Formation of SNC Military Council Causes Uproar among Fighters in Syria and Turkey

Formation of SNC military council causes uproar among fighters in Syria and Turkey

The Homs Revolutionary Council has announced that it will “not coordinate with Burhan Ghalioun in the affairs of the Military Office and its principles” because it doesn’t agree with its goals. It had a 15 minute phone call with Ghalioun. It wants “action not words.” It will retain authority over its own military strategy, “which is to bring down the regime and free Syria from the ruling gang.”

SNC Statement on the Formation of Military Bureau

….the Syrian National Council (SNC) has established a Military Bureau composed of military and civilian personnel. The Military Bureau will track the armed opposition groups, organize and unify their ranks under one central command, defining their defense missions while placing them under the political supervision of the SNC, and coordinating their activities in accordance with the overall strategy of the Revolution. The SNC will work on providing the FSA with all the support it needs to completely fulfill its defense responsibilities, including securing necessary protection for civilians, and tending to the Revolutionaries defending Syrians against the criminal regime. Bureau members will seek assistance from appropriate sources, including experts.

Free Syrian Army (FSA) chief Colonel Riad al-Asaad said that he has not been involved in the formation of a military council. “I don’t know about the objectives of this body,” said Asaad, a figurehead for the collection of army deserters and civilians who have taken up arms. (Reuters)

Ghalioun aide Ausama Monajed told reporters the military body would bring all the factions fighting the Syrian government under one umbrella, evaluate their military needs and try to match them with offers of aid from abroad.

Monajed said several countries, including Saudi Arabia, have offered to provide weapons to the rebels.

“Arms are already being smuggled whether we like it or not, so our role is to organize the process and make sure weapons don’t fall into the wrong hands on the ground,” he said.

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Dennis Ross, “Time For Assad to Go” – WINEP

“it is time to raise the status of the Syrian National Council (SNC), the formal Syrian opposition. It must increasingly be seen as the recognized successor to the Assad regime — or at least the vehicle for managing the transition to a new and inclusive leadership.
Withholding recognition of the council as the alternative to Assad made sense as a way to encourage its leaders to overcome petty rivalries and develop a coherent, non-sectarian plan for shaping the future of Syria. Last week, when the “Friends of Syria” — a group that includes the U.S., Britain, France, Turkey and a number of Arab countries — met in Tunis, international leaders treated the SNC as a legitimate representative of the Syrian people. Though a step in the right direction, more will need to be done to create an aura of inevitability about the SNC as the alternative to Assad.

Post-Asad Syria: Opportunity or Quagmire?
By Patrick Clawson – WINEP – Strategic Forum, February 2012

Perception of the Power of the United States and Its Allies A strong argument can be made that U.S. prestige and influence around the world suffer if the United States issues a call for Asad’s overthrow and yet he stays in power. The United States has a compelling interest in ensuring that any time the President of the United States says something must happen, then it does happen. Indeed, a serious argument for the U.S. military commitment in Libya was that President Obama had said publicly that Qaddafi must go. Talk is not cheap; staking out a position without being willing to act undermines the credibility of every U.S…..

The U.S. call for Asad’s overthrow may provide an opportunity for Washington to claim credit for something that is going to happen anyway; in geopolitics, it is always good to be credited for making the sun rise in the east.

Were Asad to muddle through, Washington would face some difficult quandaries. So long as Asad is in power, it will be hard to walk back the sanctions imposed on Syria, yet it will be difficult to sustain economic and political isolation of the Asad regime if that government looks like it will be in power for the foreseeable future. If that isolation lessens, then the United States and its allies will look like they lost a confrontation with Asad, which would reduce their perceived clout. Asad’s overthrow is by no means assured, and U.S. instruments to advance that objective are limited. The U.S. Government decision to call for his overthrow presumably rested on a judgment that the prospects for success were good and the payoff, if successful, would be high….

Impact on Israel

It is difficult to see how Asad’s overthrow would make Syrian-Israeli peace less likely….

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Comments (702)

Uzair8 said:

The revolutionaries can not lose. They have nothing to lose. They had nothing to lose. The point of no return was crossed a long time ago. How can you lose if you are ready to sacrifice everything for freedom, justice and dignity?

The regime has everything to lose. They think temporarily restoring it’s oppression of Bab Amr is a victory?

March 1st, 2012, 4:45 pm


Syria no Kandahar said:

The suicide bombers in Damascus and Aleppo had nothing to lose also,They had many virgins to..

March 1st, 2012, 5:31 pm


majedkhaldoun said:

The FSA members are risking their lives to defend the revolution people, so they should be leading the SNC not the other way around.

March 1st, 2012, 5:32 pm


Syrialover said:

Armed Group which Assassinated two Businessmen from Aleppo Caught

My comment:

Crack investigators triumph again! It shouldn’t have been too hard, considering those who organised the deeds are likely to be just down the hall in Mukhabarat HQ.

But for efficiency’s sake they have probably taken an even easier route, draging some torture-weakened victims out of the cells to be labelled and paraded.

That’s how people in Aleppo see these stunts.

March 1st, 2012, 5:34 pm


irritated said:


You know well that you are interpreting what I wrote just to hide your own bitter deception.
I am not the one who claimed that the militia were there to ‘protect’ the civilians, you were and the militias too.

For me it was clear from the beginning that the militias were using the civilians as human shields. When the civilians started to move out gradually thanks to the Red Cross, the militias were loosing their protection and they were more and more exposed to be killed. So they chose to abandon the remaining civilians to their fate and they ran off to save their lives. A very human reaction but not very heroic. Bab Amr has not been neither Benghazi, nor Misrata nor Kosovo nor the Alamo.

March 1st, 2012, 5:37 pm


jad said:

? ?????? ..??? ???? 1 3 2012

March 1st, 2012, 5:38 pm


Uzair8 said:

Turkey foils Syrian attempt to kidnap defected army commander: report

Thursday, 01 March 2012

By Al Arabiya

The Syrian intelligence agency failed to kidnap Free Syrian Army commander Riad al-Asaad, the Turkish al-Sabah newspaper reported on Thursday.

According to the newspaper report, a woman named Suhaila, who works for the Syrian intelligence agency, arrived at the city of Hatay on the Syrian-Turkish, with the main aim of kidnapping colonel Asaad from the refugee camp, in which he stayed along with a group of other defected Syrian officers.

A Syrian man provided her with the information she needed about the refugee camp, according to the newspaper report. In the meanwhile, the Turkish intelligence agency was aware of the suspicious movements of the couple. They were arrested last week along with a number of Turks who were involved in the failed operation.

March 1st, 2012, 5:43 pm


irritated said:


Bab Amr may not to be a victory for the regime but it is certainly a big blow to the armed militias. They are weaken and their morale is down.
It’s time to lower their expectation and offer negotiations.

March 1st, 2012, 5:44 pm


jad said:

The Russian confirmed that Alqaeda are fighting with the armed militias in Syria:

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March 1st, 2012, 5:50 pm


irritated said:

Uzair8 #7

A beautiful woman attempting to seduce and kidnap a sexually deprived army commander in a high security camp ? It sounds like an episode of a new Turkish serials.
Al Arabya is, as usual very imaginative.

March 1st, 2012, 5:58 pm


Tara said:


Did you listen to Enigma yet? I want to talk music.

The crisis is bringing up the worst of people on SC and I am not the kind of girl who can always fight. It is not in my psyche…One thing about this revolution though, at least for me, is that it amplifies inner perception of emotions in general. I think it decreases one’s threshold for all emotions, positive or negative alike and render
them much more intense. I think it purifies one’s soul.

March 1st, 2012, 6:00 pm


Syrialover said:

The reports I heard were that the fighters withdrew from Bab Amr because they wanted to stop being a magnet for shelling of civilians. Sounds likely to be right. Also, if they were al qaeda terrorists and mad militias that would not have entered their heads.

The wishful theories from commentators mocking and sneering at the resistance fighters may give comfort to those writing them, but that’s all.

March 1st, 2012, 6:04 pm


ann said:

Syria finds bodies of three slain foreign journalists in Homs – 2012-03-02

DAMASCUS, March 1 (Xinhua) — Syrian authorities found on Thursday the bodies of the three slain foreign journalists, who were killed a week earlier in restive Baba Amr neighborhood in Homs province, a Syrian foreign ministry source said Thursday.

The bodies, which were buried in Baba Amr, belong to Marie Colvin, an American working for Britain’s Sunday Times, French photographer Remi Ochlik, and the Spanish Khafier Espinosa.

The source, whose remarks were carried by the state-TV, said the Syrian Red Crescent has made three attempts with coordination with international Red Cross to take out the bodies but armed groups didn’t allow them.

The unnamed source said the bodies will be transferred to a hospital in the capital Damascus for a DNA check to later hand them over to their countries’ embassies.


March 1st, 2012, 6:06 pm


jad said:

It seems that the Syrian authorities put their hands on a collection of tapes from BA. We may see similar tapes in the coming days:
The ‘Syrian Danny’

March 1st, 2012, 6:11 pm


irritated said:

#12 Syria Lover

“The reports I heard were that the fighters withdrew from Bab Amr because they wanted to stop being a magnet for shelling of civilians”

I don’t know which reports you ‘heard’, but they mention nothing of that to the press ( Reuters and AFP). They left because they could not bear it anymore:

“They said the decision was based on “worsening humanitarian conditions, lack of food and medicine and water, electricity and communication cuts as well as shortages in weapons.”

March 1st, 2012, 6:14 pm


Syria no kandahar said:

Purifying wahabi’s soul:

March 1st, 2012, 6:16 pm


zoo said:

#12 Ann

Whose body is the third body? Espinosa is in Lebanon

Spanish journalist flees Syria, arrives in Lebanon: employer
AFP – Wed, 29 Feb, 2012

Spanish journalist Javier Espinosa has arrived in Lebanon from Syria, his employer the El Mundo newspaper said Wednesday.

March 1st, 2012, 6:20 pm


Tara said:


I really love the moderator. He is a sensitive soul. He made the site readable … By force. Sweetness did not work. Neither in achieving freedom in Syria nor in making SC civil. I can say anything I want without expecting a barrage of verbal assault..that is called freedom of expression.

And I give you a permission to call me Teuteu.,,for one time only.

March 1st, 2012, 6:23 pm


Son of Damascus said:


“It’s time to lower their expectation and offer negotiations.”

How do you negotiate with someone dead set on killing you exactly?

At no point did Bashar ever recognize the legitimate demands of the real opposition, his arrogance and unrelenting killing machine is driving our country off a cliff and into the depth of hell.

He chose to drown out the real opposition with bullets, and shells. If he really wanted to negotiate why is he still jailing Yahya Sharbadji, Nabeel Sharbaji, Mustafa Khuli, Wael Alwan and Majd Khulani, why did they torture Ghaith Mattar to death?

If he really wanted to negotiate he would allow those brave young men and women that cover all of Syrian society with its many proud cultures and distinct faiths to come out of the shadows of fear, and jail cells of torture, to speak their minds freely without the fear of death, or the torturer’s chamber.

That fact that he chose to do the opposite, and continue to kill, maim, and torture Syrians in hopes of retaining his throne shows he is not willing to negotiate.

March 1st, 2012, 6:24 pm


zoo said:

Is it time to investigate Saudi Arabia over their support for Islamic terrorists.

Saudi Arabia May Be Tied to 9/11, 2 Ex-Senators Say
Published: February 29, 2012

WASHINGTON — For more than a decade, questions have lingered about the possible role of the Saudi government in the attacks on Sept. 11, 2001, even as the royal kingdom has made itself a crucial counterterrorism partner in the eyes of American diplomats.

Now, in sworn statements that seem likely to reignite the debate, two former senators who were privy to top secret information on the Saudis’ activities say they believe that the Saudi government might have played a direct role in the terrorist attacks.

“I am convinced that there was a direct line between at least some of the terrorists who carried out the September 11th attacks and the government of Saudi Arabia,” former Senator Bob Graham, Democrat of Florida, said in an affidavit filed as part of a lawsuit brought against the Saudi government and dozens of institutions in the country by families of Sept. 11 victims and others. Mr. Graham led a joint 2002 Congressional inquiry into the attacks.


March 1st, 2012, 6:30 pm


irritated said:

19. Son of Damascus said:

Let me remind you that the SNC has repeatedly rejected the call from Russia for a negotiations with the regime that Russia and China were ready to guarantee.
Now that the SNC is about to collapse (and I hope it does soon), I believe that Kofi Annan will reopen that path with more realistic Syrian opposition leaders and ignore the ineffective AL plan. That’s what he agreed with Ban Ki Moon.

There is no solution other than negotiations between the regime and the opposition under an independent and trustworthy umbrella.

March 1st, 2012, 6:39 pm


jad said:

More about the fabrications of shooting gun fires while the ‘reporter’ on the phone on Aljazeera

“The reports I heard were that the fighters withdrew from Bab Amr because they wanted to stop being a magnet for shelling of civilians. Sounds likely to be right.”

I wonder how come this ‘brilliant’ idea didn’t come to them 5 months ago. I guess their ‘humanity’ and ‘kindness’ were hidden behind a thick layer of ‘terrorism’ and ‘cowardice’ which never stopped them from using civilians as human shields to commit their crimes.

March 1st, 2012, 6:43 pm


Syrialover said:

#15 Jad

I heard it spoken by commentators, possibly BBC. I am listening to so much.

It’s not the reports I was referring to, but I found this in a quick online search:

“The BBC’s Jim Muir, in neighbouring Lebanon, says the FSA’s withdrawal was probably by agreement between the two sides, as has happened elsewhere in Syria, to avoid a final showdown.”

And that’s not inconsistent with worsening conditions and the fact that 4,000 civilians refused to leave Babr Amr. But it’s far from the picture of terrified, shattered running rabbits people love to paint here.

March 1st, 2012, 6:46 pm


Son of Damascus said:


You side stepped my question completely, I never mentioned the SNC and frankly at this point I am disgusted by their inaction and inter squabbling for position while Syrians continue to get killed. In my eyes the real opposition are the ones on the ground risking their lives helping other Syrians, organizing protests, and demanding the fall of this regime.

My question to you was how do you negotiate with someone intent on killing you? Bashar and company have not at any point even admitted the fact that there are people with legitimate demands and continues to label everyone a MB/Salafi/MI6/Mossad/CIA/Satan/AlQaeda/Western Imperial agents.

March 1st, 2012, 6:49 pm


Pirouz said:

The FSyA is in retreat because the Syrian Army has the following advantages:

– Firepower
– It’s guns outrange the small arms and mortars of the rebels
– Armor
– Supplies
– Manpower
– Superior training
– Superior command/control
– Better intelligence

and more.

If the SyA can cut off the rebel sources of supply, they’ll be reduced to episodic harassing actions.

For months, biased observers were claiming the Syrian Army was about to crack and melt away. It’s now plainly obvious that’s not the case.

Likewise, those stories of a 30,000 man FSyA organized into dozens of brigades has been shown to be a fantasy, propaganda or both.

By the way, that defecting Syrian General that claimed the Syrian Army wouldn’t make it through the end of the month sure looks silly now, doesn’t he.

March 1st, 2012, 6:54 pm


DAWOUD said:

shame on those who are holding a victory party to celebrate the terror of Bashar! syrian fight for freedom will continue! The victory party in the basement of Nasrallah and al manat tv for the propagandists is still on after midnight in Beirut. Free Homs!

March 1st, 2012, 6:54 pm


jad said:

It was mentioned in this report on CNN:

Aid plan set as army moves into Baba Amr

“The advance was made as the FSA, the anti-government resistance force, on Thursday said it had decided to strategically withdraw for the sake of the civilians remaining inside the neighborhood, citing dismal humanitarian conditions and a lack of arms to defend civilians…The Free Syrian Army, which consists of many disparate militia groups operating under the FSA banner, has grown over the months and is made up primarily of former regime soldiers who refused to accept orders to fire on innocent protesters. The group’s Baba Amr brigade on Thursday warned the al-Assad regime it would see a “severe response” to any regime actions that “crosses the limits and affects civilians.”

March 1st, 2012, 6:54 pm


mjabali said:

Mr. Syria No Kandahar:

The video you posted is an evidence on how to brainwash a vast swath of the population with stories about things that really does not exist.

I saw this same man in another video encouraging the killing of the Saudi blogger who dared to criticize prophet Mohammad through his Tweets. The Name of the blogger is Hamid Kashghari, who escaped Saudi Arabia to Malaysia to be arrested . He was sent back to Saudi Arabia and put back in prison awaiting trial.

The man in your video hold a PH.D as they claim, but still speak of an entity that in reality does not exist, namely al-Majus.

You heard many Sunnis on Syria comment use the term “Majus” to coin the Shia Iranians. It is a demeaning term to an extent and used exclusively by the Sunnis to describe al-Shia.

As for the meaning of that term or the history of al-Majus, or where they really exist, or to name a book by their religious leaders: No Sunni “scholar” can answer that. al-Majus are like Bigfoot, you hear about him but yet to be found.

I have came across doctors who use this term and do not know what it really mean.

Speaking of Saudi Arabia I like to point out the story of Khaled al-Juhni, the man who became the subject of the BBC Report/documentary : “The end of a Brave Man.” His story is the real essence of the Arab Spring, if there was one.

He is the one man demonstration that is going to be heard all over the world with time. He managed to break through all the police barriers to make his voice heard.

March 1st, 2012, 6:56 pm


Tara said:

42 killed in Syria by the regime. Alfatiha upon their souls.

Revlon, where are you? Please come back.

March 1st, 2012, 7:03 pm


Tara said:

The French surgeon tells his story.  I am sorry that Bashar, Asma’s father and her brother share this profession.  They just do not deserve the honor.

“I was scared. It is only reasonable to have some fear. Bombs are never normal. I can’t really compare Homs to any other war zone I have worked in though – apart, perhaps, from Chechnya.

“Grozny is small and the town has a mixture of rural and urban areas. The houses in Homs are built in a similar way – there is no protection and, when they are hit, they collapse completely. Also, the ferocity of the attack and the repression are comparable.
“I was based in a makeshift operating theatre. Everyone is too scared to go to the state-run hospital – they are terrified of having a limb amputated, or of being kidnapped. Only the Syrian army soldiers go there now.
“I operated on 90 people. We couldn’t help those who had been injured in the chest and the head, only those with wounds to the abdomen and below.

“The people there are convinced that they will win. They are very brave but they are also desperate at having been bombarded for so long. They think they have been abandoned.

“They are always watching television. The TV is always on, the news flows and they communicate via Facebook and Twitter. They know what is going on.

“I travelled there because it had to be done. It’s an emergency. It helps them a lot to see someone from abroad helping them. Plus, I’m very experienced in this field. You can gain a lot yourself from such an experience too – these people are immensely brave. They just want their freedom, they want to get rid of the tyrant. I’d like to return if I can.”


March 1st, 2012, 7:08 pm


Amir in Tel Aviv said:

Isn’t it obvious to you, that when Bashar is gone, all those militias will be fighting each another, style Afghanistan?

March 1st, 2012, 7:16 pm


Syrialover said:

# 27 Jad

Thank you. I don’t listen to CNN, but it is obviously similar to what I heard.

#22 Jad

It’s impossible to buy into your sarcasm about those trying to defend civilians. I can’t get past my shock and anger at a country’s “leadership” that sends snipers to shoot peaceful demonstrators and tanks to destroy neighbourhoods and those living in them.

For a reminder about the reality of Homs, see this report. Go to the 6 minute point to see the huge vitality and courage of people, young and old, dancing and singing their defiance of Assad.

(And compare and contrast with the zombie crowds we see “supporting” the regime.)

March 1st, 2012, 7:22 pm


irritated said:

#24 SOD

“my question to you was how do you negotiate with someone intent on killing you?”

I can return the question to you. The opposition has repeatedly called for the head of Bashar al Assad and would not hesitate to kill him as they have been killing many soldiers doing their jobs and civilians partisan of the regime.

Was the government given a chance? Each time they made a small positive move it was received with insults, provocations and more violence. The opposition thought they had the upper hand, so why accept compromises. Like Egypt, Tunisia and Libya their aim has never been reforms, it was removing quickly the Alawite regime of Bashar Al Assad at any cost.
The Constitution referendum is the last example. Why didn’t the opposition made a massive call to vote against the Constitution? No, they boycotted it. Obviously they never wanted to get into a dialog because they have been made over confident and boosted by the western countries to stay on the course of a regime change. Yet, after 10 months they have been unable to deliver an acceptable alternative. Now they appear as being the ones who are stalling the whole process that Russia and China have been asking for months and could have forced Syria to accept.

The Western countries made a terrible miscalculation, they thought all the Syrians will quickly rally behind the SNC and dump Bashar. For months, applying sanctions, threats, they persisted in the hopes it will happen and after almost a year, it did not. Waiting more may bring even worse alternatives like a long civil war spilling on the region.

It is time they change their course and without admitting their mistakes that has costed thousands of death on both side, they should gradually rally to the idea of a negotiation.

In a conflict both sides have dead bodies behind them, independently of who started the killing and how many were killed one each side.
Negotiations are between warring parties that both have blood in their hands, this is why they negotiate instead of fighting not to spill more blood.
I believe that is Kofi Annan’s objective. I think he’ll be also the alibi for a change of course of the Western countries. I just hope he succeeds.

March 1st, 2012, 7:28 pm


jad said:

Talking about Afghanistan, it seems that the Saudis are leading the way to do just that, invade Syria with their filthy Alqaeda fighters and use religion and Shyoukh for that:

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March 1st, 2012, 7:29 pm


jad said:

[Edited: “his bedouin hatred self” — please do not use national or ethnic/regional stereotypes to denigrate groups or persons.]

The qatari FatBird is doing he moved his dirty business to the UN, after the slap in the face he got from Russia and China his beduin hatred self is taking over, now his plan is to ask the UN to freeze Syria membership, he better be careful for how far he can go with this game, while Iran is that close to his mashyakha:

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March 1st, 2012, 7:49 pm


Darryl said:

31. AMIR IN TEL AVIV said:

“Isn’t it obvious to you, that when Bashar is gone, all those militias will be fighting each another, style Afghanistan?”

It was obvious to me from day 1 Amir, Israel recognized that and that is why you were supporting it from day 1 too. The Arabs also get a lot as they can show only a Sheikdom style of government will work in Islamic countries and the religion Sheikhs jobs is guaranteed to issue fatwas on small and big things such as what to plant in the garden.

March 1st, 2012, 7:50 pm


Syrialover said:

#2. Syria no Kandahar said:
“The suicide bombers in Damascus and Aleppo had nothing to lose also,They had many virgins to..”

Did we ever get evidence that they were suicide bombers? Or instead operational types of bombers using remote detonation and timers for bombs planted in cars and buildings.

Also the al qaeda bombers always aim for maximum people killed, in markets, mosques and crowds. That isn’t the focus of those doing bombs in Syria.

March 1st, 2012, 7:51 pm


ann said:

Syria voices readiness to receive UN humanitarian chief – 2012-03-01

Makdissi expressed regrets over Amos’s belief that Syria has refused to receive her, referring to Syria’s disapproval on her ” untimely” visit request on Wednesday.

In a statement, Amos said she was “deeply disappointed” that she had not been granted a visit to Syria which she repeated requested.

Meanwhile, Makdissi said the ministry had previously welcomed Amos’ visit and is ready to discuss Amos’ mission and cooperate with her.

He said Syria, however, was surprised by Amos’ arrival in the region and her request to visit Syria at a date that was ” inappropriate for us.”

The spokesman said Syria is “ready to continue consultations with Amos over the suitable date for both sides.”


March 1st, 2012, 7:53 pm


Syria no Kandahar said:

If you do some research you will find Alqaeda claiming responsibility for both Aleppo and Damascus suicide fact Damascus bombing is recorded by Alqaeda a step by step.
If you really love Syria you can stay in the middle,
You don’t have to be wi the regime.if you are at Alzoahri,Alqaeda ,Alaaroor ,Turkey,Birnard levy
And Israel side…..your love is harmful.

March 1st, 2012, 8:04 pm


Tara said:

I love Majed Abdul Hadi’ voice on Aljazeera. It is so powerful.

Turkey: Iran, Russia will realize they must side with world on Syria
Turkish President Abdullah Gul says thinks that in time Russia will see its support has been abused by the Syrian regime.

Turkish President Abdullah Gul said on Thursday Russia and Iran would soon realize they had little choice but to join international diplomatic efforts for the removal of Syrian President Bashar Assad.

He acknowledged, however, the divisions in the Syrian opposition and its lack of preparedness to take power, saying it must create a structure that embraces all segments of society.

“We have to wait and see how long Russia will be able to take upon itself the burden of this regime,” he told Reuters in an interview. “In my opinion, it won’t be very long.

“In the time of the Cold War, such things happened in a very closed environment. However, today developments take place in the open.

“I think in time Russia will see its support has been abused by the Syrian regime. They will recognise this fact when they see the heavy weapons being used against the people in Syria. That is not very tolerable, not even for Russia,” he said.

Russia and China moved a step towards joining international action on Thursday when they joined other Security Council members in expressing “deep disappointment” that Damascus had refused to allow U.N. humanitarian aid chief Valerie Amos into the country.
Gul said Ankara was talking to Iran, a close ally of Assad, in an effort to persuade it to accept the inevitable and back diplomatic action against Assad.

“Even Iran doesn’t have the power to make water run uphill – And if the worse scenario were to come true, it is not possible that Iran could not feel any responsibility for that. It will be responsible.”


March 1st, 2012, 8:05 pm


jad said:

I really have nothing to say when people start defending Alqaeda’s terrorists actions, I just feel sorry for them.

Dear SNK,
Are you doing good? I really miss your angels’ stories, I guess with the moderation level being too high we will never read such funny stuff any more, I liked your Abu Kalabja comment 🙂

March 1st, 2012, 8:12 pm


Syrialover said:

Who is defending al qaeda? I am terrified and sick if they actually start their suicide bombing tricks in Syria. But so far I suspect their name is being used to make things look a certain way and spread despair and alarm. And if you do your research you will find analysts saying the same as I put in #37.

March 1st, 2012, 8:25 pm


bronco said:

#28 Mjabali

“As for the meaning of that term or the history of al-Majus, or where they really exist.”

For your information the “Majus” come from “Magi” who are the name of the priests of the Zoroastrian faith that was prevailing in Persia before Islam under the Sassanids. The ‘zardusht’ faith is one of the four recognized faiths in Iran and there are many still practising this religion in the region of Yazd, in Iran.
When the Moslems invaded Persia, many of them either converted to Islam, others fled Persia and settled in India as they did not want to convert. There are now known as the “Parsees’ and are very well off. One famous parsee is Tata the indian industrialist.
Note that Imam Hossein’s wife was a zardusht as she was the daughter of the last Sassanid King. She later converted to Islam.

The use of the word Majus to denigrate the Iranians was first used by Saddam Hossein who was trying to convey the message that the Iranian Shias were not Moslems but were still ruled by the Zoroastrian faith.
It is also used by Sunnis who carry that same opinion about the Shias.

March 1st, 2012, 8:30 pm


Syria no Kandahar said:

Thanks Jad
All the Syrians I know are in some degree of depression .
?????? ????

March 1st, 2012, 8:34 pm


dawoud said:

robert fisk eloquently explains what it means when the terrorist bashar al-assad attempts to clean the sunni parts oh homs:

March 1st, 2012, 8:36 pm


Jad said:

???? ?????? ???? ????????? ???? ????.

I have to say that your explanations are not as scientific and convincing as Majed’s 🙂

March 1st, 2012, 8:42 pm


jo6pac said:

I said at the very beginning to be careful what you wish for. This isn’t going to end will for anyone in Syria. Amerika and it’s serf only want you out of the way for Iran You Don’t Matter and will live in the the dark ages. The ones that will suffer most will be children and women and to me they are the future of the little blue sphere hurling through space that all citizens are under attack by the elite. How sad for all of us on the sphere.

March 1st, 2012, 8:55 pm


Ghufran said:

There is no reason to celebrate when it comes to BA and Syria in general. The regime and the armed militias are to be condemned not praised. The brutality of the regime is a major factor in the violence in Syria,foreign and militant Islamist meddling is an aggravating factor,and I am absolutely disgusted by both.
The regime transformed the Syrian army into a tool to protect a corrupt and brutal government instead of being a national army that protects the country,that does not give the militia a license to shoot and kill Syrian soldiers,those soldiers are Syrian citizens who have family and most have no
choice but to execute orders.
Both the regime and the armed militia conspired to put the army at the front from the early weeks of this uprising. Terrorists attacked army vehicles in Banyas few weeks after this uprising started,the killed soldiers and officers were going home after finishing their regular shifts at their Thakanaat,they were not in a combat mission,and no army units,before that attack,fired a single bullet in Banyas. After that,the regime started sending army units to
Banyas and other areas instead of sending the police or regular security forces,and from that point on,using the army in the confrontations between the regime and its opponents became the norm.
The situation in BA,and Idleb will be next,was so bad,that involving the army was the only way to stop the development of Syrian BinGhazis and bringing back some sense of security after average residents were left to choose between two types of thugs,the regime thugs and the militia thugs.
Without a political solution,this “victory” in BA will be short-lived,Syrians deserve a better life and a better government,and shame on any Syrian who thinks that the blood of a Sunni Syrian is cheaper or more expensive than that of non Sunnis,this is a day to mourn the dead not to celebrate death.

March 1st, 2012, 8:57 pm


Tara said:

Bronco @43

That was impressive. How do you know all that?

March 1st, 2012, 9:01 pm


Darryl said:


Let me teach you something”

Go get him Dr Khaldoun, chase him out of town. On a serious note, if you have read the gospel of the living Messiah as you have claimed previously, then you would have discovered that Majus are Persian Priests or star gazers who came to Bethlehem to see the new born king bearing gifts.

March 1st, 2012, 9:01 pm


Ghufran said:

I had to laugh when I compared the excellent post by Bronco with that of another “educated” Syrian about Almajous, for those who do not know,there is Google 🙂

March 1st, 2012, 9:12 pm


Tara said:


Allow me to challenge you a bit. You objected to my comment calling the regime “Alawite regime” and to mention the vast majority of “Christians supporting the regime”.

Please read Ann comment in 52 and voice the same objection to her comment about “Islamist fanatic killer”.

If you have a rule, then the rule needs to be applied to Mr/ Mrs. Ann too.

I call for editing Mr./ Mrs. Ann comment in a very similar fashion you edited my comment. I am sorry to be a pain for you tonight, but fair is fair..otherwise a statement like “pathetic Christian fanatic killing cheerers” should be allowed.

March 1st, 2012, 9:15 pm


Darryl said:

11. TARA said:


Did you listen to Enigma yet? I want to talk music.”

I am sorry Tara I missed this post. I have listened only briefly. I would suggest if you like “oldies” and you are interested in real Levant music to get you in a calm mood, then get the tape or CD of Nazem Alghazali singing during Haflet Al-Kuwait. You will find a stunning piece ” Ayya She-in fe al-Eid ahdi ilike ya malaki”. The rendition, the Qanun, the violin and nay are heavenly.

People of the Levant have gone back ward in music since those days of having the late Muhammad Khairy and SabaH fakhry holding Tarab concerts in the Sabeel in Aleppo where Maqams would be used to stroke the human emotions and make you remember the occasions. Now most music is played using about 3 Maqams and an organ

March 1st, 2012, 9:18 pm


Tara said:


Majedkhaldoun’s comment about the Majus is correct too.  I am disappointed by you rushing to criticize Majed without due diligence.  You come off most of the time as impartial until a comment like that pops out that begs for an apology to Makedkhaldoun, as it is a reflection of your ignorance not his.  Excuse me for being harsh, but I feel my respect to Abu-ghassan warrants an honest albeit harsh criticism.

 (Arabic and Persian: ????, pl. maj?s?) was originally a term meaning Zoroastrians[1] (and specifically, Zoroastrian priests). It was a technical term, meaning magus,[2][3] and like its synonym gabr (of uncertain etymology) originally had no pejorative implications.[4]

In al-Andalus the pagan non-Christian population were called majus and could either have the status of mozarab or of majus 

In the 1980s, majus was part of Iraqi propaganda vocabulary of the Iran–Iraq War to refer to Iranians in general. “By referring to the Iranians in these documents as majus, the security apparatus [implied] that the Iranians [were] not sincere Muslims, but rather covertly practice their pre-Islamic beliefs. Thus, in their eyes, Iraq’s war took on the dimensions of not only a struggle for Arab nationalism, but also a campaign in the name of Islam.”[5]
The term majus is distinct from Arabic kafir “unbeliever”. Persian gabr is no longer synonymous with majus.[4]

March 1st, 2012, 9:23 pm


majedkhaldoun said:

Please read Ann wordes Saying very bad insults to the Islamist refering to them as killers.this is not the first time,

And also Ghufran statement to me is an insult that cause him to laugh.

March 1st, 2012, 9:35 pm


dawoud said:

dear Tara:
i agree with you that Ann’s sematics in favor of bashar and hizballah are worse than you saying that Bashar’s regime as “alawite,” which is to a large extent truthful. Prof Landis mentioned that % 80 of syrian military corp. are alawi

March 1st, 2012, 9:36 pm


mjabali said:

Mr. Bronco

Thanks for the valuable information about the “Majus.”

I like to add that the Sunnis hatred to “al-Majus” comes from the man who killed Umar Ibn al-Khattab: Abu Lu’lua, who was a follower of that Persian religion.

The term was used by Ibn Taymiyah to claim as you said “the non-Muslim origin of the Shia’ faith.” Saddam parroted the Ibn Taymiyah association of al-Majus and al-Shia. Saddam invoked Ibn Taymiyah’s decrees when he was fighting Iran.

As you can tell Sunni Muslims like Dr. Majedkhaldun, does not really know why the terms is used and where it came from. ?The same they exhibit with the term “Nusayri.” They used it as a curse. I have seen this many times. I asked but no one was able to give me any answer based on fact. Many as you know are follow things they really do not understand.

March 1st, 2012, 9:39 pm


majedkhaldoun said:

Actually the word Kafer originally,in the dictionary means the one who put a curtain or any other thing to cover his view,so he can not see what is behind it, so it blocks his vision, and it is very close to the word COVER in english, in Islam it meant those who put Hijab to block their view so they will not know the truth,later it was used to mean non believer.

March 1st, 2012, 9:42 pm


Tara said:


Thank you for the advice. I think I have an eclectic taste that I have no control over as it fits no specific pattern old or new and sometimes with contradictory elements.

I like your phrase of “stroking the human emotions”. I think that what arts in general do to you.

March 1st, 2012, 9:43 pm


dawoud said:

As a sunni muslim, i agree with what majedkhaldoun is saying about Ann’s semantics regarding muslims who differ with Bashar and Hasan. her offensive language needs to be corrected by the moderator

March 1st, 2012, 9:52 pm


mjabali said:

Mr. Darryl:

I hope you like the Syrian/Lebanese legend Mary Jubran


enjoy…she is a real gem unknown to many….

March 1st, 2012, 9:53 pm


jad said:

How dare you laugh on SC!! It’s illegal by the ‘moral’ police officer fa6oum 7ees bees 🙂

As a Majousi Iranian living in Almanar TV dungeon of Sayed Hasan Nasrallah I’m also offended!

March 1st, 2012, 9:53 pm


Ghufran said:

I am certainly sorry if I insulted anybody but I am not sorry for laughing especially when we get treated with bits and pieces of information thrown at us in this respected site without the required research. I always maintained that educated people should be thoughts leaders not followers of popular “majousi” school of thoughts. What made me particularly uneasy is what many of you,the better informed ones,have rightfully said about how that derogatory term is used by militants and terrorists to dehumanize people who do not share their faith.
Regardless ,I am sorry ,majed,if I offended you,help us and help yourself by subscribing to higher stabdards,and that request is nothing to laugh about,all of us should do it.

March 1st, 2012, 9:53 pm


zoo said:

India abstained to vote for The UN’s Human Rights Council resolution “continued widespread and systematic violations of human rights” and urged the authorities to let humanitarian groups, including UN organisations, in to deliver vital aid.

Is is switching side because of the trade and workers in the GCC?

Switching sides: Now, India to back Arab League’s stand on Syria
Indrani Bagchi, TNN | Mar 2, 2012, 05.41AM IST

NEW DELHI: With India having switched its stance on Syria to being more critical of the Bashar al-Assad regime, New Delhi is ready to lend considerable diplomatic clout to support the Arab League, which is driving the international community’s response to the ongoing unrest in Syria.

Foreign minister S M Krishna will be in Cairo on March 2, to hold comprehensive high-level talks with the Arab League troika of Qatar, Libya and Iraq. On the agenda will be three main issues – Syria, Iran and Afghanistan.

Having abstained in the first UN Security Council resolution on Syria, India teamed up with Brazil and South Africa to send a diplomatic mission to Damascus to convince Assad that a political roadmap needed to be followed . However, India maintained the violence in Syria was externally infused, that Assad’s opponents were financed and armed by outside forces, that it was more than a popular unrest.

Almost six months later, India changed its position to become more critical of Assad’s actions, following the Arab League’s lead.
Last week, India sent senior official Rajeev Shahare to the Friends of Syria meeting in Tunis, an early sign that New Delhi was ready to listen to different voices on the region.

It has been the Gulf Arabs who have strongly opposed Assad.

In a statement welcoming Krishna’s forthcoming visit, the Arab League subtly reminded India why it was important : Trade between India and Arab nations has touched $120 billion in the past couple of years, not to speak of the huge remittances being sent back by six million Indian migrants in the Gulf.

March 1st, 2012, 9:55 pm


Tara said:


I so much like men who have the capability of saying sorry.

They are rare species in the middle East.

Thank you.

March 1st, 2012, 9:59 pm


Jerusalem said:

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March 1st, 2012, 10:08 pm


jad said:

As expected, the Syrian authorities found many films in BA and through an agent who was working with Khaled Abou Sala7, those films expose all kinds of fabrication and they were used extensively in the Arabic and International media, no wonder the AL Observers didn;t buy all the materials those ‘reporter’ were giving to them:

????? ????? ??????? ???? ????? ???????? ???? ????? ????? ????? ??? ???? ????? ??? ??????

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March 1st, 2012, 10:10 pm


dawoud said:

ps. i am confident that prof. landis will not allow somebody like Ann to turn his blog into a platform for falsifying Islam. syrian muslims who oppose bashar and hasan are not terrorists. they want freedom and dignity.

March 1st, 2012, 10:11 pm


Norman said:

It looks like they are going to attack Syria, that will blow up the Mideast as the Syrian Government, army and the Baath party will not depart peacefully, expect a war that will reach Saudi Arabia, Qatar,Israel and sure Lebanon, It is going to be significant, i am just glad that i decided to leave Syria for good 30 years ago, that was the right decision and i did that after the last crises of the seventies, this crises is going to empty Syria after recent return of many.

March 1st, 2012, 10:13 pm


majedkhaldoun said:

Mjabali You said al-Majus are like Bigfoot, you hear about him but yet to be found. I was refering to the fact that they do exist. As for Abu Lu2lu2a His name Majosi was not there when he was alive, He was called Majusi later on by Muslem Sheikh,several hundred years later, those Sheikhs were aware of the Majos in Spain and they dubbed him Majosi as an insult,it means lower class with a cheeky rude behavior.

March 1st, 2012, 10:13 pm


jad said:

I think you mentioned this news yesterday..
As if the war on Iraq using the lie of WMD didn’t make enough damage already to try it again.
This time Filthman is using the same old ‘keyword’ as a vehicle for his sick plan.

????? ??????? ???? ?? ?????? ?????? ????? ????? ???????

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March 1st, 2012, 10:29 pm


Ghufran said:

What is at play now is trying to destroy Syria from the inside before considering an attack,but I do not believe there is much appetite for a blatant foreign military intervention yet. Btw,Qatar and KSA have just given the regime the political cover it needs to hit back,also,attacking Iran will definitely set the gulf on fire,buy oil stocks if you believe Iran will be attacked,I do not.

March 1st, 2012, 10:33 pm


Equus said:

February 26 was potentially historic. Syrians overwhelmingly approved constitutional reform. Only the fullness of time will tell if promised change, in fact, happens. Western intervention may prevent it.

March 1st, 2012, 10:34 pm


Tara said:


I give you a permission to delete my comment @ 75 if Kandahar’s comment @69 and prior to that Ann’s comment @52 get deleted. Rules need to be universal. Associating killing with Islam should not be tolerated.

[Note: I have deleted yours, SNK’s and Ann’s posts. SNK was previously warned for language. Ann was asked to dial back her language.

I expect everyone to help maintain a reasonably civil area for discussion, and to avoid needless provocations or discriminatory language, or insults directed at opponents.]

March 1st, 2012, 10:39 pm


Syrialover said:

SNK #69 I am not sure of your point, and I think some of those you list were not suicide bombings.

But I am surprised you have ignored the Tamil Tiger suicide bombers, including the one that killed Indian PM Rajiv Gandhi. And before that, Iran’s young suicide brigades in the Iran-Iraq war of the early 1980s.

I’m sure there are plenty of others. Japanese kamakazi pilots for example.

What a horrible, sad subject. Young people who had become disconnected from life, manipulated and driven by political motives – nothing to do with belonging to a particular religion.

March 1st, 2012, 10:39 pm


dawoud said:


your offer to the moderator is very reasonable. the moderator should be aware that ann is turning sc into an Islomophbic platform. what time is it now in al manar tv basement?

March 1st, 2012, 10:41 pm


Ghufran said:

????? ????
??? ??? ?? ????? ??

March 1st, 2012, 10:43 pm


majedkhaldoun said:

You seem to give advise in stocks, I bought 27000 share in a company called Big Lot,symbol BIG, ,I am saying if BIG goes up tomorrow then I think Bashar will fall soon, if it goes down then I think Bashar will last till 2013.
Please pray for me so it will go up

March 1st, 2012, 10:53 pm


jad said:

Some of Aljazeera propaganda exposed in this really long program:
Part one
Part two

March 1st, 2012, 10:54 pm


Norman said:


Do you think that the regime will continue reform if the attack persists with military support for the opposition or you think that if the regime wins and stabilize the country, all chances for reform will be missed because of the greed of the opposition, that will not take less than a total anarchy and an overthrow of the president,

March 1st, 2012, 10:58 pm


Tara said:


Their bigotry against Islam has reached a repulsive level and should not tolerated. Yet they cry us a river when we call things by it’s name. They forgot that cheering for the cleansing that took place at Homs is criminal by it’s own merit. It is no different than the Catholic church’s silence on Hitler annihilating the Jews ( Credit is due to OTW for once discussing that particular issue). Sunnis have always tolerated institutionalized bigotry against Islam. This should not be tolerated anymore.

And in all honesty…the sad truth is ..the amount of hatred I discovered from some Syrian Christians specifically is trully unthinkable. I do not know what is it. I don’t know if there is something wrong with the teaching of Christianity in Syria… I have had pretty good exposure to Copts and Lebanese Christians and I am pretty emphatic they do not harbor that hatred which appears unique to some Syrian Christians. I am not generalizing. I had a Syrian Christian friend who also harbored no hatred whatsoever.

I would like to know what make some so hate-full.

March 1st, 2012, 11:05 pm


zoo said:

Move over, Egypt, Iraq and Syria
Iran, Israel and Turkey are now driving change in the Middle East.
By Aaron David Miller
March 1, 2012,0,2076548.story
For the better part of the last century, three Arab states — Egypt, Iraq and Syria — dominated Middle East politics in matters of war and peacemaking and shaped the region’s relations with the great powers.

The kings of Jordan and Morocco — and, of course, Saudi Arabia (and the Persian Gulf states) when it came to oil — had their say too. But it was the three pseudo-republics, authoritarian military regimes really, that threw their collective weight around.

Not anymore. The changes sweeping the Arab world have injected new life and meaning into its politics. But that has also fundamentally undermined the capacity of the key Arab states to act decisively and coherently on the regional stage.

It’s the new world of the non-Arabs — Iran, Israel and Turkey — that will now increasingly shape that stage for both good and ill. No matter how long it lasts, the eclipse of the Arabs will carry important consequences for the Middle East and the United States’ interests there.

For decades, Egypt, Iraq and Syria, cooperating at times but competing for influence and power always, shaped the Arab world’s policies toward East and West, drove the alliances and maneuvering in inter-Arab politics, determined what would and would not happen when it came to Israel, and carried out their own ambitions. These three republics and the men who dominated them became the face of the Arabs to the world.

March 1st, 2012, 11:08 pm


Norman said:


I made a simple calculation , you said 27000 shares at 44.00/share , that is more than 1.2 million dollar, Am i right ? you are making think that i am in the wrong specialty .

March 1st, 2012, 11:11 pm


ann said:

[Warning: Ann, please dial back your language and note the deleted passage below. Let us not resort to needlessly provocative statements — they can lead to escalation.]

117. jad said:

Bronco, Norman
Here is the ‘bright’ future some on this site are shamelessly advocating:

Libya: rebels destroy christian cemetery!

JAD, this is a World War II veterans cemetery in Benghazi. It’s their way of saying thank you to their NATO country allies!

Pathetic islamist fanatic killers

March 1st, 2012, 11:14 pm


Ghufran said:

Majed,if a guy like me who is half kafer prays for you,you may lose all of your money.
Ask revlon or khaled to do the deed 🙂
???? ???????

Too bad the videos were given to adduniya and not an independent station.

March 1st, 2012, 11:17 pm


dawoud said:

first excuse me because ia typing from a tiny ipod while traveling. most ot the propaganda against the syrian revoluton comes from lebanon because hasan has mobilizes his propagadists, even utilizing neocon islamophobic hate. i will write more when i get home

March 1st, 2012, 11:20 pm


Equus said:

It was brought up to my attention by another blogger on LCI it reads Syria this afternoon- see attached link.
However, it’s the picture of Saleh and his supporters: It’s completely different country. This is really misleading viewers.

March 1st, 2012, 11:21 pm


Tara said:


I wish they do. Time has come for people to reflect and think..beyond hatred or fear.

March 1st, 2012, 11:22 pm


jad said:

tsk tsk tsk..fat fingers never worked well on touch screens 🙂

March 1st, 2012, 11:24 pm


majedkhaldoun said:

It is not the money I am worried about ,it is the bet whether Bashar leaves soon, or we have to tolerate another year of injustice.

March 1st, 2012, 11:26 pm


Darryl said:

61. MJABALI said:

Dear MJABALI, please call me Darryl no need for the Mr part. Thanks for the link for Mary Jubran, I used to have a link on my old computer that included her plus others during that era, as well as, some fantastic instrumental artist. Now you jogged my memory to search for that link again which is ironically compiled by an American who loves the style of Arabic based Music.

March 1st, 2012, 11:27 pm


dawoud said:


I am still young. very athletic. not fat. i am married to a christian syrian_american woman who is as beautiful as a model. my life is so good that i dont need to please pro bashar anti muslim females on this blog by saying in a silly way “newbie!”

March 1st, 2012, 11:33 pm


irritated said:

#91 majedalkhadoon

“or we have to tolerate another year of injustice.”

Maybe two.. By the way what were your predictions?

March 1st, 2012, 11:35 pm


jad said:

It was a funny joke, besides, you don’t have to be fat for your fingers to be big on those small screens, we all have the same problem. Relax!

