenire, I don’t have to prove that my position is air-tight. All I have to do is to prove that my position is BETTER THAN YOURS.

EDIT: So… show me a map from “government sources” that shows that most of the country is under regime control. Once again, you have not provided a link. I would prefer it in Arabic, if possible. After all, a “Syrian government map of government-controlled areas” should be in Arabic.

January 31st, 2013, 10:43 pm


revenire said:

What stops the SAA from bringing in heavy artillery and leveling anyplace you named? Civilians held hostage.

Ever studied MacArthur and how he handled certain islands the Japanese “held” in WW II? I have. 🙂

January 31st, 2013, 10:46 pm


MarigoldRan said:

Changing the topic again because you’re losing again?

I’m waiting for your evidence. IN ARABIC. After all, authentic Syrian government sources should be in Arabic.

January 31st, 2013, 10:46 pm


revenire said:

Ha ha ha.

If the FSA controlled anything their civilian shills would not be begging to negotiate.

Even Aleppo is nearly rat free.

January 31st, 2013, 10:51 pm


MarigoldRan said:

Squirm all you want. But I’m waiting for the evidence.

You said you had authentic government sources that back up your argument. Where are they?

January 31st, 2013, 10:52 pm


revenire said:

Reminds me of when you said I wanted to gas Sunni villages when I never said that did I? You’re a terrorist supporter who loves to lie.

Wonder what you will do when this war is over and Assad has won…

January 31st, 2013, 10:55 pm


MarigoldRan said:

Last time:

Since you brought up the subject of evidence, what is the evidence behind your claim that the FSA does NOT control a single city or town in Syria?

January 31st, 2013, 10:56 pm


revenire said:


January 31st, 2013, 10:57 pm


MarigoldRan said:

In other words, you have nothing.

Point, set, match.

You lose.

Good afternoon. You just got destroyed again.

January 31st, 2013, 10:58 pm


revenire said:

You come up with a Wiki map that is silly. It is garbage. You might as well have posted a map drawn by a child. It is a fantasy map made up of terrorist sources. No bearing on the ground.

Outside of guerillas taking over civilian homes and using them as shields they have nothing. Not one town you can name. You can name towns where there is a war going on. That isn’t control. It is a war.

Control is the government’s. If the Syrian government didn’t control the nation there would be no war.

People are going to college in Aleppo. Little kids go to school all over Syria. Who is running those schools? THE SYRIAN GOVERNMENT.


You are so stupid Mari.

January 31st, 2013, 11:02 pm


revenire said:

Mari I’ll tell you something: the situation on the ground is desperate for the FSA. This stooge who begged for negotiations knows it. He was told by his masters to shut up and do what he is told or he’s out. He asked because he knows his rat army is losing.

The FSA has zero chance of holding a farm house Mari. If they didn’t use civilians for shields the SAA would flatten them. Flatten.

You get sucked into propaganda – like Wiki. Use your head. The SAA has artillery that can level anything in Syria. They have 10s of 1000s of missiles. Israel must be very afraid of those weapons to do something as stupid as they did.

Clinton wasn’t smart. The entire policy is a failure. Iran won’t be bled. That’s more fantasy talk.

Where do you think Syrian children go to school? Qatar? LOL They go in Syria, in Syrian government schools.

The opposition beggar wanted Assad to fix the passports of a few rats. Syrian passports.

January 31st, 2013, 11:17 pm


Observer said:

I do hope that Dr. Landis posts the news clip on PBS the News Hour dated 1/31/2013 on the plight of Syrians trying to flee to Jordan and how the regime’s army shells them as they try to cross the border and how the FSA helps about 3000 people escape daily from Syria.

The majority of the people being ferried across in the darkness are old people and women and children. The FSA is doing a heroic job with the population.

The refugees have their entire villages destroyed by the regime.

Today there were three explosions in the Malki district. This is the one where there are several check points manned in depth to protect the boy.

A previous post had accurately described the revolution as being rural, pious, and deeply disenfranchised section of the population.

On a different note I wonder what do the regime supporters PREDICT for us as to the response that Syria will have for Israel.

WIll it be to fight Israel to the last Lebanese? WIll it be a barrage of missiles against airbases in Israel? Will it be a naval blockade of some sort? WIll it be a commando landing on Mount Hermon listening post?

Some response at the right time and in the right place as the Syrian Ambassador to Lebanon said will be coming.

So please grace us with your predictions and with your military knowledge of the situation and how to respond.

The people on the ground know that they are alone in this. That is already a sign of political maturity.

Mari, I suggest you visit SANA and sites for your inside information as well as Cham Press for the news of the regime defeating the FSA right and left. 🙂

You do not need anything more than to read the very sources of the regime to realize that the glorious SAA and its great warriors are in full control of Thouria and soon of Iraq and Lebanon and Palestine and they are marching on to liberate Iskanderun and to defeat Imperialist designs on the Arab Nation and they are on to stopping the hordes of the new Ottoman empire and will rain hellfire and brimstone on the enemies of the great resistance to hegemony and the forces of capitalism and exploitation of the masses and as the former prime minister of Syria said: he expects the hordes of the Baath party marching along the Champs Elysees (when he visited Paris in the sixties).

January 31st, 2013, 11:32 pm


ALI said:

Snapshots and some truth of what happened (I’m in no position to argue anybody about the following information because I’m just sharing what I have heard from relatives in Damascus)

– Some high ranking officers are very angry at the presidential place, actually they took off their badges of ranks demanding an action against the Israeli invasion

– There were two attacks with 12 jets entering the Syrian air-zone

– 7 jets attacked the scientific research center

– 5 jets attacked the army convoy heading to Lebanon

– There were extra 24 jets flying over the Mediterranean in close proximity to Lebanon as support and backup forces

– All jets came from Lebanon (not from Golan) and weren’t flying very low

– The main scanning radar station in Homs tracked the jets all the way since they’ve left Israel and transmitted timely latitude and longitude coordinates to antiaircraft stations around Damascus

– There were clear orders of NOT to intercept (interrogate), fire or down these jets

– Russia informed Damascus of a potential attack (on the research center)few days ago and guaranteed its limited target

– There were no advanced weaponry in the convoy, it was a traditional regular shipment from Iran to Hizbulah

– So far there’s no decision of taking a retaliation action as the main wing is in favor to not open another fighting front while doing good in subduing Jihadists.

January 31st, 2013, 11:33 pm


ALI said:

This attack was a trap by the Zionists to implicate the Syrian army in a secondary battle but (??? ????? ?? ?????) we are way smarter than this stupid games.

We shall restore the security and the internal national unity first then we will liberate Palestine from the river to the sea.

January 31st, 2013, 11:41 pm


MarigoldRan said:

@ Ali

Thank you. Don’t quite agree on the “doing good” part near the end but that’s a difference in opinion.

Regardless, the war continues.

January 31st, 2013, 11:43 pm


ALI said:

Thanks MarigoldRan

January 31st, 2013, 11:45 pm


revenire said:

Observer maybe you can inform me what part of Syria the FSA controls? Use the BBC as a source this time because they used those images from Iraq to try to say it was Syria.

We ditched Wiki as a source.

January 31st, 2013, 11:56 pm


majedkhaldoun said:

Syria after Assad will probably be destroyed, Syrians will need 20 year to recover economically, Syrian debts to Russia will have to be denied and the same to Iran,since both debts were to supply Assad with weapons to kill Syrians,Syria will need KSA and Qatar to finance the future economy, and we need Turkey, Assad destruction of Syria is the best help to Israel.
??? ???? .. ???? ???? ?? ????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ????? ??? ??? ???? ??? ??????? .. ??????? ??????? ???? ??? ??? ??? ???? ??????????
?? ?????

February 1st, 2013, 12:02 am


ALI said:


We need smart people like yourself post this (???? ) and we will reelect president Bashar for extra two terms.

February 1st, 2013, 12:05 am


revenire said:

Yes Ali but for life. Let’s get rid of the constitution and just make him King.

February 1st, 2013, 12:23 am


revenire said:

Ali my plan, based on relatives in Hama, is to carpet bomb the entire country. First we all defect to UAE and then we start. Two weeks later we move back and rebuild. Iran and Russia will get the lucrative contracts. Batta for life is my slogan.

February 1st, 2013, 12:25 am


majedkhaldoun said:

Israel attack on jemraya was intended to destroy chemical weapon factory, the attack on the convoy was a test, since there was no Syrian airforce response, the next attack was directed at the site where chemical weapons manufactured.
Most likely Israel will be encouraged to repeat such action, and will dare to go further north, Assad will be humiliated,if repeated,

February 1st, 2013, 12:27 am


revenire said:

Yes terrorist, we believe in the New York Times. It is like Allah whispering in our ears.

February 1st, 2013, 12:29 am


MarigoldRan said:


I would not treat Ali with disrespect. Your comments about making the current Assad king is dis-respectful. For some people this war is life and death. Even most Alawites would agree that when this ends, however it ends, the current Assad must leave. And I respect that, even if I disagree with their views.

On the other hand, if you praise Hafez Assad, that would be a different matter. Even I would admit that he was a capable, albeit misguided, ruler. Certainly much more capable than the current one.

February 1st, 2013, 12:48 am


revenire said:

Ali? He’s my cousin from Homs. Didn’t you know that? We’re both in favor of Assad forever or as we like to say it Assad or no one.

If they held elections tomorrow Assad would win over 70% of the vote, easily. He will be reelected in 2014.

February 1st, 2013, 1:06 am


revenire said:

Mari the students in Aleppo going to uni go to what kind of uni? A GOVERNMENT uni. A Syrian government uni (free by the way unlike the US for example).

Children all over Syria are in school Mari. Government schools.

I don’t know what planet you live on but there are no FSA schools. Or cities. Or towns.

There are just FSA terrorists that our army is killing. They’re killing them every single day. As I sit here and type more rats just were killed by our army.

February 1st, 2013, 1:16 am


ALI said:

” Assad will be humiliated,if repeated”

President Bashar will nor ever be humiliated (???? ???????), not responding to the Israeli invasion is a tactic.

Shame on all of you Syrian expats, it’s your country that you wishing for destruction and war.

February 1st, 2013, 1:22 am


Hopeful said:

This is why this regime must come to an end. Since the day I was born almost 50 years ago, I heard and witnessed similar stories.

This revolution, and others around the Arab World, started because of very simple issues: lack of basic human dignity and freedom, lack of accountability, and huge corruption. Everything else: foreign meddling, Nusra, Sunni vs Alawi, Israel, etc., is a distraction and an excuse. Every country in the world went through the transition, and it was time for Arab countries to pay their dues. It was just a matter of time.

Maybe we are 40 years late, but better late than never.

February 1st, 2013, 1:23 am


ALI said:

“This is why this regime must come to an end. Since the day I was born almost 50 years ago, I heard and witnessed similar stories. ”

What’s your beef with this regime? highly likely you were on a governmental scholarship before running away and abandoning your country and now you’re complaining about the regime

(????? ???? ? ????? ?????? ??? ???? ?? ???? ?? ???? ?????)

February 1st, 2013, 1:37 am


revenire said:

What Arab revolutions where? Libya? Worse than before and not a revolution but a NATO regime change? Egypt? Sliding into a Muslim Brotherhood hell…

Foreign intervention – LIKE ISRAEL BOMBING SYRIA – is a fact.

February 1st, 2013, 1:38 am


revenire said:

All these expats need to come home to Syria and join the reform process. Sending a check to Al-Qaeda just isn’t going to cut it.

February 1st, 2013, 1:40 am


ALI said:


(??? ???? ??? ???? ?? ??? ??? ?? ???)

No Bashar should stay only two terms till 2022 then new young blood should be given a chance after restoring the internal national unity, but Bashar could stay the statesman #1 who oversees everything.

At the same time Baa’th party should be revived and resurrected with new contemporary concepts after a massive clean out of old useless figures especially those men called Alhamar, Khadah and Sharr’a

February 1st, 2013, 1:46 am


ALI said:

“On the other hand, if you praise Hafez Assad, that would be a different matter. Even I would admit that he was a capable, albeit misguided, ruler. Certainly much more capable than the current one”

Unfortunately, God only created one Hafez and Basel was killed.

Back in the days the republican guards used to chant very beautiful song praising Hafez, it was a long one but a part of it said something like “just about time God to give your seat to Hafez)

“??? ?? ???? ???
???? ???? ????”

February 1st, 2013, 1:53 am


apple_mini said:

Compared to the rebels, the long term and more formidable enemy is Israel. Their attack is provocation while they are taking advantage of weakened Syrian self-defense system, thanks to the rebels!

The civil war is ongoing and it needs to end asap. If the regime opens another front with Israel, it will be a disaster. And the total collapse of the country will be much worse than sucking up humiliation from Israel.

The regime should not fall for this trap. I don’t care for the regime but the collapse of the regime now means the collapse of the country and hell will open to Syrians.

Russians should provide a little more air defense weapons immediately. I hope the Russian will do this in a flagrant way to put some heat directly towards Israel.

The regime needs to launch an overdrive propaganda campaign and clearly make the connection between the rebels and Israeli regime. Be sure to make the public be aware that a war right now between SAA and Israel is exactly what the rebels is desperately hoping for. And this is a carefully manufactured distraction and trap set up by Israel and the rebels, fervently indicting the rebels being Zionists.

The regime needs to turn the table and reflect the anger and frustration towards the rebels. The regime needs to let the public see the country is a hardened victim facing so much challenge in order to gain more support from the public to end this senseless civil war.

February 1st, 2013, 2:00 am


ALI said:

If anybody of your superficial opposition has a sense of nationalism of patriotism, should have declared unconditional support to the Syrian army in facing the Israeli invasion. If any of your FSA Jihadists has a dot of faith in their Allah, should have carried arms against the real enemy not against his old neighbors, coworkers, school friends and family relatives.

Non of your Mossad agents opposition leaders opened his filthy mouth in support to the families of martyrs who were killed by the fire of the ever since enemy called Israel.

February 1st, 2013, 2:01 am


ALI said:

“The regime needs to launch an overdrive propaganda campaign and clearly make the connection between the rebels and Israeli regime”

It’s very clear but those who in support for evil could only stand behind evil

February 1st, 2013, 2:03 am


MarigoldRan said:

Good to have you back, Ali.

Now (to the argument):

Is Israel truly an enemy that Syrians should be worried about? I’m being cynical here, but what exactly has Israel done against the Syrian people? Oh yes, they have fought wars against Syria and occupied Golan, and bombed Syria on occasion. But it is the Palestinians who have the true blood feud against Israel.

Compared to what Israel has done, the regime has done so much worse to the Syrian people. It is the regime that shelled and bombed cities, and started this civil war. It is the regime that drove hundreds of thousands, perhaps even millions of Syrians, into refugee camps in Jordan and Turkey. It is the regime who refused to negotiate with the protesters when there was a chance to, and who brought destruction to the country.

There were agent provocateurs on the protester’s side. But it was the regime that chose to be provoked. A smarter government, a more democratic one, would not have acted as the regime has. It would not have responded with artillery shells and snipers, bringing about this entire mess.

So in the end, it’s the regime’s responsibility. They were the ones in charge when the whole thing began. And they’re the ones who have the final responsibility for destroying the country.

The regime should not rule, because it no longer deserves to rule.

February 1st, 2013, 2:13 am


ALI said:


(??? ????? ???)

” they have fought wars against Syria and occupied Golan, and bombed Syria on occasion. But it is the Palestinians who have the true blood feud against Israel.”

Israel is an occupation and an illegitimate Zionist body which must be removed for the humanity good.

It’s not about us Syrians, it’s about our core Palestinian case. Palestine does not belong only to Palestinians, it’s for every decent freedom fighter who believes in human rights and justice.

In Qurdaha when a Palestinian comes to visit, people fight to host this person for a feast. Sunni people used to be supporters of Palestinians but by the tone of your comment it seems they have outsourced this task to only Shi’a

February 1st, 2013, 2:30 am


MarigoldRan said:

There is a greater blood feud now between the many groups in Syria than between them and Israel.

The immediate enemy first. Israel later.

Doesn’t the regime think this way too? Despite your words, I do not see your regime attacking Israel. They continue to use their planes and tanks on Syrian villages and towns.

EDIT: The old ways are dead, Ali. Those who cannot change with the times will be left behind or destroyed.

February 1st, 2013, 2:36 am


ALI said:

” Despite your words, I do not see your regime attacking Israel. They continue to use their planes and tanks on Syrian villages and towns.”

That’s really very lame to say for somebody smart like yourself MarigoldRan. You know sometimes you need to count to 10 and 11 before stepping into any fight so what about a war.

The Syrian army is not fighting Syrians, to the contrary it’s protecting Syrians. I’m sure after these two long years of systematic attack on civilians neighborhoods by Jihadists groups you could build an opinion of who’s actually killing who.

I do understand you have some issues maybe with Bashar or his family but please don’t let this hatred takes the vision out of your eyes. At the end of the day Bashar and all others will go away and only Syria will stay.

Did you start growing your beard and shortening your pants in readiness to visit the “liberated” lands by Nussra Jihadists? (is this your new Syria)

February 1st, 2013, 2:46 am


MarigoldRan said:

Well, I’ve tried to grow beards before, but I’ve never managed it. They’re itchy and they get dirty very easily. Honestly, I don’t understand some peoples’ infatuation with beards. So on this point I agree with you.


“The Syrian army is not fighting Syrians, to the contrary it’s protecting Syrians.”

On this I cannot agree with you. How exactly are you protecting Syrians when you’re shelling their villages? And even if you are indeed protecting Syrians as you claim to be, you’re doing a remarkably poor job of it. Hundreds of thousands, even millions, are refugees. And they do not intend to come home as long as your regime stands because they know they’ll be shelled again. After all, it was your regime that drove them out in the first place.

No one in the refugee camps trust your regime, Ali. Your ministers might tell them to come home with empty promises, but they aren’t coming home as long as your regime stands.

EDIT: And you do realize, Ali, that as long as there are hundreds of thousands of Syrians in refugee camps, the war will continue.

February 1st, 2013, 2:51 am


Syrialover said:

Haunting picture from the funeral of the victims of Bustan Al Qasr Massacre in Aleppo.


The sick and terrifying world created by Bashar Assad.

Human beings without protection,cruelly and randomly killed on the whim of their inferiors.

February 1st, 2013, 3:00 am


MarigoldRan said:


Regardless of the morality of the war, regardless of who is right and who is wrong, what I don’t understand is why did the regime choose this strategy of fighting?

Every family the regime drives into Turkey or Jordan or Lebanon is another potential recruit for the FSA. As long as there are refugees, the war continues. What’s the point of killing a guerilla, if two more replace him? Militarily, this counter-insurgency strategy by the regime has not been very successful. Wouldn’t you agree?

February 1st, 2013, 3:27 am


Syrialover said:


1. Why do you keep asking why Bashar Assad has acted so stupidly, violently and irrationally?

If you listened to his supporters and enemies alike you’d know it’s because he and his brother Maher are proudly channelling and reenacting the strategies of his dead father Hafez and war criminal uncle Rifaat. Bashar’s actions are a programmed reflex from his DNA, core culture and upbringing.

2. And when you express admiration for Hafez Assad (#352) it shows you know f*** all about Syria prior to 2000 and understand even less about the origins of the present situation.

To say vicious dictator Hafez Assad was “a capable if misguided ruler” casts a shadow over your intellectual and moral capability to comment realistically on Syrian matters.

February 1st, 2013, 4:19 am


Syrialover said:

I just took the time to read Brahimi’s report on the Syrian issue which he submitted to the UN Security Council on 29 January.

I’m glad I did.

I think it’s probably as good as it gets for an attempt at an overview perspective of what’s happening.

The report tries to present a non-politicized and solution-focused perspective.

It rings sincere and carries an authentic human voice. I felt Brahimi was more apologetic in it than he should be about the limitations of his comments.

Read it here:

“Brahimi’s 6 principles for a political transition in Syria”

February 1st, 2013, 5:36 am


MarigoldRan said:

Well, you know, despite everything I like Ali. He obviously admires Hafez Assad and for purposes of diplomacy I think it’s important to respect these views. And, if you look at it from their perspective, he was capable. Certainly more capable then the current Assad.

It’s important to understand your enemies or at least to try to understand them. Don’t forget that. The regime forgot that. And that is why it is losing. All successful guerillas should strive to learn as much about their opponents as possible (followed by an explanation of why their enemies are wrong). This should be taught in the FSA training camps just like how it was taught by the Viet Minh and the Chinese Communist Party during their wars.

Guerilla wars are not won by weapons (though they are necessary). It’s won by ideology, commitment, and belief.

February 1st, 2013, 5:38 am


Hopeful said:


My beef with the regime is summarized in my previous post. Like other Arab regimes, they deprived their people from basic human rights that people around the world enjoy: dignity, freedom and hope. If you’ve lived in any open, free democratic society, you will know that “ruling” a nation is a service and a responsibility, not a license to oppress and dictate. Unfortunately two generation of Syrians have never experienced this kind of living, which people around the world enjoy today.

I left Syria with yeas ago with $500 in savings. Living in a free society allowed me to reach my potential and open my eyes to the world, and I am grateful for that. I want all Syrians to experience the kind of dignity, freedom, opportunity and hope which I have enjoyed since I left Syria. To do that, Syria needs a true new beginning. Lets’s not waste another generation to either fascism or religious extremism.

February 1st, 2013, 5:58 am


Syrialover said:

Brahimi in the report above makes a constructive and indisputably urgent and imperative case for a strong dose of truth serum to be injected into the situation in Syria.

He nominates three incidents for investigation – the recent attack at the University of Aleppo, the massacre of civilians in the rural settlement of Haswaeyeh near the city of Homs, and the serial attacks on queues at bakeries. He explains:

“After each of these and similar crimes, both sides were quick to claim innocence and accuse the other party of the crime…These amount surely to crimes of war and crimes against humanity and it may be useful to initiate specific inquiries into crimes such as those…”

Brahami then recommends doing an investigation into each of these atrocities and identifying who carried them out.

He states:

“It is of course difficult to undertake such tasks from a distance but I feel certain that, in many instances, it will be possible to establish responsibility. And that is worth doing; as it would be a useful complement to the serious work being done by the International Commission of Inquiry led by Professor Paulo Sergio Pinheiro”


If the regimee or opposition refuses to cooperate on this it’s the same as an accused refusing a lie detector or fingerprint/DNA test. What are they trying to hide?

Note that even the Russians have suddenly been displaying an appetite for investigations.

Let’s get it on.

February 1st, 2013, 6:13 am


zoo said:

Syrian solution will not be found on the battlefield

Date February 2, 2013

A ceasefire is more urgent than ever because military victory is a deadly delusion, writes Jonathan Steele.

Syrians would be better served by intelligent politics than charity.
So it was good to hear that Moaz al-Khatib, who leads the Syrian National Coalition – the group of exiles who support armed intervention against the Syrian government and are backed by Western and Gulf Arab states – now advocates talks with Bashar al-Assad’s people.

This is not the view of French, British and US leaders or most of Khatib’s Syrian colleagues, who talk vaguely of a political outcome but only mean Assad’s unilateral surrender. Their unrealistic line was on display again on Monday when France hosted the so-called Friends of Syria. Its analysis was gloomy.

February 1st, 2013, 8:06 am


zoo said:

Suicide bomb… the camera were not working because of power outage!

HDN columnist Nihat Ali Özcan had warned last week that Western interests in Turkey could come under attack.

The following is his column, which was originally published Jan. 24.

Jihadists in Syria and western targets in Turkey
he dispersal of ideas, arms, militias and combat experience in Libya is likely to repeat in Syria. The target will, of course, be Western interests.

As Assad’s army withdraws and the armed opposition takes control of arsenals, weapons and explosives – probably including chemical weapons – will fall into the hands of militias who will eventually be better at using military equipment. This development will surely boost jihadist motivations and escalate the conflict.

As the civil war in Syria continues, many Jihadist candidates – not only from Turkey but around the world – sign up for fighting. It is possible to observe the speed of this enlistment process and the basic motivation of the candidates on the internet. Certainly they are not going to Syria for democracy-building. It seems that the Western discourse built around the image of the dictator Assad is very different from the Jihadists’ stories on the battlefield.

February 1st, 2013, 8:15 am


zoo said:

As for Turkey, providing “five star-plus” camps and services to their Syrian brothers in need shows that Turks are their brothers in deed. However, would it not have been better for Ankara to provide such humanitarian assistance while also managing to avoid actively supporting one side in the Syrian civil war, and maintaining its leverage and moderating capabilities – particularly on the Damascus government?

February 1st, 2013, 8:22 am


zoo said:

“They want us to continue, it could not have happened without the Syrian government. For the planes to land near Latakia we had to have landing permits and also for the trucks to move,” El Hillo sai

UNHCR reaches rebel-held area of north Syria for first time

GENEVA (Reuters) – The United Nations refugee agency said on Friday that for the first time it had reached the opposition-held Azaz area of northern Syria where it found an estimated 45,000 displaced people living in appalling conditions in makeshift camps.

“This is an area that the U.N. has not been able to physically reach ever since the beginning of the conflict,” Yacoub El Hillo, director of UNHCR’s Middle East and North Africa Bureau, told reporters in Geneva.
The Syrian government does not allow U.N. agencies to enter rebel-held areas from across its borders, but aid agencies including Medecins Sans Frontieres have been active in the Azaz region where temperatures are now sub-zero, he said.

“They want us to continue, it could not have happened without the Syrian government. For the planes to land near Latakia we had to have landing permits and also for the trucks to move,” El Hillo said.

February 1st, 2013, 8:31 am


Observer said:

Here is the report of the Syrian refugees crossing into Jordan from Channel 4.

I think it deserves to be put in a new post in of itself.

Welcome back ALI I am grateful to you for your inside information that you are giving us.

Please continue to tell us of the internal debates and the discussions that are happening in the early hours of the day.

February 1st, 2013, 8:36 am


zoo said:

Egypt’s Black bloc anarchists

Demonstrators, hooded and masked and dressed in black from head to toe, appeared last week in Cairo and other provinces, calling themselves the “Black Bloc” and using the slogan “Chaos against injustice”.

February 1st, 2013, 8:43 am


Visitor said:

OK, so Bashar retaliated against the ‘Zionist aggression’ by bombing the US embassy in Turkey, killing two Turks.

February 1st, 2013, 8:58 am


Juergen said:


you are quick to blame the Islamists. Shouldnt we wait, I mean Turkey is not Syrian when it comes to investigations. I may add many in the military right wing Kemalist coner would enjoy such an attack. And the past shows us that the military is willing to carry out such operations.

February 1st, 2013, 9:20 am


Akbar Palace said:

Re: 366. MarigoldRan

MarigoldRan is one of the best posters on this forum.

Give this person an award.

February 1st, 2013, 10:34 am


Akbar Palace said:

Ali from post 355 said:

Shame on all of you Syrian expats, it’s your country that you wishing for destruction and war.


Doesn’t the president of Syria have any responsibility for “leading” the country down its current path? Isn’t he supposed to protect Syria? With more Syrians forced to leave Syria and more Syrians killed than Palestinians, can we use the word Nakba in the case of Syria?

The “shame” needs to be placed on the self-appointed “leaders”: Assad

February 1st, 2013, 10:48 am


revenire said:

Akbar Palace most Syrians remain in Syria. You don’t hear them here, with rare exceptions.

The Syrians that have left Syria did so for a variety of reasons. Some are just outright traitors.

Syria is at war. You can cry “Assad is to blame” all you like from abroad. Maybe this releases some pent up anger in you? I have no idea.

February 1st, 2013, 11:02 am


revenire said:

“385. VISITOR said:
OK, so Bashar retaliated against the ‘Zionist aggression’ by bombing the US embassy in Turkey, killing two Turks.”

Yes, of course he did. He also is the reason that you can’t smoke in bars any longer.

February 1st, 2013, 11:04 am


Visitor said:

The Lebanese who are on the side of freedom are now fully engaged in the battle for the freedom of Syrians,

Five Lebanese so-called soldiers were sent to hell today.

By Allah’s grace, the freedom fighters of both Iraq and Lebanon will fight the same war against the evil of the mullahs and their stooges as their Syrian brothers until victory is achieved

February 1st, 2013, 11:37 am


revenire said:

FSA rats now murdered 8 Lebanese soldiers.

My Lebanese friends tell me eight Lebanese Army soldiers were killed during clashes with pro-Saad Hariri militia in Ersal eastern Lebanon.

Lebanese soldiers killed near Syrian border

At least six people were killed during clashes between militants and the Lebanese army in the country’s northern Bekaa Valley on Friday after militants attacked a Lebanese army unit, security sources said.

The sources said fighting was continuing in the area, near the northeastern town of Arsal, a region close to the border with Syria where rebels are fighting to overthrow President Bashar al-Assad.

Lebanese news agency NNA reported that the army had beefed up its positions around Arsal on Friday evening.

At least four of the six dead were soldiers, security sources told Reuters. NNA spoke of seven wounded soldiers, with some of them in critical condition.

Residents told Reuters that the clash broke out after the army entered the area to arrest a suspected member of the hardline anti-Assad Islamist group Jabhat al-Nusra, who was believed to travel frequently between Lebanon and Syria.

However, the NNA reported that the army was ambushed during an attempt to arrest a man allegedly involved in the kidnappings of Estonian tourists in March 2011. The suspect was killed during the clashes.

Members of the Free Syrian army were also involved in the fighting, according to several television news reports.

At Least 4 Soldiers Killed in Clashes with Gunmen in Arsal

At least four Lebanese soldiers were killed and a number of others wounded on Friday in clashes between the army and gunmen in the Bekaa town of Arsal, reported various media outlets.

A security official later told Agence France Presse that at least five Lebanese soldiers were among six people killed between unidentified gunmen and the army on the border with Syria.

LBCI and al-Jadeed televisions said that the clashes erupted in light of the shooting and kidnapping of Khaled Hmayyed in Arsal.

OTV later reported the death of Hmayyed, identifying him as a member of the group that abducted seven Estonians in Lebanon in 2011.

Hmayyed recently joined the Free Syrian Army.

LBCI said that the Lebanese security agencies had labeled him as a member of a “terrorist group,” adding that his activity was constantly being monitored.

Other sources said he was a member of the extremist al-Nusra Front, which is active in the Syrian revolt.

LBCI did not rule out the possibility of the clash erupting after an ambush was set up against the army.

Al-Mayadeen television said that six Lebanese soldiers were wounded in the ambush set up by gunmen in the outskirts of Arsal.

Initial reports had said that the Bekaa clash erupted as the army was cracking down on a kidnapping and robbery gang.

They added that the army was clashing with members of the Free Syrian Army.

The seven Estonians were kidnapped in Lebanon in March 2011 as they entered the country by as part of a bicycle tour from Syria.

They were held in the Bekaa area and released in July 2011.

The abductors — believed to be a previously unknown group called Haraket al-Nahda Wal-Islah (Movement for Renewal and Reform) — had reportedly demanded ransom in exchange for the release of the Estonians.

February 1st, 2013, 11:41 am


revenire said:

Visitor an ambush of eight Lebanese soldiers is hardly what you’ve portrayed it as. The soldiers were reported to have been busting up a FSA kidnapping ring and were ambushed.


February 1st, 2013, 11:43 am


omen said:

215. Observer said: His refusal to discuss the military and the security system is a non starter whereas the proposal by Moaz is genuinely caring about the 160 000 detainees that the regime is holding.

