Syria’s Islamic Front Militias and How They Think about Minorities
Posted by Joshua on Sunday, February 3rd, 2013

Abdal Qadr al-Salih
C.J. Chivers of the New York Times in his, A Rebel Commander in Syria Holds the Reins of War, describes the virtues of the veteran commander of al-Tawhid, Mr Saleh, the most powerful rebel leader in Aleppo. He has a record of tactical success and is by all accounts revered by his men. Chivers explains that “For Western governments, outreach [to men like Saleh] is problematic, in part because of Washington’s policies, which… [are] shaped by fears of Islam.”
Not only are Washington’s policies shaped by fears of Islam, but they are also shaped by support for Israel. Many will hesitate to arm Mr. Saleh because of his enmity toward Israel. In this Arabic video, he insists that after liberating Damascus, Syria’s revolutionaries will liberate Jerusalem.
He conjectures that support for Israel is the principal reason that Washington has refused to arm his militia and destroy Assad. He posits that the US still backs Assad in its desire to protect Israel.
Abdel Kader al-Saleh and the Tawhid brigades do not belong to the Islamic Front; rather he belongs to the Supreme Military Command established shortly after the Syrian National Coalition was established in Doha in December of 2012. He is Assistant Deputy to the Commander-in-Chief for the Northern Region of the Supreme Military Command. See their order of battle.
A much clearer view of the ideology and organization of the Islamic Front militias is emerging thanks to the hard work of analysts like Sam Heller, Pieter Van Ostaeyen, and Aaron Y. Zelin.
Interesting characteristics of the Militias of the Islamic Front are:
1. They are Syrian nationalists and do not call for the unification of the Syrian Umma under a Caliph. This is different from Jabhat al-Nusra, whose help they welcome.
2. They adhere to a fairly dogmatic Salafist view of how Syria should be ruled. They insist on a “shura” council and abjure dictatorship. They do not call for democracy because God’s law and will must remain supreme. The state is to be theocratic but not intolerant. “The reference for all the actions of the Front is the Leadership Council (majlis al-qiyada). The Legitimate Body (al-hai’a al-shar’iya) is the legitimate governor of all the actions of the Front and its decisions are binding for the Front.”
3. The Islamic Front militias have a narrow attitude toward tolerance. The “avoidance of rule over Muslims through unbelief or heresy (bid’a)” suggests that the ghuluw [exaggerators or extremist sects] or gnostic sects, such as the Druze, Ismailis or Alawis may well be unacceptable and beyond the pale of religion, which is standard dogma of main-stream Islamic theology.
Here is a bit from the Charter:
Islam is the religion of the state, and it is the principal and only source of legislation. We will work through all legitimate and possible means to ensure that there is no law that contradicts the set and confirmed principles (al-thawabit al-mu’tamada) of Islamic shari’a.
Coexistence between the sons of one nation, however their schools [of thought] or creeds might differ. That entails mutual responsibilities and rights. It makes the principle of the sanctity of blood, money, and honor something shared by all and something upon which there can be no infringement except according to the rulings of Islamic shari’a and through [its] conclusive judicial rulings.
Justice and fairness are the basis of the relationship in dealing with non-Muslims. Difference of religion is not a justification for injustice against anyone.
All members of society can participate in realizing its general interest, however their schools [of thought] and creeds might differ.
The call for the integration and mixing of religions and sects is rejected according to [religious] law. Moreover, it contains a kind of aggression against those religions and communities and is a sort of religious and cultural adulteration.
[Landis commentary: The phrase, “Difference of religion is not a justification for injustice against anyone,” would seem to be liberal and suggest that all religions should be treated well, but in actuality standard Syrian religious texts view any creed other than the three “revealed” monotheistic religions as not religions at all. Thus they are not covered by the phrase: “Difference of religion is not a justification for injustice”.
In Syrian textbooks, required in the religion class of all schools and read by all Syrians, creeds other than Judaism, Christianity and Islam are not considered religions and are forbidden. The ninth grade textbook states that all other belief systems [than the revealed religions of the Abrahamic tradition], “contradict the principle of freedom of belief.” This is because “Islam gives freedom of belief only within the limits of the divine path,” or the religions revealed by God, i.e., Judaism, Christianity and Islam. People following “inferior” forms of belief that reflect an “animal consciousness” must “convert to Islam” or “be killed.” (9 grade textbook: p. 128).] Not too much ambiguity there.
Here is an excerpt from my article: “Islamic Education in Syria: Undoing Secularism,” which should have increased importance today because Islamic norms will take on new importance in Syria. The religion textbooks taught from first to twelfth grade have formed notions of identity in Syria.
Atheists and Pagans
At the very bottom of the hierarchy beneath the revealed religions of the “people of the book,” are the belief systems of the rest of humanity, who are categorized as “Atheists and Pagans.” Only one paragraph is devoted to them in the twelve years of Syrian schooling and it is tucked away in the ninth grade text under the subtitle, “Islam Fights Paganism and Atheism.”It explains that “pagans are those who worship something other than God, and atheists are those who deny the existence of God.” Islam must fight these two belief systems because they “are an assault to both instinct and truth.” We are told that these belief systems “contradict the principle of freedom of belief.” This is because “Islam gives freedom of belief only within the limits of the divine path,” which “means a religion descended from heaven.” Because pagan religions were not revealed by God, they are considered an “inferior” form of belief that reflects an “animal consciousness.” How should Muslims deal with these peoples who comprise half of humanity? Students are instructed that “Islam accepts only two choices for Pagans: that they convert to Islam or be killed (9 grade textbook: p. 128).”
The Islam of Syrian texts does not have a happy formula for dealing with non-believers. Perhaps in recognition of this failing, the ministry of education has buried a mere six sentences on the subject into the middle of its ninth grade text.

Said Hawa
To understand how the Muslim Brotherhood defined Alawites and other gnostic sects of Syria as worse than unbelievers, one should read these two articles by Itzchak Weismann about Sa’id Hawwa, the Brotherhood’s principal ideologue of the last century.[They were first published here]
- Itzchak Weismann, “Sa‘id Hawwa: The Making of a Radical Muslim Thinker in Modern Syria,” Middle Eastern Studies 29 (1993), 607-611.
- Itzchak Weismann, “Sa‘id Hawwa and Islamic Revivalism in Ba‘thist Syria,” Studia Islamica 85 (1997), 131-154. (photo of Sa’id Hawa)
4. Shiites would also presumably be rejected because they do not follow the major recognized “(al-madhahib) among ahl al-sunna.” Shiites embrace the Jaafari madhab.
5. Christians and Jews would presumable be protected because they follow the revealed region, which was sent down by God. But they would remain second class citizens because, through their arrogance, they reject God’s final revelation, the Qur’an and Mohammad, the seal of the prophets.
A must read is this translation of The Charter of the Syrian Islamic Front done by Sam Heller ?@AbuJamajem
He writes:
The Syrian Islamic Front, a coalition of Islamist brigades working to topple the Assad regime. (Original document here, posted January 21.)
Most immediately evident is that the Front is essentially fighting a two-front war: it’s looking to topple the Assad regime, but it’s also aiming for the establishment and reform of Islamic morals in Syria. In that sense, the Front is fighting with one eye on what will follow the collapse of regime authority.
Among (many) other noteworthy points is the Front’s envisioned place for religious minorities. Non-Muslims are nominally accorded equal rights, but those rights are strictly circumscribed by Islamic shari’a. By my reading, the status of Shi’ites and Alawites is ambiguous. The document makes clear (largely through omission) that the scope of acceptable diversity in Islamic thought and practice is limited to variations on Sunnism. As non-Sunnis perceived as heretics, then, Shi’ites and Alawites exist outside that Sunni consensus. It is unclear if they would be accorded the same baseline protections as Christians or if they would instead be dealt with more harshly.…
Section Four: The Relationship between the Elements of Syrian Society
The unification of Muslims in righteousness and the condemnation of division, dispute, and extremism.
The enlargement of the sanctity of the Muslim. The avoidance of rule over him through unbelief, wantonness, or heresy (bid’a); rather, rule only through the guidance and evidence of the ’ulama (ahl al-’ilm).
The recognized schools of Islamic thought (al-madhahib) among ahl al-sunna are a great intellectual wealth left to us by the umma’s (Islamic nation) scholars. We adhere to them but do not cling to them fanatically….
Pieter Van Ostaeyen gives an overview of the Ahrar al-Sham , one of the main Islamist militias, which was responsible for overrunning the Sheikh Said neighborhood of Aleppo near the city’s airport this past Saturday – and presumably responsible for assassinating ex-Parliamentarian Ibrahim Azzouz along with his wife and their two daughters yesterday. Ex-Syrian Parliament Member Killed in Aleppo.
Ahrar al-Sham ~ The greater Islamist union in Syria
Feb2 by pietervanostaeyen
On January 31st Syrian Islamist groups announced they would unite in one single group; known as Harakat Ahrar al-Sham al-Islamiyya (The Islamic movement of freemen of Greater Syria)….
Syrian Jihadist Groups Take Conflict To Lebanon
By: Jean Aziz for Al-Monitor Lebanon Pulse. Posted on February 2.
On Friday, Feb. 1, the Lebanese army lost two soldiers, a sergeant and a captain, who were part of a strike force unit that belonged to Lebanese Army Intelligence. The two soldiers died during a clash between the army unit and armed Sunni fundamentalists in ??Arsal, which is near the Syrian border in the Bekaa Valley. Jabhat al-Nusra is now in Lebanon and that the group’s activities are about to become public…..Several press reports said that the town’s mosques issued calls for all gunmen to pursue the army unit and block its escape. In a short period of time, the Lebanese army unit found itself surrounded by hundreds of fundamentalists and jihadists. The long gunfight resulted in the killing of the army sergeant and captain and the wounding of eight soldiers. Although the jihadists knew that they were fighting Lebanese army soldiers, they captured the bodies of the two dead soldiers, as well as the wounded and the remaining soldiers and took them to Arsal’s main square in what looked like a jihadist ceremony that involved celebratory gunfire and other practices, according to Lebanese press reports….
The jihadist forces today have strategic depth that provides them with support, supplies and sanctuary. That strategic depth is represented by the Sunni jihadist groups that are fighting in the Syrian civil war against Bashar al-Assad. Second, the area where the incident took place is geographically linked to several dangerous areas. It is connected to the Damascus and Homs countryside, which is where an Al-Monitor research report predicted will be the main area of a Lebanese-Syrian war. It is also connected to the tense demarcation line between pro-Hezbollah Shiites in Baalbeck and Hermel and certain Palestinian armed locations.
A Rebel Commander in Syria Holds the Reins of War
By C. J. CHIVERS, February 1, 2013, NYTimes
Mr. Saleh leads the military wing of Al Tawhid, the largest antigovernment fighting group operating in and near Syria’s most populous city, Aleppo — a position that has made him one of the government’s most wanted men…Western governments have long worried that its self-declared leaders cannot jell into a coherent movement with unifying leaders, the fighting across the country has been producing a crop of field commanders who stand to assume just these roles…..
Mr. Saleh’s long-term intentions are not entirely clear. He says he is focused solely on winning the war, and promotes a tolerant pluralistic BY last summer, the fighting units near Aleppo had chased most government forces from the countryside and seized control of a border crossing to Turkey. Simultaneously, Mr. Saleh was emerging as the main leader of Al Tawhid. His anonymity ended.
He was soon seen as pragmatic and accommodating, an active commander who was able to navigate the uprising’s sometimes seemingly contradictory social worlds. A friend of the Islamists fighting beside him, he also spoke of avoiding the nihilism of sectarian war.
One of his subcommanders, Omar Abdulkader of the Grandsons of Saladin, a Kurdish fighting group, described how Mr. Saleh welcomed him and fellow fighters into Al Tawhid — though they were not Arabs.
“He has supported us since we have formed our battalion, and he bought for us some weapons and ammunition,” he said. “We’ve never heard or seen any bad acts from him — all good deeds all the time.”
He added: “Hajji Marea told us there is no difference between Muslim or Christian, Kurdish or Arab or even Alawi. We are all brothers.”
These days, when Mr. Saleh appears in public, his supporters treat him with reverential deference. In the summer, Mr. Saleh arrived at a meeting of commanders in another hidden command post. Several seasoned battalion leaders almost sat at his feet.
Ex-Syrian Parliament Member Killed in Aleppo
ABC News
A former Syrian parliament member and three members of his family were killed Sunday in a rebel-held area near the northern city of Aleppo… [Rebels] fired at Ibrahim Azzouz’s car in Sheik Said neighborhood near the city’s airport, killing him along with his wife and their two daughters.
Rebels captured the strategic Sheik Said neighborhood southeast of Aleppo on Saturday. It was a significant blow to regime forces because the area includes the road the army has used to supply troops.
News Round Up follows
White House rebuffed Clinton-Petraeus plan to arm Syrian rebels: report
A plan developed last summer by then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and then-CIA Director David Petraeus to arm and train Syrian rebels was rebuffed by the White House, The New York Times reported on Saturday….The White House rejected the Clinton-Petraeus proposal over concerns it could draw the United States into the Syrian conflict and the arms could fall into the wrong hands….
On Saturday, the US vice president gave his full support to the opposition stance that Assad has so much blood on his hands he could not be part of a transition government. Joe Biden said the White House was “convinced that President Assad, a tyrant hell-bent on clinging to power, is no longer fit to lead Syrian people and he must go”.
Washington Post’s David Ignatius: The hard work ahead of John Kerry in Syria
John Kerry’s first task as incoming secretary of state should be to develop a coherent policy for Syria, where U.S. sanctions are proving counterproductive, the fighting around Damascus is deadlocked, the economy is in ruins and the country is U.S. sanctions are proving counterproductive, the fighting around Damascus is deadlocked, the economy is in ruins and the country is headed toward a sectarian breakup.
This grim prognosis for Syria is based on the latest reports provided to the State Department by opposition forces working with the Free Syrian Army.
The military situation in Damascus is described as a stalemate. The regime controls the city center and the northern suburbs, while Free Syrian Army rebels are strong in the eastern, western and southern suburbs. Corruption is spreading in the liberated southern suburbs. As Syrians pass through regime and Free Syrian Army checkpoints, “sometimes you hardly know which is which, and you lose track of what FSA are trying to achieve,” notes a summary of the report.
With these fluid battle lines, it’s possible to move stealthily throughout the capital. Main streets are guarded by checkpoints manned by troops loyal to President Bashar al-Assad, the report states, “but there is always [an] alternative that opposition [forces] can use to reach almost any point in Damascus.” I found a similar ease of movement in northern Syria when I traveled there with the Free Syrian Army in October.
As rival Free Syrian Army battalions recruit fighters, they “buy them with money,” notes the summary, explaining: “This is what [the extremist Jabhat al-Nusra] is doing to increase their supporters; now people become an open market, you pay, and you can sell your ideology. .?.?. People are easily signing up to something they did not dare to do before.”
Doctors who work in military hospitals report that most casualties are from the regular army, “which indicates that the regime is still keeping the 8k to 12k Republicans Guards as last resort,” the report says.
U.S.-led economic sanctions appear to have backfired, much as they did in Iraq in the 1990s, hurting poor and middle-class people while allowing regime loyalists to get even richer. The report calls this effort “the epitome of failure,” explaining: “The regime is capable of bypassing most sanctions by using non-U.S. and non-Western productions. .?.?. High-ranking regime figures have sophisticated networks to channel and move their large accounts.”
“It’s the Syrian people who do not have the means and the connections to bypass these sanctions,” the report continues. “These conditions have produced the largest transfer of wealth from the people to the government supporters. Under the current shortages and rising prices, the only businessmen who can sustain a profitable business are the ones who have military might at their disposal to protect their convoys. .?.?. The middle class and most of the wealthy have lost their cash flow.”
The Assad regime is rationing access to fuel and electricity to reward friends and punish enemies. “The number of hours [of electricity] each neighborhood receives is directly proportional to their level of support for the government. .?.?. Lucky ones get 18 hours of power every day. Not-so-lucky ones get 3 hours of power every day, defiant ones get no power or cellphone coverage at all.”
The U.S.-led embargo on imports of diesel fuel is also “very ineffective,” the report explains. “Of course the military gets first dibs on it, and the civilians bid up the price of what is left.” Desperate for heating fuel, poor people are burning plastic and tree leaves.
U.S. policy to deal with the Syria disaster has been idling for months, as the administration waited out the presidential election and then the appointment of new secretaries of state and defense and a new CIA director. Kerry is seen as the person most likely to galvanize a clearer, tougher U.S. policy, but President Obama is said to be skeptical, asking, “Can we make a difference?,” in a recent interview with the New Republic.
Rebel military sources argue that the most effective step the United States could take would be to train hundreds of elite commando forces, which would be well-armed and have the strong command-and-control that has generally been lacking in the Free Syrian Army. These disciplined paramilitary forces, like groups the CIA has trained in Iraq, Lebanon and Afghanistan, could shift the balance on the ground — away from the Assad forces but also away from the extremist Jabhat al-Nusra.
“Many people now have lost hope with everything,” writes one of my Syrian sources. “Many people now hate Assad, but they hate the FSA as well. They just want a way out.”
Syria Considers Taking Up Dialogue With Opposition
By: Antoun Issa for Al-Monitor. and Antoun Issa Posted on February 1.
The Syrian government may be receptive to opposition leader Moaz al-Khatib’s offer for dialogue earlier in the week, with one official calling it a “positive change.”
Syrian official sources are considering taking up the offer for talks with opposition leader Moaz al-Khatib, head of the National Coalition for Syrian Revolutionary and Opposition Forces, Antoun Issa reports from Damascus.
Khatib — head of the National Coalition for Syrian Revolutionary and Opposition Forces — surprised colleagues with a public announcement on his Facebook page on Wednesday, Jan. 30, offering dialogue with the Syrian regime.
The Syrian National Council (SNC), a member of the coalition, quickly rejected Khatib’s call, but regime sources have not ruled out dialogue with Khatib.
“There’s been no official statement from the regime, but some individuals within the regime are saying ‘OK, why not?’,” a Syrian government official told Al-Monitor on condition of anonymity….
Robin Yassin-Kassab on the unfolding al-Khatib strategy: “Assad’s scorched-earth policy precludes real negotiations”
Khatib told Reuters in Munich: “The fighters have high morale and they are making daily advances.” …
Suddenly It Looks Like Bashar Al-Assad Could Win The Syrian War
Michael Kelley | Jan. 29, 2013 | Business insider
Many of the latest reports out of Syria indicate that President Bashar al-Assad has regained the upper hand against the rebels.
And the UN special envoy to Syria, Lakhdar Brahimi, said as much on Tuesday when he acknowledged that the regime “may be able to hold onto power for now.”
Assad reportedly told visitors that the Syrian army has “regained the initiative on the ground to a very high degree and achieved important results” as “armed groups received several hard blows recently,” according to Lebanese daily Al Akbhar.
Akbhar’s report makes it sound like Assad regime’s new tactics — leaving non-significant areas only to bomb them and force the population to live under rebel rule without basic necessities — are going according to plan. Assad reportedly said the regime has “stopped fighters from controlling whole [provinces]” and all of the key strategic points around Damascus have “remained safe, especially the airport road.”
There are also reports that the Syrian Army has launched counteroffensives in the north in Homs and around Hamas as rebels struggle to resist because of a lack of ammunition. Meanwhile rebels in the northeast are clashing with Kurdish rebels — an example of rebel infighting that Assad is increasingly counting on.
The changes on the ground forced French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius to acknowledge last week that there are no signs that Assad is about to be overthrown, which is a significant backtrack from last month when he said he thought “the end is nearing for Bashar al-Assad.”…
On the other hand, Russian Prime Minister Dmitri Medvedev recently said Assad’s chances of staying in power are “shrinking by the day,” and Martin Chulov of The Guardian reported that rebels are now camping out in the hills above Assad’s ancestral homeland and sanctuary.
Furthermore, Al Arabiya reported that “Assad’s mother Aniseh Makhlouf and other members of his inner circle have fled to the United Arab Emirates [UAE].”
So perhaps Assad remains defiant and a little crazy because he knows, as a Russian diplomat said last month, that he will be killed by his own people or the opposition unless he successfully puts down the revolution.
But maybe his newfound aplomb comes from the fact that rebels appear much less capable of toppling him right now, and the West knows it.
The Consequences of Intervening in Syria
January 31, 2013 | Stratfor By Scott Stewart
Vice President of Analysis
The French military’s current campaign to dislodge jihadist militants from northern Mali and the recent high-profile attack against a natural gas facility in Algeria are both directly linked to the foreign intervention in Libya that overthrew the Gadhafi regime. There is also a strong connection between these events and foreign powers’ decision not to intervene in Mali when the military conducted a coup in March 2012. The coup occurred as thousands of heavily armed Tuareg tribesmen were returning home to northern Mali after serving in Moammar Gadhafi’s military, and the confluence of these events resulted in an implosion of the Malian military and a power vacuum in the north. Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb and other jihadists were able to take advantage of this situation to seize power in the northern part of the African nation.
As all these events transpire in northern Africa, another type of foreign intervention is occurring in Syria. Instead of direct foreign military intervention, like that taken against the Gadhafi regime in Libya in 2011, or the lack of intervention seen in Mali in March 2012, the West — and its Middle Eastern partners — have pursued a middle-ground approach in Syria. That is, these powers are providing logistical aid to the various Syrian rebel factions but are not intervening directly.
Just as there were repercussions for the decisions to conduct a direct intervention in Libya and not to intervene in Mali, there will be repercussions for the partial intervention approach in Syria. Those consequences are becoming more apparent as the crisis drags on.Intervention in Syria
For more than a year now, countries such as the United States, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and European states have been providing aid to the Syrian rebels. Much of this aid has been in the form of humanitarian assistance, providing things such as shelter, food and medical care for refugees. Other aid has helped provide the rebels with non-lethal military supplies such as radios and ballistic vests. But a review of the weapons spotted on the battlefield reveals that the rebels are also receiving an increasing number of lethal supplies.
Visit our Syria page for related analysis, videos, situation reports and maps.For example, there have been numerous videos released showing Syrian rebels using weapons such as the M79 Osa rocket launcher, the RPG-22, the M-60 recoilless rifle and the RBG-6 multiple grenade launcher. The Syrian government has also released videos of these weapons after seizing them in arms caches. What is so interesting about these weapons is that they were not in the Syrian military’s inventory prior to the crisis, and they all likely were purchased from Croatia. We have also seen many reports and photos of Syrian rebels carrying Austrian Steyr Aug rifles, and the Swiss government has complained that Swiss-made hand grenades sold to the United Arab Emirates are making their way to the Syrian rebels.
With the Syrian rebel groups using predominantly second-hand weapons from the region, weapons captured from the regime, or an assortment of odd ordnance they have manufactured themselves, the appearance and spread of these exogenous weapons in rebel arsenals over the past several months is at first glance evidence of external arms supply. The appearance of a single Steyr Aug or RBG-6 on the battlefield could be an interesting anomaly, but the variety and concentration of these weapons seen in Syria are well beyond the point where they could be considered coincidental.
This means that the current level of external intervention in Syria is similar to the level exercised against the Soviet Union and its communist proxies following the Soviet intervention in Afghanistan. The external supporters are providing not only training, intelligence and assistance, but also weapons — exogenous weapons that make the external provision of weapons obvious to the world. It is also interesting that in Syria, like Afghanistan, two of the major external supporters are Washington and Riyadh — though in Syria they are joined by regional powers such as Turkey, Jordan, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates, rather than Pakistan.
In Afghanistan, the Saudis and the Americans allowed their partners in Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence agency to determine which of the myriad militant groups in Afghanistan received the bulk of the funds and weapons they were providing. This resulted in two things. First, the Pakistanis funded and armed groups that they thought they could best use as surrogates in Afghanistan after the Soviet withdrawal. Second, they pragmatically tended to funnel cash and weapons to the groups that were the most successful on the battlefield — groups such as those led by Gulbuddin Hekmatyar and Jalaluddin Haqqani, whose effectiveness on the battlefield was tied directly to their zealous theology that made waging jihad against the infidels a religious duty and death during such a struggle the ultimate accomplishment.
A similar process has been taking place for nearly two years in Syria. The opposition groups that have been the most effective on the battlefield have tended to be the jihadist-oriented groups such as Jabhat al-Nusra. Not surprisingly, one reason for their effectiveness was the skills and tactics they learned fighting the coalition forces in Iraq. Yet despite this, the Saudis — along with the Qataris and the Emiratis — have been arming and funding the jihadist groups in large part because of their success on the battlefield. As my colleague Kamran Bokhari noted in February 2012, the situation in Syria was providing an opportunity for jihadists, even without external support. In the fractured landscape of the Syrian opposition, the unity of purpose and battlefield effectiveness of the jihadists was in itself enough to ensure that these groups attracted a large number of new recruits.
But that is not the only factor conducive to the radicalization of Syrian rebels. First, war — and particularly a brutal, drawn-out war — tends to make extremists out of the fighters involved in it. Think Stalingrad, the Cold War struggles in Central America or the ethnic cleansing in the Balkans following the dissolution of Yugoslavia; this degree of struggle and suffering tends to make even non-ideological people ideological. In Syria, we have seen many secular Muslims become stringent jihadists. Second, the lack of hope for an intervention by the West removed any impetus for maintaining a secular narrative. Many fighters who had pinned their hopes on NATO were greatly disappointed and angered that their suffering was ignored. It is not unusual for Syrian fighters to say something akin to, “What has the West done for us? We now have only God.”
When these ideological factors were combined with the infusion of money and arms that has been channeled to jihadist groups in Syria over the past year, the growth of Syrian jihadist groups accelerated dramatically. Not only are they a factor on the battlefield today, but they also will be a force to be reckoned with in the future.
The Saudi Gambit
Despite the jihadist blowback the Saudis experienced after the end of the war against the Soviets in Afghanistan — and the current object lesson of the jihadists Syria sent to fight U.S. forces in Iraq now leading groups such as Jabhat al-Nusra — the Saudi government has apparently calculated that its use of jihadist proxies in Syria is worth the inherent risk.
There are some immediate benefits for Riyadh. First, the Saudis hope to be able to break the arc of Shiite influence that reaches from Iran through Iraq and Syria to Lebanon. Having lost the Sunni counterweight to Iranian power in the region with the fall of Saddam Hussein in Iraq and the installation of a Shiite-led government friendly to Iran, the Saudis view the possibility of installing a friendly Sunni regime in Syria as a dramatic improvement to their national security.
Supporting the jihad in Syria as a weapon against Iranian influence also gives the Saudis a chance to burnish their Islamic credentials internally in an effort to help stave off criticism that they are too secular and Westernized. It allows the Saudi regime the opportunity to show that it is helping Muslims under assault by the vicious Syrian regime.
Supporting jihadists in Syria also gives the Saudis an opportunity to ship their own radicals to Syria, where they can fight and possibly die. With a large number of unemployed, underemployed and radicalized young men, the jihad in Syria provides a pressure valve similar to the past struggles in Iraq, Chechnya, Bosnia and Afghanistan. The Saudis are not only trying to winnow down their own troubled youth; we have received reports from a credible source that the Saudis are also facilitating the travel of Yemeni men to training camps in Turkey, where they are trained and equipped before being sent to Syria to fight. The reports also indicate that the young men are traveling for free and receiving a stipend for their service. These young radicals from Saudi Arabia and Yemen will even further strengthen the jihadist groups in Syria by providing them with fresh troops.
The Saudis are gaining temporary domestic benefits from supporting jihad in Syria, but the conflict will not last forever, nor will it result in the deaths of all the young men who go there to fight. This means that someday the men who survive will come back home, and through the process we refer to as “tactical Darwinism” the inept fighters will have been weeded out, leaving a core of competent militants that the Saudis will have to deal with.
But the problems posed by jihadist proxies in Syria will have effects beyond the House of Saud. The Syrian jihadists will pose a threat to the stability of Syria in much the same way the Afghan groups did in the civil war they launched for control of Afghanistan after the fall of the Najibullah regime. Indeed, the violence in Afghanistan got worse after Najibullah’s fall in 1992, and the suffering endured by Afghan civilians in particular was egregious.
Now we are seeing that the jihadist militants in Libya pose a threat not only to the Libyan regime — there are serious problems in eastern Libya — but also to foreign interests in the country, as seen in the attack on the British ambassador and the U.S. diplomatic mission in Benghazi. Moreover, the events in Mali and Algeria in recent months show that Libya-based militants and the weapons they possess also pose a regional threat. Similar long-lasting and wide-ranging repercussions can be expected to flow from the intervention in Syria.
Syrian opposition says it is ready for conditional peace talks
Coalition is prepared to negotiate with regime after UN backs its position that Assad will have no role in transitional government
Julian Borger in Munich and Harriet Sherwood in Jerusalem
The Guardian,
A girl tries on a donated jacket as Syrians arrive at Za’atari refugee camp in Mafrq, Jordan, which is struggling to cope with the influx. Photograph: Jeff J Mitchell/Getty
The Syrian opposition has said it is ready for exploratory peace talks with the regime after gaining UN backing for its position that Bashar al-Assad himself “would have no role” in a transitional government.
The developments served to increase the isolation of Russia which remains a staunch backer of the regime in Damascus, and has insisted that Assad stay in place through any future transition to democracy. As senior officials arrived in Munich for a security conference this week, it was unclear on Friday night whether the Russian foreign minister, Sergei Lavrov, would join the US vice-president, Joseph Biden, and the UN special envoy, Lakhdar Brahimi, in meeting the opposition National Coalition leader, Moaz al-Khatib.
Despite Syrian opposition claims that Lavrov would take part in a four-way meeting, one of his deputies, Gennady Gatilov, said there were no plans for such a meeting.
Khatib arrived in Munich having survived a challenge to his leadership from Islamists inside the coalition, who objected to his offer, first made on his personal Facebook page, to talk to the regime while Assad remained in power. The objection had been that Assad had to leave office before talks could begin but Khatib defended himself against criticism at an emergency coalition meeting in Cairo on Thursday, saying that the talks would remain conditional on the release of thousands of political prisoners.
The Munich talks will take place as the conflict showed its potential for escalating into a regional conflagration. Israeli warplanes flew over Lebanon again on Friday, two days after air strikes inside Syrian territory, according to a UN official.
Khatib’s statement was welcomed by the UN secretary general, Ban Ki-moon, who called for “a credible process that would lead to a real change, a clear break from the past”. A UN source added that the opposition would now have to “walk the walk” in demonstrating its readiness to talk.
However, the opposition and its western supporters won a significant victory in their stand-off with Moscow when Brahimi backed their position that Assad could not participate in any transitional government that might result from peace talks. At a meeting in Geneva last year, western governments and Russia came to an agreement on transition that fudged that critical issue. It said a transitional government had to be chosen “by mutual consent”.
Michael Lipin ? story: ICRC says it’s considering delivering aid to Syria through cross-border operations, not just via Damascua
Jerusalem Post: ‘TIME’: IAF raids in Syria targeted multiple targets
IAF raids overnight Tuesday struck multiple targets in Syria, Time magazine reported on Friday, citing Western intelligence officials. Syria on Wednesday publicly accused Israel of striking a scientific research center northwest of Damascus, denying … Time quoted a Western intelligence official as saying that the IAF had targeted at least one or two more targets overnight Tuesday and that the US had given Israel a green light to carry out additional strikes.
Patriot Missiles Arrive in Turkey: How They Affect the Syria Equation
By Piotr Zalewski / Gaziantep, TurkeyFeb. 01, 2013
US ready to hold direct talks with Iran, says Joe Biden
The United States is ready to hold direct talks with Iran if it is serious about negotiations, Vice President Joe Biden said yesterday, backing bilateral contacts that many see as crucial to easing an international…
Roundup: Iran urges “Syrian-Syrian resolution” to Syria crisis
2013-02-03 (Xinhua)
Iranian Foreign Minister Ali-Akbar Salehi said here on Sunday that Iran supports a “Syrian-Syrian resolution” to the ongoing crisis in Syria, and the opposition’s willingness to negotiate with the Syrian government is “a good step forward”.
Sunni Protesters Hold Antigoverment Rallies in Iraq
By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS, February 1, 2013
Tens of thousands of Sunni protesters blocked a major highway in western Iraq on Friday, as a group affiliated with Al Qaeda, the Islamic State of Iraq, called on Sunnis to take up arms against the Shiite-led government. Minority Sunnis complain of official discrimination against them, and the arrests of a Sunni politician’s bodyguards in December set off weekly protests. The main rallies on Friday took place in Falluja and Ramadi. Protesters also marched in Baghdad and Samarra. Friday’s rallies were among the largest since the protests began.
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Comments (491)
ghufran said:
islamists who agree on elections and abandon violence should have, in a perfect world, the same rights as everybody else to run for office and participate in government but i do not believe anybody wants them to take the lead for the time being, it is simply too risky for the West and millions of Syrians, the army for sure will not take orders from the same people who are until now advocating its destruction and supplying men and money to achieve that goal, that is exactly why many islamists do not want to negotiate. another question is what is going to happen if islamists gain majority in parliamentary elections?
that scenario ,similar to Algeria, is unlikely but it is not entirely impossible, clearly, the transitional period will have to accept realistic measures that may not be “democratic” but are necessary to preserve the country’s fragile demographic balace,if you still believe that this balace exists.
February 3rd, 2013, 5:25 pm
zoo said:
The UAE is showing what true solidarity and humanity is.
How much did Qatar pledge: Millions of Klashinkovs?
UAE will supervise Dh1.1bn Syria refugee aid
Ola Salem
Feb 4, 2013
ABU DHABI // More than Dh1.1? billion in aid pledged to Syrian refugees by the UAE will be administered directly by the Government rather than any other organisation.
Read more:
Follow us: @TheNationalUAE on Twitter | on Facebook
February 3rd, 2013, 6:09 pm
revenire said:
“Suddenly It Looks Like Assad Could Win The Syrian War” 🙂
February 3rd, 2013, 6:10 pm
zoo said:
Kuwaiti gets 5 years for insulting ruler
Mohammed Eid Al-Ajami, a Kuwaiti citizen, faces a five-year imprisonment sentence for insulting the emir on Twitter
Reuters , Sunday 3 Feb 2013
February 3rd, 2013, 6:23 pm
Tara said:
America: All talk, no action
Hopes of Syria talks rise as 5,000 die in a month
Julian Borger in Munich
Sunday 3 February 2013
On Saturday, the US vice president gave his full support to the opposition stance that Assad has so much blood on his hands he could not be part of a transition government. Joe Biden said the White House was “convinced that President Assad, a tyrant hell-bent on clinging to power, is no longer fit to lead Syrian people and he must go”.
February 3rd, 2013, 6:23 pm
Syrialover said:
Dear Joshua,
Who on earth is helping you elect the news roundup articles you’re posting above?
Why have you wasted so much space with that stale say-nothing piece “Suddenly It Looks Like Bashar Al-Assad Could Win The Syrian War”
Here are some more interesting items:
An excellent article demystifying the UN’s controversial half billion dollar assistance plan to Syria: “The UN’s Deal with the devil” (far better than the VOA thing you’ve posted)
A well-informed piece on the unfolding al-Khatib strategy by Robin Yassin-Kassab: “Assad’s scorched-earth policy precludes real negotiations”
I could go on.
February 3rd, 2013, 6:28 pm
zoo said:
The Curse of the Turkish Starving Class
The tale of the Turkish suicide bomber, coming from a poor family, and chosen to die because he contracted a deadly illness while in jail shows that life in Turkey is far from rosy for the poor.