March 1st, 2012, 11:37 pm


Ghufran said:

BIG my actually go up,that is what my rich cousin just told me,you will be richer tomorrow,majed.
I hope you give to charity like what good Muslims should do.donating money to buy weapons is NOT charity,I am just saying and not accusing you of anything except being rich and not doing enough research on the subjects you tackle.
Btw,Zanobia,had at least one Arab parent,she is at least half Arab,and I am at least half kafer. Bashar ,on a serious note, has at least a half chance to finish his term,but even if he does not, his supporters are not going to magically disappear,the opposition may be right in refusing to sit with him at the same table but they will have to negotiate with other regime figures sooner or later.

March 1st, 2012, 11:38 pm


Ghufran said:

???? ??? ???? ???? ??????

March 1st, 2012, 11:48 pm


Norman said:

[Norman, Tara, please take care not to personalize discussion. Accusatory exchanges between commentators are subject to deletion.]
You are out of line, you think that having a Christian friend as an exception will cover your racist remark, Syrians are smarter than you think and can see through you.

March 1st, 2012, 11:49 pm


Syria no Kandahar said:

[SNK, you were asked to help keep Syria Comment open and civil by moderating your comments. Personalized, accusatory language does not advance discussion; selecting out one single religion to identify with criminal atrocities is provocative and goes against the spirit of the rules. That was why your comment was deleted.

Your further comments (deleted) are intolerable. Please do not post to Syria Comment until March 8th.]

March 1st, 2012, 11:50 pm


jad said:

Dear SNK
Please let it go this time 🙂
Look at the bright side, keeping comment #81 after deleting everything before, make it stands out as a bad comment.

March 1st, 2012, 11:52 pm


Equus said:

U.S. sees “no fracturing” of Assad regime

Folks you are really driving Mrs. Clinton crazy. She said on CNN interview when she was in Tunisia diplomatic efforts were under way to peel away Syria’s President Bashar al-Assad supporters. In other words it’s mandatory to hate your president. This is democracy can’t you get it.

March 2nd, 2012, 12:11 am


ann said:

On Syria, Kofi Annan Meets with Iran, Russia, China and UK – then Peacekeeping

UNITED NATIONS, March 1 — Kofi Annan in his new position as joint UN – Arab League special envoy to Syria met Thursday afternoon with the Permanent Representatives to the UN of Iran, Russia, Syria and the UK, and the Chinese Deputy Permanent Representative.

Inner City Press learned of the meetings, held in the Protocol office of the UN Department of Political Affairs, and at first waited outside. Later the sessions were opened for a photo opportunity at the beginning; at the end, Inner City Press asked attendees what had been accomplished. Click here for China & UK clips; for Iran click here and embedded below.

Syria’s Permanent Representative Bashar Ja’afari told Inner City Press, “We explained to him what we had to explain.” Before saying more, he indicated, he had to report to his capital.

Iran’s Permanent Representative Mohammad Khazaee, entering with a cane and a single deputy, joked to Inner City Press, “So I’m meeting with Kofi Annan?” Inside the small meeting room, he joked to Annan that he looks like his foreign minister Motaki. Maybe it’s the beard, Annan joked back.

On his way out, he told Inner City Press “we just had a cup of tea,” and “it was a good meeting.”

Before Annan’s next session, at 6:15 pm, a staffer of the Department of Political Affairs arrived and asked Security, who is the next appointment? When he was told, the USG of Peacekeeping Herve Ladsous, the DPA staffer quickly said, we don’t need any photographs of this one. And so Inner City had to leave. One wondered if why meet with Peacekeeping, if the stage is mediation?

Sources in the UN Department of Political Affairs opine to Inner City Press that Ban Ki-moon either does not like or feels inferior to Kofi Annan. So, after the US “vetoed” Boutros Boutros Ghali, “who made Ban appoint Kofi?”

While Ban sided with NATO in the Libya conflict, and drew criticism from Russia, Annan has positioned himself as in favor of dialogue and mediation in Syria, and not a military solution even as Qatar and Kuwait, for example, call for arming the Free Syrian Army.


March 2nd, 2012, 12:23 am


Syrialover said:

#80. Norman said:
“…regime will continue reform if the attack persists with military support for the opposition or you think that if the regime wins and stabilize the country…”

But it’s over, long past the line of return. The regime cannot reform or stabilize or anything else. It’s dead and decaying. There is no chance of them going back to having secure power over Syria, ever.

To put it politely: “the Syrian regime is screaming a hideous death-cry not just for its own rule, but for an ideology of dictatorship. Here is a species on the verge of extinction, lashing out as it sinks into prehistory.”


March 2nd, 2012, 12:29 am


son of Damascus said:


When the protest first started nobody was calling for Bashar’s head, only after the savagery shown to children and innocent protesters did that start. From the beginning to now whenever protesters come out peacefully they are met with bullets and batons, hunted down alley ways.

You wrote about the regime compromising, on what exactly? Slitting a singers throat and dumping his body in the river, or torturing and killing an innocent young boy and then cutting his gentiles off, killing off probably one of the most important figures of the non violence movement, or shelling and encircling one of his own cities for 27 days straight to ‘cleanse’ it, and you call all that compromise.

As for the sham referendum you brought up, how do you really expect the opposition to really take part in it when not only does it give Bashar potentially three more decades of his illegitimate rule (enough time for his son to take power), but the opposition was not consulted neither was the general Syrian public. And really since when was the elections in Syria under the Assad regime nothing more than a farce.

For the record I don’t believe Bashar or the regime are a representative of the Allawite community, I don’t see this as a religious struggle at all (although extremist are trying their best to hijack it). Maybe his inner circle is dominated by the Allawi sect, but that is indicative of his family dominating that circle and not that particular sect.

I unfortunately don’t share your optimism about Kofi Annan, because reasoning with the boy king has proven impossible.

March 2nd, 2012, 12:35 am


mjabali said:

al-Arour calls the Alawis infidels today and wants to establish a rule that listens only to Allah in Syria.

March 2nd, 2012, 1:15 am


ann said:

Syria under further pressure to grant wider humanitarian access – 2012-03-02

GENEVA/UNITED NATIONS, March 2 (Xinhua) — The Syrian government was put under further pressure Thursday by the UN Security Council and the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) to allow wider access for humanitarian aid.

Meanwhile, Kofi Annan, the newly appointed special envoy for Syria on behalf of the United Nations and the Arab League (AL), said Thursday he had reached consensus with UN chief Ban Ki-moon and the five permanent members of the Security Council that a mediation process including all political factions in Syria should be started as soon as possible.

Annan will begin his mission on March 7 with a visit to the AL headquarters in Cairo, AL chief Nabil al-Arabi said Thursday.

Annan is seeking a visit to Syria, and will also travel to other countries affecting the Syrian crisis in a bid to find a solution, said al-Arabi.


March 2nd, 2012, 1:24 am


Atheist Syrian Salafist Against Dictatorships said:

Whilst Mr/Dr Ghufran does try hard to come across as a balanced/impartial contributor here, and I acknowledge that to uncritical eyes he succeeds in doing that often, the subtle distortions of the situation should be exposed for what they are. In #49 above Mr/Dr Ghufran is misleading the reader and mixing up the facts. He is “impartial and balanced” but slips in this:

Both the regime and the armed militia conspired to put the army at the front from the early weeks of this uprising. Terrorists attacked army vehicles in Banyas few weeks after this uprising started,the killed soldiers and officers* were going home after finishing their regular shifts at their Thakanaat,they were not in a combat mission,and no army units,before that attack,fired a single bullet in Banyas.

Indeed people committing such a crime should be called “terrorists”, but it’s pretty obvious that he is implying that they are part of the uprising’s “armed militias”, a claim made by the regime and used to justify the violent conduct of the regime after that. Yet to my knowledge even now there has not been any conclusive evidence proving that the attack was the work of pro-revolution forces, notwithstanding all the mostly fake videos presented by Mu3allem, just as there has not been any conclusive proof that the bombings in Damascus and Aleppo were by opposition suicide bombers or even alQaeda, or that the deaths in Jisr alShughour were the work of the opposition as the regime claims. The most he can say is that the jury is still out on all of them, though the regime’s track record leads one to believe they were the work of the regime, for a regime so criminal and ruthless as to randomly bomb whole civilian neighborhoods and to employ snipers to shoot at peaceful civilian demonstrations is not above orchestrating/commissioning an attack on its own officers in Banyas or jisir, sacrificing them for the very important point of slapping the “armed gangs” label on the revolution right from the start. In fact, in the 11 months since, it is has proven itself much lower and more criminal and brutal than that.

Dr Ghufran and his friend AbuGhassan (as well as Mr Bassam alKadi) have been singing the same song from the very beginning, always trying to seem to apportion equal blame on the revolution and the regime, and to look “balanced” but never miss a chance to stealthily stab the revolution when he/they can.

You all may wonder why I’m picking on comments that seem “reasonable”, “balanced”, “impartial” and not those of the regime sycophants and cheerleaders. It is because uncritical readers,having been persuaded (fooled) by such “impartial” comments (Even you Tara!) will lower their guard and swallow everything said by these writers as fact though they (readers) easily recognize and dismiss the flagrant anti-uprising rants by others well known here.


* A cousin of Mrs Landis, an Alawi officer, was one of those killed, I think.

March 2nd, 2012, 2:30 am


Alan said:

Self-appointed revolutionaries shooting people in the streets – Homs eyewitness

UN, Russia and China urge Syria to let in UN envoy

March 2nd, 2012, 2:33 am


Mina said:

Bashar’s head was wanted from the beginning of the protest and the heavy attacks on him and his wife (as if no Maher, no uncle in Paris…) started also from the beginning showing the real side of the uprising. Just check the Twitter archives with the hashtag #Syria from last feburary on and you will find al Aroor in good place too there as well.

March 2nd, 2012, 2:53 am


leo syriacus said:

It is quite simplistic to paint the turmoil in Syria as a sectarian struggle between and opperessing ruling alawite minority with their Christian allies against an oppressed sunni majority
It is plain stupid to paint it as a legitimate government fighting AlQaeda style insurrgents
Media will play on the fears,hopes, and grievances of many but media is largely directed towards simple people with little insight of the big picture
The driving factor in the uprising in Syria is primarily economic the regime has been repressive and brutal for decades but throughout that time Syrians were largely a middle-class society,by 2011 and due to a number of factors particularly the drought and decline of agriculture many middle-class members spiralled down towards poverty..add to that communication,feeling of injustice, and the wave of Arab spring and bingo calls for reforms happen
Those calls/demonstrations habe been met with barbarian brutality including killing children, torturing activists, and shelling civilian neighbour hoods..this added fuel to fire
External factors in a following post

March 2nd, 2012, 3:17 am


Mina said:

Syrian academic + Harvard smartee + NGO specialist have a nonviolent roadmap for Syria and they publish it in Ahramonline…
They just forgot to include a roadmap for SNC member to be able to talk together.
Now that the foreign NGO are unable to work in Egypt, they had to divert?

March 2nd, 2012, 3:28 am


Leo Syriacus said:

The battle of Syria is an important one in the American long term plans not only for the Middle East but the world in general.
After the fall of Communism and the sidelining of Russia,some Neocons attempted to paint radical Islam as America’s new rival and arch enemy, this however proved wrong as America and moderate Islamists found acceptance and cooperation and at times alliances
The new rival/enemy is becoming China
America needs a grip on the Middle East/North Africa and curb Chinese influence there, 75%of gas and 60%of oil come from there, China needs influence there to maintain its rapid economic growth
America will need strong, reliable, and effective long term allies all over the has them in Turkey,Israel,Egypt, and Saudi Arabia..Syria is the missing piece especially after failure in Iraq and Iran’s growing influence
A regime change in Syria, a comprehensive Arab-Israeli peace settlement, and the democratization of the region are all important in turning the Middle East into long term American ally (precisely what the US did in post World War II in Europe..removing tyrants, lasting peace process, democratization, economic development, and regime changes of enemy states)
The question now will there be a Marshall Plan?

March 2nd, 2012, 3:30 am


annie said:

Though these might be pearls to the undeserving here are two very moving posts by Maysaloon

Stop asking me how things are in Syria, I don’t know. I want the killing to stop, I want my family and every family to be OK, to be with their loved ones and to argue about silly little things that mean nothing. I want a return to the pettiness of every day life, of worries about raising children, of who to marry and what to wear. I want so much for all those people who died to come back, to say that it was all a bad dream and that we’re all going to be together again. I feel the childhood terror of losing your loved ones, of wanting them to be with you forever, where there is no illness, no death and no evil. But it seems that I want the impossible.

If the deaths and the suffering of all those people is not to go in vain, if this country is to heal again and if we are to know happiness once more, then Assad and his regime must go. They must. This cannot be allowed to go on.


My country is in the grip of revolution, civil war and the mother of all international scheming and political intrigue. How can somebody try and articulate the sheer horror and despair that I – that all of us – feel about what’s been happening? At some point language just isn’t enough. I watch – without wanting to – video after video of people who have been killed there and I notice the pasty complexions and the glazed look of eyes that are no longer needed. A man or woman, sometimes a child, lie dead with lips that once kissed a loved one, hair that was once caressed, hands that were once held, but now destined for a slow corruption. It’s all so bloody awful. There is an aching pain in my chest that won’t go away and I’m so tired all the time.

March 2nd, 2012, 4:01 am


annie said:

Please sign the petition of the Nouvel Obs for stopping the massacre

March 2nd, 2012, 4:45 am


Amnesia said:

Please support the Global March for Syria in your communities March 15, 16, and 17, and share the following video in support of the march:

God Bless Syria

March 2nd, 2012, 4:55 am


Alan said:

114. AMNESIA said:
God Bless Syria
How god can bless Syria if the Syrian themselves in fact destroying it ?
Go on a negotiating table! Ignore violence! Stop mad intervention of the Western actors!

March 2nd, 2012, 5:22 am


Juergen said:

Kofi Annan welcomes Syrian, Chinese and british ambassador to the UN

March 2nd, 2012, 5:28 am


Alan said:

Planned Regime Change in Syria
by Stephen Lendman

about western actors !!!

Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, and now Syria had peace and calm until Washington intervened belligerently.

Strategies and tactics vary. Objectives are consistent. They involve replacing independent regimes with pro-Western ones by any means, including war.

Three unwinnable ones rage. Nonetheless, Obama plans more. Syria’s target one. For the past year, US-instigated violence ravaged parts of the country. Thousands have been killed, many others injured.

Syria’s gripped by fear. Heavily armed killer gangs rage out of control, and direct foreign intervention looms. More on that below.

Assad’s wrongly blamed. The blame game targets victims, not villains. As a result, ongoing conflict continues.

February 26 was potentially historic. Syrians overwhelmingly approved constitutional reform. Only the fullness of time will tell if promised change, in fact, happens. Western intervention may prevent it.

After 90% of Syrians supported draft constitutional changes, Assad issued decree No. 94 officially approving it, effective February 27.

Russia’s Foreign Ministry said referendum results show Syrians support him. Moscow called on all sides to concur, stop violence, and engage in dialogue with no preconditions.(…..

March 2nd, 2012, 6:01 am


Alan said:

Russia defends not regime in Syria, but sovereign right to choice-FM
“Russia cannot allow itself to play the hypocrite for the sake of momentary gains. We are sincerely confident that the course towards supporting one of the conflicting parties and pushing one of them to escalate confrontation brings no peace and on the contrary results in further aggravation of already explosive situations in the region and harms international stability,” Lavrov said.

March 2nd, 2012, 6:10 am


Amnesia said:

Assad will not negotiate with those he doesn’t fear. He will only arrest, rape, torture, and murder anyone against him. That is reality, and there will be no negotiation with this criminal regime while they seek oppression.

Those who love Syria hold the regime responsible for every life lost, and for every violation of human rights.

God Bless Syria

March 2nd, 2012, 6:31 am


mjabali said:

I said it before, news outlets like CNN has no clue when it comes to Syria. Are they that stupid or just got some Qatari money? Probably they have al-3Ar3ur on their board….all possibilities

Videos started coming out from Baba Amro and this one for sure is going to haunt CNN for a long time.

March 2nd, 2012, 6:43 am


Alan said:

All signs of deadlock!!! It is obvious there is an error! Should be my God bless us instead of my God bless Syria! God won’t bless customers of blood!

March 2nd, 2012, 7:09 am


mjabali said:

Syria No Kandahar is sitting in the banning prison of SC for expressing his opinion. Freedom of what we want to say is the essence of the struggle about Syria. Free Syria No Kandahar.

To all the Syria lovers a song Syria No Kandahar would have posted for you:

March 2nd, 2012, 7:14 am


Amnesia said:

Those that love Syria pray that God curse Bashar’s regime for its atrocities. The deadlock you speak of is due to the oppression you choose to ignore, or choose to cheer on.

The regime will die. How much more suffering they cause is up to them. They have already chosen this path.

God Bless Syria

March 2nd, 2012, 7:18 am


Amnesia said:

Those that support the regime’s atrocities and oppression in fact do not love Syria. They only love themselves, and are complicit in the crimes perpetrated.

God Bless Syria

March 2nd, 2012, 7:21 am


Syrian4Life said:

Danny Abduldayems lies exposed. Please Watch

March 2nd, 2012, 7:23 am


solitarius said:

SNC is very annoying. like a masochistic whore. keeps getting insulte and put in its place by the various opposition groups (demonstrating its not the only way), by Arouur (demonstrating it doesnt own the street), and by the armed gangs (demonstrating it has no control on the FSA).. yet they still come back asking for more.. the west continues to inflate them and present them as the representative of the syrian people. when was the last time there was a large demonstration in syria that mentioned Ghalioun and his lame SNC? plz point me to it as i’m not aware of any since the summer. it would be a real tragedy if they ever actually happen to get hold of any power. they dont deserve shit.

March 2nd, 2012, 7:31 am


Alan said:

by what signs you distinguish people which support regime from others which support Syria?
Hatred to the regime should destroy the country? I see that to some people all the same under whom to creep for satisfaction of hatred! It absolutely total blindness!

March 2nd, 2012, 7:44 am


Juergen said:

DER SPIEGEL just published an interesting article, concerning the role of the wifes of arab dictators.

In it it was described how bluntfully Sarkozy has presented himself with Assad and his wife prior to the outbrake of the arab revolution.

The former foreign minister Bernhard Kouchner said about the visit:
“When we told him( Sarkozy) that we are meeting with an terrible tyrant, Sarkozy replied: ‘Bashar protected the Christians, and if he has such a modern and open-minded woman, he can not be evil’.”

“Every revolution has its Lady Macbeth,” sighed recently a Middle East expert in Paris. The women on the side of tyrants, may all be very different, but they are united by the hatred which they draw to themselves the incredible richness that they have accumulated and their exquisite wardrobe. Similarly, their role in the regime – as the figurehead of a so-called Arab feminism and chairman of charitable organizations.

They distract from the brutality of the government , that’s their job.,1518,818505,00.html

March 2nd, 2012, 7:59 am


Alan said:

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March 2nd, 2012, 8:03 am


DAWOUD said:

Dear Mr. 127. JUERGEN:

In an earlier comment, Mr. Amir in the colony of Tel Aviv asked you to describe to him how you found the new Egypt.
Mr. Juergen, please don’t give him any FREE information. If Israel needs info. on the new Egypt, let them send their paid Mossads/informers.

March 2nd, 2012, 8:03 am


DAWOUD said:

To # 81. TARA

Believe me, most of the anti-Muslim & pro-Bashar/Hasan propaganda is coming from Rami Makhlouf’s empire AND from the “basement” of Hasan/al-Manar in Lebanon. Many of those most anti-Sunnis here are NOT Christian Syrians. They are idealist & brainwashed AMERICANS who live/work/study in Lebanon. They have accepted Hasan’s/Bashar’s definition of “resistance.” Yes for resisting Israeli occupation/colonialism! But NO, AND A THOUSAND NO, to resisting Syrians’ and Arabs’ legitimate aspirations for freedom, democracy, and justice!
PS., I wonder whether posting and spreading propaganda here/elsewhere is the price that these brainwashed Americans have to pay for even staying in Lebanon!
Wouldn’t be a sign of great justice when colonel Riad al-As’ad leads a law-enforcement army to Beirut’s Dahiya to execute an arrest warrant against the person inciting and supporting terror in Syria: Hasan Nasrallah?! I am sure this will be done after the liberation of Homs, Aleppo, Damascus, etc.

March 2nd, 2012, 8:21 am


DAWOUD said:

Dear Professor Landis:

It is my opinion that whenever you post anything for Dennis Ross and WINEP, including their opinion that Bashar “has to go,” you should also provide the following two articles/links on Ross and WINEP:

1) Stephen M. Walt, ‘On “dual loyalty’,” [this is an article dealing with Dennis Ross’ loyalty to Israel]:

2) Stephen M. Walt, “Robert Satloff doth protest too much,” at:

Peace in Syria, and down with Bashar/Hasan,


March 2nd, 2012, 8:42 am


norman said:

MR Moderator,

I did not get the E Mail you wanted to send me,

March 2nd, 2012, 8:59 am


Amir in Tel Aviv said:

A demonstration in Homs amidst heavy bombardment (warning some graphic)


March 2nd, 2012, 9:04 am


Anton said:

Dear Norman @69

What happened lately that made you change your mind and believe that they are going to attack Syria and will be a large scale war?
If you can remember I articulated that on day one of Syria problem! Believing that at the end will be an all out war !

Please permit me to tell you this story

At the time of the first gulf ware ( Iraq – US ) and during all the event of the preparation at that time, between Kuwait has been invaded by the Iraqis until the start of the war .
At that time I have just started my own business with an industrial experienced partner , during that time I have had the feeling that will be a war while a lot of people around said no its only a theater including my business partner …

I do remember that couple weeks before the start of the war there was a visit done by Arafat to Saddam and at a press conference he was smiling as usual and said there will be no war … my business partner and myself were watching the TV and he said to me.. you see , there will be no war, this old man ( Arafat ) knows why! , I said no, all the indications make me believe that will be a war !!! And asked him to bid for 10$ …. He accepted … and later I won !!!!!!

From the day one I have had the same feeling due the chain of events, nothing spontaneous about all those Arab springs, the prize is Syria , I believed it will take some time maybe 6-12 months until all out war in Syria will start…. Initially I thought Syria and the ME was the only in the plan .. lately I believe it is much wider ,, which makes Syrianna Axe more important even to Russia and China … Someone believe that Syrianna Axe should be destroyed .. cost what it cost ???? several 100 thousand lifes is not important ….as long its not their own…. right?

I still believe there will be all out war, as I said in my latest analyze, this time will be a winner and looser no status quo.. and it will big this time, Russia , China , Iran and Syria against , US England , France Turkey , and KSA .. all will battle in Syria .. you can see a small one going on at this moment as a prep for the final one.

This time I have a friend keeps saying to me the same what the ex-business partner said .. there will be no war .. Couple months from now and all will be OK … I still disagree with him???????
This time I hope I am wrong !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And loose my 10$

God Bless Syria , the Syrian people and the Syrian Army ..

If we loose this time Syria will be like Iraq at the best or Afghanistan at its worse.

March 2nd, 2012, 9:19 am


Amir in Tel Aviv said:

Dawoud 129,

I visited Egypt 5 times, and traveled across the country from Iskanderia to Aswan and from the Port Said in the east to the deep western desert. I don’t need Juergen to give me info, just asked for his impressions and trip-experiences. Also, mind your own business.

March 2nd, 2012, 9:22 am


Anton said:

Dear Amir;

What is your thought about my comment at @ 133

I am interested to hear it from you,

Thanks in advance.

March 2nd, 2012, 9:30 am


dawoud said:

dear mr. amir in the tel aviv colony:
thanks for your advice/response! you visited mubarak egypt not free egypt. occupiers who visit the new egypt will be monitored so that they dont spy on egypt and cause fitna!

March 2nd, 2012, 9:35 am


irritated said:

125. Amnesia said:

“Those that support the regime’s atrocities and oppression in fact do not love Syria”

You sound just like Bush Jr…

March 2nd, 2012, 9:40 am


Amir in Tel Aviv said:

Dear Anton 133,

I don’t think that Syria’s current popular struggle can be compared with the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait. In Syria, it is something internal. I see no all-out war in Syria. The wildest scenario I can see is an international intervention (ordered by the UNSC!), the way it was done in Serbia and Libya. And this will happened only if there is massive atrocities (concentration-camps, activities of ethnic cleansing, destruction of entire villages and so on).

You are too pessimistic. I have trust in the Syrian people and believe that they will get rid of this ugly junta, with no international help.

March 2nd, 2012, 9:58 am


Son of Damascus said:


From reading your posts one would think Assad is just a great and fine fellow that has been dealt a band hand, while the opposition is filled with MB psychos intent on ruining Syria with the help Western powers.

This nasty over simplification of Syrian affairs is bigoted and utterly inhumane, 7000+ PEACEFUL protesters have been killed by this murderous thug, not to save Syria but to save his neck.

By the way Maher, Makhlouf, Uncle, and company are as explicitly guilty as Bashar. Although the uncle is not involved in the atrocities of today, his hands are still stained from the 80’s.

March 2nd, 2012, 10:02 am


irritated said:

SOD #103

“only after the savagery shown to children and innocent protesters did that start.””

You seem to have forgotten what the children in Deraa wrote on the wall that triggered the chain reaction and violence?
“Dr Bashar, your turn has come “, Erhal… etc.. It was not at all about ‘reforms’.

This is a video allegedly of the school in Deraa

Don’t tell me there were just kids joking, it was the reflection of what their parents and many others in Deraa and other places on border cities had in mind.

Just from the first day, it was clear that the ones leading the demonstrations wanted the head of Bashar as they have seen the head of Mobarak and Ben Ali fall easily.

I do no believe one second that the opposition was after reforms. They thought naively that they could emulate Egypt and Tunisia and, encouraged by western countries excited by the ‘democratic success stories’ of the Arab Spring, they allowed the whole country into a vicious circle of violence with no easy way out.

You are free to be pessimistic and still hope for a regime change with more Syrian blood spilled. I try to see how to stop and get out of that vicious circle and I really see that the options besides the destructive civil war, are extremely limited.

March 2nd, 2012, 10:21 am


irritated said:

SOD #139

“7000+ PEACEFUL”?

Be honest, you know very well that among these 7000, there are more than 2000 soldiers and security officers who were killed. Also many of the ‘peaceful’ were armed and some criminals

Both sides are guilty of crimes and the UN confirmed it. It is irrelevant to insist on who started. It must stop.

March 2nd, 2012, 10:27 am


Son of Damascus said:


“You seem to have forgotten what the children in Deraa wrote on the wall that triggered the chain reaction and violence?”

So you are holding 11 year olds boys responsible for this mess? And Bashar gets a free pass. How noble and balanced of you.

For your information if only ONE person was killed who was a peaceful demonstrator that is one too many, at what point will the pro-regime side recognise the peaceful demonstrators that have been savagely murdered?

According to the VDC there has been 7515 CIVILIANS killed and 1798 military not including today.

“Both sides are guilty of crimes and it is irrelevant to insist on who started. It must stop.”

One side has been using overwhelming fire power to drown to the other side, if this was an equal fight where the horrors are done equally then you would be correct. As long as the regime is using overwhelming power to terrorise its own constituents into submission this won’t come to an end.

March 2nd, 2012, 10:44 am


son of Damascus said:


“You are free to be pessimistic and still hope for a regime change with more Syrian blood spilled. I try to see how to stop and get out of that vicious circle and I really see that the options besides the destructive civil war, are extremely limited.’

I am not pessimistic about Syria, and hope an end to the blood letting. I am pessimistic in anything involving the Boy King, and if you really tried to envision an end to this vicious cycle then you would too. He will do everything in his power to retain his throne so he can continue call himself our master no matter how momentarily and delusional it is.

March 2nd, 2012, 11:02 am


irritated said:


“So you are holding 11 year olds boys responsible for this mess?”

Didn’t d you read what I wrote? I am copying here again:

“Don’t tell me there were just kids joking, it was the reflection of what their parents and many others in Deraa and other places on border cities had in mind.”

Obviously you refuse to see the obvious realities of this miscarried ‘revolution’.
I won’t try to argue anymore.

March 2nd, 2012, 11:09 am


Jerusalem said:

?? ?? ???? … ??? ????? ?????? ??? ??? ??? ??????? ??????? ???

March 2nd, 2012, 11:10 am


Mina said:

While Human Rights Watch explain why Iran’s elections are not democratic, they have nothing to say on country without any elections.
Their last mention of Bahrain is almost one month old. While on Twitter today:

[Link added: Please try to provide links to off-site sources. Twitter posts have unique identifiers that can be used to give a reference. See | How To Link Directly to an Individual Tweet ]

@MARYAMALKHAWAJA: Sayed Jaffar lost his memory due to being beaten, had a head injury and hip injury, died today RIP #notanumber #bahrain #feb14

By the way, does anyone has news of the royal Qatari who tried to organised some protests last year, was jailed, and vanished out of the stage?

March 2nd, 2012, 11:11 am


Mina said:

It is a bit funny to have to use politically correct language now. Arabic is less polished than that, no?

[Mina, it may be politically-correct to avoid phrases that provoke reaction, or to avoid language that can be read as harshly discriminatory. But that is the kind of language we are all asked to avoid here in the comments.

We all want a discussion space open to the widest possible range of opinion. This is difficult at a time of great pain and anger in Syria. Civility and openness depend on commentators’ self-moderation, stepping back from angry confrontations, stepping back from pointed accusations of criminality, stepping back from attacks on persons, nationalities, ethnic/cultural groups and religions.

Sometimes comments stray too close or beyond the line of provocation.

I appreciate your concerns and thank you for raising them. Please feel free to write directly with suggestions, complaints and questions: [email protected]]

If someone want to say “Pathetic islamist fanatic killers” (not allowed, see above), what should it be in English? “Poor old conservatives turned into religious extremists murderers” ? Or are we allowed to use Arabic words in the middle? “Masakin religious extremists ultra-rightist murderers?”

March 2nd, 2012, 11:13 am


Equus said:

142. irritated

“7000+ PEACEFUL”

In case you didn’t know: The British-based Syrian Observatory of Human Rights (SOHR) is one of the most widely-quoted sources of Syrian casualty figures.
AbdelRhaman, he and his group have been attacked by those in the anti-Assad activists, who want NATO to invade the country, similar to what happened in Libya. They also want the SOHR not to report the deaths of government loyalists to make the case for an intervention.
So much of freedom of expression ??

March 2nd, 2012, 11:50 am


Son of Damascus said:


“Obviously you refuse to see the obvious realities of this miscarried ‘revolution’.
I won’t try to argue anymore.”

How can I accept half truths, and misconstrued realities. I am sorry but I am not the one blinding myself from the horrors the regime is doing.

March 2nd, 2012, 11:52 am


jad said:

As expected Alqaeda fighters were the leaders of the terrorists militias that occupied Baba Amr and used its residents as human shields and hostages:

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?????? ????? ?? ??? ????? ???????? ?????? ?? ?????????

March 2nd, 2012, 12:05 pm


jad said:

Not only what he said is repulsive, disgusting, criminal and can be easily found in any warlord notebook but even the picture the newspaper choose is showing his as the ‘crazy’ ‘prof.’ Ghalyoun.
I think that he lost all and every credibility and respect he had before becoming the head of an MBs ex-terrorists council…I pity him:

Britain is too cautious on arming Syrian rebels, says exiled opposition leader
The head of Syria’s exiled opposition yesterday expressed his frustration with Britain’s “very, very cautious” approach to the crisis.

In an interview with The Daily Telegraph, Burhan Ghalioun, the president of the Syrian National Council, called on foreign countries to start arming and supplying rebels fighting Bashar al-Assad’s regime. Britain and other Western powers were, unlike Arab states such as Qatar and Saudi Arabia, too guarded in their approach, he claimed.
“The international community is very slow and still its volume on Syria is low,” he said. “They are just whispering against a regime that is brutally killing their own people every day. We welcomed Britain’s stand and positions earlier but we think it has a quieter voice now and we don’t know why. You have to ask Mr Hague why, but I can see that they are very, very cautious.”

March 2nd, 2012, 12:15 pm


Badr said:

The Red Cross has been refused permission to deliver aid to the Baba Amr district, despite earlier getting the go-ahead from the authorities.

The delay has given rise to opposition allegations that government forces were trying to get rid of evidence of summary killings.

ICRC President Jakob Kellenberger said in a statement … that the Syrian authorities had earlier given a “green light” for the convoy to enter, and that the problem was not a technical hitch but something more serious.

March 2nd, 2012, 12:24 pm


jad said:

Isn’t it obvious yet?
It’s all about Iran, Israel, and how to take over the region NOTHING ELSE and it has nothing to do with dignity, freedom, democracy and all the BS ‘reasons’ we are hearing about from the ‘humane’ and ‘just’ ‘powers’ and the human rights “NG”Os:

Obama to Iran and Israel: ‘As President of the United States, I Don’t Bluff’

GOLDBERG: Can you just talk about Syria as a strategic issue? Talk about it as a humanitarian issue, as well. But it would seem to me that one way to weaken and further isolate Iran is to remove or help remove Iran’s only Arab ally.


GOLDBERG: And so the question is: What else can this administration be doing?

PRESIDENT OBAMA: Well, look, there’s no doubt that Iran is much weaker now than it was a year ago, two years ago, three years ago. The Arab Spring, as bumpy as it has been, represents a strategic defeat for Iran, because what people in the region have seen is that all the impulses towards freedom and self-determination and free speech and freedom of assembly have been constantly violated by Iran. [The Iranian leadership is] no friend of that movement toward human rights and political freedom. But more directly, it is now engulfing Syria, and Syria is basically their only true ally in the region.

And it is our estimation that [President Bashar al-Assad’s] days are numbered. It’s a matter not of if, but when. Now, can we accelerate that? We’re working with the world community to try to do that. It is complicated by the fact that Syria is a much bigger, more sophisticated, and more complicated country than Libya, for example — the opposition is hugely splintered — that although there’s unanimity within the Arab world at this point, internationally, countries like Russia are still blocking potential UN mandates or action. And so what we’re trying to do — and the secretary of state just came back from helping to lead the Friends of Syria group in Tunisia — is to try to come up with a series of strategies that can provide humanitarian relief. But they can also accelerate a transition to a peaceful and stable and representative Syrian government. If that happens, that will be a profound loss for Iran.

March 2nd, 2012, 12:24 pm


irritated said:

#152 SOD

“I am sorry but I am not the one blinding myself from the horrors the regime is doing.”

But you are blinding yourself from the horrors the opposition has done and condoned. Both sides have a bad conscience, both sides are guilty.

March 2nd, 2012, 12:27 pm


Tara said:


Hyenas can’t be trusted. The regime wants to washes out evidence of crime against humanity before it allows the Red Cross in. There is no other explanation.

March 2nd, 2012, 12:28 pm


jad said:

????????? ????????? ??????? ???? ??????? ?? ???

March 2nd, 2012, 12:36 pm


Syrialover said:

#153. Jad said

“As expected Alqaeda fighters were the leaders of the terrorists militias that occupied Baba Amr and used its residents as human shields and hostages”

Yes, yes. of course. And that’s all the more reason why, as we sit at our screens, we can ignore the fact 4,000 people there are still shut off from the Red Crescent and the troops are now going house to house carting off everyone over 14, summarily executing groups, and busily cleaning up anything that might prove inconvenient.

I’m confused. If they were all human hostages, victim of that superpower al qaeda, where’s the regime’s massive aid and rescue effort for its citizens? People who have been massively traumatised by weeks of shelling, starved and are now freezing to death in the snow.

Instead, I think we are being urged to think they DESERVE what is happening this very moment. More sinister, spiteful, cruel and criminal acts by a regime that is sinking lower and lower until it buries itself.

The BBC are obviously also being run by al qaeda, which is making them report such big lies and insults about the Red Cross being denied access to Babr Amr:

March 2nd, 2012, 12:44 pm


Juergen said:


thank you for your welcome!

In October I was the last time in Cairo and for the time i was in Cairo ( also Luxor and Assuan) the atmosphere was much brighter than back in October. In October we saw the rising tensions between coptic and muslims, i will not forget a night train ride back to Cairo from Luxor when an muslim man shouted they killed our children those kuffar, and an other man shouted back to him shut up, we are all egyptians.

I stayed as always in a small hotel two blocks away from Tahrir Square, the owner gave me this time even a room overlooking the square partially. The square was occupied, all political groups seem to have their own part of the square, the MBs and the Facebookers. All keep a distance, even small fences are put up in between the tents, but loud discussions of ordinary egyptians are taking place allover the square, at any time. At one streetlight they have erected an puppet representing general Tantawi, hanged by a electric cable.

At least what i saw, the tourists are back in bigger numbers than back in October, the two restaurants i like most were crowded as in the good times for tourism, it was hard to get an table, many americans and european groups were not only visible in Luxor but in Cairo as well. I was in Cairo itself for 5 days totally, the rest i was travelling to the south to see again some pharaonic sights. Being in Cairo really made me sad this time, many memories of Syria came back, even though Cairo has definatly an different odor than Damascus. I visited exile syrians nearby the headquarters of the Arab league. They occupy a piece of land and erected an bigger tent with the flags of the free Syria.When I was there, about 20 men and women sipped their tea and discussed the events in Syria. It was good to see some of them drank mate tea, and i talked with a couple of syrian students studying in Cairo. For a moment it felt like being in Damascus.
At the pyramides the usual hassle, one guy on his camel thought he should try to get me on one, i got rid of him after mentioning to him after what i have seen on Tahrir square i can not ride an horse or camel anymore. It looked like that even egyptians take this stand nowadays, usually one could always find egyptian families enjoying a ride.

I had a couple of funny encounters with taxi and minibusdrivers. One morning we went from our boat in Luxor to visit the valley of the kings and stopped an minibus to take us into the city. The driver was quite curious about me visiting Egypt,probably he never had an foreigner sitting in an egyptian minibus. I said to him in Syria i am used to this, and he was starting an longer monologe explaining to me that Assad is the last man standing, kind of like Saddam against all the powers and he must at the end win over all. I told him that i dont think so and we agreed that we can not agree on this issue. Half an hour later i was in an taxi of an old bedouin who seemed in his late 60s. When we talked about Syria he started to talk like a Sheikh, may God curse him, and his family and all who follow him. I told him that just minutes ago i heard almost an poem on Assad from the minibusdriver. He smiled and said to me saying that he might be old but he has seen many bad people, probably more than this minibusdriver.

In an cafe near the famous Memnon statues i chatted with the owner who studied in switerland and got back to his native village 3 years ago. He told me that things are getting slightly better, since this year the tourists come back and yet they are still about 40% less than before the revolution. He said that many who work in the tourism have gotten new contracts, some will get a contract just for 3 months, others just 1 months. They may still see renewals of such contracts but many have lost their income for good. He told me that under Mubarak it was like living in an big museum. You could speak up or express your opinion, if you were cautious. He said even in tv and in the radio they were adressing problems and talked bad about the government. He thought that Syrians never ever had this freedom yet. He was quite optimistic for the future, he meant that after the new president would come to office things will be much better. He told me that many in rural areas were bought to vote in favor of their landlord or factory owner. Allover the Luxor area they still had billboards with election campaign adds, some looked very funny, thanks to photoshop it look like the prayermarks can be placed on every pious canditate. And every canditate had their own symbol, one a telephone, and other an umbrella, i guess its for the illiterate to know their canditate.

The shopowners in those highly touristic places were looking not very happy, and it seemed they tried even more to hassle off the last who dared to look at their shops.

March 2nd, 2012, 12:47 pm


zoo said:

Mina #150

There is a distinction between Islam(ic) and Islam(ist)

Islam is a religion
Islamism turns the religion into an ideology, perceived as extremist.*

Distinguishing between Islam and Islamism

by Daniel Pipes
Center for Strategic and International Studies
June 30, 1998

March 2nd, 2012, 12:48 pm


mjabali said:


Obama is wrong. The US lost more in the “Arab Spring” than Iran.

The US, under Obama, lost Tunisia. You will see year after year how the anti-West elements would creep into major position in Tunisia.

Egypt is the same although the US is trying to damage control this. Yemen is going to hell: pro-America Saleh is gone and al-Qaida controls the South.

Libya: Qadhafi was with the West in the time period before his death. Yes, America may get some contracts here and there, but we yet to see when Libya is going to be stable. The Islamists there are no different, and soon this part of North Africa from Tunisia to Libya to Egypt would be run by anti-West Islamists.

Iran had zero influence in Tunisia: so it lost nothing. Same goes to Libya. As for Egypt; Iran for sure has more channels open with the new rulers than they did with Mubarak.

Obama and his team should not fool themselves by throwing dust with their talk about Iran. Iran has nothing to do with the Arab Spring, but, as you know, was brought to the table in the case of Syria because Bashar al-Assad’s religion.

March 2nd, 2012, 12:51 pm


jad said:

Alqaeda doesn’t exist any where in the world, it’s a ‘myth’
Have a lovely day 🙂

March 2nd, 2012, 12:55 pm


Syrialover said:

While we chat about this and that, and quote that nice man Daniel Pipes (the world’s champion Muslim critic and scaremonger), I am sitting here feeling sick, fighting back images of Shabra and Shatila, of Hama.

Can somebody please switch back to current reality and offer some proof and reassurance that this isn’t happening in Homs, this very moment?

No, of course they won’t. Too busy.

March 2nd, 2012, 1:07 pm


Syrialover said:

# 164. Jad said:

Alqaeda doesn’t exist any where in the world, it’s a ‘myth’”

Such a witty comment. It makes me feel foolish for saying anything unkind about Assad’s troop’s current activity in Babr Amr.

The Syrians who are firing the guns, arresting those in Babr Amr and stopping the Red Cross are also victims. Their lives are being stained and they have been set apart from their countrymen.

March 2nd, 2012, 1:17 pm


jad said:

Footage from BA
?????? ?????? ????? ?? ?? ???? ???? “??? ??????” 02-03-2012 .

I agree with your assessment about those countries, however, I think the Americans are better off having a radical conservatives in the power as in KSA and Qatar than independent leaders and educated citizens, from previous experiences it seems that they can manage them easier.

Regarding Tunisia, the play started already:

?????? ???????? ???? ????? ?????? ????? ?????? ???? ????? ??????????

??? ??????? ?? ???????? ????????? ?????? ???????? ???? ??? ??????? ????????? ????? ???????? ?????? ?????? ??? ?????? ?????? ?????? “???????” ????? ?? ????.
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Please check this old yet excellent article of Sami Kleeb on Assafir about how the west is using the bloody Arab winter for their advantage:

????? ??????: ??? ??????? ???? ??????? – ???? ????
“??? ???????? ????? ?? ??????? ??????? ???? ??? ????? ??? ???????? ????????? ???????. ????? ??? ?? ???? ????????? ????????? ??? ?? ???? ?? ???? ?? ???? ??????. ??????? ?? ????? ???????? ?????? ???????? ????? ????? ?? ???????? ??? ??? ???? ????????? ???????? ???????? ????????? ?????? ??????… ????? ??????? ??????? ?? ??????? ???????? ??????? ?? ?????? ??? ????? ?? ??? ?????? ??? ?????? ????? ??????? ??? ?????? ??????? ?? ?????????? ?????? ?????? ?? ?????? ?????? ??? ?????? ???? ???? ?????? ??? ??? ?????. ????? ??????? ???? ????? ??? ???? ????????? ????? ?????? ????? ??????? ????? ????? ??? ??????? ????? ?? ??? ???? ??? ??? ?? ??????.”
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March 2nd, 2012, 1:17 pm


jad said:

Dear Syrialover
I didn’t mean in anyway to discredit your points about the brutality of the regime, not at all, my point is that there are many powers on the ground that are manipulating the situation and using the human misery and suffering for their own gain, those powers do not want democracy or freedom or anything other than destroying our society and turning Syrian to another failed state worse than it is. And in some people’s mission to attack the regime they actually give those criminal entities the reason to continue their evil mission, this is why I discredit and ridicule all excuses fro those by any body.

And as much as I oppose the inhumane treatment of some Syrians by this regime I’m 100 times more against other evil powers including the greedy colonials and the illiterate radicals of the gulf and their terrorist organization using our Syrian blood for their own destructive and black plans they are putting for all of us.

March 2nd, 2012, 1:24 pm


norman said:


I was hoping that the opposition seeing that the West is not coming will join the political process with encouragement from the west, i do not see any movement in that direction and that is why i feel that the whole thing is just to make Syria the land to fight between local and international powers for the detriment of the Syrian people.

March 2nd, 2012, 1:32 pm


Syrialover said:

Jad, thanks for the Babr Amr footage.

Wow, that al qaeda. They can punch holes in buildings and destroy entire streets with their bare hands.

It was good to see a skinny cat run out of a building. It would have been better to see some of the shellshocked, frozen and starving people who must have been sheltering near those ruins.

March 2nd, 2012, 1:33 pm


bronco said:

163. mjabali

I agree with you. It is a matter of time that the Arab Spring countries will be desillusioned with the Western countries trying to lecture them on women’s rights and other issues that are in direct conflict with the ‘islamist’ ideology gradually becoming the norm in countries with a deeply religious majority.

In addition the deep-seated rejection of the Egyptians for Israel will become another subject of dissension.

The West and the USA will attempt to buy up these Islamic government like they did with Mobarak with ‘financial and economical” assistance. Unfortunately, it will probably bring the same level of injustice and corruption it did to Mobarak’s regime.

If the USA and western countries act like they did at the time of Mobarak and Ben Ali, covering up the stalemate of the Palestinian issue and Israel by providing military and economical assistance to Egypt, they will end up by loosing even more influence in the region.
Therefore, I will not be surprised to see a rapprochement between Arab countries and Iran, Turkey, China and Russia in a medium term and long term.
It is expected that the ‘democratic’ Arab countries will ultimately turn to Asia, whose countries will not lecture them on human rights and will not use the double language of promoting democracy while exploiting and protecting non-democratic regimes in the Persian Gulf.

I am not sure the USA with its internal contradictions and its blind support for Israel will be able to cope with these new and more complex challenges in the region.

March 2nd, 2012, 1:39 pm


Son of Damascus said:


“But you are blinding yourself from the horrors the opposition has done and condoned. Both sides have a bad conscience, both sides are guilty.”

I’m not, not the one bit. The video I saw of the tank parked in front of the church in Homs by the FSA to ‘protect’ the church is deplorable and wrong, at best it is opportunistic, however the FSA is NOT a professional army and all they have been hearing is that they are about to be cleansed, while mortars and rockets keep falling over their heads and the snipers bullets whizzing by their ears. All of this is being done by a professional army.

As SyriaLover said where is the grand humanitarian effort that was launched for the innocent civilians that were held ‘hostage’ by the rebels, why is any man over the age of 14 being arrested in Bab Amr, why is Javier Espinosa dead yet giving interviews live on TV at the same time?

I hate the fact my country is turning into the next jihadi cause of the day, fanatics like Arour that call for the death of Allawis are vile human beings; I hate the fact that Bashar is not only holding his sect hostage but all of our country for the sake of his throne and not his country.

Irritated some members of my family are married into this regime, even some are in the sham of a Parliament we call Majlis El Shaab, if anyone on this blog should be harping for this evil regime it should be me, the repercussions that my family will experience for siding with this mafia thug will most likely be grave.

