Could Syria’s Current Predicament Have Been Avoided Over A Decade Ago? – By Ehsani

Like nearly 25 million other Syrians, one cannot help but feel stunned and exasperated by the events engulfing our country.  How did we get here? How can a country long associated with “stability” suddenly unravel and enter what seems to most like a black hole?

Things could not look more differently back in November 2000. Barely few months into his Presidency, the 34 year-old new leader declared the closing of the Mezze prison and the release of hundreds of political prisoners. Those hoping for the birth of a new Syria felt vindicated. Surely, the past thirty years of the heavy handedness of the much feared Moukhabarat agencies would soon give way to a new atmosphere of political, legal and economic reform.

Michele Kilo, Burhan Ghalioun, Riad Seif, Aref Dalila, Anwar al-Bunni, Kamal al-Labwani , Mamoun al-Homsi, Omar Amiralay, Suhair al-Atassi, Hussein al-Awdat, Antoun al-Makdisi, Fawaz Tillo, Habib Salih, Haitham al-Maleh and Radwan Ziadeh certainly all thought so as they made up the major figures of what later became known as the “Damascus Spring”.

Groups of like-minded people were suddenly meeting in private houses and discussing political matters and social questions. Such locations were soon referred to as “mundatat” or “salons”. Naturally, political demands soon grew into what was later referred to as the “Manifesto of the 99”. The principal demand consisted of the cancellation of the state of emergency and abolition of martial law and special courts; the release of all political prisoners; the return without fear of prosecution of political exiles; and the right to form political parties and civil organization. To these was often added the more precisely political demand that Article 8 of the Syrian constitution be repealed. The movement never called for regime change nor challenged the legitimacy of Bashar al-Assad’s succession to the presidency.

Participants of The Damascus Spring were ahead of their time. The Arab world was yet to experience a spring of any kind.  It is worth noting that the salons debated not only Article 8 but many political and social questions from the position of women to the nature of education methods and the Arab Israeli conflict.

How long did reforms last?

By February 2001, the security heads had seen enough.  The young President must have been warned of the slippery slope nature that his promised reforms were likely to morph into.

A sudden change of heart caused such Political forums to be forcibly closed.  Seif, Riad al-Turk, Mamoun Al-Homsi, Aref Dalila, and others were arrested and charged with “attempting to change the constitution by illegal means” and “inciting racial and sectarian strife” and were sentenced by the Damascus Criminal Court to five years in jail. The other eight activists including  Walid al-Bunni, Kamal al-Labwani, and Fawwaz Tello were referred to the Supreme State Security Court which issued prison sentences between two to 10 years.

Only one salon, the Jamal al-Atassi National Dialogue Forum, was still permitted to function. The Atassi forum was finally also shut down in 2005 after a member had read a statement from the banned Syrian Muslim Brotherhood. The final red line was crossed.

Set below is a quote from that period:

“Maybe there are some economic changes, a private bank, and so on, but the laws controlling political life, freedom, they haven’t changed at all. Any time the Government wants to, it can put people in jail. We have emergency laws, special courts, illegal arrests, and the security chiefs have a say in every Government decision, including economic ones. In practice, the charges and the sentence come to the judge in the same envelope” – Mr. Anwar al-Bounni, a lawyer active in the Human Rights Association of Syria

Human journeys are akin to making constant decisions about which direction to take when one faces a fork in the road. Destinies can be decided by such decisions. Bashar al-Assad’s very own destiny may well have been decided by that choice 18 months into his leadership. The new era of freedom and reform that started with the closure of the Mezze prison was on one side of the fork. The advice of the security agencies and the regime’s hawkish elements pointed to the other side of the road. Mr. Assad sided with his security men and he was soon to order the swift closing of that Damascus Spring now more than a decade old.

Back then, there were no armed terrorists, salafis or foreign conspirators. Syria was on the cusp of potentially leading the Arab world in political reform. The activists of the time saw their young 34 year old new President as the agent of change. Had he obliged, he would have arguably been a truly generational Arab figure who would lead his young nation into political freedom and economic prosperity.

Regrettably, the other side of the fork was chosen.

Many will take issue with the above note and claim that it is too simplistic. Surely, Syria’s current predicament cannot be related to events from a decade ago many will argue. While no one can dismiss the international geopolitical dimensions of the current crisis, it is simply not credible to argue that consistent domestic political and economic failures do not lie at the heart of this tsunami engulfing this nation and its people.

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Comments (1,043)

Ghufran said:

Domestic issues related to oppression, corruption and poverty is what triggered this uprising,foreign interference made things worse as Syria became a play field for competing players who want to settle scores. The regime still carries most of the blame,it treated its citizens like disposable furniture,and now it is the regime’s turn to be disposed,what is most concerning now beside the huge loss of lives is that Syrians may not be able to come up with a pleural system that provides stability and prosperity,I am afraid it is too late to reach a political solution that satisfies and reassure all or most Syrians,the country is being destroyed,that part was certainly avoidable.

August 3rd, 2012, 10:55 pm


Mick said:

Yes, that is overly simplistic.

Bashar allowed Sat TV. Cell phones. Computer access.

Even though he knows these are used to undermine his rule, they remain functioning (except during military ops).

But how can you write about Syria politics without discussing foreign policy goals? It’s not like this is a new phenomenon. The Saudis funded the 1980s violent uprising.

No Salafists in Syria? How do you think the Saudi and Libyan Salafists were able to transit to Iraq throughout the 2000’s? I realize the idiotic western media and politicians like to blame Bashar, but there has been a large segment of Salafists in Syria for decades. Just like Mas’ab Az Zarqawi, for Jordan. I notice we didn’t blame Jordan for spewing this asshole onto the world. Just like we didn’t blame Saudi for being the source of the majority of hijackers in 9/11.

But Syria/Bashar was to blame for all the Salafists going into Iraq.

The West had been openly calling for regime change in Syria. It was on the list (like Iraq/Libya/Iran) of nations that should be taken down by any means necessary.

And we see how that goes. Lots of people wind up dying. The nations are turned to rubble.

So when someone calls for change, and visits any American, or sides with America, what do you do?

Praise them because Allah knows America loves Arabs?

August 3rd, 2012, 11:22 pm


Syrian Nationalist Party said:

You need to account for the 9/11demolition and the Iraq invasion in the regime calculation. Then come Lebanon / Hariri issues. When Rumsfeld was screaming is Syria next, SNP was trying to deal with 9/11 effect on many levels, not the least of which are security and financial and Israeli espionage matters, it is a long story.But Rumsfeld and Bush calls gone ignored. Then the first hint of foul play came from Russia, through a high tech structural eng software. Afterward , Israeli activities were tracked and it looked very ugly.

The story then can be picked up here on this blog pretty much.

August 3rd, 2012, 11:30 pm


Mick said:

Yes. Had America worked with Syria instead of following the neocon confrontational mentality, Syria would have had enough confidence to open up.

Instead Syria was to blame for every damn thing in the region. Like when Amal dared use a Lebanese river to give water to a Lebanese farmer.

“Israel issued its first concerns in March 2001, when a first pipe line was laid. According to Ministry of Defense spokesperson Shlomo Dror, Israel “wouldn’t be quiet over it”. The newspaper Hatzofeh saw the hand of Syria behind it, and challenged Prime Minster Ariel Sharon to show his resolution. At that time, the Israeli government added no further consequences.”

I would love to see a democratic Syria. But there needs be some adult leadership in the world for that to happen. Having the oil and gas states run the UN will never allow a democracy anywhere in the world.

August 3rd, 2012, 11:37 pm



Corruption goes back to the very first day this abomination of regime was born. It is wrong to narrow the causes to mistakes perceived to have been committed only in more recent years.

This is a regime that should have never been born in the first place to begin with. It is a pitch black dot in the history of Syria that will take years to erase even after the regime has fallen. Nothing in the history of mankind compares to this delinquency except the Nazi years of Germany of the last century.

Syrians are to blame first and foremost for being complacent all these years allowing this abhorrence to take roots. Having done exactly that, the Syrians are now facing the horrendous task of reversing the disastrous consequences of their complacency.

Blame not others but the complacent.

August 3rd, 2012, 11:57 pm


omen said:

“foreign interference”? god forbid bashar be hampered from committing genocide.

loyalists habitually refuse to give “little people” any credit. the opposition deserves every credit in the world for having clawed their way this far. it’s insulting to dismiss their accomplishments as the machinations of foreign powers. go ahead, keep underestimating them.

would rebels propped up and supplied by wealthy gulf states be forced to resort to this?

Syria rebels to reuse regime landmines
Fighters say explosives found along borders to target opposition supply routes will be used against army.

dangerous, but i admire their resourcefulness!

August 3rd, 2012, 11:57 pm


Ghufran said:

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August 4th, 2012, 12:04 am


Syrian Nationalist Party said:

Credit for what? what have you accomplished of good merits. Do you need credit for baba Omar destruction or Damascus volcano? Perhaps we should credit the more than hundred African malled. Ok, you have it, getting rid of 200 Africans is worthy of Damasus destruction.

August 4th, 2012, 12:15 am


Elian said:

With All due respect to Ehsani, the analysis comes short at many levels, the most important one in my opinion is the psychosocial one!
Although, what is said is for sure a true analysis but it ignores the Arabs society structure tradition and High ego affinity.
it is very unacceptable for a tribe to let go, fights is to the end and destruction of the other is a sign of power. It is still an animal model if you will, the Alpha male is the winner.
You can correct me but this is the case of all Arab world.
It would have been unheard of if Bashar had a fair and square election,step down if he lost!
But this is not going to happen not in Syria nor in egypt and not in any other arabic country.
time will tell if any form of democracy will every materialized in the middle east for decades if not centuries to come.
I am going to remind you and everyone that even UK with its claim to democracy, still had imperialism aspiration into the late 20th century, the Folkenland war, the Irish war it is all about similar ego affinity the Arabs, Russia, USA, China have.
I am going to Ignore the role of religion in politics for sake of argument, but it is clear that the issue in Syria is not only about Bashar, although I am never was a defender of the regime acts, but it is clear that another Iraq, Lebanon, Somalia is not the best interest of Syria as a country.
I don’t recall that Syria was ever interfering into the GSS or Turkey politics.
Yes Syria was a major player in Lebanon so others were, Syria owed Lebanon problem so did Israel.
The risk to Syria at the current time is not Bashar it is well beyond Bashar and the proxy war being waged in Syria, not Bashar or others can stop it.
it is a civil war will continue until the number of dead reaches a number where the country can’t keep up with.
and the risk of a phony democracy is not worth any of the blood being shed.
If anyone can show a prove that the opposition is going to have a democratic, secular, pleural state with no domination of the Radical MB or the Islamists of the GCC over Syria, I think the regime will fall within weeks, but with such failure to show such evidence, the Syrians are not buying this revolution and therefore the regime will continue the fight.
Personally, I think the only this to stop is to have a joint force of Russian, Chinese, Americans westerners, occupy Syria for a year or two until a fair and square election is held without the influence of the GCC islamists and in absence of the regime phony election.
I don’t think this appealing to any of the superpowers because the interest of the west is to continue the proxy war in Syria to weaken it.
for once we need pro Syria people not pro regime of pro phony opposition.

August 4th, 2012, 12:18 am


Hamoudeh al-Halabi said:

The murder of Shaykh Ahmad Saleh al-Hamad & Shaykh `Abd al-`Aziz Hamwiyya

The Execution of Members of the Berri Clan

Shaykh Mahmoud Hassoun (the brother of Mufti Ahmad Hassoun) abducted by armed men

Syrian TV and its bizarre claims regarding Hamdaniyya-Salaheddin !

Shaykh Suhayb al-Shami reportedly left Syria in protest of the bombardment of Aleppo

August 4th, 2012, 12:20 am


Syrialover said:

Great to see you back Ehsani.

I believe that alternative fork could never have been more than a brief half-constructed potholed detour.

That’s because the root cause of where we are at today lies not only the “system” Hafez Assad created. The damage was compounded by the immaturity, inexperience, poor judgement, moral failings and other personal inadequacies of Bashar Assad.

Those who hustled him into illegitimate power in 2000 knew all that about him. But they didn’t care, it suited their various agendas.

Syria’s people were doomed by that appointment, and are now suffering the full impact of Bashar Assad’s incompetence and idiocy.

August 4th, 2012, 12:53 am


Ghufran said:

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That was the plan from the beginning, now the push will be for a more ” flexible” UN envoy and a military action outside the UNSC.
Any idea what Manaf is waiting for?
It is clear now that he is being groomed to take a leadership position.

August 4th, 2012, 1:10 am



Thanks Hamoudeh for these links. They’re quite telling.


While the dogs of the mouthpieces of the falling regime continue to bark imaginary and pyrrhic victories, the caravan of the heroic Free Syrian Army continues its forward march of liberation of Aleppo from the claws of the criminal, delinquent, Nazi-like, gangster regime, extending the rein of freedom, honor and dignity to newer quarters of the city,

The continued resort to air bombardment by the rejects of the human race only reflects their state of desperation, their disarray and the depletion of their resources, while at the same strengthens the resolve of the people to carry out the war of liberation until every quarter country is cleansed block by block.

August 4th, 2012, 1:10 am


Visitor said:


… i.e. every quarter of the country…

August 4th, 2012, 1:20 am


Mohsen said:

Can one of the “Stop the War” pro-Assad people here explain to me what is so heroic or justified to use tanks, artillery, and jets to shell populated neighborhoods and then hospitals?

I know your type will blame Americans and Obama for all the atrocities in Syria, unwilling to admit that people want freedom and self-determination, and that is their god given right.

But what does Americans have to do with Assad’s death squads raiding a neighborhood and shooting 50 random men in the head in front of their homes?

What do Americans have to do with Assad’s death squads stopping food from entering Deir Zour, a city with 600,000 people starving?

August 4th, 2012, 2:23 am



I tried to open the link to Amal Hanano’s piece, The Womb of Murder which appeared recently in alayyam, but I received a message ‘server not found’. It appears there might have been be a deliberate attempt by regimists to conceal the information once again as Hafez did 47 years ago.

This is a very important historical eyewitness account of events that convey messages of existential importance as it relates to human destiny, fate and social upheavals and struggles. It will become a milestone worthy of committing to memory for generations to come, so that those who come after us will avoid the pitfalls of those who preceded them.

I made a search and found another link and stored a copy of the article. The new link is at

I suggest you do likewise and preserve a copy from this link for your posterity to keep the lesson alive, before another attempt is made to shut down the new link(s).

August 4th, 2012, 2:40 am


annie said:

This link (in English though) works

August 4th, 2012, 3:00 am


Juergen said:

What happen? No heroic Bashar songs anymore on Madinah FM? Since half an hour they play one Fairuz piece after the other, two weeks ago it was all about mhnbak…

The only strange thing is the ongoing Syriatel advertisement.

August 4th, 2012, 3:20 am


GK said:

The blog did not mention 9/11, invading of Iraq and the assassination of Harriri. Those are 3 important events! I believe that when people all over the world saw 1 million Lebanese (1/3 of the country) gather in the Martyr Square, they got confidence that they have the power to demand things and to get them! Assad was forced out of Lebanon shamefully! In this time of age when cellphones and internet available to almost everyone, news travel fast! The Syrian people are no dumb! They also wanted an end to a police regime and they want more freedom. Assad and his family refused to give more freedom to their people. The corruption of Makhlof’s added to the anger of people!

August 4th, 2012, 3:34 am


Juergen said:

Assad sends delegation to Russia as an attempt to plea Russia for funds and “benzin”

Assad pleads Russia for money and fuel

Moscow / Damascus – Faced with resistance from the rebels, the Syrian regime comes under increasing pressure. The economic sanctions fall apparently because President Bashar al-Assad studied abroad for supporters. He relies on help from Russia. A delegation from Syria under the leadership of Deputy Prime Minister Jamil Kadri asked Moscow for financial aid and fuel.

We have asked for a loan to fill the Syrian currency reserves, said Jamil. The amount would he and his finance minister, Mohammed al-Dschulajlati not say. The delegation met on Friday in Moscow for talks with Russian officials.

August 4th, 2012, 4:07 am



First warplane (not helicopter) shot down over Aleppo, specifically while on a bombing raid of the Radio and TV station currently under FSA control.

August 4th, 2012, 4:20 am


Bruno said:

Nice lying Vistor i have been busy with twitter and following some updates.

(specifically while on a bombing raid of the Radio and TV station currently under FSA control.)
From the current reports the Radio and TV station is not under FSA control.

Ironic isnt that what you said the same thing about operation Damascus volcano?

The FSA Supporters on here had claimed that Damascus volcano would bring an end to Assad in which it didn’t.

But i will tell you this Damascus volcano looked nothing more then a clear terrorist attack.

I guess the FSA Supporters are all still going to deny this?

“This is my urgent message to all Mujahideen from all brigades to join their brothers the Mujahideen of Damascus who are defending the revolution. Those willing to join have to go … through safe routes to Damascus. It is the moment of truth. It is the Damascus fight for salvation. It is either life, dignity and freedom or martyrdom and paradise.”

Commander of Al-Emary Brigades, Captian Quais Quatana’s statement for all Syrian Mujahideen”

I know its aljazeera however this quote done after an phone interview by a FSA commander to aljazeera.

August 4th, 2012, 4:56 am



Just saw a video in which one of the well-known Khaldiah Sufi Shaykh (As’ad Al-Kahil) talks about some of what he saw in Homs. It just made my blood boil.

He talked how his aunt was killed by a bullet to the neck while they were burying her son in the grave yard of the Khalid bin Al-Waleed mosque. They could not take the dead to the grave yard in Tal Ansar because the day before a number of people were killed after returning from a funeral of others who by the thugs of the terrorist Syrian regime. After one hour of her death, he other son got killed.

This shaykh who spent 50+ days in a notorious prison in Damascus. He talked about what he saw and the horrific torture that many people were subjected to. So next time you supporters of this terrorist regime see FSA fighters or victims of Assad torture take revenge, don’t whine. It’s okay for use who support the rule of law to condemn revenge, but you have no right to do so.

God willing, the day of reckoning is fast approaching.

August 4th, 2012, 4:57 am



# 19,

The battle of Damascus is not over yet.

The Radio and TV station was occupied by the FSA earlier and all government thugs were routed. FSA vacated the building but kept it under siege when thug’s warplanes attempted to bomb it in an effort to retrieve it. The warplane was shot down during these raids.

When the FSA besieges an empty building after it liberates it from thugs occupying it, it is accurate to say it is under the control of the FSA.

…………………………But here’s another one for you from the frontlines before you recover from the last shock.

The so-called palace of justice (does anyone believe there is something called justice in Nazi-like Syria?) adjacent to the Aleppo citadel is currently under siege by the FSA.

Damascus is next after Aleppo, rest assured.

August 4th, 2012, 5:31 am


Juergen said:

Thomas Avenarius comments on the events in Syria

Syrians fight, but the war is led by others

If someone like Kofi Annan throws in the towel , the situation must be really desperate. The Nobel Peace Prize winner known for his patience. Still, he admits to have failed in his Syrian mission. He complains that his mediation efforts were hindered – from inside and outside of the United Nations.

August 4th, 2012, 5:35 am


Michal said:

The regime forces sound more desperate by the day. They even had to hack Reuters to put up some “good news” about their “progress”.

August 4th, 2012, 5:42 am



Thanks MICHAL 23 for this link.

The same misinformation was disseminated by this Arabic mouthpiece of Nazi-like Syria earlier today. I guess they come from the same source,

You’re absolutely right. They are desperate and they still think they can win by fabricating propaganda. Too bad all this investment in an electronic army of shabi7ha is coming to naught!

August 4th, 2012, 5:58 am


Juergen said:

Here a proof how regime forces take usage of their citizens as human shields

August 4th, 2012, 7:01 am


Amir in Tel Aviv said:

Thank you Ehsani. As always, a pleasure to read.

You “put the blame” on the security heads who had seen enough. OK, but why did they feel that it was enough? Because this meant loosing their authoritarian powers? I believe it’s more complicated than that.

August 4th, 2012, 7:10 am


Mina said:

While the Gulf satellite channels spread hatred, it falls in the ears of the Egyptians,

August 4th, 2012, 8:18 am


Bruno said:

I guess the rebel supporters sound more desperate everyday and nice to see that the Sryia Comment blog is a supporter of the Muslim Brotherhood and the Mujahideen fighters.


(You’re absolutely right. They are desperate and they still think they can win by fabricating propaganda. Too bad all this investment in an electronic army of shabi7ha is coming to naught!)

Where is the proof that it was created by the Assad hackers? firstly Pro Assad tweeters have a hatred of the western mainstream why would Assad hackers place fake an fake news post on a Blog section?

Even Reuters in its response has come out and stated they have no idea who was behind the hacking and i am not surprised that the rebel supporters have started fingering the Assad hackers without any proof.

If this what terrorist support looks like when your defending the FSA in Sryia.

Bin laden couldn’t be more proud today.

August 4th, 2012, 8:47 am


Observer said:

The ICG did have a nice analysis on how the current leadership squandered everything the father did to foster a broad base of support through a variety of means legitimate and not so legitimate.

The current leadership also opened the country to so called modern economic program like China did but favored heavily its own people with laws and decrees that essentially allowed for pure graft and corruption

The current leadership also did not want to evolve and realized that the security house of cards cannot afford to have one card removed lest the edifice crumbles.

I remember very clearly a taxi driver taking me home who told me : they want to introduce a modern taxation system like they have in Europe; fine a dandy but if they do so they have to give me also a European political and economic system; otherwise it is sanctioned robbery.


August 4th, 2012, 8:52 am


zoo said:

Battle for Aleppo has not begun’: Syrian security
AFP – 12 hrs ago

The battle for Aleppo has not yet begun, and shelling by troops is just the start of what is to come, a senior Syrian security official in the region said on Saturday.

“The battle for Aleppo has not yet begun, and what is happening now is just the appetizer,” the official told AFP on condition of anonymity, adding: “The main course will come later.”

The official said new military reinforcements had arrived, and that there were at least 20,000 troops on the ground.

“The other side are also sending reinforcements,” he added, referring to the rebel forces.

August 4th, 2012, 9:12 am


zoo said:

Is the reign of the opposition Terror started?

Kidnapped Syrian TV host ‘executed’
AFP – 3 hrs ago

Syrian television presenter Mohammed al-Saeed, kidnapped from his Damascus home in mid-July, has been executed, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said on Saturday.

“The television presenter, a well-known figure on state TV, has been executed, and the Al-Nusra Front has claimed responsibility for the killing,” the Observatory’s Rami Abdel Rahman told AFP.

Al-Nusra, a little-known Islamist militant group, claimed the kidnapping and execution of Saeed in a statement on Friday.

“The heroes of western Ghouta (in Damascus province) imprisoned the shabih (pro-regime militia) presenter on July 19,” said Al-Nusra. “He was then killed after he had been interrogated.”

August 4th, 2012, 9:14 am


zoo said:

Meshing realism and idealism in Middle East
Henry Kisinger

In our public debate, the crisis in Syria is generally described as a struggle for democracy, and its culmination is presumed to be the removal of Bashar al-Assad. Neither attribute fits the essence of the problem. The real issue is a struggle for dominance between Assad’s Alawites, backed by many of the other Syrian minorities, and the Sunni majority.

Assad himself is an unlikely leader with a reputation for indecisiveness. Having settled in London as an ophthalmologist — a profession that usually does not attract the power-hungry — he was drafted into Syrian politics only after the death of his elder brother, the designated heir to their dominant father. The conflict in Syria is therefore likely to continue — probably even intensify — upon Assad’s welcome and all but inevitable removal. With their front man gone, Assad’s clan and the Alawite minority, dominant in Syria’s military, may consider themselves reduced to a struggle for physical survival.

Constructing a political alternative to the Assad regime will prove even more complex than the course in Egypt or the other Arab Spring countries, since the contending factions are more numerous and less clearly delineated, and their differences more intense. Without creative leadership to build an inclusive political order — a prospect not yet clearly in evidence among the combatants — Syria may break into component ethnic and sectarian entities, whose strife would then risk spreading by means of affiliated populations into neighboring countries.

August 4th, 2012, 9:18 am


zoo said:

Is there an alternative to chaos?
Even the Russians, as well as Western governments, must think Syria would be better off if the regime is decapitated before descending into sectarian chaos

Hence the growing talk in Western intelligence circles of “decapitating” the regime, rather than overthrowing it entirely. This would require the opposition to strike deals with Sunni generals. France has recently touted Manaf Tlass, a defecting Sunni general from a powerful family hitherto close to the Assads, as a transitional figure—an idea soon dismissed, however, by virtually all of the opposition.

One reason for the vogue for decapitation is that Western governments see no viable opposition front, as there was in Libya, that could step into the vacuum if Mr Assad were to go in a hurry. The Syrian National Council, consisting mainly of exiles, is failing to gain diplomatic traction. The FSA and the local committees valiantly organising resistance within Syria have so far created only tenuous national networks. As Aleppo burns, expect a lot more foreign scheming behind the scenes.

August 4th, 2012, 9:21 am


Halabi said:

Nice post Ehsani. That fork was available to Bashar until the siege of Daraa and perhaps even Baba Amr. One of the activists who later formed the LCC told me in March 2011 that Bashar could lead the transition. I asked if that’s acceptable to the opposition and he responded that it’s acceptable to the Syrian people.

But reform was a myth and the transition to democracy wasn’t going to happen without a revolution, peaceful, violent or both.

August 4th, 2012, 9:25 am


Aldendeshe said:

“…Yes. Had America worked with Syria instead of following the neocon confrontational mentality, Syria would have had enough confidence to open up….”

I don’t think the regime response would have been any different than today, even back then. The ZIOCON did not really want to remove Assad Baathist regime, they just wanted to “roll Syria Back” According to the New American Century Doc., meaning; forfeit the Golan and attack Hamas and Hezbollah. In fact Bush, Israel, Europeans and Arabs (Not Russia/China) were supporter of Assad regime.

“…Assad sends delegation to Russia as an attempt to plea Russia for funds and “benzin”

They (Russians) will be fools to hand the Baathist regime a dime. Why Iran is not providing this support? Are they fed up with him not doing anything to bring serious change to Syria? That is what my inside information says. Any support must be contingent on serious reform steps. Otherwise, it is a dime loaned down the black hole, as Assad will not make it without real change, so in reality, helping him without the changes must immediately implement, is insuring Syria demise, and that is defeating their intended policy and strategic position they are fighting for.

If Assad needs help in bringing in a transition rule, will be happy to help being a Middleman. I seriously doubt that Bashar and his Baathist regime are remotely thinking of any serious changes. That is the sad part for Syria and eventually the entire Middle East. I said it years ago, the Baathist regime is not capable of making any reform, because, it is very existence is set up on the base the change is required. And the enemies of Syria knew that well and as accounted into their plot, just as they knew fool Saddam’s. That is why SNP asked Bashar to dump Baathism and pick up Syrian Nationalism for a real change. Otherwise, it will be from Baathism to hell.

August 4th, 2012, 9:54 am


irritated said:

#29 Observer


It looks that it’s the whole country that would be thrown to the dustbin of history if the rebels win that war.

I know that you’ve been in favor of that, right from the start.

August 4th, 2012, 10:07 am


ann said:

On Syria, As Russia Nixes Ahtisaari, India On Abstention, Strange Rights of Reply

By Matthew Russell Lee, Partial exclusive

UNITED NATIONS, August 3 — When the UN General Assembly reconvened for speeches after the Saudi resolution on Syria was adopted with 133 in favor, 31 abstaining and 12 against, Inner City Press asked Russian Permanent Representative Vitaly Churkin what his country thought of Maarti Ahtisaari as a replacement for Kofi Annan as envoy to Syria.

“No, no, he is in deep retirement,” Churkin told Inner City Press. Russia clashed with Ahtisaari over his position on Kosovo.

Inner City Press asked Indian Permanent Representative Hardeep Singh Puri about his country’s abstention. He indicated that if the “welcoming” of the Arab League’s resolution had instead been “noting,” India might have voted yes. He also, in the GA Hall, condemned terrorism in Syria.

India’s abstention allowed the argument, made to Inner City Press at the beginning of the afternoon’s session, that more the half of the world’s population did not support the Saudi resolution.

Inner City Press asked the Saudi Permanent Representative about this and he said, Then they could change the way we vote. India’s Hardeep Singh Puri added, we believe in One Country, One Vote.

Syria’s Permanent Representative Bashar Ja’afari indicated that this couldn’t be an Arab League resolution, since two Arab countries had not supported it. Beyond Syria’s negative vote, Algeria abstained.

Inner City Press was asked via Twitter why Yemen sponsored the resolution but then did not vote. The answer is that Yemen is behind in due and not allowed to vote, despite being pointed to as one of the UN’s few “successes” this year.

Tanzania also abstained, explaining it was due to resolution’s lack of focus on “external forces.”

Argentina, whose opposition to the stronger version of the draft had an impact as exclusively reported by Inner City Press, voted yes but said afterward the resolution does NOT in any way authorize force to protect civilians. Thou dost protest too much?

Similarly, Nigeria said it does NOT support the Arab League’s July 22 decisions or telling the Syrian opposition to unify. But Nigeria voted yes.

New Zealand said that it “joins China” in regretting Kofi Annan quitting. Why China? Well, New Zealand will be running for a UN Security Council seat in a year. That’s often what these speeches are about.

Canada opined that “Annan” Six Point Plan is dead. But like Russia’s Churkin said of the UNSMIS mission, it could just be renamed.

Libya’s Ibrahim Dabbashi — many are unclear if he or Shalgam is the Permanent Representative — called on the General Assembly to do two things it can’t — impose sanctions and make referrals to the International Criminal Court — and one thing it could do: try to strip credentials, as happened also for Laurent Gbagbo’s Cote d’Ivoire.

At the end there were Right to Reply statements. Iran trashed the “Zionist Regime.” Germany spoke, but did not reply on Syria’s statement about its sale of nuclear submarines to Israel.

The EU deputy representative spoke, but did not reply to critique of EU sanctions. Afterward he told Inner City Press that under the current resolution, the EU does not HAVE a right to reply. That might be a problem.


August 4th, 2012, 10:11 am


ann said:

I have a post. in the spam que

August 4th, 2012, 10:13 am


Norman said:

What Ehsani said indicate what we have been saying for a long time, President Assad is not the one who is calling all the shots, The Syrian leadership did not follow what he wanted and after 3/11 the opposition failed to push him in front of them against the security apparatus that is still in control, they still can do that now by accepting dialogue in which he will leave at the end of his term but in the meantime new elections will be organized and many Syrian lives will be saved, it is easy for people away from the forest to see the whole picture while it is difficult for the people in the forest.only talking will lead Syria out otherwise we will be seeing militias for all kind of people, today the MB is starting their own, The fragmentation of Syria is coming if there is no talk.

August 4th, 2012, 10:16 am


zoo said:

Syrian troops dig up mass grave in Damascus rebellious area
2012-08-04 2

DAMASCUS, Aug. 4 (Xinhua) — Syrian army troops uncovered Saturday a mass grave in the Damascus suburb of Yalda, combining unidentified number of bodies that belong to civilians and army personnel.

The mass grave was dug up Saturday when the army entered the area, which was controlled by the rebels over the past days.

August 4th, 2012, 10:24 am


zoo said:

Seizure of the TV and Radio center in Aleppo is a lie

In parallel to the Damascus fights, the country’s largest city, Aleppo, has seen a very tense night with reports of rebels taking control of the state-run Syrian TV and radio center in the crucial city.

Syrian state media denied the rebels’ control of the state media establishment and said the army has responded to the attacks of the armed men.

Quoting an official source at Aleppo, SANA said that news broadcasted by some “tendentious” TV channels about the terrorists ‘ seizure of the TV and Radio Center is “absolutely untrue.”

It added that competent authorities clashed overnight with terrorist groups that had tried to break into the center, leaving a big number of them killed and wounded.

August 4th, 2012, 10:29 am


bronco said:

Is Manaf Tlass the only ‘saviour’ of Syria?

The increased suspicions by the Western countries that neither the FSA nor the SNC are a reliable entity that could lead the country in the future after the fall of the regime, has changed the direction of the efforts.
There is a clear consensus appearing in the media that reflect the western and Arab government views, that nobody wants the removal of the whole regime anymore, they want the removal of the head as a scapegoat so a new phase of the relation between the opposition and the regime can start.
Nevertheless, unless the Syrian government is certain that the new phase will be a viable one for the Syrians and in particular for the Alawites and the other minorities, they would not sacrifice Bashar Al Assad.
So now we are facing two issues. One is the military, the other one is the the political.
The military is happening on the ground and will probably drag a few more weeks to become meaningful. If the rebels win and there is no political plans, the country will fall into a worst chaos. If they loose, then the regime will be able to hold for few more months until the next assault. In both cases there is a need for a political solution to stop the violence.
On the political side, intense efforts are made by the opposition and their sponsors to find a suitable opposition leadership to the ‘transitional entity’ that would be acceptable to the regime for future collaboration.
Manaf Tlass seems to be the favorite. Whether his defection was simply arranged by Bashar al Assad just for that purpose or whether the guy is genuine is irrelevant. He is a sunni representing the business Syrians as well as the army that are the two pillars of the Syrian state.
He is obviously the only such candidate and therefore the best to enter into a negotiation with the Syrian government.
No wonder Saudi Arabia, France and Turkey are pampering him.

The SNC who wants that role opposes Manaf and have no other candidate to propose. As an excuse they insist that they are busy preparing the tasks needed in the aftermath of the victory rather than looking for a leader. Leading a post revolution without a leadership figure is an illusion.

Therefore if the sponsors of the opposition do not agree on the only leader figure in town, Manaf Tlass, and are not able to force it on the SNC and the others than only the military failure or success will decide of the future of Syria that may be a continuous state of violence that would gradually affect all the neighbors.
It’s up to the Friends of Syria to find the solution. Will they?

August 4th, 2012, 10:44 am


zoo said:

“Once they are inside our city they will take off their uniforms and join us”

Syrian forces pound rebel frontline in Aleppo

ALEPPO – Reuters

A Syrian army helicopter fired machinegun rounds and troops shelled rebel positions in Aleppo today, a Reuters witness said, as they tried to break through the insurgents’ frontline in a battleground district in the country’s largest city.

In Aleppo’s battleground Salaheddine district, rebels from the Free Syrian Army hid in alleyways, dodging the Syrian army’s bullets and tank rounds that struck a building in the district on Saturday.

“The Free Syrian Army pushed from Salaheddine to al-Adhamiya where they clashed this morning with Syrian troops. But they had to retreat,” the activist who identified himself as Barraa al-Halabi told Reuters.

“We have information that the Syrian army is planning a strong offensive against Aleppo. We know they are planning to attack the city using tanks and aircraft, shooting at us for three to four days and they plan to take the city,” Colonel Abdel-Jabbar al-Oqaidi said in Aleppo.

Faced with the Syrian army’s superior firepower, Oqaidi said the rebels were counting on mass defections by government soldiers once the offensive started.

“At the moment the soldiers cannot leave their bases and they are too afraid to defect. Once they are inside our city they will take off their uniforms and join us,” he said.

August 4th, 2012, 10:47 am


zoo said:

After Hamas, Islamic Jihad contemplate moving out from Syria?

By Kifah Zaboun

Ramallah, Asharq al-Awsat – According to informed Palestinian sources, the Palestinian Islamic Jihad [PIJ] movement is thinking of moving its offices to Cairo or Beirut, because of the deteriorating situation in Damascus.
Last week and in response to a report in Asharq Al-Awsat on the PIJ leadership’s departure from Syria, PIJ Political Bureau member Nafidh Azzam asserted that “the leadership is still present in Syria”. He added: “The reports that talked about moving the offices and leaders of the PIJ from the Syrian capital, Damascus to Iran are absolutely untrue. Our leaders and offices are still in Damascus; nothing has changed”

August 4th, 2012, 11:01 am


zoo said:

A defector from the opposition propaganda machine unveils its methods

Mohammad Salim al-Qabbani talks

August 4th, 2012, 11:13 am


zoo said:

Turks insulted by the picture of Obama on the phone talking to Erdogan while holding a baseball bat.

August 4th, 2012, 11:35 am


Aleppo said:

Whether Bashar could have chosen a different path is hard to tell. The fact is that he didn’t. In my mind it has to do with how Syria was rapidly inserted in a new world after the Cold War, both in political and economic terms, immense technological change and the tragic inheritance of Afghanistan and especially Iraq. We all know that Bashar was not the chosen one, actually everytime I saw a poster of Bashar in military fatigues wearing raybans I was immediately reminded of Woody Allen’s classic Bananas. Could it have been different? Yes, but it is what it is.

I am again baffled by anybody that describes what is happening in Syria as being essentially directed by foreign interests. Do they exist? Of course, it is not even a secret, it is out in the open for all to see. Are so-called jihadist, salafist, whabbists, mujahedeen, etc in Syrian territory? Beyond any doubt. But to say that is to say that the Syrian people after being humiliated for 40 years in all possibe manners are mere puppets in the hands of Saudis, Qataris, Turks, Americans, French, British, Peruvians, Macedonians, Sri Lankans and whomelse you care to list. It is just not so. Isn’t it much simple to see the tragic events in Syria as what they are? Can’t they Syrian people legitimately fight for freedom? Can’t some etty middle class or upper middle class people understand that and not simply dismiss the absolutely dispossessed and hence with nothing to lose “commoner” as having legitimate aspirations and not just being an ignorant fellaheen that should be just despised?

Sometimes it sounds like during the Assads everything was oh-so-stable, sure if you had interned in the Palestine Division or Tadmor. Or lived in Hama. There was never any “intelligence”, just sheer brutality and repression. Meanwhile in so-called socialist Syria education was bad in an Arab context. Do you know what that means? Socialist countries were all essentially large prisons but at least education in some areas was good. In the name of Arabism a socialism the country was plundered and the people enslaved. Simple as that.Now they are revolting as it has happened 100s of time through history. Assad will obviously go, bt only he can decide how man more will die because of him.

August 4th, 2012, 11:38 am


zoo said:

Countdown of the UN assembly countries that did not vote for the resolution, around the third of the 193 states.

12 Countries voted against the UN assembly resolution

Russia, China, Iran, Venezuela and Syria, Cuba, Bolivie, Nicaragua, Corée du Nord, Birmanie (Myanmar), Biélorussie (Belarus), Zimbabwe.

31 Countries abstain

Algeria, Angola, Antigua & Barbuda, Armenia, Burundi, Equateur, Erythrea, Fidji, Ghana, Guyana, Inde, Kazakhstan, Kirghizstan, Laos, Liban, Lesotho, Madagascar, Mali, Namibie, Népal, Pakistan, Sainte-Lucie, Saint- Vincent et les Grenadines, Samoa, Sierra Leone, Iles Salomon, Sri Lanka, Suriname, Ouganda, Tanzanie, VietNam.

18 Countries refused to vote

Cambodgia, Congo, République Démocratique du Congo (ex-Zaïre), République dominicaine, Guinée équatoriale , Éthiopie, Gambie, Kiribati, Malawi, Philippines, Sud Soudan, Swaziland, Tadjikistan, Turkménistan, Tuvalu, Ouzbékistan, Yémen.

August 4th, 2012, 11:44 am


Tara said:

What does “refuse to vote” mean?

August 4th, 2012, 11:55 am


zoo said:

EU Calls For Early Appointment Of Successor To Annan

8/3/2012 5:42 AM ET
(RTTNews) – The European Union has called for early appointment of a successor to U.N.-Arab League special envoy Kofi Annan to carry on his work towards a peaceful political transition in Syria.

“The Six Point Plan remains the best hope for the people of Syria, and any further militarization of the conflict by any of the parties can only bring greater suffering to Syria, its citizens, and the region as a whole,” EU Foreign Policy chief Catherine Ashton said in a statement issued on Friday in the wake of Annan’s resignation the day before.

August 4th, 2012, 11:56 am


Tara said:

Iraq voted in favor? That is a welcomed change.

August 4th, 2012, 11:59 am


Ghufran said:

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August 4th, 2012, 12:08 pm


Son of Damascus said:


Refused to vote vs abstain.

In an assembly meeting (US) a refuse to vote usually means the assembly person refused to fill out the ballot. It is not considered abstaining because abstaining requires casting a vote of abstention.

My guess the UN GA has a similar system. Should be somewhere in their charter:

August 4th, 2012, 12:10 pm


Ghufran said:

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August 4th, 2012, 12:20 pm


Ghufran said:

• Forty-eight Iranians have been kidnapped while on a pilgrimage in the Syrian capital Damascus, the Iranian state news agency IRNA reported.
The group was seized by “armed groups” on the Damascus airport road as they returned from a religious shrine, IRNA quoted an unnamed official in Iran’s embassy in Damascus as saying.

August 4th, 2012, 12:26 pm


Ghufran said:

As U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon noted in accepting Annan’s resignation, “Both the government and the opposition forces continue to demonstrate their determination to rely on ever-increasing violence,” while Security Council divisions prevent any effective action. Ending the conflict through a political solution can only succeed, he warned, “when the parties to the violence make a firm commitment to dialogue and when the international community is strongly united in support.” Prospects for either have become increasingly remote right now. But if current patterns hold and neither the regime nor the rebels are able to deliver a knockout blow, there will come a moment — weeks, months or years from now — when many thousands more Syrians have died or had their lives destroyed, when the combatants and their backers will turn once more to someone like Kofi Annan — someone willing to take on the thankless task of making peace out of other people’s wars.
Read more:

August 4th, 2012, 12:34 pm


Tara said:


What is the implication of refusing to vote as opposed to abstaining?  To me both means noncommittal.  Is there a difference in what they really mean?

Also, did you guys read what Visitor posted last thread at the end? OMG!  So Bashar maintained life as an infant born with respiratory distress at the expense of murdering four premature babies who were using the incubator his father Hafiz ordered Dr. suhail Badoura to steal from the other infants to serve the more worthy baby Bashar.  And destiny has it that Bashar himself grows up to kill babies.   What a creepy story.  If this is not embodiment of Satan, what is?        

August 4th, 2012, 12:36 pm


omen said:

photo taken by a journalist inside aleppo.

would rebels supported by rich gulf states be forced to resort to such crude attempts at improvisation? making do with what they have.

August 4th, 2012, 12:38 pm


jna said:

“The future of Syria rises and falls on more than the fate of just one man. It is clear that President Bashar Assad must leave office. The greater focus, however, must be on measures and structures to secure a peaceful long-term transition to avoid a chaotic collapse … None of this is possible, however, without genuine compromise on all sides … Syria can still be saved from the worst calamity. But this requires courage and leadership, most of all from the permanent members of the Security Council, including from Presidents Putin and Obama.”

Read more:

August 4th, 2012, 12:41 pm


zoo said:

52. Tara

It seems some countries are worried to take an official side for fear of “displeasing” any party and prefer not to vote at all as
an abstention can be perceived as a “shy” NO to the resolution.

August 4th, 2012, 12:42 pm


jna said:

“So Bashar maintained life as an infant born with respiratory distress at the expense of murdering four premature babies who were using the incubator”

Another baby incubator story that tugs the heartstrings. Any verifiable sources, Tara?

August 4th, 2012, 12:46 pm


zoo said:


As the waterered-down resolution is only a repeat of the previous one, it bears no significance at all and won’t have any impact on the course of events.
What is clear is that as long as the most powerful world countries are in disagreement the UN is powerless.

August 4th, 2012, 12:49 pm


Mina said:

What “refusing to vote” is is explained in Ann’s post above, from Inner City Press.
Ann’s posts are always worth reading, you should try Tara.

August 4th, 2012, 12:49 pm


zoo said:

3 8 Daraa ??????? ???? , ???? ?????? ????? ??????

Interview/scolding/insulting the young Syrian army soldiers prisoners of the FSA (Note: This is an opposition video)

August 4th, 2012, 12:54 pm


Visitor said:

At this stage, a possible scenario to end the Syrian dilemma without resorting to all the options that NATO and the western powers so far refused to consider, and at the same time circumventing Russian and Chinese vetoes at the UNSC would be to enforce a blockade of Syria from land, sea and possibly from the air as well.

This will ensure the collapse of the army of the criminal Nazi-like regime due to shortages of fuel, food and ammunition.

If the US and NATO continue following their declared policies of not providing lethal weapons to the FSA, then the above scenario will level the field and accelerate the downfall of the Nazi-like criminals occupying Damascus.

Many questions may arise. The first of course is it feasible to blockade Syria? Of course with few aircraft carriers the sea can be sealed. The borders are all under regimes allied with the US.

The second question would be: would Russia and/ or China resort to military escalation? In my opinion they would not go that far for a falling regime, besides they are no match to the military capabilities of the West. Russia, even under Soviet Union, was never a real superpower and neither was China. Now they are being misled by the likes of Lavrov and Putin into thinking that they can achieve a semblance of real super power status by manipulating the Syrian conflict to that end. In addition, once the crisis reaches that level of confrontation then bargaining becomes possible at the UNSC by dropping the blockade in return for full cooperation of Russia and China by at least abstaining from further use of their vetoes and allowing resolutions under chapter 7 to pass.

What would it take to implement that scenario? You need a resolve in the White House similar to Bill Clinton’s resolve during Bosnia or George Bush’s resolve after 2001. If you have that, then all the other ingredients are in place.

August 4th, 2012, 1:03 pm


Observer said:

The excuses of 9/11 Iraq invasion and Hariri killing are just lame excuses for not reforming. None of these stopped ‘reforming’ the economy to favor less than 250 people in the country.

The regime is incapable of reform and is incapable of taking any forks in the road. The so called fork in the road does not exist in the minds of the likes of Ghazale and Makhlouf and Mamlouk and Nasif and the whole gang of thugs and criminals that have taken over the country for their exclusive benefit.

Irritated the one who is going to send the whole country into the dustbin of history is the one you worship called Fredo Corleone aka Bashar Hafez Alassad. All you have to do is to look and notice how the
education system is one of the worst in the world
the roads are among the most dangerous
the health care system is a slaughterhouse collection of so called hospitals
the justice system is one of the most corrupt in the world
the economy has remained in soviet style mode
the civil service is a mechanism to hide unemployment and to continue parasitic exploitation in a horrific bureaucracy
and now we have your so called armed forces destroying whole areas of Syrian cities with heavy weapons.
And yes the lack of a simple phone book is a symbol of the FAILED STATE YOU WORSHIP CALLED THOURIAH ALATHAD and
Syrian Hamster for President.

Beam me up Ehsani there is no intelligent life form on this blog.

August 4th, 2012, 1:13 pm


Halabi said:


So men and women pelted armed men from Al Nusra (al Qaeda) who took a school as their base with rocks and the terrorists, who slaughter babies for fun, and the terrorist did nothing. The same terrorist who had no problem executing “Assad supporters” (shabi7a killers) this week.

I don’t even have to waste my time searching for the source of this garbage.

Meanwhile, Assad’s worshipers continues to bomb Aleppo in a very secular manner.

August 4th, 2012, 1:19 pm


omen said:

62. JNA. thanks. article had link to international crisis group (icg) report somebody mentioned.

Diplomatic manoeuvrings have ended up being little more than inertia masquerading as motion. The West used them to pretend it was doing more than it was

we have to get past the jabberwocky that’s been put up to distract. can it be any clearer? u.s. & europe do not want regime change.

August 4th, 2012, 1:26 pm


Altair said:

Syria’s predicament might even have been avoided in February or March of 2011. A bit of foresight was needed, however, and none was forthcoming. Imagine that emergency law was lifted in March and elections announced right away.

Once the demonstrations began on March 15, more than foresight was needed. Courage was needed to quickly change aspects of the system, and quickly before things got out of hand, which they eventually did. When those kids from Dar’a were tortured, it was a chance for a courageous to sack and/or prosecute those responsible and take the side of the families of those children.

Instead, Syria was given a presidential speech near the end of March 2011 that blamed most of the problems on armed groups and outside interference, all the while that security was shooting at unarmed demonstrators. A historic opportunity was missed, and the “system” embarked on the road to oblivion, the current road being traveled.

The problem was, and is, the pillars of the regime were based on the fear-based security system set up by Hafez. Dismantle it too fast, and the system collapses. Dismantle it not at all, and the system probably collapses anyway. But to not dismantle and instead intensify it, creates the conditions both for collapse and destruction of the country and that is what is happening now.

Bashar in February 2011 was probably still a popular leader. He was respected at least for his foreign policy and respectable stance toward Israel and foreign actors. His domestic policy leaved much to be desired, but there were improvements, particularly over the hard-line policies of his father.

All these gains were squandered with the crackdown on the protestors. By the time it was August 2011, the shooting turned into shelling and the army was invading its own cities. This is not a formula for success, and furthermore, it gave outside powers an excuse to impose crushing sanctions.

Why the regime couldn’t see that is hard to understand, but not impossible. They are stuck in their own cycle of terror, and one of their own making. I don’t believe Syria was such a violent country pre-Baath, and leaders were not necessarily so stubborn about staying in power. Sure, there were coups often, but they never went as far as what is happening now, with cities being shelled and thousands of civilians being killed.

Take for example Adib Shishakli who, rather that sinking his country into a civil war, left his post for the sake of sparing his country. He should be celebrated for this (judging by his later assassination, it seems he was not).

Bashar could have at least made some indication that he was not another president-for-life, like his father.

By the late stage of April 2012, when Kofi Annan was trying to mediate, there was a very slim chance that the path could be changed, or at least the process slowed down. Instead, the violence was intensified even more with the Houla massacre in May.

That is how we reached this stage and it\’s still getting ever more violent. Now it’s just going to have to play out, a zero sum game. It happened so quickly because the basis of the regime was bad to begin with: you can’t rule by sheer terror forever. You have to give the people at least some dignity.

August 4th, 2012, 1:27 pm


Son of Damascus said:



Maybe you should provide a little more context to that video, and perhaps show what these soldiers are guilty of and the sheer terror they have inflicted on the people of Al-Moukhayam:

The interviews/insults (is shabi7 an insult now?) are nothing in comparison to their callous bombardment of civilian areas.

August 4th, 2012, 1:27 pm


Ghufran said:

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August 4th, 2012, 1:42 pm


Aleppo said:


Oh, so that’s what the SAF MIGs are for

August 4th, 2012, 1:59 pm


Badr said:

“Could Syria’s Current Predicament Have Been Avoided Over A Decade Ago?”

A moot point now, what’s the use? And I doubt very much you could have had both, the current regime and genuine political reforms.

On another point, if you think decapitating the body but preserving the rest of it is the solution, come back and tell me “I told you so”, if this took place and worked out!

August 4th, 2012, 2:03 pm


jna said:


My reading is that the US government does support and want regime change in Syria; but on the cheap, so it does not get struck with the mess left after the Assad regime falls or falls back. And Europe also has enough mess on it’s own plate right now.

August 4th, 2012, 2:16 pm


Uzair8 said:

Some possible explanations of the recent thumbs up/dn case:

– The previously pro-Assad block-voter has defected and now voting the other way.

– The FSA has captured the headquarters of the thumb up/dn operation in Aleppo and now using it in the services of the revolution. Don’t be surprised by extraordinarily high figures resembling the score at the recent General Assembly vote.

August 4th, 2012, 2:24 pm


Uzair8 said:

What’s happening in central Damascus?

A lot of activity being reported on twitter.

August 4th, 2012, 2:26 pm


Michal said:

@ 71. Well I think it’s clear by now. US and some countries in Europe do want regime change in Syria, but all are afraid of what will happen once the regime is gone, what will happen to the minority groups and whether a new government may successfully replace it. Obviously there are a lot of cautionary tales in that direction from a neighbouring country.

I for one don’t believe the present regime deserves to survive, it would be an abomination of justice and the international community should never have to accept such a crooked power game, where people are beholden to survival of a regime that abuses them. Nevertheless there are moral obligations to civilians, who may suffer in the chaos that will inevitably come.

August 4th, 2012, 2:28 pm


Uzair8 said:

If the First Lady has trouble blowing out the 37 candles while marking* her upcoming birthday she could ask her husband for assistance. He’s had plenty of practice over the course of a year-and-a-half, having already blown out ~1500 candles.


*I’m sure the First Lady will not be ‘celebrating’ her upcoming birthday.

August 4th, 2012, 2:38 pm


Uzair8 said:

Just came across the following Irish radio piece which was uploaded today:

Syrian Uprising | RTÉ News interviews Shaykh Muhammad al-Yaqoubi | 15-07-2012

August 4th, 2012, 2:53 pm


Uzair8 said:

If the First Lady has trouble blowing out the 37 candles while marking* her upcoming birthday she could ask her husband for assistance. He’s had plenty of practice over the course of a year-and-a-half, having already blown out ~1500 candles. They are now Stars in the sky, shining brighter than ever, lighting the way for the Revolution.


August 4th, 2012, 3:03 pm


Halabi said:

?????? ???? ?????? ?????? ???? ???? ???? ?????? ????? ?????? ?????? ???? ????? ?????? 4-8-2012

Mohammed Fares, the first and I think only Syrian astronaut, has defected. It is now a cosmic conspiracy, as one of the activists said.

August 4th, 2012, 3:05 pm


Uzair8 said:

In recent days I haven’t been able to access SANA.

Now it doesn’t even show up on google search.

August 4th, 2012, 3:19 pm



Contrary to many who keep putting forward the invalid statement that the UN General Assembly resolutions are not binding, in actual fact there is one case in which they become so,

If you read half way through the page you would find that this case applies accurately to the Syrian crisis, even by Russian and Chinese contentions that the conflict threatens regional peace.

But, of course what are we to expect other than fabricated propaganda, misinformation and hollow posturing by the delinquents of the Nazi-like criminal regime occupying Damascus?

‘AlAthad aw na7hriq albalad’

I’ll tell you something: the only things that will be burnt are those goons who came up with this slogan and their supporters.

August 4th, 2012, 3:21 pm


Ghufran said:

Some of you are not old enough to remember that Muhammad Fares was chosen to go to space over another qualified pilot, that pilot was an Alawi, most syrians even regime supporters at that time had a sense of pride and nobody complained about that decision that was made by Hafez personally from what we heard. I wish that Hafez.other decisions were as objective and fair as the one he made when he picked Fares.

August 4th, 2012, 3:54 pm


Ghufran said:

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August 4th, 2012, 4:00 pm


Ghufran said:

Easier said than done,even if the rebels win they will not be able to run the country without help from other syrians who worked for the regime. Paul Bremer tried an exclusionary approach in 2003 and ended up with a disaster that Iraq is still suffering from 9 years later especially when he sent 300,000 soldiers home.
I support excluding top corrupt and violent elements from taking positions in the new government but to fire or imprison millions of Syrians just because they had government jobs is a form of national suicide not national reform. I hope the author did not mean what he said, literally.

August 4th, 2012, 4:33 pm


Syrian Natonalist Party said:


Wish we could beam you up so none have to read your mundane repetitive points that have been brought up and discussed here for 8 years. Do you have anything new to add, a solution. The 9/11 Demolition, American genocide against all Moslem population and Mossad hit on Hariri are not excuses, they were distraction and derailment of Syrian opposition activities. For SNP, they weakend our financial state, sent us for cover from Israeli shenanigan of espionage and false reporting as genuine intelligence, overall wrecked havoc on all of Syria’s opposition, gave dictators all over the world an alibi to toss away national constitution, violated human rights, and broke International laws (all ZIONSTS NORMS).

August 4th, 2012, 4:36 pm


Syrialover said:

# 72. Altair

A good account and clear reminder, thanks.

I remain convinced that the ineptitude of Bashar Assad (now fully exposed by what is happening) had from day 1 doomed Syria to the current nightmare.

One warning indicator: those posters showing him confusedly gazing off into space between a grinning Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmedinejad and equally delighted Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah.

See images:



“[Bashar al-Assad’s] outreach to Iran risks transforming Damascus from Tehran’s ally into its protectorate. While Bashar derives short-term benefit from the Syrian-Iranian alliance, such profits are liable to turn into losses should he continue to make his regime and Syrian national security dependent upon the Iranian leadership…. note the shifting trends in Syrian propaganda posters, which since the summer war have placed Bashar “in the shadow” of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah.” (quoting article from 2008 Mid East Review)

Other random sample reminders of Bashar’s domestic and foreign mess making:

2006 –

2008 –

August 4th, 2012, 4:45 pm


Ghufran said:

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???? ?? ?????? ?????? ?? ???? ????? ????? ?? ????? ???????? ?? ?????? ???????? .

August 4th, 2012, 5:03 pm


Norman said:

Many of the people that are defeacting are doing so for fear from the militants for themselves and their families, not out of convection, the opposition has become more scary than the regime.

August 4th, 2012, 5:45 pm


Observer said:


I proposed very early on a truth and reconciliation commission and even before any transitional regime. Every Syrian has suffered under dictatorship even the profiteers did so when they are held hostage to a system that dehumanizes and degrades.

This clique said it in the op ed of Rami in the NYT more than a year ago: we will destroy the country and destabilize the region. They do not care about anything and anybody except to stay in power and preside over the lives of millions.

Does anyone know the figure? If so please let me know I heard up to 15 millions are expatriates since that power take over.

August 4th, 2012, 5:49 pm


irritated said:


Contrary to many who keep putting forward the invalid statement that the UN General Assembly resolutions are not binding, in actual fact there is one case in which they become so,

This is pure B.S and disinformation as confirmed by the link. The UN assembly resolutions are non-binding. Point.

“While the Assembly is empowered to make ONLY NON-BINDING recommendations to States on international issues within its competence, it has, nonetheless, initiated actions—political, economic, humanitarian, social and legal—which have affected the lives of millions of people throughout the world.

August 4th, 2012, 6:01 pm


Amir in Tel Aviv said:

No, Norman.

Many are defecting now because they are no longer afraid of the junta of loyalists and it’s shabbiha. It is becoming safer to defect, and they do en masse.

August 4th, 2012, 6:08 pm


irritated said:

#95 Norman

If the regime ever falls, the backlash will be merciless as the FSA would have to contain millions of revengeful and armed loyalists turned guerillas.
I think the FSA should start the prayers for their soul from now whether they plan to win Aleppo’s war or make a tactical retreat.

They are loosing in both cases but they won’t wake up and call for a truce until it’s too late.

August 4th, 2012, 6:11 pm


irritated said:

#98 Amir

they defect en masse.

Independent sources please? If none, then it’s propaganda.

August 4th, 2012, 6:13 pm


Tara said:


“millions of revengeful and armed loyalists turned guerillas.”

Once Batta falls, the number of loyalists turned guerillas would be as much as the number of loyalists still supporting Gaddafi after his fall. Easy to manage.

August 4th, 2012, 6:18 pm


zoo said:

#73 SOD

The video speaks for itself, no comment.

August 4th, 2012, 6:19 pm


Amir in Tel Aviv said:

Your daily high ranking defection. And we had an astronaut today. Isn’t it enough for one day?
Did I just hear that 67 tanks are removed from the junta inventory list?

Tara 101, Exactly.

August 4th, 2012, 6:23 pm


Son of Damascus said:


“The UN assembly resolutions are non-binding. Point.”

Not quite that simple.

Assembly resolutions are non-binding outside the scope of the UN, but are binding within the UN:

The binding effect of GA decisions is limited, ratione materiae, to organizational matters, but may cover, ratione personae, the entire UN sphere.

A very good example at how important and actually binding the GA resolutions are is resolution 2758. If it was not binding Taiwan would be the “representative” of China at the SC.

August 4th, 2012, 6:27 pm



#95 Norman

If the regime ever falls, the backlash will be merciless as the FSA would have to contain millions of revengeful and armed loyalists turned guerillas.
I think the FSA should start the prayers for their soul from now whether they plan to win Aleppo’s war or make a tactical retreat.

There will probably be many more millions of FSA guerrillas going after the revengeful and armed loyalists one by one. You see, the revengeful and armed victims of the terrorist Syrian regime will want to exact justice. So the hardcore regime supporters should expect the worst if the Assad terrorist regime falls. There will be no place to hide except may be in Russia or Iran, assuming they can get out in time. You reap what you sow.

August 4th, 2012, 6:28 pm


Son of Damascus said:


So no comment on the pictures as well? What do you feel when you see the handy work of the Assadi Army destroying one Syrian city after another?

August 4th, 2012, 6:28 pm


Aldendeshe said:

103. Amir in Tel Avivsaid:
Your daily high ranking defection. And we had an astronaut today. Isn’t it enough for one day?
Did I just hear that 67 tanks are removed from the junta inventory list?

Tara 101, Exactly.

What is removing 65 Tanks for Jews, they removed 4 million Palestinians from their homes. It’s what you call it, drop in the bucket.

August 4th, 2012, 6:30 pm


Amir in Tel Aviv said:

When mnhebaks begin to whine it’s the clearest sign that:
It is a matter of days now.

August 4th, 2012, 6:33 pm


Son of Damascus said:


Yes I read the story, Amjad linked it a few days ago. I am haunted with the thought of what could have amounted of those children that had to die for the sake of the killer to be.

I think Zoo’s response regarding the refuse to vote is spot on and don’t believe I can add much more to that.

PS I dont blame you for skipping ANN’s posts, beside innercitypress nothing else is really credible unless you believe in the Angry Hypocrite or SANA.

August 4th, 2012, 6:37 pm


irritated said:

#101 Tara

Not so simple as you can see despite Libya having an elected government.

Libya Is Still Riven by Violence as Loyalists and Rebels Alike Keep Killing
Jul 12, 2012 1:48 PM EDT
Nine months after the ouster of Muammar Gaddafi, factions on both sides of the conflict continue to hunt down their enemies, especially in the loyalist stronghold of Sirte, writes Jamie Dettmer.

August 4th, 2012, 6:39 pm


irritated said:

#105 Sys-Expat

more millions of FSA guerrillas

You mean the 960,000 coming from Afghanistan and Saudi Arabia in addition to the FSA presently on the ground and Turkey?

August 4th, 2012, 6:43 pm


edjazairi said:

Mr. Ehsani: Yes, the Golden Opportunity for Bashar Al-Assad ten or eleven years ago, by now has passed into the abyss. I do remember sigining a petition for him to seize the moment, carpi diem, and start the process of reforms. Lord it was needed back then!? It would have been a wonderfull time for that man to start doing something for Syria. He did not respond to our petition nor the petitions of many other groups world wide. We Americans from Syrian decent, both recent immigrants, first generation, second and even third generations felt betrayed.
Then came 911 … and the attack on our soil in the USA. A reality check on all these people governing their people by the force of arms and security services. It is a pitty to see a blind man such as Bashar Al-Assad masquerading as an Eye Doctor leading his entire country over a cliff of a cosmic black hole as you have suggested. Let us make the story short!!!???
Never again, will any one like Assad and any of his organized crime family will ever rule countries like Syria ever again. Syria and its people are one of the most wonderfull people on Earth. Humble, hospitable,generous, productive and above all yearning for freedom both on the personal level and the societal level.
The current Syrian Revolution is the byproduct of 50 years of continued oppression by the vultuers of Al-Baath Party and the Al-Assad Clan. Both are an anathema for the Syria as a nation, as a state and as a people.
Time is up….Syria will be free again.
Syria will return to its roots of Democracy, Democratic Institutions and the Rule of Law.
Ed Jazairi

August 4th, 2012, 6:49 pm


zoo said:

#106 SOD

I feel pain to see Syria destroyed by the Syrians, and worse by those calling Turks, the CIA, Saudi and Libyan hands to help in the destruction.

August 4th, 2012, 6:52 pm


Tara said:

I get worried when the opposition says the battle of Aleppo will determine Syria’s fate.  What if…we lost?  Why is the FSA putting so much emphasis on it?  They should not set the Syrian up to psychological defeat in case they lost the battle.  The revolution must continue no matter what.

War for Aleppo: battle rages in city that will determine fate of Syria

However, as rebel reinforcements continued to pour in from elsewhere in the country ahead of an expected push early this week, regime troops were also bolstering defences in areas they continue to hold, primarily in the west and centre of the city.

The rebel force of about 6,000 fighters is being countered by a regime force thought to comprise at least double that number as well as large numbers of the loyalist Shabiha militia, many of whom come from Aleppo and have sworn to defend the city.
“We are saving the tank shells we have for when we get access to the Air Force intelligence headquarters,” said Mohammed Karim, from the rebel-held town of Azaz. “We will free the prisoners first, then destroy the building.”
Other fighters said getting a foothold in the heart of the city would be difficult. “It could be another three to six months,” said Hussein Shmaili, a police captain who defected.

Partly in a bid to rectify the damage, a major from the city of al-Bab, 30km from Aleppo, took the Observer to meet a group of regime prisoners captured in a battle a fortnight ago. All were housed in a classroom on the top floor of a school.
“We were holding them before the Berris were caught,” said Major Abu Mohammed al-Asmar. “And they have been treated like kings ever since they got here.”
The prisoners, among them three junior Alawite officers and a Shia sergeant, slept on mattresses alongside captured Sunni conscripts. All claimed they would return home if freed.
“I just want a solution,” said one of the Alawite officers. “Stability. Who really thinks about sectarianism here? Who doesn’t want a state where people’s rights are respected?”

August 4th, 2012, 6:53 pm



111. IRRITATED said:

#105 Sys-Expat

more millions of FSA guerrillas

You mean the 960,000 coming from Afghanistan and Saudi Arabia in addition to the FSA presently on the ground and Turkey?
And why just 9600,000. Why not 960,001?

I am going by Norman’s delusional claim of “millions of revengeful and armed loyalists.” If there are millions of them in Syria (they seem no where to be found when the regime needs them in Aleppo), then most probably there are more millions among the opposition in Syria. No need for outside help.

August 4th, 2012, 6:59 pm


irritated said:

#104 SOD

The non-binding issue.

Are you really serious in comparing the UN assembly resolution about Syria with the Taiwan-China procedural exception?

I hope not.

August 4th, 2012, 7:03 pm


Amir in Tel Aviv said:

August 4th, 2012, 7:08 pm


bronco said:

#114 Tara

The revolution must continue no matter what.

Don’t worry, it will continue but in different conditions and different shape. It will become more political and less military. That’s what the UN and the Western countries want. That’s what we all want, I hope.

August 4th, 2012, 7:08 pm


Tara said:


Your assertion all along that the Assad clan will agree to real reform and democracy where they become non-privileged ordinary citizens is really an illusion. Assad or will burn the country is etched in their mind. These people mean what they say. Our freedom will not be given to us, it will have to be forced out.

August 4th, 2012, 7:16 pm




Thanks, Ed. For using your real name. All these other “patriots” of the Assad Mafia OR the so-called Revolution should stew in their fake names…

August 4th, 2012, 7:18 pm


Son of Damascus said:


No I am most diffidently not, just trying to make it clear that the UN GA resolutions have far reaching implications and are not as limited as you tried to make them out to be.

Case in point resolution 2758. While passed in the GA it has actually affected International Law and no one can argue the jurisprudence behind this resolution is a mere non-binding resolution therefore should be dismissed.

Resolution passed at the GA have been used in international criminal justice as the link at 104 from the Oxford Journal clearly indicates, you were over simplifying what the GA can do, which is BS and disinformation as I have shown.

August 4th, 2012, 7:18 pm


omen said:

odd ehsani omitted the context of what initially gave the damascus spring breathing room to come into being:

hafez died.

moral of the story: in a dictatorship, if you want change, you have to wait thirty-forty years for the leadership to die.

or if during an uprising, the regime refuses to let go of power…

August 4th, 2012, 7:21 pm


zoo said:

Haytham Maleh with Syrian internal opposition members is setting up a ‘transitional government in Cairo, while the SNC is erring and complaining about divisions and lack of resources.
Who will win?

Syrian opposition leaders offer an alternative

Zoi Constantine and Thomas Seibert
Aug 5, 2012

Mr Maleh said he and other opposition figures formed the Trustees of the Syrian Revolution Council because the SNC “hasn’t been able to deliver on its promises to the Syrian people”.

“They failed. They don’t have the vision to deliver the aims of the Syrian people,” he said. “There was a need for new leadership, so we decided to launch this council.”

The new body is composed of 45 “independent” opposition figures, including Mr Maleh, an 81-year-old former judge and respected opposition figure who was jailed by the Al Assad regime. He has been tasked with heading efforts to form a transitional administration made up of technocrats.

“The fall of the Assad regime is imminent, so once that happens we don’t want gaps in the transition of power,” he said. “We have to have the right people in the right place and to continue the branches of government.”

The members of the new coalition are working in cooperation with opposition activists in Syria, according to Mr Maleh. He said the transitional government should be formed within the next two months. The group, which is organising from Cairo, would move to Aleppo “once it is liberated”, he said.
Wael Merza, a member of the SNC and former secretary general of the council. “It was not studied in a good way. We don’t think the conditions are there for success.”
Mr Merza has been involved in discussions between the SNC and other groups to establish a transitional government, an initiative that could be launched in a matter of weeks.

“We all agree that it is a very critical project, having a transitional government,” Mr Merza said.
However, Mr Osman insisted opposition leaders were not the only ones to blame for the state of affairs.

“The world is not helping, neither with money, nor politically,” he said, accusing the international community of failing to live up to promises of generous financial aid.

However, Kamal Al Labwani, another veteran opposition figure and a member of the Trustees of the Syrian Revolution Council, has a critical view of the SNC.

“We need a council that is loyal to the revolution,” he said. “The SNC and others are angry because they need everything for themselves and are trying to

climb on the revolution. We want a Syrian-made government. Maybe we will not succeed, but we are starting from a patriotic point.”

August 4th, 2012, 7:21 pm


irritated said:

120. Son of Damascus

Your argument is academic. Implications maybe, binding NO, only in very exceptional cases. I doubt Syria resolution will be one of them. So why waste time talking about that.

August 4th, 2012, 7:26 pm


Norman said:

I heard that the US is preparing to intervene to protect the minorities in Syria that are expected to be attacked if the regime falls, Did anybody hear that.?.

August 4th, 2012, 7:27 pm


Aldendeshe said:

We Americans from Syrian decent, both recent immigrants, first generation, second and even third generations felt betrayed.


Bashar betrayed every Syrian, even Alawite close to him that defended him, like Asef Shaoukat. He should admit his incompetence and short sidness and hand over power to transitional government free or any Baathist or x Baathist.

???????? ????? ????? ?? ????? ????????? ???????? ?????????? ?????? – ????? ????? ?? ????? ???????

August 4th, 2012, 7:29 pm


bronco said:

119. Tara

Bashar Al Assad will do what Russia pushes him to do. He can’t do much without Russia anymore, financially, politically, economically.

August 4th, 2012, 7:29 pm


omen said:

114. TARA said: I get worried when the opposition says the battle of Aleppo will determine Syria’s fate.

i think the emphasis is to encourage defections or is a rallying cry meant bring in more insurgents.

i wonder if rebels in damascus have a separate plan of their own for when regime forces relocate to aleppo.

August 4th, 2012, 7:30 pm


Norman said:

I wonder if the war in Syria will ever stop, I think Syria is going on the road of fragmentation, The question is will it be by agreement of by force.

August 4th, 2012, 7:32 pm


Tara said:

Asma al Assad was reported to be an opportunistic by her friends who went to the same school with her.  Compare Emma al Akrass to Thwaibs Kanafani, a real Syrian woman.
4 August 2012 Last 
Syria crisis: Turkey training rebels, says FSA fighter

Just a few months ago, Thwaiba Kanafani was leading a normal life with her husband, six-year-old son and three-year-old daughter in Canada.  An engineer by training, she had been working in the oil industry.  But now she has left all that behind.

When we met up in the city of Adana in southern Turkey, she had just fled across the border from the Syrian city of Aleppo after a mission with rebel forces that went wrong.
Two male colleagues who were acting as her minders, were killed.
At the end of June she joined the Free Syrian Army (FSA) and was given a particularly dangerous role to fulfil.  As a woman she has able to move more easily around the streets of Aleppo than the men.  “Lots of women are working with me and we do a lot of spying work,” she says.  “We usually check the locations of regime people [military forces] and check where would be the best points to locate the Free Syrian Army.  “We also spy on high-ranking people in the government so we can help the FSA arrest and capture them.”
There is a special training programme based in Turkey at secret camps run by the Turkish military, she says.  “The Turkish people are really helping us. Lots of people are getting training in those camps.”. “The training is really professional. You can only sleep four hours a day.
“You have to climb mountains, you get weapons training. It’s hard work.”

Read more..

August 4th, 2012, 7:36 pm


omen said:

124. NORMAN said: I heard that the US is preparing to intervene to protect the minorities in Syria that are expected to be attacked if the regime falls, Did anybody hear that.?.

i see/hear that a lot. in a cnn interview, bob baer reiterated that meme.

my question is this: why are alawite and christian lives more valuable? (or is what is meant here regime officials?) what makes you so special when sunnis were allowed to be slaughtered en masse without anybody bothering to lift a finger?

i don’t get it.

August 4th, 2012, 7:41 pm


Aldendeshe said:

???? – ?? ?????? ???? ????? ????????? ????????? ???????? ??????????
Hot debate. What do you think?

296 21
August 1st, 2012, 5:36 pm

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August 4th, 2012, 7:43 pm


Son of Damascus said:


But it is binding, if it was not Taiwan would be the representative of China at the SC (As the US wanted, but failed to get).

Resolution 2758 is not an academic theory, but a matter of international LAW therefore BINDING.

The issue will be in regards to this resolution about Syria is how it will be used and whether the jurisprudence would allow it. This resolution can bring into question the theory of “legitimacy” and whether the Assad regime can be considered within the confines of the UN as the representative of the Syrian people.

If this resolution was as simple and dismissive as you had tried to show I don’t think the Russians would’ve reacted the way they did when it passed.

August 4th, 2012, 7:45 pm


zoo said:

Erdogan’s army is scrambling with 68 jailed generals and the super resistant PKK while Obama armed with his baseball told him on the phone:

Whack Bashar, ErdoganBey”.

Indeed, the Turkish army is maneuvering with tanks on the Syrian border. But Erdogan is yet to take the momentous step of approaching the Turkish parliament for approval for the army to cross the border into the country. Erdogan is thinking furiously. He took a meeting of the Supreme Military Council in Ankara on Wednesday to oversee “war preparations” and inter alia realized that the Turkish armed forces are in great disarray.

Sixty-eight pashas (a title used for military and civil officers) are locked up in jail facing charges of treason. The meeting on Wednesday was called to decide on the annual promotions of the Turkish top brass, but the choice was severely limited, since something like 40 generals out of the 68 happen to be in the “promotion zone” but cannot be considered for promotion since they are in jail.

August 4th, 2012, 7:49 pm


Son of Damascus said:


But it is not the ones that are asking for help that are levelling one Syrian city after the other. You avoided answering the question and laid the blame on the protesters, while crafty still leaves me with no answer.

I guess that is an answer by itself.

August 4th, 2012, 7:53 pm


irritated said:

#132 SOD

There has been hundreds of UN Assembly resolutions against Israel. None was binding and none had any effect.
Even the UNSC binding ones had no effect…

Keep hoping with Visitor that this one on Syria will…

August 4th, 2012, 7:56 pm


zoo said:

Truth from children’s mouth: the son of Sheikh Aarur talks.

August 4th, 2012, 8:06 pm


omen said:

113. zoo: I feel pain to see Syria destroyed by the Syrians, and worse by those calling Turks, the CIA, Saudi and Libyan hands to help in the destruction.

did you see the photo of the molotov cocktails made out of mango juice bottles? does that look like a cosmic conspiracy to you? did that bear the hallmark of cia?

-it’s the regime who is destroying syria.
-the assad regime is not syria.

loyalists are so used to the regime having complete domination that they’re scared s***less when that is no longer the case. never mind the opposition is still overwhelmingly outgunned.

loyalists so used the regime having their boots down on the neck of the masses that they’re unnerved when the balance of power (finally) gets readjusted and equalized.

it is poor sportsmanship to pout simply because you no longer get your way.

August 4th, 2012, 8:08 pm


omen said:

no fairsies! another one bites the dust.

August 4th, 2012, 8:11 pm


Syrialover said:

The big picture, the vision. Thank you.


“Never again, will any one like Assad and any of his organized crime family will ever rule countries like Syria ever again. Syria and its people are one of the most wonderfull people on Earth. Humble, hospitable,generous, productive and above all yearning for freedom both on the personal level and the societal level.
The current Syrian Revolution is the byproduct of 50 years of continued oppression by the vultuers of Al-Baath Party and the Al-Assad Clan.”

August 4th, 2012, 8:16 pm


Son of Damascus said:


While Syria had diplomatic geniuses in the likes of Fares Khoury and Jamil Mardam, Bashar Jaafari is no match to any of the diplomats Israel has. With the jews you have to earn your position, with the Assadi regime all you needed was a wasta.

A crying shame really, for Syria pre-Assad helped shape the world. I highly doubt figures like Khoury or Mardam would have ever survived under the Assadi regime.

August 4th, 2012, 8:17 pm


Norman said:


Christian lives are not more sacred than Muslim ones, can you tell me of a time that the Christians of Syria killed Muslims, can you tell me who slaughtered whom in Iraq, weren’t the Christians and the Shea that were killed by AL Qaeda Sunni. Remind me of the time that the Shea killed Sunni, I think you will have hard time finding an incident that is organized as it is being done in Syria and Iraq,against the Christians and the Shea,

The reason the US will intervene is to protect the weak, Christians so far do not carry arms,They might have to if they want to maintain a presence in the Mideast.

August 4th, 2012, 8:44 pm


Uzair8 said:


In #81 it should have been 15000 candles (extinguished by Assad).

I missed a zero.

August 4th, 2012, 8:51 pm


ann said:

Syrian army declares Damascus’ rebellious district “cleaned of armed groups” – 2012-08-05

DAMASCUS, Aug. 4 (Xinhua) — The Syrian army on Saturday declared that the troublesome district of al-Tadamun in the southern part of the capital Damascus “insurgent-free,” according to state-run SANA news agency.

Al-Tadamun was the first district in the capital to have witnessed armed insurgency over the past two weeks.

After storming the area Saturday, the Syrian army dug up a mass grave with the bodies of 20 people between al-Tadamun and Yalda area, a Syrian officer told Xinhua.

While al-Tadamun was cleared, clashes continued elsewhere in Damascus, including in Rukn Eddien, Salhieh and Muhajireen.

Meanwhile, SANA said a large number of foreign and Arab fighters have been either killed or rounded up Saturday in northern Aleppo province.


August 4th, 2012, 8:52 pm


ann said:

General says all Damascus retaken, Aleppo pounded – August 05, 2012

he Syrian army said it has seized the last rebel-held district of the capital as insurgents in the strategic northern city of Aleppo came under heavy bombardment by regime forces.

The army on Saturday said it had retaken the hold-out rebel district of Tadamun in Damascus.

A brigadier general who refused to give his name told journalists visiting the neighbourhood of Tadamun, the scene of heavy fighting earlier, that it has been retaken, and that the military now controls all of the capital.

“We have cleansed all the districts of Damascus, from Al-Midan to Mazzeh, from Al-Hajar Al-Aswad to Qadam… to Tadamun,” the last rebel bastion in the capital, said the officer.

Tadamun borders the Palestinian refugee camp of Yarmuk and is home to both Syrians and Palestinians. It is now deserted and devastated, with electricity cables hanging down between rooftops and paving badly damaged.

In Yalda next to Tadamun, an AFP reporter saw a dozen corpses thrown on a rubbish dump. Some had been burned and others mutilated.

A senior government security figure warned that “the battle for Aleppo has not yet begun, and what is happening now is just the appetizer… The main course will come later.”

The official said more reinforcements had arrived and that at least 20,000 troops were now on the ground. “The other side are also sending reinforcements,” the official added of the rebels, who claim to have seized half the city.

Explosions shook Aleppo as fighter jets and helicopter gunships overflew the city and rebels tried to storm the state television building before being driven back by shelling, said the Britain-based Observatory.

State media said the army defended the site from “mercenary terrorist groups.”

Ban said growing radicalisation and extremism had been predicted at the start of the uprising, as had been a “proxy war, with regional and international players arming one side or the other.”

Russian Ambassador Vitaly Churkin said the assembly gave “blatant” support to Syrian rebels and that its backers were the countries providing “mercenaries and arms” to the opposition.

China’s deputy ambassador, Wang Min, said pressuring only Damascus would “cause further escalation of the turmoil and let the crisis spill over to other countries in the region.”

On Saturday, senior foreign ministry official Wang Kejian accused countries that oppose its position of pursuing their own geopolitical interests and “trying to hinder or even undermine the political settlement process.”


August 4th, 2012, 9:06 pm


Tara said:

Damascus retaken? Far from the truth.

12.47pm: Far from there being a lull in fighting in Damascus, heavy explosions shook the Syrian capital today and helicopters circled overhead as rebels appeared to be renewing their offensive in the city, reports the Associated Press.

