Jabhat al-Nusra Shaikh Promises to Decapitate Every Oppressive Arab Leader

This Jabhat al-Nusra shaikh gives a speech, while standing above the decapitated body of a Syrian officer.

The slain officer commanded the 38th brigade, which was stationed at Saida very close to Deraa near the Jordanian border. Al-Nusra defeated the brigade a week ago. Here is the translation of the Shaikh’s triumphant speech warning all presidents, kings, amirs, security officials and military officers of the oppressive Arab regimes that they will be killed and abased in the same fashion. The free Arab and Muslim people are on the march and will not be satisfied until they have slain their oppressors. It gives interesting insight into Jabhat al Nusra rhetoric and stands as a warning to Arab politicians and security chieftains in generally. The shaikh reminds us that al-Nusra has far reaching plans for the region. It is not clear if the Shaikh is Syrian. He uses the word “Generalat” for generals, which is not Syrian. He also refers to a military rank as “musheer”. Syrians don’t use this rank much at all.

Here’s the translation of the video (by A.N. to whom I am very grateful)

The Nusra fighter starts by quoting Surat At-Tawbah [14-15]:

Fight them; Allah will punish them by your hands and will disgrace them and give you victory over them and satisfy the breasts of a believing people. And remove the fury in the believers’ hearts. And Allah turns in forgiveness to whom He wills; and Allah is Knowing and Wise. (Sahih international translation)

O’ Tyrants of the world, our Arab world especially. This is the fate of every arrogant, unjust, spoiled and damned tyrant [as he points to the beheaded body]

This is the fate of the ruling generals of the Arab world, in armies and in what is falsely and fraudulently labeled “security systems”, when in reality its a system of torture, injustice and tyranny

This is their fate; They get their heads chopped off and stepped on along with their titles and rank.

Al Moushir, Al Fariq, al Liwaa, al Amid, al Akid, al Moukadam, al Raed and all the ranks are under our feet. Thanks to Allah

This is the fate of every tyrant, oppressor criminal, every enemy of Allah, every enemy of Islam and Muslims and every enemy of jihad and the mujaheddin.

This is their fate; They get their heads chopped off and stepped on along with their ranks, medals, ribbons, looks and pictures, if Allah wills it [inshallah]

This is their punishment, humiliations and disgrace and it will be more disgraceful in the afterlife and they won’t be saved, if Allah wills it.

This is the fate of all the tyrants and all tyrannical idol worshiper, ignorant, infidel, polytheistic, criminal, corruptor governments, rulers and regimes.

This is your fate, to the end, to the disgraceful death in life and to the fires of hell in the afterlife Damn their fate. All of them, the generals and officers in the armies and security systems of the tyrants, as well as their governments and if Allah wills it, to their Presidents, Kings and Emirs, if Allah wills it….

Soon, they will be defeated, they will be defeated, they will be defeated. And glory to Allah and his prophets and the believers. And glory to the mujaheddin in the name Allah and glory to Islam and Muslims

And shame and disgrace on the ignorant worshipers of idols, the criminals, the unjust and the corruptors. The disgrace and shame and disappointment and the fire of hell in the afterlife, if Allah wills it, the fire of hell to all of them. Their ranks and their salaries won’t help them there, nor will their medals or ribbons or looks or pictures and nor all the commands and guards and bodyguards. No one will help them and nothing if Allah wills it. Your God is on the lookout, and the Soldiers of Allah everywhere are on the lookout for every unjust criminal tyrant, if Allah wills it.

And they will receive the fate as this unjust criminal corruptor [points at body], the damned Amid Mahmoud Darwish, if Allah wills it, and if Allah wills it, it will happen to all the unjust generals in the Arab armies and its security systems, the criminals and corruptors. This is their fate and to hell with them….

Another commentator‘s video, shows an interview with supposed FSA commander on an FSA-related channel, he’s being interviewed to confirm news he had released earlier, about the possible death of Bashar al Assad. He’s asked to confirm and he indeed confirms the news, saying an officer in the Iranian revolutionary guard had shot him, he knows this through an “honorable” officer they have planted inside the presidential palace.

It seems to be untrue and can be easily debunked, so why use it?

In this video, a group of Syrian soldiers are preparing for Iftar during the month of Ramadan. According to the cameraman, they are all planning to desert soon. He highlights their military style shorts along with other evidence to prove their identity.

As the camera moves inside their room we can see that they have a TV set. The cameraman points at the TV screen showing a stream of army soldiers declaring their desertion , they point at the screen and say that that’s going to be them soon.

That obvious fictitious piece of propaganda is aimed directly at Syrian army soldiers who don’t have access to anything but these channels along with the already discredited state run media. Its a media war as well.

News Round Up

Muaz al-Khatib Condemns Extremists in Syria and States who Support Them
Statement broadcast live on Al Jazeera by Muaz al-Khatib – English translation:

On the subject of terrorism: Oh brothers, we are against every group, every idea, and every weapon that wants to destroy the social fabric of Syria. We are against every Takfiri idea, to be frank. We are against any idea that calls for blood, and that carries its ideas to the people with steel and fire, by using terrorism and compulsion. The holy Quran states “Let there be no compulsion in religion.” We are an open and tolerant society, and these ideas cannot exist among us.

However, we will not allow the exploitation of the issue over and over again, as was done with the ploy of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq which destroyed Iraq. We will not allow nor accept the presence of extremist groups in Syria to be used as a ploy to destroy Syria. The blood of the Syrian people is more precious than all foreign statements, and the decision the Syrian people make will be made by the Syrian people alone.

In regards to those groups that carry alien and extremist views, we say to those states that support them with hundreds of millions of dollars rather than supporting our people, withdraw your groups, there will be no terrorists amongst our people.

The blood of people is more precious than anything. There are youth as young as flowers that are being pushed to our country so that their country can get rid of them. I’m speaking frankly now. There are innocent, devout and pure people who are severely dedicated, who put their souls in their palms for the sake of defending this great, oppressed people. There are states that spend hundreds of millions of dollars in order to send these people to Syria for the purpose of getting rid of them, not for the love of Syria nor for the love of Jihad.

Sam Heller supplies an English-subtitled video of Khatib’s speech to the Arab League, as well as a full text of the translation.

“On the Jabhat an-Nusra vs. Kata’ib al-Farouq fitna” by Shami Witness on pietervanostaeyen

Very interesting take on the infighting between these two major militias in Raqqa and beyond

Kat?bat al-Muh?jir?n ~ The Foreigner’s Brigade in Syria,
by pietervanostaeyen

The group is active in the Lattakia province on the coastline of Syria. The ultimate goal of the group after the liberation of Syria from the al-Assad regime is the establishment of an Islamic State in the Levant….

As for the outcome of the Syrian war, the group shares the (widely spread) idea that Judgement Day is close and that the Mahd? (the Messias) will descend from heaven via the White Minaret of the Umayyad Mosque in Damascus.

In “liberated” areas the group installed Shar?’a courts in order to provide some justice to the inhabitants. This tactic is a known one, as recently Jabhat an-Nusra and the Syrian Islamic Front established Islamic jurisprudence throughout ar-Raqqa province in Northern Syria.

Syrian Financial Capital’s Loss Is Turkey’s Gain
by Deborah Amos
March 29, 2013

Official data from the Turkish banking agency shows that Syrians have deposited almost $4 billion in Turkish banks…For now, Aleppo’s loss is Turkey’s economic gain, certainly in Gaziantep, a city with historical links to Syria. In Ottoman times, Gaziantep was part of Aleppo province.

And once again, the Turkish border city is intertwined with Syria. The Sanko Park mall was built a few years ago to cater to Syrians who easily crossed the border to shop on weekends. Now, more than 30,000 Syrian businessmen have come to Turkey to escape the war — attracted by government policies that allow them to open factories and offices and make lucrative deals, said Barazi, the furniture store owner.

Can Aleppo recover if the business community stays in Gaziantep?

Syria’s Kurds, deeply divided, may determine the war’s outcome

Syria Analysis: International Aid Fuels Key Insurgent Victories in South EA Worldview

Today, insurgents from the Dawn of Islam Brigade captured several key checkpoints across a town named Dael (often written Da’el) in Daraa Province (map). There are reports that the fighters have control of the entire town.

Dael’s fall is significant. It may be the defining example of how the international effort to give military assistance to the rebels, led by Saudi Arabia and the US, is rapidly changing the face of the war.

Control of Daraa Province gives the rebels access to Syria’s border with Jordan, from where outside forces are providing military assistance.

Rebels claim to take key city in southern Syria
By Babak Dehghanpisheh: March 29

Lawlessness Spreading in Rebel-held Syria, Widespread looting, crime running rampant and rebel factions fighting among themselves – VOA

The U.N. Security Council released a statement Wednesday in which it expressed that it is has become increasingly concerned with military activities in the Golan and the heightened threat to U.N. personnel on the ground.

Rebuff of missile request helps Assad – Syria opposition leader
By Yara Bayoumy and William Maclean

DOHA (Reuters) – The refusal of international powers to provide Patriot missile support for rebel-held areas of northern Syria sends a message to President Bashar al-Assad to “do what you want”, Syrian opposition leader Moaz Alkhatib said on Wednesday

Alkhatib, a popular figure in the opposition, also said he would not rescind his resignation as leader of the main anti-Assad alliance but he would still perform leadership duties for the time being.

NATO said on Tuesday it had no intention of intervening militarily in Syria after Alkhatib said he had asked the United States to use Patriot missiles to protect rebel-held areas from Assad’s air power.

“Yesterday I was really surprised by the comment issued from the White House that it was not possible to increase the range of the Patriot missiles to protect the Syrian people,” Alkhatib told Reuters in an interview.

“I’m scared that this will be a message to the Syrian regime telling it ‘Do what you want’.”

Asked about his resignation on Sunday as leader of the rebel coalition – which he has said was motivated mainly by frustration at Western reluctance to increase support for the opposition – he said: “I have given my resignation and I have not withdrawn it. But I have to continue my duties until the general committee meets.”

Meanwhile, Assad sent an appeal to the BRICS economic forum, meeting in South Africa, for help in ending the conflict in Syria. In a letter to the BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa), Assad said Syria is being subjected to “acts of terrorism backed by Arab, regional and Western nations.”

Syrian Conflict’s Impact is Felt Across Border in Iraq By Ernesto Londoño | The Washington Post

Towards a Grand Bargain With the PKK By David L. Phillips | Today’s Zaman

A Two-Track Solution to the Syrian Crisis By Edward Djerejian | Asharq Alawsat

By Syrian-Kurdish writer, Baderkhan Ali, www.correspondents.org

Many Syrians in the diaspora will present, if not exactly a rose tinted view of the Syrian revolution, then certainly one that continues to cling to the hopes and…

Before the Syrian revolution, the demands of the Syrian Kurdish political movement were generally to give Kurdish their legitimate rights within Syria. And besides talking about injustices the Kurds had suffered at the hands of the Syrian regime – such as the fact that they were not allowed Syrian nationality – they usually stressed that they didn’t want to secede from the country.

However after the revolution began, a coalition of Kurdish groups began to demand the right to self determination within Syria; that led to a call for federalism and their right to become a federal state.

I think there’s a perception currently that this is a good time for Syria’s Kurds to make as many demands as possible, especially after the al-Assad regime is gone. But I think that’s too easy. I think there are plenty of challenges that haven’t been considered – such as, for instance, what part Syria’s Kurds will play in the Syrian government after the revolution, what part they’ll play in selecting new leaders – that sort of thing.

Room for Debate: What Can Obama Accomplish in the Middle East? By Several Writers | The New York Times

Why Stay in the Middle East?
by Leon Hadar, The National Interest | March 27, 2013

Bashing the critics of their foreign-policy agenda as “isolationists” hasbecome the last refuge of military interventionists and global crusaders.The tactic helps sidetrack the debate by putting the onus on theiropponents—those skeptical of regime change here, there and everywhere—todisprove the charge that they want Americans to shun the rest of the world.

