Clinton Helps Shape New Syrian Gov in Exile

Obama administration works to launch new Syrian opposition council, Posted By Josh Rogin, Foreign Policy

Syrian opposition leaders of all stripes will convene in Qatar next week to form a new leadership body to subsume the opposition Syrian National Council, which is widely viewed as ineffective, consumed by infighting, and little respected on the ground, The Cable has learned.

The United States is withdrawing support for the Syrian National Council (SNC) and helping form a more representative opposition group. U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said “There has to be representation of those who are on the front lines, fighting and dying today to obtain their freedom.” The SNC is largely comprised of exiles. The Obama administration has been working behind the scenes for several months in negotiations to build a new Syrian opposition leadership. Clinton said she has been heavily involved in planning an Arab League supported meeting for next week in Doha, Qatar, where opposition figures will work to form a new opposition body. U.S. ambassador to Syria Robert Ford, pulled form Syria last year due to safety concerns, has also been working to assemble a new group. It is expected to have between 35 and 50 representatives, up to one third of which will likely go to members of the SNC. Former Syrian Prime Minister Riyad Hijab, who defected in August, is one of the people proposed for the new council. Addressing increasing reports of Islamist extremist involvement in fighting in Syria, Clinton also warned the opposition should “strongly resist the efforts by the extremists to hijack the Syrian revolution.” Meeting with U.N. and Arab League envoy on Syria Lakdar Brahimi, China proposed a plan to end violence in Syria including a regionally phased ceasefire and establishment of a transitional government. Meanwhile, violence continued Wednesday with street fights in Aleppo and a bombing in Atarib, 12 miles west of the city, which hit a breadline and killed at least 15 people. Additionally, a bomb exploded at a Shiite shrine in Damascus near a government checkpoint.

Clinton’s statements slammed as ‘astounding’ by SNC – aljazeera

Louay Safia, member of the Syrian National Council, called recent comments by Hillary Clinton, US secretary of state, regarding the SNC “an astounding statement”.

Though Safia admits the largely foreign-based opposition group has under-performed in some areas, he said “the secretrary will have to take some credit for that”.

In response to Clinton’s fears of “extremist” groups taking hold in the Syrian opposition, Safia says such groups are everywhere, but “in Syria they are very marginal”.

Safia then went on to criticse US policy in Syria saying Washington is currently working on a deal with Moscow and that the Obama administration “would like to have quiet in Syria”, even if that means Bashar al-Assad, Syrian president, retains some level of power.

The Creation Of A U.S.-Approved Syrian Government In Exile – OpEd
By: Paul Woodward, October 31, 2012

Is American diplomacy an oxymoron? The Syrian opposition has been notoriously fractured, so the goal of forging unity among what have hitherto been disparate groups clearly makes sense. What makes no sense but should be no surprise is Washington’s typical heavy-handedness in trying to achieve this goal.

An upcoming Qatar meeting “will include dozens of opposition leaders from inside Syria, including from the provincial revolutionary councils, the local ‘coordination committees’ of activists, and select people from the newly established local administrative councils.

So far so good. But then comes this message from a senior Obama administration official: “We need to be clear: This is what the Americans support, and if you want to work with us you are going to work with this plan and you’re going to do this now,” the official said. “We aren’t going to waste anymore time. The situation is worsening. We need to do this now.”

Stand to attention and follow our instructions because America is running out of patience.

Is that the kind of admonition that’s going to smooth out all the discord? I don’t think so. What it is, is the imperial American way….

Fighting erupts between Syrian rebels and Kurds – Liz Sly in Washington Post

BEIRUT — Nearly a week of fighting between Kurds and Arab rebels in northern Syria risks opening a new front in the already bloody battle for control of the country, underscoring the complexity of a conflict that threatens to ignite sectarian and ethnic tensions across the region…..
Russian SA-7’s in Syria?
A friend writes:
Thank you for your thorough reporting on all things Syria. Your blog is the best place to get information, and informed opinion, on what’s happening.
I don’t know if you have read this op-ed already, but it is quite astonishing. Do you have any evidence, or heard any rumours, that the US was involved in gun running from Libya to the Syrian rebels? Could the Russian SA-7?s which the rebels have been using recently come from Gadaffi’s looted stores of Russian weapons?
Retired Adm. James A. Lyons, former commander in chief of the U.S. Pacific Fleet and senior U.S. military representative to the United Nations recently wrote an op-ed asking some rather pointed questions, and making some astonishing claims:
Obama needs to come clean on what happened in Benghazi
Washington Times
Adm. James A. Lyons was commander in chief of the U.S. Pacific Fleet and senior U.S. military representative to the United Nations.
We now know why Ambassador Christopher Stevens had to be in Benghazi the night of 9/11 to meet a Turkish representative, even though he feared for his safety.  According to various reports, one of Stevens’ main missions in Libya was to facilitate the transfer of much of Gadhafi’s military equipment, including the deadly SA-7 – portable SAMs – to Islamists and other al Qaeda-affiliated groups fighting the Assad Regime in Syria. In an excellent article, Aaron Klein states that Stevens routinely used our Benghazi consulate (mission) to coordinate the Turkish, Saudi Arabian and Qatari governments’ support for insurgencies throughout the Middle East. Further, according to Egyptian security sources, Stevens played a “central role in recruiting Islamic jihadists to fight the Assad Regime in Syria.”

Syrian rebels execute unarmed government soldiers; dozens killed in fighting
By Babak Dehghanpisheh, Thursday, November 1, 12: Wash Post

BEIRUT— Syrian rebels executed at least a half-dozen unarmed government soldiers Thursday after attacks on a series of checkpoints near the town of Saraqeb in northwest Syria.

At least 28 government soldiers and five opposition fighters were killed in the rebel operation that targeted checkpoints on roads connecting Saraqeb to Aleppo and Ariha, according to the Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.

The execution of the soldiers, which was documented in a graphic video posted online Thursday, is not the first time that rebel soldiers appear to have committed war crimes. United Nations representatives and human rights organizations have repeatedly criticized the Syrian opposition in recent months for carrying out summary executions and for abusing detainees.

In early August, members of a clan loyal to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad were executed by rebels and a gruesome video of that killing was widely disseminated on the Internet. That killing prompted some commanders of the Free Syrian Army to write a code of conduct for their fighters in an attempt to curb human rights abuses. But the execution of the soldiers Thursday was a clear sign that the code is not being observed by all the rank and file. ….

The video posted online Thursday, which allegedly was filmed at the Hamisho checkpoint west of Saraqeb, shows rebel soldiers kicking and insulting the government soldiers who are spread out on the ground. Some of them appear to be wounded. One of the soldiers pleads, “I did not hit anyone, by Allah. I did not kill anyone.”

The man filming the video tells the soldier to shut up and says, “Organize them for me.” The fighters pull the soldiers into a pile in the center of the room and open fire on the group, kicking up clouds of dust. The shooting continues for 20 seconds.

A second video posted online Thursday, which appears to have been filmed shortly after the execution, shows at least three other bodies spread out around the checkpoint. The man filming approaches two of the bodies and says, “The shabiha of Assad, the dogs.”

A friend writes:

This week there are clashes between FSA and popular committees from two predominantly Shiite towns. The two towns fighting the FSA are Nubbol (population 21,000) and al-Zahraa (poulation 14,000), about 10 miles north of Aleppo on the way to Azaz (FSA) and Afrain (Kurds), and just north of Anadan (FSA) and Hretan (FSA). The news clip said that the armed committees from Nubbol and al-Zahraa supported by Syrian Army artillery and tank fires, attacked the FSR in Anand.

The creation of a U.S.-approved Syrian government in exile
Posted: 31 Oct 2012

Is American diplomacy an oxymoron? The Syrian opposition has been notoriously fractured, so the goal of forging unity among what have hitherto been disparate groups clearly makes sense. What makes no sense but should be no surprise is Washington’s typical heavy-handedness in trying to achieve this goal. An upcoming Qatar meeting “will include dozens of […]

Mona Yacoubian, Shifting the Pradigm in Syria

…..Further militarization of the Syrian conflict would exacerbate an already volatile situation on the ground, deepening and protracting Syria’s sectarian civil war. Far from providing relief for innocent civilians, fueling the conflict with more arms risks further endangering civilians. The armed opposition’s inability to unify and its continued radicalization as well as enduring divisions between key patrons, Qatar and Saudi Arabia, underscore the inherent risks of this option. Differences among Syria’s various armed opposition groups, not to mention between Arabs and Kurds, could erupt into open hostilities in Syria’s mounting chaos. Meanwhile, jihadist elements, while still a distinct minority, appear to be gaining influence.

Moreover, the arming process could pose a significant threat to U.S. national security interests given the difficulty of ensuring that the arms ultimately do not end up in the wrong hands. The blowback of U.S. interventions in Iraq in the 2000s and Afghanistan in the 1980s is a potent reminder of the risks. Experiences in Iraq and Afghanistan also suggest that arming the opposition will not necessarily confer greater U.S. influence on them should they come to power. Time and again, the United States has been confronted with the limits of its influence if it was garnered solely by supplying arms and in the absence of deeper political and strategic common interests.

Nor does channeling more sophisticated weaponry to the armed rebels guarantee that they will gain a strategic edge over the regime. Iran, Hezbollah, and Russia — the Syrian regime’s primary patrons — would likely meet such an escalation with a commensurate upping of the ante. Already, Tehran has doubled down on its support for the regime since mid-July when the rebels mounted a successful attack against key elements of the regime and escalated the battle in Damascus and Aleppo. Likewise, Hezbollah has provided greater support to the Assad regime, reportedly sending fighters to train and possibly fight alongside the shabiha, Syria’s sectarian paramilitary forces.

Establishing a safe zone in northern Syria will require a significant U.S. military commitment. The United States will necessarily need to play a leading role in disabling Syria’s complex air defense systems, including batteries south of Damascus. Moreover, a safe zone will require a military presence (possibly Turkish or Arab) on the ground to defend the area. U.S. military involvement in Syria, even if limited to air strikes, likely would catalyze jihadist involvement in Syria, drawing more foreign fighters into an arena in which the United States is directly engaged.

Rather than pursue military options, the United States needs to build a broad-based coalition for a peaceful transition in Syria. It should seek to create conditions that will alter the dynamic from militarization to diplomacy. The United States must resist the temptation to join a sectarian battle that threatens to engulf the region. It should tamp down sectarian tensions across the region, not play into them by viewing Syria solely via a sectarian prism that pits the region’s Sunni powers against the arc of Shiite influence spearheaded by Iran.

Instead, the United States must rise above the violence and help provide a way out of the crisis. Washington should leverage the latest escalations — both inside Syria and regionally — to assert its leadership via NATO and the United Nations and shift the dynamic regionally and globally. It should seek to turn the real danger of a regional war into an opening for regional and global diplomacy backed by the credible threat of force via Article 5 of the NATO treaty should these efforts fail……

Kati Woronka, who writes the blog,ed Culturtwined has a new book about

Syrian culture and society, particularly from the perspective of Syrian women. After several years living in Syria and conducting academic research there, I began writing stories based on what I was learning. Dreams in the Medina is a full-length novel, a coming-of-age tale which explores the aspirations, passions and tragedies of a group of young Syrian women, who on the surface seem to have nothing in common but who are brought together in the deepest of bonds as they study and live together at the University of Damascus.

The book is now available for download as an e-book! My desire is that this book will be a discussion. Read it with friends and talk about Syria. Transport yourself to the world of the Medina Jamayeia in Damascus and relive the dreams of youth. Then, tell me what you think and how I can improve this project!

**The stunning cover image is by the brilliant artist Suhair Sibai. See more of her work here.

Tom Schutyser’s new book
, “CARAVANSERAI – Traces, Places, Dialogue in the Middle East”

Both photo essay and travelogue, this stunning volume documents the caravanserais of the Levant region in the Middle East. Tom’s powerful photographs are illuminated by contributions from some of the most eminent writers, thinkers, and journalists specializing in the Middle East and foreign relations. The result is an engaging new perspective on both the history and current-day affairs of this region.

Photographs and texts by Tom Schutyser, Introduction by Andrew Lawler, Contributions by Reza Aslan, Rachid al-Daif, Robert Fisk, Dominique Moïsi, Paul Salem

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Comments (145)


New SNC to be formed in Qatar. Riad Seif to be one of the leading personalities. Sometimes I talked in this SC forum about Riad Seif. I know him personally and I trust him too much. I know his personal views in life as well as in politics. He is a powerfull personality for future Syria. He has nothing to lose and too much to offer to Syria and syrians.

November 1st, 2012, 5:02 pm


Dawoud said:

Subject: Shia Terrorists

Iran (Ayatollah-istan) is the source of all evil these days, at least as far as Syria is concerned. A few days ago the NYT had an article on Iraq and how Iraqi Shia terrorists are first transported to Iran for terrorism training before flying to Syria to kill Syrians.

Syria will not see freedom until the shia terrorists from Hizbistan (Lebanon), Iraq, and Ayatollah-istan (Iran) are crushed and defeated!

Free Syria, Free Palestine, STOP Shia terrorism!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

November 1st, 2012, 7:58 pm


Syrialover said:


Interested to read your comment.

I’m also keen to have information and knowleadgeable comment on who the FSA will be sending to sit at the table.

November 1st, 2012, 8:09 pm


Ghufran said:

In Haarem,rebels killed 6 women with sniper bullets when they tried to get out of their hiding place to get water. A reporter from inside Haarem claimed that foreign fighters are behind the failure to reach a face saving deal in that town. Another video showing the execution of unarmed soldiers captured by Islamist thugs has surfaced on the net.
More on foreign and Islamist terrorists:
“Around the hard-bitten 23-year-old sat three members of a Syrian rebel militia who were acting as his hosts. They looked at the floor as the young jihadi explained Qur’anic teachings that he said were shaping the battle ahead. “I don’t care about the future,” he said. “I care about today. Muhammad the Messenger said there would be a battle between the Persians and the Sunnis. And it is coming.
“When the regime falls, all those who fought against the Muslims will be my enemy, especially the Shias,” he said, reiterating a view held by some Sunni extremists that Shia are their biggest foes “.
( it may be too late for the FSA to separate itself from those thugs,the damage is done, FSA chiefs, assuming they have any, have shot their own cause in the foot)
The Gurdian published a good article on the subject ( source of above paragraph ).

November 1st, 2012, 8:18 pm


Warren said:

Turmoil in Jordan over WikiLeaks cables

The recent disclosure by WikiLeaks of cables sent by the American Embassy in Amman back in 2008 has created a storm in Jordan. The King has accused the Americans of meddling in domestic affairs by trying to force an unsolicited change in his kingdom whereby the Palestinians relinquish the “right of return” in exchange for being fully incorporated into Jordanian society. This perceived affront caused supporters of the King to stage an unprecedented protest against America at its embassy in Amman. This in turn was followed by calls for a “million-man protest” at the Israeli Embassy in Amman, despite Israel having no connection to the cables.

