Arab League Enters Syria as Violence Rises. Syria’s Deficit Spending Explodes but Government Hangs On
Posted by Joshua on Thursday, December 29th, 2011
Arab League monitors are visiting a number of restive Syrian towns and cities, including Hama, Idleb, and Deraa.
Though Syria has made some concessions to the monitors since they began work Tuesday, government forces have at the same time been pressing ahead with attempts to put down peaceful protests in Hama, Homs and other parts of the country. Activists said at least 39 people have been killed by security forces in the two days since the observers arrived.
The government released 755 prisoners following a report by Human Rights Watch accusing authorities of hiding hundreds of detainees from the observers. It was the second concession in two days to the Arab League.
On Monday, the army pulled some of its troops back from the city of Homs after bombarding it for days and killing scores of people. It allowed the monitors to visit and as they came, tens of thousands of protesters poured into the streets, chanting calls for the execution of President Bashar Assad.
The crisis in Syria was officially internationalized when members of the Arab League’s observer force arrived in Syria last Thursday. The following day, two car bombs exploded in front of state security offices in Kfar Sousa, Damascus, killing 44 and injuring another 100. The issue of who was responsible for the attack remains in dispute. Three days later, a second group of Arab League monitors arrived in Syria as violence in the central city of Homs intensified. Charged with monitoring the Syrian government’s implementation of the Arab League’s peace plan, the monitors have thus far been met with mixed emotions and varying levels of violence and disorder.
20% Deficit next year? Economy – EHSANI writes:
I think this Syria Steps article is extremely important coming from an economics expert at Damascus University. Usually, a budget deficit of nearing 10% of GDP starts to become a problem. This note claims the following:
1- Tax revenues next year will be less than half of what they were (50% drop).
2- Income from oil sale and the public sector will also drop.
3- The budget deficit as a result will be syp 529 billion out of a total budget of syp 1326 billion. In other words, 40% of expenditures will be unpaid for by revenue.
4- The resulting deficit of syp 529 billion is nearly $9 billion or 18% of GDP and this is assuming a GDP of $50 billion. The actual deficit/gdp ratio could top 20%.
5- The government has no access to credit markets. It never developed a local bond market and it can never access the international credit markets.
6- And here is the shocking solution: Force powerful companies, banks and even large car dealers to lend to the government especially that many made “enormous profits during the economic reform and liberalization process”. The way to do this would be through “tashreei” or passing laws that specifies the amounts, rates and tenor of these loans per company and even “individual”.
7- let me summarize it in simple terms: The state is only able to collect 60% of every syp it spends. It cannot borrow to bridge the gap. The only way to bridge the gap is to go to those companies, banks , car dealers, etc. that are thought to have benefited in the past and force them to lend to the state at rates and amounts that the government itself specifies.
The value of the Syrian Pound to the US Dollar has stabilized in the last few days on the back of the decision of the Central Bank to bring the national currency’s official rate closer to its black market value. The US Dollar now trades at around 59 Pounds per US Dollar from above 60 Pounds at the end of last week. (From Syria Report)
Government to Cut Overhead Expenses by 25 Percent – by Jihad Yaziji at Syria Report, 26-12-2011
The Syrian Prime Minister has issued instructions to all State administrations requiring them to reduce all their overhead expenses by 25 percent, excluding salaries.
The letter, which was issued by Adel Safar on December 18, says that the cuts must be made in various accounts including transport, stationery, office equipment, subscription to publications, staff bonuses, advertising, public relations and maintenance of equipment.
Both investment and current expenses are targeted by the measure.
The 2011 budget approved at the end of last year projected a budget deficit of 5.8 percent of GDP. However, a range of expenditure measures has been approved since last March by the Government in a bid to appease the protesters that have been taking to the streets across the country, leading to a significant hike in expenses. There is no estimate on how much these measures are going to increase the fiscal deficit.
The Syrian President also enacted last week the 2012 budget that forecasts a 58 percent increase in expenses to SYP 1,326 billion. This large increase is mainly due to the fact that expenses previously not accounted for in the state’s budget, namely energy subsidies, are now taken into account. The actual year-on-year difference in expenses with this year is ‘only’ 15 percent, according to the Minister of Finance.
The deficit should rise to SYP 335 billion in 2012. On the basis of this year’s Gross Domestic Product, the deficit would represent some 12 percent of GDP. It is not clear whether the 25 percent reduction in expenses required by the Government enters into account in this budget.
Current expenses are inceasing to SYP 951 billion and investment allocations standing at SYP 375 billion.
Many analysts had predicted the Syrian economy would collapse on the back of the political unrest, the economic downturn and the significant hikes in Government expenses. However, to this date the Syrian authorities have managed to keep a lid on inflation and to limit the decline of the Syrian Pound
Because of the absence of any data and the overall lack of transparency it is difficult to explain the performance of the Government. The decline in investment and spending has reduced imports and therefore reduced pressure on the national currency, while the good raining season has led to good crops, which in turn helped limit price increases.
Other analysts argue that the Government has been receiving outside help in the form of capital transfers from Iran or Iraq but there is no tangible evidence to confirm these assertions.
However, the closing weeks of 2011 have been difficult with the first large scale shortages of heating oil and domestic gas affecting Damascus. The Syrian capital is also facing daily power cuts of up to 3 hours, while until mid-November it was still largely void of any cut.
The last few weeks of the year have also seen increasing calls for strikes and boycotts. While the impact of these calls are discounted by Damascus-based analysts, in the countryside and many other cities they are relatively well enforced contributing to the general decline in business activity and government revenues.
Military repression in Homs is changing. Video of two T72s shelling Bab Amro sent by Thomas Pierret
This seems to be the first recording of tank fire or shelling of a Syrian city by a tank or heavy artillery. Earlier claims of tanks shelling Hama or ships shelling Latakia cannot be verified.
U.S. quietly preparing to support Syria opposition: report, December 29, 2011, The Daily Star
BEIRUT: White House officials are quietly preparing options to aid the Syrian opposition, Foreign Policy magazine reported.
In a blog posted Wednesday, the current affairs publication quoted two administration officials as saying the National Security Council (SNC), a body that aids the U.S. president in weighing national security policies, has commenced an informal, quiet interagency process of discussing options to assist the Syrian opposition.
Only a few select officials from the departments of State, Defense, Treasury and other agencies are engaged in the discussions headed by NSC Senior Director Steve Simon, the magazine reported.
The two officials, who were not taking part in the NSC meetings but familiar with the proceedings, said options being considered include setting up a humanitarian corridor or safe zone for civilians in Syria along the Turkish border, providing humanitarian assistance to the Syrian rebels, offering medical aid to Syrian clinics and engaging more with the external and internal opposition.
The interagency is now looking at options for Syria, but it’s still at the preliminary stage,” Foreign Policy quoted one official as saying. “There are many people in the administration that realize the status quo is unsustainable and there is an internal recognition that existing financial sanctions are not going to bring down the Syrian regime in the near future” the official said….. Obama Secretly Preparing for Syria Intervention, 2011-12-29
Members of the Obama Administration are confirming tonight that the National Security Council has been instructed to begin seeking options for US intervention in Syria, including what they call the “unlikely” option of setting up a no-fly zone. …
….Abdo said many students in Idleb had stopped going to school and were instead on the streets calling for the downfall of the 41-year-old Assad family dictatorship.
“We are planning to close the international roads which link Aleppo with Damascus, Lattakia with Aleppo, and Idleb with Turkey in the near future,” he said. “We will do everything that hurts the Assad regime….
SNC president Dr. Burhan Ghalioun addresses the nation on Christmas and New Year -“The regime must be stopped by any means possible…”
U.S. arms sale to Iraq will proceed: Despite the recent political turmoil in Baghdad, the United States will sell nearly $11 billion worth of equipment and training to its military.
Syria’s Torture Machine – BBC 4
An investigation into the detention and torture of Syrian civilians, featuring shocking video evidence of men, women and children being subjected to beatings, whippings and more elaborate…
Des Libyens épaulent les insurgés syriens Figaro – Libyans have gone to Syria to fight.
Syria’s deep divide A group of Syrians gather in The Cafe to debate their country’s future. al-Jazeera
Max Weiss brings us Tha’ir Deeb interview on Jadaliyya
MA: What do the Syrian people have to do, in terms of escalation, in order to put an end to this regime, the most tyrannical in the Arab world? Put differently, when might this regime surrender?
TD: What the Syrian people need to do is continue the revolution, without violence, sectarianism, and asking for international intervention. This path, which seems long and heavy with casualties, is in fact the shortest and has the least casualties. What the Syrian opposition needs to do is to stop wasting time and jumping around from one place to another. It has to dare and put forward visions and practices right here and now in order to help dismantle the stumbling blocks of the Syrian people’s intifada. One stumbling block, for example, is the notion that the intifada is a “rural” one, meaning that it is “regional” and limited to certain classes and segments of society, that it needs to become more urban and adequately patriotic, with an acceptable platform and a clear program. The opposition also needs to stop imitating other experiences in spite of the importance of benefitting from them. A lot of people thought our trajectory was going to be similar to that of Egypt and Tunisia. However, with the exacerbation of this barbaric repression, they proceeded to pander to the Libyan model instead of standing first and foremost with the Syrian model—which has no equal…..
The Syrian Model
MA: You mentioned distinguishing the Syrian revolutionary model and how it differs from the Tunisian, Egyptian, and Libyan models. Can you elaborate on this?…..
Syrian unrest forces Hamas to plan for uprooting leadership across Mideast, Associated Press, December 28
RAMALLAH, West Bank — Alarmed by bloody unrest in Syria, the Hamas militant group has pulled out many of its lower-level cadres from its Damascus headquarters and made contingency plans to move its leadership to locations across the Middle East, senior Hamas members have told The Associated Press.
NCB Announcement
The National Coordination Body for Democratic Change in Syria [NCB] reports that a meeting was held in Cairo in the past two days between delegates of the NCB and the Syrian National Council [SNC], to continue the work of unifying the Syrian opposition. The atmosphere between the delegates was positive and co-operative during two sessions, and as a consequence they established a basic understanding about the tasks and rules for the expected transitional phase regarding multiple political and procedural aspects.
The most important agreement under discussion between the two delegations was to establish a Syrian General Congress under the auspices of the Arab League, to bring together representatives of the opposition of both of the blocks outside and inside Syria, public figures and independents, as one opposition group so that a Committee would emerge with a unified voice to officially represent the opposition in all forums…
The NCB Delegation in Cairo27 December 2011
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Comments (469)
Ghufran said:
It looks like the regime and its opponents have no problem if Syrians suffer while the two competing factions settle their differences. It will take years to repair the damage done to the Syrian economy assuming that a solution to this crisis emerges soon, I am not sure anybody really believes that this solution is coming any time soon.
December 29th, 2011, 2:14 pm
aldendeshe ???? ??????? said:
“…..U.S. arms sale to Iraq will proceed: Despite the recent political turmoil in Baghdad, the United States will sell nearly $11 billion worth of equipment and training to its military….”
This is disgusting. Why Iraq need these weapons. Can’t the U.S. find other U.S. made products to sell Iraqis and get cash other than useless military hardware?
December 29th, 2011, 2:22 pm
Tara said:
The money will run out at the end, what happens then?
Syria should brace for a financial collapse
Published December 29th, 2011 – 17:18 GMT via
Independent Syrian economists are now more inclined to ask not if the final collapse will come, but when and in what form?Enlarge Image
Syria’s GDP to increase by 1.6 percent by year’s endSyria subsidies to hit US$7 billion in 2008UAE: Average per capita income to hit $28,500 in 2005
Syria’s economy began 2011 in a strong state of health. The International Monetary Fund predicted moderate but meaningful growth, tourism receipts at more than US$8 billion (Dh29.3bn) were at a record high and set to rise, exploration for new oil and gas fields was under way. Multimillion dollar international investment projects had started, including much-needed upgrades to dilapidated infrastructure.
The bullish optimism of Syria’s monied classes was symbolised in the huge double tower block project under way in the centre of town: a high-tech steel and glass masterpiece for one of the world’s most ancient cities. A vast excavation was dug out for the foundations, surrounded by billboards showing President Bashar Al Assad’s face alongside the slogan “Together we build”. But work has stopped, leaving an enormous empty hole in the ground. If past unfinished Syrian building projects were an indicator, it may stay that way for many years – a perfect symbol of the current crisis now gripping the nation.
Tellingly, the posters of Mr Al Assad have also been covered by the authorities, replaced by images of the Syrian flag. There was always something deceiving in such glittering projects, as well as the proliferation of Beirut-style upmarket cafes and nightclubs in the richer parts of town and the Porsche and Range Rover dealerships.
The well-connected elite never had it so good. But the poor were sliding deeper into poverty, passed over by the brave new world of a market economy and buried beneath a landslide of corruption.
A crippling drought pushed more than a million farmers and their families off the land and tens of thousands were suffering from malnutrition. It was a disaster the authorities preferred not to acknowledge and their failure to act surely played a role in the uprising.
It is no coincidence that the provinces and slum-like neighbourhoods around major cities revolted. How could a million impoverished refugees and wiped-out farming communities be anything but angry at the authorities who had turned their backs on them in their time of greatest need?
As the uprising gained momentum through the year and the violence grew, the most profitable areas of the tourism sector evaporated, with only low-spending Iranian pilgrims left.
Economic sanctions have hit hard, most significantly the isolation of banks and European bans on the small but crucial oil sector – oil and tourism accounted for more than $12bn of Syria’s approximately $50bn gross domestic product.
Fuel shortages and long power cuts are routine across the country, unemployment has soared to 30 per cent according to officials, while the Syrian pound has lost 30 per cent of its value against the US dollar, driving up the prices of the cheap imports that have all but wiped out Syria’s own uncompetitive manufacturing industries.
Rapid inflation has eroded the spending power of public-sector employees who were already just scraping by. State overtime payments have been stopped and many staff confess to turning up at work largely to drink tea and enjoy the warmth of a heated building after freezing nights at home, rather than to do anything productive. Budget cuts mean that even that small luxury may end.
Independent Syrian economists are now more inclined to ask not if the final collapse will come, but when and in what form. Officials and pro-government analysts have looked hard for a silver lining. They claim Syria has weathered economic isolation before and will do so once again, thanks to self-sufficiency in basic foodstuffs and help from international friends such as Iran, Russia and neighbouring Iraq.
There have even been optimistic declarations that the economic incineration will leave behind a fertile ground for renewal; that Syrian industries will rise from the ashes – although businessmen have been surreptitiously moving their money abroad, rather than paying to modernise factories at home.
Then there is the strategic reserve of hard currency, a foundation stone for the regime to fall back on. September’s panic measures to ban imports and save precious US dollars did nothing to shore up confidence that the government was being honest in valuing its funds at $18bn – Syrian economic data being notoriously disreputable – but whatever does remain of the reserve should be enough to see the country through several more months of hardship. At best that will be a temporary reprieve, Syrian economists warn. The money will run out in the end and what happens then?
December 29th, 2011, 2:26 pm
Ghufran said:
They sell oil and buy weapons they can not or will not use.
WASHINGTON—The Obama administration plans to sell advanced F-15 fighter jets to Saudi Arabia but won’t equip them with long-range weapons systems and other arms whose inclusion was strongly opposed by Israel, diplomats and officials said.
The proposed $30 billion, 10-year arms package, which would be one of the biggest single deals of its kind, has been a source of behind-the-scenes tension during months of negotiations. Israeli officials have repeatedly conveyed their concerns in private that the U.S. risks undermining its military advantage by equipping regional rivals with top-flight technologies.
December 29th, 2011, 2:26 pm
jna said:
Time for a Rethink in Syria
By: Ibrahim al-Amin
Published Thursday, December 22, 2011
The first phase of the Syrian crisis was one of harsh confrontation. With the agreement to send Arab observers into Syrian towns and cities, a second phase of the crisis begins for all concerned.
There are no guarantees that the uprising will end, that armed operations by rebel groups will cease, nor that the foreign diplomatic, security, economic, and media pressure will ease. It easily follows, therefore, that there are no guarantees that the security remedy pursued by the regime will be discontinued either.
But the political divide persists, its intensity undiminished. And it daily takes on the semblance of civil warfare, both cold and hot.
But will the Syrians undertake the rethink necessary to avert further deterioration?
On the regime’s part, there is grudging admission that the problem was inaccurately diagnosed. Those in power ignored what people were really protesting about: the trappings of years of arbitrary rule.
These include the security agencies’ control over people’s lives, affairs, and interests, within or outside the state; the control of one party over the state’s administration and resources, resulting in pervasive and widespread corruption, and; the sharp reversal dealt to political and cultural development, accompanied by incomprehensible and senseless repression.
All these combined to reduce Syria to the state of political decay which the uprising so starkly highlighted.
Within the regime today there are people who concede that the security remedy was damaging in many cases and regions; that the response to the popular protests was mistaken; and that it would have been possible to contain the situation via clear and firm practical measures – such as arresting those responsible for torturing children in Deraa, or those unleashing blind repression in Homs and its environs, or those carrying out arbitrary arrests in Hama and the Damascus countryside.
Those in the regime who think in this way cannot explain why nobody has to this day been questioned or held to account. But they speak – though actions have yet to follow their words – of a clear decision to carry out an extensive purge that will transform the security apparatus that Syrians face beyond recognition.
In politics, they argue that change is already underway, that the amendments being made to the constitution effectively concede to popular demands for an end to one-party rule, and that the effects of this will be felt throughout Syria.
They also maintain that proposed political and party freedoms will become a reality, and that no government will be able to suppress or reverse them. Promised media freedoms will also be speedily introduced.
Discussions about the condition of the Syrian state media have apparently reached the stage of considering major changes, which may result in the complete disappearance of existing press outlets.
But outside the regime, there are people who refuse to even listen to such talk. Some want to see Bashar Assad removed from his post. But others want to see Syria in its entirety removed from its current position.
It is at this point that the debate with opposition forces – whether home-based or offshore – takes a different turn (while acknowledging the moral authority of the internal opposition, especially the young people leading the movement demanding political and economic change.)
It became clear that certain Syrians grew weary of leading popular protests. Perhaps the street itself grew weary, or could not withstand the price it was made to pay so far. But it was a mistake for the street to defer to political leaders and forces that seemed in a hurry to reap political rewards.
Some of these underestimated the regime’s strength. They thought it would all be over in a matter of weeks as in Egypt, and that failing that, it would always be possible to resort to the Libyan option.
This attitude prevented the emergence of a genuine political leadership for the popular movement. Indeed, the leaders became captive to the protesters’ daily declarations. No distinction was maintained between the protesters’ slogans and the near-term or ultimate objectives of the protest movement.
Meanwhile, the Syrian regime’s foreign adversaries near and far – Israel’s Western protectors, the US’s Arab clients, and others subscribing to their plans for the region – joined forces against it as never before.
They believed that the street protests could be used to appeal for international salvation. And the opposition groups in question obliged.
Rather than trying to formulate reasonable demands, or a mechanism for translating the protest movement’s achievements into concrete gains; rather than taking account of sectarian, ethnic, tribal, political, and regional sensitivities, and pursuing dialogue even if accompanied by protests and clashes with the regime; these forces, especially those based offshore, looked for foreign assistance.
They did so with a single-minded fixation on Libya and the foreign intervention that took place there. They have worked tirelessly to mobilize international and regional support for a similar march of folly in Syria. Yet they avoid discussing it directly, and even make a point of denying that it is what they seek.
They know that it is not the option the Syrian people want. To be more precise, there is no consensus in favor of it. But one could confidently assert that the majority of Syrians reject it.
Yet the offshore opposition has tried shamelessly to replicate the Libyan model: The Syrian National Council was named with Libya’s Transitional National Council in mind.
They supported supplying weapons into the countryside on the pretext of protecting civilians, but had the rebels of eastern Libya in mind.
They were quick to call for protected areas, with Benghazi in mind. And they demanded international protection, hoping for another UN mandate for regional and international powers to provide that protection via military intervention.
Inspired by Libya’s revolutionary brigades, they blessed the creation of the Free Syrian Army. And they remain at the service of any foreign army that may be willing to join a war aimed at toppling Bashar Assad’s regime.
With characteristic irresponsibility, they have no qualms about exhorting the Syrian people to engage in a bloody confrontation with the regime. Their leaders can scarcely conceal their delight when announcing the rising numbers of fellow Syrians who have been killed, injured, or arrested.
They rely on the media uproar to blur any details. Every casualty is counted as one of their followers, every gunman assumed to be a defecting soldier.
These characters have continued to solicit support from world capitals, and financial backing from various sources. But they have made no effort to try to win over the inhabitants of Syria’s largest cities, or other towns and villages that have not taken part in the protests.
Their only answer to the fears that are – rightly or wrongly – growing among Syria’s religious and ethnic minorities, are platitudes. This while a campaign of sectarian, confessional, and political vilification is being waged on the web.
And instead of vying to outdo the regime’s position regarding the conflict with Israel, they were quick to promise to break relations with the resistance axis, and opt for negotiations rather than resistance to recover the Golan Heights.
Yet they seem to have failed to accurately assess the extent to which their slogans repel the Syrian street. It is burning for change and reform, but not with oppositionists like these.
Ibrahim al-Amin is editor-in-chief of Al-Akhbar.
This article is an edited translation from the Arabic Edition.
December 29th, 2011, 2:47 pm
Mina said:
If a failed state like Syria has been able to accomodate, feed and give jobs to hundreds of thousands Iraqis, no doubt Israel will be able to absorb a few million Iraqi and Syrian Christians, in addition to the Palestinians refugees in Syria to whom it will open its doors wide!
December 29th, 2011, 3:41 pm
Majed97 said:
So the strategy of the opposition now is to discredit any investigation that doesn’t validate their cries of “peaceful revolution” and condemn the regime. They are now attacking the AL mission, which they lobbied hard for, because it is not saying what they want to hear. Even the head of the mission is now being targeted for reporting what he’s seeing. I can just imagine how they will react to a free election that doesn’t give them control of the country. This may all turn out to be a waste of time; nothing will please those guys, short of complete destruction of the country.
December 29th, 2011, 3:52 pm
defender said:
Softening Up Iran for the Final Attack
December 29th, 2011, 4:02 pm
defender said:
“The decision to attack Syria was made at a meeting at Camp David on 15 September 2001”
December 29th, 2011, 4:16 pm
Syrialover said:
#7 Majed97
Interesting. I see. You think the AL delegation leader is good enough (you actually infer he’s great) and that they are doing their job in Syria well.
That bizarre post is your day’s work done for the Assadists and a few dollars earned. They should recruit someone better.
December 29th, 2011, 5:11 pm
Khalid Tlass said:
I think the secular opposition to Assad regime – whether Leftist or Nationalist – does not have the support of the majority of the Syrian anti-regime people on the ground. Y
ou have to agree, how many people can Haytham Manna or Riad al turk get out on the streets ? The current opposition, be it the FSA, or the LCCs or even a section of the SNC has various strands of Islamist currents, which is actually the dominant “culture” of the Syrian sunnis nowadays.
In the same way that the secular opposition to the Zionist State has been discredited through defeat and compromise. How many Palestinains look up to Yasser Arafat or George Habbash today ?
And btw do you think that yoir favorite leaders like Manna, Louay Hussein etc. by negotiating with the regime are doing themselevs any good ? Do you remeber what happened to the PLO after they gave up armed struggle and agreed to sit at the negotiating table ? How can u not guarantee that manna and Louay Hussein’s fate will end up just like the PLO, reduced to being gatekeepres for the “enemy” while the Hamas, that is the FSA-SNC win the hearts and minds of the people.
Do not think that the FSA or SNC by advocating an extreme position will lose any of their support base inside Syria. 7,000 Palestinains died as a result of Hamas’ rocket attacks, yet Hamas doesn;t seem to have lost any significant support. Rather the NCC and other traitors will be forced to bow down and accept the friendship of the FSA and SNC, just like Abu mazen today. Louay Hussein is like Mahmoud Abbas, a guy always willing to negotiate with the enemy, now Mahmoud Abbas isn’t exactly a popular figure, is he GHUFRAN ?
December 29th, 2011, 5:27 pm
jad said:
“Members of the Obama Administration are confirming tonight that the National Security Council has been instructed to begin seeking options for US intervention in Syria, including what they call the “unlikely” option of setting up a no-fly zone. …”
The usual work of Zibaleh, no wonder Gahlyoun and his SNC cornice were barking since Tuesday wanting the mission to be cancelled and call for their ‘savior’ the states to occupy Syria.
And yet they still ask why Syrians don’t believe a word they say in their call for ‘freedom’ and ‘democracy’, because we already heard the same lies before and you, criminals, have nothing but destruction, violence, blood and misery to offer to all Syrians.
The criminal ‘angels’ at work in Homs in this report
linked by Jurgen, here are my points about it from the previous thread:
Both of Jurgen’s links are very much worth to watch, the CNN and the original ARD report, they have lots of information about the armed militias, how they work and how they attack the Syrian army, they even use the Syrian flag on their checkpoint not the independence flag, that must be for a reason, maybe to fool the AL observers to think that those armed militia men are the Syrian army (some one told use the other day that the Syrian army checkpoints are doing this trick of using the independence flag to fool the observers, it seems that the story is the other way around, no worries, it’s so trendy to spread outlandish stories these days)
What strike me the most is the way the presenter telling the story (if you speak German, you would understand my point) he is portraying the story as if the Syrian government is the armed militia and the armed militia are innocent from any killing, even when they are shooting, he tried to justify their actions, never the less the report is very professional, what it misses in my opinion to make this report even better is telling the story of other neighborhood that are affected by the militia attacks so it wont be as on sided as it is right now.
I also noticed that throughout all the report, except the beginning in his way to get to Homs, we see no Syrian army at all, only one guy pointing toward somewhere that the camera don’t even show, my question is, aren’t those armed militia allover that neighborhood, how can we know that those snipers on the roof they are talking about are not the armed militia themselves who are targeting other neighborhood?
One more thing, this time unlike the Skynews report, there are no shooting during the filming time against any civilian.
They showed the funeral of a 19 years old man they say he was killed while crossing the street, not in a demonstration, and when they asked who killed him, they claim it was the army, why the army killed him if he have no threat to them? For fun? Nobody can explain that.
The other sad story is the mother who was shot while opening her door, again not in a demonstration, who shot her and why? we don’t know. the only answer for every killing is one, the Army.
The two bodies on the street we don’t even know for sure who killed them, he just said what they told him it was, as usual, the army.
I think the victims in the hospital are most likely members of the armed militia.
One worth mentioning point is that there were lots of kids and fewer adults during the whole report and in the festive demonstration Sarot made especially for the filming, which is truly sad to see so many kids have been put in the front line of danger like that.
December 29th, 2011, 7:01 pm
Tara said:
This us Douma’s story. Security forces shooting on Demonstrators who gathered after the word spread that the observers were coming to Douma. 4 were killed and the monitors were barred from entering the flash point.
As word spread Thursday morning that the observers would be visiting Douma – which saw an intense government crackdown in the early days of the uprising – thousands of people began gathering outside the Grand Mosque, calling for Mr Assad’s downfall and for international protection for civilians.
“It came like rain. They used heavy machine guns, Kalashnikovs, everything,” said Mr Abdel-Bari.
Four people were killed and scores others wounded, said Mr Abdel-Bari and various activist groups.
Rami Abdul-Rahman, head of the British-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, said cars belonging to the Arab League monitors were seen in front of a municipal building close to the mosque around the same time.
But after the killings, Mr Abdul-Rahman and Mr Abdel-Bari said the monitors were barred by security officials from entering Douma and the situation quickly deteriorated. A witness said angry citizens closed off streets with rocks and garbage containers and thousands of people returned to the area around the Grand Mosque to stage a sit-in.
Troops also surrounded a mosque in Damascus’ central neighbourhood of Midan and tossed tear gas canisters at hundreds of people calling for the downfall of the regime.
In the northern Idlib province, some 150,000 protesters took to the streets – more than on any other day recently, the Observatory said.
“The presence of monitors is a source of comfort to the Syrian street and breaks the barrier of fear for those who were hesitant about protesting,” said Mr Abdul-Rahman.
Although the violence against protesters has not stopped, he said the death toll would have probably been double what it is had there been no monitors on the ground.
Much of the bloodshed of the past few days appeared to be a desperate attempt by authorities to keep protesters from gaining ground for multiple mass sit-ins where they can recreate the model of Cairo’s Tahrir Square.
On Tuesday, as monitors visited the flashpoint city of Homs in central Syria, troops shot at thousands of protesters trying to reach the city’s central Clock Square. On Wednesday, the scene was repeated in nearby Hama, where protesters were shot trying to reach Assi Square and activists said at least six people were killed.
“This is the regime’s biggest fear, to have hundreds of thousands of people gathered in one place,” said one Homs resident.
December 29th, 2011, 7:20 pm
jad said:
After his ridiculous comment about hiding tanks inside building, today his latest outlandish story is that the Syrian government have 100,000 detainees(I guess his numbers are from the same resources of our friends on SC, tomorrow the detainees numbers will be in the millions) he doesn’t stop there, he continues that the regime hide them in ‘boats’ in the sea and he is afraid that the regime will kill them all to say that they don’t exist!!?….I guess he was talking to ja3ja3 before his statement or he totally lost his mind..
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(«??????»? ????? ? ? ?? ? ?? ??????? ? ? ?)
December 29th, 2011, 7:23 pm
Tara said:
Fighting in the name of god:
December 29th, 2011, 7:33 pm
jad said:
????? | ???? ????????? ????? ????????
???? ??????? ???? ???? ?????? ?????… ?????? ????? ??? ?????? «????? ????????? ???»
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????????? ???? ?????? ?????? ????? ??????? ???? 25 ?????? ?????? ??? ??? ?? ??????? ???????? ????? ???? ?? ??? ????? ????? ?????? ????? ???????. ???? ??? ?????? ?? «??? 30 ??? ????? ??????? ?? ???? ?????? ?????? ?? ????». ??? ???? «????????? ???????» ??? ????? ?? «???? ???? ?????? ????? ????? ?? ???? ??? ?????? ????? ???????? ?? ???? ??????? ?? ???? ?????».
(? ? ?? ??????? ?? ?? ??? ? ?)
(This is interesting, according to ‘Gaby’ the coming Syrian government is already decided ( probably in Tel Aviv) and the MBs won’t have the majority in the news Syria…SNC will be hurt to hear that their partners in the White House are not promoting them enough in Israel! How sad!
???? ???? ????? ????? ?????????? ?????? ???? ???????? ??? ???? ?????? ??? ?? ???? ?? ??? ??? ???? ?? ?????? ???? ??? ?? ???? ?????? ?????? ???? ????? ?? ????. ????? ????? «??????» ??????????? ?? ???????? ????? ???? ?????? ???? ???????? ?? ?????? ?????? ???????? ?? ??? ????? ????? ???????? ?? ??? ?????? ???????? ??? «???? ????? ?? ???? ?? ???? ??? ????? ?? ??????? ???????? ??? ????? ?????? ???? ????? ???? ????? ???? ???? ?? ?????? ????? ?????? ????? ?? ???? ??? ??? ???? ??????? ????????». ????? ???????? «????? ??? ??? ????? ??????? ?????? ???? ????? ???? ???????? ???? ????? ??? ???? ????? ??????? ??? ???????».
(?? ?? ??)
December 29th, 2011, 7:47 pm
newfolder said:
One of the students killed at the university shootings, Khider Khazem’s mother makes an impassioned plea for national and sectarian reconciliation, but will it fall on deaf ears?
December 29th, 2011, 7:50 pm
Dale Andersen said:
Friday is a’comin’….
You Besho bootlickers, get your tongues ready….
December 29th, 2011, 8:39 pm
ss said:
15. Tara said:
Of course you should post this idiotic link. You tried hard all these months to bring christians yourside. The only one at your side is whatever his name Khoury. Now you are trying to retaliate. What can I say, all your tactics are useless. You have nothing to gain. The last few days sunnis are coming out from the shell you put on them. They are coming out to say: NO FOR TERRORISTS. Even some of your terrorists are backing off. Go and find a pile of sand and stick your hateful face in it. I will add some animal waste ferilizer with some water hoping it can bloom peace.
December 29th, 2011, 9:22 pm
ss said:
Defender comments 8 and 9.
What attack are you talking about???
What soften up Iran for an attack??
We have been listening to the same wishful long-waited story of attack on Syria. At the peak of the events no one attacked Syria.
Syria is strong man, strong. The regime absorbed the MB and islamic tornado, the goverment is dealing with the psot storm effect. Radicals are backing off, sunnis are coming about and saying we lived in peace, we want peace back. Losers like you and Hamad are going nuts, Aljazeera 24/7 repeating the same news (30-40) people are killed (why those stupid people choose 34, 35…) why they dont cghange the number a little, like make it 60 for example. its really boring to read the same 34 people killed on a daily basis. I want 50, or perhaps 100 so I would be able to digest their lies better.
What is left for you guys is to cause some damage to the innocent people. Thses are the weakest link and the easiest way to make some news. God will be at their side. You awaful people are finished. You are hateful.
December 29th, 2011, 9:33 pm
Norman said:
Tara does not know that the fight between the Greek orthodox and Armenian priests is part of the folklore of Christmas,
At least when Christian Arabs fight they use brooms, when you, Muslims, fight each others you use guns.
December 29th, 2011, 9:50 pm
Son of Damascus said:
“At least when Christian Arabs fight they use brooms, when you, Muslims, fight each others you use guns.”
I never knew Michel Aoun and Samir Geagea only used brooms on each other, or do you belong to the camp that thinks Lebanese Christians are not Arab, but rather Phoenician?
December 29th, 2011, 10:18 pm
Haytham Khoury said:
?? ??? ???? ???? ????? ????? ???? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?? ???? ?? ???? ???????? ??????? ??? ?????? ?? ?????? ??? ??? ????? ????? ????? ???????? ??? ??? ????? ?? ?????? ??????.
???? ????? ?? ??????? ???????? ??? ????? ?? ?????? ????? ??????? ??????? ???? ?????? ??? ?????? 29 ??????/????? ????? “???? ??? ??? ?? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?? ???? ???? ????? ?? ?????? ?????? ???????”? ????? ??? ?? ?????? ????? ??????? ??? ?? ???? ?????? ?? “????? ?????? ??? ????? ?? ?? ????? ?? ??? ???????? ?????? ??? ???? ???????? ???? ???? ????? ???????? ????? ???? ??????? ???? ?? ?????? ??????? ??????? ??? ??? ???????”
December 29th, 2011, 10:19 pm
Son of Damascus said:
@ SS
Don’t you think it is rather ironic that the Palestinian Authority Police (a largely Sunni Police force) went in to break up the fight between two Christian groups?
December 29th, 2011, 10:22 pm
Norman said:
They do not deserve to be called Arab Christians.
December 29th, 2011, 10:23 pm
Son of Damascus said:
@ Norman
Osama Bin Laden does not deserve to be neither an Arab nor a Muslim (or a human being for that matter) does that negate the fact he is?
December 29th, 2011, 10:26 pm
jad said:
Is that you Jurgen? 🙂
In short Jurgen Todenhofer met with Bashar.
Jurgen, is convinced that both sides are lying and exaggerating, and he is also saying that Bashar told him that democracy in Syria is ‘compulsory’ in bashar opinion and it’s not an option anymore.
He is also criticizing the opposition that they should have the responsibility to fix the problem.
However, the scary part he mentioned is that he thinks that the situation is dangerous and closer to a civil war than an uprising:
December 29th, 2011, 10:28 pm
jad said:
Dear Haytham
You missed this joke out :), Ghalyoun is a funny man, no?
«??????? ??????? ????? 100 ??? ???? ????? ?? ????? ????? ???? ??? ??? ??? ??????? ???????. ???? ????? ?????? ?? ??? ?? ?????? ????? ??? ?? ????».
In boats in the sea!? COME ON!
December 29th, 2011, 10:32 pm
Norman said:
What the West did to the Arabs in the twentieth century created Ben Laden, He did not commit more atrocities than what was committed by the West against the Arabs of Palestine and Iraq.
Then i forgot, Arab Blood is cheep,
December 29th, 2011, 10:46 pm
ss said:
22. Son of Damascussaid:
“At least when Christian Arabs fight they use brooms, when you, Muslims, fight each others you use guns.”
I never knew Michel Aoun and Samir Geagea only used brooms on each other, or do you belong to the camp that thinks Lebanese Christians are not Arab”
Son of damascus; we are the masters of guns, suicidal attacks, thanks to the salafi, wahabi, MB, Qaeda branches of our religion. I do not think we will give this previlage to christians. Will you do that SOD?
Your example of Michel Aoun and Samir Geagea is a cheap one. These people are a drop in your salafi sea that is full of hate, attacks, alah wa akbar shootings.
December 29th, 2011, 10:51 pm
ss said:
Haytham Khourysaid:
?? ??? ???? ???? ????? ????? ???? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?? ???? ?? ???? ???????? ??????? ??? ?????? ?? ?????? ??? ??? ????? ????? ????? ???????? ??? ??? ????? ?? ?????? ??????
You will see tomorrow the millions of Syrians who are going to say NO for your Galion. No for terrorists. Syrians will be out in millions and hopefully in all cities. That would be a big middle finger for your Galion. Your end is approaching. We are chasing your thugs and picking them one afet the other.
December 29th, 2011, 10:57 pm
Haytham Khoury said:
The Syrian opposition did not learn diplomacy yet. When I met them on the 21&22 of December, I told them to do not get frantic as regard the observer mission. However, their anxiety did not calm down. I had to send an e-mail to Ghalioun yesterday before his visit to the Secretary General of the AL to calm him.
Do you think I will be able to teach them the sense of diplomacy?
December 29th, 2011, 10:58 pm
Son of Damascus said:
@ SS
Why is it a cheap one exactly?
And I never knew that hate and bigotry was exclusive to the Muslims, I guess no one ever told the Nazi’s and the Ku Klux Klan that either.
December 29th, 2011, 11:05 pm
Syrian Commando said:
US “economy” (debt hole) sinks into the mud yet has the time to critique Syria’s economy.
The debt hole known as the US dollar is quickly losing its influence as China and Japan ink a deal that will undermine the US power in Asia.
All this while the US posts record losses, record debt expansions and record misspending.
The Syrian economy can hang on for decades, just as we did during the 80s. Can the US economy survive 2013, let alone 2012? I highly doubt it! Besides, its not the 80s anymore, we have Iraq, Iran and markets in Lebanon and Jordan as well as the BRICS nations to trade with. Syria will simply put a short circuit around the west which is busy suffocating itself.
South stream project is approved and is being launched, Nabucco is all but a burnt dream of an short-lived (US) empire with a Napoleon complex.
December 29th, 2011, 11:15 pm
jad said:
The new target of the opposition to be put on the American and the European black lists is Asma, why? Because she is the ‘wallet’ of the regime (I have no clue what that means) and she worked in different banks therefore she must know how to do money laundering on behalf of the regime.
If you have any Syrian that you want to add to the black list please contact 3ammo 3ammar, he will talk to his Americans and EU friends for you 🙂
“Ammar Qurabi
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“Fathi Zahzahan
Damas Free ?????? ????? ?????… ????? ???? ????? ??? ?????? ??????
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December 29th, 2011, 11:21 pm
Son of Damascus said:
@ Norman
Who is arguing about the worth of Arab blood? or about the Palestinians here?
Not me!.
You stated that Christian Arabs don’t use bullets on each, I asked you about Geagea and Aoun. You denied their Arabism and Christianity, I asked with the same logic you used if that negates the fact Osama is an Arab Muslim.
December 29th, 2011, 11:27 pm
Norman said:
The Syrian government should stop playing nice and confiscate the assets of the oppositions members and their supporters, they are aiming for the jugular of the country and they deserve to be treated appropriately, I like to take that 4 season hotel from AL Walid Ben Talal and give it to his Syrian partners as compensation for the Saudi ruining the Syrian tourism market,
I heard that a Syrian American who worked in the oil refinery in Homs was killed when he was trying to fix the Gas pipeline that was bombed recently.
I am still waiting for condemnation from the American government, but not holding my breath.
December 29th, 2011, 11:34 pm
Tara said:
Judging the amount of hatred, bigotry, and vulgarity you are showing on SC, I think we need an overhaul of how they teach Christianity in Syria. We need to have a better education system similar to what SL and HK received. That is all. I think it mostly boiled down to education. Don’t you think?
In term of vulgarity, it must be your parents.. I don’t think we can find an immediate solution for that. May be we can focus on your children instead, so mistakes in your upbringing are not repeated, but you need to be cooperative. Families must be supportive in any educational initiative, no?
December 29th, 2011, 11:37 pm
Norman said:
Ben Laden did not intentionally kill other Muslims or Arab Christians, he did not attack Shia or other Muslim groups, others did in the Name of AL Qaeda, he was responsible mainly for the attack on the American ship in Yemen and the American embassies in Africa, the 9/11/01 . I do not want to say what i think of Ben Laden.
Lebanese Christian did, Syrian Arab Christians never did .
December 29th, 2011, 11:42 pm
Norman said:
I do not think that you are eligible to talk about our upbringing and our parents, thank GOD we do not consider you a good example, otherwise we would become like you, GOD Forbid,
December 29th, 2011, 11:47 pm
jad said:
Dear Haytham
I think the problem of our opposition members is that they are not professional at all, period.
There is a need to seriously educate them how to win the hearts of Syrians INSIDE Syria not the Americans or the Europeans, what count is the majority of Syrians themselves, not the extreme fractions they obviously are talking on their behalf.
Until today they failed miserably in doing that, and they won’t win any sympathy anymore, they are too radicals in the eyes of too many Syrians.
Calling for western intervention is not going to help them neither their pathetic way of cover and deny every crime done by the FSA militia or the armed civilians, please check Newfolder’s link to see how Syrians think, we are people of logic and passion, we are not bunch of stupid to be easily lied to, most Syrians are politicians by nature, yet every one around us think that we are stupid and weak, we proved them wrong many times before and will keep prove them wrong.
If you truly want to help them, you tell them to be honest, down to earth and full of passion ‘FOR’ the best of Syria and Syrians instead of spreading lies, hatred and sectarian feeling.
I was surprised that many of them don’t even know how to speak properly to people without being, emotionally charged with no passion, angry, yelling and pretty hateful to anything and everything.
How can you ask people to accept them when they are working day and night against Syrians’ best interests?
My brother Haytham, the opposition really and miserably blew it for all of us, more than the regime itself, they proved to be unethical and irresponsible for the people they pretend to care for.
I was happy to read Ghalyoun’s first and only message when he recognize the wrong doing and I was hoping that he can continue this message but I guess that outside powers are stronger than his morals and unfortunately he became nothing but a messenger for them, he stopped using logic anymore in his statements. 100,000 in boats in the sea!?
‘Do you think I will be able to teach them the sense of diplomacy?’
I think that they don’t have it in them and unfortunately for all of us, Syrians, nobody can teach it to them now, it’s too late, it’s a loose battle.
December 29th, 2011, 11:51 pm
Tara said:
I addressed my posts to Islamophobes. Do you consider yourself one? You should retract your statement if you don’t.
December 29th, 2011, 11:53 pm
jad said:
Dear Norman,
I think the Syrian government already confiscate Qataris investment in Lattakia, I’m not sure if they did anything to any other investors after that.
Regardless that we may like the idea of taking the four seasons from alwaleed and give it to the Syrian sector to invest in, but that is unethical and until today Alwaleed didn’t do anything wrong to the Syrians to be treated this way, right?
Syria and Syrians have much bigger problems and issues to deal with and be alarmed by than confiscating anybody’s properties as revenge.
December 30th, 2011, 12:07 am
jad said:
Another explosion in Damascus, but no details until now, may God protect and save Syria and Syrians from any and every evil:
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December 30th, 2011, 12:11 am
Syrialover said:
The petty sectarian, anti-western monkey chatter going on here- Norman, Jad, Son of Damascus et al (Tara excepted)is an insult to Syrians and the Arab world.
I challenge them to take a break from showing off to each other in their armchair debates and study the shocking images coming out of Syria.
Syrians desperately pleading, the world watching in dismay and disbelief, as weak-looking, overwhelmed, timid black Africans in slack-jawed confusion “play the role” of Arab League observers.
If you are adults and sane, time to put aside your personal obsessions about education, religion, the west and whatever else you feel big-headed about, and turn your attention to the Arab League and those responsible for this disastrous scandal.
I’m sure you’d deny being indifferent and bored with Syrians dying and the collapse of the country – so why act like it, particularly in a public arena dedicated to Syrian issues.
Try turning off your heating, ignoring your dollar-stuffed bank accounts, staying away from supermarkets bursting with cheap food, switch off from your comfortable lives in the safe west and focus on the reality for SYRIANS.
December 30th, 2011, 12:22 am
jad said:
??????? ???? ??????
US seeks options for Syria intervention
The United States has instructed the National Security Council to begin seeking options for Washington’s intervention in Syria, especially through the Syrian opposition.
The options for US interference include what American officials have called the “unlikely” option of imposing a no-fly zone over the Arab country.
The process led by US National Security Council Director Steve Simon is expected to involve top members of the State, Defense and Treasury Departments and focus on ways to “aid” the Syrian opposition.
Other possibilities include providing “humanitarian aid” to rebel forces and establishing a “safe zone” inside Syrian territory, presumably through military means, near the Turkish border.
Establishing a no-fly zone over parts of Syria would likely involve large-scale attacks on the Syrian air defense and military command-and-control systems.
The possible resort to military force is believed to indicate the futility of a new round of sanctions the US has slapped against Damascus.
Many people, including a large number of security forces, have been killed in months of deadly unrest across Syria. The unrelenting bout of violence erupted when protests were held against and in support of President Bashar al-Assad’s government.
The Syrian opposition accuses the government of cracking down on anti-government protests. But Damascus blames the ongoing unrest on foreign-backed armed gangs, arguing that army and security personnel have been given clear orders not to harm civilians.
On Wednesday, the head of an Arab League (AL) delegation investigating the unrest in Syria described the situation in the crisis-hit city of Homs as ”reassuring”.
“There were some places where the situation was not good. But there wasn’t anything frightening, at least while we were there. Things were calm and there were no clashes,” Sudanese General Mohamed Ahmed Mustafa al-Dabi said.
Dabi’s remarks disappointed a number of Western countries, who were expecting an anti-Syria report from the AL delegation.
December 30th, 2011, 12:26 am
jad said:
Syrialover ya 3nsri ya 7aywan, I didn’t say a word about the sectarian conversation Tara started, besides if you are the only smart one on this blog why don’t you go back to Syria and solve the problem…
“Blak African” who write such an ugly discrimination language anymore! 7el 3an 6izna ya.
December 30th, 2011, 12:28 am
son of Damascus said:
@ Syrialover
Why is it when I point out the obvious flaws in peoples arguments I get labelled into a sectarian, anti western, terrorist ?!
I have never advocated sectarianism, or any anti western sentiments, all I did is point out the Islamiphobia of what Norman and SS wrote.
And if you don’t think I am well aware of the atrocities in Syria, and the inaction of the so called observers you are sadly mistaken!
December 30th, 2011, 12:42 am
Juergen said:
No i am not Jürgen Todenhöfer.
December 30th, 2011, 12:53 am
jad said:
Thank you!
December 30th, 2011, 1:11 am
Ghufran said:
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December 30th, 2011, 1:15 am
jad said:
?#Syria #Damascus #News
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December 30th, 2011, 1:17 am
jad said:
The Syrian new trend of accusations and counter accusations is becoming more and more like a bad version of the Lebanese habit.
Nizar Nayouf reply to Mohammad Alabdallah:
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December 30th, 2011, 1:20 am
jad said:
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December 30th, 2011, 1:24 am
stan catts said:
All the best to the Syrian people.May they rise up against oppression.May they succeed.May they all live in peace.
December 30th, 2011, 1:28 am
Revlon said:
31. Haytham Khoury said:
The Syrian opposition did not learn diplomacy yet. When I met them on the 21&22 of December, I told them to do not get frantic as regard the observer mission. However, their anxiety did not calm down. I had to send an e-mail to Ghalioun yesterday before his visit to the Secretary General of the AL to calm him.
Do you think I will be able to teach them the sense of diplomacy?))
I share your disagreement with the SNC approach to the AL initiative as a whole, although mine is diametrically opposed to yours; while the SNC’s stands in the middle.
There are many facets to diplomacty.