And now proponents of maintaining American military hegemony in the MiddleEast have been applying a similar technique, accusing those who call for adebate on U.S. interests and policies in that region of advocating retreat and appeasement.Like the accusation of “isolationism,” the suggestion that a reassessment of current U.S. policies in the Middle East amounts to geostrategic retrenchment is part of an effort to shut down debate and maintain the status quo. But questioning the dominant U.S. Middle East paradigm, which assumes that Americans have the interest and the obligation to secure a dominant political-military status in the region, now goes beyond strategic and economic calculations being debated by foreign-policy wonks in Washington.

Most Americans have only basic knowledge about the Middle East and U.S. interests there, beyond words that trigger a visceral fear (“oil” and “Israel” and “terrorism”). But most of them are now telling pollsters that they want to see U.S. troops withdraw from Iraq and Afghanistan as soon as possible, are opposed to new U.S.-led regime change and nation building in the Middle East, and are skeptical about the utility of Washington taking charge of the Israeli-Palestinian “peace  process.”Indeed, you don’t have to be a deep strategic thinker to conclude that the U.S. invasion of Iraq was a major military and diplomatic fiasco (no more Iraqs, please); that Washington exerts very little influence on the political weather (where it’s “spring” or “winter”) in the Arab World, a place where they lost that loving feeling for America a long time ago; or that Israelis and Palestinians are not going to live in peace and harmony anytime soon, even if President Obama would spend the rest of his term engaged in diplomatic psychotherapy sessions with them at Camp David.

It is becoming quite obvious to most Americans that sustaining the foundations of the Pax Americana in the Middle East is no longercost-effective. Especially at a time when many members of the middle class have yet to recover from the economic devastation of the Great Recession and their representatives in Washington cannot agree on how to manage the ballooning federal deficit.Reversing the classic model of foreign-policy making (leaders decide and then the public follows), leaders and the experts in Washington have been…

This new approach must encourage regional powers like Turkey, Egypt, Iran, the Arab Gulf States and Israel to operate under the assumption that the United States would not be there to micromanage the balance of power in the region. It also should provide incentives for Washington’s European allies to protect their interests in a region that is after all in their strategic backyard.Moreover, the U.S. economy has never been dependent on oil imports from the Middle East (it now receives about 14 percent of its energy supplies from the region). There is no reason why America should continue to spend its resources to provide economic competitors like China with free military protection for access to Middle Eastern oil.Israel would also have to adjust to the new realities of U.S. power in the Middle East. Israelis need to recognize that Washington would not be able to bail them out if and when they behave irresponsibly: U.S. support cannot be a substitute for reaching an agreement with the Palestinians and being integrated into the Middle East.The United States could continue to act as the “balancer of last resort” in the Middle East, working together with regional and global powers to help strengthen stability and promote economic prosperity in the region. But it cannot and should not sustain the current status quo there anymore.*

NPR Wins Peabody Award for Syria Coverage

Thanks to bartolo’s blog

Arming Syria rebels not solution, peace envoy Brahimi says – PanARMENIAN.Net

American who fought for Al Nusrah Front arrested in US (VIDEO) – The Long War JournalObama did not approved NSC recommendation to give body armor to Syrian rebels – Foreign Policy

Rape and sham marriages: the fears of Syria’s women refugees – Channel 4 News

Tunisians Raise Alarm on Possible Fatwa Encouraging ‘Sexual Jihad’ in Syria- Al-Monitor

France’s Hollande says too early to send arms to Syria rebels – Reuters

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Comments (166)

Tara said:

This is scary! Where did Allah say to step and stand on dead bodies?


Is the Emir Syrian? I could not open the link. I hope he is not. How is he different than the brutal regime and his thugs?

March 30th, 2013, 5:50 pm


Tara said:

Hitto’s profile:

From Dallas to Damascus: The Texas ‘straight shooter’ who could replace Syria’s Assad


March 30th, 2013, 6:19 pm


revenire said:

“Jabhat al-Nusra Shaikh Promises to Decapitate Every Oppressive Arab Leader”

“We are against any idea that calls for blood, and that carries its ideas to the people with steel and fire, by using terrorism and compulsion. The holy Quran states ‘Let there be no compulsion in religion.’: – Muslim Brotherhood puppet Khatib

Khatib is an embarrassment.

It has been 100% verified from multiple sources the FSA beheaded the Sunni cleric in Aleppo yesterday and dragged his mutilated body through the streets.

“kristyan benedict ?@KreaseChan
@ricciix @edwardedark @bsyria I spoke with Rami (SOHR) about this several hrs ago. He confirmed it (was not sure on beheading), JaN linked”

“edward dark ?@edwardedark
rebels had a list of people & houses they wanted in Shiekh Maksud, they went around burning those houses % blew up a whole 3 story building”

A pig like Khatib knows that. He supports Nusra. He supports the extremists he warns about.

March 30th, 2013, 6:33 pm


AIG said:

This is the culmination of the regime strategy to imprison or kill any people attempting to create a secular and liberal party or movement. What did they expect will grow instead if not Islamism, especially after the regime glorified the Islamism of Hezbollah and Iran and helped Islmasits in Iraq.

The strategy of the Arab dictators including Assad and Mubarak has always been to allow only the Islamists to flourish so that they can tell the world: You are stuck with us and you better make sure we do not fall because the alternative is Islamists. Well, that strategy worked for a long time until it stopped working. If you pursue a cynical strategy aimed at subjugating your people, do not expect people to buy into your lame excuses when the strategy does not work anymore.

Of course the Islamists are bad but only Assad is to blame for not allowing other alternatives to emerge.

March 30th, 2013, 6:41 pm


ghufran said:

where is aljazeera or alarabiya to show the victorious Nusra terrorist giving a speech over a headless body?
aljzeera boy got kicked out by Ghazawiyyah:
???? ???? ??????????? ?? ??????? ??? ?????? ????? ?????????????????? ?? ???? ???
that was done in recongnition of Yawm Al-ard (occupied land day)
?????? ????? ???? “???????” ???????? ???? ???? ???? ??????? ??? ?????????? ???? ????? ??????? ????? ???? ?? ???? ?????? ?????? ??????. ??? ??????????: “????? ??? ??? ????? ??? ??? “. https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=wN7rmK17YrA
where is Morsi habib almalayeen and Hamas leaders, HBJ’s new Ghilmaans, to help the people of Gaza instead of flooding their tunnels with sewage water?

March 30th, 2013, 7:59 pm


ghufran said:

where is aljazeera or alarabiya to show the victorious Nusra terrorist giving a speech over a headless body?
aljzeera boy got kicked out by Ghazawiyyah:
???? ???? ??????????? ?? ??????? ??? ?????? ????? ?????????????????? ?? ???? ???
that was done in recongnition of Yawm Al-ard (occupied land day)
?????? ????? ???? “???????” ???????? ???? ???? ???? ??????? ??? ?????????? ???? ????? ??????? ????? ???? ?? ???? ?????? ?????? ??????. ??? ??????????: “????? ??? ??? ????? ??? ??? “. https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=wN7rmK17YrA
where is Morsi habib almalayeen and Hamas leaders, HBJ’s new Ghilmaans, to help the people of Gaza instead of flooding their tunnels with sewage water?

March 30th, 2013, 8:00 pm


Syrialover said:

That stupid self-appointed JAL “sheikh” drunk on juvenile power fantasies has done his buddies wonderful damage. Usually they are careful about being videoed in action.

So it’s good it’s happened.

Take off their masks and expose their identities. It will be a very pathetic revelation. A parade of life’s losers.

There’s a high rate of mental illness among those holy warriors.

I hope they are reinforcing and expanding Guantanamo. Or maybe post-Assad Syria will create a local one just for those guys and put them on trial.

Watch them whimper and bawl like babies for their mothers or home governments to rescue them.

March 30th, 2013, 8:13 pm


Visitor said:

The embedded video in this report shows that the VOA report is a piece of cheap propaganda. Our Nusra fighters have achieved success in ALL the areas which they liberated,


It is obvios that VOA is following the dubious US agenda.

March 30th, 2013, 8:14 pm


ann said:

Honest and Brave Palestinians Attack Al Jazeera Crew in Occupied Palestine Over Syria – March 30, 2013

March 30th, 2013, 8:18 pm


Syrialover said:

REVENIRE, sorry you really are out of ammo, trying to re-fire spent shells with a broken gun.

Moaz al-Khatib has made his rejection and distancing from those guys clear, and he’s obviously prepared to stand up to anythng they threaten.

To quote his words posted above by Joshua Landis:

“We are against every group, every idea, and every weapon that wants to destroy the social fabric of Syria. We are against every Takfiri idea, to be frank. We are against any idea that calls for blood, and that carries its ideas to the people with steel and fire, by using terrorism and compulsion”

Well said.

A Syrian speaking for Syrians.

March 30th, 2013, 8:23 pm


ghufran said:

?????? ?????? ????? ??????? : ??? ??????? ??????? ????? ???? ?????? ????? ??? ????? ???? ??? ????? ?????? ?? ????? ???? ???? ??? ????? ?? ?????? ?????? ???? ???? ????? ?????? ??? ???? ??????? ???????? ?? ?????.
???? ?????? ?? ???? ????????? “??? ???? ???? ???? ?????? ??? ???? ?? ??????? ???????? ?? ?? ????? ????? ????” ?????? ?? ???? ???????? ????? ?? ????? ?? ???? ?? ????? “??? ??? ??? ??? ????”.
these are the thugs many of you are supporting.
in Dayr Azzour, Nusra is selling petro products to Turkey at “discounted” prices and to residents at market prices, they sometimes give gas for free , since they got it for free, to win support, only idiots and liars still say that secular or moderate rebels have any measurable influence today.
?? ???? ??? ???? ????? ???? ?? ??? ????? ,???? ??????? ???????? ????? ?? ????? ????? ?????? ???? ??? ???????? ??????????? ?? ????? ???????? , ?????? , ?????? ?????? ?? ???? ????? ??????? ,?? ????? ??????? ?????? ???????? ?? ?????? ??? ??????? .
?????? ????? ???? ?? ?????? ??? ????? ( ?? ??? ??? ???? ) ??????? ??? ???? ?????? ( ?????? )
?????? : ?????? ?????? ???????? ?? ???? ????? .
?????? : ????? ?????? ????
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??????? ??????? ?? ????? ?????? ???? ?? ???? ??????? ??? ??? ????? ???? ?????? ??? ???? ?????? ???? ???? , ????? ???? ??????? ????????? ??????? .
????? ????? : ?? ??????? ?? ??????? ????? ???? ?????? ( ??? ?????? ) ?? ?????? ????? ????? ??????? ???? ??????? ????? ?? ?? ??? ????? ????? ??? ??????? ????. ?? ?? ???? ?? ??? ??? 3-6 ???? ??? (????? ???? ??? ????? ?.? 15000)

March 30th, 2013, 8:52 pm


Observer said:

Why should it be either this or that abomination? Is not racist to put Syria into either under Assad or under Ibn Wahab?

There is lot of similarities between the two, but remember the creation of Jihadists is accomplished in the dungeons of dictatorships.

Unfortunately what goes around comes around.

Too bad, but it is clear the regime is now losing daily on the ground.

I feel sorry for those that are still in delusion about the outcome

March 30th, 2013, 9:08 pm


ann said:

Ex- CNN Reporter: I Received Orders to Manipulate News to Demonize Syria and Iran – 38 mins ago


PRAGUE, (SANA)- Ex-CNN reporter Amber Lyon revealed that during her work for the channel she received orders to send false news and exclude some others which the US administration did not favor with the aim to create a public opinion in favor of launching an aggression on Iran and Syria.

