Harling on “Syria’s Dynamics” and More

Peter Harling has produced another superb analysis of where we stand in Syria. Not only does he understand Syria, but he can write. He captures Syria’s subtleties as he cuts through the spin on both sides. It is a long piece. Here are only a few excerpts. Read the entire document.

Uncharted Waters: Thinking Through Syria’s Dynamics
Middle East Briefing N°31 24 Nov 2011
Damascus/Brussels, 24 November 2011
International Crisis Group


The Syrian crisis may or may not have entered its final phase, but it undoubtedly has entered its most dangerous one to date. The current stage is defined by an explosive mix of heightened strategic stakes tying into a regional and wider international competition on the one hand and emotionally charged attitudes, communal polarisation and political wishful thinking on the other. As dynamics in both Syria and the broader international arena turn squarely against the regime, reactions are ranging from hysterical defiance on the part of its supporters, optimism among protesters that a bloody stalemate finally might end and fears of sectarian retribution or even civil war shared by many, through to triumphalism among those who view the crisis as an historic opportunity to decisively tilt the regional balance of power.

Yet, almost entirely missing is a sober assessment of the challenges provoked by these shifts and the very real risk that they could derail or even foreclose the possibility of a successful transition. In particular, five issues likely to shape events have been absent from the public debate:

  1. the fate of the Alawite community;
  2. the connection between Syria and Lebanon;
  3. the nature and implications of heightened international involvement;
  4. the long-term impact of the protest movement’s growing militarisation; and
  5. the legacy of creeping social, economic and institutional decay.

Assad has registered only two achievements, albeit highly ambivalent ones. First, the regime in effect took the Alawite minority hostage, linking its fate to its own. It did so deliberately and cynically, not least in order to ensure the loyalty of the security services which, far from being a privileged, praetorian elite corps, are predominantly composed of underpaid and overworked Alawites hailing from villages the regime has left in a state of abject underdevelopment. As unrest began, the regime staged sectarian incidents in confessionally-mixed areas as a means of bringing to the surface deeply-ingrained feelings of insecurity among Alawites who, in centuries past, had been socially marginalised, economically exploited and targets of religious discrimination.

As repression escalated in recent months, many Syrians have shifted from blaming elements of the regime, to blaming the regime as a whole and, finally, to blaming the Alawite community itself. As a result, many Alawites are now in a state of panic, leading them to embrace a regime for which most, at the start of the crisis, evinced little sympathy. Sharing analogous fears born of their minority status, large swathes of the Christian community appear to be following a similar path. The regime’s second ambiguous success was in compartmentalising its territory. Denied both mobility and control of any symbolically decisive space (notably in the capital, Damascus, and the biggest city, Aleppo), the protest movement failed to reach the critical mass necessary to establish, once and for all, that Assad has lost his legitimacy. Instead, demonstrators doggedly resisted escalating violence on the part of the security services and their civilian proxies in an ever-growing number of hotspots segregated from one another by numerous checkpoints. Within each of these separate locations, security forces turned their firepower against uncomfortably large gatherings, stalked local leadership figures, seized tools used to communicate with the outside world and resorted to collective punishment ? in some instances carrying out such gruesome scare tactics as returning victims’ desecrated bodies to their families.

However, the regime has been able to ensure such territorial control largely because the protest movement remained essentially peaceful. This allowed it to rely on numerous but lightly armed security forces and proxies, drawing on military combat troops solely for secondary missions (such as manning checkpoints) or in response to the relatively rare instances when it met organised armed resistance. This was for a reason. Over the years, the regime built up the instruments of a police state while distrusting the army ? large but poorly trained, ill-equipped and lacking esprit de corps. To minimise the risk of a military coup, Assad made sure the army stayed both weak and divided. The net result is that ? save for a few praetorian units ? it cannot be depended upon as an instrument of repression.

There are signs the regime’s formula no longer is working. Its failure to shore up its legitimacy coupled with the gap between its narrative (in which the state fights to restore law and order in the face of terrorist attacks) and everyday reality (in which security forces make no distinction between peaceful protesters and armed groups) has produced a growing number of military defectors. Civilians, hungry for protection and eager for revenge, are ever more willing to welcome, support and shelter them, making it virtually impossible for security services to root them out. In short, their brutality has provoked an incipient armed …

In several respects, Syria’s society is far better prepared for change than at the outset of the uprising. The regime’sdivide-and-rule tactics have kept most Alawites, many Christians, as well as some Druze and Sunnis on its side, but simultaneously given rise to an unprecedented sense of awareness, solidarity and responsibility among large segments of the population. After decades of suppression, civil society has emerged as a surprisingly enterprising and energised actor, providing support to those targeted by the regime and often bridging communal and geographic divides. Over time, social divisions also gradually have receded. Members of the business community have extended material assistance to protesters, and some within the middle classes belatedly have thrown in their lot with what initially had been a disproportionately working-class, proletarian uprising.

A long-apathetic youth has become politicised and is now actively engaged in the struggle, seeking to push back against some of the more thuggish and sectarian trends among protesters. The latter, through their coordination efforts, have produced incipient, discreet yet increasingly effective local leadership. Through the string of defections, the army itself may be generating the skeleton of a future, more cohesive apparatus…..

By now, there no longer is a permanent loyalist military presence in parts of Idlib, Hama and Homs governorates, a situation that enables the armed opposition to further regroup and organise. The governorates of Dayr Zor and Deraa appear on the verge of following a similar path. As defections mount and the army is under ever greater stress, there is reason to doubt that the regime can muster sufficient military resources to reverse the trend. Talk about creating safe-havens on the Turkish and Jordanian borders could soon be moot; in many ways, Syrians appear on their way to doing that on their own….

But what is emerging in those areas free of regime control?….

Inhabitant of Damascus

Ambassador Van Dam’s analysis of the options before Syria is very close to the mark. However I believe there are no only two realistic options for Syria’s medium-term future.

There is no likelihood whatsoever that Bashar al-Assad will step down or be deposed in some sort of internal coup. Those calling for him to step down (the US, UK, France, Turkey, among others) demonstrate a poor understanding of Syria. The regime needs Assad. He is their best bet in managing the international elements of the crisis, and has been instrumental in keeping Russia, China, South Africa, and India among others, actively supporting the regime despite its rampant and very nasty human rights abuses. Assad is also still very popular, particularly in Damascus and Aleppo, including having strong Christian and Druze support. So why would the regime remove him.

Assad will not step down, regardless of the economic sanctions (which will achieve nothing but the suffering and deaths of the civilian population as van Dam says). And what if he did get on a plane and go into exile (in Tehran?)? Nothing would change. For things to change and the violence to stop, a million or so Alawis (plus other regime insiders) would need to go into exile with him. It is not the removal of Assad which will usher in reform, but the removal of the entire Assad/Alawi elite.

Syria’s first option is to enable a meaningful Arab League delegaton, of some hundreds of monitors, to enter the country to help stem the violence and begin a confidence-building process with consultations aimed at a democratic transition. Assad told the ‘Sunday Times’ this week that he will hold parliamentary elections in Feb/March. This will be followed by a constitutional review, and if the post of president is part of the new constitution, presidential elections will be held and ‘the people can decide’. The best thing for Syria would be that all factions cease violence and test Assad’s promise. If he fails to deliver then he will lose what little credibility he has left. There is nothing to lose by giving him 6 months to deliver. The Arab League initiative is therefore a last chance for the regime and the country to avoid destruction.

The second option is the atatus quo – continue the present slide into civil war. This will be the inevitable outcome if the AL plan fails. Syria would become the proxy battleground for a Sunni vs Shia and a US, Israel, Saudi vs Iran, Iraq confrontation. Sanctions and violence would take a terrible toll on the civilian population. After months or years, direct outside military intervention would be inevitable. This would have hugely negative impact on the region.

The choice is stark. But why would Assad refuse the AL initiative? It would stem the violence. It would enable him to deliver on his promise of parliamentary and presidential elections. If he refuses to accept the AL initative he would do so only for two reasons. One, he has no intention whatsoever of introducing democratic reforms. Two, he does not want outsiders into the country to confirm to the world the atrocities being committed by his regime on the Syrian population. If Assad refuses this initiative, he and his regime will confirm that this is a brutal dictatorship prepared to hold on to power at enormous cost to the Syrian people. The key is that the Arab League does not allow Syria to turn the initiative into a constrained and toothless exercise, tightly controlled by Syria’s massive internal security apparatus. The intiative must be credible if the violence is to be reduced and progress is to be made.

Mohammad Said Bkheitan, Assistant Regional Secretary of al-Baath Arab Socialist Party – the highest ranking member of the Baath Party, has been replaced. He served as the point-man for Assad on dealing with the present crisis. I asked a few friends who he was and why this was such a big deal. Here is the answer I got.

The world according to Bashar al-Assad
by Ziya Meral*
24 November 2011, Thursday

Over the last few weeks, I was able to listen to a number of people who recently visited Syria and met and talked with Bashar al-Assad himself.

With such fresh personal insights into what’s inside his mind and what we have seen from his public statements of late, we are able to put together a picture of how he sees what’s happening around him.

It is clear that Assad is still confident of his stand and does not see an end to his regime. Firstly, he thinks that the White House is fooling American citizens by making public declarations of freezing his and his family’s assets in the US, but not actually pressuring Syria. Assad points out that he has no assets whatsoever in the US and President Barack Obama knows that too. He sees a US unwilling to unsettle his rule and dependent on other countries, such as Turkey. Secondly, he thinks that Israel wants him in office and that they will never back any strong campaign against him, let alone one that could lead to a crumbling Syria ruled by Islamists.

Thirdly, Assad thinks that Turkey’s pressure on him is limited and that the strong reactions shown by the Justice and Development Party (AKP) government are only for the public. He does not think there is anything else Turkey can do from now on. He believes that the Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) still hold the main power in the country and will never allow “Islamists” to take Turkey to war. Given that Syrian and Turkish rapprochement began with military relations, Assad still holds positive feelings towards the TSK. He believes that he has enough to work on with Kurds to create indirect pressure on Turkey.

Fourthly, Assad continues to hold deep mistrust towards powerful Arab countries in the region. He sees Egypt as not being a true Middle Eastern country, but a North African one. Egypt, for him, only makes noise but has no actual power or influence in the region. He sees the Gulf countries as villains. He believes that all of the booming countries, such as the UAE, Qatar and even Saudi Arabia, are doomed to collapse and fail when the petrol money runs out as they are not “real” nations. He sees Saudi Arabia as a major threat with its never ending funding of radical groups. He believes Qatar to be too ambitious but lacking any substance. Jordan, accordingly, is a small puppet kingdom for the US…..

Beyond what we see in the international media and our emotive anticipations over another Arab Spring revolution, Assad still has important levels of domestic support. The fears of radical Sunni groups not only dominating the country, but enforcing Islam on the masses, is common even among conservative Sunni Muslims, not least among the Alewites and liberals. The substantial Christian community in the country is sleepless with fear of a possible post-Assad Syria. He now publicly acknowledges that mistakes were made towards Kurds. He seems set to ensure that Kurds who were previously denied citizenship are now granted it and that they come to see themselves as Syrians.

His underlying political discourse still speaks of some sort of Pan-Arab idealism, not Syrian nationalism. He speaks of Arab unity and power, and yet what he means by that remains elusive. Just like his father, he tries to evoke Arab nationalism across the Arab world and fails to achieve it. He is acutely aware that his Arab unity discourse is pretty much limited to Lebanon and Syria and he is actually talking about Syrian influence and power, led by his family. However, his primary concern and warnings that Syria will be overtaken by Islamists echo a significant portion of his countrymen and fellow Arabs in other countries as well as worried eyes in Europe and North America. He still has a winning argument built on these fears to legitimize his brutal crackdown on “rebels.”

Assad is not wrong in some of his readings of his neighborhood. He is masterfully aware of the fears of the majority of Syrians, most of who want the turbulent days to end so that they can go back to their normal lives and feel safe again. The “uprising” in Syria does not seem to have reached the critical mass needed to topple the Assad regime, and the armed forces and intelligence services remain faithful and in tact. Regional dynamics still maintain support for Syria, as well as the animosities that Syria has learned to live with and navigate through for the last 20 years. The chaotic Syrian opposition is not in a place to challenge and replace him in the near future. In fact, some of their protests and signs of militant attacks are not welcomed widely. In other words, there is no immediate major change on the horizon, at least not yet.

Civil war in Syria must be averted
The country urgently needs the intervention of a high-powered, neutral, contact group to stop the killing on both sides
By Patrick Seale, Special to Gulf News

Q&A: Syria’s daring actress
Fadwa Soliman, an Alawite who became an icon in the uprising against Bashar al-Assad, speaks to Al Jazeera from hiding.
Basma Atassi Last Modified: 24 Nov 2011

….Q: What made you go to Homs and lead an anti-government demonstration?

A: Homs is a city in siege, the number of the martyrs is large, and tanks have separated its districts. Moreover, Syrian regime has been trying to create sectarian tensions between people. All these reasons prompted me to Homs under the sounds of bullets and presence of tanks, risking everything in my life.

I just wanted to go just to say we Syrians are one people. I wanted to contradict the narrative of the regime and show people that there is no sectarianism in Syria. I wanted it to stop its lie that those who protest are armed groups, foreign agents or radical Islamists….

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Comments (375)

Uzair8 said:

The World Politics & The World End
Sheikh Nazim
22nd Nov 2011

Video (choose english subtitles): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z76gIUEWvcQ&feature=player_embedded

Or script:

{G = Guest. M = Maulana Sheikh Nazim.}

G: Can Turkey enter Syria?

M: Yes they can. They can, but it also gets them into trouble. When they enter, the Russians will come down on the Turks! There is a place there. There is a plain in Iskenderun. There will be a great battle there. This is something written in our old books. Allah’s wisdom….It is Allah’s wisdom (Hikma)… They call it “the plain of Amuq”. It is behind Latakia (Syria). It was a marsh area. When Turkey invaded that area, they drained the marshland.

In the Hadith of the Prophet (SAS), it is said that a great battle will take place there. It says, “Banu Asfar with 80 flags..” When it says Banu Asfar it means the armies of the yellow people. We call them blonde people, “Russian”. These people will come down there from up. It says, “a force from Sham will come” which is as many as theirs. 80 flags will come from there aswell. Aproximately, 200 division of soldiers will clash there. One third of the muslims will be martyred. The second one third cannot last & will draw back. Finally the last one third remains and Allah makes them victorious. They defeat the armies of the yellow nation and drive them all the way to Istanbul. No man remains from them in Anatolia. None from them remains…

This fitna has began in Syria now. Allah’s Wisdom. Alawis are all in the upper region. And, the only place Russia uses as a base is Latakia. Their Navy cannot settle anywhere, it only settles to there. I heard many years ago there are 4000 tanks there.

Read more:


November 25th, 2011, 10:26 am


Uzair8 said:

Prof Landis.

I thought the blog filters out ‘Bots’:


How did they get through?


November 25th, 2011, 11:06 am


N.Z. said:


The morality of the Hadith, it is easy to conquer a divided people.

Wisdom through unity will prevail, we are smarter.

All these scenarios are scare tactics. The west wants Assad, it was clear from day one. The AL headed by Qatar is the sugar coated arm of the west. Saudi Arabia’s king babbled once. Assad is our traitor, he is their man.

This revolution will not stop. In Homs, daily massacres are taking place, with every martyr, the people are becoming more determined, our people.

November 25th, 2011, 11:06 am


norman said:

Juergen ,

I understand your German experience , but Arab nationalism was not used by Syria to hate others

I agree with you that Arab nationalism is under attack by the people who wants Syria to care about Syria only and these people helped recently by the position of the AL and is attacked by the supporters of the Islamic nation that would prefer Turkey to Iraq, for obvious reasons,


As long as the Syrian people are not together on what kind of country they want and the separation of Church, Mosque and state , Syria is probably heading toward breakup, I hope that i am wrong.

November 25th, 2011, 11:26 am


majedkhaldoun said:

Free Syrian Army is our SAVIOUR
Ryad Al As’ad is the leader of FSA
Turkey,KSA,Egypt are three natural leaders of the middle East
Syrian are proud of their religion.Moslem and Christians.
Syrian are proud of Arabic Nationality.

Those who attack Arab nationality,they will be surprised, this revolutions in different Arab countries,will lead us to unity among Arab,as we get rid of Dictators who are the main obstacle that prevent us from unifying, now we will have democratic goverments, they will listen to the people, who want UNITY,these revolutions are the best way to realize what Baath original philosephers called for, ,
Democracy will lead to Unity.
Those who attack Arabic nationality are afraid of these revolutions.
The main obstacle for unity were those dictators.I AM VERY OPTIMISIC.
Again those who say Syria is not Arab are just stupid,

November 25th, 2011, 11:54 am


majedkhaldoun said:

Why are the people demonstrating in Cairo?there will be election soon,There will be elected representative soon,those can choose a prime minester who will have the power,and they will choose a president and remove the military junta away.

November 25th, 2011, 12:18 pm


Tara said:

Any news if Syria signed the AL’s protocol? I thought the new deadline was 12 noon.

November 25th, 2011, 12:24 pm


norman said:


The Arab league blinked they postponed the deadline, Syria did not sign ,


Because Chaos is the picture for all these revolutions, i agree have the election and new government , what we see in Egypt is just another example that even if Syria announces election next week we will see what we see now,

November 25th, 2011, 12:29 pm


jad said:

Goebbels disciples tackle Syria

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November 25th, 2011, 12:32 pm


majedkhaldoun said:

Don’t you agree that Arab unity was impossible because of Arab dictators ,each one want to keep his seat cand power?

It is postponed till tonight. just few hours.

November 25th, 2011, 12:35 pm


norman said:


I agree about the Arab unity need to have Democracy, but peacefully established ones, otherwise it will be fragmentations not unity

November 25th, 2011, 12:38 pm


jad said:


“As long as the Syrian people are not together on what kind of country they want”
Just compare the fathers of Syria independence from the Ottomans and from the French to those of today who are bending over begging for Syria to be occupied by no other than the Ottomans and the French and for the killing of all Syrians to intensify just to prove their criminal point, to recognize where this movement is taking Syria to.

November 25th, 2011, 12:43 pm


Tara said:

Heard it on Aljazeera:

????? ???? ????? ???? ????? ?????? ???? ???? ?? ????? ????? ??????? ????? ????

What is wrong with these AL’ men?  What are they afraid of? It is very clear that Bashar is criminal.  Testosterone deficiency?  That is a treatable condition.

November 25th, 2011, 12:47 pm


Tara said:

New slogan from demonstrators today:

?? ????? ?? ???? ???? ????

This is heartbreaking!  

November 25th, 2011, 12:55 pm


norman said:


you sound like a chauvinist male, Are you?!.

November 25th, 2011, 12:56 pm


Syrian Nationalist Party said:

“……..It is not the removal of Assad which will usher in reform, but the removal of the entire Assad/Alawi elite….”

Well, this has been the most contentious item in SNP committee debates for the last month. The majority sees it as the Ambassador does; I and few others see it as the “Removal of Baath Party” is the most necessary element in bringing reform. This is because Bashar is not averse to bringing change and reform but the Baathists and its minion leaders are.

“……..among Alawites, who, in centuries past, had been socially marginalized, economically exploited and targets of religious discrimination…..”

This is like Zionist Khazzars screaming anti Semitism whenever someone disagreed with what they are plotting. There is no truth to this, it is a silly myth. They may have seen themselves in that prism, but Syrians Sunnis or Christians did not see them as they falsely claim. They had own nobilities families that acquired titles such as Agha and are represented in the Syrian parliament with more than fair share. They were backward thinking and controlled by the village religious head who kept them mentally and culturally in backward state to preserve their power and Alawite identity. It was not Sunni who imposed on them this backwardness. Their economic lack of development is because Syria at the time barely managing to resurrect from French Occupation and launch a Modern State and Alawites refused to develop their agriculture fields for some reason, which at that time were the main source of revenue for Syrians.

“……..The best thing for Syria would be that all factions cease violence and test Assad’s promise. If he fails to deliver then he will lose what little credibility he has left. There is nothing to lose by giving him 6 months to deliver….”

Assad promises so far are empty, sly and superficial, no one, no opposition member can benefits from it unless he is one on the inside Baathist belt. Yes, we must give him six more months, even 14 months to satisfy the reasonable demands Syrians are dying for.

“…….His underlying political discourse still speaks of some sort of Pan-Arab idealism, not Syrian nationalism…”

Arabism so entrenched in his mind that even to this day he will not abolish Visa free entry to Syria for Arabs, all those Moslem terrorists are getting in with no one checking upon their background. He would not even temporarily suspend such Visa free program under this emergency in Syria.

November 25th, 2011, 12:56 pm


jad said:

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November 25th, 2011, 12:57 pm


irritated said:

Majed Alkhaldoon

“Why are the people demonstrating in Cairo?”

They don’t want the Moslem Brotherhood to win these rushed elections because they suspect that the MB are going to make deals with the army to share power: A military-religious democracy ( double authoritarian).
Get ready for a bumpy road..

November 25th, 2011, 12:59 pm


Amir in Tel Aviv said:

The Alawi junta and the regime beneficiaries should have asked for protection BEFORE they massacred thousands of Syrians. Not after.
Some one will have to pay for the crimes that the junta has committed. Otherwise the message would be that Arab blood is cheap.

November 25th, 2011, 1:02 pm


irritated said:

#12 Tara

“Testosterone deficiency? That is a treatable condition.”

The AL needs real women, not men with a robe and low testosterone

November 25th, 2011, 1:06 pm


Observer said:

First some statistics
Here they are from a commentator on AJ

???? ????? ?? ?????? – ???? ???? ???????? ???? ?? ?????? – ???? ???? ???? ?? ?????? – ???? ???? ????????? ?? ????? ????? ?????? ?? ?????? – ???? ????? ????? ?? ?????? – ???? ??????? ????? ????????? ??????? ?? ?????? – ??? ??? ??????? ???????? ?? ?????? ???? ????? ??? ???? ??? – ???? ???? ?? ??? ????????? ??????? ????? ?? ?????? . – ???? ????? ?? ?????? – ???? ???? ?? ?????? – ???? ???? ????? ???????? ?? ?????? –
This is Syria in a nutshell.
The mentality is a siege mentality.
The questions that I pose are as follows:
Is it the economy stupid?
Is it the loyalty of the troops?
Is it the sectarian divide?
Is the minorities phobias?
Is it the stubborness of the ruling family?
I see no strategy as I read pro regime sites whether it is Sana or Cham Press or Lebanese newspapers and even goint through the cut and paste reports from around the world praising the regime.
Is it hunker down and let the storm pass?

How is it possible that the leadership cannot see that the state is a failed state and that they have no means to address their people’s aspirations? People are dumping Syrian pounds. 9 months have not quelled the uprising. As a matter of fact the uprising is spreading slowly and surely. There is a glimpse of the coming civil war in the Homs area. All of this talk today is from intellectuals that think that the regime has a strategy. It does not it has one motto “either I rule you or I kill you”. This post today is hogwash.

November 25th, 2011, 1:08 pm


Tara said:


No. I am the gay girl in Damascus, remember?

Men should behave as such. Indecisiveness and whining is more like girly stuff. The AL delivering an egg instead of a bull and Erdogan and his brass whine and whine every day but do nothing.

November 25th, 2011, 1:11 pm


irritated said:

@215. N.Z.

A small addition to your statement

“Only under your two idols, Syrians have been turned to refugees in their homeland and abroad, massacred and turned to strangers, intruders and infiltrators.

“Only under your two idols, THE SAUDI-QATAR AND THE PRO-ISRAEL WESTERN COUNTRIES, Syrians have been turned to refugees in their homeland and abroad, massacred and turned to strangers, intruders and infiltrators.

November 25th, 2011, 1:18 pm


norman said:


That turned up to be a man, No,
I was getting to like you.

November 25th, 2011, 1:27 pm


Tara said:

Irritated @19

“The AL needs real women, not men with a robe and low testosterone”

Ah…And Syria need a real man not a half-man.

I am very much in favor of dress revolution.  Men with suits not ropes and women with Jeans and the H word.  I can’t elaborate any further.  Someone I really love advised me to stay firm and I am therefore trying to.

Also, you asked me yesterday to provide you a video link showing the army shooting randomly. There were many. If you haven’t seen them yet, you will never see ’em so what is the point?

November 25th, 2011, 1:30 pm


irritated said:


“If you haven’t seen them yet, you will never see ‘em so what is the point?”

No point. I was sure you couldn’t point me to any. I have seen a myriad of phoney and shaky videos but none was conclusive. I made my point. No more points.

November 25th, 2011, 1:35 pm


norman said:


how do explain the lack of new videos fro Revlon, there were many of them early on ,

November 25th, 2011, 1:39 pm


Tara said:


Norman, Ah..thank you. As long as you know that I can’t like anyone more than I like Why-discuss. I am just being honest…I am so mad at him though, having been on vacation for the last 4 months while we are having a revolution. I gave up on him.

November 25th, 2011, 1:49 pm


zoo said:

After the fake ‘attack’ on the Baath building, another denial from the FSA about their responsibility in the killings of the 6 pilots today: It was a fake Facebook hoax…


“An armed terrorist group undertook an evil assassination plot that martyred six pilots, a technical officer and three other personnel on an air force base between Homs and Palmyra,” a military spokesman was quoted as saying.

Reports on Thursday suggested that military defectors from the Free Syrian Army (FSA) had said they carried out the attack, but an FSA spokesman later denied responsibility in a BBC interview.

The spokesman, Maher Al-Rahmoun al-Naaimi, said the claim had actually been posted on a fake Facebook page set up in the group’s name by Syrian intelligence.

November 25th, 2011, 1:51 pm


norman said:

I agree, WD is a champ, i miss him too. i hope that he will come back,

November 25th, 2011, 1:52 pm


ss said:


Tara said ” I am very much in favor of dress revolution. Men with suits not ropes and women with Jeans and the H word. I can’t elaborate any further. Someone I really love advised me to stay firm and I am therefore trying to”

Where is the jeans Tara is talking about. I am afraid if you personally see her you may find her burried in many robes and dresses. Again she represents the Islamic resolution of Syria.

Do you see any jeans here in this video taken from the Islamic Syrioan revolution women:

How about this one of the top fashion women. Please do not be fooled by what people say here on this forum. See the Jeans for yourself


I just took this video quickly becasue I do not have time to spend as others here do. I have a life on the contrary to other people who seems to forgot they have even kids to raise, or daughters. I wonder what is left for the poor daughter if moms spend 24/7 on net. That should raise some concerns, dont you agree?

In this one, women are with men hand in hand supporting Assad.

November 25th, 2011, 1:58 pm


ss said:

This is more videos of the Syrian Islamic Alah Wa Akbar Syrian women. As you can see women are dressed and the H word. I think some here are detached from reality.


November 25th, 2011, 2:05 pm


zoo said:

From the French specialist on Syria, Fabrice Balanche

25 Novembre 2011
L’Orient-Le Jour: Comment les inégalités sociales et spatiales alimentent la révolte anti-Assad

20 novembre 2011
“Une intervention militaire en Syrie serait incertaine et contre-productive”

November 25th, 2011, 2:08 pm


jad said:

It’s the usual game, they do their crimes or say something horrible then their media ‘masters’ will tell them that it was a mistake so they either deny it or blame it on their FB site being ‘hacked’..it’s too obvious, even the comment by the mighty FSA leader when he propose to bomb the Alalwite’s villages at Alarabiya, they deny it the next day, the same thing with the MB when they called for turkey to occupy Syria, the next day they announce that the view of Sa2fe is his own…Ghalyoun’s statements are treated the same way… denied!

I think that Why Discuss was a crook!, I’m glad that he is not around any more, he was/is a very bad man.

November 25th, 2011, 2:10 pm


ss said:

This is Montreal guys, Montreal, you would imagine that this is the place where Jeans and H word woudl be appropriate: Look at the fashion in Montreal. This is the Islamic revolution of Syria demonstration in Montreal. See for yourself:


These are who support Bashar Al Assad: Secular men and women one hand, one soul, where sectarian has no space. These are the secular people that Syria enjoyed for the many years. I think you should look here to see tha fashion. I hope will be able to free the women of Syria from Radical 3ara3eeer islamists


November 25th, 2011, 2:24 pm


MK JCNJ said:

It’s not like the Syrian government is as isolated as the corporate media – including Al Jazeera – projects.

Anti-imperialists – those who oppose the U.S./NATO project worldwide – understand quite clearly what is going on in Syria. You can draw a line from the successful breakup of multinational Yugoslavia in the 1990’s, the failed coup against the Bolivarian Revolution in Venezuela in 2002, the so-called Color Revolutions in Ukraine, Georgia and Lebanon of a few years ago and most recently the Benghazi solution in Libya. Only a fool would not recognize the role the CIA and Pentagon played.

The ALBA countries of Latin America, South Africa, China, Cuba, and trade unions in the Middle East are closely watching this most sophisticated imperialist campaign for the implications it has for them. For example, presidential elections are coming up in Venezuela next year and the Yanquis can be expected to launch a pro-imperialist media and internet campaign using all the lessons learned in Syria.

The Syrian people can work things out without U.S./NATO intervention. They do not need a solution that can only lead to sectarian militias and foreign occupation and domination.

November 25th, 2011, 2:26 pm


ss said:


“The Syrian people can work things out without U.S./NATO intervention. They do not need a solution that can only lead to sectarian militias and foreign occupation and domination”

Thank you for the valuable post

November 25th, 2011, 2:38 pm


irritated said:

If the sanctions on Syria are going to be as widely followed and effective as the boycott of Israel organized by the same Arab League, Bashar can sleep very well.

November 25th, 2011, 2:48 pm


zoo said:

SNC and NCC promise to merge into a unified “Congress” in days


They have also been urging Syria’s notoriously divided opposition to unite on a single political platform, something Hasan Abdul Azeem, chairman of the NCC said was likely to happen “in days not weeks”.

“We have been holding meetings with the SNC in Cairo and we are working on a joint position,” he said in an interview in Damascus on Thursday, suggesting the coalition might call itself the “Syrian National Congress”.

One of the key sticking points between the groups has been the issue of international military intervention. The NCC, which is based in Damascus, has unequivocally set itself against such moves while the overseas-based SNC had been ambivalent.

Now, however, they appear close to agreement that while there should be no foreign military intervention, some form of humanitarian intervention under UN and Arab League auspices would be acceptable.

“Unity between the SNC and the NCC will make the opposition stronger and more coherent, and that will only add to the growing pressure on the authorities,” said an independent analyst in Damascus.

November 25th, 2011, 2:55 pm


majedkhaldoun said:

Those who were killed (pilot generals) between Tudmur and Homs,it turned out they were killed by the regime,as they were planning to defect.
Whoever said they were killed by the FSA is fabricating and certainly wrong.

November 25th, 2011, 2:56 pm


Tara said:

Syria economy turns inward upon unrest

Thursday, November 24, 2011
Sammy Ketz
DAMASCUS / Agence France-Presse

‘We don’t expect all Arab countries to yield or participate in sanctions,’ says al Shaar.
Facing its worst economic crisis, Syria is banking on boosting self-sufficiency to overcome sanctions, Economy Minister Mohammed Nidal al-Shaar told Agence France-Presse yesterday.

“This is not an easy crisis. It’s the worst in our recent history because it is immediately affecting the Syrian citizen – it’s affecting the street, it’s affecting factories, it’s affecting the business community,” Shaar said.

The United States and European Union have imposed strict economic sanctions on Syria, where the United Nations estimates more than 3,500 people have been killed since March as the regime cracks down on a popular revolt.

The Arab League is scheduled to meet Saturday to discuss economic measures against Syria, a move that could sound the death knell for an economy which depends on its Arab neighbors for half of its exports and a quarter of its imports. While the 54-year-old trade and economy minister is bracing for such a scenario, he doubts the potential sanctions will be implemented by all Arab states.

“We don’t expect all Arab countries to yield or participate in sanctions,” Shaar said. “We are almost certain that some Arab countries will not participate.”

In a recent interview with Saudi economic daily Al-Iktisadiya, the Arab League’s assistant secretary-general for economic affairs Mohammed Twaijiri announced a string of measures likely to tighten the noose around Syria’s already reeling economy. The measures include will bank transfers, freezing of assets and suspension of Syria from the Greater Arab Free Trade Area. But Lebanon was the first to announce it would not endorse any sanctions by the Arab League against Syria.

The minister, who holds a Ph.D. in economics from the George Washington University, said the agriculture and food sectors should be revived along with local factories that shut down a result of a free trade agreement with Turkey.

“It is very important to us today to have a labor plan, to get our employees back to work,” Shaar said. “This is our job as a government, regardless of the crisis.”

Thursday, November 24, 2011

November 25th, 2011, 3:00 pm


Mango said:

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(??????? ?????)

November 25th, 2011, 3:02 pm


zoo said:

Syria and the unfolding hegemonic game
Nima Khorrami Assl Last Modified: 25 Nov 2011 09:27


A new strategic alliance has formed, Ankara and Riyadh against Tehran, all trying to gain influence over Damascus.

London, UK – In spite of mounting international and regional pressure on Bashar al-Assad’s regime, there is still no real prospect of a quick end to the on-going instability and instead Syria is set to enter a long and bloody civil war. And as political stalemate continues, a genuinely regional hegemonic contest between Iran, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey over this small but strategically important nation has begun to unfold.

Since the fall of Mubarak, Saudis have decided to drastically reduce their reliance on the US for securing their foreign policy interests. Riyadh has not only begun to strengthen its armed forces, but it has also decided to use its petro-dollar more aggressively seeking to buy influence in return for the provision of generous financial assistance. Capitalising on Egypt’s weakness, moreover, Saudi has assumed the leading role in the Arab League to the extent that many Arab observers see the League today as “an extension of the GCC”. Finally, preferring evolution to revolution, Saudis have crushed revolutionary movements in Bahrain and Yemen albeit via different means.

Turkey’s continued economic growth in the face of the current global crisis, its remarkable success in achieving societal cohesion by needling the gap between secular and religious forces, and its boosted standing on the world stage as a role model for Arab revolutionaries, on the other hand, have enhanced her assertiveness. Today, Turkish leadership is keen to behave “as a kind of independent regional power similar to the democratic members of the BRICS”. To this end, Ankara has sought to expand ties with Egypt in order to defuse any potential Arab criticism of its hegemonic tendencies. According to the Turkish Foreign Minister, “a partnership between Turkey and Egypt could create a new, democratic axis of power”.

Lacking Turkey’s democratic appeal amongst the Arab public and Saudi’s money, Tehran has followed a different path seeking to strengthen its alliance system as opposed to trying to expand its influence into new theatres. And as American troops begin their withdrawal, Iran’s influence in Iraq is set to rise even further especially that Ankara is more interested in intra-Kurdish affairs and Saudi appears to have abandoned Shia Iraq altogether. Iran’s influence in Lebanon will also go unchallenged as Hezbollah continues to dominate the Lebanese politics. This leaves Syria as the first theatre in which this regional hegemonic game will begin to fold out.

Syria is important to Iran for two broad reasons. Firstly, it is the link between Iran and Hizbullah. Assad’s fall will therefore be a massive blow to Iran’s foreign policy by greatly reducing Tehran geopolitical reach. Given the Iranian regime’s own unpopularity, secondly, Tehran fears that Assad’s fall could dangerously revitalize Iran’s own anti-government movement. Saudis, on the other hand, are eager to see an end to the Assad’s rule not least because he is an Alawi. Moreover, Assad’s demise will enable Saudi to challenge Tehran in Lebanon with greater ease. For its part, Turkey is mainly concerned with the Syrian situation because it shares a long border with Syria, and that on-going instability in Syria could have destabilising effects on Turkey’s own Kurdish population. Also, Ankara knows all too well that Assad’s hold on power could mean a near-total loss of its investment in Syria. This is not to mention that there has been a historical rivalry between Iran and Turkey over Syria dating back to the Ottoman-Safavid era.

