“Forming a Syrian Opposition Government: The Time is Now” by Fred Hof; Ziadeh
Wednesday, January 9th, 2013
Forming a Syrian Opposition Government: The Time is Now
Frederic C. Hof| January 08, 2013 – At
The Syrian Opposition Council (SOC) formed in November 2012 faces no shortage of dire challenges as it tries to organize itself and give desperately needed political leadership to a heterogeneous hodgepodge of armed and unarmed opponents of the dying yet lethally venomous regime of Bashar al-Assad. How to uphold the primacy of citizenship in an increasingly sectarian struggle? How to maintain credibility with those who are fighting and dying? How to reach out to minorities and other fence sitters inside Syria? How to prepare for the practicalities of transition and governance? How to shape and influence international support for Syria’s revolution rather than being shaped and influenced by outsiders? How to eclipse internal rivalries and policy differences with selflessness and a unifying sense of mission encompassing a broadly acceptable vision of what the new Syria will be and how it will function?
In a just world, Syrians emerging from an induced political coma of some 50 years would not be faced with such daunting tasks. Starting with the 1958-1961 Egyptian-run United Arab Republic, Syrians have become accustomed to the heavy hand of intelligence services on political discourse. Over the years, frank political discussions even within families became guarded and circumscribed, a condition not significantly altered by the “Damascus Spring” experiment over a decade ago. Now it is all out there for discussion and decision. Syrians who, not long ago, could only choose among silence, torture, and departure are now being asked to practice teamwork, transparency, and compromise. There is nothing fair or just about this situation.
Yet fair or not, ready or not, Syria requires a government. For more than 40 years the Syrian Arab Republic Government (SARG) was the transmission belt for the desires of a narrow, family-based clique. That government is now neutered—the geographical scope of its assigned writ having shrunken dramatically over the past 21 months. Yet a functioning bureaucracy will be central to any transition plan due to the need for continuity of government. Ministries, departments, and agencies—including the security services—employ people and provide services, albeit often ineffectively and corruptly. The preservation of these organs, as imperfect as they are, can facilitate the rapid dispersal of international assistance post-Assad and reassure millions of Syrians who fear the chaos of revolutionary rule. Reform will come in time. It is important to distinguish government and its associated bureaucracy from the ruling clique, which has become a militia, willing and even eager to risk destroying Syria to try to save itself.
As I have written previously the old expression, you can’t beat something with nothing, applies in spades to Syria. No one—not even Bashar al-Assad himself—doubts the corruption, incompetence, and brutality of what remains of the old system. Yet millions of Syrians grudgingly adhere to “the Doctor.” They do so partly because they fear his jailers and torturers, but largely because they know not what comes next. This is the obstacle that a provisional government formed by the SOC can address and overcome
A provisional government led by the SOC would be a key step on the way to a national unity transition government that could and should include serving, non-criminal officials of the current and previous SARGs. Provided it consists of respectable individuals whose revolutionary credentials neither alienate nor frighten the cowed and undecided, a provisional government would in large measure answer the “what’s next?” question that immobilizes millions of Syrians. Provided it can establish itself in liberated parts of Syria and facilitate effective local governance while expediting external humanitarian assistance and the restoration of essential services and infrastructure, it can reflect credibility. Indeed, to the extent that such a government would attract recognition from abroad as the government of Syria it could be the legitimate recipient of security assistance. If and when the time comes to negotiate with the SARG on the formation of a transitional national unity government to take full executive powers from the regime, the provisional government would be the SARG’s sole legitimate interlocutor.
Would the formation of a provisional government be a panacea? No. One has to assume that the regime will fight hard to hold onto Damascus and that Iran and Hezbollah will assist in that effort. Would the formation of such a government be easy? On the contrary—battles for privilege and position could be discouraging and even debilitating. Yet here a hard question must be posed: if the very process of establishing a clear alternative to the regime fatally wounds the unity of the Syrian Opposition Council or splinters the opposition more generally, then what is the opposition really? And, as a practical matter, if there are to be fights over who gets to be minister of finance, defense and so forth, is it not better to have these fights now, before the regime vaporizes and before someone actually has to try to govern Syria?
No doubt the endeavor to form a provisional government would be fraught with difficulties and could indeed end badly. Yet as the Assad poison pill of sectarianism slowly paralyzes and kills the idea and the reality of a united Syria, time is of the essence. The United States correctly opposed calls for a provisional government in mid-2012; the Syrian National Council would have been a disastrously weak and narrow foundation for such an effort. Reservations on the part of the US administration are understandable even now. Yet Syria is dying, and Syria’s death would have dire implications not only for its 23 million citizens but for the entire region.
The way forward will be replete with risks. Yet the riskiest of approaches in Syria’s hour of peril could be for the United States and others to hold the Syrian Opposition Council at arms-length and ask it to jump through bureaucratic hoops rather than asking it to offer the Syrian people a visible, credible alternative to the Assad regime. Time is the enemy. You can’t beat something with nothing. If there is to be something, the time to create that something is now.
Frederic C. Hof is a senior fellow of the Rafik Hariri Center for the Middle East at the Atlantic Council and the former Special Advisor for Transition in Syria at the US Department of State.
“Saving Syria from Assad” (Julian Lindley-French, Atlantic Council)
“an enduring Syrian peace will also only be possible if the conflict is detached from a wider regional Realpolitik. Iran has been supporting the regime with both expertise and munitions, with substantial evidence of direct involvement by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, whilst Russia and China have blocked any direct outside intervention. Indeed, the regional strategic ambitions of Iran and its proxy Hezbollah-led conflict with Israel have critically exacerbated the war. Equally, whilst an arms embargo has been formally imposed evidence abounds that it exists in name only. The Coalition has been receiving directly or indirectly both small arms and man-held anti-aircraft missiles from the Gulf States and Saudi Arabia to counter the regime’s use of air power.
What would a ‘credible’ international presence on the ground look like and under what mandate? Arab League, UN, NATO, EU or a beefed up Contact Group? Experience of political transition in Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya (hardly encouraging) suggests that early political reconciliation would be critical but only possible if reprisal killings are prevented and the humanitarian suffering of all alleviated. A new seat of government in Damascus would also need to be rapidly established and protected, committed to a political timetable for transition underpinned by the early disarmament and rehabilitation of combatants. The armed forces would need to be re-oriented and essential services and the judicial system preserved to provide stability. Critically, senior members of the Assad regime charged under law would need to get a fair trial and justice seen to work. National elections woven into a new constitution would also be vital with extreme elements in the opposition forced to face a choice; reconciliation or exclusion. Would Russia and China agree? Maybe this is the moment for a Tony Blair-type Sextet for Syria – America, Arab League, China, EU and Russia?”
“What if Assad Wins?” (Seth Mandel, Commentary Magazine)
“All throughout the Syrian civil war, analysts and human rights groups were at pains to point out the rising death toll and falling share of media and public attention. But underlying the legitimate frustration was a perhaps forced belief-straining under the weight of reality-in the conventional wisdom: the house of Assad will fall; the victims’ deaths will not be in vain.
But the standard rule of conventional wisdom-that it may be the former but is rarely the latter-applies here as well. As Emile Hokayem writes in the wake of Bashar al-Assad’s recent defiant speech:
More importantly, Western states should get off the sidelines. The illusion of a negotiated settlement is a consequence of Western indecision, not the cause for it. The United States in particular has squandered precious time and opportunities: The risks of greater involvement in Syria are certainly great, but the conflict has already overtaken the Iraq war in terms of regional and strategic impact, and Washington is at best marginal to its dynamics. U.S. Sen. John McCain only slightly exaggerated when he said last month: “In Syria, everything we said would happen if we didn’t intervene is happening because we didn’t intervene.” Judging by Assad’s speech, Syria’s civil war is indeed about to become even more tragic as the world stands idly by.
That “illusion” is a Western creation, and more importantly it is not widely-and certainly not universally-shared. The “rebels” do not emit an air of encroaching victory, and to speak of patience and inevitability seems nothing less than vulgar. Can anyone explain why time is on the side of the rebels? It certainly doesn’t feel that way anymore, does it?”
Time for a Syrian transitional government – By Radwan Ziadeh Tuesday, January 8, 2013
….Many Syrian opposition political forces still refuse to form an interim government on the ground, claiming that to do so would be premature. This may once have been true, but no longer. The preconditions which certain opposition members have demanded before forming the transitional government will never come to fruition. Therefore, the transitional government or government-in-exile should be formed immediately.The transitional government should aim to achieve a number of key objectives. First, it should support the creation of a central authority for the liberated areas to maintain control and to prevent chaos. Neither the Syrian National Council (SNC) nor the Syrian Coalition is currently capable of establishing such an authority. However, the longer the forming of the transitional government takes, the more chaotic the situation will be, the more difficult it will be to establish a central authority, and the more difficult it will be to provide the liberated areas with social services, judicial institutions, health services, and humanitarian assistance.
Second: on a legal level, the legitimacy of the Assad regime can be undermined by granting control to the transitional authority over Syrian embassies, which can only be taken by government representatives and not by political entities. Syrian government positions in international institutions such as the United Nations and the Human Rights Council should be handed to a transitional government as well. Third, this in turn would pave the road toward international recognition, which would allow the new government to ratify the Rome Statute, allowing the Assad regime to be referred to the International Criminal Court (ICC) with much greater ease….
Terrorist group fills power vacuum among Syria rebels
By Nada Bakos, Special to CNN, January 9, 2013
….An important differentiator between al Qaeda in Iraq and al-Nusra is one of its tactics: Zarqawi made a practice of indiscriminately killing Iraqi civilians, effectively terrorizing the Iraqi population, especially the Shiite minority. Zarqawi, despite identifying with al Qaeda, had a much thinner theological basis than al Qaeda central.
Key figures at al Qaeda central such as bin Laden and Zawahiri argued with Zarqawi over his tactics, complaining that alienating mainstream Muslims would not help achieve the over-arching goal of instilling Sharia law.
Al-Nusra is using some of the same tactics as al Qaeda in Iraq (e.g., suicide bombings, kidnappings and car bombs), but it appears to be trying to strike a balance Zarqawi was unwilling to make: Not only does it seem to be avoiding alienating—if not antagonizing—the larger population, but it also is providing the people of Syria with a range of goods and services such as food, water and medical care—basic necessities that people need to survive in the best of times, let alone when their country is in the throes of a civil war.
If this becomes a trend, it might signal that al-Nusra aspires to be more like Hezbollah or Hamas, organizations that defy neat categorization based on the range of social, political and military activities they engage in and the resultant legitimacy they have in the eyes of their constituencies.
In the Syrian uprising, the opportunity for meaningful U.S. intervention might have passed: Exhaustion from operations in Iraq and Afghanistan have taken their toll on the U.S. military, have taxed the national treasury, and sapped political will, especially as the state of the economy remains at the center of the debate in Washington.
Our absence from the fight is going to cost us if the al-Assad regime fails, leaving rebel groups like al-Nusra dictating the direction, pace and scope of a new Syria.
Given that managing affairs in the Middle East has never been one of our strong suits, the question at this point should be how can the United States, particularly the Department of State, best engage groups that might be inimical to U.S. values but necessary to our interests in the Middle East? For that, I am not sure there is a clear or simple answer.
One opportunity would be if the United States uses its designation of al-Nusra as both a stick and carrot, cajoling and encouraging it to enter into mainstream politics when (or if) the Assad regime falls.
My read of al-Nusra, however, is that, like Zarqawi, it does not aspire to be a political player and is unlikely to settle for a political role in the new government. Instead, it may aim to play the spoiler for any transitional government and use its resources and political violence to empower and encourage other like-minded extremists. With time and opportunity, al-Nusra could not only add to regional instability in the Middle East, but also rekindle global jihad.
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Comments (738)
Johannes de Silentio said:
Another Bashar cartoon
January 9th, 2013, 11:50 am
revenire said:
Good news from Syria posted on Ziad’s blog today. Our army is crushing the terrorists.
DAMASCUS: Banner day for the Orkin Man. According to SANA and confirmed by Wael: over 90 rats killed yesterday in Damascus area.
At Hajar Al-Aswad, a rat leader was sent to his favorite sewer in Hell:
Hamdi Sukkaro
Rida Bakeer
Muhammad Al-Aqra’a
Muhannad Abdel-Salaam
Taher Jum’ah
Wael Jum’ah
Mahmoud Abdel-Malik
At Douma, the following simian excrement was broomed away:
Na’im Dummarani
Hisham Al-Aswad
Safi Muntasir Tha’labi
Anas Khater Ahmad
Muhammad Baladi
Hassan Ne’matollah
Adib Ahmad Al-Ali
Taftanaz: They won’t stop trying to do the impossible. Here are the names of some of the rodents killed yesterday trying to infiltrate the airbase:
Abdel-Jalil Turkmani
Ali Badreddine
Jihad Muhammad Chammout
At Al-Mastouma village, inhabitants spotted for our soldiers as they killed over 26 rats.
Another French-inspired attempted infiltration results in the death of over 16 rodents leaving Jamra in Lebanon and winding up massacred at Al-Qusair. What a day!
Bilal Muhammad Tawil (Lebanese)
Nader Ali Samhat (Lebanese)
Ahmad Mahmoud Halabi
Radwan Muhammad Salameh
Ahmad Al-Ahmad
Mahmoud Ahmad Jarbou’
Muhammad Khodr Bahlawanji
Rustum Bahije Munawwar
Ali Samer Dayyoub
Ra’fat Abdel-Satir Qandil
Hamed Ali Al-Hannouti (Lebanese)
Muhammad Jamal Belqassem (Moroccan)
Jad Mahmoud Ahmad Al-Qudwa
Taher Ahmad Abdel-Rahman
Deeb Hinnawi
Muhammad Milhem Al-Danaa
HAMA: We can confirm the annihilation of all rats at Hilfaya firing on Mhardeh. List of names not yet available.
We can report the deaths, however, of rat-leader Suleiman Ibrahim Sulieiman and his cohort, Murhaf Ahmad Shniyyeh.
DEIR EL-ZOR – We sadly report the death by execution of three of our soldiers. The killers are being sought as we write.
January 9th, 2013, 12:24 pm
ghufran said:
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the bottom line is that Bashar needs to be removed from his office, ideally through a structured and organized plan,but if the guy keeps on thinking that he can be president after 60,000 Syrians died, then he should be forced to quit his post, one well-connected fellow thinks that Assad is just buying time and raising the stake higher to win some concessions including certain guarantees for his family and close supporters.
January 9th, 2013, 12:59 pm
syrian said:
Rufaida Alkhabaz
Husen Khalife
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January 9th, 2013, 1:23 pm
syrian said:
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January 9th, 2013, 1:26 pm
revenire said:
Ghufran Assad won’t be forced to do anything. You heard his speech. The army will deal with the terrorists.
As far as Brahimi goes we refer readers to this:
“Lakhdar Brahimi has arrived in Damascus by automobile from Beirut. Security sources tell us he was dissuaded from flying into the capital because of threats by the terrorist rats to fire at any civilian plane. Brahimi, if you will remember, is SyrPer’s winner of the 2012 MIGUEL DE CERVANTES DON QUIXOTE TILTING AT WINDMILLS PRIZE. We expect nothing from this feckless scarecrow of a failed diplomat. Any talk of our president stepping down is a waste of everyone’s time. As an Algerian, he should know what it’s like to fight Jihadist terrorists, especially the Salafist type with which Algeria is filled.
“There are some derogatory comments about our redoubtable and reliable Information Minister, Dr. Umran Al-Zoubi. It has to do with a question asked of him yesterday by a reporter concerning the Brahimi arrival. Al-Zoubi told the reporter he did not know if the U.N. envoy was coming. He was telling the truth. Monzer says that Brahimi told Syrian General Intelligence that he would only come if the road to Damascus was safe. Monzer says that he was assured it would be. So it was up in the air at the time Al-Zoubi responded. So much for analyses intimating that there was ‘chaos’ or a ‘disconnect’ between the branches of government in the capital.”
January 9th, 2013, 1:38 pm
Tara said:
How is it guaranteed that the prisoners released are not going to be rounded up again now the Iranian hostages are released?
The link above makes one’s heart cries. I do hope that there is is Hell and Paradise after death and Assad will be punished sooner or later..
January 9th, 2013, 1:52 pm
revenire said:
They should be rounded up and executed. I am sure Military Intelligence is shadowing them.
January 9th, 2013, 1:54 pm
Ghat Al Bird said:
David Ignatius of the Washington Post says it like it is.
The following will surely be applauded by some believers……
Ahead of Assad’s speech, the Washington Post condemned Obama’s failure to intervene. It’s “one of his greatest failures,” it said.
Post writer David Ignatius is a reliable imperial ally. On January 4, he proposed a “way out of” aggressive war he called “civil.” Aggression is aggression is aggression. Nothing “civil” reflects it.
He wants Assad ousted. He supports foreign death squads. He equates them with freedom fighters. Doing so betrayed his readers.
“As with everything affecting Syria, time is running out before the country collapses into an anarchic failed state.”
“What Syria needs urgently is a path to a new government based on the rule of law.” [definitely not Ignatius’s plan].
January 9th, 2013, 2:00 pm
majedkhaldoun said:
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January 9th, 2013, 2:22 pm
zoo said:
Sorry Mr Hof, after what we saw and are seeing of the “respectable individuals” who made up the SNC and now the SOC, and what we know about the ideologies of the financiers of these groups, the provisional government you call for that meets these conditions may become possible in a year or two at minimum.
Unless the internatinal community is ready to wait that long, the only solution in a reasonable time frame is a compromise with the regime.
“Provided it consists of respectable individuals whose revolutionary credentials neither alienate nor frighten the cowed and undecided, a provisional government would in large measure answer the “what’s next?” question that immobilizes millions of Syrians. Provided it can establish itself in liberated parts of Syria and facilitate effective local governance while expediting external humanitarian assistance and the restoration of essential services and infrastructure, it can reflect credibility”
January 9th, 2013, 2:23 pm
ghufran said:
I guess there are people who were released who probably should stay in prison,but if previous examples were our guidance,we have to suspect that most of those in prison were held based on minor or bogus charges or to prevent them from expressing their opinion. When Assad in 2011 and 2012 released prisoners, his thugs kept political prisoners and educated people in prison but released thugs and drug dealers because those thugs were not a threat to the regime(!!).
people who carried arms and fired on other people deserve to be held in prison,but if you use that standard as “the standard” then you have to send thousands of security officers to prison, there are numerous cases when excessive and unjustifiable force was used by regime security forces but nobody,to my knowledge, was questioned or sent to jail.
For this ship to sail, people must believe that they have an interest in keeping it afloat, otherwise,it is a war to the bitter end,only true haters of Syria want such a war,
this is the type of news that dominates social media:
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the other side of the story is that nobody is counting the dead among the rebels who have not been able to capture key bases in Idleb,however, the blood shed is likely to continue.
January 9th, 2013, 2:28 pm
zoo said:
No anti-opposition cartoon?
I am surprised there are no cartoons of Mickey Al Khatib under the wings of Big Bird S.ultan Erdogan disguised in Arab bedouin.
January 9th, 2013, 2:28 pm
Tara said:
Did you read Ibrahimi’s comment in regard to the speech? This was the first time he harshly criticizes Batta.
What say you?
January 9th, 2013, 2:30 pm
zoo said:
“if you use that standard as “the standard” then you have to send thousands of security officers to prison” …. as well as thousands of rebels.
There would probably be none left
January 9th, 2013, 2:31 pm
zoo said:
If that’s what you mean, I frankly think that Ibrahimi is totally out of touch with the reality.
Harshly? I don’t see that, disappointed yes.
Anyway he looks so vague, tired, powerless and depressed that I think that after his next meeting with the US and Russia on the 20th, he may accompany Mickey Al Khatib to Bakkourland now that E.T Ziadeh has reappeared in strength to take over the SOC,
January 9th, 2013, 2:40 pm
zoo said:
A new Syrian deadlock
That Mr. Assad has raised a political proposal itself indicates his recognition that only a political solution will suffice. His more vituperative comments about the opposition, which include calling them a Western-fabricated movement, will, however, not help, and will probably harden dissident and Western attitudes.
Yet Mr. Assad has a point. Saudi Arabia and Qatar have channelled weaponry to the insurgents, who now control parts of northern Syria, and neither Riyadh nor Doha is likely to welcome representative democracy in Syria. Indeed, those two regional powers may well favour extreme Sunni factions among the SNC over the others.
Secondly, the United States holds that the Syrian people’s goal is a political transition, and the European Union insists that that cannot be achieved unless Mr. Assad steps aside. Such stands reiterate the Western commitment to regime change above all else, and make it harder even for Mr. Assad’s strongest ally, Russia, which recognises the need for a political solution, to encourage Mr. Assad to negotiate.
They do nothing to bring about the only tenable solution, which will be one devised by the Syrian people themselves.
January 9th, 2013, 2:50 pm
revenire said:
Let’s take a look at how the “rebels” and their media allies lie. This was reported August 6 2012. It was a complete lie. Surprised?
Syrian rebels: government attack kills 3 Iranian captives
Mon, Aug 06 18:07 PM BST
BEIRUT (Reuters) – Syrian rebels said three Iranian captives were killed on Monday during an air attack in Damascus province by government forces, and threatened to kill the remaining Iranians in their custody unless the army stopped its attack.
“They were killed when the aircraft attacked. One of the houses they were in collapsed over their heads,” rebel spokesman Moutassam al-Ahmad told Reuters. “We will kill the rest if the army does not stop its assault. They have one hour.”
Ahmad said that a number of rebels were also killed in the attack. “Our losses are bigger than theirs.”
Fighters from the al-Baraa brigade of the rebel Free Syrian Army kidnapped 48 Iranians on Saturday on suspicion of being military personnel, but Tehran says they are pilgrims.
The 48 Iranians, planning to visit a shrine on the outskirts of Damascus of particular significance to Shi’ite Muslims, were abducted on the road from the airport.
Insurgents fighting to topple Syrian President Bashar al-Assad accuse Iran of sending fighters from its Revolutionary Guard to help Assad’s forces put down the 17-month-old uprising. The Islamic Republic denies the accusations.
“We have documents that they are involved with the Revolutionary Guards,” Ahmad said.
The majority of those revolting against Assad are Sunni Muslim, while Assad comes from the minority Alawite sect, an offshoot of Shi’ite Islam which is the main religion of Iran.
Several groups of Iranians have been abducted in Syria since the uprising began in March 2011.
Five Iranian engineers were kidnapped in the flashpoint city of Homs in December. Iranian media said they had all been released by last month. A group of pilgrims were snatched in January and another in February. Most have been freed, according to Iranian media.
(Reporting by Mariam Karouny, editing by Tim Pearce)
January 9th, 2013, 2:56 pm
zoo said:
Despite having being finally recognized as the “Sole…”, the SOC continues to be plagued by unfulfilled promises, rivalry and disunity.
Syrian Opposition Struggles to Create Union in War
“It is the same story it was for the armed groups,” Zaein said. The councils “have been supported by different people and different countries and that is one main reason why it is very difficult for them to unite.”
“When somebody comes into the country with a million dollars to buy and distribute relief and food, people inside are not going to tell him go away,” he explained.
January 9th, 2013, 3:00 pm
Tara said:
“?????? ?? ??? ?????? ???? ?????? ????? ???? ???? ?????????”
Now for the Diplomat Who is assigned the Syrian file to call a “head of a state” indirectly sectarian sounds like harsh criticism to me. What is the next step for Ibrahimi? Announcing a resignation? What after the resignation? The UN and the UNSC must pretend they are doing something… How about assigning this job to a woman?
In any case, I am glad that you did not find Ibrahim’s comment harsh…I think you started to develop some “tolerance” to hating Batta.. 😉
January 9th, 2013, 3:00 pm
revenire said:
Ziad takes a look behind Assad’s speech.
If you don’t think he’s shrewd with a surgeon’s penchant for planning, look again.
Dr. Bashar Al-Assad, the sitting president of the Syrian Arab Republic, stood at the Opera House in downtown Damascus on Sunday, January 9, 2013, and addressed the people of Syria and no one else. He already knew that NATO countries would denounce his speech before it was translated. He has known from the very beginning that the enemies of Syria are the enemies of Iran and Hizbollah; and they wanted regime change. He knows that nothing he could do could change the atmosphere of hostility and confrontation enveloping the Near East.
In the Summer of 2011, a few months after the violent demonstrations in rustic Der’ah, the Syrian ambassador to the U.S. was the guest of honor at a demonstration in Dearborn, Michigan. The demonstration was nothing special with about 500 pro-government activists attending. Dr. Imad Moustapha, a computer maven and media expert, was asked as he departed why the U.S. was fomenting so much discord in Syria. He responded cryptically: “Oh, it’s really about three things. If we deal with those, the U.S. will stop”. One of the listeners nodded his head and said: “Iran, Hizbollah, Hamas”. Dr. Mustapha smiled and walked to his waiting car.
The U.S. would lead a psyops war against Syria by withdrawing disgraced spook-diplomat, Robert Ford, from his ambassadorship in Damascus during which time he managed to “out” hundreds of spies, activists and terrorists working against the Syrian government. Syria, in turn, withdrew Dr. Moustapha who returned to Damascus to tell Dr. Assad what the latter, the Russians, the Chinese and the Iranians already knew: the American position was pinioned on a plot to overthrow the sitting government and replace it with a friendly, Sunni puppet regime allied with the Banana-Kingdoms of Saudi Arabia and Qatar.
On January 6, 2013, Dr. Assad spoke while knowing fully well that his audience was his people. The Americans were either disconnecting from the Middle East, as Thierry Meyssan thinks, or they were continuing a proxy relationship with NATO on the lines of Libya, as we at SyrPer think. The Americans were not his audience any more than the British.
Here’s what he said in plain English as derived from the Arabic:
1. The U.S. and its allies, both European and Arabian, had failed to force his resignation. In fact, he was more emphatic than ever about holding on to power while defending Syria’s sovereignty;
2. The U.S. backed NACOSROF coalition is an abject failure. It has no more legitimacy than the American YMCA. Any talk of negotiations with this NATO-created abomination was going straight to the dumpster. Here’s why: NACOSROF is already showing signs of splintering. Inherent contradictions within its ranks are now becoming all too obvious to the extent that it seems to be floating in a void with Ahmad Mu’adh Al-Khatib acting like some bonding cement that is quickly hardening and withering. Moreover, the NACOSROF coalition is substantially penetrated by Syria’s intelligence services rendering anything done by it an open secret subject to sabotage or obstructionism.
3. The war in Syria is swinging toward the Syrian army and government. The devastating defeat suffered by the terrorist army at Damascus during the trumpeted “Zero Hour” campaign has led all military assessments in the direction of “hold what you can” and “regroup”. The same is true in Aleppo where some early advances have been reduced to an infestation in rubble-strewn abandoned quarters fit for vermin. They too are trying to regroup, but Syria’s army is becoming more savvy. And Dr. Assad is not interesting in letting the terrorists regroup which is why he is so tenaciously cleaning out Darayya and Douma, not to mention Hanano and Bustan Al-Qasr, inter alia.
4. His speech was a wake-up call to all his citizens and a demoralizing blow to the failed military policies of the Germans off the coast of Turkey, the English in Southern Turkey and the French in Northern Lebanon. While the leaders of the NATO countries continue to spout nonsense about Dr. Assad’s durability, he continues to stealthily pummel their terrorist proxies and on some days, killing them in the hundreds.
5. He now knows he has the full backing of Iran and Russia. His army is not tiring. His officers are confident and tell him so. His army is flush with weapons. His binary chemical weapons are safe but ready to use at any time, having been readied over a month ago. Iran and Hizbollah could join the fighting if he needed it. 40,000 newly trained soldiers in counter-insurgency have been absorbed into the Syrian fighting machine.
6. Syria is secure financially. Russia has been slighted by NATO and will not let its ally down. Moreover, unknown to many of the anti-Assad propagandists in the U.S. and Europe, Syria is sitting on over 48 billion dollars in actual gold reserves. Syria has no debt, it being discharged completely back in 2007. Syria has the support of Iraq and Iran and can call on Venezuela at any time to supply her with diesel fuel for army tanks and vehicles.
7. Syrian assessments of the FSA and Jabhat Al-Nusra is that they are not competent to fight this war and will grow tired, just as Saudi Arabia and Qatar will tire of the expense of paying for travel and wages. Syrian Sunni secularists (majority), Christians, Alawis, Druze, Armenians, Ismailis and others are terrified of an Islamist take-over and will not be deterred in ridding the country of these plague-carrying vermin. If they want a long war, the people of Syria are resigned to it and will fight it ferociously.
8. He also knows that over 50,000 troops from the Russian-inspired Collective Security Treaty Organization are ready for deployment as soon as the military situation in the north, along the Turkish border, stabilizes. Which is what we have been telling you about the up-coming, but much-delayed, Idlib campaign that will annihilate 20,000 terrorist rats.
Dr. Assad’s speech was a warning to the foreign conspirators, like the NACOSROF coalition. He said “you have no place at the negotiating table because you have supported violence and terror. You aren’t even Syrian!” He told NATO: “you have failed to oust me and our army is devastating the ranks of your terrorists gangs. I have no interest in talking to you.” He told the world that the neo-imperialist conspiracy to shape the old colonies in an antique mold is a rank, humiliating failure. His approach was stealthy…a thumb in the eye of the criminals who keep lying….the ones who tell us “he’s embattled”, “he’s on the verge of collapse”, “he’s surrounded”, “Damascus is falling to the rebels”…and all the other tommyrot they’ve been purveying. His was a speech hatched in the mind of a triumphant general prepared to rub the enemies nose in its own ordure. ZAF
January 9th, 2013, 3:00 pm
zoo said:
Is the West serious in fighting terrorism or is it gambling with Syrians lives?
Zarqawi’s legacy: Jihadist rebels in Syria
Abu Mussab al-Zarqawi, the notorious jihadist leader killed in 2006, pervades the operations of the Islamist group that spearheads rebels fighting in Syria.
Published: Jan. 9, 2013 at 12:56 PM
BEIRUT, Lebanon, Jan. 9 (UPI) — The ghost of Abu Mussab al-Zarqawi, the notorious jihadist leader killed in a U.S. airstrike in Iraq in June 2006, pervades the operations of Jabhat al-Nusrah, the Islamist group that spearheads rebels fighting the Damascus regime in Syria.
Increasingly, the expanding and highly effective jihadist group is seen as an outgrowth of Zarqawi’s al-Qaida in Iraq that’s killing scores of people every month in an offensive against the government of Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki.
Jabhat Al-Nusrah’s operations are causing growing alarm not only within the embattled regime of Syrian President Bashar Assad, whose forces and allies are bearing the brunt of the group’s attacks, but in neighboring Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey where jihadist groups are reported to be gaining strength.
Read more: http://www.upi.com/Top_News/Special/2013/01/09/Zarqawis-legacy-Jihadist-rebels-in-Syria/UPI-98601357754164/#ixzz2HViaMJ3a
January 9th, 2013, 3:04 pm
MarigoldRan said:
The regime’s indefensible. Sooner or later even the Russians and the Iranians are going to realize this.
The West’s position is that Al Nusra is bad, but the regime is worse, which is pretty amazing considering how much America hates Al Qaeda and its affiliations. As far as America is concerned, they’re BOTH terrorist organizations though only one is labeled as such.
Syria has no government nor is it a country. It only has competing groups fighting for what was once called Syria.
January 9th, 2013, 3:06 pm
revenire said:
Actually the “West” backs regime change in Syria irrespective of al-Nusra.
January 9th, 2013, 3:14 pm
zoo said:
Excellent analysis of the speech that shuts the mouth of the whining western experts and the coalition that is still trying to find itself a name, least an identity: SOC? SNC? NACOSROF? SC?
Maybe Hague could organize a FOS meeting in the Falklands to vote on a proper name for they “sole” organization…
January 9th, 2013, 3:16 pm
zoo said:
24. revenire
What is more humiliating for the West, accepting that the regime change in Syria failed or accepting that despite Ben Laden’s death they failed to eliminate al Qaeda?
I guess the West has decided that it’s the first that would be too humiliating to swallow.
January 9th, 2013, 3:23 pm
Tara said:
The exchange of prisoners included women and children held by the regime. Do you still support a regime that jails children? Is their any moral ambiguity here too? And SANA mentioned nothing about the exchange… Isn’t that pathetically laughable, yet some people quote SANA. Are they fooling us or themselves?
Syrian state media made no mention of the mass exchange but it was confirmed by the Iranian government and officials of the Turkish humanitarian aid group IHH.
Turkish media reported that a group of people, including women and children, held in the interior ministry building in Damascus had been released and escorted on to buses. Releases also took place in Latakia, Homs, Idlib and Aleppo.
January 9th, 2013, 3:23 pm
zoo said:
Let’s see who will jump?
U.S. urges Russia to back plan to oust Assad
“Nuland noted, “So now is the time to jump”. Russian and U.S. diplomats will meet with the international mediator for Syria, Lakhdar Brahimi, on Friday in Geneva, Switzerland.”
January 9th, 2013, 3:28 pm
zoo said:
I am not supporting war and the horrors that naturally always come with it.
I am saying there should be an acceptance in both sides that violence has to stop with no demands other than removing the weapons that kill people.
Still insisting on a forced regime change is itself a call for war.
January 9th, 2013, 3:36 pm
zoo said:
I wonder why the swapping of prisoners made so much fuss in the media..
Does the media see a sign of a potential agreement on a cease fire?
January 9th, 2013, 3:38 pm
zoo said:
Miss Piggy finally on the hot seat
Hillary Clinton’s Ego Trips
By Michael Kinsley Jan 8, 2013 10:29 AM ET
Clinton looks awful and has looked worse and worse for years, since long before her recent hospitalization for a blood clot resulting from a fall. I don’t mean to be ungallant. It’s just that she clearly has been working herself to death in her current job as well as in her past two, as senator and first lady.
And what for? Despite all the admiration she deserves for her dedication and long hours, there is also a vanity of long hours and (in her current job) long miles of travel. You must be very, very important if your work requires you to be constantly flying through time zones to midnight meetings that last for hours. Of course our secretary of state is very important — so why does she have to prove it?
January 9th, 2013, 3:45 pm
zoo said:
Saudis hypocrisy unveiled
The Saudis’ PR ‘Roads’ Show
One of a series of lavish attempts to throw sand in the eyes of the West
By Nina Shea
January 9, 2013 4:00 A.M.
Even before the “Arab spring” revolts — indeed, ever since the 9/11 attacks on American soil by mostly Saudi terrorists — the Saudi royal family has assiduously waged a public-relations campaign to improve its image by sponsoring major cultural initiatives in the West. In 2012 alone, these included the opening of the King Abdullah interfaith-dialogue center in Vienna, an Islamic-art wing at the Louvre in Paris, and “Roads of Arabia,” an archaeological exhibition now on display in Washington, D.C., at the Smithsonian Institution.
All these are sophisticated and lavish attempts to throw sand in our eyes. At home, meanwhile, the Wahhabi-partnered monarchy has yet to shed its grossly intolerant ideology and policies toward other religions, which it so dangerously has spread to Muslim communities in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Somalia, and other countries.
January 9th, 2013, 3:51 pm
Tara said:
Taftanaz air base
The rebel operation against Idlib’s Taftanaz air base [see earlier] is a sign of the growing strength of Islamist groups, according to Syria analyst Asher Berman. But it is not going to stop the bombing of villages or lead to a sudden collapse of the regime in Idlib province, he cautioned.
Berman, author of the blog Syria Survey, said it was significant that the rebels managed to enter the base after only a week of fighting. Speaking to the Guardian via Skype from Washington, he said:
It’s a war of attrition, the rebels are slowly gaining more and more ground. It shows that over time they will take the remaining regime positions in Idlib.
I do anticipate them being able to control it [the base] in the next day or two. But the pattern in the past, with this sort of thing, is that once the rebels seize a position like this, the regime will just bomb it from planes based in other air bases, and artillery. So they probably not be able to hold it. The real value is just taking it out of commission.
The rebels are unlikely to be able to use helicopters in the base, because of lack of fuel and logistically difficulties, Berman added.
The involvement of Jabhat al-Nusra fighters and the Ahrar al-Sham brigade in the Taftanaz battle, shows that Islamist brigades are coalescing into a effective fighting force, Berman claimed.
It’s going to cause problems once the fight against the regime stops. They are really starting to create a true Islamic force. That is happening more and more … it is definitely a worrying sign.
January 9th, 2013, 3:52 pm
revenire said:
Well, on the Iranians released (the ones the FSA lied about in order to try to blackmail the government from attacking them) the media has spun the story as a sign of weakness on the government’s part and, of course, the usual suspects comment that Assad is dancing to the tune of Iran.
On the West’s bitter pill of to swallow my personal opinion is that, like in Afghanistan, the West has backed Al-Qaeda all along. Al-Qaeda can be compared to a Frankenstein monster that goes out of control (the killing of the US ambassador in Libya for example). Syria, under Assad, is a thorn in the West’s side and stands in the way of changing the governments of Lebanon and Iran i.e. changing policy in the entire region (that is what this war is about – THE WEST DOESN’T GIVE A DAMN WHETHER SYRIANS CAN VOTE IN “FREE” ELECTION OR IF 100,000 SYRIANS DIE IN A LONG WAR THAT DESTROYS SYRIA). Syria’s allies Hezbollah are a problem for the West. I don’t believe I need to give anyone a history lesson on Iran. Iran has been a target of the West for a long, long time going back to the 1950s when the West overthrew Mossadegh. The West likes puppets like Morsi. The West likes dictators like the Saudis. To hear someone suggest this war is for Syrian freedom is a joke. The joke is on anyone who believes that sort of fantasy.
On all of these points Assad was 100% correct in his speech. You might not hear that said on CNN or here but that doesn’t matter. After all, was CNN there when Moses parted the Red Sea?
The fact Assad was correct enraged the West.
Who are the deluded ones?
I believe many felt the West would send NATO in to help rid Syria of Assad. They deluded themselves on that point. Could it happen? Yes, I think so but there is a price for that action and it could be a wider war involving many nations. Iran and Syria have defense agreements etc.
I feel many saw Assad as weak but he isn’t weak. He is one of the strongest leaders on the world stage right now. He has the support of his people. I can’t believe the West didn’t know all of this beforehand. The West is not as smart as some believe. Their policy is in shambles.
On the ground the Syrian army is winning. The FSA was never really an army. It is a guerilla force composed of foreign mercenaries and traitors to Syria. It is always hard to dislodge such a force. Try sticking a comparable number armed guerillas in Britain or France and see what happens. If Assad ordered the SAA to wipe them out the SAA could do it easily but the cost in terms of human life could be hundreds of thousands of civilians.
The so-called Syrian opposition has no support in Syria – outside of Syria they do. Even among the rag-tag FSA the NACOSROF puppets have no real support.
January 9th, 2013, 4:04 pm
revenire said:
Tara Taftanaz is fine. The reports of it being overrun are more of the same from war propaganda shills. You should consult other sources because this air base has been “taken over” by the FSA maybe 40 times in two years (all the claims were lies of the sort you might hear from drunken sailors). I can paste wild-eyed shrieks from tweeps from weeks ago stating Taftanaz had fallen.
It’s wishful thinking from desperate men.
January 9th, 2013, 4:07 pm
Tara said:
“Still insisting on a forced regime change is itself a call for war.”
Still supporting Bashar to hold onto the seat is itself a call for war.
Peace will happen if he to step down. That what will save hundred of thousand of lives and all kind of revengeful acts afterwards.
January 9th, 2013, 4:45 pm
majedkhaldoun said:
?? ?????? ?? ?????? ?????? ??? 2000 ???? ???? ?? ?????? ????? ??? ????? ???? ?????? ??? 48 ?????? ???
January 9th, 2013, 4:45 pm
Tara said:
The only desperation I see is the desperation emanating from your post listing the names of rebels martyred.
Care to list the names of the 27 HA deaths? I hope their mothers are not consoling themselves they will get one of the 70 promised. They aren’t..
January 9th, 2013, 4:51 pm
Tara said:
Not unexpected. And the stupid Alawi supporters busy worshiping their Batta. I pity them. The Sunni supporters might evade justice. They shouldn’t but lots will. They will make up stories of being coerced, etc.. it is the Alawis that will pay hefty price if they continue their stupidity and do not change course. I think they will hide their identity and never pronounce the letter Qaf the way they do after the displacement of Batta. Sad but true.
January 9th, 2013, 5:00 pm
ghufran said:
?? ?????? ?? ?????? ?????? ??? 2000 ???? ???? ?? ?????? ????? ???” ????? ???? ?????? ??? 48 ?????? ???”
it is all about the money, Iran paid somehow to get its citizens released, FSA probably asked for certain opposition and rebel leaders to be released,the regime refused, this regime never cared about the little guys, poor alawi soldiers and officers are targeted by the rebels and are not protected by the regime, Syria is doomed because Syrians have to choose between two classes of thugs: regime thugs and Islamist ones, if I was an alawi in Syria I will try to make peace with my sunni neighbor instead of being used by the regime as a foot soldier, corrupt alawis are already out of Syria or have a plan-B, poor alawis have nowhere to go.
January 9th, 2013, 5:06 pm
Tara said:
Yes. I agree that poor Alawis will pay the price. I use to think we are different but we are not. There will be massive retribution. I pray to God it doesn’t happen but it will. Not only the poor Alawis will be the subject of revenge but also of social humiliation. I doubt very much that there will be a real coexistence or tolerance for years to come. Every time Syrians watch crimes committed by the regime against them, the Alawis risk more and more. It is the nature of human beings. We see it already in the refugee camps..
January 9th, 2013, 5:19 pm
Uzair8 said:
Abu Iyad says the regime isn’t complying completely with the deal, in terms of names. But the regime is the biggest loser in any case. #pt
My comment:
Perhaps this deal indicates how much Assad feels he needs Iran right now. To keep them firmly on side or a sweetner to get a little more from Iran.
January 9th, 2013, 5:23 pm
revenire said:
Hassan Hassan is a less than reliable source. To hear Hassan tell it his boyhood home has been liberated but he has since had to recant that feverish dream. Sorry to burst your bubble.
No one of any consequence was released – a lot of pickpockets and other petty thieves although the brides of Damascus made it out:
January 9th, 2013, 5:31 pm
Uzair8 said:
Another angle to the prisoner swap?
Iran wanted this issue settled quickly as it recognises the end game is near. It may have felt the window of opportunity was closing and this may be the last chance to act, thus pressuring/persuading Assad to act. Maybe even offered Assad further help or reassurances of support. The short-term future is unpredictable. If the regime collapses and a Lebanese type scenario results then captives could remain in captivity (or held hostage) for years/decades.
January 9th, 2013, 5:55 pm
zoo said:
#36 Tara
“Peace will happen if he to step down.”
The magic wand, just like in Libya, Yemen and Iraq…
Tara , if it was so simple, don’t you think the CIA and the MI5 would not have murdered Bashar months ago. They know very well that he leaves now, a worse disaster will fall on Syria. That’s their dilemma, that’s why they are doing nothing, just watching and hoping.
Your ‘dear’ pathetic opposition is very very far from being ready to handle the chaos that will happen when the army will desintegrate.
Keep praying that this opposition finds an identity before being made irrelevant just the SNC has been..
Keep praying that God send weapons to the ‘good’ rebels, since no one is anymore before they are totally crushed.
Keep praying God that Al Nusra get enough weapons from Qatar, Libya and KSA to kill as many syrians as possible so they can execute the regime change that you and your western allies have been dreaming of for years…
I will keep praying the rebels decide they have far too much to loose, stop thinking they can win and accept negotiations.
January 9th, 2013, 5:58 pm
Susan Nevens said:
The article by Fred Hof was very interesting in many ways, I would have given it a different title, something like,
” HELP WANTED: Desperately need political leadership to lead US manufactured, “Friends of Syria”. Please forward your inquiry to the State Department.”
Anyhow I stopped taking Mr. Hof seriously when I got to; “For more than 40 years the Syrian Arab Republic Government (SARG) was the transmission belt for the desires of a narrow, family-based clique”!!!!! Oh really??? How interesting, may I remind Mr. Hof that there has been a “family-based clique” dictatorship just down the road, it is called Saudi Arabia, the family has even given its despicable name to the nation.
Prime minister of Bahrain has been a prime minister since 1960s, how did he get that job? Because he is a member of one family rule dictatorship!!!!
Then we have another ” Family-based clique” where all the 27 cabinet members in Kuwait share the same last name, Al Sabah, pointing out that Kuwait is a family business!!!
So articles like Hof mentioning “family-based clique” in Syria is frankly insult to one’s intelligence.
As special advisor for transition in Syria, Mr. Hof should surely know that Syria is one of the most complicated countries in the region, with over 18 religious and ethnic factions/oppositions, much more complicated than Iraq, and alas the US failed miserably in Iraq. The destabilizing failure of the original reconstruction aims of the original US policies is a major contributor to Saudi-Qatar-Turkey actions vis á vis Syrian actors. Westerners, and shockingly those who work hand in hand with State Department like Mr. Hof, also tend to have a nasty tendency to map Sunni-Shiite rivalries along their original racial concepts (encouraged by native actors that stand to benefit), when all of their relationships are far more complex than which mosque one goes to!!!
You see Mr. Joshua Landis, a little knowledge is worse than no knowledge, not once I’ve heard from the Academia and so called expert analysts in Syria’s affair like Mr. Hof to mention the 18 factions, to mention the complexity of Syrian politics, no wonder that all road ends in Doha, and that big gas station of the world we call Qatar!!!! These are what we call “Friends of Syria”, how could that be?
I know my own answer, Mr. Hof closely works with Mrs. Clinton whose material and financial support through “friends of Syria” has resulted in unbelievable blood shed, let alone destabilization of yet another country.
Academia should also go back to their books and review the history of Syria, and learn that Syrian society is a mosaic of social groups whose interests and loyalties have often conflicted. President Assad, more than any leader in the Syria’s modern history, has been able to focus these conflicting interests and loyalties on national goals. Nevertheless, centrifugal forces, such as sectarianism, persisted in this volatile Arab nation, and the armed forces will probably long remain the ultimate arbiters of power.
Here is some food for the thought, a few reasons why the Hof(s) of the world should also educate themselves before they talk about opposition groups or nonsensical like “family-based clique”.
• Shia
• Ismailis
• Sunni
• Druze
• Yazidis
• Alawi
• Salafis
• Wahhabis
• Jews
• Christians
• Brotherhoods ((Ikhwan al Muslimin)
• Issam al Attar
• Shabab Muhammad ((Muhammad’s Youth)
• Jund Allah (God’s Soldiers)
• Muslim Brethren (off shoot of Brotherhood)
• Aleppo-based Islamic Liberation Movement
• Tali’a al Muqatila (The Fighting Vanguard)
I can go on but I think the above 17 ethnic and opposition groups is a good starting point, they dot the political, social history of Syria since post-Umayyad Caliphate and Ottoman Empire.
I seriously doubt that the United States and her Western allies can stall their puppet regime in Syria, US friends in the region whom have ambition to bring Syrian facade of democracy are antithesis of democracy themselves.
January 9th, 2013, 5:59 pm
zoo said:
Tara, that’s for you to prove my point.
In Step on ‘Light Footprint,’ Nominees Reflect a Shift
Published: January 8, 2013
But the hardest test of the light footprint strategy may come in Syria. It is where the specter of the Iraq war, and Vietnam before it, most haunts the discussion. While Mr. Obama made a passionate case on humanitarian grounds in 2011 for the American intervention in Libya — done from the air, and with drones — there is no serious consideration of doing the same in Syria, where the United Nations estimates that 60,000 have died.
Mr. Kerry, Mr. Brennan and Mr. Biden are all of a view that the United States has no way to get into Syria and, if it got in, no way to get out.
“But the president has also said that Assad must go,” Mr. Mandelbaum noted, referring to Syria’s leader, Bashar al-Assad. “And we’ve worried about whether, if he does go, we get another Afghanistan-under-the-Taliban. The dilemma here is that you have no hope of controlling events unless you invest in boots on the ground, and that’s what the president has made clear we’re not going to do.”
January 9th, 2013, 5:59 pm
zoo said:
“stupid Alawi supporters”
What about the stupid Sunni supporters, what will happen to them, these poor Sunnis who will considered as double traitors?
I guess they will massacred by both sides and while the Alawis can gather in their coastal cities, these poor sunnis will not know where to go. Maybe they will have to learn the “qaf”..
I pity them even more… don’t you?
January 9th, 2013, 6:07 pm
revenire said:
It is foolhardy to suggest if only Assad would step down the fighting would end. What about the Syrian government? What about the Syrian army? What about the terrorists? Will the foreign jihadis just pack their bags and move to Tel Aviv next?
