Free Syrian Army getting attention

Turkey has slapped sanctions on Syria and floated the idea of a cross-border military operation, shortly after the Arab League imposed its own sanctions on the Syrian regime.
From China Hand at China Matters

According to Milliyet, as cited by IRNA, France has sent its military training forces to Turkey and Lebanon to coach the so-called Free Syrian Army — a group of defectors operating out of Turkey and Lebanon — in an effort to wage war against Syria’s military.

The report added that the French, British, and Turkish authorities “have reached an agreement to send arms into Syria.”

The Turkish daily said that the three have informed the US about training and arming the Syrian opposition.

According to Milliyet, a group of armed rebels are currently stationed in Turkey’s Hatay Province near the border with Syria.

The report comes as an earlier report had revealed that the British and French intelligence agencies have reportedly tasked their agents with contacting Syrian dissidents based in the northern Lebanese town of Tripoli in order to help fuel unrest in Syria.

Reports also said that French intelligence agents have been sent to northern Lebanon and Turkey to build the first contingents of the Free Syrian Army out of the deserters who have fled Syria.

By Jeffrey White at WINEP

The growing armed opposition movement against the Asad regime is becoming an increasingly important element in the Syrian equation.

The Free Syrian Army (FSA), the armed opposition group that has emerged to confront the Asad regime, appears to be gaining in strength and effectiveness, and Damascus now faces both peaceful and armed resistance. So far, the FSA has proven resilient in the face of regime measures to suppress it.


The FSA was formally announced on July 29, but it can trace its origins to well before that. The group’s formation was a reaction to regime brutality against peaceful mass protests. Desertion from the Syrian army increased as individual soldiers and small units refused to obey orders to shoot unarmed demonstrators or simply decided to abandon the regime. Although not all of these soldiers have joined the FSA, numerous media reports indicate a steady flow of defectors into the group’s ranks.

Defectors include individuals of all ranks, from conscript to brigadier general, and from a wide variety of combat units and organizations, including key regime props such as the Republican Guard and the intelligence services. Some small units have defected as a group, and several battalion-size defections have been reported but not confirmed. In at least some cases, the defectors took their weapons with them. And in most cases, they appeared to join local FSA elements.

Easing the process of defection and FSA unit creation is the fact that the personnel in question are moving from a military organization to a fairly well organized quasi-military force. Based on available evidence, the FSA has a chain of command, organizational and rank structures, and named units.


The FSA appears to be a relatively flat organization, with a command and headquarters in Turkey, possibly a set of regional or area commands with subordinate groups in Syria, and, according to media reports, one or two combat elements in Lebanon.

Command and control appears to be relatively loose, with the Turkish headquarters providing general direction and the units in Syria exercising largely independent control over their operations. Earlier this month elements of two units in the Damascus area — the Abu Ubaydah al-Jarah Battalion and the Muawiyah bin Abi Sufyan Battalion — reportedly cooperated in an action against regime forces, suggesting at least some degree of coordination. Command and control is exercised through a variety of means, including cell phones, email, Facebook, and, presumably, couriers. The regime has reportedly captured a number of sophisticated communications devices from “armed terrorists,” including Thuraya satellite mobile phones, very high and ultra-high frequency (VHF/UHF) devices, and Inmarsat mobile communication satellite systems.

The FSA’s order of battle (command structure, units, deployment, strength, and equipment) is becoming somewhat clearer over time. The group claims to have as many as twenty-two “battalions” operating against the regime; media reports indicate sixteen such battalions are active, with four additional battalions probably active. Yet the number of fighters associated with each battalion — assuming the term is even used in a consistent way — is uncertain. FSA battalions are reportedly led by junior officers, in most cases lieutenants and captains, suggesting formations with 100 to 200 or even fewer personnel. The battalions appear to be independent formations, although higher-level formations may exist. In the Homs area, for example, the Khaled ibn al-Walid Brigade appears to comprise several subordinate battalions.

FSA membership appears to consist largely of experienced military personnel — a cadre of officers and noncommissioned officers with, in some cases, social connections to local families and clans, towns and neighborhoods. In other words, they know how to use weapons and are fighting on terrain they know.

The total number of FSA personnel is uncertain. The group’s leadership has claimed ten to fifteen thousand, but this seems too high. A more likely range is in the low thousands, consistent with the number and likely size of the battalions.

FSA weapons seem to be mostly small arms (rifles, light machine guns), rocket-propelled grenades (RPGs), some heavy machine guns, and various explosive devices. RPGs are being used effectively against the regime’s armored vehicles, especially the relatively lightly armored BMP infantry fighting vehicle variants that have been heavily employed by the government. These types of weapons are generally well suited to the primarily urban fighting waged so far in Syria. Weapons sources include the defectors, reported smuggling (especially from Lebanon, but also Turkey), and capture of materiel during engagements with regime forces.


The FSA is operating throughout Syria, both in urban areas and in the countryside. Forces are active in the northwest (Idlib, Aleppo), the central region (Homs, Hama, and Rastan), the coast around Latakia, the south (Deraa and Houran), the east (Dayr al-Zawr, Abu Kamal), and the Damascus area. The largest concentration of these forces appears to be in the central region (Homs, Hama, and surrounding areas), with nine or more battalions reportedly active there.

Most FSA operations seem to be small-unit actions involving anywhere from a few to a few tens of personnel. The fighting in Rastan and Homs in September and October appears to have included somewhat larger actions. Operations have included defense of local areas, ambushes of convoys and vehicles, attacks on regime positions and facilities, attacks on regime security forces and militia elements, attacks on regime officials and military officers, intervention against regime forces attacking demonstrators, and road closings.

The FSA has also fought at least three serious “battles”: for Rastan/Talbisah (September 27-October 1), for Homs (October 28-November 8), and for Kherbet Ghazalah (November 14). These actions featured sustained engagements with regime forces, and although the FSA broke off the fighting in each case, it was able to inflict losses and generate more defections. The regime was also forced to deploy large combat formations (division or brigade equivalents) in serious combat operations. The FSA’s actions are compelling the regime to deploy forces throughout the country and fight, not just continue to shoot unarmed civilians.


The Asad regime cannot survive without killing, and the FSA has changed the game from one in which the regime was free to kill its citizens at will and without cost, to one in which it faces an armed opposition and is suffering losses. Increased demands on government forces and further civilian deaths will produce more defections, and these processes will in turn escalate the fighting.

Because the FSA is an increasingly important player that will likely influence the outcome of events in Syria, the United States and its partners should make contact with its members and learn as much as possible about the group. Questions concerning its nature, its potential as an armed force, and the role of Islamists can be resolved through such contact as well as intelligence work. If the results are positive, then the FSA should be assisted wherever outside aid would be both possible and effective. Arms, advice, training, and money could be provided through clandestine channels, if nothing else. These modest steps could help provide the Syrian people with a means of self-defense, give the United States additional influence on the situation, and put further pressure on the regime and its forces, perhaps hastening the conflict’s end.

* Jeffrey White is a defense fellow at The Washington Institute, specializing in military and security affairs. The Washington Institute for Near East Policy

Last exit for Syria: Alawite coup
By Abdullah Buzkurt, Wednesday, 30 November 2011

The key to unlock the way to a palace coup is the breakup of the “Alawites unity” as they dominate the army, intelligence, security, business elite and the government — all the key pillars of the regime. Just as the Alawites co-opted Sunni military leaders during their rise to power in the ’60s, the Sunnis need Alawite leaders to ensure the fall of the Assad family from power. The army was dominated by the Alawite officers who compose some 80 percent of the officer corps. In the last nine months, Assad has also engaged in a purge campaign of Sunni officers on a wide scale, fearing that they might revolt. Some of these joined the Free Syrian Army operating bases in Turkey and have launched attacks against Assad’s army.

Conscripted soldiers are mostly Sunnis and make up a 300,000 strong force in the Syrian army. Sunnis dominate the second corps in the army and are led by Circassian Sunni Muslim, while the remaining two corps in the land forces are led by Alawite commanders. Even if the ranking officer is Sunni in one division, the deputy is always an Alawite who has the real power and say in that division. The elite force called the Republican Guard is an all-Alawite force led by Assad’s younger brother Maher al-Assad, who has been cracking down on the opposition. He also commands the Fourth Armored Division and the Presidential Guard. The bulk of the security and intelligence apparatus in Syria is controlled by Bashar al-Assad’s uncle, cousins, brothers-in-law and nephews.

Assad knows that once the unity among Alawites is in disarray, his fate will be sealed. That is why he has even called upon retired Alawite generals to work for him in order to secure their support and to prevent them from joining forces with the opposition. Assad’s nightmare scenario comes from the amplification of tribal and sectarian fighting within the Alawite community. The secretive community is divided along sectarian and ethnic lines, with four major sects as well as four main tribes. They are further divided into clans. For example, Assad comes from the Numaylatiyya clan of the Matawira tribe. The historical bitterness and rivalry among tribes and clans may potentially produce figureheads to challenge Assad’s family.

Landis Comment: Bashar al-Assad is not “from the Numaylatiyya clan of the Matawira tribe,” as the Abdullah Buzkurt asserts. Rather, he is from the Kalbiyya tribe. Hanna Battatu claimed that Assad was from the Numaylatiya section of the Mutawira, but he was incorrect. Patrick Seale straightened this out. Nikolaus van Dam has also confirmed this. Talk to people from the region and they will confirm it as well. One has to be leery of assertions about the number of Alawi officers in the top ranks of the military, and other such specialized knowledge. These numbers do not exist and are based on guesses.

Syrian foreign minister in Saudi Arabia for crisis talks
2011-11-30 12:16:09.830 GMT

Beirut (DPA) — Syrian Foreign Minister Walid al-Moallem arrived Wednesday in the Saudi city of Jeddah to attend an emergency meeting on the violence in his country, the broadcaster Al Arabiya reported. The meeting of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, to be held later Wednesday, was “to urge the Syrian authorities to stop bloodshed, halt targeting civilians, and implement political reform,” the grouping said in a statement.

Der Spiegel: Syria’s Christians Side with Assad Out of Fear

Print E-Mail Feedback 11/30/2011 The Tolerant Dictator Syria’s Christians Side with Assad Out of Fear By Bastian Berbner AFP Two Syrian Orthodox priests wait for the arrival of Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill in Damascus on Nov. 12, 2011. A …

Qatar suspends Syria flights
2011-11-30 Ramadan Al-Fatash

Damascus (DPA) — Qatar’s state-owned airline, Qatar Airways, said it was stopping its flights to and from Syria starting Wednesday as part of a package of sanctions imposed by the Arab League on Damascus over its violent clampdown on its opposition. The airline said in a statement released in Damascus that the suspension would be in effect until November 28, 2012.

“Travel companies have to make the necessary changes and notify passengers as of today,” it added. On Sunday, the Arab League slapped sweeping economic sanctions – including halting trade links – on the Syrian government for failing to endorse a plan to allow Arab monitors into the country to observe the situation, a move some say might convince the government to stop its crackdown.

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Comments (560)

majedkhaldoun said:

Internationalization of Syrian crisis will start Saturday.

Islamic C.C said violence must stop,if not internationalisation will start.

FSA are the angels that will rid us of theis brutal criminal regime,money and weapons must be provided to them,the more power they get the more their number will increase.the more successful thet will be,God Bless FSA

November 30th, 2011, 11:41 am


ghufran said:

tribal loyalty is s till a factor in Syria but its significance in this crisis is overblown, instead,we have a large group of army officers who are not happy with the regime but do not trust the opposition and are afraid of what an Islamist government may bring to their lives and their families. The lack of a genuine dialogue with leaders in the army and the alawite community as a whole is a major weakness of this uprising (revolution),yes those people are afraid of security forces but they are also afraid of their fellow citizens who may choose revenge over reconciliation.

November 30th, 2011, 12:29 pm


zoo said:

UAE won’t take measures against Syria, says official

Minister of Economy denies media reports claiming that Dubai has banned flights to Syria
November 30, 2011

The Arab league has yet to decide on air flights to Syria, and thus the UAE reiterates its abidance by the Arab League’s stand and all resolutions that may be issues with regard to Syria.

November 30th, 2011, 1:29 pm


Syrian Nationalist Party said:

“…a group of defectors operating out of Turkey and Lebanon — in an effort to wage war against Syria’s military….”

It is more like waging hit and run terrorist acts against innocent civilian targets, scientists, trained fighter pilots, trains and other terroristic actions that cause not just the death of Syrians, but slowly depleting a force that can otherwise, be trained properly, and put to use to accomplish end result that is for the betterment of Syria and Syrians, rather than helping Syria’s enemy degrade and harass the Nation. Which what this FSA is basically doing and trained to do now. In the end, they will be prosecuted just like the Lebanese force of Lahd in South Lebanon. They have no chance to defeat Assad militarily whatsoever.

“…….According to Milliyet, a group of armed rebels are currently stationed in Turkey’s Hatay Province near the border with Syria….”

It is Syria Occupied province of Iskenderun, Turkey needs to know that one day they will be handing it over and NATO will be looking the other way when that day comes. SNP will be training the second generation to liberate that area of Syria, should the first generation failed to do so. Two humps slobbering Turkmen better give it up now than be humiliated later.

“……If the results are positive, then the FSA should be assisted wherever outside aid would be both possible and effective. Arms, advice, training, and money…”

It is clear, training seditious mercenaries units disguised as liberation army.

“…….These modest steps could help provide the Syrian people with a means of self-defense,…”

They already have the Syrian National Army providing the self defense. Why do you think that 80% of Syrians are not joining the oppositions and are seeking the army protection?

“…..further pressure on the regime and its forces, perhaps hastening the conflict’s end….”

With Iran and Russia support, the regime under no pressure, same situation and circumstances existed in Syria and are dealt with very effectively. Like Iran today under sanctions managed to build an INDUSTRIAL NATION, Syria in the past managed under similar sanctions to build small industries and be self sufficient, same will evolve today.

“……The key to unlock the way to a palace coup is the breakup of the “Alawites unity”…”

Unlike crazy Wahabi’s and ALCIADA hashish drugged bearded Moslems extremist, Alawites never exhibited suicidal tendency, their sect do not promote such act, rather it promote solidarity with the tribe.

“…Rather, he is from the Kalbiyya tribe….”

That is a well known fact in Tel Kalakh since youth. Although the tribe maybe at odd sometimes with the other three Alawite tribes, that was 50’ thing not 2012 modern Syria. And for sure not when all Alawites and other minority faces a grim reality and future together.

“….The Tolerant Dictator Syria’s Christians Side with Assad Out of Fear…”

It is a lot more than just Christians who sided with Assad out of fear. It is almost all of Syria. Just go back and read what was said by SC posters here in the past 9 months. And what the revolutionaries / paid mercenaries are doing now, the same, even training for worse atrocities so that in the end Syrians, now in standing support with the regime out of desperation and fear for life, will be joining Assad units in drove to get rid of the bloody menace.

November 30th, 2011, 1:45 pm


jad said:

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???? ????? ????? ???????? ??? ???????? ??????????? ?? ????.

November 30th, 2011, 2:01 pm


Mango said:

(According to Milliyet, as cited by IRNA, France has sent its military training forces to Turkey and Lebanon to coach the so-called Free Syrian Army — a group of defectors operating out of Turkey and Lebanon — in an effort to wage war against Syria’s military
The report added that the French, British, and Turkish authorities “have reached an agreement to send arms into Syria.)

Let’s include such practice in the United Nations charter: (the West countries and the country members of the NATO have the rights to arm whom they consider necessary to change ruling regimes !!!
mey be good to exclude from structure of the United Nations Russia, China, India,SA and Brazil
Are there any expert in the international relationships without mask ? It is infringement of the elementary right of the sovereignty

November 30th, 2011, 2:48 pm


Tara said:

Ankara says Syria at the end of the road
Published: Nov. 30, 2011 at 10:12 AM

ANKARA, Turkey, Nov. 30 (UPI) — Turkey can no longer sit in silence as atrocities continue in neighboring Syria, the Turkish foreign minister said in announcing unilateral sanctions.

Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu on Wednesday announced the government would end military assistance to Syria in an effort to persuade Damascus to end its crackdown on the opposition.

“Until a legitimate government, which is at peace with its people, is in charge in Syria, the mechanism of the high level strategic cooperation council has been suspended,” he was quoted by Turkish daily newspaper Today’s Zaman as saying.

Syrian President Bashar Assad, the foreign minister added, has come “to the end of the road.”

