Archive for the 'Civil War' Category

The Think-Tanks Bark and the IRGC Moves On

Trump May Be Right – By David W. Lesch

Syria, Deterrence of Chemical Weapons and U.S. Policy in the Middle East – By Joshua Landis

Eastern Ghouta x 20, by Aron Lund

Foreign intervention in Syria: Isn’t it time to admit that the war against the Syrian regime is lost? – By Nikolaos van Dam

Reply to Steven Heydemann’s “Assessing Nikolas Van Dam on Syria’s Fate” – By Nikolaos Van Dam

“No Justice for Khan Sheikhoun,” by Aron Lund

Minorities and the Kurdish Referendum—by Alda Benjamen

Assad cracks down on loyalist militias in Aleppo

Century Foundation Roundtable on Syria

Further Response to Roy Gutman: Balancing the Picture

How Will the Syrian Crisis End? – By Ehsani2

Liwa Sayf al-Mahdi: A Syrian Army Shi’i Militia

“The Lens of History and Assad,” by David W. Lesch & Carey Latimore