Archive for January, 2009

You lose ability, when you lose credibility, S. Farah

“Syria eyes strategic gains after Gaza war,” by Khaled Oweis

What the Middle East Needs is the “Audacity of Hope”, by Hind Kabawat

Will US talk to Hamas? Many say, “Yes”

“Visit to Beit Sawa” by Ali Khan – Dispatch from Damascus

Will Syria Benefit from Israel’s Invasion of Gaza?

Syria’s Advice to Obama

Will Gaza Bring Reconciliation to Divided Arab Leaders?

The Gaza Diary 3: “Our Heros”

“The One State Solution” by Elie Elhadj

Who Won the War in Gaza?

Assad in Doha: “An Eye for an Eye”

“Palestine’s Bleak Future and Syria’s Disappointment in Obama,” by Landis

Assad on Gaza in Interview with BBC

Hillary, Gaza, Econ

Gaza Diary 2

Asma al-Asad on Gaza: Obama’s Dream Team

“The Gaza Diary”

“The War in Gaza: Tactical Gains, Strategic Defeat?” by Cordesman

“Moharram in Damascus” by Ali Khan

Demo in Damascus: Assad Explains Syria Stand

Haass Rumored to Be New Mideast Pointman

Water and Economics in Syria