Currently, Turkey and Saudi seem to have entered a tactical alliance against Iran by supporting the Muslim Brotherhood and calling on Assad to resign. Yet it is not at all clear if this alliance will achieve its desired outcome. It could in fact crumble over time. Ankara and Riyadh have opposing interests in Egypt. Saudis prefer a strong presence of military and Mubarak-era personalities in the government, whereas Turkey favours a newly and democratically elected government in place as soon as possible. Given Cairo’s dire financial needs, Saudis are more likely to obtain the upper hand there which will almost certainly antagonise Ankara. More importantly, as US is preparing to leave Iraq, there are already reports of tension between Kurdish and Iraqi security forces along the trigger line. If the civil war in Syria and the US departure lead to the revival of independence discourses amongst the Kurds, Turkey should then be expected to join forces with Iran so to preserve Iraq and Syria’s unity even if that means supporting Bashar al-Assad.

Interestingly, as the United States reorients its foreign policy focus towards the Asia Pacific, this rivalry is the clearest indication of how the future regional order will look like: a multipolar system with Iran, Saudi, Turkey, and Egypt, once it stands on its feet again, as its poles. And as this new order takes shape, one can be certain that there will be more instability ahead, and the greatest challenge facing these would-be powers will be the regulation of their rivalries.

Nima Khorrami Assl is a security analyst at Transnational Crisis Project, London. His areas of interest and expertise include the Middle East, Political Islam and De-radicalisation, China, Caucuses, Energy Security and Geopolitics.

November 25th, 2011, 3:09 pm


Uzair8 said:

Prof Landis.

I thought the blog filters out ‘Bots’:


How did they get through?


PS I just posted this a minute ago and it jumped to #2

November 25th, 2011, 3:11 pm


Uzair8 said:

Robert Fisk: Exile dreams of a bloodless return after a life spent opposing Assad regime

Opposition leader Khaled Khoja tells our writer in Istanbul why revenge is not on the table

Friday 25 November 2011


November 25th, 2011, 4:19 pm


Khalid Tlass said:

What the FSA needs at this moment are more heavy arms, like some Grad-21 rockets and launchers, ATGMs, Igla SA-7 and SA-13 surface-to-air shoulder-fired missiles ( MANPADS ) to take out helicopters; Dragunov sniper rifles, some BTR-60s and BMP-2 armoured fighting vehicles, and maybe a few T-55 tanks thrown in the bargain.

At this moment they are desperately outgunned, they are fighting with basic, light infantry weapons like AKS, RPK light machineguns, RPG-7s, a few PKM s here and there, there is a lack of enough vehicles , if they have 70-80 technicals mountd with DsHk heavy machine guns and the weaponry cited above, we assure you the regime forces will be defeated WITHIN 1 WEEK

November 25th, 2011, 4:24 pm


Khalid Tlass said:

What the FSA needs at this moment are more heavy arms, like some Grad-21 rockets and launchers, ATGMs, Igla SA-7 and SA-13 surface-to-air shoulder-fired missiles ( MANPADS ) to take out helicopters; Dragunov sniper rifles, some BTR-60s and BMP-2 armoured fighting vehicles, and maybe a few T-55 tanks thrown in the bargain.

At this moment they are desperately outgunned, they are fighting with basic, light infantry weapons like AKS, RPK light machineguns, RPG-7s, a few PKM s here and there, there is a lack of enough vehicles , if they have 70-80 technicals mounted with DsHk heavy machine guns and the weaponry cited above, we assure you the regime forces will be defeated WITHIN 1 WEEK …. defections will snowball, people will be leaving for Cyprus in leaky boats from Tartous, the regime will collapse.

November 25th, 2011, 4:28 pm


Uzair8 said:

This regime has been particularly brutal.

It is due to this exceptional brutality that the regime has blown any chance of compromise.

From the latest R. Fisk article (#45) it seems the Russians are still hoping for compromise from the opposition. No way. Assad has blown it:

‘Khoja has no illusions about Russia’s support for Syria. “The Russians talk to us,” he says. “They are trying to convince us to have a compromise with Bashar al-Assad and give him a chance.’

November 25th, 2011, 4:46 pm


Khalid Tlass said:

It is extremely difficult for saudi Arabia, Turkey, Qatar, etc. to impose any meaningful sanctions on regime personalities, because there is huge conflict of interest involved. between 1990 and 2005, SYRIA actually was in Saudi Arabia’s sphere of influence and Saudi Arabia’s main ally after KSA’s alliance with Saddam collapsed and Hafez entered the Gulf War on Saudi side. There was actually a mild, temporary collapse of Syrian-iranian foreing and military relations between 1990 and 2005, mostly becoz Iran itself was ruled by moderates with little interest in geopolitics. During this period, old man HAFEZ opened up the country to the GCC sheikhs, Salafis were allowed to open shop in a big way, and Sunni bouqs like Mustafa Tlass and his son Firas set up solid business relations with the Saudis and GCC. In fact the Syrian regime came to closely identify with KSA foreign policy – one best example was how anxious they were in fueling the Iraqi Sunni insurgency – as the Saudis thought a Sunni Baathist regime in Iraq is the best way to contain Iranian expansionism in Middle East, they successfully duped Assad to fueling the insurgency using Firas Tlass’s business connections, Mustafa Tlass as Defence Minister was instrumental in organizing openeing of Iraqi-Syrian border, freeing Islamist prisoners from Sednaya, recruiting poor Palestinian refugees from Damscus and training them for the insurgency. ( Iy wasd alos a clever plan of getting rid of Islamist elements in Syria once and for all).

It was only after Ahmadinejad’s election victory in 2005 – essentially the victory of the IRGC and the jingoistic Iranian elements – that Iran told Assad “NO WAY” and so Assad stopped funding the Iraqi Sunni insurgency, cracked down on Islamists and Salafists and locked them up, dismissed Tlass as Defense Minsiter and organized a clean-up of the Army and security apparatus. From then on relations with Saudis worsened, (the Saudis hit back with the Cedar Revolution in Lebanon, ofcourse)

Anyway, that is beside the point. The point is the business relations between Assad regime figures and regime figures of the GCC is very deep, very entrenched. I can show you photos of Firas Tlass, hanging out with the King of Bahrain, Emir Hamad – the most pro-American leader in the Gulf, what a farce. In fact, King Hamad of Bahrain wears shorts and tennis dress whenever he visits Firas, such is the friendship. So, basically, I am very sceptical about the effectiveness of any A.L sanctions. You got to understand that these GCC leaders ( who one Doctor on SC calls “goat princes”) have very deep relations with Assad regime figures, and basically, they have to sacrifice a LOT if they want to impose any real effective sanctions. Will they sacrifice their personal interests for the blood of the martyrs ? I don;t think so.

FSA is the real and only hope, we will finish this ourselves, the same way Khalid ibn Walid conquered Syria from the Greek devils, back in 636 AD.

November 25th, 2011, 4:50 pm


Khalid Tlass said:

UZAIR, ShiaChat has been hacked by Salfi cyber Army, did you see ?

November 25th, 2011, 4:51 pm


Tara said:

Children torture in Syria.  Has any other regime in the history of the world tortured children?


Children are being “tortured and mutilated” in Syria, a United Nations agency said Friday.

“These generalised abuses are allegedly conducted under direct orders from public authorities, at their instigation or with their consent or acquiescence,” Claudio Grossman, leader of the UN Committee on Torture stated in an emailed statement to journalists.

The statement contained no specific allegations relating to the torture of children.

The Syrian Arab Republic says that “juvenile offenders are not given criminal records and are not subjected to capital punishment,” according to the committee, but that Syrian law “only applies to children under the age of 15.”

“The State party should classify all persons under 18 as juveniles in order to extend the protection offered by the Juvenile Act,” the UN agency said.

The UN agency called on the Syrian government to cooperate more fully with the United Nations by permitting “visits by the Special Rapporteur on torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, the Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of human rights while countering terrorism, the Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions and the Working Group on Arbitrary Detention and the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights defenders.

In October, the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child expressed its “deepest concern over credible, corroborated and consistent reports of gross violations of children’s rights which are being committed since the start of the uprising in March 2011, including arbitrary arrests and detentions, killings of children during demonstrations, torture and ill treatment.”

The agency also called for the repeal of laws “affecting notably the rights of girls and children born out of wedlock.”

The agency also asked Syria to outlaw child marriages, stating its “Personal Status Code authorizes even earlier marriages as it allows the judge to lower the age of marriage of boys to 15 years and of girls to 13 years if they are considered willing parties to the marriage, ‘physically mature,’ and if the father or grandfather consents.”

November 25th, 2011, 4:57 pm


Uzair8 said:

@50 Khalid Tlass

I just checked after you told us about it.

I don’t know what to think. I post on Shiachat and don’t agree with hacking them. It is actually a funny hack with the Sheikh Imran Hosein video (Imam Mahdi related).

November 25th, 2011, 4:59 pm


Tara said:

30 killed in Syria on Friday. 40 killed in Syria on Thursday.

November 25th, 2011, 5:07 pm


Khalid Tlass said:

What the FSA needs at this moment are more heavy arms, like some Grad-21 rockets and launchers, ATGMs, Igla SA-7 and SA-13 surface-to-air shoulder-fired missiles ( MANPADS ) to take out helicopters; Dragunov sniper rifles, some BTR-60s and BMP-2 armoured fighting vehicles, and maybe a few T-55 tanks thrown in to the bargain.

At this moment they are desperately outgunned, they are fighting with basic, light infantry weapons like AKS, RPK light machineguns, RPG-7s, a few PKM s here and there, there is a lack of enough vehicles , if they have 70-80 technicals mounted with DsHk heavy machine guns and the weaponry cited above, we assure you the regime forces will be defeated WITHIN 1 WEEK …. defections will snowball, people will be leaving for Cyprus in leaky boats from Tartous, the regime will collapse.

November 25th, 2011, 5:17 pm


Khalid Tlass said:

It is extremely difficult for Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Qatar, etc. to impose any meaningful sanctions on regime personalities, because there is huge conflict of interest involved. between 1990 and 2005, SYRIA actually was in Saudi Arabia’s sphere of influence and Saudi Arabia’s main ally after KSA’s alliance with Saddam collapsed and Hafez entered the Gulf War on Saudi side. There was actually a mild, temporary collapse of Syrian-iranian foreing and military relations between 1990 and 2005, mostly becoz Iran itself was ruled by moderates with little interest in geopolitics. During this period, old man HAFEZ opened up the country to the GCC sheikhs, Salafis were allowed to open shop in a big way, and Sunni bouqs like Mustafa Tlass and his son Firas set up solid business relations with the Saudis and GCC. In fact the Syrian regime came to closely identify with KSA foreign policy – one best example was how anxious they were in fueling the Iraqi Sunni insurgency – as the Saudis thought a Sunni Baathist regime in Iraq is the best way to contain Iranian expansionism in Middle East, they successfully duped Assad to fueling the insurgency using Firas Tlass’s business connections, Mustafa Tlass as Defence Minister was instrumental in organizing openeing of Iraqi-Syrian border, freeing Islamist prisoners from Sednaya, recruiting poor Palestinian refugees from Damscus and training them for the insurgency. ( Iy wasd alos a clever plan of getting rid of Islamist elements in Syria once and for all).

It was only after Ahmadinejad’s election victory in 2005 – essentially the victory of the IRGC and the jingoistic Iranian elements – that Iran told Assad “NO WAY” and so Assad stopped funding the Iraqi Sunni insurgency, cracked down on Islamists and Salafists and locked them up, dismissed Tlass as Defense Minsiter and organized a clean-up of the Army and security apparatus. From then on relations with Saudis worsened, (the Saudis hit back with the Cedar Revolution in Lebanon, ofcourse)

Anyway, that is beside the point. The point is the business relations between Assad regime figures and regime figures of the GCC is very deep, very entrenched. I can show you photos of Firas Tlass, hanging out with the King of Bahrain, Emir Hamad – the most pro-American leader in the Gulf, what a farce. In fact, King Hamad of Bahrain wears shorts and tennis dress whenever he visits Firas, such is the friendship. So, basically, I am very sceptical about the effectiveness of any A.L sanctions. You got to understand that these GCC leaders ( who one Doctor on SC calls “goat princes”) have very deep relations with Eye Doctor regime figures, and basically, they have to sacrifice a LOT if they want to impose any real effective sanctions. Will they sacrifice their personal interests for the blood of the martyrs ? I don’t think so.

FSA is the real and only hope, we will finish this ourselves, the same way Khalid ibn Walid conquered Syria from the Greek devils, back in 636 AD.

November 25th, 2011, 5:19 pm


NK said:


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November 25th, 2011, 6:07 pm


Mango said:

The American aircraft carrier has closely approached to maritime belt of Syria
News | 25.11.2011 | 12:34

The American aircraft carrier has closely approached to maritime belt of Syria. The similar step of the USA has already caused various gamble concerning the future mode of Bashara Asada.

It is specified that it is a question of “George Bush” – last of the floated aircraft carriers of a class “Nimits”. The ship with board number CVN 77 is named in honor of 41st US president D.Busha of the senior. Aircraft carriers of the given class – the greatest military ships at world ocean, their displacement makes more than 90 thousand tons. Besides artillery and rocket arms its basic shock power is made by 70 units aircraft technicians, including 48 fighting fighters.

Additional nervousness of a situation is added by the information that the day before the US State department has urged all citizens of America to leave republic immediately. Besides it, it became known that head of diplomatic mission of the USA in Damascus which has been withdrawn after an attack on embassy and on which possible returning it was informed earlier, in immediate prospects will not return to Syria.

It is necessary to notice that earlier American politicians, except for the sharpest conservatives, supported the diplomatic permission of a problem. About absence of desire to operate under the Libyan scenario also declared the countries of League of the Arabian states (LOG) and Turkey — a unique member of the NATO in region. Besides acceptance of any serious international actions concerning Syria, especially military character is not authorized by the UN Security Council.

Official statement from Washington has not followed yet. It is necessary to notice that B.Asad has already promised to follow the lead of Muammara Kaddafi and up to the end to battle for the native land. Besides, in case of aggression, he guaranteed to bring down the massed rocket attack across Israel. Anyhow, any military operations against Syria if do not destabilize all Near East and Central Asia will precisely lead only to conditions deterioration.

The Russian ships in Syria? And why also is not present …
Sergey GORBACHEV | 11/25/2011 | 00:01
Occurrence in mass-media of the information on the approach to Syria three “anonymous” Russian ships – is faster given out by someone wished (or not wished) for the valid. And to that there are bases: in the beginning of December from Severomorsk the aircraft carrier will go to Mediterranean sea «the Admiral of Smiths», “Admiral Chabanenko” accompanied by the big anti-submarine ship. And they will precisely come into Syrian Tartus that is quite natural. However, as delivery to Damascus of complexes ?????????????????? rockets is natural also and other military technology and the weapon – Russia it does during already more than forty years … At least so the Russian seamen who remain consider are true to Peter the Great precept: «Where Russian flag has been lifted once, this never should to go down». Our Andreevsky flag over the Mediterranean open spaces fluttered since Ekaterina’s times. However, with small breaks. The hand and will of Moscow invariably reduced duration of these breaks …

November 25th, 2011, 6:12 pm


ss said:

Comment 51 # “Children torture in Syria. Has any other regime in the history of the world tortured children?”

Will introduce you to the real face of the Syrian recolution. This revolution is being supported and financed by the MB

Enjoy this video. Murderers. Islamists radicals.

November 25th, 2011, 6:16 pm


Mango said:

Libya Déjà Vu in Syria: Using Human Rights Organizations to Launch Wars
Mahdi Darius NAZEMROAYA (Canada) | 20.11.2011 | 21:11
The virtually equivalent public and diplomatic discourse that unfolded against the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya is at play against Damascus. In Geneva, the same so-called human rights groups are pressing for the censorship of the Syrian Arab Republic. In line with this, the Arab League has moved to supplant the Syrian government and handover its diplomatic recognition to a proxy Syrian opposition. It is also no mere coincidence that the Transitional Council in Libya became the first body to recognize the Syrian National Council as the legitimate government of Syria on October 10, 2011.

More than ever, international institutions and there partiality must be taken into serious question. The U.S. and its allies are replicating the same steps they took against Tripoli for Damascus. This includes calls for taking Syrian officials to the International Criminal Court and for a Turkish-imposed “humanitarian buffer zone” in northern Syria, which is the land equivalent of a no-fly zone.

What happened to Libya in Geneva at the United Nations?

One of the main sources for the allegations that Colonel Qaddafi was killing his own people was the Libyan Human Rights League (LLHR). The LLHR was pivotal in getting the U.N. Human Rights Commission to suspend Libya and for getting the U.N. Security Council in New York City to pass U.N. sanctions against Libya. This organization is also a member of the French-based International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) that is tied to the National Endowment for Democracy (NED).

On February 21, 2011 the LLHR got 70 other NGOs to send letters to the U.N. Secretary-General, President Obama, and Catherine Ashton demanding international action and intervention in Libya. The subsequent campaign against Libya was organized by U.N. Watch, a NGO that firmly works to protect and serve Israeli interests. Additionally, only 25 members of this coalition against Tripoli actually asserted that they were human rights organizations. On the basis of their letter and without any evidence or proof about the LLHR’s accusations that Qaddafi had killed 6000 Libyan civilians the U.N. Security Council was manipulated by Washington and its allies into creating a no-fly zone. The U.S. and NATO would use this as a pretext and cover for to waging a war of aggression that would illegally end with regime change in Tripoli that would ultimately result in the murder of Muammar Qaddafi in the city of Sirte.

Rightly, the Indian Ambassador to the U.N. would actually point out that the U.N. was passing resolutions against Libya without any evidence and that this was a worrying development. Attempts are being made to do the same to Syria. Afterwards, when the LLHR and its head were challenged for proof about their allegations that Qaddafi was murdering his people, they failed to provide evidence and bluntly said there was no proof. Dr. Sliman Bouchuiguir, the head of the LLHR and a Swiss citizen, has actually admitted that it was Mahmoud Jibril that was the source of the accusations. Jibril would subsequently form the Benghazi-based Transitional Council and become its prime minister.

What is not known is that Mahmoud Jibril, a cabinet member of the Jamahiriya’s government, was Sliman Bouchuiguir’s friend for years. Five individuals, who would become ministers in the Transitional Council, were also members of the LLHR and also Bouchiguir’s friends. This includes Ali Tarhouni. This is a clear conflict of interest that no serious body would ignore. When Dr. Bouchiguir was asked how he got other NGOs to accept the LLHR’s claims, he explained in an interview that it was on the basis of his personal ties.

During the same period as these allegations, Aly Abuzaakouk and these individuals were also renegotiating Libya’s oil contracts under favourable terms for the U.S. and the E.U. for when the regime change would take place in Tripoli. Ali Tarhouni, a U.S. economics professor preaching economic neo-liberalism, would be given responsibilities over both the important energy and finance sectors in an oddly combined ministerial portfolio. This would appear as odd for a minister’s portfolio unless one understands what Tarhouni’s objectives were. He was essentially sent by Washington to open the doors of Libya for foreign plundering. Ali Tarhouni, as the minister responsible for both the oil and finance sectors, would immediately privatize Libya’s energy and financial sectors as his first act. This is while he and his conspirators would promise their supports that Libya would transform into a new Dubai.

It was these unverified claims coupled with the media lies about sub-Saharan African mercenaries in Libya, which portrayed black-skinned Libyans as non-Libyan foreigners, and the false claims about Libyan military jets firing on unarmed civilian protesters that were used to frame Libya and open the door to war for NATO. Later, Bouchiguir would be rewarded for his part in the plot in Geneva by being appointed the new ambassador of Libya to Switzerland in Bern.

Supplanting the Syrian government with the Syrian National Council

Like Libya, the Arab League has set the framework for the unlawful recognition of the Syrian National Council. Libya was suspended by the Arab League before NATO launched its war and now Syria has too. The Arab League has, however, gone two steps further. The Arab League has opted to give Syria’s Arab League chair to the Syrian National Council. This time the Arab League has also blatantly and unashamedly violated its own charter. The decision needed unanimous consent to be ratified and legally binding, but was not. Aside from Syria, Lebanon and Yemen voted against the move. Iraq also abstained. Algeria and Sudan were also pressured by the U.S., E.U., and Arab Sheikhdoms into voting for the suspension of Syria.

The United Nations Human Rights Commission will now be used in an attempt to supplant the Syrian Arab Republic with the Syrian National Council, which is a clone of the Transitional Council that supplanted the Jamahiriya government of Libya. Again, U.N. Watch is leading the charge and organizing the NGOs in Geneva. It is doing this in league with the FIDH, NED, and several Syrian equivalents to the Libyan League for Human Rights (LLHR). This includes the Damascus Center for Human Rights Studies, which is tied to the FIDH.

The Damascus Center for Human Rights Studies and its leader, Dr. Radwan Ziadeh, are acting as equivalents to the LLHR. Ziadeh has even been present at the same forums as the leaders of the Transitional Council of Libya. Moreover, Bouchiguir has ties to Israeli interests through his thesis supervisor and doctoral work about preventing the Arabs from using oil as a bargaining chip. It appears that Dr. Ziadeh falls under the same track as a foreign agent. Ziadeh and his cohort have refused to answer if they will recognize Israel if they form the government of Syria. Because of their allegiances, they refuse to answer the question. They have avoided the subject of the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights and have shown Tel Aviv no hostility, whereas they have been very hostile towards Iran, Russia, and China.

What is going to happen is that the Syrian National Council is going to be illicitly, and in violation of international law, be granted recognition as the government of Syria by the Arab petro-Sheikhdoms and Turkey. If the gambit is successful, the E.U. and U.S. will do the same at one point or another. Syrian embassies will be handed over to them or taken over by the Syrian National Council and the diplomatic war against Syria will intensify. In parallel, the mainstream media and human rights organizations will begin to clamour for intervention against Syria, while pressure is put on Iran, Russia, China, and others to abandon the Syrians…

November 25th, 2011, 6:19 pm


Mango said:

Jordan says arms smuggled into Syria
News | 25.11.2011 | 14:24

The Jordanian media affairs and communications minister has said that arms have been smuggled into Syria from Jordan’s border with the country.

Rakan al-Majali said on Thursday that his country was trying to stop the smuggling operations, which had happened more than once in Jordan’s northern city of al-Ramtha, Syria’s state SANA news agency reported.

He added that the Jordanian government was concerned about the issue.

On Wednesday, Syrian border guards stepped up security measures along the common border.

The guards thoroughly searched the cars passing through border crossings, looking for weapons and explosive devices potentially destined for opposition groups in Syria.

Syria has been experiencing unrest since mid-March, with demonstrations being held both against and in support of President Bashar al-Assad.

Hundreds of people, including members of the security forces, have been killed in the unrest.

The opposition and Western countries accuse security forces of being behind the killings in Syria over the past months, but the government blames outlaws, saboteurs, and armed terrorist groups for the deadly violence, saying that the unrest is being orchestrated from abroad.

Damascus also asserts that the forces have been given clear instructions not to harm civilians.


November 25th, 2011, 6:23 pm


Mango said:

The AIPAC Caucus in the United Nations
Wayne MADSEN (USA) | 18.11.2011 | 09:25
Recent votes in the United Nations and United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) provide evidence that the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) and its affiliates not only own and operate most of the members of the U.S. Congress but also many of the UN delegations of its member states.

Israel, known for its aggressive stance toward U.S. senators and representatives who fail to adhere to its line, has also managed to intimidate, with the help of its U.S., Canadian, British, Australian, and New Zealand lobbies, a number of small nations to support Israel against the statehood and UN membership aspirations of Palestine. In the U.S. House of Representatives, over 400 members are owned by the Israel Lobby while in the Senate, Israel’s control is practically 100 percent. Sizeable Israel lobbies also exist in the British and Canadian Houses of Commons and the Australian parliament.

Clearly, the Israelis and their lobbies have created a small bloc of nations that back Israel on every issue concerning Palestine. This bloc has been created by political pressure brought by mainly wealthy Jewish contributors to the major political parties of the United States, Canada, Australia, United Kingdom, and New Zealand, nations that also make up the English-speaking alliance of intelligence agencies.

In recent UN General Assembly votes on Palestinian rights, it has been Israel, the United States, Canada, and four small Pacific island states, whose votes are bought by the United States – Micronesia, Marshall Islands, Nauru, and Palau – that uniformly voted against such issues as applicability of the Geneva Convention on the occupied Palestinian territories, cessation of all Israeli settlement activities in the territories, Israeli human rights violations committed against Palestinians, return of displaced Palestinian refugees, and destruction and confiscation of Palestinian properties. Australia joined the “Solid Seven” in voting against some of the UN resolutions on Palestine.

Israel’s control of the votes of three Pacific nations that have “compacts of free association” with the United States arises from the fact that the United States effectively controls the foreign affairs and UN votes of Micronesia, Marshall Islands, and Palau as much as the former Soviet Union controlled the UN votes of the Byelorussian and Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republics, which had separate UN membership from that of the USSR.

Palau votes with Israel in the United Nations more than any other country, including the United States. Micronesia is not far behind in its support for Israel. The Marshall Islands and the former UN trusteeship of Nauru also count among nations that support Israel in the UN almost 100 percent of the time. In January 2010, Nauruan President Marcus Stephen, Micronesian President Emanuel Mora, the Nauruan First Lady, and the Micronesian and Nauruan foreign ministers and UN ambassadors visited Israel in a trip partly arranged by the American Jewish Committee in New York. The delegations made the obligatory psychological warfare visit to the Yad Vashem and received Israeli security briefings on the threats of Hamas and Lebanese Hezbollah.

The U.S. Jewish and Israeli lobbies have carefully nurtured their influence in the small Pacific island states. The lobbies have arranged for Orthodox Jewish Yeshiva University students to visit Palau, where they met President Tommy Remengesau and members of the Palau Senate. Yeshiva has even provided interns for the Micronesian mission to the UN in New York. Since the first Yeshiva visit to Palau in 2005, the orthodox Riverdale Jewish Center in The Bronx has maintained a strong religious connection to Palau, indoctrinating the Palauan people, who are half Catholic with significant Protestant and Mormon minorities, on Judaism. In 2005, Marshall Islands President Kessai Note also paid a state visit to Israel with all the obligatory propagandizing by the Israeli government as part of the itinerary.

The UNESCO vote in Paris on Palestine’s admission also pointed to Israel’s control over the Pacific vote. Although Micronesia and the Marshall Islands were absent from the Paris vote, Palau, as well as three other Pacific states – Samoa, Solomon Islands, and Vanuatu – voted no on Palestine’s admission to UNESCO as a full member. Nauru abstained, as did Kiribati, Cook Islands, Fiji, Tuvalu, Tonga, and Papua New Guinea. Niue, which, like the Cook Islands, is a self-governing territory of New Zealand, whose Prime Minister John Key is of Jewish descent, was absent.

In April, an Israeli delegation headed by Knesset speaker Reuven Rivlin visited Tonga in what was billed as a “re-kindling” of Israeli relations with the Pacific. In 2010, the Arab League held its first summit with Pacific island leaders in Tonga, causing alarm in west Jerusalem. Rivlin also visited New Zealand, which has tremendous influence over the foreign relations of the Pacific states. The success of the Israeli and New Zealand campaign is reflected in the UNESCO vote on Palestine and in the recent UN General Assembly votes on Palestinian rights in which Vanuatu abstained.

The Solomon Islands came under strong Israeli pressure in 2009 after the nation held the distinction of the only Pacific nation to have voted in the UN General Assembly to approve the Goldstone Report, which condemned Israeli human rights abuses in its Operation Cast Lead invasion of Gaza in December 2008 and January 2009. The Solomon Islands had already come in to the Israeli radar screens in 2008 when Solomons Foreign Minister William Haomare paid a visit to Tehran after meeting Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki at the UN to discuss establishing diplomatic relations. Also at the UN in 2008, Solomons President Derek Sikua met with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Israel’s regional lobbyists, including influential groups like the Australia/Israel & Jewish Affairs Council (AIJAC) and the New Zealand Jewish Council, went to work in Canberra, Wellington, and Honiara, the Solomons capital, to change the course of Solomon Islands foreign policy. Sikua lost the August 2010 general election and was replaced by Danny Philip who altered course and ensured that his nation was back in lockstep with Israel. Israeli MASHAV international aid workers have descended on the Solomon Islands this year and are active in “training” missions, especially in Malaita province, which has a history of secessionism.

Israel also had its regional interlocutors move on Vanuatu, especially after that nation recognized the independence of Abkhazia, a breakaway region of Israel’s close ally Georgia. Israel’s non-resident ambassador to Vanuatu, Michael Ronen, began to arrange for Israeli aid workers to arrive in Vanuatu, as they had done in the Solomon Islands. Israeli pressure has also been applied to Tuvalu and Nauru after they, like Vanuatu, recognized Abkhazia. Israelis are obviously concerned that if the small Pacific states can be swayed into support for Abkhazia and other countries like Taiwan, in return for economic aid, they could also line up behind Palestine if the aid packages from wealthy Arab nations were lucrative.

In May, non-resident Israeli ambassador to Samoa Shemi Tzur presented his credentials to Samoan head of state Tupua Tamasese Efi and spoke of Israeli aid workers possibly arriving in the future. In Samoa, as in other Pacific states, Israelis play on the fact that many Pacific islanders are Christians, including evangelicals, so the Israeli envoys and aid workers emphasize that Israel is synonymous with the “Holy Land.” In fact, the same propagandizing has worked for the evangelical communities in the United States and Canada, with many of Israel’s strongest support coming from Tea Party conservative Christians in the United States and their ideological counterparts in Canada.

Israel is using its success in the Pacific to build up similar regional blocs in other regions, such as the Caribbean, Africa, and Central America. Based on the UNESCO and UN General Assembly votes on Palestine, pro-Israel votes, including critical abstentions, can now be expected from Haiti, Panama, Cote d’Ivoire, and Cameroon. Others small and poor countries that have succumbed to Israeli pressure and bribes are Barbados, Bahamas, Trinidad and Tobago, Jamaica, Cape Verde, St. Kitts and Nevis, Togo, Burundi, Rwanda, Dominica, Madagascar, Central African Republic, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Swaziland, Guinea-Bissau, Antigua and Barbuda, Comoros, Maldives, Sao Tome and Principe, Uganda, Guyana, and South Sudan.

After all, if almost 100 U.S. senators and over 90 percent of members of the House of Representatives can be cajoled and bribed by Israel, nations smaller and poorer than Israel are easy marks for Israeli pressure…

November 25th, 2011, 6:32 pm


Tara said:

I think the Russian is prepared NOT to use their veto power next UNSC meeting.  Bashar made his last fatal mistake today by arrogantly shunning the AL.  He was given his last lifeline and chose Qaddafi’s fate.  Unfortunately by his misguided choice, he is setting up the stage to all possible scenarios that may destroy Syria that we know.


Moscow gives Syria last chance for reforms
Published: 23 November, 2011, 15:54

The latest UN General Assembly resolution on Syria is a clear signal to President Bashar Assad to curb violence and launch reforms, the head of Russia’s Upper House Committee for International Affairs says.
“Russia abstained on the latest resolution. It is an explicit message to the Syrian president: reforms, end of violence, free elections,” Mikhail Margelov stressed. “This is what the Syrian leader should do immediately, today, although he should have done it yesterday, even the day before yesterday.” 
“Our veto on the Security Council resolution was the last tool allowing President Bashar Assad to save the status quo on the international arena,” the senator added. “With that veto, we have exhausted all possible means.” 
The Russian senator stressed that Moscow is against other countries interfering in Syria’s domestic affairs: it is convinced that “the Syrian people are able to settle their problems peacefully, through a political dialogue.”
At the same time, Margelov noted that Moscow “is closely following developments there and is analyzing the positions of all political forces”. 
“Given the grave situation in Syria, calls of some opposition members not to hold any talks with the government are irresponsible,” Margelov concluded. “The political crisis cannot be resolved if the sides refuse to listen to each other.” 
On Tuesday, the United Nations General Assembly passed a resolution condemning human rights abuses by the Syrian regime, including the killing, arbitrary imprisonment and torture of civilians. The document received 122 votes in favor, 13 against, and 41 abstentions. The non-binding resolution calls on Syria to withdraw government tanks from the streets, release political prisoners, stop attacks on civilians and allow observers into the country.
It comes just weeks after China and Russia vetoed a similar motion in the UN Security Council, which would have been a binding measure.
Commenting on Moscow’s stance, Russia’s deputy envoy to the UN, Sergey Karev said that “a human rights issue should in no circumstances be used as a pretext for interfering in a country’s internal affairs”. 
“We believe that it is the state that should take responsibility for the protection and promotion of human rights,” Karev noted, “while the international community should provide technical help in the field.”

November 25th, 2011, 7:39 pm


Amir in Tel Aviv said:

So the junta did not sign the protocol. Did any body think they will?
Any way, what now?

November 25th, 2011, 7:48 pm


Tara said:


See Zoo@ 43

November 25th, 2011, 8:16 pm


newfolder said:

Assad issues statement denying the rumors about him stepping down:

November 25th, 2011, 8:34 pm


N.Z. said:

216. mjabali said:

“The slogans you brought….do not really come from the heart as I have seen so far. It is for the cameras….same time the Sunni propaganda machine is spewing the worst hatred toward the Alawis…”

I hope you do not consider their death a photo opt as well!

Mjabali, I have many Syrian friends with different religious background, we get along, we rarely agree. We look forward to our next gathering, discussion, agreeing and disagreeing.

Let me tell you, anytime someone brings into the discussion, any of the Gulf leaders into the Syrian equation, he ticks a nerve in me. The issue is not whether these leaders are corrupt, we know they all are, ours, is equally so.

Sunni-Shiite is a made conflict, exaggerated, to benefit the leadership, in the same way they used the Zionist entity: to control the population, endless spending on arming and a scare tactic. Regardless. This Sunni Shiite song did not resonate in Syria before the revolution, to the contrary, all Syrians opened their homes and hearts, shared what little or much they had with the Lebanese refugees.

In politics your foe becomes your friend. Leaders come and go, and we the people have no choice but to unite in face of tyranny and vultures.

The moment we lose our unity and think in sectarian terms, we become an easy prey. Our next door neighbour is a clear example, Lebanon.

Israel is another example, they have nothing in common, the imaginary enemy, the Arabs, their leaders created is what keeps them together. The moment a peace deal is reached, the entity they call Israel will disintegrate.

To the contrary, we have a shared history, a rich history, a great nation that have not yet reached its potential in modern times.

In short we are “one people”, one aspiration. These sectarian terms are meant to charge the people. United we will remain.

November 25th, 2011, 8:48 pm


N.Z. said:


We laughed our heads off, for a change. Thanks.

Creative minds!

November 25th, 2011, 8:54 pm


N.Z. said:


“I can’t see how this regime will defeat the tenacity, creativity and courage of the Syrian people? It simply won’t”

November 25th, 2011, 9:05 pm


Bronco said:

Tara #62

“Bashar made his last fatal mistake today by arrogantly shunning the AL”

I think he probably did that in agreement with the Russians. It was a ridiculous request anyway. The invasion of Syria by 500 human rights activists, CIA spies, Moslem brotherhood members, Salafists, SNC spies equipped with cameras and allowed to roam where they want without notice would have been a terrible mistake and an exposure to the National security of Syria. I guess the Syrians must have asked to scrutinize these observers and the arrogant Qatari-Saudis, happy to humiliate further Syria and treat it like a child, gave a blunt no. Well they got what they deserve.
Syria did well in telling Qatar and his cronies: Forget it! ( to be polite)
In a way I would have been very disappointed if Syria had accepted that diktat after having been punished already by suspending the country from the meetings and having been rebuffed when they asked for some modifications to the protocol. No one has the right to treats a country like this unless the country is a pariah and as long as the western ambassadors are there and the country is still in the UN, the country have the legitimate rights to reject proposals that could infringe its national security.