Passive diplomacy: The SNC leadership adopted a passive wait and see diplomacy during the negotiations phase between the The regime and the AL. The outcome was undestandably a middle ground solution between the that of the Arab authoritarian governments and the regime, leaving the Revolution’s and their representative’s interests nowhere to be seen in the final draft.
What you are advocating, Haytham, is another phase of passive wait and see diplomacy!
The conclusion of the AL mission shall also represent a concensus interpretation of the events betwen that of AlDabi who was handpicked by the regime, and that of FM Mu3allem; It shall even be heavily in favour of the latter.
The SNC leaders have learned from their initial mistakes and are currently persuing a proactive diplomacy. They want to bring back the center of gravity of any outcome as close as needed to their and their constituencies interests.
Dear Haytham, the leaders you spoke about are as bright and proud of their diplomatic skills as your statement would imply you are. Some of those you have refered to might just be offended from the condescending undertones of your post.
Happy new year.
December 30th, 2011, 2:02 am
ann said:
Riot-hit Homs awaits New Year without festivity – 2011-12-30
HOMS, Syria, Dec. 29 (Xinhua) — As much of the rest of the world are getting ready to joyfully ring in the New Year, residents in the Syrian city of Homs seemed to have few causes to celebrate. The streets are empty, and the shops are closed.
In the third-largest city of the Middle East country, anti-government protests and ensuing riots have lasted for almost 10 months, resulting in many deaths of civilians and soldiers.
A soldier, who identified himself only as Muder, was undergoing medical treatment at the Abdul-Qader Shafta hospital in Homs. His arm was in a sling. Muder was shot by a group of militants Thursday morning while providing security services for the Arab League (AL) monitors.
Dr. Ali Assi, head of the hospital, told Xinhua that his hospital had received about 25 to 50 wounded; most were shot in the head or chest. His hospital had treated 2,302 wounded personnel by the middle of November, namely 1,819 soldiers, 251 policemen and 232 civilians.
Assi said his hospital also treated terror suspects on humanitarian grounds.
The ambulances and hospital walls, riddled with bullet holes, proved that the militants knew no mercy nor limits to their violence. They even opened fire in children’s wards. The Shafta hospital alone has been attacked five times.
Downtown, several small stores were still open, and snowmen on the billboards were the only harbingers of the new year. But in Homs, no one was in the mood to celebrate.
In a house on Al Midan street, a man was mournfully polishing a photo of his 28-year-old son Muhammed, an anaesthetist. Muhammed was kidnapped and tortured to death by militants recently for no apparent reason.
Such tragedies are not rare in Homs as local residents said militants lurked around at night and targeted them. A local official was killed after such an attack in the early hours Thursday on Al Midan street.
The AL monitors, which had arrived in Syria Monday, visited the chaotic city for two days and said they have made initial assessments of the situation but would need more time for a final decision.
On Thursday, security forces set up checkpoints on Homs’s main streets, without disrupting regular traffic.
Meanwhile, a group of local residents gathered in a downtown bazaar to show their support for the government and President Bashar al-Assad.
Among them, a 25-year-old man who identified himself as Munssef said they are “real Syrians” and those behind the attacks are Syria’s enemies.
December 30th, 2011, 2:03 am
Revlon said:
51. ((jad said:
#Syria #Damascus #News
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AlQaeda is using sound bombs!!
Gush, It looks like they have more mercy on people than junior who is using T72 guns!
December 30th, 2011, 2:11 am
Syria no kandahar said:
This is how your terrorists Islamist friends clean:
December 30th, 2011, 2:13 am
Juergen said:
I always liked Todenhöfer for his unique cv and his deep affection toward the arab world and overall he right in his standing that the western world has committed the majority of crimes against humanity if we just take the last 2 centuries. He rightly asserts that islam and arabic civilization has not brought up the concentration camps, the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki nor the cruelty of the iraq war. I respect his opinion that he still believes that Assad is the man of reform and that the world should take his words for reform an reconciliation for granted. He said it many times but in the interview again, that he met with people and they all said to him that Assad itself is not the problem, its the regime. Sorry in that point i could not disagree more. One can not single out Bashar and the desertrose Asmaa and the soon become heirs of the throne from this brutal and inhumane dictatorship of the Assads. You know it may be better than me, there will be always people who may actually believe that. Victor Klemperer a jewish professor for french literature from Dresden survived the Hitler era because he was married to an german women. He wrote all that time how the language and the behaviour of the germans changed within this regime.(in his famous book LTI) Not just once he noted that people came to him and said that they are sorry how he is badly treated by local muhabarat officers or police or party members, if only Hitler would know what is really going on. This sparing of the beloved leader from the dirty work of his servants, that may be not only a sign of true worship but also a sign how some parts of society would react in times of oppression-in true neglection of the crimes committed. I know you understand german, we have a saying here that the fish always starts to smell from the head.
December 30th, 2011, 2:27 am
jad said:
“It looks like they have more mercy”
Keep up the marketing campaign for Alqaeda, it suits you, I just wonder what your american neighbors will think of you reading such comment.
FYI, even ‘Filthman’ is not dismissing Alqaeda responsibility and involvement in Damascus bombing, isn’t that strange!
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December 30th, 2011, 2:33 am
Syrialover said:
# 46. Jad
I know it’s all so BORING compared with your data dumps and verbal sniping at the Syrian opposition.
Black Africans themselves living in Arab countries will tell you how racist Arabs officials are towards them. Fact of life. Ask them.
And they will also explain to you that there would be hardly any regime on the entire African continent that would be able to officially provide appropriatly trained and experienced personnel for an observation mission. Least of all Sudan!
The performance of current Arab League officials is an ugly joke. But Syrians living at gunpoint and and the rest of the Arab world aren’t laughing.
December 30th, 2011, 2:52 am
jad said:
‘Bashar is not the problem’ is as true as ‘Bashar is the problem’, I think that if ‘Bashar’ is the ‘problem’, Syria struggle would’ve been solved 10 months ago, removing him is the easiest solution, and if it was, he would’ve been gone by now, however, the issue is much bigger than him as a person, both sides made him their ‘God’/’Devil’ icon to simplify the struggle for the average Syrian, yet the oppositions couldn’t get the numbers they need to do it nor did they achieved what they promised the people with, the head of Bashar, instead of, a better future, hence we are in this deep hole at the moment.
What I say is that if activists are able to stop wasting time, energy and Syrian lives in focusing all their effort on him and instead concentrate on corruption, dignity, freedom and democracy values through forming political party, engage the public in their views, have a constructive vision for a better Syria and spread democratic values through public education instead of violence, blood and calling for occupation they will succeed and win much faster than this daily tragedy.
Cursing him doesn’t do it for me, it sounded rather stupid, besides, no human deserve people to die for, only nations deserve such ultimate sacrifice.
To do the change we must start somewhere, and I strongly believe that dialogue and nonviolence means are our only choices if we want to build a democratically sustainable nation, anything else is a crime against every Syrian.
December 30th, 2011, 3:16 am
Uzair8 said:
Tens of thousands give inspiring pledge to Allah in Homs, Syria [Dec 2011] – MUST SEE!
December 30th, 2011, 5:30 am
Mina said:
I guess the EU envoy does not understand Arabic and missed both last February’s Qardawi’s claims for his next preach in al-Aqsa mosque, and the Syrian opposition’s who “will get back the Golan because the Asad are famous Zionist agents”…
So the EU is scared to the point of banning niqab because of some 100 women wearing it, but the Middle East should not be afraid of the rise of Islamists? And what democracy is he talking about? The one that can raid 17 NGOs in Cairo yesterday? (For the Gulf, sorry, they didn’t reach the stage where you can open an NGO anyway).
So to this day, we are left with two MB-regimes that have actually been in power: Sudan and Hamas in Gaza. Famous success stories, if I recall.
EU envoy: Israel has nothing to fear from regional rise of Islamists
Europe’s envoy to the Southern Mediterranean says ‘It is much more difficult to have wars with democracies.’
The European Union’s special envoy to the Southern Mediterranean, Bernardino Leon, on a lightening visit to Israel Thursday, told Haaretz that he does not believe Israel need fear the rise of Islamist governments in Egypt, Tunisia and Morocco.
“It is much more difficult to have wars with democracies,” Leon said.
Leon, whose responsibilities include the EU response to the Arab Spring, was appointed to the post in July. He was previously the political adviser to the outgoing Spanish prime minister, Jose Zapatero, and is a diplomat with more than 20 years’ experience, dealing mainly with the Middle East and the Arab world.
Over the past few months, Leon has shuttled between Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia and Libya to begin to open lines of communication and dialogue between the EU and the new parties rising in those countries, particularly the Islamists.
Leon was in Israel to present the EU’s position on the regime changes in the Arab world to government leaders in Jerusalem, and to bring a calming message as to the impact the changes will have on Israel.
Leon met with National Security Adviser Yaakov Amidror, with Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon and with more than 20 Israeli ambassadors to the EU, on Thursday.
“I understand the feeling of uncertainty – but my message to my Israeli friends is that the result of the transition will be different if the international community will support it. If we wait as spectators it might not happen – but if we engage it can work. This is not only voting – it is also jobs and this will not come without investment and the international community,” Leon said.
Israeli political and defense officials are said to disparage the term “Arab Spring” and are suspicious of it and officials who still use the term, prefering to use the term “Islamic winter.”
“I know the feeling here about the Arab Spring. It is not going to be easy but the real winter is what we had before – countries with corruption and torture. The transition to democracy can take decades, but if this line will continue it will definitely be better,” Leon said.
Leon said he believes that for the new governments being established in the region in the coming months, Israel will be a marginal issue. “The focus will be on internal issues and on building new societies,” he said. “They need stability to create jobs for the people and they will have to move from the symbolic world to the real world to bring back tourists and investors.”
He said the Muslim Brotherhood will have to move from the comfort of the opposition, to a point of bearing responsibility.
“Those parties will have to experience running a country and providing services to the people – so things will be more practical than metaphysical and they will deal more with internal issues than international problems. If tourists do not come back to Egypt – they will lose the next election,” Leon said.
December 30th, 2011, 5:33 am
Uzair8 said:
Syria offers condolences for death of Kim Jong-Il
December 23rd, 2011
North Korea said Friday that the Syrian regime, accused of killing thousands in a crackdown on protests this year, had sent condolences for the death of Kim Jong-Il.
The message from Syrian President Bashar al-Assad was addressed to Kim’s youngest son Kim Jong-Un, who like the Syrian leader is inheriting power from his father, according to the North’s official news agency.
It described the fellow strongman’s death “as a great loss not only to the Korean people but to the people of all countries struggling for freedom, justice and peace”, adding, “May his soul rest in peace.”
The United Nations estimates that more than 5,000 people have been killed in the Syrian government’s crackdown on protests since mid-March.
December 30th, 2011, 5:44 am
defender said:
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December 30th, 2011, 5:51 am
Mina said:
Angry Arab asks some to make up their mind:
Hamas: defending the Syrian regime
The sectarian agenda of the Ikhwan Syrian opposition (and their liberal lackeys) were exposed this week. For months, we heard from those groups fierce criticisms of Hizbullah for its lousy defense of the lousy Syrian regime. But when Hamas came out this week in support and praise of the Syrian regime, there was silence on the part of the Syrian Ikhwan opposition. Not a word of criticisms was uttered: only words of justification and explanation. Why? Because this opposition is blatantly sectarian and they are tools of Saudi Arabia. Pure and simple. You want me to support such reactionaries? You must be kidding me.
December 30th, 2011, 6:11 am
Mina said:
You seem to have missed that the UN General Assembly has observed a minute of silence for Kim Jong Il’s death and that the flags at the UN building (including the UN flag)were at half-mast for the same reason two dys ago! This is what they call diplomacy.
Seeing the space given to Kim Jong Il’s death and burial in the Western media, you understand why dictators enjoy cult of personality so much!
December 30th, 2011, 6:14 am
Juergen said:
Just read that Hitler Germany was also once visited by a monitoring group from the International Red Cross.
The nazis had established an system of concentration camps throughout Germany and the occupied terrotories, including Theresienstadt in Bohemia. In 1943 Germany had deported 476 jews from Danmark to Theresienstadt, the Nazis had tried hard to get hold of every jew in Danmark, but many managed to escape to Sweden. The danish government intervened hard on the Nazis to free the jews. In the end the Nazis allowed a commission by the Red Cross to visit Theresienstadt on 23 June 1944. For that visit the Nazis had turned this detention camp into an holiday camp. They had builded Cafes and opened an hospital and a swimming pool as well as a children playground. There was an children opera “Brundibar” performed for the montitors, as well as beforehand an famous filmmaker from Potsdam made an film about this camp for the german audience, so all could see the benefits of the regime and how humane the conditions were for state enemies.
There was afterall a small success for the Red Cross after long negotiations with the Nazis,they were able to fly out 1500 jews to neutral countries on Feb 6 1945, and the remaining danish jews who survived the “holiday camp” were freed on April 15 the same year. The red cross then also was totally responsible for the camp for 2 weeks before the Red Army went in on may 8th 1945.
I wonder how Seydnaya or Tadmor prisons will look like if the AL mission will visit them. Anyone has a clue what the Opera in Damascus is playing these weeks?
December 30th, 2011, 6:14 am
Juergen said:
Forgot to mention, there was of course no time for the monitors to talk with the inmates.
December 30th, 2011, 6:18 am
Syrialover said:
# 59. Juergen
And Russians perishing in Siberian labor camps used to say in frantic desperation, if only Stalin knew what they are doing to us!
And news for Jad #62 who claims:
“….if activists are able to stop wasting time, energy and Syrian lives in focusing all their effort on [Assad] and instead concentrate on corruption, dignity, freedom and democracy values through forming political party, engage the public in their views, have a constructive vision for a better Syria and spread democratic values through public education instead of violence, blood and calling for occupation they will succeed and win much faster than this daily tragedy”
Jad, that is HOW THE PROTESTS STARTED – but the “reformist” Assad government didn’t want to know and instantly started randomly shooting peaceful protesters and rounding them up for torture and disappearance. And the ugly rest of it.
It was only a matter of months ago. Jad can go back to the start and read about it. It’s well documented here on SC how the protests began with peaceful calls for action on economic distress and corruption.
The vicious, stupid, lying and panicky reaction of the regime was what has inflamed and spread the protest movement. Even Syrians not targeted have realised what a doomed loser and clown Assad is and that the stains of the regime’s crimes against Syrian people are now so deep and wide that trust, credibility, national unity and stability will NEVER happen until the stench of this regime is eradicated.
And if Jad thinks it’s fair enough to turn live ammunition on gatherings of unarmed citizens, surely even he finds some problem with the economic vandalism, lazy ignorance, misrule, corruption, menacing injustice and criminalisation of Syria’s institutions Assad and co have imposed on 23 million people for many years with the aid of the gun and torture chamber.
That is, unless Jad and his associates are 1. as tragically deluded as those Siberian prisoners or 2. are among the privileged minority who have benefited from the Assad regime.
December 30th, 2011, 7:58 am
Juergen said:
I am sure you wont find one mnhbak after the downfall of the regime, all will declare then that they have lived in total opposition of this regime.
Let there be no mistake about it, for that sake he is president to know what is committed under his name, and given the size of the muhabarat he should know pretty well whats really going on in the country. If he doesnt know whats going on, if we follow the trail of Mina whole regions are governed by corrupt officals, sorry i just dont buy it, never would the regime give a piece of the cake away.
I read today on an other blog whích is run by supporters of him here in Germany that there is growing criticism against him among the supporters. There are fractions who seem to call out for Maher to stop the terrorists by even more brutal force, stating that the President is too weak to really save his people. Its a crazy world…
December 30th, 2011, 8:14 am
Tara said:
Juergen and Syria Lover
People outlive the tyranny. No doubt about it. It may take some time. What do you think would happen to SC’s Mnhebaks after the fall of the regime, I am wondering. Would they just stop posting? Are the going to reincarnate themselves under different pseudonyms and claim they were opposition? Are they going to slip into severe depression? It would be interesting to observe. Mina, when the people of Syria emerge victorious, what are you going to do?
December 30th, 2011, 8:29 am
Juergen said:
I suppose not all of the Mnhebaks are only loyal to Assad only, i read other blogs on Lybia and it got wild, there were many who cry over the death of Ghadaffi, i assume some will return with loveletters for the Iranians or other leftover despotic regimes.One can see the weirdest alliances now, right wing islamophobs and monarchistic Shalovers are among the worshipers now.
December 30th, 2011, 8:41 am
norman said:
I do not think that you want people to talk about you and your parents under any label, treat others the way you want to be treated.
December 30th, 2011, 8:49 am
defender said:
Soldiers of the USA are sent from Iraq, it is the fact. The fact also Syria has not fallen yet! You observe of well-being of Europe! It is necessary to underline that the capitalist world is sick and all planet is suffers from it
I recommend to be engaged in the affairs
December 30th, 2011, 9:31 am
Syria no kandahar said:
Islamokoko Tartora
What is going to happen to you when Syrian people shove your Islamist terrorist
Into the Ass of History Garbage?Are your parents going to force not to use the Internet again because it is haram or are they going go have you use niqab
Instead of your Hijab?or may they will punish you and force you to have Bashar
Picture on your screen ?
December 30th, 2011, 9:41 am
defender said:
The German mask , lack of morality by trading in blood and contribute to war
Germany’s contribution to the Arab spring: arms sales
German Arms Go East
December 30th, 2011, 11:30 am
Juergen said:
Its not my intention to see Syria fall, after the fall of AssadSyria and his clan there will be still a Syria.
You run into open doors when you talk about the sick mind of capitalism, but i lived under communism and it failed as well, what do you suggest to live under Assadism?
December 30th, 2011, 11:30 am
Tara said:
Bashar’s photo on my computer screen? I did not imagine you are that evil…No thanks! There is a photo on my computer screen taken in a restaurant in Toronto that I consider priceless. I do not like your criminal Besho. Did you forget?
December 30th, 2011, 11:48 am
Tara said:
Massive demonstration in Syria today. 31 killed so far. The results of the AL’s conclusion is sealed unless they are all bought which I doubt. We will have to live through the daily killing for a month until the delegate submits it’s conclusion to the AL. Then, will see Bashar Jaafari’s face in the UNSC when it decides to refer Bushbush to the ICC. I am hopeful.
December 30th, 2011, 12:08 pm
Tara said:
Where is pro Besho demonstrations that SS promised us yesterday? In a school square? Or Bushbush can’t get any lover on Friday? It is quite embarrassing! Hoe about offering his lovers higher price? I think it is kinda worth least for his self esteem.
December 30th, 2011, 12:14 pm
Observer said:
I usually start the day by checking pro regime sites such as Cham Press and Doonia and the pro regime Lebanese newspapers.
There is clearly a realization that the regime is in a dead end. Even our Dear Professor here is realizing that. I do not know what Alex thinks.
I even watch JAD clutching at straws of information and even ANN is no longer cutting and pasting the Chinese and Russian quotes.
I think it is the beginning of the end and today in Damascus going from one area to another is near impossible due to the presence of so many security people trying to prevent demonstrations.
There is a hint of a new government and it will include opposition figures and independents. The boy wonder will not run in 2014 or so it seems.
Now instead of insults and cut and paste I invite the reasonable people on this blog to start a forum with the title:
How to uproot the regime while preserving the institutions for their ultimate reforms.
This is really hard work guys and girls.
Time to rebuild Syria, the Arab cause, the economies in tatters and the education of millions and to continue resistance to occupation and to invite the remaining Arab people to join in free economic union.
December 30th, 2011, 12:15 pm
defender said:
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December 30th, 2011, 12:47 pm
Khalid Tlass said:
I thought you were a tolerant person who though both Arab Christains and Muslims have the same roots and share much more with each other. Your comment about Arab Christians fighting each other with brooms while Arab Muslims fight each other with guns was DISGUSTING to say the least. ( btw Armenians are not Arab)….. I am expecting an aplogy from you….becoz by ur own admission, Arab Muslims and Arab Christians are just the SAME, but in ur previous comment you tried to show that they were DIFFERENT, so aren’t you playing with words ? And as I said, as an Arab Nationalist I expect an apology from you for what u said and you should take back ur words.
December 30th, 2011, 1:19 pm
Dale Andersen said:
From the al-Qaeda/Salafist/Saudi/EU/Jew/CIA Press:
“…Syrian security forces opened fire at protesters on Friday, killing at least 12, as hundreds of thousands filled the streets of restive cities to demonstrate against the government of President Bashar al-Assad…”
Quote of the day: “I even watch JAD clutching at straws of information and even ANN is no longer cutting and pasting the Chinese and Russian quotes…”
December 30th, 2011, 1:19 pm
Shami said:
SNK and the other islamophobs :
Do you also hate Ha$$oun ,Buti and the Kubayssiyat ?
December 30th, 2011, 1:20 pm
Khalid Tlass said:
Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim,
Ida jaa’ Nasr Allah wal FATH,
Wa ra aytan Naas yadkhulouna fee deenillahi afwaaja
FaSabbih biHamdi Rabbuka WaStaghfirh inna hu kana tawaaba.
December 30th, 2011, 1:23 pm
Khalid Tlass said:
Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim,
Ida jaa’ Nasr Allah wal FATH,
Wa ra aytan Naas yadkhulouna fee deenillahi afwaaja
FaSabbih biHamdi Rabbuka WaStaghfirh inna hu kana tawaaba.
December 30th, 2011, 1:24 pm
Khalid Tlass said:
Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim,
Ida jaa’ Nasr Allah wal FATH,
Wa ra aytan Naas yadkhulouna fee DeenILLAHI afwaaja
FaSabbih biHamdi Rabbuka WaStaghfirh inna hu kana tawaaba
December 30th, 2011, 1:26 pm
Khalid Tlass said:
Choke on this Assad supporters.
December 30th, 2011, 1:29 pm
ann said:
Turkish rights groups want U.N. probe into deadly raid – Fri Dec 30, 2011
Turkish rights groups called on Friday for a U.N.-sponsored investigation after Turkish warplanes killed 35 villagers in an airstrike targeting Kurdish rebels on the Iraqi border that the government has called an operational mistake.
The incident, which is under government investigation, has raised tensions with minority Kurds in Turkey, sparking clashes between stone-throwing protesters and police in cities in the restive mainly pro-Kurdish southeast and areas in Istanbul.
The attack, one of the largest single-day civilian death tolls since the militants launched their armed insurgency in 1984, came at a time when Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan has been trying to engage Kurds in talks to write a new constitution expected to address long-held Kurdish grievances.
“The incident requires a more detailed investigation, but it is an execution without due process, and carries the characteristics of a mass murder in terms of the number of victims,” human rights groups IHD and Mazlumder said in a preliminary report into Wednesday’s airstrike.
“Turkish and international non-governmental organizations should investigate the incident and the U.N. Human Rights Committee should send a committee right away.”
Erdogan’s government, which has admitted that those killed were civilian smugglers whom the military mistook for Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) militants, has promised not to allow a cover-up of the incident.
“We are waiting for the investigation results. We will share its results with the public,” Deputy Prime Minister Bulent Arinc told reporters on Friday.
“These incidents can take place in the process of the fight against terror.”
IHD and Mazlumder said most of those killed near the border village of Uludere were between the ages of 12 and 18. Turkish media has reported that 28 out of the 35 dead belonged to the same extended family and carried the same surname.
In their report, IHD and Mazlumder quoted 19-year-old Haci Encu, who survived the attack and was in hospital, as saying the smugglers were a group of about 40-50 people with mules and were attacked by drones when they were crossing the border to Iraq.
“We were going for sugar and diesel. We even heard the drone, but we kept on walking because it’s our ordinary route,” Encu is quoted as saying.
“The first drone killed 20 people, who were right on the border. We started running towards Iraq, and bombs started to fall on those who were left behind on the rocky area. We were six people in my group, and three of us survived. We had civilian clothes and nobody was armed,” Encu said.
“The attack lasted around an hour. Me and a couple of other people with three mules, we went into a river, waited there for an hour and went out to hide beneath rocks,” he said.
“We have been doing this for a long time. Two people from the group were married, the rest were high school and secondary school students. Nobody has contacted me for testimony yet, and I haven’t seen a single soldier since the incident.”
The funerals were expected to be held on Friday.
Turkey’s largest pro-Kurdish party, the Peace and Democracy Party, or BDP, labeled the strike a crime against humanity, and has accused the armed forces of a cover-up.
The Turkish military had said its warplanes launched air strikes after drones spotted suspected PKK militants in the area. The military said there were was no civilian settlement in the area.
Turkish newspapers on Friday carried front-page pictures showing lines of corpses covered by blankets on a barren hillside, with weeping relatives around the bodies.
“Deadly intelligence,” read pro-government Zaman.
The incident threatens to ignite more violence from the PKK, which is regarded as a terrorist organization by Turkey, the European Union and the United States. The group has been fighting for an ethnic Kurdish homeland in a conflict that has claimed the lives of 40,000 people.
A PKK commander called on Kurds to rise up to what he called an organized and planned massacre.
“We call on all the people of Kurdistan and especially those of Hakkari and Sirnak to show their reaction against this massacre and to hold the perpetrators of this massacre accountable through their uprising,” Bahoz Erdal said in a statement.
December 30th, 2011, 1:44 pm
ann said:
Israeli general hints at another Gaza invasion – Dec 30, 2011
Israel and Gaza traded fire this week as Israel began discussing the possibility of another invasion to reestablish “‘deterrence.'”
A retaliatory Israeli airstrike killed a Palestinian militant today amid a gradual resurgence of fire across the Israel-Gaza border that has prompted discussions in Israel about an effort to reestablish “deterrence.”
This week marks the third anniversary of the swift, devastating 2008-09 Israeli invasion of Gaza that was intended to cow Hamas into ending its rocket campaign in southern Israel. Although the ceasefire that ended Operation Cast Lead has largely held, there has been occasional fire, including this week.
On Dec. 28, Israel killed one Islamic Jihad operative and wounded 10 “global Jihad operatives” in two strikes, Haaretz reports. The following day, Gazan militants launched four rockets into southern Israel’s Negev desert, causing no injuries.
The head of Israel’s Southern Brigade said yesterday that preparations for another “large-scale” Israeli incursion into Gaza are underway “to renew our deterrence,” Haaretz reports.
“We are preparing and in fact are ready for another campaign, which will be varied and different, to renew our deterrence, if we are called on to restore full quiet to the communities [in the south],” said the head of the division’s Southern Brigade, Brig. Gen. Tal Hermoni.
“But I wouldn’t eulogize Operation Cast Lead just yet,” Hermoni added, in a briefing for military reporters. “On a daily basis, it’s pretty quiet here. The mild response [to Tuesday’s targeted killings] is evidence that they don’t want to feel the IDF’s fists.”
The intention is a shorter operation that employs significantly more firepower than Cast Lead did. The IDF believes that Hamas and the many other terrorist groups operating in the Gaza Strip, some of them outside Hamas control, have more weapons than they did in 2008. Emboldened, they fired rockets at IDF troops for the first time this year, according to Haaretz.
Think you know the Middle East? Take our geography quiz.
Israel holds Hamas responsible for all fire coming out of the Gaza Strip, but many of the rockets are believed to come from other Palestinian factions. The man killed in today’s Israel air strike, Muman Abu Daf, was leader of an Al Qaeda-inspired group known as the Army of Islam, BBC reports. The IDF believes the group planted explosives along the Israel-Gaza border and had a hand in planning an attempted attack along the Israel-Egypt border this week, according to The Associated Press.
Although Hamas continues to reject Israel’s existence, it has attempted to keep a tense peace with Israel by trying to rein in rocket fire from more radical groups in the Gaza Strip, The New York Times reports. The efforts mean little to some Israeli military officials.
“We shoot when we’re being shot at,” one security official told Reuters Friday. “It’s clear that Hamas does not have an interest in fanning the flames at this time, but it’s not dousing them either.”
According to a Haaretz report yesterday, in late November Hamas leader Khaled Meshal has ordered the group’s military wing to cease attacks on Israeli targets. Israeli officials say they’ve detected no change in the group’s behavior, nor have they received official word of Mr. Meshal’s order. They attributed the decision to convenience, not a change of heart. Hamas in Gaza scoffed at Meshal’s decision.
Hamas’ leadership in Gaza said it was surprised by Meshal’s statement and that “the only way to liberate the occupied lands is through the armed struggle.” The Hamas interior minister in Gaza, Fathi Hamad, added that the group’s “internal leadership” does not necessarily intend to abide by Meshal’s policy.
In an analysis for Haaretz, military affairs reporter Avi Issacharoff writes that Meshal’s decision is based on practicalities, not a true change in strategy or goals. He also notes that efforts to rein in rocket fire have earned Hamas in Gaza significant criticism, and prompted many defections to the more radical group Islamic Jihad, which continues to fire rockets.
The historical decision to modify the character of the Palestinian struggle – alongside Hamas’ agreement to join the Palestine Liberation Organization (and in large measure to accept the written agreements with Israel ) – does not necessarily attest to a strategic shift in terms of goals. It’s possible that Meshal and his aides realize that for now they need to forgo terrorist attacks in favor of new and more effective ways of achieving their goals: Indeed, Meshal and his colleagues admit that they have not completely abandoned the armed struggle and that they reserve the right to resist the Israeli occupation “using all means.” Meshal also emphasized that Hamas does not intend to disarm or to stop the organization’s huge arms buildup in Gaza.
December 30th, 2011, 1:55 pm
Khalid Tlass said:
The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said
“If war ensues, Allah shall inspire from al-SHAAM a group of aid, the best of Arabs in horsemanship and the best in weaponry, Allah shall support the religion with them”
( On the authority of Abu Hureirah (radiAllah) Ibn Majah and al Faswi and ibn Asakir and Al Hakim, and declared Hasan by Al Albani)
December 30th, 2011, 1:58 pm
Khalid Tlass said:
Stick to the topic or get ASS wh***ed.
December 30th, 2011, 2:00 pm
Khalid Tlass said:
Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim,
Ida jaa’ Nasr Allah wal FATH,
Wa ra aytan Naas yadkhulouna fee DeenILLAHI afwaaja
FaSabbih biHamdi Rabbuka WaStaghfirh inna hu kana tawaaba
December 30th, 2011, 2:01 pm
Khalid Tlass said:
Prophet Muhammad (saw) – said:
“Go to BILAD AL SHAAM for it is the best of Allah’s lands on earth, He drives the best of His slaves to it” (At Tabarani, and declared Sahih by Albani in Saheeh Al Jami)
December 30th, 2011, 2:03 pm
Ales said:
Wishes of Assad opponents to remove him still do not seem realistic.
Today demonstrations were larger than in previous days, but numbers of people on videos are still exaggerated by 10 times. Instead of 250.000 claimed (in one place), truth might be 25.000. Looks like largest demo was one Khalid pointed at post 92. There was no single video of protesters being shoot at by security. Instead of complaining, protesters should thank observers, as now they have a chance to prove they can increase numbers. If demos do not increase in one month observers will be in Syria, Assad will remain in power.
If this happen, it won’t be acceptable by many in opposition and they will wage armed insurgency. Syrians should probably not wish for this to happen, as it will lead to Idleb style military operations in Homs and other insurgency areas. So far, army has been holding back well, considering they are shoot at and killed. At some point, holding back will end.
December 30th, 2011, 2:07 pm
Haytham Khoury said:
Dear Revlon:
What I wrote was a joke/frustration (from the whole situation). I know it is easy for me to say. However it is hard for them to do. Indeed, they have to deal with a lot of pressures: the media, the public, the internal politics and the external relationship. For this reason, I felt I should help them to deal with AL with more controlled emotions.
December 30th, 2011, 2:39 pm
Khalid Tlass said:
Most of the observers are good, at least they went to Baba Amr on their own and heard the people, the problem is with Mustafa al Dabi ; also Governments of Sudan, Algeria, Iraq, even Kuwait, are interfereing in the due process and the observers from these countries are not behaving in an objective manner.
The behaviour of the Egyptian, Tunisian and Libyan observers is most satisfactory.
December 30th, 2011, 2:46 pm
Norman said:
It is sad for me to see Sunni and Shia killing each other in the name of who is more Muslim, while the West is laughing at us, i look at at Iraq, the country with massive resources that was lead to fight Shia Muslim Iran and lead to 30 lost years of moving forward, is that what we really want of Islam, is that really what the prophet expected Muslims to do , i really doubt it.
That is all what i meant. It was meant to push Muslims to see further ahead.
December 30th, 2011, 2:53 pm
Syrialover said:
Ann #93 and #94 does not know (or care) what the topic is. She clearly has no genuine interest, connection, understanding or background on Syria. She does not read anything posted on SC, justs blindly cuts and pastes. It’s very obvious she doesn’t even read the articles she herself pastes. She gets a childish buzz having her name here but is too lazy, ignorant and neurotic-compulsive to contribute properly.
I am sure this is one of a number of forums she is clogging up with her wild random cuttting and pasting.
I guess all public discussion forums attract an Ann or two. Sad types. Unfortunately she is messing with something of value in vandalising SC.
I wish she would get a life and move on from her “Syria phase”.
December 30th, 2011, 2:57 pm
Khalid Tlass said:
The Shia are killing all the Sunnis in Iraq , their intention is to cleanse Iraq of all Sunni Arabs and nake Iraq a Shia-istan aand Kurdistan.
Norman, do not forget that it is this same Iraqi regine which blames any incident on “Baathist-Takfiri groups’.
Now tell me, NORMAN, since u support Nouri al Maliki, how do you like Baathi being equated to Takfiri ? Because the Iraqi regikme uses these two words interchangeably, “Baathist-Takfiri terrorist groups”. lol. Tell me, are you a Takfiri, Norman ? Nouri al maliki thinks so !!
December 30th, 2011, 3:00 pm
Khalid Tlass said:
PKK terrorist gangs sheltered by Assad fired on anti-regime demonstration in Qamishli today. These PKK terror gangs were later beaten up by patriotic Kurds. Bashar is now resorting to sowing ethnic division between Kurds and Arabs in Qamishli !!
December 30th, 2011, 3:08 pm
Khalid Tlass said:
If you are an Arab and if you value honour, I dare you to condemn the current Iraqi regime for sowing sectarian discord and trying to destroy Arabism and secularism.
December 30th, 2011, 3:13 pm
Khalid Tlass said:
Sunnis being a minority in Iraq are being massacred, and Sunnis being a majority in Syria are being massacred, very soon we will avenge our Iraqi brothers in Syria and it will be very chilling indeed, as Shaykh Arour has warned. But Christains will have nothing to fear, they are neutral in this conflict.
Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Sunnis are One.
We are the Sons of Omar.
December 30th, 2011, 3:17 pm
Khalid Tlass said:
Not to mention, to avenge the more than 100,000 Sunnis killed by this regime since 1964.
December 30th, 2011, 3:23 pm
Norman said:
I did not support AL Maliki and Syria did not support him either, as you might remember that Syria supported Allawi and his Iraqiya party, the violence overthrow of Saddam Hussein and the Baath party lead to this religous government in Iraq, your Sunni Arabs Like Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Egypt supported that Invasion, only Syria/ Assad stood against it, what they did in Iraq are trying to do in Syria to divide Syria as they did Iraq,
Syria needs reform but not a violent overthrow of the government and the Baath party,
Just remember that the Baath party with it’s principles what count not it’s membership that can come and go.
So if AL Maliki calls me Takfiri because i like the Baath party in Syria and in Iraq , that is an honer to me.
December 30th, 2011, 3:23 pm
Khalid Tlass said:
We will remind the times of the Ottomans and Umayyads. The Shias and Alawis have gone toooo far in Iraq and Syria.
Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Sunnis are One.
December 30th, 2011, 3:47 pm
Khalid Tlass said:
Another thing I want to tell you, RIFAAT AL ASSAD is especially WANTED by the FSA and the Syrian people for the crimes committed in Hama in February 1982, do not thing that he will be spared, he is trying to save himself. It is known to all and sundry that he was totally “in charge” of operations in that incident.
Also the roles played by Abdul Halim Khaddam and Mustafa Tlass during the incident will be investigated. We are not sectarian.
December 30th, 2011, 3:54 pm
Khalid Tlass said:
NORMAN, since you are from Hama and quite old, I’m sure you can confirm this :
“The Churches were also affected by the destruction. The city of Hama used to have four ancient Churches at the time of the invasion. The regime forces blew up two, demolished part of the third and ransacked the fourth. These incidents coincided with the Christians’ preparations to inaugurate the new church which took 17 years to build, and the ordinary people in the city have spent a lot of money for their church to become a unique architectural masterpiece. Forces of the authority blew it up using dynamite.”
December 30th, 2011, 3:58 pm
Syrialover said:
From long term reading of SC I know Norman as an intelligent and interesting man who is proud of, cares about and values Syria as deeply as is possible.
I have enjoyed, admired and circulated a number of his posts over the years.
His comment #102 is the truth.
But Norman’s stressed anxiety and fear for what is happening in Syria seems to be now leading him to him say some wild things about the west, lose perspective and cry out and hope against reality.
Syria is daily emotional torture for all of us. But it is infinitely worse for those loved ones we are in contact with and supporting inside. We have to accept what is broken and lost and deal with reality, not what we would liked to unmake and deny.
The shabby veneer cracked beyond repair with the first live bullet fired by the regime on the first peaceful protesters.
All we can do is cling to a hope that the change that had to come will yield some positive outcomes.
But the rubbish AL delegation, the sight of creepy Assad lying on an international stage, the linking of Syrians’ fate to the current lunatics running Iran and so on are unrelenting undeserved punishment and insult after injury to Syrians.
I remind Norman that these things, like the vicious attacks on Syrian citizens by their State, aren’t the work of the west and the opposition, the ones he most often denounces.
And I know that Syrians inside who are exhausted with shock and uncertainty as their lives and country crumble certainly don’t think so either.
December 30th, 2011, 4:03 pm
Norman said:
Khalid said,
(( 110. Khalid Tlasssaid:
We will remind the times of the Ottomans and Umayyads. The Shias and Alawis have gone toooo far in Iraq and Syria.
(((Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Sunnis are One))
No Khalid ,
Everybody has gone too far ,not just Alawi and Shia,
Iraq, Syria and Lebanon, Arabs are one Christians, Sunni and Alawi, Shia and others are one, we need to use all the resource that we have to lift our nation.
We had a house in Souk AL Shajara and at one time we owned the whole neighbourhood, my dad learned Arabic in the neighborhood Mosque, the one that was destroyed and rebuilt by President Assad,
Refaat Assad and Khaddam, they deserve everything you want for them
What happened in Hama is for history to evaluate and judge
I am not that old , you know, i am just a news junky since i was 10 years old, sport was never one of mu interests.
December 30th, 2011, 4:44 pm
Khalid Tlass said:
Destroyed and rebuilt by President Assad.
Now, shouldn’t you be asking, WHY was it destroyed ?
And you owned the whole neighbourhood ? Didn;t you say you spent your childhood in modest circukstances and your dad was an electrician ?
December 30th, 2011, 4:57 pm
Norman said:
My Grandfather lost all his money and property in the late thirties during the depression, he paid his bills but could not collect what was owed to him, and yes my father was an electrician that started working at the age of 14, he said to help the family and help put his brother into law school, The Church in the Souk AL Shajara was supported by our family and my father’s uncle is buried there,
To me i feel that the mosques and the Churches are just buildings that can be rebuild, it the communities of these Churches and mosques that are scarred forever, as i said what happened in Hama is for history to judge , i do not think that we are going to agree on this one.
December 30th, 2011, 5:10 pm
jad said:
“How to uproot the regime while preserving the institutions for their ultimate reforms.”
Coming from a guy/girl who never stopped calling for making Syria 5 Syrias depending on each Syrian sect and ethnicity according to the new Sykes-Picot…I so trust your observations and your recommendations, I’m sure it’ll take all the 5 Syrias’ Syrians to ‘heaven’ and solve all there problems!
December 30th, 2011, 5:38 pm
jad said:
Aldabi denies what he said, the usual game, don’t they get bored of denying everything they say couple days later not immediately? I guess they don’t read news.
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December 30th, 2011, 5:45 pm
jad said:
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December 30th, 2011, 5:59 pm
Syria no kandahar said:
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December 30th, 2011, 6:06 pm
Syria no kandahar said:
Road map to solving syria crisis:
December 30th, 2011, 6:24 pm
Norman said:
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December 30th, 2011, 6:39 pm
Haytham Khoury said:
Dear Khalid: I still believe the observer mission is good for the Syrian people. Indeed, we saw reduced killing and violence in the last two days. I still believe the mission will be successful in conveying the reality to the AL.
I wrote more about that in my article in Arabic.
?? ???? ????? ?? ??? ????????
December 30th, 2011, 6:46 pm
jad said:
The real face of the observers is showing more clearly today, with one of them, a Saudi, was even leading the demonstration 🙂
I wonder what the reaction of the Syrian government and the AL will be on such thing, it’s like Detlev Mehlis allover again.
I read that some people are asking the government to expel this observer, will see how that will play for the mission itself because today, the mission made too many moves at once, denying Al Dabi statement, the observers being extremely vocal and give statement to TV and phone cameras and going from being observers to lead and encourage the demonstrations.
” I still believe the mission will be successful in conveying the reality to the AL.”
You mean what Qatar told them to write, not ‘reality’, nobody is interested in reality or the truth any more.
As Haytham and my friend wrote before, the mission final statement is already written and in it they will declare the Syrian regime solely responsible for every and each crime happening as the SNC and its masters Qatar-Tureky-France want and refer Syria to the UNSC to do the ‘Iraqi’ scenario allover again, all the visits are nothing but the needed theatrical moves, it’s a done deal.
Funny that I was writing my comment When Haytham put his links, anyway, Haytham, you wrote this ‘we saw reduced killing and violence in the last two days’ isn’t that partly because the armed militia of the SNC decided to make a self truce? Why not to write everything instead of ignoring the elephant in the room?
December 30th, 2011, 6:58 pm
ss said:
121. Normansaid:
?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ????? ????? ????? ?? ?????
This is a war between secular people and radical people. It is ugly. Christians being killed in Syria and Egypt. Innocent people are being killed and kidnapped because they are not supporting the islamist awaful agenda.
I challenge the opposition to go to their library and bring us some videos and clips of women supporting this so called revolution. I want women out demonstrating against the regime and you bitcha I am interested in seeing the dress code
December 30th, 2011, 7:15 pm
Haytham Khoury said:
The final report of the mission is already written. It has been written for a while now. Unfortunately, the regime did not understand. The regime had to reduce violence longtime before signing the protocol in order to have zero violence when the observers arrived. The regime did not understand the events of history well. The Russian pressured the regime to sign not because they would protect it, but because Russia can’t protect the regime anymore. For this reason, the regime committed big mistake by signing the protocol.
Hamad Bin Jasim, by the mission, wanted to give Lavrov a big lesson.
December 30th, 2011, 7:20 pm
ss said:
110. Khalid Tlasssaid:
“We will remind the times of the Ottomans and Umayyads. The Shias and Alawis have gone toooo far in Iraq and Syria.
Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Sunnis are One”
Waw, you did well today, SC today is full of your shit.
Indeed time has never changed. When we bring up the killing of the family of Muhammad PUH some in this form say that happened 1400 years ago, thats old, we shoudl not open that page, move on, etc….I think the only changed in the facts are time and only time. We in 2011 have the same awaful people, hateful people, who manipulated Islam, who massacared the family of Muhammad PUH.
I know some will come out and start barking,,,,but what is happening now is no different than the massacres these awful wahabis, MBs has done throughout history. Indeed terror runs in your genes
December 30th, 2011, 7:22 pm
ss said:
125. Haytham Khourysaid:
“The final report of the mission is already written. It has been written for a while now. Unfortunately, the regime did not understand. The regime had to reduce violence longtime before signing the protocol in order to have zero violence when the observers arrived. The regime did not understand the events of history well. The Russian pressured the regime to sign not because they would protect it, but because Russia can’t protect the regime anymore. For this reason, the regime committed big mistake by signing the protocol.
Hamad Bin Jasim, by the mission, wanted to give Lavrov a big lesson”
I will keep this post for future reference. I will remind you who was playing with who. Soon you will realized who was playing it right.
December 30th, 2011, 7:26 pm
Haytham Khoury said:
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2- ????? ???????? ??? ??????? ???????? ?? ???? ??????? ?????? ????? ???????.
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December 30th, 2011, 7:28 pm
ss said:
83. Tarasaid:
“Where is pro Besho demonstrations that SS promised us yesterday? In a school square?”
Actually I was bussy all day long looking for organic fertilizers. We used in Syria to use cows and sheep organic fertilizers. in order to grow nice colorful plants I need an organic fertilizer made of Camels waste. See the problem camels are not plenty in Syria. I was told they exist in Qatar and they are really cheep. I was ordering some to use it if needed. But the problem the sellers there wants to know if I am with the opposition or not. Well for the sake of Camel waste and for the nobel use of it I said I am with the opposition. I was able to order enough to get the task done. I hope your parents are well and in peace
December 30th, 2011, 7:35 pm
jad said:
???? “????? ???????” ????? ??? ???? “??? ?????”? ????????? ???? ?? ??????? ???? ?????????
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December 30th, 2011, 7:55 pm
Tara said:
Great! You are farming nowadays? We found something in common to discuss. I am interested in farming too. Never done it before. I have a job that requires intense human interaction and sometimes I don’t feel like it. I am a rather quite person in real life. Farming is a possibility that I may consider when I have my mid lifer crisis. I would love to plant flowers, roses, and herbs. Oh yes, lemon and orange trees too. I guess I would save a lot on buying flowers, an obsession that I have.
My parents are well and in peace. Thank you.
December 30th, 2011, 7:59 pm
jad said:
Either the NCB was lying when Hasan Abd Alazeem attacked the SNC and blame them for not making the deal or there were somehow forced to accept the deal for other reasons, the coming days will explain.
Why the Kurds council is not included in the deal and outside the general meeting? Isn’t that a strange way to start a ‘National’ unity conference by excluding the Kurds?
Will see how both sides will react to this news, I just hope that the NCB can have some say in anything out of this unity otherwise they are simply used as a cover for something bigger planned for Syria and apparently the Kurds refuse to be part of it, probably involving Turkey.
December 30th, 2011, 8:06 pm
Tara said:
Syria: Assad’s Arab League gamble looks unlikely to pay off
By David Blair, Chief Foreign Correspondent8:00PM GMT 30 Dec 2011
After months of resistance, President Bashar al-Assad finally buckled under international pressure and allowed a 100-strong mission to enter.
This decision amounted to a high stakes gamble.
Mr Assad hopes the observers will produce a report that vindicates his regime’s explanation for the unrest. In short, he is gambling that they will believe the official narrative and blame the bloodshed on “armed gangs” and the supposed meddling of foreign powers.
But Mr Assad’s deep reluctance to admit the mission betrays his own lack of confidence in the authorised version of events. If the president really thought that any impartial outsider would buy his explanation for why Syria has dissolved into violence, he would surely have avoided fighting a costly – and ultimately fruitless – diplomatic struggle to exclude the Arab League mission.
The reason why he was determined to keep them out is simple: Mr Assad fears their report will drive a coach and horses through his account of the bloodshed. Moreover, he thinks their presence could embolden the protesters – and yesterday’s events seem to have vindicated this judgment.
Hundreds of thousands of Syrians marched against Mr Assad after Friday prayers, following appeals from the opposition that specifically mentioned the Arab League observers. Two motives lie behind staging larger protests while they are in the country.
Mr Assad’s opponents believe they will be slightly less unsafe – and the security forces might show a modicum of restraint – when outside monitors are around. In addition, the opposition wants to demonstrate the strength of popular feeling against the regime.
If tens of thousands were willing to protest against Mr Assad when no outsiders were around to register their views and cast a modest shadow of protection, then many more now appear to be taking the opportunity.
Mr Assad may have watched the television footage of Friday’s demonstrations and regretted his decision to allow in the observers. But he will hope that his gamble may yet succeed.
At Syria’s insistence, the monitors will only spend a month in the country and their presence beyond that deadline will be conditional on Mr Assad’s agreement. If his gamble clearly fails, he could simply ensure they leave.
In addition, the mission is led by General Mohammed Ahmed al-Dabi, a former head of Sudanese military intelligence, who is viewed with deep suspicion by Syria’s opposition. They fear that this pillar of Khartoum’s repressive regime may indeed produce a report that gives comfort to Mr Assad.
So the jury is out on whether the president’s gamble will pay off. On Friday, however, the odds seemed against him.
December 30th, 2011, 8:19 pm
jad said:
??? ?? ????: ???? ????? ???? ??? ???? ????
