Free Syrian Army Founded by Seven Officers to Fight the Syrian Army

Seven Syrian officers announce the formation of a Free Syrian Army

Revlon posted this in the comment section.

The announcement of the formation of the Free Syrian Army (FSA) in the presence of seven defecting officers:

Some observations on the the officers appearing in this video:

  1. First: Their uniform tells that they are either special forces or Republican guards. If so, the prediction that Qasha3ami made in his last video, that I linked was true.
  2. Second: The name of the appointed acting commander in chief tells that he is very likely a 3alawi officer.

[J.L. As`ad can be both an Alawi or Sunni name. There is no indication that the commander is Alawi by his name or his accent. If I had to guess, at the end, he slipped with one word in colloquial that gives away that he is Homsi. When he pronounced the name of al-Naqiib Ayham al-Kurdi, he said “al-Kurdeh” with a “dummeh”on the “K” instead of a kasra and a long mimicking “eeeeh” at the end instead of a “yah”.  This tells us nothing about his religion, as Alawis live in Homs alongside the Sunni majority and Christian minority. ]

  1. Third: here is a summary of the announcement:

– Objectives

  • To work with the people to bring down the system.
  • To protect the people from the armored killing machine of the system
  • – Call all members of the Syrian army to defect and join the FSA
  • – We hereby declare that all security forces attacking civilians are from now on justified targets to be neutralized by FSA.
  • – We call all opposition forces to unite

– The statement is hereby Signed by

  • Acting Commander in Chief of the FSA: Colonel(3aqeed) Riyad AlAs3ad
  • Deputy of Acting Commander: Colonel (3aqeed) Ahmad Hijazi
  • Commander of 7amza AlKhateeb Phalange: Colonel (Muqaddam) AbdelSattar Yoonso
  • (Naqeeb)Ibrahim Majboor: Commander of Al7urriyi Phalange
  • (Naqeeb) 3ala Eddin: Commander of Salah Euddin Phalange
  • Ayham AlKurdi: Commander of AlQashoosh Phalange
  • (Naqeeb) Qays
  • (Mulazem Awwal) Tayseer Yoonso
  • (Mulazem Awwal) Ahmad AlKhalaf
  • (Mulazem Awwal) Mazen AlZein

????? ????? ????? ?????? ????

The Last Tourist in Syria: This is a lovely piece. Emma Sky is charming and smart.
In search of old friends and new realities in a surreal and empty Damascus.
BY EMMA SKY | JULY 28, 2011, Foreign Policy

…. As I sit in the beautiful courtyard of Beit al-Jabri in the old city, eating my last plate of fuul before I depart, I feel sad. Damascus is perhaps the most beautiful city I have visited in the Middle East. Syrians are the friendliest and kindest of people, as Palestinian and Iraqi refugees attest. Will the Syrians be able to prevent their country deteriorating into a bloody civil war, along the lines of Iraq? I hope so. But I really am not sure.

Tahrir Square in Cairo Today as Muslim Brothers and Salafis Chant “there is no God but God”

Islamists Flood Square in Cairo in Show of Strength,
By ANTHONY SHADID, Published: July 29, 2011

CAIRO — Tens of thousands of Egyptian Islamists poured into Tahrir Square on Friday calling for a state bound by strict religious law and delivering a persuasive show of force in a turbulent country showing deep divisions and growing signs of polarization.

The shape of Egypt five months into its revolution remains distinctly undecided, and Islamists have long been the best organized political force in this religiously conservative country. Some activists speculated that their show of strength would serve as a jolt to the secular forces who helped to start the revolution but who remain divided, largely ineffectual and woefully unprepared for coming elections.

Others speculated that it might force groups to pick sides in a country where the glow of unity after President Hosni Mubarak’s fall in February has dimmed amid recriminations over the pace, style and substance of change.

“Islamic, Islamic,” went a popular chant. “Neither secular nor liberal.” …..

Malek Jandali’s parents harassed in Syria and locked in the baathroom

We wrote last month about the attempts by an Arab-American group with ties to Syria’s regime to drop a performance of a pro-freedom song by a well-known Syrian-American singer.

The family of the singer, Malek Jandali, were attacked last night, according to a Facebook account which was confirmed by a source familiar with the event. Regime security forces apparently attacked Jandali’s father and mother, wrecked their home in Homs, and locked the couple in the bathroom.

The attack came after Jandali performed at a demonstration outside the White House. The MBC reporter who interviewed him there, Nadia Bilbassy, told me she’d been told the security forces warned his parents that he should stop speaking out.

Bilbassy asked State Department spokesman Mark Toner about the incident at today’s briefing; he said wasn’t immediately familiar with it.

Jandali wasn’t reachable for comment on the incident, but I’m told he’s canceled a performance scheduled for Orlando this week.

The incident offers a glimpse of the high stakes even for American opponents of the Syrian regime, and the context of the move by the American group, the Arab-American Anti-Discrimination Committee, to cancel Jandali’s performance.

Indeed, two board members of the ADC reportedly recently traveled to Syria to meet with, and express their support for, the embattled President Assad.

Reports: Turkish Military’s Top Brass Has Resigned Due to Tensions With the Government
By Associated Press

July 29 (Washington Post) — ANKARA, Turkey — Reports: Turkish military’s top brass has resigned due to tensions with the government

Islamists lead Tahrir Square rally – BBC

Tens of thousands of people have packed Cairo’s Tahrir Square, after the first call by Islamist leaders for nationwide demonstrations since President Hosni Mubarak was overthrown in February.

Many protesters – dominated by Muslim Brotherhood supporters – are calling for an Islamic state and Sharia law.

Correspondents say the rallies will be a worrying development for secularists.

The Brotherhood is the most organised political force in Egypt, although it was not prominent in the revolution.

Tensions have been running high between Egypt’s Islamist and secular groups, who are at odds over the transition to democracy in the Arab world’s most populated country.

Turning point? Liberal groups first want guarantees of a constitution that will protect religious freedom and personal rights, whereas Islamists want speedy elections and a recognition of Islam – in one form or another – in the new Egyptian state.

Now, the Islamists want their voice to be heard and are showing their muscle for the first time since Mr Mubarak stepped down on 11 February, says the BBC’s Jon Leyne in Cairo.

Although the Muslim Brotherhood can turn out huge crowds by rallying its supporters at mosques, it does not necessarily represent the majority of Egyptians and is predicted to win around 20% of the vote in an election, our correspondent says…. There was little sign of any secular groups at Friday’s rally, he says, adding that it will be interesting to see how they re-group after today’s events…. with Islamists and the more conservative Salafist groups now filling Tahrir Square, it could mark a turning point in Egypt’s post-revolution period, our correspondent says.

Ultraconservative Muslims join protesters in Egypt

CAIRO (AP) — Ultraconservative Muslims turned out in force Friday as tens of thousands filled Cairo’s central Tahrir Square in a rally marked by a growing rift in the protest movement.

South of the capital, gunmen fired on a car carrying Christians, killing two. While the motive was unknown, similar events have sparked religious violence in the past.

In one of the largest crowds to fill the square since the popular uprising that ousted President Hosni Mubarak in February, Salafis chanted for the implementation of strict Islamic law — spurring accusations that they violated an agreement to keep the rally free from divisive issues.

The decision by the Muslim Brotherhood, Egypt’s best organized political force, and other Islamist groups to participate significantly boosted the turnout. These groups stayed away from recent demonstrations that sought to keep up pressure on the military council that took power after Mubarak’s fall, leading to smaller crowds.

But the Islamists’ participation also highlighted the growing rift between them and liberal activists. Some Islamist groups rallied their members to the square to oppose the adoption of a set of guidelines for drafting a new constitution after parliamentary elections later this year.

Unrest in Syria Tests Turkey’s Role as Regional Power: Vali Nasr
By Vali Nasr Jul 13, 2011

Turkey was quick to cheer the Arab Spring, when hopeful protest seemed to promise a democratic Middle East in Turkey’s own image. But the momentum for reform has stalled, and if developments in Libya, Yemen and Syria are any indication, the Arab world is headed for protracted conflict and instability. That worries Turkey.

However, it is in the interest of both Turkey and the world that the government in Ankara plays an engaged and constructive role during this trying period. …

Turkish officials expect trade with Syria to drop sharply this year. The cross-border commerce — formal and informal — benefits largely the restless Kurdish corner of the country, in southeast Turkey. A revenue decline could upset the fragile lull in hostilities there. …

If protests escalate and the Assad regime responds with increasing violence, Syrian state institutions may collapse. The situation might devolve into a civil war between Sunni Muslims, who are a majority in Syria, and minority Alawites, who control the regime. The Turkish government is hoping that officials in Damascus will avert this outcome by accommodating the protesters through reforms, but so far Turkey’s ability to affect Syria’s byzantine politics has been limited. Still, the dialogue between the two countries is an asset to the international community that the Turks should continue to use in order to press for reform in Syria.

