Call for Submissions: Syrian Studies Association Prizes for Outstanding Dissertation and Article on Syria

Call for Submissions: Syrian Studies Association Prizes for Outstanding Dissertation and Article on Syria

In order to promote and highlight excellence in research, the Syrian Studies Association each year awards prizes for the best writing on Bilad al-Sham until 1918 and on Syria in the period following.

In 2016, the SSA seeks submissions for the most outstanding dissertation completed between July 1, 2014 and June 30, 2016, and the most outstanding article or book chapter published between July 1, 2015 and June 30, 2016.

In order to be considered for the prize, candidates must join the association. Information about the Syrian Studies Association is available at the following website:

Submissions in languages other than English are welcomed.

Articles should be sent electronically. Books can be sent either electronically or in hard copy.

The deadline for submissions is July 15, 2016. All submissions should be sent to Charles Wilkins, Chair of the Prize Committee, at the following address: Winners will be announced at the SSA annual meeting in November 2016. Inquiries should be directed to Charles Wilkins.

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Comments (204)

Observer said:

This should be the subject of the paper:

March 12th, 2016, 7:14 am


Ghufran said:

Nusra attacking what is left of the FSA in Idleb. This is an introduction to the break of Jaish alfateh which was a cover for Nusra.

March 13th, 2016, 12:45 am


ALAN said:

The crumbling Wahhabi state is running a risk of provoking a new Arab Spring wave with its fall, but this time it will be directed against the West and its allies

March 13th, 2016, 6:53 am


ALAN said:

Barak Yanon Obama! Black face of outrageous acts
Another CIA Supplied Group Hands Its Weapons To Al-Qaeda

March 13th, 2016, 9:11 am


Majedkhaldoun said:

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March 13th, 2016, 9:46 am


Majedkhaldoun said:

The reason Erdogan was not attending North Thunder, ??? ???????was the presence of Sisi, and as for Dawood Oghlo visit to Iran it intended to take advantage of lifting the economic sanction on Iran , they both Turkey and Iran raised the commercial trade to thirty billion, as for Erdogan policy toward Syria and Assad it will not change.

To get rid of ISIS is half way to get rid of Assad , there is no political solution with ISIS , there is only military solution

March 13th, 2016, 9:59 am



Alan, we all know you are a russian desinformation agent getting very very well paid by Putin. People working for secret services, supporting massacres and genocides, specially under the name of dictatorships like Assad´s or Ayatollhas or mafia regimes like Putin´s, in my opinion should be hanged and stoned until dead.

March 13th, 2016, 1:02 pm


Ghufran said:

Nusra is in control of Maarret alnouman in Idleb after killing and wounding many FSA fighters from the 13th brigade. That adds the city to the list of towns under Nusra or isis control. Nusra plans to do the same for all towns in Idleb wiping out any presence for the FSA in the province.

March 13th, 2016, 6:19 pm


Ghufran said:

Sohr poll
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?? ??? ????? “?????” ????? ?????? ????????? ??????? (76%, 71 Votes)
?? ??? ??? ????? ???? (14%, 13 Votes)
?? ??? ??????? ?????? (11%, 10 Votes)
??? ????????: 94
74% of early poll voters think the ceasefire is designed to maintain current situation.
That is probably not true because Nusra and isis will try to win new territories to protect their portion of the pie since the two terrorist groups are going to be under attack from other parties. The current map will almost certainly change over time. Only areas that have no presence of Nusra and Isis can be part of any deal. Those areas are shrinking as we speak, this may pressure the USA to take new military initiatives against Nusra and Isis.
Jaish alislam and Ahrar alsham remain an obstacle especially for the second group which stayed idle while Nusra was attacking towns and positions under FSA control. Another problem is the fight between rebels and kurds which effectively creates another battle zone.
Russia wants the two groups, Alloush army and Ashrar alsham, to be on terrorism list, the US is not on board yet.

March 13th, 2016, 8:59 pm


Majedkhadoun said:

Russia agreed to classify Nusra front in a grey area,
Russia informed the Assad regime that they must get ready for serious negotiation.
The negotiation must reach agreements about transitional government , both sides must agree on , and must be representative , non sectarian, with full authority as agreed upon by both sides,and to agree on new constitution , and parliamentary and presidential election within 18 month from today
The alternative is plan B , which is devastating war

In a weird news two military missiles were discovered In a civilian plane going from Lebanon to USA through Serbia

March 14th, 2016, 7:38 am


Majedkhaldoun said:

Russia is withdrawing from Syria, , this is a severe pressure on Assad to get serious about negotiation ,
Expect KSA to reward Putin by raising the oil prices

March 14th, 2016, 1:46 pm


Majedkhaldoun said:

Russia is withdrawing from Syria, , this is a severe pressure on Assad to get serious about negotiation ,
Expect KSA to reward Putin by raising the oil pricesd

March 14th, 2016, 1:46 pm


Ghufran said:

Reading too much into Putin’s sudden announcement of Russia’s withdrawal of troops from syria is similar to previous hypes and speculations about the war. What made the difference in the war was the air power Russia provided. This is not likely to stop any time soon. Pressuring Assad and the regime to compromise is good for Syria but Putin is not about to let Islamists advance their positions regardless of how KSA and Turkey feel about it. No to Assad and Islamists, yes to an end to the war.

March 14th, 2016, 3:40 pm


Ghufran said:

Rebel sources told alsharq Alawsat
(Saudi funded) that Nusra wants to establish an Islamic emirate in Idleb and prevent all other anti regime forces from carrying weapons or holding any political or civil activities.
Congratulations !!

March 14th, 2016, 4:00 pm


majedkhaldoun said:

we might as well say the crisis is close to its end, as the Mig Jet was downed by missile surface to air missile, Putin decided let us get out with honor

March 14th, 2016, 4:05 pm


ALAN said:

“The US position on Syria reminds the last year of the Vietnam War, when refusing to admit defeat in public, the US tried once more to support the” Saigon “power.”
Israeli state figure said

It is important to recognize that Pentagon led axis-of-evil still has designs to protect their long term war on terror investment and the same old satanic imperialist agenda is merely dragging on in sheep’s clothing under a phony, deceitful disguise of “peaceful settlement.”

March 14th, 2016, 5:27 pm


Ghufran said:

Russia wants to own the Syrian file. Putin got irritated after Jafari and Mouallem made statements without permission from Putin. He can not leave altogether but he is obviously determined to keep things under his control.

March 14th, 2016, 7:31 pm


Majedkhaldoun said:

Putin announced the Russian military withdrawal without consulting with Assad

I do not feel sorry for Labwat al Assad , hardly a massacre, or to the dog tails

March 15th, 2016, 8:41 am


Ghufran said:

5 years since the war started.
??? ?????? ?????? ? ????? ???????? ???????
?? ??? ???? ?? ????? ?????
Only idiots wait for foreigners to
solve domestic problems.

March 15th, 2016, 11:58 am



PUTIN is cheating and mocking the press, Obama and the rest of the world. He is not pulling out. This is empty words just to appear as someone who frankly expects a peacefull political agreement. But he knows Iran and Russia will help Assad to fight until not a single syrian free soul inhabits the syrian land.

SYRIA belongs now to RUSSIA and IRAN, and Assad is just a stupid puppet. Nothing to do. Syrians will have to leave. Half million died, 11 millions left their homes and many more will leave or die before Assad, the chia and the alawites stand alone and own the whole country. Its is written …. by Obama and Putin in the Nuclear Iran Deal.

March 15th, 2016, 5:58 pm


ALAN said:

Putin’s giving another master class in foreign policy and realpolitik strategy. The Russians are in line to be actual world LEADERS. By simply doing the right thing..

March 15th, 2016, 6:31 pm


ghufran said:

Some of you are in love with Erdogan because he is an ikhwanji and anti Assad but the guy is clearly becoming a dictator and a butcher. His latest remarks should be a wake up call to all idiots who thought the guy is pro freedom and democracy. Erdo wants immunity to be lifted from parliament members who are opposed to his policies, he also stated that fighting terrorism is more important than freedom, democracy and the rule of law. Sounds like a Turkish version of Assad plus the ikhwanji flavor !!

March 16th, 2016, 11:48 am


ALAN said:

Syrian Kurds will forever remain an important part of the entity of the Syrian state, and there is no room to use them as an instrument in re-engineering the Syrian geography by the zio-western think tanks.

need to remember :
– France and the United Kingdom have managed to make their public opinion believe that Resolution 2249 authorises them to intervene in Syria against Daesh. On this basis, they have obtained the authorisation of their parliaments to begin bombing, but without the authorisation of Syria.
– On the ground, they believe they can count on the Turkmen militias (supported by the Turkish army) and the Kurdish YPG (supported by Israël and the Regional Kurdish Government of Iraq).
– The aim of these intervention is not to eradicate Daesh because of its programme of ethnic cleansing, but to displace them to Al-Anbar, and to continue the ethnic cleansing, this time in Northern Syria, to create a pseudo-Kurdistan in accordance to the Israeli project .

March 16th, 2016, 3:57 pm


Majedkhaldoun said:

Many reasons were told why Putin decided to withdraw his troops from Syria, one explanation says that there is pressure from US on Putin, he was told that US is ready to accept him in Syria as the actual ruler in return he must pull out of Ukraine, he pulled out of Syria to deprive the west from this card, he was afraid of the cost and the fact that he has reached the maximum involvement in Syria and decided that Ukraine is more important to Russia,
Other analysts from Russia said he has been under criticism from his people specially from his generals that this involvement in Syria is risky and will last years while he expect it to be short timed, and there was suggestion that Lavrove threatened resignation, as Russia image in foreign countries is deteriorated ,
Some suggested a deal with KSA
There is no question that his decisions are sudden and unexpected, and hard to explain
As for Assad we learned today that Bashar Jaafary was furious after a phone with Lavrove, the people in Latakia are angry and worried, , and some here on Syria comment are trying to criticize Assad after they clearly said they support Assad, some stayed very quiet from confusion and the lack of understanding what is going on and contradictory statements on Manar TV , and lack of the Russian withdrawal news on pro Assad media , the most funny thing is Butheina Shaaban explanation , she always has weirded explanations,
I believe Putin decided to pull out of Syria after he was informed by his intelligence that Assad announcement of April election and after Muallem statements and after B Shaaban visit to Moscow, he gave up on Assad to abide with the agreement that was reached when he brought Assad to Moscow , Putin no longer trust Assad who was arranging for deals with Iran , Putin warned Iran recently but Assad deal with Iran was clearly violation to the agreement with Russia Putin is no longer trust Assad .
Assad will lose a lot , he can no longer depend on Russian Air Force and he may start retreating , the value of Dollar compare to Syrian Lira always reflected the balance of power , today the dollar jumped to 475 from 445 , the future is very bleak,for Assad, now

March 16th, 2016, 10:01 pm


Ghufran said:

Jaish alfat’h is abandoning joint positions with nusra after a phone call between Saudi FM and Lavrov.

March 16th, 2016, 11:31 pm


Ghufran said:

Geneva and the Russian decision to boost the diplomatic efforts mean that parties in the Syrian war outside Nusra and Isis can not advance their positions and win new territories. Islamist militias may decide to defect and join Nusra or Isis if they do not like the outcome of the negotiations and that could end the cease fire and prolong the war which is not in Russia and the US interest. Putin will not sacrify everything to just keep Asaad in power but he wants to make sure that there is a friendly government in Damascus and that the Syrian army remains intact. This is a test for all, ending the war is more important than who is president and who gets what.

March 16th, 2016, 11:51 pm


ALAN said:

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March 17th, 2016, 2:11 am


Badr said:

An analysis that sounds reasonable to me:

Russia’s Syria pullback: A catalyst for peace?

By Jim Muir
BBC News

March 17th, 2016, 4:40 am


Majedkhaldoun said:

Increase the oil prices would influence the American election, and the ensuing inflation would destroy Obama legacy, Putin is co operating with KSA, pulling out of Syria

March 17th, 2016, 6:29 am


mjabali said:

The Kurds just announced their Federal Status they have a man and a woman as heads of the “Federal” body they created……who is next?

March 17th, 2016, 2:41 pm


Ghufran said:

Allowing Turkey to interfere in the negotiation by excluding Kurds was both unethical and dumb, Kurds do not trust Arabs for good reasons but I doubt they will be allowed to have an independent state, they did what they did to pressure those who are trying to keep them out. USA position on the subject is vague and confusing.

March 17th, 2016, 4:16 pm


ALAN said:

/USA position on the subject is vague and confusing/???? hahahahahahahahahaha
Yinon Plan! Damn. again using Kurds in some Template of balkanization process.

Third item – the Turkish-Kurdish process (sic) (implosion of Turkey and expansion of the “Great Kurdistan“)

For aesthetic reasons, I will leave aside the extremely serious accusation made by President Putin that “The United States is promoting terrorism financing the jihadists of the Islamic State” [15].

The balkanization of the “Greater Middle East” and the “New Order” that that will ensue, are they not the consequence of the Yinon/Ya’alon plans as consolidated by the “Brzezinski/Rice/Peters/Clark/Wright formula” plus the irresistible advance of their puppet jihadists?

March 17th, 2016, 5:31 pm


Ghufran said:

Not much is coming out of the Geneva talks but there is a sense of optimism. I think the timing of Russian withdrawal was helpful in pushing sides to talk but without more wins against Nusra and Isis the outcome will be uncertain and that can help hardliners on both sides. Look at Yemen if you want to check the thermometer of Iran-ksa relations, the war in Syria is not now an isolated problem, you need a breakthrough between the two mentioned countries to see results in the Syrian file, it is not enough to get a U.S.-Russia understanding especially when relations between the U.S. and Ksa are strained and elections in the US are few months away. Obama made it clear that he is sick of the middle east and its regimes, he is right. Saudis want Clinton to win.

March 17th, 2016, 7:02 pm


Ghufran said:

???? ????? ? ????? ?? ??? ??????
????? ..