“A son of a poor shepherd in the Black Sea town of Ordu, the militant was born in 1976 and given the surname of the late Prime Minister Ecevit, very popular among poor people then perhaps with the hope that he would study hard and become an influential and popular personality as well. Young Ecevit chose a different path by joining Dev-Sol, which has a militant reservoir in the poor districts of mainly Istanbul. In a way, the militants of the organization are the embodiment of the “Curse of the Starving Class,” as seen in the famous play by U.S. writer Sam Shepard. By the age of 21, in 1997 he was arrested by Istanbul police following rocket attacks on a major police station and military officers’ club.
On top of heavy torture under investigations and heavy indoctrination in jail by senior militants of the organization, ?anl? got involved in hunger strikes that hit him with severe Wernicke-Korsakoff malnutrition syndrome, and he was released from prison on health conditions. The DHKP-C, which has the habit of re-using militants with incurable diseases in suicide attacks (in September 2012, another militant who had advanced stage cancer blew himself up at the entrance of an Istanbul police station exactly the way that ?anl? did at the gate of the U.S. Embassy), approached him again and sent him outside Turkey for further training. We know how the story ended for him, but that is not the end of the whole story.”
February 3rd, 2013, 6:33 pm
zoo said:
#6 SL
I love it! now you are patronizing Joshua Landis!
February 3rd, 2013, 6:36 pm
zoo said:
February 3rd, 2013, 6:50 pm
Visitor said:
JL is always looking for any article or so-called analysis that will spin any event in favor of Bashar. I was told that JL was one of those who predicted there will be no revolution in Syria just few weeks before it happened.
On the other hand, Jean Aziz seems to have omitted on purpose that the Arsal incident was orchestrated by Hizbistan with collusion from the Lebanese Army. Hizbistan, today, burried the thug, Hussein Muhammad Nazar, who was killed in the incident. Kudos to Arsali heroes who were and still are full participants in the Homs and Qusair battles.
I believe, that the Syrians today trust only the Islamists. They have no trust whatsoever in so-called NC, SNC or othe accronyms. In particular, Syrians at large dislike so -called secularists and consider them no different than atheist. Of course, we have some misguided mouthpieces here on SC who keep swimming against the current. Eventually they will drown, and Syrians will triumph.
February 3rd, 2013, 6:51 pm
zoo said:
Al Khatib gives a diplomatic answer about the FSA
Asked about the risk of his strategy being seen as a sign of weakness in the opposition or frustration at the Free Syrian Army’s gains, Khatib told Reuters in Munich: “The fighters have high morale and they are making daily advances.”
Read more:
(The Daily Star :: Lebanon News ::
February 3rd, 2013, 6:52 pm
zoo said:
In the first Moslem Brotherhood democracy:
57 killed in bloodiest week since Morsi became president of Egypt
President Morsi’s reign in Egypt has seen its bloodiest week as another person died from injuries sustained in the clashes with police, bringing the number of dead to 57 in the last seven day. The 26 year old man, who died in hospital on Sunday, had been shot in clashes with the police on Friday near the presidential palace. The latest surge of violence began on January 24 on the eve of the second anniversary of the uprising against Hosni Mubarak.
February 3rd, 2013, 6:56 pm
Citizen said:
Obama, Merkel under Islamist death threat
An Islamist website has posted a video threat to kill Barak Obama and blow up Angela Merkel, together with the Berlin building of the German Bundestag.
One Abu Azzam, who many believe has spent some time in Germany, said in the video that the ‘Arab Spring’ would be followed by what he termed ‘the European Summer’.
The German Interior Ministry has dismissed his threats as hollow.
February 3rd, 2013, 7:00 pm
Citizen said:
Say “no” to the Saudis and their Gulf allies
Corrupting society – cancer-like
It is an “obligation” that goes beyond, and is much more sinister and cancerous than, funding Islamist cults such as the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, Libya and Syria, and criminal Islamist gangsters such as Ansar al-Shari’ah in Libya and Al-Nusra Front in Syria. In fact, it seeks to distort and corrupt societal attitudes by implanting the alien ideology of Wahhabism at the grassroots level and thereby promote backwardness, cancer-like, throughout society. Thus,
The Saudi Ministry of Islamic Affairs has coordinated the multi-billion-pound spending on some 15 hundred sizeable Wahhabi-oriented mosques and madrasas [religious schools] worldwide over the past two decades.
In Pakistan, Afghanistan, Somalia and Libya, Saudi-funded mosques and madrasas are being built at a furious rate, funded by Saudi money. In Kabul, the Saudis have begun building the giant 100-million-dollar new mosque and Islamic education centre. This mirrors the vast Faisal mosque which they built in Pakistan’s capital, Islamabad, in 1988.
The pivotal role played by Saudi Arabia and Saudis in sustaining and promoting primitive and violent Islamism – some argue that it is not even Islam – is something Western governments are prepared to live with because the Saudis supply oil and buy lots of weapons from the West, thereby keeping the arms industry in business.
…in the latest financial year for which figures are available, it is estimated that the Saudis were the world’s seventh largest military spender. According to the Campaign Against Arms Trade, they spent some 48 billion dollars. BAe Systems is currently trying to negotiate a GBP 7-billion deal to sell Eurofighter/Typhoon jet to the Saudis.
Contracts with the Saudis secure thousands of jobs in Britain. Without the trade, unemployment in the UK would be still higher.
Time to speak out
In his blogpost, Mr Snow asks: “As Western powers grapple with the consequences of the war in Mali, and the killing of 34 Westerners in the Algerian desert at the BP complex, with what energy is the intelligence community tracking the sources of the funding to the jihadist forces involved?”
…the problem is no longer confined to the unholy alliance of Washington London and Riyadh. It is now hurting us all, from Damascus (by which we mean the Syrian revolution, not the Assad tyranny), to Cairo, Benghazi, Tripoli and Tunis.
That is a problem for Western governments and, ultimately, they will reap what they sow. The problem for us Arabs is that the activities of the Saudis and their Gulf allies are corroding and corrupting our societies in a manner that may take generations to
This is most noticeable in the Arab Spring countries where primitive Islamists, from the cult of Hassan al-Banna to the criminal jihadists, have hijacked the people’s revolutions in Egypt, Libya, Tunisia and Syria and are dragging our societies back to Ottoman times.
British and US support for, and collusion with, the House of Saud have been key in helping to sustain the Wahhabi royal family and religious establishment and shield it from all sorts of social and political pressures.
But the problem is no longer confined to the unholy alliance of Washington London and Riyadh. It is now hurting us all, from Damascus (by which we mean the Syrian revolution, not the Assad tyranny), to Cairo, Benghazi, Tripoli and Tunis.
It is time for the Arab people – Egyptians, Libyans, Tunisians, Syrians, Yemenis and Bahrainis, among others – to speak out loud and clear against the Islamists, as they did in Libya’s second city of Benghazi, when thousands thronged the streets to say no to the Saudi- and Qatari-sponsored jihadist gangsters. It is time to kick out, once and for all and through mass people’s power, the backward ideology and values of the Saudis and their Gulf allies. It is time to tell the Hassan al-Banna cultists of the Muslim Brotherhood, the Wahhabis and other Salafis to go to hell or, better still, to pack up and go and live in the Saudi desert.
February 3rd, 2013, 7:11 pm
Citizen said:
February 3rd, 2013, 7:17 pm
Tara said:
I also vote no to imposing videos on me to watch.
February 3rd, 2013, 7:22 pm
zoo said:
Supposedly “bankrupt”, Iranians are investing heavily in Turkey, yet third after Lebanon and Luxemburg.
Istanbul loses its foreign investment lure in 2012
Foreigns have invested in ?stanbul 17.5 percent less than last year while the number of businesses has fallen 2 percent according to the study where the Iranian investments stand out with huge rise
Soaring Iranian investments
Among the foreign investors in Istanbul, Iranians posted an impressive spurt with a nearly 30 percent increase in the number of investors in addition to increases of inflow capital value of around 8 percent.
Over the course of 2012, 1,335 Iranian investors set up businesses in Istanbul, amounting to roughly 125 million liras of investment.
While the highest number of businesses have been launched by Iranians, they had to be content with third place in terms of value of investment. The 39 Lebanese businesses established last year in Turkey took the top seat by far in terms of foreign investment amount with around 534 million liras, while investors from Luxemburg had set up 30 businesses worth 235 billion liras, ranking them second.
Germany is the fourth country that invested the most in Istanbul in 2012, with 394 investors and 65 million liras in capital.
In 2012, the sector that attracted the most foreign investment was the banking and insurance sector.
February 3rd, 2013, 7:28 pm
ann said:
French planes pound Moslem camps in north Mali desert – 4 hrs ago
February 3rd, 2013, 7:41 pm
ann said:
French planes pound Moslem camps in north Mali desert – 4 hours ago
February 3rd, 2013, 7:43 pm
Syrialover said:
You amuse me with your posts from the bizarre “Syrian Girl” with her over-the-top cosmetic surgery and struggle to speak coherently.
I think she’s actually a comedian. A guy in drag. Or maybe a blowup doll.
Looking at her is weird enough, but trying to follow what she says is a really crazy experience.
She’s not related to you is she?
February 3rd, 2013, 7:48 pm
Tara said:
Yes Syrialover, the cosmetic procedures are apparent. Between her, the Jaafari girl, and the female militias, our reputation is ruined. It is now difficult to claim any superiority.
February 3rd, 2013, 8:20 pm
Syrialover said:
This article, “Too much monkey business” is a first-rate update on Iran’s problems, which are multiplying and spreading. Assad was always dead lead in their saddlebags, but is now starting to drag Iran downwards.
On top of the halved oil exports and collapsed currency, the latest sanctions also mean Iran’s biggest customers China and India are now reduced to complicated bartering for their supplies.
Israel’s willingness to attack Syria is seen as having alarming implications in Iran (which is not militarily up to the challenge), the Sunnis in Iraq are blocking some supply routes to Syria, the externally-driven cyber-war on Iran’s institutions and technology is bigger and more intractible than feared, Iran’s threats to Sunni Gulf states are bringing increasing grief in return – and so on; these and other issues are all nicely chronicled.
Some excerpts relating to Syria from the article “Too much monkey business”:
“Iran needs these barter deals because it is rapidly running out of foreign currency for needed imports (like food). There is a lot of pressure from people in the government to stop sending billions a year to Hezbollah, Sudan Hamas, Syria and other allies in the Iranian effort to conquer the world for Shia Islam. This includes destroying the U.S. and Israel and several decades of this effort has cost Iran dearly.
“Over a hundred billion dollars has spent supporting terrorism since the 1980s and Iranians are aware of how futile and self-defeating it all has been. With the new sanctions beginning to bite, there is a growing consensus in Iran for a new foreign policy. The people at the very top are not yet interested. Despite all the damage the new sanctions have done, Iran continues to lie and delay when it comes to negotiating a deal to halt its nuclear weapons program.”
“The government declared that any country that attacks Syria is attacking Iran. That is an unusually frank admission of the relationship between Iran and Syria, but it will not have much impact. Iran has been at war with the rest of the world for decades. Because the Iranian military never recovered from its disastrous 1980s war with Iraq, Iran has used Islamic terrorism as their primary weapon. Their threat to fight would, at worst mean fewer restraints on Iranian sponsored Islamic terrorists. But others can fight this way as well. The Sunni Arabs in the region are increasingly at war with Iran and don’t want open warfare. ”
“But more and more Iranian officials are openly commenting on the failure of their ally Basher Assad to defeat the rebels and the likelihood that Syria would fall under the control of its Sunni Arab majority. Assad is part of the Shia (Alawite) minority in Syria and his family has ruled Syria since the 1960s.
“Gaining such an ally [Syria] in the 1980s was considered a major coup by Iran. But Syria is poor and ineptly run. It has cost Iran tens of billions of dollars to prop up the Assads. Many Iranian officials now admit it appears that Assad is doomed and that the loss of Syria will be a major defeat for Iran.”
(Note this stuff’s not for ZOO to read – it makes him nervous).
February 3rd, 2013, 8:37 pm
Syrialover said:
One for the book of Hilarious Headlines:
“Assad accuses Israel of seeking to destabilise Syria”
That’s right, the place was stable, calm and doing nicely until Israel started with its tricks.
February 3rd, 2013, 8:46 pm
Ghufran said:
Three problems keep the middle east a heaven for instability and violence:
Israel, dictatorships and militant Islam. The third problem is somewhat the product of dictatorship but Israeli policies ,and the support israel receives, help recruit more young Muslims as jihadists.i have no doubt that Islamists can not lead, their ascension to power is their kiss of death. Minorities are the victims of this sick situation but in my mind Sunnis are victims too, the stated savior of Sunnis,militant Islam, is Sunnis worst long term enemy, many Sunnis in Syria realized that before and more are seeing it today.
February 3rd, 2013, 9:17 pm
Observer said:
Well I think Dr. Landis has to give some news to both sides to have a balanced approach.
Al Akhbar is a government mouth piece. Addyar is a bit better.
I am glad though that we have an understanding of the events of Arsal in Lebanon.
Some Sunnis see the current government in Lebanon as too close to the HA side and are suspicious of the army carrying out the work of the HA-Syria Alliance.
Also, in the absence of real powerful central governments, as Fukuyama argues in his history of political order, a reversion to tribe and sect is the norm.
How on earth is it possible for this most stupid declaration: Israel is seeking to destabilize Syria?
One he is delusional
Two he is detached from reality
Three he is stupid beyond stupid
Four all of the above.
French pound Islamists in Mali. USAF pounds Taliban in Afghanistan. US drones fire hellfire missiles in Yemen and Somalia. Number one and three and two of the most notorious Islamists are dead.
Yet today Karzai runs to the UK to ask for the troops to remain. Reports from HRW is that millions of Afghans are preparing to leave the country in anticipation of a return of the Taliban in 2014.
More interesting news as well.
There will be naval maneuvers in the strait of Hormuz conducted by the US navy with the participation of 30 ( thirty ) countries including Japan.
Biden invites Iran to talks. A breakthrough will be a nightmare for Putin. Gas and oil routes could go through a friendly Iran and skirt Russia going through Turkey and on to Europe.
I would argue that the effectiveness of the Islamists on the ground is actually inspiring the generally pious not fanatic population of Syria to join in the methodology of the fight.
I went to look at the Syrian and pro Syrian news outlets and I am heartened by the “gains made by the glorious and brave SAA”. As a matter of fact, Hollywood should learn from the great movies that SANA and Addounia are producing. It is worthy of an Oscar in special effects.
February 3rd, 2013, 9:23 pm
Ghufran said:
More from Moaz:
– ?? ???? ???? ?????? ?? ???? ???????? ?????? ??? ?????? ??????? ???? ??? ????? .
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Notice that Moaz did not meet with French and Turkish FM
(? ?????? ?? ??????? ????)
February 3rd, 2013, 9:26 pm
Observer said:
Ghufran political Islam has to be brought into the political process for several reasons
1. The consensus even among the MB is that democratic playbook is the only acceptable form of dealing with the people’s issues.
2. By having to produce results they will be forced not only to compromise but to modernize.
3. The only ones immune to this are the hardest core of Salafists who believe is reversing history back to the first century of Islam. Stupid Ben Laden said that he thought the rule of the Taliban under Mullah Omar was the closest to the purity of the salaf alsaleh.
4. Those extremists cannot find fertile ground in a democracy. They will be fringes and go into the dustbin of history as the dictators do.
5. Israel is not the cause of tyranny or bad governance. It is a source of instability in a region created inherently unstable as the legendary book A peace to end all peace demonstrates. Blaming Israel is a cup out.
6. No country and certainly not Israel can deal with the problems of the demographics coupled with the desire for a better future can cope without the creation of a ME economic union. The monarchies are I hope aware that if they do not join they will be invaded by 80 million Egyptians and 23 million Yemenis and even Afghans and Pakistanis.
Justice for Hamza
February 3rd, 2013, 9:32 pm
apple_mini said:
So the regime signaled positive response to Al-Khatib, asking for list of names of detained as a sincere move, also ready for accepting Syria expats home.
All of those convene an auspicious start for a final ending to this relentless war, at least I hope so. With Al-Khatib and like-minded opposition members, both sides will be moving forward. The international reaction will be encouraging and understanding, except Turkey.
After reaching to that stage, whoever is against the peace talk will get sidelined, even if they are FSA. There will be some people who are going to try every dirty tricks to sabotage the peace talk. But that would not surprise anyone considering how many fragments in the opposition. One thing is for sure, as long as the peace has sailed on, it won’t be easy to stop it. Amazingly, the regime is actually more committed on reaching a genuine peace deal.
The silent majority of Syrian people will firmly stand behind for what they have suffered.
It will take a while to take care of those radical scums. More terrorist attacks against civilians and more Syrian blood will shed. But we have no other way if we want a bright future for Syria.
February 3rd, 2013, 9:34 pm
apple_mini said:
Turkey government is conducting their policy rather strangely: they dissuade the opposition from dialogue with the regime and claim the opposition has the right to refuse direct talk with the regime after so much death.
As some common senses tell us, neighboring countries are supposed to build friendly relationship between each other unless there is direct conflicts on disputed land or ideology.
There are currently many raging elements inside Syrian war zone that can come back to Turkey and implode.
Turkey’s fixation of removing Assad seems more personal than rational. I somehow believe it has everything to do with Erdogan and his reaction to Assad’s insult in the beginning of the revolt. What the Turkey government has been involving in Syria is against their national interests. I find it odd for them to get so deep in this mess.
February 3rd, 2013, 9:52 pm
Darryl said:
Observer and Syrialover,
You both write some good posts and always score negatively and I suppose I am wondering per what MJABALI says; is my dear friend Visitor manupulating the thumps up and down for both of you?
Lastly Syrialover, did you get an answer from Visitor if he would leave under an Islamist system? I would say not as my dear friend Visitor would prefer an Ummayd based system whereby during those years there were only about 2-3 Quraan’s in circulation and people who converted had no clue what Islam was all about.
That was a time when the people who Islam conquered still had the momentum to carry forward before all progress was killed off permanently in about 300 years.
February 3rd, 2013, 9:56 pm
mjabali said:
Syria’s Sunni Islamists have no place for minorities in their “state.”
All the smooth talk they utter does not mean a thing. Their agenda for the minorities is nothing but disrespect, violence, and second class citizenship.
Many groups, like al-Tawhid, want to live in Syria alone. Is that possible?
There will be no equality in any Muslim “state,” like the one mentioned in the article above that is favored by al-Tawhid group.
It is also obvious that these men speaking for the Islamists lie a lot, or they are just conflicted and really do not really know what they are talking about. Probably they are getting asked complicated questions regarding a complicated matter. Do you really think that the man from al-Tawhid know anything about societies and political rule more that what they heard the people like Said Hawa had said in the 1960’s, for example.
Syria is getting a ticket to hell with people like al-Tawhid group.
February 3rd, 2013, 10:02 pm
Syrian said:
31. MJABALI said
“Syria is getting a ticket to hell with people like al-Tawhid group”
Syria is already right now in “hell” due to the way the minorities has ruled in the last 43 years
February 3rd, 2013, 10:17 pm
Ghufran said:
Your ” dear friend” is mentally a teenager at best, he once gave me 3 thumbs down before I finished editing my comments, notice how Tara, SL among others get the same blessing. I do not read visitor’s posts now, my message gets through regardless of the number of thumbs down or up I get, I only talk to intelligent adults, the poster in question is neither. This war is probably coming to an end in 2013 but Syria will not be a functioning state for years to come, the criminals in the regime and the thugs nusra supporters are proud of are partners in the worst attack , along with the invasion on iraq, on any Arab country since 1948, saying that does not mean that I put the two fighting parties on equal footings, the regime could have, and should have, listened to the people in March of 2011.
February 3rd, 2013, 10:25 pm
zoo said:
#29 Apple_mini
Turkey and France ( and maybe Qatar) are in a delicate face-saving operation.
They have surely pushed Al Khatib as a test in this direction but don’t want to appear they did. Neither the Turkish nor the French envoy met Al Khatib in Munich and none made a definite declaration about it.
In fact they are waiting for several things:
– They wait to see how receptive the various factions of the opposition will be, and whether they will follow or kick Al Khatib out
– They are waiting for Qatar’s reaction, even though I think Qatar is also behind al Khatib to make this attempt
– They wait for the USA, Russia, Iran and West reaction
– Most of all, they wait to see how the Syrian government will react.
If all these conditions are positive, they will claim that it is up the Syrians only to decide how they want to proceed and they will go along with the Syrian opposition decision.
In the mean time, they will publicly continue on their more nuanced ‘official’ line of “no dialog with B.A.A.”
February 3rd, 2013, 10:26 pm
zoo said:
Erdogan: Israel Waging ‘State Terrorism’ in Syria
Turkish PM says Israeli air strike on Syria violates international law, ignores his own country’s similar past actions.
By Elad Benari
First Publish: 2/4/2013, 3:16 AM
Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan accused Israel on Sunday of waging “state terrorism” as he condemned the alleged Israeli air strike on Syria as an unacceptable violation of international law.
“Those who have been treating Israel like a spoilt child should expect anything from them, at any time,” Erdogan said, according to AFP.
“As I say time and again, Israel has a mentality of waging state terrorism. Right now, there is no telling what it might do and where it might do it,” he told reporters.
“We cannot regard a violation of air space as acceptable. What Israel does is completely against international law… it is beyond condemnation,” Erdogan said.
February 3rd, 2013, 10:33 pm
zoo said:
David Ignatius: Kerry’s Syria priority
By The Washington Post 5 p.m.Feb. 3, 2013
John Kerry’s first task as incoming secretary of state should be to develop a coherent policy for Syria, where U.S. sanctions are proving counterproductive, the fighting around Damascus is deadlocked, the economy is in ruins and the country is headed toward a sectarian breakup.
As rival Free Syrian Army battalions recruit fighters, they “buy them with money,” notes the summary, explaining: “This is what [the extremist Jabhat al-Nusra] is doing to increase their supporters; now people become an open market, you pay, and you can sell your ideology. … People are easily signing up to something they did not dare to do before.”
Doctors who work in military hospitals report that most casualties are from the regular army, “which indicates that the regime is still keeping the 8k to 12k Republicans Guards as last resort,” the report says.
U.S.-led economic sanctions appear to have backfired, much as they did in Iraq in the 1990s, hurting poor and middle-class people while allowing regime loyalists to get even richer.
“Many people now have lost hope with everything,” writes one of my Syrian sources. “Many people now hate Assad, but they hate the FSA as well. They just want a way out.”
February 3rd, 2013, 10:37 pm
majedkhaldoun said:
Ravine won, I thought everyone is watching the super bowl,
February 3rd, 2013, 10:48 pm
revenire said:
I find Mimi to be a Syrian woman with brains and beauty. Maybe someday she can be president of Syria.
February 3rd, 2013, 10:51 pm
revenire said:
‘SNC knows Syrian government will not be defeated on the military battlefield’
No one is going to defeat the Syrian army. It is time to put down your guns and surrender while you can.
The army will hunt down the ones who won’t stop killing Syrians. Assad will win the upcoming elections. Russia, China and Iran will rebuild Syria – Venezuela and Cuba are helping.
Victory is at hand.
February 3rd, 2013, 11:00 pm
MarigoldRan said:
The war continues and the FSA continue to make gains. Aleppo airport is under siege.
February 3rd, 2013, 11:06 pm
Visitor said:
While the Zabali barks (instead of his dog which is tasked with taking care of his mating problems), and while Ghoofy brays like a donkey with his noisy BMS irritating our noses with his ugly smell, and while treacherous ewes continue to bleat, I bring to my dearest friend, Darryl, the good news of the major strategic victory achieved by the holy warriors of the Syrian Revolution, the vanguards of our fearless army, i.e. the Nusra fighters. The fighters of the revolution will now be able to cross from the eastern to the western front in 90 Km instead of the tortuous 260 Km raising their effectiveness against the criminal thugs of the regime to unimaginable levels thanks once again to the Nusra Front,
February 3rd, 2013, 11:07 pm
revenire said:
February 3rd, 2013, 11:21 pm
mjabali said:
Mr. Daryle:
Syrialover and Observer are quality people. Your “dear friend” is not. He is the one who was giving Dandashi 100 thumbs down or up. You know the ones he hates very easy.
February 3rd, 2013, 11:26 pm
majedkhaldoun said:
If I felt there is 1% chance that dialogue will succeed I would have supported it,Assad is sectarian and tyrant,further he is supported by evil Iran, a combination that make it impossible to have dialogue with, Assad wants time,hoping for a miracle, .
Since Mr. Khatib has no influence over the FSA, the fight will continue.
The joke in Syria, Assad met with all his advisors and ask them who would go to Cairo for dialogue, they all looked at each other and told him, the only one who has no blood on his hands is the palace cook.
February 3rd, 2013, 11:37 pm
Syrialover said:
No VISITOR does not want to volunteer to live where he risks being publicly whipped by some non-Arabic speaking Pakistanis for lighting up a cigarette or beaten and locked up by some dumb Tunisian kids under the command of a violent Moroccan gang for being caught listening to music.
Or worse, much worse.
He also probably wants to make a living. And live with electricity, water and food supplies.
And not have to lock up the women of his family and have to escort them every time they go to the market.
But I was curious to know if he thinks it’s fine for people in Mali to live like that. Their lives made a bizarre and frightening prison by violent delusionary “holy warrior” extremists who invaded their country to play out out their escapist fantasy.
Al Nusra has declared the militant extremists should not have been dislodged from Mali.
Bad sign.
February 3rd, 2013, 11:39 pm
Visitor said:
Misguided idiots who confuse Mali with Syria while they have no clue what’s going on!
Why don’t you keep your mouth shut, until you learn better?
February 3rd, 2013, 11:49 pm
habib said:
“He conjectures that support for Israel is the principal reason that Washington has refused to arm his militia and destroy Assad. He posits that the US still backs Assad in its desire to protect Israel.”
How utterly predictable. All for the show.
I’m sure hypocrites like him are cheering the Israeli attacks on Syria.
February 3rd, 2013, 11:53 pm
omen said:
feb 2, on alkhatib’s offer of talks:
aje: the government says it will meet but not negotiate.
ali haidar: “we are not against the concept of anyone being convinced the solution is a political one. the acceptance of the political solution is progress but the most important thing is the concept. we accept the dialogue, not the negotiation. there is a big difference between the two words.”
February 4th, 2013, 12:10 am
omen said:
via munich security conference
click to hear soundbite
Ali Akbar Salehi on the Syrian conflict
February 4th, 2013, 12:26 am
revenire said:
In a dream last night I had I saw many of the terrorist-supporting rabble here forced to live under al-Nusra’s terror. They hated it and begged to be allowed to go back in time to before the war.
I would not wish al-Nusra on my worst enemies.
In other news I heard that several rat brigades were fighting each other today in the North as the army closed in – seems many in the FSA want to put down their guns and are being forced to hold positions or be killed.
February 4th, 2013, 12:26 am
Visitor said:
Dream interpretation:
If you see Nusra in your dream, then you will see them soon for real. They are coming to get you and send you straight to lowest hell.
Your death wish is Nusra’s command!!
February 4th, 2013, 12:49 am
ghufran said:
The Syrian Observatory’s estimate of the total number of dead from almost two years of conflict is 51,167. That is below the UN estimate of 60,000, but the Observatory’s methodology is more conservative, requiring confirmation of the names of the dead. Of that total, 3,717 of the war’s victims were children and 2,144 were women.
(close to 90% of victims were men)
February 4th, 2013, 1:22 am
Juergen said:
From Aleppo, An Artifact Of A Calmer Age
February 4th, 2013, 1:58 am
Michal said:
What are those BN/02/03 documents listed down there? How can I access them?
February 4th, 2013, 2:21 am
omen said:
February 4th, 2013, 2:39 am
Citizen said:
Syria has released two Russians taken hostage in Syria – Foreign Ministry
February 4th, 2013, 4:03 am
Citizen said:
Israeli raid on Syria: increased tension in the region
February 4th, 2013, 4:08 am
Citizen said:
RF citizens abducted in Syria released
MOSCOW, February 4 (Itar-Tass) – Russian citizens, who were earlier abducted in Syria, have been released and are in the Russian Embassy in Damascus, the Russian Foreign Ministry reported on Monday.
“For the exchange of three militants Russian citizens, V.V. Gorelov and A.Khassun, who were abducted by Syrian extremists on December 12, 2012 on the way to Tartus from Homs, the west of Syria, were released on February 3,” the ministry said.
“Russian citizens have been brought to the Russian Embassy in Damascus. They are sound and feel well. They have been an opportunity to contact with relatives,” the ministry said.
“Italian citizen M. Belluomo, who was taken hostage jointly with Russians, will be given to the Italian authorities through the Syrian Foreign Ministry,” the Russian ministry said.
It stressed that since Russians had been taken hostage in Syria the Russian Embassy in Damascus sought the release of Russians. The embassy maintained intensive contacts with representatives of the Syrian government, as well as with different opposition structures in Syria and outside it, the ministry said.
“Due to serious armed confrontation in Syria we confirm our recommendations to Russians to refrain from trips to Syria,” the ministry stressed.
February 4th, 2013, 4:13 am
basel said:
Did the “passport renewal” revolution succeed yet?
February 4th, 2013, 4:48 am
Citizen said:
As I understand from your comment criticizing the format! Not a problem! Here have a more than beautiful and glamorous women with breasts of all standards! This is not important at all
February 4th, 2013, 4:53 am
Monday Morning Linkage » Duck of Minerva said:
[…] Damascus: Joshua Landis discusses how the Islamic Front militias think about minorities. […]
February 4th, 2013, 5:01 am
Hanzala said:
FSA wipe out tens of Assad soldiers in Assad home province of Latakia. We call this in Arabic a “mal7ama”
February 4th, 2013, 5:58 am
Visitor said:
Freij explains Taftanaz, Boukama, Palestinia camps and more importantly the Israeli aggression and why there was no response,
February 4th, 2013, 6:43 am
mina said:
to be fair one should add that this islamic curriculum is used everywhere in the gulf and other arab countries and that it was implemented in syria under the petromonarchies influence. no mention of women in their society programmes as usual. egypt leads in sliding into this form of renewed backwardness.
February 4th, 2013, 7:26 am
mjabali said:
to the dude who calls him self “Syrian”
The current events are the results of over 1000 of systematic slaughter of the population of the area till they became minorities in their land of origin.
Here is a link to special for you regarding how your people killed thousands of the natives to be the majority of today.
This link talks about the massacres that happened against the Christian Syrians:
February 4th, 2013, 7:30 am
mjabali said:
You call a pile of dead people an epic victory, especially knowing that most of the dead are poor, uneducated and pawns in this violent game?
Dude it looks like a massacre. It looks like a war crime %100.
None of them looks to be in a fighting position. It is obvious that they were gathered and killed.
February 4th, 2013, 7:52 am
mjabali said:
To the Allahu Akbar crowd on this blog:
I saw a very disturbing video from Syria today in which a man reads few lines from al-Quran and then proceeded, with his group, to slaughter a bound captive. He claimed to be applying the words of Alalh according to what came in al-Quran.
My observations about this video are:
1- Why did the man in the video write the text on a paper? Shouldn’t he have known the whole text by heart, as he should be, to be able to issue a fatwa of death to be applied on a human being?
2- It is clear that the Qura’anic text he quotes is very important: it is the text for al-Haraba rule.
3- the text says that the rule is either to kill or to exile those accused of al-Haraba, the question here is: why do you ,Allahu Akbar crowd, always choose to kill?
4- How do we know that the man killed is really guilty of the crimes attributed to him? It is obvious that they are trying to hide his identity.
5- Does the slogan Allahu Akbar becomes questionable when screamed while slaughtering a human being like that?
My conclusion:
Religion is bad for the Syrian’s quest for change.
February 4th, 2013, 8:12 am
Tara said:
I am glad Khatib spelled it out. The goal of the dialogue is to help the regime leaves peacefully. Bravo!
Khatib’s call to Assad
Syria’s opposition leader Moaz al-Khatib has urged President Assad to respond to his offer of dialogue with members of his regime.
Speaking to al-Jazeera he said his offer was aimed at ending the bloodshed and to “help the regime leave peacefully”.
Khatib also told the channel that the world’s major powers had no vision for Syria.
He was speaking after talks in Munich with the Iranian and Russian foreign ministers as well as US vice president and international Lakhdar Brahimi.
February 4th, 2013, 8:31 am
Visitor said:
In liberated areas the revolution is establishing rule of law. Prisons are used to punish offenders. Even an FSA commander is punished if he offends,
I am glad that the FSA did not pay attention to Moaz’ latest fiasco and are instead occupied in doing better things such as the above, and the continued war against te criminal regime which only understands te language of force. Moaz is history!!
February 4th, 2013, 8:49 am
Visitor said:
In liberated areas the revolution is establishing rule of law. Prisons are used to punish offenders. Even an FSA commander is punished if he offends,
I am glad that the FSA did not pay attention to Moaz’ latest fiasco and are instead occupied in doing better things such as the above, and the continued war against te criminal regime which only understands the language of force. Moaz is history!!
February 4th, 2013, 8:49 am
majedkhaldoun said:
Ali Haider said negotiation is different from dialogue, This sounds to me someone wants to buy time.
Giving concessions free is not a good politics, however it could mean it is part of initiative,waiting for response, today Waleed Bunni said NC may allow Assad exit without the need to take him to court.I found that unacceptable at this stage.
Yesterday huge ammunitions were captured by FSA close to Deir az zour.
February 4th, 2013, 9:32 am
Tara said:
Haidar’s statement of no negotiation, only dialogue is not acceptable and should be paraded and highlighted in international press all over the world to remove any ambiguity in regard to the regime’s willingness to reform. Khateeb should interpret this as the regime refusal to proceed with political solution and make it clear to everyone. And the war continues.
February 4th, 2013, 9:47 am
zoo said:
How Al Khatib can call for a dialog with the regime when the opposition who elected him rejects it?
Who is “we”, he is referring to?
Syria opposition leader urges Assad for dialogue
February 4, 2013 – 18:37 AMT
PanARMENIAN.Net – Syrian opposition leader Moaz Alkhatib urged President Bashar al-Assad on Monday, February 4 to take a clear stance on his initiative for dialogue, adding that it was aimed at ending the bloodshed and to “help the regime leave peacefully,” Reuters said.
Alkhatib, speaking after meeting Russian and U.S. officials in Germany, told Al Jazeera news channel that major powers had no vision for a solution to the war in Syria and only Syrians could decide on a way forward.
“The regime must take a clear stand (on dialogue) and we say we will extend our hand for the interest of people and to help the regime leave peacefully,” he told the Qatar-based channel. “It is now in the hands of
February 4th, 2013, 9:56 am
zoo said:
#70 Majie
The sopranos of the opposition can gargle as much as they want with with the word “exit” for Bashar al Assad, the immediate reply will always be: “Forget it”.
The same applies to the word “negotiations”
The opposition (like Turkey, France and Qatar) are now in a face saving journey because after 22 months they realize that if they still care for a political settlement, the opposition have very little cards left in their hands.
February 4th, 2013, 10:09 am
Tara said:
10 thumbs down for what? Not that I am sensitive to the rating system but it makes me feel hopeless that supporters of the regime have not matured a bit since we started. It is clear that I am with a political solution and that I favor not pursuing sweet revenge against Batta if that to save lives but to say they will dialogue and they will not negotiate is a blatant response that really means they are going to stick to the chair until the end so be it. Syria is on life support. This was a final attempt to revive her. Unfortunately, khatib’s initiative appears to be an exercise in futility.