A report backed by the United Nations highlighted potential crimes against humanity in Syria, including the alleged rape, torture and killing of children at the hands of Syrian security forces.

The U.N. Security Council has been unable to act because of opposition from China and Russia, two veto-wielding members.

Davutoglu said Ankara would institute economic sanctions on members of the Syrian regime and several of its backers
“Every bullet fired, every bombed mosque has eliminated the legitimacy of the Syrian leadership and has widened the gap between us,” Davutoglu said. “Syria has squandered the last chance that it was given.”

November 30th, 2011, 2:56 pm


ghufran said:

reports about NATO supplying rebels with arms and training have surfaced but were not confirmed. If this can be proven,that will dramatically change the rules and lead to reactions that further escalate the situation. I tend to believe that most of Syria’s neighbors are willing to help in weakening the regime but may think twice before engaging in direct aggressive interference in what is starting to look like a mini civil war in Syria because they know very well that there will be a price to pay.
This is a sad state of affairs,and the usual talk about resistance and conspiracies are not enough this time to prolong the life of the regime and give it more legitimacy.
The more this regime waits to compromise,the more concessions it has to give until there is a point where only the total departure of its heads will be acceptable to its adversaries. The much-hated AL may provide a temporary relief even if we all know it is unable to separate itself from NATO countries especially the US,only an agreement between the big players can revive hopes for a political solution,forget the clowns at the AL and on Aljazeera.

November 30th, 2011, 2:59 pm


Juergen said:

I did not hear this song for a long while… well not all of you will find it funny i suppose…

November 30th, 2011, 3:36 pm


majedkhaldoun said:

Do’nt you think Waleed lost too much weight,Ah Ghufran…

November 30th, 2011, 3:47 pm


Juergen said:

I think a country where its people can laugh about their leaders is more sane than those where most will not dare to mention their name in public.

I bet weightwatchers are considered an threat to the security, so how did he do it?

November 30th, 2011, 3:56 pm


Tars said:

More sanctions tomorrow.
November 30, 2011 12:25 pm
Syria curbs set to hit oil output

By Javier Blas and James Blitz in London and Daniel Dombey in Istanbul
The European Union and Turkey are increasing economic pressure on the regime of Bashar al-Assad with fresh sanctions that are set to prompt the departure from Syria of foreign oil companies Royal Dutch Shell and Total of France.
The new sanctions will be a significant blow to Syria; Turkey is a major trading partner and by targeting foreign oil companies, Brussels could hit Syrian crude production.

EU foreign ministers are set to include Syria’s state-owned General Petroleum Corporation in a list of individuals and companies banned in dealing with European counterparts at a meeting on Thursday, diplomats and oil executives said. GPC is the partner of Shell and Total in Syria and the move would prompt both companies to abandon the country, people familiar with the discussions said.
Diplomats said that the departure of Shell and Total could hurt oil production in the country, “GPC relies on the technical expertise of Shell and Total. Once they are out, Syria will not be able to rely on their expertise to extract oil,” an European diplomat said. However, oil executives said production was likely to continue.
The sanctions would likely come as a relief to both companies, as they provide a cover to leave a country that represents a tiny fraction of their business but has became a reputational problem. Ricken Patel, of the campaigning group Avaaz critcised both companies for still being active in the country: “Shell and Total should have left Syria voluntarily months ago when it was clear they were bankrolling bloodshed.”
The EU has already imposed an embargo on oil exports from Syria which has forced the country to reduce production from 380,000 barrels a day to about 250,000 b/d as Damascus has failed to find new customers for its crude.
The fresh round of European measures comes as Ankara imposed its own long-awaited sanctions on Syria, which are seen as particularly significant since, with bilateral trade of $2.3bn last year, Turkey is one of Syria’s biggest trading partners.

November 30th, 2011, 4:10 pm


Juergen said:

Istanbul attacker came from Syria as new sanctions announced by Ankara

Published November 30th, 2011 – 12:15 GMT
IstanbulEnlarge Image

A gunman who opened fire in a famous tourist site of ?stanbul and wounded two people was killed in a clash with police. Turkey’s Interior Minister ?dris Naim ?ahin said. The 36 year old gunman was identified as a national of Libya.

According to Zaman newspaper, the incident took place in the Sultanahmet district of the city. A soldier and a private security guard were hurt.

Witnesses said before shooting the gunman shouted, “Allahu Akbar” and then said he was from Syria. The Turkish authorities stated that the attacker entered the country a few days ago and used a car registered in Syria.

Meanwhile, Turkey’s Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu on Wednesday said the Syrian government wasted opportunities and now “coming to the end of the road.” He made the comments as he presented a package of sanctions against Syria, which includes nine articles.

Among others the new measures include the suspension of the mechanism of the High Level Strategic Cooperation Council until a “legitimate government comes to power and lives in peace with the people.” In addition, it includes a ban on arms supplies to the Syrian army.

“These measures will not affect adversely the brotherly people of Syria,” the Turkish minister stated.

November 30th, 2011, 4:12 pm


Tara said:


Was the gunman part of the “sleepers” suicide attackers ready to be unleashed by Mufti Hassoun the world over? I have yet to hear about a crazy Arab just getting insane and opening fire on people for personal reason. Arabs do not usually go banana and open fire randomly unless charged with a political cause.

November 30th, 2011, 4:33 pm


zoo said:

“The OIC meeting called upon all parties to relinquish violence and resort to peaceful means such as dialogue and negotiations to end the crisis.”

JEDDAH: The secretary-general of the 57-member Organization of Islamic Cooperation said Wednesday the OIC would try to resolve the political crisis in Syria internally and oppose moves to take the issue to the UN Security Council.

“We are keen to preserve Syria’s safety, security and stability, reject the internationalization of the Syrian crisis and we work to resolve the crisis within the broader Islamic family as represented by the OIC,” Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu said.

Addressing an emergency meeting of OIC foreign ministers at the organization’s headquarters in Jeddah, Ihsanoglu expressed frustration at the lack of a breakthrough to end the violence in Syria, which since March has claimed lives of more than 3,500 people, mostly civilians.

“We have exhausted all our mechanisms and powers in our attempt to bridge the gap and end bloodshed” in Syria, said the OIC chief, urging ministers to “reach practical recommendations that would help achieve a compromising solution.”

He described the meeting as “the last chance to end the Syria crisis” and called on the government of President Bashar Assad to cooperate with the Arab League. OIC sources said up to 32 ministers from 57 countries attended the Jeddah meeting.

Under the terms of an Arab League deal aimed at ending the violence, Syria agreed earlier this month to withdraw the army from urban areas, release political prisoners, launch a dialogue with the opposition and admit foreign observers.

UAE Foreign Minister Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al-Nahyan said he was still hoping Syria would admit observers and avoid sanctions due to be unveiled by Saturday.

The Arab League approved on Sunday sweeping sanctions against Assad’s government over the crackdown — the first time the bloc has enforced punitive measures of such magnitude on one of its own members.

The measures include an immediate ban on transactions with Damascus and its central bank and a freeze on Syrian government assets in Arab countries. They also bar Syrian officials from visiting Arab countries and a possible call for suspension of all flights from Arab states to be implemented on a date to be set next week.

The meeting was attended by Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Muallem, his Iranian counterpart Ali Akbar Salehi and Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu of Turkey, a former ally of Damascus before relations soured over the protest crackdown by Assad’s regime.

Muallem gave a government version of the situation in Syria, saying his country was the victim of terrorist operations. He also pointed out that the Assad government was working on a modern constitution as part of new political reforms. Salehi supported Syria, telling the OIC to back the regime’s efforts to quell terrorism.

OIC sources told Arab News that the ministers took over five hours to agree on a final communiqué during a closed-door meeting. The communiqué voiced deep concern over the worsening situation in Syria as a result of the military crackdown on protesters.

The ministers urged the Syrian government to stop the excessive use of force against citizens, respect human rights and fulfill its commitment toward the OIC Charter. They also urged Damascus to carry out political reforms in line with the hopes and aspirations and legitimate demands of the Syrian people.

The meeting called upon all parties to relinquish violence and resort to peaceful means such as dialogue and negotiations to end the crisis. It also supported the Arab League’s efforts to find a peaceful solution for the Syrian issue. The Syrian and Iranian delegations expressed reservations on some points of the communiqué.

November 30th, 2011, 4:38 pm


irritated said:

14 Tara

“The shooter was identified as a 36-year-old Libyan man who had arrived on the scene in a vehicle with Syrian licence plates.”

November 30th, 2011, 4:45 pm


Juergen said:

Always like the authors insight, but this time i kind of doubt that one can only assert the dark side of british colonial and postcolonial politics, at the end sure he is right, but does such an attack not make things worse? Especially this embassy lies in the heart of the government area in Tehran, and this embassy is one of the biggest in the capital, cameras everywhere as well as the always present muhabarat. Anyone who succeeds with such endeavors must at least have the goodwill of the government.

Robert Fisk: Sanctions are only a small part of the history that makes Iranians hate the UK

It’s a weird irony that Iranians know the history of Anglo-Persian relations better than the Brits. When the newly installed Ministry of Islamic Guidance asked Harvey Morris, Reuters’ man in post-revolutionary Iran, for a history of his news agency, he asked his London office to send him a biography of Baron von Reuter – and was appalled to discover the founder of the world’s greatest news agency had built Persia’s railways at an immense profit. “How can I show this to the ministry?” he shouted. “It turns out that the Baron was worse than the fucking Shah!” Of which, of course, the ministry was well aware.

Britain staged a joint invasion of Iran with Soviet forces when the Shah’s predecessor got a bit too close to the Nazis in World War Two and then helped the Americans overthrow the democratically elected Mohammed Mossadegh in 1953 after he nationalised Britain’s oil possessions in the country.

This was not a myth but a real, down-to-earth conspiracy. The CIA called it Operation Ajax; the Brits wisely kept their ambitions in check by calling it Operation Boot. MI6’s agent in Tehran was Colonel Monty Woodhouse, previously our Special Operations Executive man inside German-occupied Greece. I knew “Monty” well – we co-operated together when I investigated the grim wartime career of ex-UN Secretary General Kurt Waldheim – and he was a ruthless man. Woodhouse brought weapons into Iran for a still non-existent “resistance” movement and he eagerly supported the CIA’s project to fund the “bazaaris” of Tehran to stage demonstrations (in which, of course, hundreds, perhaps thousands, died) to overthrow Mossadegh.

They were successful. Mossadegh was arrested – by an officer assiduously done to death in the 1979 revolution – and the young Shah returned in triumph to impose his rule, reinforced by his faithful SAVAK secret police whose torture of women regime opponents was duly filmed and – according to the great Egyptian journalist Mohamed Hassanein Heikal – circulated by CIA officers to America’s allies around the world as a “teaching” manual. How dare the Iranians remember all this?

The mass of US secret documents found after the American embassy was sacked following the Iranian revolution proved to the Iranians not only Washington’s attempts to subvert the new order of Ayatollah Khomeini but the continued partnership of the American and British intelligence services.

The British ambassador, almost to the end, remained convinced that the Shah, though deeply flawed, would survive. And British governments have continued to rage about the supposedly terrorist nature of the Iranian government. Tony Blair – even at the official inquiry into the Iraq war – started raving about the necessity of standing up to Iranian aggression.

Anyway, the Iranians trashed us yesterday and made off, we are told, with a clutch of UK embassy documents. I cannot wait to read their contents. For be sure, they will soon be revealed.

November 30th, 2011, 4:45 pm


majedkhaldoun said:

Zoo said
“The OIC meeting called upon all parties to relinquish violence and resort to peaceful means

Zoo I think you are resorting to deceiving tactic,you are changing what OIC said,they did not say All,thy call on Syrian regime to relinquish violence, there is huge difference.

November 30th, 2011, 4:54 pm


Juergen said:


I love your saying: arabs dont go banana

One can predict soon there will be new rhetoric highlights as Ghadaffi and Saddam used to do, likewise this apocalyptic talking of: we will open the gates of hell for them, rivers of blood will flow… in arabic it will sound much better….

November 30th, 2011, 4:56 pm


irritated said:

Armed libyans in Syria?

Oh No! Turkey will get new tourists, some of these mentally disturbed Libyans sent to help the FSA and who end up by shooting Turkish soldiers mistakenly taken for Syrian soldiers.

November 30th, 2011, 5:00 pm


Tara said:


Yes. I read that. Why Syrian license plate?

To say the truth, I do not think the regime has sleeper suicidal bombers. I think what Hassoun said is non-sense and immature. It is typical of powerless scared head figures. That style reminded us with Saddam, Sahhaf, and Gaddafi. Nevertheless, inciting the mass into suicide bombing should not be an acceptable discourse.

November 30th, 2011, 5:00 pm


zoo said:

#18. majedkhaldoun

“they did not say that”

I did not invent it, I took it from the article, just read the last paragraph from the article, not just the incomplete heading chosen to mislead

“The meeting called upon all parties to relinquish violence and resort to peaceful means such as dialogue and negotiations to end the crisis. It also supported the Arab League’s efforts to find a peaceful solution for the Syrian issue. The Syrian and Iranian delegations expressed reservations on some points of the communiqué.”

November 30th, 2011, 5:07 pm


zoo said:

Analysis: Syrian civil war drags in Mideast, global powers
November 30, 2011
Peter Apps, Political Risk Correspondent

LONDON (Reuters) – As Syria’s uprising escalates into outright civil war and begins to drag in other states, it risks fuelling not only wider regional confrontation but also growing antagonism between the world’s great powers.

After months of largely peaceful demonstrations in the face of a bloody government crackdown, Syrian opposition fighters look to be behind an ever rising number of attacks on forces loyal to President Bashar al-Assad.

That in itself could mark the beginning of a long, bloody, open-ended civil war. And speculation about foreign military intervention could even spark a Cold War-style face-off between Russia and the United States.

Analysts and foreign governments have long said they believed Iran was providing military and logistics support to Damascus, and some now suspect the opposition too is now receiving foreign weapons.

That, many analysts fear, risks further fuelling the growing regional confrontation between Tehran and its local enemies, particularly the Gulf states and emerging heavyweight Turkey.

“The problem with conflict in Syria is that it is much harder to contain than what we saw in Libya,” said Anthony Skinner, Middle East analyst for UK-based consultancy Maplecroft.

“It has much wider regional implications that have largely been ignored. It feeds into what is already happening in the Gulf, as well as elsewhere.”

For now, the international action against Assad remains sanctions and diplomatic pressure. Syria’s weekend suspension from the Arab League appears to have change little on the ground, and that raises the prospect of a more direct approach.

This week, Russian media reported that Moscow would be sending its flagship aircraft carrier to Syria. Officials talked down any link to recent events, but most analysts said it looked like a clear signal to Western powers in particular to back off.

Having watched as the United Nations Security Council resolution on Libya led to regime change, other emerging powers such as China also seem keen to draw a line in the sand.

Few expect a Libya-style military operation in the much more complex and militarily powerful Syria, but France has talked of creating some kind of “humanitarian corridor” perhaps protected by “armed observers.” Turkey, which would likely have to be the primary provider of any foreign forces, has said it does not rule any scenario out.


Washington is believed reluctant to get involved. But the presence of one of its own aircraft carriers within striking distance of Syria has provoked speculation.

“The Russians are signaling that on Syria, it is not a situation where they will publicly protest but quietly and privately acquiesce,” says Nikolas Gvsodev, professor of national security studies at the US Naval War College.

“The danger is that it is not clear what they are prepared to do to stop open intervention.”

Outright military confrontation between the superpowers remained extremely unlikely, he said, but a worsening of relations would have real costs. Moscow has begun to talk increasingly tough on a planned U.S. missile shield in Europe, saying it would reengineer its nuclear ballistic missiles to pass through it if necessary.

“I think the Russians really were spooked by what happened in Libya and are determined to see that nothing like that happens again,” said Nigel Inkster, a former deputy chief of Britain’s Secret Intelligence Service (MI6) and now director of transnational threats and political risk at London’s International Institute for Strategic Studies.

“In that they are joined by China and most of… the BRICs… (However) since there is clearly no appetite for a military intervention in Syria, the Russian navy’s journey looks likely to be wasted.”


For many analysts, the real worry arising from Syria is the risk it could further supercharge existing tensions over Iran. Some believe Syria is already becoming the latest battleground in a largely hidden war raging across the region.