March 17th, 2016, 8:22 pm


Observer said:

I told you break it up peacefully instead of so much destruction.

Putin will support the Kurds to make a thorn in Turkey’s side but it could also lead to Kurds of Iran wanting the same.

In return the Turks will stir up the Tatars of Crimea and the Turkmen of the Russian Federation and the Caucuses

I would vote for the Druze to go next and perhaps to have a buffer state with Israel; that should give the impetus for more of them joining an alliance with Israel before the Sunni Arab states formalize such an alliance against Shia Iran and its allies.

It is a salad and the so called Arab Socialist Nationalist project proposed and in an eternal state of resurrection from its death is still being used to subjugate people and ideas.

The Kurds of Syria are rather hasty in my opinion; they have yet to kill the bear for it is very easy to withdraw arms and support and let them stew between the Turks and ISIS. The idea is good to federalize not only Syria but the entire region on the long run.

These people after Sykes Picot fell into the trap of being eternally unstable and in constant animosity with each having its superiority complex to continue to antagonize unity and tolerance and harmony.

In the end the minorities project of an Arab nation or even a Syrian nation is an utter failure as for the sect, I hope it will be able to survive now that fleeing to Europe seems to be closing down.

Perhaps France will open its doors in memory of the 1920’s project.

March 17th, 2016, 10:09 pm


omen said:

23. MINA said: so who exactly has been protecting IS?

interesting. wouldn’t been an issue if Assad hadn’t let isis out of prison to begin with.

Let’s pretend to take the Russian Times story at face value. that would mean (as others note) protecting ISIS is de facto protecting Assad.

Now why would the US protect Assad?

March 18th, 2016, 6:07 am


omen said:

26. MAJEDKHALDOUN said: Many reasons were told why Putin decided to withdraw his troops from Syria

some say a reaction to the jet rebels shot down, others say he was spooked by the Saudi show of muscle with North Thunder.

I wonder if it weren’t the twin lawsuits that surfaced right before the announcement of Russian withdrawal. one suit found Assad the terrorist liable for an attack waged in Amman. The other found Iran guilty for planning 9/11 !

Whatever the reason, one day Russia will be found liable and forced to pay reparations for all of the damage it has inflicted in Syria.

March 18th, 2016, 6:28 am


ALAN said:

Turkey is at the brink of civil war and disintegration and the point of no return is quickly approaching. some of syrian kurds declare federal region and it is only a matter of time before they declare full independence alongside iraqi kurds and turkey will not be able to avoid the spillover.
arranged a massacre of Kurds in Iraq, Syria and Turkey by order of Erdogan happening without giving the attention of the international community. NATO leaders shared the fascist methods of the Turkish authorities in the fight against political opponents. In any case, the responsibility for aiding Erdogan in his crimes against humanity Turkey’s allies are not afraid! No coincidence that Washington approved the sale of “smart” bombs Ankara for a total of one billion dollars. Erdogan and his accomplices for the genocide of the civilian population will sooner or later have to answer.

March 18th, 2016, 1:45 pm


omen said:

Alan, explain this. Turkish coast guard seen hitting fleeing refugees and trying to sink their rubber rafts. Now news surfaces Turks are escorting Russia ships ensuring their safety when those ships are supplying Assad weapons.

Russian warships passing through the Bosphorus are getting stronger protection from the Turkish coast guard and police, in an apparent response to heightened security concerns.

March 18th, 2016, 3:41 pm


mjabali said:

The Kurds followed the same principle that brought the Islamic State: Control a land then call it whatever you want.

The Kurds have their own agenda…Turkey is in for a long fight, and that is why they are in alliance with the Sunni Arabs, because if the Kurds are fighting the Arabs, that is less pressure on the Turks….the loser in this fight is the Syrian/Iraqi Christians of those areas, the real owner of that land…..

March 19th, 2016, 10:30 am


ALAN said:

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is allegedly committing genocide against the country’s Kurdish population.
Turkish military firing on a group of Kurds in Cizre who look to be crossing the street waving a white flag. (Video)

Two days ago, the Obama administration accused ISIS of committing genocide. Where, one might ask, is the accountability for Washington’s NATO ally Erdogan?

Are you really comparing the Kurds with the Islamic state?

March 19th, 2016, 4:16 pm


Juergen said:

Five years after I saw my friends die for freedom in Syria, the world has given up

March 20th, 2016, 3:33 am


ALAN said:

Excellent piece of Pepe Escobar
Is There a US-Russia Grand Bargain in Syria?

March 20th, 2016, 6:19 am


ALAN said:

He tells it like it is. Much respect, Ken!!!

March 20th, 2016, 7:48 am


Majedkhaldoun said:

Neither US nor Russia are serious about fighting ISIS in Syria , both want the status quo to continue , it is dividing Syria into Cantons , both like to see low level of fighting , but no one side is wining, by time people will quit watching the news from Syria and forget about it
The problem is the consequences, it is unpredictable, it may spread beyond Syria, example is the refugees, and if spread to other country it will become uncontrollable

March 20th, 2016, 10:55 am


ghufran said:

Turkey and GCC media lied AGAIN about the perpetrators who committed terrorist acts in Turkey. After screaming for days that the Istanbul terrorist was a Kurd from Syria we now know that he/she was a Turk from ISIS!
In Geneva, the Saudi opposition presented a paper that could make any stiff person loosen up and giggle, they want for the regime and its heads to give them the keys to Damascus and Latakia, ignore ISIS and Nusra and skip the part about an inclusive non sectarian secular government.
You can not make chicken soup out of chicken poop, expecting Bani Saud to bring freedom to Syria is like waiting for a prostitute to advocate for abstinence. Kurds and non Saudi opposition figures are on the sidelines, the whole thing is a joke, things will change if KSA feels the pain they inflicted on Yemen and Syria, GCC is bombing schools and water plants and hiring Black Water thugs to bring freedom to Yemen !!

March 20th, 2016, 12:45 pm


ALAN said:

/Istanbul terrorist was a Kurd from Syria/
Kurds do not have a goal to kill Turks.
4 the Kurds, It will be the long hand to fight the Turkish regime, represented by Erdogan/ will benefit from Hezbollah’s experience in that subject. That would be not too far.

March 20th, 2016, 1:46 pm


mjabali said:


Of course the Kurds are no Islamic State, but they did the same thing as the Islamic State…taking advantage of the chaos around to take lots of land for their own agenda and declare autonomy.

A very good thing to watch is Arabic BBC’ Firas al-Kaylani’s trip, and excellent reports from al-Shaddadi…

March 20th, 2016, 3:23 pm


Ghufran said:

Thawrajiyyeh keep praising the Turkish model ignoring the fact that Turkey was under military secular government for decades before elections were held and as soon as islamists were allowed an entry they started manipulating the rules and messing with the judiciary system in a clear campaign to silence opposition and establish a theocracy.
Using violence in syria in the name of self defense only succeeded in destroying Syria and importing Wahhabi terrorism. Violence also served criminal elements from all sides who used the security vacuum to get rich and impose thuggery on Syrians. Societies like the Syrian one needed a transition not a violent uprising. Many Syrian expats who live in the West are a mix of islamists and confused libertarians who are out of touch and motivated by hatred and anger. They raise the flags on freedom in one hand and support violence and sectarianism with the other hand.
Most Syrians knew the system is broken and corrupt but very few were able to remain objective and consistent, do not blame uneducated Syrians for working as tools for the regime or ksa/turkey when the ones who are educated and well off were unable to lead. Look at the clowns appointed by KSA and you will understand why the regime survived 5 years of war and sanctions.

March 20th, 2016, 5:02 pm


Majedkhaldoun said:

The Kurds decision was unilateral, it is not accepted by the rest and the majority 90% of Syrians, they claim territories far beyond they should , large areas are inhabited by non Kurds and now it is claimed by Saleh Musslem , Kurds are supported by the enemy of Syrians , US and Russia, they are creating a sedition and are surrounded by enemies ,so they are setting the foundation for war in the future , a war that they can not win, while US is supporting the Kurds now , it is doing it to fight ISIS and to antagonize Erdogan, who was dubbed by Obama as hostile in recent news press , Barazani in Iraq is very hostile to Saleh Musslem

March 20th, 2016, 9:43 pm


Ghufran said:

Isis may have difficult days ahead in both Iraq and Syria as government forces in both countries are staging simultaneous attacks on Palmyra and Al-anbar, that happens while Turkey and KSA are busy looking for ways to slow down the momentum against isis since the two countries rely on terrorist groups to counteract the influence of its enemies the same way they supported Saddam when he attacked iran in 1979. Add to that the two countries cozy relations with Israel and you will understand the true nature of Bani Saud and the new ottomans and their islamist friends.

March 21st, 2016, 12:20 am


SimoHurtta said:

Majedkhaldoun aren’t the majority of Kurds Sunnis? So Turkish Sunni sultan killing and “barrel bombing” Sunni Kurds in Turkey, Syria and Iraq seems to be OK for you Arab and Turkish Sunni extremists, NATO and western powers. In Kosovo when the local Muslim majority felt oppressed, they were helped using military force to independence. In Syria Kurds have no “right” even to suggest federalism or even participate in peace talks. Hmmmm…

So in the end it has not been about Sunni/Shia dispute, democracy or the rights of minorities in Syria? Watching the US State department’s spokesperson explaining the developments and fast turns in Syria is equal the best TV-comedies considering what John Kirby says (see from 23:40).

March 21st, 2016, 5:46 am


Majedkhaldoun said:

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March 21st, 2016, 6:21 am


Jasmine said:

Nasrallah is doing an interview on Mayadeen now,this is the voice of reason and wisdom.
Happy Nowruz.

March 21st, 2016, 4:15 pm


ALAN said:

Barack Obama! Have you seen this video? Do you enjoy the smell of fresh blood?
Do you condone the war crimes?
Are you a part of full partnership in the murder and still provide him with smart bombs?
Killers ..

March 21st, 2016, 5:56 pm


Majedkhaldoun said:

We proved that several Assad regime military officers are working as commanders in ISIS, and we see ISIS terrorist attacks in Europe ,like the one in Brussle today , I wonder how much Assad regime is facilitating such terrorism in Europe
Obama is wrong in not being serious in fighting ISIS and Assad, ISIS is not Islamist terrorist group it is Assad terrorist branch, get rid of Assad , and you will reduce terrorism in the world, Assad and HA and Iran are the centers and the sources of terrorism in the world and it is imperative to get rid of Assad and his allies in order to eradicate terrorism

March 22nd, 2016, 6:04 am


SimoHurtta said:

We proved … who we and what? You extreme Sunni movement supporters proved nothing.

Majedkhaldoun who do you really believe in that absurd ISIS = Assad propaganda you are spreading time after time? Do you seriously believe that we Europeans will believe that non-Sunni Assad (plus Iran, HA and Russia) is behind ISIS and Sunni extremism coming from SA, when you and your extreme Sunni gang repeat it thousand times. The religious foundation and practices of ISIS are well known and documented by themselves. So is who have been financing and arming them.

March 22nd, 2016, 7:25 am


Akbar Palace said:

Do you seriously believe that we Europeans will believe that non-Sunni Assad (plus Iran, HA and Russia) is behind ISIS and Sunni extremism coming from SA…


Do Europeans believe that Shias like Hezbollah and Iran aren’t supporters of terrorism? If not, they are deluding themselves. Europeans are good at that…

March 22nd, 2016, 7:53 am


SimoHurtta said:

Well Akbar were is that terrorism you Israel supporting Jews claim Iran and HA are creating and performing? Very rarely in our news are stories of such acts performed by them despite of those furious Israeli Jewish propaganda efforts which include manipulating Wiki. News of terrorism performed by Sunni groups are very common, but as you Akbar might know (well considering your US education obviously not) Iran is not a Sunni state and HA is not an organization of Sunnis. An extreme Zionist like you claiming, that Iran is behind terrorism is as convincing as M. claiming Assad is behind ISIS. You both have only claims, but very, very little real evidence to support your claims.

News of Jewish Settler terrorism are not rare in our media. Almost daily we can read how Palestinians are burned in their homes, shot, wells poisoned etc. That is why so many of us support nowadays BDS.

March 22nd, 2016, 8:37 am


Akbar Palace said:


We understand when Jews defend themselves from Islamic terrorism, it is considered “terrorism” by those who hate jews. No surprise there.

But when Iranians and Hezbollah and their puppet Assad kill far more innocent Muslims than joos do, within countries from South America to Africa and Europe (see link above), people eventually begin to sympathize with Israel.

Although no one knows yet who murdered 34 people in Brussels this morning, I think most people have concluded they weren’t Jewish or Israeli.

March 22nd, 2016, 10:22 am


Majedkhaldoun said:

I can not convince any one who blinds himself and refuses to see the truth, Ali Waraa picture wearing the military suit ,as general in Syrian Army and Assad picture at the wall , and he is speaking to Mukhabarat officer ,and his picture growing beard and claiming to be ISIS member is in many places on the Internet , this is the third general ,Shabbieh who we were able to expose by picture and sound, ,if you do not want to believe the truth , it is your decision, it tell me what type of person you are , ?Assad officers penetrated ISIS , and I agree with Akbar Iran and HA are terrorists , , HA is now known all over the world as terrorist organization ,

March 22nd, 2016, 6:36 pm


Majedkhaldoun said:

Further US today proved that three Syrians , loyal to Assad ,are now considered part of Syrian electronic army , they are terrorists and two live in Syria one in Germany , these are loyal to Assad, their names are exposed, some others are present in USA and Sweden , they still are hiding and may be using different names.
Assad and HA terrorism are dangerous and it is time to get rid of Assad to eliminate terrorism ,
The idea that Assad terrorists who live in Europe are two or three is wrong , they are thousand to arrest few and be satisfied is wrong , by the way many Assad terrorists are found in Germany, not only France .

March 22nd, 2016, 7:16 pm


Ghufran said:

It is laughable that there are still people today who believe that the best way to deflect charges of terrorism from one obvious source is to blame another. This is called projection, it only provides relief for the accuser but it changes nothing, the verdict is out.