Lyon was quoted by the Slovak main news website as saying that the mainstream US media outlets intentionally work to create a propaganda against Iran to garner public opinion’s support for a military invasion against it.

She revealed that the scenario used before launching the war on Iraq is being prepared to be repeated where Iran and Syria are now being subject to constant ‘demonization’.



March 30th, 2013, 9:14 pm


revenire said:

SL Khatib supports the terrorists. He can give all the speeches he likes but his actions, and his PEDIGREE, show just what he is.

March 30th, 2013, 9:26 pm


ghufran said:

women rights is a crucial issue that will determine whether new regimes are an improvement over secular dictatorships or not.
women status in arab countries where islamists are either in charge or gaining influence:

Women stood shoulder to shoulder with men in Tahrir Square in 2011. Now they are back on the streets, opposing a new constitution that sweeps away their rights and opens the way for girls of 13 to be married. And in Cairo’s slums, life grows harder as the gulf between the sexes widens

A guarantee of equality has been removed from the new constitution written after the revolution in 2011. There has been a rise in sexual assaults on the streets. Amnesty International claims discrimination against women “remains in law and practice”.

Women were prominent during the 2011 uprisings but demonstrators today segregate themselves by gender. Discrimination is still enshrined in law. A quota of 30% for women in jobs in state agencies has been proposed but not yet debated. Child marriage remains legal with 52% of women marrying under 18.

Reforms promised by King Mohammed VI are inching forward. A law that allows rapists to escape jail if they marry their victim is expected to be amended this year. Child marriage is illegal but has been on the rise over the last two years and there are moves to reduce the legal age from 18 to 16. There is only one female minister.

Women’s legal rights have not changed since the revolution in 2010-11 but it took street protests before the new constitution was rewritten to enshrine full equality. The ruling Islamist Ennahda party has 42 women among its 89 MPs and only 3% of teenage girls are married. Some are worried about a rise in hardline conservatism
(The Guardian)
on a personal note, I never realized how insignificant my sacrifices were until I heard a number of Syrian women describing how they felt after losing their sons in this dirty war:

March 30th, 2013, 9:29 pm


Ziad said:

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??????? ?? ??? ??? ???? ????? ???????? ???????


March 30th, 2013, 9:35 pm


Syrian said:

The FSA in Dara’a releases a group of prisoners from Asad’s army after they proved that the did not commit any crime
????? ???? ????? ???? ???? ?????? ?? ?????? ?? ???? ?????? ??? ?? ??? ??? ???? ?????? ???????

March 30th, 2013, 9:43 pm


Syrian said:

???? ??? ????? | ?????? ???????
???? “??? ???????” ?? ?? ????? ????? ????

March 30th, 2013, 9:45 pm


ann said:

Obama’s Easter Message to His Mercenary Terrorists in Syria – March 31, 2013

Happy Easter FSA and Nusra, kill All The Infidels! – President Obama


March 30th, 2013, 10:01 pm


Syrian said:

JL, and the bipolar forgot to write about the thousands that was killed, maimed and forced out of their homes because of that headless corp Darwish the commander of the 38th brigade in Dara’a

March 30th, 2013, 10:06 pm


apple_mini said:

Some opposition members and supporters here denounce Nusra and alike by their despicable atrocities.

Yet, they cheerlead military gains by those exact Islamic radicals and fundamentalists.

Well, you can’t have your cake and eat it.

March 30th, 2013, 10:25 pm


Syrian said:

?????? ???????? ???? ?????? ???? ?????? 38 ??? ???????, ?? ???? ?????? ????? , ??? ????? … ????? ???? ??? ????? ?????? ?? ???? ???? ????? ???? ?? ???

March 30th, 2013, 10:47 pm


Syrialover said:

REVENIRE you ARE a comedian.

You raise the issue of pedigree in relation to Moaz al-Khatib. We know his background is cultured, long-established, traditionally Syrian and widely respected. And it shows.

So what about the pedigree of Bashar Assad and his brother Maher? Embarrassing really. The coarse breeding, social marginality and criminal genes are there in their faces, poor way they speak and pinheaded public conduct.

March 30th, 2013, 10:56 pm


Ghufran said:

Tara and all other anti regime Syrians,
You have the right to denounce the regime and Assad mafia 12 times a day if you want, this regime has very few friends because of what it did to Syrians, but please accept the fact that being anti Assad does not mean accepting nusra thugs and their terrorist friends , many of you have denounced those thugs but unfortunately there are still Syrians who support them in one way or the other. Give me an FSA that is an army for all Syrians and want to protect Syrians and I will support them with actions not words. The revolution is finished,many are still denying that, it is now a war that feeds on Syrians , the fire is ignited by the regime and now maintained by foreign powers and militants from all sides, I see little hope for a political solution but a real chance of partition and somalization of Syria, this is not what most Syrians bargained and died for. The regime lost most of its teeth and will not be able to rule Syria even if they win the war , but for Syria to remain in one piece the foreign jihadists and Islamist terrorists must be expelled or confronted by all,including the FSA, those criminals never believed in the concept of a state, a government or a pleural society, if they win you will remember the ” good old days” of the Assad mafia where as bad as things were, people were still able to send their kids to school, go to work and expect to see their children alive at the dinner table. Those who say that ending the war and fighting foreign terrorists equal bringing Assad mafia back are lying to you, Syrians will never go back to the pre 2011 era, regime supporters know that , you should too, the regime gave Syria on a silver plate to jihadists when it eliminated secular opposition and allowed regime thugs to treat the country as a family business, we are now harvesting what Assads and Makhloufs planted, our Israeli and Jewish posters here spoke the truth about the Assad mafia but ?? ???? ?? ???? ??? ????

March 30th, 2013, 11:12 pm


Syrialover said:

I ignore the voting here since it’s become corrupted by a couple of easily guessed posters. But I had to chuckle when I got an instant 11 thumbs down for both #7 and #10 when I showed lack of “respect” for al-Nusrah.

March 30th, 2013, 11:14 pm


Syrialover said:


I am not aware of TARA or most of the other anti-regimists here showing enthusiasm for al-Nusrah or accepting the possibility of extremist Islamist domination of Syrians. Quite the opposite. And that’s apparently also how it is with the majority of people inside Syria.

(There’s a couple of exceptions here notably VISITOR, but that’s holy warrior dreams from a distance, not reality.)

When the drama of the fighting stops and the dust settles the extremists as usual will find reality all too hard and not exciting enough, and scamper home.

In the meantime, a lot of people inside and outside Syria are doing a lot to make it harder for these “holy warriors” to live out and sustain their delusions – including themselves, with behavior that is strongly alienating and angering Syrians in areas where they are present.

March 30th, 2013, 11:28 pm


MarigoldRan said:

Al Nusra is better than the regime. That’s sufficient for most Syrians.

It doesn’t matter what the regime tries to say. The regime’s basic image problem is that it’s considered WORSE than the opponents it is fighting against.

And considering what the regime has done, that image isn’t going to go away.

As I’ve said before: every shell or bomb the regime launches indiscriminately into Sunni areas is another nail in the regime’s coffin. The regime’s use of violence eliminated its legitimacy. It can hold onto power for a while longer using brute force, but it can no longer command obedience through legitimacy or consent.

And no government can survive for long without legitimacy or the consent of its citizens.

March 30th, 2013, 11:28 pm


MarigoldRan said:

The regime can still fight and kill, but it cannot convince its enemies to stop fighting nor cow them into submission. It can commit violence, but that violence serves no benefit other than temporarily holding their enemies at bay.

In the short run Iran can prop up the regime as its puppet. But if the war continues year after year after year, with no end in sight….

The rebels aren’t going to stop fighting. They don’t have a choice.

March 30th, 2013, 11:37 pm


Syrialover said:

Shocking and painful, but it’s the reality we have to prepare for and accept.

In pictures: Syria’s landmarks erased by war

Two years after the start of the uprising, much of the country is unrecognisable.


March 30th, 2013, 11:56 pm


Juergen said:

I know that the media loves the extreme, but why should a boy of eight years be in this war as a fighter?

Ahmed, the eight-year-old boy on the front line of Syria’s civil war
It is one of the most shocking images from the Syrian war. An eight-year-old boy draws deeply on a cigarette, the small fingers of his other hand clutching a an AK-47 rifle that balances awkwardly against his chest.


March 30th, 2013, 11:58 pm


Juergen said:

The desert rose is back… I think more of Rose from the Golden Girls…

March 31st, 2013, 12:00 am


Johannes de Silentio said:

Morsi arrested him! Islamists have no sense of humor.

March 31st, 2013, 12:01 am


Juergen said:

Kishon once said with religion came the unability to laugh.


Here is an picture for your altar.


March 31st, 2013, 12:14 am


Visitor said:

Thank you Syrian for all the comments (17, 18, 20, 21 and 24) bringing sanity to this thread.

There are few impostors here who claim to be regime supporters but their aim and agenda have become clear. They are the stooges of the Americans and are enemies of the revolution, particularly because they continue to bad mouth the holy warriors of Nusra who made the Syrian Revolution victorious by their sacrifices, dedication, discipline, steadfastness, organization, fighting skills and above all by the Unseen Help of the Al-Mighty Allah. We should be aware of these impostors and exorcise them outside this noble and glorious revolution because they are harmful to it and to the Syrian people.

There is no doubt that the holy Sheikh speaking in the video in the main post is very honorable and is following on the path of our holy Prophet (PBUH). It is also obvious that passerbys are very happy with the sheikh which shows that our holy Nusra warriors are welcomed and popular among our Syrian people.

Those who continue to speak ill of our holy Nusra warriors will end up in the dead end of frustration, irrelevance and will only get the echo of the barks from the air surrounding them.

This revolution IS Nusra and Nusra IS the revolution.

March 31st, 2013, 12:16 am


Johannes de Silentio said:

More on Bassem Youssef

March 31st, 2013, 12:19 am


Juergen said:

interesting conversation between an FSA fighter and an regime sniper

March 31st, 2013, 12:19 am


Juergen said:

Joerg Armbruster, the long time german tv correspondent in Cairo for the ME has been shot in Aleppo. He was operated in an emergency hospital in Syria, and was rushed to Turkey. His condition is stable.

Armbruster has an reputation to act very safely, the egyptian revolution he covered mostly from his hotelroom, and the 3rd Iraq War he left the coverage to some brave english and american journalists.

Egyptian Female Cartoonist Pokes Fun at Fundamentalists


March 31st, 2013, 12:32 am


Johannes de Silentio said:


“Kishon once said with religion came the inability to laugh”

Kishon’s wrong. I know plenty of Christian pastors and Jewish Rabbis who can laugh at themselves. The “inability to laugh” seems to be peculiar to Vattie and his hardline fundie Muslim boys.

March 31st, 2013, 1:36 am


ghufran said:

Any explanation for this u-turn?
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I will believe it when I see it, turn your guns against foreign jihadists and help reach a cease fire, not a surrender, with the army if you are serious, at this rate it will not matter who wins,there will be no country to rule and no “shabeehas” or syrian rebels to kill.

March 31st, 2013, 1:48 am


Bruno said:

“MarigoldRan:Al Nusra is better than the regime. That’s sufficient for most Syrians.

It doesn’t matter what the regime tries to say. The regime’s basic image problem is that it’s considered WORSE than the opponents it is fighting against.”

Thats rather ironic to suggest and as usual after you MarigoldRan posted that comment you received a higher value of likes based on your comment which is not surprising i had seen this manipulation before elsewhere even since Libya and already i am still seeing it.

According to MarigoldRan Al Nusra is better than Assad Government the same Al Nusra which beheads people’s tortures POWs. And just like the Free Syrian Army they also use Child Soldiers.

“The regime’s basic image problem is that it’s considered WORSE than the opponents”

Really? lets Car Bombs, Child Soldiers kidnapping UN workers and then using to mouth bad about Assad in the video, killing old man by use of car bombs and suicide bombers.