Whilst the Israeli media in particular continues to speculate on the prospects of a military strike on Tehran’s nuclear program, most analysts believe such action remains unlikely.

Neither Israel nor the West has the military capability to destroy the nuclear program outright, many analysts say, whilst the potential for a devastating retaliation against oil targets in the Gulf could have devastating results for both sides.

Instead, many analysts believe what the region is seeing is a surge in covert action by both sides. That, they suspect, could explain both a string of recent “accidental” explosions at a number of Iranian nuclear facilities as well as a flurry of rocket strikes on Israel through perceived Tehran proxy groups.

The ratcheting up of sanctions and the storming of Britain’s embassy there on Thursday by an angry mob all fit in to the wider picture, they say. So, too, does Syria, providing a potential incentive for Gulf states such as Saudi Arabia and Qatar to take a much more activist strategy to help any rebels.

“What you’re seeing in the Middle East with the withdrawal of the U.S. from Iraq is Iran moving into an increasingly stronger position,” said Reva Bhalla, director of analysis at U.S. private intelligence company Stratfor.

“If Assad survives in Syria, he will also be increasingly isolated and dependent on the Iranians, which will reinforce existing regional fears of Iran’s growing influence.”

Further stoking events, many believe, is a much wider tussle for power as the realization dawns that some two centuries of regional dominance by outside powers – first colonial Britain and France, then the U.S. – may be drawing to a close.

“We shouldn’t be surprised that the Russians – in addition to the Turks and Iranians – feel like they’ve got an opportunity to expand their political-military influence in the eastern Mediterranean,” said Thomas Barnett, U.S.-based chief strategist at consultancy Wikistrat.

“Nature abhors vacuums and so do rising great powers.”

(Reporting By Peter Apps; editing by Andrew Roche)

November 30th, 2011, 5:39 pm


Son of Damascus said:

I was reading Khalil Gibran today, and found a poem of his that is worth sharing, the poem is called Pity The Nation:

Pity the nation that is full of beliefs and empty of religion.
Pity the nation that wears a cloth it does not weave,
eats a bread it does not harvest,
and drinks a wine that flows not from its own wine-press.
Pity the nation that acclaims the bully as hero,
and that deems the glittering conqueror bountiful.
Pity a nation that despises a passion in its dream,
yet submits in its awakening.
Pity the nation that raises not its voice
save when it walks in a funeral,
boasts not except among its ruins,
and will rebel not save when its neck is laid
between the sword and the block.
Pity the nation whose statesman is a fox,
whose philosopher is a juggler,
and whose art is the art of patching and mimicking.
Pity the nation that welcomes its new ruler with trumpeting,
and farewells him with hooting,
only to welcome another with trumpeting again.
Pity the nation whose sages are dumb with years
and whose strong men are yet in the cradle.
Pity the nation divided into into fragments,
each fragment deeming itself a nation.

November 30th, 2011, 5:40 pm


Tara said:

UAE to stand firm if Syria resists
Ola Salem

Dec 1, 2011 
ABU DHABI // The UAE will stand firm in imposing sanctions on Syria unless it allows Arab League observers into the country, the Minister of Foreign Affairs said yesterday.

On Sunday the Arab League voted, with UAE support, to impose severe trade sanctions on Syria unless it signs a protocol in response to its increasingly heavy-handed treatment of protesters.

Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed said at a session for foreign reporters in the capital yesterday that he still hoped Syria would sign, letting Arab League observers in without preconditions.

“The Arab League was obliged to take these measures on Syria to convince Syria to accept the Arab protocol,” Sheikh Abdullah said.

“We are still hoping, and wanting, Damascus to accept to sign this protocol … so that we can avoid any punishment on Damascus.”

He admitted pressure was growing for various government bodies and the Arab League to impose the sanctions voted for last Sunday, but expressed the hope it would not come to that.

“It is very important not to get ahead of events and [to] be optimistic to solve this crisis as it is,” Sheikh Abdullah said. “It is hard for me or anyone else to say what would happen if it is implemented or not.

“I think it is best to give Damascus a chance to think about the difficult situation it has put itself in, and has put the Arabs in. But [sanctions] will not be stopped unless Syria helps us from taking these measure.”

He said adopting the sanctions was still at the procedural stage.

After reports yesterday that Dubai was about to halt flights to Syria, the head of the UAE General Civil Aviation Authority, Sultan bin Saeed Al Mansoori, issued a statement saying that, as matters stood, UAE airlines had no intention of suspending flights.

Questioned about other countries affected by the Arab Spring, Sheikh Abdullah said the UAE had tightened its visa process but no particular country was affected.

In the light of the “abnormal changes” in the economy, security and politics of countries across the region, he said it was “the right of every country to go over their policy in providing visas”.

Asked about widespread rumours of restrictions on visas for Egyptians, Sheikh Abdullah said authorities had tightened up on “all nationalities”.

“We did not specify these procedures against a particular nationality, whether Egyptian or not,” he said. “We are going over all visit, work or residency visa procedures.”

He said the country’s attitude towards Egypt would be the same “regardless of who rules it and how”.

“We must all help and support Egypt in this period,” Sheikh Abdullah said, adding there had been several recent meetings between Emirati and Egyptian officials.

“We have solved problems, others are still there. One of them is investing in Egypt.”

He congratulated Tunisia for the changes it has made, saying it deserved to be a model for all other countries witnessing uprisings.

Sheikh Abdullah said the UAE was ready to help Libya if asked.

And he said the GCC welcomed and supported steps taken by Bahrain.

“Countries make mistakes on a daily basis in their actions,” he said. “What is harder is to take the right decision in the right time to fix these mistakes, and find the best solution so it does not happen again in the future. This is the role of leadership.”

November 30th, 2011, 6:29 pm


majedkhaldoun said:

This is the correct report

November 30th, 2011, 6:42 pm


Tara said:

This is an old article written by Razan Zeitouned back in July.  I don’t believe it was posted on SC then.  It reminded me with the wall of fear we once have and how Syrians overcome it.  Razan, Suhair, Mai, Samar and Fadwa are our the icons of the Syrian revolution.
2 Aug 18 2011
by Razan Zeitouneh
All it takes is three or four fida’iyyin [persons ready to sacrifice for a cause] in every mosque chanting slogans after the end of prayer. It also depends on many factors. For example, in the coastal city of Banyas, the residents are all very familiar with each other, and it is easy to distinguish “strangers” or “collaborators/spies.” It was enough for one young man, Anas al-Shaghry—who enjoyed everyone’s respect and possessed a certain level of charisma despite his young age (twenty-three years)—to start praising the omnipotence of God and to chanting slogans for the rest of the congregants in the mosque to follow him. Thereafter, most of the city’s residents would follow him. This was particularly the case in the beginning of the revolution, when “beginning” itself required a great deal of nerve and risk taking. Anas is today still under arrest, a month after the invasion of the city and the harassment and torture of its residents. All the young men in the city miss Anas dearly, and they still connect any discussion about the city with him, his courage, his role in the protest movement and in spreading a spirit of hope and optimism among everyone.

Anas’ absence, given that he represents the youth current as well as the absences of the sheikh Hasan ‘Ayrouti, who represents the religious current (who went underground to escape pursuit), has reduced the city’s activism by half. Banyas was one of the more active cities and a frontrunner in mobilizing massive demonstrations and chanting slogans that raised the ceiling of demands. Today, the mosque from which the demonstrations originated is under siege, sealed off by machine-guns as well as security and army personnel. The cumulative effect of the heavy-handed security and military presence, as well as the absence of protest leaders, was to marginally constrain the activism of the city and its inhabitants. But they failed to bury this activism alive.

The leaders of the protests do not play similar roles in all regions, especially in the big cities, where it is difficult to distinguish the “son of the city” from “strangers.” This is the case, for instance, in Damascus the capital, where organizing and starting a demonstration are extremely difficult and challenging. A young man from one of the local coordination committees there said that no two people know each other, especially in the big mosques. Some believe that those who start praising the omnipotence of God [to signal the onset of a demonstration] are in fact security agents who are attempting to bait protestors. Sometimes, some of those present will wait for the number of participants in the demonstration to grow before they think of joining, which is an effective strategy to contain the demonstration before it even begins. In other instances, loyalists to the regime begin supressing the protestors by beating them and holding them captive until the security forces arrive to the scene.

The bottom line is that someone has to begin, and beginning is laced with danger, especially in areas with heavy security presence. In the first attempts at demonstration which took off from the Umayyad Mosque in Damascus, video clips showed dozens of security personnel and shabbiha [thugs for hire loyal to the regime], beating young protestors in the mosque’s yard. They then dragged them on the floor leaving a trail of blood behind them as they approached the security cars that would deliver them to the unknown. I asked one of those young protestors about when they first started to chant, about the bravery anyone needs to start chanting “freedom, freedom.” My friend did not give me an answer. He said, “We just start. We do not think of what is to come. We believe that dozens, hundreds or even thousands might join us.” He continued,

In these beginning moments, there are some indicators of success and failure. Certainly, there is prior organizing for these attempts; they are not spontaneous like those that take place on Fridays in cities where tens of thousands take to the streets. The young men arrive at the specified time. Some go to prayer for the sole purpose of demonstrating; they are not religious, and in some cases, not even Muslims. In the first moments, others may answer the call to participate, or both the fear and security presence conquer the attempt. But as soon as the demonstration ignites: you are among all these “infiltrators,” the voices are roaring, you imagine your body carried by the slogans, and you visualize all the walls of fear and the markers of humiliation falling. You are there, and nothing can push you out; not the security personnel, not the shabbiha, not the snipers’ bullets, and not the tank. You feel that you will stand there tall, continuing your hysterical chanting, because for the first time you can hear your voice. You will stay there even as you wrestle with a bullet in the heart or the head, and your body is shown bleeding in a video scene, carried like a rag by dozens of distressed and anguished young men, all shouting allah u akbar [God is Great], while asking you repeatedly to utter al-shahadh.[1] You are still hesitant, not for any other reason than that in your mind you are still standing right there chanting for freedom.

Another friend, and demonstration leader in al-Zabadani, area, said that the overwhelming feeling in those moments, when they were merely fifty “infiltrators,” was fear [“my heart was always between my feet”]. He continues,

In the beginning, fifty of us would enter the mosque and spread out. When our friends started chanting slogans, we would follow gradually to create the impression that the prayers are responsive, and that the entire mosque has risen. But today, with daily massive demonstrations, I feel that I truly own myself and my freedom; sometimes I turn to my friends in the demonstration and kiss them as we exchange congratulations.

This same friend tells me that a demonstration has three fundamental elements: mobilization, media and communication, and security.

Media and communication is the most difficult. We brought the speakers from Madaya, connected them to a “Trex” battery, and mounted them on a car. Slogans are decided upon in planning meetings. We bring the white cotton cloth for the banners from Damascus; the calligrapher is another “infiltrator.” We often borrow our slogans from videos we watch of other demonstrations. At the end of the prayer, when our eyes and spies determine that the security situation is appropriate to start the demonstration, it takes off in stages. As soon as the chanting of slogans begins, hundred immediately join.

I asked my friend if he used to pray before the revolution. He said that he used to go to the Friday prayer occasionally. But today, he never skips a prayer. He meant to say that he never skips a demonstration.

These young protestors are very fond of describing these moments in great detail, especially since planning for them takes hours and nights of discussions, meetings, and controversies. The frameworks that emerged, such as the “Coalition of the Youth of the Revolution” and the “Coordinators Union” to assemble the groups scattered in the field under one umbrella of coordination and unified vision, provided the youth much more gains in moral support than what they have achieved operationally.

The “local coordination committees” were the first of these frameworks. They began at meetings of young activists in a number of cities, who were joined by human rights activists. Soon, these committees evolved to produce a media office to follow events as well as communicate with eyewitnesses and the different media outlets. Most of those who form the media office are activists in exile, and volunteers without any prior experience in media. Nevertheless, and in record time, the office became a distinguished source of news on the revolution. A young woman, active in the media office says,

In the beginning, none of the eyewitnesses and activists that we communicated with knew anything about the committees. With time, we start discussing the matter, especially when the media repeatedly mentioned the committees. Then, these activists spontaneously considered themselves members, and contributed their insights on activities and strategies; they felt they operated under the committee’s umbrella.  The feeling that there is someone who speaks in their name and expresses their positions was the most important to them; because irrespective of the committees, the protests on the ground continued.

Coordinated operations, including agreements on slogans, chants and the like, are planned in the offices of the committees. It is still the case that the most difficult and complicated coordination is in Damascus’ committees. Contrary to other cities in which demonstrations have become routine, Damascus’ committees require thorough discussion, planning, and some souls who are willing to sacrifice themselves. The representatives debate positions and the latest political developments. Most of these young men and women have no prior political experiences. They can engage in long discussions that reflect social and ideological differences: some defend Sheikh al-‘Arour while others condemn and accuse him of exploiting the revolution. But they never disagree on what they consider to be the fundamentals: freedom and toppling the regime.

In all cases, the young men and women on the ground appear more relaxed and less nervous than those of us observing the events on computer and television screens, or hearing the stories from “eyewitnesses” or their friends active in the field. Perhaps they feel they own the street. Even in areas under the siege of tanks and snipers, these young men steal moments in the night to demonstrate and chant slogans. They prove that they still own the ground that they liberated from fear. And although the doors are not yet wide open, it is no longer possible to ever lock them again.

[This article was first published in Arabic in al-Adab, no. 7-9, 2011. It was translated to English by Hani Sayed.]

November 30th, 2011, 8:18 pm


Ghufran said:

????? ??? ?????? ? ????? ???? ???? ??? ?????? ??????? ?????????? ??????
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November 30th, 2011, 8:30 pm


zoo said:

#26 Majedalkhaldoon

He is asking for a dialog between the opposition and the government political.
He ask for a stop to the “violence” and move to dialog without asking Bashar to step down.

This has been rejected by the SNC.

???? ?????? ????? ??????? ???? ????? ????? ?????? ???? ????? ???? ???

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???? ????? ????? ???? ?? ??? ???? ????? ?? ???? ????? ?????? ??????? ??????? ???????? ????? ??? ????? ?? ?????? ??????? ?? ???? ??? ????? “?????” ????????? ??? ??????.

November 30th, 2011, 8:39 pm


zoo said:

While Turkey border cities see no more tourist and dwingling business, Syria border cities don’t seem to complain. Obviously the ‘turkish’ sanctions will affect more Turkey than Syria as Turkey has been benefited more than Syria from the trade and open borders

Unrest hits Turkish border businesses
Violence and deteriorating relations between Turkey and Syria have severely reduced cross-border trade.

Business owners along the Syria-Turkey border are desperate for the crisis to end.

Since the uprising, relations between the two countries have deteriorated, destroying what was once a booming cross-border trade.

November 30th, 2011, 8:44 pm


Amir in Tel Aviv said:

‘Yediot Aharonot’ (the paper version of Ynet):
The US and Russia discuss the end of the Assad regime. Assad will get a political asylum in Russia, for handing the rule to an agreed replacement.

November 30th, 2011, 8:58 pm


Ghufran said:

????? ????? ?? ????? ???????

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?????      ????????: 16.291.588         ??????????: 7.220.926
??????    ????????:16.181.716         ??????????: 8.306.071
?????        ????????: 9.182.371           ??????????:4.546.169
?????      ????????: 4.226.534            ??????????:3.284.32

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???????   ???????? 9.056.347            ??????????:6.377.33

??????   ???????? 6.522.767             ??????????: 3.005.361
????? ????   ???????? 1.452.720       ??????????: 878300

??????    ???????? 2.751.729            ?????????? 2.549.478
???????   ???????? 4.527.480            ?????????? 9.011.13

???????  ???????? 44.476                ?????????? 14.548

?????????   ???????? 2.028.22           ??????????: 925

November 30th, 2011, 9:02 pm


zoo said:

The FSA is now reined by the SNC into a defensive strategy: no more attacks on soldiers.

Dissidents from Syria reveal action strategy
ISTANBUL- Hürriyet Daily News

The self-proclaimed Free Syrian Army agrees to use arms for ‘defensive reasons’ and to halt its attacks against Damascus after a meeting with other dissidents in Turkey

November 30th, 2011, 9:13 pm


irritated said:

What was this “psychologically” unstable and armed Libyan doing in Syria?
Was he part of the ‘help’ provided by the Libyan government to the Free Syrian Army?