News today are that the regime is accelerating the executions in the various prisons to reduce that number and to get rid of elements it does not want to release except as dead bodies.

is there more on this?

February 1st, 2013, 12:21 pm


omen said:

somebody quoted a lone palestinian, trying to infer lack of support for the revolution.


Findings show that the overwhelming majority of the Palestinian public (83%) supports the Syrian demonstrators seeking to bring down the Syrian regime led by president Assad.

February 1st, 2013, 12:22 pm


revenire said:

The Syrian government treats convicted criminals the same as the USA or Russia does. Unless you know someone in a prison – which is doubtful because you’re in the USA – don’t worry about rumors started by terrorists.

February 1st, 2013, 12:24 pm


5 dancing shlomos said:

the hasbarists, meaning liars, do not come to engage in thoughtful, enlightening discussion.

they are here and elsewhere to lie, manipulate, deceive, divert, waste time.

they aim for the ignorant, the uninformed.

they know they are liars defending crimes and the criminals. they know they blame the victims and praise the terrorists.

these things are part of their job description and script.

some new hasbara monikers here. the welfare parasite must have received more u.s. taxpayer dollars to fund more lies.

February 1st, 2013, 1:12 pm


5 dancing shlomos said:

…and yes,

israel, the welfare parasite, will die soon


the u.s. will surrender to syria under the guise of victory.

terrorist bullies cant lose face


when their face is that of a donkey’s ass.

February 1st, 2013, 1:15 pm


Johannes de Silentio said:


“My Lebanese friends tell me…”

You have friends? Actual friends? Wow!

February 1st, 2013, 1:42 pm


omen said:

374. & 377. Syrialover said: I just took the time to read Brahimi’s report on the Syrian issue which he submitted to the UN Security Council on 29 January.

I’m glad I did. I think it’s probably as good as it gets for an attempt at an overview perspective of what’s happening.

The report tries to present a non-politicized and solution-focused perspective.

It rings sincere and carries an authentic human voice. I felt Brahimi was more apologetic in it than he should be about the limitations of his comments. Read it here:

“Brahimi’s 6 principles for a political transition in Syria”

syrialover, thank you for pointing to it. however, i don’t understand how you can be so charitable to brahimi. he still insists on a political solution via unsc route. this will only give the regime time and space to continue killing.

February 1st, 2013, 2:09 pm


redz said:

can you clarify that from your article that the part with the US being the largest contributor of aid is only a white house statement not factually correct as Kuwait alone pledged 300 million last week on top of this much of this money will never reach Syrians as it will go in as form of subsidies and crony capitalism corporations in charge of giving the “aid”

February 1st, 2013, 2:15 pm


revenire said:

What Israel fears about Syria-Hezbollah-Iran:

Yair Golan, head of the Israeli Northern Command, published in Israel Hayom on 6 April 2012: “What Hezbollah possesses today is haunting us. According to what we know, except chemical weapons, everything, no matter how advanced, was transferred to Hezbollah.”

February 1st, 2013, 2:28 pm


revenire said:

Saudi apes like FSA Wahabis

Lawyer for Saudi man seeks to suppress evidence in Vegas rape case

By Timothy Pratt
LAS VEGAS | Thu Jan 31, 2013 9:09pm EST
(Reuters) – The lawyer for a Saudi Air Force sergeant accused of raping a 13-year-old boy at a Las Vegas hotel on New Year’s Eve said on Thursday he would seek to suppress his client’s statements to police, in part because the man was drunk at the time.

During a brief hearing in Las Vegas Justice Court, the 23-year-old defendant, Mazen Alotaibi, waived his right to a preliminary hearing in the case.

Prosecutors also added two counts of lewdness with a minor to the criminal complaint that had already charged Alotaibi with kidnapping, sexual assault on a minor under the age of 14, burglary and sexually motivated coercion.

Judge William Kephart raised Alotaibi’s bail to $1.7 million and ordered him to return to court on February 6 for an arraignment. The defendant faces a maximum sentence of life in prison if he is convicted.

Alotaibi is accused of pulling the boy into a room at the Circus Circus hotel on the Las Vegas Strip on New Year’s Eve and sexually assaulting him in the bathroom. Alotaibi had been visiting Las Vegas while temporarily stationed at Lackland Air Force base in Texas.

According to a police report, Alotaibi admitted to engaging in some sexual contact with the boy, calling some of it accidental.

But speaking to reporters outside of court, defense attorney Don Chairez said he would seek to have those statements suppressed as evidence because his client had been drinking heavily.

“Our position is my client was intoxicated. He had been drinking Hennessey from 2 a.m. to 9 a.m. and I think he was incapable of understanding his Miranda rights,” Chairez said, referring to the legal right of suspects in custody to remain silent and have an attorney present when being questioned.

Chairez also said he needed to examine more evidence to determine what happened, and that the boy’s version of events to detectives had changed three times. He said the teen may have been seeking to buy marijuana, which according to police several of Alotaibi’s companions were smoking in the room.

The hearing was attended by Abdulqader Mohammed Al Hazza, legal affairs attache of Saudi Arabia’s consulate in Los Angeles.

Al Hazza said his government is cooperating with Chairez’s request for the testimonies of Alotaibi’s companions, which were taken several weeks ago in Saudi Arabia.

“Both governments are looking for the truth,” he said.

(Editing by Dan Whitcomb)

February 1st, 2013, 2:31 pm


5 dancing shlomos said:


along with news roundup add a propaganda roundup.
see if there is a difference

February 1st, 2013, 2:36 pm


revenire said:


Haven’t you guys heard? The war is over. The FSA controls the entire nation.

February 1st, 2013, 3:00 pm


MarigoldRan said:

And the war continues.

(And Revenire continues to be a retard).

February 1st, 2013, 3:04 pm


AIG said:

Not only the war goes on, Assad cannot win even in the unlikely case he subdues the rebellion. Syria will still be under sanctions and with awful relations with the West, Turkey, the Gulf and most of the Arab world. There is no way Assad can rebuild because he will not get any money or technology, except the weapons that Russia and Iran will give him.

So, there is absolutely no future for the Syrian people under Assad and his regime. Nothing, nada, zero. Syria will just remain an empty shell under Assad, a failed state with no hope of development.

February 1st, 2013, 3:11 pm



President Bashar will nor ever be humiliated (???? ???????)
?? ??? ???? … ??????????

February 1st, 2013, 3:18 pm


revenire said:

Mari LOL please name a few towns the FSA controls again. I need a good laugh.

February 1st, 2013, 3:28 pm


MarigoldRan said:

What’s the point? We all know you’re a retard with no life, job, or future employment. There’s no reason to argue with you over Syria except to insult you.

February 1st, 2013, 3:33 pm


revenire said:

AIG it isn’t a matter of if Assad wins. He can’t lose.

With Russian, Chinese and Iranian support the nation can be rebuilt easily.

February 1st, 2013, 3:35 pm


MarigoldRan said:

Yup. Reveinre is acting up again.

Anyways, unlike Revenire I have a life to live. Off to work.

February 1st, 2013, 3:38 pm


revenire said:

Idlib? Nope.

Al-Hasakah? No.

Damascus? No.

Al-Malikiyah? Sorry.

Aleppo? Not that one either.

Homs? Ha ha. Sorry wrong number.

Hama? Not today.

Ras al-Ayn? No.

Daraa? Ha ha.

Tartus? Snicker.

Al-Suwayda? Please.

Latakia? Not a chance.

Deir ez-Zor? No.

Al-Raqqah? Nope.

Qamishli? Nope.

That’s the main cities. The FSA controls none of them.

February 1st, 2013, 3:43 pm


AIG said:

Assad has already lost. Look at Syria. There is absolutely no hope for Syria under Assad. No hope whatsoever. The regime admitted that the sanctions were hurting very much. If Russia, Iran or whatever were the answer, the sanctions would not have worked.

Even before Assad could not provide jobs, dignity or hope for his people. He has absolutely no chance of doing so now or in the future.

The sanctions will continue, the awful relations with Turkey will continue. The relations with Turkey were very important economically as the murderous Assad regime admitted. To rebuild Assad needs huge loans. Without Europe and the the Gulf, he will get pittance. No way to rebuild, just a dead end empty shell besieged by jihadists and terror. A hopeless failed state with no chance of development.

February 1st, 2013, 4:01 pm


AIG said:

Assad has already lost. Look at Syria. There is absolutely no hope for Syria under Assad. No hope whatsoever. The regime admitted that the sanctions were hurting very much. If Russia, Iran or whatever were the answer, the sanctions would not have worked.

Even before Assad could not provide jobs, dignity or hope for his people. He has absolutely no chance of doing so now or in the future.

The sanctions will continue, the awful relations with Turkey will continue. The relations with Turkey were very important economically as the murderous Assad regime admitted. To rebuild Assad needs huge loans. Without Europe and the the Gulf, he will get pittance. No way to rebuild, just a dead end empty shell besieged by jihadists and terror. A hopeless failed state with no chance of development.

February 1st, 2013, 4:01 pm


revenire said:

Now if the FSA had taken just one of those cities and NATO then imposed a No-Fly Zone to protect their mercenaries, as they did in Libya, I’d sit up and take this half-assed bunch of apes and Saudi rapists set on Syria more seriously but so far they have nothing except thousands of dead Syrians to show for their fake revolution.

Any gang of apes with weapons can take a village full of farmers and make them parade around in fake demonstrations. This is what happens. It is also quite easy to mobilize *some* poor young men with no job and no hope of one. Give them some drugs and guns and they can be sent to murder civilians, police and soldiers. This is why we see the level of looting we do.

February 1st, 2013, 4:05 pm


revenire said:

AIG Cuba has been under sanctions longer than most of us have been alive.

February 1st, 2013, 4:08 pm


AIG said:

And that is why Cuba is a backwater in which families keep alive by prostituting their young girls to tourists. That is why only a small percentage of the people are connected to the internet, etc., etc. And the people in Cuba are allowed to receive remittances from abroad, what the people of Syria under Assad will be denied.

If your vision of Syria is Castro’s Cuba, only after it has been devastated and surrounded by jihadists, and with no connection to the world’s banking system, you should stick with Assad. There is absolutely no hope for Syria under Assad. No hope whatsoever. It will just be a barbaric hell hole.

February 1st, 2013, 4:25 pm


zoo said:

403. revenire

Great excuse: the rapist was drunk.

Sex with under age is commonly accepted in the land of oil and malls, but drinking is punished with lashes…

Will he get them?

February 1st, 2013, 4:27 pm


omen said:

while rebels get the blame, it’s nusra who has been dismantling factories to sell to turkey. partly explains the mystery why they have money while rebels do not.

Another significant issue for rebel leaders is what to do with state assets that have fallen into the hands of the opposition.

“[nusra] see stealing things that used to belong to the government, like copper factories, or any factory, as no problem,” said the rebel commander. “They are selling it to the Turks and using the money for themselves. This is wrong. This is money for the people.”

On Monday al-Nusra units went to a state-owned water factory on the Euphrates river. They invited regular rebel units to go with them as they picked through parts inside the factory for selling to whoever wanted them.

One unit did join the jihadists. Others refused.

“These are Syrian assets for Syrian people,” said a rebel commander who did not want to be named. “They see this as an open pasture for them to do as they please. Our job is to protect the state for life after Assad, not to destroy it.”

Money is flowing to al-Nusra. Members acknowledge that they receive cash from benefactors in the Sunni Arab world. But their coffers are also being filled with a garage sale of state assets, largely conducted by al-Nusra leaders.


do nusra defenders deny this?

Another rebel approached, this time to complain that young girls in his village had been pledged as brides to anyone who joined al-Nusra. “This is part of the employment benefits,” he said.

February 1st, 2013, 4:29 pm


zoo said:

Israel is getting ready for post Bashar: more fences and more Iron Domes.

Syrian opposition bashes Assad for inaction against Israel

In worrying hint of post-Assad Syria, rebel leaders complain that regime’s planes and helicopters bomb civilian homes but do nothing when Israeli jets attack

February 1st, 2013, 4:31 pm


Ghat Al Bird said:

#418 and friends will be thrilled to know Kissinger’s prediction……

Henry Kissinger Predicts ‘In 10 Years, There Will Be No More Israel’


February 1st, 2013, 4:35 pm


zoo said:

#420 Omen

The rebels are eaten up by Al Nusra. They is no coming back. They will get all the blames without distinction
They blew it, like the protesters in Iraq will blow it if they allow AL Qaeda to participate in toppling Al Malaki.

Didn’t the understand ye that al Nusra and al Qaeda are cancer. No one should never allow them to put one foot in one’s house.

The FSA is paying the price of that ignorance.

February 1st, 2013, 4:37 pm


omen said:

zoo, i haven’t seen you denounce the regime’s use of systematic rape of both men and women as a means of oppression.

February 1st, 2013, 4:38 pm


AIG said:

Of course Israel is preparing for a post Assad Syria, because it is coming. And of course the rebels would highlight Assad’s cowardice and murderous attitudes toward his own people. Anything, including a donkey, that replaces Assad is good for Israel. He is the “genius” that nurtured the islamism that is now eating him.

February 1st, 2013, 4:39 pm


zoo said:

Jordan staggers under Syria fallout

February 1 2013 at 10:30pm
By Alistair Lyon and Suleiman Al-Khalidi

Amman – Jordan has every reason to worry about the conflict in Syria, its bigger neighbour to the north.

A flood of Syrian refugees and disrupted trade due to the 22-month-old revolt against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad burden a frail economy that has already had to turn to the IMF.

Any emergence of Islamist rule in a post-Assad Syria could embolden Islamists who are the main opposition group in Jordan.

And rising Islamist militancy among Syrian insurgents threatens the security of the Western-backed kingdom next door.

Jordan also frets that protracted sectarian turmoil might shatter Syria’s territorial integrity, with incalculable results for its neighbours in an already volatile Middle East.

“The challenge we have is that the longer this conflict goes on, the more the country will implode,” King Abdullah said last week, describing any fragmentation of Syria as “catastrophic and something we would be reeling from for decades to come”.

The king has taken a mostly cautious line on Syria, calling for Assad to go, but advocating a “political solution” and not arming the Syrian leader’s foes – even at the risk of irritating more gung-ho Gulf Arab states such as Saudi Arabia and Qatar.

February 1st, 2013, 4:40 pm


AIG said:

Yes, Israel will always be destroyed some time in the future. Even the Assads said so, therefore it is true. But what has Assad done to Syria NOW?

Assad is a dead end and must be removed. Syria has no hope under Assad, none whatsoever. Even Al-Qaida are better than him. They do not bomb the citizens of Syria from the air. It is a nice touch to expect the rebels to fight both Assad and Al-Qaida at the same time and therefore claim that Al-Qaida is the rebel’s fault. Let Assad surrender and the rebels will deal with Al-Qaida.

The reason Al-Qaida is in Syria is because of Assad and his support of islamists as well as his inability to give Syrians hope and dignity. It is funny how the hypocritical regime supporters complain about islamists after Assad supported them forever.

February 1st, 2013, 4:47 pm


zoo said:

Qatar’s Agenda in Syria
By Editorial Dept | Fri, 01 February 2013 20:15 | 0

Situation: Qatar continues to funnel weapons and facilitate other assistance to Syrian rebels and Salafi jihadists fighting the Assad regime in Syria.

Bottom Line: Determining the outcome of the conflict in Syria is very difficult due to the sheer number of private players in this theater and the varying agendas. Determining the extent to which Qatar is willing to go is made easier by understanding what it wishes to achieve: Global stature—and a pipeline through Syria.

Analysis: Right before the conflict in Syria broke out, Iran had cut a deal with Iraq for an Iran-Iraq-Syria pipeline to pump natural gas from the world’s largest gas field, South Pars, which is shared by Qatar and Iran. Qatar could not allow this to happen. It would have given Iran the upper hand in its perceived quest to form a “Shi’ite crescent”. Qatar wanted the pipeline first. Qatar’s original plan was a pipeline from South Pars through Iraq and on to Turkey, and then to European markets. This pipeline, however, would have to traverse southern/central Iraq and Northern Iraq. This has become problematic due to the oil-resources power struggle between the Kurds of Northern Iraq and the Iraqi central government. A pipeline through Syria would be much easier. It would also be convenient for Jordan, which has apparently been promised free Qatari gas for its help in training Syrian rebels on its territory and allowing them to use Jordanian territory to launch offensives…

February 1st, 2013, 4:50 pm


zoo said:

Qatar’s Risky Bet on the Muslim Brotherhood

By Frida Ghitis, on 31 Jan 2013,

One of the most intriguing aspects of the new political dynamics of the Arab Middle East is the decision by the Emirate of Qatar to throw its full support behind the controversial Muslim Brotherhood in the contest for the future of the region. The choice by a monarchy to support a populist movement always looked like a gamble. But now, two years into what some still call the Arab Spring, with Egypt’s Brotherhood-dominated government scrambling to keep the country from spinning out of its control, the bet by Qatar’s emir looks riskier than ever.

Evidence of Qatar’s backing for the Brotherhood is plentiful. The tiny but fabulously wealthy emirate has stood visibly at the forefront of international support for the uprisings.

Qatar’s emir, Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani, helped mobilize the international intervention in Libya and even sent hundreds of troops to help the rebels, favoring the Islamists among them. The emirate also stood beside the Syrian rebels before other Arab countries did, organizing support for the anti-Assad uprising and, once again, tilting in favor of Islamist factions inside the opposition. Qatar has been the strongest, deepest-pocketed financier for the government of Egypt since the rise of the Brotherhood to power there, piling billions of dollars worth of loans at the feet of President Mohammed Morsi’s floundering government, whose handling of the country’s severe financial crisis could make the difference between success and failure for the Brotherhood’s foray into Egyptian politics.

All of this comes as neighboring states raise sharp questions about the Islamist political movement’s widening influence in the region. The United Arab Emirates has arrested scores of men accused of belonging to the local branch of the Muslim Brotherhood, accusing them of seeking to destabilize and ultimately overthrow existing regimes. In the words of UAE Foreign Minister Abdullah bin Zayed al Nahyan, “The Muslim Brotherhood does not believe in the nation state. It does not believe in the sovereignty of the state.”

One of Qatar’s greatest sources of influence is the Al Jazeera television network, owned by the emir and his family. Since the beginning of the Arab spring, the network has cheered on the uprisings, and in fact it provided a platform for radical Brotherhood preachers even before the unrest started. It sided so blatantly with the Islamist group during and after the initial turmoil that knowledgeable Arab observers called Al Jazeera the mouthpiece of the Muslim Brotherhood. Some have described the relationship between the network and the Brotherhood as a “love affair.”

Qatar has also extended its largesse to Hamas, the Muslim Brotherhood’s Palestinian branch in Gaza.

The backlash has already started.

February 1st, 2013, 4:53 pm


Tara said:


Have you seen a Lebanese movie called “Where Do We Go Now?

You may want to watch it.

February 1st, 2013, 4:54 pm


AIG said:

When Assad decided to kill the Damascus Spring, he left only one place where people could congregate. That place is the mosque. What did Assad expect to happen? That some secular organizations will rise in power, or religious ones? If religious forces rise in Syria, it is all Assad’s fault who for 11 years strangled any secular and democratic party because he was afraid they will be seen as an alternative to him.

Assad was and is a prize idiot and Syria is paying the price.

I just love it when Assad supporters complain about the MB or islamists. It shows how hypocritical and cynical they are. The murderous regime supported the islamists. Now, suck it up and don’t complain. You decided on the rules of the game, live honestly with your choice, whiners.

February 1st, 2013, 4:59 pm


omen said:

428. zoo

after the unholy hell iran has subjected syrians to, will syrians stand idly by and allow iran to build a pipeline through the country?

are syrians going to allow iran to profit off the death of all the martyrs?

February 1st, 2013, 5:13 pm


revenire said:

You have a memory problem Omen?

“420. OMEN said:
while rebels get the blame, it’s nusra who has been dismantling factories to sell to turkey. partly explains the mystery why they have money while rebels do not.”

The FSA said “we are ALL al-Nusra” after the US added the apes to their official list of terrorists.

February 1st, 2013, 5:13 pm


Citizen said:

Israel reiterates foolish actions that will inevitably cause damage!Israel must take into account the lesson that resulted from the biased position in the Georgia war and what the resulting consequences turned southern Lebanon into a graveyard for the Merkava!Stop recklessness!Because it can be for the Israelis to weep later!!!

Russia Condemns Israeli Airstrike On Syria As an Unprovoked Attack On a Sovereign Country

The Russian Foreign Ministry has issued a statement expressing deep concern over Israel’s airstrike on Syria saying that it violates the UN Charter.

The Ministry website says; if this information is confirmed that would mean that we have to deal with unprovoked attacks on the territory of a sovereign state which is inadmissible, whatever objectives are declared as a justification.

Russian diplomats are taking urgent measures to clarify the situation and to establish the details of the incident.

Russia has again called upon the international community to stop the violence in Syria, prevent foreign intervention in the conflict, and assist the start of a nationwide dialogue based on the Geneva agreements.

February 1st, 2013, 5:20 pm


Observer said:

Athad does not care on what type of Thouria he presides over. He and his mafia want to stay on top. It does not matter if millions are dire straits as long as he can play on his iPad, his cousin can rob millions with a monopoly on telephones, his other cousin running the banana smuggling, and so on and so forth.

Omen I do not recall where I read the news. However, the Daily Star announced today that the intelligence headquarters in Saasaa was bombed and 35 soldiers and officers were killed and 90 were injured. Prisoners were also found dead as well.

That was on the 24th of January and on the 30th a similar fate happened to another compound in Homs. But the later is not verified.

Does anyone have confirmation of two aircrafts downed today?

By the way the slogans of the demonstrations today were telling: :we will eat the rocks and withstand the cold and we will not dialogue” It was on one of the youtube videos. Maybe Ugarit or Sham N.

The talkers on the outside are just that. I now see that the events have come full circle to be on the ground.

There is a determination of the people to get rid of the regime, to bring it to its knees and force the issue once and for all.

February 1st, 2013, 5:22 pm


omen said:

428. lots of promises of help from gulf states but with little to show for it:

Saudi Arabia and its fellow Gulf state Qatar have long backed Assad’s opponents and advocate arming them, but for now the rebels are still far outgunned by the Syrian military.

“They are not heavily armed, properly trained or equipped,” said Ali Shukri, a retired Jordanian general, who argued also that rebels would need extensive training to use Western anti-tank or anti-aircraft weapons effectively even if they had them.

February 1st, 2013, 5:23 pm


Citizen said:

Israeli airstrike on Syria, an absolute war crime

Israeli warplanes reportedly fly over Lebanon

— A Lebanese security official said Friday Israeli warplanes have flown over southern Lebanon.

February 1st, 2013, 5:29 pm


AIG said:

What cry babies the regime supporters are: Oh no, Israeli planes! What a war crime!

But Assad bombing his own people from the air? It is not a war crime, it is a “genius” move. Stop being cowards and attack Israel back or prove once again that you are only good killing Syrian civilians and torturing Syrian children. You are not even 1/10 men. Pathetic.

February 1st, 2013, 5:38 pm


Citizen said:

Media reports of a meeting in Munich in format Lavrov-Biden and Representative Brahimi-Syrian opposition Al-Khatib is not true.
As of today, such a meeting in a program of Russian Foreign Minister did not appear
Gennady Gatilov
Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia / Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia

February 1st, 2013, 5:38 pm


revenire said:

Omen remember when the idiots said they were all Jabhat al-Nusra? Bet the US loved seeing that huh? You live in the United States Omen – would you like al-Nusra to come to your city and start beheading Christians? What would the cops do?

February 1st, 2013, 5:40 pm


AIG said:

What would the cops do to people like Assad who torture little children? What would the cops do to people who try to stifle free speech? What would the cops do to people who funded and hosted islamists and then sent them to kill Americans in Iraq? Tell me what they would do? Because that is who you support. Al Nusra is the direct fault of Assad, and he will pay the price for that.

February 1st, 2013, 5:43 pm


Citizen said:

Syria is not a war caused by ‘rebels’ within the country just as the Libya ‘revolution’ was not. They are part of a systematic fake ‘Arab Spring’ takeover of the whole of Africa and the Middle and Near East by forces working through the United States, Israel and NATO (all the same thing if you go high enough or deep enough). I have been exposing this plan for years and what is now happening in Mali and planned for country after country in Africa orchestrated through the US AFRICOM network is all part of this. Watch out South Africa because they want you, too. They want everything because they are insane.

February 1st, 2013, 5:58 pm


jna said:

AIG…The Assad regime is fighting and killing Al Qaeda who the opposition is supporting. Slice it and dice it however you want. The US tried supporting and supplying the Islamic extremists in Afghanistan only to be subject to the worst terrorist attack in our history; sound familiar?

February 1st, 2013, 6:04 pm


revenire said:

AIG I asked what the cops would do to TERRORISTS.

You can scream and stomp your feet all you like but the FACT is the US has labeled the pigs Assad is fighting TERRORISTS.

February 1st, 2013, 6:07 pm


Citizen said:

Clinton enjoyed counting days others, so its became zero days !

Hillary Clinton steps down as top US diplomat
US Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton bade farewell to State Department employees at the State Department in Washington on Friday before departing the State Department for the final time as secretary of state.
Even though her final day at Foggy Bottom was marred by the suicide bomb attack on the US embassy in Ankara, Clinton said that, overall, she was more optimistic about the situation than she was four year ago.

Hillary Clinton officially handed over to her successor, John Kerry, during a closed-door ceremony held later in the day.

February 1st, 2013, 6:18 pm


Sam said:

Long live the lion of Damascus!!
and nothing else matters!! In 50 years from now, when these islamo lunitics are obliterated (when all the gulf oil runs out) an Assad will STILL be “the man”

February 1st, 2013, 6:19 pm


AIG said:

The US has also labeled Assad a murderous terrorist that has to go. What’s your point? All the Assad regime is terrorist by definition. Only some of the rebels are, therefore the rebels are much better.

February 1st, 2013, 6:28 pm


Tara said:

Long live SC. The home of the most lunatics. From one “love your toes, my wife look at your picture and not mine” poster to another.

What happened to the intellectual Alawis? Can we have a single one to discuss with?

February 1st, 2013, 6:28 pm


AIG said:


Assad has already funded, hosted and sent terrorists to kill Americans in Iraq. The US already knows Assad is a murderous terrorist. So get rid of him first and then deal with other terrorists that may come. All the scare tactics conviently forget that Assad is himself a terrorist as well as all his regime.

Let me repeat. Assad is WORSE than Al-Nusra 10 times over. He funds terrorists, kills his own people and tries to destabilize neighboring countries. He sens weapons to Iraqi islamists and Lebanese islamists while spouting BS about being “secular”.

February 1st, 2013, 6:33 pm


AIG said:

It is interesting that all the hypocritical regime supporters don’t deny that their “genius” sent islamic terrorists to kill Americans in Iraq. In fact, they are quite proud of his “genius” foreign policy. Yet now they want the US to accept Assad staying in power. How desperate can they be?

Assad is a dead end. There is zero hope for Syria under him. All Assad can deliver is a devastated failed state without any hope of rebuilding or economic development.

February 1st, 2013, 6:37 pm


revenire said:

AIG after the US labeled Jabhat al-Nusra terrorists your rat friends demonstrated and said “we are ALL al-Nusra” remember? There are no good rebels. The only good rebel is a dead rebel.

You are a terrorist supporter.

February 1st, 2013, 6:37 pm


AIG said:


I am starting to believe that “intellectual Alawis” is an oxymoron. Haven’t heard a voice of reason yet. All they are doing is using the same stale tactics that Assad has used for 11 years, trying to scare us with the islamists they themselves supported and funded and sent to kill Americans! The gig is over, Assad is worse than the islamists, he is the source of the problem.

February 1st, 2013, 6:40 pm


AIG said:

I saw ONE demonstration of people supporting Al-Nusra, not all rebels. I saw 11 years of terrorist supporters like you cheering Americans killed in Iraq by terrorist the murderous Assad regime sent. You are not only a terrorist supporter, you cheer when Americans die and call it a “genius” foreign policy.

Assad is a terrorist and a dead end and so are those that try to defend him. And of course they are hypocritical whiners. Suck it up and stop complaining. You were cheering when Assad used the islamists. But of course what can you expect from pathetic 1/10 men who would rather kill their own than fight Israel.

February 1st, 2013, 6:44 pm


Tara said:


I am sure there are some. Kheder was on of them. But I do not know why they chose to be silent when we need them the most.

The hypocritical Bashar’s worshipers who are crying the Jihadist wolf now for scaremongering would not hesitate using them again against another country whenever Batta finds it necessary to maintain his regional power cards. Just like when he manufactured and ported them to Iraq. They would be cheering then.

February 1st, 2013, 6:50 pm




(all the same thing if you go high enough or deep enough)

So profound…. so damn profound…paradigm shifting…, true otrakjian B.S.

February 1st, 2013, 6:52 pm


AIG said:


I totally agree. The regime supporters are such cry babies and whiners, the true mark of cowards. They can’t take what they feel entitled to dish.

February 1st, 2013, 6:54 pm


Syrialover said:

OMEN #401,

The positive surprise – if you can call it that – from the Brahimi report was its frank content and unmistakeable message.

Brahimi’s decriptions and observations powerfully reinforced the implausibility of Bashar Assad & Co being in any way included in any “political” settlement. I saw that as its message.

(We know the report is not able to realistically call for a military settlement).

All I want is for this to END. And if an Assad-free political settlement is explored, worth a try. If Israel sends mini drones to destroy regime HQ, worth a try.

Like you, I have been irritated and dismissive of Brahmini and his efforts. But that report made me see things a little differently, maybe because Brahimi and co themselves apparently do now.

It’s worth reading:

February 1st, 2013, 6:57 pm



There is a world beyond this site… Facebook is full of activists from all of Syria, and more importantly, the ground has all types of Syrians.

February 1st, 2013, 6:58 pm


revenire said:

You can almost hear the Obama administration call out, as one voice, “Aha! We’ll designate the Syrian al Qaeda affiliate Jabhat al Nusra a terrorist organization, thus barring the group from receiving Western money and arms, and be done with it!”

And so they did. But they weren’t.

From the NYT story, picking up with paragraph 9:

But a growing number of anti-government groups — including fighters in the loose-knit Free Syrian Army that the United States is trying to bolster — have signed petitions or posted statements online in recent days expressing support for the Nusra Front. In keeping with a tradition throughout the uprising of choosing themes for Friday protests, the biggest day for demonstrations because it coincides with Friday Prayer, many called for this Friday’s title to be “No to American intervention — we are all Jabhet al-Nusra.”

How sweet. The Daily Mail led with that little nugget:

A total of 29 opposition groups, including fighting “brigades” and civilian committees, have signed a petition calling for mass demonstrations in support of Jabhat al-Nusra, an Islamist group which the White House believes is an offshoot of al-Qaeda in Iraq.

The petition is promoting the slogan “No to American intervention, for we are all Jabhat al-Nusra” and urges supporters to “raise the Jabhat al-Nusra flag” as a “thank you”.

See flag above.

“These are the men for the people of Syria, these are the heroes who belong to us in religion, in blood and in revolution,” read a statement widely circulated on Syrian opposition Facebook pages.

Many Syrian fighters consider the Nusra Front a key ally because of its fighters’ bravery and reliable supply of money and arms. It has never come under the banner of the Free Syrian Army, shunning the Western aid and input that other groups have sought, but it coordinates closely with many who do.

Clever, those Syrians.