March 23rd, 2016, 12:36 am


Akbar Palace said:


Thanks, it is well known that the Iranians, Hezbollah and Assad are knee deep into terrorism. Today and right now. But we also have to acknowledge that there are Sunni terrorist groups like ISIS. One isn’t better than the other.

The Middle East is a mess and the people are fleeing to Europe and elsewhere and the fear is that the problems in the ME will now become problems in the lands where Middle Easterners flee to. Yesterday’s bombing is just another example.

As I’ve been saying, the ME needs a “Marshall Plan” similar to post-WW2 in Europe and Japan. Occupation of these broken countries until they democratize. It must be a worldwide effort organized by the UN and/or NATO. I still think GWB had the right idea with Iraq. We left too soon.

Keep arabs and muslims in the ME and get their governments to work.

March 23rd, 2016, 9:30 am


Hopeful said:

#68 AP

GWB had the right idea with Iraq, but a terrible execution, which led to a mess. He ended up doing my damage than good with his good idea. It is unfortunate.

March 23rd, 2016, 12:22 pm


Akbar Palace said:


Thanks for the partial agreement. This is where I disagree with Trump and others. I think GWB did the right thing. Yes, it was executed poorly. But as they say, you can’t make an omelette without breaking some eggs. At the end, “the surge” was working. Then Obama came in to destroy everything that was accomplished “to prove” GWB was wrong. GWB and the neocons truly wanted a democracy there. Like Vietnam, the locals just didn’t understand the value in that. It takes time. Germany and Europe did it.

Those that are against democracy are all the countries run by despots, clerics, Kings and military dictatorships. Go figure…

March 23rd, 2016, 12:42 pm


Ghufran said:

It is logical for israel to ally itself with islamists in southern Syria and GCC, it is also a well known fact that elements in the Syrian opposition, Ksa wing, are in bed with Israel and some have visited Israel to promote “peace”. What brings those parties together is their animosity to iran and hizbullah but in israel’s case it is also the need to keep its neighbours busy with internal conflict.
Israel was founded by common terrorists wanted by the Interpol and Scotland yard. Terrorism has been the main stay of Israel’s foreign and domestic policy (when it comes to non Jews). Israel is in defiance of two dozen UNSC resolutions.
Hearing zionists blab about freedom and human rights is like hearing mafia bosses bragging about
being generous and fair handed towards people under their rule.

March 23rd, 2016, 12:46 pm


Ghufran said:

While zionists and thawrajiyyeh exchange niceties the Syrian army is ready to take back palmyra from Isis who has not fired a single bullet at Israel and still enjoys support from the gcc and some thawrajiyyeh.

March 23rd, 2016, 12:55 pm


Hopeful said:

#70 AP

I also partially agree. They did want true democracy – I believe that. It takes time. I agree. All countries run by dictators and deposts were against it. Yes true.

But…. the surge was too little too late. It did stop the civil war from getting worst, but the damage was already done. The resources needed to make Iraq work were the size of the commitments of the Marshall plan – to quote you from earlier. Powell understood that and recommended it, but GWB sidelined him and refused to listen to him. GWB pushed aside all the people who knew the region and Iraq, and instead entrusted the project with people who had no clue, simply because they were “loyal” to him.

If Obama had kept the troops in Iraq, he would be blamed today for the mounting casualties every day. And at the end, the troops would have had to be pulled out, and we would have the same situation we are having today. There is no easy answer.

March 23rd, 2016, 1:09 pm


Akbar Palace said:


You, Majedkhaldoun and others have shown me that not all Arabs and Muslims are “terrorists”. We need more voices like yours.

Please tell Ghufran to go away…I’ve seen enough conspiracy theories to fill a large swimming pool. Lol!

March 23rd, 2016, 1:57 pm


Akbar Palace said:

Syrian army is ready to take back palmyra from Isis who has not fired a single bullet at Israel…


If you want to play the popular wesistance game of “Who has the hardest line against the Zionist Enema”, please thank the Assad family for keeping Syria’s border so quiet for the past 4 decades.

Wake up dude and smell the Zionist for Christ sake.

March 23rd, 2016, 2:09 pm


Syrialover said:

Russia is in Syria not just to drop bombs on civilians but to dump mountains of bullsh*t propaganda back home.

The truth, dismissing the mountains of garbage being written about “Putin’s strategy in Syria”, is in the 15 March edition of The Economist:

“Don’t be fooled by Syria. Vladimir Putin’s foreign policy is born of weakness by weakness and made for television”

Putin’s goal, explain The Economist’s Russian correspondents, is to make Russians back home think that they are still world players and forget their shrinking pay packets while they watch saturation TV propaganda on Putin’s foreign “successes”.

He also wants to signal to tyrants and dictators like himself that Russia is their friend no matter how bloody their hands.

And as for the image of Russia getting stuck in a “quagmire” in Syria. Forget it, they are not in the business of nation building, just smash, kill and swagger back home.

March 23rd, 2016, 3:53 pm


Syrialover said:

Palmyra? Someone mention Palmyra?

What a monstrous and stupid joke.

It’s been one week of hearing about Russian saturation bombing of the town (which includes reckless hits on the adjacent heritage sites),with promises about how groups of allied militias and the SAA are closing in on the fight there with ISIS.

Closing in on what? According to eyewitnesses who have recently fled, the town has been almost completely deserted for a year. Most ISIS supporters and foreign fighters left about four months ago and what’s left is an ill-equipped band of local youth “recruited” by ISIS, most of them aged between 17-20.

The slow-progress excuse of the Syrian regime is that they have been hindered by sand storms and landmines planted around the town by ISIS.

If you want proof that Assad and ISIS are working as a team Palmyra is it, starting with the convenient (to Assad) destruction of Tadmur prison.

What is now being done to Palmyra is a pointless scorched-earth destruction of all the residential and public buildings in the town, ready for a propaganda “victory” against ISIS, created for Russian and Hezbollah home audiences.

March 23rd, 2016, 4:12 pm


Syrialover said:

I wonder if that sleazy pimp Jaafari representing the Assad regime in the current peace talks is still sponsoring his daughter Scheherezade’s affair with his boss Bashar, exposed by email leaks in 2012. Remember that?

I love it when Jaafari squeals and whines to the media that he is representing a legitimate government, not a regime.

He’s such a hapless clown. He has also had to battle confusion from conflicting statements by him and Buthaina “botox” Shabaan, Assad’s croaking spokeswoman, the ugliest woman in the world, inside and out.

They must be using a lot of air freshener at the UN where Jaafari “works” and in the NY neighbourhood where he lives comfortably on Syrian public funds.

Comment: Amazingly, Assad’s freak show still goes on. Jaafari, Shabaan and decrepit puffing pig-lookalike “foreign minister” Walid Moallam remain his chosen represenatives. What an insult to the people of Syria that line-up is and what proof of Assad’s weakness.

March 23rd, 2016, 4:44 pm


Syrialover said:

Hi HOPEFUL. Always great to see you here.

You mention Bush’s mess-up in Iraq. But that’s fading behind the current nightmare born of Barack Obama’s lunatic sponsoring of Iranian-backed thug Maliki as “leader” of Iraq.

Read this: “Obama’s Disastrous Iraq Policy: An Autopsy”- It’s a litany of rotten judgement, lazy indecision and wrecked opportunities.

This was published in 2014, BEFORE the full explosion of the Maliki-created catastrophe of vicious sectarianism and resulting surge in ISIS.

March 23rd, 2016, 5:06 pm


ALAN said:

every nonjwesh must think how to make an adequate and unambiguous conclusion: How to fight this type of demons

March 23rd, 2016, 5:54 pm


Syrialover said:

MAJEDKHALDOUN, Assad’s agenda for terrorism in Europe is being met through his arrangements with ISIS.

There are plenty of reminders being tweeted. For example:

“You can literally trace a line from Assad threatening the world in 2011 to the tragedy in Belgium yesterday” (

And the proof:

See Assad regime mufti Ahmed Hassoun in 2011 threatening suicide bomb attacks on Europe. (the linked video of this chilling, rabid statement is translated into English).

QUESTION: Where are all the ISIS-linked attacks you would expect on Russian and Iranian soil?

ANSWER: Nowhere of course. A deal has been done.

March 23rd, 2016, 6:56 pm


Sami said:

Its not Assad’s “army” advancing on Palmyra but rather Iranian special forces backed by Afghani militias and Russian airstrikes…

While I welcome any demise of Daesh, replacing Daesh with Persian and Afghani forces does nothing to help Syria return to its people!

March 23rd, 2016, 7:19 pm


Ghufran said:

A big yawn is the best response when you hear isis apologists and rebel supporters when the subject is isis and Nusra. There are no good players in the Middle East, there are bad choices and worse choices. Only Israel acts using that golden fact, others are mostly foot soldiers and useful idiots. Learn from Israel but do not befriend that apartheid thief.

March 23rd, 2016, 8:36 pm


Syrialover said:

SAMI #82. You’re right. Even Assad regime propaganda talks about the “allied militias” advancing on Palmyra.

But they won’t be getting rid of ISIS. It’s just theatre. The heavy lifting there will be down to others not linked to Assad.

March 23rd, 2016, 10:42 pm


ALAN said:

This hall is the direction (Kaaba) for the American presidential candidates
The declaration of loyalty and obedience
Clinton paints herself as the best candidate for Israel.

March 24th, 2016, 2:01 am


SimoHurtta said:

It is amusing experience to read here the last comments where an extreme Zionist “democrat” compliments extreme Sunni “democrats” and vice versa.

If Iran and HA are behind the terrorism, why are there basically no news of those terrorist acts. Once or twice a year Israel with very little evidence blames Hizbollah and/or Iran of terrorist acts, the rest of the world has real difficulties to believe in that propaganda and rarely echo the Israeli claims. If Sunni states like Saudi Arabia and the other royal moral Lilliputs declare HA as a terrorist organization it is a laughable attempt in trying to shift the focus of that what their “boys” in ISIS do.

Akbar Palestinians are mostly Sunnis and some Christians. They do not resist Israeli Jewish brutal racism, stealing and occupation because of their religion and/or Iran. Even if Jews would be treated like Palestinians are treated, they would resist using violence if form of exactly same kind of terrorism (as they did in Warsaw Ghetto) as Pals do.

If the notion that Assad (Iran, HA and Russia) are behind ISIS and other Sunni terrorist movements, then the tens of thousands religious Sunni extremist flocking to Syria, Libya and Iraq from allover must be world history’s most stupid people. Why, because it is so well known among their religious Sunni internet brothers and sisters (and their Zionist soul mates) that the Alawite Assad and Iranian Shia ayatollahs lead the Salafi Sunni ISIS and Al-Qaeda.

In Syria are estimated to be 2,500 Iranian soldiers. They must be mostly trainers and advisers, working in logistic operations of weapon import and some spying Israel’s military’s telecommunication and operations. Anyway such small military force has no real effect in Syria’s civil war as a fighting force. For comparisons sake USA needed almost 10,000 men and aircraft carrier group to invade the little island of Grenada. USA has still in Iraq 5,000 soldiers + 7,000 contractors. The Zionist super soldier Ariel Sharon needed 300 Jewish soldiers to the Qibya massacre to kill those women and children.

PS. What do you Akbar think about when Jews in Israel put pork on the face of Palestinians they have shot and let halve an hour to bleed to death? Your Sunni soul mates like M. seem to accept that moral. Well …

March 24th, 2016, 7:19 am


Hopeful said:

#79 SL

But Maleki’s sponsor was GWB, wasn’t he? He came to power in 2006, two years before Obama took office!

March 24th, 2016, 3:14 pm


Majedkhaldoun said:

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And this evening in USNews US authority rounded up over 800 suspect of supporters of ISIS .

March 24th, 2016, 8:17 pm


Akbar Palace said:


Thank you for ignoring Palestinian terrorism and pretending it doesn’t exist. Thanks also for showing ur concern about the pork someone put on the face of a dead Palestinian terrorist instead of the terrorist’s attempted murder.

Again, we are well aware that joos aren’t allowed to defend themselves from all those nice knife welding wesistance heroes, lol!

March 24th, 2016, 8:51 pm


Syrialover said:


Correct. Thanks for responding.

First, a point: Iraq’s messes in running elections in the years since Saddam set an alarming precedent that could prove relevant in post-Assad Syria.

Nouri al-Maliki was deemed trouble very soon after he became PM, and when Obama came to office a couple of years later there were advisers from all sides warning the White House not to tolerate Maliki’s dangerous sectarian and authoritarian ways and loyalty to Tehran.

But in what has now come to be recognized as Obama’s intrinsic inertia and refusal to deal with problems, Maliki continued to get the red carpet and generous cooperation from the President, while defiantly wrecking much of what America had invested in and aimed for in Iraq.

It is worth reading interviews and accounts by Ayad Allawi, Maliki’s political rival, who fought hard to offset the Maliki-Teheran link and irregular outcomes in Iraq’s elections. A sophisticated, courageous and respected figure, Allawi actually protested at collusion between the Obama administration and Iran in the 2010 Iraqi elections.

There is every evidence that if Allawi’s electoral successes had been able to stand, the course of events in Iraq (and therefore the region) could have been very different. A non-sectarian Shia, Allawi was a far more credentialed, experienced, intelligent and electorally successful political figure than the thug Iranian puppet Maliki.

It’s depressing to read about Iraq’s election experiences and Iran’s success in manipulating things there into the current disaster. All while Barack Obama sat back and nodded, eagerly fulfilling Maliki’s and Teheran’s dream for US troops to walk away.

March 24th, 2016, 8:58 pm


Syrialover said:


The regime and its sponsors are getting ready to stage a playfight with some juvenile minor ISIS recruits. In an already deserted town, scorched-earth flattened by Russian bombs after the main ISIS groups had safely left.

Watch them carefully timing and ramping up the propaganda claiming that they are rescuing the Palmyra heritage site. The site that Russian and Syrian aircraft themselves have been casually damaging in the bombing, even a couple of days ago, and Assad troops happily shelled well before ISIS arrived in Palmyra.