I don’t know what will happen but the Arab league is going to become hysterical . Either they will accept Syria’s conditions on the observers or they will pass controversial sanctions that only the GCC countries will follow. Lebanon, Iraq who are the key neighbors will not. In December, after the US leaves, Iran will become a “neighbor” of Syria and will be able to help Syria through Iraq.
This is why the Qatar-Saudi US agents are becoming agitated. End December, the whole environment will change in favor of Bashar Al Assad. He needs to sustain until that time and I guess he will.

The AL, the SNC opposition, Juppe, Erdogan and Dadvutoglu are talking, making contradictory declaration and are showing the total confusion they are in in front of the determination of the Syrian regime to resist foreign plans to crush it, under the pretext of saving peaceful ‘civilians’ from a mediatized “massacre”.
The ball is back in the AL hand now.

November 25th, 2011, 9:07 pm


irritated said:

N.Z #69

“I can’t see how the CONSPIRACY OF THE ENEMIES OF THE regime will defeat the tenacity, creativity and courage of the Syrian REGIME . It simply won’t”

November 25th, 2011, 9:13 pm


newfolder said:

#71 “you will see their defeat soon enough, and the last thing you and they will see are the soles of our feet”

November 25th, 2011, 9:25 pm


irritated said:

#72 Newfolder
“soon enough”

I heard that a few months ago, please be more specific. One week, one year, two years?

November 25th, 2011, 9:34 pm


newfolder said:

#73 no numbnuts, we heard “khilset” a few months ago!

November 25th, 2011, 9:54 pm


zoo said:

Germany rejects France’s ‘humanitarian corridors’ proposal

“Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davuto?lu had several phone conversations late Nov. 24 regarding the latest Syrian developments. One phone call came from German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle, who rejected France’s proposal of a humanitarian corridor into Syria while stressing Turkey’s support on Syrian opposition.”


November 25th, 2011, 10:04 pm


Peter said:

Ever since President Assad began his journey as the President of Syria, many golden opportunities were presented to him and he had the support of the Syrian people. They entrusted him with the responsibility of introducing reform state-wide basing their entire trust on his youthfulness. Little did they know that president Assad did not care the slightest about a country called Syria, he got too carried away with this thing called “Lebanon” and for the past 10 years he totally forgone of his Syrian reform duties optioning instead to take up Iranian accountability. The Iranian accountability obligated him to spend all his hours on duty in the capital Damascus worrying, debating, threatening and causing enormous and incomprehensible pain, suffering, and agony to thousands of innocent Lebanese for no reason other than to say “I am your boss”.
President Assad style of reform for the past 10 years was to transform the killing and assassination fields of Lebanon so that his masters in Tehran can live happily ever after while many mothers shed tears to their fallen sons in Lebanon.
President Assad style of reform for the past 10 years was to destroy the entire fabric of the Lebanese state and society through the philosophy of dividing and conquering while ignore the Syrian nation needs and wants entirely.
President Assad style of reform for the past 10 years was to help build an advanced foreign militia force on Lebanese soil while Syrian army tanks are rusting and corroding.
President Assad style of reform for the past 10 years was to violently resist the independence of Lebanon while ignoring the most critical factor affecting his regime at home.
President Assad style of reform for the past 10 years was to conquest the underworld and help Drug production, counterfeiting, and other illicit trades.
In strategic terms, the command of Lebanon has long been fundamental to the Syrian regime’s internal staying power, for President Assad, the big gamble on Lebanon while ignoring Syrian needs has finally came back to haunt him and the beasts he fomented will soon be out to punish him and so is the end game of a brutal dictator who will be sweeped in the garbage bin of history.

November 25th, 2011, 10:04 pm


majedkhaldoun said:

Assad made his worst mistake,by rejecting the Arab League proposal,Syria will suffer a lot ,and trade will come to an end with GCC, Lebanon is isolated,Iraq is not reliable, Assad will find december as his worst month through out his life,.
Nato plan in Libya was a mistake,new strategy should be approved for Syria, Libya was not surrounded by enemies,Syria is surrounded by Turkey and Jordan,but I believe foreign intervention is wrong,the change of the regime in Syria should not take long, Assad will be gone rather suddenly
say goodby to Assad

November 25th, 2011, 10:21 pm


zoo said:

A change of tone from Turkey?

Turkey says unrest is Syria’s internal affair, won’t allow any intervention

24 November 2011, Thursday / TODAYSZAMAN.COM,

Bülent Ar?nç, who was speaking to a local TV network in Bursa, ruled out any Turkish military intervention in Syria over its crackdown on protesters. (Photo: AA)

Turkey has said an uprising in Syria is its neighbor’s internal affair and that it will not allow any state to militarily intervene in Syria over the regime’s brutal military crackdown on the eight-month uprising, ruling out any possibility that Turkey will become militarily involved.

“We won’t send soldiers [to Syria], won’t intervene and won’t allow and create conditions for others to intervene,” Bülent Ar?nç, Turkey’s deputy prime minister told a local TV network in Bursa. Ar?nç, who is also the government’s spokesman, said any foreign intervention will create divisions not only in Syria but also across the region. He added that incidents in Syria are developing along ethnic lines and sectarianism is also playing a role.

Ar?nç’s remarks came at a time when Syria’s armed opposition groups asked Turkey to create a buffer zone to shelter anti-regime fighters. Lt. Salem Odeh, a defector from Latakia, told Reuters this week that historic and religious ties with Turkey that go back to the Ottoman Empire mean Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s opponents — generally wary of outside interference — would accept a Turkish military role.

“I just hope there will be a Turkish military intervention. It’s better, and they have longstanding blood ties from old times, and they are closer to the East than the West,” he added.

Citing Israeli security officials, Israeli daily Haaretz reported on Thursday that they believe Turkey is moving toward a military intervention in Syria, in order to create a secure buffer zone for opposition activists. Accordingly, Turkey is expected to set up secure buffer zones on its border with Syria that would allow armed opposition groups to organize against the Syrian regime from bases protected by the Turkish army, according to Haaretz.

Ar?nç categorically ruled out any discussion among government circles that Turkey is considering military intervention. “There is absolutely no such thing,” he underlined. “Some Turkish politicians and some countries are saying Turkey will intervene in Syria. This is totally wrong. This is impossible, we don’t think of it,” Ar?nç said.

Turkish President Abdullah Gül, on an official visit to Britain, said this week that change is inevitable in Syria, but said this should come from within Syria, not through external intervention. Earlier, Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdo?an spoke of the fate of defeated dictators from Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini to Muammar Gaddafi and bluntly told Assad to quit.

Ar?nç also ruled out the possibility of Turkey directing events in Syria and added that developments in the country are Syria’s internal affairs. He urged the Syrian government to refrain from using weapons against those who demand rights and demanded that the authority make reforms immediately, go to elections, strengthen democracy and increase political participation in order to represent all opposition groups in Parliament.

Ar?nç said Turkey is only urging the Syrian authorities not to use tanks in the face of these demands and that this means “you are fighting against your own people.” The Turkish minister’s rejection of any intervention stands in contrast to Turkish diplomats’ earlier briefing that Turkey may intervene if there is huge influx of Syrian refugees fleeing violence or a large-scale massacre.

He added that Turkey is closely monitoring Syria and that the Turkish government’s close relations with the Assad family and government are well known, adding that there is now a despotic regime.

November 25th, 2011, 10:32 pm


irritated said:

#76 Majedalkhaldoon

“Assad made his worst mistake,by rejecting the Arab League proposal”

I disagree. The AL initiative of disrespectfully humiliating and cornering Syria failed lamentably. The Saudi are offering another initiative and the saga continues,

Syrians will suffer but the regime will hold on long into 2012.

November 25th, 2011, 10:55 pm


zoo said:

???? ??? ???? ?? ?????? Death to Al Saud from Qatif
November 23 2011

Anti-royal graffiti on walls of eastern Saudi

Slogans against the royal family have been daubed on walls in the Shiite heartland of eastern Saudi Arabia, the scene of deadly clashes with security forces, an AFP photographer said Friday.

The Al-Saud ruling family must be “held responsible for the blood of the martyrs”, “Down with Mohammed bin Fahd” bin Abdul Aziz, the governor of the kingdom’s Eastern Province, were painted in the streets of the city of Qatib.

November 25th, 2011, 11:11 pm


Norman said:

It looks like the crises in Syria coming to a head, nobody is the mode of compromise, everybody is in the mode of fighting , may God help Syria and the Syrians, the rich can travel while the poor will stay and suffer, the same story of Lebanon and Iraq, the next few months are going to be decisive, The question is will Iran and now Iraq accept the loss of Syria, I doubt it , this crises is going to push Syria toward Iran and Iraq And create the Shea crescent that King Abdullah of Jordon warned about.

November 25th, 2011, 11:15 pm


Bronco said:


“this crises is going to push Syria toward Iran and Iraq And create the Shea crescent that King Abdullah of Jordon warned about.”

I agree, and it is mainly because of the stupidity and arrogance of the Sunni lead AL who posed first as “wanting to help our sister Syria” then on kicking it out of the AL, then threatening it, giving it ultimatums and insulting it by not allowing it to scrutinize the supposed ‘observers’.
The AL got hat it deserves, a worst crisis and maybe the dreaded Shia crescent soon at its door.

November 25th, 2011, 11:27 pm


Norman said:


The Arab nation is in deep trouble as long as Sunni Muslims do not consider non Sunni Muslims and others as Arab as they are, I just hope that the Arab masses will understand what these hateful Gulf Arabs have planned for the Arab nation.,

November 25th, 2011, 11:41 pm


Ghufran said:

The regime will not accept any deal that includes an exclusion of all of its supporters and many in the opposition are refusing any inclusion of the current regime in a negotiated political solution.
Even as an opponent of Assad and the regime I have to confess that as much as 30% of Syrians would rather fight than give their neck to the opposition without certain guarantees. The sooner king Abdullah of Saudi Arabia accepts this fact the better.

November 25th, 2011, 11:45 pm


Norman said:

What the Syrian government over the last 8 months is becoming obvious,


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Ghufran, I said as you know this before, after what happened to the Iraqi baath party and Army there is no chance for the Syrian regime to give up they are fighting for themselves and to prevent a civil war in Syria like Iraq after the destruction of the Iraqi Baath and army, so expect a war and fasten your seat belt.

November 25th, 2011, 11:50 pm


Ibn Arabi said:

Dear Syria Enthusiasts,

Full and complete coverage of the Syrian revolution in the World’s media. You can find everything written on the Syrian revolution, pro or con on my facebook page: MCSR: Media Clearinghouse on the Syrian Revolution (www.facebook.com/media.clearinghouse). This project has been archiving everything published on the revolution since the begging of May 2011. You are welcome to join and comment on the news stories and analyses.

My best regards,

November 26th, 2011, 12:07 am


Juergen said:

@Norman 4
With all due respect i shall comment on your statement.
I dont know if you ever visited Quarmishli or areas near Aleppo. The Kurds will find what you have said quite astrange. Baathism like any other form of ism has tendencies toward excluding others in this case non arabic. The declined majority of kurdish in Syria is well documented and shows how much humanity the regime shows through their interpretation of the baath ideology.

November 26th, 2011, 2:03 am


Mohamed Kanj said:

@83 – GHUFRAN – The syrian government will not accept any negotiations or political solution with the SNC or with any outside powers. Syria has and always will be an independent country. This is no longer about political negotiation or democracy or freedom. You should speak to the majority of citizens in Syria, and you will hear that their demands are not for democracy. All they want is a return to normality and security and employment. They dont care for democracy as syrians like urself living abroad keep on exaggerating. Democracy will not bring about employment or a better life. Democracy in the middle east will bring about greater influence of western backed nations and a greater inflow of foreign intelligence agencies. Just look across at lebanon. Has democracy brought about employment? Hasnt democracy increased sectarian tensions and corruption in lebanon?

November 26th, 2011, 2:25 am


Jim Reilly said:

Is the Bkheitan material missing? I didn’t see it, or a link to it.

November 26th, 2011, 7:21 am


zoo said:

“In the first six months of the protests, Abu Wael sold 2,000 Kalashnikovs and M16 rifles,”

Arms smugglers thrive on Syrian uprising
By Afif Diab | Reuters – 16 hrs ago

BAALBEK, Lebanon (Reuters) – Weapons dealer Abu Wael has traded guns in Lebanon’s Bekaa valley since the last days of his country’s civil war, nearly a quarter of a century ago.

This has been his busiest year ever.

Syrian army deserters on the Turkish side of the border insist arms smuggling into the country is negligible, but they say expatriate Syrians who support the uprising have sent electronic equipment to help communications as well as cash used to bribe security officers to hand over weapons.

Another defector who declined to reveal his identity said $2 million was recently sent across the border “to help our brothers set up better communication links.”

They say there has also been an increasing flow of guns and RPGs into Syria from the Sunni Muslim tribes of Iraq’s Western Anbar province, who have close ties with their brethren in eastern Syria, hundreds of miles (kilometers) from Damascus.

Activists play down the role of arms trafficking, possibly to emphasize the peaceful side of the Syrian uprising.

November 26th, 2011, 8:30 am


Majed97 said:

Mohamed Kanj,
Well said. democracy has become the new buzz word to conquer the Middle East and rob its resources. Funny how the most oppressive regimes in the wold (GCC countries) are championing this “democracy”.

November 26th, 2011, 8:45 am


Uzair8 said:

What is the impact of possible Arab League sanctions on Syria?
By Nadine Hani

Saturday, 26 November 2011

The Arab League prepares to impose economic sanctions on Syria. The details have not yet been disclosed as the League has to take several issues into consideration, including how committed its member states will be to apply those sanctions, because it lacks measures to enforce the application of sanctions.

Besides, Syria’s trade partners would also be affected if sanctions were applied on trade. Syria’s neighbors, whose exports pass through Syria to Turkey or to Gulf states, would be particularly affected.

The increased tension between Syria and Turkey prompted Ankara to threaten cutting the electricity supplies, which make up 10 percent of Syria’s electricity needs.

The European Union halted the imports of Syrian oil, which account for 90 percent of the country’s revenues, causing it to lose about $400 million each month.

Tourism which accounted for 10 percent of Syria’s GDP in 2010 has completely ceased now. The decline in the country’s foreign reserves made Damascus unable to pay Royal Dutch Shell and Total for oil they produced in the country.

Read more:


November 26th, 2011, 8:46 am


Revlon said:

A Leader in Sync with his people!
Colonel AlAsaad offers a word of gratitude to the men and women of the revolution for their graciousness in naming this Friday: Friday of The-FSA-Protect-Us.

???? ???? ????? ?????? ???? ?????? 25 11 2011

November 26th, 2011, 8:49 am


Uzair8 said:

MAJED97 @90

I don’t think they’re championing democracy. They are getting involved so they can influence, control and shape the outcome. There is also attempt by all to advance their own interests and agendas and also to respond to the public pressure to do something about the killing and slaughter of their brethren by the despots.

November 26th, 2011, 8:56 am


Bronco said:

Clock is ticking for the AL initiative

Now that Turkey announced clearly that it is against any Turkish military intervention of any kind, a u-turn from its previous positions, the AL has no choice, either to bow to Syria’s demands of the protocol modifications about the observers or impose sanctions together with Turkey.
In parallel they seem discreetly to increase the pressure on the opposition, not only to unite but to accept a dialog with the Syrian government should Syria show its interests in such dialog.

With the rebuff and the eventual sanctions imposition, the AL will have a hard time convincing Syria that they want “to help a sister country”. After having used extensively the stick, the AL will have to show the carrot.

As the sanctions would take time to bite, and the military option are still debated with no clear agreement, the Syrian government will continue the cleanup and elimination of the defectors pockets and in parallel continue its reforms announcements.

The AL made a bad calculation. Its campaign with its Western pro-Israeli allies to further humiliate Syria, its army and its institutions is just backfiring and probably will trigger the exhausted Syrians to regroup around their leader. Clock is ticking for the AL: either to show they can solve the problem, or move aside which would be a further recognition of their irrelevance.

November 26th, 2011, 9:22 am


irritated said:

92. Revlon said:

“this Friday: Friday of The-FSA-Protect-Us.”

Were there massive demonstrations? What I read is that there were ‘massive’ pro regime demonstrations, as usual loosely reported by the media?

November 26th, 2011, 9:27 am


majedkhaldoun said:

Any changes from Assad to As’ad,has to be sudden and quick,
Christians from now has to ponder what they will do after Bashar era ends,they have to reconciliate with the new reality,and certainly they should have a role.
Miqati in Lebanon will soon resign.

November 26th, 2011, 9:33 am


Revlon said:

Three Asad security checkpoints have been taken out in Homs; their manning members were killed or wounded and their weapons confiscated.

Allah, Sooriyah, Hurriyeh w Bas.

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See Translation
16 hours ago

November 26th, 2011, 9:34 am


Revlon said:

Mother breaks down while holding her murdered child, killed by an Asad sniper; Wa2dulfintanh burries a Chsristian child
AlBayadah, Homs.

?????? ???????? ?????? ???? ????? ??? ?????? ??????? ????? ???? ????? 26 11 2011 ??2

November 26th, 2011, 9:46 am


annie said:

Death of a child and despair of his mother


November 26th, 2011, 9:48 am


irritated said:


“certainly christians should have a role”

How gracious! I thought the Moslem brotherhood plan was to kick them out to Lebanon, so the oppressed Sunnis can finally save the country with the help of Saudi Arabia and Qatar which, by the way, do not tolerate churches in their ‘democratic’ countries.

November 26th, 2011, 9:53 am


Revlon said:

Syrian National Council ?????? ?????? ??????
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«????? ??????»See More
See Translation Translation by Bing
7 hours ago

November 26th, 2011, 9:58 am


irritated said:

Revlon, Annie 98, 99

Is the new trend of the opposition videos to show dead babies and crying mothers instead of the depleted “massive” demonstrations?

November 26th, 2011, 9:58 am


Uzair8 said:

These are fake republics and we are seeng this before our very eyes.

“The fake republics are goners; the monarchies have a fighting chance.”

Elliot Abrams March 29, 2011

November 26th, 2011, 10:17 am


Ya Mara Ghalba said:

This was linked to by ANN earlier: The view of the Associated Press writers BASSEM MROUE and ELIZABETH A. KENNEDY, published 25 nov 2011:

“Assad still has a firm grip on power, in part because the opposition remains fragmented and he retains the support of the business classes and minority groups…. and has the military’s iron loyalty on his side…. Assad’s opponents have failed so far to galvanize support in Damascus and Aleppo, the two main economic centers in Syria.” http://www.newser.com/article/d9r7v6b01/syrian-military-shows-solidarity-with-assad-regime-as-damascus-faces-more-sanctions.html

Associated Press could have wrote (and probably did write) the same words six months ago. Can you see any realistic route by which Assad’s opponents can galvanize significantly more support in Damascus and Aleppo over the next six months? I cannot, so I’ve no doubt that Associated Press can write the same words six months forward from now. The opposition had more respectability six months ago in the eyes of the Syrian people than it has today. The opposition is thoroughly disreputable and gets more disreputable with each passing day. It’s not just the middle class that doesn’t support the opposition, it’s also the bulk of the working classes, and this is being reinforced by deep disgust at the daily attacks on the security forces. Yesterday’s Friday marches were branded “the Friday of the Free Syrian Army”. A few weeks ago they had Friday whose marches were all branded with: “We Want The Foreign Powers To Impose A No-fly Zone”. That is the political branding of the opposition in Syria nowadays for you. Ask yourself, how do you think such political positioning can sell goods to a mass market in the Syrian political marketplace? As I see it, the mass market is loyal to the army even more than they are loyal to the government. So such branding can only further marginalize the opposition.

The people want the political reforms that the opposition originally advocated for, but the people don’t want the opposition! The regime is the champion of the reforms in the eyes of the people.

“Most of the Syrians are unified [in support of the government], and what’s happening now is a minority of militants are killing Syrians on a daily basis.” — Bashar Assad 19 Nov 2011. That’s how I see it too. Bashar could also have added that there is still also a minority of non-violent opponents of the regime, but these are politically impotent because their numbers are too small and they don’t have any way to get their numbers to grow.

The Associated Press news article also says “sanctions, however, could chip away at the regime in the long-term.” Local Council Elections in December 2011, Parliamentary Elections in 2012, the Presidential Election in 2014. Sooner or later the outside world is going to have to recognize that the people of Syria want the Assad regime. Once they recognize that, they’ll have a moral obligation unto themselves to remove their ill-informed and ill-justified trade sanctions.

My attitudinizing about what Joshua Landis posted:
(1) Peter Harling is nutty and full of garbage. Either that, or it’s me who’s full of garbage. I cannot see a way to respectfully disagree with his opinion of what the reality is. As I was reading him I was murmuring “alla mhiye jaysh” to myself.
(2) “Inhabitant of Damascus” is wrong about why the Arab League’s plan is unacceptable to the Syrian government, something which I talked about in the immediate previous thread.
(3) Ziya Meral is sane and largely correct. He has good knowledge of some aspects of Syria’s foreign affairs. But I’d like to see him put some time into understanding Syria’s society. I need more antidotes against the poisonous “sectarians” such as Peter Harling, Nikolaos Van Dam and Joshua Landis. Ziyal Meral says “The chaotic Syrian opposition is not in a place to challenge and replace Assad in the near future. In fact, some of their protests and signs of militant attacks are not welcomed widely.” — his second sentence there is so terribly reserved and tepid that he must feel he doesn’t have good knowledge of what the oppositions’ political bases are, nor what the regime’s political bases are.
(4) I did not bother to read Patrick Seale.

November 26th, 2011, 10:19 am


Revlon said:

A 2 year old baby has fallen victim to Asad Wa2dulfitnah operation today; An Asad army tank machine gun shot and split his head.
May his children’s heads be split while he watches!

Another wounded adult is looked upon by his frantically crying child.
AlBayadah, Homs

Ugarit News | ??????? ?????????
?18+ 26 11 Homs ??????? ??? ?? ??????? , ????? ,????? ????? ????? ????? ????????
about a minute ago

November 26th, 2011, 10:25 am


Norman said:

85. Juergensaid:

@Norman 4
With all due respect i shall comment on your statement.
I don’t know if you ever visited Quarmishli or areas near Aleppo. The Kurds will find what you have said quite astrange. Baathism like any other form of ism has tendencies toward excluding others in this case non arabic. The declined majority of kurdish in Syria is well documented and shows how much humanity the regime shows through their interpretation of the baath ideology.

3 2

I consider the Kurds in Syria like this, They are Kurds Arab from Syria, Kurds for their ethnic background ,Arabs because they live in the Arab world and from Syria because they live in the Syrian state,

compare that to the Mexican American for the state of Texas, or the Kurds American from Michigan, compare the two,

It is interesting that the Kurds of Iraq keep skipping Iraq all together and saying ,Kurdistan,

November 26th, 2011, 10:31 am


Ya Mara Ghalba said:

Video of a pro-regime rally for women only, on Thursday 24 nov 2011 in Bab Touma, Damascus. The crowd size did not totally fill the plaza at Bab Touma, but watching the diversity of faces in the crowd in this 15 minute video affirms to me again that support for the regime runs deep and broad. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pNMg_xCaZeM&feature=player_detailpage#t=396s

Video of an anti-regime rally in Qamishli yesterday Friday. I see a relatively large number of women in the crowd, relative to what I usually see at anti-regime rallies. The women are segregated from the men. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oSswezJ-gzg

As I’ve said before, women are less inclined to vote for challengers than men are, in general, worldwide. In Syria insofar as any “gender gap” in voting percentages occurs in voting next year I can bet with 100% confidence that the women will be voting more for the incumbent, the regime’s party.

November 26th, 2011, 10:34 am


Ya Mara Ghalba said:

On 21 Nov 2011 was published the 2011 edition of an annual “Arab Public Opinion Survey”. This annual survey is overseen by Shibley Telhami, a professor at University of Maryland who is associated with the Brookings Institution in the USA. The poll was conducted between 20 October and 30 October in urban areas in Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, and UAE. The sample size was altogether 3,000 people. The poll included the following question: “When you watch events in Syria, are your sympathies mostly with the government or the rebels seeking government change?” Result: 86% with the rebels, 9% with the government, 5% no answer. I expect this poll is pretty reliable. http://www.brookings.edu/~/media/Files/events/2011/1121_arab_public_opinion/20111121_arab_public_opinion.pdf

As I’ve said before — https://joshualandis.com/blog/?p=12758&cp=all#comment-284452 — one of the key reasons why the regime lost the media war in the Arabic countries is that the newspapers of the Arabic countries reproduced the reports of Reuters, AFP and other Western news agencies, and didn’t send reporters of their own into Syria.

November 26th, 2011, 10:42 am


Tara said:


Look at the link in 105 provided by Revlon.you need more proof of random shooting or killing a 2 yo does not do the cut for you?

296 children killed by the regime since March , 334 arrested. I hear these numbers and I feel my blood boils not too much from Besho. He is a known criminal but from the first lady. Where is Asma or let me say Emma? She does not deserve to be Asma. She is just an Emma enjoying Chanel bags and showing no remorse. People say what one woman can do in a crime family? And that we all should feel sorry for her. For the life of me, I can’t just imagine that a woman can not influence a husband or the world around her that is if she wants to…I hope I am wrong and the anger that chldren killing triggers in me blinding my judgement.

Isn’t she afraid of divine justice? I know she was raised believing in it. Do you get
selective amnesia marrying into a mafia?

November 26th, 2011, 10:49 am


Ya Mara Ghalba said:

SANA 25 Nov 2011:

“The General Command of the Army and Armed Forces announced that an armed terrorist group carried out a vicious assassination operation which claimed the lives of six pilots, one technical officer and three technical sub-officers of a military airbase, as they were passing Palmyra-Homs axis on Thursday afternoon…. The statement of the General Command added that this escalation exposes the real face of the plot which targets the structure of the Syrian Armed Forces with all its types and confirms foreign parties’ involvement in supporting these terrorist operations with the aim of undermining the qualitative combat capabilities of the Armed Forces. The General Command considers that the beneficiaries of this terrorist act are the enemies of the Homeland and the Nation, foremost being Israel.” http://www.sana.sy/eng/337/2011/11/25/384151.htm http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C0Te7ebbtEw

I dislike that statement by the General Command. One thing on which I agree with “Twerp in Tel Aviv” (he ain’t no amir) is that all of the events in Syria this year are all about Syria and nothing to do with Israel. When the General Command says that this particular atrocity “confirms foreign parties’ involvement in supporting these terrorist operations”, it has got zero evidence to back up that statement. It appears to be just (lamely and baselessly) trying to further de-legitimize internal Syrian rebels by trying to associate them with the agendas of foreigners. It’s propaganda. Calling a spade a spade, there’s an internal rebellion by some Syrians. We on the pro-regime side need to keep to the truth and don’t produce propaganda of dubious veracity. Bashar said on 20 Jun 2011 we need to “distinguish what is real from what is illusory and what is genuine from what is fake.” Bashar also said on 20 Jun 2011: “There is indeed a conspiracy. We should not waste time discussing it or being frightened by it. Rather, we would do to identify the internal weaknesses through which this conspiracy can infiltrate the country. Then we should work on correcting these weaknesses…. Some, however, say that there is no conspiracy [that’d be me and Twerp]…. It is definitely a conspiracy, but again, we will not waste our time discussing it. I said this before in my speech before the People’s Assembly and at the Cabinet: “We must focus on domestics.””

Thus, the General Command is wasting its time discussing the wrong subject, even if there is a sort of foreign conspiracy.

November 26th, 2011, 10:53 am


irritated said:

Revlon #105

Can you explain why suddenly so many babies and children are exposed to violence? Why are they in the streets if streets are supposed to be dangerous and there are snipers everywhere?
Are the parents warned by the opposition LCC about the dangers of leaving their children outdoors?

November 26th, 2011, 10:58 am


Ya Mara Ghalba said:

Mohamed Kanj #86 and Majed97 #90 are of the opinion that “they [the people of Syria] dont care for democracy.” I have news: Syria is going to have true democracy next year, brought in by popular demand under the auspices of the regime. The people of Syria are fair-minded and forward-looking, and they have concluded that the Baath Party’s protected position is not fair and not keeping up with the times. Whether some people care for democracy or not, they’re going to have competitive electoral democracy in Syria.

November 26th, 2011, 10:59 am


zoo said:

“According to official figures released by the “Bahrain Center for Human Rights” website, so far 44 Bahraini citizens are killed at the hands of the mercenaries of the Al Khalifa regime. The 6-year-old Mohammed Farhan, 14-year-old Ali Jawad Alshaikh and 15-year-old Sayed Ahmad Saeed Shams are among the martyrs. The Bahraini organization reported that many of these martyrs have been killed while in custody.”

All-out hypocrisy of Arab League
Sat Nov 26, 2011 2:32PM GMT
By Kourosh Ziabari

Now what concerns the independent thinkers, scholars, university professors, journalists and peace activists is that Syria has become the target of international pressure, simply because it has strong ties with Iran and resistant groups in Lebanon and Palestine, while the reactionary regimes of Bahrain and Yemen are getting away with the felonies they had commit by the virtue of their alliance with the United States.

Arab League has hypnotically suspended the participation of Syria while it has taken no practical step to normalize the situation in the turbulent and chaotic Yemen and Bahrain in which innocent people are being killed on a daily basis by their tyrannical rulers and their loyalists

All that can be said is that the performance of the Arab League in neglecting the situation in Yemen and Bahrain and exaggerating the unrest in Syria which is mainly caused by the foreign intervention and the West’s indifference toward the plight of the suppressed nations in Yemen and Bahrain is an all-out hypocrisy and a clear, undeniable exercise of double standards. Who can really devise a clear-cut solution for this unsolvable dilemma?

November 26th, 2011, 11:06 am


irritated said:

Tara #109

“proof of random shooting”

Yes, there is random shooting, but who is shooting? Why do you discard the possibility that it is “opposition” snipers entrenched on roofs shooting randomly to anything that moves.

Are these babies participating in demonstrations? if so, why are their parents indifferent to the dangers? Why aren’t they warned by the LCC responsible for the security of the civilians, or maybe not.

November 26th, 2011, 11:15 am


Amir in Tel Aviv said:

Syrian president lashes out against Ankara’s criticism of his regime, says Turkey ‘still clinging to its dream of reinstating Ottoman Empire’

Wait a minute. This sounds familiar. Where did I hear it before? I’m sure I did hear it somewhere …

November 26th, 2011, 11:20 am


newfolder said:

Bemo bank closes it’s operations in Syria


this ship is sinking people

November 26th, 2011, 11:21 am


Bronco said:

Another AL postponement?
Any confirmation to the rumors that the AL has extended the deadline for Syria to give final answers concerning the 500 “observers’ to sunday evening?

November 26th, 2011, 11:22 am


Revlon said:

News of death of Marwan AlBarri, cousin of Ex-chief of Asad State Security and the God father of Aleppine Shabbeha at the hands of militants.
Any related news Sheila?

Mimi Nor ????? ???????? ?????? ??????? ?? ??? :: ????? ??? ????? ?? ???? ????? ??? ???? ?? ??? ???? ???? ???? ??????? ??? ?? ??????? ?? ??? ??? ??? ???? ??? ????? ???? ????????? ??? ?????? ?????? ?? ???.
6 minutes ago

November 26th, 2011, 11:22 am


Norman said:


Democracy has it’s benefits, when every town has it’s own city council, Mayer, and local taxes that pay for their police, trash collection and schools, when the trash is not collected or when the taxes go up, they have only themselves to blame, they will not blame the government in Damascus when the trash pile up in Aleppo or latakia,

November 26th, 2011, 11:23 am


irritated said:

@116 Newfolder

Al-Baraka Bank’s Syria plans Expansion despite Unrest


BIERUT- While new small & private banks appear to have largely escaped the worst as the Syrian economy is struggling under rising international pressure against its army crackdown on protests calling for President Bashar al-Assad’s regime ouster; the newly opened Syrian unit of al-Baraka Bank aims to continue expanding, its chief executive said, despite an eight-month revolt that has mired Syria in violence and economic uncertainty.

“We expect to touch break even this year … But we are still opening branches despite the situation,” Mohammad Halabi said on the sidelines of the Union of Arab Bankers conference in Beirut.

“Crisis or not, people still need to invest, borrow or save money in their country.”

Halabi said the impact of the unrest on the private banking sector during the third quarter had caused a 20 percent drop in the sector’s liquidity, while lending had gone down 16 percent.

Syria’s main private banks saw customer withdrawals rise by hundreds of millions of dollars in the third quarter of the year as the uprising against the Assad family’s 40-year rule took its toll on the economy.

Halabi said his fledgling bank was faring well despite the unrest, though its spending to expand across Syria had eaten into profits.

“Customer deposits grew by 202 percent to $7 billion at the end of the third quarter, and our total assets hit $9 billion,” he said.

Several new banks have seen similar increases but more established players have not fared as well. Bemo Saudi Fransi for instance has seen deposits fall 31 percent so far this year, while deposits at Bank of Syria and Overseas are down 25 percent since January.

Halabi said the sectors in Syria most heavily impacted by unrest and sanctions were foreign direct investments and tourism, which accounted for over 10 percent of GDP last year.

“Tourism and investments from abroad were the sectors most badly hid … the country potentially lost $3 billion in revenues from these two sectors,” he said.

The unit of Bahrain-based al-Baraka bank became operational in Syria in early 2011 and will open an eighth branch in Aleppo this month, with plans to open two more branches in December.

The US and European Union have imposed sanctions on dozens of senior Syrian officials, as well as state businesses including the country’s biggest lender, Commercial Bank of Syria.

November 26th, 2011, 11:27 am


Norman said:


What the AL is doing remind me with what i do with my children, when i give them an ultimatum to do something and give them the count to 10 to start, many times i see myself repeating the number 9 until they move to start doing what i want them to do, so is the Arab league it wants to save face so they are extending the deadline, at the end of the day Syria is going to do what it wants and they will accept it like good sports,

November 26th, 2011, 11:30 am


Tara said:

Zoo @113

Selective tears are repulsive! Press TV cries 3 Shiaa children in Bahrain and does not cry 300 children in Syria. Selective tears disgust me. And these brackets are very ugly. They are bothering me. How can I convince you replace them with just dots? Or you will insist on using them just to not look kind?


Self-deception is not usually a treatable condition. Some medical authorities recommend intensive psycho therapy. The cure rate can approach 60 percent. Shock therapy helps in some cases. It resets the brain but I find it too drastic.


The Turks are getting on my nerves. Daily whining and no substance. One says they can’t allow the bloodshed anymore. The order says we won’t do anything. If the intention is to apply psychological pressure on Besho only. Why do they feel prompted to say they are going to do nothing? Is this directed to their own public?

November 26th, 2011, 11:31 am


Bronco said:

Tara #122

I guess Turks should consider the medical recommendation you are giving to Irritated: Shock therapy or Psychotherapy, but I think Turkey has shown to be beyond repair…

Maybe the AL should try another of your medical recommendation to increase their testosterone: Hormonal therapy

November 26th, 2011, 11:36 am


newfolder said:

goes to show we’re all in this together, Syrians of all faiths are targeted by Assad’s killing machine.

Christian Mother mourns her child, Sari Saoud in Bayada Homs today:

November 26th, 2011, 11:43 am


Norman said:

AL Jazeera is reporting that Libya is supporting the FSA with money and arms, as Libya uses Russian arms, anybody can confirm,

this what is happening in Homs, i wonder how long it is going to take the army to do what it has to do to stop the religous killing,


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November 26th, 2011, 11:48 am


newfolder said:

#120 sure jadbeh, Banks are really confident doing business in Syria, which is why the exchange rate today is 57 lira/Usd! Lol at your legendary stupidity pro-regime idiots.