Adding to the complication is that some groups in the Free Syrian Army have similar ideologies, follow the strict Salafist interpretation of Islam, and count among them fighters who joined the insurgency in Iraq — though they are not known to share the Nusra Front’s direct organizational connections to Al Qaeda in Iraq.

This is no “complication.” It simplifies everything. Islam — jihad — is the tie that binds and not even a desgnation in the US Federal Register is going to change that. So the US on the jihad again, maybe this time with a little with more fanfare from the jihadists, once again backing forces that spread Islamic law — backing forces that actually killed and maimed Americans in Iraq, too, as in the case of Libya. Did it all start in the Balkans when Uncle Sucker empowered Muslims in Bosnia and Kosovo over Christians in Serbia? What about when we put in place sharia-supreme constitutions in Iraq and Afghanistan? And how about the endless match of jihad chess in Israel as the US increasingly supports both sides, which is to say the jihad against Israel?

Back to the Daily Mail:

The rise of Jabhat al-Nusra represents the Americans’ worst fear – they refused to arm the rebels earlier in the conflict to avoid weapons falling into the hands of jihadists, only to find that in their absence, jihadi groups well-funded by supporters in the Gulf have risen to prominence.

You mean our big pals the Qataris and Saudis and everybody?

The West attempted to rectify this at the weekend by backing the formation of a new FSA command structure at a meeting in Turkey.

Another big pal.

Its new leadership, which sidelines former commanders such as Gen Mustafa al-Sheikh and Col Riad al-Assad, includes senior figures without a regime background. Many are linked to the Muslim Brotherhood or even more radical Salafi movements, but are thought to be men with whom the West “can do business”.

When is “the West” going to stop doing business with people who want to destroy it?

February 1st, 2013, 6:58 pm


revenire said:

Tuesday, 11 December 2012
“We Are All Jabhat Al-Nusra”

From The New York Times:

Dec.11, 2012

Seeking Allies Among Syrian Rebels, U.S. Instead Finds Hostility


BEIRUT, Lebanon — As the United States tries attempts to rally international support for the Syrian rebellion, trying to herd the opposition into a shadow government that it can recognize and assist, on the ground in Syria it faces an entirely different problem: Much of the rebellion is hostile toward America.

Frustration mounted for months as the United States sat on the sidelines, and peaked this week when it blacklisted the Nusra Front, one of the uprising’s most effective fighting forces, calling it a terrorist organization. The move was aimed at isolating the group, which according to Iraqi and American officials has operational ties to Al Qaeda’s franchise in Iraq.

But interviews with a wide range of Syrian rebels and activists show that for now, the blacklisting has appeared to produce the opposite. It has united a broad spectrum of the opposition — from Islamist fighters to liberal and nonviolent activists who fervently oppose them — in anger and exasperation with the United States. The dissatisfaction is over more than just the blacklisting, and raises the possibility that now, just as the United States is stepping up efforts to steer the outcome in Syria, it may already be too late.

More than 100 antigovernment organizations and fighting battalions have called online for demonstrations on Friday under the slogan, “No to American intervention — we are all Jabhet al-Nusra,” a reference to the group’s Arabic name.

Syrians across the political spectrum say the United States allowed more than 40,000 people to die in the 21-month conflict. Supporters of the Syrian president, Bashar al-Assad, call the uprising a creation of the West and its allies. His opponents excoriate the United States for failing to provide arms and leaving them to perish — and have begun to express a growing wariness of American involvement in Syria’s political future.

“Anti-American sentiment is growing, because the Americans are messing up in bigger ways lately,” said Nabil al-Amir, an official spokesman for the rebel military council for Damascus and its suburbs, one of the committees that the United States and its allies are trying to coax into a unified rebel command. With every step to correct earlier mistakes, he said, “they make a bigger mess.”

Liberals activists blame American inaction for giving jihadists a leading role in the conflict. Rival rebel groups have declared solidarity with the Nusra Front, and Islamists have congratulated it on its new distinction. And seemingly everyone accuses the United States of hypocrisy for not putting a terrorist label on Mr. Assad, whose forces have killed far more civilians than any rebel group.

The United States scrambled on Tuesday to contain the damage, issuing a more complete justification for blacklisting the Nusra Front and stressing that the group has killed Syrian civilians in more than 40 suicide bombings. And it announced a new wrinkle: It is also blacklisting pro-government militias accused of killing civilians as part of “the Assad regime’s campaign of terror and violence.”

The militias, a Treasury Department statement said, would include what it called “the Shabiha” and Jaish al-Sha’bi, or the People’s Army, which it said was created with the help of Mr. Assad’s allies Iran and the Lebanese Shiite group Hezbollah and was modeled on Iran’s Basij militia.

But it may be hard to define who exactly is blacklisted under the heading of “shabiha,” which is not the name of an organization but a catchall term for pro-government gangs. The People’s Army is a nascent group, an apparent effort to turn those informal militias into a paramilitary organization.

Criticizing America has become a favorite sideline of antigovernment activists. Some have even questioned the sincerity of President Obama’s recent warning that Mr. Assad would be crossing “a red line” if he used chemical weapons on Syrians.

At a recent demonstration, solemn-eyed boys posed for a photograph that spread online with the title “Red line or green light?” They held a poster of a traffic light, emblazoned with an American flag, shining green for Mr. Assad as he drives a truck laden with chemical weapons.

Demonstrators in Kafr Nabl, a northern Syrian town known lately for its witty antigovernment slogans, quickly mocked the blacklisting with a poster that showed a cartoonish Mr. Assad, with jutting ears, a diabolical grimace and a bloody dagger in each hand, standing over a pile of corpses. One of the dead held a black banner with an Islamic slogan as Mr. Obama, his back to the massacre, pointed at the banner and said, “Terrorist!”

One exile opposition leader, Burhan Ghalioun, even suggested that by rushing under American pressure, the newly formed opposition body, the Syrian National Coalition, had undermined its own credibility, promising and then failing so far to form a shadow government ahead of international talks in Marrakesh, Morocco, on Wednesday.

As opposition leaders gathered in Marrakesh on Tuesday, Farouk Tayfour, a senior official of the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood, a powerful force in the coalition, called the United States’ blacklisting move “very wrong and too hasty.”

An activist who declined to give his name for safety reasons said, “All populations resent those who abandon them and then come at the critical moments to steal their victory.” .

An activist in Douma, outside Damascus, said flatly, “America supports the regime.”

The blacklisting of the Nusra Front cost America support in the northern province of Idlib, said Ahmed Kadour, an activist there who opposes Islamist fighting groups. He said the United States was trying ineptly to solve a problem it created.

“If they had intervened and helped us from the very beginning,” Mr. Kadour said, “we wouldn’t have reached this point.”

One of the sorest points for some Syrians is that a unified military command formed last week at American behest includes Islamist battalions that fight alongside the Nusra Front and share much of its ideology.

The distinction, some believe, is that Nusra Front has never offered to come under the umbrella of the Free Syrian Army, saying it does not need or want Western aid, while the other groups are backed by American allies like Saudi Arabia and Qatar.

A secular civilian activist in Idlib said that one such group, Ansar al-Sham, is responsible for many abuses that have soured some Syrians on the rebels, like the commandeering of bakeries and hospitals, but described the Nusra Front as “professional and meticulous.”

The activist said that Saudi Arabia was the go-between connecting Ansar and the United States. He said he suspected the decision to blacklist the Nusra Front but not Ansar was either “sheer idiocy” or part of “a political deal.”

“The Syrian population now hates America a lot,” said an activist who posts online material for the Damascus military council, part of the American-backed rebel structure, whose nom de guerre is Mosaab Abu Qatada. It was not always that way, the activist added. “When Obama said that Bashar should leave, some people here held American flags and sent him their greetings,” he said. “Unfortunately, it’s all lies and hypocrisy.”

February 1st, 2013, 6:58 pm


revenire said:

Thousands of Syrians marched on Friday to protest against the US decision to label Jabhat al-Nusra a terrorist organisation. The al Qaeda-linked group has claimed responsibility for some of the conflict’s deadliest attacks on regime targets.
By News Wires (text)

Thousands of Syrians took to the streets on Friday, criticising Washington for blacklisting a rebel jihadist group and saying that it was President Bashar al-Assad who was a “terrorist.”

The protesters demonstrated under the slogan: “There is no terrorism in Syria except that of Assad.”

Protesters in the Eastern Ghuta region, just outside Damascus and which has come under regular air raids by the regime army, held up a sign reading: “Thank you to all the ‘terrorists’ in Syria who are fighting Assad.”

“We are all Al-Nusra Front,” it said, in reference to the jihadist group blacklisted by Washington on Tuesday.

Lines of children and men linked arms and carried the three-starred flag of the revolution as they called for downfall of the regime in the street as shopkeepers looked on.

US blacklisting of Syria’s hardline Islamist Al-Nusra Front as a “terrorist organisation” has drawn fierce criticism from rebels, opposition groups and activists, who have condemned the move as both ill-timed and ill-conceived.

The broad view is that the Salafist group is fighting courageously against Assad, whose ouster its members consider a religious duty, and has done nothing to warrant censure.

Washington blacklisted Al-Nusra, which has claimed the majority of suicide bombings that have rocked the country in recent months, warning that extremists could play no role in building the nation’s future.

Protesters, meanwhile, were also vocal on social media networks like the Facebook.

On the Syrian Revolution 2011 Facebook page, a retrospective of the most powerful scenes of the 22-month anti-Assad uprising were shown in a video footage — from the original protests in Daraa to the massacre in the town of Houla in May.

“From the famous honour Friday we demonstrated in all cities and towns, to make the freedom dream a reality,” read the subtitles, set against a dramatic musical score, and referring to the first protest in Daraa on March 18 last year.

“When Western countries feel threatened … they try to minimise our great revolution and describe some revolutionaries as terrorists,” the video said, professing “we will not allow anyone to interfere in our internal issues.”

In the northwestern town of Kfar Nabal, demonstrators rejected exile for Assad, demanding that he be put on trial in Syria, where more than 43,000 people have died since the revolt erupted in March 2011, according to activists.

Syrian activists also had a revolutionary message for the citizens of Damascus allies Russia and China: “Intelligent peoples governed by idiots, remove your tyrants!” read a banner held aloft in Kfar Nabal as a line of children cheered.


February 1st, 2013, 6:59 pm


revenire said:

One demo my left one AIG. The support the pigs gave to al-Nusra is all over the place. You’re just lying to make yourself feel better.

February 1st, 2013, 7:00 pm


Tara said:

The Hamster,

I am sure you are right. I am in a monogamous relationship with SC and I perhaps do not know what is out there in the world of the activists.

February 1st, 2013, 7:04 pm


AIG said:

Again you forget the fact that Assad is already a designated terrorist. Let’s get rid of him first.

And again, what are you complaining about? You supported the islamists for 11 years. Also, what do you care about Americans after sending terrorists to kill them in Iraq? You are just an hypocritical whiner. Al-Nusra may be a problem for the US in the future. Assad is a problem now and has been for 11 years. Let’s deal with the cancer and then take care of the acne. Suck it up and fight the islamists like a man/woman, don’t go whining to the world not to support them. What a hypocrite.

February 1st, 2013, 7:06 pm


Syrialover said:

See this video report of an official from the European Parliament visiting A’azaz market in Aleppo targeted by airstrikes.

The reality still shocks, no mattter how much you have seen and read.

Regime supporters should be forced to sit in a TV studio and watch this and then offer their explanations and excuses to the world.

Better still – and I am sure it will happen – to a war crimes court.

February 1st, 2013, 7:10 pm


zoo said:

As civilians flee in mass town and villages, the FSA controlled areas Idlib-Hama is about to be split.

Syrian government offensive forces thousands to find shelter in caves, cars

In Kernaz, “you can now find only cattle and revolutionaries,” he said in an interview at his headquarters.

He said the Syrian army has deployed 1,500 troops, about 100 tanks and an unspecified number of rocket launchers in its offensive and is lobbing as many as 800 shells a day into Kernaz, much of which lies in ruins. Aircraft bombed the town daily for eight days, and earlier this week, after rebels shot down a MiG-23 combat aircraft, the regime fired ground-to-ground missiles at Kernaz from Adalia, a town dominated by Alawites, the Shiite Muslim sect to which Assad and much of Syria’s elite belong.

Hamud says the rebels consist about about 1,000 troops armed with rifles, rocket-propelled grenades and a few anti-aircraft weapons and machine guns. So far, he said, the rebels have inflicted 200 casualties on the army, including 70 killed. He said rebel casualties were six dead and 12 wounded. It was impossible to verify the figures.

Hamud said that without heavier weapons, the rebels could lose Kernaz, which he described as a strategic point.

“Kernaz is the gate to the northern countryside of Hama. If the regime can get Kernaz, they will be able to take Kafr Naboudeh. Then they cut the way between Idlib and Hama,” dividing the rebel-controlled area in northern Syria.

February 1st, 2013, 7:12 pm


ghufran said:

Librahimi is right,
I said before, for the last 18 months I might add, that Assad must step aside and let others negotiate with rebels and opposition leaders, only a fool would accept the myth that only Assad can protect minorities or secular Syrians, the army,not Assad, must be the focus of those who are afraid of the unknown, Syrians who want Syria to stay in one piece are not calling for the destruction of the army and its assets but are asking for a reformed and non political army that serves under a civilian leadership.
Assad and his buddies sit on a pool of money and businesses that is worth tens of billions of dollars, they lead an collection of thieves and thugs who destroyed Syria from the inside and gave Islamist terrorists an opportunity to penetrate the usually moderate Sunni communities. If Assad and his family step aside but rebels and MBs still refuse to talk,then they only have themselves to blame, Assad is helping the MB and Islamists by not appointing an envoy who is trusted not to sell Syria to Qatar and Turkey, that envoy can represent the regime and may head a transitional government but not have a veto power over its decisions, elections must follow, not Assad’s style,real elections for a change.
To be fair, it is not just Assad boys who are against fair elections, many islamists are unlikely to accept the concept, some even call elections “Haram”.

February 1st, 2013, 7:12 pm


zoo said:

Lebanon hardens the tone: “There will be no compromises on attempts to hide armed militants.

Deadly Firefight on Lebanon’s Border With Syria

February 1, 2013 6:03 pm
By ANNE BARNARD and HWAIDA SAAD / The New York Times

BEIRUT, Lebanon — At least three Lebanese Army soldiers were killed on Friday in a shootout as they tried to arrest a resident of a village that has become a hub of refugees and where Syrian rebel fighters often cross the border. Their target was also fatally shot.

There were conflicting reports about the nature of the clash, in which security forces were ambushed as they pursued a wanted man, but the episode played into fears that the accelerating influx of Syrians could spread the conflict into Lebanon.

The village, Aarsel, lies in the eastern Bekaa Valley, a mountainous region bordering Syria, and is a stronghold of support for the rebellion against the Syrian president, Bashar al-Assad. Syrian refugees who prefer to avoid areas of the Bekaa closely controlled by Hezbollah, an ally of Mr. Assad, have also crammed into the town.

In a statement, the Lebanese Army said that a captain was among those killed and declared without elaborating, “There will be no compromises on attempts to hide armed militants.

Read more:

February 1st, 2013, 7:14 pm


revenire said:

First of all there is no “let’s” with regard to you and I. I support Assad. He’s fighting terrorism.

No sane man likes to see young girls getting raped by Wahabi apes. Do you? Do you also support beheadings? How about the looting we see in Aleppo? Is that also okay with you? It isn’t okay with me but I am not whining about the terrorists. I simply said the FSA is Jabhat al-Nusra and that you support them. I am confident the SAA will kill all of them and the ones that escape the Grim Reaper will be captured and executed after a trial.

My plan for ending this and saving lives is to carpet bomb any areas that have rodent populations. After 2-3 weeks of 24/7 bombing the war will be over. Yes, 50000 more might be dead but most of them will be rats. No loss.

February 1st, 2013, 7:18 pm


revenire said:

AIG this is how we do it:

Syria 24 English
Terrorist Loay al-Nimr, nicknamed Al-Ghoutani Sniper from Jabhet Al-Nusra, is killed today in the farms extending between Douma and Harasta on the hands of the Syrian Arab Army.

One less rodent to deal with. He is now enjoying his virgins.

February 1st, 2013, 7:21 pm


AIG said:

Of course you are a whining cry baby and an aspiring mass killer. But that is what one would expect from an Assad supporter. You supported killing Americans in Iraq. Nobody is going to shed a tear when the islamists you supported will kill you. Assad is a terrorist and is fighting his own people. And until the islamists or rebels finish you off, the civilized world will sanction you and make sure you are isolated in your desolate hell hole.

Part of the rebels are islamists and terrorists. All of Assad’s regime are terrorists. The math is simple.

February 1st, 2013, 7:26 pm


AIG said:

That is how you do it? You mean take it up the ass and do nothing against Israel? Yes, that is how you do it. The supporters of the Rabbit of the Golan are hilarious, especially as we have ample evidence of the huge amount of casualties that the Alawites are suffering. Your villages are being cleaned of fighting age men.

February 1st, 2013, 7:29 pm


zoo said:


Bashar El Assad’s popularity is still strong, especially in the army. There is no way the loyalist Syrians will accepted that the West, who has never been friendly to Syria, performs on Syria the amputation of its mythical leader to replace it by a crooked prosthesis.

In Egypt, Morsi and the MB turned out to be a crooked prosthesis and Egypt still can’t walk. Without the army protecting Morsi’s governement, it would have collapsed.

In Syria, the opposition to a new regime replacing Bashar’s will be 1000 times more violent than in Egypt and as the Syrian army would have desintegrated, only militias will protect the new gouvernement. Imagine that…

There is other way out to prevent chaos. Bashar must stay until there is a new efficient and representative government to take over.

February 1st, 2013, 7:31 pm


AIG said:

Bashar is a dead man walking and Syria will remain sanctioned and in ruins if he stays. There is no hope whatsoever for Syria under Assad. In the best case scenario for Assad Syria will remain a desolated hell hole in which the Alawites are bled slowly but surely to death by a continuous civil war.

February 1st, 2013, 7:35 pm


revenire said:

AIG go to Syria and fight. Posting here is like having a plastic doll for a wife.

Assad is fighting terrorism. His people support him.

In any election Assad gets over 70% automatically. His people love him. Millions of Syrians support the government.

February 1st, 2013, 7:39 pm


revenire said:

Ziad is always a pleasure for us.


HOMS – The news is very big from Homs, especially at Al-Rastan where the Syrian Second Army Corps annihilated a very large number of terrorist rat units funded by Prince Hog of Qatar. In the eastern side of Al-Rastan, a brigade of SAA infantrymen covered by militia engaged the rats in a head-on firefight that the rats could never have won. A major coup was discovered once the dust settled; the SAA had killed a major rat player along with his lieutenants. Wael reports the following dead rodents who were identified:

One named “Abu Ghazwan Al-Burayjani” – rat leader. Positive i.d. pending
Ahmad Ayoub
Muwaffaq Duraybati
Samir Ali Janto
Abdul-Amir Muhammad Kizlik
Khaled Farzat
Muhammad Sa’ad-Eddine

6 others have not been identified and believed to be foreign.

Nearby, in a simultaneous operation, Syrian Special Forces attacked a group of terrorist scavengers at the Darwish Gas Station in Al-Rastan and killed the following rats:

Ahmad Mahmoud Al-Msalli
Mustafa Daher Al-Faqir
Umran Bashir Abu-Leila
Sadeq Shamaat

17 were taken alive and are being identified and processed for long prison terms.

Al-Sultaniyya saw spectacular action as the numbers of rats are diminishing considerably:

Imad Al-Siba’i
Muhammad Al-Soufi
Ahmad Al-Shamali
Murad Kamel Afar
Badran Salim Badran
Mudar Ali Farsoun
Khalid Al-Umar
Ahmad Al-Bakkar

At Al-Ghanto in the rural area around Al-Rastan, a major arrest took place of over 32 terrorist rats and their sympathizers. One of the rats surrendered immediately, according to Wael. He turned out to be another top leader by the name of Hamada Ghazi Jahwani. Wael says this operation was especially “elegant” (raaqiya) for the stealth and discipline it required. Wael also reports that three crates of American-manufactured automatic weapons were seized along with enough drugs to drop an elephant.

At the always-active Al-Qusair, a major depot for rats arriving from Lebanon, the SAA enjoyed a turkey-shoot with rats actually trying to storm fixed and reinforced infantry positions. Wael says that his contacts tell him the rodents were from the Jabhat Al-Nusra. The FSA, whether deserters or civilians, never attack like this. The dead trash identified so far:

Abdul-Mu’in Abu Jamra
Ziad Saleh Khazendar
Ali Aql Al-Bunni
Ali Ahmad Al-Deek

7 others still not identified and suspected of being foreign.

February 1st, 2013, 7:42 pm


revenire said:

AIG almost two years ago the Israelis said Assad would be gone in two months. They were wrong and are so frustrated they’ve had to start bombing Syria themselves.

February 1st, 2013, 7:45 pm


Uzair8 said:

Syria Leaks. A leaked zionist internet memo intercepted by the Syrian troll army (STA).


Agent CueJ. Great work. ;-).

We salute your recent sterling efforts in *****. Continue your mission and good luck. Stay low for now otherwise they’ll spot the pattern. Very little evades STA’s silencers.


Hmmm… first Minister Qadri Jamil admitted the regime had lost control of the economy/currency (markets) now he is admitting that rebels have cut off all supply routes to Aleppo. I guess it’s only a matter of time before it falls. What an admission to make! It can only add to the prevailing feeling of loss of control, leading to sense of panic, leading to defeatism and reduced commitment to the cause amongst regime and it’s foot soldiers.


Aleppo like Leningrad under siege – Syrian Dep. PM
Jan 29, 2013

Militants have completely cut off all supply routes to the Syrian city of Aleppo said Syrian Deputy Prime Minister Qadri Jamil.
According to Jamil it is not even possible to deliver food to Aleppo. He said the armed insurgents have stopped all supply lines and that they are conducting attacks on them.

“The conditions in Aleppo remind me of the besieged Leningrad,” said the Deputy Prime Minister.

He added that most of the residents of Aleppo are loyal to the government but in the vicinity of the city there are many militants opposed to President Bashar al-Assad.

Voice of Russia, RIA

February 1st, 2013, 7:52 pm


AIG said:

So you have no explanation why you are taking it up the ass from Israel. All you can do is comfort yourself you will die slowly while taking Assad down instead of dying quickly. Look it is taking them 5 years to kill me instead of 2! What a relief.

And if Assad finds a pair of balls which I doubt, I will certainly fight. So far Assad has done nothing in the Golan for his entire rule. Talk about a coward.

February 1st, 2013, 7:57 pm


Syrialover said:

There are a lot of terrible lessons and warnings for Syrians being dished out from the Islamist-created mess in northern Mail.

– The jihadists (financed by drug running and kidnapping, and awash with weaponry from Gaddafi stockpiles) hijacked a local longrunning Tuareg tribal insurrection, and massively ecscalated the violence and scope of the conflict.

– The Tuaregs issues were sidelined and Tuareg civilians alienated and terrorized by the extremist invaders like everybody else.

– Skip over the sickening details of the squalor, violent repression and destruction the jihadists imposed in their stolen territory.

– Let’s cut to what has happened now the “holy warriors” have fled like rats into the desert; those who can probably scurrying back to their homelands to recover from their fantasy adventure.

– The Tuareg people, who have nowhere to go, are now the subject of fury, suspicion and terrible reprisals because of what the Islamic extremists did. These terrified people are fleeing their homes en masse. Tuareg leaders explanations of their original aims are falling on deaf ears to those who have regained control of northern Mali.

– This is a shocking tragedy and setback for a proud and tough people who have lived in northern Mali for thousands of years, and struggled long and hard since the 1960s for a fair deal in post-colonial Mali.

The similarities for Syrians don’t bear thinking about. And many Syrians who are part of the genuine opposition movement and grass roots FSA are right to fear it.

February 1st, 2013, 8:03 pm


revenire said:

“Many opposition and foreign leaders are predicting that the regime will fall within months. Syrian Muslim Brotherhood leader Mohammed Riad al-Shaqfa stated that Bashar would fall ‘in the next few months.’ The U.S. State Department has called President Assad a ‘dead man walking.’ Israel’s defense minister has insisted that Assad will fall in a matter of weeks.” – Joshua Landis, February 23 2012

Ha ha a year ago. Guess the Israelis, the Muslim Brotherhood and the United States were all wrong.

February 1st, 2013, 8:11 pm


AIG said:

Just about 100 times less wrong than Assad who predicted that the Arab Spring will not come to Syria one month before it did. One year or 5 or 10, Assad will be gone. The sooner he goes the better Syria will be. But of course mass murderers like you would rather burn Syria to the ground.

February 1st, 2013, 8:20 pm


revenire said:

Arab Spring never came to Syria. He was right.

February 1st, 2013, 8:21 pm


Johannes de Silentio said:

479. AIG

“So you have no explanation why Syria is taking it up the ass from Israel. And why Assad can’t grow a pair of balls…”

Dude, chill! You’re being too hard on Bashar. He’s got problems. Listen to the poor man. The following is a transcript of Bashar on the telephone with his Uncle Koorken, “First of all, this family’s totally dysfunctional. You think the Kardashians are crazy, the al Assads are ten times worse. Then there’s the thing with Putin and the Chinese. Hey, it’s not easy making nice with fat Russians and smelly Chinks. After you shake hands with Putin, you have to take a shower. After the Chinese, you count your fingers. And don’t even get me started on the Iranians with their superiority bit. You should see the stuff they have their women smuggle under those burkas. Fucking hypocrites! After I get done with the family, the Chinese, the Russians and the fucking Persians, I got maybe one hour left to deal with Syria, okay? And then it’s Asma saying, let’s make another baby. It just never fucking ends!”

February 1st, 2013, 8:32 pm


revenire said:

What has happened to the “no negotiations until Assad is gone” line? Guess they caved.

Syrian opposition: willing to meet with regime

MUNICH (AP) — Syria’s top opposition leader said Friday that he was willing to sit down for talks with President Bashar Assad’s government to “ease the pain of the Syrian people,” but emphasized that his goal is to “overthrow the regime by peaceful means.”

Addressing a gathering of the world’s top diplomats and defense officials at the Munich Security Conference, Moaz al-Khatib reiterated an offer first made on Wednesday, which had provoked an outcry from opposition groups that insist Assad must step down first.

“We do believe in the power of the world and we would like to overthrow the regime by peaceful means,” al-Khatib said. But “as a gesture of goodwill we say, just to ease the pain of the Syrian people… we are ready to sit at the negotiating table with the regime.”

February 1st, 2013, 8:45 pm


Johannes de Silentio said:


“Guess they caved”

Kind of like you after a bad Thai meal, yes?

A New Bashar Cartoon

February 1st, 2013, 8:54 pm


MarigoldRan said:

Revenire the loser has been posting continuously for the past 12 hours. Which actually is a good thing. He’s such a big loser that he makes everyone else feel like winners. Whatever problems others might have, they’re mild compared to the problems that he has.

Given the frequency of his posts, he’s obviously an unemployed bum with psychological issues mooching off his parents’ money.

Don’t bother discussing Syria with Revenire. He’s just some stupid troll with no job or life and too much time on his hands.

February 1st, 2013, 9:05 pm


revenire said:

Melnikov: Israeli Political Powers Arm, Fund Terrorists in Syria

First Deputy Chairman of the Russian State Duma, Ivan Melnikov said that the Israeli political powers back the mercenary terrorists and the extremist opposition in Syria, adding that they are providing them with arms and funds.

In an interview with SANA reporter in Moscow of Friday, Melnikov said that the attack of Israeli warplanes on Syria is a gross violation of international law and the UN Charter, and a blatant aggression on a sovereign state, adding that the attack proves once again that the events in Syria are not an internal conflict but have morphed into a regional one.

”There is no doubt that Israel informed the US administration it was planning to carry out the raid on Syria, ” Melnikov said, ”and the US administration was capable of preventing the aggression but they didn’t. Therefore, it is the US and its allies who are giving Israel full rein to carry out its aggressive acts.”

Melnikov said attempts to justify the Israeli air raid by claiming it targeted a military convoy are futile, as ”Israel has no right to launch an air assault on Syrian goals,” adding he is convinced that the schemes for foreign intervention in Syria and some other Arab countries were actually put into effect, citing Libya that became a hotbed of terror.

He added that the US, Israel and their allies don’t want a strong Syria that is a keystone for stability in the Middle East and seeks peaceful settlement and just solutions to regional issues, that’s why they are trying to fragment and weaken it.

”I attended an international conference of presidents of European parliaments in Strasburg last September in my capacity as deputy chairman of the Russian State Duma, and I put forward the Russian official stance on these events,” Melnikov said.

Melnikov said that Moscow has adopted firm stances regarding regional issues and conflicts such as the one unfolding in Syria, adding that Russia is reclaiming its former position in the international arena.

Chairman of the Syrian-Russian Friendship Association, Alexander Dzasokhov told SANA reporter in Moscow that the Israeli violation of the Syrian airspace is a gross violation of the UN principles and the UN Security Council.

”The Israeli violation of the Syrian airspace has raised Russia’s concerns, which in fact constitutes a clear defiance of the UN and its charter,” Dzasokhov said.

”We are sure that the Arab peoples, politicians and leaders will revise the trajectory of events, because there is no sitting on the fence on this as the Syria issue is intertwined with the issues of the Arab world,” Dzasokhov said.

He saw that the blatant Israel violation of the Syrian airspace can be intended to deflect attention from the political program to solve the crisis proposed by President Bashar al-Assad.

He wondered at some Arab countries’ silence over the Israeli attack, stating that ”We haven’t heard any condemnation of the aggression from Saudi Arabia, Qatar or other Arab states.”

Dzasokhov hoped that the UNSC will punish Israel for the aggression, adding ”Our reactions should not be restricted to separate incidents, but there should be intensified efforts regarding such reckless violations.”

February 1st, 2013, 9:15 pm


revenire said:

Moaz al-Khatib dropped the “Bashar has to leave before we talk” nonsense. They blinked. Why?

February 1st, 2013, 9:16 pm


MarigoldRan said:


Instead of asking these questions, which are obviously above your social intelligence, you should instead ask questions that are more pertinent to your existence. Such as:

1. Why benefit does Revenire bring to society?
2. How come Revenire doesn’t have a job?
3. How does Revenire become less of a loser?

I think these are the more important questions that you should be asking yourself.

February 1st, 2013, 9:19 pm


omen said:

457. allow me to excerpt, quoting brahimi:

44. The principles on which the Council’s actions might be based are explicitly or implicitly contained in the Geneva Communiqué:

a) Syria’s independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity must be preserved;

b) There must be clear recognition that the ultimate objective is to enable the Syrian people to exercise their legitimate rights to dignity and human rights and to have a full say in the manner in which they are governed;

c) An essential element in that process is the formation of a transitional Government with full executive powers. The meaning of “full executive powers” has to be clarified before the Syrian parties come together to discuss the formation of that transitional government. Leaving that definition, the definition of full executive powers, to the parties is fairly certain to lead to a dead end;

In this connection, the Geneva communiqué was elegant and creative in that it did not speak of President Bashar Al-Assad and his role in the transition and beyond. I think, however, it is largely understood that “governing body with full executive powers” clearly meant that the President would have no role in the transition;

February 1st, 2013, 9:44 pm


revenire said:

Assad’s role is up to the Syrian people and Assad Omen – no one else.