February 4th, 2013, 10:27 am
Hassan said:
This commentator is blacklisted for a month
February 4th, 2013, 10:33 am
Juergen said:
two DER SPIEGEL articles-
the first is by Jacob Augstein, the son of the founder of this magazine, and recently named in a top 10 list as one of the notorius Antisemites, this was quite an scandal in Germany.
West without concept for Syria: The bizarre logic of realpolitik
The Israeli attack on Syrian weapons convoy was a warning. Israel acts, while the West is clueless. After two years of civil war in Syria is clear: It was a mistake, to stand up so early against Assad.
“So far, too many objectives are aimed simultaneously:
– to oust the dictator Assad
-to prevent an Islamist takeover
-to contain Iran
-to protect Israel
-to kick out Russia
-to secure the routes of future oil and gas pipelines
-to prevent that NATO is drawn into a Middle East war.
This does not go all together.
It would have been a great success if at least the first priority would be resolved. If we follow the West’s own rhetoric, then we must surely be against the strenghening of Islamic militants. Damascus, As the hub of an international jihadism, that would be dangerous for Israel, more than the Baath party there ever was.”
Don’t Forget Your Photo Albums!’: The Flight of Syria’s Middle Classes
February 4th, 2013, 10:34 am
apple_mini said:
Why people would be obsessed with any candidacy in politics?
In politics, everyone is saying words to give out signals to his counterparts, in the meantime, to appease people on his side. Any interpretation needs to take into consideration of understanding situations and background.
Regime is not losing militarily. Why would they call it negotiation? What signal does it give to the opposition and regime’s supports? But the regime is willing to engage in dialogue with the opposition. The regime knows they cannot govern the nation when there is a large militarized opposition out there. Also at this stage, the regime does have sincere sense of responsibility about the future of the country.
Of course a political dialogue will lead to talking about how to reform and establish new orders.
The regime must help the process but unfortunately the current political structure of the regime does not fit a progressive nation in the future. Assad has shown he is not qualified as a candidate for the future leader.
February 4th, 2013, 10:46 am
annie said:
The meaning of Hamada Saber
By AuthorIssandr El Amrani |
The ordeal undergone through by Hamada Saber — the man whose beating by police was caught on video and who, under police pressure, blamed protestors — has a meaning, says Nervana Mahmoud in her excellent weekly news review:
Hamada’s case is another ugly reminder that no one has changed; the police haven’t changed, the leadership hasn’t changed, and many ordinary Egyptians haven’t changed. We will never know what really happened to Hamada, even if he later appeared on TV to tell a different story. Egypt is now a country in which truth is as elusive as its newly born democracy. Hamada is a symbol of what went wrong; in other words, we as a society haven’t changed. I don’t blame him as some do ? he is not a celebrity that citizens and foreign embassies will rush to save. He is just a human being who thinks humiliation is his only method of survival.
Saber has once again returned to accusing police of beating him, by the way:
His son Ahmed told Al-Masry Al-Youm Sunday that his father telephoned him Sunday, cried and told him that he was under pressure and terrorized. Then he asked him to get him out of the Police Hospital and take him home or to any other hospital.
“The police forced my father to lie,” he told Al-Masry Al-Youm. “He did not know the incident was filmed.”
Same as in Syria, but they would pay for false testimonies.
February 4th, 2013, 10:47 am
Visitor said:
Allah Willing, this spring will witness the final demise of the criminal regime occupying Damascus. And then idiots like Hassan above will have his tongue severed from its root as a lesson for all pathetic idiots of his ilk.
Notice how the criminal regime responds only to force in order to release revolutionaries from prison, and not by pathetic fiascos like novice Moaz.
February 4th, 2013, 11:31 am
ghufran said:
There is no need to go to regime-friendly sites to find negative stuff about rebels, the behavior of those units and the people under their control is forcing opposition news sites to start publishing few stories hoping that the rebels will do something while the public opinion is clearly starting to shift in the opposite direction.
what sites like aksalsair publishes is the tip of the iceberg, Syria is now a playground for thugs, that was not the case before March, 2011 when regime thugs were playing but largely under control, ordinary criminals before March,2011 were tightly monitored and crime rate in Syria was among the lowest in the world.
idiots and people in denial will take this post as a call to go back to the pre March,2011 era or see this post as part of regime propaganda, the truth is that this uprising shot itself in the foot and the results are clear if you care to look.
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(I still think Hassan is a mole, he and Nusra mouth pieces are on the same page)
February 4th, 2013, 11:34 am
Visitor said:
Ghufran @86,
See Comment 41 above. You would not get more attention than that idiot.
Here it is copied below for your pleasure:
“While the Zabali barks (instead of his dog which is tasked with taking care of his mating problems), and while Ghoofy brays like a donkey with his noisy BMS irritating our noses with his ugly smell, and while treacherous ewes continue to bleat, I bring to my dearest friend, Darryl, the good news of the major strategic victory achieved by the holy warriors of the Syrian Revolution, the vanguards of our fearless army, i.e. the Nusra fighters. The fighters of the revolution will now be able to cross from the eastern to the western front in 90 Km instead of the tortuous 260 Km raising their effectiveness against the criminal thugs of the regime to unimaginable levels thanks once again to the Nusra Front,
February 4th, 2013, 11:49 am
Erin said:
Already in Yabroud christians are paying Jizzia to [Edited for many reasons]
February 4th, 2013, 12:03 pm
AIG said:
What is nice about some Syrian Christians is that they want to kick the Jews out of Israel and support Islamists like Hamas who want to do that. What happened, not happy with Islamists anymore and the idea of kicking people out of their homes? For you, Islamists are fine as long as they are kicking other people out. You are a bunch of hypocrites and that is why you better win because nobody is coming to help you.
February 4th, 2013, 12:15 pm
mjabali said:
Visitor the thumbs up down clown:
See, you gave him attention and just gave him 6 thumbs up even before he finished editing his post.
By the way, quoting al-Arabiyah is the same as quoting al-Baath newspaper. But to tell you the truth, both publications are funny and good for entertainment value.
Since you always talk about my dog (and his mating habits), I have a question for you:
What is the reasoning for banning black dogs crossing in front of those who are praying?
February 4th, 2013, 12:18 pm
zoo said:
How much did Qatar offer as humanitarian aid to Syria? When will it condemn Israel for it attack on Syria? HBJ seems rather confused these days..
Saudi Arabia slams Israel air strike against Syria
February 04, 2013 03:05 PM
Agence France Presse
RIYADH: Saudi Arabia slammed an Israeli air strike that hit targets near Damascus as a “flagrant violation” against the war-torn country’s territory, the kingdom’s official SPA news agency reported Monday.
The Saudi cabinet “condemns the Israeli aggression against Syrian territories which it considers a flagrant violation against the territories of an Arab state and against its sovereignty,” SPA reported.
Read more:
(The Daily Star :: Lebanon News ::
February 4th, 2013, 12:26 pm
ann said:
Pay Back Time 😉
Iran says Israel will regret Syria air strike – 2 hrs 49 mins ago
February 4th, 2013, 12:27 pm
ann said:
Thank you for deleting HASSAN the israeli imposter posts 😉
February 4th, 2013, 12:30 pm
zoo said:
If the shaky opposition doesn’t succeed in bringing B.A.A to a dialog table, it risks desintegration.
After Assad, Chaos?
Published: February 3, 2013
AS the Syrian revolution approaches another anniversary, Syria’s political opposition is showing signs of failure. Without a new approach, especially from America, the lack of a credible opposition will render a political settlement unreachable, making it harder to set Syria on the course toward a stable future.
Hoping for a more representative body than the Istanbul-based Syrian National Council, President Obama and other world leaders recognized, in December, a new opposition coalition formed in Doha, Qatar. But that 71-member coalition, which includes many S.N.C. members, isn’t willing to negotiate with the Syrian government, nor is it remotely prepared to assume power. It is facing the prospect of defections and, worse, disintegration. Narrow interests are taking precedence; Islamists are overpowering secularists; exiles are eclipsing insiders; and very few members seem to have credibility on the ground back home.
To make matters worse, the coalition’s bylaws are littered with provisions that emanate from the S.N.C., including one that prohibits negotiations with the Assad regime’s upper echelons — leaving peace efforts devoid of a critical ingredient. The recent signal by Mr. Khatib that he was willing to negotiate was promptly declared his personal opinion, revealing the coalition’s refusal to pursue reconciliation.
Early mistakes in transitions tend to have enduring effects. But the solution is not to form more umbrella groups, adding layers of vested interests that favor competition over cooperation.
The best hope for Syria’s future is a political settlement, not armed victory. But without a truly representative opposition, that hope will remain elusive.
February 4th, 2013, 12:33 pm
Tara said:
Intervene in Syria
February 4, 2013
Israel has just bombed a Syrian convoy of antiaircraft weapons in a sortie that also hit a weapons research center — with no response from Assad beyond a belated grumble that this was “destabilizing” (that process seems advanced already). Just how much of a paper tiger Assad has become is one question raised by this attack. Another is whether the Western use of force will inevitably provoke a strong Syrian riposte; it seems not.
I agree with Brahimi that there is no military solution. Syria, with its mosaic of faiths and ethnicities, requires political compromise to survive. That is the endgame. But this does not mean there is no military action that can advance the desired political result by bolstering the armed capacity of the Syrian opposition, leveling the military playing field, and hastening the departure of Assad essential for the birth of a new Syria. Assad the Alawite will not go until the balance of power is decisively against him.
An inflection point has been reached. Inaction spurs the progressive radicalization of Syria, the further disintegration of the state, the intensification of Assad’s mass killings, and the chances of the conflict spilling out of Syria in sectarian mayhem. It squanders an opportunity to weaken Iran. This is not in the West’s interest. The agreement that Assad has to go is broad; a tacit understanding that it is inevitable exists in Moscow. The Turkish foreign minister, Ahmet Davutoglu, spluttered in justified incredulity at the notion the opposition would sit down with a regime that has slaughtered its own.
It is time to alter the Syrian balance of power enough to give political compromise a chance and Assad no option but departure. That means an aggressive program to train and arm the Free Syrian Army. It also means McCain’s call to use U.S. cruise missiles to destroy Assad’s aircraft on the runway is daily more persuasive.
February 4th, 2013, 12:36 pm
Visitor said:
Usually, I do not respond to you. But, what’s your proof about this stupid thumb business? You have none. So, you go by your hunch?
You see now why I have another reason to ignore you?
I do not deal with ‘hunchbacks’!!
When you prove that you are capable of making a sound argument, I will consider responding. But until then, you will get none.
So stop playing with your tail and go waste somebody else’s time.
February 4th, 2013, 12:45 pm
Syrian said:
64. mjabalisaid:
“to the dude who calls him self “Syrian”
This link talks about the massacres that happened against the Christian Syrians:”
What does the Armen events of 1915 have to do with your minority.
But again this is the Assads school of using the Palestinian cause to cement their rules. now their tail is using the Armen events to get some sympathy from the world to cover their massacres against the Syrian people.
As long you brought the Armen tragedy, you should remember that it was the Russians who tricked and used the Armen to revolt against their government during WWI for their own interest and then left them to their fate.
Now 100 years later the Russian are doing the same thing, by using Syrian minority to further their own interest on the world stage, be assured that if the Russian did not come to the aid of their fellow christian. they will not come to help you after they are done using you, then they will leave you to your fate
February 4th, 2013, 12:46 pm
zoo said:
If Khatib seriously thinks that the regime will accept to sit at the same table to receive the ‘help to leave peacefully’, he will surely get a “forget it”.
To get a minimum of credibility, he and his elective constituency need to clearly accept a dialog not a negotiation whose outcome they have already decided.
“The regime must take a clear stand [on dialogue] and we say we will extend our hand for the interest of people and to help the regime leave peacefully,” Mr Al Khatib told the Al Jazeera news network during a security conference in Munich. “It is now in the hands of the regime.”
Read more:
Follow us: @TheNationalUAE on Twitter | on Facebook
February 4th, 2013, 12:53 pm
zoo said:
Al-Nusra Front: Seeking a Lebanese Base in Ain al-Hilweh
The presence of the notorious al-Nusra Front is no longer exclusive to Syria. In the southern Lebanese city of Saida, a group of Islamist factions based out of the Ain al-Hilweh Palestinian refugee camp are unifying in the hope of forming a Lebanese version of the Front.
Amal Khalil, Qassem Qassem
February 4th, 2013, 1:09 pm
Tara said:
Have you noticed you have never ever deviated from the party line…ever! It is starting to annoy me. Come on…. I envy Bashar for your love and loyalty.. Seriously..
February 4th, 2013, 1:27 pm
syrian said:
79. ghufran said:
“There is no need to go to regime-friendly sites to find negative stuff about rebels”
YA Einstein this site… there were never a need to go there,The revolution’s sites has always talked about the good and bad. unlike the anti revolution sites.
and Akesalser site has never deleted the anti revolution comments that you always bring here and almost shouting EUREKA!!
February 4th, 2013, 1:35 pm
Visitor said:
Why do the Israelis continue to be skeptical about Mullah-stani so-called technology?
The Israelis are now saying that the recent so-called ‘super’, ‘duper’ mullah fighter jet is another hoax,
If we assume that the Israelis are justified in their skepticim, then what are the objectives of the mullahs in making such hilarious claims which can be easily refuted?
Are the mullahs stupid?
February 4th, 2013, 1:40 pm
revenire said:
Lots of good news today. Our glorious army is moving forward on all fronts. Reports of confused FSA rats asking Syrian soldiers if al-Khatib has obtained their passports to Hell.
IDLIB: At Abu Dhuhour Township, a veritable catastrophe for the FSA took place when SAA uncovered a fully occupied den of grubs and exterminated them. The names of some of the identified fly larvae:
Hani Nijmeddine Arraf
Durri Alaa Al-Dhahabi
Shukri Muhammad Al-Qawooq
Muhsin Jalil Abu-Khalil
Jassem Ali Maltawi
Bad’i Fadil Aqqad
Another 10 cannot be identified because they did not carry papers. Wael says 3 of their bodies were burned beyong recognition by withdrawing rats. These people are in all likelihood foreigners.
At Tal Salmo and Umm Hurrayn and Al-Hamidiyya, 6 rats were arrested and are singing arias right now to the Air Force Intelligence unit assigned to interrogate them. No names available.
At Basnaqool and Ariha, the SAA destroyed a heavy machine gun and a mortar. Many rats were killed in this firefight but names are not available yet.
February 4th, 2013, 1:44 pm
Observer said:
This is what Majbali wrote: ” Their agenda for the minorities is nothing but disrespect, violence, and second class citizenship.” He is of course talking about the Hard Line Islamists. He is right for according to their Salafi interpretation minorities may not have full citizenship. This is why I second his call to separate religion from politics.
However, I have to also say that I will use his own phrase and replace one word for the minorities and try to explain that the feeling is also mutual on the other side:
“Their agenda for the SUNNIS is nothing but disrespect, violence, and second class citizenship.”
It does not matter that the reality may be less harsh for both Sunnis and the minorities, the perception is 100% accurate that the one is trying to exclude the other in a zero sum game.
This morning Alkhatib’s call on Aljazeera to stop the bloodshed was eloquent and like the mother who refused to have her baby split when King Solomon suggested it, he is acting as a true caring person. He also lashed out at the accusation that he is traitor as a tactic used by the Baath to exclude the other.
February 4th, 2013, 1:52 pm
Tara said:
Your whole post was dedicated to inform the readers of how the Islamic front feels about minorities. Hassan’s posts gave the readers a glimpse about how minorities feel towards the majority. Unfortunately, they were deleted shortly after they were posted.
Their deletion is yet another selection bias. Let the story be told as is…. Let us hear it from all sides.
February 4th, 2013, 2:28 pm
majedkhaldoun said:
No one should accuse Khatib that he is a traitor, he is true patriotic person,The regime refused negotiation, Russia wants Khatib to negotiate with the regime, the problem with Mr. Khatib is that he did not consult with his advisors,now we see the regime is saying yes to dialogue ,no to negotiation, Yes it shows the world that the regime is lying, and can not be trusted,and may be Russia will realize that.If Russia forces Assad to negotiate,fine if not then Russia can’t say negotiation is the only way for a solution in Syria.
The meeting with Iran FM was totally useless.
Things on ground are getting better for FSA,
February 4th, 2013, 2:33 pm
mjabali said:
Visitor the thumbs up down clown:
????? ????
February 4th, 2013, 2:40 pm
ghufran said:
I think few posters here should be banned from writing on this reputable forum, to have an opinion is something but to spread messages of hate and violence is something else. Hassan was a mole, I requested that he gets banned before, I am glad he is out, two more posters are here only to spit venom, one is pro regime and the other is anti regime, I have no respect for either and I hope they get banned too.
Alkhatib wants Farouq Al-sharaa to be on the other side of the table when the NC starts a dialogue with the regime. I understand regime supporters concern about having negotiations with predetermined results, but the reality is that Assad can not govern and is rejected by many Syrians, if he wants to stay against the will of many Syrians he has to accept clean elections monitored by the UN, if I was Assad I will step aside as soon as there is a reliable leadership to monitor any future agreement and run state affairs, the idea that Assad will run again in 2014 is ridiculous.
February 4th, 2013, 2:40 pm
mjabali said:
Stop getting drunk at your lunch breaks.
Even my dog knows that the character Hassan is not Alawi.
Of course you can not come with any useful argument regarding Islam and minorities, so why not dismiss the whole post and dismiss professor Landis’s logic…
February 4th, 2013, 2:43 pm
Tara said:
Stop accusing Visitor manipulating the thumb system unless you have a proof. It annoys me and it needs to stop.
Also, haven’t touched alcohol for a month now….
And yeah, Alawis feel nothing but love to the majority Sunnis. A killer love I call it.
February 4th, 2013, 2:49 pm
revenire said:
Visitor why the thumbs up tricks? Isn’t war enough?
February 4th, 2013, 3:02 pm
mjabali said:
To the dude who posts under the name ” Syrian:”
You said:
“What does the Armen events of 1915 have to do with your minority.”
?????? ??????? ?? ??? ??????. ??????? ?? ??? ????? ???? ???????? ??????
Dude: we are not talking about Armenians here. WE are talking about Syrians ??????? who were systematically butchered by your sect till your sect became the “majority.”
I am trying to show you that the discourse of majority vs minority is not valid in Syria because the real inhabitants of the place got butchered and they are a minority. You killed most of them and now want to give them second class status in the state you want to erect on their land.
My link, to those who can understand, shows that at certain time periods of the 20th C. sectarian cleansing happened in Syria.
Here is a link to show you the broad scope of the cleansing that was done:
You can read the work of this Syrian man: Wadi’ Tumeh. He writes a lot about the minorities of Syria, Iraq
February 4th, 2013, 3:11 pm
revenire said:
Ghufran three things:
1.) I’ve seen quite a few posters here call for the death of Assad and his entire family, of all Alawites, Christians and other minorities. They’ve called for the death of soldiers no matter their religion.
2.) The UN has no control over sovereign nations. None.
3.) You say that Assad wants to stay against the will of “many Syrians” but that doesn’t count. What counts is the MAJORITY of Syrians. That is what is called a popular election. If 51% want him to stay he stays as president.
PS – Tara happy to see you’ve abstained for a month.
February 4th, 2013, 3:28 pm
Visitor said:
Ghufran must be banned for good, because he only copies articles from disreputable sources; and because he is so ashamed of his propaganda, he doesn’t even mention the source.
He is another one full of treachery just like the one we uncovered not long ago. This site will become very reputable once he is gone along with jabali, Revenire, Zoo, Citizen, Ann….
It is just like a nightmare trying to scroll down to the bottom of the comment section when I use my cellphone to do so. Could you imagine how long it takes to skip useless long copy-and-paste nonesense that Ghufran dumps on us, in addition to all the usless dumbsters from Zoo, Revenire, Citizen, ANN/SPAM….
Even with an iPad I wasn’t able to scroll all the way down to the end of the previous post comments. I just got a message that the page is too large to load. Thanks to JL for starting a new post, the nightmare is over.
One suggestion was to limit these spammers (Ghufran, Ann, Citizen, Zoo, Revenire…) to a maximum one 500-character comment per JL post. I thought that would work. But now after discovering that there are treacherous posters who use multiple monikers, I do not think that will even do the trick. I am sure they will have ways to create many monikors just to keep spamming.
Ghufran = Spam + plagiarizing + pain in the neck for scrolling.
Zoo = Con-Monikering + Spamming + pain in the neck for scrolling.
Citizen = Spamming and pain in the neck as above.
Ann = Spamming plus pain in the neck as above.
Revenire = Troll + Spamming plus pain in the neck as above.
Jabali = Rude + pretentious + lacks logic and argument. But, he is OK if guarded by a dog
February 4th, 2013, 3:30 pm
revenire said:
It is quite as the Russians have said: Assad is the protector of minorities. Syria is a SECULAR nation not a “Sunni” nation reserved for al-Nusra and similar type.
February 4th, 2013, 3:31 pm
revenire said:
Can you guys stop the moaning and calls for bannings? What children with your stupid lists. Just make your point and move on.
Mentally ignoring someone works great.
February 4th, 2013, 3:33 pm
Observer said:
Majbali; again I agree that Salafists would not be great for the minorities. The current minority in power is terrible to say the least for the majority.
In a Salafi Syria, someone like me an agnostic at best and an atheist at worst for them would be slaughtered let alone be a second class citizen.
At this time, the majority Sunnis are being slaughtered and are third class citizen. I say this as an agnostic/atheist person but this is the truth and unless the regime relents they will be hell bent on removing it by force and conducting another unfortunate ethnic cleansing
Last but not least, who care about what happened. Do not get the Holocaust virus to overtake all of your views. Let us look at the future and this is what the leader of the opposition is arguing for to show once and for all that the regime is incapable of either reform or compromise.
TARA your point is well taken and it is clear that the victimhood complex is a poison that the minorities have drunk avidly and they cannot see a Sunni majority in place. They cannot even recognize that a Muslim based cultural heritage will be part of the tapestry of the political thought process. After all Fukuyama argued that the role of Muhammad into translating the cultural ideas into political institutions was the most enduring of any political transformation of a society before Islam.
In the meantime the bases of the regime keep falling one by little one.
Thumbs down please makes feel better
February 4th, 2013, 3:37 pm
zoo said:
#95 Tara
A dialog is an exchange of points of view and an action plan derives from it agreed by the two parties.
I am and will always be with the party who stands clearly and logically on its position. B.A.A offered to dialog with a seriously motivated opposition to reach a common action plan to solve peacefully the crisis.
Now, Al Khatib and his ‘advisors’ don’t seem to realize the absurdity of they calling for a dialog when they have already decided of its outcome. What kind of ‘dialog’ is that?
If Al Khatib and his advisors expect to attract the regime to accept such dialog, then they might as well save their energy. It will never happen.
February 4th, 2013, 4:10 pm
Citizen said:
3rd February in the heart of Damascus, at 8 am terrorists blew up a car, causing her owner were seriously injured. He is not an official, not a policeman or soldier. All of his wines in love for their homeland, that he wanted his four children for peace and happiness.
Terrorist tactics – to intimidate the people of Syria, to sow fear, terror and panic. How to reconcile the policy of peace Nobel laureate, publicly promising to stifle hunger Syria and TNT in the hands of the Salafis? Combine the Koran and explosives? Combine planting newfound Western democracy gay marriage and culture of ancient civilization?
This freedom is not necessary to kill the Syrian people and the world.
February 4th, 2013, 4:17 pm
zoo said:
Some anti-regime ‘intellectuals’ and other jihadists are starting to vent their frustration by attacking Joshua Landis’s choice of articles as well as many commenters who keep facing them with the sad fiasco that their ‘noble revolution’ has become, greatly due to the ‘glorious’ unity of the opposition.
They should continue whining and slashing thumbs down. It may help them keep their sanity.
February 4th, 2013, 4:24 pm
MarigoldRan said:
No negotiation with the regime. Similarly, Assad also refuses to negotiate. So the war continues.
What comes around, goes around.
February 4th, 2013, 4:29 pm
mjabali said:
There is hate between different sects in Syria. This is no secret.
There are few from these sects who could live with each other in one state. It is proven.
You are talking as if you have discovered something new. Sects in Syria do not like each other. The events of today furthered this hate to new levels.
Only rational thinking can help curb this blood shed.
February 4th, 2013, 4:32 pm
MarigoldRan said:
Best to split Syria into many pieces. The other options are eternal war or genocide.
The sects cannot live together in peace.
Syria is not a nation.
February 4th, 2013, 4:34 pm
zoo said:
The Qatari contradiction
Qatar is one of only two Wahhabi states and it did name its new state mosque the Muhammad Ibn Abdul Al Wahhab mosque late last year. But Qatar is a box full of contradictions. Alcohol is easily available as is pork. Women can drive (nor has this been an issue) and Qatar has the most visible, outspoken and influential female consort in the history of the Arab world. Western education systems are at the heart of the state and there is not even an official mosque in the entire propose-built, multi-billion dollar ‘Education City’ campus housing six American Universities as well as University College London.
Externally Qatar’s policies can appear confused. Support of America by virtue of the two huge US bases in Qatar and significant (usually unwelcome) outreach to Israel in recent years is contrasted with seemingly amicable relations with Iran and support for Hamas and Hezbollah. More recently a record of enormous investment in London and Paris has been contrasted to escalating support of the Muslim Brotherhood across the Middle East and seemingly murky support of groups in the Sahel. Moreover, Qatar has been outspoken in its sub-state support of various groups in Mali’s regional neighbourhood in the last eighteen months.
A loose narrative has built suggesting that an ever increasingly confident Qatar is now beginning to support a range of ever more extreme Islamists across the region.
On the ground realities
Examining exactly what Qatar is doing in Mali is difficult. Qatar never enlightens anyone as to its foreign policy strategies or tactics and nor are there sufficient reliable sources of information in and around Mali.
February 4th, 2013, 4:36 pm
Much I respect Joshua Landis, i find this statement ridiculous and self congratulatory
First, i think the word “clearer” herein should only be understood as more compliant with the stereotype Joshua and his “hard working colleagues” have of what a muslim revolutionary should be.
Second, the entire hardwork of all three “congratulated” colleagues consist of translating and blogging a declaration issued by those who are desparate for funds at a time when most of the resources for weapons came from salafi groups outside Syria.
Joshua Landis does not disappoint either, for at the first moment, a semi-secular phrase is uttered by any rebel, he and the hard-working scholar (with blogs) have to correct any wrong impression we, “westerner” may have. Take this for example:
So you dumb westerners, you now have been educated by four hard working translators.
No one reads the main post. Really really no one. What a self obsessed bunch lurks here.
February 4th, 2013, 4:39 pm
MarigoldRan said:
Israel went and bombed the Syrian regime.
The regime retaliates with harsh words.
In other words, the regime is weak. The regime no longer has the strength to retaliate.
February 4th, 2013, 4:43 pm
zoo said:
#117 Mjabali
I disagree. Suspicion and competition, yes. Hatred was rarely found but has probably increased with the recent events.
But parallely to that, there is among Syrians an enormous capability of compassion.
There are thousands of stories of Sunnis, Palestinians, Shias as well as Christians finding refuge in Alawi villages and homes and vice-versa.
I do not despair of the capabilities of the Syrians to establish an even stronger cohesion and common identity after these events.
February 4th, 2013, 4:44 pm
MarigoldRan said:
Zoo, you’re out of touch.
As I’ve said before: the war continues.
February 4th, 2013, 4:46 pm
zoo said:
Here we go! One more frustrated anti-regime ‘intellectual’ attacking Joshua Landis because he says unpleasant things for him to read.
February 4th, 2013, 4:47 pm
darryl said:
A few burning questions for my dear Visitor
Dear Visitor, given the progress that Al-Nusra brigades are making toward my ancestral homeland and we are not Muslims. Allah in Surat Al-Anfal said that He and the Messenger get 20% of the booty that includes sex slaves, weapons, homes, money etc. The burning questions are:
1. Will Al-Nusra brigades have to share the 20% of the booty with Allah?
2. During the Messenger’s time how did Allah get paid His share of the 20%, and what did He do with all those slaves and earthly things?
3. Was Allah cheated by the Ummayds when they conquered part of Asia, Africa and Spain by not getting anything from that booty or did they give Him something?
P.S. Given that Tara knows the Quraan by heart now, her answers are appreciated if you do not have the time.
February 4th, 2013, 4:51 pm
Tara said:
Contrary to Batta al Assad, Joshua allows freedom of speech and encourages ideas to be “attacked” and discussed on the open.
I was not attacking Joshua. I was expressing a point that is valid in my opinion. The post is about how the “Islamic front” thinks about minority. A poster named Hassan who identified himself as a minority volunteered to tell us how he, as a minority, feels about the majority and JL or a designee deleted his posts. While I am certain that Joshua deleted Hassan’s posts out of respect, I still think that it shouldn’t be deleted given the main post.
February 4th, 2013, 4:52 pm
revenire said:
@ 115. “LOL”
February 4th, 2013, 4:52 pm
Syrian said:
I’m not going to waste my time with someone who dose not know the deference between Syriac Christian and Syrian Christian
And did not even watch his own link to know that his link was clearly talking about the same event as the Armenian
Finally it was not the Sunnis who did those killings , they were people more like you, the secularist young nationalist young Turk
“The Assyrian genocide took place in the same context as the Armenian and Pontic Greek genocides.[4] In these events, close to three million Christians of Syriac, Armenian or Greek Orthodox denomination were murdered by the Young Turks regime.[1]”
February 4th, 2013, 4:53 pm
Citizen said:
116. MARIGOLDRAN said:
No negotiation with the regime
it means War supporting ! i dont think that you want war! please tell us ! usually who want war, he will get it in own home according to the law of thoughts energy !
February 4th, 2013, 5:03 pm
mjabali said:
You always need to settle the questions regarding the past if you want to reach a real settlement for the future.
Dealing with historical problems is of great importance especially with a contested version like that we have in Syria. History always determines what are the causes/greivences of each group.
There is a need to reach a quick end to violent actions by the government of Bashar al-Assad and that of the opposition. This is good for all.
I was never impressed with al-Khatib, but, I have to salute his will to sit with al-Assad to spare the lives of Syrians. I love this attitude. al-Khatib’s position is humane and saves lives. I salute him again.
Poor Sunnis getting pounded by the air force that was supposed to protect them is no good for poor Alawis mr. Observer. You and I know this, but many do want to neglect this and keep on fighting.
Also no good is the amount of Alawis getting killed all over the place, and the Christians running scared out of their homes into the unknown.
As for minorities, I try to show that we are all minorities in Syria somehow. This is a math/historical facts supported truth. A civil society should emerge.
February 4th, 2013, 5:05 pm
MarigoldRan said:
As long as the regime exists, there will be war.
The regime started the war. They wanted a war to the death. So a war to the death it will be.
Peace is a good thing. But co-existence with this regime is impossible. So war it must be.
If someone bombs your house, do you not have the right to bomb back?
EDIT: Besides, the regime is WEAK. Israel bombs it. And all the regime can do is to spout harsh words?
February 4th, 2013, 5:09 pm
Citizen said:
In other words, the regime is weak. The regime no longer has the strength to retaliate.
who do not want to be stronger to say that the enemy was weak!
We are praying for you! Jesus said
February 4th, 2013, 5:14 pm
mjabali said:
I wish you are right and I am wrong.
Yes I know of the open generous hearts of many Syrians from different sects, but, the hate we see everyday coming from there overwhelms all of the good deeds easily.
The sects in Syria hate each other, history and literature prove this. Read Said Hawa if you want, for example. He is mentioned in the articles above. He is an important man amongst many. See what he writes and how he establishes for a hateful relationship instead of a relation based on respect.
I have to upgrade to hate because unless we deal with the relation between sects on a sever level there is no cure for it.
By severe I mean using the word hate. You have to go to the roots of the problems without wavering.
You need many sessions of therapy to the whole nation to make it love and understand each other.
February 4th, 2013, 5:14 pm
MarigoldRan said:
If a man slays my brother or my father, do I not have the right to slay him? What comes around, goes around.
The war continues, Citizen. The regime cannot protect itself. Israel can bomb it with impunity! How do you expect it to protect Christians?
EDIT: The regime showed no mercy to its enemies when they were weak. Why should its enemies show mercy to the regime, now that the regime is weak? What goes around, comes around.
February 4th, 2013, 5:16 pm
revenire said:
The FSA and Israeli alliance to destroy Syria, from the New York Times courtesy of As’ad AbuKhalil:
“When an enemy bombs from the air, it it requires agents on the ground to undertake damage assessment. Meet those Syrian ‘revolutionaries’ Agents of Israel: ‘Assessing the damage to the facility is difficult. Cellphone videos shot by Syrian rebels show burning buildings at what is described at the research center, but the damage seen on those videos is somewhat light.'”
The rats can deny they’re working with Israel but we know better. They’re on video and audio begging Israel to help them against Syria.
February 4th, 2013, 5:17 pm
Syrian said:
I’m not going to waste my time with someone who dose not know the deference between Syriac Christian and Syrian Christian
And did not even watch his own link to know that his link was clearly talking about the same event as the Armenian
Finally it was not the Sunnis who did those killings , they were people more like you, the secularist young nationalist young Turk
“The Assyrian genocide took place in the same context as the Armenian and Pontic Greek genocides.[4] In these events, close to three million Christians of Syriac, Armenian or Greek Orthodox denomination were murdered by the Young Turks regime.[1]“
February 4th, 2013, 5:22 pm
Citizen said:
Are you advocate death and destruction? Asked thing finds it !Do you want to disaster!It without a doubt will be yours alone, Just for you as a winner!!!
February 4th, 2013, 5:23 pm
MarigoldRan said:
I do not advocate death and destruction. But as long as the regime exists, there will be death and destruction.
The regime has destroyed the present. Better to destroy the regime before it destroys the future too.
This war is for the future generations.
EDIT: The regime promised peace and stability after the destruction of Hamas. 30 years later, Syria is in an even bigger civil war. If the regime is not destroyed this time around, who knows what will happen 30 years in the future?
There is no other option. The regime cannot be negotiated with.
EDIT: The regime believes the strong should eat the weak. Fair enough. Now that the regime is weak, it will be eaten too.
February 4th, 2013, 5:27 pm
Citizen said:
your grandfather not agree with you! He will not say this (war is for the future generations.) just because he is better than you understand what war means!
February 4th, 2013, 5:36 pm
revenire said:
We can’t expect much from someone who eats dogs.
February 4th, 2013, 5:39 pm
Syrian said:
Syrian Hamster”120
JL comment section is now mostly recycling old news that has been posted few times by commentators
His comment witch was buried between the old news articles did not even make sense, he was using school books of the state witch have a narrow understanding of others and then attributeded to the rebel who did not say that he fellow that narrow understanding.
February 4th, 2013, 5:40 pm
darryl said:
I was listening to a song by the Beach Boys and I thought SC should have a jingle:
Bam Bam Bam ……Bam BamBOORAAN
Bam Bam Bam ……Bam BamBOORAAN
Ran Ran Ran ………Ran MariGoldirAAN
Ran Ran Ran ………Ran MariGoldirAAN
Bam Bam Bam ……Bam BamBOORAAN
Ran Ran Ran ………Ran MariGoldirAAN
It is a bit catchy but boring. Next step is to compose it in Maqam Kurd so that Tara will like it.
PS The war continues …
PPS Revenire your an idiot ?
February 4th, 2013, 5:40 pm
Visitor said:
Dear Darryl @125,
I am disappointed by your questions. They reflect total misunderstanding and I may even say total ignorance.
First of all Syria is MY ancestral land.
