New Syria Comment Subscription Service – Change today has a new and improved email delivery service provided by If you would like to subscribe to the new email delivery service, just click on this link to subscribe to via email. The old email service does not look good with the new blog format, as readers have let me know. Everything runs together and lots of html code gets spit up as jibberish. 

After you click on the link, you will see a webform to fill out with your email address. After you submit the webform, a confirmation email will be sent to you. Simply open the email, click on the confirmation link, and the next day you will begin receiving a daily email from containing a compilation of the day's posts.

If you are already subscribed to the old email delivery service, you will want to un-subscribe from that service in order to not receive duplicate emails. To un-subscribe from the previous email delivery service, just click on this link to un-subscribe from the old email service.

After you click on the link, you will see a webform to fill out with your email address. Then click the LEAVE LIST button. A confirmation email will be sent to your email address. You will be removed from the list when you click on the link in the confirmation email. It should all take less than 2 minutes.

An added benefit of the new service is that subscribers will get only 1 email a day that looks just like the blog even if I post several times. This will allow me to break up longer posts into smaller ones, as readers have been demanding, without annoying subscribers with lots of emails.

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Comments (2)

SyriaComment » Archives » Syrian Corruption Hits Prime Time said:

[…] For those who subscribe to Syria Comment in order to have it sent to their email inbox, do not forget to switch subscription services. Follow the simple 1-2-3 directions here. It takes two seconds. […]

October 30th, 2006, 7:47 pm


Elektrische Zahnbuerste said:

… [Trackback]…

[…] Read More: […]…

November 24th, 2011, 10:32 pm


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