“Deputy Prime Minister Bülent Ar?nç said, “I do not think this [attack] has anything to do with the events that recently took place in Syria.”
The assailant could be psychologically unstable, Ar?nç said, adding that the incident reminded him of the infamous gunman who shot 77 people dead in Norway four months ago.”

November 30th, 2011, 9:23 pm


majedkhaldoun said:

Nobody can and no one will refuse dialogue if Assad stop the killing and arrest and torture and beating, and he releases all political prisoners, no one will refuse dialogue then

November 30th, 2011, 9:27 pm


Tara said:

The FSA chose to work under the umbrella of a political/civil entity. I believe it is a good decision. Its previous offensive tactic against the army’s rank and file risks alienating some Syrians against the revolution. The million dollars question now is how are the SNC/NCC/FSA along with the peaceful resistance ( the demonstrators) are going to topple the regime? What is their action plan?

November 30th, 2011, 9:30 pm


Norman said:

The Lebanese civil war did not end instill the US submitted to Syria’s domination of Lebanon, so is the Syrian civil war will not end until the people who are fueling it decide to make a deal.

I just hope that this will be sooner than later.

November 30th, 2011, 9:31 pm


zoo said:

#38. majedkhaldoun

The NCC offered to dialog if the conditions you mentioned are fulfilled, but the SNC has categorically rejected any dialog with Bashar al Assad. In their eyes, he is a criminal and has to step down. Their additional condition was very clear: No dialog if Bashar Al Assad is not removed.

Do you have new information that they have modified their position and never announced it or it is your wishful thinking?

November 30th, 2011, 9:41 pm


Bronco said:

Norman #41

The OIC rejection of the internationalization of the crisis, its call to stop the violence to both sides and its call for peaceful dialog seem to bear fruits.
The FSA is renouncing to attack the army, that means that any attack on soldiers will come from criminal gangs and not the FSA, and their crushing will be justified.
Turkey is showing no more interests in any military action or no fly zone. The sanctions are empoverishing its own people in the border cities and they want to end them as quickly as possible.
Russia have flexed their muscle to stop the adventurism of France and NATO with increasing their naval fleet in Tartous.
The election of the Moslem brotherhod and the flight of many christians copts from Egypt is worrying western countries and Israel who do not want a repeat in Syria.
The SNC and NCC are been pressed to unite and get ready for a dialog by the arab and the international community. The SNC will probably discreetly renounce to ask Bashar to step down as a condition to the dialog.

The Syrian government will soon announce the reforms and the elections.

I think the AL will be obliged to approach Syria again about the observers and this time taking the requested modifications into consideration, unless Minnie Qatar wants to play hard to get and escalate into a large world powers confrontation.

Maybe something is opening up.

November 30th, 2011, 10:04 pm


mjabali said:

Mr. Ghufran Comment# 30:

It is very obvious that the rich Arabs NEVER wanted a unity of any sort with poor Arabs. Only SIMPLE people think that Saudia Arabia, Qatar and the rest of the rich “Goat” kingdoms and Principalities want Syria to be with them in one country. They want to settle their religious scores and want Chaos for Syria till it becomes their servant. The proof comes today with this Libyan lunatic that could not take what he saw in Turkey so he took the express to “paradise” and blew his cover. Luckily, he did not have any suicide belt yet.

As for those who are bringing the Libyans to Syria, I say, the last time these Salafi Lunatics came to the area was when they were blowing themselves in the streets, markets, and churches in droves in Iraq killing Christians and Shia mainly. Why? it is to settle their religious scores and to take the express to “paradise?”

Here are some links to when the Libyans showed up in Iraq ; now they are looking to do the same in Syria….who is responsible for this?…the world should never let them get away with this…there are governments and parties bringing these ANIMALS around and these criminals should be brought to justice no matter what.

Here is another link to show what is up with these insane group:

Here is link showing numbers of suicide bombers in Iraq:

Here is an interesting one too:

This Syrian problem is not going to be solved with the import of these lunatics. Anyone who encouraged or caused violence and blood shed and calls for it is a criminal no matter what side do they belong to.

Peace and negotiations are what we need to save Syria and Syrian lives in the first place. This is the only solution that for sure will take Syria into its democratic future, unless this violence is going to spiral out of control and Syria becomes parts and pieces. No one is able now to predict what is going to happen next, but one thing for sure: many are going to die because we always have people in charge that never cared about human lives.

November 30th, 2011, 10:11 pm


Ghufran said:

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November 30th, 2011, 10:27 pm


Norman said:

Unfortunately i am not as hopeful as you you are, any way, i hope that you are right and i am wrong.

November 30th, 2011, 11:03 pm


Ghufran said:

House of Saud

Libya 2.0
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November 30th, 2011, 11:10 pm


Syria no kandahar said:

US &MB honey moon
Tunisia MB ,done
Egypt MB,done
Morocco MB,done
Lybia MB ,done
Turkey MB ,done
Syria MB ……. Not so simple,not done yet.
Why is the Arabic world being given away to MB?
US will find out that this was another historical mistake,like Afghanstan Mujahideen mistake,Iraq war mistake,removing Shah mistake…,,,The only difference is that this current mistake is universal…The next MB movements will be in Kazakhsatan,Uzbikstan,Azerbijan…,and in few decades in France,Belgium,
Germany,Sweden…The US and the west have never read the Quran:
??? ?????? ?? ???????? ????? ?????

November 30th, 2011, 11:17 pm


Juergen said:

Who could lead Syria next?

video report about Bassma Kodmani SNC menber in Paris

December 1st, 2011, 2:07 am


Mina said:

For those who think the Western press is doing a great job, I spoke to a friend in Sanaa yesterday and I said “Mabruk he is finally gone”, as I had told her the same thing when she was in Egypt as Mubarak was stepping down. But she sounded surprised, because the protesters have been shouting loud that they don’t want a puppet installed by the GCC. She added that to keep a certain control of the people the governement keeps providing very little or no electricity and that there are nearly no transportations. People stay at home a lot for these reasons (if there is no electricty at home, you bet there is no in the street).
I found something on the electricity thing here:

And I wonder why last week when Saleh was in Riyad and that the BBC and others were soberly saying that he resigns and a former opposition leader will be PM, they didn’t have time for interviews with the Nobel Price Tawakul Karman, who is still on Sahat al Taghyir (unless she is in the US, learning what is being manipulated by the West?

The only recent news of “Change square” I find is “Meanwhile, protest leaders from the co-ordinating council at Change Square said on Thursday that they were planning to burn their electoral ID cards and would refuse to vote in any elections until all of Saleh’s family had been removed from power.”

How come it is so short? Journalists are allowed in Yemen. Why don’t they visit Change Square?

December 1st, 2011, 2:56 am


Mina said:

About the GCC experience in implementing democratic reforms, a report worth reading about the aftermath of the protests in Saudi Arabia last February-March. Of course, some will say it is falling in the paranoia of conspiracy theories to say that the Gulf needed the cameras to go somewhere else than on the simultaneous protests in Oman, Yemen, KSA, and Bahrein, at the time!

I really like this one. Not far from Syrian blogger who had chains during her trial, isn’t it? Any news from her? “Amnesty said they were blindfolded and handcuffed during their trial, while their lawyer was not allowed to enter the court for the first three sessions.”

Amnesty International has accused Saudi Arabia of reacting to the Arab Spring by launching a wave of repression.

In a report, the human rights group said thousands of people had been arrested, many of them without charge or trial.

Prominent reformists had been given long sentences following trials Amnesty called “grossly unfair”.

So far unrest has largely been confined to the Shia minority in the east of the country.

In its 73-page report published on Thursday, Amnesty accuses the Saudi authorities of arresting hundreds of people for demanding political and social reforms or for calling for the release of relatives detained without charge or trial.

The abusive practices being employed by the Saudi Arabian government are worryingly similar to those which they have long used against people accused of terrorist offences.”

The report says that since February, when sporadic demonstrations began – in defiance of a permanent national ban on protests – the Saudi government has carried out a crackdown that has included the arrest of mainly Shia Muslims in the restive Eastern Province.

Since March, more than 300 people who took part in peaceful protests in Qatif, Ahsa and Awwamiya in the east have been detained, Amnesty says. Most have been released, often after promising not to protest again. Many face travel bans.
Anti-terror law

Last week 16 men, including nine prominent reformists, were given sentences ranging from five to 30 years in prison. Amnesty said they were blindfolded and handcuffed during their trial, while their lawyer was not allowed to enter the court for the first three sessions.

“Peaceful protesters and supporters of political reform in the country have been targeted for arrest in an attempt to stamp out the kinds of call for reform that have echoed across the region,” said Amnesty’s Middle East and North Africa director, Philip Luther.

“While the arguments used to justify this wide-ranging crackdown may be different, the abusive practices being employed by the Saudi Arabian government are worryingly similar to those which they have long used against people accused of terrorist offences,” he said.

Amnesty says that the government continues to detain thousands of people on terrorism-related grounds. Torture and other ill-treatment in detention are widespread, it says – an allegation Saudi Arabia has always denied.

The BBC’s Security correspondent Frank Gardner says Saudi Arabia has so far resisted the wave of change that has swept over much of the Arab world.

Our correspondent says the kingdom’s ageing monarch, King Abdullah, has reacted by releasing billions of dollars into the security and religious establishments, two of the pillars that support his ruling Al-Saud family.

Amnesty says the government has drafted an anti-terror law that would effectively criminalise dissent as a “terrorist crime” and allow extended detention without charge or trial.

Questioning the integrity of the King would carry a minimum prison sentence of 10 years, according to Amnesty.

December 1st, 2011, 3:19 am


Juergen said:

Homs, Syria: Inside the City of Fear
Nov 28, 2011
James Harkin is one of the few non-Syrian journalists to get into Homs. There, in the midst of murderous civil strife, he befriends a brave 18-year-old who dreams of a free Syria.
It’s an abrupt twist to a conversation as I settle into my seat on the bus from Damascus to Homs: an 18-year-old boy tells me in no uncertain terms to get off, to leave the bus. We’ve known each other just five minutes, Mohammed and I, after he introduced himself while we were loading our luggage into the hold of the bus. I’d invited him to sit beside me at the back. With his shock of curly black hair zipped up in the hood of a stripy cardigan, he looked like the lead singer of a retro boy band. “But why? Why do you want to go to Homs?” he asks again and again. Oh, I don’t know, I say: I’m touring around. This spooks Mohammed, as well it should: Homs, in recent weeks, has become a place of immense peril, the epicenter of an increasingly violent uprising against the regime of Bashar al-Assad.I don’t want to tell Mohammed I’m a journalist. Journalists are, as a general rule, barred from entering Syria, and definitely not allowed to wander around unsupervised. They are most certainly not allowed to get on a bus to Homs. I don’t want to get the boy into trouble. “Tourists in Homs? There are none,” he says. He looks at me quizzically for a few moments, as if he’s trying to get the measure of me: what kind of Western tourist would be so idiotic as to park himself on the bus to Homs? And then, just as the bus revs its engines, his tone becomes more urgent. “I fear for you, I want you to get off the bus. Get off.” It’s as if he’s only just realized that I must be mad—or a journalist. People are beginning to stare. Almost everyone else on the bus is an old man; maybe young men know better than to take the bus to Homs. The bus pulls away and I shrug my shoulders, but Mohammed is deadly serious. “You can still get off. Get off now.”

The living stay at home. Everyone sits tight and waits. Many homes in the city are doing without gas, electricity, or hot water; even in the city center, where I stay, there is no hot water to be found. In the morning, people walk around the city center, as if stretching their legs after their hours of being cooped up indoors. But the claustrophobia, the feeling of everyone watching and being watched, is intense. When I venture outside—everyone cautions me against it—I feel like every Syrian is staring at me. There’s shooting, I’m told, in an area just a few hundred yards away from the hotel where I’m staying. Demonstrations still take place in areas of the city, often after a funeral or Friday prayers. In a café I see two waiters racing to a window and leaning out of it excitedly; one of them thought he could hear chanting going on in a different part of the city. I follow them to the window but strain to hear anything. In the early afternoon, even the center of the city begins to shut down. By early evening an informal curfew is in place and an unnatural quiet descends on the entire, empty city. Staring out at the main square from an otherwise vacant hotel, the place looks haunted, as if all its residents have been stolen away

Mohammed has been luckier than most. For the last few weeks he’s been shuttling back and forth between Homs and Damascus for a part-time work placement, and now he’s returning home. The roles between the two cities have been reversed; now it’s the hectic pace of Damascus that is a breath of fresh air from the eerie watchfulness of Homs. All the same, Mohammed misses his family; he has nine brothers and sisters, all of them living in and around Homs. Occasionally his mobile phone goes off, and he speaks to one of them to hear their news and tell them he’s safe and on his way back home. Like most people in Homs and a great majority of the Syrian population, his family is Sunni. Many of the current protesters are Sunnis who believe they’ve been discriminated against under the Alawite regime—that President Assad has doled out jobs and influence to Alawites like himself, followers of an unorthodox branch of Shiite Islam. In return the government is claiming that the protests are being masterminded by Sunni extremists, stoked by Syria’s foreign ill wishers in Saudi Arabia and even inspired by Al Qaeda. Mohammed doesn’t want to discuss religious divisions within his country, which he seems to think have been greatly exaggerated. He’s keener to know about the West. “Is it true that you hate us Muslims? We just want to live in peace.” For the most part, however, the tone is playful, curious. I show him my swanky new iPhone, thinking that this is how to impress a Syrian 18-year-old. But it doesn’t even register; he thinks I’m asking him to type in his telephone number. “Are you married?” he wants to know, asking a question that no Arab male fails to ask of a Westerner, man or woman. No, I say. “Why not?” he wants to know. I ask him the same question, and he says with a giggle that he doesn’t even have a girlfriend. That’s something for the future, he says—something else, besides a better country, for a young Syrian to hope for.

Rewind to the bus ride, Damascus to Homs. Our conversation is becoming animated, and an old man in a headdress sitting beside us opens an eye from his half-sleep, wondering what we could be talking about in my English and his, half-garbled but still intelligible. These are Mohammed’s fellow townspeople, and he seems relaxed around them. He’s never been outside Syria, never really been anywhere apart from Damascus and Homs, but he’s relentlessly interested in the rest of the world. I tell him I live in London. He’s fascinated: “Is it beautiful? How do people live there? What are the buildings like?” He hopes to go see it one day when he’s finished his studies.

It’s an abrupt twist to a conversation as I settle into my seat on the bus from Damascus to Homs: an 18-year-old boy tells me in no uncertain terms to get off, to leave the bus. We’ve known each other just five minutes, Mohammed and I, after he introduced himself while we were loading our luggage into the hold of the bus. I’d invited him to sit beside me at the back. With his shock of curly black hair zipped up in the hood of a stripy cardigan, he looked like the lead singer of a retro boy band. “But why? Why do you want to go to Homs?” he asks again and again. Oh, I don’t know, I say: I’m touring around. This spooks Mohammed, as well it should: Homs, in recent weeks, has become a place of immense peril, the epicenter of an increasingly violent uprising against the regime of Bashar al-Assad.
I don’t want to tell Mohammed I’m a journalist. Journalists are, as a general rule, barred from entering Syria, and definitely not allowed to wander around unsupervised. They are most certainly not allowed to get on a bus to Homs. I don’t want to get the boy into trouble. “Tourists in Homs? There are none,” he says. He looks at me quizzically for a few moments, as if he’s trying to get the measure of me: what kind of Western tourist would be so idiotic as to park himself on the bus to Homs? And then, just as the bus revs its engines, his tone becomes more urgent. “I fear for you, I want you to get off the bus. Get off.” It’s as if he’s only just realized that I must be mad—or a journalist. People are beginning to stare. Almost everyone else on the bus is an old man; maybe young men know better than to take the bus to Homs. The bus pulls away and I shrug my shoulders, but Mohammed is deadly serious. “You can still get off. Get off now.”

