News Round Up (21 December 2012) Debate over al-Nusra

Foreign Policy: Syrian rebels gain ground in Hama province

Syrian rebels gained ground in the central Hama province on Thursday, taking control of parts of the strategic town of Morek, which lies along the route from Damascus to Aleppo. Victory over President Bashar al-Assad’s forces in Morek would allow the rebels to cut off government supply lines into the northern Idlib province, where rebels have made sizeable gains. Rebels also laid siege to the Alawite town of al-Tleisia, contributing to fears that the conflict could become even more deeply sectarian.

Meanwhile, additional reports emerged detailing the use of cluster bombs by government forces, including a Dec. 12 attack on the town of Marea, which deliberately targeted civilians. The Syrian army has also resumed firing Scud ballistic missiles at rebel strongholds, the New York Times reports. In Moscow, Russian President Vladimir Putin, long a stalwart ally of Assad, further distanced himself from the Syria government, saying Russia would not defend it “at any price.” Putin remained steadfastly opposed to foreign intervention, but told journalists, “We are not concerned with the fate of Assad’s regime.”

A new U.N. Human Rights Council report warns of widening sectarian conflict in Syria. It said that communities are arming themselves because they feel at risk, and “ethnic and religious minority groups have increasingly aligned themselves with parties to the conflict, deepening sectarian divides.” The most severe division is between Syria’s Sunni Muslim majority and President Bashar al-Assad’s Alawite sect, a Shiite Muslim minority. However other sects are increasing getting pulled into the conflict. Many opposition fighters interviewed in the inquiry were aligned with Islamist militias rather than the Free Syrian Army. Additionally, al Qaeda is capitalizing on deteriorating conditions in Syria and is building its presence. The al Qaeda affiliate al-Nusra Front, recently designated by the United States as a terrorist organization, is exploiting divisions and recruiting Sunnis. The Islamist militant group has claimed responsibility for deadly bombings in Damascus and Aleppo.

Turkey plans to start transporting troops to and from domestic military bases by air, following a string of deadly attacks on convoys by the PKK.

U.N. seeks $1.5 billion to help Syria residents and refugees

A Syrian-American sent me this argument for why he believes Damascus will take longer to fall than Aleppo.

The Syrian regime wants to continue fighting to keep its Sunni supporters. An Alawi will face 5 to 6 Sunni in a future Syria if the opposition triumphs. Now he faces 3 to 4 or 4 to 5. Alawites and minorities have the support of almost their size in Sunnis. The Syrian Regime even today has the support of 30 percent of the Sunnis in Lebanon. I think this is why the Syrian Regime will continue to fight in Damascus, Homs, and Hama where the Syrian Regime has advantages. It anchors to the mountains to the west of Hama and Homs. The Damascus battle is difficult for the opposition as the Syrian Regime there anchors to Israel and Lebanon. Assad will continue fighting until the elections in 2014 when he will have half the Syrians with him.

Damascus is anchored to Lebanon and connected to Iran through the Shiites in Iraq and thus Damascus can not be taken from the Syrian Regime. Aleppo and the north are anchored to Turkey and this is why the Free Syrian Army has the advantage there. Also Damascus has popular committees, Alawite neighborhoods, and considerable supporting neighborhoods. Aleppo has considerable supporting neighborhoods but no popular committees and Alawite neighborhoods. These are the differences between the battles in Damascus and Aleppo.

Assad’s Cash Problem: Will Syria’s Dwindling Reserves Bring Down the Regime?
By Vivienne WaltDec. 21, 2012 – Time

With more than 40,000 people killed in Syria’s devastating war, and about three million people driven from their homes, Western and Arab leaders are grappling with one question: How and when does all this end? The answer, say some, might lie not in the horrific bloodshed but in a simpler factor: money. Economists say President Bashar Assad’s regime has effectively gone broke, and is running out of ways to raise revenues and keep most of its soldiers properly fed and paid. “The economy is the basis of everything,” says Samir Seifan, a prominent Syrian economist who fled last year. He spoke by phone from Dubai. “Without services, boots, money, you cannot do anything. If the government cannot finance the army, they [soldiers] will simply go away.”

That tipping point, in which the government faces all-out financial collapse, seems to be drawing near—between three to six months from now, according to the calculations of Seifan and others who have examined Syria’s finances. Already, Assad has abandoned about 40% of the country’s territory to rebel forces, withdrawing his troops from the ground while his jets continue aerial bombing, apparently because the army is too thinly stretched to defend both rural areas and the government-held pockets of Damascus and Syria’s most populous city, Aleppo. And while Assad appears still to have considerable resources in Damascus, the economic indicators suggest his country is in free-fall, and that he has little way to generate fresh cash—at least not without appeals to allies. …..

Al Qaeda grows powerful in Syria as endgame nears
ReutersBy Khaled Yacoub Oweis | Reuters – Thu, 20 Dec, 2012


The identity of al-Nusra’s leadership is not clear. A shadowy figure known as Abu Muhammad al-Golani – whose nationality is not known – has been named by some as the head.

But an Islamist opposition campaigner who toured northern and central Syria a few days ago and met Nusra commanders said the group operates more like an umbrella organisation with little coordination between units in different regions.

“They are not a monolithic group. The nature of Nusra in Damascus is more tolerant than Idlib. They have a real popular base in Idlib, where most Nusra members are Syrians, as opposed to Aleppo and Damascus.”

He said it did not appear to be seeking to impose Taliban-style control. “Many rebels I have met say they joined al-Nusra because the group has weapons, mostly seized from raids, and that they will go back home after the revolt,” he added.

But many centrist opposition campaigners fear that al-Nusra will turn its guns on any non-Islamist order that could come if Assad was deposed. “The big question is how to contain Nusra in a post-Assad Syria,” said an opposition figure linked to jihadist groups, who did not want to be identified.

“Al-Nusra is the type of group that could declare the most pious cleric a heretic and kill him in the middle of a mosque just because he does not share its view,” he said.

Nusra members are estimated to number in the thousands and are particularly strong in the northern region of Aleppo and Idlib, where they have joined or carried out joint operations with Islamist groups such as Ahrar al-Sham and Liwa al-Tawhid unit.

In and around Damascus they are fewer in number but remain potent, and are only 20 kilometers (12 miles) at some points from the Golan Heights front with Israel.

Abu Munther, an engineer turned rebel who operates on the southern edge of Damascus and goes to Jordan to meet other rebels, said in Amman that al-Nusra numbered hundreds of people in Damascus, as opposed to thousands in the north.

But those numbers could grow. Al-Mujahideen brigade in the southern Tadamun neighborhood of Damascus declared its allegiance to al-Nusra after dissatisfaction with Arab-backed military groups headed by defector officers.

Another opposition figure, who did not want to be named, said international intelligence agencies were trying to curb Nusra’s influence in Damascus and the southern Hauran Plain, where they are near Israel and close to the Jordanian border.

“Western intelligence agencies are realising that the Nusra is the biggest threat in a post-Assad Syria and are devoting more resources to deal with the threat,” he said.

“For the first time al Qaeda is within striking distance of Israel,” he said. “Many are realising that the best that could be done for now is to contain them in north Syria – even if the area risks becoming an Islamist emirate of sorts – while trying to build a civic form of government in and around Damascus.”

All (Syrian) Politics Is Local
How jihadists are winning hearts and minds in Syria.

…. Jabhat al-Nusra currently controls most of the vital sectors in Deir Ezzor, including oil, gas, sugar, and flour. Its source of funding is unclear, although I was told by residents that Gulf nationals with tribal links to the region support most of the fighting groups in the province. According to residents, the group’s local emirs are typically foreigners, while the majority of the rank-and-file are Syrians from the region. Many people are drawn to the group by virtue of its effectiveness in fighting the regime and delivering public services….

Jabhat al-Nusra is also cultivating links with local communities. It maintains a relief program that works to win hearts and minds among the population, in tandem with its military operations. Its fighters also have a reputation for professionalism: While the Free Syrian Army (FSA) tends to accept volunteers regardless of their personal merits, Jabhat al-Nusra’s cadres are perceived to be more disciplined and concerned with local communities’ needs….

As the Assad regime crumbles, all Syrian politics is now local. If the world wants to ensure that the country is not a breeding ground for extremists or another dictatorship, it should reach out to local leaders determining events on the ground. Victory in Syria does not only mean winning the battle in Damascus, it means establishing good governance in hundreds of cities and towns, like those dotted across Deir Ezzor.

New FSA chief facing resistance from local commanders, says Al Nusra fighers “are not terrorists”- alarabiya.

Exclusive: Has Syria Become Al-Qaeda’s New Base For Terror Strikes On Europe? – Die Welt

Syria Unleashes Cluster Bombs on Town, Punishing Civilians
By C.J. Chivers | The New York Times

Caught Between al Qaida and Iran, U.S. Struggles Over Syria Conflict
By Hannah Allam | McClatchy Newspapers

The bloodshed in Syria has continued for so long that extremist forces have taken charge, with U.S. officials saying they now face two familiar enemies in the struggle to find a resolution: al Qaida in Iraq cells and Iranian-backed sectarian militias…. opposition groups who control the Aleppan countryside are deploying a vice-and-virtue police to enforce a deeply conservative interpretation of Islamic law.

The opposition insists that the new force is the revolution’s version of a civilian police squad, whose primary purpose is to fight crime, particularly those committed by undisciplined members of the armed factions. In fact, there are those who support its creation for this very reason.

One local resident, for example, argued that “there were a number of transgressions committed by some Free Syrian Army (FSA) fighters, and this police force will punish those involved – their door is open to whoever wants to lodge a complaint. We shouldn’t judge them before we’ve tried them.”

Then, rumors began to circulate that such a formation was patrolling the streets of the town of al-Bab in Aleppo’s countryside and herding people into mosques during prayer time and preventing women from driving cars. The opposition quickly denied the news…..Secular opposition activists were shocked by the news, with some suggesting that the whole affair was fabricated by the regime.

Syria: Religious Police Patrol Aleppo’s Countryside
Al Akhbar English – Basel Dayoub

The Syrian opposition groups that have taken control of Aleppo’s countryside are deploying a religious police force to enforce new laws, such as barring women from driving and making prayer compulsory…..

Putin: Assad fate not main concern

Russian president seen to be distancing himself from Syrian counterpart as he says Syria’s fate is more important.
Putin said he wanted to ensure that any solution to the conflict in Syria must prevent the opposition and government forces just swapping roles and continuing to fight indefinitely.

“We are not concerned about the fate of Assad’s regime. We understand what is going on there,” Putin said.

“We are worried about a different thing – what next? We simply don’t want the current opposition, having become the authorities, to start fighting the people who are the current authorities and become the opposition – and (we don’t want) this to go on forever.”

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Worldview: Time Nearly Gone to Lead on Syria
By Trudy Rubin, Inquirer Opinion Columnist
The Philadelphia Inquirer Sunday, December 16, 2012

As President Obama enters his second term, Syria has become the most urgent test of his foreign policy leadership and style

If Obama finally takes ownership of the effort to unseat Bashar al-Assad (which would not require U.S. troops or planes), there’s still a chance of preventing a Syrian implosion. If the administration leads from in front, it may be possible to head off a strategic disaster that would endanger Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq, and Israel.

Yet early signs indicate that Obama will continue the muddled Syria policy of his first term, while continuing to lead from way, way behind.

Our Syria policy is unclear to both our enemies and our allies, as well as to the Syrian rebels. The administration has long called for Assad’s ouster, but has not really pursued it. It has chased a diplomatic option, even though Assad’s main ally, Moscow, won’t dump him until it believes he is virtually defeated. As for sending Patriot missile batteries to Turkey, that has symbolic value, but it won’t affect the situation on the ground in Syria.

Washington has outsourced the arming of rebel groups to Gulf states that prefer Islamist fighters. Meantime, the United States won’t help arm secular and moderate rebel commanders. So do we want Assad gone or don’t we? Do we want an Islamist Syria or don’t we?

Ordinary Syrians are also cynical about the U.S. “red line” on the use of chemical weapons. They feel it gives Assad a virtual green light to use any other weapon against civilians.

No wonder a Turkish official told me during a recent visit to Ankara: “We want more clarity in the United States position. People expect more from the United States.”

This lack of clarity haunts U.S. policy even after the election. Last week, the United States, with European and Arab allies, recognized a new Syrian civilian opposition council that it had helped godfather. The hope is that this group will provide a means to funnel more humanitarian aid into Syria. (Since U.S. and allied officials were able to organize this group after our presidential election, one wonders why they couldn’t have done it before.)

However, U.S. policymakers still insist this new civilian group – not the rebel fighters – is the key to overthrowing Assad. The new council supposedly will be able to convince Assad’s Alawite sect and other minorities that they can safely abandon their support for the regime. U.S. officials also hope the council will be able to assert civilian control over rebel fighters

Such hopes are badly misplaced. Civilians alone cannot determine the Syrian endgame. Unless Obama’s policy becomes more robust – and more convincing to the region – the Syrian conflict will spiral out of control.

The arguments for not arming the rebels are long outdated. If we were concerned weapons might fall into the wrong hands, we should have put more resources into vetting rebel commanders. U.S. officials have been permitted to meet with Free Syrian Army commanders only in the last few months. And from what I hear, the amount of CIA resources devoted to the task is still underwhelming.

Even now, there is plenty of information about key Syrian rebel commanders who are secular or moderate Muslims to whom weapons could be directed. But they are skeptical at best, and hostile at worst, about U.S. intentions.

Col. Abdul-Jabbar Akidi, a secular senior rebel commander in Aleppo, told me in November: “Syrians believe that America is with Bashar Assad. America does not support us.”

It’s no wonder he feels that way, since we have outsourced delivery of weapons to the Qataris and Saudis. By doing so, we’ve ensured that the lion’s share goes to hard-line Salafi militias or those linked to the Muslim Brotherhood.

The Saudis were handed control of a major meeting of Free Syrian Army commanders last week in Turkey with the goal of setting up a unified command. Early reports say the command includes many with ties to the Muslim Brotherhood and Salafists. Why should we be surprised?

Perhaps the strongest indicator of a policy muddle was last week’s designation of the Syrian rebel group Jabhat al-Nusra as a terrorist organization. True, the group has some al-Qaeda links. But it has waged and won some of the toughest battles against Assad’s forces, which is why most rebel commanders oppose the U.S. designation.

Echoing many other rebel commanders, Col. Akidi told me: “We are not united with jihadi groups, but we fight together with all people who fight Assad.” For the same reason, the president of the new civilian rebel coalition, Mouaz al-Khatib, disagreed publicly with the blacklisting of the group.

If the United States were arming non-Islamist rebels, they wouldn’t need Jabhat al-Nusra’s help. If the administration weren’t outsourcing to the Saudis and Qataris, non-Islamist fighters would be in a stronger position.

Instead, U.S. officials have sowed confusion over whom they support. They have undermined secular fighters and given a boost to those with beards. And they have confused our friends and opponents as to our aims, making a negotiated settlement less likely as neither Moscow nor Tehran thinks we are serious about ousting Assad. The Syrian dictator probably doesn’t think so, either, which will encourage him to try to hold on in Damascus.

The longer this conflict lasts, and the stronger the Islamists become, the more likely it is that sectarian war will spill over Syria’s borders. The only chance of preventing that is to speed up the endgame. That would require Obama to convince all parties, friend and foe, that he wants Assad gone.

Rhetoric will be no substitute for concrete actions. The time remaining is short.

Dear Syria, Save Damascus’ Old City
Graeme Wood
December 18, 2012 |

I am confident that my favorite places in the Old City of Damascus still exist—after all, they’ve been there for centuries—but I am less confident that they will exist in recognizable form in a month or two. The rebels are at the gates of the Old City, and there is reason to doubt that the impending assault on Damascus will spare it. When confronted earlier in the war with the danger of pulverizing Syria’s heritage, the Assad regime has achieved a perfect record of unsentimentality. The Crac des Chevaliers—the world’s best-preserved Crusader castle—suffered shelling, and the ancient center of Aleppo has been pounded into dust. (Assad’s lack of sentimentality about the more than 40,000 dead civilians goes without saying.)

Damascus’s Old City easily surpasses these other sites for cultural importance, and it too could face ruin. So far, almost no fighting has reached the Old City. But its population is diverse, and its Christian Quarter includes religious minorities who have profited from the secular Baathist regime. In addition, much of the Old City’s inhabitants immigrated in recent generations from impoverished rural areas such as Hauran, and the from the outskirts of the capital. These areas are rebel strongholds—notably Daraa, the birthplace of the rebellion. This mix of rebel sympathizers and regime loyalists could make the Old City contested ground……

Breaking the Syria Stalemate
Amr Al-Azm

December 18, 2012

There are two possible trajectories for the current Syrian crisis. The first is a purely military scenario in which the opposition forces engage the regime in a bitter war of attrition until its annihilation. The success of such a course of action, however, is difficult to guarantee, and the cost to the country…is likely to be catastrophic. In fact the more probable outcome is a protracted bloody stalemate, leading to the collapse of the state, sectarian genocide and the fragmentation of the country with significant blowback into neighbouring states such as Lebanon, Jordan and Iraq.

The second trajectory would feature a political resolution. Negotiations would bring about the departure of the Bashar Assad’s regime along with a peaceful transition to democracy. Such a political outcome is the one clearly favored by the international community and was strongly endorsed at the latest friends of Syria meeting held in Marrakesh on December 12 both in statement and in action (by not publicly agreeing to the provision of any military assistance to the Syrian opposition). It is also the option that should be favored by the Syrian people since they too have no interest in seeing their country succumb to the fate described above.

There are certain conditions that must prevail in order for the preferred political outcome to have any chance of success. …

First, the regime and its core pillars of loyalist military support have yet to acknowledge that their situation has become critical, let alone perilous…..

In order to bring about such a significant shift, the opposition military forces need to acquire the necessary qualitative resources to topple those first dominoes and break this military stalemate.  Advanced anti-aircraft and anti-tank weapons as well as secure communication equipment are a prerequisite but not sufficient. More importantly, the opposition must have in place a credible negotiating body to engage the Assad regime and hold them accountable for the enforcement of whatever provisions for a peaceful transition are agreed upon, notably the safety of the core Alawite areas and their protection from retribution attacks. This last point is of major concern to the Alawite minority that forms the rump of the loyalist forces to regime. It is likely to be a deal breaker if it cannot be guaranteed….

Recently some progress has been made with regards to the emergence of a credible negotiating body from the opposition.  The National Coalition for Revolutionary Forces and the Syrian Opposition, also known as SOC, was formed in Doha on November 8-11. SOC represents the unification of various opposition factions under a twelve-point agreement plan…

The unfortunate overpopulation of SNC members in the coalition means that the SNC’s rampant malfeasance and personal bickering will be transferred to the new coalition. The SOC will be stricken with the very malaise that afflicted its predecessor.

Such challenges have significantly hampered the ability of the coalition to agree on the makeup of a transitional technocratic government. In spite of cajoling and intense pressure that had been brought to bear on the SOC leadership, no transitional government was established in time for the December 12 Friends of Syria meeting held in Marrakesh….

it would also need to have some sort of command or influence over the opposition’s armed components. At the very least, the technocratic entity must be able to guarantee the acceptance of any binding agreements made on behalf of the opposition as a whole.

The formation of this joint military council is significant because it enables coordination between the SOC, the emerging technocrat government, and the opposition’s brigades. There are indications of efforts toward uniting the main military brigades of the opposition, with the recent announcement of the formation of the Higher Council Joint Military Command headed by General Salim Idriss. In their press statement the council declared its commitment to freedom, justice and equality and identified itself as Islamic and moderate. The new joint military council has five regional commands covering operations across Syria.

So, if slowly, the conditions needed to bring about the Syrian regime’s necessary shift in position are gradually being checked off, such as the apparent coalescence of the opposition’s disparate political and military entities, along with their latest advances on the ground around Aleppo and Damascus….

The Salafi Emirate of Ras al-AinJehad Saleh
December 20, 2012 – Fikra Forum
by Jehad Saleh

Serekani is a small Kurdish town whose name was Arabized and dubbed “Ras al-Ain” under the dictatorship of Hafez al-Assad. With a population under 50,000, the majority of whom are Kurdish, in addition to Arab and Christian, Ras al-Ain was considered one of the exemplary cities of the peaceful, civilian-led revolution. Since the beginning, along with other Kurdish regions, it has reflected the true civilian face of the revolution and the desire to establish a civil state in Syria through protests, local councils, and aid to refugees fleeing from bombings and massacres committed by the regime in Deir al-Zour, Homs, Raqqa, and other cities. Today, however, Ras al-Ain has been transformed into a Salafi emirate, perhaps under Turkey’s tarbush….

Turkish government fears the popular armed groups loyal to the Democratic Union Party (PYD), and their attempts to act as an alternative governing and administrative body to the region, in addition to their support of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK). Therefore, Turkey supported fighters and Islamic-Salafi brigades through an agreement with the heads of Arab clans living in Istanbul to control the Kurdish area, whose gateway is the city of Ras al-Ain.

Another Turkish concern with regards to Syria’s Kurdish region is its wealth in oil, gas, and grain, its racial and ethnic diversity, and its geographic and geopolitical reach toward both Iraqi Kurdistan and Turkey’s Kurdish majority areas. Strategically, Turkey is motivated to create ethnic tension between the Kurds, the Arabs, and the Christians in order to weaken the Kurds politically within the revolution, and therefore distance them from participating in the post-Assad era to determine the future of Syria.

It seems possible that, with the help of Turkish intelligence, the jihadis entered the city from the Turkish border under the pretense of fighting the regime and liberating the province of Hasaka, when in reality, the goal was to fight the PKK and create chaos within the Kurdish community. This angered the Kurdish people, as well as Arabs and Christians, who refuse to coexist with jihadis under the name of the FSA who will turn the region into a battlefield for settling accounts and confrontations between Turkey and the PKK.

Caught between the jihadi forces, Turkey, and supporters of the regime in this grave situation, the region is heading for an unknown fate, which could result in ethnic war in the interest of the regime and Turkey, and against the true goals of the revolution.

Jehad Saleh is an independent Syrian Kurdish journalist based in Washington, DC.

Wounded, starving crowd ill-equipped Damascus hospital

As the civil war escalates around the capital, doctors are treating up to 100 injured a day at the 400-bed Damascus Hospital and have had to use local anesthetics even for complicated operations, WHO spokesman Tarik Jasarevic said. Cases of severe acute malnutrition in children being referred to the hospital from rural Damascus, Deir al-Zor, Hassakeh, Deraa and Homs have risen to 7-8 a month from 2-3 in previous months, he said, and staff and patients have difficulty reaching health care facilities due to deepening insecurity.

What a Bosnian Mass Grave Can Teach Us About Syria’s Civil War
Mark V. Vlasic – Atlantic

… perhaps the greatest justice could be found in ensuring a way for the international community to act, to prevent such slaughters. For whether they are yesterday’s mass graves in Bosnia, or today’s mass graves in Syria, the sick, sticky scent of death will linger, long after the international community fails to act.

Syria: Alternate Perspectives & Implications for UK
University of exeter – Strategic and Security Center

The situation in Syria is becoming more volatile by the day. ‘Applied strategy’ is not a spectator sport; it is about defining choices and their implications so that well-informed purposeful action can be taken. Recently, SSI in conjunction with Exeter’s world-renowned Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies, conducted an exercise designed to better understand the prospects for Syria, the Region and the west. It involved senior members of various UK government departments, the Syrian opposition and experts on the Syrian conflict including some with first-hand recent experience.  … Several critical issues were exposed, including the imperative to send appropriate and clear signals to the vast majority of Syria’s security and intelligence forces, many of whom will ‘have blood on their hands’ after more than 18 months of civil war. They may well feel they are being backed into a corner where they must fight for the Regime rather than contributing to an orderly transition. Messaging, also known as ‘strategic communications’, is a powerful tool in modern strategy, and its use must be closely integrated with other levers, such as economic sanctions, and military force.

A copy of the report can be read here: Syria: Alternative Perspectives And Implications For UK

How to Prevent the Use of Chemical Weapons in Syria |

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Comments (329)

revenire said:

Syrian rebels fire at civilian airliner

More war crimes. No doubt al-Nusra/FSA will claim the plane had arms or soldiers in it.

December 21st, 2012, 12:40 pm


zoo said:


Now that the FSA has clearly and widely declared it is siding with Al Nusra terrorists, any of its claims of its attack or victory is perceived by the medias as claims and victory for Al Qaeda

The rebels propaganda is now working against them. The western media will soon be bashing seriously the FSA.
It’s not the regime living its last moments. After the SNC demise and the refusal of western power to arm it, it is the FSA that is falling apart.

December 21st, 2012, 12:51 pm


revenire said:

“New Syria rebel chief describes clandestine life”

Even the Saudi apes know the FSA can’t win and they are not an army but a disorganized mob of terrorists.

“Idris said he does not have an office in Syria and moves between safe houses because he might be targeted if regime sympathizers might give away his location.”

So in ALL of Syria there is not ONE place Idris feels safe from the SSA. Not one area has been “liberated” from the SAA. He has to live like a rat going from safe house to safe house.

“The new Syrian rebel chief said he’s been moving between safe houses since taking up command, even changing quarters twice in one night when he feared regime spies.”

“Idris said he does not have an office in Syria and moves between safe houses because he might be targeted if regime sympathizers might give away his location.”

“Two hours after he’d settled into a host family’s home one recent evening, an aide told him they should go. “He said someone, a stranger, drove by here two or three times with a car,” he said of the reason for changing quarters in the middle of the night.”

