Archive for the 'Golan' Category

Thoughts On Southern Syria

Iran in Syria: “Cognitive Empathy” and Interests

Beit Jann: Myths and Reality

Farewell to Ibrahim “Abe” Soliman: A Syrian-American Who Worked for Peace between Syria and Israel – By Geoffrey Aronson

Quwat Dir’ Al-Qalamoun: Shifting Militia Links

The Fifth Legion: A New Auxiliary Force

Saraya Al-Tawheed: A Pro-Assad Druze Militia in Lebanon and Syria

Liwa al-Imam al-Mahdi: A Syrian Hezbollah Formation

Liwa al-Jalil: A New Pro-Assad Palestinian Militia

Harakat al-Hawiya al-Arabiya al-Druziya: Defending Druze Identity in Suwayda’

The Life of al-Khal: First Leader of Liwa Shuhada’ al-Yarmouk

Liwa Shuhada’ al-Yarmouk: History and Analysis

The New Druze Militia Factions of Suwayda Province

Dera’a is Falling

Landis Debates Steven Heydemann: “Syria and Islamism.” BloggingheadTV

WikiLeaks: Saudi Proposed Arab Force to Invade Lebanon; Makhlouf Sanctions; Mughniya Murder

Should A Resurgent Syria Give Alarm?

Assad: ‘Golan Heights “is our issue”‘

Disapearing Golan; Hariri Murder; Iran

More WikiLeaks – Kerry: “Israel should return Golan”

“Why Lieberman?,” by Shai

Will rising tensions in the Middle East lead to another catastrophic war?

“A Peace Crime” by Levy; Will Turkey be Punished?

Skewed Balance of Power between Israel and Syrian Impedes Peace

Overview of Syrian-US Relations

Uri Saguy on Barak’s “Missed Opportunity” with Syria – Didi Remez trans. Written up by Blanford, CNN and All4Syria

Medvedev’s Visits to Syria and Turkey – News Round Up (14 May 2010)

“A Brief Introduction to the Shebaa Farms Problem” by Matthieu Cimino

Who is Changing the Regional Balance of Power?

Seguy: “It Was Not about Dipping Assad’s Feet into the Water of the Kinneret that Prevented Peace”

Renewed talks between Israel and Syria unlikely

Why Syria Must Burnish its “Resistance” Credentials in the Face of Obama’s Inaction on Settlement Expansion

Moshe Ya’alon, Israel’s Vice Premier, Explains How Netanyahu “Maneuvers” to Avoid Agreement

News Round Up (21 March 2010)

The Case for Syria

Economy Grows at 4%ish; Saudi Handshaking; Israeli-Syria Verbal Jousting

More on New US Amb., War Bluster, Hariri Court

Has Washington Decided to Focus on Syrian-Israeli Peace?

“Ecological Peace between Syria and Israel?” by Saleem H. Ali

Mitchell on the March, Muslim Brothers in Egypt, Makhlouf Man of 2009

Economic Policy and Amer Lutfi as Head of State Planning Commission

Is Syria to Blame for the Bombings in Iraq?

Assad in Paris

Netanyahu Talks Peace for the Press; Syrian Subsidies

Will Syria Give up the Golan as it Gave up Alexandretta?

Turk & Syria – Assad Interview: Muslim Brothers, Kurds, Iraq, Israel

“Merchant of Death” and “Flash Back” by Steven Barbar

First analysis of the Mitchell Meeting

What is Mitchel up to in Damascus?

Hof in Israel; Britain and Arms

Israel Frightened of Golan on a Platter or Without Platter

Syria Wants Center Stage

Who Will Be the Next US Ambassador to Syria?

News Round Up (June 2, 2009)

Israeli poster pulled from the London subway after the Syrian Embassy complained

Syria Eats Sanctions but Looks to Mitchell Visit for Understanding

Imad Moustapha and National Day – The Golan

Ray Close on the Golan

A new strategic alliance: Iran, Syria, Turkey and Iraq?

“Why Syria Will Not Get the Golan Back” by Landis

Syria Dresses Up

Kerry’s Visit Brings Some Hope

Ambassadors, Kerry, Levey, Sanctions, and Peace

A New Middle East Strategy for the Age of Obama

Is Syria Putting a Price Tag on a US Brokered Peace with Israel?

Balancing “Change” and “Prudence” will be an arduous process for President Obama

“Syria eyes strategic gains after Gaza war,” by Khaled Oweis

Will Syria Benefit from Israel’s Invasion of Gaza?

“Palestine’s Bleak Future and Syria’s Disappointment in Obama,” by Landis

Gaza Killings Divide Arab Countries Further

Syria is the Only Game in Town

Waging Peace in Atlanta, by Britta Froelicher

Ali Khan – The Golan and Quneitra

Netanyahu Agrees to Give Syria Talk, but Not Golan

News Round UP (6 December 2008)

“Giving Back the Golan Will Not Be Easy,” by Shai

Flipping Peace Tracks Again?

Interview with Ambassador Imad Moustapha: Peace Talks, Hizbullah, Palestine

“What to talk to Iran About,” by Baer

Reader’s Comment on “Why Syria Doesn’t Want War”

Livni Wins Vote to Lead Kadima

News Round Up (12 Sept. 2008)

Patrick Seale on the Damascus Summit

Difficult Decisions for Assad, but Syrian Art Sizzles

News Roundup (6 Sept. 2008)

The Middle East Waits for America

Israel Peace Negotiator Quits; Hamas Leader Leaves Damascus

Syria & Lebanon Should Hold Simultaneous Talks With Israel

Bush’s Policy of No Dialogue with Syria is Costing US Lives

New Cold War or Merely Jockeying for Position? What Does Syria Want?

Building Towards Peace

News Round-Up (August 1, 2008)

America’s Role in Israel-Syria Talks

Prison Riot, Golan, Syria Heads East

Bashar al-Assad Walking the Tight-Rope

Prisoner Swap; Golan; Negotiations

The US and Siniora seek to push back against Hizbullah and the Opposition

Olmert: If there is Peace with Syria, the reality in the region will change

Will Assad and Israeli President Shimon Peres Meet in Paris?

Turkey and Syria Discuss Nuclear Cooperation

“An Israel-Syria deal is strategically vital for both,” by Shlomo Ben-Ami

“America’s Gulf Arab allies and Syria,” by Alex

Q & A with President Assad in Dubai

Nukes, Golan, Lebanon and the Shifting Balance (3 June 2008)

Syrian Israeli Peace Process

News Round Up (1 May 2008)

President Assad is “more optimistic than any time before.” / Carter is “very upbeat”

News Round Up (23 March 2008)

The Peace Canal Plan – Peace plan/water import project from Turkey to the Middle East

“Lessons of the Franco-Syrian Fiasco” by Peter Harling

Israeli-Syrian Peace: From Dialogue… to Details & Diplomacy

A letter from Alon Liel / Chairman of the Israeli-Syrian Peace Society

Is the Notion of Syria Getting Back the Golan a Pipe Dream?