Syria’s streets have become war zones, as the Army cracks down on opposition protesters and regular citizens with brutal violence., Joseph Eid / AFP-Getty Images
Rewind to the bus ride, Damascus to Homs. Our conversation is becoming animated, and an old man in a headdress sitting beside us opens an eye from his half-sleep, wondering what we could be talking about in my English and his, half-garbled but still intelligible. These are Mohammed’s fellow townspeople, and he seems relaxed around them. He’s never been outside Syria, never really been anywhere apart from Damascus and Homs, but he’s relentlessly interested in the rest of the world. I tell him I live in London. He’s fascinated: “Is it beautiful? How do people live there? What are the buildings like?” He hopes to go see it one day when he’s finished his studies.
Mohammed doesn’t want to leave for good; he wants a job, a better life, but most of all he loves Syria.
Have I been to Iran, he wants to know. He’d really like to go to Qatar, to see the architecture there and to work. He wants to travel and to see the world, he says, but it’s often difficult for Syrians to get visas even to other Arab countries. (It’s a complaint I hear again in Homs from another young man, that the Arab League nations that are so concerned about the human rights of Syrians—this is four days after the country has been suspended from the League for its repression—are less generous when it comes to granting visas to its citizens to live and work. Does he think the situation might improve? In a year or two, yes. He doesn’t want to leave for good; he wants a job and a better life, but most of all he loves Syria. “I am very sad for my country,” he keeps saying. He says it over and over again, as if talking in code.)
As we talk, we pass a succession of military vehicles traveling in the same direction: trailers, long green buses, munitions vehicles, but mostly trucks with soldiers sitting in the back, smoking and sleeping. Truck after truck in a great, rumbling convoy; I count at least 50 of them. Then there’s the occasional huge gun mounted on a lorry, the tank beached at the side of the road. Mohammed keeps nudging me to look at it all. Neither of us says anything, but he frequently fixes me a stare as if to say, “I was right, wasn’t I? You should have left the bus.” In return I raise my eyebrows, as if to get across the seriousness of the situation I’ve gotten myself into.
My companion has become my lookout, counting down at regular intervals how many kilometers it is until our arrival at the bus station just outside Homs. It is just after midday. The only safe place, he tells me as we near Homs, is now the city center itself. Together we devise a plan. He’s going to write down the name of a hotel there and then I’m going to show it to the taxi driver, go there directly, and not go out again until I leave.
As I get off the bus I tell him to give me a few minutes, that I have a pressing need to use the facilities. “No, no, no,” he says. “Wait. You can do that at the hotel. Just wait five minutes.” Carrying sports bags, looking firmly at the ground, we march past prying eyes and toward the first available taxi—like bank robbers walking away from a job. As I get into the taxi he embraces me goodbye, and then changes his mind. No, he says, I’m going to come with you, then jumps in the back of the car. For most of the journey Mohammed and the taxi driver talk to each other in Arabic. From what I can understand they seem to be discussing the worsening violence. They’re discussing me, too—how could they not?—but I trust Mohammed’s judgment. On arrival we spend 15 minutes walking around searching for the entrance to the hotel, looking, all the while, utterly conspicuous. We find what used to be the entrance, but it is shut, as if permanently. Together we find a side entrance down an alley, and what looks like a private, disused elevator that will take us up to the hotel.
On the way up to the sixth floor we exchange telephone numbers, and he tells me to call him if I need anything while I’m in Homs. I thank him profusely and implore him to stay in touch, that he must let me know if there’s anything I can do to help when I’m back in London. The following day, as my fears of arrest grow, I’ll delete his name and number from my phone, just in case the police want to know how I got in and who I’ve been talking to. In any case, he doesn’t seem very interested in polite offers of assistance from random foreigners. It’s only later that I realize just what a help he’s been. The anonymous business hotel he’s brought me to makes perfect cover for a visiting journalist. Never get a taxi on your own, someone in the city advises me; if the driver is friendly with the authorities there’s a good chance he’ll take you straight to the police station and you’ll be deported, possibly after being roughed up. Two days after I leave, a Syrian news cameraman was discovered dead on the main street in Homs, according to the New York–based Committee to Protect Journalists. He was found with his eyes gouged out.
In the hotel lobby I offer Mohammed some money for his journey home, but he won’t accept it. I’ve taken you out of your way, I say. I want to give you some money; you need to get home. I take out a large Syrian bank note and try to force it into his hand, but he is not having any of it. In any case he’s changed his mind about going home; one of the telephone calls he took was from home, he says, and they’ve told him it’s too dangerous to go back there. He’s going to stay with his sister instead, who lives in a safer part of town. One final embrace and Mohammed is gone, back into his world of grim menace, leaving me in the hands of a hotel manager who turns out to be just as gently solicitous as Mohammed was.

December 1st, 2011, 4:15 am


Mina said:

Qatar: West should embrace Islamists.

Fine, isn’t it what they have been doing in Afghanistan against the Russian, and in the Londonistan, to keep some pawns they can play whenever needed?

December 1st, 2011, 4:35 am


Mina said:

They should simply call it “the road to Baghdad”, no? They are moving the Djihadists at will, and bringing them to Syria would be just the last step in getting them involved in Iraq. Ah, this old good plan of relocating the Palestinians in Jordan and Iraq (well, at the expense of the Christians, but please forget that Christianity was born in the East: it should be born in Rome). Poor Bush failed it because he faced legions of leftists. Now that they have been embedded, no prob’ anymore!

The shadow war in Syria
By Pepe Escobar

Target Syria – the strategic prize that outstrips Libya. The stage is set. The stakes couldn’t be higher. Libya 2.0 equals Syria? It’s more like Libya 2.0 remix. With the same R2P (”responsibility to protect”) rationale – starring civilians bombed into ”democracy”. But with no UN Security Council resolution (Russia and China will veto it). Instead, Turkey shines, fanning the flames of civil war.

US Secretary of State Hillary ”we came, we saw, he died” Clinton set the scene on Indonesian TV a few weeks ago, when she prophesied there would be ”a civil war” in Syria, with a well financed and ”well-armed opposition” crammed with army deserters.

Now it’s up to NATOGCC to make it happen. NATOGCC is of course the now fully accomplished symbiosis between selected

North Atlantic Treaty Organization members such as Britain and France and selected petromonarchies of the Gulf Cooperation Council, aka the Gulf Counter-revolution Club, such as Qatar and the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

So feel free to bask in the glow of yet another mercenary paradise.

The Libyans formerly known as rebels, with explicit consent from Transitional National Council (TNC) chairman Mustafa Abdul NATO, aka Jalil, have already shipped to Syria – via Turkey – 600 highly motivated troops fresh from toppling the Gaddafi regime, to fight alongside the Free Syria Army (FSA). This followed a secret meeting in Istanbul between the TNC and the Syrian ”rebels”, rebranded as Syrian National Council.

The trigger-happy Libyans have access to a wealth of weapons plundered from the Gaddafi’s regimes military depots or gently ”donated” by NATO and Qatar. A delicious parallel may already be traced with the House of Saud in the 1980s – which gave the green light for hardcore Islamists to go fight in Afghanistan, instead of raising hell at home.

For the TNC, better keep those testosterone-heavy, unemployed warriors away in the Middle East rather than raising hell in Northern Africa. And for NATO member Turkey, in the absence of war (blame those pesky Russians and Chinese), the next best option is to rely on mercenaries to do the job.


December 1st, 2011, 4:58 am


son of Damascus said:

@ Irritated

You Said:
“Personality cult?

Obviously you have not been in Syria for a long time. Bashar has been opposed to these signs and most of the posters praising Bashar Al Assad have gradually been removed in the last 2 years.
The statues of Hafez al Assad are still here but in reasonable numbers and in very specific locations. No new statues of the leaders have been added in public places.

Overall there is much less signs of ‘personality’ cult than Ataturk’s omni-present photos and statues in Turkey, that are still being added all over the country.”

My Response:

Are we talking about the same Syria that turned Basil into a shaheed (martyr) because he was late for a plane ride?

What the hell did Basil ever do for Syria to deserve all his posters and statues?

I don’t see one statue or poster of Kamal Ataturk son anywhere in Turkey.

I was bombarded with the picture of the Assad trinity, The father (haviz) the Son (betho) The Spirit (Basil) since childhood. Every bridge, every major road has havez statue and a plaque on it. The Plaque would read like something straight out of Orwellian novel of how without our benevolent/eternal leader this bridge would not have been built.

December 1st, 2011, 7:30 am


Uzair8 said:

The Shirk of the Alawi religion/regime: “Assad is our Lord” [Astaghfirullah!]

December 1st, 2011, 7:42 am


Mina said:

Uzayr… this propaganda is used for months (and years) by the Salafis in the Gulf to discredit Syria. As a result you can travel anywhere in the Arab or Muslim world and hear “the Syrian regime is bad”. The problem is that it is very clear why the Gulf has always hated a secular and socialist regime.
What the old man is saying on the phone in his praise for the Baath and of Bashar is “rabbi Bashar al Asad” which can be translated in several ways. Sayyid or Rabb are used to speak of God (“Lord”) but also to say “sayyid al bayt” “rabb al bayt”, i. e. master.
This cheap propaganda used by the Salafi Syrian opposition is the reason most journalists are now silent. To say that the Baath organized a personality cult around the Assads will fool people who have never been to Syria, just as they have been fooled by your lies for the last 9 months. Lies, propaganda and call for hatred against tha Alawis is not the way to build democracy. But you were never interest in that anyway, because you would call it shirk and bidaa.

Some news from Jeddah?
Al-Moallem: Syria does not recognize AL Decisions

December 1st, 2011, 8:06 am


Uzair8 said:

@57 MINA

Im not Salafi. Im Sunni. I came across this video a few minutes ago and it was posted by a Shia on Shiachat.

Btw. Shiachat is still hacked and can only be accessed by typing (rather than .com)

December 1st, 2011, 8:15 am


irritated said:

51. Juergen

Basma Kodmani

Not convincing, big words, repetition at nausea of the mantra “The Assad regime is isolated’ and it is obvious after having rebuffed by Russia and the AL, the only real supporter of the SNC is Alan Juppe. Understandably, Basma Kodmani and Borhan Ghalioun are french citizens.

December 1st, 2011, 8:47 am


zoo said:

53 Mina

Amnesty accuses Saudi of repression
AFPAFP – 1 december 2011

December 1st, 2011, 8:50 am


Uzair8 said:

For anyone thinking about holidaying in Syria, this is a perfect opportunity with a favourable exchange rate (heard Syrian pound hit 60? to the dollar) and less crowded tourist spots.

December 1st, 2011, 8:55 am


zoo said:

In Egypt, the Moslem Brotherhood and the Salafists are about to get the majority in the parlement (65%). They will establish a new constitution and are already asking to nominate the new prime minister. The military are objecting. Are we going to see a remake of the Algeria civil war on 1991 when the Army canceled the election after the first round when it was clear the FIS islamic party was winning? Or are you going to have a “Gaza” like embarrassment to Western countries where a rightist Islamic anti-Israel majority takes over the country?
In any case many christian Copts are packing and getting ready to leave.

CAIRO — Islamists claimed a decisive victory on Wednesday as early election results put them on track to win a dominant majority in Egypt’s first Parliament since the ouster of Hosni Mubarak, the most significant step yet in the religious movement’s rise since the start of the Arab Spring.

The party formed by the Muslim Brotherhood, Egypt’s mainstream Islamist group, appeared to have taken about 40 percent of the vote, as expected. But a big surprise was the strong showing of ultraconservative Islamists, called Salafis, many of whom see most popular entertainment as sinful and reject women’s participation in voting or public life.

Analysts in the state-run news media said early returns indicated that Salafi groups could take as much as a quarter of the vote, giving the two groups of Islamists combined control of nearly 65 percent of the parliamentary seats.

December 1st, 2011, 9:05 am


VOLK said:

“MOSCOW – Russia has delivered supersonic cruise missiles to Syria despite the violence shaking the Arab country and Israel’s furious condemnation of the deal, a news report said on Dec. 1.
“The Yakhont supersonic anti-ship cruise missiles have been delivered to Syria,” a military source told the Interfax news agency without disclosing when the shipment was made…
Another Russian official told Interfax that the missiles, which operate as part of the Bastion mobile coastal defense system, “will be able to protect Syria’s entire coast against a possible attack from the sea.”
Each Bastion system is equipped with 36 cruise missiles as well as truck-mounted radar and other equipment.
It was not immediately clear how many of the missiles Russia has delivered to Syria so far.

December 1st, 2011, 9:06 am


irritated said:

#62 Uzair8

You may have trouble finding a plane seat going to Syria, they are rare and packed.
Go to Egypt, it is much better.. Empty hotels, falling Egyptian pound, cheap flights and peaceful thrills on Tahrir square guaranteed.

December 1st, 2011, 9:11 am


Juergen said:

Mina, its amazing how you think about this issue.To state that there is no personality cult around the Assads in Syria is a good joke.

I can compare Syria only with one other country: Belarus. There are also as many pictures around as in Syria. Not even my communist regime had such a cult.

One who enters Syria through Damascus International airport is greeted by Welcome to Assad-Syria!
Needless to say that in every office you will find a photo of Baschar, I have even seen pictures of him in guardhouses for the security. Every syrian enjoys seeing the president not only in the first pages of schoolbooks and also he can enjoy seeing his president when writing in his textbook. everyone can see cars having stickers of Bashar or as the Syrians would say their syrian trinity, Hafez, Basil and Baschar. Those bumpersticker youll find on the backwindows of cars, i was once chauffered to the grave of late Hafez in Quardaha by a driver who had not only those bumperstickers in the back but also in the frontwindow. I know the regime does not want such glamour and personality cult, but sorry i dont buy such heartbreaking stories about a modest preside´nt who does not like such personality cults. Every syrian village or town holds statues of the assads, a friend of mine is a famous sculptor, he told me that in order to work and get offers he had to produce some of them. He told me that after hafez died two painters whom he is befriended to were arrested by the muhabarat. They were ordered to paint two paintings. He told me they were terrified that their painting would not be approved, but it was ok, and if one see the quality of those paintings, well in the US one would say its hard on the eye what you see travelling through Syria. Not to mention the hard to stand songs about the Assads, there is a whole group of singers praising the Assads, poets writing poetry… surely this all is all not organized but the true expression of the hearts of Syrians.

December 1st, 2011, 9:17 am


zoo said:

The call for a general strike fails again.

Syrian activists call for strike amid violence
BEIRUT (AP) — Syria’s opposition called a general strike Thursday over President Bashar Assad’s deadly crackdown on an 8-month-old revolt, ramping up efforts to persuade the country’s business elite to abandon their long-standing ties to the regime.
Residents in Syria’s two economic powerhouses — the capital, Damascus, and the northern city of Aleppo — reported business as usual Thursday.

But in the flashpoint city of Homs, a resident told The Associated Press that most of the shops were closed, except for those selling food. Homs has been one of Syria’s most volatile cities, with increasing clashes between troops and army defectors.

“Few people are in the streets and only about 20 percent of students went to schools and universities,” said one resident, who asked that his name not be made public for fear of government reprisals.

December 1st, 2011, 9:18 am


Humanist said:


“To say that the Baath organized a personality cult around the Assads will fool people….”

There is NO PERSONALITY CULT, Ohh really?

What about the statues, what about the enormous pictures hanging everywhere, what about the slogans “I will sacrifice my soul for you ohh Bashar”, calling his (dead!) father Hafez the “enternal leader” etc.?

What would you call that if not a “personality cult”?

The many hard-core Assad supporters both inside and outside Syria (and on this blogg!!) are themselves a proof of its “success”.

(However, as an atheist I don’t find it more odd/wrong to worship Assad than worshiping any other “holy” person… As long as you don’t mix the “religion” with politics.)

December 1st, 2011, 9:21 am


Juergen said:


I think true Assadis dont see any personality cult, they think its normal to see on every corner the picture, they are used to those songs and those staged approval demonstrations, this bi ruh bi damm thinking is an insult to every intelligent person, but i think some like to be fooled by such nonsense

December 1st, 2011, 9:32 am


Revlon said:

Syrian regime mobsters Blacklisted by AL

Syrian Revolution Intelligence System ???? ????????? ?????? ???????

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16. ???? ???? ?????. ????? ?? ????? ?????.

17. ???? ?????. ??? ?????.
9 hours ago

December 1st, 2011, 9:48 am


Mina said:

Jurgen, Humanist
I don’t endorse “Asad Syria” or the posters everywhere. I was telling Uzayr that the clip does not demonstrate a “personality cult”. The phrase “al marhum” used by some people about Hazez does not show their love for him I would say, but their hope to get a better paid job. These things work as key words in a society where mukhabaraat and paranoia are the name of the game. But do you think it is different in Saudi Arabia? Did you notice that every citizen there is called by the name of Abd al Aziz al Saoud, the founder of the dynasty at the beginning of the 20th c.? Have you ever seen Saudi TV on a day of a funeral of a prince (and as a matter of fact, even long after he passed away, anytime they decide to play some clip to his memory?) Did you notice that in every single Arab country you find these posters and statues everywhere of the “leader”? Did you notice that if you tell a Turk that there is a personality cult of Ataturk, you’ll get into trouble? Well, some want to convince people that there is an equation: oppressed Shiites in KSA and Bahrein not worse than oppressed Sunnis in Syria. This is pure propaganda. Everybody know that the Sunnis are also at key positions in Syria.