November 26th, 2011, 11:49 am


Bronco said:

Norman #121

I agree. I think the AL have cornered themselves with sticks and no carrot. They know that applying sanctions on Syria will create a shock among Arabs, especially if it is taken in conjunction with Turkey, a historically enemy of the Arabs. To my knowledge the AL has never applied sanctions on any Arab country since its creation.

In parallel, we know that the Al have been trying to put pressure on the multiple factions of the opposition to unite and also, in my view, to convince them to accept the dialog with the Syrian government.
The opposition announced a few days ago that their ‘unified ‘ front will be announced within ‘days, not weeks’.

If the AL succeeds with the Opposition, then they will re-negotiate with Syria the protocol of the visit of the ‘observers’ so to have Syria back on board for the ‘dialog’

If the AL fails with the opposition, they will be obliged for their own credibility to announce some sanctions that in my view will be purely symbolical.

I think the AL is bound to wait for the final position from the “opposition’ before making any serious move.

November 26th, 2011, 11:54 am


ann said:

Iran threatens to hit Turkey if US, Israel attack

November 26, 2011 — TEHRAN, Iran (AP) — A senior commander of Iran’s powerful Revolutionary Guard says the country will target NATO’s missile defense shield in Turkey if the U.S. or Israel attacks the Islamic Republic.

Gen. Amir Ali Hajizadeh, the head of the Guards’ aerospace division, is quoted by the semiofficial Mehr news agency as saying the warning is part of a new defense strategy to counter what it sees as an increase in threats from the U.S. and Israel.

He says Iran will now respond to threats with threats rather than a defensive position. Tehran says NATO’s early warning radar station in Turkey is meant to protect Israel against Iranian missile attacks if a war breaks out with Israel.

Turkey agreed to host the radar in September as part of NATO’s missile defense system.

November 26th, 2011, 12:01 pm


irritated said:

Newfolder #126

oh yeah! Al Baraka Islamic Bank is “legendary stupid”, just like you.

Your changer is cheating you, the exchange rate is 60, ya hakeer!

November 26th, 2011, 12:01 pm


Tara said:


It seems that I have been reading lots of medical articles trying to find solutions for the world. What should we recommend for Bashar? I think he is a hopeless case. The best solution for Bashar is probably to be institutionalized. Agree? Anyway medical stuff is boring… I prefer discussing cinema, my new passion.

Also, I think you are jealous from the Turks achievements. I think they are quite impressive. I recently came upon reviewing their recent film festival on Hurriyet Daily News. I think they are very progressive tapping into what considered will always be taboos for a Muslim country.

November 26th, 2011, 12:09 pm


majedkhaldoun said:

The syrian regime and his supporters on SC,remind me of a guy who cover his ears and blind himself but still blabering.
A lot of wishfull thinking,but what they do is lack of thinking,they see the danger fast approaching,and the say it will not touch us,exactly like M Saeed Al Sahhaf.American troops reached Baghdad,and he said they were defeated.

November 26th, 2011, 12:19 pm


N.Z. said:


You rightly said “Self-deception is not usually a treatable condition.”

I am yet to hear a condemnation, from Norman in particular. A father, a doctor, a Baathist who speaks in defence of his party and members. Who speaks for Arab unity, nationalism, his love for Syria. I never read him once speaking for humanity.

He puzzles me. He might be an imposter, yet, one thing for sure he is a human being, he lives and breath and reasons.

Where are the cries for the deceased innocent children. If Bashar and Asma Assad three lovely children got killed, God forbid, will we hear condemnation from the likes of Norman.

But maybe children of idols are different from poor children. Poor parents have no feelings.

The mother weeping over the dead body of her 11 year son. Her wailing will move a mountain. Only a mother and a father understands the loss of a child.

This senseless killing of children must be condemned. Apprehending children must be condemned. We are humans before being Syrians, our humanity must prevail.

May these children rest in peace, and their parents, brothers and sisters heal.

The killing of any child, creed or colour is a crime, no ifs and buts.

November 26th, 2011, 12:19 pm


Bronco said:

Tara #130

Turkey WAS quite impressive until they decided to become the leader of the Arab world and a puppet of the USA to replace the lost allies Mobarak and Ben Ali.
Now Turkey is on a slope going down as they are becoming more intimate with the USA and all Sharia based countries.

They have a LOT of tabous to break. It is a violent society hiding under an impassible mask. As you talk about cinema, this hidden violence and aggressivity is very clearly visible in their cinema: Suffocating, dark and violent.

November 26th, 2011, 12:21 pm


N.Z. said:

129. irritated said:

“ya hakeer!” why?

Rana Qabbani’s description fits your use of language. “Shabbiha of the pen”.

November 26th, 2011, 12:33 pm


irritated said:

N.Z #134

Why? Does Rana Qabbani also mentions the anti-regime vocabulary?

126. newfolder said:

#120 sure jadbeh,

November 26th, 2011, 12:36 pm


Tara said:


Yes their history was bloody but they are at much more advanced stage than the Arabs.  They have cinema at least.  I find the cinema to be a good way for self-reflection, through which they can develop awareness of their fundamental nature, inner thoughts, desires, and sensations.  Once you are aware of all that you can realize your past mistakes, apologize for it, and move on to more advanced state.  Am I wrong? 

November 26th, 2011, 12:48 pm


N.Z. said:

No she does not.

There is a big difference between “silly” and “bastard”. I will use neither.

November 26th, 2011, 1:02 pm


Bronco said:

Tara #136

Yes, it may help but on a very very long time period. Their history is very bloody and it is not sure the intellectuals and the artists self reflection on the society would do much to change that. Now, there seems to be a complacency on ruminating dark issues and not offering any hopes. Most of their cinema is about violence, family tension, alienation and death.

In addition they threw themselves frenetically in the US consumer model. I am not sure this is not going to alienate even more the traditional and rural societies and create not only a wider gap with the cities but a return to stricter morals based on religion.

Anyway in my eyes, even it is successful economically and politically, it not socially and psychologically a healthy society.

November 26th, 2011, 1:07 pm


irritated said:

N.Z #137

???? for me means ‘vile’, ‘cheap’

I never use any unless I am provoked

November 26th, 2011, 1:13 pm


zoo said:

Peter Goodspeed: As Arab Spring topples dictators, Iran’s influence grows

Not since the collapse of the Ottoman Empire after the First World War has the Middle East experienced such comprehensive change.

Dictators have been toppled in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya and Yemen; Syria is suffering civil war; and rebellion is smouldering in Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Kuwait.

But it is Iran, one of the oldest and richest civilizations in the area, that has suddenly found a new prominence to match its craving for recognition as a regional power.

“When the Arab Spring is over, Iran could emerge with a sphere of influence stretching from western Afghanistan to the Mediterranean,” said George Friedman, founder of Stratfor Global Intelligence.

November 26th, 2011, 1:16 pm


Uzair8 said:

This regime should realise the time is up.

It has lied so much without success. The lies haven’t gained any traction. This is a sign of a cursed regime. Even regime supporters dismiss the SANA allegations of Isreali hand in the deaths of the pilots.

November 26th, 2011, 1:17 pm


Revlon said:

Syrian National Council ?????? ?????? ??????

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??????: ????? ?????? / 23/11/2011

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?????? : ???? ????/ 22/11/2011
See Translation

Like · Comment · 52 minutes ago

November 26th, 2011, 1:36 pm


Mango said:

Journalist Webster Tarpley 24 11 11 01

November 26th, 2011, 1:37 pm


Uzair8 said:

Dear MajedKhaldoun @131

Sheikh Nazim warned in a speech from the beginning of August:

“Allah Almighty will put fear in the hearts of Ba’thiyyin (ruling Alawis). When that fear is put in their hearts, none of them can stay in there anymore.

How to say? Even if you look for them to give them (emergency) medical treatment you still won’t be able to find even one of them. They will be gone…They will run so fast that their heels will hit their bottoms. They will not run at day time, but at night time. They won’t wait the day time. Just put some fear in their hearts, no guns nor cannons needed then.”

November 26th, 2011, 1:40 pm


Khalid Tlass said:

82. NORMAN said:

“The Arab nation is in deep trouble as long as Sunni Muslims do not consider non Sunni Muslims and others as Arab as they are, I just hope that the Arab masses will understand what these hateful Gulf Arabs have planned for the Arab nation.,”


Regarding this statement of yours,

Yes, Arab Sunnis will consider others as Arab as they are, BUT

Shia Arabs must not look towards IRAN for any guidance, material or spiritual,

Shia Arabs MUST NOT admire or love IRAN in any way or form, MSUT NOT profess any loyalty to IRAN, must not look t create any sort of allaince WITH iRAMN, UNFORTUNATLEY this is what most Shia Arabs are doing nowadays, just look at Iraq, Lebanon, Bahrain, HOW DO YOU JUSTIFY THIS, Dr. Norman, as an Arab Nationaliost and a Baathist ? Pls answer my question….

Christian Arabs MUST NOT give French names to their children, if they do, they might as well go to France, why do Syrian and Lebanese Christains have French names ? The French came to Syria only in 1920 and left in 1945, so only 25 years was enough for an entire community to adopt French names and Francophilia ? The Christain Arabs existed as Christians long long before the French learned to cook, yet only 25 years of colonialism was enough to change the way they named themsleves ? Tfooo.

Arab Christians must stop using abuses such as “Bedouin”, they must stop insulting Arabness, Arab culture, Arab costumes, etc. Otherwise they will meet the sad fate of the Arnenians of Turkey who used to insult Turkishness.

So, Dr. Norman, the ball is in your court and it is up to the non-Sunni Arabs to assimilate and integrate themsleves with Arab society and the Arab street, if their heart beats for Iran, France or Israel, sorry, their can be no brotherhood and no Arab nation.

And how do you explain MICHEL AFLAQ converting to ISLAM ? Do you know the positive things which AFLAQ said about Islam and Prophet Muhammad ?

So pls answer my question, I really enjoy interacting with you, Norman, its hard to find an authentic Baathist these days.

November 26th, 2011, 1:42 pm


Revlon said:

FSA unit ambush three Asad forces cars killing the Shabbeha passengers and consiscate their weapons.
Sbaaineh, Dmascus countryside.

????? ?????? ???? ?????? ????? ?????? ???? ??????
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?????? ???????
about an hour ago

November 26th, 2011, 1:43 pm


Tara said:

Zoo, enjoy


Libya to arm rebels in Syria
27 Nov, 2011 03:00 AM

MISRATA, Libya: Syrian rebels have held secret talks with Libya’s new authorities, aiming to secure weapons and money for their insurgency against Bashar al-Assad’s regime, it has been revealed.
At the meeting, which was held in Istanbul and included Turkish officials, the Syrians requested assistance from the Libyan representatives and were offered arms and, potentially, volunteers.

”There is something being planned to send weapons and even Libyan fighters to Syria,” a Libyan source said, on condition of anonymity. ”There is a military intervention on the way. Within a few weeks you will see.”

It has also emerged that preliminary discussions about arms supplies took place when members of the Syrian National Council – the country’s main opposition movement – visited Libya earlier this month.

”The Libyans are offering money, training and weapons to the Syrian National Council,”
Last month, Libya’s interim government became the first in the world to recognise Syria’s opposition movement as the country’s ”legitimate authority”.

Activists said large shipments of weapons had not yet been sent, mainly because of logistical difficulties. But proposals for a ”buffer zone” inside Syria, monitored by the Arab League, or the likely emergence of an area inside the country controlled entirely by rebels could solve this problem. ”The [Libyan] council’s offer is serious,” Mr Taris said. Turkey, which has denounced Mr Assad’s regime, is already sheltering about 7000 Syrian opposition activists, including the leader of the Free Syrian Army, the nascent rebel movement, in a ”safe zone” along Turkey’s border with Syria.

Sources in the Libyan town of Misrata suggested that some weapons might already have been sent. Some smugglers were caught selling small arms to Syrian buyers in Misrata, said a man who trafficked guns to Libya’s rebels during the country’s civil war.
However, Libyan officials denied some of the claims. ”This is what you hear in the street,” said the leader of the Misrata military council, Ramadan Zarmoh. ”Officially there is none of this. I would never send any fighters to fight outside the country.”

November 26th, 2011, 1:44 pm


ann said:

‘West should give way to regional players in Syria’ – 26 November, 2011


More casualties are being reported in Syria as armed rebels and government troops continue to clash in the country’s eastern region. The violence continues amid increased pressure from other Arab nations and from the West.

­The Arab League’s ultimatum demanding that Damascus admit foreign observers or face sanctions, expired without a response on Friday. The League will now look at new measures, including suspending flights to Syria, as well as crippling restrictions on its central bank.

Meanwhile, increasingly harsh rhetoric is coming from Western countries towards the Syrian leadership. Robert Naiman, Policy Director at JustForeignPolicy.Org, says that those Western nations simply should not get involved.

“The French government talked about a humanitarian corridor, meaning Western troops. That’s just playing into the hands of the regime,” he told RT. “Anything that has to do with these issues should be the Arab League and Turkey – regional players taking the lead, not France, not the United States, not Western Europe.”

Robert Naiman added that Western military intervention should be outside the discussion. The regional players trying to broker diplomatic and political solution should be put into focus instead.

November 26th, 2011, 1:55 pm


ann said:

Iraq Rejects any Military Intervention in Syria… Has Reservations on Any Economic Sanctions

Nov 26, 2011

BAGHDAD, (SANA)-President Jalal Talabani of Iraq underlined his country’s rejection of any military intervention in Syria.

In an interview with al-Iraqiya TV broadcast by the Iraqi Presidential site today, Talabani reiterated his support to work for the reforms that the Syrian people seek.

He saw that the Arab work plan could be a good base to resolve issues in Syria, referring to his country’s efforts to make this plan a success.

Meanwhile, Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari stated that his country has reservations on the Arab League’s draft resolution due to be discussed today in Cairo by the Arab Finance Ministers to impose economic sanctions on Syria.

AFP quoted Zebari as saying at a press conference in al-Najaf that “as for Iraq, we couldn’t impose sanctions on Syria because there are great economic relations with Syria who hosts a big number of Iraqi people,” referring that Lebanon and Jordan also announced reservations on the draft resolution.

On November 12th, Iraq underlined that the way through which the Arab League has voted on a draft resolution to suspend Syria membership was unacceptable, characterized by double standard policy as well as it violates the AL charter.

November 26th, 2011, 2:03 pm


ann said:

Al-Moallem Addresses Letter to AL Secretary General and Arab Foreign Ministers on Important Unanswered Points about Draft Protocol

Nov 26, 2011


DAMASCUS, (SANA)-Foreign and Expatriates Minister Walid al-Moallem on Saturday addressed a letter to the Arab League (AL) Secretary General and the Arab foreign ministers on important points still unanswered regarding the draft protocol sent to Syria and the decisions issued by the Arab ministerial councils after the agreement on the Arab Work Plan, particularly the latest decision on 24/11/2011.

Al-Moallem’s letter made clear that Syria, out of its keenness on the joint Arab action and coordination with the Arab Ministerial Committee, studied the draft protocol when it was issued following the Arab ministerial meeting recently held in Rabat, the Moroccan capital, in Syria’s absence.

Syria later, the letter continued, addressed letters including amendments and additions to the protocol, with which it aimed to remove any misunderstanding or ambiguity concerning the AL observer mission to Syria, without affecting the nature and essence of the mission.

“Based on your stress that the AL Secretary General’s task is limited to responding to the questions and inquiries presented by the Syrian side, we have addressed a number of letters in this regard. Yet, important points remained unanswered by you, the thing which drew the Syrian leadership’s attention,” al-Moallem added in the letter.

The Minister summarized the unanswered points in the following:

First Point: The contradiction between what was stated in the fourth preliminary paragraph of the Arab Ministerial resolution on 24/11/2011 which stressed on “the prevention of the shedding of the Syrian people’s blood, securing Syria’s security and unity and warding off foreign interferences in it”, whereas, the fifth executive paragraph stipulated for “informing the UN Secretary General of this resolution and asking him to take the necessary measures under the UN Charter” , the thing which can be understood as a call for foreign interference instead of warding it off.

Second Point: It was not clear for us why the draft protocol had not openly provided for coordination between the Arab observer mission and the Syrian side to enable the mission to carry out its commissioned tasks, although it is impossible to carry out the tasks it will be sent for without coordination with the Syrian authorities.

Third Point: Article 8 of the Arab League Charter said “Each of the member states respects the existing governance system in the other states and considers it one of those states’ rights and pledges not to act in any way to change that system”. Moreover, the Arab Work Plan reached in Doha also provided that ” as the Syrian government takes tangible steps toward implementing its commitments stated in the first item, the AL Ministerial Committee will embark on holding the necessary contacts and consultations with the government and all the sections of the Syrian opposition to prepare for a national dialogue conference within two weeks of the date”, whereas the third item included “calling on the Syrian government and the spectra of opposition to hold a conference of national dialogue according to the Arab Initiative for resolving the crisis in Syria to agree on forming a national government to run the transitional phase”. This clearly shows a violation on the part of the Ministerial Council of the text and spirit of the Arab Work Plan and interference in the Syrian internal affair, as well as a breach of Article 8 of the Arab League Charter.

Fourth Point: We did not find in any of the Arab decisions made after the agreement on the Work Plan in Doha any reference to the other side that is using violence, as stated in paragraph 1 of the first item which provided for “stopping all acts of violence from any source in protection of the Syrian citizens”.

November 26th, 2011, 2:10 pm


zoo said:

@147. Tara

“Zoo, enjoy”


November 26th, 2011, 2:24 pm


Mango said:

?????? ?? ?.???? ???? ??? ???? ?????? 2011/11/5

November 26th, 2011, 2:24 pm


Bronco said:

Ann #150

Thanks for posting that to dispell all accusations directed to Syria for not responding to the AL

The AL protocol must have been written in haste or by someone who thought he could fool the Syrians. It it is full of contradictions and violation of the Arab leagues charter that Moallem intelligently and thoroughly pointed out. It is normal Syria won’t sign such a junk.

The ball is in the AL camp, as I said it before. Either they accept the modifications and clarifications of the protocol or they corner themselves in the controversial sanctions path.

November 26th, 2011, 2:32 pm


zoo said:

Alevis in Turkey complain about discrimination


Alevis remain the subject of discrimination at a state level, Akkiraz said, adding that their religious holidays were routinely ignored.
How many Alevis have been promoted as undersecretaries, governors or directors? You have pushed these people out of the government,” Akkiraz said, likening Erdo?an to a “modern-day Yavuz Sultan Selim” in reference to the Ottoman sultan who led large-scale massacres of Alevi tribes in the 16th century.

“Municipalities spend millions to host Ramadan events. When the Muharram fast [of the Alevis] starts, we will see what the municipalities will do,” she said.

Government officials, however, continued to blast practices during the early years of the Republic when the CHP ruled Turkey under a single-party regime and Mustafa Kemal Atatürk was president

November 26th, 2011, 2:47 pm


Mina said:

Weapons are now circulating all over Egypt, and crime is on the rise. More than 180,000 cars have been stolen in the 6 months after the revolution. With the Lybian weapons generously sent by Qatar and France now causing havoc all over the Arab world, are we finally going to see these falling in the hands of the Palestinians? It seems the West needs an excuse to kill more of them and complete its old plan against Iran.


November 26th, 2011, 3:00 pm


ann said:

Turkey says it won’t use its military in Syria – Nov 27, 2011


ISTANBUL // With a proposal by France for the establishment of humanitarian corridors in Syria and demands by dissidents for a Turkish-controlled safe haven offering protection against the Assad regime, Turkey’s government has rejected the idea of military intervention in Syria.

But that may not be Ankara’s last word on the issue, analysts say.

“We absolutely do not want an intervention in Syria and will not accept a Turkish role in an intervention,” Bulent Arinc, a Turkish deputy prime minister and the government spokesman, told Turkish television interviewers Thursday. “We will neither send soldiers, nor intervene, nor permit others to intervene.”

Mr Arinc spoke after Alain Juppe, the French foreign minister, had called for EU-backed humanitarian corridors to allow aid groups a way into Syria. Mr Juppe called the situation in Syria “no longer tenable” and accused the regime of Bashar Al Assad, the Syrian president, of “a savagery we have not seen in a long time”. The European Union said in a statement that the “protection of civilians in Syria is an increasingly urgent and important aspect of responding to the events in country”.

A Turkish official noted that Mr Juppe had not provided details about how such a corridor could be established. “I don’t know how they can implement it,” the official told The National, speaking on condition of anonymity. He added that the issue had not yet come up in talks between Turkish officials and their Western counterparts.

Turkey, which has the second strongest military in Nato after the US and is Syria’s biggest neighbour, has grown increasingly critical of Mr Al Assad as the Syrian government tries to crush an eight-month-old uprising. Speaking last Tuesday, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the Turkish prime minister, called on the Syrian president to resign.

The Arab Leage finance ministers met in Cairo yesterday to draw up possible sanctions against Syria, but they had not issued any announcement by late last night.

Ankara has given support to the Syrian opposition in exile and allowed the leaders of a group of Syrian army defectors, the “Free Syrian Army” (FSA), to steer their troops from Turkish territory. Lieutenant Salem Odeh, a defector from Latakia, told the Reuters news agency historic and religious ties with Turkey that go back to the Ottoman Empire meant that Mr Al Assad’s opponents in Syria would accept a Turkish military role.

“I just hope there will be Turkish military intervention. It’s better, and they have long-standing blood ties from old times, and they are closer to the East than West,” he said.

The leader of Syria’s exiled Muslim Brotherhood also said this month that Syrians would accept a Turkish intervention in their country. “The Syrian people would accept intervention coming from Turkey, rather than from the West, if its goal was to protect the people,” Muslim Brotherhood leader Mohammad Riad Shakfa told reporters in Istanbul.

Turkey is reluctant to take military action across the frontier, but Turkish officials have been quoted by news agencies and Turkish newspapers as saying in recent days that they could act to set up a sanctuary on Syrian territory if huge numbers of refugees head for the border or if large-scale massacres take place in Syrian cities. Mr Erdogan, answering questions by Turkish reporters on Nov 19 about the possibility of an intervention, said no such move was on the agenda “at the moment”.

So far, about 10,000 Syrians have crossed into Turkey. Syrian deserters and civilians in refugee camps and villages in Turkey close to the frontier say the Syrian army has reinforced its positions in border areas, according to Reuters.

The two neighbours came close to war in 1999 over Syria’s decision to grant asylum to the leadership of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), a rebel group fighting Ankara, but Syria expelled the PKK leadership the same year and relations flourished until the start of the uprising against Mr Al Assad in March.

Speculation about possible preparations for military action by Turkey was fuelled when Gen Hayri Kivrikoglu, Turkey’s land forces commander, arrived at the Turkish-Syrian border for a surprise visit to inspect troops there on Nov 22. Shortly afterwards, the Israeli newspaper Haaretz reported Israel’s government had concluded that Turkey was moving towards an armed intervention in Syria.

Veysel Ayhan, a specialist on Syria at the Centre for Middle Eastern Strategic Studies (Orsam), a think tank in Ankara, said the escalation of the conflict in Syria made an eventual intervention by the international community more likely.

“Different groups in Syria have begun to arm themselves,” Mr Ayhan told The National in a telephone interview on Nov 25. “If the situation in Syria turns into a civil war like in Lebanon, with everybody fighting against everybody, Turkey will not allow it, it will not remain a spectator.”

Should the question of an intervention arise, Turkey would not act alone, but together with allies in the Arab world, Mr Ayhan said. The role of the West in such a scenario would be very limited. “The West would not be accepted by the people in Syria, but Turkey and the Arabs would,” he said.

Asked about Mr Arinc’s outright rejection of any idea of intervention, Mr Ayhan said the deputy prime minister was right, given the situation at the moment. “But if the situation in Syria changes, the situation will also change for Turkey.”

November 26th, 2011, 3:15 pm


ss said:

Norman “the next few months are going to be decisive, The question is will Iran and now Iraq accept the loss of Syria, I doubt it , this crises is going to push Syria toward Iran and Iraq And create the Shea crescent that King Abdullah of Jordon warned about”.

Syria is the heart of this shea crescent wether Khalid Tlass likes it or not and it i sthis crescent that will prevent any attack on Syria. Iraq clearly sided with Syria despite being under the US invasion now, that means Iraqi are getting the orders from Iran, whether Khaliod Tlass likes this or not, Iran is going to be a major power in the ME. This is why Turkey hates the Iranian influence. This is why Saudi and Qaar wants to finance this war to detroy this so called SHIA CRESCENT.

MajedKhaldoon ”
The syrian regime and his supporters on SC,remind me of a guy who cover his ears and blind himself but still blabering.
A lot of wishfull thinking,but what they do is lack of thinking,they see the danger fast approaching,and the say it will not touch us”

A lot of wishfull thinking is exactly what the MBs supporters are doing. We state facts and oinly facts. We did not sign the AL shameful agreement. We decide what is right and what is wrong based on our evaluation and analysis (NOT WISHFUL THINKING). You and other fellows are expert on whishful thinking through the lies that you spread on SC and nothing turned to be true. Now we will see what your wishful thinking army is going to do. MajedKhaldoon; USA is leaving Iraq next month, the tanks. The shia crescent will be official next month. Please send my congrats to your kings in the gulf. Also do not forget Abo Met3ib.

November 26th, 2011, 3:18 pm


ann said:

The islamist league sanctions – 26 NOV 2011

The sanctions will forbid granting visas to Syrian officials, stop all transactions with the Syrian government and the central bank and freeze the Syria’s assets abroad, as well as all foreign investments in Syria.

November 26th, 2011, 3:25 pm


ann said:


Jerusalem- Israel threatened to cut off water and electricity to the Gaza Strip if Hamas and Fatah form a unity government. Israel’s deputy foreign minister Danny Ayalon revealed that it is merely a hypothesis at the moment but that the government won’t hesitate to act if forced. A unified government under Hamas and Abu Mazen’s party Fatah “would transform the Palestinian Authority into a terrorist authority and would put an end to any hope for a peace agreement,” Ayalon stated.

November 26th, 2011, 3:33 pm


Khalid Tlass said:

82. NORMAN said:

“The Arab nation is in deep trouble as long as Sunni Muslims do not consider non Sunni Muslims and others as Arab as they are, I just hope that the Arab masses will understand what these hateful Gulf Arabs have planned for the Arab nation.,”


Regarding this statement of yours,

Yes, Arab Sunnis will consider others as Arab as they are, BUT

Shia Arabs must not look towards IRAN for any guidance, material or spiritual,

Shia Arabs MUST NOT admire or love IRAN in any way or form, MSUT NOT profess any loyalty to IRAN, must not look t create any sort of allaince WITH iRAMN, UNFORTUNATLEY this is what most Shia Arabs are doing nowadays, just look at Iraq, Lebanon, Bahrain, HOW DO YOU JUSTIFY THIS, Dr. Norman, as an Arab Nationalist and a Baathist ? So Pls answer my question….

Christian Arabs MUST NOT give French names to their children, if they do, they might as well go to France, why do Syrian and Lebanese Christains have French names ? The French came to Syria only in 1920 and left in 1945, so only 25 years was enough for an entire community to adopt French names and Francophilia ? The Christain Arabs existed as Christians long long before the French learned to cook, yet only 25 years of colonialism was enough to change the way they named themsleves ? Tfooo….,

Arab Christians must stop using abuses such as “Bedouin”, they must stop insulting Arabness, Arab culture, Arab costumes, etc. Otherwise they will meet the sad fate of the Arnenians of Turkey who used to insult Turkishness.

So, Dr. Norman, the ball is in your court and it is up to the non-Sunni Arabs to assimilate and integrate themsleves with Arab society and the Arab street, if their heart beats for Iran, France or Israel, sorry, their can be no brotherhood and no Arab nation.

And how do you explain MICHEL AFLAQ converting to ISLAM ? Do you know the positive things which AFLAQ said about Islam and Prophet Muhammad ?

So pls answer my question, I really enjoy interacting with you, Norman, its hard to find an authentic Baathist these days

November 26th, 2011, 3:43 pm


Khalid Tlass said:

I hope KSA dispatches its 700 fighter planes to blow the crap out of the Iraqi Army, after the the US leaves. Iraq does not have any Aur Force, it does not have a single fighet plane at this moment, its skies are virtually undefended till 2014, when it will receive its first batch of F-16s. Till then, there airspace is undefended, all they have are some obsolete ZSU-23 units. The time os ripe for KSA to launch a blitzkrieg operation on Iraq, after the US leaves, completely destroy Karbala and Najaf to rubble, destroy all infrastructure in southern Iraq, within 1 week the job can be completed. The Sunnis and Baathists of central Iraq will declare an autonomous republic which will be recognised by GCC. From there there will be plently of support for the FSA in Syria.


November 26th, 2011, 3:54 pm


irritated said:

#160 Khaled Tlasssssssssssssssssss

Your “MUST” make it sound like an inviting and tolerant dictatorship. The pearl of the “Musts” is:

“Christian Arabs MUST NOT give French names to their children,”

What about turkish names, or persian names, kurdish names, assyrian names, jewish names?



I know you will. Well good luck to your troops in their way to heaven.

November 26th, 2011, 3:58 pm


jad said:

Canceling flights to Syria! it’s against all Syrians not the regime, even the west didn’t suggest such a stupid step, isn’t that going to backfire at the AL since people will have no choice but to stand behind this regime against them when they notice that the sanctions are targeting them not the regime?

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November 26th, 2011, 4:07 pm


Khalid Tlass said:

162. Irritated said:

“What about turkish names, or persian names, kurdish names, assyrian names, jewish names?”

All these names are much closer to Arabic identity than French names. Turkey occupied Syria for more than 500 years, but do Syrian Sunnis Arabs have Turkish names like “Oglu” etc. ? Then why do Syrian Christians have French names when France occupied Syria for only 25 years ?

November 26th, 2011, 4:10 pm


ann said:

Iraq concerned extremist forces might take over in Syria – 11/26/2011


BAGHDAD, Nov 26 (KUNA) — Iraqi President Jalal Talabani said here Saturday Iraq was afraid extremists might take over in Syria if Syrian President Assad’s regime falls, according to a statement on the Iraqi presidential website.

“We are worried about the alternative (in Syria). We are afraid of the extremist party, if it replaces the old (one),” Talabani said in an interview with Iraqiya television, according to the statement.

“We are afraid that if extremist forces come to power, they would be hostile to democracy, hostile to Iraq, and even hostile to the Arab spring,” he said.

The Iraqi leader reiterated his country’s support for the peaceful political work for democracy and a civil constitutional government in Syria.

However, Talabani said that Iraq was against looming foreign military intervention in Syria.

“We are against armed Western intervention in (Syria’s) internal affairs,” Talabani said.

He also welcomed the Arab Spring and supported the struggle of Arab peoples for democracy and human rights.

Iraq was the only country to abstain from a November 12 vote to suspend Syria from the Arab League. Lebanon, Yemen and Syria voted against.

November 26th, 2011, 4:36 pm


Son of Damascus said:

@ Khalid Tlass
Your ignorance regarding other faiths is completely asinine. You’re so called French names have an arabic equivalent as in Elias for Elie, or Niaoula for Nicholas, Joseph for Youssef (the list goes on). Most French/Anglo names derive from the bible (Not all), so these are CHRISTIAN names NOT FRENCH.

The best way for Sunni’s in Syria to safeguard their freedom, is by safeguarding the freedom of the minorities. The Assad clan rose from the direct result of Sunni arrogance towards other minorities, if we where more understanding to the plight these minorities suffered from Sr and Jr would have never been regarded as the protectors of minorities.

Learn more about your fellow citizens before you dictate to them what they should and should not do, learn to respect them and be more inclusive towards them.

I am a Syrian before I am a muslim, for I can choose to change my faith but not my blood.

November 26th, 2011, 4:51 pm


Tara said:

Arab League would cut commercial ties with Syria under proposed sanctions

Zeina Karam
BEIRUT— The Associated Press
Published Saturday, Nov. 26, 2011 3:03PM EST

But with no sign of violence abating, an Arab League committee agreed Saturday on a draft of recommended sanctions against Syria.

Arab states plan to cut commercial ties with Syria’s government and freeze its assets as they step up pressure to end months of political violence in the country, a draft document to be discussed by Arab ministers on Sunday showed.

The sanctions would also include a travel ban on senior Syrian officials and a halt to commercial flights to the country, according to the Arab League document seen by Reuters on Saturday.

Dealings with Syria’s central bank would be halted, it said, but basic commodities needed by the Syrian people would be exempted from the list of sanctions.

The document, drawn up by the Arab League’s Social and Economic Committee at a preparatory meeting in Cairo in Saturday, would need to be ratified by ministers before coming into force.

The 22-nation body will vote on the recommendations Sunday in Cairo.

If the Arab League were to go ahead with the move, it would be a huge blow for a regime that considers itself a powerhouse of Arab nationalism.
“U.S. and European sanctions are one thing, but coming from the Arab brothers and sisters, it is psychologically and realistically much more damaging,” said Nikolaos van Dam, a former diplomat and Middle East scholar.

Still, there is widely held skepticism the Arab sanctions would succeed in pressuring the Syrian regime into putting an end to the violence that has claimed the lives of dozens of Syrians, week after week. Many fear the violence is pushing the country toward civil war.

Until recently, most of the bloodshed was caused by security forces firing on mainly peaceful protests. But there have been growing reports of army defectors and armed civilians fighting Mr. Assad’s forces — a development that some say plays into the regime’s hands by giving government troops a pretext to crack down with overwhelming force.
Also Saturday, an Egypt-based Syrian dissident alleged that his 25-year-old pregnant wife was abducted by Syrian intelligence agents in Cairo, then released and left unconscious on a street in the Egyptian capital. The Syrian Embassy in Egypt strongly denied the claim.

Thaer al-Nashef, a vociferous opponent of Assad’s regime, said he received an anonymous text message saying the abduction was meant to teach him “not to insult your masters again.”

An Egyptian police official confirmed Mr. al-Nashef had filed a kidnapping complaint but gave no details about the circumstances. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak to the media.

Mr. Al-Nashef worked as a correspondent for Syria’s SANA state news agency until 2006, when he became a regime opponent. He has lived in Egypt since 2007 and has been a vocal critic of the regime, appearing often on Egyptian TV stations to discuss the uprising.

November 26th, 2011, 4:54 pm


Ya Mara Ghalba said:

#150 ANN has today’s main news. Among other things it refutes what Joshua quoted from “Inhabitant of Damascus”.

Here it is again:
26 nov 2011. Al Moallem explains why the Syrian government rejects the Arab League’s initiative. See especially the Third Point. http://www.sana.sy/eng/337/2011/11/26/384351.htm

The Syrian government earnestly wants the Arab League to send professional military and police men to Syria to observe the policies and practices of the Syrian security forces. If a delegation of such Arabic security professionals went to Syria, their observations would help to inform the world beyond Syria that Syria’s security policies and practices are virtuous.

November 26th, 2011, 5:10 pm


jad said:

Is there any more horrendous crime than killing a child? What did those children do to become the victims of this bloody struggle, why to destroy their future and their families’ life? Whoever did these crimes must pay.
An 11 yo kid has nothing to do with Bashar or Ghalyoun or Hamad or Erdogan or Sarkozy or Obama to pay the ultimate price of his young years on behalf of any of those criminals.
Is this blood river will ever stop running in Syria? When are people going to say enough?

November 26th, 2011, 5:15 pm


Khalid Tlass said:

@ S.O.D –

What about names like Pierre, Louis, Henri, Georgina, Helene, Jacques, Jean ? Do they have Arabic equivalents too ? Yet you see many Syrian Christians with those names.