Secondly, this is the second time you refer to Allah the All-Mighty as if He (Glory to Him) is a banker. Do you not have shame? You will be punished for this transgression. You can be sure of that.
Allah is the All-Sufficient, the Sustainer of all Creation. Had you heeded my advice and studied the Beautiful Names and Attributes of The Al-Mighty, you certainly would not have fallen into such ‘unforgivable’ sin as blaspheming the Al-Mighty on a public forum such as this. But because of your arrogance and love for futile polemics, you have by your own folly fallen into disgrace; and if you do not repent speedily you will surely be among the ultimate losers when the Death Angel comes to you to guide you to your final destination.
Repent you sinner, your hour hath come.
February 4th, 2013, 5:50 pm
mjabali said:
If Wikipedia is your source thank you for not engaging me in a conversation about the difference between ??????? ??????????, when I am telling you that both groups as well as many other groups were killed.
I am trying to argue with you about how minorities were formed.
AS for the Turks who committed these massacres if they were secular or not. I have to doubt them being secular. Turkey at that moment knew some form of secularism of Sunni Turks, who wanted to get from under the yoke of Sunni Islam. Truthfully, they are not secular. If they were really secular they would not do what they did to the Alawi Kurds for example. The massacres against the Alawi Kurds in the 1930’s show clearly that secularism was not really there. They were following the rules of Ibn Taymiyah and not the rules of modern secular law.
The Turks massacred the following groups:
– ????? ??????
2 – ????? ??????? ???????? ??????????
3 – ????? ????? ???? 1860
4 – ????? ???
5 – ????? ??????
6 – ????? ???????
7 – ????? ??????
You can read about them more in this link:
This link is no Wikipedia.
Another article by the same author: Wadi’ Tumeh ???? ???? about sects in Syria:
February 4th, 2013, 5:51 pm
Tara said:
“there is among Syrians an enormous capability of compassion.”
This is very painful statement for me to read. This was my old conviction too. This passion Zoo and some others have expressed about Syria and Syrians from the very beginning is what drawn Tara into them in the first place. As long as one loves something whole-heartedly, even if he or she says monstrous and inhumane things, the words do not matter …
Unfortunately, Tara is awfully wrong. And yes Mjabali is right. Tara is indeed talking as if she discovered something new. I honestly did discover something new, that Syria is a country from Hell inhabited by monstrous people unable to feel any compassion. So yes, as Mjabali says we need to disillusion ourselves and call it for what it really is, acknowledge it first, try to fix it if possible if we ever want to move on.
February 4th, 2013, 5:53 pm
AIG said:
Another day, more slow death to Assad and his supporters. All they can look forward to is being sanctioned by the West and being surrounded by jihadists and a war of attrition. They are doomed to die or live in a hell hole without connection to Europe or the West and without any hope of rebuilding even in the unlikely case they fight the rebels to a standstill. They are in a lose-lose situation.
February 4th, 2013, 5:59 pm
Citizen said:
February 4th, 2013, 6:10 pm
darryl said:
Dear Visitor, I was not implying that Syria in not your ancetral land, I was implying they are getting closer to my home region or ancestral region. I apologize if I hurt your feeling.
My dear Visitor, please do not be disappointed with my questions. You never asked yopurself about some of the most weird verses in the Quraan? Take Surat Al-Jin, Al-jinn believe in the Quraan and Allah and still stay Jinn? How can there be a believing Jinn?
Also, somewhere in Surat Al-Maedah it said that Allah spoke to Moses “Kallamahu Takliman”. Allah must have taken on a human from to speak to Moses as a human being would speak because in other places He appeared to Moses as a burning bush and in the mountain. So you see I ask myself these questions and I am trying to ask you if you ponder them.
I was not implying Allah is a banker, but surat Al-Anfal said that he shares 20% with the Messenger and I was wondering if that only applied then or applies also everytime and everywhere.
February 4th, 2013, 6:14 pm
Citizen said:
it is a new old !!!!
US state department “Diplomat” told Saddam that the USA was OK with him attacking Kuwait. The rest is a SAD history; perhaps it will repeat itself this time in Israel? A full-blown war in Israel may be GOOD for the US economy, GOD knows someone NEED A BREAK!
February 4th, 2013, 6:32 pm
revenire said:
@ 145. AIG the West itself is bankrupt and can’t sustain its colonial wars. They send drugged-up mercenaries who shout to God as they get blown to pieces. They take desperate men who have no job and indoctrinate them in a backward philosophy and send them to their death. It’s gruesome business.
February 4th, 2013, 6:41 pm
Citizen said:
Moscow to West: Hands Off Middle East/Africa
February 4th, 2013, 6:49 pm
au contraire… You can expect to run like hell, or be skinned..
February 4th, 2013, 6:54 pm
Citizen said:
Iranian military: “The Zionists were frozen for an answer, and in the fear of running out of Palestine”
February 4th, 2013, 7:04 pm
Citizen said:
Lebanese media: Israel struck at Tyre
Lebanese sources reported that the Israeli Air Force planes in the evening February 3 repeatedly invaded Lebanese airspace in the south, and simulated attack ground targets.
During one of these flights in (Tyre) explosion. TV channel “Al-Mustaqbal” reported that, presumably, Israeli aircraft destroyed an electronic transmitter. The communication alleged that the militants of the terrorist organization “Hezbollah” cordoned off the scene.
However, “Al-Manar” channel “Hezbollah”, said in turn that the cause of the explosion was thrown stun grenades, and not an attack from the air, and refuted the rumor about the destruction of an object.
Recall, February 3, it was reported that the IDF Air Force planes flew low over populated areas Nabatiyeh, Iqlim al-Tuffah, Marjayoun, Pollock and others.
February 4th, 2013, 7:10 pm
Visitor said:
Dear Darryl @147,
Your latest response still indicates that you are suffering from, perhaps, an incurable form of pretentious arrogance, which acts as a hindrance to your salvation, when you imply that we do not question what we believe in.
I would rather suggest, that your deficient comprehension of the Noble Revelation is the cause for your ailement and therefore you may have to work on finding a cure before you meet your ultimate destiny, which I am afraid to say looks very bleak.
February 4th, 2013, 7:24 pm
Roland said:
Good to see some a step taken towards talks. More detainees could probably be released by the gov’t as part of a move toward a wider amnesty for everyone on all sides of the civil war. The ICC has never been anything but counterproductive.
The question for the Israelis is how much modern war material may have gotten through to Hezbollah in spite of their interdiction efforts.
February 4th, 2013, 7:37 pm
Release more is B.S.
No talk before all 160,000 are accounted for and released.
February 4th, 2013, 7:48 pm
Tara said:
Darryl does not want to learn. Darryl wants to cast doubt in regard to the holy Quraan. Stop trying to teach him. Darryl, one can bring up tons of verses from the bible and cast million of doubts about Isa, his parents, and about the virginity of Miriam. One can slso ridicule any religion and any creed EASILY. This does not take us anywhere. Don’t you think? None of the holly books are meant to be interpreted literally. Accept this fact and move on.
I say you focus on art and culture. It better fits you.
February 4th, 2013, 7:49 pm
revenire said:
Tara why are the rats waving around the Koran and shouting? Are they Muslims?
February 4th, 2013, 8:03 pm
darryl said:
154. Visitor said:
“Dear Darryl @147,
Your latest response still indicates that you are suffering from, perhaps, an incurable form of pretentious arrogance, which acts as a hindrance to your salvation, when you imply that we do not question what we believe in.”
Dear Visitor, as usual thanks for responding. Per what you say above, can you tell me then will Al-Nusra brigade be collecting a share of 20% for Allah and how it will be delivered and how did the Messenger give a share of the 20% to Allah during his days?
February 4th, 2013, 8:16 pm
darryl said:
157. Tara said:
Dear Tara,
Given you have not had a drink for 4 weeks or so and your recent posts, I’d say you have been quided to the “right path” at last? I am very happy for 🙂
February 4th, 2013, 8:27 pm
Tara said:
Tammam Azzam’s Kiss: an unromantic commentary on the Syrian conflict
The artist has used Klimt’s idealistic vision of love to highlight the pain and suffering in his country
…..Five years later, when he painted his erotic vision of embracing lovers The Kiss, Klimt gave the same idea of global, unlimited human love a more perfect and gloriously simple image.
Taking that passionate image and putting it on a wall in Syria, Azzam invokes one of the most universal works of art to try and touch international hearts that are OK with ignoring his country’s pain.
February 4th, 2013, 8:39 pm
Syrian said:
143 Majabli
“The massacres against the Alawi Kurds in the 1930?s show clearly that secularism was not really there. They were following the rules of Ibn Taymiyah and not the rules of modern secular law.”
You kept on twisting history to your own narrative until you made Kamall Attatoruk a salfi following Ibn Tayamiyah, … Really how can I discus with you anything after that?
February 4th, 2013, 8:40 pm
Observer said:
Majbali going back to history goes both ways. One could argue that 60 years of Baath party and 40 years of Assad/Alawi rule are also part of our history common in oppression and exclusion. This is why I do advocate and ask the opposition to declare that they wish to abolish the death penalty and that they would like to bring a truth and reconciliation commission as part of the discussion on how to dismantle the regime. If South Africa can do it after more than 100 years of struggle surely we can.
I do not think that the sects hate each other. Each has a superiority attitude towards the other and each chooses a criterion to feel superior. My best man at my wedding was a Druze. My father’s partner was an Armenian. We always bought jewelry from a Christian shop. Antiques were bought on occasion from a Christian shop as well. I am married to a Christian. My uncle also. Two of my cousins as well.
Let me share with you a personal example of attitude: when my children were young, we took them to a Bosnian mosque on Sunday to learn Arabic and basics of Islam. The teachers were hard core Iraqi and Egyptian fundamentalists. I thought after a few lessons and seeing what was being taught that this was indoctrination especially since neither myself nor my wife were practicing anything and we almost never discussed religious issues at home. It was hypocrisy on my part to teach what I was not living.
So I decided that if the children are going to be learning about their cultural heritage and their religion the time to do it is at college time. I insisted that during their four years of college they take one or two courses in Islamic religion and then they can decide for themselves what to believe as mature thinking critical adults. I also took them the first time back in Syria first to the grave of their grandfather to know about their family and then immediately to Quneitra to show them the systematic destruction of the city by the Israelis and thirdly to the Yarmook Refugee camp so that they understand first hand the injustice committed.
One of my children is agnostic and the other two are working in humanitarian organizations full time after graduating from very good liberal arts colleges and both consider themselves Muslim by inclination without practicing per se and this is due to their adult exposure to the faith. Not by me, not by indoctrination, not by blind faith.
I sincerely apologize for bringing a personal anecdote to the debate here, and I do not want you or anyone else to think for a second that I bring this for self gratification or glorification or anything of the sort but only to make a point that like discipline and hard work and frugality ;honesty and tolerance and refusal to compromise on principle and intolerance to mediocrity as well as preaching and practicing respect and love can be taught.
I remember as a school kid in Syria that my teachers have inculcated in me such sense of honor that exams were taken without supervision and that my physics teacher whom I venerate to this day ( a communist by the way ) came in and his first words were something that I have never forgotten: today I am here not to teach you physics but HOW to think about physics.
Let me tell you that when I met Israelis in medical school that would argue for just allowing the Palestinians to be absorbed in the 22 Arab countries my response was and remains: ‘we are not going to suffer the fate of Native Americans and we will never abandon our rights; Israel was and remains an illegal entity with Zionism an exclusivist racist ideology hiding behind a false liberation one”.
Syria is going to be worse in the short term, and if we cannot live together during this current cycle of our history so be it. Let us do it amicably.
On the long run, our heritage, common in so many respects from a common language to a common history to common fears and common hatred and common stupidity and common follies and common gentleness and common music and common sense of justice/injustice will be our salvation and that of our distant children.
For now, hostages we are all are to a mafia clique.
Join us in breaking the hostage crisis.
February 4th, 2013, 8:43 pm
Juergen said:
Former ambassador to Syria on Assad’s ‘delusion’ of power
A former US ambassador to Syria and Israel has told BBC Radio 5 live that President Bashar al-Assad is becoming increasingly “delusional and dangerous”.
Mr Assad has insisted that Syria could retaliate Israel’s apparent airstrike last week inside his country’s borders but Edward Djerejian said it was unlikely he would.
Any guess who this former ambassador to Syria and Israel is?
February 4th, 2013, 8:51 pm
Tara said:
You are very precious.
You are definitely invited to my Damascene veranda.
February 4th, 2013, 8:53 pm
Juergen said:
Syrian rebel raids expose secrets of once-feared military
Former regime strongholds are now being picked clean – and some are underwhelmed by what lies behind the perimeter walls
The red phone had been silent for more than 20 years, encased in reinforced glass in the corner of the major’s office. When it rang just after midnight on 6 September 2007, the startled Syrian officers nearby had to remind themselves what to do.
“I told my colleagues that we had to break the case with a hammer, then answer it,” said Abu Mohammed, a former air force major then based at an air defence station near the north-eastern city of Deir Azzor. “It had not even rung during a training exercise.”
February 4th, 2013, 8:55 pm
Tara said:
Dear Darryl,
My response about Alcohol was with sarcasm intended.
In case you did not notice.
February 4th, 2013, 8:59 pm
Visitor said:
The Arsal incident continues to broil. There are indications now that more than one Hizbistani thug was demolished by the Arsalis. There were also one supposedly Syrian Nationalist (the Antoun Saade party) and another, the son of an MP of the so-called resistance mumbo jumbo, involved in the incident. Khaled Al-Homayyed, the target, was an activist in the Syrian Revolution. He was targeted because it is rumored that he killed the high ranking Hizbistani thug, Abu Al-Abbas, who was commanding hizbistani criminals in the Qusair-Homs region. There are in addition to the two Lebanese soldiers that were killed, four bodies that have not yet been identified, and it seems that they just disappeared from existence. A woman eyewitness describes the incident and how Khaled was killed,
Check out this video on YouTube:
It is possible that this and similar other incidents may lead to the disintegration of the Lebanese army along sectarian lines, since not only the Arsalis are now unhappy about this army of traitors but also the Northerners who are close to the Syrian coast and have suffered similar incidents involving this same army of criminals not long ago.
February 4th, 2013, 8:59 pm
Juergen said:
yet another freedom song, this time by Maher Zain
February 4th, 2013, 8:59 pm
Juergen said:
Syria’s Secular Revolution Lives On
Islamist radicals may be gaining strength, but the spirit that sparked this uprising survives in the unlikeliest of places.
a sad sad business in Syria nowadays
Aleppo bishop speaks out against Christian kidnappings
February 4th, 2013, 9:02 pm
Visitor said:
Dear Darryl @160,
You have proven to be inadequately equipped to be given any explanation.
Now, you have to prove your adequacy first. Then we may proceed.
February 4th, 2013, 9:05 pm
Juergen said:
bbc report from Homs
February 4th, 2013, 9:07 pm
darryl said:
Dear Visitor, I love your posts!
February 4th, 2013, 9:09 pm
Ghufran said:
Sadr addein albayanoni was sent to Munich to spy on Moaz and make sure that Islamists keep an eye on Moaz, mr B was critical of Moaz sudden move towards Russia and Iran.
It is fairly likely that the regime will spoil another chance to stop the blood shed, in that sense I see no difference between militants on both sides.
I congratulate observer on opening up and sharing some personal info with us, in my case, all of my children are more religious than me and have not stopped visiting Syria until 2011 when they had the freedom to go with their friends to other places, politically, my children are divided except for their rejection of violence as a way to force a political change, they read my posts sometimes and they think that I am wasting my time here.
(I hope we all can agree that Darryl is having a good time poking and messaging our nusra supporter here, you go Darryl )
February 4th, 2013, 9:23 pm
Juergen said:
tune in, new Syrian radio station
View from a Damascus roof: mortars, MiGs and men at war
February 4th, 2013, 9:26 pm
majedkhaldoun said:
Your comment that God and the prophet get 20% of the booty is not accurate, God share as the rest of the verse says is for the poor and unfortunate, for the one who needs money while traveling as he runs out of money, it is not for God banks he does not pocket anything, all the world is his, God gets the pious act.
So saying God gets the money is silly, You don’t understand Islam.
Mjabali is born to hate, he hates Sunni he doesnot know anything else, Syria did not kill Armenian,Syrians welcome them, it was the Turks who committed the crime, Mjabali is ignoring that the Alawis regime in Syria has killed over 150,000 Sunni, this is huge massacre, he does not talk about it, The sects Alawi decended from Assasins who through out history conspired to kill Sunni, they came from Persia from Taloqan area their leader Mohammad ibn Qassim was captured by AlMu’tassem,
This is no way to say that all Alwis are bad, but 20% of them are good syrian citizen.
Mjabali distorts history, he admitted ,he doesnot accept history as historian recorded it he invents his own history, and brings links to some liars ,Mjabali is the last one to discuss history since he prefers lies over truth.
February 4th, 2013, 9:28 pm
zoo said:
“You need many sessions of therapy to the whole nation to make it love and understand each other”.
Has the USA succeeded between Blacks and Whites? Irlande, protestant and catholic, the UK : english and scots etc… etc…
February 4th, 2013, 9:30 pm
Juergen said:
here a before aftre picture of a men who was in Assad dungeons for 80 days
Syria: the former English teacher turned Aleppo’s female sniper
Her fame has spread throughout Aleppo. Her comrades have nicknamed her ‘Guevara’, but to many of the city’s residents she is known simply as: ‘the female sniper’.
February 4th, 2013, 9:30 pm
Juergen said:
Saudi Cartoon
February 4th, 2013, 9:40 pm
Ghufran said:
Yesterday, Moaz asked the Iranian government, hated by the opposition for its support of Mr Assad almost as much as the regime itself, to arrange talks with Vice-President Farouq al-Sharaa, seen as the most moderate of Syria’s senior leadership.
“Dr Bashar, this country is in grave danger, come out of your bubble, if only for a moment,” he said in an interview with Al-Arabiya television channel. Mr Assad is an ophthalmologist, and often referred to as “Dr Bashar” by his supporters.
“Look into the eyes of your children and you will recover some of your humanity. We can help each other.”
February 4th, 2013, 9:48 pm
Juergen said:
EU Member of Parliament visited Azaz and Aleppo
“So many people but so little humanity” European official shocked by humanitarian situation in Aleppo
February 4th, 2013, 9:51 pm
darryl said:
My Dear Visitor, in a previous post I was rushing as I had a meeting to attend and now I can elaborate a bit more on a particular point.
“142. Visitor said:
Secondly, this is the second time you refer to Allah the All-Mighty as if He (Glory to Him) is a banker. Do you not have shame? You will be punished for this transgression. You can be sure of that.”
My dearest Vistor Allah should not mind being called a Banker. For Allah, has forbidden mankind to charge interest in the Quraan, but He Himself will pay an interest on what you give Him or spend in His way (Fe sabeel Allah), it is in the Quraan incase you did not spot it. Hence, He is a bank, that is what banks do, take money and pay interest after a certain time elapses. Would you like me to quote the relevant verses?
February 4th, 2013, 9:53 pm
zoo said:
Al Khatib clarifications: a sense of deja-vu
After clarifying what he had in mind, the Al Khatib spectacular offer is nothing but a regurgitation of UN general assembly resolution proposed by Qatar, the SNC and the AL a year ago: Farouk Al Shara takes over the dialog and Bashar al Assad steps aside.
What’s new?
This proposal failed a year ago, why would it succeed now?
February 4th, 2013, 10:01 pm
Juergen said:
always look for the bright side of life
Potential Sino-US Cooperation Following Assad’s Anticipated Fall
“NATO governments anticipate that the Assad regime will eventually fall under the weight of its contradictions. Then China, the United States, and other counties will have the opportunity to cooperate and build a new Syria—one that is better for the Syrian people and the rest of the world.”
1st sermon by one islamic rebel fighter in Aleppo, love his show, at least better than the usual machine gun talking, at least this guy looks like Guevara doesnt he?
February 4th, 2013, 10:04 pm
MarigoldRan said:
As I said, Zoo, it was not a serious offer.
The war continues.
February 4th, 2013, 10:08 pm
Juergen said:
the horrible face of this war
After the Iranians have sent an ape into space, Ahmedinejad wants to be sent to space too, no joke
shall we call him First Ape?
February 4th, 2013, 10:15 pm
revenire said:
The EU member is in favor of NATO attacking Syria.
February 4th, 2013, 10:21 pm
MarigoldRan said:
And you, Mr. Retard, are in favor of carpet-bombing the country.
February 4th, 2013, 10:24 pm
zoo said:
Under pressure from his peers in the opposition, and to avoid been kicked out, Al Khatib added new conditions to his original offer:
– The main purpose of calling the “dialog” is to get Bashar to resign.
– Farouk Shara should be the leader of the “dialog”
By bowing to the hardline opposition peers, Al Khatib blew up any chance to get a positive reply from the Syrian government.
Again he made a fatal political mistake and his future credibility is seriously compromised.
For two days he inspired admiration, now he is back as the puppet of Qatar and Turkey.
It was too good to be true.
February 4th, 2013, 10:32 pm
Visitor said:
Dear Darryl @182,
You continue to compound your sin by adding more sins. How many times do you want to burn in Hell? The more you say what you keep on saying, the more times you will burn in the inferno.
Let’s work on elevating your comprehension skills one step at a time.
Your problem begins by the use of the verb ‘to be’ next the Name of the Al-Mighty!
Now, forget about The Al-Mighty for a moment and let’s talk about things in general.
Let’s say you are confronted with something you know nothing about. How can you say this something IS blah blah blah when you have no idea what that something is?
Our Most Noble Prophet Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon Him every morning, evening, the number of all His Creation and all that pleases Him told us in simple terms to contemplate about the Al-Mighty with the Beautiful Names and Attributes which He described His Glory with in His Holy Book. If you abide by that, I assure you that you will raise your comprehension abilities and begin to understand the True Glory of Allah.
But, if you want to rely only on your feeble, wretched, miserable, deficient and limited thing which you call YOUR mind (in reality it is not yours), I assure you that you will go astray and you will begin to say the things you have been saying blasphemetically based on your deficient understanding and eventually you’ll end up roasting in the inferno over and over again for ever and ever.
You Dear Darryl CANNOT say Allah IS….
And then fill in the blank the way YOU like.
This is NOT up to you.
This IS YOUR transgression for which YOU WILL pay.
I can ONLY warn you. But YOU WILL pay.
February 4th, 2013, 10:37 pm
MarigoldRan said:
Yup. As usual, I am right. As I’ve said:
The war continues. No negotiations.
February 4th, 2013, 10:37 pm
ghufran said:
too little too late, Moaz is now a suspect according to islamists, what he said about “his conditions” is to provide a fig leaf to the MB, some sort of a dialogue with the regime will take place.
February 4th, 2013, 10:39 pm
majedkhaldoun said:
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February 4th, 2013, 10:44 pm
Visitor said:
Senator McCain tweets regarding Nejjad’s desire to go space:
“So Ahmedinejjad wants to be first Iranian in space – wasn’t he just there last week?”
February 4th, 2013, 10:46 pm
zoo said:
The conditions have become so ridiculous it stands no chance.
” offering the added inducement that he could avoid trial if he resigned and left the country.”
Coalition says it will discuss how to end war in Syria
New York Times
Opposition agrees to back offer made by leader Mouaz al-Khatib.
BEIRUT – Syria’s opposition coalition gave qualified backing Monday to its leader’s surprise offer last week for a dialogue with President Bashar Assad to end the civil war, pressing him to respond definitively and even offering the added inducement that he could avoid trial if he resigned and left the country.
Although the offer made by the opposition leader, Mouaz al-Khatib, was by his own admission a personal gambit and was initially greeted with a torrent of criticism inside the Syrian opposition movement, his colleagues in the National Coalition of Syrian Revolutionary and Opposition Forces basically endorsed it over the weekend
February 4th, 2013, 11:00 pm
ghufran said:
2 testimonies from Egypt:
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where is Egypt going?
February 4th, 2013, 11:07 pm
zoo said:
The USA should know by now that Bashar will impose his conditions to the dialog, not the other way around…
US urges Syrian regime to talk to oppn
5 Feb 2013, 2:06 pm – Source: AAP
The US has backed the call by Syria’s opposition chief for talks with Bashar al-Assad’s deputy to end two years of deadly violence in the country.
The United States has strongly backed a move by Syria’s opposition chief to open dialogue with President Bashar al-Assad in a bid to end 22 months of warfare that has cost tens of thousands of lives.
February 4th, 2013, 11:08 pm
zoo said:
McCain tweet after he was called racist. How shameful for a man of his stature to make such childish jokes!
“Re: Iran space tweet – lighten up folks, can’t everyone take a joke?”
Was John McCain’s Ahmadinejad Monkey Tweet Racist?
The Arizona senator compared the Iranian leader to the monkey launched into space by the country
By Teresa Welsh
February 4, 2013 RSS Feed Print
February 4th, 2013, 11:13 pm
zoo said:
Turkish Politician: Gov’t Cooperated with Israel in Syria Attack
Vice Chairman of the Turkish Labor Party accuses the Erdogan government of working with Israel to carry out an alleged airstrike in Syria.
By Elad Benari
First Publish: 2/5/2013, 4:16 AM
A Turkish politician has accused Israel and Turkey of collaborating with one another to allow Israel to carry out an alleged attack on Syrian territory last week.
A report Monday in the official Syrian SANA news agency quoted the Vice Chairman of the Turkish Labor Party, Bulent Esinoglu, as having said that the government of the Justice and Development Party (JDP) led by Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan cooperated with Israel in its attack in Damascus last Wednesday.
February 4th, 2013, 11:17 pm
zoo said:
The naive offer of amateur-president Al Khatib re-interpreted, explained and updated by the Coalition’s Moslem Brotherhood political advisor: It has become a bad taste joke…
Alkhatib Returns to Cairo Amid Wave of Criticism
…However, Ali Bayanouni, a member of the SNC and political deputy chairman of the Muslim Brotherhood in Syria, told Asharq Al-Awsat, “The intention of SNC leader Moaz Alkhatib’s remarks, about his willingness to talk with the Syrian regime, is to enter into a dialogue only with those who do not have blood on their hands to ensure the ruling authority’s departure from power.”
He added, “This stance is in no way contrary to the orientations of the SNC . . . Alkhatib explained the intention behind his statement— which he said reflects his personal opinion—during a meeting of the SNC’s general assembly, and the SNC would welcome any political effort in order to achieve this goal.”
Bayanouni, who accompanied the SNC leader in Munich, believes that some have partially misunderstood Alkhatib’s statement. He was only ever willing to engage in dialogue with those who are not responsible for the Syrian bloodshed, in order to secure the departure of the regime. Bayanouni stressed that Alkhatib’s stance has never wavered from this position.
For his part, Turkish foreign minister Ahmet Davutoglu said in Munich that a dialogue between the Syrian regime and the opposition would not provide a solution to the conflict in Syria. He said, “Some say there must be dialogue between the regime and the opposition, but this is the wrong way. It cannot be the solution.”
February 4th, 2013, 11:28 pm
Visitor said:
Dear Darryl,
This is an example of paying Allah’s share to Allah,
But attempting to reincarnate a monkey in space and pretending to have succeeded is an example of a payment not accepted by Allah. Because Allah does not accept fake pretenses typical of the mulahs.
February 4th, 2013, 11:31 pm
revenire said:
February 4th, 2013, 11:32 pm
Syrialover said:
“We started like this, and you didn’t get it. Now we’re like this, and you’ll surely get it”
February 4th, 2013, 11:34 pm
zoo said:
Yet another hypocrite?
Kuwait, ‘the back office of logistical support’ for Syria’s rebels
Elizabeth Dickinson
Feb 5, 2013
This country of 2.6 million people has emerged as a central fund-raising hub for direct financial support to insurgents fighting the Assad regime and for humanitarian aid to rebel-controlled areas, which are said to encompass slightly more than half of the country.
The exact amount of lethal and non-lethal aid channeled through Kuwait to Syria since mid-2011 is difficult to determine, but humanitarian assistance alone is believed to run into the tens of millions of dollars.
Read more:
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February 4th, 2013, 11:43 pm
Syrialover said:
Ahmadinejad craves that trip into outer space to get away from the stress and worsening mess in Iran.
Again, this excellent article “Too much monkey business” spells out the mounting disasters the Iranian regime’s foreign policy has inflicted on the country.
February 4th, 2013, 11:44 pm
zoo said:
#205 SL
More distractionism.. who cares about Iranian monkeys except you and McCain?
What’s happening to you, are you afraid to comment about yet another of Al Khatib’s mishaps?
February 4th, 2013, 11:55 pm
apple_mini said:
Al-Khatib’s offers already made it to a dead end. By asking Assad’s resign as the condition, they have left the regime no room to negotiate. What kind of politics is that? By compromising to his hardline peers, he is not going to achieve anything. The opposition is fractured from the beginning. And it will eventually break into pieces sooner or later according to different interests and ideology. It is actually better to settle it now and let the moderates take the lead. It will be easier for the regime to work with them and avoid a bigger mess later.
The regime should not just openly reject the opposition right now. Instead, they need to emphasize the dialogue without a string attached for both sides.
A good-faith dialogue will already plant a seed of peace in the hearts of Syrians. Let the hope and faith grow and take the country out of the ruin.
February 4th, 2013, 11:56 pm
Visitor said:
Moaz is a fake and novice person who has no authority whatsoever to speak or negotiate on behalf of Syrians, and he knows nothing about principles and the true sacrifices the Syrians have offered or are willing to offer.
Who is he to offer immunity to a despicable criminal who must be executed for his crimes?
Moaz is a scandal, a fiasco, a weakling and he needs to disappear from the scene because he is not qualified to be a leader. He lacks all the necessary credentials for the job.
February 5th, 2013, 12:05 am
revenire said:
“Syria Lover” are you 12 years old? Cut it out with the ridiculous posts. Iran is going into space. All your rats can do is murder people.
Think it over.
February 5th, 2013, 12:24 am
revenire said:
Visitor Moaz must speak for someone surely? If not why was he voted in? I admit he’s a fool but maybe he recognizes his ape army is not capable of winning?
February 5th, 2013, 12:27 am
AIG said:
Iran’s economy is in ruins. The real is crashing. The murderous regime supporters sure have great supporters. Oh, right, I forgot Venezuela and Cuba.
The murderous and hypocritical regime supporters can only look forward to a slow death. They will face sanctions from the West and be cut off from the world including their banking system. And they will be surrounded by jihadis that will continuously be fighting a war of attrition against them. That will go on until they collapse and their communities massacred (unless they give up first). The more they kill in their blood lust, the more the chances they will be massacred.
They are in a no win situation. Dead people walking. Too bad.
February 5th, 2013, 12:43 am
ann said:
Israel Announces “Security Zone” in Syria – February 4, 2013
A Strategy for Israel in the 1980s, written by Oded Yinon, who was formerly attached to the Israeli Foreign Ministry, and published in Kivunim (Directions), the journal of the Department of Information of the World Zionist Organization, “reflects high-level thinking in the Israeli military and intelligence establishment,” writes Ralph Schoenman. The article “outlines a timetable for Israel to become the imperial regional power based upon the dissolution of the Arab states”
Yinon described an effort to dissolve Lebanon, fragment Syria, go to war with Iran, target Iraq (mission accomplished), marginalize and weaken Egypt (now in process), undermine Saudi Arabia, and eventually depopulate the Occupied Territories
Israel is considering a “buffer zone” stretching ten miles into Syria “to protect itself from fundamentalist rebels on the other side of the border,” the Sunday Times reports.
The proposal, which has been drawn up by the military and presented to Binyamin Netanyahu, the prime minister, is intended to secure the 47-mile border against a growing Islamist threat if President Bashar al-Assad’s embattled regime loses control of the area.
The “Islamist threat” in Syria is funded and armed by the CIA and Saudi Arabia and Qatar. The Obama administration likes to pretend it is actively working to keep arms out of the hands of al-Qaeda in Syria, but the truth is something quite different – al-Qaeda and its affiliates play a key role in undermining the al-Assad regime.
One of the most effective fighting groups inside Syria is Jabhat al-Nusra, a terrorist organization aligned with the Free Syrian Army. The U.S. has designated it as an al-Qaeda affiliate. According to Quilliam Foundation, a counterterrorism policy institute based in London, Jabhat al-Nusra is an offshoot of al-Qaeda in Iraq (AQI), a terror group allegedly founded by Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the mythical terror leader who transformed AQI “from a small elitist vanguard to a mass movement.”
In addition to Israel’s “state sponsored terrorism” (as its bombing inside Syria was characterized by Turkish PM Recep Tayyip Erdogan), Israel has long used the Kurds to undermine not only Syria, but also Iran.
Lebanon Redux
Israel’s decision to carve out a strip on the Syrian side of the Golan Heights – Syrian territory occupied and administered by Israel since 1967 – is hardly a new tactic: Israel did much the same in south Lebanon.
Following the conclusion of the 1982 Lebanon War and Operation Peace in Galilee (the Israeli invasion of Lebanon), the IDF was instructed by the Israeli government to maintain a “security zone” in Lebanon, ostensibly to prevent infiltration by the PLO. Israeli occupation of a 25 kilometer deep area inside the country and the brutality inflicted on civilians by the IDF and its proxy the South Lebanon Army resulted in the formation of Hezbollah.
Around 18,000 people were killed and 30,000 injured and between 500,000-800,000 made homeless in the first three months of the Israeli occupation. The IDF maintained the notorious Khiam prison where many Lebanese were held without trial and tortured.
Resistance by the Lebanese and Hezbollah’s low-intensity guerrilla warfare eventually resulted in Israel’s withdrawal from Lebanon. In 2000, Israel completed the withdrawal in compliance with UN Security Council Resolutions 425 and 426 requiring it to withdraw to internationally recognized borders.
Intimidating Syria
Israel’s action against Lebanon was part of a long-standing “effort to secure the balkanization and vassalization of Lebanon, the eradication of Palestinian nationalism, and the intimidation of Syria,” writes Naseer H. Aruri. He cites the writings of Moshe Sharett, the second Prime Minister of Israel, who documented
deliberate Israeli acts of provocation, intended to generate Arab hostility and thus to create pretexts for armed action and territorial expansion. Sharett’s records document this policy of “sacred terrorism” and expose the myths of Israel’s “security needs” and the “Arab threat” that have been treated like self-evident truths from the creation of Israel to the present…
Livia Rokach, in her book on Sharett’s personal dairy, reveals a consistent effort by Israel to provoke Syria, beginning in the early 1950s and culminating in the occupation of the Golan in 1967, a move that resulted in the explusion of 130,000 Syrians.
“The Golan Heights serves as yet another reminder that the conflict on the ground is very different than the story Israel offers up to the world,” writes Mya Guarnieri. “The conflict isn’t about the Western world battling the Muslim world; it’s not a clash of cultures or a clash of values; the occupation isn’t a security measure, meant to protect Israel from ‘terrorists.’”
It is also about balkanizing and splintering the Arab and Muslim world, a plan not exclusive to Israel as a key component of its own territorial ambitions, but also used by the global elite who have employed the time-tested British “divide and conquer” strategy to “prevent collusion and maintain security dependence among the vassals, to keep tributaries pliant and protected, and to keep the barbarians from coming together,” as Zbigniew Brzezinski writes in The Grand Chessboard.
Israel’s Buffer Zone in Syria: Old Habits
“The purpose of the plan [to impose a buffer zone] is to ensure the safety of Israel’s Golan Heights and its northern region after the fall of the Assad regime in Syria,” Israel Defense reports today.