The truth of the Assad regime and ISIS collaboration in this exercise will come out.

March 24th, 2016, 9:21 pm


ALAN said:

/we are well aware that joos aren’t allowed to defend themselves/

It seems to be that it is a zionist habit to “finish” the injured Palestinians as no one seemed to be bothered not from the soldiers, the police officers nor even the paramedics. It is normal and expected as it is an official zionist policy dictated by their Rabbis.

Shortly before the execution the two young Palestinian men, Abed-al-Fatah a-Sharif and Ramzi al-Qasrawi were shot injured under the pretext of “stabbing”.

Over 200 Palestinians were executed this way since October last year and no one seems to be bothered or pay attention.

It seems the zionists are faithful to their rabbis who dictate:

“We must not allow a Palestinian to survive after he was arrested. If you leave him alive, he will be released and kill other people,” Chief Israeli Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu said, “we must eradicate this evil from within our midst.”

A zionist soldier shooting an injured Palestinian in the head.

March 25th, 2016, 1:59 am


SimoHurtta said:

89. Akbar Palace said:


Thank you for ignoring Palestinian terrorism and pretending it doesn’t exist. Thanks also for showing ur concern about the pork someone put on the face of a dead Palestinian terrorist instead of the terrorist’s attempted murder.

Again, we are well aware that joos aren’t allowed to defend themselves from all those nice knife welding wesistance heroes, lol!

Well what would you Jews do if you would be occupied, humiliated, property stolen, livelihood destroyed etc for over 50 years. In Warsaw Ghetto after a short while of bad treatment your cult revolted and used terrorism against the poor innocent Polish and German civilians by killing them using knives and other arms. Of course the heroic defense force (Waffen-SS) had the right to defend their Christian countrymen using the Gaza operation style then used. Akbar things could be also seen from this angle. lol! as you say or do you say only lol to mistreating Palestinians. For Palestinians those resisting using violence are as big heroes as the Jewish resistance in Warsaw Ghetto, Palestine and joos (as you yourself call your cult) as partisans in Poland’s forests (who also used terror against civilians) for your religious group.

Akbar we could express it so:
no occupation + no oppression + equality to all + no apartheid —> no violence + the right to VICTIM WHINING for joos.

Well Akbar anyway Israel has no hope, it can not last for many decades in the form it has become. There is no possibility for 2-states anymore, you Jews can not deport and kill millions of Palestinians, the religious apartheid in present style is impossible for longer run. Sooner or later your cult has to give equality to Palestinians and then they as the real democratic majority rename the country (and revenge).

March 25th, 2016, 7:29 am


Akbar Palace said:

What get’s our Finnish wesistance pro’s blood boiling these days:

A quarter million dead Muslims killed by by other Muslims, or a piece of “pork” (btw, there is no pork in that part of Israel) put on a dead terrorists face (it was obviously chicken).

You guessed it – the chicken.

March 25th, 2016, 10:01 am


Tara said:

The Israeli government condemned with the strongest words and arrested the soldier so it looks civil. It is only a show. I haven’t heard of any serious consequence that takes place. Can anyone tell me what happens to the organizers of the wedding of hate? Other than empty rhetoric by the Israeli press and the Israeli government ? This is No different than Qaeda and ISIS terrorism except that those terror organization assume responsibility for any evil doing and the Israeli government distance it self in words and words only.

Jerusalem (AFP) – The United Nations condemned on Friday the “gruesome” killing of a wounded Palestinian assailant by an Israeli soldier in the occupied West Bank, after a video of the death spread widely online.

“I strongly condemn yesterday’s apparent extra-judicial execution of a Palestinian assailant in Hebron in the occupied West Bank,” UN Special Coordinator for the Middle East peace process Nickolay Mladenov said in a statement.

“This was a gruesome, immoral and unjust act that can only fuel more violence and escalate an already volatile situation.”

March 25th, 2016, 11:29 am


ALAN said:

People who call themselves supporters of Israel are actually supporters of its moral degeneration
Noam Chomsky

March 25th, 2016, 12:55 pm


Akbar Palace said:


The IDF soldier will stand trial just like many other IDF soldiers who have stood trial. Apparently this guy saw the body “move”, blah blah, but I’m not buying it. He should at least get a dishonorable discharge or some jail time since he WAS dealing with an injured terrorist and should have tied his hands, etc.

Anyway, you won’t see trials like this in the Arab world, where atrocities occur everyday and no one is brought to justice. A double standard no one wants to admit.

The only people who get punished in the Arab world are those that cry publicly for freedom. Focus on Israel all you want, but Israel doesn’t seem to be the 800 lb gorilla from my vantage point.

March 25th, 2016, 3:43 pm


Tara said:


In Syria, no one stands trial period. We are not denying it. People are arrested without warrants and are tortured and murdered in a worse way day in and day out where the real criminal are awarded and becomes national heroes.

I brought up the topic to show people like Amir that the culture of hate is not exclusive to any certain religion. There is no human on earth who can shoot a wounded man in his head except one who is fed with a culture of hate from infancy . We saw it in Alawis menhebaks, we see it in hateful HA capable of killing Israeli and Sunni Syrians alike , and we see it in Sunni ISIS . Amir states it is not approved by the Israelis. It sure is. Israelis elects their government democratically . Their government represent them. Arab Muslims don’t and their government do not represent them. Again, what happened to the organizer of the wedding of hate? Expecting their first child?

March 25th, 2016, 9:37 pm


Majedkhaldoun said:

ISIS is an organization that is not understood , it is hegemonious group ‘ the commanders are Baathist officers penetrated by Assad Shabbiha ,they are intelligence officers , we proved their connections with the Assad intelligent agencies , ISIS has as their head Abu Bakr Albaghdadi who was in prison in Iraq along with the Iraqi Ba’ath officers , he was the Imam, he has leadership trait, those Baathi officers are using Al Baghdadi as Islamic head to attract many delusional recruits, who went there believing in Baghdadi ,and were placed under the command of the Baathist officers, ISIS has two branches Iraqi , and Syrian , they are completely separate , the Iraqi branch has a huge caches of weapons that was hidden by Saddam , the Syrian branch is heavily infiltrated by Assad locals ,
What we see in Palmyra is a play ,as Syrialover said, Palmyra was handed to ISIS with no fight, and now is handed back to Assad , this is just a game ISIS is fighting the free Syrian Army , and they have oil deals with Assad and they are financed by Iran and Assad,
The rush for Assad to regain Palmyra was the results of news that was learned recently where Jordananian troops were penetrating inside Syria , fighting ISIS, Assad was afraid that Jordan takes over Palmyra, he ,Assad is there in Palmyra to protect ISIS troops.

March 26th, 2016, 8:51 am


ALAN said:

Hillary Clinton @AIPAC2016 pledged to “provide Israel w/ the most sophisticated technology so it can deter & stop any threats.”

all American presidential candidates in fact ?are the massive war projects outside their territory, advocates of war and destruction elsswhere.

The United States continue to make every effort to dismember Iraq and then transfer it experience to neighboring countries

This necessarily requires the announcement from Syria and Iran to own what is the most effective and the most sophisticated and efficient and arms to the teeth.

March 26th, 2016, 12:12 pm


Akbar Palace said:

I brought up the topic to show people like Amir that the culture of hate is not exclusive to any certain religion. There is no human on earth who can shoot a wounded man in his head except one who is fed with a culture of hate from infancy . We saw it in Alawis menhebaks, we see it in hateful HA capable of killing Israeli and Sunni Syrians alike , and we see it in Sunni ISIS . Amir states it is not approved by the Israelis. It sure is. Israelis elects their government democratically . Their government represent them. Arab Muslims don’t and their government do not represent them. Again, what happened to the organizer of the wedding of hate? Expecting their first child?


Thanks for ur reply; you know I have much respect for ur opinion.

I can’t speak for Amir, but I think he would agree that there is NO society where hate doesn’t exist. Israel has people who hate Arabs and I suspect there are Arab societies that hate Jews. I hope this doesn’t surprise you.

The DIFFERENCE is, the are MANY pro-Arab organizations in Israel that promote arab equality and Jewish-Arab co-existence in Israel. You guys always gloss over this fact.

So, the IDF soldiers will stand trial. Charges will range from murder to manslaugjter to gross neglect… a court will decide using the evidence available.

Btw, the soldier you were talking about has been put in jail….

March 26th, 2016, 2:57 pm


Syrialover said:


Days pass, and they are still pussyfooting their way into Palmyra. A near deserted and destroyed town.

Slowly, slowly, so the Syrian, Iranian and Russian state media can get good pictures and the ISIS guys can finish looting and packing up.

These are “Assad’s forces” (i.e. a small group strongly reinforced by militia sponsored and directed by Iran), with heavy support from Russian air strikes, and fleets of foreign-supplied tanks and armoured vehicles.

You have to laugh at this theatrical slow-motion “capture” of Palmyra. The regime quickly took over much, much bigger and better defended towns back in the old days even before they had all this heavy duty help from their foreign invader friends. Palmyra is more evidence we can include ISIS among that category of friends.

I feel desperate for the Syrians being used as cannon fodder in this stupid exercise. Reports say that ISIS has left mainly locally-recruited youngsters aged between 17-20 to defend the town. And you can be sure most SAA who die will be conscripts – just like those the regime abandoned for ISIS to publicly execute when they took over Palmyra.

The report of a Russian adviser being killed? Chances are it was an accident or friendly fire, which often happens in military exercises – but always covered up and never admitted by forces like the Russians.

Assad and Putin now need those famous ruins “recaptured” as a PR exercise (after recklessly adding to the damage themselves by artillery and air strikes).

And more, as MAJEDKHALDOUN says, they are actually there to help defend ISIS in the area.

Meanwhile, the only genuine damage to ISIS continues to be inflicted by the precision bombs of the US and allies. Forces which have declined to work directly with Russia in Syria, saying openly this is because Russia does not share their agenda of attacking only ISIS.

March 26th, 2016, 4:22 pm


Amir in Tel Aviv said:

Tara and her famous selective rage.
The wounded person that you talk about, came to stab Jews. He was incited to stab Jews by institutionalized religious hate, Broadcasted in Hamas, PA and Islamic Jihad official media outlets.

There is no institutionalized hate toward Arabs in Israel. This is what counts. Some here hate Arabs, which I can definitely understand. I want to remind you that the video from the “wedding of hate” was taken and leaked to the media by Israel’s Shin Beit. To show Israelis that hatefulness can be dangerous.

March 26th, 2016, 4:45 pm


Syrialover said:


If Israel was even HALF serious about cooling things down locally and lifting its image in the eyes of the world they would do something about the settlements. Simple.

So many times I have heard people say after visiting Israel how they got a big shock at the sight of the settlements. And shock at the wall, which they immediately link to defending the settlements.

And you don’t have to look long to find some comfortably-off westerner who has moved to Israel ranting hard-faced and fanatically about how this or that bit of “promised land” belonged to their people 2,000 years ago and they deserve to claim it. Those guys are actually scarier than ISIS. Because they have the collusion of a nation state.

Sure, they may be a minority. Sure Israeli politics are complicated. Sure there are many nice guys there and its actually an oasis of civilization. Sure. Sure. All the excuses.

But if Israel keeps sponsoring and tolerating that violence-enforced illegal and ugly land theft and oppression of others, then I am sorry, that is what Israel IS.

And that’s what people see that when they go there.

March 26th, 2016, 5:20 pm


Amir in Tel Aviv said:

Syrialover #105,

I appreciate what you wrote!
Tell me honestly: if Israel withdrew from the west bank, would the Arabs accept an independent and sovereign Jewish state in the HolyLand?

Because, if that’s the deal, the majority of Israelis would agree.

Problem is that the Arab-Jewish conflict has nothing to do with the settlements. It is about a Jewish state existing in this region.

So if nothing changes when Israel abandons the territories, and the Arabs continue to want to eliminate Israel, why should we help them destroy us, by making it easier for them (give them a territory that will be used to attack us)?

March 26th, 2016, 6:14 pm


ALAN said:

The Jew will always accuse you of what his/her tribe have done to you. They (collective Jewry) will always invert the Truth, twisting and projecting their version of reality onto the gullible conditioned masses to suit their agenda.
They inevitably end up being the victim, no matter what injustice they inflict on others.

March 26th, 2016, 6:36 pm


Ghufran said:

Eat before you read the thawrajiyyeh “analysis” about the battle in palmyra. The GCC and Turkey helped isis until the smell became unbearable and the West got angry, now the same people who supported isis want Nusra and Ashrar Al-sham excluded from bombing by Russia and the USA.
The reason is simple, thawrajiyyeh made it clear from day one that they want the regime and its allies to suffer a military defeat so they can draft a government and an army that fit their needs and win the approval of GCC and Turkey.
The more I read on the subject the more I understand why this violent rebellion failed to secure support from minorities and moderate sunnis.
Israel played its cards well since 2011, the Jewish state wants weak and fractured neighbours and governments that are friendly to Israel and indifferent or even hostile towards palestinians and Iran. Yes the regime in Syria is the source of most of Syria’s problems but the cure is not an islamist government or a collection of clowns loyal to Turkey and the GCC.
The reason why iran became stronger is the arab governments failure to work to advance their countries interests instead of defending their thrones and fighting among each other.
?? ??? ???? ?? ????? ?????

March 26th, 2016, 6:49 pm


Syrialover said:

AMIR #106

Thank you for responding.

I feel that’s a rhetorical question about a hypothetical situation that never gets properly explored. I usually find discussion on this issue disrupted by insistent statements that Israelis have the right to defend themselves.

A root cause analysis of Palestinian disaffection would surely show economic, physical environment, security and issues far outweighed ideological. Give people jobs, choices, ownership, hope and dignity and they soon don’t have headspace to hate, resent and obsess about injustice.