( LOL Arabic does not even have the letter for the first letter of “Pierre”)

November 26th, 2011, 5:22 pm


jad said:

Libya’s new rulers offer weapons to Syrian rebels

Syrian rebels held secret talks with Libya’s new authorities on Friday, aiming to secure weapons and money for their insurgency against President Bashar al-Assad’s regime, The Daily Telegraph has learned.
At the meeting, which was held in Istanbul and included Turkish officials, the Syrians requested “assistance” from the Libyan representatives and were offered arms, and potentially volunteers.
“There is something being planned to send weapons and even Libyan fighters to Syria,” said a Libyan source, speaking on condition of anonymity. “There is a military intervention on the way. Within a few weeks you will see.”
The Telegraph has also learned that preliminary discussions about arms supplies took place when members of the Syrian National Council [SNC] – the country’s main opposition movement – visited Libya earlier this month.
“The Libyans are offering money, training and weapons to the Syrian National Council,” added Wisam Taris, a human rights campaigner with links to the SNC.
The disclosure came as rebels raided an air force base outside the city of Homs and killed six pilots, according to a statement by the country’s military.

Rebel attacks have become daily occurrences since the onset of the insurrection. The conflict has claimed at least 3,500 lives, mainly as part of a crackdown by the government.
Syria’s regime has continued to defy pressure from the Arab League, ignoring yesterday’s deadline to accept the deployment of 500 human rights observers, raising the possibility that economic sanctions may be agreed this weekend.
Last month, Libya’s interim government became the first in the world to recognise Syria’s opposition movement as the country’s “legitimate authority”.
Large shipments of weapons have not yet been sent, said activists, mainly because of logistical difficulties. But proposals for a “buffer zone” inside Syria, monitored by the Arab League, or the likely emergence of an area inside the country controlled entirely by rebels could solve this problem.
“The [Libyan] council’s offer is serious,” said Mr Taris. Turkey, which has denounced President Assad’s regime, is already sheltering about 7,000 Syrian opposition activists, including the leader of the Free Syrian Army, the nascent rebel movement, in a “safe zone” along Turkey’s border with Syria.
Sources in the Libyan town of Misurata suggested that some weapons may already have been sent. Some smugglers were caught selling small arms to Syrian buyers in Misurata, said a man who trafficked guns to Libya’s rebels during the country’s civil war.
Post-conflict Libya is awash with arms, many of them taken from the vast military stores maintained by Col Mummar Gaddafi’s regime. Kalashnikov assault rifles, modern missiles and even tanks found their way into Libya.
Libyans feel closely aligned to the Syrian cause, said Hameda al-Mageri, from the Tripoli Military Council. “Bashar sent Gaddafi weapons when he was fighting us. There are hundreds of people who want to go to fight in Syria, or help in other ways if they can.”
But Libyan officials deny the claims. “This is what you hear in the street,” said Ramadan Zarmoh, the leader of the Misurata military council. “Officially there is none of this. I would never send any fighters to fight outside the country.”
Ministers from the Arab League are expected to meet in Cairo over the weekend to consider sanctions on Syria.
David Cameron, the Prime Minister, and his Qatari counterpart, Sheikh Hamad bin Jassem al-Thani, on Friday pledged to keep up talks with Syrian opposition groups in an attempt to support a transition to a stable democracy.
“They were clear on the importance of the Syrian regime accepting the Arab League’s initiative to end the violence and they agreed on the need to continue talking to the Syrian opposition movements to support the transition to an inclusive and stable democracy,” a Downing Street spokesman said.
Measures under consideration are believed to include suspending all flights to Syrian airports, halting any transactions with the country’s central bank and freezing any Syrian government bank accounts. However, it remains unclear whether there is sufficient support to introduce them. Lebanon has publicly opposed sanctions.


November 26th, 2011, 5:30 pm


Khalid Tlass said:

Show of strength by Free Syrian Army in Idleb –


Go hide in your mother’s chadors, menhebaks. And dream of the Shia crescent.

November 26th, 2011, 5:38 pm


Norman said:


Did you read my previous response from few days ago when you asked about the baath part and Iraq, Iran,


I do no and did not comment on any video or kinked any video that shows atrocities from any side they are meant only to inflame the emotions as they did with you and create hate, i will not be party to that, wake up, there are people who want to destroy Syria and want the Syrians to do it for them,

SOD said,

(( I am a Syrian before I am a Muslim, for I can choose to change my faith but not my blood.))

God bless, i could not have said it better,

By the way Khalid, the Name the man not the other way around , you like Michael Aflaq, did you notice his first name

you do not have to have Arabic name to be Muslim and do not have to have Western name to be Christian, i know somebody from Pakistan with the name Elias,

November 26th, 2011, 5:52 pm


ss said:

“Is this blood river will ever stop running in Syria? When are people going to say enough?”

This blood river will never ever stop because this war is a religious one. It has nothing to do with freedom or democracy. It has nothing to do with better life. It is all directed by Mafias like KSA, Qatar, and Turkey who does not want Shia influence and what a better place than Syria; an Alawite president from a minority. The MBs are the agents of these evil agenda and it will be a long war but people like Khalid Tlass will never ever influence the will of the secular people.

November 26th, 2011, 5:55 pm


ss said:

Khalid Tlass “dream of the Shia crescent”

We do not have to dream of it. It is a fact. Thanks for the US invasion of Iraq and the excution of Sadam Hussien. That made it happen for real. Does it bother you and your masters!!!!!!

November 26th, 2011, 5:57 pm


ss said:

Khalid Tlass “you see many Syrian Christians with those names”

Even you will prevent people from naming their kids what they want. Well I forgot that your goal is an Islamic state. How about Jeans with the word H (See earlier post by Tara who wants all the women in the islamic syrian revolution to wear jeans, and the men to wear Toxedos); are you going to allow women to wear that.

November 26th, 2011, 6:02 pm


jad said:

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?? ???? ?????? ..??
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November 26th, 2011, 6:05 pm


NK said:

The people have been saying enough for over 8 months now, although it’s not surprising that fans of the propaganda landfill (Sana) still don’t get it.

Anyways, enjoy!

November 26th, 2011, 6:07 pm


Son of Damascus said:

@ Khalid Tlass
I did not say they were Arabic, I said they were CHRISTIAN names. As in Saint Helen, Saint Jacques, … When Christian choose to name their children after saints it is their prerogative, just as it was your parents to name you Khalid.
Christians have been in our country longer than any muslim, so have the Jews, the Assyrians, and the list goes on.
By the way you can be Syrian and NOT be an Arab, this whole arabism crap is nothing but propaganda filled with hot air. As a Syrian I have nothing in common with a Yemeni, yes we both share the same language and religion, other than that what is there?
Your racism and ignorance will get so far Khalid, spewing hatred against other faiths and dictating to them what they can and can’t do is just foolish, if you want to adhere to Taliban reality then go to Wazirstan or Afghanistan and spare Syrians your hatred.
This revolution can’t win by hate, because if hate wins our country will be torn apart. This revolution will be won by us understudying each other, and working with each other to over come this sad excuse for a regime.

November 26th, 2011, 6:07 pm


Norman said:


I am not good in writing especially long notes, i tend to repeat myself,so if you can ask one question or two at a time , i will be better in giving what i think,

I do not need Michel Aflaq and what positive things he said about Islam, i have been saying many positive things about Islam, you probably not reading all my note,(( Shame on you)) ,LOL,LOL

what SOD said about the biblical names is true, in my family most have Arabic names and even Islamic, ones, I think , personally, that children should be named with names that fit their environment, I am the oldest and as you know the oldest names his first son with the name of the father, My father’s name is very Arabic name and we felt that in the US he might have trouble so we gave him a western first name and my father’s middle name, he can chose what he wants when he grows up.

November 26th, 2011, 6:07 pm


ss said:

Khalid Tlass
“The time os ripe for KSA to launch a blitzkrieg operation on Iraq, after the US leaves, completely destroy Karbala and Najaf to rubble, destroy all infrastructure in southern Iraq, within 1 week the job can be completed. The Sunnis and Baathists of central Iraq will declare an autonomous republic which will be recognised by GCC. From there there will be plently of support for the FSA in Syria”

Are you related to Hitler????
We have Hitler al Islami here!!!!!!

Iran will not allow you to touch Iraq; starting December it will be an Iranian territory. Sorry.If you want you KSA to send their jets then ask them to go and finish Iran in one week.

November 26th, 2011, 6:08 pm


Tara said:

Khaled Tlass

If I have 3 more children, I will name them Camille, Gabriel,and Jacqueline.

November 26th, 2011, 6:13 pm


Son of Damascus said:

@ Norman

Elias is actually a Jewish name to start with (Elijah), but can be used by the three faiths.

November 26th, 2011, 6:30 pm


jad said:

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Nov 26, 2011

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???? ???????? ???????? ??????? ????? ???? ??????? ?????????? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??????? ??? ??? ???? “?? ??? ???” ?? ?????? ???? ???? ??? ????? ???? ??? ????? ????? ????? ???? ????? ?? “???????? ????????”? ????? ??? “??? ???? ?????? ??? ?? ?????? ?? ????? ???? ?????? ??????”? ?????? “?? ?? ??” ?? ?????? ???? ??? ????? “????? ?????? ????” ??? ?????? ??????? ?? ????? ??? ??? ??????? ???????”.
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???? ??????? ??? ????? ???”?? ?? ??” ????”????????” ????? “??????????” ??? ????? ?????? ??? ?? ????? ?? ???? ???? ????? ?????? ???? ???? ?????? ???????? ???????? ?????? ?? ?????? ?? ??? ?? ?? ??? ??????? ?? ????? ?????? ????? ?? ?????? ????????? ???? ?????? ????? ??? ?? ?????? ??????? ?? ????? ??? ???? ?????? ?? ?? ??????? ???????? ???????? ???? ??? ??????? ?? ?????? ??? ????? ?? ????? ?? ??? ?? ?????? ???????? ??????????? ????????? ????.

Syria: BBC goes undercover in Homs

In Arabic
?? ?? ?? ?? ??? ???? ???

November 26th, 2011, 6:32 pm


Norman said:


if KSA attack Iraq, it is Syria that will defend Iraq, Iraq is an Arab state and the Shea of Iraq and Bahrain and Lebanon and Syria are Arabs, the Shea of Iran are not neither are the Sunni of Turkey, they are not Arabs, let us set our facts strait,


there is more to the relation between the Arabs of Syria and the Arabs of Yemen than there is between the people of New Hampshire and the people of Tennessee, the people of Anglo Saxon origin and the people of Mexican origin, they still all belong to the American nation, so should the people of Iraq and the people of Morocco be in the same Arab Nation.

November 26th, 2011, 6:41 pm


jad said:

“French names!” how ignorant is that?
Christianity origin and culture came from Palestine not the Vatican nor Paris so most of the Christian’s names are actually from Aramaic, Hebrew or Syriac before the west adopted them in their languages.

Pierre: (???? (???
Louis, ????
Henri, ?? ?????? ?? ????? ??? ?????? ??? ??? ??? ????? ???? ?????? ????
Georgina (female of George)
??? ????? ??????? ????? ???????? ???? ?? ????? ??? ????? ??? ????
Helene, ??????,
???? ?????? ??? ????? ?? ????? ??? ??????? ???????? ???? ???????
Jacques, ?????
Jean, ???

November 26th, 2011, 6:44 pm


Son of Damascus said:

@ Tara
I know a Lebanese shiite named Steve, and an Omani named Clint. They were named after McQueen, and Eastwood.

Gabriel is a beautiful name by the way, and is “muslim” as well (Jibreel). it is one of the names I have thought of for my children when the wife and I decide to have some.

November 26th, 2011, 6:47 pm


Darryl said:

170. KHALID TLASS said:

@ S.O.D –

What about names like Pierre, Louis, Henri, Georgina, Helene, Jacques, Jean ? Do they have Arabic equivalents too ? Yet you see many Syrian Christians with those names.

Pierre = Butros
Georgina = Khudriya
George = Khuder
Jean = YuHanna or YeHya

The other names most likely have an Arabic equivalent.

Khalid, I think you are a convert to Islam and not from the middle east at all.

Lastly, Michel Aflaq most likely did not convert to Islam. It is believed that Saddam Huesein claimed that fro one of two reasons:

1. To insult him by saying he died as a Muslim.
2. Most likely reason, Saddam built Aflaq a shrine on top of his tomb because people like you, most probably will end up pissing on his tomb if he was not a Muslim in an Islamic country. So by making him a Muslim, he may avoid that, this is my own theory.

November 26th, 2011, 6:55 pm


Son of Damascus said:

@ Norman
With that logic Australians and Canadians are the same?
I’m sorry I don’t apply to that logic, I have more in common (culturally and traditionally) with our neighbours to the North (Turkey), than I do with Yemen. Speaking the same language does not make a race, it is an identity.

November 26th, 2011, 6:56 pm


Norman said:


I thought Muslims recognize Christianity not just Judaism, so why can’t they name their kids with Christian names.


Do you think that they are admitting now the armed conflict to justify foreign troops and corridors to protect the civilians as the government is not able to do that, or so they say.

November 26th, 2011, 6:58 pm


Tara said:


SOD you have a good taste. Gabriel is one of my favorite.

Shame all this hatred one encounters on SC.

I think hatred is an enough punishment by itself. People deserve their government, and people deserve their hatred.

November 26th, 2011, 7:00 pm


Son of Damascus said:

@ Darryl
I thought George was Gergis, thanks for the clarification.

November 26th, 2011, 7:01 pm


Norman said:


They are the same , and are part of the commonwealth with the queen of great Britain as the head for both,

November 26th, 2011, 7:02 pm


Norman said:


What do you think and will you go out in Syria when the Islamic parties take power,


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November 26th, 2011, 7:12 pm


ann said:

Tension between Turkey and Syria: Is the problem internal or external?

Saturday, 26 November 2011


World stands by as matters heat up between the two countries

“If Syria tests our patience beyond a limit, we will take any step necessary along with our international allies.”–AKP MP Mehmet Metiner

Developments in Syria are being watched by the world press with ever-increasing interest. What will be the fate of rebels and of Assad’s regime and what is the current situation in Syria are the most frequently asked questions. Turkish state authorities are also closely following the events in Syria, and they very often convey their opinions and make statements about Syria. However, their statements and some of their opinions include a variety of arguments that are partly contradictory and conflicting. The ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) and its supporters are especially harsh in criticizing Assad’s Syria and his treatment of rebels. Other political parties in Turkey do not want to be involved with the policies regarding Syria or do not have much to say about it.

In October 1998, the Turkish state forced Syria to deport Abdullah Ocalan, leader of the PKK, and stated that in the case that Ocalan is not deported from Syria it will mean a declaration of war. Just after that Ocalan was forced to leave Syria. Since this turning point in October 1998 that brought back two countries from the verge of war, a normalization process started. Many high-level visits between the two countries were made and varieties of political, military and economic agreements were signed in many areas. As a result of these mutual high-level visits, in 2003 Turkey-Syria relations improved.

In fact, these visits mostly were the result of expected U.S. intervention in Iraq at the time. Just before the intervention, the foreign ministers of Turkey, Syria, Jordan, Iran, Saudi Arabia and Egypt met in Istanbul first and in Damascus later to find “a peaceful solution” to the so-called “Iraq problem.” This initial step laid the ground for following mutual visits between Turkey and Syria. Syrian Foreign Minister Faruk Shara visited Turkey in January 2003. Shara stated his opinions on Iraq and conveyed Bashar al-Assad’s message to Turkish President Ahmet Necdet Sezer. In April, Syria, Turkey and Iran signed a tripartite agreement to prevent the probable establishment of a Kurdish state in Iraq.

The positive peak of relations between Turkey and Syria was in 2004. Erdogan and Assad made visits mutually to Syria and Turkey. This friendly atmosphere did not last forever though. The real issue that kept both sides busy was the future of Iraq and its potential effects on these two countries. After U.S. intervention, Turkey and Syria started a new period of collaboration that was security-oriented; this new collaboration didn’t carry the potential to solve existing problems in the area. The High Level Strategic Cooperation Agreement signed between Turkey and Syria (who almost engaged in a war in 1957-58 and 1998) on September 16, 2009, ended visa requirements for visits under 90 days for both countries’ citizens.

However, after the Syrian opposition movement that started on March 17, 2011, Turkish-Syrian relations entered a new phase. Although at first Turkey only urged Syria to start the reforms, recently they asked Assad to step down and for intervention in Syria.

Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan said, “We do not see the Syria issue as an external one. It is an internal issue for us because we have an 850-kilometer-long border with Syria; we have historical and cultural bonds with Syria. Therefore, the incidents there do not allow us to simply stand by. We have to listen to the voices coming from there and have to do something about it. Our patience is running thin.”Erdogan reacted to the decision to reject the draft resolution that proposed measures against the Syrian regime. He also said that they are cooperating with the Arab League to “bring a chain of sanctions, but when it is not clear yet, we are not saying anything about that yet. Our work is going on.”According to AKP MP Mehmet Metiner, if sanctions and diplomatic ways fail, Turkey might join international military intervention. “If Syria forces our patience, we will take any step along with our international allies,” he said.

Officials at the Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs exposed Turkey’s disfavor regarding a possible unilateral military intervention, saying, “We are not for a military intervention to change the regime.” However, a military option or a no-fly buffer zone close to the border under Turkish guarantee is not completely off the table. Officials at the Foreign Ministry recently expressed that Ankara has included several scenarios on its agenda including a military option with a low possibility if conditions force them to do so. The Foreign Ministry clearly said that if an immigration wave of Syrians fleeing the country pushes Turkish borders, creation of a no-fly zone on Syrian soil is one of the possible solutions. If an immigration wave as it took place in 1991 from Iraq to Turkey happens again, instead of opening the borders Turkey may address needs of Syrian immigrants inside a secured zone within Syrian borders. If this option is chosen by Turkey, a resolution by the UN Security Council will not be necessary.

Meanwhile, Turkish opposition parties are dissatisfied with Turkey’s Syria policy and have criticized the AKP and Erdogan because of his harsh statement against Syria. Main opposition Republican People’s Party (CHP) leader Kemal Kilicdaroglu said, “Erdogan says Syria is an internal affair and that Turkey has run out of patience on the Syria issue. What will the government do then, Is it going to conduct a military operation” He should explain why Turkey has run out of patience.” He accused Erdogan of being “a subcontractor” of the Western powers in the Middle East.”Turkey is on the way to becoming a pawn of the United States. We shouldn’t get involved in possible military action in Syria,” he added. Kilicdaroglu, referring to the ambivalent attitude of AKP in the case of Libya.

The far-right opposition Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) leader Devlet Bahceli has accused the government of backstabbing the Arab world with its policies pursued in Syria and Libya. He said Erdogan has lined up with global powers against Turkey’s neighboring countries. Deputy chairman of the MHP Mehmet Sandir asserted that AKP’s discourse against Syria is very dangerous. He called on the AKP “to be very careful when taking any further step against Assad.”MHP MP Yusuf Ziya Irbec stated his party’s only concern at the moment is that Turkey’s policy against Syria could affect ordinary civilians in both countries. “The AKP should be very careful and not take steps just by itself,” he added.

Pro-Kurdish Peace and Democracy Party (BDP) also spoke critically of policies pursued by the AKP with regards to Syria. BDP leader Selahattin Demirtas accused Erdogan of “almost deciding to start a war against Syria on his own.””Erdogan is saying that they are running out of patience. What does it mean if a country says it has run out of patience with its neighbor, It means we can wage a war against Syria. He is neither asking Parliament nor the public. He is about to declare war on Syria on his own,” he added.

Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu in a TV conference talked about the situation in Syria, and he pointed out that insurgency in Syria may convince Turkey to get prepared for many scenarios including war against the country if the situation starts to threaten Turkey’s national security. He also responded to criticism from opposition parties about AKP’s policies toward Syria. He also said they don’t take advice from any state about this issue, adding that Turkey was ready for any scenario including military intervention.

Professor Haluk Gerger, an analyst of the political situation in Turkey, said Turkey has a problem with the whole Kurdish presence, not north Kurdistan alone. He spoke of the intervention of Iraq and said.”Turkey now regrets the war in Iraq. At least, it regrets not taking part in it because a Kurdish presence emerged there. Turkey fears that the same thing will happen in Syria as well.” Gerger remarked that Turkey became stronger owing to the economic crisis in the U.S.:”Turkey sees that the bargaining area has been opened. Separately, it seeks an assurance that the experience in Iraq won’t be repeated again. In other words, Turkey wants the red lines to be drawn by itself, not by the U.S. By laying the groundwork of this purpose now with attempts such as “intermediate range” and “buffer zone,” Turkey is planning not only to prevent a new Kurdish formation in Syria but also to besiege south Kurdistan.”

November 26th, 2011, 7:19 pm


Son of Damascus said:

@ Norman

“They are the same , and are part of the commonwealth with the queen of great Britain as the head for both”

So was India, South Africa, Cayman Islands, Turks and Caicos, …

“I thought Muslims recognize Christianity not just Judaism, so why can’t they name their kids with Christian names.”

I never said they can’t, and if that came across as if I did my sincere apologies. I have nothing but respect for all religions. I know about the Christian faith a fair bit, unfortunately more so on the Western Churches than Middle Eastern or Eastern. I am actually ashamed at how little I know about Middle Eastern Churches, was completely flabbergasted to find out the Maronite Church is actually originally Syrian for instance.

November 26th, 2011, 7:24 pm


newfolder said:

Sindos Sulieman, an Alawite activist sends a message to her people. God bless her and protect her from the evils of this regime and it’s death squads:

November 26th, 2011, 7:26 pm


Son of Damascus said:

@ Tara

It could be a sign of my youthfulness, that the world has not turned me bitter yet, but I believe decency can overcome hatred. As long as there is at least one person willing to stand up for it, it can be done. Or else where would Ghandi, King, Mandela, and the likes of them be in history?

November 26th, 2011, 7:32 pm


Tara said:


I truly do not believe that the majority Muslims in Syria submit to a strict interpretation of Islam and therefore I am not worried at all. While the MBs may be able to have representative in the new government, I do not believe women’s right will be taking any step backward. I am sure you were exposed to Muslim women having lived in Syria until you moved to the US. You tell me do you think Syrian women would agree to give up their rights? I just can’t see it happening.

November 26th, 2011, 7:46 pm


some guy no longer in damascus said:

for the record,

November 26th, 2011, 8:11 pm


jad said:

A report about Abd Alhakeen Bilhaj the Libyan’s ‘moujahedeen’ leader being in Turkey to help the Syrian armed militia:

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November 26th, 2011, 8:15 pm


Mohamed Kanj said:

The biggest and most fatal mistake that the extremist revolution made, was in mudering the airforce pilots and cadets. The pilots in the syrian army are mostly sunni and are regarded with prestige and the highest honour amongst all syrians, especially the sunnis. This is why the extremists quickly denied they were involved in the killings 1 day after they bragged about it. They are left all alone know to take orders from their cousins from neighbouring tripoli,lebanon and turkey. Their end is near. They are still dreaming for a military invasion. Its too late. Almost 8months the syrian army has had to purchase the lateset and most advanced military armor and missiles. The syrian army wont even have to use their aircrafts or soldiers in combat if any nation dares to invade. It will rely only on their tens of thousands of missiles. Missile after missile will land towards the western navy ships ( latest anti ship missiles purchased from china and russia ), missile upon missile will land onto turkish,jordanian territory and army barracks and installations, and missile upon missile will strike down the few aircrafts who dare venture into syrian airspace.

November 26th, 2011, 8:25 pm


some guy no longer in damascus said:

this is the worst thing you could do to a mother,

November 26th, 2011, 8:27 pm


Muhammad said:

@ 202 KANJ

“The pilots in the syrian army are mostly sunni and are regarded with prestige and the highest honour amongst all syrians, especially the sunnis.”

Bollocks. Almost all those killed are Alawis. Rather telling of the sectarian nature of this army.

get the names from SANA


November 26th, 2011, 8:39 pm


Norman said:


In Damascus most the women wore scarf or no hear cover, and it might be difficult to enforce head scarf while in Homs that i know well , most women wore not just scarf but head cover that covers beside the head, the face and the eyes,
anyway people can wear what they want as long as they do not force it on others, or even shame others into certain dress type.


I still believe in one Arab nation from the Iraq to the Atlantic ocean and from Syria and the Mediterranean to the African Sahara and the Arab sea,

My feeling is that the people of the Arab world are just composed of people that migrated from Arabia the birth of Semitism and spread to Syria, Iraq and North Africa, so they belong together.

November 26th, 2011, 8:50 pm


Darryl said:

190. NORMAN said:


I thought Muslims recognize Christianity not just Judaism, so why can’t they name their kids with Christian names.”

Norman, have you not been following the cultural revolution in Syria?

There are many many Muslim men and women who have western names, it is also wrong to call them Christian names as many names exited before the west adopted Christianity. There were three Martyrs from the Syrian forces named William, one was a pilot recently.

November 26th, 2011, 8:56 pm


Darryl said:

About Michel Afflaq

I did not have enough time to elaborate about the late Mr Afflaq and whether he converted to Islam as Tlass is falsely claiming. Had Michel Aflaqq converted to Islam, he would have made his name much bigger than Jamal Abdul-Nasser’s. After all, the majority of Muslims from the “Arab world” would rather have nothing to do with a Christian like Afflaq or Zeki Al-Arsuzi who was an Alawite or Antun S’Adeh for that matter.

Therefore, this “insult”to his name that he converted is baseless as it would have been better for him to convert at a young age and gain more popularity and following, as he was a strong believer in secularism, . I am certain he would have been aware of this, however, given that he was a secular person, conversion is meaningless.

November 26th, 2011, 9:08 pm


ann said:

NATO attack allegedly kills 24 Pakistani troops – 2 hrs 35 mins ago


ISLAMABAD (AP) — Pakistan on Saturday blocked vital supply routes for U.S.-led troops in Afghanistan and demanded Washington vacate a base used by American drones after coalition aircraft allegedly killed 24 Pakistani troops at two posts along a mountainous frontier that serves as a safe haven for militants.

The incident was a major blow to American efforts to rebuild an already tattered alliance vital to winding down the 10-year-old Afghan war. Islamabad called the bloodshed in one of its tribal areas a “grave infringement” of the country’s sovereignty, and it could make it even more difficult for the U.S. to enlist Pakistan’s help in pushing Afghan insurgents to engage in peace talks.

A NATO spokesman said it was likely that coalition airstrikes caused Pakistani casualties, but an investigation was being conducted to determine the details. If confirmed, it would be the deadliest friendly fire incident by NATO against Pakistani troops since the Afghan war began a decade ago.

A prolonged closure of Pakistan’s two Afghan border crossings to NATO supplies could cause serious problems for the coalition. The U.S., which is the largest member of the NATO force in Afghanistan, ships more than 30 percent of its non-lethal supplies through Pakistan. The coalition has alternative routes through Central Asia into northern Afghanistan, but they are costlier and less efficient.

Pakistan temporarily closed one of its Afghan crossings to NATO supplies last year after U.S. helicopters accidentally killed two Pakistani soldiers. Suspected militants took advantage of the impasse to launch attacks against stranded or rerouted trucks carrying NATO supplies. The government reopened the border after about 10 days when the U.S. apologized. NATO said at the time the relatively short closure did not significantly affect its ability to keep its troops supplied.

But the reported casualties are much greater this time, and the relationship between Pakistan and the U.S. has severely deteriorated over the last year, especially following the covert American raid that killed Osama bin Laden in a Pakistani garrison town in May. Islamabad was outraged it wasn’t told about the operation beforehand.

The government announced it closed its border crossings to NATO in a statement issued after an emergency meeting of the Cabinet’s defense committee chaired by Pakistani Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani.

It also said that within 15 days the U.S. must vacate Shamsi Air Base, which is located in southwestern Baluchistan province. The U.S. uses the base to service drones that target al-Qaida and Taliban militants in Pakistan’s tribal region when they cannot return to their bases inside Afghanistan because of weather conditions or mechanical difficulty, said U.S. and Pakistani officials, speaking on condition of anonymity to discuss sensitive strategic matters.

The government also plans to review all diplomatic, military and intelligence cooperation with the U.S. and other NATO forces, according to the statement issued after the defense committee meeting.

The White House said that senior U.S. civilian and military officials had expressed their condolences to their Pakistani counterparts.

The White House statement said the officials expressed “our desire to work together to determine what took place, and our commitment to the U.S.-Pakistan partnership which advances our shared interests, including fighting terrorism in the region.”

The White House statement did not address Pakistan’s decision to block supply routes for the war in Afghanistan or its demand that the U.S. vacate the drone base.

The Pakistani army said Saturday that NATO helicopters and fighter jets carried out an “unprovoked” attack on two of its border posts in the Mohmand tribal area before dawn, killing 24 soldiers and wounding 13 others. The troops responded in self-defense “with all available weapons,” an army statement said.

Pakistan army chief Gen. Ashfaq Parvez Kayani condemned the attack, calling it a “blatant and unacceptable act,” according to the statement.

A spokesman for NATO forces, Brig. Gen. Carsten Jacobson, said Afghan and coalition troops were operating in the border area of eastern Afghanistan when “a tactical situation” prompted them to call in close air support. It is “highly likely” that the airstrikes caused Pakistani casualties, he told BBC television.

“My most sincere and personal heartfelt condolences go out to the families and loved ones of any members of Pakistan security forces who may have been killed or injured,” said Gen. John Allen, the top overall commander of U.S. and NATO forces in Afghanistan, in a statement.

The border issue is a major source of tension between Islamabad and Washington, which is committed to withdrawing its combat troops from Afghanistan by the end of 2014.

Much of the violence in Afghanistan is carried out by insurgents who are based just across the border in Pakistan. Coalition forces are not allowed to cross the frontier to attack the militants. However, the militants sometimes fire artillery and rockets across the line, reportedly from locations close to Pakistani army posts.

American officials have repeatedly accused Pakistani forces of supporting — or turning a blind eye — to militants using its territory for cross-border attacks. But militants based in Afghanistan have also been attacking Pakistan recently, prompting complaints from Islamabad.

The two posts that were attacked Saturday were located about 1,000 feet apart on a mountain top and were set up recently to stop Pakistani Taliban militants holed up in Afghanistan from crossing the border and staging attacks, said local government and security officials.

There was no militant activity in the area when the alleged NATO attack occurred, local officials said. Some of the soldiers were standing guard, while others were asleep, they said, speaking on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to talk to the media.

Pakistan army spokesman Maj. Gen. Athar Abbas said map references of all of the force’s border posts have been given to NATO several times.

Pakistan’s prime minister summoned U.S. Ambassador Cameron Munter to protest the alleged NATO strike, according to a Foreign Ministry statement. It said the attack was a “grave infringement of Pakistan’s sovereignty” and could have serious repercussions on Pakistan’s cooperation with NATO.

Munter said in a statement that he regretted any Pakistani deaths and promised to work closely with Islamabad to investigate the incident.

The U.S., Pakistan, and Afghan militaries have long wrestled with the technical difficulties of patrolling a border that in many places is disputed or poorly marked. Saturday’s incident took place a day after a meeting between NATO’s Gen. Allen and Pakistan army chief Gen. Ashfaq Parvez Kayani in Islamabad to discuss border operations.

The meeting tackled “coordination, communication and procedures … aimed at enhancing border control on both sides,” according to a statement from the Pakistani side.

The U.S. helicopter attack that killed two Pakistani soldiers on Sept. 30 of last year took place south of Mohmand in the Kurram tribal area. A joint U.S.-Pakistan investigation found that Pakistani soldiers fired at the two U.S. helicopters prior to the attack, a move the investigation team said was likely meant to notify the aircraft of their presence after they passed into Pakistani airspace several times.

A U.S. airstrike in June 2008 reportedly killed 11 Pakistani paramilitary troops during a clash between militants and coalition forces in the tribal region.

November 26th, 2011, 9:46 pm


jad said:

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??????? : 25 . 11. 2011
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November 26th, 2011, 9:51 pm


majedkhaldoun said:

Michael Aflaq,named his son Ahmad. and he is called Abu Ahmad.

Syria is not the center of Shiite as you said, 95% of Syrian are sunni Muslems and 10% are kurds Sunni.

Dialogue has definition,basis that depends on,Also based on concessions and convincing, and has mechanism, and certain limit in time and,based on trust,all of these are not present in the syrian regime,who just want to buy time.

November 26th, 2011, 9:52 pm


majedkhaldoun said:

Sorry ,correction, it is 75% not 95% of syrian are sunni

November 26th, 2011, 9:53 pm


ann said:

Manila says arrested hackers funded by Saudi group – 1 hr 41 mins ago


MANILA/BOSTON (Reuters) – Philippine police and the FBI have arrested four people over a hacking operation that targeted customers of U.S. telecommunications giant AT&T to funnel money to a Saudi-based militant group.

Those arrested on Wednesday in Manila were paid by the same group the Federal Bureau of Investigation accuses of having funded the November 2008 attacks in Mumbai, the Philippines’ Criminal Investigation and Detection Group (CIDG) said.

The hacking activity resulted in almost $2 million in losses incurred by AT&T, the CIDG said in a statement.

Police in the Philippines said money from the scams was diverted to accounts of a Saudi-based group that was not identified. India blames Pakistan-based Lashkar-e-Taiba for carrying out the attacks in Mumbai that killed 166 people.

FBI spokeswoman Jenny Shearer said hackers targeted customers of AT&T, not the carrier itself. She declined to give details, saying the agency does not discuss investigations.

Hackers broke into the phone systems of some AT&T customers and made calls to expensive international premium-rate services, according to a person familiar with the situation who was not authorized to discuss it publicly.

Such scams are relatively common, often involving bogus premium-service phone lines set up across Eastern Europe, Africa and Asia.

Fraudsters make calls to the numbers from hacked business phone systems or mobile phones then collect their cash and move on before the activity is identified. Telecommunications carriers often end up footing the bill for the charges.

Jan Rasmussen, a spokeswoman for AT&T, said it wrote off some fraudulent charges that appeared on customer bills. She declined to elaborate or comment on the $2 million figure.

Earlier this week, AT&T said it was investigating an attempt to access customer information but did not believe any accounts had been breached.

The CIDG said the FBI sought the help of its Anti-Transnational and Cyber Crime Division (ATCCD) in March after it found the Saudi-based group had targeted AT&T using the hackers.

Among the four people arrested was Paul Michael Kwan, 29, who ATCCD chief Police Senior Superintendent Gilbert Sosa said had been arrested in 2007 after the FBI began an international crackdown on groups suspected of financing militant activities.

Sosa said the Filipinos were being paid by a group originally run by Muhammad Zamir, a Pakistani arrested in Italy in 2007. He said Zamir was a member of Jemaah Islamiah, a Southeast Asian militant network with links to al Qaeda.

“Zamir’s group, later tagged by the FBI to be the financial source of the terrorist attack in Mumbai, India, on November 26, 2008, is also the same group that paid Kwan’s group of hackers in Manila,” Sosa said in the statement.

Last month, Philippine police said weak laws against cyber crime and poor technical capabilities had made the country an attractive base for organised crime syndicates involved in cyber pornography, cyber sex dens, illegal gambling, credit card fraud and identity theft.

November 26th, 2011, 10:01 pm


Revlon said:

AlHarmoush Phalange of the FSA took out Asad forces unit that was involved earlier on in killing two civilians.
The FSA attack destroyed 1 military personnel carrier, 3 of their pickup trucks and 2 of their busses and killing over 70 and wounding more than 30 of involved Shabbeeha.

Taftanaz, Idlib

????? ?????? ???? ?????? ????? ?????? ???? ??????
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?????? ?????? ?????
2 hours ago

November 26th, 2011, 10:04 pm


Revlon said:

A sinister development precipitated by the failure of the SNC to mobilise an international coalition to protect civilians and by logistical inability of the FSA to extend its protection to all areas of Syria.

A group of 60 civilian revolutionists, calling themselves Maghaweer AlSa7el, have taken up arms in persuit of the release of kidnapped women in the coastal region.
They have issued a 24 ultimatum and a threat of retaliation if the kidnapped ladies were not released in 24 hrs.
???????? – ???? ?????? ?????? ????? ????? 2011-26-11

November 26th, 2011, 10:24 pm


Revlon said:

Asad mob forces entertain themselves by humiliating arrested, handcuffed and blidfolded civilians.
They look like they are in a civilian, refrigerated container.