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???? ????? – ???? ?????? ??????????
December 30th, 2011, 8:23 pm
jad said:
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December 30th, 2011, 8:26 pm
jad said:
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(«??????»? ????? ? ? ?? ? ?? ??????? ? ? ?)
December 30th, 2011, 8:30 pm
jad said:
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December 30th, 2011, 8:34 pm
jna said:
Arab League Monitors
By As’ad AbuKhalil – Fri, 2011-12-30 19:08- Angry Corner
The folks of the Syrian National Council (it should be renamed the Syrian National Congress as it increasingly resembles Ahmad Chalabi’s outfit The Iraqi National Congress that served as a tool for the American invasion of Iraq) insisted on Arab League Monitors being sent to Syria. But the Syrian National Council (SNC) has been inconsistent. It started its business by stressing the need for a Syrian solution and it ruled out any outside interference or intervention. It then changed its tune.
It called – nay pleaded – for Arab League intervention while ruling out Western intervention (under the title of UN or “international community” and various other code words that are used to disguise – in theory – the US/Israeli role). The SNC then changed its tune again and started calling for a no-fly zone (as if the war on Iraq and on Libya did not start with “no-fly zone” rhetoric). The council then accepted international intervention but only “to protect civilians.” The folks of the Syrian National Council assumed that we forgot the NATO bombing campaign in Libya (which included the deployment of ground troops and special forces) was undertaken under the UN pretext of “protecting civilians.” So NATO killed Libyan civilians (as the New York Times revealed in an extensive report) in order to protect Libyan civilians. Such are the rules of the US-dominated UN.
Sheikh Adnan al-Arur (the fanatical cleric based in Saudi Arabia who holds sway among at least some of the protesters and whose name is often chanted in some protests – it would be unfair, of course, to characterize the entire Syrian uprising with his fanatical views as propagandists of the Syrian regime do) went further. He threatened this week to cut off the tongues of any member of the SNC who does not call for international intervention in Syria. No one from the SNC protested the words of Arur. The alliance between Ikhwan and their liberal lackeys is too delicate to bother with reactions to the likes of Arur.
But the goal of calling for international intervention is now clear: on the very first day of the Arab League Monitor’s mission, the SNC declared its failure to undertake its mission. Western media (which now are reduced to publishing the pronouncements and claims of the pro-Saudi Syrian Monitor for Human Rights) quickly echoed the opinion of the council.
The criticisms of the SNC are correct but come very late in the game. They should have been raised earlier and those criticisms apply to (potential) Western intervention in Syria. Neither the Arab League nor Western governments care about the Syrian people. The notion that the league of Arab tyrants are in a position to monitor human rights violations in a sister country is ridiculous. To make the exercise of the Arab League mission more absurd, Qatar selected an intelligence commander from the tyrannical regime of Omar al-Bashir of Sudan to head the Arab League monitoring mission. Those representatives of Arab tyrants wouldn’t recognize human rights violations even if they hit them in the face. The exact nature of their mission is not clear. Qatar is implementing a plan on behalf of the US/Israel, but the public has not been informed of the exact features of the plan.
The Syrian people continue to die; the peaceful uprising remains peaceful in some areas, and has degenerated into sectarian killings in some areas. Clearly, Saudi/Turkish/US/Qatari/Jordanian/Israeli/Hariri intervention in Syrian affairs is only increasing the suffering of the Syrian people but the primary responsibility of the suffering should be blamed on the Syrian regime, which is obligated to protect its population. What other element of legitimacy does the regime parade to the people other than security? And how can the regime claim to protect the population when its army and security forces are still killing protesters (who in his/her right mind buys that all the killings in Syria are the work of “terrorist groups”)?
The mission of the Arab League is not serious. It has so far failed to stop the killing and will not stop the killing. It is merely a phase to camouflage another more dangerous phase that Western governments and their clients in the region have in store for Syria.
December 30th, 2011, 9:26 pm
sheila said:
Dear Jad,
I understand that you do not see eye to eye with Dr. Ziadeh, but why don’t you stick to attacking his views rather than attacking him personally?. Dr. Ziadeh is someone who all Syrians should be proud of, including you. Very few in Syria have reached the levels that he has reached.
Here is some information about the man that you are calling names:
Radwan Ziadeh is a visiting scholar at Carr Center for Human Rights at Harvard University and Visiting Fellow at Chatham House (The Royal Institute of International Affairs) in London .
He was a Senior Fellow at United States Institute of Peace (USIP) –in Washington, D.C., and he is the founder of the Damascus Center for Human Rights Studies in Syria. In 2008, Ziadeh also co-founded and served as the executive director of the Syrian Center for Political and Strategic Studies in Washington, D.C. Before that, Ziadeh was chief in-editor of Tyarat magazine in 2001-2002 and secretary of the Syrian Organization for Transparency. He was a researcher with the UNDP project “Syria 2025” and was named best researcher in the Arab world in political science by Jordan’s Abdulhameed Shoman Foundation in 2004.
December 30th, 2011, 9:32 pm
sheila said:
Dear Syrialover #72,
Thank you.
December 30th, 2011, 9:48 pm
ss said:
139. sheila
I hope you got it
Its a difficult arabic word to express it in English letters
Your Galion is from Sorbon, should I be proud of him as well. TUZZZZZZZZZZ
December 30th, 2011, 10:00 pm
Ghufran said:
I read the famous 4 legged political animal declaration of the understanding between the SNC and the NCC,
It remains to be seen if the SNC will abide by it and manage to control the militants in their ranks,if they lose one leg they will be limping and they lose two they can not walk.
Sheila,the neocons in the US had better credentials than Ziadeh,are you proud of the neocons?
December 30th, 2011, 10:16 pm
sheila said:
Dear #142. Ghufran,
Really?. I hold you to a higher standard than this statement: “ the neocons in the US had better credentials than Ziadeh,are you proud of the neocons?”. This is comparing apples to oranges. In the US, there are many people who have much better credentials than the neocons, so comparatively speaking, the neocons have nothing special. In Syria, there are very few who reached the level that Dr. Ziadeh reached.
To answer your question: no, I am not proud of the neocons. They are not special compared to their compatriots.
Yes, I am pround of Dr. Ziadeh, because he is distinguished compared to his compatriots.
And yes, I am proud of Dr, Ghalioun too.
I think that even a pro-regime person should be proud of the accomplishments of these individuals.
December 30th, 2011, 10:25 pm
Haytham Khoury said:
I like this:
??????? ??? ???? ????????? ?? ??????? ????? ?????? ????????? ???? ????? ?????? «???? ????? ???????»? ?????? ??????? «?????? ????? ????? ?? ??????».
???? ??????? «???? ?? ??? ???? ????? ??? ???? ????? ?? ???? ??? ????? ???? ??? ????. ?? ?????? ???????? ??? ?? ????? ???? ?????? ????? ?? ?????. ??? ????? ?????? (????? ?????) ?????????? ?????? ??? ??????? (???????) ???????? ???????. ??? ???? ??????? ??????? ?? ???????? ???????? ??? ??????».
???? ??? ????? ?? ???????? ???? ??????. ???? ??«??????» ??? ??? ?? ??? ????? ?????? ????? ????? ?? ???? «???? ?????? ???????» ????? ???? ??? ??? ?? «??????? ??????? ?? ???? ???????? ???????»
December 30th, 2011, 10:27 pm
Haytham Khoury said:
Hopefully, it will be honored by all parties.
December 30th, 2011, 10:29 pm
sheila said:
Sorry SS, I was not really addressing you, but since you asked: yes, you should be proud of both Dr. Ziadeh and Dr. Ghalioun. But maybe you should start by learning how to spell the name of the university where Dr. Ghalioun teaches: it is spelled Sorbonne not Sorbon.
From people like you, I do not expect more than your post #141.
December 30th, 2011, 10:32 pm
Haytham Khoury said:
The Kurds are represented within both the SNC and the NCB. The Kurdish factions included in both represent more than 80% of the Kurdish political parties in Syria.
I think Ghalioun’s visit to Cairo played a role in signing the deal. Ahmad Ramadan was the obstacle.
December 30th, 2011, 10:45 pm
jad said:
Dear Sheila,
I didn’t wake up one day and decided that Radwan ‘Zibaleh’ is a traitor to Syrians, I built my convection according to his writing, his actions and his message.
Ghufran is right, Radwan is a puppet for the neocon, he is their favorite Syrians because he represent and call for everything they want.
Don’t take my words about this traitor, I’m nobody, just check his own words, his statement and his debates, even before the Syrian uprising he was promoting a solution for the Jolan that will take almost all of the Jolan out of Syria it was a horrible plan, again don’t take my word for it, just read his writing.
After the uprising started he was the first and only Syrian to be calling for an American intervention, he wasn’t calling for any ‘humanitarian’ corridors like the French, that Ghalyoun later promote as his own ‘suggestions’, no, he was calling for a military intervention.
I post before many articles exposing this person, and I’m not the only one who see him as an opportunist neocon puppet and a true traitor to all Syrians many do, including Asad Abukhalil and many Arabs and Syrians living in the sates:
“Ikhras is pleased to announce that the winner of the Muntadhar Zaidi Shoe of the Month Award for July 2011 is Radwan Ziadeh. A self-declared “Human Rights Activist”, Mr. Ziadeh is currently Washington’s favorite Syrian and can usually be found attending meeting and events at the State Department and auditioning for a role as the Ahmad Chalabi of Syria. He’s very liberal, very Pro-American government– Basically everything America likes. Before presenting Mr.Ziadeh with the July 2011 Ikhras Shoe let’s take a look at how the Syrian Hakawati and inspirational, fiery orator beat out the competition for this prestigious award.
Mr. Ziadeh earned the July 2011 Shoe based on his activities inside the U.S. and abroad, his support for US intervention and meddling in Syria, and his lobbying efforts on behalf of a US foreign policy hostile to Syria and its people. The shoe is also awarded in recognition of his efforts to exploit the current unrest in Syria to endear himself to the Washington political class, and his willingness to reach out to racist, Zionist groups that support an entity which remains at war with Syria and occupies Syrian land.
Ziadeh has been affiliated with, the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) which earlier this month presented him with a “Democracy Award.” Far from being a component of global civil society, the NED is a Washington-based, quasi-government organization that functions as a tool of the US government. Operating under slogans such as “promoting democracy” the largely US government-funded NED offers financial assistance and training to pro-US foreign actors, political parties, and individuals cultivating them for later use as pliant tools against regimes the US foreign policy establishment has deemed unfriendly to US economic and political interests. It’s expected, and common sense dictates, that any group or individual associated with and supported by the NED would be closely linked to US (Neo-liberal) economic, diplomatic and military policies and initiatives. This was evident in Ziadeh’s appearance on Aljazeera this week in which he defended anti-Syrian, pro-Israel US policies. He also expressed satisfaction with the flagrant violation of diplomatic protocol by the US Ambassador to Syria earlier this month, called for replacing the Syrian regime with one more friendly to Western governments and the Neo-liberal economic model, and argued for increased US intervention (did not exclude military) and meddling in Syria.
In addition to lecturing at the NED, maintaining a relationship with the State Department, and promoting US policies on Arabic language news channels, he also travels internationally claiming to be drumming up support from the “International community” to bring “freedom” and “democracy” to Syria. In reality he is operating as a global lobbyist for the US government’s anti-Syrian policies. His role was clearly on display during a recent trip to Moscow to lobby the Russian government and try to win its support for any US action targeting Syria in the UN Security Council. That trip was particularly amusing. The notion this barely intelligible, very unintelligent and stunningly superficial person could convince anyone, let alone the high caliber Russian diplomatic corps, of anything is laughable. This buffoon might win over a few of the mediocre personalities within the US Administration and State Department that view Arabs with contempt, but the Russian Foreign Ministry with its vast array of experts, a highly trained staff, and extensive knowledge of Syria and the Arab world wouldn’t take him seriously.
Ziadeh also recently appeared before the rabidly anti-Syrian, racist Zionist group The American Jewish Committee (AJC). The AJC is one component of the Pro-Israel Lobby in Washington. The group which has been described as the “foreign policy wing of the Israel lobby” has taken its activities abroad to promote and defend the Zionist entity. The group has also campaigned for defining any criticism of Israel, a hostile entity in a state of war with Syria that occupies the Golan Heights and remains committed to the destruction of Palestine, as anti-Semitic. The obvious questions are why was Ziadeh invited to share the stage with Zionist fanatics like Gary Bauer, Elliot Abrams, and Jeffrey Goldberg. What was it about Ziadeh that won him the approval of this pro-Israel organization and earned him an invitation to speak at their event? And why would any Syrian “Human Rights advocate” take his case to this group? These are but a few of the questions swirling around the activities of Washington’s favorite Syrian.”
Here are couple recent examples of too many of this person and why no Syrian should be proud of him, even the average American don’t trust him, I’m really sorry that you don’t see him for what he is…..a traitor who doesn’t deserve any respect, especially from Syrians.
Syria opposition activist calls for international intervention to halt carnage
Why to even talk and beg for the AJC support?!
Radwan Ziadeh address to American Jewish Committee
December 30th, 2011, 11:11 pm
jad said:
“The Kurds are represented within both the SNC and the NCB.”
Are you kidding me or you think that I’m stupid?
The SNC has only 2 guys who represent nobody but themselves.
The few Kurds who were in the NCB at the beginning went out and made their own ‘kourdish’ only coalition, where do you read your news from? last year newspaper?
Check out this article, didn’t I wrote to you that the NCB signed under pressure and intimidation:
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December 30th, 2011, 11:15 pm
jad said:
BTW, many of the CNB members are extremely angry and disappointed, will see how Haytham can calm them down and keep them together after this step.
December 30th, 2011, 11:34 pm
jad said:
I’m not sure what was Mr Haytham Manna thinking when he accepted to sign this agreement, he puts every member of the coordination in a dilemma in front of their own supporters of how to justify what’s written in that agreement..
He had lots of support, why he shot himself in the foot like that and especially in this extremely dangerous period for Syria.
How could he trust the SNC?
British Writing Obama’s Script for
Syrian Trigger for World War III
Dec. 29, 2011 (EIRNS)—This release was issued today by the Lyndon LaRouche Political Action Committee (LPAC).
A posting on The Cable, a blog of Foreign Policy magazine, Dec. 28, headlined the creation of a secret committee by the Obama Administration, which is preparing “options” for aiding the Syrian opposition. The process, led by NSC Senior Director Steve Simon, involves only a few select officials from State, Defense, Treasury, and other relevant agencies. It is unusually small, presumably to prevent media leaks, and bypasses the normal channels of Interagency Policy Committee, Deputies’ Committee, and Principals’ Committee meetings. A key participant is Fred Hof of State, who called the Syrian government a “dead man walking” earlier this month.
After reviewing the fact that intervention in Syria is likely to be much more “complicated” than that in Libya, the posting suddenly shifts to the options paper produced by the Syrian National Council, the London-based “opposition” which has recently called for international military intervention. Lo and behold, that policy paper, entitled “Safe Area for Syria,” ends up as a virtually word-for-word reprint of the call for military intervention issued earlier this month by London’s Henry Jackson Society (HJS), a Round Table descendant committed to the Empire program of perpetual war and the end of the nation state. The Henry Jackson Society piece was more explicit, titled “Intervention in Syria?”
The only difference in content between the two documents is that the SNC paper says that on Dec. 19, the group “formally endorsed foreign military intervention for Syria,” a step the HJS document had demanded they take in their document, which was released earlier.
The brief for a military attack on Syria was written by Michael Weiss, communications director of the Society. But don’t let the relative obscurity of Weiss fool you. The HJS has enlisted such foaming-at-the-mouth American neo-cons as James Woolsey, Richard Perle, William Kristol, and Josh Muravchik, with Obama’s choice as Moscow Ambassador, Michael McFaul — all under the direction of such British heavyweights as Rt. Hon. Michael Ancram, 13th Marquess of Lothian, grandson of Round Table Leader Philip Kerr, 11th Marquess of Lothian — and Sir Richard Dearlove, Tony Blair’s choice for head of British SIS, 1999-2004.
The blueprint was supposedly edited by British puppet Syrian dissident Ausama Monajed, the same who provides all the purported daily death-totals of demonstrators killed by Assad which are featured in the international press and given further credibility by the United Nations. The options-paper, titled “Safe Area for Syria,” was given the imprimatur of Monajed’s London-based “Strategic Research and Communication Centre.” We recap:
The first part of the document is an open search for some “pretext” (their word) for foreign military intervention. If the Security Council will not call for intervention, any mere condemnation of the Assad government might serve as such a “pretext,” the British author says. If not the Security Council, then try the UN General Assembly — a UNGA resolution provided such a pretext for the Korean War in 1950, he writes.
Weiss then proceeds to today’s version of the Iraq “cakewalk” argument. Syria is militarily weak and can offer no effective resistance. Iran will complain but not intervene. Hizbullah can do nothing. Russia will not act, no matter what they say. It is from such insane denial of reality, that holocausts are made.
December 31st, 2011, 2:36 am
Revlon said:
128. ((
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Dear Haytham Khoury,
Thank you for linking to this important document, which promted me to ponder and ask myself ta couple of related questions as follws:
1. Who asked for, and whom shall this agreement serve?
My answer: Pro-regime regional and Global powers.
The agreement was not prompted by internal pressure or request by the revolution.
It came in response to specific request made by pro-regime Arab countries represented in the AL, on behalf of pro-regime global powers represented in the security council.
The agreement provides an agreeable framework, for the concerned parties, for current and future regional and international intervention in the political life until the election of a new president and parliament in Syria.
In a nutshel, the revolution represented by the SNC’s call for western intervention was offset by NCB’s call for Russian and Iranian intervention.
2. Will this agreement have any significant influence on the future of political life in Syria?
The answer is: No!
The constitution shall be written by an elected body of representatives. The latter shall be dominated by figures or sypathisers of the Revolution.
Manna3 and his NCB members may barely have their own family members votes.
The Revolution, represented by the SNC already provided an all inclusive, and a more detailed vision of Future Syria, that covers and includes all of the caveats in the agreement.
December 31st, 2011, 2:48 am
Revlon said:
A view point on item 4 of the NCB and SNC agreement liked to earlier by haytham.
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This clause simplay says: The president and the cabinet leave, but every thing else stays; including the four security agencies and scores of branches, the republican guards, and all commanders of Assad’s army down to the smaller ranking officer who have been involved in crimes against humanity!
In brief, Secular Mannaa and Galioun are saying to all help us to have our say and we will help you have yours!
1. To the West: help us to guarantee the eradication of fundamentalism and establish peace with Israel.
2. To Russia: your economic and military interesrsts shall be guaranteed.
3. To Assad armed forces: Collect illegal arms and protect us from the FSA and we shall gurantee you amnesty and continued job benefits.
4. To security forces: protect us from hard line activists and non-compliant media and we shall protect your living.
The agreement that Ghalioun and Manna3 have signed is bound to lead to a post-regime scenario similar to Egypt’s.
Mubarak left power hanging on to the key to hsi future survival; his personal thumb drive that holds thousands of documents incriminating all of his security and army commanders with all kinds of corruption practices.
His motto: If I go down, so shall all of you my old friends. The army and security officers shall do every thing in their capacity to have a decent exit for the president.
The top brass in the army is corrupt. Their corruption related, thick folios are also in the hands of their nemesis; the security agencies. They dare not enforce any ruling against them without risking a damaging reprisal.
The outcome of Egypt’s model of the revolution shall be the rejuvination of the face of the existing, corrupt security, military, neopolitical syndicate by a facelift that shall have the in-look of a modern democratic system.
December 31st, 2011, 2:59 am
jad said:
Where are you Bronco when we need you 🙂
I can’t get over Haytham Manna signing this agreement, was it meant to burn his reputation as Hamad wanted according to the article I linked earlier because Haytham was so adamant against the intervention issue more than Hasan Abd Alazeem and anybody else, how did he agree on that this easily? very strange!
December 31st, 2011, 3:14 am
Mina said:
Revlon took a reality-check (see #153)!
And you thought the duwal uzma would agree to anything but that?? Poor naive.
It doesn’t seem weird to you that after a few pictures in the magazines, we don’t hear of the “Tahrir youth” anymore, now that some are openly pro-MB and other “socialists”? The West will always chose for you your political parties and who should be interviewed, don’t worry. But you can still call for more “independent journalists” to visit Syria and organize the future elite if you want. Since the Gulf is so much involved in Iraq, Syria and Lebanon politics, this is where it start and it is not just by sending people barking and get killed that you will change that and avoid all the ‘sensitive issues’ (women, minorities) that the bailers don’t wan’t to address.
Instead of giving us more fatiha-s why don’t you pray for islamic countries to have descent hospitals where killers and corrupt people get arrested when they make medical mistakes, or worse, are involved in organs traffick? Why don’t you explain the layman that adoption is not haram? That shaykhs are often corrupt? by the way, if it is justice and equality that is wanted, why are Mrs Ben Ali and Mrs Mubarak still free and unaccountable? Should international justice consider women as “half men” while they were for years accused of corruption and of bad interference in their respective country’s politics?
December 31st, 2011, 4:35 am
Juergen said:
funny list i found, you all may know it already…
“Firstly, insist that your country is not “X” (“X” experienced a revolution just before yours). Blame everything on al-Jazeera then close their office in your country. Say that you “support youth” (while your security forces are killing the same young people). Condemn Islamists; start at the bottom rung (Muslim Brotherhood) then work your way straight up to the evil al-Qa’ida. At the beginning (of social unrest), pretend that nothing is going on, and, when you learn of the seriousness of the crisis too late, address your nation at midnight. Warn against sectarianism, tribalism and other ‘isms’ that get people frightened. Blow up a church and blame Islamists. Announce that your remaining in power is synonymous with stability.”
December 31st, 2011, 5:54 am
defender said:
Obama administration secretly preparing options for aiding the Syrian opposition
December 31st, 2011, 7:02 am
defender said:
‘West’s policy on Syria could ignite WWIII’
December 31st, 2011, 7:07 am
defender said:
US-Russia ties: Chill over Syria replaces warmth of Obama’s ‘reset’ policy
Obama once touted improved US ties with Russia as a major achievement. But the contentious wrangle over Syria at the UN is threatening to undo the ‘reset.’
December 31st, 2011, 7:15 am
Amir in Tel Aviv said:
Guys, I’m losing track. What is the NCB ?
December 31st, 2011, 8:40 am
Tara said:
United opposition, clear road map to democracy, AL’s initiative failing to stop the killing are the highlights of the second half of December that are clearly essential milestones in toppling the regime.
The opposition is now UNITED. I see this as a great news in the last day of 2011. It provides a pretext for stronger measures by the international community against the regime of Bashar al Assad. The day after Basho is now well drawn with preservation of all state institutions and guaranteeing pluralist parliamentary democratic system the protects the rights of women and minorities. United opposition, clear road map, and failure of the AL’s initiative will encourage much stronger measures by the international community to aid the opposition in toppling the regime without the need for foreign physical intervention. Russia will not be able to stand pressure against the flow of events nor might be actually interested in continuing to support Besho. The next step for the new united opposition is to contact the Russians and assure them unchanged relation after Besho.
BEIRUT — Syria’s two largest opposition groups signed an agreement on setting up a democracy after President Bashar Assad’s regime falls, opposition figures said Saturday.
Ghalioun, leader of the Syrian National Council, and Haytham Manna of the National Coordination Body for Democratic Change in Syria, or NCB, signed the draft in Cairo on Friday night, according to an NCB statement and Omar Idilbi of the SNC.
The draft, of which a copy was obtained by The Associated Press, says both groups reject any foreign military intervention in Syria and call for the protection of civilians by all legitimate means in the framework of international laws.
It also said that as soon as Assad’s regime falls a “transitional period” begins by preserving all state institutions then drafting a new constitution that guarantees a “civilian pluralist parliamentary democratic system” after which a parliament and new president are elected.
The draft also says that all Syrian citizens are equal and the country’s Kurdish minority is a “fundamental and historic” part of Syria’s national structure. It also calls for “liberating Syrian territory,” an apparent reference to the Golan Heights occupied by Israel since 1967.
The two umbrella groups, the SNC and NCB, arose after the revolt began in March as activists and the opposition tried to organize their ranks against Assad. The national council has been the more active of the two abroad, with Ghalioun meeting international leaders in a bid to build support. The NCB has organized opposition conferences inside Syria, suggesting it has a stronger presence on the ground.
The Syria-based head of the NCB, Hassan Abdul-Azim, told the AP that the aim is to have a “united opposition inside and outside the country” making it a more active force.
“The opposition, inside and outside the country, agree that this regime should go and a new democratic system be set up,” said Abdul-Azim, one of the most prominent dissidents inside Syria.
His group adopted the draft agreement. The SNC’s Ghalioun signed the agreement but the membership of the group must still formally adopt it, though the SNC’s Idlibi said he expects that will happen without any changes. The groups said they will hand an official copy to Arab League Secretary General Nabil Elaraby in Cairo on Sunday.
Arab League officials say they have no illusions that Assad will stop trying to crush a street movement that has raised the most serious challenge to the 40-year rule of his family. Assad, who inherited power from his father in 2000, has denied issuing orders to kill protesters.
December 31st, 2011, 9:00 am
Tara said:
To answer your question, see above link. The NCB is more like the internal opposition. That does not mean of course the revolutionaries themselves who are your average Syrian citizens.
December 31st, 2011, 9:04 am
Tara said:
Dear Juergen,
Thanks for your link in# 156. I find it very funny. I am so grateful that the Syrian people have friends like you.
December 31st, 2011, 9:13 am
Revlon said:
160. Dear Amir in Tel Aviv,
NCB stands for national coordination body.
It consists mostly of veteran Syrian politicians and activists that enjoyed a margin of freedom and protection by the regime in return for their symbiotic political agenda.
Happy new year.
December 31st, 2011, 9:21 am
Revlon said:
155. Dear Mina,
((Revlon took a reality-check (see #153)!))
The last time you addressed me, several months back, you expressed disinterest in discussing anything with the likes of me!
What a pleasant surprise to see you change your mind!!
I have read your comment several times, and am still unable understand what is it that you wanted to say.
I thank you for discussing my post.
Happy new year, Mina.
December 31st, 2011, 9:32 am
Tara said:
Dear Revlon,
Ah…it is not only me. I can never really truly understand most of what Mina wants to say in most of her comments. I thought I was the only one who couldn’t. I think she process info at a completely different level. I get especially intrigued when statements like “see Kongo or Kenya” etc come out of the blue. I also sometimes can’t fathom how one sentence lead to other. I try hard to work on it to no avail. I think Mina’s profound analysis is above and beyond my intelligence.
December 31st, 2011, 9:49 am
Amir in Tel Aviv said:
Thank you Dear Tara and Revlon !
December 31st, 2011, 9:52 am
Juergen said:
Melhem Chaoul:
A dictator’s power is personal and absolute, he says. Laws exist only to protect the system of domination. Whoever is in power must be surrounded by a loyal family circle. Terror, corruption and propaganda are the triple pillars of this power. Citizens who object become “rats” (Gaddafi), “monstrous criminals” (Assad), “earthworms” according to Saddam. Everyone is invited to participate in the “comic opera” of corruption, from the small customs officers to the great merchants of Cairo, Damascus, Aleppo, Sanaa and Tripoli. “If there is one right under an Arab dictatorship,” Chaoul says, “it is the right to be corrupt. Everyone is implicated, everyone is an accomplice. Those who refuse to play this game are suspects and traitors … Watch out! Honesty is suspect.”
“When these regimes pretend to struggle against ‘terrorism’, especially the Islamist-fundamentalist version, they are fighting against groups that they themselves have created.”
December 31st, 2011, 10:26 am
Haytham Khoury said:
The Opposition has fulfilled the demands of the AL initiative by being united.
The regime has failed to meet the demands of the AL initiative.
?????? ??? ???? ??? ????????? ????? ?????? ??????? 30/12!
I told you yesterday my scenario of the subsequent events. PLease remind me in few weeks.
December 31st, 2011, 10:30 am
ss said:
“146. sheilasaid:
Sorry SS, I was not really addressing you, but since you asked: yes, you should be proud of both Dr. Ziadeh and Dr. Ghalioun”.
Thank you for your spelling leasons, FYI, I did not spell Ghalioun right either, but you care less about that. May I ask you; is Tuz spelled correctly?..You see I used different terms because I was looking for the right spelling. can you help me.
After reading 148 comment, I was very generous to you in what I said. I think “Tuz” is the least word to use. I think I am going to use this word in a way similar to the P value that is used to evaluate scientific literature.
I am certainly not proud of Ghalioun or Ziadeh.
Anyone can provide us with some videos of women demonstrating against Al-Assad in Syria. Perhaps some readers are interested in the identity of such women
December 31st, 2011, 10:34 am
Syria no kandahar said:
Hytham Boco Haram was in Harasta:
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December 31st, 2011, 10:35 am
Haytham Khoury said:
???? ????? ?????? ?????? ??? ????????? ???? ????? ????? ???? ????? ????? ????? ??? ???? ??????? ?? ????? ????? ????? ????? ??????? 30 12 2011
December 31st, 2011, 10:40 am
Revlon said:
((How to uproot the regime, while preserving the institutions until they undergo their ultimate reforms.))
Dear Observer, You have presented us with a stern task.
To start to tackle the problem I find it necessary that I spell out my arbitrary understanding of each of the provided , technical terms:
Part I/II
What is the regime?
It is the group of people that dictate rules that govern all aspects of life in Syria.
It is comprised of the Chairman of the board, Jr, and the board of directors of Assad Syria company limited, namely Asad-Makhloof clan! They are a handful of people.
The regime as such must be removed from power completely.
They are already charged with crimes against humanity. All shall be properly tried and convicted if found guilty.
December 31st, 2011, 10:41 am
Revlon said:
Dear observer,
Here is Part II/II
Institutions are comprised of groups of people that work within a hierarchy of organisational structure, within appropriate infrastructure (Buildings, facilities, utilities, etc.).
The only element of the three mentioned above that requires urgent attention and reform is the leadership of institutions. All of those holding ministerial, director, and manager positions across all public institutions need to be suspended from work. They could be sent home, on open leave, pending investigation.
Their positions could easily be filled from within the same sections, departments, or ministry by colleagues with high reputation.
What is the purpose from applying such urgent measures?
– The protection of the achievements of the revolution.
– To provide immediate medical, economical, and social relief to victims of Assad forces.
What are the concerned institutions?
What immediate measures need to be applied upon assuming power?
1. Political:
A) Executive:
– President: replaced by Executive office of the SNC
– Cabinet: Replaced / or works in coordination with the General secretariat of the SNC
B) Legislative: Replaced by the General assembly of the SNC and its various committees
2. Security:
– Armed forces and related intelligence forces:
All Generals to be sent on an open leave pending investigation. They are temporarily replaced by junior, non-corrupt ones.
General Al Asaad assumes the position of acting commander of chief of the army and related intelligence agencies.
– Police: All top commanders to be sent on an open leave pending investigation. They are replaced by younger non-corrupt subordinates.
3. Ideological
– Baath party: disbanded
– NPF: disbanded.
Happy new year!
December 31st, 2011, 10:43 am
Syria no kandahar said:
Revlon the scorpion
Killers of 2000 Syrian soldiers using isreali ???? ?????
Send them to Hawaii
December 31st, 2011, 10:58 am
Ghufran said:
There are thousands of Syrians who hold PhD degrees and their credentials are comparable to Ziadeh but they did not go on tv asking for military intervention and the bombing of army installations in Syria.
?? ?????? ??? ???? ??????
Education is only one factor in judging a person’s value in any society,I am not trying to lecture you here ,I think you may actually agree.
?? ?????? ?? ????
I nominate ????? to become the head of ???? ?????? ??????
Happy new year to all
December 31st, 2011, 11:26 am
Ghufran said:
???? ????
December 31st, 2011, 11:39 am
jad said:
About Mr. Manna3:
???? ????? ????? ???? ?????? ??????
Now the SNC members are more angry than anybody else regarding the agreement and they are asking for the removal of Ghalyoun! Huh?!
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December 31st, 2011, 11:43 am
Ghufran said:
Since the SNC is a cover for islamists and since Ghalioun is their marketing agent,this marriage will not last,this was said before,many times. As soon as the SNC under Ghlioun tries to moderate ,he will be called a traitor and either expelled or see the SNC dissolve.
A new body that has moderate opposition figures from all sides is needed,and the islamists should feel free to form their own party,unifying the opposition in Syria is undoable,islamists must ride their own horses not use the back of others to climb the power chair.
December 31st, 2011, 11:53 am
jad said:
The SNC members who never stopped of asking for ‘western’ intervention along the most radical opposition are going bazook against the agreements because it rejects the ‘western’ intervention, and people keep telling us that we should be proud of those ‘Syrian’ thugs, sure!
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Aljazeera invited the most radical of all oppositions, Ashraf Almoukdad to tell us his priceless opinion, I thought Qatar wanted this agreement, why they are attacking it now? Is it true then that the Emir of Qatar forced Mr. Manna’s views over Hamad’s team? this is too vague.
Largest Syrian opposition groups sign unity agreement
December 31st, 2011, 12:05 pm
Revlon said:
I know! It is hard to teach an old a new trick!
But they should be able to do a better job than this.
The SNC leadership need to take a crash course and / workshop in governance before they become eligible to assume their official repsonsibilities.
Syrian National Council ?????? ?????? ??????
Kurdish representatives in SNC see procedural as well as objective inconsistencies in the NCB SNC signed agreement, with SNC platform and governance
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3. ??? ???? ?????? ?? ???? ??? ??????? ?? ????? ????? ????? ?????? ?????? ?????:
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December 31st, 2011, 12:34 pm
Juergen said:
Interview with the most famous syrian writer Rafiq Schami,who lives in Germany since more than 40 years. Unfortunatly his fine books are unknown to Syrians so far.
Midani Nadia: I hoped but, unlike you, still believe that the son has now gradually permeated reforms and Syria into a polyphonic democracy … Now, I admit, with ashes on my head, I have criticized at the time your stubborn refusal,as you wrote, “Syria needs democracy, not Assad’s heirs.” Still, I wonder now, there would have been in the place of rebellion other options?
Rafik Shami: My irreconcilable attitude has to do with my exile, which, in addition to its known disadvantages and advantages. One can better inform and develop freely and express his thoughts. Syria was the first Arab Republic, which inherited the rule. As in all of Syria were not able women or men who could govern this country – and by the will of the people. This pale man Bashar al Assad, who wanted nothing to do with politics, to name a successor, was an insult to the republican idea. The intelligence community had serious doubts. He was taught in a crash course etiquette, and raised him in military ranks, which usually require 20 years of experience in an army. He has been sold as a “reformer” and he had a few working groups meet in public, of course, under close supervision of the intelligence services. He allowed a satirical magazine and arrested a couple of corrupt ministers. It is a drama whose director he was led from the start until all the army generals, all the political leadership cadres expressed their loyalty to either, or were dismissed. And then he reigned eleven years without a single reform. From here this was more obvious than inside the country. We, here in the exile, watched scecpticaly the euphoria and saw the old mafia was only replaced by their sons. That was the only change. And the sons of this regime were still cheeky. Who gave away all rights to open a telecommunication company to his cousin? How can a cousin of the President from a poor man to a millionaire in ten years? Where did the billions of the Assad family came from which are on European and American banks?
And then this same Assad is sold to us as being antiamerican.
Midani Nadia: But anyway, why can not such a regime be reformed?
Rafik Shami: Because it will collapse and implode from inside in the moment when a serious reform is placed. This first step would be the dismisal of all 15 or so intelligence agencies. The second step then would be ,to give back to the Syrian people the looted billions. We do not need foreign aid or depend on it.
Everything else is just superficial theater for an equally superficial press. Nevertheless, there was a possibility for a few days. Immediately after the outbreak of the uprising. If the President on 15.3.2011, based on the masses who never and nowhere called for his overthrow, but for freedom, democracy and demonstrated against corruption, gathered some of his best advisors and immediately dismissed the the secret agencies then he would have had to introduce radical reforms in daily controllable and comprehensible steps. He would have become the hero of the people and that would have protected him and his life. But perhaps he would have been dead even before he uttered the last sentence of his planned reforms. Murdered by his own henchmen.
But then the shift to democracy would have happened more quickly because no time would have had to build a successor.
But what did he do? He was gone for 14 days and left the dirty work to his murderous brother Maher al Assad and Assef Shaukat. Until today he showed great autism, like all Arab dictators who learned nothing. He appears, promises reforms, promises that the regime will immediately stop firing at the demonstrators and the following day twice as many are killed.
Nadia Midani: How big is the influence of writers and cultural workers to the democratization of Syria? Intellectuals have to say about politics and revolutions?
Rafik Shami: literature and art can only take an indirect political influence. And whenever they tried to be direct, which had catastrophic consequences. The role of artists, writers and intellectuals in my opinion is to deepen the discussion during the Revolution, to encourage people to adopt a humane way and the hand to hand and the former enemies. Sure, independent courts need to ensure the proper punishment of those crimes, committed by the deposed ruler. But not as revenge, but in the sense of a democratic process of maturation. The flight from responsibility with hypocritical arguments would be a mistake.
Nadia Midani: Are there any Syrian artists who engage in domestic politics? What will become of those who worked with the power?
Rafik Shami: Sure there is. Both in exile and in Syria there are courageous artists, writers and intellectuals who are against the dictatorship. But there are also those who always flirting with the dictators and their promotions and cash prizes. The irony of history is that you can find the same name later on the signature lists of subversives again.
But now the revolutionaries publish the names of these corrupt sycophants. Dictators are similar to nuclear power plants: They promise a lot and infect anyone who comes into contact with them. It’s not just Arabs,who swear allegiance to the dictators. Even German and Europeans are seduced again and again by the money, and they became accomplices of Saud, Assad, Qaddafi and Saddam Hussein.
N. M.: What is in power so seductive that Intellectuals are drawn to?
RS: It’s less of a direct benefit, money, car or house
rather than the vanity, by the proximity to power
is satisfied. Writers, artists and intellectuals are
the least immune to this disease. One could accompanies
a president during a state visit …, you will be reiceived by other cultural ministers or one could dine with the most important men who casually will mention that they have spoken with Obama, Sarkozy or the devil spoke on the phone. This all is very tempting. Many of my aging colleagues who find themselves slowly fading, try hard to come into the spotlight – and look ridiculously by doing so. For example, when Joachim Sartorius,
a permanent resident of the rulers in Damascus in 2007
write in the FAZ report on his visit to
Damascus, or if the pathologically vain Jürgen Todenhöfer who wrote a full page in the ZEIT about his stupid and cynical report on his visit to Daraa.
N. M.: Is the concern for the Christians by the West justified?
R. S.: This is pure hypocrisy. The West has not cared for a second
in fifty years to the welfare of Arab Christians
care under this dictatorship. Quite the contrary. The bashing
against the Prophet Muhammad by Pope Benedict fueled, without the slightest responsibility towards the Fate of the Christians who live in the Arab and Muslim countries. Mrs. Merkel was not too dumb, just to find that great what hurted Muslims most. She hurried as Protestant and applauded the insults of the Pope, and she appeared in person to the awarding of a prize to a
third-rate cartoonist, whose main achievement was to draw Muhammad with a bomb in his turban.
The Christians in Syria were always of course, like all
minorities at risk, but they enjoyed for thousands of
Years, the protected life with the Muslims … even during
the Crusades … and they will also survive the transition to
December 31st, 2011, 12:35 pm
jad said:
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December 31st, 2011, 12:36 pm
jad said:
Amazing how this agreement exposed the true face of many opposition members and what they really want, Mo is not happy with the wont kill as many Syrians as he wished for the new year:
Mohammad Al Abdallah
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December 31st, 2011, 1:27 pm
jad said:
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December 31st, 2011, 1:39 pm
Revlon said:
???? ????? ???? ?? ??? ?????? Youth Syria For Freedom
The NCB-SNC agreement has also been rejected by the representative of the higher command of the Revolution in the SNC.
It is kind of cool that the SNC avail their website to comments that might be highly critical of their performance.
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December 31st, 2011, 1:59 pm
ann said:
The Threat of War Against Iran and Syria is Real – Dec 31, 2011
For those who think that the United States wouldn’t possibly instigate another war in the Middle East, think again. Empowered by his “success” in the bombing of Libya and consequent assassination of Muammar Qaddafi, Obama is now seeking to use the exact same strategy against Syria, while using alarming military threats against Iran. In both cases the U.S. is creating the conditions for war in a region that is already boiling over from decades of U.S. backed dictators combined with past U.S. military aggression.
In Syria, the Libya war formula is being implemented with precision: in the name of protecting “human rights,” the U.S. is enlisting the Arab League to open the gates for a U.S.-backed “coalition” of regional countries to implement a “no fly zone,” i.e. war.
Numerous U.S. news outlets reported–without verification– that protesters in Syria were “demanding a no fly zone” and an “Arab army” to invade and topple the Syrian government.
The U.S. is attempting to channel the popular protests in Syria into “regime change,” with the end goal of having a future regime that will serve U.S. interests better than the present one. The “leaders” of the Syrian opposition are handpicked and very friendly with the United States. This non-representative leadership is now asking the United States for military intervention. The Daily Beast reports:
“… the Obama administration is preparing options for aiding the Syrian opposition directly [militarily]. Two administration officials tell Foreign Policy that a small group of representatives from several [U.S.] agencies has convened to discuss extending humanitarian aid [military aid] to the Syrian rebels and appointing a special coordinator to work with them. They also discussed establishing a humanitarian [military] corridor along the Turkish border, but that would require establishing a no-fly zone…” (December 29, 2011).
The above usage of the word “humanitarian” to describe military action is used unquestionably by the U.S. government and media alike, after having been media-tested in Libya. It is highly unlikely that working people of any Middle Eastern country would invite the U.S. Army in to “help” them, especially after the U.S. military destroyed Iraq and left the country on the verge of civil war while continuing to pummel Afghanistan, pretending this is a war it can win. Libya is still smoldering from the U.S. assistance.
The lie of humanitarian intervention is best exposed when U.S. relations with Saudi Arabia are considered: On December 29th the Obama Administration agreed to send $30 billion worth of sophisticated weaponry to one of the most repressive regimes in human history. The U.S. media publishes anti- Syria “humanitarian” news and Saudi arm sales on the same page, on the same day, without a second thought as to the hypocrisy in plain sight.
To shield the U.S. motives and U.S. weaponry used in a possible Syria attack, the Arab League will again be enlisted. What is the Arab League? Most of the Arab League consists of nations that have very close political/military ties to the U.S. and are utterly dependent on the U.S. for weaponry and political support. is not an exaggeration to call the Arab League diplomatic puppets of the U.S. The membership of the Arab League includes the brutal dictatorships of Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Jordan, United Arab Emigrates, Egypt, Bahrain, Iraq, Kuwait, Oman, Sudan, etc., nearly all exist purely because of U.S. military/police support.
Syria has pointed out the hypocrisy of the Arab League’s humanitarian “monitors,” headed by a Sudanese General long known for being an enemy of human rights. The Associated Press correctly noted that Syria’s complaints about the Sudanese General:
“…raises troubling questions about whether Arab League member states, with some of the world’s poorest human rights records, were fit for the mission to monitor compliance with a plan to end to the crackdown on political opponents by security forces loyal to President Bashar Assad.” (December 29, 2011).
If the Arab League expels Syria from its membership, as it did Libya, the U.S./ Arab “coalition” will have been given the green light for a military “humanitarian” invasion. If an “Arab army” does invade Syria for “humanitarian” purposes, it be under the direction and assistance of the U.S. military, which will–as in Libya– be the behind-the-scenes leader, coordinating actions while providing military intelligence for the invasion. All of the dropped bombs will be “made in the USA.”
The Iranian situation is no better. The new economic sanctions that the Obama administration plans to implement equal an act of war against Iran, since they would have a crippling effect on Iran’s economy. Sanctions are used in this case to provoke, and when Iran reacted by threatening to close the Strait of Hormuz (a vital trade point), the U.S. military instantly responded. The spokesperson for the U.S. Navy’s Fifth Fleet, Lt. Rebecca Rebarich, threatened Iran by saying: [the U.S. Navy] is always ready to counter malevolent actions to ensure freedom of navigation.” This is a blatant threat of war. Obama’s silence implies agreement.
Many other high-ranking U.S. government officials have recently made highly provocative war comments against Iran in the media, focusing on the “near future” threat of Iran having a nuclear weapon. There is no concrete evidence that Iran is anywhere near having a nuclear weapon, just like no evidence existed proving that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. The constant rhetoric against Iran having a nuclear weapon is dishonest hyperbole; even if Iran were to obtain nuclear weapons it would have little motivation to use them, since Israel could easily obliterate Iran with its arsenal of nuclear weapons.
Attacking Syria and/or Iran opens the door to a wider regional or even international war. Reuters reports:
“Russia is sending a flotilla of warships to its naval base in Syria in a show of force which suggests Moscow is willing to defend its interests in the strife-torn country as international pressure mounts on President Bashar al-Assad’s government…Russia, which has a naval maintenance base in Syria and whose weapons trade with Damascus is worth millions of dollars annually, joined China last month to veto a Western-backed U.N. Security Council resolution condemning Assad’s government.” (November 28, 2011).
Russian military officials have stated that having a military presence in Syria is meant, in part, to act as a deterrent against foreign attacks. This is because Syria is an ally and trading partner of Russia. If Russia were to invade Saudi Arabia for “humanitarian” purposes, would not the United States jump to defend it?
The international situation is on the verge of a larger explosion, with Russia and China viewing the U.S. actions in Libya– and possibly Syria and Iran–as attacks on their border, threatening their own national security.
The U.S. is assuming that Russia or China will not respond militarily, but they’ve been wrong before. When President Bush Jr. gave the green light to the President of Georgia–a U.S. puppet– to attack South Ossetia, Russia surprised everyone by responding militarily and crushing Georgia’s invasion. If an “Arab army” invades Syria and Russia again responds, the U.S. will no doubt become directly involved.
The game of war is often played like poker, where one nation bluffs and hopes the other folds. Obama’s reckless provocations have a limit that may soon be reached, at the expense of the Middle Eastern people and possibly the rest of us. If the U.S. becomes militarily involved with Syria and Iran, it is up to the working people of the U.S. to mobilize in massive numbers in the streets to prevent such an attack.
Shamus Cooke is a social worker, trade unionist, and writer for Workers Action (
December 31st, 2011, 2:18 pm
Haytham Khoury said:
Arab League observers ‘saw snipers’ in Syria
December 31st, 2011, 2:20 pm
defender said:
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December 31st, 2011, 2:26 pm
ann said:
Syria’s Enemies Strike New Deal to Arm Opposition
Intelligence and security elements of several states, in a meeting in Ankara, discussed a detailed plan on how to arm opposition groups to carry out military operations in Syria as part of their regime change plans for the Muslim state.
According to dispatches from Syria, intelligence and security elements of the US, France and Italy together with Saudi, Israeli and a number of Lebanese agents have recently attended a meeting in Ankara, Turkey, to make the necessary coordination to send large weapon cargos from Saudi Arabia and Israel to Lebanon and Turkey to be smuggled and delivered to terrorists operating in Syria.
The coordination meeting was aimed at carrying out new brutal and criminal acts inside Syria to push seditious moves in the Arab state.
To that end, a number of groups which have been trained in Israel and Turkey will be dispatched to Syria under the intelligence umbrella of French and Italian intelligence agencies.
Reports about the western countries’ involvement in arming terrorist groups in Syria came days after a prominent Lebanese analyst said that the US is using the al-Qaeda elements to carry out terrorist attacks in Syria to destabilize the Arab state.
Speaking to FNA, Director of the Arab and International Strategic Studies Center Qaleb Qandil said that Washington has freed hundreds of al-Qaeda prisoners in Iraq before withdrawing its forces from the war-torn country and infiltrated these terrorists into Syria to carry out attacks against the Syrian people.
He pointed to the recent terrorist bombings in Damascus that killed dozens of people, and stated, “The incident reminds us of those cases in which the US and its allies provoked the al-Qaeda elements in the region.”
Qandil stated that hundreds of al-Qaeda elements have penetrated into Syria through the country’s borders with Lebanon, Jordan and now Iraq.
The attacks in Damascus 9 days ago hit two bases belonging to the Syrian security service, killing 55 people.
Syria has been experiencing unrest since mid-March, with demonstrations being held both in favor of and against the country’s President Bashar al-Assad.