THIS is the man who commands the FSA? Living like an animal? I bet he uses drugs to keep awake running like that.

“In the Hama region, his laptop battery died and he couldn’t Skype with his officers anymore, he said. Elsewhere, there’s no cellphone coverage. The officers in the five operations centers are also constantly on the move, Idris said.”

“‘We take the maps with us,’ he said. ‘Sometimes we lose something. It’s not well organized, but we don’t have a choice.'”

I am certain the SAA is quaking in their boots at such a fearsome warrior.

Idris gives Assad three more months and then Idris will join the other clowns who predicted Assad’s downfall over a year ago, including Obama and the Israelis.

I will be here in three months to laugh.

December 21st, 2012, 12:52 pm


revenire said:

Zoo I agree.

Demonstration against FSA and for the SAA in Aleppo today:

December 21st, 2012, 12:55 pm


Johannes de Silentio said:


“Zoo, I agree.”

Zoo and Revie in agreement. Wow. The last piece of the puzzle is in place. We can wind up the war in Syria and ink the peace treaty and post the final entry on SC. Quick! Someone run to Bashar’s bunker and tell him…

December 21st, 2012, 1:12 pm


Akbar Palace said:

Visitor, Observer,

Just so you know, our lovely liberal administration has now nominated John Kerry to be our next Secretary of State. Whereas our conservative “hardline” republicans hated Assad (Condi Rice gave Israel a greeen light to kick his ass but the Israelis weren’t up to it, and the “Clean Break” letter I’m sure familiar with), all the other liberal Secretaries of State (Albright, Christopher, Clinton, etc) were all patting him on the back. Hillary called Athad a “reformer”. Can you believe it?

So we now continue with a wet-noodle foreign policy…

December 21st, 2012, 1:15 pm


Citizen said:

End of the world postponed. And soon will come up with a new date. In the global era and the global media A human stupidity is also becoming global.

December 21st, 2012, 2:46 pm


Citizen said:

Syria expert Joshua Landis told Voice of America journalist Cecily Hilleary that he thinks Syrian President Bashar al-Assad will eventually flee to the coastal mountains of his ancestral Alawite homeland.
Landis, whose wife is Alawite, said Assad will allow Damascus to be destroyed before relinquishing it to rebels. When he does “the Syrian Army, which has now largely been turned into an Alawite militia, will be forced back into the coastal mountains.”

Read more:

December 21st, 2012, 2:55 pm


Citizen said:

FSA Sectarian Terrorists Expel Christians from their Town in the Hauran
This video issued by the Omari Battalion of the “Free Syrian Army” (FSA) shows the leader of the brigade of Mahmoud Odeil al-Hariri within the Omari Battalion issuing a statement yesterday,

December 21st, 2012, 3:01 pm


Visitor said:

HH 119 from previous post,

Thanks for the reply.  I see your point about the difference between Khawarij and Munafiqs.  I give you the point without dispute.  But, I did not bring up the hadith.  It was you who brought it up and your objective was clear.  You wanted to label the Nusra or the Qaida as modern day Khawarij.  I still do not believe that the hadith applies to either group, regardless of the point you were granted.

You have an issue with takfiri groups which you also call jihadists.  Let’s look at these two concepts separately, i.e. takfiri and jihadi.  What or who are the takfiris?  The answer is simple of course.  You would agree that they are those who issue so-called fatwas about others being kafir – just for the sake of simplicity.   I have no problem with such fatwas if they have basis.  After all the Qura’n is supposed to give us the delineation between a kafir and a believer.  So if you come up with a fatwa properly constructed to show that an individual or group is(are) kafir(s), I may have to agree with it.  Other than that, I will not listen to it.  Does this now give you an idea about what I believe in?  Well, there is more to come.  We still have to talk about jihadists.

Secondly. what or who are the jihadists?  You may want to begin by quoting the Prophet(PBUH) about the greater and lesser jihad.  And, I think this is a good start.  We know what greater jihad is.  However, the lesser jihad is also a requirement.  Do you not think that today’s events in Syria require the calling for the lesser jihad?  I, personally, think it is a must.  If the Nusra or any other group or individual answer the call out of this intention, then I maintain that you or any one else would commit a major sin by labelling them with any such labels (including khawarij, terrorists…) as you would be walking straight into the trap of foreign imposed agenda (US), which in the end will harm the Syrian Revolution and Islam, and by the way would also benefit the criminal regime.  That’s why the issue of what Rebert Ford had to say was important to the discussion, because that was was the real issue, and not the tangent you came up with

Now to your other issue of schoarishp – the tangent.  This was secondary to the discussion, but of course no one would deny its importance.  As you pointed out this is not a forum oriented towards discussions of religous issues, even though sometimes we may have to cross into it.  And I keep saying the same thing: we cannot discuss religion here.  In our last discussion sometime ago, I was asking you to provide me with a logical origin to the term Sufism.  You failed to give me an answer.  The reference, that I provided you (Makki’s link) does provide such an answer and it doesn’t matter if you agree with him or not because of your claim to being so caring about scholarship, a subject which you also brought tangentially to the real issue.  I recall I even mentioned the pages where to look for the answer.  You did not say a word in reply except now coming back and bad mouthing a schoar.  I find that strange from some one who cares so much about scholarship!!

If you insist on talking about Islamic scholarship in the future, I would make it a condition that you clarify your position regarding secularism up front.

December 21st, 2012, 3:09 pm


revenire said:

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December 21st, 2012, 3:10 pm


Citizen said:

The risk of the Syrian crisis spilling over to other Middle East countries is increasing. The military conflict in Syria could spill into Iran, Iraq, Lebanon and other neighboring countries. And once Hezbollah and Hamas, and Israel are drawn into the conflict, the Middle East will be engulfed by chaos and more bloodshed. To prevent the Middle East from sliding into turmoil, the US and Russia tried to promote a peaceful transfer of power in Yemen, which was successful.
The Syrian crisis seems to have spiraled out of control and led to ethnic conflicts, and the Kurdish problem has become another important factor in the crisis. The Kurds in Syria have taken advantage of the turmoil to consolidate their position, which is perceived as a big threat to Iraq, Turkey and Iran. These three countries will not allow the Kurds in their territories to unite with those in Syria to establish a Kurd state.
So if the Syrian crisis continues for long, the consequences for the entire Middle East will be disastrous.
The author is a researcher at the Institute of West Asian and African Studies, affiliated to the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.

Syrian crisis could push Mideast into chaos

December 21st, 2012, 3:28 pm


Syrian said:

Alawies militia firing inaccurate scuds missiles at Aleppo
These videos will live forever and ever as a proof of thier beastly nature

December 21st, 2012, 4:12 pm


revenire said:

What a shame:

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December 21st, 2012, 4:26 pm


William Scott Scherk said:

Since ANN seems to be busy picking Mossad agents from her hair, here is a story from one of her fave sites: Inner City Press.

The UN is “deeply concerned” that in Syria the Alawite minority, “perceived to be affiliated with the Government… could be subject to large scale reprisal attacks.”

The UN’s adviser on the Prevention of Genocide Adama Dieng in December 20 issued a press release, and on Friday took questions from journalists at the UN in New York.

Inner City Press asked Dieng what the UN would think and more importantly do if Alawites began to relocate to mountain areas they could defend. Dieng replied that would be a bad thing, that separation is not good.

So Inner City Press asked if the UN, whose Department of Peacekeeping Operations has said it is involved in contigency planning for a possible deployment in Syria, has been planning how to protect minority groups, including the Kurds.

There was no real answer to that, except Dieng saying that deploying a peacekeeping mission is up to the Security Council.

Yes, but the Secretary General — and in this case his head of peacekeeping Herve Ladsous — make proposals to the Security Council of what they think should and can be done.

So are they preparing a plan to protect Alawite, to take to the Security Council if and when it become necessary? Apparently not.

Here’s a photo for ANN. It depicts bound Syrians (not black and bloated yet, sorry, ANN) who were summarily executed yesterday in Izraa, north of Daraa, by glorious forces of the SAA. Apparently, some heavy ‘cleansing’ is going on:

ANN, here is somebody’s grandpa pedalling his bicycle for cooking gas in Aleppo. Apparently somebody blew his brains out. Who do you think did it? “Terrorists” or a Syrian Arab Army sniper?

In other news, a prolific Syria Commentator issues fresh and steaming predictions about the looming collapse of the FSA, the National Coalition, and the ‘mainstream media narrative.’

Oh well. Perhaps the commentator can take notice of the use of Grad-rocket launchers for cluster-bomb attacks on ‘terrorist’ civilian areas from a non-mainstream source? Ooops. Said commentator can See No Evil from the regime.

Another longtime commentator sums up the Syria crisis with these conciliatory words: “thug, thug, thugs, fools, thugs, fools, I told you so, thug thug thug.”

Here is the leader of the Haytham Mannah party, Haytham Mannah, letting his host know that everyone is wrong and not to be trusted, accompanied by the lovely withering scorn and arrogance all Mannah’s fans have come to love. Things must have gone well at Mannah’s meetings with Iraqi dictator Maliki in Baghdad. Back to Paris, back to Moscow, back to Beijing for the man who follows no one . . .

Finally, an odd excerpt from the quite odd explanandum of El Akhbar English’s head editor: it attempts to answer questions raised by the heavily redacted Al-Shara’a pseudo-interview (why on earth State TV blacked out all mention of the Shara’a stunt is not a question the editor can answer.):

Internationally, there was a particular focus on what Sharaa meant by “historic settlement” and the nature of his criticisms of some of the regime’s actions. The Americans have concluded that the vice president is a rebel of sorts, while the French interpret his actions as an attempt to maneuver his way into a transitional role.

As for the Saudis, they rejected everything he said and have hated him for many years now. The Turks, for their part, see in him a stubborn opponent, despite his critical positions.

In the opposition, one gets a sense that those who speak on its behalf are suspicious of anything that any government official has to say. Some interpreted Sharaa’s comments as a signal of the weakness of the regime, while the armed groups paid no attention to it whatsoever.

Members of the internal opposition, in addition to some Baathists, complained that the official television stations completely ignored the event. Amid these criticisms, reports circulated that Sharaa did not want his comments to be selectively aired, suggesting that there are different views within the regime as to how to deal with the interview.

Finally, on the leadership level, there are those who said that Sharaa has no right to publicly air his criticisms as it will negatively impact the army’s morale. Others were more favorable, arguing that it is important to show that the discussion inside the regime is not limited to military commanders.

A third group maintained silence, perhaps waiting to see if Sharaa had coordinated his comments with Assad or not.

December 21st, 2012, 4:42 pm


Basel said:

TO : Syrian

” Basel Son of Anisa…….. I see that it did not bother you when Revenire used it, so the shame is all on you”

It’s my honor to be the BASEL son of lady Anisa but unfortunately I’m not although we’re all should be Basel somehow.

Revenire, Zoo, Mjabali and I are always on agreement because we’re against terrorists and in love with Syria.

December 21st, 2012, 5:22 pm



If Assad was a real man he would have already sent all of those SCUD missiles directly to Israel charged with all kind of chemical arsenals. Later Assad would get killed in 24 hours but at least he would have done something in his senseless life.

If he did not send chemical scuds against Aleppo and Rif Dimasqh until now it is because he is not allowed to do so, and he has no final word or power decision on military issues.

I think Assad will finally get killed from inside. It is really strange that until now he is alive. Some rumors said 4 months ago that Mr. Criminal was infected with a virus and could die in January.

Question: when was the last time Assad was seen on TV images?

December 21st, 2012, 5:25 pm


Basel said:

You will not succeed, I’ll stay on my land I’ll stay free

” ??? ???????…??? ?????

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“????? ????? ?????? ?????”

December 21st, 2012, 5:27 pm



It is frankly despicable to read how some cynical syrians try to appear as lovers of Syria, peacemakers and smart people while defending the horrendous, violent, criminal, corrupt, decaying, ignorant, torture dictatorship of Assads.

This is for the existence of this kind of people that the country got to the point it got and exploded as it did.

December 21st, 2012, 5:28 pm


Basel said:

“If Assad was a real man he would have already sent all of those SCUD missiles directly to Israel charged with all kind of chemical arsenals”

Assad will do it whether he wants it or not, everybody knows this fact and that’s why the West is counting to infinity before putting a toe in Syria, it’s just a matter of time.

It’s his destiny to be the one.

December 21st, 2012, 5:30 pm


Syrian said:

A freelance journalist at the site of the Scud missile explosion just out side the city of Mares
here is his observation from his site

December 21st, 2012, 5:30 pm


Syrian said:

163. ZOO said:
Are Scuds part of the psy-war of nerves?
“Both of missiles didn’t cause any casualties neither injuries to the population with the exception of a huge panic to the woman and children of the city, which most of them are displaced people from Aleppo region.”)
Those scuds are known for there extreme Inaccuracy, they could’ve very easily wind up on the middle of the city,and if panic to women and children don’t mean that much to you then there is not really anything we can agree on

December 21st, 2012, 5:43 pm




The destiny of Bashar Al Wahsh is to be thrown into the garbage bin after being killed like a rat as it happened already with Gadafi.

Assad is uncapable of firing one single bullet to the Golan Heigts that were lost by his own father. Even Hezballah are acting like rats, permanently hiding under earth. They dare to kill all lebanese good men but do not dare to kill a single israeli politician. What a shamefull and despicable enemy.

December 21st, 2012, 5:47 pm


Citizen said:

Waiting for the West to comment on the threats made by the militants in Syria to shoot down commercial airliners in Aleppo. any news ?

December 21st, 2012, 5:51 pm


Basel said:


“The destiny of Bashar Al Wahsh is to be thrown into the garbage bin after being killed like a rat as it happened already with Gadafi.”

You’re wrong. Assad is chosen and destined to change the world and now he’s just completing a divine mission, he -believe it or not- was mentioned (refereed to)in all holy books. Assad will cause the third diaspora to Jews but sadly after destroying Damascus at the same time.

?Behold, Damascus is about to be removed from being a city, and it will become a fallen ruin.?

—Isaiah 17:1

With no Assad the Christ won’t be able to comeback, why can’t you people get it?

December 21st, 2012, 5:55 pm


Syrian said:

19. BASEL said:

You will not succeed, I’ll stay on my land I’ll stay free
” ??? ???????…??? ?????
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?????? ??? ???
?? ????? ??? ????”
“????? ????? ?????? ?????””
Please spare us the empty slogans and clichés, your cousin Rami Makhlof said it best you are the ones securing Isreal borders, that was your mission and job and that is why Bashar is still around

December 21st, 2012, 6:04 pm






I can´t stop laughing, it is crazy, absolutely crazy. I mean, you must be totally crazy.

You are not an alawite. You must be getting paid to discredit the alawites.

So, according to your theory, Assad is send by Allah to destroy Damascus and massacre its populations while jews fly from a post nuclear infected and poluted Middle East???

So Assad is a stupid foolish criminal without brain guided by the Devil to fulfill the stupid prophecies of neolithic populations?

Definitely religion books should be banned to the masses. All of them. They are full of evil lies. Only religious people with studies and years of experience should be allowed to read and talk about religion and never about politics.

The guy Lanza in Connecticut is the most similar to Assad the Crazy in Damascus. We are waiting the day Assad gets enlightened by heavens….. Haaaahahahahahahhahahahahahh.

Fuxxx you Assad, Fuxxx you. All children died under your dirty bombs are enough.

December 21st, 2012, 6:10 pm




After 4.000 years of neolithic age and 6.000 years if history in Syria, now are in the hands of this Fuxxxing Prophecy with Assad as main character.

An alawite colleague told me during a cupo of tea in Damascus Havana Coffee Shop that:

* For us Assads are sent by God itself.
* They are more than prophets and superior to Mohammad
* We all adore them more than God and we will die for them

This is not religion, this is a fuxxxing tribial system of survival by wild and paleolithic means.

Go to your caves, oh alawites and other pure good false sons of God.

December 21st, 2012, 6:24 pm


Citizen said:

The sectarian genocide in Syria was purposefully engineered by Western policy makers, and now is willfully covered up, spun, and excused by the UN and the Western mass media alike.

The sectarian component of the current conflict is not an unexpected result of violence that began only in 2011, it was an integral part of the West’s foreign policy since 2007.

UN Defends NATO’s Premeditated Genocide in Syria

December 21st, 2012, 6:27 pm


Basel said:


“An alawite colleague told me during a cupo of tea in Damascus Havana Coffee Shop that:

* For us Assads are sent by God itself.
* They are more than prophets and superior to Mohammad
* We all adore them more than God and we will die for them”

Yes he’s been sent by God to cultivate the environment before the descending of Christ.

Assad will trigger the third world war and Jews will face their agony for the third time.

Read all the Hadith of prophet Muhammad and you’ll see that Assad is the man of the end time.

December 21st, 2012, 6:31 pm




? Behold, Damascus is about to be removed from being a city, and it will become a fallen ruin.? —Isaiah 17:1

Well, please can you get in touch with CNN in Heaven and inform when it is going to happen?

Maybe it already happened in the past after Mongols destroyed the whole city in 1.400 or so.

What if this does not happen in the future? Will we send Isaiah to hospital to treat his unsanity? Or will we send you to prison ? Or we cannot fight this prophecy because it will happen but we never know when and probably it will happen when the whole planet ends? So this is a falacy…

December 21st, 2012, 6:36 pm


Basel said:

“So, according to your theory, Assad is send by Allah to destroy Damascus and massacre its populations while jews fly from a post nuclear infected and poluted Middle East”

Damascus is the key, humanity started by establishing Damascus and will take a sharp turn by removing it.

Assad always loved Damascus but sometimes you can’t say no to the divine order.

December 21st, 2012, 6:37 pm




¨Assad will trigger the third world war and Jews will face their agony for the third time.

Read all the Hadith of prophet Muhammad and you’ll see that Assad is the man of the end time.¨

We will laugh too much after one year when Assad has been impaled in the Palmyra Prison and no Third World War have taken place in town.

Wake up, Assad is a grain of sand and will be desintegrated at any moment.

December 21st, 2012, 6:40 pm


Syrian said:

The retraining and new education of Bashar’s shabihas

December 21st, 2012, 6:41 pm




¨Assad always loved Damascus but sometimes you can’t say no to the divine order.¨

I am sorry Basel I cannot keep on talking with someone who is mentally ill to say these things you say. Go to Shami Hospital if you are in Damascus or maybe you are in Jerusalem….?

I wish you a soft WW III and Judgement Day.

December 21st, 2012, 6:43 pm


Basel said:


“What if this does not happen in the future? Will we send Isaiah to hospital to treat his unsanity? Or will we send you to prison ? Or we cannot fight this prophecy because it will happen but we never know when and probably it will happen when the whole planet ends? So this is a falacy”

It’s not just a prophecy it’s a fact which will happen soon. I advise the people of Damascus not to leave because those who don’t run away from their destiny will be rewarded, and those who stick with Assad will be reincarnated to the best bodies and souls.

December 21st, 2012, 6:43 pm




Go to Damascus fast to enjoy the honour to die with Assad in the Great Collapse of Humanity, and do not forget your pills.

Good Night and Good Luck.

December 21st, 2012, 6:46 pm


MarigoldRan said:

The war continues and the regime continues to lose.

December 21st, 2012, 7:21 pm


Basel said:

“Good Night and Good Luck”

You too, always remember it’s never too late to see the light.

December 21st, 2012, 7:22 pm


Citizen said:

are you happy?

December 21st, 2012, 7:28 pm


Tara said:

“With no Assad the Christ won’t be able to comeback, why can’t you people get it?”

OMG…so Christ is not returning? Ever? This is an eye opener…I must then change position and start supporting Batta so prophet Issa comes back to earth again.
SC is getting creepy. I do not think there is a pill for this.

December 21st, 2012, 7:36 pm


Tara said:

Nothing wrong with firing Scud missile on rebel held base in Aleppo?

OK, then the rebel next step is to fire similar blind missiles on a regime held base in Lattakia or other places for that matter.

December 21st, 2012, 8:03 pm


majedkhaldoun said:

Qassem Saad eddin
is leading the battle in Hama province, Morek is taken partially, Hama is 750,000 people, if successful,Homs will be easy to liberate, Damascus will be cut from Alawi Jabal, Assad will not be able to move troops over there,the dream of building a mini state over there will no longer be possible.
The battle of Damascus will take time, the best way to attack Damascus is from the north,Jabal Qassioun,not from the south.
the battle in the south is to isolate Assad troops in Deraa province, cut the food supply to Damascus,

December 21st, 2012, 8:03 pm


Citizen said:
‘Turkey surrenders to West on Syria’
An analyst says Turkey is laying the ground for a US, UK-involved foreign military intervention in Syria in hope of foreign support in the country’s own suppression of its Kurdish minority.

December 21st, 2012, 8:07 pm


Tara said:


I admire your ability of repeating the same thing again and again and again over the last 18 months: US, Nato, Turkey, and Israel, individually or in variable combination are going to attack the regime militarily. Yet no military invasion has materialized?

Do you not get bored? I wish I have your energy.. What are you eating?

December 21st, 2012, 8:20 pm


zoo said:

45. Tara

What do you call the car bombings in Jaramana and elsewhere ? Blind or intentional?

December 21st, 2012, 8:50 pm


zoo said:

#46 Majed

What a brilliant and original suggestion to the FSA!
SMS them, they are in bad need of serious help from intelligent people like you.

December 21st, 2012, 8:54 pm


zoo said:


I am not sure only women and children panicked, the rebels did too.

This could be part of the psychological war strategy.
The civilians in the ‘liberated’ areas will be fed up soon of the insecurity, lack of food and basic services and will ask the rebels to leave, as it happened in Yarmouk.

The Syrian army is counting that soon they will be called in these areas.

December 21st, 2012, 9:01 pm


Johannes de Silentio said:


“it’s never too late to see the light.”

You got it wrong, Bassie. It’s “it’s never too dark to see the light.”

So Bassie, you’re new on the blog. Are you Revie’s baby brother? Come to bail him out, give him moral support, hold his trembling little-boy hand?

We’re curious because you just appeared out of nowhere and you’re filling up the blog with comments, opinions, critiques, what-have-you? What’s your deal? Are you another of Bashar’s spokesholes. Or are you just some dude standing at the side of the road with time on his hands?

Inquiring minds want to know, Bassie…

December 21st, 2012, 9:17 pm


zoo said:

Competition to Kafranbel cartoon artists?

December 21st, 2012, 9:23 pm


zoo said:

After having antagonized the Kurds, the Christians, the Armenians, the Alawites, the Shias and the Palestininans, now the rebels are antagonizing the Druzes. They have not yet grasped the fact that no minority will never ever be on the side of loose armed gangs without any organization that want to impose their chaos with weapons, violence and disrespect.

Opposition activists and rebels said on Friday they were trying to defuse tension between Druze in Sweida province and Sunni fighters from neighboring Deraa province, cradle of revolt against Assad.

The reason behind the confrontation was not immediately clear, but an activist said it started when fighters attacked a government checkpoint in Sweida killing and kidnapping several people, several of them Druze. Residents in the area were angered and in return attacked and kidnapped rebels.

“They exchanged kidnappings and threats but everybody is working on sorting it out,” a Druze activist said.

Sweida, home to Syria’s Druze minority, is solidly under state control. Most Syrian Druze have stayed on the sidelines of the revolt.

December 21st, 2012, 9:37 pm


Syrian said:

The thing is a rebel knows that he may lose his life for the cause and he did not panic as that freelance journalist said,but inocents civilians Including women and childern did not chose that, and targeting them is terrorism and Bashar is no different than any terrorist
In the Yarmouk the FSA did not leave under pressure but with a deal that the Bashar pull his forces including Jebril forces

December 21st, 2012, 9:39 pm


Syrian said:

????????: ???? ????????? ?????? ????? ???????? ???? ?????
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December 21st, 2012, 9:55 pm


Tara said:

“Since ANN seems to be busy picking Mossad agents from her hair”

Very funny!

I wonder what other regime supporters pick from their hair? Islamists?

December 21st, 2012, 10:07 pm


revenire said:

@55 maybe the “rebel” should not hide behind women and children and come to an open battlefield and let’s see who has the strength of God behind him?

December 21st, 2012, 10:45 pm


Syrian said:

Maybe the shabiha should stop being cowered and fight face to face man to man not firing a SCUD 400 km away not knowing where it is goning to hit

December 21st, 2012, 10:58 pm


revenire said:

Why waste bullets?

FSA would never face the SAA in battle. They hide in sewers and behind women and children. Let them.

December 21st, 2012, 11:06 pm


Syrian said:

They just kick them out from the 2 biggest bases in Aleppo, it is your shabihas that are using women and kids to blackmail the FSA
‘And we both know it is not about wasting bullets, it is about being cowards

December 21st, 2012, 11:14 pm


revenire said:

I won’t accept military information from some anonymous poster on a message board – especially one as rabid as you are. You’ve been here for a year blabbing about FSA victories when they can’t even take one city. Even with the help of the US-UK-France-Qater-Turkey-Saudi Arabia-Israel the FSA has no victories. It is failure after failure. Scuds aren’t used as you say either. That’s just more garbage from clowns trying to get NATO to come in and do the job they can’t do.

December 21st, 2012, 11:36 pm


Ghufran said:

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It may take Syrians and their foreign backers , from both sides, two more years and another 40,000 death before they ” discover” that no one party or group owns Syria or has the right to rule its people.

December 21st, 2012, 11:49 pm


Sheila said:

Dear Visitor,
What can I say. Your comment proved every single thing I said about you: limited mind, simple reasoning and indoctrination at its best. And to top that, you are rude and insolent. It is people like you who give Islam a bad name. I just hope and pray that your likes are not in big supply.
Open your mind and remove your blinders, you might be able to approach becoming human again.