I can’t turn a blind eye, no I won’t turn a blind eye to any crime caused by either side no matter the consequence to me. I want my country free of tyranny, with a democratic government that will uphold my rights and freedoms rather than trample on them, we Syrian deserve better than what we have had for 40 years.

March 2nd, 2012, 1:40 pm


jad said:

[Link added]

Please check this and compare it with the ‘pleasant’ full of ‘love’ and ‘intelligence’ message written against the Syrian Christians communities in #81, what a difference!

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March 2nd, 2012, 1:44 pm


zoo said:

Deciphering the Qatar enigma

Doha has become a global player but many might wish it had restricted itself to its role as a peacemaker
By Patrick Seale, Special to Gulf News
Published: 00:00 March 2, 2012

his past year, however, has seen a major change in Qatari diplomacy: from being an impartial mediator, praised by all parties, it has begun to take sides in Middle East conflicts. For example, it played a key role in the overthrow of Libya’s dictator Muammar Gaddafi, pouring into the civil war hundreds of its own well-equipped troops and some $400 million in aid to the rebels. In Syria, Qatar has led the assault against President Bashar Al Assad, pressing for his condemnation and boycott in the Arab League while arming and funding the opposition.

Even more significantly, Qatar has been a major backer of the Muslim Brothers in their recent rise to power across the Arab region. This has caught the West by surprise, in particular the United States. Having spent the past 15 years fighting the Islamists, Washington is now scrambling to come to terms with — and even befriend — these new political actors, whether in Egypt, Tunisia, Syria, Morocco and elsewhere. Unlike Qatar’s earlier mediation efforts, this switch to activist policies inevitably makes enemies as well as friends. Not the least of Qatar’s contradictions is that while it embraces progress and modernity with open arms, it also promotes radical Islamic movements, for example giving ample air time on Al Jazeera to the tele-preacher Yousuf Al Qaradawi.

In waging its battles, Qatar deploys many assets, of which the first is undoubtedly the vigour and daring of its leadership

Four members of its ruling inner circle deserve special mention. The emir, Shaikh Hamad Bin Khalifa Al Thani, 60, a graduate of Britain’s Sandhurst military academy and former defence minister, deposed his father in a bloodless coup in 1995, setting the country on its path to spectacular development. The emir’s right-hand man is his distant cousin, Shaikh Hamad Bin Jasem Bin Jabr Al Thani, 53, who has served as Foreign Minister (since 1992) and also as Prime Minister (since 2007), acquiring a formidable reputation as an international diplomatist but also as a remarkable financier with major stakes in Qatar Airways, in the London department store Harrods, and dozens of other real-estate, commercial and industrial enterprises. He is the owner of the 133-metre yacht Al Mirqab, said to be the eighth largest super-yacht in the world, valued at more than $1 billion. Some sources estimate his personal fortune, perhaps with a touch of hyperbole, at $35 billion.

Another major figure is the emir’s second wife, Shaikha Mouza, widely admired for her elegance, energy and culture, who chairs the Qatar Foundation for Education, Science and Community Development. One of her five sons is Crown Prince Shaikh Tamim Bin Hamad Al Thani, a clever, highly-popular, French-speaking young man in his early thirties. Shaikha Mouza’s Foundation has brought numerous foreign universities to Qatar’s ‘Education City’ and sponsors many training and leadership programmes, as well as the lively Doha Debates on Al Jazeera television, Qatar’s brilliant media arm — a powerful agent of its worldwide influence.

Needless to say, all this would be vain were it not for the prodigious revenues Qatar derives from exporting oil and liquefied natural gas. Its oil reserves of 25 billion barrels would enable continued output at current levels for the next 57 years, while the reserves of its offshore gas fields are estimated at 250 trillion cubic feet, the third largest such reserves in the world. Gas provides 85 per cent of Qatar’s export earnings and 70per cent of government revenue.

March 2nd, 2012, 1:48 pm


zoo said:

Not exactly what the headline attempts to imply…

Putin backs away from Assad regime
john stackhouse — EDITOR-IN-CHIEF
MOSCOW— From Friday’s Globe and Mail

“We don’t have a special relationship,” the Russian leader said in an interview with the editors of six major international newspapers, including The Globe and Mail.

“It is up to the Syrians to decide who should run their country. We need to make sure they stop killing each other.”

Asked if Mr. al-Assad can survive, he said: “I don’t know. I don’t know. It’s obviously a grave problem. The reforms are long awaited and should be carried out. Whether the Syrian government is ready to reach a consensus, I don’t know.”

March 2nd, 2012, 1:54 pm


zoo said:

France Shuts Syria Embassy; Reporters Set to Arrive in Paris
PARIS—France is closing its embassy in Syria because of security concerns, French President Nicolas Sarkozy said Friday, a day after two French reporters escaped to Lebanon after being trapped in the besieged Syrian city of Homs.

Mr. Sarkozy’s announcement comes after the U.K. on Thursday said it was closing its embassy, while Switzerland said Wednesday it had temporarily closed its embassy in Damascus. The U.S. shut its embassy in Damascus last month citing security issues.

March 2nd, 2012, 1:57 pm


son of Damascus said:

Jacques Beres, a co-founder of Doctors Without Borders who smuggled himself into Homs to volunteer in medical clinics, has returned to France and is speaking about the devastation he witnessed.

March 2nd, 2012, 2:11 pm


son of Damascus said:

As the Slaughter Continues, the Syrian Opposition Still Can’t Agree on an Armed Response
By Rania Abouzeid / Beirut

For three weeks, the rebel district of Bab Amr in the Syrian city of Homs has been effectively cut off from the world, with little or no electricity, water, food and fuel. At the same time, it suffered relentless barrages of Russian-made 240 mm mortars, one of the most powerful in modern use, and other weapons supplied by the regime’s ally, Moscow. On Thursday, units of the Free Syrian Army (FSA), who have had to do with smuggled light weapons, announced a “tactical retreat” from Homs. “We are also lacking in enough arms to defend the citizens,” they said in a statement posted online. However, the withdrawal quickly opened the way for regime troops to fulfill orders to “cleanse” the area. The Syrian troops reportedly went door-to-door in Bab Amr; the global activist group Avaaz said that 17 civilians were beheaded or partially beheaded and that there were bodies on the streets.


March 2nd, 2012, 2:20 pm


zoo said:

The EU recognizes the SNC as ‘A’ representative of the Syrians but it added a sentence that must have given a cramp to Ghaliun. The sentence says without ambiguity that the SNC is NOT the only legitimate representative of the Syrians and that Ghaliun must unite with the others, a task we know is increasingly impossible.

EU Names Syrian National Council a Legitimate Representative
By Robert Hutton – Mar 2, 2012 4:36 AM ET

THe European Union supports the Syrian opposition in its struggle for freedom, dignity and democracy, recognizes the Syrian National Council as a legitimate representative of Syrians and calls upon all members of the Syrian opposition to unite in its peaceful struggle,” a sentence added to the draft conclusions overnight said.

March 2nd, 2012, 2:30 pm


Alan said:

Dear Moderator! two non Syrian talking about third country in article 161 !!! Be fair to all please!

March 2nd, 2012, 2:41 pm


Syrialover said:

# 172. Son of Damascus

Thank you. A relief to read someone in the real world talking about real Syrians and the real situation in Syria.

Like you, SOD I have Syrians close to me whose lives are calibrated to thrive under the Assad regime, and who I am worried about. I always felt uneasy for them that upheaval could come, because the situation was unsustainable.

How could it have continued so long into this century? The Assads dinosaur dictatorship has held the Syrian people hostage for decades, vandalising the country, running it down economically, choking the lives of people, keeping the inner workings of the State machine oiled with lies, corruption, fear and cruelty.

Now it’s over. No more fake “reforms”, “negotiations” and “stabilizations”. When the first live ammunition was fired into crowds with mass arrests and torture, the regime lost its decayed footing and started its irreversible slide downhill.

Every single Syrian on BOTH SIDES who loses their life in this futile struggle to keep the regime in power is a devastating, unneccessary loss. And millions of ordinary lives have been pointlessly damaged and upturned, with even worse disruption to come.

All this suffering, waste and destruction of a wonderful country and society for what? So the regime can keep its claws sunk into Syria, dragging it along on its unstoppable slide into a deep ditch.

It is the Assad regime doing this to the people of Syria, nobody else. And if troublemakers and rats come in, it is through the windows the regime has smashed, the holes in the social fabric it is tearing with its extreme violence and chaos-making stupidity.

What has happened in Babr Amr and other places is damaging and demeaning every single Syrian.

March 2nd, 2012, 3:06 pm


zoo said:

Avaaz: The activist organisation behind Paul Conroy’s rescue in Syria
Posted on February 28, 2012 by M-BZ12
By: Julian Borger

The ‘clicktivist’ group has campaigned on issues from Burma to Murdoch, but is taking on a riskier role in the Arab spring

Founded in 2007, has quickly become the biggest and most ambitious of a new breed of activist organisation, designed for a wired, globalised world. It has established a network of activists and civilian journalists on the ground in Syria – where it played a key role in helping to rescue the British journalist Paul Conroy from the besieged city of Homs – and across the Arab world.

Its website describes it as “the world in action” and “the campaigning community bringing people-powered politics to decision-making worldwide”.

The name means “voice” in Farsi and several other Asian and European languages, and the idea is to provide a vehicle for like-minded people across the world to organise quickly over burning political issues and apply pressure on governments through online petitions or street protests.

It emerged out of activist groups in the US and Australia, includingResPublica, GetUp! and

Its founding president is Ricken Patel, a Canadian-British veteran of the International Crisis Group, a global thinktank, and, a progressive American group. He runs a team of campaigners around the world, with offices in New York, Rio, Delhi, Madrid and Sydney.

Avaaz is funded by member contribution and says it does not accept money from any government or corporation. It sets its campaigning priorities by canvassing its 13-million-strong membership worldwide.

Among hundreds of global campaigns, Avaaz has taken on the Murdoch media empire in Britain, targeted the Bush administration for its resistance to action on climate change, supported anti-corruption campaigners in India, and supported pro-democracy groups in Burma and Tibet. It collected more than a million signatures for a petition focused on France, to ban pesticides suspected of killing off bees.

The network has taken on a prominent and more physically risky role in the Arab spring, providing satellite phones and other communication equipment to pro-democracy groups in Libya, Egypt and Syria.

Amid the bloodshed of Syria, the organisation’s commitment is less likely to be queried. The question its critics are raising now is whether a group that started out in the high-tech safety of the internet has found itself out of its depth in a brutal conflict in the real world.

March 2nd, 2012, 3:08 pm


jad said:

“Wow, that al qaeda. They can punch holes in buildings and destroy entire streets with their bare hands.”

You shouldn’t judge too quickly my friend.
‘Bare hands’? I don’t think so they have plenty of explosive factories at their bloody service.

Enjoy the ‘REALITY’

?????? ?????? ????? ?? ?? ???? ????”??? ??????”02-03-2012 ?2.

March 2nd, 2012, 3:08 pm


Tara said:


Joshua is non-Syrian. Would you like the moderator to ban him from discussing Syria too.

I invite people to think before they share with us.. I know it hurts to think sometimes… At least in my case.

March 2nd, 2012, 3:10 pm


Syrialover said:

#180 Alan said about Juergen’s comments on his time in Egypt:
“Dear Moderator! two non Syrian talking about third country in article 161 !!! Be fair to all please!”

I also thought Juergen’s post was irrelevant until I read it, then I found it had a lot which could be related to Syria and the future.

By the way, I thought the moderator had asked for people not to dismiss commentators based on their nationality.

Alan, how would you feel if you were discussing something in the country where I assume you’re living at the moment, only to be told to shut up because you weren’t born there? If it’s the west, you could probably even sue the person who said that for racial abuse.

And I have formed the impression Juergen is more involved in Syria in recent times than some of the expatriate Syrians here, and they would admit it. And he is involved by choice, just as you probably are in the country where you are now.

March 2nd, 2012, 3:31 pm


Son of Damascus said:

Injured Brit Photographer On Homs ‘Massacre’

The Sunday Times photographer who survived the rocket attack that killed war reporter Marie Colvin in besieged Homs has told Sky News the city faces a “massacre beyond measure”.

Wounded Paul Conroy said the city had suffered a “sustained barrage” of shelling and described the bombardment of civilian areas by government troops as a “massacre”.


(With video)

March 2nd, 2012, 3:38 pm


majedkhaldoun said:

Could Putin loose the election in Russia?
If he wins it will be 52% according to recent poll.
If Putin loose the election I think this will have consequences on Syria.

March 2nd, 2012, 3:55 pm


Syrialover said:

#184. Jad

I am sick in my heart, depressed and cannnot sleep with what is happening to Syria. Like most other people reading this blog I expect. My breath stops if I think of the people in Babr Amr now hearing the soldiers coming.

I don’t really know what you are trying to tell me, or why. But if I was to play your game and hit the ball back to you I would say that the footage of explosives etc you linked to is something even I could have faked myself. And even if it’s true, so what, a sideshow to the nightmare central drama of a regime waging a violent war on its citizens.

I get nothing from following this propaganda proxy war, it only makes me feel worse. I know it is always part of things like this, but I have no emotion or attention for it.

March 2nd, 2012, 3:57 pm


Tara said:

Dear Syrialover

Please cheer up. I promise you everything is going to be alright. I know it in my heart that Syria is going to be free. Trust me on this one.

March 2nd, 2012, 4:05 pm


Son of Damascus said:


The barrier of fear and intimidation has been broken, never again will Syrians let despots rule them.

No more shall we talk in a hushed voice with the abajour down when we want to voice our displeasure, or think twice if so and so has “good hand writing” and is slipping notes to the moukhabarat.

One thing that is a guarantee is that the Syrian youth will grow up knowing Assad does not equal Syria, and that Syria is bigger than any one man or woman.

March 2nd, 2012, 4:11 pm


zoo said:

Assad’s hidden strength in Syria
Key factions see their fates as intrinsically linked to his regime’s survival.
By Aram Nerguizian
March 2, 2012,0,2101126.story
After a year of political unrest and thousands of civilian casualties at the hands of government forces, the common assumption is that the regime of Syrian President Bashar Assad has lost all legitimacy in the eyes of the Syrian people. But the reality is far more complex, with key factions continuing to see their fates as intrinsically linked to the Assad regime’s survival.

The core of Assad’s support still lies within the minority Alawite sect, of which he is a member. Many Alawites, who make up about 12% of the population, feel that Assad has mismanaged the instability, but they cannot ignore the reality that, in a Sunni-dominated Syria, their community — like the Sunnis of Iraq and the Maronite Christians of Lebanon — is likely to be pushed to the margins of power and suffer reprisals.

But it would be a mistake to assume that only the Alawites support the status quo. The Syrian Baath Party’s Arab nationalist ideology, its strong support for the Palestinians and its opposition to Israel have proved useful tools in extending the regime’s legitimacy beyond the Alawite sect.

One source of support for Assad is Syria’s Christian community, which makes up about 10% of the population. Though many Christians feel that the regime has made numerous mistakes in addressing the protest movements, they have a deep and understandable fear of the sort of instability and sectarian recriminations that followed Saddam Hussein’s fall in Iraq. The majority of Iraqi Christians there were eventually forced to flee the country after suffering high levels of violence and intimidation. Other minority groups, such as Syrian Kurds and Druze, have either continued their support of Assad or have resisted the urge to join elements of the protest movement for similar reasons.

Though Sunnis account for the overwhelming majority of Syrian opposition to the Assad regime, there are other Sunnis within the Baath Party’s rank and file that would have few prospects in a post-Assad Syria and so have not opposed the status quo. The country’s Sunni merchant class and business community, located mainly in Aleppo and Damascus, have also remained largely on the sidelines of the protests. Some have supported elements of the opposition, but most remain fearful of the socioeconomic vacuum that an abrupt change in leadership would create.

Underestimating the reservations of key groups that still support the Assad regime all but guarantees a protracted civil war that could divide Syria along sectarian lines and destabilize neighboring Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey. Already, its neighbors are experiencing spillover effects, including refugee flows, heightened Sunni-Alawite tension in northern Lebanon, pressure from Islamist opposition forces in Jordan and discord between Sunnis and Shiites in Iraq over how to deal with the crisis in Syria.

Internal or external efforts to truly isolate, weaken or replace the regime are likely to fail unless real-world steps are taken to address the legitimate fears of key groups that still support Assad.

March 2nd, 2012, 4:18 pm


zoo said:

6 ways the U.S. has faltered on Syria
By Blake Hounshell, Special to CNN
March 2, 2012 — Updated 1832 GMT (0232 HKT)
Still, the Obama administration has made a number of blunders that, in hindsight, have made this problem harder to solve. Here are six:

1. Underestimating al-Assad. ..
But in doing so, was the administration too optimistic about his chances of survival, too naïve about the depths he would go to remain in power?

2. Taking force off the table.
…That’s understandable: It’s hard to make a threat credible if it’s obvious to all that you aren’t willing to carry it out. But earnest denunciations and multilateral conferences don’t seem to be working. Why undercut your diplomacy?

3. Handwringing about al Qaeda.
…The U.S. intelligence community is concerned about the presence in Syria of fighters from Iraq’s al Qaeda branch, who are thought to be behind a spate of bombing attacks in Damascus and Aleppo.

4. Failing to engage al-Assad’s allies.
…If al-Assad is to fall, the pillars that prop up his regime must first be removed. Iran and Russia, both of which continue to send weapons and advice, if not more, must be convinced that a post-al-Assad Syria is something they can at least live with.

5. Ignoring China.
…Even if you believe the Russians will never dump al-Assad, what about the Chinese? .

6. Focusing exclusively on the Syrian National Council.
.. The SNC has also had a hard time attracting support from minorities, who fear that al-Assad’s ouster will put their communities at risk.

March 2nd, 2012, 4:23 pm


Syrialover said:

Tara #190 and Son of Damascus #191

Thank you, your words are good and helpful. I have beliefs and hope like you too. It is the process which is hurting so much. I cannot turn my mind off from the sacrifice and suffering of people in Syria at this moment. Thinking of them is the only thing I can do for them and remind people here to think of them too.

Reading Juergen makes me feel hope too that things will pass and change like Egypt and also that it is not simple like switching a light on and off.

March 2nd, 2012, 4:27 pm


zoo said:

The Realist Prism: Don’t Count China Out in Middle East
By Nikolas Gvosdev | 02 Mar 2012
In short, U.S. expectations that China could find itself more isolated in the Middle East because of its “tilt” toward supporting status quo regimes against popular uprisings are not being borne out by events.
And while a number of governments are currently aligned with the United States, especially in their desire to bring down the regime in Damascus, over time, as Ian Bremmer and Steve Clemons recently argued, the Arab states that now form the core of the anti-Assad coalition “could chip away at remaining U.S. regional influence, or set a course at odds with core U.S. interests more broadly.” As a result, Arab states have a critical interest in staying engaged with China and being able to pivot between Washington and Beijing — even if they are currently critical of China’s specific stand on Syria.
Indeed, China’s constant and consistent invocation of its commitment to nonintervention may be repairing some of the damage caused by the Syria veto. Peter Lee, writing in the Asia Times, argues that “China can present itself as a more natural and sympathetic partner to rulers in the Middle East than the United States.” The new governments that have emerged as a result of the Arab Spring are still unsure about what will or will not trigger negative reactions in Washington. For them, China’s realpolitik position that it will deal with whoever holds power is a useful hedge against what they see as an unpredictable America.

March 2nd, 2012, 4:31 pm


Observer said:

Fredo is no longer in control. He is just the prop up that goes around smiling stupidly and uttering more stupid pronouncements of “winning” on earth and in space’.
It is the brother who is not listening to anyone and is taking the country down the road to destruction. Even the Russians are no longer able to support such massacres. They have used political capital to shield the regime, take revenge on the NATO led campaign in Libya, use the subject as a nationalist rally cry for a strong and resurgent Russia able and willing to play its role on the world scene. This bargain came back to bite them in the behind.

The regime played the sectarian card from the very outset and used violence to provoke, thinking it can ride this tiger like it did in the 80’s.
It has opened Pandora’s box inside and outside of Syria. It cannot put the genie back in the bottle. The revolt will continue, will become militarized, and the country will go into a civil war with multiple protagonists involved and not only along sectarian lines. Already there are divisions within the ranks of the communities supporting the regime. The Christians are not and have not been always and en masse with the regime. Those that had reservations about it and about the use of the violence card are now more credible. The Druze likewise are not all in favor of the regime. Kurds will stake their lot with the Iraqi Kurds before they trust anyone else. The regime has lost their trust and they cannot count on it fulfilling any promises. Within the regime itself there is significant concern that the taking of one area of Homs has taken such a long time; required heavy shelling; and still is such a pyrrhic victory that neither SANA nor DOONIA are boasting about it. Even Press tv and RT are not boasting about it as there is no permission for the Red Cross to enter and see the devastation.
More to the point, the FSA did not suffer any significant personnel loss in this battle. The population in the rest of Syria see and know how retribution, looting, destruction, and perhaps rape and summary executions follow the regime’s forces entry to a town. The mentality of trying to sow fear and terror is backfiring and people know now that they have no choice but to arm and defend themselves.

On a regional level, this fight is now more important for KSA than that of Bahrain. Abhorrent to me to see any oppression and lack of freedom I “observe” that the high interest of a the KSA just as the high interests of the Russian Federation usually mean the defeat of one foe over another without any regard for the loss of human life. KSA will arm the opposition. In the absence of any front line takers such as the US, Turkey, AL, or anyone else; KSA will enter the fight with money and volunteers and paid for “volunteers” to achieve its aims.

So just as a map of the world during WWII showed the extent and number of countries on the allied side and the axis side, I invite a comparison of the pro regime and anti regime coalitions and more importantly their resources:
Russia which will not sell arms without cash on hand. Putin preparing to assume a world leader role by ditching Fredo for a role of peace maker on the world stage after his weak election results in a week. After all, Russia exports gas, oil, weapons, and most unfortunately women.
Iran with its rial falling and its economy in shambles and elections with questionable turnout.
Cuba (beginning its trek towards capitalism without losing face), Venezuela, Nicaragua (which can barely feed its people), and finally North Korea which just agreed to halt its nuclear program in exchange for “food”. This regime is finished and even a Yemen lite is not going to keep it intact.

So, we have now this array of the “world conspiracy” and the regime and its detractors and while I write this post “Simon Bolivar Aljafaari” the Syrian UN ambassador do his “J’amuse” on the floor of the UN general assembly trying to convince the world with his pretzel logic of the “rule of law; legitimacy; and interference in internal affairs”. If ever there was desperation here we have it.

What a farce when we see the President of France welcoming injured citizens who went to Homs to show the truth that the regime in Syria wanted desperately to hide and paint in one stroke while the Syrian one smiles stupidly with his spouse (frozen stiff with fear and dismay at being Fredo’s wife) and claim winning on “earth and in space”.
Syria the Somalia with the stupid smiling Fredo and his “married to the mob wife”

March 2nd, 2012, 4:36 pm


majedkhaldoun said:

Kasparov said
“Putin will win this time but he can not hold to power more than a year ,and that Russia Putin is dreaming of war in the gulf that will raise the price of oil,oil is great source of revenue to the Russian goverment.”
Peace is not good for Russian economy, corruption is rampant and extreme, and more demonstrations in Moscow are expected,the city of Moscow is against Putin.

March 2nd, 2012, 4:37 pm


Son of Damascus said:

New Satellite images shows Homs shelling: HRW

(New York) – New satellite imagery and eyewitness accounts reveal that the bombardment of the Baba Amr neighborhood in Homs has inflicted widespread destruction and a large number of deaths and severe injuries of civilians, Human Rights Watch said today. The bombardment has severely restricted movement and relief efforts and deprived thousands of civilians of the ability to access the most basic commodities, Human Rights Watch said.


March 2nd, 2012, 4:38 pm


Tara said:


A quick fix to mental agony: exercise to physical pain. Endorphin helps. Skip paid posts. 😉

March 2nd, 2012, 4:42 pm


Juergen said:

Adopt a revolution

german students have openend an organization which collects money to support local revolutionary cells within Syria. They have collected since January 50.000€. One can choose to which community the money will go to, ând with the money the revolutionaries will buy supplies, pay the rent for secret apartments, get internet access, buy materials to write posters. No money is used to buy weapons.

March 2nd, 2012, 5:08 pm


jad said:

The last couple comments by the ‘humanitarians’ are like watching an Egyptian drama where the family of the deceased hire bunch of women to fake the weeping.
I’m not sure who buy all those fake tears while the same group of weepers are the ones calling for the destruction of Syria on the hands of the NATO with the help of every terrorist group this world have.
Very convincing indeed!

In anyway and back to reality:
As expected the UN will be the launching base for a ‘legal’ military intervention and occupation of Syria as they did in Iraq regardless of the devastating consequences.
I’m sure that after the first 100,000+ Syrian dead and couple of millions Syrian refugees and the new rise of new Afghanistan in the middle east will read the same comments of the same group of nawa7at praising the west of the great achievement!

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March 2nd, 2012, 5:22 pm


jad said:

Hillary Clinton’s Love Affair With Syrian Armed Extremists
Mad Dream Of A Modern-Day Savonarola
by Dmitry Babich

The recent question that US Secretary of State had put to her at congressional hearings on Wednesday, “Are we supporting Al Qaeda in Syria?” is indeed a legitimate one. Speaking to the same audience, Mrs. Clinton made an even more stunning confession. It not yet quite clear to Washington what the Syrian opposition really is. Mrs. Clinton also admitted that the situation with the Libyan opposition one year ago was much better as the US authorities could at least meet the members of the Libyan Transitional Council and even ask them tough questions. Obviously, with the Syrian opposition the US administration has not yet been offered such a luxury.

These revelations put the American assurances that the outcome in Syria will be quite different from the Libyan one in an entirely new light – namely, that the Syrian outcome may be even worse. This may be true despite the fact that the Libyan outcome can hardly be called inspiring. A UN report from February 29, 2012 states that “former Libyan rebels, some of whom have been accused of torturing detainees, still hold about three-quarters of the people they arrested during the country’s civil war.”

March 2nd, 2012, 5:35 pm


Mina said:

Jürgen #161
Funny, I was in Cairo 2 weeks ago and nothing I saw let me believe what you describe…
You were busy at the German embassy?
(Tourism fell 28 percent)
“Omar Makram imam says he has survived 4 assassination attempts …Shaheen said he considers the recent attacks on a number of MPs and political figures “orchestrated incidents” and is not surprised by them.”

Next episode for Syria may be in the making

As I mentioned before daily life in Egypt is now bank attacks and kidnappings. People are so scared that you see far less women in the streets than before after maghrib.

March 2nd, 2012, 5:36 pm


jad said:

More fabrications:

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March 2nd, 2012, 5:50 pm


jad said:

???? ?????

Windows of the Soul – The Story of Syria

March 2nd, 2012, 5:53 pm


Mawal95 said:

@ JAD: My thanks to you for keeping me up to date with those Youtube videos about Bab Amr you linked to. JAD, I believe you admit today that you were too pessimistic about Turkish intervention a while ago. I say today that you are again too pessimistic about any UN intervention. For instance, today 2 mar 2012 France’s president Sarkozy reiterated that there can be no way for any kind of French intervention in Syria without a decision from Security Council. Yesterday, or perhaps Wednesday, the Senate of France passed a resolution explicitly against arming of the rebels in Syria. The Americans and British have also recently reiterated that they will not intervene in Syria by force of arms. For instance on Sunday Hilary Clinton said about Syria “I think that there’s every possibility of a civil war. Outside intervention would not prevent that. It would probably expedite it…. We have a very dangerous set of actors in the region — al-Qaida, Hamas, and those who are on our terrorist list — claiming to support the opposition. You have many Syrians more worried about what could come next [in a scenario where the regime got toppled].” Yesterday at a USA Senate committee meeting, a Republican Senator from Tennessee said of the Syrian rebels: “The people fighting, from what I understand, are fighting for, you know, power and government. They’re not fighting under the banner of democracy.” Ambassador Ford, testifying at the meeting, replied: “The people who are doing the fighting say they are fighting to defend the protest movement. So there is a link even if you can’t say that the fighters themselves claim they’re fighting for democracy.” Ford in that meeting also said he’s seen an increase in support from religious figures in other Arab countries for the Syrian opposition to take up arms against the Syrian government. “We have cautioned the Syrian opposition that if they declare some kind of big jihad, they will frighten many of the very fence-sitters still in places like Damascus, and it will make ultimately finding a solution to this, a durable solution, more difficult.”

Once again JAD I appreciate the videos you’re digging up.

March 2nd, 2012, 5:54 pm


Syrialover said:

# 196. Observer

That’s one great post thanks and I’m circulating it.

After that I am off to run like Tara recommends.

March 2nd, 2012, 5:57 pm


jad said:

You are more than welcome Mawal95.
I hope and pray that i’m wrong and you are right regarding the military intervention in our homeland, Syria.

Here is the full speech of Bashar Aljaafari the Syrian ambassador to the UN
???? ??????? ???? ??????? ?? ????? ??????? 2 3 2012

March 2nd, 2012, 5:57 pm


ann said:

More Russian gasoil reaches Syria as crisis deepens – March 02, 2012

The delivery arrived aboard one of up to seven tankers that have recently shipped fuel from the Black Sea to Syria, traders and shipping sources said.

The fuel is crucial to Syria’s isolated government as former trading partners have dropped out for fear of violating international sanctions.

Venezuela recently emerged as another rare supplier of fuel, declaring it would send shipments to President Bashar al-Assad’s government “whenever required”.

Shipments of both diesel and gasoil have arrived regularly this winter from the Black Sea, and can be used in heating or fuelling heavy vehicles including army tanks.

Two of the tankers making regular deliveries are owned by Italian shipping companies.

Delivering fuel to the Syrian authorities has not been banned for humanitarian reasons, but most European traders have cut ties with Syria.


March 2nd, 2012, 5:59 pm


Mawal95 said:

Here’s another video from Bab Amr today. It was recorded by Al-Ikhbariya Souria. It’s distinct from, but similar to, the ones that JAD posted above.

March 2nd, 2012, 5:59 pm


irritated said:

After the fall of Bab Amr, I looks like SC has become a wall of lament.
What will happen when the average Syrian will suffer much more as KSA, Qatar, Kuwait, the USA and the EU are funding more lethal weapons that would trigger a more vicious war?
Would the ones on SC who are now enthusiastically encouraging that escalation, lament here again and expect any consolation?

March 2nd, 2012, 6:09 pm



Many syrians have fled to Lebanon. Areas around Baalbek city and the city itself is now full of syrians, mostly sunnis. Prices of rent flats haven doubled and now syrians begin to look for another areas like Rayyaq, Barelias, Anjar, etc. I was for half an hour in Dora round point last wednesday and I saw some syrians who came out of nothing. I also saw hurted syrians descending from buses and services taxis coming from the north. One of them could not walk – was being helped by two fellows – while his complete body was full of escamed skin (maybe chemical effects). They held no bags, nothing. I talked to one of them. They have lost everything. Homes, properties, relatives. But the have now what they never had in the past. Dignity. When I took a taxi in Beirut back home and the driver realized I was coming from Syria he began chanting pro Assad slogans I had no patience and I told him to shut up his mouth. He reacted in fear. Maybe this type of street coward moukhabaraat are not used to this kind of reactions. Something is definitely changing. Fear for Assads is gone. For 40 years there was fear about a single word taking you to prison and torture. Now there is fear for bullets and missiles. It is just a question of time until the regime falls.

March 2nd, 2012, 6:18 pm



This link you posted about Syria TV is simply faked reality:

Can you see in it even a chiite women talking about the goodness of the regime. Journalists gone from Homs (two french, one english and one spanish) have begun conceding interviews to let the world know what has happened inside Homs during last weeks.

Maybe people outside Syria knows better what is going on in Syria than Damascene moguls and Aleppines.

March 2nd, 2012, 6:31 pm


irritated said:

Sandro Loewe #212

“When I took a taxi in Beirut back home and the driver realized I was coming from Syria he began chanting pro Assad slogans”

Maybe most of his clients are pro-Bashar syrians refugees fleeing the violence in their area.
I don’t believe poor Syrians can afford to go to Lebanon and rent a flat especially with the rate of the SP.
Anyway I don’t think being a refugee carries any dignity. Ask the Palestinians.

March 2nd, 2012, 6:37 pm


Tara said:

I am not clear to Why the NATO and the US feel the urge to repeat they are not planning military intervention in Syria. They have announced it at least 10-15 times over the course of the revolution. Why is the reundabcy? We know that already. What is the point of saying the same thing again and again? Are they trying to re-assure Bushbush? Wouln’t it be more effective if they just keep silent about it.

March 2nd, 2012, 6:45 pm


Syrialover said:


Another good post I’m circulating, thanks.

March 2nd, 2012, 6:54 pm


irritated said:

#217 Sandro Loewe

“Poor” Syrians paying 100$ or 300$ for a flat? They don’t sound poor to me relatively to the level of salaries in Syria.
Check your sources, they sound phony…

In addition who is paying for their hospitalization? it is very expensive in Beirut. There must be some charities helping them.
In any case it must be a very humiliating experience for these people. I hope they go back home soon and don’t end up in refugee tents like in Turkey.

March 2nd, 2012, 6:59 pm


Tara said:

75 killed by criminal, the second today. The regime is shelling Khaledya and the Rastan.

March 2nd, 2012, 7:04 pm




When I say poor I mean poverty not misery. Talking from outside Syria standards 80 % of syrian population lives in poverty. Not in misery. Poverty means you pay all you earn and save nothing. Depending on the place you live you need minimum 300 to 500 USD minimum to support a small family of five – 3 children -. Do not talk to me about ¨salaries¨ because we all know how bribes and other extras complement the ¨official salaries¨.
If you pay 150 $ for a flat and you have the chance to do some job in Lebanon being paid in US is better than being exposed to killings and having no bussiness in Syria, and in case you have it you get paid with SP, a broken currency that only can buy gold, not dollars.

March 2nd, 2012, 7:08 pm


Ghufran said:

BIG went down 4% today
Any reaction?

March 2nd, 2012, 7:09 pm


Tara said:

I forgot. 75 killed by the regime today..Alfatiha upon their soul.

Revoln..I am waiting for you.

March 2nd, 2012, 7:15 pm



220. TARA

King Assad The Second (also known as Criminal The Second or Tamer Lang the Second Assaulter of Homs) is determined to make all resistence disappear. Once he has begun total war against terrorism – like Bush The Second – he has a golden opportunity to attack every single city, town and village to install fear for another 40 years. He thinks the violence he is using will surge an appropriate fear and ¨respect¨ among syrian populations in order to let his son become the third criminal in the dynasty. I hope this time the world does the right thing to avoid it.

March 2nd, 2012, 7:21 pm


Equus said:

203. Mina

In case you want to know a tourist perspective, my colleague during the Egyptian revolution was enthusiast to visit the new Egypt, I myself as that time had so much hopes for Egypt and wanted to visit after her return. Alas, she begged me to cover her work for three weeks the norm is two weeks vacations in North America. I accepted knowing that the burden will be on mE! A week later she walked through the door. Needless to describe our facial expressions, the reason was that they couldn’t leave their hotels after sun set and during the day they had someone from the hotel escorting them to historic sites while trying hard to hide their cameras not to look too touristy!! But in the Airport, officers were welcoming.

March 2nd, 2012, 7:34 pm


zoo said:

Smooth voting in Iran but what about turnout?

Photos: Iran’s March 2nd Parliamentary Elections

March 2nd, 2012, 8:12 pm


majedkhaldoun said:

I think Bashar is lucky.he may last few more months

As far as the stocks Wynn and deck went up,two other stocks are waiting

March 2nd, 2012, 8:22 pm


zoo said:

Israel FM offers aid to Syrian injured
Associated PressAssociated Press – 9 hrs ago

JERUSALEM (AP) — Israel’s foreign minister says the country is ready to help treat Syrians injured in the uprising against President Bashar Assad.

A Friday statement from Avigdor Lieberman’s office quotes him as saying that Israel is willing to provide wounded Syrians “all humanitarian aid at any minute it is requested.”

Lieberman’s spokesman Tzachi Moshe says Israel would provide the aid through the United Nations or other international organizations. The aid would be purely humanitarian, and Israel would not get involved in Syria’s affairs.

March 2nd, 2012, 8:38 pm


Mawal95 said:

Today or the day that has just passed was branded “The Friday of Arming the Free Army”. How big were the anti-regime protests this Friday? A convenient site to get the answer to that question is . The short answer is: the turnout size was small, nationwide.

March 2nd, 2012, 8:46 pm


jad said:

Western bloodthirst: Assad’s days ‘numbered’ as ‘day of reckoning’ approaches ‘disgraceful’ Syrian regime

Statements from Western leaders on Syria have grown harsh, if not menacing, as criticisms of the Bashar Assad government are unleashed and regime change becomes a common theme.
The fury and thirst for blood can be heard around the world as Washington and Brussels make their views known on how the conflict in Syria should be resolved. The noose began tightening around Damascus after reports emerged in the previous week that several foreign journalists were killed and injured in a siege of the rebel stronghold Homs. And now, Western officials are taking advantage of the incident as an excuse for openly calling for the removal of Assad and his government. The new labels for the country’s president and his regime are growing creative in their severity.
Assad bad, rebels good?
Western leaders are classifying the Syrian conflict in more black-and-white terms every day, with Assad consistently on the dark side. But while Brussels and Washington condemn the Assad government, eyewitnesses from Homs tell chilling stories of atrocities committed by opposition fighters, who kidnap and kill anyone they choose.
The Free Syrian Army blocked passage to Red Cross and Red Crescent ambulances, delaying evacuation from humanitarian disaster areas like the one in Baba Amr, a district of Homs. Further, on several instances when aid did reach its destination, there was no guarantee the people, who needed it, would receive it.
Thus, on Tuesday, a Russian helicopter flew into a neutral area to pick up Edith Bouvier, a French journalist wounded in the shelling of Homs on February 22. She was meant to be transported to France or Lebanon, but failed to appear, said Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin on Thursday.
“She was in the area controlled by the rebels. They could carry her out to the helicopter. But she never came. Or were the rebels holding her?” added Putin.
Nothing changed after two attempts by Red Crescent ambulances.
Bouvier and another injured reporter, William Daniels, finally reached Paris on Friday night. But as far as the official powers are concerned, there was no reason for the wounded journalists to spend so much time in the devastated city.
As the recent death toll in Syria’s year-long uprising has leapt over 7,500 people, a growing number of voices are saying the atrocities carried out by the opposition can no longer be ignored.
“There is a growing recognition that some of the fundamentalist Islamic groups, who probably make up about 30 per cent of the armed insurgents, are guilty of as much brutality as the Syrian army,” Aisling Byrne, a project coordinator at the Conflicts Forum, told RT. “It is a guerrilla war. This is not a fight for democracy, but a fight to introduce a hardline Sunni regime.”

March 2nd, 2012, 8:46 pm


Syrialover said:

UK photographer Paul Conroy – Syria ‘is slaughterhouse’

A British photographer injured in Syria says the attacks on the city of Homs are “a systematic slaughter of the civilian population”.

Paul Conroy, 47, injured last week in an attack which killed two journalists, told the BBC’s Newsnight he feared a massacre was about to occur.

He said: “There are no targets in Baba Amr. There are no military targets, it’s pure and systematic slaughter of a civilian population. The only reason those shells are going in are to eliminate the people and buildings of Baba Amr.

“I saw it. When I got there, I’d seen the reports, there is no war, it’s a slaughterhouse.”

Mr Conroy said he had covered “a fair few wars” but what was happening in Homs was “on another level”.

… he said when Baba Amr fell the regime would continue and systematically kill people in other areas.

“When Baba Amr is finished, and I think it’s almost there now, we’ve watched it happen, they’re going to move on, they’re going to move into the countryside, the towns and there will be no witnesses,” he said.

“There was women, children, old men, young people will just cease to exist, they will cease to exist and in 10 years we will have an investigation and people will say ‘how did this happen?’

“We also had the medics coming in saying ‘we’ve just lost another 10 men, another five children,’ so while we were in this situation we were getting daily, hourly, minute-by-minute reports of the slaughter outside, which was quite un-nerving.”

March 2nd, 2012, 8:46 pm


sheila said:

Dear Jad,
Mr Conroy, who was smuggled to Lebanon by Syrian rebels, said he had covered “a fair few wars” but what was happening in Homs was “on another level”.

He said: “There are no targets in Baba Amr. There are no military targets, it’s pure and systematic slaughter of a civilian population. The only reason those shells are going in are to eliminate the people and buildings of Baba Amr.

Have you ever pondered the possibility that the above is the truth, not what you are quoting from SANA and Al Dunia? If so, have you ever thought about how you will live with yourself knowing how you have been fighting for a year now to promote the murderers?

March 2nd, 2012, 8:53 pm


Syrialover said:

I guess al qaeda in Homs must have been taking a long coffee break while Paul Conroy (above) and other newly escaped witnesses were trapped for days in the centre of the action there.

How frustrating, nobody ever seems to get to see them.

March 2nd, 2012, 8:55 pm


irritated said:

[Edited: ]


Were you in Cairo or this is one of the western US exagerated media fantasies we got used to in Syria?

Rise in crime creates growing sense of unease
Citizens live in fear as gangs and criminals rule once safe streets
Los Angeles Times
Published: 00:00 March 3, 2012
Cairo. The headlines reflect a new kind of cruelty: a woman gunned down in a rich Cairo neighbourhood, a rash of carjackings, a deadly soccer riot, a stream of smuggled arms that have given muscle to criminal gangs once easily outgunned by police.

The revolution that inspired this country one year ago has set loose a menacing air that Egyptians find unfamiliar. Bristling beneath the political battle for power against the ruling generals is an insecurity over crime and a bitterness that has darkened Egypt’s congenial nature.

Soldiers guard streets but few people feel safe. Police have largely returned to duty after months of work slowdowns, but their presence is sporadic; they appear and disappear at whim. Many Egyptians wonder whether security forces are complacent about or complicit in the mayhem around them, a sense of unease felt by fruit vendors and bankers alike.

“This is an Egypt I do not know,” said Tarek Fouad, a sales manager at an international corporation. He said he saw this bewilderment in the faces at the funeral for a relative, who was shot in a January carjacking on the affluent outskirts of Cairo. The car he was driving wasn’t expensive “but they murdered him to get it”, Fouad said.

Reliable statistics

“We kept hearing about such crimes in the news, but now they are common. We’re having bank robberies, which is another thing we only saw in Hollywood movies and never ever imagined they would happen in Egypt.”

March 2nd, 2012, 8:56 pm


zoo said:

Qatar crosses the Syrian Rubicon: £63m to buy weapons for the rebels

A milestone has been reached in the conflict and, just as with the Libyan uprising last year, Doha is backing regime change

March 2nd, 2012, 9:14 pm


irritated said:

@233 Syria lover

“How frustrating, nobody ever seems to get to see them.”

They had made an early “tactical” retreat.

March 2nd, 2012, 9:17 pm


jad said:

‘Dear’ Sheila
-“There are no targets in Baba Amr. There are no military targets”
“Have you ever pondered the possibility that the above is the truth”
How many reports you watched on BBC, Skynews, France24, CNN, ZDF, Euronews, Aljaded, Aljazeera, Alarabiya….etc showing armed militiamen running the streets shooting from schools, from mosques, between civilians, from residential areas of BA and you are asking me to believe that fake sentence?
come on! You don’t even believe it. I would’ve expect this question from someone else, not from you.

Now to the ‘personal’:
“If so, have you ever thought about how you will live with yourself knowing how you have been fighting for a year now to promote the murderers?”
-Actually I’m very satisfied with myself, thank you!
My thoughts are with you, I’m worried of how are you going to live with yours if your dreams come true and Syria become the Somalia you are promoting.
-“fighting”, Well with people who lost all sense of reality and become radicalized with their own twisted world, I have no choice but to try to show them some reality hoping that one day they will realize that not by ’emotion’, ‘wishes’ and ‘revenge’ a country can be build.

March 2nd, 2012, 9:21 pm


Tara said:


Criminal the second is not going to last. He will finish soon. The father may have survived this but not the son. This son is a different breed. I still remember the times I crossed path with him during his teenage. Goofy, retarded, and…ugly. Most teenage boys are ugly(sorry), but he was particularly uglier. I always wonder how Asma could bear staying in one room with him…I’d’ve killed myself.

March 2nd, 2012, 9:23 pm


Son of Damascus said:


That was just ONE protest out of 619 nationwide against the regime, below are some more videos from ALL OVER SYRIA. All happened today!


Aleppo and region

Damascus and region

(liveliest one, and second highest number according to LCC)

(this was in Rastan, attacked by an army shell, Bashar reforms at his best)

Even the Syrian Kurds in Qamishli came out today

March 2nd, 2012, 9:34 pm


Syrialover said:

It’s interesting, I’d love to see Jad and other opposition critics at the age of 25 caught in a community where the Syrian army is attacking. Would they hide under the table or in a cupboard and hope to be missed by the attackers, or would they behave like normal young men and join the others defending their parents, sisters, wives and children?

March 2nd, 2012, 9:36 pm


Jad said:

What’s wrong with people on SC today wishing ill, death and war to every one who doesn’t agree with their views.

I only wish you and every Syrian good health, happiness and success in everything you do.
And I’m very sincere in my wishes.

March 2nd, 2012, 9:42 pm



[Edited: see below]


They are not refugees they are simply going to hospitals in Tripoli and Beirut because medical aid is denied in Syria.

Regardless of what you are able or unable to believe, syrians mostly poor are fleeing to Lebanon rural areas in search for homes. Baalbeck las summer offered flats for 150 $, now it above 300 $. Other places offer flats for 100-150 $. It is cheaper than Damascus. I think you do not know anything about real syrians lifes. Do you write your propaganda from California, Helsinky or Sydney? Like most of expat pro Assads your not more than cynical turned ill minded out of reality decafeinee syrians.


March 2nd, 2012, 9:43 pm


zoo said:

A glimpse at the new Libya, where is the UNHCR?

[Link added]

Libyan rebels cage black Africans in zoo, force feed them flags (SHOCK VIDEO)
Published: 02 March, 2012, 13:54

A shocking video has appeared on the Internet showing Libyan rebels torturing a group of black Africans. People with their hands bound are shown being locked in a zoo-like cage and allegedly forced to eat the old Libyan flag.

­“Eat the flag, you dog. Patience you dog, patience. God is Great,” screams a voice off-camera in the video uploaded to YouTube last week, which also made its way onto

March 2nd, 2012, 9:43 pm


Tara said:

[Link added– Guardian blogs have unique identifiers for individual entries, hidden in the timestamp, eg, 9:06am links to ]

I am wondering…

If Besho dies, is it a must that he gets a prayer for the dead in Islam.  I am concerned that no one will be willing to do so… 
Also, can Asma get a life insurance for him?  He has awfully young kids.  They need cloth, schooling, is she going to manage?
Prison for life then burial in Bab Amr:   

[Guardian live blog 9:06am] The Syrian government will face a day of reckoning for the atrocities it is committing against its people, British prime minister David Cameron said today. Speaking at an EU summit in Brussels, where the crisis will be discussed, Cameron said it was “vitally important” that humanitarian aid reached the besieged city of Homs.

