Islam Comment – A New Forum by Alex

Syria Comment’s very own Alex – Camille-Alexandre Otrakji – has begun

Islam Comment

It includes a stellar line up of essayists:

Sadik Al-Azm, Mona Eltahawy, Hussein Ibish, Marc Gopin, Nasser Rabbat, Hind Kabawat, Wassim Al-Adel, Elie Elhadj, Joseph Helou, Taufiq Rahim, Nabil Beitinjaneh, Ghassan Karam, Hind Obiedin, Tarek Barakat, Jihad Bitar, Ayman Hakki

The first essay question is: “Should the West Welcome New Mosques? Should the East welcome other places of worship?”  Take a look.

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Comments (7)

Ghat Al Bird said:

Congrats to Alex and best wishes for the future to Islam Comment.

As one who has travelled and lived in North Africa and the Middle East I would be remiss if I did not suggest that the so-called Western nations consider certain facts that have been part and parcel of the Muslim world for thousands of years.

A case in point is the following: Djerba island a part of the country of Tunisia and noted as a center of the Islamic sect Al-Ibadhiyah is also noted for its Jewish minority, which has dwelt on the island for more than 2,500 years.

Most of the Djerba Jews belong to Cohanim, a tribe in Judaism, and have remained loyal Cohanim for centuries. The El Ghriba synagogue on Djerba is over 2,000 years old and is as such the oldest and one of the most famous in the world.

Again best of luck Alex.

September 16th, 2010, 9:05 am


Averroes said:

Great work, Alex.

September 16th, 2010, 10:48 am


Alex said:

Thanks Joshua!, and Thank you Ghat and Averroes. With time, Islamcomment will hopefully become a truly unbiased forum for frank but civilized discussions and to attract the most interesting and best informed community of commentators…. some of the good things that made Syria Comment what is it.

September 16th, 2010, 2:00 pm


Jihad said:

ah yes stellar essayists that apart from Sadik Al-Azm nobody knows or cares about in the Arab world and even in the Muslim-Arab community in the US! Hussein Ebish and Mona Eltahawy for God’s sake? I bet the first is praying every day that Netanyahu will take him in his arms à la Mahmoud Abbas and the second is praying for Sharon to come out of his coma.

September 18th, 2010, 9:18 pm


Alex said:


Read Wassim Al-Adel’s article, you will like it, I assure you.

As for the rest, they will not be all to your liking, the idea is to sample the whole spectrum. You did not read any thing apparently. For example Mona is strongly for building the Park51 center. Hussein Ibish is for buildig it too.

September 19th, 2010, 12:28 am


Majhool said:

I read few articles on Syria Comment and found them to be very good.

Thanks Alex for all your hard work. You media talent is to be gongratulated.

September 19th, 2010, 3:26 am


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