December 21st, 2012, 11:56 pm


Visitor said:

Sheila 64,

I’ll tell you what you can say in order to answer your stupid question. You can simply shut up and move on to conversing with like minded idiots. Because you are an ignorant idiot who thinks has the absolute right to lecture others. What gives an idiot like you such right?

I tried previously to give you the benefit of the doubt and treat you with some respect. But now it is clear you do not deserve it.

Simply get off and go lecture a kid if you have any. And keep your not needed prayers to yourself

What a presumptious piece of nonsensical pretender!

December 22nd, 2012, 12:10 am


Ghufran said:

( if you think Syria will be the only country in the Middle East that witnesses chaos, think agin, however, until the happy trio that pumps money and fighters into Syria feel enough pain,their bloody hands will continue to play a major role in Syria’s war)
The U.S. and EU will resent Saudi attempts to halt democratization. Reform-minded youth in Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Kuwait, and the Emirates will be deeply annoyed by Riyadh’s counterrevolutionary program and their own governments’ complicity in it. They may be emboldened to take firmer steps to end autocracy in their countries.
Further, supporting armed Salafi groups in Syria and in Sunni parts of Iraq can burden the region with violent, destabilizing forces for years to come. Saudi Arabia seeks to channel their zeal and talent toward its ends, but such groups may prove unmanageable and their allegiance to Riyadh may be short-lived.
Brian M Downing is a political/military analyst and author of The Military Revolution and Political Change and The Paths of Glory: War and Social Change in America from the Great War to Vietnam. He can be reached at [email protected].
( it took some of you a while to realize that the threat of militant Takfiri Islamists in Syria is real and may be a bigger threat to syia’s future than any other force,but to arrive late is better than not arriving at all)

December 22nd, 2012, 12:52 am


MarigoldRan said:

At this point Syria has no government.

The regime has lost most of the country and are little more than an Alawite militia with some limited Sunni support. In many parts of the country the Alawite militia (formerly the regime army) is considered and behaves like a foreign-occupying force.

The longer the war continues, the weaker the regime grows. Having lost Idlib and Aleppo, the regime is now beginning to lose Hama.


Of course. But the regime opened the door to the foreigners with their brutality and stupidity. It is now stuck in an eternal civil war against a committed and fanatical enemy.

The longer the regime fights, the better it is for Israel. The regime is like a sponge, a magnet, sucking up all those that might potentially fight Israel.

December 22nd, 2012, 1:06 am


MarigoldRan said:

For the last 30 years, the Assad regime has been a friend of Israel.

Despite their harsh words towards Israel, the Assad regime protected Israel’s northern border from the Salafists.

The Assad regime bought many weapons. They said those weapons were to fight Israel. But those weapons were never used against Israel. Instead these weapons are being used to fight the Salafists who want to fight Israel.

What irony. What stupidity. The regime behaves like an ally of Israel.

December 22nd, 2012, 1:15 am


William Scott Scherk said:

Some compelling paragraphs from the most recent report of the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Syrian Arab Republic.

Commentators that have not read this report are urged to do so. May the scales fall from eyes. These are the kinds of reports that in future will be released by Syrian official bodies, Syrian leaders of truth and reconciliation. Syrians will either face up to the truths, all of them, or not. Surely the folks at dispute right now know that they are in dispute over matters of actuality?

If you identify in the following paragraphs things you do not wish to be true, you will have identified the place you may need to look more closely.

There is something in there for everyone, be they Terrorist Supporters, Regime Stooges, or I Told You So tub-thumpers.


10. Interviews with fighters, including some defectors, indicate that newly formed armed opposition groups are less likely to attach themselves to the Free Syrian Army (FSA). Many operate independently from existing groups or are affiliated to Islamist groups such as Jabhat al-Nusra. Foreign fighters, many of whom also have links to other extremist groups, are present in Idlib, Latakia and Aleppo governorates. Multiple interviewees noted that while these groups are independent of the FSA, they coordinate attacks with them.


13. In recent months, there has been a clear shift in how interviewees portray the conflict. In describing the shelling of a village in Latakia governorate by Government forces, one interviewee stressed that the shelling came from positions in “Alawite villages”. Another interviewee, describing ground attacks in Bosra in the southern Dara’a governorate, stated that tensions between the Shia and Sunni communities in the town were “escalating”, with violence becoming increasingly inevitable.

For the SCer wanting to deny justified fears:

14. The country’s other minority groups, such as the Armenians, Christians, Druze, Palestinians, Kurds and Turkmen, have been drawn into the conflict. However, the sectarian lines fall most sharply between Syria’s Alawite community, from which most of the Government’s senior political and military figures hail, and the country’s majority Sunni community who are broadly (but not uniformly) in support of the anti-Government armed groups.

15. Attacks and reprisals (and fears thereof) have led to communities arming themselves, and being armed by parties to the conflict. One interviewee, a Turkman living in Latakia, captured the situation succinctly: “it is too dangerous to live beside neighbours who are armed and [consider you to be a rebel], while you yourself remain unarmed”.

For ZOO:

16. Government forces and militias aligned with the Government have attacked Sunni civilians. One interviewee, present in Bosra in late October, described “members of the Shia militia”, whom she recognised from the neighbourhood, conducting house searches. She stated that the militia told her that “they would kill all Sunnis in the region and that the area belonged to them”. Another interviewee stated that he regularly witnessed Sunni commuters being pulled out of their cars and beaten at army checkpoints along the main highway between Dara’a and Damascus.

For all:

Most of the foreign fighters filtering into Syria to join the anti-Government armed groups (or to fight independently alongside them) are Sunnis hailing from countries in the Middle East and North Africa. The increasingly sectarian nature of the conflict provides one motivation for other actors to enter into the conflict. The Lebanese Shia group Hezbollah has confirmed that its members are in Syria fighting on behalf of the Government. There have also been reports, still under investigation, of Iraqi Shias coming to fight in Syria. Iran confirmed on 14 September that members of its Revolutionary Guards are in Syria providing “intellectual and advisory support”.

For those who have a ‘cleaning’ solution for so-called minorities:

21. Syria’s Armenian Orthodox, other Christian, and Druze communities have sought protection by aligning themselves with the Government, with the consequence that they have come under attack from anti-Government armed groups.

22. The Armenian Orthodox community resides mainly in Aleppo governorate. On 16 September, ten passengers on a bus travelling from Beirut to Aleppo were kidnapped. All ten were Christian, with seven being Armenian Orthodox. Their whereabouts remain unknown. On the same day, the Saint Kevork Armenian Church in Aleppo was heavily damaged. Syrians of Armenian descent have sought refuge in Armenia./blockquote>

For those who dismiss low-man-on-the-totem-pole concerns:

23. Christian communities are spread throughout Syria, with the largest communities, prior to the conflict, living in Aleppo, Damascus and Homs governorates. Homs city had been home to approximately 80,000 Christians, most of whom have now fled reportedly to Damascus, with some then making their way to Beirut. It is estimated that only a few hundred remain. An interviewee, speaking about recent events in al-Suweida governorate, confirmed that the Sunni and Druze communities had clashed, leaving several dead. On 29 October, a car bomb exploded outside a bakery in Jaramana, a predominantly Christian and Druze neighbourhood in Damascus.


Investigations continue regarding reports that pro-Government forces are unlawfully killing armed and unarmed persons suspected of opposing the Government. Accounts from Latakia indicate that Shabbiha arrest and torture, including torturing to death, suspected opposition members. Incidents in Asfira (September) and al-Basit (August) fitting this pattern are under investigation.

For those with a few remaining blindspots about regime misconduct:

31. Although fewer credible accounts were received of Government soldiers executing captives, incidents of direct targeting of civilians by aerial bombardment, including “barrel bombs,” rocket attacks and machine gun fire have risen significantly. The Commission recorded a large number of incidents in several governorates where multiple civilian casualties resulted from shelling by Government forces. The evidence in many of these cases indicates that Government forces take insufficient precautions to avoid incidental loss of civilian life and that their attacks are disproportionate to the concrete and direct military advantage anticipated. Investigations are on-going as to whether these attacks are indiscriminate and violate the law of armed conflict.

For those who do not know what a war crime might be:

32. Consistent accounts of summary executions by anti-Government armed groups continue to be collected. Unlawful executions of captured Government soldiers in Aleppo (10 September), Sabouk (2 November) and Ras al-Ayn (29 November), where the unarmed captives were gathered together and then gunned down, are under investigation. Investigations indicate that in some instances captured enemy fighters are brought before a Sharia council (al-Lajana al-Shariah) prior to their execution. Neither the substantive nor procedural framework of these councils could be ascertained, with one interviewee positing that, “only those with blood on their hands” are executed. It is a war crime to sentence or execute a person who has been captured, has surrendered, is injured or is otherwise hors de combat, without due process.

This is for those who forget to remember the detained and the disappeared and the roadside corpses left behind by the ‘security solution.’ This is for those who pretend to not understand why a people can rise against authority that has become brutal to the point of sickness.

This is the torture regime that ZOO and the last Assad supporters here cannot acknowledge, but also the acts of opposition brutes. Pity Syria in the future when it attempts to take account of all the crimes of this era. So many will be deaf, blind and forgetful.


34. Considerable evidence has been collected regarding the use of torture, particularly in Government-run detention centres in Damascus. The testimony of interviewees indicates a consistent and systematic pattern of torture during which individuals are beaten and subjected to electric shocks while held in overcrowded, underground cells. One victim who had been detained in Harasta Intelligence Branch outside of Damascus for 30 days, had his genitals electrocuted on multiple occasions. Another interviewee, a former guard of Harasta prison, described how his superiors encouraged the ill-treatment of detainees. Testimony was also gathered indicating that children were held in Harasta Intelligence Branch in the same detention areas and conditions as adults and were also tortured.

36. In Latakia, interviewees described a pattern of shabbiha conduct. In manning checkpoints to majority-Alawite villages, shabbiha often arrest, harass and torture individuals suspected of cooperating with the opposition, detain them or hand them over to Air Force and Military Security Intelligence organs.

37. Accounts were also received of torture by anti-Government armed groups, documenting an FSA-administered detention centre in Sahara, Aleppo where detainees were tortured and killed. In Seida al-Zeinab in Damascus, FSA members reportedly captured, interrogated and beat a suspected Hezbollah member.

Finally, for all, perhaps aspect of agreement, one door out of the conflagration …

47. The war of attrition that is being fought in Syria has brought immeasurable destruction and human suffering to the civilian population. As the conflict drags on, the parties have become ever more violent and unpredictable, which has led to their conduct increasingly being in breach of international law. The sole way to bring about an immediate cessation of the violence is through a negotiated political settlement which meets the legitimate aspirations of the Syrian people. The Commission strongly supports the mission of Mr. Lakhdar Brahimi, the Joint Special Representative of the United Nations and League of Arab States in its effort to bring the parties towards such a settlement.

December 22nd, 2012, 1:16 am


Johannes de Silentio said:


“Dear Visitor. Open your mind and remove your blinders, you might be able to approach becoming human again.”

No, Shiela. You’re being much too nice with Vatty. He loves it when people talk to him like you do. With turds like Vatty, you need to hit below the belt. Like this. Tell him (in your own words) that you hope all the Sheiks in his neck of the woods dress him up like a girl and gang rape him. Tell him you hope he grows up queer and gets lots of cock. Stuff like that…

December 22nd, 2012, 1:18 am


Ghufran said:

Russian officials told the Daily Telegraph that Moscow was prepared to ease the Syrian president out of power.
“Assad doesn’t have a future, he knows this,” a senior Russian official said. “But he is not a fool. He will not just go voluntarily. All sides must sit down and negotiate a way out of this. That means we talk to Assad but those who back the rebels must put pressure on them.”
( resistance to this effort is likely to come from rebel supporters not regime supporters, as the former group feels it is winning and should not give the regime a free life jacket, if this report is true and rebels refuse to play along you will see a systematic military assault on rebel positions supported, directly or indirectly, by sponsors of this deal)

December 22nd, 2012, 1:19 am


MarigoldRan said:

The regime has had many harsh words against Israel. They say they want to destroy Israel. They bought many weapons to fight Israel, or so they said.

But what has the regime done against Israel? NOTHING. Instead it uses the weapons it bought from Russia to fight the people who want to fight Israel.

The regime is like Israel’s shield in the North.

December 22nd, 2012, 1:21 am


MarigoldRan said:


I don’t think the regime has the military power to begin a systematic assault of anything outside of Damascus or Lattakia.

December 22nd, 2012, 1:23 am


revenire said:

Daily Telegraph story is disinfo.

You’re dreaming Marigoldran – the “regime” could bomb the Hell out of anything it decides to with jets, helicopters, artillery, missiles, etc.

You remind me of FSA commanders.

December 22nd, 2012, 1:34 am


Johannes de Silentio said:


“I won’t accept military information from some anonymous poster on a message board”

That’s right, Revie. You’re nobody’s fool. Your military information comes from the experts, dudes who know how to win a war, Bashar’s army dudes. They are winning, aren’t they?

December 22nd, 2012, 1:38 am


MarigoldRan said:

Actually it can’t even do that now.

The Alawite militia already tried the mass bombing strategy. They got their planes and helicopters shot down.

Better to be an FSA commander than an Alawite militia commander. At least the FSA commander knows they’re winning.

December 22nd, 2012, 1:38 am


MarigoldRan said:

The regime at this point no longer deserves the title of “the regime.”

From now on, it should be called “the Alawite militia.” It doesn’t control enough territory in the country to qualify as a government anymore.

December 22nd, 2012, 1:42 am


revenire said:

Didn’t know the Syrian Air Force has done any mass bombing at all. Where?

December 22nd, 2012, 2:18 am


Hamoudeh al-Halabi said:

Sheila, that was really uncalled for, quite insulting and I didn’t expect it from you. His response was actually constructive to at least some of the points I was making. The revolution is about freedom and dignity and anyone who supports that should act in a way that befits those ideals. This comment section is filled with personal attacks, intolerance, mistrust, foulness, insults, dehumanization and sectarianism and I’m not talking about the total insanity of the regime fanatics roaming around. If we’re not able to have constructive dialogues amongst ourselves, what point is there in being here in the first place? The very least we can do here is try to bridge the smallest gaps and seek to understand each other’s point of view. If this isn’t possible, simply leave each other alone. I believe I am able to have a decent conversation with Visitor, perhaps you could try having one with Johan as he is encouraging you to take it to the most disgusting of levels.

December 22nd, 2012, 3:13 am


Juergen said:

Cristmas greetings to the Pope


How much I hate those cheap and greasy parodies of dabke songs for Al Wahash. Does bad taste stick to bad folks?

December 22nd, 2012, 4:01 am


MarigoldRan said:

Well gee, Revenire. I wonder what those large craters in the middle of cities came from. Last time I checked, the Alawite militia was trying to win through use of indiscriminate barrel bombs. Dropped from helicopters and jets. On cities.

Oh, I’m sorry. Does that not fit your definition of “mass bombing?”

December 22nd, 2012, 4:52 am


Syrialover said:


A correction, if I may.

You appear to have confused SHEILA’S comments as being related to your discussion with VISITOR.

In fact, I understood her to be responding to a rude, chaotic and aggressive response VISITOR made to her in the previous thread. SHEILA was told in typical VISITOR-speak:

“Unless you know this simple fact and unless you do not want me to tell you straight forward to shut up, I would say you should stay away from a subject you clearly do not understand….It is incomprehensible how such misguided eager to lecture idiot would want to lecture about godless secularism while putting forward the notion of reason and Islamic faith being in complete opposiotion. O’ yes! He/she found the answer in today’s USA.”


COMMENT: SHEILA is one of the more grown up, rational and well-informed commentators here.

I am uneasy to think she would decide to quit because of your reprimand and that idiotic sordid comment by JOHANNES DE SILENTO.

I have a dog in this fight because VISITOR has made aggressive and insulting comments about me, and declared himself to have kicked me (+ my family and friends in Syria who I quoted) out of the revolution.

Why? Because I have attempted to have a discussion on Al-Nusrah here. Just like they are having on every other blog, twitter and discussion site about Syria. Check back, and you’ll see VISITOR explodes in rage and spits insults at any suggestion of it.

December 22nd, 2012, 4:54 am


Visitor said:

HH@ 79,

First thanks for your sane response.

Secondly, I do stand fully behind the comment I made to the individual in question in the link which #82 provided based on the reason(s) I outlined in that comment.

It is clear that so -called secularists cannot tolerate opposition to their views regarding their ideas and what they would like to veer Syria towards on the back of the Revolution. Furthermore, #82 cannot put forward any argument without reminding us of the so many Syrians, whether imaginary or real, he feels entitled to speak on their behalf. I would like to keep the discussion on a one to one basis and would ignore any such pretensions to representing of more than one self. In fact, if I want to go #82’s way my tribe in Syria would dwarf any size of fake representation this pretender would like us to believe. However, I will maintain expressing individual opinions as I do not in any way feel the need for any external support from next of kin.

So, as you can see HH, the real issue is what i pointed out in my previous comment. Syrians must become aware of the dangers of those who would like to ride on the back of the Revolution in order to impose certain views that are not compatible with the true character of most Syrians. What we are witnessing here is the hounding of dogs when they feel threatened by things they imagine is not to their liking.

December 22nd, 2012, 5:40 am


Juergen said:

Those who have not fall in love with some of the youtubesheikhs,

Dr. Tahir al-Qadiri talks about Islam and Christmas

December 22nd, 2012, 6:03 am


Syrialover said:

More from the brave and brilliant poster makers in Kafranbel:

December 22nd, 2012, 6:13 am


Syrialover said:

VISITOR just said #83:

“Syrians must become aware of the dangers of those who would like to ride on the back of the Revolution in order to impose certain views that are not compatible with the true character of most Syrians.”

Bullseye! VISITOR has just neatly stated the problem with al-Nusrah and the Moslem Brotherhood.

Thanks for opening the discussion on them.

December 22nd, 2012, 6:16 am


Visitor said:

# 86,

Until and unless you’re capable of making your own argument without need for support from an extension (such as imaginary representation of next of kin or another hounding dog on this forum), I suggest you stay out of discussions conducted by grown-ups.

Nusra are our brothers in Syria. So-called secularists are foreign to Syria and incompatible with its traditions.

December 22nd, 2012, 6:39 am


mjabali said:

My tribe told me there is nothing better than secularism for Syria.

December 22nd, 2012, 6:40 am


Syrialover said:

On the problem of the MB and al-Nusrah which VISITOR has just helpfully drawn attention to, there’s a huge amount to be said and asked about them, but the quote below expresses just one aspect of their approach which troubles me.

What about Syria’s 8 million civil servants? What about all the young Syrians who have fought in the army? Do the wise guys in al-Nusrah have a plan for them?

To quote:

“Al-Nusra has indiscriminately targeted non-Sunni people, and all parts of the state. In this military strategy one can see a point of convergence between the Muslim Brotherhood, the salafists, and al-Nusra: all three groups reject the idea that Assad’s regime and the apparatus of the state are distinct. The reasons are historical: since a 1980 decree sentencing any member of the Muslim Brotherhood to death, there has been no Brotherhood presence in the state. Because of this, the Syrian Islamist movement has long considered the state as inherently alien. This view is not held by all Syrians, however, almost eight million of whom work for the state in various capacities.

“The Muslim Brotherhood targeted the military institutions as if they were Assad’s own army. Similarly, al-Nusra considers them to be the Alawite army”

(Excerpted from an article I otherwise disagree with:

COMMENT: Compare and contrast that attitude with that of a true son of Syria, the martyred Rebel leader Abu Furat, a defected Colonel from the Syrian Army who cared about, respected and trusted his fellow Syrians.

December 22nd, 2012, 6:43 am


Syrialover said:


“So-called secularists”

So-called by you. The term “secularist” is confused and ill-defined, as a few people here have pointed out.

Do you mean non-theocracy like Iran and Saudi Arabia? If so, say so.

December 22nd, 2012, 6:48 am


mjabali said:

William Scott Scherk:

Tell me something I do not know. You claimed that you read what is on this blog word by word…apparently you don’t.

Why do you address me along with Alawis on this board? WE/each represent different opinions. My dog is able to recognize this.

But since you are into this type of news here is something important that you should not miss:

Alawi villages that border Sunni villages are becoming bases for action by the Assad forces. The Sunnis on the other hand are doing the same. Soon the sectarian divide in Syria is going to materialize more and more. The sectarian cleansing had begun. So, expect more of it.

Here is a link to you showing how the Sunnis in Aqrab started shelling nearby Alwite villages. Of course, the Alawite villages are going to respond in the same way believe me…

December 22nd, 2012, 6:55 am


Syrialover said:

Excerpt from article filed by Joshua Landis in the opening post above:

“Al-Nusra is the type of group that could declare the most pious cleric a heretic and kill him in the middle of a mosque just because he does not share its view,” he said.”


I wonder if VISITOR would cheer if some 20-year old Pakistani, Chechen, Norwegian or Libyan, on a holy warrior adventure trip to Syria decided to lay down the law with a gun to Syrian clerics?

For example the many decent, democracy-respecting and anti-sectarian clerics who have taken part in the revolution. (A number of them can be found profiled on the excellent blog

Because that’s the name of the game for those extremist fantasists, isn’t it? A childish but lethal vision of power.

December 22nd, 2012, 7:01 am


Syrialover said:

Correction to #90, and apologies if I confused VISITOR

I wrote about secularists: Do you mean non-theocracy like Iran and Saudi Arabia? If so, say so.”

I should have said: “do you mean they are not a theocracy, unlike Saudi Arabia and Iran.”

December 22nd, 2012, 7:06 am


mjabali said:


Those foreign jihadi fighters in Syria are crazy lunatics plain and simple.

They have an ax to grind.

They have self esteem problems.

They have hatred to humanity.

They have nothing but will destroy the place.

They are from many countries and of course they are going to cause problems to many of them for sure.

Again: Syria is descending into chaos that is going to have ramifications for a long time not only for Syria but for many parts of this world.

December 22nd, 2012, 7:37 am


mjabali said:

Sandro Low:

Ya Low: My dog is able to tell that Basel is not an Alawi but someone from a different background.

By the way, the way you spoke about the Alawis made me think you may be running a space program, or you had invented the internet in the past.

December 22nd, 2012, 7:40 am


Visitor said:

I am not sure why WSS tried to provide something for everyone. Perhaps this is some PR blitz on his behalf, trying once again to become the elusive moderator of this site, or perhaps he is genuinely trying to draw our attention to the current situation in Syria from the perspective of a false witness account, namely the UN.

Nevertheless, the section he earmarked for my attention is interesting, notwithstanding the credibility of the source. It simply confirms the current trend among ordinary Syrians of attaching themselves to those groups they trust most, as well as it shows that most members of so-called Islamist groups are in fact Syrians, with very feW foreigners among them, and this is not meant to imply that our non-Syrian Muslim brothers are not welcome as brothers in arms and in faith in this revolution.

There have been many reports of Syrians expressing their disapproval of main stream FSA fighters due to perceived or real corruption among its members perhaps stemming from the habits acquired through long years of serving the corrupt regime. On the other hand, there have been reports of sincere appreciation and gratitude towards those fighters who subscribe to Islamic ideologies due to their discipline and fighting skills. In fact, there are reports that indicate that most of the early defectors had on rely on Islamists for training, organization and discipline since those defectors suffered from deficiencies in all these areas. On the other hand, we also observe that most if not all defecting battalions and formations that make up the bulk of the FSA rely on Islamic banners, flags and slogans, showing once again the authenticity of those defectors and their true adherence to Syrian traditions and ideals.

Based on the above, we conclude that the Islamists contribution to the revolution was positive, welcomed by revolting Syrians and it also shaped the victories that were accomplished and will continue to do so with future victories.

Of course, we cannot avoid the wailing and screaming of the hounding dogs infesting this site. But despite that the caravan will move on.

December 22nd, 2012, 7:50 am


mjabali said:

My tribe had told me many times that inserting Islam was bad for the Syrian Revolution against Bashar al-Assad.

.Here is the UN report from the BBC declaring the sectarian nature of the fight

December 22nd, 2012, 7:59 am


Observer said:

I post with hesitation as I see a lot of personal attacks and barbs being sent back and forth but I would like to ask a simple neutral not personal question and not a barb and not an insult to Majbali:

Can you define your tribe for me? I am very very simply curious.

On a different note, I must remind Majbali that the first introducer of sectarianism was none other than the regime. The genie is out of the bottle. It will take hundreds of years for it to go back in.

December 22nd, 2012, 8:46 am


Observer said:

By the way I do agree that inserting any religion in politics is a bad move.

December 22nd, 2012, 8:47 am


Ghufran said:

Rebels plan to assault Hama starting with its reef after months of relative calm, villages and towns with Christians and alawites are the primary targets :
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The idea is to create a buffer between the south ( Damascus and Homs) and the coastline.
So far, rebels failed to on control any major Syrian city but were instrumental in bringing misery and destruction to every place they tried to ” liberate”.

December 22nd, 2012, 9:22 am


Ghufran said:

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What happened to ? ?? ?????? ????? ???? ??? ???? ??? ?????
What is the difference now between those Assasins and the regime shabeehas?

December 22nd, 2012, 9:46 am


zoo said:

For the ones who were denying or doubting it, this is the true face of the rebels

In another development, 11 rebel groups said they have formed a new coalition, the Syrian Islamic Front.

