News Round Up (14 Aug 2011)
Posted by Joshua on Monday, August 15th, 2011
Syrian Navy Ships Join Attack on Coastal City
By ANTHONY SHADID, 2011-08-14
(New York Times) — BEIRUT — In yet another escalation of its crackdown on dissent, the Syrian government unleashed navy vessels, tanks and a mix of soldiers, security forces and paramilitary fighters against the port city of Latakia on Sunday, killing at least 25 people, including three children, activists and residents said….
The BBC World Service had a telephone interview with an Anglican clergyman in Latakia, Rev. Nadim Nasser who said that he was in a neighborhood far from the one under assault, and although they could hear gunfire he didn’t hear shelling and explosions. He also expressed the belief that armed groups had infiltrated the protests. Is that regime propaganda?….
Syria denies pounding district in coastal Latakia with gunboats
2011-08-15 00:23:28
DAMASCUS, Aug. 14 (Xinhua) — Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) denied Sunday media reports that Syrian gunboats pounded the impoverished al-Ramel neighborhood in Latakia with heavy machine guns.
Law-enforcement members are hunting down armed men, who responded with machine guns, grenades and explosive devices in al- Ramel neighborhood, SANA said….
The BBC World Service had a telephone interview with an Anglican clergyman in Latakia, Rev. Nadim Nasser who said that he was in a neighborhood far from the one under assault, and although they could hear gunfire he didn’t hear shelling and explosions. He also expressed the belief that armed groups had infiltrated the protests.
Syria uses gunboats for 1st time to crush uprising“>Syria uses Gunboats to Hammer Mediterranean Coastal City
BEIRUT (AP) — Syria used gunboats for the first time Sunday to crush the uprising against Bashar Assad’s regime, hammering parts of the Mediterranean coastal city of Latakia after thousands marched there over the weekend to demand the president’s ouster. At least 25 people were killed, according to activists.
The coordinated attacks by gunboats and ground troops were the latest wave of a brutal offensive against anti-government protests launched at the beginning of the month. The assault showed Assad has no intention of scaling back the campaign even though it has brought international outrage and new U.S. and European sanctions.
“We are being targeted from the ground and the sea,” said a frightened resident of the al-Ramel district of Latakia, the hardest hit neighborhood. “The shooting is intense. We cannot go out. They are raiding and breaking into people’s homes,” he added, speaking on condition of anonymity for fear of reprisals.
As the gunships blasted waterfront districts, ground troops backed by tanks and security forces stormed several neighborhoods including al-Ramel, sending terrified women and children fleeing, some on foot, to safer areas.
The al-Ramel resident said at least three gunboats were taking part in the offensive, and that many people have been killed and wounded. The shooting targeted several mosques in the area.
“La Syrie, terrain du bras de fer irano-saoudien”
Moyen-Orient | 13 août 2011 | Mise à jour le 14 août 2011
En Syrie, le mouvement de contestation du régime entre dans son sixième mois. S’il menace le pouvoir de Bachar Al-Assad, ses conséquences pourraient aussi rebattre les cartes diplomatiques à l’échelle du Moyen-Orient, comme l’explique Joseph Bahout, chercheur associé à l’IEP de Paris et spécialiste de la région…..
Saturday, August 13, 2011 3:37 PM
Qifa Nabki – or Elias Muhanna – has translated this most interesting “last” conversation between Mu’allim and Hariri into English:
Syria’s Youth Revolutionaries – Youtube (good) ?????? ???? ?????? ??????? – ?????
Haaretz: WikiLeaks: France doubted Israeli role in Syrian general’s assassination
The French government believed in August 2008, just weeks after the assassination of Syrian General Muhammad Suleiman, that the perpetrator behind the assassination was not Israel, as many previously assumed, but rather a rival within the Syrian …
Canada expands sanctions on Syria
Canada said Saturday it had expanded sanctions on Syria, including blacklisting a commercial bank and a mobile phone provider, to protest the government’s brutal crackdown on protests.
The new sanctions include travel bans on four officials, including Mohammed Mufleh, head of military security in the flashpoint city of Hama, and Mohammed Makhlouf, an uncle of President Bashar al-Assad.
Canada will also freeze the assets of the state-run Commercial Bank of Syria, the country’s largest commercial bank, and Syriatel, its largest mobile phone company.
The United States imposed sanctions on the two firms earlier in the week, and has joined European allies in sanctioning top officials close to Assad.
“Canada reiterates its strong condemnation of the ongoing violent military assault by the Assad regime against the Syrian people,” Foreign Minister John Baird said in a statement.
Palestinian youth stage sit-in against Syria crackdown in Ramallah
15 August 2011 | AFP
Ramallah. About 400 Palestinian youths staged a sit-in late Sunday in the West Bank city of Ramallah to protest Syria’s brutal crackdown on Syrian anti-regime protesters.
Interview with The president of the Arab Lawyers Association, Sabah Al-Mukhtar
Policy Hawks Gunning for Syrian Confrontation
Nicholas Noe | August 11, 2011
In the ideological struggle over how best to approach the five-months old crisis in Syria, a motley crew of Middle East policy hawks are on the verge of claiming a rare, but nevertheless long sought-after “mission accomplished”: a bloody confrontation with the bloody dictator, Bashar al-Assad.
Israel stockpiling crowd-control weapons
Hugh Naylor (Foreign Correspondent)
Aug 15, 2011JERUSALEM // Israel is stockpiling crowd-control weapons and preparing security forces for Palestinian protests planned to coincide with a push for statehood at the United Nations.
Israel’s police and military have reportedly gone on a spending spree in the past month importing everything from extra tear-gas launchers to Belgian-born stallions in anticipation of the Palestinian bid to win recognition at the United Nations.
The preparations come after a string of deadly responses to pro-Palestinian demonstrations that have left Israel sensitive to international scrutiny of its tactics. Israel is also fearful of inflaming widespread Palestinian anger.
While acknowledging the potential for violent confrontations, Palestinian officials, who have called for peaceful rallies in September, say the Israeli preparations are overblown.
“I haven’t seen any Palestinian individual or group planning at all for violent unrest,” said Ghassan Khatib, a spokesperson for the West Bank’s governing Palestinian Authority.
WSJ Editorials & Contributors: The Arab World Condemns Syria’s ‘Killing Machine’
2011-08-15 00:43:47.557 GMT
BY FOUAD AJAMI In the manner of all momentous rebellions, the Syrian upheaval has been rich in iconography and lyrics and political language. A people long repressed have come out to give voice to what has been on their minds for four decades of …
No Horse to Back in Syria
As al-Assad runs out of allies, no clear opposition has stepped forward
By Aron Lamm
Epoch Times Staff Created: Aug 11, 2011
A picture taken on a guided government tour, shows Syrian soldiers shouting pro-Syrian President slogans, as they return from the city of Hama following a crackdown on anti-government demonstrators. (AFP/Getty Images)
The United Nations Security Council met Wednesday to further discuss the deteriorating situation in Syria, after last week’s statement condemning the al-Assad regime for attacking peaceful demonstrators.
In a statement to the press after the meeting, Syrian U.N. representative Dr. Bashar Ja’afari said that the other representatives are “misleading” the public regarding the “so-called situation in Syria.”
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Comments (374)
Abughassan said:
I yet have to see a convincing evidence that the navy bombed alraml. The regime is brutal enough to do it but the verdict is not out yet. Fierce street fights are reported and dead Palestinians are among the bodies that have been received by local hospitals. Most Latakians to my knowledge support ending the chaos in alraml despite hating the regime.
August 15th, 2011, 1:07 am
Pirouz said:
That SyN vessel appears to be an Osa (project 205) class Fast Attack Craft–Missile (PTFG).
Judging by the video, it appears that SyA ICVs are hemmed in by the coastal built up area, and may be supported by this vessel. Unclear if the vessel is engaging in direct fire (the video evidence doesn’t depict such firings) or spotting.
Protesters are not visible and it’s reasonable to assume these combat assets are engaging armed opposition elements.
August 15th, 2011, 1:11 am
Lattakian said:
What a stupid report, Syria has a destroyer or vessel gun ship can shell coastal areas!!! They have “Taraad Ba7ree” and very old ones with no artillery on it. I wonder why media and even the Syrian media do not call the area by its real name (The Palestinian refugee camp of Al Ramal Al Janoobee) it is a refugee camp since early 50’s, a sister to the refugee camp of “Naheer Al Bareed” in Tripoli-Lebanon. Does anyone remember the Islamist terrorists fight with the Lebanese army couple of years ago? A big part of the fight is around the UNRWA school of the Ramal Al Janoubi Camp. Media need to stop this BS, even they are not doing good job in it. I wonder why CNN and Reuters air such news. Any drunken monkey analyst should know better
August 15th, 2011, 2:26 am
some guy in damascus said:
@ Abu Ghassan,
you can call me sgid, if you like 🙂
im sorry but i can’t provide you with such information, it may endanger my safety or my family’s safety, and any information that highlights my profession is also a risk.
what does it matter if the regime used boats or not? does a different method of killing tell you anything? the regime is low on resources?
i think any demonstration outside Damascus and Aleppo doesn’t matter now, all the cities have reached their peaks. what will hurt them now is a demonstration in the socioeconomic hubs of Damascus and Aleppo, i don’t know much about Aleppo, but the regime is expecting something in Upper -class Damascus, the thousands of regime thugs spread out in the city say it all, Damascus isn’t with the regime, its the most important hostage the regime has.
August 15th, 2011, 3:21 am
some guy in damascus said:
jim muir of the BBC:
Latakia was one of the cities to be caught up in the revolt soon after it erupted in mid-March. Despite repeated attempts by the regime to stifle defiance, it keeps breaking out.
It is a sensitive city. Its population is 600,000 or so, and it has a Sunni Muslim majority, as does the country, but there are also areas dominated by President Assad’s minority Alawite community.
The current punishment is being meted out to mainly Sunni areas, a fact that could further aggravate sectarian tensions already sensitised by the situation.
August 15th, 2011, 3:30 am
Jasmine said:
“La Syrie, terrain du bras de fer irano-saoudien”
This article said it all.
Thank you for translating it.
I have a question and I can’t find an answer for it?
Is the lack of feeling for a strong national identity has hinder the success of the Syrian uprising?
I would like to frame it in a different way: Is the strong tribal and religious affiliation in the Syrian society, has failed the uprising?
Has the desperation,lack of justice and poverty have pushed the national pride to extinction?
August 15th, 2011, 5:25 am
mjabali said:
Mr. Some Guy in Damascus comment #4
Latakia is a mixed city. No one know if there is a Sunni Majority or not especially with the constant adding of new surrounding villages to become new neighborhoods.
Most villages around Latakia are Alawis (handful of Sunni villages from the Ottoman and Ayubid/Mamluke ere do exist by they are far mostly around Castles like al-Haffa next to Salah al-Din Castle and the two or three Sunni Villages next to the Castle next to Banyas.)
The Sunnis of Latakia city are mostly the product of the Ottoman era. Before that occupation the city changed hands many times between the Byzantine, Ayubids, Mamlukes, Alawis (Ismail ibn Khulad aka Abu Dhaibeh)…etc
The Ottoman Turks changed the demographics of the city of course over their almost 400 years rule. But, the Alawis stayed in their mountains waging almost annual revolutions against the Ottomans who probably killed all of those Alawis living in the city proper. Remember those Ottomans had al-Hamidiyah decree/fatwa killing Alawis where they could find them. This led to the emptiness of Latakia of any Alawis up to the early years of the 1920’s Century. Hostilities were the order of the day.
The City is a Christian city of course. Look at the history of Christianity there. What protected the Christians of Latakia and those of the coast from the Ottomans were the French and the British who were able to coax the Turks to sign protectorate papers from early on.
The city of Latakia is located in the heartland of the Alawis and its Sunni numbers got a boost because of the recent migration from interior Syria forming new hoods like the mushrooming Raml Filastini. Idleb, Jiser al-Shughur and that part of Syria provided the bulk of those recent migrants.
Alawis have their areas in the city proper that were formed more or less around the 1980’s and 1990’s like al-Zira3a and al-Mashru al-Sabe3. They also exist in mixed areas like al-Mashru3 al-Awal, al-Thani, Mar Taqla…etc The Sunnis always did not want any Alawis in their areas and it stayed like this till now. Sunnis live here and there in Alawi areas, who also include many Christians also.
Alawis can still live in their villages and commute to work in Latakia every day. Many of them chose to do so because of the economics of life and the proximity of their villages.
The city expanded a lot in the last 30 years. It keeps on expanding, with no good planning of course.
Overall, the city is mixed and the ones who grew up in these situations, like me, find it hard to grasp all of this sectarian hatred running amok in these days and search for the rational people who will stop this monster before leading us to an ugly civil war we all started witnessing its start.
August 15th, 2011, 6:18 am
Aboud said:
Some reports put the death toll in Latakia as high as 30.
Menhebaks, of the ones who have been killed in Latakia so far, kindly provide the names of those who were engaging in armed insurrection. It should be a simple matter.
The regime’s apologists always discover “armed elements” right after a place has come out to demonstrate in massive numbers. It happened in Dar’a, Telkelakh, Hama, Deir el Zour, Abu Kamal, Homs, Idlib, the Houran area, Baniyas. Seriously, the “armed gangs” story is so discredited, it’s insulting to the intelligence of the people still peddling it.
August 15th, 2011, 7:20 am
some guy in damascus said:
@ mjabali,
i dont know much about lattakia, but you referred that it was previously a christian city. most Syrian cities were Christian, Damascus it self( the Omayyad mosque was a church).
@ all, i passed by the kafer suseh mukhabarat area today, and for the first time i saw random cars being used for their missions , but what shocked me the most was the fact they had an ambulance at their disposal. im pretty definite that ambulance is used to transport the thugs to hot-spots fast!
*i hate talking sunni, alawi, shiite, or christian. im not used to this language, the regime and some radical elements(very limited) have done well in their “divide and conquer” strategy.
August 15th, 2011, 7:21 am
Haytham Khoury said:
to Some Guy in Damascus
You are a courageous man. Be careful for your safety.
August 15th, 2011, 9:27 am
Afram said:
Month of Ramadans prediction or forecast that the regime will be forced to fold and calls it quit It Ain’t Happening folks!,regime adapts to its circumstances is a statement by itself.
Army holding pretty good NO Signs of breaking apart at the seams about the way things will happen in the future,depends on the weak genetically deformed oppos bozos.
Opposition bozos new slogan:Assad stop it,Assad stop it,if you wont,we gonna begin farting in your general? direction,coz eating falafel smells&stinks
1-America is broke her citizens&the crazy tea-party will not go for military ntervention.
2-italy/france Morally& Financially Bankrupt,no go for intervention.
3- England had a hard time putting out the fire in her back yard,again no go.
4- the arabs can,t find their Ass with a road map,they always take a knife to a gun fight.
5-ground Turkey Kabob,no go,,,if turkey enters syria her back and sides will be exposed to kurds PKK,SYRIAN RESIST,IRAN PLUS HIZBALLAH FIGHTERS….turkey playing Psychological warfare (PSYWAR) aint working,end of story,at this stage of the game dialogue is the name
August 15th, 2011, 9:28 am
Haytham Khoury said:
I received the following Facebook message from somebody in Damascus. I will put for you the Arabic text as I received it and then my translation. I hope I was faithful to the original text, when I translated it. I would like to hear, particularly, the opinion of Some Guy in Damascus as regard whether the message that I received reflect the reality on the ground.
???? ?? ???? ?? ?????? ??????? ?????? ???? ???? ????? ???????? ???????? ??? ???? ??? ????????? ?????? ????? ??? ?????? ?? ??????? ?????? ???????? ?????? ?????? ???? ?????. ? ????? ???? ?? ??????? ???? ???? ???? ???? ??? ????? ????? ???? ????? ??????? ??? ???????? ????? ????? ?????? ??????.. ???? ??? ?????? ?????? ?? ???????? ???????? ?? ??? ??? ? ????? ?? ????… ??????? ???????? ???? ?? ?????? ???? ?????? ????? ????? ?? ??? ??? ???? ????? ?????? ?? ???? ????????…. ???? ???? ????? ?????? ???? ????? ?????? ? ???? ???? ?? ???? ?? ??????? ???????… ?????? ??? ??? ????? ?????? ???? ?? ??? ?????? ?? ???? ?? ?????? ???? ?? ????? ?? ???? ??????.. ????? ????? ????? ????? ?????… ??????? ??? ??????.. ???? ?????? ??? ???? ?? ???? ????? ? ????? ?? ?????? ??????
Damascus is in a state of tension Because of the military-security people who patrol its neighborhoods and suburbs. However, the Damascenes, in general, are increasing their pressure on the regime, particularly in the Midan, Al-Quadam and al-Quaboon neighborhoods and Harasta and Erbeen suburbs. In other areas that seemed to have calmed down, such as Jadidet Artouz, the regime has started new raids targeting the Christians who supported the popular movement in order to strip the street from its multi-sectarian nature in case it rises up again. The situation inside the country is bad, but I feel that the end is close or as I used to say the regime will fall down within the range of the opposition. That is because the regime follows the policy of “attack is the best means of defence”, thus it is about to lose all supporters and allies. We will win not because of the Syrian people have more military power than the regime (of course we do not have any bullet) but because we will shutter the power, we will break the regime’s might. Thank you for Syria and for everyone supports the people and abandons the Ba’thist regime.
August 15th, 2011, 9:35 am
Maryam said:
Speaking of economic sanctions, I have a question for you guys on the comment board:
Do the economic sanctions include regular Syrians? My friend fled to Europe, and he said that he was prohibited from opening a bank account because he is Syrian. He is ANTI-REGIME, but he cannot open a bank account. I didn’t see this anywhere in the news.
Does anybody else know of any other Syrians who are in the same predicament?
August 15th, 2011, 9:40 am
syau said:
Footage of military operations in Latakia. From minute 5:48 onwards there is footage of members of the army defusing mines and explosives and removing blockades planted and imposed by the terrorists of this so called revolution.
The supporters of this terrorist revolution, such as in #8 deny the existence of these terrorists while fully knowing the truth of their existence, but continue with their ridiculous claims anyway, as well as endorse the killing of Syrian soldiers. That is a clear example of the mentalitiy of this terrorist revolution.
God protect the Syrian army.
August 15th, 2011, 9:41 am
Revlon said:
Reliable source in Kuwait: The undeclared regional and western coalition have given Jr 48 hour ultimatum to clear the cities of the army.
???? ????? ???? ?? ??? ?????? Youth Syria For Freedom
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August 15th, 2011, 10:02 am
Aboud said:
Maryam, yes, alot of websites are blocked to Syrians because of the sanctions. No American web hosting company will host a website if you are based in Syria. Paypal blocks your account if you try to access it from Syria. Even iPhone software purchases and updates are not possible if you are doing so from Syria.
A proxy service could help you get around these issues, but alas, not even proxy services are allowed to sell their services to anyone in Syria.
@14 And yet people never fled from Latakia in the five months it was demonstrating, as one would expect if armed gangs were terrorizing the populace. They only started to flee when the army moved in. One would think the regime could come up with a better story than the much discredited “armed gangs” one. Apparently, they aren’t that creative.
Why is it that junior has made no effort whatsoever to track down and arrest the people behind the alleged pipeline blast, trail derailment, and supposed attack on the military academy? Menhebaks should be screaming their lungs out for the government to do something. Instead, they continue to scream their lungs out for Besho, a dictator whose reign cannot be salvaged.
In five months, the Syrian army has fired more bullets and shells at its own people than in 30 years on the Golan. Shameful, and utterly reprehensible. I look forward to the Nuremberg type trials that will take place after the revolution.
August 15th, 2011, 10:16 am
Aboud said:
Also, the title of the blog’s post needs fixing. We aren’t in 2004.
August 15th, 2011, 10:23 am
Revlon said:
14. Dear syau, Good one dude!
Ground telephone lines!
Empty, planted, home made munition!
For God’s sakes I would be more careful peeling a potato!
What a mundane fable and what a professional scenario and what a an engaging army cast!
This is vintage Asad-Makhloof media!
August 15th, 2011, 10:29 am
some guy in damascus said:
@ haytham,
your friend’s account is pretty accurate, but let me add some minor remarks,
the ring around Damascus is ablaze, there are check points to every entrance to Damascus. the areas you mentioned “Midan, Al-Quadam and al-Quaboon neighborhoods and Harasta and Erbeen suburbs”
can be all cut off from the city center except midan. what shocks the regime the most, is the sporadic demonstrations knocking at it’s doors like muahjreen, abu remaneh, and sha’alan. sadly the protesters can’t get a foothold in those areas since the regime’s response is flooding the area with thugs. the rawda square ( home to the american,lebanese,iraqi,chinese and turkish embassies) is one example, the square is flooded with thugs to attack an possible demonstration coming out from the rawda mosque. the same goes to mosques in the most affluent area in Damascus (malki).
Damascus is no longer in a world of it’s own, the large presence of the regime’s thugs have been a true eye sore and alot of damascenes dont approve of their barbaric tactics. that said, i would like to stress something about damascus. Damascus consists of 2 classes, the first being the original damascenses in midan, shaghoor, amareyeh and basically the old neighborhoods, aren’t in love with bashar and his mug, they dont have much but they still have some to lose. the second being newer damascus like malki, abu remaneh, mezzeh where its inhabitants are mainly well to do syrians , they still loiter in cafes and watch barcelona vs real madrid. theres always the occasional protest and the more frequent security presence. needless to say i,my friends and many more are awaiting laylet il ader.
your friend is optimistic, personally i think we’re in for a long ride. like i said before even dentists take care when removing rotten teeth.
hope i helped.
besho has 2 kids, we know them as pain and suffering
August 15th, 2011, 10:33 am
beaware said:
Syrian army clamps down on Homs after Latakia assault
Syrian troops backed by tanks clamped down Monday on the flashpoint province of Homs, a day after gunboats joined an assault that killed more than 20 people in Latakia city, activists said.
Spain’s El Pais newspaper, meanwhile, reported that Madrid sent a special envoy to Damascus last month to convince Assad to accept a plan to go into exile with his family.
The government was also “ready to offer asylum to Assad and his family in Spain,” the country’s leading daily said.
“My impression is that [Assad] will not compromise on anything substantial,” envoy Bernardino Leon said on his return, El Pais reported. “My [Syrian] interlocutors were totally detached from reality.”
August 15th, 2011, 10:34 am
syau said:
To all those who underestimate the power of the Syrian Arab Army, you are beyond delusional.
Just continue to belittle your own armed forces; if indeed you are Syrian, and continue to underestimate Syria’s armed forces, it makes it much more pleasurable to watch you eat your words afterwards.
In the meantime, the army has encircled all terrorise cells in Latakia and have given the terrorists a window to surrender in order to reduce casualties.
And, to those who continue to deny the existence terrorist cells in Syria, terrorist cells who are affiliated with this terrorist revolution, enlist the help of a psychiatrist to aid you in the realm of total delusion you are in.
???? ????? ????? ????? ?????? ??????
August 15th, 2011, 10:35 am
beaware said:
The struggle for Syria
Sunday, August 14, 2011
As the violence in Syria mounts, the international community’s paralysis has become increasingly jarring. But the role of external regional forces is almost as important in fueling the domestic bloodshed as what is happening internally.
If Syria could break free of the negative influences of regional politics, genuine change without continued violence might become possible.
Syria needs to manage its diverse ethnic and religious composition and to decide its own position on the Arab-Israeli conflict. But that is more difficult when neighboring countries are exploiting the country’s heterogeneous makeup to pursue their own hegemonic agendas.
Syria, after all, sits at the center of mighty and antagonistic geopolitical forces. To the east looms Iran, with its anti-American, anti-Western rhetoric and vast regional ambitions. To the south sits Saudi Arabia, with its long friendship with the United States and its inherent hostility toward Iran’s Islamic republic. And to the north is Turkey, a pro-European, largely secular and democratic country that seeks to wield influence across the Arab world.
The region in and around Syria is also populated by extremist Islamist groups that are attempting to expand their spheres of influence – and that are quick to capitalize on instability in any country. Syria is particularly vulnerable in this regard, as extremists incite violence against minority religious groups by using, for example, television stations in Saudi Arabia and Egypt.
The current regime in Syria, in its ruthless quest to remain in power, refuses to acknowledge peaceful protesters’ demands for freedom and dignity. If it did – and if it met those demands – Islamists would not be able to hijack the demonstrations.
Peaceful change in Syria can nonetheless be achieved, and the international community can influence that process by recognizing that its continued focus on the country’s “complexity” does nothing for its people. In fact, the obsession with Syria’s sectarian rivalries provides destabilizing external forces with the oxygen that their inflammatory rhetoric requires.
August 15th, 2011, 10:43 am
Revlon said:
It is possible that the plan to build a military air base in Lattakia, with the help of Iran, to be part of a plan B for the regime, whereby, they could retreat to and re-entrench in the coastal and mountain areas in case overwhelmed in the sunni dominant inner Syria!
The coastal Sunni cities, and particularly Lattakia may potentially be the stage for ethnic cleansing!
August 15th, 2011, 10:44 am
ann said:
Syria tanks enter Homs while fighting Palestinians in Latakia
August 15th, 2011, 10:45 am
beaware said:
Syria: Clashes in Latakia …
DAMASCUS- An official military source on Monday denied as “completely untrue” some biased satellite channels reports that a navy boat shelled al-Ramel al-Janoubi neighborhood in Lattakia, according to Syria State-run news agency SANA.
The source stressed SANA that the navy boats do their usual duties represented in the protection of the Syrian coasts, preventing the smuggling of weapons into the country across the sea as it happened in other areas.
State-run TV on Sunday interviewed number of injured law-enforcement personnel who narrated details of attacks that were stormed against them by armed terrorist gangs while they were on duty in the city of Lattakia.
An injured member told the Syrian TV that “While we were along a road in Lattakia, an armed terrorist gang attacked us using machineguns and dynamite, which caused the injuries of many of us.”
Ayman Kaseer, one of the injured personnel, said that he was shot in his leg, adding that the armed terrorists had advanced weapons of machineguns and snipers.
Another injured said “We were at the neighborhood of al-Raml al-Janoubi when gunmen started shooting at us, one of my comrades was martyred and four others, including me, were wounded. The terrorists were using arms and dynamite.”
Another wounded said “There were many gunmen, mines and ditches… The gunmen had huge volume of advanced weapons.
Kinan Suleiman, another wounded, said that an armed terrorist shot him, adding that the bullet penetrated his shield and hit him in his back.
For his part, Dr. Majd Mustafa from the Military Hospital in Lattakia said that the hospital received a number of injured personnel with shots in their heads, adding that tow of the wounded were martyred.
Earlier on Sunday, SANA quoted Lattakia Health Director telling “the hospitals received two martyrs and 41 injured members from the law enforcement forces, in addition to 4 unidentified dead gunmen.”
SANA added “The neighborhood inhabitants appealed to the competent authorities to put an end to these armed men acts which disrupted life there.”
August 15th, 2011, 10:47 am
beaware said:
Why Turkey Holds the Key to the Regional Power Game on Syria
Posted by Tony Karon Monday, August 15, 2011
But while Turkey insists that the Syrian protests are a popular movement that require engagement and reforms by the regime, Iran embraces Assad’s narrative that the protests are a product of Western or Israeli (or Saudi, although that’s rarely said) scheming. Iran has reportedly delivered $5 billion in emergency aid to shore up the Assad regime (and by some accounts has pressed its allies in Iraq to do the same). Rumours that Syria’s military is being coached by the Iranians, however, seem farfetched — or part of a propaganda effort to paint Iran as the fount of all evil. Syria has plenty of experience deploying military force against its own citizenry, and its direct military assaults on opposition strongholds make Iran’s 2009 post-election crackdown look kid-gloved by comparison.
