Islamic State Officially Admits to Enslaving Yazidi Women

Matthew Barber 3by Matthew Barber

I first began tweeting about the Islamic State’s campaign to kidnap and enslave Yazidi women when I was in Iraq this past August. Though analysts were skeptical and online jihadists who defend IS vehemently denied my claims, I was communicating with the families of the kidnapped women and with those engaged in rescue efforts. I have even spoken by phone directly with kidnapped Yazidi women in captivity. One month ago, I sounded the alarm regarding the plight of the kidnapped Yazidi women for whom time is running out, detailing how an effective rescue operation would be possible. A number of journalists had written amazing stories, directly interviewing survivors—girls that had been kidnapped and placed into the homes of IS jihadists as slaves. These stories continue to emerge, TV interviews have taken place, and the UN issued a report on the kidnapping issue.

Despite the widespread doubt, I and the team I work with have been able to collect the names of thousands of kidnapped Yazidis—mostly women and girls, but also a number of kidnapped and imprisoned men that have been forced to convert to Islam. A month ago, our estimate of kidnapped Yazidis was below 4,000 individuals, but as we continue to gather data, our number now stands at almost 7,000.

Ongoing efforts to shed light on this crisis notwithstanding, the media hasn’t lingered on the issue. Evidence in the form of firsthand accounts of survivors gathered by credible journalists and academics wasn’t enough; skepticism seemed to reign in the absence of photographic evidence—something nearly-impossible to obtain. How would one snap photos of women distributed through private IS networks and placed into the homes of individual IS jihadists? Even a photograph of a Yazidi woman in an Arab home wouldn’t indicate that she was in fact enslaved as a “concubine.”

But today this controversy can be laid to rest. IS has just released the fourth installment of Dabiq, an official publication that they began to produce in July. This issue, called “The Failed Crusade,” contains an article entitled “The Revival of Slavery Before the Hour,” which details how IS fighters kidnapped and distributed Yazidi women as slave concubines. The article also provides their rationale for reviving slavery, which they root in their interpretation of the practice of the earliest Islamic communities. The Islamic State has now officially disclosed that it engages in the sexual enslavement of women from communities determined to be of “pagan” or “polytheistic” origin.

slavery Yazidi women

Several observations on this IS article:

1) The campaign to enslave Yazidi women is genocidal in that it is part of a greater effort to end the existence of the Yazidi people:

The article states that the existence of the Yazidis is something for which God will judge Muslims:

Upon conquering the region of Sinjar in Wil?yat N?naw?, the Islamic State faced a population of Yazidis, a pagan minority existent for ages in regions of Iraq and Sh?m. Their continual existence to this day is a matter that Muslims should question as they will be asked about it on Judgment Day, considering that Allah had revealed ?yat as-Sayf (the verse of the sword) over 1400 years ago.

The Islamic State also see the enslavement project as a means of forcing Yazidis to renounce their identity and convert to Islam:

Many of the mushrik women and children have willingly accepted Islam and now race to practice it with evident sincerity after their exit from the darkness of shirk.

Ras?lull?h (sallall?hu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said, “Allah marvels at a people who enter Jannah in chains” [reported by al-Bukh?r? on the authority of Ab? Hurayrah]. The had?th commentators mentioned that this refers to people entering Islam as slaves and then entering Jannah.

Ab? Hurayrah (radiyall?hu ‘anh) said while commenting on Allah’s words, {You are the best nation produced for mankind} [?li ‘Imr?n: 110], “You are the best people for people. You bring them with chains around their necks, until they enter Islam” [Sah?h al-Bukh?ri].

2) The Islamic State differentiates between a) People of the Book (non-Islamic religions receiving some rights and protection), b) religious groups that were originally Muslim but that have apostatized, and c) religious groups that were “originally polytheistic:”

Prior to the taking of Sinjar, Shar?’ah students in the Islamic State were tasked to research the Yazidis to determine if they should be treated as an originally mushrik group or one that originated as Muslims and then apostatized, due to many of the related Islamic rulings that would apply to the group, its individuals, and their families. Because of the Arabic terminologies used by this group either to describe themselves or their beliefs, some contemporary Muslim scholars have classified them as possibly an apostate sect, not an originally mushrik religion, but upon further research, it was determined that this group is one that existed since the pre-Islamic j?hiliyyah, but became “Islamized” by the surrounding Muslim population, language, and culture, although they never accepted Islam nor claimed to have adopted it. The apparent origin of the religion is found in the Magianism of ancient Persia, but reinterpreted with elements of Sabianism, Judaism, and Christianity, and ultimately expressed in the heretical vocabulary of extreme Sufism.