And that isn’t image problem? of course not apparently to the Pro FSA people.

“As I’ve said before: every shell or bomb the regime launches indiscriminately into Sunni areas is another nail in the regime’s coffin. The regime’s use of violence eliminated its legitimacy. It can hold onto power for a while longer using brute force, but it can no longer command obedience through legitimacy or consent. ”

What about the fact that your beloved Free Syrian Army are also shelling every mortar, artillery into Sunni residential areas that are either Pro Assad or neutral?

How is that liberating again?

And this comment by another users speaks volumes.

“This revolution IS Nusra and Nusra IS the revolution.”

March 31st, 2013, 1:56 am


ghufran said:

He is 8, he smokes and he carries a gun and is learning how to throw a hand grenade, if that is not child abuse I do not know what else is:

I did not say this:
????? ????? ?????? ?????? ?? ?????? ??? ?????? ??? ?????? ???????? ?? ????? ?????? ???? ????? ??????? ???? ???? ?? ????? ??????? ??????? ? ??? ??????? ???? ??? ????? ???????? ??????? ??? ???? ???????? ???? ????????
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March 31st, 2013, 2:06 am


Visitor said:

Bruno, nothing is worse than Assads. To hell with them.

Nusra is great. Nusra4ever.

March 31st, 2013, 2:14 am


Pas Cool said:


I agree with your last sentence but not fully that Assad’s regime is to blame for the growth of islamism. To a certain extent, yes, but they gave way for a radicalisation that has been going on in the muslim world with or without the Assad’s. Probably they thought it better to accomodate to an inevitable rising tide then to seek to supress what could be used against them.

Muslims need to do some soulsearching, contemplate how to stem the increased radicalisation of muslims and the low level of tolerance that comes with it, even among rather moderate muslims.

March 31st, 2013, 2:28 am


Juergen said:

Wary Easter Weekend for Christians in Syria

“Either everything will be O.K. in one year, or there will be no Christians here,” said Ilias, 20, a man who, like some other Christians quoted in this article, was willing to give only a first name. ”


March 31st, 2013, 2:47 am


Syrialover said:

Syria Opposition Chief Khatib to Complete 6-Month Term

Syrian opposition chief Ahmed Moaz al-Khatib, who surprised everyone by resigning his post, will complete his six-month term before stepping down, a U.S. official said Thursday.

Khatib, a former imam, was only elected to head the Syrian opposition coalition in November after significant pressure from Washington to get the rebels to unify and be more inclusive.

He resigned from his post on Sunday, five days after the controversial election in Istanbul of interim prime minister Ghassan Hitto, who some opposition leaders have complained was imposed on them by other nations.

But Khatib headed the Syrian opposition delegation that took over Syria’s seat at an Arab League summit in Doha this week, and there were doubts over whether he would indeed step down.

“Our understanding is that he has now said that he will fulfill his responsibilities. He was named president for six months,” State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland said.

Khatib was now in discussions with “Hitto and various other members of the opposition remain in dialogue with each other about the best way forward,” she told journalists.

A six-month term would likely expire for Khatib some time in May.

“We are emphasizing to all of them to remain unified, remain effective and to keep their eye on the ball, which is to help the Syrian people… achieve their aspirations in the future,” Nuland said.

“What’s important to us is that they continue working together on a better future for Syria.”

Stylish and intellectual in appearance, Khatib with his salt-and-pepper beard and Western suits — but never a tie — has taken risks to impose his convictions, albeit with calm determination.

In February, he surprised both his allies and the Assad regime by offering to open talks with the Damascus government, subject to conditions including the release of 160,000 detainees.

The Syrian regime rejected conditional talks as some of Khatib’s detractors in the opposition labeled his offer traitorous and incoherent.

Khatib rejected such accusations.

“I cannot accept that those who talk about negotiations are accused of treason,” he said.

“Some have told me that men of politics do not talk this way… I say to them: I am just a revolutionary.”


March 31st, 2013, 3:16 am


Juergen said:

Syria’s Kurds: Fighting a war within a war – video

Jonathan Miller visited Ras al Ain, and reports on the fight between FSA forces and the Kurdish YPD


March 31st, 2013, 3:45 am


Citizen said:

The video above disgusting feeling and a sense of humanity!

World Must Unite Against US-Saudi-Israeli Proxy War in Syria

Ex-CNN Reporter: I Received Orders to Manipulate News to Demonize Syria and Iran

March 31st, 2013, 3:45 am


Citizen said:

It’s ridiculous reported by Jonathan Miller,is not deserve wasting time!

March 31st, 2013, 3:56 am


Syrialover said:

Hurrah! Significant punch in the face to the MB – FSA damning their parasitic power games and ordering them to get out of Syrians’ way.

FSA issues statement denouncing the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood for delaying the victory of the revolution and damaging the opposition.


COMMENT: Moaz al-Khatib was clever to have stepped clear of the ring before this punchup. Part of his political outmanoeuvering of the MB?

March 31st, 2013, 4:07 am


Syrialover said:

I am thrilled the FSA are now openly taking on the MB (#52 above)

The MB – so arrogant, selfish and indifferent to others. And power hungry, prepared to do anything, literally anything, to get themselves in front.

Bottom line: they have NOTHING to offer and don’t care about the people of Syria. Apparently they never got beyond 6% at the ballot box in Syria back in the days of elections, and have spent decades as an exile movement with few connections inside Syria.

But they are hellbent on stealing power post-Assad to carry out their backward agendas. Shamelessly using money, manipulation and lies to disrupt and dominate the opposition. Doing no heavy lifting in the revolution but climbing over the backs of others.

They have to be crash tackled NOW. They have gone too far already and done too much damage.

March 31st, 2013, 5:01 am


Juergen said:

Did anyone notice in the video I posted 33, how professional the camera is operated? I think this Asma show episode came out of the hands of a talented syrian soap opera writer and cameramen.

Way to professional for syrian state tv or Sama.

March 31st, 2013, 5:07 am


Syrialover said:

English translation of statement by the leadership of the FSA to the Muslim Brotherhood

The FSA really socks it to them!


There is a sense of abhorrence (against MB) among the majority of political, secular and revolutionary forces on the ground and outside the country due to your conduct and methods, including marginalization, exclusion.

You don’t own this revolution and you had not made it. The revolution has been made by the people who are paying with their blood and lives and security and stability and resources. Everyone is aware how the SNC was formed and how you handpicked its members and how certain people were given the label “national figures” to dominate the council, like changing turbans but the head is one. This is unacceptable, you don’t have the right to provide national indulgences (patriotism labels). We are all equal, don’t treat people as though they were fools.

Several groups hold you responsible for delaying the victory of the revolution. You believe that you will control Syria in the future after your rise elsewhere. Your failure in Egypt is a lesson you can learn from, and Syria is different from Egypt. Egyptian MB has been connected to society, unlike you who have been away for decades.

Everyone is aware of your position on the regime before the revolution, you had suspended your opposition to it till days before the start of the revolution. Those who were groveling to the regime cannot hand out patriotism labels to anyone.

We also know how millions of dollars worth of donations and grants from countries and individual, meant for the Syrian people, were distributed and to whom.

Read more:


March 31st, 2013, 6:09 am


Syrialover said:

English translation of the statement by the leadership of the FSA to the Muslim Brotherhood.

The FSA really socks it to them!


There is a sense of abhorrence (against MB) among the majority of political, secular and revolutionary forces on the ground and outside the country due to your conduct and methods, including marginalization, exclusion.

You don’t own this revolution and you had not made it. The revolution has been made by the people who are paying with their blood and lives and security and stability and resources. Everyone is aware how the SNC was formed and how you handpicked its members and how certain people were given the label “national figures” to dominate the council, like changing turbans but the head is one. This is unacceptable, you don’t have the right to provide national indulgences (patriotism labels). We are all equal, don’t treat people as though they were fools.

Several groups hold you responsible for delaying the victory of the revolution. You believe that you will control Syria in the future after your rise elsewhere. Your failure in Egypt is a lesson you can learn from, and Syria is different from Egypt. Egyptian MB has been connected to society, unlike you who have been away for decades.

Everyone is aware of your position on the regime before the revolution, you had suspended your opposition to it till days before the start of the revolution. Those who were groveling to the regime cannot hand out patriotism labels to anyone.


We also know how millions of dollars worth of donations and grants from countries and individual, meant for the Syrian people, were distributed and to whom.

Read more:


March 31st, 2013, 6:12 am


Citizen said:

Mr. Landis! Publication of selected video is immoral fact intimidate the Syrian people! You joined with Hanzalah in its adoption of a strategy! Landis remove the mask! You are with them!
Rebels brutally killed another preacher of traditional Islam
Syria shocked by the brutal murder of a new imam, a Muslim cleric who called for the preservation of Islam traditional values, Imam Hassan Seif-eddin. Mosque located in the Kurdish area of the city of Aleppo Sheikh Maqsood.
Imam Hassan Seif al-Din was killed and his severed head put on display in one of the minarets. According to some sources, the body of Sheikh Hassan also subjected to humiliation and desecrated by”fighters for democracy and freedom in Syria.”
Since the beginning of the events in the country, there are indicative execution, take place an act of intimidation of the population actively practiced by fighters. Widespread and paralyzing the will of the people fear – is the goal sought by terrorists.
Two days ago, on his Twitter page so-called “Syrian opposition” Haitham Al-Maleh wrote that the mortar attack militants in Damascus University not random – it is consciously chosen and explained the purpose of such action as an effort to spread panic among the population in order to stop people go on the streets, attend educational institutions and offices. All this is necessary to create a collapse in all structures of state. Even more interesting is one of the comments of his supporters, who wrote that those who want to receive a diploma from the hands of the Syrian regime must die, they supposedly are not worthy of walk on the earth. Here is a “democratic government” who shall shine the future of Syrians, so actively promoted by the Western progressive liberals. Haitham Al-Maleh a lawyer, assigned to the future government of Syria, according to the lists of opposition, the role of the Minister of Justice

March 31st, 2013, 6:53 am


apple_mini said:

FSA’s open statement is indeed a natural and interesting development. Anything doing Syria a positive effect even in a long run is good and welcomed.

But major questions remain even only for the talk: Does FSA really have any say in political theater or on the ground? FSA is heavily depending on fund and weapon support from Qatar. Obviously Qatar will be very very upset if their handpicked ME got rejected by FSA. What will be the consequence?

If the opposition indeed can re-organize and form a progressive structure, that definitely will help for a political solution with the regime.

March 31st, 2013, 6:54 am


Dolly Buster said:

I am not convinced that Syrians could mount an effective fighting force without the Wahhabi element.

The best known fact about Sham, is that it’s been made victorious through religion.

March 31st, 2013, 7:18 am


Hassan said:

Lately the FSA has come under the influence of Jordan, KSA, UAE and Uncle Sam. Hence the sudden courage against the Muslim Brotherhood.

In reality the FSA Generals making these statements do not have much power or influence, nor are they combat professionals of competent soldiers. They were mainly in “desk jobs” before they “defected” ( betrayed the Nation). Look at Salim Idriss. Fat a*s, chubby cheeks. The real opposition fighters on the ground are the Al Qaeda bloody terrorists.

March 31st, 2013, 7:24 am


Citizen said:

Why do you want for someone to fight and you do not want the same for your own people and your own country!
I wish you all the victory when part of your country kills the other part and win!!!!!!

March 31st, 2013, 7:33 am


Syrialover said:


It looks like the FSA now have enough support from various sources to call the MB and its sponsors on their malicious mischief in Syria, state “enough is enough” and expose the MB’s game for what it is.

The FSA asks for a rational and ethical approach that is probably foreign to the MB when it says:

“Everyone accepts you but according to your real presence and just like any other opposition force, and as a partner that knows its limits in the political process and the national project that includes everyone without any discrimination, marginalization, exclusion”

March 31st, 2013, 7:38 am


Syrialover said:


Just how much goodwill and care do you have for Syria and its people?