February 1st, 2013, 10:00 pm


omen said:

457. i cant find it now but part of the stated rationale of the west acting to block rebels from obtaining new arms was the hope it would push syrians to the negotiation table.

i don’t trust a process that would serve to disadvantage the opposition to such a degree as to deny them a chance to properly defend themselves while iran and russia have free reign to continue to arm the regime.

brahimi says “there is no military solution to this conflict.” this is a blatant lie. he fails to mention how it’s regime aircraft that is reducing the country to rubble. rebels are being denied the chance to neutralize that one advantage. the posture that there is no military solution is because the west is bending over backwards to deny the opposition the chance for a military victory.

nevertheless, as marigold is fond of saying, doesn’t matter what these corrupt institutions have to say or try to dictate, the rebels on the ground will find a way to prevail.

February 1st, 2013, 10:12 pm


MarigoldRan said:

Thank you, Owen!

In a war like this, weapons are important. But conviction is even more important.

Material deficits can be overcome as long as enough people are motivated to overcome it. The regime, fortunately, is very good at motivating its enemies.

February 1st, 2013, 10:15 pm


omen said:

marigold, there you are. i said this earlier but i posted late on the last thread and it’s likely you missed seeing it. i wanted to apologize for misconstruing your position. i should have asked for a clarification first before assuming the worst and using that to grandstand. sorry.

February 1st, 2013, 10:28 pm


omen said:

let’s try this again.

marigold, there you are. i said this earlier but i posted late on the last thread and it’s likely you missed seeing it. i wanted to apologize for misconstruing your position. i should have asked for a clarification first before assuming the worst and using that to grandstand. sorry about that.

February 1st, 2013, 10:34 pm


MarigoldRan said:

I actually don’t even know what you wrote earlier or what you’re apologizing for, but apology accepted.

February 1st, 2013, 10:35 pm


majedkhaldoun said:

Long time ago,I said The Syrian revolution is exportable, US realizes this fact, so US adpted a policy where they will assist the rebels,or allow assistance to reach them only till they get strong,then withhold the assistance till they get weak again,then US will start to help again, the purpose is to allow the destruction of Syria,so post Assad Syria will be too weak,it will not be able to export the revolution. The whole purpose is to keep Israel the strongest country, and assure the safety of Israel.

Mr. Moaz Khatib is not a good leader, he has good heart, his statement on facebook was wrong, and I expect that FSA will demand for him to be replaced, and or the NC chooses new leader .hopefully this will happen quietly.

February 1st, 2013, 11:12 pm


zoo said:

In a spurt of genius the opposition has found the face saving motto to hide the humiliation of their U-Turn:

A week ago:

“We will not dialog with Bashar al Assad, never!”


“We will dialog with Bashar, yes, but just to tell him to resign”

Next week ?

February 1st, 2013, 11:12 pm


zoo said:

#498 Majie

Now that Al Khatib has shown he has some guts, I hope that my prediction that he be replaced doesn’t happen….

But I stick to my prediction that the FSA will collapse soon

February 1st, 2013, 11:16 pm


Visitor said:

FSA continues to make advances on all fronts. Two more planes beat the dust today, while the battle in Damascus continues to heat up.

As usual, the only achievements of the criminal regime were more crimes and more massacres.

In addition to the above 53 criminal regime thugs are hell bound as we speak in one single operation targeting the intelligence headquarters in Qoneitra.

February 1st, 2013, 11:16 pm


revenire said:

My Asma looks remarkably fit for a pregnant woman.

February 1st, 2013, 11:28 pm


zoo said:

Is Erdogan trying to hide that the terrorist act was linked to the Islamists

Turkey says U.S. Embassy attacker was Marxist

Article by: TIM ARANGO and SEBNEM ARSU , New York Time

“And the findings by the Turks were treated with suspicion by some terrorism experts.”

Hours after the attack, Interior Minister Muammer Guler said an initial investigation had identified the bomber as having been a member of an outlawed leftist group that Erdogan later identified as the Revolutionary People’s Liberation Party-Front, a Marxist-Leninist organization responsible for attacks on U.S. targets in Turkey in the early 1990s.

Still, the White House spokesman, Jay Carney, said in a briefing with reporters in Washington, “We do not know at this point who is responsible or the motivations behind the attack.” And the findings by the Turks were treated with suspicion by some terrorism experts.

February 1st, 2013, 11:32 pm


zoo said:

After ridiculing it as a Shia practice, Sunnis are embracing the temporary mariage: zawaaj al misyar

Traditional ‘temporary marriages’ are now a permanent problem

“In recent years, particularly in Saudi Arabia, there has been a huge proliferation of websites offering misyar matrimonial services”

One of the more controversial proposals advocated to address the anoosa issue, particularly in Saudi Arabia, has been the reintroduction of an old practice known as zawaaj al misyar. The term is often translated as “the visitor’s marriage” and has been historically associated with merchants.

Whatever the term’s exact origins, the misyar marriage is essentially founded on the understanding that the husband has no financial obligations towards his wife beyond the “mahar”, or bridal gift. He also doesn’t need to provide accommodation or even cohabitate; he simply visits her at his convenience. Misyar brides often remain in their parents’ home.

One interpretation of misyar is that it provides men with the benefits of marriage without any of the responsibilities. Misyar marriages, like conventional Islamic marriages, require the presence of a guardian, two witnesses and mutual consent.

Perhaps understandably, the misyar marriage tends to be a low-key affair, neither publicly nor lavishly celebrated, as is typical with conventional Gulf weddings. Official data on the topic are hard to come by, but anecdotal reports suggest the majority of misyar marriages are contracted by married men seeking additional wives.

So why would any woman opt for such an arrangement? One of the main reasons given is the threat of “terminal spinsterhood”, and also the difficulty some Gulf women experience attempting to remarry after divorce or widowhood. In short, misyar is considered when the prospects for a conventional marriage appear minimal to non-existent.

February 1st, 2013, 11:39 pm


zoo said:

Analysis: Cold War-style proxy war via US Embassy

Although the Marxist terrorist organizations of the Cold War have ended their activities in Turkey, organizations of the sectarian sort like the DHKP/C (Revolutionary People’s Liberation Party/Front) have been gaining ground as a result of circumstances surrounding the Syrian civil war. For example, the historical background, sectarian character and ideological motivation of this organization points to a strong connection to Syrian Intelligence.

Moreover, suicide bombing is one of its known tactics. It’s not surprising at all that the suspect behind this attack is a member of this organization.

In sum, it seems that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has sent a message to the United States of America, a message that reverberated through the house of its long-time friend Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdo?an. There is a strong sign that a new proxy war in the region has started. Just like the days of the Cold War, Syria-Iran-Russia and the West confront each other.

February 1st, 2013, 11:48 pm


zoo said:

If the violence escalates in Egypt, will Morsi end up like Gaddafi, would he escape to Qatar, would he join Mobarak in jail or would he resign? Your guess..

February 1st, 2013, 11:52 pm


revenire said:

Coalition against Syria: United States, Britain, France, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey.

Allahu Akbar Hava Nagila

February 2nd, 2013, 12:00 am


syrian said:

Iran spreading its terrorism all over the arabs countries

Yemen Seizes Sailboat Filled With Weapons, and U.S. Points to Iran
“The government of Yemen confirmed the seizure Monday in an official statement. The captured weapons included surface-to-air missiles used to shoot down civilian and military aircraft, C4 military-grade explosives, 122-millimeter shells, rocket-propelled grenades and bomb-making equipment, including electronic circuits, remote triggers and other hand-held explosives, the statement said. ”

February 2nd, 2013, 12:03 am


Ghufran said:

In a briefing to the security council, Brahimi said: “The Geneva communiqué was elegant and creative in that it did not speak of President Bashar Al-Assad and his role in the transition and beyond. I think, however, it is largely understood that ‘governing body with full executive powers’ clearly meant that the president would have no role in the transition.”
A transcript of the briefing was obtained by the UN Report website, and was confirmed as accurate by UN sources. Arguing that in Syria “things are bad and getting worse, the country is breaking up before everyone’s eyes”, Brahimi put forward a step-by-step peace plan, starting with talks “between a strong, fully representative team on behalf of the opposition and a strong civilian-military delegation representing the government”.
He added: “These negotiations should start outside of Syria and take place according to an agreed timetable to enable the process to move – as fast as possible – towards the democratic process which would include the election, constitutional reform and referendum.” He pointed out that it would not be hard to transform the current presidential system to a parliamentary system of government.

February 2nd, 2013, 1:42 am


revenire said:

I’m curious why Syria would want to go to a parliamentary system over a presidential one.

February 2nd, 2013, 1:47 am


revenire said:

FSA and Israel attack Syrian research center

Western media relayed disinformation by Israeli sources announcing that their army had attacked a Syrian military convoy transporting weapons to Hezbollah in Lebanon. According to the press articles, Sam-7 missiles or chemical weapons ready for deployment were allegedly part of the shipment.

In fact, the Israeli Air Force bombed a research center located in Jemraya in the suburbs of Damascus, on Wednesday afternoon, January 30, 2013. There were no Sam-7’s or chemical weapons housed at the center. Indeed, the destruction of Sam-7 missiles would have set off explosions visible from the capital. As for the destruction of chemical weapons ready for use (that is to say whose components have already been mixed) would have caused a disaster.

An unofficial Syrian source told Voltaire Network that a few days earlier the Syrian Arab Army had seized some sophisticated Israeli material used by the Contras, which it stored in the research center where it was to be taken apart and analyzed.

This is probably the material that the Israelis intended to destroy before being taken to Russia or Iran. The Center was first attacked by ground commandos of the Free Syrian Army who were pushed back. Then, the Israeli Air Force intervened directly to carry out the work that the Contras were unable to achieve.

Israeli planes flew in very low from Lebanon. They rose from the rear of Mount Hermon and penetrated Syrian airspace only very briefly.

February 2nd, 2013, 2:29 am



Yup, voltairnet, the terrorist mouthpiece funded by putin’s old friends in the KJB, and collecting on its pages the left-over, refuse, retards, and garbage including those who were caught time and again selling their own countries for the “communist ideals” and a few thousand US dollars (funny that no commi traitor terrorist would accept rubles).

February 2nd, 2013, 3:00 am



Only on voltairnet you get such stupid statements

The project, concluded on 25 June 2011, had been frozen because of the war in Syria. It started up again following the reelection of President Barack Obama and the resumption of the secret US-Iran negotiations.
–end of quote from the brilliantly constructed crap—

and BTW, some writers on voltairnet should be investigated for connection to athad mafia intelligence agencies, already declared terrorist organizations in their own right.

others are merely retard lefty-righty confused left over rejects.

February 2nd, 2013, 3:11 am


Badr said:

I dream of seeing a Syria in which one day the following idea could take root! But in the meantime, first things first.

The national unity of a free people depends upon a sufficiently even balance of political power to make it impracticable for the administration to be arbitrary and for the opposition to be revolutionary and irreconcilable. Where that balance no longer exists, democracy perishes. For unless all the citizens of a state are forced by circumstances to compromise, unless they feel that they can affect policy but that no one can wholly dominate it, unless by habit and necessity they have to give and take, freedom cannot be maintained.

Walter Lippmann

February 2nd, 2013, 4:06 am


Juergen said:

Opposition slams Syria’s Assad, says it would take tougher line against Israel for airstrike

” Syrian opposition leaders and rebels on Friday slammed President Bashar Assad for not responding to a rare Israeli airstrike near Damascus, calling it proof of his weakness and acquiescence to the Jewish State.”

February 2nd, 2013, 4:40 am



It responded, as cowardly as always with terrorist act against the US embassy in Turkey.

February 2nd, 2013, 4:46 am


annie said:

“508. revenire said:

Coalition against Syria: United States, Britain, France, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey.

Allahu Akbar Hava Nagila”

He forgot Assad in this coalition as bomber number one

February 2nd, 2013, 5:16 am


Sami said:

Lest we forget

Hama 02/02/81

February 2nd, 2013, 6:11 am


Juergen said:

nice Assad loyalist in Algerian TV

“We have a saying in Arabic, Every tall one is stupid.” Then he thinks, “Bashar is long, but he is clever.”

February 2nd, 2013, 6:32 am


Uzair8 said:

Following on from my previous comment on Dep PM Qadri Jamil’s (Agent CueJ) defeatest comments regarding Aleppo.

Is Aleppo falling?


AJE Syria blog about 4hrs ago:

Syria’s rebels have seized a key district in the embattled northern city of Aleppo, as troops again bombarded areas south of Damascus.

The takeover was a strategic victory for the rebels, as it secured a key route linking Syria’s second city to its international airport.

Activists said the takeover also severed regime forces’ access to a military airfield.

“Rebel fighters have seized Sheikh Said, which was the last land route linking Nayrab airport to the city,” the anti-regime Aleppo Media Centre said.

According to the AMC’s Abu Hisham, the battle for Aleppo’s airports has become a key rebel objective.

February 2nd, 2013, 6:48 am


Uzair8 said:

Amjad of Arabia ?@amjadofarabia 31 Jan
Of course @edwardedark cant bring himself to tell the world of the improving bread situation in Aleppo thanks to the efforts of the rebels

Amjad of Arabia ?@amjadofarabia 19h
@michaeldweiss get a deal to release prisoners,and Assad has lost his main tool of terror.

February 2nd, 2013, 7:00 am


zoo said:

Morsi goes to Germany and send his wife and family on vacation is a resort on the red sea.

On Wednesday, he left a seething nation behind to visit Germany where he assured his hosts that nothing happening in his country should worry anyone.

“What is happening now in Egypt is natural in nations experiencing a shift to democracy,” he said.

He said there was no need to form a unity government, as demanded by the opposition, because a new government will be formed after parliamentary elections, expected in April at the earliest.

Adding insult to injury, on the same day Mr Morsi left for Berlin, his wife flew to the Red Sea resort of Taba on a private plane for a family vacation, according to airport officials.

Read more:
Follow us: @TheNationalUAE on Twitter | on Facebook

February 2nd, 2013, 8:16 am


zoo said:

The Nusra Front Delusion

By Hussein Shabokshi

The jihadist ideology followed by groups like the Nusra Front, among others, is a cancer on the Islamic world. Such ideology is the archenemy of the Islamic world. Our society’s inability to get rid of this ideology completely exposes the lack of a counter-ideology and the inability of more tolerant and moderate ideologies to confront this in the required manner
There should be no place for the Nusra Front in Syria. More importantly, however, there should also be no place for those who threaten this group coming to power. All of this is in order to support the devil, Bashar al-Assad, remaining in power, according to the famous proverb: Better the devil you know.

The same thing is happening today, with fears being raised about the jihadist groups on the ground in Syria in order to make political gains for Assad and his supports. However, in reality this game has been completely exposed.

The Syrian people are well aware that the Nusra Front is a cancerous blight on Syria; however this is just one group that has no historic roots in the country, while the Syrian people will not allow them to remain present on the ground. This is something that the world at large must be aware o

February 2nd, 2013, 8:22 am


majedkhaldoun said:
Israel will attack again,inside Syria, they found out Syrian airforce is very weak, The sunni pilots are grounded, and the Alawi pilots are saved to kill Syrians, and their number are getting much less,and Assad can not afford to lose more planes. It was a mistake for Assad to use the airforce to bomb Syrians,Israel will attack again.

February 2nd, 2013, 8:38 am


zoo said:

Is Iran fueling the unrest in Egypt?

After the many attempts to ‘become friend’ with Morsi that Morsi rebuffed, one wonders if Iran has not decided the guy is a dead horse and is concentrating in helping the liberals, more sympathetic to Iran, to take over the country. Alternatively they could aim at weakening Morsi in the international scene which would oblige him to move toward Iran and … Russia

Iran struggles to woo reluctant Egypt

Ian Black: Cairo seems to be resisting Tehran’s charm offensive

Forging better relations between Iran and Egypt is turning out to be harder than the Islamic Republic might have imagined after the overthrow of Hosni Mubarak — the biggest upheaval of the Arab spring.

In general, Tehran has misrepresented the uprisings as an “Islamic awakening” — a partial and self-serving view even though in Egypt, Tunisia and elsewhere Islamist parties have played significant roles

February 2nd, 2013, 8:46 am


zoo said:


“Israel will attack again.”

Are you rejoicing? It will weaken even more the regime, that what’s you want, no?

February 2nd, 2013, 8:47 am


zoo said:

Turkey who has huge military businesses with Israel accuses Syria of collusion with Israel!
I wish he was right….

Why didn’t al-Assad even throw a pebble at Israel: Davuto?lu


Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davuto?lu criticized the Israeli raid in Syria this week, severely questioning Damascus’ inaction on the aggression. “Why didn’t [Bashar] al-Assad even throw a pebble when Israeli jets were flying over his palace and playing with the dignity of his country?” Davuto?lu told reporters on his way to Serbian capital Belgrade for a bilateral visit.
Davuto?lu also accused Syria’s embattled leader of having made a secret deal with Israel. “Is there a secret agreement between al-Assad and Israel?

February 2nd, 2013, 8:52 am


majedkhaldoun said:

No I am not rejoicing, I am telling the news, Assad is afraid of using sunni pilots ,lest they defect, and he can not afford to lose planes and Alawi pilots, BTW Alawi pilots are cowards,they proved they only kill armless Syrians.
Israel found out Assad airforce is toothless, their threats are empty, Israel is preparing to destroy chemical weapons centers in Syria.

I am amazed you say you wish Assad is in collusion with Israel, TRAIROR.

February 2nd, 2013, 9:05 am


zoo said:

480. Syrialover

Thanks for the “distractionist” plea about the Tuareg but please come back to Syria and comment on what Al Khatib said and how it is received.

February 2nd, 2013, 9:25 am


zoo said:

#532 Majie

That’s what the grand Vizir and your opposition friends are accusing Bashar.

Maybe their wish will come true.
The democratic Israelis may be after all better friends to Syria than Qatar and KSA family-business who have spent billions destroying Syria in the name of a democracy they don’t even have.
I wish they had spent as much in helping the Palestinians get back some of their rights.

Turkey is a strong buyer of Israeli military equipment. Qatar has funded Natanyahu elections. How many their citizens died fighting Israel: 9 on the Mavi Marmara?

I am wondering if the attack was not instigated by Qatar and Turkey to weaken further Syria.
Who are the real double face traitors?

February 2nd, 2013, 9:36 am


zoo said:


“Israel is preparing to destroy chemical weapons centers in Syria”

I am amazed you are not rejoicing of that, you should otherwise you a TRAITOR to the opposition.

February 2nd, 2013, 9:40 am


zoo said:

The game of vetos will start again…

Syria takes Israel to UN over air raid on military research centre

In face of growing chorus of condemnation, Israel maintains stony silence over Syria’s claims, as well as over reports that its jets have struck convoy near Lebanon border.

Israel goes from threats to action

DAMASCUS – Syria on Thursday lodged a complaint with the United Nations over what it says was an Israeli air raid on a military research centre, as President Bashar al-Assad’s allies rushed to denounce the strike.

In the face of the growing chorus of condemnation, Israel maintained a stony silence over Syria’s claims, as well as over separate reports from security sources that its jets had struck a weapons convoy near the Lebanon border.

Syria said it complained to the United Nations, even though it is still technically at war with Israel.

February 2nd, 2013, 9:42 am


Observer said:

I quote from above:
” There is other way out to prevent chaos. Bashar must stay until there is a new efficient and representative government to take over.” AIG is right there are is no pro regime intelligent form on this blog.

As if we have had an efficient and representative government for over 60 years.

One party rule, one family rule, state of emergency, security house of cards, graft, corruption, theft, arbitrary arrests, non existent rule of law, sectarian distributions, exporter of chaos in Lebanon and Iraq, secular to the bone regime ally of a theocracy run by a jurisprudent who communicates with God, and yes no telephone book yet. Loss of the Golan in 67 and a near loss of Damascus in 73 and an incursion into Lebanon that gave them a taste of what the security system does to a whole country.

As if the reforms proposed are anything else but a sham and a shameful set of garbage and insult to humanity and to the sacrifice of the Syrian people.

Now some on this blog and on the Syrian news outlets have been repeating that Lavrov is not meeting with Biden.

Well not only Lavrov is meeting with Biden; he already did and he is just now meeting with Khatib.

I salute the flexibility of the external opposition. They are coming across as this stage and I have many reservations about them as more coherent, less rigid, more humane, more realistic. The regime has the ball in its court fully. That is why the Iranians have sent an envoy today to instruct them on the next move.

The Russians maybe extricating themselves from the diplomatic mess they got themselves into and now there is an existential fight to the finish on the ground that has taken a life of its own and it is going to get MUCH WORSE before it gets better.

The news today are not good for the regime supporters. Lavrov meeting with Biden and with Khatib.

Justice for Hamza one criminal at a time in a court of law

February 2nd, 2013, 9:54 am


Tara said:

Asma looks too thin to my taste, like a women with Anorexia Nervosa. She should lift weight to build som lean muscle mass.

February 2nd, 2013, 10:05 am


majedkhaldoun said:

???? ????????: ?????? ????? ???? ??? ???? ?????? ??? ???? ????? ??????

Syria news said there was a meeting,even that the news were denied before,

Zoozoo who proved to be traitor,how are you going to spin that?

February 2nd, 2013, 10:09 am


Tara said:


“Turkey who has huge military businesses with Israel accuses Syria of collusion with Israel!
I wish he was right….”

Is this your true color? You wish Syria is in a secret deal with Israel?

My blood is boiling….What a fool Tara was all this time!

February 2nd, 2013, 10:29 am


AIG said:


We have nothing to do with these murderous idiots.

What Zoo said shows you just how desperate their situation is and how few allies they have.

February 2nd, 2013, 10:47 am


zoo said:

#541 Tara

Who’s talking?
You have been proning the alliance with the Islamists linked to Al Qaeda for the sole purpose of get ridding of a leader who has stood for decades for the right of the Palestinians, who has a population of 500,000 palestinians refugees treated with dignity, despite the Western sanctions, and who has welcomed a million Iraqis fleeing the beloved Sunni hero Saddam Hussein, then the sunni Islamists that came after him and that you praise.

I wonder who is desperate and who should be ashame?

Syrians, under the Assads, have stood against Israel together with Hezbollah and Iran and paid with their lives and they will continue standing because they believes in the Arab nation of which Syria is one of the main component.

The traitors are the KSA and Qatar, rich, coward and cheap or the hypocritical Erdogan who plays on the two sides. Any Arab who believes in what they want to do of the Arab world is a coward and a traitor.

Your blood is boiling for the wrong reason. Ask your dear friends the Israeli AIG and AP to help cooling it down. You’ll never find better friends.

February 2nd, 2013, 11:04 am


omen said:

awesome. we have youtube directly on the thread now. does it post automatic? (the default is sized a little too large though.)

anybody know if we can post photos? even modest thumbnail sized would be nice.

February 2nd, 2013, 11:12 am


annie said:

Sat, 02 Feb 2013 18:00
Demonstrations’ Statistics during the Friday of “The International Community Partners Assad in His Crimes” || February 1, 2013

The most recent study from the Syrian Map Center documented 203 protests in 173 demonstration points during the Friday of “The International Community Parterns Assad in His Crimes”
Deir Al Zour comes first with a total of 50 protests, then followed by Hama: 42, Aleppo: 35, Damascus Suburbs: 23 , Idlib: 21 , Hasakeh: 9 , Homs: 7 , Daraa:7 , Damascus: 5 and Raqqa one protest.
However, it should be noted that this week coincides with the 31st Hama Massacre that was committed by the regime in 1982.

Doesn’t look like we can publish photos but if you click on the link below you will get to the map

February 2nd, 2013, 11:21 am


zoo said:

Lavrov is not interested to meet Al Khatib who had insulted Russia by refusing an invitation to talk a few weeks ago.
The much less cocky opposition is now desperatly hoping Russia will budge and give them back some of their doubtful legitimacy.

Syrian Opposition Chief to Meet US, Russia and UN?

The Syrian opposition had raised hopes that there could be three-way or four-way meetings at the Munich Security Conference with the United States, Russia and United Nations on Saturday, but U.N. and Russian officials rushed to play this down.

One high-level member of the Syrian opposition coalition told Reuters that Russia may be softening towards a meeting with Alkhatib after he said he was willing to hold talks with the government of President Bashar al-Assad.

February 2nd, 2013, 11:22 am


majedkhaldoun said:

February 2nd, 2013, 11:22 am


omen said:

no offense, aig, but despite the historic animosity towards arabs, i don’t see how how israel can stand by and watch the regime wage genocide upon syrians and not lift one finger. instead, israelis climb on a hill to play tourist to get a better view of the regime’s shelling.

February 2nd, 2013, 11:25 am


annie said:

How do you post a video ?

robotnyck 4:55 pm on February 2, 2013

#Syria #Aleppo #Kwers

Long video of rebels in action near Kwers military airport. The flames at the end of the road, towards the end of the video, are, I think, Assad convoy vehicles burning.

February 2nd, 2013, 11:26 am


zoo said:

Iran pledges full support to Damascus: Jalili
Iranian senior official says Tehran will continue its support for Syrian regime against ‘Western powers conspiracies’

AFP , Saturday 2 Feb 2013

A senior Iranian security official pledged on Saturday the full support of Tehran for the Syrian regime, its close ally, Syrian state television said.

“We will give all our support so that Syria remains firm and able to face all the arrogant (Western powers’) conspiracies,” said Saeed Jalili, who heads the Supreme National Security Council and who is visiting Damascus.

“The Israeli aggression and arrogant international forces have tried to take revenge by attacking the resisting Syrian people,” said Jalili, who described Israel and the West’s attempts as “desperate.”

February 2nd, 2013, 11:43 am


Tara said:


What does “I wish he was right” mean?

If you have an explanation for your statement, please provide it. Otherwise, please either admit you were wrong to say it because it is not really you or defend it. Do you really wish there is an alliance between Bashar and Israel so that they will help crush the revolution?

February 2nd, 2013, 11:44 am


revenire said:

THIS WAS ONE MONTH AGO… now they want talks

Syria opposition leader rejects Moscow invitation for peace talks
Moaz Alkhatib, whose National Coalition opposition group has been recognized by most

“The coalition is ready for political talks with anyone … but it will not negotiate with the Assad regime,” spokesman Walid al-Bunni told Reuters. “Everything can happen after the Assad regime and all its foundations have gone. After that we can sit down with all Syrians to set out the future.”

February 2nd, 2013, 11:46 am


zoo said:

Children’s rights in Saudi Arabia?

Saudi preacher gets off light for raping, killing daughter

AFP , Saturday 2 Feb 2013,-killing-.aspx

A Saudi preacher who raped his five-year-old daughter and tortured her to death has been sentenced to pay “blood money” to the mother after having served a short jail term, activists said on Saturday.

February 2nd, 2013, 11:48 am


AIG said:


Zoo is using the same manipulative language that the regime has been using for decades. They fooled you for decades by playing the “resistance” and Arabism card. It was just a ruse to say in power. When he talks about giving their lives to fight Israel, Zoo of course means the lives of Lebanese. Assad will not do anything against Israel directly because he is a coward only interested in perpetuating his family’s rule so that they can continue pillaging Syria.

As for taking refugees, one wonders why Assad took in Iraqi refugees when he cannot take care of his own people? What about the million displaced internally by the drought? Why did Assad leave them to rot? In fact he did not take care of the Iraqi refugees also, just took advantage of the money they brought and let them fend for themselves.

It is sickening to me that Zoo still uses this language and thinks anyone believes him. They really think Syrians are idiots and that nothing has changed.

February 2nd, 2013, 11:49 am


AIG said:


No offence taken. It is quite simple, are the rebels or the SNC asking for help from Israel? No they are not. In fact they are saying the opposite. So why should Israel do anything when it knows that anything it does will be criticized? People that need help, ask for it. If not, they are arrogant idiots, especially when it means life or death.

February 2nd, 2013, 11:56 am


zoo said:


It was a sarcastic reply to a double faced hypocrite who dared accuse Bashar Al Assad of collusion with Israel, ignoring the decades of efforts and loss of lives the Assad had to accept to keep the Palestinian cause alive when the other rich arab cowards, despite their money, have refused to host palestinians refugees as they hoped that these desperate and humiliated people would swallow their defeat and settle in Syria and Lebanon forever.
That’s what the US and Israel have been hoping for too.
Thank God there were the Assad, Hezbollah and Iran to oppose to that humiliating arrangement.
You may hate the Assads for their mismanagement of Syria internal politics but they brought the head of the Arabs high and the Palestinians owe them their dignity and their survival.

If Bashar was a coward, he would have signed anything with the USA and Israel to keep his position, a long time ago. While the SNC was ready to bow to Israel, Bashar al Assad was not.
He has shown that his convictions as an Arab are more important that his survival.
Despite his flaws, he is a proud and true Arab leader.

February 2nd, 2013, 12:04 pm


AIG said:


Let me explain what Zoo means by “I wish he was right”. It means that they know that their only chance is the US and Israel coming to the conclusion that Assad is better than the islamists and helping them stay in power. Because otherwise they are in a no win position.

Even if they reach a stalemate with the rebels, they remain under sanctions and without any ability to rebuild. They will be disconnected from the West and will be living in a devastated hell hole surrounded by rebels and jihadists fighting a constant war of attrition with the Alawite numbers constantly dwindling.

Their only hope is that the West somehow support them and agree to lift sanctions. That will not happen. The terrorist is Assad and his regime supported terror for 11 years and no one is going to be fooled again. Asma is never getting interviewed in vogue again and Assad is never going to visit Europe again. All they have left is a dismal fight to the death to look forward to.

February 2nd, 2013, 12:05 pm


revenire said:

Assad could have made a deal with the US to stop supporting the Resistance. That was the offer. If he had Assad would be called a brave hero by Obama.

Israel attacks Syria because it fears the Resistance.

February 2nd, 2013, 12:08 pm


revenire said:

AIG can’t get over the fact that most Syrians support the government.

February 2nd, 2013, 12:09 pm


zoo said:

555 AIG

If keeping palestinians in cage for 60 years doesn’t make you sick, I am so glad I succeeded.

Do you think Tara is so stupid that she needs a friend like you to explain what I said.

February 2nd, 2013, 12:09 pm


AIG said:


Wow! It never ends this manipulative language of Arabism. Assad never helped the Palestinians, he used them to further his geopolitical needs. By supporting Hamas he weakened the Palestinians as never before:
1) By egging them to start the second intifada in which the Palestinians were crushed, Assad weakened them very much
2) By supporting Hamas, he brought about the division of the Palestinians that led to even more weakening.

The art of sowing division in Palestinian ranks at the expense of the Palestinians but for the benefit of Syria was a specialty of Hafez. He did the same in Lebanon. Read some history and see how Hafez played the Palestinian factions one against the other.

Dignity comes from having a good education and hope for the future and having an accountable government. Not from shooting rockets at Israel. Assad could not provide the former to his people, so he manipulated their minds to believe that the second was good enough.

February 2nd, 2013, 12:14 pm


revenire said:

First, this is a civilian airliner.

Second, do these apes believe their guns can hit it?

February 2nd, 2013, 12:16 pm


zoo said:

#561 AIg

One can’t expect anything better from a obsessive Zionist who has the pretense to understand the Arab minds and cares for the Arabs and especially for the encaged palestinians.