And while Syria offers Iran its one solid foothold in the Arab world, Tehran needs Turkey’s friendship just as much — if not more so, because of Turkey’s staunch opposition to Washington’s approach to dealing with the nuclear issue. Indeed, Iran reports an 80% increase in trade with Turkey over the first half of 2011 compared with the corresponding period for last year, despite U.S.-led efforts to isolate Iran’s economy.
Even if the Syria crisis has strained relations between Turkey and Iran, it’s important to remember that Turkey’s break with the U.S. on how to handle the Iranian nuclear file were not based on some ideological affinity with Tehran, or readiness to accept it achieving nuclear-weapons status; on the contrary, Ankara broke away from a U.S. strategy it believes is failing, and is more likely to plunge the region into a disastrous conflict than to promote stability. That’s unlikely to change regardless of what becomes of Assad. But the same concern to prevent a disastrous regional conflict will likely prompt Turkey to raise pressure on Damascus in the coming days and weeks regardless of Iran’s preferences.
August 15th, 2011, 10:53 am
uzair8 said:
Sheikh Yaqoubi on Al Jazeera 14/8/2011.
Btw on thursday the Shaykh will be leading the funeral prayer of the 3 muslims murdered in the UK riots in Birmingham UK.
August 15th, 2011, 10:53 am
Revlon said:
Army defections and ongoing exchange of fire in AlMasbah neighbourhood in besieged Lattakia.
The Syrian Revolution 2011 ?????? ??????? ?? ???? ?????
????: ????? ?? ?????? ??? ???? ????? ?? ????? ???? ????? ???????? ????? ??? ???????
about an hour ago
August 15th, 2011, 10:54 am
beaware said:
The Saudi reaction to Syria
…..What is behind Saudi Arabia’s Syria policy? According to a prominent Saudi Arabia expert in the United States, Saudi Arabia is shifting from a counter-revolutionary position to one that now prioritizes the regional balance of power. According to Gregory Gause “King Abdullah was hesitant to break fully with Damascus, as demonstrations against the regime accelerated over the past five months, given the importance of Syria in regional politics. But the escalating violence of the past week, coming at the beginning of Ramadan, seemed to seal the issue. Dealing Iran a blow in regional politics trumps the risks of greater instability.”
Gause also seems to attach a lot of importance to public opinion in Saudi Arabia. “The Saudi media and Saudi-owned pan-Arab media has been vehemently opposed to Assad’s crackdown and sympathetic to the protestors. This is where the Ramadan timing comes into the picture. During the holy month religious feelings are heightened. The sectarian element of the Syrian confrontation, with an ostensibly secular and Alawite Shiite dominated regime brutally suppressing the Sunni Muslim majority, becomes a more prominent element in how the overwhelmingly Sunni Saudis, population and leadership, view events…”
To conclude, one can see that the sectarian dimension is becoming more and more pronounced in the Saudi behavior. To be sure, this dimension was never absent. Yet, initially when Riyadh seemed supportive of Assad there was a sense that Saudi Arabia was involved in a different kind of realpolitik. Such behavior was based on a counter-revolutionary solidarity with Damascus. After all Riyadh is very much concerned about a similar people movement at home. Therefore, it seemed that Saudi Arabia would side with Assad and that being on the same side with Iran would not bother Riyadh too much. We now see that the tide has turned and that the Sunni identity of Saudi Arabia has trumped the realpolitik. One should note also discount the fact that Ashar’s incompetence is becoming an additional factor in the Saudi calculation.
As Cause argues: “Saudi Arabia will oppose leaders and groups allied with Iran, whether it is Hezbollah in Lebanon, the Assad regime in Syria or Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki in Iraq. Riyadh’s focus is on checking and rolling back Iranian influence in the Arab world. That is what drives Saudi policy, not some imagined notion of anti-revolutionary dictatorial solidarity.”
August 15th, 2011, 10:57 am
some guy in damascus said:
the syrian army has been reduced to a gang of young men doing errands for their superiors.
they reserve parking spots, chauffeur, and deliver things for their superior’s wives.
most eligible youths run away from conscription duty because instead of learning tactic, discipline and combat . you are taught how make tea, play cards and find the best laundromat.
furthermore the israelis have been succesful at curtailing vital advanced weapons to syria.
it has touched such a weak degree that israli pilots can travel over besho’s house and not face any form of resistance
August 15th, 2011, 10:58 am
some guy in damascus said:
the syrian army has been reduced to a gang of young men doing errands for their superiors.
they reserve parking spots, chauffeur, and deliver things for their superior\\\’s wives.
most eligible youths run away from conscription duty because instead of learning tactic, discipline and combat . they are taught how to make tea, play cards and find the best laundromat.
furthermore the israelis have been succesful at curtailing vital advanced weapons to syria.
it has touched such a worrying degree that Israeli pilots can travel over besho\’s house and not face any form of resistance
shimon perez said it back in 2006: the syrian army is old and weak.
August 15th, 2011, 11:04 am
Syria no kandahar said:
The Syrian army according to you should have been 200 armies,you don’t get tired of lying?
What happened with the free Syrian army ?
Today’s Revlon lie:
???????? ?? ??????
August 15th, 2011, 11:18 am
syau said:
Some guy in Damascus,
As a Syrian, would you really care for what a Zionist has to say? Anyway, Perez can think as he likes, you would want your enemies to underestimate you, don’t you think?
August 15th, 2011, 11:23 am
Haytham Khoury said:
We are Syrians and we care about Syria. In my personal discussions with Radwan Ziadeh, when he and his colleagues were trying to negotiate with Ali Habib, I always insisted that they should pay attention to do not split the army. Our differences with the regime is a political one. Unfortunately, the regime and his supporters see it differently.
August 15th, 2011, 11:26 am
Aboud said:
The Syrian army still moves troops in camouflaged dump trucks. The air force is woefully under-trained and out of date. Despite repeated Israeli provocations, not once has junior dared do anything on the Golan.
After the revolution, the Syrian army will need a major overhaul.
Conscription will need to be eliminated. Better a highly dedicated, professional force of 100,000, than 400,000 troops who go about their duties with all the enthusiasm of a convict serving out his prison sentence.
The nature of a soldier’s service must change. They must be taught skills that will help them in civilian life. Any soldier serving must be given the means and opportunity to continue their higher education after their service, similar to the American GI Bill.
A professional reserve force must be maintained, similar to the US Army’s “one weekend a month and two weeks a year” reserve duty.
Maintaining the obsolete Soviet era arsenal is a drain on the defense budget, and provides no meaningful military deterrence.
The 50s era Soviet relics must be mothballed, and the money saved used to improve the training, living standards and salaries of the armed forces.
Syria should seek modern arms from Europe. Russian weaponry has never done well against the kind NATO equips itself with. The more sophisticated weaponry will require a more educated armed force.
Promotions to senior posts should be based on military ability and professionalism, and not on ideology and party cronyism. Recreate the army forces into a vehicle for national cohesion, and a means by which a Syrian may better themselves.
Today, Israel feels no compulsion to return the Golan, in light of the Syrian army’s horrendous weakness. The Israelis will be more obliging if faced with a professional, credible adversary on its northern border.
August 15th, 2011, 11:32 am
Revlon said:
Communique of the local command council of the Syrian revolution in Lattakia and Jableh
Here is a Personally translated summary:
– Five months elapsed on jr’s lies and deciet
– Jr has not stopped justifying his crimes and atrocities on non-existing terrorist groups.
– He has therefore justified sending his tanks, airplanes, and now his navy ships to bombard civilian areas.
– He has also unleashed his thugs on the cities to terrorise, vandalise, loot, and kill people
– All that and Jr the pathological lier still hosts diplomatic envoys swearing to them that he was innocent and that he was unaware of any atrocities!
– He is being helped by international encouragement, Arab silence, and shameful cover up by regime clergy.
– The Syrian people are determined to regain their freedom and pride at all cost.
– Our goal of “Revolution until victory” is founded on the following priciples:
1. Peaceful activism as the tools for the revolution
2. Rejection of sectarianism and racism
3. Reliance on own rescources and rejection of foreign military intervention, as God is the only bestower of victory.
4. The Syrian revolution is thankful to all leaders, nations, and activists who have stood by our side.
Long live free Syria
Long live proud Syrians
Long live the Revolutionists
Ugarit News | ??????? ?????????
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??????: ??? ???????? ??? ????? ????? ??? ?????? ??????? ??????? ???? ??????? ??????? ???? ???? ?? ??????? ??????? ??? ????? ?????? ????? ????? ???????,?????? ??? ??????? ?????? ??????? ?????? ??????? ????? ? ??? ?????? , ??? ???? ???? ?? ??? ????.
??????: ??? ????????? ???????? , ?????? ?????? ??? ????? ?? ???? ?????? ??? ???? ?? ????? ?? ?? ??? ???? ????.
?????? ??? ????? ?????? ???? ?? ?? ???? ?? ???? ??? ????? ?? ????? ?????? ??????? ????? ???? .? ???? ??? ?? ?????? ????? ????? ?? ??? ???? ????? ?????? ????? ?????? ????? .
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?????? ?????? .
?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ??????? ?? ?????? ???????? ?????.
???????? ??????? 15- 8-2011
42 minutes ago ·
August 15th, 2011, 11:33 am
Syria no kandahar said:
Radwan Ziadeh should just watch Tom&Jerry
August 15th, 2011, 11:46 am
Syria no kandahar said:
Revlon is standing by his terrorists rats friends at Alraml Aljanobi,He is so desperate because another Emara is being dismantled.
August 15th, 2011, 11:49 am
Revlon said:
This lady fell martyr to jr’s irresponsible war against civilians!
I wonder what her children would wish for Mama Anisa!
Sakantoori Neighbourhood, Lattakia, today.
AlFati7a upon her soul,
May God bless her family with solace and empower them with solace.
???????? – ????????? ????? ??? ????? ???????? 15-8
August 15th, 2011, 11:52 am
uzair8 said:
George Galloway statement on Syria.
August 15th, 2011, 11:58 am
Revlon said:
Freedom for Yara Nseir
?????? ????? ????
Yara Nseir
Project Manager at Abwab for Arts and Culture
Performing Arts
August 15th, 2011, 12:01 pm
Syria no kandahar said:
Would you stop this crap.any one can look at Althora Alsouria and see Bro Fida
Swedish crap.why are you acting like Fida Ambassador here.
August 15th, 2011, 12:02 pm
Syrian Nationalist Party said:
OK Aboud, you got from us a first positive like click on #35. But who needs NATO crap, Metaz defense systems makes it all obsolete.
August 15th, 2011, 12:04 pm
beaware said:
Mubarak trial: show not to go on
A Cairo court judge banned live broadcasting of the trials over former Egypt’s President Hosni Mubarak and Interior Minister Habib el-Adly and merged their cases. The next court hearing is scheduled for September 5.Mubarak and Adly are charged with ordering the killing of protesters during the January revolution. First lawyers insisted on… ?
August 15th, 2011, 12:05 pm
Mango said:
The video bridge “Syria: ways of the resolution of conflict” on August, 16th
11:12 15/08/2011
On Tuesday, on August, 16th, at 10.00 in the Russian agency of international information ???? RIA Novosti news agency will take place the video bridge Moscow – Beijing “Syria: ways of the resolution of conflict. A sight of the Russian and Chinese experts”. Demonstrations and protests in the Syrian cities, begun with the middle of March, do not stop. Against amplifying diplomatic pressure upon Damascus the Syrian authorities do not refuse application of force against inhabitants of rebellious cities. Constant members of UNSF Russia and China do not support acceptance of the resolution of Security Council of the United Nations across Syria on which insist the USA and the European countries, but rigidity and violence in this country are perceived with escalating concern. In what the reason of the prolonged conflict of the power and opposition? What ways of settlement of the Syrian crisis the Russian and Chinese experts can offer? Whether the Libyan scenario can repeat in Syria? What for the country and region as a whole can mean intervention in the Syrian conflict of the third party? These and other questions will be discussed by experts.
In Moscow:
– The president of Institute of the Near East Evgenie SATANOVSKY;
– The historian, orientalist Vladimir AHMEDOV;
– The senior research assistant of the Center of the Arabian researches of Institute of Oriental studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences Boris of DEBTS.
In Beijing:
– The research assistant of the center of the Western Asia and Africa Chinese institute of modern international relations of CHEN ???????;
– The research assistant of chair of political science of Institute of the international relations of Peking university VAN LJAN;
– WHETHER the research assistant of the Chinese institute of international problems ????.
Accreditation: 637-50-19, 645-64-72, 645-65-24
Press conference will take place to the address: Zubovsky parkway, the house 4 (the underground “culture Park”), New press center RAMI of RIA Novosti news agency.
August 15th, 2011, 12:07 pm
beaware said:
Russia supports Palestine’s recognition bid
Aug 15, 2011 17:09 Moscow Time
Russia backs Palestine’s UN recognition bid, the head of the Foreign Affairs Committee of Russia’s Federation Council Mikhail Margelov stated on Monday noting that support will be rendered only if Palestine continues talks with Israel.
August 15th, 2011, 12:08 pm
beaware said:
Turmoil in Syria may spill out into war for Israel
Israel has allegedly sent a message to Syrian President Bashar Assad in recent days, warning him that if he starts a war with the Jewish state in order to divert attention from domestic problems, Israel will target him personally.
According to a report by Kuwaiti newspaper Al-Jarida, the personal warning was sent through Turkey and follows reports of unusual troop movements in Syria, including the relocation of ballistic missiles able to reach Israel.
Israeli experts speculate Assad could go on the offensive to divert international attention from internal unrest.
Another theory is that an attack could be staged by Assad’s long-time allies Hezbollah from Lebanon.
In response Israel has deployed new missile defense systems near its border with Lebanon. It follows reports that Hezbollah could be moving its weaponry, stationed in volatile Syria, back to Lebanon.
Some fear that Syrian turmoil may destabilize the whole of the region.
Things are quiet on the Israel-Lebanon border. But many suspect it is a lull before the storm. Everything hinging on what happens in neighboring Syria and what Hezbollah decides to do with its stockpiles there.
“Any opposition group that might take over in Syria will definitely consider Hezbollah as an enemy, as a threat. So for Hezbollah the most logical thing to do is to transfer the weapons they put in Syria into Lebanon,” Eyal Zisser, Professor at Tel Aviv University believes.
August 15th, 2011, 12:13 pm
beaware said:
Turkish FM Calls on Syrian Administration to be More Sensitive
Monday, 15 August 2011
Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu has called on Syrian administration to be more sensitive towards its people.
Speaking after the fast-breaking dinner in central Anatolian province of Eskisehir on Sunday, Davutoglu expressed hope that the decisions, which were made during his meeting with Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad, would be put into practice rapidly.
Noting that Syria had taken some positive steps such as withdrawal of tanks from Hama city and permission to entrance of Turkish press members to the city, Davutoglu said that unfortunately, as of Friday, operations in several cities of Syria had been continuing and caused death of many civilians.
Davutoglu said that Turkey demanded immediate ending of the operations, and he called on Syrian administration to act more sensitively towards its people and ease the tension.
Our talks will continue in the coming period, he added.
Davutoglu held a meeting with al-Assad on August 9, and shortly after the meeting armoured vehicles and tanks of Syrian army were withdrawn from the city of Hama where the army had been launching assault for weeks.
August 15th, 2011, 12:21 pm
NK said:
Laugh with the Menhebakites “Episode 3”
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We are educated youth of the finest young Assad’s Syria …… We love and die for the master of the country, Mr. President Dr. Bashar al-Assad “our dear Lord” ….. We decided to express about our love and crazyness of President Bashar,our dear Lord in this page
As we see attack from some of our brothers in the homeland that say : we are not true, we tell them that our love for the Lord, dear Mr. President Bashar al-Assad and expression in any form it is our right and no one deprives us of our rights ……. How many millions of people worshiped cows and pigs when we are exposed to your refusal and we love the highest thing and the most expensive thing most noble commander in history
Dear Lord, Bashar al-Assad
What we say we worship the small finger leg only to confirm his dedication too extremely
Lived ……. Syria’s Assad and lived ……. And highest regards and prayers to our Lord we will submit to the Holy dear Bashar al-Assad
Dear “educated” menhebakites …. you’re a disgrace to Syria, education and humanity !!!
August 15th, 2011, 12:23 pm
Revlon said:
????? ??? ???? ???????
???? !the-syrian ?? 15 ??, 2011 – 06:41 ?????
???? ?????? ??? ?? ????? ?????? ?? ????? ????? ????? ?? ?????? ???? ???? ??? ???? ???????? ?? ????
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??? ????? ?? ?????? ????? ??? ???? ???? ????? ?????.
??????? :??? ?????? ????????
August 15th, 2011, 12:25 pm
Syria no kandahar said:
Why did your MB rats killed the pharmacist Sameer Qantari in Maarat Alnoman.
Lying Aligators like you gets no sympathy when they cry.god protect Syria from your mind.
August 15th, 2011, 12:41 pm
Revlon said:
Shelling with heavy weapons in Al-Raml.
Heavy gunfire in Slaiba, Tabyat, Qnainas, Basatin Al-Rihan, Masbah Al-Sha’b, Owaineh, Qal’aa, Al-her?sh and Ein Al-Tamra
???? ????? – Omawi Live
???? ????? #syria >> ????????: ??? ???? ? ????????? ??????? ?? ?????. ? ????? ??? ???? ?? ???????, ????????, ?????,?????? ???????,???? ?????,???????, ??????, ????? ? ??? ?????? latakia:
4 minutes ago
August 15th, 2011, 12:45 pm
Revlon said:
???? ???? ???? ?????? ??????? ?????? ??? ?? ?? ??? ??????– 2011/08/15
????? ???????? : ???? ?????
??? ???????? ?????? ???? ???? ??? ????? ?????? ?? ???? ??? “??? ???” ???? ???? ?? ?????? ????? ??????? ?????? ?? ??????? ?????? ??? ????? ???? ?? ?????? ?????? ??? ??????? ?????? ??????? ????? ????? ?????? ?????? ?? ?????.
???? ?? ?????? ??? ????? ?????? ?? ???? ??????? ????????? “???? ????? ?????? ?? ??????? ??? ????? ??????? ??????? ???? ??????? ?? ???? ???????? ?? ????? ??? ????? ????? ???? ?????? ??? ????? ?? ??? ??? ?????”. ????? ???? “??? ?? ????? ???????? ??????? ?? ????? ????? ?? ???? ????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ??????? ????????? ?? ????? ???????? ??? ????? ???????????? ????? ?????? ?? ?????? ??????? ???? ??? ??? ?????”.
??????? ??? ????? ??????? ??? ???? ????? ????? ????? ??? ?? ???????? ??????? (?? ????? ????????? ?????? ???? ????? ???????? ??? ????? ????? ????? ????? ??????? ????? ???????? ????????? ???? ????) ????? ??? ????? ???? ?? ??????? ???? ??? ???? ????? ??????? ???? ???? ?????? ?????? ???? ?????. ??? ???? ?????? ????????? ????? ?? ????? ?????? ??? ??? “????? ?????????? ?????????”? ??? ?????? ????????? ???? ?? ?????? ????? ?? ???? ????? ??? ????? ??? ?????? ??????? ?? ???? ?? ????????? ??????????? ??????????
August 15th, 2011, 12:56 pm
Revlon said:
Shocking facts of so-called resistance of Asad Regime
Iyad Shorbaji
????? ?????? ????? ??? ????????
???? ?????: ??? ???
??? ????? 1963 ???? ???? ??? ???? ????? 56251 ??????? ??????? ??? ???????????? ??? 612 ??? ???? ?? ????? ???? ???? ?????? ?????? ???? ????? 1982
2- ??? ????? 1970 ????? ??????? ?????? ??? ????? ?????? ?? (???????) 47 ??? ?????? ??????.
3- ??? ????? 1973 ???? ??????? 236 ????? ?????? ??? ??????? ????? ????? ??? ?????? ?????? 1470 ????? ?? ????.
4- ??? ????? 1979 ?????? ?????? ?????? ????? ????? ????? 4 ???? ?? ???? ????? ?? ??????? ?? (???????) ??? ??? ????? ??? ?????? ???? ????? ??? 1982 ??????.
5- ??? ????? 1981 ???? ?????? ?????? 128 ??? ????? (96 ???? ???????? 32 ????? ???????) ????? ?? ????? ?????????? ?????? ?? ????? ??????? ??????.
6- ?? ????? 2010 ?????? ????? ??? ??????? 127 ?? ??? 178 ???? ???? ??? ????? ???? ????? ?????? ?????? ??? ??????? ?????? ?? ????? ???????? ???????? ????? ??? (???????) ?? ??????? 33 ???????.
??? ?? ???????? ???? ???? ?? ?????? ???????? ??? 40 ?????
August 15th, 2011, 1:06 pm
5 dancing shlomos said:
fouad ajami? a bootlicking, lying, servile embarrassment.
wikileaks? israeli release via wikipsyop.
monday opens with distortions by the khaddamist worms and israeli parasites.
qadhdhafi/libya is winning. the taliban is winning. the syrian govt will win. syrians know servility to the zionized west and israel is not the “freedom” wanted.
August 15th, 2011, 1:06 pm
Revlon said:
Dears Sheila and OTW
The following are caveats relevant to the issue of publishing names of informants and forces involved in killing civilians.
They are posted on their website :
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August 15th, 2011, 1:17 pm
Syria no kandahar said:
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August 15th, 2011, 1:29 pm
Aboud said:
Moderator, I’m not an MB, but how why is it you ban us from calling the shabiha “scum” but the menhebaks can call people (edited)?
Revlon, thanks for the links. Keep it up bro 🙂
Junior misread the Turkish stand, just like he misread everything else. How is it possible for a politician to be so consistently wrong? In any other country he would have lost his job.
August 15th, 2011, 1:36 pm
Syria no kandahar said:
Arbood is the winner of the title:
???? ?????? ???????
August 15th, 2011, 1:41 pm
Dale Andersen said:
Memo To: ABOUD
RE: “…why is it you ban us from calling the shabiha “scum” but the menhebaks can call people “fagots”…”
Just another manifestation of the principle that life isn’t fair, eh, aboudy?
By the way, it’s “faggot” with 2 t’s….
August 15th, 2011, 1:47 pm
beaware said:
Sanctions are a blunt tool to influence Syria
National Editorial
Aug 15, 2011
Shortly after the anti-government rallies erupted in mid-March, US and European sanctions began to be levelled against the Assad regime and certain figures affiliated with it. But there have been no signs that these sanctions have been effective in curbing the brutality of the Baathist regime. The strongest economic blow to the regime came from within, as protests shackled the economy through boycotts, low-scale civil disobedience or simple protests.
Having said that, sanctions could weaken the regime if handled carefully. On Friday, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton stepped up pressure against President Bashar Al Assad by calling on arms dealers and oil exporters to sever ties with his regime. A weapons ban is obvious, but an oil embargo needs more consideration. The point is to pressure the regime, not to drive the economy into the ground at the expense of ordinary citizens.
Over the years, the regime won the support of the middle class through economic incentives. Sanctions will hurt them, but there is little indication that groups that have remained silent so far will take to the streets.
The regime is becoming weaker, protesters are getting stronger and the opposition, despite its poor performance diplomatically, is becoming better organised. Sanctions alone will not topple the regime, but carefully targeted, they could help.
August 15th, 2011, 1:48 pm
atassi said:
WE WILL NEVER FORGET.. killer!!We will get you ..
August 15th, 2011, 1:55 pm
5 dancing shlomos said:
armed internal/external thugs incite. the syrian govt responds.
syria bombing lathakia from the sea?
sounds like more psyops bullshit. like the 99.99% previous bullshit reports by the internal and external opposition.
August 15th, 2011, 1:57 pm
Observer said:
This regime and its supporters are mind boggling. If there are armed gangs roaming around in Syrian towns from the far northeast to the far southwest then there must have been an invasion of some sort and they must have a logistical operating base supplying them. At the rate of fabrication of the stories by SANA and Dunnia they should be having airforces battles and major navy engagements!!!!
Here is a nice video
August 15th, 2011, 2:06 pm
beaware said:
Thousands flee Palestinian refugee camp in Syria: U.N.
Thousands flee Palestinian refugee camp in Syria: U.N.
RAMALLAH, West Bank (Reuters) – Thousands of people fled a Palestinian refugee camp in the Syrian city of Latakia, some fleeing gunfire and others leaving on orders from the Syrian authorities, a spokesman for the U.N. agency which cares for Palestinian refugees said.
“Between 5,000 and 10,000 have fled, we don’t where these people are so it’s very worrying,” said Christopher Gunness, spokesman for the UNRWA agency. “We have a handful of confirmed deaths and nearly 20 injured,” he added.
Residents of Latakia say al-Raml refugee camp has been among the targets hit by Syrian security forces which have been attacking areas where protesters have been demonstrating against the government of President Bashar al-Assad.
The Palestinian presidency on Monday called on Damascus to safeguard the lives of Palestinian refugees.
The Palestinian presidential spokesman called on “the Syrian authorities to take measures which prevent the violation of the lives of Palestinian refugees in al-Raml camp in Latakia,” the official WAFA news reported.
Nabil Abu Rdainah, the spokesman, added that the Palestinian policy was not to interfere in the internal affairs of Arab states, adding “the future of the regimes is in the hands of their people,” WAFA reported.
August 15th, 2011, 2:11 pm
atassi said:
Turkey issues “final word” to Syria
15 August 2011
Reuters News
(c) 2011 Reuters Limited
(Adds more quotes, background)
ANKARA, Aug 15 (Reuters) – Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu told Bashar al-Assad on Monday military operations against civilians must end immediately and unconditionally, warning the Syrian president that this was Ankara’s “final word”.
“This is our final word to the Syrian authorities, our first expectation is that these operations stop immediately and unconditionally,” Davutoglu said in Turkey’s strongest rhetoric yet against its once close ally and neighbour.
“If these operations do not stop, there will be nothing left to say about the steps that would be taken,” he told a news conference, without elaborating.
“We have been in contact and have repeated our demands and have emphasised our expectations.”
Davutoglu said operations against civilians had intensified since Thursday evening.
“In the context of human rights this cannot be seen as a domestic issue,” he told reporters, without taking questions or making clear whether he spoke directly to Assad.
Turkish leaders, who once backed Assad but have repeatedly urged him to end violence and make reforms after street protests against his 11 years in power erupted five months ago, are sounding increasingly frustrated at Damascus.
Turkey, a Muslim NATO member that has applied to join the European Union, is one of the few countries in the world that has open communication lines with Damascus.
Davutoglu visited Damascus last week and held talks with Assad.
Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan, who spoke last week with U.S. President Barack Obama about violence in Syria, said he hoped Syria would take steps towards reform within 10-15 days.
However the bloodshed has continued. The Syrian navy shelled two densely populated residential districts of the main Mediterranean port city of Latakia on Sunday, residents and rights campaigners said.
August 15th, 2011, 2:21 pm
atassi said:
From HOMS… Can you hear us Bashar.. Maher..