A statement issued by the new group, dated Dec. 21 and posted on a militant website Saturday, described the group as “a comprehensive Islamic front that adopts Islam as a religion, doctrine, approach and conduct.”

Several rebel groups have declared their own coalitions in Syria, including an “Islamic state” in the embattled city of Aleppo.

The statement said the new group will work to avoid differences or disputes with the other Islamic groups.

December 22nd, 2012, 9:47 am


zoo said:

# Syrian

“In the Yarmouk the FSA did not leave under pressure but with a deal that the Bashar pull his forces including Jebril forces:”

There is no doubt that the ‘tactical withdrawal’ is a clear sign of another failure of the rebels to win a ‘victory’ in Damascus.

Find all you reasons you want, the reality is that the rebels are in total confusion. Just see the daily announcements of their unification plans that fails lamentably the next day. The latest is the “Syrian Islamic Front”

Sad and pathetic.

December 22nd, 2012, 9:56 am


zoo said:


“But despite that the caravan will move on”… toward the abyss

December 22nd, 2012, 9:59 am


Tara said:

My own prediction is Damascus will be divinely protected and Batta will never be able to burn it. There must be something “magic” to the oldest city alive. May be it has its own guardian angels.  Something will happen “divinely” and Syria will get rid of its captor.

Predictions of Assad’s collapse
Germany’s defence minister has become the latest to predict the imminent collapse of the Assad regime, AP reports.

Thomas de Maiziere told mass-circulation daily Bild that “there are signs that the opposition will soon achieve a military victory against the regime.”
The interview to be published Saturday also cited him as saying that a foreign military intervention remains “absolutely not up for debate”.

Maiziere’s assessment chimes with analysis by right-leaning thinktank the Washington Institute for Near East studies.

Defence fellow Jeffrey White said: “The regime’s forces could collapse at any time now.”

Speaking at seminar on Thursday he said the use of air power, artillery fire and Scud missiles were failing to hold back rebel advances.

“Maybe the war’s got some weeks to run, may be a few months, but not more than that,” he said.

December 22nd, 2012, 10:02 am


zoo said:


We have reached that conclusions months ago, but the FOS is encouraging the rebels in putting their own condition that of removing Bashar al Assad. We all know that removing Bashar al Assad who is a symbol of unity and security for many Syrians without an equivalent reassuring symbol, will bring the country into a worst civil war.
Therefore the responsibility of the persistance of the violence is more to do with the attitude of the FOS rather than to the government that tries to survive a assault funded by foreign countries and where the citizens are manipulated.

“The sole way to bring about an immediate cessation of the violence is through a negotiated political settlement which meets the legitimate aspirations of the Syrian people. The Commission strongly supports the mission of Mr. Lakhdar Brahimi, the Joint Special Representative of the United Nations and League of Arab States in its effort to bring the parties towards such a settlement.”

December 22nd, 2012, 10:10 am


Visitor said:

Ewe @ 104 says


“But despite that the caravan will move on”… toward the abyss”

Ewes must follow their sheep moms (mom here is idiot idol, so don’t say it is an insult) or else will get lost … and yes they could end up in an abyss.

Guided Syrians with the help of their brothers will end up victorious over sheep mom(s).

If you cannot figure that out just do your regular daily three cries of ??? then go to your mom and continue to the abyss in her company.

December 22nd, 2012, 10:12 am


Citizen said:

???? ???? ????? ?? ?????? ???????? ?????? 22/12/2012 ?.?????? ???? 22/12/2012 ?? ???? :
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December 22nd, 2012, 10:31 am


Tara said:

For the one among you who mocked the job of a nurse…  I see more honors about her than supporting a revolution on a keyboard.–toronto-nurse-kirsty-robertson-cared-for-hundreds-in-cave-in-syria

Toronto nurse Kirsty Robertson cared for hundreds in cave in Syria
Published on Saturday December 22, 2012

December 22nd, 2012, 10:33 am


Syrian said:

Darya the much smaller and right next to Mezza airport and Mezza86 has been fighting for weeks ,the Assad militia could not take it back and all they are doing is hitting it with missiles from the airport
Yarmouk with all supply lines available from Dara and eastern Ghouta was a lot easier to defend, but the threat of the usual tactic of massive bombing of the camp of none Syrian made the FSA make a deal and it was not a bad deal
The FSA was the real mother of this camp in this king Suliman saga

December 22nd, 2012, 10:49 am


majedkhaldoun said:

Bashar is not a symbol of unity and security, he is a dictator,and a symbol of sectarianism that feed hatred and DISUNITY, and no security he is a symbol of brutal murders and INSECURITY,as he is killing tens of thousands of Syrian so he stays in power.

you can seperate Mosque and Church from state, but you can not seperate politics from religion,religion is a code of moral and ethical issues,that politics depend on.

It is clear that secularist and religious people are enemies,and that is why I advocate civil rule, the rule of Law, and it is up to the people choice in a free democratic election to choose their system.

December 22nd, 2012, 10:50 am


Ghufran said:

Morsi’s vice mahmoud makki has resigned ( again). I say,again, that Islamists are only interested in seculars who are willing to play the role of useful idiots , they are supposed to beautify the ugly face of theocratic rulers and serve as a cosmetic buffer against charges that Islamists are exclusionary by nature.
I personally think that Islamists see democracy as a temporary necessary evil or a disposable bridge to promise land where the rule of god,through them,becomes irreversible and opponents are thus labelled as anti god and anti Islam. There is no mentioning of elections and democracy in the Islamists dogma,to suggest otherwise is a lie, it is shurah not democracy that is acceptable to islamists, and the concept of shurah is open to different interpretations including the one by militants which takes away the right to vote from citizens who are non Muslims or classified as heretics ( Druz, alawites, Ismailis,etc).
In a pleural society that wants to prosper and advance,only a secular system is fair and inclusive, that system does not prevent Islamists from running but it makes it hard for religious zealots to use religion to gain power, GCC ,said to be revolutionists best hope for rebuilding Syria , will not support any government that does not subscribe to their middle age style way of ruling, the West and the GCC want a puppet government in Syria, it is up to Syrians to reject that indecent proposal or not.

December 22nd, 2012, 11:34 am


Hanzala said:

#102 from the article:

Rebels have threated to storm two predominantly Christian towns in central Syria if residents do not “evict” government troops they say are using the towns as a base to attack nearby areas.

sounds like they are just warning them to leave before the fight starts

December 22nd, 2012, 11:54 am


Citizen said:

Terrorism – it’s everywhere terrorism in the United States, or in Syria, in Norway or in Serbia, Russia and France. But when the U.S. alone terrorists proclaimed “heroes”, and other criminals, some child-killers calls the “rebels” and “fighters against the dictatorship,” and other villains – there is a shift of values, and as a lamentable outcome – death and tears of the innocent.

America, of course, you’re hurt, but feel the pain of the Syrian people you far! Stop the insane support terrorists for political purposes! And think about the fact that children’s lives are not worth all of your plans for the planting of “democracy” is not worth all of your profits and benefits that you can derive from the fight with undesirable states. After all, those who have committed crimes in Connecticut, and in Al-Vafidene – one and the same entity.

Supporting terrorism in some countries, it is impossible to keep it in others, and a double standard creates only more terrorism suffered by innocent. And in Syria, and the children crying in the U.S. the same …

Syria: Children and Terrorism

U.S. Supported Syria Rebels Shoot at civilian Airliner at Aleppo Airport
“We wanted to send a message to the regime that all their planes – military and civilian – are within our reach.”

December 22nd, 2012, 12:16 pm


majedkhaldoun said:

It is wrong to say Shurah not democracy, in Islam it is Shurah and homage, Shurah is exactly as cauccus system here in USA, it is a form of democracy, then it is followed by Homage where people approve the nomination by Shurah, at the time of the prophet there was no capability of establishing voting booths, Shurah and Homage is what is now called democracy.

December 22nd, 2012, 12:22 pm


revenire said:

LOl @ “Shurah is exactly as coccus system here in USA” from the Salafi. My guess is you’re not a constitutional law expert.
FSA sniper in Ras al-Ain taken out

He has been sent to his reward. Praise God.

December 22nd, 2012, 12:31 pm


Majedkhaldoun said:

Russia’s foreign minister, meanwhile, said that Moscow would welcome any country’s offer of a safe haven to Assad, but underlined that Moscow itself has no intention of giving him shelter if he steps down.

Sergei Lavrov also said that Syria has consolidated its chemical weapons into one or two locations to protect them from a rebel onslaught. Russia, which has military advisers training Syria’s armed forces, has kept close watch over Damascus’s chemical arsenal, Lavrov added.

December 22nd, 2012, 12:38 pm


Badr said:

If it is also in their interest, what can the West do, if anything, to help ensure that there won’t be a breakdown in law and order in a post-Assad Syria?

West prepares for post-Assad uncertainty

By Frank Gardner
BBC security correspondent

Malik Abdeh believes only a strong, central force can stop Syria disintegrating into feuding factions once the common cause of removing Assad is gone.

“The extent to which the West, and the US and Britain can influence affairs inside Syria is limited,” he says. “There will be at least five years of instability in the country, even after Bashar al-Assad has gone.

“What really matters in Syria is the army,” Mr Abdeh adds. “The army is crucial for Bashar al-Assad’s survival but also the survival of Syria as we know it.”

December 22nd, 2012, 12:48 pm


revenire said:

Does the truth always terrify you Salafist?
“Assad is not going anywhere, no matter what anyone tells him, be it China or Russia,” Lavrov said.

December 22nd, 2012, 12:50 pm




¨My tribe told me there is nothing better than secularism for Syria…¨

Secularism, illegal detentions, tortures and corruption, isn´t it?

December 22nd, 2012, 12:53 pm


revenire said:

The BBC used a picture from Iraq to accuse the Syrian Arab Army of committing a massacre in Houla. Believe nothing the BBC reports. It is all war propaganda of the British regime.

BBC News uses ‘Iraq photo to illustrate Syrian massacre’
The BBC is facing criticism after it accidentally used a picture taken in Iraq in 2003 to illustrate the senseless massacre of children in Syria.

Photographer Marco di Lauro said he nearly “fell off his chair” when he saw the image being used, and said he was “astonished” at the failure of the corporation to check their sources.

The picture, which was actually taken on March 27, 2003, shows a young Iraqi child jumping over dozens of white body bags containing skeletons found in a desert south of Baghdad.

It was posted on the BBC news website today under the heading “Syria massacre in Houla condemned as outrage grows”.

The caption states the photograph was provided by an activist and cannot be independently verified, but says it is “believed to show the bodies of children in Houla awaiting burial”.

A BBC spokesman said the image has now been taken down.

Mr di Lauro, who works for Getty Images picture agency and has been published by newspapers across the US and Europe, said: “I went home at 3am and I opened the BBC page which had a front page story about what happened in Syria and I almost felt off from my chair.

“One of my pictures from Iraq was used by the BBC web site as a front page illustration claiming that those were the bodies of yesterday’s massacre in Syria and that the picture was sent by an activist.

“Instead the picture was taken by me and it’s on my web site, on the feature section regarding a story I did In Iraq during the war called Iraq, the aftermath of Saddam.

“What I am really astonished by is that a news organization like the BBC doesn’t check the sources and it’s willing to publish any picture sent it by anyone: activist, citizen journalist or whatever. That’s all.

He added he was less concerned about an apology or the use of image without consent, adding: “What is amazing it’s that a news organization has a picture proving a massacre that happened yesterday in Syria and instead it’s a picture that was taken in 2003 of a totally different massacre.

“Someone is using someone else’s picture for propaganda on purpose.”

A spokesman for the BBC said: “We were aware of this image being widely circulated on the internet in the early hours of this morning following the most recent atrocities in Syria.

“We used it with a clear disclaimer saying it could not be independently verified.

“Efforts were made overnight to track down the original source of the image and when it was established the picture was inaccurate we removed it immediately.”

December 22nd, 2012, 12:56 pm


Ghufran said:

Islamist thugs and their backers knew from day one that their enemy is the army because it is the only institution that can keep Syria in one piece, that is why the FSA was invented and that is why fatwas and propaganda declaring ALL army personnel as Kuffar and killers have flooded the Internet and TV. Assad made a huge mistake by using army units in battles that belong to other government forces and in battles that should not have been fought in the first place. The regime’s conduct dealt a major blow to the army’s standing among many Syrians and opened new doors to armed thugs,especially takfiri gangs, who simply presented themselves as a protective force against an army that bombs targets from the air and shells building with tanks. The damage caused by Assad is irreparable in my humble views, I do not see how the army and the FSA can coexist today and in the near future, Syria is probably going to be divided in one way or the other even if that division is not made official, many communities will not trust the army or the FSA, and this mistrust will take a generation to resolve.

December 22nd, 2012, 1:26 pm


Citizen said:
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December 22nd, 2012, 1:50 pm


Syrialover said:

VISITOR #96 has just declared himelf, his eyes blazing, his arms outstretched.

Al-Nusra are PURE, but the mainstream FSA are not.

So everybody can just SHUT UP about it, according to VISITOR.

No doubt he will apply the same judgement to any any post-Assad arrangement.

To quote from the article Joshua posted above:

“Many rebels I have met say they joined al-Nusra because the group has weapons, mostly seized from raids, and that they will go back home after the revolt,” he added.

“But many centrist opposition campaigners fear that al-Nusra will turn its guns on any non-Islamist order that could come if Assad was deposed. “The big question is how to contain Nusra in a post-Assad Syria,” said an opposition figure linked to jihadist groups, who did not want to be identified.”

COMMENT: Sure they have the arms. Thanks to the stupid manipulation of the MB and others.

Equally sure, their self-serving arrival on the scene has damaged Syrians getting external support.

December 22nd, 2012, 1:54 pm


mjabali said:

Hajji Observer:

My tribe is small.

It is called Bani Secular in Arabic ??? ?????.

Anyone is welcome to join, unlike the close circuit racial tribes some kooks brag about here and there.

Some may say that we are few. I say soon we will be bigger.

Here I like to remind you with a line from Arabic poetry:

?????? ??? ???? ?????? ???? ??? ?? ?????? ????

December 22nd, 2012, 1:55 pm


Syrialover said:

So VISITOR #96 has just declared himelf, his eyes blazing, his arms outstretched.

Al-Nusra are PURE, but the mainstream FSA are not.

So everybody can just SHUT UP about it, according to VISITOR.

No doubt he will apply the same judgement to any post-Assad arrangement.

To quote from the article Joshua posted above:

“Many rebels I have met say they joined al-Nusra because the group has weapons, mostly seized from raids, and that they will go back home after the revolt,” he added.

“But many centrist opposition campaigners fear that al-Nusra will turn its guns on any non-Islamist order that could come if Assad was deposed. “The big question is how to contain Nusra in a post-Assad Syria,” said an opposition figure linked to jihadist groups, who did not want to be identified.”

COMMENT: Sure they have the arms. Thanks to the stupid manipulation of the MB and others.

Equally sure, their self-serving arrival on the scene has damaged Syrians getting external support.

December 22nd, 2012, 1:56 pm


revenire said:

They should fire Scuds and arm them with chemical weapons. Then let’s see who wins. No mercy.

December 22nd, 2012, 1:57 pm


revenire said:

Do you like Israeli propaganda? Read on…

Russian forces take Syrian chemical, biological weapons under control

The chemical warfare threat looming over Syria’s civil war and its neighbors has taken an epic turn with the announcement by Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov Saturday, Dec. 22, that “the Syrian government has “consolidated its chemical weapons in one or two locations amid a rebel onslaught and they are under control for the time being.”

He added that Russia, “which has military advisers training Syria’s military, has kept close watch over its chemical arsenal.”

DEBKAfile’s military and intelligence sources report: The Russian foreign minister’s statement was a message to Washington that the transfer of Syria’s weapons of mass destruction to one or two protected sites was under Russian control. This had removed the danger of them falling into the hands of the al Qaeda-affiliated Jabhat al-Nusra ,which had come ominously close Friday, Dec. 21, when the Islamists spearheaded a Syrian rebel assault for the capture of the al-Safira military complex and Bashar Assad’s chemical and biological stores.

Lavrov did not go into detail about how this arsenal was removed and to which locations. But his reference to “Russian military advisers training Syria’s military” clearly indicated that Russian forces were directly involved in removing the WMD out of the reach of the Jabhat al-Nusra terrorists.

His assertion that they were “under control” indicated that Russia was also involved in safeguarding them.

DEBKAfile’s Moscow sources add: Russia’s military intervention in the Syrian civil war achieved four objectives:

1. The prevention of Western or Israel military action for seizing control of Syria’s chemical and biological weapons arsenals;
2. The prevention of Western military intervention in the civil war behind the forces dedicated to the removal of Bashar Assad. The Russian military is now engaged in the dual mission of guarding his WMD arsenal and his regime;
3. The Russian military presence in Syria delivers a heavy swipe to the rebels;
4. Russia’s intervention and military presence have laid the groundwork for Moscow and Washington to work out an accord that will bring Syria’s civil war to an end.

DEBKAfile reported Friday, Dec. 21:

The Syrian Air Force is again firing Scud missiles, this time to stem the general offensive Syrian opposition forces, including jihadis, launched Friday, Dec. 21, to capture the Syrian army’s military-industrial complex at al Safira and the big chemical and biological weapons store adjoining the facility. It is there, that Scud D missiles stand ready for launching, loaded with chemical weapons.

Rebel forces are converging on Al Safira from the east, the west and the south. Among them are brigades of the Jabhat al-Nusra which the US has designated part of al Qaeda in Iraq.

DEBKAfile military sources report extremely heavy fighting. The rebels have reached points 1-2 kilometers from the perimeter walls of the Al Safira chemical weapons stores and are being pounded by Syrian warplanes and assault helicopters as well as Scuds, in a desperate effort to halt their advance.

Success in seizing control of those stores would re-tilt the balance of the war in their favor and bring President Bashar Assad face to face with a decision on whether to broach the perilous dimension of chemical warfare on the rebels or even against NATO or US targets outside Syria.

A prime factor in his decision would be the information received in Moscow and Tehran – and almost certainly passed on to the Syrian ruler – that taking part in the offensive are rebels who underwent training in recent weeks in northern Jordan by US, Czech and Polish officers in tactics for seizing chemical or biological caches and dismantling them.

Russian and Iranian intelligence watchers suspect that elements from all three armies as well as Jordan are present in the rebel assault force, in order to be on the spot when the weapons of mass destruction are captured and appropriate them to forces under NATO command. They must beat Jabhat al-Nusra’s fighting brigades to this target, although at this moment, the jihadis are ahead of the race.

The battle for al Safira has brought US and NATO into direct intervention in Syrian hostilities. Western intelligence services estimate that even if Assad removed some of the banned weapons from this complex, large quantities remain and must be prevented from reaching the wrong hands.

December 22nd, 2012, 2:32 pm


majedkhaldoun said:

Rustom Ghazaleh to replace Shaaar

December 22nd, 2012, 2:33 pm


zoo said:

@105. Tara said:

“My own prediction is Damascus will be ‘divinely’ protected”

You too ?
I thought that, on this blog, invoking Allah’s intervention was reserved for the Islamist twins, the two pseudo-Italians and the two Pakistanis

December 22nd, 2012, 2:41 pm


zoo said:

#128 Majed

Isn’t Rustom Ghazaleh Kurd and a foe of Abdul Halim Khaddam ?

December 22nd, 2012, 2:46 pm


Tara said:


I am too?

I never said I am an atheist. I do believe in God, Zoo. And yes I pray every day that God protects those I Care about. You know that.

Now it is your turn. Tell me. Do you not believe in God?

December 22nd, 2012, 2:54 pm


revenire said:

Rustom Ghazaleh is a patriot and Sunni.

December 22nd, 2012, 2:54 pm


MarigoldRan said:

Oh, you silly supporters: let’s stop pretending that Syria is even a nation anymore or that the regime is a government anymore.

At this point the war is between Sunni vs Alawite, with the Christians sympathetic to the Alawites but desperately trying to stay neutral.

The Alawite occupiers of Damascus have turned it into a sectarian war. Little good will it do them, considering they’re the minority.

The Alawite occupiers of Damascus, formerly known as “the Syrian regime,” are preventing the Sunnis from establishing a new government. There can be no negotiations as long as Damascus is occupied by a foreign power.

December 22nd, 2012, 2:55 pm


MarigoldRan said:

I prefer a secular government too, but I support the more religious FSA. The secular Assad regime is so much worse than their enemies. It has given secularism a bad name.

December 22nd, 2012, 2:57 pm


MarigoldRan said:

It’s better for everyone to see the conflict through sectarian lenses at this point. It’s better to see the conflict as Alawite vs Sunni. It’s the truth. The talk of regime vs revolution is inaccurate and it isn’t going to go anywhere.

Regime supporters use the concept of a Syrian nation AS AN EXCUSE to attack Sunni villages. After all, according to their propaganda, they’re “defending the nation.” But if we drop the concept of a Syrian nation, then what’s happening in the place formerly known as Syria is that Alawites are attacking Sunni villages with jet bombers and Sunnis are attacking Alawite villages with guerillas and car bombs.

Syria as a nation does not exist anymore. In fact, it never existed.

December 22nd, 2012, 3:06 pm


Tara said:


Then Rustum Ghazaled’s injury is serious. They told us he has a shoulder injury ? This may have meant a penetrating trauma to the heart. And if so, he may be facing his creator soon.

December 22nd, 2012, 3:12 pm


revenire said:

Tara Ghazaled wasn’t hurt.

December 22nd, 2012, 3:24 pm


Tara said:


Thanks. I meant Shaar.

December 22nd, 2012, 3:26 pm


MarigoldRan said:

At this point NEITHER side can rightfully say they’re the government of Syria.

Can we please stop pretending that Syria has a government anymore? And instead focus on the real issues here: namely, that many Sunnis want to kill Alawites and many Alawites want to kill Sunnis?

December 22nd, 2012, 3:29 pm


Johannes de Silentio said:


“Rustom Ghazaleh is a patriot and Sunni”

So is Porky Pig

December 22nd, 2012, 3:30 pm


majedkhaldoun said:

Dear Tara
His condition is not serious,but he can not work for a while 3 months,and he is not a kurd,he is from Deraa governate.

Those who don’t fear God they don’t believe in God

December 22nd, 2012, 3:32 pm


Visitor said:

Hey Abyss-bound Ewe (Zoo) calling everyone to become atheist (But in truth a bigot worshipor of idiot idol)

I found a very good present for you. It is a guide into your journey into the abyss in case you lose your mom on the way,

It is available in several libraries and also at for less than $5.00 in paperback. Not bad for a guide to such a journey!!!

December 22nd, 2012, 3:35 pm


revenire said:

Because Syria is a nation with institutions the death of one, or many, men would not change those institutions’ policies. If Assad were assassinated today the SAA would continue to fight. It isn’t about Assad at all, other than he is a symbol – as president – of the Syrian nation.

December 22nd, 2012, 3:35 pm


MarigoldRan said:

Syria no longer has institutions. What institutions it had, has been or are being destroyed.

Syria no longer has a government because no power controls more than half the country. How can anyone call itself a government if it controls only parts of cities or only parts of countryside?

If Assad was killed, the Syrian ALAWITE Army (SAA) will continue to fight. But it no longer fights for Sunnis, so calling it the Syrian Arab Army is inaccurate.

Similarly, the Free Syrian Army should be called the Free SUNNI Army (FSA) because Syria no longer exists and the FSA do not fight for the Alawites, but against them.

Talk of revolution vs government at this point is silly and counter-productive. We should recognize the situation for what it is.

December 22nd, 2012, 3:40 pm


Johannes de Silentio said:


“If Assad were assassinated today the SAA would continue to fight”

If Bashar were assassinated today, half the men in the SAA would cheer the assassin, the other half would throw down their weapons and melt into the general populace.

December 22nd, 2012, 3:44 pm


Syria no Kandahar said:

Revolution of lies:
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December 22nd, 2012, 3:47 pm


basel said:

“Bashar is not a symbol of unity and security, he is a dictator,and a symbol of sectarianism that feed hatred and DISUNITY”

Most messenger weren’t believed by their nations till the time of destruction. After the destruction of Damascus and removal of the imposer state of what called Israel, I’m sure you will rewrite your statement starting with “messenger Assad”

“They should fire Scuds and arm them with chemical weapons. Then let’s see who wins. No mercy.”

I’m afraid it’s not a matter of mercy or no mercy, Assad will open the gates of hell on earth when the time comes.

““My own prediction is Damascus will be ‘divinely’ protected””

Your prediction is wrong, Damascus is ‘divinely’ destined to destruction

December 22nd, 2012, 4:06 pm


basel said:

“If Assad were assassinated today the SAA would continue to fight”

Assad will not be assassinated. I’m sure many tired to kill him but simply Assad will not die before completing his mission, even if a bullet goes through his head he won’t die.

December 22nd, 2012, 4:09 pm


revenire said:

From Aleppo:

“Only a couple of hours of electricity every few days in Aleppo as rebels refuse to allow fuel through to the main power station Syria.”

“Extremists in Aleppo preach sectarian hatred in mosques & label secular opposition as traitors. They call for an Islamic caliphate.”

“Children in Aleppo breaking their school benches to use for firewood to keep warm in the freezing cold.”

“I am sending out an SOS on behalf of the citizens of Aleppo. Thousands will soon die of hunger & cold, we need aid immediately.”

Someone here said the FSA controls 60% of Aleppo. If that is true and if – as was said over and over – they control the entire countryside to the North let them provide food and heat to the dying Aleppans.

