Archive for March, 2013

Syria Video – a powerful web service that maps Syrian war video by town and province

Jabhat al-Nusra Shaikh Promises to Decapitate Every Oppressive Arab Leader

Dera’a is Falling

Opposition Infighting and Fragmentation Bedevils Syria

“Jihad in Syria (Part II): The Assad Regime Perspective,” By Aymenn Jawad Al-Tamimi

Moaz al-Khatib, Moderate Syrian Leader, Resigns, as Islamic Front and Nusra Move on Damascus. Will the US build a Counter-force?

Drones, A New Alawite Opposition, Obama in Israel

“Syrian Regime Loses Last Credible Ally among the Sunni Ulama,” by Thomas Pierret

“Jihad in Syria,” By Aymenn Jawad Al-Tamimi

Lebanese Tension, Egyptian Chaos, Iraqi Memories… and all the news from Syria

“The Free Syrian Army Does Exist” by Koert Debeuf & Response by Aron Lund

Who is Ghassn Hitto? Why Was He backed to be Prime Minister of an Interim Gov by Mustafa Sabbagh?

“Syria’s Salafi Insurgents: The Rise of the Syrian Islamic Front” by Aron Lund

The Free Syrian Army Doesn’t Exist

al-Nusra, al-Raqqa, Calls for Jihad, River of Death

“The Uprising and the New Syria: Islamists Rise in Raqqa while Damascene Christians Dodge Fire” By Matthew Barber

Capture of Raqqa – Daraa Offensive – Schooling Crisis – Kerry Supportive

Raqqa Falls – (4 March 2013) Assad’s Interview with Hala Jaber

Why the US is Reluctant to Support the Syrian Revolution (in Arabic)

News Round Up (1 March 2013)