“If the Syrian instability persists, it seems that IDF forces will have to stay in the security zone that will be constructed for years,” said one of those close to those behind the plan that was submitted.
For Israel, the piecemeal conquest of Syria – and Lebanon before it – has little to do with “Syrian instability” manufactured in large part by external players (the CIA, Saudi Arabia and Qatar), but is rather an ongoing effort to dissolve Arab and Muslim states.
The decision to carve out a new security zone in Syria – despite its abject failure to maintain one in Lebanon – reveals that it remains on a trajectory envisioned prior to the establishment of the Israeli state.
February 5th, 2013, 1:01 am
revenire said:
AIG please, these ‘sky is falling’ statements from you are getting silly. Iran is strong.
Your posts are taking on a cartoon-like quality. I expected more from you.
February 5th, 2013, 1:17 am
Juergen said:
Come on Zoo, if you have ever set a foot into Iran you would know that a big number of Iranians call their leadership either dogs or monkeys, usually because of the missing haircut and the 3day beard they all seem to have. Ahmedinejad was calling for this joke by stepping upfront.
February 5th, 2013, 2:56 am
Juergen said:
If you are saved from the lion, do not be greedy and hunt it.
Arabic proverb
February 5th, 2013, 3:00 am
Hopeful said:
You know Mr. Al-Khateeb is doing the right thing because he is getting attacked from both sides. I wish him luck in his attempt to save Syria. I wish Syria had more leaders like him.
February 5th, 2013, 3:06 am
Syrialover said:
The former English teacher turned Aleppo’s first female sniper
She took up arms when her children aged 7 and 10 were killed when an airstrike hit their home
February 5th, 2013, 3:18 am
Syrialover said:
OK VISTOR (#208), sitting on your sofa, let us know who has the credentials to be playing a role in efforts to stop the hellish destruction and suffering in Syria?
Your message reads that unless they are top dogs in the al-Nusra pack (fighting not for the future of Syria, but for the chance to set up some some Mali-type arrangement) they are just “a fake and novice, fiasco, scandal and weakling”.
Your petty insults about Moaz al-Khatib sound suspiciously like you’ll be desperately disappointed and bored if the drama and Islamist warrior glory plans for taking over Syria comes to an end.
February 5th, 2013, 3:39 am
Juergen said:
identification of dead men in Bustan al-Quassir, 18+++!
Give us back our childhood!
February 5th, 2013, 3:43 am
Syrialover said:
ZOO I know, I know, that article “Too Much Monkey Busiess” spells out how Iran’s alliance with Syria is creating domestic problems for Teheran, as well the as other disasters Iran is battling (see details I posted in #22 above).
In fact, I recommended you didn’t read it and risk upsetting yourself about what a mess Iran is in.
Unlike ZOO, REVENIRE thinks it is terribly funny that the Iranians are wasting resources and making a laughing stock of themselves fooling around with space experiments the rest of the world finished with 50 years ago.
February 5th, 2013, 4:04 am
mjabali said:
The history of the Assads’ era is well documented and there is no argument about it. We both lived it.
The history that needs to be put on the table to be corrected is the version of history that led us to this state of hatred and incompatibility to live with each other.
I speak in combative terms because that is the only way to get people’s attention to many important topics that are destroying Syria, the Syrian society, and the Syrian character. People, from where we came from, tend to shove important matters under the rug and pretend we are alright.
No, we are not alright. We may have good examples of how we could live together, but we never made that into the mold we should follow.
What is happening in Syria now is an uprooting of many years of communal living. It is a trip back to the days of segregation.
Syria is composed of many different ethnic and religious groups that are always governed with fear and power. Now, hatred is taking it, as I said before, to hell.
What a tragedy.
February 5th, 2013, 4:43 am
Anyone has investment in Russion military aviation… think again.
February 5th, 2013, 4:52 am
Citizen said:
Syrian Christians are on the side Assad and prepared to defend their churches and monasteries from the rebels
February 5th, 2013, 5:00 am
Sami said:
It seems someone has been to the same spin class as one of our commentators….. Does this include the sortie flown over beshos palace and attack in Deir Al-Zour?
So the definition of muqawameh is killing Syrians in the name of fighting Israel! Go figure…
I really do enjoy reading your posts, except for the whole break Syria apart argument. Maybe it is youthful ignorance on my part but I still believe strongly in my Syrianhood, especially since I am able to experience it without the fallacy called Thouria Al-Athad.
February 5th, 2013, 5:01 am
mjabali said:
Syria has no future if the foreign Jihadis are left to run things.
Here is a link to a Libyan giving a sermon in a mosque to hundreds of Syrians in Alleppo. He is carrying a sword and has a message to Maoz al-Khatib
This lunatic from Jabhat al-Nusra has fans on this board like Visitor and co.
Judge for yourself:
February 5th, 2013, 5:45 am
Citizen said:
The famous Russian historian, writer and journalist Nikolai Starikov talks about the situation in Mali.
Nikolai Starikov: “In Mali, we see a very, we see a very interesting situation. To understand it, we have to remember how to train a dog trainer. For he who has a dog, wants her to do what he wants. And its separate action not wanted. So Islamic extremism, which is carefully cultivated in the Middle East is now the British and Americans, in this case receives a clear signal: in Syria to overthrow the ruling party, to create chaos, to kill, to destabilize the situation, but to destabilize the situation in Mali by Algeria, Morocco, with a view to transferring the chaos in Europe is not. Therefore, dear Islamists, if you are now in Mali trying to do something, or in Algeria, then you will be called the world media as “terrorists”, you will not get any money no support, and you’ll start to bomb. And if you’re in Syria do exactly the same thing, you will find yourself an amazing freedom fighters get the money, support and international recognition at the highest level. That is, we simply brings up the West, to train its dog.’s what is really going on in Mali. “
February 5th, 2013, 5:48 am
Hanzala said:
Assad soldiers inspect aftermath of FSA attack
February 5th, 2013, 6:41 am
Sami said:
In order to combat extremism (in all it’s forms, whether religious, nationalistic, or tribal/sect) there needs to be an open society. I remember When Riyad Saif announced his movement for Social Peace (Haraket al-Silm al-Ijtima3i) he was rebuffed by not only the so called leftist Nationalists but as well as the Ba’ath party cadres saying that he is pushing for the breakup of the Syrian state.
Yes you are right to say their is mistrust and hatred between the sects, even more so today than ever in Syria’s modern history. However these are in my opinion evidence of lack of an open civil society that stagnated under dictatorship rule for 40 years. Had Syria enjoyed a system based on true meaningful justice, where all obey the rule of law with no exception nor discrimination, laws that not only guarantees fundamental and universal freedoms but is pluralistic and protective of the individual, I strongly believe the level of mistrust and hatred evident today would be extremely diminished to the point of irrelevance.
You can blame Islamists and Sunnis all you want for the ills that Syria suffers from today, but you should acknowledge that a system that disregarded all basic human rights and freedoms is also to blame more so than anything else. The idea of pushing matters of actual civil society under the rug was perfected by the Assad regime.
February 5th, 2013, 6:45 am
mjabali said:
Dictatorship does not allow a real society to emerge. Dictators always want to control everything, especially how we view and treat each other.
What we have in Syria today is because of the Assads and those before them.
No one ever was interested into establishing a society that could function in a normal manner and go forward for the better of people from all walks of life.
February 5th, 2013, 7:04 am
revenire said:
“217. SYRIALOVER said:
The former English teacher turned Aleppo’s first female sniper
She took up arms when her children aged 7 and 10 were killed when an airstrike hit their home.”
Typical. The photo of whomever this is has also been shown as a Palestinian sniper as well. I don’t have that link but saw it is few weeks ago.
Leave it to the British.
February 5th, 2013, 7:18 am
majedkhaldoun said:
AlWatan newspaper says Moaz initiative is too little too late, Assad will refuse to release 160,000 prisoners
are those from Qurdaha?
February 5th, 2013, 8:21 am
Visitor said:
The Zabali now has a video in which he claims that the speaker, a Nisra holy warrior, is Lybian. I can tell you for sure he is not Lybian. I am very familiar with the Lybian accent and his is not Lybian. But I cannot be sure either that he is Syrian. And that is what Zabali would like to highlight. In other words a non-Syrian is leading the prayers in a Mosque and also carrying a sword.
Well, Zabali perhaps does not know that there s no requirement whatsoever for the speaker or the leader of the prayer to be Syrian on Islam. Secondly, it is not clear why Zabali objects to carrying a sword. It looks like the speech is meant to remind the faithful of what Omar, Allah be peased with him, used to tell the Muslims about public trust which is totally lacking in today’s Syria, and perhaps Zabali is ver happy with that.
As far as the gathering, they seem to be very happy with the speaker. So, I do not see why Zabali is so concerned.
Besides, we know tat Moaz is fiasco and a weakling and he should. So, even here we should be happy for someone telling the Syrian about what an idiot like Moaz is doing by claiming to be speaking on their behalf.
Buzz off you idiot and you can go to hell or to Mali and I wouldn’t give a rat’s ass for that matter.
February 5th, 2013, 8:50 am
Tara said:
Moaz al Khateeb outsmarted the regime and put Bashar in a very awkward position where their mask of “dialogue” has fallen.
It points to the fact that a lot of people are hesitant about where the conflict is going, they see that the country is being brought to its knees, and though Assad is weakening, a full military victory would come at such a high price. An alternative initiative that seeks dialogue as a way out, is perhaps a good step.
Crucially it calls the regime’s bluff, it calls the Iranian’s and the Russian’s bluff about being willing to talk with the opposition …
Suddenly the fact that the opposition is saying we will meet you, has left them standing quite naked, because for so long that has been their call. This will pull the cloak from any pretence that they are prepared to negotiate.
Either they will be forced by their international allies to engage in some process, which would be positive. Or [if they refuse to talk] it pulls away more of their international support and leaves them more isolated, and perhaps gives renewed impetuous to those who call for some kind of humanitarian intervention.
The international community should back the idea “whole heartedly”, Barnes-Dacey said.
For a long time the international community has made the same mistake as the opposition in saying that Assad must go [and] there must be a full victory for the opposition. There is a lot to be said from a moral perspective in terms of saving lives and ending the violence about talking to the regime and trying to push this initiative forward. It should be given full backing. The west could say to Assad ‘This is your last chance. If you reject this the consequences are going to be some form of intervention.’
February 5th, 2013, 8:53 am
zoo said:
214. Juergen
I have been and I never heard that. The Iranians I know are polite and never vulgar. In view of the kind of friends you have in Syria, I can imagine the kind you have in Iran.
February 5th, 2013, 9:06 am
zoo said:
#220 SL
When I write about the fall of Turkey or Egypt in the dirty hands of the Moslem Brotherhood, or the collapse of the Egyptian economy under the MB rule, you call me distractionist.
Then you insist about monkeys and the bad economy of Iran burdened by the largest number of sanctions a country has ever seen, you are what?
I think Iran is extremely well in view of these circumstances. It will become the largest power in the region in the next decade.
It is the most coherent, nationalistic and creative country in the region and it went through a revolution already.
February 5th, 2013, 9:14 am
zoo said:
#233 Tara
Al Khatib has lost all credibility now that he has drastically changed the purpose of his offer to save his job.
There is no way the regime can say yes to a dialog that is not anymore about finding a way to stop violence, but about removing the regime.
AL Khatib is probably on his way to Bakkourland soon.
February 5th, 2013, 9:20 am
majedkhaldoun said:
Any compromise must never deny justice to the blood of martyrs, Bashar and his murderous gang must be brought to justice.
Mr Khatib initiative have zero chance of success,Assad knows only brutal murderous solution,he is delusional tyrant,the only way to remove him is militarily, Assad will never agree to poilical solution,or to do any reform.
Yes his supporters will be embarressed, and Bashar may be isolated more,but we know Persia safawi regime will never abandon him
February 5th, 2013, 9:23 am
Tara said:
The regime’s refusal to hold dialogue has left it quite naked as it long called for a dialogue to solve Syria crisis. If the regime is nationalistic, it will agree to leave peacefully after its own safety is guaranteed and the rights of minorities are granted through a unity government. That is what Al Khatib is essentially offering: An amnesty to the murderers and a dialogue of how to preserve the minorities’ rights going forward. If Bashar was an honorable man, he will take the offer and save what left of Syria instead of completely destroying her. What is It that you are expecting and hoping to see? A mechanism that would make Bashar a president forever? I am really surprised that for someone with affection to Syria , you don’t see it that way. Really.. Beyond not taking revenge from murderers and achieving a democracy where all are equal, what is it that you really want?
February 5th, 2013, 9:34 am
AIG said:
Whenever someone speaks of Iran as a successful country, all that is required is to show 1 graph:!ctype=l&strail=false&bcs=d&nselm=h&met_y=ny_gdp_pcap_cd&scale_y=lin&ind_y=false&rdim=country&idim=country:IRN:ISR:SYR&ifdim=country&hl=en_US&dl=en_US&ind=false
Iran is a basket case in spite of its oil and it is only getting worse. The data does not lie. Of course the murderous and hypocritical regime supporters have no choice but to count on Iran because otherwise they are left with Venezuela and Cuba. But they will lie continuously even though the data is clear because if they have no problem carpet bombing Syria, you think they have a problem lying? They are just psychopaths if you have not realized this so far, now is the time.
February 5th, 2013, 9:43 am
AIG said:
You know the answer but hate to admit it is true. What zoo wants is for the situation to return to what it was before the unrest started. He was happy with that. When they say “Bashar, or we burn Syria”, they really mean it unfortunately.
I have been saying for years on this blog that Bashar and his slimy followers are ruthless cowards. They will murder, steal and rape to stay in power while sending Asma to interview with Vogue.
February 5th, 2013, 9:49 am
Tara said:
It is almost becoming personal between you and Zoo. Why?
February 5th, 2013, 10:01 am
apple_mini said:
Well, I do not understand some posters’ mentalities here. Their way of negotiation/dialogue is like this: ok, now after some difficult reflection, we have decided to grant amnesty to the regime, including Assad and his Alawite supporters. Now renounce your sin, put down your weapons, seek shelter to save your life and we will take it from there.
Duh! as far as I am aware. First of all, the situation on the battleground is not in the opposition’s favor; Second, the opposition does not necessarily have moral high ground for abiding and even collaborating with radical Islamist elements; third, although the silent majority is not supporting the regime, they are not with the opposition either.
So please enlighten me what kind of world I am living in.
February 5th, 2013, 10:10 am
Visitor said:
Moaz comrades, who in my opinion are no better than him being 5-star so-called bedouin-on-the-move ‘opposition’, are out to ‘dethrone’ him and declare him personna non credente, not that he (Moaz) had much of a ‘throne’ to begin with. After all who in his right mind bedlieves that getting recognition from foreign governments will make him legitimate in the eyes of Syrians who are fighting the battle against the epitome of all evil?
Even the US who we think did very little or nothing during the last two years thinks Assad must not be granted immunity.
Who is this idiot Khatib to squander away the sacrifices of the Syrian people and sell their blood so cheaply to a criminal? Assuming of course that the criminal will even accept the bargain.
Some idiots here on this forum cannot even distinguish between who is desperate and who is steadfast in the battle against evil. These same idiots think that they can imply and fool others to think they are in some kind of a Platonic amourous relationship with a country by a simple choice of a monikor. What a bunch of moronic hypocrtitical crap they turned out to be?
February 5th, 2013, 10:12 am
AIG said:
It is not personal at all. I have been commenting on this blog for years and I have seen every manifestation of the manipulative mafioso style of commenting that regime supporters employ. I do not expect anything of him or his ilk. They are beyond redemption. They believe that the average Syrian is a religious idiot that is not ready for democracy and will not be ready for the next 20 years.
The person I am disappointed with is you. After 2 years, haven’t your eyes opened? Don’t you recognize manipulative, self serving and dishonest arguments when you see them? These guys have been playing the Syrians for fools for decades and they believe they can continue doing so.
When you accept there is even one ounce of sincerity in the nonsense that zoo peddles, you are playing their game. You know what, try getting him to answer one simple question: If Assad was so popular, why was he afraid for 11 years to allow freedom of speech in Syria and free elections? Don’t expect any reasonable answer.
February 5th, 2013, 10:16 am
Juergen said:
Persians have an art by killing an enemy by compliments. I didnt have to search hard or look for special friends to find opposing views in Iran.
DER SPIEGEL was admitted to have an interiew with vice foreign minister Faisal Mikdad in Damascus
“SPIEGEL ONLINE: The Syrian government believes in an international conspiracy. What profit should consider Western states and their allies from the fall of the Assad regime?
Mikdad: The winners would be the U.S. and Israel. Syria would be divided and would henceforth under international pressure, the Arab-Israeli conflict would be forgotten. Israel could live in peace and keep all of Jerusalem and the Golan and persecute the Palestinians continues. We’re the only neighbors of Israel, which still represented the Arab position.”
February 5th, 2013, 10:24 am
zoo said:
From Gitmo to Idlib: More heroes of the Syrian revolution
Gitmo Detainees Return to Field of Battle
Former Guantanamo prisoners fighting in Syria with Islamist opposition group
Guantanamo / AP
BY: Bill Gertz
February 4, 2013 10:00 am
Former terrorists held at the U.S. prison in Guantanamo, Cuba were detected by U.S. intelligence agencies recently working with Islamist rebels in Syria, according to U.S. officials.
U.S. intelligence agencies recently reported that 168 terrorists of 602 detainees that were transferred to other countries from Guantanamo rejoined terrorist groups or otherwise took part in insurgent and terrorist activities. Many of the released terrorists are being held by foreign governments or were killed.
“They’re not only in Syria but in adjoining countries,” said one official familiar with intelligence reports. “A number of Gitmo parolees have graduated out of their rehab programs and returned to the fight.”
February 5th, 2013, 10:26 am
AIG said:
What’s the problem Zoo? These guys were guests of Assad before as he sent many of them to Iraq after training them in Syria. Now they are the guests of the rebels. What are you whining and complaining about? What a hypocrite.
February 5th, 2013, 10:32 am
zoo said:
#238 Tara
Who does Al Khatib think he is to ‘offer’ an amnistie to a president and dictate what to do to a government in full power? Meeting with the big powers went into his head.
Al Khatib is just the “president” of a dysfunctional group of greedy and egotists expats who have nothing to offer than hatred, revenge, extremists ideologies and destruction.
He may have a good heart, I had hopes he would stand on his original offer and I qualified him of courageous. By adding more conditions to please his masters, he turned out to be just a powerless and weak puppy manipulated by the Moslem Brotherhood (Qatar and Turkey)
Unfortunately, he is total disappointment. He is just a proxy. He should leave his place to the Moslem Brotherhood who speak for him. At least B.A.A may deal with the real masters, not the slaves.
February 5th, 2013, 10:38 am
zoo said:
Al Khatib offer: Just a cheap and useless political ‘manoeuvre’ …
(AFP) / 5 February 2013
DAMASCUS — Pressure mounted on Tuesday on Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to respond to a surprise offer of talks by his main political opponents aimed at ending warfare in which tens of thousands of people have died.
Assad himself has yet to comment on the offer from Ahmed Moaz al-Khatib, leader of Syria’s opposition National Coalition, but pro-regime Al-Watan newspaper described it as a political “manoeuvre” that comes two years too late.
February 5th, 2013, 10:52 am
AIG said:
As you see, Zoo just ignores the questions he doesn’t like and continues with his self serving arguments.
In the one above #248 he uses one of their favorite dishonest tricks which is to point the flaws of their opponents while either hoping that no one will notice theirs or by not allowing any criticism of their president. Every leader has flaws, no one is perfect, except Bashar of course.
Can you compare the power Bashar has wielded in the last 11 years to that of any opposition member? Of course not. Has Bashar let any good leader that opposes him emerge or has he thrown them in jail? It is just one dishonest argument after another.
February 5th, 2013, 10:52 am
Tara said:
Who is al Khateeb? Simply put it, he is the head of the solo representative…you know the rest.
Who is B.A.A? He is the embattled president who lost legitimacy.
You are dancing around the subject. You always called for dialogue. So let me walk you through the process. First, let’s establish dialogue with whom? The opposition or the pseudo
one sanctioned by Damascus?
Second, assuming you agree that dialogue is to happen with the one who is hailed as the “solo”…, what do you want them to dialogue about? Maintaing Batta in power as a lifetime president? You know that will not happen even in anyone’s wildest dreams. The dialogue is about progression i.e. moving forward, saving what is left, maintaining the army ( albeit in a reformatted structure), maintaining some institutions, granting minorities rights, etc. What are your items of dialogue if you do not agree with above? Khateeb has already offered major concessions already: granting amnesty. Any one who is really passionate about Syria would want to grab the opportunity.
February 5th, 2013, 10:56 am
AIG said:
And again in #249. Does Al-Watan allow views not supportive of the Assad regime? Everything their opponents do is “bad” and then they ignore all criticism or don’t allow it. Zoo never addresses points you want to discuss. Just what he wants. Manipulative, dishonest and self serving.
If they don’t like where the discussion is going, they disappear and reappear at a later time or ignore your questions. They never have the courage or the ability to answer questions head on.
February 5th, 2013, 10:58 am
Visitor said:
Ahmadinejjas gets a big slap on the face in Egypt,
In reply, he said he really meant it when he said he wants to be an ‘astronaut’, which was his early childhood dream, even if that means he has to be rescuscitated upon his return to earth.
Egypt then told him to buzz off and rescuscitate in the hell of Qom-stan outside Bahrain and Syria.
February 5th, 2013, 11:15 am
Juergen said:
Its the same comparing Syria to any other country with little lacks of democracy. Mikdad said let the Syrians decide at elections about the fate of the President, like if the Syrians ever had a choice or were able to define the fate of their leaders. Its hard to find any country who has wiped out political opponents like Syria did, a beard or a joke could seal ones fate after 1982, so its an easy task to blame the opposition to be extremist or nonconformist.The rise of political fanatism is always bond to political oppression, and yes the Western alliance has failed to support the opposition from day 1, and has given to much time for the regime to pursue their aims in bringing Hama to everycorner of Syria. When Mikdad blames the opposition and the West for the desstruction of old Aleppo, its a lame joke, the regime has neglected almost any funds to this city, the Assads abandoned Aleppo from day 1 of their rise to power, the fame of Aleppo was funded mainly by this neglection, because big funded modernization campaings which would have wiped out historical places were not pursued as in Damascus. The other credit has to be given to organizations like UNESCO and the german DTZ, only through their funds the majority of historical artifacts was saved and it will be those organizations who will play a big role in rebuilding what is now lost.
February 5th, 2013, 11:16 am
AIG said:
Where are the answers to your excellent questions in #251?
Don’t worry, Zoo will resurface soon with a story on how Erdogan is “humiliated” or that the Qatari Emir farted in public.
February 5th, 2013, 11:18 am
zoo said:
An exhaustive analysis of the Syrian ‘massacres’
Syrian Massacres in Context
Part 2: The Houla Massacre and the Battle of Taldou — The Digital Witnesses Have Their Say
by Adam Larson / February 5th, 2013
This campaign has been enabled by a “world community” – the United Nations and several world governments, the bulk of the mainstream media, human rights groups, etc. — accepting of any rebel explanation that demonizes the target government. In this way, the artificial moral clarity continues to lubricate the pursuit of an “inevitable post-Assad Syria,” just as it did in Libya to such disastrous effect. It seems a bit like we’re living under a system completely twisted by Western geo-strategic goals, once again putting convenient regime-change projects far ahead of truth and justice and human life. All the while, of course, that system loudly claims to do the opposite.
If the “world community” is serious about stopping these hideous acts, it needs to acknowledge that we probably have the Houla massacre understood backwards. Further, we’re likely wrong about a whole lot of horrible things explained, in part, by their similarities to that high point of moral outrage. And these things could either get better or far worse, depending, as long as the insurgency is encouraged and enabled by outside powers.
It could be the attitude that has underpinned this crisis for nearly two years will, in the end, only delay the inevitable return of peace and sanity to Syria. That is, aside from claiming tens of thousands of lives, and scarring perhaps millions. If, on the other hand, the government is finally destroyed as so many propose, it could be far worse.
February 5th, 2013, 11:19 am
Observer said:
OK Majbali we can go back and relook at history for the sake of crossing the tees and dotting the ies
But now are we going to rise above this and become Syrians first or not. Are we Arabs first or Syrians first and what does Arab mean, a broad culture that can encompass Kurds and Armenians or a narrow one that excludes them.
Ideas matter and the idea of a nation state has not taken hold.
If as the Salafists and Iranians have their way we are Muslims first and something else afterwards. Well this does not help if you are not a Muslim and citizenship based on two tiers is not possible.
The recent history however has carried significantly more impact on today’s events than the previous one ever did.
As a gentle reminder the 1860 massacres of Christians in Lebanon were done by the Druze.
So go figure
TARA thanks for the comment
On a different note, Syria does not count in the mind of Athad. After all it is called Thouria Alathad. It is his private domain and you and I are his slaves and serfs.
So I am not holding my breath that he cares about anything except his grip on power.
February 5th, 2013, 11:19 am
Visitor said:
Nejjad gets a big slap on the face in Egypt,
In return he replied he really meant it when he said he wants to be an ‘astronaut’, even if it meant he has to be rescusitated upon his return.
Egypt then told him to go and rescusitate in Qum-hell-stan out of Syria and Bahrain.
February 5th, 2013, 11:22 am
Visitor said:
AIG @255 Said,
“Where are the answers to your excellent questions in #251?
Don’t worry, Zoo will resurface soon with a story on how Erdogan is “humiliated” or that the Qatari Emir farted in public.
You're soooooooooooooo unbelievably good.
Look at 257 just one minute after you posted!!
February 5th, 2013, 11:25 am
zoo said:
#251 Tara
What ‘progression’ can you expect out of a dialog when the result has been predetermined by Al Khatib and his gang?
What Al Khatib proposes is not a dialog, it is the blackmail of a group who believe they have the upperhand.
Al Khatib and his pathetic gang are forgetting who they are dealing with. They’ll get what they called for: ignored and forgotten.
February 5th, 2013, 11:27 am
AIG said:
Look at 255. I got it wrong, it wasn’t about the Emir of Qatar, it is just some nonsense from a fringe web site nobody gives any value to by an author nobody knows. Zoo knows he is being manipulative, that is why he doesn’t provide the link so people may think there is some actual weight behind it.
Here it is:
Judge for yourself. Manipulative, self-serving and dishonest. Again, and again and again. But at least persistent. You don’t stay in power 40 years without it.
And he still hasn’t answered any of your questions.
February 5th, 2013, 11:28 am
majedkhaldoun said:
Good to watch
February 5th, 2013, 11:33 am
zoo said:
Syrian Lawmaker Rejects Conditions for Peace Talks
By ALBERT AJI and BEN HUBBARD Associated Press
DAMASCUS, Syria February 5, 2013 (AP)
A prominent lawmaker from Syria’s ruling party on Tuesday rejected conditions proposed by the rebel opposition for peace talks, effectively extinguishing the first glimmer of hope in months that Syria’s civil war can be resolved through a negotiated solution.
On Tuesday, prominent Syrian Parliamentarian Fayez Sayegh told The Associated Press that any dialogue must begin without preconditions. He also called Khatib’s number of opposition supporters in Syrian custody “exaggerated,” although he did not give an alternate number.
“What is important is for Syrians to meet and agree on common ground for talks,” Sayegh said, adding that al-Khatib’s proposals, such as the prisoner release, should come “as a result of a dialogue, not before it begins.”
February 5th, 2013, 11:34 am
AIG said:
Yes! You got an answer, a stupid one at the third grade level but an answer.
You see, only Bashar has conditions and points he can bring to the table. His opponent’s points are of course “blackmail”. Only Bashar and his supporters are legitimate, people who disagree with him are not. It was like that for 11 years, you think they will change?
I love this sentence:
“Al Khatib and his pathetic gang are forgetting who they are dealing with.”
Yes, Zoo, please explain to us who they are dealing with. I would really like to know.
Now you see why they rarely answer questions. It just shows how intellectually bankrupt they are.
February 5th, 2013, 11:37 am
zoo said:
It was time Abbass moves his ..
Abbas dispatches officials to Syria to seek safety for Palestinians in camps amidst fighting
By The Associated Press February 5, 2013 10:03 AM
A senior Palestinian official says President Mahmoud Abbas is dispatching representatives to Syria to try to secure the safety of Palestinians caught in fighting.
Ahmed Majdalani said Tuesday that representatives will meet Syrian officials to try to protect Palestinian areas from fighting that has engulfed parts of the capital Damascus. Generations of Palestinian refugees have lived in the crowded Damascus area of Yarmouk since their forefathers fled, or were forced to flee, their homes during the 1948 Mideast war surrounding Israel’s founding.
Majdalani said they also will try to convince Palestinian factions to stay out of the fighting. The some 500,000 Palestinians in Syria are divided between supporters of rebels and government forces.
Like their Syrian brethren, thousands of Palestinians have been forced to leave their homes because of fighting.
February 5th, 2013, 11:39 am
AIG said:
Wow! Look at #265. For years Assad has tried to weaken Abbas by supporting Hamas and now the regime supporters complain that Abbas is weak. Also, why would Abbas need to send someone if the Assads have hosted Hamas for decades in Damascus? Oh right, they don’t like Assad anymore. The fact is that Assad does not support ANY of the two major Palestinian factions but of course claims to be pro-Palestinian. Again and again and again: Manipulative, self serving and dishonest.
February 5th, 2013, 11:52 am
AIG said:
Ok, since Zoo is not doing his job, I will have to take over.
Erdogan humiliated by low Turkish birth rates:
ANKARA — For more than a decade, Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has enjoyed unwavering support for his vision of a grand Turkey, winning three elections in a row and two key referendums. But one cause he has fervently championed is falling on deaf ears: Turks are refusing to make more babies.
February 5th, 2013, 1:16 pm
Tara said:
Sorry. My views on regard to Assad and most of his supporters on SC are different from my views in regard to Zoo. I do not find him manipulative, self serving or dishonest. I think of Zoo as my dear friend and I like him and that the way it is.
February 5th, 2013, 1:29 pm
Visitor said:
That’s it folks. Moaz is history by his own coalition,
Almost every one here thinks that Zoo is manipulative, dishonest, liar, con (that is my own discovery), regime stooge, self serving, troll, and a pain in the neck when the comment section becomes too large.
February 5th, 2013, 1:45 pm
AIG said:
I presented overwhelming evidence that Zoo is manipulative, self serving and dishonest. Perhaps you need more. How about then trying to ask him the question why if Assad was/is so popular he was afraid to give freedom of speech or have free elections while he was in power 11 years?
It is a simple question and a relevant one. Let’s see what his answer is if he dares to answer at all. As for me, my conclusion if you don’t ask him is that you are afraid to face the truth.
February 5th, 2013, 1:50 pm
AIG said:
“Almost every one here thinks that Zoo is manipulative, dishonest, liar, con (that is my own discovery), regime stooge, self serving, troll,”
Exactly. But how do we convince Tara?
February 5th, 2013, 1:54 pm
Visitor said:
AIG @271 said,
“Exactly. But how do we convince Tara?”
There are three explanations.
One, he/she knows that, but he/she doesn’t want to admit it. In this case, it is better not to even bother.
Two, he/she agrees with the troll and just playing the opposite side of the argument. In this case, it is also better not to even bother.
Three, he/she just likes to argue for the sake of argument, and Zoo turned out to be the ideal partner. In this case, it is also better not to even bother.
February 5th, 2013, 2:11 pm
zoo said:
Clarifying or modifying?
Syrian stalemate underlines unbridgeable divide
Phil Sands
Feb 6, 2013
Clarifying his proposal on Al Jazeera television this week, Mr Al Khatib said that any negotiations would be concerned with helping “the regime to leave peacefully”.
That regime, as it has made plain, has no intention of leaving, peacefully or otherwise. It considers itself the legitimate representative of the Syrian people, under foreign attack. Mr Al Assad’s position is not up for discussion, it said. He is the president of Syria and at a minimum will contest elections next year. At those, his supporters believe, he will win a third seven-year term of office.
Having fought at enormous cost for two years to retain its position, the regime is hardly about to meekly negotiate itself out of existence.
Mr Al Assad had already proposed his own plan, which requires the unconditional surrender of armed groups, something rejected by opposition factions.
The two sides in the conflict have, therefore, proposed two sets of talks with two sets of preconditions attached. Each has been rejected by the other.
In its editorial, Al Watan said the opposition had proposed negotiations two years too late, after too much bloodshed and destruction, and that Mr Al Khatib could not simultaneously side with violent extremists and claim he is serious about negotiations.
Mr Al Khatib and anti-Assad factions have often said the same of the regime.
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February 5th, 2013, 2:13 pm
zoo said:
Al Khatib took a courageous personal initiative. The puppets of the NC will make him pay for his honesty.
Elements in Syrian Opposition Call on Alkhatib to Resign
By Layal Abu Rahal
Beirut, Asharq Al-Awsat— The Syrian National Coalition is set to hold an emergency meeting to discuss the recent statements by its leader Moaz Alkhatib.
A high ranking source within the Syrian National Coalition informed Asharq Al-Awsat that the opposition coalition is set to hold an emergency meeting within the next few days, at the request of some of its members, to discuss unilateral statements made by Alkhatib last week. In these statements, Alkhatib expressed his readiness to hold dialogue with representatives of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s regime.
Members of the opposition coalition are dismayed at what they dubbed Sheikh Alkhatib’s “confused media performance.”
The Syrian National Coalition source said Alkhatib’s recent statements are likely the result of “fear or some kind of deeply-held hesitation or the result of pressure being exerted by those close to him” adding “perhaps he was seeking to express some of his apprehensions by issuing this statement.”
The Syrian National Coalition source also told Asharq Al-Awsat, “It was agreed that an initiative would be proposed at a later date, after the opposition parties had reached a consensus, regarding what type of dialogue or negotiations could be conducted with the regime over its departure.”
February 5th, 2013, 2:22 pm
AIG said:
The Zoo is back with his manipulative, self serving and dishonest discourse. See above about Erdogan being humiliated, you missed that one.
You write: “Clarifying or modifying?”
And we ask, did Assad during his 11 years in power just clarify his position and then did he start modifying it after he started losing control of his country? Or has he still not modified his views? How about clarifying this for us?
February 5th, 2013, 2:25 pm
Syrialover said:
Arabns who care, Arabs who help.
This mentions their impressive humanitarian efforts, and rejects the claim they are supporting the extremists in al-Nusrah.
Kuwait, ‘the back office of logistical support’ for Syria’s rebels
(Note: ZOO posted this good news piece earlier, but obviously didn’t see what good news it was)
February 5th, 2013, 2:28 pm
zoo said:
Why are the Sunnis religious leaders suddenly so worried about the spread of influence of the Shias and not of the Salafis, Christians or the Bahais?
What is making them think that Shiism could spread easily in Egypt?
Egypt’s top cleric voices Sunnis’ worries of (Iran) SHIISM
Ahmadinejad, on a landmark visit to Egypt on Tuesday, received an uneasy reception from Ahmed el-Tayeb at al-Azhar, the Sunni Muslim world’s foremost Islamic institution.
El-Tayeb particularly warned mainly Shiite Iran against interference in Bahrain and said Egypt rejects any spread of Shiism in the Sunni world.
February 5th, 2013, 2:30 pm
AIG said:
“Why are the Sunnis leaders suddenly so worried about the spread of influence of the Shias and not of the Christians of the Bahais?
What makes them think that Shiism could spread?”