The fresh battles show that President Bashar Assad’s victories could be fleeting as armed opposition groups regroup and resurge, possibly forcing the regime to shuffle military units to react to attacks across the country. The country’s civil war has intensified in recent weeks as rebels focused on the country’s two biggest cities, Damascus and Aleppo.

“We heard heavy bombing since dawn,” a witness in Damascus told The Associated Press, asking that his name not be used out of fear for his personal safety. “Helicopters are in the sky.”

Saturday’s violence comes only two weeks after the government crushed a rebel run on Damascus that included incursions by fighters into downtown neighborhoods and an audacious bomb attack that killed four members of Assad’s inner circle.

The fighting in Damascus appeared likely to drain the army’s resources as fighting stretches into its second week in Aleppo, 350 kilometers (215 miles) to the north.

Late Friday, Syria’s official news agency SANA said government forces had hunted down the remnants of the “terrorist mercenaries” its term for the rebels in the capital’s southern neighborhood of Tadamun

August 4th, 2012, 9:30 pm


Son of Damascus said:



Who the hell are you to say that Arabs can’t have democracy exactly? Did your ignorant behind know Syria actually HAD a democracy before?

Do you see the level of bigotry and hatred to compare Arab society to Animals?

I think you are the one with psychosocial deficiencies and not Ehsani.

August 4th, 2012, 9:30 pm


jna said:

108. Amir in Tel Aviv said: “When mnhebaks begin to whine…”

Oh, please, spare us the fake, disparaging point-scoring drama. From Tel Aviv no less.

August 4th, 2012, 9:35 pm


Tara said:

Gunfire is being heard in Malki near Besho’s residence.

August 4th, 2012, 9:55 pm



Without mentioning monikor(s), I just read few comments expressing concerns about the wisdom of the Free Syrian Army strategy in Aleppo, and what if this or that happens as the outcome of an impending battle.

I also read the usual daily dose of Xinhua, SANA and other spam mouthpieces making bombastic, hollow and unfounded claims about the thugs of the Nazi-like regime achieving some sort of imaginary and pyrrhic ‘victories’ in Nazi-occupied Damascus, which I found quite entertaining as usual. As it so happened those empty claims were swiftly refuted in 146.

Now I go back to the concerns about the FSA strategy. So, I say your concerns are quite understandable. But fear nothing. The heroes of the Free Army of the Revolution have made their resolve to win this war. In fact, they will keep chasing this demoralized army of thugs of the Nazi-like occupation regime back and forth from Aleppo, to Homs, to Hama to Deir, to Damascus, to Deraa and to the coast until the thugs either run out of their breath or fuel or food or equipment or ammunition or all of the above.

And finally, as a reassurance, I present this historical testimony about ??? ????? from one the shrewdest politicians in history who aside from him none was truly able to fully subdue the people of Iraq:

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August 4th, 2012, 10:14 pm


ann said:

Lebanon president reiterates disassociation policy towards Syrian events – 2012-08-04

BEIRUT, Aug. 4 (Xinhua) — Lebanese President Michel Suleiman reiterated Saturday that stability in Lebanon can only be achieved through rejecting being a sanctuary, a transit point or a base for the smuggling of arms and armed men for Syria, the National News Agency reported.

During meeting with delegations of political and religious dignitaries, Suleiman stressed the importance of cooperation among all political parties to preserve the country, calling on all Lebanese factions to attend the upcoming national dialogue session on Aug. 16.


August 4th, 2012, 10:15 pm


ann said:

Iran warns against foreign military intervention in Syria: defense minister – 2012-08-04

TEHRAN, Aug. 4 (Xinhua) — Iran’s Defense Minister Brigadier General Ahmad Vahidi warned Saturday against the military intervention of foreign forces in Syria, the semi-official ISNA news agency reported.

If the foreign forces enter Syria, “for sure, there will be a big crisis in the region and definitely the losers of the ( potential) crisis will be the Westerners and the supporters of the Zionist regime (of Israel),” Vahidi was quoted as saying.

He stressed that the Islamic republic has no military forces in Syria and the Syrian government has not asked Iran to do so, according to the report.

Syria has a powerful military and enjoys the public support, therefore the Syrian themselves can deal with the foreigners’ ” adventurism” in their own country, said the Iranian minister.

Last week, Iran’s Majlis (parliament) Speaker Ali Larijani said Iran would continue to support the Syrian government under any circumstances.

August 4th, 2012, 10:28 pm


ann said:

Syrian troops kill scores of insurgents in Aleppo – 2012-08-04

DAMASCUS, Aug. 4 (Xinhua) — Syrian troops clashed Saturday with armed insurgent groups in three districts of the unrest-hit Aleppo province, leaving scores dead or injured, the state-run SANA news agency said.

The clashes erupted in Salahuddien, Sukarry, and Hamadanieh areas, SANA quoted an official source as saying.

The source said the authorities rounded up a number of the armed men.

In central Homs province, SANA said the government troops have clashed with armed groups in Rastan and Talbiseh areas, inflicting hefty tolls among them.

It said the armed men in those areas have terrorised residents and open fire indiscriminately on passers-by.

A pro-government Facebook page said the armed insurgents in Aleppo have tried to cut off the road to the Aleppo airport, adding that the authorities have responded back and rendered their attempt flat.

Meanwhile, SANA confirmed earlier reports that a number of Iranian Shiite pilgrims have been kidnapped Saturday by armed ” terrorist” groups, adding that the authorities are handling the situation.

Earlier in the day, asource in the Iranian embassy confirmed the kidnapping of 48 Iranian pilgrims, who were snitched Saturday while en route to Damascus from the airport, according to the lebanese NBN TV.

Meanwhile, Syrian army troops uncovered Saturday a mass grave in the Damascus suburb of Yalda, combining unidentified number of bodies that belong to civilians and army personnel.

The mass grave was dug up when the army entered the area earlier Saturday. The area had been controlled by the rebels over the past days.

An officer told Xinhua that the area is clean of rebels, adding that the displaced residents can start to get back home. Despite the officer’s placating gunshots were audible in the surroundings of the area.


August 4th, 2012, 10:33 pm


ann said:

Syrian TV host kidnapped, executed by Islamists – 04 August, 2012

Syrian state TV host Mohammed al-Saeed has been executed, the UK-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reported. A militant Islamist group has claimed responsibility for the killing.

­Al-Saeed was kidnapped on July 19 of this year. The Al-Nusra Front, a little-known Islamist militant group, posted a statement August 4 on an Al-Qaeda-affiliated internet forum.

“The heroes of western Ghouta (in Damascus province) imprisoned the shabih (pro-regime militia) presenter on July 19…He was then killed after he had been interrogated,” AFP reported.

The post showed a photograph of frightened al-Saeed sitting against the wall. “May this be a lesson to all those who support the regime,” the note read.

It is an act of cruel barbarism committed by one of Syria’s increasingly violent rebel groups, RT’s Oksana Boyko reported from Syria. She compared the incident to a similar case in Libya where kidnapped TV journalist Hala Misrati was tortured and raped by Libyan rebels. Misrati was later released alive, but “in Syria they simply kill,” Boyko said.

Meanwhile, RT’s correspondent reports that two more journalists have been kidnapped on Saturday. One of those abducted, Talal Jinbakly, worked as a camera-man for Syrian state TV. The other, Mohammad Ali Hussein, is said to work on a Syrian educational television channel.

However, there have not been official comments, and more details are not available so far.

Also on Saturday, Syrian rebels attempted to seize a state-run broadcasting radio and TV complex in Aleppo. The rebel flag has reportedly been planted on top of the building.

The attack on the pro-government Al-Ikhbaria TV station in the town of Drousha, south of Damascus, killed seven journalists and four security guards on June 27. One building in the complex was nearly demolished.


August 4th, 2012, 10:40 pm


omen said:

77. JNA said: My reading is that the US government does support and want regime change in Syria; but on the cheap,

how much do shoulder fired missiles cost? how much would a drone strike cost? how much would it cost to jam regime military communications?

not very much, i’m guessing. why is this not being done?

so it does not get struck with the mess left after the Assad regime falls or falls back.

libya seems to putting itself back together without a lot of hand holding from the west.

left more of a mess? have you seen homs? ignoring the continuing destruction is not going to be the cheaper solution.

in what universe is ignoring the problem the best solution? this is just going to get worse if left unaddressed. the conflict is going to create a bigger mess that is going to be harder to contain if the regime is allowed to remain in power.

“too cheap to do regime change (but it really wants to)” argument is not a plausible one.

this argument makes more sense:

Bashar Assad received some advice last month from a Syrian with whom he is acquainted: if he ended his strikes against civilians, the Europeans would be content to let him remain in power for at least two more years – because the west wanted direct oil pipelines from Qatar and Saudi Arabia via Jordan and Syria to the Mediterranean in order to end Russia’s stranglehold on Europe’s gas and oil.

by its inaction, the u.s. has demonstrated it is willing to tolerate genocide and that it doesn’t want regime change.

August 4th, 2012, 10:49 pm


ann said:

Bat diplomacy: Turks see red in Obama’s dubious photo – 04 August, 2012

Holding a baseball bat in your hand while talking on the phone about a delicate international issue means you really like the person you are talking to. At least, so says the President of the United States.

­The White House scrambled to explain the meaning behind a photo it posted online of President Obama holding a wooden club associated with either a popular American sport or mob violence, depending on personal preferences.

The US President held the bat as he chatted on the phone with Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Monday. The two were discussing the ongoing violence in Syria, in which both America and Turkey are backing the anti-regime opposition forces.

Turkish politicians were quick to seize on the picture and level harsh criticism at Turkey’s head of government.

“The photo reveals from whom our Prime Minister receives orders to rule the country,” said Metin Lutfi Baydar, a Turkish parliamentarian and member of the Republican People’s Party, the country’s main opposition party. Legislator Umut Oran called the photo “an implicit insult to Turkey and its citizens,” Reuters said.


August 4th, 2012, 10:49 pm


ann said:

Sectarian conflict? ‘Portraying it so serves Gulf rulers’ interests’ – 05 August, 2012

Saudi authorities claim that a teenager who was killed during a protest in Qatif had attacked an army patrol, killing one soldier and injuring another. Rights activists, though, say it was part of a violent police crackdown on the Shia minority.

­According to Saudi Interior Ministry spokesman Mansour Al Turki, the shooting took place after Friday’s demonstration, when a security patrol came under heavy fire from four armed rioters on motorcycles.

“A security patrol was exposed to heavy fire from four armed rioters on a motorbike when pausing at a street intersection in Qatif,” said Turki, as cited by state news agency SPA. One soldier was killed and another wounded and taken to hospital as a result of the attack, he added.

Military patrols managed to arrest the “armed rioters” after a shootout and a short pursuit. One of the gunmen was wounded in the firefight and died on the way to the hospital, authorities said.

Turki warned that police would not tolerate “the rioters, especially those who are armed,” and would also act against those who support them.

With the latest deaths, the number of casualties at protests in the oil-rich eastern Qatif province alone has exceeded 10 since last November.

In late July, several people were wounded in Qatif after security forces fired live rounds at demonstrators carrying posters depicting those injured and arrested in earlier protests.

Saudi anti-government demonstrators have been calling for an end to discrimination by the state’s Sunni monarchy since last March. The Qatif province has a large minority of Shia residents, constituting up to ten per cent of the local population.

Meanwhile in neighboring Bahrain, dozens of equal rights activists were injured as security forces fired tear gas, stun grenades and birdshot at them.

Frequent antigovernment protests have gripped Bahrain since February of 2011. The ongoing uprising by the country’s Shia majority, which claims systematic discrimination on the part of Bahrain’s Sunni monarchy, has weakened after multiple mass arrests.

Middle East expert Younes Abouyoub told RT that it is in the interest of the rulers of the Gulf countries to portray the conflicts as sectarian. That way, he says, they can avoid the spread of unrest to other oppressed or marginalized groups.

RT: We have seen clashes in Saudi Arabia and Bahrain, with activists accusing the ruling elite of abuses and political arrests. Why has the international community done nothing about it, and the media barely reported on the events in the Gulf nations?

Younes Abouyoub: I think it is quite obvious, the reason why. Everybody is focused now on Syria and the hotspots in geopolitics, and the fight between regional powers and also greater powers in the region. So Saudi Arabia and Bahrain, because they are on the side of, let’s say, the strongest part in this conflict, are being shielded from any criticism. They are trying to be portrayed as if there are moderate protests and nothing significant is happening there, which is of course not the truth.

RT: Where’s the red line that will make the international community take a stand on Bahrain?

YA: Well, it’s very hard to say when the international community can react. The international community had a chance to react when the F1 Grand Prix was organized in Bahrain and the protesters and many civil rights activists around the world called for its cancellation, but nothing happened.

Unfortunately money and oil and interests go first before human rights. I think what might trigger something is probably when things go sour, probably arms being used and then the conflict gets worse. Maybe in that case the international community will be forced, even if it’s not willing to look towards Bahrain and Saudi Arabia.


August 4th, 2012, 11:10 pm


jna said:


Regardless of how Libya is doing, the American policy makers see Syria intervention more like Iraq (said many times), and how has that been going for the last nine years? America has two interests in the Middle East: Israel and Oil. Syrian regime change will strengthen Israel vrs. Iran(see Neocon support) and will please the oil producing regimes (minus Iraq).

August 4th, 2012, 11:17 pm


jna said:


Regardless of how Libya is doing, the American policy makers see Syria intervention more like Iraq (said many times), and how has that been going for the last nine years? America has two interests in the Middle East: Israel and Oil. Syrian regime change will strengthen Israel vrs. Iran(see Neocon support) and will please long allies, the oil producing regimes (minus Iraq and Iran).

August 4th, 2012, 11:20 pm


ann said:

‘Assad has become a Gaddafi-like bogeyman’ – 04 August, 2012

In their bid to back any kind of opposition to oust the Syrian leadership, Western powers are suffering from “historical amnesia,” says reporter Patrick Hayes. He adds that new support for the rebels will follow the UN General Assembly’s resolution.

­RT: How do you think this UN-wide vote will affect what’s happening in Syria, or the international response from here on out?

Patrick Hayes: Remember, this is a non-binding resolution, so it is not going to have any direct impact at all. I think in general it is being used to try and step up the pressure on Russia and China to take a stance against Assad. And effectively what it is doing is saying: “We disrespect the sovereignty of Syria and we don’t want the Syrian people to determine their own future.”

So, I don’t think something positive is going to come out of this. I just wanted to say about Kofi Annan, though, because what is very striking with this situation is that yes, they can condemn Assad from the UN Assembly, but they do not have any alternative. When Annan was initially negotiating his six-point treaty, his argument was very much: “If you take this off the table, then what else are you going to be left with?”

Now no one has an alternative to that at the moment.

William Hague, the foreign secretary of the UK, basically said today: “We still want the Kofi Annan plan, but we want to imply that there are consequences if it is not followed.”

There are a lot of empty threats going on at the moment, but no one knows what to do.

RT: William Hague indeed revealed UK plans to step up its help for the Syrian opposition. He insists that London isn’t sending weapons, but only “non-lethal” support. How is it justifying this one-sided approach?

PH: He suggested that he’s going to offer non-lethal aid. He has not given specific details of this yet. But it does seem that it is going to be intelligence. It does seem that it is going to be an awful lot of support announced for the rebels over the next few weeks.

And of course this comes just after it was revealed that there has been a secret plan to basically allow the CIA to assist the rebels as well.

The thing I find very striking about this is this real historical amnesia that’s taking place among Western leaders. Well, they don’t really know who the opposition is. There are lots of concerns about the makeup of it, the jihadi elements. There are a lot of people who the West would not like to do business with.

But they’re stuck into this mentality that they’d rather help anyone get into power, they’d rather support any opposition in Syria, than they would support Assad.

Assad has become this bogeyman just like Gaddafi before him. And they just say, “We need to get rid of him and everything will be ok.” It’s a naive approach that will do no help.


August 4th, 2012, 11:31 pm


irritated said:


gunfire is being heard in Maliki

Celebrations ?

August 4th, 2012, 11:31 pm


Tara said:


You know what? There is a shawrma place in Malki that makes shawrma out of this world. Batta and Asma used to order from. I am sure they don’t anymore afraid of being poisoned. I am dying to eat shawrma. Do you like it?

August 4th, 2012, 11:36 pm


vigilante said:

Al-Miadeen: several foreign persons get arrested in Aleppo and one of them might be a Turkish General

August 4th, 2012, 11:40 pm


irritated said:

#162 Tara

Are you sure that the owner would not try to poison you knowing your sympathies?

August 4th, 2012, 11:42 pm


omen said:

159. jna

more like iraq? nobody is calling for boots on the ground. nobody is calling for occupation.

loyalists keep harking on iraq as the thing to avoid when nobody is suggesting it be replicated. your strawman doesn’t have a leg to stand on.

Israel and Oil. Syrian regime change will strengthen Israel vrs. Iran(see Neocon support)

then why isn’t it being done? why aren’t the rebels being properly armed? why aren’t drone strikes being waged? why aren’t communication systems being jammed?

all we have from the u.s. is the useless flapping of gums.

israel is more unsettled by uncertainty and the threat of a new regime (ooh, the islamists! eek!) bashar was only too happy to appease israel. look how he offered to give away the golan.

and will please long allies, the oil producing regimes (minus Iraq and Iran).

saudis & qatar have promised rebels arms. where are they? why is the fsa still waiting for them?

the west is counting on that proposed pipeline being built. it needs a regime in power who will be able to deal with shia iran, shia iraq and shia lebanon. a new sunni led government will harbor grievances with these three countries. contracts will be harder to negotiate and win the cooperation of all four parties. this is why the assad regime is allowed to remain in power.

August 4th, 2012, 11:50 pm


Halabi said:

Omen, it doesn’t make much sense for the U.S. to do more right now because the regime will fall and Syria or whatever is left of it will sever its ties to Iran and Russia and end up in the other camp, the one where most of the posters here live in and love to hate. (Just as they hate the majority of Syrians).

I don’t think Obama missed a second of sleep when the children of Houla were slaughtered by the sectarian shabi7a. I’m sure he was sad, a few of my American coworkers expressed concern, but they go on with their days. We do as well, although Assad supporters probably stay up late into the night celebrating the “victory” against the terrorist Sunni babies.

Nobody wants to get involved and I don’t blame them. It’s a complicated situation that will eventually be resolved. Limit your losses, manage the conflict in your favor and live with the aftermath.

Lavrov reportedly told the SNC delegates during their latest trip to Moscow that you (the opposition) wanted a revolution, you should be ready to pay the price. I hate to agree with this genocide enthusiast, but he’s right and we have always known this truth. Freedom is not free.

August 4th, 2012, 11:50 pm


Tara said:


And I sincerely wish you live happy and healthy long life..

August 4th, 2012, 11:50 pm


zoo said:

As Syrian War Roils, Sectarian Unrest Seeps Into Turkey

As Syria’s civil war degenerates into a bloody sectarian showdown between the government’s Alawite-dominated troops and the Sunni Muslim majority, tensions are increasing across the border between Turkey’s Alawite minority and the Sunni Muslim majority here.

Many Turkish Alawites, estimated at 15 million to 20 million strong and one of the biggest minorities in this country, seem to be solidly behind Syria’s embattled strongman, Bashar al-Assad, while Turkey’s government, and many Sunnis, supports the Syrian rebels.

The Alawites fear the sectarian violence spilling across the border. Already, the sweltering, teeming refugee camps along the frontier are fast becoming caldrons of anti-Alawite feelings.

“If any come here, we’re going to kill them,” said Mehmed Aziz, 28, a Syrian refugee at a camp in Ceylanpinar, who drew a finger across his throat.

“We’re more moderate,” explained Turhan Sat, a Turkish Alawite who works at a gas station in Bridgeport, Conn., and was on vacation in Turkey. He was swigging tea the other day in the leafy town square of Samandag, a predominantly Alawite town not far from the Syrian border.

“We’re all with Assad,” he said.

Not far away in the Alawite-dominated town of Harbiye, there is a new best-selling item that cannot seem to stay on the shelves: cheap tapestries bearing Mr. Assad’s portrait.

“Everybody wants them,” said Selahattin Eroglu, a vendor, who had just sold his last one. “People here love Assad.”

August 4th, 2012, 11:54 pm


zoo said:

Ford is preparing his return, triumphant.. Uncle Sam, a big thank from your forever grateful servants.

State Department and Pentagon Plan for Post-Assad Syria
Published: August 4, 2012

The department has created a number of separate cells devoted to aspects of a post-Assad Syria, including humanitarian issues, economic reconstruction, security, the stockpiles of chemical weapons and a political transition.

The last is led by the American ambassador to Syria, Robert S. Ford, who closed the embassy in Damascus in February amid deteriorating security there and is now based in Washington. Mr. Ford met in Cairo last week with more than 250 Syrians to shape plans for the inchoate opposition groups to form a transitional government. That meeting followed a larger gathering of Mr. Assad’s opponents last month, organized by the Arab League.

August 4th, 2012, 11:58 pm


irritated said:

#166 Tara

To you too and in a peaceful atmosphere far from that madness.

August 5th, 2012, 12:00 am


Son of Damascus said:


Guess brosted from sufarah is out of the question as well for Batta…

I really want a shawarma sandwich from Al-Farouk now though! Do you think he would Aramex some sandwiches over?

August 5th, 2012, 12:05 am


jna said:

Come to think about it, why doesn’t the US ditch preference for the Saudis and the GCC for Iraq and Iran preferential relationships? Inertia, Israel? Don’t think it’s a particular affinity to the Sunni denomination. Do the Sunni-led countries have more oil? Any ideas?

August 5th, 2012, 12:05 am


Tara said:



It is strange that even when shawrma is made in North America by Syrians, it just does not taste like what it tastes eating it in Syria. I do not like to eat shawrma sitting around a table in a restaurant. I like to eat it walking in the streets. It is something in the air may be..

August 5th, 2012, 12:13 am


Son of Damascus said:


I am not an expert or anything… but the type of meat and origin of the meat has a lot to do with it.

Not sure if you know but Syrian Ghanam ((lamb) is prized all over the world, it does not have the heavy gamey flavour you might usually find in lamb.

August 5th, 2012, 12:24 am


Uzair8 said:

Below are some thoughts I wanted to get out there. Due to lack of time (tiredness) I may not be able to word it or construct my message as I would like. I’m sure people will understand my point.
Feel free to correct anything.


Right, the regime is going to retake Aleppo?

Just like it retook Homs?

Homs stood firm for many months and even now, if I’m correct, it is still not under regime control.

Aleppo will be the same. Damascus was different. In Damascus the regime was defending. In Aleppo the regime is attacking. Damascus, being the capital, had the elite forces (4th Br./Rep Guard) based in the city and concentrated there. In Aleppo it seems that troops are coming from outside.

The regime will struggle to retake Aleppo. I’d say there is a good chance the regime will lose Aleppo. At worst we will see a Homs scenario, which would still be bad for the regime.

Btw Damascus is still seeing fighting.

August 5th, 2012, 12:45 am


Mohsen said:

ALEPPO says: I am again baffled by anybody that describes what is happening in Syria as being essentially directed by foreign interests. Do they exist? Of course, it is not even a secret, it is out in the open for all to see. Are so-called jihadist, salafist, whabbists, mujahedeen, etc in Syrian territory? Beyond any doubt. But to say that is to say that the Syrian people after being humiliated for 40 years in all possibe manners are mere puppets in the hands of Saudis, Qataris, Turks, Americans, French, British, Peruvians, Macedonians, Sri Lankans and whomelse you care to list. It is just not so.

Very well said. Those who are pushing the “post-colonialism theory” are generally socialists (both national and international) with a counter-factual, and conspiratorial understanding of history. Sorry to say, but a bunch of loser who have never been in any position of significance to understand the complex on-the-ground dynamics of power and economics. Sorry for the name calling. But there is undoubtedly a huge element of personal sour grapes, if not useless idealism and ideology in some of these narratives.

August 5th, 2012, 1:05 am



“….. Inertia, Israel? Don’t think it’s a particular affinity to the Sunni denomination…”

There may not be particular affinity as you correctly point out. Personally, I think it is all based on common interests and not much mutual love. But many Americans (particularly conservatives, or neo-cons as you would like to call them) believe the anti-Christ will come from Iran, and, surprisingly, so do the Sunnis worldwide based on hadith!!!

August 5th, 2012, 1:13 am


Uzair8 said:

The historic Battle of Badr took place on 17 Ramadan 2AH in the Islamic calendar. A victory against a much superior force. An event the rebels can take inspiration from.

It is 17th Ramadan today for many around the world including some in Syria (16th for others incl. myself).

August 5th, 2012, 1:19 am


Mohsen said:

Freedom is not free.

Except for a bunch of west-hating a-historical and counter-enlightenment westerners living in inherited security and freedoms who believe this to be the default state of mankind, good for themselves but not for Syrians, and that our freedoms and liberties just happened to drop out of thin air.

August 5th, 2012, 1:27 am


omen said:

172. JNA said: Come to think about it, why doesn’t the US ditch preference for the Saudis and the GCC for Iraq and Iran preferential relationships?

we’ve gone back and forth before, being allied with iran (or it being a client state.)

i don’t see it happening soon but considering this reality, some sort of reordering might be an eventuality.

August 5th, 2012, 1:30 am


Ghufran said:

Continue to swim in your sea of ignorance,nobody can take this from you,Islamists use the Badr Battle anology to describe their upcoming fight in Aleppo but people on the opposite side see this as the wars of Alriddah when Abubakr (pbuh) had to fight a bunch of rebels who wanted to break from the state, needless to say,both are wrong,this is a war to destroy Syria,and many parties are participating in this bloody dance.

August 5th, 2012, 1:43 am



Comment # 180 is very very very ignorant!!!

August 5th, 2012, 1:53 am


Ghufran said:

??? ????? ????? ??? ?? ???? ?? ????? ????? ??? ?? ????? ????? ???????? ????? ????? ???????? ???? ?? ?????? ???? ??? ??? ??? ?? ????? ????? ????? ??????? ???????? ???? ???? ?? ????? ??? ?????? ????? ???? ?????????? ???? ????? ??????? ??????”
? ????? ????? ????? “??? ?????? ????? ???? ?????????? ???? ????? ??????? ??????” ??????? ??? ???????

August 5th, 2012, 1:55 am


omen said:

166. HALABI: Lavrov reportedly told the SNC delegates during their latest trip to Moscow that you (the opposition) wanted a revolution, you should be ready to pay the price.

ammar abdulhamid discussed this meeting in moscow.

lavrov’s comment that you should be ready to pay the price — russia is saying it expects to be bribed in order to stop being obstructionist.

August 5th, 2012, 2:09 am


Ghufran said:

???? ???? “?? ?? ??” ????? ?? ????? ???? ???? ??? ???? ???? ??? ??? ??????? ????? ????? ???? ????? ?????? ?????? ???? ???? ???? ????.
??????? ?? ?????? ?????? ?? ?????? ????? ??? ??
?? ???? ?? ???? ???? ???????? ????????? ??????? ???? ?????? ?????????.
??????? ?????? ?? ????? ???? ???? ?????? ???? ??? ??? ?????? ?? ????? ?????? ???????.

August 5th, 2012, 2:19 am


Uzair8 said:

A couple of days ago I watched a compilation video of regime convoys heading to aleppo being fired upon from a distance by a barrage of continuous small arms fire. It seemed ineffective against the armour. I thought at least there would be psychologial effects (perhaps the troops would wet their pants before reaching Aleppo).

Ok, one clip may have had some troop-carrying trucks with the troops visible. I couldn’t tell.

Another video claimed to show a convoy of about 50 tanks heading towards Aleppo. They were not fired upon. I noticed some tanks (perhaps many) being transported on flatbed lorries. These seemed vulnerable to small arms fire as they weren’t armoured. Only a glass windscreen protecting the driver. Once travelling at speed, the FSA could easily have forced these lorries crashing off the road leaving many tanks damaged or lying on the road upside down.

August 5th, 2012, 2:42 am


Badr said:

I hope the Colonel meant what he said.

Syria conflict: Jihadists’ role growing
By Murad Batal al-Shishani
Islamic Groups Analyst, BBC Arabic

Colonel Ahmad Fahd al-Nimah, the head of the Military Revolutionary Council in Deraa, told the BBC: “Jihadists would pose a real threat in the next stage for our society and our Arab and Western friends.”

“The jihadists’ ideology contradicts with what the FSA is fighting for,” Col Nimah told the BBC. The latter are fighting under the banner of democracy and a civil state rather than sharia.

August 5th, 2012, 2:51 am


Amjad said:


“Homs stood firm for many months and even now, if I’m correct, it is still not under regime control. ”

The regime are not even close to controlling Homs. Fighting has even returned to parts of Baba Amr itself. So much for the “decisive battle”

August 5th, 2012, 3:43 am


Visitor said:

FSA announced that it has been tracking Iranians who entered Syria two months ago.

Apparently this could be a reference to the 48 Iranians who were kidnapped today. It is possible that these Iranians were combatant thugs associated with the Nazi- like regime of thugs occupying Damascus, and that could be the reason for their abductions.

The obvious question is: what are they doing in Syria in a time of war?

Until the abductors provide further information, we can only speculate. But there were clear evidence of Iranian thugs as well as Hizb Zbala thugs involved in crimes against the Syrian people.

August 5th, 2012, 3:57 am


Uzair8 said:

#189 Visitor

This just posted:

Video: Syria rebels say hostages Iranian Guards #Syria #Assad

Followed by this update:

The video below showing the iranians arrested by one of the brigade of Al Baraq Batallion

They have been arrested because they are Revolution Guards in an assessment field mission. They have papers authorising them to wear arms

August 5th, 2012, 4:00 am


Uzair8 said:

188. Amjad

Recent months we have seen the focus on northern Syria, then Damascus and Aleppo. Wasn’t sure about the situation in Homs and which parts are controlled by whom. I couldn’t say for certain that Homs was out of regime hands. Thanks for the information.

August 5th, 2012, 4:07 am


Visitor said:

190 Uzair8,

Thanks for these links. That’s clear evidence. Do they qualify as POW’s? Or should they be tried as criminals involved in crimes against the Syrian people?

Technically speaking FSA is not in a declared state of war with Iran.
I prefer they be tried as criminals and sentenced accordingly. I also hope there will be no political bargaining with Turkey on this issue as Iran would definitely seek its help. The FSA should make it clear to the Turks that the interests of the people of Syria come first, and criminals involved in killing Syrians must be held accountable to their crimes.

August 5th, 2012, 4:24 am


Uzair8 said:

#193 Visitor

My first instinct is for the FSA to keep hold of them for a while and make Iran sweat a little in the hope it may force it to think twice about it’s involvement in Syria.

Alternatively, if Turkey is going to get involved and pressure for their release, maybe the FSA should demand a swap for 48 MANPADS (or anti-tank weapons) from Turkey.

I don’t know. More wiser people than me will know what to do.

August 5th, 2012, 4:42 am


Citizen said:

Mercenaries in Syria – Name, Country and more informations

August 5th, 2012, 4:50 am


Amir in Tel Aviv said:

August 5th, 2012, 5:20 am


Visitor said:

194 Uzair8,
FSA should forget altogether about the first hope you mentioned. That’s a hopeless hope. Same applies to Hizb Zbala, forget it… ain’t gonna happen… sealed…. If FSA continues in this kind of hope it will be shooting itself in the foot.

You may or may not be aware. But here it is in a nutshell. These RG’s are in Syria specifically to kill Sunnis, which they call Nawasib, based on fatwas by their so-called ‘Imam’. They consider it the highest form of ‘jihad’ and a sacred religious duty which will ensure the ‘salvation’ of the ‘killer’ because by following the ‘fatwa’ he is pleasing his Imam in whose pleasure his ‘salvation’ depends. It is as simple as that. They did it in Iraq and now it is being repeated in Syria. The Shabi7a who are Alawis are doing the same but their ‘fatwa’ comes from a different source of ‘Imam’. The end result is the same. The shabi7ha who are Syrian Sunnis are in fact stupid, and are best described as mercenaries because they are doing it for money, not knowing its repercussions.

The second scenario makes a little bit sense. But I would go for Stinger missiles or insist on the more advanced MANPAD version. But that wouldn’t solve the first problem. Because the RG’s will definitely come back in order to fulfil the ‘fatwa’, it is their highest form of ‘worship’. There is no way around it.

August 5th, 2012, 5:27 am



If the votes mean anything, I am sensing more “celebrity-struck” support for Athma than for Bathar.

August 5th, 2012, 5:31 am


Mina said:

I thought they said they would welcome refugees?

Get ready for the real Arab spring, still to come:
” “When you have the advisor of Hatem El-Gebali, Mubarak’s last minister of health and the owner of several private health service projects, when you keep the minister of finance, and when you assign a minister of civil aviation whose performance was subject to wide criticism within the aviation sector, you are sending a very negative message,” said political analyst Mohamed Agati.

According to Agati’s analysis, “the fact that the new government has nine members who one way or the other subscribe to the Mubarak state is very confusing.” Agati further questioned why three government positions that “should by definition be non-partisan, including that of the ministry of information”, went to the FJP.

What this government basically offers, Agati argues, is “a perpetuation of the endless combination of Islamists and the Mubarak State; it has not ended.””

August 5th, 2012, 5:34 am


GK said:

If the kidnapped Iranians are pilgrims, how come that all of them are men? Usually pilgrims come to Syria men and women together! I think that they were supporting Bashar’s regime and they finished their tour of duty and going back home!

August 5th, 2012, 5:38 am


Syrialover said:

This sure beats anything Iran and Russia would have in mind for helping Syrians recover from this crisis.

State Department and Pentagon Plan for Post-Assad Syria

WASHINGTON — Even with fighting raging in Syria and President Bashar al-Assad digging in, the State Department and Pentagon are quietly sharpening plans to cope with a flood of refugees, help maintain basic health and municipal services, restart a shattered economy and avoid a security vacuum in the wake of Mr. Assad’s fall, administration officials say.

Mindful of American mistakes following the invasion of Iraq in 2003, both agencies have created a number of cells to draft plans for what many officials expect to be a chaotic, violent aftermath that could spread instability over Syria’s borders, even though no official could predict whether Mr. Assad’s demise was weeks or months away.

The State Department is considering positioning additional food and medical supplies in the region and is studying how to dismantle the raft of American and European sanctions against Syria quickly to allow investment to flow in and business to resume, avoiding further deterioration of life for ordinary people.

It is also pressing the opposition in Syria to avoid harsh retaliation against the army, the police and the municipal agencies of Mr. Assad’s government that could cause a security vacuum and a collapse of services. Looting and chaos after the overthrow of Saddam Hussein in Iraq in 2003 planted the seeds of a lasting insurgency.

“We don’t want them to dissolve all the institutions in place,” an administration official said, speaking on the condition of anonymity to discuss planning that is largely being conducted out of public view.

The planning is particularly delicate because the Obama administration does not want to create the appearance of American interference in a transitional, post-Assad government, even though the United States would inevitably be entangled in any turmoil that resulted.

Rafif Jouejati, an American of Syrian ancestry who is a spokeswoman for a network of activists in Syria, said those committed to Mr. Assad’s removal had no interest in “a foreign transition plan,” however well intentioned.

“What we don’t want to do is descend into the total chaos that Iraq did,” said Ms. Jouejati, who is participating in a similar planning effort among Syrian activists coordinated through the United States Institute of Peace, an independent but Congressionally financed organization in Washington. Even so, she added, “I don’t think we want the United States to impose lessons learned here.”

[The State Department and Pentagon planning] is being closely coordinated with regional allies like Turkey, Jordan and Israel, and it coincides with an expansion of overt and covert American and foreign assistance to Syria’s increasingly potent rebel fighters.


August 5th, 2012, 6:57 am


Observer said:

This is from Juan Cole’s blog
I copied it in full as it truly gives a very concise and accurate description of the events on the ground and the events of the last few days

Since the Free Syrian Army is a guerrilla group, whether it can hold the northern metropolis of Aleppo is not absolutely central to its survival. Guerrillas can always fade away to fight another day.

But for the Baath regime of Bashar al-Assad, losing Aleppo would be fatal. The regime controls increasingly little of the country, mainly the capital of Damascus and whatever strips of land the army is actually standing on at any one time. Aleppo is the commercial nerve center of the country, and without it the government will gradually collapse.

The revolutionaries hold most of the east of the city whereas the regime still has the west. But within these enclaves, some support the other side or are on the fence.

Rebel forces said Saturday morning that they now control 60% of Aleppo.

In several days of fierce fighting, the regime still has not been able to reassert itself in Aleppo, despite the use of heavy artillery, tanks, helicopter gunships and even fighter jets. Admittedly, the Baath government has not mounted a really big tank assault a la Homs, suggesting it does not have enough tank battalions it trusts to risk sending them away from the capital.

On Saturday morning, the rebels in Aleppo made an attempt to take over the city’s television station (always the first sign of a change in government in a place). Although their attempt was initially repelled by sniper fire, that battle is ongoing. Regime broadcasts appear to have ceased. The regime continues to be on the defensive in Aleppo, which is not a good sign for it.

Heavy fighting is reported in neighborhoods such as Salahuddin. For the mood and the situation in Salahuddin see The Irish Times

Opposition sources say over 4000 persons were killed in the fighting in Syria in July. This monthly total is the highest since the revolt began.

In Damascus, the regime is still apparently battling for control of districts such as Tadamon. A regime mortar attack went astray on Friday and overshot, hitting a Palestinian refugee camp and killing 20. There are 450,000 Palestinian refugees in Syria, families ethnically cleansed by Zionist forces from their homes in Palestine, now Israel, in 1948, and stuck in Syria ever since. The Palestinians are only about 2% of the Syrian population, but they do have some armed groups and could be pushed by the regime into joining the rebels (they have been divided on the revolution, having an uncertain position in the country). The regime blamed the mortars on the rebels, but it is the Baath army that has been deploying mortar fire against civilian city quarters.

On Friday, the UN General Assembly overwhelmingly passed a resolution condemning the Syrian regime for using heavy weapons in civilian areas. Russia and China are increasingly isolated in the world community because of their support for al-Assad, and were angry that they lost that vote so decisively. The UNGA vote shows that opposition to al-Assad’s methods is hardly just “Western,” but is rather characteristic of most countries in the world– including many in Latin America, Africa and Asia.

August 5th, 2012, 8:37 am


zoo said:

The Kurds are moving against Turkey…

Kurd rebels storm Turkey border post, 20 killed
By Fulya Ozerkan | AFP – 1 hr 10 mins ago

Kurdish rebels stormed a Turkish army post on the Iraq border Sunday, triggering fighting that killed 20 people in the latest clash since Ankara launched a major offensive against the outlawed PKK.

Six soldiers, two village guards and 12 Kurdish rebels were killed following the assault on an army post in a village in the southeastern province of Hakkari, the local governor’s office said in a statement.
Turkey’s latest offensive against the PKK comes as Kurds in northern Syria are reported to have taken control of some regions as fighting escalates in the uprising against the rule of President Bashar al-Assad.

Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has accused Damascus of allowing Kurdish rebels a free hand in the north of the country and warned that Ankara would not hesitate to strike “terrorists”.

August 5th, 2012, 9:08 am


irritated said:

The rebels are making more ‘friends’ in the region: After the Kurds, the Lebanese Shias, then the Palestinians, now the Iranians.
Who is next? Iraqis?

Soon the only way out for the next ‘tactical retreat’ will be Turkey and Jordan. The camps are ready.

August 5th, 2012, 9:14 am


zoo said:

Syrians In Australia

August 5th, 2012, 9:21 am


irritated said:

Miss Piggy Globetrotter with her new haircut will visit Turkey next Saturday to convince Pluto Erdogan that he should invade Syria alone as the king of Jordan has bluntly refused.
Will her charm operate this time? Maybe she should try it on Mickey Mouse Davutoglu instead…

August 5th, 2012, 9:27 am


irritated said:

The more I get them the more I know they read it and it infuriated them…

Bring them on!

August 5th, 2012, 9:29 am


Tara said:

Syria rebel video claims to show abducted Iranians
Published August 05, 2012Associated Press

Armed men in the video identify themselves as members of the rebel “Baraa Brigades” and say that at least one of the 48 captives was an officer of Iran’s powerful Revolutionary Guards. They claim they Iranians were on a “reconnaissance mission” in the capital Damascus at the time they were abducted. Iran says they are pilgrims who were visiting a shrine.

“We promise Iran and all those who support this regime … we will strike at all (Iranian) targets in Syria,” one of the rebels says in the video. “The fate of all Iranians who operate in Syria will be the same as those we have here, either captive or killed, God willing.”

But the rebels in the video claimed there was an officer in Iran’s Revolutionary Guard among the group and showed what was purportedly his ID and a permit to carry weapons.

IRNA said Sunday that Iranian Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi had spoken by phone with his Turkish and Qatari counterparts and demanded their intervention to help release the Iranians. Turkey and Qatar have supported the overwhelmingly Sunni Muslim rebels in Syria.

The Turkish and Qatari foreign ministers promised to make efforts for the release of Iranian pilgrims, IRNA reported Sunday.


August 5th, 2012, 9:36 am


Michal said:

@ 205. You make it sound like the Lebanese Shias, the Hezbollah, now the Iranians all control Syria, if you say soon the revolutionaries will only be able to retreat to Turkey. Is there something Syrians should know about their country?

August 5th, 2012, 9:45 am


Tara said:


Did the regime reward it’s internal supporters with free vacation in Australia to demonstrate?

August 5th, 2012, 9:46 am


Ghufran said:

There is a lot of unknowns in every conflict but one thing is certain:
Islamist terrorists are in the same camp as Israel and are worse than the regimes they claim to fight. Here is their latest achievement:
??? 35 ???? ??? ????? ???? ????? ????? ?? ???? ??????? ?????? ???? ??? ????? ???? ???? ?? ????? ???? ??????? ???? ?? ???? ?????? ???? ?????? ??? ????? “???????” ???? ?? ????? ?? ????? ???? ??????? ?????.

August 5th, 2012, 9:48 am


Ghufran said:

Morsi’s new government will not be supported by the Coptic church in Egypt,what would an MB PM in Syria do if he is given the authority to form a government ?
It is not a good sign in Egypt,and Syria might be next, that government positions are expected to be divided along sectarian lines based on a math formula.
????? ?????? ?????? ???? ??????? ??????? ?? ??? ?????? ???????? ?????? ??????? ??????? ??????? ?????? ????? ?????? ?? ????? ??????? ???? ????.
????? ????? “??????” ??? ????? 4 ?????/?? ?? ?????? ????????? ???? ?? ??? ?????? ????? ??? ????? ?? ????/???? ?????? ??? ????? ???? ??? ??? ??????? ???????????? ???? ??? ??? ????? ?????? ???? ???????? ????? ??? ?? ????? ?????? ????? ??? ????? ????? ????? ???? ????? ?? ??? ???? ???.
???? ????? ??”??????”: “?? ???? ???? ??????? ?????? ?????? ??????? ???? ????? ???? ???????”.
?????: “??? ????? ????? ?? ???? ????? ??????? ?? ??????? ??? ????? ??? ??????? ???????? ??? 35 ?????? ??? ??????? ????? ?? ???? ??????? ???????? ????????”? ????? ??? “?? ??? ?? ????? ??????? ???? ???????”.
?????? ?????? ???? ???????? ??? “??? ?? ??????? ?? ??? ????? ??????? ?? ????? ??????? ???? ?????? ????? ?? ??? ?? 4 ?????? ???? ????? ??????? ?? ???? ????? ???? ??? 14% ?? ????? ????? ??????”.

August 5th, 2012, 9:57 am


irritated said:

With its own army Syria’s fortress is resisting the repeated assaults of the most powerful countries in the world that have subdued the syrians who had grudges and disagreements against the government.

This would not have happened without the support of the Syrian population who refuses to have the friends of Israel and the USA hegemony take over their country.
All Syrians should be proud. The ones who are not will have to render themselves to the evidence that they were cheated and manipulated by the ‘friends of Syria’ and reduced to beg for help from them, a help that these generous ‘friends’ are granting stingyly with empty promises and some pathetically low amounts of money.

August 5th, 2012, 10:11 am


zoo said:

#211 Tara

Yes, I guess you wouldn’t refuse a free trip to visit Sidney or maybe you prefer to join the Friends of Syria in 4 stars hotels meetings? I heard the next one will be in Ryadh or Jeddah.

August 5th, 2012, 10:23 am


Ghufran said:

The leader of Syria’s main political opposition group has said he is ready to negotiate with government officials whose hands are not “stained with blood” once the president, Bashar al-Assad, and his associates leave power.
Comment: who are those “associates” ,and who listens to the SNC anyway?
Unfortunately , it is the fighting forces on the ground which will decide the fate of any political initiative,not Sayda or any politician outside Syria,I never gave expats any serious consideration in the past and I think they are even weaker today,the only thing expats can do is agitate, give press releases,send money or receive money. If we are not to be listened to,we should at least be a positive force and let Syrians inside Syria fix their problems,now our dollars are needed,tomorrow our hands will be needed assuming that the killing machine stops.

August 5th, 2012, 10:26 am


irritated said:

210. Michal

The Syrians who are getting ready to “retreat” should get a Turkish language crash course.
It would be very useful to ask for water, bread, electricity and some freedom in the “fully equipped” military camps in Turkey

August 5th, 2012, 10:28 am



The head of operations of the valiant, heroic and glorious Free Syrian Army explains the Aleppo predicament of the army of thugs of the Nazi-like criminal regime occupying Damascus,

In effect, having lost the country side, the Nazi-like thugs cannot risk attacking the city for fear of losing their supply routes that will be under the mercy of our heroes of the FSA. Which means once the armour is in the city they may be able to fire the first few shots and then they would be sitting ducks forcing them into open street battle in which they are no match to the Free Syrians. The choices available to the Nazi-like thugs are also limited. Essentially they need more armour to attack in order to avoid the supply route problem as explained. This means the armour has to be pulled from other cities. This also means the other cities will then become a new FSA target for takeover. And so the cycle goes on. The more mobile army has the tactical and strategic advantage.

An Aleppine mother urges her son to defect for fear he may shoot a family member,


Copts of Egypt got their fair representation in the new government based on the way they voted. They also got a vice-President appointee for the first time in Egypt’s history. May be next time they get a better chance with another presidential candidate and then they can get more ministers. Isn’t that what Democracy is all about? You vote to a party, the party that wins rewards its constituents. What are they complaining about? Life is made of choices and based on those choices you either win or lose. Get over it.


I suggest you ignore the hollow and empty posturing. We have witnessed that over two weeks ago when salahdin presumably was `liberated`……oops, enslaved again

August 5th, 2012, 10:37 am


Tara said:


Sidney, Jeddah, Ryadh? Neigh! No interest whatsoever!

Montreal? Absolutely.

I am in a special mood today. Just wanted you to smile.

August 5th, 2012, 10:38 am


zoo said:

Is Saudi Arabia starting to seriously worry about the deterioration of the Moslem world relation?

King Abdullah invites Iran president for extraordinary Muslim summit
Agence France-Presse
Aug 5, 2012

RIYADH // Saudi King Abdullah invited Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the Iran president, for an extraordinary summit of Muslim leaders to be held this month in the holy city of Mecca, according to SPA, the Saudi state news agency.

The Saudi monarch “sent a written letter to President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad inviting him to attend the extraordinary Islamic solidarity meeting which will be held in Mecca” in mid-August, it reported.
Saudi Arabia last month called for the summit in a bid at “unifying the ranks” of Muslims.

August 5th, 2012, 10:38 am


irritated said:

Are there still people believing Al Jazeera’ Syria reporting?

I thought there were no more Al Jazeera fans after it was totally discredited by the article in Foreign Policy.

I was mistaken, it seems there are still some die hard addict to the Al Jazeera theatrical dissemination of false information

Maybe they should read again and carefully the article

Breaking the Arab News
Egypt made al Jazeera — and Syria’s destroying it.

August 5th, 2012, 10:45 am


irritated said:

#219 Tara

I am doing just that..

August 5th, 2012, 10:46 am


zoo said:

Why are the anti-Bashar so worried about

Where’s Bashar?
By Paula Astatih

Gerges went on to say that: “I have no doubt in my mind he has proven much more resilient, stubborn, committed and much more prepared to win the battle of his life…I think even the Americans and Western European leaders are taking a second look at him.” Gerges added: “All the analysis said that he is the soft type, without fire in his belly. He proved everyone wrong for the last 17 months.”

August 5th, 2012, 10:55 am


Ghufran said:

Armed rebels tested the situation in Aleppo a number of times in the last week and evaluated the level of support they have among the people especially those from tribal areas. From what I see,Aleppo will be harder than Homs or Hama for the rebels,one ominous sign is that only 5% of Aleppo’s residents are Alawis and many of them have already left,it is clear that most of the public resistance to armed rebels is coming from Sunni citizens,that was one factor in delaying an expected full scale assault on rebels positions. Thousands of families are now trapped after they were prevented from leaving their neighborhoods by armed gangs who will undoubtedly use civilians as human shields and broadcast pictures of dead bodies on aljazeera and alarabiya.
This is a revolution that was hijacked by islamists, paid thugs and terrorists,the time when average Syrians can trust those rebels is gone,the tragedy is that most Syrians do not trust the regime either. Syria’s picture will look different in few weeks due to the fire power of regime forces and the incompetence of armed rebels leaders,but any victory for either side will be short lived if not followed by a credible multi party political deal,that deal requires a change at the top,no doubt about that.

August 5th, 2012, 11:04 am


zoo said:

Isn’t that a re edition of a very old song? It’s just the singer who’s changed.

Syrian opposition open to talks with officials post-Assad
DUBAI | Sun Aug 5, 2012 5:32am EDT

(Reuters) – The leader of Syria’s main political opposition group said he was ready to negotiate with government officials whose hands are not “stained with blood”, once President Bashar al-Assad and his associates leave power, according to an interview published on Sunday.

Abdelbasset Seida, head of the Syrian National Council (SNC), also told the pan-Arab Asharq al-Awsat newspaper that the resignation of Syria peace envoy Kofi Annan may open the door for a new initiative to resolve the crisis.

“As far as we are concerned, the authorities have lost their credibility and legitimacy, and we have said this in Moscow bluntly: that dialogue with this regime is no longer possible,” Seida said.

“Bashar and his gang must leave and after that we will move to negotiate with other officials whose hands were not stained with Syrian blood and who were not involved in big corruption cases,” he added.

August 5th, 2012, 11:13 am



Nothing is to be read into the invitation of Mohamodi Ahmadi Najjadi beyond the formalties of the obligations of the host country. In fact, many Saudis prefer that the Iranians decline the invitation. I heard from reliable sources, that if the Iranians attend they will be designated seats in the conference room reflecting a secondary importance with the hope that they would leave immediately knowing that the Iranians are so fond of hollow pomp, like playing on their ego.

Anyone expecting a thawing of relations, with the current regime in Tehran, is hoping against hope, just like the falling Nazi-like criminal occupying Damascus.

But who will represent Syria? That is the million dollar question.
I vote for General el-Sheikh. He is the highest ranking Free Syrian and one of the earliest who answered the call of his conscience.

August 5th, 2012, 11:23 am


KDD said:

I wholeheartedly agree with this piece.

I would have preferred and accepted the “other fork” if it had been chosen by Bashar at the time. It is preferable to the quagmire we find ourselves in today. However, the core issue is that he wasn’t the right man for the job. He had no resolve, and was easily impressionable. This was clearly not his calling. That’s why paternal succession is not a great way to select a President.

I do recall that period, the “spring.” Many were overly optimistic then. I remember a good friend of mine, who had recently completed military service, was overly optimistic. We were walking a long a path near a presidential security zone, and we discussed how it would save 20 minutes of walking if we could go straight down the path through the zone. “Don’t worry, it’s a New Syria” he told me “follow me.” We marched down the path, and it only took 1 minute before the Old Syria reared it’s ugly head. “Weeen rayeh, lak ween *whistles*!” (Where are you going, where?!) We were immediately surrounded by 5 guards and 2 mukhabartis. Mr. Mukhabarati immediately ordered: “Haweeyat ya shabab!” I left my good friend to explain his concept of New Syria to him: “Wallah ya cidi, fakarna anoo saret masmooh.” (“Sir, we thought it’s now permitted.”) His reply was: “Lak shoo hmar inta? Irjaa, Irjaa!” (What are you a donkey? Go back up, up!). Nevermind the fact that we were already halfway down and could see the road we were trying to get to. I heard less and less about new Syria from him until it became very clear no such thing really existed.

August 5th, 2012, 11:24 am


zoo said:

By Jove, there are no islamist terrorists among the FSA..

Embarrassing for Cameron..

Meanwhile, a British photojournalist who was kidnapped and wounded by Islamist militants in northern Syria has told the BBC up to 15 of his captors were from the UK.

August 5th, 2012, 12:02 pm


zoo said:

The “successful” Yemeni model.. 6 months later

Suicide bomber kills 45 in south Yemen city

August 5th, 2012, 12:05 pm


Ghufran said:

Thugs are after money,they hate everybody except themselves,this is a heart breaking report from Syria,another unwanted adverse effect of the medicine called revolution:

August 5th, 2012, 12:06 pm


zoo said:

The “vaillant and heroic angels” of the FSA.

EIBNER: Islamic extremists threaten Syria’s Christians
Obama must not ignore sacrifice of religious minorities
By John Eibner

Friday, August 3, 2012
Washington must not sacrifice the religious minorities of Syria in its efforts to build a Sunni Islamist bloc against the regional ambitions of Shiite Iran. Failure of the United States and its allies to guarantee the human rights of religious minorities will only cause these communities to cling tighter to the Assad regime for protection and thereby deepen and prolong the civil war.

August 5th, 2012, 12:10 pm


AIG said:


I occasionally wonder whether things could have been different in Syria or whether we are viewing a “Greek tragedy” in the sense that the tragic conclusion is preordained and the characters are wittingly and unwittingly just playing their part.

History has no rewind button so obviously we can never really know. But I am a strong believer that institutions make the society. When Assad Sr. and Jr. methodically dismantled all democratic institutions in Syria so that the only real alternative to them would be an Islamic one, they basically sealed the fate of Syria.

Look at yourself and Otrakji. You supported Assad Jr. because you did not believe that Syria was ready for democracy. And you didn’t believe that because you could not see credible democratic institutions. And you couldn’t see those because the Assads made sure they didn’t exist. So Assad knew he had you guys in his “pocket” so to speak. With no viable alternative except the MB, you (the middle class and elites) in Syria, would have to support him.

In the end I have to conclude (with hindsight of course)that the fork was just an illusion. If there were a credible democratic alternative for Assad, the regime knew that its days would be numbered. Just imagine the amount of Western money and support such an alternative would have garnered. Assad wanted the Assad spring to be just PR. When it started getting serious and there was even a hint that some alternative to him may emerge, he of course shut it down.

August 5th, 2012, 12:11 pm


irritated said:

Iran is not a country to fool with and whose patience is limited.
The armed gangs who think they take get away with childish kidnapping of Iranian citizens may realize it soon.
Iran will not send troops to rescue their citizens as these armed gangs are hoping for so they can accuse Iran of direct intervention.
Yet, be sure they will devise other ways, more effective to deal with kidnappers.

August 5th, 2012, 12:15 pm


zoo said:

Turkey and Qatar will ask their “friends” the armed gangs to release the 48 Iranians. Are they ready to pay the ransom?

The Iranian pilgrims were seized after visiting a popular Shiite shrine in Damascus on Saturday by an armed group.

Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu and Qatari counterpart Sheikh Hamad Bin Jassim Bin Jabr Al-Thani agreed to help seek the pilgrims’ release during separate phone conversations with Iranian Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi, IRNA reported.

Tehran has criticised Turkey and Qatar for helping rebels fighting to topple Assad, a close ally Iran has praised for promising political reforms.

August 5th, 2012, 12:24 pm


Mina said:

Zoo 231
It’s just the same hypocrisy: in Iraq, to chase out the Christians, the job was started by the Arab Sunnis in Baghdad, and achieved by the Kurds in Mawsil.

Zoo 220
No it’s just an answer to this
KSA considers that now that it has build its own big ben and that it can bail out both the EU and the US, they ought to be the centre of the Islamic world, and not these poor Egyptian leftists or Iranian idealists.

August 5th, 2012, 12:30 pm


Elian said:

WHat’s so difficult to understand! That the Syrian people are against a revolution hijacked by the MB, Terrorists, radical and foreign mercenaries.
I Have been saying this for months, the REVOLUTION is HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIjacked.
it is similar to the Egyptian revolution was hijacked by the muslim brotherhood.
in Syria even the Sunni refused and refusing to follow the hijackers and therefore many of the Sunni are being killed by the radical terrorists which is a shame because this sunni are the spine of a democratic Syria away from a retard radical theology.
It is clear that the USA is in fan of supporting the radical with weapon, given the previous experience in Afghanistan in the 80’s.
The regime lased and lasting for more years to come at this rate and the only loser are the KSA and its dogs.
The sad thing that it is at the expensive of a precious Syrian people.

August 5th, 2012, 12:33 pm


irritated said:


what are they doing in Syria in a time of war?

There is no war in Damascus and it is certainly safer that Karbala.

Obviously you have no idea of the Shia faith, resilience and courage in adversity.

August 5th, 2012, 12:39 pm


Visitor said:

What exactly are you saying Irritated in 236 (ignoring your typical presumptions about my knowledge of things)?

Are you saying that the ‘courage’ and ‘resilience’ presumably characteristics of Shia adherents would make those adherents impervious to adversities such as visiting places of war when a ‘religious’ duty calls upon them?

August 5th, 2012, 12:48 pm


Ghufran said:

???? ????? ??? ???? ? ??? ??????
???? ???? ?? ????? ??????? ? ??? ?? ????? ?????
He may join the opposition or just stay away,I think he is likely to announce his defection,this may help him secure a job in the future.

August 5th, 2012, 12:54 pm


Ghufran said:

??? 22 ???? ????? 15 ????? ?? ???????? ??? ????? ?????? ?????? ??? ?????? ?????????? ???? ???? ??????.
???? ??? ???? ?????? ?? ???? ????? ?14 ????? ????? ??? ??? 15 ????? ????? ???? ??????? ????? ????? ?? ???? ??????? ????? ??? ?????? ????????.
???? ??????? ?????? ???????? ?? ???? ???? ??? ???? ????? ??????.
?????? ???? ?? ?? ?? ?????? ?? ????? ??? ?????? ???? ????? ??????? ??? ????? ????? ?????? ??????.
I think the Kurds have made up their mind and decided to focus on Turkey after securing their areas in Iraq and shielding their towns in Syria from Islamists, there is no way that any future regime in Syria will be able to stop Kurds from winning autonomy.

August 5th, 2012, 1:02 pm


Antoine said:

240. GHUFRAN said : “He may join the opposition or just stay away,I think he is likely to announce his defection,this may help him secure a job in the future.”


The people of Daraa will never accept him, in the same way as the people of Rastan will not accept Manaf Tlass.

Farouk Sharaa has too much blood on his hands. The same goes for all the other Daraawi,Homsi, Hamawi, Deiri and Halabi
suit-wearing shabbiha who think they can cosy up to the opposition just because they are Sunnis.

August 5th, 2012, 1:17 pm


Antoine said:

241. said :”there is no way that any future regime in Syria will be able to stop Kurds from winning autonomy.”


Shouldn’t the current regime’s top priority be to prevent that outcome, instead of focusing on Aleppo ? Or is that anti-State rebels are bad only when they have an Islamist tinge ?

August 5th, 2012, 1:19 pm


Ghufran said:

All claims about lebanese and Iranian hostages being fighters supporting the regime in Syria have so far proven false,and the recent kidnapping of 48 Iranians may not be any different. Thuggery is thuggery, you can put lipsticks on this pig but it would still be a pig.

August 5th, 2012, 1:33 pm


AIG said:

Regarding the Iranians, it does not make sense it would be so easy to capture so many Iranian soldiers without a fight. On the other hand, who goes on a pilgrimage to a war zone? The evidence at this stage is contradictory.

August 5th, 2012, 1:50 pm


Amjad said:

At the menhebakji demo in Sydney, the flag took up way more space than the demonstrators themselves, even with the addition of their Lebanese Hizbollah buddies 🙂

Yeah, they needed to roll out a big huge flag to hide the fact that they couldn’t have amounted to more than several hundred menhebakjis + Lebanese.

AIG, people are avoiding London because of the perceived inconvenience of London 2012, are we really expected to believe that there would be Iranian “tourists” coming to Syria at a time like this? Oh yeah, and all of them of fighting age.

And please menhebakjis, spare us the racist “resilience of the shias”. We saw what wimps the Iranian people were when their revolution folded after just six weeks. There is a price to pay for freedom, which Iranian society isn’t prepared to pay.

August 5th, 2012, 2:08 pm


omen said:

241. GHUFRAN: shielding their towns in Syria from Islamists

loyalists clinging to divide & conquer fantasies as a path towards salvation won’t save the regime this time.

a couple of things:

-aje ran a segment showing kurdish rebels in aleppo obliterated by regime bombardment. next to turkey, it’s the regime who’ve oppressed the kurds.

-are alawites not muslim?

August 5th, 2012, 2:12 pm


Bruno said:

Nice to see that the readers here support the Jihadists behind the kidnapping of the Iranians.

If they were really the Iranian Guards how come they came with no protection?

And if they were the Iranian Guards how come there was an older man in the group eh?

Oh and can someone explain the Jihad flag?

You see those symbols on the banners on the table?

Care to explain it eh? They look very similar to each other.

Nice to see that on this blog users support Saudi Arabian, Qatari Terrorists.

August 5th, 2012, 2:16 pm


omen said:

245. AIG said: who goes on a pilgrimage to a war zone?

people who watch regime state media telling them everything is just fine in syria!

August 5th, 2012, 2:18 pm


Bruno said:

(people who watch regime state media telling them everything is just fine in syria!)

And i can just see how the Pro rebel one sided mainstream has been doing with there coverage.

Last year AP or some other western mainstream news outlets claimed that the FSA were in the 50% to 60% control of Sryia and in the Capital and turns out that those claims by the MSM weren’t even true.

Here’s what propaganda feels like.

Syria’s rebels: Ordinary men fight and die

[President Obama has said Assad must go. But over the weekend, Russia and China blocked a U.N. Security Council resolution calling for him to step down. ]

How many times will the west has to say that Assad must Go eh?
Here’s a another lie.

[The men call themselves the Syrian Liberation Army, though they have no military training. They claim to be in control of large parts of this Syrian city, which has been a hotbed of unrest since the uprising began nearly a year ago.]

Last year the media called the FSA SLA The Syrian Liberation Army and now The Free Sryian Army.

Another lie.

[though they have no military training.]
It has been said you do have military training if you know when to hold a weapon and know how to use it.

Ordinary people would just fire there weapons randomly at everyone from the CBS video they dont look like ordinary people to me dont they.

[You know, it is just possible that the majority of Syrians don’t want to get rid of Assad. Maybe the majority are quite happy to have Assad in power. This civil war could be a situation of a minority from an opposition tribe/religious sect/societal group who are trying to overthrow Assad and put their own guys in power. Have you considered this possibility? I don’t know. Do you know? Syria has a population of about 24 or 25 million. ]

I completely agree with that comment. If the rebels had the support from the people this would have been alone over.

August 5th, 2012, 2:40 pm


Aldendeshe said:

The Saudi monarch “sent a written letter to President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad inviting him to attend the extraordinary Islamic solidarity meeting which will be held in Mecca” in mid-August, it reported.

To President Ahmadinejad,

Why not Abdullah takes the rest of the ANZA tribesman rulers for a visit to Qom, kiss the hand of the Ayatollah for forgiveness first. President Ahmadinejad, please do not bring such great shame and indignity to the Shia Moslems by accepting this invitation and your visit, it will be an insult to Shia. I can assure you will regret it and be offended by what is going to be transpiring. Now, after what the Wahabi-Zionist paid for and said about Shia, those evil, satanic, Luciferian human sacrificers, now that they are in the lowest of pits, are asking you to come to a meeting like some wet rag they can use.


“What they (Saudi regime) are doing is they are betraying the common Muslims in the name of Mecca and Medina, and their sacredness,” said Syed Ali Wasif, the president of Society for International Reforms and Research in Washington, in an interview with Press TV on Sunday.

“The sacredness of Mecca and Medina is being used by the Saudi regime to fool around, to fool the Saudi citizens and to fool the Muslim Ummah and the international community at large.”

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I leave you with this Quranic Verse from souret AL ANFAL 30: “They Plot and Plan but Allah also plans, and Allah is the best of planners”

August 5th, 2012, 2:43 pm


Michal said:

@ 248. Their captors claim that at least one of them had a Revolutionary guards ID on him, and permission to carry firearms (although I heard no news as to whether the permission is Syrian or Iranian). I think, although this is only my guess, that this is a bit more prosaic than it seems: in all likelihood the person is really a revolutionary guard, but it is possible that he’s merely meant to watch after the security of the rest of the group in a war-wrecked country, while the rest could very well be civilian. Subsequently the rebels likely think of them all as of Hezbollah in all honesty, because let’s face it, bus full of men associated with an Iranian revolutionary guard officer is pretty darn suspicious.

I would be interested in knowing where was the site of their pilgrimage…and what were they thinking going into a war wrecked country for tourism? It still happens though.

I don’t really hold it against the rebels for detaining them, I would likely do that too were I in their position, although I completely understand the concerns over the flag of jihad. Hopefully all this will be cleared up.

August 5th, 2012, 2:45 pm



There was at least one RG officer with the Iranians. The FSA is saying there are more. They didn’t say how many.

If so, then the rest are just Shabi7a on a mission with those few officers as their rahbars (emirs). They could be Bassij which is like a people militia.

I have been several times to the Damascus shrine and saw many Iranian visitors. The abductees don’t look like visitors to me.

Moreover, few months ago, Qasim Suleimani made a bombastic statement clearly admitting his thugs of the so-called Quds brigade are operating in Syria (anyone has a link?)


Anyone who has objections to those symbols on the flag should spell out those objections in clear terms, and don’t leave us guessing. You didn’t make your case.

August 5th, 2012, 3:18 pm


Michal said:

@ 253. Thank you for the insight.

Well, just to spell out the objections to the flag: it is a religious flag and usually used by the religiously devout units, although I understand it may be used by completely ordinary people, the people who are not Muslims or are outside of the middle east usually associate it with radical groups who like to show them with great pride. As usual, the problem is guessing just what is the proportion of users who are radical and who are not.

Pardon my amateur comment, but nevertheless thanks for yours and I wanted to point out the issue regarding the perception of the flag.

August 5th, 2012, 3:30 pm


Son of Damascus said:


Anyone with objections to the shahada on a flag should also object to England, Finland, Switzerland, Sweden and various other European nations that have a Christian cross on their flag.

Or else they are a bigot.

August 5th, 2012, 3:31 pm


Citizen said:

Report: MEK to join terrorists in Aleppo
Sources revealed that some members of the terrorist Mujahedin-e Khalq group (MEK, a.k.a. MKO and PMOI) are going to leave Iraq to join the anti-Assad terrorists through Syria’s northern borders.
“A number of U.S. and Turkish officers accompanied by several commanders of Kurdish Peshmerga forces had a meeting with some high ranking members of the terrorist Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization in Erbil, Iraq,” well-informed Iraqi security sources told the Arabic language Top News TV channel.

The sources added that the meeting decreed that Peshmerga forces transfer a number of MKO elements from Iraq to Turkey and then to the northern parts of Syria in order for these anti-Iran terrorists to join the so-called Free Syrian Army.

Directed by Nasser Qandil, Lebanese politician and former Member of Parliament, the news channel added that U.S. and Turkish officials have told the MKO that “Saudi Arabia and Qatar are committed to jointly pay the costs of relocation and resettlement, expected to be roughly $ 250 million,” as well as $ 100 million per month for the militias.(.).

August 5th, 2012, 3:32 pm



Another brilliant comment from Assad supporters:

“Are there still people believing Al Jazeera’ Syria reporting?”

Why just Aljazeera? As long as there are people believing A-Dunia and the other Syrian and Iranian outlets of disinformation, there will be people believing Al Jazeera.

August 5th, 2012, 3:39 pm



255 SOD,


You got it man.

But what is he up to anyway? Why doesn’t he explain himself? Besides these are not symbols. They are just words. May be he cannot read Arabic!!!



I do not think it was you who contributed the comment with the ambiguous objections. So why did you offer an explanation? We want the author of that comment to explain himself by himself.

August 5th, 2012, 3:47 pm


Citizen said:

Israeli soldier shoots a Syrian in Golan
Quds Al-Arabi Newspaper revealed that the Israeli enemy has opened fire on a Syrian Youngman in the occupied Golan.
The Youngman has got wounded.
The military spokesperson of Israeli enemy forces claimed that their forces detected a civilian coming from the Syrian territories, where he was closed to the borders fence, what resulted in shooting him on his knee.
Syria Arrests Turkish Army General in Aleppo
TEHRAN (FNA)- The Syrian Army announced that it has recently apprehended a Turkish general who commanded the terrorists trying to seize control of Aleppo.

August 5th, 2012, 3:58 pm



Was that Syrian which was shot by the Israelis a CITIZEN running away from the Nazi-like thugs occupying Damascus?

August 5th, 2012, 4:06 pm



There was a link provided by one of Assad supporters showing a pro-Assad rally in Sydney.

Few observations:

– Every despot and war criminal like Assad has supporters. Hitler did, Mao did, Stalin did, and so on. I would understand it if people didn’t support the revolution because of fear of the unknown, but to express love and admiration for a mass murderer and war criminal tells you who those people really are.

– It’s ironic that Assad supporters in Sydney, a country opposed to Assad, rally in support of a president that does not allow people to rally against him. Can you imagine people in Damascus marching under the protection of police chanting “Down Down with Assad”?

– There was a sign condemning Nato imperialism in a country that is allied with the biggest Nato member, the USA. The question is why live in a country that supports and aids the country they accuse of causing trouble in Syria? Why not go to Assad’s Syria and live happily ever after. The pro-Assad people badmouth the Western press, but then, like the daughter of Jaafari, seek to work at ABC or CNN. When she decided to apply for graduate school, she didn’t seek Russian, Chinese, or Iranian universities. She went for Columbia. The same applies to many Assad supporters on this board. If you believe in Assad and his reforms, go down and lend him a hand. You got free education. It’s time to go back and return the favor.

August 5th, 2012, 4:08 pm


Syrian Natonalist Party said:

If you to read the article on this link, you will understand the very modus operandi of Zionism: Deception, conspiring in secret, lies, violence against innocents, murder, theft and robberies, fabrication of history, aliases and fake name, fictional fake stories reported as truthful facts and the list goes on. Do you see the similarities in today’s events, do you see the hidden hand of Zionism at work? 9/11 fraud is the tip of the ice berg of this Luciferan plan. For Syrians today, what you seen on the ground, on Youtube and on these very pages of syriacomment is nothing more than the very same Modus Operandi of Zionism.

Fake names, fake internet personalities, fake stories, fake quotes, fake videos, fake audios, fake groups, fake Syrian Organizations, fake militants, fake passports, fake battles, fake genocides story that rival the Hollow ones before, fake , fake…fake…. They are masquerading here as Syrians, helping the deceptive plot on the internet, in an attempt to deceive the Professional Middle East Researcher into concluding a specific point of view that befits the Zionist plotters. They must really value this platform blog. Because for professional counter-espionage and counter intelligence investigators, the footprint of deception are obscenely visible, no shame at all to even practice more discrete deceptive means. But they rely on the gullibility of readers to make believe all. They don’t care about the professionals, these opinion are usually relegated to conspiracy theorists.

Don’t be deceived by the myth re-enforcement statements constantly posted in the comment section: We Syrians, I miss my Syria, missed the Damascus evening on Balcony, the Shawerma back in Damascus tastes the best etc.. From day one on this blog the deception by foreign paid persons was evident.

For Syria, the Zionist deceptive plan failed miserably, it was that plan that is the LYNCHPIN for them, they knew they have no chance to succeed in Syria past that fraud. When it was exposed, they were frustrated and gone mad into sectarianism, importing genocidal sadistic Negro kilers from Africa, drugged and brain tampered Islamist Wahabis from all over the world. The effort was huge, incredibly big and expensive, so much invested in cash, media and lives, logistics and what have you to make this deception works. Yet we can salute the smart ones in Syria for not wavering. The tenacity is no doubt legendary now. Books, volumes of it will be written about this Zionists way of war that was exposed and met defeat on the hand of Syrians. They managed to take over the western world, but crashed in Syria.

August 5th, 2012, 4:12 pm


Citizen said:

No a Nazi visitor is just the same Israeli soldier . ?????????

August 5th, 2012, 4:22 pm


Aldendeshe said:

I see a block of thumb down on SNP comment above, this is the desperado Zionists that crashed in Syria desperate attempt to discredit sane ones. You see it is very easy to cheat this thumbing deal. It was explained by SNP before, but one other way that was not spoken of, that is so easy, is simply to go to your any smart phone web browser and log in to Syriacommnet, every time you log out and log in again you will see the thumb green/red again. So imagine how hopless these desperados are. Guess what, I will not even click it once for SNP. I wanted you Zionists boil in your ignorance. DEFEATED, HUMILATED, EXPOSED. 144,000 will be taken out of earth in a spaceship, it is on the way now.

August 5th, 2012, 4:29 pm


Ales said:

Based on comment 246, author can add sectarian to history junkie and Anglophile in his description at wordpress.

August 5th, 2012, 4:31 pm


Michal said:

@ 265. There’s enough dumb Assad’s regime trolls already, Aleš.

August 5th, 2012, 4:35 pm




Excuse my Arabic. It’s been quite a while.

Is this what ????????? means?!%20%D8%A7%D8%B3%D9%83%D8%AA

August 5th, 2012, 4:54 pm


Syrian Natonalist Party said:

What an honarable man, this is the true Olympiad winner. SALUTE THE GREAT

August 5th, 2012, 4:58 pm


omen said:

i think this is the root of the matter in the difference of philosophy between democrats vs authoritarians:

The conservative argument is that people can’t govern themselves because they’re essentially evil and dysfunctional and therefore they need strong leaders.

And the liberal argument that Hobbes also made was that people can govern themselves.

August 5th, 2012, 5:13 pm


Syrian Natonalist Party said:

A British photographer who was held hostage in Syria for a week said on Sunday that his captors were Alciada international jihadists who included several Britons MI6 trained Jihadi. He Said two of them were so Angelicized they spoke no Arabic, but talked to the others in Londoner accent.

August 5th, 2012, 5:47 pm


Amir in Tel Aviv said:

“…Reality twisted

To put it in starker terms, I was struck by the odd feeling that Libya was being picked on by certain observers, among them staunch anti-interventionists with an axe to grind – that reality was being twisted to fit a desired narrative because things hadn’t turned out quite as badly as they’d predicted (or hoped?). Yet one wonders if such commentators have bothered to pay any real attention to the climate in post-revolutionary Libya”.

So imagine my surprise on visits to Benghazi, Misrata and Tripoli, to find that there were no militiamen to be seen, that most things were functioning normally, that there were police at traffic intersections, that there were children’s carnivals open till late, families out, that jewellery shops were open till 8pm, that Arabs and Africans were working side by side, and that people were proud in Benghazi of having demonstrated against calls for decentralising the country.”

Did you hear that, professor Abukhalil, AngryArab?

August 5th, 2012, 6:29 pm


Ghufran said:

??? 16 ?????? ?????? ????? ???? ????? ????? ??? ???? ???? ??? ??????? ??? ???? ?????? ???? ????? ??? ? ??? ??? ???? .
???? ???? ????? “???????” ??????? ??? ?? ??? ???????? ??????? ??? ?????? ??? ??????? ???? ??? ???? ??? ?? ???? ???????? ?????? ????.
???? ?????? ????????? ?????? ????? ???? ?? ???????? ???? ??????? ??????? ?????? ??? ??????? ???? ???????? ????? ??????? ?? ????? ????? ??? ???? ????? ?? ????? “??????? ???????” ??? ???? ?????? ?? ?????.

August 5th, 2012, 6:31 pm


Ghufran said:

???? ????? ??????? ?? ???? “???????” ??????? ?????? ??? ????? ?????? ????? ?????? ????????-??????? ??????? ???? ????? ??????? ?? ????? “????” ???? ??? ??????.
????? ?????? ????? ?????? ????????? ???? ???? ?? ????? ????? ?? “?????? ???????? ??? ????? ??????? ???????? ???????? ???? ???? ??????? ???????? ???????? ?? ????? ?????? ??? ?????? ???? ????? ??????? ?? ????? ???? ???? ??? ??????”.
????? ???? ??? “???? ???? ??????? ??? ???? ?????? ?? ??? ????? ??????? ??? ???? ????????? ?????? ??????? ?? ??????? ???????? ?????? ????? ?? ???? ????????? ???? ??????? ???????? ??? ?????? ???? ???? ??????? ???? ??????? ????? ??????? ????? ?????????”.
???? ??? ??? ????????? ????? ???? ????????? ??????? ???????? ?? ??????? ?????? ?????? ???????-???????? ?????? ??? ??????? ????? ??? ?? ??????? ???? ??????? ?????? ??????? ?? ?????? ?? ????? ??????? ???? ??? ????? ??? ?????? ????? ?????? ?????? ???????.
Translation: Kurds will now be in charge of that part of syrian-Iraqi borders

August 5th, 2012, 6:41 pm


Amir in Tel Aviv said:

Syrian Fascist Party,

What are the chances that you and Aldendeshe are in fact one commentator (suffering from deluzia and schizophrenia)?

August 5th, 2012, 6:54 pm


bronco said:

The agitation of despair

The kidnapping of the Iranians is a clear attempt by armed rebels to create a new situation.
As they know the antipathy of the Western countries for Iran now, they childishly thought that by accusing Iran of direct intervention in Syria, it would trigger an UN resolution condemning Iran and affirming its support for the armed rebels.

In the last weeks, the rebels have been resorting to terrorist acts, massacres and kidnappings to grab the attention of the Western countries and cause a UN resolution that would force a change of regime. Unfortunately it had the exact opposite effect. The western countries have obviously decided that the armed rebels have become more of a problem than the regime. The UN resolution brought no hopes for the embattled rebels.

Whatever they’ll do, the rebels will always be getting the usual promises of money and telephones, a few tap on their back and the usual “Unite”.
It seems that the only place where they will find unity, is in the Turkish refugee camps waiting for them

August 5th, 2012, 6:58 pm


zoo said:

“Heaviest fighting in years” between the Turkish army and the Turkish Kurds rebels

Bloodiest PKK fight in years kill dozens
The interior minister announces the deaths of nearly 130 PKK fighters and several soldiers amid the heaviest fighting in Turkey in years

The clashes have been some of the heaviest and bloodiest in years. The PKK has been waging an armed campaign for Kurdish autonomy for the last three decades against Turkey, leading to the deaths of more than 40,000 lives so far.

August 5th, 2012, 7:07 pm


Syrian Natonalist Party said:

Still waiting with the world for that ONE SINGLE EVIDENCE that a kingdom ever existed. Read about the fabricated history of the Jews, they have no shame and o honor, they lie and lie and cheat, kill, murder and deceive mankind yet not one single evidence ever bought up, NOT ONE: ALL A DECEPTION A HOLLOWMYTH.



August 5th, 2012, 7:09 pm


zoo said:

Syria rebels defends ‘Law of Jungle’ as executions mount

The Free Syrian Army defended the execution of regime loyalists following a growing list of accusations, after the group’s leaders in Turkey condemn it. ‘We don’t have courts to judge,’ regional commander Gazali says

August 5th, 2012, 7:10 pm


Aldendeshe said:

274. Amir in Tel Avivsaid:
Syrian Fascist Party,
What are the chances that you and Aldendeshe are in fact one commentator (suffering from deluzia and schizophrenia)?
Fascism is honorable, Zionism is not, Israel is a fraud.

The only one suffering from deluzia and schizophrenia, are the Israelis Jews, The Zionists knows it is all Marduk/Amen Babylonian scam, but the Jews today who for 100 years sane people all over the world, from clergies to top world Universities, to the world’s best Archeological Departments told them they are genocidal delusional mentals, that there never existed Israel, David and Shlomo Solomon, they still delusional, they gone on wild, wild, chase and digging all over the land they stole from Palestinians for 100 years and nothing, NADA, not ONE evidence discovered, that is Nationalist Delusion. Study about it, Google Jewish schizophrenia.

August 5th, 2012, 7:25 pm


Aldendeshe said:

Is it too much to ask 6 million heads to present the world with ONE SINGLE EVIDENCE that they really had a king? Shame on you. A National Fraud.