And how much real information about who is what inside Syria?

It would need a superpowered microscope to detect it.

March 31st, 2013, 7:49 am


Syrialover said:


March 31st, 2013, 7:52 am


Dolly Buster said:

Citizen, you need some clarification about who the Bad Guys are.

We have the Syrian Jarab Army turning cities inside their own country into rubble.

On top of this rubble, Russian correspondents make TV reportage in Russian language.

I think this is kind of sick. Vofka Putin is trying to destroy Syria for his personal politics. So he gives materiel to the minority Shia to run wild with Migs.

That is why I support the heroes of Monotheism to take back Damascus, and shut down the whorehouse in Tartous.

March 31st, 2013, 8:03 am


Citizen said:

Syrian comments prepared for the coming of the Antichrist!Happy Easter for you!

March 31st, 2013, 8:07 am


Citizen said:

OMG ! How many US whorehouses Around The Globe

March 31st, 2013, 8:27 am


Syrialover said:

Some people are so busy. I see my comments critical of al-Nusrah went from instant 11 thumbs down to suddenly double that!

Sorry voter (singular), I’ve been distracted with the MB. I promise to get back to the other guys soon.

March 31st, 2013, 8:36 am


ann said:

Syria and the Chemical Weapons Hoax – March 31, 2013

James Corbett of corbettreport.com joins Gary Franchi of WHDT9 on the Next News Network to discuss recent reports of chemical weapons attacks in Syria. They also talk about the new so-called Syrian Prime Minister-in-exile, the possibility of war in the region, and the implications of the government-media nexus.

March 31st, 2013, 9:10 am


Juergen said:

For those regime cheerleaders, looks like someone from the muhabarat made some recruitment on Shaalan street…


March 31st, 2013, 9:23 am


Observer said:

So Ghufran has been admitting for a long time the incompetence, the criminality, and the brutality of the regime.
I would like to ask him if he also would add illegitimacy of the regime from its very roots as another aspect of this regime or not.

Second, the religious discourse is the easiest one to use for it is fully understood by the vast majority of the people in Syria. Even non practicing Muslims and agnostics can be sensitive to this discourse.

Third, the concept of the ideal time of justice and the rule of law that the people have related to the glorious days of Islam be it under the early time of the prophet and the four successors or under Salah Addin or other leaders. It is not under Nasser that lost in 67 or Assad that brutalized Hama or under Kaddafi the stooge or under Abdallah in KSA or under any recent ruler.

Therefore it is easy for the revolution to harken back to a familiar theme. Did you think that there was going to be a communist exhorting the great Lenin or Stalin after defeating the regime supporters? The rebels will use the verses of the Quran that were essential at a time when the community of Muslims was being formed. Now that it is formed these verses are not relevant any longer in my opinion, but not in their opinion. They believe that they are in the same predicament today as in 7th century Arabia.

So we are going full ahead into Somaghanistan a combination of those two failed states and it is possible after the destruction of the infrastructure deliberately by the regime and fragmentation of the society. It may break up and history is replete with countries and peoples committing political suicide and it may be necessary to redraw the new ME>

So, in the face of clear cut losses by the regime and its VP declaring that there is no military solution to the conflict and the emergence of a group of Alawi intellectuals dissociating themselves from the regime and the emergence of a resistance to the diktat of the MB within the opposition and the emergence of Salafi militants who are gaining influence because of their fighting and discipline in the face of FSA incompetence as you say let me propose the following

1. The President goes on TV and admits that there is no military solution
2. The president admits that with “foreign’ jihadists there are genuine Syrians fighting the regime
3. In an effort to spare the country he declares immediate cease fire
4. He agrees to release all the women from prison and agrees of Khatib initiative
5. He agrees to have his VP meet with Khatib to form an executive national unity government and he immediately relinquishes all of the executive power prerogatives to the two men .
6. The armed forces are put under the command of the VP and Khatib together and answer to them and to them only.
7. FSA commanders in their areas assumed command and coordinate with local regime troops to merge and patrol the areas and secure buildings and roads and property against theft and destruction.
8. All other fighters are then asked to join local police forces likewise in a merger of the two forces with full cease fire just to secure the places and allow for refugees to return and for humanitarian aid to come through.
9. Russia Iran Qatar KSA and Turkey are asked to sit down and work a reconstruction aid plan as they all helped in the destruction on equal footing and to no longer interfere in Syrian affairs
10. Advisors go home, and flow of arms and training help stops for both sides.

What do you say to this?

March 31st, 2013, 9:29 am


ann said:

European Solidarity Front for Syria – 3 hours ago

Anti-NWO alliance spreading the message against foreign terrorists destroying Syria and in support of the Syrian people, their army and their President


March 31st, 2013, 9:33 am


Dolly Buster said:

66. Citizen said:

OMG ! How many US whorehouses Around The Globe

Yeah but Nato is not a threat to democracy, while Russia is.

We can compare Nato to police. Their purpose is to uphold the law, and to uphold equality.

If Nato conquered the world, we would see Happiness everywhere.
If Russia conquered the world, we would see Misery prevalent.

That is why I don’t fear U.S. bases, but I was nervous about Russia getting a foothold in the Mediterranean through Cyprus. Luckily that was a Fail in the end.

March 31st, 2013, 9:34 am


revenire said:

FSA blames the Muslim Brotherhood but Khatib and Hitto are BOTH Muslim Brotherhood supporters.

That’s pretty funny.

March 31st, 2013, 9:42 am


Hassan said:

“1. The President goes on TV and admits that there is no military solution”

What are you serious ? He still has 6 to 7 Divisions totally loyal with 100,000 highly motivated professional soldiers and 500,000 militia supporters from Jaysh al-Shaabi, proud Shabbiha, National Defence Force and our Shia brothers from Iraq and Lebanon. Plus he has 2000 Russian advisors and trainers who are making his soldiers and officers better with each passing day. He still has 3000 Tanks and 300 planes and 30,000 commandos. Iraq, Lebanon, Iran, Russia, North Korea, etc. is totally committed to helping him in every possible way. He has killed close to 100,000 terrorists and more are on the way. He has tough, clever and cunning Intelligence men trained by KGB and Stasi who are the very pillars of his power.

Not to mention that millions of pieces of artillery shells and rockets ready to fire and still firing and the 15,000 SCUD missiles fully active in firing mode. Infact rockets and missiles are flying as I write this.

He has everything, you have nothing.

Throw in the towel.

March 31st, 2013, 9:52 am


Hassan said:

Oh father Hafez THANK YOU for giving us these strategic reserves stores of weapons and ammo so that we could rise to the challenge of this day and this crisis. You were a Prophet as you could foresee things.

Hafez is my Shepherd, I shall not lack. He makes me lie down in green pastures…

March 31st, 2013, 9:56 am


Syria no kandahar said:

Cutting the head of the imam yesterday by the revolutionists and putting it on the
Mosq proofs good almighty :
?????? ???? ???? ??? ?????? ????????

March 31st, 2013, 10:01 am


Syria no kadahar said:

Sunnastan will be like Afghanstan,Alawstan and Kurdistans will be like Switzerland .Sunnistan universities will give PHD in butchering and jihad.What
Kind of idiots let people like the shiek standing on headless body lead them.
Sadly most Syrian Sunni have become Alqaeda and JN gangs.Supprters of
Headcutters have ???? inside a box attached to their neck.

March 31st, 2013, 10:50 am


Visitor said:

The holy warriors of Nusra are now on the verge of taking over Deir Ezzor international airport, which has been transformed into a military airbase by the criminal regime as no flights are going in or out of the airport. Deir Ezzo governate has been liberated except for the city and its airport and three inconsequential barracks. It has been reported by those who defected recently from the airport that low morale is spreading fast and furious among the remaining few holdouts. It is expected that the airport siege will last few days and perhaps few hours before the thugs stationed in it surrender to the good hands of the holy Nusra fighters. The city itself will be liberated soon afterward with little efforts once the airport has been cleansed of the filth.

This will complete the liberation of Deir Ezzor, making it along with Raqqa Free Of Assad Filth and Free Syrian Territory. Thanks once again to the dedication, steadfastness, discipline and efficiency of the holy Nusra fighters ???????? ?????? ?? ?? ????????

March 31st, 2013, 11:13 am


Syria no kandahar said:

100% of Aqaeda are Sunni
100% of Wahabists are Sunni
100% of Suicide bombers are Sunni
100% of head cutters are Sunni
100% of 9/11 terrorists were Sunni
100% of JN are Sunni
99% of terrorists are Sunni
What is your conclusion ?

March 31st, 2013, 11:21 am


ann said:

79. Syria no kandahar

100% supported by mullahs Obama, Cameron, Holland and `natanyahu!

March 31st, 2013, 11:27 am


Syria no Kandahar said:

Visitor the terrorist support head cutters.He along with Hanzala an Majefkaldon
Are actual terrorists.Terrorist visitor has obsession with playing thumbs in addition
To cutting heads watch him going from -3 to +10 in 2 min.

March 31st, 2013, 11:30 am


Syria no kandahar said:

Visitor’s god is supporting cutting head and hanging it in the mosque.

March 31st, 2013, 11:34 am


Visitor said:

??? ?????? ?????

??? ????? ????? ???? ????? ??? ???? ?????? ???? ??????

???? ?? ?????

????? ????? ??????? ???? ??????? ????

March 31st, 2013, 11:35 am


ghufran said:

make sure you eat breakfast before you read this:?????- (? ? ?): ??? ???? ??????? ?????? ??? ??? ??????? ????? ??? ??????? ?????? ?????? ???????? ?? “??????? ??????? ??????? ?????”.
???? ??????? ??? ?? ?? ?????? ?? ???? ???????? ?? ???? ????? ????? ???? ?????? ????? ?????? ?? ????? ????? ????? ??????? ??? ????? ???? ???????? ?? ????? ????????? ?????? ???? ????? ???????? ???????.
???? ?? ?????? ??????? ????? ???????? ?? ??????? ??????? ????? ??????? ????? ????? ???????? ????????? ??? ???? ????? ????? ??? ???? ????? ??????? ???????? ????????.
????? ???? ??????? ?????? ?? ????? ?? ??? ????? ???? ?????? “??????? ???????? ?? ?????” ????? ??? ?? ??????? ????? ???? “????? ??????? ???????? ?? ?? ???? ???? ??? ???? ????? ???”.
they surrounded Syria like hungry dogs, all of them, while Syrians continue to kill each other.

March 31st, 2013, 11:36 am


ghufran said:

make sure you eat breakfast before you read this:?????- (? ? ?): ??? ???? ??????? ?????? ??? ??? ??????? ????? ??? ??????? ?????? ?????? ???????? ?? “??????? ??????? ??????? ?????”.
???? ??????? ??? ?? ?? ?????? ?? ???? ???????? ?? ???? ????? ????? ???? ?????? ????? ?????? ?? ????? ????? ????? ??????? ??? ????? ???? ???????? ?? ????? ????????? ?????? ???? ????? ???????? ???????.
???? ?? ?????? ??????? ????? ???????? ?? ??????? ??????? ????? ??????? ????? ????? ???????? ????????? ??? ???? ????? ????? ??? ???? ????? ??????? ???????? ????????.
????? ???? ??????? ?????? ?? ????? ?? ??? ????? ???? ?????? “??????? ???????? ?? ?????” ????? ??? ?? ??????? ????? ???? “????? ??????? ???????? ?? ?? ???? ???? ??? ???? ????? ???”.
they surrounded Syria like hungry dogs, all of them, while Syrians continue to kill each other.

March 31st, 2013, 11:37 am


revenire said:

Visitor’s not even a Muslim.

March 31st, 2013, 11:38 am


Syria no kandahar said:

I stepped on a terrorist tail he is barking.