The Press Association adds:

He said it was important to start building the evidence needed to hold President Bashar Assad’s regime to account for the violent crackdown against his own people.

He said: “What we are going to be discussing today though is the situation in Syria which is absolutely appalling and it is vitally important that there is humanitarian access in to Homs and elsewhere so that people can get the help they need.

“But above all, what I think matters, is building the evidence and the picture so we hold this criminal regime to account and make sure that it is held to account for the crimes it is committing against its people and that one day, no matter how long it takes, there will be a day of reckoning for this dreadful regime.”

March 2nd, 2012, 9:49 pm


Observer said:

Tara Syrialover Revlon and others. Do not bother responding to JAD let alone Irritated or SNK.

The delusion is complete. When JAD proudly put forth the speech of “J’amuse” Jaffaari the stooge at the UN as being a source of the wisdom of the regime, its concern for the rule of law, it only speaks of a single mind set and that is a view of the world that is linear with Fredo Corleone at the helm.

For example when there is an appeal for dialogue; none of them answer the questions about that dialogue: with whom? Fredo or his brother? the heads of military intelligence? the stooges at the foreign ministry? Bouthaina the haggard Shabban? What is there to talk about with all the troops on the streets? With heavy weapons being used on masse?

The regime is illegitimate. Fredo came to power with an unconstitutional mandate, he was the only candidate, the single party is the one nominating him, the new constitution is a farce, the media in Syria is a farce, the delusional are a farce.

There is no talking about change. The only change JAD and company talk about is whatever Fredo is willing to grace the people with.
L’etat c’est moi from Fredo and his court jester Jaffaari J’amuse at the UN; his drummer Mouallem; and his turbaned supporters who showed both sectarian and cold blooded misuse of the “resistance” BS card. After all, not a shot was fired across the border to liberate Lebanese territory since 2006.

As for NATO announcing again and again that there will be no military intervention it is a double or triple message: to Russia it means go ahead show us what your veto can do and how it can preserve your interests while we squeeze the regime out of funds to support your arm sales, to the GCC it says cough up the money and the arms for the rebellion and time for the Arabs to solve their own problems; to the world financial markets it says there will not be an intervention to rile the market’s recovery; to the European population it says we will try to make Europe immune from the barbarians at the South; it also says we will not use massive air power but will bleed the country dry; to Israel it says we will manage to make sure your northern border is quiet.

I remember listening to Esposito at a conference on Islam when he said that he used to be an obscure academic but the Iranian revolution happened and he was able to buy his first Lexus thanks to no measure to the Ayatollah Khomeini. I wonder what cars some ME academics are driving these days writing and pontificating.

Day in and day out, the glorious story of the Iranian revolution is slowly fading away from the memory of the youth of Iran to the memory of the youth of Palestine.
The Arab people will bring back the struggle for justice in Palestine back to the Arab fold, the role of Persian Shia Iran will diminish over time. Defeat of the regime in Syria will seal the fate of any pro Iran groups and will cut them to size.

What a shame that the revolution that offered the Israeli embassy in Teheran to the PLO is now covering for the brutality of a regime straight from the Middle Ages.

There is no such thing as Syria, JAD and SNK and Irritated and ZOO and the likes are proof of the overwhelming sectarian discourse and sect based prism with which they view the events. Long live the independent Alawi state, the mini Druze state, the Greater Kurdistan state, the Maronite state, the Shia state of Bahrain, the Hawthi state of Northern Yemen, the Shia state of Eastern Arabia, the independent Balouchi state, the rejoined Azarbajani state of the Caspian, the Kuzistan-Arabstan of the South, the Touareg state, the Mauritanian state and for me the Mezzeh Malki Abou Rumaneh State with an extension to Salhieh and Shalaan and for my cousins the Sabbooura state on the outskirts of Damascus.

The regime lost in Homs, just as the US did in Vietnam destroying a village to save it.

March 2nd, 2012, 9:53 pm


Tara said:

Ricken Patel our brother in humanity.   Thank you.

The accusation of inexperience clearly irritates Ricken Patel, Avaaz’s Canadian-British co-founder and director. He stresses the personal experience of Avaaz’s senior team –
… .
He believes that doubts about Avaaz’s competence in war zones are the product of the traditional media’s misunderstanding of what it does. 
… .
Initially, it was better known for its online petitions against such targets as Rupert Murdoch and climate change polluters. As time has passed it has taken more and more risks, expanding both the scale and scope of what it does – from “break the blackout” campaigns in Myanmar and Tibet, to engagement with the Arab spring uprisings in Tunisia and Libya.
… .
To begin with, Avaaz sent a team of staff organisers to Lebanon after spotting the first signs of a nascent protest movement in Syria. Contact was then made with Syrian activists inside the country, and go-betweens recruited, notably Wissam Tarif, a highly respected Syrian pro-democracy leader who is widely consulted by journalists and senior western diplomats.

From there its involvement in the Syrian Arab spring drew it steadily further and further into the conflict. First off Avaaz sent in hundreds of thousands of dollars’ worth of communications equipment – satellite phones and internet connections known as BGANs – that gave the protesters a link to the outside world.

As with earlier Arab spring engagements in Tunisia and Libya, they realised that equipment alone was not enough: the protesters needed to know how to use it if they were to be effective. So Avaaz sent in trainers who could give grounding in how to use the satphones as well as basic training in citizen journalism.

“Verification was a key element,” says Patel. “We could get stuff out, but the media didn’t know what they were looking at, or couldn’t be sure where it had come from. So we began playing the middle man, verifying information. That was in some ways the greatest value we brought to maintaining the oxygen of international attention on these protest movements.”

Reports coming from Avaaz-trained citizen journalists in Homs and other key conflict zones, channelled through the Avaaz communications hub outside the country, has been a major source of information on the uprising and the regime’s bloody response, used by news outlets around the world…
… .
With the smuggling routes open, it could help get $2m of blood bags, tetanus shots, respiratory machines and other medical supplies into the country, bringing relief to communities that were desperate for help and that more establishment institutions like the ICRC had failed to reach.
It has also smuggled 34 international journalists into the trouble zones. Marie Colvin, the Sunday Times journalist, entered using another conduit, but the French photographer Remi Ochlik who died with her as a result of Syrian government shelling was helped in by Avaaz.
“I wouldn’t separate ourselves out from what happened. We were absolutely involved in the operation and we supported the co-ordination of it. We just didn’t make the final decision.”

Patel says he is proud of Avaaz’s record, compared with that of more cautious international organisations. “The international community has failed to act, failed to support the Syrian people. They’ve been full of words and light on actions. We’ve given concrete support and assistance.”

But the loss of life has still been a heavy burden. He prefers not to think about the 13 who died in the latest mission, so much as the 8,000 who have died in total as a result of the Syrian regime’s bloody reprisals.

“To lose so many incredible activists who our team is very close to has been very hard. We feel sadness and despair at the cruelty that is being inflicted on these people and inspiration at the staggering bravery they are demonstrating.”

Has he ever had any doubts about the fireball of energy that his creation has helped to unleash around the world? To organise a petition against News Corporation is one thing, to be involved in a life-and-death struggle in Syria another entirely.

“No, not at all,” he says. “I think this has been one of our community’s finest moments.”

March 2nd, 2012, 9:54 pm


sheila said:

Dear Jad,
I share your concern for the future of Syria. I know like most of us here that after this regime is gone, the situation in Syria is not going to be any better. More likely, it is going to be a lot worse for a while, however, the hope is that Syria eventually will have a better future. You know all too well that this regime is corrupt to the bone. It has destroyed the country in all what the word destroyed means. But you are still hanging on to the only virtue of this regime, namely: stability. This stability that is brought about by terrorizing all of us. We can not utter a word against the almighty president of Syria, lest we spend the rest of our lives in prison with the “traditional hospitality” of our beloved Mukhabarat. You are no different than a battered woman getting beaten by her husband everyday and treated like dirt, but afraid to leave him because she will loose “stability” and “destroy” her life. Yes, she will loose stability and destroy her miserable life, she will likely suffer for a few years until she can put her life back together, but in the end, at least she has a chance to live in dignity for once.
People in Syria are living without dignity, without freedom and without any hope in any future. They are now willing to take a chance and hope for the best. I hope you can support your own people in their legitimate struggle.

March 2nd, 2012, 10:00 pm


irritated said:

#239 Jad

The announcement of money coming to arm better the armed militias and the threats and insults the regime is receiving from the “Friends of Syria” seem to have boosted the moral of the pro-Somalia militants. They needed it after the unexpected “tactical” and “noble” retreat of the armed militias running out of weapons.
With the support of Qatar and KSA, they will not run out of weapons anymore and can kill more soldiers.
A good reason to rejoice?

March 2nd, 2012, 10:01 pm


irritated said:

#234 Sheila

I had tears in my eyes reading the similarity of Syria with a helpless battered women that you brought out.

I guess most Syrians feel like battered women waiting to be rescued.

March 2nd, 2012, 10:08 pm


sheila said:

Sorry that my analogy went right over your head. I will try to make a little simpler next time.

March 2nd, 2012, 10:14 pm


Norman said:

After looking at what happened to SC in the last few weeks and how it became a mouthpiece for the opposition and their remarks as seen in 81 i decided with regret not to post here on SC any more, good luck to you and try to save Syria, the only country that gives without expectation of return,

so Good-bye to all of you loyalists and opposition, wishing that you will look for what brings together instead of what keeps apart.

March 2nd, 2012, 10:15 pm


sheila said:

Dear Norman,
You said: “Syria, the only country that gives without expectation of return” yet, you chose to leave that great country and live in the US!!!!!!! I wonder why. Is it because Syria did not give you a job? Or a hope in building a future for your family? Is it because you were sick and tired of having to bribe your way through life? Or because you needed to feel free to say what is on your mind? Maybe it was because you had to watch mediocre people like Rami Makhlouf, who neither studied as hard as you, nor had any special talent, become multi-billionaires for the mere fact that they happen to be related to our emperor?

March 2nd, 2012, 10:26 pm


irritated said:

Sheila #247

“I will try to make a little simpler next time.”

Don’t bother, you made a very clear and very simple analogy coming straight from the heart.
I am sure many Syrians are grateful that someone is smart enough to understand how they feel.

March 2nd, 2012, 10:31 pm


Syrialover said:

#248. Norman

I respect that, but I am disappointed. I always look for your comments. I am not seeing just opposition or regime here, I am seeing a lot of people afraid and angry at what is happening to the Syria as they know it, and they want to protect what matters to them.

It is a desperate tragedy for every one of us on all sides.

I know how much you understand and care about Syria from your posts over the years. That is what brings many of us together here.

Take a break but I hope you do not leave permanently.

March 2nd, 2012, 10:42 pm


Tara said:


“As for NATO announcing again and again that there will be no military intervention it is a double or triple message: to Russia it means go ahead show us what your veto can do and how it can preserve your interests while we squeeze the regime out of funds to support your arm sales, to the GCC it says cough up the money and the arms for the rebellion and time for the Arabs to solve their own problems; to the world financial markets it says there will not be an intervention to rile the market’s recovery; to the European population it says we will try to make Europe immune from the barbarians at the South; it also says we will not use massive air power but will bleed the country dry; to Israel it says we will manage to make sure your northern border is quiet.”

Great analysis.

March 2nd, 2012, 10:45 pm


Tara said:


Do not leave.

March 2nd, 2012, 10:51 pm


jad said:

Dear brother Dr. Norman,
I agree with you that comment #81 was so hateful and I mentioned the ugly comment to the moderator but he decided to leave it without even writing that person who wrote it any ‘warning’ yet that person keep writing in the same sectarian comments over and over, and on top of that he banned SNK who was provoked to reply by that specific comment.
Regardless of that, I have a personal message to add:

I never asked you anything in all these years we’ve been together on SC before this ‘sample’ of commentators come over.
We’ve been through many ups and downs but we both never stopped declaring our opinions, agreements, disagreements, we learned a lot from each others and I’m grateful to know a noble Syrian man like you and I’m asking you, my friend, my Syrian brother, my SC buddy, NOT TO LEAVE.
Some sectarian opinions doesn’t reflect the majority of Syrian feelings toward other sects or religion and this amazing peaceful, gracious and generous majority are the ones who made Syria the unique, the strong and the beautiful homeland we love.
So please DO NOT LEAVE.

March 2nd, 2012, 11:00 pm


Syrialover said:

There you are, Norman. Both regimists and oppositionists asking you not to leave. Wow.

You are truly a man in the middle! And therefore what SC needs.

March 2nd, 2012, 11:07 pm


jad said:

It’s always refreshing seeing you going from one low to another keep going south, it suits you, just let us know when you hit the bottom, it’s not that far.

March 2nd, 2012, 11:08 pm


jad said:

#246 It seems that you are right, the level of hostility is too high, the sharks are smelling blood and getting way too excited

March 2nd, 2012, 11:14 pm


bronco said:


I guess that it is because several comments have become increasingly accusing, inquisitive, demeaning and full of bitterness and hatred that you are thinking of leaving.
On SC some times you need to fight back all the negative vibrations that some commenters are generating,
Your comments have always been full of common sense and peaceful and it is always soothing to read them after the hysteria of the others.
So if you want us to remain sane, skip the poisonous ones and keep on posting.

March 2nd, 2012, 11:17 pm


ann said:

India refuses government guarantee on Syria oil imports: sources – March 03, 2012

“This is true that the government has denied sovereign guarantee for import of Syrian oil. This was done because of India’s vote against Syria in the United Nations,” said one of the sources.

Both sources had direct knowledge of the decision and declined to be named because of the sensitivity of the matter.

Hindustan Petroleum Corp and explorer Oil and Natural Gas Corp, which has a stake in Syrian fields, wanted to import oil from Syria but insurance problems halted their plans.

HPCL had even engaged the Shipping Corp of India to hire a vessel to import Syrian crude.


March 2nd, 2012, 11:29 pm


ann said:

Syria calls UN efforts to end crisis “completely inexplicable” – 2012-03-03

UNITED NATIONS, March 2 (Xinhua) — Syria’s UN ambassador Bashar Ja’afari on Friday called UN efforts to end the Syrian crisis “completely inexplicable” and said that the Syrian government accepted “in principle” of a visit by the UN humanitarian chief.

Ja’afari told a General Assembly plenary meeting on the situation in Syria that the “duplicity of these efforts on the part of the United Nations are completely inexplicable.”

On access to Syria by Valerie Amos, the UN emergency relief coordinator and under-secretary general for humanitarian affairs, Ja’afari said that the Syrian government accepted “in principle” of her visit and “requested a date for the visit.”

Ja’afari called the resolution “unilateral and subjective.”

“Syria has taken great strides, very quickly in very little time in order to out in place a comprehensive national reform program to meet the legitimate expectations of the people,” he said. “These are legitimate demands of the people.”

He said “reforms are an ongoing process and that’s why demands for reform are legitimate no matter where they take place no matter when they take place.”

“The reform program was crowned with the adoption of a new constitution; this is a constitution that guarantees the establishment of a Syrian democratic state based on the defense of basic rights, fundamental rights, the rule of law, and it determines the mandate of the president of the republic,” Ja’afari said.

He expressed “sadness” because the secretary-general “omitted this important development.”

He also said that the Syrian government “has continued to invite the various factions to participate in a dialogue.”

“All Syrians regardless of their background or their political tendencies have been invited to participate in a national dialogue so that the aspirations of the Syrian people can be brought about but some countries in the region, some countries in the Arab League, and some other countries who are well known have attempted in vain to convince and push the opposition not to sit at the negotiating table and have tried to push the opposition not to lay down their arms,” he said.


March 2nd, 2012, 11:38 pm


sowhat said:

Abdul Dayem “Danny Boy” (aka Aboud) in full action # p/u/3/xZnqGwbH07c

this video was probably found in an operating room of the zombies that infested the neighborhood of Bab Amro

zombies go to hell


March 2nd, 2012, 11:47 pm


Jerusalem said:

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March 2nd, 2012, 11:51 pm


ann said:

Rebels could use UN chief’s words as legal cover for free-for-all – Syrian ambassador to UN – 03 March, 2012

Syria’s Ambassador to the UN Bashar Jaafari condemned comments made by UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, warning that they could be “interpreted by the armed groups as a legal cover to be able to act in a criminal fashion.”

­Jaafari, addressing the UN General Assembly after Ban, said the Secretary General’s speech was “aggressive, virulent and slanderous.”

“He said during his statement, that the Syrian government had failed in its responsibilities with regards to defending its people. I feel that this is a double injustice,” Jaafari asserted. He insisted that the UN resolution on Syria passed two weeks ago was unfair, unilateral, subjective and “completely unrelated to what is going on the ground in Syria.”

He also insisted that most of Syria is “living normally,” and that the government was sparing no effort to secure a normal life for its people, and to keep all the necessary services working. While admitting that the humanitarian situation has worsened in many areas of the country, Jaafari said the main reasons were the armed assaults, vandalism and unilateral sanctions imposed by some countries. The resulting combination, he maintianed, is a disastrous effect on everyday life in Syria.

‘Sea of lies’ about Syria

In response to Ban’s accusations, the Syrian representative said there has been “a sea of lies” circulating about his country. In his view, the UN chief’s report is more likely to strengthen tensions than to help solve the situation. He also blamed the UN for using reports from “countries which are open enemies of Syria,” thus showing a certain “duplicity” in their calls for dialogue between the government and opposition.

Jaafari also pointed out that weapons manufactured in Israel were found in Homs following the rebels’ retreat, noting that a number of states are openly admitting to supplying arms to insurgent groups in Syria.

He slammed Libya for offering $100 million to help the Syrian opposition. He also harshly criticized the Saudi Arabian UN envoy, who in his speech said that what was happening in Homs resembles the Srebrenica massacre in Bosnia of the 1990s, calling the comparison “shameful.”

“It seems to me that things have got very hard on both sides,” he noted to RT. “The Assad regime carries on as if it doesn’t realize how hated it is by some sections of the population, and the opposition, which is armed now increasingly by the West via its conduits in Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Turkey, are turning nasty.”

He said it would not be of help to anyone for Syria to go on like this, with minorities, Christians and other groups being targeted by the so-called liberation forces.

“What it suggests is a negotiated settlement and for people to push for both sides to sit around the table.”

Ali pointed to the fact that Saudi Arabia and Qatar, both staunch supporters of the Syrian opposition, were themselves hardly shining examples of democracy.

“And if what they want to do to Syria is what they’ve just done to Libya, then one has to say that the replacement for Assad will not be any different, except it will be a different group of people carrying out repressive activities,” he added.


March 2nd, 2012, 11:52 pm


ann said:

At UN, As Syria Lambasts Ban, Talk of Russian Answer But No Speech, Egypt PR Has Conflict of Interest?

UNITED NATIONS, March 2 — Before the Syria speech of UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon on Friday, in front of the General Assembly Hall Inner City Press asked entering Ambassadors for their predictions long and short term.

Many spoke of a Security Council resolution “floating” off the radar, on which “the Americans are waiting to hear back from the Russians after the weekend,” an insider told Inner City Press, referring to not only to the Russian elections but also to a National Security Council meeting there.

Others filled in blanks for Inner City Press in Kofi Annan’s schedule, beyond the bilaterals with Iran, the UK and China that Inner City Press staked out and filmed. Annan had lunch with three Arab Permanent Representatives — Morocco, Saudi Arabia and job-seeking Egypt — and the “Qatari charge d’affaires.”

UN Peacekeeping chief Ladsous “sat in but said nothing,” an attendee said.

When the GA speeches began the European Union, it turned out, did not speak, arguing that “it’s good that the Arabs be heard.” Saudi Arabia had inscribed itself earlier in the day, Egypt at the last minute.

Finally Iran’s Ambassador arrived. He commented to Inner City Press on the previous day’s article about his meeting with new envoy Kofi Annan, then went in and signed up to speak. His main point, he said, was that for Annan to have a change, provocative statements have to stop.

After Ban read out his speech, Syrian Ambassador Bashar Ja’afari delivered a lengthy rebuttal lambasting Ban. He began by professing friendship and respect for Ban, but quickly called him and his speech blurry, slanderous and “virulent.”

Ban sat there, with a pinched look on his face; his spokesman Martin Nesirky periodically came to the stakeout, where other than Inner City Press there was practically no media. Later a TV crew from Benin arrived and interviewed Ja’afari, in French.

Saudi Arabia’s Permanent Representative said that history will judge those who case vetoes for Syria in the Security Council.

On his way in, Russia’s Permanent Representative Vitaly Churkin had told Inner City Press he had a strong speech ready, if needed. If so, he did not use it.

As he left, Inner City Press asked him about the Saudi statement that history would judge him. “History will judge everyone,” Churkin replied and left. China’s Deputy Permanent Representative had the same response, but said it was not coordinated.

Egypt’s Permanent Representative Maged Abdelaziz made a point that Syria had not objected to moves against Libya in the League of Arab States. Inner City Press asked him about it afterward, calling it interesting. “I hope you use it,” he replied.

But Ja’afari of Syria told Inner City Press it wasn’t true, that Syria had “made reservations” on a no-fly zone over Libya. He noted, as the Press has before, that Maged Abdelaziz is asking for a job from Ban’s UN Secretariat. Some would call it a conflict of interest.

Saudi Arabia invoked Rwanda, Srebrenica, Kosovo and Gaza. Ja’afari replied that it was insulting to compare Rwanda to “Baba Amr, a neighborhood we love.” He took invoked Gaza. Palestinian Observer Mansour was present but did not sign up to speak.


March 3rd, 2012, 12:10 am


Son of Damascus said:


In the above article [] you copied and pasted pretty much the whole article except all the criticism towards Bashar and the regime. Talk about convenient excerpt editing eh!

In case you missed it here is the last three lines from the article that I found to be very interesting:

[But Ali didn’t spare criticism of the Assad regime either.
“In my opinion, of course, the Assad family, father and son, are responsible for a great deal of bloodshed in Syria.”
He supported the idea of Assad leaving power to be replaced by an interim leader that could negotiate with the opposition.]

Thats a pretty reasonable plan, I back it full heartedly. What are your thoughts on that?

March 3rd, 2012, 12:16 am


jad said:

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March 3rd, 2012, 12:18 am


VOLK said:

Russian official: Arming Syria rebels could violate international law
“A Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman warned Friday against attempts to supply weapons to Syrian opposition forces, arguing that because Al Qaeda was a “confirmed presence amid the illegal armed groups,” arming the opposition could clash with international law.

Some members of the “Friends of Syria” group that met last week in Tunisia argued for arming the Syrian rebels. Saudi Arabia said it was an “excellent idea.”

With Al Qaeda in the mix, “how do such statements correspond with … international law?” Alexander Lukashevich said, adding that Russia will take the matter to United Nations counter-terrorism bodies.”

March 3rd, 2012, 12:19 am


ann said:

Clashes Reported Along Syria’s Border With Jordan – March 02, 2012

Though the Free Syrian Army (FSA) claimed yesterday that fighting would be seriously curbed nationwide because of a shortage of ammunition, rebel fighters in the far south of Syria have been fighting with regime forces along the border with Jordan.

Opposition figures claimed that two members of the Syrian forces had been killed early in the fighting, but no updates on the toll were reported throughout the day, so that figure may be higher.

The proximity of the fighting to the Jordanian border suggests that the fighters in that region may have found a source of ammunition inside the neighboring country, though the exact nature of it is entirely unclear at this point.


March 3rd, 2012, 12:24 am


VOLK said:

BEIRUT: Russia will continue to veto United Nations Security Council resolutions that it sees as leading to military intervention in Syria, according to Alexander Zasypkin, Russia’s ambassador to Lebanon.

March 3rd, 2012, 12:26 am


son of Damascus said:

Syria: escape for trapped civilians ‘now a suicide mission’

During more than three weeks of sustained bombardment, escape seemed the best hope of survival for the thousands of civilians trapped in Homs.

By Ruth Sherlock, Tripoli12:53AM GMT 02 Mar 2012

Those who guided fugitives out of the Syrian city while bringing in medical supplies took such risks that they were called “suicide missions”. One of these people was Omar, who lay in a hospital bed in neighbouring Lebanon yesterday, his right leg amputated.


March 3rd, 2012, 12:39 am


jad said:

The hallucinations of many Syrian opposition groups hits a new level, not to mention sectarianism:

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March 3rd, 2012, 12:40 am


ann said:

266. Son of Damascus said:

Thats a pretty reasonable plan, I back it full heartedly. What are your thoughts on that?
You stand 100% with israel by supporting their agenda of deposing your government (I’m assuming you are a patriotic Syrian after all), and returning your country Syria to the dark ages like israel’s foreign minister promissed to do.

You wouldn’t stand with israel now, would you?

March 3rd, 2012, 12:41 am


Son of Damascus said:


“You stand 100% with israel by supporting their agenda of deposing your government (I’m assuming you are a patriotic Syrian after all), and returning your country Syria to the dark ages like israel’s foreign minister promissed to do.

You wouldn’t stand with israel now, would you?”

No I don’t, and had Bashar been using his weapons and arsenal against Israel rather than his own people then you would be correct. Last I checked not one bullet was fired towards Israel by his army with him in charge, would you care to guess how many he has used against his own people?

The difference between you and I, I don’t see Bashar as my government and I don’t want the overthrow of my government, I want my government to be given back to its rightful owners, the Syrian people not the Assad clan.

March 3rd, 2012, 1:05 am


ann said:

What is at stake in Syria? – 1 March 2012

The international media is conspiring to conceal the real aims and intentions of the United States and other major powers towards Syria.

This week a renewed push in the United Nations to condemn the regime of Bashir al-Assad for “crimes against humanity” has been accompanied by a drumbeat of accounts of rising casualties in Homs, including the deaths of journalists. The media barrage excludes any objective analysis of the social and political character of the opposition, its ties to the imperialist powers, or the historical origins of the present crisis. All casualties in a civil war stoked by the US and its allies are automatically attributed to government security forces.

This is a coordinated campaign to manipulate public opinion in support of military intervention in the name of “human rights,” following the script of last year’s bloody exercise in regime-change in Libya. The immediate demand is for the setting up of “humanitarian corridors” protected militarily by the Gulf States, Turkey and NATO, as well as the arming of the opposition.

Immediately protests began against Assad’s repressive regime, Washington worked with the regional powers—Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey—to cultivate and arm a right-wing sectarian opposition with the aim of bringing about regime-change. The imperialist-backed opposition is led by Islamists associated with the right-wing Muslim Brotherhood. In alliance with bourgeois figures with long connections to the CIA and various ex-regime forces, they dominate the Syrian National Council and the Free Syrian Army.

Many of the journalists pontificating on Syria are well aware that humanitarian concerns do not animate Western support for the opposition. In the February 26 New York Times, Steven Erlanger acknowledges that the conflict in Syria “has already become a proxy fight for larger powers in the region and beyond.” He writes: “For Washington, Europe and the Sunnis of Saudi Arabia and the gulf, the impact on Iran is as important as the fate of Mr. Assad.”

Erlanger cites Olivier Roy, a French historian of the Middle East, who states bluntly: “Syria is almost the only country where the so-called Arab Spring could change the geo-strategic concept of the region… if the regime is toppled, we have a totally new landscape.”


March 3rd, 2012, 1:08 am


ann said:

274. Son of Damascus said:

You wouldn’t stand with israel now, would you?”

No I don’t.

Then why are you standing with israel against your own country by supporting their agenda to erase Syria from the map of the world?

March 3rd, 2012, 1:14 am


ann said:

Hillary Clinton and Middle East war crimes – 3 March 2012

While Clinton would be happy to accept this definition for use against the Syrian regime, there appears to be an unwritten restriction on which individuals or governments can be said to “fit into that category.” As far as the American political and media establishment is concerned, it is fine to employ the war criminal label when describing violence employed by a regime that the United States is seeking to overthrow against “rebels” or “oppositionists” that enjoy Washington’s support.

However, when even greater violence is unleashed by the United States itself against people opposing the occupation of their country by American troops, the same category is excluded.

The push for defining Assad as a war criminal intensified in the face of the 27-day siege of the Baba Amr neighborhood of Homs, which was seized by armed militias whose activities have included the abduction and murder of non-Sunni residents of the city. On Thursday, these US-backed “rebels” announced that they were pulling out of the area in the face of superior Syrian government forces.

There is no doubt that hundreds died in the month-long siege, including unarmed civilians. Yet, when considering the barrage of media denunciations, United Nations resolutions and statements of outrage from Washington and other Western capitals, it is worth remembering the silent indifference with which these same media sources and governments reacted to a massacre of at least 20 times as many civilians in a third of the time barely 400 miles from the siege of Homs.

That was in November of 2004. The site of the massacre was Fallujah, Iraq. In that barbaric siege, US Marines turned an entire city into a free-fire zone after warning its inhabitants to leave. Men and boys, however, were turned back, forced to face an onslaught of napalm, cluster bombs, white phosphorus shells and other munitions that incinerated their victims and brought their homes crashing down upon them. Of the 50,000 Fallujans who were either unwilling or unable to flee, more than 6,000 lost their lives. Fully 60 percent of the city’s buildings were demolished or damaged.

Seven years later, the residents of Fallujah still pay a terrible price for the collective punishment inflicted upon them. They endure an epidemic of birth defects, childhood cancers and other ailments caused by depleted uranium shells and other ordnance dumped on the city.


March 3rd, 2012, 1:31 am


Son of Damascus said:


It is Bashar threatening to erase Syria of the map, not Israel. I don’t see IDF soldiers encircling Syrian cities and shelling them non stop for 27 days.

Bashar has done more damage to Syria than the Israelis could ever imagine to accomplish.

Hey he has finally one upped Israel, albeit it was at killing Syrians!

March 3rd, 2012, 1:44 am


ann said:

279. Son of Damascus said:

Do you approve of depleted uranium, phosphorus, cluster and napalm bombs raining down on your beloved Damascus?

March 3rd, 2012, 2:04 am


ann said:

279. Son of Damascus said:

is israel good or bad?

March 3rd, 2012, 2:05 am


Ghufran said:

Please ask me not to pray for your stocks any more,I did that for BIG and the stock lost 4% in one day,I hope you do better with the other two and that the lord direct you,and all rich Syrians ,to give to people in need.
Abughassan left after he got disgusted with negative comments,he was wrong,I hope you will not quit SC unless you see it as a total WOT,your voice helps SC keep its diversity.
When did I say that the peaceful demonstrators are terrorists or that armed rebels are the legitimate voice of those who want to change the regime?
Shabeehas and armed rebels share the same philosophy and the same method,they believe in violence and exclusion,both must be confronted,Syria can only be ruled from the center.

March 3rd, 2012, 2:07 am


Ghufran said:

Is Danny the same as aboud? I will be darned !!

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March 3rd, 2012, 2:10 am


Hans said:

What would stop the USA and the west from arming the opposition?
this question had many people answering it in a different way, but the most plausible answer is either the USA would like the war to continue in Syria, therefore, people of the opposition who are part of the Alqaida will be killed as well.
Or the interest of the USA is not the Syrian democracy but the continuing conflict on the Syrian soul to weaken the country.
If the regime survive this conflict then the next step is to eliminate the Alqaida from Syria one City a time.
the 4th division is cleaning cities one a time, it is interesting that not two cities have risen at once.
Anyone has an input to this thought.
why we don’t have two three cities rising at once.
The Russian green light worked well in Homs and if Homs people are happy with the national army entering the city then the radical terrorists will have hard time to return.
it is time to move to the next city which is near the turkish border.
it is clear that the GCC with all their money financing the opposition can’t buy a real weapon to enter Syria.
it would be interesting to see where the opposition going to get the tanks etc..
The regime is very smart on not using any airforce or missiles to attack any city. Many of the images out of Homs were lies and fabrication especially people watching it on the news channels.
The terrorists from all over the sunni countries are dying in Syria without the support of the Sunni Syrians that’s the most blank check the regime can get.
As Assad said he owns the ground and they own the news channels,
the ground will win over the fabrication of the propaganda of the news channels.
What is interesting that there are many people who sold their souls to the devil starting with Ban ki moon and more.

March 3rd, 2012, 2:15 am


Son of Damascus said:


Why so fixated with Israel? You keep bringing them up as if they are the one shelling, torturing, and killing Syrians.

As for bombs raining down Damascus, I am not in favour of any bombs, tulip shells, 108 mm shells, T-72 tank shells, and endless bullets falling down on ANY SYRIAN CITY, let alone Damascus.

But I guess for you killing Syrians and shelling Syrian cities is OK as long as Bashar gets to do it. What a sick and demented view of our country!!

March 3rd, 2012, 2:26 am


Ghufran said:

This is the right link for the story about Libya :
The link in my previous post was about the mb in Egypt
Moderate islamists have a future in Syria and they may try to copy the Egyptian model,however,the mb in Syria is not a true copy of the mb in Egypt,the regime in Syria is now looking at ways to win moderate islamists over,those islamists managed to force article-3 in the const that was presented by the regime,in a way,the regime sold the seculars to buy albouti et al.Bashar wants to include islamists in a new government,and he thinks this will soften turkey’s position. Turkey despite all of the hot air,has not done much to topple the regime,please look at almuallem’s latest flirtation with turkey few days ago.

March 3rd, 2012, 2:29 am


ann said:

279. Son of Damascus said:

You refer to the israeli occupation forces as IDF!!!

Are you pro israel?!

Is israel good or bad?

March 3rd, 2012, 2:38 am


ann said:

Qaeda moving from Iraq to Syria: PM – March 03, 2012

“Al-Qaeda has started migrating from Iraq to Syria, and maybe it will migrate from Syria to another country, to Libya or to Egypt or to any region where the regime is unstable and out of control,” Maliki said in an interview with Saudi daily Okaz.

Qaeda moving from Iraq to Syria: PM
“Yesterday, Syria was considering itself outside the circle of the terrorism problem, and today, it is in the heart of the terrorism problem,” Maliki said.


March 3rd, 2012, 3:06 am


Son of Damascus said:


Keep screaming Israel, maybe if you scream it load enough it will drown out Bashars guns that are killing Syrians.

Questioning my allegiances because I don’t agree with Bashar is perhaps one of the lowest and childish things anyone tried to argue.

I am sorry for trying to have a civil discussion with you, you obviously are incapable of doing so without throwing baseless accusations and worn out regime propaganda.

March 3rd, 2012, 3:07 am


ann said:

US ex-senators link Saudi govt to 9/11 attacks – March 03, 2012

Ex-Florida senator Bob Graham and former Nebraska senator Bob Kerrey said in sworn affidavits to a New York court they were certain of the links between the Saudi government and the attacks.

“I am convinced that there was a direct line between at least some of the terrorists who carried out the September 11th attacks and the government of Saudi Arabia,” said Graham.

Kerrey, who served on a separate 9/11 enquiry, said in his own sworn statement last week that “significant questions remain unanswered about the role of Saudi institutions.”

“Evidence relating to the plausible involvement of possible Saudi government agents in the September 11th attacks has never been fully pursued.”

US ex-senators link Saudi govt to 9/11 attacks Families of the victims said today they welcomed the comments “strongly disagreeing with papers filed by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Saudi High Commission claiming that they had been ‘exonerated’ of any connection to the 9/11 terrorist attacks.”

But in a statement yesterday the group, the 9/11 Families United to Bankrupt Terrorism, “applauded” the statements by Graham and Kerrey which are part of a multi-billion dollar lawsuit before the court.

US ex-senators link Saudi govt to 9/11 attacks “The financiers and enablers of those who murdered our loved ones are still alive, well and capable of supporting terrorism. The trail back to them still points to Saudi Arabia,” said Beverly Burnett.


March 3rd, 2012, 3:13 am


Juergen said:


Well you dont have to believe me, i can manage to live without your approval. I was travelling with my sister and my 12 year old nephew, and let me tell you, there was never an moment of danger for all of us when we were in Egypt. I assume the only dangerous moments we had with taxi/felluka drivers who wanted more money than we aggreed on before, but i guess thats normal in tourist places.

When i said that tourism is down 40 % i quoted the cafeowner in Luxor, for him the tourism is 40% down, surely he did not make an governemnt survey on it, its just his assumption. When you say that bank robberies, kidnappings are everyday business now to ordinary Egyptians, i can only say with the ones i talked to that was not their concern nor did i see any sign for such anarchy. I heard that such kidnappings occured in the Sinai only, and as I know those happend there before even under Mubaraks tight rule.

As I mentioned before, now there were more tourists around than in October, back then we were almost the only tourists in Hatschepsut temple, now the groups come back. I have a feeling that Cairo is still spared out by many.

March 3rd, 2012, 3:30 am


ann said:

NGOs: The Missionaries of Empire – March 3, 2012

National Endowment for Democracy

The NED was meant to be a tool of US foreign policy from its outset. It was the brainchild of Allen Weinstein who, before creating the Endowment, was a professor at Brown and Georgetown Universities, had served on the Washington Post’s editorial staff, and was the Executive Editor of The Washington Quarterly, Georgetown’s Center for Strategic and International Studies, a right-wing neoconservative think tank which would in the future have ties to imperial strategists such as Henry Kissinger and Zbigniew Brzezinski. [3] He stated in a 1991 interview that “A lot of what we do today was done covertly 25 years ago by the CIA.” [4]

The first director of the Endowment, Carl Gershman, outright admitted that the Endowment was a front for the CIA. In 1986 he stated:

We should not have to do this kind of work covertly. It would be terrible for democratic groups around the world to be seen as subsidized by the CIA. We saw that in the ‘60s, and that’s why it has been discontinued. We have not had the capability of doing this, and that’s why the endowment was created.

Freedom House

Freedom House was originally founded in 1941 as a pro-democracy and pro-human rights organization. While this may have been true in the past, in the present day, Freedom House is quite involved in pushing US interests in global politics and its leaders have connections to rather unsavory organizations, such as current Executive Director David Kramer being a Senior Fellow to the Project for the New American Century, many of whose members are responsible for the current warmongering status of the US.

While the Endowment and Freedom House are being used as tools of US foreign policy that does not mean that the US government isn’t looking for new tools, namely Amnesty International.

Amnesty International

Yet, even before Nossel was appointed to Amnesty, the group was unwittingly aiding in the media war against Syria. In a September 1, 2011 Democracy Now interview, Neil Sammonds, the researcher and one of the author’s for Amnesty’s report Deadly Detention: Deaths in Custody Amid Popular Protest in Syria, spoke about the manner in which the research was done for the report. He stated:

I’ve not been into Syria. Amnesty International has not been allowed into the country during these events, although we have requested it. So the research for this report was done mostly from London, but also from some work in neighboring countries and through communications with a large network of contacts and relatives of the families, and, you know, other sources.

How can one write a report with any amount of authority if their only sources are through second-hand sources that may or may not have a bias or an agenda to push? How can you write a report using sources whose information has no way of being verified? It is reminiscent of the media war against Gaddafi, where it was reported in the mainstream media that he was bombing his own people and had given Viagra to his soldiers as so they could rape women, but absolutely none of this was verified.

March 3rd, 2012, 3:35 am


ann said:

New York Times Promoting War on Iran – Saturday Mar 3rd, 2012

Longstanding Times policy supports imperial US wars against nonbelligerent countries posing no threats.

It backed American-led NATO aggression against Afghanistan, Iraq, and Libya. Using scandalous language like “Assad’s butchery,” it wants killer gangs armed and greater Western intervention.

A Syrian (unnamed for his safety) emailed this information:

It’s believed “the National Syrian Army caught 12 French Officers and one high-ranking officer in Homs. The French Ambassador came back to Syria to re-negotiate. Reports suggest 22 Jihadists from Afghanistan had been caught in Idlib yesterday.”

“A christian friend of mine ran away to Damascus because they informed him within 2 days to go out of Hama before they start slaying his family.”

“Another person’s sister was kidnapped. The gang asked for 2 million SYP to return her. They paid. She’s home now but they raped her.”

“They use Kidnapping Strategy to earn more money because the Syrian National Forces are attacking the weak points on the border of Iraq, Turkey and Lebanon. We should never forget Daraa on the border of Jordan.”

“I saw a couple of times “Free Syrian Army” members when I was visiting a friend of mind in Damascus. They are totally RUBBISH, UNEDUCATED OUTLAWS!”

He also mentioned a spurious Arabic language video circulating. It alleges Syrian army force attacks on peaceful demonstrations. “Activists explain lying in this video using unequivocal evidence.”

New York Times and other major media scoundrels suppress these reports.


March 3rd, 2012, 4:01 am


Alan said:

Suicide bomb blast rocks Syria, at least 2 dead
A suicide bomber has detonated a car bomb in the southern city of Daraa, leaving two dead and several injured, Syrian state news reports.
03 March, 2012, 13:14

March 3rd, 2012, 4:32 am


Mina said:

The so-called journalists who made it out from Baba Amro try to sell as normal the fact the guerilla was satying there with women and children while most “normal” people have left the area since 6 months because of the uprising and regular attacks from both side.

For Europe, more anarchy in the Middle East is pure benefit. Instead of spending their euros in Egypt and Syria (which had started to see bigger number of tourists before the uprising) the Europeans will spend them in badly striken South Europe, such as Spain, Italy and Greece.
It is also such an economy to see people fighting each other without having to send expensive equipement. Iraq redux. Then just wait and bring the UN peace corps and re-ignate the Hariri trial. Ask hizbollah to disarm. Watch the Israelis have time building more colonies and annexing more lands. Silence the Palestinians because there are other big news such as “hostage journalists”… Etc.

March 3rd, 2012, 4:34 am


Alan said:

Rebels could use UN chief’s words as legal cover for free-for-all – Syrian ambassador to UN
‘Sea of lies’ about Syria
Ban said that the civilian losses have been heavy, referring to the unrest in Homs this week.
“We continue to receive grisly reports of summary executions, arbitrary detentions and torture,” he noted. “This atrocious assault is all the more appalling for having been waged by the government itself, systematically attacking its own people.”
In response to Ban’s accusations, the Syrian representative said there has been “a sea of lies” circulating about his country. In his view, the UN chief’s report is more likely to strengthen tensions than to help solve the situation. He also blamed the UN for using reports from “countries which are open enemies of Syria,” thus showing a certain “duplicity” in their calls for dialogue between the government and opposition.
Jaafari also pointed out that weapons manufactured in Israel were found in Homs following the rebels’ retreat, noting that a number of states are openly admitting to supplying arms to insurgent groups in Syria.
He slammed Libya for offering $100 million to help the Syrian opposition. He also harshly criticized the Saudi Arabian UN envoy, who in his speech said that what was happening in Homs resembles the Srebrenica massacre in Bosnia of the 1990s, calling the comparison “shameful.”

March 3rd, 2012, 4:36 am


Syrialover said:

Son of Damascus

I think you have been drawn into a silly shadow boxing exercise where the key question is whether your opponent is 13 years old or 14 years old. Read the words there and elsewhere and it becomes obvious.

March 3rd, 2012, 4:40 am


Alan said:

Netanyahu announces Israel’s plan to ‘wipe Lebanon from the map’

March 3rd, 2012, 4:43 am


Juergen said:

Egypt a year on: This is not the Tahrir dream, but there’s much to be won

The country is torn between an entrenched security state, politically savvy Islamists and anxious revolutionaries
Timothy Garton Ash

” A year on from the fall of Hosni Mubarak, this is not what the young revolutionaries of Tahrir dreamed of. It’s not what we western secular liberals dreamed of. It’s not, in its consequences, another 1989. But nor is it 1979 in Iran, a rainbow revolution rapidly degenerating into an oppressive Islamic theocracy. It’s Egypt 2012. Even secular liberal and Coptic friends say that a pragmatic Islamist government, wrangling a gradual reduction of the hypertrophied military, security and bureaucratic state, may be the best they can expect in the near future.

If those of us who live in more prosperous and free countries want to help Egypt’s transition – and realistically, that help will only be at the margins – we need to start by understanding what is happening on the ground, in all its dusty, pot-holed complexity. We have nothing to lose but our cliches.”

time to loose cliches…

March 3rd, 2012, 5:13 am


Mina said:

Not exactly unrelated to the Syrian developments: US crushes newly born Egyptian democracy:
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Judges brew a storm around appeals court head who interfered in NGO case
After the travel ban was mysteriously lifted, allowing the foreign NGO workers accused of operating in Egypt illegally to leave the country, judges gather to question the head of the appeals court who interfered with due process…

Arguments for armed Palestinian resistance
All the arguments that are invoked by Western commentators in favor of arming the Syrian opposition can–nay should–be applied to the case of Palestinian resistance to Israeli occupation. I can’t wait for the next Western person to lecture to Palestinians about the virtues of non-violence.
(or as usual, how to hinder Fatah… after Al Jazeera has tried last year to put a pricetag on the head of Saeb Erakat…)

March 3rd, 2012, 5:47 am


Mina said:

Question for As’ad Abu Khalil: why don’t you provide the link?

Flash: Syrian TV and raw propaganda footage from Aljazeera and CNN
It seems that Syrian regime had agents among the rebels; or it seems that the Syrian regime obtained a trove of video footage from Baba Amru. They have been airing them non-stop. They are quite damning. They show the correspondent or witness (for CNN or from Aljazeera) before he is on the air: and the demeanor is drastically different from the demeanor on the air and they even show contrived sounds of explosions timed for broadcast time. I have to say that Aljazeera and the affiliated Ikhwan media win the award for the largest volume of lies in this crisis. Their lies have been rather helpful to the Syrian regime which now fills its airtime with exposing the lies and exaggerations of the Ikhwan-led Syrian opposition.

PS This is really scandalous. It shows the footage prior to Aljazeera reports: they show fake bandages applied on a child and then a person is ordered to carry a camera in his hand to make it look like a mobile footage. It shows a child being fed what to say on Aljazeera.

March 3rd, 2012, 5:48 am


Mina said:

What is interesting in some of the links to the fabricated videos is that just as for Lybia, they have people who speak a perfect English with a heavy American accent. And no one should be surprised?

March 3rd, 2012, 5:58 am


Alan said:

Two Lebanese telecom employees charged with spying for Israel

Two employees of Lebanon’s state-owned telecom company Ogero have been charged with spying for Israel by a military court.

According to local Lebanese media outlets, Shawqi Zantout and Walid Qaddoura were arrested on suspicion of spying for Israel after the army launched simultaneous raids on their houses in southern Lebanon.

On Friday, Lebanese Military Prosecutor Judge Saqr Saqr charged the two with collaborating with Israel by contacting Israeli numbers and demanding rewards in exchange for information on missing Israeli airman Ron Arad.

Lebanese army intelligence units monitored the activities of the two individuals for weeks before the arrests were made.

Last week, a Lebanese military court sentenced three Lebanese men to death after finding them guilty of spying for Israel.

On February 17, the Lebanese high court issued a death sentence to another Lebanese man found guilty of the same crime.

In addition, on January 24 a former army general was sentenced to two years in prison for providing information to Israel.

More than 100 people have been arrested in Lebanon on suspicion of collaborating with Israel’s Mossad intelligence agency since April 2009, including members of the security forces and telecommunications employees.


March 3rd, 2012, 6:07 am


Juergen said:


come on in every steet in Syria you can buy US DVD films, just with subtitles. Most youngsters learn english nowadays from those films.