Sure, there will always be individual exceptions who want to play personal power games or who were somehow benefiting from the previous situation. But they lose their powers of manipulation over others when things like economic opportunity, political and social development and anti-corruption measures are in place.

Israelis always seem to me blinkered by being trapped in their own narrative. When will Israel be ready to halt years of downward spiralling and destruction and instead risk trying unexplored and unknown options?

Starting with kicking aggressive settlers and other neurotic haters, delusionists and troublemakers back home to their dual citizenship havens, making it clear they are playing a role in Israel that is dangerous to its national interests.

March 26th, 2016, 7:28 pm


Akbar Palace said:


We do have one data point, the borders of Israel prior to ’67 war. No West Bank and no occupation. Yet there was no peace with ANY Arab state. It does make one wonder….

March 26th, 2016, 8:55 pm


Majedkhaldoun said:

The ministers of defense of Gulf States will meet on April 20′ a day before Obama meets the Gulf kings, they want to further discuss the American Arab co operation ,militarily, this contradict Obama statements where he criticised thos Arab kings in a strong language over many issues, I do not think this meeting of Obama and the Arab kings is going to be productive , in fact it will be the point where they will split apart ,
On the other point ,Russia in February kept saying that King Salman is visiting Moscow , first in early March , then in the middle of March , KSA always denied that.
KSA established the Islamic defense alliance, and announced Saudi Turkish military co operation , and finally proceeded with the North Thunder.
75% of Arab said their enemy is Iran, remember this,
Worse time is coming to the Middle East

March 26th, 2016, 8:58 pm


Ghufran said:

Well, palmyra is liberated from Isis which lost over 400 fighters. The Syrian army and its allies lost 180 soldiers according to SOHR.
Most of Isis terrorists are not Syrian but many are from countries like Saudi Arabia where the only cultural monuments are the religious sites in Mecca and Madina. Do not expect religious zealots to appreciate or protect culture, Forget about the blabbers, this is a good day for Syria and humanity.

March 27th, 2016, 2:30 am


SimoHurtta said:

94. Akbar Palace said:

What get’s our Finnish wesistance pro’s blood boiling these days:

A quarter million dead Muslims killed by by other Muslims, or a piece of “pork” (btw, there is no pork in that part of Israel) put on a dead terrorists face (it was obviously chicken).

You guessed it – the chicken.

Do not lie Akbar. It is well known that Jews, including you, eat plenty of bacon etc other pig meat products in USA, Europe and Israel. Can you honestly say you never have eat pork products? Well as likely as M. can say honestly he has never drunk alcohol. Also Christians have shops in Israel/Palestine and there are plenty of hungry secular “Jewish” customers.

Today a Jewish settler has in his pockets/handbag bacon, a knife and a pistol. With the pistol he/she can shoot any irritating looking Palestinian (or colored Jew “by mistake”). The knife is for planting it near the body as “evidence”. And the pork for finalizing the “ritual” when the blood of the victim has been allowed to pour empty. Also IDF has now a new obligatory military item: “secret evidence household knife” and the military rabbis are discussing should pork be included to a Jewish soldiers armament, not for eating, but to respect in their Israeli style the killed opponents.

Akbar have you ever wondered why the knifes besides the bodies of killed Palestinians in the numerous pictures taken as evidence are mostly spotless. No blood stains even the knife was said to be used to stab Jews. Strange isn’t it Akbar? Either the chosen people do not have blood or well you know why. Check using Google.

Akbar does it in your dirty mind allow the killing of Palestinians by Jews if and when plenty of Muslims are killed by other Muslims? Well Akbar Jews kill more Jews than Palestinians and Arabs do on a normal year. Using your own analogy, does it give non-Jews free hands? I doubt it could be used as an equal reasoning and excuse like you do. You have a really strange religious ethical thinking and moral. Well …

March 27th, 2016, 6:06 am


ALAN said:

The 2011 proxy war against Russia, China and Syria backfires. The first people have been killed in the streets of Brussels and Paris. Amsterdam and Berlin will follow suit while in Leipzig we saw the first signs of a pogrom. We feel Mogherini, a member of the European ruling elite, and fully responsible for the mess, has all reason to break down in tears.

Neo-Fascists Take Finland

March 27th, 2016, 6:40 am


Akbar Palace said:


In my “dirty mind” joos are allowed to defend themselves from attacks by armed Palestinian terrorists.

If this upsets you, you are free to do something about it or cry on the shoulders of a sympathetic anti-Semite.

If you haven’t noticed, Europeans are searching high and low for Muslim terrorists at this moment, not Jewish terrorists. Ask them why if you care.

March 27th, 2016, 4:59 pm


Syrialover said:

GHUFRAN #112 You not only swallow the Assad regime propaganda – you shout it out as well.

You also haven’t been keeping up – people who were there before the “fight” reported that the ISIS foreign fighters and big dogs safely left Palmyra months ago,leaving mainly locally recruited youngsters to represent them.

But if the regime and Russia have impressed you with their orchestrated slow motion “rescue” of Palmyra I guess you can all live happily in that bubble.

The truth will come out. Including how much aerial and tank bombardment damage will be found to have been done to the heritage site by Assad & co, in addition to the acts of destruction by ISIS.

The people of Palmyra, almost all of who have left, hate ISIS, but they won’t be rushing back into the arms of the Assad regime after the way they have been treated, with the regime ferociously bombing the town well before ISIS came to Syria.

And when Assad came to hand Palmyra over to ISIS without a fight, the regime representatives abandoned the population but not before cutting off the power and water and laying mines on the road out to make it harder for locals to leave before ISIS arrived.

Yes, the truth about the Assad-ISIS complicity in destroying Syria and the lives of its people will come out.

March 27th, 2016, 8:42 pm


Akbar Palace said:

More Islamic terrorism. This time against Christians. Sim must be devastated….

March 27th, 2016, 9:10 pm


SimoHurtta said:

118. Akbar Palace said:

More Islamic terrorism. This time against Christians. Sim must be devastated….

Again Akbar, why does the Islamic terrorism in Muslim countries and Europe justify in your medieval religious mind the killing of Palestinians in Israel by Jews? Are you sick or has your Chief Rabbi Yitzhak Yosef with his strange religious views influenced your twisted moral?

Akbar why have Jews the right to defend themselves, but you Jews do not allow Palestinians to defend themselves against Jews and Judaism. Try to understand Palestinians do not resist Jewish racism and rule because of their religions, Islam and Christianity, the catalyst is the bad treatment Jews offer to Palestinians in the name of Judaism. The occupiers and oppressors (Jews) are not the victims, the occupied and oppressed (Muslims and Christians) are.

The terrorism which happens in Europe and elsewhere has nothing to do with Israel AS YOU NUMEROUS TIMES HAVE TOLD TO US. Do not blame Israel – as you say. Still you justify your cult’s murdering Palestinians using that excuse/link you said did not exist. 🙂

March 28th, 2016, 4:17 am


Akbar Palace said:

Again Akbar, why does the Islamic terrorism in Muslim countries and Europe justify in your medieval religious mind the killing of Palestinians in Israel by Jews?


I never condone the killing of innocent Palestinians. I’m just a little curious why you feel so sorry for a Palestinian terrorist who got a piece of chicken placed on his face by an angry bystander. You continuously prove my point. You ignore acts by murderous Islamic militants and only single out jews and Israelis.

You know, the definition of an anti-semite is someone who holds Israelis and jews to higher standards than to others. If the shoe fits…

Also, I noticed you like to talk about my “dirty mind” and my “medieval religious mind”. Besides using ad hominem attacks, what makes you think any sect of judaism today is more primitive or “medieval” than those that are CURRENTLY crucifying Christians? What websites do you post wailing about Islamic violence? See what I mean?

March 28th, 2016, 12:13 pm


ALAN said:

It is unfortunate that it has been tampered with video materials in the comments that came earlier and makes it a completely different from what it was originally
It is contrary to the honesty of publication

March 28th, 2016, 5:04 pm


Syrialover said:

If you follow specialist publications and informed commentators you’ll be prepared for what’s taking place in Syria now.

Because you’ll know ISIS is primarily an Iraqi entity and its main seat of control lies there. Iraq is where ISIS has its roots, big ambitions and future actions. The Iraqi ex-army guys and Baathists running ISIS have always kept their gaze on their homeland oil prize and are determined to destroy Iraq’s Government and brutally punish the Shia and other sectarian prey.

Syria for ISIS has served as a useful adjunct and comparatively safe place to hang out. A region where they have been left alone by the Assad regime to occupy territory, attract recruits, amass resources, control and terrorise local people and play out the sick jihadist fantasy.

It’s been a mutually beneficial game. Syria was handed to ISIS (or rather offered, bent over with his trousers down) by Bashar Assad. The Syrian regime has used them as a vital propaganda tool (“it’s Assad or the jihadists”) and they have greatly assisted Assad by savagely attacking and distracting local Syrian opposition forces.

Now the rest of the story will be played out as ISIS withdraws from Syria and consolidates and concentrates in Iraq.

They have apparently liaised on the timing of this with the Assad regime and Russia, enabling the full-force propaganda theatre we are now seeing of Assad & Co “rescuing” and “reclaiming” Syrian territory from ISIS.

This will not be a surprise or secret to most Syrians and global intelligence agencies. Just to the dumb media who are recycling the propaganda being fed to them by the Syrian regime and its friends.

March 28th, 2016, 8:41 pm


Mina said:

Yesterday in a town close to the Damascus Homs highway the souks were full of people buying chocolate eggs! a good sign that Syria is on the way to resurrection.

March 28th, 2016, 10:11 pm


SimoHurtta said:

120. Akbar Palace said:


You know, the definition of an anti-semite is someone who holds Israelis and jews to higher standards than to others. If the shoe fits…

Well Akbar with that definition most if not all Jews are the worst anti-Semites. You yourself hold your cult and its members to higher standards than which you claim others having. You even call yourself as chosen people. Surely you can not claim that you are not constantly praising Israel and its Jews, their democracy, technological level, economy, peacefulness, army’s moral etc (all items and achievements in which the Jewish accomplishments are far from the top or perfection.

Akbar your Chief Rabbi Yitzhak Yosef just a while ago in a ceremony advised the State of Israel to expel all non-Jews from Israel. He added some qualifiers: if they accept the Noahide Laws, they may remain (because they will be useful as servants to Jews). But otherwise, they may be driven from the land.

Isn’t that medieval and primitive thinking? If not let us non-Jews have the same attitude towards Jews. If you are ready to serve us non-Jews and accept the new laws you Akbar are can stay in USA (for a while at least). Is promising that “lavish” in Israeli Jewish style or should we see it as “primitive”?

You Akbar and the other Zionists commenting here are all the time mocking Islam, Arabs etc. their traditions, society and religions. From Iran you use all the time the expression “ayatollahs”, you try with every means to “explain” Palestinian struggle is caused by evil Islam and their primitive violent nature. All the time you try to link what is done in the name of Islam in Muslim countries, USA and Europe to Jews “right” to kill, occupy and steal in Palestine.

Akbar the fact is that you constantly justify the killing of Palestinians using the excuse of terrorism in Europe and among Muslims themselves. That is primitive religious thinking common to quite many in your cult.

PS Akbar the newest Israeli/Jewish scandal: Intelligence Minister Yisrael Katz said that Israel should engage in “targeted civil eliminations” of BDS activists with the help of Israeli intelligence. Wow Akbar a Jewish minister publicly demanding terrorist assassinations of civilians in Europe and USA, what is wrong with your cult and your brothers and sisters? Well the shoe what fits to your kind seems to be slippers in a insane asylum.

March 29th, 2016, 4:33 am


Ghufran said:

Waiting on Israel to deliver justice to palestinians is like waiting on a prostitute to lead efforts to promote abstinence. More than half of Israelis support a soldier accused of shooting dead a severely wounded and incapacitated Palestinian assailant in Hebron last week, according to a poll by an Israeli TV station. Learn from Israel but do not copy the behavior of that apartheid thief when it comes to dealing with palestinians and its arab neighbours. Israel and the corrupt arab regimes are different symptoms of the same disease. Do not believe the myth that Israel wants secure democracies around it, we know better.

March 29th, 2016, 10:51 am


Akbar Palace said:


You certainly have the right to be an anti-semite. I suggest you write Israellycool so you can appear on his website with like-minded cretins.

Waiting on Israel to deliver justice to palestinians…


Well, tell me where Arabs and muslims are freer and have more opportunity in the Middle East and I’ll make sure to let them know LOL!

Keep up the work deluding yourself. I’m sure it makes you and millions of other ignorant muslims feel good!

March 29th, 2016, 12:45 pm


ALAN said:

Mr Brennan,and Kerry! Are you evacuate US military families and consular families and Israeli counterparts from Turkey? is the Turkey theatre is warm enough now?
President Erdogan should be removed from office before he can start a wider war. the weapons are currently flowing into Turkey for the purpose of speeding the departure of the dictator. Contacts are also being made with the Turkish political parties, the top generals of the Turkish military, and others to help bring down the dictator. The Turkish nationalists are turning against Erdogan. The PKK will also mobilize. Erdogan’s presidency is illegitimate because his most recent election victory was carried out with massive vote fraud.
Fighting inside Turkey is expected to begin during April. The beginning of the end for Erdogan will transform the entire Middle East situation.

/USA position on the subject is vague and confusing/???? hahahahahahahahahaha
Yinon Plan! Damn. again balkanization process!!!
the same third item – the Turkish-Kurdish process -(implosion of Turkey and expansion of the “Great Kurdistan“)

March 29th, 2016, 3:28 pm


Tara said:

“????? ?????” ????? ????? ??? “??? ?????” ??????? ??”???? ??????”


????? ??????? ??????. ????? ???? ????? ?????? ??? ?????

???? ???? ?????? ?
Apple mini
???? ??????? ?
????? hardly a massacre !

Sorry for the vulgarity but
??? ??? ??????? ???? ????
The funny thing is that when they write here , they go beside themselves to sound verbios

March 29th, 2016, 7:16 pm


Ghufran said:

Kayali and similar individuals from all sides who are accused of war crimes should withstand a fair trial, I do not think that is going to happen, and yes he is not dead.