Upon review of the cables, called The Right of Return: What it Means in Jordan, the reaction of the King seems out of proportion. After all, the cables merely reflect the known positions of the various parties that make up the Jordanian mosaic and how the unresolved issue of “the right of return” plays a central role in the internal domestic problems of Jordan.

On the one hand there are the East Bankers, native-born Jordanians comprised mainly of Bedouin tribes that consider themselves “the real Jordanians.” Holding key positions in the government and security apparatus, they distrust the Palestinians and would be happy if they would “return” to the other side of the Jordan River. Moreover, the fact that the Palestinians have taken over large parts of the private business sector only adds fuel to the resentment that the East Bankers harbor towards them.

Read more:

November 1st, 2012, 8:32 pm


Syrialover said:

GHUFRAN #4 quoted:

“Around the hard-bitten 23-year-old sat three members of a Syrian rebel militia who were acting as his hosts. They looked at the floor as the young jihadi explained Qur’anic teachings that he said were shaping the battle ahead”

COMMENT: Yes, they were squirming with embarrassment.

Grab the 23-year old kid by the back of his pants, pick him up and ship him back to the real world he’s escaping, give him a month in boot camp where he actually has to perform, counsel him for the childish fantasies and chip on his shoulder then send him out to the real world to get a job. Otherwise he may as well get himself killed now playing out his raving Rambo fantasy – he’s got no future.

Somebody will do a follow up study of these foreign adventurer “Jihadis” in a few years, easily locating many of them in prisons and mental institutions or hunched unemployed in their parents basements playing computer war games 20 hours a day.

November 1st, 2012, 8:40 pm


Warren said:

Palestinians should demand their rights by taking over Jordan

According to a US Embassy cable made public by Wikileaks, the Palestinians in Jordan have exhibited their firm belief that they will not be “returning to Palestine”.

The paradigm that both sides should be looking at is the one where the Jordanian Palestinians take over Jordan and invite all the Palestinians to come to live in Jordan and receive the rights and freedoms that Enass has been fighting for.

The Palestinian writer and academic Mudar Zahran is planning for such a future. As part of his vision, the Palestinian Jordan would have strong economic ties with Israel and would look to Israel to develop her oil, shale and uranium deposits, to supply her with much needed water through Israel’s desalination advances and to build alternate sources of power such as wind farms and solar farms.

It may even be possible to build an oil pipeline from Saudi Arabia through Jordan to Haifa for the benefit of all.

Furthermore this plan envisages millions of Jordanian refugees from all over the Mid East coming to settle in Jordan. This would require enormous investment from Israel and the West, thereby creating a booming economy for all old and new residents. A win-win all around.


It’s only a matter of time before the Pallies betray Jordan, just like they did to Kuwait, Lebanon and now Syria.

I expect the East Bankers to fight the Pallie ingrates ferociously. Just like they did in Black September 1970, when the Paki General Zia Ul-Haq put the Pallies to the sword.

November 1st, 2012, 8:49 pm


Ghufran said:

These are the freedom lovers who are supposed to protect you. Replacing old thugs with new ones, the country is finished as far as I am concerned, there is little hope that the FSA or any army can stop this insanity. Albaath started the destruction process in 1963 and the new thugs are finishing what is left.
Some of you are too young, too emotional or too stupid to understand the irreversible effect of losing law and order, at this rate it will not matter much who is in charge in Syria, every Syrian today is a target as long as he has something the thugs can take, kidnapping is today taking place in every city in Syria and victims are not simply pro or anti regime,they are ordinary syrians from all walks of life.

November 1st, 2012, 8:50 pm


Syrialover said:


Keep cutting, keep pasting, we’re chuckling at the thought of your hand repetitive strain injury.

November 1st, 2012, 8:50 pm


Warren said:

Jordanian soccer match shows East, West bank tensions

Anti-Palestinian taunts at a Jordanian soccer game last year revealed an undercurrent of rarely reported ethnic tension inside the Hashemite Kingdom, according to one of the US cables released by WikiLeaks on Monday.

According to the dispatch, written on July 28, 2009, by the US charge d’affaires in Amman, Lawrence Mandel, “Anti-Palestinian hooliganism and slogans denigrating the Palestinian origins of both the Queen and the Crown Prince led to the cancellation of a July 17 soccer game” between two rival teams, one – Faisali – which “is the favored team of tribal East Bankers,” and the other – Wahadat – the “proxy champions” of the Palestinian Jordanians.

Faisali supporters chanted about the Palestinian origins of Queen Rania with the cheer, “Divorce her you father of Hussein, and we’ll marry you to two of ours.”

According to the dispatch, “There is broad recognition throughout Jordan that the Faisali-Wahdat incident exposed the uncomfortable gap between East Bankers and Palestinian-origin Jordanians – one that most would rather keep well-hidden for the sake of political stability.

“The connection between this rift and the Hashemite monarchy, including the newly-appointed Crown Prince, makes the incident even more unsettling.”

The charges d’affaires said that even the “most forthcoming contacts” were reluctant to talk about the issue, “recognizing that it strikes at the core of Jordanian identity politics.”

One source was quoted as saying that non-Palestinian East Bankers are “uncomfortable with the increasing pressures for reform that will inevitably lessen their near-monopoly on political and social power.”

The dispatch said that Jordan’s “self-censoring media” did not deal with the hooliganism at the game, nor tell why the game was called off. Internet news sites, however, were replete with commentary on the game.

Many on the Internet “defended the Faisali supporters as ‘real’ Jordanians fighting against undue Palestinian influence.”

According to the dispatch, “The King’s silence on the game and its political implications is deafening. High level government contacts and members of the diplomatic community are puzzled by the King’s failure to respond to a verbal attack on his family that also dips into Jordanian identity politics.”

While perhaps unintentional, the dispatch read, “The King’s silence has effectively empowered the pro-status quo establishment.”


East Bankers know how dishonest, ungrateful and treacherous Pallies are.

November 1st, 2012, 8:54 pm


Albo said:


It will probably take a generation, maybe two, to fix the country. That is when we’re done with the current nonsense, which can still take quite a while.

I realize some are too old and won’t see a stable Syria in their lifetime again.

November 1st, 2012, 8:55 pm


Warren said:

Syria rebels tolerate extremists despite West’s fears

The West has raised fears Syria’s revolution is falling into the hands of Islamic extremists, but many rebels, and even some peaceful activists, say they are willing to tolerate jihadist fighters for lack of a better option.

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton raised the spectre of extremism on Wednesday, warning that Islamist radicals were trying to “hijack the Syrian revolution” and urging the opposition to reject them.

But on the ground, rebel fighters and commanders say they have no problem fighting alongside such groups as the Al-Nusra Front, a jihadist force that has taken part in key battles and waged a campaign of bombings.

“We fight together on the front,” said the head of the main rebel Free Syrian Army (FSA) in the embattled northern city of Aleppo, Abdel Jabbar al-Okaidi, adding that Islamist-inspired fighters were often at the forefront of battles.

“They have a deeper love for martyrdom than the other fighters,” he told AFP by telephone.

Adnan, a rebel fighter in Aleppo, added: “They want to be martyrs, we let them stand in the front line.”

Analysts said rebel commanders are not hesitating to take advantage of the fervour and discipline displayed by the Islamists, including many foreign fighters who rebel leaders say they will force out after the conflict.

“FSA leaders recognise the high quality of their equipment, and their members’ professionalism,” said Francois Burgat, head of the Beirut-based French Institute of the Middle East.

“This inspires and encourages new recruits.”

Some democratic opposition activists also rejected Western criticism of the jihadists’ presence, saying they are bridging a gap that foreign powers are not willing to fill.

“Clinton is the reason why such groups have even emerged,” said an activist from the central city of Hama who identified himself as Abu Ghazi.

“If the international community had done anything at all to help, we wouldn’t be where we are today. This is a reflection of the profound stupidity and hypocrisy of US policy,” he said, enraged by her most recent comments.

Abu Ghazi said that though he disagreeed with the “culture and thinking” of the Islamists, he had no choice but to accept their presence.

“They came to help the Syrians fight the regime when no one else heard our calls.”

Some activists worry, however, that the presence of the Islamists is helping President Bashar al-Assad’s regime in its efforts to portray Syria’s revolution as an Al-Qaeda-inspired insurrection.

Since protesters first started taking to the streets of Syrian towns and cities in spring 2011, the regime has claimed to be fighting “armed terrorist groups” and radical Islamist fighters.

“The presence of jihadists in Syria now only legitimises the regime’s discourse,” one activist told AFP on condition of anonymity.

“In some videos, they praise Mullah Omar and Osama bin Laden, calling for the killing of Alawites,” Assad’s minority community, the activist said.

Some observers have accused the Syrian intelligence services of creating the Al-Nusra Front so that its attacks can give the regime the justification it needs to carry out its brutal repression.

“Today, however, there is a credible hypothesis that the puppet created by the regime has broken away from its old master,” said Burgat.

And for some activists, the jihadists are far from the greatest threat to the principles of the revolt.

“It isn’t the Al-Nusra Front who are kidnapping the revolution,” said Abu Odai, an activist in Damascus province. “The ones kidnapping the revolution are the politicians speaking in our name, without making a single sacrifice for Syria.”

November 1st, 2012, 9:01 pm


Warren said:

Jordan: Father strangles daughter for honor reason

(ANSAmed) – Amman, November 1 – A Jordanian man killed his 22 year old doughter by strangling her after suspecting she was having a romantic relation with a man, police source said on Thursday.

The man, from the eastern city of Zarqa, strangled his daughter with his bare hands and will face charges of premeditated murder for killing his divorced daughter, said the official. The 56 year old father surrendered to the police claiming to have killed his daughter for honor reason.

In his initial testimony to the police and Quraan, the suspect said he was “suspicious of his daughter’s behaviour because she wanted to marry a man against his wishes”, the source said.

The issue of honour killing is common in the conservative society, although its rate dropped after years of campaigning, according to activists. Every year around 20 women are killed in honour related crimes, most of whom come from families with limited income. (ANSAmed).


Another Pallie murderer from Zarqa, no doubt the he’ll go to Junnah for his heroic & honourable act.

November 1st, 2012, 9:07 pm


Warren said:

Obama shocked! shocked! to find jihadists among Syrian opposition, yanks support

Obama for the third time (after bin Laden and al-Awlaki) has discovered some Islamic jihadists he doesn’t like: he has an election to win. “U.S. yanks support for Syrian opposition group, warns of extremist takeover of uprising,” by Anne Gearan for the Washington Post, October 31 (thanks to Jacob):

November 1st, 2012, 9:10 pm



Warren, please stop vomitting pasted stuff. It is forbidden…. and if it is not it should be under life in prison penalty.

November 1st, 2012, 9:11 pm


Warren said:

Erekat warns of US, Israeli ‘retaliation’ after UN bid

The Palestinians must be prepared for the possibility that the US and Israel may impose severe economic restrictions on the Palestinian Authority the day after the UN upgrades the status of a Palestinian entity to non-member state, chief PLO negotiator Saeb Erekat warned on Thursday.

“It’s very important to be prepared for Israeli reactions to the upgrading of the Palestinian state’s status so as to avoid a state of internal chaos,” Erekat said in an report about the implications of the statehood bid.

“Palestinian institutions must be prepared for a state of emergency to limit, as much as possible, the negative impact of the anticipated step.” Erekat’s warning came as the PA leadership reiterated its intention to ask the UN later this month for an upgrade to the status of nonmember state.

The chief negotiator said he expected Congress and the US administration to take a number of “retaliatory” measures in response to the Palestinian statehood bid, such as freezing financial aid to the PA, closing the PLO mission’s office in Washington and exerting pressure on governments worldwide to dissuade them from supporting the bid.

Erekat said he also expected the Americans to suspend funds to a number of UN agencies and organizations, first and foremost the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) which works solely with Palestinians.

As for Israel’s expected response, Erekat said that the Israeli government may carry out its threat to unilaterally withdraw from some areas in the West Bank, freeze tax revenues belonging to the PA, instigate a “security deterioration” on the ground and impose restrictions on the Palestinian economy, particularly its private sector.

Erekat said he expected Israel to also annex the Jordan Valley, expand settlements and walk away from the Oslo Accords that were signed with the PLO in 1993.


Pallie upstarts and ingrates are going to be put in their place by the US, just like SNC was yesterday.

November 1st, 2012, 9:23 pm


vigilante said:

In view of the military stalemate, back to a more creative diplomacy

China proposes new initiatives for Syria ceasefire

November 1st, 2012, 9:40 pm


Warren said:

The plight of Syria’s Christians: ‘We left Homs because they were trying to kill us’

The car may have been the reason why the 23-year-old student was ambushed and taken hostage, along with a female friend, as they were travelling to a shopping complex. The revolutionary fighters with Kalashnikovs who led them away subjected Mr Bedrosian – blindfolded and tied up – to savage beatings and threats of execution before the pair was finally freed in exchange for a ransom.

Or there may have been a different reason for the attack: they were targeted by the Sunni Muslim rebels because they were Christians. Mr Bedrosian did not wait long to find out, leaving – along with his brother – for Lebanon. Others from the Syrian Armenian community followed, abandoning their homes.

The Haddad family had no doubts about why they had to escape from Homs. “We left because they were trying to kill us,” said 18-year-old Noura Haddad. She is now staying with relations in the town of Zahle in the Bekaa Valley. “They wanted to kill us because we were Christians. They were calling us Kaffirs, even little children saying these things. Those who were our neighbours turned against us.


The barbarism and cruelty of the Taqqiyya Sunnis is once again exposed.

November 1st, 2012, 9:50 pm



“(CNN) — A Chicago-area woman has been charged with killing her 5-year-old son and a 7-year-old girl as she babysat them, allegedly stabbing each dozens of times in a bedroom this week as they pleaded for their lives, authorities say.”

She need not worry as she’ll end up in heaven because someone has already died for her sins.

November 1st, 2012, 10:02 pm


Ghufran said:

2 names have leaked that are supposedly suggested to be part of a proposed opposition council: Riyad Hijab and Haytham Manna’. I personally have no problem with either one but I will wait and see, it is hard to find people who are worse than the current leadership and their islamis counterparts. People in the middle ,if given the chance, can and should help us end this mess,but after too many disappointments it is very hard to convince any Syrian that there is light at the end of the tunnel. It took HR Clinton 18 months to realize that US policy on Syria was a total failure,I hope we do not wait for another 18 months to see an end to the blood bath in the motherland.

November 1st, 2012, 11:18 pm


Syrialover said:

What the hell is Assad doing now to the Aleppo citadel!