Of course you ignore the fact that Assad has let Iran’s Shia Mullahs control Syria, a Sunni majority country. If that is not the spread of Shia influence, what is? Are you not ashamed about the stupid way you are trying to fool people? Do you really think Syrians are THAT stupid?
Again and again and again. Manipulative, self serving and dishonest.
February 5th, 2013, 2:35 pm
MarigoldRan said:
Zoo provides the other sides’ point of view reasonably well.
Mind you, I don’t agree with him. He IS self-serving, and manipulative. But at least he’s reasonable.
February 5th, 2013, 2:38 pm
zoo said:
Saudi cleric wants veils for baby girls to prevent ‘sexual harrassment’
Agence France-Presse
Feb 5, 2013
RIYADH // A Saudi cleric has said baby girls should be veiled to avoid sexual harassment, in remarks broadcast on television that sparked outrage in the conservative kingdom.
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February 5th, 2013, 2:38 pm
zoo said:
You obviously read only the good one….
“For the past year, Hajjaj Al Ajmi, a Kuwaiti cleric, has raised money to “support the mujahedeen” in Syria, announcing his fund-raising efforts on Twitter, complete with addresses and telephone numbers. His endeavours have won him, via a YouTube video, the gratitude of anti-Assad rebels.
Recently, the balance of aid going to Syria has shifted in favour of humanitarian help, Mr Benotman said.
In the immediate months after the Syrian uprising became militarised in mid-2011, it was easy for Mr Ajmi and other Kuwaitis to fund the rebel fighters directly. But as the conflict has worn on and ties between various rebel factions more thorny, donors have increasingly opted to channel their donations to groups engaged only in humanitarian relief.
Mr Benotman said that the rise of Al Nusra Front, and the decision of the United States in December to classify the faction as a terrorist organisation, encouraged some donors to curb their ties with all rebel groups, partly out of a distaste for the Front’s ideology but also for fear of being targeted for prosecution under Kuwait’s anti-money laundering statutes.
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February 5th, 2013, 2:43 pm
5 dancing shlomos said:
michael kelly,
this war is not a syrian war.
it is a war against syria.
this war is waged for israel by the jewish west and the west’s gulf puppies.
the fool erdogan.
February 5th, 2013, 2:47 pm
Syrialover said:
ZOO #281,
You just reinforced the positives again.
And their humanitarian efforts from fundraising are
Arab people helping Arab people.
February 5th, 2013, 2:48 pm
AIG said:
If you almost never answer questions and elaborate on issues when asked, if you always discuss topics you want and disassociate from any issue you have no good answers for, you are not acting in good faith. And that is why Zoo is not reasonable. He is just a spammer and a propagandist. Just see above, he only answers SL, while ignoring other questions. It is the classical example of dishonest discourse. He is not here to debate. He is here to spam his point of view. He is despicable and represents much that is bad about the Assad regime.
February 5th, 2013, 2:50 pm
5 dancing shlomos said:
any sounds other than the usual gassings from ariel the all mighty?
any sounds from bandar the dried scrub weed?
saad, find a place to hide.
February 5th, 2013, 2:50 pm
Syrialover said:
Thanks for the post. I don’t know why we don’t hear more from this guy Murhaf Jouhjati. I remember he made some excellent points when he quit the SNC late last year and instead put his support into the Coalition. He declared he was fed up with the lack of discipline, infighting and domination by religious groups in the SNC.
February 5th, 2013, 2:56 pm
zoo said:
#283 sl
you see, I am not so ‘evil’ afterall
February 5th, 2013, 3:04 pm
zoo said:
Now I got it why the Al Azhar guy is not worried much about Egyptians or Bahreinis converting to christianity or Bahaism:
If a Sunni convert to Shia or vice-versa, he/she risks nothing.
If a Moslem converts to a non-Moslem religion he/she risks death for apostasie
February 5th, 2013, 3:15 pm
AIG said:
If a person disagrees with Assad he gets jailed and his family is terrorized. Yet you criticize Sunni conversion policies when the regime you support enforces much stricter loyalty rules. As usual manipulative, self serving and dishonest.
February 5th, 2013, 3:23 pm
zoo said:
Joshua Landis about Al Khatib lonely initiative:
“Khatib’s offer of talks with Assad’s government offered a ray of hope to many Syrians, not least of all the minorities. They believe, whether rightly or wrongly, that they are fighting for their lives,” said Joshua Landis, the director of the Center for Middle Eastern Studies at the University of Oklahoma. “It is true that Assad has convinced the minorities that he stands between them and destruction. Khatib’s sensible offer helped undermine the terrible fear of many that this struggle is existential and will continue until one side has eliminated the other. To many Syrians who feel that they are mere pawns caught between two clashing giants, Khatib’s offer provided some hope of a kinder and saner future for Syria.”
Read more here:
February 5th, 2013, 3:24 pm
zoo said:
“People on the ground” key to ending Syria conflict — French envoy
05/02/2013 | 10:30 PM | World News
UNITED NATIONS, Feb 5 (KUNA) — French Ambassador Gerard Araud said Joint Special Envoy for Syria Lakhdar Brahimi is mistaken if he believes that the Americans and the Russians are key to end the conflict in Syria, insisting that only the Syrian people themselves can do that.
“I do think that Brahimi was making a mistake by really considering that the Russians and the Americans were the key to the conflict (in Syria). The key to the conflict are the people on the ground. The Syrians themselves will decide the fate of Syria,” he told the United Nations Association of the USA (UNA-USA) for 2013 Members’ Day at the UN to discuss “Stubborn Conflicts”.
“We are not in the cold war. The Americans and the Russians cannot deliver Syria even if they agreed tomorrow. Let’s say (they) agree tomorrow, what will happen? Nothing, simply nothing, because the people on the ground will decide the fate of Syria, the fighters,” he added.
He insisted that Russia is not willing to change its position in the Security Council and will continue to use its veto power if more draft resolutions on Syria are put on the table.
February 5th, 2013, 3:28 pm
Syrialover said:
Very entertaining. Send-up profiles of a few of those sensitive contributors to the media on the Syrian revolution.
February 5th, 2013, 3:36 pm
zoo said:
USA new role? Haytham Al Manna vs Moaz al Khatib?
A New Phase in the Struggle for Syria
Patrick Seale
Much will depend in the coming weeks on the wisdom of President Barack Obama’s new team and, in particular, on the new Secretary of State John Kerry. Will he encourage negotiations to resolve the Syrian crisis peacefully… or will he play Israel’s traditional game of subverting the region so as to reign supreme? Asks Patrick Seale.
While blood-letting in Syria continues on a grand scale, the situation in and around the country is far from static. Three major developments are worth noting, as they are changing the nature of the struggle.
First, the United States and its Western allies are becoming increasingly alarmed at the rise to prominence in Syria of extremist al-Qaeda-backed rebel groups, such as the Nusra Front (Jabhat al-Nusra), which has eclipsed all its rivals in fighting prowess in the field. Washington has put it on a list of foreign terrorist groups.
Indeed, many are beginning to ask what is the point of the United States and its allies waging war against al-Qaeda across the world — in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia and, most recently, in Mali — while giving free rein to it in Syria, thereby no doubt guaranteeing it a major role in any post-Asad government. The spectre of a Taliban-type regime on the doorstep of Europe is causing real concern and explains the increasing reluctance of Western countries to arm the rebels.
The current European Union embargo on arms deliveries to Syria is due to expire on 1 March. Will it be renewed or will weapons be allowed to flow in? The British and French foreign ministers, William Hague and Laurent Fabius, have been very much in favour of arming the rebels. But they are likely to meet stiff resistance at the next council meeting of European foreign ministers in Brussels on February 18. The Western mood is now far more cautious in dealing with the Syrian crisis.
A second major development is a growing split in the civilian ranks of the Syrian opposition, a fractious body at the best of times. The Turkey-based Syrian National Council (SNC), dominated by the Muslim Brotherhood, has always rejected any negotiation with the Syria regime so long as Bashar al-Asad remains in power. Its prime objective is to topple him. But the SNC has proved to be an ineffective body of squabbling exiles, exercising little control over the fighters in the field. To remedy the situation, Qatar and the United States sponsored the creation last November of a new opposition body — the Syrian National Coalition — headed by an apparently moderate Islamist, Moaz al-Khatib, who had been the Imam of the Great Omayyad Mosque in Damascus. The old SNC was incorporated in the new Coalition as a sort of junior partner.
Al-Khatib’s new Coalition, however, has not done much better than its predecessor. Its constituent factions have failed to show enough cohesion to allow it to form a credible opposition ‘government’ — and thereby win real financial and political backing from the West, not to speak of weapons.
Such is the background to the political bombshells recently dropped by two opposition figures. Haytham al-Manna, a veteran Paris-based Syrian civil rights activist, has from the start of the uprising in 2011 firmly opposed the rebels’ resort to arms. When the world’s attention was focussed on the fighting, he was ignored. But the military stalemate has contributed to a change of mood, which has allowed al-Manna to re-emerge into public view. On 28 January, he chaired what seems to have been a highly successful meeting of like-minded opposition figures in Geneva. Two days later, on 30 January, Moaz al-Khatib — perhaps not wishing to be upstaged by al-Manna — dropped his own bombshell by announcing (on his Facebook page) his willingness “to take part in direct talks with representatives of the Syrian regime…”
February 5th, 2013, 3:37 pm
majedkhaldoun said:
I wonder how many agree with me that Moaz Khatib, and Steve jobs they look similar as far as their picture?
February 5th, 2013, 3:43 pm
AIG said:
Zoo is back to spamming with views from known regime supporter and Hafez best pal Patrick Seale. In fact Seale is a regime insider. He is married to the daughter of a former Syrian ambassador to the US.
So again, manipulative, self serving and dishonest. He spams without any comment some real news outlets and then he spams his point of view from unreliable sources hoping people will not notice and think it is some reliable source. Another dirty trick regime supporters use.
February 5th, 2013, 3:49 pm
Visitor said:
Marigolran @279 said,
“Zoo provides the other sides’ point of view reasonably well.
Mind you, I don’t agree with him. He IS self-serving, and manipulative. But at least he’s reasonable.”
Yes Marigold. He presents a very stinky point of view. Like Stinky Moose. You heard of that?
So, if you think stinky is reasonable, then that is stinky ‘reasonable’.
Otherwise we all know full well this stinky POV; and, therefore, he is presenting a ‘reasonably’ stinky propaganda spamming POV.
February 5th, 2013, 3:51 pm
Citizen said:
Israel ex-spymaster calls for strong ties with al-Qaeda
Israel’s former military intelligence chief Major General Amos Yadlin (file photo)
Israel’s former military intelligence chief has called for the Zionist regime’s stronger ties with al-Qaeda-linked militants in Syria to face Iran.
Major General Amos Yadlin, quoted by Jerusalem Post newspaper, said Israel should strengthen its relationship with emerging Sunni forces in Syria to confront “the big enemy, which is Iran.”
Yadlin, who was speaking at the unveiling of the strategic assessment for 2012-2013 of the Institute for National Security Studies (INSS), noted that Syria is an influential “component of the Iranian-led regional axis.”
He stated that the ongoing destructive violence in Syria has brought about strategic benefit for Israel.
Eric Draister, the founder of, told Press TV in an interview on Monday that Israel and al-Qaeda are two sides of the same coin in creating instability and provoking violence in Syria.
“Israel and al-Qaeda are two sides of the US dominated imperial system which has waged war on the independent nation of Syria attempting to destroy that country,” he said.
Syria has been experiencing unrest since March 2011. Many people, including large numbers of Army and security personnel, have been killed in the violence.
The Syrian government has said that the chaos is being orchestrated from outside the country, and that a very large number of the militants operating in the country are foreign nationals.
February 5th, 2013, 3:56 pm
Citizen said:
SYRIA: CIA-MI6 Intel Ops and Sabotage
Michel Chossudovsky
This incisive article by veteran war correspondent Felicity Arbuthnot was published by Global Research a year ago, on February 2, 2012.
You will not read it in the New York Times.
At a time of mounting media fabrications –when “objective truths are fading” and “lies are passing into history”– this analysis reveals the diabolical modus operandi of US-NATO terrorism and how covert intelligence ops are applied to trigger conditions which are conducive to the collapse of nation states. One of these “conditions” is the outright killing of innocent civilians as part of a cover operation and then blaming president Bashar Al Assad of having committed atrocities against his own people.
February 5th, 2013, 4:05 pm
Syrialover said:
Great cartoons on Syria
(click on the right to see all of them in sequence)
February 5th, 2013, 4:11 pm
majedkhaldoun said:
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in the last three weeks, Assad army lost close to 80 tank around Deraa
February 5th, 2013, 4:22 pm
Citizen said:
Israel’s Perpetual Terrorism
February 5th, 2013, 4:26 pm
Syrialover said:
You’re right – I can see the resemblance between Jobs and Khatib in some photos.
Who knows if there could be some distant familial link between them – there’s definitely an ethnic one.
Jobs’ biological father Abdul Fattah ‘John’ Jandali, is the son of a self-made millionaire who owned many villages around Homs.
As we know, Jobs was adopted by an American couple as a baby and never met Jandali. But if you read about the father you see a number of strong personality quirks in common plus the technical brilliance.
Here’s a nice comment:
“While his Arab heritage may have had little to no impact on his life, perhaps the Arab World can still take inspiration from his story. At a time when Arabs are honouring his Syrian heritage, and thanking Jobs for the technical inventions that contributed to the Arab Spring, not only his achievements but his attitude and drive to educate himself, should be inspirational to the region.”
February 5th, 2013, 4:31 pm
Syrialover said:
Talking of Moaz al-Khatib lookalikes, I have to confess here’s another person whose photo has sometimes jolted me with the similarity:
February 5th, 2013, 4:38 pm
Tara said:
““While his Arab heritage may have had little to no impact on his life..”
Totally disagree. It is his Arab genetic heritage that is one of the main player in his brilliance. Nevertheless, had he lived in Syria, he perhaps would have lived and died achieving absolutely nothing or even worse, jailed and tortured in one of Batta’s dungeons.
February 5th, 2013, 4:38 pm
Juergen said:
Syrian novelist Fawwaz Haddad wrote an excellent article for the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung,
here the translation
Damascus will burn
“The most valuable thing the revolution has given the Syrian writers and intellectuals, was the feeling that they were the first time a part of those people about whom they had ever written. Nothing distinguishes them today more of them. All people in Syria share the same fate and experience the same dangers: suspected, prosecuted, arrested, to be shot. And all are subject to the same daily hardships. In Damascus alone, you will now be searched at 370 checkpoints, and to a total of ninety skyscrapers in the city are snipers, which you can always fall victim. As a passer, you can get on every street corner in fierce fighting between government soldiers and militias or supporters of revolutionary committees and so by chance to be hit by a bullet.”
February 5th, 2013, 4:43 pm
Juergen said:
Ahmedinejad is welcomed by the famous shoe throwing ceremony, here in Cairo today.
The ceremony was led by an angry Syrian refugee.
February 5th, 2013, 4:46 pm
Citizen said:
Libya & Mali, Good extremists & Bad extremists
What does this duplicity tell us about government policy and the news reports that shamelessly support it?
It tells us that human rights and democracy play little to no part in the decision to promote and pursue wars. The Guardian can, and do, propagandize a cause based solely on the Governments financial interests.
February 5th, 2013, 4:49 pm
Syrialover said:
#304 TARA
I was saying much the same thing. Steve Jobs appears to be very like his Syrian father – but also in some hardline, fierce and negative personality aspects.
You can read a lot about the father through the works of successful American writer Mona Simpson, who is Jobs full biological sister. She became very close to Jobs after they met as adults. I gather she is in contact with the Syrian side of the family in Homs – but Jobs stubbornly refused to do so or even to meet his father.
February 5th, 2013, 4:49 pm
AIG said:
Funny Juergen, Zoo usually posts stories in which somebody is humiliated. I am surprised he missed this one.
February 5th, 2013, 4:50 pm
Tara said:
Ahmadinejad and all his Mullahs deserve just that, an old rotten shoe.
February 5th, 2013, 4:55 pm
Juergen said:
Here is still my favorite photo of Ahmedinejad
Come on, as much as he probably hates such religious retards he cant say a word against such an inspiring leader, such an comrade during hard times for Batta.
February 5th, 2013, 5:05 pm
annie said:
The detainee Khitam Benyan is telling her story after being released.. 22 days have passed after my release from detention and I feel so hysterical, questions never stop in my mind, memories of the people I met in prison never leave me..Everyone is telling me you will forget and you will adapt, but no I shall never forget what I saw inside those horrible prisons of the regime. I shall never forget ( Um Tayim a 25 woman) who was called for the captain’s office at midnight to return back in a total shock after being brutally raped twice. I shall never ever forget the tears on her face nor her calling Allah to help her. I shall never forget ( Muna Al Wadi)’s face when they told her she is going to be executed tomorrow at 10 o’clock. I shall never forget the voice of (Ala’a Kayyal) the 20 years old girl, when she asked me to check her back after coming from a torture session. I shall never ever forget the shivering nor the trembling of ( Elham) when she had an epileptic seizure, and the guards mocking her and accusing her of performing a role. I shall never forget ( Thana’a Al Hasan) a 45 years old woman when she had a stroke and she couldn’t breathe, we called the guards and we screamed hardly but no one responded, I shall never ever in my life forget her tears going down like a river crying for her children and because she was dying without being able to see them. Tell me, how can I ever forget those people and lead a normal life while most of them are still in the dark cells..Their faces, their pain and their screams are haunting me.. They are alive but in fact they are not..Please help them, free them.
The detainee Khitam Benyan is telling her story after being released..
22 days have passed after my release from detention and I feel so hysterical, questions never stop in my mind, memories of the people I met in prison never leave me..Everyone is telling me you will forget and you will adapt, but no I shall never forget what I saw inside those horrible prisons of the regime.
I shall never forget ( Um Tayim a 25 woman) who was called for the captain’s office at midnight to return back in a total shock after being brutally raped twice. I shall never ever forget the tears on her face nor her calling Allah to help her.
I shall never forget ( Muna Al Wadi)’s face when they told her she is going to be executed tomorrow at 10 o’clock.
I shall never forget the voice of (Ala’a Kayyal) the 20 years old girl, when she asked me to check her back after coming from a torture session.
I shall never ever forget the shivering nor the trembling of ( Elham) when she had an epileptic seizure, and the guards mocking her and accusing her of performing a role.
I shall never forget ( Thana’a Al Hasan) a 45 years old woman when she had a stroke and she couldn’t breathe, we called the guards and we screamed hardly but no one responded, I shall never ever in my life forget her tears going down like a river crying for her children and because she was dying without being able to see them.
Tell me, how can I ever forget those people and lead a normal life while most of them are still in the dark cells..Their faces, their pain and their screams are haunting me..
They are alive but in fact they are not..Please help them, free them.
February 5th, 2013, 5:09 pm
Juergen said:
Syrian shabihas sing of how the regime has removed the “injustice” and about his love for the butcher.
February 5th, 2013, 5:14 pm
Visitor said:
Thank you MajedK @300 for the heads up.
I was saying exactly the same thing not long ago, i.e. come the spring the battles will warm up as the winds warm up. Allah Willing we will see the final demise of thuggocracy soon, thanks to no one else but to the great achievements of the FSA and our brothers in faith wherever they come from, be it Lybian, Iraqi, Kuwaiti, Saudi or whatever else.
On the other hand, our most blessed Prophet (Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon Him ad infinitum) told us that Satan will never be able to find refuge in Egypt, because the Egyptians are very good-hearted people. So satan will not find welcome in the Nile valley no matter what tricks the cursed one tries and even if he tries to become a resuscitated ‘astronaut’. So what else do you expect other than such treatment that Nejjad, appropriately and prophetically, received from our good-hearted Egyptian brothers? It is all foretold. The problem is with us the people of Cham. We need to rise up even more to the challenge and fulfill what the Holy Prophet (Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon Him ad infintum) told us about how blessed Cham is. We need to kick these safawi rejects to Qom-Hell-Stan out of our prophetically blessed soil.
I am also wondering how many Husseins are there in history? We talked about this not long ago. We know Hussein died in Karbala, how come he has a so-called shrine in Egypt? Is it not time to open this subject of shrine franchise business which only serves the pockets of the mullahs to the detriment of the slave poor women who are forced into becoming muta’a pleasure slavery objects often with mullahs three times their age?
And by the way, I do have some very distant relatives who receive huge shares of the proceeds collected in Zainab shrine in Damascus. You should see the way they live. Even kings would be envious.
Aren’t these some social issues that need to be dealt with? Where are the communists on this blog?
February 5th, 2013, 5:20 pm
zoo said:
The Shah of Iran (calling himself the descendant of Cyrus the great) was warmly welcomed by Egyptians when he left Iran and he is now buried in Egypt.
Some theories!
February 5th, 2013, 5:33 pm
zoo said:
In most of Western or Israelis air or ground attacks, the media never report human casualties and Rami Abdel Rahman has no spies there to report it.
The Mali bombing was brilliant, not a single civilian reported killed!
A french miracle!
February 5th, 2013, 5:40 pm
Visitor said:
?????? ????? ????? ???? ???????? ???? ????? ?????? ??? ????? ?? ?????????? ??? ??? ?????? ????? ??? ????? “?????? ??? ?? ??? ???? ?????”? ???? ????? ??? ?????? “?????? ??????? ????? (???) ??? ???? ??? ?????? ??? ?????”.
February 5th, 2013, 5:43 pm
AIG said:
The Syrian media NEVER report anything against the regime. So why are you complaining about the Western media, you whining hypocrite. Go read the ironically named al-Watan or Tishreen. And get into your head that only second graders make the “two wrongs make a right argument”. You can’t get Assad off the hook by pointing fingers at others. Only idiots think it works this way.
February 5th, 2013, 5:51 pm
Visitor said:
A closer look at Taftanaz today,
The genius defense minister of thuggocracy says the airbase is irrelevant!!
February 5th, 2013, 6:01 pm
Citizen said:
Bright media!
Today TV channel “Al Arabiya” referring to the Lebanese media reported on allegedly held his escape from Syria in the UAE Deputy Foreign Minister SAR Faisal al- Mekdad, who, according to their version, accompanied by the Syrian ambassador to Beirut Ali Abdel-Karim was spotted at the airport in the capital Lebanon. Another desirable issued for the actual “event”.
, Citing a source in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs claimed that Faisal Al-Mekdad on a visit to Beijing.
Oh, sorry, that members of the “Al-Arabiya” hardly read Bulgakov, and that they want to answer the phrase of one of the heroes of the famous writer: “I congratulate you, sir, sovramshi” Not poymut. this democratic Arab media hardly do that- then read: no – everything goes into writing lies, which recently something different virtuosity. Exhausted, birthmarks, fantasy is not enough. The crisis of the genre, though!
And those who are so quick to rejoice in the “news”, it was necessary to point out that those who run the country, betraying the interests of their own people, do not take in support of ambassadors and cruising to idle observers in airports, they unwind, holding his own stuffed checks foreign banks purse for fear of being discovered before the time, though less than traitors and selling the skins, the easier and cleaner air.
February 5th, 2013, 6:03 pm
ghufran said:
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I do not know what type of liquor those thawrajiyyeh are drinking but I find the result entertaining.
February 5th, 2013, 6:25 pm
majedkhaldoun said:
???? ?????? ????? ??? ??? ?????? ????? ???? ?? “???? ????? ????” ?? ???? ?????? ..
???? ????? ???? ????? ???????? ?????
February 5th, 2013, 6:32 pm
Citizen said:
Umgestaltung der Welt
February 5th, 2013, 6:55 pm
Roland said:
AIG complains about “tu quoque” arguments.
Next thing you know, he’ll start complaining about “ad hominem” arguments.
Western secular humanistic rationalism, at its best…
February 5th, 2013, 7:37 pm
Tara said:
Backing for Khatib
Khatib’s call for conditional dialogue with the Syrian government has been backed by unlikely the source – Ammar Abdulhamid a usually hawkish Syrian dissident and blogger.
Abdulahamid, fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, which is regarded as a NeoCon thinktank, said an armed struggle should continue alongside Khatib’s call for talks.
In his latest blogpost Abdulhamid noted the popularity of Khatib and his proposal among ordinary Syrians.
In the public eye, Khatib now appears as one of very few members of the opposition who can support the revolution without being oblivious to the suffering of the people as well …
Syrian opposition groups need to give Khatib more time to act and should judge the success or failure of his initiative by the change it can produce in western policies towards supporting the opposition and the rebels. And we don’t have to postpone our judgement for too long. If, by May, the Obama administration has not adopted a more proactive attitude towards intervention in Syria, then, we can judge the initiative to have failed. Personally, I would still judge it as a laudable effort that deserves to have been made, and I would still see in Moaz a good and courageous leader for having embarked on this course and tried something different for change …
I have longed argued that military and political processes are not mutually exclusive, and should not be thought of with an either/or mentality. For unless rebels make serious military gains, including neutralizing Assad’s air power, no viable political process can be launched. Moreover, no political process can be seen as credible if it is not led by figures who can appeal to the grassroots and to the average Syrian, irrespective of his political stands at the moment. We did not have such a figure until Moaz al-Khatib entered the scene.
February 5th, 2013, 7:38 pm
Tara said:
One victory after the other.
• Army bases that were once considered impregnable are falling to relatively easily to rebels who quickly seize dated weaponry, Martin Chulov reports north of Aleppo. But the rebels are still fearful of attacks from the air.
Firas Tmeimi, who took part in the infantry school raid and has since joined attempts to storm other bases, said each operation was a revelation.
“We thought they were strong. But the veil has been lifted. Fear was the regime’s greatest weapon. Without that, we can match them,” he said, before stopping in mid sentence as a distant roar drew nearer.
“Except for the planes,” he added, ducking as a low-flying jet streaked overhead. “Two of them are worth more than all the airbases we’ve seized.”
From the Guardian
February 5th, 2013, 7:43 pm
Tara said:
The author argues for the US to help Syria not to uphold the American values if freedom and democracy rather to prevent Syria from further falling into Iran’s lap.
Syria’s Fate Hinges on Whom It Hates Most, U.S. or Iran?
By Karim Sadjadpour and Firas Maksad
February 05, 2013 6:31 PM EST
This support can only delay, not prevent, Assad’s demise. Thereafter Iran will face a strategic decision: whether to continue supporting a predominantly Alawite militia that represents only a small fraction of Syrian society, or to engage the Sunni Islamists who are poised to wield power in Damascus once Assad falls. Iran’s leaders will try to embrace the Sunni radicals, and if that fails they will work with the Shabiha to prevent the formation of a stable, anti-Iranian order in Syria.
What’s most important for Iran is not the sectarian makeup of Syria’s future rulers, but a like-minded ideological worldview premised on resistance to the U.S. and Israel. As Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei once said, “We will support and help any nations, any groups fighting against the Zionist regime across the world.” Iran’s Sunni allies Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad are cases in point.
A greater U.S. role won’t render Syria an American-allied democracy. That possibility, if it ever existed, has long been lost. But continued U.S. inaction risks leaving Syria at the mercy of Iran and Sunni extremists whose intolerance, and hatred of the U.S., dwarfs any concerns they may have for the well- being of Syria and its people. Such an outcome would haunt Syria, the Middle East and the U.S. for years to come.
February 5th, 2013, 8:27 pm
revenire said:
Visitor do you have a sword too? That man you admire is a deranged animal.
Satan? Ha ha. Iran is Satan? Ha ha ha.
February 5th, 2013, 8:30 pm
zoo said:
No resolution to Syrian crisis in sight
Updated: 2013-02-06 07:41
By Liu Yueqin ( China Daily)
The Syrian government still has the upper hand in the conflict. It still has a wide range of political, economic and military resources, as well as cohesive forces. The opposition, on the other hand, has internal differences, and the Syrian National Council, the newly recognized opposition group, lacks credibility. Besides, the opposition still doesn’t have a clear strategy about how to govern the country. Recently, the opposition even failed to reach an agreement on the formation of a transitional government.
To resolve any conflict peacefully, the involvement of both disputing parties is necessary. More importantly, the resolution should be acceptable to both. But Brahimi’s remarks have put the UN peace plan in a limbo. Without the participation and reorganization of the state party in Syria, a political solution cannot work. And there is every indication that this round of mediation to resolve the Syrian crisis will come to naught.
Syria does not have the conditions or basis to hold a national dialogue for a political resolution. The UN peace plan cannot narrow the differences between the Syrian government and the opposition. On top of that, some Western countries and Gulf States have been planning military intervention in Syria. All this has made it even more difficult for the Syrian government and opposition to reach a compromise. And former UN special envoy to Syria Kofi Annan’s resignation shows how tough the mission to restore peace in Syria is.
Given these developments and the current situation in Syria, a peaceful resolution to the crisis in the short term is unlikely.
February 5th, 2013, 8:58 pm
zoo said:
The expats in full American steam…
Syrian opposition group to open New York, Washington offices
Louis Charbonneau Reuters
6:57 p.m. EST, February 5, 2013,0,1915018.story
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) – The Syrian National Coalition will open offices in New York and Washington as it prepares for meetings of Syrian opposition leaders with U.S. officials and U.N. Security Council members, a U.N. envoy and a Syrian opposition source said on Tuesday.
“That is an important step and it’s obviously a potential vehicle for inviting over … (coalition leader Moaz) Alkhatib to come to New York at some point,” a senior Western diplomat said on condition of anonymity.
Najib Ghadbian, an Syrian-American professor at the University of Arkansas, would head the New York office, he added. Ghadbian could not be reached immediately for comment.
February 5th, 2013, 9:03 pm
Ghufran said:
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The Islamic conference is a collection of dictators and sheikhs with few exceptions, it is dominated by turkey, Qatar and KSA, most members of its executive body travel and live at the expense of the GCC, in return, the conference serves as a mouth piece for middle ages- type governments in the gulf.
?? ??? ???? ?? ????? ?????
February 5th, 2013, 9:04 pm
revenire said:
“After nearly two years of bloody conflict for his overthrow, the Syrian opposition is knocking on Assad’s door cap in hand to plead with the tyrant for a negotiated end to the agony.”
February 5th, 2013, 9:04 pm
zoo said:
A new circus is coming to Cairo: the OIC
February 5th, 2013, 9:17 pm
Ghufran said:
A web poll at SOHR:
?? ???? ???? ???? ?????? ?????? ?? ????? ?????
????? – 85.7%
?? – 14.3%
SOHR posted 2 videos of rebels slaughtering 2 Syrians, one was a soldier, the other accused of collaborating with the regime.
February 5th, 2013, 9:21 pm
zoo said:
The West feel so good to send some money for the Syrians refugees while the Arabs feel so good to see one real Arab leader they hate been insulted and crushed.
Together with the West, they supported Saddam Hussein against Iran and he fell. They supported Mobarak and he fell. They supported Israel to crush Hezbollah and Hezbollah won.
They never supported Bashar Al Assad and he still stands. It seems that they are always betting in the wrong horse.
February 5th, 2013, 9:22 pm
Tara said:
I thought you were very excited last year about OIC in Tehran to de-isolate Iran. You are calling it a circus now?
February 5th, 2013, 9:23 pm
Johannes de Silentio said:
From the EU/Jew?Salafi/al Qaeda/CIA/Saudi Press:
“After the news conference, a protester tried to hit Mr. Ahmadinejad with a shoe, according to video of the confrontation by Turkey’s Anatolia news agency, which said the assailant was a Syrian, presumably angered at Iran’s strong alliance with Syria’s president, Bashar al-Assad.”
Ahmadinejad’s Aide said the shoe smelled like “pig excrement.” Which leads me to think it was Mossie’s shoe…or maybe Zoo’s.
A New Bashar Cartoon:
February 5th, 2013, 9:25 pm
zoo said:
#336 Ghufran
I doubt Farouk Al Shara will sit with Al Khatib without Bashar’s full permission. So ultimately the opposition will have to ask Bashar for this permission, despite the fact they keep repeating they will never deal with Bashar al Assad.
This is why it seems the opposition is just trying to sow divisions within Bashar loyalists, a cheap and doomed manoeuvre.
February 5th, 2013, 9:32 pm
zoo said:
#338 Tara
After noticing the absence of any follow on of their previous meetings, I have concluded that the OIC is yet another pathetic and powerless organization only concerned in showing a facade of moslem unity while the moslem world has never been so radicalized and divided.
February 5th, 2013, 9:38 pm
zoo said:
Videos show extremist Syrian rebels cutting prisoners’ throats
Release of videos comes amid Western concern that extremist Islamist groups are gaining influence among Syrian rebels.
By DPA | Feb.05, 2013 | 3:39 PM
Extremist rebel groups in Syria have carried out death sentences on prisoners by cutting their throats, an opposition human rights group reported Tuesday.
Two videos released by the Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights appeared to show rebels cutting the throats of a prisoner accused of collaborating with the regime and a captured soldier.
The video of the first apparent killing begins with a man, holding a long thin knife, announcing a verdict against a prisoner for collaborating with the regime and “spreading corruption on earth”.
He is then shown handing the knife to another man who cuts the throat of a bound and blindfolded man lying on the ground.
Rami Abdel-Rahman, head of the Observatory, said that one of the two killings took place in Aleppo province, northern Syria, in January while the other was carried out in Daraa on an unknown date.
“This is an unacceptable act towards Syrian citizens,” Abdel-Rahman told DPA, arguing that the uprising against Syrian President Bashar Assad “started with a call for democracy and justice. Such acts are simply against what we believe in.”
February 5th, 2013, 9:44 pm
Tara said:
Agree. It looks like it provides them an opportunity to meet and greet and network. That is all. Otherwise, it is meaningless.
February 5th, 2013, 9:52 pm
Visitor said:
# 329,
The shoe of the man you’re referring to is better than your head.
He could be the one you would soon meet as you saw in your dream, and he could send you to the bottomless pit.
February 5th, 2013, 10:07 pm
revenire said:
Visitor do you own a sword? You have got to be kidding that you swallow that maniac’s ravings? This is a joke correct?
February 5th, 2013, 10:12 pm
Visitor said:
February 5th, 2013, 10:31 pm
majedkhaldoun said:
earthquake in Solomon island close to Australia. graded 8
February 5th, 2013, 10:43 pm
Visitor said:
The humiliation that Ahmedinejjad received in Egypt is even more than anyone can imagine, and even more than the shoe thrown at him by the brave Syrian.
He was humiliated in public right in front of everyone during the press conference while he was standing right next the Egyptian Sheikh, who lectured Nejjad about the falsehoods of Shiism, particularly when it relates to rhe Companions, and also about the mistreatment of Sunnis in Iran who are not even allowed to build mosques and schools for themselves.
Nejjad will never set foot in Egypt again, and not a single Mullah heretic will dream of getting any respect if he attempts to set foot in the Nile valley. Nejjad is now probably cursing the moment he thought of heading to Egypt.
February 5th, 2013, 11:00 pm
zoo said:
Syria’s domestic opponent supports exiled opposition’s call for dialogue with gov’t
2013-02-06 06:43:01
DAMASCUS, Feb. 5 (Xinhua) — A leading Syrian opposition figure hailed the call by the head of an exiled opposition coalition for a dialogue with the government as “positive and courageous.”
In a statement obtained by Xinhua, Hasan Abdul-Azim, the head of the National Coordination Body (NCB), an opposition group based in the country, said the call made by Moaz al-Khatib, the leader of the overseas Syrian National Coalition for Opposition and Revolutionary Forces, is compatible with his own group’s vision.
Abdul-Azim contended that the move is applicable on the ground and runs parallel with the international efforts that are being led by international envoy Lakhdar Brahimi.