Equally important, before Syrian unrest leads to a Kurdish- refugee crisis, the government in Ankara should take meaningful steps to resolve its own festering Kurdish issue. Many Turks are hesitant to make the concessions necessary to mollify the country’s Kurds, for instance direct talks with the PKK and an amnesty for its fighters, including those in custody. But given the Syrian crisis, Turkey can’t afford complacency. Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan should take advantage of the impressive mandate he won at the polls on June 12 to tackle this difficult matter. Doing so would strengthen Turkish democracy and protect Turkey from any fallout from next door. …

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Comments (105)

Sheila said:

The head of the army Alassad is from Idleb. The Idelbi accent has certain aspects that are identical to the Homsi accent.

July 30th, 2011, 12:02 am


syau said:

Watch out Syrian Arab Army, 7 so called defectors have formed their own army to fight you.

The desperation of this ‘revolution’ is hilarious.

July 30th, 2011, 1:29 am


Dale Andersen said:

Memo To SYAU

RE: “…the desperation of this ‘revolution’ is hilarious…’

It is anything but hilarious, Dude. The problem with a dictator like Bashar is, he can’t allow even one person to step out of line. Anyone who dares oppose him must be dealt with quickly and harshly. So everyone waits, hunkered down with the doors bolted shut, hoping the Angels of Death will pass by.

But now someone has finally stepped forward. And you can bet the word has passed like wildfire through the ranks of the Military. Others will follow. Believe me, the average soldier hates the idea of shooting Syrians. Bashar is in big trouble.

And Bashar, the accidental dictator, has no one to blame but himself. The fact is, he is a frightened little man, incompetent to the max and unfit for the post he inherited from his father. What he should have done, what he failed to do, was to get out front and lead the reform. Like the man said so many years ago, “you lead, follow, or get out of the way!”

Poor Bashar al-Assad, he’s a dead man walking. And he’s the only man in Syria who doesn’t know it…

July 30th, 2011, 2:14 am


louai said:

what dose that mean? this 7 defectors welling to cover up for all the terrorist attacks on our Army? Does it mean that the revolution stopped claiming to be a peaceful one ?
what are they planning now ? I smell more terror is being cooked for us.

July 30th, 2011, 3:48 am


annie said:

The Free Officers Committee had nine members. Castro took power with a small group of comrades. The daring officers have a chance.

July 30th, 2011, 4:21 am


Aboud said:

@2 Your nervous laugh is understandable. That was a colonel in the video, who probably has under him any number of majors, who also command captains, who also give orders to lieutenants. Care to hazard a guess how many conscripts those lieutenants command?

(Of course, none of the Baathists want to mention Abukamal, and the way the whole garrison there defected two weeks ago)

It takes an enormous amount of guts to defect from the Syrian army. There is no going back, if caught they will be executed on the spot. They will be risking everything to defend their neighborhoods, families and friends, and they won’t even have the benefit of a fake amnesty.

The fact that any soldier or officer at all would think of defecting is remarkable. The fact that so many have in increasing numbers is nothing short of miraculous.

The courage and resilience displayed by the Syrian people has been truly remarkable. It puts to shame those other nations and peoples who gave up or compromised for less of an excuse.

July 30th, 2011, 4:33 am


hsyrian said:

The link to the video of the Free Future Syrian Army:

posted by a198123

Discussing anonymous fabricated Youtube videos is like building on quicksand.

July 30th, 2011, 4:42 am


Aboud said:

@7 Then Besho should have no problems at all. The entire revolution has been one big fabricated Youtube video.

Duh. Obviously, when the contents of the videos do not contradict events as reported by eye witnesses, and the reporting of the unbiased journalists who do make it into Syria, then it isn’t a question of quicksand, but the kind of sand ostriches use to hide their heads in.

July 30th, 2011, 4:50 am


Ali said:

oh no! please dont attack the army. oh please, seven sleepy looking men. is this a joke? President Bashar Al Assad can eliminate them by flicking them just like a cigarette. and eventually just like that cigarette they will burn out. and all that is left is the horrible smell and some ash of course.

dale anderson said

Anyone who dares oppose him must be dealt with quickly and harshly. So everyone waits, hunkered down with the doors bolted shut, hoping the Angels of Death will pass by.

well if you know your punishment why do you still oppose? i would keep quiet if i were you.

Allah Syria Bashar Wbas!

July 30th, 2011, 4:58 am


syau said:

#6, ‘Remarkable’ and ‘miraculous’, lol. I very highly doubt this is an actual occurrence. They are either as many other so called defectors affiliated with the ‘revolution’, paid to act as defectors, or were kidnapped and threatened to act as the massive seven man army that is willing to fight the Syrian Arab Army. We have all seen the videos of many citizens that were kidnapped and assaulted by the ‘peaceful revolutionists’ and forced to read prepared scripts.

The so called leader of this Free Syrian army wasn’t even able to read the prepared script properly. If this man was in a high ranking position in the Syrian army, I’m sure his reading ability and composure would be at a higher level than we witnessed in the video.
Not a nervous laugh, just a very good one.

I’m sure the Syrian revolution would be now at the stage where desperate times calls for desperate measures, and this is definitely a desperate measure. As ridiculous as it is, Revlon still now talks about the ‘first army defector’, even though it was proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that it was a fabricated video.

Cried once, cried twice….

July 30th, 2011, 5:27 am


hsyrian said:

Dear Annie said:
The Free Officers Committee had nine members. Castro took power with a small group of comrades. The daring officers have a chance.
Die Geschichte wiederholt sich, zuerst als Tragödie, dann als Farce.

forgotten by the Che
Sorry no link to Youtube video for that citation!

Discussing anonymous fabricated Youtube videos is like building on quicksand.

July 30th, 2011, 5:37 am


Aboud said:

“President Bashar Al Assad can eliminate them by flicking them just like a cigarette. ”

And still they don’t dare mention the revolt in Abukamal.

Just as each demonstration gave courage to those who were hesitant, until they too came out and the demonstrators became millions, so will each defection give comfort and encouragement to each soldier who has had to watch his neighborhood or town come under attack by the shabiha scum.

By now, not a single Syrian soldier believes the weak line about armed salafi gangs.

“and this is definitely a desperate measure.”

Says the guy whose leader staged a train wreck (what, not one interview with any of the 400 plus passengers?), and a pipeline bomb blast (impossible for any armed gang to carry out, as the area is filled to the brim with security men).

July 30th, 2011, 5:54 am


hsyrian said:

Open Letter from a Syrian Arab priest to Alain Juppe, France’s Foreign Minister



Monsieur le Ministre,
Prêtre arabe de Syrie, je viens d’apprendre à l’instant votre déclaration aux États-Unis, touchant la légitimité de notre Président de la République.
En tant que syrien, je ne puis rester silencieux face à une telle ingérence dans les affaires de mon pays.
Professeur d’Université, vous n’êtes pas censé ignorer que la légitimité d’un Président de République, dépend du consensus de son peuple uniquement, et non de l’arbitraire d’une puissance quelconque.
Ministre des Affaires Étrangères d’un pays comme la France, vous êtes censé savoir que la Syrie est un État Souverain, membre fondateur des Nations-Unies.
Mais, porte-parole grisé de certains maîtres du monde actuel, vous croyez pouvoir décider à volonté du sort des autres pays, dont la Syrie.

Pr. Elias Zehlaoui

PERE ELIAS ZEHLAOUI EST LE FONDATEUR ET DIRECTEUR DE LA “CHORALE DE LA JOIE” qui compte 500 choristes et il est très actif dans le domaine du dialogue islamo-chrétien
Discussing anonymous fabricated Youtube videos is like building on quicksand.

July 30th, 2011, 6:01 am


annie said:

From the post by hsyrian

“la légitimité d’un Président de République, dépend du consensus de son peuple uniquement, et non de l’arbitraire d’une puissance quelconque.”
Entièrement d’accord avec le Révérend. Pourquoi pas une élection vraiment libre reflétant un consensus avéré ?

July 30th, 2011, 6:38 am


syau said:


“what, not one interview with any of the 400 plus passengers?”

Here you go, instead of one interview, you can watch three interviews with victims of the train derailment.

From minute 5:30 onwards.

“By now, not a single Syrian soldier believes the weak line about armed salafi gangs.” LOL…. If you really believe that, you are truly delusional.

July 30th, 2011, 6:41 am


MGB said:

Dear Louai, (#48)

“No to Tyranny, no for power monopoly, no for article 8 and 3 ,(I actually don’t like the entire constitution we need to change it) no for corruption ,no for favouritism for all this and that how can I disagree with this…”

ABSOLUTELY SPOT ON, Louai, I couldn’t have said it better myself.

But can I please ask you to go a bit further and clarify when you say “but also NO for terrorism,” (again I’m 100% with you on this (and may I include , NO to any form of violence!), , but does this include the violence and terror that has been used by the current regime for the past 40 years?

Louai, my dear countryman, won’t you please acknowledge this fact: unless they had a connection to someone in power, either through their family or their wealth, Syrians have been LIVING IN Terror and FEAR for 40+ years!!!