January 9th, 2013, 6:11 pm
revenire said:
How the Israelis at DEBKAfile see the prisoner swap:
Assad firm in the saddle, permits Syrian, Turkish Iranian POWs swaps
Thousands of prisoners exchanged in Syria
The three-way prisoner exchange of thousands of Syrian, Turkish and Iranian prisoners Wednesday, Jan. 9, in Damascus and four other Syrian cities marked a turning-point in the 22-month old Syrian conflict which has cost upward of 60,000 lives. This was the first deal the Assad regime and the rebels have agreed and carried through since March 2011. It was made possible by Bashar Assad’s confidence, in the face of Western predictions of his imminent downfall, that his chances of survival had improved against the forces determined to oust him, while Syrian rebel leaders grasped they had better deal with the hated Syrian ruler for any hope of preserving any of their war gains.
Altogether, the Assad regime released Syrian 2,130 civilians, including 73 women and a number of foreigners, some of them Turks, and obtained the release of 48 Iranians held for six months by the rebel Free Syrian Army. The FSA claimed they were Revolutionary Guards officers and men, while Tehran insisted they were pilgrims visiting holy sites in Syria.
The prisoner exchange was organized by teams of the Turkish Muslim extremist IHH-Humanitarian Relief Foundation.
DEBKAfile’s military and intelligence sources report, that the prisoner swap marked a moment in the ongoing transition of the Syrian crisis from an international issue with a say for the United States, Europe and some Persian Gulf emirates, into a domestic contest, in which regional mediators – in this case Qatar and Turkey – had a role to play. For now, the Obama administration and NATO appear to have moved back from the military arena and left a clear field to the management of Moscow, Tehran and Ankara.
Four steps marked this transition from the third week of December 2012:
1. On December 22, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov announced the Syrian government had “consolidated its chemical weapons in one or two locations amid a rebel onslaught and they are under control for the time being.” Lavrov did not say who was in control of the weapons and why he thought they were out of danger of falling into rebel hands.
2. The day before this announcement, US naval and air forces, piling up in waters opposite Syria from the third week of November, were abruptly ordered to pull back, a sign that the Obama administration had washed its hands of any military intervention in Syria without publicly stating this.
3. In the first week of January, 2013, the Syrian army finally repulsed a major Syrian rebel assault on Assad’s largest chemical weapons depot at the Al Safira military complex near Aleppo.
In this engagement, too, the insurgents demonstrated they were capable only of limited, local gains, but not up to capturing major targets such as major cities and military sites. They were therefore not equal to vanquishing the army still loyal to Bashar Assad.
4. The place of the departed US fleet in the eastern Mediterranean was gradually filled by a large influx of Russian naval and marine forces. And so, when the Syrian ruler rose to deliver a speech at the Damascus opera house Sunday, Jan. 6, he knew he could afford to flout the calls for him to step down and declare he no longer takes dictation from the West. He knew that moored off the Syrian coast were up to 20 Russian warships carrying more than 2,000 Russian marines – on top of unwavering Iranian support for his regime.
The prisoner swap of Wednesday may usher in a lull in the fighting, some of DEBKAfile’s military and intelligence sources believe – especially in consideration of the exceptionally harsh winter conditions besetting the region. During that time, the two warring sides may try and feel their way toward more local or limited understandings as well as replenishing their military and diplomatic resources – either for a final winning throw or to improve their bargaining positions in future negotiations which were kicked off by the prisoner swap.
For now, Assad is evidently here to stay. To remove him, the rebels will have to reach him with an assassin’s bullet.
January 9th, 2013, 6:17 pm
zoo said:
Are the Saudis changing their approach, not asking explicitly or implicitly Bashar to step down?
Are the Saudis under pressure from the USA to stop paying the rebels? Is this why Bashar was so defiant and did not name Saudi Arabia?
“A peaceful exit is an Arab and international demand,” Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Saud Al-Faisal told reporters yesterday in Riyadh after talks with his Egyptian counterpart, Mohamed Kamel Amr. “It is up to the Syrian people to decide the conditions of the exit from power” of Assad.
Saudi Arabia mulling over changing approach to Syria: Report
Wed Jan 9, 2013 11:16AM GMT
The consolidation of Syrian military’s positions across the country and the withdrawal of foreign-backed militants from their strongholds have fuelled speculations that Saudi Arabia is considering shifting its policy towards Syria, a report says.
A recent report released by the Lebanese As-Safir daily has suggested a likely withdrawal of Saudi Arabia from among the list of foreign states that are funding and supporting the Syrian opposition.
The Saudi Prince Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah’s recent meetings with Syrian officials along with Jordanian intelligence officers seem to have provided apparent proof for the case.
The paper touches upon Riyadh’s worries over the intensification of the crisis across Syria and the Egyptian and Saudi foreign ministers’ willingness for a political resolution of Syrian crisis, which is deemed as a major shift in the two states’ stance on Syria.
Communication is currently under way between Riyadh and Damascus with an Egyptian security delegation visiting Syrian officials in the capital, according to the report.
The speculation comes after Riyadh’s estimations about Syria turned out to be wrong and the extremist Salafi groups started creating problems for the Saudi government, particularly a recent explosion in Saudi capital for which they were blamed.
January 9th, 2013, 6:31 pm
Tara said:
“I pity them even more… don’t you?”
I do not pity them at all. They are indeed traitors. While the Alawis are motivated by the primitive emotion of fear should Batta is eliminated, those Sunnis are motivated by greed and I personally have no sympathy to that. I expect we will hear “sob stories”. How thew were coerced into Tashbeeh , how they hated the regime, and the Alawis, and the Baath , etc… I also expect that the moment the regime collapses, they will drastically change alliance and will become the new shabeehas, working for the “new regime” if you will. They are the Munafiqeen that were described well in Muslim’s literature. They disgust me. I pity them not.
Now I was referring to sunnI shabeehas of course. Not to the silent crowed or the non-criminal supporters.
January 9th, 2013, 6:35 pm
zoo said:
The USA is confirmed to be in a great dilemma.
How to pressure Bashar al Assad when sanctions failed, the military option is off the table, the rebels are infiltrated by Al Qaeda and the expat political opposition has not gained any visibility and credibility with the Syrians inside Syria?
U.S. not to provide arms to Syrian opposition forces — White House
WASHINGTON, Jan 9 (KUNA) — The U.S. decision to not provide arms to forces trying to overthrow Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has not changed, White House press secretary Jay Carney said on Wednesday, when pressed by reporters to explain how the United States plans to help speed the removal of Assad from power.
“We continue to take a hard look at every feasible policy option to evaluate whether or not doing so would advance our goal of hastening an end to the violence and supporting political transition in Syria,” Carney said during a briefing. “In other words, we look at all feasible options and evaluate them based on whether or not we believe that goal would be achieved.”
“We firmly believe that a political solution led by the Syrian people and supported by the international community is the best chance for a stable and democratic Syria,” he added. “We do not believe, at this point, that providing arms will promote a political solution.”
The United States has over time ramped up its assistance to the Syrian people through humanitarian aid and nonlethal assistance to the Syrian opposition, Carney noted.
January 9th, 2013, 6:45 pm
zoo said:
You assume that all the Sunnis who actively supported Bashar did that out of greed or fear.
Don’t you think that many of them were ready to fight to to make sure Syria remains stable, secular and independent from the West? Especially when they see what is happening in Libya and Egypt which is throwing itself totally in the arms of the West and the Gulf autocracies to help its failing economy.
Also when they know that the West has been plotting for years to destroy Syria in order to weaken the resistance and protect Israel.
You seem to be basing your judgement on your direct entourage or some thugs and you are quick to condemn all Sunnis without really knowing the other kind who are engaged politically with the Resistance and vehemently reject the West interference in any form.
What about the Palestinians who sided with Assad? greed? fear?
January 9th, 2013, 7:07 pm
Ghufran said:
a comment from a Syrian reader on opposition site:
????? : ????????
??????? : ????? ??? (1) (0)
?? ???? ?? ????? ??????? ???? ??? ??? ??? ????? ???? ???? ?????? ?????? ? ?? ??? ?????? ????? ????? ????? ?????? ???? ??? ??????? ???? ???? ?????? ????? ?????? ??????? ?? ?? ???? ?? ??? ?????? ????? ?????? ?? ?? ????? ?????? ??? ????? ?? ??? ?????? ???? ??? ?? ????? ?????? ? ?????? ?? ??? ??? ??? ???? ????? ??? ???? ??? ???? ?????? ??? ????? ?? ????? ????? ?? ??? ???? ????? ?? ???? ??? ?? ?????? ????? ???????? ??
Rebels in Aleppo failed to ” liberate” the city, they only managed to trigger public anger and increase destruction and hunger. Reuters published a very disturbing report from Aleppo that focused on testimonies from rebel fighters and ordinary citizens, the undeniable truth is that both the regimes and the rebels failed Aleppo, that does not inspire confidence about the future. It is nice to be optimistic but not to the point where baseless optimism is just another form of stupidity by denial SBD.
January 9th, 2013, 7:15 pm
Ghufran said:
I disagree with those who attack Librahimi, I think what he needs is a stronger more sensible position from Russia, it is time for the Assad dynasty to end, alawites should switch sides if the regime refuses to compromise,however, we still need a credible peace keeping force, Syrians will engage in a wide spread revenge and counter revenge killings if no such force is deployed:
??? ??????? ?????? ??????? ??? ????? ?????? ?????????? ??? ?? ??? ???? ?????? ?????? ???? ????? ?? ????? ???? ??? ????? ???????? ?? ??????.
??? ???? ?? ???? ???????? ?? ???????? ???? ?????? ????? ??? ??????????: “?? ????? ??? ????? ?? ???? ???? ?? ??? ???????”.
????? ??? ?????? ??? ???? ??? ???????? ?? ?????? ???? ?? ??????? ???????? ???? ???? ??? ????? ????? ????.
????? ??????: “?? ????? ???? ?? ???? ???? ?? ?????.. ????? ?? ?? ????.. ?? ?? ?????”. ????? “???? ?????? ????? ?????? ??? ???? ??? ????? ?????.. ????? ????? ??? ?? ?????”.
???? ??????????: “?? ???? ?? ???? ????? ??? 2014 ??? ?? ??? ?? 2013”.
??? ????? ?????????? ?? ???????? ???? “??????” ?? ?????? ?? ???? ??????? ?????????? ?? ??? ???? ????? ???? ???? ????? ??? ????? ??????. ???? “???? ??? ????.. ????? ?????”.
???? ???? ??????? ?????? ?????? ??? ?? “?????? ?? ???? ????? ???? ??? ??????”.
( Librahimi will win support from many alawites who mostly want peace and the opportunity to live and let live)
January 9th, 2013, 7:23 pm
Tara said:
I am talking about Sunni Shabeehs such as the Bari family in Aleppo. They killed for money. They are mercenaries or blood prostitutes. The people who have blood on their hands. I am not talking about the supporters in general. I do not wish them harm whether Alawis, Sunnis, or from outer space. You know that. People are entitled to their opinion.
And I do not personally know any shabeeh, Alawi or Sunnis. Except of course shabeeh one and his girl… 😉
Every time I talk about Batta to you know, I just smile..can’t help it.
January 9th, 2013, 7:34 pm
majedkhaldoun said:
Zoozoo said
the military option is off the table,
Mr. Carney said the military option is still on the table.
Are you trying to deceive yourself?but again you are just Zoozoo.
January 9th, 2013, 7:37 pm
majedkhaldoun said:
Zoozoo said
the military option is off the table,
Me. Carney said the military option is still on the table.
Are you trying to deceive yourself?but again you are just Zoozoo.
January 9th, 2013, 7:56 pm
majedkhaldoun said:
A student came home,his teacher gave him zero in his test, his father asked why did you score zero ?, the student said the teacher asked what do you call the son of Assad, I said Batta
January 9th, 2013, 8:03 pm
Syrian said:
From shabihas site
HNN ???? ????? ??? · 94,434 like this
7 hours ago ·
????? ??? ?????? ???? ????? ?? ????? ???? 48 ????? ??????? ???? ??? ??????? ???? ?? ????? ????? ????? ???? 2310 ?????? ?? ????? ?????? ??????? .
??????? ?????? ??? ?? ???? ??? ?? ??????
??????? ???????? ?????? ??? ????? ? ???????
??? ??? ????? ???? ???? ????????? ???????? (?? ?????? ? ?????) ??? ???????? ????????? ?????? ????? ????? ???!!!
January 9th, 2013, 8:27 pm
Ghufran said:
Jihad Alkhazen:
????? ?????? ???? ????? ????????? ??????? ?? ?????? ?? ????? ??? ????? ??????? ?? ???????? ??????? ??? ????? ?? ???? ????? ????????.
??? ??????? ????? ?? ????? ?? ???? ?? ????? ?? ?????? ???? ?? ?? ??????? ?????? ??????? ????? ??? ????? ???????? ?? ??????? ????????? ???? ??? ????? ?? ?????? ????? ??? ?????.
??? ??? ???? ?? ?????? ????? ????? ?? ????? ??????? ??? ???? ???? ???? ?????? (????? ?????? ???? ??) ?????? ??? ???? ??????? (?? ??????? ?????) ???? ???? ???????? ????? ?????? ?????? ?? ?????? ????? ??????? ?? ??????? ??? ????? ????????? ?? ?????? ??????? ??? ???????? ??????? ?????? ???? ??? ????? ??????. ????? ????? ???? ??? ?? ????? ???? ??? ???? ???? ???? ?? ?? ?????? ??????.
?? ??? ?????? ?? ?????? ?????? ???????? ?? ?????? ?? ????????? ?? ????? ??????? ???? ???? ???????? ????????? ???? ?????? ????? ??????? ?? ???????? ??????? ???? ???? ????? ?? ???? ???????? ?? ????? ????????? ???? ?? ???? ??? ???????? ??????? ?? ????? ????????? ?? ????? ????????.
( regime sources denied that Hussein Harmoush was among the prisoners released, other names that were mentioned but confirmed is Tull Almalouhi and dr AA Alkhayyer, we just do not know, however, this deal shows how insignificant army and security officers are in the eyes of the regime and how influential Turkey and Iran are in today’s Syria)
January 9th, 2013, 8:38 pm
revenire said:
That’s a pretty stupid analysis Ghufran. It isn’t like the government didn’t know what people would say is it? They are in the strong position.
January 9th, 2013, 8:47 pm
Syrian said:
The Alawi pilot( Bashar look alike) who was shot down 3 months ago was in a video last week complaining that all that time the regime did not try to even ask about him
He is in the video in a good health asking other pilots to switch sides
January 9th, 2013, 8:56 pm
Ghufran said:
“That’s a pretty stupid analysis Ghufran. It isn’t like the government didn’t know what people would say is it? ”
Denial is not a river in Egypt. Turkey won the release of 4 Turks, said to be intelligence officers, Iran managed to get 48 of its citizens released, some were ” security advisors” according to an Iranian source. Not a single army officer was released. Who is being stupid here?
January 9th, 2013, 8:57 pm
revenire said:
Ghufran this is you reading into things you don’t know anything about and then PROJECTING your bias onto them.
As I said the government knew what would be said. They are in a position of strength.
Denial isn’t just a river in Egypt.
January 9th, 2013, 9:11 pm
Tara said:
Syria sectarianism spills into Lebanon
Published on Wednesday January 09, 2013
Sheik Ahmad Assir’s skyrocketing popularity is threatening to turn some members of Lebanon’s primarily moderate Sunni population more extreme, forcing the country’s long simmering sectarian tensions to a boil.
Assir’s message is that Sunnis have suffered indignities — both at the hands of Syria as well as Hezbollah, the Shiite militia and political group based in southern Lebanon — for far too long, and that Lebanon’s elected leaders are useless.
A recent clash here in the sheikh’s hometown, on the southern coast of Lebanon, showed that his supporters are willing to confront Hezbollah on a level not previously seen before.
January 9th, 2013, 9:17 pm
Tara said:
Catching up on SC reading.
Did not know who Bette Davis is so I googled her.
January 9th, 2013, 9:19 pm
Johannes de Silentio said:
The debate between Ghufran and Mossie
It’s like watching Eek and Meek, Micky and Goofy, Dumb and Dumber. If I had and gun and someone said, “Shoot the idiot first,” I would really be in a quandary.
Your daily Bashar cartoon:
January 9th, 2013, 9:38 pm
Syrian said:
Bette Davis Eyes
January 9th, 2013, 9:41 pm
MarigoldRan said:
@ Ghurfan
Revenire is both a troll and crazy. He favors the gassing of defenseless villagers. When dealing with him, always remember to insult him. Talking to him about Syria is mostly pointless.
“Revenire, you are an idiot,” is a good and simple phrase for dealing with trolls like him. For less creative and even simpler solutions, the silent option is fine.
January 9th, 2013, 10:00 pm
revenire said:
LOL @ gassing defenseless villagers.
January 9th, 2013, 10:11 pm
Assad thugs at work
January 9th, 2013, 10:12 pm
MarigoldRan said:
Revenire, you are an idiot.
January 9th, 2013, 10:24 pm
Syrian said:
On a 2nd thought I welcome all Iranian “pilgrims”to Syria,each one captured is worth about 50 Syrian prisoners, it turned out the captured regime fighters are worthless to them
January 9th, 2013, 10:41 pm
MarigoldRan said:
I agree. The regime will do prisoner swaps for Iranian prisoners.
But it will not do prisoner swaps for Syrian prisoners.
That’s kind of funny. What is this about foreign interference in Syria?
January 9th, 2013, 10:42 pm
zoo said:
The guy is senile… Making such enormous “mistake” is insulting and unforgivable, he should resign.
He has lost all credibility.
Slip of the tongue’
Brahimi added that he had made a mistake in an earlier interview with the BBC global broadcaster by describing the Assad speech as “sectarian”.
“It’s a slip of the tongue and I apologise,” he said.
January 9th, 2013, 10:44 pm
MarigoldRan said:
What? Brahimi should be fired for telling the truth?
January 9th, 2013, 10:47 pm
zoo said:
“We do not believe, at this point, that providing arms will promote a political solution.”
Military option is off the table, keep praying
January 9th, 2013, 10:49 pm
Sheila said:
I am still trying to understand this prisoner swap. So the Syrian regime swaps Syrian prisoners for Iranian prisoners, except the Syrians are imprisioned by the Syrian regime and the Syrian regime wants the Iranians. What????????????????? Does anyone know if anything similar to this has ever happened in history?
All I could think about all day was the mother of Roni Ibrahim, the Alawi pilot who was captured in the north three months ago. How did she feel this morning when she read about all the effort that the Syrian regime put into releasing the 48 Iranians while her son languishes in captivity.
I have seen how the regime is now trying to spin this terrible faux pas. From, there was really no swap it was just a pardon, to, the Iranians are our guests so we have to take care of them first but your children are in our hearts. Wow.
January 9th, 2013, 10:50 pm
zoo said:
#75 Mari
He should be fired because he apologized to a “dictator”.
January 9th, 2013, 10:50 pm
MarigoldRan said:
The poor fellow (Brahimi) has to spend time and energy talking to Assad. It’s probably the worst job in the world. We can forgive him for that.
I mean, he spent all that time trying to get a peace process going. Then Assad goes and makes a stupid speech and throws everything he tried to do in the last 3 months into the garbage can. No one wonder Brahimi got angry.
January 9th, 2013, 10:54 pm
zoo said:
Thats’s my explanation of the prisoners swap theatrical show
The Syrian government was planning to release Syrians who were jailed but had no blood on the head.
The Turks were very worried that the swap would reveal what they have been denying all along and hiding from their population: that there were 4 Turkish pilots held in Syria.
So they agreed with the Syrians that the release of these 4 Turks would be simultaneous with the thousands of freed Syrians so the 4 Turks presence may pass unnoticed in the media with the huff and puff of the 48 Iranians and the thousand of Syrians freed.
January 9th, 2013, 10:59 pm
MarigoldRan said:
Right, Zoo.
In the meantime could I offer you a lovely piece of real estate that I own in the Bahamas? I can sell it to you for the cheap price of $1000.
(Apparently you’ll buy anything).
January 9th, 2013, 11:02 pm
zoo said:
#79 Mari
If he is tired then he should quit. If it is to make “slips of tongue’ of such magnitude, he might as well stay at home sipping his coffee.
In any case I think he will soon move to Bakkourland: he got nothing from Bashar and nothing from the opposition…
January 9th, 2013, 11:03 pm
MarigoldRan said:
To a certain extent, I agree. Politicians should be fired for telling the truth.
Brahimi has accomplished nothing. Not entirely his fault though.
January 9th, 2013, 11:05 pm
zoo said:
No dear, I want a flat in Karachi in a country with an Islamist future, nothing else.
January 9th, 2013, 11:05 pm
jna said:
77. Sheila said: I am still trying to understand this prisoner swap….
Sheila, the government has frequently been releasing prisoners as a good will gesture for the past two years. Now a friendly state has found a group of it’s citizens hostaged by the opposition and the government again released prisoners for the Iranians release. What’s not to understand? The Iranians are friends to Syrian government and the Syrian government reciprocates.
January 9th, 2013, 11:06 pm
zoo said:
Whose fault then? that’s his only job.
I thought Miss Piggy was useless, I think Ibrahimi is too
January 9th, 2013, 11:06 pm
MarigoldRan said:
I can sell that to you too.
Send the money (in Euros or British pounds) to:
13365 S. Tupid Road.
London, England.
January 9th, 2013, 11:07 pm
zoo said:
Hate murders on Christian Armenians in Turkey?
On Dec. 28, 2012, Marissa Küçük was stabbed seven times before having her throat slit at her home in Samatya. The assailant or assailants also carved a cross on her chest using a sharp object, according to some reports. After the murder, those responsible fled the scene with some of her jewelry.
Two separate attacks were carried out in the past month against two elderly Armenian women in the Samatya and Bak?rköy districts as well. One of the women, 87-year-old Turfanda A??k, lost an eye, while the other woman was robbed and severely injured.
Zakarya Mildano?lu, a Turkish-Armenian researcher and columnist for weekly Agos, also said it was too early to label the murder a hate crime as there was still insufficient evidence. “For now, it is very hard to interpret [the murder]. It might even be a robbery case,” Mildano?lu said, adding that fear and anxiety prevailed in the Armenian community due to the bitter experiences minorities had suffered through in the past.
“There is no need to write various scenarios. We should wait and see the result,” Mildano?lu said.
January 9th, 2013, 11:16 pm
Juergen said:
Assads bedroom
Assad speech was similar to statements Ghadaffi made
January 10th, 2013, 12:19 am
Hopeful said:
Assad is not stupid. He knows that if he ever loses power, Syrians will eventually deliver him to the International Court, like the Serbs did with Milosevic; or he will be killed by an assassin, someone who’s lost a child in the war. Either way, Assad’s own survival is dependent on him hanging on to power.
He will fight to the end. The only way to save lives now is to hasten this end. This can only be done if someone from the inside kills him, or if there is significant foreign help.
January 10th, 2013, 12:22 am
revenire said:
Nah, don’t agree. He could have made a deal any time during the past several years to settle elsewhere (in fact all the idiots you see clucking about the big deal for prisoners said 1000 times Assad was going to Russia or Venezuela or Mars).
If Assad is murdered Syria’s patriots will go on fighting. You watch.
January 10th, 2013, 12:35 am
Juergen said:
Please, take this news seriously…
Bahrain King the title of the Humanitarian Personality of the Year, recent poll show
last night in Damascus
January 10th, 2013, 12:42 am
Basel said:
Did Assad fall yet?
January 10th, 2013, 12:44 am
Hopeful said:
If Assad won’t be part of a transitional government, and if new elections are supervised by the international community, then I do not understand why the opposition is/would be against allowing him to run in 2014. Let him run. I am convinced that he will face the shock of his life, and will be forced to finally see reality.
I believe that even the few people who truly love him will vote against him for three reasons: 1) they will be ready for a change, 2) they will finally see other choices who are much better than him, and 3) no one likes to bid on a losing horse.
Discovering how many people are truly supporting him once he loses his powers will perhaps be the best punishment he will receive for what he has done to Syria.
January 10th, 2013, 12:48 am
AIG said:
Unbelievable. Assad swaps Iranians for Syrians he has imprisoned but not for Syrians imprisoned by the rebels.
Complete and utter moral bankruptcy. The guy has stopped pretending he is even Syrian. Talk about foreign interference, he has sold the country to Iran.
January 10th, 2013, 12:48 am
Juergen said:
At least an intervention from heaven gave some peace
Someone just said that Nasrallah must be quite jealous because Assad has made the day for their master in Tehran.
January 10th, 2013, 12:59 am
Juergen said:
Just found this on a regime site, well thank God no pics of the eyedoc playing in the snow with his kids
January 10th, 2013, 1:12 am
Juergen said:
this is the other reality
photos of a maybe gone Syria
January 10th, 2013, 1:39 am
Juergen said:
Zabadani this morning
ma`damiyat al-sham this morning
Damascus last night
winter curses on Assad
given that the surroundings of Damascus are almost forest free, this will mark the aftermath even longer.
residents cut trees near Damascus for heating
January 10th, 2013, 1:53 am
Hopeful said:
I am interested to hear what the regime’s supporters on this forum think of Mr. Riad Hijab. Ignore for the second that you hate him because he defected. Do you think he could be a good candidate to lead a transitional government? If not, why?
January 10th, 2013, 2:02 am
Citizen said:
Syria must be defenseless for America to illegaly invade, Rated:XXX
John Robles
Jan 9, 2013 20:31 Moscow Time
Poised and ready to invade Syria and continue its plans for complete global military and political domination at any cost, the US is faltering and has yet to invade Syria. Most likely stopped by the fact that Syrian defenses are robust enough to effectively deal with the invader’s forces and that Russian troops are on the ground, the US is stuck in a holding pattern. The next illegal US act of aggressive war is Syria. Coming soon! Rated: XXX.
The West continues to debate what the United States should do in Syria and the US what options it has to bring about another interventionist invasion yet is continuing to have problems in bringing about the conditions it needs to give the green light to military forces staged and waiting to pounce.
The arrogance of those debating the fate of Syria from thousands of miles away, as if they even have a right to in the first place, is mind boggling. Who told the United States that they are responsible for deciding the fate of Syria or the Syrian people? No one. Who told the United States that they have some right or some mandate under international law to “intervene” wherever they desire? No one. Yet that is what they are doing.
Some pundits and analysts are saying: Use the Kosovo model, or the Libyan scenario, or the Afghanistan example, or don’t repeat the mistakes in Iraq. However each and every one of them is missing the whole point and that being from Yugoslavia to Iraq, from Afghanistan to Libya, from the Arab Spring to Syria, US intervention is not wanted or asked for.
The US understands this and knows the real reason it is going after these countries, that being resources and geo-political plans, yet it can not openly state such to the world.
Yugoslavia worked because the right propaganda was spread at the right time and the world was not ready nor did it have reason to believe that the US’ intentions were anything more than what they were publically touting. Since then every pretext for invading Yugoslavia has been found and proven to have been false and self-created by the US whose real goal was to carry out the geo-political redesigning of the Balkans.
It became clear in Yugoslavia and in what has taken place since then in that region that the United States has one thing in mind when carrying out their interventionist invasions and that is control of resources and the advancement of geopolitical ambitions and position.
If anyone doubts look at who they supported and continue to support in Serbia and in Kosovo, Muslim extremists, drug traffickers and black-market organ traders. Why? Because the US is able to manipulate and “work” with these elements, whereas Christian Serbians who lean geopolitically towards Russia are a bit more difficult to manipulate and bend to the American will.
We can see this same kind of thinking all over the world and in particular in the Middle East. The United States has no real interest in human rights or in oppressed peoples, that is a proven given, what it does care about is resources, ease of manipulation and geo-political clout.
Yugoslavia was a watershed moment for NATO and the US and the more or less success of the operation emboldened the US to attempt to do more. To launch a war, reshape part of Europe, devastate a people and do so all on the whim of a president who wanted to distract the electorate from a sex-scandal, seemed bold and dangerous, but it more or less worked.
There were doubters and there were detractors and the destruction of Yugoslavia did not have the broad support that the planners in Washington had hoped for. So a group of Neo-Conservatives was tasked with studying the issue of how to bring about the pre-text for a global war of domination. Those in power were tired of the United Nations and the international community and even the American electorate always sticking their noses into everything and asking for reasons and justifications, they wanted free-reign.
So those Neo-Conservatives, calling themselves the Project for the New American Century came up with a plan for complete and total world domination. The only problem as they saw it was that to allow for the implementation of the plan, after all what they were doing was illegal, would require a catalyst, and as the called it themselves, “A new Pearl Harbor!”.
The carefully planned and orchestrated events of 9-11 were the catalyst that they needed to launch an open ended and endless “War on Terror” that had no borders and allowed for anyone to become a target. First on the list was the invasion of Iraq and second Afghanistan, Hussein was the first target because he had changed all oil trade in Iraq to the Euro the day before the invasion and the United Nations and International inspectors already knew that Hussein had no weapons with which to fight back.
Afghanistan was another story but it did not really matter because the Taliban, like al-Qaeda had always been on the US payroll and wiping out that little backward country, as the US military planners thought, would be no problem. That little invasion took place over ten years ago and the US is still in Afghanistan and has been completely defeated.
Then we have the case of Libya, another country that had agreed to US inspections for those evil WMDs and had proven it did not possess weapons and then was invaded after changing its oil trade to the Euro. Libya had long been on the US wish list of countries to invade but the problem was that by then the US had pretty much lost of the capital it had gained from the orchestrated events of 9-11, and people started questioning.
Now we have the Syrian “intervention”, and everything that the United States now does is being questioned. The world has seen one act of aggressive invasion after the other carried out by the US and NATO and has quite frankly had enough.
Why hasn’t the US invaded Syria yet? One reason is you and I. Every false flag plan they come up with, we are there to expose it. Every false and sanctimonious move they make to allow them to invade and rape another country we are there to document. We know they are funding terrorists and mercenaries and that the Syrian people themselves do not want America. Lastly Russia is stopping it, by giving the Syrian people what Libya and Iraq did not have, the tools and the ways and means to defend themselves and defend their country.
January 10th, 2013, 2:03 am
Juergen said:
January 10th, 2013, 2:13 am
Hanzala said:
Taftanaz update.
January 10th, 2013, 3:09 am
revenire said:
That’s some update there champ. Don’t hurt yourself with that tank.
January 10th, 2013, 3:29 am
William Scott Scherk said:
??? ????? ??????? ????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ??? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????????? ??? ??????? ??? ?????? ???? ????? ??? ?????? ?? ?????? ?????? ??? “??? ???? ????????” ???? ?? “???? ???????” ???? ??? ?????? “???? ????? ????? ??????”.
???? ????? “??????? ?????? ???? ?? ????… ??? ?????? ????? ????? ????????”? ???? ????? “?????” ?????? ??????? ?? ?????? ?? ?????????? ??? “???? ??????? ????????? ???? ?????? ??? ?????? ????? ????? ????? ???? ?? ???? ??????? ???? ??? ?????? ??????? ???? ????? ????? ??????”.
?????? ?? ?????? ?????? “??? ????? ????? ??? ??? ??? ???? ?????? ????? ??? ????? ??????? ?????????? ???? ?????”.
????? ????? “?????” ??????? ???? ????? ?????? ?? ????? “????? ??? ?????? ????? ???? ???????” ???? ???? “??? ???? ???? ???????? ??? ????? ????? ??????? ???? ???????”.
????? ??????? ?? ??????? “?? ?????? ?????? ?? ?????? ??? ????? ????? ???? ???? ??????? ????? ??? ?? ?????? ????????? ????? ?? ???? ??? ????? ????? ??? ????????? ?? ????? ??????? ??? ????? ???????? ?? ??? ????? (…) ?????????? ???? ??? ?????? ?????? ??? ????? ??? ??? ??? ????? ???? ????? ??? ????? ??? ??? ????? ?????? ??????? ???? ??????”.
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[just posted to Syria Liberty aggregator, no link to original. SANA will have been readying this festival of denunciation since Brahimi’s deparature. The Palace must have been mightily pissed at the envoy’s nasty comments. If he were Syrian, one could slap him in Tadmor for ‘insulting the dignity of the State and its symbols’]
January 10th, 2013, 5:54 am
Syrialover said:
Reality please. It’s gone way, way past that. Bashar Assad will never be physically safe to run as a normal election candidate in Syria. And it wouldn’t matter which way any election was run, the international community would not accept his canditature as legitimate.
Focus on Bashar’s his bloodthirsty war criminal Uncle Rifaat Assad and his sleazy, greasy son Ribal who are sitting in Rifaat’s 10 million pound Mayfair mansion high on hallucinations about returning to power through manipulating the post-Bashar Assad system in Syria.
Ribal is using his father’s stolen millions to play a fake game of condemning his cousin Bashar and running two sham organizations in London:
1. The Organisation for Democracy and Freedom in Syria (ODFS) which describes itself as an “independent body, which promotes democracy, freedom and human rights in Syria and the Middle East”.
And 2. The Imam Foundation described as “a non-partisan and not for profit organisation, which aims to promote dialogue to strengthen international understanding and co-existence through the exchange of ideas, people, culture and religion.”
Excerpt from a media report: “To Ribal {Assad}, as he told Channel 4 News, [his father] Rifaat is a democrat and has been calling for democracy since the 1970s. Perhaps nobody heard him over the sound of tank fire”
Read these stories about the Assads in the UK and feel nausea and rage:
January 10th, 2013, 6:59 am
Juergen said:
Syrian refugee’s astonishing story of survival
Even the Muppets sing against Assad
January 10th, 2013, 7:33 am
Mina said:
“Al-Akhbar writes that new evidence has surfaced regarding protester deaths and prison escapes during the revolution. Omar Marwan, head of a fact-finding committee tasked with investigating the deaths, is reported as saying that foreign infiltrators took part in attacks on 11 prisons allegedly to free Hamas and Hezbollah members. Regarding a Muslim Brotherhood team called “Group 95″ that is accused of committing violent acts during the revolution, Marwan says no such group is mentioned in the committee’s report but the panel is looking into the matter.”
January 10th, 2013, 7:41 am
William Scott Scherk said:
Ghufran, thanks for posting at #60. If Tull Almalouhi has been released, there will be a lot of happy Syriams who have been agitating for her release for a long time. Her crime was ‘spying’ (though that is not the rap or the crime announced in the Syrian Penal Code).
If AA AlKhayr also released, this also puts the lie to those who claimed he was seized by “armed gangs.”
You mentioned regime sources — hope they have a record of reliability. Do you remember where you saw this news?
According to the BBC, the Syrian government has not said anything about the swap. Housecleaning at SANA?
These are what we Western hypocrites would call ‘political prisoners.’
I wonder if any of these names will be on the list of released: Bilal Nabulsi, Bahzad Shako, Mohammad Ahmad Yousef, Sara Joum’a, Batoul Joum’a, Dania Ozon, and Rami Hennawi – all of Haytham Mannah’s NCB detained by “armed gangs” back in September.
January 10th, 2013, 7:42 am
Syrialover said:
A PS to my item above about Rifaat and Ribal Assad (#106).
The author of one of the articles linked above exposing them, Chris Doyle, the Director of the Council for the Advancement of Arab-British Understanding (CAABU), writes about Ribal Assad’s entourage of paid thugs.
Doyle describes how Ribal reacted to the exposure with a furious campaign of defamation and intimidation against him:
January 10th, 2013, 7:47 am
Syrialover said:
Those wonderful poster makers of Kafranbel again:
January 10th, 2013, 7:56 am
Observer said:
In all of the above, there are various reports of the Iranians running around trying to insert themselves into any discussions. Salihi is in Cairo to try to put Iran back in the discussion phase.
In reality, the speech of the boy Prethident has done the opposition a great favor. It was so one sided and so detached from reality that not even the regime supporters of Russia and Iran are capable of working with it.
The denunciation of the Lakhdar are coming to a great pitch. Not even General Hteit in his latest article on Cham Press is convincing about the survival of the regime.
My question is for ZOO, what will happen to your deity once it falls and is either killed, exiled in Tehran, or taken shackled to court?
WIll you have an apoplexy? I do believe that the cult of worshiping the leader as either God incarnate on earth or the so called “Bab” that has direct access to the Mahdi is so ingrained that any dissent is not possible.
There is clearly no end in sight. There is no solution as long as a single remnant of this regime remain in place.
Justice for Hamza
January 10th, 2013, 8:08 am
zoo said:
A new Mukhabarat Al Nusra version is born!
Syria’s rebels form their own secret police
Mariam Karouny Reuters
8:04 a.m. EST, January 10, 2013
BEIRUT (Reuters) – Just the mention of the word would send shivers down the spine of Syrians: “mukhabarat”, or secret police.
Abuses by President Bashar al-Assad’s feared security units were among the reasons Syrians took to the streets in March 2011, leading to an uprising that has become a civil war.
But now some of the rebels fighting Assad say they have set up a mukhabarat of their own to “protect the revolution”, monitor sensitive military sites and gather military information to help rebels plan attacks against government forces.
“We formally formed the unit in November. It provides all kind of information to (opposition) politicians and fighters. We are independent and just serve the revolution,” said a rebel intelligence officer who goes under the name Haji.
Rebel commanders had put Reuters in touch with Haji, who is based in Syria, via Skype on condition he not be identified.
Haji said most of the rebel mukhabarat’s members were army defectors and former intelligence officers, and that the information they gathered was distributed to all anti-Assad factions and rebel brigades without discrimination.
However, the organization appears to operate independently from the main opposition Syrian National Coalition and the Free Syrian Army, effectively answering to itself.
Haji was careful to distinguish between its methods and those of the secret police under Assad, saying he was aware of the feared reputation of the government’s internal spy services.
“Our work is organized, we have an internal law and we are committed to international laws and human rights,” he said, speaking briefly over Skype.
Assad’s mukhabarat – a blanket term for an array of sometimes overlapping and mutually mistrustful security services – that has helped keep his father before him in power for more than four decades, stamping out dissent and insulating Syria from the frequent military coups that had plagued it previously.
The new rebel body has operated secretly for months, Haji said, helping fighters carry out attacks on government targets.
He did not specifically claim credit for a bomb attack on a security headquarters in Damascus in July that killed five of Assad’s top security officials, including his defense minister and his brother-in-law, who was an intelligence chief.
Haji declined to disclose details of the rebel agency, but said it operated across Syria, including in Aleppo and Idlib in the north, Deir al-Zor in the east and the capital Damascus, adding: “We have our spies among the regime who are providing us with information that we need, including military information.”
January 10th, 2013, 8:17 am
zoo said:
Observer #112
Your concerns about my health move me to tears…
January 10th, 2013, 8:21 am
zoo said:
Hague: Lethal or non-lethal, that is the question
Hague: ‘Options open’ on military support for Syrian rebels
William Hague in the Commons William Hague said the UK had a “moral obligation” to help save lives in Syria
The UK has not excluded providing military assistance to the Syrian opposition, should the conflict worsen, William Hague has said.
He told MPs the UK would look to amend the EU arms embargo so “additional assistance” was “not closed off”.
He also pledged an additional £2m of “non-lethal” support to the Syrian opposition and civil society.
Labour welcomed the government’s efforts to support political transition in Syria.
January 10th, 2013, 8:27 am
annie said:
Kafranbel angels at work
January 10th, 2013, 8:34 am
Syrialover said:
Fantastic video on the poster makers of Kafranbel, thank you ANNIE (#119).
I hope a museum will be made of their work. It is an important part of Syrian history.
January 10th, 2013, 8:54 am
zoo said:
Islamic emirate or democratic state?
Islamists are playing a key role in the Syrian uprising, but are they seeking to create an Islamic emirate or a genuinely democratic state, writes Bassel Oudat
The Islamists are playing various roles in the uprising against the regime led by Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad, part of a spectrum of political forces that have turned to religion as a way of confronting oppression and corruption writes Bassel Oudat . The most influential of these groups are the armed Islamist forces, most prominently the Al-Nusra [Victory] Front and the groups associated with the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood.
The armed opposition Free Syrian Army (FSA), mostly composed of military personnel who have defected from the regular army, is not an organised force with a clear chain of command, but instead consists of various decentralised brigades. Among these are groups from various ethnic, religious, and political backgrounds, and the Islamist groups are prominent among these.
Since early in the uprising, the Syrian regime has been trying to convince the outside world that the revolution has been infiltrated by religious fundamentalists and extremists, repeatedly referring to the Al-Nusra Front, until recently an unknown entity, as allegedly being linked to Al-Qaeda. The regime has also accused the front of carrying out bombings that have killed dozens of civilians.
However, some of those paraded on official Syrian television as members of the Al-Nusra Front and responsible for attacks were later found to be members of the security apparatus or of regime militias. Analysts believe that the regime has let the Al-Nusra Front claim it is entering a sectarian war, aiming to partition the country on a sectarian basis, in order to discredit it.
January 10th, 2013, 8:54 am
zoo said:
Erdogan is worried about his election as the S.ultan in 2014 and therefore impatient in “solving” the PKK and the Syria’s problem at any cost, including allowing terrorists to pass in Syria.
For Obama, the Key to Damascus May Lie in Ankara
By Soner Cagaptay
Jan 9 2013, 8:14 AM ET 1
The U.S. must rein in Turkey before a conflagration further complicates America’s options toward the Syrian civil war.
Erdogan is savvy enough not to launch a full-scale military invasion of Syria. Such an adventure would surpass Turkey’s economic and military capacity. But who can guarantee that he will not go for a limited engagement, taking over a sliver of territory across the border in a desperate bid to secure badly needed security and domestic prestige?
If not coordinated with the United States, such Turkish steps will complicate U.S. Syria policy. For starters, an impetuous move on Turkey’s part would force Washington and Ankara to hash out their “day after” policies before having a chance to work out differences of views on the role of opposition elements such as the Muslim Brotherhood in Syria.
A permanent envoy would ensure that Ankara and Washington are on the same page when it comes to dealing with Assad. As an indirect benefit, a solid relationship with Turkey in Syria could also pave the way for better U.S.-Turkish cooperation in Iraq and Iran. In short, appointing a Syria envoy to Turkey is a small investment that will pay dividends for both countries.
January 10th, 2013, 9:03 am
zoo said:
Erdogan’s quick way to solve the PKK problem.
Three PKK members killed in Paris attack
Sakine Cans?z, one of the PKK founders in 1978, Brussels-based Kurdistan National Congress’ (KNK) Paris representative Fidan Do?an, and Leyla Söylemez were found dead in the office, located near Gare du Nord station.
January 10th, 2013, 9:20 am
Syrialover said:
Details of more shocking damage and theft of highly significant items that are part of the world’s precious heritage in Syria.
A contribution to posterity by Syria-hater Bashar Assad and his Iranian advisers. The filthiest and most bestial enemy Syria has ever had in its long history. Filthier than any invader because it comes from inside.
Story: Another casualty of Syria’s war: Its cultural heritage
Martin said he had received many reports of Free Syrian Army fighters going directly to the towns’ most important sites to protect them from looters.
“On both sides there are intellectuals that know the importance of these sites. I have no doubt, knowing their mindset, that members of the Ministry of Culture are doing their best to protect them,” Martin said. “But we don’t know how much they can do. They are reliant on a regime that is bombing and destroying its heritage.”
Martin says, although offenses are clearly being committed on both sides, ultimately, responsibility lies with the Syrian government.
“The regime has signed an international agreement for the preservation of this historical heritage, yet they are sending their army to bomb and shell the population and hitting these sites along with it,” he said.
The result is heartbreaking for residents like 70-year-old Taher Mahmud Alsaid, who has watched his hometown of Maarat al-Numan and its historical mosque, souk and museum ravaged by daily shelling and heavy looting.
“I feel sad and excruciating pain for this country, for the destruction that Bashar has inflicted. It is a kind of destruction that neither this country nor other Islamic countries have seen. He has not left anything undestroyed in this country.”
January 10th, 2013, 9:20 am
Syrialover said:
More painful details of shocking damage and theft of highly significant items that are part of the world’s precious heritage in Syria.
A contribution to posterity by Syria-hater Bashar Assad and his Iranian advisers. The filthiest and most destructive enemy Syria has ever had in its long history. Filthier than any invader because it comes from inside.
Story: Another casualty of Syria’s war: Its cultural heritage
Martin said he had received many reports of Free Syrian Army fighters going directly to the towns’ most important sites to protect them from looters.
“On both sides there are intellectuals that know the importance of these sites. I have no doubt, knowing their mindset, that members of the Ministry of Culture are doing their best to protect them,” Martin said. “But we don’t know how much they can do. They are reliant on a regime that is bombing and destroying its heritage.”
Martin says, although offenses are clearly being committed on both sides, ultimately, responsibility lies with the Syrian government.
“The regime has signed an international agreement for the preservation of this historical heritage, yet they are sending their army to bomb and shell the population and hitting these sites along with it,” he said.
The result is heartbreaking for residents like 70-year-old Taher Mahmud Alsaid, who has watched his hometown of Maarat al-Numan and its historical mosque, souk and museum ravaged by daily shelling and heavy looting.
“I feel sad and excruciating pain for this country, for the destruction that Bashar has inflicted. It is a kind of destruction that neither this country nor other Islamic countries have seen. He has not left anything undestroyed in this country.”
January 10th, 2013, 9:22 am
zoo said:
Iran FM in Cairo talks on Syria conflict
Egypt’s foreign minister holds talks with his Iranian counterpart to discuss a solution for the ongoing crisis in Syria
AFP , Thursday 10 Jan 2013
Iranian Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi held talks on the Syrian crisis with his Egyptian counterpart in Cairo Thursday, officials said, a day after he met briefly with peace envoy Lakhdar Brahimi.
Egypt’s foreign ministry said that Salehi and Foreign Minister Mohammed Kamel Amr “exchanged views on the Syrian crisis and means of finding a solution” to the conflict which the UN says has killed more than 60,000 people.
Salehi, whose country is a key ally of the Syrian regime, is also due to hold talks while he is in Cairo with Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi, who has urged President Bashar al-Assad to step down and backed calls that he be tried for war crimes.
An Iranian diplomat told AFP that Salehi met Brahimi late Wednesday on his arrival in Cairo for the two-day visit.
No details were given on that meeting, which came just before Brahimi, the UN-Arab League special envoy for Syria, left Cairo for Geneva to discuss Syria’s 21-month conflict with Russian and US officials.
Iran is the only country to have come out in support of a three-step plan to end Syria’s civil war outlined Sunday by Assad in a rare speech in Damascus.
“Assad’s plan includes solutions which reject violence and terrorism and any foreign interference in the country, and outlines a comprehensive political process” Salehi said in a statement on Monday.
January 10th, 2013, 9:36 am
Syrialover said:
Interview with Syrian refugee Khaled al-Hariri, who died yesterday from the cold in Zaatari.
Compare his situation with the rats nest of regime elite living it up comfortably in Tartus as if nothing is happening: http://www.nytimes.com/2012/12/23/world/middleeast/syrian-resort-town-is-stronghold-for-alawites.html?ref=syria)
January 10th, 2013, 9:48 am
Tara said:
From tired and frustrated to senile.. Adopting the party line?
I told you it was harsh criticism.. Nevertheless, I agree the guy is senile. Not because he described Assad for what he is, but because he apologized thereafter..
January 10th, 2013, 10:04 am
revenire said:
Why didn’t Qatar, Saudi Arabia or Turkey help him? Millions for weapons, nothing for refugees created for their fake revolution?
Today the army is decimating Salafist filth all over the nation. Praise God.
January 10th, 2013, 10:05 am
revenire said:
Bill I dare say SANA is far more reliable than the tweeps you’re so in love with. Too bad Twitter isn’t private. Everything is kinda “hanging out” in the wind ya know?
President Assad can afford to be generous. He’s winning.
TEHRAN, SANA Iranian Foreign Minister, Ali Akbar Salehi, has expressed the Ministry’s appreciation of the Syrian government good offices for the release of the Iranian visitors kidnapped in Syria.
That came in a telephone call with Foreign and Expatriates Minister Walid al-Moallem on Thursday.
Salehi and al-Moallem reviewed the latest developments in Syria and the aspects of the political program proposed by President Bashar al-Assad for resolving the crisis in Syria.
Minister al-Moallem expressed consent over the success of the measures for the release of the Iranian visitors and considered the measures in line with brotherly relations between two countries.
He also appreciated Iran’s support for Syria for developing the bilateral relations between the two countries.