Accordingly, the Islamic State dealt with this group as the majority of fuqah?’ have indicated how mushrik?n should be dealt with. Unlike the Jews and Christians, there was no room for jizyah payment. Also, their women could be enslaved unlike female apostates who the majority of the fuqah?’ say cannot be enslaved and can only be given an ultimatum to repent or face the sword.

3) The IS article justifies their enslavement of polytheist women through their interpretation of the practice of the early Islamic community:

The article invokes the practice of khums originating with the earliest battles of Islam in which 1/5 of the war booty was set aside for the Prophet Mohammed (i.e. the “state”):

After capture, the Yazidi women and children were then divided according to the Shar?’ah amongst the fighters of the Islamic State who participated in the Sinjar operations, after one fifth of the slaves were transferred to the Islamic State’s authority to be divided as khums.

The enslaved Yazidi families are now sold by the Islamic State soldiers as the mushrik?n were sold by the Companions (radiyall?hu ‘anhum) before them. Many well-known rulings are observed, including the prohibition of separating a mother from her young children.

From the Islamic State’s point of view, any Muslim who tries to interpret the practice of the early Islamic community in a different way, in order to condemn the practice of slavery, speaks in direct contradiction to the Qur’an and the Prophet and has therefore left Islam:

Before Shayt?n reveals his doubts to the weak-minded and weak hearted, one should remember that enslaving the families of the kuff?r and taking their women as concubines is a firmly established aspect of the Shar?’ah that if one were to deny or mock, he would be denying or mocking the verses of the Qur’?n and the narrations of the Prophet (sallall?hu ‘alayhi wa sallam), and thereby apostatizing from Islam.

4) In the view of the Islamic State, reviving the practice of slavery is actually a desirable goal with tangible spiritual benefits. They believe that slavery helps men avoid sexual sin because it enables them to avoid prohibited forms of extramarital sex. They underscore that it is impermissible to sleep with a hired household maid (a widespread occurrence in some countries where maids who become pregnant are often punished/imprisoned), yet sleeping with one’s concubine (who will have the same duties as the maid) is permissible:

Finally, a number of contemporary scholars have mentioned that the desertion of slavery had led to an increase in f?hishah (adultery, fornication, etc.), because the shar’? alternative to marriage is not available, so a man who cannot afford marriage to a free woman finds himself surrounded by temptation towards sin. In addition, many Muslim families who have hired maids to work at their homes, face the fitnah of prohibited khalwah (seclusion) and resultant zin? occurring between the man and the maid, whereas if she were his concubine, this relationship would be legal. This again is from the consequences of abandoning jih?d and chasing after the duny?, wall?hul-musta’?n.


A Must-See Human Rights Watch Report

Coinciding with IS’ own admission of the practice, HRW has just released an excellent report on kidnapped and enslaved Yazidis that should be read in its entirety. A separate page has video footage containing extensive interviews with survivors, available with English and Arabic subtitles.


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Comments (33)

sami said:

Deep and troubling post. Extremely backwards and utterly barbaric does not even come close to describing Daesh.

Thank you Matthew for the brave work you’ve done to inform the world of this serious matter, hopefully it will bring about the urgent matter of freeing these women from heinous enslavement.

October 12th, 2014, 8:17 pm


Besta said:

Mr. Barber, it seems the IS propaganda machine provided you with the proof you needed to safisfy some sceptics.
IS weird theology is just a front for their terrorististic, sectarian killing spree.
The picture of their flag superimposed on the oblisek in St. Peter’s sqaure at the Vactican makes for a good cover to a silly thriller. I refuse to give any weight to their ravings based on any intrepretation Islam.
I am glad the UN has made a reoprt, and I hope the leaders will be captured and tried for genocide and cirmes against humanity.

October 12th, 2014, 8:46 pm


Ghufran said:

I do not believe the information provided on Isis is new, Isis never tried to hide what they did but they were embolden by their recent gains in Iraq and Syria. What reporters and analysts should focus on is the support Isis received and still receive from Turkey and the GCC and the help they got from Muslims, including many Arabs. The women who were enslaved and sold by Isis were mostly bought by Arabs , and even in Mosul Isis used Baathists, who are supposedly secular, and many of their military ” experts” are ex officers who served under the ” secular” Iraqi regime of Saddam.
This is a failed nation, or group of nations, who have not yet figured out how to belong to the 21st century, Isis is the illegitimate child of Arab regimes and Wahhabi Islam.
?? ??? ???? ?? ????? ?????