March 29th, 2016, 10:47 pm



The game is over since 2012 when US did not want to bomb Assad to avoid any block on the Iranian American conversations.

Russia is doing the dirty job of supporting the dictatorship against rebels. ISIS was created by Iran, Malki, Assad and covered up jihadi operation by Russia creating chaos and panic as the only unacceptable alternative to Assad. All terrorist operations in Europe have the same source. Palmyra was given to ISIS just to be recovered in the perfect moment when momentum was pro Assad.

Iran will be inn charge of the Middle East policeman´s role Shah´s Iran used to have before the 1979 Islamic Revolution.

Assad will be reelected by 90 % or so and the security services will remain in place. Rebels will be crushed or reduced to ashes. Some of them will signed the ¨peace deal¨ with Assad régimen.

Russia will keep their military bases in Syria and will develop them.

Iran will control all of Iraq, Syria and Lebanon and will have a port to the Mediterranean.

March 30th, 2016, 4:58 am


Mina said:

must see
online til 14 april
french and german available but all the interviewed speak arabic and can be heard

March 30th, 2016, 7:26 am



Now the game is very clear:




March 30th, 2016, 8:59 am



One genocidal expansionist ‘Islamic state’ is the subject of a “holy” global war on terror, while another, more “useful” one gets a ‘legacy deal’…
‘Let’s not forget Iran is an extremist state’

17-03-2016: ‘…Iran is being rehabilitated in the Western conscience simply because there are those who would seek to restore Iran as the West’s Middle Eastern policeman as it was during the days of the Shah, who was overthrown by Khomeini in 1979. As is clear from Obama’s multitude of red lines that were crossed again and again by Assad, the West is disengaging from the Middle East, yet still wants to maintain a connection and deterrent force in the region. By keeping the rich Arab states cowed by Iran, the West will continue to benefit from those very same Arab states who will be looking to them for protection and providing them with billions of dollars of arms sales.’

March 30th, 2016, 11:03 am



Obama and Putin keep on playing the new world order in the Middle East.

New Persian Empire from Afganistan to the Mediterranean shore in Lattakia and Beirut

New Kurdistán from Syria to Iraq

Arabs genocide and refugees new cities following the palestinian modele

Save Israel by confronting sunna and shia

Skyrocket weapons consumption

Save Assad as the key stone to favor Iran as the new patrol force in the Middle East.

March 30th, 2016, 2:40 pm


Akbar Palace said:

Sandro Loewe,

We’ll have to wait and hope a republican wins the upcoming US presidential election. If so, the Republicans “promise” to rip up the retarded nuclear agreement with Iran. That would be the first step.

Keep your fingers crossed habibi.

March 30th, 2016, 3:25 pm


ghufran said:

Nasri alsayegh at assafir said what most are unwilling to say;
????? ???? ?? ?????: ?????? ??? ?????? ??????? ??????? ??????? ???? ??? ?????? ??????? ?? ?????. ??????? ??? ??????? ??????.
The only winners in the Syrian war are Putin and Obama, the rest are losers.

March 30th, 2016, 7:40 pm


ghufran said:

Tunisia’s president refuses to follow KSA order to list
Hizbullah as a terrorist organization and so did Egypt
and a number of other Arab countries not because they
support Hizbullah but because they know what KSA is about.

March 30th, 2016, 10:07 pm


Majedkhaldoun said:

It is not important this or that , the important is to get rid of Assad and have freedom and democracy ,true one , in Syria, this is the great revolution , will of the people is facing conspiracy from Iran ,Russia and US, yet it never died down ,it demonstrates the will of the people always win .
Now they are talking about he the Arch criminal Assad will go to third country , Muaallem is going to Algyria looking for a country that may host him , like the shah of
Iran he went to Egypt, I do not care where he goes ,as long as Syrians win their freedom , and yes we do not want another Sisi in Syria, freedom and democracy is all what we want , and we Syrians will build again , will live again , will have Syria the spring flower and the summer fruit

March 31st, 2016, 7:17 am


ghufran said:

2016 will probably be the year when ISIS military threat in Syria and Iraq is removed but ISIS will continue to exist for years to come.
ISIS was only possible because of foreign intervention in the region and oppressive regimes, Wahhabi Islam provided the ideological backbone.
A grand bargain that includes Iran-KSA deal and an orderly political change in Syria is the region’s best chance for a new beginning, it can also help KSA get out of the bloody mess it created in Yemen. Expect Israel and Islamists to oppose such a deal because it reduces their influence and help bring focus on Israel’s occupation again.
Ashrar al-sham rejected the UN envoy proposal and Jaish Alloush may not attend the next rounds of talks in Geneva, both developments if proven permanent are good for any deal to survive, the two mentioned groups have no interest in a secular state, democracy or a pleural government.
Al-baath in the new order will be just another party and Assad will not be able to convince Russia and the West that he is the best option after the war comes to an end, he was a war president and when the war is over he needs to retire.

March 31st, 2016, 8:07 am




Do you really believe a ¨plural state¨ is possible after what we have seen coming from Iran first and from sunna states later?

Iraq came to democracy to guarantee a 65 % shia people voting shia politics for keeping shia power and monopoly of corruption under shia hands. This is democracy in a land of sectarian Iran.

In Syria no matter what happens people will never be stupid again and will never forget how Assad butchered all those who opposed the shia alawi security state.

In some months more than half of the ¨legal electoral census¨of Syria will be alawite, shia, druze or christians. Sunna have been erased.

Now tell me, do you think Nusra is the problem? Looooool

March 31st, 2016, 9:16 am




Do you really believe a ¨plural state¨ is possible after what we have seen coming from Iran first and from sunna states later?

Iraq came to democracy to guarantee a 65 % shia people voting shia politics for keeping shia power and monopoly of corruption under shia hands. This is democracy in a land of sectarian Iran.

In Syria no matter what happens people will never be stupid again and will never forget how Assad butchered all those who opposed the shia alawi security state.

In some months more than half of the ¨legal electoral census¨of Syria will be alawite, shia, druze or christians. Sunna have been erased.

Now tell me, do you think Nusra is the problem? Looooool

March 31st, 2016, 9:16 am


Mina said:

I hope we get the names of the buyers one day
Making art collections on people’s blood should be a crime

March 31st, 2016, 9:17 am


ALAN said:

As the nuclear security summit begins in Washington, and relations with Ankara get froster, there are questions about the weapons’ fate

Are you trust Erdo?an with American nukes? are those nukes still in ?ncirlik? or they are already in another hands? There shouldn’t be nukes at all.

March 31st, 2016, 1:22 pm


ghufran said:

Turkey arrested the thug who shot dead a Russian pilot who was ejected from his jet which was downed by TAF, according to Hurriyet daily. if the news is confirmed some enlightened Thawrajiyyeh may question the real intentions of their hero, Erdogan, something they should have done 5 years ago.
The demographics have changed in Syria but it is not likely that politics in Syria for the long run will be sectarian, things will get better if the war is stopped and a political change takes place. What is important is to let people vote and not allow religion to direct politics and government, and that is precisely why many Sunni will vote for a secular non Sunni if the alternative is clowns like Alloush and Muslim brotherhood figures.
Keep in mind that Alawites as a percentage of the population have lost the most because of this dirty war, the famous slogan that the Syrian war is simply about evil Alawites killing innocent Sunnis requires a naïve mind tainted with dishonesty to go through.

March 31st, 2016, 4:14 pm




The demographics in Syria has changed because someone has been looking for it. This is not coincidence, this is the result of a perfectly planned action.

Syria, like Lebanon and Iraq will be sectarian as long as there are different religions inside. Once the sectarian war hits it will take 1000 years to heal. The nation states that solved this tension was through genocide like islam vs christians in Turkey or jewish vs islam/christianism in Palestine, or shia vs rest of minorities in Iran.

When you talk about people freely voting without fear of security secret services are you enlightened or do you simply take drugs?

March 31st, 2016, 5:59 pm


Mina said:

some people here will think the author of this article is describing his own fantasy i guess

April 1st, 2016, 9:18 am


Akbar Palace said:


Just so you know, the soldier you mentioned is in deep doo-doo. I also wanted to show this as an example of the rule-of-law that exists in the Middle East’s only democracy.

Israeli Prime Ministers and Presidents have gone to jail. Assad and other arab and muslim murderers will never face a jury for their crimes.,7340,L-4786043,00.html

April 1st, 2016, 10:33 am


Majedkhaldoun said:

Syria news mentioned that Ali Kayyali has not heared from him , for four days, we hope we stop hearing about Assad any more

thank you for your good news

April 1st, 2016, 7:04 pm


ALAN said:

Syrian diplomacy should be on dealing with the current Kurdish reality to direct it properly

April 2nd, 2016, 9:31 am


Tara said:


Hahaha. Yes!!!! We hope that we don’t hear from Assad soon.

At that time , Mini Apple would then not stop ??? ?tara ?????

April 2nd, 2016, 2:26 pm


Ghufran said:

68% of poll takers when rebels and terrorists were doing well realized that anti regime forces can not expand their reach beyond certain points:
recent successes of IS, Nusra, and various rebel groups spell the eventual downfall of the regime?
Yes — The regime is growing tired and is weakening, and if the fight continues much longer, it will fall. (14%, 142 Votes)
No — Despite a reduction in territory it controls, the regime will continue to exist in certain areas that the rebels will never take. (68%, 691 Votes)
Not sure — The fight is too close to call and it is still too difficult to know what the outcome will be. (18%, 187 Votes)
Using violence was a big mistake and infusing sectarianism was a sin.

April 3rd, 2016, 1:42 am


Juergen said:

Prominent alawites distance themselves from Assad and the regime by writing an open letter

Here is the full text of the letter

April 3rd, 2016, 4:39 am


Observer said:

Juergen Too Little Too Late

April 3rd, 2016, 8:35 am


Observer said:

Please please give us a secular state and make sure that we remain sect based minority.

All of the minorities want a secular majority while they remain a special status minority: this is not going to work. This is stupidity it is better to declare independence.

April 3rd, 2016, 8:47 am


Observer said:

There is one very nice result of this declaration: it really brings back the wonderful argument that took place between the Ashaarites and the Mutazeela regarding the use of reason in the continued evolution of the interpretation of the faith to make it constantly relevant. As we all know the doors of innovation were closed. This declaration has shown that the faith has ceased to serve the people a long time ago; and it has sclerosed totally; and it has been used by successive rulers to keep the population in check and to legitimize the rule. I like the elimination of religion as a source of legislation and the insistence that the Presidency is to go to Muslim; Fares Khouri was a Christian. More important though is that the new constitution include a separation of power. As Patrick Henry said: “the constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government”.
I also like that they are in some essence more true Muslims for they believe in both Christianity and Judaism ( in reality the faith basis points include faith in all of the messengers and their books and revelations therefore a Muslim is also a Christian and a Jew ).

However; my point above is still relevant.

I do think today that they have come to realize that they are stuck between fanatic Sunnis and fanatic Shia who are also trying to convert them. The later is more dangerous for the loss of identity and the former is more dangerous for the loss of life unfortunately.


April 3rd, 2016, 9:25 am


Ghufran said:

Pretending to be a secular while trashing people based on their inborn sect or religion is too funny for a serious blog but this has become a popular sport in the Middle East and elsewhere and it is called : Hypocriball, the list of participants is longer than the beards of those sheikhs who inspire some “secular” thawrajiyyeh.

April 3rd, 2016, 12:32 pm


Ghufran said:

Cracks and holes are increasingly evident in isis body, shortly after baghdadi sent a top lieutenant to Syria, Abu hajar altunisi, to lead the offensive in aleppo the guy was killed by a drone, that follows few other successful targeting of isis leaders by drones suggesting that isis has been infiltrated by foreig intelligence. Isis arrested 35 people from its security forces in Raqqa and killed 15 of them according to sohr.

April 3rd, 2016, 2:12 pm


Sami said:


What are your thoughts on the declaration? Do you think the Alawite community supports the declaration?

April 3rd, 2016, 3:26 pm


Badr said:

If the declaration is too little, then why not try building upon it!
And what is it too late for! I don’t believe the future of Syria has been finalized yet.

April 3rd, 2016, 4:47 pm


Sami said:

Very well said Badr.

April 3rd, 2016, 5:07 pm


majedkhaldoun said:

secularism in the middle East concept is different from secularism in the west , Secularism in the Middle East is Anti Islam only, it is not anti Christianity or anti Jewish, ,secularism in the west is sepeartion of Religion and State, the people are still not persecuted based on their religion, in the Middle East secularists rush to dictatorship, while in the west secularism is equal to democracy
when we understand that secularism is SEPERATION of religion and state , and not persecution of religion then secularism is great,
dictators took advantage of the term secularism, and use it as a reason to control the people and maintain their rule, there is no democracy and freedom and honest election in these states , usually a military officer is using the term secularism to stay in power , in the west secularists respect different ethnicities, in Syria secularist resort to sectarianism

April 3rd, 2016, 6:40 pm


Tara said:

Assad was never a secularist. He was fanatic “religious ” so to speak. He built a whole regime structure based on the Alawi sect. The Alawi janitor spies on the sunni minister and the buck end at the janitor not the minister. And there are spies on the spies . And each branch of its spy industry reports to Assad separately so a coup is not possible. This secular sectarianism is not about ancient God, ancient prophet, or an ancient religion . It is about a cult of one person . Stupid or willfully deceiver are those who call such a system secular.

The Alawi mufti ??? ?????? has posed on many pictures near ????? ????? after ???? and ?????? massacre ( or hardly a massacre as our apple in residence describes it). I don’t see the deceleration distance Alawis from their mufti … Why would the mufti of a sect pose with a war criminal unless the sect elders bless the killing .

