House Cleaning and Format Suggestions

Dear Readers,
I am preparing to move Syria Comment to another site and to migrate to Word Press instead of blogger. Here is the new site I am preparing

I would appreciate it if anyone interested would take a look and send me any ideas for how to format it or what to add – that would be a great help.

Word Press offers a more powerful software package than blogger. I will be able to categorize my posts – i.e. list them under key words, such as “opposition,” “Asad,” “Alawites,” “Kurds,” “Islam,” “Economics,” “Culture,” etc.

One can easily appreciate the advantages of such an archiving mechanism. Researchers will easily be able to access articles of interest to them by following a category. If you have suggestions for categories that will help you or that you think I should include, please post them in the comment section.

Also, if you know of interesting or better gizmos than those I use or have other suggestions about formatting or look, please write them in the comment section or send them directly to me: [email protected]. I have a tech person helping me with this for the time being, so I can add stuff and change things for another week or so before I am left to my own primitive devices.

It will cause a little turbulence as I switch over, which will not be for some time as I don’t really know how to use it properly and am still adjusting things.

I will also be able to block IP addresses on Word Press, which will help to control the amount of spam, Inshaallah. Many of you have complained about the nasty comments that get reposted many times a day. Hopefully, we will be able to zap those.

I will also be able to have recent comments listed on the sidebar.

If you know of other sites you think are particularly format friendly or after which I should model my own, send me a link. I have already admired From Beirut to the Beltway’s formating.

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