Moderator. please release SNP and my previous comment. Don’t be part of this perpetual fraud called ISRAEL. Let the people read and see the links. There are no 9/11 links that point to 80 Jews who plotted and masterminded it, then gone to genocide againt 3 million Moslems.

August 5th, 2012, 7:29 pm



Some people just keep whining and harping about the captured Iranian terrorists and never get tired of spinning propaganda hopelessly hoping to shield the sun light with a sheet of porous sieve.

OK, here is the link to the terrorist Quds Brigade involvement in the killing of the Syrian people. It was made by the deputy of the notorious Qasim Soleimani, so-called General of this terrorist group around May 2012, which means the Iranian involvement has been ongoing for quite some time before that date based on the the statement,

Get over it for God sake.

August 5th, 2012, 7:32 pm


zoo said:

Syria conflict: Photographers’ UK jihadist claim considered

Reports that Britons were among Islamist militants who kidnapped and wounded two photographers in Syria are being taken “very seriously” by ministers, the Foreign Office has said.

The claims were made by photographers John Cantlie and Jeroen Oerlemans, who were held at a camp for a week in July.

The Foreign Office said it was closely “monitoring the situation”.

The Free Syrian Army group, which is part of the opposition trying to oust Bashar al-Assad, helped them to escape.

Mr Cantlie, who is British, and his Dutch colleague, Mr Oerlemans, were both wounded in a “shooting gallery” as their thwarted captors fired after the fleeing men.

August 5th, 2012, 7:37 pm


irritated said:

#281 Visitor

Iranian involvement has been ongoing for quite some time before that date based on the the statement,

Probably not as long as the Qatari and the Turks.

August 5th, 2012, 7:39 pm


zoo said:

Barzani smiled to Davutoglu and did nothing about the Syrian Kurds training.
The Kurd issue is threatening to overtake Turkey’s regional policy.

The ruling Islamists of Turkey, who have been rather pleased by the “spring rise” of the Sunni Islamic Brotherhood in the neighborhood, are now growing worried because of developments in Syria, with the prospect of a Kurdish summer setting in and gripping Turkey as well.

Instructions carried to Mossoud Barzani by Foreign Minister Ahmet Davuto?lu to the effect that Turkey’s security is northern Iraq’s security… fell on deaf ears.
The top foreign policy chiefs of the ruling Islamists of Turkey reiterated their red lines once again to the Syrian Kurds, underlining that those elements that are in bed with the Turkish separatists are unwelcome.

August 5th, 2012, 7:47 pm


Syrialover said:

A friend has just shared with me this good description:

“Syria’s dictator, Bashar al-Assad is a tall man with, as his most distinguishing feature, a very small head. Such a small head may or may not always imply a minute brain. But in the case of Bashar, such appears to be the case. Bashar al-Assad behaves like an infant in the body of a grown man. Rome’s Caligula, who believed himself to be a God and who promoted his favorite horse to a seat in the Roman Senate, quickly comes to mind when evaluating Bashar the Beast of Syria, and his wife.

“While the 46 year old dictator’s armed forces and security guards are murdering unarmed women and children in the streets of Syria, Bashar is roaming around his many palaces dressed in jeans, ordering his favorite music on iTunes and sharing songs with his spend-thrift British-born wife, Asma al-Assad. She meanwhile idles her time shopping online for expensive jewellery and ordering furniture from Paris.

“Bashar and Asma al-Assad fit perfectly into the ‘banality of evil’ concept of philosopher, Hannah Arendt. She argues that ordinary people can commit serious crimes against humanity because they see such acts as the normal way of operating and cannot judge the consequences of their actions. As Syrian citizens die and are tortured at the hands of their underlings, Bashar and Asma surf the net for amusement and relief from the ennuie of unlimited wealth.”

August 5th, 2012, 7:54 pm


Tara said:

Aleppo rebels wait anxiously for Bashar al-Assad’s elite to attack

“We have many more weapons than we used to have,” he said. “The regime is running away and they are tired, so tired. Even more than us. I would say that of the force they are bringing to fight us, only 20% are brave and committed to battle.

“We had around 120 defectors this morning alone.”

If the consistent rumours among rebel ranks are right, the Free Syrian Army will need many more men to defend its gains in Aleppo in the coming days. Rebel commanders across northern Syria say the rump of the regime’s army, including all its key divisions and units, is travelling north from Damascus, Hama and Idlib to join the battle.

“We are expecting them on Tuesday,” said a rebel colonel from Idlib, who has sent spotters to monitor the progress of the regime reinforcements. “They are sending the Republican Guards.”
Back in his office, he said: “We have anti-aircraft rockets, you know. We will use them when the time is right. They can’t win, because they are not fighting for the right reasons. God is with us and so are the people.”

The latter remains to be seen. Aleppo locals seem yet to fully embrace the rebel army, preferring to wait to see who can fill the vacuum.

August 5th, 2012, 8:14 pm


Syrialover said:

Aldendeshe, I have a lot of issues with Israel, but aggressive conspiracy theory comments just drown out the debate and switch people off.

That, plus pushing these ideas here when there is so much to worry about in Syria, could be the reason you are not getting many thumbs-up votes.

I feel you are kicking the wrong target with Amir in Tel Aviv. All I know is that he is honest and upfront about where he lives, and I agree with many of his observations and links about the Syrian situation.

You only detract from many of your good comments when you beat noisy war drums about Jews and Zionists having fake history and being behind 9/11 and so on.

August 5th, 2012, 8:17 pm


Tara said:

Bashar is not in Damascus. He is hiding in an underground bunker in Lattakia. Will time come when he hides in Lattakia’s sewer system just like his ancestor (Gaddafi)?

August 5th, 2012, 8:18 pm


Aldendeshe said:

What are the chances that you and Aldendeshe are in fact one commentator (suffering from deluzia and schizophrenia)?

Big Chances, sometimes I use both, and yes if it pleases you I suffer from those ailment, they came from DAN Gene. LOL.

BUT, you finished, your foul smell is reeking bad, as you did before many times, your transgressions and crimes against humanities is beyond the pale, the seal is open, you really are finished, start packing, you need to make room for 4,000,000 Palestinian Moslems to come back home, tell Jordan rulers to get packing too. It is only a matter of times before Bashar Assad and Ahmadinejad get to understand something’s (my and SNP needs) and come through.

August 5th, 2012, 8:25 pm


Uzair8 said:

The FSA has forced the regime to go for broke.

August 5th, 2012, 8:27 pm



No 288 We found him. See below


Can anyone find recent statements made by FSA first Colonel Khalid Youssef al-Hmoud?

“Bashar has been located by the FSA. He lives in a small house near the Feejee spring connected with underground tunnels to Tishreen Palace”

Looks like he is well on his way in following his comrade-in-crime Hasan Plasma.

Should Bashar be called ???? ???? ? ???? ??????

We cannot call him Bashar Plasma because he doesn’t seem to have the inclination to appear from behind plasma TV and make speeches. He seems to prefer writing instead.

August 5th, 2012, 8:28 pm


Syrialover said:

# 228. ZOO

That comment about “British jihadis” in Syria just confirms what we already know – that they are the usual misfits and fantasists chasing adventure, who will bawl like babies to be rescued and brought home by the UK government if things get too tough.

Just watch.

And as someone here said, when the fight is over the Syrian opposition will say thankyou and goodbye. They will not stick around when the country has a legitimate government.

August 5th, 2012, 8:33 pm


Uzair8 said:

Robert Fisk: Assad’s merciless assault risks wiping out both his country’s future – and its past

Long View: We may reflect how ‘the battle for Syria’s history’ has been fought many times before

Monday 06 August 2012

[Selected quote]

But that was then, as they say, and this is now; and when the innocent die in what all the world – save the Syrian government – calls a civil war, history takes a back place, save for its usefulness in the hands of propagandists and mountebanks. And we return again to the old and painful question: how dare we fear for the treasures of history when the youth of Syria is bleeding to death, when children’s shrouded corpses are being put into the earth of Aleppo? What do the battlements of Krak des Chevaliers count against the torment of Idlib and Hama and Homs and – for a few days – Damascus?

But Syria’s heritage – our heritage, too – does matter. It will be the property of Syria’s future inhabitants,…

Read more:–and-its-past-8009052.html

August 5th, 2012, 8:33 pm


Aldendeshe said:


Did not I tell you to save your breath because I don’t giva a damm. Who are you, what is your real name, why are you hiding? Why anyone should listen to what you have to say, you could be a 10th grader with a job flipping Burgers at McDonalds, try ITUNE for blog. If you are somebody, doubtful, tell us more about you, show us your profile, then someone can decide if they wanted to listen to what you have to say. GET IT NOW. You are nobody now, just a pseudonym, I don’t even know if your are just another little giddy Jewish girl in Israel (an enemy ) and I am addressing a man. You making me feel stupid just talking to you, you could be an automated system that intel companies spending money developing and testing.

August 5th, 2012, 8:36 pm


Tara said:


Hi. You can address me by my name. Do not be shy.


Are you not taking your medications lately? Doctors know better. Please take your medicine as prescribed. They are good for you.

August 5th, 2012, 8:37 pm



Will do 295….oops TARA

August 5th, 2012, 8:42 pm


Aldendeshe said:

Robert Fisk: Assad’s merciless assault risks wiping out both his country’s future – and its past
There are no country on the face of this earth that have more solid past than Syria, Persia and Lebanon. Unlike Bedouins of Arabia, who may present you with a tent of ALMAKHLEES ALARS for evidence that they did exist in past century, and unlike Israeli Jews, Syrians they don’t hide when you asks them for a SINGLE evidence of their country past, Syrians can present few millions undisputable evidence.

Who’s Robert Fisk anyway? What does he know much about Countries past, just because he write to some Zionist paper rag, he is now an expert?

As to Syria future, Bashar Assad can choose to be so, or there are many Syrians who can fill the shoes. We don’t need a Bedouin king or fictions David to rule us and set our site on the future. Remember, No ASSAD, means PERSIA in SYRIA and RUSSIA in TARTOUS, and AMMAN is in Palestine.

August 5th, 2012, 8:53 pm


Tara said:


I am Chinese. You have problem with that?

Clozaril is not FDA approved but has good results. You should consider it. Potential side effects can be monitored with blood testing. Your Clozariled-opinions are much more valuable than your plain ones.

August 5th, 2012, 9:02 pm


Aldendeshe said:

Chinese are sane and winners, you are not, ask your Rabbi, and you are a big damm LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSER. Like all Bedouins. Thanks for the advise, Clozaril is not FDA approved but has good results. How long you been taking it, any side effect, other than what I see here? That is bad, just 2 weeks on this medication and you turned like this. Scary, but must be normal in Israel. Notice I did not click you thumb down, I only do it when I feel Childish and giddy like a Jewish girl.

August 5th, 2012, 9:06 pm


Syrialover said:


Bashar Assad (6 ft 2.5″) will be hard to hide in a sewer because of his awkward shape. Much easier if he was like his midget buddies Ahmadimejad (5ft 4″) and Putin (5ft 6.5″, and paranoid about it showing in photos).


Assad’s lunatic urbicide (destruction of urban enviroments) should also be coupled with evil “heritage-icide”, or maybe there is aready a term for destroying precious ancient historical sites.

August 5th, 2012, 9:09 pm


Tara said:


Look. I am not really interested in a tit-for-tat exchange. This is the last post to you from me.

When you are not taking meds, your posts becomes pathologically delusional and insane which distract from the subject of Syria. They are fun to read initially up to a point…after which the delusionsl distraction becomes annoying. When you take your meds, you offer very valid opinions that are pretty intelligent at times. We are serious readers looking for serious conversation.

August 5th, 2012, 9:22 pm


Syrialover said:

Tara, you have certainly pushed a button. It is better that Aldendeshe should not have our full names and addresses, otherwise we might also have to think about safety for ourselves and those of our families who are outside Syria as well as those inside.

August 5th, 2012, 9:22 pm


Amjad said:

Hello moderator. I hope all is well. I don’t believe that it is appropriate for posters to call other people LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSER (number of Os may rounded up to the nearest thousand). Doesn’t help the discussion much when posters resort to name calling.

“144,000 will be taken out of earth in a spaceship, it is on the way now.”

Dude….Scientology? Seriously?

Tara, at times like this we must remember…there but for the grace of God go we 🙂

August 5th, 2012, 9:25 pm


Ghufran said:

????? ??????? ???????: ??????? ?????? ??????? ?? ????? ????? ?? ???
Another hot spot to worry about in the death valley called The Middle East

August 5th, 2012, 9:35 pm


omen said:

more on that berri clan/summary execution story:

The three victims of yesterday’s execution, as reported by local activists, were high ranking members of the Berri Clan, including its leader Zeino Berri. The Clan is Sunni and is known for its involvement in drug-trafficking and gun-running, among other illicit activities. The Clan is known as well for its affiliation with Maher Al-Assad and, before him, with his late brother, Bassil. This connection has served to guarantee Berri elders at least one spot in the parliament, and has allowed them to make a mockery out of the legal system in Syria for decades. In fact, many of their members have multiple death sentences issued against them. Naturally, the sentences were never carried out. The worst thing that has ever happened to a Berri clansman, before yesterday, was spending few months in prison for offences that by law warrant execution. Zeino Berri himself is known to have had three death sentences issued against him. It was the fourth one that finally killed him.

you mean these goons were already tried in a court of law?? this suggests syria’s judicial system has been able to retain a level of independence and is salvageable after the regime is decapitated. you wouldn’t have to rebuild completely from scratch.

one could also argue that the shabihas’ previously adjudicated death sentences were belatedly carried out.

August 5th, 2012, 9:39 pm


Ghufran said:

Fared Zakaria:
( just giving readers a break from a sleuth of garbage quality posts)
What Syria needs is an end to the Assad regime but then some kind of political deal between the old and new guard. The core elements of the regime would have to step down or be ousted. But the opposition would also need to accept a post-al-Assad scenario in which some elements of the old system are kept in place, if only so that those elements don’t fight until the bitter end.

August 5th, 2012, 9:42 pm


ann said:

279. Aldendeshe

They’re desperately trying to silence you 8)

August 5th, 2012, 9:43 pm


ann said:

307. Ghufran said:

Fared Zakaria!

is a card carrying Islamist Hypocrite!

August 5th, 2012, 9:46 pm


Antoine said:


Please refrain from using anti-Gay slurs. SC Moderator
Hahahahaaha…..wooohooooo……I wish I was with the FSA who are holding theose Iranians !!1 Wooohoooo…….what do regime suporters have to

say ? All Iranian infiltrators will now be ruthlessly hunted down by FSA in Syria. (deleted )

The good thing is that Iran is humilated, and Assad security forces have been totally humiliated.

August 5th, 2012, 9:50 pm


Aldendeshe said:


Please refrain from resorting to personal insults, name calling. Please do not cast suspicion on posters’ declared identity, ethnicity, or country of origin.

SC moderator


I did take the one you are taking, it taste Kosher, unless you sent me the wrong one.

Who are you TARA, what is your real name, why are you hiding? Why anyone should listen to what you have to say, you could be a 10th grader with a job flipping Burgers at McDonalds, try ITUNE for blog. If you are somebody, doubtful, tell us more about you, show us your profile, then someone can decide if they wanted to listen to what you have to say. GET IT NOW. You are nobody now, just a pseudonym, I don’t even know if your are just another little giddy Jewish girl in Israel (an enemy ) and I am addressing a man. You making me feel stupid just talking to you, you could be an automated system that intel companies spending money developing and testing.


August 5th, 2012, 9:56 pm


Aldendeshe said:


Make sure they get the same warning, allowing insult on me alone is not acceptable and hold you and Landis responsible. I never attack them, I respond, I wish I never have to stoop low to them. They are nobody to me and they should not make any comment about and direct one to me personally. They can only discuss matters in my comments. I am gone to dinner but wll bring this matter with you later.

August 5th, 2012, 10:02 pm


omen said:

sc moderator,

when comments get stuck in spam and then republished, wouldn’t it be better they be placed in the front of the line instead of allowing it remain in the timeline it was originally posted?

by sticking to the original timeline when republishing, the comment ends up getting buried.

but if doing so requires extra effort, then disregard and nevermind. thank you.

August 5th, 2012, 10:02 pm


Ghufran said:

A very good read from The Guardian:
We know that there are no innocent players in this dirty war,but one has to be honest in calling things as they are. Annan did not resign because of Russia and China,he resigned because he realized that he is not dealing with honest brokers on the other side.

August 5th, 2012, 10:06 pm


ann said:

Syria’s ancient treasures pulverised – August 06, 2012

Robert Fisk

The priceless treasures of Syria’s history – of Crusader castles, ancient mosques and churches, Roman mosaics, the renowned “Dead Cities” of the north and museums stuffed with antiquities – have fallen prey to looters and destruction by armed rebels and government militias as fighting envelops the country. While the monuments and museums of the two great cities of Damascus and Aleppo have so far largely been spared, reports from across Syria tell of irreparable damage to heritage sites that have no equal in the Middle East. Even the magnificent castle of Krak des Chevaliers – described by Lawrence of Arabia as “perhaps the best preserved and most wholly admirable castle in the world” and which Saladin could not capture – has been shelled by the Syrian army.
The destruction of Iraq’s heritage in the anarchic aftermath of the Anglo-American invasion of 2003 – the looting of the national museum, the burning of the Quranic library and the wiping out of ancient Sumerian cities – may now be repeated in Syria. Reports from Syrian archaeologists and from Western specialists in bronze age and Roman cities tell of an Assyrian temple destroyed at Tell Sheikh Hamad, massive destruction to the wall and towers of the citadel of al-Madiq castle – one of the most forward Crusader fortresses in the Levant which originally fell to Bohemond of Antioch in 1106 – and looting of the magnificent Roman mosaics of Apamea, where thieves have used bulldozers to rip up Roman floors and transport them from the site. Incredibly, they have managed to take two giant capitols from atop the colonnade of the “decumanus”, the main east-west Roman road in the city.
In many cases, armed rebels have sought sanctuary behind the thick walls of ancient castles only to find that the Syrian military have not hesitated to blast away at these historical buildings to destroy their enemies. Pitched battles have been fought between rebels and Syrian troops amid the “Dead Cities”, the hundreds of long-abandoned Graeco-Roman towns that litter the countryside outside Aleppo, which once formed the heart of ancient Syria. Syrian troops have occupied the Castle of Ibn Maan above the Roman city of Palmyra and parked tanks and armoured vehicles in the Valley of the Tombs to the west of the old city. The government army are reported to have dug a deep defensive trench within the Roman ruins.
“The situation of Syria’s heritage today is catastrophic,” according to Joanne Farchakh, a Lebanese archaeologist who also investigated the destruction and plundering of Iraq’s historical treasures after 2003, and helped the Baghdad museum to reclaim some of its stolen artefacts.
“One of the problems is that for 10 years before the war, the Syrian regime established 25 cultural museums all over the country to encourage tourism and to keep valuable objects on these sites – many placed stone monuments in outside gardens, partly to prove that the regime was strong enough to protect them. Now the Homs museum has been looted – by rebels and by government militias, who knows? – and antique dealers are telling me that the markets of Jordan and Turkey are flooded with artefacts from Syria.”


August 5th, 2012, 10:11 pm


Aldendeshe said:


I deleted your post for racial slur. Please observe SC rules. SC Moderator


August 5th, 2012, 10:16 pm


ann said:

Syrian troops hunt down “Turkish, Gulf” militia in Aleppo: state media – 2012-08-05

DAMASCUS, Aug. 5 (Xinhua) — Syria’s state media said Sunday the army troops have continued hunting down “Turkish and Gulf” militia in a number of neighborhoods in Aleppo city, in reference to the Western and Arab-backed rebels that have recently been reportedly re-enforced with foreign and Arab fighters.

Quoting a source in Aleppo, the state-run news agency SANA said residents of Sayyed Ali district confronted on Sunday the ” terrorist” militia and kicked them out of the area.

SANA said the army troops on Sunday confronted armed groups, including Afghanis, who had been entrenching in the faculty of science in Aleppo, adding that they were all eliminated.

In al-Kawakbi area of Aleppo, the government troops carried out a “qualitative” operation and tracked down armed militia, killing a big number of them, said SANA, adding that among the killed were Turks.

Syria has for long said that a third party has joined the battles in Syria, adding that foreign intelligence and Arab extremists have become part of the daily cycle of violence.

In central Homs province, meanwhile, an arms store used by armed groupsas a hideout was blasted Sunday in Jouret Ashayah neighborhood, killing many “terrorists,” said SANA.

It said the store contained ammunition and explosive devices, pointing out that dozens of “terrorists” were killed or injured in the explosion, which has damaged nearby buildings as well.


August 5th, 2012, 10:22 pm


SC Moderator said:


Changing time of comments stuck in spam does require extra step that might not be available when I log in using a smart phone. Whenever this function is available to me, I will try to use it. Thank you for your inquiry.

August 5th, 2012, 10:22 pm


ann said:

Israel fears potential Syrian Islamist attacks – 2012-08-05

JERUSALEM, Aug. 5 (Xinhua) — Israel is increasingly concerned that extremist Islamists actively involved in Syria’s conflicts may ultimately turn their weapons against Israeli targets, security officials said Sunday.

Israeli intelligence agencies monitoring the situation across the northern border in recent weeks have noticed the growing involvement of al-Qaida-affiliated cells, as well as other groups linked to the global jihad movement, in the fighting against the Syrian regime, the Ha’aretz newspaper reported Sunday.

These groups are estimated to number several thousand fighters from Iraq, Jordan, Yemen and Saudi Arabia, who have pledged their loyalty to the rebels’ Free Syria Army, as an unknown number of fighters have been killed in fighting against the government forces across Syria, Ha’aretz said.

According to the report, security officials here are reviewing a scenario in which members of these groups will attempt to launch actions against Israel in the near future in a bid to coax Syrian President Bashar al-Assad into a confrontation with Israel.

A more troubling scenario is that the militants will exploit the security vacuum in a post-Assad era to strike roots and turn Syria into a global jihad stronghold, the report said.

In a sign that an offensive against Israel may be under way, Israeli troops on Saturday opened fire on a Syrian citizen who attempted to breach the border fence in southern Golan Heights.

A military spokeswoman told Xinhua that the man was hit in the knee and was carried off the scene by others.


August 5th, 2012, 10:30 pm


ann said:

US, Israel arranging roles in Iran war theater? – 06 August, 2012

Reports are surfacing of a US-Israeli plan to attack Iran’s ballistic missile batteries, giving Israel extra space to tackle Syria and Hezbollah. While no talks have been confirmed, anonymous sources claim that war plans have been put to paper.

­While it’s unclear how far-reaching the US and Israeli plans are, some say the allies have detailed intentions to destroy the Islamic Republic’s ballistic missiles – and let Israel launch an assault on Syria and Hezbollah to boot.

An anonymous US military source told DEBKAfile, a website covering Israel-related security issues, that the US Air Force will be tasked with destroying Iran’s Shahab-3 ballistic missile batteries. Each of these missiles has a range of 1,280 kilometers (800 miles), making them capable of reaching Israel and Saudi Arabia.

Upgraded versions of the Shahab-3’s can reach targets 2,000 kilometers away. In the past, Iran has warned that its missiles will always be ready to launch in case of an attack.

By destroying the Shahabs-3’s, Israel would be able to focus its energy on taking on perceived threats from Syria, Lebanon’s Hezbollah and the Palestinian Hamas, without having to worry about an attack from Iran, the official told DEBKAfile.

And last weekend, an anonymous senior US official told an Israeli newspaper that National Security Advisor Tom Donilon had briefed Israeli authorities on a contingency plan, in case of a showdown with Iran.

Israel has denied reports of such a plan, but last week’s talks between US Defense Secretary Leon Panetta and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu have still caused a heated debate.

If tensions with Iran increase, some predict the US may attack the Islamic Republic’s nuclear facilities in an attempt to protect Israel, the source said in a briefing.

But Tehran is only estimated to have between 30 and 40 of these missiles – a small number that could hardly make a dent during times of war. If used against the US and its allies, the missiles would be quickly destroyed by the American Aegis Ballistic Missile Defense Systems and Israel’s Arrow guided interceptor rockets.

Even if the missiles had a chance to reach their targets, the military source told DEBKAfile that Iran would probably not waste them all at once.

“They are too canny to leave themselves without some Shahabs in reserve for crises even more acute than the outbreak of war,” the source said.

But Iran has other missiles. Iranian Defense Minister Gen. Ahmad Vahidi said the fourth generation of high-precision Fateh-110 missiles, with a range of over 300 kilometers (185 miles), was successfully test-fired on Saturday, showing Iran’s ability to strike targets in Saudi Arabia and Bahrain.

“Using new guidance methods, target-striking systems were installed on the missiles and during the flight test … its ability to hit the target without deviation was proven,” Vahidi told the IRNA news agency.


August 5th, 2012, 10:39 pm


ryan said:

If you associated the Syrian dictatorship with stability, you were ignorant in at least that small way. Dictatorships are the essence of instability – a cauldron of aspirations only kept corked by the constant application of violent repression.

Could things have been different? Certainly, and I think you make a good case for how. I’m merely arguing against that first premise, which may be nothing more than a poor word choice. But I prefer when words are chosen carefully. There are those who talk about “stability ” in those terms. But most such are simply liars, or people who’ve swallowed so many lies that they can now no longer tell the truth. You seem different, so I hope you won’t speak of dictatorships as stable again. Words have meanings.

August 5th, 2012, 11:08 pm


habib said:

317. ann

LOL, will we see Amir in Tell Abib cheer for the Salafists once his own time comes, and they put their dull knives against his throat?

August 5th, 2012, 11:50 pm


Ghufran said:

What happened in Egypt today is a serious setback to Gaza,Morsi and Hamas, more than 20 tunnels were destroyed, Egypt military will now be under more pressure to control borders and halt any plans to open passages between Gaza and Egypt.
As usual,Israel is the winner
?? ??? ???? ?? ????? ?????

August 5th, 2012, 11:52 pm


Ghufran said:

Tunisia is likely to witness significant political troubles after people continued to face deteriorating living conditions:

August 6th, 2012, 12:08 am


Mina said:

Neither a democracy nor applying international laws,
A meeting of Non-Aligned Movement countries in the West Bank has been cancelled after Israel refused entry to several foreign envoys.

August 6th, 2012, 12:16 am


zoo said:

Rafah border has been closed undefinitely.

“Egypt closed Rafah crossing indefinitely” after masked gunmen attacked a checkpoint south of Rafah on Sunday evening, official MENA news agency quoted a security source as saying late Sunday.

August 6th, 2012, 12:24 am


Ghufran said:

Unknown assailants attacked a compound of the International Committee of the Red Cross in the Libyan port of Misrata on Sunday with grenades and rockets, forcing it to suspend its work there and in the eastern city of Benghazi, the agency said.
The ICRC said seven of its aid workers were inside their residence when it came under attack. No one was hurt, but damage to the building was extensive.
It was the fifth time in less than three months that violence was directed against the independent aid agency in Libya:
“Given the circumstances, we are forced to announce, with considerable regret, that we will be suspending all our activities in Misrata and Benghazi and that our delegates in those cities will be temporarily relocated,” said Ishfaq Muhamed Khan, the head of the ICRC’s delegation in Libya.

August 6th, 2012, 12:26 am


irritated said:


Tunisia, Egypt and Libya are time bombs, once the initial euphoria is gone.

August 6th, 2012, 12:27 am


Mina said:

How to deal with annoying news such as the kidnapping of a Brit and a Dutch in Syria lately?
Keep it in the UK section, put a nice pic of smiling people to let your busy reader think nothing serious here (, always use the phrase “held at a camp” instead of kidnapped” (like here, in an unrelated article; insist on the courage of the FSA rebels who freed them from their associates the anonymous “third party”.
Pretend that “The kidnapping took place amid the ongoing conflict in Syria” while the victims explained they had been brought there directly by their guide, and don’t mention their claim that the kidnappers obeyed the FSA people when they came to get them. Sounds very much like Afghanistan to me.
Oh yes, and don’t put links to the 2 other discrete articles of the BBC on this story in the last days in the “More on this story” section. Farewell BBC, with such a name, any search on “Jeroen oerlemans” will give enough results!
As for Cantlie, the British journalist, he wrote that of the 30 djihadists in the camp, among whom a dozen spoke English including nine with a London accent.
Welcome to the Londonistan Sir Cantlie! (He could have watched the “activists” interviewed by CNN from Homs who had just the same accents.)

B of Alabama, that’s worth a post!!

August 6th, 2012, 12:31 am


irritated said:

The Syrian Army should allow a ‘corridor’ Edlib to the Israeli-borders so all the Islamists can rush to Israeli borders with their RPG and machine guns to liberate the Golan…

August 6th, 2012, 12:33 am


zoo said:

“a ceasefire and political compromise have never been more urgent.”

Why Kofi Annan had enough over Syria
Jonathan Steele, Sunday 5 August 2012

Since then, apart from a few days of relative quiet in April when a ceasefire partially held, Syria has seen a huge influx of arms to the rebels, growing involvement by foreign special forces, and the infiltration of al-Qaida jihadis and other Salafists. What began as a peaceful uprising and then became local self-defence has been hijacked. Under Saudi, Qatari and US leadership, and with British, French and Israeli approval, it has turned into an anti-Iranian proxy war.

This does not mean the democratic aspirations of Syria’s original protesters should be abandoned, or that the Syrian government should not start to implement the Geneva principles for transition that Annan briefly persuaded the big powers to accept. The outlook is too desperate. As tens of thousands flee their homes, and the destruction of Aleppo – and perhaps soon of Damascus – looms ever closer, a ceasefire and political compromise have never been more urgent.

August 6th, 2012, 12:44 am


Mina said:

The problem in Egypt is that the security vacuum has been here for a year and no one seems to know how to cope with it (Mubarak had his own idea about this)

August 6th, 2012, 12:48 am


Uzair8 said:

Imad Moustapha Beijing Review interview.

Let Syrian people decide
August 6, 2012

Violence and conflict in Syria have been ongoing for 18 months, and the security situation there continues to deteriorate. Beijing Review reporter Ding Ying recently interviewed Imad Moustapha, Syrian Ambassador to China, who shared his opinion on Syria’s situation. The ambassador stressed that only Syrian people have the right to decide the country’s future. Excerpts of the interview follow:

August 6th, 2012, 1:17 am


Uzair8 said:

Assad declared Syria was in a real war and almost immediately his right hand man (Tlass) defected.

Assad declared he would conquer space and now the first Syrian astronaut defects.

The regime should get rid of him. He’s a jinx!

August 6th, 2012, 1:24 am


Syrian Natonalist Party said:

330. irritatedsaid:
The Syrian Army should allow a ‘corridor’ Edlib to the Israeli-borders so all the Islamists can rush to Israeli borders with their RPG and machine guns to liberate the Golan…

Why just the Golan? All of Islamic Palestine should be insight, Al Quds. Another corridor from Cairo-Sinai to Gaza will do well too. Millions of Moslem Palestinians are living in the most inhumane of living conditions. What a shame to be Moslem and have relation with Israel, Moslems should never be ruled by Jews neither in Arabia, not in Palestine, enough is enough, muster some dignity Moslems. The Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) will never accept that a Moslem community be ruled by Jews, how can genuine Moslem accept that ? How can 80 Million Egyptian Sunni Moslems accept that, how come one billion Moslem are not starting the Jihad to give all Moslems the Islamic dignity the Prophet Mohammad gave us all, the life they deserve in Palestine and Arabia. How can Tunisians, Libyan Jihadi accept that Palestinian lives in refugee camps? that Jews in desguise ruling their Holy Cities, and Holy Shrines. They should have some dignity, starts prepairing the Jihad to free Arabia and Palestine of infidels and KUFFAR.

August 6th, 2012, 1:29 am


Syrian Natonalist Party said:

August 6th, 2012, 1:44 am


Syrian Natonalist Party said:

Saudi Jewish Ruling Family agreed with Israel on demolishing the Al Aqsa Mosque:

August 6th, 2012, 1:47 am


Hamoudeh al-Halabi said:

23. SYR.EXPAT said: “Just saw a video in which one of the well-known Khaldiah Sufi Shaykh (As’ad Al-Kahil)”
Brother Syr.Expat, thank you for pointing that out. I’ve added a post about the Shaykh’s struggle:

The Struggle of Shaykh As`ad al-Kahil

I would appreciate it if you could help me out in writing more about him, and perhaps about others as well. I believe it is very important to let the world know what our Sunni Sufi Shaykhs have to say and what they went through, they are part of this revolution and unfortunately there are many Muslims even who are falling for the conspiracy propaganda that are blaming everything on extremists and what not. I’ve collected the following so far:

Shaykh Krayyim Rajeh

Shaykh Muhammad al-Ya`qoubi

Shaykhs Usama & Sariya Rifa`i

Many other scholars:

If you and anyone else can help with this, please contact me on my blog.

PS: I plan to do the same for everyone and everything else religious in Syria; help is greatly appreciated!


August 6th, 2012, 2:11 am


Syrialover said:

It’s extraordinary, the tireless negativity, ill will, contempt, pessimism and dismissive remarks about the Arab world by certain dedicated commentators here.

They have very twisted and mysterious agendas – we never see what they actually care about, what they want, what they approve of, what they believe in or support, or what they actually really know.

The only thing clear is their insistence that everything in Libya, Egypt, Tunisia and Syria, and all the people living there should be dismissed as a failure, a parade of disastrous mistakes, a mess without hope, deluded and doomed to deserved misery.

It’s very strange that these posters invest so much time and energy looking for nasty news and nonesense about the Arab world – why just not ignore it and enjoy their lives in the west or wherever they are?

Ah but of course, they despise the west too. And there’s no guarantee that Iran, Russia and North Korea will stay the way they are.

Time to find another planet.

August 6th, 2012, 2:14 am


Uzair8 said:

#339 Hamoudeh al-Halabi

Brother Hamoudeh, keep up the good work.

You’re spot on about muslims falling for the false narrative and conspiracy propaganda. I saw your efforts on and it was like an answered prayer.

August 6th, 2012, 2:30 am


Uzair8 said:

If true, the following would be devastating, absolutely devasting…


Syria Days of Rage?@SyriaDayofRage

Breaking News: Reports that newly appointed #Syrian Prime Minister (Riad Hjab) has defected to Jordan. Official Announcement Coming Soon…

Another report on the defection.

August 6th, 2012, 2:38 am


Uzair8 said:

If #342 is true then here is a continuation of the ‘jinx’ list in #334

– Assad declares parliamentary elections, then appoints a government and now his new prime minister defects.


Continued from #341 (response to Hamoudeh):

People were falling for the lies and falsehood however things have been changing. People have begun to realise the mismatch between what they believed and the reality. Truth is beginning to stand out.

August 6th, 2012, 2:46 am


William Scott Scherk said:

I am sad that SNP went crazy today, identifying The JOO as the essential evil that must be destroyed, in another terrible fit of hatred. What a comment.

Let his hate-crazy words stand here, an example of destructive mania.

The boys in the SANA VIP box are still offering colour commentary in favour of the Dictator’s ‘cleaning’ team. It is impressive how the Jane Austen fan drops such bonbons as “there is no war in Damascus.” What a heartless mystery is this person who missed the slaughter, who disregards deaths caused by the Palace and its minions. I hope there is a fair swap for the detained Iranian pilgrims, perhaps the twenty thousand or so Syrians kidnapped in the past six months by the House Of Assad.

The moment a regime figure like Riyad Farid Hijab departs power, stands before a camera and says Assad must order a ceasefire, then the beginning of the end of death will be near. The security solution is the sure path to continued 150+ daily death tolls. But to stop the security solution is the signal for Assad to step down and let a ceasefire take hold, for a transition.

Twitter is presently aflutter with news of the disappearance of Hijab. If this is true, that the Syrian Prime Minister has defected, it will have further paranoiac effect on the Palace, greater impact than the bomb in the Security Cabinet. Perhaps Bashar will come out of the bunker long enough to pose for a picture and flap his hands or something. Once you declare total war, though, what is there left to say? Hijab will become a traitorterrorist in the time it takes SANA to say ‘he stressed.’

Our bilious Austen fan should have some interesting play-by-play and slurs should his captain Hijab have actually gone AWOL from the team.

Syrian TV reports an explosion and injuries at their headquarters in Damascus this minute. 40 died under government bombardment in the capital and environs today. No war here, Jane.

August 6th, 2012, 3:04 am


omen said:

85. UZAIR8 said: In recent days I haven’t been able to access SANA.

i don’t usually read sana but i did recently when it was listed on this blog. that photo of bashar swearing in whatzisname in front of the table that was featured recently as “proof of life’ — i had a feeling i’d seen it before, previous to the bombing incident. but then i haven’t been able to pull up sana to compare.

August 6th, 2012, 3:09 am


Syrialover said:

What the rebel heroes are up against, but they still keep going!Anyone who criticizes them is a coward themselves.,0,5690137,full.story

August 6th, 2012, 4:00 am


Syrialover said:

333. Uzair8

That Imad Moustapha interview as Syrian ambassador to China makes me see red.

He drivels on about “only Syrian people have the right to decide the country’s future”.


And he then whines about outside interference in Syria’s affairs! His tongue would be worn from his job of licking Russian, Iranian and Chinese boots to get their input and orders for his Master.

What a rotten hypocrite. He never felt that way when he was swanning around boasting about his wonderful life as Syria’s ambassador to Washington.

And there is no way he’d be thinking that now either – quite the opposite. The guy is such a sleazy elitist and cheap propagandist.

Long may he enjoy his exile, minus wasted income stolen from poor Syrians.

August 6th, 2012, 4:14 am


Antoine said:


Riyad Hijab is a non-entity, totally a non-entity, like all Syrian PMs since Mahmoud al-Zou’abi of Daraa.

On another note, I have strong reasons to believe e you are the new Moderator.

And since I believe in frankness and openness, I hope it isn’t too rude to say , you Scherk, have a certain smartassness about you when it comes to Syria.

August 6th, 2012, 5:12 am



Hijab has defected and confirmed by AJE. He and family left Syria.

But I am really more impressed by the news of the downing of the helicopter near al-nayrib airport in Aleppo and the repulsion of yet another attempt to re-enslave Salahdin.

It is just amazing what the heroes of the Free Syrian Army of the Revolution is capable of. It fights off the invading thugs of the Nazi-like regime occupying Damascus and simultaneously expands further the free areas of the city of Aleppo.

August 6th, 2012, 5:39 am


Antoine said:

So Riyad Hijab is indeed dismissed from his post.

Omran al-Zou’abi ( SANA chief ) will probably get the job.

Riyad Hijab is a criminal. I think he won’t join the Opposition as it will be a complete loss of face for him.

I wonder why people like Hijab, Sharaa (and his brothers), Tlass, etc. want to defect. What will they gain out of it ? ASsad is still far from finished.

August 6th, 2012, 5:39 am


Mohsen said:

Obviously Hijab has defected, otherwise why should he be dismissed after he won the so-called “elections” (where there was no opposition and no campaigning was allowed, and no criticism of policy was tolerated).

This is like Biden joining the Republicans, except a few orders of magnitude worse.

Assad is losing his friends. Soon he will be like Ghaddafi, depending on foreign mercenaries for personal protection and running his army.

Saddam was arrested in a spider’s nest. Ghaddafi was found in a drainage pipe. You want to bet Assad will be found in a cesspool?

August 6th, 2012, 6:03 am


Amir in Tel Aviv said:

Zabadani today (10 min drive from the palace)

Talbisi today

Torrent of defections becomes a flood, a Tsunami.

It is a matter of days now.

August 6th, 2012, 6:26 am


Shami said:

If some would like to understand why the syrian nationalist and secularists are so unpopular and hated ,we have here on joshualandis blog a sample of those ,notice their dualist personality ,hypocrisy and dubious morality.

August 6th, 2012, 7:04 am


Juergen said:

A friend who lives in Bab Touma has seen this shabih frequently in Damascus.( we had him on our topic list some months ago) He told me that he is now a star, in restaurants and bars he gets free meals and drinks. He said he looked very happy that the poeple recognize him.

August 6th, 2012, 7:09 am


Tara said:

Syrian prime minister defection statement.  What an extreme humiliation to Bashar.  Time for UN resolution to strip legitimacy from Batta’s regime.

The former prime minister’s spokesman, Mohammed Otri, has read out Hijab’s defection statement on al-Jazeera.

It said:

I announce today my defection from the killing and terrorist regime and I announce that I have joined the ranks of the freedom and dignity revolution. I announce that I am from today a soldier in this blessed revolution.

Speaking through a translator, Otri quoted the statement as saying: “The country is living under the brunt of genocide and barbarian brutal killing.”

August 6th, 2012, 7:11 am


Akbar Palace said:

SNP in the 21 Century NewZ


We’re enjoying your posts. A bit of “comic relief” as we watch the Assad “mishpukha” devistate his own country; over 20,00 dead and counting…

330. irritatedsaid:
The Syrian Army should allow a ‘corridor’ Edlib to the Israeli-borders so all the Islamists can rush to Israeli borders with their RPG and machine guns to liberate the Golan…

I agree with Irritated, except the Islamists seem to have more important tasks at the moment, like getting rid of murderous, Arab despots…

Why just the Golan? All of Islamic Palestine should be insight, Al Quds. Another corridor from Cairo-Sinai to Gaza will do well too. Millions of Moslem Palestinians are living in the most inhumane of living conditions.


Tell us about the “living conditions” in Syria and the rest of the ME. Then we can discuss the living conditions in Israel. The Arabs living in Israel aren’t demonstrating even though they are allowed to do so. They don’t want to ruin a good thing perhaps?

What a shame to be Moslem and have relation with Israel, Moslems should never be ruled by Jews neither in Arabia, not in Palestine, enough is enough, muster some dignity Moslems.

“Moslems should never be ruled by Jews”? Why not? Is it better to be ruled by Saddam Hussein, Assad or Qaddafi?

SNP, your hate for Joos has clouded your thinking.

The Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) will never accept that a Moslem community be ruled by Jews, how can genuine Moslem accept that?

You know the Prophet (PBUH) SNP? What does he say about Arab despots who murder their own people?

How can 80 Million Egyptian Sunni Moslems accept that, how come one billion Moslem are not starting the Jihad to give all Moslems the Islamic dignity the Prophet Mohammad gave us all, the life they deserve in Palestine and Arabia.

80 million Egyptians voted. How will the Islamist government deal with their Christian minority? Time to look ahead to the 21st century, not behind to 11th century.

How can Tunisians, Libyan Jihadi accept that Palestinian lives in refugee camps? that Jews in desguise ruling their Holy Cities, and Holy Shrines. They should have some dignity, starts prepairing the Jihad to free Arabia and Palestine of infidels and KUFFAR.

SNP, I hate to rain on your racist parade, but there are no infidels and no Kuffar. We are all people who have to live together in freedom. You can pray to your racist God, and someone else can pray to their God without hurting anyone in the process q:o)

August 6th, 2012, 7:14 am


Shami said:

Mendoshom beyt el assad mendoshom

August 6th, 2012, 7:16 am


Amjad said:

“Millions of Moslem Palestinians are living in the most inhumane of living conditions.”

Ho ho ho.He he he he. I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again; I’d rather be arrested by the Israeli police, knee deep in the body parts of a dozen murder victims, with plans for a new 9/11 on the walls, from an apartment where I run a pedophilia, human-slavery and illegal human organ selling operation, than be arrested by the Syrian police on the mere suspicion of writing graffiti on a school wall.

August 6th, 2012, 7:28 am


Amir in Tel Aviv said:

Here is my private hero. Soldier Waleed.

If you remember, he was among the very first to defect. Well before the Amids Akids Muhandisin and the PMs. I salute you ya Waleed. You will be remembered in the new Syria’s history books.

August 6th, 2012, 7:45 am


Syrian Natonalist Party said:

You have 3 spy traitors who been on Mossad payroll for decades defects/ escape to Israel and you already claiming victory? Welcome to the new Syria under President Tlass and Primier Wahab, 2 Mossad agents on Israeli payroll. Half the Baathist in power in Syria today, on top, are on the Israeli Payroll and will eventually all escape. Take them all back please, thank you, we don’t want them in Syria. Take the Mullahs with you too, cheaper on your payroll.

August 6th, 2012, 8:41 am


Halabi said:

So what will the Riyad Hijab story be? Corruption and clandestine work for foreign powers I’m sure, but why elevate him to the role of prime minister? Perhaps to keep him close while the Assad regime builds up a case against him. I don’t know, but I’m looking forward to the garbage. Maybe Sharmine will bless the world with her analysis of this situation.

August 6th, 2012, 8:48 am


Syrian Natonalist Party said:

I guess you are the kiddy Zionists, you don’t know about “THABET” ask your daddies. There are hundreds of Thabet in Syria Baathist ruling echelon; most are Sunni Moslems, but few Alawites and other minority as well.

August 6th, 2012, 8:56 am


Syrian Natonalist Party said:

You are pretty good you know his name, I thought Wahab is the Premier, no, it is Hejab. But again, you should know the name of your best assets in Damascus, most Syrians can’t name the Prime Minister when asked, to them he is such an irrelevant servant.

August 6th, 2012, 9:02 am


Syrian Natonalist Party said:

ONE SINGLE (1) EVIDENCE, No can’t come with it can you? Shame on you, perpetuating the fraudulant myth.

August 6th, 2012, 9:08 am


Amir in Tel Aviv said:

Syrian Fascist Party,

You didn’t take the pills that Tara recommended. Did you?

August 6th, 2012, 9:16 am


zoo said:

How the Kurds Have Changed Turkey’s Calculations on Syria

Support for the anti-Assad rebellion has been complicated by Syria’s Kurds moving to establish autonomy, raising Ankara’s fears about implications for Turkey’s domestic Kurdish challenge
By Pelin Turgut / Istanbul | August 6, 2012

Read more:

August 6th, 2012, 9:20 am


Aldendeshe said:

We’re enjoying your posts. A bit of “comic relief” as we watch the Assad “mishpukha” devistate his own country; over 20,00 dead and counting…

I bet you are enjoying destruction of Syria by Zionists Islamic Terrorists and Baathists ones,they both on the Zionist plan from day one, including the Made in U.K. Iran’s Mullah, all aprt of the plan ERETZ ISRAEL and all have been on the payroll. It is the day after that you need to be concerned about. That is not going to be enjoyable for no one.

August 6th, 2012, 9:20 am


Aldendeshe said:

ONE SINGLE (1) EVIDENCE, No can’t come with it can you? Shame on you, perpetuating the fraudulant myth.

August 6th, 2012, 9:24 am


bronco said:

Is the ‘transitional government’ building up?

Manaf Tlass is not the only one anymore, the choice is growing, so is the competition.
Will the FSA and the SNC long waiting ambitions of ruling that government will embrace dubious last minute defectors? As days pass much more complications are presenting themselves when the buzzword is to unite.
Will the transitional government emerge in 2 weeks, by the end of Ramadan as promised by Sayda?

August 6th, 2012, 9:28 am


Syrian Natonalist Party said:

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August 6th, 2012, 9:29 am


Aldendeshe said:


Please delete AMIR #365 comment and issue a warning to him, as he is in violation of Syria Comment rules. I don’t tolerate personal attacks and neither you should.

August 6th, 2012, 9:39 am


Citizen said:

359 AITA
I salute you ya Waleed. You will be remembered in the new Syria’s history books…

Master. Amir from Tel Aviv issued a certificate of oral exemplary behavior and promised to his memory in a new book wich be published in Israel.

August 6th, 2012, 9:50 am


Halabi said:

Syrian Fascist Party?

Syrian Fascist Party isn’t an attack. Doesn’t the SNP use a swastika-like emblem on its flag? Fascist should be taken as a compliment.

August 6th, 2012, 9:53 am


Observer said:

I strongly suggest that the next Security Council meeting include Mr. Hijab to tell the council on the criminal nature of the regime and let us see Russia and China veto another resolution in his presence and after his testimony.

This is his redemption card

August 6th, 2012, 9:53 am


ghufran said:

Hijab defection illustrates the lack of confidence government officials have with Bashar and the failure of his policies,Bashar’s presence at the helm was,and still is, a liability to his own supporters, the problem is that we do not have a transitional team that can take over this critically ill body called the Syrian government,another problem is that people like Hijab are disposable and, in a military regime, do not make or break a government.

August 6th, 2012, 10:02 am


Syrian Natonalist Party said:

I strongly suggest that the next Security Council meeting include Mr. Hijab to tell the council on the criminal nature of the regime and let us see Russia and China veto another resolution in his presence and after his testimony.

As long as the Baathist Syrian Ambassador brings in the truck load of dossiers they have compiled on him and his wife and her ex husband, so the people of Syria can see the kinda of right hand men this dictator keeps around. His record is really appauling. It is people like that who gave the regime this inaptness and corruption.

August 6th, 2012, 10:05 am


bronco said:

Where is Riad Hijab? Who wrote the “statement”?

The statement was read by his ‘spokesman’, not by Riad Hijab.
It contains so many ‘cliches’ and sound so fake that it seems to have been written by some ‘defection speech writers’ among the FSA intellectuals.
Unwillingly, the statement exposes desperate attempts of self reassurance of an ‘imminent’ victory. It is quite understandable in view of the looming defeat of the armed rebels in Aleppo

The rumor about the defection of 2 other ministers is still a rumor among others.

This is the “statement” read by the ‘spokesman’.
Note the flow of cliche-buzzwords: “genocide”, “barbarian”, “freedom”, “dignity”, “murderous regime”,’terrorist regime” , “holy revolution”.
“unarmed civilians, “fatal blow”.

“I address you today at this grave hour where the country is living under the brunt of genocide and barbarian brutal killing against unarmed people who are simply demanding freedom and a dignified life,” ran Mr Hijab’s statement read by his spokesman.

“Today I declare… that I have defected from the terrorist, murderous regime and [am] joining the holy revolution. And I declare that from today I am a soldier of this holy revolution.”

Mr Etri later told the BBC that the Syrian regime was “now in its last throes” and that it had been dealt “a fatal blow” by Mr Hijab’s defection.

Unconfirmed reports suggested that two other cabinet ministers had also deserted and there were claims that a third, Finance Minister Mohammad Jalilati, had been arrested while trying to flee.

But Syrian state TV said he was still in his office working as usual, and it broadcast what it said was a phone interview with Mr Jalilati categorically denying reports that he had been detained.

August 6th, 2012, 10:08 am


irritated said:

#375 Observer

There is a chance that Riad Hijab may end up in Bakkourland.

August 6th, 2012, 10:11 am


zoo said:

BBC admits that the presence of “human shields” is an advantage to the rebels.

‘We die or win’

Despite the threat that grows by the day it was an honest assessments from the armed opposition who often inflate their strength and numbers, masking vulnerability with confidence and tough talk.

“We decided and we promised that we would fight,” he said. “We will die or we will win.”

But the odds they face are daunting. A conventional armed force with tanks, mortars, artillery, helicopter-gunships and fighter jets is now lined up against rebel fighters armed with Kalashnikov rifles and rocket-propelled grenade launchers.

However, the terrain of these heavily populated areas works to their advantage.

August 6th, 2012, 10:18 am


irritated said:

Obama is beating the US record of hypocrisy.

At least with Bush, it was clear. He was wsiwyg. Obama is smiling and sneaky. In Syria he calls for peaceful resolution and at the same time send the CIA to organize the military rebellion.
He denies sending weapons but encourages Saudi Arabia and Qatar to do so.
In Afghanistan, he use drones to kill civilians and then apologizes.

He turned out to be a dirty foreign politician, obsessed by preserving American lives at the expenses of Afghan and Syrian lives.
Why bother, they don’t vote in the USA.

August 6th, 2012, 10:36 am


irritated said:


They defect by fear for themselves and their family, as they realize that the overstressed security apparatus cannot protect them well.
It is quite understandable.

August 6th, 2012, 10:40 am


jna said:

346. Syrialover said:
What the rebel heroes are up against, but they still keep going!Anyone who criticizes them is a coward themselves.,0,5690137,full.story

Syrialover, thanks for this link. What stood out was this theme and quote: “I’m from Idlib and just came here on Saturday,” he said. “I don’t know why the men from Aleppo haven’t come to join us and they’re all depending on outsiders.”

August 6th, 2012, 10:49 am


Mina said:

Bronco, #377 “Where is Riad Hijab?”
He went automatically on pilgrimage, like Tlas.

August 6th, 2012, 11:05 am


Citizen said:
Russia is sending three military ships with hundreds of marines aboard to a Moscow-leased naval facility in the Syrian port of Tartus. According to the Russian military, the landing ships, each with up to 120 armed navy personnel on board, will visit the Syrian port in coming days and spend a few days there.

August 6th, 2012, 11:15 am


Observer said:

So let me know of the dossier of every official now before they defect.
Hijab according to the pro regime was a bad ass corrupt official now that he defected. He is defecting out of fear or out of greed or out of being paid by Qatar.

So for those still in their posts, do please tell us how honest, incorruptible, hard working, devoted, altruistic, idealistic civil servants doing their duty to protect the nation against the world wide conspiracy of evil directed by the troika of CIA MOSSAD AL QAEDA SALAFIST REPUBLICAN NEO CON FREE MASON BELDERBEG GROUP to destroy the GLORIOUS RESISTANCE TO IMPERIAL HEGEMONY ORCHASTRTED BY ZIONIST CRUSADING CHRISTIAN FUNDAMENTALIST FANATICS.

I am sure many a figure in the regime now and past was and is corrupt for that was the method used by the father to insure subservience by fear and corruption. The fearful and the corrupt do not revolt, he knew the system and the more widespread the corrution the more compliant the popuation is.

I went on Addounia and RT and Al Manar and Cham Press and and THERE IS NO WAY THE REGIME CAN SPIN THIS DISASTER.


August 6th, 2012, 11:23 am


Aldendeshe said:

They defect by fear for themselves and their family, as they realize that the overstressed security apparatus cannot protect them well.

No they defect (extracted) when they told by their handler that the espionage investigation and interrogation getting too close to comfort for them. Not that the handler cares about their safety so much, he is done with them now, they useless to him, but if they get caught he wil compromise clandestine operation as well as the next in line, it could unravel he whole network, so better remove him.

In this guy case, he is married to the wife of the man that sold Syria’s top military secret to Israel and was living at the Presidential palace for a decade. After Israel bombed the installation, he was executed by Assad force for treason ( or by Mossad to silnce him and protect the network). Why Assad would hire someone like that for Prime Minister, beat the hell out of my brain. It is a Mafia and they have own ways.

August 6th, 2012, 11:30 am


ann said:

Cowardly prime ministers and generals are a DIME A DOZEN in Syria

August 6th, 2012, 11:48 am


ann said:

Syria: Let’s stay out of it – Mon, Aug. 6, 2012, 3:00 AM

By Aaron David Miller

Here we go again. That strange coalition of neocons and liberal interventionists is clamoring once more for a more muscular U.S. approach to Syria. And, unsurprisingly, they’re looking to blame someone for “losing” the country.

Don’t believe any of it. The time for guilting the United States into expensive, ill-thought-out military interventions has passed. The reasons to intervene in Syria — to defuse a bloody conflict and deal the Iranian mullahs a mortal blow — are just not compelling enough to offset the risks and unknowns.

The “we need to do more” chorus has intensified in light of the dramatic and tragic events in Aleppo, where the Syrian army once again appears to be laying waste to a great city in the hope of rooting out its opponents. The death dance of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and his regime has been a long, complex affair, and it’s likely to go on for a while longer. In the meantime, the conflict between a murderous regime and an opposition that won’t quit — but can’t yet win — goes on.

Syria is embroiled in a complex internal struggle, amid a divided opposition, regional players with diverse agendas, and competing great powers. There is no single force on the ground — or constellation of outside powers — that can impose order. For the United States to enter the fray as a quasi-combatant would make matters more complicated, not less.

Sure, President Obama could take down the Assads by force, but he would do an enormous amount of damage in the process and end up being forced to rebuild the country. Remember the Pottery Barn rule? That result is the last thing America needs.

Coalition of the unwilling

Still, some seem determined to lay the blame for the Syrian mess at America’s doorstep. The crisis would never have come to this had the United States not been so passive, the Wall Street Journal opined last week.

The arrogance of the argument is as breathtaking as it is reckless. The notion that the United States could ever have fixed Syria uses the same twisted logic that produced the Iraq debacle.

It also flies in the face of the spirit of self-reliance that has made the popular revolts in the Arab world so genuine and authentic. If the Arab Spring does produce better governance, it will be precisely because the United States kept its distance, and citizens took responsibility for their political future. It is a cruel irony that the one country where America intervened heavily, Iraq, is the one that still has an arbitrary, heavy-handed Arab strongman.

Some still believe a coalition can be assembled to save the day by supplying weapons and air cover to the opposition. Who all would be in this coalition, and what precisely would they be willing to do? What we’ve witnessed over the past six months is a coalition of the unwilling, the opposed, and the vacillating. No amount of American leadership would have pushed the Europeans to consider risky military options, particularly after the NATO-led Libya operation demonstrated how stretched their resources were. And the Kremlin seems willing to defend Assad to the last drop of Syrian blood.

Wing and a prayer

As for Turkey, on which the pro-intervention crowd is banking much of its hopes, there is a reason it has been all bark and no bite: its own public’s wariness of war and complications with Iran and Russia. Remember Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s “zero problems” policy? He wants to be loved by everybody.

Being cautious on Syria is still the best approach for the Obama administration, and here’s why: It’s working.

The Assads are going down, though not nearly as quickly as one might have hoped. The opposition has now put both Damascus and Aleppo in play, testing the military’s control of the country’s two major cities. The Assads’ already small circle of key advisers has been reduced as a result of the July 18 bombing in Damascus that killed four top security officials. A grave sense of vulnerability and pervasive suspicion will continue to take its toll on the rest of the family’s circle.

The regime’s crackdown, meanwhile, is only deepening the rebels’ determination to resist and is enlarging their pool of potential recruits. Meanwhile, the Syrian army continues to become fatigued and demoralized by endless guerrilla warfare against an enemy that appears to be simultaneously everywhere and nowhere.

This process will not be quick or painless. But nobody has made a compelling case that half-measures — such as more arms for the opposition, no-fly zones, or havens — will bring the Assads down. To give these ideas the old college try because we feel compelled to “do something” isn’t a strategy; it’s a wing and a prayer. And after Iraq and Afghanistan, it’s just not good enough to pass the threshold for putting American lives, money, and credibility on the line.

A real coalition of the willing will indeed be required to mend Syria — but only after the main battle to defeat the Assads has concluded. An international monitoring and stabilization force could preempt civil war and create the basis for a political transition. International donor conferences will have to be launched to raise billions of dollars to get Syria moving economically and deal with the broken bodies and minds left in the wake of the violence. It is this second struggle for Syria that is worth the multilateral effort.

International intervention still might come. It could be prompted by a large-scale massacre by the regime or the prospect of Assad’s losing control of his chemical weapons. But for now, the United States’ current approach will have to do.

It should come as no surprise to observers that Syria has come to this. There was no way the Assads were going down without a brutal, bloody fight and a messy, complex transition. And the odds that the post-Assad era will go as smoothly — relatively speaking — as the transitions in Tunisia, Egypt, or even Yemen are slim to none.

Military expeditions

But the idea that the United States — in the grip of an economic crisis, already strained militarily by a decade of foreign wars, and in the middle of an election season — would be able to make that transition substantially easier strains the bounds of credulity. After the deaths of thousands of U.S. soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan and billions of dollars expended, only a willfully delusional observer would argue that the American adventures in those countries were worth the price. Nor should those countries’ current conditions provide inspiration for additional military expeditions.


August 6th, 2012, 11:52 am


Observer said:

Who else defected. Does anyone know?

Cowardly prime ministers and generals are surely a Dime a Dozen in Syria, that is why the regime stayed on board for forty or so years because people were afraid and were corrupted.

Now the wall of fear broke for good and the desire to purify the country of corruption is ascendant.

Eat your heart out, but this regime is going straight to the dustbin of history. Even Al Manar and RT cannot put a spin on this one.

August 6th, 2012, 11:54 am


ann said:

divisions deepen in Syria opposition – Sun Aug 5, 2012

Three separate Syrian opposition groups have floated proposals for a transitional government in the past week, a sign that differences among the many factions opposing President Bashar al-Assad are deepening

The head of the Syrian National Council (SNC), a long-established opposition umbrella group, said talks would be held within weeks to form a transitional government.

The next day the Free Syria Army, a loosely coordinated group of insurgents fighting Assad’s forces, floated a separate proposal that called for the establishment of a higher defence council bringing together military and civilian figures.

And the day after that, a group of exiled Syrian activists who left the SNC announced a new opposition alliance that also aimed to form a transitional government.

It is neither news nor a surprise that Syria’s opposition is divided. Assad’s opponents include Islamists and secularists, Kurds and Arabs, Sunni Muslims and members of religious minorities, defected army officers and the political activists they once hunted, exiles abroad and fighters on the ground.

The Istanbul-based SNC in particular has come under fire for being out of touch with the fighting in Syria itself. Colonel Riad al-Asaad, nominal head of the Free Syria Army, said it was made up of opportunists who want “to ride over our revolution and trade with the blood of our martyrs”.

Haitham al-Maleh, a former judge, broke away from the SNC to launch the “Council for the Syrian Revolution”.

“I don’t differ with the Syrian National Council over their vision, but over their tactics. I’m different in that I’m working on the ground, and they’re just theorising,” he told Reuters.

Burhan Ghalioun, the SNC’s former leader, said news of the SNC’s plans to form a transitional government had created “a competitive dynamic” among those who want a role.

“I think we will be able to overcome this competition … I think Haitham’s move was a wrong one and it must be fixed with minimum fuss and without giving it importance,” he told Reuters.

Most alarming for the West, the rebels fighting inside Syria include al Qaeda-style Islamist fighters with a strong sectarian, Sunni Muslim agenda. Secularist opposition figures and members of religious minorities are also worried.

“Several opposition groups have adopted an increasingly fundamentalist discourse and demeanour, a trajectory that mirrors the conflict’s gradually deadlier and more confessional turn (and) popular loss of faith in the West,” the International Crisis Group said in a report.

Western countries fear that sectarian killings could make it difficult to halt the fighting even if Assad falls, and could unleash the sort of mass slaughter that erupted in Iraq after Saddam Hussein was toppled.

Among other issues dividing the opposition is the role of senior defectors like Brigadier General Manaf Tlas, a former member of Assad’s inner circle who fled Syria and has since been hosted by anti-Assad governments in Turkey and Saudi Arabia.

Many opposition activists say Tlas is tainted by his long service under Assad and worry that he will be foisted on them as a future leader. Ghalioun said he sees a military role for Tlas and other defecting officers to retake control of the army and re-establish security in the country. Maleh was dismissive.

“I do not think that Manaf Tlas has a role in the coming time as a leader. He should have announced his defection when he left Syria and said ‘I’m joining the Free Syrian Army and I will fight alongside them,'” Maleh said.


August 6th, 2012, 12:09 pm


Aldendeshe said:

Who else defected. Does anyone know?

I do know who are the next 6 in the network that will be extracted, but don’t worry, I will not share this with Assad. LOL & LOL. He did not do anything for me personally nor SNP that will merit a reward in any teeny-weeny size.

But as they said here, the Tlasses and Hijabs are dime a dozen in Syria. Unless Maher defects or half the Syrian armed forces with half the weaponry, the regime will remain solid until the last Negro and Asian mercenaries and Moslem Brotherhood, FSA soldier alive, save the millionaires in Paris and London of course.

But there is a serious problem for the regime, it is either Bashar Assad has defected, or under house arrest by Maher it seems. Unless he knew for sure that BANDAR is still alive and in disguise somewhere in Damascus, I take it Bashar will need to hide in a deep bunker, better not let any Baathist on whereabouts, they (any Baathist) will sell him out for trip to Moulin Rouge and a night with a German hooker just like Al Maleh son got sold and set up.

???????? ????? ????? ?? ????? ????????? ???????? ?????????? ?????? – ????? ????? ?? ????? ???????

August 6th, 2012, 12:31 pm



I agree with Amir that Walid al-Qashaami deserves special recognition for having been the first to defect. Amir reminded me of Walid’s story.

God bless Walid al-Qashaami.

The song linked by Shami is so beautiful and so spontaneously Syrian. It reminded me of el-Naimi’s original video exhorting his men. They were awesome and so exhilarating to watch in that video.


Do you remember how it all began?

August 6th, 2012, 12:34 pm


Tara said:

Can pro regime start to tell us how much humiliated they feel today. I can’t even start to imagine. Once the transitional government is formed, it should strip Batta from his legitimacy and declares him a warlord.

August 6th, 2012, 12:40 pm


ann said:

Syria appoints Omar Ghalawanji as the head of the caretaker government – 2012-08-06

DAMASCUS, Aug. 6 (Xinhua) — Syria appoints Omar Ghalawanji as the head of the caretaker government on Monday, after the prime minister was sacked of his post for unknown reason, the state TV reported.


August 6th, 2012, 1:08 pm


ann said:

Iranian lawmaker says OIC extraordinary meeting unlikely to bear results: TV – 2012-08-06

TEHRAN, Aug. 6 (Xinhua) — A senior Iranian lawmaker said that it is unlikely that the extraordinary meeting of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), slated to be held in Mecca on August 14-15, would yield any results, given Saudi Arabia’s hostile stance towards Syria, Press TV reported on Monday.

Chairman of Iran’s Majlis (parliament) National Security and Foreign Policy Commission, Alaeddin Boroujerdi, said Sunday that ” Since the beginning of the unrest in Syria, the Arab League and countries such as Saudi Arabia set a bad record of themselves by adopting hostile stances (towards Syrian government)… Therefore, it seems unlikely that they intend to take steps to resolve the Syrian unrest.”

The Iranian lawmaker added that “Saudi officials along with the Arab League and certain regional countries and trans-regional powers such as the U.S. and Britain employed all their capacities to fuel tension in Syria,” Boroujerdi was quoted as saying.

The Saudi monarch, King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz al-Saud, has invited Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to attend the extraordinary summit of Muslim leaders. An official from Iran’s presidential office announced on Monday that Ahmadinejad will participate in the meeting, according to the official IRNA news agency.


August 6th, 2012, 1:13 pm



Assad’s Syria has finally lost control. All Syria is against Assad. And Assad is a dangerous crazy person working for Iran and lebanese HA dogs. He is a conspirator against Syria. Please can anyone kill him?

I think if US shooted a missile to Assad’s head, nobody with a little common sense would complain in the UN. And most syrians would consider it an “act of friendship” that would help future relations. It would be beginning of a beatyfull new Syria.

August 6th, 2012, 1:21 pm


Tara said:

The real significance of Mr Hijab’s defection is that it betrays the future expectations of a man who knows how Syrian politics work. Few believe that his departure will, of itself, trigger the fall of Mr Assad. What matters is that a man chosen to be prime minister clearly believes this outcome will happen.
So Syrian and foreign observers will be waiting to see whether Mr Hijab’s decision causes other ministers to change sides. But that possibility will also be painfully apparent to Mr Assad. His security agencies can be relied on to redouble their efforts to prevent any further defections. Just as the prospect of ministers jumping ship becomes more likely, so the risks involved tend to become even more forbidding.
Perhaps the most devastating consequence of high level defections is the poisonous atmosphere of suspicion and mistrust they leave behind.
As for the practical value of Mr Hijab’s departure, he will probably know little about the military response to the uprising. Any hopes that he will reveal the secrets of Mr Assad’s security planning will be disappointed.

But he will know about the full impact of sanctions on Syria’s economy and the condition of the government itself. As a bureaucrat rather than a politician, he will be familiar with the health, or otherwise, of the state machine. As such, Mr Hijab’s defection amounts to another dent in the edifice of an otherwise implacable regime.

August 6th, 2012, 1:22 pm



I think another interesting defection would be Assad’s one:

“I refrain from the terrorist state in the hands of Iran and Hezballa terrorists”

Assad is still on time to become a martyr of new Syria.

August 6th, 2012, 1:23 pm


ann said:

A Jesuit in NY on Syria Notes Saudi But Neither Qatar Nor the Ben Ali Role of UN Peacekeeping Chief

By Matthew Russell Lee

UNITED NATIONS, August 6 — When Jesuit Paolo Dall’Oglio took questions from a small press conference in the Millennium Hotel across First Avenue on the UN Monday morning, he called for a new diplomatic initiative on Syria to both Russia “and NATO.”

Inner City Press asked Dall’Oglio about the role of Qatar and Saudi Arabia. He replied that yes, Saudi Arabia’s “project” was to beat Iran in Syria. He noted that some might like a long civil war in Syria, and speculated that even if Damascus falls, fighting may continue to break off the Western or Alawite zone by the sea, on the theory there is enough natural gas there to make autonomy viable.

But Dall’Oglio did not say a word about Qatar.

Inner City Press tweeted out a photo of Dall’Oglio along with this portion of his non-answer.

Replies ranged from questioning why he was under the “rebel” flag — he called it the flag of the “New Syria” — to stories of Christian martyrs killed by Syria rebels to, who is he?

Dall’Oglio seems to have faith that a “post-Assad” UN Peacekeeping mission could be even handed — ignoring the fact that UN Peacekeeping is run by a Herve Ladsous long in the French foreign service, from defending the Hutu government in Rwanda in 1994 to arranging the flights of Michele Aliot-Marie on planes owned by cronies of Tunisian dictator Ben Ali in 2011. Even handed?

Inner City Press has previously covered other Jesuits, including liberation theologicals from Latin America. When these called for class war, not even regime change, they were ordered to be quiet and generally complied. And here?

Dall’Oglio went to Canada to meet with foreign minister Baird; he went and spoke in Vancouver and now here, to a small audience dominated by Italian and Saudi media, along with an on-camera question from Voice of America.


August 6th, 2012, 1:37 pm


Aldendeshe said:

Omar Ghalawanji for Prime Minister!!! Theee world famous Mr. Omar Ghalawanji ? I was going to recommend Dr. Nassab Al Rakhiss, it is late now, will have to wait another 10 days before he defects for that Dr. Appointment.

August 6th, 2012, 1:41 pm


ann said:

Horrors of war: Mass grave discovered in Damascus – 06 August, 2012

As the Syrian Army expelled rebel forces out of the capital of Damascus, soldiers discovered a mass grave of 20 corpses buried under rocks and other debris.

­The mass grave was uncovered in the Yelda district of Damascus, which had been under rebel control for the past few days. The 20 corpses the army dug up were burnt and defaced, said China’s Xinhua news agency.

Armed men harassed and killed the civilians, and then buried the bodies, locals told RT Arabic’s correspondents. Some described the stench of dead corpses blanketing entire areas of the city. The victims reportedly include both civilians and military personnel. Others claimed that the number killed is much higher than the 20 reported.

RT Arabic filmed footage of the gravesite, but it was confiscated by police as they were leaving.

Evidence of acts of mass-murder has been surfacing in the past month. An amateur video from Syria emerged online showing the apparent mass execution of Assad supporters in Aleppo by Free Syria Army rebels on July 31. The footage showed several bloodied men in their underwear being forced to kneel by a wall amidst an excited crowd, before they were shot dead.


August 6th, 2012, 1:45 pm



402. ann

Please Ann try to check for another news source. RT is really out of reality.

August 6th, 2012, 1:48 pm


Ghufran said:

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August 6th, 2012, 1:50 pm


Aldendeshe said:

Once the transitional government is formed, it should strip Batta from his legitimacy and declares him a warlord.

They already declared him far worse than that. SOWHAT? Russia and China will not recognize the transitional Gov., and what about election? I am hopping SNP will just mop them all up and give the MB 5% fair share. No election it’s a 15 years Civil War.

August 6th, 2012, 1:54 pm


Syrian Natonalist Party said:

Why not Haydar? He lost his kid in this. Why not Ehsani or the thousands of Syrians like him. I guess these are too clean for you, they will get too nosey about where is all the cash gone and going.

August 6th, 2012, 2:05 pm


ann said:

Twitter account says report on Assad health was hoax – Mon, 6 Aug 2012

MOSCOW, Aug 6 (Reuters) – A Twitter account that carried a message on Monday suggesting Syrian President Bashar al-Assad may have been killed was a “hoax”, the account’s most recent update said.

The earlier message, purporting to be on a Russian interior ministry account, had attributed the reports to Russia’s ambassador in Damascus. Both the embassy and the Interior Ministry denied making any comments on Assad’s condition.


August 6th, 2012, 2:05 pm


jna said:

“August 6 – Gunmen attacked the Catholic monastry of Mar Musa, north of Damascus. The old monastery, that dates from the fourth century, had been sacked but no casualties had been reported to Ansa by sources close the Italian Jesuit founder of the monastic community, father Paolo Dall’Oglio. Sources affirm that nobody within the monastery had been hurt or assaulted, but “the gunmen stole everything they could steal”, including tractors and other agricultural and farming tools.”

“A Syrian rebel group which has claimed responsibility for the kidnapping of 48 Iranians in Damascus said three of its hostages were killed in shelling by government troops on Monday.
Al-Baraa Brigade of the Free Syrian Army announced on its Facebook page that “three of the Iranian prisoners were killed in fierce shelling today in Damascus.” It threatened that its leader, Abdel Nasser Shmeir, would “execute the prisoners who are proven members of the Revolutionary Guard if the shelling continues,” in a statement.”

August 6th, 2012, 2:10 pm


Aldendeshe said:

LOL&LOL. For sure not Dr. Haydar nor Ehsani, both Analyst will Analyze and ask to many questions. Neither a YESSSSSSSSSSSSER man.

August 6th, 2012, 2:14 pm


ann said:

Eastern European wives of Syrians fleeing war

Posted August 6, 2012 at 9:41 a.m., updated August 6, 2012 at 10:38 a.m.

KIEV, Ukraine (AP) – They forged lives of promise in an unfamiliar land. Now war is tearing those lives apart.

Hundreds of Eastern European women married to Syrian men have fled the war with their children in recent weeks as fighting intensifies, splitting up families and leaving them wondering about whether they can ever go back.

Among them is Kseniya Murtada, a 36-year-old Ukrainian who fled Syria last week with two sons, 3 and 5, leaving her husband Aziz in Aleppo, Syria’s biggest city and the focus of a major battle between government and rebel forces.

“Who knows what might happen? This is a war,” said Murtada, who was among about 200 Ukrainians evacuated on a government plane last week. That followed the return of a smaller group last month.

“Our men have stayed there, they will fight, and they will defend their home,” she said. “Some families will be broken; some kids will lose their fathers. But we all live with hope.”

The marriages between Eastern European women and Syrians are believed to number in the thousands. They result from close ties first forged in the 1960s when the Soviet Union, its Eastern European satellite states and the former Yugoslavia began welcoming students from the Middle East and Africa with the aim of spreading their influence around the world through an educated elite.

Yugoslavia was then a leader of the Non-Aligned Movement, which had close ties to the Assad family regime. The Soviet Union had an interest in spreading its political influence in the volatile Middle East. Oleksandr Bogomolov, president of the Kiev-based Center for Middle East Studies, said Soviet authorities encouraged the marriages as a way to gain influence with the Syrian elite since most of the Syrian students came from prominent families.

The tradition has continued since the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991, with Russian, Ukrainian and women from Belarus still eager for better living conditions abroad and husbands who don’t drink, though such marriages abated in the former Yugoslavia during its bloody breakup in the 1990s.

Murtada, who met her husband when he was studying computer engineering in the Ukrainian city of Odessa, was taken by her husband’s charm.

“He was so romantic, always with flowers, always very kind and polite, so I could not but marry him,” she said.

“These women did not land in some village and did not have to struggle for a living,” said Katarzyna Gorak-Sosnowska, a professor in the Department of Arabic and Islamic Studies at the University of Warsaw in Poland. “They are the wives of men educated at European universities, academies.”

Among those who fled in recent days was Biljana Ayoubi, a 53-year-old Serbian mother who left Syria on a Serbian plane with her three children along with nearly 40 others, almost all of them the wives and children of Syrians. To her, there is no doubt who is to blame for the carnage that forced her to leave her husband in Aleppo.

“Americans are to blame. They have been financing the rebels, along with Qatar and Saudi Arabia,” she said, adding that her husband stayed behind because “he did not want to return, he was too proud.”

Ayoubi said she hoped the Syrian army “will win and we will go back” to Aleppo, adding that Assad “has nothing to do” with the carnage.


August 6th, 2012, 2:14 pm


ghufran said:

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I do not know what this guy ate before he issued that brilliant statement but I know it was not Kosher, I smell GCC spices in that stew.

August 6th, 2012, 2:17 pm


ghufran said:

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I could not agree more,but Sayyed Nasrallah did not help Syria and Syrians when he ignored the brutality of the Syrian regime and did not recognize the legitimate demands of Syrians.

August 6th, 2012, 2:24 pm


Aldendeshe said:

Ayoubi said she hoped the Syrian army “will win and we will go back” to Aleppo, adding that Assad “has nothing to do” with the carnage.

Nonsense, she was watching Press T.V. and SANA. Bashar is the President of Syria, he appointed himself after forcing a change in constitutional age limits, and he insisted on being the only leader. He is responsible for this blackest disaster in Syria’s history. Why did SNP have Intel before Syria did? Why his diplomats are so incompetent, what are they doing, why no military, intelligence or Diplomat got fired for being degenerate and failed in their duties after all the budgets allocated to them, Why did he not make quick changes non-cosmetic in nature like Moroccan and Jordanian kings did, he hire the lamest most corrupt people as his right hand men, and now he is not responsible, really!!!!! WHATA B.S.

Have the conspirators not known that they will win in the end, they would have never launched it from the start. And that was all based on assessment of his incompetence and regime inaptness.

August 6th, 2012, 2:33 pm


Citizen said:

No Syrian in sight
A British photographer who was kidnapped in Syria escaped last week. No Syrian was among the thirty who had imprisoned him, but nine of them were his own people.
Kidnapped in Syria
John Cantile, a British freelance photographer, was kidnapped along with his Dutch colleague 19th July and held for a week. Cantile was held captive by the 30 Muslim men of war and many were from Pakistan and Chechnya. Twelve of them spoke English and there were 9 with an accent that reportedly Cantile was obviously from south London.
Strange experience
Cantile describes fugitive newspaper the Sunday Times that he was running, scared, barefoot and handjárnaður, a landscape that reminded the Scottish hálöndin and chased by British youths with Kalashnikov rifles who had been appointed to kill him. He said that when a person is abducted in Syria if he does not expect that there are people who own people do it, let alone that there are Syrian in sight.

August 6th, 2012, 2:34 pm



A new massacre took place at the hands of the criminal scourge of humanity and rejects of the human race, the Shabi7ha, in the town of 7harbanafsa in 7Hama countryside. The objective is to force migration of the Sunni town of 8000.

The 7houla, Treimseh and other massacres targeting this area in particular clearly point out to a deliberate attempt at ethnic cleansing in preparation for plan B.

We say again this plan will not bear fruit and those behind it will be hounded to the inner confines and caves of the mountains.

All of Syria will be liberated from this abomination of the Nazi-like criminals and not a single atom of its soil will be missing no matter what it takes. Let no one entertain any doubts or dreams

-An explosion took place in the radio and TV station in Damascus today.

-Three Iranian terrorists were killed today in Damascus.

-FSA in Aleppo is on the offensive to liberate the Hanano military base and other security installations throughout the city.

August 6th, 2012, 2:35 pm


ann said:

With Gambari Set to Leave Darfur, Tries for OIC or Qatar, Syria Contradictions

By Matthew Russell Lee, Exclusive

UNITED NATIONS, August 6 — The UN and its officials always know which side their bread is buttered on.

Take outgoing Darfur envoy Ibrahim Gambari.

While UN staff complained to Inner City Press that Gambari was flying around looking for his next job, less and less present in El Fasher, despite building a $600,000 house there, Inner City Press held off writing about his job search. Click here for UN confirmation of Inner City Press’ exclusive on Casa Gambari, and a (Gulf) television pick up – video here, from Minute 14:25.

During Gambari’s last appearance at the UN Security Council, Inner City Press asked him a pointed question about this job search. I am exploring all my options, Gambari said. He declined an on-camera stakeout, saying he speak one-on-one later.

Now comes exclusive news to and from Inner City Press that Gambari might like to replace Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu of Turkey as Secretary General of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation. Not only is OIC headquartered in Jeddah — here is the lead of a recent Saudi Gazette article:

“No Muslim leader can unite the Muslim nation like King Abdullah, Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, said Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu, Secretary General of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), during an Okaz Forum held recently and attended by members from the Shoura Council, Syrian National Council.”

The irony in light of OIC’s support, like Saudi Arabia, for anti-Assad rebels in Syria is that Gambari repeatedly had run-ins with Western powers on the Security Council for his closeness first with the Myanmar military government then with Sudan’s International Criminal Court indicted president Omar al Bashir.