The deceleration also states that Alawis were murdered because of their sect. Really?!! How many Alawis killed because of their religion ? Few ? 10 to 50 ? This happened after the sect partook in the killing of 100k civilian Sunnis at the beginning of the revolution . And not by the revolutionist but rather by the monster they help creating …

The deceleration should start with admission of guilt and an apology , a sincere one, not by a non-sensical playing a victim!

April 3rd, 2016, 8:32 pm


ghufran said:

Only Syrians inside Syria and the refugees since 2011 should have the decisive vote about Syria, expats must put money and time to help the needy but should not be in the business of calling the shots or inciting violence.
The declaration did not receive much attention from Alawites in Syria as far as I can tell but it is not entirely irrelevant,average Alawites argue that it is their sons that are dying, the same for average Sunnis, and not the rich and connected, they want the war to stop and they did not want the war to start in the first place. As a minority Alawites have no interest in antagonizing Sunnis but they have genuine fears about the strong influence of Islamists and Sunni sheikhs over the life of millions of Sunnis, those sheikhs made it clear that Alawites are Kuffar and that their lives and properties are fair game. Assads,on the other hand, did not allow Alawites sheikhs to expand and reach out to the masses, there are few mosques in Alawite villages but most people do not attend them and most Alawites do not have a lot of respect for religious figures with few exceptions, the title of Alawite Mufti or Alawite top religious leader only exists on thawrajiyyeh posts, no such thing exists in the Alawite community, Alawite sheikhs have little influence over Alawites and their political ideology.
I still believe that sectarian politics do not reflect real divisions inside people’s hearts but there is a definite need to advance and even enforce a culture of tolerance and that will not happen if islamists are in charge in Syria or any country. The declaration is a reminder that average Alawites care more about the future than about the Assads and his men but that does not mean that Alawites will be ready to lay down their weapons and see the army and security forces dissolved in the name of national unity, a more acceptable approach is a system that allows more regional control and more oversight so in few years we can claim that the army and security forces are not under control of one family or few people. Do not read too much into the declaration, distrust is deep and abandoning Assad does not mean trusting the other side, another issue is that Alawites who have family members in the army and security forces do not have the same vision about the future as other Alawites who are not on the same boat, the opposition painted all Alawites with a broad brush then complained that they do not have a partner in the Alawite community. The UN needs to step in if a real political solution is to be implemented.

April 3rd, 2016, 11:18 pm


Majedkhaldoun said:

All Syrians who carry Syrian citizenship has the right of voting in Syria whether they are inside or outside Syria, any other statement is nonsense.
To say that Alawites will not give up their weapons in the name of national unity is a call for continuous fight , not for a solution that respect democracy and equality, it is a call for violence to continue
Justice has to be served , after five years of crimes that was committed by Assad and his supporters must not go unpunished, but vengeance from innocents is not acceptable .
To call for regional control is a call for partition, it is a call to protect criminals , it is a call to keep Assad , that is a crime by itself
Justice means the punishment must equal the crime

April 4th, 2016, 4:37 am


Akbar Palace said:

Another shipload of Iranian weapons seized on the high seas.

Yes, and YOU thought the Iranians were just peace-loving joo-haters…

April 4th, 2016, 1:59 pm


ALAN said:

What is clear is that all players in this great game for the energy riches of Syria and the entire Middle East are engaged in deception, all to everyone. Syria is nowhere near an honestly-negotiated peace.

in a complex geopolitical game, which was fastened around Syria, in any case can not forget about two-faced nature of US diplomacy, which tries beat Moscow out of the saddle.

April 4th, 2016, 3:15 pm


SimoHurtta said:

Akbar come-on, did you read that propaganda news you linked?

Fox-news calls it as massive arms shipment. A “massive” shipment on a dhow – which is small traditional sailing ship? Really? In the news we can read:

The Navy said the shipment included 1,500 AK-47s, 200 rocket-propelled grenade launchers and 21 .50-caliber machine guns.

With that one can arm a small unit of little over 1000 men with relative light arms. Nothing compared to what the Americans, Israelis etc offer to Saudis for their “democracy” building operation in Yemen.

Also there reads: A defense official reached by Fox News would not reveal the nationality of the dhow’s crew.
Undercover Israeli Jews??? – could they be Akbar? Strange that US Navy can speculate to the US media from where the weapons are said coming, but they dare not to say anything about the crew. Odd isn’t it or is it?

Akbar did you know that Saudis use to their army yearly more than Russia does. And the results of those massive investments to western weapons are as we can see from the results in Yemen and Syria rather minimalistic. By the way Akbar did you know how many flying machines did USA lose in Vietnam – United States lost in Vietnam almost 10,000 aircraft and helicopters.

April 4th, 2016, 4:27 pm


Majedkhaldoun said:

Putin Assad and Mubarak stashing billions in Panam , they stole the money from their people , that claim they are the resistant front , actually they are thieves , now they are exposed, and yet people here on this forum they worship them , these are the thieves you are defending , shame on you

April 4th, 2016, 5:55 pm


Ghufran said:

thawrajiyyeh and GCC media and blogs are now the official cheer leaders for Nusra. In their twisted vision of the world alqaeda is the only choice now after the fall of the FSA, and Islam is the “solution” .
?? ??? ???? ?? ????? ?????

April 5th, 2016, 10:34 am


Akbar Palace said:

With that one can arm a small unit of little over 1000 men with relative light arms.


The bottom line is, you pretend Iran doesn’t interfere with sovereign governments all over the Middle East to spread their brand of Islamic theocracy. If it wasn’t for Iran, Syria could have escaped the carnage Assad brought upon the Syrian people.

The cache of arms I referenced above was the third such weapons cache confiscated in the past couple of weeks. And Iran’s proxies in Iraq, Syria and Lebanon have more Iranian weapons than “light arms”.

Once again, you turn a blind eye to your Iranian terrorist heroes? Why?

April 5th, 2016, 11:41 am


SimoHurtta said:

you pretend Iran doesn’t interfere with sovereign governments all over the Middle East to spread their brand of Islamic theocracy ??????

Are you nuts Akbar? The Shias existed in Middle East already when Iran was lead by the in USA loved Shah. Name the countries which Iran has occupied or “helped” with the regime change. The list is as long as your …. = ZERO cm.

We European non-Jews with some historic knowledge have seen in Middle East USA (+Israel), Saudi-Arabia etc interfere with sovereign governments (Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Syria, Libya, Egypt etc) spreading their brands of USA leaning colonialism (petrodollar / arms trade reality) combined with aggressive militant extreme Sunni Islam factions. And the result is that present real mess to what Iran can not be blamed or for what it is not guilty.

Have you Akbar any idea how much money Sunni Arabs and Jews use to their armies compared to what Iran does?
Saudi Arabia USD 85.3 billion USD (for comparisons sake Russia 66.4 billion)
UAE 22.7 billion
Oman 9.8 billion
Egypt 5.4 billion
Turkey 17.7 billion
Israel 17.5 billion
IRAN 9.9 billion

Sipri Military Expenditure Database can be loaded from the page

Akbar if you seriously claim that Iran is a real military threat to the region, there are two “reasons” which could make it a possible/likely reality.

* Americans and Europeans have sold complete shit to the Sunni countries armies and so their armies are useless.
* Iranians in general are real super soldiers who can without modern air force and landing capable navy invade the region using a fragment of the money others use.

We could cynically speculate, that option two shows the superiority of Shia Islam compared to the Sunni version and to Judaism. So all Sunnis and Jews should jump in the winners boat and convert while they still can. Or we could concentrate to the most likely option which is that this constant Iran intimidation is pure propaganda without real evidence.

Akbar the reality is that the Jewish state can and will not live in peace. Peace would mean, that Israel looses most of its undeniable geopolitical influence, that Israel would loose plenty of income, that Israel would loose West Bank or would become Palestine through its real majority, that in case of lacking external enemies the different quarrelsome Jewish groups would tare each other to pieces. To keep the conflicts on people like you repeat as Zionist gramophones that your fallacious and untrue Iran claims.

By the way Akbar do you know who armed South Sudan and what is the situation now there.
UNSC report: Israeli weapons used in South Sudan’s civil war

Hmmmmm joos make make money in their style … or do they Akbar? With what did you transport the weapons there? With dhows and camels? Or with more modern means?

April 5th, 2016, 3:00 pm


Tara said:


“Once again, you turn a blind eye to your Iranian terrorist heroes? Why?”

May be because of his wife , his pay check, or their pay checks.

Come on now Akbar, May be he has an infant that needs the Iranian pennies to drink milk. No one know someone’s else circumstances

Or he is just a Finn that likes the concepts of Taqya ( deception) , a turban man -in chief , or the concept of the twelve with one missing and said to have desended in some Damascus neighbor,

Or someone who is a dictatorship-lover

Or a brainwashed Shias convert

Or anti human and there are many of them around

Or anti-Semite , anti-Arab,

Orrrr he is just really truly infatuated by Assad and Hassan nasrallah and can see no evil

Any other possible explanation ? I think I exhausted the DIfferential Diagnoses I think


April 5th, 2016, 3:08 pm


ghufran said:

The cease fire is coming to an end after weapons including SAMs were passed to Nusra and after rebel forces joined Nusra, which is excluded from the cease fire agreement. Russia seems to be on board and this time bombardment will probably be extended to Aleppo in addition to Idleb.
Back to square one.

April 5th, 2016, 3:52 pm


Syrialover said:

I once had some sympathy for the “proud and heroic” Kurds. But this has changed.

Their stinking lack of morality, ill-disciplined aggression and greed is exposed. See them proudly displaying murdered FSA and Hezbollah flags on their social media. Read reports of their violence and forcible displacement of thousands of unprotected Arabs and minorities, grabbing territory which was never traditionally Kurdish. Look at their hypocritical on-again off-again relationship with the Assad regime over the years and their lies about it

Here’s a good source article, but there are plenty more out there:

We also now have evidence of how they’ll cheat each other and dirty their own nests when given political autonomy, land and resources. Google ‘Iraqi Kurdistan + corruption’ and read about the Mafiosi government, industrial-scale theft and chaos there.

They had every opportunity in Kurdish Iraq to get it right and prosper. A “dispossesed people” with a powerful cause, a democratic election system, a sophisticated diaspora, lots of support and sympathy internationally. Above all, sitting on massive oil, gas and mineral wealth. They could have been the shining star of the region.

But they trashed it. Big time, at record speed. Just as they are now doing in Syria.

The Kurds describe themselves as the largest stateless ethnic group in the world. Yeah, well maybe they’ll start to figure out reasons in their own ranks for this situation.

April 5th, 2016, 6:09 pm


Syrialover said:

TARA #174. I love your list!

My shortcut on Assad regime sympathisers is that they all have something invested in the regime, something to lose.

Financial, emotional, social status and security, identity, ideological beliefs – scratch their surface and you will find it.

Bottom line: they are threatened by any cleaner alternative.

April 5th, 2016, 6:22 pm


Ghufran said:

There is not much substance in most of the posts on this blog but there is a great deal of denial. Most Syrians do not want a divided Syria but at the same time they insist on shaping the country and its government to fit their trousers. Assad and his allies should know by now that he cannot rule all of Syria, thawrajiyyeh on the other hand want their opponents and all minirities to submit knowing very well that Nusra, the GCC and Turkey are in charge of the opposition and rebel force. Calls for local control and local security forces in rebel held areas if accepted can help stop the blood shed and allow rebuilding to start. The army stops the bombing, rebels stop their armed campaign and Nusra and isis are sidelined. None of that will happen if assad insists on staying president as if nothing happened and nothing will be done if the UN does not step in to monitor the cease fire and future elections. Accepting assad’s departure does not mean that he needs to leave now and it does not mean that the army and security forces have to be dissolved, so when the GCC funded opposition makes those demands you know that they do not own their decision or they do not want the war to stop. There are millions of sunni living in areas under regime control but all alawites who lived in rebel held areas are either dead or are in prison but that indisputable fact does not seem to matter much to those boneheads who want minorities,kurds and moderate sunni to submit to islamist rebels and political prostitutes appointed and employed by foreign governments that are in bed with Nusra and its cousins.
Go figure !!
?? ??? ???? ?? ??????????

April 5th, 2016, 7:18 pm



The New Sykes Picot Agreement / 21st Century / Sectarian Division

April 6th, 2016, 6:21 am


Akbar Palace said:

Any other possible explanation ?


Yes, LOL! Sim supports anyone that is an enemy of the US and Israel. I think that’s how he does his “math”.

In this case, Israel and Sunnis are on his shiite list. 😉

April 6th, 2016, 8:41 am


Akbar Palace said:

FRUIT & NUTS from a small town in Finland

Are you nuts Akbar?


The Shias existed in Middle East already when Iran was lead by the in USA loved Shah.

So what? That has nothing to do with Iran’s theocracy and their involvement with terrorism.

Name the countries which Iran has occupied or “helped” with the regime change. The list is as long as your …. = ZERO cm.

Iran works with proxies just like all your other boogeymen. Iran and their proxies are in Lebanon, Iraq, Yemen, and several Gulf States. They also aide Sunni terrorist groups like Hamas.

We European non-Jews with some historic knowledge have seen in Middle East USA (+Israel), Saudi-Arabia etc interfere with sovereign governments (Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Syria, Libya, Egypt etc) spreading their brands of USA leaning colonialism (petrodollar / arms trade reality) combined with aggressive militant extreme Sunni Islam factions.

Thanks Sim for putting your twisted brain into a simple, easy-to-read perspective. The key phrase is “USA leaning colonialism”.

In which case, I would start your little “war” with your own Finnish government. They seem to be very pro-American and pro-Israel and pro-West.

Please tell the participants on this forum what you are doing to fight Finland’s relationships with the above and help the Palestinians wesisting jooish hegemony, LOL!

And the result is that present real mess to what Iran can not be blamed or for what it is not guilty.

We all know your terrorist supporting heroes are NEVER guilty of anything. And you ask ME if I’M nuts??? Pul-eeeze Sim, your arguments wouldn’t even pass for a 10 year-old!

Have you Akbar any idea how much money Sunni Arabs and Jews use to their armies compared to what Iran does?

