Archive for the 'Foreign Relations' Category

News Round Up (3 Nov. 2007)

“Everyday Jihad,” by Bernard Rougier

Rice to Lebanon, “No Compromise on Presidency”

US Planes Participated in Syrian Bombing Raid, according to al-Jazeera

Assassination Accusations Abound in Lebanon

News Roundup (31 Oct. 2007)

“A New Intelligence Failure?,” by Hosenball, Newsweek

Washington Hearings on Syria, etc.

Radwan Ziadeh, “Decision Making and Foreign Policy in Syria.” Reviewed by Shadi Jabr

Ray Close on the Israeli Sept. 6 Air Raid on Syria

Old Pictures of Syrian Nuke Site Suggest “Refried Beans”

“Authoritarian Upgrading in the Arab World,” by Steven Heydemann

“Syria is No Longer Cuba,” by Ibrahim Hamidi

Moustapha: We know “the Gates of Hell” would open beneath us if we planned a nuke

An Iraqi in Syria

News Round Up (Oct. 19 2007)

Turkey and Lebanon

Radio: Bolton, Landis, Mazzetti, & Khouri Discuss Bombing of Syria and Peace Process


The NSC versus Rice and the Syria Strike

“Analysis: Iran, Syria in gas deal,” by Derek Sands

Ray Close on the Mysterious Israeli Air Attack on Syria

Analysts Say Israel Bombed Legal Nuclear Project Inside Syria

Jimmy Carter and Joschka Fischer on talking to Syria

Saudi king prays with Rif’at al-Asad in Mecca

Changing Course with Syria

The New York Times: An Israeli Strike on Syria Kindles Debate in the U.S.

“Ticking Clocks and ‘Accidental’ War,” BY Alastair Crooke

News Round Up (6 Sept 2007)

Strike on Syria or Iran – Lebanon torn in the Middle

Nasrallah calls on Saudi Arabia to boycott the upcoming Middle East conference

Israel Hit Main Arms Depot Sept. 6, Killing Military Police

News Round Up (4 Oct. 2007)

Michael Young Talks Sense about Syria

“The Consistancy of Error,” by Amir Oren

What Abu Salim Taha’ of Fatah al-Islam Confessed

News Round Up (2 Oct. 2007)

Qaqa – Fatah al-Islam Connection Pooh-poohed

Assad Speaks On Israeli Strike and Peace Conference

News Round Up (27 Sept. 2007)

Bolton Defends Against Absence of Syrian Nuclear Evidence

Syria Unlikely to go to Attend Peace Conference

Articles Pushing Diplomacy with Syria and Questioning Raid

Rice Trys to Gin Up Enthusiasm for Her Peacemaking

“Losing Traction against Syria,” by David Schenker

News Round Up (21 Sept. 2007)

News (20 Sept. 2007)

Lebanese elections: Going up in Smoke?

News Roundup (18 Sept. 2007)

Doubts about Israeli Strike Increase

Trish Schuh Reports From Deir al-Zur

Israel’s Strike – Was it a Warning to Iran? For Lebanon?

Israeli Strike on Syria: A Message for Syria? … A Message for Iran?

“Getting Down to Business,” by Andrew Tabler

Nuclear Allegations Seemingly Hot Air

Baradei: “No Evidence of Khan Link to Syria” 2004

“ISRAEL/SYRIA: Rumours of war reflect tensions” by Oxford Analytica

News Round Up on Israeli Strike (13 Sept. 2007)

“N. Korea, Syria May Be at Work on Nuclear Facility” By Glenn Kessler

Nuclear? Chemical? Missiles? What Was Hit?

Israel hit Missiles – the US Pleased – Story Stinks

Israel Air Strike on Syria Confirmed

Israel’s “Attempted Attack” Against Syria – the latest

Landis and Badran Debate Syria on “Radio Times” with Marty Moss-Coane

“OSyria 1”?

Is Israel Looking for Korean Weapons in Syria?