But to head OIC, and please its main Saudi backers and host, Gambari would have to be on the same side as the West on Syria.

On the other hand, his historic closeness with Myanmar’s government might get him access, at least, to the country on the issue of the Rohingya. And it could bring a new focus on Boko Haram in Gambari’s native Nigeria.

Gambari’s fall-back position, sources say, would be as some sort of adviser on Africa to the rulers of Qatar, based in Doha to which he traveled so often in his Darfur post. But given Qatar’s position in Libya, and that country’s new leaders’ aversion to sub Saharan Africa, how would a Gambari role play out.


August 6th, 2012, 2:41 pm


irritated said:

#394 Tara

Once the transitional government is formed,

Target date 2014?

August 6th, 2012, 2:46 pm


irritated said:

As expected, get ready for a lot of propaganda ‘events’ and ‘rumors’ such as “massacres”,”bombs”, “defections” etc.. who purpose is to distract the media away from the inevitable end of the armed opposition in Damascus and Aleppo in the total indifference of the whole world.

August 6th, 2012, 2:51 pm


ann said:

Syrian Christians caught between two sides – Aug. 6, 2012

Reports suggest that Syrian Christians are increasingly being targeted for attack by radical Islamists. They’re suspected of loyalty to the Assad regime

As fighting between the Syrian regime and the forces of the opposition has intensified, so has the suffering of the civilian population. Hundreds of thousands of citizens of different political and religious backgrounds have been displaced. Some are still in the country, while others have fled to the border regions in neighboring countries. Among them are many Syrian Christians, who constitute around 10 percent of the population. They fear that, if the uprising against the dictator Bashar al-Assad is successful, they will find themselves on the losing side regardless of whom they support.

Christian refugees from the Syrian city of Kusair recently told a correspondent for Spiegel Online that many of their relatives had been murdered by radical Islamists who had joined the fight against the Assad regime. The refugees spoke of a concerted campaign against the Christian minority. “We are constantly accused of working for the regime,” said a Christian woman whom the magazine spoke to in Lebanon. Initially, she said, they got along well with the rebels, but later on Islamists – most of whom come to Syria from other countries – incited the rebels to turn on the Christians.

Media censorship by the regime makes it almost impossible to corroborate such accounts, but reports of attacks and people being driven out of their homes are becoming increasingly common. A Christian official from Syria, who wishes to remain anonymous for fear of arousing hostility, says that Christians are being accused of supporting the regime. “They were forced to flee certain areas a long time ago,” he told DW’s Arabic Service. “People are saying to them: you have to be either for or against us.”

‘People are very afraid’

The official explains that for many years Christians enjoyed a far better status, and above all greater security, under the Assad regime than their fellow believers did in other Arab countries. “Many of them are now very afraid that a form of political Islam will come to power that regards Christians as just a minority, as dhimmi [non-Muslim subjects] who do not enjoy the same rights and obligations as other citizens.” There is also a growing fear of anti-Christian terror commandos like those that are active in Iraq.

The Syrian sociologist Ishaq Kanaou makes similar observations. “The Christians in Syria are very afraid that Islamic forces will come to power, and that they themselves will become second-class citizens as a result,” Kanaou told DW. “This fear is based, of course, on the experiences of Christians in Egypt, and above all in Iraq, where they have been increasingly marginalized.” Nonetheless, he says that “the majority of Syrian Christians are now on the side of the opposition,” though he adds that they are acting very cautiously as they don’t want to make themselves vulnerable to either side. “Just like other Syrian citizens, the Christians fear the brutality of the regime. But they’re also afraid of radical and extremist groups.”


August 6th, 2012, 2:52 pm


zoo said:

Mores signs of desperation and panic: Rebels use Iranians captives as ‘human shields’ and bargaining chips to save their skin.

Mon Aug 6, 2012 10:08pm IST

Aug 6 (Reuters) – Syrian rebels said three Iranian captives were killed on Monday during an air attack in Damascus province by government forces, and threatened to kill the remaining Iranians in their custody unless the army stopped its attack.

“They were killed when the aircraft attacked. One of the houses they were in collapsed over their heads,” rebel spokesman Moutassam al-Ahmad told Reuters. “We will kill the rest if the army does not stop its assault. They have one hour.”

Ahmad said that a number of rebels were also killed in the attack. “Our losses are bigger than theirs.”

August 6th, 2012, 3:03 pm



We salute the courage of Senators John McCain, Lindsay O. Graham and Joseph I. Liberman for first holding firm to the values upon which the US is founded, and secondly for articulating so eloquently where the interests of the US actually lie in this vital region of the world, the Middle East. They clearly and eloquently proved that US interests and the cherished US values have never coincided so closely as in the case of the Syrian Revolution,

Are there any leaders in the White House who are up to the task?

August 6th, 2012, 3:04 pm


William Scott Scherk said:

The air is so thin in the Baath VIP box, I think Bowel Sydrome has fainted again. The news of the disappearance of the former Syrian Prime Minister Hijab and several unnamed-as-yet officials has brought on a mass fainting spell that only the mysterious Ann seems immune to.

Bronco does raise an important question, where the departing PM is at the moment.

It seems obvious to me that there was an early tip-off of the departure, which meant the news of the defection operation compromised its final steps. The original departure plans to Jordan had to be abandoned, and the hunt is on, to seize Hijab before he gets to Jordan. He faces the full might and vengence of the regime in its death throes.

That a spokesman spoke for Hijab supports my conjecture, and Bronco’s point that the declaration was boilerplate is pertinent; most likely a decision was made in the larger operation to give an official statement in his name. These were likely not his words or were elaborated by ‘official’ speech writers. Were they his opinions? I don’t know. In this case, actions speak louder than boilerplate. The PM is not at his desk, SANA says canned, official aide says defected, quit. He is a wanted man in Syria, subject to the new special terrorist courts and secret execution.

The person who broke the news on Twitter after it leaked stupidly to Facebook underlined that Hijab’s whereabouts are unknown, that at last information, he had not arrived outside. The defection was an operation that involved many people.

Interesting if fraudulent spin is applied to the defection. That he was a cipher or a stooge of Baath authority as a given in the circumstances, yes, this is arguable. That he was not actually in possession of the power invested in him by the constitution of Syria, that he did not and could not choose his own cabinet, that he was a prisoner of the Warbook, that the Security Cabinet overruled anything that the toothless offical power (real cabinet) might emit, that the Baath security state centred on the Assad family is the only power in Syria … all this can be agreed, perhaps.

But the optics, Antoine! This is the hardest actual blow. The paranoia meters are screaming in the Palace. Who in gawd’s name can anyone of the real powers trust right now? Not a one. Not a single cut-out like Hijab can be considered loyal. If an obedient stooge under constant security surveillance is able to slip away … this shows the hollowness of support. The cipher obedience of a Hijab supports the gravity of this defection, despite the spin from SANADounyaRT&Co.


This video uploaded today purports to show two huge rocket bombs fuming flames as they slam into Tremseh from the sky.

This is a war crime. This is ICC exhibit #666s. This is the mad uncontrollable machine ‘led’ by the mute hand-flapper that is committing unspeakable evil upon its peoples.

This is what Hijab is attempting to escape from. Consider him a prisoner of the Assad Warbook who is now in the last tunnel of his personal great escape. If he makes it, he must speak in his own voice, answering all the questions. If the War Machine captures him …

I am atheist, but I utter incantations that he makes it and that he speaks.

In the meantime, I hope that stupefied-by-events Jane Austen fan recovers from his latest fainting spell, and can soon return to his spinning wheel, with a SANAtized tale of No War In Damascus, Hijab got canned, Tremseh deserved a good rocket-cleanse, move along, Bashar Rah Rah.

What hideous mysteries are these final Baath delusion voices on Syria Comment. It fills me with sadness to realize the depth of inhumanity in some Assadist trumpets here. Have they no shame? Have they only hate and scorn in their hearts, these mysterious stateless voices?

August 6th, 2012, 3:09 pm


zoo said:

Despite being guarded by 45 republican guards assigned to his ‘protection’ Ryad Hijab was able run away helped by the FSA.
If this is true, it means than anyone can easily defect, or it was an arranged ‘ runaway…

For Prime Minister Hijab, surrounded by security, the operation would have been far more difficult. Atari said that after the Damascus bombing which killed four of Assad’s top security officials three weeks ago, dozens of soldiers were assigned to watch the prime minister.

“Riyad was in a mosque and after the Friday prayers a colonel came to him, with 45 members of the Republican Guard, and he said ‘We are here to protect you’,” Atari said, adding that plans for his defection had been hatched two months ago.

August 6th, 2012, 3:11 pm



Strange rummors about death of Assad denied by Russian Foreign Ministry.

If he is already resting in peace “Allah yarhamu”

August 6th, 2012, 3:14 pm


ann said:

423. zoo said:

Despite being guarded by 45 republican guards assigned to his ‘protection’ Ryad Hijab was able run away helped by the FSA.
If this is true, it means than anyone can easily defect…

Who cares?!

Thousands of Syrian would love to replace him! 😉

August 6th, 2012, 3:18 pm


ann said:

What Syria needs now is a brave and modern woman prime minister 😉

August 6th, 2012, 3:21 pm



Pro-Assad military experts in Lebanon predict the cleanesning of Aleppo and total control of Assad on Syria in coming days. I never imagined how dirty could be an very important number of lebanese regarding Syria and people of Syria. Every time I came from Damascus to Beirut I felt ashamed about the role of Syria in Lebanon, and I thought I was mistreated because of my procedence. Now I realize the questions is that many lebanese are simply stupid and politically inmature due to their recent history.

I don’t give a penny for the lebanese in political terms. They are lost. Beginning with Jounblatt and ending with Franjieh, and Nasrallah.

I trust much more in Homs, Daraa, Idlib, Aleppo, Deir or Damascus populations’ basic political concepts than in any single lebanse.

August 6th, 2012, 3:22 pm


zoo said:

An FSA officer pompously addresses warnings to Iran…
The opposition denies it’s the FSA but say it’s their anti-shia guests in Syria, Jund al Islam

August 6th, 2012, 3:28 pm


zoo said:

After the “where is Bashar” now

Where is Prince Bandar?
By Pepe Escobar

Was Prince Bandar “Bush”, 63, son of Prince Sultan bin Abdulaziz (perennial Saudi Defense Minister,1963-2001), semi-perennial ambassador to Washington (1983-2005), and secretive jihad financier, killed by a Syrian intelligence death squad?

Thunderous silence prevails on Syrian, Iranian and Arab media (most of it controlled by the Saudis). The same applies for al-Jazeera. This is DEBKA’s somewhat fanciful take.

Dates are crucial. Prince Bandar bin Sultan bin Abdulaziz Al Saud may have pulled off operation “Damascus Volcano” on July 18. He was definitely promoted to head of Saudi intelligence on July 19. And he might have been killed in a bomb attack on the Saudi General Intelligence HQ in
So what happened in Riyadh? A graphic Tehran message to the House of Saud? A rogue suicide bomber? An internal Saudi war? The House of Saud is not talking. And Bandar is not moving.

August 6th, 2012, 3:35 pm



Assad does not appear publicly. He is a coward. His soldiers, regular soldiers aged 18 have to kill their brothers for the sake of Assad. But Assad is hidden in a hole like a rat. What a shame…

Assad thought the country is his property. Assad thought Syria was created by his father, what a fuxxx…. Syria is 6.000 years old or more and Assad is nothing more that a second in Syria’s history.

August 6th, 2012, 3:36 pm


Akbar Palace said:

Spammy Ann is looking for Bravery NewZ

What Syria needs now is a brave and modern woman prime minister


What do you think is more “brave”?:

1.) Lobbing bombs into Syrian population centers?

2.) Stepping down from office to hold multi-party elections?

3.) Fighting for your freedom?

August 6th, 2012, 3:38 pm


Amir in Tel Aviv said:


Where did you disappear? Why did you stop posting?

August 6th, 2012, 3:45 pm


ann said:

428. zoo said:

An FSA officer pompously addresses warnings to Iran…
The opposition denies it’s the FSA but say it’s their anti-shia guests in Syria, Jund al Islam

They’re all DEAD MEN WALKING Zoo. Syria is expediting their desire to go to paradise!

August 6th, 2012, 3:46 pm


William Scott Scherk said:

Missing URL from my last comment. The crime video:

August 6th, 2012, 3:47 pm


Tara said:

Remember the thousands of “supporters” shown to us in Damascus Mnhebak demonstrations? There is a Hijab in every single one of them waiting for his or her chance to defect.

Hijab did not wake up suddenly realizing the regime is a barbaric killing machine, He knew it all along..deep down inside, not just 2months ago…yet like all of us, current supporters and past defectors played along the “Assad lil Aba” theme until a chance knocked itself on his door.

It was perhaps my immigration to the US that made me “defect”. I claim no heroism… Had I been still living in Damascus, I may still be playing Assad lil Abad too all along. Welcome to the republic of fear!

August 6th, 2012, 4:01 pm




You were right, I am not a syrian. My real identity is Bashar Al Assad, an iranian agent in the syrian conspiracy against the arabs.

August 6th, 2012, 4:02 pm



Assad is the new hidden Mahdi, if does not appear never again their followers will create a new religion called “Cheatism”.

August 6th, 2012, 4:07 pm


omen said:

more on defection:

Spokesperson for defected PM Riyadh Hijab claims the regime threatened Hijab to kill him if he didn’t accept the PM post.

this suggests the grip of regime intelligence is crumbling to have allowed this to slip by:

In many meetings with Hijab’s wife, she outspoken in opposition to Assad even after he was appointed as PM.

Hijab & his wife expressed their opposition to Assad in closed doors since he was Agriculture Minster in last Cabinet.

Friends were encouraging PM & his wife to defect, it went w/ top secrecy, some of their friends left with them.

August 6th, 2012, 4:14 pm


ann said:

Propaganda `akbar palace from his boiler news room in `israel

Supporting cold blooded mercenary terrorist killer is not a living!

Get a job!

August 6th, 2012, 4:17 pm



Minhebbakjis are showing a last effort to save their lord’s head.

Where do you come from ? We all know.

Is this total destruction all you can offer ? Yes.

Where do you go ? Nobody knows. Probaly to Tehran.

August 6th, 2012, 4:30 pm


Citizen said:

Israel had foreknowledge of the attack
August 5 Sinai Attack Bears All the Hallmarks of an Israeli False Flag

August 6th, 2012, 4:32 pm


ann said:

Olympic men’s 105kg weightlifting results – 2012-08-07

LONDON, Aug. 6 (Xinhua) — Following are the results of the men’s 105kg division weightlifting competition at the London Olympic Games here on Monday:

1. Oleksiy Torokhtiy, Ukraine, 412kg

2. Navab Nasirshelal, Iran, 411kg

3. Bartlomiej Wojciech Bonk, Poland, 410kg

4. Ruslan Nurudinov, Uzbekistan, 404kg

5. Ivan Efremov,Uzbekistan,401kg

6. Ahed Jughli, Syria, 398kg <==========================

7. Arturs Plesnieks, Latvia, 390kg


August 6th, 2012, 4:32 pm




You shouldn’t worry much about those retards, and they shouldn’t cause you any loss of sleep. Once Syria becomes free, Lebanon will go back to its historical mother and Hizb Zbala sent back to where it belongs, the garbage bin of the mullahs. Remember, Tripoli was always part of the Homs governate, while Bekaa and Beirut were always part of the Cham governate.

August 6th, 2012, 4:33 pm


ann said:

Washington green-lights American donations to Syrian rebels – 06 August, 2012

The US government has permitted its citizens to start donating money to Syria’s opposition, paving the way for direct help from US nationals to the rebel fighters.

­The Syrian Support Group (SSG), a Washington-based organization closely connected to rebel forces, has been granted a license by the US Treasury to begin fundraising on behalf of the opposition.

The move allows the group to provide the rebels with “financial, communications, logistical services otherwise banned” by American sanctions on Syria, the Daily Telegraph reports.

However, the license doesn’t permit the SSG to directly buy weapons.

The organization has already hailed the measure as a “game-changer.”

The group wouldn’t reveal the amount of money it’s raised since the license was granted in late July.

Among the SSG’s other activities is active lobbying for a US-led intervention in Syria by establishing a no-fly zone and demolishing the country’s air defense systems.

Last week, the US boosted its so-called “non-lethal aid” to the rebels, increasing funding by $12 million and bringing the total sum spent on humanitarian aid to $76 million.


August 6th, 2012, 4:40 pm


Akbar Palace said:


Where did you disappear? Why did you stop posting?

Dear Zionist usurper Amir from Tel Aviv,

I have been hanging out at “Walls” (which went quiet due to the bleak news) and also “Qifa Nakbi”. Good dialogue comes in waves; it’s hard to sustain it over many days. Anyway, too many Besho apologists on this website to my liking, however, once in a while, I enjoy asking questions the Menhebaks can’t answer without their small brains popping!

Hope all is well. If you want to chat more, feel free to contact me at [email protected]


August 6th, 2012, 4:43 pm


irritated said:

439. omen

Ref: Ryad Hijab’s wife

What women wants, women gets

August 6th, 2012, 4:50 pm




I do not think we must committ the same old mistakes (Syria anexing Lebanon). Lebanon is Lebanon and Syria is Syria. If each country was respected in its identity and boundaries without agents from Iran inside and medieval christian, sunni and druze feudal warlords everything would work easily and Lebanon and Syria would be commercial, political and cultural partners.

August 6th, 2012, 4:53 pm


irritated said:

443. ann

Excellent score much better than the 82 seconds Saudi judoka.

August 6th, 2012, 4:54 pm


irritated said:

#444 Visitor

Great plan.. the Great Sham and bye bye the Lebanese maronites and the Shias!
Next, unification with Turkey…

August 6th, 2012, 4:56 pm


Tara said:


“What women wants, women gets”

Is that in new Syria?

August 6th, 2012, 4:58 pm


ann said:

449. irritated said:

443. ann

Excellent score much better than the 82 seconds Saudi judoka.

That BIG old FAT saudi judoka gave 7 thumbs down on that Olymic score post!

August 6th, 2012, 4:59 pm


zoo said:

Defected politicians snub Turkey, they prefer to head off straight to a 4 stars hotel in Qatar, the Land of Gas and Malls.
Even the Guardian admits it’s only a propaganda balloon…

Syria’s latest defection: prime minister’s move is PR defeat rather than fatal blow

Riyad Hijab is most high-profile figure to defect but opinion is split over how far move will harm Assad regime
Ian Black, Middle East editor, Monday 6 August 2012 19.20 BST
Syria’s prime minister on Monday became the most high-profile political figure to quit the regime of Bashar al-Assad – a propaganda coup for the opposition as the country’s crisis continued to escalate.
Later Hijab was reported to be heading for the Gulf state of Qatar, an outspoken supporter of the Syrian opposition, to avoid embarrassing Jordan.

The defection is a PR defeat for Assad, but not necessarily one that will have a major impact on the running of the regime. Real power remains with Assad and the coterie of military and security chiefs and relatives who surround him.

August 6th, 2012, 5:05 pm


irritated said:

452. ann

Pity that SUMO wrestling is only for men and requires half nudity…

August 6th, 2012, 5:09 pm



442. Citizen

We all know Hezballah has cellules operating in Egypt, so everything shows that Assad could be behind in order to create fears about MB.

August 6th, 2012, 5:10 pm


irritated said:


It’s universal…

August 6th, 2012, 5:11 pm


Tara said:


Engaging in this conversation about the Saudi athlete like this…and she has nothing to do with any thing?!

August 6th, 2012, 5:15 pm


irritated said:


I didn’t know. Great news… Soon the return of the ????????? in Egypt.

August 6th, 2012, 5:16 pm


jna said:

422. William Scott Scherksaid:
The air is so thin in the Baath VIP box, I think Bowel Sydrome has fainted again.

WSS, could you translate this for those of us who do not speak this language?

August 6th, 2012, 5:18 pm


Mina said:

Democracy? Come back next year!
“The conference also discussed the ongoing struggle between the press syndicate and the Shura Council (Egypt’s upper house of parliament), as the former accuses the Islamist-led upper house of trying to dominate public newspapers through the sub-committee that is designated to appoint new editors-in-chief.”

August 6th, 2012, 5:20 pm



458. irritated

We will probably see before how a new Salahaddin beheads Mr. Assad with their own hands and reduces HA to a Sicily-style mafious gang of nouveau riches.

August 6th, 2012, 5:31 pm


Son of Damascus said:

“Pity that SUMO wrestling is only for men and requires half nudity…”

Pity this irritating buffoon will stoop to low levels to make a point.

Do you get a kick making fun of a 16 year old girl Irritated?

Btw while you are making fun of a 16 year old girl her compatriots won bronze…

August 6th, 2012, 5:32 pm


irritated said:

#457 Tara

I don’t care is she is Sunni, or Shia or Budhist, she is an official representent of a country that oppresses religious minorities and women’s rights and that is sending weapons and money to kill Syrians. Yet no one dare to openly criticize them because they have oil and the USA is their ally.
Do you expect me to applaude her after all the fuss and pressures made on the Olympics so she could perform with the hejab?

If she had thrown off the hejab before the fight as a sign of rebellion against the Saudi conservative society, I would have applauded.

Note from the media

“While that should be the message, it should also be pointed out that much of Saudi Arabia failed to witness Shaherkani’s accomplishment on television because her match took place during prayer time in the country.”

Back home, some hardliners have urged her not to jeopardize her place in the afterlife for a fleeting bit of fame on Earth. Others have warned that she and her family could face ostracism when she goes home.

“Saudi women face widespread restrictions in nearly all aspects of public and private life, particularly under guardianship laws that require them to have a male relative’s permission before they can travel abroad, work, marry, get divorced or even be treated at some hospitals. It is also the only country in the world that forbids women — both Saudi and foreign — from driving. Some women who have challenged the driving ban have even been detained.”

August 6th, 2012, 5:36 pm


Son of Damascus said:


So after you made fun of her for being fat, now you want us to believe you really give a sh*t that her rights are restricted in Saudi Arabia.

What kind of sick logic is that?

August 6th, 2012, 5:39 pm


irritated said:

#459 JNA

I agree with you. We have here high level intellectuals who can’t express themselves plainly.
They think that using James Joyce or Jane Austen style they will impress us more.

August 6th, 2012, 5:41 pm


Aldendeshe said:

@Imad…Where are you man, any news on SN? I will take rumors if that is all you got, even crazy ones usually have some leads. Looks like the Eastern Zionists are up to no good in Mecca.

August 6th, 2012, 5:44 pm


irritated said:

#464 SOD

It’s not my fault if he is obese. I have not seen obese judokas before.
I do have sympathy for her anyway because of her young age and her naivety in being abused by a Saudi PR game.

August 6th, 2012, 5:45 pm


Tara said:


You should cheer her that despite coming from country that oppressed women, she is defying the religious authorities, insisting to compete despite the threat to ostracize her and her family when she returns.

You should cheer her being one of the rare Arab women participating in the Olympic.

And if none above convince you, you should cheer her courage regardless wether her hijab or her cleavage is shown to you.. she is a human being regardless of what is shown.

August 6th, 2012, 5:51 pm


omen said:

nice jujitsu!

exploits obsession against iran, turning arguments on its head, and exposes hypocrisy of u.s. policy.

obama inc. should be embarrassed.

middle east expert, michael singh
via washington institute:



what message does it send to iran that we are not willing to intervene, even in a case like syria, and yet we say the military option is on the table with respect to iran. i don’t think that’s a very credible message when we are not willing to act elsewhere.

also warns “risk of conflict regionalizing.”

August 6th, 2012, 5:54 pm


Son of Damascus said:


So your sensitivity extends to wanting to see a 16 year old girl half naked sumo wrestling?

Come on Irritated either come out and say you are a sick old man that likes little girls or actually recognize you were wrong about something for once.

You were just trying to be the usual smart ass that you are and I know that, but when you decide to pick on 16 year old girl with a rather sadistic chauvinistic approach that is more than just being a smart ass.

And save us you give a sh*t about her rights speech, because if you cared one little bit about her you would have never gone down the sick road you chose.

August 6th, 2012, 5:58 pm


irritated said:

#468 Tara

I pity her and all the women in Saudi Arabia who have to deal with such a retrograde authoritarian government.
The poor girl did not have a say, the Saudi government, in a PR move, made pressure on the Olympics committee about the hejab as they wanted to send a message that that it cared about some’women rights’ but always within the ‘religion’. What a joke…
Now the family is ostracized. Is the government defending them? I don’t not know if there has been any recognition expressed in the official media about that poor girl. I doubt there has been. Do you think all this would help more girls to go to sports or liberate women in KSA?

August 6th, 2012, 6:02 pm


irritated said:

I regret having been so wicked and made fun of the physical appearance of that girl and her failure. I got carried away.
Yet the fact she represents Saudi Arabia, an arrogant country that despise and encourages the killing of Syrians, brings out the worst in me.
In fact I pity her more than anything else to live in such a place.

August 6th, 2012, 6:09 pm


Tara said:


Thank you. That is my guy. 😉

August 6th, 2012, 6:12 pm


omen said:

irritated, you are not allowed to talk about saudi arabia if you are not saudi.

a rule loyalists keep trying to establish.

August 6th, 2012, 6:25 pm


ann said:

Syrian troops gains on ground, clouded by premier defection – 2012-08-07

DAMASCUS, Aug. 6 (Xinhua) — The Syrian troops made achievements Monday in their battles with the armed rebels in northern Aleppo province and elsewhere, the state media said. However, the military gains were overshadowed by the defection of breakaway Prime Minister Riyad Farid Hijab.

The Syrian TV said that armed groups attacked Monday a thermal power plant at the Sufaira area in the eastern part of Aleppo’s countryside, adding that the Syrian troops clashed with the assailants and killed 25 of them.

Also in Aleppo, the government forces clashed with an armed group in al-Martini neighborhood, killing and injuring a number of terrorists and forcing the rest to flee, according to state-run SANA news agency.

Separately, a unit of the Syrian forces clashed with a ” terrorist group” near the Aleppo Science Faculty, killing and injuring a number of terrorists, including snipers stationed on rooftops who were firing at passersby and cars.

The armed forces also confronted a “terrorist” group in Bab al- Hadid area, killing and injuring several of its members, while the authorities clashed with another terrorist group in Aghyour roundabout, leaving many terrorists killed and injured.

In Homs, the authorities clashed with “terrorists” who were attempting to flee al-Khalidiye neighborhood, resulting in the deaths of seven terrorists and the injury of others.

In Telkalakh in Homs countryside, the authorities confronted a “terrorist group” that attempted to attack law-enforcement forces and citizens, killing and injuring several terrorists, according to SANA.

The state news agency also reported confrontations in the southern province of Daraa.

The Syrian TV said that Hijab was sacked of his post and replaced by his deputyOmar Ghalawenji. The Syrian government has downplayed reports about the defection and it’s Information Minister Omran al-Zoubi saidthat Syria is an institutional state and the flight of some personalities, however high-ranking, won’t affect the Syrian state.

In a press statement following the Cabinet session on Monday, al-Zoubi dismissed as untrue reports on some ministers’ defecting, adding that 99 percent of the news broadcast by foreign and Arab media outlets on Syrian personalities or events are “desperate attempts with defined goals.”

Hijab reportedly rejected Sunday to sign a number of agreements with Russia on the selling of Syrian crude oil that would bring about a billion U.S. dollars in revenue to Syria.

The reports quoted one of Hijab’s brother as saying that after declining to sign the agreements with Russian, Hijab was expecting to be arrested under the charge of undermining the country’s economy.


August 6th, 2012, 6:41 pm


ann said:

Corrupting the UN High Commission for Human Rights!

For US, Ban Told Pillay to Quit, Offered DM to S. Africa, of 2 Year Deal & Sri Lanka

By Matthew Russell Lee, Exclusive

UNITED NATIONS, August 6 — After Navi Pillay accepted or was forced to accept a two year than than four year second term as UN High Commission for Human Rights, Inner City Press asked her directly and on camera if this made her less independent, less able to speak out. She declined to answer.

Now Inner City Press has exclusively learned from well placed sources how the two year compromise was reached.

Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, at the direction of the United States and others, told Pillay that she could not have a second term, that to make it look better she herself should resign.

Pillay refused, and threatened to go public.

Other states, most prominently Pillay’s native South Africa, were enlisted to try to find a solution.

In a cynical new low, South Africa was offered the Under Secretary General of Management position ultimately given to Japan’s Yukio Takasu if only South Africa would convince Pillay to leave.

But South Africa refused.

And so the two-year compromise was reached, putting Pillay in a weakened position. Her team and the reportedly herself will now visit Sri Lanka.


August 6th, 2012, 6:56 pm


omen said:

i’ll give it up for bashar. he’s an equal opportunity bomber.

August 6th, 2012, 6:58 pm


Amir in Tel Aviv said:

I thought that Syrian men are hairy. But from watching vids from Syria, it looks like the men are more smooth than hairy.

August 6th, 2012, 7:01 pm


omen said:

you are not supposed to cruise conflict videos for dating material, amir.

although, i have to admit, i’ve been struck by how beautiful syrian women are.

August 6th, 2012, 7:03 pm


zoo said:

Syria grows fragile, Iraq too

If Syria falls apart, the division of Iraq might be imminent. If borders start to change in the region, no one can guess where they will stop.

August 6th, 2012, 7:07 pm



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August 6th, 2012, 7:20 pm


Tara said:

Great rhetoric.  Yet I do not know how can he patch the traditional interpretation of Islam and freedom of women. Would he force muslim women to wear hijab if he is in power?  And if they refuse, would he jail them?  I personally want religion to be a private matter, and if I to have a freedom to vote, I will vote secular.  Please note I am fasting today.

The Muslim Brotherhood wants a future for all Syrians
Those seeking to distort our noble revolution insult the people giving their lives for democracy
Ali al-Bayanouni, Monday 6 August 2012 16.00 EDT

Women must be given ample opportunity to assert themselves so future generations can play their crucial part in this national project.

With regard to transitional justice, we believe that the ruling clique has transgressed all boundaries of aggression, and that the desire for reprisal is inevitable. But our faith emphasises that retribution must be enacted through a fair judicial process. There should be no revenge killings, and we reject the targeting of any group on religious, sectarian or political grounds. We are worried that the international community’s exaggerated reiteration of concern for minorities justifies the slaughter of the majority, and is counterproductive.

We seek to build a state founded on a civil constitution with separation of powers, and where all citizens, men and women, will participate in its governance through the ballot box in a free and fair manner that allows the election of the most capable

August 6th, 2012, 7:20 pm


zoo said:

Arab Spring: The third wave: Morocco and Jordan
By Emad El Din Adeeb

The third wave: the poor monarchies: These regimes are hindered by their geographical circumstances, history, and a lack of resources. They have a weak economy and a high ceiling of demands, with growing calls for more freedom and economic salvation. In these cases, the regime can become threatened firstly by its inability to increase freedom, because if it did so it could face an alarming coup, or secondly by its inability to manage new economic resources to revive the country, reduce unemployment, and improve wages and services. The regime is caught between a rock and a hard place; not being able to provide greater freedom and not being able to improve economic conditions at the same time. These pressures put the cohesion of the entire regime structure at risk. In my opinion, this model applies to the cases of Morocco and Jordan. In this regard, pressure has begun to build on Abdelilah Benkirane’s government in Rabat and Fayez al-Tarawneh’s government in Amman, in a manner that is now impossible to bear. The likeliest outcome is that these men will be sacrificed for the survival of the regime, and to prolong its stay in power.

Therefore, we are in the middle of the second and approaching the third wave of the Arab Spring, which will be even greater and more dangerous!

August 6th, 2012, 7:25 pm


zoo said:

The FSA has decided: Iranians are banned from entering Syria

In a related context, FSA commander Lieutenant Colonel Khalid al-Hamud stressed to Asharq Al-Awsat that “any Iranian is now banned from entering Syria. We will cut down their feet under whatever name they enter with, either as fighters or pilgrims.”

August 6th, 2012, 7:31 pm


zoo said:

Bilad al-Sham: Jihad’s Newest Hot Spot

Syria has become a magnet for the world’s jihadis. It has been attracting them since the start of the crisis, lured by what many believe to be a divine promise that jihad in Bilad al-Sham, Greater Syria, will set the stage for the emergence of the true Islamic state.
Radwan Mortada

According to jihadi sources, the fighters currently operating in Syria include Jordanians, Iraqis, Palestinians, Kuwaitis, Tunisians, Libyans, Saudis and Yemenis, as well as Muslims from non-Arab countries such as Afghanistan and Pakistan. The biggest single contingent of foreign fighters is said to be composed of Lebanese, Jordanian, Iraqi and Palestinians who had previously fought against US forces in Iraq.

But while all Islamist fighters rally under the same banner, they are divided among many factions and schools of thoughts
Leaders of the Free Syrian Army (FSA), including its commander Riyadh al-Asaad, have been strenuously denying that jihadi groups have been fighting under the banner of al-Qaeda in the current battles in Aleppo. When confronted with documentary evidence from the Arab world Western media, they tend to play down their numbers or dismiss them as irrelevant.

August 6th, 2012, 7:34 pm


jna said:

469. omensaid:
“what message does it send to iran that we are not willing to intervene, even in a case like syria, and yet we say the military option is on the table with respect to iran. i don’t think that’s a very credible message when we are not willing to act elsewhere.”

Right, and after all we have timidly limited our recent invasions and occupations to only two of Iran’s bordering countries, while bombing and making military incursions on a third bordering country, all the time arming and financing Iran’s middleeast nemesis to the teeth.

August 6th, 2012, 7:37 pm


zoo said:

SNC confirms Saudi, Qatari weapons in Syria

Published Monday, August 6, 2012

Qatar and Saudi Arabia are giving light arms to Syria’s rebels, a spokeswoman for the opposition SNC confirmed on Monday, calling for more advanced weapons to confront Bashar al-Assad’s regime.

“Rebels on the ground are searching desperately for arms wherever they can find them,” Bassma Kodmani, spokesperson for the external opposition, the Syrian National Council, told France’s Europe 1 radio.

“There are certain countries that are providing light and conventional weapons,” she said.

Asked which countries, Kodmani said: “It is Qatar, Saudi Arabia, it is maybe a little bit Libya with what it has left over from its own battle.”

August 6th, 2012, 7:38 pm


omen said:

jna, the iraq invasion was the greatest gift to iran we could give. they benefited over that folly more than anybody else. u.s. firms didn’t even leave with oil contracts after the deed was done.

August 6th, 2012, 7:48 pm


Uzair8 said:

Some thoughts regarding the PM Hijab defection.

The fight reaching Damascus, even central Damascus (even in recent days), could have played a role in influencing Mr Hijab. Everyone (including MP’s, security forces inner circle, ordinary Damascenes etc) will have heard the fighting and this would have sent home the message that a Tripoli scenario is possible. Damascus could be overun by rebels. The likes of Mr Hijab could be in danger of capture or worse so they must be/have considered/considering defection to save themselves.

Even if they felt the regime forces could hold out and counted out the Tripoli scenario, assassination is a real prospect. Rebels are everywhere, even undercover. Opposition sympathizers will be everywhere. Possibly even in the Presidential Palace, Parliament or State Tv building (bombing of 3rd floor of building).

My point is about the psychological effects of the recent fighting in the heart of the regime (Damascus).

August 6th, 2012, 7:49 pm


omen said:

reviewing an earlier profile of hajib, noticed this:

Deir al-Zour is one of three places where the United Nations wants to open field offices to facilitate the movement of humanitarian aid through Syria.

why deir al-zour? that’s where the oil is. coincidence?

August 6th, 2012, 7:52 pm


Uzair8 said:

Some are saying this defection of Mr Hijab may not have a major impact on the regime. We’ll have to wait and see. Others will comment on that. Put that to one side for now.

This defection will have (and is having a) a major impact in terms of propaganda. For anti-regime it is easier to convince people who have been misled, of the reality.

Regime propagandists and supporters are being exposed for their lies. They are struggling to control the damage and coming up with all sorts of responses in panic. I’ve seen this elsewhere.

With every piece of news coming out from Syria, with every defection we have contradiction of what the regime supporters have been telling the lay people online.

August 6th, 2012, 8:02 pm


Amjad said:

Interesting article in the WSJ on the state of mind of Hizbollah’s rank and file. “Resilience” LOL!

“If it weren’t for Iran’s financial help, people would be voicing their anger,” said Ms. Fouladkar. “We call this money aspirin from Iran.” ”

“My sons all run around saying, ‘Hezbollah, Hezbollah,’ but as soon as they hear gunfire they want to run away and hide,”

August 6th, 2012, 8:14 pm


Uzair8 said:

Good night with George Galloway (Episode 3 Galloway on Syria)
Published on 5 Aug 2012

August 6th, 2012, 8:25 pm


Tara said:

I believe Irritated is a good guy inside. Lots of us get carried away and say things we do not genuinely mean. Only the real manly (or real womanly) are those who acknowledge it. Irritated did not even have to bother responding.

August 6th, 2012, 8:25 pm


omen said:


you have a point about his obvious sectarianism but to go so far as to invoke this:

typical of the use of the well-known taqiyya practice when all else fails, saving the day for another round.

that’s hardly a fair reading. lots of people modify a provocative stance if challenged on it. that’s normal. don’t tie that to a religious thing. juan cole says holding the doctrine of taqiyya over someone’s head (or iran, in foreign policy debates) in order to demonize them is a form of islamophobia.

countering sectarianism with sectarianism wont work. plus, you have to account for the fact that irritated and tara are friends. boundaries get readjusted to maintain a truce.

August 6th, 2012, 8:40 pm


Ghufran said:

Hijab from what I found was not a corrupt guy,his reputation makes it hard for regime supporters to add their usual spin to his defection story. He is an able administrator who realized that he can not function in war zone under the command of an incompetent president. His departure will not have an immediate effect on the war but it weakens a regime that still pretends to represent all Syrians. The SNC is promising its supporters that Syria will witness dramatic developments in the next few days,I hope that does not mean another spectacular assassination or a suicide bombing,Syria needs a pleural government not more bloodshed,I was told that the regime,Iran and Russia are working under the assumption that key figures,including Bashar,will eventually join the list of Syrians who lost their lives in this war,those of you who thinks that Syria’s problems will disappear as soon as Bashar is out of the picture have poor understanding of the nature of this war and the resolve of those who believes that this war is not about Bashar any more,it is about reshaping the whole Middle East,this is much bigger than the figure head whose departure is now ,in a synical way,may actually further the cause of the powers behind him,wake up,grow up and look at the whole picture,this is not ,by any measure, the beginning of the end of this bloody war.

August 6th, 2012, 8:48 pm


Amjad said:

To the regime supporters, something has been puzzling me. You keep maintaining that events in Syria are just a plot to weaken Iran.

And yet, for the life of me, I can’t think of one tangible thing that the Assad regime offers the Iranians in way of support or aid. The aid flows one way; from Tehran to Damascus. The regime has actually become a big drain on the Iranians. Seems to me that the Iranian theocracy only supports the Baathist just to keep up “resistance and resilience and rejectionist” appearances. Obviously the Iranians have never gotten anything tangible in return.

August 6th, 2012, 8:53 pm



496. Omen,
I am relying on an observed pattern. As for the taqiyya invocation, it was not meant to be invoked in the religious sense, because I doubt the person in question is religious.

I invoked it as a well known practice that we are quite familiar with through the centuries, with all due respect to Cole, which has become a cultural adage inherited by those who subscribe to sectarian assabiya and resort to it as the need may entail. Don’t read any religious connotations in my use of the term in his case at least.

I also do not believe that the issue of friendship between him and TARA is relevant in this case.

My comment does not contain any sectarianism. It is a simple narration of facts that can be easily verified. If they happen to touch upon sectarian subjects, that is because of the nature of the topic.

August 6th, 2012, 9:09 pm


omen said:

i want to know if hijab has blood on his hands. an activist i rely on called him a crook. the professor characterized him as honest. which is which?

it’s hard not to read this bio line with cynicism:

Transferred to head the Latakia governorate around the time protests were first reported – credited in state media with negotiating an end to a sit-in

August 6th, 2012, 9:24 pm


DamascusRose said:

Bashar’s days are numbered, there’s real fear among everyone in a position of power in Damascus. The whole regime is ready to collapse like a house of cards. Not many people outside Damascus seem to understand the fear that is gripping everyone who may be considered to be “associated” with the regime. Everyone, and I mean everyone is planning their “escape” plan, some are able to and some have extended family that they fear for their safety if they make the move, but the entire junta is ready to collapse, someone just needs to blow a single puff. I wouldn’t be surprised to wake up tomorrow or the day after to news that he’s been killed in an accident to pave the way for his convenient disappearance. There are high ranking Syrian military officers that have had enough and they’re ready to take matters into their own hands if he doesn’t leave soon, real soon.

August 6th, 2012, 9:41 pm


Syrialover said:


There are a lot of analysts out there who see major problems for Iran with the loss of its inflence in Syria.

Here’s just one example I posted recently:

August 6th, 2012, 9:56 pm




I deleted your Statement in Arabic for insult. Please refrain from using insults and from personalizing the discussion.

SC Moderator

I would make this observation about the so IRRITATED and then a comment to treat his condition.

Notice that the only comments that stimulate a response from him are actually the ones that IRRITATE him most. They all fall into one and the same category, namely, the Alawite-Shiite-Hizb Zbala-Iran.

Here is a list of his most recent IRRITATION:

Comment 418 is a response to comment 415, category: Shabi7ha Alawite will soon be hounded to their caves.

Comment 449 is a response to spam Ann 443, category: bashing arch-enemy Saudi Arabia.

Comment 450 is a response to 450, category:
Alawites and Shiite are perceived to be in danger of annihilation due to a sick mind suffering from HYPER-IRRITATION syndrome.

Comment 445 is a response to 452, category: Again bashing arch-enemy, Saudi Arabia in collusion a mundassah non-Syrian terrorist who espouses killing Syrians as in comment 434.

Comment 454 is a pseudo-dialog in collusion with the same mundassah, category: bashing arch-enemy.

Comment 458 is a response to 455, category: so childishly ecstatic about an imaginary takeover of Egypt by the so-called ??????? or the Shia albatiniyya, exterminated to their last thug by the Egyptians who experienced at their hands the same crimes the Syrians of today are experiencing. More
on this later.

Comment 467 belongs to the same category of bashing the arch-enemy.

Comment 471 is a response to 468, category: lying about concerns of women’s right in Saudi Arabia, his arch-enemy.

Comment 472 is a false coup de grace, category: trying to stay in the game by showing false remorse, typical of the use of the well-known taqiyya practice when all else fails, saving the day for another round.

Now, the thing that will IRRITATE him most is that while the Egyptian Revolution was ongoing, his masters in Tehran were trumpeting that revolution as an extension of their own and that soon enough the next Egyptian President will come crawling to Tehran begging the Iranians to send the Fatimids to Egypt in order to pick-up the cause. That of course would fall in line with the edicts of IRRITATED imam-god when he was whisked to Tehran aboard an Air France aeroplane. The imam-god of IRRITATED told his followers upon arrival the following: Taqiyya now is over. Some may know what taqiyya means, but it will take volumes to explain this term which is usually rendered as dissimulation in English. In short it means guile or the means to achieve your objective by use
of deception and concealment of your true intent if you fear the enemy or if you are outnumbered. What his imam-god meant was now you can declare your intentions in order to achieve your goals. Secondly he told them that the Arabs ruled the Muslims, the Turks ruled the Muslims, the Seljuks ruled the Muslims, and the Mamluks ruled the Muslims. Now it is the time for us to rule the Muslims.

And that was always the GRAND PLAN of Hafez who he used to refer to when corresponding with his mullah-gods.

Hence Saudi Arabia is the arch-enemy of IRRITATED.

Mind you, Saudi Arabia never had plans to rule the Muslims. Of course, they have interests in Islamic countries and they are concerned about the welfare of the Muslims. They always do what they can to help. But KSA is the arch-enemy of IRRITATED because it is the only Muslim country which can bust the falsehoods of his mullah-gods. And that too will take volumes to explain.
So how did the plan, or GRAND PLAN of Hafez go? Unfortunately the neo-Fatimids have lost their way on their way to Egypt, and don’t seem to be able to make it to the country of their
dreams. When Mr. Mursi was elected President the Iranians, immediately, smiled and ground their teeth with invitation to Mr. Mursi to come to Tehran (please, please, please, give us Egypt, we’ll do whatever you want, as if they think Egypt is for sale). But, lo and behold Mr. Mursi went to Riyadh next day to the deep consternations and frustrations of IRRITATED mulla-gods. And what is Mr. Mursi up to now? He wants to build a bridge to Saudi Arabia across the Red Sea as we see here,

Well IRRITATED, that is what the Egyptians are up to now. They do not want your despicable neo-Fatimids. In fact they hate them. And in Syria we tell you the same which we can best say (deleted)???? ???? ??????? ??? ???? ?? ??? ????? ???????

August 6th, 2012, 10:07 pm


Ghufran said:

And who are you exactly mr# 500 to “want to know if Hijab has blood on his hand”, did not you say that you are “nor Muslim nor Syrian” ?
The same question goes to all other “think tanks” on this board who champion freedom and democracy in Syria but not anywhere else like Israel,KSA, Qatar,etc.
Tell us a little,guys, about why you are interested in Syria so we can appreciate your “concerns”.
I could not care about anybody’s name or location,it just changes the conversation when the guy on the other side is a fellow Syrian,whether he is pro or anti regime.
I am not holding my breath for an intelligent answer,it is us the Syrians who are dying and being used,not Arab alma’ez or the Harirites, I have more respect for the self confessed Israelis and Jewss on this board than the herd of Araboids who are getting drunk with the smell of blood and fire.
I have to confess,it feels good sometimes to abandon PC language.

August 6th, 2012, 10:08 pm


Richard said:

Amjad, the Iranians get plenty from Syria. They get a conduit to arm Hezbollah, whose missles in turn serve as a deterent to an Israeli attack on Iran.

August 6th, 2012, 10:09 pm


Tara said:


Sorry but many non-Syrian posters, pro and anti, enrich the conversation enormously. It should be enough admission criteria for any non- Syrian to state that she or he cares about Syria.. That what matters.

August 6th, 2012, 10:19 pm


Ghufran said:

Tara, those people have the right to talk,syrians do not own this blog.
Here is a piece about a Syrian man who may have died without killing anybody,his crime was that he works for Syrian national TV and he was not willing to join the revolution:
??? ???? ?????? ?? ??? ??? ?????? ??? ??? ????? ???? ?????? ??? ?????? ??? ????? ??? ?? ????? ?????? ???????? ??? ???? ????? ??? ???? ??? ?? ??????? ??????????? ?????? ???????. ???? ???? «????????? ?????? ??????» ??? ?????? ??? ????? ???????: «???? ??? ???? ??????? ???? ?????? ?? ???????? ??? ???? ?????? ???? ??????? ???? ?????? ???????? ?? ???? ???????? ?????? ?????? ??? ??????? ??????? ????? ????? ?????? ?????? ??? ???????? ???? ?? ?????? ?? ???????? ?? ????? ????????». ??? ??????? ????? ?? ????? ??????? ????? ????? ?????? ??? ??????? ????????? ?????? ??? ???? ??? ????? ??????? ?????? ??? ?? ??? ???? ?????? ???????? ?????? ??? ????? ?????? ??? ??? ??????? ??????. ???? ???? ?????? ????? ??? ??????? ??????? ??? ??????? ???? ??????? ??? ???? ?? ?????? ???? ???? ??????? ??????? ???? ???? ??? ????? ??? ??????.
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Source: Assafir

August 6th, 2012, 10:24 pm


ann said:

Blast hits Iraq-Turkey oil pipeline – August 07, 2012

ANKARA – An overnight blast in southeastern Turkey interrupted oil flow from Iraq, with Kurdish rebels suspected to be behind the explosions, Turkish and Iraqi authorities said Monday. The blast hit the Kirkuk-Ceyhan pipeline in Mardin province close to Turkey’s border with Syria and repairs are expected to take up to 10 days, an energy ministry official said on customary condition of anonymity. “An act of sabotage inside Turkey targeted a pipeline carrying Iraqi oil to the Turkish port of Ceyhan after midnight,” causing pumping to be stopped, Iraqi oil ministry spokesman Assem Jihad also told AFP.
He insisted that it “will not affect exports and its repair will be completed quickly.”
Iraq’s North Oil Company will switch to pumping through a second pipeline, and exports from Ceyhan are to continue using reserves of oil there, Jihad said.
The incident also sparked a fire that was brought under control on Monday, according to another source from the Turkish ministry, who said that Kurdish rebels were believed to be responsible for the sabotage.
Militants from the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), listed as a terrorist group by Turkey and much of the international community, have sabotaged the pipeline several times in the past as part of an armed campaign against the Ankara government.
The pipeline has also been repeatedly attacked by Sunni Arab insurgents inside Iraq since the US-led invasion of the country in 2003.
The oil flow was again cut last month when a fire erupted in the same Mardin province after a rebel attack.
The 970-kilometre (600-mile) pipeline runs from Iraq’s northern oil hub of Kirkuk to the port of Ceyhan on Turkey’s Mediterranean coast, pumping 450,000 to 500,000 barrels of crude oil per day.


August 6th, 2012, 10:28 pm


Ghufran said:

??? ????? ?????? ????? ???? ??????? ????????? ??? ???????? ??? ???????? ?? “????? ????? ??????? ????? ???? ??? ?????? ?????? ??? ??? ?????? ?????????? ????????? ????? ????? ????? ?????? ????? ??????? ?? ????? ?????”.
????? ????? ????? “????????” ??????? ?? ??????? ??????? ?? ???????? ???????? ??????? ???? ???? ????? ??? ???????? ?? ?????? ???? ????? ?????? ?? ?? ???? ????? ??? ?? “?????? ???? ??? ????? ????????? ?? ??????? ????? ???? ??????? ?? ??????? ???? ???? ????? ??????? ??? ????”.
This move by the regime is likely to be followed by a similar move in northern Lebanon and the Bikaa valley,violence brings violence and this war will not be limited to Syria,peace loving people wanted a national solution to a national problem,hawks on both sides refused,now it is a regional conflict that can only end by a regional solution, most of those who died and will die are tools used by bigger players,syrians are the fuel,but only fools believe that a fire this big can be extinguished with a water hose

August 6th, 2012, 10:53 pm


Aldendeshe said:

???? ???????? – ?? ???? ????? ???? ??? ???? ???? ???? ??? ???? ?? ???? ?? ??? ?????? ????? ????? ???? ????? ????? ?????? ???? ??????? ????? ????? ???? ????? ??????? ?? ????? ???? ?????? ??????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ????? ????? ????? ???? ?????? ???????? ?????? ?????? ????????? ??????? ?????? ???????? ??????? ?? ?????? ?????????? ???????? ? ????? ??? ????????

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August 6th, 2012, 10:57 pm


Ghufran said:

???? ??????? ??????? ???? ???????? ???? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ???? ??????? ??????? ?????? ???? ???? ?? ??? ??? ???? ??? ??????? ????????? ????????? ??????? ???? ??? ???? ???? ??? ??????? ????? ???? ??????? ??????? ??? ??? ?? ????? ?? ????? ??? ??? ?????.
One source said that Hijab went to Qatar through Lebanon, Jordan does not want to be seen as a partner in his defection, I do not believe that makes any difference, Syria from now on will be a continuous source of suspense and speculations for news junkies.

August 6th, 2012, 11:02 pm


Tara said:

Syria: Mig fighter jets bomb Aleppo as rebels dig in
Free Syrian Army strategy seemingly anchored more in hope than vision as regime counter-assault intensifies
The reach of the guerilla force has since extended to what they claim is more than 60% of the city. But the rebels seem to be driven by little more than enthusiasm. Planning to hold their gains in the face of an imminent regime counter-assault is haphazard at best. Strategy seems anchored more in hope than vision.

“What can we do when all these so-called officers run away to Turkey and drink beer in refugee camps,” said Major Abu Firad, who defected to the rebels six weeks ago and has insisted on a new rank of corporal in the unit with which he fights in the suburb of Salahedine.
“Every decision on the ground is up to us,” he said. “These officers who speak on the television from their comfortable camps over the border have no authority to speak for us. If they were real officers they would come back and fight.”
As another rebel group left for the fight on Sunday night, a young student of Sharia law, who had joined the rebel ranks, urged the 30 men in front of him to treat prisoners well and not to harm civilians. “We must be very clear about this. God has told us to behave with honour as warriors.”  The departing rebels in Aleppo had adopted different methods. Screams from some captives, particularly those thought to have been members of the loyalist Shabiha militia, have echoed throughout the night in recent days. Late on Monday one of the alleged spies was brought in, a terrified woman in her late 20s whose hair had been cut leaving unruly strips on an almost bald scalp.

The residents wandering the streets near the schoolhouse hours before breaking their fast didn’t seem to mind that the rebels were leaving.


August 6th, 2012, 11:02 pm


omen said:

503. ghufran: And who are you exactly mr# 500 to “want to know if Hijab has blood on his hand”

a humanist.

uzair was right. with the beloved regime on the verge of collapsing, it’s getting dark in here. witness you-know-who losing his mind last night. (wonder if a cold washcloth on his forehead would have helped.)

loyalists (ironically, reflecting a regime tendency) hate a level playing field, so they try to game a system that will serve their advantage.

people insecure about their argument put up barriers in attempt to limit debate.

people who have nothing to hide aren’t afraid of transparency.

we need outside advocates to champion a free syria to make up for the tens of thousands of regimists who lack a conscience, who have tolerated fellow syrians being abused for decades but who then turn indignant when called out on it.

this type of exclusionary reflex also betrays a type of bigotry that explains how loyalists could have ignored the suffering of victims for so long. “first they came for the catholics, but i wasn’t catholic.”

such defensiveness is a sure sign of a troubled conscience.

poor things. loyalists/apologists lashing out at foreigners when they should be looking into a mirror instead in order to
meditate on how syrians themselves bear responsibility for having enabled things to deteriorate this badly.

blaming everybody from israel to aliens – any and everything – but holding this jacka$$ regime responsible.

August 6th, 2012, 11:04 pm


Ghufran said:

????? ??? ????? ???? ??????????? ????????? ???????? ?????? (Turkish and Saudi IO in Aleppo)
– ????? ????? .. ???? ??????? … ???? ????????? ????? ???????.
– ??? ?????? ?????? .. ??? ?????? ??????? … ???? ?????? .. ???? ???????? .. ???? ????????. ??? ???? ????????? ??????? ?????? ????? ??????????? ???????.
I will believe it when I see it,previous claims were never made public,show us the proof or be quiet.

August 6th, 2012, 11:09 pm



Dear SC Moderator

While I respect your discretion, I have to raise several concerns about your action regarding comment 502.

First, this comment has been reordered in the queue for some reason or another. It should precede comment 495 by OMEN which was a response to my comment which is now behind that response. The original comment appeared before OMEN’s comment as well as TARA’s comment # 494. Therefore my comment which is now # 502 should logically be ahead of 494. And it did appear as such for a while otherwise TARA’s and OMEN’s comments would be meaningless in the current sequence.

Secondly, I responded to OMEN’s comment in 498 and responded to his concerns regarding that same comment. So, again my comment 498 would be illogically queued.

Thirdly, any person who espouses the sick idea of a dream-like takeover of Egypt by so-called ?????????, and continually bashes the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia deserves at the least exactly the same words that you unfortunately deleted.

August 6th, 2012, 11:23 pm


SC Moderator said:


I changed the timing of your comment to bring your attention to my disapproval of using insults and to personalizing the discussion. Posters may not re-read their comments. There is no room for personal insults in a respected debate regardless of what the debater espouses. I thank you for observing SC rules.

August 6th, 2012, 11:34 pm


Dawoud said:


A dictatorial regime cannot reform itself even if it truly tries! Why? The ultimate conclusion to any successful reform is to end tyranny, corruption, and minority (Alawi) rule-which is something that ?? ???? (Bashar the hereditary murderous dictator) could NOT do! His vision for Syria was to have himself being viewed as a “modern” and “reformer” while staying in power for life until Hafez succeeds Bashar, who in turn succeeded Hafez!!

To “Russia Today” Analysts/Commentators From Beirut who also comment here (SC):

The Syrian Revolution would have happened and continued regardless of Saudi, Qatari, U.S., etc. support. Stop talking about the “global conspiracy” because you simply look silly! Hasan Nasrillat’s brainwashing of your brains is making you preposterously ignorant! Get serious intellectual help! I have no doubt that the West and its regional allies have their own agenda, which is not necessarily compatible with Syria’s. However, Syrians-who have given tens of thousands of martyrs-don’t owe anybody anything. Syria is not Libya because it will be Syrians only, not NATO, that will free the country.

Free Syria & Palestine!

August 6th, 2012, 11:42 pm


bronco said:

#496 Ghufran

He is an able administrator who realized that he can not function in war zone under the command of an incompetent president.

No only it is an incredible challenge to manage a government in these circumstances but it is a high risk job for one’s life.
Continuing to provide electricity and water to the citizens with minimum disruption when the power stations are regularly hit by terrorists, managing the pay of the salaries of the civil servants when there is no money in the banks are just some examples of the problems Ryad Hijab had to face.

I guess not many people can handle such intense and long lasting pressure unless they are very strong,determined and commited.
Ryad Hijab may have been a good administrator in peace time but maybe he didn’t have enough nerves and conviction to stay in this job during war time.
It’s understandable. There seem to be many other committed men/women who would not be intimidated and would stay on duty to serve the citizens and their country.

August 6th, 2012, 11:51 pm


irritated said:


What were these pills you recommended? Do they work on psychosis, megalomania and persecution feelings?

August 7th, 2012, 12:03 am


omen said:

500. DAMASCUSROSE said Damascus seem to understand the fear that is gripping everyone who may be considered to be “associated” with the regime. Everyone, and I mean everyone is planning their “escape” plan, some are able to and some have extended family that they fear for their safety if they make the move, but the entire junta is ready to collapse, someone just needs to blow a single puff. I wouldn’t be surprised to wake up tomorrow or the day after to news that he’s been killed in an accident to pave the way for his convenient disappearance. There are high ranking Syrian military officers that have had enough and they’re ready to take matters into their own hands if he doesn’t leave soon, real soon.

something tells me this regime is arrogant and spiteful enough to hide the fact that a coup has already taken place – and is keeping it secret just to deny the opposition the satisfaction of knowing bashar has been toppled and is lying dead somewhere.

August 7th, 2012, 12:05 am



The recent defections show that no one, other than the very few in the very inner Assad circle (Bashar, Maher, and a couple of cousins and RG commanders), trust that the Assads will restore previous order or will last much longer to protect them. See, up until last month, the junta who put Bashar in power thought if they can rally around him, they’ll be able to give him enough strength to lead them (and their interests) through this crisis. It’s no longer the case, there’s no longer trust that he is a person to rally around and there’s belief among the national ba’ath leadership and top military commanders (including high ranking 3alawi officers) that he’ll sell them all out in the end to protect his skin. The threshold of fear of what might happen to them at the hands of the FSA/rebels is now much higher than risking getting caught by the mukhabarat.

And for those who joked earlier about what women want, it’s actually very true. There’s a lot of pressure being put on these men by their wives and MOTHERS to leave or find a solution for their families (Do not underestimate the power of Bashar’s mother and to a lesser extent, Asma, on his decision to throw his hands and run). The women no longer feel safe for their families, some have already fled to their villages and family homes in the countryside.

There are still a lot of very proud and patriotic Syrians in the government and military, they’ve had enough and in the end, they’re not going to allow Bashar and Maher to destroy the country on “their heads” as he likes to brag, it’s over, it’s really over. There are reports that Army generals in Aleppo have refused to carry on orders to attack. The lines in the sand are being drawn. Soon, everyone will notice that the emperor has no clothes. He either runs away in the middle of the night (if he hasn’t already) or he’s going to get killed by someone very close. The real Syrian military leadership is slowly coming to its senses. When this thing unravels (and it’ll be very soon) it will unravel so fast, it’ll be a shock to everyone. There’s probably a Syrian version of Operation Walküre already underway!

As Churchill once said, “Dictators ride to and fro upon tigers which they dare not dismount, And the Tigers are getting hungry!”

August 7th, 2012, 12:14 am


Juergen said:

I know Syrians who have blue eyes and natural blond hair.I used to mock some of them by saying the crusaders must have left your ancesters here.

August 7th, 2012, 12:16 am


bronco said:

#520 Damascusrose

You seem sure of the course of the events. Could you elaborate so we can validate your logic

– How soon is “soon”?
– Will this ‘soon’ be before the outcome of the war in Aleppo or after?
– Will the Syrian army win or loose the war in Aleppo?
– If the army looses the war, what will happen? A military coup? a take over by the 30,000 FSA soldiers of Damascus and Aleppo? a mass murder of the Baath members? A Turkish invasion? What?
– If the army wins the war by pushing the rebels to Turkey, what will happen? a Turkish invasion, NATO invasion? what?

If you can reply to that, then your argumentation would have been meaningful, otherwise it would be categorized as wishful thinking.

August 7th, 2012, 12:34 am


zoo said:

For Many Assad Supporters, Other Paths Appear Riskier

By: Layla M. posted on Sunday, Aug 5, 2012

DAMASCUS — Iraq’s Saddam Hussein had Tikritis. Hosni Mubarak had Egypt’s ruling party elite and their patronage networks. Libya’s Gadhafi had Sirte and a smattering of other towns.

In Syria, a visit here makes clear there is still a sizeable — and perhaps decisive — part of the Syrian population that supports, or at least doesn’t resist, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s rule, although the opposition often gets more media attention.

Some worry about losing jobs, patronage or connections if the Assad regime survives, or even hangs on for a while. Some dread the Iraq scenario: sectarian bloodletting and chaos.

Others fear what might come after Assad: a change in the balance of power between the United States and Iran; a foreign-backed carving up of Syria; and they fear an extremist Sunni Muslim government bent on ridding the country of its Christian and Druze minorities, and a campaign of killing and/or forced relocation of Assad’s Alawite brethren.

“As a Druze, I am frightened that if the authorities in Damascus were toppled the Muslim Brotherhood will take over the country and minorities won’t feel safe anymore,” said Firas Adnan, a 29-year-old engineer from the Damascus neighborhood of Jaramana. “It is very important for us that a secular regime governs Syria to avoid the oppression of minorities.”

“As for the the Free Syrian Army (FSA), I see them as a group of extremists who have no agenda except for toppling the regime and taking over power,” Adnan continued.

The proliferation of arms in residential neighborhoods by masked men casually dressed in civilian clothes has reinforced perceptions among those skeptical of the FSA. The spray-painted anti-Assad slurs all over the capital’s walls and shops have made the city unsightly; neighborhoods have been destroyed following the fighting in, and subsequent FSA retreat from, those areas. Increased reports of the FSA’s violent treatment of Alawites and pro-regime Syrians are all causes for concern.

The video released last week in Aleppo that appeared to show FSA fighters executing more than a dozen accused regime thugs, called shabiha, and Aawayini, meaning collaborators, at a school will not help to win the trust of those Syrians skeptical of the insurgents’ motives. It may also help push some opposition supporters away who are disgusted by the FSA’s real or rumored use of violence.

“They talk about wanting democracy, but I am now too scared to even voice my opinion in public for fear I’ll be called a collaborator and be killed,” a 60-year old retired schoolteacher, named Obeyda, told me over a coffee in her living room in Muhajirin in late July. She used to be very critical of the regime but now she’s more critical of the FSA.

August 7th, 2012, 12:34 am


zoo said:

US, Turkey to discuss transitional process

ANKARA – Hürriyet Daily News

The transition process in Syria and a deadlock in the U.N. Security Council, due to the vetoes of Russia and China, will be at the top of the agenda during a weekend visit to Turkey by the U.S. secretary of state, a Turkish diplomat told the Hürriyet Daily News yesterday.

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s visit to Turkey was put into motion after a telephone conversation between Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdo?an and U.S. President Barack Obama last week. The leaders had spoken to coordinate efforts to accelerate a political transition in Syria, which would include the departure of Bashar al-Assad and a response to the legitimate demands of the Syrian people, a White House statement issued July 30 read.

August 7th, 2012, 12:52 am


Juergen said:

Robert Fisk: Hijab defection drives wedge into fractured party
The increasing defection of Sunni figures drives a wedge into an already fractured Baath

“The Syrian government itself hastily claimed that Hijab had already been dismissed from his job when he ran away – a statement likely to be accepted only by those who still believe in Father Christmas – but Bashar did immediately appoint a successor, Omar Ghalawanji from Tartous, who was already a minister in the administration.”

August 7th, 2012, 1:05 am


Juergen said:

Robert Fisk: Syria’s ancient treasures pulverised
IoS exclusive: The nation’s extraordinarily rich historical heritage is falling victim to the looting of war

“The destruction of Iraq’s heritage in the anarchic aftermath of the Anglo-American invasion of 2003 – the looting of the national museum, the burning of the Koranic library and the wiping out of ancient Sumerian cities – may now be repeated in Syria.”

August 7th, 2012, 1:11 am


Juergen said:

Here is the report Fisk wrote about

Emma Cunliffe

“Damage to the heritage of the country
is damage to the soul of its people and its identity”
Irina Bokova, Director-General of UNESCO

August 7th, 2012, 1:22 am


Juergen said:

Robert Fisk: Assad’s merciless assault risks wiping out both his country’s future – and its past
Long View: We may reflect how ‘the battle for Syria’s history’ has been fought many times before

But Syria’s heritage – our heritage, too – does matter. It will be the property of Syria’s future inhabitants, whoever wins this deplorable, slovenly, cynical battle today. Its message of cultural renewal and of theological persistence and philosophical persuasion is as relevant now as it was 900 years ago. Whoever “wins” – and civil wars rarely have clear winners – should study those manuscripts to learn about human folly. Including their own.–and-its-past-8009052.html

August 7th, 2012, 1:28 am



Comment 520 of DAMASCUSROSE makes a lot of sense. While what is being conveyed in that comment cannot be directly supported, however, examination of the general mood in many capitals in the region and elsewhere all point in support of that comment. The fall of Assad will be dramatic just like a Big Bang and we may not even know perhaps for quite some time after it happens.

Couple days ago a request by the Saudi government was made to the Lebanese government demanding cooperation in the field of security to monitor any transfer of weapons across the borders with Syria in coordination with US security agencies. The demand made a row in Lebanese government circles, with some crying foul that it is an infringement on sovereignty. The Iranian Hizb in particular didn’t like it because it did not specify what type of weapons to monitor, so it felt that it is the target and that its own weapons transfers are intended by this request. But the stakes are so high that one may wonder what the ‘poor’ Lebanese can do to refuse such an ‘order’. Of course the government is in the hands of the Iranian Hizb, and we do not know if the Lebanese will acquiesce to such a Saudi/American demand. But, it is very likely, the Lebanese will eventually think in terms of dollars and sense, particularly if the US and/or KSA hint at targeting the Lebanese economy in the area of banking, trade and so forth.

The following article is in complete agreement with DAMASCUSROSE. The author, an Egyptian, is the editor-in-chief of the semi-official news outlet, al-Riyad, where it appeared,

August 7th, 2012, 1:36 am




You seem sure of the course of the events. Could you elaborate so we can validate your logic

– How soon is “soon”?
– Will this ‘soon’ be before the outcome of the war in Aleppo or after?
– Will the Syrian army win or loose the war in Aleppo?
– If the army looses the war, what will happen? A military coup? a take over by the 30,000 FSA soldiers of Damascus and Aleppo? a mass murder of the Baath members? A Turkish invasion? What?
– If the army wins the war by pushing the rebels to Turkey, what will happen? a Turkish invasion, NATO invasion? what?

If you can reply to that, then your argumentation would have been meaningful, otherwise it would be categorized as wishful thinking.



I base my comments on what I know and who I know, I could be absolutely wrong, but I am not a wishful thinker…

As far as how soon, it could be a matter of days, weeks at most. It’s a personal hunch though so you are free to ignore my comments. Also, I don’t think there will be an Aleppo “battle,” the Army will continue to hold their positions but I don’t think they’ll attack based on what I know. There are real divisions among the generals on the ground and those calling shots in Damascus, Aleppo is not Homs or Hama, there will not be a total assault unless Maher takes his 4th Brigade and heads north himself and that I doubt.

Now to answer your hypotheticals, if the Army does decide to attack the rebels, the rebels will be annihilated. There’s just no match to the firepower, if the Army wanted to win the battle of Aleppo, they will but they’ll lose Aleppo (if that makes sense to you?) and they can’t afford to lose Aleppo or its support. They’re going to rely on the pro-regime Aleppo clans and shabi7a to do the dirty street to street work to keep the rebels at bay as they hold on to the main routes, protect the highways and the Airport. It’ll be a war of attrition – as Bush used to say, “better fight them over there instead of over here”. The regime is not worried about the rebels inside as much as they’re worried about turning Aleppo into another Benghazi. IMO, the Army is there to prevent them from doing so – that is opening a corridor to Turkey and establishing a state within a state. I believe they’re planning for a war of attrition, not a full confrontation.

I believe the rebels made a huge tactical mistake by running to Aleppo, they didn’t need a Benghazi (that was probably a CIA or a Turkish idea) but I’m not a military expert. Nonetheless, the defections will accelerate, all those with connections are reaching out to get a ticket to safety. There’s no longer any confidence that Bashar can lead the country out of the crisis and those in power today will be protected in the future. Videos of captured military and intelligence officers shown on youtube are scaring the crap out of everyone, no one wants to be plucked out of their home or on their way to work by FSA, everyone is hiding and there’s very little command and control left. That’s why I say that when it unravels, it will happen so fast, it’ll shock everyone that the State held up for this long. The rats are abandoning ship, it’s just a matter of time. Bashar and Maher can stick around until the end, and having the 4th division and the Republican Guard on their side can buy them a a year or so but I believe they see the writings on the wall and they’ll flee. I don’t believe Bashar is suicidal, Maher may be, but not Bashar!

August 7th, 2012, 1:46 am


Juergen said:

a couple of thoughts i had yesterday about the defection of Hidshab.

He claimed that through the contact to the FSA ( since the last two months sic) he was able to flee the country with his family. If this is true than the might of the Assad regime is truly fading, the prime minister has contacts with what the regime is calling a bataillon of foreign insurgents and terrorists.

Surely the Assad media immediately implicated that Hischab was fleeing to enrich himself. Does this regime believe that only criminals and corrupt individuals can fulfill high ranking government positions? Does that regime believe that only out of criminal intent one could defect? Surely conscience is not part of their consideration.

I have talked to a relative of Al Sharaa here in Berlin, and it was said that he might be until now with the regime( also under close surveillance) , but that just be a matter of time, his cousin just turned the sides yesterday.

Jürgen Todenhöfers controversial interview with the eyedoctor was subject of this article:

Writer Defends His Handling of Interview With Assad

August 7th, 2012, 1:59 am


omen said:

assad, it’s what’s for dinner.

i didn’t know the saudis did this:

Syria and the Bosnia Fallacy

Too much blood has been spilled to permit any sort of power-sharing arrangement between the regime and the opposition.

One possibility is that Assad and his immediate lieutenants could be killed, either by opposition forces or by elements within the regime that might hope presenting Assad’s head on a plate would help their own negotiations to preserve their lives and property.

One easily could envision a future meeting in Istanbul that would lay the groundwork for replacing the current Syrian Republic with a Syrian Union, based on resurrecting some of the entities that existed during the first part of the French mandate (1920–1936), including separate Alawite and Druze states as well as regional cantons based on Aleppo and Damascus.

Saudi Arabia helped broker an end to the devastating civil war in Lebanon with the Taif Accords in 1989; in principle, a similar agreement, which would recognize Sunni ascendancy in Syria but institutionalize a series of protections for other groups, could be viable and in line with stated Saudi interests and concerns.

If a deal can be facilitated along these lines—however imperfect it may be—then it may be possible to minimize the problems that inevitably will arise in a post-Assad Syria.

August 7th, 2012, 2:00 am


Uzair8 said:

The other day when I heard on the BBC that 20,000 regime troops were massing to assault Aleppo I became worried. I was worried the rebels could be over run and felt that perhaps the rebels should avoid direct confrontations.

We kept hearing throughout the revolution that Turkey was training rebels. I wonder if many of the the rebels in Aleppo are the result of this training and prepared for battle. I hope they are sufficiently trained in tactics and using weapons (sniper, rpg etc).

Once the regime starts the assault, I hope the rebels can stand firm for at least a short time. This maybe enough to cause cracks and defections in the assaulting forces.

August 7th, 2012, 2:03 am


ann said:

Argentina to send humanitarian team to help Syrian refugees – 2012-08-07

BUENOS AIRES, Aug. 6 (Xinhua) — Argentina announced on Monday that it will send a humanitarian team to Iraq’s semi-autonomous region of Kurdistan to help refugees fleeing violence in conflict-torn Syria.

The team, consisting of Argentine humanitarian experts, will be sent to the region in northern Iraq under a regional response plan for Syria which is being coordinated by the the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).

“Due to the crisis in the Syrian Arab Republic since January 2011, the UN High Commissioner asked for the support of our country to manage the Dormiz camp, in Duhok province, in northern Iraq,” the Argentine Foreign Ministry said.

“The UN’s request for reinforcements falls within the

framework of the relationship between Argentina and the UNHCR…defined in the Cooperation Agreement signed between the Argentine Foreign Ministry and the UNHCR,” it said.

The team will develop projects for potable water and sewage, psychological and social counseling and community cohesion in the camp, which currently accomondates an estimated 2,500 refugees.

The Argentinean mission will travel to Amman, Jordan, at the end of this month, before moving to Duhok, which is also spelled Duhuk.

The team is expected to remain at the refugee camp for about one month as requested by the UNHCR.

August 7th, 2012, 2:17 am


Badr said:

From the conclusion of the latest ICG’s report on Syria, Syria’s Mutating Conflict:

…If Alawites cannot find their rightful place in it, Syria will face the likely prospect of instability, civil strife and fragmentation.

The solution is not to be found in some neat confessional or ethnic recipe, a Syria-style “Taef agreement”…

Instead, the solution is to be found in answers to the following
questions: what will the opposition do, today, about retaliatory violence, mounting sectarian killings and creeping fundamentalism? How will it ensure, tomorrow, that the transition includes the Alawites as full-fledged partners? How can it dismantle the structures of the regime without punishing the community that, more than others, depended on it? How creative and forward looking can it be regarding questions of transitional justice, accountability, amnesty and the safeguarding of some current institutions? There are no easy responses…

August 7th, 2012, 2:25 am


ann said:

Terrorists Hang Shiite Child after Killing Family Members – 2012/08/07

Terrorists in Syria hanged a small Shiite child after killing all his family members in Damascus, human rights activists in Iraq unveiled on Monday.

Terrorists in Syria hanged a small Shiite child after killing all his family members in Damascus, human rights activists in Iraq unveiled on Monday.

According to a report by Iraq’s Qanon news website, Iraqi human rights activists said that armed rebel groups attacked the house of a Shiite Iraqi family in the Seyede Zainab neighborhood in the capital city of Damascus, killed all members of the family and hanged the last one, a little child.

The footages and pictures of the rebels’ brutality which surfaced online in the last few days are revealing the terrorist nature and the war crimes of the opposition fighters in Syria.

The massacre is said to have badly damaged the western-backed rebels and opposition forces’ ability to claim the moral high ground in their fight against Damascus and showed their accusations that Syrian President Bashar Assad’s forces are conducting war crimes are nothing but lies.

Meantime, Saudi Wahhabi cleric Mohammad al-Arifi has called on Syrian armed groups to prevent leakage of the pictures and footages of their attacks against Syrian army and civilians.

In his Tweeter page, Arifi asked rebel groups to continue their attacks and intimidation against Syrian people but do not allow a release of the pictures and footages of their operations.

In a similar crime last week, terrorists in Syria brutally executed 15 civilians in the Northwestern city of Aleppo on charges of supporting the Bashar al-Assad government.

The terrorist members of the so-called Free Syrian Army on Tuesday attacked Al Berri family in Bab al-Neirab neighborhood in Aleppo who are famous for their pro-government stances, and kidnapped 15 family members and executed them in front of a local school.


August 7th, 2012, 2:26 am


Juergen said:


if Argentina sends in his humanitarian workers where is they eyedoctors best latin buddy Chavez?m He had send humanitarian aid workers and free oil deliveries to the poor of the US. I assume he is just out when the PR is good for him. In that matter Hallo Presidente, where are you when your syrian buddy needs you?

August 7th, 2012, 2:31 am


Uzair8 said:

Yesterday I commented on the vulnerability of regime tank-carrying lorries with the driver protected only by a glass windscreen.

Just watched this video of an attack on a regime supply convoy resulting in destroying one such lorry.

Also came across a video claiming rebels had found cocaine in a home of a shabeeha.

August 7th, 2012, 2:49 am


ann said:

US responsible for hostages’ lives in Syria: Iran – Aug 7, 2012

TEHRAN: Iran said on Tuesday that it was holding the United States responsible for the lives of 48 of its citizens taken hostage in Syria, following an unconfirmed report by a Syrian rebel group that three of them had been killed by shelling.

The foreign ministry, which transmitted its message through the Swiss embassy in Tehran that handles US interests in the absence of Iran-US diplomatic relations, insisted the 48 were pilgrims, not Revolutionary Guards as the rebels claimed.

“Because of the United States’ manifest support of terrorist groups and the dispatch of weapons to Syria, the United States is responsible for the lives of the 48 Iranian pilgrims abducted in Damascus,” Deputy foreign minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian quoted the letter as saying.

He told the official IRNA news agency that “we expect the countries that are in a way responsible for the events in Syria to take the necessary measures to ensure the safety and lives of the Iranian pilgrims and their return to Iran.”

He stressed that Iran had appealed for help from both Turkey and Qatar, two governments it accuses of arming the Syrian rebels.


August 7th, 2012, 2:58 am


ann said:

Syrian forces clash with insurgents in several Aleppo neighborhoods – Aug 7, 2012

Syrian security forces have clashed with insurgents in several neighborhoods in Syria’s largest city of Aleppo as part of their efforts to clear the city of the armed groups.

Fierce fighting has been underway in Aleppo recently with the foreign-backed insurgents receiving arms and support from several states, including Saudi Arabia.


August 7th, 2012, 3:16 am


ann said:

The Beginning of the End in Syria – August 7, 2012


The Real Deal

There are three fundamental questions that need to be answered if one is to get to the bottom of the murky developments in Syria: a) What led to the escalation of violence in Syria? b) Who constructs the narratives of conflict in the war zone? And, c) Who benefits from the violence? In the wake of a recent expose in The Guardian (Charlie Skelton, The Syrian Opposition: Who’s doing the talking), it is now quite clear that events in Syria are not as indigenous as made out by the mainstream Western media. The rebel movement is a phenomenon that was nurtured and provided momentum by organized external forces, including many Western governments that, for many years, led a focused campaign to topple the Syrian regime. And this is, apparently, all being done to undermine Iran, Syria’s steadfast regional ally and an avowed adversary of the West. The conflict underway is not, quite, for the benefit of the people of Syria, even though it is all meant to seem that way.

In stark contrast to the narrative being propagated by the Western media, there has been some willingness on the part of the regime to settle for a peaceful solution. But a non-violent resolution based on consensus, and one which does not result in Assad’s departure, is not the result that the West is seeking. To achieve what’s being sought, it is important to make the world believe that the regime is resorting to brutality and butchery, and that without external intervention, there would be a massacre in rebel strongholds.

The truth, of course, is that “armed groups” are as engaged in the violent killings in Syria as the ruling dispensation (as acknowledged by Kofi Annan himself). But now that the regime appears fragile, the opposition is keen to press home the advantage and go for the kill. So, regardless of the fact that the onus of ‘restraint’ lies with the military—if only by virtue of it being the more organised force with far greater lethal weaponry—the situation on the ground will not change unless the rebel forces show an equal willingness to scale back violence.

Ironically, both President Assad and the rebels acknowledge that radical Islamic elements are benefiting from the rapidly deteriorating security situation. Yet, all sides–including Syria’s allies Russia and China–are now so heavily invested in the conflict that a ‘negotiated settlement’ is just not an option.

On August 4, at the United Nations General Assembly yesterday, India abstained from voting after failing to rid the original draft of an explicit reference to the July 22 League of Arab States resolution that called upon Al-Assad to step down. There has been a concerted push by the Arab League to by-pass the Security Council completely, ‘grid-locked’ as it is, over the fate of the incumbent regime in Syria. It is, however, becoming increasingly clear that the final moves in this vicious geopolitical battle will not be played in the UN at all. The WMD insinuation by the West, the debate over the impending genocide in Aleppo, and the swelling ranks of refugees, all point to an orchestrated shift in the narrative of the conflict that makes external intervention an ‘inevitability’.