February 2nd, 2013, 12:20 pm


AIG said:


They are not stopping. They know that most Arabs feel for the plight of the Palestinians which is only natural. They know that many Arabs feel humiliated by the inability of the Arab world to solve the problem. And they use these feelings to manipulate Syrians into believing that only an Assad dictatorship that provides no dignity and hope for its people can help the Palestinians.

But as usual, they contradict themselves twice in the same paragraph. Why are they trying to scare the West to support them if they think they are the ones fighting Israel? Why do they say that the rebels will be worse for Israel?

You see, they lie to all sides because their aim is just to stay in power and pillage Syria.

The Palestinian issue is not related to the issue of the Syrian people deserving to be free of the murderous regime.

February 2nd, 2013, 12:22 pm


AIG said:


You are a cornered animal that will say anything to get out of your bind. But your manipulative lies will not help. Syrians have seen the true nature of the Syrian regime and what murderers and cowards they are. You are finished. It may take a few years, but you are already done. All you have to look forward to is being under sanctions and fighting an attrition war from your desolate hell hole. Just misery and death. You have made your choice, now live or probably die with it.

February 2nd, 2013, 12:27 pm


zoo said:

Imposing a video is not a good idea…

I’d rather have the choice of linking to it or not.

I vote against

February 2nd, 2013, 12:29 pm


zoo said:

#567 AIG

Bravo! Good speech, when will you apply to the Knesseth?

February 2nd, 2013, 12:30 pm


AIG said:

Let’s see any airline fly into Damascus airport knowing planes will be shot at. Let’s see any insurance company insure that airline. The rebels are strangling the regime. If the regime does not control the area around the Damascus airport, its life line, what does it control?

February 2nd, 2013, 12:31 pm


AIG said:

Let’s see any airline fly into Damascus airport knowing planes will be shot at. Let’s see any insurance company insure that airline. The rebels are strangling the regime. If the regime does not control the area around the Damascus airport, its life line, what does it control?

February 2nd, 2013, 12:33 pm


zoo said:

Who trained Egyptian police? Was it the UK or Germany?

VIDEO: Egyptian police strip, beat man in front of presidential palace

Footage from Al-Hayat satellite channel shows security forces stripping a grown man naked and beating him in front of Egypt’s presidential palace on Friday, 1 February 2013

February 2nd, 2013, 12:34 pm


AIG said:

“Bravo! Good speech, when will you apply to the Knesseth?”

That is the best you can do when your manipulative lies are exposed? When your cynical treachery is laid bare for all to see? When all your BS about Palestinians has become evident?

The fact is you would take any help you can to save you from the miserable slow death that awaits your hopeless community. But no help is coming.

February 2nd, 2013, 12:37 pm


Tara said:


I believe you are pro-Palestinians. I do not believe Assad is. I believe Assad used the Palestinian card to become a regional power broker. I believe he used their cause to build his throne and anchor his power. I believe you are illusioned with what Assad is about and I hope a day will come when you see him for who he really is.

February 2nd, 2013, 12:39 pm


AIG said:

The Assad regime would have bombed the man, put his relatives in jail and then tortured his children. The usual Assad regime BS of pointing fingers at others without ever taking responsibility for anything. Pathetic losers.

February 2nd, 2013, 12:40 pm


revenire said:

“Let’s see any airline fly into Damascus airport knowing planes will be shot at.”

The National Security Council Secretary Jalili flew in to Damascus airport today. What are you talking about AIG? It it is so dangerous why would Iran risk one of its top officials?

February 2nd, 2013, 12:45 pm


revenire said:

Tara’s been given the day off and is deciding to use it to pant after Batta again. Shameless.

February 2nd, 2013, 12:47 pm


Badr said:

Whatever prompted Israel to strike must have been compelling enough in its view to override any other restraining consideration.

Israeli silence on Syria is strategic

By Dan Williams (Reuters)

February 2nd, 2013, 12:49 pm


zoo said:

Sheik Al Khatib offer is going nowhere. France, the UK and Qatar want to help militarily the opposition while the USA opposes it and Ibrahimi keeps lamenting. Business as usual.

Sheik Khatib — who directs a Syrian opposition council cobbled together with Washington’s help, and pressure, to try to unify a fractured movement — found himself struggling last week to tamp down criticism of his suggestion that he would be open to talking with representatives of the Assad government. (His terms of participating were that 160,000 prisoners had to be released and that Syrians abroad could renew their passports.)

But his own colleagues strongly objected, saying that the talks must focus on the removal of Mr. Assad. While Sheik Khatib reiterated his offer here, saying that “as a gesture of good will, we are ready to sit at the negotiating table with the regime but we don’t want their hands to be full of blood,” he refused to provide any details, instead issuing a long indictment of the Assad government.

One senior European official said that even if Sheik Khatib were serious about talks with the regime, his colleagues would most likely force him to backtrack.

Sheik Khatib also called for the West to destroy the Syrian government’s air power, which would require the direct military intervention Washington has ruled out.

February 2nd, 2013, 12:50 pm


Tara said:


You told us you look at Asma’s picture and your wife looks at Bashar’s picture when making out. When this behavior stops, please come back and report it to us. I then may consider responding. In the interim, I have no other response to your posts.

February 2nd, 2013, 12:59 pm


AIG said:

The Iranians claimed to have sent a monkey to space which is pretty dangerous. Why wouldn’t they try sending a monkey to Damascus?

Only a prize idiot would post a video of people shooting at a plane landing in Damascus airport and then claim it is not dangerous.

February 2nd, 2013, 1:00 pm


zoo said:

#573 Tara

If Bashar is using the Palestinians to keep his power, he has an easy way out now to keep it.
Why doesn’t he tell the USA that he renounces to the Resistance. The USA and the West will do all they can to keep him in power especially when, from the opposition’s violent reactions of the Israel attack, they are becoming convinced that whoever comes after Bashar will have an even more extreme position against Israel.
Not only Bashar’s power is at risk now, but his life you. Yet he stands on his support to the resistance, the latest proof is that he is accused of sending convoy of weapons to Hezbollah to fight against Israel.
What more proofs do you want that this beliefs about arabism and the palestinians are genuine. He is risking his life for these beliefs. Which Arab leader is doing the same? Morsi or king Abdallah? both crawling in front of the West and fearing Israel.

February 2nd, 2013, 1:05 pm


AIG said:

If Assad stops saying he supports the Palestinians, the Iranians will stop helping him and the West will not help him because they know he is an opportunistic liar.

February 2nd, 2013, 1:11 pm


zoo said:

#583 AIG

If he is lost anyway according to you, what more has he to loose if he tries?

February 2nd, 2013, 1:16 pm


Visitor said:

The Israelis also think the mullahs are the ‘legendary’ Darth Vaders who are known to travel to the end of the universe at ludicrous speed.

February 2nd, 2013, 1:16 pm


MarigoldRan said:

Just because a person acts on his beliefs doesn’t necessarily make it a good thing. Bashar apparently also believes Syria belongs to him, and anyone who resists him are “terrorists” that should be bombed and driven into refugee camps.

February 2nd, 2013, 1:19 pm


5 dancing shlomos said:

“Hasbara and the Control of Narrative as an Element of Strategy” – charles w. freeman

a paragraph from freeman’s analysis:

“Hasbara has its roots in earlier concepts of propaganda, agitprop, and censorship. Like them, it is communication calculated to influence cognition and behavior by manipulating perceptions of a cause or position with one-sided arguments, prejudicial substance, and emotional appeals. Unlike its progenitors, however, hasbara does not seek merely to burnish or tarnish national images of concern to it or to supply information favorable to its theses. It also seeks actively to inculcate canons of political correctness in domestic and foreign media and audiences that will promote self-censorship by them. It strives thereby to decrease the willingness of audiences to consider information linked to politically unacceptable viewpoints, individuals, and groups and to inhibit the circulation of adverse information in social networks.”

February 2nd, 2013, 1:24 pm


zoo said:

The USA wants to protect Israel if Syria’s chemical weapons fall into the hands of the “not so Israel friendly” opposition.

Time: Israel and US could launch more airstrikes into Syria

Published Saturday, February 2, 2013

Israel hit several targets during its raid in Syria earlier this week, contradicting earlier reports, as sources indicated that the United States and Israel were poised to launch more airstrikes, Time Magazine reported.

An intelligence source quoted by the American publication said that Israel had a “green light” from the United States to carry on more airstrikes in Syria. Washington is also allegedly preparing itself for air raids in Aleppo.

The alleged goal of the airstrikes was to destroy unconventional weapons to prevent them from falling into the hands of “extremists.”

A US official told reporters Friday that the raid had only targeted a military research center in the suburbs of Damascus.

February 2nd, 2013, 1:26 pm


ghufran said:

terrorists in Reef Dimashq fired on a civilian airplane and posted the video on youtube. toilet posters on this blog will say that the plane was probably carrying weapons, this shameful attitude is similar to accusing every victim of those terrorists of being a Shabeeh.
Tozz feekom wa bihalthawra

February 2nd, 2013, 1:30 pm


5 dancing shlomos said:

heard on the telly this morn
13 ratbrains blew themselves away
their crimes against syrians too much for their souls to bear

more will follow.

better to ask for forgiveness. join the syrian army and fight against the terrorists.

February 2nd, 2013, 1:32 pm


Observer said:

I quote: ” I vote against”

Since when does the regime supporter know about voting?

Why is he against posting videos?

Is this because the videos from the regime side are so compelling about the glorious regime forces and the Presidenthial Guards storming the “dens of mercenaries and terrorists” that we should not look at and despair.

TARA there is no possibility of reform within this regime. It was built on a hateful racist ideology of exclusion, dehumanization, torture, corrupting and corrupt, oppressive and machiavellian with a slaver’s mentality.

The Iranians have gone ballistic at the prospects of Russia finally realizing that the events on the ground are moving against the regime in a slow grinding way and that whatever is left of the state structures will not be able to sustain their interests.

Biden essentially told Lavrov: hey it is your piece of garbage. Take it home, smell it and eat it and swallow it and digest it if you can.

Lavrov after denying that he is meeting has met and has invited.

Putin had a meeting of his security council on Syria.

He must be worried.

By the way Jalili did not land at Damascus International Airport

Eat your heart out

Justice for Hamza

February 2nd, 2013, 1:34 pm


Citizen said:

For Syria and its allies – the goal now must be to deter further Israeli aggression and avoid wider conflict at all costs. If NATO’s proxy terrorist forces are as weak as they appear – incapable of tactical or strategic gains, and tapering off into desperate terrorist attacks, it is only a matter of time before NATO’s campaign grinds to a halt.As mentioned before, such a failure on NATO’s part will be the beginning of the end for it, and the Western interests that have been using it as a tool to achieve geopolitical hegemony.

Israel should be expected to commit to increasingly desperate acts to provoke Syria and Iran – as its leadership represent directly corporate-financier interests abroad, not the Israeli people, or their best interests (including peace and even survival). For the people of Israel, they must realize that their leadership indeed does not represent them or their best interests and is able, willing, and even eager to spend their lives and fortunes in the service of foreign, corporate-financier interests and global hegemony.

Israel targeted multiple targets in recent attack on Syria, U.S. intelligence official tells Time
American official says White House gave Israel ‘green light’ to carry out more such attacks in the future.

February 2nd, 2013, 1:34 pm


MarigoldRan said:

And the war continues.

February 2nd, 2013, 1:37 pm


Tara said:


Because Bashar knows it is too late for him to be saved. He knows the West sees him as a dead man walking. Additionally, he knows that the Revolution has its own momentum now, fueled by all the death, destruction, and brutality and that it will succeed even if the west tries to crush it.

February 2nd, 2013, 1:38 pm


Visitor said:

Execuse me! But isn’t the lie of the so-called resistance camp soooooooo obvious?

When a so-called resistance supporter claims that the rebels are worse for Israel, isn’t he saying that he is good for Israel?

Also, aren’t Assad and his camp of mullah apes more concerned about their designs for a mullah-dominated Middle East, while the Arabs at large are those who are genuinely concerned about the Palestinian problem?

And finally, weren’t the Syrians who believed this obvious lie about resistance fools and are now simply paying back for the cost of gullibility?

February 2nd, 2013, 1:41 pm


revenire said:

“By the way Jalili did not land at Damascus International Airport.”

That is what various press agencies reported. How did he arrive then?

February 2nd, 2013, 1:52 pm


Citizen said:


The New York Times with the conspiracy version of ANNA-NEWS, Sergei Berezhnoi and K
Robert McKee and Ellen Barry, The New York Times. Article:
Unsuccessful leave Russian judge on the front lines in Syria

Russian judge, who during the holidays served a war correspondent, was wounded in a suburb of Damascus, according to The Lede blog site The New York Times, referring to post news agency Abkhazian Network News Agency (ANNA). Judge Sergei Alexandrovich Berezhnaya – Correspondent volunteer of the agency, explain journalists Robert McKee and Ellen Barry. Crew, accompanied Berezhnaya, watched the battle with the Syrian army rebels.

“It remains unclear what exactly Berezhnaya (57-year-old deputy chairman of the tribunal Belgorod) worked on the Syrian front on Monday,” – says the article. According to Russian media, the wife Berezhniy said that he went to Syria on a charity mission, and the head – that he is on leave.

The article Marat Musin (correspondent ANNA) there is mention of the fact that Berezhnaya “as a military intelligence officer, was involved in separatist wars after the collapse of the Soviet Union in the 1990s,” the authors write. But “even after state television mentioned about his service in the exploration, the judge in the blog (in writing, published on Thursday ANNA and apparently written on a hospital bed in Damascus) said he was not an employee of the special services.”

Be that as it may, videos documenting the time of injury Berezhniy and surgery, called attention to the “previously obscure agency” ANNA and made us think, who addressed his reporting. The main question – why tiny Abkhazia established news agency which covers little more than the events in Syria? – Reflects the authors. “Of the more than 300 video reports posted on the channel ANNA on YouTube over the past two years – all (except for a few stories about Libya) tell about the civil war in Syria, from the standpoint of the government,” – says the article.

According to one hypothesis, the authors reinforce the rollers Russia’s foreign policy – trying to “portray the battle of the Syrian government” terrorism “in a more positive light to an audience outside of Russia,” wrote Robert McKee and Ellen Barry, noting that some of the clips are provided with English subtitles.

“But the battle for the hearts and minds of Russians is not just one side,” – continues the author. Syria is home to at least 30 thousand Russian citizens. “Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs in December said on the sidelines of that half of Russians in Syria holds opposing views. In many cases, apparently, it is a Russian woman who married a Syrian-opposition” – the article says. Saudi television channel Al Arabiya discovered and translated into English propaganda video, posted on the Internet by the rebels. ‘He has a Russian-speaking woman swears allegiance to the Free Syrian Army “- the article says. The woman calls herself a Russian citizen and said they support Assad as his military killed her relatives.

Source: The New York Times

February 2nd, 2013, 2:02 pm


revenire said:

“594. TARA said:
Because Bashar knows it is too late for him to be saved. He knows the West sees him as a dead man walking. Additionally, he knows that the Revolution has its own momentum now, fueled by all the death, destruction, and brutality and that it will succeed even if the west tries to crush it.”

Tara nearly two years ago the opposition said Assad had a few months left – the Israelis were quoted as saying two weeks.

The Western puppets vowed never to negotiate with Assad 1000 times (as late as December 2012) but now they want to talk.

If the Western project was going so well why negotiate? What is there to talk about?

February 2nd, 2013, 2:02 pm


revenire said:

Some say there is no conspiracy against Syria forgetting Iraq and the WMD fables used to go to war. Today the Israelis, and their FSA allies, use the threat of chemical weapons to try for the same end.

February 2nd, 2013, 2:04 pm


Citizen said:

Surprise, surprise: US tortures people

February 2nd, 2013, 2:12 pm


ghufran said:

this is from Syria News, the site is a rare example now of relatively neutral press:
??? ????? ????? ?????? ?? ????? ?? ?? 1945 ? ??? ????? ???? ????? ?????? ??????? ?????? ?? ????? ?? ?? ??? ????? ?? ???????? ???? ????? ??? ???? ??? ???.
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the army now is now at the heart of any potential settlement of the Syrian war, if rebels manage to push it towards a total collapse, unlikely without outside intervention, hopes for a functional and unified country, relatively speaking, will vanish, and if Assad keeps using it to fight his wars people will eventually throw away any support the army still has among some non alawites.

February 2nd, 2013, 2:15 pm


revenire said:

US tortures people, Israelis torture people and their FSA allies torture people.

What do any of these swine have to say about Assad?

February 2nd, 2013, 2:31 pm


revenire said:

One thing wrong there Ghufran: Assad is not using the army for his own war. Syria is being attacked and her army is defending her.

February 2nd, 2013, 2:33 pm


Syrialover said:


You’re on a roll, neatly flattening the “distraction faction” here.

Keep it up!

Desperation tactic: posting videos (CITIZEN, ZOO), especially about things that have nothing at all to do with Syria.

REVENIRE continues to say anything, anything to keep occupying space.

February 2nd, 2013, 2:38 pm


Citizen said:

Israel may feel need to strike Syria again
Do you have lost hope in Turkey NATOs tail ? be accurate ! you can burn your hands while playing with the fire . in difficulty, you can be sold!!!!!

February 2nd, 2013, 2:38 pm


revenire said:


We’re all just talking you know? Calm down.

February 2nd, 2013, 2:47 pm


Syrialover said:


Serioous question: if this charter gets a grip in Syria are you going to recommend to yourself and all other Muslims to go and live there?

If not, why not?

Charter of the Syrian Islamic front –

February 2nd, 2013, 2:50 pm


Syrialover said:


Some are talking in the sense of ideas and discussion, others (particularly you) are just making rabbit noises, playing games to take space in this forum.

February 2nd, 2013, 2:54 pm


Syrialover said:

Interesting story about the Israeli air strike actually hitting a big nest of Iranians revolutionary guards in Syria;


Iraqi daily Azzaman quoted a Western diplomatic source as saying Thursday that the alleged Israeli attack on Syria reported on Wednesday caused heavy casualties among special Iranian Guards stationed at the Syrian facility. The source also said that the attack took place more than 48 hours before it was reported, eventually being leaked by Israel.

The source for the story, who was interviewed by the paper in London, said that the report about a strike on a convoy to Lebanon was probably meant to divert attention away from the main objective of the operation, which used F-16 aircraft to fire at least eight guided missiles at the facility.

The source also said that the base was heavily fortified and contained experts from Russia and at least three thousand Iranian Revolutionary Guards, who have been guarding the site for years. Many of these Iranian Guards suffered casualties.

February 2nd, 2013, 3:06 pm


Observer said:

I always thought that trolling about Mali or Saudi depravity or US soldiers committing suicide was a distraction.

Now Arabs in Mali are being targeted. Where is the Baath party to defend them from Africans who went on a rampage looting their shops and killing them and driving them out of their homes?
I thought the Baath was for defending the Arabs and the Arab cause. Na, they are busty defeating NATO on Syrian soil by killing mercenaries and terrorists in their dens and denying them weapons and logistical support.

Israel may strike more targets in Syria? The question is not what Israel will do or has done; the question is when are we going to see the Syrian response that will come in its own time and place with the Prethident choosing the targets and the method?

According to Russian Syria Expert on both the BBC and AJ the Russian position in principle has not changed with regard to the UNSC changing regimes but the outlook on the situation in Syria has changed indicating that the regime has little chance of staying in power.

Do I smell panic in Damascus?

I keep watching news of battles and check points falling and now we see not only small arms but tanks fall into the hands of the FSA.

I do not know who is talking or what is being cooked up.

The regime is not doing well these days.

Any news from Daraya and how many times has it been liberated?

Justice for Hamza

February 2nd, 2013, 3:08 pm


revenire said:


Really? You’re against Assad, I am for Assad.

February 2nd, 2013, 3:15 pm


revenire said:

Lover stuff like this bothers you?


SYRIAN PERSPECTIVE CAN CONFIRM that Syria has disclosed technology to the Zionist enemy as a final warning. SyrPer has gained access to news not being revealed to the West or the East; Syria possesses over 30 MiG 31B Foxhound jets which can fly at Mach 2.83, the finest produced by the Russian Federation, and has sent a message to the leader of the Zionist Abomination by order of her president, Dr. Bashar Al-Assad, to strafe the Dimona reactor in Southern Palestine in retaliation for the bombing of the military facility in Jamraya. Here is a video of the MiG 31B:

Syria purchased the MiG 31B from Russia in 2010 but never allowed any fanfare to accompany its delivery and no photos of Syria’s own MiG 31B are available. But the Zionists got a quick look at one of our two-seat interceptor/bombers as it fired 3 missiles at the Zionist reactor in the Negev Desert. Needless to say, the fact that our jet penetrated Zionist airspace and returned unscathed to its base near Tartous says a lot to the Zionist settlers in Palestine about the effectiveness of their air defense system.

Monzer told me that Syria would not sit idly by again as it did when Zionist bombers shellacked the military facility at Al-Kibar which the West claimed was a nuclear reactor site built jointly with North Korea. According to Monzer, Dr. Assad immediately called both Generals Fahd Jassem Al-Fureij and Ali Abdallah Ayoub and gave them the go-ahead to retaliate. They in turn gave the order to the Syrian Air Force Chief, Lt. General Issam Hallaq, to strike a blow at Dimona. The extent of damage at Dimona is being kept secret by the Zionist junta for the most obvious reasons. This is what General Ayoub meant when he told the press two days ago that “…the Israelis have not seen the kind of power we possess”. Well, they sure did.

Also, be advised the Zionist Abomination has shut down the Haifa Chemical Company out of fear Syria might fire missiles at it or send another MiG 31B.

February 2nd, 2013, 3:17 pm


majedkhaldoun said:

Collection of points
1.General Suhail Al Hassan was killed today.
2-Syrian who went to Lebanon are all sunni, staying there will increase the percentage of sunni in Lebanon.
3-A huge explosion in Bab Musalla in Damascus
4-Israel received green light from US to attack Jemraya and the HA convoy.
5-Jordan closed its embassy in Damascus,and withrew its ambassador.

6-A friend sent me this message:

??????? ??????? ???? ????? ????? ???
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February 2nd, 2013, 3:27 pm


AIG said:

News flash from the world of common sense:
The regime supporters are so humiliated they have decided to post fairy tales in order to bolster their non-existent moral.

Regime supporters, all you can look forward to is a slow death by a war of attrition while you are disconnected from the civilized world and are under sanctions. Enjoy the rebels and jihadists around you. Oh yes, with occasional bombing from Israel against which you will do nothing because you are cowards who can only kill their own people.

February 2nd, 2013, 3:29 pm


zoo said:


Sorry I just disagree that Bashar is desperate. The army is solidly with him, there has been no defections, his public declarations are consistent and his government united.
I can’t say the same about the opposition. What we see is only confusion and divisions in its ranks and the splitting of the FSA in ‘good’ and ‘bad’. I tend to think that the desperate ones are the opposition.

By praising al Nusra and now pushing Bashar to retaliate against Israel, USA’s best ally, they have burnt more of their cards and their international credibility as the replacement to Bashar is been seriously damaged.
If I was at their place, I would be more then desperate…

February 2nd, 2013, 3:29 pm


zoo said:

#609 SL

Yet another distractionism after the Tuareg…
Please stop spreading these ridiculous Israeli rumors and concentrate on Sheik Al Khatib and his possible resignation from the coalition.

“Interesting story about the Israeli air strike actually hitting a big nest of Iranians revolutionary guards in Syria”

February 2nd, 2013, 3:36 pm


zoo said:

$613 Majie

Sources please? or rumors?

February 2nd, 2013, 3:37 pm


majedkhaldoun said:

February 2nd, 2013, 3:38 pm


zoo said:

More terrorist in heaven..

(Ahlul Bayt News Agency) – The army killed Loay al-Nemr, the terrorists’ notorious sniper and also Arafat Obeid, a spokesman of the Horr terrorist network, affiliated to the so-called Free Syrian Army, in Duma town of Reef Damascus today.

The Syrian army also killed 13 armed rebels in Arbin, Seqba and Shifooneh towns in Reef Damascus today. The army also destroyed several vehicles of terrorists.

Meantime, the army repelled a terrorists attack on a brick factory in Reef Idlib, and killed 70 terrorists in heavy clashes and destroyed three DshK-equipped vehicles and a mortar-launcher.

Terrorists have tried hard in the last few months to make Syrian cities unsafe, specially for citizens, but the army has purged them from most neighborhoods and districts, killed hundreds of them and arrested many more.

February 2nd, 2013, 3:40 pm


revenire said:

AIG fairy tales like Syria would send the most advanced air defense missiles – SA17s – to Hezbollah via a convoy during a war? Fairy tales like that?

February 2nd, 2013, 3:43 pm


omen said:

557. AIG said: No offence taken. It is quite simple, are the rebels or the SNC asking for help from Israel? No they are not. In fact they are saying the opposite. So why should Israel do anything when it knows that anything it does will be criticized? People that need help, ask for it. If not, they are arrogant idiots, especially when it means life or death.

why should israel do anything? when you see a kid drowning in a pool, do you first calculate how it serves your interest first before deigning to rescue the child? it’s only common decency to offer help to the distressed. acting on principle means doing the right thing. criticism isn’t going to kill israel. israel has demonstrated its independence before in not caring about public world opinion so saying israel wants to avoid blame isn’t a valid excuse not to act.

on the contrary, the opposition has asked for help from the international community. is israel not part of human family? you know israel has great influence on the united states. it could have used its influence to apply pressure on the u.s. to intervene.

February 2nd, 2013, 3:43 pm


AIG said:

Zoo has become Baghdad Bob. The delusional bravado is a sure sign of desperation. Yes, Syrian cities are safe, especially Aleppo and the Damascus airport area where people shoot at planes.

A person who writes that he wishes that Israel supported Assad is beyond any help and beyond desperation. He does not care about being humiliated to the core, just to save whatever is left of his way of life.

February 2nd, 2013, 3:48 pm


AIG said:

Yes, Assad is a “genius”. Instead of using advanced air-defense systems to actually shoot down Israeli planes that are actually attacking him, he sends them to Lebanon!!! I can’t imagine a bigger idiot. Not only does he waste money, he gives the money that belongs to Syrians to Lebanese!!! Why did he buy the weapons if he is such a coward and does not use them? The Assadists are only good at talking and killing their own people. Pathetic 1/10 men.

February 2nd, 2013, 3:53 pm


revenire said:

AIG give us a few updates from the battlefield.

February 2nd, 2013, 3:58 pm


AIG said:


Helping Syria is not like helping a drowning kid. It means Israel “attacking” an Arab country extensively. Without explicit agreement from the Arab League, Israel would not do it. For sure there will be collateral damage and so forth. And then what?

The Syrian opposition are not small children that don’t know what they are doing. If they want help, they need to ask.

February 2nd, 2013, 3:58 pm


omen said:

619. majedkhaldoun said:

ha, it worked.

ok, i’m guessing the “s” in the original url “https” is what blocked it from posting. press “share” under the video in youtube to get an address that allows you to post on the thread.

February 2nd, 2013, 3:58 pm


AIG said:


You do notice that for Zoo every rebel is a terrorist and he is happy they are killed? When are you going to wake up?

February 2nd, 2013, 4:01 pm


AIG said:

You claimed that Syria attacked Israel with its planes.

Is it fantasy or not? I guess the humiliation is too much for you.
Keep wishing to mass murder your fellow citizens. Why don’t you send all those idiots on the trucks to the Golan? Yeah, I thought so, you prefer killing your own people.

February 2nd, 2013, 4:04 pm


omen said:

626. AIG,

there are many ways to help, aig. israel need not directly launch missiles to lend assistance. i also fault arab states for not intervening.

February 2nd, 2013, 4:07 pm


zoo said:

Lavrov: No military intervention disguised in ‘humanitarian corridor’. Just stick to the Geneva agreement.

Military intervention in Syria is unacceptable even if it aims to create an air-protected humanitarian corridor, Russian FM Sergey Lavrov has said. Syria is one of most hotly debated topics at an annual Security Conference taking place in Germany.

­”Russia does not support the idea of a humanitarian corridor in Syria. Any use of military power is unacceptable, and not just because we still remember what it lead to in Libya,” Lavrov said while addressing the Munich Security Conference. “We need to see the world the way it is. We need to recognize that military operations bring more chaos into the international matters and can send off waves of instability that will be impossible to hide from in any of what we may think as an island of security.”

Lavrov confirmed that the Syrian chemical weapons arsenal is under full control of the country’s government, and poses no danger as long as it does not fall into the hands of the rebels. Such an event would be a “red line” nobody wishes to see crossed, he said.

Despite the worsening situation in the region, peace is still within reach, Lavrov explained: “The war in Syria could be over if all sides stuck honestly and loyally to the principles of the June 30 Geneva conference.”

February 2nd, 2013, 4:12 pm


abc said:

For those interested in Syrian culture, here’s a report of “Syria Speaks” with Syrian writers held in London last week.

It was compered by the BBC’s Lyse Doucet, who had just returned from Syria the day before: “ Syria was reverently qualified as a country with a “rich cultural heritage,” and as Doucet further put it, as a “sweet, refined, sophisticated country.”

Here’s a taste of the discussion:

Inevitably, much of the discussion centered on the brutal situation in Syria rather than on the work of the authors on-stage. Writer Nihad Sirees and Robin Yassin-Kassab were both forceful in rejecting criticism of ordinary Syrians seen by the Western media as ‘extremists’ for turning to religion. According to Nihad Sirees:

“At the beginning of the revolution we started to hear in demonstrations that they wanted help from the international community and all the time they imagined that one day the UN will make a resolution and help them. They are moderate, even some of them blame extremists for bringing trouble to our country. But nothing happened so people started to think only God is with them while they are facing tanks and missiles, facing hell. So the demonstrations take a new shape, we start to see changes in the flags – in the start it was the Syrian flag, then they shift to have the Syrian independence flag, and now we start to see black flags. Every day the international community delayed, they made more and more extremists. We can’t blame them for this. They are very far from being al-Qaeda but they feel that are alone and only God stands with them”.

February 2nd, 2013, 4:14 pm


zoo said:

#629 Omen

Israel is known to help suffering people. Just look at Gaza.

February 2nd, 2013, 4:17 pm


revenire said:

AIG I believe if you search Google you will see reports of the MIG after the Israeli attack. The reports don’t come from Syrian media but from Western media. Of course, they don’t say it was a Syrian MIG. I’ve seen them say it was Russian.

February 2nd, 2013, 4:21 pm


zoo said:

#631 ABC

The explanation that the opposition had no choice than to use Al Qaeda terrorists because the West did not help is an insult to Syrians. Are they as stupid and as coward as that?

God is with Al Qaeda and the Taliban! It was with Bush too.

February 2nd, 2013, 4:25 pm


revenire said:

The less than reliable Israeli intelligence leak sheet reported the story of the Syrian MIG as well:

“Lebanese sources later reported a Russian Mig-31 fighter had crossed over Sinai Wednesday in the direction of Israel. It veered west over the Mediterranean after encountering an Israeli warning not to intrude into its air space and continued flying over Lebanon.”

Other news organs picked up on DEBKAfile:

“Russian MiG plays cat-and-mouse game with Israeli Air Force…”

“ also reported that a Russian MiG-31 Foxhound interceptor (fighter) jet ‘had crossed over Sinai Wednesday in the direction of Israel. It veered west over the Mediterranean after encountering an Israeli warning not to intrude into its air space and continued flying over Lebanon.'”