Damascus blames “outlaws, saboteurs and armed terrorist groups” for the unrest, saying it is being orchestrated from abroad.
December 31st, 2011, 2:48 pm
ann said:
The year of dissent: The Arab Spring – 31 December, 2011
The protests are still raging across the Arab world as the year 2011 ends. Despite the fact that some autocratic rulers have already been removed from power, it seems others are on the waiting list as the Arab Spring shows no signs of easing up.
Three revolutions shook the Arab world in 2011, and other countries are now seeing protests but no change of power as yet. The successful revolution in Tunisia was the ignition point for the whole Arab world to seek democracy and freedom from autocratic rule.
Almost a year has passed since President Ben Ali of Tunisia was forced to flee the country on January 14 after the revolt there. The Ennahda Islamist party came to power but has dragged its heels in introducing any real reforms. The economic and social situations have become worse, unemployment has risen, and people are saying they have not achieved anything they had been fighting for.
The violent protests in Egypt began in January. Thousands of Egyptians inspired by the successful uprising in nearby Tunisia took to the streets demanding the resignation of the authoritarian President Hosni Mubarak, who had been in power for some 40 years.
After a week of protests across the country, President Hosni Mubarak was forced to reshuffle the government and to renounce the idea of participating in September’s presidential elections. But this did not stop the Tahrir Square protesters and only succeeded in uniting different opposition groups, who agreed on their number one demand – that Mubarak step down and leave the country immediately and also that the newly appointed military parliament to be dissolved.
A week later Hosni Mubarak’s position had become largely untenable and he was compelled to relinquish some of his powers, transferring many of them to the vice president. But only a few days later he surrendered to pressure and resigned completely, leaving the Higher Military Council and its head, Mohamed Hussein Tantawi, in charge of Egypt.
Hosni Mubarak was charged with causing the deaths of some 850 protesters during the popular uprising and may face the death penalty if convicted. His trial was postponed several times following his arrest.
The new military leaders cancelled the country’s constitution and disbanded parliament, and stated they would stay in power until democratic elections take place and only then hand power to a civilian government.
Since then, the interim government has held a nationwide referendum which set the parliamentary elections for late 2011. But many believed it was too soon for the newly-emerged political movements to gain enough momentum before the vote.
Autumn brought concerns that revolution 2.0 could take place in Egypt, as thousands returned to Tahrir Square, demanding the military rulers surrender power immediately. The authorities cracked down on the protesters hard, reportedly using military-grade neuro-toxic nerve-gas and even live ammunition.
Although the series of protests had left scores of people dead and hundreds more injured, the opening round of Egypt’s first parliamentary elections since Mubarak’s fall began as planned. Islamic parties took an overwhelming lead in the elections. The Muslim Brotherhood’s Freedom and Justice Party gained 40 per cent of the vote, with the fundamentalist Al-Nour Party claiming around 25 per cent.
However, the results are not final as another election round, which is to take place at the beginning of 2012, may change the democratic future of Egypt.
Libya saw the deadliest uprising among all Arab countries so far, with a civil war that left tens of thousands dead – ex-dictator Colonel Muammar Gaddafi among them. NATO weighed into the conflict with airstrikes which caused civilian casualties. Several months after Libya was “liberated” there is still no peace for the Libyan people. Libya is also becoming an increasingly Islamist state, with few improvements in the social or economic spheres.
Meanwhile, Syria remains one of the flashpoints in the Arab world, with the situation there said to be teetering on the brink of civil war, and control of the situation slowly slipping from President Assad.
“Tunisia was picked as the first in a series of dominoes in a very carefully-planned destabilization strategy, which was planned out more than a decade ago in the Pentagon by the RAND Corporation and others in Washington to redraw the map essentially of the Middle East,” political analyst William Engdahl told RT. “It’s not intended to stabilize or bring democracy to any of these countries.”
“The idea is to create as much chaos through the region as possible in order to justify, I believe, a stronger NATO role permanently in the region,” Engdahl added.
December 31st, 2011, 3:09 pm
jna said:
Most Syrians ‘supportive of Assad’ (poll)
Although the majority of Arabs believe Syria’s President Basher al-Assad should resign in the wake of the regime’s brutal treatment of protesters, fewer Syrians are supportive of an immediate leadership change.
According to the latest opinion poll commissioned by The Doha Debates, Syrians are more supportive of their president with 55% not wanting him to resign. One of the main reasons given by those wanting the president to stay in power was fear for the future of the country.
That level of support is not mirrored elsewhere in the region with 81% of Arabs wanting President Assad to step down.
They believe Syria would be better off if free democratic elections were held under the supervision of a transitional government.
The poll’s finding support the result of November’s Doha Debate in which 91% of the audience called for President Assad to resign.
If President Assad resigns, Syria’s relations with Turkey, Lebanon and the United States are expected to improve while relations with Iran and Israel will worsen, according to the opinion poll findings.
The poll conducted by YouGov Siraj questioned more than 1,000 people in the Arab world between December 14 and 19.
December 31st, 2011, 4:31 pm
Tara said:
Dear all,
I want to wish all of you (including the Islamophones) happy and prosperous new year. I wish and pray that 2012 will bring peace to our Syria. I pray that we all find a space in our heart for forgiveness and reconciliation. I wish that 2012 brings us a democratic secular non-puppet and proud government where Alawis, Christians, and Sunnis live equal without fear and with human dignity.
December 31st, 2011, 5:13 pm
Haytham Khoury said:
Dear all:
Happy New Year to all of you
December 31st, 2011, 5:35 pm
defender said:
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December 31st, 2011, 5:36 pm
Tara said:
And Dear Josh
A special Happy New Year for you and your family!
December 31st, 2011, 5:37 pm
Majed97 said:
Here is another example of exaggerations and twisting of facts by some anxious members of the opposition. Looks like that story about the AL observer witnessing a government sipper in Deraa was missing was on key word: IF
From BBC News:
Dispute among Arab League observers over Syria snipers
Arab League observers in Syria have given apparently conflicting accounts of an incident said to have involved snipers in the restive city of Deraa.
Footage posted online appears to show one official saying he had seen government snipers on rooftops and calling for them to be withdrawn.
However in a BBC interview, the chief of the Arab League mission later denied that the official had seen the snipers.
Violence in Syria has continued unabated despite the monitors’ mission.
The latest footage posted on the internet cannot be verified, but it shows what appears to be an Arab League observer complaining about snipers shooting at demonstrators in Deraa.
The man is filmed telling protesters: “You’re telling me there are snipers? You don’t have to tell me, I saw them with my own eyes.”
He says the observers’ concerns would be conveyed to the Arab League, and that if the snipers were not removed within 24 hours, action would be taken.
In a separate report, the German news agency DPA also quoted a source close to the mission saying observers had also seen snipers in Douma, a suburb of the capital Damascus.
However the head of the Arab League mission, Gen Mustafa al-Dabi, later contradicted these accounts. He told the BBC’s Newshour programme that the official seen in the video was making a hypothetical remark.
“This man said that if he saw – by his own eyes – those snipers he will report immediately,” Gen Dabi said. “But he didn’t see [snipers].”
Correspondent say the statement will add to protesters’ allegations that Gen Dabi – who is Sudanese – is biased towards the Syrian government.
After a visit to the restive northern city of Homs on Thursday, he told Reuters news agency that “some places looked a bit of a mess but there was nothing frightening”.
Gen Dabi has held a number of senior Sudanese military and government posts, including in the troubled Darfur region.
December 31st, 2011, 5:58 pm
ss said:
Happy new year to our brave men and women in the Syrian army who put their lives in danger to secure ours. Your shoes are on our heads. I bend on my knees with full respect to your efforst. God bless you
December 31st, 2011, 6:08 pm
Ghufran said:
It is clear now that the SNC is divided over what to do, they will either dissolve or stage a coup to kick out Ghalioun and every body who is willing to negotiate with the NCC because people like najjar and abdeh never wanted any solution other than a Libyan style revolution headed by turkey and NATO nations,just read revlon’s wish list and laugh.this means that the opposition is officially split and there will be another wave of violence to push the Syrian file towards the unsc.
December 31st, 2011, 6:40 pm
ann said:
Syrians gather to show solidarity with gov’t, opposition to intervention – 2011-12-30
DAMASCUS, Dec. 30 (Xinhua) — Syrians gathered in the main squares across the country on Friday in an effort to show solidarity with the government and express opposition to foreign intervention in their own national affairs.
According to the official SANA news agency, massive crowds of citizens, chanting pro-government slogans, took to the streets and gathered in landmark squares in such cities as the capital Damascus, Aleppo, Homs and Tartous.
Some demonstrators told local TV stations that they aimed to show the world their determination to face up to all the pressures imposed by some Western countries and to end the country’s months- long crisis in their own way.
Some denounced the biased reports by certain media which were in fact “lies and fabrications,” about the real situation in Syria.
The participants meanwhile hoped the Arab League (AL) observers, who were currently in the country’s major cities for ground monitoring, to “be credible and professional in conveying the facts of what the terrorist groups are perpetrating of killing innocents, terrifying people and sabotaging public and private properties,” SANA reported.
As the gathering went on, major Syrian cities like Damascus have beefed up their security inspections on Friday with more armed policemen and checkpoints on the roads than usual.
A week ago, two powerful suicide bombings rocked the capital’s two security institutions, killing at least 44 people and leaving 166 wounded.
The government put the blame on Al-Qaida terrorists, but no individual or organization has by now claimed the responsibility for the fatal attacks, which were rarely seen in Syria even after the outbreak of the domestic rift in March.
December 31st, 2011, 6:56 pm
ann said:
Arab observers carry on with monitoring some restive Syrian provinces as opposition reaches agreement – 2011-12-31
DAMASCUS, Dec.31 (Xinhua) — Arab observers continued their monitoring job in Syria for the fifth day by visiting a number of neighborhoods in central and southern Syria, as two key opposition parties at home and abroad have reached a common political vision to reject foreign intervention.
A group of Arab observers visited the National Hospital in Daraa province in southern Syria and a number of restive neighborhoods in central Homs province, which has emerged as one of Syria’s most volatile areas.
A day earlier, the observers visited Harasta and Douma suburbs of the capital Damascus and met with local residents there, state- run SANA news agency reported.
They also visited the National Hospital in central Hama province and met with a number of injured people, said SANA.
The observers have so far traveled to a number of cities including Daraa and Homs, and preparations are underway for sending 40 observers from the Gulf Cooperation Council states and Iraq to Syria, according to AL sources.
The Syrian government signed the observer mission protocol in Egyptian capital Cairo on Dec. 19, after the AL threatened to refer the Syrian crisis to the United Nations Security Council.
The observers are tasked with ensuring that the Syrian government abides by its commitments agreed in the AL peace plan, including removing its security forces and heavy weapons from urban streets, starting talks with opposition leaders and allowing human rights workers and journalists into the country.
Meanwhile, the opposing National Coordination Body has reached an agreement with the Turkish-based Syrian National Council that would lay foundations for the basic rules of democratic struggle and the transitional era, mainly rejecting the idea of any foreign military intervention that might infringe upon the country’s sovereignty and independence, and paving the way for a transitional era that would begin with the collapse of the current regime and the endorsement of a new constitution.
Hassan Abdul-Azim, the general coordinator of the National Coordination Body, reportedly said that the two sides reached a ” common political vision to reject foreign intervention, armament, violence and sectarian rifts.”
He stressed that the agreement is binding for the two sides, adding that they have agreed to unite and coordinate efforts towards political, media, and diplomatic issues.
He said his group has provided the Arab monitors with the names of activists in different parts of the country to contact them.
Syrian government has said more than 2,000 of its security forces and army personnel have been killed by alleged terrorist groups since the beginning of unrest in Syria in mid March.
December 31st, 2011, 6:58 pm
ann said:
47 Iraqi, Gulf observers to join AL mission to Syria – 2012-01-01
CAIRO, Dec. 31 (Xinhua) — Another 47 observers will join the Arab League (AL) delegation to Syria, an AL official in charge of the observer mission said Saturday.
Adnan Issa al-Khoudhir, head of the AL operation room for the observer mission, said at a press conference that “22 observers from Iraq and 25 others from the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) will be dispatched to Syria.”
The AL has sent dozens of observers to Syria to monitor the situation there. The Cairo-based AL operation room, established on Dec. 22, is in constant contact with the observers and has received their reports on the Syrian crisis.
Adnan said the “most complaints were about the detainees and prisoners, and we sent all the information regarding their names and addresses to the delegation in Damascus to check them on the ground.”
Asked about the possibility for foreign media to cover the Syrian crisis on the ground, Adnan said that the Syrian authorities would allow the media in after they obtain necessary licenses.
The official also expressed hope that the media should be accurate in reporting news about the AL observer mission, otherwise it will have a negative impact on the whole work.
Syria signed the AL observer protocol on Dec. 19 in Cairo after the AL threatened to refer the Syrian crisis to the United Nations Security Council.
The Syrian government said a total of 2,000 army and security personnel were killed during the months-long unrest. The United Nations put the total death toll in the country at more than 5,000.
December 31st, 2011, 7:01 pm
Abughassan said:
Happy new year to all Syrians.
2012 will be a better year,inshallah.
December 31st, 2011, 7:17 pm
Haytham Khoury said:
Happy New Year, to you
December 31st, 2011, 7:21 pm
Haytham Khoury said:
Unfortunately, the SNC has a huge organizational problem.
They can’t kick Ghalioun out because they do not have a face that is acceptable to the outside world. That will happen when they go inside the country. However, I will contact some people in the next few days to prepare for that possibility.
December 31st, 2011, 7:26 pm
Ghufran said:
Happy new year,dr abughassan.
December 31st, 2011, 7:33 pm
Ghufran said:
The regime and militiants on all sides love the fact that the opposition is confused and ineffective.
What you and others may consider is insist on the principles that unite most Syrians and let those who disagree form their own parties and oppose the “opposition”. We had enough..
December 31st, 2011, 7:39 pm
Ghufran said:
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December 31st, 2011, 8:01 pm
Haytham Khoury said:
I agree with you.
December 31st, 2011, 8:26 pm
Dale Andersen said:
From the al-Qaeda/EU/Jew/Saudi/CIA/Salafist Press:
“…to beat the opposition and survive, Assad has to play his equivalent of the race card. He has to rally the support of his tribe by telling the Alawite and Christian minorities that they must unite behind him or face extermination. To make certain his prediction comes true he burns down the house just to make sure. He is organising the sectarian cleansing of Sunni neighbourhoods and trying to turn his desperate bid to hold on to power into a Sunni-Shia civil war.
As in the Spanish civil war, when Britain and France preached non-intervention while Hitler and Mussolini sent arms and men to help Franco’s fascists, so the “international community” does nothing in Syria today while Iran and Hezbollah pour in Shia troops to slaughter civilians. Contrary to Syrian state propaganda, Sunni terrorists from al-Qaida are not in Syria to fight back against the regime just yet. But I cannot see them staying out for long.
Intervention to stop a regional war carries vast risks. But we should be honest about the consequences of acquiescing to Assad. A failed state and nest for terrorism will sit on the edge of the Mediterranean. Foreign mercenaries and Alawite paramilitaries will continue to massacre a largely defenceless population and the conflict may spread into Iraq, Israel, Turkey and Jordan. As the news that escapes the control of the Syrian censors reminds us every day, those who say we should do nothing also have blood on their hands…”
December 31st, 2011, 8:50 pm
Revlon said:
Happy new year to all
December 31st, 2011, 8:53 pm
Ghufran said:
The signed agreement between Ghalioun and the NCC is a good document,those who oppose it are wrong and should be ignored,the future of SNC will be sealed if they refuse to accept the agreement. Like anything in the middle east,there are people who may try to kill this plan,namely regime thugs and armed anti regime criminals hiding behind a religious mask,I read the document and I am waiting to hear why anybody who wants a regime change and political freedom is against it.
December 31st, 2011, 9:06 pm
ann said:
211. Revlon
How do you say happy new year in your hebrew language?
December 31st, 2011, 9:07 pm
ann said:
Syrian opposition factions broker shaky agreement – December 31, 2011
“The reaction so far has been very negative,” said Amr al-Azm, a U.S.-based member of the Syrian National Council. “The vast majority of the SNC were unaware of this agreement and they are very discouraged.” He added that many in the opposition have criticized council leader Burhan Ghalioun for signing an agreement that did not call for international intervention in Syria.
Another SNC member, Rami Nakhle, posted on Facebook that he was expecting the group’s general assembly to refuse to ratify the agreement. “We might be living the first democratic experience in ages,” he wrote. “You can say that it is like the Syrian government signed an agreement and the people’s council refused it.”
Khalid Kamal, an NCC member in Syria, told al-Jazeera satellite television that members of his group also had not been consulted on the agreement and that they would call for a no-fly zone.
Such fragmentation has frustrated the opposition in Syria, according to an activist near Damascus who gave his name as Adam Nasir. People are “sick of the politicians,” he said. “Their opinion is that all of the politicians should unite.”
The divisions also have posed problems for Western policymakers, who have not been presented with a clear alternative to Assad’s rule, said Andrew Tabler of the Washington Institute for Near East Policy.
“The problem is that the Syrian opposition can be quite begrudging,” Tabler said. “They complain a lot about the different accords that are signed, and that doesn’t help their cause.” The tendency is for the diverse groups to join together, he added, “but it’s happening more slowly than we would like.”
December 31st, 2011, 9:18 pm
ann said:
BRITAIN is gearing up for fighting in Syria that could be bigger and bloodier than the battle against Gaddafi.
The Ministry of Defence is drawing up secret plans for a NATO-sponsored no-fly zone but first it needs backing from the United Nations Security Council.
As the unrest and killings escalate in the troubled Arab state, agents from MI6 and the CIA are already in Syria assessing the situation, a security official has revealed.
Special forces are also talking to Syrian dissident soldiers.
They want to know about weapons and communications kit rebel forces will need if the Government decides to help.
“MI6 and the CIA are in Syria to infiltrate and get at the truth,” said the well-placed source.
“We have SAS and SBS not far away who want to know what is happening and are finding out what kit dissident soldiers need.
“Syria supports Hezbollah. That threatens Israel and the whole of the Middle East.
“This has been given the highest priority as the whole thing could implode.
“This is all going like Libya but this will be bigger and bloodier.
“Syria is killing civilians. It’s looking bad all round.”
The NATO-backed flight ban over Syria has been discussed by the British Cabinet’s National Security Council.
And the Ministry of Defence has made provisional plans to implement any government order. The security source revealed military planners are considering the use of Tornado GR4 attack fighters and other aircraft.
NATO forces took eight months to oust Gaddafi with his army of mercenaries. But they accept that the Syrian forces are far better trained and armed.
Their airforce has highly-rated MiG29 Russian jet fighters.
The Foreign and Commonwealth office has warned Prime Minister David Cameron that a UN Security Council sanction would be required before any action. But it is likely to be vetoed by Russia or China. But if killings in Syria escalate even further then the UN will come under intense pressure to take action.
American Republicans have called for a no-fly zone, while the Arab League is considering a similar plan with Turkish warplanes tipped to take the lead.
A Ministry of Defence spokesman said: “It is all speculation.
“It is not our job yet. We are looking at what-ifs all the time.”
A Foreign Office spokesman said: “We are monitoring the situation in Syria. We are obviously very concerned about increasing violence and we are calling for an end to the killings.”
December 31st, 2011, 9:55 pm
N.Z. said:
212. Ghufran said: “The signed agreement between Ghalioun and the NCC is a good document” December 31st, 2011, 9:06 pm
I cannot agree with you more.
La tzebzeb, don’t oscillate for once ya Abughassan!
December 31st, 2011, 10:37 pm
Norman said:
Happy new year to all of you,
The problem with the opposition is that they are fighting for position before they get to power, what they and the government need to do is design a system that will make it open for all to seek power then go to the poles and run on their policies and then after they win they can implement these policies that the people them in for.
December 31st, 2011, 10:52 pm
jad said:
Ghufran, Haytham,
The lies of Ghalyoun and the filthy reaction of the traitor thug called Zibaleh&co is despicable to say the least, how can any Syrian trust those people for the future of Syria.
Mr. Manna proved to be the most honest opposition, but I doubt that his honesty will help him with this mafia of thugs.
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January 1st, 2012, 1:18 am
N.Z. said:
The problem with the opposition and Syrians is division, unity is what we need.
It is 2012! what “government”?
January 1st, 2012, 1:19 am
jad said:
Chalabi is just an amateur comparing to some members of the Syrian opposition, they proved to be the devil itself, WOW:
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January 1st, 2012, 1:28 am
Dale Andersen said:
RE: “…this mafia of thugs…”
You should know, you unconscionable cunt. You work for a thug mafia. You spend all day and night, cutting and pasting Assadist propaganda on this and God knows how many other blogs on the Internet. If anyone knows about thug mafias, it’s you!
So, having said that, what’s the difference between the thugs you work for and the thugs in the opposition? The answer is, the opposition isn’t paying you. Right, Jaddie baby?
January 1st, 2012, 1:34 am
Revlon said:
Mr Ghalyoun clarified ambiguities concerning the “draft”agreement with NCB.
Mr. Ziyadeh accepted the clarification and the document shall be debated on the SNC floor soon.
I congratulate all involved in the NCB and SNC for being fallable humans, and the SNC’s president for his prompt clarification.
Democracy is working!
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???? ???? ??? 31 / 2011
?????: 31 / 12 / 2011
Statement released by office of SNC president clarifying the nature of the published document of agreement with NCB.
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The document that was published by NCB was a draft agreement with SNC. It was to be presented to the General secretatiat and executive office of the SNC for debate.
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The NCB published the document as final in breach of basic rules of cooperative work, and of the draft agreement itself.
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The document represents a plan, rather than a final agreement.
It represents the common ground reached by several SNC members who contributed to the long discussions leading to the agreement.
It was intended to be presented later to SNC bodies for debate.
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We are against “land foreign intervention”, that may threaten the integrity of Syrian land. However, we support foreign intervention that seeks to impose a buffer, no-fly and no-drive zone, which is a vital component of the revolutions demands.
??????: ?? ??? ???? ??????? ??????? ??? ??? ?? ????? ????? ????? ?? ?????? ?????? ??? ?????? ???? ??????? ??? ??? ??????? ???? ???????? ??????? ?? ????? ?? ?????? ?????? ????? ??? ??? ?? ?????? ?????? ??????? ????? ?????? ???????? ?? ?????? ??? ???????? ???????? ?????? ?????? ?????? .
Being a body with marginal popular base, the NCB’s agreement to the draft amounts to a major political defection from the side of the regime to the side of the SNC.
??????: ??? ??????? : ??????? ??? ?????? ??? ???? ??????? ??????? ??????? ???????? ??????????? ?? ??? ???? ????? ?? ???????? ?????????? ???????????? ?????? ?????? ?? ?????? ?????? ????? ?????? ?? ??? ??? ?????? ?? ??? ???? ??? ???????? ?????? ???? ??????? ??? ? ?? ??? ??????? ???????? ???? ?? ???????? ?????? ??? ?????? .
The constitution shall be written in accordance with the principles of the revolution by an all inclusive commission of social and legal experts, in the presence of concerned NGO’s. It is later subjected to approval by the temporary parliament and a popular referandum.
The final draft is to be approved by the elected parliament.
??????: ??????? ????? ????? ?????? ??????, ????? ???? ?? ????? ?????? ?????? ? ???? ?????? ?? ??? ?????? ???? ??? ???? ?? ????? ?????? ??? ???? ??? ?????? ???? ?????? ??????? ????? .
Dismantling the regime implies the ousting of all of its pillars from the very top to every element involved in atrocities against the revolution.
??????, ????? ???? ??? ????? ????? ????? ?????? ? ?????? ??? ???? ????? ?????? ????? ??? ???? ??? ???? ???????? ???? ???? ????????? ?? ????????? , ? ???? ??? ???? ?????? ??? ? ?????? ?????? ????? ???? ? ?? ???? ???? ?????? ??????? .
I hereby emphasise the need to refer the Syrian file to the SC as soon as possible. People’s lives are not for negotiation. My and the SNC’s support for the FSA is unwavering.
? ???? ???? ?? ??? ?????? ?????? ????? ?????? ???? ???? ?????? ???? ???? ?????? ??? ?? ?????? ???? ????.
I plea to the international community to intervene to stop the blood shed.
???? ????? ??? ???? .
Long live proud Syria.
??? ?????? ??????: 31 / 12 / 2011 / ?????? 7.41 ????? ?????? ????
???? ?????? ?????? ??????
See Translation
January 1st, 2012, 2:43 am
Revlon said:
Dear ann,
((211. Revlon,
How do you say happy new year in your hebrew language))
Unfortunately I can communicate with very few languages; Hebrew is not one of them.
By the way, from my sketchy readings in some history books I relaised that hebrew and Arabic languages share more wards than I intially realised. Those wards my sound slightly different because either some have letters that are spelled differently and others have their initial letter in one language as second in the other.
I some times even think that the grandfathers of the Arabic and Hebrew tribes were brothers; one of them happended to be dyslexic to the other!
Happy new year ANN.
January 1st, 2012, 3:01 am
ann said:
‘Arab League observer promoting unrest’ – Sun Jan 1, 2012
A Saudi Arabian member of the Arab League delegation visiting Syria has reportedly encouraged Syrians to engage in armed struggle against the government of President Bashar al-Assad.
During a speech in a mosque in Harasta city on Friday, a Saudi member of the delegation expressed support for the people who are in a military confrontation with the country’s army and security forces.
Meanwhile, the forces known as the Free Syrian Army, which is seeking to overthrow the Syrian government, have taken up positions in northern Syria, near the border with Turkey.
The heavily-equipped militia has remote-controlled anti-tank missiles, mortars, cannon, and Katyusha rocket launchers.
An Arabi Press reporter has said he has several authentic photos of the anti-tank missiles. However, there is no confirmation that the group has rocket launchers.
According to the Arabi Press report, about 6,000 fighters of the Free Syrian Army are based in the northwestern Syrian city of Adlib and its suburbs.
Foreign diplomatic missions have contacted the opposition in the Syrian city of Jabal al-Zawiyah, and witnesses have seen members of the Syrian opposition being transported in vehicles of foreign diplomatic missions, the report added.
It also said US Special Forces are in Syria to train the Free Syrian Army.
A delegation of Arab League observers is currently in Syria to monitor the situation in the country.
Syria has been experiencing unrest since mid-March, with demonstrations being held both in favor of and against President Assad.
Damascus says “outlaws, saboteurs and armed terrorist groups” are responsible for the unrest and it is being orchestrated from abroad.
January 1st, 2012, 3:25 am
ann said:
The pressure mounts. But Assad could hang on for years – Dec 31, 2011
Syrian President Bashar al-Assad looks to be on the ropes.
A countrywide uprising against his rule began in March, but it seemed manageable. Assad himself was seen as a reformist hemmed in by hardliners. In April, US Senator John Kerry called him “a man who understood the challenge of his country”. The government retained the support of many influential groups, including the Sunni business classes and many of Syria’s minorities. Outside powers, fearful of what would follow Assad, held back.
All that has changed. Across Syria yesterday, Friday prayers gave way to mass protests. They reached into Duma, a suburb of the capital Damascus. They shook Deraa in the south, a city that incubated this uprising, and Hama in the heartland. Newly arrived observers from the Arab League, overseeing the government’s compliance with a peace agreement, bore witness to the crackdown – in Homs, protesters placed a five-year-old child’s body on the observers’ car.
In fact, Assad is probably far from defeated. Of course, he is straining under the pressure. His regime has released more than 700 prisoners and pulled tanks out of Homs. Oil export and tourism revenues have collapsed. Tax revenue next year will fall by half, and the government is severed from world credit markets. The squeeze on public spending will anger many civil servants, but printing money will result in destructive inflation.
At the same time, Assad is in a better position than Colonel Gaddafi was earlier this year. The Arab League’s observer team is led by a Sudanese general who oversaw some of that country’s worst atrocities in Darfur – little surprise that he said he found nothing to concern him in Homs. Russia, which sells arms to Syria and enjoys access to a naval base there, has suggested a condemnatory UN resolution – but placed equal blame on both regime and rebels. And although the Syrian army is facing a major problem of defections, there remains a core of loyal and well-armed units led by Alawites, the sect to which the Assad dynasty belongs.
Even if the Arab League imposes harsher sanctions, who will police them? European members of Nato will spend next year consumed with their own problems. In the US, elections mean a risk-averse White House. Turkey is best-placed, but knows Assad could hit back, possibly through Kurdish rebels. The Arab League’s mission will end in acrimony, and firmer Western support for Syria’s opposition will follow. The question will then be whether Assad hangs on for months – or years.
January 1st, 2012, 3:33 am
Syria no Qom said:
Anyone can tell me his predictions about the end of the regime after the massive demonstrations in all syria.
It seems that the syrian regime is slowly losing his momentum, and losing ground in the cities, even in damascus.
I predict in november 2012, the regime will end
January 1st, 2012, 5:51 am
Khalid Tlass said:
Puppet mukhabarati NCB and ineffective SNC better reflect the character and demands of the majority of the anti-regime protesters on the ground. You know very well that majority of anti-regime protesters inside Syria as well as FSA is Islamist. They recognize NOBODY as their leader.
Any attempt at cheating them and the SNC will have dire and bloody consequences, hot-headed members of the FSA will target NCB members and moderate SNC figures and there wil be massacres of Alawis everwhere.
This is a warning, not a threat.
January 1st, 2012, 6:13 am
Amir in Tel Aviv said:
Congratulations My Syrian friends!
You will have your first democratic elections next month (“February or March”).
January 1st, 2012, 6:30 am
ss said:
CNN report about Homs.
Indeed peaceful!
January 1st, 2012, 7:47 am
Revlon said:
Executive officer of the SNC M. Tayfour to Al Sharq Al Awsat news Paper:
– Cost of humanitarian relief for inside Syrians is USD20 million; Gulf coutries promised contributions.
– Syrian Institute for Humanitarian Relief and Development has been established, and opened an office in Istanbul. It is an SNC office run by a specilised team, and dedicated to the assistance of needy victims inside Syria.
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………….. More.
January 1st, 2012, 9:03 am
Juergen said:
just found this one…
January 1st, 2012, 9:12 am
ROCKY said:
Happy new year.
Mike Feghali 2012 Predictions
-Qardawi: possible assassination
-Azmi bechara: sickness & scandal
-King Abdullah: Allah yerhamu, will die
-Husni mubarak: Allah Yerhamu
-Hamad ben jasem: Allah Yerhamu
-Mahmud Abbas: Alla Yerhamu
Euro Zone: economic disintegration
US: Natural & economic catastrophes – divine justice
Turkey: blood
Libya: civil war
Yemen: could be divided
Egypt: could be divided
Yemen: could be divided
Oil kingdoms: wars
etc.. etc .. enjoy 🙂
January 1st, 2012, 9:29 am
Tara said:
Makhlof wanted to visit his Swiss lawyer? I don’t believe it. I bet he wanted to manage a Swiss bank account placed under a name of a wife or a middle person.
Cousin of Syria’s Assad denied visa to Switzerland
1 January 2012 / AP, GENEVA
The Swiss supreme court has rejected a demand by a cousin of Syrian President Bashar Assad to visit his lawyer in Switzerland.
Hafez Makhlouf had petitioned Switzerland’s Federal Tribunal to grant him a visa so he could discuss with his lawyer how to overturn international sanctions imposed against him.
The verdict published Thursday was reported Sunday by Switzerland’s NZZ am Sonntag newspaper.
The 40-year-old army colonel heads the Damascus branch of Syria’s General Intelligence Directorate.
European Union sanctions against Makhlouf say he is close to Assad’s younger brother Maher, believed to be leading the crackdown against regime opponents.
January 1st, 2012, 9:50 am
Tara said:
The Arab Parliament is calling for immediate withdrawal of the AL’s observer mission. I support their withdrawal. There is no point to continue to witness the daily killing under the “auspice” of AL supervision. The AL should call it a quit as it is encouraging more killing and refer the case to the UNSC.
Arab body wants withdrawal of Syria monitors
An advisory body to the Arab League has called for the immediate withdrawal of the group’s observer mission in Syria, saying its monitors are inadvertently helping the government cover up continued violence.
The Arab Parliament, an 88-member advisory committee of delegates from each of the League’s member states, said on Sunday that the violence in Syria was continuing to claim victims despite the presence of Arab League monitors.
But the parliament called on the League’s Secretary-General Nabil Elaraby to convene a meeting of Arab foreign ministers to adopt a resolution to withdraw the mission immediately.
“For this to happen in the presence of Arab monitors has roused the anger of Arab people and negates the purpose of sending a fact-finding mission,” Ali al-Salem al-Dekbas, the Arab Parliament’s chairman said.
“This is giving the Syrian regime an Arab cover for continuing its inhumane actions under the eyes and ears of the Arab League,” he said.
The Arab Parliament was the first body to recommend freezing Syria’s membership in the organisation in response to Assad’s crackdown.
An Arab League official, commenting on the parliament’s statement, told the Reuters news agency that it was too early to judge the mission’s success, saying it was scheduled to remain in Syria for a month and that more monitors were on their way.
January 1st, 2012, 10:01 am
Tara said:
Syria: finally a genuine observer
By Tariq Alhomayed
It seems that we have discovered the first genuine Arab observer in Syria, with potentially more to come, from the group of what I previously termed the delegation of Arab spectators! This “genuine” observer has contradicted the head of the Arab League observer mission in Syria [Mustafa al-Dabi], and has also undermined all the efforts of the Arab League Secretary General, who previously tried to “patch up” al-Dabi’s comments.
The “al-Arabiya” satellite channel recently aired a video showing one Arab observer, speaking in a North African dialect, saying that the al-Assad regime’s snipers are currently deployed in Daraa. He called for their withdrawal in clear and direct language. This undermines everything al-Dabi said about conditions being “good” in Syria, and also destroys the illusion, or “patching up” attempt, undertaken by the Secretary General of the Arab League, Nabil el-Araby. Against the background of al-Dabi’s comments, el-Araby said that what the head of the Arab mission in Syria meant by “good conditions” in the country was not a reference to the situation on the ground, but rather the al-Assad regime’s willingness to cooperate. The fact is that the video broadcast by al-Arabiya, showing a genuine Arab observer complaining about al-Assad’s snipers, discredits el-Araby’s words and renders them redundant. This clearly shows that the Arab League is confused and conflicted.
What is happening in Syria does not require delegations and observers, but rather it requires a real effort to stop the al-Assad killing machine there. What the regime is doing to the Syrians is a genuine crime, and to remain silent about this is to enter into partnership with the al-Assad killing machine. The story is not about emotions, it is about defending the Syrians and condemning Bashar al-Assad. The Arab stance has so far fallen short, and cannot be considered rational.
What is happening in Syria today, at the hands of a tyrant and his killing machine, does not need delegations and observers, the facts have already been proven. There is also no need for al-Dabi’s great efforts to serve the al-Assad regime, or for a delegation of Arab “spectators”, amongst whom we have found only one genuine observer so far, with the courage to talk from Syria in front of a camera, and say that the al-Assad regime’s snipers are actually there. How many banners have we seen like the one carried by protestors in Hama, which said: “Observers are like ghosts, we have not seen one in Hama!”
What is needed today, as I have said repeatedly, is to grant the Syrians a buffer zone and impose a no-fly zone, under the umbrella of the UN Security Council or outside of it. This must be done without worrying about what is said or done by the Russians, who recently rushed to issue a statement praising the efforts of the al-Assad regime, and its cooperation with the Arab observers, in reference to al-Dabi’s comments which the Arab League Secretary General then tried to “patch up”. The Russian Foreign Ministry simply said in its statement that “judging by the public statements made by the chief of the mission [Mustafa] al-Dabi, who in the first of his visits went to the city of Homs…the situation seems to be reassuring”. Moscow does not care about the Syrian victims, who now total 6 thousand people. There is a need for genuine action to help the Syrians turn over a depressing page in the history of Syria, and the region as a whole. We need a courageous Arab stance, like that of the one genuine, brave Arab observer.
January 1st, 2012, 10:22 am
Revlon said:
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Coordination Committees, Assemblies, and Councils of the Syrian Revolution
Omar Kosh
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………….. More
January 1st, 2012, 11:47 am
Tara said:
I heard that Haytham Manaa is the nephew of Farouq al Sharaa and that he was bought by the regime lately. He was expelled from the HR organization he was part of. Do you have any info?
January 1st, 2012, 11:51 am
ann said:
Arab observers visit Syria, parties wrestle hard – 2012-01-01
DAMASCUS, Dec. 31 (Xinhua) — The Arab League observer mission started a month-long inspection of Syria on Tuesday, triggering an intense game playing between the Syrian government and the opposition groups.
Upon arrival, the observers were divided into five teams to conduct on-spot inspection violence-hit cities of Homs, Daraa and Hama, as well as Rural Damascus and Idlib provinces.
Syrian media on Thursday cited General Mohammed al-Dabi, head of the observer mission, as saying that the Syrian government didn’t stop the observers from going “anywhere,” and the situation in Homs, the turmoil center, was “reassuring.”
Al-Dabi’s words caused dissatisfaction among the Syrian opposition groups, with some accusing the Arab observer mission of failing to keep its promise and “cooperating with the government” during the inspections. Some others called for Al-Dabi’s dismissal.
There were also opposition groups willing to coordinate with the observer mission. “Free Syrian Army,” a Syrian opposition armed force, said on Friday it had stopped attacking the Syrian troops and security forces.
The leader of the organization, Riyad al-Asad, said he had ordered a halt to all attacks after the Arab observers entered Syria. He also hoped to make contact with the observer mission.
The Syrian opposition groups have also taken the opportunity to voice their appeals. They organized a “march to freedom squares” on Friday in many cities across the country and Syrian security forces used tear gas to disperse the demonstrators.
The opposition said protestors clashed with police in Homs, Daraa, Idlib and Rural Damascus, resulting in a number of casualties.
However, the official SANA news agency made an extensive coverage of those demonstrations in support of the government and against external interference.
The security situation in Syria has kept deteriorating as various parties wrestle to gain the upper hand. The second day after the advance observer mission arrived Damascus on Dec. 22, the city was rocked by the worst suicide bomb attacks since March this year, causing at least 44 deaths and 166 injuries.
Last Tuesday, some militants attacked a family in Hama province, killing eight and abducting five others.
Local media reported on Wednesday that a car carrying four Arab League observers was besieged by a group of armed rebels in Homs, and managed to leave the troubled hotspot after law enforcement officials opened fire at the assailants.
Analysts believe that during the observers’ inspection, larger-scale demonstrations are likely to erupt as various parties try to put forward their appeals so as to win more support in their future efforts to address the Syrian unrest.
It is still hard to tell whether the Arab League observes will deliver a report on time that can satisfy all the conflicting sides in the country.
January 1st, 2012, 12:29 pm
N.Z. said:
The west has a duty to intervene in Syria and those who continue to appease junior also have blood on their hands. An interview with Hamza Fakher, one of the most reliable sources on the crimes the regime’s news blackout hides.
….It is so bad. This needs to be highlighted: Syrians are fighting for their lives now, not for freedom.”
January 1st, 2012, 1:00 pm
Revlon said:
235. Dear Tara,
Thank you for this bit of background on Dr. manna3.
Unfortunately I can not confirm either.
I do remeber that He was allowed to enter Syria several years ago, and stay there for quite some time, in spite of his pro-human rights activities.
After that visit I did notice a sudden change in his tone and attitude twords the Syrian regime which reflected more acceptance, and a different rather accomodating underastanding of the regime’s policy’s.
To my knowledge, he is not wanted by Syrian intelligence; unlike SNC opposition, yet like all NCB members, he can enter Syria any time should he chooses to.
I would therefore regard him as an iternal opposition located in Europe for job related issues, and not as a political regfugee.
I watched the video clip of his interview on the BBC yesterday.
His attitude twords the uprising and the SNC has dramatically changed compared to several months back.
He sopke respectfully of the Syrian uprising and described it as “Revolution”, which seemed a marked departure from his early views when he characterised the rising youth as thugs!
He also acknowledged the SNC’s success in unifying a significant segment of the opposition, while just a couple of months ago he dubbed its members as merely representing themselves.
His last comment on that clip showed his willingness to accomodate the SNC’s request for modifying the published document.
He seemed very eager to ratify some sort of agreement with the SNC to enable him to be a part of the transitional government.
I do sense that he is now standing on the edge of the Regime’s ship.
What is he bargaining with?
The SNC’s need for the agreement to meet the Al demand for a unified opposition.
What is he bargaining for?
A position in the upcoming transitional government.
What do I think the SNC should do?
I think they should not negotiate with the NCB either as a body or as individuals.
The SNC represents the Revolution.
The revolution’s interests are at odds with Dr Manna3 and NCB’s Agendas.
The NCB are potential trosians.
They should not be allowed entry into the transitional government.
Like any Syrian citizen, They have the vested right, to form the political parties and lobby for change the way the wish after the transitional period and after the regime is completely uprooted.
January 1st, 2012, 1:03 pm
N.Z. said:
What is the NCB agenda, and why, suddenly, is Dr. Manna3 now the subject of discussion. I will really like to understand. Both councils were asked by the AL and others to come with a unified agenda/program.
I will really like to understand why “The NCB are potential trosians”?
Thanks in advance.
January 1st, 2012, 1:33 pm
ann said:
‘World should bomb Syria’
Special: In first interview with Israeli media, two Syrian exiles urge world to wake up
A few weeks ago, Amar met with US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. He presented to her, among other things, information about soldiers who defected and plan to launch a guerilla fight against the army. “To my surprise, she asked that the defectors lay down their arms,”,7340,L-4168102,00.html
WASHINGTON – Rahim knows the Syrian horror story from the inside: A short while after the great uprising got underway, in late March, he was detained, imprisoned and tortured. A few weeks later he managed to somehow flee from prison, cross the border, hide in the mountains and escape to the United States, where he was granted asylum.
“I cannot yet reveal the exact story of the escape route,” he says. “I left family behind, and any mistake I make could cost them their lives.”
Western diplomats who learned to appreciate Rahim’s activity on behalf of human rights in Syria and his efforts in the struggle to topple Bashar Assad’s oppressive regime helped him behind the scenes as much as they could. Since then, for some three months now, he has been hiding somewhere, receiving inside information from comrades left behind in the homeland, and using social networks to provide updates on the daily horrors taking places there, far away from the public eye.
Rahim is a human database who has recorded and filed everything that has happened in Syria since the start of the uprising. He is apparently the last of the activists in the campaign to replace the regime who managed to leave the country and secure an asylum. The information he possesses is fresh and up-to-date.
Rahim is not his real name. He must not be exposed, especially not in an Israeli media outlet. He is unwilling to be photographed, even from behind or as a silhouette. The moment he entered the home where our meeting was held, he violated Syrian law, which bans any contact with Israelis. By law, such meeting constitutes treason.
Yet this is the smallest risk he has assumed. The great risk is that someone will hurt his relatives in Damascus: His parents and siblings. “If authorities find out that I spoke to you, they will butcher my family. This is a brutal, radical regime. What people know in the West is merely the tip of the iceberg. They don’t know about the torture, the raping of women and the massacres of civilians by snipers during funerals.”
“In recent months, people started to bury their dead in their backyards, in improvised graves, until the dust settles. People are scared to gather in public. If more than five people come together, it constitutes an illegal gathering, and then the army arrives and fires indiscriminately.”
‘We don’t hate Israel’
Rahim received his permit to stay in the US courtesy of one of the organizations affiliated with the State Department. He joined his friend Amar here (another pseudonym.) Amar too was an anti-regime activist. Some three years ago, when he was sitting at an Internet café at the heart of Damascus, security agents raided the site, cuffed him, and threw him in jail. He was released after a few weeks and somehow made it to America. Today he heads the Syrian exile organization and provides authorities and the media with information about what goes on in his homeland: Abuse, murder, rape and other acts of grave violence perpetrated by Assad supporters against protestors.
Both of them are in their early 30s and seek to topple the regime. They reside in a suburb of a large city and cannot keep in touch with family members left behind, because the Syrian regime listens in. For lack of other choice, they convey their well-wishes via mediators, learned to avoid being followed, evade people who can endanger them, and like every exile dream of the day when they can board a plane to Damascus and land in the free Syria.
I brought Israeli-made Turkish coffee for my meeting with them. The Mideastern coffee made the atmosphere more relaxed. The cigarettes were lit one after another and a short while later the tension and suspicion evaporated.
Why are you telling your story to the Israeli media? Do you wish to convey a message to the government in Jerusalem?
“We do it so that you bomb Assad’s palace,” Amar quips. “But seriously now: I’m not a captive of the myth that Jews run the world and America, but Israel does have power and influence. We are engaged in a public relations campaign worldwide to put Bashar Assad on trial for crimes against humanity and for war crimes. If Israel supports the move, it would be greatly helpful.
“The Syrian opposition and Israel share a joint interest. We have no ideological hatred for Israel or for Jews. I know that’s what you think, but it’s not the case. It’s true that for years they taught us to hate Israel and fight is, but many Syrians already realized that they are being taught to hate Israel to divert attention away from the oppression in the country. We realized that Assad senior and junior educated people to hate Israel in order to stay in power; to blind us with hate for Israel so that we don’t channel our energies to the fact that we live with no freedom or future.
“This is over. People got it. Assad still has his supporters, the Alawites who depend on him, because if he falls they will fall too. Yet among other groups, and there are very diverse ethnic groups in Syria, he lost support. In the army too there are thousands of defectors by now, and they left with their weapons. They are hiding away, getting organized, and at the right moment they will act.”
‘Most Syrians despise Iran’
We head to the computer. Amar opens his encrypted files, which contain photographs and videos smuggled by the rebels. On the screen we see protestors in the city of Homs burning Hezbollah flags with fury and also burning Hassan Nasrallah’s photos. This is a new phenomenon in Syria, which for years allowed the group to arm itself.
“In all protests thus far, an Israeli flag wasn’t burned even once,” Amar says. “This uprising demonstrates that the Syrian people’s hatred is reserved for Assad’s tyrannical regime and for those who support it and safeguard it. They realize that Hezbollah caused Syria grave damage.”
“They also burned Iranian flags in the protests. I can promise you that the alliance between Syria and Iran that threatens the Middle East will come to an end after Assad is gone. Most Syrians despise Iran, because it dragged Syria into becoming an ostracized state. The protestors are also burning Russian flags, because Russia supports Assad in the United Nations,” he says. “It’s not as though there are no disagreements with Israel. There are. A dispute over borders. The Golan is ours and we shall demand it back under any regime. Yet there is no hatred for Israel and for the Jews. We, the young people’ proved it.”
Iran has played a key role in assisting Assad. Both Rahim and Amar tell of Iranian-speaking snipers who do not speak Arabic being deployed across Damascus and helping in repressing the protests. Rahim adds that other Arab world protests, in Tunisia, Egypt, Bahrain and Libya inspired Syrian’s citizens.
“Social networks played a key role for us too,” he says. “We were able to call or protests and convey messages. Yet then the terrible oppression started. In a protest held on March 15, authorities detained a group of 13 or 14 year-old boys who chanted against the regime and another boy who wrote on a wall ‘Assad go home.’ They were thrown into prison and when their fathers came to release them, members of the secret police told them: ‘If you want your children, bring your women in their place.
“Some of the children were eventually released and others were not. Among those who remained in prison was the boy who drew the graffiti. Two months later, they sent his mutilated body to his parents. He underwent severe abuse; his fingernails were pulled out before he was beaten to death. They told the parents: ‘That’s what happens to those who write a slogan against the leader.’ The parents photographed the body and sent us the images.”
Women rape, children killed
The testimonials include reports by husbands whose wives were raped in front of them by security agents and by brothers who say their sisters were raped as a form of revenge. There are many testimonials by parents about their children being sexually abused and dozens of horrific photos of mutilated and dismembered bodies.
An expert team of the UN’s Human Rights Commission in Geneva recently published a report asserting that since the protests started and through November, Syrian security forces detained some 100,000 people and killed more than 5,000, including at least 256 children. Some of them were tortured beforehand, both physically and sexually. The report contains difficult photos and videos. For example, a soldier shooting a two-year-old girl to death and telling the parents: “She should die now instead of growing up to be a protestor.”
However, Amar says the figures he possesses are much higher. “I estimate that nearly 15,000 protestors were killed so far. The report does not take into account people who were buried in backyards or those who disappeared.”