October 12th, 2014, 9:57 pm


salah mansour said:

I warned about this over a year and a half ago …… and all my Muslim contacts attacked me ….. and I lost few good FB friends because of that …. as if I cared …..
Any how ….. I agree with Matthew …… it is very hard to convince people about ….. imagine during wwii ….. no one believed the holocaust until they saw evidence ….. same goes to AbuGharib ….. yes ….. we need evidence …… and just saying it isn’t good enough …..
This will be the easiest way to destroy ISIS ….. when the evidence comes out it shall implode ….. that is why Muslim fundamentalist don’t scare me … because it is a mental disease ….. not like Assad …. Assad will not go without force …..

Any how …. please tell him we need this evidence and Dabiq isn’t good enough … I read it on pages 14 to 16 ……. I know Muslim fundamentalist pretty well …… they will say this is from the CIA or Mossad ….

Btw …… npr spoke about them ….. but I agree .. every one skeptical ….

October 12th, 2014, 10:21 pm


ghufran said:

War mongers can not wait for Kobani to fall so they can start pushing for a NFZ in northern Syria, US top generals are not interested as of now (fox news):

For the U.S. military, there are red flags about establishing an area in Syria safe from attacks by the Islamic State group and Syria’s air force.
Gen. Martin Dempsey, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, has estimated it would require hundreds of U.S. aircraft and cost as much as $1 billion a month to maintain, with no assurance of a change in battlefield momentum toward ending the Syrian civil war.
That means U.S. enforcement could become open-ended.
The Pentagon learned that lesson in Iraq, when in 1991 in the aftermath of the Gulf War, it established a no-fly zone over northern Iraq to protect Iraqi Kurds and another protective zone over southern Iraq to protect Shiites. Those zones were enforced by U.S. Air Force and Navy pilots for a dozen years, until the March 2003 invasion of Iraq.
A zone in Syria would set the stage for a direct confrontation with one of the Mideast’s most formidable air defenses, a system bolstered in recent years by top-of-the-line Russian hardware.
The Syrians possess multiple surface-to-air missiles providing overlapping coverage and thousands of anti-aircraft guns capable of engaging attacking aircraft at lower levels.
Moscow infuriated Washington last year when it confirmed that it would sell to Syria its S-300 anti-aircraft missiles, considered to be the cutting edge in aircraft interception technology.
The political challenges of a no-fly zone may prove even greater.
Given the threat to U.S. pilots, the Pentagon would need rescue personnel stationed nearby, perhaps in Turkey or Iraq. If a plane were downed, American troops then would have to hit the ground in Syria, which Obama repeatedly has ruled out.
Direct military action against Assad’s government also would stretch the United States’ already tenuous claims that intervening in Syria is legal under U.S. and international law.
Many members of Congress are challenging Obama’s justification for war on the basis of the Bush administration’s 2001 authorization to fight al-Qaida. The Islamic State group grew from the al-Qaida movement, but the two now are enemies. The U.S. has no U.N. mandate to wage war in Syria

The only way out is to seriously attack ISIS and tell Erdogang that he is either a member of NATO or a member of the Muslim Brotherhood, he can not be both. US pressure is yet to produce results but AFP reported this few minutes ago:
Washington (AFP) – 10/13/2014 – 02:10
Turkey says US can use air bases for IS fight: US official

October 13th, 2014, 12:24 am


Amir in Tel Aviv said:

Besta is naive at best, and totally clueless at worst.
Some people enjoy being stupid, blind, deaf and in absolute state of denial.

“… I refuse to give any weight to their ravings based on any interpretation Islam”. Theirs is not an “interpretation”, but the source. The literal origin.

October 13th, 2014, 12:58 am


Richard Landes said:

as with the holocaust, people don’t believe these kinds of things are happening. and even when they are, they’re in denial (can’t have anything to do with Islam, even tho Islam has the longest continuous record of slave holding and trading in the history of civilization). how many times do we have to be sorry before we actually respond before millions must die?

October 13th, 2014, 1:32 am


Besta said:

To Amir in Tel Aviv,
All religious texts of the three Religions of the Book are matters of interpretations. The faithful who believe in the literal interpretation of the original texts without any historical context are naive and easily manipulated, whether, Muslim, Christian or Jewish. Fudamentalism is one form of piety, that many times becomes a hammer of oppression.
As I have said before: IS is to Islam as the Branch Davidians were to Christianity.