He said al-Khatib’s call is also logical and mirrors his desire and faith in a political solution and his rejection of the government’s handling of the crisis.
February 5th, 2013, 11:12 pm
zoo said:
Chinese ambassador meets Syrian opposition leader in Cairo
2013-02-06 04:46:37
CAIRO, Feb. 5 (Xinhua) — Chinese Ambassador to Egypt Song Aiguo met Tuesday with Syrian National Coalition for Opposition and Revolutionary Forces Chairman Ahmed Moaz Al-khatib in Cairo.
Song said during the meeting that China has all along been deeply concerned about and attached importance to the Syrian issue.
China adheres to finding a political solution based on the fundamental interests of the people of Syria and the Middle East, the tenets and principles of the United Nations Charter, and the norms in international relations, the ambassador said, stressing that Syria’s sovereignty, independence, unity and territorial integrity should be respected and that Syria’s future and destiny should be determined by the Syrian people themselves.
Song said that China supports an early realization of a political transition led by the Syrian people and that it will be positive and open to any solution acceptable to all Syrian parties.
He added that China has taken note of Al-Khatib’s recent diplomatic activities for resolving the Syrian issue through political means and hopes that all Syrian parties will soon launch inclusive political dialogues and reach a solution through patient and thorough negotiations and consultations on an equal footing.
Al-Khatib, for his part, said Syrian National Coalition for Opposition and Revolutionary Forces also advocates a political solution to the Syrian issue, and welcomes China’s continued efforts in this regard.
February 5th, 2013, 11:14 pm
Juergen said:
Lebanese send their message to their governement about the mistreatment of syrian refugees
February 5th, 2013, 11:43 pm
Juergen said:
Hmm, looks like the warm reception of Ahmedinejad in Cairo is more or less wishful thinking by some here. I would say he was openly humiliated. The Grand Sheik of Al Azar was always chosen and named by the President, Mubarak changed the rules, before the faculty would choose their leader by themselves. Looks like that Mursi has an independent thinking Grand Sheikh at his disposal.
“Earlier in the day, Mr. Ahmadinejad was apparently harangued during his meeting with Grand Sheik Ahmed al-Tayeb at Al-Azhar, Sunni Islam’s highest seat of learning. According to a statement released by Al-Azhar, Mr. Ahmadinejad was criticized for Iran’s role in what the cleric called the “spread of Shiism in Sunni lands.” The Sunni cleric also pressed the Shiite president to “not interfere in the affairs of Gulf states,” like Bahrain, where Iran is accused of lending support to protests against the ruling Sunni monarchy.
At a news conference after that meeting, Agence France-Press reported that Mr. Ahmadinejad “listened with noticeable unease” as another senior cleric complained about the disrespect shown to the Prophet Muhammad’s companions by “some Shiites.” Sunnis and Shiites disagree about whether the prophet’s companions or relatives were his rightful successors.”
February 5th, 2013, 11:48 pm
ann said:
Turkey-Israel Collusion In Syria Strike
Vice Chairman of Turkish Labor Party, Bulent Esinoglu, stressed on Monday that the government of the Justice and Development Party (JDP) in Turkey has cooperated with Israel in its aggression on a scientific center in Jamraya in Damascus Countryside, pointing out that Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu, turned a blind eye to what happened and worked to mislead the public opinion*.
In an article published on Ulusal Bakis website, Esinoglu pointed out that the visits of US and German senators to Turkish President, Abdullah Gul, before the Israeli aggression on Syria and then heading to Israel indicates that the Turkish Government was aware of the aggression in advance.
Meanwhile, Turkish writer, Ilker Bilek, said that Turkey and Israel are key players on which the US depends in the region.
He added that Israel entered the Syrian equation through its aggression on the scientific research in Damascus Countryside with acknowledge of the US and JDP government, pointing out that this aggression is evident of the intention of the imperialist countries to get instant results from the aggression.
February 5th, 2013, 11:53 pm
Juergen said:
Lateley Ahmedinejad is wishing a lot.
February 5th, 2013, 11:59 pm
ann said:
Ridiculing our ottoman paper tiger 😀
U.S. Complains to Turkey Over Comments Against Israel – 2/6/2013
“We cannot regard a violation of air space as acceptable. What Israel does is completely against international law… it is beyond condemnation,” [paper tiger] Erdogan said
Both [NATOs MAMA BOYS] Erodgan and Davutoglu ignored the fact that just several months ago, the Turkish army attacked several targets in Syria after a mortar shell fired from Syria exploded on Turkish territory and killed five people
The Turkish parliament later authorized cross-border military action into Syria, if deemed necessary by the government
The United States has filed a complaint with Turkey over its leaders’ attacks on Israel after last week’s alleged Israeli airstrike in Syria.
Speaking to reporters on Tuesday, State Department Spokeswoman Victoria Nuland said that the “inflammatory comments” by Turkey’s Prime Minister and Foreign Minister were “very troubling” to the U.S.
“We have in the last 24 hours conveyed our concerns on this matter with senior Turkish officials. Our view here is that all of us need to keep our eye on the ball, which is to get the violence to stop, to get Assad to step down, and to turn the page towards a democratic Syria,” said Nuland.
On Saturday, Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu criticized the Syrian government for failing to respond to the alleged Israel airstrike, suggesting that the Syrian stance raises suspicions that there is a secret deal between the two countries.
“Why has the Syrian army, which has been attacking its own people with warplanes and tanks for 22 months, not responded to this Israeli operation?” Davutoglu asked.
“Why doesn’t [Bashar al-Assad] throw a stone at the Israeli planes while they fly over his palace and insult his nation’s honor? Why doesn’t he do anything against Israel while he drops bombs on the innocent people of his country? Is there a secret agreement between Israel and Assad?” he added.
A day later, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan accused Israel of waging “state terrorism” as he condemned the alleged air strike as an unacceptable violation of international law.
“Those who have been treating Israel like a spoilt child should expect anything from them, at any time,” Erdogan said.
“As I say time and again, Israel has a mentality of waging state terrorism. Right now, there is no telling what it might do and where it might do it,” he told reporters.
“We cannot regard a violation of air space as acceptable. What Israel does is completely against international law… it is beyond condemnation,” Erdogan said.
Both Erodgan and Davutoglu ignored the fact that just several months ago, the Turkish army attacked several targets in Syria after a mortar shell fired from Syria exploded on Turkish territory and killed five people.
The Turkish parliament later authorized cross-border military action into Syria, if deemed necessary by the government.
On Monday, a member of the Turkish Labor Party turned the tables on Erodgan and Davutoglu, claiming that Israel and Turkey collaborated with one another to allow Israel to carry out the attack on Syrian territory.
Last Wednesday’s air strike, allegedly carried out by Israel, targeted surface-to-air missiles and an adjacent military complex believed to house chemical agents, according to a U.S. official, who spoke on condition of anonymity.
February 6th, 2013, 12:00 am
ghufran said:
At the end, most arabs with or without throwing shoes at A.Nijad are losers and most of their goverments are more corrupt and less independent than other muslim nations,including Iran.
Egypt under Morsi has no choice but to keep the GCC happy, Morsi needs their money, he and his cronies have no choice but to kiss up to the GCC despite the fact that most egyptians think of rich saudis and qataris as bedouins with money.
Najad deserves most of the criticism he received and the regime he represents is now widely hated in the arab world,however, looking at the big picture, Turkey and Iran,among other muslim nations, are moving ahead and staying in one piece while most arab nations are failed states that are either impoverished, dependent of foreign support, fractured or a combination of the three.
if humiliating Najad helps some of you forget how pathetic the arab world has become, then enjoy the youtube videos and play it every time you need “love”, for me, i gave up on the hope of seeing arab nations move to the 21st century any time soon.
February 6th, 2013, 12:11 am
ann said:
Israel’s Perpetual Terrorism
Israel has done it again. Last Wednesday January 30th Israeli war planes violated Lebanese air space for then ninth time in their way to bomb Syrian military research center. The US and the UN had also done it again. The US supported this Israeli raid as Israel’s alleged “right to protect itself”, while the UN denied Israel’s aggression claiming it could not verify it due to “bad weather conditions.”
While Israel kept silent about the raid with some of its officials hinting that Israel could have done it and has the right to do it allegedly in self defense, pro-Zionist media sources claimed that Israeli war planes targeted trucks transporting weapons to Lebanese Hezbollah on the Syrian/Lebanese border. Media outlets, including Qatari Al Jazeera, reported Israel’s fears of Hezbollah getting its hands on Syrian chemical weapons and Russian-made SA-17 anti-aircraft missiles, as reported by an Israeli security officials’ chief, who spoke on condition of anonymity since he was not authorized to speak to the media.
Israel’s unfounded claimed fear of having Syrian chemical weapons in the hands of Hezbollah is a total nonsense and smoke screen in the face. If Syria wanted to transport such weapons to Hezbollah it wouldn’t do it in conspicuous convoys crossing the border. Hezbollah had demonstrated its capability to defeat and deter Israeli aggression using conventional weapons during summer of 2006 and does not need any chemical weapons. Such claims are used as a justification for aggressive interventions on the Syrian borders to relieve pressure on the anti-Syrian terrorist groups.
Syrian officials reported that Israeli war planes had violated Syrian air space and bombed the Jamraya research center in the suburbs of Damascus, far from the Lebanese borders. This research center has been the target of attacks by the American/Israeli-Turkey/Qatari supported anti-Syrian terrorists and militias; the so-called Free Syrian Army, al-Qaeda and Annusra Front. For the last seven months these mercenary terrorists were directed to attack Syria’s air defense systems and military bases in order to incapacitate Syria’s military defense capabilities. They had managed to attack one S-200 base and four surface-to-air missile bases. They have also succeeded in assassinating military scientific project managers such as Colonel Dawoud Rajiha, who was managing Syria’s long-range missile project. Yet their many attempts to attack and inflict any damage onto the Jamraya research center had failed since it was heavily protected. This job was left, then, to the Israeli air forces. The Israeli air raid shows very clearly the degree of Israel’s involvement with the anti-Syrian terrorist groups.
No official statement, Syrian or otherwise, had stated exactly what the Israeli planes had targeted. Yet some reports claim that the strike was intended to destroy Syria’s development of advance airspace defensive technology based on nuclear plasma technology developed by Iranian born nuclear engineer Mehran Keshe, known as “Tesla of physics”. It is reported that Iran gave this technology to Syria. This is the same technology Iran used to “pull” down the American spying drones in perfect conditions.
The Syrian Foreign Ministry filed a complaint letter with the United Nations Security Council urging the Council to issue a “clear condemnation of the flagrant Israeli attack on the territories of a sovereign state and the Israeli violation of the UN Charter, the international law, the Disengagement of Forces Agreement in 1974 and the relevant UNSC resolutions.”
The Israeli air raid was also condemned by the Russian government calling it “unprovoked attacks on targets on the territory of a sovereign country, which blatantly violates the UN Charter and is unacceptable, no matter the motives to justify it.” Iran, Syria’s closest regional ally, warned that the “Zionist regime’s attack on the outskirts of Damascus will have grave consequences for Tel Aviv.” Iran has a cooperative defense pact with Syria, and had previously warned that any attack on Syria would be considered an act of aggression against its own country.
The Lebanese President, Michel Suleiman, denounced the Israeli raid as flagrant aggression and accused Israel of “… exploiting the development in Syria to carry out its aggressive policies, indifferent to all the humanitarian and international treaties.”
Egyptian Foreign Minister, Mohamed Kamel Amr, denounced the Israeli attack saying “Such an assault on Arab land is entirely rejected and represents a flagrant violation of the United Nations Charter and international law.” He, also, called on the international community to hold Israel accountable for its attacks on Arab countries, describing the raid as a danger to regional security and to Middle Eastern sovereignty.
When it comes to Israel’s violations of international laws and humanitarian laws, the responses of the American-controlled United Nation are very disappointing and do not hold the international laws. Claiming “unclear weather conditions” the UN stated that it could not confirm the Israeli raid. The only thing Ban Ki-Moon, the Secretary-General of the UN, could offer was his concern over the raid. The deafening silence of the UNSC about the Israeli violations of the sovereignty of its neighboring countries had encouraged Israel to continue its terrorist attacks. The UN always apply double standards when it comes to Israel; the UN either overlooks Israeli terror attacks or considers them self-defense, while Palestinian and Lebanese opposition to Israeli occupation and terrorism is considered terrorist acts. In the case of Syria the UN overlooks the anti-Syrian terrorist supporting states of US, UK, France, Israel, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar. These terrorist have been involved in grave human right violations and war crimes, the latest was the cold blooded execution of 80 young men in Halab.
February 6th, 2013, 12:15 am
Mjabali said:
Visitor the thumbs Up and down clown:
Hahaha the site was visited by three people who gave you six thumbs up foe you lunatic rant about Shia.
You do not even trust your own ideas mr clown .
February 6th, 2013, 12:27 am
Mjabali said:
Hold on Ghufran you want to tell us that the sword wielding visitor the thumbs up down clown does not belong to the 21st C.?
?? ?? ??? ?? ????
February 6th, 2013, 12:31 am
Juergen said:
February 6th, 2013, 12:41 am
ann said:
Saudi preacher who raped, murdered daughter freed – 02.04.13
Fayhan al-Ghamdi spent only few months in jail despite admitting to using cane, cables to torture his five-year-old daughter whose virginity he questioned
Lama al-Ghamdi. Spent 10 months in hospital before succumbing to her wounds,7340,L-4340959,00.html
A Saudi preacher who tortured his five-year-old daughter to death has been released after agreeing to pay ‘blood money’, The Daily Mail reported.
Lama al-Ghamdi died in October having suffered multiple injuries including a crushed skull, broken ribs and left arm, extensive bruising and burns, according to the report.
She had also been repeatedly raped and then burned.
Her father Fayhan al-Ghamdi, a prominent Islamist preacher who regularly appears on television in Saudi Arabia, served only a few months in jail despite admitting to having used a cane and cables to inflict the injuries.
According to the report, the judge ruled the few months al-Ghamdi spent in prison since his arrest in November was sufficient punishment.
Activists say under Islamic laws a father cannot be executed for murdering his children. Husbands also cannot be executed for murdering their wives.
February 6th, 2013, 12:45 am
ann said:
News Analysis: Syrian opposition’s sudden desire for talks mirrors change in superpowers’ stance – 2013-02-06
Esam Khalil, a Syrian parliamentarian, hoped that the opposition’s new approach toward dialogue would be based on a realistic vision and not only a reaction to the state of depression after the failure of the armed rebellion inside Syria.
He said that the government in Syria can’t “seriously consider” al-Khatib’s calls “unless they express an overt and clear stances, ” namely “rejecting foreign intervention in Syria, denouncing terrorism, hatred and sectarian speech as well as preserving the unity and sovereignty of Syria.”
February 6th, 2013, 1:09 am
MarigoldRan said:
And the war continues.
The regime held power through fear. Without fear, the regime is empty and WEAK.
The only thing keeping it alive is air-power. But that will not last forever. With each passing month, it grows weaker.
February 6th, 2013, 2:02 am
ann said:
Syrian bloc, lawmaker reject conditions for peace talks – February 06, 2013
DAMASCUS — A proposal by a Syrian opposition leader for peace talks suffered two sharp blows Tuesday, with a ruling party lawmaker and the largest bloc inside the anti regime coalition rejecting the idea.
In Damascus, prominent Syrian Parliamentarian Fayez Sayegh said that any dialogue must begin without preconditions. He also called Khatib’s number of opposition supporters in Syrian custody ‘‘exaggerated,’’ although he did not give an alternate number.
‘‘What is important is for Syrians to meet and agree on common ground for talks,’’ Sayegh said, adding that Khatib’s proposals, such as the prisoner release, should come ‘‘as a result of a dialogue, not before it begins.’’
February 6th, 2013, 2:11 am
ann said:
In US, concern for Syrian civilians, but not Iraqi civilians – February 06, 2013
Rescuing Syrian civilians is again a hot topic of discussion among foreign policy elites. In fact, for the nearly two years of the Syrian uprising, the West’s concern over Syria has been largely driven by the human toll, specifically the death toll of non-combatants. And well it should: The numbers of civilians killed in Syria is appalling. A recent, credible estimate puts the death toll at 60,000 in the last two years, and even that is likely an undercount. This tragedy prompts news coverage, along with calls for US military intervention and a war crimes trial for Syrian President Bashar Assad.
The contrast to another war is striking. The US war in neighboring Iraq prompted a civil war that took the lives of civilians by the hundreds of thousands, but Americans’ concern for these besieged civilians was noticeably less generous than it is for the Syrians. There were no charities for the million orphaned children of Iraq. Even the death toll was hotly disputed or largely ignored, as if acknowledging the scale of mortality or probing its causes and consequences would itself be a moral failing.
During 2012, according to my research, the major news media documented and discussed the calamity for ordinary Syrians and rebels alike at a rate that was at least four times more frequent compared with coverage of civilian casualties in the Iraq war in 2006, the most violent year. A similar level of focus was the case for the brief war in Gaza last autumn, and the longer, bloodier assault in early 2009. During Lebanon’s summer war of 2006, when Israeli bombers answered Hezbollah’s rockets with 34 days of pounding Shi’ite neighborhoods in Beirut (among other targets), the news coverage was extensive, largely focusing on the damage to civilians. That month of mayhem produced more than 1,000 fatalities in Lebanon — which in that same bloody summer in Iraq would have equaled the death toll for perhaps two or three days. Yet the amount of coverage of these two wars, and the nature of discussion, was profoundly different.
Why this imbalance in attention? The Iraq war trained spotlights on the politics of war-making, the intelligence failure, the desultory results of US actions, and the growing intensity of sectarian and ethnic strife. Political and opinion elites honored the sacrifices of the US armed forces, but the attention to the toll on Iraqi civilians — not just mortality, but displacement and immiseration — was scant. The consequences for the people we were there to liberate were at best an afterthought. They still are. Very little attention is paid now to Iraq, even though US forces were withdrawn only 13 months ago. And a similar pattern is discernible with respect to Afghanistan.
The difference in our apparent concern for war victims stems from a simple calculus: The United States is only tangentially involved in the Syria conflict. It has lots of fingerprints on but no direct role in Israel’s shootouts with its neighbors. In Iraq, the United States was the instigator, prosecutor, and occupier. The same is only slightly less true in Afghanistan, where we began in hot pursuit of Osama bin Laden and soon transformed into would-be nation-builders and occupiers.
February 6th, 2013, 2:34 am
Juergen said:
Ann, Ann
if you would only spread your humanitarian crusade also on Syria… Guess how many innocent babies were killed by Assad forces, how many babys were born in Assad dungeons, how many families were imprisoned because of a suspected crime of one relative. But of course in regard of your beloved leader all this is filthy propaganda right?
February 6th, 2013, 2:39 am
ann said:
NAM strongly condemns Israel”s aggression against Syria, urges UNSC to do the same – 06/02/2013
UNITED NATIONS, Feb 6 (KUNA) — In an attempt to put pressure on an unmoved Security Council, the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM), late Tuesday condemned “in the strongest possible terms” Israel’s “act of aggression” against Syria last week, and urged the Council to “clearly” condemn it, too.
The Bureau said the members considered the week-old attack as a “grave violation of international law as it infringes over the Syrian sovereignty and constitutes a blatant violation of the purposes and principles of the UN Charter and the 1974 Disengagement Forces Agreement.”
Expressing solidarity with Syria and holding Israel accountable for this attack and its “consequences,” the Bureau requested the Council to “shoulder its responsibility by clearly condemning this act of aggression.”
Syrian Ambassador to the UN Bashar Ja’afari sent a letter to last month’s Council President, Pakistan, requesting that the Council condemn the attack.
The Council’s current President Kim Sook of the Republic of Korea told a press conference on Monday that the Council failed to take action so far for lack of consensus.
“We received that (Syrian letter) and there was no further action on that so far”.
February 6th, 2013, 2:47 am
Citizen said:
February 4 soldiers Syrian army and militias was released factory near the town of Sheikh Said in the province of Aleppo. During the operation of the militants destroyed part of the captured.
This humanitarian aid from the West, “the unfortunate people of Syria.” Really these are the books, medicines, foods, it needs so much the Syrian people? Or the arguments of Western democracy and the Islamists in discussions with the Syrian government?
And this is a province of Homs. Here, near the village of Ali-Hmam while trying to break into Syria across the Syrian-Lebanese border guards killed a group of militants.
According to some information today about 30,000 mercenaries from different countries are fighting against government forces in Syria. This international aid hapless enemies of the Islamic world of the Assad regime or outright intervention against a sovereign state?
February 6th, 2013, 3:15 am
MarigoldRan said:
The regime’s strategy is counter-productive.
Every refugee family means another potential recruit or two for the FSA.
With each passing month, FSA ranks GROW. Haven’t you noticed this too, Citizen? It appears there are MORE FSA with each passing month.
Every village shelled, every family forced to become refugees is another source of manpower for the FSA. And their cries draw others from other countries to help them.
Every time the regime lashes out in violence, it produces MORE enemies.
February 6th, 2013, 3:16 am
Citizen said:
Syria and the war for gas
February 6th, 2013, 3:32 am
Badr said:
AIG complains about “tu quoque” arguments.
Actually he made a tu quoque argument by writing:
The Syrian media NEVER report anything against the regime. So why are you complaining about the Western media, you whining hypocrite.”
February 6th, 2013, 4:15 am
annie said:
Highlights from the trip organized by SAC, where a group of young activists visited parts of liberated Syria in December 2012 to deliver aid and form relationships with civilian activists on the ground.
February 6th, 2013, 4:33 am
Syrialover said:
Good news.
Somebody outside seems to be now sending a supply of foreign weaponry to moderate FSA units.
Their boosted firepower has been noticed since mid-January in several regions.
The article linked below gives details of the FSA’s new type of weaponry and where it’s having an effect on the fighting.
Article: “Syria Analysis: Someone is Arming the Insurgents…and It’s Working”
“While foreign weapons have been seen in Syria, we have not encountered them on this scale.
“All this suggests a new, organised, and well-funded effort is under way to ensure that “moderate” fighters are capturing territory and weakening the Assad regime.
“It is too early to tell whether there are enough weapons to make a long-term impact. None of them be used as an effective counter to Assad’s primary threat, his fighter jets. However, if this is an experiment to see a surge in armament makes a difference, the answer is clear.”
February 6th, 2013, 5:03 am
Syrialover said:
ANNIE, #370 thanks for posting that that video report by young members of the Syrian-Awerican council. They did an excellent job of conveying the misery and lack of aid flowing into the refgfugee camops and destroyed villages.
It was also good to see at the end of the film the example of how local communities are organizing themselves around committees and solving their problems together.
It’s a heady experience, Syrians showing how well they can run things locally, free of the security services and local officials.
February 6th, 2013, 6:07 am
annie said:
Former ambassador to Syria on Assad’s ‘delusion’ of power
February 6th, 2013, 6:15 am
Citizen said:
Opposition/govt dialogue to help Syrian settlement – Gatilov
ROME, February 6 (Itar-Tass) – The settlement of the Syrian conflict will get off the ground if the opposition agrees to hold a dialogue with the government, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Gennady Gatilov told journalists.
“The task is to try to find a political solution to the Syrian crisis and convince both parties to start talks, and to search for ways to solve problems and finally determine the country’s future. If Syrian opposition leader al-Khatib begins understanding that the conflict can be only settled through a dialogue with the government, the matter will get off the ground,” the deputy foreign minister stressed.
According to Gatilov, one of the reasons for being no progress in the Syria settlement is that “our Western partners do not exert any effort to work with the opposition”. “We work with the opposition and the government. Such approach is recorded in the Geneva communique. We do not back [Bashar] al-Assad and we favour the fair political settlement,” Gatilov emphasised.
Russia hopes that due to the changes the U.S. Administration “will stop becoming obsessed with al-Assad’s personality and not make his resignation as a condition for any contacts”.
The deputy foreign minister said the Syrian government contributed to releasing abducted hostages in Syria. There were two Russian citizens and one Italian among hostages.
February 6th, 2013, 6:51 am
Citizen said:
U.S. allowed placement of equipment to support the GLONASS system in a number of U.S. states.
February 6th, 2013, 7:20 am
majedkhaldoun said:
???? ??????? ?????? ??????? ?? ??????? ???????? ????? ???????? ????? ?? ???? ?????? ?????? ????? ????
?????? ????
All schools in Damascus are closed, because of intensity of shooting
???????? ???????? ?????????? ???? ?????? ??????????? ??????? ..
February 6th, 2013, 8:17 am
Visitor said:
The humiliation of Ahmedinejjad in Egypt,
Rafidis like Ghufran (the brayer by nature) and Zabali (the barker by birth) would do anything to improve their miserable scores here on this board, and now they have to worry even more about their master rafidi who is now rejected (?????) as he should in Egypt and beyond.
February 6th, 2013, 8:55 am
AIG said:
It would have been tu quoque if my aim was to refute the silly argument about the Western press standards. But my aim was simply to show that Zoo uses dishonest argumentation because he himself does not believe in the premise of his argument.
I did not argue that since Zoo is a dishonest hypocrite, the Western press is perfect or right. I simply argued that Zoo is a dishonest hypocrite. The former is tu quoque the latter isn’t.
February 6th, 2013, 9:26 am
Visitor said:
Ghuran while braying said @354,
“if humiliating Najad helps some of you forget how pathetic the arab world has become, then enjoy the youtube videos and play it every time you need “love”, for me, i gave up on the hope of seeing arab nations move to the 21st century any time soon.”
But you’re not Arab. You’re rafidi. So why should you even care to begin with about what the Arabs do?
But, one of the rules of dissimulation of rafidis is to infiltrate the enemy and act as if you’re one of them, for the purpose of subversion!!!
We know your tricks mummer, pantaloon, droll, farceur, funnyman.
Is that what you’re doing here, mr. rafidi jester buffoon?
Do you expect thumbs up from us? You must be jesting!!!
February 6th, 2013, 9:59 am
norman said:
Deeds speak louder than words and from what we see in Syria, i have no trust in what they say and the way they will treat other religions and beliefs
February 6th, 2013, 10:26 am
Citizen said:
380- have no trust
in comment 298-
At a time of mounting media fabrications –when “objective truths are fading” and “lies are passing into history”– this analysis reveals the diabolical modus operandi of US-NATO terrorism and how covert intelligence ops are applied to trigger conditions which are conducive to the collapse of nation states. One of these “conditions” is the outright killing of innocent civilians as part of a cover operation and then blaming president Bashar Al Assad of having committed atrocities against his own people.
February 6th, 2013, 10:52 am
Citizen said:
February 6th, 2013, 11:01 am
Badr said:
Fair enough. So here is one Western media source which refutes the outlandish claim by “Zoo” that “the media never report human casualties . . . not a single civilian reported killed!”
February 6th, 2013, 11:19 am
Visitor said:
Another key figure in KSA expresses his concerns about the Syrian people,
The prince also correctly defines what terrorism is. He accurately points out that certain groups and states label good Muslims as terrorists because they hate Islam (see Landis above in the main post).
As I pointed out not long ago, our Saudi brothers will soon step up their support, particularly military, to the Syrian revolution, due to, as the prince said, the failure of the biased UNSC in finding a solution.
Hopefully, by this summer, thuggocracy in Syria will become history, and the FSA will prevail with thew help of our brothers in faith.
February 6th, 2013, 11:58 am
majedkhaldoun said:
No one for sure knows who will control Syria. I doubt the extremists will control Syria, Syria will need financial aids, who will provide such aids, UN have very little money, Arab League is bankrupt,the Gulf states and Turkey will help, so they will have their say in Syria in the future.
I said it before Syria in the future must unite with another country in a federated way, they have to get rid of the army,and its expenses,(at one time 53% of Syrian budget was assigned to the army).
Now the US must think about its interest. if Bashar satys he will be dependent on Iran, and Iran will be the neighbour of Israel, if Bashar lose,the new goverment will be very weak for ten to fivteen year, it is true Bashar provided security for Israel, but extremely weak Syria, economically,socially and politically, will keep Israel safe,Further HA danger will be very much non-existant.
If Syria to become a satelite for KSA or Qatar, you might ,as well, forget about The Hashemi kingdom,who is located in between,Syria will be a great prize for both KSA and or Qatar, whoever control Syria, can control Jordan, and can control Iraq. Syria importance is its strategic location.
Syria is a jewel, whoever own it will win the region.KSA and or Qatar need to do evrything to get rid of Assad to own this jewel.
February 6th, 2013, 12:52 pm
Syrialover said:
# 384. VISITOR
You say the Saudis will be stepping up their military support to the FSA.
Maybe THEY are the ones who are now sending a flow of weapons to moderate FSA units (specifically not al-Nusra), so these units will be the ones to capture territory, not the extremists.
I highlighted this new, well-organized and well-funded effort in #371.
VISITOR, If it turns out to be the Saudis who are trying to tip the scales in favor of the moderates against al-Nusra will you still love them?
February 6th, 2013, 1:16 pm
mjabali said:
Visitor the thumbs up clown:
hahhaa caught you again giving yourself many thumbs up.
By the way, there is a big battle going on in Damascus while you are busy with your monkey business.
February 6th, 2013, 1:18 pm
Visitor said:
I agree with MajedK @385. Syria and Jordan must become a federation, may be Iraq too after the safawis are kicked out.
Here’s the true sentiment of Syrians right in the middle of Damascus which should refute all the propganda of Assadists on this board, who continue to lie and tell us that Syrians ‘love’ thugs and thuggocracy. Well obviously they don’t and no one should for that matter. Come on Assadist fools, how long you think you can fool everyone? You’re only fooling yourselves. You guys know who you are, right? (Ghoofy, Zbale, Zooey ewey, Ann/Spam, Citizen, revolving revy with a chevy,…)
February 6th, 2013, 1:20 pm
mjabali said:
Visitor the thumbs up ????
Again you give yourself many thumbs up. I catch you again.
While you are busy giving yourself thumbs up and quoting al-Arabiyah, there is a big battle going on in Damascus. ?? ?????
February 6th, 2013, 1:21 pm
mjabali said:
I have been reading your comment praising the lunatic jihadi with a sword and wondering who are these freaks who gave you thumbs up.
Going to visit that comment of yours again. It is a CLASSIC.
February 6th, 2013, 1:25 pm
Visitor said:
Syrialover @387,
You do not understand zilch when it comes to strategy and fighting wars. You’re best when you keep your mouth shut or perhaps just show us some of those Kafranbel photos.
Leave strategy for those who understand it. Do not act like a ‘parasite’ in an area you obviously cannot fathom!!
February 6th, 2013, 1:28 pm
mjabali said:
In the grand scheme of yours that want to unite the Sunnis in Syria, Iraq, and Jordan: what are your plans for the minorities?
February 6th, 2013, 1:32 pm
zoo said:
#387 Majed
“KSA and or Qatar need to do evrything to get rid of Assad to own this jewel”
I spit on your face twice: No one will ever OWN Syria least these two moronic and sick countries!
February 6th, 2013, 1:35 pm
zoo said:
#391 Mjabali
Is this guy real?
I envy the opposition to have him in their rank.
February 6th, 2013, 1:41 pm
Syrialover said:
Regime stooge and liar, his pants blazing on fire.
“Syrian Deputy Foreign Minister Faisal al Mekdad blames the West for the violence and says Assad has satisfied all opposition demands.”
Here’s the transcript of his interview with Der Speigel. Good tough questions that receive answers from Mekdad showcasing the regime’s delusions and lies.
Al-Mekdad also provides a few laughs.
Here’s his response to a question about the initial demonstrations:
“It is striking that the president has responded to the demands of the demonstrators. There’s a new constitution, the supremacy of the Baath Party has been ended, parties may be established, elections for a new parliament were carried out, new laws concerning demonstrations were passed.
“All that is completely ignored, none of it recognized abroad. On the contrary, it was after Assad changed the laws that the escalation really began. What more do these so-called revolutionaries actually want?”
February 6th, 2013, 1:43 pm
mjabali said:
I think that they have a bunch of guys like him.
See; on this board alone: I think the ones who may own swords are:
Majedkhaldoun, and visitor…who soon would be on horses unifying the Sunni world.
February 6th, 2013, 1:48 pm
zoo said:
Iran offers ‘big credit line’ to nearly bankrupt Egypt.
KSA and Qatar, come on, step in quickly with banknotes!
“The latest bad news for Egypt’s economy, meanwhile, came Tuesday with an announcement that the country’s foreign currency reserves dropped 10 percent in the past month. Even before that, the treasury warned that the reserves were at a “critical” low point.”
Iran’s president on Wednesday offered to help rescue Egypt’s failing economy with a “big credit line,” another possible sign of improving relations between two regional powers after a freeze of more than three decades.
Egypt’s government had no immediate reaction to Ahmadinejad’s offer, made in an interview with the state-run Al-Ahram daily.
February 6th, 2013, 1:54 pm
omen said:
371. Syrialover said: Good news. Somebody outside seems to be now sending a supply of foreign weaponry to moderate FSA units.
very good news, indeed! what a relief. from the link:
a former jordanian general reminds us though it still takes time for rebels to train on new systems.
who is arming them? bosnian muslims? i remember reading about the time when they were fighting their war, the trouble they themselves had in getting arms. US or the UN put up barriers that made it difficult. it must pain them to see rebels going through the same travails.
386. Syrialover said: # 384. VISITOR You say the Saudis will be stepping up their military support to the FSA. Maybe THEY are the ones who are now sending a flow of weapons to moderate FSA units (specifically not al-Nusra), so these units will be the ones to capture territory, not the extremists.
are saudis known the support moderates?
February 6th, 2013, 1:56 pm
zoo said:
#398 Mjabali
Midgets eunuchs on poneys with loud speakers in a circus ring, nothing more
February 6th, 2013, 1:58 pm
Syrialover said:
# 391. VISITOR
Good. I now know one thing more – that you are high on rambo holy warrior fantasies. Like those misfits and escapist extremists who’ve fled Mali back to their home countries now the game is up and reality bites them on the backside.
I have a suspicion that your real world “knowledge of strategy and fighting wars” is actually less than mine.
You mocking the people of Kafranbel exposes how little you are focused on Syria and Syrians – you’re all about the salafist “rule the world” stuff.
It’s good you are only living your dreams from the sofa.
February 6th, 2013, 2:03 pm
Visitor said:
The manipulative liar @394 said,
“I spit on your face twice: No one will ever OWN Syria least these two moronic and sick countries!”
I spit on your face thousand times because you sold your soul and want to sell OUR Syria to the moronic ape-like non-state of Mullah-stan.
Go to Qom-hell-stan you moron….
February 6th, 2013, 2:06 pm
Syrialover said:
OMEN #398
Contrary to popular belief, the Saudi government is also worried about al Qaeda and has made moves to stop the freelance flow of support to the extremists in Syria.
February 6th, 2013, 2:08 pm
Visitor said:
Syrialover @401,
Only fools would imagine a connection between Mali and Syria.
And only fools would understand what I said as mocking Kafrnabel.
I was mocking YOU.
So I have no time for fools.
From now on we go back to the same state when you complained about me not answering your apparently sentimental concerns about Syria.
You will be totally ignored.
February 6th, 2013, 2:10 pm
zoo said:
Women coercion in Islamic society is a coincidence?
I see, so it is purely a coincidence that the societies that coerce most women are Islamic? Who are we fooling?
OIC chief: “The coercion of women that we see in Muslim society is not an Islamic choice but rather a political and a societal choice and we need to be realistic about the length and hardships of the path toward eliminating this coercion,” added the secretary-general, who has overseen the establishment of a centre dedicated to the empowerment of women.