Zainab Hosseini was 18 when her parents last saw her in April. She disappeared from her home and only a few weeks later her brother was summoned to pick up her body. The sight he encountered was horrifying: Zainab’s head was severed and her face was completely mutilated. The grave violence used against her made it impossible to identify her. The brother assumed that the regime decided to punish him by hurting his sister because he acted against the government. He invited CNN to his home and published the photographs. Yet a few days later the regime presented Zainab alive and claimed that the protestors are making false accusations against security forces.
However, Rahim says the regime was unable to answer one question: “Whose mutilated body was it that was handed over to the family? Perhaps it wasn’t Zainab, but there was a body of a girl there who underwent terrible torture. Who tortured and murdered her? Who’s this girl?”
Israeli opportunity
A few weeks ago, Amar met with US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. He presented to her, among other things, information about soldiers who defected and plan to launch a guerilla fight against the army. “To my surprise, she asked that the defectors lay down their arms,” he says. “That’s an odd request. Why didn’t they ask the rebels in Libya to lay down their arms? How can they do it if at any moment they can be fired at and murdered? It’s impractical.”
“I can’t understand why the Americans are silent,” Amar says. “We expected them to intervene. Militarily. To bomb the Syrian army from the air. They intervened in Libya and managed to prompt Gaddafi’s removal, and that is what we expect them to do to Assad now. Thus far, more people were killed in Syria than in Libya at the point where Obama decided to launch a military offensive in order to avert a greater massacre. NATO also bombed in Kosovo when it was necessary. Why this hypocrisy?”
“Obama urged Assad to leave, but he won’t leave out of his own accord. He’s a coward, he’s naïve, and he is convinced that he has support. He boasts that his children support him. His wife benefited him greatly over the years by providing, with her very presence, a moderate image in the eyes of the world, yet people who met her said she is very shallow and we don’t count on her to influence him to leave.”
Meanwhile, Rahim stresses that Syria is a secular state and that the West should not fear a radical Islamic takeover. “We have many groups, but we live with respect for each other. What’s clear is that the oppressive regime must pass from this world. Our slogan is freedom and dignity. This is what Syria deserves, and we hope that the world will help us, including Israel.”
These voices reached Israel too. Knesset Member Isaac Herzog, who is a member of the Knesset’s Defense and Foreign Affairs Committee, met with Syrian exiles in Washington in recent weeks and he suggests that we listen to them.
“We in Israel often complain that they don’t know us and don’t understand us. We should know that we too do not possess sufficient understanding of our neighbors, and when it comes to Syria we see total ignorance. Following these and other meetings, I can say that what’s happening there does not resemble any other change taking place in our region. The Syrians are a secular nation comprising a fascinating coalition of ethnicities.”
“In my view, following the Assad era there is a chance for positive processes vis-à-vis Israel as well, and they will require us to meet the challenge,” Herzog says. “The US and its partners, along with human rights groups, must grant the protestors more massive support, so that these processes mature as quickly as possible. Otherwise Syria will be plunged into chaos.”
For the exiles, the clock is ticking. Every passing day means more fatalities, more wounded and more prisoners. This is on top of the personal fears for the safety of family members left behind. “The world must wake up,” both Rahim and Amar say. “This is a call for help and for intervention. Assad will not leave on his own accord. He isn’t Mubarak. In order to prevent more bloodshed the world must do something. Now.”
January 1st, 2012, 1:42 pm
ann said:
Discrediting observers – Jan 1, 2012
Why U.S. media turned on Arab League this time
Once again, we see the frightening collusion of the U.S. government with their war partner British colonialists, but this time not in Iraq but in Syria. Immediately upon the arrival of the UN sponsored Arab League Delegation (AL) into the Syrian capital and cities, the American media antagonists wasted not a second in discounting the AL’s initial reporting, fearful that the 150+ observers in the delegation weren’t going the way of their interventionist plans, and not siding with the opposition’s claims, coming primarily from the London-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR). Anderson Cooper, the CNN poster boy popularized by the corporate media as “going beyond the headlines to tell stories from many points of view, so you can make up your own mind”, (amazingly covering events in Haiti, Libya, Somalia, the Sudan, etc.) all reinforcing the dominant White House/British/French narrative, is now busy promoting the opposition in Syria. (Original Piece)
Over the past several days CNN via Cooper has presented on national TV a supposed ‘independent journalist’ who was ‘smuggled into Homs’ at ‘great personal risk to his safety’. This brand of phony journalism: “reporters we can’t name” and “videos we can’t verify the authenticity of” is shamelessly presented by Cooper as “going behind the scenes and keeping them honest”. Yet if we listen closely to the entire report by this so-called ‘independent journalist’ we have a shining example validating the Syrian government’s assertion that these are ‘armed terrorist groups’ funded and armed by outside foreign forces. In the reporter’s own words: “We are getting armed, we have the Free Syrian Army. We will have to fight.” Where is his independence?
A White House statement directly interfering with the AL’s mission and revealing Washington’s clear interventionist goals and overt support for the London-based opposition, condemned what it called ‘the Syrian military attack’ on Homs, adding that “…if the violence continues, the international community (meaning NATO, Britain and the United States) will have to consider – quote – “other means to protect Syrian civilians.” This was the same excuse used nine or ten months ago to unleash the brutal assault on Libya by the U.S. and NATO, in order to secure Libya’s vast oil and gas reserves for the western ‘democracies’. But since U.S.-NATO has the blood of close to 50,000 Libyans on its hands, it’s going to be more difficult to pull this off in Syria.
A recent trip to Homs and Syria by eyewitness journalists and political analysts Webster Tarpley and Tierry Meyssan, both of whom spent time in Libya before and after the NATO attack, in November 2011 interviewed Syrian citizens and witnesses who attest to the presence of black hooded snipers appearing on rooftops in Homs who randomly kill innocent civilians on their way to work or school or shopping. The major difference is that the West and SOHR, not even inside the country proclaim these hooded criminals are Syrian police and military officials, while two genuinely independent (not hired or paid by foreign governments) reporters strongly suggest the hidden hand of extremist external Salafi and Al Qaeda elements whose job is to sow chaos and fear among the Syrian people in order to destabilize the Syrian government. We encourage readers to visit these two sites to listen for themselves: Tierry Meyssa here and Webster Tarpley on KPFA radio program “Guns and Butter”.
If this sounds far-fetched, let’s look back at a little history.
Let’s recall a BBC’s World news headline back in 1996: ‘Middle East Unscom ‘infiltrated by spies’ when the United Nations’ Special Commission known as Unscom was in Iraq monitoring Iraq’s nuclear facilities. So many American and British Intelligence Spies were sent inside Iraq as to render Unscom’s mission impotent, and this paved the way for the invasion of Iraq. Are we seeing a similarity of 1996 but now in Syria and with the United States trying to discredit an organization not entirely in its intelligence hands? Hearing these same two governments infamous for attacking Middle Eastern/African governments not toeing Washington’s line bellowing against the AL’s mandate is indeed a sorry replay of history.
Who can forget that it was the United States, under George W. Bush, in service to the Tel Aviv war machine, who killed the UN fact-finding mission to Jenin following Israel’s massacre of civilians in April 2002, rendering an investigation of Israeli war crimes there meaningless? When it suits Western hegemonistic goals to destroy UN fact-finding missions, they will attempt to do so, but when they can USE them as in the case of Unscom in Iraq, we know the outcomes.
What makes the Western media coverage of events in Syria eerily similar to the scenario orchestrated at the United Nations about Libya is that all the spokespersons of the opposition speak NOT from inside Syria, but from London, Cairo and New York, as the British-US-NATO funded opposition in Libya did for months preceding NATO’s assault. Asserting that Bashar Ashad is “killing his own people” are the West’s code words for the U.S.-British SCRIPT about governments they want overthrown. Why not make cases against Saudi Arabia, Yemen and Bahrain? They ARE “KILLING THEIR OWN PEOPLE” in front of the eyes of the world, but how is it that there is no outcry from the self-appointed ‘international community’ calling for investigation and an end to those governments’ violence against truly peaceful protestors? We’re not talking about a double standard here: we’re talking about a crime of war and destabilization against sovereign governments!
January 1st, 2012, 1:57 pm
Haytham Khoury said:
Arab Parliament urges end to Syria monitors’ missio
January 1st, 2012, 2:08 pm
ann said:
Professor warns that religious civil war may spread across the Middle East – January 1, 2012
The Arab Spring which dominated the news over the past year resulted in the overthrow of the regimes in three Arab countries. Not all protesters who demanded change are happy with the results because of the renewed efforts of religious groups to control government. Mark Almond, a professor of international relations at Bilkent University in Ankara, Turkey, warned in an interview with Russia Today that the unrest in Syria may soon spread into religious civil war in the Middle East.
In Tunisia, there was an election to choose a new parliament and a new president. Tunisia was more of a secular state, but the Islamic party won the majority of the vote, resulting in a conflict between Islam and secular society, according to Almond.
Almond told Russia Today that in Egypt, protesters see the change in government as merely cosmetic because many of the people who had worked in Hosni Mubarak’s regime are now in power. Additionally, they sense that the democratic process has been usurped because of the influence of the Muslim Brotherhood.
In Libya, where Col Gaddafi was killed after a violent civil uprising, the people are not seeing the economic changes that they expected. There are also splits forming over the role of religion in politics, Almond said. Many are armed in Libya due to NATO involvement.
Syria is in the midst of an uprising. So far, an estimated 5,000 persons have been killed and it is feared that the situation will turn into a civil war. Not only is there an incipient civil war, Almond observed, but there is a religious civil war between Shiites and Sunnis. He remarked that there is a danger of outside forces becoming involved to create theocratic monarchies.
Almond fears that Syria’s religious civil war can expand into Lebanon and Iraq, and that instead of a democratic revolution resulting from the Arab Spring, the region could experience religious civil wars.
January 1st, 2012, 2:20 pm
ann said:
Arab monitors continue mission amid cautious satisfaction from Syrians – 2012-01-02
DAMASCUS, Jan. 1 (Xinhua) — Arab observers in Syria visited several provinces on Sunday as part of their one-month mission, which started a week ago to oversee the country’s unrest amid cautious satisfaction from Syrians.
On the sixth day of their mission, the monitors were divided into three groups and visited several neighborhoods as well as military hospital in the rebellious province of Homs, state-run SANA news agency said.
In northern Idlib province, another hotbed of insurgency, another observer group toured the city and visited the National Hospital there, according to SANA.
A third team also roamed Damascus’ suburb of Muadamiah and met with its residents, said SANA.
The observers have so far traveled to a number of cities including Daraa and Homs, and preparations are underway for sending 47 observers from the Gulf Cooperation Council states (GCC) and Iraq to Syria, according to AL sources.
Adnan Issa al-Khoudhir, head of the AL operation room for the observer mission, said at a press conference that “22 observers from Iraq and 25 others from the GCC will be dispatched to Syria.”
Syrians, from all spectra of the society, have expressed cautious satisfaction with the job of the observers as they believe that they need more time.
Observers have started their mission on Tuesday and toured a number of restive areas in the country, mainly in central Syria and the flashpoint city of Daraa in the south.
In November, Syria signed an Arab League-sponsored plan providing for ending all acts of violence, release all detainees and halt all armed aspects across the country.
The first item of the plan provides for sending some 150 observers to visit hospitals, prisons and restive areas to determine the extent the Syrian authorities have committed themselves to the items of the Arab plan.
George Jabbour, a prominent political analyst, told Xinhua the observers visit is “a very significant measure,” urging all concerned parties to “fully cooperate with it.”
Officially, the Syrian government seemed contended with the work of the Arab mission and its local media, the mouthpiece of the government, urged observers to work professionally and objectively.
Even the Syrian opposition groups have positively dealt with the observers mission, and the head of the so-called “Free Syrian Army,” colonel Riyad al-Assa’ad, announced a halt of all attacks against Syrian security forces during the observers visit, pointing out that his army will wait for two or three months “to see what the Arab League would determine.”
Another Syrian activist, Farouk Hajji Mustfa, has called for an increase in the number of observers to be able to monitor broad areas of Syria that witness anti-government protests.
“The Arab League is shouldering a historic responsibility,” he told Xinhua, adding that Syria’s destiny hinges upon its reports.
Hassan Abdul-Azim, the general coordinator of the National Coordination Body, said the observers are exerting “earnest efforts” in all Syrian cities, expressing hopes that they would disclose facts before the Syrian and world public opinions.
He told Xinhua by phone on Saturday that his group has reached a “common political vision to reject foreign intervention, armament, violence and sectarian rifts” with the Turkey-based Syrian National Council (SNC).
He stressed that the agreement is binding for the two sides, adding that they have agreed to unite and coordinate efforts towards political, media, and diplomatic issues.
He said his group has provided the Arab monitors with the names of activists in different parts of the country to contact them.
In Cairo, SNC leader Burhan Ghalioun said on Thursday he insisted the Arabs can play a major role in solving the Syrian crisis and wished a success of the Arab initiative to avoid civil war or foreign interference.
“We insist that the Arab world can play a big role in tackling the Syrian crisis,” Ghalioun told reporters after meeting with AL Secretary General Nabil el-Arabi.
January 1st, 2012, 2:31 pm
Majed97 said:
The Speaker of the Arab Parliament, Salem al-Diqbassi, calls for withdrawing the AL mission. Is he speaking his own opinion, or has the Arab parliament actually voted for such measure? Do any of the AL organizations communicate with each others. I’m not at all surprised of the contradictions and disorganization of anything associated with the AL …
January 1st, 2012, 2:33 pm
ann said:
Turkish PM Again Slams France – Sunday, 01 January 2012
Turkey sees bleak future for EU accession talks in 2012 – Jan 1, 2012
Turkish PM meets Hamas leader Haniyeh in Istanbul – 01 January 2012
Erdogan received Ismail Haniyeh, prime minister of the Palestinian administration in Gaza, in his residence in Istanbul on Sunday.
January 1st, 2012, 2:46 pm
Revlon said:
239. Dear N.Z,
((What is the NCB agenda, and why, suddenly, is Dr. Manna3 now the subject of discussion. I will really like to understand. Both councils were asked by the AL and others to come with a unified agenda/program.
I will really like to understand why “The NCB are potential trosians))
The following is my opinion!
Based on their relationship with the regime, I like to categorise the internal opposition as:
1. Unable to Cope: They are either in heavens, or still rotting in prison.
2. Coping: They remained true to their belief, yet traded freedom for silence; that when broken got them back to prison.
3. Adapted: they compromised on their ideology in return for freedom, and material advantages (NCB)
4. Prospered: NPF and some free lancers who work as snitches to spy on other activists.
NCB opposition members belong to the third group.
Their ceiling for political demands has been rising yet persistently lagging behind those of the revolution.
Their current agenda calls for regime change, yet remains ambiguous about the fate of the president and his influential clan, and calls for preserving the army and security establishments.
Their cautious approach, for those still in Syria (not Dr Manna3) could be regarded as reasonable means for survival.
However, it remains uncertain how much of that also stems from fear of regime threat of blackmail to expose their mutual cooperation.
Their joining of the SNC’s General secretariat or executive committee, or the later to become the Transitional Government could render both bodies vulnerable to manipulation via NCB elements, by current or remnant regime elements, respectively (trojans).
There is no problem in accommodating them in the SNC’s General Assembly, since their influence then would be restricted to their own personal vote.
Happy New Year N.Z.
January 1st, 2012, 2:49 pm
Khalid Tlass said:
TARA, I admit it is outrageous that civilian killings are still going on despite Arab League observers presence, but the fact nobody can deny, the daily death toll has gone down since the Observers came, because the regime can no longer openly use Tanks and launch large-scale assaults, it is confinded to using snipers. I admit that even that is outrageous, but pls think of it, if the obserevrs withdraw the regime will go back to using Tanks and try to crush Homs. I think the one silver lining of the AL mission is that it has given a bit of breathing space to people in Homs and Idlib to stock up on essentials, and also give the FSA a chance to reorganize and regroup. So I don’t see why you would want the mission to be withdrawn at this moment ; becoz that will only give the regime another green light to kill, rape and plunder with impunity.
What is going on inside the A.L mission team is a factional power struggle between the Observers. KSA, GCC, Jordan, Libya, Tunisia, Morocco, Palestine, Egypt on one side ; and Algeria, Sudan, Iraq, Yemen and Lebanon on the other side.
Iranian petrodollars has played its part as well.
You have to take into account that most of the observers are in fact Government officials on deputation to A.L and they have to answer to their respective regimes once they get home.
January 1st, 2012, 2:51 pm
Khalid Tlass said:
I think the NCB are cowrads and gutless, do not have the guts to give up their comfortable lives. If Manna3 was true to his belief he would have joined the FSA boys in Homs or Idlib, thats what I call “internal opposition”.
Manna3 is like Mahmoud Abbas of Palestine, not having the guts to conront the enemy.
January 1st, 2012, 2:55 pm
ann said:
AP Demands Immediate Pullout of Observers from Syria – Jan 1, 2012
Cairo, Jan 1 – The Arab Parliament, the first body of the Pan-Arab system that demanded sending observers to Syria, requested on Sunday their immediate withdrawal from Damascus, considering insufficient the major objectives of the mission.
The 22-member AP deplored that violence “continues causing too many victims”, though it only referred again to fallen opponents of the Syrian government.
Head of AP, Ali Al-Salem Al-Dekbas, requested Secretary General Nabil El-Arabi to call on a special meeting of the Foreign ministers council in order to adopt a resolution for a rapid pullout of observers.
Al-Dekbas referred to persistent clashes between armed opponents and government forces of President Bashar Al-Assad, without taking into account official figures according to which 2,000 police officers and Army troops have been killed in terrorist acts in different regions.
“That this is occurring in the presence of Arab observers has sparked the anger of the Arab people and denies the purpose of sending a mission to investigate and clarify the events,” he said.
Al-Dekbas also argued that that situation “gives the Syrian government an Arab cover” to continue what he described as “inhuman actions in front of the Arab League.”
Despite the government of Al-Assad accepted the plan of November 2 proposed by the Arab League to end the clashed with the armed opposition, lethal to both sides, the head of the advisory body of the League considered the foreign observers work insufficient.
In remarks that triggered controversy in this capital and in Damascus, head of the observer mission, Gen. Mohammed Ahmed Mustafa Al-Dabi described as “calm” the situation in Homs, a most conflict-torn region in nine months of riots.
The AL mission has an initial working term of a month, which may be extended for a similar period, to verify that the Syrian government is complying with the terms of the Arab plan to put an end to conflict and revoke the sanctions against Syria.
January 1st, 2012, 2:58 pm
Khalid Tlass said:
TARA, I admit it is outrageous that civilian killings are still going on despite Arab League observers presence, but the fact nobody can deny, the daily death toll has gone down since the Observers came, because the regime can no longer openly use Tanks and launch large-scale assaults, it is confinded to using snipers. I admit that even that is outrageous, but pls think of it, if the obserevrs withdraw the regime will go back to using Tanks and try to crush Homs. I think the one silver lining of the AL mission is that it has given a bit of breathing space to people in Homs and Idlib to stock up on essentials, and also give the FSA a chance to reorganize and regroup. So I don’t see why you would want the mission to be withdrawn at this moment ; becoz that will only give the regime another green light to kill, rape and plunder with impunity.
What is going on inside the A.L mission team is a factional power struggle between the Observers. KSA, GCC, Jordan, Libya, Tunisia, Morocco, Palestine, Egypt on one side ; and Algeria, Sudan, Iraq, Yemen and Lebanon on the other side.
Iranian petrodollars has played its part as well.
You have to take into account that most of the observers are in fact Government officials on deputation to A.L and they have to answer to their respective regimes once they get home.
I think there is only one fault with this observer mission, and that is appointing a Sudanese official (that too a dumb thug) as the Head, the Iranian petrodollar bribe money inside is so full you could hear them jingling.
January 1st, 2012, 3:07 pm
Khalid Tlass said:
TARA, I admit it is outrageous that civilian killings are still going on despite Arab League observers presence, but the fact nobody can deny, the daily death toll has gone down since the Observers came, because the regime can no longer openly use Tanks and launch large-scale assaults, it is confinded to using snipers. I admit that even that is outrageous, but pls think of it, if the obserevrs withdraw the regime will go back to using Tanks and try to crush Homs. I think the one silver lining of the AL mission is that it has given a bit of breathing space to people in Homs and Idlib to stock up on essentials, and also give the FSA a chance to reorganize and regroup. So I don’t see why you would want the mission to be withdrawn at this moment ; becoz that will only give the regime another green light to kill, rape and plunder with impunity.
What is going on inside the A.L mission team is a factional power struggle between the Observers. KSA, GCC, Jordan, Libya, Tunisia, Morocco, Palestine, Egypt on one side ; and Algeria, Sudan, Iraq, Yemen and Lebanon on the other side.
Iranian petrodollars has played its part as well.
You have to take into account that most of the observers are in fact Government officials on deputation to A.L and they have to answer to their respective regimes once they get home.
I think there is only one fault with this observer mission, and that is appointing a Sudanese official (that too a dumb thug) as the Head, the Iranian petrodollar bribe money inside his pockets is so full you could hear them jingling
January 1st, 2012, 3:08 pm
ann said:
Qatar created anti-Syrian mercenary force, denounces digital Israeli website DEBKAFile.
According to this information, released Thursday by the news agency, Cham Press, the contingent is composed of mercenaries from several countries in the region, mainly the more radical Syrians of the Muslim Brotherhood, which was named the Free Syrian Army.
The complaint specifies that this force is financed by Doha, and is constituted in the form of battalions and brigades in military camps on Turkish territory, with the permission of the government of Ankara, near the border with Syria.
This month, Syrian border guards aborted four attempts at infiltration by armed groups, and in the latter case in the early hours of Wednesday in Idleb. Deadly casualties were inflicted on the aggressors, who were supported by a group already on Syrian soil.
Information from the Syrian news agency, SANA, said, citing the authorities of that province located in the north of the country, that the group used large quantities of weapons, military uniforms and the most modern communication devices.
The information through the Israeli official site added that Qatar decided to start this plan after the badly staged “overthrow and murder” of Libyan leader Muammar el-Gaddafi.
The monarchies of Doha and Saudi Arabia jointly approved of such a conspiracy, and even made an agreement to assign to the leader of the biggest state of Qatar, General Ali Hamas al-Attiya, the leadership of the anti-Syrian army to ensure a rapid shift in the Turkish-Syrian border.
According to the information so far, about 2,500 men were recruited, for a total of 20,000. The main nucleus consists of one thousand members of the so-called Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG), who with the support of NATO, faced Qaddafi, and the other thousand comes from an Iraqi extremist organization.
DEBKAFile says that Qatar has already transported these troops from Libya and Iraq to the Turkish town of Antakya, to the south, in the border province of Hatay.
As other investigations have already revealed, the commander in chief of the anti-Syrian mission, based in Antakya, is Abdel Hakim Belhaj, a collaborator of Osama bin Laden, whose militia took control of the Libyan capital, Tripoli, in August with the total support of NATO.
Officials of Qatar’s media established communication between the camp where the Syrian mercenaries meet with the base of the Iraqis, to coordinate the operations of such a terrorist group of NATO stooges, the “Free Syrian Army.”
The DEBKAFile site notes that their military and intelligence activities collaborate with the Turks, but they do not interfere.
The extremist anti-Syrian mercenary force for intervention, funded by Qatar and Saudi Arabia, has been channeling millions to finance the hostilities against Damascus. They have the “quiet support” (actually blatantly obvious support) of the United States and other NATO members. Turkey leads this support group, affirms the Israelis.
On the other hand, the news agency SANA reported today that an armed group killed eight people in a family in the village of Kfar Nabouda, rural central province of Hama, and also kidnapped five of their relatives while burning their homes.
The armed terrorists tried to kidnap another family member, but were prevented by other family members. Later the entire armed group returned and attacked with weapons of various calibers, SANA reported.
Also, in Hama, Syrian army soldiers managed to demolish three explosives planted by terrorist gangs in various parts of the central city.
The agency also informs that an armed group sabotaged a high tension power line of 230 kV that links two power stations between Daraa and Sweida.
All this happens when at this moment the Arab League observer mission is in Syria, part of the plan of the regional organization in which Qatar functions as president of this round, supposedly to end the crisis in this country.
January 1st, 2012, 3:11 pm
N.Z. said:
Dear Revlon,
It is with great sadness I read your post. I will convey to you my heartache, hoping that we can all see through the eyes and hearts of our men, women and children, and borrow from them a sliver of nobility. Their sacrifices are UNCONDITIONAL. With bare chests they are facing one of the most barbaric regimes, not for their village, not for their parents, but for all Syrians, regardless of who that Syrian is. Unconditionally!
In return, they deserve without any conditions a unity from these two groups and their members. Their dirty laundry is not for display. They should be ashamed. When the blood of dead Syrians is lying on the streets, when noble bodies are being tortured by the regime’s henchmen, inner fight and overcoming differences, is the least they can offer. If not, dissolving the two councils is sound. They were fast to attack AL’s observers, rightly so, but do they have a mirror to see themselves and hear their childish disagreement and blaming game?
If egos are put aside, this signed agreement is a good start, in fact it is an excellent start. If prestige and positions is not their aim, then, they have to agree. No wonder why AL and all the International community and organizations are not in a hurry.
Their unity is key to stopping the bloodshed, our unity as a people is key to ending this regime and its unconditional hatred for everything Syrian. Assad and his family hatred toward the Syrian people is legendary.
As Hamza Fakher rightly said “Syrians are fighting for their lives now, not for freedom.”
These are the differences between the two “factions”. I do not see differences, I see blood and the death toll rising! Please save our people or dissolve the councils.
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January 1st, 2012, 4:39 pm
Khalid Tlass said:
NZ, bro, the FSA is the first and last in the fight against the regime , its our only and surest hope, mark my words. If u have noticed, the protestors on the ground have already realized that. In their minds the FSA is fighting a defensive war of liberation against an invading aggressor Army.
Allah Souria FSA w bass.
January 1st, 2012, 4:54 pm
Tara said:
The presence of the observers is not the goal of the AL’s initiative. The goal is to stop the killing. The killing has not stopped. Completing a full month is only prolonging the final solution three more weeks. That means three more weeks of killing. There is nothing else to be gained. Hopefully, Homs and other revolting cities have already restock on essentials, reorganized, and regrouped. The regime does not understand any language except the language of power. It is when the UNSC handles the Syrian file that we will see concessions from this tyranny.
January 1st, 2012, 4:58 pm
Tara said:
I think SC is dying. There is a great difference in the level of intellect between SC and Heetan. It was a great loss that anti-regime migrated to Heetan. Pro-regime intellect consists of happily cutting-and-pasting in Arabic (Jad) or English (Ann). The rest is non-moderated vulgarity and obsession with name callings and insults. There is no real intellectual exchange. The only highlight nowadays is when anti-regime contribute.
I feel bad that the reputation and fame of SC is going down the drain. I was one of the advocates of keeping SC on while Josh finishes writing his books. I think that was a mistake as the quality is adversely affected. I have personally started to lose taste for it..
January 1st, 2012, 5:11 pm
Mina said:
You do copy and paste from Turkish newspapers and CNN once a while, and SC has had one of the best news round-up on the subject these days.
But people who compare the Asad regime with Hitler like Jürgen and others like Tlass who give an idea of the sick mind of some of the fundamentalist protesters do not help to keep a sane environment. Then we have the teenagers, who cannot see the link between Kenyan troops in Somalia, UN troops in South Sudan, North Sudan troops in Tripoli, and Qatar. Or even between Syria and Palestine.
SC bi-khayr. Allah yusturha.
January 1st, 2012, 5:17 pm
ann said:
OIC Opposes Military Intervention in Syria – Jan 1, 2012
The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) is firmly opposed to any international military intervention in Syria
JEDDAH, Saudi Arabia – Damascus is called on to resolve the situation in the country through dialogue and implement promised reforms, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation said.
An observer mission from the Arab League is on the ground in Syria to ensure Damascus is honoring a deal to pull its forces from the streets.
Arab monitors said following a tour of the restive city of Homs that the area was disheveled but “no clashes” were observed. Critics charge Damascus is selective in what it allows the monitoring team to observe.
A member of the opposition Syrian National Council told al-Arabiya on condition of anonymity that its leaders were working to address the monitoring mission. The Arab broadcaster reported at least four soldiers were killed in clashes by defectors in the southern province of Deraa and at least two civilians were killed while monitors were on the ground.
The OIC said it condemned “all violent acts” in Syria, including a series of explosions that rocked Damascus in recent days.
“The OIC reiterated its call for the Syrian crisis to be resolved through dialogue, for the reforms promised by the Syrian leadership to be implemented in order to meet the legitimate aspirations of the Syrian people, and for security and stability to return to Syria,” the group said in a statement.
Mark Toner, a spokesman for the U.S. State Department, added during his regular press briefing that it was premature to assess the work of the Arab monitors.
“We need to let this mission get up and running, let them do their job, and then let them give their judgment,” he said.
January 1st, 2012, 5:21 pm
Ghat Al Bird said:
TARA @257.
The overidding issue no one seems to consider is the existing realities in the Middle East.
On one side you have a what some have called an “erzats” state [ with some population estimate of 6 or so million] that since its inception has been the recepient of over $134 billion dollars… is supported and by the present leading military power in the world and who jointly would like to remake the Middle East nations supplicants.
Admiteddly some of the ME states have co joined in their own into remaking the ME states. My intent is not to leture except to point out that Ms. Allbright President Clinton’s Secretary of State was brazenly frank in telling CBS news that…”yes its worth starving over 500,000 Iraqi children as the means to remove Saddam Hussein from power.
Given the above reality of both military power, and financial commitments to the entity that considers all arabs as “cockroaches” the outlook does not seem to bode well especailly for Syria.
But as Churchill once said its “better to talk than to kill others”. Lets hope for the best for the New Year.
January 1st, 2012, 5:48 pm
majedkhaldoun said:
The AL Observers are few in number,and has no freedom of going to many places, meanwhile killing is still going on by the regime,while the regime withdrew the tanks, the snipers continue to kill peacefull demonstrators.
I believe the monitors must have the freedom to talk,but sooner or later,one of them will be killed by the Shabbiha.
Burhan Ghalioun made a mistake,by signing the pact with CB,he was under pressure from AL,one positive thing about the agreement is that they imply that Arab states intervene militarily in Syria, The question is What can the Arabic states do? the only country they can use is Jordan,they can apply no fly zone with the help of other countries,this will help FSA.
The other good thing about this agreement is that they both recognize and respect the FSA,FSA is our only hope and they are true angels, they listened to their conscious,refused to kill their fellow citizen, and in doing so they risk their lives and the lives of their family, anyone who call them thugs or criminal is despicle and he himself is criminal and must have no conscious.
The true battle is Damascus,if the regime loose Damascus,it will be a matter of one month and the regime will collapse completely, just like Tripoli in Libya Gaddafi was finished once he lost Tripoli,the NFZ should only include Damascus,FSA can finish the regime if NFZ applied to Damascus.
January 1st, 2012, 6:20 pm
Norman said:
The problem with Heetan is that each pats the other on the back, it is like talking to ones self in the mirror,
Appearing and writing on SC is not mandatory, people should not stay if they are not happy,
And yes Tara, it is an insult to say that the intelligence of the people on SC is not up to your standard ,
Please note that i am not asking you to apologize .
January 1st, 2012, 6:28 pm
N.Z. said:
Ricken Patel, Executive Director of Avaaz, said: “With more than 6,000 dead and almost 70,000 detained in Assad’s brutal prisons, no one can now turn a blind eye to the horror-show in Syria. Russia has gone too far — delaying international action and arming Assad’s death squads. 1 in every 300 Syrians has either been killed or imprisoned. The world faces a choice: it stands by while the Syrian regime continues to slaughter people or it steps up the pressure to force Assad out.”
These are conservative figures, many are unaccounted for.
Avaaz’s research, which is consulted on by the UN for its own death toll, adheres to a strict verification process. Each death is confirmed by three independent sources, including a family member of the deceased and the imam who performed the funeral procession.
Death toll breakdown: Death toll (including Syrian army loyal to Al Assad, Military security forces, National Security Forces, Political Security forces, Shabeha, Informers and resistance): 6,237
Homs: 2582
Hama: 813
Daraa: 1259
Damascus: 18 (including Palestinian refugee camp Yarmuk and Al Hajar Al Aswad Golan Heights camp)
Damascus suburbs: 116
Lattakia: 208
Aleppo: 19
Aien Al Arab (Kubani): 13
Baniyas: 8
Idlib: 886
Deir Ezzor: 117
Al Bou Kamal: 46
Hassaki: 17
Qamishli: 7
Raqaa: 26
Bodies in Teshreen Military Hosiptal 102
Men: 5,361
Women: 473
Children: 403
Regime forces: 917
FSA: 36 names confirmed
Killed under torture: 617, including 39 children
January 1st, 2012, 8:26 pm
jna said:
Democracy and human rights in Libya??
Helena Cobban
December 20, 2011
I just caught up with this piece by the Guardian’s Chris Stephen in Tripoli. (H/T B of MofA.)
Tell me again why anyone ever thought that NATO missiles were capable of somehow ‘delivering’ democracy and a system of respecting basic human rights in Libya?
Stephen writes of the country’s current rulers, the National Transitional Council:
And there’s this:
The news peg on which Stephen hangs his article is a grim reminder of how deep the political fragmentation in Libya currently is. basically, it’s the tale of how the militias were all lining up to control tripoli’s international airport, in the expectation that the UN was about to fly in several planeloads of Libyan dinar bills that had just been printed in Germany… with the hope that whoever could control the airport and the road from there to the central Bank could take a hefty rakeoff from the booty in the name of “providing security services.”
Here is the scene that Stephen described:
Meantime, even people in the ranks of the rebels are conceding that somewhere between 20,000 and 30,000 Libyans were killed during the seven months of fighting that followed NATO’s entry into the fighting March 19. Prior to that, the death toll was only one-tenth as high.
My old friend Hugh Roberts knows 100 times as much about North Africa as I do. In November, he was writing these very sane words in the LRB:
This was, of course, the very same argument that I was making back in March. So was Hugh: He was then working for the International Crisis Group, which as he noted in the LRB piece put forward its own very sensible proposal for a negotiated de-escalation at the time. But no: The foul humors and animal spirits of the west’s warmongers won the day on that occasion– as they seem to, only too, too often.
But why, I wonder, had so many western liberals and rights activists learned nothing from what had happened in Iraq over the preceding eight years? Truly tragic.
January 1st, 2012, 8:39 pm
ann said:
Two Syrians confess smuggling weapons, intimidating civilians – 2012-01-02
DAMASCUS, Jan. 1 (Xinhua) — Two Syrians have confessed carrying weapons and intimidating civilians in central Syria’s Homs province during the country’s months-long political crisis, the official SANA news agency reported on Sunday.
Rddad al-Akari and Khaled Taqtaq, who were called “terrorists” by SANA, also admitted setting up barricades in several neighborhoods in Homs.
The 35-year-old al-Akari, who had took part in the anti- government rallies in Homs last April, told local media on Sunday that he joined a group of gunmen in a neighborhood in Homs and coerced the residents into getting armed by intimidation.
The money and the smuggled weapons were from Lebanon, said al- Akari.
Taqtaq, 34, said “unknown gunmen” intimidated local residents and even fired at the Syrian soldiers who entered the neighborhood.
The confessions were made during the Arab League (AL) observers ‘ mission of monitoring the ground situation in Syria.
Three groups of AL observers visited the central Homs province, the northern Idlib province and capital Damascus’ suburb Muadamiah on Sunday.
Meanwhile, Preparations are underway for sending another 47 observers from the Gulf Cooperation Council states and Iraq to Syria, according to AL sources.
January 1st, 2012, 8:51 pm
ann said:
AL’s advance team of observers back to Cairo – 2012-01-02
CAIRO, Jan. 1 (Xinhua) — The advance team of the Arab league ( AL) observers to Syria returned to the Egyptian capital of Cairo on Sunday after a ten-day visit to unrest-hit Syria, official news agency MENA reported.
The 11-member team, led by Samir Saif al-Yazal, assistant to AL chief Nabil al-Arabi, was assigned to prepare for the observers’ delegations and to take part in some monitoring of the situation in Syria.
Yazal refused to give any details about the actual status in Syria, asserting any new developments will be published in statements by the AL general secretariat.
Syria signed the AL observer protocol on Dec. 19 in Cairo after the AL threatened to take the issue to the United Nations Security Council.
Dozens of observers have so far traveled to a number of cities including Daraa and Homs, and preparations are underway for the arrival of 47 observers from the Gulf Cooperation Council states and Iraq.
The AL observers are monitoring the situation in Syria as part of the AL peace initiative to end the months-long turmoil in Syria. The Syrian government said some 2,000 army and security personnel have been killed since the unrest began in March, while the United Nations said more than 5,000 people have died in the violence.
January 1st, 2012, 9:10 pm
ann said:
Syrian off. reports on abducted Iranians – Mon Jan 2, 2012
A senior Syrian security official has reassured that the seven Iranian nationals, who were recently abducted in Syria, are in good health and have been transferred to an area in western Syria.
The source rejected earlier reports that the Iranian professionals were being kept in the city of Homs in western Syria and said that they had been transferred to an area west of Talbiseh in the central Syrian province of Homs.
He added that the Syrian security forces had not raided the whereabouts since any attack could put the safety of the abductees at risk.
On Wednesday, December 21, eight technicians, including five Iranian electrical engineers, were kidnapped on their way to a power plant.
Two more Iranian specialists, who were trying to clarify the fate of the five abducted engineers, have been also kidnapped.
Iran’s Embassy in Damascus has issued a statement, calling on the Syrian government to take immediate action for the release of the abductees and identify the kidnappers.
The technicians have been building the city’s Jandar power plant for the past two years.
Some Syrian security officials have contacted the head of the abductors, who are known as ‘al-Haji,’ to learn their conditions for the release of the Iranians, the Syrian official said.
The kidnappers want to exchange the Iranian professionals with some of the leaders of anti-Damascus armed groups, who have been arrested during clashes with Syrian security forces, and also ask for safe passage in the city of Homs, particularly in the Baba Amr district, for anti-government armed men so they can leave, he added.
The abductors have so far failed to use the hostages to their advantage, having found out that the abductees were only engineers and technicians and had no political affiliation.
January 1st, 2012, 9:43 pm
ann said:
A Turkish Assad? – January 1, 2012
“A leader who kills his own people has lost his legitimacy,” Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey said of President Bashar al-Assad of Syria in September. Now Selahattin Demirtas, the Kurdish member of parliament who heads the Peace and Democracy Party, finds Erdogan’s words delicious. not to quote back to him.
January 1st, 2012, 10:05 pm
Ghufran said:
It is not clear how much actual support the SNC and the NCC have inside Syria but they seem to be able to mobilize support when they need it. From the first look,the SNC looks more organized and better financed but unlike the NCC,most of their leadership have been outside Syria for decades and very few were actually political prisoners.
Excluding the NCC and other opposition groups and people in the middle can not be good for Syria,and calling them Trojans is a reflection of how militant members of the SNC plans to deal with dissent in the future,and this exclusionary thinking puts them in the same camp with the regime.
It is a race between Libyalization of Syria and true national reconciliation,and unless Libyalizers succeed in taking the Syrian file to the UNSC,their violent approach will indeed prolong the life of the regime.
KSA and Egypt are not in the same front with Qatar and Turkey,and upcoming events will tell if this opinion is right or not,even the US is more open to a national unity government but most players,,and many Syrians,do want Assad,his family and top officials to go,
I always supported this demand.
January 1st, 2012, 10:06 pm
Ghufran said:
The attacks on Manna’ is due to his moderate positions and his likely future role in a unity government, the guy lost his brother on the hands of regime thugs and was never a regime supporter,and his alleged family ties to F. Alsharaa,whether true or not,does not reduce or increase his ability to serve his country.
January 1st, 2012, 10:15 pm
Mohamed Kanj said:
@269 – thanx Ghufran for ur annoying ignorant comment. U said most syrians want Assad to go? Well i am still yet to see a popular uprising against Mr Assad. I am yet to see the so called strikes put into effect in Syria by ur extremist buddies. While u live outside of Syria and make urself out to be a moderate syrian expat, we all very well know that u r one of the extremist, that once given power will strike ur hatred and evilness upon the minorities and secular Syrians ( which make up 80% of the syrian population ) . Leave the western democracy to ur corrupt brutal regimes of america,france and britain and the gulf countries. Let them stick to their lovely democracy and the Syrian will prefer stability and security in their homeland. I prefer to live side by side with christians, druze , allawites and kurds, rather than have to live beside a hateful extremist like urself and the opposition outside of syria. Look next door in Iraq, Lebanon , Egypt,Turkey, Libya , Gulf countries , and can u tell me which country out of those has freedom given to minorities similiar to the freedom given in Syria? The answer is 0%. Shove ur western democracy up ur terrorist ass scumbag. Their will never be a Libya or Iraqi style intervention in Syria. Syria right now, has gladly been given plenty of time to build up it missile arsenal and defenses. Russia, China and Iran have and will keep arming the Syrian army to the bone militarily and financially. The economy will never collapse as u and ur extremists wish. The government is stable, no defections. The only thing the extremist opposition have on their side is the media. I have relatives living in Aleppo, Damascus, Qamishli, Rakka, Latakia, Tartus. Life is fine their my friend. These cities make up 80% of the syrian population 🙂
January 1st, 2012, 10:30 pm
Ghufran said:
I obviously can not compete with people who are here for delusional PR purposes.
Most Syrian officials and their relatives have bank accounts in those “corrupt” western democracies,and many have dual citizenship,denying this fact does not make it disappear.
Assad and his circle do not have the support of 80% of Syrians,this 80% figure is a pain killer not a cure,we all know that but some are unwilling to say it .The same regime figures that keep talking about a western conspiracy are eager to strike a deal with the US as long as they can secure their political and financial future. When an average Syrian like myself is called a regime supporter by some and an extremist by others,a smile comes up. The blood shed will not stop until all parties compromise,and that will include a change in leadership that comes up with votes not bullets,Bashar,like him or not,has been president,without being elected,for more than 11 years,it is healthy for Syria to finally get a president through clean elections,this is 2012.
January 1st, 2012, 10:57 pm
Ghufran said:
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January 1st, 2012, 11:19 pm
Ghufran said:
This is a sample of what previous Ghalioun supporters are saying:
?? ?????? ????? ????? ?? ????? ?????? ???? ??? ?????? ???? ???? ?? ????? ??? ????? ?????????? ?????? ???? ???? ?????? ???????? ?????? ?????. ?? ???? ?????
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Next: Ghalioun will probably be asked to step down.
January 1st, 2012, 11:28 pm
ann said:
Moving closer to Gaza war – 01.01.2012
Regional developments make large-scale operation in Gaza increasingly likely,7340,L-4169475,00.html
January 1st, 2012, 11:53 pm
syria no kandahar said:
The destruction plan by the islamists goes on,The stupit opposition
terrorismed deep to the bone does not get it:you can destroy your country in one year,it will take you generations to build it(if ever):
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?????? ????
January 2nd, 2012, 12:22 am
Ghufran said:
???? ????? ?????? ??????? ?? ?????? ????????? ????? ????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ???? ????? ??? ????? ?????? ??? ?? ????? ???? ?? ?????? ?????? ????? ????? ??????? ??? ???? ??? (15 ????) ??? ?????.
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????? ???????? ?? ??? ???? ?? ??? ???? ???? ???? ???? ??? ????? ???? ?????? ??? ????? ????? ?? ????? ?????.
January 2nd, 2012, 12:38 am
Ghufran said:
???? ????: ??? ?????? ??? ????? ?? ?????? ?????? ???? ??? ??????? ???????.. ??? ?????? ?? ???????? ??????? ????? ????? ?????
Mr jamil does not have a lot of supporters inside Syria and many opposition figures have called him regime collaborator,what he says represents Russia’s current position.
January 2nd, 2012, 1:01 am
Juergen said:
Has anyone seen this Mike Feghali on syrian state tv? He said in an interview that the crisis is soon over and that Syria will be stronger than ever, and that Assad will remain president.
I never heard that Syrian tv relied or broadcasted an clairvoyants claim. Pretty desperate arent they?
January 2nd, 2012, 1:13 am
syria no kandahar said:
The only exit is :QUIT IRAN
The events going on the last 10 months are pointing out to that rality:the only way syria will get out of this is to QUIT IRAN.This rlationship has opned the doot of hell on Syria and president Assad has to make the same degree of historical desicion done by president Sadat when he visited Alquds and call the special relation with Iran over.US,Turkey,Europ,Qatar,Isreal…All will be satisfied,The war of Aljazera and Alarabia…all will stop,Gulf money will return to syria,AL will close eyes,ears and nose.Once the external pressure stop,Syria will be another Bahrain
and blood supply to the terrorist nests will be cut,soon they will die.Syria can be reformed by syrians much better than reform done by Beduins.
The current regime has been calling for Panarbism and Arab unity for generations,it is time to do that.Iran can coninue to be a friend country.The bottom line is:No matter what electively or by force,IRAN-SYRIA special relation will be killed as per orders of most of the world fighting Syria right now,what is wrong with being smart and cutting it by Assad and taking credit for that.
Syria support by Russia and china is not being looked at as extramarital affair by the west and can be kept.
Again if Syria quits Iran,GAME WILL BE OVER.
January 2nd, 2012, 1:37 am
Juergen said:
Just in, an 35 year old Syrían got shot dead in Sarstedt(Germany). There are reports that the victim was in his car and got killed while waiting at a red light. There are reports that he was approached by two killers. The victim is from Hildesheim and so far its not clear if this murder is related to the revolution in Syria.
January 2nd, 2012, 2:56 am
Syria no kandahar said:
???? ?? ???? ??? ??????
Complaining about the garbage removal!!
These are Syria’s future leaders:
January 2nd, 2012, 3:52 am
Mohamd Kanj said:
@272 – blablablabl GHUFRAN – the time has come for these extremists to either give up their arms or be slaughtered. The only delusional ignorant person on this blog is urself claiming to pretend all this revolution is about freedom and democracy. This is a choice they have. Stop living in ur fantasy land. This revolution is not about democracy mr islamist wahhabi “liberal”. It is about Iran and Israel and the gulf countries shivering in fear over the dominance of Iran in the middle east. If it was about democracy, than the gulf nations would have been the first to embrace freedom. U remind me of the activists who have shaven their hairy beards and suddenly claimed to be liberal freedom lovers. These days talk and compromise gets u nowhere. Ur either with us or against us. U choose. The only delusional ignorant person on this blog is urself claiming to pretend all this revolution is about freedom and democracy. Their will never be any free or fair elections until ur cousins and relatives give up their arms and renounce terrorism.
January 2nd, 2012, 3:56 am
Syria no kandahar said:
Halab demonstrations!
Out of 6 millions(25%)of Syria ,these are the revolution supporters:
January 2nd, 2012, 3:57 am
Syria no kandahar said:
Very convincing:killed while trying to get some milk,not armed or any thing like that!!
January 2nd, 2012, 4:09 am
Syria no kandahar said:
I have said all along that this is ALAAROOR revolution,watch this:
????? ?? ????? ?????? ?? ??????
????? ????? ????????? ???????
???? ????? ???? ???? ??????
January 2nd, 2012, 4:16 am
Syria no kandahar said:
???? ??????
??? ??? ??????? ????? ??? ???
January 2nd, 2012, 4:26 am
Syria no kandahar said:
You can’t give what you don’t have,how would you give secular revolution if your revolution is purely Islamic .watch carefully and see the islamic
Flags ?? ??? ??? ???? ???? ???? ???? .See the kids dragged from their houses(regime copy)also see the funny and sad picture of a victim named
????? ???? which is being carried by someone could be his family so that they don’t have to
Have his faith by the ALAAROOR revolutionists:
January 2nd, 2012, 5:01 am
Mina said:
264 JNA
On Libya, add that saturday 4 Tunisian border guards were abducted but managed to escape.
(Chinese and Tunisian media, the Western press is not interested).
Cameron-Sarkozy’s plan was to help establish a lever against the Leftish revolutions in Tunisia and Egypt. Plus get a little oil-cash. Obey us or chaos. Same goes with US-Israel-Netherlands in South Sudan. Poor Angela, she must be back studying her Russian grammar.
January 2nd, 2012, 6:29 am
Mina said:
Another journalist who was trying to say something about KSA?