“The Israeli Defence Ministry hasn’t confirmed nor denied if they would have destroyed the Russian aircraft had crossed into Israeli airspace.

“If the MiG had, the Russians would technically had been at war with the State of Israel.”

Obviously Israel will never admit their air defenses had been breached but we all remember the Hezbollah drone that was able to easily penetrate Israel’s air defenses this past year.

I hardly believe Ziad and his Syrian sources are Zionists.

February 2nd, 2013, 4:27 pm


zoo said:

The West desperately looking for a charismatic Syrian figure.
“Such is the persona of Abdulkader al-Saleh, a k a Hajji Marea”

A Rebel Commander in Syria Holds the Reins of War
Published: February 1, 2013

Mr. Saleh leads the military wing of Al Tawhid, the largest antigovernment fighting group operating in and near Syria’s most populous city, Aleppo — a position that has made him one of the government’s most wanted men.
These men — with inside connections, street credibility and revolutionary narratives that many of the Western-recognized leadership lacks — have taken the reins of the war. They hold the weapons. They have their own international relations and financing.

Mr. Saleh’s long-term intentions are not entirely clear. He says he is focused solely on winning the war, and promotes a tolerant pluralistic vision for the future. He is also openly aligned with Al Nusra Front, a growing Islamic militia that has been blacklisted by the United States, which accuses it of embracing terrorist tactics.

Officials in Washington are aware of Mr. Saleh, and other commanders of his standing. There is no evidence that they have connections with them, or a plan for how to develop relations in a Syria that is partly under their influence.

February 2nd, 2013, 4:32 pm


AIG said:

Yes, yes, everybody can see what an idiot you are believing Russian or Syrian planes bombed or even entered Israel. That explains a lot. It explains why you believe you are winning when it is clear you are dying a slow death without any hope for a better Syria. Just keep killing your own people, that is all people expect of you and Zoo.

February 2nd, 2013, 4:36 pm


revenire said:

Saw that piece Zoo. They really drool over the terrorist. I can’t wait until the army puts a bullet in his head. Chivers can write his obit then.

February 2nd, 2013, 4:36 pm


Ghufran said:

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Moaz understands that any solution that can spare lives and stop the war has to involve Russia and receive a neutral response ,at least, from Iran. Assad and the Islamists are the main hurdles for any agreement. Those of you who think that Moaz is acting on his own are naive.

February 2nd, 2013, 4:41 pm


Uzair8 said:

Newton’s law

The gravity of the situation should escape nobody. The fall of Aleppo will complete the equation and signal the beginning of the end of the regime.

Any subsequent regime violent backlash against this major city will most certainly force regional powers (particularly Turkey) to seriously consider intervention.

February 2nd, 2013, 4:43 pm


Tara said:


“…sweet, refined, sophisticated country.”

Thanks for your link. Syria is indeed sweet, refined, and sophisticated country with sweet and humble people who tolerated peasant savages for 40 some years until they had enough. I yet have to see someone who visited Damascus and did not fall in eternal love with her.

I agree with Robin. Extremism has no root in Syria and will not flourish.

February 2nd, 2013, 4:45 pm


Ghufran said:

This guy is mad, he speaks for the ruling family in the UAE:
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3 countries in the gulf are about ready to make a U turn on Syria

February 2nd, 2013, 4:53 pm


Syrialover said:

#634. ZOO

Slow down, you should read things first without making a silly comment.

That thoughtful comment by a Syrian writer in #631 was about Syrians in crisis feeling they have no-one to turn to and drawing their strength from their religion.

Like normal human beings everywhere in history.

It was not about religions extremism.

I am beginning to wonder, do you know ANYTHING about Syrians?

February 2nd, 2013, 4:56 pm


Uzair8 said:

While trying to edit the previous comment and add a tweet an empty box appeared.

Wanted to add the following:


#NATO & #US wouldn’t do anything to stop #Turkish unilateral attacks against #Assad. It’s Ankara’s own constraints prevent it @SyriaReport

February 2nd, 2013, 4:56 pm


Ghufran said:

In the name of denying hizbullah and Islamist rebels access to sophisticated weapons and WMDs, Israel is likely to receive the blessing of NATO to carry as many strikes as needed on Syria. These strikes will also help Israel reduce future threats against her by any future regime in Syria, this is how Israel thinks and behaves while Arabs are busy fighting each other:
“I’m not going to give any condemnation of Israel or rush into any criticism,”  British foreign secretary William Hauge told the BBC on Thursday. “There may be many things about it that we don’t know, or the Arab League or Russia don’t know.”
Read more:
?? ??? ???? ?? ????? ?????

February 2nd, 2013, 5:07 pm


Syrialover said:

What a beautiful, accurate comment:

Syria was reverently qualified as a country with a “rich cultural heritage,” and as Doucet further put it, as a “sweet, refined, sophisticated country.”

(Quote from BBC’s Lyse Doucet chairing the Syria Speaks event with Syrian writers linked in #631)

February 2nd, 2013, 5:08 pm


Uzair8 said:

Remember Mr Galloway’s exchange with PM Cameron, a couple of days ago, in which he asked about the differences between Al Qaida in Mali and the Syrian jihadists? :

George responded to the PM’s reply in a letter in the Guardian.

In it, Mr Galloway was wise to cover his back and avoid a flood of rebutals from syrians and others.

Addressing the PM he wrote:

‘There may be “key differences” between Al Qaida in Mali and their counterparts in Syria. I asked you to explain these to the House today.’

It’s obvious deep down he knows the situations aren’t the same. Fine, it’s one thing wanting to point out western hypocricy but one shouldn’t go too far and misportray the syrian situation.

George was on the panel of BBC Radio 4’s Any Questions on friday evening. This is a weekly 45 minute show in which an audience questions a panel of guests on the weeks stories.

The second question was on Mali and the chair of the program took the opportunity to raise the parliamentary exchange between George and PM Cameron, in which George appeared to equate the Mali and Syrian situations:

Question on Mali @12:04.
George Galloway @13:58.

February 2nd, 2013, 5:19 pm


Syrialover said:

TARA #641.

Yes, it brings a feeling of sweet pride and love for Syria, what an ugly crude dictatorship could not touch inside people.

The Syrian writer who said that about Syrians and religion was Nihad Sirees (refer to #631)

Reading comments by him in that article brings back a feeling of truth about Syria.

February 2nd, 2013, 5:23 pm


annie said:

ANA : European official visits A’azaz massacre bomb site.

February 2nd, 2013, 5:23 pm


Citizen said:

Speaking live to Russia Today tomorrow at 9am (UK time). Subject: Syria and the Munich Security Conference.

February 2nd, 2013, 5:33 pm


Uzair8 said:

Sorry, more editing problems. I’ll be careful next time.

A correction for #647:

George’s letter was posted on his website and not in the Guardian as I stated.

February 2nd, 2013, 5:36 pm


Ghufran said:

Turkish authorities have blamed the U.S. Embassy attack on the group, better known as DHKP-C, and are in the process of identifying the bomber.
Analysts say it is likely the attack had two aims — to embarrass the Turkish government and to demonstrate the group’s hostility to the deployment of Patriot anti-missile batteries on Turkish soil. Several members of the group are thought to be close to the Syrian regime.
Leftist terror group claims responsibility for U.S. Embassy bombing
DHKP-C has a relationship with the Turkish Kurdish separatist group PKK, which is also close to the Syrian government. About one-third of the PKK’s fighters are said to be Syrian, according to regional analysts.

February 2nd, 2013, 5:37 pm


majedkhaldoun said:

Should Mr. Moaz Khatib go to Moscow?NOT NOW,
If Moscow is a neutral country? NO
Moscow supply of weapons to Assad regime, is documented.
I need from Russia to give us guarantees that they seiously support free elections in Syria and under international monitoring,Assad must go(to hell if possible).
The rebels are making progress, Albeit slow,as the weather improves this progress will get faster, and as more planes are destroyed ,no fly zone will become reality,without foreign help.

We know that US thinks only from one angle,US always thinks of what is good to Israel, I see no hope in waiting for US to help, The Coalition must give guarantees to Russia that they will not lose any of their intersts in post Assad era,the coalition relations with France must improve, and Turkey must be assured that future Syria will have excellent relations with Turkey,Jordanian king must worry about the huge number of Syrian refugees.

February 2nd, 2013, 5:41 pm


Ghufran said:

King Abdullah of Jordan:

Why is it that the army has not gone to al-Assad and said, you have to leave?  In other words, there’s been relatively little defection at that highest level. Help us understand what the dynamic is that keeps the regime together.

Well, the regime was based on Alawite leadership that gives this a lot of its strength.  And, again, part of the problem is with some of the minorities, especially if you look at the Christians and the Druze. Part of the issue that we’ve been tackling over the past several plus years and a half is seeing this influx of radical fighters coming into the country. So if you’re a Druze or you’re a Christian, who is sitting on the side of the fence…and even certain Alawites are not happy with the way Bashar is dictating the future of his country. But the other alternative, radical Islamist groups coming…is more frightening. So I think that’s what’s kept them on the sidelines.

February 2nd, 2013, 5:43 pm


Hanzala said:

There is no difference between the Syrian rebels and Mali rebels.

France is a two faced nation protecting its colonial interests. The Mali puppet? army slaughtered rebel sympathizers along the way. France was “concerned” about that. You think a few hundred rebels were able to control half the nation with the people and army against them? No way. They had many supporters. The media is trying extremely hard to demonize the other side and show the French as angels. Genocides took place in Africa where millions died, no one batted an eye. Why didn’t France step into Libera or Uganda?

Anyone who thinks that France or the US are some kind of beacons of light protecting the world against extremism really needs to have a reality check. When someone threatens your interests just cry Al Qaeda. Bashar is confused as to why he can’t get away with it too.

February 2nd, 2013, 5:46 pm


revenire said:

The King knows most of the army is Sunni and that sectarianism doesn’t enter the picture.

February 2nd, 2013, 5:46 pm


revenire said:

MAJEDKHALDOUN what happened to your leaders saying NO to any negotiations as long as Assad is in power? This puppet also demanded an apology from Lavrov. He isn’t going to get one. I am laughing.

February 2nd, 2013, 5:49 pm


Syrialover said:


You must be seriously exhausted, stressed and out of it.

I would have expected you to be pleased about me pointing out the lessons and dangers for Syrians in what’s happened in Mali.

In particular, the serious problems the fleeing jihadists have now created for the Tuareg tribe, whose original rebellion the extremists hijacked and changed to match their own bizarre, criminal agenda.

In fact, it’s emerging already in Syria where both potential international allies and anti-regime Syrians inside the country are uneasy about the twisted version of the revolution being claimed by the religious militant extremists.

February 2nd, 2013, 6:00 pm



I believe that had he been alive, Naji Al-Ali would have blasted the foolish prethident.

February 2nd, 2013, 6:11 pm


Citizen said:

Russia armed, arms now, and will arms Syria without a doubt!Little political history with a little political geography and picture will look more clear !But apparently geniuses politics are not qualified to understand the simple subject!

February 2nd, 2013, 6:20 pm


Syrialover said:

ZOO, you are so worn out and confused by Syrian matters. Here’s a cheerful distraction on Iran, whose government you always love news about:

Iranians faked monkey in space experiment.

Photographic evidence indicates Iranian monkey either died on the trip or the launch never took place.

February 2nd, 2013, 6:39 pm


revenire said:

The British overthrew the Iranian government in the 1950s. They helped install the Shah and when they were done with him they treated him like a dog.

The British, and the Saudis, are the enemy.

February 2nd, 2013, 6:46 pm


Syrialover said:


I strongly recommend you do more reading on the Islamist militants’ takeover of Northern Mali and less writing confusing (and confused) comments on it.

Likewise, France’s alliance with 15 West African nations to go into Mali.

February 2nd, 2013, 7:02 pm


Visitor said:

Hanzala 655

Good points. France will get defeated and will run away just like the US did in Iraq and is about to do now in Afghanistan. All this Al-Qaida scare crow talk was nothing but that.

MajedK 653,

Moaz is finished and as I said all along he was and still is irrelevant.

February 2nd, 2013, 7:16 pm


revenire said:

He’s finished? Who is the leader then?

February 2nd, 2013, 7:17 pm


Citizen said:

Juergen!?re your freedom fighters( Kosovo trained friends )going to Berlin?
Islamist threatens to attack Germany
A German Islamist threatened in an internet video to attack Berlin this summer and kill Chancellor Angela Merkel, Die Welt newspaper reported. The video threat is being evaluated by the country’s security services, an intelligence spokesman said. The Islamist Abu Azzam, believed to be a radical Salafist who moved to Egypt last year, added that Germany’s Reichstag parliament building would be subject to attacks like those on New York’s World Trade Center in 2001.

February 2nd, 2013, 7:28 pm


Uzair8 said:

Posted on Yalla Souriya about half-an-hour ago:


#Syria, #breaking, Damascus, massive damages in the SANA building and ambulances are rushing towards the area and there is a security belt around the building. (FSA United)
????????????????????? ????? ???? ?? ???? ?????? ??????? ??????? ???? ??????? ??????? ???? ??? ?????? ???? ??? ???? ????

February 2nd, 2013, 7:29 pm


revenire said:

Impressive fighter jet Ghaher-313 from Iran. They can send Syria 100s of these. Bravo Iran!

February 2nd, 2013, 7:30 pm


Citizen said:

You will open the gate of hell!

BREAKING: US Troops prep to attack Aleppo!! Israeli Army goes on Alert for Syrian Invasion – US gives Green Light!
The Hebrew radio quoted security sources as saying that the army “may be forced” to respond to any attempt to transfer weapons from Syria to “Hezbollah” in Lebanon, would “constitute a violation of the balance of power in the region.”

As reported Radio “Voice of Israel” on its website, that “the IDF and the security services put on alert, in the light of regional tension resulting from what deployment on a raid fighter air force in Syria, and the subsequent threats issued by Syria, Iran, and Hezbollah Hezbollah in Lebanon. ”

February 2nd, 2013, 7:32 pm


Uzair8 said:

Ghaher 313 .

It looks strange and unique. I’ve seen it described as ugly. I guess what matters is the function.

I saw an image and noticed how the plane was seemingly connected by wire to a portrait of the supreme leader. Can you imagine the imaginative captions?

Does it run on spirituality?
Is that how it’s recharged? By connection to a portrait of the leader?

February 2nd, 2013, 7:44 pm


revenire said:

I think it looks pretty good.

February 2nd, 2013, 7:47 pm


Syrialover said:

For everyone who cares about Syria.

A moving account by Bara Sarraj of the terrible devastation he saw in Hama after the Assads’ massacre of at least 40,000 people there 31 years ago this month.

He and his twin brother courageously visited Hama in March 1982 as soon as outsiders were able to enter. This piece commemorates the anniversary of the regime’s actions in Hama.

Bara Sarraj is former prisoner in Tadmore who became a science academic at Harvard.

COMMENT: A piece to be featured in Syrian history texts when Syria has a legitimate government.

It’s also something for the files to be produced at the war crimes trial of the Rifaat Assad, Bashar’s uncle who directed the massacre.

Note everyone, Rifaat Assad is now living a luxury life in London with stolen Syrian funds and he and his vile son Ribal are running fake “democracy” organizations.

February 2nd, 2013, 7:49 pm


Citizen said:

Syrian opposition leaders seeks to better understand Russia’s position -FM
MOSCOW, February 2 (Itar-Tass) – The National Coalition for Syrian Revolutionary and Opposition Forces, Ahmad Moaz al-Khatib, wants to better understand Russia’s position, Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said after talks with him in Munich on Saturday, February 2.
“We met on the sidelines of the Munich Conference, al-Khatib had asked for a brief meeting. We talked and I felt that al-Khatib is interested to better understand our position and hear our assessment of the situation,” Lavrov said.
“I recalled al-Khatib’s recent remark that he wants to start a dialogue with the government of Syria on certain terms. We welcomed that,” the minister said.
“This is a very important step, especially because the coalition was created on the basis of strong rejection of any dialogue with the regime. But I think realism has prevailed,” Lavrov said.
This is not a guarantee that the dialogue will start because “there is no team on the side of the opposition. There are too many different groups within the coalition for them to come to agreement on any one delegation,” Lavrov noted, adding, “However the thinking is going in the right direction.”
“I reminded al-Khatib that immediately after the election of this coalition and his appointment to this post we expressed interest in regular contacts. And we will maintain them,” Lavrov said.

February 2nd, 2013, 8:02 pm


majedkhatib said:

I don’t know of any good will come from Moaz Khatib meeting with Akbar Salihi,FM of Iran.Mistake after mistake.

February 2nd, 2013, 8:04 pm


majedkhaldoun said:

I don’t know of any good will come from Moaz Khatib meeting with Akbar Salihi,FM of Iran.Mistake after mistake.

February 2nd, 2013, 8:06 pm


Uzair8 said:


‘Syrian opposition leaders seeks to better understand Russia’s position’

If I can borrow dialogue from ‘Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid’.


Putin: I was really rooting for you, Moaz
Moaz : Well, thank you, Vlad. That’s what sustained me in my time of trouble.

February 2nd, 2013, 8:13 pm


Syrialover said:

A couple of points relating to the stunning account by Dr Bara Saraj of the savage destruction of Hama in 1982 – the Assad regime’s blueprint for what they are doing in Syria now.

1. I note that Bara Sarraj responded to a comment under the article by a fellow witness with an urgent plea that they MUST get the story out. I’m circulating his article and I hope everyone else will.

2. A hint of the heartbreak and permanent mourning faced by Syrians for the spiteful primitive destruction of Syria’s buildings by the Assad’s “burn the country” campaign.

Sarraj wrote of the destruction of Hama’s beautiful ancient buildings and neighborhoods:

“We knew that the human loss was too massive to bear, but the destruction of historical Hama left a wound which would never heal. Even the subsequent twelve years I spent in Assad’s hellish detention camps did not overshadow the loss of Hama. I visited Hama numerous times after my release but could not reconcile that loss.”

February 2nd, 2013, 8:15 pm


Syrialover said:


I like to think we could be seeing a more sophisticated and substantial strategy than it looks on the surface and from a distance.

Khatib is flying the banner of caring about Syrians and stopping the pain, not about positioning himself and some selfish power-hungry faction.

Please try to share my optimism.

February 2nd, 2013, 8:25 pm


Syrialover said:


I am still interested in you responding to my post in #607.

If this charter gets a grip in parts of Syria are you going to recommend to yourself and Syrians and Muslims in general to go and live under it?

If so, why?

And if not, why not?

Charter of the Syrian Islamic military front –

February 2nd, 2013, 8:38 pm


Johannes de Silentio said:

Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu said, “Why didn’t Assad even throw a pebble when Israeli jets were flying over his palace and playing with the dignity of his country? Why didn’t the Syrian army, which has been attacking its own innocent people for 22 months now from the air with jets and by land with tanks and artillery fire, respond to Israel’s operation? Why can’t Assad, who gave the order to fire Scud missiles in Aleppo, do anything against Israel?”

Why? Because he can’t. All his weaponry is old obsolete USSR junk. The Israeli weaponry is state-of-the-art. And also, Bashar’s military is over-extended and his best troops are being killed off one-by-one. It’s tough being dictator when everyone’s got their dick out and you’re the one in the barrel.

A New Bashar Cartoon:

February 2nd, 2013, 8:41 pm


Uzair8 said:

Shaykh Yaqoubi posted a long piece on facebook 31st January.
I’ll wait for the translation but post it in the meantime.


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Read more:

February 2nd, 2013, 8:46 pm


Visitor said:

MajedK 675,

Agree 100%.

February 2nd, 2013, 8:48 pm


Syrialover said:

What if it’s true that Israel’s airstrike on Syria hit a rats nest containing Russian advisers and 3,000 Iranian Revolutionary Guards?

Israel gets very few approval points from me, but I am aware that the Jerusalem Post is less likey to print weak and ridiculous lies than SANA is.

(my post #609)

Article with claim:

February 2nd, 2013, 8:55 pm


zoo said:

Al Khatib is not a strong experienced politician. He made several mistakes since he took his job as ‘president’.
The guy seems naive but not polluted like the others who are mostly bitter, frustrated and ambitious expats who are tolerating the disaster the country is going through as a normal stage of their ‘revolution’.
Al khatib is on a learning curve and the subject is over complicated and risky. I hope that after his meeting with Lavrov, he will hold on to his position, now that he may have understood that an unconditional dialog is the only way out.

I am still wondering if he got the greenlight from Qatar and Erdogan to proceed as he is doing.

Anyway the coalition is stuck. If they kick al Khatib out, they will appear even weaker. They may be obliged to follow, especially if Qatar goes along and cut their funding.

February 2nd, 2013, 9:01 pm


revenire said:

I support Hafez Assad’s actions in 1982. Syria faced Muslim Brotherhood terrorism. The only mistake I can see is that he did not finish the job.

February 2nd, 2013, 9:02 pm


zoo said:

683. Syrialover

Go on spreading these ridiculous rumors if it makes you feel better and distract you from having to look at what is going on with Al Khatib and Lavrov and Syria .

February 2nd, 2013, 9:05 pm


Syrialover said:

Gosh REVENIRE #685 you sure have got access to inside official Syrian archives.

Goes with your job?

Fascinating that Hafez has an identical barking hoarse voice tone and style to Hitler. Obviously copying him.

February 2nd, 2013, 9:10 pm


MarigoldRan said:

The war continues. And Revenire continues to be a loser.

The comments section of this blog IS his life.

February 2nd, 2013, 9:11 pm


Syrialover said:

ZOO #686,

I’m watching very closely what is happening with Moaz al-Khatib, don’t worry. Watching and waiting.

Back to your favorite subject area: any update on the Iranians faking the monkey in space?

February 2nd, 2013, 9:13 pm


Syrialover said:


What life, does REVENIRE have a life?

February 2nd, 2013, 9:16 pm


MarigoldRan said:

Well, he has to be alive in order to post.

Otherwise, my impression of him is some over-weight fat dude with psychological issues, sitting in his mother’s basement, posting 16 hours/day on this blog.

As I said: he’s a loser.

February 2nd, 2013, 9:20 pm


zoo said:

#689 SL

I leave these fascinating subjects to you. You get such kick when you write something negative about Iran, I wouldn’t want to take the pleasure away from you.
You know so much and your sources are so reliable, Jerusalem Post, Al Jazeera etc.. I have nothing to add.

February 2nd, 2013, 9:21 pm


MarigoldRan said:


Your sources are rubbish. As a result, almost all your predictions are wrong.

February 2nd, 2013, 9:22 pm


zoo said:

#698 SL

What are your sources telling about what is next with the Sheikh.
Kicked out or obeyed?

February 2nd, 2013, 9:24 pm


zoo said:

#693 MARI

Same question to you:
Al Khatib will be kicked out or obeyed by the Coalition and proceeding with a dialog with the present governement?

Hint: Check wikipedia… your main source anyway.

February 2nd, 2013, 9:27 pm


apple_mini said:

During the Munich Conference, US Vice President Biden says, “As the Syrian people have their chance to forge their own future, they will continue to find a partner in the United States of America,”

Looks like the adjusted US policy towards Syria civil war is consistent. In another words, US has given up on the opposition. Too bad, the opposition could have won decisive support from US and the majority of Syrians if they had been less militarized and destructive.

Without US’ approval, no sophisticated weapons to rebels.

At this moment, the opposition still has unrealistic and arrogant demands and preconditions for negotiation. So we need to turn our eyes on the battlefield: In the south, after prolonged fighting, regime is cleaning up at those Sunni towns around Damascus. Due to the attack on civilian airplanes by infiltrated fighters at those Sunni villages close to Damascus airport, those villages will be eventually destroyed. More displaced people and more refugees. Who to blame?

Large army infantries have advanced to Homs and Hama from the south front. NDA will fill in for patrol and law enforcing.

Eventually, army infantries will be headed to Aleppo. It will be a decisive fight to determine the fate of the rebel force whether they will still be recognizable afterwards.

From a military standpoint, when you are not winning, you go for negotiation. Unfortunately, the fractured nature of the opposition has left not many rationales.

February 2nd, 2013, 9:29 pm


MarigoldRan said:

What dialogue?

It doesn’t matter what he does. He’s irrelevant. What matters are the fighters on the ground. And they want to fight.

My prediction? The war continues.

Wikipedia’s not great. But at least I provide sources. Unlike some people.

February 2nd, 2013, 9:31 pm


zoo said:

Good move from Al Khatib:

Syrian Opposition Talks With Russia, Iran

By Khaled Yacoub Oweis and Stephen Brown

MUNICH, Feb 3 (Reuters) – The Syrian opposition leader met the foreign ministers of Russia and Iran on Saturday, opening a window to a possible breakthrough in efforts to broker an end to Syria’s civil war.
At an annual international security conference in Munich, Syrian National Coalition leader Moaz Alkhatib had talks with Russia’s Sergei Lavrov that may have been ade possible by Alkhatib signalling readiness to talk to Damascus.

“Russia has a certain vision but we welcome negotiations to alleviate the crisis and there are lots of details that need to be discussed,” Alkhatib said after the meeting.

After a 45-minute meeting with Iranian Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi, Alkhatib told Reuters: “We agreed we have to find a solution to end the suffering of the Syrian people.”

He also met separately with U.S. Vice President Joe Biden and U.N. special envoy for Syria Lakhdar Brahimi.

Alkhatib’s purpose in his meetings was “to discuss finding a way to remove the regime with the least possible bloodshed and loss of life,” he said.

February 2nd, 2013, 9:32 pm


MarigoldRan said:

Your sources are rubbish, Zoo. Even Wikipedia is better than that.

Why are you publishing reports from The Banana Times or whatever that newspaper is called.

February 2nd, 2013, 9:33 pm


zoo said:

#697 Mari

You did not reply to my specific question…

Who cares about the military, that’s too late. The solution is political.

February 2nd, 2013, 9:34 pm


MarigoldRan said:


The solution is NOT political. It doesn’t matter what Al Khatib does. The war continues. That’s my prediction.

Khatib can talk to whoever he wants. But he’s irrelevant. As I’ve said before, the war continues.

EDIT: As I’ve said before, no one who is actually doing the fighting wants to talk. The NC does not and will not provide weapons. So they have no leverage.

February 2nd, 2013, 9:35 pm


zoo said:

Why Did Khatib Sell Out the Opposition?

By Abdul Rahman Al-Rashed
Khatib must know that dialogue with Assad now is too little too late no matter what concession the embattled president offers. The Syrian people will not exchange the blood of their fallen comrades except for the collapse of the regime and the pursuit of its pillars. Assad may be able to escape from his palace to Russia or Iran where it would be difficult for the revolutionary to reach him. Khatib and the watching world must either support the opposition to complete the job or not offer any support and also not interfere in Syrian affairs. The opposition will finish him off, even if it takes a year or two.

February 2nd, 2013, 9:39 pm


zoo said:

#701 Mari

I had some doubts now I know you are just a war monger and you wish the complete destruction of Syria.
You dropped your mask and your face is really ugly.

February 2nd, 2013, 9:42 pm


Syrialover said:


Come on, I know it’s embarrassing to hear Hafez Assad’s Hitler-like barking and weak, stupid propaganda around his massacre of 40,000 Hama residents in 1982. (#685, thanks REVENIRE)

It backfired badly posting it after that brilliant eyewitness piece on Hama by Dr Bara Sarraj. (

Ironically, you must also be squiriming comparing Hafez Assad’s dictator-like mustache and fierce ranting Hitler-bark with the weak lisping and weird pinheaded look of his son Bashar, who can’t even grow a mustache. Maybe they should have wheeled out Maher Assad to do voice-overs.

February 2nd, 2013, 9:43 pm


revenire said:

Oh, it matter what Khatib does. He will demoralize the already demoralized rabble holed up in sewers when they realized their blood is being spent for nothing. He will push many into Assad’s arms. He will divide the already divided puppet opposition.

Sources are saying that FSA members are now saying Khatib is a traitor and is working for Assad.

February 2nd, 2013, 9:44 pm


MarigoldRan said:

@ Zoo

You support the regime. You have no right to comment on other peoples’ morality.

As I’ve said before, the regime is politically dead. No one who is fighting is talking to it.

February 2nd, 2013, 9:45 pm


revenire said:

Marigoldran’s family was perhaps bombed by the US while in a rice paddy. I don’t know. He seems to want to drink blood. Many Vietnamese are like this. They also eat dogs.

February 2nd, 2013, 9:46 pm


MarigoldRan said:

The loser speaks again. For how long have you been posting today? For how long have you been posting yesterday, and the day before?

Your life, Revenire, is lived on this blog. That’s sad. Real sad.

February 2nd, 2013, 9:47 pm


revenire said:

Well, to be fair the fighters are paid mercenaries. They receive salaries or loot for their murder. Of course they won’t talk – many of them are not capable of speech. You hear them on videos screaming Allahu Akbar over and over – at everything and constantly. That is from the drugs.

Once the deal is worked out the funds will dry up and the army will kill them all. They know that.

February 2nd, 2013, 9:49 pm


ann said:

On Israeli Strike, Syria Says No UN Meeting Requested, Media Reports False

By Matthew Russell Lee

UNITED NATIONS, February 1 — What will Syria’s reaction to Israel’s January 30 airstrike be?

On the morning of January 31 Syria’s Permanent Representative to the UN Bashar Ja’afari came to the Security Council which was holding a closed meeting on the past month’s work.

Ja’afari told Inner City Press his government had filed “identical letters” with the Council and Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, click here to view, but that the letter(s) did not ask for a Security Council meeting.

At noon in the UN’s Dag Hammarskjold Library Auditorium, after a briefing by Ban’s deputy spokesman Eduardo Del Buey that a back-row observer called “comical,” video here, outgoing Security Council president Masood Khan of Pakistan said that Syria’s letter, still being translated, did not ask for a Council meeting.

Nevertheless, some media reported that it did, even at least one present for the first if not second of the UN’s noon-time briefings: “Syria calls on UN to hold a Security Council meeting.” One wonders, where did that call take place? Not by Syria at the UN.

Seven hours later at Pakistan’s End of Presidency reception, Ja’afari told Inner City Press more about the letter. (Inner City Press has uploaded a photo of the letter, in Arabic, here.)

By not calling for a meeting but rather that the Council shoulder its responsibilities, Ja’afari said, and address the tensions, a military response could be expected.


February 2nd, 2013, 9:49 pm


zoo said:

#705 Revenire

The blood is spent for nothing, that is a reality Al Khatib is starting to realize while the others refuse to face it.
Al Khatib has created an earthquake in the opposition and it will have far reaching psychological and military consequences on the opposition.
It is a moment of truth for many of them: finally facing the fact that the revolution’s only goal they were ready to die for is unreachable.
If the dialog proceeds I expect an increase of desperate suicide bombings and defections within the FSA: heroism has its limits.

February 2nd, 2013, 9:53 pm


revenire said:

Marigoldran are you denying your Vietnamese eat dog meat? The question is do you eat it? Forget the war for now. What’s for dinner?

“Vietnamese women often lived with their American boyfriends, and referred to them as ‘husbands,’ regardless of their actual marital status. Relationships usually ended when the soldier had finished his tour of duty and went home. Some men left without telling their Vietnamese girlfriends.”

Marigoldran I am not your father.

February 2nd, 2013, 9:54 pm


revenire said:

Zoo I believe you’re right. Sources are telling me many FSA fighters have melted away after hearing talk of a deal. They’re scared the SAA will kill them so they’re running.