December 1st, 2011, 9:50 am


mjabali said:

Sheikh UZAIR8:

It is obvious that you are interfering with the faith of the Alawis. This is not your business as obvious. If they worship a monkey, a radio or a microwave: that is not your business. Stick to your sect and stick to your zombie Sheikhs.

Also, it is obvious that you can not speak or read Arabic, and of course you are not a Syrian, so why this sectarian input of yours to prove that Sunnis are interfering in the Syrian Chaos to settle their religious score with the Shia.

Leave Syria alone, people like you are taking the struggle for democracy to be a struggle between those who believe in Allah according to your Sunni way and those who don’t. Spare us your 2 cents of no-knowledge. Religion has tainted the quest for freedom as obvious. Stick to your links of those scary Sheikhs of yours who think they still live in the 7th C. and want us to go back to the 7th C.

You contradict your self when saying that you are not a Salfi but only a Sunni: Mr. UZAIR8 what is the difference if you both are Takfeeris (Those who believe the world is composed of those who are believers and those who are infidels or Mushreekin). You need help Mr. Uzair8 to be able to be compatible with this time and age.

People like you, who can not speak or read Arabic, and still want to spread anything related to Islam or Arabic speaking countries are a JOKE. You have no clue how people in Syria speak and what terminology they use why angry or wanting to proof points. Do you?

You make me laugh when you put your hallucinogenic links to these strange birds who want to lead the people in this time and age.

December 1st, 2011, 9:51 am


Mina said:

Please enjoy the latest adventures of radar-undetectable drone-proof “al-Qaeda”. After Nahr el Bared, North Africa, we meet then now, of all places, in South Lebanon.

Whodunit on the Lebanon-Israel border
By Sami Moubayed

Four Katyusha rockets were fired into northern Israel shortly after midnight on Tuesday, shifting the world’s attention from Syria and Egypt onto the Lebanese-Israeli border, yet again. These four rockets were fired onto Western Galilee, territory that was famously targeted by Hezbollah during the 2006 war on Lebanon. They caused minimal damage and nobody was wounded or killed.
They prompted retaliation from the Israelis, who placed the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) on high alert, while the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon said that it would patrol extra troops along the Lebanese-Israeli border, fearing that other attacks will follow, in complete disregard to the 2006 ceasefire, UNSCR 1701.
The rocket launchers, according to Lebanese authorities, were
found in the Rumaysh area in southern Lebanon, a Hezbollah stronghold. They were fired into Israel from an area between the villages of Aita Shaab and Rumaysh, approximately two kilometers from the border – for the first time since war raged between Israel and Lebanon in the summer of 2006. At first glance, the first thing that came to mind in Israel was: “Hezbollah!”

December 1st, 2011, 9:58 am


Mina said:

Mina i remember watching saudi tv when i was in jeddah it was 15 years ago, before the satellite mania started for the arabs. There were 3 channels and one was showing Fahd walking in the desert, when ever his feet touched the ground, flowers emerged… such nonsense can be seen everywhere and in all arab countries.
But and this is a big but, Syria has the worst personality cult i have seen, and the other part of the but is: dont argue with others do the same, others have same despotism. That does not count as an argument for me. I posted earlier that me personally find all nationalism questionable and not the triumph of humanity, with nationalism we go backwards toward tribalism.

But what counts here is that Assad is seen by a lot of this followers like he is Musa leading his folks to the promised land, there are no doubts, no second thoughts, just as they would say and think: baschar wa baas. As i said before, the head is not just made for haircuts.

December 1st, 2011, 10:05 am


Juergen said:

Does anyone knows what the exchange rate for the Euro is at this moment in Syria? Sana still states the same figures.

December 1st, 2011, 10:11 am


Uzair8 said:


Your entitled to your view but your wrong about me. Im not Salafi. I believe they are misguided but that’s not the issue (no offence to anyone).

The video is relevant and fits in with former attoney general of Hama’s comments:

[Qandil] How do you describe the Syrian revolution? Does it differ from the Egyptian, Tunisian, and Libyan revolutions?

[Al-Bakur] Yes, it differs from sister revolutions because it confronts a godless regime that believes in no religion or denomination and does not recognize the existence of God. It has security bodies run by individuals who are nothing more than talking beasts. These bodies are considered among the most brutal criminal bodies in the world. This is why the Syrian revolution differs.

{End of quote}

There are are least half a dozen forums or blogs with threads (or references to) titled ‘The Godless Beast-men of Syria’ regarding Adnan Bakkour’s comments and related material. Such videos further confirm the claims of Adnan Bakkour.

One forum:

December 1st, 2011, 10:16 am


Juergen said:

SORRY statement 73 is by me not by MINA …

December 1st, 2011, 10:20 am


Mina said:

And your head needs a good psychatrist, Jurgen (could you avoid using my name next time?). I have traveled and lived in Syria several times since 2001 and never witnessed this personality cult. If it existed under Hafez, it ceased to exist under Bashar. Or maybe you meet people who think you are from the mukhabaraat and give you a version of what they think that is harmless and what you wanted to hear?

I had missed this excellent piece by Pepe Escobar:

That rocky road to Damascus
By Pepe Escobar

The trillion-dollar question in the “Arab Winter” is who will blink first in the West’s screenplay of slouching towards Tehran via Damascus.

As they examine the regional chessboard and the formidable array of forces aligned against them, Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and the military dictatorship of the mullahtariat in Tehran must face, simultaneously, superpower Washington, bomb-happy North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) members, nuclear power Israel, all Sunni Arab absolute monarchies, and even Sunni-majority, secular Turkey.

Meanwhile, on their side, the Islamic Republic can only count on Moscow. Not as bad a hand as it may seem.

Syria is Iran’s undisputed key ally in the Arab world – while

Russia, alongside China, are the key geopolitical allies. China, for the moment, is making it clear that any solution for Syria must be negotiated.

Russia’s one and only naval base in the Mediterranean is at the Syrian port of Tartus. Not by accident, Russia has installed its S-300 air defense system – one of the best all-altitude surface-to-air missile systems in the world, comparable to the American Patriot – in Tartus. The update to the even more sophisticated S-400 system is imminent.

From Moscow’s – as well as Tehran’s – perspective, regime change in Damascus is a no-no. It will mean virtual expulsion of the Russian and Iranian navies from the Mediterranean.

December 1st, 2011, 10:22 am


Revlon said:

Tomorrow, 02/12/2011 is Frday of “Security Zone is What We Need”
The Syrian Revolution 2011 ?????? ??????? ?? ???? ?????

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December 1st, 2011, 10:28 am


Revlon said:

Ms. Rana Raslan’s dearest wish has become to be visited by her late son, Hakam AlSiba3i in her dreams.
The Syrian Revolution 2011 ?????? ??????? ?? ???? ?????
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December 1st, 2011, 10:42 am


Uzair8 said:

I’ve just read the following from Angry Arab’s blog from June. Any truth to these claims? (Muhammad Makhlouf ruling Syria, Asef Shawkat under house arrest etc)

December 1st, 2011, 10:44 am


irritated said:

#67. Humanist and Yuergen

Personality cult?

Obviously you have not been in Syria for a long time. Bashar has been opposed to these signs and most of the posters praising Bashar Al Assad have gradually been removed in the last 2 years.
The statues of Hafez al Assad are still here but in reasonable numbers and in very specific locations. No new statues of the leaders have been added in public places.

Overall there is much less signs of ‘personality’ cult than Ataturk’s omni-present photos and statues in Turkey, that are still being added all over the country.

December 1st, 2011, 10:51 am


irritated said:

#80 Uzair8

Looks like the Godfather 4, great imagination, indeed….

December 1st, 2011, 10:56 am


irritated said:

#78 Revlon

“Security Zone is What We Need”

What they need is ONE call for a strike to succeed…

December 1st, 2011, 10:57 am


Tara said:


Self- deception at its maximum. They worship his toe and you don’t call that personality cult? They call him god. What else do you want to see?

December 1st, 2011, 10:57 am


irritated said:

Tara #84

Can you prevent fans from worshiping sport stars, pop music stars or movie stars?
Would you blame the star for their popularity and their charisma that the fans perceived while other don’t ?

December 1st, 2011, 11:05 am


NK said:


You have to be really special to claim there is no personality cult in Syria when the main slogan of regime supporters is none other than “menhebak”!

December 1st, 2011, 11:05 am


irritated said:


It is certainly better for a leader to be loved that to be feared, wouldn’t you agree?

December 1st, 2011, 11:19 am


Revlon said:

Regime orders Father Paolo Dall’Oglio to leave Syria stating that in his latest statement he exceeded his capacity as a priest.

In his statement “Call of Christmass” he called for
– Recognition of the need for multiparty rule and freedom of speech and preserving the people’s dignity and guarding their safety
– Resolving the conflict can be achieved by collaborating with all free people of the world,genuinely welcoming Arab and global media, and accepting the assistance of international humanitarian agencies.
– We ought to liberate our selves of the prejeduce twords the active participation of Muslems in the political life.

Father paolo has refused to leave; he is managing by staying with different friends that he once served.

28/11/2011 11.06.44
Syria orders Italian Jesuit peace-maker to leave

Italian Jesuit Father Paolo dall’Oglio confirms that he may be expelled from Syria. International news media have reported that the founder of the monastic community at Deir Mar Musa al-Habachi, near Nabak,has been notified by authorities to quit the nation he has called home for 30 years.

Fr. Dall’Oglio is a renowned promoter of dialogue between Christians and Muslims and has been engaged in efforts for internal reconciliation, particularly in the current crisis.

“I’ve been here 30 years, I have worked at the Christian-Muslim dialogue, I have worked to create a monastic community dedicated to the service of harmony between Islam and Christianity, which is a priority worldwide. There are about twenty people in all – brothers and sisters – from different countries: we all learn Arabic, all study Eastern Christianity and Islam. During the latest, painful crisis, we are committed to freedom of opinion, freedom of conscience, freedom of expression and we are trying to work, to cooperate for a progressive access to a mature democracy, for the emergence of a civil society, a dialogue that ensures national unity, the protection of diversity and the enhancement of specificity, a democracy without a primacy of one group over others, rather we are trying to nurture the building of a national consensus. This requires tools. We believe, will believe until the end, in reconciliation, through dialogue, negotiations in order to avoid the suffering of the people and build a future other than that of hatred and revenge”.

On Sunday Syria has condemned the vote by the Arab League to impose sanctions against Damascus as a betrayal of Arab solidarity.

By a vote of 19 to 3, the League’s foreign ministers decided to adopt sanctions to pressure Damascus to end its deadly suppression of an 8-month-old uprising against President Bashar Assad.

They include a flight ban on senior members of the Syrian regime, a halt to transactions with Syria’s central bank and a suspension of flights into the country.

December 1st, 2011, 11:22 am


Son of Damascus said:

@ Irritated

You Said:
“Personality cult?

Obviously you have not been in Syria for a long time. Bashar has been opposed to these signs and most of the posters praising Bashar Al Assad have gradually been removed in the last 2 years.
The statues of Hafez al Assad are still here but in reasonable numbers and in very specific locations. No new statues of the leaders have been added in public places.

Overall there is much less signs of ‘personality’ cult than Ataturk’s omni-present photos and statues in Turkey, that are still being added all over the country.”

My Response:

Are we talking about the same Syria that turned Basil into a shaheed (martyr) because he was late for a plane ride?

What the hell did Basil ever do for Syria to deserve all his posters and statues?

I don’t see one statue or poster of Kamal Ataturk son anywhere in Turkey.

I was bombarded with the picture of the Assad trinity, The father (haviz) the Son (betho) The Spirit (Basil) since childhood. Every bridge, every major road has havez statue and a plaque on it. The Plaque would read like something straight out of Orwellian novel of how without our benevolent/eternal leader this bridge would not have been built.

(Sorry for the double post, but I don’t know how come my first comment jumped to the earlier comments)

December 1st, 2011, 11:35 am


Mina said:

They worship his toe: well sorry, not the people I met. Where do you get them?

Life in freed Afghanistan seems exciting. Lise Doucet’s friend Karzai (the guy who admittedly cheated the election, if I remember) is so magnanimous. It makes the “breaking news” of the BBC :
Jailed Afghan rape victim freed New

Afghan President Hamid Karzai pardons a woman who was jailed for adultery after being a victim of rape, on condition she marry her attacker.

Karzai pardons jailed Afghan rape victim
Breaking news

Afghan President Hamid Karzai has pardoned a woman who was jailed for adultery after being a victim of rape.

The woman, named as Gulnaz and who gave birth to a daughter in jail, must marry her rapist as a condition of the release.

Her child had been serving her sentence with her.

Human rights groups say hundreds of women in prison in Afghanistan are victims of rape or domestic violence.

(Do you have to kiss the toes of the BBC journalists and praise their soberty in their absence of any comment?)

December 1st, 2011, 11:36 am


Juergen said:

Mina, thanks for the advise, but surely i still am sane.

I admire your selective perception, how could one escape from the overall Assadism? I can only imagine that in rual areas it would be possible to some extent.

The last time i saw Assad was in my favorite restaurant in Damascus. I was early enough that evening to witness the entourage of him. The place and the surrounding were filled with muhabarat guys, the type even me a foreigner would recognize, and they dont even try to fade into the crowds… Assad was awaited by a group consisting of about 20 people, women men and children. As I would think those folks were not from damascus, but one could be wrong. The women began humming in the saghrute when they saw the car of Assad arrive. Assad walked some meters and was stoped by a girl caring flowers. The women of the group began singing as the second car arrived, Hugo Chavez walked out of the car and Assad greeted him. Until then the stage was well prepared,a women from the group ran towards him and cried loudly and was pulled away from his bodyguards. It all reminded me well enough of the formal greeting ceremonies of socialist countries or african despotes visiting each other. Needless to say, i did not get my reserved table and the pres also got his food before me… just kidding, my jewish friend and me were surprised that we could even eat in the same restaurant.


Sorry there may have been a decrease of pictures, statues since Hafez died, i have not seen Syria under Hafez, but sorry i know Turkey well and believe me i get shivers of fear whenever i see Atatürk pictures, i never liked his weird looking, anyway the amount of pictures you will see in Turkey can not be compared to Syria. Under the AKP rule it seems that they fight back this Kemalism.

Last month there was Assaddemonstration here in Berlin, the supporters all wore the same t shirts with his face on it, they all had flags and posters caring his face. No bet needed, all that was given to them from the embassy. By the way here in Berlin the majority of those still running on our streets with their bi ruh bi damm slogans are lebanese palestinians.

December 1st, 2011, 11:38 am


mjabali said:

Sheikh UZAIR8:

You are in no position to term someone “misguided” if they do not follow your rules and creed especially about people whom you never mingled with or known. Really how much do you know about the Alawis?

When you term them “misguided” you are contradicting your claim that you are neutral. You are taking sides and making judgements.

We live in the 21C. and people are entitled to follow whatever they want. It is a very Simple concept.

If you respect others and their opinions: argue with them about matters but make no judgments especially about them being “misguided” when you really do not know that much about them in the first place.

How much is your knowledge about the Alawis beyond You Tube and some fanatic posts? Do you really know anyone of them? Have you seen their areas and how they live and what do they practice? I bet you did not and you are making decisions that they are “misguided.” What a joke?

As for Bakkur and what he said about Bashar al-Assad and his relationship to Allah, doesn’t this enhance the theory that this is a religious affair and not a revolt against dictatorship and injustice? Can you take this theory of religious war and apply it to Syria and see how it fits to explain what is going on?

Why does Allah and the fear of Allah has to come into this matter and if Bashar al-Assad is a good Muslim or not? As far as I know, Bashar al-Assad prays like a Sunni in a Sunni Mosque and observes his religious duties as a head of state as a Sunni who is married to a Sunni, and most of his friends are Sunnis, so what the Hell mr UZAIR8. When did Bashar al-Assad or his father champion any Alawi issue? They behaved like Sunnis, where the Sunnis with their “misguided” mentality never accepted them as Sunnis. Remember your hero Ibn Taymiyah termed the Alawis as the “misguided” who are more “misguided than the Jews and the Christians.” These are the exact terms that are used by the Salafi Jihadi mr. Sheikh UZAIR8: which puts you in the same boat as them so why denying the Salafi influence on you?