March 3rd, 2012, 6:16 am


Mina said:

That’s the only thing you have to say about these fabricated videos? The same silent-line as the Western press today after the so-called glorious escape of the journalists??
(check 12′, 36′, 1h01′)
and again

March 3rd, 2012, 6:24 am


Juergen said:


if thats your claim that its suspicious that people in videos speak american english, then my answer is enough.

March 3rd, 2012, 6:27 am


Mina said:

“Fabricated video” means a video where people say lies, have been rehearsing, and fire from guns to provide a background when they are interviewed on air. The links I have provided (after Jad, and through the link to Angry Arab) bring to several of these fabricated videos, from Baba Amro.
Apparently you prefer to deny the existence of such videos. Good for you.

March 3rd, 2012, 6:38 am


Alan said:

Red Cross blocked in Homs amid atrocity crossfire

March 3rd, 2012, 6:43 am


Alan said:

Gunmen executing people in the streets – Homs eyewitness
Neil Clark of The Guardian told RT that Western leaders are being highly hypocritical when they criticize the Syrian regime for being undemocratic, and yet fail to respect the views of the majority of Syrians.

March 3rd, 2012, 6:46 am


Mina said:

Thanks Alan, here are some quotes from this material:
“Neil Clark of The Guardian told RT that Western leaders are being highly hypocritical when they criticize the Syrian regime for being undemocratic, and yet fail to respect the views of the majority of Syrians.

“Fifty-seven per cent of Syrians have voted, and an overwhelming majority of them have said yes to it,” he said. “It’s a great day for democracy in Syria. And yet what’s the reaction been by the Western leaders? Well, Hillary Clinton denounced it as a cynical ploy. Guido Westerwelle, the German foreign minister, said that it was a sham, but in fact what is a sham is the West’s approach, because the reaction to this referendum shows us that they’re not really keen on democracy in Syria.”


“Aisling Byrne, of the Conflicts Forum in Beirut, told RT the Red Crescent twice sent ambulances to Baba Amr, but both times they were blocked by the FSA.

The humanitarian mission “did get ambulances through to take injured journalists out of Homs, and it was actually the Free Syrian Army who refused to let them leave,” she said, adding that the FSA also obstructed the evacuation of injured civilians.”

March 3rd, 2012, 6:51 am


Alan said:

Welcome to the “NEW WORLD ORDER”.
All chaos, all the time..

Syria: A Conspiracy Revealed

March 3rd, 2012, 6:54 am


Juergen said:

Satellite picture suggest severe shelling of Bab Amr residencial areas

here is an image before the shelling:,36.687212&spn=0.014411,0.01929&t=h&z=16

here is an image after the shelling:

March 3rd, 2012, 7:03 am


Amir in Tel Aviv said:


I was never in my life been hassled the way I was hassled by Egyptian merchants and tourist hunters 🙂
Is the hotel by the Tahrir sqr. that you stayed in, being owned by an Italian old lady?

March 3rd, 2012, 7:19 am


Uzair8 said:

I caught an interesting discussion on BBC radio 5 last night on the Stephen Nolan show as they went thru the newspapers as usual after midnight.

Charlie Wolf is one guest. He is an american commentator and has worked on UK radio in past years. Lets say he is a bit of a neo-con.

Listen from 2 hr 23 min. They talk about Syria about half a minute later.

Apparantly they started the show on Syria which Im just gonna check out.

March 3rd, 2012, 7:29 am


majedkhaldoun said:

Out of all the previous meetings,the next wednesday meeting between Russia and the gulf states ,probably is the most important, Failure of this meeting means that Russia will never change its mind,and military confromtation is inevitable.
So far the FSA has not been successful in achieving some victory, it is week,this is preventing Turkey and the west from getting involved,

Could Putin becomes the next Stalin, demonstrations will continue,it seems that his tenure will be mared with much more disturbances,2012 will witness the Russian spring.this will force Russia to stop supporting Bashar, the worst thing can happen to Putin is the GCC lower the price of oil to around $80.

You are addicted to SC like me, and you can not leave.

March 3rd, 2012, 7:38 am


Uzair8 said:

Analysts have struggled to guess the state of the regime or predict its fortune.

The fate of former Hama Attorney General Andan Bakkour is a mystery and may remain so. However his words will remain long in the memory:

Former Public Prosecutor of Hama, Adnan al-Bakur on the revolution:

“….it confronts a godless regime that believes in no religion or denomination and does not recognize the existence of God. It has security bodies run by individuals who are nothing more than talking beasts. These bodies are considered among the most brutal criminal bodies in the world.”

“Bashar al-Asad regards the Syrian people as slaves who have to deify their king continuously. Those who do not do so deserve death. He is prepared to displace the entire Syrian people to the neighboring countries and replace them with another obedient people whom he settles in Syria. The human mind cannot endure the horrendous massacres committed by Bashar and the killing, torture, and brutalization. What this occupying sectarian gang is doing to Syria is difficult to describe. Nothing is forbidden for them and there is nothing to deter them.

March 3rd, 2012, 7:43 am


Uzair8 said:

The regime will have achieved very little by taking a district of Homs if it hasn’t weakened the determination and willingness to sacrifice of the opposition. The 27 day Bab Amr episode was in the hope of instilling fear and deterring the rest of Syria so the regime wouldn’t have to repeat this for every region of Syria, for which it hasn’t the time, money and manpower to do so.

The revolutionaries just have to ensure they are not deterred to ensure the futility of the regimes strategy.

Btw the joke in a previous comment was an ‘April fool’ joke.

March 3rd, 2012, 7:53 am


Alan said:,36.687212&spn=0.014411,0.01929&t=h&z=16

The smoke is very black (or from burning of a Auto rubber or black oil with fertilizer) paints heavens for western Drones . it is located not in the field of residence but on a cemetery near public consumer establishment and isn’t far from there on roofs of houses burn a car of rubber or black oil with fertilizer! Be exact!

March 3rd, 2012, 7:54 am


Alan said:

Russia has peacemaking position over Syria – Russia FM
MOSCOW, March 2 (Itar-Tass) —— Russia sticks to peacemaking in its position over Syria, spokesman for the Russian Foreign Ministry Alexander Lukashevich said on Friday.
“We do not protect the incumbent rule, we protect justice. The Syrian people should find a model, in which it will be comfortable to develop the country in the future,” Lukashevich said.
“This is the simple logic, which is understandable not only for diplomatic officials, but also to ordinary people. It is simple and clear. This is peacemaking,” the diplomat underlined.
“If someone feels uncomfortable in this logic and we realize that many people become to feel some discomfort, we should combat with these moods and prove that no other world order should exist,” Lukashevich underlined.

March 3rd, 2012, 8:15 am


Juergen said:

no this place is run by a egyptian-malaysian couple.

I agree, and it was always a relief for me in Syria not to get hassled the way its done in Egypt and Morocco.The only place i can think of where you could end up receiving big time hassling was on Mt. Quassioun in Damascus. A friend of mine went up there with other friends by foot( he is a marathonrunner and therefore likes the pain) and was very thirsty after reaching the top. He sat in one of the shabby cafes up there and had a drink. At the end the owner wanted 100 Euro for 4 beers, 2 cokes and 1 water bottle and some nuts to eat. It was his first week and he paid it. I was quite angry after hearing this, but as a relief i told him also Syrians get ripped off up there.

March 3rd, 2012, 8:25 am


annie said:

To all heroes in Syria who are under bombs in Homs and everywhere… Freedom is coming.

March 3rd, 2012, 8:37 am


Juergen said:

here are better images and close up satellite pics of Bab Amr

March 3rd, 2012, 8:39 am


Observer said:

I am very pleased that delusional pro regime voices ran out of arguments this time. I am also very disappointed that they did not use insults instead of arguments. I usually enjoy very much when the thin veneer of modernity is quickly exposed.

Norman is leaving this blog; I wonder why for his previous posts advocated exactly what happened in Baba Amr: let the army crush the rebellion once and for all.

Shamelessly the Syrian News has footage of the destruction of Baba Amr attributed to the rebels as if the rebels had MRL, 240 mm Mortar, and what have you to rain destruction on the place. There are two sayings about this: the first is that the regime has removed the skin of its behind and put it on its face and the second is that the regime killed the victim and went to its funeral.

Clearly he who has a shard under his skin gets sleepless nights as we say in Somalyria Alassad.

Long live the independent “sect/clan/family/region/ethnicity”
Long live the Republic of Shalaan and the Kingdom of Malki and the Principality of Saboora.

Any words from j’amuse Aljafaari today? He would like to send peacekeeping troops to the Qatif region in KSA. I say good for you and dito for every town in Somalyria.

Long live the Islamic Republic of Qatif.

Germs and Rats are coming

March 3rd, 2012, 8:48 am


Uzair8 said:

A message for online revolution supporters.

There is no time to become depressed. There is work to be done. All must redouble our efforts. We are up against a highly organised and motivated online army who have identified the online arena as a key source of revolutionary momentum.

The regime supporters are online in force in an effort to disrupt the online momentum of the revolution and shift it in favour of Assad. Regime trumpets from Syria and Lebanon, Hezbollah workers, Iranians or Serbs have stepped up their activity recently.

Of late the comment section of AJE live Syria blog has become unrecognisable at times after being targeted by an invasion of a horde of trolls who have impersonated many regular pro revolution commentors and spammed the comment section. The mods are trying to deal with this I think going by the difficulty I found in logging in.

For that reason alone we should be determined and motivated to contribute any way we can and thwart their efforts.

March 3rd, 2012, 9:13 am


Juergen said:

Good footage from one french photographer who got out of Homs. The report shows the heartbreaking images of a young girl who describes how she get injured, until now she does not know her father and brother got killed in the same attack she got injured. The other image which is very emotional is the weeping mother.

Watch the report from minute 18:22 onwards.

The report is from the news hour of german national tv.

March 3rd, 2012, 9:41 am


Mina said:

What credibility will remain to Western journalists after this one?
Same with English subtitles

March 3rd, 2012, 10:28 am


majedkhaldoun said:

Previously pro regime said that Abdulrazzaq Tlass has died
today the news that he is alive
????? ??? ???? ??????? ????? ????? ????

March 3rd, 2012, 10:28 am


irritated said:

#321 Uzair8

“The revolutionaries just have to ensure they are not deterred to ensure the futility of the regimes strategy.”

After the humiliating debacle of BA, the revolutionaries are now temporary boosted by the surprising support of the ‘democratic’ KSA and Qatar and from Al Qaeda in supplying them with more advanced weapons to continue their peaceful revolution in cities where they can make useful use of the population.

March 3rd, 2012, 10:42 am


Mina said:

3 weeks article that passed unnoticed, “Syria: truth is the first casualty”

March 3rd, 2012, 10:47 am


Mina said:

Zoo, I really hope you won’t get under the scissors of Mr Politically Correct, but I suggest that as the dog who wanted to bark and had to go to Lebanon, we move to moonofalabama whenever we need to shout some “explicit thinkings”. Sometimes it is necessary to be explicit.

About your call for Revlon to come back, I am sorry that he has often posted names of people as “pricetags” such as “this Christian woman has been working with the government, she’s an infiltrated mukhabarat”, and in my eyes, this is unacceptable.

March 3rd, 2012, 11:00 am


zoo said:

#332 B

Avaaz exposes its priorities.
In the petition they posted on their website ahead of the Tunis meeting, ‘humanitarian and civilian protection’ come last.
It is clearer that Aavaz is after the SNC taking over Syria and a regime change. Yet this petition did not seem to have affected the Friends of Syria meeting.

March 3rd, 2012, 11:00 am


zoo said:

#337 Mina

I have never called for anyone to come back. I trust the moderator judgment, warnings and sentence. I believe things can be said without being gross attacks. I agree that sometimes there is need of being more direct. I do browse moonofalabama, it has interesting views and reports.

March 3rd, 2012, 11:05 am


irritated said:

#329 Juergen

Weeping mothers, dead babies. Professional, glossy, bloody and ‘heartbreaking’ photos … the typical manipulation of emotions to excite the common person in the West to move on one side of the conflict.
We have already a commenter specialized in reporting horror stories about women and children, now there are two.

March 3rd, 2012, 11:15 am


majedkhaldoun said:

Mina and Ann are not syrians ,yet they support the violence committed by the regime against Syrians.
So when you say Uzair8 does not have the right to talk, do you mean Mina and Ann do not have the right to talk?

March 3rd, 2012, 11:19 am


Mina said:

Sorry, you are too binary. I don’t support the violence of the regime, but I say that too many lies have been on the side of al Jazeera and the opposition since day 1 to deserve any credibility. I also say that the attack on Syria is an attack on Iran, and that we can then probably expect the regime to answer, but I have also said that the 17 security apparatuses have NEVER obeyed Bashar al Asad.
When Bashar was good friend with Abdallah of Jordan, they discussed several time this fact that some people on the ground (be it the religious fiends or the old mafias of the governors and officers) would not let pass some of the reforms he wanted to bring. Same for Abdallah.
Contrarily to you, I don’t think that a bunch of liars, a bunch of djihadists, and a bunch of ‘activists’ receiving money from Paris, the Gulf or Lebanon (including the uncle in Paris, still not brought to court for Hama and Aleppo massacres), will bring any good for Syria. I have also noticed that every Christian I speak to, Syrian or Lebanese, is not blind to what is going on and the similarities to the exactions that happened in Iraq and brought HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS Iraqi Christians to flee abroad and especially to Syria and Jordan.
If you check my comments from March 2011, you will see that I called for quick elections under international supervision and a referendum. I even wrote so to some Syrians I know who knew some people in the Baath party, just to tell you that I was ready to lose friends and contacts just because I thought that civil war was in the making.

March 3rd, 2012, 11:30 am


bronco said:

#316 Majedalkaldoon

My view is that Russia will stick to its position of forcing the opposition on the negotiation table with the Syrian government, maybe with a concession of an earlier parlementary and presidential election under international observers.
I also think that despite the USA predictions, Putin will win in force the elections and there will not be a Russian spring.
The catastrophic results of the Arab Spring will probably discourage anybody who want quick changes to happen in just one spring.

March 3rd, 2012, 11:30 am


Tara said:


I am sitting in my bed, just woke up.  I am not working today.  It is foggy, rainy and depressing.  Yara made up with Spongebob “the blue eyed” Square Pants and is watching him on TV.  I have injured my left thigh during a workout so I can’t have a lower body work out for a while and I am not in a mood to do anything.  I browsed SC but have not reviewed the usual news sites.  I keep thinking about you. I am certainly not devastated that you’re leaving but it is bothering me.  I must say the departure of Why-Discuss July 21 last year drove me to uncontrollable tears for quite a while.  He was the friend, ironically a staunch pro-regime, I always wanted to have.  Can’t rationalize this attraction when it comes to Why.  On the other hand, I never disliked you..  OK, let me be honest, I actually liked you.  I never thought you are an Islamophobe, and I think I was able to understand your fear.  It was because of you, Minority’s Complex Disorder was coined,  a phrase specifically coined to rationalize minorities’s fear of an unknown future when the majority rule.    

I was searching for God over the last 2 days and couldn’t find him.  The theme for me was where is God when you need him the most?  He was not there for any group of people, however they like to call themselves..  He did not offer a “hand” to the Christians in Iraq after Saddam, the Muslims in Serbia, the Jews in Nazi Germany, or even to any mix of the above in the WTC 9/11.  He most certainly did not offer a helping hand or condolences to the fallen in Homs or to the screaming Homsi children screaming “mommy mommy” being shot at, while trying to flee.

I am on my third cup of coffee this morning and wondering if I should continue to write or not to bother..  I have always struggled between contradictory emotions at play.  Arrogance and humility, aggressiveness and equanimity, melancholia and ecstasy, social empathy and a complete and utter indifference, accusation and understanding, etc..  Will see which emotion is going to prevail at this very second and whether this post will end on SC or in the trash bin of my iPad.

I wrote about the vast majority of Christians supporting the regime in my famous# 81.  When I wrote it, I was hoping that Sandro Low and Haytham Khouri would not misunderstood it.  I was boiling with rage against the excusers and the disempathetic.  I questioned some Christians’s hate for Islam and Muslims and where exactly are the Christian voices decrying the regime’s horror.  I questioned how after watching dead children, beating, destruction, humiliation, execution, subjugation; I am not hearing enough due condemnations that may settle my fears and put me to peace.

…The real question I was trying to ask was that how Tara, the Muslim woman, feeling being hated by the presumed Christians on SC is supposed to feel in return?  Can you love those who hate you?  Can you love those who want you dead?  Can you love “the enemy”?  Who do I bring this question to? Priests?  Sheiks?  Grand Muftis?  Monks?  Magis?     All are not holier than government employees in my mind..  Simple question begging simple answer, yet remained bitterly unanswered.

Norman, do I understand your fear of fundamentalists taking over and persecuting you/yours or blowing up your community?  I most certainly do.  Do I understand your refusal to condemn the regime’s horror and your call to “cleanse” Homs?  I am sorry but I most certainly don’t.  It seems to me that too often, I am supposed to understand others’ fear while no one understand mine…  And too often, I am asked not to stereotype when I am being stereotyped to the bear bone.  

A non-muslim friend of mine wrote me yesterday and I am quote him.  “Tara, I  secretly abhor religions, even the pretty ones, for their service in bondage of human beings.  Not merely control, but bondage.  Too often religion betrays it’s ugly tribal side, and that blood still runs hot around the world..since the dawn of man”.  I can’t agree more.

It is up to you what you want to believe or disbelieve,  but without acknowledgment of our inherent biases and each other’s real or imaginary pain and fear;  Syria as we know it may have been lost for good.        

March 3rd, 2012, 11:30 am


Uzair8 said:



With all due respect I shouldn’t even respond as you have clearly misread my comment.

Firstly I’m British. Where have I mentioned I was Pakistani. Not that it matters.

And where did I say that those nationalities and groups listed were not allowed to discuss syria? I couldn’t care less. They do their thing we do ours. My sole purpose was to point out their increase in activity and the danger of the revolutionary message getting overwhelmed and drowned out if we took the foot of the gas. Btw I should’ve listed disgruntled Gaddafi supporters too.

It seems my several posts a day are bothering you (yesterday I posted 3 if Im correct). Please just skip them.

The post regarding 600 soldiers and tanks, I expressed my skepticism at the time. I can’t find the post.

I understand your sentiments regarding what is happening in Syria. I have always understood that is for Syrians to decide on the course of action and it is not my place to encroach on this boundary.

As a matter of fact I have been cautious about militarisation and believed it would play into the hands of the regime and bring it’s military superiority into play.

Put aside the ‘calling to violence’ for a minute and see what is happening on the ground. The regime is indiscrimanately shelling towns and the pro regime on here are gloating. What do you have to say about that?

My message was for the pro revolution to not slack.

Have a nice day.

March 3rd, 2012, 11:35 am


majedkhaldoun said:

you said “I don’t support the violence of the regime”
Then why don’t you condemn the regime for the violence that you are against,
I like you ,and always, to be consistent and condemn the regime for the use of violence, not even once I read your comment do that.

As for the election with international observers,I and many in the opposition have been calling for that,but the regime refused the internatonal obsevers,and kicked out foreign press,and ran a referendum for a fake constitution which does not come close to a reform,I never read your comment condemning that.

Do you want to bet?there will be more demonstrations in Russia.

March 3rd, 2012, 11:57 am


mjabali said:

[Mjabali, Revlon is free to post tomorrow, SNK is free to post in five days. I ask you to help keep Syria Comment open and civil for everyone. Please avoid singling out a person’s citizenship, place of origin or national group to suggest this precludes participation in discussion – Syria Comment is a forum with international readers and commentators.

Uzair8‘s comments could be interpreted as attacking a nationality, but his remarks are in the context of a larger space than this blog. I will ask Uzair8 and all other active commentators to use their best judgement to avoid hateful and discriminatory language.

Everyone, please avoid personal attacks and insinuations. Address other commentators with a minimum of insult, veiled or open. Direct personal accusations, provocations and discriminatory language are not tolerated.

Moderators will make mistakes – I ask all again to address concerns, complaints and suggestions to [email protected].]


You said: “…..from Syria and Lebanon, Hezbollah workers, Iranians or Serbs have stepped up their activity recently. ”

So, a Pakistani like you thinks he has the right to discuss Syria and call for certain agendas, where these nationalities and groups are not allowed?

Could you please explain to me what gives you the right to speak about Syria and they are not allowed to?

So if you want to stop the Iranians the Serbs from discussing Syria at least give us something of value regarding Syria instead of your emotional outbursts and links to some senile Sheikhs…..?

If I have the time I would search for the post you posted claiming the death of around 600 Assad soldiers and the destruction of around 60 tanks and armored vehicles in al-Zabadani. (Actually you and mr. Revelon posted the same news about that imaginary battle)

PS: There is a number of non-Syrian hell raisers talking that crap about revolutions. Some think themselves Che Guevara/Khattab or something. My country Syria is in Hell now, where Syrians are killing each other and no one is able to do an iota about it. The last thing we Syrians need in this hard time is a person who is not from Syria and call for violence over there.

Uzair I advise you to NEVER try to silence anyone here. You can do that in your religious chat room where that is the norm.

Fight logic with logic if you can.

Free Syria No Kandahar
Free Revlon

March 3rd, 2012, 11:58 am


Mina said:

Sorry you don’t read what I wrote for a year.
You ask why I don’t condemn the regime: I wrote several time that these are mafias fighting each other, so speak of regimes rather of a regime. But I don’t believe that if Asad has taken a plane and left, the country would be in a better shape now. Some people in the governement have never ordered shooting, but they have no control on the local governors and on Maher. That does not mean that fleeing will help. Actually they are the only ones, from inside the “regime” (or one of the regimes) to know where the thread lead to, and to be able eventually to talk to all parties.
You ask why I don’t support the journalists? Because one year ago, so-called journalists were smuggling satellite phones as they had done in Egypt and Lybia. They also keep reporting on a daily basis the fake news from Barada TV, the unverified report, etc. Some people trust the UN and think that since the UN confirm, it must be true. I doubt. This is not to say that some people did not protest genuinely and pacifically, in some places, but their revolutions were quickly hijacked by the GCC counter-revolution, and will keep being so until somehow the GCC is neutralized. This may happen as the lies and hysteria they propagate get to the mainstream news, some day. As for Iran, it will follow the move when other places such as the Gulf and Israel won’t have religious regimes or religion-based dictatorships. Everybody knows the Iranian regime is backward, and primarily the Iranians who would happily get rid of it, but this cannot happen in such an environment of takfir.

March 3rd, 2012, 12:16 pm


jna said:

“This is rather explosive. You know how low Aljazeera has sunk when Syrian regime TV stations have a field day with the shoddy journalism and fabrication procedures of Aljazeera. It seems that people inside Aljazeera have leaked raw footage and pre-air reports to someone in Syrian regime TV. I am not surprised of the leak at all: I am in contact from people inside Aljazeera who are disgusted by the propaganda work of the network in the last few months.” (…)
“The footage that are being shown show staging of events of calling a civilian an “officer” in the Syrian army, of faking injuries and feeding statements to people before airtime, etc. Aljazeera seems to be writing its own professional obituary.”(…)

read it all …

March 3rd, 2012, 12:36 pm


Badr said:

Power cuts and price rises as conflict bites in Syria

By James Harkin

A full 60% of Syrians are under 25 years old. They want a better life, of the kind that they see on Facebook and on cable TV.

And now they are taking increasing risks to speak out against the regime. And not even a bumper crop or the promise of their own mini-generator is going to buy them off.

March 3rd, 2012, 12:40 pm


bronco said:

#346 Badr

Maybe prices have risen but I heard that the monthly charges for Internet in Syria has been cut down by more 25% as per an announcement 3 days ago.
Does anyone see a reason why the Syrian government is doing that?

March 3rd, 2012, 1:07 pm


Son of Damascus said:


Asa’ad Abu Khalil is funny, in his latest piece he is screaming propaganda by the opposition based on propaganda shown by the regime.

Wow, someone give that man a Peabody award for his groundbreaking analysis, can’t wait for him to explain the Israeli currency that was shown on Syrian TV (that turned out to be Filipino currency)

I guess using his logic we can add the Philippines to the list of countries that is conspiring against Syria, they have already infiltrated in large numbers pretending to be nannies taking care of the elites children, it is only a matter of time before they strike.

March 3rd, 2012, 1:13 pm


mjabali said:


Read what I wrote again. Again you did not understand what I write in plain language.

I said what gives Uzair the right to silence the Serbians and the Iranians while he is allowed to put in two cents into the debate about Syria.

I do no care if you are from the moon if you call for peace in Syria, but if you are not Syrian you should be careful not to incite or glorify violence in Syria as some non-Syrians are doing here at this post. Hell raisers do not go well with me at this time especially with what is going on in Syria.

March 3rd, 2012, 1:14 pm


Son of Damascus said:

Maysaloon newest post:


Sharmine Narwani – Hear No Evil, See No Evil

I’ve been meaning to write a proper rebuttal to Sharmine Narwani’s latest article on al Akhbar English. I’d previously critiqued an earlier piece she wrote, where she was accusing the so-called mainstream media of ignoring the fact that Syria’s revolution also included an armed element. The biggest problem with that piece was that the mainstream media had, as a matter of fact, been reporting about the armed elements of the uprising, and the creation of the Free Syrian Army, pretty much as soon as it began to occur. So Narwani had basically constructed a straw man to use for her argument.


March 3rd, 2012, 1:16 pm


zoo said:

Where did the armed militias in Bab Amr withdrew? In thin air?
No, they moved to the adjacent Al Jobar where there are plenty of civilians to protect.
Now the Syrian army is attacking Al Jobar

AMMAN (Reuters) – Armed forces loyal to President Bashar al-Assad bombarded the Jobar residential neighborhood of Homs on Saturday where thousands of civilians from an area overrun by the army had taken refuge, an opposition activist organization said.

March 3rd, 2012, 1:17 pm


bronco said:

Majedalkhadoon #342

“Do you want to bet?there will be more demonstrations in Russia.”

I hope there will be. There are authorized demonstrations in all democratic countries. That’s a healthy sign of democracy.
Yet, the result of the elections is what counts.
In democracy, the elected majority rules, the others are angry but must accept.

March 3rd, 2012, 1:26 pm


Uzair8 said:

After posting the previous comment I had to leave the room (computer) as a guest arrived. Sat at the tv and immediately regretted any harshness in response to MJABALI. It was unneccessary. I apologise. Was tired and hadn’t eaten while sitting at the computer for 4-5 hours.

Another thing. Maybe I will mention what my comments are based on or in response to (context) from now I read a comment elsewhere yesterday saying how Hassan Nassrallah had given instruction to his followers to fight Assad’s cause online. I cant remember where. I’m tearing my hair out trying to find it. I was sure it was on the ‘Walls’.

Finally I just caught the last few minutes of Al Jazeera’a Inside Syria on television and Prof Landis was one of 3 guests. Gonna watch it online later.

March 3rd, 2012, 1:27 pm


son of Damascus said:

Comment Édith Bouvier a survécu à l’enfer de Homs

Édith Bouvier et William Daniels, les deux derniers journalistes piégés neuf jours durant à Homs, dans le quartier de Baba Amr, ont enfin pu rejoindre la France vendredi. Retour sur une folle équipée.

Dans leur chambre de l’Hôtel-Dieu, le grand hôpital de Beyrouth, Édith Bouvier et William Daniels sont souriants, soulagés. Après plus de cinq jours d’une équipée semée d’embûches et de dangers, les deux journalistes sont arrivés jeudi soir à Beyrouth, quelques heures après avoir franchi la frontière libanaise. En attendant leur évacuation vers la France, ils racontent leur périple. Leur récit est digne d’un roman d’aventures. Il est aussi un hommage aux courageux insurgés de l’Armée syrienne libre, qui les ont soignés, protégés et transportés, souvent au péril de leur vie, sous les obus et à travers les lignes de l’armée gouvernementale qui assiégeait la ville.


March 3rd, 2012, 1:28 pm


zoo said:

Hamas is struggling to temper the effect of its declaration of support for the opposition. What would happen to the Palestinians that Syria has adopted rather than reluctantly hosted, like most other Arab countries?

Hamas ‘not taking sides in Syria crisis’
AFP – 1 hr 47 mins ago

A senior Hamas official in Gaza said on Saturday the Palestinian Islamist movement is not taking sides in the conflict between the regime and the insurgency in Syria.

“Our position on Syria is the same as on other Arab revolutions,” said Mahmud Zahar.

“We cannot take one side, with half a million Palestinians living in complete freedom in Syria having to (face the consequences) of this position.”

Late last month, the head of the Hamas government in Gaza, Ismail Haniya, offered his support to “the heroic Syrian people, who are striving for freedom, democracy and reform.”

“We advised the Syrian regime to solve its problems by giving more freedom to the Syrian people, in order to strengthen Syria so that it would be able to free the occupied Golan territory and support the resistance (against Israel),” Zahar said on the sidelines of a medical forum in Gaza.

“We do not seek to get involved in internal or regional Arab conflicts. Our fundamental struggle is directed against the Israeli occupation of Palestine,” he said.

News reports, systematically denied by Hamas, reported a de facto departure of its top leadership in exile from the Syrian capital, due to the brutal repression of dissent, involving the Muslim Brotherhood, which is ideologically close to the Palestinian Islamist movement.

March 3rd, 2012, 1:35 pm


Badr said:


With the power cuts, wouldn’t the number of internet service subscribers drop, if the rate is not lowered?

March 3rd, 2012, 1:38 pm


zoo said:

Freed of Gadhafi, Libya’s instability only deepens
By MAGGIE MICHAEL | Associated Press – 1 hr 47 mins ago

Signs of the government’s weakness are everywhere.

Tripoli remains under the control of various revolutionaries-turned-militiamen, who have resisted calls to integrate into a national army.

Medics in a clinic set up in the garage said they have treated dozens tortured in interrogations. One medic said he had seen nine prisoners whose genitalia had been cut off, and others given electric shocks. He spoke on condition of anonymity because he feared retaliation by the militiamen.

The violence highlights the weakness of the National Transitional Council, made up of representatives from around the country. The Council is overseeing the transition to democracy after Gadhafi’s fall, including the organizing of elections set for June. But besides having little ability to enforce decisions, it has been mired in its own divisions.

NTC chief Abdul-Jalil, a former reform-minded justice minister under Gadhafi, was largely welcomed as a clean and well-intentioned figure. But many criticize him for being a weak leader.

Mohammed Ali, a politician who works closely with Abdul-Jalil, described his style as that of a boxing referee. “He stands on the side watching to see who wins, then raises his hand to declare him victorious,” said Ali.

March 3rd, 2012, 1:39 pm


bronco said:

358. Badr

Power cuts in Damascus are now scheduled 3 hours a day, less than in Beirut.

March 3rd, 2012, 1:41 pm


irritated said:

@355. son of Damascus said:

“Comment Édith Bouvier a survécu à l’enfer de Homs”

Bouvier has earlier declared that her stay in Homs was the “most beautiful days of her life”

“Des membres des comités de coordination locale ont indiqué, mercredi soir, dans un message, que la journaliste “refuse de quitter seule Baba Amro, sans les civils syriens blessés et demande à l’ambassadeur français de venir et de faire tout ce qui est en son pouvoir” et assure avoir vécu “les plus beaux jours de (sa) vie aux côtés des blessés syriens”.”

March 3rd, 2012, 1:43 pm


DAWOUD said:

Those who are still celebrating the “victory” of a murderous dictator (the son of a murderous dictator) over the besieged, terrorized, and determined people of Brave/Holy (yes, it’s now a holy city) HOMS should read the article below (it includes a video). Free Syria, Free Palestine!

“Dozens of defecting Syrian soldiers executed, activists say”
By the CNN Wire Staff
updated 12:11 PM EST, Sat March 3, 2012

March 3rd, 2012, 1:58 pm


Son of Damascus said:


In one article they are talking about her experience in witnessing the horrors of the regime and subsequent smuggling to Lebanon, while the other article talks about her experience with the wounded Syrians.

That is more indicative of our Syrian hospitality even in the worst circumstances, than her contradicting herself, no?

March 3rd, 2012, 2:00 pm


jad said:

?????? ?????? ?? ???????? ???? 3-3-2012

March 3rd, 2012, 2:03 pm


DAWOUD said:

MD: Murderous Dictator (Bashar & Hafez)
SOMD: Son of Murderous Dictator! (Bashar)

March 3rd, 2012, 2:11 pm


Dawoud said:


MD is NOT a physician, it is a “Muderous Dictator”

MD Bashar al-Assad!

March 3rd, 2012, 2:15 pm


Jad said:

It seems the story of the CNN is the other way around.
The criminal terrorists of fsa killed 100 Syrian soldiers,

???? ???? “???????” ???? ?? ???? ????? ?????? ???? ???? ?????? ?????? ?? “????? ?????? ???? ???? ?? ??? ???? ?? 100 ?? ????? ?????? ???? ????”? ????? ??? ??? “?????? ??? ???????? ??????? ????? ?????”.

March 3rd, 2012, 2:18 pm


Son of Damascus said:


Don’t you find it odd that it is safe enough for Dunnia/Syrian TV/Al Manar to enter Bab Amr but not safe enough for the Red Cross?

March 3rd, 2012, 2:20 pm


ann said:

Turkey supports arming Syrian opposition group – 2012-03-03

ISTANBUL, March 3 (Xinhua) — Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu on Saturday voiced his country’s support to arming the Syrian major opposition group in an effort to topple Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

On Friday, Davutoglu met with a group of Syrian opposition figures headed by SNC chief Burhan Ghalioun, a day after Ghalioun said in Paris that the council would probably inaugurate a military representation in Turkey to provide the Syrian opposition with weapons.


March 3rd, 2012, 2:30 pm


ann said:

Syrian opposition to open military representation in Turkey – 2012-03-02

ISTANBUL, March 1 (Xinhua) — Syria’s major opposition group declared Thursday that it will probably inaugurate a military representation in Turkey, Turkey’s semi-official Anatolia news agency reported.

Burhan Ghalioun, head of the Syrian National Council (SNC), said at a press conference in Paris that the council would launch efforts to provide the opponents in Syria with weapons.

Anatolia quoted Ghalioun as saying that some countries are willing to extend arms assistance to the SNC and the military representation would deal with the distribution of those weapons.

The council would first try to list its needs and then to find out how it could provide them, Ghalioun said.


March 3rd, 2012, 2:37 pm


ann said:

West tries to repeat Benghazi scenario in Syria’ – Sat Mar 3, 2012

Press TV: Let me ask you about the US and the Arab stance. Also you have states like Saudi Arabia for instance, questioning this referendum that we know that the Saudi Arabia is not a democratic state. Now are they in place to really authenticate such a referendum while we know that they approved a single candidate inside Yemen for example?

Crooke: No, clearly not and the last speaker is right. This is a matter ultimately for the Syrian people. It is not a matter for Saudi Arabia or for Qatar or the United States or the West. This is an internal matter that must be agreed between the Syrian people.

But I think you also questioned was the referendum important? And I think that it is extremely important because it has to be put in the context of two issues.

First of all, the referendum gained its importance particularly because of the Russian and Chinese veto over the proposals at the Security Council. Until then, effectively the West and its Arab allies were encouraging all of the opposition to say that there can be no negotiations until President Assad has been deposed or asking him effectively to depose himself in order to negotiate.

The veto has allowed the beginning of political process to take place. It has allowed people; if you like it has put into shape a constitution, many of the details remain to be framed out, but now simply that we have removed that block that only by the removal of Assad can negotiations take place, I think it invites many of the opposition people to participate in the political process.

Press TV: We still have violence in many of the areas inside Syria and how can that be dealt with? It is not mere political.

Crooke: Of course, I mean there are various elements to it and of course there is a real opposition. There are oppositions of various types in Syria but there is also an armed insurrection which is both financed and externally supported from outside path and the aims of this and we must recall that the aims of this have been clearly stated by Saudi Arabia and others are not simply about changing a regime or changing a government in Syria. It is about Iran, weakening Iran by deposing the government in Syria.


March 3rd, 2012, 2:44 pm


zoo said:

How I understand the Syrian revolution
March 1, 2012 Malik Al-Abdeh

My reading is that the Syrian revolution is the revolution of the rural Sunni working classes against the Alawite-dominated military elite and the urban bourgeoisie (both Muslim and Christian) that has profited from the Assad dictatorship.

I make the case that the Syrian opposition, itself an elite group, albeit political/intellectual, is almost as fearful of the revolution as the regime itself because of the wide-sweeping social change that will follow a collapse of the status quo. That is why its role in the revolution is more mediator than leader.

Genuine democracy in Syria will usher in a new elite that will give political expression to disenfranchised sections of society, who in turn, will transform the nature and identity of the Syrian state. This is why regime loyalists (and some within the Syrian opposition intelligentsia) find the revolution to be so dangerous.

The collapse of the regime may not come soon because the social groups that represent the backbone of Assad’s Syria are still cohesive and believe in the Assad regime’s ability to survive. It is not so much belief in Bashar Al-Assad as blind faith in the system.

However, if Assad falls, it will be as a result of regional and international consensus on the need to remove him from power. That consensus has not yet been reached, and it may never be reached.

Keeping the system or ditching it is a separate question all together. Assad’s Syria without Assad is a scenario currently being floated by the political opposition and the west.

March 3rd, 2012, 2:51 pm


Uzair8 said:

Found the comment I mentioned in previous post (#354) which inspired my list that a fellow user objected to. It took an hour and a half to find and was under my nose all along here on SC. [‘Hasan’ was spelt with one ‘s’ which caused the confusion].

Also in response to the request of the moderator I agree we should all be careful while posting. I shall try my utmost.

March 3rd, 2012, 2:52 pm


annie said:

Please support the Global March for Syria in your communities March 15, 16, and 17, and share the following video in support of the march:

March 3rd, 2012, 2:59 pm


Jad said:

One more report from BA
???? ????? – ?? ???? ???? ???

Son of Damascus,
I read that almost all the buildings in BA are stuffed with explosives which making the process of going in very dangerous, the Syrian Army is doing its best to secure the area.

March 3rd, 2012, 3:06 pm


Tara said:

This is the account of the photographer who was with Anthony Shadid at the time of his death

… .
There have been many reports of jihadis or other foreign fighters flowing into Syria, as if it were the next Afghanistan or Iraq. That is the story the Assad government has used as a justification for cracking down so violently. We saw no evidence of that in Idlib — only Syrians.
… .

A call went out to stop firing. The fighters said they received a message that a soldier from one of the tanks wanted to defect and join them. There had been stories of similar brazen, risky defections in the past, so the request was not out of the question. One fighter told Anthony that a tank had pointedly turned its gun away from the attack, and in a show of support, a soldier raised his hand from the turret to display the “victory” sign. More fighting interrupted the hope for spontaneous recruits, and three civilians were wounded when a bomb hit a house farther in town.
Anthony not only loved his coffee, he also needed it.
… .
What did we learn? The Free Syrian Army is much more organized than the rebel fighters in Libya. Because of the growing number of defectors, there’s a stock of able, trained soldiers and officers mounting in Syria. As the attack on the tanks showed, they don’t yet have the weapons to put up a realistic fight.
… .
Just a few hours before he died, some activists asked to videotape an interview with him. Those are now the last images of him. In Arabic, he cheerfully commented on how busy the activists against the Assad government were in all walks of life — public services, media and, of course, security.

“Do you expect the regime will fall?” the interviewer asked him.

“I think it will,” he said. “But I think it will take a long time.”


March 3rd, 2012, 3:28 pm


Uzair8 said:

I wasn’t gonna comment further on the issue of pro-regime spammers elsewhere but I came across an interesting related comment while searching for something else.

I wasn’t calling for silencing of pro-regime and the example I gave was of spammers/impersonators invading AJE syria blog.

Here is a user comment on The Guardian ‘Middle East Live’ blog from 15h February:

Syrian government spammers have stepped up their high volume spam attack on the Al Jazeera English Syria Live Blog and other AJE Syria related blogs.

Last night they were using more than 130 user ids, and had found a way of generating up to 100 likes per second. Just for one post I counted 11 likes in 5 seconds. The users made perhaps 100-150 posts each – so roughly 15,000 in less than 12 hours – enough to make a blog completely unusable.

There have been claims that the attack is coming from KGB headquarters of Belarus, though currently I do not know how this claim was arrived at and whether it is true

The effects of the attack can be seen on

if you go to the ‘best’ section where some of the spam posts have over 130 likes. If you load more comments you will see that the message texts are repeated over and over again. One change from previous attacks with around 25 users is that each user has posted perhaps on average only around a couple of hundred of messages over night rather than several thousand as before – this may be to by-pass automated spam checks based on posting frequency – or perhaps they were too busy clicking the like buttons.

However these attacks were generated, whether by bots or a large number of people working together, it is clear that the Syrian regime is making a concerted attempt to suppress pro-opposition comment and information on the AJE Syria Live blog.

It appears AJE moderation does manage to temporarilly suppress the attacks. The self-proclaimed organiser has complained on occasion of blocked ip-addresses, but the attacks invariably resume within a few hours.

March 3rd, 2012, 3:34 pm


Jad said:

Funny how the same media that reported about the foreign fighters fighting in Syria with the fsa now denying it, even Anthony wrote about them.
So now for political reasons, usual for NYT, they are changing the story, so which story should we believe now? The first or the last and if they did lie in the first what stops them from lying in the last, how can we believe anything they write anymore…
The amount of lies spread in the mainstream media in the last couple days are incredible, I guess when liars get caught they lie even more.

March 3rd, 2012, 3:43 pm


Son of Damascus said:


“I read that almost all the buildings in BA are stuffed with explosives which making the process of going in very dangerous, the Syrian Army is doing its best to secure the area”

But yet it is safe enough for 4 different networks to run around with their cameras interviewing people, but not safe enough for the Red Cross to enter and provide humanitarian aid to the people that have endured this insufferable attack?!

March 3rd, 2012, 3:54 pm


Tara said:


Brilliant question! Propagandists are incapable of answering it. Let’s ask someone else ..any taker?

March 3rd, 2012, 4:13 pm


Jad said:

Son of Damascus
You didn’t complain when all the reporters from allover the world smuggled in, and you were asking for Syrians to show you whats inside BA, now you are unhappy that the Syrian TV gets in?
Beside, if you are so excited to help why don’t you go there and tell us what you find there.

News for you 🙂

March 3rd, 2012, 4:14 pm


jna said:

“Syria’s desperate rebels flee new northern offensive by Assad’s army

Far from bowing to international pressure over the brutal siege of Homs, Syrian strongman Bashar al-Assad is extending his military clampdown across the country.”

March 3rd, 2012, 4:14 pm


Son of Damascus said:

I am not complaining that Syrian TV is in Bab Amr, I am complaining that WHILE Syrian TV is allowed the Red Cross is NOT allowed in.

What is it more important for the government to get their story out, but not important enough to help the people?

Please Jad I was being civil with you, no need to lash out at me. I am just trying to decipher to the best of my ability what is happening in our country, we both know that there is a major fog of war. Just as you are doing the same.

I welcome any remarks you might have towards what I post, if you felt I was attacking you my apologies, I was merely pointing out something that I find highly suspect.

March 3rd, 2012, 4:36 pm


Ghufran said:

The claim that a number of houses and hideouts in BA are filled with explosives does not explain the delay in delivering supplies to families in need,the government must make this claim public and give the RC and the IRC the option to establish stations in secured areas to help those who need help. Alzahraa was attacked today by armed rebels and so was the village of Qumairah. The developments in BA simply mean that the battle will move to other areas,most notably Idleb.

March 3rd, 2012, 4:39 pm


Jad said:

Dear Son of Damascus
I know that you are not attacking me, and I too apologize if my reply to you was rude, but you can see what’s happening here now and how your question has been used as a personal attack by Tara.
I’m with you that the red cross must get in, I was trying to give you an idea of what’s going on there.

March 3rd, 2012, 4:43 pm


Son of Damascus said:


Attacks are coming from both sides, only last night my allegiances were questioned because I happen to disagree with Bashar, and not to mention the countless attacks on peoples faiths that has riddled this blog. I agree with the moderator (although I have fallen short of this rule previously) that we should attack the argument, and not the person, better results that way without all the mud slinging.

On a side note I would like your feedback and perhaps help if you are willing in something I posted at 7ee6an, please take the time to read it and tell me what you think.

March 3rd, 2012, 5:04 pm


Syrialover said:

Bribes and ransoms demanded by mukharabet and justice officials from families for their young adult children and husbands to be safe is now exploding state sector business everywhere in Syria.

Big money is demanded for people to be freed from imprisonment or avoid being rounded up on lies and invented charges. Also for avoiding rounding up for army reserves.

These everyday extortions bring financial and emotional destruction for ordinary Syrian families, and even worse hell for those who cannot find the money.

Nothing new – it’s an extension of practices in the normal Syrian legal system. And was always part of mukharabet job description. But it now explodes as the mukharabet love to demand more money as prices rise and also to take advantage now.

Believe me, it is also devastating stress for people outside who struggle to get money to their Syrian families and friends to help feed this Assadist monster. I write from personal knowledge.

March 3rd, 2012, 5:05 pm


DAWOUD said:

371. ANN

I am sure that Press TV (Iran’s English language propaganda outlet) is highly accessible from al-Manar TV basement, where the “victory” party celebrating Homs’ war crimes is still rocking!

March 3rd, 2012, 5:25 pm


Uzair8 said:

@379 JAD

Why you trying to wrongly get me in trouble on the very day one of my SC comments made it as the main post on a syria related blog? 🙂 😎

I found it quite accidentally while searching on google for an older SC comment of mine.

Anyway back to your post. My comment (link) was very much related to my earlier comment and it isn’t 3 months old but from a couple of weeks ago describing an ongoing spamming campaign which is still continuing today. I visited an hour ago on AJE and saw a spammer troll at work (with an eastern european name).

Btw I don’t regard yourself or Ann etc as spammers. That isn’t the ‘spamming’ I was referring to. It wouldn’t be tolerated on here.

I wasn’t gonna post again today but I feared your objections may fool the moderator.

March 3rd, 2012, 5:27 pm


Ghufran said:

I agree with syrialover,kidnapping then asking for ransom is a lucrative business in Syria,and it is not just shabeehas and armed rebels who are doing it,security forces thugs arrest people right and left and then require bribes to free the hostages,the price is ranging from $ 2,000-10,000. A report,unconfirmed,claimed that even high profile criminals are being released for something like $20,000.
If you think that the huge influx of weapons was only possible because of anti regime elements,think again.some Security officers are getting rich by joining the thugs smuggling business,Syria may never be a safe place again.

March 3rd, 2012, 5:32 pm


DAWOUD said:

Funny that Iran’s Mullah and Bashar MD (Murderous Dictator) had elections in the same week!
MD’s elections were preposterously outrageous/fraudulent!
Symbols of democracy in MD’s Syria and Ayatlloah’s Iran:-)

Free Syria! Free Iran! Free Palestine!

March 3rd, 2012, 5:40 pm


Tara said:

Turkey’s Davuto?lu decries ‘crimes against humanity’ by Syrian regime
ISTANBUL – The Associated Press

Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davuto?lu said the Syrian regime committed crimes against humanity “on a daily basis,” and the UN had to take measures to stop it, which could include a possible arms delivery to the opposition.