December 22nd, 2012, 4:18 pm


revenire said:

Sign in Aleppo hospital:

“Treatment has stopped because of no fuel, we hold the rebels responsible.”

If the rebels control the North – as their supporters say – why isn’t aid coming in? The rebel supporters say the SAAF is afraid to fly in the North so why isn’t Turkey sending aid to the Aleppans? Should be very easy. Is Qatar sending medicine? al-Nusra supporters have told me time and time again that the SAA is weak so why no FSA aid to Aleppo?

Is it because the FSA doesn’t control the North?

December 22nd, 2012, 4:25 pm


basel said:

“???? ??? ??? ?? ???? ?? ????? ?????? ???? ???? ???? ? ????.

?????? 17:01-“

December 22nd, 2012, 4:25 pm


mjabali said:

Marigoldran said:

“At this point the war is between Sunni vs Alawite, with the Christians sympathetic to the Alawites but desperately trying to stay neutral.

The Alawite occupiers of Damascus have turned it into a sectarian war. Little good will it do them, considering they’re the minority.

The Alawite occupiers of Damascus, formerly known as “the Syrian regime,” are preventing the Sunnis from establishing a new government. There can be no negotiations as long as Damascus is occupied by a foreign power.”

Another call for sectarian cleansing. Mr. Marigoldran the Christians and Alawis are Syrians more than the Sunnis whom we are finding out more and more that are mostly Turks and Kurds and whoever came from the marriage between these two ethnicities and whatever the Ottomans had brought.

The Alawis were systematically cleansed since 1300’s till the 20thC from Damascus and its surrounding. Read your uncle Ibn Taymiyah for that reasn.

More and more we are discovering the ethnic composition of Syria.

December 22nd, 2012, 4:32 pm


basel said:

“The Alawite occupiers of Damascus,”

This is a sick sentence.

December 22nd, 2012, 4:38 pm


revenire said:

Turks in Antakya Protest Against Turkish Government Interference in Syria

“Thousands of Turks took to the streets in Antakya in solidarity with Syria and condemning the Muslim Brotherhood government of Erdogan ruling Turkey with an iron fist while preaching democracy to neighboring countries.”

December 22nd, 2012, 4:41 pm


basel said:

We need safety and stability like old days, screw democracy and NATO freedom. Those who accepted to exchange safety and stability with shallow nonsense promises should be brought to justice of treason and sellout.

December 22nd, 2012, 4:46 pm


revenire said:

More from Aleppo:

Abu Mohmmad, the rat in charge of the terrorist Jabhat Al-Nusra in Aleppo, is dead. The SAA sent him back to Hell.

“extreme shortages of petrol 5x heating oil 9x cooking gas 10x bread 5x + no electricity or running water in Aleppo (x=price multiple)”

If the FSA controls the land then why no power or water? Is the “regime” stopping them? I thought the SAA was done for?

December 22nd, 2012, 5:13 pm


basel said:

“If the FSA controls the land then why no power or water? Is the “regime” stopping them? I thought the SAA was done for?”

They’re busy killing and hiding behind civilians

December 22nd, 2012, 5:14 pm


Citizen said:

good comment !
And this is NOTHING to do with Syria,or the need for Turkey to defend itself from Syria.
ASSAD would NEVER attack Turkey!!!
Has no NEED to attack Turkey!
Assad is fighting US-proxy AL-QAEDA and Salafists and PKK,PJAK,MEK,M/B etc all getting ARMED/FUNDED by Wahhabi whackjob Shia-phobes!

This is Turkey kow-towing to USG commands,in exchange for EU membership(sinking ship)and Ottoman(Sunni)power in Syria(Eretz Kurdistan)leading to OFFENSIVE military action against Iran/Russia using Syria(like Iraq)as a US-client launch-pad/Sunni buffer zone,to COMPLETE a(failed)coup on sovereign Syria!
Foolish Erdogan!
The people you’re helping will come after YOU,and(strong military)Turkey,next!
Either militarily,demographically or economically!
Or ALL combined!As soon as you’re not USEFUL!

December 22nd, 2012, 5:16 pm


Citizen said:

Why Washington doesn’t care about Syria (Joshua Landis) !

December 22nd, 2012, 5:35 pm


Syrian said:

The bravest Syrian woman

December 22nd, 2012, 5:44 pm


basel said:

To: Syrian

I feel sad when i see civilians getting killed but I only blame your terrorists for that because either they open fire or they cause a reactive exchange of fire.

I pray for this kid to survive.

December 22nd, 2012, 6:02 pm


Citizen said:

Against Syria is an information war
Dec. 21st, 2012 at 12:58 PM
“Against Syria is an information war. This is done at the state level by the countries that are interested in the overthrow of Bashar al-Assad. Stuff the press operation in social networks – all designed to create an atmosphere of uncertainty and fear among the Syrian population and suppress the will of the leaders of the country continue to struggle with rebels. But the truth is that the Syrian army is equipped, equipped and motivated a lot better than the rebels. therefore the outcome of the conflict is only in the presence of political will on the part of the military command of Syria to crush the terrorists. so I believe that the operation to crush illegal armed groups will continue and eventually the Syrian leadership will solve this problem. ”
Igor Korotchenko

December 22nd, 2012, 6:04 pm


Tara said:


It is only fair to answer my question.

I do not want to stir controversial issue but I wish for your own sake that you believe in some sort of God. .

December 22nd, 2012, 6:44 pm


revenire said:

As’ad AbuKhalil is hardly a friend of Assad but he is often right:

In support of the Bin Ladenites in Syria: not in the Western press
How come the Western media does not cover the proliferation of messages and statements in support of the Bin Ladenites in Syria from the top military and political leaders of the armed opposition groups?

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(? ?)

December 22nd, 2012, 6:54 pm


revenire said:

From As’ad AbuKhalil again:

Richard Engel: investigative journalist

Krim sent me this: “I’ve been meaning to send you this for a while now, it’s 3.5 months old, but in light of the recent events concerning Richard Engel I think it’s even more poignant. So this is an article he wrote a while back on Syria and how the “Arab Spring” has basically devolved into a sectarian conflict and so on. But what struck me was the “evidence” he found of Hizbullah’s involvement in the Syrian conflict, here it goes:

“In Syria, I saw evidence of Hezbollah’s influence at an army outpost that the rebels had just taken over. Rebels claimed there were 20 Hezbollah fighters in the outpost. They said that they occupied their own room and fought to the death. I saw boxes of unpacked Hezbollah flags.

It’s no longer a situation where Hezbollah is just providing arms and intelligence, but appears to have mobilized and is fighting alongside Syrian forces.”

Mr. Engel is neither naive nor ignorant (now that we know has a good command of spoken Arabic), rather he is a willing participant in disseminating propaganda that advance his politics, a la Judith Miller. We’ve seen this before, journalists who uncritically parrot propaganda to advance some agenda are caught dead wrong, only to hide behind their “sources” after the fact. The good old “I didn’t lie, blame my sources” excuse. Well this excuse only works if the propaganda they were disseminating wasn’t so obviously contrived.”

PS I have ignored for years the work of Richard Engel because it is so undistinguished and cliche-ridden. But I find this hilarious: that Hizbullah not only sent fighters to Syria but sent with them boxes of their flags. So funny.

December 22nd, 2012, 6:57 pm


Syrian said:

Everyone believe in some sort of God, you can see here some is making Bashar a god, your question should be the God of the Abrahamic religions if you mean the typical god, I personally think he is a Christain who believe in God,because someone among otherthings who don’t know how to write the word Quran and write it as coran as he did is very unlikely a Muslim ( not that I care what religion he follows)

December 22nd, 2012, 6:58 pm


revenire said:

FSA battalion defects – scores insurgents killed
December 22, 2012

The Syrian Army units continued its operations against the armed militias of Free Army and the other Islamic battalions, fighting the Syrian government and people.

The Army killed many gunmen, including two leaders for al-Qaeda, one of them is called Abdurrahman who is the leader of Ansar Allah battalion, and the other is called Adnan al-Ahmad, after severe clashes in Hijjira area

The operations of Syrian Army forces continued in Daria, where they clashed and killed militants near Daria town.

According to our correspondent, the Syrian Army artillery also targeted a position for militants in Duma orchards, what resulted in the death of the gunmen Anas al-baghdadi, Osama Tuma, Zuheir Hamza, Anas al-Masri, Muhammad Laila and Abdullah Abu Zaina

In Aleppo, the residents are demonstrating against the Free Army militias, including al-Tawheed brigade and the other Islamic battalions.

According to our reporter, a battalion which was ordered to face the protesters, defected from its leaders of al-Tawheed brigade in al-Fardos area, where fierce armed conflicts occurred between the defectors and the brigade’s fighters, causing dozens of deaths and injuries of the gunmen.

December 22nd, 2012, 7:13 pm


revenire said:

????? ????? ??? ??? ????? , ?????? ??? ????? ???? ??????? ?? ?????? ????? ?????? ????? ???? ????? ???? ????? ?????? , ??? ???? ?????? , ??? ???? ??????????? , ??? ???? ??????? ???? ?????? ?? , ?? ???? ?????? ??? ????? ?? ???? ?? ??? ????? ??? ???? ???? ?????? ?? ???? ????? ?? ??? ???? ????? ????? ??????? ???? ???? ?? ?? ??? ??? ???? ???? .

???? ????? ?????? ????? ?????? ????? ???? ????? .

???? ????? ,,, ??? ????? ?????? ??????

December 22nd, 2012, 7:25 pm




Go read poetry to the torturers and killers working for the regime. They are very sensitive to poetry and double senses.
People is being killed. Now it is no time for you word games. Sure you are in US or Canada living an easy life but syrians are dealing with life and death and they do not care a shirt about your dilemmas now.

December 22nd, 2012, 7:39 pm


MarigoldRan said:

The civil war at this point is a fight to the death between the Alawites and the Sunnis.

No other explanation suffices.

The Alawite militias pretend they’re the government of Syria. But who are they kidding? They don’t behave like rulers. They behave like occupiers of foreign (Sunni) territory. They have no foreign diplomatic recognition outside of 3 countries (Iran, Russia, and China) and they control less than half the country.

And what they control is under attack.

December 22nd, 2012, 7:48 pm


MarigoldRan said:

The “regime” no longer even deserves the title of the “regime.” It should be called for what it is:

A large Alawite militia.

December 22nd, 2012, 7:50 pm


Observer said:

Thank you Majbali for the information.

December 22nd, 2012, 7:54 pm


Hamoudeh al-Halabi said:

#82 Syrialover: I didn’t realize that, thank you for correcting me and my apologies to Sheila. I too respect and appreciate her input and would surely not want her to quit, especially not because of me. This would be the opposite of what I hoped to achieve. My comment about the point of being here was meant for all of us, and not to single her out. The same goes for the list of issues I mentioned.

But we still do have to avoid being dragged into cycles of personal attacks. To suggest that Visitor is less than human by saying that upon improving himself he might approach becoming human again is dehumanizing, and I don’t believe this is what you or Sheila or any other good people here stand for. Sheila is in no way responsible for Johannes’ disgusting comments that followed, but there is nevertheless a reason why they were in response to that particular phrase.

I understand that Visitor has insulted you, Sheila, and many others in here. I too felt insulted at times, but we cannot denounce this if we respond in kind. With his nasty remarks Johannes insulted me and my religion to the extent that I cannot have any dialogue with him, should I respond in kind or not at all? If Visitor is not someone you or Sheila can have a dialogue with, which is my impression, why not just leave him?

Finally, and correct me if I’m wrong as I didn’t follow the entire discussion, but lumping the Muslim Brotherhood together with Jabhat al-Nusra is not only a big mistake, it is in fact counter productive to your discussion about al-Nusra and in Visitor’s eyes, since you are still directing your words to him, only confirming his views about your supposedly uncompromising secularism.

And if I recall correctly from a previous post, you were still having doubts about the damage Jabhat al-Nusra is causing. Like you said, you were just trying to have a discussion about them. I have been unapologetic in my views about them, you have to grant me that. The Muslim Brotherhood on the other hand, and disagree with them as much as you want, is a very different kind of movement. You even ascribe al-Nusra’s arms to them, come on now. The problems posed by lack of insight into Jabhat al-Nusra and international Qaedism applies to both sides.

It seems to me this “secularist” vs “islamist” image that has emerged in the mind of many considering themselves to be either one and the conflict it is creating, here and in Syria, with Jabhat al-Nusra at its core, can only be solved through the `Ulema’. They are neither secularist not islamist but have their own traditional path in the approach to government and the different religious communities and their political views. All I can say is, please at least listen to them, no matter what your religion or political views are.

Visitor: I’ll try to respond later. By the way, you did not use the name al-Nusra once in #96. I don’t disagree that much at all except for the first and last paragraphs. There are far more issues with the other responses from my point of view, but as I said I believe we can have a constructive discussion insha’Allah and I hope that as we continue it we could leave secularism for the moment and discuss Islamism instead, as that relates more to our issue. I understand that this is my issue with you and not your issue, but your issue however is not with me. As for Islamic scholarship, this always essential to me at least and if you wish for me to clarify my views on secularism it is exactly this scholarship that we have to get back to. Please listen to what the scholars have to say, my blog is filled with their speeches. I would especially recommend Shaykh Muhammad al-Ya`qoubi recent appearance [English]:

December 22nd, 2012, 8:04 pm


revenire said:

It is hard to believe anyone would defend the FSA or al-Nusra and then talk about dehumanizing someone on an Internet forum. al-Nusra chops people’s heads off and FSA commits war crimes. It is funny but it isn’t funny.

al-Yacoubi is nuts. He is there to sell blood and murder to a Western audience.

Hope the SAA destroys every single one of them. If I were Assad I’d load the MIGs up with chemical weapons and go on a bug hunt. Let NATO attack if they can pay the price.

December 22nd, 2012, 8:23 pm


MarigoldRan said:

Looks like we just found a person who would make an even worse ruler than Assad.

Revenire, do you ever think of the consequences of what you say? If Assad uses chemical weapons and NATO bombs the Alawites to submission, what sort of country do you think Syria will become?

December 22nd, 2012, 8:27 pm


Tara said:

To all the Christians on SC.  If only you can understand this:

Today’s message from the protesters of Kafranbel:

Pope! Merry Christmas from Syria. The land where Assad killed Santa Claus

December 22nd, 2012, 8:27 pm


revenire said:

Marigoldran to me you’re just a terrorist supporter. If you’re in the US and promoting al-Nusra I hope the FBI comes for you.

I said if I were Assad I’d just get going with the heavy weapons – no more negotiation/truces. I’d give any target where civilians might be 24 hours to clear out and then level it with bombers. I would not risk one SAA soldier doing that either – not a single one.

This is war. We’re not talking about a few peaceful demonstrators in Kafranbel waving signs (and I very much doubt they are innocent but most certainly are supporters of terrorism). We’re fighting a war. You don’t hold back weapons on your enemy – you use them to defeat them and kill as many as possible.

December 22nd, 2012, 8:42 pm


Observer said:

So my question for you Majbali is as follows: as you are a member of the “ilmani” tribe; that is the secular tribe, do you now consider your Syrian National Identity to come before any other affiliation? That is like African Americans or Italian Americans or Irish American where they keep the culture of the old country but at then end they are first and foremost Americans?

Like African Americans do you wish to have an affirmative action for one generation for those that have been discriminated against in say the last 100 years? For example I remember that at the end of high school entrance to the university in Syria allowed for rural students to enter at a lower scoring system to compensate for their lack of educational resources. Or would you just forget about this business once and for all and start with every citizen being equal.


December 22nd, 2012, 8:45 pm


MarigoldRan said:

Revenire, you consider anyone who disagrees with you to be a terrorist supporter.

And you believe in killing all terrorists and terrorist supporters with chemical weapons.

In other words, if someone disagrees with you, you think it’s justified to use chemical weapons on them.

Is this your position?

EDIT: And if so, have you thought clearly about the consequences of that position? What comes around, goes around. Have you ever thought of that, Revenire?

December 22nd, 2012, 8:49 pm


MarigoldRan said:

Which brings up another interesting philosophical question:

Just because you’re at war, does that mean you’re allowed to use ALL POSSIBLE MEANS to win the war?

Keep in mind that what goes around, comes around. If the Alawites use chemical weapons on the Sunnis, does this give America the right to use nuclear weapons on the Alawites? After all, America would be at war with the Alawites if the Alawites choose to use chemical weapons.

In which case, according to Revenire’s logic, America should use all of its means to wage war, including nuclear weapons. Correct?

EDIT: This is the thing about regime supporters. They like to espouse and commit violence. But they never think of the consequences: of where that violence will take them.

December 22nd, 2012, 9:02 pm


Syrian said:

You are so obsessed with chemical weapons,but only because Bashar has used everything in his arsenal and still losing big time,he got nothing else to use, that make all the talk about the mighty “SAA” go down the drain

December 22nd, 2012, 9:04 pm


Johannes de Silentio said:

179. MarigoldRan

“Revenire, you consider anyone who disagrees with you to be a terrorist supporter”

You’re close, but not quite there yet.

Revie’s an Assadist propagandist and spokeshole. He’s here on SC to spread the party line and to oppose anyone who’s taking the opposition side. If you grabbed him by the ankles and shook him, a lot of Bashar’s money would fall out. He’s Baghdad Bob with good grammar…

December 22nd, 2012, 9:10 pm


revenire said:

Yeah yeah “Syrian” to hear you Bashar is down to 100 men and in a bunker like Hitler.

I said if I were Assad I’d just break out the big stuff. The US used atomic bombs in Japan. The object of war is to defeat the enemy. War isn’t a feel good hand-holding session.

The Yarmouk operation was brilliant: SAA notified the civilians, most left, the rats were trapped and the SAA and their Palestinian allies mopped them up. Nicely done.

Marigoldran I am with the US State Department on al-Nusra so refer to them re: who is a terrorist and who isn’t.

I didn’t say anything about Alawites or Sunnis but will say again Assad is married to a Sunni and the majority of the SAA is Sunni.

December 22nd, 2012, 9:10 pm


MarigoldRan said:


Revenire is either an Alawite stooge, a troll, or a very depraved and sick person.

I’m not sure which is worse. For his sake I hope he’s just a troll. If he actually believes in what he is saying, he should see a psychologist and get his head checked as soon as possible.

December 22nd, 2012, 9:12 pm


revenire said:

This is how the SAA traps the terrorist Salafist apes and “corrects” them. Bravo SAA!

Pakistan Taliban members killed near Syrian capital

Around 1,000 members of the Pakistani Taliban have been killed in clashes near the Syrian capital city of Damascus, reports say.

According to recent reports, the bodies of the Pakistani Taliban members, who were killed during battles around Syria’s International Airport near Damascus, have been buried in mass graves.

Reports further indicate that the families of those Pakistani Salafists sent into Syria have been staging demonstrations, calling on the Pakistani government to provide information on their whereabouts.

Many Salafists from Pakistan have been illegally sent into Syria through the Saudi and Qatari intelligence services.

Syria has been experiencing unrest since March 2011. Many people, including large numbers of army and security personnel, have been killed in the violence.

A recent UN report has revealed that militants from 29 countries have so far filtered into Syria to fight against the government of President Bashar al-Assad, most of whom are extremist Salafists.

Damascus says certain Western states, especially the United States, and their regional allies are fueling the unrest.

December 22nd, 2012, 9:13 pm


MarigoldRan said:

@ Everyone else

Revenire is an excellent example of why the FSA cannot negotiate with the Alawite regime. It’s because of people like him that make negotiations impossible. I’m interested, Zoo and Ghurfan, to hear how someone is supposed to negotiate with people like that.

December 22nd, 2012, 9:17 pm


MarigoldRan said:

I personally am very glad that Revenire is posting on this blog.

He is a perfect example of the evil and the corruption within the regime’s heart. He is showing to us all just how evil the regime is.

Once again, at Ghurfan and Zoo, how are you supposed to negotiate with evil?

December 22nd, 2012, 9:23 pm


Tara said:

Where is Bronco?

I want to talk to him about Harem Al Sultan.

December 22nd, 2012, 9:31 pm


Syrian said:

The capture of one of the shabiha who were responsible for the massacre of Alahmar family in the city of Altal

December 22nd, 2012, 9:56 pm


revenire said:

Marigoldran I don’t see you writing about the beheadings or the rape and murder of women by al-Nusra rats. I hear you crying a lot about Assad a lot but you also say he’s defeated and the FSA controls Syria now. You make no sense.

December 22nd, 2012, 10:06 pm


revenire said:

Freedom loving al-Nusra terrorists threaten Syrian Christian towns

Terrorists from Al Qaeda/FSA fighting under NATO’s protection have besieged a mainly Christian town in Daraa Countryside, giving the citizens three days to leave their homes “or else”. The resident’s crime was to call on the state to protect them from the apes.

A video released by the group and uploaded to YouTube shows a small group of terrorists giving an ultimatum to the citizens of the small town Mismieh – leave their town or face death.

This is the freedom the “revolution” wants to bring to Syria.

December 22nd, 2012, 10:12 pm


MarigoldRan said:

Fair enough. But the same goes for you too. You write a lot of bad stuff about the FSA, but you say nothing about the horrid things the Alawite militias (formerly known as the regime) have done.

Is it possible for both sides to admit that atrocities have been committed? If one side will not admit its crimes, how do you expect the other side to admit their crimes?

But look, Revenire, the Alawite’s strategy is a failure. Many people may be skeptical of the FSA, but they see it as the lesser evil compared to the Alawite militias that have terrorized the country with their jets, artillery, and cluster bombs. As long as the Alawites continue to behave as they have, the Sunnis will continue to fight.

You call Al-Nusra a terrorist organization. But the Alawite militias have committed much worse around the country, and for a much longer period of time.

December 22nd, 2012, 10:17 pm


Johannes de Silentio said:


“You make no sense”

Neither do you, you unconscionable cunt…

December 22nd, 2012, 10:24 pm


MarigoldRan said:

No one in the opposition believes in the talk of Syria as one nation anymore. The only people who continue to believe in that rubbish are government supporters.

When a jet attacks a Sunni village, most people don’t see it as an attack on terrorists. They see it as an Alawite-operated jet attacking a Sunni village. When the SAA attacks a village to “clear out terrorists,” everyone else sees it as an Alawite militia attacking a Sunni village to kill the villagers.

Do you understand? The Alawite militias are sowing the seeds of their own destruction. And yet the Alawites continue to blindly chant their slogans, thinking idiotically that the country is behind them and that they’re only fighting “terrorists.”

December 22nd, 2012, 10:25 pm


revenire said:

Western backed Free Syrian Army has crossed the line

The Free Syrian Army has committed an affront to all humanity by kidnapping and threatening to execute a female Ukrainian journalist and announcing that they will kill all Russians and Ukrainians they find in Syria. This could be taken to be akin to a declaration of war, obviously the armed insurgents in Syria have been emboldened to a point that they have stepped into an area where they are beyond the law.

With the terrorists also threatening Russian and Ukrainian Diplomatic Missions this could set off a chain of events that may pull the Russian Federation directly into the conflict. If the lives of Russians are at risk Russia has the right to protect its citizens and to assist unaligned Ukraine if there is such a request.

The world knows the Free Syrian Army is supported by the US and the West and if the Russian Federation was forced to consider entering Syria militarily this would make such a decision extremely dangerous. The security, in this case for the diplomatic missions, lies with Syria as does the freeing of the hostage, but if the Syrian Government hypothetically requests Russian assistance, how will this affect the position of the US and the West who have battle groups poised to invade the country at a moment’s notice?

If you are pretending to be my friend but paying and supporting criminals who have threatened to kill my family and loved ones then wouldn’t it be logical to say that you are my enemy and that if I want to save my loved ones then I should neutralize the threat, including you?

Take this to a larger level and consider that Russia has dealt in a civilized manner with the backers of the so called Free Syrian Army, terrorists, killers and mercenaries operating in Syria and who openly threaten to kill Russians, Ukrainians and Iranians, attack and kill civilians and execute unarmed civilians, in reality what would the reaction be? If the Free Syrian Army had kidnapped an American and threatened to destroy the US and UK Missions, what would the reaction be?

One might argue that the Free Syrian Army which has effectively declared war on Russia, Ukraine and Iran, and since they are backed by the West this might appear to be a proxy declaration. The US of course would not declare war on Russia or Iran. Formal Declarations of War are not something the US does, just like they did not declare war on Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Yugoslavia, Syria and Iran.

For all of the cowboy diplomacy of the West and their macho bravado and military might the men hiding in their comfortable bunkers and command rooms and expensive suburban homes are slippery creatures who fight their battles by proxy and use pretexts designed and carried out in secret. They will therefore provide material and financial support to terrorist organizations such as the Free Syrian Army when it is expedient, but will they back away from their proxies now that they have stated “Let not a single Russian, Ukrainian or Iranian come out of Syria alive”?

The US Government has officially recognized an umbrella group of mainly foreign terrorist organizations, as the official representative of the Syrian people, and almost immediately the main US surrogate threatens to execute a Ukrainian woman journalist. IF you had doubts before, have no doubt now, these are not “freedom fighters” they are coward criminals. Who would execute a woman? Not even any self-respecting Muslim terrorist extremist would stoop so low.

The journalist who was kidnapped, Anhar Kochneva has been stationed in Syria for years and has been instrumental in getting the true picture out of Syria on many occasions, one reason why she is obviously a target for the West and its surrogates as they continue their information war to justify an invasion. She has done work for several Russian media outlets, including the NTV, RenTV and RT television channels and the Utro.Ru news portal and according to RIA Novosti has been a vocal supporter of President Bashar Al Assad.