The FSA forces need to take note and stop and check every suspicious refrigerated containers in search of abducted civilians!

??? ???? ?????? ????? ???? ??????? ?????? ??????http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hc7E4S9fH8A&feature=player_embedded#!

November 26th, 2011, 10:30 pm


jad said:

Makeup dude, your story is a terrorist makeup one because the two victims mentioned actually died on the 20th of November not today while today according to this clip the army clearly didn’t get close or shoot anything at the protesters so your criminal friends claim of killing of the ’70’ Syrians as a ‘protection’ act was the usual act of terrorism that you and your friend do best.

“The FSA forces need to take note and stop and check every suspicious refrigerated containers in search of abducted civilians!” Why don’t you fsawaji write them a note on their FB site instead of here.

November 26th, 2011, 10:31 pm


Revlon said:

Mood of festivity and defiance in a demonstration on Friday-of-the-FSA-Protect-Us.
Bab Houd, Homs

November 26th, 2011, 10:39 pm


Bronco said:

#199 Tara

“You tell me do you think Syrian women would agree to give up their rights? I just can’t see it happening.”

It happened in Iran. Just see the photos of the women in Iran before 1979. It happened in Afghanistan and it will happen in Libya, just wait.

November 26th, 2011, 10:39 pm


irritated said:

Revlon #217

“Mood of festivity and defiance in a demonstration on Friday-of-the-FSA-Protect-Us.”

The only missing person is a belly dancer.

November 26th, 2011, 10:48 pm


zoo said:

Arab League to maximize sanctions on Syria
­The Arab League has prepared a list of sanctions to be imposed on the Syrian leadership and is expected to take a vote on it as soon as possible. The sanctions include a complete ban for all the officials of the ruling Syrian regime to enter any Arab state, a halt to all investment projects in the country, a stop for all aerial communication with Damascus and a block on the Syrian Central Bank.

November 26th, 2011, 11:09 pm


ann said:

Syrian FM urges Arab League to show rejection of foreign intervention 2011-11-27


DAMASCUS, Nov. 26 (Xinhua) — Syrian Foreign Minister Walid al- Moallem on Saturday urged the Arab League (AL) to show its rejection of foreign intervention, as the regional bloc was discussing sanctions against Syria.

The AL convened a meeting of Arab finance ministers on Saturday to discuss sanctions against Syria for its failure to sign a protocol before the deadline of Friday over the visit of an AL observer mission.

At the eve of the AL meeting, al-Moallem sent a message to AL chief Nabil El-Arabi, urging the organization to announce a clear- cut stand and show its rejection to any foreign intervention in Syria’s internal affairs.

Syrian official news agency SANA said the message dealt with some important points that had remained unanswered over the protocol and some decisions issued by the AL ministerial meetings, such as the decision on Thursday to give Syria a deadline to sign the protocol.

The Arab foreign ministers on Thursday set Friday as a deadline for the Syrian government to allow in 500 AL observers to monitor the situation in Syria, warning that if Syria refused to sign the protocol, the Arab Economic and Social Council would convene Saturday to discuss economic sanctions against it.

The AL rejected last week the modifications proposed by Syria on the agreement regarding the observer mission, saying that the proposals would introduce “drastic changes” to the mission’s nature.

In his Saturday’s message to the AL, Moallem stressed that Syria was keen on a common Arab work and coordination with the Arab ministerial committee, and had studied the protocol and suggested some amendments that aimed to eliminate any misunderstanding about the observer mission in Syria “without touching the essence or nature of this mission.”

Syria was seeking to reach a common ground to sign the protocol, “but the Arab decision on Nov. 24 couldn’t be understood but as an implicit agreement on internationalizing the situation in Syria and interfering in its internal affairs,” he said.

Citing the AL charter that each member country should not undertake any measure that might lead to a change of the regime in any other member country, Moallem said that it was impossible for the observers to carry out their mission in Syria without coordination with the Syrian authorities.

“We trust that all Arab countries stand against foreign intervention in the Arab countries’ affairs, and hope that the Arab League would issue what could confirm its stand in this context,” the foreign minister said.

Figures from the United Nations show that more than 3,500 people have died in the months-long unrest in Syria. The Syrian government has been blaming armed groups for bloody assaults against civilians and army personnel.

November 26th, 2011, 11:11 pm


ann said:

221. zoo said: “”Arab League to maximize sanctions on Syria
­The Arab League has prepared a list of sanctions to be imposed on the Syrian leadership and is expected to take a vote on it as soon as possible. The sanctions include a complete ban for all the officials of the ruling Syrian regime to enter any Arab state, a halt to all investment projects in the country, a stop for all aerial communication with Damascus and a block on the Syrian Central Bank. “”

Jeffrey Feltman couldn’t have said it better.

Dictated word by word to the islamist league.

November 26th, 2011, 11:21 pm


jad said:

Someone linked the original clip about the defection of 11 students from the police school couple weeks ago, it turned out to be fake and was taken under threat:

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November 26th, 2011, 11:44 pm


zoo said:

Turkey’s Democratic Dusk
Dani Rodrik

“It wasn’t long ago that Turkey appeared to be a bright beacon of democracy and moderation in a region accustomed to autocracy and radicalism. Now it looks more like a country heading towards authoritarianism at home and embracing adventurism abroad.”
Special courts, tasked with prosecuting terrorism and crimes against the state, have been working overtime to produce charges that are often as absurd as they are baseless. For example, journalists have been imprisoned for producing articles and books at the behest of an alleged terrorist organization called “Ergenekon,” whose existence has yet to be confirmed, despite years of investigation.

Likewise, military officers have been charged on the basis of blatantly fraudulent – indeed, amateurishly produced – documents containing obvious anachronisms. A senior police commissioner is currently languishing in jail for allegedly collaborating with far-left militants he spent his entire career hunting down. These prosecutions have cast an ever-widening net, ensnaring scores of journalists, authors, and academics, hundreds of military officers, and thousands of Kurdish politicians and activists, among others.

Self-censorship has become routine. Media bosses anxious to retain Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdo?an’s favor have fired many of those journalists who continue to criticize his regime. And government control now extends beyond the media, judiciary, and academia to the worlds of business and sports. Previously autonomous regulatory bodies (such as the competition authority) have been quietly subordinated to the government, with no debate or discussion.

Even the Turkish Academy of Sciences has been targeted. A recent decree, widely condemned abroad, allows the government to appoint two-thirds of the Academy’s members, thereby ending even the semblance of scientific independence.

November 26th, 2011, 11:47 pm


Norman said:

Now we should invest in Lebanese rental car companies, as with ban on visiting Syria by land the Saudi have to travel to their whore houses in Lebanon by plane and the y would need cars,

Can Syria now ban all Arabs from the states that impose sanctions on Syria from entering the country ,

Can Syria practice imminent Domain and take control of the projects that the Gulf investors have in Syria and pay them the present low prices and get rid of them and offer these projects to Syrian investors, i think they should,

November 26th, 2011, 11:48 pm


jad said:

Again, another news about the Lybian rebels attempt to make the Syrian struggle more bloody than it is:

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November 26th, 2011, 11:49 pm


Norman said:


Apparently in Turkey recently as i saw on one of the American channel, the ruling party of MR Erdogan increased the number of the supreme court and packed up with Islamists supporters of their party,

November 27th, 2011, 12:00 am


jad said:

Twenty Five Army and Security Forces Martyrs Laid to Rest

DAMASCUS/HOMS, (SANA) – With flowers and laurel wreathes, twenty five army and security forces martyrs on Saturday were escorted from Tishreen and Homs Military Hospitals to their final resting place.

The martyrs were killed in the line of duty by the armed terrorist groups in the governorates of Damascus Countryside, Homs and Hama.

Solemn processions were held for the martyrs as they were carried on shoulders and covered with the national flag while the Military Band was playing the “Martyr” and the “Farewell” music.

The martyrs are:

-Colonel Pilot Ahmad Ibrahim Asfour, from Hama.

-Colonel Pilot Manhal Aziz Saleh, from Homs.

-Lieutenant Colonel Pilot Khaled Hajij al-Askar, from Hama.

-Lieutenant Colonel Pilot Nizar Said Esper, from Tartous.

-Major Pilot Ali Mahmoud al-Mohammad, from Homs.

-Captain Pilot Etaf Farid Darwish, from Lattakia.

-First Lieutenant Pilot William Yasin al-Saleh, from Tartous.

-Chief Warrant Officer Ramzi Asaad al-Khatib Abu Fakhr, from Sweida.

-Warrant Officer Saleh Ibrahim al-Durgham, from Homs.

-Warrant Officer Mohammad Suleiman Salim, from Homs.

-Warrant Officer Osama Faraj Razzouk, from Hama.

-Warrant Officer Hussein Mahmoud Abbas, from Hama.

-Warrant Officer Bassam Yunus Mustafa, from Homs.

-Warrant Officer Hasan Mahmoud Abbas, from Hama.

-Warrant Officer Bassam Yousef Mustafa, from Hama.

-Sergeant Major Khaldoun Nasser al-Da’abes Ghanem, from Sweida.

-Sergeant Wael Abdul-Hamid al-Jahoush, from Damascus Countryside.

-Sergeant Ahmad Najib al-Qarrat, from Idelb.

-Sergeant Nasim Ahmad Milhem, from Hama.

-Sergeant Abdul-Aziz Mohammad Kinyar, from Homs.

-Corporal Moayyad Ali Ibrahim, from Damascus Countryside.

-Conscript Qusai Mohammad al-Shami, from Homs.

-Conscript Mohammad Mahmoud Sila, from Homs.

-Conscript Raed Saqir Alesheh, from Hama.

-Conscript Ahmad Dahham Terkawi, from Homs.

The families of the martyrs expressed pride in their son’s martyrdom, saying that they sacrificed their lives to defend their homeland, stressing that Syria will remain steadfast in the face of the conspiracy which targets its unity and stability.

They said that the Syrian people will overcome this ordeal through national unity, and that the blood of the martyrs will protect Syria and make it stronger in the face of challenges.

The martyrs’ relatives affirmed their readiness to sacrifice their own lives to defend Syria, holding the Arab League and the opposition abroad responsible for the murder and violence against the army and civilians, calling for punishing those responsible for the crimes against their sons.

They affirmed that the martyrs were devoted to their country, and that martyrdom is the least one could offer for the sake of Syria and its dignity, stressing that Syria is capable of confronting the mentality of destruction adopted by armed terrorist groups.

In turn, Governor of Homs Ghassan Abdelaal said that the six pilots who were laid to rest today were martyred as a result of a cowardly terrorist act that targeted them after leaving their unit, noting that their unit is dedicated to only defending Syria in case of an attack by Israel.

Abdelaal said that this terrorist act is blatant proof of the organized terrorism against Syria, as the terrorism is now targeting the armed forces’ elite in a clear sign of malicious intent. He also voiced confidence in the army’s ability to overcome this crisis.


November 27th, 2011, 12:00 am


zoo said:

Fethullah Gulen: the religious man behind Erdogan’s party

Fethullah Gülen’s Grand Ambition
Turkey’s Islamist Danger
by Rachel Sharon-Krespin

As Turkey’s ruling Justice and Development Party (Adalet ve Kalk?nma Partisi, AKP) begins its seventh year in leadership, Turkey is no longer the secular and democratic country that it was when the party took over. The AKP has conquered the bureaucracy and changed Turkey’s fundamental identity.

Today, Turkey has over 85,000 active mosques, one for every 350 citizens—compared to one hospital for every 60,000 citizens—the highest number per capita in the world and, with 90,000 imams, more imams than doctors or teachers. It has thousands of madrasa-like Imam-Hatip schools and about four thousand more official state-run Qur’an courses, not counting the unofficial Qur’an schools, which may expand the total number tenfold. Spending by the governmental Directorate of Religious Affairs (Diyanet I?leri Ba?kanl???) has grown five fold, from 553 trillion Turkish lira in 2002 (approximately US$325 million) to 2.7 quadrillion lira during the first four-and-a-half years of the AKP government; it has a larger budget than eight other ministries combined.[1]

The Friday prayer attendance rate in Turkey’s mosques exceeds that of Iran’s, and religion classes teaching Sunni Islam are compulsory in public schools despite rulings against the practice by the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) and the Turkish high court (Dan??tay).[2] Both Prime Minister Erdo?an and the Diyanet head Ali Bardako?lu criticized the rulings for failing to consult Islamic scholars.

Gülen now helps set the political agenda in Turkey using his followers in the AKP as well as the movement’s vast media empire, financial institutions and banks, business organizations, an international network of thousands of schools, universities, student residences (???kevis), and many associations and foundations. He is a financial heavyweight, controlling an unregulated and opaque budget estimated at $25 billion.[3] It is not clear whether the Fethullahist cemaat (community) supports the AKP or is the ruling force behind AKP. Either way, however, the effect is the same.


November 27th, 2011, 12:07 am


Norman said:


I just do not know how long it is going to take before the Syrian army lashes out and fight back, IT is long overdue, long, long overdue,

The Syria army is required to protect Syria from it’s enemy foreign and domestic, that is what the mission of the US army and that is the mission of the Syrian army, stop the civil war and kill the enemy of Syria and anybody who sides with enemy is an enemy to Syria,

November 27th, 2011, 12:11 am


Bronco said:


“Can Syria now ban all Arabs from the states that impose sanctions on Syria from entering the country ,”

I agree fully. All GCC citizens (including Jordan ) should apply for an expensive visa at the Syrian embassy in their home country.

I think the government must wait to have China and Russia acknowledge the failure of the initiative due to the AL faults to allow the army to start an all out war against the rebels and the terrorists.

November 27th, 2011, 12:14 am


ann said:

232. Norman said: “” Ann, I just do not know how long it is going to take before the Syrian army lashes out and fight back, IT is long overdue, long, long overdue “”

Their only soft spot is israel

November 27th, 2011, 12:23 am


Syrian Nationalist Party said:

Hey @Norman,

I am happy camper…singing la..la..la., la..li…le.Tahye Sourieh. No concern about any negative impact out of the bedouin sanctions, Arabism in Syria will be dead soon. Finally, these dim witts will think: WE ARE SYRIANS. Now if Bashar has any balls, which could be not, he will strike that dirty 4 letters word out of the Republic name, then one can be proud to hold a Syrian Passport.

November 27th, 2011, 12:59 am


Mina said:

The MBs have lost a couple of votes for tomorrow in the last few days. People agree though that the Tahrir/Muhammad Mahmud protests have killed the next touristic season (Christmas).



November 27th, 2011, 1:08 am


Syrian Nationalist Party said:

The Republic of Syria… finally,, UUhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh sound so good, a country to be proud of, without Arab without Baath, pure and clean Syrian, no filth. When will be the day.

November 27th, 2011, 1:13 am


Mina said:

Just as an outward observer, I agree with you. The history of Syria is so long that it does not need to claim its root it neither Adnan or Qahtan.

Some news on “al-Qaeda, Episode 2 (or was it 3?): Lybia – Kirkuk”


November 27th, 2011, 1:25 am


Juergen said:


I totally agree, right and needed waht you have said.

There is nothing wrong naming your children according to ones faith, its def. better than having an name like Jaden Blue or other in style names which we see nowadays. I dont know if Khalid was pointing out something else. I know a typical damascene catholic family. The children are called Emelie and Eduard. I see a bit that the parents tend to educate them more in a western way, from kindergarten onwards until now the basic school both are in french speaking private schools From what i hear the public schools have a reputation that the children learn the bad words not from their school buddies, its the teacher who will beat and use such language. Even though those parents just want the best education for their children, i do see some tendencies, that this will result in more fragmentation. I once had dinner at Leilas, this famous restaurant( not so famous for their food though, its the view…) next to Omayad Mosque. I had dinner with a christian from Bab Touma. He wanted to speak French, so we did speak french the whole evening. When the azan came from Omayad Mosaue( which is by the way for me one of the most beautiful in the world) he said to me: Listen, this aweful sound i have to listen to every day! I was shocked and told him, that as a syrian, as a schami, how can he condem the azan, furthermore from omayad mosque. I could understand that a neighboring mosque with an old guy performing azan at 4 am is not what one wants for a comfortable night, but its part of the culture and identity. I do not think that this is a typical christian view, i think its an extremist view. To my knowledge such extremism is not common in Syria. An other example, also a restaurant in the old town of Damascus, Alkhawali, upstairs patio. It was a beautiful night and a lot of the haute volee of Damascus( with and without hijab) was eating upstairs. Two women with niqab entered the scene and all the chique Damasscene women began wispering. As i understood it they thought such women could only come from Halab. As the women tried to eat, holding the niquab with one hand, the women were laughing out loud. What i have seen so far was always that there are a lot of friendships among muslims and christians in cities like Damascus.

November 27th, 2011, 1:54 am


Revlon said:

Syrian National Council ?????? ?????? ??????

A visit by SNC member to Brazil and lobbying amongst human rights organisations, Syrian expats and Brazilian government has served to clarify their misconceptions leading to their reversal in their position twords the Syrian revolution.
Indicators have included refusing to grant entry to Aunty to Brazil and voting for the revolution in the Human rights committee meeting of the General Assembly.
Further meetings are being arranged with FM and President of the republic in order to recognise the SMC.

??? ??? ?????? ?????? ?????? ????? ???? ??????? ?????? ??? ????????? ????? ???? ????? ????? ???????? ?????? ?????? ???????????? ??????? ?????? ????? ?????? ?? ??????? ??????? ??????? ?????? ???????? ?????????? ???? ???? ?????? ?????? ???? ??????? ??????? ????? ???????? ?????? ????? ????? ?? ???? ???????? ?? ???? ?????? ?????? ??????? ?? ?????? ???? ???? ??????? ?? ??????? ?????? ????? ???????.
????? ??????? ?????? ?????? ????? ????? ?? ???? ???????? ?????? ????????? ???? ????? ??? ?????? ?????? ??? ???????? ???????.
See Translation
about an hour ago

November 27th, 2011, 4:52 am


Khalid Tlass said:

185. Norman said:

“If KSA attack Iraq, it is Syria that will defend Iraq, Iraq is an Arab state and…”

Syria al Assad at this moment is too busy with other things to spare a thought about defending Iraq. They have their hands full wuth Homs, Hama, Idlib and Dar’aa, and anyway an average of 10 Assadian soldiers are dying everyday…. Anyway, KSA will unleash only an Air Offensive on Iraq, and the only way either Syria al Assad or Iran or anybody could defend Iraq from KSA wrath is by their Air Force. I do not doubt, that KSA Air Force will be exterminated within 2 days if they fight a modern professional Air Force like Turkish Air Force or any other NATO Air Force. But lets admit, both Syria al Assad nor Iran Air Force is terrible, very less number of operation aircraft, crippled by sanctions, poor maintenance, serious shortage of skilled all-weather pilots. KSA will lose any ground offensive with Iran, so they will not even risk a ground invasion of Iraq. They will bomb the Iraqi Army to smithereens from the Air, and launch artillery barrages and missiles at Iraq from within Saudi territory. And Iraq will not be able to do a single f****g thing about it, becoz their Army is very inexperienced and unskilled, because all the experienced Baathist officers were purged after 2003 to facilitate the rise of the Shia Crescent. Iraqi Army has been built up and trained from 2003 as a counter-insurgency force, they are useless in any conventional War.

November 27th, 2011, 5:18 am


Khalid Tlass said:

Pierre = Butros
Georgina = Khudriya
George = Khuder
Jean = YuHanna or YeHya

Actually, Boutros is Patrick, not Pierre.

Agreed, that the above French names are drevied from Arabic. But if indeed do, WHY the hell Christain Syrians need to use the French names instead of the original Arabic ones ? Why name someone “Georges” instead of “Khudr” when you are Syrian, not French ? You people have a colonial hangover, the French have completely culturally dominated you, basically culturally raoed you.

November 27th, 2011, 5:23 am


Revlon said:

Thug one in his latest media interview claimed that 800 of his forces perished on the hands of terrorists, while a vulgar twirp has quoted “Syrian Offcial Sources” figure of 1400!
Need I say who was lying more?

The quoted figures have two things in common with the real one; the 00 to their right, for the real figure is 0.

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??? ??????? /??????
Maan AlBayari
AlHayat http://www.facebook.com/TheSyrianNationalCouncil/posts/235560319844774
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… ?? ????????? ????? ?? ????? ?? ????? ?????? ???????? ?????.
See Translation
3 hours ago

November 27th, 2011, 5:24 am


Khalid Tlass said:

Sorry, I think Boutros is Peter, which is Pierre in French.

So why the hell use the French version when you speak Arabic ?

November 27th, 2011, 5:25 am


Khalid Tlass said:

188. DARRYL said:

“Lastly, Michel Aflaq most likely did not convert to Islam. It is believed that Saddam Huesein claimed that fro one of two reasons:

1. To insult him by saying he died as a Muslim.
2. Most likely reason, Saddam built Aflaq a shrine on top of his tomb because people like you, most probably will end up pissing on his tomb if he was not a Muslim in an Islamic country. So by making him a Muslim, he may avoid that, this is my own theory.”

Poor poor Daryll, what makes you think that he did not have a genuine conversion to Islam ? Isn’t the majority of the Muslim population of the world descended from conversions ? It is highly likely that Aflaq had a genuine reversion to Islam, for many many years, you could see his love for Islam and the Prophet from his writings and works. He was an intellectual and theorist of Arab nationalism, and he understod that the roost of modern Arab identity go back to the early days of Ilsam.

Now, some quotes from Michel Aflaq –

“The connection of Islam to Arabism is not, therefore, similar to that of any religion to any nationalism. The Arab Christians, when their nationalism is fully awakened and when they restore their genuine character, will recognize that Islam for them is nationalist education in which they have to be absorbed in order to understand and love it to the extent that they become concerned about Islam as about the most precious thing in their Arabism. If the actual reality is still far from this wish, the new generation of Arab Christians has a task which it should perform with daring and detachment, sacrificing for it their pride and benefits, for there is nothing that equals Arabism and the honor of belonging to it.” (In memory of the Arab Prophet -April, 1943)

November 27th, 2011, 5:39 am


Revlon said:

AlJazeera Report on Syria

http://www.facebook.com/TheSyrianNationalCouncil???????: ????? ???? ?? ???? ????? ????? ?? ??????? ????????

November 27th, 2011, 5:39 am


Khalid Tlass said:

Quote from Michel Aflaq –

“The connection of Islam to Arabism is not, therefore, similar to that of any religion to any nationalism. The Arab Christians, when their nationalism is fully awakened and when they restore their genuine character, will recognize that Islam for them is nationalist education in which they have to be absorbed in order to understand and love it to the extent that they become concerned about Islam as about the most precious thing in their Arabism. If the actual reality is still far from this wish, the new generation of Arab Christians has a task which it should perform with daring and detachment, sacrificing for it their pride and benefits, for there is nothing that equals Arabism and the honor of belonging to it.” (In memory of the Arab Prophet -April, 1943)

November 27th, 2011, 5:40 am


Khalid Tlass said:

202. Mohamed Kanj said:

“The pilots in the syrian army are mostly sunni and are regarded with prestige and the highest honour amongst all syrians, especially the sunnis. This is why the extremists quickly denied they were involved in the killings 1 day after they bragged about it”

The pilots are indeed mostly Sunnis, and those who were killed were going to join the FSA in Homs and make preparations for launching an Aviation wing of the FSA. They were killed on the way by Mukhabarat al Jawiyah.

And the FSA never admitted in killing them, where have you got the news ?

November 27th, 2011, 5:46 am


Khalid Tlass said:

230. Tribal JAD said

“Colonel Pilot Ahmad Ibrahim Asfour, from Hama.

-Colonel Pilot Manhal Aziz Saleh, from Homs.

-Lieutenant Colonel Pilot Khaled Hajij al-Askar, from Hama.

-Lieutenant Colonel Pilot Nizar Said Esper, from Tartous.

-Major Pilot Ali Mahmoud al-Mohammad, from Homs.

-Captain Pilot Etaf Farid Darwish, from Lattakia.

-First Lieutenant Pilot William Yasin al-Saleh, from Tartous.

-Chief Warrant Officer Ramzi Asaad al-Khatib Abu Fakhr, from Sweida.

-Warrant Officer Saleh Ibrahim al-Durgham, from Homs.

-Warrant Officer Mohammad Suleiman Salim, from Homs.

-Warrant Officer Osama Faraj Razzouk, from Hama.

-Warrant Officer Hussein Mahmoud Abbas, from Hama.

-Warrant Officer Bassam Yunus Mustafa, from Homs.

-Warrant Officer Hasan Mahmoud Abbas, from Hama.

-Warrant Officer Bassam Yousef Mustafa, from Hama.

-Sergeant Major Khaldoun Nasser al-Da’abes Ghanem, from Sweida.

-Sergeant Wael Abdul-Hamid al-Jahoush, from Damascus Countryside.

-Sergeant Ahmad Najib al-Qarrat, from Idelb.

-Sergeant Nasim Ahmad Milhem, from Hama.

-Sergeant Abdul-Aziz Mohammad Kinyar, from Homs.

-Corporal Moayyad Ali Ibrahim, from Damascus Countryside.

-Conscript Qusai Mohammad al-Shami, from Homs.

-Conscript Mohammad Mahmoud Sila, from Homs.

-Conscript Raed Saqir Alesheh, from Hama.

-Conscript Ahmad Dahham Terkawi, from Homs”

At least 11 of these names are not Sunni, there could be many more Alawis, but can’t judge from the names, but highly possible, given the large number of names rom Hama and Homs countryside, and a dearth of names from eastern Syria ( al Jazira)

November 27th, 2011, 6:04 am


Khalid Tlass said:

241. Khalid Tlass said:

185. NORMAN said:

“If KSA attack Iraq, it is Syria that will defend Iraq, Iraq is an Arab state and…”

Syria al Assad at this moment is too busy with other things to spare a thought about defending Iraq. They have their hands full wuth Homs, Hama, Idlib and Dar’aa, and anyway an average of 10 Assadian soldiers are dying everyday…. Anyway, KSA will unleash only an Air Offensive on Iraq, and the only way either Syria al Assad or Iran or anybody could defend Iraq from KSA wrath is by their Air Force. I do not doubt, that KSA Air Force will be exterminated within 2 days if they fight a modern professional Air Force like Turkish Air Force or any other NATO Air Force. But lets admit, both Syria al Assad nor Iran Air Force is terrible, very less number of operation aircraft, crippled by sanctions, poor maintenance, serious shortage of skilled all-weather pilots. KSA will lose any ground offensive with Iran, so they will not even risk a ground invasion of Iraq. They will bomb the Iraqi Army to smithereens from the Air, and launch artillery barrages and intermeidate range missiles at southern Iraq from within Saudi territory. The Sunnis of Iraq as well as the Baathists, based in central and northern Iraq, will declare their autonomy, as they have been trying to do since 2005. The Palestinian refugees and the MKO will also take to arms, given the shabby way they have been treated by the Shia regime. And Iraq will not be able to do a f****g thing about it, becoz their Army is very inexperienced and unskilled, because all the experienced Baathist officers were purged after 2003 to facilitate the rise of the Shia Crescent. Iraqi Army has been built up and trained from 2003 as a counter-insurgency force, they are useless in any conventional War.

November 27th, 2011, 6:08 am


Revlon said:

220. annsaid:
((215. Revlon said: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hc7E4S9fH8A&feature=player_embedded#!
Very entertaining!
More please))

Your frequent lengthy postings about human rights abuses and related western hypocracy speak of reverence for the rights and dignity of human beings.

Your enjoyment of the sight of humiliation of detained people in the above linked video speaks of the opposite; irreverence for human rights and human dignity!

Like your buddy/hubby thug One, your apparent concern for human rights abuse looks pretencious rather than genuine.

It is selectively and conveniently applied to advance your own cause; preserving and promoting own interests at any cost.

November 27th, 2011, 6:12 am


Revlon said:

Syrian Revolution Intelligence System ???? ????????? ?????? ???????
?????? ???????? ??????? ???????? ??? ?????
Details of the proposed sanctions on Syrian regime according to Emirates News Agency

???? ????? ??????? ?????????? “???” ?????? ???????? ???? ???? ?????? ????????? ?????????? ?????? ????? ??????? ?? ??????? ??? ????? ????? ????? ????????? ?????? ?? ??????? ????? ??? ??????:

1- ??? ??? ???? ???????? ?????????? ???????? ??? ????? ??????? ??? ?? ???? ???? ??????? ??? ????? ????????? ?????? ????? ??????? ??????????.

2 – ??? ????? ???? ??????? ??? ????? .

3- ??? ??????? ?? ????? ??????? ?????? .

4- ??? ????????? ???????? ???????? ?? ??????? ??????? ???????? ????? ???????????? ???? ???? ??? ????? ?????? .

5- ????? ??????? ??????? ??????? ??????? .

6 – ??? ????????? ??????? ?? ????????? ??????? ???????.

7 – ??? ???? ????????? ?? ????? ??????? ??????. .

8 – ??? ????? ?? ??????? ?????? ?????? ?? ??? ?????? ???????? ??????? ?? ????? ??????? ??????.

9 – ????? ?? ?????? ???????? ??????? ?????? ???????? ???????? ????????????? ???????? ???????? ???????? ???????? ??????? ?? ??????? ??????? ?? ?????? ??? ????? ?? ????? .

10 – ????? ????? ????? ?????? ??? ??????? ??????? ?? ??? ???? ? ??????? .

11 – ????? ?????? ??????? ??????? ??????? ?? ???? ???? : ?????? ??????? ??????? ?????? ? ????? ????? ??????
– ????? ???? ?? ????? ??????? ???? ????? ?????? ???????????? ???? ??????? ?????.

12 – ??? ???? ??? ???????? ???????? ??????? ???????? ?????? ??????? ???????? ??? ????? ???????.

13 – ?????? ????? ????? ??????? ???????? ??? ????? ??? ????????
6 hours ago

November 27th, 2011, 6:20 am


Khalid Tlass said:

DARYLL, why do you think that the Iraqi regime claiming Aflq died a Muslim was an “insult” to his names ? How can it be an “insult” ? Saadeh was a devoted believer in Islam and a follower of the Sahaba, he was an extremely well-read philosopher who read all the authentic sources of Islam and came to natural conclusions.

He also had a full Islamic funeral and burial, he was given Salaatul Janaza and the Sunni Mufti of Baghdad lead the prayers. Even today a copy of the Quran is kept on his grave, and to the best of my knowledge, none of his family protested any of this.

Also, what about Mikhail Yuhanna, former Iraqi Foreign Minister. He was an Assyrian but he too converted to Islam and changed his name to TAREQ AZIZ.

So secular Arab Nationalist Christians becoming Muslims has a precedence.

November 27th, 2011, 6:21 am


Khalid Tlass said:


November 27th, 2011, 6:25 am


Khalid Tlass said:

Sunni Power, Salafi Tigers of Idlib –


November 27th, 2011, 6:29 am


Syrian Spring said:

@ 235. Syrian Nationalist Party

“Arabism in Syria will be dead soon”

The so called “Arabism” is for most Syrian already history. Hopefully we will enjoy finally a Syrian Spring and a Syrian Summer without this bunch of polygamy heroes and their “Spouses” in our streets.

Let them spend their holiday in the AL countries 14, 16, 17, 20, and 22 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arab_League . These are the places they have deserved.

November 27th, 2011, 6:35 am


jad said:

To Annie&Co.
How come you didn’t link his mother words? I guess you ‘didn’t’ see it in Louai’s comment, no worries, I’ll link it again just in case you missed your masterwork the first time.
You killed Sari twice

His mother said that there was no army or security forces at all in her area then she said that if the ARMY was there her son wouldn’t die:

????? ?? ?????? ???? ?????

November 27th, 2011, 7:03 am


Mango said:

?????: ???? ???????
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????? ?????? ??? ?? ???? ??????? ????????? “???? ???” ??? ??????? ??????? ????? ??????? ????? ??????? ?? ?????????? ??? ????? ??? ?????? ??????? ????? ?? ??????? – ?? ????? ??? ??????? ???????? ??????? ?? ????? ?????_? ?????? ??? ?????? ?? ???? ????????? ???????? ?? ???????.

November 27th, 2011, 7:09 am


Mango said:

Syria: U.S. Deploys Aircraft Carrier, NATO Prepares For War – Vladimir Fedoruk / NATO Conceals Preparations for Military Action against Syria – Vadim Trukhachev

November 27th, 2011, 7:28 am


Juergen said:

Interesting article, unfortunately in German only. The author went on a tourist visa to Syria and was first detained at the airport but later allowed to enter Syria.


November 27th, 2011, 7:39 am


newfolder said:

Assad’s dogs go on a looting rampage in Homs, breaking into shops and stealing. If this is this kind of army defending the regime, then the regime won’t last 2 days in a war.

November 27th, 2011, 8:14 am


Majed97 said:

Well, it’s official…the AL has finally made Syria enemy number one, ahead of Israel, an amazing development… If the AL was this aggressive and proactive in supporting the Arab cause against Israel, we would have a free Palestine by now.

Today will be marked in history as the day Arabism died. More importantly, today will also be marked in history as the day the Shia Crescent Alliance was born. This alliance has tremendous capital and human resources and potentials to be a major player, regionally and internationally. Russia and China are likely to be the largest beneficiaries and supporters of this alliance. On the other hand, the GCC Sunni alliance is likely to grow now to include other “friendly” Arab regimes. I also believe Israel will likely join this alliance later on; after some half-ass settlement is made with the Palestinians. This alliance will also be powerful in its resources, and will try to compete with the Crescent alliance, but only by continuing to rely heavily on external help from the U.S. and Western Europe. With this split in the Middle East, I see two new cold wars emerging here: a regional one between the Shia crescent alliance and Sunni GCC alliance; and an international one, between East and West.

I never thought I’ll live long enough to see this day. Obviously, I was wrong. I will never again underestimate the stupidity of Arabs…

November 27th, 2011, 8:21 am




Filthy mind ANN said

215. Revlon said: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hc7E4S9fH8A&feature=player_embedded#!

Very entertaining!

More please

So you sadist piece of an excuse of humanity find that degrading and humiliating Syrians an entertainment. And you got 4 filthy minded people like you to say hurrah. I wonder where is the fake outrage of Mr. Children defender, who professes sensitivity, but fails to respond to your sadist, tasteless, despicable, low, comment, even though it seems from the clip that there would be a very reasonable chance that some of those degraded are under-age. I guess, Mr. Ethics is either busy cutting and pasting SANA”s venom now disguised under fancy Assyrian names, or not wanting to offend a valuable regime lackey comrade.

You have all sunk to levels below the scale of humanity, even at its worst. I believe that the tolerant societies hosting you should be concerned when the inevitable fall of the regime happens for they will have on their hands a bunch of failed, miserable souls, with fascist and sadistic inclinations.

November 27th, 2011, 8:52 am



And Khald Tlass
You agent provocateur. You’r no better than filthy ANN.

November 27th, 2011, 8:55 am


Syrian Nationalist Party said:

Common Bashar, withdraw from that Asfourieh Arab League, as noble Fascists call AL: rag heads hamsters and sand nigger zoo pissing post, get some ball willya, do something positive for Syria. Look at it this way, if you to withdraw from that stinky as hell pissing post, remove that 4 letter foul word from the Republic name, will get all those millions of genetically mutated Hamsters impostring genuine Syrian Hamsters and polluting Syria’s gene pool out of the country and you will bring in more Syrians to help our nation.