Davuto?lu spoke today at a joint news conference with his Italian counterpart, Giulio Terzi. Both ministers criticized Syria for blocking a Red Cross convoy from delivering badly needed aid to a rebellious neighborhood in the central city of Homs.

“The incidents in Syria has turned into army regulars massacring their own people,” Davuto?lu said. “The regime used live rounds only against protesters previously, now they are shelling civilian neighborhoods indiscriminately with artillery rounds. That is not acceptable even in case of war,” he said.

Davuto?lu said not accepting UN observers into the country and blocking humanitarian aid constituted as other crimes committed by the regime. “That is why the firmest message should be given to the Syrian regime,” Davuto?lu said. 

That message could involve arming the Syrian opposition, Davuto?lu said as reported by daily Hürriyet.

Turkey says a lack of international consensus over Syria is emboldening the government there to proceed with a crackdown that has killed thousands of people. 

Foreign Minister Ahmet Davuto?lu says the scale of the killing matches the bloodshed in the Balkans wars of the 1990s.

March 3rd, 2012, 5:51 pm


Jad said:

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March 3rd, 2012, 5:54 pm


Tara said:

Trapped in a long three kilometer dark tunnel, One of the rebel placed his Kalashinkov on Mrs. bouvier.  He put his hand on her head and said a prayer.  It sounds like a Fairy tale to me.  I would’ve cried watching this in a movie.
Turkey steps up rhetoric on Syrian ‘massacre’, Saturday 3 March 2012 17.09 EST

Turkey has called the violence in Syria “a crime against humanity” on the scale of the 1990s bloodshed in the Balkans, as a Red Cross convoy was once again barred from entering the Homs suburb of Baba Amr.

The comment by Turkish foreign minister Ahmet Davutoglu follows similar remarks from the EU on Friday, which called for the documentation of war crimes in Syria.

“No government, no authority, under no circumstances, can endorse such a total massacre of its own people,” Davutoglu said. “The international community must speak louder. The lack of international consensus is giving Syria the courage to continue.”

… .
Meanwhile, the wounded French journalist Edith Bouvier described for the first time how she feared her attempt to escape from Homs had ended inside a dark, three-kilometre tunnel that rebels were using to supply the besieged district of Baba Amr when the Syrian army bombarded its exit.

Bouvier was abandoned, taped to a stretcher with a broken leg, as rebels and dozens of wounded headed back to the neighbourhood. “One of them placed his Kalashnikov on me. He put his hand on my head and said a prayer. It wasn’t very reassuring. Then he left,” Bouvier told Le Figaro newspaper, for which she was working in Syria. “I didn’t know what was going to happen. Was the exit blocked? Were Syrian soldiers going to enter? I wanted to run away, before remembering that I was taped to a stretcher.” Bouvier and French photographer William Daniels, who stayed with her, were finally rescued by a rebel who drove down the tunnel on a motorbike.


March 3rd, 2012, 6:08 pm



Journalist Paul Conroy testimony about Homs: It´s a slaughterhouse

March 3rd, 2012, 6:08 pm


son of Damascus said:

Life in Homs is ‘checkpoint hell’

The Syrian authorities have committed clear and widespread crimes against the country’s civilian population, the UN secretary general has said.

He spoke as the Red Cross waited to get access to a bombed-out district of Homs, Baba Amr.

Outside Baba Amr, a resident of Homs told the BBC how the conflict in Syria has changed his daily life.

Nadar, a student in his twenties, lives by a Syrian army checkpoint.


March 3rd, 2012, 6:28 pm



I think many people who follows up international developments and in special Middle East affairs considered that Hama events in 1982 should be considered a colateral and out of control effect of the bipolar world and the Cold War during one of its worse periods (1979-1983) that included Afganistan wars, Islamic Iran Revolution, Nuclear war danger, Lebanon israeli invasion, etc.

What we are watching today in Homs is an absolute tragedy that it is getting day after day the same dimension in terms of human lifes and material destruction that Hama got in 1982. And we can easily imagine that it has only begun since now other areas of the city are beginning to get shelled. Like in Hama maybe half of the city will be found almost totally destroyed after the wild attack ends.

But this time the regime is being totally exposed in front of world opinion and global institutions and organizations. Assad is digging its own grave and time will show. Assad is trying to apply a 1980´s realpolitiks in 2012. Homs people is at this very same moment being beaten, killed, raped, and their propertied shelled and stolen. Assad will try to eliminate all insurgents not to have to face inside retaliations in the future. But this time those who managed to ¨understand¨ the accomplished facts of Hama will not forgive Homs massacres at all.

Syria is very sick, not due to oppositions and revolution movements, but due to a cancer that corrodes its system, politics, army and society from its very roots. The cancer CALLED ASSAD REGIME will be extirped or Syria will die.

March 3rd, 2012, 6:29 pm



The magnitude of the Homs tragedy (only place where journalists have been live reporting army assaults) is only equivalent to massacres in Grozny accordingto all international direct testimonies. But since there are no journalists in other places we can imagine what has been going on in Idlib, Rastan, Daraa, and surrounding areas.

Very interesting is the testimony of Jacques Beres, co-founder of Medicins Sans Frontieres, present near Homs for 12 days.

“Grozny is small and the town has a mixture of rural and urban areas. The houses in Homs are built in a similar way – there is no protection and, when they are hit, they collapse completely. Also, the ferocity of the attack and the repression are comparable.¨

March 3rd, 2012, 6:42 pm



King Assad II is simply showing he is not the type of leader a country need to improve its citizens lifes.

Hafez Al Assad in the 90´s could be seen as a needed personality to turn a sovietic decaying Syria into a modern and more politically open country without entering chaos. In fact Syria he left in 2000 was improving in comparison to Syria in 1990.

Hafez was supossed to delay some positive developements to let his son execute them and grant people respect and in this way grant stability for a period of change to open democracy. Nothing of this turned to be realistic.

Assad II tried to open politics for some months. When Damascus Spring movement began to flourish in 2001 the process was suddenly stopped. Later Afganistan and Irak invasions justified a block in opening process. And when Hariri – Khaddam – Kanaan axis tried to make Assad change sides to a more pro western pro democracy system (as the only realistic option) Hariri and Kanaan got killed.

In my opinion this was the final turning point. Assad eliminated all competitors and became the only possible interlocutor for Lebanon and Syria affairs. For a time foreign diplomats tried to turn Assad to the ¨right side¨ of the struggle. But from 2.010 Assad lies were exposed and the regime turned to be a total deception controlled by economic mafias, security services and dark powers in Iran and probably Russia.

March 3rd, 2012, 7:07 pm


Tara said:

44 defected soldiers were executed in Idlib by Criminal the Second. Alfatiha upon their souls.

March 3rd, 2012, 7:18 pm


son of Damascus said:

Bearing Witness in Syria: A War Reporter’s Last Days

Published: March 3, 2012

It was damp and cold as Anthony Shadid and I crossed in darkness over the barbed-wire fence that separated Turkey from Syria last month. We were also crossing from peace into war, into the bloodiest conflict of the Arab Spring, exploding just up the rocky and sparsely wooded mountain we had to climb once inside.


March 3rd, 2012, 7:20 pm


son of Damascus said:

March 3, 2012, 5:46 PM

Syrian Television’s Underwhelming Evidence of Foreign Backing for Rebels

As my colleagues Kareem Fahim and Hwaida Saad report, the Syrian government blocked an aid convoy from entering a devastated neighborhood in the city of Homs on Saturday, citing safety concerns, a day after granting access to a state television crew.

As it has since the start of the uprising, the state broadcaster presented the violence in Homs as the fault of foreign-backed militants. Reporting on Friday from Baba Amr, the neighborhood shelled for weeks on end by government forces, state television showed anguished residents blaming rebel fighters for their misery.


March 3rd, 2012, 7:26 pm


Son of Damascus said:

A brave Syrian blogger and citizen Journalist that was brave enough to use her real name was arrested today by the Moukhabarat.

Her name is Rafa Al Masri.

May I ask what did she do to deserve to be arrested, why is it even after King Bashar the Fashel promise for reforms and all the hoopla regarding the ‘new’ constitution is she being thrown in jail?

March 3rd, 2012, 7:31 pm


zoo said:

Two demonstrations in Beirut Sunday ( pro and con Syria’ government) worry the Lebanese authorities

Demonstration called by the Salafi preacher Ahmad Al Assir

Al-Assir: A New Guardian of “Sunni Interests” in Lebanon

BEIRUT: A controversial preacher urged followers to exercise maximum restraint when taking part in a rally in Beirut Sunday which he called for in solidarity with the Syrian people, as fears mount that the gathering could lead to clashes with pro-Syria groups in the capital.

In an interview with MTV Tuesday, Sheikh Ahmad Assir also called on the government to protect the demonstration from confrontation with any rival protests in Downtown Beirut.

Read more:

Counter demonstration by the Lebanese Baath Party

Lebanon’s Baath insists on pro-Assad regime protest in Beirut
March 3, 2012

“The Baath Party insists on holding a protest against what [Salafi Sheikh Ahmad] al-Assir, Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblatt, and the March 14 coalition represent,” Shukr told OTV.

He also said that his party will try to peacefully prevent the protest called for by Assir.

To read more:

March 3rd, 2012, 7:47 pm


zoo said:

Turkey supports arming Syrian opposition group
2012-03-03 22:49:44
ISTANBUL, March 3 (Xinhua) — Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu on Saturday voiced his country’s support to arming the Syrian major opposition group in an effort to topple Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

Davutoglu made the remarks at a press conference with his Italian counterpart Giulio Terzi after a working breakfast in Istanbul.

Davutoglu said that the international community’s message might be conveyed to the Syrian administration via certain methods including the arming of the Syrian National Council (SNC), an opposition umbrella.

March 3rd, 2012, 7:53 pm


Son of Damascus said:


This video below was remixed by a blogger, don’t you wish that she was really speaking about her city (as the remix suggests) and not Gaza as it was originally.

March 3rd, 2012, 7:55 pm


Tara said:

Son of Damascus

Members of her own family abhor what she has come to be. She has fallen from the grace to become Imelda Marcos of Syria. So much for a lady Di wanna be.

I am told by some to find her an excuse that she may be scared for her life..

March 3rd, 2012, 8:09 pm


Son of Damascus said:


Did you see the head of the Lebanese Baath party interview about the demonstration tomorrow?

March 3rd, 2012, 8:16 pm


Mawal95 said:

In less than 90 days from today Syria is going to have free and fair parliamentary elections (religious and tribal parties banned). Sergey Lavrov said on 2 Mar 2012: “The alternative to government elections in Syria, that are based on UN Charter and on international law, is a destructive civil war. It is not the Syrian regime that Russia supports but fairness and Syrians’ right to a peaceful, democratic choice of government.”!/MFA_Russia . Similary on 1 Mar 2012 Lavrov said “Russia supports not the regime but justice, sovereignty, the sovereign right of the people of Syria for the democratic choice of the government it wants to have, in full accordance with the principles of the UN charter.” . On 27 feb 2012 (the day after the referendum of 26 feb) the Russian Foreign Ministry issued the statement: “We recognize the referendum to be a proof of the people’s support of the reformation policy. The influence of those opposition groups which invoked to boycott the referendum the day before is obviously limited.” . On 2 Mar 2012 Russian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Alexander Lukashevich said “The more the opposition is influenced against a dialog, the more the innocent civilians will suffer in Syria.”!/MFA_Russia

The Russian foreign ministry is talking good sense.

PS: If you can speak Arabic you might like to hear a chinese foreign ministry spokesman speaking in fluent Arabic on Al-Jazeera TV explaining why China vetoed the recent UNSC resolution against Syria: .

March 3rd, 2012, 8:17 pm


Jerusalem said:

Son of Damascus,

Do you know if it’s Rafa’H’ with an H at the end?
If it’s RafaH Al-Masri, she is heavy blogger yes but has no diploma in journalism. Her father was a professor at the University of Damascus and roomers say that he was an MB (died of heart attack). I would think she’s arrested because of her brother. He is a smart man and affluent, he funds the opposition from France. Provided we are talking about the same person.
As for the video if Syrians are comparing their lives to besieged Gazans, then they haven’t seen anything yet.

March 3rd, 2012, 8:22 pm


Son of Damascus said:


I don’t want to get too into it, but I have heard first hand what not only her but other wives of the masouleen were saying about the events.

Suffice to say the argument was not about the actual issues at hand, but unfortunately what would be politically correct to wear, and how they have to change their entire wardrobe.

March 3rd, 2012, 8:25 pm


Jerusalem said:

Son of Damascus,

Do you know if it’s Rafa’H’ with an H at the end?
If it’s RafaH Al-Masri, she is heavy blogger yes but has no diploma in journalism. Her father was a professor at the University of Damascus and roomers say that he was an MB (died of heart attack). I would think she’s arrested because of her brother. He is a smart man and affluent, he funds the opposition from France. Provided we are talking about the same person.
As for the video if Syrians are comparing their lives to besieged Gazans, it’s very cheap. If Gazans have lasted that long then Syrian can easily survive as long and no need for foreign support because no one supported Gazans just to make it fair comparison, apple to apple.

P.s.: The official Syrian army was not parading with tanks in Homs prior to FSA (rebels) hiding among residents- that’s very heroic.

March 3rd, 2012, 8:47 pm


Hans said:

I am not happy that the moderator is mad at some of the commentators here!!! s/he accuses them of inciting violence,hatter and sectarianism
although, some of us because of the love we have for Syria we get emotional and we are angry against the lies,fabrication, propaganda by the ones sold their soles to the devil.
I think the Syrians who love Syria should sue individuals like Hillary Clinton, GCC princes and kings, for inciting violence killing and destruction of Syrian property.
it wonder if a group of us have a petition or a law suit we can find a Jewish lawyer/s who know how to have something like this going.
it would be interesting how many people the list can have including people like Pan Qi moon as been paid by the americans.
Today situation remind me of the time when GWB and his people were fabricating stories, lies about Iraq in preparation to invade Iraq all the media lies fabrication and the one of the country who objected to the invasion was Syria and now it is paying the price for its standing against the American.
it has been a sore in the nose of the Americans and will continue to be.
the Radicals who are helping the Americans to destroy Syria are and will pay the heavily price.

March 3rd, 2012, 8:48 pm


Hans said:

Yay I am back Obama, get ready for the show down dude, Syria, Africa, Latin america, pick up your rink dude!!!.

March 3rd, 2012, 8:57 pm


Son of Damascus said:


She spells it without an H, here is her blog (don’t know if you read Arabic)

As for the video I would not call the suffering Homsis endured cheap, but I do agree that comparing it to Gaza would be incorrect and unfair, because in Gaza they were being attacked by the israelis while in Syria Syrians are being attacked by their fellow countrymen.

“The official Syrian army was not parading with tanks in Homs prior to FSA (rebels) hiding among residents- that’s very heroic.”

Niether were the Israelis before they invaded Gaza, by the way did you hear about the PLO officer murdered by the Syrian regime in the Yarmouk camp?

March 3rd, 2012, 9:09 pm


son of Damascus said:


How about the Russian and Iranian companies/governments that are supplying the tools to murder Syrians should they be sued?

March 3rd, 2012, 9:17 pm


Equus said:

Does anyone write comments on Aljazeerah Syria live blog? I have been banned for over 3 months with hostile attacks by a blogger called: Balkis I think it’s a he blogging from Germany. I used all my IP addresses possible from home until I ran out. Today out of curiosity I did try to post and my comment was taken and not deleted after refreshing.
It’s a step in the right direction to accept all comments like on SC ;). But I’m curious why they allowed me…?

March 3rd, 2012, 9:24 pm


Tara said:

Son of Damascus

You are very intelligent and pretty articulate. Thank you for your soothing contributions.


A friend of mine, a CEO of a non-for profit company, an Iranian-American, who just returned from a 2 weeks trip in Tehran told me that ordinary Iranians are with the Syrian people in their struggle against Besho al Assad. He also added, unsolicitedly, that they don\’t want their fellow Iranians from the IRGs back. This is the same guy who always texted me after12:00 AM express solidarity. I would like to hear a similar opinion from someone else to corroborate his account.

March 3rd, 2012, 9:27 pm


Son of Damascus said:

An interesting piece about the Media tug o war.

On Syria’s Media Narrative(s): A Rant

This week’s Listening Post–the Al Jazeera program that includes clips from citizens all over the world with varying views–discusses “Syria’s media tug of war.” I haven’t listened yet (I’m at a conference) but the subject is pertinent and timely.

Today, there are two stories making the rounds that illustrate this “tug of war” perfectly. The first is a New York Times blog post that demonstrates the Syrian state news agency’s (SANA) falsification of evidence in its argument that rebels are funded by foreign agents. Another, on CNN and elsewhere, reports a tragedy: More than 40 Syrian soldiers allegedly executed by the regime. In this case, the story may very well be true…but the only source is unnamed “activists.”


March 3rd, 2012, 9:29 pm


Son of Damascus said:


Iranians are suffering under their own despotic rule, if anything this upheaval has taught us is that governments in our region don’t have the pulse of their people in mind, they just have the pulse of their wallets and fat a**es in mind.

I personally think we owe a debt of gratitude to the brave Iranians that have helped us in our struggles, for not only did we learn from their mistakes with their own revolution we also learned some of the tactics their regime used against their own people and how to avoid them. We also learned about the power of TOR, Twitter, and Facebook, and most importantly we learned about citizen journalists in the absence of a free press.

Many people in Iran are sitting by watching, and praying that we succeed don’t let what their government is doing and saying fool you.

I appreciate your kind words, thank you.

March 3rd, 2012, 9:42 pm


Syrialover said:

# 395. Ghufran

I can confirm $1,500 to get a 24 year old man out from detention, and $300 dollars to avoid a married man being collected for military reserves (but will have to be paid maybe again). This was a few months ago in Damascus and now the prices must be even higher.

Extortion by the Mukhabarat would now be a routine danger for every family with a child at university or man in military reserves. It is part of official tactics to control and silence the people, putting over their heads both a physical and financial threat.

Even families that have good relations in regime circles cannot be feeling safe from this now.

You say Syria may never be a safe place again. It never really was, only on the surface. Now the lid is taken off exposing to everyone the full workings of the security systems, and fear of them is trickling and in some cases flooding into every family, every apartment building, every part of Syria.

Despite the regime’s raging propaganda about foreign plots and invaders, Syrians now know in their hearts they cannot trust their government to protect them, and even worse, that they have no protection from their government if its agents attack and extort from them.

March 3rd, 2012, 9:43 pm


Tara said:

Must see video in this link.  Notice the armed-less “armed gangs”….

Now if this is not an evidence of incrimination of Bashar and his occupying army in killing civilians, what is?

March 3rd, 2012, 9:48 pm


Atheist Syrian Salafist Against Dictatorships said:

“The BBC’s Jim Muir, in neighbouring Lebanon, says the reason being given by the Syrian authorities (for not allowing the ICRC from entering BabaAmr for a second day) is that there are mines and potential booby traps in Baba Amr that need to be cleared first.”

It is more likely that the Assadist Army is actually planting mines in streets and booby-trapping buildings, exactly as they have done in Hama in 82.

March 3rd, 2012, 9:51 pm


Syrialover said:

# 421. Hans

What a funny little fantasy. You would have to be sure those interested in joining your lawsuit were Syrians with big bank accounts and no interest in ever living, working or doing business in the west or Gulf states. Happy recruiting!

March 3rd, 2012, 9:54 pm


Mick said:

#430 Tara

That video is funny. A small explosion in front of the building killed some people on the opposite side? And all the people betwixt them were unharmed? You have to be kidding me. I’ve set off firecrackers with more power than that explosion (which, as usual, the cameraman just happened to be pointing at…not the people).

As someone that has endured actual shelling, that video is crap.

March 3rd, 2012, 9:59 pm


Hans said:

What ever legit demands the Syrian people had with the regime all became irrelevant given the foreign superpowers involvement on the ground, all the foreign mercenaries, spies, journalists covered intelligence individuals working inside Syria.

Add to that Traitors, Liars, Arabs radicals, all these elements deprived the Syria revolution from its legitimacy.

Syrians were the victims in the past and in the present and will be in the future. The answer to Syria problem in only in a cohesive unity where all are equals under the Law.

and not the Islamic radical Law but a civil law which treats people as equal citizen regardless of the religion or ethnicity, which will never happen in Syria or any other Arabic country given people still living in the middle ages mentality.

The barbaric acts in Syria by the hands of the radicals, foreigners to suit the purpose of the west, GCC and their followers made the Syrians more worry about their future with such people than with the current situation with the regime.

The Danny Abdel Dyamm stories which is full of fabrication and his masters in Israel and America made him a worthless stunt in the USA and probably more people want to kill him in Syria given his connection to the CIA.

As Josh posted previously, Dir Mar Moussa, was attacked by Barbaric people from the revolution, destroyed and took what they could take, typical stories we hear all over decades of barbaric behavior, destruction is only character of barbaric people, even animal try to build and conserve instead of turning places into ruins.

Assad is blamed for attacking Homs but the western media ignoring that Radicals are more brutal than Assad, history have always proven it.

Argumentatively, one radical attack killed 3000 people in the USA faster than any attack Assad done, which in turn caused the killing of hundreds of thousands of Arabs and afghans killed for that one. The Arabs will continue to be backward as long as they follow the wahabi, radicals, stone age mentality where Imams teaching people about life, I recommend to the GCC to give every Arab an I PAD and that will spread more democracy than supplying terrorists to Syria.

March 3rd, 2012, 10:01 pm


Jerusalem said:

PLO officer murdered by the Syrian regime in the Yarmouk camp.

Yes I’ve heard and I have no way to tell if he was good or bad.
Many of Kataeb Al-Farouk are Palestinians armed by Hamas it’s not a hidden fact and I don’t necessarily support them. If they are so brave they should help their own and not interfere in another country’s business. This how civil war ignites many mix sauces and can’t keep count who did what..

March 3rd, 2012, 10:14 pm


Son of Damascus said:


While I sympathize with the fact that you have endured shelling, would you care to explain to this mother who’s child died in that attack yesterday that this is crap?


I have not slept since I heard that mother cry, and I refrained from posting it because of that fact, but to read that her son death is crap for you …

March 3rd, 2012, 10:18 pm


Observer said:

Every decision made was a mistake
1. Allowing family members to have fiefdoms was a mistake
2. Allowing the cousin to have a business monopoly in Somaria was a mistake
3. Letting his thugs run wild in Lebanon was a mistake
4. Not responding to the bombing of the reactor by Israel was a mistake
5. Neglecting the base of power and gutting the Baath party was a mistake
6. Allow his cousin to torture children in Deraa was a mistake
7. Imposing tarifs on Turkish goods was a mistake
8. Using violence from the start was a mistake
9. Threatening the country with a choice between chaos and stability under “my rule” was mistake for he got chaos and no stability
10. Threatening the country with a choice between civil war or “mafia rule” is a mistake as the genie is out
11. Counting on Russia to bail him out no matter how incompetent was a mistake on both sides.

Now, China is asking for immediate cessation of hostilities and is still giving the regime a cover by refusing to allow interference even for humanitarian reasons lest the same happens in Tibet. Yet they cannot continue to tolerate such stupid inept brutality

Russia suspended today all contracts with Syria for the sake of the safety of Russian workers in the country.

Putin tomorrow will ditch Fredo for he used him to win elections and to look tough now he will come hard on him to regain world legitimacy.

A few more arms in the hands of the FSA and of such quality will put an end to Fredo referee flag and his delusional worshipers especially on this blog.

Germs and Rats keep coming


March 3rd, 2012, 10:28 pm


Mick said:


Well, to start with, the CNN article says it was in Hims. The video you post is in Ar Rastan.

People are dying on both sides. And it should stop. But when people try to convince me of the ‘peaceful’ nature of the opposition and the ‘ruthless’ nature of the regime, I lose interest fast.

People of sides have lost dearly in the last year. When the UN actually says that ALL sides have to stop…or the AL says that all sides have to stop…I’ll believe they actually care about stopping the war.

Until then, all they are doing is blatantly obvious. Arming the opposition while attacking the regime with the sole purpose of regime change.

I don’t know about you, but as much as I hated Bush, anyone from another country that stuck their nose into our internal politics was an even worse enemy.

March 3rd, 2012, 10:35 pm


Son of Damascus said:


“Dir Mar Moussa, was attacked by Barbaric people from the revolution”

Do you have a link or evidence to corroborate that statement, from what I read from the previous post by Dr. Landis is:

“Naturally, the question arises about the identity of the armed group. Impossible at present to give a definite answer. What seems certain is that it is men accustomed to the use of arms in order to satisfy their material interests. Also remains unclear why they were looking for weapons in a monastery known for years for his choice and his advocacy of nonviolence.”

Whomever the perpetrators are they should be brought to justice, attacking a sacred place of worship is despicable and horrendous. I would also add to that list the perpetrators that have attacked numerous mosques all over Syria, and the Church that was hit in Homs.

There is no right or wrong religion, just whats right for you.

March 3rd, 2012, 10:35 pm


Son of Damascus said:


Rastan is in Homs.

Its funny how some people seem to leave out the whole disproportionate use of force by the regime when they argue “both side are guilty”.

I also believe in the UN, and was thoroughly saddened that Russia and China vetoed a resolution that might have helped bring an end to this bloodshed.

The fact remains the people want a legitimate governance, that actually represent them and not the house of Assad, and for that they have been murdered, tortured, and jailed.

March 3rd, 2012, 10:43 pm


mjabali said:

[Edited – Mjabali, a word in the post below was caught by the spam filter; I have reposted your comment with the timecode updated.

Everyone may express themselves here, bearing in mind rules Joshua Landis set down for all of us to observe. Please do not unduly personalize place of residence or citizenship. Syria Comment is expressly open to its international readership. Thank you for helping maintain a civil space for dialogue and discussion.]

Mr. Uzair:

You said :

“The regime is indiscrimanately shelling towns and the pro regime on here are gloating. What do you have to say about that?”

First of all there is a war in Syria. There are fighters in the thousands on each side so let us not forget this fact.

Shelling now is more from al-Assad side because they have more weapons, but that does not mean that his enemies did not shell too and not hiding between civilians while doing this.
Here is a link just for you showing a tank with the anti Assad people:

According to your logic, how al-Assad forces should respond to that situation?

violence is escalating in Syria for sure and soon with the money that is going to be poured in, we are going to see more heavy metal with the anti-Assad fighters.

Gloating about violence and victories is not my interest. I care about how to save my friends and country from destruction. How to stop Syrians from killing Syrians is what I care about. Again, what gives a British a citizen the right to discuss Syria where a Lebanese who live five feet from the events can not?

you said:

“My message for the pro revolution not to slack”

Uzair: why don’t you call for the pro revolution to start a dialogue and solve this matter on the table instead of iron and fire. The discourse of “revolution” is idiotic. That is from the last Century and what we have now is an era that should witness forcing modern laws no revolutions. Armed revolutions are no good anymore. They are way too dumb and violent. Can you name one Sane person that led an armed revolution in the modern times who did not commit atrocities and destroyed the infra structure of the place of that armed revolution. Do you want me to give you examples? Things should be solved through dialogue these days. We live in a different era.

Why don’t you call for a “revolution” in your country?

Leave us aside from this revolutionary crap, for real. Day after day Syria proves to be way more complicated for people like you to understand, so please this revolutionary utopia of yours is not attractive. This is a fact.

March 3rd, 2012, 10:44 pm


jad said:

So true:

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March 3rd, 2012, 11:04 pm


Mick said:


Ar Rastan is what we here in south say “up the road a piece” from Hims. Baba ‘Amru is a suburb of Hims. Al Khaladiyah is a suburb of Hims. Ar Rastan is a different city. It is in the Hims province, not the city.

There is nothing in the video clip you showed from a lady in Ar Rastan that ties her grievance with the video from Hims shown on CNN.

March 3rd, 2012, 11:07 pm


Jerusalem said:

While in Syria Syrians are being attacked by their fellow countrymen.

It sounds like CNN statement. Fellow countrymen that are armed by law are criminals in NATO countries. Fellow countrymen that are not armed are going to work and functions, children are still going to school, nurses going to hospitals. To exaggerate the situation out of proportion doesn’t help any cause. Yes there are causalities and it’s a pity and regrettable; but fine combing is so hard when your fellow countrymen with arm are hiding among residents. Any one who takes arms from a hostile foreign power for use against his own people and government is a traitor first (Gen. De Gaulle), – definitely not a freedom fighter. It takes longer and more tedious, makes a peaceful transition more complex and safeguarding the lives of fellow citizens mission impossible. Taking arms from the enemy for use against fellow citizens is traitorous.

Neither were the Israelis before they invaded Gaza.
So you are agreeing that FSA invaded Homs??

March 3rd, 2012, 11:15 pm


Son of Damascus said:


Here is the original video uploaded that the CNN clip showed, I don’t know if you can read and understand Arabic or not, but you can clearly read the headline saying that it is in Al Rastan, and at the 0:18 second mark you can hear the camera man say the date and location which is Al Rastan, Homs.

You are arguing semantics, its like saying Albany is not in New York.

March 3rd, 2012, 11:18 pm


jad said:

RT News Syria: 3-3-2012 : More than 120 French Soldiers Caught in Syria by Syrian Soldiers.

March 3rd, 2012, 11:24 pm


Mick said:


Yes, I see the youtube clip does say Ar Rastan.

Please forgive me. I’m an anal retentive asshole. CNN was lazy.

So what does this prove? People lobbying shells is bad? Then why did the opposition lob shells at a bunch of ‘Alawites last month that killed the French journalist?

The Syrian ruthless killers can find innocent people under cover and know who they are and kill them just for fun?

I’m just baffled that people think an armed insurrection supported by outside countries can pop up and the government is not allowed to confront it.

March 3rd, 2012, 11:39 pm


jad said:

Ghufran, Sone of Damascus, here is the news I wrote about earlier:

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March 3rd, 2012, 11:40 pm


Son of Damascus said:


I’m sorry but I don’t really understand what you are saying, and I think you are claiming that I work for CNN. I don’t.

And by the way Charles De Gaulle was head of the French Republic and resistance that fought the Nazis and the Vichy government, he received arms and supplies from the Allies.

Can you please show me one example where a tyrant allowed a ‘peaceful’ transition from his rule where it was not forced upon him?

I am not sure how a person from Syria can invade his own country, if you can explain that for me please.

March 3rd, 2012, 11:41 pm


jad said:

Son of Damascus, Mick

The story you are talking about was already refuted yesterday

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March 3rd, 2012, 11:45 pm


Ghufran said:

Homs continues to be a battle field but with less intensity after the fall of BA,it looks like a campaign is starting in Idleb province, Ayn Albaida village near the Turkish borders which was under armed rebels control was entered by the army which utilized 2,000 soldiers for that mission.the focus of the armed rebels will probably be on Aleppo and to a lesser degree,Reef Dimashq. Economic hardship has now reached dangerous levels,this will certainly increase criminal activities with little or no political objective.

March 3rd, 2012, 11:47 pm


son of Damascus said:


“Please forgive me. I’m an anal retentive asshole. CNN was lazy.”

No apologies needed, CNN is lazy.

They should change their motto from “the most trusted name in news” to “the laziest source in news”.

And yes lobbing shells at any innocent civilians is bad and deplorable.

Mick from your “we here in the south comment” I’m guessing you are American, may I ask you what is your thoughts about the second amendment, and the right for self defence?

March 3rd, 2012, 11:53 pm


jad said:

The last hours in BA saw many fights between the armed militias themselves according to this report:
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March 3rd, 2012, 11:54 pm


Son of Damascus said:


Thanks for sharing, but I would like to add something in the video you posted it claimed that it was a bullet fired, not a mortar or shell attack.

I am not an expert, perhaps Mick can further inform me from his own experience, but from the video below of the aftermath it looks a lot more than just a bullet.

March 4th, 2012, 12:01 am


jad said:

Syrian army defeats armed groups in Baba Amr

This is Baba Amr, previously the main stronghold of armed groups before the Syrian army regained control of the district and restored security and stability.

Among the captured armed men by the Syrian army were people of different Arab and foreign nationalities. The Syrian Army continues to confiscate weapons, ammunition and explosive devices. Field hospitals were also found in addition to tunnels used by the armed men to move around the neighborhood. Destruction caused by armed groups is clear as you walk the streets of the neighborhood.

Not so far from Baba Amr, al-Nizha neighborhood was also the target of armed groups’ grenades. Its proximity to Baba Amr made it easy for armed men there to shell al-Nizha. Syrians now feel more secure. The people started to walk freely in the streets and shop for their needs.

There are still armed men at places such as al-Zahra, Ashireh, al-Naziheen and places close to Jub al-Jandali. The ministry of interior had expressed determination to put an end to armed groups activities across the country in response to the people’s calls demanding that the government restore security and safety.

Families are now able to come back to their homes after security is restored and armed groups are eliminated in Baba Amr neighborhood by the Syrian Army.

March 4th, 2012, 12:02 am


son of Damascus said:

Funding the Syrian revolution with 10 Liras

The theory goes like that: if you suspect a foreign conspiracy against your country, then the conspirators would be funding their locals agents with the foreign country’s currency. Well, this is at least what the Syrian TV and Iranian Al-Alam Channel think, who are in the same league with Addounia TV.


March 4th, 2012, 12:06 am


jad said:

Son of Damascus,
If you read the article I linked, you will learn that many things were staged, and they even used the same bodies you refer to in a different location to make another clip with them.

March 4th, 2012, 12:06 am


Ghufran said:

ADO lecturing and warning the SNC after a 5 hours meeting:

March 4th, 2012, 12:11 am


jad said:

Who believe anything these disgusting criminals show?

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March 4th, 2012, 12:16 am


Son of Damascus said:


I did read it, and did not find any real evidence other than what the author is presuming and his ” ???? ???? “.

He is claiming that the bodies were staged, below is another much more graphic scene of the aftermath. I can clearly see dead bodies and blood splatter that is indicative of an actual attack, but then again I am not a crime scene expert.

(Warning really graphic material, not for the faint of heart)

Between the reaction of the people before and after, and the mother wailing over her lost child, you can understand my suspicion to what the Ikhbariyeh and the ArabiPress had to say.

March 4th, 2012, 12:20 am


Ghufran said:

???? ????????
This is a very good article

March 4th, 2012, 12:23 am


Observer said:

[Warning. Edited for personal attack – do not accuse other commentators of complicity in ‘regime crimes’ directly or by insulting allusion

Let’s not descend, please. Try to address arguments and claims, not anyone ‘showing his true nature’ as ‘thug.” Further comments that give way to hateful language personally directed will be edited. There will be no bans in the month of March. All previous bans are rescinded.

Let us be free in our passion, reporting and argument, but steer away from the nastier type of comments that needlessly get people riled.

I know commentators will use their wisdom and self-moderate under maximum freedom.

For those who have retreated from Syria Comment or been silent recently or in the past months, if ever Syria needed credible, critical information and relatively civil argument, it is now.]

Tara and SOD, delusional Fredo worshipper is actually showing his true nature. Again like Fredo his boss under a very thin veneer of modernity he shows his true Mukhabarat thuggish nature with insults and threats.

The Syria that he defends is a figment of his imagination: it is a product of more than 40 years of the worst Corleone mafiosi rule. Institutions have been gutted to the core: Damascus University ranking is in the doldrums; the judiciary is so corrupt that a judge’s decision can be bought; the Ghouta has suffered its worst destruction in the last 40 years; draught in the NE of Syria is a direct result of the stupid policies of the regime cronies; the torture of children has become a daily occurrence; electricity is now cut in the hear of Damascus for most of the fuel goes to fill tanks and APC; pollution levels are 600 times the norm acceptable for a healthy life; roads are left without maintenance crumbling day in and day out; even the army when it left Lebanon was in such poor condition that it looked like a rag tag militia worthy of the Congo or Somalia.

The reality is that it is the very children of the Baath cadres that are revolting against the rule of a single family and a small clan of thugs and a monstrous parasitic blood sucking mafiosi state within a shambles of a state.

It is Somalyria Alassad that the delusional pro regime thin veneered thug is defending not the Syria we knew and certainly not the Syria we aspire to build.

Germs and Rats are multiplying

He is a mafiosi

March 4th, 2012, 12:24 am


Son of Damascus said:


You are correct Homs is far from quiet, I also heard the news about Idlib. It seems the fighting there is more guerrilla warfare and away from civilians (mostly).

I also read that there was a gun fight in Aleppo that was caused by a lighting strike, it seems the thunder scared a check point manned by security service into thinking it was a bomb attack and the guards started to shoot blindly, I think this is an indication that everyone in Syria is on their nerves.

Did you hear about the attack in Banyas against the arms depot? I am not sure of the authenticity of that news, one would think an arms depot to be guarded damn well.

March 4th, 2012, 12:30 am


Son of Damascus said:

“For those who have retreated from Syria Comment or been silent recently or in the past months, if ever Syria needed credible, critical information and relatively civil argument, it is now”

Beautifully said Moderator, thank you!!

March 4th, 2012, 12:34 am


Ghufran said:

There was an attack on a check point in Banyas,the small scale of the attack and the fact that there was no reported death pushed that incident to the back seat.

March 4th, 2012, 12:46 am


jad said:

Another Sari SA3oud victim, the criminal armed militia killed a 12 years old kid and used his body for their own propaganda.
la 7awl w la qwat illa biallah!

????? ??? ?? ?? ???? ?? ???? ???

March 4th, 2012, 12:48 am


Son of Damascus said:

I highly recommend the article Ghufran link to above

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Those are pretty strong words. Thanks Ghufran!

March 4th, 2012, 12:48 am


Son of Damascus said:


That defiantly sounds a lot more plausible than the arms depot attack, thank you again!.

March 4th, 2012, 12:50 am


Pirouz said:

420. TARA said: (and Son of D)

The sentiments you’re referring to are likely those from northern Tehrai’s. Most of them skipped the election a couple of days ago. Still, even with their absence, roughly 48 percent in the city voted, and about 65% of the eligible voters in the whole country voted.

I’ve posted these polls before, but here is a more accurate gauge of Iranian public opinion beyond that of the purely anecdotal:

There are people in Iran that don’t support their form of government and foreign policies, but they are very much a minority. According to multiple polls, they account for less than 10 percent for the whole country.

In addition to this, the Tunisians and Egyptians are voting overwhelmingly for Islamic political parties, and it is not unthinkable that if the Assad regime fell and democratic elections were held, Islamic political parties would also constitute a majority.

So this business of “mistakes made in Iran” is one put forward by Westernized Iranians inside Iran (mostly from northern Tehran), as well as the diaspora.

Personally, I’m American of partial Iranian descent, so I’ve no axe to grind. Whatever the people in their own countries want, that’s for them to sort out. I don’t think it’s any of my business to tell them what they should or should not do, and I certainly don’t cheerlead one way or the other.

March 4th, 2012, 1:13 am


Mina said:

Pirouz, don’t you think that even if many in Iran are fed up with the clerics, the fact their are being threatened everyday in the Western media (and the Gulf media, after a short honeymoon with Hizbollah during the Israeli attack on Lebanon a few years ago) is a valid reason to stand behind the state, whatever its mistakes can be? Also, just similarly to Egypt, the will of the elite is nothing compared to that of the masses. If the masses in the countryside see no problem with lapidation and having the opposition leaders and the best film directors in jail, it is hard for the 5 percent educated globalized elite to have its say.
Iran has a 5000+ years history, just like the Egyptians they have seen reversal of fortunes and know how to “wait and see” better than many on this planet.

March 4th, 2012, 2:45 am


ann said:

441. Mick said:

I’m just baffled that people think an armed insurrection supported by outside countries can pop up and the government is not allowed to confront it.
Very well said. Thank you Mick.

March 4th, 2012, 2:48 am


ann said:

China offers plan on Syria but no intervention – Mar. 3, 2012|newswell|text|Frontpage|s

The proposal displays those concerns. It calls for a cease-fire, negotiations mediated by the U.N. and the Arab League, and humanitarian relief. At the same time, the proposal opposes any outside interference that would attempt to replace Syria’s authoritarian government.


March 4th, 2012, 2:53 am


jad said:

Dear Son of Damascus
Your idea is honorable, gracious and noble.
By putting an effort to remember the faces of every Syrian we lost in this ugly, unjust, bloody and disgusting struggle will give the Syrians we lost the dignity that all human beings deserve.
Death is the only ultimate truth out of all this mess and we can make it less harsh on the livings who are cooping with the devastating lost of their beloved ones by showing the needed sympathy and respect.
I’m with you in your project, just let me know if you want any help from my side and I’m ready.

Here is Son of Damascus suggestion for those who missed it the first time:

March 4th, 2012, 2:59 am


Mina said:

Bouvier getting out of the plane… pretty sporty

Amazing how the sofa-revolutionaries have no comment on fabricated videos where the so called Baba Amro witnesses rehearse about what to say in an environment where no shooting can be heard.

Now the Western medias is presenting Homs destruction as if it happened in the last few days, with no mention of its having been the centre of the guerilla for more than six months.
And still no mention of the numerous murders of Christians. Why isn’t there a list with the names and a proper account?

March 4th, 2012, 3:17 am


Mina said:

Someone on moonofalabama ‘s blog has dug some more information on W. Tarif, you know, my old buddy… The guy has been virtually everywhere since day one, even when deals for the SNC in Lybia and Turkey are in the news, he is there! Why not make him SNC chief and give him Syrian citizenship at the time?
I can’t forget that Anthony Shadid was also quoting from Tarif as his main source at the beginning of the protests and parallel uprising. It has left most of his articles afterwards under the spell of doubt in my eyes.

March 4th, 2012, 3:35 am


jad said:


“Now the Western medias is presenting Homs destruction as if it happened in the last few days, with no mention of its having been the centre of the guerilla for more than six months.”

I totally agree with you, in the last couple days the media is changing history and retracting from everything they said days before the Syrian Government toke control over Baba Amr.
Even those who wrote many articles and took pictures and made reports about the armed terrorists inside BA now are saying that they didn’t see any WEAPONS and any MILITIAS even Anthony’s ‘friend’ in the NYT.

“And still no mention of the numerous murders of Christians.”
Again I agree, the sectarian attacks against the Syrian Christians in Homs, M7ardeh and Dir Mar Mousa didn’t get any attention whatsoever, my guess is that this sectarian attacks should not be reported other wise the mighty ‘revolution’ will immediately be labeled as sectarian and the PR of it are not ready to show the real face of this ‘revolution’.

“Why isn’t there a list with the names and a proper account?”
Because if someone dares to ask the question the attack and threats he/she will get are enough to scare any one else from asking, did you read this article:

March 4th, 2012, 3:35 am


Syrialover said:

It’s getting seriously weird and sinister, reading some of the commentary here. It’s like noises and pointless chatter to distract others from what the Syrian regime is now doing in Homs.

People who have been trying to excuse the Babr Amr situation will HAVE to give up, it’s gone too far. The game’s up.

Those droning on about evil unpatriotic oppositions are now looking worse than deluded and stubborn, they are looking like obscene co-conspirators in a sick and sordid crime that will never be forgotten.

There is no precedent anywhere for a “government” which has fought furiously to rescue its own citizens from an evil outsider, then continued to keep these 4,000 desperate shellshocked, freezing and starving victims imprisoned and deprived of even blankets or water for days, brazenly inflicting more suffering while the world looks on in shock and disbelief.

Count the thumbs down votes on this comment for a census of those who wish the Babr Amr situation could be kept invisible.

March 4th, 2012, 3:46 am


Alan said:

Syrian security forces arrest foreign gunmen in Baba Amr

Syrian government forces have arrested a large number of gunmen with different nationalities in Baba Amr neighborhood in the restive city of Homs.

According to reports many of those detained are Arab nationals, among them Qatari intelligence agents. Others are reportedly from Afghanistan, Turkey and a number of European countries, including France.

The security forces have also seized sophisticated Israeli, European and American-made weapons in the area as well as confiscating made-in-Israel shells, rockets and communication equipment.

Syrian forces retook control of the Baba Amr district on Thursday. They discovered tunnels used by the armed terrorist groups to smuggle arms and move from one place to another and seized a large cache of weapons in Baba Amr following an operation to clear the area of armed gangs.

Baba Amr was one of the key strongholds of the Syrian Free Army– an armed group looking to topple the government.

Armed groups have targeted many governmental institutions and security agencies in Syria since mid-March last year when unrest hit the country.


March 4th, 2012, 3:46 am


Alan said:

Arms supplies to Syrian opposition call for legal evaluation – Russia

An armed antigovernment mutiny has been crushed in the Syrian city of Homs. More than 100 mercenaries have been seized. The UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has admitted that supplying arms to Syrian rebels is in no way contributing to a settlement in Syria. The Russian Foreign Ministry has, for its part, urged the United Nations to give a legal assessment to statements by officials from different countries, insisting that the Syrian opposition fighters should continue to be armed.

According to Lebanon’s television channel Orange TV, the residents of Homs are aiding the government troops by showing the rebels’ hideouts. More than 600 armed militants have surrendered to Syrian Army soldiers as a result. The situation in Homs is now growing back to normal, with the soldiers handing out food to the population and providing medical assistance for the wounded. A humanitarian convoy of the International Red Cross has brought foodstuffs, potable water and medicines to Homs. The fact that Damascus has regained control over Homs proves that the Syrian government does have the potential for putting an end to the mutiny, says an expert with the Russian Institute for Strategic Studies Azhdar Kurtov, and elaborates.

“This is a major success, Azhdar Kurtov says, because Homs has been the rebels’ stronghold throughout the past six months. There was a real threat that a certain enclave would be set up in the city that would ignore the central government and form its own government of supporters of the armed opposition. The threat has since been removed. But it would be premature to claim, on the other hand, that the capture of Homs amounts to a U-turn in Syria’s civil war.”

The opposition Free Syrian Army has openly admitted that France and the United States have been supplying them with arms and air defence systems. Professional mercenaries are fighting on the side of the opposition, – Afghans, Libyans, Turks, Jordanians. This is what a prominent Arab military expert, Amin Khteit, said about the situation in Syria, in a comment.

“Over 30,000 various weapons have been channelled to Syria since unrest flared up there in April last year, Amin Khteit says. The overall amount of explosives makes up 300 tons. The deliveries were made by Qatar and Saudi Arabia. They depend on the United States, which is making every effort to overpower Syria.”

Meanwhile, Russian expert in oriental studies of the Institute for Strategic Studies and Analysis, Sergei Demidenko, warns that escalation of external interference in Syria’s affairs will explode the entire region.


March 4th, 2012, 3:49 am


Mina said:

Why you and your friends have no reply about the fabricated videos?
Here is one, where Wissam Tarif and Anderson Cooper use the death of a child, compared with the interview of her father, saying she died from a random shooting where he was hurted too as they were escaping by car from their neighborhood in Lattakie, but some ‘revolutionaries’ came and took her body.
Why not answering anything about the hundreds of fake videos for which Jad has provided links?

Do you really have such a lack of psychology that you really believe this guy has been tortured and briefed?
From Penny for thought ‘s blog:
freethinkerNov 29, 2011 09:29 AM

The death of Oula Jablawi according to Wissam Tarif and CNN –

The Truth about the child Oula Jablawi –

March 4th, 2012, 3:54 am


Syrialover said:

#474. Mina

That sort of comment is exactly what I was talking about in my comment #471. Can’t you see how it looks?