Money for defense has nothing to do with aggressive military action or support of terror. China has a HUGE defense budget, but does not support ME terror groups. Another straw dog.

Akbar if you seriously claim that Iran is a real military threat to the region, there are two “reasons” which could make it a possible/likely reality.

Iranian threats are real. That is why Sunni nations and Israel are on the same page. Thank Iran for bringing together Arabs and Joos!

* Americans and Europeans have sold complete shit to the Sunni countries armies and so their armies are useless.

The shiite the West has sold the arabs is difficult to operate and requires knowledgeable and well trained personnel. The arabs are coming along…

* Iranians in general are real super soldiers who can without modern air force and landing capable navy invade the region using a fragment of the money others use.

Iranians are being used as fodder by their fanatical leadership. Once they stop barking and threatening, they will be silenced by the same people they threaten. Then the world will turn to the next terrorist and dictator.

We could cynically speculate, that option two shows the superiority of Shia Islam compared to the Sunni version and to Judaism.

I am not demented enough to say any religion is superior to another you jack*ss.

Akbar the reality is that the Jewish state can and will not live in peace.

I hear this everyday. Meanwhile, your heroes keep dying trying to murder other muslims. WTF? Wake me up when ur serious dude.

Peace would mean .. blah, blah blah.

Peace would mean all people’s rights would be respected and nations would work together to better their societies. Not sure what peace means for the Iranian theocracy. Do tell? Are you the 12th Imam you loon?

Hmmmmm joos make make money in their style…

Being an anti-semite sounds like a lot of fun. Unfortunately, some people may discover your opinions and view you a bit negatively. Make sure you make your opinions known on your next job interview or date for that matter, LOL!

April 6th, 2016, 10:51 am


Akbar Palace said:

Looks like our favorite theocracy is far out-pacing the “colonialist” West in terms of capital punishment. Seems like they’re even doing better than Saudi Arabia. Who knew?

Anyway, there’s just nothing wrong with the Iranian Theocracy™. Like Christ, they’ve never sinned…

April 6th, 2016, 11:31 am


Observer said:

Now please this is not my view or my saying or my condoning anything in this post that I received from a friend expressing his/her views on the latest Alawi leadership declaration. I am just posting the post as an illustration of why I thought it is too little too late

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April 6th, 2016, 1:12 pm




Get your visa for Siberia or just start gasing all syrians in gas chambers like Hitler did with jews, gypsies, arabs and so-called inferior races.

One must be dump racist and sectarian to defend the sectarian division or opression of the whole Syria by a criminal genocide who believes the prophet of God.

SIMOHURTA, are you japanese? Maybe you will be sent to gas chambers too by ALAN, take care.

April 6th, 2016, 6:40 pm


Tara said:


“Hmmmmm joos make make money in their style ”

You are anti-Semite indeed. Truth be told, my Jewish partners make their money be EXTREME HARD WORK and dedication …. And so does their “Muslim” partner. We earn our money working hard, you earn blood money as paid propaganda agent . At least choose your cause wisely.

Anti American, anti Semite , anti Arab, anti Sunnis , pro Russia, Iran, Assad, and HA. Now Russia and Israel are friends . Are you Simo schizophrenic ? If you are anti Israel , why are you pro Russia ?

April 6th, 2016, 7:42 pm


Majedkhaldoun said:

Very important plan by Russia, if true it is the best solution, Russia is recruiting military officers that include some from the regime who has no blood on their hands , and several high military officers who did not participate in fighting to form military ruling committee and they choose people who will write a new constitution and arrange for parliamentary and presidential election, under UN observation ,
That means Assad and his oligarch must leave, this certainly means Russia may abandon Assad
If the news are correct then it will be acceptable to the opposition
This plan will not be approved by Assad and Iran
What do you think about it?

April 6th, 2016, 8:24 pm


ALAN said:

/earn blood money/ mmmmmm…
The U.S. and other Western nations have become much more involved in the affairs of the three nations through which oil will flow. The countries have been trying to use the involvement as a counterbalance to Russian and Iranian economic and military dominance in the region. Russian specialists claim that the pipeline will weaken the Russian influence in the Caucasus. The Russian Parliament Foreign Affairs Committee chairman Konstantin Kosachev stated that the United States and other Western countries are planning to station soldiers in the Caucasus on the pretext of instability in regions through which the pipeline passes.
And when this kind of money is involved, guess who pops up?
Possible transhipment via Israel?
so Israel Signs $1.6 Billion Arms Deal With Azerbaijan.
It has been proposed that oil from the pipeline be transported to eastern Asia via the Israeli oil terminals at Ashkelon and Eilat, the overland trans-Israel sector being bridged by the Eilat-Ashkelon Pipeline owned by the Eilat Ashkelon Pipeline Company (EAPC).
Hurry up to Paging ISIS…

April 7th, 2016, 12:32 am


Akbar Palace said:

Some say a picture is worth a 1000 words. I hope so, I hate writing…

April 7th, 2016, 3:09 pm


Ghufran said:

Leading rebel force admitting to the use of “forbidden ” weapons:
The leadership of the Islamist rebel group, Jaish al-Islam, has admitted to use “forbidden weapons” in a battle against Kurdish fighters yesterday in a statement released early this morning: “During the clashes one of the Jaish al-Islam brigade leaders used [weapons] forbidden in this kind of confrontations.”
translation: Alloush army used chemical weapons.

April 8th, 2016, 9:12 am


ALAN said:

/189. GHUFRAN said:
Leading rebel force admitting to the use of “forbidden ” weapons/
There are no more apropos words can be found to sum up the current state of world affairs. There has been an organised crime cabal manipulating world events, not just since 9-11, their most egregious act, but much earlier. Recall that CIA asset Bush Sr was in Dealey Plaza back in 63 and the prominent role the Bush family have played in controlling the US and you have some idea of the scope and scale of this criminal conspiracy.
The US finds itself in a sorry state today in so many ways, social, economic and above all, political; this is the work of the criminal cabal. Russia has, due to strong leadership, been able to avoid the same happening to her and that is why she is so demonised today by a Western media owned by the criminals. When US politicians and senior soldiers make speeches about having to rein in Russia with sanctions or placing forces in Eastern Europe to counter Russian aggression they are not speaking on behalf of the country they purport to represent, they are attempting to follow the agenda of their real masters in the criminal cabal.
Russia is playing the leading role in the pushback against this crime cabal with Iran and Syria as partners. The best thing the US can do is to throw their lot in with the Russians in order to defeat not just Islamic State but all the other proxy armies of the crime cabal. At the same time, the rooting out of all the traitors like Petraeus and Allen has to continue, a purge of the US military, intelligence, political, corporate and banking sectors.

April 8th, 2016, 1:15 pm


ALAN said:

The United States via its Central Intelligence Service is still delivering thousands of tons of additional weapons to al-Qaeda and others in Syria.
Most worthy for prof. Landis to come out of the cocoon of sectarian engineering and highlights the successive crimes committed by the influence American institutions, who actively support this criminal war on Syria and its people.

April 8th, 2016, 4:28 pm


Tara said:

Observer @183

Alawi freind of mine aske me a question in response to sharing your post with him . He asked who is more criminal ? An 18 yo uneducated Alawi soldier getting paid $100 per month killing a Sunni child or a British educated Sunni woman wearing a $5000 shoe whose husband seiging and starving Madaya children?

This is not about Alawis and Sunnis . This is about most Alawis and many Sunnis are ineed an inherent part of the regime because of whatever interests they have invested in it.

April 8th, 2016, 7:15 pm


Badr said:

“There is not much substance in most of the posts on this blog”

If so, then it could be that they are taking a cue from you.

April 9th, 2016, 2:11 am


Hopeful said:

#192 Tara

Thank you!

The system is broken and the regime that created that system cannot fix it – simply because the system was created to protect the regime – nothing else. The Sunni-Alawites chasm is one tool in the system itself to use whenever the regime feels danger. Another tool is the strategic alliance with Iran. Another tool is the tactical alliance with Putin. And there are many more.

The regime turned out to be much stronger than anyone has anticipated – especially the insider rebels who decided to take up arms against it. Their alliance with the Islamists was a terrible mistake, but even that is not enough to break the regime.

Like Iraq’s Saddam’s regime, and Libya’s Qaddafi, only US’s military involvement can bring the regime down militarily. But the aftermath is unpredictable, and the Iraq and Libya’s experiences have convinced the US administration and public that this is not the right approach. The Syrian regime knew that. The rebels did not. The regime outsmarted, outmaneuvered, and outlasted the rebels.

In my opinion, the only chance for the opposition now is to outsmart the regime politically. Right now it is not doing very well by making demands that no one can achieve for them. The only demand that matters is to insist on a free and fair elections sometime in the near future, with guarantees from the UN, the US and Russia. Everything else is and should be negotiable.

April 9th, 2016, 3:21 am


ALAN said:

Five years of hyperbole on the basis of the Saudi Qatari Israeli-Turkish EU and US support after the devastation and eventually starts to sell us the alphabet political action. Are you sane Hopeful ?

April 9th, 2016, 5:32 am


SimoHurtta said:

188. Akbar Palace said:

Some say a picture is worth a 1000 words. I hope so, I hate writing…

Thumb up 2 Thumb down 12

Well Akbar the picture on the page you linked is really worth 1,000 words – well at least your and Tara’s words. There is NO PICTURE ON THAT PAGE (except the commercials below the actual page which you mean) when I opened the page (several times). There is no picture where military Jews are helping an elderly Arab. There is only a text where the writer is complimenting without no modesty Israel, Israeli Jews and your army. Funny how this blog’s creators are even asking for DONATIONS. For what? A missing picture and a short story as an example of modern Israeli Jewish fiction. Photo Of The Day – Tyred Of Apartheid Allegations Edition is NO PHOTO means, that you are not tired to Apartheid – obviously.

Akbar it is you who use constantly in your comments the term joos of your religious cult. You yourself introduced the term on this “media”. So if I write joos I am anti-Semite, when you write you are not? Examples how you use the term in several comments
* their puppet Assad kill far more innocent Muslims than joos do, (comment 63)
* Again, we are well aware that joos aren’t allowed to defend themselves (comment 89)
* In my “dirty mind” joos are allowed to defend themselves from attacks by armed Palestinian terrorists. (comment 111)
* help the Palestinians wesisting jooish hegemony, (comment 181)
* Thank Iran for bringing together Arabs and Joos! (comment 181)
Hmmmmm… Actually I do not even know if joos is seen as insulting. English is a foreign language for me, so I do not know the slang words. Before you Akbar begun to use the term in your comments I even did not know of such slang term existing. When you begun to use it, I naturally thought it is proper for us others also to use the term. Where I used the term was connected to illegal weapon trade with South Sudan and arming them. The Israeli and Jews extremely active and long term role in international illegal arms trade around Africa and elsewhere is very well known and documented. And they certainly have not given or will give the weapons for free —> blood diamonds, minerals, drugs etc. are the demanded payment if they do not have dollars.

Akbar your threats in comment 181 of me being in war with the Finnish “pro-Israeli” government are amusing. So you really claim that you Jews control the world to that degree you can influence what is allowed to say in Finland? If you claim it being so, so it must be so. So the internal and external Jews control the 5.5 million Finns and what we are allowed to say. Terrible …

By the way Akbar Helsinki is not a small town. It is much bigger than what Tel Aviv is. There are less Jews in Jerusalem than us Finns in Helsinki.

Today’s history lesson Akbar.
In Yom Kippur war Israel did loose 1,063 tanks and 102–387 planes. When the war was ended short by USA and Soviets Israel had 600 tanks left and a couple of hundred planes. What if the war had taken months? Arabs had only a part of their arsenals in use …

April 9th, 2016, 6:35 am


Ghufran said:

What you wrote was posted here repeatedly since 2012 and I totally agree, thawrajiyyeh attacked me then and they are unable to accept the truth now.

April 9th, 2016, 10:07 am


Hopeful said:

# 198 Ghufran

I know. Regime supporters also attacked the same argument and are unable to accept it today as well. However, there are many in the opposition who accepts it (Maqdisi, Khayyer, etc.) including myself and many of my friends. I have yet to meet a regime supporter who would accept it.

April 9th, 2016, 10:53 am


Sami said:


What is your thoughts on a one state solution to Israel and Palestine?


Akbar thinks you’re an anti-Semite not by your use of the term joo’s but rather the way you keep insisting on qualifying them. The way you structure your arguments leads the reader to believe that in fact you’re an anti-Semite.

Your use of the “resistance” is nothing more than an outlet for your fascist racism. You do more harm to the Palestinians and their cause, because you muddy the waters and drown out the real voices.

This explains why you’re an ardent supporter of Putin/Assad/Khameni. You all use the “resistance” to further your own fascist agenda.

April 9th, 2016, 11:21 am


Ghufran said:

Galioun from Turk-Saudi block in the Syrian opposition said that his faction is willing to accept a president from the Assad regime as long as it is not Assad.

April 9th, 2016, 11:47 am


ALAN said:

I know you are a person full of extensive knowledge and especially geopolitical commensurate with the nature of international conflicts
I personally always respect your posts and read it carefully. Thank you

April 9th, 2016, 2:04 pm


ALAN said:

Russian intelligence report on Turkey’s current assistance to Daesh
The main supplier of weapons and military equipment to ISIL fighters is Turkey…
The Be?ar foundation (President — D. ?anl?) is most actively engaged in pursuing these objectives….
The ?yilikder foundation (President — Mr. I. Bahar) is also a major supplier of weapons and military equipment to Syrian territory under ISIL control…
The Foundation for Human Rights and Freedoms [IHH] (President — Mr. B. Y?ld?r?m) is actively engaged in delivering munitions to terrorists in Syria. It is officially supported by the Government of Turkey and acts under the direction of the Turkish intelligence services…..

April 9th, 2016, 2:53 pm


Sami said:

Good on Ghalioun for showing a compromise. Now let’s see the Assadists compromise on a single issue!

April 9th, 2016, 3:00 pm


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