The problem is that while the opposition forces in Syria are gaining in strength, their ranks are divided among numerous groups, with no clear political leadership. Even if President Assad were to step down, the Alawite military machine and its sectarian allies would most likely fight on, holding large parts of territory, leading to a low-level, protracted civil war.


August 7th, 2012, 3:28 am


Uzair8 said:

So defectors (most of the FSA), who defected because they refused to kill fellow syrians, are just as violent against civilians as the regime?

So civilians who rose up against brutality and oppression, eventually taking up arms are just as violent against civilians as the regime?

August 7th, 2012, 3:41 am


Uzair8 said:

Just been reading/watching a couple of annoying Sami Ramadani pieces. A good response to such leftist concerns:

The anti-war left’s concerns over Syria are understandable, but ill-founded

There may have been outside attempts to hijack the Syria uprising, but evidence suggests this is still a popular revolution

Thursday 26 July 2012

August 7th, 2012, 3:51 am


Shami said:

for the Islamophob …
Syria’s post-Assad future is in Gold thank to our proximity to Europe.

As Europe battles its never-ending debt crisis, Turkey, with its flourishing economy, is increasingly attracting the attention of German companies, as well as German-born Turks in search of a job.

August 7th, 2012, 5:45 am


Uzair8 said:

Spending time with the Free Syrian Army in Hatay’s Reyhanl? district

Tuesday, 07 August 2012

[Selected quote]

“We are currently controlling about 60 percent of Syria. Out of 14 provinces, only three (Damascus, al-Hasakah, and Latakia) are under the government’s control. Yet, the public supports us. We have secured the backing of all Arab tribes. Only the Barri tribe and half of the Hadidi tribe continue to support Bashar [al-Assad].”

August 7th, 2012, 5:52 am


Amir in Tel Aviv said:

Here is a person who hates Israel more than he loves the Arabs

He claims that he supports the revolution of the Syrian people against the dictatorship. But he’s against supporting the revolutionaries, because this will damage the “resistance” to Israel. You see the hate and the inner-contradiction?

August 7th, 2012, 6:12 am


mjabali said:

Visitor said:

“Remember, Tripoli was always part of the Homs governate, while Bekaa and Beirut were always part of the Cham governate.”

Actually mr. Visitor Tripoli, Lebanon, was a Christian city. The Muslims ruled it here and there and of course came through invasion and not conversion. The Byzantines and Crusades ruled it as much as Muslims throughout history. The Alawis of Tripoli and the mountains were from the original people of the land, unlike the Sunnis who came with the invasions. It was ruled by the Alawis for many years, read about Bani Ammar. The Sunnis are new comers and the products of the Ottoman years. The sectarian cleansing of the Alawis from that area is known. Ask your man Salah al-Din and the Turks.

Sandro Low: here is a little history tip for you: Salah al-Din is a Kurd who favored his own family, like al-Assad now. He is a war criminal class AAA who killed hundreds of thousands of Shia and Alawis In Egypt and Bilad al-Sham, including Damascus.

Falmin lips junta: stop watching Syrian men. It is a gay affair for you as obvious. I would love you to ask your fans here about their ideas for gay rights in new Syria.

Amjad of Arabia al-Falso: Who taught you history? al-Assads opened the door for the Iranians that was closed for hundreds of years: the right to visit the tombs of the Prophets’ family. In new Syria of course seeing the Iranians going to their religious shrines will be prohibited.

Shami: Turkey is gaining from the money of the Arabs who are afraid to put it in Western banks these days. It is no miracle. I would not invest in Turkey because it is going to war against the Kurds soon. Good luck.

August 7th, 2012, 7:14 am


Akbar Palace said:

Detering Freedom NewZ

504. Richard said:

Amjad, the Iranians get plenty from Syria. They get a conduit to arm Hezbollah, whose missles in turn serve as a deterent to an Israeli attack on Iran.


Do Hezbollah’s missiles also “serve as a deterent to an Israeli attack” on Syria?

Because, if you recall, the IDF destroyed a North Korean built nuclear reactor in Syria, and Hezbollah didn’t lift a finger. Not one missile.

It seems the Hezbos goal right now is more to prop-up the Iranian and Syrian regimes than to “free Palestine”. I imagine the average Lebanese and Syrian isn’t too happy with Hezbollah right now.

August 7th, 2012, 7:21 am


Abc said:

I am commenting from Sydney, Australia, where there was a pro-Assad march. (Amjad in 246 and Syr. Expat in 261 are right. Most of those people have some connection with the Syrian embassy that recently closed here or they are Lebanese followers of Assad’s friends at home.)

Their efforts are very small next to the big anti-Assad demonstrations and fund raising events in Sydney. Our Syrian community with support from friends from Lebanon and Australia are raising many tens of thousands of dollars to help Syrian refugees in Turkey and other victims of Assad. 

Australian people everywhere and the government are angry and disgusted with the Syrian regime. They think those demonstrators supporting Assad are mad and should go back to Syria.

We will have another fundraising Syrian feast in Sydney on 13/8/12 Some of us are also looking at ways to help rebuild the schools and education system Assad has destroyed.

Anyone in this part of the world who wants to come to the dinner or join our efforts can contact

August 7th, 2012, 7:31 am



As Usual mjabali 549 your comment(s) is a combination of misiformation, fabrication of non-existent history and seething with sectarian ignorance.

Do you think we’re dumbasss ignorants???

Nice try!!!

August 7th, 2012, 8:59 am


bronco said:


Thanks for your reply.

So I understand that there will not be an Aleppo war because the army is divided but it will be a war of attrition.
I tend to agree with you that theu may not be an ‘annihilating’ war but I think it is for two reasons different from yours. a) The civilians casualties would be too big as the rebels are in hiding in ‘heavy populated areas’, b) a war of attrition has the advantage that the embattled rebels will ultimately call for a ceasefire when they’ll loose their confidence of winning, thus avoiding a carnage. Yet, the military help given by the West and Turkey are only prolonging this siege.

Now the drawback of a long attrition war is that it takes time and the international and internal pressure is growing on officials to defect as they don’t see the ‘victory’ near. In addition the army is running out of money and their morale may be affected by such war.
You believe that these defections will happen soon enough for the regime to reach the point of ‘loosing’ the allegeance of the army. That’s a big question.
Like in Damascus, in Aleppo, the rebels thought they’ll get a popular uprising that would create a wave to ‘occupy’ the country. It did not happen, quite the opposite. This certainly boosted the confidence of the government and the army that the population of the large cities consider the rebels as invaders and not liberators.
So the psychological dynamics are much more complex than it appears.
You have not elaborated on the aftermath of the massive defection you predicted.
Will the army switch side? if not and it collapses, who will ensure the security of the country, the FSA? The Turkish army?
If the army switch sides will it make a coup to take the power with the help of USA, Qatar an KSA ?

That’s what strategists in the West are worried and supposedly planning for. In view of the complexity, as we are in the dark, they are as well.

Therefore, it is extremely hard to make any short term predictions as most of them have had the opposite result.
We can just watch and see the situation unravel from surprises to surprises.

August 7th, 2012, 9:00 am


zoo said:

Syria: who’s going to jump next?

Last Updated: 12:32 AM, August 7, 2012

Who will jump next? In the wake of Syrian Prime Minister Riad Hijab’s defection, that’s the question making the rounds in Damascus.

Hijab, a high official of the ruling Ba’ath Party, had headed several ministries before being asked by President Bashar al-Assad to lead the government. The highest-ranking political figure to defect so far, he has appealed to other top officials to “abandon this murderous and terrorist regime.”

His spokesman, Muhammad Otri, said Hijab decided to jump ship after failing to persuade Assad to “stop the massacre of Syrian people.”

“As prime minister, Mr. Hijab had worked out a plan to find a political solution to the nation’s tragedy,” Otri said in a phone conversation yesterday. “He became persuaded that Assad can’t change his nature and that Syria must turn a page.”

It’s unclear what Hijab’s “political solution” was, but Otri claimed both Russia and Iran had been informed of its content and vetoed it, insisting on continuation of the “iron fist” strategy to crush the popular uprising.

Iran’s opposition to the plan was relayed to Foreign Minister Walid al-Muallem during a visit to Tehran last week. But now Syrian sources claim that Muallem (a former ambassador to Washington) may well be the next senior official to defect.

Accompanied by two Cabinet ministers, the defecting prime minister has told Jordanian officials that more officials wish to defect but are concerned about family members they’d have to leave behind.

So far, eight Cabinet ministers and 19 members of parliament have joined the uprising, along with other high-ranking defectors, such as former Vice President Abdul-Halim Khaddam.

Read more:

August 7th, 2012, 9:07 am


bronco said:


I noticed you wrote that Bashar could last a “year or so”.

That’s your estimate of when Syria may have a new government?

and having the 4th division and the Republican Guard on their side can buy them a a year or so

August 7th, 2012, 9:15 am


zoo said:

Kurds (Syrians and Turks) suspected of links with the PKK now control Syrian cities and tell Turkey to stay put.

A Kurdish party that is extending its power in northern Syria as President Bashar al-Assad battles an insurgency raging elsewhere, warned Turkey not to interfere in the region where it fears rising separatist militancy along its border.

Turkey is alarmed at the growing influence of the Democratic Union Party (PYD) and suspects it of links with the outlawed Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK).

Saleh Muslim said the Syrian towns of Kobani, Derik and Efrin were now under Kurdish control.

August 7th, 2012, 9:22 am


zoo said:

Assad meets Iran’s security chief, makes TV appearance

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has made a rare TV appearance as state TV broadcast his meeting with Iran’s security chief on Tuesday.

August 7th, 2012, 9:30 am


zoo said:

WHO warns of severe shortages of medicines in Syria

Many of the main makers of pharmaceuticals in Syria have closed down, causing severe shortages of medicines, the World Health Organization (WHO) said on Tuesday. Ninety per cent of Syria’s medicinal drug plants are located in rural Aleppo, Homs and Damascus provinces. They have all suffered substantial damage from the escalation in fighting, WHO spokesman Tarik Jasarevic said. “Many of these plants have now closed down as a result of the ongoing clashes and increased cost of fuel,” he said, as cited by Reuters. The health facilities that have stopped functioning are located in the areas where the urgent need for medical interventions is the most prominent. The Syrian Health Ministry has said that it has lost 200 ambulances over the last few weeks.

August 7th, 2012, 9:31 am


Dawoud said:

To Ehsani:

A dictatorial regime cannot reform itself even if it truly tries! Why? The ultimate conclusion to any successful reform is to end tyranny, corruption, and minority (Alawi) rule-which is something that ?? ???? (Bashar the hereditary murderous dictator) could NOT do! His vision for Syria was to have himself being viewed as a“modern” and “reformer” while staying in power for life until Hafez succeeds Bashar, who in turn succeeded Hafez!! A successful reformist Bashar would have only replicated the experience of a successful reformist Michael Gorbachev. Gorbachev’s ultimate conclusion was the end of the totalitarian imperialist (ask non-Russian Soviets about this) Soviet Empire. A reformist Bashar’s ultimate success would be the end of Syrian Alawi “Ba’athism,” which has essentially relied on a brutal hereditary/dictatorial police state. That’s why the defection of somebody from the air force intelligence ????????? ?????? is MORE important than the defection of a prime minister!

To “Russia Today” Analysts/Commentators From Beirut who also comment here (SC)-one female is usually identified as “researhcer from *******:

The Syrian Revolution would have happened and continued regardless of Saudi, Qatari, U.S., etc. support. Stop talking about the “global conspiracy” because you simply look silly! Hasan Nasrillat’s brainwashing of your brains is making you preposterously ignorant! Get serious intellectual help! Read real history books about Islam and Arabs, instead of wasting your time analyzing and listening to Hasan Nasrillat’s cult-of-personality and self-serving propaganda speeches. I have no doubt that the West and its regional allies have their own agenda, which is not necessarily compatible with Syria’s. However, Syrians-who have given tens of thousands of martyrs-don’t owe anybody anything. Syria is not Libya because it will be Syrians only, not NATO, who will free the country. A future Syria in the post-Assad dictatorship will owe a lot to Hamza al-Khateeb and thousands of Syrian martyrs, and NOTHING significant to the United States (thanks for the communications equipment and the “vetting” of Syrian rebels), Qatar, Saudi Arabia,Timbuktu, etc.!!!!!!!!

Free Syria & Palestine!

August 7th, 2012, 9:37 am


Tara said:

Amazing how all of us share the same memories and same impression.

Syrian journalist on the price of rebellion
As Aleppo awaits its fate and the number of defectors grows, Syrian-born journalist Hassan Hassan reminds readers of The National that rebelling against the Assad regime is “the very definition of audacity”. He recalls an incident from his school days:

One day during my high school studies in Syria, over a decade ago, the school’s administration decided to replace a sport class with a science class to compensate for the absence of a teacher. About half of my classmates rejected the decision (they liked their sport), refused to enter the class and stood outside in protest.

I had never seen the school’s administration more nervous. That negligible act of rebellion compelled the headmaster to come and speak to us personally, armed with what I’d call the Baathist tools of coercion. 

“I know that most of you are good people,” he told us, “but I want you to point out to me the subversive student among you, who I know is an ikhwanji (a pejorative term that refers to a member of the banned Muslim Brotherhood organisation).

“If you do not, I will have to call the Political Security (a branch of the mukhabarat, with an office adjacent to the school)”. That sentence was powerful enough to make us return to class, without uttering a word.

Syrians, he says, do not need to be told by media what the regime is capable of or how it behaves when it is confronted. “They also do not need to be told to fight until the end because they know full well the regime kills and tortures in times of calm, as it does when it is embattled.”

Read more:

August 7th, 2012, 9:45 am


zoo said:

The media war is raging

Disinformation flies in Syria’s growing cyber war
By Peter Apps, Political Risk Correspondent | Reuters – 1 hr 56 mins ago

LONDON (Reuters) – On Sunday, it was a hijacked Reuters twitter feed trying to create the impression of a rebel collapse in Aleppo. On Monday, it was another account purporting to be a Russian diplomat announcing the death in Damascus of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

As the situation on the ground becomes ever more bloody, both sides in Syria are also waging what seems to be an intensifying conflict in cyberspace, often attempting to use misinformation and rumor to tilt the war in reality.

On Friday, Reuters was forced to temporarily shut down its system for posting blogs on after the appearance of a series of unauthorized, and inaccurate, reports citing opposition military reverses in Syria.

On Sunday, the company took similar action to suspend the @ReutersTech twitter account after it appeared to have been seized, renamed and used to send a series of false tweets apparently designed to undermine the rebel Free Syrian Army. Both incidents remain under investigation.

The attacks were not the first time a major media or other organization had been targeted apparently by supporters of Assad. Some – including the defacement of a Harvard University website last year to post a picture of Assad in military uniform — have been claimed by the “Syrian Electronic Army”.

August 7th, 2012, 9:56 am


Amir in Tel Aviv said:

At the same meeting, Sahloul said he asked Assad if he thought Syria was ready for democracy. Assad reportedly said no, citing Syria’s tribal culture and sectarian nature.

Basatneh claimed Assad was not a serious medical student, and only graduated because he was the son of the president.

August 7th, 2012, 10:01 am


Amjad said:

“Assad meets Iran’s security chief, makes TV appearance”

LOL! His brother in law and three security chiefs get killed, and he doesn’t make an appearance.

His capital and second largest city get attacked, and he doesn’t make an appearance.

Tens of thousands of deaths, and he doesn’t deign to make an appearance.

But when his Ayatollah masters show up at his doorstep, he suddenly has all the time in the world to make an appearance. This man’s contempt for his own people is disgusting. Lion? More like the Ayatollahs’ puppy.

ABC, thank you for letting us know. Even from the videos it was obvious that the pro-Assad demo was tiny compared to the total number of Syrians in Sydney. That flag took up more space than the number of demonstrators. Please keep us informed on your efforts so we can help get the word out.

August 7th, 2012, 10:02 am


Amjad said:

Despite repeated requests to the menhebakjis on Twitter and other websites, no one has been able to adequately explain what benefit Iran derives from its alliance with the Baathist regime. The best that anyone can come up with is that Syria is part of Iran’s supply line to Hizbollah.

And yet look at what Angry Batekh has to say in Hizbollah’s newspaper;

Apparently, according to Abu Khalil, Syria has been shackling and restraining Hizbollah, and doesn’t supply Nasrallah with squat. Once the regime falls, Hizbollah will, apparently, be free to totally dominate Lebanon.

It appears that Iranian support for the regime comes down to two things; narrow, sectarian motives, and prestige. Because the fall of the regime will be *perceived* to be a blow to Iran, the Iranians cannot let that happen. It’s the same kind of stupidity that drove Hitler to waste so much of his manpower on capturing Stalingrad. Being blinded by pride and acting contrary to all sensible strategic considerations is something the Fuhrer and Ayatollahs have in common.

Just heard on the BBC that the Iranians almost boycotted London 2012 games because they thought that the games’ logo spelled out “Zion”. Seriously, the warped sense of reality these people live in makes them impossible to co-exist with.

August 7th, 2012, 10:17 am


zoo said:

Alawite filmmaker assassinated in Damascus
AFP – 14 hrs ago

An Alawite film director was assassinated near his home on the outskirts of Damascus, Syria’s General Cinema Institute said on Tuesday.

“Treacherous hands assassinated” Bassam Mohieddin on Sunday, the institute said in a statement, adding the killing took place in Jdaidet Artuz, scene of recent clashes between troops and rebels.

Rami Abdel Rahman, director of the Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, confirmed the assassination.

Born in 1955 in the coastal city of Tartus, Mohieddin held an MA in filmmaking and television from the National Academy of Film and Theatre Arts in Sofia, Bulgaria.

Mohieddin was a member of the Alawite offshoot of Shitte Islam to which President Bashar al-Assad belongs. The majority of Syria’s population is Sunni Muslim.

Rights watchdogs have expressed fears that the Syrian uprising — in which more than 21,000 people have been killed since March 2011 — is becoming increasingly sectarian.

August 7th, 2012, 10:53 am


zoo said:

Push by Syrian Rebels Opens Space for Foreign Journalists to Report on Conflict

As my colleagues Damien Cave and Hwaida Saad report, the White House said on Monday that President Bashar al-Assad’s “grip on power is loosening,” amid continued fighting on the streets of Syria’s commercial capital, Aleppo, and the defection of the country’s prime minister.

While forces loyal to Mr. Assad appear unlikely to give up their effort to crush the uprising anytime soon, one tangible sign of a tilt in the balance of power is the increasing number and frequency of reports from foreign journalists who have managed to enter Syria without government permission. After months of being forced to piece together a rough sense of events in Syria by comparing footage posted online by opposition activists with reports broadcast on state-run channels, several foreign news organizations have placed correspondents on the front lines of the battle for control of Syria’s two largest cities, Aleppo and Damascus, in recent weeks.

In just the past few days, reporters like Javier Espinosa of El Mundo, Martin Chulov of The Guardian, Hadeel Al Shalchi of Reuters and Ben Wedeman of CNN have offered vivid descriptions of the battle for Aleppo. Farther south, barely three miles from the presidential palace in Damascus, Paul Wood and Fred Scott of the BBC filed a remarkable video report on Monday, showing young rebels training on the outskirts of the capital.

August 7th, 2012, 10:53 am



AMJAD 565,

For God sake , AMJAD, why don’t you think for a minute the way these menhebkji think in order to understand their twisted logic?

Think ?????

That is go back 1000 years in history in order to set things straight. Because history went wrong THEN and needs to be corrected NOW.

Time travel. As simple as that. May be you cannot do time travel but they CAN (there, eat your heat out).

Don’t you see it?

Knomeini said it plainly in the open, and HAFEZ was always working for that elusive GRAND PLAN with his master-imam-gods.

?? ?????? ?? ??????? ????

But this is one menhebkji objective to which foresaking the taqiyya does not yet apply as Khomaini ordained in 1981. That step still awaits the instructions from HIGHER AUTHORITIES which will miraculously from the unseen when proper conditions make it possible.

Hence no tweets will ever give you the answer you’re seeking.

August 7th, 2012, 11:02 am


ghufran said:

????? ????? “??? ?????? ??????????” ??? ??????? ????? ???? ????? ?? ?????? ??????? ???? ??????? ???? “????? ??????” ????? ??????? ????? ???????? “?? ?????? ??????? ??????? ????? ????? ?? ????? ?????? ?????? ???????”? ????? “?? ????? ????? ???? ????? ????? ?? ??????? ??? ???????”.
The Kurd-Turkey problem will only get worse as the Syrian state continues to deteriorate.

August 7th, 2012, 11:02 am


ghufran said:

I agree that Bashar has lost the trust of Alawi officers but that is not comforting enough because those officers are left with nothing, they are getting killed and chased by thugs and FSA alike,and they have no future as of now ,thanks to a fractured and dishonest opposition,that leaves Syria with bad choices especially if the FSA refuses to accommodate those officers and insist on the “winner takes all” war mentality.
Bashar is not the issue any more,the issue is hundred of thousands of armed alawites and their families.

August 7th, 2012, 11:16 am


Aldendeshe said:

Despite repeated requests to the menhebakjis on Twitter and other websites, no one has been able to adequately explain what benefit Iran derives from its alliance with the Baathist regime. The best that anyone can come up with is that Syria is part of Iran’s supply line to Hizbollah.

Arming Hizbollah is the minor benefit. Both Assad and Hizbollah told Iran not to expect neither to get involved in attack on Israel in the event of an Israeli attack on Iran. Assad said Syria is too weak and poor to do so and that Iran is rich and strong enough to fend for itsef.

The main reason is that Iran would not want a Sunni rule in Syria. There is really no other reason for it. They tried to talk to Sunnis in Syria, but the LLAIMO talked to the MB and others who basically thinks of Shia not more than devil worshipers and opted for relaton with Israel. So they have no one in Syria but Assad.

August 7th, 2012, 11:25 am


Observer said:

First here is the report from Amnesty about Satellite images of Aleppo counting 600 artillery craters so far

Second ZOO tells us of an Alawi filmmaker that was killed.

I wonder why the label Alawi? How many Sunnis and Christians and Druze and Kurds and Sircassians and Assyrians and just plain Syrians? How many Palestinians died when the mortar shells landed in Yarmouk and how many Lebanese died and disappeared in Lebanon while the glorious troops of the heroic resistance army was there?

Tell us ZOO the victim being Alawi makes him more valuable in you mind?

August 7th, 2012, 11:28 am


Observer said:

Some distraction tactics to point to today:

A church was burned in Nigeria

A sikh temple was attacked in Wisconsin

A gunman opened fire at the relese of Batman

Two satellites lost in the failed attempt by Russia’s rocket

Six police killed in Chechnya

Judoka from KSA wears a veil for the competition

The Fed is to keep interest rates

Unemployment is down

What else are we going to be spamed and distracted with by the pro regime trolls?

Oh Hijab defected but he was replaced. After all another prop defected so no big deal right?

We all knew he was just a shoe shine boy in the house of Corleone.

Iran to the rescue, Iran will not permit the end of the resistance front, Iran is inviting “responsible” countries to a meeting on Thursday to discuss Syria.

Now is this not interference in the internal affairs of Syria?

Outside forces and fronts are arming the rebels and Russia and China and Iran are doing…… sitting?

Syrian Hamster for President

Cheers the germs are eating up the regime

August 7th, 2012, 11:34 am


zoo said:

#573 Observer

Ask the newspaper why they mentioned he is alawite and ask yourself why the western media does that all the time .

August 7th, 2012, 11:54 am


zoo said:

A Voice of Islamic Rationalist Reason

Dr. Bassam Tahhan, a Syrian-born French professor of Arabic literature, teaches at the prestigious Henri IV secondary school in Paris and is an expert on the Koran. In his numerous lectures and interviews, he advocates “Protestant Islam,” which he defines as Islam that allows freedom of thought and permits questioning the Sunna, abrogating hadiths not grounded in the Koran, and reinterpreting the Koran in light of modern values. Tahhan recently attended a UNESCO conference on human rights in Morocco, where he gave the following interview to the independent French-language Moroccan daily Telquel:(1)

August 7th, 2012, 12:05 pm


zoo said:

The UAE: Holding Back the Tide
By Kristian Coates Ulrichsen

The arrest and detention of 54 political and human rights activists in the United Arab Emirates has thrown the spotlight on one of the most autocratic and least institutionalised Persian Gulf monarchies. Championed by their western security partners as an oasis of relative stability in a sea of regional upheaval, Gulf rulers have in reality been profoundly shaken by rising participatory demands and calls for political reform. Initial policy responses focused on intensifying the ‘politics of patronage’ by announcing massive welfare packages worth billions of dollars, and creating tens of thousands of new jobs for under- and unemployed nationals. However, these notably failed to quell dissenting voices or address the underlying socio-economic and political drivers of discontent. In all six Gulf States, rulers have instead turned to repression to compensate for the failure of redistributive measures to preserve their power and privileges.

This depressing turn of events has momentous consequences for the sustainability of the social contract binding states and societies in the Gulf together. It also calls into question the judgement of international institutions that bought into the benevolent ‘images’ so carefully promoted by ruling elites.

August 7th, 2012, 12:26 pm


zoo said:

Washington’s Myopic View of Egypt
Published: August 7, 2012

Lost in Washington’s myopic focus on democratic transition is an understanding of the socioeconomic problems that brought Egyptians into the streets last year and how to help the country address them. For American politicians watching the revolution on television, the protests looked like pro-democracy demonstrations. But in Cairo’s Tahrir square, the reality was much different.

During the 18-day uprising Egyptians shared with me a litany of grievances ranging from a lack of affordable housing to poor health services. What united the disparate groups was exasperation with a Mubarak regime that had long lost touch with its citizenry, and instead enriched its political supporters.
Moreover, Washington’s constant queries about Cairo’s position concerning the peace treaty with Israel are self-defeating. If Egypt’s economic situation deteriorates, and the new government cannot meet the needs of its citizens, populist politicians will arise claiming they can.

August 7th, 2012, 12:31 pm


zoo said:

Iran’s Jalili reiterates full support for ‘vital partner’

Mr Jalili was quoted as saying: “Iran will not allow the axis of resistance, of which it considers Syria to be an essential part, to be broken in any way.”

Correspondents say “axis of resistance” refers to Iran, Syria, Hezbollah in Lebanon and the Palestinian Islamist group Hamas in Gaza.

Tehran says it is planning an international meeting on Syria on Thursday.

It is also trying to secure the release of a group of Iranians abducted by rebels from a bus in Damascus on Saturday.

As well as Mr Jalili’s visit to Damascus, Iranian Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi is holding talks in the Turkish capital, Ankara.

August 7th, 2012, 12:37 pm


Tara said:

Why has the Saudi king invited Ahmadinejad to the Syria summit?
A diplomatic resolution looks unlikely in Syria, but in the realm of Saudi politics, a personal invitation from the king is symbolically important
Jane Kinninmont
Tuesday 7 August 2012 09.56 EDT
Ahmadinejad’s visit, which an aide has said will go ahead, is a rare one. He last visited Saudi Arabia in 2007, at a time when the Gulf states were trying so hard to reach out to Iran that Qatar even invited him to join in the annual summit of the Gulf Co-operation Council (the regional organisation representing the six Gulf Arab monarchies, which was founded in 1981 partly in response to the perceived threat of the Iranian revolution).

Although there is a long history of rivalry and competition between the Gulf Arab countries and Iran, relations have not always been so conflicted. Back in 2008, Ahmadinejad visited Bahrain and signed an agreement for Iran to supply Bahrain with natural gas. The deal, which seems almost unthinkable today, never materialised.

By contrast, Ahmadinejad’s most recent foray to the other side of the Gulf was in April, when he toured Abu Musa, an island occupied by Iran but claimed by the UAE. This prompted fury in the Gulf monarchies, where rulers saw it as a sign of Iranian expansionist tendencies, and were frustrated by the lack of reaction from their western allies (who were preparing for talks with Iran over the nuclear issue and who are not deeply engaged on the islands issue).

It is in Syria that the Saudi-Iranian confrontation has become the most pronounced and dangerous, but the two are competing for influence in the wider region. They back rival camps in Iraq, Lebanon, and to some extent Yemen and the Palestinian territories (though Hamas has always had some support in the Gulf and is now distancing itself from both Iran and Syria). They are also at odds over the treatment of Shia protesters in Bahrain and Saudi Arabia’s own eastern province. Saudi officials routinely suggest that Iran is fomenting the protests in both cases.

For its part, Iran’s interests seem to be best served by giving only moral support to the protesters, so it can sit back and watch its rivals challenged from within, without the kind of direct involvement that could spark retaliation.

Both Iran and Saudi Arabia are effective exploiters of “soft power”, making use of their various media channels and religious networks to try to discredit the other.
In Lebanon, in 2008 and 2009, the confrontation between the Saudi-backed 14 March alliance and the Iranian-backed 8 March alliance occasionally looked like it could lead to renewed civil conflict. But there, the rival factions stepped back from the brink, negotiating power-sharing agreements before and after the 2009 elections.

This would be far harder to achieve in Syria, with its daily bloodshed and its asymmetry of forces, but the cost of conflict is high enough for any remaining diplomatic options to be worth exploring.

August 7th, 2012, 12:41 pm


Syrian Natonalist Party said:

????? ????? ?? ?? ??????? ?????? ????? ???? ?? ???? ?????

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August 7th, 2012, 12:43 pm


Syrian Natonalist Party said:

Islam faced with one more enemy: the Jewish-Zionist House of Saud, read the fact about Zionism best kept secret to destroy Islam and the Moslem Nation from within. The enemy within Islam is much more than the obvious British sponsored and paid Zionist-Shia Ayatollah’s in Iran. Read, click the link to read about Zionism best kept secret:

August 7th, 2012, 12:52 pm


Tara said:


Yes. Clozaril works in resistant schizophrenia and all the conditions you mentioned. It would be interesting to see if it has any indication for use in super acute Mnhebakism….wouldn’t be awesome? You give mnhebak a pill and suddenly he sees the truth…

August 7th, 2012, 1:10 pm


erin said:

OK OK we got it.
everyone except the Syrian wants a regime change, at any cost.
it seems the more the syrian die the better chance of regime change to be replaced by another dictator or another backward regime follows the retard mentality of the wahabism of the KSA.
put Syria 50 years back.
It reminds me of Abdel Nassar when he told the MB leader, you want to put Veil on 10 million women in Egypt, but your daughter in second year medical school refuse to wear it.
hypocricy at best by the KSA and the MB devils.
puting back Syria backward is the goal here and the phony democracy being promised is not worth the pappers being written on.
I am not a pro regime but it seems the MB insisting on destroying Syira in thier own way, Assad can claim ” do you miss me now”.

August 7th, 2012, 1:18 pm


Observer said:

ZOO I asked you what you think not what the report says.

Also what are these points you make about what is happening outside of Syria, what do we care about at this moment regarding Tunisia or Egypt or UAE or KSA or Lybia or Yemen when Fredo is using heavy weapons against towns and villages? Why the distraction or do you think they are related? If they are please tell us how and in what way and why do you assign importance to those reports?

Or is it a world wide conspiracy?

So Iran is not going to permit the break up of the axis of resistance?

Let them find chicken first in Tehran then we can discuss their so called resistance.

August 7th, 2012, 1:27 pm


Observer said:

Now ZOO and ANN this is a post worth putting on:

Here he is saying the solution is through democracy, as if Iran was the exemplar of democracy. Granted they are better than Syria and many other Arab countries but in the first item of the constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran it says:
Sovereignty belongs to GOD.

Now this stooge is talking democracy. This is because the knife is approaching the neck or should i say germ resistance is complete.

August 7th, 2012, 1:34 pm


erin said:

That’s the teaching of Wahabi and the future of new arab generation.
backward retard mentality with stupid ideology belonges to the stone age.
I guess as Dr. Tahan said we need a protestant Islam to liberate the muslims.

August 7th, 2012, 1:40 pm


Aldendeshe said:


The looooooosers has no chance at regime change in Syria. All experts already have written off the deal. They need a face saving exit now that is why Zionist Bedouins illegally occupying Arabia as well as the Eastern Zionists Mullahs, illegally occupying Persia, are at it with emergency meetings. It finally sunk in that they are not much more than loooooooooosers. Like you, I am not a Baathist supporter, am for Syria supporter, and genuinely believe that the only solution now is for the Moslem Fighters all over the world, to ease off Syria or (regroup in Syria off limit-strike a deal with Assad) and start planning for the removal of the filth that is restricted them first the Trio of Zionist regimes in the Middle East. Let’s get Muwaiya army set up and move to take control of those oil fields and wealth to feed the impoverished one billion Moslems before they all revolt and the world goes to KAKA.

Henry Kissinger a famous Zionists did something really goodness in his life, maybe inadvertently, he brought incredible future for more than 1bilion Chinese shackled by communism. Today China is the leading economic power house of the earth. It is time to get rid of those old regimes and launch a New World Order for the 1 billion living in the Moslem World. We need to discard for once the special interest groups and send them to the dust bin of history.

August 7th, 2012, 1:45 pm


Erin said:

it is very funny that miss Peggy today annouces that she is worried of the Alaqaida in Syria that’s the most pathetic statment can someone come up with.
it is funny the USA funnels and brings Al Qaida in Syria to kill the best of the Syrians but then USA is worried about the presence of Al Qaida in Syria.
doens’t make sense that USA is working with Al Qaida to topple Assad, yes Assad may go but the next deal is not done for decades and more killing is awaiting syria for decades to come, New Somalie will be an appropriate name for Syria.
or better the new Yemen is not much better.
well it is only human beings been killed, there are lots to replace and at cheap cost. it is not as important to the west as the animals who were killed in Hatii earthquack, or in Japan, or in Africa.

August 7th, 2012, 1:47 pm


Amir in Tel Aviv said:

From Zero Problems With Neighbors, to zero neighbors who we don’t have problems with.

Ankara strongly condemns Iran threats against Turkey

Turkey’s Foreign Ministry on Tuesday condemned comments by an Iranian official blaming Ankara for the bloodshed in Syria and warning Turkey it would be next, as unacceptable and inappropriate, and urged Iran to honor its ties as neighbors.

The strongly worded statement by the Turkish Foreign Ministry was a response to recent threats and statements by Iranian officials over Turkey’s policies on Syria.

August 7th, 2012, 2:27 pm


zoo said:

585. Observer

What is happening in Syria is linked and impacted by everything happening in the region. I am surprised that you still think it in just a Syrian internal problem when all the media including Ban Ki Moon admit that the crisis goes much beyond Syria.

Remember the Arab spring started in Tunisia.

August 7th, 2012, 2:46 pm


irritated said:

591. Amir in Tel Aviv

More barking from the US poodle…

August 7th, 2012, 2:48 pm


zoo said:

#580 Tara

Why has the Saudi king invited Ahmadinejad to the Syria summit?

It is not a Syria summit, it is an emergency “Islamic solidarity” summit in Mecca as KSA is worried about the increased divisions among moslems.

Iran’s Ahmadinejad to Attend Mecca Summit Next Week, Office Says
By Yeganeh Salehi on August 06, 2012

Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad will take part in an Islamic solidarity summit in Mecca next week following an invitation from Saudi Arabia’s King Abdullah, the official Islamic Republic News Agency reported, citing the president’s office.

Ahmadinejad will be present in the “emergency summit” on Aug. 14-15 that’s aimed at reviewing developments in Arab countries, Mohammad-Reza Forghani, director for international affairs at Ahmadinejad’s office said, according to IRNA. .

August 7th, 2012, 2:53 pm


zoo said:

585. Observer:

ZOO I asked you what you think not what the report says.

Only the non-Syrian news mentioned the killed movie maker is Alawite, the Syrian news did not.

It speaks for itself on what game the foreign media plays.

August 7th, 2012, 2:57 pm


Tara said:


I just hope that king Abdullah and Ahmadinejad just charm each other during the summit and agree on effective peaceful transition of power.

August 7th, 2012, 3:01 pm


Observer said:

At this time Egypt and Tunisia are pre occupied with their own revolution and consolidation and building of the new country.
In terms of regional interference, there is Russian and Iranian on the one hand and Gulf and West on the other hand so bringint news from some is understandable but putting spam news is actually avoiding the debate on the real happenings on the ground.

Defections, massacres, deprivation, food, fuel, and economic situation in Syria are by far much more relevant that trolling for news in Tunisia and Egypt.

Let me point out to you that the recent bombings in Iraq that killed and injured hundreds in one day did not even make it into the news here in the US. The public here has tuned out this region for good and there is no need for you to think that the US or its administration gives a hoot about Syria. They just want a few things, mainly for Israel and for chemical weapons they do not even think that Iran is a threat.

These regimes are nothing more than a threat to their own people.

August 7th, 2012, 3:12 pm


bronco said:

#590. Erin

It seems the Saudis have historically a stronger suspicion toward the Moslem Brotherhood than they have toward Iran.
They are now very concerned by the Moslem Brotherhood ascension to power in several moslem countries and their acceptance by the USA and EU as a ‘moderate’ and ‘democratic’ Islam. They worry it may roll on them by giving more liberal ideas to its people and therefore destroy the family managed system of KSA.
Their strategy is to buy these countries out with money and in the same time use Iran as a barrier against this ‘moderate’ islam that Turkey and West are promoting in the Arab spring countries.

Saudi Arabia would rather have a secular government rather that the Moslem Brotherhood in Arab countries. In Egypt they were supporting Shafiq and not Mursi.

August 7th, 2012, 3:15 pm


zoo said:


Are you serious?

they do not even think that Iran is a threat.

So why the endless sanctions, the threat of attacks on nuclear sites popping up every months?

In addition Syria’s support to Hezbollah is still a threat to Israel.

August 7th, 2012, 3:20 pm


Amir in Tel Aviv said:

Interesting video.
Rebels attack a unit of the junta, destroy several tanks and other vehicles, take junta loyalists as POW. Strange anti tank weapons. Clearly, the rebels have the initiative and the fighting spirit.
(thanks to ‘Enduring America’).

August 7th, 2012, 3:56 pm


Tara said:

Watching Amir’s link, one can not help feeling overwhelmed sadness over the stage we reached where Syrians killing each other and taking other Syrians as POW. I do blame one single person for this, Bashar al Assad for which he is the person in charge who holds full responsibility to what has happened. I pray for those captives to be treated well ..,they may have just been coerced or misguided. This nightmare seems endless.

August 7th, 2012, 4:47 pm


Syrian Natonalist Party said:

pakistan has nukes and nobody is threatening them with war and sanctions over it.

Pakistan don’t sit on top of 2 mountains, one made of gold bars,the other made of black gold worth 1/4 of world oil reserves. Just feeding all the Paki is a net liability.

August 7th, 2012, 5:03 pm


omen said:

my first two attempts got caught in the net. my third one that managed to get through got marked as spam halfway thru whilst i was still editing even though i made changes so the posts weren’t identical.

why has it become so hard to post lately?

p.s. how ya doing, snp? that’s a good answer.

August 7th, 2012, 5:04 pm


omen said:

597. OBSERVER: they do not even think that Iran is a threat.

599. ZOO: So why the endless sanctions, the threat of attacks on nuclear sites popping up every months?

it’s all about the dwindling supply of

the remaining large reserves of oil lie under shia control.

somebody once pointed out how coincidental it was that the interests of israel and the interests of oil hungry hegemonic empires happen to coincide.

pakistan has nukes and nobody is threatening them with war and sanctions over it.

August 7th, 2012, 5:24 pm


mjabali said:


I wish you can come up with historical facts instead of dismissing the whole argument and of course accuse me with few things here and there.

History is now free and could be told faraway from the heavy hand of one general in the capital. The history of the middle east was never told as it really happened. There was always fabrications especially by the rulers of the last 1000 years.

August 7th, 2012, 5:32 pm


mjabali said:


Crazy is the day when Syrian Jets bomb Syrian cities. I never thought this ever could happen. I always knew that al-Assad was going to mess up the country and that the Sunnis would rise, but I never thought that both parties were this messed up emotionally, mentally and morally. How can these two parties justify what is going on to the Syrians?

August 7th, 2012, 5:37 pm


Son of Damascus said:


“Bashar is not the issue any more,the issue is hundred of thousands of armed alawites and their families”

But whom in the Alawite community can replace the Assad’s as the communities leader and perhaps go into negotiations with the FSA or SNC or anyone for that matter?

The failings of the opposition and its divided fronts are clear and well documented, possible Sunni leaders have come (Seyda, Tlass) and gone (Ghalioun, As’aad) and there is still not one concrete leader to emerge, this is not news to either you nor I.

However a name of a possible Alawi leader to replace the Assad clan has not emerged, or even been discussed publicly. This family has taken the entire sect hostage, and the Assads are threatening the entire country, the false sense of security that Assad promised is long gone.

Is there a prominent Alawi Sheikh that can declare Assad as illegitimate (like a fatwa, or excommunicate him like Catholic Church))? Or will it need a “strongman” to accomplish that (perhaps someone from the old guard?, does Salah Jedid have children would they be seen as having influence?) Can an Alawi intellectual be seen as a leader (like Louay Hussein, or Dalila)?

[Please excuse my lack of knowledge, these questions are genuine and I am really trying to understand, if they may seem insensitive I am sorry]

August 7th, 2012, 6:15 pm


Halabi said:

Aleppo doctor slams the terrorist Assad regime

?????? ???? ????? ??? ???? ???? ????

I’ve said it before. Other than the sectarian, genocide supporters, most Syrians I know who scored over 200 in the baccalaureate are with the revolution, although you don’t need a high IQ to know that Assad and his cronies aren’t the best this country has to offer.

August 7th, 2012, 6:17 pm



605 mjabali,

My response to your comment is in no-man’s land of SC.

SC Moderator,

Could you release it please?

August 7th, 2012, 6:19 pm



605 mjabali,

Presenting historical facts are not the problem. They are readily available.

But, reading your comment 549 and one of your earlier comments, under the previous post, about the alawi/nusayri beliefs which you wrote to OBSERVER made me dismiss your claims. You can go back to that exchange and you will see that I provided a rebuttal for your explanation of the alawi/nusayri beliefs that I believe are quite accurate and can be easily verified unlike your inadequate response to OBSERVER

But, the thing that repelled me most about comment 549 was the underlying sectarian driver.

As such, I decided not to engage in a futile debate.

August 7th, 2012, 6:30 pm


omen said:

503. GHUFRAN: I have more respect for the self confessed Israelis and Jewss on this board than the herd of Araboids who are getting drunk with the smell of blood and fire.?

? somebody’s jealous…
that the world’s sympathy lies with the oppressed majority and not with the ruling class.

August 7th, 2012, 6:31 pm


jna said:

Re: #608. Halabi

One doesn’t need a high IQ to realize that between thinking that the Assad regime is the best Syria has to offer and, that this particular armed revolution is the only remedy for Syria, there is a lot of space in between. But I understand that many writing on this blog find this difficult to accept.

August 7th, 2012, 7:09 pm



I saw this question:

“How can these two parties justify what is going on to the Syrians?”

Luckily, the person asking the question had answered it in the previous sentence (see the full comment at the end of this comment):

“I always knew that al-Assad was going to mess up the country and that the Sunnis would rise”

So there you have it. The sunnis have had enough of oppression under Assad. Their patience has run out. It’s only a natural consequence of tyranny. The Sunnis don’t want to destroy their country, it’s Assad and his ilk. Have you not heard or read their sick slogan? (Al-Assad or we burn the Al-balad).

As we have said many time here, it was Assad who got us here. It was with his permission that the kids in Dara’a were arrested and tortured. It was only when people reacted that he removed his cousin, the one who tortured the children and humiliated their parents, from his position as head of some barbaric security branch and probably gave him another position somewhere else. I do not think NATO had anything to do with that.

It was with his permission that his henchmen opened fire on unarmed protestors in Daraa for protesting the barbarism of his regime. He didn’t even afford him rubber bullets. It’s he who permitted that army commandos be sent to Dar’a from day one to show people the iron fist (or as we say, the “red eye”).

One massacre led to another which led to a third and the people of Syria, mainly Sunnis exploded in anger, and rightly so. What do you want them to do? Just swallow the humiliation and pain and keep going. This time, the people decided that “Al-shaab al-Suri ma bienzall” (the Syrian people will not accept humiliation). Not any anymore. This slogan was heard in Feb. 2011 before the revolution started. It was moer than enough time for Assad to head the call and start real reforms, but arrogance blinds one’s inner eye. The decided that they would rather die than accept humiliation. Very noble feelings, unlike “Al-Assad or no one else” or “Al-Assad or we burn the country,” which is what they are doing.

The people wanted freedom, dignity, and the rule of law and Assad responded the best he knows, by killing, destroying, and burning. He and his ilk are not just enemies of humanity, they are enemies of history. If their seat of power is threatened, nothing matters to them. Just look at how much history was destroyed by them, especially in Hama. Prior of to Assad Sr., one of the Syria presidents decided to leave and faced with a coup attempt rather than fight to spare the country the blood and destruction. However, Assad, like Qaddafi, won’t have anything of that. They would rather destroy the entire country than transfer power and steer the country on the right course.

So it’s the oppressor who is “messed up emotionally, mentally and morally” and wants to destroy the country, not the oppressed.

Had Assad had an ounce wisdom, he would have become the beloved presidents of all or the vast majority of Syrians. He could have preempted the revolution by enacting real reforms after seeing what happened in Tunisia and Egypt. He could have turned the events of Daraa to his advantage by putting his cousin in prison and right the wrongs that were committed by his forces. He had so many opportunities, but he managed to squander them all.

So don’t blame and equate the victim with the oppressor.

We have a saying in Arabic you must be familiar with:

???? ????? ???? ???

So what to do?

You knew that Assad was going to “mess up the country,” so you need to talk to your fellow Assad supporters or fence sitters that it’s time to join the revolution and secure a dignified place in the new Syria, which is a Syria for all Syrians. Supporting Assad right or wrong as someone said on this blog a year ago won’t do you any good in the long run, as Assad will eventually go. Then, you’ll have to deal with the raw emotions of Assad victims.

“I always knew that al-Assad was going to mess up the country and that the Sunnis would rise, but I never thought that both parties were this messed up emotionally, mentally and morally. How can these two parties justify what is going on to the Syrians?”

August 7th, 2012, 7:34 pm


zoo said:

Manaf Tlass—Our Man in Syria?
by Christopher Dickey , Mike Giglio Aug 6, 2012 1:00 AM EDT

Who is Manaf Tlass and why do western and regional powers pin their hopes on him?
Since the international community gave up on Assad, it’s easy to understand why some turned to Manaf Tlass as an alternative. But he was the last hope for what may well be a lost hope. And whether he can step out of Assad’s shadow now remains to be seen.

August 7th, 2012, 7:47 pm


zoo said:

The countries sponsoring the rebels may soon need a forceps to get a ‘transitional government’ born out of the messy and disjointed opposition.

No room for runaway Tlass, say Syria rebels
ISTANBUL – Hürriyet Daily News

Syrian opposition activists pour cold water on runaway chief Manaf Tlass’ post-Baathist leadership aspirations, saying he is too tied to the current government

Syrian opposition group, the Syrian National Council (SNC), does not want Syrian defector Brig. Gen. Manaf Tlass to play a leadership role in a post-al-Assad government since he and his family were in al-Assad’s inner circle, two prominent SNC members have said.

August 7th, 2012, 7:55 pm


mjabali said:

Syria expat:

Your emotional lecture is not changing what is going on the ground an inch.

For your information: I never supported any dictator in my life.

Do you have any real solution besides your accusatory language?

August 7th, 2012, 8:09 pm



The comment which you just criticized is a typical text book example of the hypocrisy of the menhebek gang. You could see it manifested in different forms but the objective is always the same: Spread the blame in order to deny accountability and circumvent the rule of law.

Assad and his supporters and those who defend them in any form are criminal by nature because they do not subscribe to the rule of law. In fact, we are dealing here with Nazi-like criminals. Therefore, we need to continue to support and strengthen our heroes of the FSA because the regime only understands force.

August 7th, 2012, 8:10 pm


mjabali said:


It is so obvious that you are not up to what you started.

When I read what you consider a “rebuttal” to what I wrote I could not answer back because it is very ludicrous. What you wrote about the definition of al-Bab for the Shia and your ideas about Mohammad Ibn Nusayer was really silly. If that is your type of “rebuttal” thanks for not engaging me in a discussion about that matter.

As for sectarianism, I name things as they really are, many people do the same too so take it easy.

Also take it easy on calling people criminals: all FSA and al-Assad will answer to what they have done to Syrians.

The judge is the one who is going to decide who is the criminal and who is not.

al-Assad and your group FSA are responsible so do not run away and hide the facts.

August 7th, 2012, 8:14 pm



Did you guys see this?

FSA teaches Russia a lesson, Kills Russian General in retaliation for killing Syrian children with Russian weapons and for supporting Nazi-like criminals.

August 7th, 2012, 8:15 pm


Ghufran said:

Turkish newspapers are finally admitting that there are Turkish fighter(s) in Syria. Two names with pictures have surfaced on the net, one is a known alqaida thug who was jailed in Turkey.
Regime sources claim that the other is an officer in the Turkish intelligence service but offered no proof beside a pic of his dead body.

August 7th, 2012, 8:20 pm


zoo said:

???? ??????? :: ??????? ???? ????? ????? ???????? ?????

August 7th, 2012, 8:32 pm


zoo said:

The Egyptian Revolution: The Revenge of the Salafists

Egypt’s Salafis plot after being sidelined by Morsi

Bradley Hope
Aug 8, 2012

CAIRO // When President Mohammed Morsi last week swore in Egypt’s new government, one group was conspicuously absent from his cabinet: Salafis.

The omission was glaring, particularly after the Salafist success in parliamentary elections this year, when one of their main political parties, Al Nour, won a quarter of the seats in the lower house. That made the Salafis, together with their fellow Islamists from the Muslim Brotherhood’s victorious Freedom and Justice Party, potentially the most powerful bloc in Egypt’s short-lived legislature.
“For now, we are patient,” Sheikh Darwish said. “Only for now.”

August 7th, 2012, 8:41 pm


zoo said:

Hillary warned about ‘massacres’ but when the rebels kills 18 civilians, it is not a ‘massacre’

Published Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Anti-regime gunmen killed 16 civilians, mostly Alawis and Christians, in an attack on Tuesday at a housing compound for power company employees near Homs, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said.

“Armed men stormed the Jandar Residential Compound, firing indiscriminately and killing 16 Syrians, among them six Christians, six Alawis – including the compound director – and four Sunnis,” said Observatory director Rami Abdel Rahman.

Abdel Rahman said the Jandar Power Station employs Syrians, as well as foreigners, mainly from Iran and Japan, who live with their families at the compound in Jandar village, about 30 kilometers from the central Syrian city of Homs.

“The village and its surrounding areas are Sunni,” he added.

Abdel Rahman did not give more details on the killings and did not call the deaths a massacre.

August 7th, 2012, 8:44 pm


Syrian Natonalist Party said:

FSA teaches Russia a lesson, Kills Russian General in retaliation for killing Syrian children with Russian weapons and for supporting Nazi-like criminals.

Don’t listen to that fraud. No such event ever happened. General Kojev is alive in Russia.

August 7th, 2012, 8:53 pm


Tara said:

Syria: Rebels claim to be on the verge of seizing Aleppo
Leader of the largest rebel unit in northern Aleppo says his forces are in effective control of more than 60% the city

Martin Chulov in Aleppo, Tuesday 7 August 2012 13.19 EDT

Rebel groups claim to be on the verge of seizing control of Aleppo’s ancient heart after days of pitched battles with regime troops in the centre of Syria’s second city.

“We will be in full control on Wednesday morning,” claimed Sheikh Tawfiq Abu Sleiman, the leader of the largest rebel unit in northern Aleppo. “We already have two of the walls of the citadel.”
However, as rebels and locals alike prepared for a fifth day for an expected attack, some began to doubt that it would take place. “It’s psychological warfare, nothing more,” said a rebel from Damascus who called himself Abu Firas. “They can’t invade with everything they have because most people would defect.”

Late on Tuesday, the shelling in Salahedine had subsided long enough for casualties to be removed for the first time in 24 hours. Among them was a smiling 24 year old from the town of al-Bab, named Zeitoun, who had been hit by a tank round. He was the 63rd rebel from al-Bab to have died in the siege for Aleppo and its surround in the past fortnight, according to the FSA.

“We know he will not be the last one,” said one of his colleagues, Abu Nour, as he raced back from Aleppo to bury his friend. “But we are right and we will prevail. This is a momentum that cannot be stopped.”

August 7th, 2012, 9:01 pm



I find this whole video of Assad receiving Jalili interesting.

Bashar is alone greeting Jalili, where did this take place at, it certainly doesn’t look like the presidential palace. I don’t see a single Syrian official in that room, did it actually take place in Damascus or is it that Bashar doesn’t want anyone to know where he’s hiding? At 0:18, is that an Iranian official (third on the left) motioning to the camera man to pan out to the left? Can you do that if you’re the guest of a country President? This whole video and the timing/reason of its release strike me as strange…

August 7th, 2012, 9:04 pm


zoo said:

Alarm is ringing for the Western countries faced with the chaos they have encouraged in Syria and which may blow to their face.

In scenarios for a post-Assad Syria, fear of chaos
By BASSEM MROUE and ELIZABETH A. KENNEDY | Associated Press – 3 hrs ago

KILIS, Turkey (AP) — Standing just a few strides from the Syrian border, an Iraqi was mingling with Syrian rebel units outside their camp here, trying to find one that would take him in and let him fight in the uprising.

“It’s an honor for me,” said Sheik Abu Abdullah, wearing the white robe, Islamic skullcap and beard common among Islamic hardliners.

The battle-hungry Iraqi is part of a stream of Arab fighters who have been drawn to the rebel cause, adding not only to the growing complexities of Syria’s civil war but also deepening the uncertainties of what could follow Bashar Assad’s regime.

After the latest blow to Damascus — this week’s defection of Syria’s prime minister — U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton said Tuesday that there is an urgent need to plan for what happens afterward if and when the Assad regime falls. She said it is important to ensure that Syrian state institutions remain intact. The hope among U.S. officials is to find a “soft landing” that keeps some degree of stability.

However, few of the imaginable scenarios for post-Assad Syria portend stability after more than 17 months of blood-letting in a country that is more ethnically splintered than Iraq and holds perhaps the greatest international stakes of the Arab Spring.

One scenario: a bloodbath as Syria’s majority Sunni population, which has led the uprising against Assad, seeks vengeance against the minority Alawite sect, an offshoot of Shiite Islam that forms the backbone of Assad’s regime. The conflict’s already increasing sectarian overtones suggest any power vacuum could usher in a direct fight between the two communities.

Another possibility is a free-for-all fight among the “victors” — the patchwork collection that makes up the anti-Assad revolt but has no common vision for the future. Among them are opposition figures in exile who have some political weight abroad but often haven’t set foot in the country in years; political defectors like the prime minister; military generals who broke with the regime; the thousands of low-level soldiers who also defected and are doing much of the fighting in the rebel Free Syrian Army; and Syrian Islamists who have formed militias that nominally fight under the banner of the FSA but do not share the secular vision of some of its other members.

August 7th, 2012, 9:04 pm


Ales said:

Real reason for alliance between Iran and Syria is untrustworthiness of any agreement between Syria and USA. For USA, Israel comes 1st, than it’s Saudy oil, after it is NATO Turkey’s and at the end would be agreement with Syria….after Egypt and Iraq. Many foreign planned coups were instigated in Middle East and entire world before and this is just nicely packaged Syrian 2011/2012 attempt.

Right now, foreigners support the rebels. But when/if bloody deed is done, all blame will be laid at feet of islam. Drones will fly like in Jemen, Somalia and Pakistan, with puppet government in Damascus blessing or even directing it.

August 7th, 2012, 9:06 pm


bronco said:


Do you really expect that they will tell you where the meeting is taking place? Bashar, like Nasrallah are under death threat, so it is normal they protect themselves.

Ryad Al Assad, the chief of the FSA has been sitting in his bunker in Turkey with not even a photo of him for the last 2 months.

August 7th, 2012, 9:12 pm


Tara said:


The place looks like the Iranian embassy on Mazze autostrade.

August 7th, 2012, 9:15 pm


bronco said:

#625 Tara

These are signs of increased desperation. They know they will loose.
It is clear to the whole world that they have no chance.
It is still time for their sponsors to call Annan and ask for a ceasefire, before more lives are taken for nothing.

I think that’s why the Syrian army is not attacking in full force, they want to give a chance to negotiations to avoid civilians casualties.
I hope some sensible countries are pressuring the rebels to call for a ceasefire.

August 7th, 2012, 9:20 pm


Son of Damascus said:


“Ryad Al Assad, the chief of the FSA has been sitting in his bunker in Turkey with not even a photo of him for the last 2 months.”

Military personnel have no social obligation to their supporters, generally they are appointed and not elected. Presidents have obligations and responsibilities towards their people (Bashar has failed on ALL counts but that is besides the point here).

If we believe for a second that Bashar was actually elected rather than inheriting the presidency he has an obligation towards his constituency in dire times (such as these) to come out and address the nation, imagine if Bush after 9/11 was nowhere to be seen do you think he would’ve been reelected? No, instead he was at ground zero yelling U-S-A, and we will get him dead or alive. Where is Bashar? At least Nasrallah takes the time to address his supporters from whatever bunker he is holed up in, when was the last time your president addressed you his supporter? Don’t you deserve it?

August 7th, 2012, 9:25 pm


irritated said:


Thanks for debunking the stupid rumors that Al Arabya is continually dumping on us through their cronie.

August 7th, 2012, 9:31 pm


Tara said:


It is surprising that the rebels lasted that long given the regime’s superior firearm. The only explanation for that is their courage fighting for a just cause as opposed to the cowardliness of the Syrian army fighting to kill its own people.

I do not think cease fire is possible without Bashar stepping down. It really is as simple as that.

August 7th, 2012, 9:35 pm


Son of Damascus said:


It is very strange that not one Syrian official is in that picture besides Bashar, could it be a sign that he does not trust anyone outside the family circle now?

Location does not strike me as odd though, looks familiar from previous releases from the ministry of information.

August 7th, 2012, 9:36 pm


bronco said:

#632 SOD

I don’t see any point in addressing the nation when there is nothing significant to announce. People watch TV and read news on Internet.

In addition, I have not seen or heard any supporter complaining of his non-appearance.
In the contrary, its the people who hate him that are frustrated by his silence. They are waiting for him to appear and say something to destroy and ridicule what he said. We’ve seen that at every single speech he gave: “too little, too late” you remember?

Why would he give these people that opportunity? He prefers to see them burning of frustration and wondering what is the next surprise.

August 7th, 2012, 9:43 pm


Tara said:

The fence sitters in Aleppo will soon become anti regime if the air bombardment continues.  I congratulate Bashar for his stupidity.

Syria: Scores of children killed by air strike in Bustan al-Qasar as Assad regime steps up bombardment of Aleppo

The air strike, on a bright sunny afternoon, was on a residential area. The missile tore through the home of the Quoreyas on Mohammed Nadeem Street, collapsing the top floors on the ones below, obliterating the hastily dug shelter in the basement and starting a fire which spread swiftly.

Seven members of the family were killed, five of them children. Yusuf, Taharid and Bara were together at the time. They were, respectively, an 18 months old boy and seven and eight year old girls. Hatem, 15, was another one to die; the dismembered remains of 14 year old Mahmoud was found alongside those of those of his mother, Waheeda, blown to the roof of the house next door.

When the body of the Abdul Latif Quoreya, the father of the family, was found, there was still hope that some of the others at home may have survived. Relations, neighbours and friends scrabbled through the debris with shovels, pick-axes, their bare hands as others from the street fled around them in panic and the regime’s warplane continued to circle overhead.

“The Migs and the helicopters is the reason we are leaving” said 49 year old Hussein Ali Abdu, as he gathered his wife and five children into an ancient Toyota and tied bundles on to a roof rack. “I have not heard of Basher using his planes so much anywhere else in Syria. But he wants to punish us here in Aleppo because he thought this was one of the places which would never dare to rise against him. But why is he using is against civilians, his fight is with the Shabaab (rebel fighters).”

August 7th, 2012, 9:46 pm


omen said:

604. just to be clear, i wasn’t suggesting a global zionist conspiracy. i meant to say that imperial western powers use israel as a convenient fig leaf to hide behind in order to forward their ugly mission of conquest for oil.


danke, moderator, for release from jail.

August 7th, 2012, 9:47 pm


Tara said:


Come on now. Said who? The one man party? Is this your definition of debunking a rumor?

August 7th, 2012, 9:48 pm


bronco said:


The only explanation for that is their courage fighting

Sorry to disagree. All media have reported that the army is overcautious about the civilians.
One BBC journalist said that the ‘advantage’ of the rebels is that they are in heavy populated areas. In other words the rebels are using the civilians as human shields, therefore it makes it much more difficult for the army to dislodge them brutally without hurting civilians.
The strategy the army is using is to encircle the rebels until they run out of amunitions and food. This may take a long time.
In the meantime the civilians who can are leaving. Yet many stays because they are afraid to loose their home and their belongings.
This is why this siege may take a long time.
It’s an illusion to think the rebels got any chance to escape their fate.

August 7th, 2012, 9:53 pm



618 mjabali,

Your comments are full of claims and contain no facts whatsoever.
The sole purpose of such comments is misinformation and propaganda.
Ibn Nusayr is known to be the author of the Nusayri beliefs, whether you admit it or not
Who wants to engage anyway? You provided misinformation, we provided facts. .
So, please refrain from corresponding until you are able to provide substance to your comments. My time is precious.

August 7th, 2012, 9:54 pm


zoo said:

If Bashar stays, Davutoglu goes

Davutoglu: Betting on the Fall of Assad
By: Hüsnü Mahalli

Published Tuesday, August 7, 2012

It now appears that the political future of Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu very much depends on the fate of Syria. If the Assad regime falls, then Davutoglu may very well become prime minister. But if the regime survives, Turkey’s top diplomat will be scapegoated and possibly sacked.

August 7th, 2012, 9:55 pm


Son of Damascus said:


So when the bomb that killed three of his top officials (one of them being his brother in law) you saw no need to see him address the nation?

His disappearance shows his cowardly ways in my opinion, not that Bashar really cares about it.

I have just never heard of a leader cowardly hiding while war is raging outside. Speeches given during times like these have shaped the world. Churchill, Eisenhower, Lincoln, Alexander the Great, Tarek Inb Ziad take your pick never hid.

To think Bashar’s disappearance is not a big deal when not so long ago you though Riad Asaads was is a little bit ironic to say the least.

August 7th, 2012, 10:07 pm


irritated said:

Tara #639

This is the announcement of the killing of General Vladimir Petrowich Kojyev on a Youtube video from the FSA on the 5th August. There has been no confirmation from any western media. It was picked up by Alarabya and made its headline. Such an important death will not be ignored by the Western press, so until it is confirmed, I am suspecting it is a hoax.

Russian General Killed in Syria 5 8 2012
Russian General, an accomplice in killing Syrian civilians, was Killed in Syria by the heroes of The Free Syrian Army (FSA) 5 8 2012

August 7th, 2012, 10:08 pm


Tara said:


Could be. I was just making a comment on making a statement from an imaginary entity a source.

August 7th, 2012, 10:21 pm


omen said:

640. BRONCO: All media have reported that the army is overcautious about the civilians.

bashar deserves the nobel peace prize.

August 7th, 2012, 10:28 pm


Syrialover said:


Regarding oil sitting in Shia lands.

Any chance to get real benefit from it for the people of Iran has steadily evaporated under the idiotic “leadership” of that country.

Years of waste, loss and chaos – their best version of running an oil industry and national economy.

If it wasn’t for the idiots controlling it, Iran could be a wealthy, highly advanced country, commanding strong international respect and influence.

And don’t think Iranians aren’t aware of this.

August 7th, 2012, 10:38 pm


Mick said:

The leader of the free world hid for a day on 9/11. He had a the world’s largest military and intelligence staff behind him. He hid for a day because of 19 people.

Bashar is facing the wrath of the Muslim Brotherhood (Qatar), Salafists (Saudi Arabia), faux leftist (America), and Mossad.

He gave a speech at the start of the uprising and correctly said that there was a Salafist element of the uprising that needed to be addressed. Everyone in the opposition mocked him. Despite the large Hizb Al Tahrir support rallies in Jordan and Lebanon.

As things progressed, and the liars continued to do everything in their power solely to bring down Bashar while coordinating with Saudi and the U.S., Bashar decided they were not worthy of even addressing. Political whores.

Giving a factual speech caused more harm than good.

None of the people calling for him to give a speech actually give a shit. They just want him to go out and say something, anything, they can then use against him.

In other words. Assholes who have already made up their minds to destroy Syria.

August 7th, 2012, 10:48 pm


Uzair8 said:

I don’t think I’m familiar with Craig Paul Roberts however I’ve seen his article posted on a couple of forums yesterday. I hope someone can refute it. Then again, the defection of the PM is one ‘refutation’ of the article.

Syria: Washington’s Latest War Crime
July 26, 2012

August 7th, 2012, 10:50 pm



“At 0:18, is that an Iranian official (third on the left) motioning to the camera man to pan out to the left? Can you do that if you’re the guest of a country President?”

Most likely, he was waiving the Iranian press photographers out of the room. At the beginning of meeting like this one, photographers are allowed to take photos, then they are asked to leave.

August 7th, 2012, 10:58 pm




Forget the public, Bashar (and his inner circle) can care less about public opinion now, pro or con, but what kind of a message does this appearance (alone) with Iranian officials send to the generals on the ground, to the various military intelligence heads, to the government ministers and ba’athsists everywhere? They’re watching his every move, their decisions to stick around or flee are based on whether they perceive he can still rally the troops and keep their protection or whether they believe he’s going to sell them to the devil. That’s why I think this whole orchestrated “appearance” is kind of strange, I can’t place my finger on it yet but something is not right, we’ll find out soon enough…

August 7th, 2012, 11:23 pm


Hamoudeh al-Halabi said:

Thanks for your support Visitor, Uzair, and everyone who contacted me.
Please continue to do so, it’s greatly appreciated.

Uzair: I’m glad to hear, why aren’t you posting there too bro?

Newly added:
Shaykh Mahmud Abul Huda al-Husayni’s support for the Revolution

[Anyone here from Halab who knows him too? Note how he is speaking about how this revolution changed people and how things are working out with the FSA in control, very insightful.]

The Struggle of Shaykh Mahmoud al-Dalati of Homs

Shaykh Shady Alsuleiman’s Call to Support the Syrian Uprising

Round 2 in the Battle for Salaheddin and Aleppo

[Where are they? Cowards!]

August 7th, 2012, 11:33 pm



#649 Syr.Exppat

“Most likely, he was waiving the Iranian press photographers out of the room. At the beginning of meeting like this one, photographers are allowed to take photos, then they are asked to leave.”

You find such behavior by someone in the entourage normal? Can you imagine Jihad Makdissi, for example, doing something similar if he were to be on a visit with his boss to Teheran? It’s the duty of the hosts to usher photographers in and out, that’s unless there were no other Syrians present and the meeting was run by the “guests” here. It might not be anything, I was just pointing out some oddities I noticed…

August 7th, 2012, 11:40 pm


Observer said:

ZOO I am serious when I say that Iran is a threat to its own people only.

So they think that they can close the straits do they?

The US can hit 5000 targets simultaneously in Iran, the plans were developed by Dick Cheney.

Now let me be clear about my points

1. I abhor the foreign policy of the US and I believe like an increasing number of Americans that the so called unique relationship with Israel is not only immoral but not in the interests of the US. Like Ron Paul when asked what would you do if Israel attacks Iran or vice versa and he said let them duke it out. We should not interfere.
Obama believes likewise that he should disengage the US policy from that of Israel but whether he can do that is another matter.

2. I do abhor the hypocrisy of the West when it applies double standards in dealing with the world, pretending to take the high moral ground while pursuing pure interests and cold calculations, once again Ron Paul is direct when he says that we should state clearly where our interests are and stop pretending we are defending human rights.

3. I do maintain that the ultimate apartheid regime is that of Israel and that the establishment of it is illegal and unjust.

4. The greatest ally of outside hegemony and interference and exploitation of the divisions of the region was and remains TYRANNY AND OPPRESSION. It is the tyranny of almost every country in the ME that fuels ALL of the misery and allows for interference of outside powers be they Iranian or Russian or US or French or British.

5. It is IMPOSSIBLE for tyranny to remain, it may move from one group to another and continue to exploit and oppress for a very long time but it leads without fail to a complete destruction and failure of the state AND the society.

As for MAJBALI it is clear that the HISTORY that you have is nothing more than what Ernest Renan said, a mythical view of one’s history combined with extreme hatred of the other.

My ancestors were governors of Damascus, Hama, Tripoli, and Sidon in 18th century Syria and the Ottomans used these positions to enhance extraction of resources and increase taxation of people and those governors of my family were little Fredo Corleone under the tutelage of the Ottomans, and I can assure you that Tripoli was not a Christian town.

As for the free exchange of people and ideas it is true that post colonial divisions created these artificial barriers. We have in my home back in Damascus letters of correspondence from India as pilgrims converged on Damascus to be taken to Mekka and these traveled without so called passports and visas and moreover my grand parents on both sides and my grand aunts spoke and wrote Turkish and Persian and all three languages were taught to the educated classes of the Ottoman empire.

By the way the word “check” denoting the bank document for payment comes from the Arabic “Sakk” a document used to pay for commercial transactions anywhere from India to Morocco.

However to say that Assad opened up to Iran is cynical for he feared Saddam and the personal rivalry was incredible. I still have my old Syrian passport where it clearly stays that I can travel anywhere in the world except Iraq.

So much for Corleone the father promoting freedom of movement.

Cheers the NYT reports the acquisition of AA missiles by the germs of Syria.

August 7th, 2012, 11:46 pm


ann said:

Turkey’s backing of Syrian rebels leads to danger of Kurdish autonomy – 08 August, 2012

“The Turkish government seems to want to have it both ways. It wants to see the implosion of the Syrian regime, but it doesn’t want to see the collapse of public order and control of the borders. That to me seems to be a logical contradiction. And unfortunately for many Turkish soldiers, police and civilians, this contradiction is coming home to haunt them”

When it comes to Turkey’s policy towards Syria, Ankara might be cutting off its nose to spite its face. As Turkey pushes for Assad’s ouster, chaos on its southern border has seen the possibility of a Kurdish-controlled region grow by the day.

Turkish foreign minister Ahmet Davutoglu’s “zero problems policy” to build strong economic, political and social ties with the country’s neighbors was almost an invitation for disaster.

Once the country moved to provide political support – and reportedly covert aid – to the Syrian opposition that is seeking regime change in Damascus, the blowback was almost immediate.

With millions of ethnic Kurds in Turkey, Syria, Iraq and Iran, destabilization in northern Syria has provided another base for the PKK (Kurdistan Workers’ Party) to launch military operations against Turkey in its struggle to establish an autonomous Kurdish state.

The situation rapidly escalated, with clashes between the Turkish military and PKK fighters intensifying in recent weeks.

Turkey’s prime minister, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, vowed that Turkey would “not allow a terrorist group to establish camps in northern Syria and threaten Turkey” during a July 26 news conference. He further implied potential cross border incursions into Syria, saying “if there is a step which needs to be taken against the terrorist group, we will definitely take this step.”

Sinan Ulgen, a former Turkish diplomat now at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace in Brussels, told Reuters that Turkey could “carry out the kind of surgical strikes that it did in northern Iraq in past years if the government has intelligence that northern Syria is being used by Kurdish terrorists.”

Mark Almond, a professor of international relations at Bilkent University in Turkey, told RT that Ankara’s position was riddled with contradictions.

“It [Ankara] wants to see the overthrow of Assad’s government, it is supporting the destabilization of that regime, but it seems to expect that the mosaic of Syrian society, its ethnic make-up, will remain stable. When you shake the kaleidoscope, you cannot be certain where the pieces will fall down.”

Almond says that despite Turkey’s antagonistic relationship with Syria, Ankara cannot have its cake and eat it too when it comes to toppling the Assad government and maintaining regional stability.

“We’ve seen television pictures of places in northern Syria where people are waving pictures of Ocalan, the leader of the PKK, the Kurdistan Workers’ Party, who of course is held in regard as the arch anti-Turkish terrorist. And so the Turkish government does face the problem that so long as it had good relations with Bashar al-Assad’s regime, he kept the border closed and kept the PKK forces out of operation in Turkey. With the growing hostility between Ankara and Damascus and the fact that the Turkish and Syrian authorities have lost control of large parts of the border with Turkey, then of course the PKK can operate in Turkey and of course Assad’s regime can say we have ‘other things on our mind’ instead of trying to stop them.”

Almond says that threatening Syria with reprisals will only fuel the Kurdish rebellion, just as cracking down on Kurdish resistance does not change the fact that “now you have two quasi-autonomous areas on the Turkish border, in northern Iraq and increasingly in Syria.”

As the potential ‘Lebanonization’ of Syria will only lead to further chaos, Almond says Turkey has to make a choice.


August 7th, 2012, 11:51 pm


ann said:

I Have a post held up in the spam Que

August 7th, 2012, 11:53 pm


Halabi said:

Iranian pilgrims exposed.

Tensions Rise Over Iranian Hostages
By Farnaz Fassihi
BEIRUT — A band of 48 Iranians being held hostage by Syria’s rebel army traveled from Tehran on a trip organized by a travel agency owned by the elite troops who support and protect the Iranian regime, people familiar with the trip said.

That connection — denied by Iran, a staunch supporter of the Assad regime — suggests the hostages have strong ties to Iran’s elite Republican Guard Corps, as the rebels claim. Tehran, which says the hostages are religious pilgrims, warned it would hold the U.S. responsible for their fate and vowed to stand by Syria’s government amid a growing civil war.

The kidnapped 48 Iranian men in Syria traveled from Tehran to Damascus on Saturday as part of a large contingent on a trip organized by a Revolutionary Guards Corps travel agency, according to people familiar with the trip.

They packed into six buses from the airport and traveled on the highway to their destination, Hotel Al-Faradis in downtown Damascus, when the last bus in the convoy was stopped at an opposition rebel checkpoint and abducted, according to a person involved in the planning of the trip.

“Everyone on this trip was either a Guard or a Basij militia. This wasn’t a regular tour group,” said an employee of the tour agency that organized the trip, reached by telephone. Agency officials could not be reached.

Samen Al Aemmeh, the tour operating company, is not open to the Iranian public and solely caters to members and families of Guards or the plainclothes Basij militia. The company is also a subsidiary of Samen Al Aemmeh Industries, one of IRGC’s largest umbrella groups, which has been sanctioned under United Nations Security Council resolutions and by the U.S. Treasury for its role in missile building and Iran’s nuclear program.

Much more on the direct foreign intervention by Iran.

August 7th, 2012, 11:55 pm


Aleppo said:

Dear Damascusrose,

I agree with you, I have the same strange feeling. I think Bashar is just plain stupid. Not because he could have spared the lifes of thousands of Syrians but because he failed to understand that there is a high likelihood that he and his family will no longer exist. That’s key for me.

August 8th, 2012, 12:08 am


Syrian Natonalist Party said:

“The Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran calls for the immediate release of its abducted nationals and is of the view that using the hostages as human shields violates… international law and (the) human rights of these innocent civilians,” Salehi said in a letter to UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon on Tuesday.

Oh sure, tonight they will do it, International Law…. That is for powerful countries that can enforce it, not the weakling who this law is enforced on. All those billions you spent in Syria and Lebanon, for 40 years on helping Assad and Hezbollah and Iran cannot release them? What kind of a country you run dude? Don’t you have intelligence or some security team trained to track and free hostages? What do you do with all the billions you spend on defense? What a Shia-Zionist looooooooooooooooooooooooser. Shame on you and Iran, you humiliate all Moslems with your womanly winning and begging, even Yazidis. Muwaiya will kick ass you woooosss. Imagine what Yazid will do !!!

August 8th, 2012, 12:12 am


ann said:

Yemen Banned from UN Vote as Saleh Crony Empties Mission’s BofA Account

By Matthew Russell Lee, Exclusive

UNITED NATIONS, August 7 — Just after Yemen’s Mission to the United Nations wrote a $223,675 check to the UN for its 2012 due on June 20, its Ali Saleh-aligned Permanent Representative wrote himself a cashier’s check on the Mission’s Bank of America account, Arab diplomatic sources have exclusively told Inner City Press.

The impact was that during the August 3 UN General Assembly vote to condemn Syria’s Bashar al Assad, the move of this Ali Saleh supporter made it so that Yemen could not vote, despite being a co-sponsor of the resolution.

While some media mocked Yemen for sponsoring and not voting, Inner City Press reported even that day that Yemen was barred from voting by the UN’s pay-to-vote rules. But afterward Inner City Press learned the reason for the failure to pay.

The Yemeni mission’s Bank of America Operating Account, ACT R/T 054001204, delivered its $223,675.00 check to the UN’s Contribution and Policy Coordination Service on the 28th floor of the UN-rented building at 380 Madison Avenue.

But simultaneously, the Saleh-aligned Permanent Representative was withdrawing the money so the check would bounce. Some might consider this a crime. But a self-described Arab diplomat tells Inner City Press of

“the cheap game played by the Permanent Representative and his Foreign Minister who still follow the overthrown dictator, he withdrew the whole account after issuing a check so the UN check will bounce so Yemen can’t vote.”


August 8th, 2012, 12:23 am


ann said:

At UN in 1st Horizon Briefing by Feltman of SC, Russia Asks Why Not Bahrain?

By Matthew Russell Lee, Exclusive

UNITED NATIONS, August 7, updated — In the run up to Tuesday’s so-called “horizon scanning briefing” of the Security Council, the first by new Department of Political Affairs chief Jeffrey Feltman, the agenda items were only Somalia and the former Camp Ashraf in Iraq.

Then two other items came up, Inner City Press has learned. The first was without controversy, an information point about the attacks in the Sinai.

But, sources tell Inner City Press, Russia asked why Bahrain wasn’t on the agenda, and asked how Feltman would choose agenda items in the future.

Feltman replied that he would follow the standard practices, according to sources. But these are described as murky: the Secretariat proposes topics to the Council’s monthly presidency, which circulate to other members. If “one or two” object, items are stricken.

While Western members like France, the UK and Germany have been very upbeat about Tuesday DPA horizon session, others point out that “it is the US which killed the briefings,” or at least broke the monthly streak.


August 8th, 2012, 12:29 am


Aldendeshe said:

I am surprised Iranians are not up in arm already protesting against the lame British financed Shia Zionists Mullah rule oppressing them and humiliating Iran and Iranians by their cowardness and helplessness. It must be the Maheshi Mahiyoshi Yogi running Shia-Zionist Iran, but then not, that Yogi guy speaks more like W.S. Sherk, for lengthy hours of word abstract assembly that you would need a 2600 page Oxford Library dictionary of Shakespeare English just to translate his English, by the end nothing make sense to you, it is like you been hit on the head. You feel so illiterate.

August 8th, 2012, 12:36 am


Aldendeshe said:

But wait a minute, those flower arrangement you see infront the grand Zio-Mullah and Ahmadinejad is identical to the Yogi setting.

August 8th, 2012, 12:41 am


omen said:

654. OBSERVER: Cheers the NYT reports the acquisition of AA missiles by the germs of Syria.

why do you tease like this!?

clickity click click…


god is great.

August 8th, 2012, 12:41 am



The Alarabiya report embeds the same video of the FSA used by the menhebek gang to dismiss the report of the killing of the Russian. How original?

The video itself shows sensitive Nazi-like occupation regime documents as well as military ID card that clearly indicate high-prized targets have been ambushed. See from 28 second to 42 second of the al-Arabiya embedded video.

Until the General, by some return-from-hades miracle, appears in public alive and kicking, we have to take the FSA claim at face value.

The FSA is well known for its veracity and accuracy of reporting, unlike the menhebek gang and the Nazi-like criminals occupying Damascus.

Did anyone see Hijab since he defected?

August 8th, 2012, 1:16 am


Aldendeshe said:

The most venerable and able leader in Islam: Muwayah Ibn Abi Soufian

August 8th, 2012, 1:46 am


Juergen said:


It depends for what he is a General, if he is a General for the russian secret service, the Russians wont comment a word.


Not even for his Tehran buddies he would take off his tie. I once had an interesting conversation with an shiite clergy who would try to convey to me that the devil made men to wear ties.

I really wonder where his Caracas buddy is, must be more sick than the Venezuelan state press is saying. Normally this fella wont miss such an world wide audience if he would visit his friend the eyedoc.


I hear yoga is the fashion sport of the rich in Syria now.