Israel Penetrates Syrian Airspace: Shots Fired

Hamidi on New Visa Requirements for Iraqis

Arguments for Israeli-Syria Dialogue

Subsidies and Iraqis: Syria Shifts Gears

Fatah al-Islam Finished as Political Battle Heats UP

News Round Up (1 Sept 2007)

Germany Restores Aid & Analyzing Aoun

Jihadists and the Syrian Border – Saudi Press

France Could Engage Syria in “Spectacular Way,” If…

Proposed Legislation to Ban Damascus Airport to International Carriers.

“Iran and Syria: An Alliance Shaped by Mutual Foes” by Deborah Amos

“Syria and Israel: The Changing Military Balance and Prospects for War,” by Cordesman

“The Great Middle East Peace Process Scam” by Henry Siegman

Lebanon’s 2006 War One Year on

Sharaa Statement of Syria’s Foreign Policy

“UNIFIL – Peacekeepers in the Line of Fire,” by Timur Goksel

Lebanon: A Test of Wills

Does Bush’s Executive Order Criminalize Lebanon’s Democratic Opposition?

Economy expands 5.6%, Foreign Investment Up, Despite US Efforts to Keep Syria Poor

More Commentary on the Metn Elections

What Does the Gemayel Loss in the Metn Mean?

Metn election a nail biter as both sides claim victory

Metn Madness

News Round Up (4 August 2007)

Syria’s Policy of Sitting on its Hands

News Round Up (27 July 2007)

“Dialogue is in Syria’s and America’s interests,” by Cordesman

“How to Manage Assad,” by Jon Alterman

Syria’s Iraq Policy

“Regime evolution can only serve Syria’s national interests,” by Cordesman

The truth about Syria?

Syria Cancels Iraq Rebel Sit-down in Damascus – Why?

Syria Looks for a Lebanon Deal

“Improving US and Syrian Relations: Some Possible Beginnings,” by Anthony Cordesman

“Re-Targeting Syria,” by Jim Lobe

“Getting Hezbollah to Behave,” by Nicholas Noe

No Deals with Syria over Lebanon – or Anywhere Else

Saudi Jihadists in Iraq far Outnumber Others

U.N. probe has identified people who may have been involved in Hariri assassination

Is Amal Saad-Ghorayeb disseminating Misinformation?

Will Syria and Israel talk, fight or wait?

News Round Up (July 5, 2007)

Syrian Trade – Thanks to Syria Report

News Round Up (2 July 2007)

Gambill on US Policy in Lebanon and Fatah al-Islam

Syria is Not Against the UN

“UNIFIL and Eido Car Bombs the Same: Murr Blames al-Qaida” by T_desco

“Syria Not Behind Killing of Spaniards” Responds Second Syria Analyst

What Are the Italians Doing in Damascus?

What Will Syria Do in Lebanon? (15 June 2007)

“Iran’s and Syria’s plan: an interpretation,” by Michael Young

Patraeus – Syria Door to Foreign Fighters; Murr – No Evidence yet of Syria Support for Fatah Islam

“Bush Weighs Reaching Out To Muslim Brothers,” byu Eli Lake

Bush and Olmert Downplay Syria Talks

Al-Qaida Arrests in Lebanon

News Round Up (19 June 2007)

Palestine and Lebanon: The US in Quicksand

“A Critique of ‘Promoting Fatahland, while punishing Hamastan,'” by Daniel Levy

“A summer of war or peace?” By Patrick Seale

UN’s Mid East Envoy Slams Isolation of Syria and UN Kowtowing to US.

News Round Up (13 June 2007)

The Presidential Plebiscite and Pageantry: What does it Mean?

Introducing the Creative Forum: Commemorating the Golan Heights

Initial syriapol Results Released

News Round Up (28 May 2007)

News Round Up (12 May 2007)

“Lebanon Unrest Puts Hariri Tribunal In Peril” by Solomon

U.S. policy turnabout may enable Israeli-Syrian talks

Iraqi Refugees in Syria: 3 Best Articles

News Round Up (19 May 2007)

“A Review Of Mr. Assad’s First Term in office” by Ehsani

Draft U.N. Security Council Resolution Ready for Tribunal

News Round-Up

Bernard Gwertzman (CFR consulting editor) interviews Joshua Landis

Hariri Tribunal set for May 22?