February 6th, 2013, 2:11 pm
zoo said:
To all who are distracting the jihadist midget eunuch on his poney with a sword.
He is very busy giving orders to his midgets to slaughter with the sword as many non-sunni heretics as possible and throw their head at the feet of his masters in Ryad and Doha
Please at least respect his noble occupation..
February 6th, 2013, 2:17 pm
AIG said:
You are quite distressed about islamic discourse. Where were you when it was used for decades with the approval of the Assads against Jews? Your position is that of a hypocritical whiner.
You have no problem with islamists. You only have a problem with islamists fighting you. And that is why you and the regime you support are intellectually bankrupt.
February 6th, 2013, 2:23 pm
Syrialover said:
A dimension of the crisis that is under-reported despite its significance for Syria’s future.
This excellent story brings home what is happening to Syria’s professionals and business operators:
“The Flight of Syria’s Middle Classes”
They once were affluent, took vacations to Greece, purchased art and designer furniture. Now this Syrian family is on the run and forced to rely on charity. Their fate is typical of the exodus of the country’s large middle class.
February 6th, 2013, 2:28 pm
Visitor said:
Again the manipulative liar said @405
“He is very busy giving orders to his midgets to slaughter with the sword as many non-sunni heretics as possible and throw their head at the feet of his masters in Ryad and Doha”</i.
The manipulative liar is mad like a wounded dog, because his lies are exposed and his master rafidi is humiliated in Egypt. Only a week ago the liar was telling the forum that his Mullah-Stan does not care about Morsi. It only cares about Egyptians. The liar now realizes that his mullah-stan has no hope of getiing any form of recipricity when it comes to this apparent caring about Egyptians. It is like what our Prophet (PBUH) told us "the devill will find no refuge in Egypt". The liar is now desperate.
But the liar now is more concerned about getting killed by the sword, implying at the same time it is a form of barbaric killing. The liar obviously is an ignorant also. He doesn't know that sword killing is the most merciful form of killing as far as the victim is concerned. It is the least painful.
February 6th, 2013, 2:33 pm
Syrialover said:
# 403. VISITOR said: “Only fools would imagine a connection between Mali and Syria”
So VISITOR is damning his heroes in al-Nusra who have been criticizing the campaign to rid Mali of the militant extremists.
He’s very confused.
And OK, suppose VISITOR was not mocking the people of Kafranbel but knocking my admiration and support for them – that’s just as bad!
February 6th, 2013, 2:38 pm
Visitor said:
Fools are fools no matter how you try to educate them
I also criticized the Mali invasion by the French and predicted it will be the graveyard for France just like Afghanistan was to the US.
But parasites cannot fathom strategy. And donkeys cannot play pianos, we’re told.
February 6th, 2013, 2:43 pm
revenire said:
This has been a great day for rodent extermination (courtesy of Ziad).
DAMASCUS: As we reported to you, Darayya has been successfully cleared. Do not believe anything Al-Jazeera tells you. And definitely do not believe the BBC, the NYT or WP as they have no one in the country. Monzer is there in Abu-Rummaneh and sends intel to us direct from both SANA and the Syrian security services.
In Darayya, there were some arrests of remant filth with seizure of weapons especially in the areas of “Al-Jam’iyyat”, “Al-Fashoukh Farms” and all of Shreida. Monzer notes that most weapons did not have ammunition in these areas which explains a sudden interest in attacking police stations.
ZABADANI; At the Al-Zahraa Citadel, the SAA layed a successful ambush for crawling rodents and killed the following plague-carrying pests: (All Intel from Monzer):
Suhaib Al-Fajjour
Ma’moun Al-Agha
Muhyi-Al-Din Hussein
Falah Ahmad Tawil
Talal Badi’ Ghorbal
Hussein Malas
Abdallah Samih Al-Dafi’
Lutfallah Kheir Mishkati
At Tall Kurdi in rural Damascus, the SAA and militia caught these cockroaches sleeping on the job and took them all prisoner: (SANA)
Muhammad Al-Qassab
Mu’adh Al-Mudallal
Alaa Al-Shalabi
Ahmad Shaker
Ma’moun Al-Mousa
Akram Ramadan
At Douma Farms, a vermin specimen was sent to that big lab in Hell:
As’ad Al-Rifa’i
Monzer adds that SANA did not give all the names of the dead in that firefight:
Deeb Muhamad Shihabi
Qassem Ali Mahmoud
Yasser Rahal
At Harran Al-Awaameed rural Damascus in the East Ghouta which is still infested with vermin trying to block air transportation at the Damascus Airport, a unit of Jabhat Al-Nusra dung beetles were annihilated to a bug by elements of the Republican Guard and militia. Monzer sends the names of confirmed kills. Total killed in the operation 19:
Ahmad Jalil Al-Jundi
Mansour Ali Al-Qalamouni
Jihad Sa’id Kleib
Ali Abdul-Mu’in Keilani
Hussein Hassan Ashqar
Seif Abdul-Saheb Dallo
The rest are still being identified although some of their bodies were burned and all had no papers on them.
February 6th, 2013, 2:46 pm
omen said:
who here is steeped in syrian history? anybody know if it is accepted narrative that the cia helped install the assad family? or did they lay the groundwork of multiple coups that the assads took advantage of?
February 6th, 2013, 2:49 pm
omen said:
visitor, if your argument is strong enough to speak for itself, you would not need to resort to name calling in an attempt to bolster it.
February 6th, 2013, 2:54 pm
Sami said:
It is to Saudi’s best interests to support more moderate rebels as the kingdom has had its own problems from extremists. This of course only covers the official position o the government, private donors are a whole other ball game.
As for Syrian history involving CIA coups here is a very good read by the beeb from awhile back that should partly answer your question:
February 6th, 2013, 3:13 pm
Sami said:
It is to Saudi’s best interests to support more moderate rebels as the kingdom has had its own problems from extremists. This of course only covers the official position o the government, private donors are a whole other ball game.
As for Syrian history involving CIA coups here is a very good read by the beeb from awhile back that should partly answer your question:
February 6th, 2013, 3:14 pm
Visitor said:
Omen @413,
We have contributors here who only understand this kind of language.
I am doing them a BIG favor.
When you understand that much, then we can talk.
February 6th, 2013, 3:14 pm
zoo said:
The midget jihadist eunuch is really mad now…
His hysteria in thumbing up himself is keeping him very busy.
Don’t disturb him.
February 6th, 2013, 3:15 pm
Syrialover said:
You boast of criticizing French assistance in chasing out the vicious extremists in Mali.
But the Malian PEOPLE sure don’t. Didn’t you see the massive crowds of emotional Malians with the French flag painted on their faces or wearing or waving it, cheering and holding up placards of praise and thanks to the French PM when he visited. Incredible. Their joy and relief was almost beyond description.
But no, you didn’t want people in Mali to be “liberated: you wanted to forcefully impose the hell and decay of foreign salafist rule on them, just like you seem to fantasize for Syria.
It’s symbolic that those areas in Mali freed from the invading Islamic extremists are now able to turn on the lights for the first time in 10 months. The holy warrior idiots couldn’t run the basic infrastructure – lots of weapons, but a collapse in electricity, water and food supplies.
You seem to be on a dream-like power trip of declaring that control by fatasist Islamic extremists is a good thing for other people.
Yet you won’t even commit to living under such a regime yourself, just cheering them on from the sofa and booing anyone who disrupts them.
February 6th, 2013, 3:17 pm
zoo said:
After Hillary, now it is Morsi, who is next? A really bright news idea no one thought of!
Morsi: Syrian rebels must join forces
CAIRO // Syria’s fragmented opposition groups must unify if they are to bring about democracy, Egypt’s president Mohammed Morsi yesterday told a summit of leaders from Islamic states.
Read more:
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February 6th, 2013, 3:19 pm
zoo said:
Are Sunnis feeling so weak and afraid of competing with Shiism that they resort to say shameful things like this? So Al Azhar mufti denies freedom of choice?
In recent months, Egyptian imams have lashed out against the spread of Shiism in increasingly sectarian tones.
Egypt’s leading religious authorities, who espouse Sunni doctrine, have accused Shiites of threatening the unity of Islam.
Ali Gomaa, the Grand Mufti, warned in a sermon at Al Azhar University in October that Shiites should not spread their beliefs in the country.
He warned that “sewing the seeds of Shiism in a non-fertile soil like Egypt will lead to nothing but instability and discord”.
Soon after the meeting at Al Azhar, a bearded man attempted to throw his shoe at Mr Ahmadinejad as he left the Hussein mosque, across the street from Al Rifa’i mosque, where Iran’s former shah is entombed.
Read more:
Follow us: @TheNationalUAE on Twitter | on Facebook
February 6th, 2013, 3:24 pm
revenire said:
Does this army look worried about a few rats?
February 6th, 2013, 3:25 pm
zoo said:
It is a pity ridicule does not kill.
They dubbed the operation “The Battle of Armageddon”. It did not appear to be co-ordinated with rebel groups elsewhere in the city.
Videos posted online showed dozens of rebels collecting in the area with rifles and rocket-propelled grenade launchers as well as rebel attacks on army checkpoints with heavy-calibre machine guns mounted on pick-up trucks. Intense gunfire was heard in the background of another video, while local mosques repeatedly broadcast “God is great” as a battle cry.
Rebels claimed to have seized at least one checkpoint near a prominent mosque on the ring road, but it was unclear where the front lines were tonight. Rebels often abandon areas soon after seizing them, fearing government shelling and air strikes.
The government responded by stopping traffic to the Abbasid roundabout on the neighbourhood’s western side and closing a number of roads nearby. Activists said the army also rained shells on rebel areas east of the city. Online videos showed repeated blasts in the nearby suburb of Arbeen sending up clouds of smoke.
February 6th, 2013, 3:33 pm
Visitor said:
Pathetic liar once again said’
“Are Sunnis feeling so weak and afraid of competing with Shiism that they resort to say shameful things like this? So Al Azhar mufti denies freedom of choice?”
That must be the biggest piece of crap coming out of this pathetic, manipulative liar who is full of treachery.
February 6th, 2013, 3:37 pm
With our best wishes to the respectable Lion God:
February 6th, 2013, 3:38 pm
Syrialover said:
SAMI #414,
Unfortunately I couldn’t open that link on early CIA involvement in Syria, but this is possibly the same source:
But to balance it, here’s some interesting insight into Miles Copeland, the main informant quoted:
February 6th, 2013, 3:43 pm
zoo said:
Wow,uppercase bold now! The jihadist midget eunuch is even more hysterical…
Is he going to explode, maybe he should offer be the next jihadist suicide bomber, they are in high demand these days. A midget suicide bomber, a premiere for Al Nusra.
That would be a good riddance.
February 6th, 2013, 3:46 pm
revenire said:
Visitor can the “thumbs up/thumbs down” and bolded caps messages please. You know ALL-CAPS equals yelling. This is a peaceful forum.
Your rats are taking a solid drubbing today from our boys. The news is all good for the SAA. Iran has sent new weapons that are being used to cleanse the nation.
February 6th, 2013, 3:51 pm
zoo said:
IRAN: There are 10000 Ahle Sunnah Mosques in Iran where Sunni Imams lead the Prayer
The Fasiq Fitna mongers keep on coming with every type of false accusations in order to incite hatred among the Muslim Ummah. While Allah (swt) says to esquire if any Fasiq brings you a news.
There are totally 70000 Mosques in Iran.
While 10000 of them are from Ahle-Sunnah Brothers and Sunni Imams lead their the prayers.
This means, for every 500 Sunnies there is one Mosque while for 1100 Shias there is one mosque.
Iranian Law states, there is no Shia Mosque or Sunni Mosque, but all Mosques are House of Allah. The areas where Sunnies are in majority, there Shias are not allowed to make their separate mosques, but to go and pray behind the Sunni Imam and vice versa. It may be in some areas there is corruption and deviation from this Rule, but where in world things are 100% corruption free? In general Shias have absolutely no Problems in praying behind Sunni Imams in Iran and Vice Versa.
February 6th, 2013, 3:55 pm
Tara said:
My Iranian freind did confirm to me that Sunnis are treated like garbage in Iran, even compared to other religions such as Judaism. They are very much discriminated against.
Time for Iran to examine itself and realize they’ve got no freinds and the will soon harvest what they sow.
And I promise I am not making this up.
February 6th, 2013, 4:02 pm
Visitor said:
Since the heretic revolution of the rafidi safawis took over from the Shah (Allah Yirhamo wla yirham hazindeeq al-Khomeini, son of punjabi muta’a claiming to be sayyid, thus polluting the memory of our beloved Prophet (PBUH), and His house), there is not a single mosque in Tehran, not to mention schools for children,
February 6th, 2013, 4:04 pm
MarigoldRan said:
The war continues. In case anyone hasn’t noticed yet, negotiations aren’t going anywhere.
EDIT: It really depends on your sources, doesn’t it? Neither side accepts the other sides’ point of view. So the war continues.
February 6th, 2013, 4:06 pm
revenire said:
Tara we believe you. You’d never lie about Syria’s allies would you? Of course not.
February 6th, 2013, 4:21 pm
More syrian heroes:
February 6th, 2013, 4:27 pm
Tara said:
I am not a history pundit. I know some Hafiz history when he was in the army before he became a president . No CIA foul play. His ascension to power was a destiny.
Before 1982, he was a good man…
February 6th, 2013, 4:29 pm
Tara said:
How is your wife? Any thing you’d like to share? May be if both of you go to therapy, the picture problem can be solved?
Sorry to be cruel… But you continue to bring it on yourself..
February 6th, 2013, 4:33 pm
revenire said:
Tara it spices up the marriage.
We’re not obsessive about it. She doesn’t go on all day, for years, on a message forum about Batta like some girls we know.
February 6th, 2013, 4:38 pm
Israel, US, Assad, Russia, Iran and Hezballah are our enemies. They are letting the syrian people being massacred in large amounts.
Why did Israel hit a syrian army convoy last week? If I know that from last summer large amounts of long range missiles have been being transfered to Lebanon how couldn´t Israel know it?
They know it and they accept it, and they just act theatre when then say they discovered arms being transfered to Hezballah. This is just another ¨intelligent¨ action to distract news agencies and global opinion.
By hitting Assad army Israel is helping once again the Assad Mafia who is their beloved ally, Assad know it or not.
February 6th, 2013, 4:41 pm
Tara said:
You told us your wife looks at Batta’s picture and you look at Asma’s picture when making out. I find that abhorrent. I recommend you get therapy.
Until you come back and report the progress or retract your abhorrent statement, I will not have a conversation with you.
Your other alternative is to be reincarnated in another moniker and mature…
I am surprised you still do not get it.
February 6th, 2013, 4:49 pm
Syrialover said:
Twitter debate going on out there on whether to retain career foreign service people and Walid Moallam for a role in post-Assad Syria.
Some are saying why not keep them on board, they have no blood on their hands and are competent. (
But my view is out with them, get lost and good riddance with a strong kick in the pants.
1. their job was heavily occupied by spying and reporting on fellow Syrians
2. they were usually corruptly appointed (good example is that coarse nasty woman ambassador thrown out of France last year – her father had previously held the job)
3. they lived well overseas wasting scarce Syrian resources doing dirty work that did not serve the people of Syria but was aimed at benefiting the Assad regime
4. their job was to peddle silly, intelligence-insulting propaganda and build ill-judged alliances that were counterproductive, irrelevant and harmful to Syrians
5. the above 4 points (and many more) mean they are stupid, unethical and unqualified for any role representing Syrians or working in foreign policy areas
February 6th, 2013, 5:05 pm
revenire said:
Tara no one is begging you for discussion here. Your obsession with Assad goes well beyond my playful love-making. Let’s not impose your rigid beliefs on others.
February 6th, 2013, 5:12 pm
annie said:
423. SANDRO LOEWE, cannot resist the RT
February 6th, 2013, 5:21 pm
Syrialover said:
#433. TARA
Please, quickly, tell me you are being sarcastic and joking when you say about Hafez Assad: “Before 1982, he was a good man”
He was always a plotter, killer and hellbent on keeping himself and his people in power. He ran a cruel, corrupt illegitimate tyranny for many years before 1982.
Ask around, or read sources other than Syrian primary school text books.
February 6th, 2013, 5:22 pm
majedkhaldoun said:
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February 6th, 2013, 5:48 pm
Syrian said:
The Syrian man whose shoes dirtied by Najadi’s head
February 6th, 2013, 5:48 pm
revenire said:
What is really funny is Iran offered Egypt a line of credit. I thought Iran was being bled dry? Sanctioned?
Seems to me they’ve very strong and very confident.
February 6th, 2013, 5:53 pm
majedkhaldoun said:
I agree with you, Hafiz was a murderer, Tara was either young or was not born at that time,Hafiz staged his coup after he went to England,and he waited till Gamal Abdulnasser died, soon after 1 1/2 month he staged his coup, and since he came to power many Lebanese were assassinated by his order.
February 6th, 2013, 5:55 pm
Citizen said:
BREAKING: IDF Orders Civilian Aircraft Evacuated from Haifa Airport! Israeli Warplanes over Lebanon. EU Will Consider Adding Hizbullah to Terror List. Syrian Rebels Planning To Open Offices In New York, Washington!!
???? ? ???? ? ????? ? ????
February 6th, 2013, 6:02 pm
Citizen said:
Britamgate: Staging False Flag Attacks in Syria
On January 22 a telling leak cropped up in the Internet. British defense contractor’s BRITAM server was hacked and megabytes of classified internal files of the firm were released to the public. Now the case is acquiring a Britamgate scale due to the publication on Prison Planet. What is the story behind the leakage? Why this scandal is likely to turn around the situation in Syria?
February 6th, 2013, 6:03 pm
Citizen said:
DRIVE TO WAR: Obama Wants Europe to Brand Hezbollah a ‘Terrorist Group’
Unable to get an excuse for direct military intervention in Syria, Washington has revived its campaign to brand Hezbollah in Lebanon as an ‘international terrorist organization’, a plan allowing both Europe, the US and Israel enter the theater militarily, under another vague UN or NATO mandate similar to the fast-tracked waiver used for Libya. This would widen the crisis in Syria into a region war and would almost certainly drag in Iran – providing an entree to WWIII. It’s interesting to note that just a few minutes after the terrorist attack in Burgus last summer, Israeli officials announced that Iran was behind it. However, initial reports showed that the prime suspect at the time, a young Caucasian, had a fake Michigan driver’s license – but this has since been buried by mainstream media. According to Israeli Haaretz at the time, a top Bulgarian official warned it would be a “mistake” to blame a specific country or organization for the attack.
February 6th, 2013, 6:07 pm
Citizen said:
“attackers had genuine passports from Australia and Canada.”
The assassination of Mahmoud Al-Mabhouh, 19 January 2010 While the names and signatures on the Passports were fake, the numbers on the passports were genuine, and belong to Irish citizens. The MOSSAD was behind that assassination and they have frequently used genuine passports in the past.
February 6th, 2013, 6:10 pm
Tara said:
Syrialover and Majed,
Yes. I retract. Objectively, judging his accomplishments (or the lack of it) as a president, I fully agree with you.
I was rather judging his intentions with the eyes of Hafiz’ jail cell mate in Egypt at Nasser’s time before his ascension to power. Perhaps affected by family stories.. The two men are now dead. Both did not live up to their youth dreams. Both got blinded by power. Hafiz with many massacres on his hands and the other, perhaps with many massacres too.
And yes, it is rather naive for me to say he was a good man based on his youth intentions. After all mass murderers do not usually have dreams to be killers..
February 6th, 2013, 6:19 pm
zoo said:
#444 Reve
Iran is one of the three largest investors in Turkey. They are far from bankrupt: 71 millions $ invested in Turkey in 2012. It has immense unexploited resources, it is a powerhouse in the making.
I am not surprised KSA and Qatar are worried?
Among foreign investors in Istanbul, Iranians posted an impressive growth of 30 percent in the number of investors, as well as an increase of around 8 percent in capital inflow.
Figures show that 1,335 Iranian investors established businesses in Istanbul, approximately 125 million liras (71 million dollars) of investment in 2012.
According to ITO, Istanbul’s top two investors in 2012 are from Lebanon and Luxemburg, with 534 million liras (303 million dollars) and 235 billion liras (134 million dollars), respectively; followed by Iran and Germany, with 125 million liras (71 million dollars) and 65 million liras (40 million dollars) respectively.
The sector in Istanbul that attracted the most foreign investment in 2012 was the banking and insurance sector.
February 6th, 2013, 6:21 pm
Dolly Buster said:
Iran is a failed economy with rampant inflation. They produce almost nothing at all, importing even gasoline. Because Shia baboons can’t build a refinery.
February 6th, 2013, 6:25 pm
Visitor said:
SYRIAN @443,
This is for you,
???? ??? ?????? ??????? ???????
???? ??????? ??? ???? ??????
February 6th, 2013, 6:26 pm
Citizen said:
??? ?? ????? ???? ?????? ???????? ??????? ????????
February 6th, 2013, 6:28 pm
zoo said:
After the killing of 2 Lebanese soldiers by “friends of Syria” Lebanon is showing no mercy anymore for the FSA and their terrorist allies
February 6, 2013
Lebanon court orders extradition of Syrian deserter
A military court in Lebanon has ordered the extradition of a Syrian officer-turned-rebel who entered the country illegally back to his own embattled country, a judicial source told AFP on Wednesday.
The defector risks the death penalty for treason if he is actually handed over to the regime of President Bashar al-Assad, Lebanese human rights organizations warned.
A military court sentenced Lieutenant Mohammed Hassan Tlass to two months in prison which he has already served, a fine of 100,000 Lebanese pounds ($67) and his extradition, a judicial source told AFP on condition of anonymity.
February 6th, 2013, 6:36 pm
zoo said:
Analysis: Iran economy could limp along under sanctions
Iran’s government is financially strong, however; general government gross debt is just 9 percent of GDP, compared to levels approaching 100 percent or more for many EU countries.
Iran’s low debt means it could easily finance much sharper deterioration in the budget balance through selling domestic bonds or other measures, said Raza Agha, Middle East and North Africa economist at British bank RBS.
“The public finance impact seems manageable in the immediate future given the bulwark of public sector deposits and other domestic financing options available to the government.”
February 6th, 2013, 6:42 pm
MarigoldRan said:
$71 million is NOTHING in international commerce. Also note that the $71 million figure means that Iranian investors are investing in TURKEY as opposed to IRAN. What this means is that they believe investing in TURKEY will provide a higher rate of return than investing in Iran.
In other words, if Iranians are investing in Turkey, it means they believe in Turkey’s economy more than Iran’s economy.
Also, the Iranian line of credit is an empty bluff. Anyone can promise anything. For example, I can promise Egypt a $10 billion line of credit too.
Finally, debt is not necessarily a bad thing. Debt means people are willing to invest in your country and are willing to buy your bonds. Iranian debt is low because no one wants to lend to or invest in Iran.
February 6th, 2013, 6:45 pm
Syrian said:
Exactly, that is where I got lt from, I wrote it in English so Revenire can get it
February 6th, 2013, 6:48 pm
zoo said:
Hysterical fatwas from demented Egyptian clerics met by a suspicious silence from Morsi the Magnificent
CAIRO (AP) — Egypt’s most prominent opposition leader criticized the Islamist government on Wednesday for its silence over a Muslim cleric’s edict calling for the death of opposition supporters.
Mohamed ElBaradei was responding to well-known ultraconservative cleric Mahmoud Shaaban, who said in a TV show last week that the opposition should be punished by death for seeking to bring down a leader who has been elected by the public.
The fatwa, or religious edict, followed another one by hard-line cleric Magdi Ghoneim who said: “I publicly incite to kill the thugs, criminals, thieves, and those who burn the country and kill the innocents.”
ElBaradei lamented the edicts in a message posted on his Twitter account
“Regime silent as another fatwa gives license to kill opposition in the name of Islam,” he said, adding: “Religion yet again used and abused.”
February 6th, 2013, 6:50 pm
MarigoldRan said:
Egypt, Libya, and Turkey can access Western, Qatari, and Saudi sources of money. Which, by the way, runs in the hundreds of billions of dollars, up to trillions.
In other words, if those countries run into economic trouble, they have partners who can bail them out financially.
Iran does NOT have that option. They pretty much have to rely on themselves.
A very small trickle of that Western, Saudi, and Qatari money is being used to re-supply the FSA. In contrast to Iran, who is spending a substantial portion of its GDP propping up the regime.
This would not be a big deal for Iran if the war lasted only 6 months. But the thing is that the war has lasted for over a year, with no sign of ending. If the war continues, year after year after year, how much is Iran willing to spend to keep the regime alive?
Let’s say the regime requires $1 billion/month to sustain itself. Over a year, that comes to $12 billion dollars. In 5 years, that is $60 billion. For America and the gulf states, this is nothing. But for Iran, this is substantial.
A small leakage of blood or money is no big deal. But what if the leakage NEVER STOPS?
February 6th, 2013, 6:51 pm
zoo said:
$457 Mari
It means they have the money. The Iranian government has a no debts (9% of the GDP) compared to some EU countries who have debts reaching 100% of the GDP. They have plenty of cash, they can easily invest in Egypt. Compared to Egypt, the Iranian economy is much better, despite 30 years of sanctions. They are surviving, learning the ropes and getting more independent. Sooner or later, their time will come.
February 6th, 2013, 6:57 pm
zoo said:
@460 Mari
“Egypt, Libya, and Turkey can access Western, Qatari, and Saudi sources”
With a lots of strings attached… See how dependent Egypt is now on these countries and the USA who can dictate them anything they want
They are trapped in their web. Iran and Syria are not.
February 6th, 2013, 7:00 pm
MarigoldRan said:
Lack of debt in international finance is actually a bad thing. It means you can’t access money when you need to. The Iranian economy is suffering because it has too little debt.
Now, too much debt is a bad thing too. So Europe’s not in great shape either. But my point is that all healthy economies have a moderate level of debt and that too little or too much are signs of trouble.
February 6th, 2013, 7:02 pm
MarigoldRan said:
@ Zoo
In contrast to Syria, Egypt has a somewhat-functioning economy that has NOT contracted 80% or more over the last two years.
Sure, strings are attached. But would you rather have a somewhat-functioning economy with strings attached, or a NON-functioning economy that is almost completely isolated from the rest of the world?
Economic independence sounds like a good idea… but it’s not. It just means that no one’s going to help you out if your economy crashes. Syria is a good example of that.
The only countries helping the regime economically are Iran and Russia. And they simply don’t have the money and the resources that the Gulf States and the West have.
February 6th, 2013, 7:06 pm
revenire said:
I’m pleased to see Lebanon doing the right thing and extraditing deserters. Anyone who deserts should be lined up and shot.
February 6th, 2013, 7:08 pm
revenire said:
I’m pleased to see Lebanon doing the right thing and extraditing deserters. Anyone who deserts should be lined up and shot. That’s what we do in war.
February 6th, 2013, 7:08 pm
MarigoldRan said:
Ah, the retard posts again.
Good afternoon, Mr. Loser.
February 6th, 2013, 7:09 pm
Syrian said:
The reason Syria had no debts, because no majors bank would lend or finance any projects, not that the regime really cared about doing any major improvement to the country to begin with.
Plus all respectable banks had refused to give Mr 10% Rami Makhlof his usual cut
February 6th, 2013, 7:12 pm
MarigoldRan said:
@ Syrian
Exactly. Iran has the same problem. They have no debt because no one will lend to them.
February 6th, 2013, 7:14 pm
Tara said:
All Islamic terrorists are Sunnis? Not true! Guess who bombed the tourist bus in the Black Sea?
• The Shia militia Hezbollah was behind the bombing of a bus filled with Israeli tourists in the Black Sea city of Burgas last July, a Bulgarian investigation has concluded. Five Israeli tourists, the driver and the bomber were killed in the blast. The apparently clear link between Hezbollah and a terrorist attack on European soil opens the way for the EU to include the Lebanese militia on its list of proscribed terrorist organisations.
February 6th, 2013, 7:39 pm
A friend of mine who work for regional organization told me that conferences in Iran, and I mean real conferences with main objective is to show that Iran is not isolated and occasionally to break isolation through neutral international and regional organizations are being cancelled left and right due to lack of funding. The only conferences allowed are the very high level conferences with big media payback, and even those, it takes forever to get host country fund matching. Given the Iranian’s obsession with media dog-and-pony show (remember the toy fake jet with cockpit that does not fit a 13 year old child), canceling such events is a last resort of a very bankrupt economy.
February 6th, 2013, 7:51 pm
a fool is not content to be retard once. Must also be redundant.
February 6th, 2013, 7:54 pm
Tara said:
February 6th, 2013, 8:36 pm
apple_mini said:
The intense fighting in Jobar today is just another repeated tactics in this nasty civil war: Fewer than 100 rebels infiltrated in a neighborhood of predominant working class Sunnis. Some locals abide/support those rebels and are willing to turn their neighborhood as a battlefield; Some of them do not want the war in their home and that is why the regime had been tipped off; many of them do not have a voice or choice. I saw a clip showing rebels beating up several Sunni women in Jobar for ”supporting the regime” as claimed.
It does not matter in the end. The army will move in and the neighborhood will get destroyed. More death, more displayed people, more refugees. Another ruined community dots the riddled Syrian map.
What is the military achievement here? The regime has enough fighting power which can easily level a city to ground. They normally will refrain themselves unless they feel threatened. Nowadays it is about 10 rebel death to each regime casualty.
What is the political gain here? The opposition already started new propaganda war for regime’s ”war crime” in Jobar. But people in Damascus know very well what those neighborhoods are and they are fully aware of what the fresh fighting is about.
Everyone loses in this war.
February 6th, 2013, 8:58 pm
Visitor said:
Comment deleted
February 6th, 2013, 9:13 pm
Visitor said:
Here are some per capita figures for the idiot of economy,
Notice where Syria and Mullah-stan are located. Syria: just say lak wleeeeeeee.
Iran: even Lebanon with no oil beats it. Lak wleeeeeeeeee.
Look at Qatar at number 1. Ooooooooooooh! Wow isn’t HBJ a Superstar?
While Egypt with no oil and revolution trouble beats Syria by 15 places? Notice also Syria figure is for pre-revolution i.e. 2011. Real figure for last is probably less than $1000, and possibly less than $500 for coming year which would place in competition with Congo for last place.
February 6th, 2013, 9:20 pm
Darryl said:
176. majedkhaldoun said:
Your comment that God and the prophet get 20% of the booty is not accurate, God share as the rest of the verse says is for the poor and unfortunate, for the one who needs money while traveling as he runs out of money, it is not for God banks he does not pocket anything, all the world is his, God gets the pious act.
So saying God gets the money is silly, You don’t understand Islam.”
MajedKhaldoun, the next time you claim that a person does not undersatnd something; be sure that you know better. Surat Al-Anfal verse 41 clearly spells out that 20% is to be shared between:
1. Allah
2. The Messenger of Allah
3. What ever is left is to be given to the people related to the Messenger, the poor and the homeless.
If Allah, did not want a share, the verse could have omitted that part and simply should say “20% to the Messenger and poor, homeless etc”
February 6th, 2013, 9:22 pm
revenire said:
General Apple_Mini what would you have had the government do? Leave the rats alone in Jobar?
I did like the 10 rats to 1 SAA soldier but my friends in the army tell me it is more like 20 to 1.
February 6th, 2013, 9:22 pm
MarigoldRan said:
If you trust ANY of the casualty reports published by EITHER side then you’re an idiot. And an irredeemable one too. My guess (and it’s just a guess) is that the casualty figures favor the regime, but it’s not anywhere close to 3 to 1. Most likely it’s 3 to 2.
Not that it matters. The FSA’s potential manpower (all those refugees and defections, remember?) outnumbers the regime’s by a substantial amount. They have a virtually never-ending supply of reserves both from the refugee camps and from outside of Syria, unlike the regime which is short on manpower. The FSA are also much more motivated to fight than most regime soldiers. At this point if you’re not Alawite or Christian, you’re going to be treated like dirt in the SAA. And that encourages defections.
So the war continues. Everyone loses? Perhaps. But at this point the war is no longer about present-day Syria but about future generations. The FSA is not interested in talking. Even if it takes a decade or more, the FSA intends to destroy the regime, one way or another.
February 6th, 2013, 9:43 pm
revenire said:
Fahd Jassem al-Freij is Sunni – how is the army treating him?
February 6th, 2013, 9:47 pm
MarigoldRan said:
If he’s an officer, then perhaps he gets decent treatment.
But most Sunnis in the SAA are not officers. The vast majority are conscripts, and they are treated like dirt.
February 6th, 2013, 9:49 pm
omen said:
402. Syrialover said: Contrary to popular belief, the Saudi government is also worried about al Qaeda and has made moves to stop the freelance flow of support to the extremists in Syria.
the saudis reward al qaeda members with a posh “rehab” program, complete with housing and other subsidies of support upon graduation. that doesn’t sound like fear to me.
saudi royals are more worried about popular movements where the masses seek the god given right to freedom and self determination and look to over throw existing tyrannical rulers. it is not in these gulf state autocrats’ interest to see the syrian revolution succeed and possibly boomerang back their way to overthrow them.
February 6th, 2013, 9:50 pm
Visitor said:
Dear Darryl @477,
You MUST refrain from further interpretations of the Holy Book based on your deficient understanding and misguidance.
You know full well that our great Islamic Nation has thousands upon thousands of learned scholars throughout history who expained the Holy Qur’an to the Umma based on sound studies and accurate refrences to the Man who received the Revalations from The Most High. It is what the Holy Prophet had taught and what these scholars explained that matters.
An ignorant person like yourself cannot be taken into considertaion when it comes to such matters.
What I am saying in simple English is SHUT THAT BIG STUPiD MOUTH OF YOURS.
February 6th, 2013, 9:55 pm
revenire said:
Madrigoldran you’re totally gone. The army is not sectarian. It is SYRIAN.
February 6th, 2013, 10:02 pm
omen said:
marigold, we are only now finding out that western states have also been, in an underhanded fashion, helping to prop up the regime by funding the state controlled red crescent org. assad certainly isn’t making sure this money goes to charity. this regime is serving western interests in some manner. iran isn’t the regime’s only form of support.
February 6th, 2013, 10:14 pm
omen said:
news is now reporting that the u.s. is launching drones based out of saudi arabia. if saudi royals are so intent on helping the rebels, why hasn’t it persuaded the u.s. to launch drones to attack the regime? doing so would make up for blocking rebels from getting shoulder fired missiles. saudis haven’t done so because they dont give a damn that syrians are being slaughtered.
February 6th, 2013, 11:00 pm
Israel and US are supporting the Assad-Hezballah axis and letting the rebels fall in order to create chaos and destruction inside Syria and the Middle East.
They let Iran grow and Assad send missiles to HA while rebels fighting for freedom, dignity and democracy are being crushed.
This is the spirit of the United States of America, an innocent people in the hands of the banks and the jewish capital.
Fxxx the US actual concept and the whole fake it represents.
February 7th, 2013, 5:17 am
ghufran said:
you see the divide here on this blog and you see it everywhere, those militants have done a lot of damage to the cause of freedom already, they scared women and minorities and they failed to win enough support among urban sunnis, islamists have also killed attempts by some western officials to take more forceful actions against the regime:
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February 8th, 2013, 10:20 pm
Iran War Weekly Wrap Up | Eslkevin's Blog said:
[…] Landis, “Syria’s Islamic Front Militias and How They Think about Minorities,” [], which itself was a comment on C. J. Chivers’ article in the New York Times, “A Rebel […]
February 13th, 2013, 4:37 am
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