Perhaps it is true, perhaps it isn’t but this move is a plus for Assad and the army. Maybe our boys can get a break for a few weeks before wiping out the remaining rats.

February 2nd, 2013, 9:56 pm


MarigoldRan said:

You still think I’m Vietnamese?

You’re an idiot, Revenire. And a loser. That makes you a retarded loser. You can’t even troll properly because of how retarded you are.

February 2nd, 2013, 9:56 pm


ann said:

As UK Hammond Says Only One Israeli Strike in Syria, Gaze on Barak & TIME

By Matthew Russell Lee

UNITED NATIONS, February 2 — At the UN waiting continues for Syria’s and / or the Security Council’s response to Israeli’s air strikes of early January 30 – now said to be multiple and US approved.

But at the Munich Security Conference UK Defence Minister Phil Hammond was tweet-quoted that “as far as UK knows, there was just 1 target of Israel air strikes in Syria, anti aircraft missiles, no WMD link.”

This came from the Guardian’s diplomatic editor, who said it was from Hammond himself, and was “oven-fresh.”

Of course, this is the same Phil Hammond who the day before the Israeli air strikes said that Mali is predominantly Christians. At the UN, Inner City Press asked the UK Mission’s spokesperson Iona Thomas, who confirmed that Hammond “misspoke.”

And this time? Wags wonder if Hammond is inept or aspirational.

Then the search was on to ferret out how in this case the UK (or just Hammond) knows what he knows.

Haaretz’ diplomat correspondent chimed in that Hammond was on Ehud Barak’s schedule, and opined that Barak was probably Hammond’s source on strikes (if not religion).

But how to explain, then, TIME’s report sourced to “a Western intelligence official” that Israel hit more targets than Syria admitted, and that according to “officials” the US has given the green light to more Israeli strikes?


February 2nd, 2013, 9:58 pm


zoo said:

#713 Revenir

It also depends on the funding by Qatar and KSA. If it dries up, the FSA militias are going to desintegrate.

This is why it is important to know if Khatib had and will have the support of Qatar, Turkey and KSA when he announced his change of direction.

February 2nd, 2013, 10:02 pm


revenire said:

“The new head of the Syrian National Coalition, Moaz al-Khatib, surprised us by announcing the failure of the Syrian revolution.”

Ha ha some leader he is.

The rats will soon toss their weapons away and run to beg for their worthless lives.

“What’s the value of Khatib’s offer? Releasing prisoners’ means one thing only: the regime will open its prison gates for detainees to leave only to hunt them down later.”

Yep. Hunt them down Mr. President. All of them.

Is Khatib really walking into a Russian bear trap?

February 2nd, 2013, 10:04 pm


revenire said:

Someone else recognizes Assad’s genius:

Why Did Khatib Sell Out the Opposition?

“During the bloody years in Lebanon, Assad faced a major obstacle after he began assassinating his rivals. A broad front of opposition forces and figures under the March 14 movement umbrella stood up to and confronted him. Assad’s strategy was to break up this alliance by spreading rumors about these opposition forces, claiming that he enjoyed good ties with one party or another in order to drive a wedge between them, particularly after this developed into a broad-based movement made up of Sunnis, Christians, Druze and others allied with Saudi Arabia and France. This opposition front succeeded in convincing the UN to form a special tribunal for Lebanon to investigate the Assad regime’s involvement in the assassination of more than 20 Lebanese leadership figures. In this instance, Assad failed to divide or intimidate his opponents.

“Today, we are seeing a similar approach being used against the Syrian opposition. Assad began by sending false signals and messages that he is ready to negotiate and compromise. To this end, he used European and Russian mediators, promising everybody that he will offer concessions in talks with opposition leaders.”

Assad is a very, very intelligent man. Perhaps only Putin is smarter. I am impressed.

February 2nd, 2013, 10:09 pm


Syrialover said:

There are a lot of people sitting on couches here yelling for more fighting in Syria.

Why not calm down and focus on the fact that neither Brahami or Khatib is interested in negotiating for the Assad regime to remain in power.

Instead, there is an effort being made to find a way for Assad’s departure with the lowest cost in blood and destruction (to quote Khatib).

Some people here surprise me, talking as if they don’t know that. Or isn’t that goal good enough for them?

I’m listening to those proposals for the sake of Syrians suffering on both sides, and to preserve what is left of a beautiful country and its culture.

And also because I need hope that my family in Aleppo will not starve to death or be destroyed in an air strike.

February 2nd, 2013, 10:25 pm


Syrian said:

12 hours Ago ZOO predicted

546. ZOO said:

Lavrov is not interested to meet Al Khatib who had insulted Russia by refusing an invitation to talk a few weeks ago.
The much less cocky opposition is now desperatly hoping Russia will budge and give them back some of their doubtful legitimacy.

February 2nd, 2013, 10:28 pm


MarigoldRan said:

It’s a fair point. Let’s see what Khatib can do. But the fighting will continue, regardless.

February 2nd, 2013, 10:40 pm


revenire said:

Really inspirational, great music too.

February 2nd, 2013, 10:41 pm


Syrian said:

Another victory for the FSA in Dair Alzore

February 2nd, 2013, 11:02 pm


Syrian said:

A new Mig bite the dust in Edlib

February 2nd, 2013, 11:07 pm


revenire said:

Volunteer army in Syrian Latakia defends area from militants

Published on Jan 29, 2013
Authorities in Latakia district, Northern Syria, have created a volunteer army to help the National Syrian Army defend the area from the rebels.

“We train the volunteers of the National Defence Force so that they are ready to fight on the streets, ready for quick war operations in which they will attack militants. We also train them to conduct special operations and to be able to use all types of weapons”, says an instructor.

Volunteers take part in intensive military exercises. People who have served in the army may join the National Defence Force, after a commission is sure they were not convicted of serious crimes like murder and robbery.

New troops include soldiers of different ages, communities and professions.

“I am an engineer, and I decided to enter the National Defence Forces in order to support our army. This is our duty, to stand by its side, to support it, and we won’t let anyone touch our country”, says one of the volunteers.

An essential task of the volunteers is to support the regular army in military operations, on the one hand, and the protection of the areas they are in control of on the other.

The establishment of the volunteer army does not mean that the National Syrian Army has been weakened by the conflict. According to some reports, the formation of the force is aimed at finding a solution to the conflict, and then entering a phase of negotiations.

February 2nd, 2013, 11:08 pm


majedkhaldoun said:

Not only civilians are dying, FSA soldiers are risking their lives every moment, both civilian and soldiers deserve to have a vote in every decision.
We will see if Mr. Khatib decision, was right or wrong,meanwhile we will lose thousands,but knowing the regime,I say Assad will not release prisoners, and will not quit the killing machine,and will only buy time, I say Russia will continue to support the regime by sending him weapons, Russia enemy is not the opposition, it is US and all the west, I say Iran will support Bashar by money and weapons and send him soldiers,advisers in name, actually soldiers in reality. there is no hope as far as Assad.
What do you say when the truth is evident,and when it is clear that Moaz strategy fails,should he only resign?
I say FSA must get more weapons,must continue the plan as they designed first, to liberate all aleppo and Idlib governesses, and then move south, Assad will not give up till the rebels get to his hide out and kill him, no for weakness, no for giving him chance, no for believing his lies,no for providing any murderer with mercy or sympathy,Syria is destined to suffer,our cowardness and our parents stupidity, we must pay for that, hopefully we will learn a lesson,

February 2nd, 2013, 11:10 pm


Visitor said:

As the FSA said, Moaz is a novice and we do not need to worry about what he does.

Does anyone in his right mind think that the revolution is about releasing prisoners or renewing passports? Only a crappy person would come up with such an idea.

February 2nd, 2013, 11:25 pm


Syrian said:

How long can Iran keep supporting Batta
The Iranian currency lose anothe 30% in 10days
??????? ????? ?????? ????????.. ????? ??????? ??? ???????

???? ??????? ???????? ??????? ????? 4500 ???? ?????? ???? ????? ????? ??? ????? ??? ??? ??????? ???????? ??? 39 ??? ???? ?40 ???? ???? ?????? ??? ?? ??? ??35 ??? ???? 23 ????? (????? ??????) ??????? ??? ??????? ????? ????? 8 ?? ??????? ??? ???? ?? ?????? ???????? ??? 30 ?? ?????? ?? ????? ???? ??????? ?? ??? ?? ?????? 10 ????.”

February 2nd, 2013, 11:35 pm


revenire said:

“727. VISITOR said:
As the FSA said, Moaz is a novice and we do not need to worry about what he does.”

And the FSA aren’t novices? Who do you think you’re kidding? When did the FSA come into being? 1950?

You failed with that stupid statement. This move by Moaz has rattled you. He wants to talk after swearing up and down “no negotiations until Assad leave” right?

Lavrov will eat him alive in Russia.

Please by all means let’s talk.

February 2nd, 2013, 11:36 pm


ann said:

Syria strikes back? Hackers break into Haaretz emails, threaten more attacks

Hacker group Syrian Electronic Army breaks into newspaper employees’ emails by impersonating publisher Amos Schocken in an email.

February 3rd, 2013, 12:00 am


ann said:

White House rebuffed Clinton-Petraeus plan to arm Syrian rebels: report,0,3469757.story

February 3rd, 2013, 12:07 am


ann said:

Biden: U.S. ready for talks with Iran 😀

But he says Iran’s leaders must be serious about negotiating in good faith on the nuclear issue.

The Associated Press

February 3rd, 2013, 12:17 am


Syrialover said:


Is this more like your idea of what should be happening to sort things out in Syria?

I hate to say it, but you are coming across as if you will be disappointed and bored if they manage to negotiate Assad’s departure and stop the fighting in Syria.

February 3rd, 2013, 12:18 am


ann said:

Russia opposes humanitarian corridor in Syria, citing int’l air intervention fears

February 3rd, 2013, 12:28 am


ghufran said:

682. Visitorsaid:
MajedK 675,
Agree 100%.
(the belly dancer and the drummer)
Moaz is not my guy but I respect his decision to explore peaceful options to reduce suffering and destruction in Syria, those who are attacking him for trying are idiots and do not deserve their Syrian passport,assuming they have one, how could any Syrian refuse to attempt to the stop blood shed in Syria especially after two years of sensless violence and failure to win the “war” ?

February 3rd, 2013, 1:16 am


ghufran said:

at the end of the day, there are no reasons to celebrate when the deads are Syrians:

February 3rd, 2013, 1:31 am


ghufran said:

NY Times:

Last summer, as the fighting in Syria raged and questions about the United States’ inaction grew, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton conferred privately with David H. Petraeus, the director of the C.I.A. The two officials were joining forces on a plan to arm the Syrian resistance.
The idea was to vet the rebel groups and train fighters, who would be supplied with weapons. The plan had risks, but it also offered the potential reward of creating Syrian allies with whom the United States could work, both during the conflict and after President Bashar al-Assad’s eventual removal.
Mrs. Clinton and Mr. Petraeus presented the proposal to the White House, according to administration officials. But with the White House worried about the risks, and with President Obama in the midst of a re-election bid, they were rebuffed.

February 3rd, 2013, 1:45 am


Basel said:

So your “revolution” (????) was all about releasing criminal prisoners and renewing passports?

Honestly!! did it need destroying the country to get your passport renewed?

I’m sure a janitor at any Syrian embassy could have done it for $10

At least now you stopped the bullsh1t of freedom and democracy

February 3rd, 2013, 1:52 am


Basel said:

What about the terrorists apes you have imported from Pakistan, Afghanistan and so forth, are they in Syria to renew their passports as well?

February 3rd, 2013, 1:54 am


Basel said:

Ok let me give you some instruction of how to renew your passport (even if you’re WANTED) with no need to bend down for Zionists and NATO

GO to ?????? ? ????????
Find one of those ???? ??????? ???? ????? ??????
Pay the fees
Come back in a week and collect it

February 3rd, 2013, 2:01 am


Basel said:

Could anybody guess what’s their next demand?

Maybe your unstoppable opposition leaders will ask to reduce the price of falafel wraps from 20 to 10 SYP

(??? ???? ??? ??? ??? ????
?? ???? ? ????? ??????? ?????)

February 3rd, 2013, 2:06 am


Juergen said:

SAA films how they execute one who wanted to defect.

Allah yarharmu.

18+ Graphic

February 3rd, 2013, 2:14 am


Juergen said:

Hama the ancient scar

After destroying Hama in 1982, Rifaat Al-Assad famously said in a conference “There are 3 things in Syria, Allah, Islam and the Ba’ath”

February 3rd, 2013, 2:17 am


Juergen said:

SAA films how they execute one who wanted to defect.

Allah yarharmu.

18+ Graphic

February 3rd, 2013, 2:18 am


Juergen said:

Woman Describes How Poverty Exacerbates Misery Caused by Regime Attacks

February 3rd, 2013, 2:25 am


annie said:

“Stories from Hama: Memories of Painter Khaled Al-Khani. Part 3

Part 1, Part 2
11. Life under shelling 150×150.acrylic on canvas

One of Khaled Al-Khani’s 2012 paintings titled: Life under shelling.

When my father slapped me and sent me to join my mother and my brothers and the rest of the residents of the Baroudeyeh neighborhood, it was like he knew that I would never forget the details of the tragedy for as long as I lived. I tell you now, and I swear; I see him today in every martyr among the detainees. I beg your forgiveness. You may find some confusion to this part of my testimony, and you have to excuse me, he is my father.

O’ father, how could you send us to the unknown? What a pain. What went through your heart and mind then? when your sufferings began to grow.

He was captured in the shelter he went into with my aunt after the army, delayed by some brave young men, later arrived. I know one of these men very well, and he told me how much they suffered from bombardment, and how were they able to delay the savages’ invasion for few days.

My father was arrested with all of the men in the shelter and sent to the ceramic factory. Some of those who were with him told me later that after days of having been with no food and with only rain water to ease their thirst, a few soldiers would come once or twice and throw some bread around asking the people, at gunpoint, to race for the bread in order to amplify our disgrace. There were sheds and cellars in the factory, and as customary, the detainees shared the pain. The cellars were warmer than the sheds, which protected them from the wind, but in the factory yard, a place which became outside universe of humanity, laid killing, maiming, dragging, brutality, teeth pulling, ear and tongue cutting, eyes gouging, and breaking of limbs. Despite all of this, people shared the roles and the pain.

After days of existence in the detention camp, some people began calling my father “Doctor” as a sign of respect and to ease his pain having eased theirs many a time in the past. He repeatedly told them: ”Don’t call me Doctor” because as one of signatories to the city’s intellectuals’ statement sent to the regime calling for democracy and respect for freedom and other human rights, he knew that the regime would not allow any intellectual from our city to survive. Today, we are calling for our rights again, and we will get them, god willing. One witness told me that my father once chided him for toasting a piece of bread on a makeshift stove and told him to eat it as it is. To date, I could not understand why. Was he concerned about the loss of nutritional value with toasting? or was it the smell, in consideration for the hunger of all of the detainees.

The presence of a physician among the detainees, of whom there were five thousands in this particular detention camp, leaked to the officer. So, he gathered the detainees in the yard. Then, this senior officer said that they needed a physician, suggesting there was a medical emergency. My father and another doctor adhered to the Hippocratic Oath and answered the call of duty. Little they knew of the planned treachery. My father and the other doctor were both dragged alive and tortured. They gouged one of my father’s eyes in the midst of his suffering and one of those who were present told me that my father was on the ground writhing in pain when the soldiers were beating him with their weapons as if they were playing and before he died, the soldiers ganged up him as a pack of wolves. His tribulation and pain lasted for hours. Oh father, what did you feel…? After that, his body, which looked like mine, his face, resembling mine, and his soul, similar those of our today martyrs, was thrown in the yard and later handed to the national hospital, where he remained, with the other martyrs’ , laying at the hospital door. My father’s torture did not end then, for in there, they gouged his other eye, took his identity card and stapled it to his clothes.
One of our relatives was able to retrieve my father’s body. He was buried eyeless.”

February 3rd, 2013, 2:55 am


Badr said:

Syrialover #719, on February 2nd, 2013, 10:25 pm

I second your thoughts, and I truly wish my expectations will turn out to be wrong.

The Russian move to engage with Mr Khatib sends a strong signal to Damascus. Russia is still not willing to see President Bashar al-Assad forced aside. But equally Moscow’s patience with the Syrian leader is wearing thin.

Jonathan Marcus
BBC Diplomatic Correspondent, Munich

February 3rd, 2013, 3:19 am


Juergen said:

memories of Hama 1982

Seven Hours in Hama

See the photos of the famous Keilani corner, all vanished and the biggest massgrave is located there, where the Assads builded their Cham Hotel.

February 3rd, 2013, 3:21 am



@709 They also eat dogs.

How come you’r still around, must be a very bad breed.

February 3rd, 2013, 3:55 am


basel said:


Ur revolution is full of dogs like you which our Syrian army proudly slaughter, skin and throw in rivers for rats to eat them you terrorist ape

February 3rd, 2013, 4:03 am


Sami said:

Syrian Hamster,

Yes a terrible breed, so bad is the breed Klab Al-Assad that is thinking of changing its name to http://www.klabalassad.tuz

Maybe he should be donated to Micheal Vick, Klab like him deserve such heinous owners….

February 3rd, 2013, 4:07 am


basel said:

???? ?? ???? ?????? ??????
???? ?? ???? ???? ????????
???? ?? ???? ???? ??? ?????????

February 3rd, 2013, 4:07 am


basel said:

????? ??? ?????? ???? ?? ???????

?????? ???? ?????

February 3rd, 2013, 4:10 am



Proud of corruption in Thureea-al-athad…

?? ?? ???? … ????? ?? ???



??? ???? ?? ??? …
??? ????? ??????

February 3rd, 2013, 4:11 am


basel said:

Another evidence of how the Syrian army downed two NATO Turkish fighters by putting then in the Black Raven trap, till now the Syrian intelligence did not play it’s card.

February 3rd, 2013, 4:20 am




You guys are a piece of art.

No need to prove you’r retards anymore. Thanks for doing the job… so well.

February 3rd, 2013, 4:26 am


basel said:

What are you talking about?

February 3rd, 2013, 4:30 am


Uzair8 said:

test test

February 3rd, 2013, 4:33 am


Uzair8 said:

After the reports of the fake monkey story, here’s an update to my theory previously posted (see above):


Previously we saw the monkey, accidentally trigger an explosion at the underground nuclear facility. Chased by angry Basij thugs he used his only escape route, a rocket, and flew to space.

While in space the monkey, realising he couldn’t remain there forever on limited supplies, hatched an ingenious plan. He decided, in an attempt to deceive the waiting Basij, to change his appearance slightly and return to earth.

The intelligent monkey succeeded in his plan. On his arrival the Basij instantaneously concluded it wasn’t the monkey they were looking for and allowed him to pass.

February 3rd, 2013, 4:36 am



@762 (on @760)
And the evidence?…..

Dumbo… you should have requested deletion of the entire comment while you had a chance… read it again… it is even funnier now.

Retards have no idea how much time and work they are saving the revolution’s propaganda efforts.

And BTW, Poor BADR , what did he do to you to insult him like that… BADR, please accept my apology. The piece of turd thrown at me may have hit you.. Just call it Friendly Fire….

February 3rd, 2013, 4:39 am


Juergen said:

In Syria even the dead dont deserve peace, Assad regime forces shelled an cemetery in Hama.

February 3rd, 2013, 5:15 am


Juergen said:

Barak: Syria strike proof that when Israel says something, we mean it
Defense minister stops short of acknowledging Israel’s involvement in the strike; says Assad’s fall is imminent, will strike major blow to Hezbollah and Iran.

February 3rd, 2013, 5:18 am


majedkhaldoun said:

Dear Syrian Hamster
Abdulbari Atwan is strong supporter of Assad, and his news are not accurate, Iran would never send arms to FSA, they are sending arms to Assad, or HA.

It is estimated that one million syrian were arrested by Assad in the last two years, 160,000 of them are still in jail, and more than 120,000 has been killed,some has been released.

February 3rd, 2013, 6:53 am


Syrialover said:

Going out to eat and running into an Assad supporter.

“Dont tell us you have never dove off a tabletop and superman-punched a shabi7? You havent lived.”

February 3rd, 2013, 7:24 am


Syrialover said:


There are tens of thousands of Syrians simply missing. They left home and never came back, were taken from their homes by men who wouldn’t identify themselves, or rounded up at their workplace – disappearing in a range of circumstances.

Families blame the security services and army, but can’t get any information or confirmation they are in custody.

Other families are dealing with ransom demands from the security services.

Are these included in the 160,000?

February 3rd, 2013, 8:01 am


majedkhaldoun said:

Dear Syrialover
I can not answer your question, but yes many are kidnaped,if no ransom is demanded, you should think they are dead,in over 90%,The bodies of dead in Aleppo showed people kidnaped a week or more earlier, the fake explosions are designed to get rid of dead people, this is ugly regime , they will not hesitate to commit the worst crimes ever.

February 3rd, 2013, 8:17 am



Today’s massacre… The regime’s response to Mr. Khatib initiative.

February 3rd, 2013, 8:39 am


Syrialover said:


That powerful memoire on Hama 1982 by Bara Sarraj also mentioned that Assad forces destroyed the cemetry in Hama then, just as they did now.

Those events of 31 years ago are the blueprint and inspiration for what Syria-hater Bashar Assad is doing today.

We’ve both posted Sarraj’s piece and I hope others will read it and circulate it as much as possible.

It’s a rare firsthand account of something that has been kept behind a curtain for decades because of Syrians fear of the regime.

February 3rd, 2013, 8:40 am


Syrialover said:


You may have noticed that powerful memoire on Hama 1982 by Bara Sarraj also mentioned that Assad forces destroyed the cemetry in Hama then, just as they did now.

Those events of 31 years ago are the blueprint and inspiration for what Syria-hater Bashar Assad is doing today.

We’ve both posted Sarraj’s piece and I hope others will read it and circulate it as much as possible.

It’s a rare firsthand account of something that has been kept behind a curtain for decades because of Syrians fear of the regime.

February 3rd, 2013, 8:41 am


zoo said:


The Hama’s uprising and costly repression seems to concern you a lot lately. You keep posting about it..
Is it because it seems that that the dead will not get the revenge you were hoping that that you keep stirring the memories as you wanted to send a subtle message to counter AlKhatib’s compromise attempts.

February 3rd, 2013, 8:49 am


Tara said:

I continue to support Al Kahteeb’s attempt to explore peaceful resolution.  I think the man has the potentials to outsmart the 40 yo regime.  He will be negotiating out of strength and not out of weakness.  It is now very different from holding a dialogue with the regime at the beginning of the revolution when Atef Najeeb was still lurking at the corner ready to capture, torture, or kill whoever decants.  Alkateeb feels safe and uninhibited.  He proved his independency, from asking the US to reconsider classifying Al Nusra as a terrorist organization to shunning Lavrov’s first invitation to Russia to hold talks while demanding apology.  And despite that Russia has been shunned the first time, Russia is extending a second invitation to the same person who is elected as the head of the NC, the sole…

So what, let him carry a talk with the Russians.  Russia remains the key to a peaceful solution by threatening Bashar with holding off its veto in the UNSC if he is not to comply.  He can perhaps give them guarantees that relationship with Russia will not change after Batta’s departure.  He can agree to Bashar’s exile instead of demise to save their face if that will save one Syria soul, why not.  I am sure he will not compromise with our basic demands of freedom and dignify. 

Alkhateeb will be negotiating out of strength not weakness.  The final decision will not be his sole decision.  He is democratically elected by the NC and they will have to ratify it.  We have a military wing that’s achieving one small victory after the other.  There is al Nusra that will not stop fighting while the Syrians are being slaughtered.  “It is not Khalset”.  Analysts agree that Bashar can’t win militarily.  

In summary, we have all the elements to get to where we want to be.  I say we support al khateeb and wait to see what happens.

February 3rd, 2013, 8:51 am


zoo said:

“Politicians from the United States, Europe and the Middle East at the Munich Security Conference praised Alkhatib’s “courage”.

Syrian opposition chief under fire for talks with Assad allies
By Khaled Yacoub Oweis and Stephen Brown

MUNICH (Reuters) – Syria’s opposition leader flew back to his Cairo headquarters from Germany on Sunday to explain to sceptical allies his decision to talk with President Bashar al-Assad’s main backers Russia and Iran, in hope of a breakthrough in the crisis.

February 3rd, 2013, 9:00 am


zoo said:

Frustrated and powerless Qatar vent its anger on the UNSC

Firm opposition backers like Qatar’s Prime Minister Hamad bin Jassim al-Thani and U.S. Republican Senator John McCain voiced frustration in Munich at the international community’s reluctance to intervene in the Syrian conflict.

“We consider the U.N. Security Council directly responsible for the continuing tragedy of the Syrian people, the thousands of lives that were lost, the blood that was spilled and is still flowing at the hands of the regime’s forces,” said al-Thani.

February 3rd, 2013, 9:03 am


Citizen said:

“The New York Times” reported on Saturday that the White House rejected the plan made last summer by former U.S. Secretary of State
Hillary Clinton and David Petraeus, the former head of the CIA, according to which expected to arm and train rebels Syrian opposition.
The United States has sent humanitarian aid to Syria, but refused to execute the request for the supply of weapons to enemies Syrian regime.

With reference to the administration of President Barack Obama, who requested anonymity, the newspaper reports that the White House rejected a proposal Clinton – Petraeus fears that under the project, weapons could fall into the wrong hands, and involve the United States in the Syrian conflict.

The plan called for instructing militants and armed groups with some of the neighboring countries of ATS.

The newspaper said that some in the administration after the elections in the U.S. again raised the issue of the relevance of the plan, but it seems to be ordered to live long after retirement Petraeus caused by extra-marital relationships, and lack of Clinton week at work due to health problems.

During a recent interview with “New York Times” Clinton refused to comment on his role in the debate on the armed opponents of Syrian authorities, and on Friday she officially left his post.

The newspaper quoted U.S. officials as saying that the Minister of Defense Leon Panetta, “with understanding” refers to the above concerns.

Petraeus and Panetta’s representatives declined to comment.

February 3rd, 2013, 9:03 am


zoo said:

The “family business” country in peril?

With Prince Muqrin’s Appointment, Saudi Succession Crisis Looms
Feb 3, 2013 4:45 AM EST

King Abdullah has named half-brother Prince Muqrin as third in line to the throne, keeping the power in an aging, ill, and increasingly scarce royal generation. Bruce Riedel says a scary new world is on the kingdom’s horizon.

Simmering just below the surface is a country perhaps increasingly ripe for revolution. Sixty percent of Saudis are 20 or younger, and most have no hope of a fulfilling job. Seventy percent of Saudis cannot afford to own a home; 40 percent live below the poverty line. The royals, 25,000 princes and princesses, own most of the valuable land and benefit from a system that gives each a stipend and some a fortune.
Sixty percent of Saudi college graduates are women, but they are only 12 percent of the workforce. Abdullah recently tried to appease them with appointments to the powerless consultative council, only to provoke outrage from the Wahhabi establishment.

February 3rd, 2013, 9:14 am


majedkhaldoun said:

I am sure you are saying that out of your good compassionate heart, you are assuming the regime will respond positively to Moaz Khatib suggestions, you are assuming the regime is honest, you are assuming the regime is concerned about Syrians and not concerned about Assad.
Could you please explain your words”Alkhateeb will be negotiating out of strength not weakness”
Thank you

February 3rd, 2013, 9:17 am


zoo said:

#781 Citzien

Thank God, the bitchy cuckolded wife and the macho adulterous husband are gone! God riddance.

February 3rd, 2013, 9:19 am



Dear TARA @ comment

I do too. Mr. Khateeb challenged so many including the regime, the dead-woods in the political opposition, as well as the international community. Big players have promptly recognized the gravity of his initiative.

I am not sure it will succeed, but the fact that he has presented it as his own personal initiative, took all the abuse from all sides quite ably, and never resorted to the cry-baby silliness of others made it even more serious for consideration.

Each one of us may have wanted one additional item on the conditions presented by Mr. Khateeb, but independent of that, the regime already said no. It will only conduct its own dialogue on its own terms, the way the fool of Damascus presented, which is below non-starter.

Today’s massacre should be interpreted as the regime’s answer. So should the bombardment of Albaath dam by regime forces after the fools lost one of their major thug-checkpoint near the dam and subsequently the dam itself. Cracks in the dam due to regime forces bombardment now threaten Raqqa and its countryside with a flood catastrophe.

Edit for an additional point
One must also consider that the stronger the FSA on the ground, the more gains they make, and the more losses for the fool’s mafia pseudo-army and intelligence (oxymoron) agencies, the stronger Khateeb’s position in negotiating with the Russ regarding pulling their rug from underneath the foolish prethident and his supporters, and perhaps throwing them under the bus … in this case, the russian zeel truck.

February 3rd, 2013, 9:20 am


Observer said:

So Moaz accepted some form of talk and perhaps later negotiations. He was forced into this position risking dissent and bickering.

Now let us see if Iran and Russia can force the regime to do anything meaningful. Already Haider is humming and stalling right now as we speak. In the meantime the fighters on the ground are calling the shots. 99% of their weapons come from the regime. The NYT not only showed that Barak did not want to arm them, but that he also has prevented others from doing so. Now, if Russia and Iran cannot bring the regime to stop; there will be a different attitude.

The fact is that the fighters on the ground have broken all of the predictions: the people have not stopped protesting, the general strike in Hama yesterday was successful, the airports are besieged, the neighborhoods around Damascus are battle grounds. Estimates of close to 3000 Guards have died in the attempt to subdue the towns and villages around the city.

Juan Cole had a great post today.

Justice for Hamza one criminal at a time in a court of law.

February 3rd, 2013, 9:24 am



OBSERVER @ comment

I have been thinking of the foolish prethident threat to destroy damascus. While he is capable of ordering so, mentally, given his deranged image of himself and what he thinks will be his victorious reign, physical limitations will prevent him from doing that.

Damascus is the heart of whatever left of his mafia pseudo-army. The coast is not. To destroy Damascus (central), he will end up destroying much of the services on which his stupid criminal regime depends. He can only do that if all of his supporters, which are more important for the running of the regime’s machinery now than those in any other cities were to be evacuated first. But that is not even possible, logistically, and even if so, the moment he is out of the city…. he is out of Syria.. for good.

February 3rd, 2013, 9:38 am


Sami said:

Zoo @ 777

Perhaps he is mentioning Hama a lot lately since you know it IS the 31st anniversary of the massacre committed by your vile and filthy thugs that you blindly support and the fact for 28 years Syrians were too afraid of discussing those unjustified massacres for fear of joining the estimated 40 thousand Syrians that perished.

Or maybe you would like us to pretend like it never happened, which unfortunatly for you won’t happen anymore.

February 3rd, 2013, 9:40 am


Tara said:


I know the regime is a hyena and is only concerned about Batta’s survival even at the expense of destroying the country.  The regime will not respond positively to Alkhateeb unless forced by the Russians.  Alkhateeb will be in essence negotiating with the Russians the terms of Batta’s departure.  Bashar is no one.  He is merely a puppet.  He in essence has no choice in deciding his final destiny.  It will be decided for him.

Alkhatib will not compromise on those who have blood on their hands and if Russia wants to give them all a refuge so be it.  Good riddance.  But if the aim is to preserve the army and some institutions to prevent chaos if the regime is collapsed violently then I am ok with that.  The army will no longer be Alawis commanders and Sunnis conscripts.  It will be restructured and the umpteen hundred Mukhabarat branches will be dismantled.