Eliott Abrams Says Rice’s Push For Mideast Peace Is ‘Just Process’

Assad Rules out Cooperation with Hariri Tribunal if Sovereignty Threatened

News Roundup (8 May 2007) Rice Says Yes to Chapter VII Tribunal

Lebanese Certain Chapter VII Tribunal Will Pass UN Vote End of May

Rice and Moualem Meet: Has Syria Won?

Will There be a War this Summer?

Tribunal Tribulations – Is the Hariri Court Dead?

News Round Up (26 April 2007)

News Roundup (25 April 2007)

US Imposes Sanctions on Syrian Navy and Air Force

Imad Moustapha on US-Syrian Relations

Will the Hariri Tribunal get UN approval?

“Hizballah and Syria: Outgrowing the Proxy Relationship,” by Emile El-Hokayem

“Negotiations with Syria Not in Israel’s Interest,” by Giora Eiland

“U.S. Policy Toward Syria Debate:” Landis, Badran, Jouejati

The Truth about Syria: Will the UN vote for a Tribunal?

The Smartest Observations on Pelosi and Syria – Malley and Lobe

“US backing ‘covert war’ against Hizbullah” CSM

“Lebanon’s Coming Crisis” by Firas Maksad

Young & Landis Debate Pelosi Visit on Public Radio

The Pelosi Visit

Seymour Hersh: “We may never find out who ordered Hariri assassination”

Pelosi’s Trip to Damascus

Saudi Arabia’s New Peace Proposal?

The Arab League Summit: Arabism is Back – Syria is In

“Farid Ghadry, Syria’s Chalabi: From Washington to Damascus,” by Salim Abraham

France Urged Israel to Bomb Syria

A Response to Michael Young

Brammertz V – Comments and Contextualization (by t_desco)

Hizbullah’s MP Nawar Sahili Interviewed by Hugh Macleod

‘Syria’s Revenues in Danger,’ Finance Minister Warns – Discussion by Ehsani2

“U.S.-Syrian Relations” by Amassador Moustapha

Readers Responses to my Last Post

Counting Lebanon’s Shiites as Slaves: Why the Lebanon Deal is Obstructed

“Iranian General Defects with Hizbullah’s Secrets,” by Nicholas Noe

Has a Lebanon Deal Been Clinched?

Saudis and Syrians …Brothers or Rivals?

News Round Up (3 March 2007)

News Round Up (27 February 2007)

“Lebanese Sunnis Deeply Divided over Relations with Hizbullah” by Anonymous

Bilal Saab on Jihadis in Lebanon

Seymour Hersh, “The Administration’s New Policy on Terrorism”

Syria, Iran and Saudi Arabia: Three’s a Crowd

Will Saudi Arabia Solve America’s Problems?

Feb 14 Raises the Rhetoric

News Round Up (13 February 2007)

Powell Says, “We got plenty” from Syria in Talks

The US and Syria: Is Dialogue Coming?

Is Syria Supplying Weapons to Iraqi Militias?

New Zogby poll: 80 % of moderate Arabs say Israel and the U.S. are their two biggest external threats. 6% cited Iran

Syria’s President Says He Needs Iran’s Support

CIA and Syrian Intelligence in Lebanon

Syria Shuts Out Iraqi Refugees. Is Arabism Over?

Nasrallah: “No Plan for Sunni Conversions”

Liel – “Syrians Serious about Full Reorientation”

Syria and Iraq

Reactions to Revelations of Israeli-Syrian Unofficial Peace Negotiations

“Secret understandings reached between representatives of Israel, Syria” by Akiva Eldar

“The Pieces are in Place for Escalation,” by Sam Gardiner