The uproar loud and clear.. The populace want to execute the president
August 15th, 2011, 2:43 pm
5 dancing shlomos said:
davutoglu could have added that to help stop the violence against civilians in syria, the u.s., turkey, israel, jordan, s. arabia would keep their noses and agents out of syria. and that they would stop lying and providing weapons and propaganda to the thugs.
davu, next time you talk to obama, mention the u.s. created violence in afgan, pak, iraq, yemen, somalia, sudan, libya, and syria. to name a few assaulted countries.
then, davu, sew your mouth shut. sorry, this isnt for proper butt kissing of your masters.
the khaddamists and israelis are out in full force.
August 15th, 2011, 2:46 pm
Jasmine said:
Always NY Times articles have a pervasive Acerbility and exhilarating Malice when it comes to discuss the Syrian uprising.
This article has the intention of igniting more hatred and spreading more destruction and fire to the already burning country.
August 15th, 2011, 2:51 pm
5 dancing shlomos said:
Lebanon Intercepts Covert Arms Shipments bound for Syria
By Sahand Avedis
August 15, 2011 “WSWS” — Lebanese army intelligence has intercepted a covert shipment of 1,000 assault rifles, reportedly destined for the city of Baniyas in Syria. Army investigators say they have uncovered ties between the smugglers and the political entourage of former Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri, who is backed by the United States and Saudi Arabia.
August 15th, 2011, 2:58 pm
Amir in Tel Aviv said:
Armed terrorist gang
How can mnhebaks see this lawlessness and army of thugs aka shabbiha,
and not be disgusted? Is this the Syria you want? Militias of brutal men with no uniforms, terrorizing the population? Mnhebakism equals mental retardation.
August 15th, 2011, 3:02 pm
Real Syrian said:
The repeated calls with our families and friends in Latakia support the government story about the armed radical Islamic gangs….My father and mother who both have hypertension and heart disease could not sleep for two days because of the bombs which the terrorists are making……
A friend of mine who is working in Latakia Military Hospital informed me that more than 50 Syrian soldier were injured and three were killed………..
What a peaceful revolution????????????
Any way I hope if Dr.Landis can call his relatives in Latakia and tell us their story about what is happening in a separate post….
Syrian TV report about the injured Syrian soldiers
August 15th, 2011, 3:33 pm
Tara said:
Observer# 64
Thank you for the video you posted. I liked the content. I understand the need for the mask. I wish the same video can be reproduced outside with a real face and without the background giggles and get sent to Mr. Nasrallah to enjoy.
For the life of me, I can’t sympathize with people unable to sleep because of the noise of tanks and machine guns killing civilians (as opposes to be unable to sleep because human lives are taken by the mass murderer and his army). Mnhebaks, You should ask your god Bashar to add sound mufflers to his tanks and other weapons so your loved ones can sleep. What a pity!
Can you guys read what you write before posting it.
August 15th, 2011, 3:55 pm
Khalid Tlass said:
Its clear that Palestinians have been sopecifically targetted in Latakia by the regime. Lets see what Khalid Meshaal and Ismail Haniyyeh have to say about this. Till now there hasn;t been any statement from either Hamas, Hizbullah or Fatah.
August 15th, 2011, 3:56 pm
Real Syrian said:
Syrian Army remove the barriers and deactivate some hand made bombs which had been used by the peaceful Islamic militia in the Southern-Ramel area in Latakia
August 15th, 2011, 3:56 pm
Syria no kandahar said:
According to Aljazera and BBC ????? ???????? ??????? ???? ????? ????? ???????? ????? ????? ??????? ??????? ??????? This was confirmed to Ridwan Ziadeh by Eyewittnesses while he was taking a brake from Tom&Jerry.The Us is moving it’s navy from the persia gulf to counter ????? ???????? ???????.According to BBC the Syrian army is using ????? ???????? ????? in fighting in Alramal Aljanobi.This was also confirmed by Radwan who told BBC that Bashar has lost his mind and is using Tamahok and nuclear weapons in fighting monks in Alramal .
August 15th, 2011, 4:02 pm
Real Syrian said:
This video remind us how Islamic radical buggers had started their brutal revolution in Latakia
They had attacked public and private properties ,injured policemen, and killed innocent people.
Today, it is different, Syrian army is eradicating this cancer from our beautiful city……
Latakians hope if the government remove this bad area (Southern Ramel) as it is a known place for crime and drugs which occupies the most amazing spot on the coast.
August 15th, 2011, 4:10 pm
SQI said:
Thierry Meyssan is right, journalists ( and also academics) engaged in propaganda war against Libya and Syria must be held accountable.
Les journalistes qui pratiquent la propagande de guerre doivent être jugés par la Justice internationale.
La propagande de guerre est entrée dans une phase nouvelle avec l’action coordonnées de chaînes de télévision satellitaires. CNN, France24, BBC et Al-Jazeera sont devenues des instruments d’intoxication pour diaboliser des gouvernements et justifier des agressions armées. Ces pratiques sont illégales en droit international et l’impunité de leurs auteurs doit cesser.
August 15th, 2011, 4:11 pm
Syria no kandahar said:
You have lost it,no manners,no class.who is your God?Alaaroor,??? ????,Erdogan.
You are Targeting people who are just sitting in your decayed sick mind,you call them try to run away from the fact that the Syrian majorities are
Pro-Syria and that the days of worshipping human being are only in your brain and the brain of your terrorists friends which have been taken out of caves in Hama,Jisr Alshoughor ..who are worshipping Alaaroor .Stop being (edited for insult) and face the real and other (edited for insult) like NK are worshippers of Alaaroor behind.
August 15th, 2011, 4:15 pm
Amir in Tel Aviv said:
Tel Aviv 9 days ago. How hundreds of thousands of people looks like.
August 15th, 2011, 4:47 pm
majedkhaldoon said:
The regime is behaving very desperate and reckless, and he must have thought that Turkey gave him two weeks he can kill the sunni in Latakia,ethnic cleansing, this tells us that the regime about to give up and want a sanctuary in the Alawi mountain,and want a window to the sea.The regime is delusional.
Turkish FM gave ultimatum today, to the Syrian criminal regime, Jordanian FM called Syrian FM and demanded immidiate halt to the brutal crackdown, KSA and US sent clear message to the regime to stop violence and demand the withdrawal of the army units from the cities.
Gaddafi is about to take his last breath, Assad thinks he can use the respirator,no he can not.
August 15th, 2011, 4:55 pm
beaware said:
West needs Syria in turmoil
Mon Aug 15, 2011 6:24PM GMT
The West, apparently, seeks to force Syria to cave-in under pressure stemming from its internal problems. These endeavors are focused on two fronts. First, international efforts to further tighten the political and economical siege on the Syrian regime; thus far the stances of Russia and China have prevented the prevalence of these efforts.
Second, is Syria’s internal crisis whose final flames we are witnessing in the cities of Hama and Deir ez-Zor.
In the previous negotiations between Syria on the one hand and Turkey and the Western states on the other, Syria had been warned that Turkey’s army and the NATO would launch an offensive against Syria in the case of any killings in Hama.
The West’s objective is to keep the flames of protest alive in Syria and exploit it as a tool in the political haggling with Syria.
The Syria, meanwhile, allowed the protesters to freely take to the streets of Hama for 53 days. At the same time armed men, most of whom had extremist Salafi tendencies, set up checkpoints at entrances to the city and inside it and they arrested or killed anyone affiliated to the government. But this measure by the government was only a tactic so that rebels would show their true colors.
Syrian state media took the broadcast footage of the armed men at checkpoints at the entrance of the city and the atrocities committed at their hands. Only then did the army begin rolling into the city on a phase by phase procedure. The army’s objective was to arrest any armed men and to counter any armed assault. They finally managed to restore calm in the city. After this the Turkey’s ambassador to Syria and a group consisting of 70 foreign reporters and journalists were invited to visit the city and be briefed about the acts of the rebels.
We are witnessing unrest in the tribal region of Deir ez-Zor as well as the city of Hama. The tribe of Shammar settles in this region and has branches in both Iraq and Saudi Arabia and thus enjoys a close relationship with both of these countries. This region, too, has been generally stabilized after the interference of the Syrian Army.
The success of the Syrian Army to maintain the security and control of the revolt-stricken regions, especially Hama and Deir ez-Zor was unexpected for Turkey and Western countries, because they expected that this far-off the border but sensitive region would remain unstable so it would be used as leverage against the Syrian government. Caught by surprise, the Western governments now find themselves in a dilemma. On the one hand, they cannot take any measures that would lead to the uncalculated regime change and on the other hand they cannot remain indifferent to a still powerful Syrian regime. Hence the political pressure on Syria. Will there be a serious effort to launch the project to topple the Syrian government now? There is serious disagreement between the Israeli regime and the Western states on the future of Syria.
The fierce international attacks on Syria after the raid on Hama are in fact indicative of the defeat of the Syrian opposition schemes and their supporters.
Russia’s stance towards the developments must be viewed in the light of Medvedev’s rivalry with Putin. Medvedev is seeking the support of the West so that he can win over his rival “Putin” with the aid of the Western media and this is why he is adopting harsher stances on Syria. He recently announced that “Should Bashar Assad persist with his suppression, he would face gloomy days.”
Putin’s stance, meanwhile, is completely against any international campaign against Syria.
Some members of the United Nations Security Council such as South Africa, Brazil and India have dispatched their delegations to Syria which is a declaration for support for the regime of Bashar Assad. The Turkish officials have subjected any shift of stance on Turkey’s part on the assignment of some members of Ekhvan al-Moslemin as ministers. Bashar Assad, however, vehemently disagrees. Turkey, Syria dispute is set to continue.
August 15th, 2011, 5:02 pm
Tara said:
Don’t let what is happening in Syria overwhelms you. Do not forget children are dying in Somalia from famine. Please donate money to Somalia if you can.
August 15th, 2011, 5:03 pm
Aboud said:
“Gaddafi is about to take his last breath, Assad thinks he can use the respirator,no he can not.”
LOL! Good one 🙂
August 15th, 2011, 5:04 pm
digging for gold in bosra said:
Real Syrian: “Latakians hope if the government remove this bad area (Southern Ramel) as it is a known place for crime and drugs which occupies the most amazing spot on the coast.”
Yeah, good idea, let’s remove this ‘bad’ area, get rid of the poor people and their ghastly houses so that our rich mates from Damascus can summer there without having to look at those horrible eyesores all the time. To think that those people might want a say in how they are governed! Ha! Impudent bunch of terrorists!
August 15th, 2011, 5:06 pm
Syria no kandahar said:
If Sunnis Continue to refuse to sit on a Syrian table and keep sitting on Turkish,Saudi,American…tables,The possibility of division is realistic.Alawis and most minorities if they have to pick between living under MB or Wahabi government versus living independently would prefer the second choice.
August 15th, 2011, 5:11 pm
uzair8 said:
Diana Mukkaled: The Shabiha strategy
Al Arabiya English opinion piece.
(If I post the link or the article then this post will be lost in the spam filter)
Good article. Talks about the different wings of Shabih including the ‘online Shabiha’. Describes the regime supporters we have on here quite well.
Diana Mukkaled: The Shabiha strategy
Monday, 15 August 2011
Since the beginning of the popular unrest in Syria, the Al Assad regime has relied on a policy of confrontation and violence to suppress the protesters, no matter how high the human and political cost. One of the main pillars of this strategy of utilizing excessive violence is the pro-regime Shabiha militia. In other words, the use of a third party to assault and kill the protesters in the name of the regime, without the regime being directly involved.
It seems that we were naïve in failing to appreciate the magnitude of this phenomenon, or the extent to which the Syrian regime is depending on this militia to directly suppress the protesters on the ground. The Syrian regime has also utilized the “Shabiha strategy” in its political and media discourse against the protesters.
The “Shabiha” phenomenon is based on the idea of violently suppressing and killing the protesters in Syria, while trying to utilize the media in an attempt to counter the calls for freedom and the collapse of the regime. The “Shabiha” public opinion campaign – if we could call it that – is based on insults and incitement, rather than any logical or humane discussion.
This “Shabiha” media strategy has developed since the eruption of the protests in Syria thanks to private pro-regime Syrian and Lebanese media outlets. These media outlets have adopted the “Shabiha” strategy, inviting political and media guests whose sole objective is to issue insults, and provocation and who sometimes even openly call for the [Syrian] opposition to be eliminated. These figures play down the genuine suffering of the Syrian people and dismiss the blood which is being shed as mere collateral damage.
As for the internet, there is a war taking place between pro-revolutionary websites and internet groups and the online “Shabiha” the so-called “Syrian electronic army” that specializes in insulting the Syrian protesters, and those posting anti-regime stories and news.
The online “Shabiha” excels at insulting and inciting against those calling for political change in Syria, as well as re-posting the regime’s official accounts.
Since the beginning of the Syrian uprising, the “Shabiha” have pursued a policy of suppression and violence to confront the protests, or those holding sit-ins in solidarity with the Syrian people. They have drawn on Baathist and nationalist slogans in doing so.
This is something that could be seen during a Syrian opposition conference held in Antalya, Turkey, as well as the Syrian opposition meeting in Jordan two weeks ago. We saw a handful of pro-regime Syrian supports demonstrating outside of these meetings, and they also managed to prevent an anti-regime demonstration from taking place in Amman.
The most outrageous form of this “Shabiha” strategy can clearly be seen in Lebanon where protests organized in solidarity with the Syrian people have repeatedly been targeted. On one such occasion, the anti-regime protesters were attacked and beaten thanks to the absence of the Lebanese authorities that want to distance themselves from the incidents taking place in Syria. Even when a group of Lebanese activists staged a sit-in in central Beirut a few days ago to support Syria’s uprising, a handful of “Shabiha” thugs attempted to target them. These incidents reveal how the Syrian regime has agents or proxies to assist it. The Syrian regime is utilizing the same principle with regards to the media, attempting to garner support for al-Assad and draw public opinion away from the Syrian opposition.
It is quite obvious that the task assigned to the “Shabiha” outside of Syria is nothing to do with what is happening inside Syria, but rather their task is to target Syrian sympathizers and cause them to fear that any rallies held in solidarity with the Syrian people will be subject to the same security “solutions” as those being employed by the regime against the Syrian protesters themselves.
(Published in the London-based Asharq Alawsat on August 14, 2011.)
August 15th, 2011, 5:17 pm
beaware said:
Assad regime seen as lesser of evils in Syria
Michael Hughes
Geopolitics Examiner
August 15, 2011
The Syrian government has killed more than 2,400 protesters over the past five months and will likely continue its violent crackdown unabated whilst facing nothing more than token resistance from the international community, according to a number of experts.
Although Syrian president Bashar al-Assad has now slaughtered more people than Gaddafi’s forces had killed in Libya when the UN authorized NATO to begin bombing Tripoli, the UN has yet to even ask Assad to step down.
This reluctance is driven by the likelihood the chaos of post-Assad Syria would make the current turmoil seem tame, as the prospect of full blown internecine warfare looms.
Not to mention, a power vacuum could easily be filled by Sunni Islamic extremists – a scenario Western nations such as the U.S. fear more than anything. Add this to long-term commercial interests many countries have at state, and it’s no wonder there hasn’t been a unified clarion call for Assad’s ouster.
Pepe Escobar of the Asia Times went so far as to suggest the majority of Syrian natives actually fear a post-Assad world because of the retributive bloodshed that would likely ensue, and claims Assad has “done the math” and doesn’t fear the opposition or Western intervention. As Escobar writes:
The Assad regime has done the math and realized it won’t fall as long as the protests don’t reach the capital Damascus and the major city of Aleppo – that is, convulse the urban middle class. The security/military apparatus is fully behind Assad. All Syrian religious minorities make up at least 25% of the population; they are extremely fearful of Sunni fundamentalists. Secular Sunnis for their part fear a regime change that would lead to either an Islamist takeover or chaos. So it’s fair to argue the majority of Syrians are indeed behind their government – as inept and heavy-handed as it may be.
Michael Bell, a former Canadian ambassador to the Middle East, believes the Assad regime will survive, despite sanctions, diplomatic isolation and economic dislocation because Assad and his father, who suppressed a 1982 Muslim Brotherhood uprising by slaughtering up to 20,000 people, have effectively kept the opposition weak and fragmented for decades.
If the current heterogeneous opposition took power, its lack of cohesive leadership and the fact sectarian and tribal identity might trump the quest for democracy, a division of the country into sovereign ethnic enclaves is a real possibility.
Although Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has been trying to mobilize oil and gas sanctions against Syria, her efforts are being hindered by Syrian allies like China and Russia, who both hold veto power on the UN Security Council.
India, South Africa and Brazil are also opposed to levying sanctions against Syria, let alone authorizing military force.
Russia has been hesitant to back any types of sanctions for obvious reasons, considering it stands to lose as much as $3.8 billion in revenue from Syrian arms contracts, according to the Center for Analysis of Strategies and Technologies.
White House officials hoped Assad would feel the noose tightening when Saudi Arabia and the Arab league came forward to publicly denounce Syria last week.
However, the House of Saud’s sudden support for the people has been perceived as duplicitous considering Saudi Arabia has been a safe haven for dictators such as Tunisia’s Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali, Yemen’s Ali Abdullah Saleh and Egypt’s Hosni Mubarak.
The religiously-devout Saudi Sunnis wouldn’t mind seeing the demise of the secularly-minded Assad, who belongs to the syncretic Alawite sect of Shia Islam. Plus, Assad’s overthrow would be a crippling blow to the Shiites in Iran.
Outside of Iran, Turkey might wield the most influence with the Syrian regime and, truth be told, the Turks have a vested interest in Assad holding onto power because the last thing they want to see is an Iraqi-style sectarian civil war breaking out next door.
Last week Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu told Assad he could face the same fate as Gaddafi if he didn’t alter course. However, Turkish officials have indicated they trust Assad will impose reforms over the coming weeks.
Others believe this approach will simply provide Syria with more time to kill more demonstrators, because Assad has continually promised to implement reforms that have yet to materialize.
Then there are countries like Iraq who visibly support the Assad regime. Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri Kamal al-Maliki urged protesters to stop “sabotaging” the Syrian government. According to the New York Times:
In a television interview this week, Mr. Maliki told the protesters to use the democratic process, not riots, to voice their displeasure, though Syria does not allow competitive, free elections.
Mr. Maliki last month hosted Syrian officials to discuss closer economic ties, including the construction of a gas pipeline that would run from Iran through Iraq to Syria.
The net effect of public condemnations and threats of sanctions have been close to nil in deterring Damascus, evidenced by the fact Syrian forces have killed more than 400 people within the past two weeks alone.
Even if the U.S. did officially demand Assad cede power, the Syrian regime sees the U.S. as powerless and irrelevant. In light of the blowback from the Libyan intervention, a costly war in Afghanistan and a financial crisis at home, Syria doubts the U.S. would act beyond moral lecturing. Escobar, again:
So the idea of the Barack Obama administration in the United States telling Assad to pack up and go is dead on arrival as a game-changer.
August 15th, 2011, 5:22 pm
Khalid Tlass said:
Aboud and S.G.I.D,
I’m feeling very very depressed today about the situation in Syria. Looks like Turkey and NATO gave Junior 2 weeks to “end this thing”. i think Junior will go all out to kill as many people he can in the next 1 and a half week. I’m very worried that the momentum of the protest movement will be fizzled out by that time and Besho will claim to have “restored peace”, and embark on his “reforms”. Turkey will shut up, Saudi will shut up, and USA will look the other way. So, Aboud and S.G.I.D, do you think we can sustain the momentum ? Do you think 200,000 plus people will still turn up at demos in Hama, Homs, Idlib, Deir, etc. on Friday. Wjen will Damascus and Aleppo erupt ? I can’t wait…its all so frustrating, I feel like victory is slipping away. I’m a pessimist, so I maybe wrong, you guys know better on the ground. I’m so angry I feel like beating to pulp the first stupid brainwashed menhibak I come across.
August 15th, 2011, 5:23 pm
Real Syrian said:
I think it is more logic to invite your lords in Saudia and other Persian Gulf farms(states) to donate the money- they had spent in establishing this Islamic brutal movement in Syria- to Somalians and other poor people….
Your friends in the Gulf Area invest their money in cooking meat and rice ,and to spend their sexual desires….What a great nation to be proud of?????????????
August 15th, 2011, 5:24 pm
Khalid Tlass said:
# 86 (Syria no Kandahar) , by using the word “Wahhabi” has proven that he is an Iranian or Pakistani-British Shia. No Arab uses the word “Wahhabi”. Why don;t all you Iroonis shut up abt Syria. You’d better be counting rosary beads sitting in that shrine in Karbala.
August 15th, 2011, 5:25 pm
Tara said:
Real Syrian
Just in case you do not know, any dictatorship is not my freind, be it Syria, KSA, the gulf states, or Iran.
August 15th, 2011, 5:33 pm
Tara said:
What do you think Turkey’ next step?
August 15th, 2011, 5:35 pm
You make it sound like Syrians have only a choice between a corrupt and morally bankrupt (economically as well) regime or an Islamic state. That’s simply not the case. The vast majority of Syrians are calling for a democratic state, in which case extremist elements will fail to dominate parliment. If parties seek power they will be forced by their electorate towards the middle ground.
August 15th, 2011, 5:42 pm
Abu Umar said:
” 86. Syria no kandahar said:
If Sunnis Continue to refuse to sit on a Syrian table and keep sitting on Turkish,Saudi,American…tables,The possibility of division is realistic.Alawis and most minorities if they have to pick between living under MB or Wahabi government versus living independently would prefer the second choice.”
And millions of Syrian Sunnis don’t want to live under a Alawi regime which has slaughtered them by the tens of thousands. Don’t let the door hit you on the way out. You will win many battles, but you will lose the war in the long run. Enjoy your Nusayristan in Turkey.
August 15th, 2011, 5:43 pm
amal said:
So, how is the independent islamist state of HAMA doing now?
August 15th, 2011, 5:43 pm
newfolder said:
see how Bashar’s dogs shoot at a peaceful protest in Homs with live fire tonight:
August 15th, 2011, 5:45 pm
Khalid Tlass said:
@ #95 – Its doing better than your (edited for bad language) of Najaf and Karbala.
August 15th, 2011, 5:51 pm
True said:
Besho is committing murders here and there, destroying provinces east and west, bombarding women and kids, arresting this and that, issuing new daily hard currency policies and refusing to address the nation.
Evidently, “CONFUSION” is the leading theme of his actions!!
He proved himself incapable to be a team lead for a bunch of thugs I wonder if “Menehbeks” still perceive him as he a statesman !!!
August 15th, 2011, 5:53 pm
SYR.Expat said:
???? ???? ???? ????? ?? ??? ?????? ?????? ???????
August 15th, 2011, 5:53 pm
Khalid Tlass said:
Abu Umar, somewhere earlier you had made references to Marwan al-Hadid and Adnan ‘Uqla. Who were these guys ? I searched the google but could not find out, nor do my oarents remember anything about them.
August 15th, 2011, 5:54 pm
SYR.Expat said:
?????? ???? ?????
???????, 15 ????? 2011 21:33
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??????? ???? ????.
????? ???? ?????.
August 15th, 2011, 5:56 pm
Digging for gold in Bosra said:
Dr Hassan Al Nouri for President!
August 15th, 2011, 5:59 pm
SYR.Expat said:
???? – ??? ??? ??????? ??????? ?? ???? ????????
August 15th, 2011, 6:00 pm
SQI said:
#87. UZAIR8
The “Shabiha” phenomenon.
the “Shabiha strategy”.
the “Shabiha media strategy”,
the online Shabiha and
the outside Shabiha
(edited for personal attack)
August 15th, 2011, 6:05 pm
SYR.Expat said:
Another minaret being shot at. The sectarian message is loud and clear.
??? – ?????? – ??? ????? ???? ??? ?? ??? ????
August 15th, 2011, 6:05 pm
beaware said:
The Muslim Brotherhood’s Discontents
August 11, 2011 – 12:15 am – by Michael J. Totten
Is Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood moderate? That’s what everyone wants to know now that Hosni Mubarak is out of power and the Islamists are flexing their muscles, not only against the military junta’s transition authorities, but also against the liberal activists who brought the autocratic president down.
The Muslim Brotherhood’s spokesmen have been waging a PR campaign in the West for many years. They know exactly what to say and what not to say. They tell Western reporters that they’re activists for democracy and civil society. They don’t say they want to ban alcohol, force women to wear headscarves or veils, or further restrict the rights of religious minorities.
The term “moderate” is relative, though. Surely the Muslim Brotherhood is moderate compared with the Taliban and al-Qaeda, but that’s a meaningless standard. The Taliban and al-Qaeda are the most politically extreme Islamist organizations on earth. Fidel Castro is moderate compared with Pol Pot, and the Ku Klux Klan is moderate compared with the Nazis, but so what?
It hardly matters at all that the Muslim Brotherhood is moderate compared with mass-murdering totalitarians whose weapon of choice is the suicide bomber. (Besides, its leadership supports the suicide bombers of Hamas, which ought to go without saying since Hamas is the organization’s Palestinian branch.) The only question that matters is: what does the Muslim Brotherhood actually stand for? What do they say when Western reporters aren’t in the room? The only way a Western reporter like me can know, short of bugging their offices, is to interview former Muslim Brotherhood members who will tell it to me straight. So that’s what I did.
August 15th, 2011, 6:10 pm
SYR.Expat said:
Dear moderator,
The vulgarity of some supporters of the Syrian regime is rearing its ugly head again (I know they can’t help it). It would be great if you can do something about it.
August 15th, 2011, 6:11 pm
abughassan said:
some people may not like reading posts that do not fit within their line of thinking but that is a forum and we should all tolerate the opinion of others.
first,few notes from Latakia:
what the regime called a “mission” in Alraml is coming to an end. four Palestinians at least were among the dead. At least one child is confirmed dead. the claim that the navy shelled Alraml does not seem to be true,and opposition to what the regime did in alraml is not widespread in Latakia. the regime was heavy handed in Latakia, and the presence of weapons and dynamite found among targeted hiding places and warehouses does not change the fact that there were innocent Syrians who got killed in Latakia in the last two days. details about how,and who are sketchy.
how does Bashar feel nowadays?
we do not know for sure. an old friend of his claimed that Bashar is confident that the crisis has reached its peak and that he will survive the international campaign to oust him. another story in the press falls in the same category of a regime that feels better today compared to a week ago. I can not say the same about Syrians who are now more divided,less hopeful and more resentful,I was told that Damascus,in particular,may spoil the regime’s mood.
more bad news and real possibility that sanctions will create a black market that squeezes Syrians even more and provide an income opportunity for smugglers and regime thugs. The regime will be glad to use sanctions to its own advantage. The west on this subject is borderline retarded,and time will tell.
to sum it up,that was not a good week for Syrians. what the regime wants is to force Syrians to accept “reform” on its terms while doing very little to curtail security forces. Long term survival chances for the regime are slim to none,and prospects of a civil war are higher now and will get dangerously close if more bloodshed is seen. Those who are betting on Turkey are chasing a losing horse.Syrians have to finish the job and they can do it without firing a single bullet,welcome to civil obedience.Syrians should only trust what the regime does not what it says !!
August 15th, 2011, 6:22 pm
amal said:
So, How are those mean tribal brave islamist warriors and their independent state of Deir-El-Zor doing now?
August 15th, 2011, 6:23 pm
True said:
@ 108. SYR.Expat
Yeah true it seems Besho unleashed his electronic army of thugs, shbiha and Menhebeks.