March 31st, 2013, 11:42 am


ann said:

85. revenire said:

Visitor’s not even a Muslim.

Correct! He’s just another highly paid state department flunky 😉

March 31st, 2013, 11:44 am


AIG said:

Hamas are 100% Sunni, Muslim Brotherhood in fact, and they were 100% supported and hosted by Assad who gave them money to blow up Israeli civilians while having headquarters in Damascus for years. I did not hear the regime idiots complain then about “Sunni terrorism”. Why, they liked it very much then. So what are they complaining about now? You are not against Sunni extremist as your support of Hamas shows. You are just against Sunni extremist fighting you. So suck it up and keep on “winning” instead of whining and complaining like little children. You are pathetic.

March 31st, 2013, 11:46 am


Visitor said:

????? ??????

Obviously you have been barking all night. Decapitated Darwish clearly awakened your natural barking genes.

Save some of your barking. You will see more like Darwish soon.

?? ????? ???? ?????? ??????? ?????? ???? ??? ??????? ????????

March 31st, 2013, 11:47 am


ghufran said:

This war is not likely to come an end unless one side scores a decisive victory (unlikely) or the war is extended beyond Syria’s borders. Lebanon as usual will be the theatre of future violent confrontations outside Syria, northern Lebanon today is not much different from the once alqaida-dominated Anbar Iraqi province.
Israel’s vaunted missile defence system is likely to leave the civilian population exposed to an incoming barrage of rockets in the event of a war as it is deployed to protect key strategic and military sites, according the country’s commander of the home front.

Despite the success of the Iron Dome anti-missile batteries at intercepting rockets launched from Gaza during November’s eight-day conflict, the five units currently operational are insufficient to protect against the superior firepower of Hezbollah in Lebanon.
Israel is watching, as of now things are going in Israel’s preferred direction, militant sunni fighters along with syrian soldiers are killing each other, it could not get much better for the jewish state except that they still have to deal with Hizbullah:
“I will recommend protecting the country’s functional continuity and the ability to maintain an [Israeli Defence Forces] offensive effort over time, until the war is won,” Major General Eyal Eisenberg, head of the home front command, said in an interview with Haaretz.
(most jewish posters here are lying bastards when it comes to their “concern” about Syrians and their call for freedom and dignity for Syrians)

March 31st, 2013, 11:49 am


Syria no Kandahar said:

Hamas was created by Israel .
Stupid Assad should have ditched Hamas from day one.

March 31st, 2013, 11:51 am


ghufran said:

This is a side effect of Nusra’s attacks on Druze in southern Syria:
???? ????? “??????” ??????????? ????? ????? ?? “?????? ?? ?????? ?????? ?? ????? ?????????? ????? ?? ????????? ?????? ??? ?????? ????????? ?? ?????? ?????? ???? ?? ??? ????? ??????? ??????”? ????? ?????? ?????? ?? ???? ????? “???? ??????” ?? ???? ????? ???????.
????? ?????? ??? “???? ?????? ?????? ????? ?????? ?? ????? ?????????? ????? ?????? ??? ?????”? ?? ??? ?????? ?????? ?? ??????? ?????? ????? ?????? ?? ?????? ??????? ????? ?????? ?? ?????? ?? ??????? ?? ???? ????? ????????? ????? ??????? ??? ???? ?????”.
????? ??????? ?? ?????? ?????? ??????? ??????? ?? ??????? ????? ???? ???? ???? “?????? ???? ????????? ???????? ?? ???? ?????? ‘???? ??????? ??? ???? ?? ??? ?? ??? ?????? ?? ??????? ?? ?????'”.
????? ???? “????? ???? ?? ???? ??? ?????? ???? ????? ?????? ??????? ????????? ?????? ?????? ?? ???? ?? ?????? ????? ?? ?????? ????? ????”.
????? ?? “????? ?????? ??????? ?????? ?? ???: ?????? ??????? ??????? ??????? ???? ??? ???? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???? ??? ??? ????? ?????? ?? ??? ?????? ??????? ??????? ???? ??????? ????? ??? ??????? ????? ??????? ?? ????? (??????????) ??? ???? ?????? ??? ??????? ?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ?????”.
????? ???? ?? ??????? ??????? ?? ??????? ?? “????? ????? ??? ?? ????? ?????? ????? ????? ?? ????? ???? ??? ??? ??? ?????? ???????? ???? ??? ???? ???? ??? ?????? ???? ????? ??????? ????? ???? ????? ????????? ?? ???? ???? ??? ?? ???? ??????? ???????”.
?????? ??? ?????? ?? “????? “???? ??????” ???? ????? ????? ?????? ???????? ???? 7 ????? ?? ???? ?????”.
as if the mess in Syria is not bad enough to add an israeli druze
element to it

March 31st, 2013, 11:55 am


AIG said:


Hamas is an off shot of the Muslim Brotherhood and was not created by Israel. It was supported briefly by Israel as a counter force to Fatah under the impression that it would not become militant. It was a mistake of course. Assad supported Hamas for 11 years, in fact ALL the time he was in control. He supported it even though it was clear it was a terrorist organization.

And the fact is that most Syrians were happy with that. So why exactly are you complaining about Sunni extremists now? Why were they good for 11 years and stopped being good now? The Assad regime helped these Sunni extremist and the regime supporters saw this as a “genius” foreign policy. Show me ONE serious voice in Syria for 11 years that said that Hamas should be dropped. In short, regime supporters have nothing to complain about.

March 31st, 2013, 12:01 pm


majedkhaloun said:

Obsever said
What do you say to this?

Naive and dreaming
Bashar will never cease fire,till he is dead.violent criminal ,then turns to be peacful? IMPOSSIBLE

March 31st, 2013, 12:12 pm


AIG said:


I am happy you can read minds now, including Jewish ones. Tells us then, what were the majority of Syrians thinking when they supported Hamas, a 100% Sunni terrorist organization? Or perhaps I am wrong and most Syrians were not pleased with Assad hosting and supporting Hamas for so long?

March 31st, 2013, 12:12 pm


Hopeful said:

#54 Jeurgen

Thank you for posting the Asma video. It is quite an impressive piece of production. The highest quality, by far, I’ve ever seen come out of the regime’s propaganda machine. Multiple cameras, beautiful editing, amazing shots. Almost worth of an Oscar. I wonder what production company they managed to contract with to create it.

On another note, Asma looked very comfortable and genuine. It is hard to believe that she knows she has been part of a machine that killed thousands of innocent people. I hate what this regime had done to Syria, but I have to admit that I liked her in this film. Did I get fooled? I am curious to hear what Tara thought about it.

March 31st, 2013, 12:22 pm


Juergen said:


Its much too complicated for the lionkinglovers to understand the similarity of Hamas thinking and the salafi-wahabi movement. They like it more simple, and of course Hamas is not an offshot of the banned MB. That cant just be. The demons this regime has supported are now their enemies, it could be an tragedy of greek extent.

March 31st, 2013, 12:29 pm


Juergen said:

Syria in the 50s, a BBC report, when the biggest threat was to the country: Communism

March 31st, 2013, 12:33 pm


Juergen said:

This was Syria in the 50s, a BBC report, when the biggest threat was to the country: Communism

March 31st, 2013, 12:35 pm


AIG said:


Most Syrians also do not understand how both Assads seriously weakened the Palestinians by constantly playing one faction against the other all the while claiming they are great supporters of the Palestinian cause.

March 31st, 2013, 12:36 pm


revenire said:

Of course Asma knows what is happening to Syria. She’s a patriot.

Juergen’s intentions backfired on him.

March 31st, 2013, 12:56 pm


syrian said:

According to Ghuffran the Ottomans are coming,
so in addition to watching out for your neck from JAL, I advice you to stock up on Vaseline

March 31st, 2013, 12:56 pm


majedkhaldoun said:

March 31st, 2013, 12:56 pm


Pas Cool said:

AIG and Juergen

Stating the obvious, and no disrespect for people living in Syria, but they have been fed a certain story all their lives and have not had the same amounts of information at hand, not to mention that open and frank political discussion in Syria and many other Arab countries just wasn’t possible. It’s somewhat von oben (not saying you are guilty of this) to expect that ‘society’ today can weigh the pros and cons of Middle East policy.

The greatest effect of the Arab uprising is that people are free to speak their minds, more than before at least, and that ‘known truths’ are being challenged. A new generation of politcally savvy people are growing up and realizing that world is not as black and white as their precious leaders and teachers have been saying all these decades. That will have more repercussions than any rebel takeover of this or that city ever will.

March 31st, 2013, 1:05 pm


revenire said:

Pas Cool you’re out of your mind.

March 31st, 2013, 1:13 pm


Ziad said:

?????: ??????? ??????? ????? ????? ?? ???

????29201312:41:09 ??????? ???181434

???: 2 ????, 6 ?????, 28 ?????, 21 ?????

?? ?? ???? ????? ??????? : ?? ?? ???? ???? ????? ?? ???? ????? ??? ?? ???? ???? .. ????? ??? ?????? .. ??????? ????? ?? ?????? ??? ??? ??? ..

?? ??????? ?? ???? ??? ???? ????? ????? ??????? ?????? ..
???? ????? ????? ????? ????? ?? ??? ??????? ???????? ???? ???? ??? ..

???? ????? ????? ? ??? ?? ???? ?? ????? ..


March 31st, 2013, 1:17 pm


Juergen said:

Pas Cool

Your argument that Syrians just didnt know better would work if we would still live in Assads cage of the 70s or early 80s. Since arab tv station spread like mushrooms Syrians have at least the posibility to know better. As far as I am concerned the majority of people were satisfied that politics belong to the regime, no one seemed to care that their say wasnt worth anything, or more seriously would harm them or their loved ones. My sincere hope is that Syrians will never again let any group or an fraction of society rule them. I am sure a lot of grassroot work has to be done so no one is left behind in this democratization process which has to start after this regime is history.

March 31st, 2013, 1:18 pm


majedkhaldoun said:

Assad will never cease fire

March 31st, 2013, 1:53 pm


revenire said:

Thank God.

March 31st, 2013, 2:17 pm


Johannes de Silentio said:


“Of course Asma knows what’s happening”

No she doesn’t, dumbass. She’s a useless clotheshorse and as thick as a brick.

A New Bashar Cartoon:


March 31st, 2013, 2:21 pm


Johannes de Silentio said:


“I have to admit that I liked Asma in this film. Did I get fooled?”

Jesus, do you really have to ask, you pathetically demented numbskull…

March 31st, 2013, 2:26 pm


Juergen said:

Yallah mhnbaks, rush the new Time Magazine 100 most influental people of the world poll is open until April 18.

The lionking is number 3 position in the voting.


March 31st, 2013, 2:34 pm


Juergen said:


Really this piece of propaganda sticks out, at least they must have hired someone not used to the usual BS ( excuse my french here) they happily serve their people. I think its no shame to admit its good made, and hey, I learned that the arab world loves syrian soap operas.

March 31st, 2013, 2:37 pm


revenire said:

Says the guy on his knees begging for someone, anyone, to bomb Syria because the rats attacking her are too weak to win.

March 31st, 2013, 2:38 pm


revenire said:

Syrian Perspective received several e-mails and faxes on this Easter Sunday. We can assure our readers that the rats are getting farther and farther away from the capital even though they are able, from time to time, to fire a howitzer or mortar inside the city. In general, they have moved operations to the south near Da’el where the SAA is annihilating them.


March 31st, 2013, 2:40 pm


revenire said:

OCCUPIED PALESTINE – JERUSALEM – PALESTINIAN DEMONSTRATORS ALMOST TEAR AL-JAZEERA REPORTER IN TO SHREDS AND EXPEL HIM FROM “DAY OF THE LAND” PROCESSION. Ilyaas Karraam, reporter and propaganda hawker for Al-Jazeera, was lucky to walk out with his life as angry Palestinian protesters chanting pro-Assad slogans descended on him and forced him and his camera crew to leave.



