Archive for December, 2008

The Best on Gaza

Bush Pardons Man who helped Bombing of Damascus

Gaza and the Geronimo Effect

Gaza Killings Divide Arab Countries Further

Top 5 reasons why Israel is attacking Gaza

Peace Talks and the Economy

Syria is the Only Game in Town

News Round Up (December 19, 2008)

Waging Peace in Atlanta, by Britta Froelicher


Obama likely to appoint Ross, Kurtzer and Indyk says Haaretz

Ali Khan – The Golan and Quneitra

Economy: Syria Avoids Recession

Carter in Damascus as US and Israel try to Pressure Syria on UN inspections

Netanyahu Agrees to Give Syria Talk, but Not Golan

Life on the edge

“Forces of Stability: Syria and Iran or the USA?” by Jihad Makdissi

Ali Khan, “Dispatch from Damascus 12: Preparing for Eid”

Hariri Tribunal Revives Speculation and Spin

News Round UP (6 December 2008)

“US Signals it plans to return an ambassador to Damascus,” says Assad

“The Two Emigrants ?????????,” Reviewed by Ketan Gajria

“Giving Back the Golan Will Not Be Easy,” by Shai