“NO for revenge, no forever to Bashar.”

Again I agree with you completely, but surely you believe in the rule of law, and justice is not revenge: the people who tortured and killed and terrorized must be brought to justice in one form or another, and though I prefer a S.A.-style Truth and Re-conciliation Commission, it is up to the people to decide, it can’t be imposed on them.

“NO for replacing dictatorship with another one worse,…

I am with you here too, but (correct me if I’m wrong) you seem to see this outcome as a certainty, and therefore we must all shut up, give up, and trust Bashar and Co. to lead us to democracy??? Maybe that’s where the gulf between us lies. Do you really believe that a regime using terror and violence on the scale we have seen has the interests of the country (and the people)in mind rather than their own?

“…and no for sectarianism.”

And the current regime is not sectarian? Goodness me! Not a single article written about Syria (including writings by the owner of this blog) omits mention of the fact that the president and those who wield real power, as well as the majority of the forces that protect this status quo are from one particular sect, and that membership of that sect opens doors that are denied to those outside it! So by all means, no to sectarianism, but we must acknowledge the sectarian nature of the current regime, and if this demand/rule of yours is to be applied, disqualifies it immediately from holding power.

“Is that the better future? Are you intending when you remove Bashar to silence all voices that you don’t agree with? Where is freedom of speech?”

You have the right to speak your mind, even to defend bashar if you wanted, and I will fight anyone who denies you that right. We are demanding freedom and democracy F O R A L L ! ! !

“See ,if I have faith in this uprising as its for better future ,I would at least keep silent and spare you my voice”

But my dear Louai, I don’t want you or anyone else to be silent! The people want to speak and some -huge numbers have been speaking, and you will agree they are doing so at great risk to themselves, sans which, the numbers would have been much, much more than what we have seen. Come on, you know that. And if you have no faith in the voice of the people, who do you have faith in? In the Asads and Co? You have faith in them to usher in the democracy and freedom we all want? They are ordering the killing, the maiming, the arrests, the forced disappearances of tems of thousands…because they want to bring us democracy and freedom? WOW!

“but unfortunately ,I see it for much worse future than what we could see in our wildest imagination, I was silent till this uprising called me the ‘silent majority’ ,so I decided to speak up .

PS,its not the islamists I am scared of only ,it’s the civil war ,how cant you see it coming NK?”

Why should there be a civil war? Who is steering the country and the people towards it? Have you studied all the tyranical regimes that had civil wars of some sort or another? Spain, numerous South American military dictatorships…they all chose to drag their countries into chaos and war rather than surrender power. The Asadist mafia is no different.

So yes, your fears of a war are justified, but the fault lies with those in power, not those demanding freedom from tyranny. Civil war needn’t be a certain outcome if the regime did the right thing and announced it’s acceptance of the will of the people: no more violent repression, the scheduling of open and transparent elections, the dissolution of all the security services and their replacement by a professional police force that operates within the law, the freeing of the media for all to express themselves openly without fear…the list is long and detailed.

Dream on, many will say. Ah, yes, how stupid of me, so I and all Syrians who share this dream must stop our silliness and just resign ourselves to living as slaves in the Asadian prison farm for the rest of our and all future generations’ lives.

Well, dear Louai, the answer is: many would rather die fighting for freedom than submit to this fate!

July 30th, 2011, 6:42 am


Revlon said:

Dear Joshua,
Regarding the video of the announcement of the Free Syrian Army:

When I first played the video I was not sure which one was the the supposed acting commander in chief.
Eventuually I figured that it was not the announcer himself, but the one sitting behind him and to his right.

I replayed the video again and again and I felt the camera man seemed also unsure!
The camera was held for seconds on the other guy while naming the acting commander in chief while the announcer pasued for a while, as if to either allow time for visual identification or becomming busy directing the cameraman to the correct order of announced officers.

July 30th, 2011, 6:44 am


some guy in damascus said:

FINALLY , an out of closet Asad supporter! ali please tell me what you think of rami’s monopoloy and how bashar has turned him a blind eye?

as for the defections: do you guys think that every defecting soldier is going to post a video of him self on youtube? ….i assume much more is going to attempt to defect secretly.
on damascus: a resident of the qaboon area informs me that the security forces have taken several precautions: when nightly demonstrations are taking place, the electricity is cut off so the videos are recorded with no lighting. the main objective is not to allow the demonstrators merge into one large mass. another major objective is prohibit the demonstration moving to the abasiyeen square. the main autostrade that divided qaboon from abasiyeen is forbidden fruit.
dear bashar, we syrians are putting demons back into demonstrations. BEWARE

July 30th, 2011, 6:46 am


hsyrian said:

NOT ONLY THE Turkish Military’s Top Brass Has Resigned Due to Tensions With the Government

Turkish military’s chiefs of staff resign

The chiefs of staff of Turkey’s military resigned Friday, media reports said, as tension over the arrest of dozens of officers accused of plotting to overthrow the Islamic-rooted government reached a climax.

The resignation of so many top commanders for the first time ever in Turkey signals a deep rift with the government, which has been confident in confronting a military that once held sway over Turkish political life. The arrests of high-ranking military officers would once have been unimaginable.

The resignations of Turkey’s top general, Isik Kosaner, along with the country’s navy, army and air force commanders, came hours after a court charged 22 suspects, including several generals and officers, with carrying out an Internet campaign to undermine the government. The commanders asked to be retired as they quit, NTV television said.

The state-run Anatolia news agency also reported on the resignations. NTV and Anatolia didn’t name their sources.

Kosaner had met with Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan and President Abdullah Gul earlier Friday to discuss several key appointments during next week’s high military council meeting.

Seventeen generals and admirals, who are in line for promotion, have been jailed along with nearly 200 officers on charges of plotting to overthrow the government in 2003 in a case called the “Sledgehammer.”

More than 400 people — including academics, journalists, politicians and soldiers — also are on trial on separate charges of plotting to bring down the government. That case is based on a conspiracy by an alleged gang of secular nationalists called “Ergenekon.”

Critics say the Sledgehammer and Ergenekon cases are built on flimsy evidence and designed to silence Erdogan’s pro-secular opponents. The government denies the cases are politically motivated and says it is just trying to work to improve democracy.

Discussing anonymous fabricated Youtube videos is like building on quicksand.

July 30th, 2011, 6:57 am


Abu Umar said:

It’s clear that these menhebek thugs support the slaughter, jailing and torture of tens of thousands of Syrians. Do you expect those who have been oppressed to be killed by your regime and for them to smile at you?

July 30th, 2011, 7:12 am


hsyrian said:

14. Dear annie said:

From the post by hsyrian

“la légitimité d’un Président de République, dépend du consensus de son peuple uniquement, et non de l’arbitraire d’une puissance quelconque.”
Entièrement d’accord avec le Révérend.
Pourquoi pas une élection vraiment libre reflétant un consensus avéré ?

En 2012 , vous avez l’ occasion de vous entrainer à choisir entre les amis consensuels de BHL : NS , MA , FH , …

en attendant 2014

Discussing anonymous fabricated Youtube videos is like building on quicksand.

July 30th, 2011, 7:16 am


beaware said:

Turkey’s failure in Syrian crisis
One should always keep this statement in mind: “the Kurds always look upon Turkey with suspicion.” This consequently leads to: “The Turkish involvement in any issue leads to the Kurdish distancing from it.”

Substantiating such a conclusion might require plentiful evidence, but one cannot disregard the fact that Abdullah Ocalan, the Leader of Kurdistan Workers’ Party in Turkey, lived in Turkey for years. This didn’t imply the proximity of Syria to the Kurds, because Damascus was reluctant to grant Syrian citizenship to northeastern Kurdish settlers and would only reconsider the matter in the face of the pressure of the current wave of demonstrations.

A conference hosting the adversaries of Bashar Assad, the Syrian Prime Minister, was held in Turkey some time ago with participants who ran the whole oppositional gamut. A similar meeting was due in Damascus and the two assemblies were supposed to nominate 75 people to the Syrian Transitory Council, similar to the Libyan Transitory National Council. The Damascus meeting was not held and 25 nominees were chosen in Istanbul. But this could not conceal the fragility of and the internal divisions among the Syrian regime’s opposition from sight.

The fact of some of the participants warning against the presence of the Islamist Majority (Akhvan al Moslemin) aside, the Kurdish figures decided to walk out of the meeting since they were against the phrase: the “Arabic” Republic of Syria. It lighted upon other oppositionists too that the cost of a consensus among all opposition groups exceeds their imagination. This discord came to a head when the Kurds hoisted Kurdistan’s flag in the Istanbul summit and in response to protests from others said that you, too, have raised the Turkish flag!

One of the causes of Syria’s Kurds continuing in their cooperation with the other opposition groups can be seen to be Turkey’s policy with regard to Syria’s revolts. From the very outset Turkey’s senior officials expressed their lack of patience with the slowness of the reforms process in Syria and voiced their extreme displeasure of suppressing the opposition. Every time the Syrian Presidency made a speech on the implementation of reforms, voices were heard from Ankara crying out that Bashar Assad is short of time and will have to capitulate to the demands of the opposition within a few days.