November 1st, 2012, 11:30 pm


MarigoldRan said:

“If you choose security over freedom, you will have NEITHER SECURITY NOR FREEDOM.”

And that’s exactly what’s happened in Syria over the last generation. The Syrian government promised for the past 30 years (after Hamas) that in return for their citizens’ freedom, they will provide for their citizens’ security.

In Syria, where is that security now?

November 2nd, 2012, 12:38 am


MarigoldRan said:

If the Syrian government cannot provide for the security of its citizens, then IT HAS NO LEGITIMACY.

The Syrian government’s legitimacy was based on the idea that it could provide security for the country. The Assads have been harping this theme in their propaganda videos for the last 30 years.

If they CANNOT provide security, than the Syrian regime has NO BASIS ON WHICH TO GOVERN.

What hope can the Assads bring for the future? What can this regime look forward to in the future? The regime cannot provide a rationale for peace. It can bomb and beat with a stick, but it has no carrots. And so this war will go on, until the regime is dead.

November 2nd, 2012, 12:41 am


MarigoldRan said:

To Warren:

Say what you want about the rebels, but can you provide a reason why the Syrian government should continue to exist?

You’re very anti-rebel. We get it. But can you provide a POSITIVE reason for the existence of the Syrian government?

November 2nd, 2012, 12:59 am


Johannes de Silentio said:

Warren and Spammie Annie must be joined at the hip…

November 2nd, 2012, 1:18 am


Citizen said:

Syrian opposition rejects US meddling

November 2nd, 2012, 3:16 am


Syrialover said:


I like your comments.

You’ve put an excellent bottom line question to WARREN (#24).

But he won’t have an answer. The Syrian issue is not on his radar screen.

His headspace is fully occupied being a “political Christian” (the counterpart to extremist Salafists) and aggressive bigot and fulfilling his target* of occupying distractionist space here.

*Target set by who? We should wonder.

November 2nd, 2012, 3:18 am


Uzair8 said:

‘Coordination of Doctors in Homs shared a link.

4 hours ago.

FSA shot down one of dictator Assad’s MIG warplanes in Aleppo countryside today’

November 2nd, 2012, 3:24 am


Uzair8 said:

I had a read thru this report last night. Dated Oct 25 2012:


Highly Recommended – The @TheStudyofWar’s report on Syria’s Air Power

November 2nd, 2012, 3:36 am


ann said:

GRAPHIC – FSA Terrorists Massacre Unarmed Men

This video footage shows unarmed men wearing plain clothes captured by the “Free Syrian Army” (FSA) terrorists being massacred by the so-called “rebels”.

November 2nd, 2012, 3:50 am


ann said:

Free Syrian Terrorist Army executing a civilian.

Forces Of Evil and Hate showing their true colors yet again.

November 2nd, 2012, 3:59 am


ann said:

Video: More Islamist Mercenary Terrorists head to Syria – 11-02-2012

November 2nd, 2012, 5:04 am


albo said:

“24. MARIGOLDRAN said:

Say what you want about the rebels, but can you provide a reason why the Syrian government should continue to exist?

You’re very anti-rebel. We get it. But can you provide a POSITIVE reason for the existence of the Syrian government?”

What is certain is that the rebels provide neither freedom nor security, period, so that’s quite an alternative we have here isn’t it?
Oh and by the way, Syria’s varied and fragile makeup of religions and peoples has survived many regimes, many invaders and crazy monarchs over history. If these buffoons and their McJihad don’t want to understand that Syria belongs to all its sons and daughters, then they will have war forever.

November 2nd, 2012, 5:15 am


ann said:

Was Ambassador Stevens Funneling Weapons to Terrorists in Syria? – November 1, 2012

Claire Lopez is a 20-year veteran of the CIA. This is her assessment:

“The facility in Benghazi was never officially a consulate. The consular functions were handled at the embassy in Tripoli. So, Benghazi was set up primarily to be the hub for U. S. support for the rebels. Afterwards, it seemed to continue its function to be the point of support for the weapons that were looted from Gadhafi’s stockpile. The particular ones we’re worried about are the bigger ones, the RPGs and shoulder-fired missiles that can bring down aircraft. They’re gathering those up, buying them back, and collecting them. Then, and this is what it seems like, those weapons were going through the pipeline, coordinated by Stevens, most likely through Turkey, to the Free Syrian Army. After all, there’s a presidential finding for its support. Connecting all the dots, it looks like there was an active pipeline of weapons from Libya, through Turkey, and then to the Free Syrian Army.”

The White House claims that they were not arming Syrian rebel forces. That was a lie. Our CIA has been arming the Free Syrian Army, which is comprised of Al-Qaida like militant forces, and the Benghazi building where Stevens died was being used to funnel weapons to these radical Muslims.

We know that on the day Benghazi was attacked, Stevens had met with the Turkish Ambassador, but we don’t know what they talked about. We also know that Stevens worked with Belhadj, who was the leader of the Tripoli Military Council, and Belhadj had been working with the FSA in southern Turkey to provide them with weapons.

The London based Times reported just 3 days after the 9/11 attack in Benghazi that a Libyan ship, whose captain was from Benghazi, docked in Turkey, and the ship was carrying about 400 tons of weapons, mostly surface-to-air missiles (SA-7’s) and rocket propelled grenades (RPG’s). The weapons were being transported to the FSA by CIA operatives.

The “anti-Muslim” YouTube video and the fact that numerous calls for security went unanswered, in my opinion, have both served as distractions, and both are missing the point. The Obama administration has been lying to cover up the fact that their foreign policy is to arm and finance terrorists when it’s geo-politically expedient to do so. When people die as a result, they can’t let Americans know the truth about how they support terrorists in order to accomplish their end game, and frankly, it’s been going on for decades. And what is their “end game?” Another unanswered question to which we may never find the answer.


November 2nd, 2012, 5:38 am


annie said:

1.Sandra Agree about Riad Seif.Even as an employer (shirt manufacturing) he had a very good reputation.

All : I am Annie and Spam Ann is not Annie

“Should we refuse to support the resistance for fear of its Islamism? Absolutely not. The factors generating scary forms of Islamism are factors introduced by the criminal regime. The situation will continue to deteriorate until the regime is made inoperative”.

From the latest Qunfuz:

November 2nd, 2012, 5:58 am


ann said:

260. Mina said:

Where are Visitor, Tara, etc, on the last Clinton comments about the Syrian expat oppostion?

Their propaganda of evil and hate boiler room operation got flooded by hurricane Sandy 😀

November 2nd, 2012, 5:59 am


ann said:

Retarded NATO Mercenary Islamist Terrorists 😀

November 2nd, 2012, 6:15 am


Citizen said:

According to your opinion:because legitimacy based on security
The Bahraini government and the Saudi government and the Turkish government and the Kuwaiti government and the Israeli government and the Nigerian government and the Government of Mali, Libyan and Tunisian governments illegitimate and will not add more

November 2nd, 2012, 6:17 am


ann said:

Clinton’s call reveals failings of bankrupt West’s tactics on Syria – 2012-11-01

BEIJING, Nov. 1 (Xinhua) — “We’ve made it clear that the SNC can no longer be viewed as the visible leader of the opposition,” U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said during a visit to Croatia on Wednesday, demanding a reshuffle of Syria’s opposition leadership.

The proposed major shakeup, sidelining the Istanbul-based opposition Syrian National Council (SNC) that the U.S. has previously fully supported, shows the West’s tactics on Syria are in disarray and it is now scrambling to find other proxies.

The U.S., which didn’t bother to seek truth on the ground and hastily bolstered the SNC, has just found the proxy disappointing and withdrawn its support. It’s like slapping its own face.

The U.S. currently is shifting its favor to other opposition forces. But the fresh attempt is likely to fail once again, as it hasn’t addressed the root cause of the chronic crisis and suggested a political solution to the impasse.

Past experience shows foreign intervention and the blunt call for Assad’s ouster hasn’t reined in the raging violence, but has precipitated the country into deeper chaos.

Washington apparently still hasn’t abandoned its old interventionist mindset, which will once again lead to a dead end.

The West shouldn’t support one side to wipe out the other side, because it will beget severe consequences.

Even Clinton isn’t sure about Syria’s future, supposing the rebels can defeat the Assad camp.

She said Wednesday it was no secret that many in Syria, especially minority groups, are fearful about the prospects of Assad’s government being replaced by the Sunni-led opposition.


November 2nd, 2012, 6:20 am


Uzair8 said:

Can somebody please kindly translate the Sh. Yaqoubi quote I posted earlier. The google translation is confusing thus making it difficult to fully comment on. Thanks.

????? ??????
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November 2nd, 2012, 6:27 am


ann said:

Clinton’s New Opposition Leaders

The video footage showed a group of petrified men, some bleeding, lying on the ground as rebels walked around, kicking and stamping on their captives.

One of the captured men says: “I swear I didn’t shoot anyone” to which a rebel responds: “Shut up you animal … Gather them for me.” Then the men are shot dead.

November 2nd, 2012, 6:29 am


ann said:

40. Uzair8 said:

Can somebody please kindly translate the Sh. Yaqoubi quote I posted earlier?

Here you go:

???? ?? ?????
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November 2nd, 2012, 6:35 am


ann said:

Clinton’s New Legitimate Opposition Leaders

November 2nd, 2012, 7:04 am


Citizen said:

40. Uzair8 said:

Can somebody please kindly translate the Sh. Yaqoubi quote I posted earlier?

Here you go:
??? ??? ??? ?? ??????????
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November 2nd, 2012, 7:14 am


Uzair8 said:

#42 Ann


The presumably (and predictably) hebrew translation gave a slightly clearer english translation on google.

Nevermind Ann, nice try.
Always the bridesmaid, never the… 😎

November 2nd, 2012, 7:15 am


ann said:

Daraa: Destroying NATO FSA terrorist cave hideout

November 2nd, 2012, 7:18 am


Uzair8 said:

Ann & Citizen.

Many thanks. I’m heartened and touched by this.. this unexpected show of kindness and help.

This bodes well for a new Syria.

November 2nd, 2012, 7:24 am


ann said:

Russia slams West for fabricating new Syrian leaders – 2012-11-02

MOSCOW, Nov. 2 (Xinhua) — Western attempts to press new Syrian leaders from outside contradicted the Geneva agreement agreed by all world powers, a senior Russian diplomat said Friday.

“According to the Geneva communique, a transitional governing body must be formed on the basis of mutual agreement between the government and the opposition,” Deputy Foreign Minister Gennady Gatilov wrote on his Twitter blog.

The Action Group on Syria has drafted a political roadmap in Geneva to head off the 20-month violence in the conflict-torn country.

The United States on Wednesday called for a reshuffle of Syria’s opposition leadership, saying the foreign-based Syrian National Council could no longer be viewed as the visible leader of the opposition.

Russia, along with China and some other countries, has unswervingly supported the mediating efforts of the UN-Arab League special envoy Lakhdar Brahimi and urged other parties concerned to play a constructive role in the peaceful settlement of the Syrian crisis.


November 2nd, 2012, 7:31 am


Citizen said:

Syrian Kurds Become New Victims of Washington’s War on Syria
“Insurgents are Washington proxies. Key NATO partners, rogue Arab League states, and Israel are very much involved.

The same dirty game repeats. Independent states are targeted for regime change. All options are used. They include full-scale war, mass killing, and turning nations into charnel houses on the pretext of liberating them.” – Stephen Lendman, “Nothing Civil about Washington’s War on Syria. US-NATO Violate International Humanitarian Law,” July 17, 2012.
Last week, the US-backed Islamist terrorists in Syria, aka the FSA, attacked a Kurdish neighbourhood in Aleppo, and fired on demonstrators because they were resisting their unwanted presence. The invading terrorists demanded obedience from the Kurds, but what they got instead was fierce resistance.

Bill Van Auken wrote about the battle that followed the FSA’s attack on Kurdish civilians in his article, “Fighting erupts between Western-backed “rebels” and Syrian Kurds”:
The fighting began on Friday after several hundred armed opponents of the Syrian government, dressed in black and wearing black bandanas inscribed with Islamist slogans, moved into the predominantly Kurdish neighborhood of Ashrafiya.

The incursion triggered a demonstration by Kurdish residents of the district, who marched on the positions taken by the so-called Free Syrian Army (FSA), demanding that its fighters leave the neighborhood. According to reports, the FSA fighters fired on the demonstrators, killing five and wounding 10 more.

The fighting that followed claimed at least 30 lives, including those of 22 combatants, before the Kurds reasserted control over the district. According to the reports, five Kurdish fighters died in the clashes, with the rest of the fatalities consisting of the Islamist insurgents and civilians…….

November 2nd, 2012, 8:06 am



UZAIR8 #47

Don’t you find it strange that “ANN” and CITIZEN gave you the same eccentric response (ie in Hebrew) to your request for a translation from Arabic?

November 2nd, 2012, 8:10 am


Citizen said:

Benghazi Reveals Obama-Islamist Alliance
The nature of the Benghazi disaster is now clear. Ambassador Stevens was engaged in smuggling sizable quantities of Libyan arms from the destroyed Gaddafi regime to the Syrian rebels, to help overthrow the Assad regime in Syria. Smuggling arms to the so-called “Free Syrian Army” is itself a huge gamble, but Obama has been a gambler with human lives over the last four years, as shown by the tens of thousands of Arabs who have died in the so-called Arab Spring — which has brought nothing but disaster to the Arab world.
For the last four years, the Obama policy has been to offer aid and comfort violent Islamic radicals in the delusional belief that their loyalty can be bought. We therefore betrayed Hosni Mubarak, our 30-year ally in Egypt, so that the Muslim Brotherhood led by Muhammed Morsi could take over. Obama indeed demanded publicly that Mubarak resign, for reasons that never made any sense at all. Egypt went into a political and economic tailspin, and the Muslim Brotherhood were elected. The Muslim radicals have now purged the only other viable political force, the army and police, to protect their monopoly on power. We have colluded in that betrayal……

November 2nd, 2012, 8:11 am


Citizen said:

‘US defeat in Syria would be end of US hegemony in MidEast’

November 2nd, 2012, 8:12 am


Citizen said:

“If it can’t have a functioning democratic state in Syria that does its bidding then Washington will move towards the second option: total destruction of Syria.”
NATO Using Al Qaeda Rat Lines to Flood Syria With Foreign Terrorists

November 2nd, 2012, 8:16 am


Zenobia said:

Come on! the Washington Times! is a completely one hundred percent conservative partisan rag – that will say anything to try to fabricate a gigantic scandal for the sole purpose of running Barack Obama through any mud they could find- and in this case Libyan mud….
I have never seen so many ‘well known facts’ – of utter fabricated ‘truth’….. this is absurd – totally unqualified junk serving one purpose that has nothing to do with Syria or accurate reporting on Syria – or Chris Stevens, – to whom it is so dishonorable.
on the same page with the article- you can read- how Obama’s rhetoric has a long Marxist Socialist history too!!! give us break..