According to the site Syria News online “That the joint statement of the Reporters Without Borders, Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ), ARTICLE 19, the International Press Institute also calls on the British, French and US governments as well as on the European Union (UN) to work with “their” external staged Syrian opposition in order to facilitate the release of the journalist Anhar Kochneva is also not surprising. It either shows who are the masterminds and supporters behind the “Free Syrian Army” (FSA) or who is really responsible for this (expletive) situation in Syria.”

In normal world we might see Russian and Ukrainian Special Forces alongside Syrian Special Services launching a rescue operation and wiping out the Free Syrian Army for making the declarations they have made, surely if the same thing happened to America, that would be the case, but as we all know who is behind all of this we know that this would kick off what might well be Word War III, something no one wants.

December 22nd, 2012, 10:27 pm


Tara said:

Syrian @189

Thank you. Very much. I lost 10 Ibs and a wk of sleep over that tape. It is soul-sickening. Justice has been served. Could you please tell us what they did to that subhuman when they caught him. I am afraid to watch the link. I could
not open it. I do not want to remember.. I wish they have absolute NO mercy. I wish they do onto him what he did to Alahmar family and then some more. Just remembering it makes my blood boil. I showed it to a colleague of mine and he could not believe how sick this regime and his supporters are. This hyena should be shown no mercy. Please tell us what he said to defend himself. Those people should be haunted one after the other.

December 22nd, 2012, 10:31 pm


revenire said:

Marigoldran you live in the US and have no connection to Syria. You have nothing to say. If you feel so strongly about matters I suggest you offer your services to the FSA.

Most of the world knows the FSA is nothing but a pack of terrorist hyenas sent to destroy Syria. Don’t mistake FUKUS government support for the support of the people of those countries.

The people of those countries hate the FSA. The United States soldiers hate them even more because they know al-Nusra are the same sort of jihadi lice that murdered their countrymen on 911.

To Hell with the FSA!

December 22nd, 2012, 10:31 pm


revenire said:

JOHANNES DE SILENTIO calm down big boy. Anymore name calling and I will ask Bashar and Asma to remove you from their Christmas list and they told me they have a special present for you. Don’t ruin it!

Behave or no gifts on the birthday of Christ. Don’t make Santa angry!

December 22nd, 2012, 10:34 pm


Syrian said:

Did not your “SAA” did the same thing to Yarmouk camp to get out of else, at least here they are giving them 3 days notice witch your militia usually never give such warning
Now that most of the Sunnis towns has been liberated , you are going to see more and more fighting getting closer to other sects towns, and they have finally to take sides, no more fence sitting. neutrality and at the same time leaving Assads militia in thier towns
pick a side and get on with it, if all Sunnis towns were ok to be destroyed before the time has come for yours as well

December 22nd, 2012, 10:34 pm


MarigoldRan said:

Oh? You think I live in America? How amusing. I’ve always known my English was good.

Whatever the world thinks of the FSA, they consider the Alawite regime to be worse. THIS is the reason why your side is losing the war. YOUR SIDE is the greater evil.

December 22nd, 2012, 10:35 pm


MarigoldRan said:

Regime supporters believe in their own propaganda! They actually think most of the world is behind them!

How stupid. They’ve been fighting a losing war for the last two years, and yet they still cannot see the truth.

They cannot adapt to their enemies. Despite losing, losing, and losing, they continue to stick to their old strategies and slogans, while trying to convince themselves that they’re winning!

December 22nd, 2012, 10:41 pm


revenire said:

The Palestinians asked the SAA to get rid of the Salafist lice in Yarmouk – everyone knows that. The FSA game was to try to draw the Palestinians into the fight but they don’t support the terrorists and know the FSA is backed by Israel. The vermin had no avenue for escape and were stir-fried.

How does the FSA trying to shoot its way into a Palestinian camp have anything to do with butchering Christian villages? Many Palestinians are Christian and they were innocent so I guess the FSA is just doing what it does: murder civilians. It is ironic because this is what the FSA did in Aleppo too. I remember how the terrorists cried Aleppo had not joined the “revolution”.

You want to behead all the Christians in those towns go ahead. We will meet you there and we will see who wins.

December 22nd, 2012, 10:46 pm


MarigoldRan said:

Revenire, you’re in no position to protest!

You’re the guy who wants the Alawites to use chemical weapons on Sunni villages because they support “terrorists.”

After all, according to YOUR OWN WORDS, it’s a war, right? And so any means to win the war is fine by you. Did you say this, or not?

If Al Nusra sets off a car bomb in an Alawite village, what right do you have to protest? After all, Al Nusra is trying to win the war by any means too. Just like you.

What goes around, comes around.

December 22nd, 2012, 10:51 pm


Syrian said:

I put that news specially for you, I remember how outraged you were
In the title of the video it said he was killed, there was a short introduction of him, and then a replay of the massacre with extra footage that was found in the his phone
But no other details,

December 22nd, 2012, 10:56 pm


revenire said:

MARIGOLDRAN you’re lying about what I said. I did not say on Sunni villages – on terrorists. I never said a word about attacking Sunnis in my entire time here.

There is a Syrian nation. You can deny it but who are you? Yes, you have my point now.

Whomever attacks the Syrian nation must be eliminated with no mercy.

I include terrorist supporters. If you harbor murderers like al-Nusra you are guilty.

Syria has a right to defend herself from terror. Foreign fighters are attacking her. Even the FSA admits this.

The SAA will crush these lice and I pray they use whatever weapons they have to do so (I know Bashar wants to spare lives but this is war). I know, and so do you, that Syria had 10s of 1000s of missiles (where do you think Hezbollah got so many of their missiles from?) and you know the SAA has not used them. A few Scuds is nothing – a few hundred and I will cheer and you will cry.

December 22nd, 2012, 11:04 pm


mjabali said:

Hajji Observer:

I am Syrian first and foremost. ???? ???

Soon there will be no more Syria.

Syria is going to be divided to areas according to ethnicity (Kurds, Turkmen and others) and religious (Sunni, Druz, Alawites), the Christians’ future is unknown. The future, in general, is bleak for everything Syrian.

As for my secular identity: it does not oppose me being a Syrian. It is not an ethnicity or a race. It is an idea that welcomes all so they could live together as equals. Secularism is where all are equal with a modern law protecting the place.

As for affirmative action for those discriminated against, I could not understand what do you mean. Do you mean: in New Syria you want to have affirmative action for those who were discriminated against by al-Assad, and you are asking me my opinion? I do not get it. Do you mean you want to create an affirmative action for universities, or jobs, or the military?

I do not get what is your question?

December 22nd, 2012, 11:09 pm


MarigoldRan said:

Yes, except the “terrorists” are hiding in and are supported by many Sunni villagers.

What do you intend to do about those “terrorists” that hide in Sunni villages and towns? How do you intend to attack the “terrorists” without attacking the village? How do you separate the villagers who support the “terrorists” and the villagers who are against them? Or do you not even try, and instead shell the whole village? After all, some of the villagers in the village are against your regime. So the entire village must be punished, right?

From OUR perspective it looks like your government (not ours) is randomly attacking Sunni villages with no sense or purpose. How YOU think you’re fighting the war is VERY DIFFERENT from how the Sunnis think you’re fighting the war. You think the SAA is attacking terrorists. THEY think your Alawite SAA is attacking their villages.

Most of the Sunnis at this point have come to the conclusion that the Alawites and YOUR regime (not theirs) are out to kill them. And the more you attack their villages, the more they believe in this!

December 22nd, 2012, 11:10 pm


ghufran said:

whether the rebels or regime forces were on the right side or not,what they did was criminal and irresponsible. Remember that thousands of syrian children are hungry and cold everytime you stay in your heated house or sit down to eat a hot meal. People without guns may not be able to change the course of events on the ground but they must help the needy if they can:

The Turkish government says it no longer has room to house displaced Syrians in the 14 refugee camps it is currently operating on Turkish soil.
Unsafe in Syria, unwanted in Turkey, these people are living in limbo. They are but a fraction of the legions of Syrians made homeless by the war.
According to the United Nations’ admittedly conservative estimates, the conflict has pushed close to two million Syrians out of their homes. In other words, roughly one in 10 Syrians is now living on the run.
The U.N. says some 1.2 million Syrians are displaced inside Syria. Meanwhile, more than half a million Syrians have registered with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees after fleeing across borders. And there are more coming every day.
“Since the beginning of November, the number of registered refugees region-wide has risen by about 3,200 a day,” the UNHCR announced this week.

December 22nd, 2012, 11:23 pm


MarigoldRan said:

Turkey has treated Syrians well. Syrians really shouldn’t say bad things about Turkey. They’ve spent millions of their own money helping Syrian refugees survive.

Compare Turkey’s treatment of the refugees with Iraq’s or Lebanon’s or even Jordan’s. And look at Israel: they won’t even allow refugees in (not that they want to come to Israel, but still).

December 22nd, 2012, 11:25 pm


Syrian said:

The Sunnies has learned from 1982 Hama that you are vengeful victor, if what you did in Hama was bad but what you did after you won was even worse. We know that if we did not finish it the right way this time, there will be hell on earth for the Sunnis, specially now that the country is bankrupt,and who else other than those Sunnis to pay for it while you live it up like you did in the 1980s/90s when Refat emptied the central bank Jamil and his sons took over the ports the Makhlof the shalish etc etc while the people were standing in lines for hours for bread, rice, even tissues
So no way we let you win again.

December 22nd, 2012, 11:32 pm


revenire said:

Lavrov is such a clever man.

Hafez was correct in 1982 and history has proven that but we are not interested in such discussion.

You cast this in a Sunni vs. the rest war but it isn’t that at all. You are not an honest person.

Turks don’t support Erdogan’s dreams. We see the demonstrations and love our Turkish brothers.

December 22nd, 2012, 11:40 pm


Syrian said:

If Hafaz was correct in 1982 and beyond there would not be Dar’a2011

December 22nd, 2012, 11:45 pm


MarigoldRan said:

There are some Sunni collaborators, but they are the small minority.

Most of the Sunnis have turned against the Alawite regime already. And the rest will follow soon. Your SAA has been attacking Sunni villages with jets and artillery. So of course the Sunni villages have turned against your regime, and join the FSA.

When you say “attack the terrorists,” the Sunnis hear “attack their villages.” When you say “let’s use chemical weapons on the terrorists,” the Sunnis hear, “let’s use chemical weapons against Sunni villages.” Do you understand?

It is already Sunni vs Alawite, with some Sunni collaborators on the wrong side. Soon, almost all the Sunnis will be against this evil Alawite regime.

December 22nd, 2012, 11:51 pm


MarigoldRan said:

The FSA is almost entirely Sunni.

The regime still has Sunni soldiers. But with each passing day, more defect. Soon the SAA will be almost entirely Alawite.

And then it will truly be Alawite vs Sunni. When this happens, be warned. It is a fight to the death.


The Alawites have been attacking Sunni villages. Soon the Sunnis will repay this and attack Alawite villages. In fact, it is already beginning to happen.

December 22nd, 2012, 11:55 pm


revenire said:

Marigoldran you don’t posses figures on the composition of the FSA. If you do please provide data proving your silly outburst and you shall have my apologies.

The same with the defections. We have all heard about this for years now but the army remains intact. If it was as you say the war would be over. If the defections were as you say there would be no Syrian army left but today a FSA battalion defected.

This is not a sectarian war.

I am not worried about the situation on the ground whatsoever.

December 23rd, 2012, 12:22 am


MarigoldRan said:

No, I don’t have numbers. No one does, not even America. The FSA is not one group, but many, and they form and re-from all the time. So how can anyone keep track of their numbers? You say there are 5000 of them, maybe. I say there are 100,000. The truth is somewhere in between.

However, almost all of the FSA is Sunni. That I’m sure of. Numbers aside, is the Sunni-aspect of the FSA something you’re willing to argue about?

I have questions for you:

How do you explain the defections of Sunni members from your government? How would you explain the military losses your government has suffered over the last two years? Or do you think you’re winning?

If so, how would you explain away your losses in Aleppo Province and Idlib? How come the rebels are able to sustain an offensive on Damascus? They may not be winning in Damascus, but the fact that the rebels are FIGHTING in Damascus should be a bad sign, right? Why are the rebels attacking in Hamas, which was secure until two weeks ago? How do you explain the rebel attacks on Alawite villages recently?

Your regime has lost ground over the last two years. How do you explain this?

On your point about a FSA battalion defecting: I do not believe it. It is typical mis-information by the regime. They lie all the time.

December 23rd, 2012, 12:35 am


Syria no Kandahar said:

Tara lost 10 pounds over the shabeh video !
She gained 20 pounds over the Sunni kid cutting the Alawi soldier neck.
Conclusion: She is munafiqa.

December 23rd, 2012, 12:37 am


MarigoldRan said:

The army remains intact because most of its officers are Alawite, and they will not defect. However, many Sunni officers have defected (according to Western and Arab new sources, which you don’t believe in, two-thirds of the Sunni officer corps has defected. I point this out not to convince you, but to show how WE think about the war).

According to the west and Al Jazeera (once again, I’m not trying to convince you here. I know you don’t believe in Al Jazeera), what is happening is that your army is slowly becoming an Alawite army. The Sunni conscripts are abandoning it and joining the FSA.

Consider: many of these conscripts came from villages that YOUR government bombed. Why would they feel loyalty to your regime?

December 23rd, 2012, 12:38 am


MarigoldRan said:

Put it this way Revenire, or whoever you are. It is WISE to listen to your enemies if only to learn how to beat them. Your regime has been incomparably stupid in managing this war. It lashes out idiotically at is enemies like a blind giant, not knowing that that’s EXACTLY what its enemies want it to do.

Why do you think the FSA hides in Sunni villages and towns? It is to get the regime to bomb it. Because once the regime bombs it, almost the entire villages turns against the regime in support of the FSA.

They are clever, unlike your regime. Every time YOUR regime bombs a Sunni village, it loses the village. If you want to win this war, or at least to NOT lose it, please consider a more intelligent and less brutal way of waging war.

December 23rd, 2012, 12:51 am


Syrian said:

SNK 117
That kid family was killed including the raping of his mother by that shabih, and he was promised if that shabih was ever caught to get the chance for justice with his own hands if wishes
The other video were Officres and soldiers wearing the Syrian army uniform doing a massacre of the most horrible kind
At least that soldier was dead instantly , while the Ahmar family were tourtured by smaching their heads repeatedly to the walls and with boots to death
I doubt you saw the video otherwise you would dont have made that compersion and comment

December 23rd, 2012, 12:53 am


revenire said:

MARIGOLDRAN I don’t need an education on who the FSA is. I just wanted to correct you and show you how foolish you look telling me details every Syrian schoolboy knows.

You seem to be a hothead who has no control over his emotions.

We both know there have been very few defections from the government or army. The ones that did defect were purchased with Qatari and Saudi money and thank God they are gone from the government because they were corrupt.

I do not accept your portrayal of events on the ground. The SAA has matters under control and I am not given to hysteria. I have full confidence that the majority-Sunni army will defeat the terrorists.

I have watched this forum and see who plays the sectarian card. You demonize and threaten Alawites (and others). I take no part in that and won’t. You said I wanted to gas Sunni villages but I want to gas the terrorists not Sunnis.

Many SAA officers are clamoring to take the fight to Turkey.

Finally, yes Syria is winning against a foreign conspiracy – foreign money, weapons and fighters.

PS And yes we know why the FSA hides in Sunni villages. War is not a new invention of mankind and neither is the study of war.

December 23rd, 2012, 12:55 am


ghufran said:

I do not know about ” 2/3 of sunni soldiers defecting” but there is certainly a sectarian aspect to the war in Syria, I blame the regime for that sad situation,first and foremost.
ironically, it is the alawite elite forces that will defend Damascus against the islamist rebels, those forces are tired but largely intact, western intelligence agencies know that fact.
for the long run, the regime may not be able to hold Damascus if this war continues,but the city may get destroyed if both parties refuse to accept a cease fire. I argued from day one that choosing the path of war was wrong,it is still wrong today,but we may have to see a winner on the ground before this war is over, the problem is that both the regimes and the rebels are reciving enough help to keep this war going, those of you who predicted a regime fall last year were wrong then and they are wrong now in predicting a defeat of the army,remember that losing control over parts of Syria,even half of syria, will weaken the regime but it will not lead to the army’s defeat,not a single syrian major city is under rebels control, even after 5 months of fighting in Aleppo rebels are only keeping their positions at best and possibly losing some grounds. I am now looked at as a regime sympathizer but what I care about the most is a cessation of violence regardless of the price,we had enough,even if the war stops tomorrow,Syria will need a generation to rebuild and Syria’s regional and international standing have been gravely damaged to the point where Syria will be a football for foreign players who will try to buy loyalty with food, money and gas, the other big losers will be the palestinians, Hizbullah and Iran will not suffer as much as many suspected, it is the syrian mothers who will be grieving for years.

December 23rd, 2012, 12:57 am


MarigoldRan said:

Many “terrorists” are Sunni. They LIVE in Sunni villages. If you gas the “terrorists,” you are also gassing Sunni villages. Do you understand?

Once again, how do you tell apart being a “terrorist supporter” and a “Sunni villager?” Do you gas them all?

No, I don’t think the SAA has control at all. Your version of reality is totally different from OUR conception of reality. You think facts are on your side. I think facts are against you. Only the future can tell who is right. Is this a fair point?

But look, you haven’t answered my questions on military matters. How can you explain the losses that you have taken over the last two years? How can you explain your loss of most of Aleppo and Idlib province? You don’t have to answer this, but you should begin to think about these questions because they are important questions.

The SAA has been proclaiming “we are in control” and “we are about to win” for the last two years. And yet the war continues. Your regime has been trying for two years to end this war. Has it made progress?

EDIT: @Ghurfan

I wrote “2/3 of the Sunni Officer Corps.” Not soldiers. I was careful about that. That hasn’t happened yet, but it’s getting there.

Still, both of us agree that there is a sectarian dimension to the war and it is increasing.

December 23rd, 2012, 1:01 am


revenire said:

I already told you what I would do. It is little different than what any other nation would do given the same set of circumstances. If people picked up guns, RPGs, IEDs etc and started blowing up US police and US soldiers the US would kill every single one of them. Is that clear?

You can dance around and tell me “Assad did this and Assad did that” but I don’t care what Assad did or didn’t do. The FSA are terrorists. Al-Nusra are terrorists. Anyone supporting either is guilty of treason. It is clear.

You want to make this a sectarian war. That is obvious.

Are you a member of the FSA? Do you kill SAA soldiers? If not don’t speak for them. You said you lived in the US and later denied it.

December 23rd, 2012, 1:10 am


MarigoldRan said:

The regime is blind. It cannot understand its enemies. And so every decision it makes leads it closer to disaster. The conversations with Revenire have taught me this, and I am thankful for it. The regime supporters think they are fighting for the greater good. But in reality, every action they make leads the country closer to destruction.

The FSA think the regime is trying to kill the Sunnis. The regime thinks everyone is trying to kill them. So therefore, no negotiation. Only war.


This is stupid. The two sides cannot communicate with each other, and do not understand each other, and so they fight. Each side thinking they’re defending themselves from the other.

December 23rd, 2012, 1:12 am


MarigoldRan said:


There has been THOUSANDS of defections from the Syrian army. Everyone, even a Syrian child knows this. That’s why you’re losing: because your soldiers are leaving your army to join the FSA. What news sources have you been reading?

EDIT: Regardless of who is right, it’s like we’re speaking from two different worlds. Do you agree with that?

December 23rd, 2012, 1:22 am


Visitor said:

HH @173,

I read your last comment. Generally I have no problem with it. I would like you to stay out of confrontations I may have with some commentators who are, in my opinion, not worthy and are as I exactly describe them.

You refer to yourself to have been insulted. Could you explain?

I will make it clear. I see no need for diplomacy on a site like this. But that doesn’t mean I am not diplomatic in real life. You are probably one of a kind. Most of the rest, here, except for few you can count on your fingers are just as I describe them. My aggressiveness is usually measured based on others’ comments aggressive tones, and I would call it off once they retreat and behave themselves. I am well capable to respond in kind and even worse to that last person, man or woman whatever, if I choose to. But I found what I responded with was sufficient for the time being. There was a history behind it and I understand fully well why he/she exploded. In my opinion he/she misbehaved, both in arguments and on the personal level, long before his/her last explosion. It is absolutely laughable that a person(s) who claim(s) to be so-called ‘enlightened’ would resort to such methods. If this is secularism then to hell with both – secularism and secularist.

I did not mention the Nusra in comment 96, because it was not the issue in that comment. But I still maintain Nusra is neither terrorist nor khawarij. They are just like the others: brothers in arms and in faith. Period.

December 23rd, 2012, 1:25 am


Johannes de Silentio said:


“I’m not worried about the situation on the ground whatsoever”

I think I’m going to throw up…

December 23rd, 2012, 1:35 am


MarigoldRan said:


You say Asma Al Assad, a Sunni, is married to Bashar, an Alawite as an example of the war not being sectarian.

But many Sunnis and Syrians consider her either to be a traitor or an unfortunate fool. To collaborate with the regime, even if you’re the wife of the dictator (or perhaps because she is the wife of the dictator), is considered a betrayal.

December 23rd, 2012, 1:36 am


Visitor said:

Now let’s throw some cold water on the lov-u-4ever gang and so-called secularists.

This comment is not meant to be an endorsement of the Egyptian constitution.

But, guys, it seems to be over. Your so-called ‘liberal’ comrades in the Nile valley have proven to be less than a storm in a tea cup. Egypt now has a constitution, it looks like. Some say the approval is over 70%! What’s going on?

????? ??? ?????? ??? ??????????? ?????

And also, I have been told that half of Damascus, if not more, now lives in Chtaura just across the border. The battle is coming close to the city.

I just hope the Chtaurans will not do anything to harm any menhebekji refugees. You know, lov-u-gang, there is very bad blood that goes way back to ??? ???? days.

December 23rd, 2012, 1:38 am


MarigoldRan said:

The West, and many Muslims in the Arab world, think the regime is trying to turn it into a sectarian war of Sunni vs Shiite. How else to explain the regime’s actions? It sends Alawite pilots to bomb Sunni villages. So OF COURSE the regime wants a sectarian war, right?

But this makes no sense. In a sectarian war, the Alawites will lose. They are the minority. Why will the regime choose a strategy that loses? My only explanation, until recently, was that the regime is like a mad dog, violent and un-thinking. That may not have been the correct theory.

The regime thinks differently from the rest of the world. It doesn’t understand why it is losing. In fact, it can’t even admit that it’s losing. The regime thinks it’s defending the country, Sunnis and Alawites alike, from foreign “terrorists.” That they’re doing it for the greater good.

The regime does NOT want a sectarian war. Why should they? If the civil war turns sectarian, the Alawites and the regime WILL lose.

Still, this does not excuse their actions. Their stupidity and blindness has turned it into a sectarian war, whether they want it or not. The regime could not adapt to changing times. Instead it opened the door to hell.

December 23rd, 2012, 1:52 am


Syria no Kandahar said:

The west sees Islamists jihad in Syria as :Halal jihad,However the west is worried that if these western jihadists do not die in Syria and come back to their western nations will start
Local western jihad which will be then Haram jihad.100 Australians in Syria practicing
Halal jihad!!

December 23rd, 2012, 2:05 am


MarigoldRan said:

@Syria No Kandahar

I’m beginning to agree. The West wants the Islamists to die in Syria, fighting the regime. They will not intervene, even after 40000 dead.

Still, can you blame them? The West is being the West, fighting for its own interest. The difference is they are smarter and trickier than most governments in the Middle East.

Obama is a very clever man.

December 23rd, 2012, 2:11 am


MarigoldRan said:

Regardless of who you are, whether you are a regime supporter or a FSA supporter, it is important to UNDERSTAND your enemies. THAT is why I’m spending so much time on this blog.

Do you agree?

December 23rd, 2012, 2:21 am


Visitor said:


“Why will the regime choose a strategy that loses? My only explanation, until recently, was that the regime is like a mad dog”


Except that the regime in its calculations does not believe it is a losing strategy.

1) the regime still lives in a time warp. Just like it did after USSR collapsed. It couldn’t and in fact wouldn’t allow itself to think in a unipolar world. The new order just doesn’t fit in with any of its prepackaged modes of behaviour.

2) the regime did not grow beyond 2008 after Bush was gone. It is still fighting in its warped state of mind the fallacy of so-called terrorist war in Iraq from which it benefited through duplicitous dealings. They are trying to turn Obama into another Bush who will come to their rescue at the last moment by offering him what they offered Bush in Iraq. Except, Obama is no longer interested. Try to convince the regime of that. Good luck.

3) the regime wants sectarian war for other reasons. For the first time in eons, Alawites have access to power, paricularly military. This is their chance from the regime’s point of view. If they can defeat their opponents, the thinking goes, they would establish rule for long long time. This of course, assumes on their part, lack of determination on the part of the opponents. A miscalculation worth making considering the stake. Also, sectarian conflict is required by orders from their masters in Qom for their own strategic reasons.

December 23rd, 2012, 2:27 am


ann said:

Russia walks back statement of rebel ‘victory’ – 6 hours ago

Diplomat says Moscow ‘has not lessened its support for Syria’

WASHINGTON – Contrary to previously published stories quoting a Russian official, informed sources in Damascus tell WND/G2Bulletin that the Russians are not abandoning embattled Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, nor are they conceding victory to Syrian opposition forces, according to a report from Joseph Farah’s G2 Bulletin.