He is negotiating out of strength not out of weakness.  He is a head of the NC hailed as the sole representative.  The FSA and Al Nusra are continuing to do what they are doing.  Their operations are not going to be suspended during talks.  If we do not like the outcome, the war continues.  Arafat met with Rabin and Clinton.  He did not compromise on Palestinians’ demands and so Alkateeb can meet with anyone….as long as he is not power hungry, it will be fine.  Also remember, the opposition is not united.  While it is a significant weakness, it is also a significant strength. As long as he is not power hungry, he will not sell us out. And if he does, he will be impeached. Yet, he should be dealt with as a Commander in Chief and should be given the space to be effective.

Is he going to be successful? I don’t know.     

February 3rd, 2013, 9:44 am


Citizen said:

smell grills Hamestrs  brains! !

February 3rd, 2013, 9:46 am



Annie posted an excerpt from the memoir. Here is OTW’s intro.

Lest we forget-31 years (Introduction by OTW)

Nearly a year ago, I posted my translation of several segments of the memoir of Khaled Al-Khani, a Syrian painter who lived as a six-year old child the horrors of Hama. Then, I hoped to post all of Khaled’s memoirs, which were originally written by him as eight letters sent to his friends in the early days of the Syrian Revolution, on three installments on 7ee6ab. Until today, i could not finish translating the third installment because pain, sorrow, and grief, always struck me hard in nearly every sentence. Khaled and I have become good friends, and every time I started working on the last four letters of his, I could not stop weeping as I thought of my friend, living the massacre as a child and hearing the horror stories from his neighbors as he grew up, so I stopped.

Today, we enter the thirty-first anniversary of the Assads’ massacre of Hama. It was on this day, thirty-one years, when an abominable group of barbarians invaded a beautiful city on the Orontes river. What happened next became suppressed in the memory of millions. It was suppressed in the memories of those who knew of the massacre, but remained silent for fear that the Assads may do to them what they have done to the city of Hama, to Khaled’s friends, to his larger than life father, and to our identity as Syrians. Others were merely ashamed of our own complicity in the crimes, whether that was in believing the lies and distortions of Hafez Al-Assad, or in failing to rise up in aid of our sister city, raped as she was.

In less than two months from now, we mark the beginning of the third year of the Syrian Revolution. Much has happened since I posted the second part of Khaled’s memoir. The horrors khaled describes are now common place, for what was done in 1983 in the secrecy of siege has been happening in the open, by the son of the murderous hafez, a foolish entity, that proved to many the existence of filthy genes.

Bashar’s barbarians are not far from his fathers’ and uncle’s. Their crimes are no less horrific as they have demonstrated through countless “leaked tapes”. Residents of the Baroudeyeh district of Hama, who fled to the undulation room in a destroyed mosque, are now joined by their children and relatives from countless Syrian cities and villages. Photos of murdered detainees, tortured to death, starved, burned, mutilated, are now part of our daily lives.

All of this does not belittle the pain that is Hama. And while we mourn her sisters joining her in tragedy at the hand of the murderous sons and nephews of the senior assad thugs, we must also continue to remember Hama. As I wrote in the previous post, what we see today was foretold thirty-one years ago. It is also a warning that this clan must not remain in Syria, should have no future or connection to Syria, and that its heads, its bullies, their partners, and loyalists a swell as their propagandists and publicity prostitutes must face up for their crimes.

Today, while Syrians die or become refugees on hourly basis, many of the perpetrator of Hama’s massacre remain free. Rifaat Al-Assad enjoys his billions all over Europe, Abdel-Halim Khaddam lives safely in the most expensive area of Paris, and many of the junior thugs, are now generals in the barbarian army, not counting the soldiers and petty-officers who have since them retired. For Hama, then, and for what is happening now in Syria to pass without just punishment is a dishonor not only to Syria, but to humanity as well.

Again, I could not finish translating all of Khaled’s Memoir. It is still very hard to do. There will be one more. But that is OK, for in having a task like this going incomplete, i continue to remember our dept to Hama, and the fact that it can never be paid.

February 3rd, 2013, 9:52 am



TARA @ comment

VThe Russ can not influence the foolish prethident. The leash around its neck ends in Tehran and not in Moscow. All the Russ can do is the throw it under the zeel, which only means to stop obstructing actions against it and selling Iran weapons to smuggle to it and its pseudo-army mafia. This is what Khateeb should negotiate with them about and not to convince the deranged fool prethident of anything.

February 3rd, 2013, 10:04 am



TARA @ comment

The Russ can not influence the foolish prethident. The leash around its neck ends in Tehran and not in Moscow. All the Russ can do is to throw it under the zeel, which only means to stop obstructing actions against it and to stop selling Iran weapons to smuggle to it and its pseudo-army mafia. This is what Khateeb should negotiate with them about and not to convince the deranged fool prethident of anything.

February 3rd, 2013, 10:06 am


zoo said:

Ahmadinejad to visit Cairo for OIC summit

He will become first Iranian president to travel to Egypt since Iran’s revolution

February 3, 2013

Cairo: Mahmoud Ahmadinejad will visit Cairo this week, becoming the first Iranian president to travel to Egypt since Iran’s 1979 revolution ruptured diplomatic ties between the two most populous countries in the Middle East.

Ahmadinejad will head Iran’s delegation to a summit of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) in Cairo, said Amani Mojtaba, head of Iran’s interest section in Cairo, which it maintains in the absence of an official embassy.
Mursi has been among the most vocal opponents of Syrian President Bashar Al Assad, Iran’s ally. Syria’s membership of the OIC was suspended at the organisation’s last summit, despite strong Iranian objections, and the civil war there is likely to be one of the main issues discussed in Cairo next week.

The OIC summit will be the biggest international event Mursi has hosted since taking power seven months ago as the first elected leader in Egypt’s 5,000-year history

February 3rd, 2013, 10:07 am


majedkhaldoun said:

Dear Tara
I am not satisfied by your explanation, ,my question, is :you said he is speaking out of strength, what are the basis for his strength? What is his base? Do you consider the NC members were elected by the Syrian rebels?He is no different from me and you,
As for Arafat he made huge concessions and got nothing.
My concern is Moaz is spliting the opposition, he is demoralizing the FSA, the NC was promissed aid ,did they get it? NO, all reports say the military aids have thing we must never deceive ourselves,
BTW I don’t eat chicken will never find it in my blood.

February 3rd, 2013, 10:07 am



Hallelujah Mursy and the MB are now rehabilitated and he is elected

How pathetic. Followers will always be so, with no independent mind of their own. It is just the party line and its talking points.

February 3rd, 2013, 10:10 am


Citizen said:

In the Damascus suburb of Duma, leader of an army unit destroyed battalion “Okba Ben nafe3” belonging to a terrorist organization “Dgebhat An-Nusra” Rateb Mdaouwar.

February 3rd, 2013, 10:24 am


Tara said:


If the FSA feels demoralized from Alkhateeb’s attempt then he should address them directly to ease their anxiety and booster their morales. He held talks and they do business as usual.

As far as I know, the FSA weapons were all coming from the Syrian army and not from any foreign entity. Talking to the Russians will not change the arm supply dilemma. He should concentrate lots of efforts into Qatar and Turkey to arm the rebels.

February 3rd, 2013, 10:24 am


zoo said:

It is obvious that until the coalition officially endorses Al Khatib’s offer, the Syrian government will not react.

The coalition is under intense pressure and want guarantees that the Syrian government will comply to the request before giving any sign that they support Al Khatib initiative.
The ball is in their camp now.

Russia has minimized the significance of its meeting with Al Khatib because he does not have the agreement of his group and because Russia recognizes the NC as just one opposition group and not the sole.

Moscow played down the significance of the discussions in Munich, with one diplomatic source calling the talks between Lavrov and Alkhatib “simply routine meetings”.

“We have presented our views when Minister Lavrov meet Alkhatib, we have noted his comments that there is still a chance for dialogue with Syrian government. That is something we have called for,” said the Russian source.

“To what extent is that realistic, that’s a different matter and there are doubts about that,” said the source.

February 3rd, 2013, 10:31 am


Citizen said:

Defense Minister Ehud Barak said the Israeli air force had committed an act of aggression in Dzhemraya province of Damascus.

He said: “What happened a few days ago in Syria is evidence that when we say something, we mean what we say.”
According to Associated Press, a statement is included in the framework of Israeli threats to meet the targets in the opposition, “the supply of arms.”

Paradoxically, the recognition came during the Munich Security Conference, not to condemn the Israeli aggression, though hostile action and explicitly threaten security and stability in the region and constitute a flagrant violation of the UN Charter and the neglect of international law.
Barack openly acknowledged the aggression carried out by the boundless U.S. support, confirming once more the racist nature of Israel’s policies, to curb that no one can, and that is the main cause of the Israeli occupation of Arab territories.

Mr. Barak clearly defined the main enemy of Israel, acknowledging that “a blow to Syria means weakening Iran and” Hezbollah “, but it should be recalled that this goal was not achieved during the aggression in 2006, the attacks in 2008 and the war in the Gaza Strip in 2012, while the axis of resistance to occupation in the region turns into a single unit, which tempers the blows as Damascus steel.

February 3rd, 2013, 10:32 am


MarigoldRan said:

Talk is fine. But the fighting continues.

The NC does not supply weapons, so it has limited to no influence on the ground.

February 3rd, 2013, 10:32 am


Tara said:


I agree. Let him hold talks. Meanwhile, the war continues. He does not supply weapons. The FSA is not fighting for the sake of fight. If he reaches an acceptable solution, they would want to stop fighting and lead normal lives. If not, the war goes on..

February 3rd, 2013, 10:39 am


zoo said:

#798 Tara

Neither Al Khatib nor anyone in the coalition has any access or influence on FSA-Al Nusra. It is an independent entity with its own agenda and they despise the NC.
Al Khatib is fighting the political battle, the military one will be dealt with separately.

February 3rd, 2013, 10:41 am



It is obvious that until the coalition officially endorses Al Khatib’s offer, the Syrian government will not react.

Pathetic sophistry, once more. Since when the fool prethident and his mafia ever recognized the coalition, or is this a recognition that this is a revolution and not a thoap bubble. Party line again….

Damn how dumb and inconsistent are the men7ebbakjies. It is a duty to get them light years away from any position of decision or policy making, for the sake of humanity.

February 3rd, 2013, 10:47 am


zoo said:

Mobarak’s economy was on the right track, for Morsi “it’s the IMF loan or economic chaos”–the-IMF-Hardly-revolutionary.aspx

This could be due to the widespread perception that Mubarak’s economic policies were not bad in themselves, although the corruption that accompanied them was. So after getting Mubarak and his ‘cronies’ out of the picture, supporters of this view would say that there is no problem in pursuing the same policies.

Even the Muslim Brotherhood, Mubarak’s archenemy, seems to believe this. In October 2011, Hassan Malek, one of the Brotherhood’s main financiers, said that the former president’s economic policies were on the right track – albeit overshadowed by blatant corruption and nepotism

Consecutive cabinets since the uprising, too, seem to subscribe to this notion.

Officials and pundits, meanwhile, tell normal folks that Egypt is running out of lifelines – it’s the IMF loan or economic chaos, they say. Such a message is easy to believe, especially since the myth of Mubarak’s ‘looted billions’ was quickly proved ludicrous.

As time goes by, the high hopes of the revolution and President Morsi’s rosy electoral promises are turning out to have been little more than romantic sentimentality.

February 3rd, 2013, 10:50 am



what’s wrong, has Mursy downplayed Nejad’s visit to Egypt….
and BTW, will Nejad be accompanied by his own genius press TV interpreters, who translate Syria=Bahrain?, it would be fun to watch, again.

February 3rd, 2013, 10:51 am


Tara said:


Yes. The NC and the FSA are separate entities. And that is why I am not worried. Let the NC fights the political battle and will see what happens. If we don’t like the outcome, the revolution continues. The NC should therefore not obstruct al Khateeb, and the FSA should keep doing business as usual.

February 3rd, 2013, 10:54 am


zoo said:

#804 SH

The disunited “coalition” is only recognized by very few countries, not even by the AL.
So why the hell would the Syrian government recognize this bunch of greedy, egotistic and dumb expats who after 2 years are still squabbling and leading Syrians to death by their ineptitude?

If Al Khatib is able to give to this magma of slimy expat ops some air of credibility, he will be hailed as a hero.

February 3rd, 2013, 10:57 am


Tara said:

Zoo @794

Iran should quit its charm offensive on Morsi. The guy is charm-immune.. No interest. Zilch. None. Morsi will not budge. Iran should quit.

February 3rd, 2013, 10:59 am


Syrian said:

Slowly but surely,another helicopter bites the dust

February 3rd, 2013, 11:03 am


zoo said:

#807 Tara

I agree.
You will hear many protests from the ones who only want a violent military take over of the country, a take over we all see it to be an islamist one.
They worry that if a political agreement is reached, a military victory of the islamists FSA-Al Nusra will be impossible and their dream of an islamist society will fade away.

This is why, maybe also because Al Khatib is a MB sympathizer they say he is a traitor and hope he fails.

February 3rd, 2013, 11:05 am


Visitor said:

The mullah-apes Darth Vaders are now exploring for gas to continue to send monkeys to space. This is what happened,

February 3rd, 2013, 11:07 am


zoo said:


Iran doesn’t give a damn of Morsi, the guy is maybe on his way to Bakkourland.
Iran wants Egypt on its side and on long term it may succeed because many in the opposition as well as the ones who disagree with the peace agreement with Israel look at Iran as a strong and powerful country that stood firm in front of the West and that helped Hamas and Hezbollah to resist Israel hegemony in the region.
If Egypt develops, it is a huge market.

Remember, Morsi is just passing by…

February 3rd, 2013, 11:12 am


Visitor said:

On the other hand, Assad, emboldened by the apparent ‘success” of the mullah-apes Darth Vaders in burying monkeys in space and reincarnating them on earth, makes his much awaited response to the ‘Zionist aggressions’ with a Darth Vader on his side,

February 3rd, 2013, 11:16 am


Tara said:

Despite my extreme dislike of the Mullahs, I agree wit the comment that was made by someone in the link provided by Visitor in regard to the sinking of the Iranian gas platform.

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I must say I was shocked by the Youtube linked few wks ago by Ann where women in the UAE were “performing” while covering their hair in front of Emarati men. The way they were moving… The money thrown at them by the entertained men. The participation of young girls…was the most degrading thing to women I have ever watched in my life… Not that my experience is vast. As a matter of fact, my exposure was very limited to Disney fairy tales prior to the revolution. I am glad I am not from that area.

February 3rd, 2013, 11:26 am


Visitor said:

An Iranian friend just came back from a trip to Iran. He told me he was shocked to find out how backward his old country is, and ESPECIALLY with the way women are treated. He also visited Emirates on his way back. He said he would pay anything to get his parents and his mom out of Tehran to live in the Emirates.

Trying is something. Trying for the sake of propaganda is another.

Long live the GCC. And those who do not like it, they know what to do.

February 3rd, 2013, 11:45 am


mjabali said:

Visitor the thumbs up thumbs down clown said:

“An Iranian friend just came back from a trip to Iran….”

Really dude, do you have an Iranian “friend?”

February 3rd, 2013, 12:03 pm


omen said:

via syria live blog russia

President Bashar al-Assad’s key ally Moscow has not stopped supporting the Syrian regime, a state daily said on Sunday, hours after Russia’s top diplomat met the Syrian opposition leader.

“Bets that Russia would change its mind and modify its stance clash with its policy, which is commanded by its interests and strategic considerations,” the official daily Ath Thawra wrote in an editorial.

The paper also condemned Western countries’ and Syrian opponents’ attempts at “making up a new Russian position, reflecting their own fears and apprehensions.”

Moscow is one of Assad’s last remaining allies, and its support for the fight against rebels seeking to overthrow his regime “is becoming more solid each day,” Ath Thawra said.

On Saturday, Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov for the first time held direct talks with the opposition Syrian National Council leader, Ahmed Mouaz al-Khatib, in Munich.

While Lavrov expressed interest in “maintaining regular contact” with the opposition, he also said the dissidents’ insistence on Assad’s departure “is the main reason for the continuation of the Syrian tragedy.”

while i wanted to hold out hope, i thought too much was being made of medvedev’s comments at the time. my impression is that medvedev has a history of couching criticisms that are actually digs against putin. while medvedev faulted bashar being stubborn and not implementing reforms, it’s probably been putin who’s encouraged the regime to be heavy handed.

February 3rd, 2013, 12:06 pm


mjabali said:

About Human Rights and treating women: here is a link (a very disturbing story) to a Saudi Sheikh who raped and killed his 5 years old daughter and how the law (or lack of it) treats people like him who commit crimes against females…

Note: this is a Jihadi Sheikh that appears on TV

February 3rd, 2013, 12:06 pm


omen said:

546. annie said: it should be noted that this week coincides with the 31st Hama Massacre that was committed by the regime in 1982.

i remember noting this last year. has it been a year already? feels like it’s been ten. the past year has been the worst i’ve ever seen in my life. and all the world can do is shrug its shoulders.

February 3rd, 2013, 12:25 pm


Citizen said:

Deputy Chief of the General Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces, Brigadier General Masoud Jazairi condemned the Israeli aggression against Syria and said that the answer CAP “will lead to fainting Zionist entity.” Such a statement he made ??during the interview for Fares agency

February 3rd, 2013, 12:25 pm


omen said:

mjabali, and the regime’s use of rape?

February 3rd, 2013, 12:31 pm


Ghufran said:

The regime in Iran is having an internal fight prior to presidential elections, khamenie will watch the fight then decide who will be president, assuming that he has not made up his mind yet:
????? ?????? ???????? ????? ????? ???? ????? ???? ?????? (????????) ??? ????????? ?????? ??????? ???????? ???? ??????? ????? ??? ??????? ?? ??????? ??? ?????? ??? ??????? ?????? ?? ??? ?????? ??? ???? ???.
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(source: assafir)
I really believe that people who advocate violence and exterminating the ” other side” should not be rewarded with a reply, let them talk to themselves and deformed minds like them. Women in Iran are not subjected to Wahhabi thinking and they enjoy more freedom and rights than their sisters in the GCC, saying otherwise is a lie, this does not mean that Iran has a good government or that women in Iran are happy, but some of you can only get comfort when they lie, I have known Iranians for over 30 years, even regime opponents would strongly disagree with the comparison.

February 3rd, 2013, 12:35 pm


omen said:

iran vs the gulf states – how can you debate the two? any tyranny is wrong no matter which sect is in power.

for the antis, are you telling me you would support bashar if he were sunni?

February 3rd, 2013, 12:44 pm


Visitor said:

In order to continue with their ‘successful’ attempts to reincarnate monkeys in space, at reasonable costs, the mullah Darth Vaders recently resorted to measures to control the money exchange (remember few month ago when we talked about Dollar’s skyrocketing rise against the Riyal?). The Vaders decreed that the Dollar was then much overvalued against their currency and that the Riyal is much more valuable than the ‘evil’ imperialists and their ‘Zionist’ cohorts would like us to believe. So, the vaders instructed their banks and subjects to trade at 12500 Riyals for one ‘cheap’, ‘worthless’ and ‘filthy’ American Buck. That is it guys! That’s all you will get for the ‘holy’, ‘molly’ and mighty mullah vader Riyal.

Few months later, the ‘impeialists’ and their ‘Zionist conspirators’ are back at it in their ‘desperate’ attempt to destroy the economy of the ‘mighty’ Vader empire of mullaf apes with the Dollar trading at 40000 ‘precious’ and ‘priceless’ Riyals,

February 3rd, 2013, 12:48 pm


Ghufran said:

???? ???? ???????
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???? ????? ???????? ?????? ????????? ??? ????? ???? ?????? ???????? ??????? ?????? ??????? ?? ???? ????? ??? ??? ???? ???? ??? ?? ?????? ???????? ??? ?????.
???? ???? ???????? ???????? ??? ???? ????? ????? “??? ??? ???? ??? ????? ?????? ????? ?? ???? ?? ????? ?? ????? ????? ?????” ????? ??????? ?????? ?????? ??? ????? ??????? ?????? ?? ????????.
????? ????? ????? ??? ??????? ??????? ?? ?????? ???? ????? “??? ???? ???? ???. ???? ??? ???????? ???? ??? ???? ????? ????? ??? ??????? ?? ??????”.
Comparing the status of women between Iran and GCC is not an endorsement of the Iranian regime,it is an indictment of the GCC thugs who still live in the Middle ages, some people here, all men, think that GCC is heaven for women !!

February 3rd, 2013, 12:58 pm


revenire said:

I believe these is no real FSA. How many of these small brigades are there? 300? 500? Maybe more. Jabhat al-Nusra is the real fighting force. The others are simply loose ‘brigades’ that do their own thing – so to speak. They coordinate with al-Nusra sometimes and sometimes they fight them.

Who is the leader of the FSA? There is none. There is no central command.

The NC has no influence over al-Nusra.

Even if they did who would the Syrian government negotiate with? Zoo has a good point. The NC has not approved any negotiations.

I’ve read the Jabhat al-Nusra literature and their plans for Syria and onward. They have a vision of taking their war to other countries. Let’s not pretend they don’t. They spelled it out. It isn’t a secret plan. It is for anyone to read.

Syrians are secular people who will not agree to al-Nusra’s vision.

1982 was a Muslim Brotherhood action and Hafez al-Assad did the right thing.

February 3rd, 2013, 1:08 pm


annie said:

“Syrians learnt to watch what the regime did rather then what it said. It released Salafists from prison and murdered the proponents of non-violent protest. It unleashed shabeeha militias and instrumentalised sectarian tension. It savagely bombed some liberated areas but withdrew from Kurdish areas without a fight, even handing weapons over to PKK-linked militias. It applied a scorched earth policy which has negligible military effect but destroys any possibility of social or economic rebuilding.”

read Qunfuz about negociations :

February 3rd, 2013, 1:20 pm


mjabali said:


Visitor loves monkey business…

February 3rd, 2013, 1:24 pm


Visitor said:

While crappy Moaz continues to sink into irrelevance, by his misguided idea of reducing the revolution into releasing few prisoners and renewing passports, the real revolutionaries of the formidable FSA, who are by no means shaken by Moaz’ delusions, are preparing to negotiate in the only anguage understood by the criminals and their Rusky and Mulah-Stani backers,

February 3rd, 2013, 1:32 pm


omen said:

Kurds Caught Between Islamists and the PKK

There is also a sectarian reason why the Assad regime backs the PKK, according to Othman. Most of the PKK’s leadership hails from a rarefied minority: Alawite Kurds. Abdullah Ocalan, one of the PKK’s founders who was based in Syria and is now in Turkish prison, is an Alawite, Othman said. Kurds make up more than 10% of Syria’s 23 million citizens, and the vast majority of them adhere to a moderate version of Sunni Islam.

Although PKK officials deny ties to the Assad regime, its top spokesman was cagey when asked where their weapons come from, according to a Washington-based researcher who covers the group closely and met with its leadership recently. Syria Deeply wasn’t able to interview PKK officials on the ground inside Syria.

Though Kurdish activists and rebels say they are stifled and threatened by the PKK, they have decided not to confront the group in order to avoid an internecine conflict among the Kurds.

Tensions remain high among armed factions, however. Captain Bewar Mustafa, the first Kurdish officer to defect from the Assad regime, and a founder of the Saladin Brigade that fights inAleppo, saying he’s on the PKK’s hit list, as are some of his comrades.

Othman says his group will try to avert bloodshed with its ethnic brethren and are willing to wait for the local Kurdish population to turn against the PKK. It might not be too long now. Walato says that the excesses of the PKK, such as enacting taxes or tying prisoners to poles in town squares for days at a time, are denting the group’s popularity. Still, the threat from extremist Islamists has forced Kurds to be cautious of withdrawing support for their most powerful militia.

February 3rd, 2013, 1:32 pm


Citizen said:

Dr Marcus Papadopoulos, editor of Politics First magazine, talks to Russia Today about the prospect of peace talks to bring to an end the fighting in Syria.

February 3rd, 2013, 1:34 pm


Citizen said:

Muslim Brotherhood Culture and Tourism Chairman Claims Holocaust Was Invented by US Intelligence

Madam Clinton had a top aide whose parents are high ranking members of the MB and Nazi Pelosi just made a chief of staff, I believe was the title, with strong MB ties. What is it with democrats and the Muslim Brotherhood?

February 3rd, 2013, 2:50 pm


revenire said:

Ha ha @ “Muslim Brotherhood Culture and Tourism Chairman Claims Holocaust Was Invented by US Intelligence”

Morsi believes it.

February 3rd, 2013, 2:54 pm


Citizen said:

In the heart of the Syrian capital terrorists laid mine. The blast killed two people.

February 3rd, 2013, 2:55 pm


AIG said:

Assad and his supporters are holocaust deniers:,7340,L-3233327,00.html

Assad supporters cheered when he did so.

February 3rd, 2013, 3:22 pm


Observer said:

I thought the following picture in the featured article in Al Hayat is worth a 1000 words.

Please check it out

Hajji Majbali, Hicham Ben Abdallah El Alaoui has a great article in Le Monde Diplomatique in January 2013: Arab Monarchies next?

He argues that the desire for freedom will reach them eventually some sooner than later. They are all scrambling to introduce some reforms and are spending galor in an effort to placate any future demands.

If you have access read it. One more point, he crucifies the intellectual left of the Arab world exemplified by the like of Mana’a who continue to view the world in the prism of Zionist machinations and refuse to see that the root causes are tyranny and bad governance.

I just finished reading Addounia and RTV of syria and Cham Press and Ikhbaria and Al alam and manar. The Syrian ones are great to read as they show Stalinist style propaganda and the others are actually salivating at the prospect of talking to the opposition and bringing an end to their endless bleeding.

I am buying Iranian rials or are they called toumans.

Who else is buying low to sell high later?

Punt intended of course

Justice for Hamza one criminal at a time in a court of law. No to the death penalty.


February 3rd, 2013, 3:37 pm


Johannes de Silentio said:

From the CIA, Salafi, Jew, al Qaeda, Saudi, EU Press:

“The ease with which Israeli planes reached the Syrian capital appeared to send a message — both to Mr. Assad and, indirectly, to Iran.”

A New Bashar Cartoon:

February 3rd, 2013, 3:53 pm


Johannes de Silentio said:


“Punt intended of course”

It’s “pun intended,” you moron…

February 3rd, 2013, 3:55 pm


MarigoldRan said:

@ Tara

Yes. The NC can talk.

They may as well – it’s not like they do anything else. In the meantime the FSA will fight.

February 3rd, 2013, 4:00 pm


Citizen said:

Go to your friend Jurgen and demanded atonement for his ancestral guilt of committing the Holocaust in order to build more Dolphin submarines to Israel for killing more humans who is not responsible for the Holocaust. Is not he your friend?

February 3rd, 2013, 4:23 pm


Uzair8 said:

Isreali jets were careful to avoid flying over rebel areas so as not to get shot down.

February 3rd, 2013, 4:27 pm


revenire said:

Shakeeb al-Jabri, a pro-democracy Syrian activist based in the Lebanese capital, Beirut, called Khatib’s move “illegal.” He said on Twitter:

“SOC [the Syrian Opposition Coalition] leader Moaz AlKhatib violated the SOC charter with his announcement that he is willing to engage in dialog with the regime.”

The coalition’s founding document, the Doha Agreement, states that all coalition members agree “not to engage in dialogue or negotiations with the existing regime.”

February 3rd, 2013, 4:44 pm


Tara said:

Is the humiliated president going to respond or that is all?  Does he need a Testosterone shot?  The Iranian formula ain’t helping.     

Assad claims Israel is destabilizing Syria

Assad said Sunday that Israel is trying to “destabilize Syria,” in reference to the country’s reported air strike on a military research base outside Damascus. 

He said that the attack “unmasked the true role Israel is playing, in collaboration with foreign enemy forces and their agents on Syrian soil, to destabilize and weaken Syria,” according to BBC News. 

The embattled president added that Syria was able to confront “current threats …and aggression” against it, state media reported according to Reuters. 

Syrian state news agency SANA said that Assad made his comments in a meeting with Iran’s national security council secretary Saeed Jalili in Damascus; the statements were Assad’s first reported response to the Israeli strike last Wednesday, the Jerusalem Post reported. 

Jalili reportedly responded by offering Iran’s “full support for the Syrian people … facing the Zionist aggression, and its continued coordination to confront the conspiracies and foreign projects,” according to the Jerusalem Post.

February 3rd, 2013, 5:01 pm


Citizen said:

Israel by the U.S. is building a secret underground base
U.S. forces will be engaged in engineering construction supervision for the five-level underground complex IDF Air Force Base, near Tel Aviv. Military base, which the Pentagon called “Object 911”, estimated at $ 100 million for its construction will take about two years.

It is reported that on the first floor of the underground facility will be in classrooms on the third – a lecture hall and various laboratories. Rooms will be equipped with impact-resistant doors and special protection against non-ionizing radiation, and other security measures, according to Washington Post. “Collecting information of any nature related to the operation base, is strictly prohibited”, – the report says.

Israel and Germany together forge defense shield
Operation Samson(Israel’s Deployment of Nuclear Missiles on Subs from Germany)

February 3rd, 2013, 5:02 pm


majedkhaldoun said:

Can’t you see he is responding against Syrians, he is bombing Aleppo

February 3rd, 2013, 5:14 pm


Tara said:


A day will come when he begs for mercy that he will not find.

February 3rd, 2013, 5:41 pm


Syrialover said:

New thread started

February 3rd, 2013, 5:44 pm


revenire said:

“852. TARA said:
A day will come when he begs for mercy that he will not find.”

That day will never come.

Bashar and no one else.

February 3rd, 2013, 6:03 pm


omen said:

what’s the difference between holocaust deniers & assadists? both deny their respective regimes were/are waging genocide.

February 3rd, 2013, 9:25 pm


omen said:

730. Visitor said: As the FSA said, Moaz is a novice and we do not need to worry about what he does. Does anyone in his right mind think that the revolution is about releasing prisoners or renewing passports? Only a crappy person would come up with such an idea.

opinion about moaz aside, of course the revolution seeks the liberation of tormented innocents thrown in regime dungeons.

whether moaz can pull this off is questionable, looks more like a opening gambit, but certainly the goal is a laudable one.

how can you be so dismissive about the fate of political prisoners?

February 3rd, 2013, 9:41 pm


omen said:

848. revenire said:

Shakeeb al-Jabri, a pro-democracy Syrian activist based in the Lebanese capital, Beirut, called Khatib’s move “illegal.” He said on Twitter:

“SOC [the Syrian Opposition Coalition] leader Moaz AlKhatib violated the SOC charter with his announcement that he is willing to engage in dialog with the regime.”

The coalition’s founding document, the Doha Agreement, states that all coalition members agree “not to engage in dialogue or negotiations with the existing regime.”

this entire post was lifted from npr:

Shakeeb al-Jabri, a pro-democracy Syrian activist based in the Lebanese capital, Beirut, called Khatib’s move “illegal.” He said on Twitter:

“SOC [the Syrian Opposition Coalition] leader Moaz AlKhatib violated the SOC charter with his announcement that he is willing to engage in dialog with the regime.”

The coalition’s founding document, the Doha Agreement, states that all coalition members agree “not to engage in dialogue or negotiations with the existing regime.”

February 3rd, 2013, 10:28 pm


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