Abdullah ?@SyrianSmurf
Several reports saying that many of the freed prisoners are in bad health and at least 2 have passed away within hours of their release.
That’s a shame.
January 10th, 2013, 10:10 am
William Scott Scherk said:
Gosh, I had no idea Erdogan was the S.ultan or that a S.ultanate was an elected position.
Better than being ‘elected’ a media advisor cum psychiatric political enforcer, but hey.
Why state one’s fears plainly and staightforwardly, when you can just grab that Fear Box and turn all the knobs way past exaggerated to Nutterzone.
Thanks, Observer, for your round up of the only media that matters, the Louis Al-Assad Sun King group. The histrionics are historic!
January 10th, 2013, 10:11 am
William Scott Scherk said:
The top story at SANA today covers the Prime Minister’s yeoman efforts to get people to talk to each other. In this Breaking exclusive they reveal, ‘Government will hold meetings with political parties and community events and economic and social development in the framework of the implementation of the political program to resolve the crisis.’
There are details in the story, which runs to slightly over the Twitter character limit** — to the effect that meetings will be held urgently to develop mechanisims for a selection of committee members to work night and day on photo opportunities sitting around grim-faced in Palace rooms with Dr Louis the Sun and State and Future staring down on the festivities.
What is interesting about the SANA official photo style is that the meetings always show no one with the material of work in front of them. I suspect they do not do the work there; that comes beforehand, when the SANA story reaches them in their holding pens, telling them what they are going to pretend to do.
Here is the stunning picture of the Prime Minister and his cutouts rolling up their sleeves and getting to it. Big Brother on the wall behind them. Five old fat people sitting in a room. Syria is safe now, boys!
This week the Vice President (male) of Syria has been refusing to come out of his cell. This is the reason he was nowhere to be seen at the Berlin Philharmonic Propaganda circus last week.
As always, do what the book tells you to do. If there is no Plan B, just repeat Plan A from the beginning. The government will get to its goal, one day.
In other exciting news for The Syrian Electronic Army’s activities, a week has gone by and their shocking expose continues to not appear on their web site.
Perhaps they could call in their Syrian Comment Kindergarten Korps for consultations. He sure seems to know what is going on in the world. Tomorrow he is going to find out that SANA_English has a Twitter feed, open to the world!
With 248 followers.
On Dasher, on Vixen, on Donner, on Revenire …
January 10th, 2013, 10:36 am
revenire said:
Top Stories Today:
Bush says Iraq has WMD, claims “millions will have to die because of our lies.”
January 10th, 2013, 10:43 am
revenire said:
I’ve heard the Syrian army is vacationing in Taftanaz and that DUCK SHOOTING is popular.
January 10th, 2013, 10:48 am
William Scott Scherk said:
Doctoress Bouthaina Shaba’an was brought from her cell for the pictures of a Grim-Faced Sun King talking to a Grim-Faced Brahimi, a Grim-Faced Walid Mouallem, etcetera. Bouthaina stared at the floor, looking grimmer than anyone in the room.
At the farther chair from the Sun King, an odd chap with a comb-over was staring into the distance as everyone but he and Doctoressa looked intently at the Envoy and the Bab.
They exchanged views, ‘frankly.’
Then Shara’a and Shaba’an were taken back to their cells. When they promise not to be bad anymore, they will get a ticket to the Opera.
Meanwhile, their good friend Maqdissi chats away with the other missing and presumed, in Bakkourland.
Yeah baby!
January 10th, 2013, 10:50 am
revenire said:
Bill if you really want to have some fun make a chart of all the times the US, Israel, etc. said Assad had only a few weeks left (they started saying this maybe 1 1/2 years ago). I promise howling laughter.
Or compile a list of what Bush Administration officials said about Iraqi WMD and stick it next to one of Obama’s hapless men’s statements on Syrian chemical weapons.
January 10th, 2013, 10:55 am
revenire said:
Or, if you’re daring and don’t mind offending the tweeps you worship from afar, post stories of “rebels” saying that SAA shelling had murdered the Iranian hostages. I can point you to the tweeps who said this if you are drawing a blank because, umm you know, the shabiha watch all.
January 10th, 2013, 10:56 am
revenire said:
For extra fun Bill take a look at your own Canadian media discuss foreign affairs re: Syria, Iran, China, Russia and the other BRICS nations.
Being a student of SANA you know the Western press always distorts what Assad says and that the West’s press it isn’t so much news but opinion. Very few media sources in the West bothered to print Assad’s speeches – odd considering the West might go to war against Syria. They would not want to tell citizens the truth would they? Nah. It’s all very democratic you see?
Or Bill tell the “Syrian” tweeps you fawn over how elections work in the West. Tell them it is the financial powers, as in oligarchy, that control the elections. This kind of freedom, and free press, can be imported into Syria – via NATO bombs ala Libya or Iraq or Afghanistan. “One man, one vote” is nice to tell the kids but that isn’t how it works in the real world: Bombs, R2P “humanitarian” intervention, coups installing dictators, backing existing dictators, etc. is the reality.
Bill tell your friends that the West doesn’t care if Syrians live or die as long as the West can change – via “democratic” war – the geopolitical situation re: Syria-Iran-Hezbollah. Syrian lives mean nothing to Obama or Hague. In fact, the more Syrians that are killed in a meat grinder war the better.
Poor Bill. Left at the altar years ago time has not been kind.
January 10th, 2013, 11:13 am
revenire said:
Bill I can tell you’re a student of history. Tell the tweeps you’re enamored with about the creation of Al-Qaeda to fight the godless commies in Afghanistan. You remember Reagan right? When you were blowing your mind on drugs in some mosh pit in Vancouver singing about anarchy the Reagan Administration was arming Al-Qaeda to fight the USSR. Heck, they did a similar thing in Nicaragua Bill – you remember the Contras right? Ollie North and all that cocaine sold to arm the terrorists. Gee, could anyone be doing the same thing with Afghan opium today? Golly gee Bill but most of the world’s heroin – you know the Big H / Horse / the stuff that Canadian kids OD on – comes from guess where Bill? Do you think terrorists pay for guns with drug money Bill? Ask Amal Hanano or is she having a pity party about some war that the West started in Syria?
Is that all Tin Foil Hat stuff Bill? You mean Bush and Co. didn’t lie about Iraqi WMD and go to war based on those lies? That is a delusion I am having?
Bill put away the Clash 45s and remember Weller said he’d never reform the Jam. Move on. Grow up.
January 10th, 2013, 11:44 am
Hanzala said:
January 10th, 2013, 1:14 pm
revenire said:
Can’t wait to hear all the apes say Taftanaz is still in the government’s hands. C’mom Salafist monkeys – dance for a banana from Erdogan!
January 10th, 2013, 1:27 pm
zoo said:
The opposition rejected Ibrahimi from the start as “bias”, the Syrian government gave him a chance but now the Syrian government agrees with the opposition: The guy is ‘bias’ and hopeless.
Bye Bye Piggy, Bye Bye Ibrahimi….
Syria accuses UN peace envoy of bias
ALBERT AJI and BARBARA SURK | Associated Press
January 10th, 2013, 1:58 pm
zoo said:
#127 Tara
Thanks Tara for agreeing. From the start the guy kept whining how difficult the task was and when he finally talked, it was so dull and unimaginative and above all “a slip of the tongue”… that he apologize for.
After Kofi Anan, another UN disaster…
January 10th, 2013, 2:04 pm
zoo said:
As the West does not want to help, the FSA seems to be advertising worldwide for Sunni Jihadists to come to Syria to fight against the “heretics”: Turkey offers full lodging pension and Qatar pays the salary.
4 held in Britain over Syria terrorism
2013-01-10 20:09
London – British police have arrested four men as part of an investigation into travel to Syria in support of terrorist activity, Scotland Yard said on Thursday.
One of the men was detained while trying to take a flight from London’s Gatwick airport on Wednesday, while the others were arrested at addresses in east London on Thursday, it said in a statement.
January 10th, 2013, 2:10 pm
majedkhaldoun said:
What will happen if Brahimi quit? his departure means there is no more political solution,Assad is using Brahimi to delay the end of his regime, he will be the loser if Brahimi quit.
January 10th, 2013, 2:13 pm
Tara said:
The UN needs to get themselves a tough young woman instead of too “political” older men to handle the situation. That is my opinion.
January 10th, 2013, 2:26 pm
revenire said:
The UN won’t do a thing except talk; Russia and China will veto any Security Council resolution. Let the old men talk over coffee with the BBC. It amuses us.
Here’s a better list than the released rat one – these are the dead rats:
The Syrian Army is invincible….as the population of rodents learned yesterday in Darayya where mop-up operations are proceeding apace. At the Shari’ah School, all 30 rodents were killed in a firefight with the SAA. The names of the killers are as follows:
Ahmad Darwish (sniper and rat leader)
Zuheir Al-Sheikh
Ali Dallal
Mahmoud Al-Dummarani (already reported yesterday)
Abdel-Karim Al-Agha
Hamdi Yildiz (Turk)
Mahmoud Alaa Zakariyya
Mabrouk Ahmad Al-Atiq
Ali Tariq Istawani
Muhammad Za’farani (aka Abu Iblis)
Khalil Muhammad Abu-Durra
Samir Al-Qa’id
Of interest is the dismantling of one IED with 150 kgs of explosives at the Al-Basil Roundabout near the mosque mentioned below.
The list is too long to set out for the readers. If I have time later, I will transcribe the rest of it.
At the Khalid Ibn Al-Walid Mosque, SAA sappers dismantled over 15 IEDs and explosive devices being prepared for the murder of civilians. In a firefight at the mosque, the following ape excrement was brushed into oblivion:
Iqbal Rahman Hilal (Pakistani)
Ali Vazir Assadullah (Pakistani)
Aleem Abdullah Mudhaffar (Pakistani)
Walid Al-Rahi (Libyan)
Rahil Ahmad (Jordanian)
Mahmoud Al-Deek
Mulamma’ Al-Jubeili
Wasim Al-Farran
Ahmad Al-Khalili
Samer Tayyara
At Al-Hujjeira and Dhiyabiyyeh, SAA annihilated 23 rodents:
Ahmad Khalil
Jassem Sabrouji
Abbas Al-Khawli
Kheireddine Ahmad Attar
Ghulam Safi (Afghan)
The SAA destroyed 2 mortars equipped with heavy machine guns.
If I have time, I will complete the list later. Thanks, Monzer.
At Madaya, the SAA has 15 confirmed rat-sightings and 15 confirmed rat killings:
Khalid Abdel-Hadi Aqasha (rat leader)
Ma’moun Antar
Sadreddine Ali Muhammad
Saleh Mukattibi
Ra’id Abdel-Karim Al-Halbouni
Once again, I will try to finish the list later.
In Aleppo, a great day for hunting with over 116 rats exterminated. This time, at Khan Al-Asal, Khan Touman, Zeitan and Al-Bawwabiyya, most of the scabrous slime was from the FSA or Fake Syrian Army. I have a list of 60 names with more coming in. Of some interest is the carcass of a deserter lieutenant who is being identified from blood samples as he was not carrying papers. Captured rodents called him “Al-Mulazim Dawood”.
At Qabban Al-Za’im east of the Nayrab Bridge, 5 rats killed along with their two flatbeds equipped with machinge guns. The five pests were named:
Mehmet Gedik (Turk)
Jalil Mahmoud Adlouni
Muhammad Ramadan Adasi
Mukhtar Mallah
Mahmoud Sami Afioumy
At Al-Safira Bridge, the SAA destroyed a mortar along with its rockets.
At Khan Al-Asal, we can confirm the deaths of 16 rodents killed at the S.A.D.C.O.P. Company warehouse where the now deceased rat-thieves were caught trying to steal oil derivative products for resale in Turkey. The SAA destroyed all 7 flatbeds with their ubiquitous machine guns. Of the 16 carcasses, the following have been identified from papers:
Majid Sabri
Abbas Khalid Bayram
Abdelnabi Omar Haci (Turk)
Ali Mousa Hamdoon (UAE)
Ahmad Kheir Medwari
Labib Mahmoud Al-Shabi
Al-Qusair in the Homs countryside saw a spectacular ambush set for the pests while they drove a Japanese car down the road heading east to the main city. The car was struck by a SAA RPG and vaporized. The rats have not been identified due to the nature of the destruction.
At Al-Haydariyya, 6 piles of excrement were brushed away. They are:
Atef Muhammad Ghallab
Ali Samhouri
Abdel-Rahman Abu-al-Hassan
Muhammad Ahmad Mahamil
Jamil Ahmad Tuqtuq (Lebanese)
Awad Ali Safwani
At Teldo, the HARMOUSH family added to its long list of failures with the following trash:
Ubaida Harmoush
Qassem Razzouq
Abdel-Salaam Al-Uksh
Majed Faour
Khalid Sabsabi
January 10th, 2013, 2:34 pm
Syrian said:
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January 10th, 2013, 2:45 pm
Tara said:
You sure you are not in a manic phase of manic-depression disorder? You certainly behave as such.
January 10th, 2013, 2:54 pm
zoo said:
144. majie
After Bashar’s speech everybody accused him of wanting the violence to continue while “supposedly” the international community wants a political transition “under its own conditions”.
Well, the ball is now with the international community to find a way to get to a ‘political’ solution. Let them kick out Ibrahimi, bring another idle UN diplomat, it is all up to them now.
It’s now obvious the AL and EU sanctions are hitting the poor Syrians who are dying of hunger and cold because the mazut factories and oil wells have been ‘liberated’ by the “angels” FSA and trucks with flour have no fuel to reach the bakeries.
The Syrian Red Crescent is overstretched. Qatar has been paying billions to kill Syrians, can’t they save a few millions to feed their widows and chidren?
Where is the SOC, SNC CCNROF, etc…? Aren’t they supposed to be the ‘Sole Representatives of the Syrian people”.
All they do is write letters to UN full of mistakes and whine while they are planning the next FOS meeting on the italian riviera?
January 10th, 2013, 3:28 pm
zoo said:
Maybe you are right, but no young person would dare would take that job, it’s poisonous and it can destroy a young person’s career. This is why Banki picked retired diplomats almost senile.
The conclusion I have reached is that no foreign entity can ever help the Syrians, they are far too complicated people. A Syrian is the only who can understand another Syrian. They have to find a solution by themselves. This is why a start of dialog, even imperfect and bitter is the only solution.
January 10th, 2013, 3:40 pm
jna said:
98. AIGsaid: ….
AIG, the premise of your remarks is just wrong. The government has made previous exchanges of prisoners for captured Syrian soldiers. For example see: http://www.npr.org/2012/08/22/159820375/despite-bitter-fighting-a-prisoner-swap-in-syria
January 10th, 2013, 3:40 pm
revenire said:
Exactly: the sanctions of Obama and his Saudi-loving friends are killing Syrians. Maybe Obama and Hague need to step down. Replace them with someone Americans and British want. Erdogan has killed way more Syrians than Assad ever dreamt of.
January 10th, 2013, 3:45 pm
zoo said:
Long Live Al Nusra the angels and savior of the Syrian revolution!
Long Live the Islamic Emirate of Taftanaz.
Abdul-Rahman, who relies on a network of activists on the ground in Syria, said the rebels involved in the attack on Taftanaz were Islamic militants. He said estimated their number to be about 700 and said they included members of Jabhat al-Nusra, affiliated with al-Qaida, and groups with a similar Islamic ideology.
Members of al-Nusra, which the U.S. has branded a terrorist organization, have been among the most effective fighters in the rebels’ battle to oust Assad.
January 10th, 2013, 3:50 pm
zoo said:
103. Hopeful
Hijab is a jelly fish… No charisma, no nerves.
January 10th, 2013, 3:52 pm
AIG said:
Are there or are there not Syrian army personnel held by the FSA that were not freed in this deal? Which means Iranian prisoners are more important to Assad than Syrian ones. Case closed.
January 10th, 2013, 3:57 pm
majedkhaldoun said:
there will not be anyone to mediate political solution,after Brahimi, I am sure you will not accept Hilary Clinton.
Taftanaz airport is about to be completely taken by FSA, this proved you wrong again, all your predictions failed,FSA is still powerful,and Assad is getting more delusional, and you are Qiqi qiqi a lot
January 10th, 2013, 4:03 pm
Tara said:
Agree. We are very complicated people with historical baggage. Probably difficult to be understood even by an Arab. Lots of subtleties and intricacies and now the Nusra guys that will be difficult to handle. I can’t think of any known name that can serve as a mediator….and no Syrian expat will be acceptable to the regime as he or she will be immediately disqualified as a Western puppet.
Are we sliding into Abyss?
January 10th, 2013, 4:05 pm
zoo said:
Now that war is the real “solution” wanted by the opposition, by Qatar, France and the UK and hypocritically by the US, the Syrian army is flexing its muscles against the terrorists in Northern Syria. Nato to act as a on-site reporter.
Syria fires ballistic missile at rebels, Nato says
10 January 2013
Syrian military has fired a ballistic missile towards cities in the north, Nato says, making it the third such launch in recent days.
The BBC understands that the missiles were unguided and were fired in the direction of Aleppo and Idlib.
Nato is currently deploying Patriot anti-missile batteries along Turkey’s border with Syria.
In another development, Syria has denounced UN and Arab League envoy Lakhdar Brahimi as “flagrantly biased”.
January 10th, 2013, 4:05 pm
Ghufran said:
Aref Dalila ( imprisoned by the regime, excluded by thawrajiyeh ):
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Assad and Librahimi had a tense meeting last week, relations between the two are likely to get worse after Assad’s speech and Librahimi’s statement to BBC. Librahimi’s major sin according to the regime is trying to find a solution that does not keep Assad in power, there are rumors,already, about Librahimi’s resignation.
January 10th, 2013, 4:06 pm
zoo said:
#157 Tara
Turkey that shares a lot of the psychological complexity with Syrians would have been the best mediator, but they took side too hastily.
Now I don’t see any solution except one emerging out of exhaustion of one side or the other, but that could take years and lots of sufferings.
January 10th, 2013, 4:11 pm
zoo said:
#159 Ghufran
Ibrahimi is burnt, he must go.
January 10th, 2013, 4:13 pm
AIG said:
Could you imagine a deal in which Israel agreed to free prisoners and not have its own freed, but leave them in captivity and accept that some other nationals be freed? Only vassal states makes such deals.
January 10th, 2013, 4:15 pm
zoo said:
Turkey involved in looting northern factories, Syria claims
DAMASCUS – Agence France-Presse
Syria on Thursday accused neighbouring Turkey of involvement in looting factories in the industrial city of Aleppo, in letters sent to UN chief Ban Ki-moon and the Security Council that also urged swift action.
“Some 1,000 factories in the city of Aleppo have been plundered, and their stolen goods transferred to Turkey with the full knowledge and facilitation of the Turkish government,” the foreign ministry said in the letters.
“It is an illegal act of aggression that amounts to piracy. It is an act of aggression against the Syrian people’s livelihood,” the ministry added.
January 10th, 2013, 4:16 pm
Citizen said:
Russia sent to Syria, the Black Sea Fleet amphibious ship with commandos on board
January 10th, 2013, 4:34 pm
Citizen said:
Do you think that your country behave possible conceivable for sane? Usually Israel’s behavior be within a non-reasonable! About the exchange some officers from one sect and not from others, it seems blackmail!
January 10th, 2013, 4:45 pm
Majedkhaldoun said:
JN(Jabhet al Nusra) invited US to secure Chemical weapons site in Sfeirah Aleppo province, they told US either you take it or we will take it after we clean Taftanaz and Mennagh airport.
Now it is up to US to decide. it seems JN agreed for US troops to enter from Turkey to do the job.
Atropin or pralidoxime injections will be available to the JN soldiers.
January 10th, 2013, 4:48 pm
Roland said:
It definitely seems like the years of fighting in Iraq did nothing to weaken the potential numbers and strength of hardline Islamist guerrillas in the region.
January 10th, 2013, 5:00 pm
majedkhaldoun said:
taking over chemical weapons centers would be by obtaining Agent 15 or TW 1000,to paralyze Assad thugs, and with pralidoxime injections to protect JN soldiers
January 10th, 2013, 5:08 pm
revenire said:
Told you terrorist-supporting swine that the people of Aleppo hated you. If there was a vote today for president Assad would probably win 70% of the votes cast.
Insight: Aleppo misery eats at Syrian rebel suppor
By Yara Bayoumy
ALEPPO, Syria (Reuters) – At a crowded market stall in Syria, a middle-aged couple, well dressed, shuffle over to press a folded note, furtively, into the hand of a foreign reporter.
It is the kind of silent cry for help against a reign of fear that has been familiar to journalists visiting Syria over the past two years. Only this is not the Damascus of President Bashar al-Assad but rebel-held Aleppo; the note laments misrule under the revolution and hopes Assad can defeat its “terrorism”.
“We used to live in peace and security until this malicious revolution reached us and the Free Syrian Army started taking bread by force,” the unidentified couple wrote. “We ask God to help the regime fight the Free Syrian Army and terrorism – we are with the sovereignty of President Bashar al-Assad forever.”
While they might not be all they seemed – agents of Assad’s beleaguered security apparatus want to blacken the rebels’ name – their sentiments are far from rare in Aleppo, Syria’s biggest city and once vibrant hub of trade and industry, whose diverse urban communities now face hardship and chaos at the hands of motley bands of fighters recruited from surrounding rural areas.
As government forces fight on in parts of Aleppo, in large areas that have been under rebel control for six months or more complaints are getting louder about indiscipline among the fighters, looting and a general lack of security and necessities like running water, bread and electricity in districts that have been pounded by tanks and hit by Assad’s air force.
Recognizing that mistrust, rebel units have set up command and policing structures they see forming a basis of institutions which might one day run the whole country and which, meanwhile, they hope can show Arab and Western supporters that they have the organization to handle aid in the form of money and weapons.
For those who fear the worst for Syria now that the revolt has unleashed long suppressed ethnic and sectarian rivalries, however, evidence in Aleppo that these new institutions have had little practical impact on often rival rebel groups is ominous.
And all the while relations grow testier between the rebels and Aleppines, for whom many fighters harbor some disdain after the urbanites’ failed to rise up on their own against Assad. Continued… read on
January 10th, 2013, 5:51 pm
MarigoldRan said:
@ Tara and Zoo
Yes, the country is sliding into the abyss. I think it’s already there.
@ Zoo
What exactly is wrong with the looting of the factories at this stage? The factories are not being used, the owners have fled, and the country is no longer a country. If the regime is allowed to cannibalize the country to survive, why can’t the FSA do it too?
As I’ve said, what comes around, goes around. A concept that regime supporters have forgotten.
January 10th, 2013, 6:00 pm
revenire said:
Any of you keyboard warriors feeling lucky? They need you in Taftanaz… offer yourselves to the “revolution” supported by Israel against an Arab nation. Traitors always get what is coming to them.
Syria 24 English
Collaborators who helped terrorists penetrate the perimeter of the air port have been executed immediately on the site of the air base.
The bodies of around 150 terrorists have been gathered and burnt to keep our soldiers warm, in addition the bodies of the traitors were stripped of the uniform they dishonoured and thrown into the fire.
Let this be a lesson for all those who want to betray their people, you will burn alongside these foreign terrorists.
January 10th, 2013, 6:01 pm
MarigoldRan said:
Also, what the Aleppines think doesn’t really matter. They wanted to sit out the war and continue making money, which is why many supported the regime. Now they’re getting their just deserts.
The fighters come from the countryside. They come from the refugee camps in Turkey, Jordan, and Lebanon. They come from the poor. Those people are the people that matter for the FSA. And that’s why the regime will lose, because their potential manpower is inexhaustible.
If the regime is still around 10 years from now, the children today in the refugee camps will grow up to pick up guns to fight the regime, as their fathers have. It’s like Afghanistan all over again.
The regime can hold on for a year, two years, maybe even five years. But can they hold on forever? Because the FSA will not stop. This is a fight to the death.
January 10th, 2013, 6:05 pm
revenire said:
Marigoldran go to your job. You’re nothing but a frustrated kid sitting on a forum that’s been wrong since day one.
Without NATO the FSA can’t win a parking lot.
January 10th, 2013, 6:11 pm
MarigoldRan said:
We’ll see who is right in the end, troll.
What comes around, goes around.
January 10th, 2013, 6:16 pm
Syrialover said:
AIG #162
It has always been the case that the Assad clan and their associates have a contempt for and indifference to the people of Syria and regard the mass of them as irrelevant and dispensible.
Add this to the situation described by core defectors where Iranian advisers are now present in swarms at Assad HQ and running every aspect of Syrian affairs, and the hostage swap is no surprise.
January 10th, 2013, 6:23 pm
MarigoldRan said:
The regime is an Iranian vassal state.
They don’t care about Syria. They only care about themselves and Iran.
January 10th, 2013, 6:24 pm
zoo said:
#166 Majie
Top U.S. General Says Stopping a Syrian Chemical Attack Is ‘Almost Unachievable’
By Spencer Ackerman and Noah Shachtman
If Syrian dictator Bashar Assad decides to use his chemical weapons, there won’t be a thing the U.S. military can do to stop him, America’s top military officer conceded on Thursday. Nor will the U.S. step into a “hostile” atmosphere, with or without Assad, to keep those chemicals under control.
January 10th, 2013, 6:47 pm
Syrialover said:
There is no doubt this photo of a displaced Syrian child sleeping on cold hard snow will have Bashar Assad high fiving his Iranian advisers.
They will think it reinforces the message to Syrians that “Bashar means business” with collective punishment.
January 10th, 2013, 6:49 pm
zoo said:
Protection of minorities must take priority in Syria transition
Report from Amnesty
Published on 10 Jan 2013
Any future transitional government in Syria should make the protection of minority groups its top priority, Amnesty International said today as an international conference in the UK planning for the Syrian government’s possible collapse drew to a close.
January 10th, 2013, 6:56 pm
revenire said:
Another fake photo for the fake revolution. No one would let their kid sleep on frozen snow. What a joke. The Salafist’s are so stupid.
LOL can’t believe anyone would believe that is a real picture.
January 10th, 2013, 6:56 pm
zoo said:
Will the West allow Al Qaeeda to overrun a Syrian air base
or will they send drones to destroy it?
Al Qaida-linked Nusra rebels about to overrun Syrian air base
Read more here: http://www.mcclatchydc.com/2013/01/10/179548/al-qaida-linked-nusra-rebels-about.html#storylink=cpy
BEIRUT — A Syrian rebel group that the United States has labeled an affiliate of al Qaida in Iraq appeared Thursday to be on the verge of overrunning a government air base that’s used to launch helicopter strikes against rebel-held areas in Syria’s north.
According to the London-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights and video of the fighting posted on the Internet, the offensive at Taftanaz, an air base near the road that links the Syrian cities of Idlib and Aleppo, was being led by the Nusra Front, which the State Department designated a terrorist organization last month.
Ahrar al Sham, another rebel group that, like Nusra, has called for establishing an Islamic state in Syria, is participating in the offensive, according to its Internet postings.
January 10th, 2013, 7:00 pm
zoo said:
Talking about ‘collective punishment’
The destruction of Aleppo, the looting and destruction of the factories are the collective punishment inflicted by the armed rebels on the population of Aleppo for their refusal to support the revolution.
January 10th, 2013, 7:06 pm
revenire said:
Marigoldran you are one of the craziest sectarian nuts I’ve ever run across. You tell lies as if they were water for a thirsty man.
Stealing factories is what pigs do. Don’t you care about the people of Aleppo? Weren’t they free not to join your fake revolution? I guess not.
Good news is they hate the FSA and want Assad. The longer the FSA stays in Aleppo the more the people there will hate them.
I don’t believe you’re even Syrian Marigoldran. No Syrian says “yeah steal our factories and send them to Turkey.”
January 10th, 2013, 7:13 pm
Tara said:
Now the man might not have been demented after all.. why did he not said tat from the beginning? That Assad would not be a member of the transitional government! Why do they all say this after they are out of commission
• The international envoy to Syria Lakhdar Brahimi said that Bashar al-Assad could have no place in a transitional government to end civil war, the closest he has come to calling directly for the embattled president to quit. A peace plan agreed by major powers in Geneva last year envisages an interim administration. “Surely he would not be a member of that government,” Brahimi told Reuters in an interview in Cairo. Brahimi’s camp previously urged the opposition to ‘come to terms’ with the idea that Assad would stay in post in some role until 2014. But in his interview he said: “The solution shouldn’t wait until 2014. It should be in 2013.”
January 10th, 2013, 7:21 pm
Tara said:
Read last paragraph of Nuland’s statement. If this is not a slap on the face of all Allawi supporters, what is? Do you guys get it. Your lives are collectively not worth a shoes in Asma’s collection. Continue your disgusting worship till your last man.
• The US insisted that most of the freed Iranians were members of the the elite Revolutionary Guard and that the swap revealed the Assad regime’s priorities. State department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland said:
We note that most of the Iranians who had been captive – held captive are members of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, just another example of how Iran continues to provide guidance, expertise, personnel, technical capabilities to the Syrian regime.
Perhaps more interestingly, the regime chose to swap people that it was holding not for Syrian citizens primarily, not for Alawi primarily, but instead for Iranians, further indicating how much they value the life of their own citizens versus the surrogates who are propping them up.
January 10th, 2013, 7:29 pm
revenire said:
Poor Tara.
Nuland tries to stir the sectarian pot. Yawn.
January 10th, 2013, 7:37 pm
revenire said:
Another bolt out of the blue that is true. Syrian is NOT an Alawite regime but a Syrian nation.
The Endgame in Syria: Strategic Stage in the Pentagon’s Covert War on Iran
“These foreign-sponsored opposition figures have also served to validate, in one way or another, the broader narratives that claim Sunnis and Shiites hate one another. In synchronization the mainstream media in the countries working for regime change in Damascus, such as the US and France, have consistently advertized that the regime in Syria is an Alawite regime that is allied to Iran, because the Alawites are an offshoot of Shiism. This too is untrue, because Syria and Iran do not share a common ideology; both countries are aligned, because of a common threat and shared political and strategic objectives. Nor is Syria run by an Alawite regime; the government’s composure reflects Syrian society’s ethnic and religious diversity.
“Israel’s Stake in Syria
“Syria is all about Iran for Israel. As if Tel Aviv has nothing to do whatsoever with the events inside Syria, Israeli commentators and analysts are now publicly insisting that Israel needs to deal with Iran by intervening inside Syria. Israel’s involvement in Syria, alongside the US and NATO, crystallized in 2012. It was clear that Israel was working in a conglomerate comprised of the US, Britain, France, Turkey, NATO, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Jordan, Lebanon’s minority March 14 Alliance, and the NATO-supported usurpers that have taken over and wrecked the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya.”
January 10th, 2013, 7:49 pm
Tara said:
Nauland is just calling things by their names. The only redemption I see for the Alawis is if one of them assassinated Batta and get Syria’ rid out off this evil.
January 10th, 2013, 7:56 pm
revenire said:
Tara you are so wrapped up in your stupid “hate Batta” games that you can’t see beyond the end of your nose. I’ve watched you and noticed how you post things gleefully as if they meant anything at all. It is just your fantasies and wishes you are posting. You want Assad dead. You want Asma’s shoes. You want this and want that. Go get a pizza.
January 10th, 2013, 8:01 pm
Tara said:
Taftanaz air base is now out of commission. Batta no longer can use it to launch air strikes against the children of Syria.
9.15am GMT Taftanaz air base
Syrian jets have bombed Idlib’s Taftanaz air base after it was stormed by Islamist rebels on Wednesday, according to an update from the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.
The jihadi Ahrar al-Sham brigade posted footage showing a rebel-controlled tank forcing its way into the compound of the base.
If today’s shelling is confirmed, the development follows a familiar pattern, according to Washington-based Syria analyst Asher Berman.
Speaking to the Guardian on Wednesday, he said: “The pattern in the past, with this sort of thing, is that once the rebels seize a position like this, the regime will just bomb it from planes based in other air bases, and artillery. So they probably will not be able to hold it. The real value is just taking it out of commission.”
Today, activists claimed that the town of Taftanaz was also hit by barrel bombs, dropped by helicopter.
January 10th, 2013, 8:27 pm
Observer said:
the only tears some will shed is on the death of their deity the God incarnate and the “door” to the Mahdi.
Now they want AI to come to the rescue of the minorities and the transition government firs job is to secure the minorities. Well I thought the glorious brave SAA soldiers were defeating the rebels right and left.
Will drones come to destroy the Islamists as they are overrunning the airbases. Wow now we want US drones in Syria but wait I thought we had the most sophisticated Russian made AA guns and missiles the world has ever seen. So how can drones fly over the airbases.
The drones will come to the rescue so for all practical purposes NATO is now about to intervene in Syria against Islamist terrorists. Why not give coordinated points to the SAA and its missiles to destroy the rebels that way? Or is it that the missiles are inaccurate or that the SAA is made up of thugs and nothing more than thugs?
The Bab cannot be a part of the next government, but wait I thought he had access to the Mahdi and that he is the great protector of the minorities and that he is the prophecy incarnate and the the beginning of the new dawn of the Messiah.
Justice for Hamza is on the way Eat your Heart Out One Shabih at a time.
January 10th, 2013, 8:35 pm
Hamoudeh al-Halabi said:
Update: Full translation of Shaykh Kharsa’s article on the FSA: http://freehalab.wordpress.com/2013/01/08/shaykh-kharsa-on-the-free-syrian-army/
January 10th, 2013, 8:37 pm
revenire said:
Taftanaz is under the control of the Syrian Arab Army. You’re just spreading terrorist propaganda Tara.
January 10th, 2013, 8:40 pm
zoo said:
Bankrupted Egypt’s rewarded with $2 bln for opting for a Moslem Brotherhood regime.
Egypt c.bank official says $2 bln Qatari loan arrived in Dec
CAIRO | Thu Jan 10, 2013 7:50am EST
Jan 10 (Reuters) – The sub-governor of Egypt’s central bank said on Thursday that $2 billion in new funds that Qatar announced this week it pledged to Cairo had arrived at the bank in December.
When asked by email if the deposit arrived in January or December, Nidal Assar, the bank’s sub-governor for investment and foreign relations, replied: “December”.
January 10th, 2013, 8:52 pm
MarigoldRan said:
Revenire is a troll.
He is stupid and he is an idiot. Normally those two words are redundant, but in his case they are not. He is a stupid idiot!
Don’t bother arguing with the troll over Syria. Like the regime, he cannot be reasoned with. Instead just insult him.
January 10th, 2013, 8:56 pm
Tara said:
Ahrar al Sham stormed Taftanaz air base, captured 20 helicopters and 13 soldiers. The regime then bombarded the base. The base is now out of commission.
Taftanaz air base
Islamist rebels have captured 20 helicopters, 13 soldiers and an arms depot as part of the raid on Taftanaz air base, according to the latest update from the British-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.
But government forces have continued to bombard the base and there have been more violent clashes, it said.
The opposition Shaam news network also said jets had attacked the base after rebels took control.
More video from activists appear to confirm the reports.
January 10th, 2013, 8:57 pm
zoo said:
#190 Tara
The article says it well: The rebels can’t hold anything, their strategy is attrition: Hit, Claim Victory and Run.
And the media skipping the last part gives the impression that 70% of Syria is under rebels “control”, whatever they mean by control.
Unless they get serious weapons supplies, I doubt they’ll survive long with the constant scuds and bombings. They will probably all die, if they get no chance to flee to Turkey.
Hague promised to bring up the issues of weapons for the rebels with the EU… in March
In the meantime the area is being emptied from civilians
January 10th, 2013, 9:01 pm
revenire said:
LOL @ “according to the latest update from the British-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.”
Captured 20 helicopters? Sure if you take some LSD the war is over and Erdogan is sitting in Damascus being fed grapes by his Syrian slaves.
The base is under army control Tara.
January 10th, 2013, 9:05 pm
Tara said:
Holding it is not important. Who cares about an air base? What is important is taking the base out of commission so it is not used to launch attacks against rebels and civilians.
January 10th, 2013, 9:10 pm
zoo said:
Despite the flurry of western media wishful thinking, Russia has not changed its stance which as been recently echoed by Saudi Arabia and Egypt:
“It’s only up to the Syrians to decide what leader and what government they want and this can only be done through a dialog between the government and the opposition”
While, Russia urged world powers on Thursday to let Syrians decide their own future as it prepared for talks on the 22-month crisis with Washington’s pointman and the international peace envoy. A firm statement from Moscow said all talk – particularly that coming from Washington – on ways to remove Syrian President Bashar al-Assad from power was misguided because the ultimate choice rested with Syrians.
“Only the Syrians themselves can agree on the model of their country’s future development,” said the Moscow statement. “Russia’s position remains unchanged,” it added while urging “all foreign players to redouble their attempts to create conditions conducive for the start of dialogue.”
The comments were issued as Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov went into a closed meeting with his Turkish counterpart Feridun Sinirlioglu. On Thursday, British Foreign Secretary William Hague said world powers will have to step up their response to the conflict if the violence worsens, warning that all options were on the table. He reiterated that Britain would seek to amend the EU weapons embargo on Syria when it comes up for review on March 1 to allow them to arm rebels opposed to Assad’s regime.
In an update to the House of Commons, Hague said Britain was supporting Brahimi’s efforts to end the conflict, and revealed the envoy would visit London for talks later this month.
January 10th, 2013, 9:11 pm
Syrialover said:
Oh you are such a wicked wit!
So tell us, where else is that child able to sleep? On a bed or bench? On the floor of a building? In a field of green grass?
The huge refugee camps of flimsy tents and the heavy snow are all a hoax, are they? Filmed in Qatar movie sets, of course.
Your pants must be damp you’ve been laughing to yourself so much.
January 10th, 2013, 9:11 pm
MarigoldRan said:
That’s called guerilla strategy. It worked in Vietnam and Afghanistan against armies much larger, advanced, and more cohesive than the regime’s army.
January 10th, 2013, 9:11 pm
zoo said:
The Syrian army has many other air bases available for that and they don’t need an airport to send Scuds…
Unless they get news supplies of weapons and a no-fly zone, the rebels are doomed, and as it is Al Qaeeda doing the job for the rebels, I doubt they’ll get either.
It is just a matter of time before they get crushed for good. Lots of civilians will die too.
January 10th, 2013, 9:14 pm
MarigoldRan said:
Right. How long have you been forecasting the doom of the rebels? How long has Assad been forecasting their defeat?
And yet they continue to grab more territory and ground with each passing month.
January 10th, 2013, 9:15 pm
Tara said:
I am seriously concerned about you. I am no longer mad with what you said. You are being relentless. You are in a manic phase. I hope you are eating and drinking. Speak to your psychiatrist. Lithium?
January 10th, 2013, 9:16 pm
revenire said:
@205 You can post that such and such base has fallen 1000 times but it is just terrorist propaganda.
@201 Who would believe a child sleeps right ON frozen snow? That’s ridiculous. It is an obvious fake.
@204 I just started posting on this site so how long have I been saying the rebels are dead meat? Since I started posting here.
January 10th, 2013, 9:19 pm
MarigoldRan said:
Revenire is an idiot. He is stupid and he needs to remember to take his medications.
January 10th, 2013, 9:20 pm
Syrialover said:
Be careful, REVENIRE is getting very hung up on you and obsessed
with getting your attention.
He rarely gets to talk to a woman. In real life women avoid and ignore him or swat him away like a nasty insect.
It’s a big deal for him playing games on this forum. The biggest thing he’s currently got in his little life. You can tell that from the amount of time he puts into making ugly noise here.
January 10th, 2013, 9:27 pm
Ghufran said:
Keep looking the other way and enjoy denying the obvious:
Islamist terrorist have no agenda for life, they are only programmed to kill and get killed:
??? 81 ???? ??? ????? ?? ???? ??????? ????? ???? ????? ?? ????? ????? ???? ??? ???????? ??? ?? ????? ??????? ???? ??? ?????? ?? ??? ???? ???? ?? ???? 11 ???? ?? ??????? ?????.
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????? ?? “?????????? ?????? ?? ?????? ?????????? ????? ??? ????? ????”.
January 10th, 2013, 9:31 pm
revenire said:
Syria Conflict: Rebels, Army Battle Over Taftanaz Airbase
By BARBARA SURK 11/03/12 03:21 PM ET EDT
Inside Syria on Saturday for example, Islamic militants took part in a dawn assault on a strategic airbase in the north of the country. The attack, reported by activists, aimed to disrupt strikes by government warplanes and helicopters that are pounding rebel-held towns.
Anti-regime activist group The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said the attack on the Taftanaz air base continued into the evening, although Syria’s state-run SANA news agency said the fighting was over and government troops had repelled a “terrorist attack.” The government considers the rebels terrorists and pawns in a foreign plot to destroy the country.
Fighters from Jabhat al-Nusra, an al-Qaida-inspired Islamic militant group made up of foreign jihadis, had joined in the assault, said the Observatory, which relies on reports from activists on the ground. Al-Nusra fighters, who are considered among the most experienced and disciplined among the forces fighting to topple Assad, have led attacks on other airbases in the north in recent months.
The Taftanaz base mainly houses military helicopters, near the main highway between the capital Damascus and the northern city of Aleppo – where rebels and the military have been battling for control for months.
Online activist videos claim to show the battle, with rebels firing rockets and mortars, and smoke rising over buildings and an airstrip area. An activist speaking in the video identifies it as an attack by rebels and Jabhat al-Nusra on the base. The videos appear genuine and are consistent with other Associated Press reporting in the area.
January 10th, 2013, 9:35 pm
Tara said:
How many air base does the regime have? 5? 10? Destroying them will sure affects its ability to launch air strikes. Air strikes and yes scud missiles are the only advantage the regime has over the rebels.
January 10th, 2013, 9:37 pm
MarigoldRan said:
Revenire is an idiot. No one takes him seriously. He needs to take his meds.
January 10th, 2013, 9:38 pm
zoo said:
Will Turkey be the biggest loser of the Arab Spring?
Will Sunni North Syria be the replacement of Kurdish North East Turkey?
This could be the birth of an independent Kurdish state
The great losers in the breakup of the Ottoman empire could be winners in the wake of Syria’s civil war and the Arab spring
By David Hirst
Would Turkey really support the creation of an independent Kurdish state? Why should it if a huge portion of Turkey’s territory and people would aspire to join in that new state? Or, are the game-makers planning to enhance Turkey with the addition of the Ottoman Mosul province?
January 10th, 2013, 9:39 pm
Ghufran said:
What was true 46 years ago is still true today, we have nations ruled by thugs and controlled by foreign governments, the only difference today is the unwelcome addition of Islamist gangs:
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January 10th, 2013, 9:40 pm
zoo said:
Looks at Revenire’s thumbs up. He gets more than you do.
January 10th, 2013, 9:41 pm
revenire said:
“Air strikes and yes scud missiles are the only advantage the regime has over the rebels” and and air force and about 4000 tanks and artillery and an actual army and the support of Syrians.
Yeah no big deal. Just keep posting that the terrorists are winning and name the cities they control.
January 10th, 2013, 9:44 pm
MarigoldRan said:
That’s because he makes guest accounts and gives himself thumbs up.
Which is kind of sad, if you think about it.
I wonder if you do the same.
January 10th, 2013, 9:45 pm
MarigoldRan said:
Revenire is an idiot. No one takes him seriously. He should remember to take his medications.
January 10th, 2013, 9:46 pm
zoo said:
#211 Tara
“Air strikes and scud missiles are the only advantage the regime has over the rebels.”
That’s the only advantages NATO had in Libya. They dicreetly killed thousands of civilians but they won their war without boots on the ground.
In Syria, it’s the Syrian army that has that ‘advantage’.
January 10th, 2013, 9:46 pm
zoo said:
#217 Mari
I don’t think he needs that, he has his fans.
You mean I have guest accounts to give myself thumbs down?
January 10th, 2013, 9:49 pm
MarigoldRan said:
I’m sure he has.
By the way, NATO’s missiles are guided. They can actually hit the target they’re aimed at. In contrast to Syrian missiles.
EDIT: I would not be surprised. You seem to be that type of person.
January 10th, 2013, 9:50 pm
revenire said:
Marigoldran I don’t play clicking games to give myself fake likes on this forum. My fun is seeing FSA rats suffer and die on the battlefields of Syria. I have a little toy set of soldiers that I glued Salafist beards on and I get rip-roaring drunk and light them on fire laughing like a maniac. Then I make love to my wife. She looks at a portrait of Bashar – I look at one of Asma. It’s all good.
January 10th, 2013, 9:55 pm
MarigoldRan said:
Revenire is an idiot. No one takes him seriously. He should remember to take his medications.
January 10th, 2013, 9:56 pm
Tara said:
You never know. It may not be too long before the FSA or Al Nusra get their own missiles and attack regime barracks and the presidential compound. I am sure it is available in the black market.
January 10th, 2013, 9:58 pm
Tara said:
” Then I make love to my wife. She looks at a portrait of Bashar – I look at one of Asma. It’s all good”
I congratulate you for the friends you chose to defend on SC. I just hope they do not reflect your friends in real life.
January 10th, 2013, 10:06 pm
MarigoldRan said:
Yup. See?
Revenire is an idiot. No one takes him seriously. He should remember to take his medications.
January 10th, 2013, 10:07 pm
Revenire is an idiot. No one takes him seriously. He should remember to take his medications.
January 10th, 2013, 10:15 pm
MarigoldRan said:
Yup. That’s hilarious.
January 10th, 2013, 10:23 pm
revenire said:
LOL believe me it beats hearing an air base under control of the army has been taken 40 times.
It is like you terrorist supporters saying Assad will fall over and over. Do you think posting it here will help your fake revolution?
LOL this revolution is all about online – the virtual world. In the REAL world the SAA is killing the enemy.
January 10th, 2013, 10:26 pm
MarigoldRan said:
Ok, so let’s continue:
Revenire is an idiot. No one takes him seriously. He should remember to take his medications.
January 10th, 2013, 10:27 pm
Ghufran said:
It is not just Hillary who will leave her post at the DOS, Robert Ford will probably be asked to depart too. Assad’s hardline position seems to be in anticipation of an upcoming meeting between John Kerry and Lavrov which will focus on solving the remaining issues especially the role of Assad, if any, in a future government. Ford is blamed for underestimating the influence of Islamists in Syria’s war and failing to stop indirect aid to those groups through Turkey. Rebels and the Syrian army are likely to push harder to gain as much ground before that meeting, allowing Assad to run for office in 2014 is probably not going to be a major hurdle since Russia may compromise on this issue,but there is still a disagreement about what capacity Assad will serve after a new government is formed, pushing Assad to resign is not on the table from the Russian side,that led some to suggest that anti Assad forces may indeed try to remove him physically, preserving the army and key government functions are now more important to Russia, and may be to Kerry,than keeping Assad as the head of the state.
January 10th, 2013, 10:40 pm
MarigoldRan said:
Any negotiations that involve Assad is a non-starter. Russia can believe whatever it wants, but no one’s talking to him.
January 10th, 2013, 10:56 pm
Ghufran said:
this is from an opposition site:
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January 10th, 2013, 11:02 pm
majedkhaldoun said:
there are 15 military airbase in Syria in addition to civil airports
January 10th, 2013, 11:19 pm
Sami said:
Ford is an idiot, and the US admin would love nothing more than to see what is transpiring in Syria to continue (As do the Russians).
A weak fragmented country that is engulfed in civil war is music to the ears of merchants of death. Last I checked the US and Russians are the largest exporters of military hardware (what the US and Russia exported collectively in 2010 supersedes that from ALL other exporting countries combined), how anyone can ever think that either one of these two countries ever had the fate of Syria in mind when dealing with this revolution is a damned fool.
The US will use Syria to send more billions towards Israel and further arm (sell more weapons) the Turks and Jordanians, while Russia will continue to boast how their defence systems “thwarted” big bad NATO from attacking one of their clients.
In the meantime Syrians are dying from killing each other, are dying from hunger and the elements. Syria’s children are going to grow up in a lost generation, all because a fool was shaken of his illegitimate thrown by a bunch of kids scribbling on a school wall.
Well yel3an ro7 illi khalaf hal ja7ish 2ou sa3toh…
January 10th, 2013, 11:23 pm
omen said:
hey guys, good to see y’all again. hope everyone is well.
January 10th, 2013, 11:55 pm
omen said:
123. zoo said: Erdogan’s quick way to solve the PKK problem.
Three PKK members killed in Paris attack
on the contrary, this was event was engineered by a third party intent on undermining this hopeful development (news from yesterday):
Turkey agrees on a peace plan with PKK
3 guesses as to who benefits from disunity.
January 11th, 2013, 12:07 am
Syrialover said:
#235. SAMI
I am a great respecter of your posts and always watch for them.