Just removing that 4 letter word out of the country title will immediately triple real Estate value in Holly Land Syria. It will become the real tourist Mecca for Russians and Europeans. It will make Syrian exports marketable the worlds over. Right now, no one buy something made by Arabs. Ask the Chamber of Commerce and Industries heads, Syrian made products, whatever it is, has one stigma that devaluated its intrinsic quality right away, it has to be labeled “MADE IN SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC, not sellable, because humans, the world’s over do not think of Arabs more than Sand bugs. Syrian merchants have to be creative to make this label hard to read, even ship product to other countries free zones, just to be re-labeled with that country name and remove the word ARAB from the origin label.


November 27th, 2011, 8:59 am


louai said:

newfolder @124 son of Damascus @203 Revlon 246

that’s why you killed the kid ? to say we are all together?
here is his mother accusing YOU yes YOUU of killing her son . terrorists !!!

November 27th, 2011, 9:09 am


Tara said:


“I think the government must wait to have China and Russia acknowledge the failure of the initiative due to the AL faults to allow the army to start an all out war against the rebels and the terrorists.”

All out war? Sad and disappointing! These so called “Rebels” are your average Syrian people demonstrating for freedom and dignity. People I thought you have professed ” love” for?

Anyhow, it is my fault. I had a different mental image…

November 27th, 2011, 9:11 am


Tara said:


I do not usually like to invoke religion but your despicable comment forced a mental image in my brain.  

Enjoy watching yourself. This is you Ann and I am sure you are proud of yourself.

November 27th, 2011, 9:40 am


Majed97 said:

Well, it’s official…the AL has finally made Syria enemy number one, ahead of Israel, an amazing development… If the AL was this aggressive and proactive in supporting the Arab cause against Israel, we would have a free Palestine by now.

Today will be marked in history as the day Arabism died. More importantly, today will also be marked in history as the day the Shia Crescent Alliance was born. This alliance has tremendous capital and human resources and potentials to be a major player, regionally and internationally. Russia and China are likely to be the largest beneficiaries and supporters of this alliance. On the other hand, the GCC Sunni alliance is likely to grow now to include other “friendly” Arab regimes. I also believe Israel will likely join this alliance later on; after some half-ass settlement is made with the Palestinians. This alliance will also be powerful in its resources, and will try to compete with the Crescent alliance, but only by continuing to rely heavily on external help from the U.S. and Western Europe. With this split in the Middle East, I see two new cold wars emerging here: a regional one between the Shia crescent alliance and Sunni GCC alliance; and an international one, between East and West.

I never thought I’ll live long enough to see this day. Obviously, I was wrong. I will never again underestimate the stupidity of Arabs…

November 27th, 2011, 9:42 am


Juergen said:

I am rather surprised how good google translator works nowadays.

here is the mentioned article of Jürgen Todenhöfer:

Journey into a forbidden land

For months, no Western reporter allowed into the more Syrian rebel strongholds. Juergen Todenhoefer was there – and sees Syria on the brink of civil war

. “I’m a public enemy?” I ask the baffled border guards, who refused my evening at Damascus airport of entry. “Against you there is a ban on entry of the secret service!” He answers short. “Follow me!” In a modest office begins an interrogation, punctuated by frantic phone calls. In June I had visited as a tourist, visiting Syria and Daraa, the city where the uprising began. I had written about it. The intelligence seemed to have displeased the. Foreign journalists are no longer in Syria has long been admitted – a political own goal of the class! Since then, the foreign reporting is no longer 80, but 100 percent negative.

I start looking around for a place where I could sleep until the deportation a few hours. But suddenly, around midnight, a call from the State Department turned the tide. “You can enter, you apologize for the inconvenience!” One officer says wearily. Syria is a country full of surprises and contradictions.

The next afternoon I’m on the Umayyad Square – in the midst of a major state-organized event for President Bashar al-Assad. Although the government has already started demo in the morning, still celebrating more than half a million people. Hundreds of thousands of call in chorus: “Assad is freedom, Assad called a democracy!” Amazed, I’m standing in the crowd. Paid-Syrian jubilation?

There is a carnival atmosphere. Young men and girls ask me to dance. I decline with thanks. But in Damascus, Assad seems to have more followers than the world believes. The number of protesters is at least ten times as large as the next day reported in the Western media. That’s what happens when you lock out the world’s press!

Damascus, Syria is not alone. I conclude, therefore, I also Homs and Hama, to look at the strongholds of the revolution. On your own. With a taxi whose driver has relatives there.

Homs, once much admired model of peaceful coexistence of religions, is now the scene of bloody battles. Countless people have been killed or severely wounded. I expect a city surrounded by tanks. But at the city entrance neither soldiers nor military fortifications are to be discovered. Only ramparts of sandbags at intersections and public buildings recall here that often rage fights. The shops are open, thousands of people are traveling. At the weekly market, which is full of meat and vegetables to all kinds of thermal underwear to buy, I purchase three bananas. The bearded salesman to give me a bag of mandarin oranges. “Thank you for coming! Here come from no one. ”

In a teahouse old men play backgammon. In a dim corner, we take a seat, order a mint tea and a shisha pipe. A young man sits down with us. “Tonight there will be fights,” he says quietly. “You should leave soon.” Then he tells of the revolution, his dreams of freedom and his fear of the secret services. “People hate the system. It is corrupt and brutal. “I want to know what percentage stood at Homs behind his friends, the rebels. “Fifty percent,” he replies. “. We get a terrible civil war, if it does not have a solution soon,” Again I am amazed: Only 50 percent support the uprising of Homs? But I hear that number several times. Mainly by Alawites and Christians, here are the 40 percent of the population.

After sunset, we drive to Hama, the city of picturesque water wheels, aqueducts from Roman times. The souk is full of life. Cheerful people greet us. Three young men pull us into a dark backyard and tell of the battles, the two divide Syria. The major urban centers of Damascus and Aleppo were still quiet, but in the interior had been formed to protect the peaceful demonstrators armed units. The youngest of the group showed me a cell phone photo of his father. He had been shot during a demonstration. His film, he will not give me. Since he could report the same in the city prison. The people here are afraid.

Late at night we are at our hotel in Hama. I fall into bed dead tired. Suddenly I hear an explosion and gunfire. I call the front desk and ask what was going on. “The usual,” says the small, fat man, who had shortly before we even want a peaceful night’s sleep, and laughs. “You can continue to sleep peacefully.”

The next afternoon we drive back to Homs. Again, we discuss with young people, this time with Christians. They also regularly demonstrate for democracy. At great personal risk. They tell of the brutality of the government security forces, but also ruthless, heavily armed insurgents. They estimate their number nationwide to 5 000 Only a fraction of them are deserting soldiers. They played only in the Western media have a special role.

The armed rebels operating in the style of guerrilla commandos, said our interlocutor. They killed not only soldiers and policemen, but also targeted civilians. There are mainly Alawites. But even Christians. Almost everyone in Homs know in such cases. The claim that they were protecting demonstrators, was a pretext. Their goal was the escalation of the conflict, chaos. No one knows exactly who they are controlled. They had stolen their innocence of the revolution. The majority of peaceful protesters and the opposition parties had other motives, saying the young Christians. It will go to genuine democracy. They no longer wanted to be spoon-fed by the state security apparatus, such as young children. NATO need not do so. They did not want a second Libya. The West is interfering with the already much too much. The revolution belonged to the Syrians. Syria is a proud country.

It is a long, thoughtful conversation, only interrupted by the sirens of passing ambulances often. From the street from us, the driver nervous break character. He has received several calls from Damascus. Al Jazeera and Syrian television reported over the past six clock in the morning, heavy fighting in Homs. With many deaths. So that’s the reason why so many ambulances racing through Homs.

Suddenly deserted streets

The battles take place in the western part of Homs, in Baba, Amrou, Azzahraa and instead of 60th Street, while we are in the center. This is supposedly still safe. I will run again for ad-Droubi mosque to collect my thoughts. Too many things going through my head. What is poetry, what is truth? But our driver will be more impatient. The pace he goes after us. How to make a secret sign all the shops down their iron shutters. The streets are suddenly deserted, spooky. “One should not overtax his fate,” I think, and get into the taxi. Facilitates release of the latching driver.

Shortly after sunset, we are in Damascus. Again, no hint here of revolution. Syria is a deeply divided country and a lot more complex than the Western political thought. In the cafes and souvenir shops in the capital of the people against the few tourists who have come, despite travel warnings, even lovable as usual you seem to be relaxed and calm. But maybe that’s just the calm before the big storm that is brewing in the countryside and in the suburbs. Solely on the two days we spent in Homs and Hama, died there 68 armed insurgents, 34 civilians, but also 16 soldiers. Syria, the cradle of our civilization, controls on a bloody tragedy.

But the triumph of democracy is unstoppable. Throughout the Arab world. Also in Syria. And that’s good. President Assad knows that, and know his opponent. With both I have done about it long conversations. But it must, as can be in Libya, tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of lives? Not only the Syrian government, the irresponsible going hard against peaceful demonstrators, but also the leaders of the armed guerrilla commandos should think about. And even the West, the place to mediate, adding fuel to the fire, and destroy its sanctions, the existence of hundreds of thousands of ordinary people.

“Assad is paradoxically the only one who now peacefully Syria could reshape into a democracy,” said I just an old Marxist opposition politicians. “If he is free presidential elections set – with full risk. Such a democratic decision would even accept the most peaceful demonstrators. Because many people still make a difference between Assad and the system. ” The opposition has spent more than a decade in the dungeons of the regime. His soft smile of infinite sadness. As it reflects the future of his torn country.

November 27th, 2011, 9:46 am


majedkhaldoun said:

If this is true it would be a disaster to Syria.

November 27th, 2011, 10:02 am


majedkhaldoun said:


November 27th, 2011, 10:05 am


Mango said:

??????? ??????? ????? ??? ???? ??????

??? ???? – ??????? – ??? ???? :-
1) ??? ???? – ?? ????? ????? ??????? – ???? ??????.
2) ??? ???? – ?? ?????? ?????? – ???? ??????.
3) ??? ???? – ????? ???? ????? ???????? ?? ?????? ?????? ?? (??????? – ??????? – ?? ?? ????????).
4) ??? ???? – ????? ???? ????? – ???????? ?? ????? ?????? – ?? ?????? ?????? ?? ??????? ??????? ( ?????? ??? ?? ????? ???????) – ????? ??????? ????? ?? ????? ????? ??????? – ???? ?????? ?????? – ??? ???? ?????? – ????? ????? ?????? – ????? ????? – ????? ????? – ?? ?????? ???????? ( ??? ????? ).
5- ??? ???? – ????? ??????? ???????? ?? ????? ?????? ??????? ????? ?? ????? ????? ??????? – ?????? – ????? – ?????? – ????? – ????? – ????? ?? ?????? ?????? ?? ??????? ??????? – (?? ?????? ???????? ?????????).
6) ???? ?? ????? ????? ?? ?????? ?????? ?? ??????? ????? ??? ?? ?????? ?????? ?? ??????? – ??????? – ??????? – ????? ???? ????? ??? ??? ???????.
7) ??????? ?? ??? ????? ( ????????? )???? ???? ????? ?????? ???? ?? ?????????? – ( ???????? ).

November 27th, 2011, 10:09 am


Akbar Palace said:

Doctor Strangelove


The Syria army is required to protect Syria from it’s enemy foreign and domestic, that is what the mission of the US army and that is the mission of the Syrian army, stop the civil war and kill the enemy of Syria and anybody who sides with enemy is an enemy to Syria


This civil war could have been averted and 3500 souls could have been saved had the government instituted freedom and democracy. You are supporting a government has for decades treated the population as garbage. Apparently, you want the Syrian government to continue its reign or terror and slavery all from the comfort of your home here in the free US.

I find that hypocritical.

No one is asking Syrian government to stop fighting Israel (as if Syria was), they are asking for BASIC human rights. People like you are against that.

November 27th, 2011, 10:11 am


Norman said:


I do not see people in Egypt attacking the army there and they are still having emmergency laws, militery courts and many things that Syria put in motion,and they id not, the conflict in Syria as it appears was never about reform and civil rights it is about destroying Syria’s political well, you are smart, it should be obvious for you.even if you do not want to admit it, they have no clear demand, no time for election , no demand that the president run for next election or not, Syria just have to move on reform faster and leave the opposition that does not want to join the political process self exiled.

November 27th, 2011, 10:35 am


Amir in Tel Aviv said:


For the Syrian army, it’s easier to kill 3500 Syrians than to kill 3500 Israeli soldiers. Don’t you think so?

And “Doctor Strangelove” indeed.

November 27th, 2011, 10:37 am


Bronco said:


“the rebels and the terrorists.”

You mean that these armed peaceful protesters should be left kidnapping and killing members of the army and innocent civilians?

You applaude and encourage these killings and the civil war in which the country is going? I hope you are sending money to help the FSA buy libyan weapons, your conscience will cleaner.

November 27th, 2011, 10:42 am


Ghat Al Bird said:

@ 269.

The jewish zionists sense the inevitable ending to their dreams of defeating Syrians and the increasing belief in the USA that its time to treat Israel as other states, for example, Serbia, Kosovo, Moldavia, Kenya, etc,.

November 27th, 2011, 10:47 am


jad said:

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November 27th, 2011, 11:05 am


Akbar Palace said:

The jewish zionists sense the inevitable ending to their dreams of defeating Syrians and the increasing belief in the USA that its time to treat Israel as other states, for example, Serbia, Kosovo, Moldavia, Kenya, etc,.

Ghat al Bird,

Firstly, there is no “jewish zionist…dream” of “defeating Syrians”. We are not Hamas and Hezbollah or al-Queda or Syria, we recognize all states in the region.

Secondly, maybe one day Syria will provide freedom to the Syrian people like Israel does to the Israeli people. Until then, you don’t have much to say.

For the Syrian army, it’s easier to kill 3500 Syrians than to kill 3500 Israeli soldiers. Don’t you think so?


Not only is it easier, some want the GOS to kill more.

November 27th, 2011, 11:25 am


jad said:

Why they didn’t mention the halt of all commercial flights to Syria?

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November 27th, 2011, 11:33 am


Bronco said:

This is a shameful day.

The needy Arab countries have been bought off by the rich ones.

The only difference between Mobarak’s regime and the GCC, Saudi Arabia and Qatar, is that in Egypt there was not enough money to buy out the loyalty of the large population, while in these GCC country there is.
The GCC countries have reduced their population to consumers with a facade of progress, zero pride and no culture at all.
At least Syrians are cultured, alive, smart and proud, despite the lack of financial resources and an obsolete regime.
By singling out Syria, the Arabs have singled out the only culturally rich country that has stood independent from the US cultural hegemony. In a way that is a subtle recognition of its uniqueness in the Arab world.

November 27th, 2011, 11:38 am


Akbar Palace said:

I do not see people in Egypt attacking the army there and they are still having emmergency laws, militery courts and many things that Syria put in motion,and they id not…


Perhaps the people in Egypt were encouraged something was going to be done when Mubarak stepped down and was put on trial.

What has Syria done in a similar fashion? Nada.

…the conflict in Syria as it appears was never about reform and civil rights it is about destroying Syria’s political well,

Norman, why would Syrians want to destroy Syria? It makes no sense. Meanwhile the anti-regime proponents are all saying that they want democracy. Do you have wax in your ear? Are you blind? Can you not read their statements here on this website and in the news?

… you are smart, it should be obvious for you.

I’m smart enough to know that holding the Arabs back without freedom is just plain primitive habibi. It’s time to catch up with the rest of the world. The Middle Ages passed 500 years ago.

…even if you do not want to admit it, they have no clear demand, no time for election , no demand that the president run for next election or not, Syria just have to move on reform faster and leave the opposition that does not want to join the political process self exiled.

The Syrian government led by the self-appointed despots have had 40+ years to institute “reform”. From what I am seeing, time is a commodity and there is no time to wait any longer.

November 27th, 2011, 11:43 am


zoo said:

In the Arab World, It’s the Past vs. the Future
Published: November 26, 2011


If Syria is convulsed by revolution, it will not implode. Most Arab states implode. Syria explodes.
Why? Because Syria is the keystone of the Levant. It borders and balances a variety of states, sects and ethnic groups. If civil war erupts there, every one of Syria’s neighbors will cultivate, and be cultivated by, different Syrian factions — Sunnis, Alawites, Kurds, Druse, Christians, pro-Iranians, pro-Hezbollahites, pro-Palestinians, pro-Saudis — in order to try to tilt Syria in their direction. Turkey, Lebanon, Hezbollah, Iraq, Iran, Hamas, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and Israel all have vital interests in who rules in Damascus, and they will all find ways to partner with proxies inside Syria to shape events there. It will become a big Lebanon-like brawl.

Syria needs a peaceful democratic transition set in motion now. Ditto Egypt. But that is easier said than done. Events in both countries are a reminder of the multidimensional struggle for power across the Middle East — what I once described as the struggle between “The Lexus and the Olive Tree.”

The same drama played out in Iraq, but there the process was managed, at a huge cost, by an American midwife — managed enough so that the communities were able to write a new, rudimentary social contract on how to live together and, thereby, give the future a chance to bury the past. But we still do not know how it will end in Iraq.

We know, though, that there will be no impartial outside midwife to guide the transitions in Egypt, Syria, Tunisia, Libya and Yemen. Can they each make it without one? Only if they develop their own Nelson Mandelas — unique civic leaders or coalitions who can honor the past, and contain its volcanic urges, but not let it bury the future.

November 27th, 2011, 11:49 am


jad said:

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November 27th, 2011, 11:53 am


N.Z. said:

To all concerned Syrians,

We have a choice, keep on playing the blaming game like an outsider who has the luxury of doing so. Or, we can have a serious dialogue and state all the possible outcomes at this point. It is no longer about scoring goals, it is about saving a country, a people, our homeland.

Iraq, is an example of what might -God forbid- Syria become. We know the biggest losers are the Iraqis. Not the Christians, the Sunnis, the Kurds or the Shiites… they all lost a place they called home to others who are reaping the wealth and destroying a rich culture, the people of that geographical space.

Saddam, was a Baathist, and everything that comes with the empty slogans. Secular, liberator when it comes to Palestine, Nationalist, Arabist…. his first and foremost interest, was Saddam, his family, extended family, he was Muslim, a Sunni, a minority.

Syria is awaiting the same scenario if Bashar does not resign voluntarily. Putting loyalty on a scale, the interest of the collective far exceeds the interest of one man. Bashar said it, “God, Syria and my people”. I hope when he said God, he was not referring to himself, as some of his men are trying to force this new religion, that started with the father. Forever ya Asaad. Despicable mentality of some who became brain-drained.

A civil war without outside intervention will not happen, the regime’s supporter are not divided by sectarian affiliation. The father was detested by the majority, his son loved by the majority. Both Alawites, both from the Assad and their extended family throughout the years grew, both, in numbers and influence. In fact their influence and hegemony on the Syrian everyday life, grew stronger during junior’s reign.

The army is divided, the society is divided. Bashar’s days are numbered, no matter what side of the equation we stand by. How can we help ourselves in times like this.

Two sides in combats, one asking for freedom and dignity, legitimate demands, the other, inventing scenarios or not, is an illegitimate power that robed us from our basic rights, for over half a century. With a non-activist majority, divided between the two camps.

Saving lives, should be our aim, not fuelling killings. The longer he lingers, the more likely a catastrophic situation may occur. The faster he disappears from the scene the faster the recovery.

In short, his lingering is an open invitation to foreign intervention.

I will leave you with this quote: The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to change; the realist adjust the sails.

November 27th, 2011, 12:06 pm


Tara said:


Was Ali Ferzat an armed peaceful demonstrator? Was Ibrahim Quashush an armed peaceful demonstrator? Is Fadwa Suliman an armed rebel? And..and…and…  Let us review what happened over the last 8 months:

Syrians got fed up with 40 years of slavey under Assad’ s crime family and decided to set themselves free.  Massive peaceful demonstrations took place everywhere.  The regime responded with savagery, ruthlessness, and brutality.    

In the interim, external and internal political opposition factions came in shape, initially divided and fragmented but slowly and surely getting united.

Honorable army soldiers and officers, shocked by the brutality against their own people defected and vowed to protect civilians.  The FSA was born and acquired it’s legitimacy from the people support.  This past Friday was the Friday-of-FSA-protecting us.  

Acts of revenge and some sectarian killings did happen here and there.  Not unexpected but strongly condemned.

MBs suppressed in Syria over the last 40 years rode the wave and injected itself within the opposition.  Perhaps a preferable alternative to get them represented and shape them into a moderate faction rather than suppress and radicalize them.

The AL appalled by the continuos killing machine and after giving the regime one deadline after the other imposed economic sanctions not meant to affect the average Syrian citizen, but rather symbolic and not binding as it was left to each country’s conscious.

I object arming civilians and I very much support peaceful demonstrationS remainas they have always been.  Peaceful to the core.   

So who should the regime launch an all out war against? The peaceful demonstrators in Damascus asking for freedom of the medical student? the opposition? the FSA?, who?  Any one who has a dissenting voice?  Who? The regime already is!  The only thing the regime has not yet done was a massive killing of 20,000-30,000 in 7 days Hama-style.  Please tell me this was not what you meant!

Anyway, I expect the regime to unleash massive brutality against the people in the next week in retaliation of the AL’s sanction so people who enjoy the killing (I am not implying you) will have a good week to enjoy.

November 27th, 2011, 12:12 pm



In times of Crisis

Knee jerk reactionaries find Solace in fascism.

Congratulations to those who by now have earned the deformed Swastika banner. But jumping from a pencil neck god to a dead demi-god will not suite betho, be careful.

November 27th, 2011, 12:14 pm


Tara said:


I tried to ignore your post in regard to WD but I am unable to remain silent. I am not interested in knowing why you said what you said.. Because I won’t believe it. WD is a fine fine man, brilliant, sensitive, and eloquent. He was the only regime supporter that could have influenced me. I happen to like him very much. Your comment was despicable and made me lose any respect I may have had for the character called Jad. If friends are like that, who needs enemy. What a pity!

November 27th, 2011, 12:20 pm


Son of Damascus said:

@ Louai

LOUAI said:

newfolder @124 son of Damascus @203 Revlon 246

that’s why you killed the kid ? to say we are all together?
here is his mother accusing YOU yes YOUU of killing her son . terrorists !!!

My Response:

louai the terrorist is the one killing his own people so that he can keep his family grip on power a little bit longer. I guess with his long giraffe like neck he was destined for the hangman’s noose.

November 27th, 2011, 12:26 pm


jad said:

Don’t be silly, WD is my friend as he is yours, it was a joke for him to comment back at me because I know that he still reads SC.

November 27th, 2011, 12:38 pm


jad said:

Who needs A ‘Chalabi’ when we have plenty of them in the oppositions:

???? ??????: ??? ?? ?????? ??? ????? ????? ?????? ??????? ????? ?????

???? ???? ??????? ??????? ????? ??????? ?? ????? ???? ?????? ?? ???? ????? “???????”? ?? ??? ?????? ???? ????? ????? ?????? ???? ??? ????? ???????? ?????? ??? “??? ?? ?????? ??? ????? ????? ?????? ??????? ????? ?????”.
??? ????? ????? ??? ?? ?? ????? ????? ???????? ???? ???????? ??????? ?????? ??????.

November 27th, 2011, 12:53 pm


Bronco said:

N.Z #283

Good intentions… The only solution is obviously a dialog.
Between who and who?

On one side we have the currently still united government and on the other side we have the currently still divided opposition, that means NOBODY.

Until the opposition is able to unite, attract the majority of the Syrians and come with a program that respects the integrity and independance of Syria, it is the FSA who will make the music and the opposition will dance in the violence.

The withdrawal of Bashar al Assad from his position will change nothing as we have seen in Egypt. The Syrian army is now discredited and cannot take the power. There will be a void or an artificial transition where the regime will still be in full power.

The lastest wish of the GCC is a Yemeni model of transition. what? Farouk Sharaa taking control of the transition? who will accept that? It is also obvious Saudi Arabia will replace Saleh with another pro-US puppet and the revolution will probably not stop.

Syrian is unique and the issue needs creativity that the AL lacks totally as their aggressive decisions have only divided and weakened the Arabs without bringing any positive results.

November 27th, 2011, 1:02 pm


jad said:

Dear Louai, in English:

“Mother: There was no army units, nor security forces.
If the army was at the scene, my son would have survived,
may God protect the Army, may God protect the Army and
our President.”

Syrian TV: Mother of Martyr Sari Saud telling his story

November 27th, 2011, 1:04 pm


habib said:

With stories about Saudi and Bahraini abuse finally hitting Western news, will the West realise that there is no good and bad in this regional conflict and stay the hell out?

Probably not, but it will certaily become harder to fool the masses into supporting regime change in one place, yet regime preservation in another.

November 27th, 2011, 2:00 pm


jad said:

Annie&co, you killed this kid in cold blood for political gains, what a bunch of hypocrite criminals

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November 27th, 2011, 2:17 pm


Amir in Tel Aviv said:

I’m so glad that I’m not Syrian !

Or more accurately, that I’m not Revlon, Hamster, MajedKH, Tara Annie Sheila, and sorry if I missed other good people.

If I were a Syrian and had to read the mnhebak manure, My heart would surely break.

November 27th, 2011, 2:34 pm


louai said:

Dear Jad

Sari for the evolutionarys is not important any more , actually after his mother testimony they wish if they could kill her to silence her , for them if the child blood could be sold in their blood market so he is a martyr if not then they completely ignore him.

just see son of Damascus reply to the video above!! he is not sad about Sari any more and his crocodile tears are dry already ,he give a complete empty answer but who blames him ,there is nothing to say!!

i hope the short life of Sari and his tragic death will put at least a question mark in front of those who are wondering wy the government is killing children and change the question from WHY to WHO !!

November 27th, 2011, 2:46 pm


Uzair8 said:

@281. Bronco said:

“This is a shameful day.

The needy Arab countries have been bought off by the rich ones.”

Even if this is true I wouldn’t sympathize with a regime that has for decades bought loyalty and used bully tactics to win loyalty.

Just desserts. A taste of its own medicine.

November 27th, 2011, 2:49 pm


jad said:

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????? ?????? ????? ??????? ??????? ?? “???? ?????? ??? ?? ????? ????? ????? ?????? ???? ??? ????????”.

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???? ??? “??????? ????? ???? ???? ??? ??? ????????”.


November 27th, 2011, 2:52 pm


majedkhaldoun said:

The action which was taken by AL,today, will push the Elite away from Bashar
Put a halt on traveling from and to Syria will be in effect next week, this is to give time to some people to leave Syria,
The regime will escalate his brutality against the people in Homs and Hama, using planes to attack Rankos today, 39 were killed today.

November 27th, 2011, 3:01 pm


Khalid Tlass said:

185. NORMAN said:

“If KSA attack Iraq, it is Syria that will defend Iraq, Iraq is an Arab state and…”

Syria al Assad at this moment is too busy with other things to spare a thought about defending Iraq. They have their hands full wuth Homs, Hama, Idlib and Dar’aa, and anyway an average of 10 Assadian soldiers are dying everyday…. Anyway, KSA will unleash only an Air Offensive on Iraq, and the only way either Syria al Assad or Iran or anybody could defend Iraq from KSA wrath is by their Air Force. I do not doubt, that KSA Air Force will be exterminated within 2 days if they fight a modern professional Air Force like Turkish Air Force or any other NATO Air Force. But lets admit, both Syria al Assad nor Iran Air Force is terrible, very less number of operation aircraft, crippled by sanctions, poor maintenance, serious shortage of skilled all-weather pilots. KSA will lose any ground offensive with Iran, so they will not even risk a ground invasion of Iraq. They will bomb the Iraqi Army to smithereens from the Air, and launch artillery barrages and missiles at Iraq from within Saudi territory. And Iraq will not be able to do a single f****g thing about it, becoz their Army is very inexperienced and unskilled, because all the experienced Baathist officers were purged after 2003 to facilitate the rise of the Shia Crescent. Iraqi Army has been built up and trained from 2003 as a counter-insurgency force, they are useless in any conventional War. Iraq is a siting duck, and KSA can easily control its skies ( so can Iran but with more difficulty ).

Anyway, Norman, don;t you feel bad that a once-proud and strong Arab nation, has been weakeend to the extent that it is at the mercy of Saudi Arabia and Iran ; and all of this has happened just to make way for your beloved “Shia Crescent” FYI. If your beloved tolerant Shia woud have kept the Sunni Baathist army officers after 2003 instead of dismissing them and killing Sunnis, Iraq would have a fighting chance against KSA. Now its soft, boiled meat.

November 27th, 2011, 3:20 pm


Khalid Tlass said:

Mr. DARYLL, why do you think that the Iraqi regime claiming Aflaq died a Muslim was an “insult” to his names ? How can it be an “insult” ? Saadeh was a devoted believer in Islam and a follower of the Sahaba, he was an extremely well-read philosopher who read all the authentic sources of Islam and came to natural conclusions.

He also had a full Islamic funeral and burial, he was given Salaatul Janaza and the Sunni Mufti of Baghdad lead the prayers. Even today a copy of the Quran is kept on his grave, and to the best of my knowledge, none of his family protested any of this.

Also, what about Mikhail Yuhanna, former Iraqi Foreign Minister. He was an Assyrian but he too converted to Islam and changed his name to TAREQ AZIZ.

So secular Arab Nationalist Christians becoming Muslims has a precedence

November 27th, 2011, 3:23 pm


ss said:

300. majedkhaldoun said: “The action which was taken by AL,today, will push the Elite away from Bashar
Put a halt on traveling from and to Syria will be in effect next week, this is to give time to some people to leave Syria,
The regime will escalate his brutality against the people in Homs and Hama, using planes to attack Rankos today, 39 were killed today”.

This is a turning point. The Syrian regime was right when they did not approve the AL plan. The sanctions are not going to be effective in bringing a regime down. All of us remember the sanctions in 1980s. Syria will survive this one as well. This is it. This is what the AL is going to do. The regime has all the time to clean the country from the thugs. I agree with MajedKhaldoon, the regime is escalating its actions on islamic pockets. Viva Syria and viva army. These radicals will suffer a lot.

November 27th, 2011, 3:25 pm


jna said:


Family of Child Sari Holds Terrorists and Their Advocate al-Jazeera TV Responsible for His Death, Army Asked to Enter Area

Nov 27, 2011

HOMS, (SANA)- Family of the child Sari Saoud stressed that their son was martyred at the hands of terrorist armed groups in Homs and al-Jazeera TV Channel, advocate of terrorism, shares the responsibility of this heinous crime.

Al-Jazeera channel claimed that the Syrian Arab army opened fire on child Sari, causing his martyrdom in Bayyada neighborhood in Homs, a lie that was refuted by the nine-year old boy’s family.

“The terrorists are responsible for my son’s martyrdom…they targeted him while he was in front of a grocery on his way to buy a biscuit …Had the army been there, terrorists would not have killed him because the army was protecting us from those killers,” Sari’s mother told the Syrian TV, “Once the army got out of the quarters, the terrorists started to kill us.”

The martyr’s uncle Sheikh Jamal al-Jammal held al-Jazeera TV responsible for the crime, being a guardian terrorism, calling on the Arab League to watch the terrorism practiced by the armed gangs and the misleading of al-Jazeera.

He called for the most severe punishment against the criminals, as he also demanded that the army enter the quarters, particularly Cairo and Bayyada neighborhoods to get rid of the criminals and terrorists who wreaked havoc all around the place.

Sari’s aunt described what al-Jazeera broadcast on her nephew as “utter nasty lies that attempt to stir religious and sectarian hatred, which is a sinister and sordid fabrication,” stressing that the Syrians with all their religious backgrounds, whether Muslims or Christians, are one and they constitute the national unity.

“Syria will remain steadfast, fortified and united and the Syrian people will never ever kneel down,” Sari’s family stressed, calling a member from Istanbul Council who said that “his heart was broken watching the touching scene on Sari” to withdraw their armed terrorist gangs from the streets and stop funding them.

November 27th, 2011, 3:27 pm


Khalid Tlass said:

Quote from Michel Aflaq –

“The connection of Islam to Arabism is not, therefore, similar to that of any religion to any nationalism. The Arab Christians, when their nationalism is fully awakened and when they restore their genuine character, will recognize that Islam for them is nationalist education in which they have to be absorbed in order to understand and love it to THE EXTENT THAT THEY BECOME CONCERNED ABOUT ISLAM AS THE MOST PRECIOUS THING IN THEIR ARABISM. If the actual reality is still far from this wish, the new generation of Arab Christians has a task which it should perform with daring and detachment, sacrificing for it their pride and benefits, for there is nothing that equals Arabism and the honor of belonging to it.” (In memory of the Arab Prophet -April, 1943)

November 27th, 2011, 3:28 pm


ss said:

301 by Khalid Tlass:

Why KSA is going to attack Iraq??? Whyare you insisting on such an attack. I would say KSA should attack either Syria or Iran not Iraq, Iraq is doing nothing to KSA and I thought that Iraq is now a Democratic country, at least give some credit to the US. Saudi Arabia is too weak to conduct any war. They wil enjoy protection by teh US but conducting a war; are you kidding us? Please can you explain why they should attack Iraq. Is it because Iraq is too weak?

November 27th, 2011, 3:32 pm


jna said:


Armed terrorist group kidnaps Judge Fayez Askar in Homs

An armed terrorist group on Sunday kidnapped Judge Fayez Askar who works as counselor at the Court of cassation in Hama.

A source at Homs Governorate stated that the armed group abducted the Judge with his car at Bab Houd neighborhood in Homs after half an hour of leaving his home at al-Iskenderun Street in al-Inshaat al-Askaria neighborhood, taking him to unknown place.

Will the kidnappers replay the Adnan Bakkour video defection/confession scenario with victim never to be seen again?

November 27th, 2011, 3:37 pm


jad said:

The reply you got represent the position of many of the ‘bloody violence’ supporters, they don’t give a damn about the crime itself, they don’t see the act of killing as an act of terrorism regardless who commit the crime, what they care about is to use it for political gains and media strikes.
For those, Syrian kids are split between pro and anti, this is why you see them quite without condemning such a horrendous crime against that kid or any kid of that matter when the killer is their ‘angles’.
I didn’t expect anything else from those kind of people did you?

November 27th, 2011, 3:39 pm


Son of Damascus said:

@ Louai

Every Syrian soul that has ended shortly is the direct result of your God Bashar and his arrogant responses, no matter which side killed that soul. I don’t condone murder no matter what disguise it is hidden under, in the future please refrain from speaking on my behalf, for you don’t know me or what I obviously seek for our country.
You can pretend all you want that I’m a salafi/zionist/khalijee/CIA/alqaeda/MB or whatever else you think I am. I don’t care for your opinions, your god bashar, or your morals (or lack thereof).

November 27th, 2011, 3:40 pm



BS again

@ 297

i hope the short life of Sari and his tragic death will put at least a question mark in front of those who are wondering wy the government is killing children and change the question from WHY to WHO !!

B.S. and you know it. There are at least 186 documented children victims of your pencil neck god. Non of them raised a cry by the hypocrites on this site, quite the contrary, excuses and lame filthy equivocations were plastered all over by regime apologists for some of the more known incidents.

And it is not government, it is a pack of hyenas called regime, and you are its aids. The government is a figurehead and you know it before anyone else. You re helping making it so for perpetuity for the sake of the blue eyed laughing pencil neck fool.

November 27th, 2011, 3:41 pm


ss said:

Syria people are great, they will survive the AL sanctions, its going to be fine. I liked what someone wrote on facebook:

?? ??????????? ?? ????? ?????? ?? ??? ?????? ??? ????? ????? ???? ??? ?????? ??? ?????? ??????? ???????? ??? ????? ???? ??????? ?? ????? ?????? ?????? ?? ????? ?? ??? ?????? ????? ???? ????? ?? ???? ???? ?? ???? ?????? ?? ??? ????? ?????
1- ?? ??? ????? ??????? ?? ????? ??????? ??????
2- ?? ??? ????? ?? ???? ????? ???????
3- ?? ??? ????? ????? ????
… … … 4- ?? ??? ???? ????? ???? ?????? ??????? ?????? ?????? ????????? ????? ??????? ?????? ???? ???? ??????