Someone of his toooots has to remind him they allow only 20kg on flights to Iran, heheh can’t wait.
August 15th, 2011, 6:25 pm
SYR.Expat said:
Dear moderator,
Thank you!
August 15th, 2011, 6:25 pm
Syria no kandahar said:
My god you found out I am in Karbala ,you are so smart ,you must be related to Arbood.
Ubo Umer
You don’t meet my standards to reply.I don not talk to terrorists.
August 15th, 2011, 6:26 pm
Digging for gold in Bosra said:
To the people that don’t want Dr Hassan al Nouri to be President, may I ask why?
August 15th, 2011, 6:26 pm
Observer said:
The only explanation for the fierce fighting is that defections have occurred. As for the video I posted I did it with a heavy heart as HA has had my support in defeating Israel more than once and to bring about land and man liberation.
I do feel that HA leader has made a strategic mistake when he expressed views about the Arab Uprising. HA should focus on one thing and one thing only and that is the enemy of all the Arabs namely Israel.
The people of Syria with or without the current regime hate Israel Zionism and carry their Arab nationalism fully. Those who fear that Syria may become like Mubarak’s Egypt in cuddling up to Israel if the regime is gone do not have any idea of the true patriotism of the Syrian people and their commitment to the Arab cause.
As for the regime; it has one final tool in its arsenal and that is brute force. There isn’t even a veneer of reforms as they are still born before their arrival.
It is also clear that there is fewer people willing to go on satellite TV to defend the regime and its fantastic stories of armed gangs.
Failure is the sine qua non of the regime:
Reforms means mistakes and errors were made
Armed gangs means failure of security services to find them and deal with them
Propaganda means that the story line is a failure in conveying the message.
I think the regime has decided that it wants to turn the clock back and perhaps bring the dead back to life.
Good luck and long live the germs and rats of the Arab world.
August 15th, 2011, 6:27 pm
Tara said:
Mamnhebaks and Velvet
What do you think Turkey’s next step is?
August 15th, 2011, 6:29 pm
majedkhaldoon said:
Turkey will close the border,cut trade,and comply with sanctions against Syria. they can do more,secretly , like supply weapons to syrian,
president Gull was in Saudia Arabia, to coordinate actions togather.
Sunni love to sit with the regime,provided oppression,killing arrest and torture stop.
August 15th, 2011, 6:35 pm
Syria no kandahar said:
Turkey’s next step will be to make Atatork the Syrian opposition god,Erdogan will be a prophet
,davudoglo will be an Angel,Prs Gul will be a saint.opposition will worship Erdogan’s big toe,it lost it’s nail due to fungus and moist.
August 15th, 2011, 6:46 pm
AB said:
You can’t engage in civil disobedience with regime that is willing to kill anyone that opposes it any shape or form.
Targeted sanctions will work. The international communities can stop doing business with any company or organization that does business with the regime. Ask the Iranians if sanctions work, they could barely import anything few weeks ago because shipping container companies pull out of their ports. Sanctions will force the business communities to choose real reforms or side with Bashar.
The solution is for minorities to realize that Bashar has no future and get off this his bandwagon. Have faith in your fellow countrymen than this killer.
August 15th, 2011, 6:48 pm
beaware said:
US cannot confirm Syrian navy shelled Latakia
(AFP) – 1 hour ago
WASHINGTON — The United States said Monday it could not confirm reports that Syria’s navy shelled the Syrian port of Latakia in what would amount to an escalating bid to crush pro-democracy protests.
Syrian activists said gunboats shelled the city on Sunday, the first report of President Bashar al-Assad’s forces attacking from the sea since the anti-regime revolt erupted on March 15.
But US State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland said there was no confirmation of such an attack, although she conceded that one could not be ruled out either.
“We have been unable to confirm actually the use of naval assets,” Nuland told reporters, adding the “jury is still out” on whether or not Syrian warships opened fire.
She added there were “some inconsistencies” in the reporting on the alleged incident but did not elaborate.
“However, we are able to confirm that there is armor in the city and that there is firing on innocents again, in the pattern of carnage that you have seen in other places,” she said.
“So we are concerned, and we’re concerned not only about Latakia and the neighborhood of Al-Ramel, but also ongoing violence in Idlib and Deir Ezzor.”
The National Organization for Human Rights in Syria (NOHRS) said in a statement Sunday: “In unprecedented action… the Syrian regime used navy boats to shell innocent civilians in the province of Latakia.”
The official SANA news agency denied the naval attack and said security forces were battling “armed gangs” in Latakia.
The British-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights only reported heavy machine-gun fire.
August 15th, 2011, 6:57 pm
Tara said:
Kindly refer to NK post# 49. It will shed light on who worship body parts, remember.
August 15th, 2011, 6:58 pm
beaware said:
Wait until Ramadan end, PM Erdo?an warns PKK
Monday, August 15, 2011
ANKARA – Hürriyet Daily News
Turkey will get tougher in its war on terrorism, says Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdo?an, adding that the state is only ‘showing patience because of Ramadan’
Highlighting the increasing number of military casualties due to terrorist attacks, Erdo?an said the situation would not be tolerated much longer. The problem, according to Erdo?an, is not only a security issue but also a diplomatic, psychological and social economic one.
August 15th, 2011, 7:03 pm
Amir in Tel Aviv said:
Turkey will take the UNSC approach. It will lead an effort to adopt a tougher resolution regarding Syria. I find it hard to believe that they will act unilaterally and/or militarily.
Regarding your obsession with Israel: The Arabs will be buzzy for the (at least) coming 10 years, with solidifying the outcome of their revolutions, or fighting civil or holy wars. I hope it will be the former. They will not have the resources the energy or the will to fight Israel. They have broken homes to fix, and hungry populations to feed before going to wars.
Israel too will be buzzy with the social battle we’re fighting. So no one will have an appetite for wars, in the near future.
August 15th, 2011, 7:03 pm
Digging for gold in Bosra said:
Yeah, that’ll show em! I’ll just keep pressing the ‘dislike’ button and the whole world will see that everyone really does love Bashar and that this whole democracy thingy-me-jig is just a sham. Yeah, good idea…
August 15th, 2011, 7:04 pm
AB said:
The regime supporters are not worrying about their safety if the regime falls, they are worry about making a living with out Bashar.
I think instead of demanding freedom, liberty and so on, we should first promise the regime supporters welfare checks since they don’t seem capable of making on their own.
August 15th, 2011, 7:10 pm
Tara said:
PLO Strongly Condemns Syrian Assault on Latakia Refugee Camp
by Naharnet Newsdesk
8 hours ago
A senior Palestinian official on Monday strongly condemned Syria over violence that forced thousands of Palestinian refugees to flee a camp in the port city of Latakia.
“We strongly condemn the operations of the Syrian forces in raiding and shelling the Palestinian Ramel Camp in Latakia and the displacement of the population,” said Yasser Abed Rabbo, secretary general of the Palestine Liberation Organization.
August 15th, 2011, 7:18 pm
SYR.Expat said:
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????- ?????? ?.
August 15th, 2011, 7:19 pm
Digging for gold in Bosra said:
Ok, let me figure this one out. I have a crap degree from a no-name university and can’t get a job in the states because there’s just too much competition (what’s this whole anti-nepotism legislation?! give me a break!). Where can I go where I can use the fact that I speak English but also have a job that pays six times the national wage and that doesn’t actually require me to do anything other than go on company coach trips once a month? Bingo! That’s it, Syria! why don’t I just return to the home country and get a job in Syria Tel, MTN or Cham Holding! If I had a Masters in a crap subject from an even crapper university I could even work in the Syria Trust for Development and get to see Emma – sorry Asma – from time to time.
August 15th, 2011, 7:21 pm
Dale Andersen said:
RE: Sayings of an Ayatollah
On Sunday, Grand Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi issued a statement saying: “It is the duty of all Muslims to help stabilise Syria against the destructive plots of America and Israel.”
And that’s why he’s not just an ayatollah, but a GRAND ayatollah. Grand means he’s able to cut through the BS and see things for what they really are, CIA and Jew plots. It takes years of training to be able to do that…
August 15th, 2011, 7:23 pm
Amir in Tel Aviv said:
English AJ: 12 killed tonight in Homs.
August 15th, 2011, 7:26 pm
SYR.Expat said:
A Syrian soldier (with a very high IQ, not found even in the best of armies) attempts to break the lock of a store using his machine gun as a crowbar in order to steal. At least this is the allegation.
???????? ???? ????? ?????? ??????? ????????
August 15th, 2011, 7:27 pm
Tara said:
How many Ayatollahs Iran have?
An honest question. No sarcasm intended.
August 15th, 2011, 7:27 pm
AB said:
SYR.Expat, that link was priceless. Thanks
August 15th, 2011, 7:31 pm
SYR.Expat said:
133. AB
Anytime 🙂
August 15th, 2011, 7:35 pm
AB said:
SYR.Expat, my nine year old daughter was watching it over my shoulders. I swear to God she is still on the floor laughing.
August 15th, 2011, 7:39 pm
Afram said:
The Secularist Turkish generals who’retired?!?’ in rift with Qird_dog&KAN government of Islamic roots they DID NOT FADE AWAY/ A coup d’état against Qird_dog&KAN government is in the making/soon the putsch and overthrow of the islamic entity wont be sudden news …qirdogkan is fearful of the generals,so he is pushing his troubles on syria,so far Assad outsmarted the turkish doogies
Note: I heard the bozos named their falafel”freedom
August 15th, 2011, 7:47 pm
SQI said:
#87. UZAIR8
The “Shabiha” phenomenon.
the “Shabiha strategy”.
the “Shabiha media strategy”,
the online Shabiha and
the outside Shabiha
(Edited for personal attack. You are being warned)
August 15th, 2011, 7:48 pm
SYR.Expat said:
135. AB
“SYR.Expat, my nine year old daughter was watching it over my shoulders. I swear to God she is still on the floor laughing.”
You made my day. Making kids happy is priceless.
August 15th, 2011, 7:55 pm
SYR.Expat said:
111. TRUE said:
“Someone of his toooots has to remind him they allow only 20kg on flights to Iran, heheh can’t wait.”
As long as we’re not talking about 20 kg of Gold or anything valuable, I have no problem. He and Rami can always start a new mafia in Tehran.
August 15th, 2011, 8:01 pm
Digging for gold in Bosra said:
As long as we’re not talking about 20 kg of Gold or anything valuable, I have no problem. He and Rami can always start a new mafia in Tehran.
They already did that a few years back. Not sure there’s any more gold left to be stolen!
August 15th, 2011, 8:10 pm
newfolder said:
this is what Bashar the butcher did. Ola Jiblawi’s dying moment. shot in the eye by his dogs
August 15th, 2011, 8:18 pm
SQI said:
Good man
Ahmadinejad to RT: Europe & US need freedom most of all
August 15th, 2011, 8:20 pm
SQI said:
this is really sick propaganda. going to such extremes shows how desperate these opposition gangs have become.
August 15th, 2011, 8:31 pm
SYR.Expat said:
“They already did that a few years back. Not sure there’s any more gold left to be stolen!”
I don’t think so. First, I don’t think they would trust the Iranian regime with their “hard-earned” gold. Trusting the Iranian regime is like trusting a snake. Second, they thought no one was going to remove them from the rule Syria. However, they forgot the lessons of history. Rather than making amends with the people of Syria, they’re going to end up getting uprooted in an unpleasant manner.
August 15th, 2011, 8:34 pm
Dear SYR.EXPAT @ 108
Well according to Jad, they are the classy ones. Go Figure.
August 15th, 2011, 8:47 pm
SQI said:
the same patterns of lying in Lybia as in Syria,
today we have SKY News claiming that the “rebels” (what “rebel” comes from a foreign country? Or are they “civilians”? In which case, what “civilian” carries heavy automatic weapons?) have made multiple gains in Al-Brega, in Al-Zawiya, in Surman, in Sebrata and in Gharyan.
In a word, BULLSHIT! The NATO/terrorists are nowhere near al-Bregah, they are trying desperately to retain control of Benghazi and Tobruk; in the west, (Al-Zawiya, Surman, Sebrata and Gharyan) the NATO/terrorist forces are divided into two groups but the population of these towns and cities is armed and does not want this scourge in their midst, after the carnage they created last time (raping, beheading, killing children and so on). Therefore when they appear on the outskirts, they are chased from house to house like rats.
full article here
August 15th, 2011, 8:49 pm
No, trust me they did take the gold, it just wasn’t taken to Iran.
August 15th, 2011, 8:50 pm
Afram said:
Tara/ listen to the three`(Grand Ayatullahs)
August 15th, 2011, 8:56 pm
SYR.Expat said:
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August 15th, 2011, 8:57 pm
Tara said:
Thank you. Music always appreciated amid this ugliness.
August 15th, 2011, 9:18 pm
Aboud said:
There can be no doubt whatsoever anymore. Whoever has been advising junior, secretly wants his demise, in the most humiliating way possible.
It takes a special kind of incompetence to unite such diverse groups such as the Gulf, Europe, the PLO, the Jordanians, the Turks, the Australians, the Canadians, the Americans, almost all the Lebanese and the Pope in loathing you.
August 15th, 2011, 9:19 pm
Haytham Khoury said:
I agree with “True” that Bashar has a leadership problem. I believe deeply this inherent to his personality. Without being a president, Bashar would be a nice human being, an excellent husband and father and a good physician. The presidency for him was a curse. His problems started when he mixed the family business with the state business, offering the Syriatel contract to his cousin and thus showing lack of discretion and wisdom. These problems were accentuated when he tried to play the open-minded guy by permitting to the Damascus Spring to blossom. However, when he couldn’t keep up with propagating mushrooms, he shut the forums abruptly in a crude way, thus showing the insecure and erratic phase of his personality.
By the way, what I wrote about Bashar lack of leadership last week, contrasting him with his father, and for which I got criticized by Abou-Ghassan, Off the Wall and True, I modified according to their input (thanks guys). You can find at
August 15th, 2011, 9:29 pm
True said:
The gold and trucks loads of hard currency are already transferred to Qirdaha, it’s all in preparation to declare their Assadian State by the coast.
Besho is a lose-lose case, it’s just a matter of time and his sect will chuck him on the cross.
Poor him his wife and kids have British passports while he has to apply for a visa which will be rejected but hey cheer up Besho you still have Iran.
August 15th, 2011, 9:36 pm
SYR.Expat said:
I saw a photo of a pro-regime demonstration that sums up how classy they are. It was taken in Washington D.C. several weeks ago. The vulgarity of the men in the photo was not shocking. We’ve known that for a very long time. What was shocking, at least to me, was the vulgarity of the women, young and old (50+ according to my estimate). I was really shocked by the gestures made. I pondered sharing the photo, but decided otherwise so as not to offend the good taste of really classy people on this forum. You can have an enormous difference of opinion with a group of people, but you know that their classiness will prevent them from transgressing the bounds of decency.
Vulgarity is not only used on forums or in demonstrations, but also in the media. The Syrian media mercenaries resort to Vulgarity as a way to provoke their opponents (in the most childish manner) and hide their rhetorical inferiority. How can you debate with such people?
August 15th, 2011, 9:42 pm
SYR.Expat said:
Part of me wants to remain in denial about the Gold. 🙂
August 15th, 2011, 9:47 pm
True said:
@ Haytham Khoury, nicely put mate BUT (always wait for the but ?). Surely he’s suffering some sort of psychological ego disorder, I reckon his biggest problem is “trying to play the “tough guy” similar to his dad, uncle, cousins, Basel and Maher; I would imagine him going barmy when anyone tells him you’re a “good guy”. In order to polish this image “tough guy” and get the awe, he always condoned and encouraged inhuman and criminal actions i.e. Tall Almaluhi. That’s why I would safely assume he’s a lose case even as a family man.
August 15th, 2011, 10:01 pm
SYR.Expat said:
A friend just sent me this link.
When the Moors Ruled in Europe
When I saw the title of this documentary film, I started thinking about another documentary being produced in the near future. The title will be “When the Assads Ruled Syria” or “When the Baath Ruled Syria.” It won’t be as good to wach as the one above.
August 15th, 2011, 10:02 pm
jad said:
“Well according to Jad, they are the classy ones. Go Figure.”
Dearest OTW,
The classy one I was referring to is you, go read it again.
But it’s up to you if you want to stay as classy as you are or go the other road that doesn’t suite OTW everybody on SC respect.
Don’t go that way.
August 15th, 2011, 10:03 pm
Real Syrian said:
I remind all of the peaceful demonstration of the Islamic terrorists in Latakia and enjoy watching the super star Abo Nazer the terrorist who had used a gun against the police officers
August 15th, 2011, 10:11 pm
Haytham Khoury said:
I agree with you he is losing even the image as the family guy, too. I expected him to resign before he commits crime against humanities, pushing his family and kids into uncertain future. I expected his wife to have more effect on him.
August 15th, 2011, 10:14 pm
SYR.Expat said:
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August 15th, 2011, 10:17 pm
True said:
“Egosyntonic and egodystonic” disorders
@ “Menhebeks” please tip your Boss
August 15th, 2011, 10:22 pm
Akbar Palace said:
Incompetence Rewarded
It takes a special kind of incompetence to unite such diverse groups such as the Gulf, Europe, the PLO, the Jordanians, the Turks, the Australians, the Canadians, the Americans, almost all the Lebanese and the Pope in loathing you.
Well, at least Junior™ has well-wishers from the Islamic Republic of Iran and Hezbollah.
August 15th, 2011, 10:22 pm
Real Syrian said:
Other video about the peaceful demonstrations in Baniyas where Islamic terrorists had attacked and killed some army officers including Colonel Yaser Kashour who is Mrs.Landis cousin, and slaughtered Nidal Janoud who is a simple farmer only because he is Alawaite….
My question to Dr.Landis how the family of Colonel Qashour feel about his killing and who do they accuse?????
August 15th, 2011, 10:23 pm
Real Syrian said:
peaceful demonstrations in Baniyas
August 15th, 2011, 10:24 pm
EngineeringChange said:
Call to Syrian expats in the United States:
The Alliance for Syria (NAFS) is launching a national campaign to reclaim the narrative of what the US role should be in support of the revolution.
Get involved!
National Alliance for Syria (NAFS)
August 15th, 2011, 10:28 pm
newfolder said:
your typical menhibak mentality, a page for worshiping their God Bashar, quite literally:
August 15th, 2011, 10:31 pm
Real Syrian said:
Sorry Guys here is the video of the peaceful demonstrations of Baniyas
August 15th, 2011, 10:31 pm
SYR.Expat said:
“I remind all of the peaceful demonstration of the Islamic terrorists in Latakia and enjoy watching the super star Abo Nazer the terrorist who had used a gun against the police officers”
The poor Abu Nzaer, the so called terrorist, is mentally unstable and was released from military service for that reason. Just look at his facial expressions and his words. The pro-tyranny crowd needs to come up with better evidence.
August 15th, 2011, 10:33 pm
Real Syrian said:
To 166 Syr Exp
Your revolution is based on lies …..It is easy to fabricate such a lie…..But killing of Nidal Janoud, Colonel Qashour, and hundreds of army officers and innocents is a truth which had affected our families in Syria including the family of the owner of this blog.
August 15th, 2011, 10:39 pm
ss said:
159, 164. Dear Real Syrian;
Indeed awaful videos. This is the real face of this revolution. The amount of weapons these thugs have is unbelievable. The more sad I was about these videos, the more I was proud of our Syrian army men disabling the bumps. They are indeed brave. Although the fight has decreased compared to the last 3 days but it is not far from over yet. God bless every honest Syrian.
August 15th, 2011, 10:43 pm
ann said:
Turkey wants to weaken Syria as much as possible
August 15th, 2011, 10:45 pm
ss said:
167; Real Syrian;
Do not listen tothese cowards. The facts are out there and we do not care anymore for people if they want to keep a blind eye on it or not. Teh regime, the army, and the security had taken their decision the start of Ramadan to crush these animals. They even do not deserve the word animal. Cheer man, the videos you posted initially are documents for our brave army men who fought hard to bring order to place. I was very happy to see them waling the narrow streets of Raml Filastini, that means they are controlling the area. I heard a huge amount of weapons are ceased. Indeed a peaceful revolution. God bless Syria, God bless the Assad of Syria, and death to radicals, criminals, thugs, gangs
August 15th, 2011, 10:48 pm
Norman said:
few years ago, the family and i went to Spain, I was so proud of what took place in Spain, especially how proud the Spaniards of (( Abdul Rah man the Immigrant )), we call him Al Fat eh, I was so proud until the Spanish guide said, The Muslims of those days are not the same as the Muslims of today,
Something for you all to think about and wonder about what went wrong, and is there anything that can be changed, i leave it all for you to think about,
August 15th, 2011, 10:52 pm
SYR.Expat said:
An old video showing photos of an agent provocateur who, it is alleged, infiltrated a demonstration and started shouting sectarian slogans giving the impression he was a salafist. The only problem is that the people in Homs were smart enough to call his bluff and chased out of the demonstration. In the process, he lost his cell phone. The demonstrators recovered the cell phone and shared the photos it contained with the media. One of the commenters of this YouTube video noted that at 3:05, this shabbeeh was shown in a photo posing with a person who was shown on Syrian TV in a hospital in Suwaida recovering from injuries sustained in Dar’a by the illusive mundasseen. Can someone verify.
August 15th, 2011, 10:56 pm
ss said:
“The pro-tyranny crowd needs to come up with better evidence”.
We do not have to provide any evidence for your. Your goal is to diapprove everything done by the regime, you are biased and you are blinded. The only and only person in the whole SC forum who is from the opposition and have a balanced view is ABUGHASSAN. I give him that credit knowing in advance that he wants president Assad fall. At least he has some sense and logic above you all. He is not totally biased. So Syr Expat, whether you approve it or not, we know your lies by now and fabrications. I hope there are honest people out their in the world to see the horrific seens conducted by …………you know them Syr Expat: by MBs-radical muslims-armed-criminals-thugs-gangs-sept 11 criminals-Qaeda sympathizers-Alah wa akbar shouters-people beheaders
August 15th, 2011, 11:02 pm
SYR.Expat said:
Something definitely went wrong. This is why Muslims have been at the receiving end everywhere. We Muslims have to self-correct, while staying away from extremism. Better times are coming, God willing.
August 15th, 2011, 11:14 pm
Abughassan said:
Here is my final post for the day,Ramadan has not been easy on me.
According to sniffers in Damascus,Turkey agreed to only send verbal condemnations until the last week of Ramadan,in return,Asad gave a promise that he will change course and give Turkey a face-saving solution for this crisis. I certainly distrust both,Asad and Turkey.
I welcome anything from anybody that can help stop the bloodshed in Syria but I do not see how Asad can stay in power much longer after what he did since March. His lack of leadership and his stubborn style along with his submission to hawks in his immediate circle make him far worse than his father,in my humble opinion.
The opposition needs to capitalize on what they have achieved through the bravery of Syrian youth,most of whom did not carry arms. No honest person can equate the brutality of the regime with the violence used by rogue elements on the opposition side. Keep your eye on the ball: Syria’s future. Asad is not part of this future. It does the opposition more harm than good to meet fire with fire,those who disagree are wrong. No regime,this one or any future regime,can enslave Syrians who broke the wall of fear and will not go back to the pre March 18th era. Regime supporters are probably winning this immediate battle through the use of overwhelming physical force,but they have already lost the trust of Syrians in the middle who until lately were not sure how to respond. The pressure on the regime should not stop,but armed elements on the opposition side,even if they are few,must be confronted and contained to give cooler minds a chance. Violence is a losing game for all especially the opposition. I have not lost hope,and I disagree with those who see that a civil war is imminent.foreign powers are not interested in a free and democratic Syria,I do not even believe that non Syrians care who is in charge as long as the regime in Damascus does what suits their interests.this include Iran,if you were wondering.
A fragmented and chaotic Syria is what they want. In Iraq,only Iraqis are dying and being manipulated,and the same is true in Libya. What made the middle east a failing region is its
August 16th, 2011, 12:01 am
Abughassan said:
My post got erased,probably by mistake. I am so tired,I will post again tomorrow. We have collected a lot of money and supplies for our mission.most probably to be done after aleid.
August 16th, 2011, 12:08 am
SYR.Expat said:
176. SS
“The only and only person in the whole SC forum who is from the opposition and have a balanced view is ABUGHASSAN.”
To claim that only one person from the opposition on this forum has a balanced view is, in my opinion, very unbalanced. ABUGHASSAN is a classy person who doesn’t like to go on the attack like some of us, but that doesn’t make us biased and blinded.
“He is not totally biased”
Your logic eludes me. How can ABUGHASSAN be highly biased (but not totally) and yet have a balanced view. Here’s the definition of biased:
“show prejudice for or against (someone or something) unfairly.” Please notice the word “unfairly” at the end of the definition. In other words, what you’re saying is that ABUGHASSAN is unfair, but not totally. Does that make sense to you?
“At least he has some sense and logic above you all”
I have no problem with that. He seems an honorable and intelligent person and would like to meet him one day. May be when Syria is freed from tyranny.
‘“The pro-tyranny crowd needs to come up with better evidence”.
We do not have to provide any evidence for your.’
Great! You’ve just admitted that you are a pro-tyranny person.
Usually, I am careful about the words that I use. For example, when I used the word “pro-tyranny,” I didn’t have in mind people like Norman or Jad with whom I tend to have serious differences of opinion. From their writings, I know they abhor tyranny, but we differ on how to get rid of it. By “pro-tyranny crowd,” I meant the people who blindly support this murderous president.
“So Syr Expat, whether you approve it or not, we know your lies by now and fabrications.”
What lies and what fabrications? Please tell me. I hate lies and fabrications. I’ll retract. Your friend linked to a Syrian TV propaganda piece and I linked to another video debunking it. What’s the problem with that?
“I hope there are honest people out their in the world to see the horrific seens conducted by …………you know them Syr Expat: by MBs-radical muslims-armed-criminals-thugs-gangs-sept 11 criminals-Qaeda sympathizers-Alah wa akbar shouters-people beheaders”
Honest people don’t trust or believe the Syrian media. They do their homework. I have a good suggestion for you. Allow the media to report freely. This way, we can know for sure who is doing the killing. By the way, 9/11 was an inside job (where is 837 when we need him). Don’t tell me you believe the lying Western media.
You’re good at demonizing MB (I am not a member or fan of MB) even though they played by the book when Syria had a relatively healthy democracy. It’s the Baath that overthrew democracy and imposed on us this evil regime. The other day I read the account of an atheist Syrian Christian (see any contradiction here) who was imprisoned for almost 13 years in the Tadmur prison with MB members and others who didn’t have anything to do with MB. His account of the torture and the barbaric and inhumane treatment of the prisoners approved by Assad Sr. is beyond horrific. I don’t think the Nazis, as bad as they were, reached that level of barbarity in dealing with prisoners (I stand corrected). Every time the poor guy reminded the interrogators that there was a misunderstanding and that he was an atheist from a Christian background, he got additional doses of punishment. This man’s guilt was that he, while being in France, was reported by another fellow Christian to have said something disrespectful about Assad Sr during a party in France, something he does not even recall. For the duration of his imprisonment, he didn’t know why he had been arrested upon returning from France. He wasn’t released until his uncle, who had become a minister, managed to get him out. So if you’re looking for someone to demonize, start with the Baath party and the Assads.
“Alah wa akbar shouters”
What’s wrong with declaring that God is most great. Anyone who believes in God cannot find any problem with that. What do you want people to say in the face of this ferocious and inhumane crackdown by people who curse at God?