It goes without saying that the rigid and robust body of Syria’s politics has not exhibited much flexibility for reforms and softness against the demands of the opposition. Some trace this to internal disputes within the Syrian regime on the execution of reforms and contend that on the expansion of reforms Bashar Assad is facing greater pressure from internal opposition than the streets and public demonstrations.

According to reports the Syrian government is observing the developments in its Kurd-settled regions, especially in Qamishli, very keenly. There hasn’t been much conflict between the police and the military and the public in the Kurd-settled regions. Some negotiations have been made with the Kurdish parties, such as Kurdistan Workers’ Party – the Syrian branch, and the conclusion has been that the military wing of this party to take up security in Kurd-inhabited areas. This was a clear message to Turkey that Damascus, too, has some cards up its sleeves that it can play with inside Turkey.

Following Turkey’s blatant intervention in Syria, Jalal Talabani and Massoud Barzani, two Iraqi Kurdish leaders, vehemently supported Syria and Iraq’s Prime Minister also refused to go along with Turkey’s intervention and even signed an agreement to send 150,000 barrels of oil to diminish Syria’s economic plights and received a group consisting of 150 Syrian businessmen to strengthen the economic ties between the two countries. This comes at a time when only a while back Nouri Almaleki accused Syria of sending saboteurs and weapons into Iraq.

An important factor inside Turkey also deserves mention: the approximately 20 million Alawis who can’t bear to witness their government imposing pressure upon Syria’s Alawis. The continuation of the interventions of America, France, Turkey, and Qatar in Syria’s current issues might cause a rerun of the incidents of the city of Homs, but on a larger scale, a city which witnessed for the first time a religious conflict between the pro- and anti-government people where both sides attacked each other with firearms which claimed the lives of 30 people. This incident induced Syria’s Minister of Foreign Affairs to state that the national unity of his country has been targeted.

Militarily speaking, the entrance of the Syrian army into areas close to Turkey’s border, particularly Jisr al Shughour, is a step further than Syria’s internal incidents. Syria executed the “precipice” policy with regard to Turkey and sent special units of its army to its border with Turkey. Ankara’s calculations for inciting division and split in Syria’s army failed and Ankara gradually cut down on its propaganda assaults upon Syria. For the first time in 17 years Syria’s army entered into regions, which based on agreements with Turkey on Ocalan, were considered arms-free regions.

Based upon what was stated in propagandas and by some Arabic news networks, the Syrian regime deploys the Alawi units of its army to cleanse the border regions and the Fourth division of its Army has been dispatched to the border regions, but the reality is that the Fifteenth Division entered the fray, most of whose commander and soldiers are Sunni Syrians.

As was the case with Libya, not only Turkey, but also France will have to reconsider its policies towards Syria. Sarkozy was the first western Prime Minister to officially recognize the Libyan Transitional National Council and assumed the commandership of the assault against Gaddafi, but France’s Defense and Foreign Secretaries openly say that Gaddafi’s opponents should not expect a military triumph and should yield to a diplomatic solution instead. This solution, the responsibility of whose marketing has been bestowed upon the Representative of the United Nations Secretary General, has proved so shocking to the Gaddafi opposition that they have threatened to charge this international organization with failing to remain impartial in the Libyan crisis.

July 30th, 2011, 7:29 am


Abu Umar said:

“9. Ali said:”

It’s alright for this cyber-shabiha thug to threaten violence proving the hypocrisy of the menhebek lunatics. Be careful what you wish for and you will remember the days of Ar’oor fondly.

July 30th, 2011, 7:32 am


syau said:

Rumours are that Ar’our has been banned from appearing on Wisal tv by Saudi officials. That would explain his absence over the past few days. It looks like he will need to find another avenue to spread his hateful sectarian venom. The recent banning of the lunatic Islamist would also account for the reduced number of fake Allah Akbar from his brainwashed followers, following his segment, followed by an increase in violence throughout the week. Good riddance!

July 30th, 2011, 7:46 am


Abu Umar said:

23. syau said:

Is the slaughter, jailing and torture of tens of thousands of Syrian Sunnis by an Alawi regime so it can maintain its grip on power, “hateful sectarian venom”?!

July 30th, 2011, 7:54 am


Aboud said:

@23 Oh nooooooes! Who will the menhebaks now blame for all their troubles?

That’s half of their viewing pleasure gone. LOL!

Hands up, who here except for SYAU even knew that Ar’or hadn’t appeared on TV in a while?

Also, explain how an “Allahu Akbar” can be faked? You people are obsessed with saying everything is a fake. Either someone says Allahu Akbar or they don’t. Geesh, under what possible, convoluted scenario could an Allahu Akbar possibly be faked.

Hizbollah Guy: Sayed Nassrallah, you know when we were in Damascus and killing those Salafis, and I yelled Allahu akbar?

Nasrallah: yes, what of it?

Hizbollah Guy: Well, I FAKED IT!

July 30th, 2011, 8:05 am


annie said:

?? ?? ?????

July 30th, 2011, 8:16 am


Norman said:

Is it hard to get Syrian army uniforms and dress some people and put them on TV,?

I still think that Syria has special place in the Arab Psyche and after what happened in Iraq by the American with their help ( Saudi and others, fear is in their hearts to cause the same mayhem in Syria and be responsible for the destruction of the Arab nationalism.and that is why Saudi officials are having second thoughts ,

July 30th, 2011, 8:17 am


Aboud said:

Norman @27 “Is it hard to get Syrian army uniforms and dress some people and put them on TV,?”

Not hard at all. I can walk into any number of tailor shops and come out a soldier…except of course, that anyone on active duty is issued a special military ID, and his civilian one kept with the army. Which is why every soldier who has broken away has displayed his military ID to the cameras.

Unless of course the menhebaks are now claiming that there is some factory somewhere that prints out fake military IDs in bulk. Heck, that would a terrific advantage, use it to issue fake civilian ID cards, and not one wanted person could be caught.

July 30th, 2011, 8:25 am


syau said:

Aboud #25,

“Also, explain how an “Allahu Akbar” can be faked? You people are obsessed with saying everything is a fake. Either someone says Allahu Akbar or they don’t. Geesh, under what possible, convoluted scenario could an Allahu Akbar possibly be faked”

I understand, people like you need things spoon fed to them.

Simply put, you do not shout Allah w Akbar and follow up with violence. Allah w Akbar is supposed to be stated in peace, during prayer, etcetera. Not after a vicious psychopathic lunatic preaches sectarianism and violence and gives his blessings for hundreds of thousands of deaths to further the cause of the revolution.

Fake Allah w Akbar people shout the slogan, but do not use the term in its true meaning. Fake Allah w Akbar people follow a fake so called sheikh. A true religious leader would not preach hatred as Ar’our does, a true religious leader would preach unity, acceptance and tolerance. So, when you shout Allah w Akbar after viewing Ar’our’s evil and during violence, that is when it becomes fake.

By the way, trying to imitate SNK does not work for you.

July 30th, 2011, 8:36 am


Ali said:

some guy in damascus

yes calling me an out of the closet Assad supporter would be the correct description to use. in answer to your question, i believe that Mr. Rami Makhlouf is one of many strong palms keeping Syria stable. i respect the man and believe he has exactly what Syria needs. I don’t believe Mr. Assad is turning a blind eye to anything actually. you have to remember that we are talking about a very intelligent man who only says and does things at a certain time… at the right time. we have to respect that not everything can be done at once. i thing i speak for many people when i say it is better to take your time making changes to ensure stability and effectiveness.

Abu Umar

menhebak lunatics? if being a “menhebak” makes me a lunatic then i am a proud one. and yes i have thought very long and hard about this… President Bashar Al Assad should not only rule Syria, He should rule the world.

Long live Syria’s Assad.
Allah yehmik ya Bashar!

July 30th, 2011, 9:05 am


Tara said:

Some Guy In Damascus

Slavery of the mind, soul, …and the heart that is. Give up. There is no emancipation.

July 30th, 2011, 9:15 am


MNA said:

Ali @ 31

Among others, How does Syria rank in the following:

Economic Development
Social Development
Human Rights

July 30th, 2011, 9:16 am


Souri333 (formerly Souri) said:

Where is this army located?? Is it in Syria or in dreamland?? How many tanks and planes does it have??

Who told you the regime can’t survive if the rebellion spreads to Aleppo and Damascus?? Who told you these two cities are “silent”?? Do you think the rebellion has not spread to Damascus yet??

I stopped taking this blog seriously long ago because it has become too absurd.