November 2nd, 2012, 9:27 am


Citizen said:

Russian Foreign Ministry: Meeting of So-called Friends of Syria Group in Paris is Unilateral, Politically Wrong, and Immoral

November 2nd, 2012, 9:39 am


Citizen said:

Russia warns West over Syria moves

MOSCOW: A senior Russian diplomat has warned the West against trying to predetermine a future leadership of Syria.

Deputy Foreign Minister Gennady Gatilov said on Twitter Friday that such attempts would contradict guidelines for a political transition in Syria approved in Geneva in June.

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton said Wednesday that the administration would push for a shakeup in the Syria opposition leadership so that it better represents fighters on the frontline. Washington believes that a revamped rebel leadership could rally wider international support and prevent extremists from hijacking the rebellion.

Russia has been the main supporter of Syrian President Bashar Assad’s government, shielding it from U.N. sanctions over a crackdown on the 19-month uprising, in which at least 36,000 people have been killed, according to opposition activists.

November 2nd, 2012, 10:05 am


Tara said:


I see taking a comprehension class did not help you a bit! Please ask for a refund. It is usually guaranteed results…well, there is always exception to the rules. It is ok honey, do not despair. Just accept yourself the way you are…I is hard.

My spelling class worked well, I am spelling “nouveau riche” to your satisfaction.

November 2nd, 2012, 10:08 am


Citizen said:

virtual world ! keep dreaming !
Syria: U.S. Installs New Political Proxy Opposition

The Obama administration has spent the past several months in secret diplomatic negotiations aimed at building a new Syrian opposition leadership structure that it hopes can win the support of minority groups still backing President Bashar al-Assad.

As envisioned by the Obama administration, the new Syrian leadership will include representatives of revolutionary councils and other unarmed groups inside the country. Territory along Syria’s northern border with Turkey that is effectively under rebel military control is to be organized into an administrative zone with non­lethal assistance from the United States, France and other like-minded governments.

U.S. officials said they expected at least 50 opposition representatives, many from inside Syria, to attend the meeting and choose an executive council containing eight to 10 members. If all goes as planned, the Arab League will bless the process at an upcoming meeting in Cairo, officials said. They declined to name Syrian attendees, citing what they said were security concerns. U.S. Ambassador Robert Ford, who was withdrawn from Damascus for security reasons a year ago, plans to attend.

November 2nd, 2012, 10:24 am


Syrialover said:

Hi there ZENOBIA #54

Great to see you here again.

Good to see you setting the record straight on the Washington Times’s record.

November 2nd, 2012, 10:41 am


Syrialover said:

Attention! Here it is, read it detail what’s going to be put forward in Doha on November 8:

The Syrian Opposition’s New Leadership

The Syrian opposition, with support from the U.S. State Department, developed a plan for a new leadership council that will be formally introduced during an upcoming meeting in Qatar. The council, known as the Syrian National Initiative, aims to incorporate all factions of the Syrian opposition, moving beyond the long-dominant Syrian National Council.

A blueprint for the Syrian National Initiative is outlined in a document put forward by Riad Seif, a Syrian dissident driving the council’s formation. Given its importance for Syria and U.S. policy, Carnegie offers a direct translation of the plan.

(Full text of plan then follows)

November 2nd, 2012, 10:49 am


Syrialover said:

For those too busy to click through, here’s the punchline for the new US-Backed Syrian National Initiative:

“The Syrian National Initiative will also work to:

1.Establish a fund to support the Syrian people
2.Support the Free Syrian Army
3.Administer liberated territories
4.Plan for the transitional period
5.Secure international recognition

“To this end, all factions of the Syrian political opposition, representatives of the Free Syrian Army, military councils, revolutionary forces, local councils, and national figures from the provinces will be invited to participate in this proposed initiative and set up the following four bodies:

1.The Initiative Body (which will include representatives from political groups, local councils, and revolutionary forces as well as national figures)
2.A Supreme Military Council (which will include representatives from the military councils and the brigades)
3.A Judicial Committee
4.A transitional government (which will be made up of technocrats)”

November 2nd, 2012, 10:54 am


Juergen said:

Hezbollah fighters die for Assad

“Our support for the Syrian regime is a thank you,” says Abbas. “They have helped us over the years. Now we can help them.”

November 2nd, 2012, 11:40 am


Syrialover said:

Shocking and pointless acts like the mass execution of those soldiers go with the territory in real wars.

But those who did it in the name of opposing Assad are also shooting the FSA in the back.

That message should get out to the field in blazing lights.

And the Opposition should also make clear it recognizes that most soldiers captured are also victims of Assad.

Many of them are young men who had little choice and the regime has destroyed their lives and that of their families.

November 2nd, 2012, 11:43 am


Syrialover said:

Here are some comments tweeted by MAYSALOON:

– “Whether it is Assad pre-2011 or the SNC – the message is simple. If Syrians will not put their house in order then others will. Deal with it .”

– “Where the hell is the Syrian court in exile to handle gross misconduct or abuses? Oh I forgot,the opposition’s still arguing over TV airtime”

– “What they don’t understand is if the rebels offered a judicial process and respect for human rights, more soldiers would defect.”

– “It’s not the world that should see this video and do something, it is the Syrian oppositions. They must act before it’s too late.”

November 2nd, 2012, 11:45 am


Ghufran said:

U.N. Says Syria Execution Video Shows Apparent War Crime
A new video that seems to show Syrian rebels summarily executing a group of captured soldiers or militiamen could, if verified, represent evidence of a war crime, the United Nations said on Friday.
Video Is Said to Show Syrian Rebels Executing Prisoners

November 2nd, 2012, 11:53 am


Syrialover said:

Another from Maysaloon accidentally left out:

– “Some fool of an official from the SNC was on AJE last night and he sounded like a regime stooge – umming and aahing about veracity of video”

November 2nd, 2012, 11:59 am


Ghufran said:

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November 2nd, 2012, 12:07 pm


Syrialover said:

This sounds more like it.

Article: Syrian rebels blame ‘heinous’ executions on ‘extremists’

(CNN) — A Syrian rebel brigade blamed “extremists” for a grisly massacre now gone viral on the Internet, and it vowed to punish the perpetrators.

Hossam al Sarmani, a spokesman for the Free Syrian Army’s Daewood Brigade in northern Syria, said rogue revolutionaries carried out the killings in Idlib province.

“This execution did take place, and this is the heinous truth,” al Sarmani told CNN on Friday. “We will find them, capture them and hold them in a prison until they can by tried by international law or the new Syrian law, God willing.”

The gruesome video surfaced Thursday on the Internet.

But al Sarmani said the attackers had no connection to the FSA rebels.

He said that rebels did indeed fight government soldiers in a raid at a military outpost. In that fighting, rebels killed soldiers, and six to eight troops surrendered.

He said the rebels advanced to another part of the outpost during clashes and left the surrendered soldiers behind. The “extremists” emerged, apparently from Saraqeb and nearby Trambee.

These rogue gunmen took the opportunity to assault the unarmed prisoners, al Sarmani said.

“At this point, a strange group of about 20 men entered among us. We did not know them, but we recognized they were from Saraqeb and the nearby village of Trambee. They were revolutionaries, too, but they were extremists.”

“You can’t imagine how saddened we are by this crime,” al Sarmani said of the massacre.

“We were happy with liberating this outpost. This is not the behavior of Daewood Brigade, and we will always be saddened and disturbed by this story. But we will not stay with our hands tied behind our back. We will find these men and they will face justice,” he said.

Mahmoud Bakur, an activist in Saraqeb, condemned the actions and also said they were conducted by extremists.

“We aim to be better than the authoritarian regime that plants these actions among the rebels,” he said.

November 2nd, 2012, 12:15 pm


Albo said:

Maysaloon is right, but it would be foolish to think someone in the opposition can get things back under control now, the insurgency has taken on a life of its own.

November 2nd, 2012, 12:15 pm


Warren said:

Syrian rebels branded ‘war criminals’ over video ‘that shows them executing government soldiers’

The Free Syrian Army has been accused of war crimes after video emerged appearing to show a group of rebels executing around 10 captured government soldiers.

The disturbing clip, which has been branded ‘shocking’ by human rights group Amnesty International, shows the captured soldiers, some of whom appear wounded, being heaped together on the ground.

They are heard pleading for their lives as they are taunted and kicked by the rebel troops who then step back and open fire.

Read more:
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The West is beginning to take notice and understand what the Fundamentalist Sunni Army are really about: murderers, thieves and bigots, hell bent on seizing power for ther rabid sect.

November 2nd, 2012, 12:16 pm


Syrialover said:

WARREN the “political Christian”,

I hope you won’t be too busy cutting and pasting to find time to attend a mainstream Christian church this Sunday.

You may learn something from Christian values and beliefs and cool your brain.

November 2nd, 2012, 12:24 pm


Mina said:

Wasalat al fikra??

November 2nd, 2012, 12:30 pm


ann said:

President Obama – Why is the US supporting Al Qaeda in Syria?

Good news report from Fox19 channel about Syria and American support for the Jihadists in Syria.

November 2nd, 2012, 12:39 pm


Warren said:

Salafi-Jihadists in Gaza to continue efforts to establish Islamic Emirate

Abu Abdul Muhajir, a leading Salafi-Jihadist in Gaza, has told Asharq al-Awsat that Salafi-Jihadists in Gaza are determined to establish an Islamic Emirate in the coastal enclave despite being targeted by Israel and Hamas.

“We always are planning to establish God’s Sharia on earth. This is the duty of every Muslim. Our project, God willing, exists, and the day will come when the mujahidin will fulfill their project,” Abdul Muhajir said.

Abdul Muhajir also slammed Hamas, which he said continues to carry out arrests of Salafi-Jihadists and confiscate some of their weapons. “They [Hamas] are storming our houses, detaining some, and summoning the brothers of some of our brethren in an attempt to exert pressure on them to surrender,” he told Asharq al-Awsat.

Last month, Hamas reportedly arrested 20 Salafi-Jihadists, some of whom were believed to be tied to the Mujahideen Shura Council in the Environs of Jerusalem (MSC). At the time, Abdul Muhajir said that “Hamas’s war on the Salafists is unjustified” and that the Salafi-Jihadists “do not throw stones at Hamas or Egypt or any other party…our battle is solely with the Zionist occupation.”

If a group or groups of Salafi-Jihadists decide to declare an Islamic Emirate in Gaza, it would not be the first such declaration for Gaza. In August 2009, Jund Ansar Allah battled Hamas after its leader, Latif Moussa (Abu al Nour al Maqdissi), declared an Islamic emirate in Rafah and the Palestinian territories and said Hamas was not sufficiently Islamic.

However, the recent formation of the Mujahideen Shura Council in the Environs of Jerusalem, which is reminiscent of the MSC in Iraq (the precursor to the Islamic State of Iraq), might suggest that such a declaration may not be far away. In January 2006, six Islamist terror groups operating in Iraq formed the Mujahideen Shura Council, which served as a military council to coordinate attacks against US and Iraqi forces. In October 2006, the Mujahideen Shura Council was disbanded and replaced by the Islamic State of Iraq, which served as the political front for al Qaeda in Iraq.

The exact size of the Salafi-Jihadist groups in Gaza is unknown. Some observers have said that some parts of Gaza “are almost completely under the control of the Jihadists,” while others have suggested that they only have a “modest structure.” According to Yossi Kuperwasser, the director-general of Israel’s Strategic Affairs Ministry, there are “many dozens of activists” in the Salafi-Jihadist groups.

Read more:

November 2nd, 2012, 12:42 pm


Warren said:

German intelligence: al-Qaeda all over Syria
By John Rosenthal

German intelligence estimates that “around 90” terror attacks that “can be attributed to organizations that are close to al-Qaeda or jihadist groups” were carried out in Syria between the end of December and the beginning of July, as reported by the German daily Die Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ) [1]. This was revealed by the German government in a response to a parliamentary question.

In response to the same question, the German government admitted that it had received several reports from the German foreign intelligence service, the BND, on the May 25 massacre in the Syrian town of Houla. But it noted that the content of these reports was to remain classified “by reason of national interest”, Like many other Western governments, Germany expelled Syria’s ambassador in the immediate aftermath of the massacre, holding the Syrian government responsible for the violence.

Meanwhile, at least three major German newspapers – Die Welt, the FAZ, and the mass-market tabloid Bild – have published reports attributing responsibility for the massacre to anti-government rebel forces or treating this as the most probable scenario.

Writing in Bild, [2] longtime German war correspondent Jurgen Todenhofer accused the rebels of “deliberately killing civilians and then presenting them as victims of the government”. He described this “massacre-marketing strategy” as being “among the most disgusting things that I have ever experienced in an armed conflict”. Todenhofer had recently been to Damascus, where he interviewed Syrian President Bashar al-Assad for Germany’s ARD public television.


No one can dispute this insurgency has included and lead by Al Qaeda minded groups from the beginning.

November 2nd, 2012, 12:58 pm


Citizen said:
Killing Machine: US defense budget blooms far from race frontline

November 2nd, 2012, 1:05 pm


Warren said:

Canadian police urge Parliament to pass domestic spying bill

Police across Canada are urging Ottawa to resurrect a controversial Internet surveillance bill that would allow them to monitor Canadians’ digital activities in real-time without a warrant.

­The Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police has made a plea to on the federal government to pass Bill C-30, also known as the Protecting Children from Internet Predators Act ahead of a gathering by the provincial and federal justice ministers next week.

The group is concerned that Parliament will be closed down before the legislation is passed.

“We have a fear that it will die on the order paper,” said Vancouver Police Chief Jim Chu, who is also the president of the association. “And if it does, then our investigators will be constrained and victims will suffer greater harm because of that,” the Canadian Press reports.


Canada needs this law to protect itself from criminals and more imporrtantly radical sunni terrorists. PM Stephen Harper has correctly identified islamicism as being the greatest threat to Canada’s national security.

As we can see from this forum Canada has unfortunately many Sunni extremists on its soil, I’m confident the CSIS is already keeping tabs on these Sunna miscreants like the Toronto plotters, Omar Khadr, Maher Arar, Sayfildin Tahir Sharif, etc.

November 2nd, 2012, 1:17 pm


MarigoldRan said:

To Albo and Warren:

Once again, the two of you are condemning the rebels for their actions. Very well. I agree. The rebels have bad apples among them.

BUT YOU STILL HAVE NOT PROVIDED A POSITIVE REASON FOR THE SURVIVAL OF THE REGIME. Why should Assad continue to rule Syria? What is your answer to that?

Yours truly,


November 2nd, 2012, 1:25 pm


Warren said:

Free Syrian Terrorists Army Begs for Help from their Country Saudi Arabia


So much for the FSA “winning” in Homs.