SANAA (Reuters) – Le corps d’un journaliste franco-algérien de France 24, porté disparu depuis quatre jours, a été découvert lundi par la police dans sa chambre d’hôtel à Sanaa, la capitale du Yémen, rapporte la police.
Le journaliste, qui travaillait pour la chaîne de télévision française France 24 selon un papier d’identité retrouvé sur place, a été étranglé avec un câble électrique, a dit à Reuters un responsable de la police.
Les raisons pour lesquelles le journaliste a été tué n’étaient pas connues dans l’immédiat, a-t-il ajouté.
January 2nd, 2012, 6:34 am
Revlon said:
??? ???? ?????? ??????
???? ???? ?? ????? ?????? ????
Announcement by the FSA in tacit response to the the NCB-SNC draft agreement.
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?????? ?????? ???? ??????
January 2nd, 2012, 7:20 am
Revlon said:
1 ?????. 2012Posted by T-admin
??? ???? ?????? ??????
Announcement by and FSA unit:
( ????? ???????? ???? ???????? ????????? ??????? ????? )
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We confronted a group of armed militia men shooting at demonstrators in BuKamal and killed 3 Shabbeeha.
???? ???? ???? ???? ?????? ?????? ?????
January 2nd, 2012, 7:24 am
Revlon said:
Local coordination committee is cautioning activists against divulging any sensitive information relating to activists to the Iraqi team of observers, for suspicion of being snitches of Maliki-Asad alliance.
Faez Nabil ???? ???? ???? ?????? ???????? ?? ???????? ?????? ??????? ???? ????? ?? ???? ??????? ( ??? ??????? ) ??? ?????? ?????? ???????? ???? ????? ?? ???????? ????? ? ?????? ???? ????? ??????? ??? ???? ??? ??????? ?? ??????? ? ?????? ?? ??? ?????? ?? ???????? ??? ????
a few seconds ago
January 2nd, 2012, 7:40 am
Revlon said:
A sample of staged demos for the ALC. The facts in this visit shall be part of AlC report. They shall be interpreted with Mu3allem, in conjuction with the AlDabi.
The activists are doing a marvellous job in documenting each of the observers visits by video. The resulting material comprise a great rescource that would be useful to check the accuracy of the expected ALC report.
– The team of observers was brought to Cement factory instead to restive neibouhoods of Rastan where demonstrations and marks of regime shelling destruction are.
– The team was shown offces with destroyed furniture and computers, claimed o have resulted from anarchist demonstrators.
Surrounding activists state that workers already confirmed that the office vandalism was inflicted by the factory security contingent.
?????? _???? ????????? ???? ?????? ????? ???? ???????
Uploaded by ALLAHsoldiers on Jan 2, 2012
January 2nd, 2012, 7:54 am
Revlon said:
Syrian Dream . ????? ?????
Syrian Revolution Council of Homs in response to Al Arabi statements:
Military manifestations in and around Homs city, tanks, and number of checkpoints have not changed from status quo ante before the arrival of the ALC!
We urge the AL to start the procedure for referal of the Syrian file to the SC.
???? ?????? ?? ???, ????? ????2-1-2012
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January 2nd, 2012, 9:27 am
Revlon said:
Message of Artist Fadwa Sulaiman to SNC urging material support of the FSA.
????? ??????? ???? ?????? ??? ?????? ?????? ???? ?????1_1_2012
??? ???? ????? ????? ??????? ???? ??? ?????? ??????
??? ??????? ???? ?????
Uploaded by mhrmadmmm2009 on Jan 2, 2012
January 2nd, 2012, 9:32 am
Mina said:
Qardawi and Sarkozy were not free for comment (Sarkozy promised in his first speech as elected president in 2007 to help every martyred women in the world)
Sarkozy: “Je veux que partout dans le monde, les opprimés, les femmes martyrisées, les enfants emprisonnés ou condamnés au travail sachent qu’il y a un pays dans le monde qui sera généreux pour tous les persécutés, c’est la France !”
January 2nd, 2012, 9:34 am
Revlon said:
This videoclip shows a group of four armed men walking by, unconcerned in the presence of onlooking ALC observer in Baba Amr!
The video commentator described them as Shabbeeha.
We shall soon know how this observer recorded this encouncter, and how AlDabi-Mu3allem interpreted it!
???????? ??????? ?? ???? ???? ?????? 2-1-2012
January 2nd, 2012, 9:45 am
Syria no kandahar said:
Revlon Alaroor puppet
Very interesting ??? ???? ?? ????,so now we know who is doing all these crimes
In Syria :it is not your terrorists gangs,it is actually God?what kind of god is this
?this god has killed Nidal Janood,sari Saood,Sari Hassoon…2000soldiers and many innocent civilians?
So your god work for Qatar,Turkey,MB …,He uses RBG and and ???? ?????
What a political god he is taking sides in a political conflict?He is supporting
SNC and he is helping Riad Alassad criminals and Turkey supported puppets
When they kill their brothers?This is a god who supports killing in one direction
According to your criminal wishes?
I much rather be a Hendo and worship a cow than this criminal bastard Revlon God.
January 2nd, 2012, 10:16 am
Ghat Al Bird said:
Of specific interest to both pros and cons…..
The Obama Administration has used 2011 to unleash Washington’s so-called “Coalition of the Moderate” against the Resistance Bloc, which pins together all the countries and forces united by their opposition to U.S. and Israeli hegemony in the Middle East-North Africa (MENA) region. The two camps, that are becoming more and more visible in the MENA region, are falling along the lines of what Washington, Tel Aviv, and NATO planned on forming after the 2006 Israeli defeat in Lebanon as a means of tackling Iran and its allies.
In 2007, the United States of America, represented by Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and Defence Secretary Robert Gates, held a meeting in Cairo under the “GCC + 2” formula with the Gulf Cooperation Council – Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait, the U.A.E., Oman, and Qatar – plus Egypt and Jordan to form a strategic and all encompassing front against Iran, Syria, and their regional allies. This “Coalition of the Moderate” formed by Washington was a direct extension of NATO that also included Israel and Turkey as important and central participants.
The balance of power is being played out in Syria and Iraq
While Syria is being targeted for regime change as a means of re-orienting the balance of power in the Middle East, Iraq is also being destabilized as a means of catalyzing a sectarian civil war between Muslim Shia Arabs and Muslim Sunni Arabs.
The bombings in both Iraq and Syria carry all the trademarks of Washington and its network of allies, as do the murder of civilians by Salvador-style death squads. For years Iraqi refugees have been reporting that U.S. and British forces were leading the death squads in Iraq and that they were the main perpetrators behind the explosions targeting civilians in Iraq. In regards to Syria, even the press in North America and Western Europe has been forced to admit that there are “mysterious death squads” killing Syrian civilians. One example is the National Post in Canada, which admitted on December 7, 2011 that unknown death squads were causing havoc in Syria by killing civilians.
The massive waves of explosions in Iraq targeting civilians are a means of not only destabilizing Iraq, but igniting sectarianism as the U.S. pulls out.
It is no coincidence that the neighbourhoods in Baghdad and its galaxy cities were quickly turned into sectarian enclaves under U.S. administration. It is also worth noting that the current Vice-President of the United States, Joseph Biden, was the man that in 2006 authored a plan – or more correctly stamped his name on the plan – called the “Biden Plan” to divide or balkanize Iraq into three sectarian entities. It is in this context that the political tensions between Prime Minister Nouri Al-Malaki and Vice-President Tariq Al-Hashimi are being played out and utilized.
If a genuine sectarian civil war occurs in Iraq it could galvanize the region along the lines of Sunnites and Shiites as Washington, Tel Aviv, NATO, and the Arab dictatorial families wish. Regional chaos is their goal. Such chaos and divisions would preoccupy and distract the peoples of the region with internal fighting and allow the U.S. and Israel to maintain advantageous positions while the petro-sheikhdom rulers would be able to maintain their illegitimate hold on power.
Turkey’s central role in Syria and the Middle East spy war
In Libya, while Qatar was designated as the main Arab country, Britain and France were the NATO members were entrusted with the handling of the war by Washington (at least publicly). In Syria, the campaign was farmed out to France, Germany, and Turkey by Washington, while Qatar and Saudi Arabia, with the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan to follow in the future, were designated as the principle Arab players.
Berlin was initially pushing for foreign intervention in the Syrian Arab Republic, but its role seems to have subsided as has the possibility of direct NATO military intervention in Syria. Focusing back on Turkey, Ankara is nonetheless the central player in besieging Syria and without Turkey’s participation the operations against Syria have a slim chance of success.
From the end of November to the start of December, the Syrian Army began to setup positions near the Syrian-Turkish borders, including Hatay Province where Alexandretta (Iskenderun) is located. As Syrian troops positioned themselves near the Turkish border a little after mid-December, U.S. or NATO aircraft violated Syrian airspace. The aircraft entered Syria’s airspace via Incirlik Air Base from the nearby Adana Province of Turkey and dropped off electronic spy devices near the predominately Kurdish-inhabited vicinity of the town of Afrin in the Governate of Aleppo.
This is part of the broader electronic monitoring and spy war that has also gripped Lebanon and Iran. Recently in Lebanon large numbers of Israeli and U.S. spies were apprehended with direct ties to the U.S. Embassy in Beirut. In parallel, U.S. spies and spy networks have also been ensnared in Iran by the Iranian intelligence apparatus. This spy war is tied to the stepped up efforts by Washington to infiltrate Iran. With this view, Washington has also augmented its Iranian special interest office in the United Arab Emirates with a virtual embassy for Iran.
Playing the Turks; Ankara may back down in its Syrian gambit
Public in-fighting is not new to NATO states and in this respect Paris and Ankara have begun to squabble over the Armenian Genocide. For years Nicolas Sarkozy and legislators in Paris have talked about passing legislature that would outlaw the denial of the Armenian Genocide in the dying Ottoman Empire. This legislature was recently passed in France and has been widely analyzed as an elections stunt by Sarkozy to win Armenian support and votes in France. Nevertheless, it should equally be noted that Paris has also predicted that the situation in Iraq after the U.S. military evacuation could radically modify the stance of the Turkish government towards Syria. This is a key point.
If Iraq becomes an assertive single entity that aligns itself completely with Tehran and Damascus, then Turkey will be forced to change its position. Turkish trade could heavily decelerate and a contour would be formed around Turkey going from Iran to Iraq to Syria that could cut Turkey’s land routes to North Africa, Jordan, the Arabian Peninsula, Central Asia, Pakistan, India, and East Asia. Along with the Republic of Armenia, Tehran, Baghdad, and Damascus could form a wall around Turkey. The only open borders to Turkey would be Greece, Bulgaria, and Georgia. The latter of which, Georgia, could be cut off too by the Russian Federation.
Hence, the course of events in Iraq will be pivotal to Turkish foreign policy and to the shape of the balance of power in the Middle East. It is in this context that creating internal tensions in Iraq is being used to keep Iraq from asserting itself as a staunch Iranian and Syrian ally. Should the regime in Syria manage to hold out and should Iraq manage to maintain stability, Washington’s time in the Middle East will be over; followed by Israel’s capabilities to launch anymore wars.
Moreover, the Turks are slated for relatively short-term use. It is not in the interest of Washington or Israel to allow Turkey to become a major power. The U.S. and Israel have been working behind Ankara’s back to also weaken Turkey after it serves it purpose in their regional strategy. This is one of the reasons they have been supporting Kurdish separatist movements opposed to Turkey. Turkey itself is slated to erupt into internal fighting and divisions. Turkish involvement in Syria or a war with Syria involving the Turks will ultimately weaken Turkey itself and have disastrous side effects like Saddam Hussein’s invasion of Iran did for Iraq. If a war does erupt between Ankara and Damascus, the war itself will be damaging to Turkish national unity and could lead to a civil war; such a war will also erupt into a conflict with Syria’s Iranian and Russian allies.
Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya . Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG), specializing in geopolitical and strategic issues.
January 2nd, 2012, 10:44 am
Syria no kandahar said:
According to the mob representative here,this poor woman was not killed by his
Criminal MB gangs,she was killed by his mean god(according to ??????? ??? ????)
???? ????? ?????? ????????? ???? ???? ??????? ?? ????? ?????? ????? ?? ???? ??? ??? ?????? ???? ???? ????? ???? ??? ?? ????? ??????.
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January 2nd, 2012, 11:49 am
Mina said:
For once, a pretty well informed report on the security apparatuses in Syria, and who control them (not Bashar, but he is one of the few to have the map):
The state of Syrian military/intelligence apparatuses: the mafias
I asked an informed Syrians to update me about the status of the Syrian military/intelligence apparatus. He says: The Army is different in its composition from the security apparatuses> The critical security apparatuses are led by `Alawite officers while the army is different in its sectarian composition but suffers from the same problems that afflict the security apparatuses in terms of the loyalty of many of its officers to mafias of corruption. The Syrian Army is certainly not a combat army and has lost much of its preparedness due to the internal Syrian situation especially after the withdrawal from Lebanon. Most officers were transformed into protectors of corruption and partners with it. And there local officers (in various provinces who occupy senior administrative positions) who are business agents for Mr. Rami Makhluf in the various provinces. And most of those officers are educated youths who are very corrupt and are appointed by Hafidh and Rami Makhluf. And you can imagine the unbelievable number of middle ranking officers who are waiting at the doors of Hafidh and Rami Maklhuf hoping for positions in new appointments. He tells me that early on protesters were calling for the downfall of the governors (those military officers) in Homs and Hamah and Idlib and in general were involved in across border smuggling with shares for them, and the operations are led by senior Army officers. And he tells me that the government then arranged for large scale dismissals of the officers of Rami Makhluf and then they brought back into services all the surviving officers who formed the team of Hafidh al-Asad in the 1980s and 1990s at the rank of Liwa> Divisions that are talked about in the army are highly exaggerated and don’t extend beyond the defections of conscripted soldiers and some volunteers in the army and internal security forces and most are from extremely religious environments like from rural Hamah and Idlib and Dir`a. Asnd the middle ranking officers who defected don’t possess critical information and don’t hold high ranking positions in the army. The Free Syrian Army is comprised mostly of volunteers who are very extreme in religiosity. He reports that Syrian security apparatuses (especially Al-Amn Al-Askari and Amn Ad-Dawlah) are infiltrated…Al-Amn AlAskiri is the most dangerous and is run by Hafidh Makhluf, from a to z. It perpetrates raids and killings en masse and individually in all Syrian cities. It is responsible for the movement of military detachments and the movement of officers. The transfer of Asaf Shawkat to the staff command (which does not follow Ministry of Defense but follows Al-Amn directly) was at the suggestion of Muhammad Makhluf, father of Rami and Hafidh. It was done to take him out of house arrest that he has been under. Of course, he reto mains insignificant politically. It is part of the tug of war with the Iranian military team in Syria which works closely with Muhammad Nasif, the strongest security man in Syria. Al-Amn Al-Askari is the only authority that can interrogate offices and practices carrot and the stick approach with everybody. I also have information (my informant adds) that Al-Amn Al-Askari is under the control of the Saudis totally, since 2008. The evidence is that all the mosque clerics are appointed by Al-Amn Al-Askari in Syria and the regime was surprised to learn after the eruption of the uprising that most of those clerics are heavily funded by Saudis and were undertaking sectarian campaigns against the regime. More later.
January 2nd, 2012, 12:07 pm
ann said:
Syria evacuates consulate general in southeastern Turkey – 2012-01-02
ANKARA, Jan. 2 (Xinhua) — Syria Monday evacuated its consulate general in province of Gaziantep in southeastern Turkey, the semi- official Anatolia news agency reported.
Syria evacuated the consulate building in Gaziantep while Consul General Mohammad Najdat Shahid refused to interview with Turkish reporters, said the report.
Some of the furniture will be sent to Syrian embassy in the Turkish capital of Ankara and some of them to Consulate General in Turkey’s largest city of Istanbul, said the report.
Syria closed its consulate general in Gaziantep for five days at the beginning of December, but then re-opened the consulate. But it totally halted diplomatic procedures as of December 26, 2011.
January 2nd, 2012, 1:38 pm
ann said:
Arab monitors tour restive cities as “terrorism” continue in Syria – 2012-01-03
DAMASCUS, Jan. 2 (Xinhua) — Arab observers carried on with their mission on Monday and toured some restive Syrian provinces as “terrorist acts” continued unabatedly nationwide.
The monitor mission in unrest-torn Homs province in central Syria visited Rastan, Baba Amro and the National Hospital, state- run SANA news agency reported, adding other teams toured the northern province of Idlib and some suburbs of the capital Damascus and met with the residents.
In the Egyptian capital of Cairo where the Arab League (AL) is based, AL chief Nabil al-Arabi said Monday that the Syrian military has pulled back from residential areas and is on the outskirts of the country’s cities, calling on Syria to clear snipers and immediately halt shootings.
“There are still snipers on the roof of buildings. Syria must stop the gunfire immediately,” said Arabi during a press conference held in Cairo.
“The Arab League monitors visited six Syrian cities, and has an operation room to follow up the situation in Syria via the mission, ” Arabi said, adding that the pan-Arab body has 70 monitors and the number could be increased to more than 100 within a few days.
“The duty of the Arab League mission in Syria is difficult and could not be carried out within a few days”, Arabi said, pointing out that crimes were committed even in places where peacekeeping forces existed.
He meanwhile called on the media not to publish stories until being sure of their credibility.
Back in Syria, also on Monday, a law-enforcement member was killed in front of the National Hospital in Homs when “an armed terrorist group” opened fire at police patrol stationing before the hospital, according to SANA.
In another incident, an engineering unit dismantled two explosive devices weighing 10 kg each in two areas near Homs, said SANA, adding that the two explosives were handmade and were set to go off remotely.
Also in Homs, “an armed group” stormed a medical center in al- Qusair area and stole its contents, including medical supplies, equipment and assorted items such as telephones and fans, SANA reported Monday.
In central Hama province, a woman was found killed Monday after being kidnapped for three days by gunmen, said SANA.
January 2nd, 2012, 1:53 pm
ann said:
Head of Arab observers in Syria’s Idlib describes the situation as “quiet” – 2012-01-02
DAMASCUS, Jan. 2 (Xinhua) — Head of the Arab observers’ mission in restive Idlib province in northern Syria said Monday that there were no “military aspects and no gunmen” there and the situation was “quiet.”
Abdul-Latif al-Jibali said in a statement published Monday by the private al-Watan newspaper that the situation in Idlib was “quiet,” with no military aspects or gunmen, and that he noticed the atmosphere was “dead due to the lack of any activity in it.”
Al-Jibali, whose mission in Syria started a week ago, said the team had visited the national hospital and toured parts of the area, noting that some observers went with opposition figures to visit local residents.
He said that the city witnessed two demonstrations on Friday, each of which was attended by about 10,000 people. According to him, Syrian authorities had done nothing to disperse demonstrators.
“I saw two handcuffed bodies of two policemen with signs of violence on them at the national hospital in Idlib,” he said, adding that “the two men were killed on Saturday,” but there were not tanks or armored vehicles in the streets.
In the central province of Homs, al-Watan said some of the observers visited districts of al-Armen, al-Zahra, al-Abyssiyeh, Akramah, Bab Dreib and Wadi al-Zahab, and interviewed residents there. It added that observers also visited a military hospital in Homs and met with a number of wounded.
The observers have so far traveled to a number of cities including Daraa and Homs, and preparations are underway for sending 47 observers from the Gulf Cooperation Council states (GCC) and Iraq to Syria, according to AL sources.
Adnan Issa al-Khoudhir, head of the Arab League (AL) operation room for the observer mission, said at a press conference that “22 observers from Iraq and 25 others from the GCC will be dispatched to Syria.”
Observers started their mission last Tuesday and toured a number of restive areas in the country, mainly in central Syria and the flashpoint city of Daraa in the south.
In November, Syria signed an AL-sponsored plan providing for ending all acts of violence, releasing all detainees and halting all armed aspects across the country.
The first item of the plan provides for sending some 150 observers to visit hospitals, prisons and restive areas to determine to what extent Syrian authorities have committed themselves to the items of the Arab plan.
Meanwhile, the advance team of the AL observers to Syria returned to Egypt’s capital Cairo on Sunday after a ten-day visit to unrest-hit Syria, Egypt’s official news agency MENA reported.
The 11-member team, led by AL chief Nabil al-Arabi’s assistant Samir Saif al-Yazal, was assigned to prepare for the observer delegations and to take part in some monitoring of the situation in Syria.
Yazal refused to give any details about the situation in Syria, saying any new developments will be published in statements through the AL general secretariat.
January 2nd, 2012, 2:02 pm
ann said:
Relatives of Jordanians jailed abroad call for their release – 2012-01-02
AMMAN, Jan. 2 (Xinhua) — Dozens of families of Jordanian prisoners abroad held a sit-in Monday, calling for intensified efforts to secure the release of their family members jailed abroad.
The demonstrators, who urged the Foreign Ministry to perform its duties and exert its utmost efforts to secure the release of those Jordanians jailed abroad, slammed the government for its ” weakness” in addressing the issue.
According to Amman-based human rights organization, Jordanians jailed abroad suffer repeatedly from mistreatment and are not allowed to be visited by their family members.
The Arab Organization for Human Rights indicated that there are 33 Jordanians jailed in Iraq, 250 in Syria, 41 in Saudi Arabia, 37 in Israel, seven in the U.S., five in Iran and one in Kuwait.
The organization has repeatedly called for the activation of the Riyadh Convention that allows Jordanian prisoners in Arab states to complete the rest of their prison terms in Jordan.
The 1983 Riyadh Convention on Judicial Cooperation between states of the Arab League allows for repatriation of Arab prisoners in any Arab state to spend the rest of their imprisonment in their respective states.
January 2nd, 2012, 2:13 pm
ss said:
There is no future for the MB in Syria period. The army will fight them until the last drop of blood. We will make a deal with the internal opposition and yes with Mana3, it seems that he is with the goverment now, will cut a deal with the internal opposition and the regime will do that. The external opposition lead by Ghallious has not future at all. His biggest mistake is that he allied with MB. There is no single secular person in Syria that will welcome MB, none.
They talk about free Syrian army. I really liked the comment made by Mana3 when he said the FSA represents less than 3% of the Syrian army, we should not lie on ourselves. The FSA is not able to throw the regime.
I hope the AL monitoring agents get out so the army will start grilling those MB again. I know they are grilling at low scale now but I cannot wait until they take on Baba ffff Amro and wipe it out. God bless the syrian army
January 2nd, 2012, 2:13 pm
Syrian Nationalist Party said:
Could you please allow the user name change:
311. Syrian Nationalist Party ????? ?????? ??????said:
*Your comment is awaiting moderation.*
“….I much rather be a Hendo and worship a cow than this criminal bastard Revlon God….”
I reached that conclusion long time ago SNK. Not only worship cats and cows, but nature, sun and p****ies. As long as the sun comes up, water is available, green grows and women has womb, life will eternally goes on, despite what all other Reptilians wanted us to worship. The ancient Syrians had it right. We got corrupted and now we pay for it.
January 2nd, 2012, 2:46 pm
majedkhaldoun said:
I suspect the regime is broke already, he is only surviving because of Iran help, if Iran is prevented from selling its oil iran will not help Syria and the regime will collapse,this is expected to end in March,
I wonder if Ehsani can tell us about syrian economy.
Haytham Manna3 said he will not negotiate or have dialogue with the regime, do not expect him to form any goverment where Bashar the booha is president,those who put their hope on Manna3 they are dreaming.
I believe Burhan Ghalioun is very reasonable person,along with Haytham Maleh
January 2nd, 2012, 3:13 pm
ss said:
312 comment:
I think you need more training in politics. Mana3 is nothing when it comes to the Syrian regime. We are not counting on him because he is a card but i think the regime will know how to play it. You will remember in the future; Mana3 will side with the regime if he is not already doing so. Its a card game Mr. Khaldoon and the regime is master when it comes to playing its cards.
Listen to Mr. Osi the head of the national syrian kurd movement. No such talk was allowed a year ago in support of the Kurd movement; well things changes.
Do not be surprised.
Iran is well and will continue to support Syria.
You are talking about March?? I though the regime had fallen back in Ramadan. Perhaps you mean March 2030, may be, who knows.
CCN broadcasted a report showing these thugs in Homs making bunkers, and shooting on people.
The regime is supported by Russia, China. Iran is a major support to Syria. I advice you not to count on your FSA, its a freakin joke
January 2nd, 2012, 3:54 pm
ss said:
312. majedkhaldoun
Let me make it clear for you
We are ready to fight them until the last drop of blood.
We will never ever allow them to take over Syria. Conservative can go to their mosques and pray as much as they want but will never allow them to rule.
January 2nd, 2012, 3:58 pm
defender said:
January 2nd, 2012, 4:01 pm
defender said:
313. SS
????? ????? ???? !!! ??? ??? ??? !
January 2nd, 2012, 4:20 pm
Tara said:
The Iranian rial is trading at it’s lowest point ever. Is It a divine punishment for aiding a tyrant killing his own people? I am sure for the mothers of the 400 some children killed by Assad’s Shabeeha, aided by the IRG, Iran deserves it’s punishment. Iran should stop pouring money on the failing Syrian economy and start looking at it’s own interest. There is no political gain from supporting a dead man walking.
Iran worried over plunging currency
MARC BURLEIGH / TEHRAN – Agence France-Presse
The rial was trading at 15,800 to the US dollar yesterday.
Iranian officials, lawmakers and media yesterday worriedly snapped their focus on to the sanctions-hit economy amid a sudden plunge in the currency.
The rial was trading at 15,800 to the U.S. dollar – its lowest point ever, and an indication of the fragility of the economy as international sanctions bite.
Concerned lawmakers summoned the economy minister, central bank chief and foreign ministry officials to testify on the economic situation and how Iran could weather more sanctions.
President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad put the currency slide down to “rumors” started by profiteers nd sought to reassure the public that the economy was “stable and calm,” in a speech broadcast on state television.
“We are not experiencing any particular problems,” he said, asserting that foreign exchange reserves were at a historic high.
On Tuesday, Ahmadinejad said “mischief from outside and inside” the country was affecting gold and currency prices, according to Iranian media.
Central bank figures quoted by Iranian media say the amount of rials in circulation has jumped 20 percent in the past five months as more money is printed.
That in turn has driven inflation sharply higher. The central bank says it is now running at 19.8 percent per annum.
The United States and Europe are expected to soon announce additional sanctions on Iran, targeting the country’s vital oil sector and central bank.
January 2nd, 2012, 6:05 pm
Syria no kandahar said:
???? ??????
You mean this mom:
January 2nd, 2012, 6:39 pm
Tara said:
The regime killed Saree but the mother blinded by her hatred accused the revolutionaries.
one of the greatest satires of the fascist and communist era. The supporters of dictatorship, Milosz says, must:
Learn to predict a fire with unerring precision
Then burn the house down to fulfil the prediction.
To beat the opposition and survive, Assad has to play his equivalent of the race card. He has to rally the support of his tribe by telling the Allawite and Christian minorities that they must unite behind him or face extermination. To make certain his prediction comes true he burns down the house just to make sure. ….
January 2nd, 2012, 6:56 pm
ss said:
319: “He has to rally the support of his tribe by telling the Allawite and Christian minorities that they must unite behind him or face extermination”
He already (meaning Assad) played it and we swallowed it, and it tastes good. yummy. We love it. We, secular syrians, are united behind him. NO FUTURE FOR MB in Syria. We are ready to die for one thing: only to kill these bastared islamists.
January 2nd, 2012, 7:13 pm
syria no kandahar said:
Tara levy
Sari saoud killed by Assad
Sari Hassoun killed by Assad
Nidal Janoud killed by Assad
2000 soldiers killed by Assad
you are a brillint blind liar,May your god Alaaroor bless you.
January 2nd, 2012, 7:19 pm
Observer said:
This blog is now a joke. Sorry Joshua, most of the commentators and they happen to be pro regime are just plain shouting slogans. There is really no debate just “un dialogue de sourds”. Just like Syrian TV that are touting the great investment opportunities that have just opened up in Syria due to the recent “reforms” that the most enlightened and dear leader Kim Jong Ill has instituted in NK…. oops I meant Betho the laughing giraffe has instituted in Syria Alassad.
January 2nd, 2012, 7:28 pm
majedkhaldoun said:
Kandahar no syrian
You are astonishingly right in 321
January 2nd, 2012, 8:18 pm
Dale Andersen said:
RE: “…this blog is now a joke…”
Absolutely correct, Dude. It’s dumb-and-dumber, the bland- leading the bland and look-at-me-I’m-with-stupid.
And it will get worse before it gets better. Ann and Jaddie and Bronco and Syria No Khandahar get paid by Besho’s pals to post. So until the Syrian economy gets so deep into the toilet that they’re paychecks stop coming, look for more of the same.
But don’t worry. After the revolution, they’ll be taken to Dara’a where a big ugly smelly man will rip out their tongues and chop off their thumbs…
January 2nd, 2012, 8:28 pm
zoo said:
“Burghul was the first journalist get killed during the nearly 10-month-old unrest.”
Syrian journalist dies of his wounds in restive suburb of Damascus 2012-01-03
DAMASCUS, Jan. 2 (Xinhua) — A Syrian journalist died Monday of his wounds after being shot on Friday by armed men in a restive suburb of the capital Damascus.
The 56-year-old Shukry Abu Burghol, was shot by gunmen last Friday in his house at the Damascus suburb of Darya during an anti- government protest there, an official source at Syria’s state-run radio told Xinhua.
The source said Burghol had received death threats by unknown parties due to his work in the official media.
Burghol, who had worked for state-run al-Thawra daily, “was an active journalist in defending his homeland,” said the source.
The slain journalist’s son, Adham, told the state-TV that ” while sitting at home on Friday we heard heavy gunshot near our house and my father wanted to know the reason but once he stood up to see what was going on, a bullet tore through the window and hit his eye.”
Burghul was the first journalist get killed during the nearly 10-month-old unrest.
The Syrian government has recently said that a total of 2,000 army and security personnel have been killed during the months- long unrest. The United Nations put the total death toll in the country at more than 5,000.
January 2nd, 2012, 8:41 pm
Ghufran said:
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????? ?????? ???? ??? ?????? ???? ????? ??? ‘1’ ???? ??????? ?? ??????? ?????? ?? ?????? ????? ?????????? ?? ???? ??????? ?? ?? ???? ????? ????? ??? ?? ????? ??? ??? ?????? ??? ????? ?????? ????? ??? ?? ?????? ???????? ?????.
?????? ???????? ?? ??????? “???? ??? ????? ??? ?????? ?????? ??? ?????? ???? ??? ???? ?????? ??? ?? ????? ?????? ???? ??? ???????”.
January 2nd, 2012, 9:13 pm
Ghufran said:
A regime created by invaders can only increase division and corruption, the regime in Syria must be changed but not move from one extreme to the other. Look at Iraq:
?????? ????? ?? ??????? ???????? ???? ??? ??? ????? ?????? ???? (????????-?????)
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???? ?????? ?? ?????? ???? ????? ???? ?????? ?????????? ?? “??????? ???????? ???? ??? ??????? ????? ??? ????? 2003 ??? ????? ????? ?? ??????? ???????? ???? ??? ???????? ???????? ????? ????? ??? ??????? ????????? ?? ??? ?????? ?????? ?????? ???????? ????? ???? ??? ???? ???? ?? ?????? ??????? ??????? ???? ???? ??????? ?????”.
January 2nd, 2012, 9:22 pm
Ghufran said:
Iraq Body Count (IBC) recorded 4,063 civilian deaths from violence in 2011. Evidence of these deaths was extracted from some 6,828 distinct reports collected from over 90 sources covering 1,874 incidents, each of which is openly listed on the IBC website. This brings the total number of deaths in the IBC database so far to 114,212. These numbers represent a verifiable documentary record of deaths, and are not estimates
( Iraq is screaming: do not repeat me again)
January 2nd, 2012, 9:36 pm
ann said:
Israel And US Corporate Qaeda Are At It Again – January 3, 2012
On stand alone basis 9/11 attacks were not a significant blow to the American economy, definitely far less than Katrina, if insurance claims are any indication (9/11= $39.5 billion vs Katrina= $100+ billion). However, it is what followed as the US ‘reaction’ – Afghan-Iraq wars and homeland security and associated corruption – that cost the American economy and public dearly.
Even though very much suspect, Afghanistan war may have some political and security justifications. And had the US limited its war to Afghanistan, it is certain to have wound up the mission in far less time and without accumulating so much debt and without millions of Americans in desperate financial straits.
But that wasn’t to be. It manufactured a stinking lie for the war on Iraq to appease the most vocal protagonists of the war– Israel and the US corporate community. As was always believed, both saw, and harvested, benefits in this inhuman enterprise.
Well, Israel has no more to worry about Saddam Hussein and the US corporate community is richer by hundreds of billions of dollars.
But each war has its unintended consequences. Iraq war has proved no different.
Even before the US was to stealthily withdraw its last troops from Iraq on 18 Dec (instead of publically announced 31 Dec) and however loudly VP Joe Bidden may declare US determination to use its “diplomatic and economic might” to help Israel have sound sleep, Tel Aviv has already lost more of its sleep than it had recovered with Saddam’s ouster. Nouri al-Maliki’s immediate rebuff to Biden on Syria was yet another clear signal to the US that Iraq intends to pursue its interests independent of Washington’s guiding hand; repeating what it did in awarding oil contracts back in 2009 to Russian and Chinese companies when American forces were still firmly stationed there and shooting down Iraqi’s at will. Which means the Iraqi Government will be still less bothered about how the US feels in its dealings with Iran. Add to this the US-trained 650,000 predominantly Shia Iraqi army that can seamlessly coordinate with the Iranian army on the east and the Syrian army and Hezbollah fighters on the west should a need arise. It is just the ego that makes the US administration see Iran having “less influence in the region than they have had in the last 20 years”!
Enter the Arab liberation wave.
Obama and his media spin masters may try to claim credit for masterminding the Arab revolution, the world however knows it took the US and Israel both quite unawares, as did the dethroning of Reza Shah in 1979 in Iran. And what followed as election outcomes in Morocco, Tunisia and Libya and Egypt is hardly what Tel Aviv and Washington could have bargained for.
No birth of Western-version of neoliberal corporate democracies hallmarked by lure, deception and outright lies on both domestic and international platforms. Instead, the ideology that is gaining power wherever Arabs are voting is genetically and stubbornly programmed over the past six decades against Israeli occupation and US’ brazenly partisan role in perpetuating this occupation as well as the miseries Arab masses have suffered under the American pet dictators. And whichever way the turmoil in Syria, Yemen, Bahrain and in other left out American outposts in the region turns out, the end result is assured to be far more than “very, very disturbing” (Netanyahu’s words) for Israel and the US. Ironically, for both, this threat is born through the spread of their much vaunted electoral democracy! Include Pakistan and Afghanistan, you have a long, contiguous swath of globe from Arabian Sea to Atlantic where hundreds of millions of Muslims are united in their anger against and denunciation of US and Israel.
Arab revolution didn’t limit its influence on US-Israel external political environment. Long before it is to turn its full course in the Arab lands it began echoing within America in the form of OWS sowing seeds of a phenomenon that has potential to transform Western democracies from their current exploitative and oppressive version to one that is benign for its people and for the world at large.
The tragedy for the American public, like the Arabs, is that the root of their woes is their own people – the big business and financial corporations, the 1%. Used to manipulating American politics and economy, they, in league with Zionist and neocon lobbies proved the worst for the country and the public by pushing America to two lost wars and simultaneously sabotaging the economy. Yet, listen to the American political class and their pliant media it is Al Qaeda, Taliban and, now increasingly, Iran! Not even a whisper against the Corporate Qaeda or Israel.
Selfishness and arrogance are like a blind wall to learning lessons and the two are in perfect harmony defining the Israel-US relationship. In concert with corporate lobbies and media, Israel is again forcefully waging the US into yet another foul war over the drummed-up stand off between the “international community” and Iran. Downing of drone by Iran has deeply hurt American ego and Israel is trying its utmost to cash in this opportunity to get the US declare war on Iran. Well, with economy in doldrums, may be the empire also needs a final push for an assured fall off the precipice. Go ahead Mr. Obama. The United States history, too, must have its own Gorbachev.
When mending economy and job creation should have been the top political and moral priority to instill some hope among the despairing millions Americans, you have the aspiring presidential candidates – Democrats and Republican – instead trying to out drink one another on the ultimate elixir – allegiance to Israel – to achieve political nirvana in the presidential race. None is bothered about the homeless and protesters out on streets and thousands already behind the bars; none is talking to or about them, not even indirectly.
Contrarily, one Republican aspirant, Michele Bachmann, ridicules them: “[OWS] want other people to pay for their stuff. That doesn’t work in the United States of America.” Of course, Americans and world knows that works for Israel only.
But then you can’t really blame politicians; they all need money and favorable media, something where Zionist and neocon lobbies control the levers. They can’t overlook the example the Republican Jewish Coalition and the corporate-owned-media made out of another Republican aspirant, maverick Ron Paul, for daring to put America and Americans’ interests before Israeli and Corporate Qaeda’s. (For starters, Ron Paul voted against war on Iraq, is against US worrying for Israel’s security, wants end to US annual $3 billion aid to Israel, and is against war on Iran.) Obviously crimes serious enough for the Republican Jewish Coalition not to invite him to address Jewish Presidential Coalition Forum the other day and for the media to down play his election campaign.
The influence Israel hold on US politics is legendary but the manner The New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman put it in plain words reveals the depth and nature of this influence: “I sure hope that Israel’s prime minister, Binyamin Netanyahu, understands that the standing ovation he got in Congress this year was not for his politics. That ovation was bought and paid for by the Israel lobby.”
Knowing Israel doesn’t count previous largesse and needs to be constantly attended to its ever new demands – this time it is military assault on Iran — Obama activated, not the Secretary of State, but the Defense Secretary. Immediately Leon Panetta, reversing on his earlier (10 November) warning to Israel of the risks of a strike on Iran and “Just get to damn table” (3 Dec), declared (19 Dec) “Iran’s nuclear bomb is less than a year away,” in effect repeating verbatim Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak’s words (20 Nov interview to Fareed Zakaria, CNN). Panetta added “We will take whatever steps necessary to stop it” and “Doing nothing is no longer an option.”
He didn’t just take u-turn but the language itself got vulgar: “the chap [Iranian President Ahmadinejad] whose name sounds like ‘I’m a dinner jacket’ seems to be impervious to [diplomatic pressure].” What a shameless low for the “civilized’ world!
This loss of minimum civility doesn’t seem surprising when he adds that “the destruction of Iran’s nuclear capacity is a matter of life or death, not only Israel’s but ours as well.”
Very true, Mr. Panetta. Lives of the Master and the serfs are in danger!
AIPAC lost no time to applaud Panetta this time.
Further down the line the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Dempsey, too, chipped in (21 Dec): “We are examining a range of options,” and “I am satisfied that the options that we are developing are evolving to a point that they would be executable if necessary.” However, unlike his boss, Gen. Dempsey was forthright in revealing the real motive of the impending war was not to save the lives of the serfs but to satisfy Master’s desires: “We are trying to establish some confidence on the part of the Israelis that we recognize their concerns and are collaborating with them on addressing them.”
Before the war has begun, Corporate Qaeda has started making hay through enhanced weapons sales to the member states of the Gulf Cooperation Council, the so-called “mini-NATO” in the Gulf. The deals, according to Financial Times, are estimated to be worth $123 billion – indeed a huge piece of beef for the crisis-hit American businesses.
The weapons are of varied types – 84 F-15 fighter jets, 72 Black Hawk and 70 Apache Longbow attack helicopters, Patriot Advanced Capability-2 and -3, several hundred Hellfire air-to-surface missiles, Stringer missiles, and other missiles, 2,000-pound bunker-busting bombs, thousands of joint direct attack munitions, etc.
With Saudi Arabia alone the deal is said to be worth $ 60 billion – the single largest US arms sale in history of which $29.4 billion deal was signed Thursday. Another $ 3.5 billion deal, a part of $ 35.6 billion arms sales package with UAE, was signed Christmas day with UAE for of supply of missiles.
Interestingly Israel hasn’t raised any objections to these arms supplies this time.
Additionally, there are reports of US quietly transferring large military supplies to Israel paid by Pentagon to help the country prepare for war on Iran.
There will certainly be much more for the US arms industry, private contractors and other allied businesses as and when war actually begins.
If Afghanistan-Iraq wars have taught any lessons it is not to anticipate a particular outcome of the impending Iran war on Iran. But one thing can be said with certainty: This time around Israel may not have a chance to cheerlead the American bombing mission.
January 2nd, 2012, 10:58 pm
Ghufran said:
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??? ???? ????? ?? ????? ??????? ????????? ??? ???????? ?????? ??? ??????? ?????? ???.
????? ????? ??????? ???? ???? “???? ????? ??????? ???????? ?? ??????? ???????? ???? ????? ?????? ??????? ?????? ??????? ???? ???????”.
????? “???????? ???? ????? ????? ??????? ?????? ????? ???????”? ??????? “?????? ??????? ????????”?
January 2nd, 2012, 11:05 pm
N.Z. said:
Dale Andersen,
The racist lyrics of a Disney movie, Aladdin quickly became a beloved Disney classic. Your words, reminded me of the racist lyrics in Aladdin, read and compare.
Where they will cut off your ear, if they don’t like your face, its barbaric, but hey its home.
“After the revolution, they’ll be taken to Dara’a where a big ugly smelly man will rip out their tongues and chop off their thumbs…”
Dale, words are like trees. A nice word will go a long a way. Us, like you, we have the good, the bad and the ugly.
Quran, 14:24 Are you not aware how God sets forth the parable of a good word? [It is] like a good tree, firmly rooted, [reaching out] with its branches towards the sky This is the tree to which God likens the believer because it is good in all aspects, it is lasting and it offers different kinds of benefit.
January 2nd, 2012, 11:38 pm
Vedat The Turk said:
While everyones attention has been focused on the events in Syria there has been a very interesting development out of Switzerland.
Switzerland announced sanctions on the leaders of the regime some time ago. Today it was revealed that Hafez Makhlouf has been trying to obtain a visa to enter Switzerland in order to clear his name. When the Swiss government rejected his visa request Hafez undertook a legal challenge through the countries courts. The court decision not only rejected his request but challenged the truthfulness of the reason he gave for wanting to enter the country. Seems like this is a prime example of one of Assads inner circle trying to flee.
Another interesting note of the article below was that funds seized by the Swiss included accounts held directly by Bashir Assads and his immediate family. Talk about a corrupt leadership – they steal from the poor Syrian and stash it away in Switzerland.
January 3rd, 2012, 12:12 am
Haytham Khoury said:
Dear SNK:
???????? ???? ??????? ????????? ? ?????? ?????? 31 12
January 3rd, 2012, 12:22 am
Ghufran said:
The idea of sending monitors to Syria is one that I supported but their number needs to be large enough for them to make a difference,if the AL does not boost the number of those monitors,we have to assume that the whole thing was a show. As long as the UNSC stays out of this,Syria has to wait until fighting factions get tired and start accepting mediators.
Tayfour today declared that the MB will win back the Golan by useful means,the guy kept his face down for the whole interview,it was a strange scene to say the least. I will try to get a clip later.
January 3rd, 2012, 12:31 am
Ghufran said:
??? ????? ?? ?????? ???? ?????? ???????? ???? ????? ?????? ?????? ??? ??????? ???? ?????? ?????? ?????? ???? ????? ??????? ?? ???????? ?????? ???????? ?????????? ????????? ???????? ????? ??? ?????? ??????? ????? ??????? ??????? ????????? ?? ?????? ???????? ??????? ?? ?????? ????? ??????? ????? ??? ??? ???? ???? ???? ???? ???? ?????? ??? ?????? ?? ???????.
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January 3rd, 2012, 1:06 am
ann said:
334. Ghufran said: “””Tayfour today declared that the MB will win back the Golan by useful means”””
Useful means?!
Let me guess. He wants to win back the Syrian Golan from Israel by weakening and destroying Syria’s military capabilities.
Better yet, maybe what he has in mind is to pray to Allah Syria’s enemies will give back all Syrian invaded and occupied land to a weak and destroyed Syria with no military capability whatsoever.
Did he say anything about how he plans to win back turkish occupied Syrian Iskandarun?
January 3rd, 2012, 1:22 am
Amir in Tel Aviv said:
The Rial is trading today at 1:17,400 ! A fall of 15% in two days.
Isn’t it divine? Allah is very angry.
January 3rd, 2012, 3:57 am
Juergen said:
I wrote yesterday about an 35 year old Syrian who got shot with ten bullets in his car in Sarstedt/Germany. As it turns out this was an other honor crime, political motives are propably not involved said the police. He was married and was in love with an other syrian women who was also married. The police is still looking for the two killers.
January 3rd, 2012, 4:38 am
Mina said:
Thanks a lot, I didn’t expect less confusion from someone who does not see the difference between Syria and Hitler’s Germany.
You are wrong, it must be a delight for Western think-tanks to evaluate the stupidity of some pro-“revo” here… Just like the Tahrir youth last year when they did have a momentum and cameras of the whole planet: “What is your programme?” “We don’t have a programme!! This is our strength!! We just want X’s head” “Ahhh and who is your leader?” “We don’t need a leader!! We are the X generation! Okay maybe Anonymous and Wael Ghoneim, because they are famous on the internet”… Sure. You’ll go far.
So now that the US+Western coalition has officially lost against the Talibans, let them change alliances and crush a few secular states.
Enter the year of the Taliban
By M K Bhadrakumar
No matter what the Chinese may say about 2012 being the year of the dragon, this is going to be the year of the Taliban so far as the United States is concerned.
The New Year began with an exciting media “leak” by senior United States officials in Washington that the Barack Obama administration was considering the transfer to Afghan custody of a senior Taliban official, Mullah Mohammed Fazl, who has been
detained at the US facility at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba for the past nine years.
The officials claimed Fazl might be released (or transferred to Qatar) in response to a longstanding request by Kabul as a “confidence-building measure” intended to underscore to the Taliban the US’s seriousness in engaging them.
January 3rd, 2012, 6:12 am
Mina said:
Haytham al-Manna: The Politics Behind the Pact with Ghalioun
by: Serene Assir
Published Monday, January 2, 2012
Cairo | Interview – The pact concluded on Friday between Haytham al-Manna of the National Coordination Committee (NCC) and Burhan Ghalioun, head of the Syrian National Council (SNC) establishing a framework for unifying the Syrian opposition and its vision of a post-Assad Syria may have been stillborn.
After the pact became public, various SNC members publicly criticized its take on foreign intervention and domestic armed action against the regime, and claimed the SNC is not bound by it. Ghalioun later said what he signed was a draft yet to be approved by the SNC and is not a final declaration.
Al-Manna spoke to Al-Akhbar in Cairo on Sunday about the circumstances surrounding the agreement and his understanding of its provisions.
For an English text of the pact as provided by al-Manna, click here.
Serene Assir: Tell us about the pact between Burhan Ghalioun and you, and the conditions around its creation.
Haytham al-Manna: Burhan and I were the only ones who signed it, but the two main groups behind the creation of the pact comprised a total of 15 activists. So the pact is not about Haytham and Burhan. It just so happened that we were the ones who were working on the last phase, and discussing the final details, in order to include the points of view of all those who took part in the drafting over the course of 35 days.
We were planning to complete it on December 26, but we were late for a number of reasons. A number of points in the pact gave rise to big disagreements, at least within the SNC.
At the NCC we are very well coordinated. We know what we want. Most of the time, we would be the ones proposing the ideas, while the other side (the SNC) would modify them. We in the NCC have clarity and an internal understanding on the fundamental issues. We held a conference in September during which we discussed all the main issues the revolution has brought to light. Because of that, the work on the pact was easy for us.
On the other hand, the SNC is a conglomeration of disparate groups. These groups diverge from each other politically. And when they came together they did not do so on the basis of a program. They came together on the basis of the demand for the fall of the regime. Because of this, establishing a program was very difficult for them.
Many of the declarations they have made were taken from our texts. This political and intellectual laziness by some actors, who in turn focused their energy on the media and lobbying more than on building a political foundation, was clear in our discussions.
Because of this we were afraid of co-signing on any issue. But we were eager to hand over the pact to the Arab League before the end of 2011, because that way we would honor our commitment to ourselves and to Secretary General Nabil Arabi.
This created an organizational problem for the SNC. I was aware this might happen. I spoke with my leadership and asked whether I had the authority to sign a pact. I received instructions on what our red lines were, and I acted on them.