August 16th, 2011, 1:02 am
The Honest Pro
From 176.
Question by SYR.EXPAT,
The pro-tyranny crowd needs to come up with better evidence.
Answer by ss
We do not have to provide any evidence for your.
Syrian Electronic Army Communicae to ss: From Commander In Cheif, Besho
ss, your admission of our tyranny noted. Report back to the nearest Syrian Embassy for re-education.
From my X-Box
End Official Record
August 16th, 2011, 2:27 am
N.Z. said:
To the experts, is this a fair analysis of why the army is not deployed in bigger numbers?
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August 16th, 2011, 3:28 am
Syria no kandahar said:
MB Electronic Army
Fida:Alssalam Alekm bro Revlon.
Revlon:Alssalam Alekm bro Fida.Did you really shave?
Fida:yah bro.Bro Ammar fooled are things in SC.
Revlon:Not so good bro,every time I post a lie,SNK moron points it out.
Fida:Dont worry bro just keep posting.
Revlon:Every time you Swedish bros post a lie I get so excited then I look like a lair.
Fida:if you keep posting lies people will believe you,that is what we do.
Revlon:I was so excited about Alassad stroke,I almost had a stroke myself.
Fida: God forbid bro.
Revlon:And when I heard about Ali habit death I was going to finish a bottle of wine if it was not haram,and if it was Ramadan.
Fida:One day you will get it right and people will believe you.
Revlon:how would they believe me ?I don’t even believe myself.
Fida:Dont worry bro this lying is Halal,same thing like our bro fighters when they shoot demonstrators or soldiers,it is all you want me to send you some fatwas about that.
Revlon: No bro I believe you.we have to lie,kill,cheat…whatever it takes to achieve victory.
Fida: Barak Allah feek bro,and rewards you with virgins.
Revlon:Inshalah bro,same to you.
August 16th, 2011, 3:30 am
N.Z. said:
For Immediate Release.
Arab League: Hold Emergency Meeting on Syria
(Cairo, August 15, 2011) – The League of Arab States should hold an emergency meeting about the crackdown in Syria, Human Rights Watch said today in a letter to Nabil al-Arabi, secretary general of the league.
Human Rights Watch also urged the league to press Syria for unhindered access to the country for a UN-mandated fact-finding committee and for independent observers and journalists.
“The region is changing, and so should the Arab League,” said Sarah Leah Whitson, Middle East and North Africa director at Human Rights Watch. “To remain relevant, it should break from its history as a closed shop of autocrats who support each other’s crimes, and start looking out for the interest of the citizens of its states. Syria’s people, at this time of severe oppression, deserve to have their voices heard.”
The Arab League, which includes all 22 Arab countries, finally broke its silence on Syria this week, when its secretary general issued a statement calling on the Syrian authorities to end the bloody repression of mostly peaceful protests. The statement did not propose any concrete actions similar to its unequivocal actions on Libya earlier this year. Libya’s membership was suspended for its abuses of its own citizens.
The league has remained generally silent on Syria, in line with the position of most Arab countries. The stance started changing last week when Gulf Cooperation Council members Kuwait and Qatar criticized the ongoing crackdown by Syrian security forces. Saudi Arabia joined the ranks, withdrawing its ambassador from Damascus “for consultations,” although King Abdullah’s statement fell short of condemning the Syrian government’s actions.
The Arab League’s Arab Charter on Human Rights supports the principles of the UN Charter, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. It affirms the rights to freedom of assembly and expression, liberty, and security as well as protection from torture.
Local and international human rights organizations and activists have documented a sustained campaign of repression in Syria that has so far left an estimated 2,000 people dead and thousands wounded. More than 120 people have been killed since the beginning of the month of Ramadan, less than a week ago. And more than 10,000 Syrians have been detained for participating in mostly peaceful protests against the government of President Bashar al-Asad. The documented violations of human rights include extra-judicial killings, mass arrests, torture of detainees, and laying siege to cities, towns, and villages, and severing their water and power supplies.
Syrian authorities have claimed they are battling an armed insurrection and accused “terrorists” of inflicting most of the casualties. But they have been unable to offer any credible evidence to support their claims.
“Nabil al-Arabi and the organization he represents shouldn’t limit themselves to words of concern when Syrian tanks are gunning down protesters in the streets,” Whitson said.
For more Human Rights Watch reporting on Syria, please visit:
August 16th, 2011, 3:39 am
In 2002-2003 Colin Powell and Anthony Zinni gave President Bashar Al-Assad a to do list or else.
In 2005 the whole world ganged up against President Assad, after accusing Syria of killing and/or covering up the killing of PM Rafik Hariri.
At both critical times, conventional wisdom determined that the fall of the regime was imminent.
President Assad has cut his teeth on surviving and thriving against all odds. He is about to show the world his rare abilities one more time.
Calling the President” Besho”,” Junior” or any of the names you have used does not make any difference. He is the President and no one else is.
If you really want to know why Najati Tayara is in jail, follow the link provided by your bro Revlon, to the site Syrian Revolution Intelligence (, go to leaked documents, and read Najati’s signed affidavit to the investigative Judge and the initial indictment which he was indicted under, while in custody awaiting trial. I suggest you help him by providing him with the best attorney you know in Homs.
Now are you going to answer my previous question to you about your craft?
August 16th, 2011, 3:43 am
N.Z. said:
The forbidden Poem
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August 16th, 2011, 3:43 am
SYR.Expat said:
??? ???? ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ??? ???????: “?????? ??? ?????”
?????? ADMIN2 – 2011/08/15
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???????? “?????”. ???? ?????? ???????? ??????? ?? ??? ??????? – ??????? ???? ????-? ????? ???? ?????????. ????? ?? ??????? ??????? “??????????”? ???? ????? ??????? ?????????? ??? ????????. “?? ???? ?? ?????? ??? ??? ?????. ????? ?? ?? ???? ???????? ??? ?????? ??? ????? ???????? ?????? ?????? ??? ????? ????? ????????. ?????? ??? ???? ????? ????? ????? ?? ??????? ???????? ??? ???? ?????. ???? ??? ????? ?? ?????? ???????? ??????? ??????. ????? ?? ??????? ????????? ???? ??????? ???? ???? ????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ????? ??????: ???? ?????. ??? ?????? ?????”. ???? ?????? ??????: “?? ??/?????? ????? ?????? ????? ??????? ??????? ??? ??? ????????. ???? ??? ????? ???? ????? ????? ??????? ???? ??? ????? ??? ????”.
[1] ???? ????? ?????? ??????? ?????? ??????? ????? ?? ??????? ????? ?? ????/????? 2011 ?? ??? ?????? ??????? ??????? International Crisis Group? “?????? ??????? ????? ??????” (« The Syrian people’s slow motion revolution ») ?”???????? ?????? ?????? ??????” (« The Syrian regime’s slow-motion suicide »)? ??? ??????
[2] “?????”? ????? ?????? ?”??????” ????? ???????? ???????? ?????? ???????? “?????”. ????? ????? ???? ???? ?? “?????” ??? ????? ???? ????? ???? ?????? ???? ???? ?????? ???? ?????? ?? ?????.
[3] ????? ???????? ????? ??? ?? ?????? ??????? ?????? ?? ????????? ???????? ?????? ????? ??????? ??? ???? ????.
August 16th, 2011, 3:44 am
some guy in damascus said:
@ khalid tlass,
it was raining during late January, the Egyptian revolution has just started moving and the whole world was watching. i was casually browsing my facebook page, when suddenly i found a link to the syrian day of rage. i was shocked, it was the first time public dissent was displayed on facebook. i quickly made a fake account and decided to browse these new facebook pages, i joined the( with my fake account of course) Syrian revolution against bashar al assad 2011. the makers of this page were debating whether to start our own revolution on the 4th or 5th of February, 4th being a Friday, 5th being an anniversary of hama 1982. i was also saddened to realize that many of my face book friends have changed their own facebook pages to online shrines dedicated to bashar( i didn’t detect the silence of my opposition friends). it was also raining in the 4th of February i was driving towards parliament to check out Syria’s first anti-demonstration. i saw a few silhouettes and got excited ,only to get angry when i realized they were shabeeha and decided to make sure nothing went down. later that evening , i saw a couple analysts describe why syria wont have a revolution( the resistance to Israel, the modernization besho made, the great state Syria has reached now) i was heart broken…………….
march 18 2011, i was over at my friends house, watching al jazeera and how colonel qaddafi was doing. the story after that shocked me, a demonstration was going on in Deraa..the first grainy images of the syrian revolution.
since that day analysts have suggested it wont spread, grow, transcend, ignite or overcome. the defiance the Syrian people have shown is jaw-dropping.
fizzle out? not any time soon.
@ all,
you know for men who are supposed to make sure they keep the security of the state, they’re quite bad. their reckless behavior while driving is nihilistic. they are scaring off many people.
If it wasn’t for the overwhelming shabeeh presence, Damascus would look like homs.
August 16th, 2011, 3:48 am
SYR.Expat said:
Dear Syrian Hamster,
I wrote a lengthy reply to SS (very revealing choice of name), but made the mistake of not saving it before submitting. The submission was successul, so I hope it appears at some point. This spam filter needs some serious fine-tuning.
August 16th, 2011, 3:53 am
some guy in damascus said:
@ dr.landis
please fix the spam filter or i will start a syria comment revolution!
August 16th, 2011, 4:24 am
N.Z. said:
The Two Heroes of Hama can finally reunite. Their heroism is legendary, both quenched their thirst with Syrian blood, “rare abilities” indeed.
????? ?????? ??? ????? ?????? ?? ?????? ???????? ??????
– 2011/08/15??? ??: ????? ?????
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????? ?? ?????????? ???? ???? ???? ???? ???? ??????? ????? ??????? ???????? ??? ??????? “??? ??? ????? ??????” ?????? ?????? ?? ????? ???? ????? ????? ?? ???????? ???? ????? ????? ???? ????? ?? ???? ??????.
?????? ??????? ?? ???? ???? ???? ??????? ???? ??? ????? ???? ?? ??????????. ??? ???? ?? ???????? ???? ????. ???? ???? ??? ????? “???? ?? ????? ?? ?????? ?? ?? ??? ?????”? ????? “?? ??????? ????? ??????? ????? ?????? ??? ?? ??????”? ??? ?? ???? ??????? ?? ???????? ??? ????? ?? ????.
???? ?????????? ?? ???????? ?????? ???? ????? ??? ???????? ??????? ???? ????? ????? ??????. ??? ??????? ?? ???? ???? ????? ?????? ?????? ??????? ???? ???? ???? ??????? ??????? ????????? ??????? ?? ?????.
August 16th, 2011, 4:43 am
MNA said:
NZ @ 182
No NZ. i m afraid that it is not a fair assessment of why the army has not been deployed in larger number. It is a lame analysis to help remedy the disappointment for no split in the army. Contrary to all reports the “loyal Divisions” of the army, meaning the 4th division and the republican guards have not stepped a foot outside of the Damascus proper area. All the troops deployments that took place through out the country was your regular syrian army commanded by mostly Sunni generals.. No 4th division nor republican guard.
As I said before, there is no chance in hell that the army would have any meaningful split. The army will fight tooth and nail till the last minute to defend the regime. They witnessed what became of the army in Iraq and would not allow it to happen in Syria. As I said before, nothing short of an Iraq-like full US invasion would stand a chance to topple the regime.
August 16th, 2011, 4:48 am
SYR.Expat said:
“@ dr.landis
please fix the spam filter or i will start a syria comment revolution!
That was a nice one. The last thing Dr, Landis wants is a revolution on this forum 🙂
August 16th, 2011, 4:48 am
SYR.Expat said:
“The [highly corrupt] army will fight tooth and nail till the last minute to defend the regime.”
Sure. when they fight unarmed civilians, they turn into lions. However, when they face the real enemy, they turn into ostriches (I am talking about the select army units designed to protect the regime).
August 16th, 2011, 4:59 am
MNA said:
Your description does not change any fact. As I said before, the selected units designed to protect the regime have not stepped a foot outside of Damascus.
I m stating this fact to help us all think about a possible solution to the crisis in Syria. People who are pinning hopes on the army taking over in Syria don’t know Syria or the structure of the Syrian Army. It will never happen.
August 16th, 2011, 5:07 am
N.Z. said:
The question is, why the army was not deployed in larger numbers? Do not be afraid when you answer, the army is killing men, women and children who are no longer afraid from the killing machine of a traitor!
I did not know that armies exist to fight tooth and nail for “the regime”
That is why, Souriya bida huriya!
You are trapped in a bygone era. The leader is a servant to his country, to his people, he is not an idol! I wish you and us a happy transition.
August 16th, 2011, 5:55 am
N.Z. said:
Where is Hamas, Hizbullah, Thouriya alassad and Iran?
It is Syria’s regime that is shelling Palestinian refugee camps not israel, is there any coverage on Syrian TV ?
August 16th, 2011, 6:18 am
N.Z. said:
????? : ??????? ???????? ??????? ??? ???? “?????? ?????? ???? ?? ?????????? ???? ??????”
August 16th, 2011, 6:33 am
Jasmine said:
# 152 Haytham
Just wondering if criticism is enough to make you moderate your opinion accordingly about a leader(not that I agree totally about what you have said).
Is this the vocational way of Journalism nowadays?
On a different note,I have this question and I am just wondering if you can help me with an answer.
Do you think that Syria is heading towards Theocracy whether the revolution is successful or not(regime’s change or not)?
If you don’t want to answer,I fully respect that.
August 16th, 2011, 6:34 am
Aboud said:
“Weakening national sentiment” is the weakest, lamest charge ever levied against a person. It shows exactly how out of touch with the times the Baathist thugs are. It is used only against bloggers and humans rights activists, and to claim it is part of some legitimate judicial process is the true sign of a fanatical menhebak, the kind Besho’s shrinking base consists of.
And what was your question?
Nasrallah has been quite silent on Syria lately. Has he lost his voice all of a sudden?
Honestly, the menhebaks are really the most unsophisticated bunch of “debaters” I have ever come across, and I’ve debated alot in my time. They run away from uncomfortable questions, they endlessly contradict themselves, their use of the English language is comically.
But this is the best Besho’s propagandists can do.
Why is Najati Tayara in jail? Is Besho afraid of a 60 year old humans rights activist?
August 16th, 2011, 6:46 am
syau said:
Palestinian Factions Condemn and Deny UNRWA Claims about Shelling al-Ramel Camp in Lattakia
“DAMASCUS, (SANA) – Palestinian powers’ Alliance Factions on Monday condemned statements of The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) about allegations of shelling al-Ramel Camp for the Palestinian refugees in Lattakia, calling for not involving the Palestinians in the latest events in Syria.
“The Palestinian factions deny what has been included in the UNRWA leadership about shelling the refugees camp in Lattakia, considering this provocation as part of attempts to harm the Syrian and Palestinian stances,” official spokesman of the Palestinian Alliance said in a press statement.
In the same context, Ali Mustafa, Director of the Arab Palestinian Refugees General Committee called on UNRWA Commissioner –General Filippo Grandi to correct what has been included in the statement of UNRWA Official Spokesman about the concern of the Agency of the reports claiming that the Syrian Security forces launch heavy fires inside the camp in Lattakia.
“We would like to bring your attention that what has been included in the UNRWA statement was baseless and untrue… the issue that is being tackled by the Syrian competent authorities takes place in the camp’s neighboring area,” Mustafa said in a message sent to Mr. Grandi.”
August 16th, 2011, 6:47 am
Aboud said:
“Weakening national sentiment” is the weakest, lamest charge ever levied against a person. It shows exactly how out of touch with the times the Baathist thugs are. It is used only against bloggers and humans rights activists, and to claim it is part of some legitimate judicial process is the true sign of a fanatical menhebak, the kind Besho’s shrinking base consists of.
And what was your question?
Nasrallah has been quite silent on Syria lately. Has he lost his voice all of a sudden?
Honestly, the menhebaks are really the most unsophisticated bunch of “debaters” I have ever come across, and I’ve debated alot in my time. They run away from uncomfortable questions, they endlessly contradict themselves, their use of the English language is comical.
But this is the best Besho’s propagandists can do.
August 16th, 2011, 6:47 am
MNA said:
You asked a question and I answered you. My answer does not reflect my preference, but it is a description of the state of the affair of the army. Yes the army will fight tooth and nail for the regime till the last minute,and get ready for it. Any effort to topple the regime by force will be disastrous and there will be no Syria as we know it to have a transition to anything. And you have to accept that not the “selected units” of the army are doing the fighting now, but your non selected units. The selected units are still on break and have not joined in.
I m not promoting for the army to fight for the regime, but this is the fact. The sooner we realize that and realize that the regime will not be toppled by anything short of Iraqi-like full US invasion, the sooner will come to think of realistic solution to the crisis.
August 16th, 2011, 6:54 am
Aboud said:
It looks like Loony Toons Qadafi’s days are numbered. Military disasters on the battlefield, and secret negotiations in Tunisia. Besho can’t be taking much comfort from the tribulations of his fellow dictators abroad LOL!
Why is Najati Tayara in jail? Is X-Box junior afraid of a 60 year old activist?
Why hasn’t the government managed, or even tried, to track down the alleged saboteurs behind the pipeline blast, attack on the military academy, and the trail derailment?
Out of the 34 people killed in Latakia, how many were armed insurgents? Out of the more than 2,200 Syrians murdered by the regime, how many had Jihadist backgrounds?
What color is the sky where the menhebaks live? Does every cloud look like Besho’s butt? LOL!
What kind of burqa should Asma wear in Tehran? I ask the fake Syrian menhebaks here who are actually Iranians, the kind who go “Ramadan Kareen” instead of “Ramadan Kareem”
August 16th, 2011, 7:00 am
some guy in damascus said:
@ aboud,
“Honestly, the menhebaks are really the most unsophisticated bunch of “debaters” I have ever come across”
thats because the education system in syria lacks critical thinking. for example :my baccalaureate arabic exam required me to write the arab woman’s role in ousting the imperialists. most teachers would let the students get their own sources and such but in syria our teachers gave us the sources and told us how to write the essay, this has destroyed critical thinking.
furthermore the government hasn’t allowed any debate club to take more active roles. i was in a a debate club back in high school and when my club wanted to go to Lebanon for the MODEL UNITED NATIONS debates we were stopped. they never told us why………
August 16th, 2011, 7:03 am
syau said:
Palestinian Factions Condemn and Deny UNRWA Claims about Shelling al-Ramel Camp in Lattakia
“DAMASCUS, (SANA) – Palestinian powers’ Alliance Factions on Monday condemned statements of The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) about allegations of shelling al-Ramel Camp for the Palestinian refugees in Lattakia, calling for not involving the Palestinians in the latest events in Syria.
“The Palestinian factions deny what has been included in the UNRWA leadership about shelling the refugees camp in Lattakia, considering this provocation as part of attempts to harm the Syrian and Palestinian stances, ” official spokesman of the Palestinian Alliance said in a press statement.
In the same context, Ali Mustafa, Director of the Arab Palestinian Refugees General Committee called on UNRWA Commissioner –General Filippo Grandi to correct what has been included in the statement of UNRWA Official Spokesman about the concern of the Agency of the reports claiming that the Syrian Security forces launch heavy fires inside the camp in Lattakia.
“We would like to bring your attention that what has been included in the UNRWA statement was baseless and untrue… the issue that is being tackled by the Syrian competent authorities takes place in the camp’s neighboring area,” Mustafa said in a message sent to Mr. Grandi”
August 16th, 2011, 7:04 am
syau said:
Citizen Martyred, his Wife Injured by Bullets of Armed Terrorist Group
Aug 16,2011
“Lattakia, Syria Coast, (SANA) – Syrian citizen Mustafa Saleh Faiyad was martyred Monday and his wife was wounded by bullets of the armed terrorist groups at al-Ramel al-Janoubi neighborhood in Lattakia.
“While we were standing in the kitchen, we saw a number of armed men through the windows… they were hiding behind barricades at an empty building opposite to our house… when they saw us, they fired at the family… my husband was hit in the chest and I was injured in my hand,” the martyr’s wife told the Syrian TV in an interview.
Son of the martyr said the armed men broke off roads in al-Ramel al-Janoubi neighborhood three days ago, dominating empty buildings and preventing residents from entering or going out.
He added “We called an ambulance for our father because he was hit in the chest by a sniper and while we were in the ambulance, we came under heavy fire by the armed terrorist groups.”
August 16th, 2011, 7:10 am
Aboud said:
“And you have to accept that not the “selected units” of the army are doing the fighting now, but your non selected units.”
Do you know the names of the units, and their commanders?
August 16th, 2011, 7:15 am
ss said:
By Syr expat; “By the way, 9/11 was an inside job, Don’t tell me you believe the lying Western media”.
This is exactly a typical MB-Qaeda idiology. This is exactly why we have been writing, trying to just pass a message to the free world about the identity and mentality of the loving revolution.
This guy does not even believe that Sep 11 was caused by Bin Laden. He believes it is an inside job done perhaps by the president of the US who wanted to kill his people. THat is the danger, waiting US and the rest of the free world, if a secular regime was replaced by people like Syria Expat. We will always be after them on the ground and on the media and I hope I was able to expose Syrian Expat mind a little bit to you so you can see what evil is burried their. This is a typical MB, Qaeda, radical mentality.
August 16th, 2011, 7:30 am
MNA said:
Aboud @ 206
No I don’t remember the commanders’ names. But some of the divisions that participated country wide were, 11th, 15th and 5th divisions. For sure not the 4th division, Republican Guard, or the special forces (aka selected loyal units due to sectarian loyalty).
August 16th, 2011, 7:30 am
syau said:
#204, Why was Nidal Jannoud murdered and mutilated and forced to endure a march with the terrorists affiliated with the revolution, prior to his collapse and death due to his injuries?
Why were three farmers murdered and mutilated while on a trip to buy wholesale vegetables by the terrorists affiliated with the revolution?
Where was an officer, his two children and nephew executed by the terrorists affiliated with the revolution?
Why were 120 security personnel murdered and mutilated by the terrorists affiliated with this terrorist revolution? Spare us your BS excuse of a ‘shot up funeral’ which is an outright lie.
Why were 17 security personnel murdered and dumped into the Assi River? Spare us your BS excuse that the river was dry, we all know that is an outright lie.
Why was a man murdered and dismembered by one of the terrorist animals affiliated with the revolution, while other animals who call themselves peaceful protesters cheered, whistled and chanted while his arm was being cut off his body by a machete wielding psycho?
Why is the army having to defuse mines and explosives embedded with nails and screws from the streets courtesy of the terrorists affiliated with this revolution?
Why, why, why…. The list of why’s could go on forever with this terrorist revolution that has brought nothing but murders and mutilations, intolerance and sectarianism, insurgencies, destruction of infrastructure arson and destruction of private property and terrorising civilians.
Why, one simple answer, because this is a revolution of terror.
August 16th, 2011, 7:35 am
uzair8 said:
#202. Aboud.
“…the menhebaks are really the most unsophisticated bunch of “debaters” I have ever come across,..”
This is because they (regime thugs and supporters) havent had to debate anyone. Opponents were just beaten up or worse.
August 16th, 2011, 7:43 am
some guy in damascus said:
i thought we only had 12 divisions in the army.
how many divisions are there?
August 16th, 2011, 7:45 am
uzair8 said:
An article called ‘Iran snipers in Syria as part of crackdown’. The Telegraph. By Rob Crilly 15/8/11.
I will split the article over a couple of posts to avoid the spam filter.
The article also mentions how the wives (9 women) of wanted opponents were snatched by secret police. They were forced to strip and walk the streets to force their husbands to hand themselves in which they did.
Part 1:
Iran snipers in Syria as part of crackdown
Iranian snipers have been deployed in Syria as part of an increasingly brutal crackdown on protests against the rule of President Bashar al-Assad, according to a former member of the regime’s secret police.
The officer, speaking on condition of anonymity to avoid reprisals, crossed the border into Turkey last week after being ordered to shoot to kill, bringing with him sickening details of increasingly desperate measures to end five months of demonstrations. He said he had beaten prisoners and fired on protesters in Damascus. At times during the past two months he was aware of Iranian troops – confirmed by senior officers – alongside his team in the Syrian capital.
“We knew they were from Iran because we were not allowed to speak to them and they were kept well away from us,” he told The Daily Telegraph in Yayladagi, the nearest town to the refugee camp where he now lives. “When we had operated with the Syrian army we would always mix with them and chat.” His account confirms other reports that Syria has turned to its closest ally for help in putting down the protests directed at the Assad family’s 41 years in power.
The ferocity of government operations has shocked international observers.
Tanks and snipers have been deployed to quell protests across the country during the holy month of Ramadan, even as the US and Arab states have called on Mr Assad to end the violence.
So far more than 1,700 people have reportedly been killed.
August 16th, 2011, 7:49 am
uzair8 said:
“Iranian snipers in Syria as part of crackdown.”
Part 2:
On Monday Syrian forces shelled residential districts in the Mediterranean port city of Latakia for a third straight day. At least 29 civilians, including a two-year-old girl have been killed, according to rights groups.
Spokesmen for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency said a Palestinian refugee camp near the town had been shelled from the sea, emptying it of half its 10,000 residents. The organisation called on President Assad to stop the attack.
The bloodshed has forced thousands of people to cross the border from Syria into Turkey.
Among them last week was a 25-year-old officer with the Mukhabarat secret police, who described how officers were increasingly unhappy at being ordered to kill unarmed protesters.
“They were all feeling like me. They were all afraid like me but knew they would be killed if they left or if they refused orders,” he said.
Instead they tried to aim their shots in the air.
He also described bringing protesters – some as young as 13 – into police stations where they were beaten for the entertainment of senior officers.
The worst episode, he said, came in July when the secret police snatched nine women believed to be married to opposition leaders.
“The Mukhabarat stripped them and then made them walk through the streets,” he said. “It was just to make their husbands turn themselves in. Two days later they did.”
Now he faces an uncertain future. No one else in the refugee camp knows that he was once one of the men ordered to fire on protesters but he also knows that he faces death as a deserter if he were to return to Syria.
Iran and its close regional ally, the Lebanese militant group Hizbollah, are growing increasingly concerned at President Assad’s isolation and are doing all they can to bolster him as the Arab world starts to withdraw its support.
On Sunday, a senior religious figure, Grand Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi, issued a statement saying: “It is the duty of all Muslims to help stabilise Syria against the destructive plots of America and Israel.”
August 16th, 2011, 7:51 am
Aboud said:
@211 Weak, as usual. The questions you asked were addressed again and again and again. Show us one picture of the so called bridge in Hama, your thugs have been there long enough.
Those three farmers you claim were killed? Why is it you never bought it up once since they were killed three months ago?
Nail bombs in the streets? The same kind as your thugs have been known to use. Why is it no one in Latakia fled from these alleged nail bombing wielding gangs, but instead are fleeing your thugs?
The 120 thugs killed in Jisr al Shoghour? How many times must something be repeated before a menhebak can comprehend it. They shot up a funeral, they got shot in return. They deserved worse.
“Where was an officer, his two children and nephew executed by the terrorists affiliated with the revolution?”
Again, do you know they were killed by Salafis? Then go to the meti snorting Amin Al Seyasi incompetents, as for the past four months they have utterly failed to find who killed them.
See, it only takes me 10 minutes to utterly demolish the menhebaks’ weak arguments, and yet in four months not one of them have had the guts to answer a single question of mine, questions that go to the very heart of events here.
