Landis in the News

Browse Archive By Year

Annahar Newspaper
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April 30, 2020

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World Affairs Council
Joshua Landis on the Syrian Civil War, Assad’s Presidency, and the Impacts of U.S. Withdrawal
April 29, 2020

Arab News
Why coronavirus is a ticking bomb in war-ravaged northern Syria
April 19, 2020

“Tensions are extremely high as six armies are in a standoff: The Turkish Army, the Syrian Army, the SDF, the US Army, along with Russian and Iranian forces stationed in the region, not to mention the many proxy militias, which have their own agendas,” Landis said. “This makes getting aid to the region or coordinating policy impossible.”

Just World Educational
Commonsense on Syria
March 25, 2020

Zoom interview and discussion with Dr. Joshua Landis and other contributors.

The Next Chapter in Syria’s Civil War
March 6, 2020

Radio interview with Dr. Joshua Landis.

Is Syria’s historical territorial claim to Turkey’s Hatay being resurrected amid Idlib crisis?
March 5, 2020

Professor Joshua Landis, Director of Middle East Studies at the University of Oklahoma, noted that the reopening of this issue is an indication of just how bad Ankara-Damascus relations have deteriorated.

“Sputnik’s reporting on the issue indicates that Russia is also looking for ways to increase pressure on Ankara short of going to war,” Landis told Ahval.

Syrienforsker Joshua Landis om Idlib: Europa lader kynisk Tyrkiet håndtere konsekvenserne af Vestens fejlslagne politik
March 3, 2020

Interview med Joshua Landis.

Analysts: Neither Turkey nor Russia lived up to agreements on Syria’s Idlib
February 23, 2020

“Turkey did not fulfill its commitments under the Astana Agreement,” said Professor Joshua Landis, Director of the Center of Middle East Studies at the University of Oklahoma.

He pointed out that under the September 2018 agreement, Turkey was supposed to facilitate the reopening of the key highways in Idlib and arrange the withdrawal of HTS from a planned demilitarized zone along with their heavy weaponry.

Hürriyet Newspaper
Esad rejimi çat??malara ara verebilir
February 19, 2020

Landis: “Esad, ?dlib’i kontrol etme çabalar? kapsam?nda taktiksel bir ara vermeyi dü?ünebilir ancak Suriye’nin tamam?n? ele geçirme hedefini b?rakmayacak. Suriye ve Rusya, ?dlib’de ba??ms?z bir devlet yap?lanmas?na ve geçmi?te Hatay örne?inde görüldü?ü gibi halk oylamas?yla Türkiye’ye ba?lanacak bir durumu yol açabilece?ini dü?ündükleri kal?c? ate?kes anla?mas? imzalamak istemiyor.”

NPR Background Briefing with Ian Masters
The UN Warns of “The Biggest Humanitarian Horror Story of the 21st Century” In Syria
February 18, 2020

Dr. Landis speaks with Ian Masters

Iran-US Conflict: What’s Next For The Region?
February 10, 2020

Held February 3rd, 2020 at the Sam Noble Oklahoma Museum of Natural History, “Iran-US Conflict: What’s Next for the Region?” featured OU professors Samer Shehata and Joshua Landis joined by Trita Parsi of the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft.

Will the Recapture of Syria’s Idlib Affect Islamic State?
February 3, 2020

“If the Syrian regime retakes Idlib province, the ISIS members who have taken refuge in the Islamist dominated enclave will be killed or flee into Turkey,” said Joshua Landis, director of the Center for Middle East Studies at the University of Oklahoma.

Tulsa Public Radio
“The U.S. and the Middle East: Making Sense of Oil, Regime Change, and Forever Wars” at the TCFR
January 14, 2020

Guest Dr. Joshua Landis, Director of the Center for Middle East Studies and Professor at the University of Oklahoma’s College of International Studies, gives an address at the Tulsa Committee on Foreign Relations.

El Diario Vasco
Las calles de Teherán lloran a Soleimani
January 7, 2020

Para el analista Joshua Landis, director de Syria Comment, este asesinato «no tiene sentido alguno para la política exterior de Estados Unidos porque en lugar de desalentar a Irán, le provoca; empuja a Irak a los brazos de los iraníes; abre las puertas a la expulsión de las tropas; convierte en objetivo a los estadounidenses en países como Irak o Líbano y muestra al mundo que su política está fuera de cualquier ley», según compartió a través de las redes sociales.

Syria Direct
The Caesar Act: The beginning or end of US Syria Policy?
January 5, 2020

Opponents of the Caesar Act warned that these shortages would only worsen and that reconstruction efforts would be hindered under the newest round of punishing sanctions. “The act will severely delay the effort to rebuild after the war or to provide Syrians with electricity, heating, cooking gas, and other basic commodities needed for existence,” Dr. Joshua Landis, the director of the University of Oklahoma’s Center for Middle East Studies Program and founder of the Syria Comment blog, told Syria Direct.

Chuyên gia qu?c t?: Iran s? không dùng chi?n tranh v? trang ?? tr? ??a M? lúc này vì h? c?m ch?c th?t b?i
January 5, 2020

Tr? l?i ph?ng v?n Trí Th?c Tr?, ông Joshua Landis – Giám ??c Trung tâm Nghiên c?u Trung ?ông – Khoa Nghiên c?u Khu v?c và Qu?c t?, ??i h?c Oklahoma (M?) nh?n ??nh, Iran ?ã th? s? làm leo thang cu?c chi?n v?i M? sau khi Washington rút kh?i th?a thu?n h?t nhân v?i Iran và tái áp ??t các bi?n pháp tr?ng ph?t ??i v?i n??c này.