Because of this, there was not a single person from the NCC that voiced disagreement with the pact. On the contrary, there was 100 percent agreement.
We don’t want anyone to destroy our country. We’ve never seen a situation where Santa Claus appears, saves a country from a dictatorship, and then waves goodbye peacefully and leaves. We understand the pressure on the Syrian people is immense – but Western military intervention is simply not a solution. We need to be able to face the Syrian regime’s violent discourse with rationalism.
This was not the case with the SNC. If we look on the bright side, we can consider it a good thing that the SNC is not a homogeneous body. It includes both secular and ultra-religious groups. That’s what the SNC is about. It includes all kinds of thinking. That’s why it is difficult for the SNC to accept the pact as a whole.
This is a new kind of pact. The extreme right couldn’t possibly accept it. It is a democratic pact. Among those who disagreed with it are actors who are new to politics. Others are affected by the fact that they have been living in a prison camp of a state. It was difficult for them to even read it.
Because of this I am not surprised by attacks against the pact. I hope those attacks are dealt with within the SNC. At least, there should be an understanding that there is a democratic majority within the SNC that accepted the pact.
SA: The agreement rejects “any foreign military intervention that affects the sovereignty and independence of the country” and adds that “Arab intervention is not considered to be foreign intervention.” What do you mean by Arab intervention.
HM: There are precedents for Arab intervention without casualties, whereas there is not a single example in the history of, say NATO intervention without victims. Syria is a member of the Arab League. If the Arab League cannot help protect civilians through the presence of human rights monitors, then we should be considering the possibility of “green helmets” (Arab League peacekeeping troops) on the ground.
I do not think that lightly armed Egyptian, Tunisian or Moroccan troops on Syrian soil would raise any alarm. On the contrary, I think the Syrian people would welcome them and feed them better than the Arab League does. Egypt, Tunisia and Morocco have neither the intention nor the capacity to occupy Syria, so we have no reason to worry.
Of course we hope that we do not have to come to that point. We continue to urge the Arab League to send the remaining monitors to Syria, and we hope the number of monitors rises to more than 500. I am impressed because people in Syria are dealing with the 150 who are already there as a real force – not as a force with no capacity for real work. They are being shown around and urged to do their work well.
The notion that international monitors would have been preferred to Arab monitors is a fiction propagated by the Gulf-based media. It is simply not true. The simple fact of the matter is most Syrians can’t speak any other language than Arabic, so international monitors would have a hard time communicating with the people.
Similarly, the idea that the Syrian file can be transferred to the hands of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) from the Arab League, as a matter of course, is untrue. But that is the fiction we are being targeted with at the moment.
SA: What if Arab military intervention were to come from the Gulf?
HM: The key problem with that is that the Gulf Cooperation Council countries are not neutral. They have taken a side in the media war, and also in urging for the UNSC to intervene. We have heard more than once that they are willing to take this to the UNSC. This weakens the Gulf’s position when it comes to Syria.
In the Gulf there is a campaign against the Iranians. This might mean that the Gulf countries might try to turn Syria into a battleground against Iran. But we refuse to become the victims of a war by proxy. We want democracy and freedom in Syria; we do not want to be used by any other power for their interests.
It is worth clarifying that once the regime has fallen we will want to develop good regional state relations not only with our Arab brothers, but also with Turkey and Iran.
SA: There are those inside Syria who are at the forefront of the revolution who are calling for Western military intervention. What do you say to this?
HM: The pressure on people is so strong that it has created what I call the Party of Let the Devil Come. It’s simply not constructive. I was in Iraq two weeks after the US invaded. I requested a meeting with (the then-head of the US Coalition Provisional Authority, charged with supervising the occupation, Paul) Bremer. I told him I wanted to know what he would do to ensure Iraq was reconstructed, after the US destroyed it. He said, “It’s not our job.”
We don’t want anyone to destroy our country. We’ve never seen a situation where Santa Claus appears, saves a country from a dictatorship, and then waves goodbye peacefully and leaves. We understand the pressure on the Syrian people is immense – but Western military intervention is simply not a solution. We need to be able to face the Syrian regime’s violent discourse with rationalism.
In addition, we need to bear in mind that foreign powers are not speaking in a united voice on Syria. At one point, France and Turkey were cooperating to send in aid to the Free Syrian Army through the Turkish border. Now France is using Lebanon’s borders for this. As such, the changing nature of foreign states’ relations among each other affects the reality on the ground in Syria. It’s good for the Syrians to feel that there is international solidarity with their cause, but going from that to calling for military intervention is quite a stretch.
SA: What suggestions do you have in order for the Arab League monitors to be able to do their work better?
HM: When Richard Goldstone went to Gaza, the Israelis made him wait at the border for eight hours. Others were refused access altogether. The work of every human rights monitor is difficult and problematic.
If we deal with the monitors with patience and humanity, we may make some progress and ensure the entry of more. If we look for errors or shortfalls at every step of the way, that’s all we’ll find, and we may even end up contributing to the end of their mission. You can’t expect the monitors to work this way, under pressure from every side. We need to decide whether we want the monitors to succeed in their mission or not. If we do, we need to find ways to help them. I don’t want to judge anyone, but I think we just need to make sure the Arab monitors’ presence yields positive results. The monitors are making a sacrifice at the end of the day by just being in Syria – we can’t start off their mission by showering them with accusations.
SA: What has been the response of the opposition inside Syria to the agreement you signed with Ghalioun?
HM: As for the NCC, I am the only member living outside Syria. The rest of the body’s membership is all inside Syria. I also tried to travel to Syria as frequently as I could, even if that meant I was put under surveillance by the regime. The last time I visited Syria was in July 2010.
The SNC’s members are all outside. They are, in a way, the council of exiles. What we would like the SNC to understand is that the struggle is not a media struggle, or a competition among balloon organizations. The real struggle is on the ground.
SA: Tell us what you know about where the Syrian revolution stands right now, and what you would say to those who say even the stability of the regime is preferable to foreign intervention.
HM: The Syrian revolution has risen because of the mobilization of hundreds of thousands of people. The vast majority had no prior experience in politics. Each day, their presence on the street acts as their schooling and training.
But for the revolution to succeed we need three levels of involvement. Of course we need the massive popular mobilization. But we also need people with historical legitimacy to be involved. In Tunisia, the revolution succeeded partly because people who had already been dissidents for years, and who had a proven political track record, got involved.
Secondly, we need leadership on the streets. We need people like my martyred brother, Maan Eludat, who was a union activist before he was killed. These leaders are now either in prison or dead. This is part of the reason why the Syrian revolution is experiencing chaos. We need people to keep check of what is happening in the absence of authority, so that we develop a revolutionary consciousness that helps the country get rid of corruption at the micro-level, for instance. Without leadership, we face the danger of having the revolution hijacked by street thugs.
In Homs, the most important leaders are currently cut off from the world. Of course, that is what the regime wants. It is because of this absence of leadership that we are witnessing the spread of sectarian revenge killings.
On the other hand, what needs to be made very clear is that the lowest recorded number of people killed on the back of Western military intervention was in the Libyan case. As an observer in the International Criminal Court case on Libya, I can confirm to you that 52,000 people were killed in the war there. There is not a single positive example in history of Western military intervention. In Rwanda, the humanitarian corridor established did nothing to stop the genocide.
We will not be forced to choose between cholera and the plague. After all the sacrifice and advances made in the struggle against the regime, we won’t step back now. We don’t want either occupation or the regime. Some play on the idea that the regime is protecting the minorities. This is an absurd idea, because the revolution is based on a citizen-building project by a people that has risen.
January 3rd, 2012, 6:36 am
Juergen said:
Well i do see many similarities when it comes to dictatorships, so Nazi Germany was a dictatorship and Syria has with Assad also an opthamologist as an dictator. But dont worry i did not say he has created an syrian Auschwitz, but we will see will be discovered after the downfall of this family.
January 3rd, 2012, 6:43 am
Uzair8 said:
If anyone has any doubts about these regimes willing to carry out black operations and more to stay in power then just remind yourselves of the Algerian regime over the past several decades.
How many massacres did they commit and blame on the Islamists?
I remember some articles I came across during the past summer.
Here is one comment from the end of one article that refers to a relevant article:
In 1997 the army murdered 250,000 Algerians. & the general who calls himself the God of Algeria his name is Toufik Mediene said that he was ready & willing to murder 3 million more just to maintain the status quo.
If you don’t believe this, I cordially invite you to look up online the article that first appeared on entitled:General Toufik: ‘God of Algeria’
Here is the General Toufik: ‘God of Algeria’ article:
I tell you. If there is one regime I despise other than the Syrian one it is the Algerian one. Having said that I’m not sure there will be a revolution there as they have already been thru a civil war.
January 3rd, 2012, 7:44 am
Uzair8 said:
Some extracts from article on previous post on the ‘god-General’ General Mohamed ‘Toufik’ Mediène, the director of Algeria’s Département du Renseignement et de la Sécurité (DRS).
‘A year later, Zeroual tried again, this time deciding to appoint Betchine as minister of defence in order to get rid of Mediène. Mediène’s retaliation was again swift and preemptory. He organised civilian massacres on a massive scale – at Raïs, Bentalha, Beni-Messous and elsewhere – bringing horror and psychosis to the gates of Algiers. At the same time, he set the DRS machinery on destroying Betchine’s businesses and reputation, forcing him to resign – a broken man. Zeroual followed suite.’
‘Mediène’s response to the prospect of Betchine being brought back to power by a Said Bouteflika succession has been devastating. His strategy has been to destroy all those linked to Said Bouteflika using the age-old combination of ‘corruption’ and ‘blackmail’. Indeed, one reason why Mediène backed Bouteflika in 1999 and why corruption has become so pervasive over the last 10 years is that the DRS has encouraged it and uses it as a form of control.’
‘Algeria’s relations with Morocco are likely to be damaged further by the activities of al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM). Morocco is aware of the involvement of the DRS in establishing AQIM in the Sahara-Sahel. Now that the kidnapper of the three Spanish aid workers abducted in Mauritania last November, Omar Ahmed Ould Sidi Ould Hama, has been revealed as a member of Polisario, which is closely managed by the DRS, Morocco’s claims that the Polisario is being used by Algeria, or at least the DRS, for ‘terrorist’ objectives, is suddenly taking on a new light.
Moreover, the increasing number of articles indicating that AQIM in the Sahel was a DRS creation is causing unease in Washington. Again, the blame lies with Mediène.’
My comment: Immoral people need to be removed from power. They are willing to encourage and spread corruption and use false flag ‘terrorism’ in order to use it as a form of control. We want principled and moral leaders. I would say God-fearing people.
Others don’t like mention of ‘good and evil’ or ‘morality’. The above are reasons for its importance.
January 3rd, 2012, 8:03 am
Adam Neira said:
Prayers for Syria.
Somehow all the factions must agree to end the violence. Outside military intervention is not an option. A no fly zone will also not be imposed. The Syrian people must resolve their internal differences on their own. There must be enough wisdom within Syria and in the Syrian Diaspora to create a circuit breaker to deal with the crisis. Hopefully this latest escalation is the high water mark of the violence and things will improve from here on in. This comment is not insensitive, just realistic. It gives many people all around the world great pain to see what is unfolding in the ancient region of Syria, but most people just want peace to prevail for the Syrian people. I also believe President Assad is a very different character to Muhammer Qaddafi and the Libyan case should not be a comparison. Syria’s economy can grow by more than 5% p.a. over the coming 37 years from 2013 onwards if the country is stabilised.
January 3rd, 2012, 8:11 am
Revlon said:
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January 3rd, 2012, 8:47 am
Revlon said:
Al Arabi: We do not know who is shooting at whom!
This was in spite of the fall of 315 martyrs since the arrival of the ALC in Syria.
The conclusion uttered by Al Arabi was not his.
He was merely relaying Al Dabi’s, after consultation with Mu3allem, in accordance with the singed ALC agreement.
This statement shall be the theme for the final conclusion of the ALC on the issue of “armed gangs”.
It was not possible to identify the shooters!!
This is for an obvious reason; the ALC was commissioned to only observe and to gather intelligence.
They have no authority or capability to stop and question armed people!
Al Mu3allem shall be able to comfortably claim that the ALC was a credible witness to the presence of these gangs.
He might even play some Syrian revolution videos of armed Sahbbeeha passing by ALC observers to describe them as armed terrorist gangs as a proof of his claim!
Groups of Shabbeeha were actually made to appear in front of the observers to make that point. Their passing by the observers was not a coincidence or casual.
The sniper’s shooting falls in the same vein.
Snipers were making their presence known and even their positions recognised on purpose. They are saying we are armed people in hiding!
The regime can easily switch on/off sniping and visibility of Shabbeeha at ALC visiting sites; remember ALC teams are constantly chaperoned by the security officer in charge of the visited neighbourhood.
Activists should not be fooled into believing that such incidents shall be interpreted their way.
Every observation shall be duly filtered by the discretion of pro-regime, Army General Al Dabi, and duly judged by the armed gangs media expert, Al Mu3allem.
The other, even more saddening sequel to Agents Orange visits might be their detrimental, virtual exposure of activists’ movements and hideouts by the watchful eyes of a fully mobilised security team!
??????: ?? ???? ?? ???? ????? ??? ?? ??? ???? 315 ?????? ??? ??? ???? ?????????!
???? ????? ????? – ????????? 03 ?????2/????? 2012 00:32 ?????? ????
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January 3rd, 2012, 10:13 am
majedkhaldoun said:
the Syrian writer association is good one, God bless them
January 3rd, 2012, 11:01 am
Revlon said:
Dear NZ,
Dr Manna3’s contributions to this massive human drive for freedom has been to provide condescending views from its early days.
Among other othings, his earliest description of the rising people was “thugs”
Now he claims that the credible revolutionists have eithe been killed or impsrisoned; “the revolution now is no longer pure”!
Dr Manna3 claims that the current revolutionaries do not represent the public!
Only yesterday he was paying tribute and speeking respectfully of the revolution
I belive next Friday should be dedicated to distancing of the revolution from Dr Manna3 and his followers.
Here is how Dr manna3 thinks of the revolution and activists as of today!
???? ???? ??«??????» ???? ??? ??????? «?????? ??????»: ?? ?????? ???????? ????? ?????
????????, 03 ????? 2012
?????? – ???? ????? ????
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January 3rd, 2012, 11:10 am
Zoo said:
Why the Libyans Have Fallen Out of Love with Qatar
By Steven Sotloff / Tripoli Monday, Jan. 02, 2012
But with Gaddafi dead and his regime a distant memory, many Libyans are now complaining that Qatari aid has come at a price. They say Qatar provided a narrow clique of Islamists with arms and money, giving them great leverage over the political process. “I think what they have done is basically support the Muslim Brotherhood,” says former NTC Deputy Prime Minister Ali Tarhouni, referring to the Islamist organization that has won elections in Egypt and Tunisia. “They have brought armaments and they have given them to people that we don’t know.” Some Qatari officials have indeed exerted influence in Libyan politics. During deliberations to choose a new Cabinet in September, a senior Qatari official was seen huddled with the outgoing Defense Minister, allegedly trying to guide appointments to sensitive security positions.
Read more:,8599,2103409,00.html#ixzz1iPdrNLi7
January 3rd, 2012, 11:17 am
Zoo said:
“The Syrian president must leave power,” he told members of the French military.
France Says Syrian Regime Committing Massacres
BEIRUT January 3, 2012 (AP)
French President Nicolas Sarkozy accused Syrian leader Bashar Assad of “barbarous repression” Tuesday and demanded that he step down, saying the regime is massacring its own people.
Sarkozy said Syrians should be allowed to determine their own future.
“The massacres being committed by the Syrian regime rightly arouse disgust and revolt in the Arab world, in France, in Europe and everywhere in the world,” Sarkozy said during a New Year’s address at a Navy air base in Lanveoc-Poulmic, France.
“The Syrian president must leave power,” he told members of the French military.
January 3rd, 2012, 11:28 am
zoo said:
Syria has accepted observers from the AL after receiving threatening ultimatums and pressures from western countries. Now the same western countries are trying to discredit the observers probably because these observers are describing the reality on the ground at odds with what has been considered as the ‘reality’ by the media fed by the opposition groups. Articles trying to criticize and stop the observers mission are pouring daily.
In addition the opposition disparate groups has “united” to create a hybrid monster that has obviously no chance to survive: one more reason for the western medias to destroy the Arab League initiative that is seen as preventing the regime change through military occupation so wanted by the western countries.
Chief of Arab League’s Mission in Syria Is Lightning Rod for Criticism
Published: January 2, 2012
But the killings have continued, and the mission has been mired in controversy, much of it focused on its leader: a Sudanese general who, rights activists say, presided over the same kind of deadly and heavy-handed tactics in Sudan that the Arab League mission is seeking to curb in Syria.
Lt. Gen. Muhammad Ahmed al-Dabi, who once ran Sudan’s notorious military intelligence agency, has only compounded the criticism with his recent statements.
Last week, he spoke dismissively about the damage in Homs, a rebellious city that was shelled by government tanks and where dozens of people were killed. “Some places looked a bit of a mess, but there was nothing frightening,” Reuters quoted him as saying.
The Arab League’s phony mission
From Tuesday’s Globe and Mail
Published Monday, Jan. 02, 2012 7:30PM EST
January 3rd, 2012, 11:43 am
zoo said:
Syria lira within a context of heavy sanctions has lost 25% against the US dollar, while the Turkish lira in a context of ‘booming economy’ has lost 22%. One wonders…
“Turkish Central Bank reserves, including gold, total around $88.2 billion after yesterday’s intervention. The lira lost around 22 percent against the U.S. dollar in 2011, becoming the worst performer against the greenback. Even the battered euro gained 19 percent against the lira last year.”
January 3rd, 2012, 11:59 am
zoo said:
Despite intense pressure from the opposition groups and their western allies, the AL seems to refuse to back down from the observer mission
Arab foreign ministers could meet as early as next week to review a report expected to be submitted later this week by the mission’s chief and to consider Diqbassi’s remarks, Arabi said.
But he stressed the League would not back down from the mission and would be sending more observers soon.
“We have 70 observers in six cities who carried out 26 missions (so far). Thirty more monitors will join them within days,” Arabi said.
He also revealed Damascus promised to allow foreign journalists into Syria to cover the unrest, “with the exception of three television stations.”
Arabi did not identify the networks but an Arab League official said on condition of anonymity they were Al-Arabiya, Al-Jazeera and France 24.
The head of the observer mission, Sudanese General Mohammed Ahmed Mustafa al-Dabi, is due to send his “first report in the next two days” on the situation in Syria, Arabi said.
January 3rd, 2012, 12:14 pm
Mina said:
Breaking: Armed clashes erupt in central Tripoli
Armed clashes erupt between unknown factions in Libyan capital Tripoli outside former intelligence HQ, interior ministry to issue statement
AFP , Tuesday 3 Jan 2012
Armed clashes erupted in the centre of Tripoli on Tuesday, with unknown gunmen trading anti-aircraft and heavy machinegun fire, an AFP reporter said.
The fighting broke out at a building used as intelligence headquarters by the former regime of slain dictator Moamer Kadhafi, which was surrounded by former rebel fighters who toppled him last year.
There was no immediate clarity on the identities of the combattants.
Former rebels who remain organised in militia brigades are visible in many parts of the Libyan capital, and some have taken control of former government buildings, using them as headquarters.
Some witnesses near the scene told AFP that forces from the new government’s interior ministry tried on Tuesday to retake the intelligence building, provoking a clash with the militia group that is currently occupying it.
While those reports could not be independently verified, the interior ministry declined to comment when contacted by AFP, saying only that it would comment on the clashes in the coming hours.
AFP sources said militiamen had blocked traffic from reaching the building, even as two ambulances tried to access the area of unrest, with witnesses reporting a number of injuries.
Many gunmen could also be seen circulating in the area and the situation remained chaotic, according to AFP reporters on the scene.
And the FSA can’t wait for the same mess!
Head of Syria rebels plans to escalate attacks
Head of Syrian rebel army Riad al-Asaad threatens to escalate armed operations against state military if Arab League monitors prove incapable of stopping crackdown
Reuters , Tuesday 3 Jan 2012
The commander of Syrian armed rebels said on Tuesday he was dissatisfied with Arab monitors’ progress in halting a military crackdown on protests and threatened to wait only a few days before escalating operations with a new style of attack.
“If we feel they (the monitors) are still not serious in a few days, or at most within a week, we will take a decision which will surprise the regime and the whole world,” the head of the Free Syrian Army (FSA), Colonel Riad al-Asaad, told Reuters.
Army defectors and armed rebels, loosely organised under the FSA umbrella, have began assaults on Syrian state forces in the past months, killing hundreds of soldiers in operations they said are meant to defend the uprising’s peaceful protests against President Bashar al-Assad.
Asaad told Reuters last week he had ordered a halt to attacks on security forces to give the monitors a chance to operate and “prove that it is the regime that is the criminal”. The president says his forces are fighting against foreign-backed “armed terrorists” that have killed 2,000 of his men.
The colonel, speaking by telephone from his safe haven in southern Turkey, said that the monitors’ presence in Syria last week had not stemmed the bloodshed.
A Reuters tally based on activist reports shows that at least 129 people were killed in the team’s first week. Other activist groups put the toll as high as 390.
“What is most likely now is that we will start a huge escalation of our operations,” Asaad said.
He said it would not be an outright declaration of war, but “it will be a transformative shift in terms of the fighting and we hope the Syrian people will stand behind it”.
The Arab League began its one-month mission to Syria last week to check whether Damascus was implementing a deal to withdraw troops from cities, speak to the opposition and release tens of thousands people believed to be detained since the uprising against the president began in March.
The secretary-general of the Arab League, Nabil Elaraby, told journalists on Monday that tanks had been withdrawn but that snipers and gunfire continued to be a problem. He said the mission needed more time to work.
Asaad asked: “For how long? Since they entered we had many more martyrs. Is it in the Syrian people’s interest to allow the massacre to continue?”
The colonel also rejected the monitors’ assessment that tanks had been withdrawn or that Damascus had shown any willingness to cooperate with the Arab initiative, arguing that tanks were still present on the perimeters of flashpoint cities.
“The regime hasn’t stopped shooting and killing, they haven’t released all the prisoners … the first order was to send soldiers back to their barracks, not to surround the cities from outside,” he said.
The Arab League said it had secured the release of 3,484 prisoners last week. Before the monitors’ arrival, human rights group Avaaz estimated that up to 37,000 were in detention.
Asaad said he spoke to one monitor in Deraa but said the mission had yet to respond to his complaints, such as the 1,500 army defectors the FSA believes to be detained.
Despite Asaad saying the FSA had ordered a temporary halt on attacks, at least nine state soldiers have been killed in three attacks, underscoring scepticism that army officers steering the FSA from Turkey are in full control.
Asaad said those operations had all been in self defence.
January 3rd, 2012, 12:23 pm
Mina said:
3 January 2012 Last updated at 17:15 GMT
Syrian army deserters ‘kill 18’
Demonstration in Idlib January 2, 2012 Demonstrations against President Assad show no sign of abating
Syrian army deserters have killed at least 18 members of President Bashar al-Assad’s security forces, according to a human rights group.
The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights says soldiers deserting their posts at dawn near the southern town of Jassem came under fire from a police station.
They returned fire, killing at least 18 people, it said.
Meanwhile President Sarkozy of France has demanded that Mr Assad step down, accusing him of “barbarous repression”.
Nicolas Sarkozy said President Assad had committed massacres that “rightly arouse disgust and revolt in the Arab world, in France, in Europe and everywhere in the world”.
Arab League foreign ministers will meet this Saturday to discuss a preliminary report from their observers in Syria. The emergency meeting will look at whether the mission should continue, as Syrian government forces have shown no sign of stopping their violence against protesters, an Arab official said.
Continue reading the main story
Syria deaths
The League sent observers to Syria a week ago to check compliance with a peace plan agreed with Damascus.
The UN says more than 5,000 civilians have been killed in a crackdown on anti-government protests since March.
There has been no let-up in the violence, and activists say at least 390 people have been killed since the observers arrived last week.
On Monday the head of the Arab League, Nabil al-Arabi, said shots were being fired and there were still snipers in action.
He said the military had withdrawn heavy weapons from cities in accordance with the peace plan.
Casualty figures and other details are hard to verify as most foreign media are barred from reporting freely in Syria.
January 3rd, 2012, 12:31 pm
Mina said:
From Angry Arab
He finally said it. Ghalyun wants NATO
Here is what the puppet of Muslim Brotherhood and Qatar, Burhan Ghalyun, has to say about foreign intervention in Syria: “??? ????? «??? ???? ?????? ??????? ?????? ???? ?? ???? ?????? ????? ??????? ??????? ??????????? ?????? ??? ?????? ??????? ???? ???? ????? ????? ??? ??? ??? ?????? ???? ?? ????? ?????? ?? ????? ?????? ??????». ”
(Ghalyun said: “We reject a ground foreign intervention that could violate the unity of Syrian territory and its independence, but we agree to a foreign intervention that would impose buffer zones under an air and naval ban, and this is a major element of the demands of the revolutionary movement.”) What definition of revolution are you using, Mr. Ghalyun?
Posted by As’ad AbuKhalil at 9:31 AM
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What is the Syrian National Council
The brave Syrian opposition figure, Haytham Al-Manna`, gives the best definition I have seen of the Syrian National Council: and he should know because he has been negotiating with them for a month now, prior to signing the agreement that Burhan Ghalyun quickly reneged on. Here is what Al-Manna` said: “??? ????: «?????? ?????? ???? ?? ????? ?????? ?????: ?? ?????? ?????? ?? ??????? ???????? ??????. ??????? ??????? ?????????. ??????? ??????? ???????? ???? ??? ???? ??? ??? ?????? ???? ????????? ??????? ???????».”
(Manna` said: The [Syrian] National Council consists of three Syrian currents: the religious one, i.e., the Muslim Brotherhood and others. And the Right-wing liberals. And the far-right Islamist current, which until very recently was declaring the unbelief of `Alawites and Shi`ites and others.)
You expect me or you expect other progressives to legitimize such lousy political forces–all three of them??? You must be kidding me.
January 3rd, 2012, 12:40 pm
defender said:
Fairy tale on how one person deceives the whole world
To tell lies, it is necessary to refer — such is an iron principle of “free mass-media». That information have believed, it is necessary to present it not as a fruit of the imagination, and to give the reference to a foreign source of the information. Sometimes this rule is broken, when falsifiers work too ??????? when they hasten. So was in Moscow when journalist Bozhena Rynska has written about arrival in Moscow a nonexistent regiment in the nature of the Chechen OMON, referring to journalist Kashin. Which has in turn published this news referring to Bozhenu Rynsku.
But world mass-media work nevertheless more professionally.
But also here threads can be tracked. We will ask a question: and whence take these most «BBC» and «CNN» news about events in Syria?
The information on this question the commentator Dmitry, for what has sent it many thanks.
There is all information of the western mass-media … undertakes from one person!
Where it is, you, I hope already have guessed?
Correctly – in London. There where always throughout last 250 years fighters for freedom »hide«.
The source to which all world mass-media to which all Russian mass-media then refer refer is called Syrian Observatory for Human Rights. And in this here “observatories” also observe of human rights in Syria.
Staff of this establishment isn’t exaggerated – only one person. It “director” of this organization by name of Rami Abdul Rahman. At least, so he of names.
And so, the matter is that this organization supplies with “news” about Syria practically in an exclusive mode all basic news agencies of the world.
Here a site of this organization Syrian Observatory for Human Rights in two variants plus in face book in English:
On a site (for example, us) it is possible to find the information in department Contact that news of this organization extend Reuters agencies and AFP. But also and other large agencies of the world refer in the news about Syria to this organization, more truly simply repeat and duplicate lie.
Here an example: «Lenta ru» informs about more than 100 lost on December, 20th in Syria, refers to news agency (Reuters). And here the reference on Reuters which in turn refers to organization Syrian Observatory for Human Rights in London.
Besides, on the basis of words of this organization, this “director”, the government of the countries make statements concerning Syria that it is possible to read in the same article «Lenta ru».
Then that ONE UNCLE, sitting in London forms world public opinion? One mister in London practically dictates to the governments of the countries their relation to Syria?
No. It simply works as “a drain tank». Gives out on mountain the information necessary to the West, and all «independent mass-media» pretend that don’t know that quote ONE person. Daily and hourly.
It is arrangement. There are exclusive arrangements in the price for gasoline. And them punish under the antimonopoly law. And here the monopoly for the information and just the same arrangement is available. All are obliged to take the information ONLY from one source.
Doubt? Trust in accident? Specially for you one German site has made investigation and has established that on Syrian Observatory for Human Rights from a nice city of London following news agencies refer, I quote literally:
«CNN, CBS, Associated Press, Reuters, AFP, BBC, Tagesschau, FAZ, Holtzbrinck, Springerpresse, Spiegel, Focus, Al Jazeera, al Arabiya und so weiter und so fort bis hin zu taz, Guardian und RIA Novosti.»
And so there are some questions?
1. Why also paternal practically ALL news agencies take news about Syria in one place?
2. How so it turns out, what one person forms opinion of a planet on some question?
3. Why the governments of the different countries how parrots repeat the same nonsense’s which have been thought up by one person?
4. Really at these governments isn’t present either investigations, or special services, experts in the given region?
5. Whether there can be all aforesaid accident?
Or just special services of Great Britain and the USA also have organized all this circus?
To blow up the Near East and to construct there Big Islamic Halifat. As the future means for a reorganization of the world what in the XX-th century beginning was social democracy and class struggle, and in the middle of the XX-th century – fascism and Nazism.
January 3rd, 2012, 1:03 pm
defender said:
Iran to retaliate if US aircraft-carrier is back to Gulf
Jan 3, 2012 19:10 Moscow Time
Iran will resort to retaliatory measures if the US aircraft-carrier that’s recently left the area of Iran’s war games is back to the Persian Gulf. This came in a statement by General Ataollah Salehi.
The Iranian Navy, which was holding a military exercise off the country’s southern coast, spotted a US aircraft-carrier a short distance away last Thursday.
The situation in the region became aggravated following statements by the Iranian authorities concerning a likely sealing of the Strait of Hormuz if the West imposes an embargo on Iranian oil exports.
But then the Iranian Foreign Ministry said that Tehran would not put obstacles to navigation in the Strait of Hormuz, which is used for oil exports from the Gulf nations.
EU may slap oil sanctions on Iran before end of January
The European Union may impose a ban on oil imports from Iran before the end of January, a high-ranking EU diplomat announced in London on Tuesday.
The French-proposed oil embargo will be discussed by the EU foreign ministers first.
If approved unanimously, the issue will go before the EU leaders when they meet in Brussels on January 30.
Earlier, French Foreign Minister Alain Juppe said that France would push for tougher sanctions against Iran. In addition to the oil ban, it suggests freezing the European assets of the Iranian Central Bank.
January 3rd, 2012, 1:21 pm
Khalid Tlass said:
Beautiful, powerful FSA sing :
Spine chilling !!!
January 3rd, 2012, 3:49 pm
ann said:
Israel predicts missile strikes on Jerusalem in future conflict – 2012-01-03
JERUSALEM, Jan. 3 (Xinhua) — A threat scenario drafted recently by the Israeli military predicted that Jerusalem could experience missile attacks in a future war.
“We now believe that in a future war, there’s a possibility that Jerusalem will also come under missile fire, even from the Gaza Strip,” a senior military official told The Jerusalem Post on Monday, declining to say how many missiles could potentially hit the city.
The assessment, the first of its kind, comes after years during which Israel’s defense establishment considered the city immune to such attacks due to its large Arab population and abundance of Muslim holy sites.
The Home Front Command which periodically updates similar threat scenarios for every major city in the country based on fresh intelligence information, has reportedly presented the Jerusalem Municipality with details of the potential missile attacks.
Israel has conducted numerous nationwide drills to test the preparedness of its military and first-responders to handle a national emergency since July 2006, when thousands of rockets fired by Hezbollah from Lebanon showered northern Israel’s cities and communities, forcing hundreds of thousands of their residents to flee their homes.
Military planners say the next Middle East war would likely see thousands of missiles and rockets — from Lebanon, Syria and possibly Iran — landing throughout Israel. The scenario concerning Jerusalem does not rule out the possibility that Palestinian militants in Gaza will target the city during a smaller-scale conflict. Both the Islamic Hamas movement and the Islamic Jihad are believed to be in possession of Iranian-supplied rockets with a range that covers Jerusalem and nearby communities.
Jerusalem municipal officials said they were briefed on the scenario and are taking steps to prepare for the day when it could potentially unfold.
“We are getting ready for all scenarios, and residents will get the best security and defense that they need,” said Elisha Peleg, a city councilor in charge of security and emergency services.
He said the municipality was searching for funds that would enable it to build more public bomb shelters in Jerusalem and examining the maintenance level of existing ones as part of a general policy of war preparedness.
In related news, the Israel Atomic Energy Commission (IAEC) and the military have formulated a plan to shut down the nuclear reactors at Dimona and Nahal Sorek should warnings come of impending war, according to the Ha’aretz daily.
Officials said the decision was made following assessments that the reactors’ defense systems were not completely impenetrable to a missile strike on Israel’s urban centers. Deactivating the Dimona reactor, located at southern Negev desert, would minimize potential damage to its outlying area should it be targeted by missiles from as far away as Iran.
“The enemy is unable to reach Dimona, but his rockets can reach sensitive sites in the area,” Home Front Defense Minister Matan Vilnai said Tuesday during a visit at a high school in the city.
“The rockets at the disposal of Gaza militants today have far longer ranges than those launched [at Israel] so far, but we can handle the situation,” Israel’s Channel 10 quoted Vilnai as saying.
The secret Dimona facility, which foreign military observers claim to produce nuclear weapons, is one of the most heavily guarded sites in Israel since the early 1960s and the airspace above it is closed to all flights. It was first targeted by Scud missiles fired from Iraq during the first Gulf war in 1991.
Top IAEC and military officials estimated that the reactors’ multi-layered defense systems, which include anti-missile and aircraft batteries and fortified installations, are currently sufficient to minimize damage in a future attack.
January 3rd, 2012, 3:49 pm
Khalid Tlass said:
Beautiful, powerful FSA song :
Spine chilling !!!
January 3rd, 2012, 3:59 pm
zoo said:
” the Moroccan delegation participating in the Arab League observer mission denied that one of its members – human rights observer and media expert Tala al-Saud al-Atlasi – had made a statement to television channels about snipers being located on the roof of a building in Daraa.”
Arab League observer denies receiving death threats
03/01/2012 By Latifa al Arousni
Rabat, Asharq Al-Awsat- A Moroccan member of the Arab League observer mission in Syria has denied that its members are receiving telephone death threats; a sentiment reiterated by Ahmed Ramadan, a media officer in the Syrian National Council.
The Moroccan observer, who chose to remain anonymous, said in a telephone interview with Asharq al-Awsat: “We have not received any death threats, at least in the delegation I am in”. He added “these rumors are not true, we have instead found great interest in our work, whether from the governmental authorities or from the Syrian people of various affiliations”.
In response to a question about whether the mission’s personnel are undertaking their tasks in normal conditions, the Moroccan observer said: “We are working in difficult conditions, of course, by virtue of the ongoing demonstrations”. He added “we also receive enquiries from people about the nature of our work, and we have noticed that the Syrians respect the Arab observer mission”.
Furthermore, the Moroccan delegation participating in the Arab League observer mission denied that one of its members – human rights observer and media expert Tala al-Saud al-Atlasi – had made a statement to television channels about snipers being located on the roof of a building in Daraa.
Television channels had broadcasted a video of an Arab observer speaking with a North African accent, confirming the presence of snipers in Daraa, saying: “there are snipers, we saw them with our own eyes…We call on the authorities to remove them immediately”. The Moroccan observer speaking to Asharq al-Awsat commented on the video saying “there is a resemblance between the Arab observer who made that statement and al-Atlasi, but I assure you that he was not present in that area”.
In turn, a source from the Moroccan delegation told the Morocco News Agency yesterday that al-Saud al-Atlasi was not present in the location where the Daraa statement was given; rather he was on another mission elsewhere in the city. He added that the statement attributed to al-Atlasi by a number of satellite channels was in fact from another member of the delegation of Arab observers. Morocco is participating in the Arab League observer mission in Syria with a high-level delegation, consisting of Abdul Rahman Benomar, the Moroccan Ambassador to Nouakchott [Mauritania], as coordinator of the delegation, in addition to ten diplomats, human rights observers and military and security experts. Benomar is also heading the delegation of Arab observers in Hama, central Syria.
Members of the Arab League observer mission in Syria’s respective delegations, including the Moroccan observers, are continuing their field visits for the seventh day in succession in five regions of Syria, namely Hama and Homs (central Syria), Idlib (in the northwest), Daraa (in the south) and Damascus.
For one month – with the option of a further month extension in agreement with the Arab League and Syria – the mission will survey and monitor the full implementation of the Arab League initiative. This includes the cessation of all acts of violence, from any source, in cities and residential areas, ensuring that the Syrian security services are not obstructing peaceful demonstrations, ensuring the release of those who have been detained as a result of recent events, as well as the withdrawal and evacuation of all armed vehicles or movements in cities and neighborhoods that have witnessed, or are witnessing, the demonstrations and protest movements that have been ongoing for approximately the last 10 months.
January 3rd, 2012, 4:25 pm
zoo said:
A proof that the observers mission is probably effective and impartial is the amount of criticisms, calls for its withdrawal and relentless personal attacks on the head of the mission General Al- Dabi from the media mouthpiece of Saudi Arabia. Strangely Qatari Al Jazeera seems less dismissive.
General, go back to Khartoum!
01/01/2012 By Mshari al-Zaydi
Time for Al-Dabi’s team to leave
By Tariq Alhomayed
January 3rd, 2012, 4:46 pm
Uzair8 said:
‘Salafis Of Libya Destroying Mazaar(shrines)’
There is growing concern at the behaviour of some of these people. They should know Ahle Sunnah will not put up with such things for much longer. You can misbehave while the Ahle Sunnah Lion sleeps. When it stirs and wakes up you will regret it.
January 3rd, 2012, 5:18 pm
Khalid Tlass said:
“Mazar” as you call it is a place of Shirk, Allah forgives every crime except that of shirk, the Libyans are doing a fine job cleaning up shirk, Inshallah it will become another land of Salafism after the anti-Sudairi clan hijacked the Saudi official ideology.
What Ahl Sunnah lions ? the Ahl Sunnah lions in Arab countrues are the Salafis, Sufis in Arab countries are very weak, so be careful what u say, this is not Pakistan ( or rather Shirk-istan). You are buddies of the Shiites, you should learn from the Sufis of Iraq, they allied with Salafis against Shia, you will come to regret all your decisions later.
January 3rd, 2012, 5:28 pm
Tara said:
Several reports have surfaced that the US and the west are not yet dead serious about a regime change in Syria. If true, it seems that the announcement Viki has been giving are for media consumption only.
WASHINGTON, Jan 3 (Reuters) – The United States has serious concerns about an Arab League monitoring mission designed to halt Syria’s crackdown on anti-government protests and does not believe Damascus is ready to fulfill the terms of the Arab-backed peace deal, the U.S. State Department said on Tuesday.
“The Syrian regime has not lived up to the full spectrum of commitments that it made to the Arab League when it accepted its proposal some nine weeks ago,” State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland told a news briefing.
“For example, the violence hasn’t stopped. Far from it,” Nuland said, citing independent reports of dozens of new deaths in Syria since Dec. 31.
The Obama administration’s top diplomat for the Middle East, Assistant Secretary of State Jeffrey Feltman, was due to travel to Cairo for talks ahead of an Arab League ministerial meeting on Saturday called to discuss Syria, Nuland said.
“We support their efforts to ensure that this mission is credible, is effective, if it’s going to continue to go forward,” she said.
The League mission has already been plagued by controversy. Protesters have complained about its small size and were appalled when the head of the mission suggested he was reassured by first impressions of Homs, one of the main centers of unrest.
The United States was concerned by reports that in some cases Syrian military forces were putting on police uniforms to mask their actions, Nuland said.
“In some cases the regime is actually putting out its own false reports that monitors are on the way, demonstrators come into the streets, and then they fire on them,” she said.
Nuland said the United States would continue to consult both with Syria’s nascent opposition groups and its allies on possible next steps in the crisis, which the United Nations estimates has killed more than 5,000 people since Assad launched the crackdown.
But with Syria’s armed rebels threatening to step up attacks on Assad’s forces, Nuland underscored Washington’s repeated warning that an escalation of violence would only exacerbate the problem.
“That’s exactly what the regime wants …to make Syria more violent and have an excuse to retaliate itself,” she said.
January 3rd, 2012, 5:28 pm
Khalid Tlass said:
Remember what I said, Allah and FSA are our only hope, we do not need USA or anybody else, just some passive help from Turkey and Libya.
FSA s going strong and there are more than 10 defections every day. I also got a hint from some sources that recently FSA has acquired the technology to destroy heavy Tanks like T-72.
At this moment I am praying that FSA gets hold of heavier weapons like 12.7 mm Heavy machine guns, anti-Tank Guided missiles, Grad 21 rockets, SA-7 and SA-13 anti-aircraft rockets, etc. That would really turn the tables.
January 3rd, 2012, 5:44 pm
Syria no kandahar said:
It will turn the table on your head,and based on the famous ??? ???? ?? ????
???? ????? : ??? ???? ??????? ?? ??????? ???? ???? ?????
January 3rd, 2012, 5:52 pm
Observer said:
There is referendum on some of the pro regime websites that is asking whether Syria should become a kingdom? a constitutional kingdom that is with the Assad family as hereditary rulers.
Please confirm is you heard or read of anything similar. I will hold judgement on this news as it is not verified.
January 3rd, 2012, 5:53 pm
majedkhaldoun said:
Haytham Manna said(the article in Syria news) he welcoms Arab troops to put an end to the regime brutal suppression,I think this solution should be considered soon,
January 3rd, 2012, 6:29 pm
zoo said:
Syria to get electricity, railways connections, religious tourism and expertise in building low income housing from Iran.
Iran, Syria explore ways to broaden relations
14 December 2011
Damascus – Iranian Minister of Transportation and Urban Development, Ali Nikzad, in a meeting with Minister of Transport Dr. Fayssal Abbas focused on means of activating cooperation in the fields of land, air, sea and rail transport.
In the field of rail transport, the Syrian and Iranian sides agreed on holding a tripartite meeting between Syrian, Iran and Iraq to follow up the implementation of this project, in addition to activating the existing railway between Syria and Iraq, from the Syrian ports till Basra in Iraq.
Elsewhere, Syrian Tourism Minister Lamia Assi and Iranian Minister Nikzad reviewed the possibility of tourism cooperation, especially religious trips.
Nikzad highlighted the importance of improving religious tourism in Syria which will positively contribute to enhancing the Syrian economy.
Activities of the 9th session of the Syrian-Iranian Follow-up Committee for Economic Cooperation started in Damascus on Tuesday co-chaired by Syrian Minister of Economy and Trade, Mohammed Nidal al-Sha’ar and Iranian Minister of Transportation and Urban Development, Ali Nikzad.
The two sides agreed on forming four committees to discuss means of enhancing economic, trade and investment cooperation between the two countries. During the meetings, the Syrian side indicated the importance of benefiting from the Iranian expertise in housing sector as the Ministry plans to build 50,000 housing units.
For his part, the Iranian minister talked about the Iranian experience in this filed through building 2,800 million housing units for law-income people in different Iranian provinces which was the first of its kind in the world regarding high quality and implementation time period. Iran also announced readiness to provide parts of Syria and Lebanon electricity needs. The Iranian official is also to meet Syrian President Bashar Assad and the country’s Prime Minister Adel Safar during his visit.
January 3rd, 2012, 6:31 pm
irritated said:
A new night prayer for the opposition supporters
Dear God
Please send from heaven to the FSA heavier weapons like 12.7 mm Heavy machine guns, anti-Tank Guided missiles, Grad 21 rockets, SA-7 and SA-13 anti-aircraft rockets, etc.
We promise you to send you back lots of martyrs.
January 3rd, 2012, 6:39 pm
irritated said:
#370. majedkhaldoun
A Libyan-Bahraini-Saudi-Iraqi Arab peacekeeping force? a recipe for a disaster.
January 3rd, 2012, 7:52 pm
Tara said:
Soon Syria would need to offer Iran some material help. I suggest Iran should ramp up on it’s beaches and other touristic attractions to encourage Syrian tourists to visit. May be then, the Iranian rial would improve by fraction percentage. I also suggest that the Syrian and the Iranian central banks consider merging their reserve to may be hopefully maintain the falling rial.
It is a pity how I changed from a big fan to feel nothing but contempt. I do contempt murderers. The Syrian and the Iranian regimes are co-murderers. I do not hold the average Iranian people responsible. It is their rotten government. Iran should change course and stop supporting the tyranny.
Iran’s rial falls to record low on U.S. sanctions
Jan 3 (Reuters) – The Iranian rial fell to a record low against the dollar on Tuesday following U.S. President Barack Obama signing a bill on imposing fresh sanctions against the country’s central bank.
The new U.S. sanctions, if fully implemented, could hamper the world’s major oil producer’s ability to sell oil on international markets.
The exchange rate hovered at 17,200 rials to the dollar, marking a record low. The currency was trading at about 10,500 rials to the U.S. dollar last month.
Some exchange offices in Tehran, when contacted by Reuters, said there was no trading taking place until further notice.
“The rate is changing every second … we are not taking in any rials to change to dollar or any other foreign currency” said Hamid Bakhshi in central Tehran.
Imposing sanctions on Iran’s central bank would tighten the screw and make it more difficult for the world’s fifth biggest oil exporter to receive payments for exports — particularly oil, a vital source of hard currency for Iran.
Sharp rial fluctuations are linked to the foreign sanctions imposed on Iran since 2006 over its disputed nuclear programme, coupled with high inflation and concerns over potential military strike by the United States and Israel.
The United States and Israel have not ruled out military option if diplomacy fails to resolve Iran’s nuclear dispute. Tehran denies the West’s claim that it is after nuclear bomb, saying its response to any military strike will be firm.
Some analysts suggest that the government is making profit out of the souring price of dollar but the currency drop has created concerns among ordinary Iranians.
Iran’s economy is 60 percent reliant on petrodollars and any sanctions imposed on its oil income will put further pressure on the country’s ailing economy.
“I have some savings in my account … I am trying to withdraw it and change all of it to dollars,” said housewife Zohreh Ghobadi, while waiting in a long line at a bank.
Iranian authorities have played down any link between the souring exchange rates and the imposition of the U.S. ban.
“The new American sanctions have not materialised yet,” Foreign Ministry spokesman Ramin Mehmanparast told a weekly news conference on Tuesday.
“It will take a few months until these sanctions are fully implemented.”
Iran responded to the growing international pressure by warning last week that it could shut the Strait of Hormuz in the Gulf if sanctions were imposed on its oil exports.
It launched 10 days of naval wargames in the Gulf as a show of strength, further rattling oil markets and pushing up the price of crude.
The U.S. Fifth Fleet, based in Bahrain, said it would not allow shipping to be disrupted in a waterway through which 40 percent of the world’s oil passes.
The price of staple foods has increased by up to 40 percent in recent months and many critics have put the blame on increasing isolation brought about by President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s economic and foreign policies.
January 3rd, 2012, 7:52 pm
Haytham Khoury said:
Tariq Alhomayed has no idea what he is talking about.
January 3rd, 2012, 7:58 pm
ann said:
Arab observers continue monitoring mission in restive Syrian provinces – 2012-01-04
DAMASCUS, Jan. 3 (Xinhua) — Arab League (AL) observers in Syria continued their mission for the seventh consecutive day in restive provinces, as the AL ministerial committee in charge of handling the Syrian crisis will meet on Saturday to look into the first report on the country’s unrest.
State-run SANA news agency said Arab teams carried on with their tasks in central Homs, northern Idlib, and southern Daraa provinces.
Earlier in the day, Afifi Abdul-Latif, an AL observer, told private al-Watan newspaper that the Syrian government is committed to the peace plan, adding that the observers have already fulfilled 40 missions till now in Syria.
“We have faced some expected things,” he said, adding that there are now 84 observers in Syria.
Meanwhile, the AL on Tuesday called for an emergency meeting for the ministerial committee in charge of handling the Syrian crisis to discuss the first report submitted by the AL observer mission in Syria, which began on Dec. 27.