The issue of Russian concern about the survival of the al-Assad regime first arose when Russian Middle East envoy Mikhail Bodgnov said at a news conference that, “One must look the facts in the face … unfortunately, the victory of the Syrian opposition cannot be ruled out.”

He added the Syrian government was “losing control of more and more territory.”

Sources say that Bodgnov’s statement infuriated Russian diplomats in Damascus, and they were particularly outraged by comments made by U.S. State Department spokesperson Victoria Nuland when she seemingly “lectured and insulted” the Russians.

She said, in “her arrogant language” that, “We want to commend the Russian government for finally waking up to the reality and acknowledging that the regime’s days are numbered.”

In Damascus, sources say, Nuland is viewed as expressing “pro-Zionist, anti-Syrian, (anti) Russian, (anti) Arab and (anti) Muslim views.”

In referring to comments from Russian diplomats in Damascus, the sources tell WND/G2Bulletin that Bodganov actually said nothing new and that Moscow would issue a “clarification.”

“Everyone knows that theoretically the foreign-backed rebels could win,” according to one Russian diplomat in Damascus.

“This is not new and is always a possibility during an uprising,” he said. “But Mrs. Nuland surely knows that the Syrian government has purposely pulled back from some rural areas where there is mainly open space in order to concentrate its forces to protect population centers.

“This is very basic military strategy and has been employed throughout history,” the Russian diplomat said. Referring to what he called a “strategic retreat or tactical redeployment,” the Russian diplomat said that “it is reprehensible for Western and Gulf media to use our Middle East envoy’s statement as a form of psychological warfare while deceiving the media.”

“Russia,” he added, “has not lessened its support for Syria and to think otherwise is yet another in the series on many miscalculations from Washington.”

Comments by the Russian diplomat in Damascus now have been reinforced by the Russian Foreign Ministry, which issued a statement saying: “We would like to remark that he (Bogdanov) has made no statements or special interviews with journalists in the last days. We once again confirm the principled Russian position about the lack of any alternative to a political solution in Syria.”

Sources say that the Russian diplomats in Damascus also were “totally dismissive” of comments made by the secretary-general of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, Anders Fogh Rasmussen.

In Brussels at NATO headquarters, Rasmussen said the al-Assad regime was “approaching collapse. I think now it is only a question of time.”

The WND/G2Bulletin source said that Russian and Syrian diplomats and politicians with whom he is in direct contact say that Rasmussen “has no credibility at all” following what they termed “lies” he gave following some 9,000 bombing missions in Libya that “protected the civilian population.”

The source, who also was in Libya at the time of the NATO bombings between March and October 21011, said that the main threat to Libya’s population when allied bombing was enforcing a no-fly zone “was from NATO.”

“NATO forces,” he said, rained indiscriminate death on the civilian population of Libya and according Russian President (then Dmitri Medvedev) “has condemned the U.S. and NATO for deceiving Russia and the international community regarding its true aims.”

The source said that Russian diplomats in Damascus now are concerned about the “same deceptions” in Syria.


December 23rd, 2012, 2:28 am


ann said:

Iraqi Christians: Out of frying pan into fire – 7 hours ago

Flee Islamic terror only to now face genocide in Syria

Thousands of Iraqi Christians who escaped persecution in Iraq by going to Syria are now returning to Iraq – to escape persecution.

Christian Solidarity International, USA President John Eibner, who recently returned from Iraq on an aid mission, couldn’t estimate the number of two-time refugees, but pointed to a report compiled by a special United Nations group that determined the Syrian civil war is now largely “sectarian.”

“The conflict [in Syria] has become overtly sectarian in nature,” Eibner said, quoting from the U. N. report. “Entire communities are at risk of being forced out of the country or of being killed inside the country.

“That means genocide,” Eibner explained, “according to the Genocide Convention of 1948.”

Eibner explained Iraqi Christians who fled Iraq to get away from Muslims trying to kill them have now found the same danger cropping up in Syria.

“The displaced Iraqis whom we met earlier this week were forced by Islamic terror to flee their country and found refuge in Syria, where they enjoyed security and a better standard of living than they had in Iraq,” Eibner said. “[But] now they are witnessing sectarian violence in Syria that is reminiscent of what they experienced in Iraq in the run up to the reign of terror in 2006-2008.”

The returning Iraqi Christians, however, will likely still face ongoing persecution in the predominately Sunni-led Iraq.

Our Lady of Salvation Church in Baghdad reports that violence is still a way of life for Iraqi Christians, complete with gunshots and explosions fueled by an energized al-Qaida.

“Recently, there has been a rise of terror attacks in Iraq,” the church website said. “In a series of blasts, more than 100 lives were lost in just one day. Islamic State of Iraq with links to al-Qaida has reported that they are reorganized and stronger than ever.”

The church also says that the Christians returning home are reentering a dangerous world.

“Amidst all these explosions and uncertainty, the Iraqi Christians who had fled for their lives to Syria, once again are faced with forced migration. This time out of Syria, back to dangers of Iraq,” the church website said.

The church ended the report with a plea for members to donate to financially assist the returning Christians.

WND reported in December 2010 that Christians in Iraq were working to ensure the safety of their returning brethren by establishing a Christian province. Delegates from Iraq’s 16 predominantly Christian political parties and groups have hammered out an agreement to form the province on the Nineveh plains in Northern Iraq.


December 23rd, 2012, 2:37 am


Juergen said:

Ann is back! People rejoice!

Assad’s Cash Problem: Will Syria’s Dwindling Reserves Bring Down the Regime?

The government’s official foreign reserves have dwindled from about $20 billion before the conflict erupted in early 2011, to between $2 and $4 billion now, according to estimates by the Institute of International Finance Inc. (IIF), a global banking association in Washington, whose members have branches in Damascus. Syrian opposition economists calculate Assad’s remaining reserves to be even lower, at about $1 billion in cash. “Nobody is paying taxes. There is no fuel, and the electricity runs just a few hours a day,” Abrahim Miro, a Syrian economist based in the Netherlands, who advises the opposition Syrian National Coalition, told TIME last week in Morocco, where rebel leaders met Western and Arab foreign ministers. “Everybody feels the government is going to fall,” Miro says.

December 23rd, 2012, 3:17 am


MarigoldRan said:


I agree with points 1 and 2. The stupid regime must think it’s winning, or else it would not be doing this.

But I do not agree with point 3 anymore. Why would the Alawites want a sectarian war? They’re humans like us and want to win too. In a sectarian war, they can only lose. They know they cannot hold the country with Alawites alone. There’s not enough of them! The more sectarian the war becomes, the worse it becomes for the Alawites.

But the regime is so stupid! How else are we to interpret their actions except in a sectarian nature? They attack Sunni villages with Alawite jets, they bulldoze Sunni neighborhoods in Damascus, and as the war continues they turn increasingly to their Alawite soldiers and officers to fight the war.

But still, a part of me says that they’re not doing this intentionally. The way some of them (the better ones) think is this:

“The terrorist rats are hiding in this Sunni neighborhood! The evil terrorists are there so we must shell and bomb them!”

“Oh no! More terrorist rats are hiding in this other Sunni neighborhood. We must shell the neighborhood to save the Sunnis from the terrorist rats!”

“How evil these terrorist rats are! Always hiding in Sunni neighborhoods and villages! We must shell them with heavy artillery to drive them out and drop terrible barrel bombs on them! That will teach them a lesson! The terrorists must be destroyed!”

Etc. etc.

Little do they know that by shelling Sunni neighborhoods, they are increasing the sectarian nature of the war, and turning more and more Sunnis against them. They’re planting the seeds of their own destruction. I mean, this is so STUPID.

Some of them THINK they’re trying to save the country. And yet everything they do sends Syria into a deeper spiral of destruction and death.

Good to see you back again, Ann. It’s human to disagree, right?

December 23rd, 2012, 3:56 am


Johannes de Silentio said:

229. VAT

“a storm in a tea cup”

It’s not “storm,” Vattie. It’s “tempest in a tea cup.”

December 23rd, 2012, 4:05 am


mjabali said:

Hajji Observer:

I have a question for you:

What do you say about what we found out recently that the Turkmen are around 4 millions out of the “Syrian” population?

December 23rd, 2012, 6:06 am


Observer said:


My question is simple: in the new Syria should we forgo past discriminations on either side and start by saying we are all Syrians and nothing else when it comes to the rule of law or should we take into account past discriminations and allow for reparations? My feeling is that the later option will open the door to endless recrimination about past grievances and bring sectarianism fully back in force. What do you think.

Now the news:
Minister of information tells us that the Russian position has not changed one inch: therefore, if he needs to remind us then it has changed.

Lavrov as I said before says that the West does not have the stomach for an intervention and is happy to have Russia and China block any resolution.

RT in arabic says today that Brahimi is coming to Damascus and he is traveling by land from Beirut: read the airport is not secure for his travels.

Joubran Basil and the FM Mansour in Lebanon are proposing to kick the Syrian refugees out of Lebanon and to send them to; mark the words: Jordan, Turkey, and the Turkish part of Cyprus.
Now why not Iraq as it borders Syria and why not Iran as it cares for Syrians so much and why not Putin’s Russia that has the welfare of Syrians at its heart is clearly a mystery to me.

Can anyone tell me to which faction these two ministers belong to?

Despicable indeed against the International Laws and against the basic human decency and against the very tenets of every religion and every philosophy to not only refuse aid but to reject the needy in such a way.

I call on all those who post here to condemn these declarations and to call the Lebanese embassy and tell them that with this kind of ministers you will forever refuse to visit Lebanon.

December 23rd, 2012, 8:47 am


zoo said:


Contrary to you I believe that God sides with no one. His main teaching is to love each other. In my view, we are born free to choose and we have to learn how to live and love by understanding each other rather than by any outside direct intervention.

December 23rd, 2012, 9:02 am


zoo said:


Your number of questions is increasing by the day. I guess you are more confused than ever. I understand you. Politics are unreliable and confusing.

December 23rd, 2012, 9:07 am


zoo said:

#230 Ghufran

Thanks, that CNN report is uplifting in many sense. No hysteria, no Allahuakbar, just a solid and quiet self confidence emanating from the army and the civilians under the protection of the army.

I would have liked a parallel report on the areas where the rebels are shouting their hatred and calls for blood while imposing their Islamic laws and where little girls would have to cover their lovely hair.

December 23rd, 2012, 9:18 am


zoo said:


“The Turkish government says it no longer has room to house displaced Syrians in the 14 refugee camps it is currently operating on Turkish soil.”

Easy.. Qatar Airways…

December 23rd, 2012, 9:21 am


Observer said:

ZOO you are unfortunately dim witted. My question was of course sarcastic for the minister belongs to the Aoun group and the FM belongs to the HA/Amal group.

What the guy is saying is that we should export the troubles of Syria out of Lebanon and into Turkey to punish it. You really have no clue about the Byzantine nature of politics in the God forsaken ME of yours and your stupid regimes from the Gulf to the Atlantic Ocean.

Now for Majbali

I do not know how many Turkmen there are and I do not care for like you I do believe that one has to define the identity as a nation state if we are to move forward. If the Turkmen think as Syrians and nothing else that is fine with me they can speak and sing and pray and dance and marry and travel and do whatever they want in their cultural background but when it comes to the rule of law and the political and economical obligations and opportunities they are Syrians like any other Syrian.

Now this news from Cham Press

The budget of the Syrian Government is 1383 billion pounds which if divided into 75 considering the value of the dollar to the pound at this current rate would be a mere 18.44 billion dollars.

The budget of my institution which employs around 50 000 people is around 30 billion dollars a year and we have a margin of NOI of about 4% which is the minimum to keep the institution on a normal progressive pace to meet modernization and its obligations to its pensions and educational and research activities.

Does Ehsani have an idea of what the figures represent in terms of past budgets. It seems the country is bankrupt.

ZOO can you answer this question for me please

December 23rd, 2012, 9:26 am


zoo said:

#138. Tara

“Thanks. I meant Shaar.”

Lebanese newspaper reported 3 shrapnels were removed from his body, and that his medical state is not critical at all.

December 23rd, 2012, 9:28 am


zoo said:


Sorry, your questions are so confused that I don’t dare attempting to answer any. Any way you admit that some are genuine and some are sarcastical.
Ask the Islamist twins, or the Pseudo-italians or the Pakistanis, they know better as they haven’t stopped making brilliant analysis and precise predictions, when they don’t overflow us with threats and insults.

December 23rd, 2012, 9:35 am


Tara said:


Then why to replace him with Ghazaleh? And not on temporary base ? Could it be his mental or psychological state are no longer fit. Do not want to start a rumor but he may have become demented or psychologically impaired from the recurrent trauma.

December 23rd, 2012, 9:37 am


zoo said:


I haven’t read an official announcement that Ghazaleh will replace Shaar, but in any case I guess Shaar may will need a few months of recovery and why not having a Kurd to replace him at least temporarily?
The report does not say he got a shrapnel in the head, sorry to disappoint you.

Yet, it’s not like Miss Piggy’s diarrhea..

December 23rd, 2012, 9:42 am


Observer said:

ZOO can you check for me the past budgets and tell me what is the current state of Somaria Althad’s budget? Surely you have kept all the information about the glorious accomplishments of the boy Prethident and his clique of third rate mafiosi state in your files and posters that adorn your house with the Ray Ban ads.

Everything is fine and dandy and the terrorists are winning but Brahimi has to travel by car now he no longer can fly in.

But the army is winning and the dens of terrorists are defeated.

Pathetic and some posts are an insult to humanity and to a minimum of intelligence.

December 23rd, 2012, 9:46 am


Observer said:

My questions are confused?

The government is bankrupt dim wit. What does 18 billion dollars do to a country of 22 million?

Mind boggling to have these posts as insults to our intelligence.

December 23rd, 2012, 9:48 am


majedkhaldoun said:

The FSA start as defender of the peaceful demonstrators,then Assad used the pro Assad Alawi army to fight the FSA then FSA has to defend itself, Blaming the FSA for the destruction of Syria,is stupid,the regime only should be blamed.

There is a video of a good Alawi girl describing the immoral and despicable acts committed by her fellows,and specially at Rami Makhlouf farm, horible criminal acts against young girls detained there by pro Assad thugs,it is disgusting you will find it on facebook,some one may post it later.Those thugs are worse than Hitler thugs ,are worse than the Mongols thugs,those pro Assad thugs are not human,there is no way we can live with them in the future.
For those who say there is no city under the control of FSA do they not consider Albukamal and Mayadeen a major city?
It was funny reading Zoo (Sectarian Vampire) saying three shrapnels were removed from Sha3ar,this could easily be done in Syria,I don’t believe it, Sha3ar has not gone through surgery yet,the extent of his injury is not known yet.

December 23rd, 2012, 10:19 am


zoo said:

#255 Observer

You seem to know the answer, why ask?

December 23rd, 2012, 10:19 am


Tara said:

Is the flow of Dollars to support the rebels helping Assad indirectly by supporting the Syrian Lira?  

AMMAN (Reuters) – In Syria’s eastern town of Deir al-Zor, a rebel commander flush with cash was swapping his dollars for Syrian pounds to pay fighters battling President Bashar al-Assad’s forces.
Money changers said that influx of foreign currency earlier this month helped push the pound’s black market rate in the impoverished town up by at least 10 percent.
Hundreds of kilometers away in Damascus, panicked Syrians bracing for more violence sold pounds for dollars, driving the pound, which has lost half its value since the anti-Assad uprising erupted in March last year, the other way.

The events at opposite ends of the country illustrate the contrasting pressures on a currency whose sharp decline has been cushioned by factors including central bank intervention, flows of cash from Assad’s friends and foes abroad, and even long term hopes for a wave of foreign investment if Assad were to fall.

December 23rd, 2012, 10:20 am


zoo said:

#256 Majed

“this could easily be done in Syria”

Thanks for recognizing Damascus’s hospitals efficiency, even in time of sanctions and war. That’s a compliment to the regime’s achievements in the medical fields that many of you keep decrying.

In any case I have no idea about Shaar’s state, I just report what an anti-regime newspaper wrote.

December 23rd, 2012, 10:24 am


Ghufran said:

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(???? ??????)

December 23rd, 2012, 10:27 am


zoo said:

@258 Tara

“Is the flow of Dollars to support the rebels helping Assad indirectly by supporting the Syrian Lira?”

I think that ironically, it is.

Who knows who are the ones getting richer in these dealing with weapons? In Lebanon, during the civil war, many thugs became millionaire.
Money is a magnet stronger than idealism.

December 23rd, 2012, 10:28 am


Ghufran said:

Librahimi is in Syria and may meet with Bashar tomorrow, it is funny that the information and propaganda minister did not even know the man was in Syria. Librahimi’s arrived by car from Beirut and is likely to propose that Bashar allows his VP to lead a transitional period. This will probably be Librahimi’s last visit to Syria unless he receives a YES to his proposal, there are already rumors that he wants to resign.

December 23rd, 2012, 10:37 am


Adam Neira said:

Good luck to Special Envoy Lakhdar Brahimi and his team on their visit today. The violence in Syria must be mitigated and the country stabilised. The nation is a key piece of the Middle East jigsaw puzzle. Outside military intervention and/or a no fly zone are not options.

December 23rd, 2012, 10:39 am


majedkhaldoun said:

Ghufran said
“it is funny that the information and propaganda minister did not even know the man was in Syria”
He is the informations minister and has no informations, that is how incompetent he is.

Zoo with the new C Arm a robot can easily remove shrapnels,some thing else is going on, I suspect the X Ray showed a condition that requires such transfer.

December 23rd, 2012, 10:51 am


revenire said:

DAMASCUS, SANA Information Minister Omran al-Zoubi said there is an unprecedented media escalation campaign against Syria as most of the news are “baseless and untrue,”

In an open meeting with representatives and correspondents of Arab and foreign mass media and news agencies accredited in Syria on Sunday, al-Zoubi said ” We are optimistic that Syria, the state, the nation and the people are going to overcome the crisis and triumph over the foreign aggression,”

” Neither Russia nor any one put pressure on Syria and the Syrian political resolution regarding all political matters is a pure sovereign decision,” he said, adding that “there is no change in the Russian position and discourse,”

Al-Zoubi added that national dialogue is a dialogue among the Syrians and with those who believe in dialogue as a prelude to a political process, noting that ”those who rejected dialogue and called for taking up arms are in fact afraid of the results of this dialogue.”

”The Syrian Arab army is not a party to the confrontation but it represents the homeland and people, ”al-Zoubi said, affirming that there is no such thing as positive or negative, acceptable of unacceptable terrorism.

”Terrorism is terrorism… Whoever commits a terrorist act is a terrorist, regardless of his nationality or affiliation,” al-Zoubi said.

“The minimum of patriotism requires the rejection foreign military intervention, with the maximum being the martyrs who are sacrificing their lives…Patriotism demands rejecting outside dictates and all forms of interference,” he said.

Al-Zoubi said that Syria is not arming the PKK and does not allow anyone to launch an aggressive action against any country across its borders, affirming that ”If anyone has documents or proofs, let him submit them…The age of media exaggeration has come to an end, and we possess documents and proofs of a Turkish involvement in Syria.”

”Only Syrians will take part in any Syrian national dialogue, and we’d like to say to those who reject dialogue ”Make haste to move to political action, for time is running out.”

”The view of Vice-President Farouq al-Sharaa is but one among the views of 23 million Syrians…Syria is a state that is ruled by institutions and leaderships which have the final say…When the Syrian army defends the country, it doesn’t think about the scope of sacrifices or the consequences of the battle. The takeover in a battle is eventually dictated by the battle circumstances, and the political leadership in Syria was first to propose political solution through national dialogue since day one,”said al-Zoubi.

He added that ”The Syrian Arab army had not interfered in al-Yarmouk Camp…We don’t want to involve the Palestinian camps in the crisis…Palestine will remain at the core of the conflict and the central cause for Syria, and the Palestinian people in Syria and outside will remain part of our cause, identity and future. Waging on anything to the contrary is a losing bet.”

The information minister went on to say that ”Iraq is a brotherly country that we care for its security and stability, and we oppose interference in its affairs. Foreign powers have to stop their interference in the Iraqi affairs, particularly Turkey and the Gulf countries.”

”It is not a source of concern for us who is appointed in the US, but rather the US policies. Let’s wait and see how it will act or whether the US will commit to its decision to designate Jabhat al-Nusra as a terrorist organization or rather persevere in its backing to it.”

December 23rd, 2012, 11:04 am


Visitor said:

Anyone who suggests that such crimes against humanity should go unpunished must be out of his mind.

The crime of the bakery line up in 7Hilfaya, 7hama, commited by the remnants of the mongolians, the neo-Nazi outcasts, the scourges of humanity, the thuggish regime occupying Damascus and few parts of Syria,

December 23rd, 2012, 11:05 am


revenire said:

Visitor I am sorry but Saudi media is as reliable as Baghdad Bob was during the Iraq war. This is just war propaganda that attempts to play the emotions of the reader (and in your case it works).

Beautiful day on the coast.

December 23rd, 2012, 11:13 am


zoo said:

The US-UN-Russia plan Stage 3 is starting

Ibrahimi is finally going to expose publicly this ‘secret’ plan that has the approval of the trio.
It is premature to speculate what will be the requests made to Bashar Al Assad and what would be Bashar’s conditions to accept them. It certainly won’t be a diktat as the government is still strong and will not budge without serious guarantees.

It is clear however that the trio rejects any military victory either way. They want a political compromise and the end of the FSA and its terrorists allies that are threatening the whole area.
I don’t think there will be any plan for a ceasefire as a start. The reason is obvious, the NC has no leverage on the FSA armed rebels. This is why there would be an agreement on the principles of a political change by both political entities: the ruling government and the opposition represented by the NC.
Once they agree that the military solution is excluded once for all, they’ll have to agree on the steps for the political transition from a single party to a multiple party government. They will have to also determine how to rein the military groups, especially the ones who reject both the NC and the political transition.
I guess there will be an abiding UNSC resolution to that effect soon after the agreement that will prevent any weapons delivery to groups openly opposed to a political solution. That would be the only way to stop Qatars’ and KSA’s supply of money and weapons that end up in Al Nusra’s hands..

I hope there will be a breakthrough this time

December 23rd, 2012, 11:20 am


zoo said:

After its disaster politics with Arab countries, where it inherited refugees and resentment, Turkey is sulkily returning to its former good friend : Israel

Turkey to resume NATO cooperation with Israel

Turkey has agreed to drop its ban on cooperating with Israel as a third-country NATO partner, a diplomat said Sunday.

December 23rd, 2012, 11:30 am


zoo said:

Mabrook… to 21% of the Egyptian electorate (64*32)
A really “impresssive” democracy..

President Mohamed Morsi’s Muslim Brotherhood said passed with 64 percent support,

“Combined turnout from both rounds was 32 percent, according to the Muslim Brotherhood.”

December 23rd, 2012, 11:37 am


Visitor said:

Rev branch 225 (Ali reincarnate) @267,

There is no better antidote to SANA and subsidiaries germs than Saudi media. Even Hollywood cannot beat the ‘animated’ production of the accomanying videos.

You see? No wonder AlArabiya came in first internationally so many times straight in a row!

They must have some very good movie producers. Right? Why doesn’t branch 225 or SANA recruit some of their talents. You guys suck.

December 23rd, 2012, 11:38 am


zoo said:

A NY times journalist among other foreign journalists politely “blacklisted” in Bahrain

When Bahrain Said: Get Lost
Published: December 22, 2012

BAHRAIN, one of America’s more repressive allies, tries to keep many journalists and human rights monitors out. I recently tried to slip in anyway.

The jig was up at the Bahrain airport when an immigration officer typed my name into his computer and then snapped to attention. “Go back over there and sit down,” he said, looking at me in horror and keeping my passport. “We’ll call you.”

The Sunni monarchy in Bahrain doesn’t want witnesses as it tightens its chokehold over a largely Shiite population. Almost every evening, there are clashes between the police and protesters, with both sides growing more enraged and violent.
At the airport, an immigration officer eventually approached and told me: “Your name is on a list. You cannot be admitted.” There’s no negotiating with a blacklist, and early the next morning I was deported to Dubai.

December 23rd, 2012, 11:51 am


zoo said:

After the fiasco of Yarmouk, the rebels asked their al Nusra friends for a rehabilitating demonstration of power.

Car bomb kills five in Damascus: Syrian Observatory

BEIRUT | Sat Dec 22, 2012 9:05am EST

(Reuters) – A car bomb killed five people and wounded dozens in the eastern Damascus district of Qaboun on Saturday, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said.

Another activist group in Damascus gave no figures for the number of people killed in the blast but said bodies were still being recovered from wreckage caused by the explosion.

December 23rd, 2012, 12:00 pm


habib said:

Anyone who thinks the Alawites will either abandon Bashar or back down without solid guarantees are fooling themselves. Syria is their Israel.

The Alawites have learned from what happened to the Mandeans, Shabaks and Yazidis in Mesopotamia. Anyone ever heard of them? I thought not, they’ve practically been wiped out by extremists.

Who can blame them? You have to be brutal if you want to survive as a minority in the Middle East, in a sea of fundamentalism. Being peaceful is extinction. But obviously, what they’re doing is not morally defensible.

December 23rd, 2012, 12:00 pm


zoo said:

More confirmation about Stage 3 of the UN-US-Russia plan from the Saudi mouthpiece

US – Russia reach agreement on al-Assad ouster: Opposition sources


By Nazeer Rida
Beirut, Asharq Al-Awsat – Senior sources in the opposition Syrian National Coalition have revealed that Moscow and Washington have reached an agreement on the Syria crisis, informing Asharq Al-Awsat that this includes “a settlement regarding the departure of President Bashar al-Assad from power”. However the source added that “sticking points in this agreement include the precise mechanism of al-Assad’s departure and handover of power.”