July 30th, 2011, 9:19 am


ss said:

Alah Wa Akbar people=Radical Islamist group of people who shout Alah Wa Akbar before they are trying either to kill some one or bring destruction. When they say Alah Wa Akbar that means they reached the utmost level of anger, and they are ready to die. These people “ALAH WA AKBAR” has a radical view of Islam. In Syria we call them Alah wa akbar-MB-Qaeda like-people. Watch next month, because it is Ramadan and instead of being the month of peace, ALAH WA AKBAR people finds it an honor to die in this month and hence they will increase the tone of ALAH WA AKBAR, and they will be dying left and right taking innocent life with them as they are applyig (Islamic law) on earth.

The word ALAH WA AKBAR should be used out of respect to the creator not to kill in the name of creator. Unfortunately we are punished byhaving these people amongst us. They are everywhere, and they want to KILL in name of ALAH. Similar to what happend in Sept 11, where a group of ALAH WA AKBAR people hijacked US flights, and destroyed the lives of thousands and thousands of innocent people and dear reader it is ALL IN THE NAME OF ALLAH.

July 30th, 2011, 9:21 am


Reem Hamdoon said:

We will never permit Syria become ISLAMIYYA! ISLAMIYA-ISLAMIYA IS OUR ENNEMY. It is against secularism, multiculturalism and multiconfessionalism.

Bashar is now my only choice after seeing all of what Syria could become with these BAB el Hara wanna be and looking asses. Male-oriented society going back to the middle ages.


July 30th, 2011, 9:26 am


Majed97 said:

Assuming those officers are true defectors, does that legitimize this ciaos that is destroying the country?! Should we now abandon all peaceful and gradual reform efforts, and instead join those defectors and expand this conflict to a full blown civil war?!

In a country like Syria with deep sectarian and tribal divide, it shouldn’t surprise anyone that a handful of the 500,000 military personnel may have their loyalty lies elsewhere. It happens in every country during conflicts, where some soldiers/officers disobey orders. The question should be asked: how does any government in the world treat defectors? They arrest them and try in a military court. The military establishment is not a democratic institution…

July 30th, 2011, 9:30 am


Tara said:


I need a favor. Could you tell people who keep critcisizing SC yet continue to post to please please just leave. I am cranky today and coffee is not doing it for me….It is annoying to hear them saying they don’ t like it here, they don’t take it seriously blah blah blah. We like it here. If you don’t: The solution is simple. Do not come again. Go somewhere else.

July 30th, 2011, 9:31 am


beaware said:

One dead, 500 arrested in Damascus roundup

Agence France-Presse
Jul 30, 2011

NICOSIA // Security forces shot dead one civilian and arrested more than 500 people in the Qadam district of Damascus, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said on Saturday.

“Soldiers and a large number of security agents entered Qadam at 3:00 am on Friday (0000 GMT) and cordoned off the area,” said Rami Abdel Rahman of the Britain-based rights group.

“More than 500 people were arrested during the operation, and one young man was killed at a security roadblock,” he added.

Abdel Rahman said the authorities also banned public funerals in the district, and said the young man was quickly buried in the presence of security officials to forestall any demonstrations.

“The army put up barricades at all entrances to the area, and heavily armed members of the security forces carried out searches and made arrests,” he said, adding that they had lists of names of people hostile to the regime.

“Security forces broke down doors when they weren’t opened quickly enough, and then they posted people on the roofs of houses during the four-hour operation, he said.

The security forces were deployed en masse across the country for another day of protest after the Muslim weekly Friday prayers against the regime of President Bashar al-Assad.

Rights groups say that since the anti-regime protests in Syria erupted on March 15, nearly 1,500 civilians have been killed, 12,000 people have been arrested and thousands more have fled to neighbouring Turkey and Lebanon.

July 30th, 2011, 9:34 am


Observer said:

So the campaign in the NE of Syria is another point that the region has slipped out of the control of the regime. This is what happened in Hama and again in Deir.

The crackdown on the demonstrations was supposed to quell them before Ramadan and it did not apparently.

Now my estimation is that we have entered into a chronic long haul struggle of exhaustion. The regime got a boost from Iran’s money it is short ended at this stage and will last for a couple of months. It is meant to shore up the regime before and during Ramadan.

Fake decrees by Junior are not helping him: amnesty abolition of the state of emergency party law appointments here and there when on the ground the military security complex is running the show.

If he is in charge then he must have been the greatest actor on earth having played the role of the modernizing reformer for 10 years and if as I suspect he is a figure head he must be the dumbest one on the face of the earth.

The story line of the regime is no longer usable as even the military do not believe in it. The regime is relying more and more on the thugs in the streets for it cannot rely on the regular armed forces this much is clear. In the end there is not enough of them to control everything.

My questions to the audience of this august site:

Is it possible for the situation to return to that before 3/15/2011?
Is it possible to keep the same constitution with its hallmark of single party rule and lack of separation of powers?
Is it possible to shore up the economy to produce the 500 000 new jobs per year needed for the young to remain decently employed?
Is is possible to have the same judicial system and provide for these reforms?
Is it possible for this judicial system to uproot corruption without touching the very inner circle?

This is where some are so blind in their views that they cannot even see reality as it screams at them daily.

Germs germs and rats rats everywhere.

July 30th, 2011, 9:37 am


Tara said:


How is Damascus today? I missed walking in Shaalan and Hamidieh.

July 30th, 2011, 9:44 am


MNA said:


The answer to all of your 5 questions is NO.

July 30th, 2011, 9:48 am


MNA said:

TARA @ 39

It is too damn hot today!!
But last night went up with my wife to the mountain (qasyoun) for dinner. The view was out of this world! and the food too.

July 30th, 2011, 9:52 am


Aboud said:

It takes an incredible amount of courage to break away from the Syrian army. If caught, there will be no court martial, no prison sentence, just a fanatical officer shooting you on the spot.

There is no one in the world so committed as one who knows that going back is impossible.

By the way people, Tara is cranky today. Can’t we all just hold hands, and sing songs around a fire…OF A PILE OF JUNIOR’S PICTURES! MUWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

“The word ALAH WA AKBAR should be used out of respect to the creator not to kill in the name of creator”

I’m pretty sure every Arabic and Islamic army in the past 1400 years have used it as a battle shout.

“When they say Alah Wa Akbar that means they reached the utmost level of anger, and they are ready to die.”

Haha, you’re cute when you are scared. “Allahu Akbar”, when shouted from the balconies, translated means “F*ck you junior and your shabiha, you want us, you come into every home in this street and shut us up. We dare you.” Amazing how much one can express in just two words.

Only a menhebak would believe that the young men and women who put their lives on the line every day, are doing so to replace the suffocating restrictions of Baathist rule, with the suffocating restrictions of an Iranian like theocracy. The “blame the ikhwan” game was a failure in Tunisia, in Egypt and now in Syria.

July 30th, 2011, 10:03 am


Tara said:


We discussed Al Buti on SC a day or 2 ago. Is he still giving sermon in Umayad mosque?
Some of my relative are/were established Sunni “figures” and I bet they think like Buti (and I have no respect for them) . I do not like the way Muslim figures dress. I want to have a dress revolution too. They all should wear a suit if it was up to me.

July 30th, 2011, 10:05 am


N.Z. said:


Another resounding NO to all your 5 questions.

July 30th, 2011, 10:08 am


MNA said:

Tara @ 43

I m not sure Tara, but I may have read somewhere that he was in Tartous yesterday.

I don’t follow Buti too much, or any other religious figure for that matter. One thing I know that thier fashion statement would not suite me, but it would not bother me either.

July 30th, 2011, 10:22 am


annie said:

ABOUD 42 “a fanatical officer shooting you on the spot”

that would be nothing becoz these rebels would get tortured to death.

July 30th, 2011, 10:24 am


hsyrian said:

Good Morning Syria
America is talking to you !

38. Observer asks:
Is it possible to shore up the economy to produce the 500 000 new jobs per year needed for the young to remain decently employed?

Tea Party answers: I will ask these people to give you their tested recipe

Discussing anonymous fabricated Youtube videos is like building on quicksand.
Discussing economic policy from exaggerated figures is like …

July 30th, 2011, 10:28 am


abughassan said:

this group of seven is a pathetic political stunt and a clear indication of the confusion that dominates the situation in Syria.
I learned that none of the officers were from the Alawi sect,not that it makes any real difference,and none of them held a position of any significance. Those officers may,and they have the right to be,unhappy with the regime like most Syrians,but their action will reduce them to a toy in the hands of bigger and more sinister players.any effort to divide or harm the army is a blow to the country’s unity and safety. Those of you who are cheering this theatrical move are in need of a heavy dose of Syrian tea on top of a loaded Falafel Sandwich.
the regime is obviously trying to buy time now,and what was supposed to take place in September is now pushed to the end of the year. the only language this regime understands is pressure but not the type of pressure armed thugs are applying,it is the civil political pressure that will help keep this movement on track.people who kill,destroy and terrorize must be condemned and isolated by the opposition,and the lack of that condemnation and isolation is very harmful to the credibility of the opposition.
new propaganda coming from albaath dinasours who are starting to feel the heat and want to preserve article-8 and prevent open elections,we will be watching !!

July 30th, 2011, 10:56 am


hsyrian said:

Dear Observer asks :

Is it possible for the situation to return to that before 3/15/2011?