Peace to you today….

October 13th, 2014, 10:14 am


mjabali said:

The Islamic State is not a fringe group.

It is the real manifestation of what they teach Muslims anywhere in the world.

I grew up in a “Muslim” country and went to school where they taught us a class of religion every week.

I am talking from 7th to 12th grades. Although I am not a Sunni Muslim, but along with all other “muslim” minority students, attended the same class as Sunnis.

What they taught us is the same crap the Islamic State is repeating everyday. Verses like ‘Wa-A’idu lahum ?????? ??? is amongst what we studied and we memorized…verses like :” wa-Iza-laqaytum ??? ????? ??????….” we memorized also…Hadith like “Rizqi tahtal zilli rimhi..” we knew about…We were taught a very confrontational form of Islam. An Islam that want to prove to its adherents that they are somebody.

They taught us that people of the world are two types: Muslims and Kuffar…they tried sometimes to tell us that there are “people of the book” but at the end all came down to “us” and “them,” exactly like the Islamic State.

When I see the Islamic State’s soldiers, or listen to al-Baghdadi ranting…I see and hear what I studied in school……

October 13th, 2014, 1:50 pm


Mina said:

Why does the HRW report say “may amount to war crime”? how much more do they want for it to be depicted already simply as a crime?

In the meantime, the clowns have been agreeing on not agreeing for another week in Turkey. Hope the food was good and that they had a good weather and swimming-pool

October 13th, 2014, 2:42 pm


ALAN said:

the sudden rise of Kurdish nationalism is the making of the United States and Saudi Arabia, planning to use Kurdish separatism in order to draw the Turkish army in a ground operation against the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria. This scenario may facilitate the toppling of Bashar al-Assad for the West and its allies and undermine Tehran in order to make it “more obedient”. Western think tanks might be aiming to create a Kurdish state with a population of around 30 million people that will emerge in the Middle East from the fight against the ISIL militants. This can bring a fundamental change to the balance of forces in the region where the West was forced to take into account the positions of the key players: Iran, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Israel. A Kurdish state, given the attitude of the Kurds towards the Turks, Persians and Arabs, will inevitably become a counterweight to Ankara, Iran, Iraq and Syria. And this will certainly be beneficial to the United States and Israel.
Ankara should continue to adhere to the principles of non-interference in the military conflict against ISIL, and should Tehran refrain from supporting the “coalition”, Washington would be forced to withdraw, without attaining its objectives. And then the region will be able to breathe easier, since local players are more than capable of getting rid of terrorism on their own.

October 13th, 2014, 3:24 pm


mark levine said:

re the question of why HRW reports use the term “may amount”, i believe that is standard procedure for HR organizations until a more thorough investigation is complete, and also because what constitutes a war crime is ultimately up to courts to decide in actual trials or judgements by relevant courts with the competence to make such rulings.

October 13th, 2014, 5:27 pm


ALAN said:

ISIL takes half of Syrian town of Kobani

everything goes according to schedule. The map includs all answers.

Kurds who living abroad returned home to join forces against ISIL’s

October 13th, 2014, 5:31 pm


ALAN said:

continuing of 11 and 12 – the same talking bla bla bla: Kobani is Falling to ISIS in Syria. Kurd Protests Explode in Turkey.
The Erdogan government’s refusal to save a Kurdish town from the jihadists across the border could reignite a civil war in its own territory.(Chief propagandist at The Daily Beast, Jamie Dettmer)
Turkey ‘allows Syria rebel training’

Turkey has agreed to allow moderate Syrian rebels to be trained on its soil, the US says, in its bid to combat Islamic State in Syria and Iraq.

October 13th, 2014, 6:03 pm


jamawns said:

Dear Muslims,
Showing your attitude against inhumanity based on so-called fabricated fundamentalist’s Islamic rule be required with your dignity and honor.
Non-Muslims can not identify such rule is true or not, but Muslims can identify and speak out whether truth or not.

Muslim should speak out laud.
I heard the Koran or Islamic principle said that BOTH MAN and WOMAN have to learn from academic studies/education and real lives.
However, some Islamic fundamentalists have prohibited women from studying at school. Such the Islamic fundamentalists’ attitude has misled international citizens’ feeling toward Muslims.
Muslims must speak loud that Islamic principle say that BOTH MAN and WOMAN have to learn from academic studies/education and real lives.