August 8th, 2012, 1:56 am



@616. MJABALI said:

Syria expat:
“Your emotional lecture is not changing what is going on the ground an inch.
For your information: I never supported any dictator in my life.
Do you have any real solution besides your accusatory language?”

I don’t think it was a lecture let alone it being emotional, but people see things differently.

Anyway, you raise a very important question:

“Do you have any real solution besides your accusatory language?”

I have. I proposed steps to defuse the crisis in the early months of the revolution, but to no avail. Others have done so, but Assad ignored their advice. I am sure Prof.

Now it’s very late in the game, but something can be doen. So here you go:

In the spirit of Ramadan, the Syrian regime announces a ceasefire and halts all military activity until the fourth day after Eid, while asking the opposition to do the same. The regime must explain that this is the first step towards finding a political solution to the problem and must give real guarantees that it’s not a ruse. As things progress, the ceasefire can be extended indefinitely until a solution is found. After all this killing, the only thing that might work is a SA-style national reconciliation

Immediately release all political prisoners with promises of future compensation for the injustice they suffered. This should include Tal Al-Maluhy who was severely punished for daring to speak her mind. If they still feel she was involved in the fictional plot they attributed to her, they can bring charges against her in the future. This also includes all people arrested for demonstrating against the government.

If the government decides it needs to keep certain individuals in jail, there names and the accusations against them should be made public. They should be treated in a civilized manner and should be allowed to receive visitis and be represented by attorneys.

Issue a decree banning torture in all of Syrian prisons. Provide a mechanism for independent monitoring of prisons by local and international human rights organizations. Also, all sorts of harassment and intimidation by regime thugs and security personnel should be stopped. On check points, citizens should be treated with the utmost respect. If force needs to be used, it should not be abused. If some must be arrested and does not resist, he should not be beaten.

Issue a decree barring the security services from intimidating, harassing, arresting, and torturing doctors, medical personnel, and anyone else for attending to the wounded. Any person in this conflict should be able to seek medical treatment without fearing for their lives or the lives of the people treating them.

Allow food and medicine to reach all those in need without any restriction.

Establish official channels of communications with the different factions on the ground to coordinate the cease fire.

If for whatever reason fighting is justified, the Geneva conventions should be followed.


If the regime is able to fulfill these obligations and hold the ceasefire for a week, then we can add more steps.

If the government is not willing to stop the fighting, then let the fighting be done in the most humane manner.

For the solution to work, the government is the one that will have to do most of the compromising.

So, is that too much to ask?

August 8th, 2012, 1:57 am




Your pills seem to be having effect.

August 8th, 2012, 1:58 am



@616. MJABALI said:

Syria expat:
\\\”Your emotional lecture is not changing what is going on the ground an inch.
For your information: I never supported any dictator in my life.
Do you have any real solution besides your accusatory language?\\\”

I don\\\’t think it was a lecture let alone it being emotional, but people see things differently.

Anyway, you raise a very important question:

\\\”Do you have any real solution besides your accusatory language?\\\”

I have. I proposed steps to defuse the crisis in the early months of the revolution, but to no avail. Others have done so, but Assad ignored their advice. I am sure Prof.

Now it\\\’s very late in the game, but something can be doen. So here you go:

In the spirit of Ramadan, the Syrian regime announces a ceasefire and halts all military activity until the fourth day after Eid, while asking the opposition to do the same. The regime must explain that this is the first step towards finding a political solution to the problem and must give real guarantees that it\\\’s not a ruse. As things progress, the ceasefire can be extended indefinitely until a solution is found. After all this killing, the only thing that might work is a SA-style national reconciliation

Immediately release all political prisoners with promises of future compensation for the injustice they suffered. This should include Tal Al-Maluhy who was severely punished for daring to speak her mind. If they still feel she was involved in the fictional plot they attributed to her, they can bring charges against her in the future. This also includes all people arrested for demonstrating against the government.

If the government decides it needs to keep certain individuals in jail, there names and the accusations against them should be made public. They should be treated in a civilized manner and should be allowed to receive visitis and be represented by attorneys.

Issue a decree banning torture in all of Syrian prisons. Provide a mechanism for independent monitoring of prisons by local and international human rights organizations. Also, all sorts of harassment and intimidation by regime thugs and security personnel should be stopped. On check points, citizens should be treated with the utmost respect. If force needs to be used, it should not be abused. If some must be arrested and does not resist, he should not be beaten.

Issue a decree barring the security services from intimidating, harassing, arresting, and torturing doctors, medical personnel, and anyone else for attending to the wounded. Any person in this conflict should be able to seek medical treatment without fearing for their lives or the lives of the people treating them.

Allow food and medicine to reach all those in need without any restriction.

Establish official channels of communications with the different factions on the ground to coordinate the cease fire.

If for whatever reason fighting is justified, the Geneva conventions should be followed.


If the regime is able to fulfill these obligations and hold the ceasefire for a week, then we can add more steps.

If the government is not willing to stop the fighting, then let the fighting be done in the most humane manner.

For the solution to work, the government is the one that will have to do most of the compromising.

So, is that too much to ask?

August 8th, 2012, 1:58 am



It depends for what he is a General, if he is a General for the russian secret service, the Russians wont comment a word.

666 Juergen,

Oh! oh! They would not make any statement PERIOD. No if(s) and no but(s).

Would they incriminate themselves from their own mouth? You live in Germany. You should know these things.

August 8th, 2012, 2:09 am


Aldendeshe said:

In short, by 40th AH, Yemen, Hijaz, Syria, Palestine and Egypt became provinces under control of Muawiyyah (ra). All of these territories were free from weakness of discontent, insurgence, and internal disputes.

We must get rid of the trio of Zionist States and re build Muwaiyah Emirate, add North Africa and Spain to it though, maybe more. INSHA ALLAH. Start in Syria, just as Muwaiyah did.

August 8th, 2012, 2:28 am


TARA said:


Your pills are not just effective. They are potent!!!

August 8th, 2012, 2:33 am


Ghufran said:

Rebel groups claim to be on the verge of seizing control of Aleppo’s ancient heart after days of pitched battles with regime troops in the centre of Syria’s second city.
“We will be in full control on Wednesday morning,” claimed Sheikh Tawfiq Abu
Sleiman, the leader of the largest rebel unit in northern Aleppo. “We already have two of the walls of the citadel.”
Comment: about 600 craters were seen in Aleppo after satellite images were studied yesterday,those craters are caused by heavy shelling, I think the threat
of a massive ground assault by the regime which never materialized after 2 weeks is a sign of a shift in strategy due to fear of detections and the loss of lives that will undoubtedly affect the army and city civilians,instead,the regime is bombing from a distance and trying to squeeze supply lines that are still open.
Sane people may think that a cease fire that spares lives can be reached,but that will not happen as long as both sides think they can win this bloody battle. Abu
Sleiman’s rosy prediction,remember it is already Wednesday morning, is not
different from that of the regime.

August 8th, 2012, 2:46 am




Those pills are potent!!! The dosage should be lowered.

August 8th, 2012, 2:58 am


omen said:

647. SYRIALOVER: Regarding oil sitting in Shia lands. Any chance to get real benefit from it for the people of Iran has steadily evaporated under the idiotic “leadership” of that country. Years of waste, loss and chaos – their best version of running an oil industry and national economy. If it wasn’t for the idiots controlling it, Iran could be a wealthy, highly advanced country, commanding strong international respect and influence. And don’t think Iranians aren’t aware of this.

funny you say that, because earlier i was thinking this

democrats need to get over their nationalism and cross border lines in order to coordinate. the regimes conspire to defeat people, why not the people join forces to put down regimes?

imagine if the iranian and syrian uprising simultaneous happened together. the mullahs wouldn’t then have had the luxury to engage in the superfluous hobby of meddling in foreign shores?.

August 8th, 2012, 3:07 am



Hamoudeh is our eyewitness in Aleppo.

652 Hamoudeh,

Thanks again for those videos. They’re awsome. And may God bless and protect those men.


It is becoming clear now that the Tawheed Brigade is emerging as the most potent force in FSA. It seems that they are the most motivated and driven by a strong ideology and a great faith. You cannot fight without these essential elements even if you have the best weapons.

August 8th, 2012, 3:12 am


omen said:

313. GHUFRAN: We know that there are no innocent players in this dirty war

George Orwell, who fought in the Spanish civil war, observed, it is “the intrigues, the persecutions, the lies and the misunderstandings” of conflicts that create the seductive but misplaced “temptation to say: ‘One side is as bad as the other. I am neutral’.

“In practice, however, one cannot be neutral,” he continued, “and there is hardly such a thing as a war in which it makes no difference who wins.”

August 8th, 2012, 3:28 am


Syrian Natonalist Party said:

The problem in the Middle East and Islamic world is that we have a trifecta of malware embedded into the Middle East geography. Anglo-Franco supported Zionists-Shia in Persia, who hijacked the country from the noble Persian people by the most bloody of 20th century revolution, ruling illegitimately by sheer force of terror. An Anglo-American Zionist supported genocidal ethnocentric, racist crazies in Palestine, expelled 4 million native Palestinians from their homes, killed few million others, usurped the land to them only, leaving little space to true Hebrew natives and Palestinians. And to complete this evil trifecta that is draining our life, energy and economy is the “Dajjal devil” supported Wahabi-Zionists occupying all of Arabia, after slaughtering all the legal owner tribes of the land, now Holding 19 million Sunni Moslem Arab as slaves and servants, while hording the entire Moslem Ummah wealth for own pleasure, leaving the Moslem masses in utter poverty and starvation, from Burma to Sudan and Somali.

Unless the evil trio of Zionist blood sucking vampire regimes, combined spend over 300 Billion annually on worthless weapon, rather than on people needs, on welfare, education, sciences, help the poor classes. We are going toe heading to slavery to the International Zionists.

Wakeup you Moslem Ummah, shame on you, have you forgotten the great Muwaiya, have you not learned from the hero Yazid. Have you forgotten your Umayyad the Great? Shame on you, serving the Zionists and puppeteering the Wahabi evil Zionist plans.

Learn about the Zionist/Jewish House of Saud:

This when Persia ruled by the High Class and educated ones, when it has dignity and its people felt dignified, Before the Zionist-Shia Pistachio peasants and carpet weavers usurped Persia rule by bloody revolution:

Shia =Zionism, It is a movement that was created by the AL DAJJAL Amen/Marduk to weaken Moslems. All Shia under the new Muwaiyah Islamic Emirates rule must convert to Sunni Islam.

August 8th, 2012, 3:32 am


Aldendeshe said:

There is only one God, only one Allah, only one Prophet, only one Holy Quran and there will be only one Islam. From Manila to Granada

August 8th, 2012, 4:01 am


Hamoudeh al-Halabi said:

Visitor: “Hamoudeh is our eyewitness in Aleppo.”

I’m not in Aleppo or elsewhere in Syria.

August 8th, 2012, 4:44 am


Citizen said:

Moving Toward War in Syria

By Rep. Ron Paul

August 07, 2012 “Information Clearing House” — — Last week the House passed yet another bill placing sanctions on Iran and Syria, bringing us closer to another war in the Middle East. We are told that ever harsher sanctions finally will force the targeted nations to bend to our will. Yet the ineffectiveness of previous sanctions teaches us nothing; in truth sanctions lead to war more than they prevent war.

Until last year, Libyan sanctions were touted as a great success story. The regime would change its behavior. Yet NATO bombed the country anyway.

Last week we learned that President Obama signed an intelligence “finding” directing the CIA to covertly assist rebels in Syria. The administration seems determined to fight yet another war in Syria that has nothing to do with American national interests.

We already know that a similar “finding” was signed under the latest Bush administration directing US intelligence to undermine the Iranian government and promote regime change there. Neoconservatives have long demanded that we overthrow the Syrian government before moving on to war against Iran. This bellicosity continues regardless of which party is in the White House.

In Syria we see once again we see how our interventionist policies backfire and make us less secure. Recent news reports point to ties between the Syrian opposition and al-Qaeda (and other extremist groups). A recent article in the Guardian, a British newspaper, exclaimed that, “Al-Qaida turns tide for rebels in battle for eastern Syria.” The article quotes an al-Qaeda leader in Syria saying that he meets with the main US-backed Syrian rebel organization, the Free Syrian Army, “almost every day.” So by promoting civil war in Syria we end up fueling al-Qaeda.

According to another recent press report, German intelligence services estimate that nearly 100 terrorist attacks have been committed by al-Qaeda or related organizations in Syria over the past six months. Last month a suicide bomber in Syria killed a defense minister and several top government officials. The US government, which has been fighting a “War on Terror” for more than a decade now, refused to condemn that act of terrorism.

This raises the question of whether the US administration is supporting the same people in Syria that we have been fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton expressed these same concerns earlier this year when asked whether the US has been reluctant to arm the Syrian rebels. She answered, “To whom are you delivering them? We know al-Qaida. Zawahiri is supporting the opposition in Syria. Are we supporting al-Qaida in Syria?”

That is a very good question. It clearly demonstrates that the United States has no business at all being involved in the Syrian civil war. In the 1980s we supported a resistance movement in Afghanistan that later gave birth to elements of al-Qaeda and the Taliban. When will we learn our lesson and stop intervening in conflicts we don’t truly understand, conflicts that have nothing to do with American national interests?

August 8th, 2012, 7:21 am


Warren said:

Syria conflict: Jihadists’ role growingBy Murad Batal al-Shishani

Islamic Groups Analyst, BBC Arabic

August 8th, 2012, 7:33 am


Warren said:

Syrian Nun exposes the FSA when interviewed by Sky News

August 8th, 2012, 7:43 am


Warren said:

Syria Conflict: Mortars Hit Palestinian Refugee Camp In Damascus, At Least 20 Killed

16 Palestinian soldiers found killed, mutilated in northern Syria

I wonder who did this? Perhaps Holly Dawood, can give us an answer?

August 8th, 2012, 7:54 am


Warren said:

I’ll try this for the second time!

Syrian jihadi captors ‘spoke English with Midlands accents’

7 August 2012 Last updated at 20:07

An extremist Islamist group, with links to the UK, is reported to be operating in Syria, and actively recruiting young British men.

The group, which calls itself ‘The Islamic State’, is thought to be responsible for the kidnap of a British photographer and his Dutch colleague, who escaped last week.

Allan Little reports.

August 8th, 2012, 7:56 am


Warren said:

Looks like Aleppo has gone the way of Damascus did last month.

Syria conflict: Assad forces claim advance in Aleppo

August 8th, 2012, 8:00 am


Michal said:

@ 685. Warren

While I understand the concerns regarding the fate of minorities, it doesn’t help your cause much if you quote a well known regime sell-out, Mother Agnes Mary, that relies on information provided by security agents.


August 8th, 2012, 8:08 am


Dolly said:

Moderator, I’ve noticed you never approve my comments.
Should I up the quality of my posts, or is there some other reason you are blocking me?

August 8th, 2012, 8:28 am


Akbar Palace said:

Hello Dolly


You have to “get with the program”.

The moderators here only allow posts if the allude to “Zionist blood sucking vampire regimes” like Saudi Arabia, the United States, the evil Zionist Entity, all the European countries, the FSA and anyone who has the gall to promote freedom for the average Syrian human being.

I mean afterall, the owner of this website was a big Assad supporter until Assad killed just a few too many of his own people.

August 8th, 2012, 8:35 am


irritated said:


It depends for what he is a General, if he is a General for the russian secret service, the Russians wont comment a word.

And you think the western media, especially the USA media will not jump in in euphoria and inundate us with comments?

August 8th, 2012, 8:46 am


Tara said:

More denials of rebel assassination of a Russian general
Syria’s state news agency say Russia’s embassy in Syria has dismissed media reports alleging that a Russian General was assassinated in Syria.

In the same context, a Russian security source said that the retired Gen. Cugiev, claimed by Syrian opposition to be Killed in Syria, is safe and sound in Moscow.

Sky News Tim Marshall says the general with the same name has held a press conference in Moscow.

 Tim Marshall@Skytwitius 
Syria: A Russian General with the same name as the one the FSA say they have killed holds press conf in Moscow to say ‘I’m not dead’.
8 Aug 12

Guardian blog 

August 8th, 2012, 8:50 am


zoo said:

Syrian rebels feel abandoned, betrayed by U.S.
By Liz Sly, Published: August 7

AL-BAB, Syria — As the Arab world’s bloodiest revolt continues to maim, kill and ravage lives on an ever-escalating scale, anti-American sentiments are hardening among those struggling to overthrow President Bashar al-
Assad, in ways that could have profound consequences for the country and the region in a post-Assad era.

America, once regarded by the Syrian opposition as a natural friend in its struggle for greater freedoms against a regime long at odds with the West, increasingly is being viewed with suspicion and resentment for its failure to offer little more than verbal encouragement to the revolutionaries.

“America will pay a price for this,” he said. “America is going to lose the friendship of Syrians, and no one will trust them anymore. Already we don’t trust them at al

August 8th, 2012, 8:58 am


zoo said:

Rebels: “the army is present in less than 15 percent of Salaheddin.”

Syrian army launches Aleppo ground assault: report
Wednesday,August 8 2012, Your time is 9:02:43 AM

An image grab taken from a video uploaded on
The Syrian army launched a ground assault on the northern city of Aleppo today, a Syrian security official told AFP.

“The army is advancing from west to east to cut Salaheddin in half horizontally,” the official said on condition of anonymity, referring to the key rebel stronghold in the city.

“It will not take a long time to control the district, even if there are some pockets of resistance remaining,” the source added.

A rebel commander confirmed that army tanks had penetrated Salaheddin on Wednesday morning, sparking fierce clashes with the insurgents.

“The regime forces advanced into Al-Malaab Street with tanks and armoured vehicles and fierce fighting is now taking place in the area,” said Wassel Ayub, a commander in the rebel Free Syrian Army.

When asked how far the government forces had reached, the defected Syrian army captain said that “the army is present in less than 15 percent of Salaheddin.” The army, which has been massing its troops and armour in and around Aleppo since late last month, was moving from west to east, coming from Hamdaniyeh, a district adjacent to Salaheddin, Ayub added.

August 8th, 2012, 9:06 am


zoo said:

Turkey’s next after Syria: Iranian Chief of Staff

TEHRAN – Do?an News Agency

Turkey will be next in line for violence after Syria if it continues to work on behalf of Western interests, Iranian Chief of General Staff Hasan Firuzabadi has said, according to Do?an news agency.

Ankara is following the Western lead in the region, along with Saudi Arabia and Qatar, and is responsible for the bloodshed in the Arab republic, Firuzabadi said.

“If these countries continue with their existent approach to Syria, they should know that Turkey and the others will be next in line,” Firuzabadi said.

August 8th, 2012, 9:08 am


Bruno said:

The rebels are on the losing grip in Aleppo. It seems that The Sryian Arab Forces have brought out a new tank.

The T-90s are very effective agaisnt all RPG hits and very effective agaisnt Ground to Ground assaults whatever they are tanks, infantry.

The T-90s arent like there old counter part versions of the T tank family series, the T-80s weren’t as powerfully as the T-90 tanks.

I dont know but it seems that Old Story of that Russian ship transport was nothing more a cat and mouse game, i think Russia had already supplied Sryia with some new military weaponry.

August 8th, 2012, 9:17 am


Citizen said:

even a whole generation of new nano!

August 8th, 2012, 9:37 am


I'm A real American said:

Citizen Putin (689)

No these America’s favorite freedom fighters.

August 8th, 2012, 9:46 am


irritated said:

#697 Tara

Now we know who needs a double dose of the pill and who is so desperate that they need to create videos with theatrical lies to get the international community to rescue them.
Despite the presence of many journalists in Aleppo, the serious media seem to be relying increasingly on SANA instead of the misinformation and lies coming from the rebels, activists and their propaganda mouthpieces Al Jazeera and Al Arabya.

“The FSA is well known for its veracity and accuracy of reporting, unlike the menhebek gang and the Nazi-like criminals occupying Damascus.”

August 8th, 2012, 10:01 am


Bruno said:

I think this article explains pretty well on whats happening in Sryia.

Covering Syria: The information war

The narrative, as CNN puts it, is in essence this: “The vast majority of reports from the ground indicate that government forces are killing citizens in an attempt to wipe out civilians seeking [President Bashar] al-Assad’s ouster” – the aim being

precisely to elicit a heart-wrenching emotional response in Western audiences that trumps all other considerations and makes the call for Western/Gulf intervention to effect regime change.

But it is a narrative based on distortion, manipulation, lies and videotape.

In the first months, the narrative was of unarmed protesters being shot by Syrian forces. This then evolved into one of armed insurgents reluctantly “being provoked into taking up arms”, as US Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton explained, to defend peaceful protesters.

August 8th, 2012, 10:04 am



News reports about the fall of Salahedin by SANA, Dunya and other menhebek outlets are completsely false. Eyewitness reporters in Aleppo confirm Salahedin is still under the full control of the FSA.

The FSA succeeded once again in repelling the attack of the band of thugs of the Nazi-like criminals occupying Damascus.

FSA General Abd-alJabbar al-3Akidi confirms the full control of the FSA of Salahedin. A fighter Jet was also downed and several tanks destroyed, prompting the thugs of the Nazi-like regime to flee for their lives,

August 8th, 2012, 10:04 am


irritated said:

Visitor #706

Read #697 and continue to provide us with ‘reliable’ and ‘accurate’ information coming from FSA sources.

August 8th, 2012, 10:11 am


zoo said:

” The report of his death was a “bald-faced lie.”
Rebels to journalists: “Get out of here”

Russian general denies being killed in Syria as Assad troops batter rebels in Aleppo

Reuters | Aug 8, 2012 8:47 AM ET

A Russian general met reporters at the Defence Ministry in Moscow on Wednesday to deny reports that he had been killed by rebel forces in Syria and was shown on television looking well.

“I want to confirm that I am alive and well. I am in good health and I’m living in Moscow,” Vladimir Petrovich Kuzheyev, a reserve general, was quoted as saying by Itar-Tass news agency.

Russian news agencies quoted the Russian Defence Ministry as saying the report of his death was a “bald-faced lie.”
“We have retreated, get out of here,” a lone rebel fighter yelled at Reuters journalists as they arrived in Aleppo’s Salaheddine district. Nearby checkpoints that had been manned by rebel fighters for the last week had disappeared.

August 8th, 2012, 10:21 am



707 Soooooo IRRITATED,

Yeah sure. Of course, Dunya and SANA are the ‘reliable’ sources of misinformation.

AJE just had one of its reporters last week, Omar Khashram, martyred in Aleppo for the sake of relaying true and accurate information to the outside world.

When are we gonna get the flood of ‘good’ news from RT, Press, Xinhua, atofIndia, 3alam and all your other copy and paste ‘reliable’ sources? That’s not your department, I guess. We are waiting for Ann.

August 8th, 2012, 10:23 am


zoo said:

Turkey denies reports that Syria has arrested its general

ISTANBUL – Hürriyet Daily News

The Turkish Foreign Ministry has categorically denied reports that a Turkish army general was arrested while assisting the Syrian rebels in Aleppo today.

August 8th, 2012, 10:24 am


irritated said:

#709 Visitor

I understand your embarrassment but there is no need to bash Ann and all the media that did not report the Russian general death and other lies.
Did Al Arabya apologized for carrying false information? Do they still blindly, like you, believe on whatever the FSA announces?

August 8th, 2012, 10:31 am


ghufran said:

??? ??????? ??????? ?? ???? ???? ????? ???????? ??????? ???? ????? ?? ?????? ????? ???? ?? ????? ??? ??? ??? ???? ??????? ????? ?????? ?????? ????? ????? ???? ??? ?????? ???? ????? ??????.

August 8th, 2012, 10:32 am


zoo said:

After Yemen, Egypt is now fighting Islamists related to Al Qaeeda that “suddenly” popped up in the Sinai.
They are ‘militants’, not yet ‘terrorists’?
Where are Obama’s drones? Who is next?

Egypt airstrikes target militants in Sinai
By AYA BATRAWY | Associated Press – 1 hr 13 mins ago

EL-ARISH, Egypt (AP) — Helicopters carried out missile strikes against Islamic militants in Egypt’s first airstrikes in the Sinai Peninsula since 1973, as the military said Wednesday it was launching an offensive to “restore control” over the territory following the bloodiest ever militant attacks on the army.

The use of air power marked a sharp escalation in Egypt’s fight against Islamic militants who have become increasingly active in the mountainous, desert peninsula bordering Israel and Gaza.

August 8th, 2012, 10:39 am


ghufran said:

Amnesty International has released satellite images showing the extent of artillery bombardment in the Syrian city of Aleppo where rebels are struggling to fight off an offensive by forces loyal to President Bashar al-Assad.
The human rights group said both sides fighting could be held criminally accountable for their failure to protect civilians.
It said the images, obtained from commercial satellites between 23 July and 1 August, showed more than 600 craters, probably from artillery shelling, dotting Aleppo’s surrounding areas. The craters were represented with yellow dots in the images.

August 8th, 2012, 10:40 am


ghufran said:

????? ????? ????? ???????? ?? ?????????? ??????? ?? ??? ????? ?????? ????? ?? ???? ????? ???????? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ?? ??????? ??????????? ??????.
?????? ??????? ?? ??????? ??????? ???? ?? ????? ????? ????? ????? ??????? ?? ??? ???? ???? ???? ????? ???? ??? 90% ?? ????? ??????? ?? ??????? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ?? ???????
Free Syria from medicine !!

August 8th, 2012, 10:43 am




Embarrased? By what? hehehe!

And bashing? Obviously, you don’t know what bashing means. Otherwise, you wouldn’t have fallen into it in the first place.

Oh! I see, you’re calling the orchestra troops for help.

Time to stand up and do some real thinking on your own.

Hey, I am really busy today. So I will miss your entertaining comments until the evening. But promise, will not leave you guessing afterwards.

August 8th, 2012, 10:43 am


zoo said:

Burning in Paradise

Elderly woman sets herself on fire in Israel

An 80-year-old woman set herself alight in Israel on Wednesday, Haaretz daily said. She was reportedly hospitalized in a serious condition with multiple second- and third-degree burns. The woman has become the fourth Israeli to self-immolate since last month amid protests against worsening living conditions.

August 8th, 2012, 10:44 am


irritated said:

#716 Visitor

Embarrased? By what?

I guess Tara's pill is having its effect: You can't even realize that the victorious 'news' you dumped on us with such great assurance was a "face-bald lie", and that your next "news" coming from your 'reliable' sources will not be given any credibility.

I guess it would hurt too much your ego to admit you were wrong.

August 8th, 2012, 10:51 am


Aldendeshe said:

I received bunch of complaint about comment # 588, the Kissinger comment. There are typos cause am just typing out of my head fresh thoughts that never though off ever before, LOL. So expect these mistakes. What is meant is that Kissinger is well known Illuminati evil doer, he even promoted population reduction in 1970 with Brzezinski calling for mass genocide to reduce population. Someone removed all the links to his famed CFR speech from Google, there is a copy of it in our archive, but it is a moot point now, we are living his plan. What was intended to say is: “Kissinger did ONCE a single good deed in his life inadvertently”, regarding his China policy and freeing 1 billion Chinese from communism shackle and set them up to they became today.

August 8th, 2012, 10:53 am


ghufran said:

“We have retreated, get out of here,” a lone rebel fighter yelled at Reuters journalists as they arrived in Aleppo’s Salaheddine district. Nearby checkpoints that had been manned by rebel fighters for the last week had disappeared.
(I am not here to celebrate violence or any military victory of one party over the other,I think you guys should verify the news before you post it,arabic media outlets are NOT reliable,they rarely care about the truth)

August 8th, 2012, 11:21 am


Juergen said:

here is a map which shows the area the rebels control in Aleppo

as it looks like, they arent far away from the citadel, the sheraton Hotel is also just out of their control

August 8th, 2012, 11:28 am


zoo said:

Sectarian slaying: Syrian rebels attack Alawites, Christians – reports
Published: 08 August, 2012, 05:23

The collapse of the Assad regime could lead to the repression of minority groups, former Russian prime minister and Middle East expert Evgeny Primakov has warned in an interview with the Rossiyskaya Gazeta newspaper.

“Should the armed opposition manage to oust Assad, it would try to impose a Sunni regime, which would immediately lead to the persecution of Alawites, who comprise a significant part of the population,” he said adding that everyone who does not share the opposition’s religious views would face repression.

Primakov also explained that Al-Qaeda is supporting the Syrian rebels because it is a Sunni organization.

August 8th, 2012, 11:28 am


ghufran said:

Nawaf defection was bigger for a number of reasons,one of them is that he has 3 wives, I learned that today,not that I think it is illegal,I just think it is wrong.
that being said,his defection is perfectly understandable,I can not wait for Bashar to defect too.

August 8th, 2012, 11:34 am


bronco said:

In Syria, in time of trouble, tribal affiliation counts more.

Bassam Tahhan explained that both Fares and Hijab belongs to powerful sunni tribes and by defecting they have obeyed tribal laws.
Both tribes are in the area of Deir Ezzor.

“Nawaf Fares, who has served as governor in several Syrian provinces and has held senior security and Baath party posts, hails from the prominent Oqaydat Sunni tribe in eastern Syria, which also has members in Iraq, Jordan and Saudi Arabia.”
“He honoured his tribe and has become a symbol for Deir Ezzor thanks to his modesty and the love he has for people”

“Otari said Hijab is from eastern province of Deir el-Zour from the Sikhni tribe”

August 8th, 2012, 11:51 am


DAWOUD said:


If I had 3 wives, I would defect from the entire world or universe! One wife is too enough headache! Can you imagine 3 wives in three different rooms simultaneously watching BRAVO’s “Housewives of Orange County of NJ?”

Sorry ladies, I don’t mean to sound sexist! Husbands are headache, too! I am sure you hate it when Arab men start arguing politics!

Hasan Nasrillat and Ali Khameini don’t need to marry 3 wives as long as they can get ???? ?????? legally (! Had Ambassador Faris NOT been Sunni, he wouuldn’t any need to marry 3 wives!

Free Syria & Palestine!

August 8th, 2012, 11:55 am


zoo said:

Sarkozy: Homs was ‘Benghazi’ in April 2012, now it’s Aleppo.
It’s just like Libya..

Sarkozy breaks silence to urge international action in Syria
It’s just like Libya..

PARIS (Reuters) – Former French president Nicolas Sarkozy called on Wednesday for rapid international intervention in Syria, likening its conflict to the early days of war in Libya in which he mobilised NATO-led action that helped rebels oust Muammar Gaddafi.

Breaking a long silence since losing May’s presidential election to Socialist Francois Hollande, Sarkozy said he had spoken at length to Syrian opposition leader Abdulbaset Sieda this week and they agreed on the need for foreign intervention in the uprising against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

“They noted a total convergence in their views on the seriousness of the Syrian crisis as well as the need for rapid action by the international community to avoid massacres,” said the statement signed by Sarkozy and Sieda, who is president of the Istanbul-based Syrian National Council.

“They agreed that there are great similarities with the Libyan crisis,” said the statement.

August 8th, 2012, 12:02 pm


Akbar Palace said:

Burning in Paradise

Elderly woman sets herself on fire in Israel


And your point? Israel is no Paradise, but at least Israelis are free.

I’m not sure why you’re so interested in Israel these days, it seems as though there may be more pressing issues for those who care about Syria.

August 8th, 2012, 12:10 pm


zoo said:


“Under Islam, a man can have up to four wives, and countries around the Mideast allow polygamy. However, Iran is one of the few — along with Syria and Tunisia — that require the consent of the first wife before a husband can take another. Still polygamy is rare in Iran, where most people frown upon the practice.”

Of course in Shia religion temporary marriages are officially recognized and bears specific conditions.

About the controversial sigheh practice (temporary mariages)

Love Finds a Way in Iran: ‘Temporary Marriage’
Published: October 04, 2000

For five years, Maryam, the hairdresser, and Karim, the home appliance salesman, carried on a love affair, meeting secretly at the house where Karim lived with his parents. The young couple’s relationship was officially sanctioned by Iran’s Islamic Republic, even though unmarried couples who have sex or even date and hold hands can be arrested, fined, even flogged. That is because Maryam and Karim were married.

Sort of.

They had a valid contract of temporary marriage.
Iran is a country where rules are fluid, where people of all classes and degrees of religiosity pride themselves on finding loopholes in the Islamic system. Temporary marriage, or sigheh, is one of the oddest and biggest.

The practice of temporary marriage is said to have existed during the lifetime of Muhammad, who is believed to have recommended it to his companions and soldiers. The majority Sunni sect in Islam banned it; the minority Shiite sect did not. Historically, the practice was used most frequently in Iran by pilgrims in Shiite shrine cities like Meshed and Qum. Pilgrims who traveled had sexual needs, the argument went. Temporary marriage was a legal way to satisfy them.

August 8th, 2012, 12:20 pm


ann said:

LIE LIE LIE until they believe you! 8)

Russian general allegedly killed in Syria dismisses death rumors – 2012-08-08

MOSCOW, Aug. 8 (Xinhua) — A high-ranking Russian military officer who was reportedly killed in Syria appeared at a news conference Wednesday to refute the rumors.

“I want to confirm that I am alive in good health and live in Moscow. As a retired general, I understand this information is a provocation not only against me personally but also against my country,” Maj. Gen. Vladimir Kuzheyev told reporters.

According to Russian law enforcement and security agencies, Kuzheyev had served in Syria as a military advisor for the Defense Ministry but returned to Moscow after his contract expired.

No other generals with similar names serve in the Russian Armed Forces, the Defense Ministry said.

“Such claims are not intended for a sensation. They are an apparent provocation targeting Russian servicemen. Media hoaxes of this sort have been invented for many years and they are circulated in accordance with the same old pattern and have the same authors. Only countries change,” the Defense Ministry said.


August 8th, 2012, 12:22 pm


zoo said:

727. Akbar Palace

It took one guy to burn himself to create the Arab Spring.

How many more self immolated citizens Israelis need to start the Israeli spring and get rid of the corrupted and greedy leaders ruling their country?

August 8th, 2012, 12:24 pm


Syrian Natonalist Party said:

It took one guy to burn himself to create the Arab Spring.

The little cursory investigation SNP did shown that the whole story was a hoax. That Tunisian man never existed. After our experience investigating 9/11 scam, the tools we need and the Modus Operandi became evident.

We can in fact now solve past mysteries and events, clues, and have been going back 400,000 years past to solve puzzling mysteries. 9/11 gave us all the clues we needed to solve many of them and understand the whole plot from eon ago.

August 8th, 2012, 12:35 pm


zoo said:

From the correspondant in Aleppo, Hossein Mortada: Turkish soldiers in Syria to rescue the trapped rebels on Aleppo.

August 8th, 2012, 12:45 pm


zoo said:

Hard wake up and mental confusion for the rebels: The enemy within

Insight: Syria rebels see future fight with foreign radicals

By Erika Solomon
ALEPPO, Syria | Wed Aug 8, 2012 5:05am EDT

(Reuters) – Abu Bakr, a Syrian rebel commander on the outskirts of Aleppo, is a devoted Islamist determined to overthrow President Bashar al-Assad. But the radical allies that have joined the rebels in recent months alarm even him.

Like most rebels, Anwar and his friends have grown long dark beards, which they see as a defiant fashion statement.

“We could never grow them before the uprising. This is the tough rebel look,” laughs one of his friends.

Commander Abu Bakr says that while he objects to the severe radical approach, he too hopes for an Islamic state.

“Let’s first get rid of the regime, re-establish stability, have national dialogue, and then gradually try to create the Islamic state and give people time to get used to it,” he said.

“I don’t want to immediately impose Sharia law and start cutting off people’s hands for stealing. I believe in Sharia. But if we force it on people, we will create fear. We have to assure minorities we will treat them well.”

“Let me be clear. I am an Islamist, my fighters are Islamists. But there is more than one type of Islamist,” he told Reuters. “These men coming fought in insurgencies like Iraq. They are too extreme, they want to blow up any symbol of the state, even schools.”

August 8th, 2012, 12:53 pm


zoo said:

????? ????????? ???????? ?? ????? “????? ????” : ?????? ???????? ????? ?? ?? ??? ???? ?????? ???? ??????? ???? ?? ??? ?????? ??????????

Video in german

August 8th, 2012, 1:02 pm


ghufran said:

dead men walking !!
A Russian general has denied rebel claims that he was assassinated in Syria. Itar-Tass news agency quoted reserve officer called Vladimir Kuzheyev as “I want to confirm that I am alive and well.”

August 8th, 2012, 1:16 pm


zoo said:

Ryad Hijab, a cousin of the Vice-President Faroukh al-Sharaa, fled after having defected and being fired.
He slipped to Jordan from Deraa through barbed wires

“Hijab and members of his family entered Jordan during the early hours of Wednesday,” Maayatah, also government spokesman, told AFP without elaborating.

The rebel Local Coordination Committees of Syria said Hijab “entered Jordanian territory through barbed wire after having been trapped in (neighbouring) Daraa province following the announcement of his defection.”

Video of Hijab with the rebels in Deraa before his departure


August 8th, 2012, 1:20 pm


ann said:

Russia must help Syria if US supports rebels – Zhirinovsky – 08 August, 2012

Vladimir Zhirinovsky has labeled calls by US senators demanding Barack Obama directly support the Syrian opposition “absolutely unacceptable,” saying his party would demand a Russian response.

In an op-ed piece that appeared this week in The Washington Post, three influential senators called on the Obama administration to “directly and openly provide robust assistance to the armed opposition, including weapons, intelligence and training.”

Senators John McCain, Joe Lieberman and Lindsey Graham employed rather loose logic when they argued that by sitting on the sidelines of the Syrian battle, “we are jeopardizing both our national security interests and our moral standing in the world.”

The leader of Russia’s Liberal Democratic Party (LDPR) and its parliamentary faction, Vladimir Zhirinovsky, described the article as a call for “violently toppling the current government in Syria, which included the use of aviation and other US assets.”

“If President Obama…follows the advice of Congress and acknowledges the need for armed support for the Syrian insurgents, the situation will become irreversible,” he said, as quoted by the LDPR press service.

In the event of US military intervention in Syria, Zhirinovsky warned that “Syria will follow the fate of Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and other countries, whose sovereignty remains a status only on paper today.”

Although his party is opposed to outside military interference in the affairs of independent states, “if the US senators’ calls for supporting the Syrian opposition ‘with fire and sword’ are put into practice, the Liberal Democratic Party will insist on a Russian response.”

“If the Republican senators succeed in persuading the US president (to provide military support to the Syrian rebels), we (LDPR) will demand that the Russian leadership openly side with the Syrian government,” the firebrand Russian politician added.

Meanwhile, Zhirinovsky believes there is no real opposition in Syria, rather international terrorists are acting there.

“Gangs of armed terrorists are acting in Syria under the guise of opposition status,” he said. “It is they whom Senator McCain says should be supported.”

Zhirinovsky stressed that “Russia should support the legitimate Syrian authorities, be it [President] Bashar al-Assad or his successor, elected according to the will of the Syrian people.”


August 8th, 2012, 1:21 pm


Tara said:


Is Sigheh practice applicable to married men too? Or is it only allowed if one is single? If married men is allowed, do they need the wife’s permission? It just seem awkward for a man to ask his wife’s permission to have a temporary sexual relationship with another woman because of his “needs”.

Any loopholes for women?

August 8th, 2012, 1:25 pm


ann said:

Amid UN Inaction on Mali, Ban Denounces Extremists but not in Syria

By Matthew Russell Lee

UNITED NATIONS, August 8 — So far nine of 16 mausoleums in Timbuktu have been destroyed.

Yesterday Burkinabe dipomat Djibril Bassole met with the group charged with the destruction, Ansar Dine, in Kidal and told them they could be part of the “national dialogue” if they public cut all ties with terrorists.

But what would that mean? Inner City Press asked ECOWAS’ Commissioner for Political Affairs, Salamatu Hussaini Suleiman of Nigeria, how Ansar Dine would be expected to signify this cutting: some sort of press release?

She did not answer on the logistics, only that ECOWAS will not negotiate with terrorists.

Even US network CNN, grandstanding from the Burkina Faso border, reported support for the “extremists” in northern Mali from Saudi Arabia and Qatar. The US quickly denied this; both countries are US allies, most recently on Syria.

Inner City Press has previously asked why UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon directed his telephone calls about Timbuktu destruction to Qatar and Saudi Arabia and not a closer monarchy with an interest: Morocco.

Ban’s spokesman Martin Nesirky replied that it is about influence, not geography. But what kind of influence?

In his briefing to the Security Council Tuesday, Ban urged “serious consideration to the imposition of targeted travel and financial sanctions against individuals or groups in Mali engaged in terrorist, religious extremist or criminal activities.”

Some wondered why he hasn’t made a similar call regard some of the groups active in Syria.


August 8th, 2012, 1:36 pm


Akbar Palace said:

If Israel Crumbles, at least I’d Feel Better NewZ

730. zoo said:

727. Akbar Palace

It took one guy to burn himself to create the Arab Spring.

How many more self immolated citizens Israelis need to start the Israeli spring and get rid of the corrupted and greedy leaders ruling their country?


A fair question, but not a good one.

Suffering does indeed beg for company. When the Arab world is in a huge upheaval like we’ve been seeing recently and through the past several decades, it would be “nice” if the evil Zionists somehow suffered in the same way. Is this your question/statement?

So here is my answer. No one should be suffering.

Mohammad Bouazizi lit himself on fire because he was “mistreated” by police and the government. You can read it here.

What if he didn’t? Would there be no Arab Spring? But he did, and the rest of the ME woke up and the people spoke.

In Israel, there are plenty of people who have nearly nothing or are in bad health, forgotten and frustrated. But that doesn’t mean the majority of Israelis are feeling the same way. I know of no Arab Israeli lighting himself on fire because life is unbearable under “Zionist Occupation”. Furthermore, if Israel’s “greedy” leaders don’t answer to the people, the people vote them out of office.

I don’t know who is more “greedy” between the Arabs and the Jews. Mubarak, Assad, Qaddafi, Saddam Huseein, and Arafat were/are billionaires and they’ve robbed HUGE amounts of money from their respective peoples. Israeli leaders get a salary and then, often, their political influence gets them some more income. Frequently, this gets them in “hot water”, as the Israeli judicial system works fairly well.

August 8th, 2012, 1:49 pm


omen said:

682. SYRIAN NATONALIST PARTY said: All Shia under the new Muwaiyah Islamic Emirates rule must convert to Sunni Islam.

who died and made you dictator? lives are difficult enough without subjecting people to additional harassment. what caused you to suddenly demand conversion? your frolicking on the beach ogling blondes didn’t exactly suggest piety.

August 8th, 2012, 2:40 pm


ann said:

Death threats force French reporter to flee Syria – August 08, 2012

PARIS: A French television station says that one of its reporters was forced to flee Syria following death threats he received on Twitter.

France 24 says Chady Chlela, a reporter with its Arab-language channel, who was reporting from restive Aleppo alongside rebel forces, had to return after spending only 48 hours in the country.

Chlela’s photo was also circulated, alongside accusations he supported the regime of President Bashar Assad.

France 24 dismissed the allegation as unfounded.


August 8th, 2012, 3:11 pm


zoo said:

#738 Tara

“Article 1075 of Iran’s civil code, sanctions temporary marriages. The conditions for issuing a temporary marriage licence are the same as those required for a permanent marriage plus a specified term for the marriage and the specification of an amount of money as alimony for the woman. The restrictions for a temporary marriage are also the same that exist for a permanent marriage.”

“A man can also have any number of temporary marriages – or sigheh, as they are known.”

However, Iranian society still looks down on temporary marriage as a cover for prostitution.

Read more of the rules and controversy on the rules

August 8th, 2012, 3:19 pm


Syrian Natonalist Party said:

Good point boss, Jews always did their murderous shenanigans grossly under estimating their opponent position, relaying mainly on deception and stories fabrications, hollow fairytales. When they get wacked, they turn their imaginative deceptive mind on fabricating hollow genocide fairytales, vilifying opponent that they transgressed on and got wacked for it. If you to study Oklahoma City Bombing, 9/11 and the attack on U.S. ships in the 1967 war, you will see the threads of hoax machine inside out.

August 8th, 2012, 3:20 pm


ann said:

Russia to attend meeting on Syria held in Iran – 2012-08-09

MOSCOW, Aug. 8 (Xinhua) — Russia is going to attend an international consultative meeting on Syria to be held in Iran on Thursday, the Foreign Ministry said Wednesday.

Russia will be represented by the Ambassador to Iran Levan Dzhagaryan.

“If the Tehran meeting takes place, Russia will be represented at it by its ambassador to Iran,” the Foreign Ministry’s spokeswoman Mariya Zakharova told reporters here.

According to Zakharova, Russia has received an invitation to the forum but on a very short notice.

At the meeting, “Moscow will push for immediate end of bloodshed and sufferings of the civilian population in Syria, for a peaceful solution to be reached in the interests of all Syrians through a broad political dialogue, as provided by Kofi Annan’s plan and relevant resolutions of the United Nations Security Council,” she said.

On Wednesday, Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian said the consultative meeting on Syria would be attended by foreign ministers from a number of countries that have influential views on both regional and international issues.


August 8th, 2012, 3:23 pm


Amir in Tel Aviv said:

A call to Syrian doctors from a doctor inside Syrian!

August 8th, 2012, 3:28 pm


zoo said:

#740 AP

Mubarak, Assad, Qaddafi, Saddam Huseein, and Arafat

The difference is that your qualify these as ‘dictators’ while your greedy and corrupted leaders are elected by you.
It demonstrate that your problem is much worse as it is not related to these people but to the Israeli society that elected them.

The young man who immolated himself in Tunisia was sending a message about the dead-end of poor people in Tunisia and the despise poverty was getting from the government representatives.
I guess that’s the same message the self immolated people were sending in Israel.
The difference is that in Israel, they represent a minority and as there is no solidarity with them and it’s an elected “democracy” , they are simply ignored.

August 8th, 2012, 3:31 pm


zoo said:

Tehran meeting vs Mecca Meeting

Iran and rivals face showdown in Mecca over Syrian civil war next Tuesday

Michael Theodoulou
Aug 9, 2012

Iran launched a pre-emptive diplomatic strike to head off its expected isolation at next Tuesday’s summit. Tehran is hosting a hastily assembled meeting today of foreign ministers from a “dozen countries” that have a “principled and realistic position” on ending the violence in Syria.

The meeting will bring together representatives from Asia, Africa and Latin America, Iran’s foreign minister, Ali Akbar Salehi, said yesterday.

As host of next week’s summit of the Organisation of the Islamic Conference in Mecca, it would have been inconceivable for Saudi Arabia not to invite Iran, a key member of the 57-nation bloc.

Equally, Iran would never boycott a gathering that gives it a cherished opportunity to stake its claim as a major regional player that cannot be ignored.

Experts differ widely over Saudi Arabia’s game plan. Some believe King Abdullah would have preferred not to invite Iran.

Iran and Saudi Arabia, the Arabian Gulf’s ideologically opposed leading powerhouses, are bitterly divided on Syria, Bahrain, and Tehran’s nuclear programme.

“The Saudis were hoping Ahmadinejad would stay away,” said Abdelbari Atwan, editor-in-chief of Al Quds Al Arabi newspaper, based in London. “He’s embarrassed them by accepting immediately. Now he’ll be the star of the summit.”

Others believe Saudi Arabia will use the opportunity to unite Sunni Muslim ranks against Mr Assad’s faltering regime and, by extension, to pressure Iran.

“Iran will be shown to be out of line with the consensus of the overwhelming body of Muslim opinion on Syria,” said Gerald Butt, an expert on Arabian Gulf affairs. “It’s a clever move by the Saudis. If Iran stayed away it would appear isolated, but it will also appear isolated when it does show up.”

But there is also informed speculation that Saudi Arabia, fearful the Syrian crisis is spiralling out of control, is keen to de-escalate the situation and wants to explore whether Iran can be part of the solution.

“The Saudis are not holding back in any way on their efforts to counter Iran in the region, but they don’t want to get into a direct or indirect military confrontation with Iran,” said Trita Parsi, an Iran expert in Washington.

Despite visceral mistrust between Tehran and Riyadh, each has a strong incentive to defuse the Syrian crisis.

August 8th, 2012, 3:39 pm


Tara said:


Thank you. Very interesting. No limitation on the number of “temporary wives” and no need for witnesses or a written contract before the start of the “relationship”. And the “temporary marriage” can last for 10 minutes…So in essence, a Shiaa man can never be considered an adulterer whether married or single…a man from Iran can live like a Sultan having any consenting woman he wishs to have and not feeling guilty about it.

Personally, if I to choose, I’d rather a cheating
husband. This in my opinion is pretty insulting to married women. Nevertheless, as someone very smart said here on SC: there are oddities in all and every religion that any relihion can be easily ridiculed therefore no one should feel that his own religion is more “superior” and that is that.

August 8th, 2012, 3:59 pm


omen said:

this is what patriotism looks like. placing self centered, identity based loyalties on the back burner for the sake of the greater good.

everybody is waiting for alawites to defect but this looks like some are already defecting from within. which is just as, if not more, valuable.

this also suggests how hajib was able to slip by the intelligence arm.

Alawites transmitting sensitive/key info to FSA and civil resistance activists.

August 8th, 2012, 4:08 pm


zoo said:

Jordanian camps: A “death camp” for Syrians refugees uprooted from their villages

Syrian refugees find new dangers in Jordanian camp
By DALE GAVLAK | Associated Press – 12 hrs ago

ZATAARI, Jordan (AP) — No longer vulnerable to bombings, gunfire and mortar attacks in their homeland, Syrian refugees in Jordan’s new tent camp now face a new challenge: snakes, scorpions and dust storms.

Some contend that’s not much of an improvement.

“Death camp,” says the sign in Arabic stuck on a white tent bearing the U.N. refugee agency’s blue emblem.

“In Syria, it’s a quick death,” explained a refugee who gave his name as Abu Sami, as he and other Syrians gathered to protest the conditions at Jordan’s first tent camp for Syrians fleeing the civil war.

“But here in Zataari camp, it’s a slow death for us all,” said the 30-year-old former taxi driver from Daraa, where the Syrian revolution ignited 17 months ago demanding President Bashar Assad’s ouster. “We escaped shelling and bombardment of our homes and now face this torment.”

August 8th, 2012, 4:28 pm


Akbar Palace said:

The difference is that your qualify these as ‘dictators’ while your greedy and corrupted leaders are elected by you.

It demonstrate that your problem is much worse as it is not related to these people but to the Israeli society that elected them.


Politicians are corrupt all over the free world. Some more than others. So you are saying we shouldn’t elect leaders? Most elected Israeli leaders have NEVER done anything illegal, but if you want to paint all Israeli leaders as being “greedy”, you’re welcome to do so, but you wouldn’t be accurate. I understand your need to make Israel look bad; I just suggest your wasting your energy. I suggest you do something to make Arab leaders look better than Israeli leaders.

The young man who immolated himself in Tunisia was sending a message about the dead-end of poor people in Tunisia and the despise poverty was getting from the government representatives.
I guess that’s the same message the self immolated people were sending in Israel.

Yes, most likely. People all over the world suffer, yet most do not try to commit suicide.

The difference is that in Israel, they represent a minority and as there is no solidarity with them and it’s an elected “democracy” , they are simply ignored.

Freedom and democracy doesn’t get rid of poverty. But it helps. Because social demonstrations in Israel are getting a lot of attention, their could be political parties that gain in the upcoming elections. The changes are slow, but their ARE changes. The US, because of democracy, ended the Vietnam war, provided equal rights and affrimative action for blacks, and increased mandates for the poor.

What would you prefer, a government that does nothing in 40 years except make empty promises? Tell me and the forum what it is YOU want for Syria: despotism or freedom?

August 8th, 2012, 4:32 pm


Syrian Natonalist Party said:

FSA teaches Russia a lesson, Kills Russian General in retaliation for killing Syrian children with Russian weapons and for supporting Nazi-like criminals.
Don’t listen to that fraud. No such event ever happened. General Kojev is alive in Russia.
7 13

13 Jews still cheating, deceiving and lying on this blog, go away, we know your deception,fraud, fake…fake…fake… Have some shame, just a bit will ya. Go dig more, for another 8000 years, see if you really can find (yeh sure) that ONE SINGLE EVIDENCE. Surprise Oded Golan is not the President of Israel, but again he will be charged with fraud, forgery and rape.

August 8th, 2012, 4:33 pm


zoo said:

#749 Tara

I agree that the law can easily be abused and the women are still at a disadvantage.
In a way, it is similar to short term concubinage relations lived these days by modern liberated people in Western countries that are not completely regulated by law.
One example of the Iranian law is the obligation for the man to recognize any child conceived during the duration of the relation thus guaranteeing that the child will be taken care financially by his biologic father.
It is also for many divorcees or widows women who has no chance to find a husband to still enjoy an amorous affair in all legality with some protection. In fact there are many cases where the temporary relation became a marriage.
As prostitution has become illegal after the revolution, and brothels were closed, I guess it was a way to allow a form of legal prostitution that could be regulated and controlled.
There has been several attempts by the parliament to decriminalize prostitution and allow brothels but it was staunchly opposed by women lobbies.
While the law needs to be refined, it show pragmatism. I think the intention is good but it is very difficult to make it perfect and prevent abuses. It’ll take time.

Most countries in the world are grappling with prostitution, children without father, single mom, without finding the perfect solution. Many, like in the Arab world, prefer to ignore the problem even exists.

August 8th, 2012, 4:34 pm


Juergen said:

robot curiosity has succesfully landed in Syria and has captured Assad. Apart from that no other form of live was found on the red planet.

August 8th, 2012, 4:50 pm


Tara said:


You made a compelling argument in general except that I find it unacceptable for married women. It should be restricted to the single divorced or widowed.. Given the presence of such a “relationship” in Iran, their rate of honor killing should be limited to adulterer married women…Poor Arab Christians..they can’t even get a divorce.

August 8th, 2012, 4:54 pm


Uzair8 said:

Hopefully Riyad Hijab can share much intelligence with the opposition.

– Reveal weaknesses in the regime (financial, material? etc) which can be exploited by opposition.

– Reveal who is calling the shots.

And much more….

Also he can expose the so called reforms and the lack of real power held by ministers.

Looking forward to his interviews.

August 8th, 2012, 4:55 pm


zoo said:

#756 Tara

Most young Christians and Moslems living in Arab countries where only religious marriage exist prefer to get married in Cyprus or Turkey in a “civilian only” marriage.
I do not know about any Arab country that allows civil marriage only.

By the way divorce is allowed for Coptic and Orthodox christians

August 8th, 2012, 5:17 pm


Juergen said:

Moscow writers give the Syrian dictator Assad, the price of “imperial culture”. Blessed is this’ perseverance in the fight against global hegemony. ” The justification lies the Orthodox Church.

The prize was founded in 2001 and is in the public never played a big role, because he has nothing to do with culture. The Russian Writers’ Union stands out with particular religious nationalism and anti-Western rhetoric. In May 2011 he was one of the founders of the Russian Public Committee solidarity with the peoples of Libya and Syria . The price of “Imperial culture” have already received Slobodan Milosevic and Tariq Aziz, Foreign Minister of Saddam Hussein. Russian writers who are interested in artistic creation, are

August 8th, 2012, 5:21 pm


zoo said:

756. Tara

Sigheh is not wide spread. While it presents some advantages to widows or divorcee women, it is still not looked upon with high regards by all classes of the Iranian society.

August 8th, 2012, 5:22 pm


omen said:

735. GHUFRAN said: dead men walking !! A Russian general has denied rebel claims that he was assassinated in Syria. Itar-Tass news agency quoted reserve officer called Vladimir Kuzheyev as “I want to confirm that I am alive and well.”

a manufactured quote isn’t proof of life.

the bigger story is that russians are helping to kill syrians. what happened to your antipathy against foreigners? where is your outrage? where are you denunciations?

August 8th, 2012, 5:26 pm


zoo said:

Syrians in refugees camps discover the horrors of exile

In Kilis, another Turkish border town, authorities responded to a protest about camp conditions by deporting some refugees to a desert camp near Urfa, where living conditions are more austere, refugees said.

“Turkish people are hospitable and generous. Still, our lives in the camps are difficult,” said a woman in Yayladagi, who identified herself as Um Ahmad. “The most important thing for me is to return to my country, even if I am going to be eating sand there.”

August 8th, 2012, 5:33 pm


Tara said:


Same with polygamy. It is also not widespread and looked at inferiorly by the society, at least in Syria. I do not know about other Arab countries. I wonder if there is any statistics?

I doubt the Arabs are ready to tackle the issues of sexuality in the Arab society. Arab expats with children born and raised in the west are facing this problem and it is difficult to handle. What does one do with a teenage daughter with friends and schoolmates who all have boyfriends?

August 8th, 2012, 5:35 pm


Michal said:

Just a technical note: my comment @ 693. was actually directed @ 688.

That is, not at Amir.

The comment numbers must have shifted or something. Well I did include Warren’s name. My apologies if there was any confusion.

August 8th, 2012, 5:41 pm


zoo said:

#752 AP

Israel is more corrupted now than it was in 1997

In 1997, it was 165, now it is 32 …

The lower the ranking, the more corrupt a country is considered to be.

“According to the study, Israel has been on a fast and steady decline since the the ranking began in 1997. Then, Israel was considered among 15 countries with the least amount of political corruption.”

Israel ranks No. 32 least corrupt country in the world

Countries listed lower than Israel include Poland, Italy, China, Syria, and Iran; New Zealand least corrupt.
By TheMarker and Lior Detel | Nov.17, 2009 | 1:17 PM
The ranking is one spot lower than last year’s, apparently due to the election of a new government and the incarceration of former ministers Shlomo Benizri and Abraham Hirchson.

In 2007 the country was ranked 30, and in 2006, 34 – the lower the ranking, the more corrupt a country is considered to be.

The study defined corruption as misuse of a position of public influence to further one’s personal interests.

According to the study, Israel has been on a fast and steady decline since the the ranking began in 1997. Then, Israel was considered among 15 countries with the least amount of political corruption.

August 8th, 2012, 5:55 pm


zoo said:

763. Tara

Among the Arab countries, it seems only Tunisia has abolished officially polygamy ( who knows now if it will remain).
In other countries, its cost and lack of practicality seem to be a deterrent.
Is it just a rumor that Nawaf Fares has 3 wives?

August 8th, 2012, 6:00 pm


zoo said:

Will Davutoglu’s “advices” to Iran have the wanted effect especially when the the SNC and the FSA heavily supported by Turkey are loosing the military and political battle for the regime change on the ground?

Turkish FM Urges Iran to Change Policy on Syria

Wednesday, 8 August 2012

Turkey’s top diplomat on Wednesday called on Iranian officials to stop supporting the Assad regime in Syria.

“There are disagreements between Turkey and Iran over the Syrian crisis for which the Syrian regime bears the whole responsibility. It is our right to expect Iran to assume a constructive attitude in the face of the blood of Muslims spilled in Syria in the holy month of Ramadan. Blaming Turkey or other countries would produce no positive result,” Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu told reporters before leaving for Myanmar.

August 8th, 2012, 6:15 pm


zoo said:

The FSA welcomes the Bahraini Salafists in Aleppo, encouraging an Islamic caliphate in Syria

Bahraini (Salafists) MPs meet with Syrian Salafis


MPs Adel al-Maawda and Abdulhalim Murad along with former MP Hamad al-Mohanadi and judge Faisal al-Ghurair, all members of the Salafi Asala political association, had said they visited Aleppo and met radical Salafi rebels on Sunday.

Bahrain’s government on Tuesday admitted two of its MPs had visited Syria over the weekend and met with Islamist fighters trying to bring about the downfall of President Bashar al-Assad.

The Gulf state, which has suppressed an 18-month-long uprising against the ruling government, said it had not sanctioned the trip by the Salafi MPs.

“The entry into Syria by a number of Bahraini MPs took place without notifying the foreign ministry,” the ministry said in a statement carried by BNA official news agency.
They posted pictures of their meeting on the Twitter microblogging website, with Murad saying “we held a press conference in(side) Syria with a commander from the Brigade of the Hawks of Sham (Damascus)” – a group known to favor the creation of an Islamic caliphate in Syria.

August 8th, 2012, 6:23 pm


Tara said:


3 Syrian wives? I do not know how he can handle it? Syrian women are vey jealous and protective when it comes to their significant others. I am afraid he may die early.

August 8th, 2012, 6:25 pm


Aldendeshe said:

Landis should start charging $2.95 per comment posted here. Then not only comments quality improves, but then he can afford to move from dumpy city of Norman to Edmond where his kids will graduate from high school and can actually write their names. But then again:

“Nine times out of ten “Sam’s Club republicans” will choose Edmond, while well-to-do, educated democrats will pick Norman any day of the week”

August 8th, 2012, 6:30 pm


DAWOUD said:

769. TARA

First “DEFECT” FROM 2 wives 🙂 , and then defect from the regime! This way you live with dignity and honor!

Tara, how do you translate the Shia practice of ???? ?????? What do you think about it? Do you think Bashar’s Lebanese propagandist Hasan Nasrillat has practiced it?

Free Syria, Free Palestine!

August 8th, 2012, 6:41 pm


Observer said:

Who is attending the conference in Tehran
Let me guess
Chavez from Venezuela
Kim something from North Korea
Mugabe from Zimbabwe
Putin from Russia
Castro from Cuba
That makes eight I cannot think of any other country perhaps India and South Africa and perhaps Brazil, the last three would count the others do not count at all.

Mirror mirror who is the fairest of them all? That is the kind of conference we will have

August 8th, 2012, 6:58 pm


Tara said:


“First “DEFECT” FROM 2 wives , and then defect from the regime! This way you live with dignity and honor!”

You forgot freedom! Dignity and honor AND some freedom.

My opinion? it appears that it solves some problems. Better than just living with someone without marriage. Most importantly is that the biological father is responsible for the children. I can kind of digest it for single men and women, or divorced or widowed people but not married men. See Zoo’s post at 754. He made very valid points. Nevertheless, I definitely would not agree that Yara marries someone who has this right while she is his wife.

August 8th, 2012, 7:03 pm


DAWOUD said:

773. TARA

Gracias, Sister Tara!

I still disagree with you because Zawaj al-Muta’ah is in many ways similar to prostitution. Here in the United States, a man is liable for child support (and child’s college tuition), regardless of whether he is legally married or illegally unmarried to the mother! Although divorce is understandable and happens frequently, one cannot marry with intention of divorcing in a day or a week or month! Paying the mullah’s, ayatollahs, allamahs, et al. does not make it anything other than beautified prostitution!

August 8th, 2012, 7:52 pm


Ghufran said:

The regime is allowing Salaheddin to become another baba amr and Aleppo to become another Homs,
They believe the time is on their side, people are less sympathetic to the rebels and many will eventually blame them as much as the regime for the destruction.
The attack on Aleppo by the rebels was first class idiocy unless they indeed want to destroy Aleppo, then it is pure evil.

August 8th, 2012, 7:56 pm


Uzair8 said:

The following video claims:

Syria – Assad Damages Bosra Shams “Bahira” House Where Christian Monk Met Mohammed {Sallalahu Alaihi Wa Salam} 8-8-12

August 8th, 2012, 8:19 pm


Tara said:

I am very proud of the rebels.  Something Assad never learned despite his “western education”

Rebel commanders sign up to human rights charter
Some of the most highest profile rebel battalions and commanders have signed up to code of conduct to respect human rights, activists claim. 

Under the charter the rebels agree to “respect human rights in accordance with our legal principles, our tolerant religious principles, and the international laws governing human rights”.

The 11-point document includes a commitment to treat any captors as prisoners of war.

It comes after rebels were filmed executing alleged militia leaders in Aleppo earlier this month.

One of the articles in the new document states: “I pledge not to practice any form of torture, rape, mutilation, or degradation. I will preserve prisoners’ rights and will not exercise any of the above practices in order to obtain confessions.”

The activist group the Local Coordination Committees in Syria has a list of signatories to the document. They include Colonel Qassim Saadeddin from Homs, who is one of most prominent rebel leaders. Battalions and commanders in Hama, Dier el-Zour, Damascus and Dera’a have also signed up. But the current list only includes one rebel commander in Aleppo.

From the Guardian blog

August 8th, 2012, 8:37 pm


Uzair8 said:

As the regime is busy elsewhere…..


#BREAKING: Defectors say they have encircled the last 3 government military outpost in Deir ez-Zor countryside – Statement #Syria #Assad

August 8th, 2012, 8:38 pm


Tara said:

Salehi: Some Iranians seized in Syria are retired Guards Or from other departments. I personally do not believe they were pilgrims.  Their kidnapping forced Iran to step down it’s arrogance to reach to the “little” Qatar for their release.  It is good to get lessons in humility from time to time.
8 August 2012 / REUTERS, DUBAI
Iran’s foreign minister said some of the Iranians kidnapped by Syrian rebels last week are retired soldiers or Revolutionary Guards, Iranian media reported on Wednesday.  
“Some of these beloved ones were on IRGC (Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps) and military pensions … and others were from other different departments,” Ali Akbar Salehi said, according to Iran’s student news agency ISNA. He denied they now had any military connection.

Syrian rebels said they kidnapped a busload of 48 Iranians on Saturday on suspicion of being military personnel. Tehran has said they were pilgrims visiting a Shi’ite shrine…

Salehi’s comments were published after he visited Tuesday to Turkey to ask Ankara to use its links with Syria rebels to secure the Iranians’ release.

Salehi said retired government employees from a number of agencies had signed up to make pilgrimages to Damascus after recent fighting in the Syrian capital had subsided.

“After some time in which pilgrims from Iran were not being dispatched to Syria…we took steps to send retired forces from various organisations,” Iran’s state news agency IRNA quoted Salehi as saying.

“Some retired individuals from the Guards and army were dispatched to Syria to make a pilgrimage.”

August 8th, 2012, 8:47 pm



Hussein abd al-Hussein, the well known journalist and veteran of the Iraq war, eloquently rips apart the political transition argument and along with it the misguided US Administration Syria policy,

August 8th, 2012, 8:49 pm


irritated said:

#776 Uzair8

It would take 5 minutes to fix that ‘destruction’

What a ridiculous claim…

August 8th, 2012, 9:00 pm


Tara said:

I agree with the analysis.  I am convinced that Qatar is doing it out of benevolence and morality.  

What is Qatar doing in Syria?
Qatar’s emir is putting his money where his mouth is, and Syria’s opposition fighters are reaping the benefits
Michael Stephens for Open Democracy, part of the Guardian Comment Network
Wednesday 8 August 2012 05.30 EDT
In recent weeks more information has emerged as to who is helping the rebel forces, how they are helping and the depth of the assistance provided. Time and again the same three countries are named: Turkey, Qatar and Saudi Arabia.

The motivations for two of these countries are clear. Turkey is a neighbouring state and as such faces critical stability and security concerns. Saudi Arabia largely views the conflict through the Iranian lens, and the larger geostrategic game that plays out between the two purported leaders of the Muslim world.

But what of Qatar, a tiny Gulf state whose main strategic goal is to keep the Strait of Hormuz open so that it can export its liquefied natural gas across the world, bringing it untold riches? Syria plays no part in Qatar’s strategic calculations, so why is Qatar getting so deeply entangled in a conflict into which even the great powers seem afraid to tread?

Qatar, it seems, is driven in this particular endeavour by the force of the emir and his prime minister, Sheikh Hamad bin Jassim al-Thani. Both men feel that Qatar has a role to play in reconstructing the Arab world after the upheavals it has experienced. Wherever and whenever it can, Qatar then will seek to have an influence on the process of events in the region around it.
So here is my guess. The emir wants to secure a legacy for himself as the man who took the Arab world into a more activist phase of multilateral action. As the man who pushed a lethargic, divided region to stand up and solve Arab problems with Arab action, backed by the use of force for those who don’t seem to get the message. A certain Mr Gaddafi and Mr Assad being the primary targets who needed “education”.

For what it’s worth, I do believe that Qatar sees both the Syrian and Libyan interventions in a moral light. Many Qataris are deeply angry that Syrians are being shot and shelled by their own government and don’t possess the means to defend themselves. While I cannot speak for the emir, this is certainly a factor in the thinking of Sheikh Hamad.

There are some who think Qatar has bitten off more than it can chew. A tiny state whose entire civil service numbers less than the staff of Saudi Arabia’s interior ministry cannot surely be expected to make the correct strategic calculations in such a complex and violent conflict. But persevere it has, and now Qatar is deeply engaged on a number of fronts, supporting disparate groups comprising the Free Syrian Army along with its Turkish and Saudi allies.


August 8th, 2012, 9:00 pm


bronco said:

#77 Tara

That’s look like a PR coup under the advices of their PR office in Qatar.
The media have so much discredited the rebels with the massacres they perpetrated and their intimate association with suspicious Islamists extremists and terrorist acts than they’ll sign just anything to appear clean.

What they should sign is a document committing to eliminate the extremists islamists and the foreigners from their ranks and fight them if necessary, but maybe if they do that, there won’t get any more money coming from Saudi Arabia and maybe not many soldiers will be left in their ranks.

August 8th, 2012, 9:09 pm


Tara said:


Even if true, they outsmarted Bashar whose savagery and brutality stunned the world yet never bothered to sign or declare compliance with the most basic of human rights. Remember the Arabs are very new to human rights, they never experienced it before. Their rights stripped from them at birth. Signing the declaration and educating one’s self about human rights is a good first step.

August 8th, 2012, 9:28 pm


Uzair8 said:

I share this as I think it reminds of the importance of rulers keeping in touch with the people and scholars. Sometimes the gap can become too large.

Shaykh Yaqoubi, after leaving Syria, is based in Morocco now.

The Shaykh, yesterday, addressed the King and Ulema of the country in the annual Ramadan ‘Durus al-Hassaniyyah’. The Noble Shaykh was teaching about the Mufti and the Qadi and their prerequisites, manners and conditions.

News report:

The King and the Shaykh meet at . Both personalities are descendants of The Prophet Sallalahu Alaihi Wa Salam.

Full address:


August 8th, 2012, 9:29 pm


bronco said:

780. VISITOR said:

Hussein abd al-Hussein’s analysis has many flaws. He destroys the argument of a smooth transition in Syria by comparing it to the ‘smooth transition’ that he claimed the US used in Iraq. Was Iraq messy post Saddam a smooth transition?
In Iraq the USA eliminated all the regime institutions and imposed a US leadership to continue violently crushing the regime die-hard to build a nation under perpetual tension. What counts is not the daily civilian killed but it’s the oil flowing.
In Syria, there is no oil to flow to the USA but the prospect of a continuous instability in Syria is dangerous for the neighbors, principally Israel that the author totally ignores in the equation.
That’s why the USA is ready to compromise to ensure a return to stability.
For that Syria needs to preserve all its institutions, principally the army and that can’t happen without negotiations with the regime who, with the loyalty of the army is pacifying the country counting on the apparent support of the population of the two large cities at least.
The author stops short of proposing any alternative solution to total destruction of the regime institutions and the subsequent chaos
Actually what he wants if what the USA wants in order to save their face: That Bashar goes.. than we’ll see.

August 8th, 2012, 9:42 pm


bronco said:

#784. Tara

Sorry Tara, I don’t trust neither the SNC nor the FSA. They have rejected Annan’s plan just as it was announced, promised hell to the army, threatened to kill the president, feeling invincible with the strong verbal support they got from Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, the USA, France promising them help and victory at the condition they always refuse to enter in a dialog with the regime.

Now they are feel abandoned, loosing ground, dying and discredited.
They have just to say officially: We are ready to lay down our arms and negotiate a ceasefire under the control of the UN.
But they have no leader, they are divided and impotent, so who can make that decision?
I worry they will all die humiliated by their defeat, having been mislead to that dead-end

August 8th, 2012, 9:54 pm


zoo said:

Now that Egypt has an Islamist government, it finds itself bombing Egyptians who are more Islamists.

In Egypt’s chaotic Sinai, militants grow stronger
By AYA BATRAWY | Associated Press – 5 hrs ago

El-ARISH, Egypt (AP) — After decades of neglect and with the collapse of government authority the past 18 months, Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula has become fertile ground for Islamic extremists. Militant groups have taken root, carrying out attacks against neighboring Israel and now turning their guns against Egypt’s military as they vow to set up a puritanical Islamic state.

August 8th, 2012, 10:03 pm


omen said:

how come the fact that rebels were able to negotiate a truce with the berri clan (prior to the shabiha breaking it) doesn’t get any credit?

weren’t you surprised that such a truce had been prearranged? there was another one with the kurds that tara pointed to. how many more arrangements are there like this?

reckless thugs bent on violence don’t bother to negotiate truces.

787. BRONCO: They have rejected Annan’s plan just as it was announced, promised hell to the army, threatened to kill the president

who struck first blood? it’s called self defense. it’s the regime who has proven themselves to be untrustworthy. bashar didn’t abide by the kofi plan.

they always refuse to enter in a dialog with the regime.

not true. opposition offered to negotiate how bashar would step down.

August 8th, 2012, 10:23 pm


ann said:

Turkish battalion upgrades security measures in Lebanon – 2012-08-09

BEIRUT, Aug. 8 (Xinhua) — A security source confirmed to Xinhua Wednesday that the Turkish battalion participating in the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) has upgraded its security measures following the warning conveyed by the families of the 11 kidnapped pilgrims in Syria.

The spokesman for the families of the kidnapped Sheikh Abbas Zogheib warned Tuesday the Turkish authorities that “if the issue of the kidnapped was not solved soon, the embassy staff and the Turkish soldiers in the UNIFIL could become our hosts”.

The source told Xinhua that the Turkish battalion is dealing with the warning seriously as many in Lebanon consider the Turkish authorities capable of finding an end to the kidnapping issue.

It added that soon after hearing about the warning, the Turkish battalion upgraded the security measures around its headquarters as the soldiers feel that their security is endangered and are obsessed with the idea of being kidnapped in south Lebanon”.

The Turkish battalion of composed of 265 officers and soldiers.


August 8th, 2012, 10:40 pm



FSA rebels still in Salah Al Din but seem very frustrated, it confirms my suspicion that they were set up to this blunder of plan without much knowledge or understanding of the make up of Aleppo and its residents.

Astounding damage shown in this video:

August 8th, 2012, 10:44 pm


Syrialover said:

Bronco #787 said:

“I don’t trust neither the SNC nor the FSA”

Sorry, somebody has to start trusting somebody at some stage in this post-dictator era (without being bribed or related to them) – and Syrians could do a lot worse than starting there.

It’s the only way any form of legitimate government can emerge in the Arab world.

Sure, it’ll be imperfect and take time to evolve, but I think the vision is already formed in the minds of those who want to be free of the Assads.

Time to get on board the future by trying to be constructive.

Incidentally, Annan’s plan was neither feasible or appropriate. All it did was buy time for Assad. (Read:

August 8th, 2012, 10:45 pm


ann said:

UN chief condemns all hostage-taking acts: spokesman – 2012-08-09

UNITED NATIONS, Aug. 8 (Xinhua) — UN Secretary-general Ban Ki- moon, who has just received a letter from Iran on kidnapped Iranians in Syria, opposes any act of hostage-taking, a UN spokesman told reporters here on Wednesday.

“A letter from the government of Iran requesting the assistance of the secretary-general has been received,” said Martin Nesirky, spokesperson for Ban, at a daily briefing when asked about the Iranian citizens being held in Syria.

“As a matter of principle, the secretary-general condemns any taking of hostages, and calls for the humane treatment, prompt and unconditional release, and safe return of any abductees, Iranians or others, being held against their will,” he said.

A total of 48 Iranian pilgrims were reportedly abducted on Saturday by militants in the Syrian capital Damascus.

According to the letter sent by Iran’s Foreign Minister Ali- Akbar Salehi to the UN secretary-general on Tuesday and obtained by Xinhua, three of the Iranian captives have reportedly been killed.

“I would like to draw your attention to the media reports indicating the killing of three Iranian captives in Syria,” Salehi said in the letter to Ban. “The three captives were among 48 Iranian pilgrims who were abducted by the fighters from the so- called ‘Free Syrian Army’ on their way to the Damascus Airport on Aug. 4, 2012.”


August 8th, 2012, 11:05 pm


Syrialover said:


C’mon. This is real war actually happening, not a place for speculative pronouncements, blame and selective approval.

By definition, a popular rebellion isn’t going to be planned, led and orchestrated in the way onlookers might think it should be.

And Syria’s rebel movement has achieved extraordinary things under extreme difficulties.

They are heroes fighting to open up Syria’s future. A war they have already successfully won, even as the battles continue.

August 8th, 2012, 11:13 pm


ann said:

Can Someone Remind This Little Napoleon Monster Loser He’s a nobody now 8)

Sarkozy urges Libyan scenario in Syria – 09 August, 2012

Former French president Nicolas Sarkozy, the spearhead of last year’s campaign to oust Muammar Gaddafi, has called for rapid international action on Syria, comparing the current crisis with the situation in Libya.

Sarkozy has spoken with the Syrian opposition leader, Abdulbaset Sieda, and both agreed there is a need for foreign intervention in Syria in order to stop the ongoing crisis, Reuters reports.

“They noted a total convergence in their views on the seriousness of the Syrian crisis as well as the need for rapid action by the international community to avoid massacres,” said a statement signed by Sarkozy and Sieda, the president of the Istanbul-based Syrian National Council. “They agreed that there are great similarities with the Libyan crisis,” said the statement.

This is the first time Sarkozy has spoken on a significant issue since losing May’s presidential elections to his Socialist rival, Francois Hollande.

His move seems to be an attempt to put pressure on President Hollande, who has been much more moderate on the issue compared to his flamboyant predecessor.

Sarkozy was the first Western leader to recognize the Libyan rebels and led international efforts to organize the NATO-led operation to help Libyan rebels overthrow the Gaddafi regime.

His conservative UMP party has also lashed out at Hollande over his stance on Syria. “Why is Francois Hollande doing less than Sarkozy? Why has he decided not to intervene? Because of fear? Because of amateurism? Because he doesn’t know how to decide?” UMP official Philippe Juvin said in a statement.

Prominent French intellectual Bernard-Henri Levy, believed to be one of the masterminds of the last year’s intervention in Libya, also slammed Hollande’s approach in an interview with Le Parisien newspaper last week.


August 8th, 2012, 11:16 pm


ann said:

Paradise or Bust 😀

Syrian troops kill hundreds of insurgents in Aleppo: state media – 2012-08-09

DAMASCUS, Aug. 8 (Xinhua) — Syria’s state media said hundreds of armed insurgents were killed Wednesday in the northern Aleppo’s district of Salahuddien as a result of the ferocious clashes there, adding that the army has purged the area of armed insurgency and regained control of the area.

The state-run SANA news agency said hundreds of armed men were killed in Salahuddien, as pro-government media said that 70 gunmen were killed in the neighborhood of Mayer in the countryside of Aleppo.

Earlier in the day, SANA said Syrian troops dealt a “fatal blow ” to the armed insurgent groups in Salahuddien, adding that the army is now combing the sprawling district after killing most of the armed rebels there.

It said that many of the armed men have surrendered themselves to the authorities.

The Syrian army unleashed Wednesday a counter strike to regain control of the district, the first that has fallen in the hands of the armed rebels since two weeks ago.


August 8th, 2012, 11:26 pm



Besides the well-known fact that the regime is made up of despicable Nazi-like criminals, the videos linked by DAMASCUSROSE @ 791 show also that this regime is a shameless liar, and therefore none of its media outlet or its ‘subsidiaries’ such as RT, 3alam, Press, Xinhua, atimeofindia serve any useful purpose except for black comedy entertainment, if you have enough time on your hand.


Another group of fighters with initiative and good improvisation tactics is achieving strategic gains with very little in protecting civilians in cities before they get attacked by the thugs of Nazi-likes. The embedded video is awesome,

August 8th, 2012, 11:28 pm


ann said:

13,000,000 unemployed Americans and this is what our skinny secretary of state is doing about it!!! 8)

August 8th, 2012, 11:32 pm


ann said:

Iraqi PM pledges support to peacefully achieving Syrians’ goals – 2012-08-08

BAGHDAD, Aug. 8 (Xinhua) — Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki reiterated Wednesday his country’s support to achieve the goals of Syrian people in a peaceful way.

“Iraq supports any effort to achieve the goals of the Syrian people in a peaceful way and avoid Syria and its people more tragedies,” Maliki said in a statement posted by his office after a meeting held here with Saeed Jalili, Secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council.

For his part, Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari met with Jalili and discussed the latest developments in the region and the Iraqi-Iranian relationship in addition to the Syrian crisis.

On Wednesday morning, Jalili arrived in Baghdad to hold talks with Iraqi leaders over the latest developments in the region, particularly the Syrian crisis, following his visit to Damascus and Beirut.