It should be rephrased

Is it possible for the situation to return to that from 16 June 1979?

Discussing anonymous fabricated Youtube videos is like building on quicksand.
Die Geschichte wiederholt sich, zuerst als Tragödie, dann als Farce.

July 30th, 2011, 11:04 am


some guy in damascus said:

so you never mentioned what you thought of rami’s monopoly on syrians economy?
do you think bashar is prone to mistakes and not a prophet of some sort?
do you think its unfair no other syrian can ever be president?
do you find it ok that we dont have the right to criticize any decision the government makes?
what do you think of 3atef najib, bashars cousin? do you think not allowing him to exit syria( after no other nation can welcome him) is fair?
but the most important question is: do you honestly think there is any form of freedom of opinion is syria?

July 30th, 2011, 11:07 am


aboali said:

the piece of crap shiekh to the regime Hassoun blesses the scum of the cyber army

this guy’s corruption is legendary in Aleppo. One of the cars he drives is worth 12 million lira, you can see it parked outside his security protected house in Forqan.

July 30th, 2011, 11:19 am


hsyrian said:

Dear abughassan

You said a lot of evident truth but you must consider

” that people who kill,destroy and terrorize CANNOT be condemned and isolated by the opposition ”

because these low educated fanatics are inherent to the opposition ,

they are the necessary catalyzer of the violent protests whose death toll is used by the opposition to make the headlines of the free press and then get some interested international support.

No deaths > No headlines > No external support > No money > ..

Discussing anonymous fabricated Youtube videos is like building on quicksand.
Die Geschichte wiederholt sich, zuerst als Tragödie, dann als Farce.

July 30th, 2011, 11:38 am


N.Z. said:

A wise question from twitter:

????? ???? ?????? ?????? ?????? ????? ? ????? ?? ???? ???? ? ????? ?? ????? ? ??? ?????? ? ??????? ???? ??? ????? ?????

July 30th, 2011, 12:02 pm


Louai said:

Colonel Al-as3ad when he defected he never said ,we defected ,or I join with my group ,all defections if ever happened at all ,were individual defections
here al ass’ad statement (one of them as he has 2 different ones on youtube, but because he used the same name in both I am linking only one )

and by the way don’t dance with joy because you have 3aqeed now , you already had 3ameed befpre,yes alarooor made him 3ameed ,I am not joking

and here another 3meed

July 30th, 2011, 12:06 pm


Tara said:

I really like Azmi Bishara.

July 30th, 2011, 12:11 pm


abughassan said:

I will breathe without having to use an asthma pump when we start to realize how unhealthy it is for a country to depend on the existence of one person for stability and prosperity. even great leaders,and Bashar is by no means a great leader,do not take the country with them when they leave. It is time for a fresh leadership and fresh blood in Syria. Syrians are fully able to change their government without killing each other and burning public buildings.
(Tara, you have the right to call Azmi Bshar,and I have the right to call him a clown)..

July 30th, 2011, 12:18 pm


Aboud said:

Dear me, look at all the posts the Baathists are making about this latest defection. First, they tried to ignore the fact that any desertions were taking place (Abukamal anyone? I guess the Baathists have removed it from the map just like Europe).

And now that ignoring the defections hasn’t worked, their arguments are sounding increasingly hysterical and unconvincing. “Only seven guys!” (seven guys with who knows how many soldiers under them). “They aren’t Alawites!” (as if the sect of the guy driving a tank ever mattered). “They don’t hold important positions!” (naturally, in an army that has promoted not on ability, but on ideology. They will be given exalted ranks in the post-junior army based on their courage alone). And this delicious piece “Ah heck, you guys have had defection before, what’s the big deal?” I leave it to your imagination to figure out what on Earth that poster could have been thinking when he made that statement.

They should ask themselves, if the army is such a reliable tool of the regime, how come its massive deployment in Homs has had no affect whatsoever on the number and frequency of demonstrations.

July 30th, 2011, 12:22 pm


Tara said:

I just watched Aljazeera. There were massive demonstrations yesterday. The footages are coming now. Altabaqa joined in. Douma is amazing as ever. Bzourieh in Damascus demonstrating too. Looks very uplifting.

July 30th, 2011, 12:24 pm


N.Z. said:

Baathist and non-Baathist,

I urge you all to see this interview with Muhammad Aref Kayali, an insider from the onset of the Baathist Syrian Party. A man of substance, a realist. Archive quality. Worth watching.

July 30th, 2011, 12:30 pm


abughassan said:

was this a rerun,NZ,I watched Mr Al-Kayali few weeks ago. He seems like a credible person but not always accurate when he started talking numbers,he also misspoke when he asked Syrians to carry arms and join the revolution,but then he confirmed his conviction that peaceful change,not violent one,is the only way out !!
correct me if I misrepresented the guy,NZ
The guy reminds me of the days ,before I was born 🙂 ,when Syria had political parties and people were able to demonstrate and gather without fearing arrests and torture. everything changed when Naser took over Syria in 1958,then things got worse after albaath “discovered” that Al-Shaab can not be saved without the baathist leadership !!

July 30th, 2011, 12:42 pm


hsyrian said:

The principle of reality :

There is a country
There is an elected President
There is a working government
There are ongoing reforms .
There is a new party law for democratic party , for demonstration , etc

Now , asking for “we want to topple the regime ” is a risky and bloody gamble for the leaders of a very unstable opposition.

PS: At the time of leaving the french presidency after 12 years , Jacques Chirac had the worst overall approval rating ,
now he is the most popular french politician.

July 30th, 2011, 12:45 pm


some guy in damascus said:

@ tara
after march 2011, i saw the silver lining. on February 5 i was driving towards parliament. the newly created facebook group announced a demonstration in front of parliament. when i arrived, it was packed. packed by big burly men whos iq doesnt exceed their shoe size. i was pissed off to realize that nothing had taken place.what poured salt on my wounds is the sudden cult of support besho got.analysts were quick to announce syria was immune to such things, the government it self decided to lengthen the leash( unbanning facebook, subsidies and more pathetic carrots).i lost all hope. i was in my friend’s place , casually watching al jazeera when i saw the grainy images of a demonstration in Deraa taking place. the same cult of ignorance that just went to sleep when they thought the demon passed, was reawakened.but this time the opposition was resilient..i heard phrases like : it will all be over before summer or no other city will ignite( my favorite was: all the border cities are alight, but not the interior. forgeting the fact that hama is the syria’s most central city). in conclusion, march was the month i realised that the syrian people didnt fall for such bullshi*t. i had a reason to hold my head up high.
the ghosts of 1982 have come to haunt you , bashar.
next month will be the greatest month in bashar’s reign.

July 30th, 2011, 12:46 pm


Syria no kandahar said:

????? ?????? ???? ??????
???? ????? Revlon
????? ????????Aboud:he was given this post becaue he flys from Wisconsin to Homs every day.
?????? ??????Ubo umer:he likes using swords and knifes.
????? ???????:Aboali
????? ????????:NZ64
Please feel free to form armies in your own towns,all it takes is few people,while you drink your matte or Arkila,and you have an army.we should have thousands of armies,that is the new democracy.look at ???? ??????? in Cairo Yest,wasn’t it beautiful .the priest was calling ????? ????? ????? and the Revlonists were calling back ??????? ??????? ??????? isn’t that beutiful?it shows the national unity in it’s best.
That is what we should fight for in Syria.god willing in few months we will see millions in Damascus calling these national chants we heard in Egypt Yest:????? ???? ????? ??? ???? and ???? ??? ????? ???? ?????? ?? ???????.we should sacrify every thing we have to achieve that.
By the way did you here about ?????? ???? ?????? he was kidnapped and killed in Hama yesterday? Your answer is ready :Alshbeeeeeeeeeeeeeha,and wher is najaty tayra??? ???? ????? ??? ????? ????? ?????

July 30th, 2011, 12:47 pm


(ASAD) Athiest Syrian Against Dictators said:

#48 Abughassan

Would love a decent falafel sandwich right now, and a glass of tea as a chaser; alas, where I am they haven’t even heard of the best and heathiest fast food fix on the planet. But this is not to say that I am cheering for any Army-kill-Army moves, or any killing or violence by anybody, for that matter. Which brings me to your other point:

“…it is the civil political pressure that will help keep this movement on track.people who kill,destroy and terrorize must be condemned and isolated by the opposition,and the lack of that condemnation and isolation is very harmful to the credibility of the opposition.”

Ummm, OK, I’m with you man, all the way, but how about all the killing , destruction, and terror being visited on the peoples by the regime thugs, don’t they deserve a leeettle bit of censure and condemnation from you while you’re on the subject? At least be equally critical izzall we aks!

And just in case you forgot, Hama proved once and for all that when the thugs are not around NOT A SINGLE VIOLENT ACT TAKES PLACE, but I’m afraid you probably won’t accept that because you’ve swallowed the official “armed mundaseen” tale hook, line and sinker.