???? ????????? ???? ?? ???? ????? ?????? ???? ????? ???? ?????? ??? ????? ????? ?????? ??? ????? ????? ?????? ???????? ???? 60 ????? ???? ???? ????? ?? ????? ????????? ??? ??????? ???? ????? ????? ????????? ????
1- ??????? ??????? ?????? ??????? ??????? ????? ??????? ?????????
2- ??? ???? 35.5 ?? ????? ???????? ??????? ????? ???? ???????
4- ????? ?? ?????? ??????
5- ????? ????? ?????? ???
6- ???????? ??? ???? ???? ?? ????
7- ????? ??????? ??? ?????? ????? 90% ?? ?????????????? ????
8- ????? ???? ???? ???? ???? ?????????? ????????
9- ???? ????? ????? ????? ?????? ???????? ?? ???? ?????

China, Iran, Iraq will be our lungs. It is going to be fine. NOw we want the army to devote every second and minute to puriy Syria from armed thugs. God bless the army and the regime.

November 27th, 2011, 3:42 pm


norman said:


who was the only Arab country against the invasion of Iraq, Yes it was Syria while the Saudi and the other gulf state giving land to the invading army, Syria under President Assad was facilitating the passage of the Resistant, It is Syria who pushed the US from Iraq while the Saudi goons were closing their border in the face of the Iraqis,

November 27th, 2011, 3:47 pm



Delusional Sycophants

@ 312

FOOLS,Regime propaganda at its worst. There is an acute electricity problems and the AL sanction has not even started, there is a severe problem with fuel, and the AL sanctions has not even started. Like the thug Saddam Hussein before your betho, you will soon be crying that the sanctions are killing Syrian children, and sadly, you will be right, for the sanctions are going to kill Syrian children. But to you, it does not matter as long as you and your regime can keep the bravado, the carnival like dances over the bodies of Syrians, it is fine.

The regime hyenas on the other hand, will be well fed and provided for. Because every penny will be devoted to maintaining their loyalty. And all of this to maintain a traitor, and his mafia family, who kill their own people with sick pleasure, in power… You have betrayed Syria far more than you think the moment you called for the killing of Syrians. 9 months ago.

November 27th, 2011, 4:01 pm


Khalid Tlass said:

306. SS said:

“Why KSA is going to attack Iraq??? Whyare you insisting on such an attack. I would say KSA should attack either Syria or Iran not Iraq, Iraq is doing nothing to KSA and I thought that Iraq is now a Democratic country, at least give some credit to the US. Saudi Arabia is too weak to conduct any war. They wil enjoy protection by teh US but conducting a war; are you kidding us? Please can you explain why they should attack Iraq. Is it because Iraq is too weak ?”

KSA should and will attack Iraq, not to destroy Iraq but to topple the present system and regime in Iraq, its in best interest to severely weaken Iraq if its going to be a part of the “Shia crescent”. All the KSA wants is a return to status-quo before 2003, i.e Sunni-dominated Baath Party or Arab Nationalist ruling Iraq with iron grip, and crazy Shia mullahs living in exile, in prison, or in the graveyard. KSA is too weak to attack Iran, it will lose any diect War with Iran within 1 month, even I have to admit this. Iraq is Iran;s prixy against KSA and its best bet is to attack Iraq. Iraq shares a long border with KSA and most of it is undefended on the Iraqi side. The Iraqi Army is very weak, unskilled and inexperienced, most of their inexperienced officers who were Sunnis and/or Baathists were dismissed or killed by the Shia regime after 2003. At this moment the Iraqi Army is not more lethal than a counter-insurgency Police force, and even in the counter-insurgency operations they needed heavy American help to survive. Iraq does not have a single fighter aircraft in the Air Force, their Sir Force is even less lethal than a flying club and no match for the 700 + F-15 and F-16 aircraft of KSA. Iraq is veru weak and divided, Iraqi Army does not have any siginificant Air Defence, or Artillery or Missile command. Iraqi Army was horrible even during Saddam’s time, now they are worse. Even so, KSA cannot win any ground war in Iraq, it wil win a few engagements and then get bogged down, then they will be attacked by the Iraqi Shia militias and terrorists, and lastly there is a great risk of an Iranian counter-offensve. So KSA best bet is to launch an all-out blitzkrieg Air offensive against Iraqi military throughout southern Iraq to destroy 25 % of their Army, that will leave it exhausted to deal with a full-scale Sunni insurgency and autnomous movement in central, western and northern Iraq. KSA war will not last for more than 3 or 4 days, anything more than that will be risky for KSA. They can hope to launch a blitzkrieg operation using their fighter-bombers, Artillery and Chinese ballistic missiles, they will not invade Iraq from the ground. Iraq won’t be able to do a f-ing thing. In fact, two Shia holy cities, Karbala and Najaf, ae directly in the line of KSA missile and Air Force fire. IRAN will probably enter the War and attack KSA, but by then its ally Iraq will have been completely finished, Syria will be liberated from Iraq, and lo and behold, Iran will have its hands full keeping its terrorists safe.

Yes, its gonna be World War 3, and its necessary to destroy the Shia Crescent. And all of this wouldn’t have been necessary, if Saddam was allowed to rule Iraq. The time is coming. The current Saudi King Abdullah is a pimp and no-god, but Crown Prince Nayef who will succeed the throne soon Inshallah, is a hawk and all for such plans.

Btw, if yopur Shia are so capable, why can’t they fix their website ShiaChat.com. Its been hacked 2 days ago by Saudi Salafi Cyber Army, and the site is still down as of now, where the hell have all the technically accomplished Shia gone, they can;t even put their site back on ?

November 27th, 2011, 4:05 pm


Khalid Tlass said:

NORMAN, agreed, then why did Bashar dismiss Mustafa Tlass who was helping the Iraqi resistance ? Why did Besho ultimately close the border and arrest all the Syrians who were fighting in the Iraqi resistance and lock them up in Sednaya prison ? Why did Basahar periodically arrest Iraqi Baathist dissidents like Izzat Ibrahim al Douri and send them back over the border to Iraq ?

Bashar was resisting in Iraq only from 2003 til 2005, after 2005 he went against the SUNNI resistance (I hate to tell you this, but it is the SUNNI IRAQI who was resisting the US aggression in Iraq). After 2005, Besho totally cut off all support for the Iraqi resistance, you know why, becoz IRAN told him to, as it was hampering their evil designs of a “Shia Crescent”.

Now, whose side are you on, Norman ?

November 27th, 2011, 4:10 pm


Norman said:


AL Douri is still free and alive and leading the Baath party in Iraq, Syria was behind and supporting Allawi and his Iraqi block which mostly apparently Sunni,

If Syria stopped helping the Iraqi resistant, it was not because of Iran as everybody knows that Syria and Iran did not see eye to eye in Iraq, Syria wanted secular Iraq and a legitimate Baath party while Iran wants a religous establishment , Syria lack of support for the resistant was because of their fear from the US,

About Aflaq and Islam, most Arab Christians consider themselves Arabs be for Christians, for GOD Sake the West does not differentiate between Christian and Muslim Arabs, Christian Arabs only feel that from their Sunni Arab brethren, ( LIKE YOU)

i think it goes back to Muawiya when he considered the Khalifa an Arab Khalifa not a Muslim one and seek ed participation from the Christians of Syria.

Hey Tara,

you mean i have no chance of changing your mind, I am just too attached to SC to stop posting, i will just have to keep trying,

After Camp David and the AL Sanctions on Egypt in the late seventies in Iraq,, Egypt changed it’s name, are we going to see the same in Syria , will it be, the Syrian Republic, that will be sad but understood.

November 27th, 2011, 4:32 pm


Norman said:


Mustafa Tlass left at his own well, he was gracious and felt that he should leave for others to have a chance, his son is close friend of the president and high up in the rank, i think he leads the fifth brigade, the second son not Fras,

November 27th, 2011, 4:39 pm


Khalid Tlass said:

316. NORMAN said :

“AL Douri is still free and alive and leading the Baath party in Iraq, Syria was behind and supporting Allawi and his Iraqi block which mostly apparently Sunni,

If Syria stopped helping the Iraqi resistant, it was not because of Iran as everybody knows that Syria and Iran did not see eye to eye in Iraq, Syria wanted secular Iraq and a legitimate Baath party while Iran wants a religous establishment , Syria lack of support for the resistant was because of their fear from the US,”

Yeah, supporting Eyad Allawi, the quisling traitor who was one of the men responsible for the invasion in the first place. Snd you also admitted that Syria is “afraid” of the US, hell….I though Dr. Bashaar is afraid of nobody. LOL.

November 27th, 2011, 4:39 pm


louai said:

Syrian Sinister @310

”B.S. and you know it. There are at least 186 documented children victims of your pencil neck god. Non of them raised a cry by the hypocrites on this site, quite the contrary, excuses and lame filthy equivocations were plastered all over by regime apologists for some of the more known incidents.”

how many of the 186 claimed dead child are like Saria or Hamza? of you lie and believe your lies as well? did you ever motioned the 1300 documented security and army officers? you know what you are the worst kind of terrorists because you pretend to be a secular unlike the radicals who sold their souls to the devil after renaming it Islam you have no excuse but being blind because of your hatred .

here is Saria funeral ,enjoy your victory

November 27th, 2011, 4:43 pm


Khalid Tlass said:

NORMAN, I’m being serious, Assads have had a histiry of betraying the nationalists in Iraq. This was not the first time, it happened in 1979, 1982 and most notoriously in 1990, when SYRIA under Hafez al Assad voted in the Arab League to suspend Iraq, voted in UN to attack Iraq, and actaully joined the US-NATO-SAUDI force with the 2nd Division of the Syrian Arab Army, sent ot Saudi Arabia to attack Iraq in the Gulf War, and in return US allowed Syria to do what it wants in Lebanon.

You are trapped in the debate Norman, but I respect you a lot than the other Mnehabaks, you have an ideolgy and not just absurd love and hate, I like that.

November 27th, 2011, 4:44 pm


Norman said:


President Assad is brave but not suicidal.

The US invaded Iraq, because president Bush did not want to take a chance of Iraq with weapon of Mass destruction , his intelligence was wrong, he was helped by the Kuwaiti and the Saudi and other Gulf states, the traitors to Arab nationalism,


in the seventies Syria and Iraq were in the process of a unified country, the GCC , you might have been young at that time , was established to counter that union, only to see Saddam Hussein take power and break that union, my guess it was Saudi Arabia who pushed him so he can fight it’s war against Iran,

November 27th, 2011, 4:47 pm


Norman said:


In 1990 Iraq invaded Kuwait, I personally felt supporter of Iraq, i hated the Kuwaiti, I Stayed in Kuwait for a month and so the arrogance that these people have and made me more angry is that Kuwait was undermining the price of oil so Iraq will not be able to get out of the debt that the Iraqi/Iran war produced, more to it is that the kuwaitis used to go to Iraq and bring poor Iraqi women as slaves in the name of domestic workers, that made Iraq angry,

I still understand the reason that Syria stood with Saudi Arabia and Kuwait, the Syrian army never entered Iraq and Syria’s position consolidated it’s influence in Lebanon which tells you that most these civil wars including the one we see in Syria are supported by outsiders and make deals with other countries will stop them as it did in Lebanon.

November 27th, 2011, 4:59 pm



Love or Hate

@ 319
Before you pop up a vein in your fake indignation, and start calling others terrorists, go check the history of your beloved regime and then talk about terrorism are. Those defending the empire of silence and fear are the last ones to lecture anyone about terrorism. Those defending the hyenas, their torture, their theft, and subjugation of an entire nation for more than 40 years are the last one to call others terrorists. You don’t see the daily humiliation of Syrians as terrorism, the cynical use of conscripts to kill their own, and the creation of purely sectarian praetorian units in the army for the sole purpose of defending mafia family and its theft of the country as terrorism. Well as a real secular, I am appalled by your regime’s cynical use of sectarianism and stoking of sectarian hatred. But I am saddened by the lack of enlightenment, and thinness of the veneer of true secularism you and your cohort here have demonstrated. Un-enlightened, selfish, and full of fear. For that, you and the pathetic fools of secular-sectarians here and elsewhere are the last to question my secular credentials.

November 27th, 2011, 5:10 pm


Mango said:

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???? ?????? ??????? ?????? ?????? ??? ????? ???? ?????? ??? ??????? ??????? ??? ??? ? ????? ???? ?? ???? ?? !!!

November 27th, 2011, 5:14 pm


jad said:

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???? ?? 27/ 11/ 2011

November 27th, 2011, 5:17 pm


jad said:

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November 27th, 2011, 5:22 pm


Son of Damascus said:

@ Syrian Hamster

I think regime supporters should look up the Stockholm Syndrome, I pity them really they have been held hostage for so long they don’t know what reality is any longer. Their delusion of self importance is laughable at best, their hatred of anyone that does not agree with them is illogical, and their fervent support for a murderous thug is shameful.

I hate to copy and paste, but I could not express myself about this subject better than Carl Saigan can and I quote:

“The Earth is a very small stage in a vast cosmic arena. Think of the rivers of blood spilled by all those generals and emperors so that, in glory and triumph, they could become the momentary masters of a fraction of a dot. Think of the endless cruelties visited by the inhabitants of one corner of this pixel on the scarcely distinguishable inhabitants of some other corner, how frequent their misunderstandings, how eager they are to kill one another, how fervent their hatreds.

Our posturings, our imagined self-importance, the delusion that we have some privileged position in the Universe, are challenged by this point of pale light. Our planet is a lonely speck in the great enveloping cosmic dark. In our obscurity, in all this vastness, there is no hint that help will come from elsewhere to save us from ourselves.”

End quote

I strongly recommend anyone to read his book “Pale blue dot”, I found it to be extremely humbling and truthful.

November 27th, 2011, 5:39 pm


Darryl said:


“Michael Aflaq,named his son Ahmad. and he is called Abu Ahmad.”

Dr Khaldoun, the names Ahmad, MaHmoud, Uthman etc were used by Christians of Arabia before Islam existed. Moving forward to the present century, I know a few MaHmouds and a few Mustafas, many Omars etc who are Christians. Why are Muslims so surprised to see Christians use Arabic names? do you have exclusive rights on the names as a Muslim?

November 27th, 2011, 5:41 pm


Mango said:

????? ???? ???? ?????? ????? ??????? ??? ????? ?????????? ?? ?????

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??????: ??????.

November 27th, 2011, 5:43 pm


Darryl said:

253. KHALID TLASS said:

“He also had a full Islamic funeral and burial, he was given Salaatul Janaza and the Sunni Mufti of Baghdad lead the prayers. Even today a copy of the Quran is kept on his grave, and to the best of my knowledge, none of his family protested any of this.”

Use your logic, why would someone who is preaching secularism want to change religion? Unless he is a hypocrite and it makes no sense. As I have said previously, these men would have gained much more popularity if they had declared their Islamism in their youth. However, a western convert to Islam like your self will not understand this easily.

Faris Al-Khoury had the Qur’an recited on his death and I enjoy listening to Qur’anic recitals, as I listen to it quite often and read the Qur’an and the AHadith. So what, does this mean I converted too? far from it.

“Also, what about Mikhail Yuhanna, former Iraqi Foreign Minister. He was an Assyrian but he too converted to Islam and changed his name to TAREQ AZIZ.”

He never converted to anything and my argument above applies. Just apply some reasoning before you write things like this.

So secular Arab Nationalist Christians becoming Muslims has a precedence.

November 27th, 2011, 5:54 pm


irritated said:

313 Hamsty

“the sanctions are going to kill Syrian children.”

I hope you have sent a congratulation email to the AL for their first sanctions on an Arab country that will have the desired effect: Kill syrian children, make the poor poorer, so as to shake the business elite that will “spontaneously” turn against their government to move under the ‘protection’ of reassuring powers like the Libyan armed FSA proning violence and the Turkish-french-MB sponsored SNC proning another ‘moderate’ islamic order where justice and freedom will prevail just like Saudi Arabia.

Aren’t they the saviours of Syria, the ‘angels’ ( Majedkjaldooon dixit)? Trust them.

November 27th, 2011, 5:55 pm


jad said:

It seems that one of the important ‘angles’ was captured according to this:

??????? ?? ?? ?????? ????????? “????” ????? ?? ??????? ????? ??? ?????? ???? ??? ?????? ????? ????????

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November 27th, 2011, 6:07 pm


zoo said:

It’s Not About Freedom, It’s All About Iran

Syria’s foes have seized the opportunity provided by the crisis to try to change regional balance of power in their favour
By Marwan Al Kabalan


November 27th, 2011, 6:13 pm


Tara said:

Turkey to declare its own sanctions on Syria
Sunday, November 27, 2011
ANKARA – Hürriyet Daily News

Ankara will soon announce its sanctions against Syrian President Assad’s regime in parallel to those accepted by the Arab League yesterday

Turkish FM Davuto?lu sits next to his Egyptian counterpart Mohamed Kamel Amr (R) during the Arab League’s meeting yesterday. Turkey’s measures could differ from those of the Arab League in size and in timing, say sources. AA photo
Turkey will swiftly implement economic and financial sanctions against the disobedient Syrian administration amid growing tension with its southern neighbor, whose leader accused Ankara of having “imperial dreams.”

Hours after the Arab League approved sanctions against its own member, the Turkish government met in a rush meeting in Ankara to finalize a draft of sanctions in what diplomats described as “parallel and complementary to those of the Arab League.” The measures are expected to be announced in the next few days by a government statement.

“Obviously measures we will take against Syria will be national ones. But we will fully support sanctions announced by the Arab League,” a Foreign Ministry official told Hürriyet Daily News yesterday afternoon following the League’s approval of sanctions. “But,” the official said, “as a neighboring country which has a 900-km-long border with this country, our measures could differ from those of the Arab League in size and in timing.”

Cutting electricity sales to Syria, suspending all joint projects and investments, halting flights to and from Syria, freezing the assets of top Syrian officials in Turkey, halting ongoing financial cooperation with the Syrian Central Bank and other institutions and continuing a land and air blockade to stop arms transfer to Syria are among sanctions Turkey will implement against its southern neighbor.

Deputy Prime Minister Ali Babacan and Foreign Minister Ahmet Davuto?lu were scheduled to hold a meeting late yesterday with a group of cabinet ministers to discuss bureaucratic procedures for the implementations of national sanctions. Economy Minister Zafer Ça?layan, Customs and Trade Minister Hayati Yaz?c?, Energy Minister Taner Y?ld?z, Transportation Minister Binali Y?ld?r?m and other relevant senior officials joined the meeting.

Three principles for sanctions

According to Turkish diplomatic sources, sanctions to be imposed on Syria were based on three main principles. As Babacan earlier said, sanctions would never include cutting the flow of water to Syria, which stood as the first principle. Second, steps that would affect daily lives of Syrian citizens would be avoided as much as possible. And third, sanctions would not harm Turkish interests in Syria, especially in the fields of transportation and trade.

“What we have said from the very beginning is that sanctions should have first come from a regional organization,” a diplomatic official said. “And they did. And as Turkey, we will stand neither behind nor in the front of the Arab League. We will be nearby.”

Political sanctions not far away

However, sanctions will unlikely be limited to economic measures. Following organized attacks against its diplomatic missions and Bashar al-Assad’s public accusations against Turkey, diplomatic sources no longer ruled out withdrawal of the Turkish ambassador to Damascus within days. The political sanctions could later be enhanced by closing the Turkish Embassy in Damascus and recognizing the Syrian National Council as the legitimate representative of the Syrian people.

“Withdrawing our ambassador or implementing other means of political sanctions depends on the Syrian leadership,” the official said. “As it happened during the attacks of our diplomatic missions, if they cannot guarantee to protect our diplomatic staff, then there will be nothing to do except withdrawing the ambassador.”

‘Reinstating Ottoman Empire’

Following organized attacks against Turkish diplomatic missions, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad accused Turkey of trying to revive “imperial dreams” in the old Ottoman Empire territories. Al-Assad lashed out at Turkish officials who frequently criticized him, saying that “some in Turkey are still clinging to the dream of reinstating the Ottoman Empire.”

The Turkish leaders, he said, “Know that this dream is impossible, so they are trying to exploit parties with a religious agenda to expand their influence on the Arab world.” Speaking to the Arabic-language website Arab Press, Assad called on his supporters not to vandalize any Turkish symbols: “I ask you – don’t burn Turkish flags. The Turkish people are a proud nation.” k HDN

November 27th, 2011, 6:16 pm


jad said:

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by Nabil Fayad

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???? ?????? ???????? ?????? ???????? ????? ???? ?????? ???? ???????? ??? ??????? ??? ??????? ????????.

November 27th, 2011, 6:26 pm


Mango said:

Court finds Bush and Blair guilty of war crimes

November 27th, 2011, 6:31 pm


Tara said:

The civilian casualties increased to 40 by the end of Sunday.  Bashar is going to unleash more terror in the days to come.  He is going to commit his third fatal mistake by escalating the violence.  This will set the stage up for a UNSC resolution against the regime.  3 fatal mistakes and he is out..  


23 civilians killed in Syria: rights group
NOVEMBER 28, 2011 
Syrian forces killed at least 23 civilians on Sunday, seven of them in the flashpoint region of Homs that has been under siege for several weeks in an operation to crush dissent, a rights group said.

The latest violence came as the Arab League voted to impose a raft of diplomatic and economic sanctions against President Bashar al-Assad’s regime for defying an ultimatum to allow observers into the country.

Seven civilians were killed by security forces gunfire across the central province of Homs, including one shot dead from the roof of a building in the town of Qusayr, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said.
Further north, in the restive province of Hama, three people, including a 17-year-old boy, were killed by gunfire when security forces and troops raided the town of Karnaz, the Britain-based group said.
Copyright Agence France-Presse, 2011

November 27th, 2011, 6:53 pm


Syrian Nationalist Party said:

“……Our situation as follow,there are artillary and big guns directed at Damascus on Qassioun mountain,which overlooking Damascus,Assads phalanges are there ready to shoot at Damascus,..”

You mean those inflatable made of rubber?

November 27th, 2011, 7:06 pm


newfolder said:

lmao, Addouniya tv’s latest “expert”. this regime must be going bankrupt to get people like him on!!!!!

November 27th, 2011, 7:15 pm


majedkhaldoun said:

Once US leaves Iraq,Iraq will probably be subject to Arab spring,but then they will get help from the new syrian regime

November 27th, 2011, 7:35 pm


newfolder said:

hahaha, another video of Addouniya tv’s “expert” doing his exorcism on Gaddafi’s Libya tv:

November 27th, 2011, 7:39 pm


Norman said:

Majed, Khalid,

This you AL and what they do, no wonder the Arabs are at the end of the world, i think that Syria is going to leave Palestine for them to liberate, now they have backbone, HA,HA,HA,


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November 27th, 2011, 7:51 pm


Darryl said:

247. KHALID TLASS said:

“Poor poor Daryll, what makes you think that he did not have a genuine conversion to Islam ? Isn’t the majority of the Muslim population of the world descended from conversions ? It is highly likely that Aflaq had a genuine reversion to Islam, for many many years, you could see his love for Islam and the Prophet from his writings and works. He was an intellectual and theorist of Arab nationalism, and he understod that the roost of modern Arab identity go back to the early days of Ilsam.”

Let me make it clear to you, I am not an Arab nationalist and could care less about it, however I respect Michel Afflaq’s view.

I only care about three countries that are close to my heart, Syria, Lebanon and Palestine they are the source of my nationalism. Everything else can fall of the cliff as long as these three stay united. They are the countries that share so much and are inseparable, the distance between Damascus and Beirut is a mere 60 KM (37 Miles), Jerusalem is just a bit further.

November 27th, 2011, 7:57 pm


Amir in Tel Aviv said:

No respect for the people nor for their property.

November 27th, 2011, 8:04 pm


Norman said:

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E – mail: [email protected]

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November 27th, 2011, 8:38 pm


Tara said:

Sanctions aren’t the only tools against Assad
National Editorial

Nov 28, 2011 
Sanctions, we know by now, will not persuade Bashar Al Assad of Syria to change his ways. The measures approved yesterday by the Arab League, like previous EU and US sanctions, will not by themselves bring about changes to the regime.

Ordinary people will bear the brunt of sanctions in the short term, and the business community in the medium-term; the inner circle is well protected from economic hardship. The Arab League measures should slash Syria’s trade with Saudi Arabia and the UAE, but Syria’s neighbours Iraq and Lebanon did not vote for the sanctions and may not enforce them vigorously.

As always, then, sanctions are a blunt and clumsy tool. But for the Arab League there are no really good options here, and doing nothing would be one of the worst choices. So the challenge is to make sanctions as effective as they can be. One requirement to do that will be for the Arab League to also find other ways to squeeze Damascus, including pressing Russia and China to abandon the Baathist regime.

The point is not to drive Syria’s economy into the ground, hurting ordinary people. It would be useful to target sanctions by, for example, freezing the state and its leaders’ assets, particularly in Gulf banks.

The Arab League can also play a key role in bringing opposition forces together. Coordination with the international community on crucial decisions must not be limited to the Syrian National Council. True, the Council is, so far, the most representative opposition body, but it excludes some major opposition forces, mainly the Damascus-based Local Coordination Committee.

The Arab League’s November 12 resolutions included not only the threat of sanctions but also the possibility of recognising the SNC. The League can use the leverage this idea gives it with the SNC and other forces to bring them together before any recognition.

It has been often argued that Saddam Hussain survived sanctions for over a decade. But that comparison is flawed: in Syria the pressure comes from within too, and Syrians will tolerate some economic deterioration if the prize of regime change is in sight.

Still, wrecking the economy is not a solution. The opposition, the Arab states and the international community must demonstrate responsibility for what lies ahead, in part by developing economic rebirth plans for Syria’s long-suffering people.

November 27th, 2011, 8:46 pm


Tara said:

Another country professing its “love” to the Syrian people.  It is so pseudo-romantic.

Canada welcomes new sanctions against Syria

NOVEMBER 27, 2011 5:20 PM
Foreign Minister John Baird said Sunday he welcomed the Arab League’s “courageous decision” to impose sanctions against Syria, urging the United Nations to “further isolate” the regime and asking Canadians to leave the country.

“This is another important signal from Syria’s neighbours that the egregious behaviour of the (President Bashar) Assad regime will not be tolerated,” Baird said in a statement. “The senseless violence occurring in Syria can no longer be ignored by the United Nations. We call on the UN to follow the Arab League’s decision and further isolate this reckless and illegitimate regime.”
He urged Canadians to leave the country immediately while commercial flights are still available.

November 27th, 2011, 9:00 pm


wasp said:

I agree with the Son of Damascus.
Carl Saigan is an intelligent man who has great insight into life in general.

If only Assad were to realize this reality and stop gorging himself on the misfortune of others with the belief that he is important enough to claim anything he wants whenever he wants it.

It’s time to kick the fat cats to the curb and put some honourable people in the position to properly represent the Syrian people.

November 27th, 2011, 9:11 pm


jna said:

News video…FSA has successfully destroyed all their tanks and now all they have to drive around in is bumper cars.

November 27th, 2011, 9:21 pm


Tara said:


Do you not read Arabic? The link says Assad’s soldiers kill our children and play with their toys.

Who are you JNA and Ann? You both do not read Arabic. Are you made in Iran?

November 27th, 2011, 9:27 pm


jna said:

Tara, I still think my tag was more creative in this universe of Al Jazeera creative videos.

You’re right, I don’t read Arabic. Not Iranian, American.

November 27th, 2011, 9:34 pm


Amir in Tel Aviv said:

Just watched Dr R Ziadeh on EAJ. He argues that the sanctions are a positive step, but now the Issue of Syria should be taken to the UNSC. I was surprised to hear this from him. Doesn’t he realize that Russia will definitely veto any resolution against Syria?

No. Syrian revolutionaries are alone. There’s no UNSC or NATO for them. Unfortunately.

The FSA will have to bring the revolution into the living rooms and the bedrooms of the heads of this junta. As long as they feel safe and secure in Damascus, this will not end.

How to do it? This should be planed carefully. I would start with acquiring a 1:10,000 map of Jabel Kasyoon and the surroundings.

This junta must be stopped with an axe brought to it’s neck. This is the fastest and shortest way.

November 27th, 2011, 9:48 pm


Tara said:


Crediting Al Jazeera with creativity? They call that self-deception.


FYI, I asked you to enjoy the brackets not the content…I discovered that the brackets can look beautiful. See how open minded I can be.


Sorry but I warned you before. You don’t stand a chance.

November 27th, 2011, 9:51 pm


Tara said:


You always advocated Selmiah( peaceful uprising). This is a major change in position? Giving up on non-violent means in the face of savagery

November 27th, 2011, 10:00 pm


Bronco said:

There is no need for the anti-regime to jubilate, unless you enjoy watching poor syrians lacking basic necessities soon in the cold and the darkness.

These sanctions is a diplomatic failure for the AL and for the Arabs.

The AL failed to unite the opposition, failed to create the proper stage for a dialog and have opted to pressurize Syria by harming all the Syrians using the only power they have: the power of their money. They acted exactly like Israel and US that prefer hitting with their weapons and harming the civilians rather then negotiating. Pathetic.

November 27th, 2011, 10:09 pm


Norman said:


I am patient and long distance runner.

November 27th, 2011, 10:11 pm


Tara said:


How come you never ever ever put any responsibility on Bashar al Assad who is willing to destroy a country to hold onto his seat? Why is it always the fault of anyone and everyone except Bashar? Wasn’t him who declined the AL’s protocol? Has it occurred to you that he is perhaps trying to conceal a deeper humanistic crisis than what we can see?

November 27th, 2011, 10:15 pm


Amir in Tel Aviv said:


Yes and no.

No to attacks against the Syrian army and soldiers. It’s useless and a waste of blood. The soldiers of the regular Syrian army are as victims as all the rest of Syrians.

And yes. Against the heads of this junta, all means are legitimate. By cutting the head you’ll save the body.

November 27th, 2011, 10:17 pm


Tara said:


I envy you then. I am pretty intense and want things the day before yesterday.


I agree. The Syrian army is also a victim. Thug one lives in a fort. It would be a very difficult operation.

November 27th, 2011, 10:32 pm


majedkhaldoun said:

are you an army man?,or were you connected with a spying institution?

Our situation as follow,there are artillary and big guns directed at Damascus on Qassioun mountain,which overlooking Damascus,Assads phalanges are there ready to shoot at Damascus,

November 27th, 2011, 10:47 pm


jad said:

“enjoy watching poor syrians lacking basic necessities soon in the cold and the darkness.” They obviously do!

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November 27th, 2011, 11:38 pm


jad said:

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November 27th, 2011, 11:46 pm


Syrian Nationalist Party said:

Now why are you blocking SNP posts?

November 27th, 2011, 11:50 pm


Syrian Nationalist Party said:

And previous SNP posts rather than being posted as usual are sent automatically backward in time and appearing in older comment number. ie, rather than being comment # 252, it is posted backward as #161, Strange indeed.

November 27th, 2011, 11:54 pm


wasp said:

Syria should be so lucky that the western world makes it their mission, interest and duty to help those who are too weak to help themselves.
I advocate western intervention as the middle east needs to wake up and grow up. I have never seen such petty childishness as I have between men and women in the middle east.
My hope is that the new generation that has lived/studied in the West will make a different for future generations.

November 27th, 2011, 11:59 pm


jad said:

It’s a technical issue.

November 28th, 2011, 12:04 am


jad said:

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November 28th, 2011, 12:08 am


jad said:

It seems that the west, tureky, nato and the gulf announcements that there is NO MILITARY intervention in Syria is nothing but a lie, they are planning that in their meetings, here is one of the many Syrian ‘Chalabis’ is telling us the plans of Nato+turkey, is this cheap agent’s site is hacked too!

Mohammad Al Abdallah
??????? ??????:

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??????? ?? ?????? ?? ??????? ???? ?????? ???????:

1- ??? ???? ??? ???? ?? ??????? ???????.

2- ??? ??????? ?????????? ????????.

3- ????? ?????? ????? ?????? ??? ????????.

4- ??? ?????? ?? ????? ?????? ???????? ??????? ???? ????? ????????? ?????? ??????????.

???????? ?????? ???????.

November 28th, 2011, 12:26 am


Hans said:

wow it is nice to take a break from this place and go away for the weekend.
it is still cloudy sky over Syria.
more killing of the innocent by the thugs/terrorists/mercenaries paid by the GCC.
more people are suffering because the Arabs showing their true nature as worthless, traitors, uncivilized people.
the Russian calculation is paying off and Bashar is in the hand of Putin for weeks/months/years to go.
if Putin says bashar has to go then bashar is gone within a week but that is a loss for Russia and won’t be allowed not because of the value of Bashar but because it means Syria moving into the west circle and Russia is a the loser in the calculation.
it is not going to happen especially that the external factors are not helping the Russian to implement another president who will save Russia in Syria.
none of the opposition is a Russian oriented all of them are on the pay roll of the western countries, lived and manipulated by the west.
it is wise to assume that the Arabs are the biggest losers here, Egypt is drifting more toward chaos and possibly more civilians killed by this revolution more than killed by Mubark in all his years.
Libya is another mess and fighting has not stopped since the fall of Ghadaffi.
The world is more aware that the opposition is killing innocent people in Syria and blaming rightfully the opposition for their killings.
The USA is entering the election Cycle and Obama priority now is getting reelected not Bashar especially given the Economy is slipping out of his hands and poverty rate is increasing at a fast rate. Europe is in a big mess and entering in a war with Syria is not a priority for any country.
Turkey is the wolf of the region by attaching the so friendly regime proved that it is interest is not the Syrian people but the interest in absorbing the Arab world under its umbrella but it is clear that Turkey didn’t calculate the Russian interest well, because the latter will never allow Turkey to swallow Syria given that will constitute a direct threat against russia and obviously that’s a red line.

The Syrian Army continues to be in unity in spite of having many of Sunni in different ranks.
The defection stories are proven to be a propaganda doesn’t mount higher than not worthy to count numbers given the total number of the army and given the length it is unlikely the army will split but it is getting stronger and people want the army to enter the cities to clear the dirt bags killers.
Damascus is living as a normal City, people are out eating drinking going on their daily business and all universities, schools, government are running business as usual.
Syria is going through tough time and the worse the time it plays into the people heart and mind of the external conspiracy.
Syrians seen what the USA has done in the ME in the last 10 years or more therefore Syrians have decided it is not the right partner to champion with for their legit demands.
time will tell how much that Arabs can show their teeth against Syria and at the same time show their vagina to the west.
Cheers to AL and the whole body of a GCC countries.
if Syria Survives this time, it is going to be a cleaning time coming in the futures where goat beard princes are hanged/ killed in Syria and everyone is cheering

November 28th, 2011, 12:41 am


Khalid Tlass said:

346. DARYLL said :

“I only care about three countries that are close to my heart, Syria, Lebanon and Palestine they are the source of my nationalism. Everything else can fall of the cliff as long as these three stay united. They are the countries that share so much and are inseparable, the distance between Damascus and Beirut is a mere 60 KM (37 Miles), Jerusalem is just a bit further.”

Oh really ? Palestine is close to your heart ? Funny coming from a Christian. What is your opinion about Sabra and Shatila massacres, which were committed by Christians ? And all Syrian and Lebanese Christians I have come across, curse Palestinains and say that it was the Palestinians and the PLO which destroyed Lebanon. What is your opinion about the destruction of the Nahr al Barid refugee camp in 2008, which was destroyed by the Lebanese Government, I’m sure you’ve heard about it. What is your view ?

November 28th, 2011, 2:52 pm



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November 28th, 2011, 2:58 pm


stan catts said:

My first time on this site.A most enjoyable read…particularly that story,a lengthy one,by an ex embassador.Will put this site in my favourites.Live in peace all.

December 6th, 2011, 4:33 am


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