November 2nd, 2012, 1:35 pm


vigilante said:

No de-Baathification in Syria, US envisions

ISTANBUL – Hürriyet Daily News
Following comments by Washington that the Syrian National Council (SNC) is no longer the visible leader of the opposition, the SNC says Washington is not in favor of a ‘de-Baathification’ of Syria after al-Assad

November 2nd, 2012, 2:21 pm


ann said:

War crimes and the fantasy of ‘controlling’ Syria’s rebels – 35 mins ago

An atrocity in the strategic Syrian town of Saraqeb is a reminder that the landscape of that country’s civil war is a place where angels fear to tread

If the US thought it would find Syrian allies who to prevent war atrocities, or be able to take swift control of Syria in the event of Assad’s defeat and steer it in a pro-US direction, they are going to be sorely disappointed.

As evidenced by a graphic video uploaded to YouTube yesterday that shows a terrified group of at least a dozen men, defeated Syrian military fighters, huddled together on a bare concrete floor in a battle-scared building in the market town of Saraqeb, Syria, the other day as their scowling captors, kicked and cursed them into a pile before executing them.

The jumpy footage shows the following: Men in rags, many stripped of their shoes. Some appear dazed from the wounds of a battle they’d just lost. Others appear to be hyperventilating out their last prayers and thoughts. One pleads for his life. A rebel walks among the prisoners, getting in a few last kicks to the head of one of them.

Then, the cries of “ALLAHU AKBAR” from the triumphant murderers are drowned out by a buzzsaw of automatic rifle fire.

What happened at Saraqeb is about more than the prevalence of jihadis in Syria’s civil war. The “Free Syrian Army” is a nice concept. In practice, however, the fighters against Assad are a loosely affiliated patchwork of militias, with no unified command.

The behavior of these irregular units varies widely, as do their sources of funding. Some groups have received a trickle of communications and non-lethal aid from the likes of the US. Others have received weapons from states like Qatar or right private donors in fellow Gulf states such as SAUDI ARABIA.


The influence of the exiled Syrian National Council – which Secretary Clinton declared a failure Wednesday when she announced that the US was withdrawing support – over fighters on the ground is near zero.

So in that sense, the Obama administration is right to look to spend its money and political influence elsewhere. But if Clinton or anyone else in the government thinks they are going to find Syrian allies to steer it in a pro-US direction, they are going to be disappointed.


But you have only to look to Libya to understand how difficult it is to exert influence after a triumphant rebellion in states where the rebellion itself is backed with Islamist militants who not very long ago were fighting US forces in places like Iraq and Afghanistan.

The militias, it turns out, have ideas of their own about the future. They have fought among themselves over the spoils of victory, and continue to wield guns in what was hoped to be Libya’s emerging democratic politics.


Next week, Clinton heads to Qatar for a discussion on how regional powers will work to reshape the “leadership structure” (in her words) of the uprising. She’ll be bearing a list of names of Syrians the US wants promoted to the senior ranks.

The choice of Qatar is an interesting one, given that monarchy’s steadfast support for Islamist militias first in Libya and now in Syria. These are not the type of groups the US wants to see strengthened in either place. Qatar, by its actions, clearly disagrees, and has been far more aggressive and responsive in funneling support to them. Qatar does not share the US alarm at the jihadi factions fighting against Assad.

More nationalist rebels have expressed frustration at all this, saying that the character of the Syrian rebellion would have been far different if the US had provided support to them sooner.

Trying to shape what comes next is another matter. Recent history indicates that usually eludes the grasp of America and its allies.


November 2nd, 2012, 3:04 pm


Roland said:


Frankly Warren, as a Canadian I would rather run the small risk of getting blown up by terrorists, than give our government yet more secret police powers. I would also rather roll back every single policing provision introduced since 2001. I would even rather undo the Mulroney-era decision to create Canada’s secret police force, CSIS, in the first place.

My grandparents, who lived through both world wars, and the most dangerous part of the Cold War, would have been disgusted by the sort of clandestine police activity that the people of today’s supposed “free world” accept as routine.

November 2nd, 2012, 3:29 pm


Roland said:


Why does the USA get to do the inviting? What sort of “representation” is that for Syrians?

What sort of SOVEREIGNTY is it that allows a bunch of stupid foreigners, who have quite recently gotten hundreds of thousands of Arabs killed through their aggression in Iraq, to have any sort of voice whatsoever in the matter of who governs Syria?

What possible use is a rebel who would betray his country to stupid foreigners who have been proven over and over to heedlessly kill so many of his kind?

And why would anyone trust the Americans anyway? They just threw under the bus their latest proteges in the SNC. People in the next batch would have to be stupid to think they’ll be treated any differently.

November 2nd, 2012, 3:38 pm


Dolly Buster said:

The U.S. is correct to advance the cause of democracy in the world. I hope Mitt Romney takes a more forceful approach, because the evildoers like red China and red Russia are doing their part in promoting dictatorship.

November 2nd, 2012, 3:46 pm


Warren said:

Saudi Cleric Muhammad Al-Munajid: Hurricane Sandy Is Allah’s Punishment for Afghanistan and Iraq

November 2nd, 2012, 4:01 pm


Warren said:

Bahrain Twitter user imprisoned for defaming King Hamad

A Bahrain court has sentenced an online activist to six months in prison after convicting him for “defaming” King Hamad in comments posted on Twitter.

The man, whose name was not released, was among four people arrested last month on the same charges.

Appearing in court on 22 October, they all denied any wrongdoing. Verdicts in the other cases are expected next week.

Insulting the king and other members of the ruling family, the Al Khalifah, is a serious offence in Gulf state.

In September, the prominent pro-democracy activist Zainab al-Khawaja was jailed for two months for damaging public property in a police station. Ms Khawaja’s lawyer said she had torn up a picture of the king.

November 2nd, 2012, 4:12 pm


Warren said:

Qatar poet faces secret trial for ‘insult’: watchdogs

Human rights groups on Tuesday criticised Qatar for detaining a poet for “insulting” the emir, with Amnesty International saying he faces a secret trial possibly as a prisoner of conscience.

Mohammed al-Ajami — also known as Mohammed Ibn al-Dheeb — was arrested on November 16, 2011 in Doha and later reportedly charged with “inciting to overthrow the ruling system” and “insulting the emir,” said Amnesty.

Separately, the New York-based Human Rights Watch said Ajami’s incarceration “provides further evidence of Qatar’s double standard on freedom of expression.”

Amnesty said Ajami was being held in solitary confinement “apparently solely for peacefully exercising his right to freedom of expression.”

“If that is the case, he would be considered a prisoner of conscience and should be released immediately and conditionally,” said Amnesty’s Philip Luther.

Ajami’s trial in Doha’s Criminal Court “has been marred by irregularities, with court sessions held in secret,” said Amnesty.

“His lawyer reportedly had to provide a written defence… after being barred from attending one of the court sessions,” added the London-based watchdog.

Both Amnesty and HRW demanded that Ajami be released from jail without any conditions.

November 2nd, 2012, 4:14 pm


Warren said:

Salafist Attacks in Egypt Raise Spectre of Further Violence

Attacks by hard-line Salafist Muslims have raised concerns that Egypt may be in store for even more violence, similar to that witnessed this week in Tunisia.

Both Arab nations were ruled by ironfisted dictatorships for decades, led the Arab Spring and witnessed an unprecedented rise of Islamists to power.

In Upper Egypt’s Menya governorate, dozens of Salafists protested and forced the cancelation of a musical concert on Sunday, Oct. 28. The concert, “National Unity,” was organized by a local Egyptian band called Egypt’s Heart and sponsored by Menya’s governor and security chief — who were scheduled to attend if the state-owned events hall hadn’t been surrounded by furious, bearded Islamists.

Egypt’s Heart is composed of dozens of Muslim and Coptic Christian singers and musicians, and is known for incorporating religious hymns in their songs and advocating national unity.

But the self-proclaimed Islamist group, The Salafist Call Youth in Menya, said the concert was an event organized by Coptic Christian missionaries, who were singing Coptic hymns. The group’s Facebook page, which says “they are not representative of the Salafist current or its political parties,” published a video on the thinking behind forcing the shut-down of the public event.

“Egypt’s Heart is a group of Coptic Christian youth, which aims to unite Copts against we don’t know who, they try to exist among Muslims with claims of national unity,” said the video. “Why do they sing Coptic hymns that contradict Muslim beliefs? And why does a priest recite Coptic prayers during their event?”

Attendees, who were evacuated through a back door, had a different view.

Read more:


If the Sunni insurgency succeeds, Syria’s fate will be doomed. Just like in Libya, Tunisia and Egypt, Salafis will mercilessly impose their tyranny on the people of Syria.

For all Al Assad’s faults and the excesses of the Baath Party; at least the current Syrian regime respects religious minorities and tolerates people who want to live a secular modern life. This cannot be said of the Sunni National Council and Sunni Fundamentalist Army.

November 2nd, 2012, 4:35 pm


Warren said:

Palestinian newborns named after Hezbollah

In Gaza City’s Shifa Hospital, six Palestinian women have named their babies Hassan, Nasrallah, or Hassan Nasrallah, according to maternity records from when fighting began July 12 to when a cease-fire took effect Monday.

About half a dozen more named their babies Hezbollah, Beirut, or Promise — after the name of the military campaign Hezbollah staged against Israel, “The True Promise,” records showed.

In Gaza, as in many parts of the Arab and Muslim world, Nasrallah has seen his popularity rise dramatically by holding his own against the region’s most powerful army.

Ghurani, the new father and a wealthy Palestinian fruit importer, said his wife gave birth before hostilities began, but they didn’t name their child until the fighting was at full pitch.


At least some Pallies have honour and gratitude.

November 2nd, 2012, 4:50 pm


Syrialover said:


Did you see it? You got “political Christian” WARREN giving his best effort to respond to your question: “Why should Assad continue to rule Syria? What is your answer to that?” (#80)

Warning, it’s a bit embarrassing, showing his shallowness and warped understanding of current issues in Syria. And a sniff of cut-paste plagiarism as well. But we already knew Syria’s not on his radar screen, his head is too full of loud anti-Muslim and racist buzzings.

Here it is:

“For all Al Assad’s faults and the excesses of the Baath Party; at least the current Syrian regime respects religious minorities and tolerates people who want to live a secular modern life. This cannot be said of the Sunni National Council and Sunni Fundamentalist Army.” (#90)

Answer rating? F minus?

November 2nd, 2012, 5:34 pm


Tara said:

So our bigot-in-residence is bigot towards Sunnis and NOT towards Shiaa although sunnis and Shiaa have very similar fundental beliefs and the same Quraan. This political Christian-Shiaa alliance is funny. It is not really about a belief system, it is about power and self- interest.

Additionally, I would like to correct our bigot-in-residence, Taqqiah ( or whatever) is a Shiaa thingy not a Sunni trait.

November 2nd, 2012, 5:46 pm


Warren said:

The principle of Al-Takeyya

The Arabic word, “Takeyya”, means “to prevent,” or guard against. The principle of Al Takeyya conveys the understanding that Muslims are permitted to lie as a preventive measure against anticipated harm to one’s self or fellow Muslims. This principle gives Muslims the liberty to lie under circumstances that they perceive as life threatening. They can even deny the faith, if they do not mean it in their hearts. Al-Takeyya is based on the following Quranic verse:

“Let not the believers Take for friends or helpers Unbelievers rather than believers: if any do that, in nothing will there be help from Allah: except by way of precaution (prevention), that ye may Guard yourselves from them (prevent them from harming you.) But Allah cautions you (To remember) Himself; for the final goal is to Allah.” Surah 3: 28

According to this verse a Muslim can pretend to befriend infidels (in violation of the teachings of Islam) and display adherence with their unbelief to prevent them from harming him.

The implications of the principle of Al-Takeyya
Unfortunately, when dealing with Muslims, one must keep in mind that Muslims can communicate something with apparent sincerity, when in reality they may have just the opposite agenda in their hearts. Bluntly stated, Islam permits Muslims to lie anytime that they perceive that their own well-being, or that of Islam, is threatened.

In the sphere of international politics, the question is: Can Muslim countries be trusted to keep their end of the agreements that they sign with non-Muslim nations? It is a known Islamic practice, that when Muslims are weak they can agree with most anything. Once they become strong, then they negate what they formerly vowed.

The principle of sanctioning lying for the cause of Islam bears grave implications in matters relating to the spread of the religion of Islam in the West. Muslim activists employ deceptive tactics in their attempts to polish Islam’s image and make it more attractive to prospective converts. They carefully try to avoid, obscure, and omit mentioning any of the negative Islamic texts and teachings.

An example of Islamic deception is that Muslim activists always quote the passages of the Quran from the early part of Mohammed’s ministry while living in Mecca. These texts are peaceful and exemplify tolerance towards those that are not followers of Islam. All the while, they are fully aware that most of these passages were abrogated (cancelled and replaced) by passages that came after he migrated to Medina. The replacement verses reflect prejudice, intolerance, and endorse violence upon unbelievers

In conclusion, it is imperative to understand, that Muslim leaders can use this loop-hole in their religion, to absolve them from any permanent commitment. It is also important to know that what Muslim activists say to spread Islam may not always be the whole truth. When dealing with Muslims, what they say is not the issue. The real issue is, what they actually mean in their hearts.

November 2nd, 2012, 5:57 pm


Syrialover said:

TARA #93,

You’re getting too deep for him I think.

I suspect he hasn’t comprehended the Shia religion or Assad’s connection.

The basics of Christianity are also way over his head.

November 2nd, 2012, 5:58 pm


Uzair8 said:

Alex Crawford?@AlexCrawfordSky

#syria FSA take checkpoint btwn Jisr Ashogour + Idlib. They control main way btwn Jisr and Aleppo. If Jisr falls, they can reach Hama.

Note – This was posted 11 hours ago, but interesting info

November 2nd, 2012, 6:01 pm


Warren said:

Islam Permits Lying to Deceive Unbelievers and Bring World Domination!

The Qur’an:

Qur’an (16:106)- Establishes that there are circumstances that can “compel” a Muslim to tell a lie.

Qur’an (3:28) – This verse tells Muslims not to take those outside the faith as friends, unless it is to “guard themselves.”

Qur’an (9:3)- “…Allah and His Messenger are free from liability to the idolaters…” The dissolution of oaths with the pagans who remained at Mecca following its capture. They did nothing wrong, but were evicted anyway.