ISIS had justified treating non-Muslim women as sex slave by translating Islamic law. ISIS issued letter to order that each Turkmen family in all Turkmen villages must offer a daughter out of two. Does Muslim agree with ISIS’s justification? Please specify which Islamic law allows such; Never keep silent. Such attitude humiliate and insult Muslim if Islamic law never allow such.

October 17th, 2014, 12:23 am


ietushar said:

The only way out is to seriously attack ISIS and tell Erdogang that he is either a member of NATO or a member of the Muslim Brotherhood, he can not be both.I heard the Koran or Islamic principle said that BOTH MAN and WOMAN have to learn from academic studies/education and real lives.
However, some Islamic fundamentalists have prohibited women from studying at school. Such the Islamic fundamentalists’ attitude has misled international citizens’ feeling toward Muslims.
Muslims must speak loud that Islamic principle say that BOTH MAN and WOMAN have to learn from academic studies/education and real lives.Ankara should continue to adhere to the principles of non-interference in the military conflict against ISIL, and should Tehran refrain from supporting the “coalition”, Washington would be forced to withdraw, without attaining its objectives. And then the region will be able to breathe easier, since local players are more than capable of getting rid of terrorism on their own.

November 27th, 2014, 9:14 am


Modifikasi Mercedes Benz said:

The Islamic State is not a fringe group.

It is the real manifestation of what they teach Muslims anywhere in the world.

I grew up in a “Muslim” country and went to school where they taught us a class of religion every week.

December 3rd, 2014, 4:43 am


MutiaraPublic said:

I am from a Muslim-majority Indonesia, we oppose the ISIS action. Although they claimed ISIS Muslim groups, but ISIS perform actions that deviate from the Muslim teachings, ie the Qur’an and Hadith.

Them in the name of Islam with a variety of political propaganda, and we Muslims Indonesaia is strongly opposed to the ISIS action.

May God give adzab Soon To those who pollute the teachings of Islam by way deviate from the teachings of the Quran and Hadith. amen..

Best Regards,
MutiaraPublic | Media Inspirasi dan Penyejuk Hati

December 12th, 2014, 12:52 am


Faheem said:

Women are independent in Islam and should be treated well. Its easy to discuss dark sides but mostly things are possitive .

December 15th, 2014, 1:14 am


Louie Tozser said:

Not all women are given the independency in muslim countries. For example in Saudi women are treated like a 3rd generation or slaves. Lots of restrictions. Its sad , we are in the 21st century and still treating our women like cattles. Shame on Saudia Arabia.

December 18th, 2014, 1:06 pm


Onadio said:

The Islamic State is not a fringe group.

It is the real manifestation of what they teach Muslims anywhere in the world.

I grew up in a “Muslim” country and went to school where they taught us a class of religion every week.

I am talking from 7th to 12th grades. Although I am not a Sunni Muslim, but along with all other “muslim” minority students, attended the same class as Sunnis.

What they taught us is the same crap the Islamic State is repeating everyday. Verses like ‘Wa-A’idu lahum ?????? ??? is amongst what we studied and we memorized…verses like :” wa-Iza-laqaytum ??? ????? ??????….” we memorized also…Hadith like “Rizqi tahtal zilli rimhi..” we knew about…We were taught a very confrontational form of Islam. An Islam that want to prove to its adherents that they are somebody.

They taught us that people of the world are two types: Muslims and Kuffar…they tried sometimes to tell us that there are “people of the book” but at the end all came down to “us” and “them,” exactly like the Islamic State.

When I see the Islamic State’s soldiers, or listen to al-Baghdadi ranting…I see and hear what I studied in school……

February 1st, 2015, 6:40 am


raditya ahmad said:

I do not believe the information given in the new Isis, Isis ever try to hide what they are doing but they are encouraged by the recent rise in Iraq and Syria. What journalists and analysts should focus on is the support of Isis received and still receive from Turkey and the GCC and the help they get from Muslims, including many Indonesian people. The teens were enslaved and sold by Isis largely purchased by the Indonesian people, and even in Mosul Isis used Baath, which is supposed secular, and many of their military “experts” are former officers who served under the “secular” Iraqi regime of Saddam .
It is a failed state, or group of countries, which have not yet found a way to belong to the 21st century, Isis was the illegitimate son.