The meeting, which is set to take place Saturday at the AL headquarters in Cairo, will talk about the latest development of the situation in Syria and would adopt new measures of the Arab initiative, according to an AL statement.
A new team of 14 Arab observers arrived in Syria’s capital of Damascus on Tuesday to join the AL mission there, according to Egypt’s official MENA news agency.
Meanwhile, another six Bahraini observers will head to Syria as well to join the team within a few hours, MENA said.
A day earlier, AL chief Nabil al-Arabi said that Syrian military has pulled back from residential areas and is on the outskirts of the country’s cities. He called Syria to withdraw all snipers out of cities and immediately halt all shootings.
“The Arab League monitors visited six Syrian cities, and has an operation room to follow up the situation in Syria via the mission, ” said Arabi, adding that the pan-Arab body could increased the number of observers to more than 100 within a few days.
In November, Syria signed an AL-sponsored plan which demanded an end to all acts of violence and release of all detainees in the country.
According to the peace plan, some 150 observers will be sent to visit hospitals, prisons and restive areas to determine to what extent the Syrian authorities have committed themselves to the Arab initiative.
On Tuesday, “an armed terrorist group targeted in a sabotaging operation” a gas pipeline near al-Rastan town in central Syria that feeds two power stations, according to SANA.
The gas pipeline connecting al-Rayan field in Homs to the central province of Hama was blown up by an explosive device at 9 a.m., said the report, adding that the explosion caused no casualties.
At least five pipelines have been targeted since the eruption of unrest in Syria in mid March. Syria held the “saboteurs” responsible for the attacks.
The Syrian government said recently that a total of 2,000 army and security personnel were killed during the months-long unrest. While the United Nations put the death toll in the country at more than 5,000.
January 3rd, 2012, 8:03 pm
majedkhaldoun said:
I am encouraged by this report
FSA is coming,God bless them
January 3rd, 2012, 8:11 pm
Haytham Khoury said:
Arab League calls urgent meeting on Syria monitors
January 3rd, 2012, 8:25 pm
Haytham Khoury said:
Arab League calls emergency Syria meeting
January 3rd, 2012, 8:29 pm
zoo said:
As expected, a new criticism of the mission observers: “they are unprofessional”.
The increased agitation of the activists seems to indicate that the mission is actually doing a professional job in reporting the reality on the ground. In addition the massive demonstrations predicted by the opposition are not materializing because the ‘observers are not respecting the schedule time of their visits’
On the race of who will step down first, the current view is that Bashar al Assad will probably see Sarkozy step down first.
Syria activists denounce ‘unprofessional’ Arab mission
AFPAFP – 3 hrs ago
Democracy activists on Tuesday denounced as “unprofessional” an Arab League observer mission in Syria after the bloc’s chief admitted snipers remained active in the country despite their presence.
“We want to tell Nabil al-Arabi that the lack of professionalism of the observers and non-compliance with their arrival times in specific places have left many people killed,” said the Local Coordination Committees, which organise the protests.
But Algeria expressed optimism about the Arab mission, with Foreign Minister Mourad Medelci saying it would evaluate the situation “in a more credible manner”.
And opposition Syrian National Council leader Burhan Ghaliun met the prime minister of Portugal, a current member of the Security Council, and said the observer mission “remains useful even if it does not lead to the implementation of the Arab plan”.
“It remains politically, morally and psychologically useful,” he said.
But the unity in opposition ranks which Western governments say is vital for a new and democratic Syria remained elusive on Tuesday with the SNC saying that a deal signed on Friday with a rival grouping — the National Coordination Body for Democratic Change in Syria — had unravelled.
“This document conflicts with the SNC’s political programme and with the demands of the Syrian revolution,” the grouping said on its Facebook page.
Widely regarded as the most inclusive of Syria’s opposition alliances, with representation from both the Muslim Brotherhood and parties drawn from the Christian and Kurdish minorities, the SNC has been at odds with some activists over the extent of foreign intervention required to bring change.
January 3rd, 2012, 8:40 pm
Tara said:
I am certain, had Asma not married Besho the murderer, she, in her exquisite high heels described in this article, would be a very vocal anti-tyrant activist.
Will Asma al-Assad take a stand or stand by her man?
By Ashley Fantz, CNN
December 26, 2011 — Updated 1221 GMT (2021 HKT)
Tabler said he suspects the first lady “is in denial” about just how severe the violence in Syria has become — and about her husband’s culpability.
“They talked so much about reform that I think she has fooled herself,” he said.
But Asma al-Assad’s head seemed quite clear two years ago when she spoke with CNN about how she would not tolerate an oppressive and violent regime, except in this instance she was talking about the conflict between Palestinians and Israelis.
She said that 60% of Middle Easterners are under 25 and feel increasingly frustrated with a lack of economic opportunity. Governments must make those young people “believe in a future,” she said.
“The reality on the ground is increasingly … going further and further and further away from that,” she said, foreshadowing the causes of the Arab Spring, a movement led primarily by young people.
The first lady went on to speak about 2009’s Gaza War, a three-week bombing and invasion of Gaza by Israel that began in late December when Israel launched a surprise airstrike.
Asma al-Assad called Israel’s actions “barbaric” and said innocent Palestinians were dying in droves. She was appalled by reports from human rights workers who witnessed the carnage.
“This is the 21st century. Where in the world could this happen? Unfortunately it is happening,” she said.
“As a mother and as a human being we need to make sure that these atrocities stop.”
January 3rd, 2012, 9:39 pm
Syria no kandahar said:
When Tara levy ,Hytham Aroor,and Majedkharion
Watch these stories they get revolutionary orgasm:
January 3rd, 2012, 9:40 pm
jad said:
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January 3rd, 2012, 11:00 pm
ghufran said:
I do not care whether Bashar goes to exile, becomes a transitional president or else, but I do not want to see another Libya or Iraq in Syria.
????? ???? ????? ????? ??? ?????? ???? ?????? ????????? ?????? ?? ?????? ??? ????? ?? ????? ???? ?????? ???? ?????? ??????? ?????????? ???????? ??? ??? ????????? ??? ?? ???? ????? ?????? ??? ????? ???? ??????? ?????? ?? ??? ?????? ????? ????? ?? ???? ??? ????? ?? ?????.
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January 3rd, 2012, 11:00 pm
ghufran said:
Basma Bint Saud
????? ???????? ?? ???????? ??? ???????? ??? ????? ????? ??????? ??????? ??? ?? ???? ???? ?? 15 ??? ???? ??????? ??????? ?????? ???????? ??????? ????? ?? ????? ?????????? ??? ?????? ??? ?????? ????? ???? ???? ?? ?? ???? ?????????? ???? ?? ???? ??????? ????????? ?? ??????? ???????? ?????.
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January 3rd, 2012, 11:04 pm
zoo said:
Disinformation at its best. The author’s name says it all.
Iran sought to broker Syria deal between Assad, Muslim Brotherhood
By Ben Birnbaum
The Washington Times Tuesday, January 3, 2012
ISTANBUL — A leader of Syria’s Muslim Brotherhood says Iran has sought to coax the Islamist group’s support for President Bashar Assad in exchange for four high-ranking positions in the Syrian government.
Mohammed Farouk Tayfour, the top political leader in Syria’s Muslim Brotherhood, told The Washington Times on Tuesday that Iran’s supreme leader — Ayatollah Ali Khamenei — sent three emissaries to Istanbul in late October to try to broker the deal.
“We refused to meet with them,” said Mr. Tayfour, one of nine members of the Syrian National Council’s executive committee, which is leading opposition to the Assad regime. “We told them [through a Turkish mediator] that Iran has been taking sides against the Syrian people.
“When Iran takes the side of the Syrian people, then we are willing to meet with the envoys and talk with them,” he said at the council’s office in Istanbul. “Otherwise, there is no way we can meet with the Iranians when they are assisting in the killing of our people.”
Mr. Tayfour said the Turkish mediator was a personal acquaintance, not a government official, and that he did not know if Ankara had no knowledge of the matter.
He said the mediator reached out to him three times in one week in an attempt to set up a face-to-face meeting the emissaries, who were then staying at an Istanbul hotel.
The Muslim Brotherhood, one of the largest and most influential Islamist groups in the Middle East, is banned in Syria, which is engaged in a months-long deadly crackdown on dissent and has long enjoyed support from Iran’s Shiite theocracy.
January 3rd, 2012, 11:10 pm
ghufran said:
??? ?????? ????????? ?????? ???????? ?????? ????? ??????? ?? ??????? ????? ????????? ???? ??? ????? ???? ?? ????? ?????? ???????? ????? ?????? ??? ????? ????? ???? ?????? ????? ??? ????? ??????? ????????.
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????? ?????? ?? ???????? ??????? ??? ????? ????? ?? ?????? ????? ???? ??? ????? ??? ???? ???? ?? ???? ????? ???????? ????? ?????? ??? ??????? ???????? ???? ????????? ???????? ?? ??????? ????????? ??? ???? ?????? ??????? ???????? ???????.
???? ??? ??? ?????? ????????? ??? 17200 ???? ????? ???????? ??? ????? ????? ?????? ???? ??? ??????? ?? ????? ?????? ??? 10500 ????
January 3rd, 2012, 11:13 pm
Syria no kandahar said:
Listen to this guy and try not to cry:
If I lost one leg I have another one
If I lost a brother I have others
But if we lose Syria ….
January 3rd, 2012, 11:14 pm
jad said:
“I do not want to see another Libya or Iraq in Syria”
I share your concerns.
????? | ???? ????????? ?? ????? ????????? ?? ?????
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January 3rd, 2012, 11:15 pm
jad said:
???? ????? «?????? ??????» ????? ??? ???? ????????
????? ????? ????? ??????? ???? ??? ????? ??? «???? ?????? ???? ?????? ?? ?????»? ???? ??? ???? ???????? ?? ??? ?? ????? ????? ??????? ????? ????? ?«??? ????» ?? ???? ????? ?? ??? ?????? ??????.
????? ??? ???????? ???? ?? ??? ?????? ?? ??????? ?? ???? ??? ??? ?????? ??? ????? «????? ???» ?? ???????? «??? ????? ??? ?????? ???? ??? ???? ?? ????? ????? ????????? ???? ?????? ?? ?? ????? ???? ???? ??? ?????? ??????».
?????? «??? ????? ?????? ????? ??????? ???? ???????? ?????? ???? ?????? ????? ???? ?? ???? ?????????? ?? ????? ????? ?????? ?????? ???? ?????? ??????? ???????? ?? ?? ????? ????? ???? ??? ??? ??? ?????? ?????? ????». ?????? «???? ????? ???? ???? ??? ???? ??????? ?? ????? ????? ????? ????? ?????? ??? ?? ??????? ??? ????? ?? ????? ?? ??? ?? ????? ????? ?????? ?????? ???? ??????». (? ? ?)
January 3rd, 2012, 11:20 pm
Syria no kandahar said:
I thought you quit ,I heard Hytham is selling ???? ???? on sale,he gives you a lecture for free with it,he also gives holly communion and Riad Alassad posters,
All in one package.
Happy new year.
January 3rd, 2012, 11:21 pm
majedkhaldoun said:
Ron Paul proved again and again that he is the best republican and the smartest, congratulation to Ron Paul.
January 3rd, 2012, 11:29 pm
zoo said:
Interview with Haytham al-Manna
Published Monday, January 2, 2012
Haytham al-Manna: The Politics Behind the Pact with Ghalioun
Cairo | Interview – The pact concluded on Friday between Haytham al-Manna of the National Coordination Committee (NCC) and Burhan Ghalioun, head of the Syrian National Council (SNC) establishing a framework for unifying the Syrian opposition and its vision of a post-Assad Syria may have been stillborn.
After the pact became public, various SNC members publicly criticized its take on foreign intervention and domestic armed action against the regime, and claimed the SNC is not bound by it. Ghalioun later said what he signed was a draft yet to be approved by the SNC and is not a final declaration.
Al-Manna spoke to Al-Akhbar in Cairo on Sunday about the circumstances surrounding the agreement and his understanding of its provisions.
For an English text of the pact as provided by al-Manna, click here.
Serene Assir: Tell us about the pact between Burhan Ghalioun and you, and the conditions around its creation.
January 3rd, 2012, 11:32 pm
ann said:
At UN, Syria Briefing Likely Jan 10, No Comment on Dead Syrian Journalist
UNITED NATIONS, January 3, updated — As South Africa on Tuesday fully took over the presidency of the UN Security Council and met with other Council members, requests were made for a Council briefing on Syria.
By Tuesday afternoon, Inner City Press learned from a country not pushing for it that a briefing on the topic will “most probably” take place on January 10, by the UN Department of Political Affairs, led by Lynn Pascoe of the US.
This country argued, as have others, that the Council should wait for the outcome of the much-questioned Arab League mission to the country.
In response to questions from Inner City Press over the holiday, the Office of the Spokesperson for Secretary General Ban Ki-moon declined to comment on the killing of citizen journalist Basil al-Sayed in Homs, and on the fact that the Arab League team is headed by a Sudanese military figure active in the war crimes zone of Darfur.
Rather, Ban’s office replied that
On Syria: The Arab League efforts to stop the bloodshed and facilitate a peaceful solution to the crisis in Syria that will address the democratic aspirations of the people are important. As we have said, we welcome the arrival in Syria of the advance team of the Arab League observers, and look forward to the deployment of the full-scale observer mission
which is the first of its kind undertaken by the League of Arab States. It is critical that the observer mission be given unhindered access and full cooperation by the Government of Syria, and that its independence and impartiality be fully preserved. We look forward to hearing more from the mission. We hope that the League of Arab States, under the able stewardship of its Secretary-General and its membership, will take all steps possible to ensure that its observer mission will be able to fulfil its mandate in accordance with international human rights law standards.
On Syrian journalist: We are checking for more specifics on this. If we have more we’ll let you know.
Since then, Ban’s office has said nothing about the dead journalist, nor the appropriateness of the Arab League team’s leadership.
Likewise, when Inner City Press asked in writing then in-person on January 3 about Egyptian authorities’ raiding NGO offices, Ban’s spokesman Martin Nesirky, saying he was “carefully” choosing his words, emphasized that Egypt is in transition.
Why so careful? Some say it is a response to Russia’s complaints about Ban taking sides by claiming that Security Council resolution 1973 in Libya was fully complied with, despite even the New York Times counting as least 50 civilians killed by NATO bombing. So now Ban sways the other way. But what will Pascoe say?
While even a country not favoring the Syria briefing says it will happen “most probably” on January 10, the issue will still have to come up in Council consultations to be formalized. Thus, when Inner City Press asked French Permanent Representative Gerard Araud when he emerged, “Syria briefing on the tenth?” he said, “Not yet.” But even a country not favoring the briefing says it is “most probably” January 10. Watch this site.
Update of 6 pm — Inner City Press is informed that the Syria briefing, by Lynn Pascoe, will be on the morning of January 10, under the heading “DPA Briefing.” On the Council’s Libya meeting this month, there are moves afoot to get High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay, and “maybe Gebril” / Jibril. Watch this site.
January 3rd, 2012, 11:42 pm
jad said:
Dear SNK,
Same to you 🙂 I’m no quitter my friend.
I disagree with you about Haytham as much as I may disagree with some of his views, however, I do like him.
Nice to have you back, hopefully Bronco would come back too.
January 3rd, 2012, 11:45 pm
Haytham Khoury said:
jad # 383.
I agree on most of it
January 3rd, 2012, 11:46 pm
zoo said:
Why the silence on the murder of Shukri Abu Burghol?
After the international media outrage at the kidnapping and mistreatment of the anti regime Syrian cartoonist Ali Ferzat, a deafening silence for the first journalist murdered in Syria, Shukri Abu Burghol. Why? Is it simply because he was supporting the regime and he was killed by opposition supported terrorists?
January 3rd, 2012, 11:47 pm
Haytham Khoury said:
Dear SNK:
I will celebrate with you when Bashar leaves.
January 3rd, 2012, 11:48 pm
Haytham Khoury said:
Thank you
January 3rd, 2012, 11:52 pm
jad said:
Apparently he is not worth mentioning because Radwan Zibaleh’s ‘men’ are the ones who killed let’s keep it quite!
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January 4th, 2012, 12:00 am
jad said:
I mean it!
January 4th, 2012, 12:01 am
jad said:
??? ??????? ???? ??????? ??????? ????? ???? ?? ????
by ????: ????? ?????
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January 4th, 2012, 12:16 am
Syria no kandahar said:
Islamists don’t know what to do to destabilize Aleppo.Aleppines have proofed to be the most politically mature in the entire middle east and north Africa.this is about an hour long,worth watching:
January 4th, 2012, 12:21 am
Dale Andersen said:
Memo To: ANN
How do we know YOU’RE not an Israeli, girl? You’ve got no street cred. You’ve got no one on here to vouch for you. For all we know, you’re a Major in the IDF…
January 4th, 2012, 12:22 am
Mina said:
Could you explain your comparison between Syria and Hitler’s Germany? Just because you lived under a communist dictatorship (which you inherited because Stalin did crush Hitler… otherwise you may have had to wait another 20 years and let him die in his bed) and because you know there are mass graves around Tadmor, you think the comparison is worth it?
But could you explain me then who were Iran and Saudi Arabia, in Hitler’s Germany? I am not aware than any regional power played a part in the rise of National-Socialism in the 20s and 30s?
I mean, do you understand that Syria’s position on the Mediterranean sea makes it a strategic asset, an ally of choice, for any regional power which has no such access? Let’s say Iran, the Saudis, or even Russia?
By the way, out of the 190++ countries registered at the UN, could you tell me how many are not dictatorships, and were not dictatorship in the mid-seventies, when Hafez al Asad took power?
I think the comparison with Pinochet or Franco would be more appropriate. How could you then not mention that Pinochet was a good friend of the CIA, who helped in torturing many innocents in Latin America at that time, and that he was advised on economy by no less than Milton Friedman?
Are there any good Arabic translations of some of Dostoievsky’s major novels?
January 4th, 2012, 12:49 am
jad said:
I know that your question is to Zoo, but if you are interested, a good friend of mine put up the translations of many of Dostoievsky’s works as well as many other great novelists`works on 4shared to download, please read some of my friend`s excellent writings, unfortunately he closed his blog 🙁
??????????? ? ??????? ??????? ?1.pdf
??????????? ? ??????? ??????? ?10.pdf
??????????? ? ??????? ??????? ?11.pdf
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??????????? ? ??????? ??????? ?13.pdf
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January 4th, 2012, 12:59 am
ann said:
Why U.S. must step carefully in Syria – Wed January 4, 2012
(CNN) — The popular uprising in Syria against the Alawi-led minority regime of Bashar al-Assad poses a serious challenge to U.S. national security in the Middle East.
As it fights for its survival amid escalating violence, the Syrian regime risks not only the deepening of civil strife in the country, but also provoking sectarian strife in the region, potentially drawing in U.S. military involvement. Washington has thus far been cautious in dealing with Syria, favoring strong words and sanctions against the regime and supporting Arab efforts to stop the violent military crackdown. But this could change as conditions in Syria deteriorate.
The recent arrival in Syria of Arab observers, as part of a Syrian-endorsed Arab League plan to stop the violence, has been met with mixed emotions. Syrian opposition members rejected the plan, which was mediated by Iraq, on the grounds that it will give the bestial regime another chance to continue its brutal policies.
Syria pipeline attached amid ongoing killing
Burhan Ghalioun, the head of the Syrian National Council opposition movement, emphasized that the observers cannot do their work because “they cannot go where the authorities don’t want them to go.” The Arab League’s initiative is further tainted by the contemptible presence of Sudanese Gen. Mohammad Ahmed Mustafa al-Dabi, who heads the mission. Al-Dabi held high military intelligence and security positions in the government of President Omar al-Bashir, who is wanted on international charges of genocide in Darfur.
Meanwhile, Syria continues its slow, steady descent into sectarian strife. There is the militarization of segments of the opposition, as manifested by the creation of the Free Syrian Army, and the targeted sectarian murders committed in mixed towns, especially in Homs. Indeed, the recent twin suicide bombings in Damascus, regardless of the identity of the as-yet-unknown culprits, could well be a portent of what may happen in the multireligious, multiethnic country. This premonition of escalating violence is shared by many in the region, including those within the ranks of the Syrian opposition.
Syria is tightly linked both to the evolving Arab politics — as influenced by the past year’s Arab popular uprisings — and to the ongoing shifts in the Saudi and Iranian-led regional axes of powers that have resulted from withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq.
To be sure, it is the Arab League mission that reflects more the deep divisions splintering the Arab world: The Arab League, led by Saudi Arabia and Qatar, initially determined to pressure the autocratic Syrian regime into submission, but this resolve was weakened by Iraq questioning the League’s apparent double-standard policy. Its stance on Syria contrasts sharply with its position on Bahrain.
Saudi Arabia, along with other Gulf Cooperation Council countries, sent troops to Bahrain to help quash a Shi’a majority-dominated uprising against that kingdom’s Sunni monarchy.
Similarly, the government of Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, acting apparently in concert with Iran, has not concealed its desire to keep the Syrian regime in power. Iran has described the violence in Syria as part of a Western-Israeli conspiracy against the regime. And pro-Iranian forces in Iraq and Lebanon, such as the Sadrists and Hezbollah respectively, have expressed their readiness to support the Syrian regime.
Beyond this, the withdrawal of American troops from Iraq has apparently boosted the confidence not only of Iran and its proxies but also the Syrian regime.
Iran and Hezbollah laud the “resistance” for forcing the Americans from Iraq, and Syria no longer fears an American interference from Iraq. In fact, the regime believes that Iraq now affords Syria another strategic buffer with regard to a potential anti-Syrian military intervention; the other being offered by Lebanon.
This will undoubtedly leave the international community facing neither an Arab nor a Russian solution. Russia recently introduced a draft resolution the U.N. Security Council on ending the violence in Syria. However, Russia, along with China, has had serious disagreements with other members of the Security Council, who favor sanctions against Damascus, including an arms embargo.
Washington will most likely confront urgent Arab and Syrian opposition requests for direct involvement in Syria. Already, Ghalioun has called on the Security Council to adopt the Arab initiative; at the same time some Arab and Syrian opposition leaders have vocally called for a no-fly zone and NATO involvement to protect civilians.
But a word of caution. The danger of this kind of involvement lies in the grave and complex reality that Iran still considers the security of the Syrian regime as part of its own security, and that, while both Tehran and Damascus have been preparing for a conflict with United States since its invasion of Iraq in 2003, including supporting proxy forces in the region, Washington has thus far pursued policies more reactive in nature to regional developments. Washington should be careful about falling into the duplicitous trap of Middle Eastern politics.
Washington must act within the context that Syria is already in the throes of civil strife, which can only intensify and possibly spill over into Lebanon or Iraq, and that the Arab states are fighting two wars. One is over the nature of future power in their capitals and the other is over which regional axis they will support.
Washington should also disabuse itself of the notion that the terminally ill Syrian regime will collapse soon. The regime has life support from Iran, Iraq and Lebanon, and thrives on terror and Arab schisms. This makes any reactive or reflexive American involvement in Syria fraught with uncertainties and serious risks.
Washington should not lead a campaign in Syria designed in the imperial corridors of the American capital itself.
January 4th, 2012, 1:47 am
Mina said:
Thanks a lot!! If only many I know could understand that the Quran is not the sole book on earth, that you can’t understand it without studying, reading grammars, poetry and proverbs! That it is a masdar for religion, but not for thaqafa… What is a human being without culture? Is culture limited to traditions, religions, and cooking? In the Arab world I often feel that culture is now reduced to knowing gossips on the lives of singers and actors.
I will pass these precious links. Dostoievsky is a master in the depiction of human souls and on the question of faith.
January 4th, 2012, 4:20 am
Mina said:
Atimes back from holidays:
A mistaken case for Syrian regime change
By Aisling Byrne
“War with Iran is already here,” wrote a leading Israeli commentator recently, describing “the combination of covert warfare and international pressure” being applied to Iran.
Although not mentioned, the “strategic prize” of the first stage of this war on Iran is Syria; the first campaign in a much wider sectarian power-bid. “Other than the collapse of the Islamic Republic itself,” Saudi King Abdullah was reported to have said last summer, “nothing would weaken Iran more than losing Syria.” [1]
By December, senior United States officials were explicit about their regime change agenda for Syria: Tom Donilon, the US National Security Adviser, explained that the “end of the [President Bashar al-]Assad regime would constitute Iran’s greatest setback in the region yet – a strategic blow that will further shift the balance of power in the region against Iran.”
January 4th, 2012, 4:51 am
Revlon said:
Syrian Revolution Intelligence System ???? ????????? ?????? ???????
?#Aleppo #Revolution 2011 ?????? ??????? ?? ???? ?????
Wallphoto of Chief Mobster of Shabbeha of College of Electrical Engineering at Aleppo Universiity.
Name is Ahmad Mansour.
Profession: Taylor!
Mob Fee: SP5000 per hit.!/photo.php?fbid=277689372287192&set=a.167728499949947.41621.167323373323793&type=1&theater
?? ?????? ??? ???? ????? ???? ???????? ?? ????? ??? ????? ??? ????? ?????? 28-12-2011
????? ??? ????? ?? ??????? ??? ???? ????? ????? ?????? ??? ?????? ?????? ????? ????? ???????? ??? ????? (???? ????) :
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???? ??????? ?? ??? ???? ???? .
By: Aleppo Revolution 2011 ?????? ??????? ?? ???? ?????.
January 4th, 2012, 9:04 am
majedkhaldoun said:
Ask yourself, did Iran help Syria or Syria helped Iran ,Who benefited more?and what benefit did Syria get from Iran?
Iran was helpfull to Hafiz Assad to isolate Saddam, Saddam is gone now, Iran has no help to Syria now,infact Iraq is point of contention between Syria and Iran, Syria must side with KSA as far as Iraq and against Iran, things changed in the last 10 years and Syria alliance must change too
January 4th, 2012, 9:19 am
zoo said:
The anti-observers campaign continues: After “they are not professional”, now they are simply dumb.
Activists: Syrian regime misleading Arab observers
BEIRUT (AP) — Activists accused President Bashar Assad’s regime on Wednesday of misleading Arab League observers by taking them only to areas loyal to the government and changing street signs to confuse them.
January 4th, 2012, 9:33 am
Revlon said:
???? ??? ????? ??? ??? ???? ?? ??? ????? ??? ??? ???
Uploaded by AljizahNews on Jan 1, 2012
Regime Deceit!
Two shabbeeha, aman and a woman pose to AL Observer as Dar3an’s but were so lazy that they did not even try to learn dar3a accent; they spoke Jabali, betraying their Shabbeeha identity.
AlC observers are being deluged with such staged encounters with Shabbeha posing as victims of terrorist gangs who are obliged to record their claims.
ALC visits are carefully arranged by security forces so as each visit to a restive area is followed to one of quiet, pro-regime shabbeeha stronghold neighbourhoods.
January 4th, 2012, 9:36 am
zoo said:
Jad, thanks. I hope also Bronco comes back from his sulking.
January 4th, 2012, 9:46 am
irritated said:
Revlon #413
Do I sense anxiety in the opposition eagerness to kill the observers mission?
The observers are not fans of Sweden-made Facebook pages or Youtube and contrary to the SNC members sitting behind their ipad, these men are risking their life for this mission.
January 4th, 2012, 9:59 am
Revlon said:
«????? ?????? ????» ???? ?????? ???????.. ????? ???? ????? 4 ???? ???? ?????
FSA releases 34 prisnors of Assad forces and threaten to break the truth should regime attacks on civilians continue.
Syrian National Council ?????? ?????? ??????
Al Sharq Al Awsat News paper
???? ???: ?????? ???? 34 ?? ????? ????? ??? ??????? ??????
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January 4th, 2012, 10:01 am
Revlon said:
The Syrian Revolution Representatives on the ground have directly addressed the United Nations appealing for intervention in protection of the Syrian people.
Syrian Revolution Coordinators Union
????? ??????? ?? ???? ??????? ?????? ????? ????? ???????? ?????? ??????? ??? ????? ??????? ???? ??? ??????? ??????? (???? ????? ??????????? ?? ??????)
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Appeal for international Protection; An urgent letter from the Syrian People to the United Nations.
????? ????? ??????? ????????. ???? ????? ????? ??????? ?????? “??? ???? ????? ???????…” ?? ????? ??? ?? ?????? ?? ???? ??????? ????? ???????? ????????? ????????. ???????? ?? ??? ??????? ??????? ?????? ?????? ?? ???? ???? ?????? ??????? ??????? ?? ??????? ?? ??????? ?????? ?????? ???? ???: ??? ???? ???? ???? ?????? ???? ????? ?????? ????? ????? ??????? ????? ????? ?????? ?????? ???? ??? ?? ???? ??? ??????? ?? ????? ???? ???? ? ???? ????? ????? ?????? ?? ??? ????? ??????? ?????? ??????? ???????? ???? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?? ?????.
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???????? 4-1-2012? ??????? 10 ??? 1433??
???????? ??? ???????:
Siged by:
– ????? ???????? ?????? ???????
Union of Syrian Revolution Cordinatin Committees
– ?????? ?????? ?????? ???????
General Assembly of Syrian revolution
– ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ???????
The High Council of The Syrian revolution
– ???? ????? ?????? ?? ?????? ????
Command Council of The revolution of Idlib
– ?????? ?????? ??????
Syrian Peaceful Movement
– ???? ??????
Days of Freedom
– ?????? ?????? ??????? ???????
The General Assebly of Syrian relief
– ?????? ?????? ???? ??????
Revolution Council of Aleppo and Country Side
– ???? ????? ?????? ?? ??? ????
Revolution Council of Damascus Countryside
???? ?????? ?????? ??????? ????? ?? ?? ??
???? ?????? ?????? ??????? ????? ????
???? ?????? ?????? ?????????? ????? ?? ?? ??
???? ?????? ?????? ?????????? ????? ????
????? ??? ????? ??????? ????
By: ????? ???????? ?????? ??????? | Syrian Revolution Coordinators Union
41 minutes ago
January 4th, 2012, 10:23 am
Revlon said:
Signs of torture by electrocution on the body of Martyr, Defector Soldier, Khaled Mohammad Al Zeer by Assad forces.
AlFati7a upon Khaled’s soul,
May God bless his family with solace and empower them with fortitude.
??????? ?????? ??? ?????? ?????? ???? ????? ????? 3 1 2012.
Uploaded by syrianmediac on Jan 3, 2012
January 4th, 2012, 10:32 am
jad said:
They have all this weapons and armed terrorists militias, why do they need the NATO for? They can destroy Syria without any help!
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January 4th, 2012, 10:33 am
Revlon said:
Iran sought to broker Syria deal between Assad, Muslim Brotherhood
By Ben Birnbaum
Updated: 9:54 a.m. on Wednesday, January 4, 2012
ISTANBUL — A leader of Syria’s Muslim Brotherhood says Iran has sought to coax the Islamist group into supporting President Bashar Assad in exchange for four high-ranking positions in the Syrian government.
Mohammed Farouk Tayfour, the top political leader in Syria’s Muslim Brotherhood, told The Washington Times on Tuesday that Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, sent three emissaries to Istanbul in late October to try to broker the deal.
“We refused to meet with them,” said Mr. Tayfour, one of nine members of the Syrian National Council’s executive committee, which is leading opposition to the Assad regime. “We told them [through a Turkish mediator] that Iran has been taking sides against the Syrian people.
“When Iran takes the side of the Syrian people, then we are willing to meet with the envoys and talk with them,” he said at the council’s office in Istanbul. “Otherwise, there is no way we can meet with the Iranians when they are assisting in the killing of our people.”
Mr. Tayfour said the Turkish mediator was a personal acquaintance, not a government official, and that Ankara had had no involvement in the overture.
He said the mediator reached out to him three times in one week in an attempt to set up a meeting with the emissaries, who were then staying at an Istanbul hotel.
The Muslim Brotherhood, one of the largest and most influential Islamist groups in the Middle East, is banned in Syria, which is engaged in a monthslong deadly crackdown on dissent and long has enjoyed support from Iran’s Shiite theocracy.
Syrian and Iranian officials did not reply to e-mails seeking comment.
Mr. Tayfour’s revelation underscores the lengths to which the Iranian regime has gone to preserve its Arab ally’s grip on power. The U.S. has accused Iran of supporting Mr. Assad’s crackdown, though it has made few specific accusations.
In the interview, Mr. Tayfour claimed that Iran and its Lebanese proxy, Hezbollah, were sending snipers and other operatives into Syria to help the regime quell the nearly 10-month-old uprising.
Mr. Tayfour said the league’s role in the process “has run out,” noting that Syrian forces have continued killing citizens despite the presence of the league’s monitors in the country.
“Our choice is to stop the killing of civilians, to protect civilians, and if there is no other choice than foreign military intervention like that which happened in Libya, then we have to accept it,” he said.
The Syrian opposition leader said there is “almost a consensus” among his colleagues on seeking international military action, echoing comments of another executive board member.
Samir Nashar told The Times on Saturday that most of his colleagues support foreign military action to oust Mr. Assad “but they might not be brave enough to express it openly.”
The Syrian National Council comprises opposition figures and defectors from Syria’s military
January 4th, 2012, 10:43 am
Revlon said:
Demonstration in Bab Houd, Old quarter of Homs City
??? – ??? ??? – 04-01-2012 ?2: ??????? ???? ???? ???????
Demonstrators raise placards that could represent candidate themes for comming Friday!
Uploaded by karam701 on Jan 4, 2012
????? ?????? ????? ????? ??????
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– The intelligence and army institutions have been killing Syrian people; We shall oust, and hold responsible those who call for protecting them!
– NCB play-act, rather than act for Syrian People
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– Ciriticising the ALC is not allowed until their mission is finished, and with it the Syrian people. It is important that they gain practical experience.
January 4th, 2012, 11:14 am
Revlon said:
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(???? ???? ?? ???? ????? _ ???? ????? ?????? ??????):
Summary of eyewitness account of Regime maltreatment of people outside and inside the Central prsion Of Homs City. It was provided by the activist prisoner Abdelqader Husain Al3eksh to ALC observer, in the presence of the Chief prison warden and several security officers.
Syrian Dream . ????? ?????
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2 hours ago
January 4th, 2012, 11:36 am
Revlon said:
FSA representatives in Homs city were introduced to ALC observers by activist Khaled Abu Salah
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Uploaded by ffsh2011 on Jan 4, 2012
January 4th, 2012, 11:40 am
jad said:
In Homs the terrorist armed groups work:
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January 4th, 2012, 11:40 am
jad said:
Two terrorists killed while planting a bomb
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January 4th, 2012, 11:42 am
Revlon said:
Mother and Father of martyr Ali AlSheikh Othman mourning their young son.
Al fati7a upon his souil,
May God bless his family with solace and empower them with fortitude.
??? ???????? ???? ???? ??? ?????? ??? ????? ????? 4-1-2012
January 4th, 2012, 11:44 am
jad said:
‘Nothing noble in the Middle East, pure self-interest’
‘As Syrian forces reportedly continue to kill civilian protesters, armed rebels have threatened to step up their own attacks. The commander of Syria’s armed rebels threatened to step up attacks on President Bashar al-Assad’s forces on Wednesday, according to Reuters. He said he was frustrated with Arab League monitors’ lack of progress in ending a government crackdown on protests.
Dr. Jeremy Salt, Middle East expert talk to RT, claiming there is tunnel vision when it comes to deciding just who is doing the killing in Syria.’
January 4th, 2012, 11:44 am
jad said:
tsk tsk tsk:
Iyas Almaleh, the son of Haytham Almaleh in jail in Germany for documents’ falsifications, but I’m sure the Germans will let him out very soon:
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January 4th, 2012, 11:53 am
Revlon said:
Syrian National Council ?????? ?????? ??????
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SNC executive office members have unanimously rejected the NCB-SNC draft agreement and are preparing an alternative draft proposal for “Political Plan for the transitional period to be presented at the upcomming National Congress for Syrian opposition, under the suspices of AL.
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8 hours ago
January 4th, 2012, 12:07 pm
Revlon said:
Opposition leader: Most Syrians want foreign military action
By Ben Birnbaum
The Washington Times
ISTANBUL — A Syrian opposition leader says most of his colleagues now support international military action to oust President Bashar Assad “but they might not be brave enough to express it openly.”
Samir Nashar, a member of the Syrian National Council’s executive board, said the “majority of SNC leaders agree with international military intervention as early as possible,” although no consensus has been reached.
“The people in the minority are the people who are still hoping that the popular uprising alone would force Bashar Assad to step down or might trigger, if it lasts longer, a certain coup d’etat within the regime,” Mr. Nashar told The Washington Times at his Istanbul apartment.
“But this has not happened 10 months later, the people on the ground are definitely growing restless and desperate, and there are no guarantees that such a coup would.
Mr. Nashar said the U.S. has a “historic opportunity” to improve its image in Syria.
“The vast majority of the Syrians I know were completely supportive of what NATO did [in Libya],” he said.
“People think that the Syrian regime is even worse than [Moammar] Gadhafi and much, much more brutal. And that’s why they do expect that, if things were to get worse, there has to be international military intervention to rescue the Syrian people.”
January 4th, 2012, 12:16 pm
Revlon said:
Agents Orange expose two activists in Hama city to the surveilance of security forces.
Activist Mohammad Hijazi and Mustafa Al Hallaq have been arrested by Assad security while on their way to an audiance with with the ALC committee.
Syrian National Council ?????? ?????? ??????
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January 4th, 2012, 12:23 pm
defender said:
refering of 420
Ben Birnbaum
Ben Birnbaum is a reporter covering foreign affairs for The Washington Times. Prior to joining The Times, Birnbaum worked as a reporter-researcher at The New Republic. A Boston-area native, he graduated magna cum laude from Cornell University with a degree in government and psychology. He won multiple collegiate journalism awards for his articles and columns in The Cornell Daily Sun.
Student Experience- Ben Birnbaum Tel Aviv, Israel
Ben Birnbaum is a Senior MACC student who received the Birthright Excel Fellowship for summer 2011. As a part of the fellowship, Ben secured an internship with DSP Group LTD in Tel Aviv, Israel.
January 4th, 2012, 12:34 pm
zoo said:
Revlon #420 #430
I have already posted that. The author and the newspaper are known to be mouthpieces of the american jewish lobby.
January 4th, 2012, 12:35 pm
Revlon said:
433. Dear zoo,
Thank you for alerting me to your earlier links to the articles.
January 4th, 2012, 12:38 pm
zoo said:
Syria opposition ranks in disarray
(AFP) – 4 January 2011
DAMASCUS — Syria’s opposition was in disarray Wednesday, struggling to present a united front in the face of a protest crackdown whose death toll rose again despite the presence of Arab League monitors.
Western powers have repeatedly called on the Syrian opposition to put aside differences and join forces in their bid to oust President Bashar al-Assad and his autocratic regime after more than nine months of bloody violence.
Stepping up its involvement, the United States sent Jeffrey Feltman, the assistant secretary of state for Near East Affairs, to Cairo late on Tuesday for consultations with the Arab League about Syria.
Democracy activists have denounced the 22-member Arab bloc over the “unprofessionalism” of a team of peace observers whose presence in Syria since last week has failed to stem the bloodshed.
Making matters worse, a pact that two of Syria’s main opposition factions — the Syrian National Council (SNC) and National Coordination Body for Democratic Change in Syria (NCB) — agreed last week now appears to be in tatters.
The political agreement signed on Friday in Cairo had outlined a “transitional period” should Assad’s regime be toppled by a pro-democracy uprising that erupted in March.
However, in a Facebook posting, the Syrian National Council said late Tuesday the “document conflicts with the SNC’s political programme and with the demands of the Syrian revolution.”
Widely regarded as the most inclusive of Syria’s opposition alliances, with representation from both the Muslim Brotherhood and parties drawn from the Christian and Kurdish minorities, the SNC has been at odds with some activists over the extent of foreign intervention required to bring change.
There was still no response to the statement from the NCB, an umbrella group of Arab nationalists, socialists, independents and Marxists which also comprises Kurds and is staunchly opposed to any foreign military intervention.
A dissident who spoke to AFP on condition of anonymity deplored the “divisions” within opposition ranks.
“It is taking time for the opposition to unite. If it was, the regime would have fallen last summer,” he said, also lamenting that the international community had so far “refrained from mobilising its efforts to bring down the regime.”
The disagreement within the opposition comes despite unrelenting violence in Syria, with an activist group reporting regime loyalists killed at least five civilians on Tuesday.
The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said the security forces killed three civilians in the central city of Homs, even as state television reported Arab League observers were in the Homs region.
The Arab mission has been mired in controversy since the first observers arrived on December 26, with activists accusing Syria’s regime of keeping the monitors on a short leash as it presses on with its lethal crackdown on dissent.
Arab League chief Nabil al-Arabi admitted “there are still snipers and gunfire” even as he defended the mission, saying it had secured the release of political prisoners and the withdrawal of tanks from cities.
The Local Coordination Committees, which organise the protests, denounced the Arab League over the mission’s shortcomings.
“We want to tell Nabil al-Arabi that the lack of professionalism of the observers and non-compliance with their arrival times in specific places have left many people killed,” they said in a statement.
It further claimed the observers were being hampered by the regime.
“Soldiers wear police uniforms, drive repainted military vehicles and change the names of places, but this does not mean the army withdrew from cities and streets, or that the regime is applying the provisions of the Arab protocol.”
The LCC estimate at least 390 people have been killed since the observers began their mission.
The Arab monitors were on Wednesday touring the flashpoints of Homs city, Dael in southern Daraa province and Harasta near Damascus, state television reported.
But activists are instead urging them to go to Sabaa Bahrat, in the heart of the capital, where they plan to stage an anti-regime demonstration on Wednesday.
“We invite the Arab League observers to act responsibly and protect the peaceful demonstrators. Our rights are being violated and we will struggle to recover them,” they said on their Facebook page.
Hundreds of supporters of the regime were already gathering on the same square carrying Syrian flags and chanting pro-Assad slogans, an AFP correspondent reported.
Overnight, the White House said that it is “past time” for the UN Security Council to act, as “sniper fire, torture and murder” were continuing in Syria and the Arab League conditions for the regime have been dishonoured.
The United Nations estimated last month that more than 5,000 people have been killed in the crackdown since March.
January 4th, 2012, 12:47 pm
Revlon said:
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January 4th, 2012, 12:48 pm
Tara said:
A little girl from Syria holding a sign that says ” We demand observers to observe the observers while they observe”. They also should have that adorable little boy carrying a sign that says “they killed my mother”.’t-just-a-failure-it’s-an-accomplice-to-assad’s-crimes/
The Arab League mission to Syria isn’t just a failure, it’s an accomplice to Assad’s crimes
By Michael Weiss World Last updated: January 4th, 2012
A sign in Kafranbel, Syria
Kafranbel, Syria has some remarkable residents. “NATO leaders!” reads one revolutionary sign in the city, “if the Libyans could pay oil for you, we will sell our houses to cover the cost”. Another placard calls for the “construction of 5-star hotel to attract the Arab monitors.” Then there’s the sign wielded by a little girl already versed in the quandaries of ancient philosophy: “We demand observers to observe the observers while they observe!”
Whatever you think of the idea of humanitarian intervention in Syria (an argument that evidently makes the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, the head of the Free Syrian Army and the French Foreign Minister all neoconservatives), or about the very real and tragic plight of Christian minorities in the Middle East, you ought to consider the following:
The Arab League delegation was only sent into the country after the Assad regime negotiated the terms of its remit, and it is held in such low regard by the Syrian people because the organisers have made insultingly little effort to mask the true intention of their Potemkin farce.
The delegation is headed by General Mohammad Ahmed Mustafa al-Dabi, the former head of Sudan’s military intelligence service and the founder of Omar al-Bashir’s genocidal janjaweed militias in Darfur. As one Syrian human rights campaigner aptly described this appointment, it is like “a rapist … act[ing] as a forensic expert assistant while examining the victim”.
Last week, al-Dabi visited the battleground city of Homs and reported that he didn’t see “anything frightening,” no tanks but “some armored vehicles.” Here are the orange-jacketed monitors in Homs standing right in front… a tank.
In this video, protestors in the Baba Amr neighbourhood of Homs did al-Dabi the favour of laying the corpse of a slain boy on top of a League vehicle, complete with the spent cartridges used by regime forces to kill him. Though I suppose this is no more frightening to the godfather of Sudanese genocidaires than a football match played with human skulls would be to the Khmer Rouge.
Then in this video Baba Amr resident Khalid Abou Salah explains to al-Dabi that his remit is the problem in itself and that the delegation hasn’t ended the murder of civilians. Al-Dabi tells Salah to hang in there and believe in “dialogue.” Salah is unimpressed and responds that once the delegation leaves an area, the shooting starts up again. Sure enough, al-Dabi and his team eventually quit Baba Amr. Here’s what happened.
The Secretary-General of the Arab League, Nabil al-Araby, actually gained some credibility several months ago for suspending Syria’s membership and even hinting at a Libya-style humanitarian intervention. But he has lately shown himself and his organisation to be guardians not of besieged civilians but of the defunct status quo of Arab authoritarianism. What al-Araby is saying about the fundamental legitimacy of his mission amounts to the old saw about not being able to make an omelette without breaking a few eggs. When Panaït Istrati toured the Soviet Union in the 1920s, he famously replied to that: “All right, I can see all the broken eggs. Now where’s this omelette of yours?” The people of Kafranbel might ask the same.
January 4th, 2012, 1:18 pm
Tara said:
For those of you spending tears on the murdered Syrian journalist, does it occur to you that sniping one’s eyes in Syria is a “Syrian speciality” of the regime? Did you forget the little girl shot in the eye at the beginning of the revolution by a shabbeeh or perhaps an IRG?
The regime like any other dictatorship resorts to the same mentality. They “predict” with unerring percision that pro-regime journalists will be targeted. And just to ensure that their “prediction” comes true, they start killing their own journalists. Any life is dispensable in order to keep “the man, the myth, the legend” in power. This is perhaps why no one reacted to Mr. burghul the same way the world reacted to Ali Ferzat. They just know the old dirty tricks of the dictators.
January 4th, 2012, 1:34 pm
newfolder said:
Mahmoud Slieman Haj Hamad defects from the Syrian regime and exposes it’s lies and murder:
January 4th, 2012, 1:36 pm
Tara said:
Thank you very much for posting the link. The general inspector in the ministry of defense has confirmed that HA’s Lebanese propagandists that appear on the TV defending the regime are on the payroll of the Department of Defense.
I initially thought that HA is carrying the banner of resistance out of benevolence. After many years of being fooled, I learned there is no room for pride or benevolence in this world and that HA is doing it out of its Shiaa alliance to hold power in Lebanon and to be the state within a state. Now, I am learning that it is doing it for money. This is the lowest kind of prostitution that can exist: Selling life as opposed to sex for money. Pathetic!
January 4th, 2012, 1:59 pm
defender said:
Why The US Needs a Major War
Viktor BURBAKI, 04.01.2012
Turkey warns against Shi’ite-Sunni Cold War
Syria blames US for meddling in Arab League’s affairs
News | 04.01.2012 | 20:52
The US is rudely interfering in internal affairs of the Arab League which deployed its observer mission on Syria, Jihad Maqdisi, a spokesman for the Syrian Foreign Ministry, said on Wednesday.
He also blamed Washington for adding to fueling tensions in Syria.
The statement came after State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland berated Damascus for not adhering to an Arab initiative aimed to stop violence in Syria.
Samir Seif al-Yazal, head of the Arab League mission in Syria, said on Monday that the latest events there would be reflected in a soon-to-be issued statement by the Arab League’s Secretariat-General.
He declined to elaborate.
January 4th, 2012, 2:11 pm
majedkhaldoun said:
This is a proof that those who defend Assad and talk on SC ,here, are paid shabbiha and they are very active with access to many Assad media( Mukhabarat),like Dunia Tv,Hadath, Bassam AlKadi,practically all what Jad,Ann,and Zoo quote.
January 4th, 2012, 2:16 pm
jad said:
Filthman is in Cairo today telling the AL what to write and they postponed the meeting until they include his notes in the report as needed:
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January 4th, 2012, 3:28 pm
aldendeshe ???? ??????? said:
404. Dale Andersensaid
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January 4th, 2012, 3:51 pm
jad said:
Oglu is against any civil war yet they give weapons and money and support to any terrorist who want to kill Syrians, Ma sha2 allah shou adami!
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