Meet the Badris
Posted by Matthew Barber on Friday, March 13th, 2015
By A.N.
- Sheikh Abd al-Aziz al-Badri
Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the leader of the self-declared Islamic State, was not produced in a vacuum. In fact, he comes from a tribe with a long history of support for Salafism. The following is a brief window into this extended family.
In the first letter calling for bay?a (swearing of allegiance) to Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, Turki Binali needed to prove that Baghdadi was a descendant of the Quraysh in order to establish that he was entitled to become a caliph. Binali, from Bahrain, now holds an important position as one of the top jurists in IS, and despite being very young, is referred to by some as the “grand mufti” of IS. The requirement that a caliph be descended from the Quraysh is based on the dominant understanding of a saying of Mohammad in which he declared that the Quraysh were the best tribe. This has been understood by the Sunni schools to mean that the office of caliph should be exclusive to the descendants of the Quraysh tribe.
Sheikh Abdel al-Aziz al-Badri (1929 – 1969) — One of the founders of the Iraqi branch of the Hizb al-Tahrir and later emir of Wilayat al-Iraq (a Hizb al-Tahrir designation)
- He called for the revival of the caliphate
- In the early 1950s, Hizb al-Tahrir approached several Islamic figures in Iraq including Abdel al-Aziz to create an Iraqi branch
- He traveled to Jordan and met with Hizb al-Tahrir founder Taqiuddin al-Nabhani and returned to Iraq to form a Hizb al-Tahrir branch. He presented the party credentials to the Iraqi government, seeking to register the party, but they refused to give the founders a permit and later proceeded to persecute them
- He fought against the Hashemites, the communists, and the Baath party
- He left Hizb al-Tahrir in 1956
- He grew closer to the Muslim Brotherhood and became one of their symbols in Iraq
- He was arrested 14 times in addition to numerous house arrest orders by each of the various rulers that controlled of Iraq during his lifetime
- Baath forces arrested him and tortured him for 17 days until he died, and then returned his body to his family for burial in 1969
- Witnesses have said that he was beaten by Nazem al-Kazaz, head of the Baath regime’s General Security Forces for defying the Baath. Kazaz was later killed after a failed attempt to overthrow Ahmad Hassan al-Baker and his deputy Saddam Hussain in 1973
- He worked with the Shi?a and strove to develop good relations with them. He visited Karbala and Najaf to ask the ulama there to intervene with Gamal Abd al-Nasser to stop the execution of Sayed Qutb
- He wrote several books including The Position of Islam on Socialism (he concludes it is kufr), Islam Between the Scholars and the Rulers (in which he condemns scholars that work for rulers), and Islam: A War Against Capitalism and Socialism

Subhi al-Samerai
Subhi al-Samerai [al-Badri] (1936 – 2013) — One of the founders of Salafi movement in Iraq
- A leading Iraqi muhaddith
- Bin Baz (Saudi mufti) said about him “this man is one of the remnants of the people of hadith in Iraq”
- He was one of the founders of the Salafi movement in Iraq and belonged to the branch that preferred to work independently and focus on combating tashayu? (conversion to Shi?ism) more than other Salafis
- He kept a library full of Shi?i books that became a destination for other Salafi sheikhs who wanted to learn about Shi?i beliefs
- He was a policeman from 1951 until he retired in 1977
- When Baath came to power in 1968, he was forced to cease his anti-Shi?i activities and limited his preaching to a group of his friends and students
- He was finally able to express himself again after he went to Saudi Arabia in the early 1980s, where he taught at al-Masjid al-Haram
- He lectured at university of Mohammad bin Saud
- He also lectured at the King Abdallah University where he gave his most well known lectures in the science of shi?i hadith
- He came back to Iraq in the 80s and was appointed to a mosque in Baghdad. People that attended the mosque knew of his dislike of the rafida (Shiites) and whenever somebody mentioned rafida during his hadith lesson, he would forget about the lessons and start preaching about the rafida in anger
- In 1989, he taught in the University of Islamic Sciences in Baghdad [the same university where Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi got his bachelors, and his alleged masters and PhD], where he raised his voice loudly against Shi?a.