August 8th, 2012, 11:40 pm


mjabali said:

Visitor Said:

“Ibn Nusayr is known to be the author of the Nusayri beliefs, whether you admit it or not
Who wants to engage anyway? You provided misinformation, we provided facts.

So, please refrain from corresponding until you are able to provide substance to your comments. My time is precious.”

Visitor: the type of logic in your response is weak and reflects little education. The choice of words in your response reflects poor imagination and of course poor education. I thank the elements that you are busy and can not engage me in a discussion about Mohammad Ibn Nusayer and the Alawis.

August 8th, 2012, 11:41 pm


mjabali said:


I thank the elements that you are busy and can not enlighten us with your apparent knowledge about the Alawis and Mohamamd Ibn Nusayer. The type of logic and choice of words reflect poor imagination and little education. So thank you for overwhelming us with your historical evidence that only existed in your dreams.

By the way, my dog knows about the Alawis and Mohammad ibn Nusayer more than you.

August 8th, 2012, 11:44 pm


omen said:

673. GHUFRAN: Here is what the GCC and their puppets do not want you to hear

a counter.

this is what the anti imperialist critique boils down to:

They want Syrians to reject arms, refuse to militarize, and face army bare-chested.

if only the rebels would commit suicide. that would earn bronco’s trust.

August 8th, 2012, 11:45 pm


ann said:

Syria defends itself against imperialist onslaught – August 8, 2012

• U.S. role revealed
• Al-Qaida-type forces in Aleppo
• Imperialists train leaders of SNC and FSA

The fighting in Syria is shaping up as a military showdown between the Syrian army on one side and “rebel” fighters openly backed by the U.S.-NATO imperialist powers, along with Israel, on the other. These “rebels” are being armed directly through NATO-member Turkey and the Qatari and Saudi Arabian monarchies.

The Western imperialist powers have targeted the Syrian state for regime change because it is one of the few states in the region with some independence from the imperialists, because it is allied with Iran and with the Hezbollah movement in Lebanon, and because it has supported Palestinian self-determination.

According to Gen. Wesley Clark, in his book, “Winning Modern Warfare,” every country in the Northwest Africa/Southwest Asia region with some measure of independence from imperialism has been on Washington’s hit list since September 2001: “beginning with Iraq, then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Iran, Somalia and Sudan.”

This strategy has nothing to do with democracy or human rights or with the wishes of the Syrian people. It is aimed at imperialist conquest of the oil-rich region.

The corporate media in the imperialist countries have waged an intense propaganda war against the Assad government since protests started in March 2011. They blamed the regime for massacres of civilians even where they knew there was conflicting evidence, as in the town of Houla. The media published opposition press releases as if these were facts.

Despite the media’s overall anti-Assad bias, some reports are finally beginning to reveal the extent of U.S.-led Western intervention and the armed opposition’s crimes.

U.S. role revealed

Until now, the U.S. administration had played down its meddling in the Syrian fighting except in the diplomatic arena and especially in the United Nations. Republican militarists like Sen. John McCain have even criticized the U.S. policy as being too cautious and called for military intervention.

This changed as August began. The following story was reported throughout the media: “President Barack Obama has signed a covert directive authorizing U.S. support for Syrian rebels battling President Bashar al-Assad’s forces, U.S. officials told CNN on [Aug. 1]. The secret order, referred to as an intelligence ‘finding,’ allows for clandestine support by the CIA and other agencies.” (CNN, Aug. 1)

“White House Press Secretary Jay Carney did not deny that the United States is helping the Syrian rebels,” said a Voice of America report on Aug. 2.

Anyone closely following the events in Syria would have known of the U.S. role. Veteran Washington Post editorialist and executive, David Ignatius, who has a direct line to the CIA, had already revealed in his July 18 column, that “the CIA has been working with the Syrian opposition for several weeks under a non-lethal directive that allows the United States to evaluate groups and assist them with command and control. Scores of Israeli intelligence officers are also operating along Syria’s border, though they are keeping a low profile.”

Ignatius undoubtedly was briefed by the CIA before writing these words. A veteran of 42 years with the CIA, Melvin Goodman, now with the Center for International Policy, has called Ignatius “the mainstream media’s apologist for the Central Intelligence Agency.” (The Public Record, July 16, 2009)

The New York Times on Aug. 5 also spelled out the State Department and Pentagon’s plans for material and propaganda aid for the Syrian opposition: “The planning is being closely coordinated with regional allies like Turkey, Jordan and Israel, and it coincides with an expansion of overt and covert American and foreign assistance to Syria’s increasingly potent rebel fighters.”

The Times notes that the “administration has authorized $25 million in direct assistance for medical supplies and communication equipment to help the fighters and civilian opponents of Mr. Assad coordinate their activities and, crucially, disseminate reports about the fighting to the rest of the world.”

The administration denies supplying weapons, but in any case, the Times continues, “Other countries, including Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar, are providing weapons, assisted by a small number of officers from the Central Intelligence Agency who are vetting the fighters receiving them and working with State Department officials trying to unify the fighters with political leaders inside and outside the country.”

The Times also reported in the same article that “the American ambassador to Syria, Robert S. Ford, who closed the embassy in Damascus in February — and is now based in Washington — met in Cairo last week with more than 250 Syrians to shape plans for the inchoate opposition groups to form a transitional government.”

Ford was appointed ambassador in January 2011. He is a protégé of John Negroponte, who organized death squads in El Salvador during that country’s civil war. Ford was Ambassador Negroponte’s number two in Iraq in 2004-05, where he again organized terror squads, that time to tear apart Iraqi society and sow sectarian hatred in order to divide the Iraqi resistance.

British imperialism is also involved. A British newspaper on July 22 reported: “The Daily Mail can reveal some rebels inside Damascus have been trained by former SAS [Special Air Service, a corps of the British army] soldiers working for teams of private security contractors from two companies based in the Middle East.”

These reports clarify that the U.S. is coordinating its NATO and regional allies in an all-out attack on Syria much as it did on Libya in 2011. One difference is that Russia and China have so far resisted U.S.-NATO efforts to get a United Nations Security Council mandate for military intervention. In Libya, such a vote opened the door to a months-long NATO bombing campaign that eventually ground down the forces supporting Moammar Gadhafi’s legitimate Libyan government.

Al-Qaida-type forces in Aleppo

In the fighting around the two major Syrian cities, Damascus and Aleppo, an ever-greater role is being played by al-Qaida-like groups of fighters. These include mercenaries from Afghanistan, Chechnya and Libya that even some anti-Assad fighters admit make up as much as 10 percent of the forces. One of these groups of mercenaries uploaded a video on Aug. 3 showing them executing people who supported the Assad government.

The imperialists call these groups their “enemies” in the so-called war on terror, as they spread prejudice against all Muslims, persecuting them in the U.S. and Europe. However, by conspiring for “regime change” in Syria, the Western powers have created a situation where these al-Qaida-like forces can flourish.

These groups get special treatment from the Saudi Arabian and Qatari funders and they are well armed. They grow in importance as the battle becomes more military than political. By spreading religious intolerance and even executing people who belong to a different sect, they spread fear throughout Syria.

Washington has promoted these groups before. In Afghanistan starting in 1979, even before the Soviet Union intervened, the U.S. armed the al-Qaida-like groups through the Pakistani secret service. The U.S. called them “freedom fighters” and funded them through Saudi Arabia to fight first the progressive Afghan government and later the Soviet troops. Even after 9/11, the imperialist Cold-War strategist, Zbigniew Brzezinski, said it was well worth it to promote al-Qaida and the Taliban since that helped bring down the Soviet Union.

The New York Times, however, worried aloud about the role of al-Qaida-type groups with the so-called Free Syrian Army in a July 30 article: “Syrians involved in the armed struggle say it is becoming more radicalized: homegrown Muslim jihadists, as well as small groups of fighters from Al Qaeda, are taking a more prominent role and demanding a say in running the resistance.”

Syrians say there are 26 different religious groupings in the country. There are also Kurds and Iraqi and Palestinian refugees. All feel threatened by the foreign fighters, whether or not they support the government.


August 8th, 2012, 11:58 pm


Fawaz said:

No it wouldnot have cut it.The presumed evolutionary process was bound to clash with structural features of narrowly ruled regime on the back of cumulative failures to govern effectively .
The syrian case was an accdent waiting to happen ,The Arab spring was the torch to engulf the Syrian state .
To me the risk to the Syrian state would require a quick military coup to save the state with significant political space for MB .To expect democracy on the back of deplorable state the Assad& Makhlouf gang will leave it with is almost a folly and certainly dangerous .Once stability s achieved and revenge is hopefully avoided ,on can think of restarting the serious diloque that Was started in 2000 .

August 8th, 2012, 11:59 pm



800 mjabali,

This comment of yours show much of a loser you are.

Why don’t you sit down with your dog and discuss your alawi/nusayri dilemma while reading this link from your next of kin, with well-known sources cited, and relieve us of your thuggery?

I am not interested in a debate with you for several reasons that I already mentioned. There is another reason now. You obviously enjoy the discussion of various topics with your dog. So that is the level of a ‘debater’ that is worthy of ‘debating’ with you. Obviously you do not belong here.

August 9th, 2012, 12:01 am



800 mjabali,

This comment of yours shows much of a loser you are.

Why don’t you sit down with your dog and discuss your alawi/nusayri dilemma while reading this link from your next of kin, with well-known sources cited, and relieve us of your thuggery?

I am not interested in a debate with you for several reasons that I already mentioned. There is another reason now. You obviously enjoy the discussion of various topics with your dog. So that is the level of a ‘debater’ that is worthy of ‘debating’ with you. Obviously you do not belong here.

August 9th, 2012, 12:04 am


ann said:

800. mjabali said:


By the way, my dog knows about the Alawis and Mohammad ibn Nusayer more than you.

Very funny Mjabali 😀

Thank you!

August 9th, 2012, 12:04 am



SC Moderator,

I have a comment to be released, please.

August 9th, 2012, 12:05 am


mjabali said:


Bringing Renan’s words does not polish your poor response, sorry to say that. You are accusing me with “deep hatred for the other,” why? Is that because I question your history and expose the myth within? Your response is beyond weak, with all respect to you.

You said that your ancestors were governors of Damascus, Hama, Tripoli and Sidon in 18th century Syria, so what? what does that has to do with the argument. So, if your father is a governor and my father is a regular joe, does this mean that you know the truth and I don’t?

First there was no 18th Century Syria to begin with. There was an Ottoman empire and all the governors were appointed by the Ottomans. Almost all of them were not Arabs or locals. They were imported from god’s knows where:

Here is a list of those who ruled Damascus in the 18th C and let me see how many locals were amongst them.

1 ???? ???? ???? ????? 1699 1700
2 ?????? ???? ???? 1700 1701
3 ?????? ???? ???? 1701 1702
4 ???? ??? 1702 1702
5 ???? ???? ??? ???? 1702 1703
6 ???? ????? 1703 1703
7 ????? ???? ??????? 1703 1703
3-2 ?????? ???? ???? 1703 1704
8 ????? ???? 1703 1704
9 ???? ???? 1704 1705
5-2 ???? ???? ??? ???? 1705 1706
10 ?????? ???? 1706 1707
11 ???? ???? ????? ????? 1707 1707
12 ???? ???? ???? 1707 1708
13 ????? ???? ???? ???? ????? 1708 1714
14 ???? ???? ???? 1714 1714
15 ???? ???? 1714 1714 ??? 80 ?????
16 ????? ???? ???? 1715 1716
17 ??????? ???? 1716 1717 1670 1730
18 ??????? ???? ??? ???? 1717 1717
19 ??? ???? 1718 1718
20 ????? ???? ????? ???? 1718 1719
21 ??? ????? ???? 1719 1721
22 ????? ???? ????? ????? 1721 1722
20-2 ????? ???? ????? ???? 1723 1724
23 ???? ???? ??????? ???? 1725 1730
24 ????? ??? 1730 1730
25 ??? ?????? ??? 1730 1730
26 ??????? ??? ???? ???? 1730 1731
27 ???? ???? ?????? ???? 1734 1738 1743
28 ???? ???? 1738 1739
20-3 ????? ???? ????? ???? 1739 1740
29 ???? ???? ???? ??? ???? 1740 1741
27-2 ???? ???? ?????? ???? 1741 1743
30 ???? ???? ???? ???? 1743 1757
31 ??? ???? ???? ???? 1757 1758
32 ??? ???? ???? 1758 1760
33 ???? ???? 1760 1760
34 ????? ???? ?????? 1760 1771
35 ???? ???? ???? ???? 1771 1772
36 ???? ????? ???? ??????? 1772 1773
35-2 ???? ???? ???? ???? 1773 1783
37 ????? ???? ???? ???? 1783 1783
38 ????? ???? ????? ???? 1783 1784
39 ???? ???? ?????? 1784 1786 1804
40 ???? ???? 1786 1787 1801
41 ???? ???? 1787 1788
42 ??????? ???? ?????? 1788 1790
39-2 ???? ???? ?????? 1790 1795
43 ???? ???? ??? ???? ???? 1795 1798
39-3 ???? ???? ?????? 1798 1799

As you can see the Ottomans never trusted anyone more than a year in the post of a governor. Some ruled more than one year but ultimately they were gone. Most probably got killed by the Ottomans. Dirty history of course. The Ottomans never trusted people in positions that would make them money and power. Those who has ambition made stands here and there, but in most cases these governors were to collect money and send it to the Ottomans. Those governors were occupiers who treated the locals as sub humans.

You said that you assure me that Tripoli was not a Christian town. Of course it was not when your family was ruling it. Look at how the Muslims came to it by invasion. Look at the Christian history in it. Look also at what wars did to it (Qalawuun destroyed the hell out of it)

Interesting that you brought that your aunts wrote Turkish and Persian. First of all, they were most likely Turks. What about their Arabic? Did the Ottomans encourage the learning of Arabic? Was Arabic to be around the high class in Damascus in the 18th C?

August 9th, 2012, 12:14 am



800 mjabali,

This comment of yours shows much of a loser you are.
I strongly suggest that you sit down with your dog for a beer and discuss your alawi/nusayri dilemma. I provide you and your dog with the link below from your next of kin, with historical sources cited, as the preferred topic of discussion for the duo. Perhaps then you will take your thuggery away from here for a while.
I am not interested in a debate with you for several reasons that I already mentioned. Do you not understand plain English? There is another reason for me now. You obviously enjoy the discussion of various topics with your dog. So that is the level of a ‘debater’ that is worthy of ‘debating’ with you. Obviously you do not belong here.



Hope you enjoy this too. The only problem I have with your comments is that they make me scroll for what looks like for ever in order to skip. Otherwise, they might good. Well, let’s keep them as a ‘hidden treasure’ away from the ‘evil eye’.

August 9th, 2012, 12:36 am


omen said:

Here is a list of those who ruled Damascus in the 18th C and let me see how many locals were amongst them.
1 ???? ???? ???? ????? 1699 1700
2 ?????? ???? ???? 1700 1701
3 ?????? ???? ???? 1701 1702


August 9th, 2012, 12:57 am



786 Bronco,

Only blind fools would still think that Assad has people’s support, apparent or real. It seems to me that you overlooked the central premise(s) of Mr. Abd al-Hussein,

” if they had, they would have known that stability in Arab countries is strictly tied to the dictator. In his absence, the status-quo is upset and needs rebalancing, during which time the country is forced to live through an inevitable period of turbulence. In the case of Syria, even with Bashar al-Assad still in power, the balance of power has been irreversibly shaken, as the regime’s opponents have thrown caution to the wind and broken the barrier of fear that the Assad clan has used to rule Syria for the past four decades.”

Or perhaps this,

” Ford’s argument, widely endorsed in Washington and throughout world capitals, verges on the absurd because it does not ask the key question: When has a brutal dictator ever abdicated by negotiation?”

Or this,

” But inevitable instability in post-Assad Syria should not be an excuse for Assad to stay. Rather, it is an invitation for the world to understand that it cannot always engineer a transition of power in ways as smooth as those envisaged by intellectuals and diplomats. Syria is destined for bumpy months, and maybe years, ahead, and if Ford and like-minded world officials want to help, they can do so by letting go of the belief that Syria’s state institutions can be preserved.”

Or this,

” As for the alternatives, charting a course forward is as tricky and unrealistic as preaching political settlement. What we know for sure, however, is that the killing must stop, and this can only happen the sooner Assad is ejected from power.”

I am surprised that you come up with a response that still puts forward pacification with the help of the military as a solution at this stage.

Isn’t that the same language of the elusive security solution that the regime has been espousing since the beginning? So in effect, your response is a promotion of the regime position ad verbatim. Give us a break from this mundanity please!!!

To read more:
Only 25% of a given NOW Lebanon article can be republished. For information on republishing rights from NOW Lebanon:

August 9th, 2012, 1:16 am



Now, I have two comments awaiting release.

What’s going on Mr. Moderator?

August 9th, 2012, 1:35 am


Juergen said:

Malek Jandali


August 9th, 2012, 1:53 am


Uzair8 said:

Brother Hamoudeh,

Why I don’t post there?

My hands are tied. I used to update on Syria. I promised to answer a pile of questions put to me but never got round to it although I did start on drafts. In my judgement they required honest, accurate, comprehensive and lengthy answers. I was all about finding and spreading info. At the time I was busy and also mentally drained so the task kept being delayed. I may get round to it in order to tie up some loose ends.

Having said that, you have kindly done the job for me better than I could have. This is why I said your effort was like a prayer answered. Alhamdulillah. 🙂

August 9th, 2012, 1:54 am


Syrialover said:

Ann writes (#798):

“13,000,000 unemployed Americans and this is what our skinny secretary of state is doing about it”

This poster is really bad news. Stop trashing this forum.

1. Why the showing off about being an American and pushing domestic election comments here? There are endless bigger forums in America to yap such opinions.

2. It’s a mega mystery why this poster invests so much time on SyriaComment. Their lack of background and real interest in Syrian matters is glaringly obvious.

3. Likewise the constant cheap shots at the people of Syria. It’s thrill-seeking and ugly to be pushing Bashar Assad’s cause while perched smugly and proudly as an American at home.

4. It apparently gives this poster some sort of tingle to swamp this forum with 32 cut-paste paragraphs of anti-imperialist rant from an obscure leftist bulletin. (And we see frequent proof this poster don’t even read the stuff they cut and paste).

Sorry, I’m giving them attention – which is like oxygen and a drug to such posters, the reason they are online.

August 9th, 2012, 2:15 am


Uzair8 said:

Ok enough is enough!!

We have regimists calling rebels ‘Rats’ while some videos refer to regime fighters as ‘Rats’. So who are the ‘Rats’?

There’s only one way to settle this. The Cat/Kitten test.

Confirmed! Rebels are not Rats:

[Yes that same picture]

August 9th, 2012, 2:19 am


Ghufran said:

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(Mahmoud Darweesh)

August 9th, 2012, 2:32 am


Syrialover said:

Mjabali, I felt Observer’s comments on his own ancestry (#655) were interesting and very open. Your reaction didn’t seem appropriate to the points he was making, especially considering he was talking about his family in Syria a couple of hundred years ago.

It’s been said before on this forum that the new DNA analysis techniques are probably going to make nonsense of many of the ancestral difference claims in Syria.

When the differences then come down to religious allegiences it’s usually only a matter of time, accelerated by social, economic and political development, for all that stuff to recede as well.

August 9th, 2012, 2:41 am


Uzair8 said:

Forecast includes tourism, oil, currency reserves….

Syria’s economy to contract 14% as revolt against Assad continues

Sunday, 5 August 2012

Syria’s economy will shrink by 14 percent this year from a contraction of 6 percent in 2011 the 17 month rebellion against President Bashar Al-Assad takes its toll on the country’s industries and investment falls, while sanctions limit export capacity, the Institute of International Finance said.

Tourism receipts have plunged from 11 percent of gross domestic product in 2010 to 4 percent last year when the uprising against Assad started, the IIF said.

Tourism receipts are forecast to fall to 0.6 percent of GDP this year while foreign direct investment have plummeted from $1.5bn in 2010 to $0.6bn last year and is projected to drop to $0.1bn in 2012.

Read more:

August 9th, 2012, 2:53 am


Uzair8 said:

Syrian Conflict Sends Food Costs Skyrocketing for Iraqi Consumers

Wednesday, Aug 8, 2012

Current events in Syria have led to a considerable rise in the prices of goods that are exported from the country to the Iraqi market. This puts an additional burden on Iraqi citizens, and may cause Syrian merchants to lose their stake in a primary market.


The Syrian economy

A producer of cotton goods inside Syria said the Syrian economy is on the brink of collapse, adding that its three main sectors – agriculture, industry and trade – are at a complete standstill.

Read more:

August 9th, 2012, 2:59 am


omen said:

@RafifJ – Rafif Jouejati spokesperson for LCC on charlie rose!

August 9th, 2012, 3:10 am


Syrialover said:

Analysis of who lives where in Aleppo:

The lure of the big city as well as the search for jobs has pushed large numbers of residents of the rural region around Aleppo to move to the town, which covers some 120 square kilometres (46 square miles).

Around 45 percent of the city is made up of informal neighbourhoods, whose residents are mostly Sunnis and Kurds.

Overall, the majority of its residents are Sunnis, around 65 percent of them Sunni Arabs, and 20 percent Kurds, who are also Sunni Muslims.

Christians represent around 10 percent of the population of the city, around half of them Armenians, with the remainder from the Syrian, Greek Orthodox and Maronite churches.

Members of the Alawite sect, an offshoot of Shiite Islam to which Assad and his family belong, make up around five percent of the population.

But unlike in Damascus and the southern city of Homs, the community is not concentrated in any particular districts.

With the exception of Hamdaniyeh, home to numerous government employees, among them large numbers of Alawites, the community is dispersed throughout the city’s districts, particularly its Christian quarters.

Balanche said the neighbourhoods under rebel control include the northeastern Tareq al-Bab, southeastern Salaheddin and unnamed areas where most of the population comes from Aleppo province.

The rebels do not yet control the city’s central districts or those in the west, which are home to the city’s elite, Christian residents, and others originally from Aleppo rather than from its outskirts.

The city’s more upscale districts include Shahba, Halab al-Jadida (New Aleppo) and the city centre. Aleppo’s historic Old City quarter was added to the UNESCO World Heritage Site list in 1986.

August 9th, 2012, 6:28 am


Warren said:

Syria: christian monastery assaulted north of Damascus

(ANSAmed) – BEIRUT, August 6 – Gunmen attacked the Catholic monastry of Mar Musa, north of Damascus. The old monastery, that dates from the fourth century, had been sacked but no casualties had been reported to Ansa by sources close the Italian Jesuit founder of the monastic community, father Paolo Dall’Oglio.

Sources affirm that nobody within the monastery had been hurt or assaulted, but “the gunmen stole everything they could steal”, including tractors and other agricultural and farming tools.

Last February and April the monastery had already been targeted by gunmen. Father dall’Oglio,who lived in Syria for the last 30 years, had been invited to leave the country in June, right after his statements that favour “a genuine national reconciliation”.

Father Dall’Oglio expressed “deep distress” for having being attacked, and “deep regret for all the lost work,relief because there were no casualties, solidarity with the monastic community and the hope for a better future in the near future”.


August 9th, 2012, 7:17 am


Warren said:

EIBNER: Islamic extremists threaten Syria’s Christians
Obama must not ignore sacrifice of religious minorities

The US and the West in its campaign to overthrow Assad and geo-political struggle against Iran: must not ignore the fact that the FSA is a salafi infested organization.

The Syrian opposition has completely de-legitimatized itself by aligning with vile regimes such as Saudi Arabia and Qatar. How can anyone believe the FSA is fighting for freedom when they accept arms, money, and orders from totalitarian feudal sharia absolute monarchies?

August 9th, 2012, 7:27 am


Warren said:

Syrian Christians caught between two sides

Reports suggest that Syrian Christians are increasingly being targeted for attack by radical Islamists. They’re suspected of loyalty to the Assad regime – yet many are actively involved in the uprising.

As fighting between the Syrian regime and the forces of the opposition has intensified, so has the suffering of the civilian population. Hundreds of thousands of citizens of different political and religious backgrounds have been displaced. Some are still in the country, while others have fled to the border regions in neighboring countries. Among them are many Syrian Christians, who constitute around 10 percent of the population. They fear that, if the uprising against the dictator Bashar al-Assad is successful, they will find themselves on the losing side regardless of whom they support.

Christian refugees from the Syrian city of Kusair recently told a correspondent for Spiegel Online that many of their relatives had been murdered by radical Islamists who had joined the fight against the Assad regime. The refugees spoke of a concerted campaign against the Christian minority. “We are constantly accused of working for the regime,” said a Christian woman whom the magazine spoke to in Lebanon. Initially, she said, they got along well with the rebels, but later on Islamists – most of whom come to Syria from other countries – incited the rebels to turn on the Christians.,,16148169,00.html

I wonder what inane sophistry Juergen the salafi apologist will use to explain this or perhaps more likely Juergen will ignore this information because it contradicts his pro-FSA propaganda?

August 9th, 2012, 7:39 am


Warren said:

Inside Syria: Aleppo’s Christians Arm Against Islamists

As foreign and local radicals rise amid the chaos of Syria’s civil war, Christians are taking arms from the Assad regime.

August 9th, 2012, 7:44 am


Warren said:

Syria conflict: Aleppo districts ‘under fresh assault’

The Free Syrian Army (FSA) has confirmed it has retreated from the strategic Salah al-Din district, a densely packed area of narrow streets.

“We have staged a tactical withdrawal from Salah al-Din,” rebel commander Hossam Abu Mohammed of the Dara al-Shahbaa Brigade in the northern city told the AFP news agency by phone.

“The district is completely empty of rebel fighters. Regime forces are now advancing into Salah al-Din.”

Oh yes, another of those wonderful “tactical retreats” lol. The FSA reminds me of a car that only has a reverse gear.

Only yesterday we had the Salafi Visitor arrogantly claiming the FSA controlled Salah al-din district and the FSA had murdered a Russian general. Now we learnt that both claims turned out to be false!

August 9th, 2012, 7:59 am


Syrialover said:

Warren #825.

That article is by John Eibner who is CEO of something called Christian Solidarity International.

He comes across as a particularly ill-informed religious bigot with a childish world view.

Not only does he appear to know very little about the Middle East, but is completely blank about Bashar Assad.

What an idiot! Mainstream Christian organizations must cringe when he puts himself out there with that title.

August 9th, 2012, 8:02 am


Son of Damascus said:


Christians and Muslims eating iftar together in Yabroud (under the independence flag):

Pictures of the day that include Salat Al-Fajer, the Iftar hosted at the Church, and ends with Yabroudians protesting together:

August 9th, 2012, 8:24 am


Syrialover said:


You can huff and puff and try to console yourself all you like, but here’s the thing: the FSA have already won the important war, regardless of ongoing battles.

And I approve of them withdrawing because I want those heroes to stay safe.

But I also want Syrian army members to quit what their “leaders” are forcing them into. This has stained and debased the lives of those Syrians much more than those who are fighting for the opposition.

August 9th, 2012, 8:24 am


mjabali said:


From reading between the lines from your weak and amateurish link we find the following:

1- Killing Shia and Alawites was a habit in Damascus sanctioned by the Sunni religious establishment; case study: the story of Mohamamd ibn Makki, known for the Shia as al-Shahid al-Awal. See how they killed him.

The Alawis/Nusayris were also killed, many times in public display.

From the link Visitor put up we find this paragraph.

??? ??? ?????? ??????? ?? ????? ?????:6/294 ? ?? ????? ??? 886 : (????? ??? ???? ?? ??? ??????? ??????? . ??? ????? ??????? ???????? ???? ???? ????? ??????? ??????? ? ??????? ???? ???????? ???????? ????? ?????? ? ???? ??? ?? ??????? . ????? ???? ????? ?? ????? ?????? ? ????? ??? ????? ???? ??????? ? ???? ??? ??????) . ????? .

So, during the Ayyubids/Memluke/Seljuke/Turkish era you could be killed in Tripolli, Damscus, Hama, Homs, Allepo just for being Alawi or Shia.

2- The Alawis of Syria look at themselves as Muslims. Here is the words from the link of Visitor:

???? ???????? ????? ????? ?????? ?? ????? ? ?????? ????? ????? ? ?????? ???? ?????? ????? ???? ?????? ? ???????? ????????? ? ??????? ??? ???? . ??? ???? ????????? ??? ???? ? ??? ??? ?? ???? ????? ? ??? ???? ???? ?? ???? ??? .

So, whatever the Alawis consider themselves is of no worth, what is worth is what this man called Visitor thinks of them.

Mr. Visitor: who are you to classify the Alawis, or name them? It is them who have the right to call themselves whatever they want. You consider yourself the one giving tickets to paradise. Thank you, the Alawis do not want to be in your paradise.

August 9th, 2012, 9:04 am


mjabali said:


From reading between the lines from your weak and amateurish link we find that killing Shia and Alawites was a habit in Damascus sanctioned by the Sunni religious establishment; case study: the story of Mohamamd ibn Makki, known for the Shia as al-Shahid al-Awal. See how they killed him.

The Alawis/Nusayris were also killed, many times in public display.

From the link Visitor put up we find this paragraph.

??? ??? ?????? ??????? ?? ????? ?????:6/294 ? ?? ????? ??? 886 : (????? ??? ???? ?? ??? ??????? ??????? . ??? ????? ??????? ???????? ???? ???? ????? ??????? ??????? ? ??????? ???? ???????? ???????? ????? ?????? ? ???? ??? ?? ??????? . ????? ???? ????? ?? ????? ?????? ? ????? ??? ????? ???? ??????? ? ???? ??? ??????) . ????? .

So, during the Ayyubids/Memluke/Seljuke/Turkish era you could be killed in Tripolli, Damscus, Hama, Homs, Allepo just for being Alawi or Shia.

2- The Alawis of Syria look at themselves as Muslims. Here is the words from the link of Visitor:

???? ???????? ????? ????? ?????? ?? ????? ? ?????? ????? ????? ? ?????? ???? ?????? ????? ???? ?????? ? ???????? ????????? ? ??????? ??? ???? . ??? ???? ????????? ??? ???? ? ??? ??? ?? ???? ????? ? ??? ???? ???? ?? ???? ??? .

So, whatever the Alawis consider themselves is of no worth, what is worth is what this man called Visitor thinks of them.

Mr. Visitor: who are you to classify the Alawis, or name them? It is them who have the right to call themselves whatever they want. You consider yourself the one giving tickets to paradise. Thank you, the Alawis do not want to be in your paradise.

August 9th, 2012, 9:06 am


mjabali said:

From reading between the lines from your weak and amateurish link we find that killing Shia and Alawites was a habit in Damascus sanctioned by the Sunni religious establishment; case study: the story of Mohamamd ibn Makki, known for the Shia as al-Shahid al-Awal. See how they killed him.

The Alawis/Nusayris were also killed, many times in public display.

From the link Visitor put up we find this paragraph.

??? ??? ?????? ??????? ?? ????? ?????:6/294 ? ?? ????? ??? 886 : (????? ??? ???? ?? ??? ??????? ??????? . ??? ????? ??????? ???????? ???? ???? ????? ??????? ??????? ? ??????? ???? ???????? ???????? ????? ?????? ? ???? ??? ?? ??????? . ????? ???? ????? ?? ????? ?????? ? ????? ??? ????? ???? ??????? ? ???? ??? ??????) . ????? .

So, during the Ayyubids/Memluke/Seljuke/Turkish era you could be killed in Tripolli, Damscus, Hama, Homs, Allepo just for being Alawi or Shia.

2- The Alawis of Syria look at themselves as Muslims. Here is the words from the link of Visitor:

???? ???????? ????? ????? ?????? ?? ????? ? ?????? ????? ????? ? ?????? ???? ?????? ????? ???? ?????? ? ???????? ????????? ? ??????? ??? ???? . ??? ???? ????????? ??? ???? ? ??? ??? ?? ???? ????? ? ??? ???? ???? ?? ???? ??? .

So, whatever the Alawis consider themselves is of no worth, what is worth is what this man called Visitor thinks of them.

Mr. Visitor: who are you to classify the Alawis, or name them? It is them who have the right to call themselves whatever they want. You consider yourself the one giving tickets to paradise. Thank you, the Alawis do not want to be in your paradise.

August 9th, 2012, 9:07 am


zoo said:

Syria rebels withdraw totally from Salaheddin: FSA

BEIRUT – Agence France-Presse

The rebel Free Syrian Army withdrew completely from the embattled district of Salaheddin in the northern city of Aleppo on Thursday as regime forces advanced, a rebel commander said.

“We have staged a tactical withdrawal from Salaheddin,” Hossam Abu Mohammed told AFP by telephone. “The district is completely empty of rebel fighters. Regime forces are now advancing into Salaheddin.” The rebels are still in streets near the key neighbourhood, said Abu Mohammed, who commands the Dara al-Shahbaa Brigade. “We are in the Saif al-Dawla and Mashhad districts” east of Salaheddin, he said.

August 9th, 2012, 9:09 am


mjabali said:


I call things the way they are.
Observer called me racist, hater and so forth just because I speak in truthful terms and have a different narrative in mind about what really took place in the Middle East. That accusatory language does not intimidate me. It is the weapon of the weak. Come and face me with the real narrative. I know that I ticked many on this board with the way I call things, but, isn’t this what we should get out of this dialogue?

It is a dialogue and an exchange of ideas. This unique board is an opportunity that should not be wasted. I went to other blogs about Syria and they are all either with or against. Syria Comment is a place to make real points. So, do not get upset with certain terminology.

August 9th, 2012, 9:21 am


mjabali said:

SC moderation

please release my comment from your spam prison, where I reply to al-Fathal ??????

August 9th, 2012, 9:23 am


mjabali said:


Thank you and happy to make you laugh. I know that the cyber junta are after you so if you want to borrow my dog let me know….

August 9th, 2012, 9:25 am


Amjad said:

Some kids dream of becoming the kings of late night comedy. Some kids dream of becoming Olympic legends. Mjabali spends even his adult waking hours dreaming of refighting the Calipha succession. Dude, get over it already. My God, Henry VIII wasnt this obsessed about a succession and he had several of his wives killed and told the Pope in Rome to go eff himself.

Now “Warren”, look up a citizen journalist by the name of Bassel Shahade, and the disgraceful way your shabiha goons disrupted his funeral, then come and whine about how the FSA treats Christians in Syria.

Or what about the fact that your prethident (who if things keep going this way, is going to find that one butt cheek has defected with the other not too far behind) created a constitution that forbids a Christian from holding the presidency.

August 9th, 2012, 9:28 am


bronco said:

812. VISITOR said:

Only blind fools would still think that Assad has people’s support, apparent or real.

Then the USA, Russia, China, Iran, Lebanon, Algeria etc… and more than 70 countries in the UN and Kofi Annan are blind fools as they ask for a “transition to democracy” and not the toppling of Bashar al Assad and the regime change.

If the population was supporting the rebels, Damascus and Aleppo would have fallen a long time ago. It has been a psychological shock for the opposition to realize that they got neither strikes, nor uprising, nor any support from the city dwellers as they called for and hoped for. They thought they had the support of ‘the majority’ of Syrians, their defeat in Damascus and soon in Aleppo was a sharp realization that they didn’t.

The opposition has never been so isolated nationally and internationally. That’s why they are begging the USA or anybody to intervene militarily because they lost the war of heart and minds. They are simply not wanted by the large cities that makes the large majority of the Syrians.
The scenario of a smooth transition with all the regime institutions in place and a dialog with the now weakened opposition is still the only one on the table.

August 9th, 2012, 9:30 am


Amjad said:

“If the population was supporting the rebels, Damascus and Aleppo would have fallen a long time ago”

Another ridiculous fallacy the menhebakjis desperately cling to. Ask the people of Europe how long the Nazis and Soviet Union managed to impose their will through the force of arms.

If the Syrian revolution was really a foreign exported conspiracy, it would have died the quick death of the Bay of Pigs or the Iranian “Green Revolution”. The Iranian uprising was genuine, but it didn’t have the support of the majority of the population, hence it was over in six weeks.

After more than 18 months, the regime has not come close to being able to subdue the revolution. Every week, the areas in revolt have grown and increased. Why is it that none of the refugees from Aleppo are running into the arms of the Syrian jaysh abu shahata, and instead are opting to live in Turkey?

August 9th, 2012, 9:36 am


zoo said:

Turkey’s worried by the deployment of Turkish Kurds attacks on military beyond Eastern Turkey.
Is the road side bomb technique imported from Iraq and Afghanistan spreading to Turkey?

Kurds attack military bus in Western Turkey

Turkish soldier killed, 11 wounded in double bomb attack in Aegean town

One Turkish soldier was killed and 11 were injured when a land mine exploded as a military bus was passing on a road in the Aegean town of Foça today.

The bus was carrying soldiers to the home of Turkey’s marines at the Foça Naval Base in the Aegean province of ?zmir when an explosive device, allegedly planted by suspected members of the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), was remotely detonated at around 8 a.m.

The blast damaged the 24-passenger bus and shattered its windows, injuring the soldiers inside.

August 9th, 2012, 10:30 am


Amjad said:

“In Syria it’s been 18 months and not yet finished.. obvious conclusion?”

Dear God, do you really not understand the point, or do you feel you have to keep throwing these fallacies around to save some face?

A revolt that has no genuine popular support will be quickly snuffed out. A revolution that does have genuine support will keep sustaining itself despite the worst atrocities and savagery of the regime looking to subdue it. Force can artificially sustain an unpopular regime, but ultimately it can’t save it.

In July 1944 some German army officers tried to kill Hitler. They failed, and there was no general uprising against the Nazis in Germany because the support wasn’t there. But the Germans were forever fighting French, Yugoslav, Polish, Soviet and Italian partisans.

The FSA did not storm into Aleppo, they infiltrated it over the course of weeks. They could not have managed to do so had there not been popular support for them in the areas they created a presence in. Hence, the regime’s desire to punish those areas.

August 9th, 2012, 10:33 am


bronco said:


The Iranian uprising was genuine, but it didn’t have the support of the majority of the population, hence it was over in six weeks.

When the opposition in Iran realized that civilians were going to pay the price of an escalation and as they proudly refused foreign help, they decided to call it off.

In Syria, with the “good advices and promises’ from foreign powers who have been dreaming of crushing Syria for years, the rebels totally ignored the danger on the lives of the civilians caught between two fires and continued to escalate in a confrontation that now has killed 20,000 Syrians.
The Iranians wanted to avoid civilians deaths at all cost and decided to postpone the uprising, while the Syrian opposition, boosted by the FOS, did not mind to have more civilians death as they hoped it would move the ‘humanistic’ cord of the international community and force it to engage in foreign military intervention.
Now they know they were fooled and betrayed.

That’s the difference between a respectful opposition that cares for the lives of the citizens and reject foreign intervention and a self-centered opposition that disregards the citizens, begs for foreign intervention and is blinded by its own selfish ‘heroic’ goal.

August 9th, 2012, 10:47 am


bronco said:


They could not have managed to do so had there not been popular support for them in the areas they created a presence

What happened to the popular support in these areas? The population all left and without the human shields they provided to the courageous FSA, it ‘retreated’ to another ‘friendly’ area until…

August 9th, 2012, 10:56 am


zoo said:

Iran hosts Syria talks ( 29 countries), calls for national dialogue

Note the presence of Jordan, Afghanistan, Tunisia, Algeria, Mauritania and Iraq and the UN.
Most countries are represented by ambassadors (the AFP calls ambassadors ‘low ranking’), except Iraq, Pakistan and Zimbabwe by foreign ministries.

Nations participating: Afghanistan, Algeria, Armenia, Benin, Belarus, China, Cuba, Ecuador, Georgia, India, Indonesia, Iraq. Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Maldives, Mauritania, Nicaragua, Oman, Pakistan, Russia, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Tajikistan, Tunisia, Turkmenistan, Venezuela, Zimbabwe

By Mohammad Davari | AFP – 1 hr 17 mins ago

Iran on Thursday hosted a 29-nation conference on Syria with the aim of stopping bloodshed there and forging a role for Tehran as peace-broker for its beleaguered Arab ally.

Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi opened the meeting by calling for “national dialogue between the (Syrian) opposition, which has popular support, and the Syrian government to establish calm and security,” according to state television.

He added that Iran was prepared to host any such dialogue.

Salehi said Iran was opposed to “any foreign interference and military intervention in resolving the Syrian crisis” and supported efforts extended by UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon.

He said Iran had sent humanitarian aid to Syria to make up for international sanctions on Damascus that he said “are not in the interest of the Syrian people but have added to their suffering.”

August 9th, 2012, 11:06 am


bronco said:


30 countries, many Moslem and Arab countries among them are “blind fools’?

August 9th, 2012, 11:13 am


Amjad said:

Bronco #844

I’ve never seen such a whitewash of failure since your prethident’s predecessors claimed that 1967 was a “victory” for Syria since it hadn’t resulted in the toppling of the “glorious Baathist revolution”.

“Postpone” the revolution? Seriously? So now movements aren’t defeated, they are “postponed”.

“The Iranians wanted to avoid civilians deaths at all cost ”

In other words, they were too weak to pay the price that comes with freedom. Even Ghandi’s non violent movement resulted in thousands of Indian deaths. Tyranny and despotism is the easy way out for a society. Freedom and liberty is hard.

“as they proudly refused foreign help”

I don’t call it “pride” when a people with a so called “rich heritage” continue to live under a theocratic dictatorship that won’t let women go out of their own homes without something to cover their heads.

“The population all left ”

Show me one refugee camp set up by your disgraceful junta for Syrians. What happened to the so called terrorists of Houla? Why are the residents of Houla camping out at schools and mosques, while water and other utilities are cut to the village by your government. It is natural for people to flee a war zone, even Stalin didn’t expect Russians to stick around Stalingrad when the German Nazis invaded it. Apparently, menhebakjis use refugees as bargaining chips, thus displaying even less morals and scruples than history’s biggest mass murderer.

August 9th, 2012, 11:24 am


mjabali said:

Amjad of Arabia said:

“Some kids dream of becoming the kings of late night comedy. Some kids dream of becoming Olympic legends. Mjabali spends even his adult waking hours dreaming of refighting the Calipha succession. Dude, get over it already. My God, Henry VIII wasnt this obsessed about a succession and he had several of his wives killed and told the Pope in Rome to go eff himself.”

Actually sorry to disappoint you Hajji, I do not care about anything related to Islam or Khilafa or al-Khulafa. You always tried to show that I am upset that they stole the seat from Ali ibn Abi Taleb: hahahaaaheee heee hee to talk like you for once ya Ajdab, who cares about all of these figures. The people you support are the ones obsessed with the past and re-establishing Khilafa…The people you support brought what happened thousands of years ago to the forefront. Me, ya ajdab if you read English, I am secular and to hell with religion. For you, I know that you are a real Hajji went to Mecca and threw stones at the devil. Dude come and join the modern world please….

August 9th, 2012, 11:29 am


AIG said:


If Assad wanted a peaceful transition to democracy while retaining the state institutions, he had 11 years to do it. Now he wants to negotiate? That is called closing the stable door after the horse has left. You supported a dismal idiot for years and now you are complaining about the results? Was the opposition in the form of the Damascus Spring not “heroic” or “responsible” enough for you? And how successful were they?

Assad and his regime are finished. They cannot win even if they subdue the rebellion. They will remain under sanctions and almost at war with Turkey. All Syrians can look forward to under Assad is a return to the stone age. Unless Assad goes, Syria is finished.

August 9th, 2012, 11:41 am



847 (and other comments) BRONCO,

Are you gauging your apparent popular support by how many countries you think are supporting this Nazi-like regime?

Sorry, BRONCO, but this is the kind of logic that gets you nowhere.

It reflects the worst form of misinformation, utter lack of understanding of what popular support is, and a delusional state of mind bent on utilizing twisted logic. No wonder your Nazi-like Prethident is living in a cocoon.

Well, again today I am very busy. But, promise will be back at it in the evening.

August 9th, 2012, 11:41 am


Observer said:

Majbali you missed my points entirely

Nationalist, self centered sentiments are usually based on a mythical and somewhat distorted view of oneself that almost necessarily implies a differentiation with others usually in a deragotary or discriminatory way.

Your feelings towards your community and your expression of a separate Alawite entity follow that discourse in the same way that the West actually came into its identity first and foremost through the crusades where the “other” help define the “self”.

An extension of that thinking came to the fore with the “Orientalist” thinking and its use to actually help colonize huge numbers of people.

The second point I was making is the fact that my ancestors were not very nice people and worked hand in hand with oppressive Ottoman rulers to extract riches from the population and the short appointment times are a testimony to that.

The third point I was making is that like the late Ayatollah Khomeni lamented the fact that Muslims are now separated by artificial borders and their land occupied and that he wished for those to disappear from the face of the earth with special reference to the occupation of Jerusalem ( a saying that Zionist distorted to claim he wanted the destruction of Israel ) these artificial borders did not exist and the cutlure of Iran and Turkey and Arabia was the mainstream of education and daily life and the Sufi Sunni Islam made an important impact on the life of many.

The fourth point I was making is that the view of history where one is always a victim is part and parcel of this self centered ethnic religious identification.

Now to the events

The Iranian are either scrambling to save the regime with frantic activity on all fronts to shore up a regime devoid of money and fuel and material and dwindling support except for the inner circle and a terrified community or they are coming in to claim victory as the regime pounds the opposition to submission.

The meeting is being attented by Iran China and Russia and the others are not of importance whatsoever. Uzbekistan and Jordan are not important, Cuba is not important and any other except perhaps Venezuela are not important.

It is clear that Syria is no longer an effective member of the resistance with IRGC members being kidnapped. It is clear that the security services are no longer reliable and if people are not defecting physically they are doing so functionally. It is clear that the level of destruction is leaving the country without an infrastructure to even rebuild without massive outside help, a help that will not come any time soon with the current regime.

It is clear also that we are in full fledged civil war and lines are being drawn with fence sitters being forced to take sides.

Cheers for the gangrene has started and C perfrigens is spreading Methicillin Resistant Staph Aureus has caused necrotizing fasciitis. The germs are coming to infect a Shabih near you.

August 9th, 2012, 11:46 am


bronco said:


Show me one refugee camp set up by your disgraceful junta for Syrians.

Why bother? Turkey and Angelina Jolie were here to do it, fully equipped with washing machines, internet and children playground. Who can compete with that?

Insisting on a revolution without the full support of the people is suicide and blindness. It’s bound to fail and we are witnessing its lamentable failure after it has destroyed the fragile social fabric of the country and killed 20,000 people.
Great achievement, indeed.

August 9th, 2012, 11:47 am


irritated said:


The meeting is being attented by Iran China and Russia and the others are not of importance whatsoever. Uzbekistan and Jordan are not important, Cuba is not important and any other except perhaps Venezuela are not important.

Of course the ridiculous Friends of Syria who achieved nothing were very important.
After 5 meetings in big hotels with Miss Piggy and the Grand vizir, they laid no eggs…

You see a lot of things ‘clear’. I think you are the only one they are clear for.

August 9th, 2012, 11:51 am


Amjad said:

“I am secular and to hell with religion”

Um, you have a very bizarre way of showing your secularism. You quote fatwas and sheikhs who no one else gives the slightest attention to. All your posts consist of dredging up the hurts of the past. You are a walking encyclopedia of every whine we have heard from Qurdahans to justify their present barbarities. You don’t even wade into the discussions here unless its to remind people that decades ago some falaha had carnal knowledge by some feudal landlord (something I’m sure our resident SNPer might know a thing or two about hehehehehehehe).

I recommend you pick up Thomas Freidman’s excellent “The Lexus and the Olive tree”, if you can bear to read something written by an “evil Jew”. You, Mjabali of the 1000 year old injustice, are the perfect example of someone obsessed with nothing but the olive tree, and who didn’t water your olive tree, or how your olive tree didn’t get enough sun or soil or love.

August 9th, 2012, 11:53 am


Amjad said:

“I am secular and to hell with religion”

Um, you have a very bizarre way of showing your secularism. You quote fatwas and sheikhs who no one else gives the slightest attention to. All your posts consist of dredging up the hurts of the past. You are a walking encyclopedia of every whine we have heard from “those of the coast” to justify their present barbarities. You don’t even wade into the discussions here unless its to remind people that decades ago some falaha had carnal knowledge by some feudal landlord (something I’m sure our resident SNPer might know a thing or two about).

I recommend you pick up Thomas Friedman’s excellent “The Lexus and the Olive tree”, if you can bear to read something written by a “Jew”. You, Mjabali of the 1000 year old injustice, are the perfect example of someone obsessed with nothing but the olive tree, and who didn’t water your olive tree, or how your olive tree didn’t get enough sun or soil or love.

August 9th, 2012, 11:54 am


Syrian Natonalist Party said:

Nationalist, self centered sentiments are usually based on a mythical and somewhat distorted view of oneself that almost necessarily implies a differentiation with others usually in a deragotary or discriminatory way.

Majbali, he meant to say it is Zionism and and Judaism. You know, when you call your own people the Choosen ones by God and all other nations and people are just GOYYEEM. So OBESERVER is just a GOY for jews.

August 9th, 2012, 11:54 am


zoo said:

The FSA has “secrets plan to fight in Aleppo” after “retreating” from Salaheddine that they claimed yesterday they controlled at 85%

Syrian rebels withdraw from key Aleppo district
AFP – 23 mins ago

Rebels retreated from the key Aleppo district of Salaheddin under a deadly rain of shellfire on Thursday, with the showdown battle for Syria’s commercial capital raging into a second day.
FSA spokesman Kassem Saadeddine told AFP by Skype that the withdrawal “does not mean we are leaving Aleppo. We have military plans to fight in the city, but we cannot reveal them.”

In Damascus, a security source told AFP regime forces were “advancing quickly” in Salaheddin towards Saif al-Dawla.

“But the next big battle, which will be very fierce, will be in the (southeastern) Sukari district.”

August 9th, 2012, 11:59 am


annie said:

On the ground in Idleb

Aug 9th 2012, 13:48 by The Economist online

OUR Syria correspondent who has just returned from Idleb where rebels hold swathes of territory explains who the rebels are and why the province could be crucial to the battle for Syria

August 9th, 2012, 12:01 pm


Aldendeshe said:

“……..It’s bound to fail and we are witnessing its lamentable failure after it has destroyed the fragile social fabric of the country and killed 20,000 people. Great achievement, indeed…”


They hardly did, we are still all Syrians, we are going to rebuild and send that Muwaiyah Islamic army down south. There will be 3600 Moslem Emirs ruling Arabia instead of the house of filth. These Emirs will be chosen from the entire Islamic World, they will honorably rule in Mecca, Medina and Riyadh and Dharan.
Far worse (well not sure about that) than the usurper of the Persian Nation by Shia-Zionism and that of Palestinian Moslems and Holy Jerusalem by European-Zionists, read about the usurper of Islam Holy Sites and Nation in Arabia by the Bedouin Zionists crime syndicate the Saud Mafia clan:

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August 9th, 2012, 12:06 pm


bronco said:

851. VISITOR said:

Are you gauging your apparent popular support on the number of countries support

No, I don’t because I do not know which country really supports Syria.

I judge on the lack of support the rebels got in Damascus and Aleppo when Abdel Basset Sayda called for a popular uprising, strikes and active participation of the population in fighting back the army. He got zero support in the large cities. The rebels were kicked out of Damascus and soon from Aleppo and they’ll go back to the villages where they do have some support.

The trouble is that Aleppo and Damascus population who rejected the rebels represent the largest majority of Syrians. Even the Syrians who were supportive of the peaceful revolution for reforms do not want the rebels once they saw what they were made of, who were their allies and what they were proposing as Syria’s future, a western-gcc puppet.

August 9th, 2012, 12:09 pm


bronco said:

#857. annie

Thanks for the economist Audio that confirms what we all knew. Almost every village of Edlib is ruled by a different rebel group with different agendas, mostly islamists and different sources of weapons and money. Their only common ground is their opposition to the central government of Syria.
Once Aleppo will be tamed, it is clear that the government will have tackle Edlib in one way of another.

August 9th, 2012, 12:24 pm


zoo said:

Here come the real worries…

As the Sinai Goes, So Too the Golan Heights?

The new status quo in the Middle East is one of porous borders, growing radicalization and the fragmentation of once stable nation-states
By Tony Karon | @tonykaron | August 9, 2012 | 8

Unlike the Sinai, which was returned to Egypt in 1980 under the Camp David peace agreement, the Golan Heights remains under occupation, and a more representative government that replaced President Assad would, if anything, be even more insistent on securing its return to Syrian control — the Syrian National Council, the mainstream exile opposition group backed by the West, has made clear its commitment to seek the return of the Golan through negotiations with Israel. But the Israeli government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has repeatedly indicated it has no intention of returning the Golan to Syria. The combination of the fraying of state authority as a result of the rebellion, and the broad legitimacy in Syrian society enjoyed by any effort to reclaim this contested territory, will likely create a more permissive environment for more radical elements to take root once the battles to dislodge Assad’s regime are over.

Indeed, as Assad’s power crumbles, the Israeli leadership may well find itself quietly experiencing an improbable nostalgia for its intractable — yet entirely predictable and effectively tame — foe in Damascus.

Read more:

August 9th, 2012, 12:32 pm


zoo said:

The Two Betrayals – Understanding Why Russia Is Not Budging On Syria

Twice in the past 20 years, Moscow felt the West had betrayed their good intentions in the face of a potential armed conflict: Iraq in 1991 and Libya last year. This may go far in explaining why Russia won’t support a new UN resolution on Syria.

By Pascal Boniface

Syria is sinking deeper into civil war as the UN Security Council remains deadlocked. The death toll keeps rising, massacres and torture continue, all under the helpless eyes of the international organization that’s in charge of peacekeeping and human rights.

The inaction of the Security Council is largely due to the Russian veto, or threat of it, which is supported by China. So why is Moscow giving Bashar Al Assad a free pass and refusing to cooperate with the West?
Though Moscow is a difficult partner, it doesn’t always refuse cooperation — the US is the country that has used its veto the most. It must also be said that twice Moscow’s efforts to cooperate with the Security Council didn’t pay off, and Russia felt betrayed both times.

August 9th, 2012, 12:34 pm


zoo said:

France Prepares For An Evacuation Of Its Nationals Living In Israel


JERUSALEM – France has prepared a contingency plan to evacuate its citizens from Israel, La Tribune has learned.

According to diplomatic sources, a plan to evacuate the 200,000 French nationals living in Israel has been drafted to prepare for the enventuality of conflict between Iran and Israel. The objective, says the French financial newspaper, is not to be caught off guard should a barrage of missiles equipped with conventional or non-conventional weapons be fired by Iran or Hezbollah on Israeli territory.

One of the scenarios prepared by French diplomats calls for the evacuation of French citizens using an armada of small boats who would then join French warships off the port of Jaffa, near Tel Aviv. A few dozen Frenchmen and women have been designated as coordinators to relay information to Israel’s French community.

August 9th, 2012, 12:39 pm


Observer said:

True, for the Zionists I am a GOY and for some Christians I am a dirty Muslim and for some Europeans I am dirty Arab and for some Alawis I am a dirty Sunni and for some Turks I am a dirty Kurd and so on and so forth.

In this time where we cannot seem to want to live together let us separate peacefully but we are now separating forcibly.

My points are being made for me by the likes of Irritated and ZOO and Majbali.

Clostridium Perfrigens cheers

August 9th, 2012, 1:06 pm


irritated said:

Another lie from Al Arabiya.
Muhi Al-Din Maslamani has not resigned

August 9th, 2012, 1:28 pm


Citizen said:

US Won’t Rule Out Syria No-Fly Zone
Brennan Touts US Aid to Syrian Rebels

Looks as though the US is going to do this without any UN mandate.
But the real question now is, how is Russia going to respond to a US-imposed no-fly zone??

August 9th, 2012, 1:43 pm



“Looks as though the US is going to do this without any UN mandate.
But the real question now is, how is Russia going to respond to a US-imposed no-fly zone??

Lavrov will bark a little and then shut up.

August 9th, 2012, 1:48 pm


Citizen said:
Turkey digging own grave in Syria: Analyst

A prominent political analyst says Turkey’s attempts aimed at bringing about the collapse of the Syrian government will rebound on Ankara itself.

“Turkey is making a tactical mistake by supporting terrorism in Syria and supplying them with weapons, military training and human resources,” senior Iranian author and Middle East expert Dr. Ismail Salami wrote in an article on Press TV website.

As a member of the “sabotage axis” against Damascus, Ankara is playing “a very treacherous role in snowballing the Syrian crisis,” he pointed out.

“Turkey will certainly fall into the pitfall it has dug for Syria and the insecurity it envisages for Syria will ultimately recoil against the government itself.”

Turkey’s current hostility against Syria smacks of ingratitude, the Iranian author added, stressing that Damascus has retaliatory means at its disposal.

“In fact, Turkey should be grateful to Syria what it has done for it in the past. It is acknowledged by many pundits that it was Bashar’s father, Hafiz Assad, who tailored a compromise between Turkey and the Kurds living in both sides of the country, thereby vaccinating Turkey for years against any attacks on the part of the Kurds,” he pointed out.

“The antagonistic policies of Turkey have left President Bashar Assad with no choice but to grant autonomy to the Kurds in Syria who can foment dilemma for the Ankara government and get Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan into hot water.”

Last month, there were reports that the Democratic Union of Kurdistan (PYD), an offshoot of Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) in Syria, had taken over five villages in the north of the country.

Subsequently, Erdogan said such a structure involves “sensitive balances,” which Turkey “cannot just accept.”

“A structure in northern Syria for us means a structure of terror. It is impossible for us to look favorably at such a structure,” he said on July 26.

Salami said the US and NATO are “making a selfsame mistake” by throwing their support behind the insurgents inciting terrorism and extremism in Syria.

“They know that a popular uprising in the true sense of the word is not clearly discernible in Syria and that what has been taking place in Syria is a string of militancy and terrorist operations funded by the Saudis and the Qataris and some Western countries who are waiting to reap the benefits of their atrocities in case Bashar Assad’s government collapses. Such a day, if it comes, will open a new chapter of horror in the Middle East with no end in sight,” he added.(.).

August 9th, 2012, 1:49 pm


zoo said:

Even France 24 cant hide it anymore: The jihadists are the guests of the FSA.

Far-flung foreign jihadists enter Syrian fray

When a Dutch journalist was kidnapped in Syria last month, he discovered his captors hailed from countries as far-flung as Britain. An increasing number of foreign jihadists are setting up operations in Syria.

Comedies about British lads with working class Birmingham accents playing jihadists in some exotic Muslim land have been made in the past. Except this time, it was real, not remotely funny, and it happened in Syria — just as Syrian President Bashar al-Assad predicted.

For Dutch photographer Jeroen Oerlemans, the absurdist nightmare began on July 19, shortly after he crossed the border from Turkey into Syria along with British photographer John Cantlie.

The two journalists were kidnapped by a group of men and taken to a jihadist camp in northern Syria. But very quickly, Oerlemans realised there was something odd about their kidnappers.

“Almost immediately we realised they were not from Syria,” said Oerlemans in a phone interview with FRANCE 24 days after he was released. “Some of them said they were from Bangladesh, some of them were from the UK and they had Birmingham accents, while others may have been from Pakistan. They were a real mix. ”

August 9th, 2012, 1:50 pm


zoo said:

Lebanon’s Pro-Syria cabinet minister Samaha apprehended

Former lawmaker being interrogated by intelligence officials

By Joseph Kechichian, Senior Writer
Published: 16:46 August 9, 2012

Beirut: Lebanon’s Internal Security Forces, under the command of General Ashraf Rifi, apprehended the pro-Syrian former Member of Parliament and Cabinet Minister Michel Samaha in the wee hours of Thursday morning “for security reasons.” Both of his homes, in Beirut’s Ashrafiyyah district as well as in Khinsharah [Khenchara], Metn, were searched for evidence that may yet implicate him in alleged crimes. It was unclear whether he was formally arrested or simply taken in for questioning over a sensitive judicial matter.

Conflicting reports circulated throughout the day as to the reasons why authorities moved to detain Samaha.

August 9th, 2012, 1:51 pm


Amjad said:

“Why bother? Turkey and Angelina Jolie were here to do it, fully equipped with washing machines, internet and children playground. Who can compete with that?”

I am going to screen-shot that post of yours, and do my best to make sure as many people as I can manage get to see it. I am absolutely shocked at such callous and inhuman disregard for one’s own countrymen. Do you imagine for one moment, that those refugees wouldn’t rather prefer to eat on a bag of chips, bought to them by a Syrian president who they thought actually cared for their plight? Do you imagine a refugee from Homs wouldn’t rather live in a tent in some Aleppan’s yard, if that Aleppan had displayed genuine care, sympathy and understanding for the Homsi’s situation?

But to the shabiha mindset, refugees who flee for their lives are “the enemy”. If you die in a shelling and your family mourns you, you are “the enemy”. If your village is massacred by shabiha thugs and the world reports on it, you are “the enemy.” The enemy is anyone who doesn’t submit to living like a serf in Assadstan.

This is what the revolution is about. It is not about some ridiculous Ottaman or Zionist or Salafi or Wahabi conspiracy, it is about a people who are paying the price for freedom, fighting against a mindset where a child in a Turkish refugee camp is to be scorned and treated with contempt and enmity.

August 9th, 2012, 1:53 pm


Citizen said:
Turkey accuses Assad of supplying arms to Kurd militants
Turkey’s foreign minister has accused Syrian President Bashar al-Assad of arming Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) militants. Ahmet Davutoglu told Turkish media while traveling to Myanmar overnight that Assad had given weapons to the PKK, which has established a presence in the towns of Kobani and Afrin in northern Syria. “Assad gave them weapons support. Yes – this is not a fantasy. It is true. We have taken necessary measures against this threat,” Reuters quoted Davutoglu as saying. In early July, Assad denied that Syria had allowed the PKK to operate on Syrian territory close to the Turkish frontier. On Thursday suspected PKK militants ambushed a Turkish military bus in the western province of Izmir, killing a soldier and wounding at least 11 people.

August 9th, 2012, 1:59 pm


Citizen said:

Lavrov will bark a little and then shut up.
Lavrov should help Syria to make this goal not achievable cultural way.

August 9th, 2012, 2:12 pm


omen said:

aje: syrian rebels are back in the district of salaheddine in aleppo after briefly pulling out earlier in the day. the army has been shelling the area for more than 24 hours after launching ground assaults to flush out the rebels.

August 9th, 2012, 2:29 pm


omen said:

aje: The Red Cross delivered vital food and medical supplies to Aleppo on Thursday, the first time one of its aid convoys managed to enter the besieged Syrian city since fighting intensified several weeks ago, a spokesman said.

A convoy of trucks brought one month’s food supplies for 12,500 people and wound-dressing material for up to 1,000 injured, depending on the severity of their wounds, the International Committee of the Red Cross said in a statement.

“Despite the difficult security conditions, the convoy managed to get inside the city,” ICRC spokesman Hicham Hassan told Reuters.

August 9th, 2012, 2:34 pm


DAWOUD said:

It is both funny and sad that commentator # 798 Ann, who seems to be very close to Nasrillat’s Hizbistan, is posting about increased security for the Turkish contingent in Hizbistan’s S. Lebanon! It is sad because she seems to be aware of the threats that Hizbistan is now making by hinting at abducting Turks in retaliation for the kidnapped Lebanese Shia in Syria, whose fate-regardless of any Turkish influence with Syria’s rebels, is determined by INDEPENDENT FSA brigade or brigades! Yesterday, I watched Lebanese Shia TV and read the Arabic Wilayat al-Faqih “al-Akhbar Newspaper,” and both talking about taking the Turkish troops as “guests!” Taking innocent hostages, regardless of whether they are pro-Bashar Lebanese Shia, is an immoral/indefensible mistake! They should be freed, although the Iranian Revolutionary Gaurds-who were abducted while claiming to be pilgrims (I claim to be from Venus)-should be kept and treated humanely with Red Cross visitations

Ms. Ann, please tell your Hizbistan contacts that missing and f####ng with Turkey will have serious consequences on Nasrillat. Israel, given its terrorist attack on the Gaza-bound Mavi Marmara, has learned that killing Turkish citizens could not be taken lightly by Turkey. Advise Nasrillat to find another solution! Better yet, advise him to give up his support from Syria’s murderous dictator and withdraw his shabiha-who are killing Syrian Sunnis-from Syria!

August 9th, 2012, 2:43 pm


omen said:

there have been reports activists don’t trust the red crescent. even if its workers are innocent, the convey is probably being used by the regime to engage in surveillance.

August 9th, 2012, 2:46 pm


Citizen said:

The global redistribution. Review of the week. Issue 39

August 9th, 2012, 2:59 pm


Ghufran said:

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August 9th, 2012, 3:06 pm


Amjad said:

“there have been reports activists don’t trust the red crescent. even if its workers are innocent, the convey is probably being used by the regime to engage in surveillance.”

How can I put this politely….no. If people knew how heroic and magnificent the efforts of the Red Crescent in Homs were, that organization would without a doubt have gotten the Nobel Peace Prize. But the organization had to keep a low profile in order to maintain its operations, lest it incur the wrath of the regime.

While Red Crescent groups in other parts of the Arab world usually spend their time delivering babies and transporting people who have sprained their ankles, the young men and women of the Homs Red Crescent had to work under war conditions, treating and rescuing war causalities. A Red Crescent volunteer was killed last year, and some of its members detained.

August 9th, 2012, 3:17 pm


Citizen said:

No mainscream over one-sided Arab Spring coverage
With the mainstream media’s over-reliance on amateur footage and dubious reports from Syria – it’s becoming hard to tell what’s true or false in the conflict. Some experts suggest that is a pattern familiar to any revolution in the region over the last few years.

August 9th, 2012, 3:21 pm


DAWOUD said:

Syria’S “VP” under house arrest!

P.S., picture in this article explains why I HATE the sectarian Hizbistan and its cult of personality propagandist Nasrillat!

August 9th, 2012, 3:22 pm


omen said:

791. DAMASCUSROSE: FSA rebels still in Salah Al Din but seem very frustrated, it confirms my suspicion that they were set up to this blunder of plan without much knowledge or understanding of the make up of Aleppo and its residents.

an earlier report stated the majority of the rebels fighting in aleppo were from salah al din. i think they know their own city.

but this notion of being set up..

i hated your comment at first and wondered how you could lack faith after being being so strong in your confidence in the revolution earlier. but now i recognize you were simply being cognizant of the hard nose reality of the chances of betrayal. the regime is full of snakes. it wouldn’t be unheard of for one or more of the defected generals to be a mole.

August 9th, 2012, 3:28 pm


Ghufran said:

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August 9th, 2012, 3:33 pm


omen said:

883. AMJAD

it wasn’t an attack on the org. but a recognition that the regime isn’t above exploiting the trust placed with it.

from an earlier report:

COOPER: And the Syrian regime has not allowed the Red Crescent to go into these neighborhoods to give humanitarian relief. ??

[arwa] DAMON: They’ve been able to access some of them, but it’s in no way, shape, or form even beginning to meet the demand, not to mention that many of the activists are wary of approaching the Syrian Red Crescent that is viewed as being an arm of the regime. So they tend to stay well away. But you’ll also have the emergence, especially in a city like Homs that is so diverse when it comes to the various sects that exist, these fault lines that are emerging.?

August 9th, 2012, 3:40 pm


Citizen said:

Webster Tarpley

August 9th, 2012, 3:41 pm


Ghufran said:

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August 9th, 2012, 3:55 pm


irritated said:

#885 Dawood

Vice-President Faroukh al-Sharaa is the cousin of Ryad Hijab and from the same tribe.

Either his life is threatened by his tribe if he does not defect, or his life is threatened by the regime if he defects, your guess?

He better stay put wherever he is.

August 9th, 2012, 4:06 pm


irritated said:

#890 ghufran

It is impossible to keep track of Al Arabya lies anymore. They are overflowing as signs of serious panic.

August 9th, 2012, 4:08 pm


irritated said:

#888 Omen

The Red Crescent may destroy the network of human shields that keep the rebels alive. No wonder they don’t want them.

August 9th, 2012, 4:11 pm


irritated said:

#877 Omen

We have seen so many lies and misinformation from Al Arabiya and Al Jazeera, could you please quote more reliable sources.
Have you noticed that Western media are avoiding quoting AL Jazeera? They realized it is only the mouthpiece of frustrated Qatar.

August 9th, 2012, 4:20 pm


zoo said:

The honeymoon did not last long between the two Moslem Brotherhood “brothers”.

Egypt demands extradition of 3 Hamas militants over support for Sinai terrorists

Demands made to Hamas PM Haniyeh to turn over 3 militants who provided indirect support to radical groups, according to a report by East Jerusalem newspaper al-Quds; in Sinai, clashes between militants, police continue.
By Avi Issacharoff and Reuters | Aug.09, 2012 | 1:20 PM | 18

August 9th, 2012, 4:24 pm


bronco said:

874. Amjad

I am glad that innocent civilians are able to leave the areas ‘liberated’ by the rebels instead of being used as human shields.
The more and the sooner they abandon the rebels to their fate the earlier the fate of the rebels will be sealed.

Even the BCC correspondent said it : The advantage of the rebels is that they stay in heavy populated areas.
These ‘freedom fighters’, if they had any dignity, should cooperate with the Red Crescent to allow ALL the civilians to leave. But then, I guess they would fear from their own life and will have to retreat. We have seen that in Baba Amr. When all the civilians left, they ‘retreated’ because there was no shields anymore.
Don’t lecture me on dignity and freedom.
The behavior of these fighters who have no respect for the city dwellers in hiding among them to bring death on them is nothing to be proud on.
The civilians who flee to Turkey are safe now, that’s what counts.
No one will harass them there as they would have been harassed if the camps were in Syria.

August 9th, 2012, 4:45 pm


Ghufran said:

Can anybody who supported the rebels attack on Aleppo explain to me what did the opposition achieve? Who will pay for the destruction in properties and the loss of human lives? The old lame excuse that it is the regime’s fault is not good enough anymore, regardless of the final outcome,Syria is in ruins with little hope that outsiders will suddenly pay for rebuilding the country assuming that Syrians eventually accept the concept of a political resolution to end this crisis.

August 9th, 2012, 5:04 pm


mjabali said:

Here is an interesting article about Syria, Jordan and the Alawite state by Abd al-Bari Atwan:

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August 9th, 2012, 5:05 pm


Citizen said:
Saudi Arabia: 10 Truths Self-Censored by the West’s Media Houses

1. Saudi Arabia is so utterly autocratic it is literally named after the ruling dynasty, the House of Saud. Thus it is Arabia of the House of Saud, or “Saudi Arabia.”

2. To this day, Saudi Arabia carries out barbaric executions against both criminals and political enemies, including victims accused of “sorcery and witchcraft” in the aptly named, “Chop-Chop Square” located in the capital of Riyadh where heads are literally chopped off by hooded swordsmen.

3. Women are banned from driving in Saudi Arabia, and most likely would also be banned from voting in national elections, if such a phenomenon even occurred – which it does not – as Saudi Arabia is an absolute monarchy and its leaders are determined by heredity, not even the feigned pretense of elections. There are local elections, however, in which woman are not permitted to vote (perhaps in 2015?).

4. Saudi Arabia has been and to this day is the primary underwriter of the notorious international terror organization, Al Qaeda. Created along with Saudi Arabia’s long-time ally, the United States, money, weapons, and directives are laundered through the Saudis to maintain both plausible deniability for the Americans, and to maintain a degree of credibility for Al Qaeda’s sectarian extremist foot-soldiers across the Muslim World.

5. Saudi Arabia maintains an extensive “re-education” program internationally to pervert the tenants of Islam as a means of keeping Al Qaeda’s ranks full and fueling Wall Street and London’s engineered “Clash of Civilizations.”

6. Saudi Arabian corporate-financier interests (run by the royal family) are tied directly to Wall Street and London via conglomerations like the US-Saudi Arabian Business Council and representation upon the JP Morgan International Council (Khalid Al-Falih of Saudi Aramco, amongst the highest valued companies on Earth).

7. The alleged most notorious terrorist in modern history, Osama Bin Laden, was a creation of US-Saudi machinations, with the Bin Laden family to this day being a premier member of of both Saudi and Western elitist circles. The multi-billion dollar Saudi Binladin Group is an active member of the US-Saudi Arabian Business Council and plays a central role in deciding bilateral policy for the benefit of collective US-Saudi corporate-financier and corresponding geopolitical interests.

8. The autocratic House of Saud maintains Al Arabiya, along with a extensive list of unsavory investors from across the GCC and its sphere of influence, including Lebanon’s Hariri faction. It is a propaganda outlet masquerading as an objective journalistic organization, working in tandem with state-owned Al Jazeera in Qatar. Occasionally admitted to be “state media” by the West, “state media” in Saudi Arabia actually means “Saud family-owned propaganda.”

9. Saudi Arabia has played an active role in the violent destabilization of governments around the world, including most recently Libya and Syria. The use of sectarian-extremists indoctrinated at Saudi-funded faux-mosques and madrasas, armed and funded by Saudi cash, is the standard method of operation for these destabilizations.

10. Saudi Arabia’s brutally repressive internal security apparatus is a creation of US advisers and operators. Its military, both covert and conventional, is also armed through astronomically large weapons sales (including a recent sale considered the largest in US history) by its Wall Street and London allies. The atrocities committed by the despotic Saud regime are directly facilitated by US advisers, operators, and arms. Saudi Arabia also hosts the US military, a sizable force until it was spread out amongst the orbiting despotic regimes of Qatar, Bahrain, Oman, and the United Arab Emirates.

August 9th, 2012, 5:09 pm


mjabali said:


Take it easy. I have and should not have anything to do with the way things are in Syria. Or how you see and consider yourself. You see yourself through the others, and I see myself only through myself. Every person most likely have a different view of you or me.

I always said that I am a Syrian and see myself as such. But before that I am a human on this earth. Nationalism for me is nothing I aspire for. I do not aspire also for a state based on religion. I always stated this.

What I said is that: the Alawi State is about to happen, and if it happened I wish it would be democratic and secular. What is wrong with that? Nothing more and nothing less.

You are welcome to live in that state and if you are going to run for president in it I will vote for you before any Assad groupie.

I also spoke about how Syrians do not want to live with each other. You claimed the opposite. Events are proving my point.

Things are being solved through violence, and I have no control over it. I am just a realist telling what could and will happen.

I always considered you nothing but a human being even if we disagree on some issues. We may agree on more things that what you imagine.

I assure you that we have more in common than what you think. It makes me sad the state our country Syria is in.

August 9th, 2012, 5:20 pm


Amjad said:

“Can anybody who supported the rebels attack on Aleppo explain to me what did the opposition achieve”

Nothing as far as I can tell. The regime’s barbaric response was always going to be that; disproportional and indiscriminate, but whoever sent the FSA into Salah el Deen must have known that. Even though I consider myself something of a military marvel, God’s gift to military historians everywhere, I can’t for the life of me understand what was gained by the FSA’s foray into Salah el Deen.

And no I’m not being sarcastic, self criticism and self analysis is an advantage we have that the Assadstanians don’t. There was never any chance that the FSA could hold onto Salah el Deen or take over Aleppo. They knew what was going to happen to the area. S

So I’m hoping someone will explain to me why there are currently thousands of more refugees up in Turkey with destroyed homes and shattered lives. The regime is like a rabid dog, but if I poke its eye, I should be prepared for its response.

Mjabali, your comment at 899 was dignified, well composed, and I have no choice but to respect you more for it.

August 9th, 2012, 5:40 pm


omen said:

894. IRRITATED: We have seen so many lies and misinformation from Al Arabiya and Al Jazeera, could you please quote more reliable sources.

i read the stuff you guys put out. do you not have enough confidence in your position to be able to tolerate other views?

August 9th, 2012, 5:45 pm


mjabali said:

General Hajji Amjad Arabia:

Ya walad: When you grow up then you learn how people discourse. I have never seen any bully like you online, but, the good news is that your education is limited and your ego is huge.

AS for Sheikhs I bring in my posts: what the hell are you talking about? You mean, when I talk about Ibn Taymiyah? If a self proclaimed history buff like you does not know the importance of Ibn Taymiyah with what is going on in Syria what should I say or do?

You are putting down the role of religion in this mess in Syria. you claim that these Sheikhs no one pay the slightest attention to: why do you lie? You are telling me that no one pay attention to religion in what is going on in SYria? Get from underneath the rock Hajji.

You said that all my posts are consist of”dredging the hurts of the past.” Hajji, I tell a a history you want to shove under the rug and pretend it did not happen. I am showing you the relationship between what is happening now and the historical relations of the warring parties. Where did you go to school Hajji?

Hajji I have no connection to any sort of barbarity. I try to explain to you why everyone there is a barbarian, including you when you wanted to “boil Alawi soldiers in their urine.” didn’t you say that? I am a man who stand for peace and political solutions, where you stand for war and revenge. There is a huge difference in maturity here ya walad.

AS for relations with the jews. I as a minority has nothing to beef with jews, never did and never will. The questions and discourse about zionism are not in my menu. I see the Jews as an oppressed minority as me. Your people see the jews in a different way, and you are trying to play games here and ask me if I “bear to read something written by a “Jew.” Dealing with the jews through my life was very smooth based on mutual respect. You my friend, no matter how much you kiss ass, have the jews in your books as infidels that need to be dealt with.

Tell me what your Quran say about the Jews?

AS for your poetics regarding the olive tree sob story: I say go read some history books about Syria it is better for you in this argument.

Ya Walad you are not up to the level of discussing your own history or even your religion.

August 9th, 2012, 5:45 pm


Ghufran said:

Again,I am not going to say ” I told you so” about Aleppo, instead,I am relieved to see that syrians on this forum are starting to talk to each other in a dignified and intelligent way,that country will not rise up or fall at the will of Assads,the GCC or others,it is the will and the work of ordinary Syrians which will shape the future of Syria.
Here is what CNN reported on Aleppo:
Although many residents in this predominantly Sunni city are no fans of the Alawite-dominated regime, enthusiasm for the battle seems muted.
In Libya’s 2011 uprising, there was a giddy sort of excitement about driving out the government and fighting then-Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi. But a lot of people don’t get excited when they see Free Syrian Army fighters as they did in Libya when they saw the rebels there.
More: What options are left?
One man, a jeweler, told CNN’s crew that he was disturbed at the fundamentalist, Islamist nature of some of the rebel fighters.
There’s a certain hesitation or caution among many of the people about the whole turn of events. There’s no love lost for the regime, but there’s not the enthusiasm you’d expect for the new sheriff in town.

August 9th, 2012, 5:48 pm


bronco said:

900 Amjad

I can’t for the life of me understand what was gained by the FSA’s foray into Salah el Deen.

It’ obvious. The rebels were lead to believe that there would be an uprising by the population in their favor as the SNC expressed it through the calls of Abdel Basset Sayda.

That’s what you can’t admit. They got ZERO support from the population and found themselves trapped.

They must face the reality, they are not wanted in large cities. Let them rule each group his village and stay there.

August 9th, 2012, 5:54 pm


Amjad said:

Thank you Mjabali, I no longer feel any compulsion to treat you as anything other than the whining brat you are 🙂

Now, how can we trust your version of history (“wa wa wa they pick on Alawites wa wa”) when you cant even get my quote right? Go back over the archives, and show me where I said I wanted to boil “Alawite” soldiers, ya selective memory inta.

“Tell me what your Quran say about the Jews?”

“My” Quran? I would never belittle anyone’s religious text by referring to it so disrespectfully. Apparently so called “seculars” use their secularism as an excuse to whine about history and to excuse their bad manners.

“does not know the importance of Ibn Taymiyah”

Unlike you, I couldnt care less what this guy says. Yes, I haven’t heard of him, but he seems to mean alot to you. Same way as Adnan Ar’or’s profile has been elevated by all the menhebakjis who obsessively follow his show.

You see oh grand whiner, your so called “suffering” isnt unique in history. Many other people have suffered much worse, without using their experiences as an excuse to commit genocide. It’s like saying that triple homocide murderers are victims too, bo ho, and should be understood and cuddled. To hell with understanding, fry the murderers and boil them in their own urine

And by the way, the Phoenicians were the first in Tripoli. Seriously I hope you don’t teach history as a job 🙂

“The rebels were lead to believe that there would be an uprising by the population in their favor”

Well there hasn’t exactly been an outpouring of love and devotion to Assad either has there, Sherlock?

Seriously, it’s just impossible to have a civilized conversation with menhebakjis for ten minutes, they are obsessed over lost battles 1400 years ago and who killed who and who “martyred” whom. The French and Germans buried the hatchet a few years after WW 2. Just because someone’s grandmum falaha had “Biblical knowledge” with a fuedal landlord, they think the world wants to hear about it 40 years later.