April 7th, 2015, 3:29 pm


pt natural nusantara said:

the sudden rise of Kurdish nationalism is the making of the United States and Saudi Arabia, planning to use Kurdish separatism in order to draw the Turkish army in a ground operation against the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria. This scenario may facilitate the toppling of Bashar al-Assad for the West and its allies and undermine Tehran in order to make it “more obedient”. Western think tanks might be aiming to create a Kurdish state with a population of around 30 million people that will emerge in the Middle East from the fight against the ISIL militants. This can bring a fundamental change to the balance of forces in the region where the West was forced to take into account the positions of the key players: Iran, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Israel. A Kurdish state, given the attitude of the Kurds towards the Turks, Persians and Arabs, will inevitably become a counterweight to Ankara, Iran, Iraq and Syria. And this will certainly be beneficial to the United States and Israel.
Ankara should continue to adhere to the principles of non-interference in the military conflict against ISIL, and should Tehran refrain from supporting the “coalition”, Washington would be forced to withdraw, without attaining its objectives. And then the region will be able to breathe easier, since local players are more than capable of getting rid of terrorism on their own.

April 15th, 2015, 8:10 am


Indy said:

This is so sad. I have read almost all religious books I can get my hands on, including the Quran… and I know that forcing people to convert is actually against the Quran:

There shall be no compulsion in religion: the right way is distinct from the wrong way. Anyone who denounces the devil and believes in God has grasped the strongest bond; one that never breaks. God is Hearer, Omniscient.(Quran 2:256)

Sadly most Muslims don’t follow the Quran any longer 🙁
Thank you for making us aware of this, Matthew.

May 11th, 2015, 6:04 am


Ahmed said:

The picture of their flag superimposed on the oblisek in St. Peter’s sqaure at the Vactican makes for a good cover to a silly thriller. I refuse to give any weight to their ravings based on any intrepretation Islam.
I am glad the UN has made a reoprt, and I hope the leaders will be captured and tried for genocide and cirmes against humanity.
Mr. Barber, it seems the IS propaganda machine provided you with the proof you needed to safisfy some sceptics.
IS weird theology is just a front for their terrorististic, sectarian killing spree.

December 4th, 2015, 10:03 am


Thomas Hood said:

A policy of castration for anyone involved in such systematic rape would quickly put an end to it.

January 30th, 2016, 2:18 pm


saqib said:

I have written a lot on this subject. there is no room in Islam for such acts. Quran ordered its followers to release war prisoners for payment or for free. there is no option of making new slaves now. for slaves at the time of our holy prophet, quran ordered to make a written agreement and slave would earn agreed amount and after paying that amount , slaves were free.
previous slaves became free and making new slave was banned. If someone makes slaves in the name of Islam, it is his personal act .

February 8th, 2016, 12:30 pm


matt said:

When we are talking about Islamic State Officially Admits to Enslaving Yazidi Women this would be a good things to be discussed to get the better future. I like you explanation and analysis.

February 24th, 2016, 5:41 am


Thomas Hood said:


Nonsense. There is a hadith on the legitimacy of rape of conquered women. Muhammad was asked about the rape of conquered women, and he replied: “When you conquer the country, you conquer the women.” If you are a Muslim, you believe it, and given the chance, you will practice it. I’ve no sympathy for EU political correctness and welcome the horrors they are bringing on themselves. The Muslim rape gangs of Rotherham are only the beginning.

March 12th, 2016, 1:24 pm


xiewey said:

Isis never tried to hide what they did but they were embolden by their recent gains in Iraq and Syria. What reporters and analysts should focus on is the support Isis received and still receive from Turkey and the GCC and the help they got from Muslims, including many Arabs. The women who were enslaved and sold by Isis

April 7th, 2016, 3:59 am


download lagu terbaru said:

Mr. Barber, it seems the IS
propaganda machine provided you
with the proof you needed to
safisfy some sceptics.
IS weird theology is just a front for
their terrorististic, sectarian killing
The picture of their flag
superimposed on the oblisek in St.
Peter’s sqaure at the Vactican
makes for a good cover to a silly
thriller. I refuse to give any weight
to their ravings based on any
intrepretation Islam.
I am glad the UN has made a reoprt,
and I hope the leaders will be
captured and tried for genocide
and cirmes against humanity.

April 22nd, 2016, 9:43 am


saqib said:

Islam is the first religion which finished slavery in steps. the ayahs of Holy Quran are witness on this .

May 5th, 2016, 3:22 am


Hotmail sign up said:

Hir Barber,” Even a photograph of a Yazidi woman in an Arab home wouldn’t indicate that she was in fact enslaved as a “concubine.”” It’s really ridiculous. Participation in this is rational.

March 6th, 2017, 2:01 pm