Archive for August, 2008

News Round UP (1 Sept. 2008)

Syria & Lebanon Should Hold Simultaneous Talks With Israel

Flooding in Damascus: Mosquitoes Cheer

Bush’s Policy of No Dialogue with Syria is Costing US Lives

Has the US Missed a Chance for Arab – Israeli Peace?

Kouchner Visits Syria

Lebanese Sovereignty continued

Lebanese Sovereignty: Where Does Syria Stand?

“Template for peace is inclusion” by Paul Keating

Syria at the Olympics

Biden on Syria

New Cold War or Merely Jockeying for Position? What Does Syria Want?

Syria’s Response to the Russian-Georgian Conflict

Obama Adviser Kurtzer Advises Syria to Do More for Peace

IDAF’s Observations on his Month-long Trip Around Syria

Ehsani’s Observations Following a Two Week Visit to Aleppo

News Round Up (18 Aug. 2008)

News Round Up (12 Aug. 2008)

Assassination Speculation

Aref Dalileh released

Muhammad Suleiman Murdered

Building Towards Peace

News Round-Up (August 1, 2008)