But I can’t agree with your statement, “Ford is an idiot and the US admin would love nothing more than to see what is transpiring in Syria to continue”.
We are all angry and frustrated beyond bearing, but that assertion is not realistic.
You live in the west. You know there is a lot of sympathy and anxiety and anger against Assad and the ongoing situation in Syria. But you also know the complicated different levers that have to be pulled and pushed to get community approval on things like riskiy military action in Syria where they would be confronting Russia and Iran.
And for what it’s worth, the level of awareness and involvement and criticism of Assad by other countries from the start has exponentially exceeded attention to the devastating brutal civil conflicts in Algeria and Sri Lanka, for example.
The idea that Americans want foreign wars to continue for the benefit of their export arms trade is hard to concede. Any figures you have on this should include Europe but above all China, which is the biggest engine of growth in that industry.
(Though anything said criticizing America’s ongoing support of Israel I’ll agree with and add to).
My bleak fear is that the current exaggeration and hysteria about the role of Islamic extremists in Syria may inhibit western community support for reconstructing post-Assad Syria.
Roll on the day Syria has a legitimate government and Syrians have their lives back.
January 11th, 2013, 12:34 am
Syrialover said:
Pleased to see you back! Good point about the Turkish killings in Paris.
January 11th, 2013, 12:39 am
Juergen said:
Gee those were good times when a moderator spared us from extreme hate and suspended authors of such hate for some time.
here is a funny video:
watch at 0:39
The girl is praising the eyedoctor, then suddenly she shouts: Abu Hafez,may your soul be damned!
Either she is like David in the cave with lions or she watched secretly the revolution songs…
Those in love with the Homsi ideom:
January 11th, 2013, 1:05 am
Juergen said:
May be off topic a bit, but reminded me a lot what an israeli soldier told me when I wanted to enter Gaza: What do you want in that zoo?
this could be from Kafranbel, but I am not so sure
January 11th, 2013, 1:10 am
Juergen said:
Kurt Pelda, an swiss journalist has just come back from Syria. He has covered the war since 2 years, and in his last trip he was able to investigate an possible site of the regime in which chemical warheads are produced.
He finds out from former employees that the majority of buildings and the processing of the chemicals is done underground, in an facility 20 km south of Aleppo. The employees said that Iranian scientists are constantly working there, building tunnels. Pelda claims that the facility is now surrounded by rebel groups, they arent part of the FSA, he said that they are islamic rebels, and that neither the vison that Assad may have chemicals at his disposal nor those rebels seems allright.
January 11th, 2013, 1:28 am
Juergen said:
Snow reminded us how beautiful #Syria is, because #Assad ugliness made us forget.
January 11th, 2013, 1:37 am
Syrialover said:
New statements from the Syrian Coalition.
The following tweets are by journalist Hassan Hassan:
? Release: Representatives of the Syrian Coalition took part in a conference hosted by the British Ministry of Foreign Affairs on January 9-10
? The following tweets are from a press release just sent by Syria National Coalition. Very important.
? The Syrian Coalition presented in London a draft vision for a transitional period based on a controlled gradual transition of power.
? The Syrian Coalition’s plan includes: ensuring that governmental institutions continue working in full function, troops withdrawal to bases.
? The Syrian National Coalition also vowed: collection of weapons from civilians, and mobilizing national efforts towards rebuilding Syria.
? This is a press release from the National Coalition. Important read: http://goo.gl/MXz75
January 11th, 2013, 1:52 am
Juergen said:
Zaidoun, a Syrian activist, tells Anderson Cooper what he witnessed inside a prison in Syria. Zaidoun Al Zoabi, is a cousin to singer Dylan Connor.
January 11th, 2013, 2:06 am
Juergen said:
No end in sight
President Bashar Assad sounds another death knell for diplomacy
January 11th, 2013, 2:18 am
Juergen said:
Now euthanasia in Assad-Syria?
Reports are made that Assad soldiers have killed mentally disabled on the streets of Aleppo
In Syria, war is the new normal
After nearly two years of civil strife, neither side sees a reason to quit fighting.
“So where does this leaves Syria? Not in a good place. The regime does not seem to have lost its taste for bloodshed, and it may even believe that it can fight on indefinitely from Alawite bastions (mainly the coastal area between Latakia and Tartus) even if the opposition is able to take Damascus. The resistance, for its part, has gained battlefield experience the hard way and is a far better fighting force than it was in the early months of the war. It is now better-armed as well, and its international support is growing as Assad’s wanes. With neither side feeling pressure to negotiate a settlement involving power-sharing, the Syrian war grinds on.”
video of Syrian refugees in Lebanon
?????? ???????? ???????? ?? ????? / ?????
January 11th, 2013, 2:21 am
revenire said:
@244. 99% of Hassan’s tweets are marked “must read” or “important” and they turn about to be about as important as umm, someone saying “Assad will be overthrown soon” i.e. they are guessing based on wishful thinking.
Aleppo’s Deadly Stalemate: A Visit to Syria’s Divided Metropolis
Read more: http://world.time.com/2012/11/14/aleppos-deadly-stalemate-a-visit-to-syrias-divided-metropolis/#ixzz2HdORTghb
The street warfare isn’t winning the rebels any more friends. The urbane Aleppans have never really warmed to the opposition fighers, most of whom come from religiously conservative Sunni Muslim small-towns–and there is growing concern that the rebels are turning more sectarian. The rebels know they’re not really welcome.
“The Aleppans here, all of them, are loyal to the criminal Bashar, they inform on us, they tell the regime where we are, where we go, what we do, even now,” says Abu Sadek, a defector from Assad’s military now with Liwa Suqooral-Sha’ba, one of the three rebel units in Bustan al-Basha.
January 11th, 2013, 2:29 am
Juergen said:
some math done by Proud Syrian on FB:
some perspective:
60,000 killed in Syria out of a total population of 20,000,000.
That’s about 1 for every 333 people.
Apply this ratio to the USA’s population of 320,000,000 – That’s 960,000 killed.
Apply this ratio to China’s population of 1,300,000,000 – That’s more than 4,000,000 killed.
Now the real question is… would the world wait silently while 960,000 Americans were killed? Would they wait silently while 4,000,000 Chinese were killed?
I don’t think so.
January 11th, 2013, 2:29 am
MarigoldRan said:
Actually, the world would have to sit on its hands if 4 million Chinese were killed. With that country, if things break apart there’s not much the rest of the world can do about it.
You can’t invade or bomb a country that is the size of a continent with 1.3 billion people. Even humanitarian aid will be limited to major cities on the coast.
I’m fascinated by the Middle East because it is similar in complexity to the place I came from. We’re used to deaths and civil wars. 60000 dead is nothing.
January 11th, 2013, 3:13 am
Revenire is an idiot. No one takes him seriously. I hope he never takes his medications.
January 11th, 2013, 4:27 am
why are you thpreading terroritht propaganda , the idiot doesn’t like that and he inthithtth that the Taftanaz Airbathe ith fully in the handth of Jund Al-Athad
I wonder if the idiots know or care that little athad air force, in a last ditch efforts to thwart the rebels bombed the building where little athad pilots were hiding to prevent the rebels from arresting those criminals.
Also, do the representatives of Khamenei on this blog know that little athad air force was also trying to murder the Iranian “Foreign experts Shabbee7a” while they were in the custody of the FSA to thwart’s Iran’s efforts in gaining the release of their “expert pilgrims”.
The athads are like scorpions, they know no friends. Stupid is who think they can domesticate a scorpion.
January 11th, 2013, 4:59 am
Juergen said:
Assad employs 1000s of JimmySaviles in his prisons to abuse children.
January 11th, 2013, 5:44 am
Citizen said:
Meeting on Syria with RF participation to be held in Geneva
January 11th, 2013, 5:59 am
Hanzala said:
Taftanaz update. Good news, FSA have overrun most of the airport.
January 11th, 2013, 6:20 am
How is Chavez doing today?
Have you done your Kim Jung Un prayers today?
Is ???? alive again, yet?
Did the fool prethident bathar acquire a brain yet?
January 11th, 2013, 6:34 am
Juergen said:
Just read this piece of propaganda today:
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
here are some facts about how the Chavez clan has established themselves in Venezuela:
The greedy clan
? Father Hugo senior was ten years governor of Barinas. At his side in an advisory capacity: his son Argenis(54), who also regularly made headlines on corruption charges. The court charges were however, always rejected.
To become his father’s successor was for Argenis not posssible. Too many scandals. So, the President’s eldest brother Adán took over (59) in the 2008 election – and won.
Hugo Chavez will not agree with everything the brothers are doing. There are reports that he once hammered the Hummer of Argenis with a baseball bat.
? Adán is regarded as the clan chief, he is the “intellectual Chavez”, during the reign of his brother, he was ambassador to Cuba and minister of education. He was traded even as a possible replacement for Hugo Chávez.
This role but now holds the vice president of the country and long-time friend of the Commander, Nicolás Maduro (50). Before Hugo Chavez traveled in December to a new cancer surgery in Cuba, he had explicitly defined Maduro as a possible successor to him.
? Adelis Chavez (51) is vice president of Banco Sofitasa and also tied in closely with the politics: Her oversees the construction of the new stadium in Barinas, financed by the state, and apparently a bottomless pit. Adelis Chavez is responsible for the accounts of the government and also for the finances of the clan.
? Anibal Chávez is the mayor of 270 000 inhabitants town of Sabaneta, which is often called by the followers “the cradle of the revolution.”
? Narciso Chavez is an English teacher, but was parked by his brother Hugo on various ambassadorial posts. He also is regularly confronted with allegations of corruption.
The brother and President watches over this clan, which includes four children and three grandchildren. A son was also well treated : Jorge Arriaza was given the post of Minister of Science.
January 11th, 2013, 6:54 am
habib said:
Only thing that can be concluded is: Syrians are idiots.
The West isn’t interfering, and the reason is simple: As long as Arabs kill each other, the West and Israel don’t have to worry about their interests in the Mideast.
Arab jarab indeed!
January 11th, 2013, 7:02 am
Johannes de Silentio said:
“why are you thpreading terroritht propaganda , the idiot doesn’t like that and he inthithtth”
Dude, stop with the th’s. You make no sense and it’s distracting from your main point.
January 11th, 2013, 7:08 am
Johannes de Silentio said:
258. HABIB
“Syrians are idiots”
But they think they’re God’s gift to humanity. That’s the irony of it all. They think the rest of the world in on tenterhooks, teetering on disaster, depending on what happens in some little hole-in-the-road outside Aleppo. It would be amusing if it were not for the brutality…
January 11th, 2013, 7:14 am
Juergen said:
Didnt Syrians learn for decades in their schools, that most countries were envious about the beauty of the country, and the perfection of its ruling President? Well most got a wake up call when they left their “heaven” for a trip.
January 11th, 2013, 7:45 am
Observer said:
Here is another quote from ZOO
“It is just a matter of time before they get crushed for good”
But wait, ZOO I thought you wanted Amnesty International to come to secure the fate of the minorities; are you not concerned about the fate of the minority rebels as well? Or is the SAA brave and loyal and eternal in its devotion to the Bab not capable of securing the fate of the minorities?
Russia is not changing its stance you say to us. Well on RT I did read the Laughvrov ministry statement. It only says to give the Prethident’s speech a hearing chance.
It now hides behind the Syrian people’s legitimate right to choose its own form of government.
Now they talk legitimacy?
Today there are NO news on Syria on Alalam or on AL Manar
There are 28 airbases in Syria some mixed and most military only and four of them are out and the 2 International airports are out as well.
Now my dear ZOO the regime is going to rely on SCUDS well let me tell you they are not accurate. You cannot kill the “rats” as some have called the rebels here with SCUDS. And guess what, your eternally loyal SAA does not have enough brave soldiers to do it. Oh it does have thousands of cowards that torture and rape and steel helpless victims but when it comes to a real fight they are nowhere to be seen.
Justice for Hamza one Shabih at a time
January 11th, 2013, 7:46 am
majedkhaldoun said:
You said Taftanaz will not be taken by the rebels, now Zoozoo proved to be wrong ,what do you say about that, how are you going to spin it?
January 11th, 2013, 8:34 am
Visitor said:
Same old same old here on SC after a week off.
But while idiot Bashar was doing his final act in opera house, it seems Jabhat al-Nusra took over Taftanaz. That goes to show that donkeys cannot play pianos even if they go to opera houses.
January 11th, 2013, 8:46 am
zoo said:
#263 Majie
Yet another All Nusra’s Hit, Claim and Run
“While its fall will embarrass the regime and dent helicopter operations, it will do little to stop airstrikes by government jets, many of which come from bases farther south…..
It is also unclear if the rebels will be able to retain control of the facility. The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, which relies on a network of activists on the ground, said government warplanes bombed the air base after the rebel takeover Friday
Kanaan, the activist in Idlib, said the rebels seized tanks and helicopters at the base, but added that most if not all of the helicopters were damaged from the fighting and were nonfunctional.
“The regime bombed them to keep the rebels from using them,” he said. The Observatory said around 20 helicopters were captured but that none were in working order.”
January 11th, 2013, 8:47 am
zoo said:
Syria Lover @244
The tweets from the Coalition plan sounds as an advertisement for a new video game.
I am waiting to see the full “transition plan” the the “international experts” at the 2 days conference in the UK came out that they dumped on the powerless Coalition.
January 11th, 2013, 8:59 am
zoo said:
@249 Jurgen
“would the world wait silently”
It is far from silent, it’s very talkative, just read the media.
It’s just doing the wrong actions because of their egos.
January 11th, 2013, 9:06 am
zoo said:
The Opposition: We are the ministries of a future government
Opposition eyes Syria seat at UN, Arab League
January 11, 2013 03:19 PM
BEIRUT: The opposition Syrian National Coalition has urged the international community to help it take over Syria’s seats at the UN and Arab League as part of efforts to set up a transitional government.
The group, which has been widely recognised by Arab and Western nations as the sole representative of the Syrian people, also asked to be given regime assets frozen as part of international sanctions on the Damascus government.
In statement late Thursday the coalition urged “the international community to end all legitimacy of the Assad regime by granting Syria’s seat at the UN and Arab League to the transitional government” being set up by the opposition.
The coalition, set up in Qatar in November and grouping the majority of opposition forces, including a unified military command, said it was striving to set up a transitional government.
“The Coalition is working with committees composed of technocrats who will serve as the nucleus for future ministries,” the statement read.
Read more: http://www.dailystar.com.lb/News/Middle-East/2013/Jan-11/201859-opposition-eyes-syria-seat-at-un-arab-league.ashx#ixzz2HfyDVtRX
(The Daily Star :: Lebanon News :: http://www.dailystar.com.lb)
January 11th, 2013, 9:10 am
zoo said:
In my view, the taken over by Al Nusra terrorists of the Taftanaz air base, if confirmed, will play negatively on the opposition in the current meeting between the USA, Russia and the UN.
The USA will never tolerate that an organization they labelled ‘terrorist’ increases its military power in Syria as it is can threat the region and principally Israel.
Far from being a ‘victory’, I think it is a “nail in the coffin of the rebels” to use an expression from an activist about the regime.
It may well be possible that Syrian forces were ordered not to oppose much resistance so that event falls exactly as the US-UN-Russia meeting is taking place.
UN envoy discusses Syria with US, Russia
By JOHN HEILPRIN, Associated Press | January 11, 2013
January 11th, 2013, 9:18 am
zoo said:
Another hate crime in ‘religiously tolerant’ Turkey
Turkish teacher at Armenian school found murdered in his home
Friday,January 11 2013, Your time is 9:23:12 AM
January 11th, 2013, 9:24 am
majedkhaldoun said:
The base was destroyed, 20 helicopter were damaged, 25 soldier are dead, several Assad thugs pilots are dead,and you minimize this incident?.
The point also that you predicted it will not fall, your prediction worth zero,all other predictions proved wrong,keep telling us you Qiqi Qiqi and Qiqi qiqi more it is fun.
January 11th, 2013, 9:24 am
zoo said:
Al Arabya caught in carrying rebels ‘propaganda’ about Gilles Jacquier’s death.
A July 2012 article in the daily Le Figaro suggested that Jacquier was killed by rebels. But this has now been contradicted by a communiqué from the rebel Free Syrian Army (FSA), which was reported by Al-Arabiyya TV three days ago, on 8 January. The FSA communiqué said opposition fighters in Syria had announced the capture of members of an armed group working for the Assad regime who had admitted responsibility for Jacquier’s death. The FSA said it was ready to hand over these men to the French authorities or to an international tribunal.
Yesterday, the France 2 programme “Envoyé Spécial” ran an investigative story about the contradictory versions and lack of evidence. It concluded that the parties to the conflict were using his death for “propaganda purposes.”
January 11th, 2013, 9:29 am
zoo said:
#271 Majie
Not only you are a failed Cassandra but you are starting Alzheimer: Damascus “liberated”? twice wrong…
January 11th, 2013, 9:33 am
majedkhaldoun said:
is this an admission that your Qiqi Qiqi was wrong?
January 11th, 2013, 9:37 am
zoo said:
More experts about Taftanaz: tactical not strategic gain.
By Erika Solomon and Stephanie Nebehay
BEIRUT/GENEVA, Jan 11 (Reuters) – Rebels seized control of one of Syria’s largest helicopter bases on Friday, opposition sources said, in their first capture of a military airfield used by President Bashar al-Assad’s forces.
But Yezid Sayigh, at the Carnegie Middle East Centre in Beirut, said it was not a game-changer, noting that it had taken months for the rebels to overrun a base whose usefulness to the military was already compromised by the clashes around it.
“This is a tactical rather than a strategic gain,” he said.
January 11th, 2013, 9:40 am
majedkhaldoun said:
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January 11th, 2013, 9:52 am
zoo said:
Assad’s Cabinet
Syria’s dictator’s, and the rest of the Iranian-led resistance bloc’s, well-placed advocates in Washington: Hagel, Kerry, Brennan
Hagel, Kerry, and Brennan have consistently misread the intentions and calculations of America’s Middle East adversaries. Their picture of the Middle East is not grounded in an accurate understanding of the region’s forces and furies, but is rather drawn from a dream world in which it is possible to turn enemies into allies, lions into lambs, simply through the magical power of words.
As Hagel, Kerry, and Brennan are incapable of comprehending the nature of our adversaries through the pattern of their actions, these three, through their dealings with the region, have also left a discernible pattern, a worrisome pattern.
The Obama administration now says that Assad has lost his legitimacy. The Russians want Assad to stick around until, at least, elections in 2014, and the State Department says this is unacceptable. But that’s Hillary Clinton’s State Department.
The same bureaucracy run by Kerry, a man who’s shared meals with Assad and his wife, who’s made the case for his “secular” regime in a sea of Sunni fanaticism, might have a very different, and he’ll have Obama’s ear.
Obama’s second cabinet is his real cabinet. Clinton, Gates, and Petraeus were Obama’s moves on a political gameboard, but Kerry, Hagel and Brennan are about Obama’s policy. That is why the Iranian foreign ministry congratulated Obama on the Hagel nomination. Tehran has read Obama’s moves and sees that he is stacking the deck for a grand bargain that, Iran hopes, will secure Iranian interests throughout the region—including perhaps even Assad’s survival. In any case, U.S. adversaries throughout the region are sleeping a little better these days, knowing that the Americans in high places have no other policy right now but talk.
January 11th, 2013, 9:52 am
zoo said:
I never predict short term details. The only prediction I am making is that the armed rebels may make some “tactical gains” and “tactical retreats” but they will never win that war.
Their scope will remain limited to some areas in the North of Syria but as soon as they’ll loose Turkey’s protection and the GCC funding as part of a political solution, they will collapse.
It is just a matter of time.
January 11th, 2013, 10:01 am
majedkhaldoun said:
January 11th, 2013, 10:03 am
Juergen said:
Do you think if the world would really care that Assad would be still able to commit such atrocities?
January 11th, 2013, 10:05 am
Tara said:
Any detail about the incident?
It might be a conscious “error” by a revolutionist at heart pilot.
January 11th, 2013, 10:13 am
majedkhaldoun said:
I met Radwan Ziadeh and Kristen Gilespi yesterday,and I am going to meet Joshua today, there is a conference at Denver University,I have never met Joshua before, I am looking forward for it.any question you want me to ask him?
the picture was from Taftanaz airbase, we will see more details today
The importance of taking over Taftanas is, this will free 700 JN soldiers to attack Mannagh airbase, the regime had five bases in the northwest,Idlib is still in the Assad thugs hands, but it is clear the regime is in a defensive position,and unable to launch an offence, a win here and a win there will help clean the area from Assad criminal thugs and demoralize his thugs more.
Come middle of february,the weather will improve and more accomplishment will be seen,
January 11th, 2013, 10:31 am
revenire said:
SyriansRISE_UP ?@SyriansRISE_UP
@wsscherk Did you ever check that nut Ziad Fadel he worships so much? http://syrianperspective.blogspot.ca/ Conspiracy theorist on steroids
William Scott Scherk ?@wsscherk
@SyriansRISE_UP — stay in Canada, you DF, Ziad. You are fully protected in anything you say. No Mukhabarat.
William Scott Scherk ?@wsscherk
@SyriansRISE_UP — the fear is that their network of influence will be revealed (not the Nut Ziad, though) and they will be expelled.
January 11th, 2013, 11:38 am
Leosyriacus said:
I am amused with the number of posts regarding Revenire needing to remember taking his psychiatric medications, as a pharmacist with specialty in psychiatric medication treatments I will offer him and all other Basharophiles free meds and blister packaging,hopefully with the mental clarity that they will receive thanks to meds they will start working for a better tomorrow for all Syrians..free from the Baathist tyranny,sectarianism, and oppression
January 11th, 2013, 11:45 am
zoo said:
280. Juergen
I am sure that these “great democracies” care only about their own constituency ( their ‘own people” ) and their national financial interests.
They don’t give a damn about the others, least about Arabs in poor countries.
The western media are just used to hide their selfishness with big empty words of equality, justice and morals..
That’s what Bashar understands well and the opposition still doesn’t.
January 11th, 2013, 11:55 am
zoo said:
279. majedkhaldoun
Sorry, contrary to you, I don’t enjoy seeing Syrians murdered especially by Al Qaeeda terrorists.
I am sure you also enjoyed meeting E.T Ziadeh, your twin expat.
January 11th, 2013, 12:02 pm
Free Syrian said:
Some of the people posting have got to be blind and delusional to believe that their side can conclusively ‘win’ in Syria. There have only been losers in this country, and that is the obvious. Clearly both the hardline opposition and regime are at fault for destroying the country and should be tried for war crimes. Whether it be death from above in the form of jets or suicide bombs in civilian populated areas. Jabhat Al Nusra is just as guilty as the regime. As for regime supporters, you are delusional to think that this war would be even happening had it not been for the regimes unwillingness to reform. Everybody seems to have, and regrettably want the blood of the other to be on their hands. How the hell are we supposed to build a country when 30% (a combination of security forces and rebels) have decided they want to obliterate the other at all costs, including civilian, infrastructural, and institutional costs? Who is to say that the fighting will cease when the regime leaves? Their are foreign fighters and global interests that seek a piece of the Syrian pie, so before we say that we are ready for the fall of the government, we must prepare ourselves. Syria is for Syrians and no one else. Not Afghanis, Iranians, Saudis, Turks, Qataris, Americans, or Russians.
January 11th, 2013, 12:05 pm
revenire said:
LOL @ Radwan Ziadeh
He’s a very inspiring speaker.
January 11th, 2013, 12:10 pm
majedkhaldoun said:
They are criminals,such as Assad, I frankly love to see Assad cut to pieces and fed to the dogs,he killed over100,000 syrian.
January 11th, 2013, 12:12 pm
zoo said:
BRICS nations for allowing Syrian people to solve their internal crisis
Jan 10 2013
Expressing concern over the deteriorating situation in Syria, BRICS countries-Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa-today called for resolution of the crisis by a process led by the people of the Western Asian nation themselves. “It was quite clear that all of us felt that Syrian people should chose their future,”
January 11th, 2013, 12:14 pm
Tara said:
“democracies” care only about their own constituency ( their ‘own people” ) and their national financial interests.”
I’d rather prefer to live in a country that values its citizens the most as opposed to a country that value the citizen of their masters the most.
Batta’s swap of Iranian “pilgrims” with Syrian prisoners is unheard of in history. It is usually the other way around. His refusal to negotiate the release of his own Alawis militia is so humiliating to himself and to the Alawi community. He really is without a shame.
January 11th, 2013, 12:14 pm
Sami said:
Had the West really wanted to end this they could’ve, I just don’t buy the “geo-political” excuses being used to justify their inaction (as well as the Russians).
Early last year while Baba Amr was being pounded by the Assadists, people I know met personally with Ford. He clearly stated that the US admin is not willing to intervene. Heck even Obama made sure to tell Assad where the red line with the US administration is, dropping cluster bombs, barrel bombs, and unguided bombs against children and civilian targets is ok, shoot a single chemical weapon and that is where they will intervene.
I’m sure that there are many people in the US that care about what is happening in Syria, but whether they turn that care into action is a whole other story.
Take for instance almost every Canadian official I have had contact with has been extremely sympathetic, but when it came to their governments interests that takes precedent over Syria. SUNCOR and PETRO-CANADA did not pull their operations from Syria until December 11th of 2011 when both of them declared a force majeure in regards to their contractual obligations in Syria. That is 6 months after the start of the revolution where two Canadian Corporation were helping an illegitimate government suppress its own citizens aspirations.
I am not anti-Western, I am more than grateful for the fact I live in Canada. But my gratefulness should not stop me from criticizing what my elected officials in Canada have fallen short on (which is my guaranteed right by the Canadian constitution btw)
Syria should not turn into a Rwanda for the West to intervene (which is what Ford actually said, that is why he is an IDIOT). The US could’ve convinced the Russians to stop providing Assad and his henchmen with more tools and armament to kill his own people, Russia is nothing more than a third rate has been super power. If the US can waltz into Yugoslavia (a former Soviet colony), do you really think that the “geo-political” atmosphere in the Balkans was better for US interests than in Syria?
(I would like to remind you incase you forgot or was unaware that the first stealth plane ever shot down was there, a F-117 Nighthawk was brought down by Serbian air defence using S-125 Neva-M missiles.)
I’ll say it again anyone believing the US or Russians are honest brokers in this revolution needs to check reality, the Asshat is still perched on his illegitimate throne because both of these countries want him there.
Please don’t mistake me for a regimists nut that lives in the West and laments about how evuuuuuuul they are, I am far far away from that…
January 11th, 2013, 12:15 pm
Visitor said:
RE: Video @279 MajedK,
The thug pilots appear to have been securely delivered to their final abode in lowest hell. Their facial expressions indicate their final states upon entry into such habitat.
On the other hand it is amusing to see Ewe @ the Zoo in hyperdrive to cover up his wlee, wlee….wlee.
Could you imagine having to go through a whole week without such amusement as I did? ??? ???….? ??? ?????
January 11th, 2013, 12:15 pm
zoo said:
#288 Majie
I know, I know, calm down. Have you thought of eating the pieces yourself? It fits you so well.
January 11th, 2013, 12:16 pm
Sami said:
“I don’t enjoy seeing Syrians murdered”
No Zoo you just enjoy the “cleanup and disinfection” of Syrian cities and towns by your assadist hyenas…
Btw has the Assadist army finally cleared Darayya or did they “tactically retreat” again?
January 11th, 2013, 12:18 pm
Warren said:
Turf war feared after Syrian rebel leader killed
Thaer al-Waqqas, northern commander of al-Farouq Brigades, one of Syria’s largest rebel groups, was shot dead at a rebel-held position in the town of Sermin, a few kilometres from Turkey, early on Wednesday morning, rebel sources said.
Al-Waqqas, they said, had been suspected of involvement in the killing four months ago of Firas al-Absi, a main jihadist leader in al Qaeda-linked al-Nusra Front, which Washington dubbed a terrorist organization in December.
Soonites killing soonites: this is hilarious! lol Long may this continue! lol
January 11th, 2013, 12:19 pm
revenire said:
I think every Syrian enjoys seeing the terrorist rats being cleansed from the nation.
On another note, I – for one – would love to see the mighty Canadian army invade Syria.
January 11th, 2013, 12:24 pm
zoo said:
Egypt praises Iran for its effort to stop violence in Syria and shows readiness to cooperate.
Brahimi discusses his Syria proposal with Salehi
Cairo, Jan 11, IRNA
The UN-Arab League Special Envoy to Syria Lakhdar Brahimi has met and discussed his proposal for the resolution of Syria crisis with the Iranian Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi, a diplomat said on Thursday.
A diplomat close to the UN-Arab League special envoy to Syria told IRNA reporter in Cairo that Brahimi has discussed a proposal with the Iranian FM which calls for a halt in violation, establishment of an independent transitional government and the holding of presidential and parliamentarian election in the Arab country.
‘UN-Arab League special envoy to Syria is trying to have the support of Iran as a major regional power from its proposal for the resolution of Syrian crisis.’
In a meeting with Iranian FM in Cairo on Thursday, Egyptian President Mohammed Mursi praised Iran’s efforts for stopping violence in Syria.
Mursi invited Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to attend the Organization of the Islamic Cooperation (OIC) leaders’ upcoming summit meeting in Cairo.
Egyptian president expressed satisfaction over the meeting with the Iranian delegation and called for cooperation between the two countries at different levels.
Salehi, for his part, said that Iran is ready to provide tthe Egyptian nation with the experience it has gained since the victory of the Islamic Revolution.
He also conveyed the Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s invitation to the Egyptian president to visit Tehran.
Referring to the crisis in Syria, the Iranian foreign minister stressed that talks and negotiation constituted the only solution to the situation in the Arab state, noting that what is important in Syria is ending the violence, restoring peace and providing welfare for its nation.
‘Meetings among members of Syria contact group which includes Iran, Egypt, Turkey and Saudi Arabia are good mechanism for finding a solution to the Syrian crisis; there is a good ground for cooperation between Cairo and Tehran.’
Mursi and Salehi also discussed other regional and international developments, including the Palestinian issue.
Earlier Thursday, Salehi also held talks with his Egyptian counterpart Mohamed Kamel Amr.
Salehi and Amr discussed the peace plans laid out by both Iran and Syria to end the conflict in the Arab country.
The Iranian minister also voiced Iran’s readiness to help settle the ongoing unrest in Syria.
Salehi visited Benin and Ghana on Saturday and Sunday as well as Burkina Faso on Tuesday
January 11th, 2013, 12:28 pm
revenire said:
People can talk about how the West could have done this or done that but could they have? I doubt it. What would the West do? Give Al-Qaeda better weapons? Okay – then what? More dead Syrians and later the weapons would be turned on the West as happened in Libya. The West could have bombed Syria sure but that brings risk. People can say the Syrian Air Force could not defend Syria but unless a NATO attack started no one really knows.
January 11th, 2013, 12:28 pm
zoo said:
#295 Warren
The FSA is rotting from inside. It is becoming evident day after day.
They have become the puppets of the Islamists and Al Qaeeda.
January 11th, 2013, 12:31 pm
ghufran said:
The loss of Taftanaz airbase is an other setback for the army and the regime but that loss, which will help rebels morale, should not be overblown the same way as it can not be ignored, rebels and their backers do not have a workable agenda for Syria,the same is true about Assad who is only willing to accept a plan that keeps him at the helm of the government. If rebels manage to take over the north, that will certainly trigger panic reactions from people in the coastal areas who feel they are next, that has the potential to trigger waves of violence and sectarian cleansing,rebels who failed to win support from Aleppines will have even more problems in the coastal areas,but when you are blinded by hatred and vengeance nothing matters to you other than being able to kill your “enemy”. it is increasingly clear that this violent campaign is fueled by poor rural Syrians even if the movement leaders are not in that category, those people are being used,they are the same ones who are dying on the battle field, do not expect those people to be allowed to rule, nobody wants them including the very people who are paying them now and hailing their “victories”. what a pity.
January 11th, 2013, 12:32 pm
Majedkhaldoun said:
I love to feed them to you, only dogs should eat Assad dead body.
More demonstrations in Iraq
January 11th, 2013, 12:33 pm
Hanzala said:
I didn’t know Ahrar al Sham operate in Hasaka. FSA take checkpoint. They are quite active considering it is winter season.
January 11th, 2013, 12:36 pm
zoo said:
Ask the question to the recruit on SC who just joined the newly created FSM , Free Syrian Mokhabarat.
January 11th, 2013, 12:37 pm
zoo said:
Sorry I am vegeterian
January 11th, 2013, 12:39 pm
Observer said:
Here is a very important article that should bring the discussion back to Syria and get us out of the distractions of ZOO Revenire and company
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January 11th, 2013, 12:45 pm
Visitor said:
MajedK @288 said,
They are criminals,such as Assad, I frankly love to see Assad cut to pieces and fed to the dogs,he killed over100,000 syrian.”
I disagree. Dogs deserve better treatment than feeding on noncleansable ‘najass’.
Burn the idiot then pulverize the ash and then burn again over and over. Make sure the temperature reaches around 2000 C.
January 11th, 2013, 12:46 pm
zoo said:
#300 Gufran
The rebels are stuck in the North because they are depending exclusively on Turkey for just everything, food, fuel, money electricity, medical, shelter and weapons.
The rebels tried to deal twice with Damascus and they failed because the population of the large cities rejects them and offer them no support. In addition Jordan and Lebanon are becoming tougher on movement. Iraq is still porous and the rebels are getting some military help from there, but the uprising in Iraq is encouraging the islamists fighters to move back to Iraq which is much less risky and the stake are higher.
The moment there will be a political solution, Turkey will dump the rebels in the North. It will fall like a ripe apple.
January 11th, 2013, 12:51 pm
zoo said:
A new genre on SC: Observer’s bedtime novel.
January 11th, 2013, 12:53 pm
Visitor said:
Look at this,
20% of the members of consultative assmebly in KSA are now women!!
??? ???….? ??? ???? again for Syria al-Assad and its she-male Buthaina!
January 11th, 2013, 12:54 pm
Warren said:
Four men held by cops probing Syria terror fears
FOUR men have been arrested by detectives investigating travel to Syria in support of alleged terrorist activity.
A 33-year-old man was arrested at Gatwick airport yesterday afternoon as he attempted to take a flight out of UK, a statement from the Metropolitan Police (MPS) said.
And early today three other men — an 18-year-old, a 31-year-old and a 22-year-old — were arrested at separate addresses in east London.
A spokesman said: “They are all in custody at a south London police station where they will be interviewed by officers from the MPS’s counter-terrorism command.”
Searches are continuing at three residential addresses in east London.
In November Jubayer Chowdhury, 24, was arrested by officers from the Met’s Counter Terrorism Command at Heathrow Airport after arriving on a flight from Bahrain and is now facing charges in connection with the alleged plot.
Shajul Islam, 26, a trainee NHS doctor, who studied at St Bartholomew’s and a University of London Hospital, is also accused of being part of an extremist group which held John Cantlie, who worked for various newspapers including The Sunday Times, and Jeroen Oerlemans for around a week in the war-torn state.
Islam, from Stratford, east London, was arrested at Heathrow in October as he arrived back in the UK with his wife and one-year-old daughter on a flight from Egypt.
He is accused of being a doctor for the jihadi group which kidnapped the journalists and held them at a camp in Syria.
Islam is in custody pending a trial later this year.
Read more: http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/4736931/Four-men-held-over-cops-probing-Syria-terror-fears.html#ixzz2HgsQZgLh
When Syria arrests terrorists everyone on here starts whinging & crying. The UK does the same: silence!
No wonder the West has been so reluctant to arm the soonite insurgents; as the majority of them pose a clear & present danger to the West!
January 11th, 2013, 12:58 pm
Badr said:
Makes sense to me:
Jonathan Marcus
BBC defence & diplomatic correspondent
January 11th, 2013, 1:03 pm
Johannes de Silentio said:
291 SAMI
“I’m sure many people in the US care about what is happening in Syria”
No, not many. In the churches there are prayers being said for the Christians you fine Syrians are killing and raping and forcing from their homes. But outside the churches, no one is talking up Syria.
You only have yourselves to blame. Over the past five decades, you made your country as forbidding and unfriendly as North Korea. So Americans wisely avoided you and instead visited Egypt and Israel.
January 11th, 2013, 1:07 pm
Uzair8 said:
Nothing confirmed MT @hhassan140 AJA reports ambush on way 2 Presidential Palace probably killing Russian, Iran aides
If true it could lead to a quickening of Russian and/or Iranian exit from Syria.
January 11th, 2013, 1:14 pm
revenire said:
@jenanmoussa and @hhassan140 are two terrorist supporters. She was active in Libya and he’s in UAE with his masters. Yawn.
January 11th, 2013, 1:18 pm
Johannes de Silentio said:
311. BADR
“President Assad’s forces in the north are very much on the defensive and it is by no means clear that they have the capacity to recapture such installations.”
Not to worry, baddie. Mossie will explain the counter-attack scenario in detail. The SAA is fine and up-to-strength in every manner. Bashar is winning and it’s only a matter of time before these rats scurry back into their holes never to be seen again.
I also have it on good report that the 12th Imam was sighted on the Lower East Side buying a lamb kebab from a street vendor.
Mossie’s right about jenanmoussa and hhassan140. Jenanmoussa is a trained Israeli agent with an expertise in linguistics and hhassan140 is a male nurse at an al Qaeda hospital/safehouse.
January 11th, 2013, 1:20 pm
revenire said:
New on the “base liberation” (LOL).
DAMASCUS: Yabroud in the Qalamoun Mountains northwest of Damascus, we can confirm the death of rat-leader Shaheer Barakat along with the following runts from the same litter:
Ali Ahmad Baroudy
Jihad Qawasima (Jordanian)
Dawood Ali Doustom
At Al-Hujjeira, over 50 rodents were swept away by the SAA. Here are some of them:
Maher Mahmoud Al-Jundi
Saher Muhammad Khatib
Riad Salem Madbouh
Nasser Abdel-Hamid Al-Asmar
Mut’ib Kheireddine Al-Dhalim
Adnan Ali Farran
SAA also killed two rats in Al-Hajar Al-Aswad
HOMS: At Kafr Laha, the microbe Abdallah Abdel-Wahed was dispatched along with 8 of his henchmen.
At Al-Qusayr, we have a list of 32 dead rodents. Their leader Salah Ali Kababji was killed trying to escape, leaving his rats to die while fighting for absolutely nothing.
At Al-Khalidiyya, a suburb of Homs, 12 terrorists were sent to Hell.
At Taldo, SAA finished up mopping operations to the adulation of the inhabitants. Monzer says 21 savages were killed there with the majority escaping to the north.
ALEPPO: Everybody is watching the irrelevant maintenance airbase of Taftanaz which remains in SAA hands despite lying by SOHR and the LCC (a non-existent and non-local, Beirut based cabal of professional fabricators).
At Khan Touman, Ein Daqla and Mennagh Airbase (another maintenance facility far from the Zionist border), the following hog entrails were sent to the ovens of Erebus:
Muhammad Abdul-Rahman Alwan
Deeb Abu-Zaid
Taher Anas Abboud
Muhannad Ali-Ahmad Zarnaq
Muhammad Ibrahim Musallam
January 11th, 2013, 1:39 pm
revenire said:
Odd, this tweep says Syrian Perspective is in the UK. Maybe it is everywhere? 😉
jim mc donald ?@jimmcdoo
Here’s a great link on a site called #Syria Perspective. Keep updated. http://syrianperspective.blogspot.co.uk/
January 11th, 2013, 1:50 pm
revenire said:
Idiots in Kafaranbel ask British to “live up to your history” except the history of the British is that of the British Empire and colonialism. Stupid Salafists should have asked the al-Nusra rats not to bomb their schools so they would not miss the history lesson.
January 11th, 2013, 1:58 pm
revenire said:
Insight: Aleppo misery eats at Syrian rebel support
(Reuters) – At a crowded market stall in Syria, a middle-aged couple, well dressed, shuffle over to press a folded note, furtively, into the hand of a foreign reporter.
It is the kind of silent cry for help against a reign of fear that has been familiar to journalists visiting Syria over the past two years. Only this is not the Damascus of President Bashar al-Assad but rebel-held Aleppo; the note laments misrule under the revolution and hopes Assad can defeat its “terrorism”.
“We used to live in peace and security until this malicious revolution reached us and the Free Syrian Army started taking bread by force,” the unidentified couple wrote. “We ask God to help the regime fight the Free Syrian Army and terrorism – we are with the sovereignty of President Bashar al-Assad forever.”
CONT …. http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/01/08/us-syria-crisis-rebels-idUSBRE9070VV20130108 …
January 11th, 2013, 2:02 pm
zoo said:
The John Kerry effect…
Kerry’s words on Assad certain to draw scrutiny
By DONNA CASSATA, Associated Press
Friday, January 11, 2013
WASHINGTON (AP) — Sen. John Kerry has held up Syria as a country that could bring peace and stability to the Mideast and predicted that the now-disgraced government of President Bashar Assad would pursue a legitimate relationship with the United States. Those assertions are certain to draw scrutiny at Kerry’s confirmation hearing to be secretary of state as Assad’s brutal crackdown has plunged his country civil war.
Read more: http://www.mysanantonio.com/news/politics/article/Kerry-s-words-on-Assad-certain-to-draw-scrutiny-4186708.php#ixzz2HhCK3E75
January 11th, 2013, 2:12 pm
ghufran said:
No breakthrough after US-Russia-Librahimi meeting:
???? ?????? ?????? ??????? ??? ????? ?????? ?????????? ????? ?????? ?? ???? ??????? ?? ?????? ?? ????? ????????? ??????? ?? “?? ?? ??????” ?? ?????.
???? ?????????? ?? ???? ?????? ?? ????? ????? ???????? ????????? ?????? ????? ????? ???? ???????? ?????? ??????? ???????? ?? ???? “????? ????? ??? ?? ???? ????? ?? ?? ?????? ??????”.
???? ?????????? ?? ????????? ????????? ??????? ???? ????? ????? ??? ???? ??? ?? ????? ???? ??? ?? ?? ??????? ???? ?????? ??? ????? ?? ????? ?????? ???????.
Blood shed continues until concerned parties start to feel the pain,then a political agreement may be in reach. If many of you failed to notice the regular ups and downs in the conflict in terms of who wins and who loses,that is because you are occupied by a dream that your side will emerge victorious but your limited vision prevents you from seeing that we have already lost,all of us.
January 11th, 2013, 2:16 pm
omen said:
abc news:
January 11th, 2013, 2:17 pm
Uzair8 said:
Btw, how could I forget…
Welcome back Omen. 🙂
January 11th, 2013, 2:20 pm
Johannes de Silentio said:
322. OMEN
“scientists have told U.S. officials that the Sarin the Syrians mixed in early December can only remain viable for 60 days”
So it’s use it or lose it, eh? The drop dead date (no pun intended) would be in early February…
January 11th, 2013, 2:22 pm
zoo said:
318. revenire
It’s certainly necessary that Kafranbel the Cartoonist reminds the world that what is happening in Syria is ‘a revolution’
They must work hard as no one sane can believe that this mess is a Syrian revolution, when the revolutionists are armed and paid by Qatar and KSA, their headquarters is in Turkey and Cairo and Al Qaeeda terrorists with foreign jihadists are directing military operations that destroy the country infrastructure and kills Syrians, while the expats Syrian Coalition is meeting with Western powers on the Italian riviera
Even thousands of funny cartoons may not be sufficient to convince themselves.
January 11th, 2013, 2:24 pm
Johannes de Silentio said:
“Odd, this tweep says Syrian Perspective is in the UK.”
It’s tweet, you unconscionable cunt…
January 11th, 2013, 2:28 pm
zoo said:
” King Abdullah may yet regret the day he called on President Bashar to leave office, helping pave the way for the Islamists at his gates.”
Jordan’s Syria Problem
Nicolas Pelham
All of this has posed a complicated challenge for Jordan’s King Abdullah. Although the King has called for Assad to step down, he also hopes to maintain a more secular order in a new Syria and has long been wary of how the conflict is giving his own Muslim Brotherhood growing clout. For years the Brotherhood has been one of the most organized political forces in the kingdom. And while the movement has remained loyal to the monarchy and worked within the system, its leaders has shown an increasing readiness to challenge royal authority in recent months, as their counterparts in other countries have swept to power. “If the Middle East is going to be run by the Brotherhood, we’re all screwed, and you can kiss moderate Islam goodbye,” a senior government official recently told me.
In an attempt to prevent Syria from turning Islamist, Abdullah has turned to Western powers for help. Citing concern that Syria’s chemical weapons’ stockpiles could fall into the wrong hands, he has welcomed more than a hundred American, British, and French military advisers into Jordan to address this menace, as well as deal with the influx of refugees and help prevent a spillover of the conflict itself. Meanwhile, Jordanian officials have strongly backed Western efforts to replace the Brotherhood-dominated Syrian National Council with a mixed-bag opposition that is inclusive of Alawites and other minorities. Amman has opened its doors to non-Islamist defectors, hosting soldiers, technocrats, and former senior Baathists, including Assad’s former prime minister, Riad Hijab, who defected last August.
much more to read…..
January 11th, 2013, 2:34 pm
ghufran said:
(never trust thugs with guns)
(Reuters) – The killing of a senior Islamist rebel commander near Syria’s border with Turkey could indicate a turf war between armed groups that will hamper their struggle to overthrow Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, sources told Reuters.
Thaer al-Waqqas, northern commander of al-Farouq Brigades, one of Syria’s largest rebel groups, was shot dead at a rebel-held position in the town of Sermin, a few kilometres from Turkey, early on Wednesday morning, rebel sources said.
Al-Waqqas, they said, had been suspected of involvement in the killing four months ago of Firas al-Absi, a main jihadist leader in al Qaeda-linked al-Nusra Front, which Washington dubbed a terrorist organisation in December.
In addition to chronic supply problems and a shortage of financing and heavy weapons, the lack of unity among Syria’s rebels has held back their efforts to dislodge Assad’s forces.
“The assassins came in a white car, disembarked and riddled Waqqas with bullets as he was at a food supply depot,” one of the rebels said.
He said suspicion immediately turned on Nusra.
“Absi’s brother is a commander in (the city of) Homs. He vowed revenge for Firas, and it seems that he has carried out his promise,” the rebel said.
“Farouq is in a period of mourning now. But it seems a matter of time before the clashes with Nusra erupt in Bab al-Hawa,” he added, referring to the rebel-held border crossing with Turkey where Absi was killed.
January 11th, 2013, 2:36 pm
zoo said:
Soon the same in Syria?
France Sends Troops to Mali to Help Counter Islamist Advance
Published: January 11, 2013
BAMAKO, Mali — France sent armed forces into Mali on Friday, answering an urgent plea from the government of its former colony to help blunt a sudden and aggressive advance into the center of the country by Islamist extremist militants who have been in control of the north for much of the past year.
January 11th, 2013, 2:42 pm
Citizen said:
Syrian military victory ended nine days of fierce fighting with the environment in an Islamic madrassa Darayya large group of foreign fighters. Tonight, on the first floor of the building managed to break four soldiers led by a lieutenant. Behind them eight fighters under the command of Captain took the second floor. Then, surrounded by rebels retreated to the basement. When entered the building core strength, they are out of the narrow, five-centimeter gaps opened fire on a foot soldier, finishing off the wounded and fallen headshots. Loss of 8 fighters determined the fate of more than 90 terrorists “Front Al Nusra” in the basement, the commander of the Saudi and his adult son – al-Qaeda militants. More than 90 bodies of terrorists who refused to give up several flights today taken madrassa Brigade MOE Syria.
January 11th, 2013, 2:50 pm
revenire said:
@326 guess at Salafist school they left out Twitter?
A “tweep” is a Twitter user who is a rookie or a novice by virtue of their low number of tweets. It is also someone on the bottom of the Twitter hierarchy. The opposite of “tweep” is “twitterian.”
“Twitterian” is purely a merit-based term that describes an individual with a high number of tweets and is positively charged.
The term “tweep” is occasionally a negatively charged term, as it implies low merit as determined by number of tweets. There is widespread disagreement on whether or not the amount of time than an individual has had a Twitter account should be taken into consideration when determining if an individual is a “tweep.”
There are those who believe that they should not be considered “tweeps” despite their low number of tweets because they have had a Twitter account for a long time. There are those who believe that the date of an individual’s first tweet has no bearing on that individual’s status as a “tweep.”
An individual with both a long standing Twitter account and a high number of tweets is occasionally referred to as an “elitist.”
You are a tweep not a twitterian.