Qur’an (2:225)- “Allah will not call you to account for thoughtlessness in your oaths, but for the intention in your hearts”

Qur’an (66:2)- “Allah has already ordained for you, (O men), the dissolution of your oaths”

Qur’an (3:54)- “And they (the disbelievers) schemed, and Allah schemed (against them): and Allah is the best of schemers.” The Arabic word used here for scheme (or plot) is makara, which literally means deceit. If Allah is deceitful toward unbelievers, then there is little basis for denying that Muslims are allowed to do the same. (See also

8:30 and 10:21)

Taken collectively these verses are interpreted to mean that there are circumstances when a Muslim may be “compelled” to deceive others for a greater purpose.

Lying is an integral part of Islam, Sunni taqqiyyahs cannot absolve themselves.

November 2nd, 2012, 6:06 pm


Syrialover said:

Supermodel warned against hosting Syrian fundraiser

Naomi Campbell had to scrap plans to host a fundraising event for the people of Syria during London Fashion Week after she was told the cause was “too political”.

The British supermodel has hosted a number of runway shows in recent years through her Fashion For Relief charity to raise money for causes including earthquake relief efforts in Haiti.

She tells Britain’s Mail on Sunday, “I’ve been following what’s happening on TV and I feel so helpless watching innocent children and people getting killed (in Syria). It just makes me want to do something. With Fashion Week currently on the go, I was thinking about staging another charity event, this time for Syria, but my people have told me it’s too political for me to get involved in.”

Campbell had wanted to stage a show in aid of Syria, which has been rocked by unrest for several months, but she was warned not get involved.

COMMENT: Come on Naomi, what’s with the mouse act? You’ve survived being in court for throwing things at your employees – why go meek because of their stupid opinions now?

November 2nd, 2012, 6:11 pm


Warren said:

Extortion, sectarianism rife in northern Syria

On Friday, a group of mainly Christian men were still being held after about 30 gunmen abducted them on Monday near the northwestern town of Saraqeb on a bus bound from Beirut to Aleppo in northern Syria.

“We went through many (rebel) Free Syrian Army (FSA) checkpoints in villages in Homs and Hama without any problem. But outside Saraqeb, we found ourselves at a strange roadblock,” a witness told AFP, giving his name only as “Mark”.

“Usually the rebels search for soldiers, but this time was different. Three gunmen boarded the bus and told the Christians to raise their hands.”

Nine Christian men, including seven ethnic Armenians, were ordered off the bus while the gunmen checked IDs, according to Mark, who was mistaken as the driver’s assistant and spared interrogation.

“Get off. You’re with Bashar too,” they told a Kurdish man who tried to intervene, referring to Syria’s President Bashar al-Assad.

Mark, 26, said that a bearded man wearing a traditional robe boarded the bus and ordered unveiled women to cover their hair, calling them whores.

“He pointed to one woman wearing a cross and told her to hand it over. He grabbed it and started stamping on it.”

At that point a veiled women interceded: “My son, we never used to speak or think like this in Syria. These people are our neighbours and they have nothing to do with politics.”

“You don’t know these people. They are kuffar (infidels),” he retorted.

From his vantage point, Mark said he saw the gunmen stop another bus and yank out two women by their hair.


Murdering, kidnapping, extorting and persecuting “kaffirs” is the modus operandi of ALL Sunni Islamists wherever they are in the world.

November 2nd, 2012, 6:17 pm


Tara said:

Funny how bigots know themselves. Funnier that they shot off their brain from learning anything that challenges their bigoted believes. Jesus must be fuming as his name is being used to spread hatred..

November 2nd, 2012, 6:26 pm


Warren said:

Impressive rebuttal from Taqqiyya Tara. Lie and deny, classic tried and tested sunni tactics.

Islam is false, and Sunni Islam is the biggest threat to the civilized world. 9/11, Madrid ’04, London ’07, etc. Countless Sunni terror plots uncovered and prevented.

November 2nd, 2012, 6:39 pm


Syrialover said:

WARREN is a sad, ignorant, unbalanced bore.

Just imagine the nightmare of being a relative, neighbour or work colleague of his (I excluded the friend category as he wouldn’t have any).

You’d be forced to run to save your sanity every time he opened his mouth!

His loneliness and lack of social outlets scream through his obsessive time wasting cut-pasting and hatred bursts on SyriaComment.

But it is also an insult to those who come to this site because they care about Syria.

He’s like a deranged person shouting incoherently at a public meeting, who gets ushered out by security personnel then rushes manically back in through a window, a side door or chimney to continue ranting.

November 2nd, 2012, 6:40 pm


Johannes de Silentio said:


“Taken collectively these verses mean there are circumstances when a Muslim may be “compelled” to deceive others for a greater purpose.”

So what? There are similar instances in other religions. In the Jewish faith, for example, the name “Jacob” (he’s the father of the Jews) means “deceiver.” And yes, he was a tricky little piece of work.

You people call him Yaqub

November 2nd, 2012, 6:46 pm


Syrialover said:

Very interesting piece on why some people will always collaborate with dictators.

Article: The Collaborator’s Song

We often ask why some people choose to resist authoritarian regimes. But the better question might be why so many decide to cooperate

Conclusion: As we saw in Eastern Europe, it is always possible to make people collaborate for a time. But by doing so, they do not therefore acquire immutable “totalitarian personalities,” as Hannah Arendt once speculated. Even when it seems as if they are in full agreement with the most absurd propaganda — even if they are marching in parades, chanting slogans, singing that the party is always right — the spell can suddenly and dramatically be broken.

November 2nd, 2012, 6:55 pm


Tara said:


The hatred you are trying to propagate will consume you. You become its soul mate. You deserve hatred and hatred deserves you. It is the only emotion you are capable of feeling. I am not angry at you, I just pity you. You have never experienced the range of emotions normal people feel. You probably were never profoundly loved. It is just sad..

November 2nd, 2012, 7:13 pm


Tara said:


?????? ??? ????

Not because of your post above, but this is my general opinion about you, and pretty funny. Life is very boring, so it is good to be funny

I hope you understand Arabic. I just do not know how to translate it but it is a good thing.

November 2nd, 2012, 7:19 pm


Tara said:


Where are you? Why did you disappear? You are the only Israeli friend I have. You should stick around to discuss the Arab-Israeli hatred when we get rid of Batta et al, remember ?

November 2nd, 2012, 7:29 pm


MarigoldRan said:

Warren wrote:

“For all Al Assad’s faults and the excesses of the Baath Party; at least the current Syrian regime respects religious minorities and tolerates people who want to live a secular modern life. This cannot be said of the Sunni National Council and Sunni Fundamentalist Army.”

Yes, the current Baath party respects religious minorities. Unfortunately, it does not respect religious MAJORITIES such as, for example, the SUNNI MAJORITY THAT MAKES UP MOST OF SYRIA.

What Warren is saying in effect is that he supports the Assad regime because it supports his sect.

Fair enough. We’ll see who wins in the end.

P.S. Secular governments in the Arab world always end in disasters. Since most Arabs are Muslims, secular governments in the Middle East ALWAYS turn into totalitarian states to suppress the religious tendencies of their population.

November 2nd, 2012, 7:30 pm


MarigoldRan said:

Warren, you say that Islam is false and evil. You’re talking about Syria. Most Syrians are Islamic. Therefore, you are saying that most Syrians follow a false and evil religion.

In other words, you are a troll.

Which means that I will treat you like a troll:

Warren, your words are ugly. Your thoughts are ugly. And your heart is ugly. May God have mercy on your soul.

November 2nd, 2012, 7:52 pm


Tara said:

SC is boring me. It’s becoming bigots comment. I therefore will change it tonight to music comment.

This is the famous song “hello” originally by Lionel Richie being sung by the Arab Hussain al Jismi. It is much better by al Jismi in my opinion.

The lyrics are amazing . You must look it up.

November 2nd, 2012, 8:55 pm


Syrialover said:

Apologies for length of the excerpt but it’s a good summary

Syrian dissident pushes to unite fragmented opposition

(Reuters) – The fragmented Syrian opposition will attempt once again this weekend to forge a common policy to gain international respect, obtain weapons and, most importantly, topple Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, a formerly imprisoned dissident said.

“An alternative to the regime is dearly needed,” said Riad Seif, a liberal politician who is battling cancer and managed to leave Syria only a few months ago after having been imprisoned.

“We are talking about a temporary period that begins with forming a political leadership until a national assembly that represents all Syrians meets in Damascus, once Assad falls,” Seif said in an interview with Reuters in Amman.

He spoke after talking to opposition figures in advance of a of a meeting of the wider opposition movement in Doha.

Unlike previous efforts that failed to come up with a unified leadership, Seif said the Doha assembly will be more inclusive, representing a myriad of religious and activists’ groupings as well as more members of Assad’s minority Alawite sect and Kurdish political leaders.

Among those Seif met in Amman was former Syrian Prime Minister Riad Hijab, who defected to Jordan three months ago and is playing a major role in the new effort led by Seif.

He also met with Suhair al-Atassi, an organizer of peaceful street demonstrations early in the revolt, and physician Kamal al-Labwani, a long-time political prisoner who is now an outspoken advocate for armed struggle.

“We have 10 million Syrians who need everything from housing to security to public services, and a regime we have to take every possible measure to remove to avoid more losses,” Seif said, referring to inhabitants of areas under rebel control or where central authority had collapsed.

The charismatic 66-year old, who has been suffering from cancer for years, is one of Syria’s most prominent dissidents.

Having been assaulted by Assad’s security forces at a pro-democracy demonstration early in the revolt, he commands respect on the ground as well from opposition figures, whose bickering has undermined the rebellion and made Western and regional powers wary of recognizing the opposition.

He proposes the formation of a new, 50-member civilian group that will later chose a temporary government and coordinate with the military wing of the revolt.

He said the 50-member assembly will represent the “effective powers in the revolution” and “be convincing to the Syrian people”, adding that efforts were being made to bring the rebels under a unified military command.

Western, Turkish and Arab recognition of the new opposition structure, Seif said, will help channel anti-tank and anti-aircraft missiles to the rebels and “decide the battle”.

Seif said independent figures, such as Syrian intellectual Sadeq Jalal al-Azm, will be in the group to lend credibility. Representatives of opposition local councils that are providing services in Syria’s 14 governates also will be on board.

Opposition sources said the success of Seif’s initiative would depend on how much he can resist pressure from the SNC to put more of its members in the new assembly, and reach a consensus on how respond to international initiative to deal with what is increasingly becoming a Syrian civil war.

“There is already talk that most of the members of the new assembly will be from the SNC. If this turns out to be true then Seif’s initiative may be doomed to failure,” said an SNC member who has been advocating a more representative opposition.

November 2nd, 2012, 9:47 pm


Syrialover said:


Wow, 10 straight posts without major disruption by WARREN. A miracle.

Though maybe not, most of the posts were about him and what a idiotic bigot and troll he is. More attention online in an hour or so than he’s probably had out there in the real world for many years put together.

November 2nd, 2012, 9:57 pm


Johannes de Silentio said:

109 Tara

I agree. Boring. Too many assholes venting bile. Everybody needs to take five.

Speaking of taking five, here’s Pakistan’s Sachal Studios Orchestra doing the great Dave Brubeck hit song:

November 3rd, 2012, 12:37 am


annie said:

“Any unknown future would be better than Syria’s agony

Amal Hanano
Oct 29, 2012

Asking “who’s going to win the election?” is not a preoccupation for Americans alone. It’s also the question I’ve had to answer most often lately when I speak to Syrian activists.

They follow it up with “who’s better, Barack Obama or Mitt Romney?” I answer the first question this way: “I don’t know”. To the second one I say “For America, they are very different; for Syria, not so much.” This answer causes silences heavy with disappointment.

Most Syrians inside Syria have long rejected foreign military intervention. But they didn’t expect to find themselves, after 19 months of revolution, in this deadly stalemate. The flip side to the principled policy of “no intervention” has become the paralysis of watching rivers of blood flow through Syria’s cities, towns and villages.

In their desperation, Syrians have become cynical towards America’s true stance on the Assad regime. Still, they have given the Obama administration the benefit of the doubt, telling themselves that nothing will change before the US elections.

But as the number of dead steadily increased, the hope of a shift in US foreign policy towards Syria after the elections has faded. This was clearly expressed on October 19, the first Friday since the revolution began to have been given an anti-American name: “America, your silence is complicit in thousands of our deaths.”

In their recent foreign policy debate, the two presidential candidates dedicated a few minutes to the catastrophe in Syria with vague, hollow statements, from the emotional (“Syrians are going to have to determine their own future” and “What’s taking place in Syria is heartbreaking”) to the responsible (“We have to make sure we arm the right groups”) to the optimistic (“I am confident Assad’s days are numbered”).

The interchangeable phrases were little more than self-centered bickering about who’s taking a “leadership” role in Syria.

But leadership on Syria is nowhere to be found, not in Syria nor in the rest of the world. Instead, the Syrian crisis has been reduced to these cliched statements, by politicians, journalists and pundits, that seem to create some kind of equality between the two sides.

In fact, the gross inequality between the opposition’s actions and the regime’s response has been clear since the beginning: peaceful protests are met with gunfire and mass arrests; guns are met with tanks; cluster bombs target residential areas; barrels of explosives are dropped on innocent civilians; and no place is immune, not places of worship, not archaeological treasures, not national heritage sites.

As the violence increases on both sides – most lately the repeated breaking of the so-called “Eid truce” – the vast majority of war crimes (measured by scale, intensity, and sheer numbers) are being committed by regime forces and by their loyal shabiha gangs.

Even the Syria expert Joshua Landis, who has long criticised the opposition and often toed the Assad line, now says the regime no longer has anything but “senseless destruction” to offer.

Another popular question is “What is going on in Syria? Does anyone really know?”

Some journalists and politicians use this misleading question to complicate the narrative. If we don’t know what’s going on in Syria, how can we possibly stop or prevent certain events?

Landis and others argue about which weapons should be supplied to which group, which sections of society to support, and so on.

Mr Obama boasted in the debate that he had been able to prevent massacres in Libya. But in contrast, the latest US efforts in Syria entail finding out which non-violent activists deserve strictly non-lethal aid. Does anyone imagine that sending satellite phones and cameras at this stage will help the US find out what is “really going on” in Syria?

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November 3rd, 2012, 1:08 am


Juergen said:

Syrian state television “I greet my mom”

Praises of the “great freedoms in Syria,” mockery of the Western media and victories greetings to Moscow: A day with Assad’s state television.

It is 7 clock, the day of the Syrian state television begins with the national anthem, Koranic verses and propaganda. “Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, it has just reached us following news flash: In the early morning, the Arab-Syrian army has blown up five vehicles near Aleppo. A total of twelve terrorists and lackeys of the West and Israel are killed. Long live the people! “Announced the newscaster.

November 3rd, 2012, 2:16 am


Johannes de Silentio said:

113. ANNIE

“Syrians have become cynical towards America’s true stance on the Assad regime”

Why? What has the Assad regime ever done for America? Forty years of insults, rudeness and open hostility. Why should anyone be surprised that America turns her back on Syria?