How can the menhebaks expect to keep the country when they can’t even keep this website? LOL!
@210 MNA, then your information is grossly inaccurate. There are plenty of special forces here in Homs. The people of Dar’a know very well who has been occupying them for 3 months, they see them in their faces every day, and they are the 4th Division.
The 5th division did not take part in operations inside Dar’a, there were many reports in the early days that some elements of the 5th and 4th clashed in Houran. The 5th division was already stationed in that area.
We are expected to believe that in the space of four months, armed gangs infiltrated every nook and cranny in Syria, from Dara to Telkelakh to Jisr al Shoghour to Deir el Zour to to to to to….by now they must outnumber the Syrian army itself.
August 16th, 2011, 7:52 am
Samara said:
216: ABOUD,
All i heard you say was “woof, woof”.
August 16th, 2011, 8:32 am
some guy in damascus said:
@ samara,
weren’t you lecturing me on calling people names?
please if you have nothing worth saying leave SC
August 16th, 2011, 8:49 am
Aboud said:
SGID, remember what we discussed before, about the nutritional benefits of menhebak tears? The taste is bitter, but they are a never ending source of yumminess 🙂
If clueless was an energy source, the menhebaks could generate enough to power the universe.
Why is Najati Tayara in jail? Does junior need a committee to figure that out?
August 16th, 2011, 8:51 am
sheila said:
To dear #186. N.Z.
Thank you for sharing the poem. Very powerful.
Did you notice how many “dislikes” you got?. Icredible.
August 16th, 2011, 8:54 am
beaware said:
Syrian forces eliminate gunmen barricades in Latakia: media
2011-08-16 19:16:27
DAMASCUS, Aug. 16 (Xinhua) — The law-enforcement troops are still eliminating barricades and mattresses erected by armed men at the crossroads and alleys at the al-Ramel quarter in Syria’s Mediterranean city of Latakia, the Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) reported.
Quoting what it called a responsible source, SANA said those troops have rounded up a number of gunmen, dismantled explosives and mines planted underground by those groups, adding that some gunmen had fled the area to nearby quarters, while shooting on people, a matter which has led to the fall of a number of casualties.
The troops are still in hunt of those gunmen to restore tranquility and calm to the quarter, SANA said.
Syria blames the five-month-old unrest on a foreign conspiracy and armed groups.
August 16th, 2011, 9:02 am
sheila said:
To all,
Does anyone have an opinion on why the mayor of Aleppo was replaced? Supposedly, Aleppo is in great shape without “problems”. The famous “ma fi shi”.
Does anyone know who this new mayor is?.
August 16th, 2011, 9:05 am
Aboud said:
Sheila, experts have long since given up trying to decipher the inner workings of junior’s brains. I think such analysis requires someone well versed in child psychology.
The menhebaks claim that everything is fine in Aleppo, and yet there are more roadblocks and checkpoints there than any other city.
The menhebaks claim that everything is fine in Aleppo, and yet preemptive arrests are a weekly occurrence.
The menhebaks claim that everything is fine in Aleppo, and yet they go ape when lawyers, doctors and engineers stage a sit in there.
Aleppo has been an integral part of the revolution for months now. There are more shabiha turds guarding the intersections there than there are in Hama. Just means that the regime don’t have the manpower to chase us Homsis hehehehe.
August 16th, 2011, 9:20 am
Haytham Khoury said:
I know that you know the information that I will say. However, I felt that I should clarify to the people who do not know Syria. Those are not “elected mayors” but “appointed governors”. Indeed, they are appointed directly by the president and they have very large executive power within the whole province. This reflects how much power that president, even formally, has.
August 16th, 2011, 9:33 am
Haytham Khoury said:
I like the way you describe “Besho”. Indeed, it contains deep psychological analysis. You need to insert in your comments some jargon words and you become the expert on “Junior”. Indeed, It may be better to call him “The Junior”.
What I am saying is not a mockery but a compliment for you.
August 16th, 2011, 9:42 am
Tara said:
SANA and Presstv are two sides of the same coin. Both aimed for internal consumption of ignorant people inside Syria and Iran. I wish educated people on SC stop wasting their time and ours linking articles from these two sources. They are meant for propaganda and misinformation. I skip them all the time.
August 16th, 2011, 9:44 am
beaware said:
Syrian troops withdraws from E. province
2011-08-16 21:20:52
DEIR AL-ZOUR, Syria, Aug. 16 (Xinhua) — Syrian army troops started a full withdrawal Tuesday from the eastern province of Deir al-Zour, which has become a flashpoint of the five-month protests in the country.
During a trip organized by the Syrian Information Ministry for Arab and foreign correspondents to Deir al-Zour, a Xinhua reporter witnessed the withdrawal of the troops amid cheerful mood of the residents as security and stability have been restored to the province.
“The situation in Deir al-Zour was difficult and disturbing until the army entered the city and carried out a number of missions to restore tranquility and security,” the reporter cited some local residents as saying.
Army troops entered Deir al-Zour on Aug. 8 for what the authorities said as “hunting down armed groups that terrorized people and committed atrocities in the city.”
Syria blames the five-month unrest on foreign conspiracy and armed groups.
However, opposition activists said the army was entering some restive cities nationwide to back the security apparatuses in cracking down anti-government protests.
Deir al-Zour, some 432 kilometers east of the capital Damascus, is known for its well-armed clans and tribes that have connections in neighboring Iraq. The area has been a scene of anti-government protests over the past weeks.
August 16th, 2011, 9:50 am
uzair8 said:
#226 TARA.
Spot on.
You can include the FSB run anti Nato Russia Today aswell.
As for Press Tv. As George Galloway has broken his silence on Syria I wander if that will affect his position on Press Tv as a presenter?
August 16th, 2011, 9:56 am
abughassan said:
the post from last night appeared with a severed tail,here is the finish,just for the records:
the problems in the middle east are mostly due to its leaders and to foreign intervention. some add Islam and use the miserable status of most Mideastern nations as a proof,I do not subscribe to this theory but I think militant and political Islam is a regressive force.
August 16th, 2011, 9:56 am
beaware said:
Iran is using the PKK to trap Turkey
First, by launching an operation against PJAK, which had declared a cease-fire long before Iran’s offensive, Iran was hoping to ensure that PJAK will not be used as a destabilizing element in the coming months, because Iran calculates that if the Syrian regime falls, the next stop for the “Arab Spring” is Tehran.
Secondly, and most importantly, Turkey is distancing itself from the Assad regime, which Iran supports, and is getting closer to the West. Iran doesn’t like this because it considers Turkey a gateway to the rest of the world. By launching a military operation against PJAK and circulating the idea that it may have captured one of its leaders, Iran could be seeking to stir up the Turkish public’s anxiety against the PKK and create a political climate that would force the Justice and Development Party (AK Party) government to conduct its own cross-border operations against the PKK.
If the AK Party government were to launch a cross-border operation targeting the Kandil Mountains and PKK camps in northern Iraq, Iran is well aware of the fact that the Kurdish population in Turkey would organize large public demonstrations in the streets, which in turn would force Turkey to launch a massive crackdown against Kurds and in the end have to potential to bring Turkey down to level of the Iranian regime and the Assad regime in Syria.
Unfortunately, the tone of Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdo?an’s government seems to suggest that Turkey may make the mistake that Iran is excitedly waiting for.
August 16th, 2011, 10:01 am
Aboud said:
Haytham, honestly it’s not like we are asking for the Moon. Free speech. A free press. A chance to elect our own parliament at least. It would have taken very little for junior to have been hailed as the most enlightened Arab leader ever.
The demands were *modest*. The government could have met them and still retained a large chunk of its power.
Instead, we get a Papa Assad wannabe. Junior has shown time and again that he is in way over his head. I repeat what I said before; whoever is advising him to use tanks secretly wants his downfall. Never in the history of the Arab world has a despot fallen so far, so fast.
Do the menhebaks seriously believe that Syria will return to a pre-March society? Four months ago, Besho could have had a role in a new Syria, as diminished as that role might have been. Now, he will have to live out his days in Tehran.
August 16th, 2011, 10:07 am
Afram said:
my Dad use to say:
?? ???? ?????? ?????? ????????? ???? ???? ?? ????? ????????, ??????
????? ??????? ??????
I say to bozos: There is an old saying that goes,“the dogs bark and the caravan moves on….. Wahabism aint comming to rule syria,even if the entire world stood across the river bank barking at us.
no need to debate 7th century barbarians….civilization in, islamic black one eye trash bags/niqabs out
August 16th, 2011, 10:10 am
sheila said:
Dear Tara,
Here is what I think Turkey will do:
Pending consultations with Iran and financing from the Gulf region, Turkey will establish a demilitarized zone in Northern Syria to include parts of Aleppo and Idleb provinces and definitely the city of Aleppo. This will allow the opposition to strengthen its ranks and start a transitional government that can guarantee a smooth transition of power upon the fall of the Assad regime.
This is my take on the events.
August 16th, 2011, 10:12 am
Aboud said:
Sheila, Turkey won’t invade Syria, nor does anyone in Syria want them to. Syrians are more than capable of creating their own safe zones with time.
Let junior try to put a tank in every street. That’s the only possible outcome of his chosen “strategy” (I say strategy in the loosest meaning of the word)
August 16th, 2011, 10:17 am
Revlon said:
Martyr Husam AlSayyed Ali
Tortured and killed by electrocution; Courtesy of Jr’s Wa2dulfitnah operation
Homs 15-8-2011
??? ?????? ???? ????? ??? ?????? ?? ??????? 15-8-2011
AlFatiha upon his soul,
May God bless his family with patience and empower them with patience.
August 16th, 2011, 10:19 am
sheila said:
Dear Aboud,
I am not talking about an invasion. Turkey can establish this zone with mere threats to the Assad regime and some movement of its army to the border areas. Keep in mind that Turkey for many people in Aleppo is not foreign, rather family, just like the communities near the Lebanese borders that have family members on both sides of the border.
Turkey would love to move its army to the border with Syria to threaten the PKK too. This would be hitting two birds with one stone. And to do this all expenses paid would be the icing on the cake.
August 16th, 2011, 10:29 am
Syria no kandahar said:
You no that pony tail official name is Arboud,for the future.
Debating with you is like:
Trying to ?? ????
Waiting for a volcano to happen to bring orgasm to tow skeletons laying on top of each other.
(edited for personal attack)
August 16th, 2011, 10:33 am
Syria no kandahar said:
Your post is as usual,empty,superficial and typical for 4th world analysis(that is typical shiela’s response,she belongs to 1st world,others don’t)
August 16th, 2011, 10:37 am
Jasmine said:
To #183 SNK
Hilarious black comedy !!
Please,keep posting.
August 16th, 2011, 10:38 am
Revlon said:
Frezied house and farm searches in Mu3addamiyeh!
The Syrian Revolution 2011 ?????? ??????? ?? ???? ?????
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34 minutes ago
Assuming that the over 30,000 people who have been arrested displaced, or killed, and the as many or more still lurking in every Syrian Zanqa were to be part of a conspiratorial infiltrating terrorist movement, it would make it the biggest of its kind in history and it would mean that jr was caught with his pants down by as many people!
August 16th, 2011, 10:44 am
Aboud said:
If any more proof was needed on the very disturbed state of a certain menhebak’s mind, I refer you to post #237, and the very sad way that person has to create another poster at #239 to give himself some validation.
Watching No Klue’s constant attempts for attention is like watching a horrible car wreck. He’s such a bad writer he can’t even spell “two” or “know”.
August 16th, 2011, 10:47 am
beaware said:
Birth of a new party in Syria: The Social Democrate Party
Founding Members: Akram Khouzam, Samira Al Massalma etc…
REUTERS/Social media website via Reuters TV
Le Parti démocrate social est le premier parti à être créé depuis la promulgation il y a dix jours d’un décret autorisant le multipartisme. Alors que Damas s’acharne à réprimer la contestation, le Conseil de sécurité des Nations unies tiendra jeudi prochain une réunion spéciale consacrée aux droits de l’homme et à l’urgence humanitaire en Syrie.
Avec notre envoyé spécial à Damas, Paul Khalifeh
Des déçus du régime et des indépendants ont uni leurs efforts pour former le premier parti politique depuis la promulgation de la loi sur le multipartisme par le président Bachar el-Assad. Le Parti démocrate social s’est choisi un slogan Liberté-justice-développement. Il a aussi défini ses objectifs : édifier un Etat civil pluraliste, réaliser la justice sociale et sauvegarder l’unité de la Syrie.
Parmi les fondateurs, il y a un député indépendant, un homme d’affaires et le célèbre journaliste Akram Khouzam, ancien correspondant à Moscou de la chaîne qatarie al-Jazira. Mais il y a surtout l’ancienne rédactrice en chef du quotidien gouvernemental Tishreen. Samira al-Massalma avait été limogée en avril pour avoir accusé les services de sécurité de tirer sur la foule à Deraa, sa région d’origine.
August 16th, 2011, 10:51 am
Revlon said:
Syrian refugees hardship in Lebanon.
The host country government have failed to offer decent shelter and aid for subsistence.
The Syrian Revolution 2011 ?????? ??????? ?? ???? ?????
????? ??????? ?????? – ???????? ???????? ????? ????…??? ??? ?????? ? ????? ??????
2 hours ago
August 16th, 2011, 10:54 am
Amir in Tel Aviv said:
Must see: more of junior’s “we are immune” propaganda, then car accident with Asma in the car
August 16th, 2011, 10:56 am
Revlon said:
242. Dear beaware, I read and posted a contradictory report on Akram Khuzam yeterday in post #53.
???? ???? ???? ?????? ??????? ?????? ??? ?? ?? ??? ??????– 2011/08/15
????? ???????? : ???? ?????
August 16th, 2011, 11:00 am
beaware said:
‘Rebels want no talks with govt in Syria’ – expert
Aug 16, 2011 16:58 Moscow Time
Information warfare in Syria has reached its peak, Mr. Oleg Fomin, deputy chief of the Russian Committee for Solidarity with Syria and Libya, said during a conference held by the RIA-Novosti news agency.
Mr. Fomin stressed that western media focus more on details rather than the roots of the crisis in Syria.
He warned against the Libyan scenario in Syria.
Many experts who took part in the conference agreed that armed gangs now active in Syria are not interested in dialogue with the authorities.
August 16th, 2011, 11:07 am
Syria no kandahar said:
Sip on your drink and s…t up.
August 16th, 2011, 11:09 am
beaware said:
Slain Syrian protestors are Martyrs – Al-Obeikan
By Mohamed al-Qushairi
Jeddah, Asharq Al-Awsat- Sheikh Mohamed Abdul-Mohsen al-Obeikan, a renowned Saudi scholar, has put an end to the controversy over whether or not the slain Syrians protestors who were killed during anti-government demonstrations can be generally considered as “martyrs”. He deemed that they could be considered as “martyrs” because “they were killed unjustly”. The statement was made amidst a state of controversy among sheikhs and scholars, with regards to the status of the dead Syrian protestors. Some have labeled them as martyrs, whereas others have declined this description because their demands are material and have caused internal conflicts”.
Sheikh Abdul-Mohsen al-Obeikan, a consultant at the Saudi Royal Council, told Asharq al-Awsat in a telephone interview that “judging whether someone will go to heaven or hell is impermissible, except those who have already been designated by God and his prophet (PBUH). As for those who have died as a result of what is happening in Syria, they are martyrs, God willing, because they were killed unjustly.” He added that “without a doubt, they were killed unjustly and without committing a sin; they were killed only because they demanded their rights.” Al-Obeikan believed their killers were tyrants and corrupt.
When asked about the Syrian army’s practices against its own people, tightening its security grip, and preventing them from going to mosques to perform religious rituals during Ramadan – especially the Taraweeh prayers – with the aim of preventing gatherings, al-Obeikan said, “this is one of the most dreadful crimes, because Allah said “And who is more unjust than he who forbids that in places for the worship of Allah, Allah’s name should be celebrated?-whose zeal is (in fact) to ruin them? It was not fitting that such should themselves enter them except in fear. For them there is nothing but disgrace in this world, and in the world to come, an exceeding torment”, Surat al-Baqara; Verse 114.
The incidents in Syria have indeed sparked a lively debate about whether those who protested against the Syrian regime should be called protestors, terrorists, martyrs, or any other name. The internet websites of some sheikhs and scholars have posted numerous reactions about whether or not the slain Syrian protestors should be considered martyrs, in view of some claims that the state of tension there has revolved around material demands, whereas others have said that the protestors, by taking to streets, have caused a state of sedition.
Renowned Muslim scholar Sheikh Aaidh al-Qarni had previously urged Muslim scholars everywhere to issue a statement to the entire Muslim nation, to emphasize that “Jihad and the act of deterring a tyrant are both legitimate duties”. He said that “what is happening in Syria is unprecedented; the regime is bombarding mosques, and the prayers inside supplicate assistance from God to protect them against the deeds which even Zionists would not dare commit.” Sheikh al-Qarni described what the protestors are suffering at the hands of the regime as “no less brutal than the crimes committed by the Mongolian leader Hulagu Khan.”
August 16th, 2011, 11:18 am
Revlon said:
244. Dear Amir, thank you for the link.
That was an incredible video.
The accident appeared to had been quite serious.
He was driving at a probable speed of 80Km plus/hr.
He crashed into a side cement barrier within less than 2 seconds of his swerve, which gave hime little time to slow down.
The engine hood appeared to bellow up and the horn to go off in spite of the fact that the car came to a stop.
Such would indicate that the driver’s body was in contact with the driving wheel for more than needed as the car came to a full stop.
Such raises the possibility of a temporary loss of consciousness.
Although the camera stoped, the microphone stayed on. There was no more sound from whithin the vehicle.
Is Asma OK?
It would be interesting to know when the video was taken.
If chronologically conforming, it might well be related to the earlier rumours and suspicions about his sudden hemiparesis!
August 16th, 2011, 11:23 am
Aboud said:
To anyone who is visiting Syria Comment, to see for themselves how Syrians discuss the momentous events in their country. Please do not judge 23 million Syrians by the posts of the person at #247.
Generally, Syrians have no interest in orgasms on top of volcanoes or drinking the snot of satellite sheikhs. The person who made those comments deserves our pity, and is in obvious need of professional help. His mental breakdown has been painful to watch, but alas, he insists on making his issues public to the world 🙂
@248 ““what is happening in Syria is unprecedented; the regime is bombarding mosques, and the prayers inside supplicate assistance from God to protect them against the deeds which even Zionists would not dare commit.”
Not just the Zionists, but the Crusaders and every invading army that ever marched through Syria. The Baathists’ inhumanity has outdone anything Syria has ever seen in its thousands of years. And yet there are some disgraceful people who cheer the bombing of mosques and the targeting of people who pray there. Shameful, utterly and completely reprehensible.
August 16th, 2011, 11:31 am
abughassan said:
If you want my personal opinion on all of those laws that were passed or being in the process of getting passed,I would have to say that they should be scratched off until free elections are held and multiparty committees are formed to write new laws,an interim election law can be used to govern those elections which must be monitored if Syrians are supposed to believe the results.
What the regime wants is be “tougher” in Ramadan then give the opposition a set of unbalanced proposals that most likely will fall short of expectations and be rejected,then the government is going to blame the opposition for being “uncooperative and unwilling to engage in dialogue”.If this pessimistic prediction proves to be untrue,then we can start to talk about reform.
If the regime is sincere about reform,a huge IF,what it should do is release political prisoners,use security forces only when civil peace is threatened, and set a time table for elections.
critical issues like a new constitution can not be addressed by albaath alone,it requires the feedback of all Syrians.To be fair,all of the drafts of the new laws are better than what we have now in Syria,since we had very little to start with, but those laws require a national consensus to be called “national”.The regime has a lot of tools and advantages but public trust is not one of them,and Syrians today prefer to use their eyes,not their ears,to judge future “reform” steps,and BTW,how is it possible that a nation of 23 million could not produce a president other than Bashar?, and what made albaath so special that it was able to “lead” Syria unopposed for 48 years?
August 16th, 2011, 11:41 am
syria no kandahar said:
Arboud has been posting every day that he likes to drink tears of syrians who disagree with him,when he was given different drink he suddenly became a person with manners and class.pony tail Arboudi:class and manners are something you can never ever claim being a supporter of boiling people,reqaedless of who they are.This is something independent of any thing else:Syrians are so much different than you,your have the manners of human beings eaters in Africa,you can have Alaaroor drink with that.
August 16th, 2011, 11:47 am
Revlon said:
Marwan Ilian,a Hamwi Christian and an active member of the Ilian Charity mission was arrested and charged with aiding terrorists.
He used to provide medical assistance to the wounded civilians.
The Syrian Revolution 2011 ?????? ??????? ?? ???? ?????
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August 16th, 2011, 11:54 am
Jasmine said:
God went to the Arabs and said,
‘I have Commandments for you that will make your lives better.’
The Arabs asked, ‘What are Commandments?’
And the Lord said, ‘They are rules for living.’
‘Can you give us an example?’
‘Thou shall not kill.’
‘Not kill? We’re not interested..’
So He went to the Blacks and said, ‘I have Commandments.’
The Blacks wanted an example, and the Lord said,
‘Honor thy Father and Mother.’
‘Father? We don’t know who our fathers are.
We’re not interested.’
Then He went to the Mexicans and said,
‘I have Commandments.’
The Mexicans also wanted an example, and the Lord said ‘Thou shall not steal.’
‘Not steal? We’re not interested.’
Then He went to the French and said,
‘I have Commandments.’
The French also wanted an example and the Lord said, ‘Thou shall not commit adultery.’
‘Sacre bleu!!! Not commit adultery? We’re not interested.’
Finally, He went to the Jews and said,
‘I have Commandments..’
‘Commandments?’ They said, ‘How much are they?’
‘They’re free.’
‘We’ll take 10.’
There. That, should offend just about everybody.
August 16th, 2011, 11:57 am
Revlon said:
Kuwaities’ solidarity with Syrians, in front of the Syrian Embassy.
?????? – ???? ??????? ??????? ????????? ?? ????? ?????
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5 hours ago •
August 16th, 2011, 12:00 pm
Revlon said:
Link to a photo of the boy Mohammad Assaf who was abducted by Jr’s thugs yesterday,
Tal Rif3at, Aleppo!/photo.php?fbid=156356297776889&set=pu.114744738604712&type=1&theater
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August 16th, 2011, 12:07 pm
Haytham Khoury said:
Dear Abou Ghassan
Ineed, there is no opposition for the government to negotiate with. I am not defending the regime, but I am saying the opposition is making the situation much worse. In an e-mails that I sent to Dr. Landis, I said “We, the Syrian people, are between a muderous lunatic regime and an immature irresponsable opposition”. Frankly, the opposition is much to blame in this situation. In brief. God, if there is One, be with Syrian people.
August 16th, 2011, 12:11 pm
Tara said:
Basel Assad was a martyr to the road.
Killed Shabeehas were martyrs to Besho’ reign.
I wonder if Besho gets assassinated, he would be martyr to what?
August 16th, 2011, 12:16 pm
Khalid Tlass said:
Iran should be nuked its high time. And all the pro-regime ppl on Sc are children of Muta’a which is there in their Najh al-Balgha.
August 16th, 2011, 12:25 pm
Revlon said:
A link to martyr Isa Ghuzlan’s Photo
A young revolutionist in th eyes of the nation,
A terrorist in the eyes of his torturers, Asad-Makhloof syndicate and benefactors.!/photo.php?fbid=264561326887984&set=pu.229182380425879&type=1&theater
August 16th, 2011, 12:25 pm
Revlon said:
257. Dear Haytham Khoury,
You said:
“Ineed, there is no opposition for the government to negotiate with”
The regime failed to prove genuine even when they negotiated with the opposition that they selected.
“The Syrian people, are between a muderous lunatic regime and an immature irresponsable opposition”. Frankly, the opposition is much to blame in this situation”
Your statement would indicate that you are a mature and responsible, pro-change Syrian activist.
Therefore, I vote for you to negotiate on my behalf with the Regime.
If not otherwise stated, I believe pro-revolution posters on this blog would do the same.
I wish you good luck.
August 16th, 2011, 12:37 pm
majedkhaldoon said:
Sheila and Tara
there are many things Turkey can do, It is not good to talk about it, we are against foreign military actions.
Syrian Navy is very small, it is made of two frigate, with 22 craft, with 8 boats,they are manned by soldiers and few officers,70% of them are Alawite.they can be knocked out in a single day,in the past, five syrian ships were sanked by Israel.
if military action is contemplated, those two frigate can be taken hostage quickly,this will open Latakia.and choke Syria import and export,the cost for Turkey would be minimum.
August 16th, 2011, 12:39 pm
Tara said:
The more crimes committed by the regime on daily basis, I find myself getting more radicalized ( not in an Islamic way) but in a way where one is forced to think outside the box.
At least, I hope this week will bring complete blockage of oil and gas export and a UNSC call to endorse Bahar to be tried for crimes against humanity.
Time for dialogue has long gone.
August 16th, 2011, 12:55 pm
Revlon said:
???? ?? ?? ???
??? ??????
?? 15 ??, 2011 – 06:32 ?????
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August 16th, 2011, 12:59 pm
Revlon said:
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August 16th, 2011, 1:04 pm
Syria no kandahar said:
You mentioned ??? ???? isnt he ?????
August 16th, 2011, 1:08 pm
Akbar Palace said:
Don’t turn your back on the Palestinians NewZ
He said: “The interests of the Muslim people command that we mobilise to support Syria as a centre of Palestinian resistance.”
“The Mukhabarat stripped them and then made them walk through the streets,” he said. “It was just to make their husbands turn themselves in. Two days later they did.”
Now he faces an uncertain future. No-one else in the refugee camp knows that he was once one of the men ordered to fire on protesters, but he also knows that he faces death as a deserter if he were to return to Syria.
“I try not to think of the terrible things I have done,” he said.
August 16th, 2011, 1:11 pm
Revlon said:
Martyr count is: 2,828
as of
??? ????? ?????? ??????? ???? 2828 ??? 15 / 8 / 2011!/photo.php?fbid=10150787704980727&set=a.10150397575815727.619133.420796315726&type=1&theater
AlFati7a upon their souls,
may God bless their families with solace and empoer them with patience.
August 16th, 2011, 1:14 pm
Aboud said:
@252 “your have the manners of human beings eaters”
LOOOOL!!!! Dude, the word is “cannibals”. How the heck does this guy ever think he’s going to become a writer when his vocabulary is weaker than Comical Sally’s excuses.
“Ineed, there is no opposition for the government to negotiate with.”
Leaders arise through the struggles and tribulations of the people who they will lead. Churchill became PM of the UK at age 65, but wouldn’t have gotten the chance if it wasn’t for WW 2. Ghandi would have been a mere New Age philosopher had India not needed a leader to win her independence from the British Empire.
I would have been very depressed if someone had been crowned King of the Syrian revolution without actually having done anything to earn it. A baby has to stay in the womb around nine months before it is born. A tree has to grow before it bears fruits.
Would you like to see what happened to the last Syrian who was given power on a silver platter? He’s fiddling with his X-Box while Syria burns.
Leaders will arise, have no fear. Better that they do so naturally and become accepted by Syrians, than being pushed on an unwilling populace prematurely. The cost to Syrians of an unprepared leadership with no legitimacy would be far more tragic than one who prematurely tried to take leadership just because the spot is vacant. Don’t know about you, but I don’t want a leader just for the sake of having a leader.