I have had my Twitter for exactly one month. Started as a #tweep, became a #Twitterian, reached the #500tweetsclub, and became a #tweetingmachine.
I am not an elitist. I am not a #tweep. I am the voice of reason. We can all coexist peacefully. #IAmATwitterian
January 11th, 2013, 2:53 pm
zoo said:
Ibrahimi’s failure and his direct attack on Bashar Al Assad have made him irrelevant as a mediator.
Was it intentional as he prefers to withdraw from this mission that he qualified earlier as ‘impossible’
Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s fate has stalled the international community’s attempts to agree on a peace plan to end nearly two years of violence in Syria.
United Nations special envoy to Syria Lakhdar Brahimi met today in Geneva with US and Russian representatives to discuss political transition in Syria. But with the United States and the Syrian opposition insisting that Mr. Assad not be a part of the next government, and Russia insisting that only the Syrian people can make that call, today’s talks seem likely – like those before them – to hit an impasse.
The Syrian government compounded Mr. Brahimi’s difficulties yesterday, saying that he was “flagrantly biased” after he implied in public comments that Assad would have to step down and not be a part of any future government, Reuters reports.
“In Syria…what people are saying is that a family ruling for 40 years is a little bit too long,” Brahimi told the BBC, referring to Assad, who inherited his post from his father Hafez al-Assad, who seized power in 1970 and ruled for 30 years.
“President Assad could take the lead in responding to the aspiration of his people rather than resisting it,” the veteran Algerian diplomat said, hinting the Syrian leader should go.
The Foreign Ministry in Damascus said it was very surprised at Brahimi’s comments, which showed “he is flagrantly biased for those who are conspiring against Syria and its people”.
Syria’s al-Watan newspaper said Brahimi had removed his “mask of impartiality” to reveal his true face as a “a tool for the implementation of the policy of some Western countries”.
Brahimi’s comments were a response to a defiant speech by Assad earlier this week that made clear he had no intention of making any concessions to the Syrian opposition or engaging in meaningful dialogue, as the Monitor’s Dan Murphy noted.
According to The New York Times, the government’s dismissal of Brahimi increases the chances that he could share the same fate as previous envoy Kofi Annan by becoming “sidelined into irrelevance” – although it did not explicitly say it would no longer work with him. Mr. Annan failed to make any substantive progress toward resolving the conflict during his time as mediator.
January 11th, 2013, 2:56 pm
omen said:
thanks, uzair. good to see you too.
forgot to post the link for earlier:
324. Johannes So it’s use it or lose it, eh?
that was my first thought. but then it occurred to me, if the regime were limited in supply, that might “force” its use. but they are not. the regime is said to have a huge stockpile. they can afford to cook up multiple batches that wind up expiring.
still, a cause for concern.
January 11th, 2013, 3:02 pm
zoo said:
The SNC, SOC, CCNROF wants a seat at the UN and money
Meanwhile, the Syrian National Coalition demanded in statement late Thursday for “the international community to end all legitimacy of the Assad regime by granting Syria’s seat at the UN and Arab League to the transitional government” being set up by the opposition.
The SNC also asked to be given regime assets frozen as part of international sanctions on the government of President Bashar al-Assad.
While the group was only solidified in November, it was quickly recognized by Arab and Western nations opposed to Assad as the sole representative of the Syrian people.
January 11th, 2013, 3:06 pm
zoo said:
The Moslem Brotherhood phobia growing in the UAE, Kuwait, Jordan and KSA..
Kuwaitis financed Brotherhood members held in UAE: Kuwaiti media
KUWAIT (Reuters) – Islamists held in the United Arab Emirates accused of planning to topple the government were financed by Kuwaiti nationals, Kuwaiti media reported on Friday, lending support to UAE fears of an international plot against its rulers.
The UAE, a major oil exporter, has detained more than 60 Islamists in the past year who it says belong to the Muslim Brotherhood, a group founded in Egypt in 1928 and which is banned in the Gulf Arab state, and who it accuses of planning to establish an Islamic state and operating an armed wing.
The UAE has repeatedly said that the detainees were receiving financial support from individuals in other Gulf Arab states, but had stopped short of naming those countries.
Several newspapers on Friday quoted Kuwaiti parliamentarians as saying Prime Minister Sheikh Jaber al-Mubarak al-Sabah informed them at a confidential meeting held on Thursday that Kuwaiti nationals had been providing financial support to Muslim Brotherhood members in the UAE.
“Yes, there was financing coming from Kuwait,” Sheikh Jaber told the parliamentarians in the session, according to the Arabic-language daily al-Watan.
Sheikh Jaber gave no further details, al-Watan reported, adding only: “We can’t announce the names before they have been referred to the courts.”
January 11th, 2013, 3:14 pm
Citizen said:
Turkey killed millions of Armenians, and now killing Kurds, Alawites and Shia in Syria and Iraq. Not only Muslim World but NATO Crusaders for whom Turkey is committing Crimes in Syria will Love to see Complete Anhilations and Destruction of Turkey so Justice could take place with Millions of Turkish Victims.”Some 1000 factories in the city of Aleppo have been plundered, and their stolen goods transferred to Turkey with the full knowledge and facilitation of the Turkish government”. “It is an illegal act of aggression that amounts to piracy. It is an act of aggression against the Syrian people’s livelihood,” the ministry added. The ministry charged that Turkey, which backs the armed rebellion against the Damascus government, “is supporting terrorism while providing the conditions to help plunder Syria’s riches.
January 11th, 2013, 3:17 pm
Citizen said:
Russia says it is planning to hold a series of major naval drills off the Syrian coast in the Mediterranean as the US and its allies plan to deploy missiles on Syria’s border.
Russian Defense Ministry said on Friday that vessels from the country’s Black Sea and Baltic fleets will take part in the exercises, which are set to be held in the eastern Mediterranean.
According to the ministry, the drill will involve anti-submarine, anti-ship and air defense operations. Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu had earlier said that the naval exercises would be “the biggest in the history of the country.”
January 11th, 2013, 3:19 pm
MarigoldRan said:
@ Observer
I generally don’t like Marxism but on Syria I agree. This was a revolution of the poor and oppressed against the evil rich. Mind you, there’s a religious element that he underplays in his analysis, but overall the revolution is economic.
Syria is paying for not standing up to its bullies in the past. It will be costly, but now is the time to punish the oppressors.
Tafanatz is down. All of the regime’s positions in the north are imperiled.
January 11th, 2013, 3:24 pm
Uzair8 said:
What does the liberation of Taftanaz air base tell us about the state and strength of the regime?
What does it tell us about the rebel strength?
Also are regime forces not becoming fatigued and exhausted?
As much as many of us are impatient and would like a victory sooner rather than later (hopefully also thus limiting casualties), eventually the regime will fall.
Rebels can just keep chipping away. The regime will run out of:
– men
– money
– fuel
– territory
– public support
– allies
January 11th, 2013, 3:36 pm
Observer said:
First ZOO. Clearly you did not read the article. I posted it in full for it was sent to me in full.
Second Marigoldran. The very important parts of the article to my reading were as follows
1. No one expected the Syrians to revolt and they did
2. No one expected the revolt to withstand the security system put in place
3. The most important message is not the analysis of the driving forces and they are many in this revolution but the fact that this is a revolution that is 60 years overdue. It needed to happen after the Baath party took power by force and created the one party rule and the state of emergency. It needed to be challenged from the outset and repeatedly in 67 and 70 and 73 and 82 and 90 and 2000 and so on.
4. The wall of fear is broken.
5. The article is posted specifically for those like Ghufran who have recognized the evils of the regime but in their fear of what is to come are blind to the legitimacy of the revoution and most importantly to the legitimacy of self defense that was forced on the people by the regime.
6. The article clearly shows that the Syrian people will decide their fate and not Lakhdar or Salihi or Laughvrov or anyone else. If not this round of revoution, then certainly in the next round and for generations to come.
Justice for Hamza one Shabih at a time in front of a tribunal lest someone promot lynching.
January 11th, 2013, 3:41 pm
Citizen said:
The so-called rebels are non-Syrian mercenary AlQaida terrorists formed armed financed as Death Squads in Turkey by the CIA-NED-NATO,SaudiQatar coalition to have the population flee the country, seize and privatize its resources (mainly oil and gaz) and its public bank
January 11th, 2013, 3:50 pm
MarigoldRan said:
I don’t completely agree. If the regime had done a better job of distributing wealth and making sure the poor had a share of the economic pie, Syrians would have put up with the dictatorship.
It was the combination of economic neglect, totalitarianism, corruption, and regime stupidity that led to the war. But the most important trait is economic neglect because there are many governments that are totalitarian or authoritarian but survive because the government at least makes sure the people have somewhat of an economic future.
As long as people have well-paying jobs, they won’t protest on the streets.
You could say the revolution was 60 years over-due, and I agree. But still, the revolution wouldn’t have happened without the poor and the under/un-employed protesting in the streets.
Note how even Ghufran is slowly coming around to our position: that the regime is evil and cannot be negotiated with. The fence-sitters will not sit on the fence forever. Since the regime is indefensible, eventually they’ll come down on the side of the rebels.
January 11th, 2013, 3:57 pm
Citizen said:
Now the Obama clowns and hypocrites sleep or look the other way, while Republicans can handle just one more war against Syria.
The idea that the USA now openly supports Al Qeada, arms and funds them should be the biggest scandal in US history……….
January 11th, 2013, 3:59 pm
Citizen said:
Syria, Acts of Sabotage: Factories Robbed in Aleppo with Ankara’s Support
Why nobody speaks about that? is that fact is not valuable?
Turkish dogs dismantled mills and sent them to Turkey and stole everything that was in wheat granaries and send to Turkey too!
January 11th, 2013, 4:31 pm
MarigoldRan said:
What robbery?
Who did the looters rob from? The factory owners have fled and Syria no longer has a government. So when people go to a factory and take things, who are they robbing from?
January 11th, 2013, 4:57 pm
Observer said:
I had posted before that were the father still alive the revolution may not have happened for the following reaosns
1. The father understood the need to broaden the base of support and the Baath did help at the beginning many poor people advance their lot and then proceed to get their children some measure of hope. It bought time and allowed for stability and slow progress.
2. The father would never have allowed Atef Najib to treat the people of Deraa the way he did he would have hanged him in public for his twin sins of creating a problem and daring to do something without permission.
3. The seeds of dicatorships were sown long time ago and if there were reforms there would have been either a delay of the revolution or a a gradual progress that would have prevented an outright revolt.
4. The combined inapptitude of the regime with its brutality and its mind set of Syria as a personal fiefdom is the number one reason people have revolted.
5. If the current president had truly followed through on the reforms in 2001 he would have been voted for office more than once.
6. I wrote on this blog that his challenge was to be the Juan Carlos of Syria not the Kim Jong Il of NK. Alas he chose the later.
January 11th, 2013, 4:59 pm
MarigoldRan said:
@ Observer
I agree.
Cheers too.
January 11th, 2013, 5:01 pm
Tara said:
You ignored my last post.
Nothing to defend the regime not negotiating the release of Alawi officers while releasing the Iranians Revolutionsry Guards to kiss Iran’s hand?
No defense possible, I. Know… What could be said?
January 11th, 2013, 5:11 pm
Visitor said:
We must admit that the best thing that happened to the Syrian Revolution is the rise of our Iraqi brothers who currently are full participants in the great Syrian Revolution.
We also should not forget to acknowledge the central role played by the good Nusra fighters who accomplished most of the great achievements in causing humiliating defeats to the criminal thuggocracy.
But HBJ is always a superstar whenever he speaks or acts. We cannot but applaude HBJ’s latest statement asserting that the search for political solution must not go on forever. So much for the idiocy of the Zoo due to his endless and insatiable desire to project the image of an expert. In Zoos idiocy knows no bounds and very much at home.
We look forward to see Qatari F15s flying over Syria and landing in Incirlic while pounding criminal thug on their way.
January 11th, 2013, 5:37 pm
Warren said:
“We feel like everyone has abandoned us”
Abou Firas (not his real name) was a shopkeeper in Deraa, the southwestern Syrian city and starting point of the 2011 uprising against President Bashar al-Assad. He has lived at Zaatari with ten members of his family since the end of August.
“Members of the Syrian opposition don’t answer my calls anymore”
We have received help from the NGOs here, from the HCR and the Jordanian government – that’s undeniable. The civil defense organisation [Editor’s note: equivalent to rescue workers and firefighters] used shovels to dig a way out for the water, so it doesn’t stay here and cause disease. The NGOs have also provided gas heaters. But their help, as precious as it is, is not enough, given how many of us there are. What’s more, the cold snap could cause people to have breathing problems, and I doubt the hospitals we have here, which work out of caravans, will be able to look after all the people who could fall ill.
I’ve been able to get hold of phone numbers of some members of the National Coalition for Syrian Revolutionary and Opposition Forces [the new united front of the Syrian opposition] who are in Jordan. I called them a few days ago. At the start, they got back to me, but they don’t answer my calls anymore. We feel like everyone has abandoned us.
January 11th, 2013, 5:37 pm
revenire said:
“Who did the looters rob from? The factory owners have fled and Syria no longer has a government. So when people go to a factory and take things, who are they robbing from?”
January 11th, 2013, 5:38 pm
William Scott Scherk said:
ANN is on strike until she receives an autographed poster from the House of Assad. Her handlers are refusing to take her calls or respond to her increasingly deranged “PAY ME” emails, but hoping she understands that REVENIRE is a better example of volunteerism during the final days.
In the meantime, perhaps she will accept the war pornography posted by Georges at #73? It depicts the Mighty SAA and their rocket-propelled missiles … since we know she understands both Arabic and the Syrian vernacular, the message of the video will be deeply soothing to her.
Deeply soothing. Especially soothing.
Come back, ANN, battle it out with REVENIRE for the title of SC’s most demented!
January 11th, 2013, 6:09 pm
Syrian said:
Assuming that the reports of the factories being sold is true.
Aleppo middle and upper class sided with the regime, now that they lost and the regime have sold them out,they are crying foul. Well you lost and the winner get the spoils,
When Bab Amer was being shelled, they were enjoying life to the fullest and making extra money on the side
They sided with the loser side and they deserve what came to them
January 11th, 2013, 6:16 pm
revenire said:
“Syrian” not just the middle- upper-classes but most of Aleppo.
Read on:
Rebel commanders interviewed in and around Aleppo in the past two weeks acknowledged problems within the FSA – an army in name only, made up of brigades competing for recognition and resources. But they laid much of the blame on “bad apples” and opportunists and said steps are being taken to put things right.
“There has been a lot of corruption in the Free Syrian Army’s battalions – stealing, oppressing the people – because there are parasites that have entered the Free Syrian Army,” said Abu Ahmed, an engineer who heads a 35-man unit of the Tawheed Brigade, reckoned to be the largest in Aleppo province.
Abu Ahmed, who comes from a small town on the Turkish border and like many in Syria would be identified only by the familiar form of his name, estimated that most people in Aleppo, a city of over two million, were lukewarm at best to a 21-month-old uprising that is dominated by the Sunni Muslim rural poor.
“They don’t have a revolutionary mindset,” he said, putting support for Assad at 70 percent among an urban population that includes many ethnic Kurds, Christians and members of Assad’s Alawite minority. But he also acknowledged that looting and other abuses had cost the incoming rebels much initial goodwill.
“The Free Syrian Army has lost its popular support,” said Abu Ahmed, who said the Tawheed Brigade was now diversifying from fighting to talking on civic roles, including efforts to restore electricity supplies and deal with bread shortages. His own wife was setting up a school after months without classes.
Hunger and insecurity are key themes wherever Aleppines gather this winter. Outside a busy bakery in one rebel-held neighborhood men complained of having to stand in line for hours in the hope of bread, and of feeling the need to arm themselves for their own protection on the streets of the city.
Schools are being stripped of desks and chairs for firewood.
January 11th, 2013, 6:22 pm
revenire said:
Most of the tweeps posted below were/are fake revolution supporters until they got a real taste of the beheadings, rapes, theft, etc. directly in the person of Edward Dark writing directly from Aleppo. They are NOT Assad supporters by any stretch of the imagination. Now factor in that Edward Dark is in Aleppo (most of the pro-terrorist posters here are 1.) not even Syrian 2.) not in Syria).
It is safe to say Edward is not going to be getting married to the new “Gay Girl in Damascus” Amal Hanano.
edward dark ?@edwardedark
@MayorKhairullah FSA is a misnomer, an umbrella term used to describe any armed anti-regime militia. how to separate the good from the bad?
Mayor K ?????? ?@MayorKhairullah
@edwardedark my opinion is not very popular but I think they need to be exposed and called out on their crimes
edward dark ?@edwardedark
@MayorKhairullah yes, its what me and several other have been trying to do, but we’re attacked and called traitors by the pro-rev crowd
BSyria ?@BSyria
@edwardedark Except for minor pronouncements, everything you said abt the “fsa” was eventually verified by independent media.
freesyria74 ?@freesyria74
@BSyria I think we should apologize to @edwardedark and give him a big twitter hug 🙂
edward dark ?@edwardedark
@freesyria74 thx, but I don’t need hugs or apologies. I need people to speak about about crimes, and not try to cover anything up @BSyria
January 11th, 2013, 6:28 pm
William Scott Scherk said:
From yesterday’s Today’s Zaman, one of Turkey’s newspapers of record:
The Edward Dark whom REVENIRE refers to has this on his Twitter page:
activist working for a free democratic Syria. No to war. No to extremists. Donate for displaced families in Aleppo here: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=F8NQAKYT2Z3VJ …
I respect his opinion, and am one of those who does not attempt to soft-pedal his perceptions nor over-exaggerate his new supposed “Royalist” identity. I correspond with him, and I take my place with whose who do not demonize him for his honest opinions.
Firmly for a change in the rule of the Assad dynasty, cognizant of the terrible mistakes made in the attempted conquest of Aleppo, and not to be discounted: that is my opinion of Edward Dark. No one can be silenced, and all must speak in their own name (I mean in their own chosen name).
Even one of Edward’s most persistent critics, SC’s Amjad/Aboud, incorporates Edward’s critique / anguish over the missteps and criminal misbehaviour of the supposed ‘liberators’ of Aleppo.
Edward is a son of Syria, as is Amjad. It is hard to understand if REVENIRE is a son of Syria, since he (or she) does not choose to let us know. I respect his or her reticence. Fear is in the air, in the bones, and in the mind.
If REVENIRE is indeed a son of Syria, then of course we must take his opinions into account. For he and they will be part of the post-war struggle to build their country.
I will ask REVENIRE, seriously, what he thinks of these four daughters of Syria:
PS: it was Twitter Amjad’s advice that helped me understand why ZOO was right and I was wrong about enquiring about IDs.
PPS: it is neither here nor there that REVENIRE cites Twitter posts by other folks. He or she will not cite his own Twitter posts.
That tells me more about REVENIRE as a son of Syria than any other thing he or she will post here …
January 11th, 2013, 6:50 pm
Visitor said:
This is for the self-styled deluded pundit @278 (Ewe @ the Zoo) who is busy at the yarn spinning an HBJ last minute rescue for idol idiot,
HBJ wants Arab peace keeping force in Syria.
Again, looking forward to see Qatari F15s flying over Syria and landing in Incirlic while pounding criminal thug on the way.
January 11th, 2013, 6:56 pm
William Scott Scherk said:
Further to REVENIRE’s attempt to occlude the words and intent of Edward Dark. The following Tweet was posted 15 minutes ago. The link is https://twitter.com/edwardedark/status/289878879680749568
How REVENIRE squares that with his propaganda, I have no idea, and I be neither does he or she …
Part of the tragedy of Syria.
PS — I rarely cite Twitter, and only do so here under provocation by the mysterious REVENIRE. On the one hand he/she denounces Twitter as a pit of misinformation, on the other hand she/he cuts and pasts long extracts.
I do not understand this, and will not attempt an explanation of this hypocrisy. Perhaps ANN will share her pay with REVENIRE at the next SEA meeting.
Or not.
January 11th, 2013, 6:57 pm
revenire said:
edward dark ?@edwardedark
when the rebels first entered Aleppo, people were joyful & hopeful. they’d come to protect them from the regime, we were sorely dissapointed
edward dark ?@edwardedark
apparently, the rebels who entered Aleppo were more interested in looting, kidnapping & turf wars than they were with liberating the people
edward dark ?@edwardedark
as time dragged on rebel crimes increased, a desperate population began to see their salvation in disciplined extremist Islamist groups
edward dark ?@edwardedark
@ghettonawari if it wasn’t for armed struggle we would still have a peaceful mass uprising instead of 10000s dead & destroyed cities @BSyria
January 11th, 2013, 7:07 pm
William Scott Scherk said:
Clearly insane and incorrect, disproved by the very posts that REVENIRE cites in support. This is a mad post. Mad. Manic. Now we know why REVENIRE refers to his (non-Syrian) psychiatrist.
What is it that MARIGOLDRAN suggests we append to every REVENIRE response?
A quote from an unreliable source is pertinent:
“There’s many a slip twixt cup and lip …”
REVENIRE, it is time for a bib, dude/dudette.
January 11th, 2013, 7:25 pm
zoo said:
#357 wizi
“HBJ wants Arab peace keeping force in Syria.”
Thats’s a flip!
HBJ has finally realized that the FSA, as he knew it, is finished and cannot even protect itself, least civilians.
January 11th, 2013, 7:30 pm
Tara said:
When is Mezza military airport turn? I was born and raised there. I played Dahal with neighbors there. I want my area to be liberated.
In recent months the rebels have systematically targeted airbases across the country in an attempt to choke off the government’s key military advantage: air power. Taftanaz has been used to launch repeated helicopter strikes against opposition strongholds in nearby Aleppo, Syria’s divided northern city, and elsewhere.
Syrian rebels take control of key Assad airbase
Friday 11 January 2013 11.44 EST
Fighters had laid siege to the Taftanaz base near the town of Idlib for months. After seizing several buildings on Wednesday they stormed the sprawling complex on Friday morning. “As of now, the rebels are in full control of the airbase,” Idlib-based activist Mohammad Kanaan said.
A video from the scene shows jubilant rebels ripping down a large poster of Assad at the entrance gate. Others wave from the upper story of a barracks. Trucks carry off boxes of ammunition. The bodies of four government soldiers lay sprawled in a muddy pit.
In another video captured Sunni government soldiers claim their Alawite officers fled the base early on Friday, abandoning them. Government forces appear to have removed most of the 60 helicopters stationed at Taftanaz – leaving around 20 that were apparently non-functional.
Fighters from Jabhat al-Nusra and other radical Islamist groups spearheaded the Taftanaz attack, punching through when previous attempts had failed. The US claims Jabhat al-Nusra is allied to al-Qaida. The organisation does not deny its al-Qaida links, but is trying to eschew its bloody past in Iraq by engaging in community outreach programmes and avoiding sectarian rhetoric.
The development will alarm western countries, who are increasingly concerned after almost two years of fighting at the rise of Islamist militias in Syria.
January 11th, 2013, 7:32 pm
revenire said:
Poor Edward. He’s truly a man without a country now. He turned his back on his former FSA allies and on the government.
I’ve read his TL for a long time. I have corresponded with him too (no, I am not Jihad Makdissi).
Edward was threatened and treated like a leper by his fellow fake revolutionaries. I pray his life isn’t in danger. There are some awfully angry people out there who would like nothing better than to silence Edward’s voice and I sure don’t mean the government.
There are rumors of Edward receiving death threats. I pray those rumors are false.
It is all there on his TL and everything has been archived.
January 11th, 2013, 7:34 pm
zoo said:
Panic foreign intervention after the Islamists forces captured North Mali
Will they react the same after the Islamists forces captured Taftanaz?
After ignoring it for the best part of a year, the world has suddenly woken up to the crisis in Mali — and its considered response seems to be: panic.
On Jan. 9, the Islamist forces that captured northern Mali last year resumed their advance south and the next day took a small town about 700 km from the capital, Bamako.
It’s not known whether the Islamists were attempting to go all the way to Bamako and take the entire country.
Until now, they seem to have been content to retain the north, where most of the Malian elements in their ranks are from. But the reaction to the limited Islamist push has been dramatic. Mali’s government begged France to intervene.
Read more: http://world.time.com/2013/01/11/the-crisis-in-mali-will-french-intervention-stop-the-islamist-advance/#ixzz2HiVvCS5a
January 11th, 2013, 7:36 pm
revenire said:
The ever reliable Martin Chulov and Luke Harding (tossed out of Russia I do believe) can’t stop themselves from lying: “The US claims Jabhat al-Nusra is allied to al-Qaida. The organisation does not deny its al-Qaida links, but is trying to eschew its bloody past in Iraq by engaging in community outreach programmes and avoiding sectarian rhetoric.”
Jabhat al-Nusra’s version of community outreach is beheading people.
They vote on which person gets beheaded first. It’s all very democratic you see.
January 11th, 2013, 7:39 pm
MarigoldRan said:
Yup. Revenire is an idiot.
January 11th, 2013, 7:51 pm
MarigoldRan said:
What’s this about your earlier comments about Tafanatz? Should we bring those up?
Anything you would like to say?
The West isn’t going to do anything about the Islamists in Syria because they think the regime is worse. They think the regime is worse than Al Qaeda, which is pretty amazing if you think about it.
January 11th, 2013, 7:55 pm
revenire said:
Tafanatz? Yes, by ALL means bring the comments up.
Freedom means speech too. Bring it on.
January 11th, 2013, 8:18 pm
Johannes de Silentio said:
“Who did the looters loot from? The factory owners fled and there’s no government there. So when people take stuff, who are they robbing from? Syria.”
Okay, they’re robbing from Syria. So in two more years, when Syria is only a bad memory, replaced by twenty or more mini-states and warlord entities (Druzistan, Alawistan, Ismailistan, Kurdistan, etc, etc), do we put the stuff we stole into an escrow account in the unlikely event Syria reappears at some future date and claims it? Or do we do the intelligent thing and sell it to the Chinese at ten cents on the dollar?
January 11th, 2013, 8:41 pm
Visitor said:
Spinning Ewe @361,
It has been proven time and again that donkeys connot play pianos even if you take them from the Zoo to the opera house,
What the hell are you talking about in 361? Are you the same idiot who wrote 278?
January 11th, 2013, 8:44 pm
revenire said:
LOL the posters here are the new government of Syria.
January 11th, 2013, 9:00 pm
MarigoldRan said:
Yup. Revenire is an idiot.
January 11th, 2013, 9:02 pm
Observer said:
I think we need a new post especially since this title on Cham Press Economic sections is worth a million words
????? ???? ????? ??? ????? 5 ?????? ???? ?????? ???? ????? ??????
5 million syrian pounds per day as the volume of exchange of Damascus Stock Exchange hahahahahahahahaha.
Now ZOO is desperate to see French Foreign Legion soldiers finish off Islamists in Mali and coming rushing to defeat the Islamists in Syria.
But oh wait don’t tell me!!!! The brave and glorious SAA was supposed to have dealt them a big blow and now ZOO tells us that HBJ “realizing that the FSA is finished is therefore asking for an Arab Peace Keeping Force”.
So ZOO wants it both ways: FFL soldiers to come after the Islamists and claims that HBJ wants an Arab Peace Keeping Force to make sure that they are not finished by
the FFL and NATO.
Can anyone please undo this Pretzel of a logic for me?
5 million Syrian pounds of exchange per day. Wow that must be something to brag about.
ZOO please continue to post about Turkey and KSA and US and EU and France and Taliban and Queta and Pakistan and Waziristan and compose for us a Wagnerian Opera with an epic of a God who chose to be incarnated in a Batta with short spaced eyes and floppy ears on a giraffe neck talking about the thovereignty of Thyria.
Not only this regime will finish in the dustbin of history but in the dustbin of the most ridiculous and depraved history.
Justice for Hamza one Shabih at a time starting with a nice public fully broadcast trial.
January 11th, 2013, 10:25 pm
revenire said:
OBSERVER it’s past bedtime for you, get into your kennel.
I saw a billboard today. It read ‘Pest of the Month: House Mice’ and had a al-Nusra rat on it.
January 11th, 2013, 10:37 pm
majedkhaldoun said:
The FSA next move is to take Mannagh airport,the same way they took over taftanaz airport,
January 11th, 2013, 10:41 pm
zoo said:
Scolded by Banky and threatened to be kicked out, Ibrahimi tries to retract what he said: pathetic
Brahimi took the criticism in stride. “I saw the statement by the Syrian government. They expressed their point of view, but at the same time they said that they are ready to continue cooperating with me,” he said.
He clarified his stance further.
“I said the Syrians are saying 40 years is enough — the Syrians,” he said. “I said the Syrian people are saying that 40 years is enough. And I never said that there will be no place for members of the government. I never said that.”
January 11th, 2013, 10:52 pm
MarigoldRan said:
Yup. Revenire is an idiot.
More evidence of it!
January 11th, 2013, 11:01 pm
MarigoldRan said:
I don’t know, Zoo. Given your recent comments about Tafanatz, which fell to the rebels, your credibility is negative.
You always bash others for making silly statements. Does that apply to you too?
January 11th, 2013, 11:03 pm
Ghufran said:
French president confirming what we suspected for a long time:
Once an idiot, always an idiot
??? ?????? ??????? ?????? ?????? ???? ?? ????? ????? «?? ????? ??????» ???????? ??????? ??? «??? ????? ??????? ?? ?? ??? ?????? ?? ??? ?????? ?? ?? ???????».
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January 11th, 2013, 11:13 pm
Ghufran said:
Faisal Alqasem woke up when rebels kidnapped civilians from alswaydaa:
??? ???? ?????? ??? ????? ??? ???? ??????? ????????? ??????? “??? ???? ?? ??? ??? ?????? ??? ????? ?? ????? ???? ??????? ??????? ??????? ?????? ??? ???? ??? ???? ?????????? ???? ????? ?? ????????. ??? ??? ?? ??? ????? ???? ??? ??????? ???? ????? ?? ??? ?????? ???????? ????? ???? ???????? ???????? ?????? ???? ???? ???? ?? ?????? ????? ?????? ?? ?????? ?? ????? ??? ?? ?? ???? ??? ?? ???? ???????? ????? ????? ?? ??? ??????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?? ?? ?? ??? ????????? ??? ???? ????. ??? ??? ???? ??????. ?? ??? ???? ???? ?????? ?? ??? ???? ?????? ???????? ?? ???? ????? ??? ?????????? ???? ????? ?????? ???? ??????”.
January 11th, 2013, 11:27 pm
omen said:
such odd messaging coming out the white house. via aje:
US says its troops could help secure Syrian weapons if the Assad regime ever agrees to a peaceful transition
“we can’t stop you, assad, if you want to use chems.” really? how is this not a green light for the regime to do so? and the US is threatening the regime with ground troops if assad decides to throw in the towel.
the US not capable of taking out the delivery systems used to launch cw? i don’t buy it. turkey acting as our proxy could take them out if we urged them to do so. since when does a military go public to telegraph their supposed weakness? reads more like preemptive a** covering to deflect blame in case regime does decide to launch.
January 11th, 2013, 11:29 pm
omen said:
touching scene. crowd of families gather anticipating their loved ones being released from detention:
January 11th, 2013, 11:38 pm
revenire said:
OMEN I hope those people have learned their lesson. They need to be thankful the government is so generous.
January 11th, 2013, 11:44 pm
Ghufran said:
More info from the latest release of Syrian prisoners jailed by the regime:
«?????? ???? ????? ???? ???? ?????????? ??? ??? ??? ???? ???????? ????? ???? ???? ???? ??????? ?? ????? ????? ????? ???? ??? ??? ???? ?? ?? ????? ???????? ?? ??? ??????? ??????? ??? ?? ??????? ??????? ???? ????? ???????? ???? ???????? ????? ??? ????? ???? ????? ??? ??? ???????? ????? ??? ????? ?????? ???? ????
No information yet on dr AA Alkhayyer. 2 prisoners died hours after being released. This was a victory for Iran, the regime can arrest 2,000 Syrians in 2 days, none the big names requested by the FSA were released, the video capturing the first wave of the prisoners released show how cheap human life and dignity of Syrians have become, I do not how anybody can still defend those behind the arrest of tens of thousands of Syrians ,most of whom never had the chance to see a lawyer or getting charged with any crime in court.
Armed rebels in custody were not released, if they were, you would have seen their pics and names all over the net. In summary, Iran probably paid armed thugs to win the release of their citizens in return of releasing 2,000 Syrians who probably should not have been in prison in the first place, my new Tozz goes to the regime:
?? ???? ? ??? ????? ?????
?? ?? ???? ?? ?????? ???????? ??? ????? ??????
January 12th, 2013, 12:06 am
revenire said:
During war lots of people get arrested. That’s life.
January 12th, 2013, 12:21 am
Juergen said:
I understand that he is happy, but someone should tell him that without a pilot an helicopter is quite worthless.
here is an bedtime story the eyedoc would love:
The eyewitness, Ziad As’sufi reported about the Shabiha in Latakia, which are led by the son of Faw’waz Assad, Assad’s nephew, He calls himself the King of Latakia.
Ziad: “Many Syrians do not know much about the Shabiha. The Shabiha in Latakia include mainly the Assad clan. As the Syrian revolution began practicing the Shabiha pressure on Christians, because they realized that the majority of them stood on the side of the revolution. One of the Christians, his name is JJ, has opened a new store, where he sells women’s things and video films. Suleiman Assad, the son of a nephew of Assad s, Often came to this shop. He bought always some, without paying. Suleiman came one day with his 5 bodyguards. J.J. Suleiman asked if he could let his bodyguards outside because of the customers. Suleiman became angry. He demanded JJ that this is licking his shoes. J.J. made it out of fear.For Suleiman this was not enough. He demanded of him that he should undress naked and lick the floor of the store. J.J. also made that. Bored and laughing Suleiman went to the car with his bodyguards. When he was in the car, he called a man standing in front of the shop who has been watching the whole scene. The man thought he was going to talk to him. When the man stuck his head into the car, Suleiman closed the car door so that the man’s head was trapped in the car. Suleiman and his bodyguards beat him. Ziad went on,: I experienced many horror stories of these Shabiha ”
January 12th, 2013, 12:32 am
omen said:
365. revenire – speaking of beheadings, noticed this account hadn’t been posted:
January 12th, 2013, 12:33 am
Juergen said:
Btw, those really dangerous terrorists known as the Damascus brides were released by the eyedoc in the prisoners swap.
Gee, how could the eyedoc let go of those dangerous elements?
January 12th, 2013, 12:35 am
revenire said:
Hearing rumors now…
“Breaking: Al-Ibrahimi submits resignation as UN envoy of Syria.”
Good riddance.
Don’t send another UN stooge to Syria.
January 12th, 2013, 12:39 am
Juergen said:
heartbreaking story of a young orphan
January 12th, 2013, 12:50 am
omen said:
ghufran can i have more information on this?
No information yet on dr AA Alkhayyer
is there a human rights group that has his profile?
January 12th, 2013, 12:55 am
Ghufran said:
Now it is Burlisconi’s turn to speak ” honestly”:
????? ???? ??????? ????????? ?????? ?????? ????????? ?? “?? ??? ?? ????? ?? ??? ????? ?? ?????? ?????? ?????”.
????? ???????? ?? ???? ?????? “???” ?????????? ??? ?? “?? ??? ?? ????? ?? ??? ?????? ?????? ?? ???? ?????? ??????? ?????? ?????? ??? ??????? ??? ??????? ?? ??? ???????”? ????? ?? “????? ?????? ??? ????? ??? ??????? ???? ??? ???? ??? ????? ?????? ?????”.
???? ???????? ?? “?? ??? ?? ????? ??? ??? ???? ??????? ???????? ??????? ??? ???? ??????? ?? ???? ????? ??????? ???? ??????? ?????? ?? ???? ????”.
Every time NATO interferes in a country,that country gets worse, it is just bad luck
January 12th, 2013, 12:56 am
Juergen said:
I found this on the net:
January 12th, 2013, 12:58 am
Johannes de Silentio said:
“Don’t send another stooge”
No problem, Mossie. We’ve got you.
Lego Assad
January 12th, 2013, 1:13 am
Ghufran said:
Dr AA Alkhayyer is a medical doctor originally from Latakia, he came from a prominent alawi family. AA was chased by almukhabarat for 11 years, arrested in 1992, then spent 13 years in prison. Politically, he is an ex communist who has socialist secular views. He is now in prison,equally hated by Islamists and Assad thugs. Syria will have no future if people like Alkhayyer are imprisoned or marginalized, he is widely thought off as a potential figure who can bridge the deep alawi-Sunni divide in Syria. Syrians who crossed sectarian lines and swam against the current are very valuable today even if one might disagree with their political views.
January 12th, 2013, 1:14 am
omen said:
thank you, ghufran. troubling to hear even sanctioned opposition aren’t safe. wondered what triggered the arrest. this noted russia & china promised to exert influence to ensure ncb’s safety.
January 12th, 2013, 1:32 am
Marigoldran said:
I sense inconsistency between these two assertions of yours:
“The sectarian dimension grows with each passing week. The war is NOT completely sectarian yet. But with current trends, it WILL become sectarian.”
“…but overall the revolution is economic.”
January 12th, 2013, 2:54 am
Juergen said:
AJE report on how goods from sunni neighborhoods end up in alawi markets, apparently some say they bought it on the sunni souq.
January 12th, 2013, 3:37 am
Juergen said:
cleaning ceremony
January 12th, 2013, 3:50 am
Juergen said:
FSA has now the newest tankmodel
January 12th, 2013, 3:59 am
Juergen said:
We ask the turkish government to take over the
administration of the Zaatari refugee camp in Jordan.
January 12th, 2013, 4:02 am
Idiot says
Yup, and the baathist-naserite coalition won the 1967 war decisively.
January 12th, 2013, 4:18 am
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???? ?????
January 12th, 2013, 4:21 am
Juergen said:
See this happens for someone who fools himself of being someone else.
There’s No App for Syria
Why did Apple ban a game on the Syrian civil war?
January 12th, 2013, 4:26 am
Badr said:
“Was it intentional as he prefers to withdraw from this mission that he qualified earlier as ‘impossible’”
Next time please try to be accurate when quoting someone.
UN envoy Brahimi says Syria mission ‘nearly impossible’
January 12th, 2013, 4:38 am
Someone from inside Sweida told me today that the situation in the mainly druze city is worsening day after day since rebel milicias are trying to enter the city. People from Sweida is completely sure that if rebels enter the city it will be totally destroyed by the regime air force while druzes may suffer the revenge of some factions of the rebels.
I wonder what the fuxxx are the so called israeli and american ¨intelligentsia¨ doing to get some positive result? Is talking about American and Intelligentsia a non sense since both are contradictory terms?
January 12th, 2013, 4:40 am
Mina said:
No comment
January 12th, 2013, 5:08 am
Syrialover said:
“I don’t know any Syrian who isn’t completely broken from the inside. A piece of us is tainted and has changed forever”
Tweet by Um Farouk – https://twitter.com/NaziqAlAbed
January 12th, 2013, 5:48 am
Juergen said:
Mazen Maarouf a poet who criticized the Syrian regime, now exiled to Iceland
January 12th, 2013, 6:23 am
Syrialover said:
UK Foreign Office Minister for the Middle East Alistair Burt will answer your questions about the UK’s policy towards Syria live via Twitter on Monday 14th January from 11.15am-12.00pm GMT
January 12th, 2013, 6:26 am
Hanzala said:
Lions of Dariya, Damascus. Defending their land.
January 12th, 2013, 6:39 am
Hanzala said:
Words from Jabhat al Nusra members from Taftanaz airport.
January 12th, 2013, 6:46 am
Hanzala said:
Lions of Daraa defend their land.
January 12th, 2013, 6:53 am
apple_mini said:
Daraya is very very strategic. Basically, after the regime retakes the town, it will forbid the rebels from getting closer to Damascus. Compared to the rebel’s gain of Taftanaz air base, which is quite like a symbolic target rather than minor military importance. Daraya was a solid stronghold of the rebel considered pretty much all of the residents there are Sunnis who are the staunch supporters and even part of the rebels. The loss of Daraya for the rebel shows they are not capable of withholding the onslaught of regime force even with all other supports they can get from locals and reinforcement. Given enough time and army forces which the regime lacks, the rebel has little change to be a threat to Damascus.
January 12th, 2013, 7:17 am
Syrialover said:
“Iran’s Ambassador to Damascus Mohammad-Reza Raouf-Sheibani has dismissed reports about an assassination attempt against himself…”
Tweet: Isn’t Bashar Assad Iran’s envoy to Syria?
January 12th, 2013, 7:23 am
Syrialover said:
Dozens of countries to urge UN to refer Syria to war crimes court
BERLIN – More than 50 countries have backed a call for the U.N. Security Council to refer the situation in Syria to the International Criminal Court, a move that would open the way for war crimes prosecutions.
A draft of the letter obtained Friday by The Associated Press says the situation in Syria should be referred to the Hague-based war crimes tribunal “without exceptions and irrespective of the alleged perpetrators.”
January 12th, 2013, 7:33 am
Bashar Winning
January 12th, 2013, 7:54 am
zoo said:
373. Observer
Let’s have some fun, tell us again about your frustration over the absence of printed phone books in Syria.
Also also tell us more about you secret desire of having Syria divided according to ethnicity and religion. Are you working on that?
Justice to the Syrian unknown soldier
January 12th, 2013, 8:02 am
zoo said:
Previous media reports that Russia was taking its ‘distance’ toward Bashar al Assad, are turning out to be fallacies and wishful thinking.
Ibrahimi will soon retract the stupidities he said or resign.
Russia rejects Assad exit as precondition for Syria deal
January 12, 2013
By Steve Gutterman
Agence France Presse
MOSCOW: Russia voiced support on Saturday for international peace envoy Lakhdar Brahimi but insisted Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s exit cannot be a precondition for a deal to end the country’s conflict.
Read more: http://www.dailystar.com.lb/News/Middle-East/2013/Jan-12/201971-russia-calls-for-transition-process-in-syria.ashx#ixzz2HlYrkS41
January 12th, 2013, 8:08 am
zoo said:
#413 Apple_mini
Far from the Turkish borders which is their main life line, the rebels can’t win or even survive.
They are trapped there until they are annihilated or Turkey dumps them, which ever comes first.
January 12th, 2013, 8:14 am
Citizen said:
???????? ??????? ????????? ???? ??? ? ????? ???? ????? ??? ??????.
US playing strategic arms game
By Hu Yumin*
January 12th, 2013, 8:16 am
1. Non of them is unknown, except to you and your foolish prethident who don’t seem to care for them other than being a background prop for a stupid speech (or a dumber post)..
2. Are you sure you want justice for them, many of those still alive may be executed if normal justice is to be applied.
and btw…. keep winning
January 12th, 2013, 8:40 am
Citizen said:
At the moment, there was an interesting situation – Syrian opposition “suddenly” are unnecessary to anyone. They are “disappointed” not only Russia, but also their former patrons – Turkey, the United States, the European Union. This leads to what may support Assad’s opponents will be discontinued, and notwithstanding that the country will sit down at the negotiating table with the Syrian president. Left without much help from the outside, free Syrian army soon suffer the ultimate defeat, and Assad or his successors in the country restore peace and order. It is very likely that it is now the determining factor in the case of Syrian settlement
Source Link: http://globalconflict.ru/analytics/9747-sirijskij-konflikt-perelomnyj-moment
January 12th, 2013, 8:45 am
Tara said:
The link posted by Hanzal in #401 interviewing “Abu Jaber” is amazing. Abu jabber does not look like a prototype Ayman Al Zawahiri.. He looks lean, athletic, well dressed, presentable, nice beard, probably a child of the riches, and probably a college graduate. All similar interviews mentioned Bilad al Sham al Mubaraka. Al Sham and specifically Damascus has always been held very highly in the eyes of Arabs, Muslims, and the Turks too. I wonder where he is from. He is not talking colloquial Arabic so it is difficult to figure out. Is he ideologically driven by martyrdom or was he just horrified by the sheer brutality of the regime and could not bear to stay silent? He may die at any second… And brutally.. I feel for his mother or his wife..
January 12th, 2013, 8:46 am
Citizen said:
Russian Navy exercise off the Syrian coast
Russian Navy will conduct military maneuvers off the coast of Syria in preparation for inter-fleet exercises planned end of January in the Black Sea and the Mediterranean, reported Friday the Russian Ministry of Defence.
“Led by the cruiser Moskva , a tactical group of the Russian Fleet in the Black Sea will conduct military maneuvers in the eastern part of the Mediterranean, “the source said.
It was earlier announced that naval exercises involving all Russian fleets – the Black Sea, North Pacific and Baltic – would be held in late January in the basin of the Mediterranean and Black Sea.
According to the military department of the country, it will be the largest Russian exercises in the Mediterranean.
January 12th, 2013, 8:53 am
zoo said:
“Idiot” seems to be most popular insult by the pro-Al Nusra on this blog.
They childishly think that it’s effective in shutting people off.
Does it reflect a lack of an ability to reply in other ways or a sign of an irremediably blocked schoolboy mind?
January 12th, 2013, 9:07 am
zoo said:
Since the expat opposition got the ‘legitimate’ stamp, that was supposed to give them a second life, the support they are getting is dwingling.
It is due to many factors.
First the preacher Khatib insisted that the USA changes its mind about labeling Al Nusra a terrorist organization. Then he failed to appear as a leader during his silent visit to the Syrian refugees in Turkey. After having been a asset, he is now a liability.
Then the increased importance the terrorist fighters of al Nusra are taking in assaults on the Syrian army is worried the West and also Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Kuwait. They are now cutting down the financial help to the rebels and are switching in humanitarian aid to the millions of refugees and displaced Syrians.
While the SOC-SNC-NNCROF “ambassador’ in France is calling for a military solution, the whole world is calling for a political solution. In the same time, that same organization have not succeeded in having any access or control to the armed rebels on the ground.
Obviously the credibility of the opposition , both political and military is on the decline.
This is serving well the Syria government who is waiting that the ripe apple finally falls.
January 12th, 2013, 9:23 am
Observer said:
This is what Revenire wrote
“OMEN I hope those people have learned their lesson. They need to be thankful the government is so generous.” Referring to the release of prisoners by the regime.
This encapsulates fully the slaver mentality of the regime. This is someone who has slaves and believes that he “owns” Syria. This is why the people will never allow this regime to remain in place. It will be dismantled piece by piece and will go into the dustbin of the most depraved and ridiculous categories of regimes.
ZOO you are truly a nitwit, in a country where the telephone and communications system is government owned, the lack of a phone book is a microcosm of the total ineptitude of the regime in providing anything absolutely anything of worth to the people.
ZOO you clearly also show that you do not wish to live with other Syrians unless they are your slaves. Slaves to your vision and power structure and minority superiority. You remind me of the Maronites of Lebanon who do not wish to have anything to do with their fellow Muslims. I remember watching Mrs. Helou the first lady of Lebanon declare that the three spoken languages are French English and Libneni as she refused to accept Arabic as another language in Lebanon.
Now one more time little insignificant ZOO, do not change the subject. What say you to the amount of money at the Damascus stock exchange as it will climb to 5 million pounds per day?
This is a fraction of the the budget that my family and I have set aside for the Syrian refugees in 2012 you nitwit.
Now one more time do not change the subject, the Russians want very much for Brahimi to continue his mission, while spoiled little brat God incarnate into a Batta with floppy ears, close set eyes, giraffe neck Prethident is having his temper tantrum that Brahimi has not stooped down to the floor to kiss his feet and prostrate himself in front of the Bab to the Mahdi. This is because he uttered the obvious.
Time to have your pretzel today
As for justice to the unknown soldier, you insult the word justice.
I will remind you from now on that the “immunity of the security services from prosecution” was enshrined in the constitution that was thrust down the throat of the Syrian people by the Eternally Dead Father. Go tell the victims of the security services who are immune from prosecution that you speak justice.
Abject and disgusting indeed.
Justice for Hamza one Shabih at a time in a court of law and a special lecture on the meaning of justice to all those who have not read the “immunity from prosecution clause”
January 12th, 2013, 9:26 am
Visitor said:
From Taftanaz to idol worshipers courtesy of holy fighters.
Watch embedded video and enjoy.
January 12th, 2013, 9:39 am
zoo said:
If Ibrahimi really wants to stay he will have to retract what said.
He has already ‘clarified’ some of his declarations, but as usual the medias fail to report them as they prefer that the reader stays on the first impression.
January 12th, 2013, 9:53 am
Syrian said:
A new heat seaking missiles with the FSA in Aleppo
January 12th, 2013, 10:06 am
zoo said:
#428 wizi
With the allahuakbarites, enjoy Daraya’s fall.