November 3rd, 2012, 2:40 am


Syrialover said:


I don’t know if you saw my post about an article on why people collaborate with dictators (#104 above).

The writer makes an association between the experience of Eastern Europeans under Soviet communism and Arabs under authoritarian regimes. Then explains why “the spell [of fear and propaganda] can suddenly and dramatically be broken.”

November 3rd, 2012, 4:33 am


ann said:

Libya, Syria US Policies Aid Jihadists – Nov 03, 2012


US can no longer support the Syrian National Council (SNC) as the “visible leader” of opposition forces. US Secretary of State Clinton and other U.S. officials reportedly are fed up with infighting among the SNC leaders and have become convinced that the group does not represent the interests of all ethnic and religious groups in Syria. Ms. Clinton said there is a need for an official opposition umbrella which rejects “efforts by extremists to hijack the Syrian revolution.

Comment: More than 18 months into a rebellion of sorts, this is an astonishing admission of poor judgment and faulty political intelligence on multiple levels. It seems to have taken a year and a half for the US government to appreciate that the Syrian expatriates have no influence over the fighting in Syria. No fighting groups respond to their direction. No fighting groups depend on their dispensation of American funds.

Spokesmen for various Syrian fighting groups have been denouncing the expatriate politicians and the SNC as venal and out of touch for 18 months, openly and sometimes bitterly. The SNC has experienced repeated desertions by its most capable leaders, who also denounced its feckless venality.

The fighting will not stop in Syria because the SNC gets cut off. Even were the Free Syrian Army, which operates in Syria as one of many fighting groups, to lose its funding and supplies, fighting would continue because the rebellion appears to have been hijacked by the jihadists. They do not rely on the West or the US for support, though they will purloin it if given the opportunity.
Libya: Update.

On 1 November, about 100 Libyan fighters have circled and occupied the Libyan national assembly to protest the new cabinet lineup.

Comment: Judging from the large number of documents about security in Benghazi that have been leaked or found in Benghazi, the cabinet in Tripoli does not govern Libya beyond parts of Tripoli. The fragmentation of the state actually worsened with the killing of Qadhafi.

If the news and leaked reports may be trusted, Libya has become a political fiction, like Somalia. Cyrenaica, eastern Libya, is an al Qaida base, training location and arms depot for jihadists in SYRIA and MALI.

The rest of Libya is a mélange of competing tribal territories. Libya seems to have devolved as a nation-state – gone backwards.


November 3rd, 2012, 4:39 am


ann said:

Syria denies rebels’ control over ancient citadel in Harem – 2012-11-02

• Idlib denied Friday media reports that the armed rebels have taken control over a citadel in Harem.
• Harem has been reportedly surrounded by armed rebels and extremist groups since 11 days ago.

DAMASCUS, Nov. 2 (Xinhua) — The governor of Syria’s northwestern province of Idlib denied Friday media reports that the armed rebels have taken control over an ancient citadel in the town of Harem, the state-run SANA news agency said, as activists claimed the Syrian troops had withdrawn from another northern town.

Yaser al-Shuffi rubbished the citadel reports as unfounded, adding that they have come to lift the “devastated morale” of the armed rebels.

Harem has been reportedly surrounded by armed rebels and extremist groups since 11 days ago, reports said.

Meanwhile, Syria’s official SANA new agency quoted an official source as saying that the Khan al-Asal area in Aleppo has been cleared from rebels by the Syrian troops.


November 3rd, 2012, 5:03 am


ann said:

US Stance on Syria Undermines Geneva Agreements – Russia – 02/11/2012

MOSCOW, November 2 (RIA Novosti) – Moscow believes the US position regarding settlement of the Syrian conflict runs counter to the agreements reached in Geneva, the Russian Foreign Ministry said on Friday.

“US representatives say they do not intend to wait for Russia and China to change their positions. So it is explicitly given to understand that Washington sees the Syrian crisis being settled exclusively on its own terms,” ministry spokesman Alexander Lukashevich said in a statement posted on the ministry’s website.

“At the same time, those representatives say the US will continue efforts to pressure the Syrian government, including through toughening sanctions. Direct instructions are voiced on what the Syrian opposition should do to form ‘a government in exile,’ as well as who should enter such a government,” Lukashevich said.

“By this, opposition figures are in fact encouraged to maintain an uncompromising line aimed at toppling the regime in Damascus,” he said. “We believe this is out of line with the agreements worked out at the June 30 meeting of the Action Group on Syria in Geneva.”

There has been no immediate reaction from the US State Department.


November 3rd, 2012, 5:14 am


ann said:

NATO’s Mercenary Terrorists Declared War On The Brave Kurdish People Of Syria!

FSA Terrorists Murder Woman Leader of Kurdish Militia Protecting Kurdish Districts of Aleppo

On November 2, 2012, the Hawks of the Shahba’ (Aleppo) Brigade of the “Free Syrian Army” (FSA) has murdered the woman leader of a Kurdish militia aimed at protecting certain districts of Aleppo with large Kurdish populations, such as Ashrafiyeh and Sheikh Maqsud.

Her capture had taken place one week prior to her murder. Shaha Ali Abdu, also known as Nujeen Dirik, headed a Kurdish popular defense unit that is part of the Democratic Union Party (PYD), which opposes the regime of President Bashar al-Assad but has taken a neutral position in ongoing fighting in embattled Aleppo, the country’s commercial hub.

Clashes between FSA terrorists and Kurdish rebels took place in northern Aleppo after the FSA terrorists attacked the Kurdish town of Qastal Jindo on October 29, 2012.

November 3rd, 2012, 5:39 am


ann said:

London, Paris, Jerusalem line up for post-US vote action on Syria, Iran – November 3, 2012

The UK , France and Israel showed signs this week of lining up for military action with regard to Syria and Iran as soon as America’s presidential election was out of the way Tuesday, Nov. 6

debkafile’s military sources report. Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu spent two days (Oct. 31-Nov. 1) talking to President Francois Holland. As the Defense Minister Ehud Barak landed in London the next day, Prime Minister David Cameron was reported on standby for the dispatch of RAF fighter-bombers to the Persian Gulf.

Barak flew to London after US Gen. Martin Dempsey, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, had spent several days in Israel, no doubt tying up the last ends of US-Israeli cooperation for potential action.

Although America’s top military chief can’t tell who will be his next commander-in-chief – Barack Obama for another four years or the Republican Mitt Romney – he is duty-bound to have US forces in the Middle East ready for any contingency.
Although none has admitted as much, all the parties to these consultations did their best this week to chart alternative scenarios applicable to either winner. The consensus was that whether it is Obama or Romney, the two flaming Middle East crises can no longer remain subject to the policy immobility dictated by the presidential campaign – certainly not the Syrian bloodbath.

But the presence of thousands of Iranian and Hizballah combatants fighting for Bashar Assad on the battlefields of Syria oblige Western policy architects to reckon with reactions from Tehran and its Lebanese surrogate, HIzballah, as well as their Palestinian allies in the Gaza Strip.
debkafile’s military and intelligence sources report that all the US, British and French forces that might be needed for military action are already in place in the Middle East and the Persian Gulf, while Israel’s Defense Forces are on standby. They are awaiting orders to go forward after first being told which way to jump – Syria or Iran.
US strength – air, naval and strike ground units – are concentrated on the Red Sea Socotra Island and Oman’s Masirah Island in the Persian Gulf. Since mid-October, Washington has maintained supplementary special operations and anti-air units in Turkey, Jordan and Israel.
Britain and France have massed naval, air and special operations forces in the big naval base of Port Zayed and the Al Dhafra air facility – both in the United Arab Emirates. A French fighter-bomber squadron is also parked at the Tabuk air base in Saudi Arabia.
Military strategists regard the initial phases of the Iran-Israeli confrontation as already being in motion, manifested by an Iranian stealth drone which overflew Israel on Oct. 6 and Israel’s raid on Oct. 24 of the Sudanese factory manufacturing and storing Iranian missiles. They are predicting that such shadow-sparring exercises between Tehran and Jerusalem may evolve next month into more direct clashes between Israel, Iran and Hizballah – more probably isolated incidents related to Iran’s Middle East deployments, especially in Syria and Lebanon, rather than a full-blown eruption of hostilities all at once.
Meanwhile, after both Obama and Romney voiced disapproval of direct US military involvement in Syria, Washington embarked on quiet moves for a diplomatic accomodation.
During a recent round table in Ankara, Admiral James Winnfeld, Vice-Chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, announced that Washington would reveal its intentions toward Syria once the 6 November presidential elections were over. But he then announced to his Turkish counterparts that a peace plan had already been negotiated with Moscow for keeping Assad in power and that the UN Security Council would not authorize the creation of buffer zones on which Ankara had pinned its plans for Syria. Instead, Herve Ladsous, the UN Assistant Secretary General for Peacekeeping Operations, announced that he was studying the possible deployment of peacekeepers (“blue helmets”) in Syria.

This new situation comes at the expense of Saudi Arabia, France, Qatar and Turkey – all of whom back the Syrian revolt and demand regime change in Damascus. This anti-Assad coalition is now split between those demanding a compromise solution and those trying to sabotage the process underway between Washington and Moscow.


November 3rd, 2012, 6:03 am


ann said:

NATO’s Mercenary Terrorist Cold Blooded Killers – 11/3/2012

November 3rd, 2012, 6:21 am


ann said:

Free Islamic Army Liberates Syria from Evil Spirits

Thanks to the “Free Syrian Army” (FSA) police, now evil spirits no longer pose a threat in “liberated” Syria.


November 3rd, 2012, 6:27 am


Syrialover said:

There IS a model and inspiration out there for the dissenting, complaining and fragmented members of the Syrian opposition refusing to have anything to do with the US’s new anything’s-worth-a-try attempt to get some wheels on the road.

They should look at the people inside Syria they are supposed to be building something for.

People who have courageously demonstrated, joined the FSA, sent information to the outside world and risked their lives to provide supplies, medical help and other support to fellow Syrians. And all the decent, stoic people who have sacrificed and suffered terrible losses.

These are people who have put themselves second to the bigger cause, the struggle for a better future for Syria – the only country they have.

Their determination and capacity to trust, face risks and work together should be bottled and given to the members of all the competing opposition factions to drink as a magic tonic to clear their heads.

The message to those opposition figures who feel anything other than their special version won’t work, that they are being disrespected, cheated or usurped by unworthy others, and are fuelled by tunnel vision, resentments and grand expectations is WELCOME TO THE REAL WORLD.

They are feeling what all politicians in modern political systems have to work through all the time in their democratic party systems. Tough, isn’t it? But it’s obviously worth it and works out OK or those systems would have withered a long time ago.

The fact is there will be winners and losers in every round. But if you are within the right system, and you have something to offer that others want, there will be the opportunity to stay around and have another go.

Other states like Iraq and Egypt and Tunisia are showing the journey to a new system with old people can be hellish hard work with disappointments, uncertainties and failures in the script. Especially if the people who grab a seat at the new table come with an inappropriate mindset, lack integrity, and systemically distrust and disrespect and set out to cheat and displace others.

MEGAPHONE MESSAGE to the Syrian opposition: there is no plan B or C at this moment, and may never be. But right now there’s a well-supported train pulling out of the station. And if you’re not on board, or if you are, take a deep breath, be grown up and resist putting spokes in the wheels and blowing up the tracks. FOR SYRIA’S SAKE.

Live with what’s being tried, or you die with the alternative and so does Syria.

November 3rd, 2012, 7:58 am


Dolly said:

So, have you asked yourself why the dictatorships in China and Russia are standing with the Baath regime?

Obviously these kinds of countries (Venezuela, Belarus, Sudan, Russia) have nothing else in common – except that they are totalitarian states and hate liberty.

November 3rd, 2012, 8:57 am


annie said:

Syria – The Local Coordination
Committees Issue a “Code of Conduct” for Free Syrian Army.

Article II

I pledge to my people and my
revolution that I will refrain from any behavior or practice that would
undermine the principles of our revolution: the principles of freedom,
citizenship, and dignity. I will respect human rights in accordance with our
legal principles, our tolerant religious
principles, and the international laws governing human
rights – the very human rights for which we struggle today and which we intend
to implement in the future Syria.

Article III

Any person who takes up arms
in the name of the regime, regardless of their rank, should be arrested and
remain in the custody of the Free Syrian Army. In the event that an individual
is arrested, and it is determined that the individual was working for the
regime, voluntarily or for payment, to supply information about revolutionary
activists, that individual shall be considered a prisoner and treated in
accordance with laws governing prisoners of war.

Article IV

I pledge not to practice any
form of torture, rape, mutilation, or degradation. I will preserve prisoners’
rights and will not exercise any of the above practices in order to obtain

Article V

I will not issue any executive
orders, particularly with regard to death or corporal punishment. Only an
appropriate legal authority, with relevant expertise, may conduct trials and
find perpetrators guilty.

Article VI

I will not engage in any
practice that leads to the physical torture or murder of prisoners or
informants, and I will not participate in any public execution.

November 3rd, 2012, 11:09 am


Citizen said:

No matter who wins Tuesday’s election, U.S. likely to become entangled in Syria’s war

November 3rd, 2012, 12:05 pm


Citizen said:

US Dumps Syrian National Council (SNC), Focus Exclusively on Arming “Al Qaeda in Syria”

US dumps Syrian proxy political front in latest move to accelerate long-stalled regime change.

( regime change ) U.S. dirty habit – must become a systematic practice by China and Russia as is a global practice and principle !

November 3rd, 2012, 12:15 pm


Ghufran said:

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November 3rd, 2012, 1:49 pm


5 dancing shlomos said:

the new syrian govt in exile being formed by zionists is a terrorist group and will not govern anything.

the syrian govt is in damascus and will remain.

the terrorists will go down with clinton and zionized amurderka.

November 3rd, 2012, 2:43 pm


ann said:

Will Damascus Survive Washington’s Latest Attempt to Impose a Puppet Government on Syria? – November 03, 2012

US secretary of state Hillary Clinton says Washington needs “an opposition that will be on record strongly resisting the efforts by extremists to hijack the Syrian revolution,” (1) but fails to add that it must also be open to the United States doing the same

For weeks now, Robert Ford, the former US ambassador to Syria, has been putting together a plan to anoint a new US-approved government-in-the-wings. The initiative is known as the “Riad Seif plan” (7) named after a wealthy Damascus businessman and former Syrian parliamentarian who has long played an active role in the opposition to the Asad government. Acceptable to Washington owing to his businessman politics (as against the Ba’athist’s ideological commitment to state domination of the economy, marginalization of the private sector, and controls on foreign investment (8)), Seif has been endorsed by Washington to lead a post-Ba’athist government. It is hoped that his opposition credentials—he was jailed by the Syrian government for his activities—will put him in good stead with the rebels on the ground.