August 9th, 2012, 5:59 pm


irritated said:

#903 Omen

Analysis and views yes, rumors and fake announcements no.

August 9th, 2012, 6:01 pm


Amjad said:

“There’s no love lost for the regime, but there’s not the enthusiasm you’d expect for the new sheriff in town.”

Well put, very well said. In Aleppo the FSA were not being greeted as liberators in the same spirit as Allied troops in France. This whole mess is a result of the utter failure of Syria’s political classes, on both sides. In the absence of any solid, tangible and credible post-Assad plan, people’s worst imaginations are (naturally) getting the better of them. It is tragic that the Syrians in 2012 are much like the Scots in their struggle for independence from English rule; brave, resilient, but forever at odds with each other and lacking the leadership to forge them into a united force.

August 9th, 2012, 6:12 pm


irritated said:


In addition Saudi Arabia is a gerontocracy

August 9th, 2012, 6:12 pm


zoo said:

#909 Amjad

In the absence of any solid, tangible and credible post-Assad plan

They had 18 months to set it up. They are bickering among them even more as days passed.
This revolution turned out to be a tragic failure.

August 9th, 2012, 6:15 pm


Son of Damascus said:


“I can’t for the life of me understand what was gained by the FSA’s foray into Salah el Deen”

Enduring America has an explanation into the importance of Salahedine to the FSA:

The Saleh el Dine district is exposed to direct fire and Assad reinforcements from two major bases, an artillery college to the west (map) and a major military base to the south (map). Furthermore, Saleh el Dine is west of the Citadel, a massive fortress that still has many Assad soldiers inside it, the focus of the last few days of fighting (map). If Saleh el Dine does not fall to the Assad military, it would be a major blow, because the regime’s tactical advantage is much smaller in some of the other areas, and some of the narrow streets, to the west of Saleh el Dine.

For what it is worth I have found Scott Lucas and James Miller very accurate in their reporting and analysis. Also worth mentioning they do not just concentrate of the FSA, but give protesters the respect and time they deserve, as well as the refugees and displaced, and have been great at debunking many of the regimes narratives.

August 9th, 2012, 6:15 pm


omen said:

aje: Syria’s rebels demand weapons

crossing the border into northern syria for a meeting with three commanders, all defectors. they’re part of the planning for what’s billed as a decisive point in this revolution: the battle for aleppo. syria’s second city, 30 kilometers beyond the burned out armor of previous conflict.

we meet in a remote place. and the key figure is brigadier general adnan al ahmed. to the fighters he now commands, his mere presence would have once provoked fear and hatred. he used to be assad’s head of intelligence for northern command based in aleppo but defected 5 months ago. now he’s talking of the tactics he believes will defeat assad’s

brig gen: as we always say in the higher military council, aleppo is a sleeping giant. and you should be afraid of waking it up. now you will see a change in the course of this revolution.

reporter: assad is promising a colossal fight for aleppo. if you actually lose that fight, does that mean the war could be lost?

brig gen: assad has already amassed a big force. and there could be more to come. but they will not be successful. because street fighting is very different to conventional warfare. we will teach assad’s forces a lesson. i have served in his army for more than 33 years and i know its structure very well. if it wasn’t for air support, they wouldn’t have been able to defend their current positions. it is impossible for us to lose the battle of aleppo. even if assad’s forces capture parts of the city, this does not mean the end of the revolution because syria is not just aleppo.

the general believes he has considerable influence in the free syrian army but that’s not a view shared by many other senior officers. there are still fractures in the command structure of the fsa that some say need addressing immediately.

these defectors wont talk about any divisions. a source has told us they are nothing more than natural rivalries. but there is a point that all commanders agree on: and that is the need for more weapons.

brig gen: we were supposed to get weapons and communications equipment by arab countries but so far it has proven to be just words. all the weapons that we have are ones that we captured from the syrian army. or that we bought from corrupted members of assad’s military. and the arms that we have are only light weapons and ammunition.

the brigadier general did stress that there had to be clear order and discipline within the fsa. he denied reports of turkish army officers and cia operatives being on the ground here saying this was assad’s misinformation campaign.

and he kept coming back to an appeal for more arms. warning that having only weapons like these wont be enough to win this war.

August 9th, 2012, 6:19 pm


irritated said:


have been great (time) at debunking many of the regimes narratives.

The narratives of the opposition are so obvious and infantile they they need no debunking.

If they knew what you know, that is the strategic importance of Salahdedine for the army, what made the rebels think they will be able to take it?
Who told them they can? Didn’t they expect a rally from the population in their favor?
One more reason to suspect their immaturity.

August 9th, 2012, 6:21 pm


Amjad said:

“I see the Jews as an oppressed minority as me”

This is so delicious. Mr Epic Whine-of-History now identifies with the Jews who had to go through the Holocaust. Tell me, where are all the Jews of Syria now? They all left, during the reign of your prethident’s daddy. Why would they do that if it was such a heaven for them.

You may think you will pull an “Israel” and set up your own little state on the coast, but the Zionists had sophisticated, intelligent fighters and politicians, strongly motivated to create a refuge after the horrors of Europe and Nazism. The Baathists have so far displayed none of the ingenuity of the first pioneers of Zionism, just blatant and naked barbarity. Where is your Ben Gurion? Bashar? Har har har.

It is tragic when people are stuck in the past. It is even more tragic when they are stuck in a past they obviously don’t understand. History is there to be learned from, and only extremist nationalists use it as a fuel to keep their rage burning.

“They had 18 months to set it up”

And yet Bashar had eleven years, and he couldnt even raise Syria to the level of Jordan. Have you even seen the ridiculous ques at the ATM machines? ATM machines for God’s sake! In his daddy’s days, people would crowd bakeries. Now they crowd ATM machines. That isn’t progress, that’s just pathetic.

August 9th, 2012, 6:22 pm


Amjad said:

Son of Damascus.

Thank you, that’s quite illuminating. But there was never any chance that the FSA could hold onto it, considering the regime’s habit of indiscriminately laying a carpet of artillery over any area they didn’t like.

August 9th, 2012, 6:27 pm


irritated said:

More then ever confused, USA calls Teheran ‘nefarious’ and worry about the danger of the axis or resistance without naming Israel.

“One of the reasons why we are quite clear that the end result must be and will be the departure of Assad, is because this alliance, so to speak, is bad not only for Syria, but it is bad for the region and bad for our interest”

Iran playing ‘nefarious’ role in Syria: Rice
By Tim Witcher | AFP – 3 hrs ago

The United States on Thursday accused Iran of playing a “nefarious” role in the Syria conflict, one that strengthens the case for President Bashar al-Assad to be forced out of office.

Susan Rice, US ambassador to the United Nations said the alliance of Iran, Lebanese Hezbollah and Assad’s government — a group that boasts of being the Middle East’s “an axis of resistance” — was “bad for the region.”

August 9th, 2012, 6:32 pm


zoo said:


In Egypt, Tunisia and Libya it just took a few months, why is it so difficult for the Syrian opposition to reach any result after 18 months? Did you wonder?

August 9th, 2012, 6:38 pm


omen said:

One man, a jeweler, told CNN’s crew that he was disturbed at the fundamentalist, Islamist nature of some of the rebel fighters.

god forbid we make the diamond & gold merchants unhappy.

August 9th, 2012, 6:42 pm


Amjad said:

Zoo, yes I have, and so has every observer of the Arab Spring. In Egypt and Tunisia, the armed forces stayed neutral. The idea of shooting one’s own people were too horrific for the officers and rank and file to contemplate.

Libya did not take a few months, it took a year, and it would have been over in a short time were it not for the grace and mercy of NATO.

In Syria, the army’s sectarian officer corp have absolutely no notion or concept of a national identity, unlike the professional armies of Tunisia and Egypt. To them, anyone who is not of their sect is an enemy, a foreign agent, a Satan worshiping blood drinker. That a person demonstrating in Baba Amr does so because the state no longer allows him to hook up his house with water or electricity, is something that is impossible for these sectarians to comprehend. No, they must be funded by Al-Jazeera.{F534C71D-D4CF-478E-89FF-190900F0C6A8}

Oh dear, AIPAC apparently isn’t holding hands with Mjabali and singing Kumbaya 🙂

Zoo, I may have misunderstood your question. Do you mean why couldnt the opposition present a credible alternative as in Tunisia and Egypt? In Egypt, anyone will tell you that the top guy was removed, but the heart and soul of the regime remained. It was an incomplete revolution. As for Libya, it’s a chicken and egg question; which came first, opposition unity or NATO backing? Was the unity a result of clear and unhesitant NATO action?

August 9th, 2012, 6:43 pm


Aldendeshe said:

I am so upset they did not do it. Just imagine how they could have changed Syris’s history for the better, as well as the Middle East by taking out 3 of the nastiest individuals in Syria history of nasty stock. It is old news now:

Anglo-American 1957 Secret Plan to Assassinate the Syrian President.

August 9th, 2012, 6:51 pm


Ghufran said:

I do not know if amjad is having second thoughts or he is just frustrated but I think the opposition has a lot to gain if they stick to basic principles :
Political struggle vs armed
Syrian vs GCC inspired
Secular vs religious
Inclusive vs exclusive
Self defense vs active ambushes
The country is ready for a regime change, that process can succeed without destroying Syria

August 9th, 2012, 6:51 pm


Tara said:


” The questions and discourse about zionism are not in my menu. I see the Jews as an oppressed minority”

Then You have no principals.  Jews WERE an oppressed minorities.  Not any longer.  If you as an Arab can’t feel for the Palestinian suffering, then your soul has been lost and I proud myself not of you being a fellow Syrian.  Are you sure you do not have an ulterior motive trying to sell your minority regime to the Israelis?  The Israelis (at least on this site) appear to be much smarter than being sold.  They clearly understand that an enduring peace can only happen with people not with dictators.  The only enduring peace is a just peace.

I am sorry of being blunt.  But it needs to be said.       

August 9th, 2012, 6:52 pm


omen said:

One man, a jeweler, told CNN’s crew that he was disturbed at the fundamentalist, Islamist nature of some of the rebel fighters.

because psychopathic shabiha and torture dungeons warm our cockles instead.

August 9th, 2012, 6:52 pm


omen said:

One man, a jeweler, told CNN’s crew that he was disturbed at the fundamentalist, Islamist nature of some of the rebel fighters.

not surprising if [rebels] could die at any moment

August 9th, 2012, 6:55 pm


Observer said:

Points taken

So let me reiterate that I agree with you that the country would probably break up and as you are realistic about it I also would say that the new state is also realistically non viable without heavy outside support.

I also reiterate that all of the minorities of the Levant want a secular state where the majority Sunnis are secular and the minorities retain their particular status above and beyond majority rule.

I also reiterate that tyranny is the greatest ally of Israel and the greatest conduit through which outside powers interfere.

As for identity I would strongly recommend “on identity” by Amin Maalouf as well as his book “le grand dereglement” in which he points out the reassertion of narrow minded feelings and the disruption of universal values in the name of personal choice as well as sovereignty.

It is interesting to me to see that the same phenomenon is happening across Europe which is trying to build a comen union and yet we see local nationalist feelings come to the fore as a revolt against the EU bureaucracy of a heavy handed central authority that is not elected; hence the Bretons the Corses the Lombardi league.

One more point I would like to make and that is the fact that both Ayatollah Khomeni and Usama Ben Laden lamented the break up of the muslims into separate entities and the creation of artificial barriers.

I wish for all of the artificial borders to disappear and for all of the people to come to the fore as a federation and each his own place.

August 9th, 2012, 6:58 pm


Tara said:


“I can’t for the life of me understand what was gained by the FSA’s foray into Salah el Deen”

Amjad, I initially wondered if the FSA has a a strategy as their mission in Aleppo appeared suicidal.  I wondered why did they launch Aleppo battle knowing they are fighting this savage regime who, knowing no limit, willing to kill 23 millions Syrians to reign over a burned land.  Coming to think about it, I have realized that revolting against the oppressor is a spontaneous act.  Collective  Risks/ benefits ratio is not calculated.  To the rebel, it is a win-win situation: victory or martyrdom.  To us, the arm chair supporters, it was a miscalculated step.  We look at the collective outcome and we do not like it.  The collective outcome is that we lost many of our best and bravest while the regime remained in power.  However, this is what a revolution is all about.  You do not stand up for your rights against your oppressors only if you guarantee the outcome.  Freedom does not come cheap.  Any armed fight against the regime regardless of the outcome will bring us a step closure to victory.   

August 9th, 2012, 7:11 pm


Syrialover said:

918. Zoo said: “In Egypt, Tunisia and Libya it just took a few months, why is it so difficult for the Syrian opposition to reach any result after 18 months? Did you wonder?”

Zoo, you can quit wondering. There has been plenty of sound material out there to explain it to you – some of which has been posted here on this site.

The Assads’ “rule” left Syria way, way behind Tunisia and Egypt in its institutions and traditional civil and political organizations.

You don’t have to set the bar very high to be in better shape than the repressed scorched earth zone the Assads created in 42 years in Syria.

And er, did you notice that Tunisia and Egypt didn’t have their regimes launch into massive killing and urban destruction campaigns, but stepped aside fairly quickly.

Another key point: Syrians are still in the throes of a terrible battle, at what point do you start the “few months” countdown you have used for your comparison?

[I didn’t go into the Libyan example – it’s a smaller and more compact case, and didn’t have Iran and Russia trashing the process]

August 9th, 2012, 7:18 pm


amjad said:

Ghufran, if you knew my personnel history, you’d know that nothing short of seeing Bashar hung in Baba Amr and Maher hung in Da’ra would satisfy me, and I’m in a good mood right now. But self analysis and correction are legitimate tools of any movement.

The difference between the opposition and the regime is that the latter sinks or swims with Bashar, they can’t dump him no matter what his blunders, but the opposition can and has changed leadership and course, and adapted. Only an imbecile or a menhebakji would thing that their side was infallible, and only an immature individual would think that the process of critical self analysis means a weakening of one’s resolve.

Mjabali, since you have professed so much sudden love for the Jews and their suffering, answer this if you dare;

1) Do you condemn the terrorist activities of Hamas and Fatah who deliberately targeted Israeli civilians? Do you condemn Bashar and Hafiz’s support for these two organizations?

2) Do you condemn Hizbollah’s terrorism against Jewish agencies all over the world (Argentina etc) and the support given to Hizbollah by Bashar and Iran?

3) Do you accept that Hafiz was responsible for trying to blow up an Israeli airliner in Britain in 1986, and do you condemn such a blatant attempt at terrorism?

August 9th, 2012, 7:21 pm


irritated said:

#977 Tara

victory or martyrdom

Forced martyrdom, home destruction and exile for the unwilling civilians.
Yes, freedom does not come cheap when civilians must pay for the heroism of a few.

August 9th, 2012, 7:24 pm


omen said:

928. sl, journos who have been to all 3 countries have said syria’s opposition and strength of organization and the work they have done have overshadowed the work done in other countries. lcc & fsa have already laid down prototypes of civil society in place with courts and elections held for local councils.

only thing holding syria back from reaching its full potential is this cursed regime.

August 9th, 2012, 7:33 pm


zoo said:

#926 SL

Tunisia and Egypt’s army was on the opposition side and the opposition was and remained unarmed..

In Syria after 18 months the army is still on the side of the government.
Like in any country, the army soldiers are the sons and brothers of 2 or 3 million Syrians. In Syria, they are Sunnis, Alawis, druze, shia, kurds, palestinians etc… They are the unique representent of Syria’s ethnic and religious groups and they stand united behind one leadership

On the other side there is the opposition 99% Arab Sunnis and disunited behind hundred of wannabee leaders.

Do you seriously think they stand any chance to succeed such a messy and ‘spontaneous’ revolution?

August 9th, 2012, 7:36 pm


Syrialover said:

#927 Tara.

Exactly. Well said. Also, we really don’t know the impact the Aleppo exercise has had on further undermining the regime.

The miles of smoking rubble heaps and clumsy civilian slaughter the army created in those areas it has “recaptured” won’t be seen as victory and rescue to those directly affected by Assad’s senseless overkill.

The reckless terrorizing and trashing of Aleppo by the regime’s forces is also doing a lot to further deepen internal and external revulsion and shock at Assad’s barbarity.

To view the big picture: the FSA has already won the war although the battles continue.

August 9th, 2012, 7:36 pm


Ghufran said:

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August 9th, 2012, 7:36 pm


Amjad said:

You have got to be kidding me….regime APC flips over when it comes to a barricade in Deir el Zour

Epic fail guys. Epic, epic fail.

“Tunisia and Egypt’s army was on the opposition side and the opposition was and remained unarmed..”

No, the armed forces remained neutral. And we all saw what happened in the Syrian cities and towns where the army wasnt present. Mass demonstrations. If the Syrian army had remained neutral, Bashar wouldnt have lasted a month.

August 9th, 2012, 7:40 pm


irritated said:

Just a reminder.. about Salahedine according to Al Jazeera and conveyed graciously to us to enjoy

706. VISITOR said:

News reports about the fall of Salahedin by SANA, Dunya and other menhebek outlets are completsely false. Eyewitness reporters in Aleppo confirm Salahedin is still under the full control of the FSA.

The FSA succeeded once again in repelling the attack of the band of thugs of the Nazi-like criminals occupying Damascus.

FSA General Abd-alJabbar al-3Akidi confirms the full control of the FSA of Salahedin. A fighter Jet was also downed and several tanks destroyed, prompting the thugs of the Nazi-like regime to flee for their lives,

August 9th, 2012, 7:41 pm


irritated said:

#934 Ghufran

Well done.

August 9th, 2012, 7:42 pm


Tara said:


Death or slavery? I choose death. What would you choose?

August 9th, 2012, 7:44 pm


Ghufran said:

I understand the motives of those who supported the attack on Aleppo , I still think it was idiotic and careless especially that Aleppines showed no signs of welcoming the rebels,most of whom are not residents on Aleppo. The twisted minds behind this bloody battle knew how the regime will respond but they had no problem taking part in destroying the city and inflicting misery and death on its residents just to make the regime look bad, the truth is that the regime already look bad and did not have much to lose, those who ordered the assault on Aleppo should be put on trial not be praised.

August 9th, 2012, 7:46 pm


Syrialover said:

#932. Zoo

It is not a comparison. You are simplistically skimming and distorting what happened in Egypt. Do some more reading on it, or ask any educated Egyptian.

Unlike elsewhere (except Libya), The Syrian army has been a personal tool of state terrorism “owned” and operated by the Assads, like the rest of Syria. You must be either too intellectually intertwined with the regime to see that objectively, or too far away to understand it at all.

In the scheme of history, the obsession with who is leading the opposition in August 2012 is going to become immaterial next to
the spectacular fact that the Assad regime was finished by mass grass-roots opposition.

And Syrian-people-hating Bashar will be always remembered for burning the country, nothing else.

August 9th, 2012, 7:56 pm


Tara said:


You and I are getting the same numbers of like/dislike. Are you now over the popularity contest? I want to stop giving you a double thumb up as I do not like to baby you too much. Is it over now?

August 9th, 2012, 8:05 pm


omen said:

Tunisia and Egypt’s army was on the opposition side and the opposition was and remained unarmed..

-egypt’s security forces shot and killed protesters. protesters defended themselves by throwing rocks.

-tunis/egypt didn’t import russian generals and iranian fighters to help kill their own people.

-syria opposition protested many months unarmed. what do you want them to do? lay naked on the road and allow the tanks to roll over them? would that make you happy?

i wish the bashar cult worshippers would stop pouting as if they’re being subjected to a great injustice simply because the regime doesn’t maintain total and complete domination.

August 9th, 2012, 8:09 pm


omen said:

Libya it just took a few months

i lost count how many times rebels lost and held brega. it was many months of going back and forth, back and forth, back and forth.

August 9th, 2012, 8:13 pm


irritated said:


I think the wave of spammers has passed or the thumbs-spammers have gotten tired of logging on multiple devices to give the illusion of ‘massive’ agreement or disagreement.
Now the numbers seem reasonable.
I have totally recovered .. and without pills thanks.

August 9th, 2012, 8:16 pm


Syrialover said:

Ghufran (#939),

Why should they come so far and stop before Aleppo? They can’t and won’t. Plus it has the potential to create an alternative seat of power.

I think what you are saying would sound irrational to those who have sacrificed in the fight for Syria’s future and are prepared to invest whatever it takes to get there.

You said: “the truth is that the regime already look bad and did not have much to lose”

Just looking bad won’t do it. Complete loss of power is the opposition’s mission.

August 9th, 2012, 8:22 pm


zoo said:

#942 Omen

Russian and Iranian generals? Al Jazeera again?

The Western media said CIA, Libya and Al Qaeeda helping the rebels…
Qatar and Saudi Arabia sending weapons and money. Turkey offering its facilities for war.
And with all that they made a mess out of it.

August 9th, 2012, 8:23 pm


irritated said:

#938 Tara

No hesitation, slavery. If slavery is the life most Syrians had in Syria before the mess, who wants to die?

August 9th, 2012, 8:25 pm


zoo said:


the spectacular fact that the Assad regime was finished by mass grass-roots opposition.

Yes, we saw that in Damascus and Aleppo… The volcano and the earthquake were indeed spectacular. As for the grassroot, I am still looking for it.

August 9th, 2012, 8:30 pm


Ghufran said:

Syians are not treated much better, arrogance and lack of respect when it comes to dealing with Arabs and Muslims is the norm in the GCC,but the picture looks entirely different when the recipient is a foreigner with a western passport.
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August 9th, 2012, 8:49 pm


omen said:

946. Western media said CIA, Libya and Al Qaeeda helping the rebels…

aren’t you the same one who argues western media lies?

you know there is more of a record of the regime working with alqaeda.

if the cia were in syria, we’d see drone attacks and regime communication systems being jammed. has that happened?

Qatar and Saudi Arabia sending weapons and money.

promises offered and promises delivered are two different things.

August 9th, 2012, 9:01 pm


Observer said:

Yes ZOO the revolution and the bravery of the Syrians is indeed spectacular. Every one gave this regime all the tools and time to crush the rebellion and here we have a people that have decided they have had enough.

Shame on you for belittling the great courage of people coming out to demonstrate and to pick up arms to defend themselves against the worst of the worst in brutality and oppression.

Here is your regime at work spreading chaos as it plays the arsonist par excellence and by the way, did you know that Benin attended the Tehran meeting along with Afghanistan?

Now the Iranian are sounding desperate and are ready to host the protagonists for a peaceful resolution of the crisis.

So do tell us is Homs back under the control of the regime?

Germs are multiply resistant now against fear and oppression and stupidity and graft and corruption.

Some here prefer slavery to death; is it because they are the slavers or is it because they have been so conditioned that they cannot think for themselves or even conceive of a possibility of freedom.

August 9th, 2012, 9:07 pm


Observer said:

Here is from Nahar

Enjoy the work of the supreme terrorist and arsonist in the region.

This is proof that his security services are fully penetrated now.

August 9th, 2012, 9:08 pm


omen said:

Shame on you for belittling the great courage of people coming out to demonstrate and to pick up arms to defend themselves against the worst of the worst in brutality and oppression.

no, it’s worse than that. he’s slandering the martyrs. the majority of people the regime cut down were unarmed.

August 9th, 2012, 9:13 pm


Tara said:


No irritated, please tell me you are kidding. I like you proud.

August 9th, 2012, 9:17 pm


omen said:

most of whom are not residents on Aleppo


August 9th, 2012, 9:18 pm


Tara said:

I know that Lakhdar Brahimi’s daughter is married to some VIP in the Arab world.  I just do not remember.  Do any one know? Those marriage relationships can affect one’s loyalty and we would like a full disclosure. 

Algerian diplomat Lakhdar Brahimi set to become new special envoy to Syria
Former Algerian foreign minister has been diplomatic troubleshooter for year, Thursday 9 August 2012 19.21 EDT

August 9th, 2012, 9:55 pm


Son of Damascus said:


“The narratives of the opposition are so obvious and infantile they they need no debunking”

And the global conspiracy, everyone is a terrorists, and the refugees are visiting their relatives is not infantile?

Please spare us your indignation when you have shown none towards your pathetic President for life or his lying mouthpieces (PressTV, Xinhua, RT, SANA….)

As for the rest of your comment regarding the FSA strategy, I don’t know much about war, I don’t know much about military strategy, but what I do know is that your Assadi army is wholly and utterly incapable. I don’t know if you noticed but it is the FSA setting the tone of where and when and the Assadi army all they can do is react.

Napoleon once said: “God is on the side with the biggest artillery” Bashar and his ineptitude proved Napoleon wrong.

August 9th, 2012, 10:03 pm


Son of Damascus said:


“But there was never any chance that the FSA could hold onto it, considering the regime’s habit of indiscriminately laying a carpet of artillery over any area they didn’t like.”

Well as a Homsi you know better than anyone else what this callous barbaric regime can do, and I agree with the sense that a rebel force is not made to hold on to territory. I think the FSA in the north were aiming for a Benghazi scenario (which would make sense considering the close proximity Aleppo is to Turkey).

Again I don’t know much about military strategies, so why and how come? I have no idea. I can tell you this though, the FSA has been by miles much more organized and united as some pundits commentators would like as to believe.

August 9th, 2012, 10:12 pm


mjabali said:

General Amjad ??? ?????

How come a history buff like you never heard of Ibn Taymiyah?

Speaking of Ibn Taymiyah and the current crisis in Syria, here is a link to the Riad Hijab who defected meeting with the leader of the Ibn Taymiyah Brigade of the FSA, the question here is that by chance or a message about sectarianism here?

Still waiting to see what the Quran that you believe in said about the Jews?

As for the Alawites who commit or order atrocities: I say instead of taking your suggestion to boil them in Urine, I say put them to trial. Put them in front of a judge. There is no excuse for violence. You believe in revenge and I believe in a judge.

As for history: I advise to read books better than Freedman. You need to be on a different level of historical knowledge when coming to this fight ya hajji.

As for lost battles, the Nazis and the French, the Falaha grandmother: I think you lost it ya hajji. Come up with real answers ya ajdab.

August 9th, 2012, 10:16 pm


Tara said:

I am looking forward to a Lebanese spring after the Syrian spring.  Isn’t time for our Lebanese slaves to be set free?  Or are they slaves and happy?

Syria regime pressures Lebanon to release detained former minister, source says
August 9, 2012  
A well-informed source told NOW on Thursday that the Syrian regime of President Bashar al-Assad was exerting pressure on Lebanon’s judiciary and President Michel Suleiman to release former Information Minister Michel Samaha, who was arrested earlier in the day. 

The source also said that the Syrian regime demanded that Samaha be cleared of all charges filed against him.

The detained minister is considered to be close to Syria’s embattled regime.

Furthermore, the source told NOW that the security forces also pursued other people close to Samaha, but that some of them had fled to Syria.

Although the National News Agency reported that the security forces had raided Samaha’s residence in Beirut and searched it before undertaking the raid on his residence in Khenshara, the reasons behind Samaha’s Thursday detention are yet unclear.

August 9th, 2012, 10:18 pm


omen said:

901. MJABALI: Syrians do not want to live with each other.

tell these people that:

Iftar in Yabroud syria today. Christians and Muslims fasting together in solidarity with the revolution


a few days ago priests in Yabroud fasted in solidarity & cooked iftar dinner. Christian families taking in the displaced


FSA members in Yabroud drank arak with local christians celebrating a marriage

August 9th, 2012, 10:22 pm


JUNEEY said:

@961. OMEN said:
“Iftar in Yabroud syria today. Christians and Muslims fasting together in solidarity with the revolution”

Look closely at your supposedly secular photo showing solidarity. Now, tell me how many women/girls you see there. That tells you almost everything you need to know. But hey, don’t let me stop you from selling your charade.

August 9th, 2012, 10:51 pm


Tara said:

Syria crisis: Lebanese detention highlights faultlines
By Jim Muir

He is reported to have been detained by personnel from the Information [intelligence] Branch of General Security on instructions from the acting public prosecutor.

That security branch has the reputation of being loyal to the staunchly anti-Syrian “March 14th” faction, headed by Saad al-Hariri, former prime minister and son of the assassinated Sunni leader Rafiq al-Hariri, also a former prime minister.

That such a detention should take place under the current Lebanese government was seen as highly unusual.
Current Prime Minister Najib Miqati was quoted as saying that the detention was security-related but had nothing to do either with the locally-controversial international tribunal on the Hariri assassination, or the possibility of his being an Israeli agent.

It is believed that Mr Samaha is being questioned in connection with efforts to destabilise the country through bomb explosions and assassination attempts.
Michel Samaha used to belong to the largely Maronite Christian Phalangist Party, of which Mr Geagea’s Lebanese Forces were an offshoot.

But both the Phalangist Party and the Lebanese Forces are now firmly in the anti-Syrian camp, while Mr Samaha has retained his friendship and ties with the Syrian regime.

That means he has no immediate personal political power base, which is one reason why reaction to his detention has been relatively muted.

The implication of the reaction that there has been, is that there must be some kind of evidence that merits investigation.

Prime Minister Miqati, a Sunni regarded as generally sympathetic to Syria without being in thrall to it, was quoted as saying that he knew beforehand about the impending detention, and that the outcome of the investigation should be awaited.

The reaction of Hezbollah itself, a close ally of Damascus, was also low-key.

Given Mr Samaha’s prominent profile, some observers believed it likely that the President, Michel Suleiman, who is also a Maronite Christian and is seen as a fairly neutral figure, would also have known about the impending move.

But there was considerable shock about the manner in which his detention was conducted, with security forces raiding his house at 07:30 local time (04:30 GMT) and dragging him from his bed.

He was taken away swiftly, but agents then spent several hours combing through his house.

August 9th, 2012, 10:54 pm


mjabali said:

General Amjad:

Any person who targets civilians is a criminal across the board. No matter what nationality, ethnicity or religion they belong to or follow.

If Hafez, or Bashar, or Israel, or Hizballah, or Fath, or Hamas attack civilians: I condemn them and everyone associated with them.

August 9th, 2012, 10:56 pm


Son of Damascus said:


“Look closely at your supposedly secular photo showing solidarity. Now, tell me how many women/girls you see there. That tells you almost everything you need to know. But hey, don’t let me stop you from selling your charade.”

look closely at these photos and tell me how many fanatics do you see?

But hey don’t let me stop you from selling a charade…

I really hate this total indignation that regimist show to the entire revolution. If the Syrian people were given half a chance to protest peacefully this entire blood bath would’ve ended LONG AGO. Bashar and his callous murdering thugs never allowed it, and that is the undeniable truth.

You drown the revolution in blood and scream murder when the people dare to defend themselves. Disgusting!

August 9th, 2012, 11:03 pm


irritated said:


I can be a proud slave and I am sure I can enjoy my life.
Better than be dead.
I don’t have the gene of a martyr when there is another way out.
Pride means nothing when you are under the sand.

August 9th, 2012, 11:29 pm


ann said:

Pakistan backs Syrian govt, opposes foreign intervention – 6 hours ago

ISLAMABAD, Aug 9: Ending months of ambiguity over the crisis in Syria, Pakistan joined the group of countries supporting the Syrian government on Thursday and warned against foreign interference and military intervention in the 17-month-old conflict.

Foreign Minister Hina Rabbani Khar was one of the three foreign ministers who attended an international consultative meeting on the Syrian crisis hosted by Iran.

“It is our considered view that any outside intervention would further complicate an already very complex situation. It must be avoided,” Ms Khar said at the conference attended by about 25 countries, most of whom were represented at ambassadorial

She urged the international community to respect Syria’s sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity.

Besides Pakistan, representatives from Russia, China, Belarus, Mauritania, Indonesia, Kyrgyzstan, Georgia, Turkmenistan, Benin, Sri Lanka, Ecuador, Afghanistan, Algeria, Iraq, Zimbabwe, Oman, Venezuela, Tajikistan, India, Kazakhstan, Armenia, Nicaragua, Cuba, Sudan, Jordan, Tunisia and Palestine attended the conference.


August 9th, 2012, 11:29 pm


ann said:

Veteran UN envoy Brahimi to replace Annan in Syria – diplomats – 10 August, 2012

Former Algerian foreign minister Lakhdar Brahimi is expected to replace Kofi Annan as the new UN and Arab League envoy to Syria, diplomats say. Annan announced last week that he would step down as the mediator in the crisis.

Known as a diplomatic trouble-shooter, Brahimi served as United Nations special envoy to Afghanistan, Iraq, Haiti and South Africa. He retired from his duties at the end of 2005.

Former UN chief and Nobel Peace Prize laureate Kofi Annan said last week that he was leaving his post due to a lack of international support for his effort to end the 17-month conflict in Syria, which has reportedly claimed 17,000 lives so far.

The official announcement on the new joint-UN and Arab League envoy to Syria could come as early as next week, according to some diplomats, though they added there is still a chance of last-minute changes, Reuters reports.

Earlier, the US ambassador to the United Nations, Susan Rice, said that she was “open-minded” about taking the position of special envoy to Syria.

“We have to be realistic. It is a very difficult job and Kofi Annan did it admirably and found himself understandably frustrated at the end,” Rice said of Annan’s efforts to bring peace to Syria.

In April the UN Security Council approved the deployment of 300 observers to monitor the ceasefire brokered by Kofi Annan. However the mission has not brought any results as neither the Syrian government forces nor the rebels maintained the ceasefire.

The mission was extended for 30 days and the Security Council is scheduled to meet on August 16 to discuss the future of the UN mission in Syria.
‘Alternative UN presence in Syria’

Rice said that the US is willing to consider an alternative UN presence in Syria, stating that there was no point renewing the observer mission as there was no longer a ceasefire for the monitors to observe.

“That portion of UN activity is not able to function, so that will not continue as far as we are concerned,” she told reporters, as quoted by Reuters. “We would certainly be willing to entertain other conceptions of a UN presence.”

“There will be a country team, there will be a humanitarian presence, and perhaps there will be recommendations that are more political in nature that we can consider favorably.”


August 9th, 2012, 11:39 pm


ann said:

‘No player takes opinion of Syrian people into account’ – 09 August, 2012

RT: Where do you think that heads at? Do you think there will be intervention – since Susan Rice, Hillary Clinton and other diplomats have talked about intervention on the side of the UN. Do you think that is going happen, do you think that’s a possibility that the West is looking at?

PB: There is already intervention underway. The Western countries have provided the military of Saudi Arabia, the military of Qatar – that’s where they buy their weapons from. They buy American weapons. So it is already Western weapons that are going in. It’s not coming directly from the US, but it is weapons of the West. The danger of that escalating is very serious. The danger of further escalation involving other outside actors is very serious.

I don’t think the US right now, in an election cycle, I don’t think the Obama administration wants to engage in a direct involvement in an air campaign, for instance, against Syria of the kind they engaged in Libya. I don’t think they want to. Whether what is known in the US is the CNN factor, the political pressure on the president and in this case on a candidate in the election, based on what people are seeing on their TVs becomes very important.


August 9th, 2012, 11:47 pm


ann said:

Syrian army launches ground operation in Aleppo – August 10, 2012

DAMASCUS, Aug. 9 (Xinhua) — The Syrian army has started a ground operation and entered several key districts in the northern Aleppo province, local media reported Thursday.

The Syrian troops started at dawn Wednesday the wide-scale ground operation, during which they have managed to regain control of the Salahuddien neighborhood of Aleppo, pro-government al-Watan daily said.

The paper said hundreds of armed insurgents have been killed and their hideouts in the troublesome district have also been knocked out.

It added that purging the Salahuddien district completely would probably take a few days, given the sprawling structure of the area and its very narrow alleys. The army is facing great challenges in Salahuddien due to the intense presence of snipers, it said.

The army has worked over the past days on besieging the city of Aleppo completely and cutting the supply lines that have been opened from Turkey, in order to prevent the escape of armed groups from the city, the paper said.


August 9th, 2012, 11:55 pm


Ghufran said:

This is a sample of the new reality in Syria,a country that once had one of the lowest crime rates in the world.
?????? ?????? ??? ?????? ????? ????? ??? ????? ??? ???? ?????? ??? ??? ?????? ?? ???? ??? ???? 5 ????? ???? 4 ?????.
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August 9th, 2012, 11:57 pm


zoo said:

#951 Observer

Now the Iranian are sounding desperate

The USA was shocked and furious that 30 countries attended a meeting in Tehran within very short notice. Turkey, the USA ally, even called it ‘farcical’ forgetting that the 5 FOS meeting were pathetic circus that achieved no results except more blood. It seems to me that the USA through Rice showed a total confusion and exasperation and a sense of impotence in accusing Iran over and over.

I am proud of the young soldiers of the Syrian Army, their courage and their dedication fighting against outlaws and terrorists whose aim is to destroy the country so they could claim they succeeded their bloody revolution. I am proud of their families who support them and the civilians in Aleppo and Damascus who rejected these guerillas and thugs who want to rule them by force.
I pity these young rebels that have been manipulated and abused by some illuminated leaders and by the foreign countries and who feel now abandoned and condemned.
I pity all these refugees who were living in safety in their homes and villages and who are now obliged to live in exile in a foreign country, humiliated and deprived because of some who thought they would offer them ‘freedom’ and ‘dignity’ and in fact destroyed what they had to give them nothing but death and humiliation in exchange.

August 10th, 2012, 12:00 am


zoo said:

I think Brahimi’s origin and background in the region offer better chances for a peaceful solution to the crisis.

Mr Brahimi, 78, has held a long series of high-profile diplomatic posts.

As a senior Arab League official between 1984-91, he brokered an end to the Lebanese civil war, going on to serve as Algerian foreign minister between 1991-3.

Later, he was twice appointed as the UN’s top envoy for Afghanistan, in 1996-8 and in 2001-4. He has held similar roles for Haiti and South Africa.

August 10th, 2012, 12:08 am


ann said:

Turkey Threatens Syria and Iran – August 9, 2012


Erdogan criticized Assad, asking: “Can we even say that he is a Muslim?”

Erdogan denied interfering in Syria’s internal affairs. He launched an attack on Kemal Kilicdaroglu, leader of the opposition Republican People’s Party, describing him as part of an anti-Turkey campaign. He said that “just like there is the Baath Party in Syria, there is the Republican People’s Party in Turkey.”

Kilicdaroglu said in response that the current state of Turkey is depriving him of sleep.

“I am deeply saddened and concerned. I cannot sleep because of the situation in the country, while the prime minister is happy about it,” he said. “The prime minister is blind if he cannot see the dire situation facing the country. He is extremely detached from the current reality.”

In an article written in Hurriyet, Cengiz Candar slammed the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) for its Kurdish policy. He said that the countdown to the fall of Erdogan and the AKP has begun, and whether it will be a soft landing is yet to be seen.

Candar notes that “two conclusions can be made regarding what is happening. First and foremost, Turkish leadership in the region cannot be achieved through the government’s current policy toward the Kurds. Secondly, Turkey cannot hinder the emergence of a new reality in the region involving Kurds and Syrians, and its possible implications in Turkey.”

He continues, “We have always stressed that a change in Turkey’s Kurdish policy, as well as its Middle Eastern policy, would positively affect the internal situation. I will say it frankly for the first time: the hopes pinned on the desire and ability of the government to achieve such a change are running out. The new reality will not change the fact that Turkey is facing a dilemma. It is trying to operate in a swamp from which it cannot emerge to build a regional leadership.” Candar adds that “the Kurdish problem cannot be solved through the current policy. On the contrary, the opposite could happen, meaning that the AKP’s authority may gradually disintegrate.”

Candar states that “Mount Erciyes in Turkey is 3,916 meters high. Today, it appears that Erdogan is still at the top of the mountain, but no longer at an altitude of 3,916 meters, he is now at 3,900 meters. His descent has begun and will continue until 2014 [when Erdogan runs for reelection]. But given its pace, which is unprecedented in the history of the Middle East, a smooth landing cannot be guaranteed.

“Turkish authorities have an obligation to change their policy adopted more than a year ago, and must stop using the PKK and terrorism as excuses for their actions. As long as the authorities insist on this policy, we will continue to criticize it,” Candar writes.

In Turkish daily Milliyet, Metin Munir criticized Turkey’s sectarian policy toward Syria and the region.

“The government is seeking to gain points through its pro-Sunni and anti-Jewish policies. We have started to pay the price for that. Shortly after the start of the events in Syria, Assad became Turkey’s primary enemy,” he said. “Turkey, along with Qatar and Saudi Arabia, started to arm and fund Assad’s opponents. Turkey did all it could to bring Assad down. It tried to persuade Washington to support intervention in Syria, as it had in Libya. It also maintained that the departure of Assad would be in the interest of Turkey. However, Turkey was not able to achieve this goal. In fact, Assad’s departure is not in the interest of Turkey, but to the contrary. Syria, just like Turkey, is a country with diverse sects and ethnicities. Its population consists of Arabs, Kurds, Christians, Alawites and Sunnis. Under the authoritarian regime of Assad and his father, the unity of the country was preserved.”

Munir added: “Today, however, Syria is being divided, which poses an extreme threat to Turkey. Assad has begun to use the PKK against Turkey. He has handed the north of the country to the Kurds, and furnished them with heavy weaponry. Fighters have come from the Qandil Mountains [in Iraq] to Syria. Assad has transformed the area that extends from the Iranian border to the Mediterranean Sea into a battlefield against Turkey.”

Munir continues, saying: “Turkey must provide humanitarian aid to the Syrian people, but it should maintain neutrality regarding the Syrian conflict. Although this would be in the interests of Turkey, it has not happened. We have earned the enmity of Assad for no specific reason. He is now hitting us in a painful spot, that is, the Kurdish question. Why should we help Assad’s enemies inflict harm upon us? Do not cry out against the bloodshed of the Syrian people, as we should first work to prevent the bloodshed of our own. As the English proverb goes, charity begins at home.”

For the first time, the Turkish Ministry of the Interior issued a statement on the clashes that have been taking place in the Semdinli and Hakkari regions since July 23. The statement included expressions such as “intensify military readiness,” “ensure full sovereignty” and “continue the fight until the area is cleansed of ??terrorists.”


August 10th, 2012, 12:10 am


irritated said:

957. Son of Damascus

Napoleon once said: “God is on the side with the biggest artillery” Bashar and his ineptitude proved Napoleon wrong.

The rebels don’t seem to need artillery, they keep repeating God is with them.

August 10th, 2012, 12:13 am


irritated said:

#975 Ann

Erdogan is loosing his head.. Maybe he is sick again.

Even the Turkish media are outraged at what he is saying and wonder what disaster he is leading the country to?

August 10th, 2012, 12:16 am


ann said:

976. irritated said:

The rebels don’t seem to need artillery, they keep repeating God is with them.

It’s getting crowded in Paradise 😀

August 10th, 2012, 12:19 am


Ghufran said:

New York Times from Aleppo:

Fighters inside the city said their brigades were running short on ammunition, and growing tired after two weeks of combat across Aleppo. Abdul Al- Basitt, 28, a rebel who was outside Salaheddiin after the retreat, said army snipers had made it difficult to move around the neighborhood, but that the opposition had a plan to take back at least part of the area.
“We’re moving from inside buildings, making holes in the walls of houses so we can run from the snipers,” he said.
Some activists said Thursday that they were growing frustrated with the Free Syrian Army’s approach.
“They don’t admit their defeats,” said Ammar, 22, an activist from Aleppo. “Everything is tactical, and all their operations are always about high expectations.”
A woman from Homs, who would not give her name, said that residents ended up suffering when the rebels moved into a neighborhood only to depart when the Syrian military entered. “Why do they claim the areas are free and say they’ve liberated them if they know they cannot stand against the regime’s troops and tanks?” she asked.

August 10th, 2012, 12:23 am


Son of Damascus said:


“The rebels don’t seem to need artillery, they keep repeating God is with them.”

I guess the term “There is no atheist in a fox hole” means nothing to you?

August 10th, 2012, 12:41 am


ann said:

US, European powers press for intervention as Syrian army retakes Aleppo – By Alex Lantier – 10 August 2012

Politicians and the media in the United States and Europe stepped up demands for direct military intervention in Syria yesterday, as the Syrian army fought to expel US-backed forces from the city of Aleppo.

Syrian army forces reportedly captured much of the Salahuddin neighborhood in southwestern Aleppo, a Sunni-majority neighborhood that was a central base for the groups fighting Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. Some anti-Assad forces retired north towards the Sakkour district, though some reports stated that they continued to hold parts of Salahuddin.

Several hundred anti-Assad fighters were killed, amid reports that they were running low on ammunition and supplies.

Malek al-Kurdi, the deputy commander of the US-backed Free Syrian Army (FSA), told Voice of America: “We had wanted an active role from the international community to take a bold decision to stop the massacres in Syria. But the delay and the modest capacities of the Free Syrian Army have put the Syrian situation in a state of limbo.”

Syrian army units were also reportedly fighting north of Aleppo to cut off supply lines between the anti-Assad forces and Syria’s northern border with Turkey. Working with the United States, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and the European powers, Turkey is using the city of Adana—home of the US Incirlik air base—as a “nerve center” to reinforce the anti-Assad forces with munitions and foreign fighters. Al Qaeda forces play a critical role among the US-backed foreign fighters going to Syria (See also: Washington’s proxy in Syria: Al Qaeda).

The battle for Aleppo is particularly significant, given its strategic location next to Turkey and Aleppo’s role as a commercial center in the Syrian economy. The Syrian government must hold Aleppo if it is to prevent the United States and its allies from setting up bases in Syria along the Turkish border and resupplying their proxies with heavy weaponry.

Ruling circles in the United States and Europe have responded to their proxies’ setback in Aleppo by escalating calls for direct military intervention.

Yesterday, former French President Nicolas Sarkozy called for “rapid” foreign intervention in Syria to “avoid a massacre.” Sarkozy, who spearheaded last year’s NATO war in Libya, met with members of the US-backed Syrian National Council and issued a joint statement declaring that “there are great similarities with the Libyan crisis.”

Sarkozy’s intervention is highly unusual for a former French president, especially as Sarkozy had pledged to abandon public life after his defeat in May’s presidential elections. The move apparently caught the Socialist Party (PS) administration of President François Hollande off guard. Hollande’s policy was to continue covert support for the anti-Assad forces; like the Italian government, it recently sent medical teams to treat wounded FSA fighters.

Former British Foreign Secretary Malcolm Rifkind also issued a statement calling for military support to the anti-Assad forces.

The Washington Post yesterday published an editorial, “Getting around a dead-end in Syria,” demanding US military action against Syria. Calling the Alawites leading the Syrian security forces a “broadly cohesive, hardcore fighting faction fighting an increasingly bitter, fierce, and naked struggle for collective survival,” it warned that Assad could fight indefinitely “unless the United States abandons its policy of passivity.”

The Post advocated arming the anti-Assad forces with anti-tank and anti-air weapons. It explained that this would increase Washington’s influence over anti-Assad forces, compared to the influence of Saudi Arabia and Islamist groups: “By refusing to step in, the Obama administration is merely ensuring that Syria’s future leaders will be more resistant to the West and perhaps more open to groups like Al Qaeda.”

Despite the Post’s intentions, its editorial lays bare the reactionary character of the US proxy war in Syria. Having armed reactionary forces like Al Qaeda as shock troops in a Sunni war against Syria’s Alawites, Washington sees no solution besides escalating the war.

The US is stoking a confrontation not only with the Assad regime, but with its key regional ally, Iran, and its Russian and Chinese backers. Yesterday the Iranian government hosted an international conference on Syria with Russian officials. Representatives of China, Algeria, Venezuela, India, Pakistan, and Tajikistan reportedly also attended the meeting.

Under these circumstances, it fell to New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof to fashion a “humanitarian” argument for Washington’s escalation of its reactionary proxy war in Syria. A spear-carrier for human-rights imperialism, Kristof wrote his most recent column, “Obama AWOL in Syria,” to demand that Obama organize a Libyan-style US intervention in Syria.

He began by recounting his visit to the Aspen Strategy Group, a Cold War think tank led by former Nixon and Bush administration advisor Lt. General Brent Scowcroft and former Assistant Defense Secretary Joseph Nye. Kristof wrote, “I’m struck by how many strategists whom I respect think it’s time to move more aggressively.”

These strategists include former Clinton administration Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, and Defense Secretary William Perry, who called for a “no-fly, no-drive zone in northern Syria.” Characteristically, Kristof did not spell out what this entails. However, it would mean setting up a US intervention force to shoot down any Syrian aircraft over Syria and destroy any Syrian vehicle moving in northern Syria without US approval; that is, it is an act of war.

Kristof explained, “There’s a humanitarian imperative. It appears that several times more people have been killed than in Libya when that intervention began, and the toll is rising steeply.”

This ambiguous phrase is consciously constructed to present US military aggression as an act of charity to limit civilian casualties. This is a contemptible lie, contradicted even by the casualty statistics that Kristof artfully does not present to his reader. Even the upper estimate of Syrian casualties presented by anti-Assad forces, at 20,000, stands well below the 50,000 killed in the US-led Libyan war, as NATO forces carpet-bombed Tripoli, Sirte, and other Libyan cities.

If the casualty total in Syria stands below the casualty count in Libya when NATO began bombing, this is because NATO intervened as fighting began in Libya, whereas the US has been stoking a bloody war fought by right-wing Sunni Islamist proxies in Syria for months. Should Washington begin bombing Syria—a far more populous country than Libya—casualties will soon mount beyond the massive death toll in Libya.


August 10th, 2012, 12:41 am


Juergen said:

interview with Nawaf al-Fares AJ-arabic

August 10th, 2012, 1:05 am


Ghufran said:

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August 10th, 2012, 1:12 am


omen said:

A woman from Homs, who would not give her name, said that residents ended up suffering when the rebels moved into a neighborhood only to depart when the Syrian military entered.

regimists’ perpetual mission of slapping lipstick on the stinking pig nobody wants.

earlier aje showed districts in aleppo that got hit with bombardment despite the lack of rebel presence anywhere near there.

big al has noted the same in homs.

August 10th, 2012, 1:16 am


omen said:

962. JUNEEY: Look closely at your supposedly secular photo showing solidarity. Now, tell me how many women/girls you see there. That tells you almost everything you need to know. But hey, don’t let me stop you from selling your charade.

where did i make the claim it was secular?

your version of equal opportunity is to have the shabiha hack women and children along with the men.

August 10th, 2012, 1:25 am


omen said:

354. JUERGEN: A friend who lives in Bab Touma has seen this shabih frequently in Damascus.( we had him on our topic list some months ago) He told me that he is now a star, in restaurants and bars he gets free meals and drinks. He said he looked very happy that the poeple recognize him.


August 10th, 2012, 1:38 am


Citizen said:
NATO’s Fleet Comes To Syria
Britain and France are preparing to send in a major Mediterranean naval group led by the aircraft carriers

INTERFAX.RU – Britain and France will soon be sent to the eastern Mediterranean, a powerful grouping of the Navy, Western media reported, citing sources in the British military.

The composition of the joint task group from the British side will include helicopter Illustrious, a large amphibious assault ship Bulwark with 400 marines on board, as well as the destroyer, frigate and a submarine. France will be represented by a compound aircraft carrier as part of an aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle and ships outposts.

As part of the British ships would be in defense destroyer Defender, is able to protect the group from the Syrian anti-ship cruise missiles stationed on the coast.

It is expected that the ships set sail after the Olympic Games, as currently Illustrious helicopter involved in providing security in the London area. He was inducted into the River Thames in the center of the British capital, and will remain there until the end of the Olympics.

The official version of the War Department of Great Britain, the British and French ships of Task Force will take part in the exercises Cougar-12 in the eastern Mediterranean. The training objective is to develop amphibious operations with the landing on the shore of the potential enemy. In particular, it is conducting amphibious operations on the coast of the Italian island of Sardinia, Albania and Turkey. Following this, the ships will go to the coast of Cyprus, located 150 km from Syria, which will continue teaching.

Meanwhile, a source in the UK Ministry of Defence has assured that the ships would not participate in any military action against Syria, and will be located in the eastern Mediterranean in case the need for evacuation of British nationals from the region.(.).

August 10th, 2012, 2:14 am


Visitor said:

Another Middle East expert exposes US administration short-sightedness with regards to it’s Syrian policy,

Obviously, Barack Obama and team are choosing the mediocrity of the ‘false’ sense of the security of the politics of incumbency over a long lasting legacy of historical leadership.

But I doubt that even after November elections, if Obama returns to the White House we will see any change. He simply doesn’t have what it takes. We thought we’ll never miss George W. Bush!

August 10th, 2012, 2:55 am


Juergen said:

Just received the message that IATA has supended all ticket sales for SYRIAN ARAB AIRLINES

the german foreign ministry has issued in their recent travel warning that its a crimninal offense to purchase a ticket of Syrian Arab Airlines by EU citizens, the purchase is only allowed in case of an imminent evacuation of Syria.

Since December 2011 Syrian Arab Airlines was supended from the Billing and Settlement Plan (BSP) of IATA which allows mutual usage and payment of tickets between all IATA members.

Now since its forbidden for EU citizens to purchase tickets, Syrian is likely to stop operations to Europe. ( sorry surely to Minsk and Moscow it will operate)

August 10th, 2012, 4:55 am


Amjad said:

I have a comment stuck in the spam que. Could we maybe get some advice on what words trigger this?

And btw Mjabali, I’m not a general. Unlike your prethident and his Cro-Magnum brother, I believe that you actually have to earn a rank before assuming it. I’m an Amjadian-First-Class hehehehe.

August 10th, 2012, 5:27 am


Citizen said:
‘No player takes opinion of Syrian people into account’
Veteran UN envoy Brahimi to replace Annan in Syria – diplomats

August 10th, 2012, 5:43 am



I too have a comment in jail. Looks like the filter is set to very high when the moderator is asleep.

August 10th, 2012, 5:47 am


Ales said:

Libyan-born Irish citizen Mahdi al-Harati now a rebel commander in Syria, after being before a commander in Libya:

Another role of him:

August 10th, 2012, 6:38 am


Warren said:

Will Syria’s Kurds benefit from the crisis?

In any assessment of the potential winners and losers from the political chaos in Syria, the country’s Kurdish minority could be among the winners.

August 10th, 2012, 7:22 am


Warren said:

Syrian Christians fear future as violence worsens

The woman was clearly frightened. Over and over again she explained that the world should know about what was happening to Christians like her inside Syria.

August 10th, 2012, 7:24 am


Warren said:

If Assad falls, is Britain ready to rescue Syria’s Christians?

The tolerance shown towards Christians in Syria is unlikely to survive Assad’s overthrow by Sunnis

Column LAST UPDATED AT 07:35 ON Tue 31 Jul 2012

Read more:

August 10th, 2012, 7:31 am


Amjad said:

#998 That article is repulsive. The writer is apparently wiling to wage all out war on behalf of Syrian Christians, and evacuate them by the boat load, and yet does not apparently want to extend the same “generosity” to the millions of displaced Syrian refuges who don’t happen to be Christian. It’s not just the Assadtanians who are narrow minded bigots.

Still not a word from “Warren the troll” on the custom made referendum that bars Christians from the presidency. Nothing is more repulsive than self righteous trolls who are selective about their indignation.

August 10th, 2012, 7:51 am


Tara said:


“I can be a proud slave and I am sure I can enjoy my life.”

I do not believe you a single bit. This is very much not you, or my mental image of you.

How far can you go defending the regime against your own basic beliefs? Am I bold enough to assume I know your basic beliefs? I think I am..

How a proud happy slave is any different from a willing prostitute? Doesn’t one’s soul long for freedom and dignity? How can one have dignity without freedom? I personally have the martyrs genes in me. Life is not that much worth living sometimes..

August 10th, 2012, 7:53 am


Amjad said:

Tara, the mentality displayed by Irritated is the one that dictatorships and tyrannies dream of finding in their subjects. Years of being subjects and subjugated have left people like Irritated without the ability to take responsibility for their own future and wellfare. Freedom is hard, it means responsibility, something all menhebakjis deep down tremble at the thought of. Better to live life like the man with the guns tells them to.

August 10th, 2012, 8:02 am


Akbar Palace said:

Years of being subjects and subjugated have left people like Irritated without the ability to take responsibility for their own future and wellfare. Freedom is hard, it means responsibility, something all menhebakjis deep down tremble at the thought of.


IMO you’ve identified the problem. Well said. The time for blaming others is over.

August 10th, 2012, 8:10 am


bronco said:

#983 Tara

If what Michel Samaha is acccused of in the rumors is true, this is a much bigger blow to Bashar Al Assad than the defection of Ryad Hijab or Nawaf Fares

Its timing makes me wonder if this is not one of these spectacular event the opposition and its allies in Lebanon have scheduled to further discredit Bashar al Assad just when the Syrian army is cornering the armed rebels in Aleppo and changing the game irreversibly by setting the ground for a possible cessation of violence.

It is also quite possible that Michel Samaha has been setup and fell into a trap. I never thought that this guy was well balanced.
He was a bit unstable. I guess having participated in the massacres the maronites militia did in Lebanon during the civil war do not leave a person psychologically intact.

August 10th, 2012, 8:30 am


Observer said:

So let me posit as what situation we are in right now.

First and foremost, the state institutions are crumbling for the reports now show that the regular police is nearly non existent. In areas the police cannot go and impose law and order and in others they are not trusted by the regime with their weapons.
Likewise, the current prime minister and ministers are there just as props with a decreasing ability to carry their daily tasks and to manage the affairs of state. This part of the regime that has seen defections at the highest level is now being used as just a cover and the decision process has moved even more into the very inner circle of the regime

Second, the inner circle of the regime is now acting just like a warlord with reliance on local committees and thugs and recruitment from the minority to preserve the areas where control is important and has abandoned the pretense of wanting to control the country this is manifested by the fact that destruction of whole areas is now the norm where the fate of the general population is not in the cards or in the concern of the regime.

Third, the armed forces have become weaker with increasing defections and with an inability to trust the loyalty of the troops and is relying on heavier weapons. I am sure the use of training aircraft is due to the fact that it has two pilots one of which is a security agent to insure no defections. I am also seeing less helicopters and people have now sent me the names and mobile phone numbers of those pilots that have been bombarding civilians. These people may very well now realize that their names are public and their lives in jeopardy.
The inability of the regime to sweep into Salahaddin without destroying it is telling.

Fourth, the news today from RT and the lack of any Russian pronouncements for the last 10 days tells me that the Russians are distancing themselves from the regime and they are cutting their losses. Today RT had a piece about Russia threatening Iran with changing its position on the nuclear issue if the later does not withdraw a lawsuit for cancellation of an arms deal.

Fifth, Iran is scrambling to have plan B and the meeting delivered a mouse without a common declaration or anything and the Iranian are proposing a three month ceasefire probably to allow the regime to scramble from the brink as the momentum is not on its side.

Sixth, Samaha arrest and the leaked documents that he was preparing massive bombing in the north of Lebanon to implicate the presence of Al Qaeda and to ignite sectarian killings in the country and this from a regime in Lebanon that is trying very hard to keep its distance from every one and where the HA is a major player tells me that the evidence is so strong that there was no way for the security services not to act. This is an indication that the Syrian regime’s security services are in shambles and are penetrated fully.

So the situation we are in is that Fredo has become a warlord and that his Alawi community is now between a rock and a hard place and they have a very narrow window to bail out or to join in his fate. I think Ghadaffi’s fate is written on the wall in Damascus.

Finally, ZOO please spare us your sanctimonious feelings towards your fellow Syrians they have moved way beyond your cynicism and your blind faith in a lost tyranny.

August 10th, 2012, 8:38 am


Amjad said:

Hey guys, could someone point out one instance when Mjabali condemned Bashar’s war machine.

Now, I couldnt give two hoots what the Quran says about Jews. I dont live my life according to religious texts. The Quran says I should pray five times a day, but the only times I’ve been to a mosque was to join the protests against your feeble prethident and to swear (during Ramadan no less) at his women folk and daddy. The Quran says I shouldnt drink, and yet I like to down a few beers while in the company of some Latakian girl with low self esteem and a chest that makes Bashar’s artillery look like pee shooters.

You see, you are just as bad as the Saudi religious police who herd people into mosques and force women out of music shops. Like them, you are an intolerant bigot. Like them, you use your beliefs as a license to heap contempt on people who dont share your views. And like them, history to you is a source of eternal grievance, not a source of wisdom. Sheikh blah blah said I should carnally use some falaha? I’m not obliged to follow his rantings. That sheikh has more power over you than he does me. I am a free man, but you are a prisoner of the chains of your own hatred. And they are far stronger chains than any physical ones I can put you in. Your intolerance puts you in the company of the most hardline mutawa3. Bigotry is bigotry, whatever belief it is exercised under.

And I’m still waiting for you to tell me where I said I wanted to boil *Alawite* solders. Hard one that, right? Don’t worry, we can wait for as long as you’ve been obsessing over Ali’s succession.

A wise man once said, that your rituals aren’t what matters, what matters is if they make you a more pleasant person to interact with. I’d sooner prefer the company of a sun worshiping goat farmer who is civil, doesn’t gossip, and never cheats me when I buy goat milk, than some Western based “secuhlah” who everytime he posts here subjects us to “WHERES MY FREEEEEEEEEEENCH TAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANKS!!!!!!”

“Just received the message that IATA has supended all ticket sales for SYRIAN ARAB AIRLINES”

About time. We all know that the Syrian Airlines office was nothing more than a front for the mukhabarat’s activities in Europe.

August 10th, 2012, 8:38 am




You shouldn’t allow this history whiner get away with calling you idiot in Arabic (ajdab as in 849).

Does the moderator know Arabic?

This history whiner is getting away with too many vulgarities, not to mention the endless misrepresentations, misinformation and selective quoting and misquoting from others’ comments. Had it not been for the mediocrity of the topic and his character, I would rip apart his comments to shreds.

August 10th, 2012, 8:39 am


SC Moderator said:


The use of phrases such as Ya Walad, and Ya Ajdab is not acceptable and not civil. Please consider this a warning. Future use of degrading qualifiers towards posters will be a ground for banning you. Thank you for your cooperation.

August 10th, 2012, 8:40 am


Observer said:

Two things

Bronco is now preparing us for the narrative that Samaha is not balanced to protect the regime from the scandal.

Majbali’s use of Ya Walad is typical insult from some community in Syria.

We should have Sharif Shehadeh on this forum to entertain us in pretzel logic

August 10th, 2012, 8:43 am


Amjad said:


“You shouldn’t allow this history whiner get away with calling you idiot in Arabic (ajdab as in 849).”

Well now, I don’t see that as a problem. His use of the word says more about him than it does me. He still hasn’t been able to point to where I said I wanted to boil *Alawite* soldiers. In his own mind, he has painted me as an axe wielding bearded salafi in robes, going about dismembering the infidels. Dude, I just ate a plate of kabsa, and it’s afternoon in Saudi and Ramadaaaaaan.

The “sekuhlahs” on this forum have been very unimpressive. If someone handed them the country, they wouldn’t be able to fix a broken water pipe.

So, the imitation Friends of Syria meeting in Tehran is over, with of course nothing tangible to come out of this complete waste of time. THESE are the true friends of Syria.

August 10th, 2012, 9:17 am


Amjad said:

Another comment in the spam que. What am I doing wrong? *cry* Should I be chanting “3ashat Souria Comment Hura Abiya!”?

August 10th, 2012, 9:19 am


irritated said:

1000. Tara

Faced with death or torture no one really knows how one would react.
I have seen apparently strong people becoming cowards, and weak people becoming heroes. Human nature is unpredictable in front of death.

August 10th, 2012, 9:24 am


Amir in Tel Aviv said:

What’s so insulting about Ya Walad? It’s like calling someone “kiddo”. A bit patronizing, but insulting? …anyway

Citadel of Halab damaged. Still very impressive


August 10th, 2012, 9:27 am


Tara said:


Very true. Face me with a single cat, and I’ll say Assad lil Abad…

I was not rhetorical though. I was honest with my sentiment.

August 10th, 2012, 9:37 am


zoo said:

After weeks of accusations and threats….

No proof Syria downed Turkish jet, report says

An investigation into pieces of wreckage from a Turkish plane that was downed off the coast of Syria on June 22 has revealed no proof that the plane was shot down by Syrian forces, daily Radikal reported today

August 10th, 2012, 9:40 am


Amir in Tel Aviv said:

Not only humans suffer in times of war

So sad. Especially now when I look at the spoiled, well fed two cats that live with us.

August 10th, 2012, 9:41 am


irritated said:

#1012 Tara

You tend to be idealistic, it’s better than being cynical which happens to me occasionally. Keeping a balance between idealism and pragmatism is not an easy task.

August 10th, 2012, 9:44 am


irritated said:

1012 Tara

My reply is on hold for whatever reason…

August 10th, 2012, 9:45 am


Amjad said:

“Faced with death or torture no one really knows how one would react.”

For once I agree with you (end of the world soon to follow). In February, my neighborhood was in the way of the Syria army’s march into Baba Amr. I spent ten days trapped in my home. I don’t care who anyone thinks they are, NOTHING prepares you for the indiscriminate and murderous mayhem of an artillery barrage. I learned to hate the whistling sound that preceded every explosion.

On that first day, if Bashar had appeared infront of me, and told me to sign a paper surrendering the revolution and acknowledging him and his as perpetual rulers of Syria, I’d have gladly done so, just to stop the shells.

Human beings being what we are, eventually you get used to anything. One learns to automatically discount whistling sound that appears to be farther away, and tense up when the sound seems to get closer. Finally after ten days I managed to get out. I wouldnt wish the experience on anyone.

August 10th, 2012, 9:52 am




The so IRRITATED half turnabout is typical behaviour when all else fails. I have already pointed that out. Duplicitousness, result of that centuries’ old cultural adage, is the skill which allows you to know when to act with guile and when to act like a cat.


Samaha’s accusations are no longer rumours, He’s already confessed. Interestingly, Miqati and Hizbistan have opposing views on the issue.

ISF has carried out a remarkable stealth investigation with well documented evidence incriminating Samaha. He has no way to deny. We’ll hear more soon.

Definitely, it is devastating for the Nazi-like criminals occupying Damascus.

August 10th, 2012, 9:52 am


Tara said:


No Visitor. Irritated is a good guy. This is my honest opinion. I can’t explain it but I think he is genuine. I do not see duplicitousness.

August 10th, 2012, 10:01 am


mjabali said:

General Amjad of Arabia:

Hajji why do you lie about your own history. You went to Hajj twice according to your own words, so yes you live by the religious text.

You started attacking Warren and calling him a troll (Moderator where are you?) becauese Warren is attacking Islam and Islamist groups.

Amjad of Arabia whom are you fooling here? Your whole attitude is woven around your religious beliefs. You hate me because of my religious talk and not because of my political ideas.

About drinking beer with girls from Lattakia with low self esteem and big chests, I say good for you. You seem in need for a company. Your religious mind control is not letting you have a good time and making you stiff. You may learn from these girls some respect for others. But to tell you the truth, I think you do not drink beer and just making this up like the many thing you day after day. You are just showing how you view others in negative terms. You are a specialist in negativity.

General: you said it in plain texts numerous times that you want to boil the Alawite soldiers in their own urine. Do not run away from this. Those on this board were present when you said this over and over.

As for what the Quran that you follow said about the Jews, I asked you that since you are asking me if I would read something written by a Jew. Dude, you ran away from answering a real question again.

Speaking of bigotry: You take the cup of champions. There is no more bigoted blogger on this site than you. Look at your sentences, choice of words and attitude.

You are a General whose battle experience includes all versions versions of “Call of Duty4,” “Battlefield Bad Company2,” “Medal of Honor,” and “Gears of War.” You went to school at Grand Theft Auto University. Yes you are a general no doubt.

By the way, speaking of Ibn Taymiyah (the one that you never heard about) and his connection to what is going on today, here is a link to you in which Erdugan says that Bashar al-Assad is not a Muslim. These words by Erdugan means also that all the Alawis and Alevis in Turkey are not Muslims:

August 10th, 2012, 10:18 am


Amjad said:

“Irritated is a good guy.”



Heheh, all this crap and BS about Al-Qaeda taking over Syria, and yet people forget that the regime and its supporters openly wave the Hizbollah flag.

August 10th, 2012, 10:19 am


irritated said:


Thanks for the compliment about my “cultural adage acquired” skill. I guess it better than to always act as a snake.

August 10th, 2012, 10:22 am


Amjad said:

Hehehe, Mjabali is so obsessed with me, he follows me to 7etayn but posts under a different name. Keefak akhi. Akhi, just because a guy went on Hajj when he was young, doesn’t make him a hard core salafi. Why should I lie about my beliefs? Do you think your opinion of me or anything is so highly regarded that I’d hide my core beliefs for your sake? What an arrogant self righteous little brat.

Moderator, unless this individual who this time is calling himself Mjabali shows us the link where I said I wanted to boil Alawite soldiers, I will not put up with his continued and unsubstantiated slurs, and I will expect them to be edited out. I have given him chance after chance to show us the comments where I said so, and he has failed to do so, therefore his slurs will no longer be tolerated.

People, when I used to post on OTW’s 7eetayn, there was a commentator with the same mindset as the epic whiner. He went by another name then, and is too chicken to admit it. My God, the first thing he does on a Saturday morning is look for my posts. He probably thinks I’m the reincarnation of some of those sheikhs he’s so obsessed about.

Mjababli is a guy who spends his waking hours, dreaming of going back in time, sword in hand, and avenging Ali and his sons and all the perceived wrongs done to Shias and Alawites over the course of 1400 years. These people cannot plan for the future, they are prisoners of the past. The dead hand of history imprisons them more strongly than any so called Al-Qaeda salafi group can. Freedom is not just about being out of prison, it is also freedom from age old hatreds of others.

‘These words by Erdugan means also that all the Alawis and Alevis in Turkey are not Muslims:”

And thus we are given a clue as to how the “secuhlah” mind of Mjabali works. How in the name of a cactus plant do you interpret Erdugan’s words to mean that Alevis and Alawites are not Muslim? What a sick and disgraceful distortion of the man’s words. See why you can’t be trusted with the smallest facts of history? Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but you apparently seem to think you are entitled to your own facts. No wonder your an obsessed epic whiner.

“You are a General whose battle experience includes all versions versions of “Call of Duty4,” “Battlefield Bad Company2,” “Medal of Honor,” and “Gears of War.” ”

Dude, you’re more familiar with the games people play than I am. Besides a bit of Civilization, I’m not so obsessed as you are with games. Why don’t you write your own game? “Terminator:Fixing the True Caliphate Succession”. Go back in time with a double pointed sword and slay all those historical figures that are keeping you up at night 🙂

August 10th, 2012, 10:26 am


mjabali said:


It is obvious that you are one of those commenting on this blog, and which side you are on.

Dr. Landis should not let this happen.

Moderators should not be able to comment while doing their moderation job. They should be neutral.

August 10th, 2012, 10:29 am


zoo said:

The strategy of the FSA is accumulating more humiliating ‘tactical’ retreats. Isn’t time to change it?

FSA promises “counter-attack” following “tactical withdrawal” from Salaheddin


By Paula Astatih
Beirut, Asharq Al-Awsat – Information from within Syria indicates that the opposition Free Syrian Army [FSA] has carried out a “tactical withdrawal” from Aleppo’s Salaheddin district, in the face of overwhelming pressure from the al-Assad regime’s forces. However FSA commanders on the ground have stressed that this “withdrawal” is taking place within the framework of the opposition’s focus on nation-wide “hit and run” attacks and that a counter-attack will be launched in Aleppo.

August 10th, 2012, 10:36 am


amjad said:

Similarities between the religious police of Saudi Arabia and the “secuhlah” Baathists of Mjabali;

In Saudi, you get into trouble for not going to the mosque during prayer time and you’re in a public space. In Syria, they put you in jail for not going out to a Baathist demonstration.

In Saudi, porn websites are blocked. In the “secuhlah” Syria, Amazon is blocked.

In Saudi, governance of the country is kept within the family. In “secuhlah” Syria, governance of the country is kept within the family.

In Saudi, “foreign influences” are always apparently trying to “contaminate” the purity of society. Ditto “secuhlah” Syria.

See Mjabali, you and the mutawas have much in common. Well done.

#1025 Stop whining for a moment, if you can. You broke the rules, you were reprimanded. Take your punishment like a big boy. Geesh. Now the secuhlahs want to dictate who can moderate or not. Disgusting.

August 10th, 2012, 10:40 am


mjabali said:

General Amjad of Arabia:

When I have time I will go back and dig up your comments about boiling the soldiers in urine.

Everyone on this blog who has been here from the beginning of events have seen that and argued with you about it. Do not run away from your own words.

I do not post in Walls. I never did. I went few times to read. I never posted there one single sentence.

What I found at Walls the blog was you fighting with other bloggers right and left. Same bullying, and same attitude. Do you have any friends there dude? Check your attitude on Walls the blog and come talk to me.

You posted here on Syria Comment under different names. This is a fact.

Unlike you, I have a real hard job, while you spend your days and nights online writing under different names.

AS for your broken record about me being obsessed with what happened to Ali ibn Abi Taleb and carrying a sword: I say that I am a man of peace, always been and always will be, never called for war, revenge or anything related to the horrible violent past.

Swords are carried by those calling for blood.

August 10th, 2012, 10:42 am


ann said:

Fighting continues Friday across Syria, mainly Aleppo – 2012-08-10

DAMASCUS, Aug. 10 (Xinhua) — Fighting continued Friday across Syria as the government army boasted that it rooted out armed insurgents in a number of areas, mainly in the northern province of Aleppo.

The Syrian TV said the army has thwarted an attack by the armed groups, which have tried to attack the international airport of Aleppo Friday.

Meanwhile, the state-run SANA news agency said the Syrian armed forces cleaned Akyoul and Qadi Askar roundabouts in Aleppo from ” terrorists.”

It said units of the armed forces chased “armed terrorist groups” in al-Iza’a and Saif al-Dawleh neighborhoods in Aleppo, killing and wounding many of them.

The Syrian government has branded the rebels as “terrorists”, claiming that the 17-month-old unrest is a result of a conspiracy with dire consequences.

Meanwhile, SANA said the authorities in Homs defused Friday a 250 kg car bomb, adding that a person was found tied up in the car and later turned out to be one of the people who were kidnapped recently by armed groups.

Also in Homs, SANA said the authorities carried out a qualitative operation in Bab Hood neighborhood, killing a number of “terrorists” who holed up in al-Mohandiseen Building.

In the central province of Hama, the military engineering units dismantled two 20-kg explosive devices planted by an armed group in Gharb al-Mashtal neighborhood, said SANA.


August 10th, 2012, 10:42 am


zoo said:

Meanwhile, the Lebanese NBN TV said the Syrian troops on Friday ringed Aleppo from all sides, cutting the supply lines from Turkey to the armed insurgents.

August 10th, 2012, 10:47 am




Where did you get that “secuhlah” term from?
Does the prethident really have a problem with “r” too? If you ask a Saudi mutawi’h, he’ll tell you it is a real bad bad bad sign

Man, I miss those Kabsah’s.



This is a skill (duplicitoussness) that no one would ever wish to acquire. But for a menhebek it is better than no skill at all, I guess.

August 10th, 2012, 10:48 am


Tara said:


I think your whining about the mod is becoming annoying. Men should not whine. Address your concern to JL if you are not comfortable. You also have the option of leaving in protest ( and of course coming back with a new name). This is as you know at will site. Enough whines. Sorry to be blunt again.

August 10th, 2012, 10:49 am


Amjad said:

“I do not post in Walls. I never did”

And I call you an outright liar. I warned OTW long before that you were there to do nothing but stir up trouble, and it was very satisfying to see you slink off, chastised.

“You posted here on Syria Comment under different names”

I posted under another name way back in 2011, which I did not deny for a moment. If you think I posted under more, then that is your own sick overactive imagination at work. All I can do is be smugly satisfied that I have the power to torment you, even when I’m not around.

“When I have time I will go back and dig up your comments about boiling the soldiers in urine. ”

Stop twisting your own words, you disgusting little brat. You said *Alawite* soldiers. Show me where I said I wanted to boil Alawite soldiers, or forever shut your dirty little mouth with your insinuations. Stop backing down when you are caught out in your filthy lies. Squirm all you want, but what is said on the Internet lives forever. You are sickening in the way you cowardly try to squirm out of your own statements.

“Where did you get that “secuhlah” term from?”

Hehe, kinda seemed appropriate to emulate Bush’s way of saying “nuclear”, considering I’m dealing with someone who makes the village idiot look like a rocket scientist.

August 10th, 2012, 10:51 am


Amjad said:

“I do not post in Walls. I never did”

And I call you an outright liar. I warned OTW long before that you were there to do nothing but stir up trouble, and it was very satisfying to see you slink off, chastised.

“You posted here on Syria Comment under different names”

I posted under another name way back in 2011, which I do not deny for a moment. If you think I posted under more, then that is your own sick overactive imagination at work. All I can do is be smugly satisfied that I have the power to torment you, even when I’m not around. Please, enlighten us, tell me what other names your ridiculous imagination thinks I’ve posted under.

“When I have time I will go back and dig up your comments about boiling the soldiers in urine. ”

Stop twisting your own words, you disgusting little brat. You said *Alawite* soldiers. Show me where I said I wanted to boil Alawite soldiers, or forever shut your dirty little mouth with your insinuations. Stop backing down when you are caught out in your filthy lies. Squirm all you want, but what is said on the Internet lives forever. You are sickening in the way you cowardly try to squirm out of your own statements.

August 10th, 2012, 10:54 am


Amjad said:


“Where did you get that “secuhlah” term from?”

Hehe, seemed appropriate to emulate Bush’s way of saying “nuclear”, seeing as how I’m responding to someone who makes a village fool look like Stephen Hawking. Seriously guys, anytime anyone criticizes Bashar, that must mean that in their heart of hearts, they don’t consider Alawites as Muslim. I’m amazed Mjabawaaaaaaaaaa didn’t claim that they put on white hoods in Baba Amr.

August 10th, 2012, 10:58 am


Amjad said:

Let’s have a serious discussion. Here is a comparison between how many women athletes Syria sent, and how many the GCC sent

And it doesnt look too good for Syria.

August 10th, 2012, 11:09 am


Amjad said:


“What I found at Walls the blog was you fighting with other bloggers right and left. Same bullying, and same attitude. Do you have any friends there dude? ”

Now I’ve got you, and there is no way you are squirming out of this one. You’ve given me the means to totally show you up for the fact-distorting person you are.

Since you took the effort to remember that I went on Hajj twice (something which really offended you back on 7eetayn ya secular inta), you will remember why I had a falling out with OTW on 7eetayn. It was because I praised Daniel Pipes.

Sho akhi? What’s the matter? How can a hardcore salafi actually praise a man like Daniel Pipes? I can’t wait for your twisted attempt at explaining this one.

Your pathetic need to paint me as a wahabi-religious-nut is nothing more than a sad reflection of your own inner sense of insecurity. One gets the feeling you would scream and yell at your own shadow and call it a Shiaa-killer if there was no one else around 🙂

August 10th, 2012, 11:14 am


Syrialover said:

Observer #1004

Good read. I enjoy such situational reports. Thanks.

August 10th, 2012, 3:54 pm


omen said:

1037. what could possibly be praiseworthy about daniel pipes?

August 10th, 2012, 5:39 pm


omen said:

963. TARA: But both the Phalangist Party and the Lebanese Forces are now firmly in the anti-Syrian camp, while Mr Samaha has retained his friendship and ties with the Syrian regime.

does this mean that it’ll be easier to smuggle arms to syria from northern lebanon?

August 10th, 2012, 6:24 pm


omen said:

963. tara:
both the Phalangist Party and the Lebanese Forces are now firmly in the anti-Syrian camp, while Mr Samaha has …ties with the Syrian regime.

does this mean it will be easier to smuggle arms to syria from northern lebanon?

p.s. is getting caught in the net sign of disapproval?

August 10th, 2012, 6:27 pm


omen said:

sorry for whining!

August 11th, 2012, 12:41 am


Taleb said:

The US and it’s allies the Saudi’s, Turkey, Qatar, France, Egypt, Israel and the rest failed dramatically in attracting any Syrian intellectuals to their proxy war against China, Russia and their allies in Syria! That is why they settled again on Al-Qaeda as they did in Afghanistan ! However, Syria is in the back yard of Europe and it’s geopolitical location is much more dangerous, this is why it will not take Al-Qaeda another 20 years to score another 9/11!! It will be imminent! Those who have been planning a contained regional Sunni-shia muslim war to implement Oil for weapons programs similar to the inhumane Oil for food one, and who own alleys in both the US and Russia, are taking the world’s civilization into a disaster. It is time for wisdom to prevail on greed for once, before it is too late!

August 14th, 2012, 3:10 am


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