January 12th, 2013, 10:09 am
zoo said:
Syria: A jihadi paradise
By Pepe Escobar
So Bashar al-Assad hath martially spoken – for the first time in seven months – predictably blaming the Syrian civil war on “terrorists” and “Western puppets”.
Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu, he of the former “zero problems with our neighbors” policy, commented that Assad only reads the reports of his secret services. C’mon, Ahmet; Bashar may be no Stephen Hawking, but he’s certainly getting his black holes right.
Assad, moreover, has a plan: a national dialogue leading to a national charter – to be submitted to a referendum – and then an enlarged government and a general amnesty. The problem is who is going to share all this bottled happiness because Assad totally
dismisses the new Syria opposition coalition as well as the Free Syrian Army (FSA), describing them as foreign-recruited gangs taking orders from foreign powers to implement one supreme agenda: the partition of Syria.
Still, Assad’s got a plan. First stage: all foreign powers financing the “terrorists” – as in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization-Gulf Cooperation Council compound – must stop doing so. That’s already a major no-no. Only in a second stage would the Syrian Army cease all its operations, but still reserve the right to respond to any – inevitable – “provocation”.
Assad’s plan does not mention what happens to Assad himself. The only thing the multiple strands of the opposition agree on is that “the dictator must go” before any negotiations take place. Yet he wants to be a candidate to his own succession in 2014.
As if this was not a humongous “detail” torpedoing the whole construct of current UN mediator Lakhdar Brahimi, there’s still the crucial nagging point of Brahimi insisting on including the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) in a Syrian transitional government. Brahimi should know better. It’s as if the UN was praying for a Hail Mary pass – that is, Assad’s voluntary abdication.
January 12th, 2013, 10:12 am
zoo said:
David Ignatius waking up to the bitter yet predicted realities of the Arab Spring
“The disorder in Syria illustrates a too-little discussed problem that has emerged in the past decade of war and revolution in the Arab world: When repressive police states are toppled through foreign invasion or civil war, the basic framework of law and order can disappear, too. This has been the case in Iraq, Libya and now Syria”
Worries about a ‘failed state’ in Syria
Growing chaos in the liberated areas of northern Syria is convincing some members of the Syrian opposition that the country will become a “failed state” unless an orderly political transition begins soon to replace President Bashar al-Assad.
This stark analysis is contained in an intelligence report provided to the State Department last week by Syrian sources working with the Free Syrian Army (FSA). Describing the situation in the area from Aleppo to the Turkish border, where Assad’s army has largely disappeared, the report draws a picture of disorganized fighters, greedy arms peddlers and profiteering warlords.
This security vacuum in the Aleppo region appears to have helped Jabhat al-Nusra, which is allied with al-Qaeda. The group is benefiting not just from its prowess on the battlefield but from its refusal to engage in looting and other predatory behavior. In its emphasis on crude but egalitarian justice and social services, Jabhat al-Nusra emulates other successful Muslim extremist organizations, such as Hezbollah in Lebanon and the Taliban in Afghanistan.
The security situation isn’t as bad in rural areas, such as Idlib province, southwest of Aleppo, according to the Syrian sources. Unlike the multiethnic sprawl of the cities, the rural towns and villages are tighter and more cohesive, with tribal and other traditional sources of authority filling the vacuum left by Assad’s crumbling army.
The disorder in Syria illustrates a too-little discussed problem that has emerged in the past decade of war and revolution in the Arab world: When repressive police states are toppled through foreign invasion or civil war, the basic framework of law and order can disappear, too. This has been the case in Iraq, Libya and now Syria.
The ridiculous Ignatius conclusion
The answer in Syria is to support moderate military forces among the rebels and assist a stable transition — keeping intact important institutions of the Syrian state but under new political management.
January 12th, 2013, 10:17 am
zoo said:
Choice: What is better for Syria’s future a weaken Bashar al Assad or a strong Al Qaeda?
Insight: Foreign fighters seek Islamic state in post-Assad Syria
By Yara Bayoumy
ALEPPO, Syria | Fri Jan 11, 2013 1:11pm EST
(Reuters) – Huddled around a fire in a bombed-out building in Aleppo, foreign jihadists say they are fighting for a radical Islamic state in Syria – whether local rebels trying to topple President Bashar al-Assad like it or not.
Among their fellow revolutionaries and civilians, these foreigners draw both respect for their iron discipline and fear that if Assad falls, they may turn on former allies to complete the struggle for an Islamic caliphate.
One Turkish fighter in the devastated Aleppo district of Karm al-Jabal expressed an unbending determination to achieve a state under Sharia Islamic law that worries many Syrians, the West and even regional backers of the anti-Assad rebellion.
“Syria…will be an Islamic and Sharia state and we will not accept anything else. Democracy and secularism are completely rejected,” said the fighter, who called himself Khattab.
Sporting a shaggy beard and with an AK-47 slung over his shoulder, he warned anyone who might stand in the way. “We will fight them, even if they are among the revolutionaries or anyone else,” said Khattab, who left his job as a driver to fight for two years in Afghanistan before moving to Syria six months ago.
January 12th, 2013, 10:28 am
zoo said:
Palestinian solidarity has limits
According to a January 3 Yediot Ahronoth report, both Hamas and the Palestinian Authority have rejected a UN request that they take in Palestinians fleeing Syria.
Yediot claimed that Hamas leader in Gaza Ismail Haniyeh refused the appeal on ideological grounds, saying the absorption of Palestinian refugees into Gaza and the West Bank could be used by Israel to undermine the Palestinians’ so-called “right of return” to the Jewish state.
The PA reportedly rejected the request due to its ongoing severe financial crisis.
January 12th, 2013, 10:32 am
Please do not make that effort to try to defend what cannot be defended in any way. Assad´s Syria and Syria´s Assad has always been the same fuxx sheeeet.
January 12th, 2013, 10:32 am
Citizen said:
The West and Islamic extremists work together when it suits them – Bosnia, Syria – and against each other when interests conflict – Mali.
January 12th, 2013, 10:55 am
zoo said:
“In Washington, U.S. State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland told reporters “it’s hard to imagine how you would have a transitional government with Assad still part of it.”
Try harder, Vicky…
January 12th, 2013, 11:23 am
zoo said:
#436 Sandro
I don’t need to do much effort, is is unraveling by itself whether you like it or not.
January 12th, 2013, 11:25 am
revenire said:
Over the hill punk rocker William Scott Scherk ?@wsscherk tweeting at one person obsessively:
“William Scott Scherk ?@wsscherk
@Mohamad_AlAssad — like many expat #Syria’n Assadists, his biggest fear is to put on an SAA uniform back ‘home’ — Rhymes with Snotocracy.”
He went at this poor guy like 100 times in an hour.
Bill is *just* a little obsessed, tweeting to people and ridiculing them for not joining the SAA. Funny criticism given 99% of the fake revolution tweeps are not in Syria; most are not even Syrian (like Bill). I’ve never seen Bill (and I am his #1 fan) ask Amal Hanano (or any number of his other pro-terrorist pals) to pick up a gun. I guess the old saw it true: the pen is mightier than the sword.
January 12th, 2013, 11:28 am
revenire said:
I have to laugh at how quickly France bombed Mali. They don’t dare try that in Syria do they? Question is who would they bomb if they did: Jabhat al-Nusra/FSA terrorists or the government?
January 12th, 2013, 11:34 am
Visitor said:
Z Idiot @ 431,
Obviously, you have no clue what ‘fall’ means. But I did enjoy the video especially with the ????? logo at the upper left corner written in green, red and black.
From now on, you should not complain when others refer to you as Z idiot There is no better description and besides the word is a fully recognized word in English.
But most laughable is when Z idiot describes Ignatius as ridiculous while praising SANA subsidiary (atimes) contributor Escobar.
Z idiot is boundlessly idiotic.
January 12th, 2013, 11:40 am
revenire said:
I wonder if the jets that bombed the rats flew from Taftanaz?
January 12th, 2013, 11:49 am
MarigoldRan said:
Don’t bother discussing Revenire about Syria. He’s not a Syrian and he’s a troll. More importantly, he’s an idiot. When talking to him, always remember to insult him.
For example, I personally enjoy that Revenire is on this blog. Every time he writes something (and I’m not reading it anymore), I am overjoyed that I am not him.
Revenire, it must SUCK being you. I understand your pain, Revenire. I understand your pain. (Actually I don’t, but that’s what you’re supposed to say to crazy people).
January 12th, 2013, 11:49 am
Visitor said:
Al-Nusra is the most potent and most organized force. Despite failed US plots to tarnish al-Nusra, it is emerging, by Allah’s Will, victorious over such plots and the evil criminal thugocracy,
January 12th, 2013, 11:51 am
revenire said:
From Ziad:
“Hurray for the SAA. Darayya is free, as we told you days ago. But don’t believe the reports about Taftanaz. It’s just propaganda.”
“Syrian troops have captured most of a strategic Damascus suburb used by rebels as a base to threaten key regime facilities in the capital, a government official said Saturday.”
January 12th, 2013, 12:20 pm
I think Revenire is a lebanese resistard from the labayka-ya-nasrallah crowd.
January 12th, 2013, 12:23 pm
revenire said:
Al-Nusra is Al-Qaeda. Back into your rat hole VISITOR. No cheese for you today!
January 12th, 2013, 12:23 pm
zoo said:
Your idiotic vocabulary shows that you are idiot with a huge idiotic ego and your idiotic twin is not less idiot then you.
Continue writing your idiotic posts, they are making even idiots laugh.
And don’t stop posting your idiotic videos shot by an idiotic mobile phone carrier in a state of panic showing your idiotic idols screaming idiotically when they are taking a beating.
You are certainly the king of the idiots among the apes of the zoo.
You called for it.
January 12th, 2013, 12:23 pm
zoo said:
When Taftanaz will be retaken by the army, just try to find a media that will announce it.
Just like Damascus, Hama, Homs, Maaret Al Numan etc. the media were quick to announce they are ‘about’ to fall into the hands of the rebels… then silence.
No media dared announce that the assault on Damascus was the second debacle of the ‘heroic’ rebels..
The armeds rebels live in a respiratory with a tube coming from Turkey. Their time is counted.
January 12th, 2013, 12:33 pm
omen said:
January 12th, 2013, 12:48 pm
revenire said:
I wish that was true but Rami is playing a game with Syria. It is called “I want NATO to bomb Syria” and all his garbage reflects this game. I know Rami. He isn’t even Syrian. He was born in Cyrus. Another “Syrian” calling for NATO to destroy Syria.
People who play this game don’t realize just how many dead Syrians there would be if NATO dared to attack Syria.
January 12th, 2013, 12:55 pm
zoo said:
The USA Fails in Urging Russia to call for Syria’s Assad to Step Down
Russia is calling for a political transition process in Syria, but has stopped short of saying President Bashar al-Assad should relinquish power as part of a deal to end the country’s conflict.
In a statement Saturday, Russia’s Foreign Ministry reiterated Moscow’s long-held position that only Syrians can decide their future without outside interference.
January 12th, 2013, 1:04 pm
zoo said:
Do you give any credit to that?
Desperate activists have been trying and saying just anything for months to force the NATO to intervene as they know that the armed rebels are crumbling with time playing against them and that the expat coalition is totally hopeless.
The international community is repeating that they want exclusively a political solution to the crisis. Are the activists deaf?
January 12th, 2013, 1:11 pm
zoo said:
Qatar’s desperation culminates in a delirium: It calls for an ‘impartial” Arab force to impose peace on Syrians.
From which ‘impartial’ Arab countries does he plan to get them?
The guy is a lunatic.
Qatar revives proposal to send an Arab force to Syria
Sat, 12 Jan 2013 17:51 GMT
January 12th, 2013, 1:22 pm
revenire said:
Must see, very important, breaking: LOL @ Qatar and “Sheikh” Hamad bin Jassim al-Thani’s plea for a new Arab Legion go help the FSA rats.
Bill Scherk should volunteer – he could perhaps meet “Gay Girl in Damascus’ Amal Hanano.
January 12th, 2013, 1:48 pm
zoo said:
Libya’s Muslim Brothers
The knack of organisation
The Muslim Brotherhood looks likely to make further gains
Jan 12th 2013 | BENGHAZI | from the print edition
A LIBYAN official proudly shows pictures of his one-year-old triplet daughters on his mobile phone: polka-dotted veils hide the hair of all three, even though Muslim tradition suggests that girls need not cover up until puberty. The official is a leading figure in the Justice and Construction party, affiliated to the Muslim Brotherhood, the conservative political-cum-religious movement that is burgeoning right across the Middle East. In Libya after the fall of Muammar Qaddafi it has so far done less well, getting only a fifth of the seats contested under party colours in a general election last July, compared with about half in Egypt and Tunisia. But that may change. The Justice and Construction party, founded only in March, is planning assiduously how to end up on top.
For one thing, it is rapidly building a sophisticated organisation, even as most of its competitors dither or fight among themselves. Starting from a much weaker base than in Egypt and Tunisia, where the Brothers have been strong for decades, the Libyan party has opened offices across the country, including a seven-floor tower in Benghazi, the second city. It has signed up hundreds of members in places where other parties have handfuls, including 1,500 in Benghazi’s central district alone.
January 12th, 2013, 2:06 pm
ghufran said:
A Stinger missile fired by the rebels at a jet fighter in Al-Ghouta missed its target and landed in a residential area in Jirmana, there are unconfirmed reports of casualties.
S’wayda is now targeted because rebels want to punish its citizens the same way they punished Aleppo with one major difference: most residents in S’Wayda are Druz,so this new adventure will have a stronger sectarian flavor and may lead to losing whatever little support rebels have among Druz in Syria.
January 12th, 2013, 2:25 pm
majedkhaldoun said:
Zoozoo said the rebels are crumbling, this is not true, infact it is the opposite, they made more gains lately.
He keep on saying the rebels are losing support, Is Assad gaining support?, his statement is self deceiving.
Most Druze I know support the revolution,Druze are honest people contrary to those who believe in Taqiyyeh,Dissimulation.
The Assad main advantage is the airforce,one third of his airforce has been destroyed,While Assad may still be in Damascus in a year,but the northwest will not be under his control,and probably the northeast too.
Whoever control Damascus will control Lebanon, If rebels win Damascus, at that time Iran has to switch,and events in Iraq will have major impact on things in Syria, while some believe the gulf state are reducing their aid to the rebels in Syria,they may be helping the opposition in Iraq.
January 12th, 2013, 2:55 pm
revenire said:
MAJEDKHALDOUN if only the “rebel gains” weren’t all online hey?
???? ?????? ?????? ??? ????? “?????? ?????? ?? ?????# ?????? ????? ??? ?????: “??? ????? ?????? ?????? ?????”
January 12th, 2013, 2:59 pm
Syrianp said:
So now the FSA have stingers?!!
And they are so good that they are making the stinger fall over The Druze in case the stinger misses the jet fighter
How about the more simpler explanation that the not so accurate 1960 MiG missed its target?
January 12th, 2013, 3:03 pm
Syrialover said:
Beautiful graffiti on a wall shelled by Assad’s forces in Daraa:
“Little do you know you opened a new window for the wind, the sun, hope, & freedom”
January 12th, 2013, 3:09 pm
majedkhaldoun said:
Shabbiha revolt
January 12th, 2013, 3:13 pm
Syrian said:
So now the FSA in Damascus have stingers?!!
And they are so good that they are making the stinger fall over The Druze in case the stinger misses the jet fighter??
How about the more simpler explanation that the not so accurate 1960 MiG missed its target?
January 12th, 2013, 3:18 pm
majedkhaldoun said:
I would not believe a word from Ghufran,once lier,always lier.
January 12th, 2013, 3:26 pm
Visitor said:
Z Idiot @449, 450,
Dream on dimwit, idiot stonehead.
Your posts are so full of contradictions, it makes calling you an idiot a full compliment.
January 12th, 2013, 3:29 pm
revenire said:
I do believe the new “Gay Girl in Damascus” Amal Hanano missed this while she was in Aleppo. I wonder why?
January 12th, 2013, 3:34 pm
ghufran said:
The situation in the north is likely to deteriorate since the army has more important battles to fight and less soldiers to use, it looks like most helicopters have already left Taftanaz by the time the rebels arrived, also almost all senior officers escaped,the rebels have paid a very heavy price in terms of loss of lives to control an air field that was not crucial militarily, but those rebels ,and Turkey in particular, want a victory of some type and they got it, however,the bombardment of Taftanaz by army jets has not stopped after the base fell in rebel hands, I challenge anybody to tell us why that particular battle was worth fighting knowing that the regime will simply use other better protected bases and utilize smaller helicopter pads to take off and land !!
The mood among regime supporters is not depressive,as many expect, but rather defiant especially after the failure of the rebels to control Aleppo and Damascus and the fact that Homs and Hama are still in the hands of the regime and Reef Dimashq is under attack by the army on a daily basis. I feel sorry for any Syrian who receives pleasure from news of a little win by one side or the other, this is the slow death of a nation and not a revolution, and the only way out is for Assad to leave and the war to end, that ,however, will require a solution for islamist rebels who are likely to oppose any settlement that does not include turning Syria into a Syriastan, if Islamist rebels choose to fight against the will of most Syrians,they will lose, those rebels do not want Assad to go,he helps them win support and milk the GCC cash cows.
January 12th, 2013, 3:40 pm
Syrian said:
I never believed anything Ghufran says,my comment was directed at the casual reader who might take his words seriously.
January 12th, 2013, 3:40 pm
revenire said:
Taftanaz was a maintenance base. It is not important to the war.
Iran replaces any lost aircraft.
The Air Force is bombing the rats to Hell as I type; hundreds dead.
January 12th, 2013, 3:43 pm
ghufran said:
Like it or not, rebels do have few stinger missiles, this is widely believed to be true by both pro and anti regime sources. I post news from both camps and I chose to expose both sides even if what I say may not be always accurate, any error you see originates from the source not me.
I will not step on what I consider human waste only to unleash the foul smell, do not expect me to bring myself down to the level of people like khaldoun and visitor,etc.
Syria was in a bad shape until the evil of the regime was joined by the evil of armed gangs, then Syria got much worse, those of you who have two eyes need to use them,both, it took two dancers to perform this deadly tango.
January 12th, 2013, 3:56 pm
revenire said:
Sports Champion Hisham al-Raqsheh Assassinated in Damascus
Jan 12, 2013
DAMASCUS, (SANA)- An armed terrorist group on Saturday assassinated champion Hisham al-Raqsheh in Housh Blas area in Damascus.
An official source told SANA reporter that a terrorist group opened fire on al-Raqsheh while he was on his way back home, causing his immediate death.
Al-Raqsheh worked as a coach for the Syrian walking team. He got the second place in West Asia Championship 2010 and won the Republic’s Championship in 10 km race walking in 2002.
The late champion represented Syria in several sports occasions and international marathon tournaments, the latest was Beirut International Marathon last November.
H. Said
January 12th, 2013, 3:56 pm
Syrian said:
??????? ??????? ????? ??????? ???????
2 hours ago ·
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January 12th, 2013, 4:01 pm
Johannes de Silentio said:
“Zoozoo said the rebels are crumbling, this is not true, in fact it’s the opposite, they made more gains lately.”
Zoo says they’re losing, Mossie says they’re scurrying back into their holes, you say they’re making gains.
The fact is, idiots, it doesn’t matter. All the opposition has to do is keep an army (or armies) in the field and make it difficult (or impossible) for the regime to govern. If they can do that, they will win.
In the American Revolution (which none of you illiterates knows anything about), George Washington lost about half the battles his forces fought. But, by keeping an effective opposition army in the field, he bled the British white until they gave up and melted away. The War for Independence lasted eight years. So let’s see, you’re in your third year, yes?
Hang in there, Assholes. You may get your country back yet, but don’t get caught up in the day-to-day, battles-and-territory, won-or-lost narratives.
Focus on whether the opposition has an effective army in the field conducting operations against the regime. And remember the mathematics of it all: dead opposition soldiers get replaced; dead regime soldiers don’t.
Assad Cartoon of the day:
January 12th, 2013, 4:22 pm
annie said:
JUERGEN : I understand that he is happy, but someone should tell him that without a pilot an helicopter is quite worthless.
OK, but this is one helicopter which will stop its killing missions
January 12th, 2013, 4:31 pm
Syrialover said:
ZOO #455
The only people who are NOT impartial are those who want Bashar Assad sustained in power.
Everyone else just desperately wants it to be over.
I don’t know if the Emir of Qatar is calling for Arab military intervention in Syria out of “delirium”.
He sounds like a man with a plan.
Can we assume he has in mind “air forces” when he talks about Arab forces playing a role?
January 12th, 2013, 4:46 pm
majedkhaldoun said:
????? ????? ??????? “???? ?????” ???????? “?????? ????? ?????” ???? ??????? ?????? ????????? ?????? ?????? ????? ?????? ?????? ???? ???? ???????? 6 ????? ??? ?????? ?????????. ????? ??? ??????????????????? ?????????????????????? ?? ?????????????? ???????????????? ????????? ????
January 12th, 2013, 4:52 pm
majedkhaldoun said:
It looks that I poked Ghufran,now he smells very bad
January 12th, 2013, 4:54 pm
Mehdi said:
The FSA used up an IED to blow up one of Assad’s military trucks with 15 thugs in it. This was on the Saraqib Ariha road.
Congrats FSA and keep up the good work. IEDs are very effective against Assad’s killers.
January 12th, 2013, 4:58 pm
Mehdi said:
The FSA used an IED to blow up one of Assad’s military trucks with 15 thugs in it. This was on the Saraqib Ariha road.
Congrats FSA and keep up the good work. IEDs are very effective against Assad’s killers.
January 12th, 2013, 4:59 pm
revenire said:
Ha ha ha.
?? ??? ???? ?????? ?????????? ^__~ ?????
January 12th, 2013, 5:00 pm
revenire said:
“474. ANNIE said:
JUERGEN : I understand that he is happy, but someone should tell him that without a pilot an helicopter is quite worthless.
OK, but this is one helicopter which will stop its killing missions”
Guy was probably blown to a million pieces by rockets 10 minutes after his dance. What is with these people? He looks like an ape begging for a banana.
January 12th, 2013, 5:03 pm
Johannes de Silentio said:
Remember the mathematics of it all: dead opposition soldiers get replaced; dead regime soldiers don’t.
Another Bashar Cartoon:
January 12th, 2013, 5:06 pm
William Scott Scherk said:
Ghufran writes:
This is the key phrase: any error you see originates from the source, not me.
— I support Ghufran 100% — in that I believe he is most honest, telling us exactly what he feels and quoting what he feels important. However …
Any error you see originates from the source, not me.
This is a problem, Ghufran. For you do not indicate the source in any detail. This is most necessary. Using the URL from the copy/paste is the best way for anyone to track down your sources.
For example, the note above about a Facebook posting from some murky place: Faisal Alqasem woke up when rebels kidnapped civilians from alswaydaa:
Faisal Qasim wrote on his social networking site Facebook
I looked for the text you quoted from Arabic sources. I found it. I found it on SyriaTruth and I found it on another pro-REVENIRE site. It is going the rounds.
Guess what else I found? That’s right, a report from Faisal himself that the quote/story was a fabrication.
Similary, today you have posted ZERO SOURCES.
In which case you get a reaction like that of MAJEDKHALDOUN, a stupid and uniformed bit of invective that you are a ‘lier.’
You are most definitely NOT a liar, Ghufran, but you degrade your contributions when you do not identify your sources with a URL.
I ALWAYS look up your sources, such as they are. I track them down. Why should I or anyone track down your sources when you just as easily give the URL to the story you quote?
Please try harder to see the sense in giving an actual link to the material you quote.
For additional impetus, you say above that it is obvious and agreed that the rebels/thugs/monsters/alNusra yadda yadda have stingers.
This is incomplete. The best place to discover just what the FSA/thugs/Takfiri monsters have in hand is to consult those weapons specialists who can comment knowledgeably (and without bias) on what is known and what is unknown.
‘Stingers’ are an actual class/unique product. MANPADs are not Stingers, but Stingers are MANPADS.
The report (from what source we have absolutely no idea) that purports a missed target (where?) may or may not be true.
On the surface, it sounds invalid, because that is not how MANPADs behave.
Please do no presume knowledge where you do not have it — especially when your sources are obscured by (laziness?) inattention to detail.
Besides MAJEDKHALDOUN’s unpleasant and untrue accusation, there are a few of us here who just wish you would be responsible.
Furthermore, your conclusions and analysis (in re TAFTANAZ) are faulty and contradicted on the ground and on the basis of the ferocious SAA attempts to prevent FSA/thug takeover.
REVENIRE Is full of wishful thinking that Taftanaz was a ‘maintenance’ base. And this …
It looks like and not crucial militarily … this is your personal, pessimistic take, and is not supported by anyone except the fully deluded like the man/girl who is posting a continuous stream of disinformation.
Why contribute to misinformation by omission, Ghufran? Why stand on your honour, reject valid criticism of your posting habits, and denigrate those who challenge you as fools?
Please provide accurate sources for your excerpts. It is a good idea, and it helps everyone see who is saying what.
That is that last time I will mention it — until the next time you try to dodge responsibility for errors and gross errors in the copy/pastes you slap up here.
Even the demented REVENIRE understands why links are important.
Nuff said.
January 12th, 2013, 5:08 pm
ghufran said:
??? “????? ???????”? ???? ????? ??????? ??????? “IHH”? ????? ????? ?????? ??????????? ???? ????? ??????? ??? ????? ?????? ????? ????? ????? ?????? ?????? ?? 2130 ????? ??????? ?? ????? ????????
few things he said were worth mentioning:
1. Iran still cares about its citizens,unlike our regime that could not win the release of any Syrian held by the rebels.
2. the hostages were in Douma few miles from Damascus, a reminder of how weak regime control over Syria has become.
3. the number of women in Syria’s prison is less than 2,000 (according to the guy)
January 12th, 2013, 5:09 pm
Tara said:
You have had hard time believing that the rebels took over Taftanaz. I am glad that Lithium is doing what it is supposed to do. Your behavior is less manic and you are getting some sleep. Do yo see know that Taftanaz is not under the control of Assad’s thugs?
January 12th, 2013, 5:09 pm
William Scott Scherk said:
Syrian, you are doing the same sloppy, slap-happy thing as Ghufran. Please provide sources for your copy/pastes.
Even the Nutterzone ANN knows to do that.
MAJEDKHALDOUN, this is not a playground. Calling Ghufran a poopie-head is hardly likely to convince anyone that you are posting in good faith.
And to the Nutterzone poster who writes fuxxxxxxxx, you can still say fuck on this site.
And to the fucked-in-the-head under-the-care-of-a-psychiatrist entity known as REVENIRE, the question to you should be:
— can you please share with us your Twitter ID?
January 12th, 2013, 5:15 pm
William Scott Scherk said:
Another mystery post from Ghufran. I will hunt it down and repost it with a link and context, since Ghufran’s honour is apparently at stake.
We know about the IHH, we know about the swap, we know who was responsible for the negotiations, and we know that no SAA/Shabiha were exchanged for the foreigners.
Tell us something new, and give a link to your sources, please.
January 12th, 2013, 5:21 pm
ghufran said:
The Syrian war has made new friends for the regime in Europe and the US, here is an interview with a right wing French nationalist:
Le Pen spoke to SAMA TV, which is part of Dounia TV, a conglomerate run by businessman and cousin of Bashar al-Assad, Rami Makhlouf, in a video that was uploaded to YouTube on January 2. The interview is the first accorded to a French politician since the start of the Syrian uprising.
Speaking of an “Islamist fundamentalist” takeover of the country, the far-right leader said from her office in Paris that the rebellion had been “in part aided by the blindness of Western countries”.
Le Pen said that Western powers were “doing in Syria exactly the same thing as they did in Libya, but secretly”. She said that by allegedly supporting Qatari and Saudi schemes to arm dissident militants in Syria, European leaders were “helping to fuel the civil war of which civilians are the first victims”.
She also warned that the unenviable consequence of a successful revolution would be the implementation of Sharia law in Syria. “Sharia law aims to diminish the freedom of the individual and the people,” she said. “Instead of more rights, people – especially women – will have fewer rights.”
“Handing power to Islamist fundamentalists who impose Sharia law […] would be absolutely unforgivable,” she said.
Le Pen said she had denounced France’s intervention in Libya and was doing the same for Syria because she “defends the freedom, sovereignty and identity of all countries”.
she also condemned France’s “close links” to Saudi Arabia and Qatar. “Both the [ruling] Socialist Party and the [opposition] UMP offer these countries a veritable red carpet,” she said, adding that political representatives were “constantly travelling” to the two Gulf states.“Qatar has played a role in every negative consequence of the Arab Spring,” she said. “This is a situation that seems to me very dangerous”.
She also denounced Turkey for trying to “gain regional leadership” amid the Syrian crisis, but said its interests were not as clear-cut as those of Qatar and Saudi Arabia.
January 12th, 2013, 5:22 pm
majedkhaldoun said:
When someone quote from a source ,he knows they lie, then he is a lier, I understand it is hard for you to comrehend facts, you need more maturity to understand what I say.
Now read carefully and read it again
Ghfran said in 470
“I will not step on what I consider human waste only to unleash the foul smell, do not expect me to bring myself down to the level of people like khaldoun” and , my answer was:
It looks that I poked Ghufran,now he smells very bad
your stupid statement says
“MAJEDKHALDOUN, this is not a playground. Calling Ghufran a poopie-head is hardly likely to convince anyone that you are posting in good faith. ”
William, it is quite silly from you, and if you don’t recognize your silliness,then you have major mental condition,you need treatment.
January 12th, 2013, 5:33 pm
ghufran said:
????? ?????? ???? ?????, ??????? ??????, ????? ????? ??? ???? ?????, ????? 52 ????, ?????? ?????? ??? ??????? ???????? ?? ????? ??? ??????? ???????? ???????, ???? ??? ???? 4 ??? ???????, ?? ????? ??????, ???? ?????, ????? ????? ?????? ??????? ????????.
????? ????? ??????? ???????? (? ? ?) ?? ???? ?????? ??????? ????? ???????? ???? ?? “????? ??? ????? ????? ?? ?????, ??? ?????? ??? ?? ???? ?? ???? ??? ?????? ?? ??? ????”? ????? “???? ???? ???????? ???? ???? ????? ?? ???? ????”
Will HBJ and Erdo be included, in addition to Assad, since they were crucial in supplying rebels ,who committed war crimes,with money and weapons?
January 12th, 2013, 5:48 pm
zoo said:
#459 Majie
The rebels are crumbling, I repeat it. They have no choice than retreat to North Syria to get their “oxygene” from the Turkish respiratory tube…
Syrian army advances in strategic Damascus suburb
By ALBERT AJI and BASSEM MROUE | Associated Press – 3 hrs ago
January 12th, 2013, 6:00 pm
revenire said:
LOL why would sources be needed with propaganda? Just do what the FSA and their terrorist supporters like Amal Hanano and Liz Sly do: make it all up and just say it is true.
Did someone appoint the over the hill punk rocker hall monitor? Correcting spelling mistakes of posters who – more than likely – have learned English as a second language? He should go try to rattle Susan’s cage again.
Everyone’s crazy but Bill and his terrorist pals.
January 12th, 2013, 6:02 pm
majedkhaldoun said:
January 12th, 2013, 6:04 pm
zoo said:
#465 Wizi
You idiotically repeat at each of you post: “He is an idiot”
and you idiotic twin jihadist repeat at each post : “He a liar”.
It seems that both of you are still thinking you are in a primary school.
I hope both of you wear pampers, one never knows.
January 12th, 2013, 6:09 pm
ghufran said:
opposition media is accusing the regime of bombing Jirmana “by mistake”, two civilians died after a bomb or a missile exploded in a residential area, I posted a report from the press saying that a stinger missile fired by rebels on a jet fighter caused the death.
Will know more later,it is hard to believe anything that comes out of Syria especially when there is no third party to verify the accuracy of info. I understand WS concern about posting a link or at least mention the source used.
January 12th, 2013, 6:10 pm
revenire said:
It’s pretty obvious that the economic sanctions are intended to cause ordinary Syrians to turn against their government. That won’t be happening.
Also, economic sanctions are an act of war so the US, of course, is already at war against Syria and has been for a long time despite their timid support of al-Nusra etc.
“Mr. Obama, Tear Down These sanctions!”
By Franklin Lamb
12 January, 2013
Damascus: This observer has learned from time in this region that if one wants to learn what is happening on the ground politically and socially it is fine to speak with government officials, journalists, long tenured academicians, NGO’s, and people on the street. But I have learned that one of the best sources of objective information comes from university students. As explained to one official the other day, if one sit with half a dozen graduate students one is sure to witness and benefit from a spirited, challenging exchange with varying points of view and few expressed without having to justify to the others one’s positions or interpretation of events.
It is for this reason that when this observer gets the chance he heads for a college in Damascus.
Today in Syria, from the streets and cafes to the Universities, a main subject of discussion and one that is nearly universally judged immoral and illegal are the US-led sanctions that in effect, are targeting the civilian population.
Partly as result of these brutal sanctions, today four million people in this country need of some type of humanitarian aid and as of today, there are 637,958 registered refugees inside Syria who are in need of emergency help, a 57,000 person increase from last year at this time.
The fighting here has obviously contributed to the continuing crisis faced by the civilian population. For example, the increasingly dangerous situation means that the World Food Program has evacuated its staff from Homs, Aleppo, Tartus Qamisly and other areas. The reason is that the past three months saw a sharp rise in the number of attacks on WFP aid trucks, which have also been hit by fuel shortages. Meanwhile, the UN refugee agency has just reported that the number of refugees fleeing the violence in Syria has leapt by nearly 100,000 in the past month. Both the Syrian Arab Republic Red Crescent Society and other NGO’s-foreign and domestic- are stretched beyond their limits and are struggling with approximately 10,000 more people in the areas they are able to assist every month being added to those in desperate need of help.
Virtually all the NGO’s here attest to the fact that if the US-led sanctions are lifted or even suspended until the spring, it would be a humanitarian gesture consistent with American claimed values. To continue to allow the dying and suffering under the weight of these sanctions suggests that we in America have learned nothing from the results of similar sanctions imposed in Iraq and Afghanistan.
The deeply inhumane US-led sanctions prevent businesses from re opening, investments from being made, financial transactions, re-supply, and other necessary economic activities which means the basic necessities such as mazot fuel to heat homes, is very hard to come by as well as bread in many areas. These shortages are the direct and foreseeable results of the sanctions and rebel sabotage, as to a lesser extent of Lebanese, Turkish and other smugglers buying up the supplies and spiriting them across the borders to cash in on black market price gauging.
As a result of the sanctions, food prices have soared beyond the means of much of the Syrian civilian population. Too many of the young, old, infirm, and impoverished are dying monthly, according to Nizar, an English literature major, as a direct and foreseeable consequence of these sanctions.
The single rational foreigners visiting Damascus hear from Washington, and what the Obama administration is telling EU countries that are becoming concerned, is that the sanctions are vital to achieve regime change in Syria and when the government falls–to be replaced but who knows what or who– the US will then lift the sanctions and remove its boot from the throats of Syria’s students and civilian population.
Nizar takes another view. “If terrorism is the killing of innocent civilians for political goals, then your government, the world’s claimed expert on terrorism is very guilty of massive terrorism and doesn’t need to lecture anyone on this subject because this is exactly what they are doing with their sanctions in my country.”
The fervent wishes of the US-Israel and certain other governments to the contrary, regime change is not likely to happen anytime soon in Syria according to most of the students this observer meet with, and it’s the next four months that are critical they insist-starting today.
Syrian students follow local and regional events closely and a common view is that from Saudi Arabia, UAE, Qatar, Jordan and even some on capitol hill in Washington, are coming multiple signals that all are in consultation via their intelligence services with Syria’s government in order to reach a solution because they finally concede that, despite funding and aiding the rebel panoply with guns, money and training, these countries, including Egypt, that the regime will survive and that the al Nusra type salafists would not be satiated by the fall of Syria but would quickly turn on Doha, Riyad, Amman, the UAE and other countries in the region.
History instructs us those sanctions do not cause regime change and those affected are not the ones wielding power. It’s the wretched, the poor, the huddled refuge seeking to survive, to paraphrase Lazarus’ inscription on our Statute of Liberty who we are being ground into early graves by American government imposed sanctions.
The political goals of the sanctions imposed on Syrian civilian are one thing. The reality, quite another. US sanctions, some still in place against Cuba, after more than 53 years were a failure, as were US sanctions in China, Vietnam Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, Libya and now Syria, to name a few.
“They are all about unbridled vengeance, not rational consequences as offered in press releases from US government agencies” explained Samer, a business major from Aleppo.
Once more, much of the world including this region, as well as history will condemn the United States for these brutal economic crimes against a defenseless civilian population. Equally, among American citizens and others I have met recently in Lebanon, Egypt and Libya, who know what is happening on the ground in Syria. The overwhelming percentage does not accept and will never accept targeting innocent civilians, whether by drones or sanctions. They express feelings of shame, not just for the past 11 years of unnecessary, criminal wars of choice in this region but for the current and continuing sanctions crime against the Syrian people.
The hatred that our government has brought to itself over more than 15 years of targeting civilians is intensifying daily because those suffering and dying here in Syria due to starvation and the effects of the now freezing temperatures in Syria, do not blame their government nearly as much as our American policy makers apparently hoped for. Rather, they blame, quite correctly, our government.
As one observer noted this week, “The tents are drenched. Kids are crying. Puddles of water are all over…I am walking; my shoes are covered with rainwater. I can’t remember being so cold. I don’t even want to think about more than half of those living in my area. Something has to be done.”
We American are demonstrating yet again to the world that we have the power to destroy civilian populations. But we are better than that as a people. And in the words of Oregon’s late Senator Wayne Morse, “each one of us has a personal obligation to change, by all legal means necessary, our governments criminal acts.”
Sitting at our table in the student union refectory at Damascus University on 1/9/12, Rana, a passionate and, on that occasion indignant, history student majoring in American history and culture may have reflected accurately the views of many on Syrian campuses these days.
Rana wished out loud to us that she could tell Barack Obama face to face: “Mr. President, in 1987 on the 750th anniversary of Berlin, your predecessor Ronald Reagan, spoke about the importance of human dignity and challenged Russian leader Gorbachev, to “tear down this wall.” In 2013, we students and our families from Damascus, the city of Jasmine, which was inhabited as early as 8,000 BC, and whose livelihood, opportunities and hope you are destroying today for no sane reason, urge you to ‘tear down these sanctions’, come to Syria, visit our campus, and engage in dialogue with us.”
The Syrians are a great people. Rana, and her student colleagues, are a credit to Syria and to all humanity.
Franklin Lamb is doing research in Syria and can be reached c/o [email protected]
January 12th, 2013, 6:16 pm
revenire said:
This was my point regarding claims the government was shooting its own people: “it is hard to believe anything that comes out of Syria especially when there is no third party to verify the accuracy of info.”
No government shoots its own people and the idea of the Syrian government shooting citizens demonstrating for more freedom is both repugnant and a lie.
January 12th, 2013, 6:18 pm
zoo said:
#475 Syrialover
“He sounds like a man with a plan.
Can we assume he has in mind “air forces” when he talks about Arab forces playing a role?”
With a smart ass like HBJ, you can assume anything you want.
For me, he sounds desperate because his “smart” plan of isolating Syria in the AL and impose sanctions fell flat, his SNC is dead, his coalition is moribund and all the billions he is pouring in Syria are going straight to Al Qaeda. Now Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and the UAE are jailing his Moslem Brotherhood agents and calling for political solution to Syria.
HBJ is the one isolated now.
January 12th, 2013, 6:19 pm
Syrian said:
WSS 484
The post Title I put had a hyper link (??????? ??????? ????? ??????? ???????)but It did not show here for some reason.
Here is the post link for you
And the main page link
January 12th, 2013, 6:38 pm
Syrialover said:
If I ran the world, the US and its allies would have sent in drones to sort out Bashar Assad 18 months ago and made Syria one big no-fly zone. But that’s not what history determnined.
In the meantime let’s concede Ameria IS providing other assistance, and is going to be relied on to provide an endless amount more in post-Assad Syria.
If you care about Syrians, read this fact sheet in full and note the data.
You might be surprised.
COMMENT: America in this stands in extreme contrast to Iran and Russia, who have been hellbent on creating the need for assistance.
January 12th, 2013, 6:44 pm
revenire said:
Considering US policies caused this war it is the least they can do but if I may US policy seems a bit schizophrenic.
BTW spelling Nazi Bill Scherk should notify the US government on the proper spelling of Assad.
They have it like this:
“As the Asad regime continues its bloody repression of the Syrian people, Syrians need our help more than ever.”
The US State Department is clueless.
January 12th, 2013, 6:51 pm
zooz said:
Fighting islamists in Mali is no picnic for the hundred of french soldiers and their planes bombing the country.
Note: Human casualties will not published.
However, in a sign of how hard the battle ahead may be, the extremists succeeded in shooting down a French helicopter, the defense minister confirmed. The pilot died of his wounds while he was being evacuated. The Islamists are using arms stolen from ex-Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi’s arsenal, as well as the weapons abandoned by Mali’s military when they fled their posts in the face of the rebel advance.t
January 12th, 2013, 6:52 pm
Syrialover said:
Below is a comment by someone on an unrelated web site who is plagued by abusive commentators.
It’s amazing – he must have a hidden camera on some of those posting on this forum! They seem to be the same people visiting his site:
“I’m often on the receiving end of these comments, always with a pseudonym of course, I merely conjure up a likely mental image of the Poster. My mental image is of some weedy little fellow, inarticulate, devoid of all social skills and friends as well, to whom the internet has been a total liberation. All of a sudden, this person who in the real world is likely treated as a “nuisance” at best, is allowed to become a fantasist, a legend in his own lunchtime.”
January 12th, 2013, 6:57 pm
Syrian said:
The leader of the infamous video that surfaced last week of the beating to death with sticks and rocks of a prisoner,has been cought in Tafanaze airport, claiming that he was in jail the last 10 days ,and all the Alawis officers has ran away before the fall of the airport
PG video
January 12th, 2013, 7:02 pm
revenire said:
And, the real tragedy of US “aid” is that a great deal of it – if not the majority – is stolen by the governments that receive it and/or the FSA and sold at a steep mark-up.
We don’t want US help. If the US had not green-lighted puppet Erdogan’s Turkey to host the terrorist rabble there would be NO refugees at all.
January 12th, 2013, 7:04 pm
Syrialover said:
Of course those are VERY inconvenient facts aren’t they (see link in # 498),
They don’t fit your games and game plan at all.
Not that you would have read it. The information was posted for those who care about Syrians.
January 12th, 2013, 7:05 pm
Syrialover said:
#504 REVENIRE wrote:
“We don’t want US help”
That statement is meaningless unless you can explain who “we” is.
You clearly know nothing about US aid on the ground in Syria and as usual are making it up as you go along.
That’s your sily game as you giggle to yourself.
January 12th, 2013, 7:10 pm
ghufran said:
Erdo appoints a Wali for Syria:
???? ??????? ??????? ???? ????? “????? ????????” ???? “?????? ???????” ?? ????? ???????? ??????? ??????? ?? ????? ??????. ?????? ??? ??????? ?????? ?? «???????»? ???? «?????? ??????» ?????? ???????? ??????? ????? ????? ????? ?? ??????? «????????» ????? ?? «?? ???? ??? ??????? ?????? ??????».
??? ????? ??????? ???? ????? ?????? ?????? ????? ??? ???????? ????????? ????? ???? ???? «??? ?????»? ??? ??? ??? ????? ?? ????? ???? ????? ???????? ??????? ?? ?????? ?? ?????? ????? «???? ????????», ???? ?? ??????? ??????? ?????? ????? ???? «????????» ???? ???? ??? ????? ????.
????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ??? ???? ????? ??????? ??????? ???? ?????? ?? ??????? ???????? ???? ???? ??? ????????? ??????? ???????? ????? ??????? ??? 7 ?????? ????? ??????.
??? ???? ????? ??????? ????? ?? ?????? ???? ???????? ?? ?????? ???????? ??? ???????? ???? ?????. ???? ???? ?? ???????? ??????? ?? ????? ???? ????? ????? ??????? ??: ????? ???????? ???? ??????? ??????? ??????? ???????? ??? ???????? ?? ?????? ???? ???????? ??? ?????? ??????? ??? ?????? ????? ???????? ?? ????? ??????? ??? ?????? ???? ????????? ???????? ?? ???????? ???????? ????? ????? ????? ??????? ????????? ?? ??????? ??? ??????? ?????? ??????.
???? ????? ?? ????? ?? «????? ?????» ??? ???? «?????? ??????» ??????? ????? ??? ??? ??? ??? ?????? ??? ??? ???? ???? ???? ?????? ???? ???????? ???????? ?? ????? ?????? ???? ??????? ??????? ?? ???????? ?????? ?????? ??????? ??????? ???????. ???? ????? ?? ????? ???? ????? «????? ??? ????? ????? ????????? ??? ?????? ??????»? ????? ?? ???? ????? ?? ??????? ?????? ?? ????????.
This is a slap on the face of every Syrian who wants Syria to stay as an independent country.
January 12th, 2013, 7:11 pm
Syrian said:
After the fall of Taftanaz
The FSA has the names, address, phone numbers of all the previously unnamed pilots.
Here are thier names pictures and full info.
January 12th, 2013, 7:14 pm
Citizen said:
Syria: False Flag designed to discredit Russia.
Christof Lehmann (nsnbc). According to an unnamed Russian military diplomat some of the allies behind the “Syrian Opposition” are in the planning stages of a false flag operation which has been designed for the purpose of discrediting the reputation of Russia as an honest broker in the Syrian crisis.
On Friday, 11 January 2012 the Russian military diplomat stated that the involved parties are in the process of recruiting Russian, Ukrainian and Belorussian mercenaries who are supposed to take part in the operation.
The mercenaries would then be deployed to locations in Turkey and Jordan where large-scale scenes, supposed to represent destroyed Syrian villages have long been built for training purposes.
The false Russian mercenaries would then engage in mock fire fights with supposed fighters of the Free Syrian Army and be captured. The captured “actors” are then supposed to be interviewed on camera while admitting that they had been deployed from Russia to “support the Syrian Regime”.
January 12th, 2013, 7:18 pm
Syrian said:
Here is the working link for post 497
January 12th, 2013, 7:31 pm
Tara said:
Thanks for the link.
Justice for Hamza one Shabeeh at a time.
January 12th, 2013, 7:33 pm
Citizen said:
American secret war experience on Syria will be historical turning point and end of one polar era! Everything shameful planned and exposed! Makers of international terrorism! Thimble political players!
Syria may go down in history when Russia, after regaining its superpower status, said enough is enough to US unilateralism
January 12th, 2013, 7:49 pm
ghufran said:
MOSCOW (Reuters) — Russia voiced support on Saturday for Lakhdar Brahimi, the special Syria envoy from the United Nations and the Arab League, but insisted that the exit of the Syrian president, Bashar al-Assad, could not be a precondition for a deal to end the country’s conflict (I think that means we will not have a deal any time soon).
(Does Joshua know that his site is being used to post YouTube videos from Al-Qaida affiliates? It is a matter of time before the US starts to indict some Syrians who provide support for Jabhat Al-Nusra, I do not doubt a bit that we have a couple of them here)
January 12th, 2013, 8:04 pm
Johannes de Silentio said:
“Everything shameful planned and exposed!”
Especially the crap your piggish little government does, you pathetic cunt…
January 12th, 2013, 8:07 pm
Citizen said:
The Endgame in Syria: Strategic Stage in the Pentagon’s Covert War on Iran
Mission Accomplished?
The conflict in Syria is not merely an Israeli affair. The slow bleeding of Syria has other interested parties that want to smash the country and its society into pieces. The US is foremost among these interested parties, followed by the Arab dictators of the petro-sheikhdoms. NATO has also always been covertly involved. NATO’s involvement in Syria is part of the US strategy of using the military alliance to dominate the Middle East. This is why it was decided to establish a component of the missile shield in Turkey. This is also the reason that Patriot missiles are being deployed to the Turkish border with Syria. The Istanbul Cooperation Initiative (ICI) and NATO’s Mediterranean Dialogue are components of these plans too. Additionally, Turkey has ended its veto against the further integration of Israel into NATO. [22]
NATO has been reorienting itself towards asymmetrical warfare and greater emphasis is now being put on intelligence operations. NATO strategists have increasingly been studying the Kurds, Iraq, Hezbollah, Syria, Iran, and the Palestinians. In the scenario of an all-out war, NATO has been preparing itself for overt military roles in both Syria and Iran.