The plan calls for the creation of a “proto-parliament” comprising 50 members, 20 from the internal opposition, 15 from the SNC (i.e., the exile opposition), and 15 from various other Syrian opposition organizations. An executive body made up of 8 to 10 members—who have been endorsed by the US State department (9) — will work directly with the United States and its allies. (10) Washington and its subordinates, the Arab League and misnamed Friends of Syria, both democracy-hating clubs of plutocracies and oil monarchies, will attempt to make the body acceptable to Syrians by recognizing it as the legitimate representative of the Syrian people.

There’s no guarantee the plan will work. One of its goals is to marginalize the influence of the Jihadists, many though not all of whom have spilled into Syria from other countries, bent on overturning a secular regime led by a president whose Alawi faith they revile as heretical. If the Jihadists can be sidelined, Washington may be able to funnel arms to “acceptable” militant groups, without fear of their being used later against US targets. But there’s a question mark hanging over Seif’s appeal to religiously-inspired militants, especially when the hands of the marionette-master, the US State Department, are so visible. The same goes for the new council’s appeal to the anti-imperialist secular opposition, who “are against any new political entity that becomes subject to the agendas of foreign countries.” (11) And there’s no mistaking that the new ‘Made-in-the-USA’ council will be subject to the political agenda of the United States.

We needn’t tarry long on debunking the naive belief that Washington’s intervention in Syrian affairs has the slightest connection to promoting democracy. If democracy promotion motivated US foreign policy, absolutist monarchies with execrable records of human rights abridgements and violent repression of popular uprisings against their dictatorial rule would not make up the bulk of the United States’ Arab allies. The last thing the wealthy investors, bankers and corporate heavyweights who make up the US ruling class want is democracy, either at home or aboard. They want its polar opposite—plutocracy, rule by people of wealth in the interests of piling up more wealth through the exploitation of the labor of other people and the land, resources and markets of other countries.

When Saudi Arabia sent tanks and troops into Bahrain on March 14, 2011 to crush a local eruption of the Arab Spring, the United States did nothing to disturb their democracy-abominating ally’s assault on the popular uprising, except issue a meaningless call for “political dialogue.” As the New York Times explained,

The reasons for Mr. Obama’s reticence were clear: Bahrain sits off the Saudi coast, and the Saudis were never going to allow a sudden flowering of democracy next door…In addition, the United States maintains a naval base in Bahrain…crucial for maintaining the flow of oil from the region. “We realized that the possibility of anything happening in Saudi Arabia was one that couldn’t become a reality,” said William M. Daley, President Obama’s chief of staff at the time. “For the global economy, this couldn’t happen.” (12)

Considering that William Daley is an investment banker from a politically well-connected family; that “maintaining the flow of oil” means “maintaining the flow of oil revenues to US oil giants”; and that “the global economy” means “investors’ returns,” it’s clear why the plutocracy condoned their ally’s repression of the Bahrain uprising. Under plutocratic rule, steps toward democracy—even baby ones—are not allowed to get in the way of profits.

Nor need we tarry on the naive belief that a government that has been handpicked by Washington—the US State Department has “recommended names and organizations that ….should be included in any leadership structure,” disclosed Clinton (13)—will represent Syrian interests against those of its sponsor. US interests in Syria have no intrinsic relationship to protecting Israel, which—with its formidable military, yearly $3 billion dollop of US military aid, and an arsenal of 200 nuclear weapons—hardly needs further assistance defending itself against Iran, Hezbollah or Hamas, none of which are significant threats to Israel anyway but are threatened by it. Weakening Iran, Syria’s ally, may be one of Washington’s objectives in trying to orchestrate Asad’s ouster, but not because Iran may acquire nuclear power status and therefore threaten Israel (which it could hardly do anyway considering that it’s severely outclassed militarily (14)), but because, like Syria, it zealously safeguards its economic territory from the US plutocracy’s designs, allowing the state to dominate its economy and protect its domestic enterprises, land and resources from outside domination. The real reason the US plutocracy wants to topple the Syrian and Iranian governments is because they’re bad for the plutocracy’s business interests. Democracy, existential threats to Israel, and nuclear non-proliferation, have nothing to do with it.

The Syrian government is no stranger to formidable challenges. It has waged a longstanding war with Islamists who have rejected the Ba’athist’s secular orientation from the start. Its war with the ethnic-cleansing settler regime in Tel Aviv oscillates between hot and cold. The United States has waged economic warfare against Syria for years, and has connived at overthrowing its government before. Still, Damascus is in a particularly bad spot now. The world’s strongest plutocracies have escalated their hostility. Jihadist terrorists from abroad—to say nothing of home-grown ones—are doing their best to upset Ba’athist rule. But the support of the Syrian military and a substantial part of the Syrian population, plus assistance from Russia and Iran, have allowed it to hang on.

In the face of imperialist and Islamist opposition, its future looks grim, but governments have faced bleaker prospects before and survived, some even going on to thrive.


November 3rd, 2012, 3:10 pm


ann said:

Will Damascus Survive Washington’s Latest Attempt to Impose a Puppet Government on Syria? – November 03, 2012

US secretary of state Hillary Clinton says Washington needs “an opposition that will be on record strongly resisting the efforts by extremists to hijack the Syrian revolution,” (1) but fails to add that it must also be open to the United States doing the same

For weeks now, Robert Ford, the former US ambassador to Syria, has been putting together a plan to anoint a new US-approved government-in-the-wings. The initiative is known as the “Riad Seif plan” (7) named after a wealthy Damascus businessman and former Syrian parliamentarian who has long played an active role in the opposition to the Asad government. Acceptable to Washington owing to his businessman politics (as against the Ba’athist’s ideological commitment to state domination of the economy, marginalization of the private sector, and controls on foreign investment (8)), Seif has been endorsed by Washington to lead a post-Ba’athist government. It is hoped that his opposition credentials—he was jailed by the Syrian government for his activities—will put him in good stead with the rebels on the ground.

The plan calls for the creation of a “proto-parliament” comprising 50 puppets, 20 from the internal opposition, 15 from the SNC (i.e., the exile opposition), and 15 from various other Syrian opposition organizations. An executive body made up of 8 to 10 members—who have been endorsed by the US State department (9) — will work directly with the United States and its allies. (10) Washington and its subordinates, the Arab League and misnamed “Friends of Syria”, both democracy-hating clubs of plutocracies and oil monarchies, will attempt to make the body acceptable to Syrians by recognizing it as the legitimate representative of the Syrian people.


November 3rd, 2012, 3:18 pm


Ghufran said:

????? ????? ????? ??????? ?????? ?????? ???? ???? ?? ????? ???? ?? ???? ?????? ?? ?????? “????? ???” ????? ?????.
???? ????? ??????? ??????? ??? ???? ????? ????? ??? ?????? ?????? ?? ????? 46 ???? ??????? ???????? ??????? ???????? ??????.
This is why Syria is doomed, Syrisns have to choose between two parties that can not be trusted.

November 3rd, 2012, 4:57 pm


Ghufran said:

Nothing good can come out of anything that has a Qatari flavor,back to square one:
??? ?????? ???????? ????? ??????? ??????? ???? ??????? ?????????? ?? ????? ?? ??? ????? ?????? ????????? ???????? ?? ?????? ? ???? ???? ????? ????? ???? ???????? ??????? ???? ?? ?????? ?? 8 / 11 / 2012.
????? ?????? ?? ???? ????? ??? ?????? ?????????? ?? ??? ?????? ?????? ??????? ????? ????????? ??????? ?? ??????? ? ????? ??????? ???? ?? ??? ?????? ?? ???? ?? ????? ???????? ???????? ? ???? ???? ??? ?? ???? ??? ?? ??? ??????? ?????? ???? ?? ???? ???? ????? ?? ????? ????? ???????? ???? ?? ????? ???? ?????? ?????? ???????? .
????? ??????:”????? ???? ??? ??? ?????? ???????? ??? ?????? ??????? ????????? ???????? ?? ?????? ???? ???????”.

November 3rd, 2012, 6:31 pm


Ghufran said:

From the comment section in aksalser ( anti regime website that was more regime friendly until Aleppo was invaded by the rebels):
?? ???? ???? ?? ?????? ??????? ?????? ??? ??? ????? ?? ???? ???? ????? ???? ?????? ? ??? ????? ?? ????? ????? ??..? ?? ???????? ?? ????? ????? ???? ?? ????? 10 ????? ????? ??? 10 ????? ????? ?? ???? ?????? ?? ?? ????? ???..? ???? ????? ????? ???? ???? ????? ??? ????? ?? ??? ?? ???? ??????? ??? ??????? ?? ??? ?????? ???? ???? ?? ?? ????? ??? ??? ???? ??? ?? ??? ?????? ??????.
??? ???? ?? ?? ???? ???? ??????????? ????? ???? ?? ???? ????? ?????? ?? ?????? ????? ???? ???? ??? ?? ?????? ???? ??? ???? ?????.

November 3rd, 2012, 8:09 pm


erin said:

test it seems it is still the usual here except the many of the wise people left this site, since it become a propaganda site, similar to facebook.

November 3rd, 2012, 8:22 pm


Ghufran said:

Turkey is not doing itself or the opposition a favor by recruiting the islamists and the FSA in a war against Kurds:
???? ????? ?????? ????? ????? ?? ??? ?????? ?????????? ?? ????? ???? ??? ????? ??????? ??? ?? ????? ???? ??? ????? ????? ?????? ??? ????? ???????? ????? ???? ????? ????? ????? ?????? ??? ???? ????? ?? ????? ??? ???? ??????? ??????? ?? ?????? ???? ??? ???? ?????? ???????:
1 – ???? ??????? ?????? ?????? ????? ?? ??? ??? (?????) ?????? ??????? ??? ??? ??? ?????
2 – ???? ??????? ?????? ?????? ????? ?? ????????
3 – ???? ??????? ?????? ?????? ????? ????? ?? ?????
4 – ???? ??????? ?????? ?? ????? ?????? ?????? ??????? ?? ????? ??? ???? ?????? ????? ???????? ?? ?????.
The Kurds, for the most part, refused to allow Turkey any presence in their areas, now Turkey and its armed pimps want to force a new situation, Ifrin is the next battle between the two sides after Kurds ,for now, managed to expel intruders in Qastal and Ashrafiyyeh.
For all practical reasons, Kurds in Syria will now have to abandon their neutral stand in the war in Syria.

November 3rd, 2012, 9:52 pm


habib said:

Lol at this American National Council. Not exactly what the opposition needs, even more direct foreign control.

Furthermore, it has the potential to divide them even further than they are already. Many will of course refuse to join this ANC, and we will have multiple, useless “national councils” with no power on the ground.


November 3rd, 2012, 10:51 pm


Sami said:

PYD was never and will never be the sole representative of the Kurdish population (How can they be really when they kill and kidnap Kurdish activists on behalf of the Assadi regime all the time?)

PYD ???? ????? ?? ????? “?????? ?? ????”..?????? ????? ???????? ???? ????? ..??????

??????(?????)- ??????? ????

???? ????? ???????? ???? ?????? ?? ????? ???? ????? ????? ?? ????? ??????? ????? ??????? ???? ??????? ?????????? ?????? ?????? ????? ?? ??????? ??? ?????? 02\11\2012

???? ??????? ?? ???? ????? ???? ??? ??? ???? “??????? ????” ???????? ??? “?? ?????? ???? ??? ??????? ?????? ?? ?? ???????? ?? ??? ???????? ???????? ????? ??????? ??? ?????? ?? ?? ????? ??? ???? ? ????????? ??? ??? ???? ????? ?? ????? ???????? ???? ?????? ?? ?????”.

????? ??????? ?”????? ?????? ???????? ????????? ?????? ??????? ???? ??????? ?????? ?? ??????? ?????? ??? ??????? ??????? ????? ?? ??? ????????? ???? ?? ???? ???? ????? ??????? ?? ??????? ?????”.

??? ??? ??? ???? ????? ???????? ???? ?????? ?? ????? ??????? ?????? ?? ?????? ?????? ?????? ??? ????? ?? ???? ?????? ?????? ?????? ????????? ??????? “???????? ??? ????? ?? ????” ?????? ??????? ???????” ???? ?????? ???????? ????? ???????? “????? ??????”.

??????? “????? ?? ????? ????? ?? ????????? ??? ????? ????????? ?????? ????????? ??????? ??????? ?????? ? ???? ????????? ??????-???????????? ????? ??????- ????????? ???? ??? ?????? ?? ????? ???? ??????? ?????? ??? ?????? ??? ???? ??????? ???? ??? ???? ????? ????? ????????-?????- ?? ??? ??? ?????? ?? ???????? ????????”

????? “??? ??????? ????? ??????? ??? ?? ?? ???? ????? ???????? ?????? ??? ??????? ???????? ??? ?? ???????? ?????? ??? ?????? ?????? ??? ??? ???? ????? ??????? ???? ????? ?????? ?? ??????? ??? ???? ?????? ?????? ???? ????? ?????? ?? ???????? ?? ??????? ??? ????? ????”.

And a little tribute for the late Mishaal Temmo a true Syrian Kurd that stood for the very meaning of what this revolution stands for (and who was gunned down by the very same group pretending to “protect” the Kurds):

This is what his son had to say about the PYD most recently on his Twitter handle:

?? ??????? ??? ?????? ??????????? ??????? ???? ????? ????? ??????? ?? ????? ???? ?????? ???????? ?? ??? ?? ? ? ? ????? ?????

??? ?????? ?????????? ?? ??? ??? ? ? ??? ??? ????????? ??????? ?? ??? ???????? ?????? ?? ???? ??????? ??? ?? ?????? ?? ????? ?? ????? ??????

????? ??????? ?????????? ??? ?? ??? ?? ???? ??????? ????? ????? ???????? ????? ?? ????? ??? ??? ??? ???? ????????

???? ???? ??????? ????? ????? ???? ??? ?????? ??? ?????? ????? ???? ????? ??????? ??????? ???? ?? ?? ??? ?? ???? ??????? ???????? ?????

So is it really fair to say the PYD is neutral, when in fact they have all along been undermining the Local Kurdish Youth Commission (which is closely associated with the LCC) by killing and abducting peaceful members of the revolution?

The PYD is “protecting” the Kurds as much as the Shabiha are protecting the Alawis in Syria…

November 3rd, 2012, 11:12 pm


Syrialover said:

New post by Joshua Landis – about trouble between the Kurds and FSA

November 3rd, 2012, 11:21 pm



LOLLY HABIB Are you still waiting for the stupid president to crush the insurgency.


November 4th, 2012, 12:40 pm


habib said:


ETA and IRA are still around, aren’t they? The FSA will be irrelevant in some years. Perhaps many, but still irrelevant.

November 5th, 2012, 7:51 pm