Assad Speaks On Israeli Strike and Peace Conference
Posted by Joshua on Monday, October 1st, 2007
Either the the White House is engaging in a razzle-dazzle form of psychological warfare and super deception, or it really is preparing the ground for some sort of strike on Iran – and perhaps Syria. Increasingly, it seems we were played by Cheney and crew on the nuclear-North Korea justification for the Israeli strike on Syria. (I thank t-desco for most of the following links.)
President Assad interview with BBC Monday Oct. 1, 2007
Syrian president tells BBC Israeli warplanes struck “unused military building” last month, AP
Syria says Israeli air raid aimed at justifying future attack (Friday)
hara says Israel manipulating public opinion to convince world Israel does not want war.
DAMASCUS – Syrian Vice President Faruq al-Shara said on Saturday that a recent Israeli air raid on what is thought to be a Syrian military installation was meant to provide justification for future aggression on the country.
“Those who continue to talk about this raid and to invent inaccurate details (about it), are aiming to justify a future aggression” againt Syria, Shara said at a press conference with his visiting Iraqi counterpart, Adel Abdel Mahdi.
“They are manipulating public opinion to convince it that (Israel) does not want war. They are lying about that,” he added.
Shara went on to denounce “Arab or international parties that write about things that did not happen and who claim North Koreans or others were killed” in the September 6 raid.
“Anyone who says that is wrong and is trying to conduct psychological warfare against Syria, which will not be tricked. Certain people in Israel are hoping that through this they can repair the beating given to the Israeli army by the Lebanese resistance.”…..
New Anti-Syria bill being prepared in congress.
House Res. 690: Expressing grave concern of the House of Representatives…
Expressing grave concern of the House of Representatives for Iran and Syria’s continued and systematic violations of UN Resolutions 1701 and 1559. … Representative Mr. Israel and Mr. Knollenberg submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs …. |
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Shifting Targets, The New Yorker
The Administration’s plan for Iran.
by Seymour M. Hersh
Daily Telegraph “Concern is also growing in the CIA and the Pentagon that the White House exaggerated intelligence used to justify an Israeli air raid on a suspected nuclear facility in Syria earlier this month, which some neo-conservatives hope is a precursor to war with Iran.”
Neocons seek to justify action against Teheran….
Arab Monitor, UNDOF commander concerned about Israeli offensive build-up on Golan Heights
SPIEGEL, Kriegsgefahr in Nahost, 29 September 2007