August 16th, 2011, 1:25 pm
Tara said:
Revlon #264
Thank you for the post. It reflects the state of mind I am about to reach.
August 16th, 2011, 1:27 pm
sheila said:
Dear Dr. Landis,
The only reason why I am spending my valuable time on Syria Comment is because I view it as very informative. Many people who contribute to this blog, whether with or against the Syrian regime, open my eyes to things that I have never considered before. To allow someone like Syria No Kandahar to post on the blog is very detrimental. He/she is the proverbial bad apple that can ruin the whole basket. His/her latest comments have been nothing but mockery without any substance or value-added. Such a waste of time for all of us. I feel like I am in kindergarten all over again. Please do something to try to elevate the conversation to where it once was.
August 16th, 2011, 1:40 pm
Dale Andersen said:
RE: “…Basil Assad was a martyr to the road. Killed Shabeehas were martyrs to Besho’s reign. I wonder if Besho gets assassinated, he would be martyr to what…”
RE: “…martyr count is 2,828 as of 2011/8/15…”
You need to stop using the M-word. You need to get another word…
August 16th, 2011, 1:43 pm
Revlon said:
???? ???? ????? ??????? ?? ??? ???????
– 2011/08/16??? ??: ????? ?????
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August 16th, 2011, 1:47 pm
sheila said:
Dear #257. Haytham,
This time, I completely disagree with you. When you say: “the opposition is much to blame in this situation”, you are blaming the victim. Many of us talked about this before. The reason why we don’t have an opposition to speak of, is precisely because we have this horrible regime. It is like this kids’ toy where every time a credible opposition leader emerges, a hammer goes smack over his head to nail him down. What chances did we have do build up an opposition in Syria?. The answer is none. When you say: “there is no opposition for the government to negotiate with“. I can tell you why: because the credible opposition leaders are either in jail, dead or outside Syria trying to escape death or prison.
August 16th, 2011, 1:52 pm
Revlon said:
Reckless destruction of civilian properties and infrastructure by Jr’s Armed forces and thugs
Saraqeb town, Idleb Governorate
???? – ???? – ?????? ?? ????? ???? ????? ???? 15-8-2011
August 16th, 2011, 1:55 pm
Revlon said:
272. Dear Dale Andersen, I would need to know more about the background behind your objection to the use of the word Martyr before I can offer a pertinent response.
August 16th, 2011, 2:04 pm
sheila said:
Dear Revlon,
Thank you for posting this article. It is very touching and very true.
August 16th, 2011, 2:07 pm
Haytham Khoury said:
Dear Revlon:
Thank you for the trust.
What I wrote in (post#257) originated from my first-hand experience with opposition. In fact, due to the gravity of the situation, the opposition should be more responsible and should select a unified leadership that can fill the political vacuum.
I believe in the power of the people. I mean by people ordinary citizens, like you, the other people in this forum and me. The people should always be aware of the political situation and how the political class handling it. Therefore, I think we should discuss herein not only the diseases of the regime, but also the malaises of the opposition.
Further, when the political class is not able to select reliable politicians and leaders. The people should take the initiative to generate and select new ones.
Thank you very much for the trust that you offered me, but I am not a politician and I do intend to be shortly.
I hope other people from this forum would contemplate that possibility. Anyway, our discussion here on this forum is important to build perspective and may be generating new leaders.
Sincerely, I thank Dr. Landis for this forum. The service that he is providing for Syria is not negligible. I expressed previously that to him.
August 16th, 2011, 2:13 pm
R said:
270 and 277 Dears Tara and Sheila, you are welcome.
August 16th, 2011, 2:17 pm
majedkhaldoon said:
All syrian are getting radiculized,due to the atrocious disproportionate violence commited by the regime,Bashar was successfull in turning the whole world against him, even those who were his friends, his supporters are behaving defensive,and boring repeating the same lie over and over again, people are just tired of such lies.
out of 220,000 syrian army , 140,000 are Alawite, they are paid by the syrian paople to defend them against Israel,instead they are attacking and killing the syrian people,a man enteres the military academy ,graduates and advances to general and he never fought a battle against the enemy, how could we be proud of such an army,instead the army is killing the syrian women and children, I am ashamed of such army, whose sole job is to defend the Assad not the people, those who defend such army are traitors.
Five months of peaceful demonstrations , people suffered 2800 martyr, and three thousand missing,presumed dead, and 15000 jailed, this is enough,we must carry arms, those who are killing the syrian people must pay for their crimes,they do not understand except one thing,the weapon , the power. this is radicalization,it is well justified.
August 16th, 2011, 2:27 pm
abughassan said:
I will be skinned for saying this,but if Haytham is right and the opposition remains fractured and inefficient and Asad managed to crush the demonstrations,then the regime may actually succeed to bomb the opposition all the way to the negotiating table,another possibility is seeing more armed resistance to the regime and more defections which will be translated into a civil war that most Syrians do not want. two more weeks or less before finding out if either side has anything to offer. for the time being,the street could not care less about neither and it has a mind on its own. I bet you that a large section of those demonstrators do not know who is Michael Kilo, Aref Dalila or Abdulazeem,however,they know who and how bad the regime is and how tough life has become for ordinary syrians.
August 16th, 2011, 2:44 pm
jad said:
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16 ?? , 2011
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The Reality of Events>>Interior Ministry… law-enforcement forces, backed by an army unit complete their mission in al-Ramel al-Janoubi
Interior Ministry… law-enforcement forces, backed by an army unit complete their mission in al-Ramel al-Janoubi
Aug 16, 2011
Interior Ministry on Tuesday announced that the Law-Enforcement forces, backed by an army unit completed their mission at al-Ramel al-Janoubi in Lattakia, putting an end to the armed terrorist groups who terrified the safe citizens by their criminal acts.
Brigadier General Mohammad Hassan al-Ali said the Army unit began moving out of al-Ramel al-Janoubi after completing its mission, adding “the neighborhood is recovering and the citizens are practicing their normal life that was spoiled by the acts of the terrorist groups.
Law Enforcement Forces Continue Removing Barriers Set up by Armed Groups in al-Ramel al-Janoubi
An official source told SANA reporter in Lattakia on Tuesday that the law enforcement forces are continuing to remove barriers and roadblocks set up by the armed terrorist groups along the crossroads and alleys of al-Ramel al-Janoubi neighborhood in the city.
The source added that the forces arrested a number of the gunmen and dismantled the bombs and mines planted by these groups in the streets of the neighborhood, asserting that some gunmen have fled from the aforementioned neighborhood to the neighboring alleys, opened fire and threw sticks of dynamite, causing a number of causalities and terrifying the civilians.
The source also pointed out that the law enforcement forces are still pursuing those gunmen to restore tranquility and security to these areas.
People of al-Ramel al-Janoubi: Intervention of Law Enforcement Forces Necessary to Stop Criminal Practices of Armed Terrorist Groups
People of al-Ramel al-Janoubi neighborhood said that the intervention of law enforcement forces was necessary to stop the criminal practices of armed terrorist groups and restore security and stability to the neighborhood.
One of the locals, Khaled al-Sheikh, said that the people of the neighborhood have had enough of the armed groups and their practices, stressing that the situation in the neighborhood was tragic and that pursing a normal life was difficult, not to mention the atmosphere of fear and terror caused by the gunmen, particularly for women and children.
Ahmad al-Esta, a vegetables vendor, said that he hadn’t been able to work and make a living for a long time due to the terror caused by the armed groups which hindered the economic activities of many people, added that a lot of the locals left the neighborhood in fear of the gunmen who imposed strange practices on the local that contradict the Syrian society’s values and customs.
Aisha, a homemaker, said that the situation in the neighborhood was terrifying due to the practices of the gunmen, saying “we were feeling like death was surrounding us from very side… fear seized the hearts of children who didn’t understand what was happening around them… their questions were heart-wrenching.”
“What do these people want from us? We want to live in safety,” were the words of seven year-old Safiya.
Abu Samer, another local, expressed relief over the intervention of law enforcement forces to restore security and stability, calling for showing no leniency in pursuing the criminals and presenting them to justice.
English Bulletin
August 16th, 2011, 2:44 pm
jad said:
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August 16th, 2011, 2:45 pm
jad said:
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August 16th, 2011, 2:47 pm
Khalid Tlass said:
Sheila, if you are online,
Could you tell me more about Marwan al-Hadid and Adnan ‘Uqla ? Somebody on SC mentioned their names and I remeber the Minhebaks getting very agitated about this. I understand that these 2 individuals had something to do abt the MB, but my parents cannot remeber the details. Do you know anything ?
August 16th, 2011, 2:50 pm
jad said:
Interior Ministry… law-enforcement forces, backed by an army unit complete their mission in al-Ramel al-Janoubi
People of al-Ramel al-Janoubi: Intervention of Law Enforcement Forces Necessary to Stop Criminal Practices of Armed Terrorist Groups
Interior Ministry on Tuesday announced that the Law-Enforcement forces, backed by an army unit completed their mission at al-Ramel al-Janoubi in Lattakia, putting an end to the armed terrorist groups who terrified the safe citizens by their criminal acts
August 16th, 2011, 2:51 pm
Afram said:
Kuwaities’ solidarity with Syrians, in front of the Syrian Embassy.
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when Saddam invaded kuwait,the majority of kuwaiti men plus their rulers folded their tailes between their legs then fled faster than the road runner to euro zone whorehouses,the kuwaiti bozos are identical copy carbon of the syrian falafel stand owners,,their manhood!? sticks out always from behind their women skirts,go figure,these wild geese consider hidding&runnig away is a major victory,,but webster dictionary define them as CERTIFIED COWARDS!
August 16th, 2011, 2:56 pm
Khalid Tlass said:
Well said Majed. I’m looking forward to getting my hands on a few Shabeeh myself. I don’t smoke, but I like the cigarette becoz it would help in burning their devilish skin. And somebody should nuke Iran. Nahj al Balagha should be banned. Al Qardaha should be levelled with cluster bombs, SyAF should do the job.
Amir in Tel Aviv,
Kindly do us a favour and take out Hassan Nasrallah and the entire Hizbullah leadership with laser-guided missiles. Don’t tell me you guys don’t know his exact location. What’s stopping you, if you could do it with such noble leaders like Sheikh Yassin, whats stopping you guys from doing the same to these dirty faggots from Jnoob ?
August 16th, 2011, 2:56 pm
jad said:
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August 16th, 2011, 2:57 pm
Khalid Tlass said:
Afram #284,
You product of the Muta’a , can you tell us how the wife of Imam Mahdi practised Muta’a ?
August 16th, 2011, 2:58 pm
abughassan said:
I think majed went too far, and I am very disappointed to hear this from an educated man.the Syrian army is a group of Syrians,most of whom have no power to change events on the ground,they have families and kids and many of them got killed unnecessarily. no US citizen,for example,will call US soldiers who killed scores of civilians “murderers”. The blame is on the leadership that decided to use and abuse the army.To say that those who defend syrian soldiers are traitors is unacceptable to say the least, however, people are entitled to their opinions,even if they are wrong.
Another shock is the call to bear arms and fight,which is an indirect invitation to a civil war and a green light to allow the army to kill tens of thousands of Syrians in the name of self defense against an armed insurgency.I am sorry you got to that point,majed.
I want Bashar to go,I am half Sunni,and I have no relationship with the regime and no relatives in the army or the security forces,two family members of mine were political prisoners, and I still find your statement reprehensible.
August 16th, 2011, 3:07 pm
jad said:
“Al Qardaha should be levelled with cluster bombs, SyAF should do the job.”
Same level of the ‘boiling soldiers’ note but this time calling for the killing of all the Syrian Alawites using ‘cluster bombs’… pathetic!
August 16th, 2011, 3:09 pm
majedkhaldoon said:
What are you proud of such army, has it ever fought any battle against Israel, have they ever kill anyone but syrian people, in 1982,and now,this is an army that defends Assad and assad only, is that what you are proud of , you call yourself educatyed man , shame on you, you have no rational in your thinking, the syrian army must never fight syrian,they are slaves to your Idol,bashar,
August 16th, 2011, 3:26 pm
annie said:
Has this article by Michel Chossudovsky already been mentioned ?
BREAKING NEWS: NATO and Turkey Support Armed Rebels in Syria. Campaign to Recruit Muslim “Freedom Fighters”
The Western media has played a central role in obfuscating the nature of foreign interference in Syria including outside support to armed insurgents. In chorus they have described recent events in Syria as a “peaceful protest movement” directed against the government of Bashar Al Assad.
Recent developments in Syria point to a full-fledged armed insurgency, integrated by Islamist “freedom fighters”, supported, trained and equipped by NATO and Turkey\’s High Command.
Me have problems believing this. Some European leftists bury their head in the sand.
August 16th, 2011, 3:30 pm
Aboud said:
Angry Arab’s opinion the Syrian Army, a force that has utterly and miserably failed in all its wars, but excels at killing its own people.
“Syrian armed forces
I was opposed to dedicate a Friday to the Syrian armed forces as was done weeks ago by the Ikhwan opposition movement. But then again, I oppose the Ikhwan as I oppose the lousy Syrian regime. Those armed forces are not part of the solution: they are part of the problem. Also, note that they have stayed almost intact during the repression. We have not had brigade or unit defections like in Yemen. The apparatus of repression in Syria has been maintained and tightly managed by the regime. I watch the reports about their heavy gunfire: from the sea or from the land (they won’t dear fly their planes because they don’t want to upset Israel–this is a regime that is more sensitive to Israel than to the feelings of the Asad dynasty). Look how ferocious their gunfire use is: where was all that courage in the successive confrontations with Israel? It was one failure and one defeat after the other. The Asad family has started their failed leadership of the Syrian military from the 1967 defeat (when Hafidh was commander of the air force). The defeat of 1973 has been the fuel that kept the Syrian and Egyptian regime going for too long: the lie of the 1973 defeat (when the outcome of the war expanded Israeli achievements beyond 1967) provided a big boost of political legitimacy for both the Syrian Asad regime and the Egyptian Sadat regime. It seems that the Syrian army does not mind being used against a civilian population, while being trained to avoid any contact with Israel even when Israel bombs deep inside Syria or when Israeli planes flies over the Asad palace in Latakia. The scenes are symptomatic of status Arab armies: always for repression and never for the protection of borders or for standing up to Israeli aggression. If it is up to me, I would name a Friday (although I am not in favor of mixing religion with the political manifestations of any Arab uprising): down with the Syrian armed forces: the arm of repression of the Asad regime.
PS Hafidh Al-Asad was Minister of Defense in 1967 and not Commander of the Air Force.
PSS An alert Syrian reader sent me the correction. But then I was sure that Hafidh was both, Minister of Defense and Commander of the Air Force, so he checked with his father, who was close to Hafidh and served with him. Indeed, he he was both: Minister of Defense and Commander of the Air Force.”
August 16th, 2011, 3:31 pm
beaware said:
Church burning deepens tumult of Egypt transition
CAIRO – The Associated Press
Egyptian Army soldiers stand guard outside the burned Virgin Mary church in the Imbaba neighborhood of Cairo. AP photo.
Relations between Egypt’s Muslims and Christians have degenerated to a new low after riots left 12 people dead and a church burned, adding to the disorder of the country’s post-revolution transition to democracy.
The attack on the church was the latest sign of assertiveness by an extreme, ultraconservative movement of Muslims known as Salafis, whose increasing hostility toward Egypt’s Coptic Christians over the past few months has met with little interference from the country’s military rulers.
Salafis have been blamed for other recent attacks on Christians and others they don’t approve of. In one attack, a Christian man had an ear cut off for renting an apartment to a Muslim woman suspected of involvement in prostitution.
The latest violence, which erupted in fresh clashes Sunday between Muslims and Christians who pelted each other with stones in another part of Cairo, also pointed to what many see as reluctance of the armed forces council to act. The council took temporary control of the country after President Hosni Mubarak was deposed on Feb. 11.
August 16th, 2011, 3:31 pm
Aboud said:
Angry Arab again
“Syria’s allies
It has become too embarrassing for Syria’s allies to defend the regime. Hizbullah’s tone has been changing (although Hasan Nasrallah is speaking tomorrow and may address the matter). It went from fierce defense of the regime to almost silence. Hamas has been largely silent as well. Al-Manar website is carrying a brief news headline that Iran considers what is happening in Syria as “an internal matter”. You know what that meas? This contradicts the official regime story of a an outside conspiracy. The most vocal and most vulgar in the defense of the regime and in carrying unbelievable stories has been the Amal movement in Lebanon and its TV, NBN. “
August 16th, 2011, 3:34 pm
majedkhaldoon said:
If we get civil war it is the regime that to blame, the regime that you defend opted for military carackdown, it is the regime that you support who is pushing us to civil war, because the regime that you worship will not listen to the people will
August 16th, 2011, 3:39 pm
Aboud said:
The menhebaks are utterly disgraceful, and perversely sectarian. They whine when someone just *says* that Qurdaha should bombed, but we don’t hear a peep out of their mouths when Hama, Dar’a, Homs, Latakia, Telkelakh, Abu Kamal and numerous other villages are shelled and their inhabitants murdered. To those people, a Sunni life is worth less than a bullet.
Abughassan is the living proof of the old saying, that a liberal is a conservative who hasn’t been mugged yet.
August 16th, 2011, 3:47 pm
Tara said:
I am ashamed of the Syrian army too. Bunch of cowards killing women, children and civilians. Taking up arms to defend one’s self and loved ones is legitimate and indeed moral. Pain and suffering should be inflicted on the regime the same way the regime is inflicting it on innocent people. It is virtually impossible to embody Jesus Christ Teachings and turn the other cheek while witnessing a child being killed almost every single day. It is perhaps time for… eye for an eye…
August 16th, 2011, 3:51 pm
beaware said:
Iran banks all on Assad’s survival
By Mahan Abedin
The continuing unrest in Syria presents Iran with multiple challenges straddling the strategic, political and ideological spheres. While officially Iran is committed to the survival of the Syrian regime, the perceived gravity of the situation has led an increasing number of former Iranian diplomats and academics to voice concern over the Islamic Republic’s failure to hedge its bets in Syria.
The fear – expressed in its most extreme form – is that the downfall of President Bashar al-Assad may lead to the collapse of the Iranian-Syrian strategic alliance, thus undermining the “resistance axis” in the region.
While these fears are exaggerated, nonetheless there is a widespread feeling in the country that the lack of nuance in Iran’s
position – and specifically the absence of any contact with Syrian opposition groups – is not configured to protect Iran’s interests in what is by all accounts a highly significant political and strategic moment in the region.
Nevertheless, the Iranian government is confident that the Syrian regime can weather the storm, and that the situation is being deliberately exaggerated by Western media and intelligence services, who hope to extract strategic concessions from Assad further down the road.
Iran is also concerned by regional reactions to the crisis, especially by the pro-active Turkish position, which from an Iranian point of view is exploiting a putative humanitarian crisis to expand Turkish influence in the region. The real fear is not so much centered on Turkish influence (which is viewed as relatively benign) but that Turkey is working at the behest of Washington and key European states to re-align Syria away from Iran.
The strategic alliance
The Iranian-Syrian strategic alliance is the oldest, strongest and most resilient in the modern Middle East. Its origins date back to the early 1980s at the beginning of the Iran-Iraq war, when Syria was the only Arab state to openly side with the Islamic Republic. The alliance was cemented by the emergence of the Hezbollah movement in Lebanon, which Iran and Syria jointly sponsored, albeit for different reasons.
August 16th, 2011, 3:51 pm
Afram said:
290. Khalid Tlass said:
Afram #284,
You product of the Muta’a , can you tell us how the wife of Imam Mahdi practised Muta’a ?
——————————————————————- NO COMMENT but…….
you got no class
I assure you,i had nothing to do with your last name,like the ASS in TL_ASS
note: I am first class athiest
if you are interested in pleasure marriage OR Muta,a
you need to ask your mama who,s your daddy,boy.
August 16th, 2011, 3:52 pm
Syria no kandahar said:
If Dr Majed sees Abughassan as a regim worshipper ,then I think instead of removing kidneys he removes stomaches.
August 16th, 2011, 3:53 pm
beaware said:
Saudi Arabia Moves to Take Down Syria, Iran and Hezbollah
August 16, 2011
Bruce Riedel [2]
After months of protests and regime violence, King Abdallah of Saudi Arabia, one of the last absolute monarchs in the world, has called on Syria’s embattled president, Bashar al-Assad, to stop the “killing machine” repressing his own people and accept at least some of the demands of Syrians calling for an end to Assad’s decade old dictatorship. The king backed up his statement by recalling Saudi Arabia’s ambassador from Damascus, and its clients Bahrain and Kuwait quickly followed Riyadh’s lead.
The Saudis sense a strategic opportunity has opened in Syria, a unique chance to deal a mortal blow to one of their enemies, the Shia terror group Hezbollah, and a serious blow to their regional adversary Iran. Since Israel’s foolish invasion of Lebanon in 1982, the Syrian regime of Hafez and Bashar Assad has been Iran’s key partner in creating Hezbollah, arming it to the teeth with thousands of rockets and missiles and sending it to create terror throughout the region. For decades Damascus has allowed Tehran to use its airports and ports to transfer arms to Hezbollah, and more recently it has provided much of its own equipment directly to the Shia group. Iranian Revolutionary Guards have been based in Syria and thousands of Iranian tourists and spies have come to worship at Damascus’ Sayyidah Zaynab mosque, a traditional Shia holy site and an excellent place for extremists to get together under the protective eye of Syrian intelligence.
It was at the Zaynab mosque that Hezbollah and IRGC operatives met with Saudi Shia in 1996 to plan the attack on the American air force base at Dhahran in the Kingdom. Nineteen Americans were killed in the Khobar barracks attack, and dozens of Saudis were injured in a nearby neighborhood. Iran and Hezbollah orchestrated the attack. The Saudis have seen Hezbollah terror attacks on their neighbor Kuwait in the past and have accused the party of being behind Bahrain’s troubles this year. On top of all this the United Nations has determined Hezbollah responsible for the murder of the pro-Saudi former Lebanese prime minsiter Rafiq Harriri in 2005. The Saudi grudge against Hezbollah is deep.
The al-Sauds were especially outraged this July when pro-Assad demonstraters in Damascus and other Syrian cities hoisted Hezbollah flags along side Syrian flags to celebrate the anniversary of Bashar’s assumption of power after his father’s death in 2000. A key editorial in the Saudi paper Asharq al-Awsat at the time warned that this blatant display of support for Hezbollah was a step too far for the House of Saud, saying “the al-Assad regime is now wrapping itself in the flag of Hezbollah” a group that targets Sunni leaders and Sunni interests. This editorial prefigured Abdallah’s public remarks this month.
Riyadh worries that Assad will be replaced by chaos, but it has now come to the conclusion the risk is worth the price. If the Assad regime is destroyed, so too will Syrian support for Hezbollah be destroyed. If a new regime emerges that reflects the will of Syria’s majority-Sunni population, it can become a base for destabilizing the Hezbollah-dominated government in Beirut. The power balance in the Levant could be tilted decisively against Hezbollah and undercut Iranian regional influence.
Abdallah spoke with President Barack Obama at the end of last week,and both called for an end to the Syrian regime’s repression of its people. Undoubtedly the Saudis have also urged Washington to see the strategic opportunity in Syria. Washington and Riyadh will certainly continue to disagree on the merits of democracy in the Arab world, but they can cooperate on fighting Hezbollah. For the Saudis the time has come to settle scores with an old adversary.
August 16th, 2011, 3:55 pm
Haytham Khoury said:
Dear Sheila:
I agree with your opinion as regard to the opposition inside the country. The regime paralyzed it. However, what I was talking about is the opposition outside the country (however I hate that distinction between inside and outside).
Before these events, I was completely cut off from the country. I was not interested in what going inside, because I hate lifeless situations.
When the Syrian uprising started it was like a complete surprise. It was like a miracle in front my eyes. I started to be interested in the political life in Syria again. I started to write on the Facebook pages with a nickname. I had good discussion with a lot of people. All were on how the revolution should be peaceful or aimed at creating political awareness. I enjoyed that very much.
However, my real interest was finding a real political initiative, but there was none for almost 6 weeks. When the “National Initiative for Change” emerged on April 29, it was a kind of relive for my inquiring mind. I was fast to answer them in two e-mails one in April 29 and the second on April 30. In my answer, I told them that their initiative was not viable. They gave tho themselves one week, to test whether Ali Habib would respond favorable or not. When they found that their initiative is not workable they called me. Since then I have been telling Radwan Ziadeh and other opposition figures outside the country that they should have a unified leadership. Unfortunately, there is nor favorable response to my attempts, mainly because the opposition figures lack the vision, distrust each other and each one of them want to score the final goal to claim victory.
Please review the following posts. The first two were addressed to Radawn Ziadeh and the last three were addressed to the Burhan Ghalioun (originally in French). May be you read already two of these documents. May be you can feel my pain, when you read all that. This in addition to many phone calls that made for the same purpose (some of these phone calls were very emotional).
August 16th, 2011, 3:55 pm
Syria no kandahar said:
Khaled Shiek Mohammad /Tlass
So you are not a product of Muta,you were a product of gay to a straight marriage ?
August 16th, 2011, 3:59 pm
Haytham Khoury said:
Dear all:
We should know we are Syrians above all. Even if we disagree with the regime politically, all the citizens of that country including, Bashar and Maher, are our compatriots. Hopefully, justice will prevail with no revenge (and particularly for Bashar, because I think he still has a good element in him).
Even if we disagree with the regime, all the cities and towns of Syria, including Querdaha, are our cities and towns.
Even if we do not like what the army is doing, the army is our army and the soldiers are our soldiers.
I feel great indignation for anybody says that we should get revenge from anybody or destroy any town.
My dear compatriots, I hope all of us will be real patriots.
August 16th, 2011, 4:12 pm
Nour said:
It’s unfortunate that discussions on SC have descended to such a debased level. Everyone seems to think they are absolutely right and everyone else is absolutely wrong. People are labeled and classified as either “men7ebbak” or “mamen7ebbak” which is an utterly silly, pathetic way to corner people into one of two camps. Not everyone has to agree with everything that a given person believes, and just because they disagree does not make them supporters of the opposing extreme camp. This sort of absolutist position which the regime has taken for several decades and which many of those opposing the regime are taking now is a sure way to lead us to civil war and destruction of the country. It is unfortunate that rational voices are being drowned out by both extreme sides who engage in nothing but emotional outbursts against each other.
August 16th, 2011, 4:18 pm
amal said:
How is the Independent Islamist State Of HAMA Doing now?
August 16th, 2011, 4:18 pm
Khalid Tlass said:
Only way out as it looks is for Israel to go after the top leadership of Hizbullah with laser-guided missiles; and for Saudi and Bahrain to start treating their Shi’a populations as hostages against the safety and sanctity of Syrian Sunni life.
August 16th, 2011, 4:19 pm
abughassan said:
I do not enjoy making people angry but I could not let those negative and unfair comments by majed go without a response.
I am even more disappointed that what should be an exchange of opinions is turning into a personal attack,third-world style.
No more from me on this subject,I have nothing to prove to any of you who disagree with my opinion,may be he who said “kama takonoun youwalla alaikum” was right,but I still think Syrians deserve a better regime and a better opposition.
August 16th, 2011, 4:22 pm
majedkhaldoon said:
We will be proud of Syrian army if it is to defend that people against israel, the army which attacking syrian people is not something we are proud of.