March 31st, 2013, 2:43 pm


zoo said:

The USA and Russia strike back at isolated Qatar

The USA and Russia have always been in favor of a transition government that includes regime figures and not in favor of the interim government that Qatar has forced on the opposition last week.
The GCC (except Qatar), are loyal allies to the USA and they hate the Moslem Brotherhood. They are cracking down on them in their country. In addition KSA hates Turkey that is taking too much space in the Arab World.
The GCC-1 seems to have gained more influence on the FSA that now felt free to openly criticize Qatar and Turkey for their support of the MB. As a result, they’ll loose their financial and logistic supports but they’ll gain the other GCC countries support.
Strong of that support, they have rejected the Hitto election.
Without the FSA, the crippled Hitto government dominated by the MB is doomed. It will never be able to control anything without the permission of the FSA. That will weaken tremendously the SNC and probably provoke its demise.

Yet, the FSA is extremely vulnerable as it is heavily infiltrated by the Islamist terrorists. Alone, they can’t get rid of the “bad” fighters. The FSA need serious military support in manpower and weapons and they can’t never get that from the West..

Therefore the only salvation is to form a transitional Military government with the regime to join forces and oppose both the Moslem Brotherhood and Al Nusra.

The USA-Russia plan is taking shape: Discard Qatar, weaken the SNC, boost the FSA into negotiations with the regime for a transitional government.
Is they succeed, we may soon see negotiations between FSA leaders and the Syrian government. Qatar and the SNC’s time is over.

March 31st, 2013, 3:09 pm


zoo said:

Syrian rebel fighters blast Muslim Brotherhood for ‘delaying victory’

Phil Sands Apr 1, 2013

ANTAKYA, TURKEY // Syrian rebel fighters have accused the Muslim Brotherhood of undermining the revolt against Bashar Al Assad and trying to dictate opposition politics.

Rebel officers said the Brotherhood was putting narrow factional politicking over the broad interests of the revolt.

“We hold you responsible for delaying victory of the revolution and the fragmentation of the opposition,” the Joint Command of the Free Syrian Army said in an open letter to the Muslim Brotherhood.

There was a “deep confrontation” within the opposition between the Muslim Brotherhood and other secular, national and military factions, the FSA said.

Anti-Brotherhood sentiments, particularly in Damascus, were running high, the FSA warned, with growing anger at efforts by the group to control military and humanitarian relief efforts administered by the Syrian National Coalition, the opposition bloc given Syria’s seat in the Arab League at a summit last week.

A significant majority of its members are directly or indirectly allied to the Muslim Brotherhood, much to the dismay of other rebel factions who say the group’s representation in the SNC political chambers vastly outweighs its street presence inside Syria.

n a response posted online, the Brotherhood spokesman Amr Mishoh dismissed the statement. He said there was no evidence for its claims and that the organisation was playing a proportionate, constructive role both in opposition politics and on the ground.

“All of these attempts to deform the Muslim Brotherhood will not succeed and will not stop our patriotic role in the Syrian revolution,” he said.

March 31st, 2013, 3:17 pm


Mina said:

May we see the day when Hollande, Cameron, Fabius and BHL pay for their crimes and aknowledge that the Qatari are their pimps.

March 31st, 2013, 4:08 pm


Syrian said:

???? ????? ???? – ?????? ???????
6 hours ago ·
??? ??? ???? ???????? ????????? ??? ????????? ?? ?????

????? ???????? ???????? ?????? ????? ??????? ??????? ?? ????? ?????? ?? ??????? ?????? ??? ??? ????? ???????? ??????? ?? ?????

?????? ?? ??? ?? ??? ??????? ????????? ?? ????? ???????..
?? ?????? ?????? ??? ?????? ???????? ????? ?? ????? ???? ?? ????? ?????? ??????

??????? ??????? ????????? ( ???????? )

??????? ( ?????? ) ????? ???????? ????????? ?? ??????? ? ?????? ?????? ??????? ???? ?? ???????

March 31st, 2013, 4:24 pm


Tara said:


Agree very nicely put piece of propaganda.

It drives tears to my eyes thinking of those mothers who are not knowingly facing the wife of their children’s butcher

In regard to Asma, she is playing her role pretty well. She was wed to Bashar to convey certain image and had been masterfully successful in portraying such an image. It is not plausible that 2 years later, she does know not the truth. She is in my opinion a willful participant. She is a savvy women, born to an ordinary family and married at age 25, therefore the grandiose mental problem of the dictator being the country should not inflict her. I am simply not fooled.

March 31st, 2013, 4:31 pm


Dawoud said:

9. ANN

At least 95% of Palestinians Support the brave Syrian Revolution. The assault on al-Jazeera was NOT spontaneous, but rather paid for by the corrupt Palestinian Authority (PA) of “President” Mahmoud Abbas. Abbas and his two sons (who use USAID money for anti-Aljazeera billboards in Ramallah)have had longtime enmity toward Aljazeera.

Just do a little Google (or Bing or Yahoo or Nasr-Illat search) and you will find many articles on Aljazeera and the corrupt PA. For example, see this:

March 31st, 2013, 4:37 pm


Syrian said:

For those who mistook my advise for SNK, the Vaseline reference was for his obsession with the Ottoman khazooq, it is in no way was intended as a sexual reference,

You can see I went the caring route and I did not go down to his level and stated the facts about his religion
I could have reminded him that
99% of all humans killed by wars was done by Christian of all sects
Or that only Christians have used nuclear bombs( WW2),chemical weapons (ww1)
and the only ones to use furnaces to kill 6 millions Jews
But I did not and I give him a sound advice using his and Guffran analysis

March 31st, 2013, 4:52 pm


revenire said:


March 31st, 2013, 5:00 pm


Citizen said:

‘Harroun exposed what US is doing in Syria’/Video/
Eric Harroun, an ex-soldier, has been charged in the U.S. with using a weapon in Syria against Syrian government forces. An American activist says Harroun is being prosecuted not because of his terrorist acts but because he has exposed what the United States is doing in Syria.

Eric Harroun, 30, served in the U.S. Army from 2000-2003, and allegedly fought in Syria with the al-Nusra Front, which is deemed a terrorist group by the U.S. as an alias of al-Qaeda in Iraq.

“The case of Harroun is perhaps unusual not only because he’s being prosecuted. But he apparently, according to the New York Times, had been posting reports about his time in Syria on Facebook and Youtube. So it may be that his real crime isn’t doing what is U.S. policy, which is conducting a terrorist war against the Syrian government, but rather that he blabbed about it and betrayed States’ secrets,” Don DeBar, activist and radio host, told the U.S. Desk on Saturday.

It seems that the most “offensive thing” that a U.S. citizen can do at this point is to expose what the United States is doing in Syria, he said.

U.S. prosecutors allege that Harroun posted on social media photographs of himself carrying rocket-propelled grenades (RPGs) and other weapons. He also appeared in two videos about military action in Syria with militants.

March 31st, 2013, 5:45 pm


ann said:

A Religion Of Peace!


March 31st, 2013, 6:26 pm


MarigoldRan said:

The war continues and the regime continues to lose ground.

March 31st, 2013, 6:42 pm


Uzair8 said:

Tomorrow’s News Today

Time jumped forward by an hour last night (UK).

It’s getting closer…

[See #131]

March 31st, 2013, 6:44 pm


ann said:

Higher Taxes, Layoffs And Higher Gas Prices To Arm Rebels And Help Refugees in Syria


Over the last month the U.S. has quietly joined the unofficial effort to arm the Syrian rebels and help them defeat the Assad forces even as Air Traffic Controllers in US get the axe.. The rebels are receiving about twice the number of weapons (and ammo) they were getting a month ago. This aid includes more training (in Jordan) for rebel fighters and CIA provided intelligence information about the location, plans, and capabilities of government forces. This aid is not distributed evenly to the rebels, who are divided into over a hundred separate units. These belong to three main factions: moderate/tribal rebels, Islamic radicals, and Kurd militias. Most rebels belong to the moderate/tribal groups, who want a democratic Syria. The Islamic radicals want a religious dictatorship for Syria, while the Kurds want an autonomous northeastern Kurd state (like the Kurds have had in northern Iraq for two decades). Aid is being kept away, as much as possible, from the Islamic radicals. None of the countries supplying this aid (America, Turkey, Jordan, and the Arab Gulf oil states) want an “Islamic Republic” and terrorist sanctuary in Syria. Nor do most Syrians. But the dozen or so Islamic radical factions comprise some of the rebels most fearless and ferocious fighters, as well as about 20 percent of the armed rebels. The other rebel groups don’t want to arm these Islamic terrorists because it’s understood that after the rebellion is over, the moderates and Kurds will have to deal with the Islamic radicals. A negotiated settlement (providing some degree of sanctuary) is possible but unlikely. Another round of fighting is what most rebels expect, since violence is what Islamic radicals are all about.

But first the Assad government must be destroyed and the plan appears to be centered on Damascus. There are about two thousand armed rebels fighting in the outskirts of Damascus, slowly extending their control towards the well-defended city center. The city center includes major government buildings, the commercial districts, major universities, and hospitals plus residential neighborhoods of government supporters. The increased arms supply includes more effective anti-tank rockets and additional mortars (that give the rebels artillery support). More shoulder fired anti-aircraft missiles are getting in as well. The Americans and Turks have been training rebel gunmen and leaders. The latter is particularly important because these men are taught how to more effectively use their fighters in combat. The training program also produces combat medics and communications specialists. Better trained and equipped rebel fighters are seen as capable to isolating Damascus and slowly (over weeks or months) destroying the Assad forces there. In response Iran and their Lebanese Hezbollah militia are selecting and training pro-Assad soldiers to be elite infantry capable of performing better in the urban fighting that is increasingly common. Apparently Iran believes more of these specialized troops can defeat the rebels.

When the rebels take Damascus, the Assads will be left with the largely Alawite coastal areas (and ports), plus towns and villages in central Syria that belong to pro-government minorities (Alawites, Christians, Druze, and so on). Rebels can negotiate the surrender of many of these but some will go down fighting. With Damascus gone there will be a lot more army desertions and international support for the rebels as the true government of Syria. Yet the end of this revolution will be messy and likely to drag on for months or even a year or more.

Already some refugees are returning to their homes in areas that are no longer combat zones. These are places where the government forces have been driven out by the rebels. There are still over half a million Syrian refugees outside the country and more than three million inside Syria. But fewer refugees are being created and more of them can now go home.



March 31st, 2013, 6:46 pm


Syrialover said:

SOS. Regime supporters urgently need more counselling, emotional first aid and sedatives for one of their leading cyber warriors.

Syrian Commando has suffered a nervous collapse and taken himself off air in protest at Bashar Assad.

That’s right, Assad’s toughest and most notorious sofa strategist and cheerleader has declared he’s over Bashar and quit his aggressive twitter campaign.

Not because of anything Assad has done, but because of what Bashar and his Iranian puppeteers HAVEN’T done – namely attack Israel.

You can chart Syrian Commando’s downward spiral in confidence and support for Bashar climaxing in this tweet on 31 January:

“Until Syria or Iran start attacking israel, I’m not going to tweet, this might mean forever. FinalTweet”.

Dead silence ever since. After long months of ferociously kicking rebels’ ass online and loyally boosting Assad and his army, the cyber Commando has hung up his boots.

His fellow traveller Yazan Guevara “SyrianFortress” and a couple of other Assadist tweeters tried to uplift and distract him (see their conversation on Syrian Commando’s twitter).

But it was no good. Syrian Commando couldn’t be pacified. He wails: “Shame on the Syrian government for accepting humiliation after humilialtion, shame on them for having no dignity or any bravery at al” and “We allowed them (Israel) to destroy EVERYTHING, they are literally running out of targets so they’re hitting the biggest ones”

The steely Commando curses Assad’s propagandists for making it worse: “Syrian TV showing video of the president’s old speech — UH NOT A GOOD TIME RIGHT. You’re just making people hate him for not defending us.”