- He did not publish many books because of the oppressive regime in Iraq but he did write an introduction to a book in which he tried to prove the Shi?i admission of the existence of Abdallah bin Saba (a supposedly early Jewish convert to Islam who was supposedly the first to call for Ali to become Mohammad’s successor, invoked by Sunnis trying to demonstrate that Shi?ism is a Jewish invention) because some Shi?i and Orientalist authors were publishing books denying his existence
- He lost popularity because of his soft tone towards the Baath regime
- Between 1990 and 2003, Islamic da?wa started spreading in Iraq as the government was being weakened; due to this he gained a bigger following
- He also went on trips with al-Albani (influential and founding Salafi sheikh) in Jordan starting in 1991
- He was elected as an honorary emir of Salafism in Iraq after the fall of Baghdad
- He was part of the Hayat Ulama al-Iraq
- In 2003 he knew that the Shi?a would end up ruling Iraq so he left with his family to Jordan. From there he moved to Syria where warned against the Nusayris saying ,”these people are kuffar and are not of Islam”
- He eventually made it to Lebanon in 2009 where he also preached against Hezbollah and had a small following
- He died in June 2013 at the American University hospital in Beirut
- One funny anecdote that the sheikh would recount is that once while traveling he found a possessed man, so he performed an exorcism on him. During the exorcism he discovered that the jinn that possessed the man was a Iraqi Shi?i rafidi from a well known Shi?i city so he asked him: “What brought you here?” [he had such a great sense of humor]
- He traveled the world in search of Islamic manuscripts and visited Berlin, Dublin, and Princeton
- He supervised Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi’s studies of the Qur’an and hadith [the Newsweek article linked to misspells Subhi’s nisba]
- Youtube videos of him
Lieutenant General Nassif Jassem al-Samerai

Nassif Jassem al-Samerai stands to the left of Iraqi President Abd al-Karim Qasim in the late 1950s
- The brother of Subhi al-Samerai
- Nassif Jasem was head of the military academy in the 1960s
- Was head of the logistics unit at the time of the coup against the communists. Played a role on the Baath side
- He executed 25 communists without trial during the coup in February 14, 1963
- He became deputy commander-in-chief of the Iraqi army under the Abdul Salam Arif government
- He played a major role in the Iran-Iraq war
- He became a military adviser to Saddam
- He was arrested by US forces in 2004 along with his son in a raid on his house
Haitham Sabah Shaker Mahmoud al-Badri — Mastermind of the 2006 al-Askari mosque bombing; was al-Qaida Emir of Salahudin Province
- Haitham al-Badri was the al-Qaida Emir of Salahudin Province and the Emir of Samarra before that
- His brother was killed in a US air force bombing
- He had connections to the supporters of the fallen Baath regime
- He was connected to Ansar al-Suna before he moved to al-Qaida
- He planned the 2006 bombing of the al-Askeri mosque in Samarra, and extremely important religious site for Shi?is that housed the tombs of two of the twelve Shi?i imams. He gave the order to to 4 Saudis, 2 Iraqis, and one Tunisian to carry out the bombing
- He was accused of killing al-Arabia reporter Atwar Bahjat himself but the Iraqi government later accused and convicted someone else for her killing
- He allegedly refused an offer by Izzat al-Douri in 2006 to coordinate with the Baath
- He was killed in an airstrike in 2007 during a US forces raid in Samarra
- In September 2012, Iraqi police arrested his brother “Hisham Sabaa Shaker” who later became a prominent leader of IS in the Jazeera area. He was preparing to commit a suicide bombing in the center of Mosul when he was captured
Abdel Al-Satar al-Badri — Salafi Sheikh
- Pupil of Bin Baz (Saudi mufti)
- He worked to spread Salafism in Dayala
- His son died fighting American forces in 2007
- Possible twitter account
- He, along with another sheikh from the tribe, built the al-Khoder mosque in Dayala. Several people that attended this mosque were killed fighting US forces. Most of them were al-Badris
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Comments (12)
Maybe there are ¨takiyah¨ reasons and motivations behind Obama positive attitude towards Iran and negative role against the arabs and jews.
March 13th, 2015, 3:12 am
¨Baghdad Scuttlebutt: Pssst! Obama’s a Shi’ite¨
This article below was written by 2008 when anyone ever could imagine the Iranian politics of President Obama.,8599,1863363,00.html
March 13th, 2015, 3:30 am
Umm Abdullah said:
To Sandro Loewe:
1) Obama is not a Muslim.
2) Sunni Muslims also use the name Hussein.
March 13th, 2015, 5:23 pm
mjabali said:
Nice article…..
But, in my personal opinion, there is nothing to prove that the grandfather of this tribe had came from al-Madinah….
Also…it is almost impossible for Turki al-Binali to prove these people are the descendants of Muhammad. Nothing on this earth can prove this.