You may be wincing at such harsh words but it is people who want to preserve the regime while promising the impossible (that it will reform, that it will lead us to democracy if given time and a chance), like Louai, Jad, Alex and many other wishy-washys associated with this blog AND (????? ????)extraodinaire Bassam el-Kadi that I take issue with. I mean, hey, you want change? democracy? Freedom? Well, join the revolution then, daggonit, and make sure it don’t get hijacked by religious and other fanatics!

But something tells me what such people want most is for the uprising in its entirety to be discredited and for the regime to survive to do a bit of cosmetic surgery here and there while whatever VESTED INTERESTS are in place STAY in place!

Ain’t that so, Abughassan?

July 30th, 2011, 12:48 pm


N.Z. said:


It is not a rerun, it is the first time I post a link. It happened that we both saw it live on Aljaeera.

It is an insider insight on Hafez, he calls him and his entourage the new Baathist, how they twisted the party to suit theirs.

His love for the country and its people is what strikes me. He has solutions. He is clear in his convictions. He is not wishy washy, ya Sayed Abughassan, please. He is not, mzabzab, as they say fi el-Shaam.

July 30th, 2011, 1:02 pm


hsyrian said:

Decree Reducing Payment in Lieu of Military Service to USD 5,000

DAMASCUS, (SANA)- President al-Assad on Saturday issued Legislative Decree No. 94 for 2011 on reducing cash payment paid in lieu of military service by persons assigned to military service who have been permanently living outside Syria for no less than four years.

The new in-lieu payment was set at USD 5,000.

H. Said

July 30th, 2011, 1:06 pm


Tara said:


Any news about the explosion in Dahieh Janoubieh in Beirut?

July 30th, 2011, 1:09 pm


hsyrian said:

Minister of Environmental Affairs: Bombing of Oil Pipeline Damages Economy, Harms Public Health and Environment

Jul 30, 2011

HOMS, (SANA) – State Minister of Environmental Affairs Kawkab Dayeh on Saturday affirmed that the bombing of the petroleum pipeline by terrorist groups which took place on Friday near Tal Housh dam targets national economy, damages the environment and hams public health and livelihoods.

During a tour of the bombing site, Dayeh said that work is underway to control the damage caused by this act of vandalism, and that the priority is undoing the damage to the nearby lake that irrigates farmlands.

According to the director of the Homs branch of the Syrian Petroleum Transport Company Fayssal al-Habib, the last layer of the oil slick is being drained from the lake, while work on fixing the pipeline is expected to be finished by the end of Saturday in order to resume pumping oil through it.

In turn, Director of Water Resources Tammam Raad said that they are working to remove the pollution caused by the bombing in three areas, including the bombing site itself, the channel that feeds Tal Housh dam, and the lake itself, stressing that tests will be conducted to ensure that no petroleum pollutants are present in the lake water before resuming irrigation with it.

H. Sabbagh

July 30th, 2011, 1:16 pm


N.Z. said:

# 62,

Great post!

I will add: Giving the ferocity of this Mafia, they stay true to their last name. al-Assad changed the family name from al-Wahsh, meaning “the beast” to al-Assad, meaning “the lion”.

July 30th, 2011, 1:17 pm


louai said:

‘if the army is
such a reliable tool of the regime, how come
its massive deployment in Homs has had no
affect whatsoever on the number and
frequency of demonstrations.’

because the army is not after demonstrators ,as long as they are not burning buildings and dont hang public sectors employees and beat them up with sticks .the army is cleaning homs from the armed gangs who kidnap and torture the goverment supporters .

July 30th, 2011, 1:34 pm


Mango said:

Destabilization of Syria and preparation of a scene for the Third World war

July 30th, 2011, 1:53 pm


Ya Mara Ghalba said:

See the video uploaded to youtube on 5 July 2011 linked to by LOUAI #54 above, which shows the same purported army defector as the one who’s speaking in the video linked to by Joshua. This purported traitor looks so relaxed, I’m willing to bet he’s in a far-off foreign country:
Joshua’s video should be presumed by every sensible person to be fictitious and foreign-produced, with none of the seven people in it being residents in Syria in recent years.

July 30th, 2011, 1:53 pm


Mango said:

The Destabilization of Syria and the Broader Middle East War

July 30th, 2011, 1:57 pm


Ya Mara Ghalba said:

@ HSYRIAN: Syrian society has proven itself immune to the germs. If you accept that that’s true, it follows your activity at this site is a rear-guard argument of no consequence and you’re wasteing your time.

You’d be better off at a site that’s trying to deliver hard information about the real Syria. Joshua’s posts have far too much about what’s being said by people who don’t live in Syria, and far too little about what’s being said by people who live in Syria. For instance Joshua likes to report what’s being said in the New York Times and doesn’t like to report what’s being said in Al-Watan. That is, the blog is skewed towards quoting sources that don’t know what they’re talking about when it comes to Syria. One result is the illusion that Syrian society hasn’t yet overwhelmingly rejected all anti-regime alternatives — the illusion that the society hasn’t yet proven itself immune to the germs.

Over the past four months, conscious support for the Assad government has increased substantially. Among the educated and more liberal-minded Syrians right now, it is only a tiny minority of dissident cranks who do not consciously and positively support the government. The outsiders who think those dissident cranks are virtuous are ignorant bigots.

July 30th, 2011, 1:57 pm


N.Z. said:

Saudi Arabia and Qatar declared that Monday, August 1st is the first day of Ramadan.

Will Syria follow suit?.

I hope they will respect the Holy month of Ramadan by withdrawing all their thugs and killing machinery from the cities and villages. This might give them more time only if hegemony and revenge is not what they intent.

July 30th, 2011, 2:02 pm


louai said:

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July 30th, 2011, 2:08 pm


Aboud said:

@69 I’ll await your list of buildings that were burned in Homs, that prompted the army to deploy here in the first place. When they first went into Baba Amr, they went in with guns blazing, firing indiscriminately. A highly “un”-surgical strike if ever there was one.

Only in Syria, is an army stilled viewed as an extension of the crowd control police.

@63 So Najati Tayara is a punch line to silly people like you? This is a prominent activist who was arrested for talking to the BBC about the army’s incursion into Baba Amr. For that, he has been jailed for more than two months. His imprisonment has been a PR disaster for a regime pleading with the world to take it and its *cough* reforms seriously.

Judging from No Klue’s pathetic line, not even the menhebaks take junior’s talk of reforms seriously.

It never ceases to amaze me how the Baathists can always be relied on to gift us with the most immature and outlandish posts. No Klue has been very generous in that regard.

Of course, none of the other menhebaks, as usual, want to even discuss Najati Tayara. It is an impossible topic for them to twist and spin. It exposes their president as the insecure, feeble, insincere empty shell of a despot that he is.

@65 That’s it, you’ve now done it. You’ve proven beyond a shred of doubt that neither you, nor the rest of the mehebaks, know the first thing about Syria. The rate was set at $5000 for decades, until about a year ago it was raised to $6500. All they have done is set it back to its old rate. REFORMS! WOHOOOO! Eleven years of junior’s mug in our faces and this is the fruits of his rule.

July 30th, 2011, 2:12 pm


Syria no kandahar said:

Ok will make a deal,I called Bashar he will do all that.what will MB give in return and I n respect of holly month?
???? ??? ?? ?????? ???? ????? ?????????

July 30th, 2011, 2:19 pm


louai said:

who bombed the oile pipe line?

Dair ezur facebook page says its them .

??????? ??? ????? ???? ????????? ???? ?? ????? ????? ????? ?? ?????
?????, 30 ????/????? 2011 14:48 ????????? ????? ???? ?????? ?????? ????? ??????? ???????? ???? ????? ? ?????? ?????? ?? ?????!?

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????? ??? ??????? ??? ??????? ?? ???? ???? ?? “??????? ????????” ? “??????? ????????” ???? ??????????? ? ??? ???? ???? ???????? ??????????? ?????? ???? ?????? . ??? ???? ????? ?? ???? ????????? ?? ???? ?? ???? ?????? ?? ????? ?? ?? ???? ??? ??? ??? ??????? ? ?????? ????? ???? ??????? ??? ??? ??????? ??????? !?

July 30th, 2011, 2:19 pm


Syria no kandahar said:

You made me upset,you are not ???? ???????? any will be ????Revlon,you have to give him
Coffee and tea.

July 30th, 2011, 2:25 pm


Aboud said:

Hey menhebaks, how is it none if you even knew what the old rate for the badal was. Or even that the badal even existed. LOL!

July 30th, 2011, 2:28 pm


Aboud said:

So I guess every menhebak here was an only child? Oh wait, I’m sure one of them is going to claim to have done military service, and become great friends with some officer who now occupies some exalted position in junior’s heirarchy of scum bags.