Obviously, that is not enough for you, al-Assad will never be a good Muslim and therefore revolting against him is justified. Sheikh UZAIR8 leave the Alawis alone you are too simple with little education to claim these grand things about them and argue their fate and history.

Since you are not Syrian and care only if al-Assad, or segments of the Syrian people are following your interpretation of Islam I say go away please and spew your hatred on Salafi blogs and website, it fits them more than this forum that is more interested into how to make Syrians live together.

December 1st, 2011, 11:46 am


Dale Andersen said:

In case you missed it…

From the EU/CIA/Saudi/Jew/Salafi Press

“…Syria is now in a civil war…”

December 1st, 2011, 12:00 pm


Revlon said:

UN: Syria in a state of civil war
GENEVA (AP) — The U.N.’s top human rights official says Syria is now in a state of civil war with more than 4,000 people killed.
AP News
Dec 1, 11:37 AM EST

The U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay said Thursday the increasing number of army defectors taking up arms against the regime has pushed the country over the edge and into a civil war.

Syrian President Bashar Assad has been trying to crush an 8-month-old revolt against his autocratic rule.

More ………….

December 1st, 2011, 12:03 pm


Revlon said:

A plea for help to himanitarian organisations and SNC from
Civilians of Cities and towns occupied by Asad forces:

We and our families and children are eduring harsh cold weather made worse by regime’s current practice of punishing the public by confiscating and burning their blankets! Some families could only manage cardboards and newspapers to wrap their children with.
Salem Alwared
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11 minutes ago

December 1st, 2011, 12:18 pm




JUERGEN, NK and others. Com on folks, take it easy of the menhebbaks. You need two things, PERSONALITY + CULT to have a personality cult. Betho has no personality, but he still has cult. So, your interlocutors are partially correct regarding the disappearance of personality cult after Hafez’s demise.

December 1st, 2011, 12:21 pm



#56 #58 previous entry, Hilarious, exposes the fraud of the stats introduced recently to deduce a laughable 25% 75% statistics. Tells you how deep is the intellect.

To the winners of the Like Contest
Don’t you guys feel insulted by something like that knowing that your votes are fraud…I guess not, you have a fraud for a Prethident. oopth i meant to thay ???? ?????

December 1st, 2011, 12:22 pm


NK said:


Certainly not in this case, it’s ok on some level for you to love your prisedent, especially when his acts did something great for your country (which is not the case when it comes to the Assads). It becomes unacceptable the moment you make the connection between this love and the level of one’s patriotism.

December 1st, 2011, 12:22 pm


NK said:


Great post on 7eetan, can’t wait to read the “volcano” 🙂

Since you’re here, you should check the likes/dislikes on comments #57 & #58 of the previous entry. Juergen by mistake used Mina’s name to post his comment and he re-posted the same exact comment right after that and yet 6-0/1-8 … amazing!

December 1st, 2011, 12:33 pm


Syria no kandahar said:

Revlon the day dreamer
?????? ??????? ???? ?? ???? ????? ???????
In your wahabi dreams.for 8 months you have not been able to do that,for a simple reason:Syrians hate you..and they hate Hamad and Davutoglu and Al
….you and your terrorists friends are just tiny ugly ticks trying to kill a great are hated by the majority of Syrians.if you are calling for someone to occupy your mother land you you will fail DNA test proofing Syria’s maternity to will pass a DNA test connecting you to BINLADEN,Alzarkawi,Alaaroor,
Moza …
For 8 months:Damascus ,Aleppo,Tartus,Alraka,Alsoida,Alhassaka,Dearlzor…have been telling you :we hate you,get lost.why don’t you get your ticks away from Syria’s but.

December 1st, 2011, 12:37 pm


jna said:

Why does the opposition (anyways, those I see online) prefer violent civil war to working for a peaceful transition and elections? Something is wrong.

December 1st, 2011, 12:52 pm


son of Damascus said:

You Said:
Why does the opposition (anyways, those I see online) prefer violent civil war to working for a peaceful transition and elections? Something is wrong.

My Response:
In order to have a peaceful transition, both sides need to adhere to the peacefulness principle. Unfortunately since day one the only principle the regime adheres to is violent suppression, if the regime had chosen a different route back in March I assure you Syria would not be in the perilous situation it is in today.
The leadership (or lack thereof) is the cause of all of this, had Bashar acted as an elected President and listened to the wishes and grievances of his people and actually dealt with them rather than suppress them and call them viruses that have been infiltrated by foreign agents, he would have saved our country.

December 1st, 2011, 1:17 pm


Uzair8 said:

@94. mjabali

Im sorry but you misread. I said the Salafis were misguided. I didn’t want to say that but when someone with a opposite point of view is usually labelled a Salafi, I made that comment.

Anyway. This isn’t a religious war or conflict. The point of highlighting certain behaviour of the regime and its thugs is to expose what kind of people are ruling Syria. It also puts Iran on the spot for supporting such a regime when they talk of ‘Islamic awakening’.

I don’t think I mentioned the Alawis.

EDIT: I just checked my posts for any mention of Alawi’s and I see I copy’n’ pasted the title of the video in post 58 “The Shirk of the Alawi religion/regime: “Assad is our Lord””. I couldn’t remember doing so. It wasn’t concious. I should have said the ‘Godless Beast-men of Syria’ instead.
Whatever the matter. What was apparantly said in that video was shocking. Whoever said it.

This revolution is about basic things like freedom, justice, fairness, unemployment, corruption etc.

December 1st, 2011, 1:27 pm


Uzair8 said:

@94 Mjabali

Im sorry but you can’t prevent non-Syrians having a say. Any human has a right to express their concern for the suffering anywhere. A muslim would feel even more concern as the whole Ummah feels fever when one part of the Ummah suffers pain.

So non-syrians should mind their own business? Does that include Prof. Landis, Iranians and Lebanese on here, etc.

Btw. Talking of Alawis. Several days ago I read an excellent interview on AJE with an Alawi actress who joined the revolution. A very brave woman. Fadwa Sueliman.

December 1st, 2011, 1:49 pm


N.Z. said:

Mjabali & Uzairb,

After reading your exchanges, and having a big stake in this country, the people, you feel compelled to become a mediator.

Just before starting, I refreshed my browser, and read Uzairb response to Mjabali, it gave me a sigh of relief.

Mjabali has every right to come to the defence of the Syrian Alawite, specially after the fear mongering that a headless leader is working his uttermost to incite, he wants it to become a reality. For that I have nothing but respect for Mjabali.

On the other hand, Uzairb, as you are entitled to your views, “freedom of expression” your entitlement comes with a responsibility. How did Muslims feels when, the Qur’an is called a book that incites hatred?

I fully agree that this Popular Revolution is not a sectarian revolution, it is about all of us demanding freedom from a one man’s rule. We all agree. How, is were we differ.

Anytime someone mentions Salafis, MB’s directly or indirectly to paint this revolution as a Sunni uprising, is as bad as demeaning a religion, a belief system, namely the Alawites. Both are inciting hatred. The pro camp started with this wrong strategy, the cons followed suit. Two wrongs do not make a right.

I have nothing but respect for all freedom fighters, only when they are fighting for dignity and social justice for “all”. This revolution and its leaders fully represents all Syrians. In one family you have division, and this what makes it harder to turn into a civil war. With every passing day, the idol is losing support.

Accusations and guilt by association is the regime strategy, they can afford it, to them its “their” survival. For us its the destruction of the people and the country that the regime don’t give a dam, never did.

December 1st, 2011, 2:10 pm


Tara said:

Syria’s opposition, rebels hold talks in Turkey
By Safak Timur | AFP – 3 hrs ago

Syria’s civilian opposition and army rebels have agreed to coordinate their struggle against President Bashar al-Assad’s regime, an official said Thursday.

The first meeting between the Syrian National Council and the Free Syrian Army earlier this week in Turkey appeared to mark a change of tack from the SNC’s previous reluctance to back the armed struggle.

“It is agreed that it would be a coordinated movement, there would be coordination,” the SNC’s Khaled Khoja told AFP.

He said the meeting in the southern Turkish province of Hatay on November 28 was attended by SNC head Burhan Ghaliun and FSA chief Riyadh al-Asaad, whose forces comprise deserters from the Syrian military.

“The council recognised the Free Syrian Army as a reality, while the army recognised the council as the political representative” of the opposition, Khoja said.

He did not specify how organic the links between the two movements would be but the meeting marked a new step in efforts to unite opposition to Assad, who is under growing pressure to step down.

His repression of pro-democracy protests in recent months has earned Damascus a barrage of international condemnation and intensifying economic sanctions that are slowly crippling the country’s economy.

“We agreed that the duty of the Free Syrian Army is to protect people, but not to attack,” said Khoja, a member of the SNC’s foreign relations committee.

“Protecting minorities, preventing possible conflicts among the factions by sending its troops to conflict areas,” Khoja added, enumerating some of the FSA’s duties.

He quoted rebel leader Asaad as vowing to follow the political line set by the SNC, which has been touring Western and other capitals to muster support for its bid to unseat Bashar al-Assad.

The meeting between the council and the rebel army came after the head of the SNC last week urged the FSA to refrain from launching attacks against Assad’s forces and save the country from civil conflict.

“We would like this army to carry out defensive actions to protect those who have left the (regime’s) army and peaceful demonstrations, but not take on offensive actions against the army,” Ghaliun of the council had said.

Colonel Asaad on the other hand in a telephone interview with AFP had called for foreign air strikes on “strategic targets” in Syria to speed up the fall of the regime.

He said the Free Syrian Army, which now claims 20,000 men in its ranks, wanted the international community to provide it with logistical support.

Limited foreign intervention would allow the FSA “to triumph in a relatively short time” Asaad had said.

The United Nations says more than 3,500 people, most of them civilians, have been killed since the protests first broke out in mid-March, while thousands of people have been detained.

The FSA has stepped up attacks in recent weeks and openly claimed responsibility for deadly operations against the army and pro-regime militiamen.

Last week the FSA claimed an attack on a bus in the centre of Syria that killed seven senior military pilots.

December 1st, 2011, 2:21 pm


Uzair8 said:


I can see now why you reacted in response. I didn’t realise.
I remember posting the link to the video and then thinking I should describe the contents of the link in a few words. In laziness and without thinking I just copied and pasted the title of the video. I posted in a few places so I was rushing.

It wasn’t intentional. Of course the comments in the video don’t represent the views of all Alawis or Syrians in general. I don’t know who the people in the video are and what their religion is. One thing for sure they give the regime a bad name (Im assuming they are regime trumpets). The regime would be wise to distance itself from such comments and advise its supporters to refrain from such.

December 1st, 2011, 2:24 pm


Uzair8 said:

105. N.Z. said:

“…it gave me a sigh of relief.”

Lol. Yes I apologise for causing the misunderstanding and confusion.

When sharing something or spreading the word one must be careful and deliberate. Never rush.

In a propaganda & counter-propaganda battle these things can happen.

December 1st, 2011, 2:53 pm


irritated said:

98 N.K

“his acts did something great for your country (which is not the case when it comes to the Assads)”

Maybe not for you, for many Syrians they did a lot, so please respect other people opinions and choices. Remember that a few months ago Bashar Al Assad was one the most popular Arab leader, before the demonization campaign started.

December 1st, 2011, 3:07 pm


Khalid Tlass said:

4. Syrian Nationalist Party said:

” Which what this FSA is basically doing and trained to do now. In the end, they will be prosecuted just like the Lebanese force of Lahd in South Lebanon. They have no chance to defeat Assad militarily whatsoever.”

FSA is not like the SLA “buffer force” of Antopine Lahd in Lebanon. FSA is made up of highly motivated ppl with high morale. SLA was made up of forced conscripts from poor Shia villagers led by some local Christian thugs. FSA is Muslim, they will win, SLA was Christian, Shia, and Zionist, and they are consigned to the garbage bin of history, may they and their destroyers ( Hezbollah) burn in inferno forever.

December 1st, 2011, 3:17 pm


Khalid Tlass said:

A Sunni Mosque was bombed today in Baghdad, Iraq. 54 Mu’mineen martyred. Shia militia of Badr Brigades have owned up responsibility and saying they will do a genocide of Sunnis in Iraq. May Allah help Ardh al-Forataini Watan from the clutches of the vile Majoosi. Pray for the Sunnis of Iraq.

(You should be celebrating SNP, MJABALI, DARYLL, SNK, etc.).

December 1st, 2011, 3:22 pm


irritated said:

Son of Damascus

“Every bridge, every major road has havez statue and a plaque on it”

Obviously you live in a different Syria or you have memories of your childhood that are haunting you, or you’ve never been back to Syria since your childhood.
Go back and please count the number of statues you’ll see and report.

There are no statues of Ataturk’s son for the good reason that he had no children from his divorced wife. He adopted children but none of them stayed with him. He died of syphillis and cirrhosis of the liver for excesses alcohol consumption. A real family man.
Check Youtube for the tributes to the beloved Ataturk and compare

December 1st, 2011, 3:26 pm


Khalid Tlass said:

GHUFRAN, thanks for the video of the House of Saud, I got to see rare footage of the ikhwan al-Safa in action on the battlefield against the Hashemites and Ottomans during the 1920s when they were unifying Saudi Arabia. God protects Saudi Arabia.

December 1st, 2011, 3:27 pm


majedkhaldoun said:

The majority of Alawis, are supporting Assad, and majority of Christians are supporting Assad, and a lot of Sunni are supporting Assad,If things changed and another regime comes and the revolution became successful, realisticaly,what will happen to those people?,they have to pay for their support of such criminal regime.they made wrong decisions,a major mistake,,they did not think such revolution will sicceed,I am sure they know that the regime is brutal,and criminal, why they are making such mistake I do not understand.

As far as Alawite religion,I lived in that area for three weeks, I witnessed alawis worship persons they call Gods, The alawis are denying a lot,denying things they know it is part of their religion .
As for the criminality of this regime and his supporters, who the majority of Alawis are supporting, this criminality is well known to everyone now.

December 1st, 2011, 3:38 pm


Khalid Tlass said:

GHUFRAN, thanks for the video of the House of Saud, I got to see rare footage of the ikhwan al-Safa in action on the battlefield against the Hashemites and Ottomans during the 1920s when they were unifying Saudi Arabia. It showed the blessed footage of the Ikhwan commanders after the conquest of Makkah….ALF ALHAMDULILLAH… God protects Saudi Arabia…..almost 90 years later it is again time to display our Muru’ah.

December 1st, 2011, 3:40 pm


Khalid Tlass said:


“If things changed and another regime comes and the revolution became successful, realisticaly,what will happen to those people?,”

Majed, what will happen to them is exactly what happened to our Sunni brothers in Iraq,

Peace-loving Iraqi Shia leader asking his followers to wipe pff all Sunnis –


December 1st, 2011, 3:57 pm


NK said:


This is not a matter of opinions and choices, it’s a matter of actual accomplishments. Will you please share with us what did the Assads accomplish that made you so found of them (other than killing thousands of Syrians) ?

December 1st, 2011, 3:59 pm


Haytham Khoury said:

??????? ??????? ???? ?? ???? ????? ?????? ??????

December 1st, 2011, 4:30 pm


jad said:

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?????? ???? ??????: ??? ?????
01/ 12/ 2011

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December 1st, 2011, 4:47 pm


Uzair8 said:

84. irritated said:

#80 Uzair8

“Looks like the Godfather 4, great imagination, indeed….”

I read today the US placed sanctions against Assad’s uncle Muhammad Makhlouf so I searched for info on him. That’s how I ended up on Angry Arab’s blog from june claiming he was the real ruler of Syria.

December 1st, 2011, 4:47 pm


Son of Damascus said:

@ Irritated

Maybe you should be a little more observant, if you look closely you will find a white marble plaque with Havez head statued into it in gold with some great saying of how Havez brought modernity to Syria.

I don’t follow how by me using the turkish example of Ataturk that YOU used I am an Ataturk “lover”.

December 1st, 2011, 4:49 pm


irritated said:

@119. NK

As you own the absolute truth and your opinion is higher than anyone else’s, I am sure you enjoy your feeling of superiority.