Iraq is being destabilized further too. While Iran’s allies in Damascus have been weighed down, its allies in Baghdad have not. After Syria, the same conglomerate of countries working against Damascus will turn their attention to Iraq. They have already started working to galvanize Iraq further on the basis of its sectarian and political fault lines. Turkey, Qatar, and Saudi Arabia are playing prominent roles in this objective. What is becoming manifest is that the differences between Shiite Muslims and Sunni Muslims that Washington has cultivated since the Anglo-American invasion of Iraq in 2003 have now been augmented by Kurdish sectarianism.
It appears that many in the Israeli political establishment now believe that they have succeeded in breaking the Resistance Bloc. Whether they are correct or incorrect is a matter of debate. Syria still stands; the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (which was by far the most active Palestinian group fighting Israel from Gaza in 2012) and other Palestinians will side with Iran even if Hamas will have its hands tied by Egypt; there are still Tehran’s allies in Iraq; and Syria is not the only supply line for Iran to arm its ally Hezbollah. What is also very clear is that the siege against Syria is a front in the covert multi-dimensional war against Iran. This alone should make people reconsider the statements of US officials and their allies about having concerns for the Syrian people merely on the basis of humanitarianism and democracy.
January 12th, 2013, 8:18 pm
Citizen said:
Especially the crap your piggish little government does, you pathetic cunt…
you truly reflected your own culture! no comment
January 12th, 2013, 8:25 pm
Syrian said:
You welcome.
Every time they catch a Shabih I will post that video, no matter what the threats are from the Shabiahs in this site
January 12th, 2013, 8:29 pm
Citizen said:
The Saudi-Israeli Alliance and the Politics of Division
The ties of the Al-Sauds to Tel Aviv have in recent years become increasingly visible and pervasive. This secret Israeli-Saudi alliance exists within the context of a broader Khaliji-Israeli alliance. The alliance with Israel is formed through strategic cooperation between the ruling families of Saudi Arabia and the Arab sheikhdoms in the Persian Gulf.
Together Israel and the Khaliji ruling families form a frontline for Washington and NATO against Iran and its regional allies. The alliance also acts on behalf of Washington to destabilize the region. The roots of chaos in Southwest Asia and North Africa are this Khaliji-Israeli alliance.
In line with the U.S. and the E.U., it is the alliance formed by Israel and the Khaliji rulers that has worked to create ethnic divisions between Arabs and Iranians, religious divisions between Muslims and Christians, and confessional divisions between Sunnis and Shiites. It is the “politics of division” or “fitna” that has also served to keep the Khaliji ruling families in power and Israel in its place. Israel and the Khaliji ruling families would not survive without the regional fitna.
The Al-Sauds and Tel Aviv are the authors of the Hama-Fatah split and the estrangement of Gaza from the West Bank. They have worked together in the 2006 war against Lebanon with a view to crushing Hezbollah and its political allies. Saudi Arabia and Israel have also cooperated in spreading sectarianism and sectarian violence in Lebanon, Iraq, the Persian Gulf, Iran, and now Egypt.
Israel and the Khaliji monarchies serve Washington in its objective to ultimately neutralize Iran and its allies, as well as any form of resistance against the U.S. in Southwest Asia and North Africa. This is why the Pentagon has been heavily arming Tel Aviv and the Khaliji sheikhdoms. Washington has also been setting up missile shields aimed at Iran and Syria in Israel and the Arab sheikhdoms.
January 12th, 2013, 8:35 pm
Tara said:
I noticed the threats. It was very low to come from someone like Ghufran.
Syrian, this is the mentality we lived through in Syria for long time. You trust no one. Everyone around you could be Muhkabarat writing “Takareers” about you. ( k is for Quaf ). The products of Syria emigrated to the West and yet continue with this thuggish behavior of implicit and explicit threat as if the FBI is not already aware of this or any site.
January 12th, 2013, 8:44 pm
Citizen said:
US-led al-Qaeda war against the government of President Assad seems to fail in Syria. The comment comes as Syria has been experiencing unrest since mid-March 2011. Many people, including large numbers of security personnel, have been killed in the violence. The Syrian government says the chaos is being orchestrated from outside the country, and there are reports that a very large number of the militants fighting the Syrian government are foreign nationals. Several international human rights organizations have accused the foreign-sponsored militants of committing war crimes.
January 12th, 2013, 9:06 pm
Tara said:
Hamas: 885 Palestinians killed in Syria civil war
By JPOST.COM STAFF01/12/2013 08:38
Tweet Beirut-based ‘Daily Star’ also reports that at least 20,000 Palestinian refugees from Syria remain trapped in Lebanon.
Meanwhile, the Daily Star reported earlier this month that Palestinians refugees from Syria were being forced to pay a visa fee to enter Lebanon.
Hoda Samra, a spokesperson for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), told the Star that although the visa fee is standard for Arab tourists, refugees were being turned away at the border because they cannot pay.
January 12th, 2013, 9:14 pm
Tara said:
Syria may hold uranium stash, Western and Israeli experts say
Reuters – Fri, Jan 11, 2013
VIENNA/JERUSALEM (Reuters) – Western and Israeli security experts suspect Syria may have tons of unenriched uranium in storage and that any such stockpile could potentially be of interest to its ally Iran for use in Tehran’s own disputed nuclear program.
January 12th, 2013, 9:25 pm
Observer said:
Nice reading about the “dialogue” that the Prethident is proposing.
SANA however has a new post which states: “despite his bias, the Syrian government will work with a positive attitude towards his mission “.
They must have gotten the cue from Laughvrov that there is no other envoy coming to the rescue.
Cheers and Justice for Hamza one Shabih at a a time in a court of law.
January 12th, 2013, 9:26 pm
Citizen said:
Western nations such as the United States and France have been assisting al-Qaeda Islamist terrorists operating in Syria to topple the Syrian government and destroy Syria in the process. They have also recognized the opposition that backs these rebels as the “legitimate representatives of the Syrian people.” However, in Mali, the same al-Qaeda Islamist terrorists are considered as a threat and military intervention is being undertaken to stop them.
Mali is located in western Africa, southwest of Algeria. Mali is today the third largest gold producer in Africa with several new mines being developed by Anglogold and Randgold Resources. The majority of this production is sourced from 3 large scale open cast operations. First among these is the Sadiola mine. AngloGold, in partnership with Canada’s IAMGOLD, started up Sadiola in 1997. Production at the Sadiola mine peaked in 2000 and has produced 0.479 million ounces in 2002 (at a total cash cost of US$172/oz). Another joint venture between AngloGold and Randgold Resources brought the Morila project on stream in October 2000. Morila is now the country’s largest gold mine, with production of 1.053 million ounces in 2002 (at a total cash cost of US$74/oz). A third new mine, the heap-leach operation at Yatela, poured first gold in May 2001, and produced 0.268 million oz in 2002 (at a total cash cost of US$187/oz). These mines are among the lowest cost gold producers in the world.
January 12th, 2013, 9:26 pm
zoo said:
#523 Citizen
Do you think France military intervention in Mali is to chase Islamists ‘on the border’ of France? Of course there will no media reporting the human casualties of the french plane air attacks…
What a joke! War against Islamists, promotion of democracy and humanitarian intervention are the three hypocritical reasons neo-colonialist countries use since the 19th century to continue stealing the wealth of under developed countries in order to sustain their threatened comfortable life style.
January 12th, 2013, 9:40 pm
Tara said:
Why did France not wait for a UNSC resolution to intervene in Mali and has been waiting for more than 2 years for such a resolution to interfere against the terrorist regime in Syria?
January 12th, 2013, 9:45 pm
zoo said:
Who lost touch with reality?
Assad still confident that he can control Syria
“From day one, Bashar al-Assad was underestimated by the opposition and by the international community,” said Malik al Abdeh, a Syrian journalist based in London who is one of a number of opposition activists growing increasingly gloomy about the prospects that an end to the bloody conflict could be near. “He is playing a high-stakes game, he’s playing it pretty smart and he seems to be winning because of the simple fact that he is still in power.”
When Assad delivered a defiantly uncompromising speech to supporters last week, the State Department condemned him for being “out of touch with reality.” But many Syrians wonder whether it isn’t the United States and its allies who are out of touch for continuing to press for a negotiated settlement to a conflict Assad still has reason to believe he can win, Abdeh said.
His allies Russia and Iran have shown no sign that their support is wavering, and they have their own reasons not to cede ground in the struggle for influence over a country whose strategic location puts it at the crossroads of multiple regional conflicts. On Saturday, the Russian Foreign Ministry reiterated its view that Assad’s departure should not be part of any negotiated settlement.
Meanwhile, conditions are deteriorating dramatically in rebel-held areas. Airstrikes and shelling by government forces along with acute shortages of fuel, food and medicine are eroding much of the support the rebels initially enjoyed from local residents, said Musab al-Hamawi, an opposition activist in the province of Hama.
“Assad is confident because he knows we are losing ground in terms of popularity among the people,” he said. “The Free Syrian Army has proved that they are unable to protect civilians and liberate the country without causing death and destruction”
“Basically what he’s saying is that the cost of removing me is the destruction of Syria,” he said — an outcome many Syrians increasingly fear is the most likely one of all.
January 12th, 2013, 9:49 pm
Ghufran said:
“I never believed anything Ghufran says,my comment was directed at the casual reader who might take his words seriously”
I am happy to let (casual) readers choose between my ” lies” and your ” facts”. I can not blame young brainwashed posters who were raised to hate , they still have a chance to see the light, the problem is with older posters who brag about their education but can not write in proper English and are only able to advocate violence and terrorism in the name of toppling Assad who is being used now as ???? ????? to force an Islamist state on Syrians.
?? ?????? ? ?? ???????? ???? ???? ???????
Observer, I do not think Assad ever wanted a real dialogue, he needs to go, but his supporters, and many opposition figures, are scared to death from the Syrian Talibans because those terrorists will kill any chance for Syria to stand up again as a functioning state.
January 12th, 2013, 9:50 pm
Syrian said:
To those who belittle the victory at Taftanaz airport,here is a video of some of the captured ammunition
Between the ammunitions above,the capture and killing of few pilots who were killing Civilian,the list of criminals names discovered, putting the airport out of commission,
I say this was a very good victory
Now the FSA can leave it , after they got all they want ,and let the Shabihas try to claim it back to boost their supporters broken spirits
Justice for Hamza one Shabih at a a time
January 12th, 2013, 9:55 pm
zoo said:
#524 Tara
It is legal because the current government of Mali recognized by the UN has called on France and other African countries to protect the country from ‘Islamists terrorists’ who have occupied areas of the country, imposed Islamic Sharia and threaten the cities and Mali military installations
Syria has the same right to call Iran, Russia or any country it chooses to help its national army to fight Al Nusra now declared ‘terrorists’ who are occupying areas in Syria and threatening its cities and military installation.
Since Mali is doing it, maybe Syria should.
January 12th, 2013, 10:01 pm
Does Joshua Know that this site is being used by Hizbullah (Terrorist organization) sympathizers posting HA propaganda. You bet your … he does. This is what brings traffic
Does Joshua know that Iran’s revolutionary guards (also another organization) are being defended here, you bet your…..he does, it brings traffic
Does Joshua know that his site is being used by idiots to advocate chemical weapon attacks on civilians and to advocate crimes against humanity by more than one poster. You bet your … he does, it brings traffic.
and before I forget
Did you pray to kim jung un today?
Is ???? back from the dead?
Have you called your dictator this morning?
Has bathar gotten a brain yet?
And also, an idiot thinks that I want them (notice the honorific) silenced…. you fools, your balther is the best advertisement for the revolution… keep winning…
Note to WSS: I can write he word FUCK with no qualms, but i decided not to use …. for the bets, sort of like some people here, being men7ebbakjis, without being pro-regime…
January 12th, 2013, 10:03 pm
William Scott Scherk said:
TARA, your question about France in Mali — ‘Why did France not wait for a UNSC resolution to intervene in Mali’ — is pretty much what ZOO is asking.
The reason is found in the relationship between Mali and France. A story that appeared in The Hindu puts it this way:
There is more to today’s Hindu story, but you can also check the Wikipedia entry on “<a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foreign_relations_of_Mali"Foreign Relations of Mali" for further details. Mali experts on the board can fill in the blanks …
Below is the first paragraph of that entry. It includes updates to the latest events. An all-Africa force was also requested by Mali.
[the first French combat death[s] are also reported, at the Hindu and elsewhere]
January 12th, 2013, 10:04 pm
zoo said:
527. Syrian
Taftanaz proves one thing : God is on the side of al Nusra terrorists.
They are thanking him aloud. I guess you are too.
January 12th, 2013, 10:05 pm
zoo said:
Syria Hamster
Such idiotic questions! Just send a email to Joshua and ask him directly about your idiotic worries, or maybe you are too much of an idiot to do that.
January 12th, 2013, 10:10 pm
William Scott Scherk said:
TARA, Zoo is correct that Syria has every legal right under international law (at least in some interpretations) to ask a larger power to take over the skies and block the progress of Malian Tuareg/Islamists ‘rebels’ on their way to Bamako.
Which, while somewhat true, leaves the beggared question for ZOO and other propagandists:
Why does Syria not call for foreign assistance to block The Conspiracy from encroaching on its sovereignty by FSA/Monsters/yadda yadda?
As we will hear from the authoritarians on this board, there are many stated and unstated reasons.
The first reason I can come up with is that the SARG does not need any help. They have their own planes. And, um, oh, Russia and Iran are pretending that they are not giving military assistance to the SAA.
January 12th, 2013, 10:15 pm
zoo said:
The ‘good’ and the ‘bad’ Al Qaeda
The war against the Shia catches all in its crossfire
Sunni attacks on their Muslim neighbours have left the West with strange bedfellows
Patrick Cockburn
Sunday 13 January 2013
In fact the main al-Qa’ida franchises in Iraq and Pakistan have always been more enthusiastic about killing Shia than killing Americans. The success of the Arab Spring movements was in part owing to the new willingness of Washington to tolerate the Muslim Brotherhood taking power, judging that this would not open the door to jihadis seeking to wage holy war.
The logic of the US policy of covertly co-operating with fundamentalist Sunni groups has reached its logical conclusion. There is now “good” al-Qa’ida on our side and “bad” al-Qa’ida fighting on theirs. In Syria, the former operates under the name of the al-Nusra Front, labelled by the US as the Syrian branch al-Qa’ida, and is the main fighting force of the rebel National Coalition. This is recognised by the US, Britain and many others as the legitimate representative of the Syrian people.
Meanwhile, in Mali an advance last week by the forces of the local al-Qa’ida franchise, of whom we don’t approve, led to immediate action by the French army and air force against them. The hypocrisy of it all is baffling
January 12th, 2013, 10:19 pm
MarigoldRan said:
With the fall of Taftnatz, the regime’s positions are going to collapse in the north, slowly but surely. The issue is supply.
The Russians tried the same strategy in Afghanistan 30 years ago. It led to the destruction of Afghanistan. But it also led to Russian defeat.
The FSA will win in time. A war like this is dramatic gains followed by long periods of stalemate. All of the dramatic gains since the war started has been on the rebels’ side. The regime has fewer planes, fewer tanks, and fewer soldiers than 1 year ago. In the meantime, the rebels’ ranks have grown despite casualties thanks to defections and volunteers.
Compare and contrast the strength of each side in the present day to one year ago. There’s been big changes since then, all in the rebels’ favor. And if the rebels lose some support in the cities, who cares? Most of the cities are abandoned anyways, and the rebels draw their strength from the refugee camps and the countryside.
Some of the initial middle-class activists might be disillusioned by the war. But they’re not the ones that matter anymore. If a bunch of Aleppines complain, so what? The support base of the FSA comes from the countryside poor, and the refugee camps.
January 12th, 2013, 10:20 pm
zoo said:
#533 WSS
“TARA, Zoo is correct that Syria has every legal right under international law (at least in some interpretations) to ask a larger power to take over the skies and block the progress of Al NUSRA Islamists ‘rebels’ on their way to DAMASCUS”.
Thanks, just a slight correction
January 12th, 2013, 10:22 pm
zoo said:
#535 Mari
“Most of the cities are abandoned anyways:
Correction: Most of the rural and suburbs towns ‘liberated’ by the rebels are abandoned.
The large cities are far from being abandoned.
January 12th, 2013, 10:25 pm
Ghufran said:
Freedom of speech ikhwanji style:
(Reuters) – Unknown attackers threw petrol bombs at tents housing protesters outside the Egyptian presidential palace in Cairo on Saturday and fired rubber bullets at security forces, injuring at least 15 people, officials and witnesses said.
Hamster, I do not support any religious organization, regardless of the label, however, it is the actions of Islamist terrorists from Syria , Iraq, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Nigeria,etc that make them a real and present danger to the West and the East alike, infusing hizbullah into the discussion is a mere distraction.
January 12th, 2013, 10:26 pm
MarigoldRan said:
Most of Aleppo and large parts of Homs and Damascus are wastelands. Their populations are either living in caves or in refugee camps.
The reason they’re abandoned is because of regime artillery shelling and bombing.
This is no big deal for the FSA. Each person in a refugee camp is another potential recruit.
January 12th, 2013, 10:26 pm
Are you saying Ghufran is an idiot?
January 12th, 2013, 10:27 pm
Syrian said:
Zoo @532
You should read Ghufran 511 first before you look like an Idiot
I thank God always regardless,your assertion that any victory for the FSA is the work of Alnusra is one of the regime talking points.and it is your prerogative none the less, you are fighting for your old way of life here
January 12th, 2013, 10:34 pm
Observer said:
Ghufran it was the regime that has made it a sectarian war from the very beginning and so wanted to “scare” the minorities into its side. It actually is the hostage taker in this war on the people of Syria by tying the fate of the Alawis first and the others second to its political survival.
100% of the blame is on the regime, including all the chaos that is happening to date.
I just saw a documentary film on the meeting of the Nazi regime representatives in 1941 to settle the Jewish Question once and for all and find a Final Solution to the problem in Germany and the occupied areas. In it all the branches of the regime were discussing how best to use the victims whether as slave labor or just exterminate them outright. The extermination solution necessitated the use of gas chambers lest the troops revolt against mass killings. Even the lawyers that wrote the “racial purity” laws of Nazi Germany were arguing about respecting the letter of the law and allow Germans with a quarter jewish blood to survive but to be sterilized to stop the “jewish contamination” of the pure Aryan race.
What is amazing in all of this is that many were arguing that all of these atrocities and this mass killing was in the name of “stability” of the German Racial Purity and of the Germanic Culture.
I bring this example to you to remind you that in the name of stability justification of the holocaust was perpetrated.
The regime will need to be completely removed to its last vestige there is no other way forward and what may come on the short term may be worse but the present regime CANNOT remain.
It is over
Cheers and Justice for Hamza
January 12th, 2013, 10:35 pm
Ghufran said:
“Most of Aleppo and large parts of Homs and Damascus are wastelands”
The common factor in every destroyed city in Syria is Islamist rebels, regime forces are present all over Syria, they rule with an iron fist and they intimidate people but you do not see destruction where there are no Islamist rebels, the truth has to be told.
Hamster, you guys can call me anything you want , I am glad that I can express my opinion and expose hypocrites who want freedom and democracy packed in cans made in Qatar and Turkey that are not suitable for the 21st century.
January 12th, 2013, 10:35 pm
MarigoldRan said:
@ Ghufran
That is ridiculous. The reason for the devastation is because of regime bombing and shelling. The regime does not bomb and shell the territory that it controls.
In the end, it’s the regime’s fault. There might be Islamists there, but the regime’s actions led to the destruction.
January 12th, 2013, 10:41 pm
majedkhaldoun said:
While I am still waiting for William to appologize,and admit he made mistake,I want to say that if we are to punish Assad thugs because they have blood on their hands,we may end up killing 100,000 of them,hopefully we get rid of all of them.
William said any country has the right to ask for help,this statement is not completely true, no country has the right to ask for foreign help when it is fighting their own people, they have the right to ask for foreign help if a foreign power invaded them.
January 12th, 2013, 10:43 pm
Ghufran said:
“100% of the blame is on the regime, including all the chaos that is happening to date”
What about 80%, observer?
Covering up for Islamists, Qatar and Turkey is not a good way to start a conversation.
As for uprooting the regime, a popular SNC slogan, I still have to see what it means and how it can be done. The so called short term pains has lasted 2 years and destroyed half of Syria with no solution in sight. Attractive slogans are what they are: attractive slogans.
There are a number of reasons for why the regime has not collapsed yet, one of them is people’s reluctance to support violence as a method to change a government ,as corrupt and brutal as Assad’s.
January 12th, 2013, 10:43 pm
MarigoldRan said:
So what is the alternative, Ghufran? The regime cannot be negotiated with. You’ve seen what it’s like. There can be no political solutions with Assad or the core of this regime.
The fence-sitters are the reason the regime has not collapsed yet. They are idiots who fear the future, not realizing that by sticking to the present, they will only make the future worse.
Many Syrians are cowards and they are paying the penalties of cowardice. They think they can survive by keeping their heads down.
January 12th, 2013, 10:46 pm
Observer said:
Freedom does not come neither from Qatar nor from KSA. It comes from the Syrian people who have said enough of this regime.
As the regime is losing ever more territory and men and has fewer troops to control by terror and force it is resorting to a scorched earth policy.
Calling the areas not under control devastated because of the rebels is a lie and an insult to humanity’s intelligence.
As the regime crumbles slowly it is clear that some here do not want to have anything to do with a a new country not under slavery of a mafia regime.
Justice for Hamza one Shabih at a time in front of a court of law.
January 12th, 2013, 10:46 pm
It was the idiot in 532 who did. I would not call you that, I would only argue that you are really really confused..and that you are confusing yourself even more… It is not about Qatar, Turkey, France, NATO or the US. It is all about Syria and Syrians, and if you have not figured that out yet,… there is nothing I can do to help you figure it out.
January 12th, 2013, 10:52 pm
Observer said:
I challenge anyone here who supports the regime and is laying some blame on others to actually apply one simple rule of law:
Since the state of emergency has been abrogated, give the order for the troops to go back to the barracks for the use of force without authorization from the PEOPLE directly in the absence of a state of emergency is ILLEGAL.
If this is done then you can assign blame on Qatar and KSA and the FSA and everyone else.
I also am certain 100% that if the rebels continue their military activity they will lose all the support of the people.
Remember that the Syrian people are fighting for freedom. That is why the US was defeated in Vietnam and lost 48 000 soldiers and the Vietnamese close to a million.
Yet in all of the fighting a mere 3% of the Vietnamese population was in active combat that is the nature of a liberation fight.
Finally let me remind everyone that a physician friend who just returned from Idlib province in November told me without equivocation that 99% of the weapons of the FSA are from the bounty of overrunning of the SAA position as well as officers that are selling ammunition and others that are smuggling ammunition from army depots to the rebels.
Last but not least continuing to blame others be it Israel, Zionism, Imperialism, Salafism, Qatar, KSA for our ills is distraction.
The same will happen to KSA and Qatar for dictatorships carry within themselves their own seeds of destruction.
Justice for Hamza
January 12th, 2013, 10:56 pm
William Scott Scherk said:
Majedkhaldoun, I will happily apologize to you for a mistake. Just let me know what it was.
As for the legal regime that allows France to assist the government of Mali, the same obtains in Syria, but Syria does not dare operate openly, or speak to the press/media.
Mali’s crisis was not accompanied by any countries questioning its legitimacy. The crucial difference between MALI and Syria is that MALI did not find itself outside the African Union.
MALI is not a Soviet-style military dictatorship led by a Royal Family (and a hidden family compact). Mali is not ringed by states that consider it illegitimate. Mali is not accused by the UN of war crimes. Mali is not responsible for mass civilian casualties, and Mali does not have seventeen security agencies designed to stifle dissent. Look up the last Mali election, and compare and contrast to the wholly illegitimate ‘election’ held in 2012 in Syria.
I do not support Ghufran’s analysis: it is shrill and formed of only Black and White. That is his right. My beef with Ghufran is his slap-happy posting style.
Ghufran’s cause-and-effect reasoning is sound if — and only if — he excludes all the colours of the universe, and all the colours of the rainbow.
To him, it makes sense.
But to call him a liar/lier is not helpful. Not true and not helpful.
I am sure you can add a few more differences between the government of Mali and the government of Syria.
This is not ZOO’s job, it is ours (those who find ZOO’s posts to be suffused with bad faith and misinformation). ZOO works for the retention of Family Rule in Syria. Often he is right in facts, and entirely, sadly wrong in Spin/interpretation/analysis.
For example, while on point for facts (of international law), he leaves a lot out of his calculations. A lot.
I do apologize for helping get your dander up, or causing distress, but if you want me to bow to you over a mistake, name the mistake.
January 12th, 2013, 10:57 pm
MarigoldRan said:
For example, if the regime does not follow international law, why should others follow international law with regards to it?
Also, at the rate things are going, the regime’s air force is being whittled down to nothing. At some close point in the future they will be unable to strike at North Syria.
Already the regime’s air strikes in the north have been whittled down to almost nothing.
January 12th, 2013, 11:06 pm
revenire said:
Bill I am sorry but did someone appoint you the moral arbiter of the universe?
Odd considering you call for death and murder and support terrorism… very odd.
January 12th, 2013, 11:07 pm
MarigoldRan said:
Mmmm. Revenire talking about morals. Amusing.
What a retard.
January 12th, 2013, 11:08 pm
majedkhaldoun said:
go back to my comment 487
you criticized me in what I said while you did not criticed Ghufran in what he said, even that they were the same,for that I demand appolgy.
January 12th, 2013, 11:15 pm
revenire said:
Marigoldran you also support terrorism. You have nothing to say.
January 12th, 2013, 11:17 pm
MarigoldRan said:
Revenire, you’re an idiot and a troll. When you talk about morals, you sound like an unemployed man telling others how to find a job or a loser telling successful people how to win.
You have no credibility. Even worse, you’re not even any good as a troll. You have no creativity in your insults and you’re dumb to boot.
I’m personally more offended by your inept trolling ability than any of your fake positions that you pretend to take. As I’ve said before, you’re a failure even as a troll. And that’s sad. Real sad, Revenire.
January 12th, 2013, 11:18 pm
Ghufran said:
Again, denying that the Syrian war has a regional and international dimension is a sure way to end any intelligent discussion, the question is not if but how much, and I am OK with the latter part. Having an opinion different from others make me different but not confused, I may even be wrong but I think this uprising failed to deliver what it promised and it is time to change direction, unfortunately I do not think that is going to happen. Fighting parties are determined to fight til the end, blaming the army for this outcome is a convenient way to avoid responsibility and dodge the need for self correction. Calling Syrians cowards is another way to shift blame for the tragic outcome of this conflict, fence sitters are not cowards,they are wiser than most and more patriotic than most, I reject this insulting label as much as I reject calling Assad a defender of freedom and security.
January 12th, 2013, 11:26 pm
majedkhaldoun said:
You are right, the regime has lost 30% of his airforce, at this rate he will lose 30% more in the next six months, he will run out of planes to fight with,and may run out of loyal officers in the future.
The weakness of this regime is evident,and it will get weaker,and things will get worse.
January 12th, 2013, 11:26 pm
MarigoldRan said:
@ Ghufran
Fair enough. I take back any negative comments in the my previous comment towards you.
But I do have a question: What is the difference between wisdom and cowardice?
Assad is more likely to die from an Alawite bullet than an FSA one. The Alawites are not willing to continue fighting for the regime forever.
Assad is drawing upon the reservoir of support his father earned for his family. But that reservoir will not last indefinitely. The same is true for his air force.
January 12th, 2013, 11:29 pm
revenire said:
Marigoldran say what you like: you support terrorism, theft and murder. It is all here posted. You are a sectarian dog who belongs in a cage.
January 12th, 2013, 11:30 pm
MarigoldRan said:
Revenire, half of your comments are about jailing people or gassing them or executing them such as, for example, your recent one.
You take delight when hospitals are bombed.
You are in no position to talk about other peoples’ morals.
January 12th, 2013, 11:33 pm
revenire said:
Why did the rats murder the athlete? Was he one of the shabiha?
January 12th, 2013, 11:33 pm
revenire said:
No, I only said I wish the SAA would gas the enemy. You said I said Sunnis but I never said that. You lied Marigoldran.
January 12th, 2013, 11:34 pm
MarigoldRan said:
Revenire, I ask you again: are you capable of writing three paragraphs without some form of hate or violence? As I’ve said before, there’s a high probability you could turn out to be one of those idiots that shoots a roomful of kids because you’re despicable.
And yet you want to speak to others of morals?
EDIT: You wanted the SAA to gas “terrorists.” If the “terrorists” are hiding or coming from a Sunni village, does this mean you intend for the SAA to gas the village?
How exactly do you gas a “terrorist” without gassing the village around him?
January 12th, 2013, 11:34 pm
Syrialover said:
Jordanian TV presenter breaks down in tears at a report showing the suffering in the Zaatari refugee camp
January 12th, 2013, 11:38 pm
revenire said:
You say a lot but you lie. You lied about me saying I wanted to gas Sunni villages when I said the SAA should gas the terrorist enemy. I pray for it. I am not for negotiating with these rats who have picked up guns. I say kill them all.
People who hide terrorists are terrorists themselves.
January 12th, 2013, 11:39 pm
MarigoldRan said:
Yup. More hate from you Revenire. Hate is all you know.
Almost everything you write is about gassing, or killing, or destruction. Even from a troll, that’s somewhat disturbing.
January 12th, 2013, 11:40 pm
revenire said:
Assad should use the good example of France and carpet bomb all terrorists in Syria. Let’s not waste any more soldiers and let’s get the job done.
Maybe Russia can be invited to join as they watch France kill the rats in Mali. I want to thank France for showing us how civilized nations deal with FSA-like terrorists.
Is there any doubt that the Al-Qaeda dogs France is bombing in Mali are allied with the FSA?
January 12th, 2013, 11:43 pm
Ghufran said:
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January 12th, 2013, 11:44 pm
MarigoldRan said:
@ Ghufran
The Alawites will not fight for the regime forever.
January 12th, 2013, 11:47 pm
Ghufran said:
Call Fares Ashihabi what you want but he is right on this one:
???? ????? ????? ??? ??????? ??????? ???? ??????? ???????? ???? ???? ????? ??????? ??????? ???????? ??? ????????? ??? ?????? ???? ????? ???? ???? ???? ????? ???????? ???? ?????? ?? ??????? ??????? ???????? ??? ??????? ????????? ????????? ?????? ??? ????????? ??????? ?? ??????? ??????? ???? ??? ??? ???? ??????? ?????? ???? ?????? ?? ?????.
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Those of you who pledged allegiance to Turkey are wrong to put it mildly.
January 12th, 2013, 11:50 pm
revenire said:
Taftanaz was a rat trap. The FSA commanders are fools.
There are reports of up to 5000 dead rats at Taftanaz. We have no verification but is it a coincidence that Qatar asked for an Arab force a day or two after the terrorists walked into the rat trap? I think not.
January 12th, 2013, 11:55 pm
ann said:
A new media disinformation campaign with regard to Syria, together with a political initiative is in the making.
Pro Al-Qaeda
Austria, Denmark, Ireland and Slovenia propose Taking Syria to the ICC – January 11, 2013
The text of this proposal is entitled Time to refer Syria crisis to ICC. The authors are Michael Spindelegger, Karl Erjavec, Eamon Gilmore and Villy Søvndal, respectively the foreign ministers of Austria, Slovenia, Ireland and Denmark.
The text, published as an “Oped” by CNN, is apparently being put forth by these four distinguished statesmen who are freely expressing their views in a “personal capacity”. One would expect, however, given the position that they hold within their respective governments, that this proposal has the support of Austria, Slovenia, Ireland and Denmark.
The proposal in itself is highly convoluted. Realities are turned upside down.The Syrian government is identified as responsible for committing atrocities, when in fact the killings of civilians including extrajudicial assassinations have in large part been conducted by foreign supported death squads.
The existence of “opposition” terror brigades integrated by mercenaries and funded by NATO, Turkey, Qatar, Saudi Arabia is not mentioned. Nor is the existence of the Al Nusra Front, affiliated to al Qaeda in Iraq, supported covertly by the CIA.
The text is largely based on the report of the U.N. Commission of Inquiry on Syria, under the auspices of the UN Human Rights Council.
This four Foreign Ministers initiative “smells rat”: is it the prelude of a new round of demonization of the Syrian head of State, using the legitimacy of the ICC as a convenient coverup of war crimes committed by US-NATO sponsored terrorists.
The four foreign ministers are complicit in upholding a covert military agenda against Syria. They are complicit in war crimes.
January 12th, 2013, 11:55 pm
MarigoldRan said:
Looting is bad in peacetime, but it’s a natural part of war.
January 12th, 2013, 11:58 pm
revenire said:
Umm, actually looting is a war crime but I would not expect a Salafist ape who can barely read to know that.
“The Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949 explicitly prohibits the looting of civilian property during wartime. The Hague Convention of 1899 (modified in 1954) obliges military forces not only to avoid destruction of enemy property, but to provide protection to it. Theoretically, to prevent such looting, unclaimed property is moved to the custody of the Custodian of Enemy Property, to be handled until the return to its owner.”
January 13th, 2013, 12:09 am
ann said:
Russia warships near Syria, signal to US: Vyacheslav Matuzov – Sat Jan 12, 2013
A political analyst tells Press TV that the presence of Russian warships in eastern Mediterranean close to the Syrian coast is a very clear signal to NATO and the United States
The comments came after Russia said it is planning to hold a series of major naval drills off the Syrian coast in the Mediterranean as the US and its allies plan to deploy missiles on Syria’s border.
Press TV has conducted an interview with Vyacheslav Matuzov, political commentator, to further discuss the issue. What follows is an approximate transcription of the interview.
Press TV: What do you make of Moscow’s plan to hold naval drills in Syria’s waters and deploy missiles on Syria’s border with Turkey?
Matuzov: Well of course it is not accidentally that all warships are now concentrating in eastern Mediterranean close to Syrian seashore because situation in Syria is as a target of Russian foreign policy and of course Russian leadership is very much thinking about the situation in this region.
I think that military exercises with presence of four fleets from Pacific, from Arctic Sea, from Baltic Sea, from Mediterranean, from Black Sea, so all these four fleets now are concentrating in one point, very close to Syrian seashore and Syrian developments.
I think that it is a very clear signal to the NATO leadership, to United States of America that Russia [build it] of the developments and the American policy in this region and it is ready to make according steps to provide necessary measures to prevent negative developments in political side, in geopolitical side, in Middle East, in Syria and in Caucasus.
That is why I think it is a signal to the United States absolutely clear but on the ground in my opinion there will be no landing Russian marines to Syrian seashore, to Lattakia or Tartus. I think that our Minister of Defense absolutely clear clarified the goals of this military exercises. They will be sending, landing military troops of marines in Caucasian region.
I suppose that all these four fleets united on the one command, unified command will be going to Caucasus and all exercises landing, on boarding from the land to the seashore will be trained in our territories, Russian territories not foreign territories, I suppose.
I do not think that Russia includes Syrian events in their military maneuvers, in military plans as a part of current situation in Syria but I am sure absolutely that these exercises are connected politically, very closely with American policy that is encouraging military groups to intervene in Syria through Turkish territory.
It is a good signal for Turkey who is playing bad way because they are giving opportunity to many, many non-control military groups transit for Syria from all over the world, from Afghanistan, Pakistan, from Libya, from Maghreb and many, many other countries who are going to fight against Syrian regime.
I think it is a mistake, miscalculation of American strategists who are ignoring an international situation and real place of Russian Federation in world policies.
I think they met for the first time in Syria, the firm and absolutely clear Russian position. Russia will not approve any violations of international law anymore because it was ignoring American behavior in Libya, in Iraq, in Yugoslavia, in many other places. I think that now Russia came to the conclusion, no other place will be permitted for the United States.
I think it is up to the United States today to rethink their whole strategy, strategy in the Middle East, in the Far East, in Europe and according to my consideration I think that Barack Obama will be involved in these calculations.
January 13th, 2013, 12:15 am
Ghufran said:
It is not just Syrians who are suspicious of the MB, Khaliji governments, with the possible exception of Qatar, are taking a second look at their support for Islamists but I am not sure if this new trend will have a measurable effect on Islamist fighters in Syria who mostly use Turkey, Qatar and expats (beside looting and khuwwah) support to thrive and survive ,but if this line of thinking gains traction it may improve chances of a more decisive approach to the Syrian war. Abdlbari Atwan had a good article on the subject.
January 13th, 2013, 12:15 am
Syrialover said:
I see the “ANN” team has dumped the usual disinformation rubbish from a nutter conspiracist site (#574).
The truth is it’s more like 50 countries rather than 4 are involved in the petition for Syria to be referred to the International Criminal Court.
The UK and France among others have signed the letter calling for the move, and others such as Australia have announced they intend to.
January 13th, 2013, 12:15 am
revenire said:
“Syrialover” why don’t you list them for us?
I find Ann’s post to be credible and find you to be a colonized rat begging your masters in Europe for scraps of cheese.
January 13th, 2013, 12:21 am
MarigoldRan said:
The retard brigade is here.
Revenire, listening to you talk about international law is like listening to a deaf man talk.
January 13th, 2013, 12:23 am
revenire said:
“Syrialover” my source is CNN, home of Syrian Danny and Anderson Cooper – liars perhaps but we must remember that even a broken clock is right twice a day.
They list FOUR countries not your fantasy of FIFTY.
See below:
Time to refer Syria crisis to ICC
January 13th, 2013, 12:25 am
revenire said:
Marigoldran I simply quoted Wiki on looting. You were wrong (again).
Run along and get some cheese from Erdogan.
January 13th, 2013, 12:30 am
ann said:
Hamas: 885 Palestinians killed in Syria civil war – 01/12/2013
According to a January 3 Yediot Ahronoth report, both Hamas and the Palestinian Authority have rejected a UN request that they take in Palestinians fleeing Syria.
Yediot claimed that Hamas leader in Gaza Ismail Haniyeh refused the appeal on ideological grounds, saying the absorption of Palestinian refugees into Gaza and the West Bank could be used by Israel to undermine the Palestinians’ so-called “right of return” to the Jewish state.
The PA reportedly rejected the request due to its ongoing severe financial crisis.
Meanwhile, the Daily Star reported earlier this month that Palestinians refugees from Syria were being forced to pay a visa fee to enter Lebanon.
January 13th, 2013, 12:33 am
ann said:
Syrian army advances in strategic Damascus suburb – January 13, 2013
DAMASCUS, Syria (AP) — Syrian troops advanced in a strategic suburb of Damascus and bombarded other areas around the capital Saturday.
A government official said regime forces had taken much of Daraya, an area on the edge of a major military air base just south of the capital, after nearly two months of heavy fighting.
The government official told The Associated Press in Damascus that the army still faced “small pockets” of resistance but he expected the area to be cleared in a few days.
In other violence, athletic champion Hisham Raqsha was shot to death in Damascus while on his way back home, according to the Observatory and state-run news agency SANA. SANA said Raqsha was the coach of Syria’s walking team. His age and other details were not available.
January 13th, 2013, 12:52 am
ann said:
French Battle Islamic Terrorists 8) – Sat 11:13 PM, Jan 12, 2013
PARIS (AP) — France is on alert for a possible terrorist attack in the wake of French military action in Africa.
French President Francois Hollande (frahn-SWAH’ oh-LAWND’) says the country will raise its domestic terror threat level following military operations against Islamist forces in Mali and Somalia.
Hollande is promising to increase protection at public buildings and transportation networks.
France has some of the world’s most recognizable monuments and an extensive national transportation network; like the U.S., it also has an organized government response if there are specific fears of a terrorist attack.
French aircraft and troops are backing soldiers in Mali who are trying to push back Islamist offensives; in Somalia, French commandos launched a failed raid to rescue an intelligence agent held hostage there for three years.
January 13th, 2013, 1:04 am
revenire said:
Maybe France will arm the Islamic terrorists they’re now killing? 😉 A way to boost weapons sales maybe.
Wonder how many civilians France has murdered with their attacks on Mali?
January 13th, 2013, 1:11 am
MarigoldRan said:
Oh. You read wiki?
I thought you only read regime propaganda pamphlets.
January 13th, 2013, 1:16 am
Syrian said:
The median age of Syria is 21, the youngest ever, the pundits can talk and analyze all they want,the leaders can meet to agree and disagree all they want
It is not about Tureky, the GCC, Iran,Russia, it is about Syria and Syrians
This new young generation fighting on the ground are hungry for a win and they are fearless, they want the WORLD and they will not be denied. Not by Russian ships maneuvering somewhere someplace, or some revlutoion guards or HA.
Darya has been holding out for 2 month,and it right next to Maza 86 and airport.
No country will give Bashar A penny to rebuild not even sanctioned Iran
So in reality Bashar can never have a peace even if won the battle, the war is on to the eventual victory
January 13th, 2013, 1:16 am
Idiot @ 573 ya right
January 13th, 2013, 1:18 am
ann said:
A grim outlook in Syria – January 13, 2013
Growing chaos in the [liberated] areas of northern Syria is convincing some members of the Syrian opposition that the country will become a “failed state” unless an orderly political transition begins soon.
This stark analysis is contained in an intelligence report provided to the State Department last week by Syrian sources. Describing the situation in the area from Aleppo to the Turkish border, the report draws a picture of disorganized fighters, greedy arms peddlers and profiteering warlords.
“There are hundreds of small groups (10-20 fighters) spread all over the area of Aleppo,” notes the bleak assessment given to the State Department. “The FSA has [been] transformed into disorganized rebel groups, infiltrated by large numbers of criminals. All our efforts with MCs [military councils] were abolished. … Warlords are a reality on the ground now. … A [failed] state is the most likely outcome of the current condition, unless adjustment [is] done.”
The battles in the north these days are mostly for the spoils of war, argues the Syrian assessment. “Rebel violations are becoming a normal daily phenomenon, especially against civilians, including looting public and private factories, storage places, houses and cars.” The report cites, for example, the looting of a Syrian oil company storage facility and sales of smuggled grain to Turkish middlemen.
Syrian civilians are suffering greatly. In the Aleppo area, notes the assessment, “people are struggling to obtain basic life needs.” The price of propane has increased eight times; heating fuel and gasoline are up tenfold; bread prices have risen eightfold. Desperate for firewood, “poor people are cutting trees from public parks or using school desks.”
January 13th, 2013, 1:25 am
ann said:
Russia rejects Assad exit as precondition for Syria deal – Sunday, 13 January 2013
Russia voiced support on Saturday for international peace envoy Lakhdar Brahimi but insisted Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s exit cannot be a precondition for a deal to end the country’s conflict, Reuters reported.
Syria has been experiencing unrest since mid-March 2011. Damascus says outlaws, saboteurs, and armed terrorists are the driving factor behind the unrest and deadly violence while the opposition accuses the security forces of being behind the killings.
Western states have been calling for Assad to step down. However, Russia and China are strongly opposed to the Western drive to oust Assad.
The Syrian government says that the chaos is being orchestrated from outside the country, and there are reports that a very large number of the armed militants are foreign nationals.
A Russian Foreign Ministry statement following talks on Friday with the United States and Brahimi reiterated calls for an end to violence in Syria, but there was no sign of a breakthrough.
Brahimi said the issue of Assad, whom the United States, European powers and their allies in the Persian Gulf insist must step down to end the violence, appeared to be a sticking point at the meeting in Geneva.
Russia’s Foreign Ministry said: “As before, we firmly uphold the thesis that questions about Syria’s future must be decided by the Syrians themselves, without interference from outside or the imposition of prepared recipes for development.”
Russia has been Assad’s most powerful international backer, joining with China to block three Western-backed UN Security Council resolutions aimed to pressure him or push him from power. Assad can also rely on regional powerhouse Iran.
In Geneva, Russia called for “a political transition process” based on an agreement by foreign powers last June.
Brahimi, who is trying to build on the agreement reached in Geneva on June 30, has met three times with senior Russian and U.S. diplomats since early December and met Assad in Damascus.
Russia and the United States disagreed over what the June agreement meant for Assad, with Washington saying it sent a clear signal he must go and Russia contending it did not.
On Sunday, Assad outlined a new peace initiative that includes a national reconciliation conference, and the formation of a wide representative government which would then oversee new elections, a new constitution and general amnesty.
In a one-hour speech to the nation, Assad stated that the initiative can only take roots after regional and Western countries stop funding “militant extremists” fighting to overthrow the government, The Associated Press reported.
Assad said that Syria will not take dictates from anyone, and called on his countrymen to unite against “murderous criminals” whom he said are carrying out a foreign plot seeking to tear the nation apart.
The Syrian president ignored Western demands for him to step down and said he is ready to hold a dialogue but only with those “who have not betrayed Syria.” He offered a national reconciliation conference, elections and a new constitution but demanded regional and Western countries stop funding and arming the rebels first.
Speaking at the Opera House in central Damascus, Assad told the hall packed with his supporters that “we are in a state of war. We are fighting an external aggression that is more dangerous than any others, because they use us to kill each other.”
“It is a war between the nation and its enemies, between the people and the murderous criminals,” he added. The audience frequently broke out in cheers and applause.
January 13th, 2013, 1:34 am
Juergen said:
No offence, I was just amazed by this guy. You are right,one helicopter less is one killing machine less for the regime.
Why France has invaded Mali to help fight with the elected government? Well France has never left Africa like the English or the Germans did, they have still an large influence on the ground. France is quite loyal to their fomer lands, and almost in every country you will find french companies. Each government has french advisors, and they never made any difference between democratic elected or repressive regimes. Usually in the last decades, they would always say upfront that the french army was inside for the sake of french residents in that country. But everyone knows well enough that this is only half of the truth, almost in every conflict relating with former french colonies they have send openly or secretly( the légion étrangère).
January 13th, 2013, 1:40 am
ann said:
Syrian army regains control over areas in Aleppo, defends airbase – 2013-01-12
• Syrian army on Saturday wrested back control over several areas in the northern province of Aleppo.
• Government troops at dawn Saturday repelled armed groups’ attack against the Kshaish airport.
• The army is still hunting down armed rebels in the Muadamieh suburb west of Damascus.
DAMASCUS, Jan.12 (Xinhua) — Syrian army on Saturday wrested back control over several areas in the northern province of Aleppo and repulsed rebels’ attack on a military airport at the outskirts of Aleppo, a day after the radical militants took full control over the military airport of Taftanas in Idlib province.
The army controlled the Ummayad Mosque area, Khan al-Wazir, the surrounding of the old citadel and the city’s courthouse, the pro- government Sham FM radio said, quoting a military source as saying that government troops at dawn Saturday repelled armed groups’ attack against the Kshaish airport in the outskirts of Aleppo, leaving many of the assailants killed or injured and destroying their anti-aircraft artillery.
The radio report also said that clashes between the army and the rebels took place at several districts in the central province of Homs, adding that many rebels were killed in addition to one soldier.
In the capital Damascus, local reports said the army is still hunting down armed rebels in the Muadamieh suburb west of Damascus, adding that the al-Nusra Front, an offshoot of al-Qaida, is still positioning in the Yarmouk camp for Palestinian refugees and keeping the displaced people from returning home.
The reports said that eight people were killed in Yarmouk over the past hours by snipers’ fire.
Meanwhile, local media said the helicopters, which the rebels claimed to have captured in the Taftanas airbase in the northern province of Idlib, are “inoperable” and “out of service” since long time ago.
After weeks of intense fighting, radical militants from al- Nusra Front took full control of the sprawling airbase on Friday morning, making it most significant gain they have gained since the eruption of the crisis a year and a half ago.
The Sham FM report said all the functioning war jets were evicted from the air field before the armed groups’ attack, adding that three officers were killed during the fight.
It said the army on Friday rained down the airport with all kinds of shelling, inflicting hefty toll among the militia at the airport.
On the opposition side, the Local Coordination Committees (LCC) said the Syrian troops’ shelling renewed on the southern suburbs of Damascus, mainly on Sbaineh, Hajar al-Aswad and Mathnieh.
The LCC reported violence and clashes elsewhere in the unrest- torn country, placing the initial death toll of Saturday’s violence at 55.
January 13th, 2013, 1:46 am
Juergen said:
January 13th, 2013, 2:19 am
omen said:
that’s amazing. i thought nusra opposed foreign intervention.
166. Majedkhaldoun said: JN(Jabhet al Nusra) invited US to secure Chemical weapons site in Sfeirah Aleppo province, they told US either you take it or we will take it after we clean Taftanaz and Mennagh airport. Now it is up to US to decide. it seems JN agreed for US troops to enter from Turkey to do the job. Atropin or pralidoxime injections will be available to the JN soldiers.