March 13th, 2015, 6:09 pm
omen said:
are we allowed to post images? what’s the code for that? TIA
March 13th, 2015, 11:13 pm
Norman said:
Why it is important to be descendant of a tribe and not important who people are and what they do,
March 14th, 2015, 9:09 am
ALAN said:
I Had previously intended that the Syrians do not like canned and genetically modified Pieces
Save your effort in articles more objective
How many Muslim Brotherhood who work in the Obama administration?
Arif Alikhan – Assistant Secretary for Policy Development for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security
Former deputy mayor of Homeland Security and Public Safety for the City of Los Angeles
Was responsible for derailing the LAPD’s plan to monitor activities within the Los Angeles Muslim community
Was appointed as assistant secretary for the Office of Policy Development in Barack Obama’s Department of Homeland Security in 2009
Became a Professor of Homeland Security and Counterterrorism in 2010
Mohammed Elibiary
– Homeland Security Adviser
Islamic cleric
Admirer of the late Ayatollah Khomeini
Has advised numerous law-enforcement organizations on homeland security-related matters
Was named to President Obama’s Homeland Security Advisory Council in 2010
Misused classified documents in an effort to promote the notion that “Islamophobia” was widespread
Rashad Hussain – Special Envoy to the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC)
Was named deputy associate counsel to President Barack Obama in 2009
Was appointed (by Obama) as a special envoy to the Organization of the Islamic Conference in 2010
Salam al-Marayati
– Obama Adviser and founder of the Muslim Public Affairs Council and is its current executive director
Founder of the Muslim Public Affairs Council
Accused Israelis of responsibility for the 9/11 attacks
Hamas and Hezbollah sympathizer
Imam Mohamed Magid
– Obama’s Sharia Czar from the Islamic Society of North America
This shows a direct link to Obama himself and this guy is a “leader” of a group that does not like the United States Constitution nor its people! But let us show you just who this character is!
President of the Islamic Society of North America
Accused the Bush administration of waging a “war against Islam and Muslims”
Says that media references to jihad as “holy war” constitute a “misuse” of that term
Was named to President Obama’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) in 2011
Persuaded DHS to erase from its “Countering Violent Extremism” curriculum any suggestion that Muslim terrorism draws its inspiration from the laws and doctrines of Islam
Eboo Patel
– Advisory Council on Faith-Based Neighborhood Partnerships
Now this guy is really out there with all sorts of problems, but where has the Lame stream media been to ask questions about people such as this man? Has our nation lost the drive to ask serious questions and only accept what is doled out to them in spoons of filth? Eboo Patel:
Has ties to Bill Ayers, Bernardine Dohrn, Rashid Khalidi, Mumia Abu-Jamal, and Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf
Was appointed to President Barack Obama’s Advisory Council on Faith-Based Neighborhood Partnerships in 2009
Describes the revolutionary communist Van Jones as an “American patriot,” a “faith hero,” and one of “the true giants of history”
And greater number of Zionist Jews that sit on US committees that shape ME policy. Article is unbelievably biased and promotes fear mongering to fit a narrative. Netanyahu’s recent speech and threat to ensure those that don’t support Israel will feel the pressure via Jewish Special Interest Groups. Those are the groups that influence policy….Bibi flexing his war criminal muscles. Wake up America…you’ve been controlled by Zionism for decades. Wake up!
March 14th, 2015, 3:01 pm
Umm Abdullah said:
Norman, most Islamic scholars are of the view that the Caliph should come from the tribe of Quraysh, so anyone calling himself the Caliph would want to be able to say that he was a descendant of that tribe – in order to gain legitimacy.
March 14th, 2015, 3:55 pm
Norman said:
Is that something the prophet instructed, ? or it was just because the early Khalifas were from there
March 14th, 2015, 6:19 pm
Umm Abdullah said:
Norman, there doesn’t seem to be a clear command from the Prophet, but he said things like, “The leaders would be from Quraysh,” and most scholars think that the caliph should be (assuming that there is someone qualified, etc.) or at least that it is better. Either way, having that lineage would boost one’s credibility.
March 15th, 2015, 1:08 am
Anyone here really believes that Mohammad was a prophet? My God !!! Maybe this is the original sin. There is not true prophets and no true religions, there is only God, if you want to call it God.
March 15th, 2015, 4:32 am
omen said:
i accidentally gave someone a thumbs down by mistake. sorry!
March 15th, 2015, 11:23 am
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