The source confirmed that this US – Russian agreement which was reached during meetings between officials in Dublin and Geneva last week “stipulates that a settlement has truly been agreed”. The senior Syrian National Coalition source added that these meetings “led to two options being outlined for the Syrian President, namely either that he is a partner in transferring power and enjoys international protection, or the transfer of power is negotiated in his absence and he loses the [international] protection that can be gained by agreeing to a settlement.”
This information intersects with other information revealed by Syrian National Coalition member Adib al-Shishakli on his Facebook page. Quoting a Russian source, al-Shishakli claimed that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad “has expressed his readiness to negotiate and leave power, accompanied by 142 members of his entourage.”

Speaking exclusively to Asharq Al-Awsat, al-Shishakli revealed that this 142 member entourage “includes 108 military and security figures who are responsible for issuing orders to the armed and security forces to kill Syrians” adding “as for the rest, these are members of the al-Assad family.”

Al-Shishakli stressed that al-Assad was including these figures in the negotiations “with the objective of protecting them from International Criminal Court [ICC] prosecution.”

December 23rd, 2012, 12:17 pm


Citizen said:

Who can blame them? You have to be brutal if you want to survive as a minority in the Middle East, in a sea of fundamentalism. Being peaceful is extinction. But obviously, what they’re doing is not morally defensible.

Rubish !!!!
This is the same logic of the Zionist administration in Israel!!!!

December 23rd, 2012, 12:20 pm


Tara said:


“Anyone who thinks the Alawites will either abandon Bashar or back down without solid guarantees are fooling themselves.”

We know that. They will not abandon Batta. Batta will abandon them.

December 23rd, 2012, 12:48 pm


habib said:

276. Citizen

Rather the same logic of Muhammad when Muslims were a minority.

Minorities have to be brutal to survive.

277. Tara

Doesn’t matter. They’ve survived countless massacres for a thousand years without him.

December 23rd, 2012, 12:49 pm


Juergen said:

A word of advice about the Middle East – we’ve reached the ‘tipping point’ with cliches

You’ve got to be careful when Syria’s rebels are perpetually “closing in”

“He thus boosted the prestige of Khaled Meshal who subsequently announced that Palestine must exist all the way from the River Jordan to the sea. In other words, no more Israel. Just as the soon-to-be resigned Foreign Minister of Israel, Avigdor Lieberman, and his chums had been saying for a very long time that Israel must exist between the sea and the River Jordan. In other words, no more Palestine. It was left to the courageous – and very ageing – Israeli Uri Avnery to point out that if both had their wish, only an open grave would exist between the river and the sea.”–weve-reached-the-tipping-point-with-cliches-8430495.html

December 23rd, 2012, 12:52 pm


Visitor said:


You think anyone would care? You guys made up your minds to fight till the end. No probem. You will be fought till the end. No blackmailing, especially after all these crimes. Submit and you may get mercy. And do not ask for more. You ain’t getting a thing more.

Majorities do not get blackmailed. Also do not count on this thousand year thing. This time they will be chased to the caves.

December 23rd, 2012, 12:56 pm


Badr said:

“It is premature to speculate what will be the requests made to Bashar Al Assad”


You already did!

The plan has been agreed by the USA and Russia with Lakhdar Ibrahimi…
Apart from the conditions…the other one which is looming, is the acceptance of the coalition to enter into negotiations without Bashar resigning.

And by the way, I don’t think there is such an agreed plan as yet.

December 23rd, 2012, 1:07 pm


Observer said:

ZOO would leave Australia for Iran?

I think if you are so enamored with the axis of resistance you should join and go live there.

In the meantime Damascus Bob is telling us that the world and the news and everything is wrong. Yet we see a budget of 18.44 billion dollars only. I wonder on which planet people live

December 23rd, 2012, 1:10 pm


Visitor said:

Zoo likes to spin. This is his specialty because he needs to sell the wool of his ewe brothers.

Zoo also cannot join the resistance axis. Branch 225 can no longer afford to pay him. He now runs a legitimate business and he has to take care of it,

December 23rd, 2012, 1:12 pm


revenire said:

Has Assad fallen yet?

December 23rd, 2012, 1:19 pm


Citizen said:

278. HABIB
Minorities have to be brutal to survive!
No, Habib is not so!Will not be allowed to atrocities in Syria!This is Destroyer logic ! You are a component of the Syrian people!There are a lot of mixed marriages Between Alawites and other religions and nationalities!!Stop put the issue this way! The majority of Syrians are not sectarians!You can not jump over the facts!

December 23rd, 2012, 1:23 pm


MarigoldRan said:

No, Assad has not fallen. Yet. But the question cuts both ways:

Has the Alawite regime made any progress against the Sunni fighters?

December 23rd, 2012, 1:26 pm


habib said:

280. Visitor

Tell that to the Maronites of Lebanon. Countless massacres between them, and they’re today main allies of the Sunnis and Druze. History is quickly forgotten in these parts.

286. Citizen

As I said, it’s morally indefensible, but that’s just how things are.

287. MarigoldRan

They don’t have to, the Salafist fighters are already alienating everyone but Qatar and Saudi Arabia.

December 23rd, 2012, 1:26 pm


Observer said:

So Lakhadar is coming by land route as the airport is insecure ( or if we believe Damascus Bob it is secure and the SAA is winning the battles right and left and what we see on the news and on you tube are fabrications only ).
According to ZOO he is to deliver the not so secret plan for Freddo to escape justice and leave with 142 of his family and entourage.

According to ZOO the Prethident is in a position to negotiate and to bargain and to refuse and to hold out. Negotiate from a position of strength? Even as Lakhdar has been shown to have arrived by land route?

ZOO please tell me the brand of Kool Aid you are drinking so that I can go immediately and buy it and drink from it and see the world through your eyes.

Now you tell us that the NC will survive after you told us of its and the FSA demise.

Let me tell you that the actions of the FSA on the ground are the sole movers of the situation. Even the regime is reacting to the actions on the ground and has lost the initiative a long time ago. It lost it when it dismembered and killed by torture Hamza Alkhatib.

Please send me your Kool Aid brand

December 23rd, 2012, 1:27 pm


MarigoldRan said:


Sigh. This is the 21st century. I mean, people are still people, but we TRY to learn from the mistakes of our past.

The more brutal someone is, the more brutal others will be to them.

What comes around, goes around. An important rule that more sects should live by.

EDIT: Just read your recent comment. No, people may be skeptical of the FSA. But they consider them better than the regime. At least they’re not sending jet bombers at their bakeries. Also, the refugee camps will always remain a good source of potential manpower for the FSA.

The Alawite regime is considered the greater evil, which is why many Sunnis will tolerate even the bad elements of the FSA.

December 23rd, 2012, 1:31 pm


Observer said:

TARA this is for you
Muslims put up a Christmas tree for their fellow Christians in Saraqeb

December 23rd, 2012, 1:36 pm


habib said:

290. MarigoldRan

Again, showing strength is what has made the Israelis and the Maronites modern partners of the Gulf monarchies and the West, in spite of past crimes. Showing weakness is what has now destroyed the Palestinians and most religious minorities in the ME.

There are no ideals or morals in this part of the world. The strongest and wealthiest survives.

Secularists like myself are irrelevant, so what can I do other than observe and comment on the horrible facts on the ground?

December 23rd, 2012, 1:40 pm


MarigoldRan said:

The regime thinks that by committing brutalities, using cluster bombs, and by bombing bakeries around the country, they can turn the population against the FSA.

But this strategy is wrong. The population will always blame the Alawite regime more for their destroyed bakeries. I mean, it’s the Alawite regime that is sending the bombers to destroy the bakeries in the first place! Many of the population may be skeptical of the FSA, but they will tolerate them because the Alawite regime is the greater evil.


The Lebanese learned that the strong do not always win and the weak do not always lose. Sometimes the result is a messy draw. The Western democracies have learned that the weak can prosper with the strong. I mean, look at America, Canada, and Mexico. America is considerably stronger than its neighbors, and yet they live in peace.

The idea of “only the strong survive” is a self-fulfilling prophecy. The weak gets devoured BECAUSE people believe in it.

I understand the Alawites are fighting for survival. But what they need to understand is that their strategies are not working. Their brutal tactics have turned most of Syria and the world against them, and that’s NOT the path to survival.

December 23rd, 2012, 1:41 pm


revenire said:

I have to laugh at the bakery story making the rounds today.

Whenever one hears that “innocent civilians were murdered by regime MIGs” you know the SAA just hurt the FSA/al-Nusra rats badly.

All a nest of terrorists has to do is stick a piece of bread in a YouTube video and it becomes a bakery massacre. Next we will hear that Assad is launching Scuds at bakeries.


December 23rd, 2012, 1:46 pm


MarigoldRan said:

The more brutal the Alawite regime becomes, the more brutal its enemies become.

What comes around, goes around.

Once again, another Alawite bomb dropped on a Sunni area. These acts will be remembered.

December 23rd, 2012, 1:49 pm



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December 23rd, 2012, 1:49 pm


revenire said:

Notice all the FSA rats with guns near the “bakery” and it is easy to see this “innocent people getting bread” story is just another failed propaganda attempt, like Houla (actually committed by the terrorist FSA).

If I were the SAA commander of this area my helicopters would now be finishing the job.

Why show any mercy to people who attack Syrian cities? (It is also pretty easy to understand that if Assad wanted to he could unleash his air force and burn down all of Syria – he’s being gentle with his enemies and that is perhaps my only quarrel with Bashar).

December 23rd, 2012, 1:53 pm


MarigoldRan said:

@Syrian Hamster

Mostly agreed. It will take time to change the mind-set of the remainder of the population. The habits of 40 years of dictatorship is difficult to change in 2, even 5 years, but it will happen.

December 23rd, 2012, 1:54 pm


habib said:

293. MarigoldRan

In the US, the wealthiest and strongest survives. That should be obvious.

December 23rd, 2012, 1:58 pm


MarigoldRan said:


You do realize that any sources that you, ANN, or Zoo use is automatically dismissed by the other side as “regime propaganda,” in the same way that you dismiss our sources. Right? You do realize that though we are living on the same planet, we live in two totally different world, right?

I personally would not brag about the use of bombs on Sunni areas. It is a silly thing to do.

December 23rd, 2012, 2:01 pm


revenire said:

The video is an opposition source but the apes are stupid because anyone can see all the guns etc. This happens all the time. It was like the Scud video circulating a week or so ago: it was from a SAA training exercises last summer.

The sheer amount of BS that comes out of these lice is stunning.

I am thrilled the army sent many rats to Hell today. Keep it up boys.

December 23rd, 2012, 2:08 pm


revenire said:

‘Liberated’ Kafranbel getting to know SAA artillery better right now (Kafranbel is where the al-Nusra rats tried to flee to after being vaporized in Hilfaya).

More on the “poor civilians” (FSA terrorists) bombed as they lined up for bread:

18 Dec “Allahu Akhbar the FSA liberates Hilfaya in Hama days after announcing the battle to liberate Hama…”

17 Dec “FSA has just liberated Hilfaya village in Hama’s countryside…”

Not a good day for the FSA but a very good one for the SAA. I also note al-Nusra has vowed revenge after hundreds of its fighters were destroyed in Hilfaya.

December 23rd, 2012, 2:43 pm


Visitor said:


Your analogies are the most ridiculous in all of your comments. Next, comes your hiding behind so-called secularism. But both features of your comments add humour and allow one, particularly myself, to have a good laugh and even motivate me to respond to your jokes.

You guys are neither Maronites nor Jews.

The Maronites by no means came close to commiting one thousandth the savagery we see now being commited in Syria. The Jews (Israel) fought states and most of the victims were military. The worst was Gaza 2006 and even that doesn’t measure 1% the atrocities commited by ??? ???? and ?? ????

And the worst part of your twisted logic is this imaginary partnership between Maronites, the Jews and the GCC. as far as I recall, the Maronites lost their privilages even in Lebanon. So how did they become partners with none but the Sauds? What drugs are you currently using? But to even suggest that the Jews are also partners, then it must be one of the most potent of drugs one can lay hands on. How much are you getting paid by 225 in order to afford such potency?

Do you realize that you guys historically and up till now are at the bottom of the ladder within Arab social order? And you will never get any higher no matter how atrocious you may try to be.

So, again submit. This is the best offer you can get. And I may add there is a time limit to the offer because as the number of victims get higher the level of offered mercy will get lower. So there is very limited amount of good will left. And who knows? it could that you will have to join those people you presumpteously think we know nothing about. And again, you think we would care less?

December 23rd, 2012, 2:49 pm


Ghufran said:

Morsi insisted on shoving his constitution down the throat of skeptical Egyptians, two thirds of Egyptian voters did not even bother to go to polling stations, that means that a mere 21% of Egyptians supported morsi’s constitution by saying yes. This puts Morsi in a difficult spot, I suspect that he will be a weak and unpopular leader who will face a fierce opposition internally and a lot of difficulties internationally. It is a tragedy that middle eastern nations are unable to come up with a pleural and fair political system that gives people a third viable choice other than dictatorship and a theocracy.

December 23rd, 2012, 2:56 pm



Straight from the horse’s mouth:

“Minorities have to be brutal to survive!”

That is the mentality that has been in power for over 40 years. It’s unfortunate that the Alawites have tied their destiny to that of Assad. Therefore, they should not complain when the tables are turned. The atrocities that the Alawite Syrian regime has committed against the people of Syria will not be forgotten. The tables are being turned and the only hope for the Alawite community is to seek the forgiveness of the Syrian people and help topple this regime. By supporting the Assad regime, they acquired a lot of benefits. When the regime goes, those benefits will disappear. You can’t have it both ways. The destiny of all of those who supported this barbaric and savage regime will be the same, regardless of religious or tribal affiliation. They showed no mercy and they’ll be shown no mercy.

Yesterday, I saw a video showing what happened to a shabeeh that was allegedly beating people mercilessly. The video shows the man when he was abusing helpless people and later when was at the receiving end after being captured by a rebel group. He was not shown mercy. I do not condone the treatment, but that’s what happened when you treat people with savagery.

December 23rd, 2012, 3:41 pm


Citizen said:

So, ABCNNBBCBS makes a big stink about how Assad might use chemical weapons, but when the rebels actually do it, ABCNNBBCBS doesn’t notice?
Terrorists Release Second Film Showing Chemical Weapons Test in Western Syria

The footage shows terrorists testing a chemical substance on a rabbit in the coastal city of Latakia, the Lebanese television al-Manar reported.

In related development, the armed rebels used chemical weapons in their attacks against the Syrian army in Darya district of Reef (outskirts of) Damascus earlier today.

December 23rd, 2012, 4:34 pm


Citizen said:
Global redistribution. Results of 2012

December 23rd, 2012, 4:37 pm


Ghufran said:

( draw your own conclusions)
On December 13, peace talks between the United States and North Vietnam collapsed. The North Vietnamese and American negotiators traded charges and countercharges as to who was to blame. Infuriated, President Nixon ordered plans drawn up for retaliatory bombings of North Vietnam. Linebacker II was the result. Beginning on December 18, American B-52s and fighter-bombers dropped over 20,000 tons of bombs on the cities of Hanoi and Haiphong, North Vietnam claimed that over 1,600 civilians were killed.
The bombings continued until December 29, at which time the North Vietnamese agreed to resume the talks. A few weeks later, the final Paris Peace Treaty was signed and the Vietnam War came to a close. The impact of the so-called “Christmas Bombings” on the final agreement was difficult to assess. Even the chief U.S. negotiator, Henry Kissinger, was reported to have said, “We bombed the North Vietnamese into accepting our concessions.” The chief impact may have been in convincing America’s South Vietnamese allies, who were highly suspicious of the draft treaty worked out in October 1972, that the United States would not desert them.

December 23rd, 2012, 4:41 pm


Ghufran said:

This barrage of stories and articles about chemical weapons is worrisome, it is possible that fighting parties are doing it as part of a psych warfare but I have little faith in both the rebels and the regime, one side labels its enemies as Kuffar, the other side calls every fighter they face a “terrorist” , I know as a fact that the use of chemical weapons in Syria will not face the exploive reaction internally as some people suggested , and I am not sure how severe the reaction will be internationally , the West and Israel are only interested in making sure that those weapons do not reach the hands of Hizbullah and alqaida-affiliated groups, almost nobody is actually concerned about the impact of such use on ordinary Syrians, as for Jihadis and Hizbullah, I suspect that the former may have primitive forms of those weapons and the latter has them already in some capacity. The SNC and the NC position today which claims that ” the time for a political solution is gone” provides the perfect environment for a military escalation which may indeed include the use of chemical weapons, the ONLY way to prevent the use of those weapons is to stop the war , the article about that very subject is a waste of electronic ink.

December 23rd, 2012, 4:58 pm


revenire said:

SAA reporting the rebels have used chemical weapons in Daraya:

Syria militants use chemical weapons against Syrian forces

Militants fighting against the Syrian government have used chemical weapons against the army in Daraya near the capital, Damascus, military sources say.

According to a commander of the Syrian Presidential Guard, at least seven Syrian soldiers were killed on Saturday after they were attacked by a chemical weapon which produced a toxic yellow gas.

The soldiers were reportedly killed within an hour after inhaling the gas.

Foreign-backed militants have repeatedly threatened to use chemical weapons against the army and pro-government civilians in recent days.

They have also threatened to contaminate Syria’s drinking water supply in a bid to kill all Alawite Shias and the supporters of President Bashar al-Assad.

The threat was made in a video posted on YouTube in which militants tested water contaminated with a lethal mixture on lab rabbits. The rabbits stopped breathing and their chests swelled shortly after drinking the poisoned water.

The militants had earlier released a footage in which lab rabbits were killed by inhaling poisonous gas.

The militants’ use of chemical weapons come as the US and its allies have alleged that the Syrian government possesses the deadly weapons and is prepared to use them against militants.

Syria has been experiencing unrest since March 2011. Many people, including large numbers of army and security personnel, have been killed in the turmoil.

A recent UN report has revealed that militants from 29 countries have so far infiltrated into Syria to fight against the Damascus government, most of whom are extremist Salafists.

The Syrian government has repeatedly said that the chaos is being orchestrated from outside the country, and that a very large number of the militants operating in the country are foreign nationals.


December 23rd, 2012, 5:25 pm


Citizen said:

the yellow gas throwon the Syrian Arab army soldiers in Darya product of Israel!There are Israelis working in the Syrian territory! Can not deal superficially with things!

December 23rd, 2012, 5:25 pm


Johannes de Silentio said:


“ZOO, you are unfortunately dim witted”

Why unfortunately? Perhaps he went to Dim-Witted School and graduated with a degree in dimwittedness. There’s a demand for those types, especially amongst the Assadists. Look at Revenire. He’s not the sharpest knife in the drawer either. Zooey would fit right in with those of that ilk…

December 23rd, 2012, 5:44 pm


zoo said:

#294 Reve

Are the missiles sent by the ‘desperate’ Syrian army precise enough to always end up on bakeries of all places?

One time is understandable, but the repetition by the ‘activists’ in the media is somehow suspicious.
I believe it could be a way to hide that the rebels, who do not queue for bread, were the ones who got it on their head.

As a scoop on the 8 o’clock evening news in western country, it is a very dramatic way to demonize further the Syrian Army and ignore the car bombs set by the rebels that killed real civilians in Jaramana the same day.

December 23rd, 2012, 6:13 pm


revenire said:

Oh the FSA got it in Hilfaya badly. There is no doubt at all. It was about as much a bakery as I am Queen of England. Anyone can tell from the same whining sources: BBC, NBC, CNN, etc. what is going on.

All anyone has to do is look on Twitter to see exactly who moans about these poor, poor “civilians” (all of whom had guns and ape-like beards) being targeted by Big Bad Assad and you know what’s happening.

I am laughing and only wish the SAAF (Syrian Arab Air Force) would have kept bombing. Next time.

December 23rd, 2012, 6:22 pm


zoo said:

Halfaya: A bakery or a rebels gathering?

Rebels screamed in distress while trying to extract the bodies, while others carried away the wounded.

It was unclear from the videos if the building was indeed a bakery. Nearly all the dead and wounded appeared to be men, some wore camouflage, raising the possibility that the jet had targeted a rebel gathering.
For the past week, rebels have been launching attacks in the area, most notably in the nearby village of Morek, where they hope to seize control of the country’s main north-south highway, preventing the regime from getting supplies to its forces further north in the provinces of Idlib and Aleppo.

On Saturday, one rebel group threatened to storm two predominantly Christian towns nearby if their residents did not “evict” government troops they said were using them as a base to attack nearby areas.

December 23rd, 2012, 6:57 pm


Ghufran said:

I am not willing to give the rebels or the regime a pass on civilian casualties, rebels often detonate bombs in places full of civilians or frequently visited by civilians, they also hide in buildings in areas that have women and children after or while they fire on government troops. SAF is responsible for scores of civilian death since they bomb those mixed areas knowing,or at least suspecting,that there are innocent civilians who will be killed. In both cases,fighting parties showed utter disregard for civilian lives. The cry that most civilians are killed by regime forces, which is true, does not justify rebels behavior, after all,areas with little or no rebels bases remained largely intact, the FSA abandoned its policy of hit and run and was pressured to retain bases and compounds thus opening the window for brutal bombing by regime jets and tanks which put civilians,who were supposed to be “protected” by rebels, in grave danger. People in Aleppo,in particular, are fed up with this garbage and decided to demonstrate against rebels presence in more than one occasion:
If you really want to fight the army do not come to our neighborhoods and hide among us, the message is simple and clear.
( I really think that rebels leaders are convinced that they have more to win by using civilian areas, if the army stays away they win, and if the army bombs those areas they win politically)

December 23rd, 2012, 7:14 pm


Tara said:

Getting defensive a sign of being scared.  

BEIRUT (Reuters) – Syria’s information minister on Sunday distanced the government from comments by the country’s vice president that neither the rebels nor the forces of President Bashar al-Assad could win the civil war.
Last week Vice President Farouq al-Sharaa said in a newspaper interview that the country needed a government of national unity since neither side could win militarily.

“There are 23 million people in Syria with their own personal opinions, this was one of those 23 million,” the information minister, Umran Ahid al-Za’bi, told a news conference in the Syrian capital Damascus.
Sharaa, a Sunni Muslim in a power structure dominated by Assad’s Alawite minority, has rarely been seen since the revolt began in March 2011 and is not part of the president’s inner circle.

Za’bi told journalists that the Syrian army was still strong, despite a string of rebel advances 
and seizures of military sites across the country. He said that many reports of rebel gains were “fantasy, media victories”.
“I have general advice to those political powers that reject dialogue: Time is getting short. Hurry and move on to working on a political solution,” he said.
“These military efforts to try to topple the government, of getting rid of the president, of occupying the capital … forget about this. That is my advice.”

December 23rd, 2012, 7:30 pm


Tara said:


I see you are thriving on the shock and awe reactions that your posts are invoking. I think if no one reacts to your posts, you will lose interest. It is the negative reaction that keeps you going.

It bothers me to see that you are getting on some pro revolutionists’ nerves. I honestly do not see your posts deserve any reaction. Marygoldran should reverse the cycle and get on your nerves by letting you post and post without a slightest response.

December 23rd, 2012, 7:42 pm


revenire said:

Terrorists attack Hilfaya in Hama Countryside, commit murder against citizens

Photo 1: A completely clean loaf of bread is dipped into the blood of one of the terrorists which the Syrian army has eliminated.

Photo 2: Widely spread on opposition pages as one of the dirty ways to promote their story as per the “Halfaya massacre” – in addition to other dirty and fabricated footage accusing the Syrian army of crimes.

December 23rd, 2012, 7:42 pm


Tara said:


I have also put on a Christmas tree in my house filled with lights, colors, snowmen, snow women, and skiing penguins. It pains me that lots of Christians in Syria have not learned any basic principle of prophet Issa’s teaching. I invite those with hearts filled with hate to open their heart and practice what they are suppose to believe in, to love their neighbors and to stop cheering the killing of children.

December 23rd, 2012, 7:57 pm


revenire said:

Tara stick this on your X-Mas tree:

Syrian opposition surrenders

Swarms of Syrian militants are surrendering to the government troops around Damascus, local media reports. Over the last 72 hours regular army units delivered powerful blows on the militants in several places to the south-east of Damascus and put them to flight.


Search your pro-terrorist media to confirm this. Then pour yourself some egg nog and celebrate a very good day for the SAA.

I can offer you some bakery if you like.


December 23rd, 2012, 8:41 pm


Tara said:

Ah. you are too easy..

December 23rd, 2012, 8:48 pm


Syrian said:

Very sad day today, the Alawaits are insisting on cutting all their bridges to humanity.
The latest Halfaya massacre will only add more recruits to the revolution
There are reports of a chemical attack today on Homes
The crazier Bashar goes the more proof he is losing.

December 23rd, 2012, 9:19 pm


Tara said:


Thank you for the link yesterday. It brought some closure to Alahmar family and to those of us who abhor the regime of thugs in Damascus.

December 23rd, 2012, 9:55 pm


Syrian said:

You’re welcome, the full closure will be when all of them get caught ,and they promised at the end of the clip to do that.
I forgot to mention yesterday that at the end of the clip another one was shown before and after the crime, he was crying like a baby.
I hope they can get the biggest Shabih of them all soon

December 23rd, 2012, 10:37 pm