January 13th, 2013, 2:39 am
omen said:
524. Tara said: Why did France not wait for a UNSC resolution to intervene in Mali
turns out the regime created a pathway where a unsc resolution isn’t needed to take action on syria (via wpo op-ed from oct):
regrettably, the u.s. has been pressuring turkey from being more proactive.
January 13th, 2013, 3:10 am
Johannes de Silentio said:
Remember the mathematics of this war: dead opposition soldiers get replaced; dead regime soldiers don’t.
Assad Cartoon of the day:
January 13th, 2013, 3:27 am
Johannes de Silentio said:
Remember the mathematics of this war: dead opposition soldiers get replaced; dead regime soldiers don’t.
Assad Cartoon of the day:
January 13th, 2013, 3:36 am
Syrialover said:
Hmmm. Interesting that you rushed in making a personal blustering defense to something I directed at “ANN”. Are we seeing a link between cyber playmates, or something more formal?
Anyway, what are you rabbiting on about REVENIRE? Thirty seconds online search and you’ll find the Washington Post, Australian Government sources and others confirming that over 50 nations are supporting the move to put Syria into the ICC.
Give up. That story is going to get bigger and situation more solid by the day.
etc, etc
January 13th, 2013, 5:06 am
The fall of Assad is not the fall of an idiot who has no idea about the world he lives in. The fall of Assad is the dimanteling of the regime structures that live and beneffit from the people by the people and through the people of Syria. The structures of power and ¨intelligence¨ services are hard like steel and a lot of time will be needed to see how they fall by theor own.
Us and Israel are ready to let Syria disappear from the map while the brave people of Syria tries to defeat the iron corrupt regime of Assads. They are looking for a long term divided arab world between Chia and Sunna. If you do not believe please explain:
1) Why US is promoting the role of Iran in regional stability? Just to let extend his popularity in Irak and Lebanon?
2) Why US promoted the rise of a Chiite pro-Iranian government in Irak?
2) Why Iran is uncapable of killing a single israeli or american insect?
3) Why Iran Hezballah super party is quiet and unactive to do any harm to the great satan enemy?
4) Why Assad has been given green light by Rusia and China and also has received the placet from US and Israel to try to end the revolution?
5) Why only the sunna regional powers are trying to support the sunna revolution?
Because Israel would not be able to support the pressure and dealing with a unified and stable neighborhood of arab sunna or multiconfessional states (Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt) who have stable and peacefull political and economical relations.
January 13th, 2013, 5:13 am
Syrialover said:
Nice story. Young Syrians putting out a newspaper which works to counteract the propaganda from both sides. (Aside: the editor is a guy named al-Khatib, but no relationship to the Coalition leader of the same name is indicated)
Story: New Syria newspaper fights ‘lies of war’
Suria Al-Hurra (Syria the Free), their month-old weekly, is seeking to become an important source of information for what goes on in the war-torn country — refusing to bend the facts, no matter the pressure to do so.
“We are nobody’s mouthpiece; we are journalists,” Khatib, the 30-year-old chief editor and former Aleppo University geography professor, defiantly tells AFP.
“We will never publish anything we’re not 100-percent certain is true. Many times people try to manipulate us.”
Such adherence to normal journalistic standards is risky in a country that, before its March 2011 uprising erupted, harboured a tame press that obediently vaunted the merits of now-beleaguered President Bashar al-Assad.
Regime elements — notably Assad’s fiercely loyal shabiha militia — take exception to Suria Al-Hurra’s aims. So do some rebels, who want to see the paper act as a propaganda tool in their struggle.
January 13th, 2013, 5:31 am
Citizen said:
Middle East
Jan 11, 2013
Syria: A jihadi paradise
By Pepe Escobar
So Bashar al-Assad hath martially spoken – for the first time in seven months – predictably blaming the Syrian civil war on “terrorists” and “Western puppets”.
Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu, he of the former “zero problems with our neighbors” policy, commented that Assad only reads the reports of his secret services. C’mon, Ahmet; Bashar may be no Stephen Hawking, but he’s certainly getting his black holes right.
Assad, moreover, has a plan: a national dialogue leading to a national charter – to be submitted to a referendum – and then an enlarged government and a general amnesty. The problem is who is going to share all this bottled happiness because Assad totally
dismisses the new Syria opposition coalition as well as the Free Syrian Army (FSA), describing them as foreign-recruited gangs taking orders from foreign powers to implement one supreme agenda: the partition of Syria.
Still, Assad’s got a plan. First stage: all foreign powers financing the “terrorists” – as in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization-Gulf Cooperation Council compound – must stop doing so. That’s already a major no-no. Only in a second stage would the Syrian Army cease all its operations, but still reserve the right to respond to any – inevitable – “provocation”.
Assad’s plan does not mention what happens to Assad himself. The only thing the multiple strands of the opposition agree on is that “the dictator must go” before any negotiations take place. Yet he wants to be a candidate to his own succession in 2014.
As if this was not a humongous “detail” torpedoing the whole construct of current UN mediator Lakhdar Brahimi, there’s still the crucial nagging point of Brahimi insisting on including the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) in a Syrian transitional government. Brahimi should know better. It’s as if the UN was praying for a Hail Mary pass – that is, Assad’s voluntary abdication.
This ain’t Tora Bora
If you want to know what’s really going in Syria, look no further than Hezbollah secretary-general Sheikh Nasrallah. He does tell it like it is.
Then there’s what Ammar al-Musawi, Hezbollah’s number 3 – as in their de facto foreign minister – told my Italian colleaguem Ugo Tramballi. The most probable post-Assad scenario, if there is one, will be “not a unitary state, but a series of emirates near the Turkish border, and somebody proclaiming an Islamic state”. Hezbollah’s intelligence – the best available on Syria – is adamant: “one third of the combatants in the opposition are religious extremists, and two-thirds of the weapons are under their control.” The bottom line – this is a Western proxy war, with the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) acting as a “vanguard” for the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.
Asia Times Online readers have already known this for eons, as much as they know about the tectonic-plates-on-the-move fallacy of GCC autocracies promoting “democracy” in Syria. While the geologically blessed House of Saud has bribed every grain of sand in sight to be immunized against any whiff of Arab Spring, at least in Kuwait the winds of change are forcing the Al-Sabah family to accept a prime minister who is not an emir’s puppet. Yes, petromonarchs; sooner or later you’re all going down.
As for those who ignore Musawi, they do it at their own peril; blowback is and will remain inevitable, “like in Afghanistan”. Musawi adds, “Syria is not Tora Bora; it’s on the Mediterranean coast, close to Europe”. Syria in the 2010s is the 1980s Afghan remix – with exponential inbuilt blowback.
And for those who blindly follow the blind in repeating that Hezbollah is a “terrorist” organization, Hezbollah is closely cooperating with the UN – on the ground with over 10,000 blue helmets, under the command of Italian General Paolo Serra – to keep southern Lebanon free from Syrian civil war contamination.
The dictator has fallen – again
Not surprisingly, that motley crew branded as the “Syrian opposition” rejected Assad en bloc. For the Muslim Brotherhood – the self-styled power in waiting – he is a “war criminal” who should go on trial. For Georges Sabra, the vice-president of that American-Qatari concoction, the National Coalition, Assad’s words were a “declaration of war against the Syrian people”.
Predictably, the US State Department – not yet under John Kerry – said Assad was “detached from reality”. London said it was all hypocrisy and immediately launched yet another “secret” two-day conference this week at Wilton Park in West Sussex mingling coalition members with the usual gaggle of “experts”, academics, GCC officials and “multilateral agencies”. The spectacularly pathetic UK Foreign Secretary William Hague twitted – for the umpteenth time – that “Assad’s departure from power is inevitable”.
Facts on the ground though spell that Assad is not going anywhere anytime soon.
As for British claims that “the international community can provide support to a future transitional authority”, that doesn’t cut much slack among war-weary informed Syrians – who know this civil war has been funded, supplied and amply coordinated by the West, as in the NATO component of the NATOGCC compound.
They smell a – Western – rat in the obsessive characterization of everything in Syria as a sectarian war, as they see how loads of influent Sunnis have remained loyal to the government.
They smell a – Western – rat when they look back and see this whole thing started just as the US$10 billion Iran-Iraq-Syria gas pipeline (crucially bypassing NATO member Turkey) had a chance to be implemented. This would represent a major economic boost to an independent Syria, an absolute no-no as far as Western interests are concerned.
The Obama 2.0 administration – and Israel – would be more than comfortable with the MB in power in Syria, following the Egyptian modus operandi. The Brotherhood promotes the idea of a “civil state”; one just has to check the few “liberated areas” across Syria to detect rebel civility inbuilt in hardcore Sharia law and assorted beheadings.
Yet what the NATOGCC compound and Israel really want is a Yemeni model for Syria; a military dictatorship without the dictator. What they’re getting instead, for the foreseeable future, is Jihadi Paradise.
Off with their heads
Almost a year ago, al-Qaeda number one Ayman al-Zawahiri called on every Sunni hardcore faithful from Iraq and Jordan to Lebanon, Turkey and beyond to take a trip to Syria and merrily crush Assad.
So they’ve kept coming, including – just like in Afghanistan – Chechens and Uyghurs and Southeast Asians, joining everything from the FSA to Jabhat al-Nusra, the number one killing militia, now with over 5,000 jihadis.
A report published this week by the London-based counterterrorism outfit Quilliam Foundation confirms Al-Nusra’s role. The lead author of the report, Noman Benotman, happens to be a former Libyan jihadi very cosy with al-Zawahiri and the late “Geronimo”, aka Osama bin Laden.
Al-Nusra is in fact the Syrian branch of al-Qaeda in Iraq (AQI), the terrorist brand of late Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, also known as Islamic State of Iraq after Zarqawi was incinerated by a US missile in 2006. Even the State Department knows that AQI emir Abu Du’a runs both AQI and al-Nusra, whose own emir is Abu Muhammad al-Jawlani.
It’s AQI that facilitates the back-and-forth of Iraqi commanders – with plenty of fighting experience on the ground against the Americans – to sensitive areas in Syria, while the Syrians, Iraqis and Jordanians at al-Nusra also work the phones to extract funding from Gulf sources. Al-Nusra wants – what else – an Islamic State not only in Syria but all over the Levant. Favorite tactic: car and truck suicide bombings as well as remote-controlled car bombs. For the moment, they keep a tense collaboration/competition regime with the FSA.
What happens next? The new Syrian National Coalition is a joke. Those GCC bastions of democracy are now totally spooked by the jihadi tsunami. Russia drew the red line and NATO won’t dare to bomb; Russians and Americans are now discussing details. And sooner or later Ankara will see the writing on the wall – and revert to a policy of at least minimizing trouble with the neighbors.
Assad saw The Big Picture – clearly, thus his “confident” speech. It’s now Assad against the jihadis. Unless, or until, the new CIA under Terminator John Brennan drones itself into the (shadow war) picture with a vengeance.
January 13th, 2013, 6:45 am
zoo said:
Ibrahimi to move to Bakkourland: useless.
Syria calls peace envoy’s mission ‘useless’
Daily News Egypt / January 13, 2013 /
Brahimi, who last week criticised a three-step solution announced in a rare speech by Assad, “represents the Turkish, US and Gulf states’ position, and is not an objective mediator,” said Al-Watan.
Damascus (AFP) – Official media in Syria renewed attacks on UN and Arab League envoy Lakhdar Brahimi on Sunday, calling him biased and saying his peace mission aimed at solving the country’s crisis was “useless.”
On Wednesday, Brahimi criticised as “one-sided” a proposal by President Bashar Al-Assad to end the crisis, and two days later he met top US and Russian officials and urged “a speedy end to the bloodshed” in the strife-torn country.
“It is clear that Mr Brahimi is now out of the loop for the solution for Syria. He has taken sides, he is not a mediator,” wrote the pro-regime daily Al-Watan on Sunday’s front page.
“Brahimi is incapable of finding a solution to the Syrian crisis.
“He acknowledged in his last meeting with President Assad (on December 24) that Turkey and Qatar will not stop supporting terrorist groups and that he cannot prevent them from doing so,” it wrote.
“Brahimi’s mission is useless, just like (his predecessor) Kofi Annan, who resigned when he realised that he had no role to play in a war waged against Syria by several Western capitals,” said Al-Watan.
January 13th, 2013, 7:46 am
zoo said:
541. Syrian said:
“Zoo @532
You should read Ghufran 511 first before you look like an Idiot”
You know what I do with your idiotic advices..
January 13th, 2013, 7:50 am
zoo said:
“The reason they’re abandoned is because of regime artillery shelling and bombing.”
Wasn’t the FSA initial mission to protect civilians? what have they done? After the civilians they used as human shields flee they decided that they prefer to join the foreign Allahuakbarites to fight for the creation of islamic caliphates that only very few Syrians want.
The FSA is rotting for inside and rejected by an increasing number of Syrians as neither they are able to protect them, nor to feed them as they are obsessed by their jihad to create an islamist state.
They can claim all day long that their fighters from Al Nusra have attacked airports, they have become the ennemies of the West and they are doomed.
January 13th, 2013, 7:59 am
zoo said:
Syrian Hamster @540
Are you and Syrian Ghufran’s idiotic keepers?
January 13th, 2013, 8:08 am
zoo said:
#601 Sandro
“Us and Israel are ready to let Syria disappear from the map while the brave people of Syria tries to defeat the iron corrupt regime of Assads”
Thank God, you are starting to look beyond your hatred for Bashar.
That’s the dilemma for the short term future: no Syria on the map, or a Syria with a compromising Bashar until 2014?
January 13th, 2013, 8:15 am
zoo said:
Even Qatar’ mouthpiece Al Jazeera show signs of panic: Al Nusra is taking over the FSA.
Short on weapons and tired of waiting the west deliver military aid, Syrian rebels say they will take their destiny into their own hands.
But that means a protracted conflict with more casualties and more destruction. 22 months into the conflict, there are no indications the regime is on the verge of collapse or that the rebels may ever be defeated no matter what forces Syrian president Bashar al-Assad is amassing or weapons he might be using in the future.
On the ground there is a new reality that may shape the future of the country.
Fighters from the Nusra Front and the Islamic Forefront are gaining credence among the rebels.
They are disciplined and are at the forefront of the fighting in most of the country. Feared by regime troops, widely respected by the local population, their meteoric rise overshadows the Free Syrian Army.
The US has branded the Nusra as a terrorist organisation, a decision with huge implications for the rebels. They know that they may never get weapons from the West as long as the Nusra is in Syria. But there is nothing the Syrian Coalition, a loose umbrella of opposition groups, can do about it.
January 13th, 2013, 8:18 am
zoo said:
Business san frontières: Iran, Iraq and Syria agreements
Published January 13th, 2013 – 12:39 GMT via SyndiGate.info
Iran, Iraq, and Syria have signed a memorandum of understanding to expand cooperation through boosting transit of goods through joint borders, the Fars News Agency quoted Iranian Deputy Roads and Urban Development Minister Shahryar Afandizadeh as saying.
The agreement was inked last week in Tehran, Afandizadeh said, adding that official of the three countries agreed to facilitate border trade and expand border terminals.
January 13th, 2013, 8:22 am
zoo said:
The West hypocrisy on display
President Francois Hollande says French air strikes have inflicted “heavy losses” on Islamist rebels in the West African nation of Mali.
Where is Navy Pillay? What are these ‘mysterious’ heavy losses? how many Mali children and women?
January 13th, 2013, 8:28 am
zoo said:
“The UN Security Council has authorized the deployment of a 3,300-strong African intervention force to help the Malian government restore order.
The 15-nation West African bloc ECOWAS has approved the immediate deployment of troops for the force.”
January 13th, 2013, 8:30 am
Citizen said:
SYRIA, IRAN. Next – RUSSIA (2012)
At the moment there is a war in Syria. Brutal war. Killed civilians, women and children. This is not a struggle of the Syrian people for freedom and democracy, as we try to present the media. This is a war for resources, for oil and gas, the war for the redivision of the world. And after Syria and Iran will be the turn of our country, Russia.
That is happening in Syria, what are the causes of the conflict, in which players are involved and what goals they pursue and what it threatens our country correspondents warning systems Mazitovich said Marat Musin, PhD, Head of the Crisis and Strategic Management RGTEU, Deputy Chairman of the Russian Committee for Solidarity with the people of Libya and Syria.
January 13th, 2013, 8:43 am
zoo said:
France is discovering what its is to fight Al Qaeeda terrorists on the ground
Some early examples:
Somalia against Al Shabab:
“Somali witnesses said Sunday that at least eight civilians were killed in the disastrous French operation to rescue a kidnapped secret agent but France’s defence minister defended the decision to launch the raid.
..Several residents expressed their anger over the raid.
“They killed innocent civilians and left without accomplishing anything. The people here are very disappointed in the French government on account of the civilian victims,” said Bulomarer resident Moalim Ahmed Nur.
“These people were crazy,” said another Somalian regarding the French commandos, an employee of a local humanitarian agency who wished to remain anonymous.
Since the start of the French intervention on Friday, at least 11 Malian soldiers and a French helicopter pilot have been killed.An army officer at the headquarters of Mali’s former military junta in Bamako said “over 100” rebels had been killed, while a shopkeeper in Konna said he had counted 148 bodies, among them several dozen government soldiers.
The militants, who have carved out their own territory in the lawless desert region of northern Mali over the past nine months, recently pressed closer to a major base of the Malian army, dramatically raising the stakes in the battle for the vast West African nation.
“The threat is a terrorist state at the doorstep of France and Europe,” said the French defence minister, Jean-Yves Le Drian.
Read more: http://www.thenational.ae/news/world/europe/france-deploys-jet-fighters-to-push-back-mali-rebels#ixzz2HrbXWUiX
January 13th, 2013, 8:45 am
Uzair8 said:
The following comment is from an Iranian military forum. They are as hardcore Assad supporters and as deluded as they get. Here one of them (Assad supporter) acknowledges the reality after the Taftanaz news.
The odd (anti- Assad) voice over there that posts some reality quickly gets negative thumbs down (enough negative votes results in the comment becoming ‘hidden’ from view).
January 12, 2013, 03:25:12 PM
The situation on the ground is not so good am afraid. The large parts of Aleppo is under rats control. Around half of the city. The only one road is still able to resupply our troops in Aleppo the Aleppo Damascus highway all others are in rebels hands. The international airport is also under siege by rebels with only parts of the 80 brigade defending it.
The town of Maarat al Numan is big strategic importance. It is located on Aleppo Damascus highway and is currently in the hands of rebels. The Syrian army is trying to seize the town for three months now but with no success. Wadi Deif base on the outskirts of town is still under government control but is under heavy rebel attacks.
Most of the Dier ez Zor province is under rebel hands including four of five oil fields. The city of Deir ez Zor is around 70 percent in rebels hands. The military airport out side the city is the only major thing left in Syrian army control but is being surrounded.
In Daraa Idlib and Damascus province there are some heavy clashes ongoing. The only calm are the Latakia and Tarsus province. This is the current ground situation no need to made in pink just because we support Al Assad. The army is outstretched fighting on numerous fronts with no or limited outside help. The number of foreign Jihadist is now almost 30 000. Even the Uzbeks and Turkmens are now joining the Pakistani, Libyan Iraqi, Saudi, Afghan terrorist. I hear from pretty good sources here in Croatia military that a group of three hundred Kosovar is also joining Syrian rebels these days. Assad is now fighting almost whole world. Iranian silence over Syria is a disgrace.
January 13th, 2013, 8:58 am
Uzair8 said:
Apparently a message (warning) to the FSA from their opponents from Lattakia.
Probably scripted and choreographed, and rehearsed a few times:
Where were they to resist in the rest of Syria?
Just a desperate rallying cry to raise morale.
January 13th, 2013, 9:04 am
habib said:
566. Syrialover
Loool. This Jordanian “journalist” can cry crocodile tears for Syrians who have lived in refugee camps for a few months, but not for Palestinians who have lived under similar conditions for decades.
Keep up the propaganda, if the Nusra boys win, your precious King Playstation is next.
January 13th, 2013, 9:11 am
Tara said:
So the UNSC and the Russian and Chinese vetoes are all a show for public consumption. The motive is never moral and no one cares. France jumped to help Mali while continued to watch Syrians slaughtered and so every country in the universe. Ibrahimi will resign and they will appoint another Ibrahim to pretend they are doing something. The world is so ugly and most people are ugly. It is so depressing and I want to stay in my bed forever. What is the French press saying? Has any journalist brought up moralities in comparison to Syria?
January 13th, 2013, 9:16 am
zoo said:
#618 Tara
Of course the western media are saying nothing. The shaky secular ‘democratically elected’ government of Mali is so weak that it has begged the old colonial power France to help fighting the Islamists who want to create an islamist state in Mali. The Islamists already control an area as big as France. Their aim is to topple Mali’s president by force.
Note that France because of its links to their ex-colony Mali did not ask for the UNSC to approve its intervention.
The most hypocritical part is France saying that Mali falling in the hands of Islamists could threatened France and Europe.
While Syria falling into the hands of Islamists is only threats to their neigbours.
You see now what I mean about the dirty games the West is playing. Syrians must deal with each other and never count on anybody from outside..
January 13th, 2013, 9:29 am
Citizen said:
UK to aid France in Mali intervention
Europian jackals mission !
throw stones,collect stones!
January 13th, 2013, 9:31 am
majedkhakdoun said:
??? ?? ????? ???? ????? ?? ?????? ??? ?????? ???
??? ??????? ?? The Holy Quran
??? ?????? ??? ????? ?????? ??????? ?? ?????? ?????? ??????.
????? ???…??? ??? ??? ?????????
January 13th, 2013, 9:33 am
majedkhaldoun said:
??? ?? ????? ???? ????? ?? ?????? ??? ?????? ???
??? ??????? ?? The Holy Quran
??? ?????? ??? ????? ?????? ??????? ?? ?????? ?????? ??????.
????? ???…??? ??? ??? ?????????
January 13th, 2013, 9:34 am
Juergen said:
the grim reality of Syria
January 13th, 2013, 9:40 am
Tara said:
On another topic, I have always had the capability of putting myself into someone else’ shoes and seeing things through the other’s eyes. After 2 years, I no longer feel sad towards the army and shabeehas cadavers smoldering in fire, killed by the FSA. I just think of them as ???? ?????.. I too have lost part of my humanity.
January 13th, 2013, 9:42 am
zoo said:
Do you remember when I had hopes that the FSA would keep clean from the islamist terrorists and would even fight against these parasites trying to infiltrate them?
Look what happened to them, they were lured by Qatar and the war mongers promises of financial and military help ( like Libya) to switch from defensive to aggressive and fight to topple Bashar Al Assad at any cost even creating a refugees crisis and a high death toll among civilians. Then because of the hypocritical west who were encouraging them to fight but yet refused to get involved militarily to protect them with a no-fly zone, they welcomed the Al Nusra virus coming with more money and Libyans weapons.
Now the FSA is a Jihadist killing machine and soon, I hope, a rotten corpse.
I repeat it, the Syrian revolution was improvised and managed by hateful and corrupted expats manipulated by the West whose only aim was to weaken and destroy Syria. They drove it to a human disaster.
The Syrians, blinded by their deep resentment toward an ossified and often abusive authoritarian regime were very naive to follow them and are now paying a very price.
January 13th, 2013, 9:48 am
Visitor said:
The bravado show in video @616 is a clear sign of panic. It is obviously a desperate reaction to the over 600 thugs (all from the coast) that were sent to lowest hell by the holy great fighters of Nusra during and after liberation of Taftanaz. Allah Willing, these shabbehs in the video and others from the coast will join their next of kin in lowest hell soon when the great Nusra liberates the coast from this filth.
January 13th, 2013, 9:52 am
zoo said:
#623 Tara
That’s one reason I don’t watch videos of massacre on either side. I refuse to make the death of any person a banality and a show.
Unfortunately that’s what a war does when it drags and takes important proportions, it deshumanizes us.
If there is anyway to avoid violence, it must be the priority. It’s never to late to turn away from violence. In Lebanon, it took 15 years for the warring factions to realize that it brought only death and destruction.
The problems did remain the same after the civil war but they took the lesson that problems cannot be solved by violence, only dialog.
January 13th, 2013, 10:00 am
zoo said:
The only panicky ones are the ‘good’ FSA soldiers discovering that they are now perceived as terrorists, unwanted by the civilians and increasingly caught betwen two threats, the Syrian army bombings and more threatening, the danger of being slaughtered by the Al Nusra jihadists if they dare disagree.
I am expecting that in a matter of time we will see massive defections among the ‘good’ FSA soldiers, disgusted by how their noble mission has been hijacked by the Jihadists to become an islamic caliphate jihad.
Like the Moslem Brotherhood SNC, the salafist FSA is doomed.
January 13th, 2013, 10:14 am
zoo said:
As the “Sole” Syrian Coalition is showing again its impotence in taking actions, Turkey is setting up an “ottoman patronage” over Syrian refugees in and out of Syria while the mouthpiece of KSA calls for the opposition to lower their demands: No more NATO, no more stingers, Syrians need blankets…
Turkey appoints ‘guardian’ for Syria
A-Sharq Al-Awsat leads its news with a reports that Turkey has appointed a new “guardian” for Syria, Faysal Yilmaz.
The daily reports that Yilmaz will oversee the situation of Syrian refugees in Turkey and in Syrian territories liberated by the Free Syrian Army (FSA). According to A-Sharq Al-Awsat, some opposition members disapprove of the nomination, saying it reminds them of the patronage over minorities by the Ottoman empire.
Meanwhile, in a new indication of infighting between factions of the Syrian opposition, London-based Al-Quds Al-Arabi reports the killing last Wednesday of Tha’er Waqas, a commander in the opposition’s Al-Farouq Battalion, near the Turkish Border.
Waqas was reportedly assassinated by the al-Qaeda-affiliated Nusra Front in response to the killing last September of an Islamist warlord, Firas Al-Absi, known as Abu-Muhammad A-Shami.
“Syrians want blankets, not missiles,” reads the headline of an op-ed by columnist Abdul Rahman Rahshed in A-Sharq Al-Awsat Sunday.
“Now we have lowered our expectations,” writes Rashed. ” We are only asking for bread and firewood to save millions from death of hunger and cold. At first we called for international intervention to deter the Assad forces and security agencies and stop the annihilation. Then we began demanding Stinger missiles to thwart the airplanes which have been bombarding the cities and burying people alive.”
January 13th, 2013, 10:31 am
Hassan said:
I am feeling very depressed and violent. Taftanaz Military Airbase was such a beautiful base. I had been there several times during my military career. I have nostalgia for that base. I am feeling angry and violent, F**k the Sunni soldiers in the Army they are proving to be quite worthless, most of them. More than 10,000 Alawite, Shi’ite and Christian soldiers and fighters have given their lives for Syria in the last 21 months….I’m not even counting the martyrs of 1948, 1967, 1973, Lebanon War…it shpuld not be in vain. I can’t believe that Taftanaz Airbase is no more.
January 13th, 2013, 10:36 am
Hassan said:
Goddamn these f***ing conscripts, they are worthless….its all ur fault Bashar you tried to do away with the harsh discipline of Hafez. We need to belt the @ss of conscripts in the Army…**** them goddamn mo***erf**ers. These guys are losing it. I feel like putting on my uniform and going down to some of the bases we still have in the North and put things right with a belt in my hand. Someone needs to discipline these Sunnites kids.
January 13th, 2013, 10:39 am
Visitor said:
Z Idiot @ 627,
Did I not tell you that your pretense to punditry and your unceasing quest to make predictions only result in exposing how pathetically idiotic you are?
January 13th, 2013, 10:42 am
Hassan said:
Thanks Uzair for posting that video from Lattakia. They have formed a fighting group of Alawites and some Christians mainly from Iskamderun Turkey. They want to liberate Iskanderoun and annex it to Syria. These guys have been trained by Syrian Special Forces and are commanded by retired Alawite officers. They are totally an irregular, non-official, paramilitary fighting group just like FSA, lol hehehe. They are not even the regular Shabbih, they are just patriotic and concerned Alawite citizens and they are very fierce fighters. They have an ethnic cleansing programme against the Syrian Turkmens of Lattkia and then they are going to go after Turkey. You can call them irregular, paramilitary vigilante militia with a anti-FSA agenda. But they are trained and officered by retired and serving Syrian Alawite Army officers.
I am very glad that at last the Coastal Nation of Syria, Alawites and Christians are awakening and getting their pride and identity back.
January 13th, 2013, 10:47 am
Hassan said:
617. Habib said:
How mendacious of these Jordanians, they have kept Palestinians as second-class citizens for decades. In 1970 Syria was on the verge of kicking Jordan’s @ss.
I was in the Army then, I was a Mortar Section Leader in the 3rd Division. King Hussein directly requested Israel to intervene on his behalf. But in hindsight, it was not worth it for us to risk our necks for the PLO, traitors that they are.
January 13th, 2013, 10:52 am
revenire said:
Seeing a press whore on Jordanian TV cry over Syria is disgusting considering how much Syrian and Palestinian blood Jordan has on its hands.
January 13th, 2013, 10:59 am
Hassan said:
Dear President Assad,
Mobilize the Missile Command and Air Force to conduct strategic saturation bombing of Idleb, Aleppo and Deirezzor, and order full total war mobilization including 30,000 paratroopers and 3,000 Tanks to go full speed into attacking and recovering the North and East within 1 week.
Blitzkrig + Total war.
You can count on 500,000 brave, armed and fierce fighters. We are waiting with out helmets, rifles, bayonets, parachutes, Tanks, and missiles, at your command.
January 13th, 2013, 11:00 am
Hassan said:
First conduct full saturation bombing of FSA infested areas for full 6 hours with all sorts of artillery, missiles and warheads that we have including chemical shells, then do a coordinated assault involving Airborne troops wearing gas masks and protective clothes, and 7 Tank brigades and 12 Mechanized Brigades,almost coordinated, and please equip some T-72 battallions with Sarin shells, and bring out the 240 mm Tulip mortars ( world’s heaviest) while you’re at it. Use chemicals in the 240 mm shells as well as other 81 mm and 120mm mortar shells and the 122mm and 125mm Artillery, we can win this in 1 week.
I am personally willing to volunteer to be at the first platoon to parachute into Idleb or in the first BMP-2 to cross over into Idleb. Even at 70 years old.
A veteran of the Syrian Special Forces.
January 13th, 2013, 11:05 am
zoo said:
With you idiotic predictions you just show that you are more idiot that you’d like to appear.
For advices on more idiotic predictions, I suggest you consult your jihadist psychic idiotic twin, because he picks his idiotic future ‘visions’ from the not less idiotic Al Arabya and Al Jazeera.
By praising only the idiotic allahuakrabarite Al Nusra, you are idiotically admitting that the FSA is finished.
January 13th, 2013, 11:15 am
MarigoldRan said:
@ Zoo
If the regime is the government of Syria, why is it shelling its citizens?
The FSA did not have the means to protect things. But that is now beginning to change.
The ability of the regime to attack targets in the north is approaching nil. The regime has been fighting for a year, and it is continuing to lose.
January 13th, 2013, 11:18 am
Hassan said:
I still can’t believe we’ve lost Taftanaz. I still can’t believe I’m speaking of Idleb as if it were a foreign country.
January 13th, 2013, 11:18 am
Tara said:
Please add the word “idiot” and its derivative to the list of words that automatically place the post under moderation. Calling people idiots is not freedom of speech. It is freedom of vulgarity.
January 13th, 2013, 11:20 am
Visitor said:
Z Idiot @637!
Only pathetic idiots like you would make distinctions between FSA and Nusra.
They are one and the same, have always been and will always be.
The point is the thugs that you admire and worship will be destroyed once and for all by the holy great men of Nusra.
January 13th, 2013, 11:27 am
zoo said:
The trapped armed rebels launch attacks while hiding behind civilians and when the army responds, they claim a ‘massacre’ still hoping for a foreign intervention.
The article is from jordanian Oweis.
Syrian forces kill 26 in bombardment east of capital -opposition
By Khaled Yacoub Oweis
AMMAN | Sun Jan 13, 2013 10:59am EST
Jan 13 (Reuters) – Syrian opposition activists said government forces killed at least 26 people, half of them children, in a bombardment of rebel-held areas on the outskirts of Damascus on Sunday.
A report by the opposition Damascus Media Centre said rebels had been attacking the Muleiha base with rocket-propelled grenades and mortars for five days, and the army had fired over 600 rockets on the town in response.
“The base has a large numbers of tanks and armour and stockpiles of ammunition. There is information that the Free Syrian Army has destroyed five tanks and one armoured vehicle,” the report said.
A member of the group said Assad’s forces were bombarding civilian areas to try to weaken support for the rebels.
January 13th, 2013, 11:32 am
MarigoldRan said:
The regime is doing the shelling and most of the killing of civilians.
The FSA has successfully turned the regime into an international pariah. It has won the support of both the West and the Islamists. What does this tell you about how hated the regime has become?
The regime can shell and bomb all it wants. But the more it shells, the more it loses. The refugees living in the camps, forced out of their homes by the regime’s attacks, will send their sons to fight until the regime is finished.
January 13th, 2013, 11:37 am
zoo said:
#641 Wizi
Oh yeah? I doubt that many, except of course your idiotic jihadist twin, would agree with this idiotic prediction.
January 13th, 2013, 11:37 am
zoo said:
#640 Tara
Thanks, I fully agree.
January 13th, 2013, 11:39 am
MarigoldRan said:
@ Zoo
You’re in no position to judge others’ predictions. Look at yours. How have they fared?
Taftanaz has fallen. You have anything to say about that?
January 13th, 2013, 11:39 am
Visitor said:
Z Idiot @644,
Of course!
600+ down and the rest to follow.
January 13th, 2013, 11:39 am
zoo said:
“The FSA did not have the means to protect things”
Then they should not make any promises and if they can’t fulfill them, they just go home to their family and not call for foreign parasites and criminals to help them.
January 13th, 2013, 11:42 am
MarigoldRan said:
They tried to protect, which is more than can be said by the regime.
The FSA tries to protect things, and sometimes fail. The regime destroys everything that it touches.
Which is more evil?
And once again, anything you want to say about Taftanaz?
And speaking of promises, the war continues. Hasn’t Assad and the regime promised many times before that the war would be finished by now? How would you explain that? How would you explain the regime’s losses?
EDIT: The more your regime shells and bombs, the more it loses. For every FSA it kills, two more join their ranks.
January 13th, 2013, 11:44 am
zoo said:
I made no predictions on any war results as it is not possible to know exactly what is going on in the fields. I only observe the results of predictions made by some psychic on the blog, that most of the time failed.
My only prediction is that, like the SNC, the FSA will collapse soon and possibly will not be replaced.
January 13th, 2013, 11:49 am
revenire said:
The Saudis have made a deck of playing cards with Syrian government, and other key players, heads on them.
It’s pretty funny.
Here is a taste:
“FAROUQ AL-SHARAA Sharaa was foreign minister from 1984 until 2006, when he became vice president.
It is unclear whether he defected, but his last public appearance was at the funeral of top security officials who were killed in a bombing on the national security headquarters in July 2012.”
I guess the Saudi apes still believe al-Sharaa defected?
I am printing them out for a card game with the boys later today. We play poker and watch Addounia.
January 13th, 2013, 11:51 am
MarigoldRan said:
@ Zoo
Oh really? You made no predictions? None at all?
The FSA is winning. Its numbers have grown and it controls more territory with each passing month.
The FSA will collapse, but only after the regime is finished. The regime is so hated that it unites its enemies against it.
As I’ve said, every time the regime shells and bombs, it loses more. For every FSA soldier the regime kills, two more take his place. The FSA multiplies. While the regime diminishes.
January 13th, 2013, 11:51 am
zoo said:
#649 Mari
If any proud group of citizens want to make a revolution, they should do it with other allies citizens they convinced.
If they realize they still can’t do it without killing thousands of citizens and destroying the country, then they should stop and wait for a better opportunity. They should’nt call the whole world for help and should not manipulate the media to force the world to intervene. The ones who do that have no dignity.
January 13th, 2013, 11:58 am
revenire said:
“For every FSA it kills, two more join their ranks.”
There is a limited supply of apes who volunteer to die.
I am curious to know what the FSA controls. What cities? Please provide me a list. Is it Homs? No. Damascus? No. Aleppo? No. Hama? No.
If the FSA does indeed control larger and larger areas of Syria what areas are these? The desert?
If the FSA has “liberated” territory why hasn’t the puppet opposition leadership set up headquarters there?
I remember when the FSA announced it was moving its headquarters to “liberated” Syria. It never did.
January 13th, 2013, 11:59 am
MarigoldRan said:
@ Zoo
Pffft. They fight at this point not because they want to. They fight because they HAVE to.
The regime cannot be negotiated with. If they surrender the regime will just torture and execute them all. If they go home… they HAVE no home to go to because the regime has already bombed it.
So they fight. And they will fight and fight and fight until the regime is dead. Better to die in dignity on the battlefield than in prison.
Every time the regime shells and bombs, it loses more. Every home it destroys leads to another family in the refugee camp. And every family in a refugee camp means at least one more FSA recruit.
January 13th, 2013, 12:00 pm
zoo said:
The FSA will collapse… be sure of that, it is mortally infected. It has no chance.
January 13th, 2013, 12:00 pm
MarigoldRan said:
The FSA will collapse… but not before the regime is destroyed.
The FSA will remain until it has done its job. As I’ve said before, the regime unites its enemies against it. It is hated- the regime is the greater evil compared to the lesser one.
People may not like the FSA. But they hate the regime with their hearts.
Every time it bombs and it shells, the regime loses more. Every family it sends to the refugee camps means more soldiers for the FSA.
January 13th, 2013, 12:02 pm
Vulgarity is advocating murder. Vulgarity is the beating, assault, bullying, torture, murder, and extortion, the pathetic character former special forces and his buddies in the Assad mafia gang, used for forty years to intimidate Syrians, steal their resources, and rule over them with fear.
The most civilized thing to do now is to treat them with the contempt harmful parasites like them deserve.
These pathetic soulless cowards are angry. They are no longer able to play masters over Syrians. The only thing they can no do is what they really are, being salves to the illegitimate assad clan.
So whether Joshua bans the word idiot or not, it will remain a most kind and gentle way of describing parasites like the stooges who have been calling out for blood.
And by the way, calling them for what they are is not a loss of your humanity, it is a reassertion of your humanity that is appalled by their callous ruffian thuggish psych.
If they are trying to shock and awe people by the level of their depravity, they have succeeded only in ensuring that the readers of this blog know exactly what Syrians are fighting against. A bunch of cowards who see others as their slave only because they have bigger weapons. And these bozos have the arrogance to criticize the hypocrisy of others.
With the only contribution to human race these gangsters can boast being that the halted the progress of what was a very promising nation for nearly half a century, followed by their near religious orgasmic lust for blood and power on behalf of a fool with self inflicting retard, calling them idiots is rather merciful.
When the dust settles, people like them will go into hiding after having supported carnage and murder. They will probably almost every single lecture pathetic conspiracy theorists, and islamophobe racist will give so that they can feel vindicated against history and humanity’s progress. What they don’t know is that people like me will be waiting with eggs at hand to pelt them and their guests like Pablo escobar, and all the media whores they keep pulling out of their behinds to quote here and perhaps elsewhere.
January 13th, 2013, 12:04 pm
zoo said:
#654 Revenire
The day any leader of the coalition or the FSA, now in Turkey, dares to come on the ‘liberated’ territories ( not 2m from the Turkish border) they will be immediately the target of Al Nusra criminals who accused them of being USA puppets.
Why is the ‘president’ of the Syrian coalition al Khatib not in Edlib? In Taftanaz to celebrate?
Too afraid? Too busy?
January 13th, 2013, 12:08 pm
MarigoldRan said:
Revenire, you’re a retard. There’s no point in discussing Syria with you. Take your medicine and see your doctor. And remember not to shoot little kids in your spare time.
@ Zoo
Al Nusra is the Hezbollah of Syria.
January 13th, 2013, 12:11 pm
zoo said:
Syrian Hamster
“These pathetic soulless cowards are angry”
Reading your post close to hysteria, one wonders who is angrier.
January 13th, 2013, 12:11 pm
MarigoldRan said:
Pffft. Says the guy that posts 1/3 of the comments on this blog.
January 13th, 2013, 12:12 pm
zoo said:
#660 Mari
You stopped with “idiot”, are you starting with ‘retard’?
January 13th, 2013, 12:13 pm
MarigoldRan said:
I normally don’t call people retards. But I make exceptions for particularly idiotic and inept trolls. Like Revenire.
For example, I’ve not yet called you a retard. Would you like to be called one?
January 13th, 2013, 12:14 pm
revenire said:
Marigoldran please humor me and let me know what territory this “mighty army of FSA rebels” controls?
I am begging you.
I bow to your superior intelligence on military matters on the ground in Syria. It is obvious that the Syrian army is in shambles and Assad is hiding in a bunker, like Hitler.
The fantastic FSA Air Force, consisting of two magnificent pigeons armed with the great Yusuf al-Qaradawi and Al-Arifi fatwas, took the Syrian Air Force easily. Everyone knows most of the Syrian Air Force were like sitting ducks for the Salafist apes – it was if the SAF begged the FSA to destroy their MIGs and helicopters – they left them out in the open. It was a turkey shoot.
We trust the new Syrian government will be announced soon from the liberated areas. It is said Assad controls a very tiny sliver of territory on the coast but soon that will be liberated.
More and more Syrians are joining the FSA. As fast as the SAA can kill them new ones spring up. You will never kill all of us Batta.
January 13th, 2013, 12:22 pm
zoo said:
It’s up to you, you can use all kind of demeaning insults. You can get some inspiration in the latest post of Syrian Hamster. It’s a mine of well researched insults.
January 13th, 2013, 12:24 pm
revenire said:
Okay revolutionaries Marigoldran can’t, or won’t, answer me so I beg you to tell me what areas of the Syria the FSA controls? Is it the border crossings with Turkey? The ones with Iraq? The Jordanian ones?
What city is the new Syrian government in charge of? Are they picking up garbage? Are the new schools open yet? Hospitals?
January 13th, 2013, 12:24 pm
revenire said:
Please, someone notify the following men the war is over. Assad has fled to parts unknown!
For those of you who are resigned to the fall of Taftanaz because of the propaganda, be advised of the following: our forces killed a slew of cockroaches today at the airbase:
Bandar Al-Dhahrani (Saudi Arabian insect)
At Binnish, the SAA killed the following:
Sa’ad Khalil Al-Mushtaq
Mamdouh Khawaja
Layth Barbaarah
SAA foiled an attempt by roaches to place two bomb-fitted automobiles at the Namr Bridge.
At Tafas, we confirm the additional deaths of the two following microbes:
Talal Abdel-Samad Al-Mwali
Akram Ali Mahmuod
On the International Roadway in Douma, 18 rodents were sent to Hell. Three have been identified by Monzer’s people:
Ahmad Dureid Dalqamoony
Samir Ali Badr
Makram Ahmad Fattouh
5 roaches were exterminated at the Al-Ib bridge between Douma and Shifooniya. No names available at this time.
At Al-Mleeha, the following excrement was swept into the sewer:
Mustapha Kheirallah
Jamil Muhammad Al-Qasir
Mahmoud Alam
At small firefights in Daarayya, the SAA and militia dispatched the following rats:
Ghassan Shamma
Abdallah Burma
Khalil Habib
At Al-Hajar Al-Aswad and Tadamon, these rat droppings were dispatched:
Alaa Daqqaq
Ammar Al-Masri
Rami Jum’ah
SAA ambushes Jabhat Al-Nusra terrorists and kills 6 at Ksheish. 2 rats captured:
Manbij: The Al-Karama School was the scene of a major raid by SAA backed by police on a warehouse used to store weapons and drugs for the FSA. One rat was killed:
Umran Muhammad Mardini
At the now-notorious Ibn Khaldun Mental Hospital near Al-Duwayrini, the same criminals who took mentally ill people hostage to use them as human bombs were killed in a uniquely qualitative operation:
Mahmoud Wahid
One named “Abi Al-Khattab”, a Shura Council member of Liwaa Al-Fatih
Mani’ Al-Busri
Khalid Mahmoud Madani
At Khan Al-Wazir, in Aleppo City, 18 rodents were dispatched north of the Umayyad Mosque near the Palace of Justice. I have no names yet.
Other clean-up operations were reported at Muwaasalat, Bab Al-Qadim Road, the Islamic cemetery near Al-Miqdad Mosque in Al-Saalihin, Al-Hal Market and the Al-Na’na’ah Mosque.
At Bani Zeid, a continuing operation has led to the bagging of the following vermin:
Mahmoud Mallouh
Saber Ali Rizq
Akbar Ali Moussa (Pakistani)
At Sheikh Sa’id, the SAA intercepts a load of 30 tons of wheat stolen by rats and delivers them to local bakeries. See, there’s always a silver lining someplace.
At the crossroad of Qassarin Village on the Hama-Salamiyya Highway, a den of rats was raided and destroyed by SAA soldiers. At Tiybet Al-Imam and Jinan, 3 flatbeds fitted with heavy machine guns were destroyed along with 9 IEDs found close to the town of Qamhana.
A cockroach assault on a checkpoint near Al-Taybeh resulted in the deaths of all the attackers. Two have been identified. Five remain subject to further investigation and are believed to be foreigners.
At Burj Qaai’y Village, 2 flatbeds with machine guns were destroyed. In the battle, the following deaths were confirmed:
Ahmad Abdel-‘Aal Hamdoush
Yahya Abdel-Latif Al-Darwish
Hassan Fawzi Al-Umar
Muhammad Ahmad Al-Ta’i (Iraqi)
January 13th, 2013, 12:27 pm
omen said:
handy map breaks down which areas are rebel held vs regime held.
January 13th, 2013, 12:28 pm
Angry… not a chance..
Contemptuous, disgusted, yes. Ready to spit on a few insects… may be.
So go back and report my spit to your bosses in whatever terrorist organization you belong to including hizbuallah, assad special forces, the stupid eletcronic army of athad, the iranian republican guards and whatever passes for the russian mafia intelligence and propaganda aparatus nowadays.
We thank them for their support which they keep demonstrating by of selecting retards to front for them. But i know that they have selected their best, because only retards and psychopaths would support the assad regime. Two of your buddies have proven themselves psychopaths. See, I am treating you rather generously and giving you the benefit of the doubt.
Contempt and disgust are the two emotions you and them elicit, so don’t go giving yourself too much credit for making me angry.
And tell that fool, since you like carrying others’ water for them, to get his belt out, for this time his hand will be cut and shoved in his behind. By non other than poor conscripts he still think he can enslave.
January 13th, 2013, 12:29 pm
MarigoldRan said:
Yeah, Revenire’s definitely a psychopath. Even as a troll he’s pretty disgusting. He actively takes delight in killing and destruction and almost every paragraph he writes is filled with hate. His existence unites people against him. He actually deserves all the insults thrown at him.
As a metaphor for the regime, Revenire’s a pretty good example. It might not be intentional, but he definitely acts the hateful part well. He’s probably gotten used to the fact that people don’t talk TO him. Instead they talk ABOUT him.
Zoo I’m not so sure about. There might be some sense in him, but it’s hidden deeply under a layer of Baathism and hypocrisy.
@ Owen
Nice map.
January 13th, 2013, 12:35 pm
Old baathist self deception compensatory trick, excelled at by the foolish prethident which consists of passing sophistry for sense. This is why intelligent people, seeking intelligent interlocutors may sometime think that there is anything under the layers…. I respectfully beg to differ, there is nothing.
However, what I said, remains merely a suggestion.
January 13th, 2013, 12:43 pm
MarigoldRan said:
It’s a matter of interpretation. I tend to err on the side of goodwill.
Towards people like Revenire, however, I have none.
January 13th, 2013, 12:44 pm
zoo said:
If this is not anger and frustration, I don’t know what you call that exhaustive display of bitterness, contempt, insults, threats and arrogance:
Serenity? Self-restraint?
January 13th, 2013, 12:50 pm
ghufran said:
skip every comment written by Hassan, the guy is a mole,no doubt, i will request that he gets banned,please add your vote to mine.
January 13th, 2013, 12:51 pm
Tara said:
Dear Syrian Hamster,
I understand your disgust. I am on the same side of the fence like you… I just can’t consciously dehumanized people..just because the are just that ..people… even when they stoop to animals behavior..hence my unease with not feeling sad at the sight of the burning of “Assad’s dogs