I hope you learned through your education and training to always justify your words and actions,can you tell me which is more important the syrian people ,or the the army?
We love the army when it defends the people not kill them.
This is not personal attack that I started, it is you who started, or may be you do not comprehend what you say.
August 16th, 2011, 4:32 pm
SQI said:
#282. JAD
what ? mission completed in Lattakia already !? that was quick .
Angry batata is cooking from anger 🙂
“army unit completed their mission at al-Ramel al-Janoubi in Lattakia,”
August 16th, 2011, 4:33 pm
amal said:
Did anyone hear from Turkey lately?!
August 16th, 2011, 4:35 pm
amal said:
Did anyone hear from Israel lately?
August 16th, 2011, 4:41 pm
Khalid Tlass said:
Aboud and S.G.I.D,
What do you think the next week will bring us ? Do you think Turkey will take any “action” ?
August 16th, 2011, 4:41 pm
jad said:
Turkey is quite and the States announcement today both are because of a done deal between the Regime, The MBs and Turkey. KSA is not happy about it, the US did it again and left them in the dark about this.
We will have a new national unity government with MB, ‘Albaath’, Kurds and few ‘Liberals’ with parliament’s elections while keeping Bashar as the head of State elected by the MPs.
All those who went out in the streets wont have a say in it because they were not organized.
There is a race between the local opposition figures/ street leaders to unify their efforts before the deal comes out, otherwise it’ll be too late.
August 16th, 2011, 4:51 pm
abughassan said:
I actually borrowed that regressive verb “kama takounoon,etc” from an opposition figure at an opposition conference in Turkey. he said “wallahi bashar Kteer alaykom”, when his demands were not met (he wanted a more senior position).I have the courage to admit that Syria is a third world country despite having a lot of educated people. the behavior of the opposition is still far more civilized than the regime but they,the opposition, are also the product of centuries of oppression,headed by Turkey and others,and decades of Batthist and Asadi rule. add to that a dose of political Islam,lack of democratic traditions,tribal thinking and foreign interference and you will get a perfect mess.
I am like Haytham,decent people should tolerate opposing opinions,you can not cry “free speech” and complain when you are faced with an opinion you do not like. Syria needs a couple of generations not a couple of years to get where many of us want her to be,but until we get there I hope we can keep the country in one piece and protect syrian lives.
(majed,I have no intention to take the discussion with you any further,I am sure neither one of us will suffer 🙂 )
August 16th, 2011, 4:54 pm
abughassan said:
Jad,Clinton refused to ask for Asad removal today. I heard yesterday,and posted that late at night,that Turkey and Bashar may have struck a deal,I will believe it when I see it,however,there are still a number of questions:
1. is it really possible to see Bashar and the MB in one room?
2. does Bashar really think that Syrians are able to see more of him,I am not,I want him to take a long vacation and never return to politics.
3. where is the street in all of this? what are we going to say to the families of those who died?
my immediate goal as a Syrian is to stop the blood shed,then I want all political prisoners out, after that,there will be time for politics.I am still skeptical,but I always enjoyed your posts,most of them anyway 🙂
August 16th, 2011, 5:05 pm
Khalid Tlass said:
Besho, Turkey, USA, KSA, Hariri and MB are doing a deal, they are cheating the people. The condition/rider is that Besho will have to distance himself a bit from Iran, and Hizbullah will promise not to mess with Israel. These people will not get away easily. Besho may have get a few more months’ grace period becoz of this, but I don’t think the people will stop coming out on the streets. Turkey, KSA and USA are discredited, and Hariri’s political career is sealed.
August 16th, 2011, 5:17 pm
Khalid Tlass said:
Looks like Clinton and Erdogan were probably convinced that all the protestors on the streets were Bin laden fans and that the only alternative to Besho is Al Qaida.
Future looks pretty glum, what do you say ?
August 16th, 2011, 5:23 pm
Aboud said:
Of all the flawed analysis I’ve seen on this forum, #316 is so wide off the mark, the shooter might as well have been aiming backwards.
Clinton gave an interview last week, in which she said the USA will not take the lead in calling for junior to step down, but will do so in concert with other regional governments. Don’t any of you even read the news?
The fact that the USA has put off such a call is without doubt due to Turkish efforts, which wanted to give Besho one last chance, in the same way James Baker’s meeting with Tariq Aziz was Saddam’s last chance.
Yesterday, the Turks told junior they had lost patience with him. Lo and behold, today there are reports that the army has withdrawn from Latakia and Deir el Zour (some of which were posted by the very same menhebaks here on this forum). We will see how serious this withdraw is, but obviously junior is more than a little apprehensive of Turkey’s next move.
For months, we have been hearing the menhebaks describe the MB in the vilest and crudest terms imaginable (manayak said one, showing exactly in which atmosphere of “ill repute” he spent his upbringing). And yet, now that a menhebak predicts a National Government including the MB, we don’t hear a peep out of them.
It’s like I said, the Syrian people shout that they kneel to no one but God, while the menhebaks would kneel to a donkey if it had the Assad family name. If junior made Ar’or Ministry of Peace and Love this evening, the menhebaks would, like all unthinking drones, start to sing his praises and imitate his red beard.
But, I will remind the menhebaks everyday of their predictions of a National Unity Government. Should be fun for a week or two hehehehe.
August 16th, 2011, 5:25 pm
beaware said:
Davutoglu Says Turkey Does Not Want Any Foreign Intervention in Syria
Tuesday, 16 August 2011 17:07
Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu has said Turkey did not want any foreign intervention in Syria, adding however, that Syrian army’s military operations against civilians were not acceptable.
“We do not want any intervention in Syria from outside the country but at the same time we cannot accept operations conducted against civilians the way they continued in this holy month of Ramadan. And we are determined to take every necessary measure to make sure that operations stop … This is for us an issue that closely concerns our own stability,” Davutoglu told reporters Tuesday in a fast breaking dinner in the Turkish capital, Ankara.
“We do not want to see the sufferings in Iraq re-occur in Syria, too. We have done everything over the last eight months to prevent worst case scenarios from materializing. We have worked day and night and we will continue to do anything in our power to make Syria a country free of any conflicts, oppression and confrontation. We have made and will continue to make necessary warnings,” Davutoglu said.
August 16th, 2011, 5:26 pm
jad said:
I think that we are hearing/reading from similar resources 🙂
I, too, won’t believe it until it’s in the open (it may take some time to go out, unless something major happened)
1- the president has no choice but to do that.
2- my guess is that the major players wanted him as the person to stay for the transitional period.
3- financial and moral compensations along public trials for major figures of the security and radicals may be included in the deal.
We all share the same goal, this bloodshed must stop.
Thank you!
August 16th, 2011, 5:26 pm
Afram said:
BREAKING NEWS: NATO and Turkey Support Armed Rebels in Syria. Campaign to Recruit Muslim “Freedom Fighters”
by Michel Chossudovsky
August 16th, 2011, 5:29 pm
beaware said:
Clinton: Libya, Syria show ‘smart power’ at work
The Associated Press Tuesday, Aug. 16, 2011 | 10:45 a.m.
Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton defended the U.S. response to crises in Libya and Syria on Tuesday, saying the Obama administration is projecting “smart power” by refusing to act alone or with brute force to stop autocratic repression in the two countries.
“We are by all measurements the strongest leader in the world and we are leading, but part of leading is making sure that you get other people on the field. And that’s what I think we are doing,” she said.
Clinton said it would be a mistake for the administration to demand Assad’s ouster on its own because it wouldn’t be effective given Washington’s long-strained ties with Damascus and limited U.S. influence and trade with Syria.
“It is not going to be any news if the United States says Assad needs to go,” she said. “OK, fine, what’s next? If other people say it, if Turkey says it, if (Saudi) King Abdullah says it, there is no way the Assad regime can ignore it.”
“I think this is smart power, where it is not just brute force, it is not just unilateralism,” she said. “It is being smart enough to say you know what we want a bunch of people singing out of the same hymn book and we want them singing a song of universal freedom, human rights, democracy, everything that we have stood for and pioneered over 235 years.”
August 16th, 2011, 5:39 pm
beaware said:
Obama and Erdogan grant Assad 15 days to finish uprising. Call-up in Turkey
DEBKAfile Exclusive Report August 13, 2011, 9:43 AM (GMT+02:00)
US President Barack Obama and Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan agreed to set Syrian President Bashar Assad the deadline of Aug. 27for extinguishing the popular uprising against his rule and starting to implement genuine democratic reforms. This decision followed Erdogan’s report to Obama on the Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu’s six-hour conversationwith Assad Tuesday, Aug. 9.
debkafile reports that Assad apparently convinced his Turkish guest that, with a free hand, he would finish off the revolt in 10 to 15 days and then get down to introducing political reforms including free elections with full opposition participation. If he went back on his word, then Obama and Erdogan would talk again about a possible US-Turkish military operation in Syria. They decided to trust Assad “one last time” regardless of his broken promises in the past.
Our Washington sources report exclusively that Davutoglu covered six main points in his talk with Assad:
1. The Syrian ruler asserted with complete confidence that the protest would be over in 10-15 days;
2. He has no illusions about the uprising disappearing for good and expects further outbreakst at least until the end of next year.
3. He promised to forestall fresh flare-up by instituting genuine reforms.
4. After their advisers left the room, Assad showed the Turkish foreign minister intelligence materials with documents and photos as evidence that the rebels fighting his regime were Islamic extremists, members of the Muslim Brotherhood and al Qaeda. He said that if they carried the day in Syria they would move on to Turkey. He therefore asked Ankara for more patience to allow him to subdue these forces.
This was a reference to Erdogan’s statement last Saturday, Aug. 6, that Turkey’s patience with Syrian brutality was “running thin.”
5. The Syrian ruler asked for an assurance that Ankara “would not to use Syria for a Turkish (and therefore NATO) campaign against Iran.”
5. The Syrian ruler asked for an assurance that Ankara “would not to use Syria for a Turkish (and therefore NATO) campaign against Iran.”
In the background of this demand was a comment Russia’s NATO ambassador Dmitry Rogozin made on Aug. 5 that NATO was planning a military campaign against Syria to help overthrow the Assad regime “with the long-reaching goal of preparing a beachhead for an attack on Iran.”
6. Turning to soft soap, Assad said earnestly that he would rather see Turkish than Iranian influence in Iraq and offered to work with Ankara (and through Turkey the US) to achieve this end.
This was a transparent attempt to con Washington into believing he was willing to drive the Iranians out of Iraq by pandering to its long-held illusion that if the Americans tried hard enough, they could separate him from his foremost ally and prop.
August 16th, 2011, 5:45 pm
It’s all very well you talking about Turkey striking deals with Assad and the MB, but ever heard of something called the ‘will of the people’?
A deal might have been possible in early April, but since then too much blood has been shed. Even if some opposition groups were crazy enough to risk all their crebility on striking a deal with him, Assad would never be able to govern properly – certainly no more cosy meals at Narinj. My guess is that he’d be dead in a few months. Disagree? Sadat signed his peace treaty in March 79, he was six feet under come October 81.
August 16th, 2011, 5:48 pm
Tara said:
The US is acting very smart. It is building a world alliance against Bashar. Starting with KSA’ king statement, to the gulf states, the Arab league, and eventually Russia and China. Declaring Bashar illegitimate at this time will get us no where. Once a world alliance against Bashar is built due to the American’s diplomatic efforts, then asking Bashar to step down will carry consequences. It is yet a premature call.
August 16th, 2011, 5:52 pm
Khalid Tlass said:
^ Good idea, insteaed of deefcting, some Army officer should try to do a Islambouli. Assassinating Besho and Assef-Maher is a viable option, but it can be dome only if and when any random officer/soldoer gets close enough with a loaded weapon. Plus I think Besho-Maher-Assef always wear bulletproof vests beneath their clothing. Take a head shot.
August 16th, 2011, 5:55 pm
Khalid Tlass said:
I wouldn’t be so optimistic Tara.
Aboud and SGID, do you thinkm Besho will be able to finsih the uprising in 10-15 days ? I’m really worried. Why aren’t HUGE demonstrations (100,000 plus) getting off the ground in Homs , Hama and Deir ? To sustain the momentum we need to continue to demonstrate in LARGE numbers like we did in June-July. Heck, you’re the guys in the ground, can you explain why exactly this isn’t happening ? I’m getting frustrated dammit.
August 16th, 2011, 5:59 pm
Tara said:
Khalid Tlass
Please don’t be offended. Are you sure you are not Mukhabarat posing as revolution supporter on SC?
August 16th, 2011, 6:04 pm
Haytham Khoury said:
Dear majedkhaldoon:
Of course, we not proud of what the army is doing. Of course, we are not proud of what the regime is doing. Of course, we are not proud of what al-shabihha doing. All of us we need this nightmare to finish. The question how to finish it to its best end. The idea of revenge make the mind clouded. The idea vindication makes the the spirits unrestrained. We need our minds to lead us to bring security, prosperity, freedom and dignity to the people (everyday citizens). Our objective first is the fall of the regime. However, without the army who will control the streets, we will not have any security. Do you remember the mistake that the Americans did in Iraq? When the American dissolved the Iraqi army, they destroyed that country.Do you want Syria to transform to another Iraq. Is this why most minorities are not with the revolution?. After the fall of the regime, I hope the new government will submit to justice the highly ranking officers and the people responsible for the biggest corruptions. During this time, it will be important to heal the nation. There are many deep wounds in Syria. We need to heal them all to create a civilized secular prosperous democratic society. Let us discuss first how to get out this impasse that we are in. Let us discuss how to bring the regime down with the minimum death toll possible. After that, you, as citizens, will have your say how to bring justice. This is what the Egyptians did. Why they should be more civilized than us?
August 16th, 2011, 6:07 pm
SQI said:
this is amazing , according to Max Keiser:
Wall Street and London Bankers plundered the French banks and took all their money. using financial derivatives.
the French banks SG, BNP, and CA are toast. Insolvent.
they cannot do this to Syria.
???? ??????
August 16th, 2011, 6:09 pm
Aboud said:
Khalid, Hama and Deir el Zour came out in their hundreds of thousands because there were no security forces there. In Homs, the security forces start firing at any demonstration or funeral that gets over a few thousand if they come out to the major highways and roads. There is just no way for all the demonstrations to meet without risking a bloodbath.
I once posted a list of demonstrations in Homs *in one night*. There were over 50, all at least a few thousand strong. The ones in Khaldia and Bab Esba3 easily get over 10,000. You do the math.
In Aleppo, the security presence is even worse. I hear there are checkpoints on every street.
Try to be a bit less pessimistic. Remember how the world ignored us at the start, how junior had everything going for him; the media, the security forces, the world’s indifference. We have come very, very far very fast, but this is a regime that has spent the last 40 years orienting every resource in the state towards its survival.
This is not a sprint, it’s a marathon, and you approach each kind of race in a different way.
August 16th, 2011, 6:10 pm
Oh, and we won’t be seeing his mate’s Hummer outside Sahara anymore either.
August 16th, 2011, 6:11 pm
Khalid Tlass said:
What makes you think I’m Mukhabarat posing as a revolution supporter ? I’m not offended, I’m shcoked. I’ve seen enough of international politics and diplomacy to feel pessimistic. Don’t you think it ironic that a designated terrorist group is ruling Lebanon and the US has an ambassador to that country ? Why do you think the US tolerates Hizbullah but does not tolerate Al Qaida or Hamas /
This is all part of a conspiracy to destroy our religion and our way of life. Similar p;ans have been hatched against the believers sicne the time of the Prophet (saw) by the hypicrites and unbelievers. But Allah will frustrate all their conspiracies.
August 16th, 2011, 6:11 pm
Abughassan said:
Jad, i reported what I heard from press sources,and those sources are not always reliable,however,those who are waiting for turkey to invade Syria are naive.turkey does not care who is president in Syria,it just wants its southern borders to stay secure and its goods to go through.
August 16th, 2011, 6:19 pm
Khalid Tlass said:
Yes, this is all a part of the plan to destroy our religion and way of life. But Allah will frustrate their plans and Allah is the best of planners. In the end, victory will be ours, and all these hypocrites and enemies will be forced to eat humble pie and acceot our way of life, just like the Quraysh and Abu Sufyan & co. had acce[ted Islam after the Prophet’s victory. But for that we ourselves have to follow God’s commands and model our lives on that of the Prophet (saw).
August 16th, 2011, 6:20 pm
Abughassan said:
Digging, this is why I am skeptical . I see no alternative to a new regime sooner or later.
August 16th, 2011, 6:27 pm
Tara said:
Kalid Tlass
Lots of your statements raised question-marks in my mind. Your views in regard to the Arab Shiaa and HA. Your pessimistic views in regard to the revolution. You calling for leveling Qirdaha. You are different than any other revolution supporter on this forum. I am sorry if I am wrong.
August 16th, 2011, 6:29 pm
Aboud said:
“turkey does not care who is president in Syria”
Good, then Erdogan won’t have any problems with my left toe
ruling with an iron toegoverning the country with wisdom.August 16th, 2011, 6:31 pm
Khalid Tlass said:
Since the regime supporters are getting sectarian, I too won’t have any qualms in being sectarian. the Syrian Sunnis are paying for their own naivete and goodness. We should have openly allied ourselves with Saddam in 1980 when the time was ripe. So what if he was a Ba’athist, at least he was a Sunni and against Iran. We should stop cursing Saddam. Look what a menace Iran has become now.
August 16th, 2011, 6:34 pm
uzair8 said:
I love this video of a demo in Hama. I never get tired of watching it again. Its 42 seconds long. The chant simply explodes at 15 seconds. SubhanaAllah. MashaAllah.
August 16th, 2011, 6:34 pm
jad said:
“turkey does not care who is president in Syria,it just wants its southern borders to stay secure and its goods to go through.”
I agree, Turkey is using the Syrian techniques used in Lebanon before, which is; implementing a government that will lead Syria from within without the need to invade or destroy the country, Aleppo is an example, everybody thinks that the ‘regime’ is the one keeping it under control but in reality Turkey is.
They want to have a strong say in the future Syrian government and policy making this is why they are pushing the MB’s card, they care nothing about human rights or democracy, it’s all BS talks.
MB’s are the most organized opposition at the moment, and they are using every protester for their own benefits, they learned the Egyptian lessen quickly and jumped on the uprising early on.
August 16th, 2011, 6:35 pm
“Another shock is the call to bear arms and fight,which is an indirect invitation to a civil war and a green light to allow the army to kill tens of thousands of Syrians in the name of self defense against an armed insurgency.I am sorry you got to that point,majed.”
I agree with ABUGHASSAN. The reason why this revolution has succeeded so far is because it has remained peaceful for the most part, despite the provocation by the government. It has to remain peaceful. The opposition needs to be patient.
The problem is that some people forget that God makes things happen. People need to do their part by demonstrating peacefully and be patient. Bearing arms is a recipe for disaster and it’s what the government would like to see happen.
No one should want civil war. We all lose.
August 16th, 2011, 6:36 pm
Khalid Tlass said:
Tara, what do you think I am,an infiltrator seeking to discredit the opposition ? LOL.
My views are exactly the same as many people throughout the Middle East. Shia don;t care if Besho slaughetrs us, we won’t cry salt tears if Saddam and Osama try a genocide against them.
Note – There are a few sensible Shia who support the opposition, they are mostly ones with a brain who can think outside of what their Imams teach them.
August 16th, 2011, 6:38 pm
Abughassan said:
Your left toe may not qualify according to the new election law,abboud,but you may try it for the PA
August 16th, 2011, 6:38 pm
Khalid Tlass said:
Tara, I called for levelling Qardaha becayse the Minhebaks have called for lebelling Hama, Deir, Homs, Latakia, Baniyas, Dar’a. Next time we should call for levelling their holy cities.
August 16th, 2011, 6:41 pm
Does anyone have relatives in Damascus to confirm the news below.
?????? ???
????????, 16 ????? 2011 20:45
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????? ???????? ?? ?????? ???? ????? ?? ??????? ???? ??????? ?? ??? ????? ??? ?????? ?????? ??????? ????? ?????? ?????????.
August 16th, 2011, 6:41 pm
A member of the army in Hama attempts to steal tricycle, but fails.
???? ?????? ????? ????? ??? ?? ????? ????? ???? ????????
August 16th, 2011, 6:45 pm
majedkhaldoon said:
The army is to defend people,not to attack and kill civilian,The Egyptian army and Tunisian army did not participate in killing civilian, our army in syria is not patriotic in 70% of it, it is made of sect of the Assad,when they are paid by syrian to protect syrians , instead, the army kill civilian they are commiting treason,therefore they are not worthy of our respect.
Some here is saying they are sunni and alawi, this is wrong thinking, they should say they are syrian.
again who is more important the people or the army?the answer is simple and clear,the people are more important than the army.
the security of minorities in the post Assad regime must be the responsibility of the security democracy we must respect rule of law.
I am not for revenge,by killing , I am for compensation financially to the victims of Assad clan, and yes we must try the officers who participated in the killing, all of them not the high ranking one only,and those who were involved in corruptions must pay back everything they benefited from.
I have no respect for the army that kill its people,even if they are my relative.
August 16th, 2011, 6:46 pm
???? ??? ????.. ?????? ?????? ?? ??? ??? ????
August 16th, 2011, 6:48 pm
sheila said:
Dear #305. Haytham,
Thanks for the response. I read your articles and I agree with almost everything you have presented. Now I understand your position better.
I think you and I are of the same mind on many issues.
August 16th, 2011, 7:16 pm
Abughassan said:
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August 16th, 2011, 7:17 pm
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August 16th, 2011, 7:23 pm
sheila said:
Dear Haytham #307,
I totally agree with you. Alqurdaha is part of Syria, the army is our people and all the country is our country. I feel very sad for every single person that we lost whether civilian or army member. I can only imagine the pain that their family and friends feel.
August 16th, 2011, 7:29 pm
Haytham Khoury said:
Dear majedkhaldoon:
I agree with all what you said. The issue of the composition of the army should be addressed. However, that should be dealt with over a long period of time and slowly slowly. I do not believe in the “dogmatic” army. Of course, in Syria it is worse than that; it is an army of mercenaries. However, I still believe that this issue should be dealt with after electing a democratic government. In the meanwhile, we need the army to secure the streets after the fall of the regime. After the fall of the regime, we will use the army for its rightful purpose.
I am happy that we are having this discussion. It is important for the future of Syria, because in a good functioning society every citizen count.
August 16th, 2011, 7:29 pm
sheila said:
Dear Nour # 308,
Well said.
August 16th, 2011, 7:31 pm
Haytham Khoury said:
Dear Sheila:
Spreading the information is very important. We, the people, should know about everything related to the country. It is our country. The people are our people. The live of many people are at stake. The future of many people are at stake. We should not leave the politicians without accountability. We should expose their mistakes in discussing. We will punish them at the elections.
Viva free Syria; Viva democratic Syria.
(Vivre la Syrie libre. Vivre la Syrie democratique.)
August 16th, 2011, 7:42 pm
Tara said:
The Syrian army is sectarian army. The low ranking Sunnis do not count. It’s sole purpose is to defend one sect. It is not going to protect the people or to defend the borders. I share your contempt. In free Syria, it should be dismantles and get reconstructed physically and ideologically where the main purpose of it is to protect the people.
August 16th, 2011, 7:48 pm
Abughassan said: haytham(I got cut by a hungry cat)
So if you plan to enter Syrian politics please let me know which party you plan to join .
I share your views but not your optimism. Members of this blog may remember similar discussions I had about future political life ,then everything changed and this forum became a shouting match,thanks to the recent bloodshed championed by the regime.We have a long way to go. Good luck to you,welcome to the club, I am still a member but I stopped paying my dues 🙂
August 16th, 2011, 7:55 pm
jad said:
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August 16th, 2011, 7:59 pm
Abughassan said:
Expat, you are probably right about ??? ?????
My version,the wrong one,sounded more musical, you have to admit. People got away with fake videos,can I get away with a modified piece of poetry? 🙂
August 16th, 2011, 8:01 pm
Just out of interest, how long do you think it will be before the people start marching on ??????? ????? ?
3 weeks?
1 month?
2 months?
August 16th, 2011, 8:08 pm
jad said:
The endless puzzle of the assassination of Hariri Sr:
2005-2008 Syria did it, wait,
2009-2010 HA did it, wait,
2011 Khamini did it wait, wait;
Brand new 2011 Der Spiegel report:
The Syrian Moukhabarat and the Iranian Revolution Guards did it:
???????! ??????? 3 ?? ????? ?????? ??????
??? ????? 2: ????? ?????? ???????? ?? ?????? ???????
??? 2009? ???? ????? ??? ????? ???? ????? ?? ?????? ???????? ???? ?????? ???????. ???? ?? ???? ???? ??? ????? ??????? ?????? ????? ?? ???? ?????? ?????? ????????
???? ????? ??? ????? ????????? ?????? ??? ?? ??? ????? ??? ?? ?? ??????? ??????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ???? ??????? ???? ??????? ?? ???? ????? ?????? ???????? ???????????? ??????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ???? ???????.
August 16th, 2011, 8:11 pm
jad said:
????? ?? ????? ???????? ??????? ???????
by Ali Muh on Tuesday, August 16, 2011
???? ??????? ????? ??????? ??????? ????????? ????????? ?? ???????? ????????? ??????? ????????? ???? ???? ?? ????? ?? ????? ???????? ?????? ?? ????? ????? ??? ??????? ?????? ?? ????? ?????? ?????? ????? ?????? ??? ?????.
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(?????? ????: ????? ?????? ??? ???????? ???? ???? ?? ???? ????? ??? ?? ????? ?? ???????? ?? ??? ??????? ???? ????? ?????? ?????????? ??? ??? ?? ???? ?????? ?? ????? ??? ????????? ??????.
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August 16th, 2011, 8:19 pm
Haytham Khoury said:
Dear Abughassan:
If you want we can form today a party. We can call it the party of the conscience, since this is the quality that lacks the most in politics.
August 16th, 2011, 8:21 pm
jad said:
???? ????? ?????
by Nizar Sabbagh on Tuesday, August 16, 2011
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August 16th, 2011, 8:34 pm
Darryl said:
250. ABOUD said:
This is good healthy debate. At least internet debates do not spill blood. Perhaps, the pride our pride will be hurt, but that will thickens one skin. Nothing to be ashamed off, perhaps Syrians behave like Germans. I was once told this Joke by a German colleague:
If you have one German you get a scientist
If you have two Germans you get a beer party
If you have three Germans then you have a war
August 16th, 2011, 8:37 pm
Tara said:
Just watched a rerun of Hadeeth al Thawra on Aljazeera. There was ugly Lebanese sycophant that raised my blood pressure. Lebanese sycophants are ugly, annoying, and without karma.
August 16th, 2011, 8:55 pm
SQI said:
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August 16th, 2011, 8:59 pm
Abughassan said:
Haytham,thanks for the offer. I like to talk politics but I do not have the will to engage in politics,especially mid eastern politics. I have a full life here and I do not plan to go back to Syria except to visit and perform charity work. People like me will be easy targets for both the regime shabeeha and the Islamist shabeeha,I disrespect and oppose both.
New comers to Syrian politics will have a litmus test that I know I will not pass,I hope you will..
August 16th, 2011, 9:24 pm
Haytham Khoury said:
I agree with you completely. I would never replace my life as physician with any political career. What I hate in politics is the unpredictability. May be we can do charitable work together.
August 16th, 2011, 9:34 pm
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