It is making it worse.

As I said, the game’s been overtaken by reality. It wouldn’t matter if every single thing you are harping on about was true x 1,000 it is swamped by the regime’s unmistakeable actions in Babr Amr as we sit here now.

All of us with loved ones in Syria must now brace ourselves for the terrifying possibility they could potentially face the Babr Amr treatment from the regime at some future stage, regardless of where they are. I’d love to have someone reassure us by proving it couldn’t happen, but I know they can’t.

March 4th, 2012, 4:25 am


Mina said:

I guess it is useless to answer since you make a point in not discussing the fake witnesses in the video giving the whole world news of what has been going in Baba Amro. To achieve this degree of sophistication and to have been trading fabricated videos for a year with no one in the mainstream media in France, UK or the US to discuss that, they are certainly well organized and sponsored.

From what the Syrians are saying, normal people in Baba Amro have moved since 6 months to villages and relatives anywhere and it is just full guerilla. You prefer to advocate a cloud of non said elements, with no evidence, to create the “Hama moment” Nir Rosen was talking about.

This PR war is the most disgusting, and you really do not help the Syrians to get some credibility .

I am sure now that the Russians will manage to organize a dialogue with the local Syrian opposition, and not let the stage only to France, BHL, Ghalyoun the secular, his friends the Djihadists, and their bailers. After all the weapons, foreign fighters, and hours of videos that have been found, they have largely enough evidence to discredit the UN and the puppets all around.

March 4th, 2012, 4:43 am


Mina said:

By the way, in a normal fight, both sides should evaluate the strength of the participants before engaging in the fight. If in Daraa, Homs, Ma’arat al-Numan, and Idlib, they thought they would be strong enough with “just the little help of their friends” in the media and whoever is smuggling them weapons, they were certainly wrong and were told so from the beginning. If they want to be martyrs and kamikazes, this is no way to hold power and to help a country get into normality.
75 percent of Syria has been living normally, and saw on the Gulf channels things supposingly happening in the street they live in and that did not happen, or small demos given as “hundreds of thousands”. I call people regularly who are in areas where nothing happened. Why do you deny their existence?
Having said that, there is no doubt it has reached a point of no return, thanks to the help of the sofa revolutionaries, the guerilla, and their PR friends keeping the ‘momentums’ well scheduled. But again, and as I said a year ago, this will be solved with elections with international observers, which will have to be from a neutral side. But who tells you that the international community wants a peaceful resolution to this conflict, and not an excuse to make it bigger until it gets to Hezbollah?

March 4th, 2012, 5:13 am


Alan said:

Residents of Baba Amr say they feel safe after armed groups arrested

March 4th, 2012, 5:25 am


Syrialover said:

Oh Mina, I sure agree the PR war is the most disgusting. I am close to people in Syria (and some now out) whose experiences make me outraged by efforts to cover up and deny what the regime is doing to the Syrian people.

It is 2012 and the truth about the regime’s actions is piling up, cruelty by cruelty, mass atrocity by atrocity, extreme lie by lie. And any fake videos that you seem obsessed with (though why bother focusing on them when there is such an overwhelming number of devastating real ones), will be forgotten in the mountains of true videos and eyewitness, forensic and objectively documented evidence that are piling up daily in the last 11 months.

If so many Syrians don’t have any credibility for you it is a tragedy and you maybe should not bother about their situation.

March 4th, 2012, 5:27 am


Mina said:

The problem is that there has been fake videos and foreign help since day one. Ask the Basquese and Corsican independentists how they would be treated if they tried to get foreign help.

Here is an article giving you a very clear picture of how Syria is prepared to unfold “just like Iraq”. A new Yalta, mix up the cards and re-organize the neighborhood. It is just about buying time for the West: “divide, you reign”.

Djihadists are not naive as my friends and your friends who went to demos and have no clue for some of them about the difference between a Sufi and a Salafi!

March 4th, 2012, 5:33 am


Alan said:

Horrors of Homs: ‘Killing, bloodshed, bodies on the streets’
Over a hundred foreign mercenaries have reportedly been captured by Syrian government troops after regaining control of rebel-held areas in the city of Homs.
Sources say the majority of them are French, with the rest from several Arab countries.
Syrian authorities claim that life in the city that’s been under siege for almost a month is getting back to normal, but, as RT’s Maria Finoshina reports, there are serious fears the fighting is far from over.

Residents of Homs and eyewitness say horrific scenes of carnage have become a part of everyday life there.
RT spoke to a Russian woman who spent over a week in the embattled city – who says the picture painted by the media does not always match the reality.

March 4th, 2012, 5:34 am


Mina said:

In Cairo, India and the Arab League discuss who should be president of Syria. It seems India has a better knowledge of international law, seeing their reaction:

Instead of believing that NGO which have been failed several times, and that foreign powers can be neutral in accumulating the “piling evidence”, why don’t you simply call for a dialogue in Syria? Last year, when such calls were on the table, the immediate answers of the mosques-organized demos was to repeat what kids were tweeting “you go first we discuss after”, as if they had any cards in their pockets or any strength to put their conditions. They were not even as many as in Yemen (definitely more than 100,000 people in some of the protests, in a country which has less than 20 millions inhabitants of which half are kids.. and we didn’t see as many kids in their demos as in the pictures from Syria). And look at what has happened to Yemen: France boldly say it has experts writing their constitution and the US has unilaterally decided it will deal with the security and terrorist threat! It’s hard to lie in such a strategic location.

Zahar has made a U-turn on his stance. Not the last one probably.

March 4th, 2012, 5:44 am


Mina said:

About piling up evidence, the US credibility (and that of the international community) will be restored only when they close Guantanamo Camp. It should be obvious, but we live in a world where only PR rules.
Abdallah of Jordan says peace with Israel has no sense.

March 4th, 2012, 6:20 am


Uzair8 said:


Perhaps some of my comments would have been better coming from Syrians however there was a purpose to them during these difficult recent days for the revolution.

It has been a stressful time for all esp syrians after the year long events and the current Bab Amr episode. Watching the regime killing machine unleash its worst is difficult for revolutionaries to reign in the instict to fight fire with fire (against military) rather than be slaughtered. A time comes when taking up arms and fighting is forced upon you. People can complain all they want about people so called ‘calling to violence’ (more like defence) while the regime has taken off its gloves and proceeding thru massacres. I have seen some on here finally put their hopes in the FSA. The regime actions have made the decision for them.

If I have raised my head above the parapet and sounded gung-ho recently it was in response to the current events and the drop in revolutionary morale during this vulnerable phase. That is done for now.

There were 3 main reasons for my attitude:

1. The escalation by the regime in what appears to be a ‘final solution’ and a mortal threat to the revolution.

2. Sheikh Yaqoubi of Syria’s alleged fatwa. If this fatwa is genuine then that is that. The call to take up arms and defend has been made. This fatwa cannot be dismissed as salafi, saudi, or from a senile Sheikh etc. This is from a syrian mainstream, traditional sufi scholar.

If the fatwa can be confirmed then it would be interesting to see how the syrians respond to it as the Sheikh said it has become obligatory on them.

3. In recent weeks I have watched the Lord of the Rings trilogy for the first time, completing the final part on thursday. Watching it I saw a lot of parallels between the film and the syrian situation.

For me the marauding orcs represented the regime thugs and shabeeha. The heroic fellowship of the ring was a perfect inspiration for the FSA.

Recall during the Bab Amr siege in recent posts I expressed some wishful thinking about how the regime would face a setback in Homs.
In the film whenever battle was about to breakout unexpected help always arrived at the last minute.

March 4th, 2012, 6:27 am


Uzair8 said:

An interesting interview on Syria I caught on BBC radio 5 last night. Listen from 20 minutes (exactly). About 5 minutes long.

March 4th, 2012, 6:55 am


abbas said:

477 Alan
Great interview if you know Russian ( which I don’t )

March 4th, 2012, 7:25 am


jna said:

Is this report true or is it Israeli disinformation? Has anybody seen these videos, any links?

“Meanwhile, in reports and videos uploaded by Syrian opposition activists the Syrian air force is clearly seen bombing population centers in the city of Rastan, north of Homs.”

March 4th, 2012, 8:08 am


Observer said:

The old saying in Damascus: he who has a shard under his skin will not find sleep at night for it will constantly bother him.

Here is a definition of thug
a cruel or vicious ruffian, robber, or murderer.

Cruelty comes when “the other” is dehumanized and when some on this post ask for “the army to go in and clean the place”.

Another synonym is a strong armer that uses intimidation and the threat of force to intimidate and to coerce.

Flooding the blog with full length articles and quotes and reports is a strong arming tactic and hence a thuggish method.

Delusion is spreading
Germs and Rats are coming and getting stronger

As for thoughts on the events; it is interesting that the state media can enter devastated Homs but not ICRC. It must mean one thing then, the lives of state media reporters is cheap; those of the ICRC are more valuable and they need to be protected. Right? or is there another explanation!!!!

We are stuck with Fredo and his delusions on earth and in space.

March 4th, 2012, 8:10 am



I think all points are beginning to be connected when we look back. Israel is allowing – and some rummors also say – logistically supporting Assad regime in order to get control of the situation. The power of jewish lobby in US explains why US foreign policy is showing itself so silly. The CANNOT act but they do not know how to justify it.

Israel is the first interested part in Assad getting control of syrian people, repressiong them and forbidding any free political activity. Hamas has been expelled from Syria. This could be the card exchanged by Syria with Israel for jewish support on Assad stability.

What we are watching in Syria – whole cities and villages being destroyed and foreign testimonies being killed to avoid direct sources – is something had never happened before in recent years. Only something similar happened in Lebanon 2006 and Gaza last 2010. But in a much smaller scale. In both cases Israel was there.

When could say Israel and Syria are and represent the same dark power side or maybe the simply are opposide sides of the same bad smelling shiXXX.

March 4th, 2012, 8:17 am


Observer said:

Some on this blog keep bringing up reports about how the mainstream media and other media is deliberately falsifying the information about BA.

How about the evacuated journalists who spoke of hellish conditions brought about by massive shelling from the pro regime forces?

This is enough to wake up from the “dream of adoring the smiling Fredo” and buying every piece of information coming from SANA.

Now the leader of HA has graced us with another pure Baathist exhortation to liberate Jerusalem and yet since 2006 not a shot was fired to liberate Chebaa Farms.

Here we go again, another eternal power grabbing discourse in the name of resistance.

Long live the South Lebanon State, the Mountainous State of Northern Syria, the Mountainous State of Southern Syria, the Principality of Damascus and that of Aleppo, and the Western Autonomous Tribal Areas of former Syria and Iraq.

My fellow Kurds, keep on forging slowly your independence and create your state but watch out there will be among you those that will call for “resistance and liberation” with which they will keep you hostage for decades under a security house of cards. I know they went to good schools in Baathist Iraq and Syria.

Fredo the eternal President for Life of Somaria is winning glorious battles on earth and in space.

But wait, we just signed a commercial deal with North Korea to import glorious statutes

Germs and Rats are on their way

March 4th, 2012, 8:51 am


Tara said:


Cc: MIna

I can’t be silent anymore.

What is up with Mina?

She asks you not to call for Revlon back when you never uttered a word calling for anyone to come back.   she threw all her weight (?) confirming an alleged argument you made about Ataturk’s picture when the argument was made by Irritated and when I alerted her to it, she made no apology. She invited you to go with her to moonofalabama. The next thing, she will use “our” style in posting and God knows what..  Can you ask her to stop?  I get jealous!  

And ABSOLUTELY NO private email exchange..I would vote that this be part of SC rules and regulations..

March 4th, 2012, 8:55 am


Observer said:

This is what RT reported today about Zahar statement about Syria.

Read it carefully and you can see infinitely more intelligence and foresight than the pronouncements of the leader of HA who should have kept his discourse on the Lebanese scene in these times.

“??? ????? ?????? ?? ?????? ??? ???? ????? ??? ??? ???? ?????? ???? ???? ?????? ?????? ???? ?????? ?? ???? ???? ?????? ?? ????? ??????? ??????? ??? ???? ???? ?????? ?? ?? ?? ??????? ?? ??????? ??? ??????? ????”.

????? ?????: “?????? ?? ?????? ?? ??? ????? ?????? ??? ????? ????? ?? ??? ?????? ?? ?????: ?? ????? ?????? ???????? ??? ???? ????? ??????? ???????. ??? ??? ????? ?????? ?????? ?? ??????? ?????? ???? ????? ??? ???????? ??? ?????? ?? ?????? ?????? ??????? ??? ????????? ?????? ??????? ???? ?? ???????? ?????????? ?? ??????”.

March 4th, 2012, 9:01 am


Mina said:


Tara, for Ataturk’s pictures, as I told you before, just use Google and you’ll find out (someone actually gave you a long explanation about that, can’t remember who).

I will start to respect your views when you will mention some events happening to people you actually know and speak to on the ground, as many others here did (Ehsani is the example that first comes to mind, but in the comments we often find details given by peoples relatives to their relatives abroad who happen to comment on SC and are more true than all fake al Jazeera and CNN reports. But if many prefer to believe the UN, journalists, priests, imams and sheykhs, they are very free to do it.

Today, Fisk has found a new nickname for the sofa-revolutionaries:
“Nevermind the claims of armchair interventionists and the hypocrisy of Western leaders, this is what is really happening in Syria”

March 4th, 2012, 9:03 am


Juergen said:

Graves in playgrounds

shocking picture taken in Idleb

Activists use more and more parcs and playgrounds as graveyards

March 4th, 2012, 9:22 am


Tara said:


You did not understand the question. It really is simple. Here we go again:

You insisted that Zoo should not ask for Revlon to come back. Zoo never did. When he corrected you and told you that he never did, you offered no acknowledgement that you mistakenly thought so.

You threw your weight on supporting Ataturk’s issue and falsely claimed that Zoo was the one behind that argument. It was an argument made by Irritated. When I alerted you to the fact that Zoo had nothing to do with Ataturk’s argument, you offered no acknowledgement that you again mistakenly thought so.

Your answer above was about the Lord of the Ring, the Aljazeera, and CNN. Were you answering me or someone else and you mistakenly put my name there?

March 4th, 2012, 9:22 am


zoo said:

The Libyans expressing themselves freely

Desecrated: The shocking video of Churchill’s Desert Rats’ graves being smashed to rubble… by the Libyans we helped liberate

Headstones torn down and crucifixes smashed with hammers by extremists
More than 150 graves of British serviceman systematically desecrated
Attack carried out over two days with footage posted online
Members of mob heard repeatedly calling dead servicemen ‘dogs’

By Ian Gallagher and Martin Delgado

Last updated at 1:00 PM on 4th March 2012

Read more:

March 4th, 2012, 10:26 am


irritated said:

#493. Observer said:

“This is what RT reported today about Zahar statement about Syria.”

Too little, too late.
All international media (except RT) have jumped on the Bashar bashing wagon and will not correct the impression they are so happy to have propagated of the “isolation” of the Syrian regime by its own allies.
I think that Hamas will end up by regretting dearly that ‘faux-pas’ as I don’t believe any Arab country will have the courage to host them like Bashar’s regime did.

March 4th, 2012, 10:35 am


DAWOUD said:

From one Sunday to another, 3 elections took place:

1-Bashar M.D. (Murderous Dictator) held a fraudulent referendum on his “constitution,” while at the same time he was committing bloody war crimes in Holly Homs (this is from now on the Sunni version of Shia’s Najaf and Karballah) and everywhere else in Syria. His propagandists in Hasan Nasrallah’s Lebanon, including brainwashed Americans, are still celebrating Bashar’s war crimes and the martyrdom of Sunnis in Homs!
2- Supporter of M.D. war crimes, Iran, held faudulent elections yesterday for a propaganda parliament.
3-Putin is holding fraudulent presidential elections today. The murderer of Sunni Muslims in Chechenya should hold a joint party with Shia/Alawi killers of Sunnis in Syria, Iran, and Iraq. They are Bashar M.D., Nuri al-Maliki, Hasan Nasr…, Moqtadah al-Sadr, and Ali Khameini (where in Iran Sunnis are NOT allowed to build mosques). Yes, you can built mosques in Islamophobic Oklahoma (where they had an anti-Shariah referendum), but not in Tehran!
Free Syria from M.D., Free Lebanon from Iran’s sectarian agent (Hasan), free Iraq from Iran’s puppet al-Sadr, and free Palestine from Amir in colonial Tel Aviv Zionist conlonialists/occupiers! Liberation, Democracy, and Peace for All!

March 4th, 2012, 10:46 am


Dawoud HOLLY HOMS said:

[Note: when a commentator makes a mistake in spelling the name first used, the comment goes immediately to moderation by default (it’s in the software). So, at the moment, using a different new name will cause the same thing to happen. I will see if I can fix it in your case, but it may not be possible.]

Attention to the Moderator:

Please note that FROM NOW ON, I want to change the name I use to post my comments (DAWOUD, which is my REAL first name) to DAWOUD HOLLY HOMS. I just want to commemorate the bravery/martyrdom of anti-Bashar activists/residents of Homs, who became victims of Bashar’s dictatorship and Iran’s/NASRALLAH’S support for the killing of Sunnis in Homs and Syria in General.

Please don’t hold my comment for moderation because I am still the same person.

March 4th, 2012, 11:01 am



Thanks moderator for allowing me to change my name from Dawoud to Dawoud Holly Homs 🙂

I don’t need to sound sectarian, but I have no choice but say that Homs has become the Sunni Karballah/Najaf.

I apologize to those brainwashed Americans in Nasrallah’s/Al-Manar’s basement if they don’t like my new name 🙂

To 498. irritated

NO, Palestinians will never ever ever regret supporting, as Haniyah put it in al-Azhar, “the heroic Syrian people who are fighting for freedom, democracy, ….”

March 4th, 2012, 11:26 am


Tara said:

I am listenimg to Obama’s speech at the AIPAC. I am no friend of the Mullahs as everyone knows but his kissing up to Israel is unbearable. No pride whatsoever. Proud men are all dead.

March 4th, 2012, 11:43 am


ann said:

498. zoo said:

The Libyans expressing themselves freely

Desecrated: The shocking video of Churchill’s Desert Rats’ graves being smashed to rubble… by the Libyans we helped liberate

Headstones torn down and crucifixes smashed with hammers by extremists
More than 150 graves of British serviceman systematically desecrated
Attack carried out over two days with footage posted online
Members of mob heard repeatedly calling dead servicemen ‘dogs’

By Ian Gallagher and Martin Delgado

Last updated at 1:00 PM on 4th March 2012

Read more:
ZOO, I plastered the internet with JAD’s video. I’m happy to see the propaganda media is finally picking up this horror story.

I’m betting this is just the tip of the iceberg 😉

For those of you who missed it:

March 4th, 2012, 11:43 am


Mina said:

Very clearly put by As’ad Abu Khalil, today on sectarianism.
Read it all here:

(…) He says that Syria is the one “drawing in sectarian forces”. I don’t know what that means, of course, as Syria is also drawing most of its support from Russia (did Russia convert to Shi`ite Islam and we were not told?) and China (is China Sunni or Shi`ite?) (…) I have been watching and reading the media of both side for months: the words Sunni and Shi`ite and `Alawite never ever appear in the Syrian regime media, but is a constant theme in Saudi and Qatari media. Saudi-sponsored religious channels regularly vomit bigotry against Shi`ites and `Alawites and many clerics (and even “liberal” pro-Saudi or pro-Hariri propagandists like Ma’mun Humsi) threaten extermination of `Alawites. (…) The Syrian regime officially advocates a mild form of secularism (perhaps more secular than all other Arab regimes although it is not secular enough by my standards because the regime also exploits religion when it suits its own purposes and promotes clerics who parrot the propaganda line of the regime), while the ruling elite is sectarian in composition–not as purely sectarian in composition as in the times of Hafidh Al-Asad but still drawn from `Alawites. But to deny the sectarian contributions of the Syrian opposition (not all of it of course), is to basically deny what one sees and hears daily. The Ikhwan in Syria has a long record of sectarianism and bigotry. Finally, let us not kid ourselves: the word Shabbihah (armed goons) is now used synonymously with `Alawite, and many sectarian killings in Homs were justified as targeting of shabbihah.

March 4th, 2012, 11:48 am


Jad said:

‘I don’t need to sound sectarian,’
It’s worth noting that this sentence has been written next to every sectarian comment on SC, I suggest to make it the official slogan of Sectarian Party of Syria.

March 4th, 2012, 11:51 am


Mina said:

“Insisted” “Threw your weight”, could you document your claims (once in a while)?
Good to see you feel like laughing today. I don’t. People in Syria are mourning their friends and moving to places away from urban militia fightings.

March 4th, 2012, 11:53 am


ann said:

Putin defends Russian stance on Syria – 02 March 2012

Russia’s Prime Minister Vladimir Putin on Friday accused the West of fueling the Syrian conflict by backing government opposition, but his foreign ministry said it will not protect Syria from military intervention.

Putin called for both Syrian government and opposition forces to pull out of besieged cities to end the bloodshed, adding that Western refusal to make that demand of opponents of President Bashar Assad has encouraged them to keep fighting.

“Do they want Assad to pull out his forces so the opposition moves right in?” Putin said at during a meeting with editors of top Western newspapers in remarks released by his office and carried by state television Friday. “Is it a balanced approach?”
Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman Alexander Lukashevich said Friday that Russia will not provide any kind of military assistance to Syria in such a situation. Commenting on a Soviet-era treaty which contained Moscow’s vague promise to help Syria if it comes under attack, he said the document envisages consultations.

“There is no talk about us offering military assistance,” Lukashevich said in a statement. “Russia isn’t going to do anything of the kind.”

Putin ridiculed Western demands of Assad, saying the next thing they want will be for the Syrian leader “to grab a wooden mackintosh and have music play in his house.”

Assad “will not hear (the music) because it will be his funeral,” he said. “He will never agree to that demand.”


March 4th, 2012, 11:53 am


Mina said:

This video of the Benghazi cemetary desacration is amazing. Where are the Gulf Salafi sheykhs condemning it? Is this what they understand as real Islam? When BHL was in Benghazi, with all his background of strong supporter of Israel, and that protesters would wave Israeli flags to say we want peace with the whole world, it was just for al Jazeera’s camera?
In addition to the sectarianism which is a manipulation of some to have Sunnis and Shiis fight forever (see Pakistan in the 70’s, Afghanistan in the 80’s, Iraq until now, etc), the Western media does not want to speak about the stupid “racism” against Christians, usually in the shape of fear of any cross as if it was dangerous (I know people who refuse a scarf or a carpet where any motive has the shape of two crossed lines because it looks like a cross). That’s precisely what we hear at the beginning of the video posted above ( when the guy tells another to smash the crosses… And then it is the turn of a stela with a star of David.
Apart from Morocco and Tunisia, it is only in Syria and Iran that local small Jewish communities have been living in peace until now.

March 4th, 2012, 12:01 pm


irritated said:

#499 Dawood

Next, the fraudulent french president election, then the fraudulent US president election etc..

Fraudulence is invading the planet..

March 4th, 2012, 12:08 pm


ann said:

This video of the Benghazi cemetary desacration is amazing. Where are the Gulf Salafi sheykhs condemning it?

Looking at the video, I say they were too busy hammering down the cross.

Those are ban kee moon, sarkozy, cameron and hillary’s freedom fighters:

Pass it on please

March 4th, 2012, 12:11 pm



510. ann

I thinK that you are the most anti-Sunni person I have ever encountered. All Sunnis who want freedom in your book are “Salafi” “terrorists.”

Does the dictionary in Nasrallah’s Lebanese world define the meaning of “salfi?”

Didn’t al-Qadhafi murder the Shia Iranian/Lebanese Mousa al-Sadr? A Shia-lover like you should be in favor of the Libyan Revolution! Didn’t Al-Qadhafi murder al-Sadr and his buddies who were in Tripoli to get Libyan money in order to buy arms and kill Palestinians/Sunnis?

502. Tara
I agree with you. Please don’t accept the argument made by pro-Bashar that supporting Syrian freedom is like supporting Zionism. It’s not!

509. irritated
Again, surprisingly, I agree with you. As long as we don’t have public financing of campaigns here in the United States; elections will continue to be bought by the wealthy. I am against “Citizens United” and that’s why I am a Naderite (I support and vote for Ralph Nader). Obama needs Zionists’ donations/money and that’s why he is kissing up to AIPAC (TARA COMMENT).

March 4th, 2012, 12:22 pm


bronco said:

#502 Tara

Now you see how politics work.. no morality, no justice, just personal and national interests.
That’s is how the Western countries look at the Middle East, switching from loving to hating a dictator when they see their national interests threatened.
Now the new “strategy” is “we love moderate moslem”, let’s make the whole middle east a ‘moderate’ moslem space so Israel and the oil interests will be preserved.
For that, let’s teach a lesson to Iran and its Shia allies who oppose Israel and refuse to be tamed: You are ‘evil and you’ll be crushed. Emphasizing social injustices, bringing out buried sectarian hatred, promising a better future, are usually the best way to let a country with a variety of religious and ethnic communities to desintegrate by itself.
In Syria, that’s what has been tried, but it is not really successful yet. The Syrian regime and the Syrians are more resilient and united than expected.
It’s time for the Western countries to try out new approaches, as the old models “the Tunisian, Egyptian, Libyan, Yemeni” has failed.
As exasperated Hillary repeated it “Syria is not Libya’.

March 4th, 2012, 12:30 pm


zoo said:

Tunisia: A New Home for Jihadi Salafis?
By: Nizar Maqni
Published Saturday, March 3, 2012

With Salafis flexing their muscles on the streets, some fear that access to Libyan weapons is encouraging al-Qaeda supporters to build up their presence in Tunisia.

Tunis – On February 1, the Tunisian army clashed with members of an extremist jihadi group near the town of Bir Ali Ben-Khalifa in the south of the country, killing two and arresting one, after they wounded four members of the security forces.

March 4th, 2012, 12:36 pm


zoo said:

After Obama, Peres, Cameron, Sarkozy and Al Qaeeda, now Salafists call for removal of Bashar Al Assad

Salafi leader al-Assir holds anti-Assad Protest in central Beirut
Published Sunday, March 4, 2012

Thousands of people marched on central Beirut on Sunday to protest both for and against the Syrian regime, following a call to the streets by a prominent Sunni Salafi.

Sidon-based Sheikh Ahmad al-Assir had called on devotees to take to the streets of Lebanon’s capital in support of the Syrian opposition.

The Lebanese branch of the Baath Party organized a counter demonstration backing Syrian President Bashar Assad.


March 4th, 2012, 12:41 pm


Observer said:

Oh yes, Syria hosted the resistance for so long and so hard and so effectively Israel is shaking in fear and the Israelis are packing their bags and lining up to leave the Golan and the West Bank and even Tel Aviv.

Oh yes, the PFLP based in Damascus has exhausted the supply of Johnny Walker and Churchill Cigars conducting operations of liberation in Palestine.

The regime has no internal legitimacy and no international support to speak of.

Being a bargaining card in the hands of Putin should not make the Corleone family secure in its support. China is embarrassed in its support and for its recovery depended on precarious oil supplies.
It is trying to protect its interests and Iran is its prize not stupid retarded backward Somaria Alassad.

What is the purpose of all this cut and paste of reports that do not address any issue is beyond me.

I am no psychoanalyst but it could be a nice exercise in self delusion, extreme denial, cut my nose to spite my face, soil the house to make a point with my mother, or simply $$$ per post.

There must be an incredibly deep and everlasting complex of inferiority to want so badly to look “modern” and “reasonable” and “articulate” and “glamorous” while Somaria descends ever more deeply into barbarism

March 4th, 2012, 12:45 pm


Mina said:

Another dissenting voice:
“Anthony Shadid of The New York Times wrote from Libya a week before he died of an asthma attack in Syria: “The country that witnessed the Arab world’s most sweeping revolution is foundering. So is its capital, where a semblance of normality has returned after the chaotic days of the fall of Tripoli last August. But no one would consider a city ordinary where militiamen tortured to death an urbane former diplomat two weeks ago, where hundreds of refugees deemed loyal to Col Muammar Qaddafi waited hopelessly in a camp and where a government official acknowledged that ‘freedom is a problem’.”

The country where “freedom is a problem” has just offered US$100 million to Syria’s rebels. A government spokesman, Mohammed Al Harizy, said: “We will see how this aid can be delivered. We don’t know yet.” Will it go to young idealists, Sunni fundamentalists, ex-soldiers or democrats? It probably will not be offered to the anti-violent coalition group Freedom Days, which urges general strikes and civil disobedience in a long struggle to change the country.”

March 4th, 2012, 12:55 pm


irritated said:

Dawood HH

“All Sunnis who want freedom in your book are “Salafi” “terrorists.”

Unfortunately the only religious loud voices we hear coming from Sunnis are from the Salafists, Al Qaeda and Moslem Brotherhood.

I have never heard Qatar or Saudi Arabia talk about their view of Islam other than ‘extremist’ preachers. No wonder.. most Sunnis say that these countries do not represent Sunnis.

Please point me to a Sunni religious leader that is highly visible on the media and that Arab Sunnis identify with.

March 4th, 2012, 12:55 pm


jna said:


Dawoud…Holly is an evergreen bush and then there is Hollywood. If my guess is right then this is not what you mean to name yourself. I think you mean DARWOUD HOLY HOMS.

March 4th, 2012, 12:59 pm


mjabali said:

The Bengazi cemetery incident against Christian symbols is expected all over the Middle East these days and in the near future. Also, expected is the harsh treatment towards minorities in general.

Remember it is the Saudi/Qatari/Kuwaiti type of Islam that is gaining popularity, dominance and becoming institutionalized with the flow of cash available. We all know how rigid this type is. We also know how this type has no room for others. The language is available to anyone. There is no hiding.

If the world’s body does not act to contain religious fanaticism and ideas that calls for arms, the flames are going to reach all. This type of combative ideology backed with tons of money is dangerous. So is the dictators from all types and forms. So, in this Arabic “Spring” this mixture is going to be very combustible.

The hard line Muslim tide is overwhelming these days and this line is not hiding its feelings towards the others. The clashes between them and the other religious groups is happening and bound to happen in many new frontiers and on a larger scale too.

Look at Lebanon and the rise of Ahmad al-Asir. Remember, this hard line Salafi is expanding into the Christian and Shia areas in the South. So can anyone expect when the showdown is about to happen?

(this website contains few good articles about this rising star)

March 4th, 2012, 1:03 pm


bronco said:

#516 Mina

Anthony Shadid was starting to realize the collapse of the Arab Spring ideals. It must have been a depressing observation that the calls for freedom and peace have turned into calls for revenge and violence.
Unfortunately the ME is not the Vatican, it is an area full of repressed anger and violence after long decades of colonialism. The Arab Spring has opened the genie bottle and no one can close it anymore.

March 4th, 2012, 1:06 pm


Amir in Tel Aviv said:

Tara 502,

Obama in what you call “kissing up to Israel” is representing some 65% of all Americans. Eat your heart. Most Americans really support Israel. Even I sometimes don’t understand why. But a fact is a fact.

March 4th, 2012, 1:11 pm


Amir in Tel Aviv said:

Sandro 490,

“…Israel is allowing – and some rumors also say – logistically supporting Assad regime in order to get control of the situation.

Israel is the first interested part in Assad getting control of Syrian people, repression them and forbidding any free political activity”.

This is absolute crap. I expected more from you. Enough with this conspiratorial Arab psych. No Israeli official, on or off record, ever supported the butcher in the palace.

Google translate this article from today,7340,L-4198288,00.html

March 4th, 2012, 1:17 pm


zoo said:

The next “fraudulent” election is in France.

Protest tents in Russia after ‘illegitimate’ election of Putin at the first round with around 61.8% ?

“Putin’s opponents said voting in many parts of the vast country was skewed to help him return to the presidency after four years as prime minister and vowed to step up the biggest protests since he rose to power 12 years ago.”

“Some voters expressed anger at being offered no real choice in a vote pitting Putin against four others – communist Zyuganov, nationalist Vladimir Zhirinovsky, ex-parliamentary speaker Sergei Mironov and billionaire Mikhail Prokhorov.”

“Thousands of opposition activists as well as an international observer mission were also monitoring the polls.”

“Alexei Navalny, a prominent opposition leader and anti-corruption blogger, said before the vote that Putin’s election could not be legitimate and called for more protests, including tent camps in Moscow.”

March 4th, 2012, 1:18 pm


Mina said:

I am sure the Vatican is more dangerous than the ME! A mini-Washington where women (mainly nuns) don’t have their say!

March 4th, 2012, 1:19 pm


bronco said:


You are right on that aspect. I was trying to find a example of a place where there are no religious or social repressed tensions.

March 4th, 2012, 1:28 pm


Amir in Tel Aviv said:

The moderation on SC becomes terroristic and detached from reality. Trying to make this forum sterile, while fresh blood is filling the streets, is unrealistic.
Commentators should be able to release some steam. It’s only natural and human.

March 4th, 2012, 1:29 pm


zoo said:

Israel: ‘horrors’ in Syria are worse than a Hollywood horror movie.

Israel urges end to Syria bloodshed, offers aid
By Allyn Fisher-Ilan | Reuters – 20 mins ago

JERUSALEM (Reuters) – Israel offered on Sunday to assist international efforts to provide humanitarian aid to Syria without intervening directly in the bloody conflict enveloping its neighboring enemy.

Calling the bloodshed of President Bashar el-Assad’s efforts to crush a year-old uprising in Syria “more shocking than the worst horror movies in Hollywood,” Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman also urged greater world efforts to end the violence.

March 4th, 2012, 1:32 pm


Mina said:

Jad, Bronco,
A gem found in the MoB comments (thanks b!)

There might be a way to escape from the cisors of Mr Politically Correct: getting more cryptical.

March 4th, 2012, 1:36 pm


Mina said:

From the same source of links, a good reminder

Zoo: I suggest people who claim to be pious and belong to religious parties lose their party cards when they are caught comitting such a grave sin!

March 4th, 2012, 1:43 pm


Tara said:

Bronco @512

You keep trying to erase from your thought process and analysis that the Syrian revolution was a natural evolution to the suffering of the vast majority of the Syrian people against a sectarian tyranny.  The revolution was not waiting for a permission from the western power to launch and will continue with/ without western support.   

This is a fatal mistake you are making from a moral standpoint.  Your resentment to the unjust and selfish western policy is clouding your judgement and rendering you incapable of seeing what this revolution to us Syrian is all about.

All what you have described about the west is true but irrelevant.    This is not about 
Israel, colonialism, or West-inflicted injustice.  This is about a lost stolen country that was put into slavery for 40 some years by a mafia family and we simply want back.

I hope and pray that a moment would come that you see all this through the eyes of the stolen Syria.  

March 4th, 2012, 1:46 pm


mjabali said:

Uzair comment # 485

Man are you kidding?

You said that the “drop in the revolutionary morals” made you support violence and the 3 main reasons are the “mortal threat to the revolution,” your Guru’s Sheikh al-Ya’quibi’s fatwa calling for Jihad in Syria, and the influence Lord of the Rings had on you after you watched the trilogy.

So: Correct me if I am wrong: according to what you have written you may join al-Jihad in Syria and will be like the help that came in the right moment in Lord of the Rings to save the mortally wounded Revolution.

Please man respect our minds here at this valuable blog. Also, respect our country Syria and those who are getting killed from all parties over there.

March 4th, 2012, 1:47 pm


Tara said:

Amir @521

Eat my hear out?  Did my opinion upset you?

Don’t you agree though?  Just step out of you Jewishness for 17 seconds and evaluate Obama’s speech.  Isn’t all kissing up to Israel whatever the reason might be.  My own father would fail to produce a similar speech in support of me.  It is overdone and over the top.  

In regard to the 65% of the Americans supporting Israel.  Do you mean supporting Israel’s policy towards the Palestinians?  The percentage might be correct.  I do not know, but I also know that lots of Americans are reluctant to voice anti-Israel opinion, concerned about possible retribution by the all mighty Jewish lobby.  The way I see it, the moment a person voice an anti Israel opinion, he/she becomes anti-Semite with all the repercussions that comes with it.  Do you agree?

March 4th, 2012, 2:00 pm


bronco said:

Tara #531

I don’t deny the aspirations of the Syrians for a better life, better justice and better future.
Syria is not an island, it’s a geopolitical sensitive area. Anything that happens in Syria does not remain spontaneous, it is immediately recuperated by foreign countries who have a stake in it and reused for their own interests.
The course and the timing of the revolution has been a golden opportunity for foreign countries with higher interests to make use of all existing tensions that I have mentioned, with the purpose not to fulfill the aspiration of the Syrians but to fulfill the aspiration of the western counties in their quest for taming the region to serve their national interests.
Looking at the whole picture does not mean that I condone excesses and violence, I am just cautious in pointing my finger to the culprits.

March 4th, 2012, 2:09 pm


zoo said:

#534 Mina

Sorry, I was not censored, a technical problem, that’s the link

Egyptian MP lied about carjacking
March 4, 2012

Egyptian prosecutors have demanded the medical records of an Islamist MP after doctors said injuries he claimed to have sustained during a carjacking were in fact the result of a nose job, judicial sources told AFP.

To read more:

March 4th, 2012, 2:11 pm


Uzair8 said:


Correction: ‘Revolutionary morale’

“So: Correct me if I am wrong:……”

I will not be joining any Jihad. Btw the Sheikh was addressing syrians.

The Lord of the Rings mention was true but a light-hearted inclusion. Just like the 1st March April fools joke in a previous post. I wouldn’t insult the blog users intelligence.

March 4th, 2012, 2:13 pm


Tara said:


“It must have been depressing to Anthony Shadid..”

Read Tara’s @ 376: 

This is the account of the photographer who was with Anthony Shadid at the time of his death

There have been many reports of jihadis or other foreign fighters flowing into Syria, as if it were the next Afghanistan or Iraq. That is the story the Assad government has used as a justification for cracking down so violently. We saw no evidence of that in Idlib — only Syrians.

I think Anthony could’ve not die happier after his field trip to Syria when he realized through his own eyes that it is???? ???.  They found no evidence of foreign fighters or cosmic conspiracy.  Anthony, if you read the article, connected well with the rebels and was able to understand them and share moments of happiness with them.  I am sure he could’ve not die more prouder.         

March 4th, 2012, 2:18 pm


Syrialover said:

In #471 I wrote:
“Count the thumbs down votes on this comment for a census of those who wish the Babr Amr situation could be kept invisible.”

12 obliged, but as I became a nuisance and persisted with referring to what is going on in Babr Amr in subsequent comments it got to 11, then 13.

I think this “distraction faction” here are very annoyed by SyriaComment allowing my flags of sanity and reality to be planted among their comments.

The distraction faction are exposing their organised campaign, numbers and persistence with the pattern of their votes at the moment – they are not smart enough to be discreet.

Since they are not trapped like Syrians whose suffering they ignore they are free to go and start their own separate blog called “UnSyrian Comment”.

Joshua Landis is very decent and fair and I am sure he would put a link to it.

March 4th, 2012, 2:19 pm


Syrialover said:

I am going to plant another flag of sanity and reality. It will be very irritating for the distraction faction. I just read:

“In all the years that I have known the ICRC in Damascus, the Syrian government has never let them see torture victims or the underbelly of the government,” said Joshua Landis, a Syria expert at Oklahoma University. “I don’t know why they would change now.”

March 4th, 2012, 2:25 pm


Tara said:

Mina@ 534

Similar to what Zoo has said before, I trust the moderator’s judgement and sentence. I like SC now much more than before. The moderator have trashed several of my posts and I humbly accepted. This is “at will” site. Please don’t give yourself an indigestion. I worry about your health. If the way you like it is different, you are more than capable of immigrating to another site. Lots of people have done this before. No one forces you to read, write or interact.

I would like to remind all those who prefer non-civil discourse with the results of the vote graciously posted by Alex where most wanted moderate to severe moderation policy.

March 4th, 2012, 2:28 pm


Uzair8 said:

In an earlier post I mentioned how the regimes strategy would be futile if the opposition refused to be deterred by the punishment of Bab Amr thereby forcing the regime to repeat the Bab Amr episode for every revolting town and village for which it has neither the time, money and manpower.

What would the regime soldiers originally from Bab Amr (or Homs) have been thinking while Bab Amr was being mercilessly attacked for a month? Did any of them defect or consider defecting?

Now Rastan is under attack will soldiers originally from there be provoked into defecting?

If next the regime turns it cruelty on to Daraa, Idlib and other areas will soldiers from those regions remain loyal?

Are the soldiers kept in the dark about what is going on in other parts of the country?

The main question is whether the regime can go after each and every rebel area without provoking more defections resulting in more enemies of the regime.

As long as the opposition are not deterred by the Bab Amr episode the regime will fail hopefully. The brutality and massacres are regime signatures designed to send a message of deterrance to others.

March 4th, 2012, 2:30 pm


Syrialover said:

The distraction faction are now talking mainly to each other here, bolstering each other’s efforts.

How dumb. They are driving their target audience away in droves from this comment section.

Guys you’ll have to lift your game. It isn’t working.

March 4th, 2012, 2:32 pm


Syrialover said:

How about I organise the “UnSyrian Comment” blog for you distraction faction guys.

Now that you have moved back to jeering and sneering at the Arab Spring and cranking up the jihadest bogeyman you are really floundering and need a fresh start.

March 4th, 2012, 2:38 pm


Uzair8 said:


Inside Syria: Can Syria’s opposition unite?
04 Mar 2012

Almost one year after the uprising began in Syria, the death toll continues to rise with the UN’s latest figures suggesting that about 8,000 people have been killed.

Yet despite the ongoing crisis, the opposition remains fractious and deeply divided. The wide variety of political groups, exiled dissidents, grassroots activists and armed militants have been unable to agree on how to overthrow President Bashar al-Assad.


Randa Slim, an adjunct research fellow at the New American Foundation and scholar at the Middle East Institute.

Najib Ghadbian, a member of the Syrian National Council and associate professor of political science and Middle East studies at the University of Arkansas

Joshua Landis, a Syria expert and director of the Center for Middle East Studies, who is also a professor at Oklahoma University

March 4th, 2012, 2:40 pm


bronco said:

#538 Tara

Sorry Tara, Tyler Hick speaks for himself.
He admits he speaks no arabic, how could make a difference between a Libyan and a Syrian?
In #516, Anthony Shadid reported that Libyans offered 100 millions to Syrian rebels. That’s a direct interference from a country where the remainder of respect is gradually disappearing, as Shadid himself observed.

The help coming from Libya is another stain on the opposition.

March 4th, 2012, 2:42 pm


Tara said:

Bronco @535

I don’t want to sound like Mar Musa’s statement.  “we pray for our attackers” but I do forgive you for your non-support…..because I want to. 

I wish I can better understand Tara’s selective forgiveness.  Psychoanalysis?   

March 4th, 2012, 2:47 pm


majedkhaldoun said:

There is only one type of Islam, it is the type that is clear reading Quraan,Quraan teachs love,compassion,freedom ,justice and equality,Islam is the religion of peace and justice,religion of wisdom and it is the religion of those who thinks and ponder.
Your hatred to Islam is blinding you from seeing real Islam.
Please avoid this islamophobia.

March 4th, 2012, 2:55 pm


Tara said:

Bronco @546

“..Anthony Shadid reported that Libyans offered 100 millions to Syrian rebels. That’s a direct interference from a country where the remainder of respect is gradually disappearing, as Shadid himself observed.  The help coming from Libya is another stain on the opposition.”

It is only natural for humans to feel solidarity with each other when they watch the slaughter day in and day out.  

Is the help coming from Iran to slaughter the Syrians is another stain on the regime in your opinion?

Iran gave Syria $1 billion to aid regime against sanctions, documents reveal
By Lisa Daftari
Published February 14, 2012

March 4th, 2012, 3:00 pm


zoo said:

????? ??????? ??????? ?? ?????? ??????? 03.03.2012

March 4th, 2012, 3:00 pm


bronco said:

#549 Bronco

Now you bring in Iran again!
Iran has large investments in Syria and has been helping Syria for a long time. Iran has been also helping Hamas for a long time time too.
A stain? In the contrary, Syria is proud to have a powerful, proud and independent country like Iran as an ally that is not based on similar religion ideologies.
Can you say the same about the opposition and Libya?
The Libyans are simply opportunistic and are following their newly discovered religious ideologies.

March 4th, 2012, 3:08 pm


Mina said:

The way I understand the fact that the Red Cross is not allowed into Baba Amro while the Syrian media and the Red Crescent are is that for months, the rebels occupied the whole area with no mercy for the people who disagreed with them. So now that some can take a chance to get back to their homes or to see what remains of it, there is no reason why this should not be monitored in an organised way.
Another possibilty is what happened during the negociation about the journalists release, when they refused to be transfered in a Red Crescent ambulance to the Red Cross one waiting a little on the outskirts.

March 4th, 2012, 3:08 pm


Tara said:

Zoo @550

I am sure you’ve heard of the Satsnic Cult, Hitler’s admirers, OBL’s followers, and that you have read of how many women fall in love with serial killers and correspond with them while serving life-sentence. Some also marry them.

The point I am making is that the presence of a group of worshipers does not validate or legitimize the action of the worshiped.

I am surprised we did not see the utilization of the middle finger, a behavior well known to and reflective of Assad’s supporters.

March 4th, 2012, 3:19 pm


Tara said:


I do not like it when you call me by a number and therefore will not read the post or answer it.

March 4th, 2012, 3:20 pm


zoo said:

#553 Tara

Do these people(old ladies and men, smart young people of all ages and gender) look like belonging to a satanist cult?
I can’t say the same when I see these masked, hateful and bearded men leading some opposition demonstrations in Syria.

March 4th, 2012, 3:37 pm


bronco said:

#554 Tara

An easy way out.

March 4th, 2012, 3:39 pm


zoo said:

How lower would his re-election concerns take Obama?

Obama: U.S. Won’t Hesitate To Use Force On Iran
by The Associated Press
March 4, 2012

President Obama said Sunday that the United States will not hesitate to attack Iran with military force to prevent it from acquiring a nuclear weapon, but he cautioned that “too much loose talk of war” recently has only helped Tehran and driven up the price of oil.

March 4th, 2012, 3:46 pm


mjabali said:


You said in comment # 584

There is only one type of Islam, it is the type that is clear reading Quraan,Quraan teachs love,compassion,freedom ,justice and equality,Islam is the religion of peace and justice,religion of wisdom and it is the religion of those who thinks and ponder.
Your hatred to Islam is blinding you from seeing real Islam.
Please avoid this islamophobia.”

When someone critique anything related to the type Islam you espouse, you cry Islamophobia right away.

Watch your logic…it is not up to the challenge…try to argue the facts I brought for you about certain groups intentions for minorities. Do not run and tell me Islamophobia…Come up with ideas and facts to refute me…I will be waiting…

Come up with a better argument because you can not prove a thing with this dismissive technique.

You seem to trade marked Islam to your group…that is interesting..

March 4th, 2012, 3:52 pm


Tara said:


You judge IQ based on appearance and specifically by the lack of beard or by the presence of masks?

Opposition in Syria wear masks during demonstration because if they are caught, they are risking throat-slit, eyes gouged out , or genitalia cut off.