July 30th, 2011, 2:40 pm


najwa said:

It’s weired how you focus om civil war and Iraq, allthough there are really big differences, and how come islamists in Cairo are so important here? to scare from revotuions? anyways if anyone here thinks that status quo is stability or a better choice they are wrong, you know why there r so many salafists in Egypt? All the poor workers who could not find jobs in Egypt and moved to saudi for many years..You think a corrupt regime with no pressure what so ever from the ppl will do any better? poverty and jobbless are increasing year by year, the best chance for who ever fears extreme islamists or civil war is this wave of peaceful revolutions, and to participate and press for a civil democracy..that is the only way to avoid violence, more details why this so here :

July 30th, 2011, 2:53 pm


Dale Andersen said:

RE: “…Monday, August 1st, is the first day of Ramadan…”

Okay, it’s official. We are taking bets on which day of Ramadan the Regime falls. And hey, no fair making multiple bets. I say day ten, August 10, is the day Bashar & Asma and their three little brats, Hafez, Zein & Karim, fly off to exile in Zimbabwe…

July 30th, 2011, 3:11 pm


N.Z. said:

#80 SNK,

I asked them and here is their response : ” The Trojan horse is in their midst with thousands of men in his belly, the masses said no deal with a Mafia that fires on its people.”

July 30th, 2011, 3:13 pm


N.Z. said:

Syrians do not believe in guilt by association, to call junior’s children “little brats, Hafez, Zein & Karim,” is unacceptable.

Second, I will like to understand you more. Are you a human right advocate? You seem to care so much about Syrians, have you ever visited the country? a little bio in regards to your Syrian interest will do.

July 30th, 2011, 3:28 pm


louai said:

Isn’t it interesting that the main post of the Syrian revolution in Deir ez-Zor claiming indirectly their responsibility openly on facebook? They are promising of more attacks but they are saying they are still peaceful
How come the facebook allow them to post such thing especially as main post? will the facebook pass the information to the Syrian government to know who are those terrorists ?i doubt it .

July 30th, 2011, 3:31 pm


Badr said:

Way out of the Syrian crisis

Some observers believe that a dialogue between the regime and the opposition is the safest way forward

By Patrick Seale

July 30th, 2011, 4:04 pm


sandro loewe said:

Just come back from Syria once again, thanks God. Get in touch with some syrians. Most of them friends, who did not use to talk politics at all, now are openly attacking the regime, specially corruption, shabbiha and criminal security services. My perception is that more and more syrians are waiting for the isolated regime to fall. But they are waiting for Ramadan to begin to spare revolution widely in Damascus, maybe in Aleppo too? They say in Ramadan every day will be like fridays.

Personally I heard shots in my quarter that next morning turned to be some killings, I saw the closing of some neighbourhood by military special forces in Damascus, also my friend reported me of a fight in a Rif Damascus village and last I can personally confirm that security members at check points seem more and more nervious day after day.

I have the feeling that this regime has no future but also I am sure that they will not leave power peacefully. So, the conclusion could be very negative.

July 30th, 2011, 4:10 pm


Mango said:

SYRIA: Who is Behind The Protest Movement? Fabricating a Pretext for a US-NATO “Humanitarian Intervention”
Action against Syria is part of a “military roadmap”, a sequencing of military operations. According to former NATO Commander General Wesley Clark–the Pentagon had clearly identified Iraq, Libya, Syria and Lebanon as target countries of a US-NATO intervention:

“[The] Five-year campaign plan [included]… a total of seven countries, beginning with Iraq, then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Iran, Somalia and Sudan” (Pentagon official quoted by General Wesley Clark)

VIDEO: Humanitarian Intervention in Syria and Libya

July 30th, 2011, 4:18 pm


Sami Walid From Lattakian said:

Ramada Kareem ….Ramadan will take the regime off…We can enjoy EID back home

July 30th, 2011, 4:27 pm


hsyrian said:

76. Ya Mara Ghalba said:

You should have added for me

I know you think you understand what you thought I said but I’m not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant

For a text explanation ; you are welcome to use the email link above under HSYRIAN

July 30th, 2011, 4:31 pm


Syria no kandahar said:

You mean the masses in :Damscus,Aleppo,Tartous,Souida,Alhassaka,Alrakka…you know that is 75%of Syria
Or may be the masses in your MB head

July 30th, 2011, 4:38 pm


Abughassan said:

(atheist,we are on the same page,bro,please refer to my old posts if you have time)
I quit on the regime few months ago,this regime must go and Bashar needs to start planning his retirement from politics now. If he loves Syria,and many people believe he does,he will either have to allow free elections or resign. Free elections under albaath and almukhabarat rule is as unlikely as seeing winter in August in Damascus,you do the math.
Our elders failed for allowing thugs to transform Syria into a private farm run by the likes of Rami and the security chiefs,and my generation simply ran away and chose a better life abroad. The true heroes are those who risked losing their lives to win freedom. Fake revolutionary forces that committed violence and advanced destructive sectarianism are worse than security forces thugs who killed unarmed protesters and they both should be isolated and punished.
Can anybody tell me more about ???? ????????

July 30th, 2011, 4:41 pm


aboali said:

exposing the b.s of Syrian state t.v

lol, using Photoshop to fabricate videos on AlJazeera … brilliant, a new intellectual low point from the min7ibak drones!

July 30th, 2011, 5:26 pm


Atheist Syrian Salafist Against Dictatorships (ASSAD) said:

#90: Badr

Dialogue is desirable at all times, and indeed you hear it from many opposition figures repeatedly even today: we have nothing against HIWAR but how can it take place when many of those who should participate in it are being held and tortured in the dungeons of the other party to this dialogue, and while the shooting at demonstrators and the shelling of neighborhoods continue?

Mr Seale mentions the use of live fire as an Israeli specialty against Palestinians (and other neighbors) but fails to also say that while it was shooting and bombing and assassinating, Israel used to complain about having no partner to talk peace with! The Syrian Government rightly exposed this fraud for what it was/is. Unfortunately now they find themselves engaged in the very same phony tactic. They’ve even borrowed the Israeli line of “Dialogue must happen without preconditions”!

I had such high hopes of Bashar, but he took us all for a ride.

July 30th, 2011, 5:26 pm


louai said:

Dear MGB @ 16

Thank you for your post above, very interesting talking to you, I will write you back later on when I get home ,thank you .

July 30th, 2011, 5:56 pm


Dale Andersen said:

Memo To: NZ

RE: “…Syrians do not believe in guilt by association…”

Sorry, Dude, but you are dead, dead, dead wrong. Let’s say you’re a Syrian singer and you happen to be in the USA and you sing a song about Bashar and the regime and how nice it would be to have democracy in Syria. And the next day, lo and behold, regime thugs pay a visit to your parents and threaten them and trash their house.

And you have the never to sit there and say with a straight face that Syrians do not believe in guilt by association? Please! Syrians invented guilt by association…

July 30th, 2011, 7:54 pm


Aboud said:

@100 If by now you are incapable of telling the difference between Syria the country and the regime, then you’ve pretty much wasted your time on this forum. Pay more attention.

July 30th, 2011, 8:12 pm


tg said:

Modern arab armies are known for large number of soldiers deserting (ie. defecting) in the face of battle. Plenty of examples during the wars with Israel and also in the US-Iraq wars.

I’d be interested to see if Syrian soldiers are deserting at a rate above what they normally do in battle. My guess is that for obvious reasons, there is less desertions than what would be seen were this an actual war.

July 31st, 2011, 1:53 am


Badr said:

Atheist Syrian #98,

Patrick Seale himself also expressed the following:

“Without a political solution, the country risks slipping into something like civil war, with a breakdown of law and order, arbitrary killings and the ever-present danger of sectarian conflict. If such a situation were to occur, everyone would suffer without exception. A political solution is therefore essential.
The government has expressed its wish for a national dialogue. But for such a dialogue to take place and for it to be meaningful the ground needs to be prepared and the right atmosphere created.

The violence in the street must end, political prisoners must be released, the protest movement must be allowed to name its own spokesmen for the dialogue, and their safety guaranteed. Above all, the regime must discipline its security forces [who violate orders]. An urgent priority must be to improve prison conditions, which are said to be deplorable.
If these measures were taken and explained to the public, a measure of calm could be restored and a dialogue might then be possible.

The lifting of the state of emergency needs to be implemented, not merely done as a formality. The judiciary should be given far greater independence. Some measure of freedom of expression must be allowed. The political monopoly of the Ba’ath Party should be ended and other parties allowed to be formed and to canvass for support. A vigorous and transparent campaign should be launched against corruption and the guilty brought to trial. Economic opportunities should be open to all, and not only to a favored elite.

Above all, the president himself should address the nation and explain and promote his reform agenda, in order to win support for it.”

Click to see the source

July 31st, 2011, 5:24 am


Scenes from the religious war, iii | Notes On Error said:

[…] of hard-core fighting had taken place. Battles, sieges, gigantic eruptions of violence, massacres, formations of entire armies, massive displacements of peoples, more massacres, defections, international […]

July 18th, 2013, 12:19 pm


My Blog said:

Thankfulness to my father who told me on the topic
of this weblog, this website is genuinely awesome.

May 26th, 2017, 11:56 am