Tweeter Firas Francis (specialist in syrupy muck) tries: “Take it easy…. We choose the time to hit back and fight…” . But Syrian Commando snarls back: “When, judgement day?”

The Iranians have failed Syrian Commando too: “Enough threatening Iran, seriously I’ve fucking had enough of the empty threats and words, have some shame, have some fucking dignity.”

And the Russians earn sarcasm: “Israel is openly boasting to America about its attack on Syria and Russia still needs time to investigate whether it should SAY something” and another tweet: “Russia taking urgent measures to run around pretending to be important while the USA destroys the world”

This is so much fun, but I won’t go on forever. Read and enjoy for yourself.

See https://twitter.com/syriancommando

NOTE: Syrian Commando made a lot of enemies including journalists with his virulent pro-Assad campaigning. An effort was made last year to unmask his identity, with some pointing to a Syrian defence scientist doing a PhD in Hong Kong.

March 31st, 2013, 7:00 pm


ann said:

Sheikh Imran Hosein lecture on Zionist attack on Syria – 25.3.2013


March 31st, 2013, 7:14 pm


Syrialover said:

Oh what a surprise. Dodgy and delusionary denials from the Muslim Brotherhood to the charges laid against them in the open letter by the FSA.

There’s no negotiating with the MB. Only outing and shaming and oustsmarting them. Marginalizing them like they have been ruthlessly doing to everyone else, playing cheating games and derailing the Syrian opposition.

The MB are clearly not interested in Syria, only in securing it as a power base for its own selfish and stupid agenda.


[FSA TO MB]”This revolution is not your property and you did not make it. The revolution has been made by the people who are paying with their blood and lives,” the FSA statement said.

Unflinching in its criticism, it said the Muslim Brotherhood should not treat people as if they were stupid and that its actions had thrown a roadblock in front of efforts to defeat Mr Al Assad.

It stressed that Syria’s multisectarian, multiethnic demography meant no single group could or should seek to monopolise power, and that Syrians would accept only genuine equality among themselves, not the subservience of one group to another.

The Muslim Brotherhood has its role to play, the FSA Joint Command said, but should not overplay its hand or marginalise other groups.

In a response posted online, the Brotherhood spokesman Amr Mishoh dismissed the statement. He said there was no evidence for its claims and that the organisation was playing a proportionate, constructive role both in opposition politics and on the ground.

“All of these attempts to deform the Muslim Brotherhood will not succeed and will not stop our patriotic role in the Syrian revolution,” he said.


March 31st, 2013, 7:28 pm


ann said:

Wounded Filthy Animal Mercenary Terrorist – Mar-31-2013

Looks like they got shelled and left with a nasty wound. That might leave a mark…

Observe his NIKE wear compliments of the tax payers!


Is it time to boycott NIKE?


March 31st, 2013, 7:36 pm


revenire said:

Syrian Perspective

There have been reports from Al-Jazeera that the Rebels have advanced. That is completely false. The Battle for Dael was not even a real ‘Battle.’ The SAA did not directly engage in battle there. In Dara’a itself, the SAA has legitimately eradicated insurgents entering through the border. With the aid of Lebanese civilians, the rebels, who are presumably Jabhat al-Nusra have retreated into Lebanon. The central part of the province is securely in the SAA’s hands.



March 31st, 2013, 7:42 pm


revenire said:

Syrian Perspective
Readers, please be advised:

When you see a video of a supposed “Rebel victory,” and you see them collecting SAA weapons in warehouses; this is a sham. What they really found in these warehouses were weapons that were purposely manufactured to be defective. The Syrian military did this with the Muslim Brotherhood in the 80’s. When they would fire the assault rifles, the guns would not function. Brilliant, right? If the SAA can’t find them, we will send them to hell via our factory workers.



March 31st, 2013, 7:43 pm


Ghufran said:

Kurd leaders in sheik Maqsoud , supposedly PKK , agreed to hand positions to rebels, I do not know why, and within less than 24 hours a number of people got killed, snipers took positions and started shooting and hundred of families ran for their lives without knowing where to go, this added a lot of questions to what Kurdish leaders are up to after they seem to have reached an agreement with Turkey, in one case Michel kilo played a role in mediating between rebels and the Kurds in northern Syria, if rebels managed to control the whole neighborhood other areas that were relatively secure will now be easier targets for shelling by rebels. Israeli leaders seem to be convinced that Syria will be partitioned in three mini states, I hope they are wrong.

March 31st, 2013, 7:45 pm


revenire said:

Ann thanks for posting Sheikh Hosein’s video on Syria and the Zionist war against her. I watched it. He has a clear picture of matters.

March 31st, 2013, 7:45 pm


Tara said:

Sheik Maqsoud take over by the rebels discreditS all stories we kept hearing in SC about Turkey, the Kurds, and the PKK.

Sheik Maksoud was hand-delivered by the Kurds to the revolution. Way to go PKK!

March 31st, 2013, 8:05 pm


Syrialover said:

Reminder – clicking on links from “ANN” could land you with a virus.

ZOO is a clean poster, and CITIZEN generally appears to be too, but REVENIRE urges people to read “ANN’s” links.

March 31st, 2013, 8:07 pm


Jabhat al-Nusra Shaikh Promises to Decapitate Every Oppressive Arab Leader | Global politics | Scoop.it said:

[…] This Jabhat al-Nusra shaikh gives a speech, while standing above the decapitated body of a Syrian officer. The slain officer commanded the 38th brigade, which was stationed at Saida very close to D…  […]

March 31st, 2013, 8:28 pm


Ghufran said:

Tara, I have no problem if the Kurds decide to give their areas to disciplined FSA troops but not to Islamists, provided that rebels do not round up people and kill them in the streets and practice street justice on them, previous experiences with similar incidents were not encouraging.
Moving to Moaz, he invited Assad for a live debate, no doubt that Assad will not respond, Moaz is the only opposition figure today who may have a chance to bring Syrians together but turkey and Qatar DI not want him.
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 To be more specific, I will vote for Moaz in free and clean elections over Assad or any other politician, he is ahead of everybody,I hope he does not get killed.

March 31st, 2013, 8:39 pm


revenire said:

The only virus Syrialover is the syphilis eating your brain.

March 31st, 2013, 8:43 pm



So the two, in addition to being retards, are also infested

March 31st, 2013, 9:00 pm


Tara said:


” To be more specific, I will vote for Moaz in free and clean elections over Assad or any other politician, he is ahead of everybody,I hope he does not get killed.”

And I always had the sixth sense about people. Thank you Ghufran.

March 31st, 2013, 9:09 pm


Ziad said:

???????? ????? ?? ?? ????? ????? ???? ??? ???? ???????

See rebels are using mosques as fire bases in Shiekh Maksud Aleppo (2:50), then they tell you the regime bombs mosques

March 31st, 2013, 9:35 pm


apple_mini said:

If most of the opposition support Al-Khatib and promote him on an open free election, then he will have a chance.

Otherwise, he will remain to be a “nobody” to most Syrians.

To win an election, it requires a team work, a solid political body. Personality and charisma count only after the person gets promoted to the very front.

Right now, Syria has no such luxury to have a general free election even after the war ends. Whoever can provide security and peace will get high ticket to be the winner. If Al-Khatib does not have strong military backing, he won’t be able to make it.

On the other hand, Assad has huge advantage. Guess that is the main reason, the opposition have to take down Assad before negotiation.

March 31st, 2013, 10:07 pm


Anbar Palace said:

Ann thanks for posting Sheikh Hosein’s video on Syria and the Zionist war against her. I watched it. He has a clear picture of matters.


How can you tell which side the Zionists are supporting? The side that is killing Syrians instead of Jews or the side that hates Jews but would would rather kill Baathists?

I’m thinking the Zionists are supporting both sides just to play it safe.

March 31st, 2013, 10:16 pm


ann said:

Syrian Refugees Escape Erdogan’s Concentration Camps –

Turkey’s Erdogan does not allow his “brothers” the Syrians to move around freely in his country. He placed them in concentration camps. Syrians are in Concentration camps in Jordan as well. Syrians are being raped and starved in these concentration camps. Syrians, however, are free to roam in Lebanon and Iraq, both allies of Syria el Assad. This proves who really loves the Syrian people



March 31st, 2013, 10:30 pm


ann said:


Al Nusra Front chieftain killed in Syria

Syrian army forces have killed Adnan al-Haj Ali better known as Abi Mohammd Joulani, leader of al-Nusra Front in Syria, announced a Syrian opposition source affiliated with Ahfad bani Omaiya in Rif, Damascus.

Al-Alam News Channel quoted the source as telling Lebanon’s Asia News Agency that al-Joulani has many names, but his real name is Adnan Al-Haj Ali from Quneitra.

His military name has been allotted to a number of people for security reasons in an attempt to prevent the disclosure of the Front present commander’s identity. The al-Nusra Front is organizationally under the command of al-Qaeda in Iraq.

Reports had it that al-Haj Ali and his Syrian deputy Mostafa Al-Badawi have been killed in an air attack by a Syrian MiG fighter jet.

Al-Badawi was one of al-Qaeda high ranking authorities, who commanded thousands of forces the Front employed in Syria. He was from Homs and cooperated with active terrorist groups in Persian Gulf littoral Arab countries to bring Arab gunmen into Syria.

According to reports the death of this al-Nusra Front leader in Syria has dealt a heavy blow to the terrorist group, since the group, which enjoys a powerful command, will lose contact with many of its branches.



March 31st, 2013, 10:57 pm


Hopeful said:


“ To be more specific, I will vote for Moaz in free and clean elections over Assad or any other politician, he is ahead of everybody,I hope he does not get killed.”

Sign me up!

March 31st, 2013, 11:30 pm


apple_mini said:

A rare and important article on Guardian:


We have to wonder where is the end: American think tanks make predication that due to advance of technology, weapon proliferation including WMD will be a reality and threat in the next 10 to 20 years.

Can US always make sure their technology is at least 2 generations ahead of others? What if one day that kind of technology lead is no longer a safeguard?

Imagine radicals and fundamentalists one day can have their own drones with global attacking capacity. Or miniature weaponry of size of insects are available on black market.

Solving problems facing humanity by force and technology is fundamentally doomed.

What this got to do with Syrian conflict? Everyone needs to keep it in mind: Not only US administration does not have genuine or objective mentality to get involved, but also they are impotent to truly comprehend complicit of Syrian history, culture, emotion and feelings, let alone solving the crisis.

March 31st, 2013, 11:50 pm


Dolly Buster said:

The U.S. can just decapitate the Syrian armed forces in under 60 seconds.
Problem is that Obama believes in friendship and peace, so he does nothing.

For crying out loud, he secretly promises Medvyedev that he will disarm the U.S.
That is not a militant-minded person who cares about liberty.

April 1st, 2013, 12:49 am


revenire said:

Dolly no, the US can’t do that at all. The US is afraid of wider war and with good cause. They’re also afraid of Syria’s air defenses – if not they’d attack.


PS – Ghufran are you even Syrian? I doubt it.

April 1st, 2013, 1:25 am


Dawoud said:

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April 1st, 2013, 2:05 pm


dunno said:

The recent happenings in Syria are very saddening. At first I thought Assads bookless thoughs would be easy game, since Allah is on our side. But now I m confused.
The new video platform is a great thing!!
Thank you Josh!

April 1st, 2013, 3:44 pm


dunno said:

The new video platform is a great thing!!

Thank you Josh!

April 1st, 2013, 3:45 pm


Syria Comment » Archives » Sorting out David Ignatius said:

[…] Jabhat al-Nusra Shaikh Promises to Decapitate Every Oppressive Arab Leader […]

April 3rd, 2013, 12:09 pm