Additionally, I am told that the heavy bearded Mullahs in Iran are superioy intelligent. That isn’t true? Are they dumb? Does one lose IQ points growing a beard? I am glad women don’t have a beard. I want to stay as smart as I am know. The good news for me then is the more I am “unmasked”, the more intelligent I come off. Who would’ve thought so?

March 4th, 2012, 3:53 pm


zoo said:

Hamas internal struggles in the new Moslem brotherhood dominated region

Egypt warms to Hamas, but not allies yet
Bradley Hope and Hugh Naylor
Mar 5, 2012

The Freedom and Justice Party’s balanced approach to Palestine is already providing a serious test to Hamas’s willingness to give up an armed struggle against Israel and reconcile with Fatah. The group appears to be hedging its alliances to avoid having to make concessions.

A top Hamas official told The National that Mr Haniyeh’s speech was not meant to be a decisive break from the regime of Bashar Al Assad and that Hamas members had left Damascus because of the “security situation”.

“He was only speaking about the right of the people,” said Mahmoud Zahar, a prominent Hamas official. “But speaking about the people is totally different from supporting the opposition. We are not playing the game of meddling in Syria’s internal affairs. People have understood Haniyeh’s comments incorrectly – we are neutral.”

He said Hamas was “not playing the game of switching from one axis to another, whether Iranian, Syrian or the Muslim Brotherhood”, and the group was still receiving funding from Iran.

March 4th, 2012, 3:53 pm


Ghufran said:

OTW,who is more sensible than many bloggers, is calling the arming of ordinary citizens a ” terrible,terrible idea” , I do not know if he supports arming the FSA. I am against arming any group in Syria for two reasons: first it will increase violence and blood shed ,and second it will surely allow terrorists and thugs hiding under the FSA flag to acquire lethal weapons that will be used against average citizens. The same blog,hitaan,is criticizing the SNC for not coming against those who committed atrocities in the name of fighting the regime,I agree with that except that this criticism is 9 months late.

March 4th, 2012, 3:55 pm


Amir in Tel Aviv said:


I thinks that we are special people, and that we deserve some respect for all that we gave you (humanity). I really feel that way. Who gave you the 7 days week? Who gave you the believe in one god? The Jews. Who gave you the first set of humanistic 10 laws (Commandments)? Who gave you Abraham Isaac and Jacob? The Jews. Who gave you hundreds of scientific inventions, which make your lives easy and pleasant? The Jews gave you all these things.
We deserve a little gratitude and respect. What you call antisemitism (I don’t like this word) and I call Jew-hatred, is simply an envy of our special talents and achievements.
It doesn’t say that we want to control anyone or any thing.

March 4th, 2012, 3:57 pm


Tara said:


Love your answer!!

I like mature men. Please Refer to me as Tara, or even Hatahet or ..Reem. I have given you that choice before.

Taking my 3 faked children to see Lorax. Will reply in short while.

March 4th, 2012, 3:59 pm


Ghufran said:

?????? ? ?? ?? ??: ??? ???? ???????? ??????? ?????? ???? ??????? ??? ?????? ?? ??????? ??????? ???? ??? ???? ????? ??? ???? ?? ??? ??????? ?? ???? ???? ?????? ?? ?????? ???????? ???? ???? ?? ??? ???? ??????? ??????? ????.
Comment: what about Bahrain?
Also,is it ok for the GCC to interfere in internal affairs of non members?
How will the GCC respond when the Arab spring hit GCC countries?

March 4th, 2012, 4:00 pm


Syrialover said:

# Amir in Tel Aviv said:

“…Most Americans really support Israel. Even I sometimes don’t understand why. But a fact is a fact.”

C’mon don’t eat up more airspace by starting another distraction faction. Plenty of smart Israelists understand why and how to make sure it looks this way, and there are also plenty of thinking Israelis who are uneasy about them doing it.

You are demonstrating a tactic right now with your commment.

This is getting over the top. The SC comments section is going to lose all its readers and contributors. A tragedy. It is being vandalised and choked up by a few systematic distractors who have no real stake or care for what is happening in Syria.

SC Moderator, let me set up the UnSyrian Comment site and you can divert their comments to there. Then these distraction factions (plural, now Amir is tryng to add another) can keep running their campaigns among themselves instead of swamping SC.

March 4th, 2012, 4:04 pm


zoo said:

Tara #559

I never cared about IQ’s. I just compare the openness of these demonstrations to all ages, gender, religion and social classes.

I am not sure I have seen that in any opposition demonstrations.
By the way, growing a fuzzy beard is, in some religious sect, a duty for serious followers.

March 4th, 2012, 4:04 pm


irritated said:

Syria Lover #565

Instead of repeating it every 2 post, I suggest you do it!

“SC Moderator, let me set up the UnSyrian Comment site”

March 4th, 2012, 4:07 pm


Tara said:


I pulled over in utter shock!

I am speechless. OMG!! I thought the chosen people theme is not universal among the Jews. Did I think wrong? I despice it when prople have a sense of entitlement. This is morally very wrong!

March 4th, 2012, 4:08 pm


irritated said:

Ghufran #564

“How will the GCC respond when the Arab spring hit GCC countries?”

They’ll do what they have being doing for years, accusing Iran and the Shias and showing the money.

March 4th, 2012, 4:09 pm


irritated said:

#566 Tara

Now you know the real face and motivations of your anti-regime most faithful allies…

March 4th, 2012, 4:14 pm


Uzair8 said:

Just watching the Inside Syria episode posted earlier. Check out Prof Landis’ comments from 18 min 20 sec.

“I do think it {the regime} will fall…”

“I think this is a grassroots revolution”

Also listen to the Prof Landis’ comments on Aleppo.


A user comment from AJE Live Syria blog:

‘Damascus merchants are angry about fuel
prices, daily blackouts and currency status. They aren’t angry about the 100 who’s killed everyday.’


Some say Assad shouldn’t be toppled for the sake of the ‘resistance’ (against Isreal). I came across the story of a past martyr yesterday.

Sheikh Abu Bakr Al Nablusi (known as the skinned martyr) who once fled Palestine to settle in Damascus, and was later horrifically skinned alive and killed by the Fatimid ruler for having said:

“If I had ten spears in my possession, I would throw one of them at the Romans, and I would throw the other nine at these tyrannical Fatimids.”

When brought before the ruler he denied having said this. When asked what he did say he replied boldly:

“If a man has ten spears, then he should throw nine of them at you, then he should throw the tenth one at you as well!!!”

He was brutally martyred. Too graphic to post.

[I understand that this story is in ‘al-Bidayah wan-Nihayah’ by Ibn Kathir, as well as any other book of history or biographies.]

March 4th, 2012, 4:14 pm


Ghufran said:

????? ??????? ??????? ??????? ????? ??????? ??? ???????? ??????? ?? ????? ??? ???? ??????? ???????? ????? ?? ?????? ?????? ????? ??????? ????? ???? 62% ?? ??????? ??? ??? ??? 20% ?? ??? ??? ???? ??????? ??? ???? ????? ??????? ?????? ???????? ???% 17

March 4th, 2012, 4:15 pm


zoo said:

Now we know why Bab Amr fell so easily…
Israeli-made drones providing Syrian regime with intel
Asharq Al-Awsat

Ankara, Asharq Al-Awsat- Turkish sources have revealed to Asharq Al-Awsat that its country’s radars have picked up drones flying over the Syrian territories. The sources say that these drones are being used to spy on Syrian activists and attack them. The sources point out that these drones are Israeli made.

The sources explain that this reality presents three possibilities. The first possibility is that Israel is cooperating with the Syrian regime. The second is that there is semi-cooperation between Israel and the Syrian regime in the sense that Israel provides the regime with information. The third and most likely possibility is that Russia has provided the regime with these drones, of which Moscow had bought from Tel Aviv.

The sources point out that the third possibility means that these drones are operated by Russian officers and experts.

March 4th, 2012, 4:18 pm


irritated said:

#570 Ghufran

Mabrouk Putin! and good teeth-grinding to Miss Piggy.

We are now going to see a flurry of Western warnings that it was rigged, that this is not going to last, Putin’s end is near etc..

March 4th, 2012, 4:22 pm


Ghufran said:

Putin’s victory speech:

March 4th, 2012, 4:23 pm


Syrialover said:

Tara, the animals are now taking over the zoo and it is better if you stop feeding them.

Let us put our hearts and minds to the reality of what is happening in our beloved SYRIA.

March 4th, 2012, 4:26 pm


irritated said:

Ghufran #573

Thanks for Putin’s speech video. I recommend it for people who are moved by seeing a powerful man crying of emotion.

March 4th, 2012, 4:30 pm


majedkhaldoun said:

In every comment you make you make it sound that the revolution is religious one, and you know that majority of Syrian are musslems, sometimes you call them salafists sometime you call them religiously fanatic, you are trying to call this revolution as Islam against non mosslems, .
Mjabali you are wrong this revolution is about freedom, which I wish you admit that, it is about dignity, it is against a dictator who believe Syria is his farm, it is not religious revolution, I hope one day you come to understand that.
What you are trying to do is to scare the minorities, remember many christians are in this revolution,George Sabra Michael Kilo,and other who are not Sunni as Makhos,and Aref Dalileh, and Fadwa Sulaimn,I hope you get the message

March 4th, 2012, 4:46 pm


Amir in Tel Aviv said:

ZOO 571,

Here’s a discussion about drones that fly in Syrian airspace, from an Israeli military blog:
the clip

the discussion

You can google translate. This isn’t Israeli drone. It could be an Iranian or Pakistani made. According to one of the commentators there, the Syrian air force purchased some Pakistani drones which look like the one in the clip.

March 4th, 2012, 4:57 pm


Syrialover said:

Ghufran, with your interest in Putin’s Russia here’s a new film you must see, Cyril Tuschi’s “Khodorkovsky”:

And if you haven’t seen it already, the brilliant new book, which is also the basis of a brilliant TV/ DVD series – “The Strongman: Vladimir Putin and the Struggle for Russia”, By Angus Roxburgh:

It explains everything we are seeing, including why he would be reluctant to criticize Assad.

Now, can we get back to Syria.

March 4th, 2012, 4:59 pm


son of Damascus said:


“They’ll do what they have being doing for years, accusing Iran and the Shias and showing the money.”

That sounds very familiar to me, where did I hear this whole accuse foreign entities of interfering argument to save a corrupt and deadly regime?

March 4th, 2012, 5:01 pm


Darryl said:

Dr Khaldoun, last Monday you were on a high with regard to the fake gospel where the Messiah supposedly said that the Messenger of Islam is to come after him. Below are two links for you to read and find the truth:

Many of the Islamic channels even went as far as to make it look like the fake gospel was written before Islam was invented, when in reality this fake book has been know about in the last century.

March 4th, 2012, 5:11 pm


Uzair8 said:

Wow. This is dynamite. I came across the following in the comment section of AJE Syria blog but ignored it thinking it was those propaganda rumours or whatever (I didn’t see the Sunday Express mentioned).

Just popped over to the AJE blog and so it posted as a blog update and I have to say I am stunned. From what I know of Mr Akhras I didn’t expect this:

The British newspaper Sunday Express has reportedly tracked down Bashar al-Assad’s father-in-law in London. Below an excerpt from the article that was published today:


The London-based father-in-law of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad last night begged him to make democratic changes to his strife-torn country “before it’s too late”.

Harley Street cardiologist Dr Fawaz Akhras, says he is “horrified” by his son-in-law’s savage suppression of the uprising in Syria which has cost the lives of at least 7,000 ordinary civilians.

As Syrian troops renewed their ferocious bombardment of the city of Homs he revealed for the first time that he has been quietly pushing for reform since before the revolution began last March.

Dr Akhras, admits he is also fearful for the safety of his British-born daughter Asma, 36, who married Assad 12 years ago.

Is this the blow to the regime some were hoping for?

March 4th, 2012, 5:14 pm


Jad said:

Cleaning Baba Amr:
???? ????? ?????? ????? ?? ???? ????

March 4th, 2012, 5:35 pm


irritated said:

#580 SOD

You’re right except for “showing the money.”

March 4th, 2012, 5:42 pm


majedkhaldoun said:

I was not on a high,as you say,please respect other and avoid insult
Second why dont you read john 15-16 and post it here and you will find that jesus said,I had to go for (HIM)to come ,he will explain every thing and he will speak out of holy spirit,infact he call him the instructor.
Also go back and read Barnabas bible. this is your religion ,you ought to read it all once a year.
Also read andrew 43-47
In Islam there are those who memorize Quraan from the begining to the end,I don’t,but go and read Nisaa soura,the last page when God adresses the christians.The whole difference between Musslems and christians is the Idea that Jesus is son of God, while the original Bible says jesus was a unique son,and the crusified man said in every bible Ilahi ilahi,he did not say father,

March 4th, 2012, 5:48 pm


Hans said:

Obama was more jew than the jewish this morning at the AIPAC
I wonder if Ghalioun Basma were also invited to the meeting.
Obama was given them the lesson how to behave in front of his masters.
The jewish lobby is very important in the coming election as the israelis are important for Ghalioum and Basma future.

March 4th, 2012, 5:51 pm


Uzair8 said:

Just want to throw out some thoughts. An alternative interpretation. I still can’t believe Mr Akhras dared to make these public statements even if he is close family.

I wonder if Assad made a deal with his wife. The regime would allow her father to make these ‘moderate’ and limited statements to shake off the pressure on the Akhras family (incl Asma) in the UK if she agreed to come out in support of Assad (which she did some weeks ago). (?)

Cynical? What does this story mean?

March 4th, 2012, 5:52 pm



Where are is now the awful terrorist organization that planned the terrorist attacks in Kafr Susseh, Maidan and Aleppo? Have they vanished from planet earth? Or is the same terrorist organization that is bombing syrian cities? Maybe the Big Brother who planned terrorist attacks just fulfilled the aim of keeping Damascus and Aleppo middle classes terrorized.

March 4th, 2012, 5:55 pm


Syrialover said:

Thank you for the link to that useful discussion, Uzair8 in #569:

Listen to Joshua Landis’ comments on the crushing poverty in Syria and its relevance to what is happening now.

Cut to around the 18.40 minute mark:

March 4th, 2012, 5:55 pm



Bashar al Assad mafia is ready to make all insurgents disappear. But this time the army of masses asking for freedom, justice and revenge is outnumbering any other movement in syrian history. He and Nasrallah try to keep the silly rethorics of colonialism and Israel. But they are fortress they built during some many years is beginning to fail from its own sand bases: the people.

Most of those supporting Assad State and HA Paranoia are new rich and new bourgoise that have amassed large amounts of money, in many cases through arms and drugs dealings, in best cases through political favours that have let them own large properties and bussinesses that could take hundreds of years for a fairy trader to get. They will lose legitimacy day after day until their own people lets them fall. Same thing could happen in the long term in Russia and Iran.

March 4th, 2012, 6:06 pm


jad said:

Another reason for the West-Khalijis War Inc. to attack the Maronite’s Patriarch of Lebanon because he is speaking the truth. I’m sure the media attacks already started somewhere:

???????? ??????: ????? ???? ??? ??????????? ?? ????? ???????

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???? ?????? ?????: “?? ?????? ?? ???? ??????? ?????? ??????? ??? ??? ?????? ?? ???? ??????? ??????? ???????? ???? ?? ????”.

March 4th, 2012, 6:09 pm


jad said:

Good news, the Lebanese Army started to help, I hope they continue:

????? ???????? ???? ????? ??? ?????? ????? ????? ?? ?????

???? ????? ??????? ??????? “????” ???? ????? ????? ?? ????? ???????? ???? ????? ??? ?????? ????? ??????? ???? ????? ?? ??????? ????? ?? ?????.

March 4th, 2012, 6:13 pm


Syrialover said:

Uzair8 #582 and 587. I have often read that Dr Akhras was friendly with Assad senior, which is how his daughter Asma came to get involved with her husband Basher Assad.

The guy would now be fighting to avoid his patients and colleagues refusing to deal with him, to keep his foothold in polite British society and his neighbourhood, and to stop becoming a boycotted pariah in UK expatriate Syrian circles. He is also under siege at his home from anti-regime demonstrators and the ruthless British press.

He would be desperately turning to expensive spin doctors and crisis managers for help in how to handle the well-deserved mess he is in. His statement smacks of that.

He doesn’t want to have to pack and go back to Syria, does he.

March 4th, 2012, 6:14 pm


son of Damascus said:


Thank you, I know it won’t be an easy thing to accomplish but the fallen in Syria should always be remembered, it is the least they deserve.

First I would have to register the foundation, and go through the local red tape before I do anything.

I will most likely setup a landing page or website this week, to facilitate discussions and streamline ideas to transform this from an idea to reality.

There are many things to do to get this going, and as I said on 7ee6an I can’t do this alone, but hopefully with the help of family, friends and other Syrians it won’t be as daunting.
I am already blessed with the fact a close relative has her own successful foundation that I can gain more understanding of the process and difficulties ahead.

Thank you before hand for any help you can provide, even if it was just to get the word out.

For anyone interested I am trying to establish something like the Kosovo Memory Book, but for Syria. That is inclusive to all Syrians that have died, no matter their sect, political affiliation, religion, … the dead should be remembered as humans not mere numbers.

March 4th, 2012, 6:14 pm


Son of Damascus said:


‘You’re right except for “showing the money.”’

Then what do you call all those subsidies the regime enacted last year, I know Syria does not have the kind of cash on hand as the GCC, but the regime has done what it could with what it had, no?

March 4th, 2012, 6:19 pm


jad said:

Very true and we can see the trend everywhere we go:

???? ???? ?????? ?
Mazen Moughrabieh
???? ?? ????? ?????? ?????? ???? ????? ?? ??? ?????… ???? ?? ???? ????? ??????… ???? ?? ???? ????? ?????? ???????… ???? ?? ????? ????? ???? ????? ?? ?????? ????? ???????… ???? ?? ???? ?? ???? ??? ?????????? ?????????? ??? ????? ??????… ???? ?? ?? ???? ?? ?? ????? ??????? ???????? ????? ?????… ???? ?????.. ???? ??????? ?? ??? ?????? ????? ????? ?????? ??????? ??? ??????? ????? ???? ???? ????????? ??? ???? ????? ?????? ??????…

You should never criticize the SNC surrender to the West.
You should never refuse to militarize the uprising.
You should never refuse the international intervention in the Syrian crisis.
You should never criticize fsa out of fear of the spread of civil war.
You should never say that there are some terrorists and jihadists penetrated the ‘movement’.
You should never not to believe everything said by alkhanzeera and alarabiya.
You should never ever announce any of those prohibitions that I told you because you immediately became the mouthpiece of the regime and a traitor to the blood of the martyrs and a ‘lover’ of the life of humiliation and slavery and you defiantly don’t want ‘freedom’ for the Syrian people!

March 4th, 2012, 6:26 pm



583. Jad,

They clean Homs as they did in Hama? Hiding the dead and edifying Cham Hotel on the debris a half of the city on the left bank of Assy river? Congratulations.

Please do cheat yourself and do not deny reality. Mass demostrations for freedoms were repressed by moukhabarat with bullets. All said. The rest is just a consequence of the original crime.

I repeat do not cheat yourself and if you need to live in a bubble please do not try to cheat other people who tries to find real information.

March 4th, 2012, 6:29 pm


jad said:

Son of Damascus
While preparing the organization stuff, may I suggest that you start collecting the information you need.
Even if you start your project as simple as collecting names and pictures of the Syrians we lost it will be a big step forward that will help you launch the project easier later on.
And to make your project more unique, a different layout and presentation might be the start, I think it’s good to be positive, optimistic and attracting for everybody to join, staying away fro our ‘sad’ and ‘depressing’ culture dealing with death is a good start.
Again, just let me know if you need any help spreading the word when you are ready.
It seems that the livings are separating us while the dead are uniting us, how sad is that?

March 4th, 2012, 6:36 pm


Syrialover said:

#595. Son of Damascus

An inspiration should be Professor Kanan Mikiya, an Iraqi who slogged on and documented and commemorated the victims of Saddam Hussein.

Stick to his agenda and you will be truly serving the Syrian people. Don’t get distraction-factioned into bewailing victims of the evil opposition terrorists and so on. They are ALL victims of the Assad regime, and so are those who are doing the regime’s dirty work for them. All are Syrians whose lives have been damaged and wasted because they had the misfortune to live in the Assadist era.

Kanan Mikaya:

March 4th, 2012, 6:37 pm



Those who are still trying to make cheap propaganda to stand by the regime are irresponsibly causing more deaths in the future. Most of them will have beneffited from the status quo and need the regime for their beneffits to survive. But you should accept that building your beneffits in repression and civil deaths all around is simply DISGUSTING, SHAMEFULL and IMMORAL.

March 4th, 2012, 6:38 pm


jad said:

No need to repeat your sentences twice, I got it the first time.
I will only cheat myself and nobody else, I promise!

March 4th, 2012, 6:38 pm



Anybody has knowledge about the current situation and effects on citizens of nuclear debris hidden in the syrian desert between Homs and Palmyra some 10 years ago?

This is just one of one hundred questions that happen in Syria and little people knows outside Syria. Politics of hiding the truth and hitting to death the one who reveals reality is what we are fighting.

March 4th, 2012, 6:40 pm



602 JAD

Thank you very much for trying not to cheat anybody else. It´s so honest from your side that I can´t believe it.

March 4th, 2012, 6:43 pm


Observer said:

Once again we have adoring delusional “fredo” worshipers grasping at straws of “good” news here and there.
They caught these groups and destroyed those other groups and they are rebuilding BA as we speak.

Well I went on the Doonia and Cham Press and realized that the news of Putin winning the elections was the prime piece of news and the great hope for Fredo and the Corleone family.

On the other hand RT and RT in arabic was full of the news of the GCC meeting, the interviews with “prominent” Syrian analysts all proclaiming that the way of
“dialogue” is the only way. It means one thing, preparation for a deal to hand over mutual interests in an exchange where Fredo will “swim with the fishes”.

So we see the beginning of a change in tune and tone on RT today.

I found this comment on AJ most pertinent as it accurately describes the “family”

??? ???? ???? ???????? .. ??????? ???? ?????? ??? 40 ??? ???????? ? ???????? .. ???? ???? ? ?? ?? ?? ??? ? ??? ???? ??? ???? ?? ??? ???? ? ????? ???????? ?????? ????? ? ???? ?????? ????? ???? ? ??????????? ???? ??????? ??? ??????? ???? ????? ????? ??????? ?????????? ??? ??? ????? ?????? ????? ?? ????? ????? ???????? ???????? ?? ?? ?????? .

The masquerade continues with meetings of the so called the internal resistance on how to dismantle the “oppressive” nature of the state and how to build a “democratic” pluralist society.

Under this farce of a constitution? Even under this constitution the army and thugs of the regime are violating it daily.

How is it possible that some on this blog continue to use thuggish methods to silence debate? to post trivia and distractions and to engage in intimidation day in an day out is beyond me but I guess that the moderator has his preferences.

There are intimidators on this blog for a support of such a regime implies an acceptance of thugs at the helm. This is an abject regime and has destroyed the Syria we know and is well on its way to creating Somaria on the Med.

Germs and Rats are coming

March 4th, 2012, 6:44 pm


Equus said:

Obama should also apologize for kidnapping Afghans; for holding them at Bagram without due process of law; for forcing them into cages, each reportedly holding up to 30 prisoners; for denying them Red Cross/Red Crescent visits; for illegally confiscating family letters; for torturing and sexually abusing them; and for casting a pall of fear over the country.

The Cross/Red Crescent truck is always stuck. I guess Mrs Clinton is critiquing Assad for copying from Mr. Obama without paying royalties.

March 4th, 2012, 6:45 pm


jad said:

WMD, eh! You may need to ask Filtman, they may need your help in the new WMD project they are working on 🙂
I’m not cheating you on this one, Google it!

March 4th, 2012, 6:46 pm


ghufran said:

what is more interesting than the story is the comments it received from readers. others want Syrians to fight and die and then they will deal with the winner.

March 4th, 2012, 6:47 pm


Alan said:

‘We won!’ Teary-eyed Putin proclaims victory (VIDEO)
?? ??? ???????? ??? ????? ??? ????? ????? ?? ???? ?????? ????? ????? ,? ????? ????? ?????????? ???? ????? ????? ? ???? ? ???? ! ????? ????? ?? ?? ???????? ??????? !

March 4th, 2012, 6:54 pm



607 JAD

Ignoring reality can damage your health. Here you have one of hundreds of links talking about the issue:

¨It was known that Khaddam was the person behind the disposal of nuclear waste from different countries in the Syrian desert and that when he left people said that that has ended and no nuclear waste is being disposed off in Syria. Not until recently, in one of wikileaks cables did it mention how in 2009 nuclear waste from Yemen was being disposed off in Syria. So basically what ever Khaddam was doing some one else is now carrying out.¨

March 4th, 2012, 6:56 pm


Syrialover said:

# 606. Equus

Why are you asking people to turn from what’s happening in Syria and spend air time on a circular US-bashing debate on Afghanistan?

My heart and thoughts at the moment are with Syrians. I don’t have head space and emotion for other things, which is why I come to Syria Comment.

If you stopped and randomly interviewed people in the streets of London, Montreal, Hamburg, Singapore, anywhere, you would find more concern for Syrians than I am seeing from some commentators here.

Please, not you too Equus.

March 4th, 2012, 6:58 pm


jad said:

I didn’t deny it, we7yatak.
I was just referring you to the right person to help your case 🙂

March 4th, 2012, 7:05 pm



The syrian government accepted the fact that nuclear waste was introduced by Khaddam to Syria desert.

Maybe expats did not care too much about these news. But people living inside Syria suffers massive deadly cancer, specially in areas populated areas near Palmyra and Jebel al Arab (Soweida, Shahbaa, etc.)

March 4th, 2012, 7:08 pm


Alan said:

Russia’s National Interests and Foreign Policy
Victor PIROZHENKO | 05.03.2012 |
Russia will actually earn the friendship of an ever-growing number of countries in all parts of the world by firmly advocating its international policy principles and national interests. In a world where the principles are respected, Russia will score benefits far outweighing the costs of re-establishing itself as a global power which, in fact, it has never stopped being.

March 4th, 2012, 7:09 pm



614 JAD,

I know moukhabaraat are the ones can help heal my case. Thanks for your help.

March 4th, 2012, 7:11 pm


jad said:

Any time SL!
I’m glad that you become an environmentalist.
What say you about the more recent crimes against the environment by some armed militias blowing up petrol pipelines many times to count and making huge air pollution that can be seen from the skies for couple days in Homs, or throwing the mazzot on purpose in rivers and on a good soil that will pollute that soil for many years to come, or cutting trees everywhere they see.
I can help you in documenting those crimes if interests you.
Just let me know 🙂

March 4th, 2012, 7:34 pm


Alan said:

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March 4th, 2012, 7:36 pm


Tara said:

Zoo @564

“just compare the openness of these demonstrations to all ages, gender, religion, and social classes ..I haven’t see that in any opposition demonstrations”

You think you haven’t but you have…  You are just refusing to believe what you have seen over the last 11months.  Women elderly, and children are demonstrating in Syria on daily basis.  Or, let me take this a step further..Are the women demonstrating against Besho al Assad not enough of women for you?  If so why?  Do women need to behave like the one dancing in Sabaa Bahrat in support of Besho to get validated for their womanhood.  Or perhaps if we manage to to get them “unmasked”, that would make them a bit more qualified to be acknowledge as women.  What is good enough for that qualification? A head of hair, an arm, a leg, or a cleavage..may be all above.  Please specify.      
I know now you do not care about IQ’s.  I ‘ll try to sound dumb.

March 4th, 2012, 7:49 pm


jad said:

Now I better understand why the Lebanese army did help yesterday, it seems that the Lebanese are becoming more scared than the Syrians from the terrorists moving freely between the two countries which may lead to a bigger problem for them in the future:

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March 4th, 2012, 7:51 pm


Darryl said:


I have read your sad letter to Norman and I am providing a link for you to listen to Sabah Fakhry singing Qaseedet Ja’et MuAthibetti composed using Maqam Ajam, which is full of affection (Hanan). I know you like maqam Kurd, but maqam Ajam can paint the whole universe with Hanan. Enjoy the Qanoon also.

If you want more of this, you can listen to Um Kalthoum “Lessa Faker” which is also maqam Ajam.

March 4th, 2012, 7:57 pm


Tara said:


Why can’t I bring up Iran or any other country for that matter.  No stone should be left unturned when people are dying.  What made the subject of Iran so sacred that should be left untapped?  

“Syria is proud to have a powerful, proud, and independent country like Iran as an ally that is not base on similar religion ideologies”

Said who?  One’s own affection/bias toward a religious ideology should not be the basis to claim ownership of calling one country proud and the other not.  

Libyans in my opinion have every reason to be proud.  They have risen against a brutal psychopath paired with glossy, western educated “reformer”.   The courage, the selflessness, and the resolve Libyans demonstrated was the light that perhaps sparkled the Syrian revolution.  Quadafi’s and Assads have no match in recent history.  Both are able and willing to go Zenga Zenga DarDar to kill.  Quaddafi would have turned Benghazi into Baba Amr had he not met a more powerful force that cut his miserable life short.  On the other hand, Iran should be in utter shame of how hypocrite it has proven to be supporting a tyrant killing his own people.  It too has fallen from the grace due to what it has come to be.      

March 4th, 2012, 9:03 pm


Tara said:


Thank you. Very good taste! Poetry, music and sadness in a dark night can intoxicate one’s senses into ecstasy.

March 4th, 2012, 9:12 pm


Syrialover said:

Assad has now turned the shelling on Rastan.

It’s day three of broken promises and lies about letting the Red Cross into Babr Amr.

Still cleansing and clearing the place so it will be ready for visitors.

He is even defying the Chinese who have now joined the world chorus asking for the Red Cross to be given access:

Assad is writing himself into the history books as the world’s dirtiest, most defiant, vicious and stupid despot. His Daddy is going to be reduced to a footnote, even below the status of Basher’s brother and brother in law, who are going to heading international crimes against humanity lists.

March 4th, 2012, 9:26 pm


jad said:

I couldn’t believe this clip until I went to the original site, it’s beyond crazy that any person do such disgusting act being full aware of his action.
It seems that the Libyan trend of attacking the dead has some followers in Syria.
Those who upload the clip claimed that the man they assassinate was a ‘SHABBIH’ and ‘SHIA’ and he did support the regime hence he shouldn’t get buried in a ‘SUNNI’ cemetery..I’m absolutely stunned

???? ?????? ?????? ?????? ????? ?? ???????

The original clip
???????? ???? ?????? ???? ??? ?? ?????2

“?? ????? ???? ????? ??? ???? ????? ?? ????????? ?????? ???? ???? ?? ??????? ????? ?????? ??? ???? ?? ??????? ??? ???? ???? ???? ???? ???? ???? ?? ???????? ?????
alnahlawi211 3 days ago 5 “

March 4th, 2012, 9:57 pm


jad said:

So now according to this ‘report’, ‘Israel’ is attacking fsa fighters on behalf of the Syrian regime and is helping it with all kind of information about the fsa movements, how believable is that! yet some people are asking us to watch Aljazeera!

???? ????? ?????? ????????? ?????? ????? ????? ????

March 4th, 2012, 10:05 pm


majedkhaldoun said:

The next leader of Syria will be someone from the FSA,and I agree with Joshua that the regime will fall,but not next year,it will be this year,this spring,FSA arming will expedite the fall.
When Joshua says it is grassroot revolurio,to me it exclude foreign conspiracy.

March 4th, 2012, 10:13 pm


Ghufran said:

I am not a fortune teller
??? ???????? ? ?? ?????
We have heard predictions a dozen of times about Syria and the regime.
Those who focus too much on Bashar are ignoring the fact that the regime has a considerable support among many Syrians but that support has declined in my opinion because a lot of people want a new system that represents all Syrians. The FSA as a movement is still in its infancy,I have not
heard any serious person betting on the FSA suddenly becoming a machine that produces political leaders.
Remember,ladies and gents,even if Bashar leaves,or is forced to leave,the regime will not suddenly accept defeat and invite the SNC or the FSA to occupy government buildings and national TV,this is rather naive.
Without a deal that takes the interest of all parties and groups involved,this conflict may drag on for years,thinking that the regime will fall by the end
of the spring is more of a wish than a true possibility,if I can have a wish,mine will be the orderly departure of Bashar,the sooner the better,formation of a unity government, then clean elections.
Both wishes,mine and majed’s ,may not be realistic,I have to admit.

March 4th, 2012, 10:38 pm


ann said:

JAD, you video is airing on BBC World News!

The viewership of the you tube video went from 1,442 viewers to 24,126 viewers

World outrage is just beginning.

March 4th, 2012, 11:00 pm


ann said:

13 French officers being held in Syria – March 05, 2012

The group is in custody in the central city of Homs, a Damascus-based pro-Syrian Palestinian source in Beirut said.

Sources said the group is being held in a field hospital in the city.

It was not clear why the officers were in Syria, when they had arrived or whether they were part of a larger contingent in the city.

A French Foreign Ministry spokeswoman said there was “no confirmation” of French armed forces being held in Syria.

Damascus has not commented on the presence of French troops on their soil.

Sources said Paris and Damascus were working to reach an agreement on what to do with the officers.


March 4th, 2012, 11:13 pm


mjabali said:


You said in Comment # 577

In every comment you make you make it sound that the revolution is religious one, and you know that majority of Syrian are musslems, sometimes you call them salafists sometime you call them religiously fanatic, you are trying to call this revolution as Islam against non mosslems, .
Mjabali you are wrong this revolution is about freedom, which I wish you admit that, it is about dignity, it is against a dictator who believe Syria is his farm, it is not religious revolution, I hope one day you come to understand that.
What you are trying to do is to scare the minorities, remember many christians are in this revolution,George Sabra Michael Kilo,and other who are not Sunni as Makhos,and Aref Dalileh, and Fadwa Sulaimn,I hope you get the message”

Dude whom are you kidding. I am for the rule of law, democracy and human rights. You are not.

Many of my comments talked about the importance of the peaceful transfer of power in Syria, where you call for an armed “revolution.”

I call for voting, political parties and real grass root change and you call to give to presidency of Syria to one member of an armed violent militia.

By the way: If this “Free Syrian Army” was really for Syria they would have named their battalion something related to Syria. Their loyalty is obvious and you can not hide it no matter you tried to silence me or others saying the same thing. What is the religious composition of this militia? does it really represent the Syrian people’s ethnic and religious groups?

You are for retaliatory vigilante justice: I am not.

I am against the killing of any Syrian by any party: You are not.

I am against violence and violent measures anytime and anywhere, where you encourage the arming of one faction.

You are not for equality in Syria, do not beat around the bush and tell me that you are for equality between all Syrians regardless to their religion or ethnic background.

You and your type are not for this.

Bring democracy, justice, and the rule of law to Syria and I will be the first cheering you.

The Islamists have highjacked the noble cause of the Syrian people VS the dictatorship of al-Assads. This is a fact. Islamists scared the minorities from joining the revolution, this is another fact for you.

Salafis ideas are being circulated in Syria, and if I point one of them out you run and accuse me with your normal labels.

The signs of the Islamization of the struggle against al-Assad are overwhelming.

Aref Dalilah and Michael Kilo are not welcomed by the FSA and the SNC whom you support, so you bringing them as an example is void in your case.

Your attitude towards minorities is well stated through your posts here in this blog: it says they are not equal to you.

If anyone discusses minority issues, people like you try to shut them down. Why?

As for Islam: do you dare discussing it freely with me where I am FREE to say whatever I want?

PS: the video of the Islamists digging up the dead man from the grave is an example of how religion is tainting the noble cause of rising against dictatorship and the call for equality.

March 4th, 2012, 11:16 pm


ann said:

Iraq Sunni tribes warn against arming Syrian opposition – March 05, 2012

“We do not accept that a single bullet reach the opposition from our sovereign land, from Iraq. The people and the authority have to solve it politically,” Sheikh Hamad Hnein said in his home in “Coolie Camp,” a village which still uses the name given to it by British troops at a nearby airbase who housed day laborers here in the 1930s.

“As simple people, we hope to do the impossible for the Syrian people. But this support, if it isn’t rational and logical, if it’s weapons and aggravation, then the people will pay the price, not the authorities,” said Sheikh Khaled Khalifa.

“We have been through this crisis … It’s possible but people have wizened up because this is a conspiracy to kill the unity of the people,” Khalifah said.


March 4th, 2012, 11:26 pm


majedkhaldoun said:

YOU are wrong on every issue you raised.
I am for freedom you are not ,I am for democracy you are against democracy and supporting Assad and his regime ,a dictatorship regime.
I am for stronger Syria. and Arab cause you stated before you are against Arab power,
I am for defending minorities ,you are for Minorities to kill the majority.
I am against violence for violence ,I am for defending the syrian people against brutal armed goverment,you are denying the people self defence.
I am for Justice ,you are supporting the regime that denied syrian people justice.
When i defend equality between minorities and majority, you are against that,you want the Minorities to enslave the majority.

I am ready and glad to defend Islam, on one condition, you only quote Quraan, not a silly man who interpreted Quraan in a devious way like Hasan Nasralla or other self claimed skeikh like Hassoun or Bouti,and I know you stand no chance.

March 4th, 2012, 11:46 pm


zoo said:

China: No push for regime change
Sunday, China offered a proposal to end the violence in Syria, calling for an immediate cease-fire and talks by all parties. But it stood firm in its opposition to foreign intervention. The proposal, posted on the Foreign Ministry’s website, describes the situation in Syria as “grave” and calls for an immediate end to all violence as well as humanitarian relief and negotiations mediated by the U.N. and the Arab League.

But it rejects outside interference, sanctions and attempts at regime change. “We oppose anyone interfering in Syria’s internal affairs under the pretext of ‘humanitarian’ issues,” the proposal said. “China does not approve of armed interference or pushing for ‘regime change’ in Syria and believes that use or threat of sanctions does not help to resolve the issue.”

Read more:,8599,2108262,00.html#ixzz1oDMUjjZd

March 4th, 2012, 11:47 pm


ann said:

Explosion kills one child in Syria’s Aleppo – 2012-03-05

DAMASCUS, March 4 (Xinhua) — A ten-year-old was killed and four other children were wounded when an explosive device went off in the northern Aleppo province, Syria’s second largest city and economic powerhouse that remained relatively peaceful during the one-year-old domestic unrest.

Syria’s private media said the blast in the Bustan al-Basha area was a work of some “armed groups” and a 55-year-old man was also among the injured, while official account of the incident is not immediately available.


March 4th, 2012, 11:47 pm


Equus said:

611. Syrialover
Dear Syria lover,
My comment did not ask you to head space and emotion for other things. I simply put in parallel US doings to other nations which certain Syrians are calling upon its assistance.
At least I’m keeping my comments to political pertaining matters rather than saying if I’m writing from bed or taking my children to such and such movie. Another describing how pretty his girlfriend…. And other complaining to moderator over silly childish excuses did not strike your attention but my comment woke you up from hibernation. You have time to read those comments because are siding with your opinion but rejecting others’ political debate/opinion?
If you stopped and randomly interviewed people in the streets of London, Montreal, Hamburg, Singapore, anywhere, you would find more concern for Syrians than I am seeing from some commentators here.
This is the democracy that you exactly are calling upon in Syria. This is an international blog people write their political perspective and you are not to dictate on who should say what. Welcome to democracy. If you cannot take the heat leave the kitchen.

March 4th, 2012, 11:56 pm


jad said:

You are a trouble maker! 🙂
That wasn’t ‘MY’ video, it was allover the FB pages.

March 5th, 2012, 12:02 am


ann said:

638. jad said:

You are a trouble maker! 🙂
That wasn’t ‘MY’ video, it was allover the FB pages.
JAD, this comment is from the comments section of The Daily Mail Libyan grave desecration coverage it got 1,725 thumbs up so far:

“”” How often we take the moral high ground in order to justify helping those less fortunate than ourselves, when those less fortunate have no morals and deserve to be left as they are. If anyone thinks the situation in Syria would be any different they are greatly mistaken. Just leave these people to the whims of their dictators. The world was a safer place with those dictators in place. Their people really are just mindless, violent, pathetic children who deserve to be ruled with an iron fist. Stop giving them and their governments money. Look after our own – bring those graves back to GREAT Britain and stop any further assistance “””

– Can Cook, Won’t Eat It, London, 3/3/2012 19:45
Click to rate Rating 1725

March 5th, 2012, 12:21 am


mjabali said:


Dude: I am not a pro Assad or pro dictatorship. You can check my writings on this blog. It is very easy and all you have to do is put my name with the word Syria comment and uncle google would show you what I have written so far.

You seem to be challenged by the concept of “equality.” Through this concept all citizens are equal, no matter if they are from a majority or not. All are citizens in that state. If a person is qualified to rule, it does not matter if he is from a minority of not. His qualifications speak for him/her. This concept is easy to understand, but, since you are embedded within Islamic mode of thinking you can not accept anything like that. It is unholy for you.

As for discussing Islam: do you think that you know more than Hasan Nasr Allah about Islam?

Number two: isn’t it a little scary that you think that if we discuss Islam I will bring you the interpretation done by Hassan Nasr Allah? Why are you that phobic from HizbAllah and the Shia?

If I want to discuss Islam with you I will bring you only what your Sheikhs have said, I promise. So are you up to that challenge?

March 5th, 2012, 12:25 am


ann said:

Arming rebels in Syria pushes for fully fledged civil war: dissidents – 2012-03-05

“We are against the calls of arming the opposition because it would be the key to an all-out civil war,” Hassan Abdul-Azim, head of the National Coordination Body, told Xinhua Sunday.

“No matter how armed the opposition might get, the regime in Syria has the largest arsenal of weapons, and arming the opposition would shed more blood, and we are against it,” Azim said, suggesting that “there are several peaceful democratic means that should be followed in order to solve the Syrian crisis away from militarizing the popular uprising.”

Luai Hussian lashed out at the opposition abroad, namely the SNC, saying “those who call for arming the rebels have blood on their hands and thus they don’t have the right to set conditions for dialogue or negotiations.”

“What I fear today are some parties that work on forming a cover to other countries that want to financially support the armed conflict,” said Hussian, adding that the Friends of Syria conference, took place in Tunis lately, had given Saudi and Qatar the chance to support the armed groups in Syria.

Meanwhile, Qatar’s Emir suggested in January that “to stop the killing” in Syria, “some troops should go.”

“These calls represent a strong push to an all-out civil war,” Hussain said, regarding the calls as “indirect military intervention.”

Besides, Syrian Foreign Ministry spokesman Jihad Makdissi on Wednesday described the Qatari and Saudi calls as “hostile to Syria,” placing on those who announce such calls the political responsibility for the bloodshed in Syria.

“The Syrian response to such calls was reserved. We would like the brothers in Qatar and Saudi Arabia or whomsoever to contribute to getting the opposition figures to act rationally and come to the dialogue table, and not to arming the opposition and shedding the Syrian blood, for which they are fully responsible as they are consciously shedding it,” Makdissi said.


March 5th, 2012, 12:34 am


jad said:

Details about Oglu meeting with Ghalyoun:

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March 5th, 2012, 12:37 am


majedkhaldoun said:

You said equality,I am for minority protection, ,so you are wrong
You asked if I know more than Hasan Nasrallah, I can assure you that I know more than him, Hasan follow wrong interpretation, so you are here, you are wrong.
As for Islam I said I only defend Quraan, I know that many sheikh iterpreted Quraan wrong , so please only Quraan,
Further before you say anything I demand that you tell us what is your religion,and what your ancestry, to say you are syrian is not enough as syrian are made of different heritage, you once said that you are syrian but defended the alawite, where did you came from where in Syria you are from?
Again only Quraan, if you want to bring Sheikh ,let him defend his words, I am ready to defend Quraan only,your prejudice against Islam is because you do not understand Quraan.
And again if you repeat Dude, I will respond,because this reflect lack of respect,and I demend respectful discussion, not personal attack.

March 5th, 2012, 1:04 am


ann said:

Marriage is a postponed dream in unrest-hit Syria – 2012-03-05

Nearly a year ago, Syrian youths managed to some extent wedding costs in line with their social class and income.

Back then, it wasn’t peculiar to see Hollywood-style glamorous weddings that cost millions of Syrian pounds, or a couple riding a Rolls Royce or horse-drawn wagon on their way to a five-star hotel, where French food, Dutch flowers and Egyptian or Lebanese pop singers are ferried in private airplanes.

However, the ongoing crisis that erupted in Syria in mid-March of last year has cast a dim pall on the poor and the rich alike

Many weddings have been postponed, and many others were limited to a few people with small indoor parties, due to the general sad mood in the unrest or the unbearable burden cast on many young people in the crisis.

A few wealthy families held weddings outside the country, mainly in neighboring Lebanon.

Exorbitant housing prices have created an acute shortage of affordable housing for the poor. Soaring gold prices were also a matter in a country where brides expect no less than one eye- catching gold wedding gift, as required by the traditional custom.

Mazen Hamawi, 27, who is not yet married, said the high cost of dowry and wedding ceremony is his main obstacle.

“This problem stands before us and we feel we cannot make our dreams come true. One cannot have the wife he wants or establish a happy family,” said Mazen.

Mohammad Jabri, a 29-year-old engineer, said, “even though I am able to afford the wedding cost, I wouldn’t get married now.”

“How can I rejoice and celebrate while my homeland is grieving? ” he said.


March 5th, 2012, 1:27 am


ann said:

Putin’s victory expected to further boost China-Russia relations – 2012-03-05

On Syria, both the countries have called for inclusive dialogue among conflicting parties in the country and warned against a forced regime change imposed by the outside world.


March 5th, 2012, 1:32 am


son of Damascus said:

Tortured by the very doctors who should be saving their lives: Smuggled images reveal horror of Syrian hospital patients

Last updated at 11:09 PM on 4th March 2012

A hospital worker has provided horrific video evidence that medical staff in the besieged Syrian city of Homs are doing the unthinkable: torturing patients in their care.
Chilling images covertly filmed by the man, who risked his life to bring the plight of what he claims are civilian patients to world attention, are to be broadcast on Channel 4 News tonight.
The grainy footage from the Homs military hospital depicts wards full of wounded men, blindfolded and shackled to their beds. Some bear marks of extreme beating. The apparent instruments of torture – a rubber whip and electrical cable – lie openly on a table in one of the wards.


March 5th, 2012, 1:37 am


Jerusalem said:

439. Son of Damascus
You wrote: I’m sorry but I don’t really understand what you are saying, and I think you are claiming that I work for CNN. I don’t.

I did not proclaim you work for the CNN: I specifically wrote in comment 438: It sounds like CNN statement. To sound in that context check Webster: To convey same message. My sentence did not indicate any job functions or employment in a media section. Therefore, indeed you should be sorry for writing hastily with no rational.
You wrote: And by the way Charles De Gaulle was head of the French Republic and resistance that fought the Nazis and the Vichy government, he received arms and supplies from the Allies.

Yes, he received arms and supplies from allies to protect his country being head of the Republic so your point is….?

You wrote: Can you please show me one example where a tyrant allowed a ‘peaceful’ transition from his rule where it was not forced upon him?
Please read the whole sentence, I wrote: makes a peaceful transition more complex.
Meaning a peaceful transition i