December 1st, 2011, 4:58 pm


Uzair8 said:

I wonder what brought about the the inclusion of Prof Landis’ comment regarding Bashar Assad’s ‘Kalbiyyah’ background?

I’ve seen this claim disputed before:

Interestingly there is a hadith of the Sufyani (an end time character) who will rule Syria and spread mischief before the arrival of the Mahdi:

Abu Hurayrah has narrated that the Prophet said:

A man will emerge from the depths of Damascus. He will be called Sufyani. Most of those who follow him will be from the tribe of Kalb. He will kill by ripping the stomachs of women and even kill the children. A man from my family will appear in the Haram {Mecca}, the news of his advent will reach the Sufyani and he will send to him one of his armies. He (referring to the Mahdi) will defeat them. They will then travel with whoever remains until they come to a desert and they will be swallowed. None will be saved except the one who had informed the others about them. (Mustadrak Al-Hakim).

[I’ve heard from a couple of well known scholars online that the Sufyani’s attack against the Mahdi (AS) is about 20-25 or so years away. God Knows best.]

December 1st, 2011, 5:01 pm


irritated said:

SOD #124

“Maybe you should be a little more observant”, or have excellent eye sight, as these commemorative plaques are so small they are almost unnoticeable.
I am surprised they have haunted your childhood.

That’s what you called “statues and posters on all roads and bridges”?

December 1st, 2011, 5:05 pm


Abu Zaid said:

Can you please not use Iranian propaganda used by Turkish newspapers about the FSA?

December 1st, 2011, 5:09 pm


N.Z. said:


They can worship who ever they want.

It is not up to any individual to play the role of God, unless, that person is god. Unfortunately, many who claim they are religious and follow their Sacred Books, are taking the liberty to play god on earth.

If we have so many on earth why do we need God?

My mother a 72 year old still thinks that Bashar is averting infiltrators, their are many young people like her. She is no position to direct the revolution one way or the other. What saddens me is not the likes of my mother, but those who know exactly the viciousness of the regime in suppressing their fellow citizens and who are in complete denial of what is taking place on ground.

Their silence becomes revolutionary.

To see them in the thousands singing an infamously slogan “forever”, “only” in the 21st century, speaks volume.

We must remain hopeful that by explaining and hard work, that these empty slogans has no translation on ground.

A family that worked for 4o+ years to brain wash a people, the only accomplishment. They perfected it.

December 1st, 2011, 5:10 pm



In my last post I got the record of negative votes:19. In another forum it would be a bad sign but in SC I think it is a pride for me. I will repeat it and please help me to get more than 19 red votes. Let´s push higher. My message was with Syrian Pound at 55 against the dolar, today it is 60. This is not my record, this is Assad´s record. Assad is 5 lira away from the all-times record reached two or three years ago due to one day wild speculation.

To get a good negative record is the signal that something hurts deeps inside the assadists.

¨Once again, congratulations to Assad of Syria. What a disaster you have done of our country. Still not time to go? Too soon now?
I am sure Assad family fortune is not in syrian pounds, but in USD, Swiss Franks or gold in Russia or any other mafious dictatorship country´s banking system. I keep 5.500 sp in my pocket. Last week in Beirut no bank accepted to change them (at any rate). In one week I have lost 500 sp. Some times it is good to have little money… but what about loans from syrian banks? How will they manage these losses?¨

December 1st, 2011, 5:30 pm



This week I have been in an international forum where I could speak with arab nationals from all sourrounding countries and with european too. All of them, with no exception, showed the same feelings against the syrian regime. Desires of Assad leaving power peacefully or by force if necessary. Solidairty with the great syrian people. Prosectives for a better future in the region after a period of turmoil.

December 1st, 2011, 5:36 pm


syria no kandahar said:

Shrameet Althora,Kfafish Althalam,friends of the very low Sandro
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??? ????? – ????

???? ??? ????? ?? :

December 1st, 2011, 6:01 pm


Tara said:

Syria death toll is ‘more than 4,000’, says UN
Britain, EU and Arab states increase pressure on regime as UN human rights commissioner says civil war may have begun.

The UN human rights commissioner, Navi Pillay, said Syria could now be considered to be in a state of civil war. 
The death toll in Syria during eight months of protests has now risen to “much more than 4,000”, the UN revealed on Thursday as Britain, the EU and Arab states all ratcheted up the pressure on the embattled regime of President Bashar al-Assad.

Navi Pillay, the UN human rights commissioner, said Syria could now be considered to be in a state of civil war. On Monday a UN investigation accused the Damascus government of committing crimes against humanity and said 256 children had been killed since unrest began. On 9 November the UN said the death toll was 3,500.

“We are placing the figure at 4,000, but really the reliable information coming to us is that it is much more than that,” Pillay told a news conference in Geneva.

The updated death toll was issued as Britain accused Iran of aiding repression in Syria, as part of its strategy of soliciting wider support for tougher sanctions against both governments. Syria says it is fighting armed terrorists supported by a conspiracy of its Arab and western enemies.

William Hague, the foreign secretary, in a hardening of the UK position, said: “There is a link between what is happening in Syria and what is happening in Iran.”

Hague said before meeting EU colleagues in Brussels: “The Iranian government has given assistance to the Assad regime in trying to control and suppress protests.”

Arab and western governments have privately pointed to evidence that Iran is providing financial and logistical assistance and active security advice to the Assad regime. According to one senior Arab diplomatic source, there are 300-400 Iranian revolutionary guard personnel in Syria.

But it is unusual for a foreign minister to make such an accusation in public – reflecting an increasingly tough stance towards Syria and Iran in the wake of this week’s Tehran embassy crisis.

The EU named 12 more Syrian individuals and 11 entities as being subject to travel bans or asset freezes. Syria immediately retaliated by announcing it was suspending its membership of the EU’s Union for the Mediterranean – a partnership grouping.

The Arab League, represented in Brussels by its secretary general, Nabil al-Arabi, also named 17 senior Syrians it said would be denied entry to Arab countries. These include Assad’s brother and republican guard commander Maher, the architect of the security crackdown; his billionaire cousin Rami Makhlouf, and the ministers of defence and interior.

Arab flights to Syria will stop from mid-December. But wheat, medicine, gas and electricity are excluded from the embargo, which is supported by all 22 Arab League members except Iraq and Lebanon. Syria has been suspended from the body.

Hague’s comments and the latest sanctions came on a day that saw at least 17 people reported killed, mostly in the Hama area, according to the Syrian Revolution General Commission.

In recent weeks the situation has been complicated by increasingly frequent armed attacks against regime targets by the Free Syrian Army (FSA), which is made up of defectors from the armed forces.

In another development, the Syrian National Council (SNC), the biggest anti-Assad grouping, announced that it had reached agreement with the FSA over the issue of attacks against government forces at a meeting held in southern Turkey on Monday. Turkish media reported that the FSA would now resort to “armed resistance” only for “defensive” reasons.

Khaled Khoja, an SNC member, said: “The council recognised the Free Syrian Army as a reality, while the army recognised the council as the political representative [of the opposition].”

Opposition demonstrations across Syria on Friday are to be held under the slogan of demanding the creation of a border “buffer zone” to protect civilians. Kuwait, meanwhile, called on its citizens to leave Syria, following similar calls by several other Gulf states in recent weeks.


December 1st, 2011, 6:07 pm


Tara said:


Do you think the agreement between the SNC and the FSA in regard to limiting FSA’s activities to ” defensive” only was prompted by the Turks and the US or was an independent move on behalf of the SNC?

On what is the SNC banking to topple the regime? Internal disintegration?

December 1st, 2011, 6:24 pm


NK said:


Just like a typical mehebakji you back yourself into a corner and then lash out because you can’t find a way out. I did not ask you about your opinion to compare it to mine, I asked you about actual FACTS, what did the Assads accomplish for Syrians over the last 40 years ?

December 1st, 2011, 6:25 pm



Mostly all countries have asked their citizens to leave Syria inmediately. I wonder what will China and Russia ask from their citizens? To stay and support the regime?

Last august many well-informed diplomats in the region were telling their friends to leave Syria as soon as possible, but things seem to need time to change in Syria. Much more than expected.

There is a clear danger of large scale civil war, right, but there is another danger that would justify these demands to leave the country, and this is the danger of an international war with Iran, Syria, Israel and maybe south Lebanon with the use of arms of mass destruction which, proven the stupìdity of syrian leaders, could lead to a major disaster in or around Damascus.

I prefer not to imagine the consequences of Israel attacking Iran and Syria-HA responding from their territories, what would bring a catastrophic result. We have never been nearer to this hypotesis.

December 1st, 2011, 6:37 pm



NK @138
As a proud Syrian who is very proud of what the Syrian Army achieved over the years, I would like to shed some light for you to appreciate why you also should be proud of the Syrian Army.

One attack on an undefended building under construction in the desert near Deir El-Zor was not worth a direct retaliation or a strong reaction, unless Syria would admit that it was a strategic facility that required a very strong reaction.

To support the Syrian claim that it was merely a warehouse under construction, the decision was made to exercise self restraint.

How many times did Israel violate Syrian airspace or Syrian territory since the disengagement of forces in 1974? Is that not because of the deterrence provided by the Syrian Army’s capabilities?

Israel knows that every missile fired at Israel in July-August 2006 by HA (tens of thousands were fired) and every tank that was knocked out by a Kornet anti-tank missile, were missiles supplied by Syria.

You can laugh all you want like the idiot you are, but I assure you that Israel was not and is not laughing when it feels so much pain and would not dare to retaliate against Syria.

Strategic parity is what Syria and its army has achieved.

December 1st, 2011, 6:39 pm


jad said:

Ghalyoun ‘menhebkjiyeh’

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December 1st, 2011, 6:42 pm


Hans said:

@ 136
I wonder how many of these statements are written Hytham Khoury of Mr Ghallioun my understanding that Hytham is one of Ghallioun speech writers.
it is naive to believe this guy, he is a crook and will continue to be a crook.
his vision is not further than a boy piss.
It is very naive to believe that he is trying to impress the west with his moderate and democratic view where most of the Arab Spring is turning toward Arab radicalism. it seems the secular voice in Egypt who started the revolution has lost the election and the winner is a combination between the radical and the very radicals the Salafite movement.
his radical views are clear in the script, he is asking for a islamic democracy which means you have majority of radicals in the parliament which makes their laws the laws of the land and obviously the Islamists takes their laws from the Sharia = Syria will be another Taliban country.
the vision, game, gamble are are known to the Syrian people therefore the revolution is not prevailing in spite of all the life lines it has, the western media and the GCC media tried every lie, fabrications new technology to doctor taps, pictures and people on the ground still demanding the Syrian army to enter their towns and cities to protect them from this criminals.
I guess these criminals are going to continue the fight till all are dead, Viva USA, one time kills the radicals with drons next time make them killed in the hands of the syrian Army, very smart stunt.
the Syrian people said their word no to islamists, no to traitors like Ghallioun, no to criminal thugs.
Syrians want a new country but not the one proposed by

December 1st, 2011, 6:57 pm


Tara said:

Syria Opposition Leader Interview Transcript
‘Stop the Killing Machine’

Burhan Ghalioun, the leader of the Syrian National Council, Syria’s main opposition group, spoke with The Wall Street Journal Wednesday at his home in south Paris. It was his first major interview as SNC president. Below, an edited transcript.

The Wall Street Journal: Do you feel there is momentum, despite criticisms that the Syrian opposition didn’t organize as quickly as the Libyans, building for international recognition of the Syrian National Council?

Burhan Ghalioun: The SNC today is a key player in forming world opinion and policy on how to deal with the Syria issue. We are in continuous discussions with our friends and they consult us and ask for our opinion on every decision they make with regard to Syria.

We’ve agreed with the Arab League on including additional strands of the opposition. I think the SNC has made some major achievements in the past two months. And its presence encouraged Arab and international countries to chart a serious policy to stop the killings going on in Syria and putting a limit to the regime.

I feel there is a serious acceleration of events towards Syria and the measures that were taken puts the Syrian regime in the position of a fallen regime, a regime that is impossible to sustain its existence. We were asking our friends in Europe and the world to get to a point that illustrates to the public in Syria that there is no intention whatsoever in keeping Assad in power.

WSJ: Why haven’t any governments formally recognized the council as an alternate government to Damascus?

Mr. Ghalioun: There are complicated legal issues that need to be resolved. They tell us that the situation in Libya was different because the Libyans had territory, an army, governance. They can recognize us politically as the representative of the Syrian opposition but not as the legitimate alternative yet, or else they have cut off the path of any relations with the regime.

WSJ: Are you modeling yourselves on the Libyan rebels?

Mr. Ghalioun: We believe the Syrian situation is completely different than the Libyan. We still believe we can count on the state agencies and ministries and their functions, and our civil servants.

WSJ: How is the SNC funding its operations?

Mr. Ghalioun: Up until now, the council has been funded by donations from generous Syrian businessmen. We have been promised help from several Arab states. We are open to receiving donations. Among them are the Libyans for example. They don’t have the liquidity now but they have pledged. Even counting donations inside Syria, around 90% are from businessmen.

WSJ: What are you lobbying international governments for?

Mr. Ghalioun: We asked for economic sanctions; we asked for coordination between the Arab League, the EU, Turkey, and the West. We asked the support of these countries at the U.N. Security Council. I asked the Lady Ashton to create a financial fund to support the Syrian people. She replied that this is an important mater and would be discussed.

We asked them to send a message to the regime with warnings that there is no way out. We asked to apply pressure on Russia and China and to make use of all civilian protection measures. This is why foreign minister Juppe called for a humanitarian corridor.

WSJ: You’ve openly called for the protection of civilians in Syria. Can you clarify what proposals are on the table and where they stand?

Mr. Ghalioun: The main obstacle is the Security Council – the veto by Russia and China. All suggestions and proposals are ways to evade or bypass the veto and find a way to protect civilians. Our main objective is finding mechanisms to protect civilians and stop the killing machine. If a humanitarian corridor is able to achieve this, then that is important. We think the use of these mechanisms collectively will help in weakening the regime.

WSJ: How might a corridor or buffer zone be enforced without a Security Council resolution? Will all scenarios entail foreign intervention?

Mr. Ghalioun: We say it is imperative to use forceful measures to force the regime to respect human rights. But this doesn’t mean military intervention to topple the regime. This is different than the organized military intervention that happened in Iraq for regime change. We count on Syrians to bring down the Syrian regime. We want the international community to stop the oppression of the Syrian people.

WSJ: Which scenarios are most viable now?

Mr. Ghalioun: These are measures that must be discussed collectively in the international community, between the Arab states, the Europeans, the U.S. The choices are tied to the capabilities of nations that are willing to help the Syrian people. The council will be discussing with all sides—the Arab League and the western nations and Turkey—to see which mechanisms are most viable and which can best serve the Syrian people.

There is no developed plan yet. There are options offered at the international level, we are discussing it with our friends, but nothing has been decided yet on the regional or international level.

WSJ: It seems like talks over civilian protection and other intervention options have picked up recently, over just the last week from French Foreign Minister Juppe and others. Have talks accelerated and where are they headed?

Mr. Ghalioun: Yes, there is a great acceleration. We are in contact with our friends; we will meet with the foreign minister of Turkey who is thinking of this with the Europeans to discuss the developments in what he mentioned as a no-fly zone. We don’t still have sufficient information on these quick and many discussions between parties that are happening on the Syrian situation between the Arabs, Turkey, and the West.

WSJ: Are they more threats than planned proposals at this point?

Mr. Ghalioun: These matters are still in negotiation. But threats sometimes develop into plans.

WSJ: Is a no-fly zone a possible resolution from your discussions in the past few weeks, as these talks continue?

Mr. Ghalioun: The decision is related to curbing Russia’s use of the veto [at the Security Council]. The guarantee of Russia not using its veto would be the lack of foreign intervention. The matter is now one of extended negotiations: how to convince Russians to participate in some kind of intervention that would not transform into a Libya-style military intervention. The case must be made for this intervention to be one within the bounds of civilian protection, and create the necessary conditions for the Syrians themselves to decide and not make the decision on their behalf.

WSJ: Have the Russians indicated a shift in position?

Mr. Ghalioun: We met with them ten days ago and I think the Russian position has evolved relatively and will continue to develop. We convinced the Russians that we do not want Syria to be involved in a full scale military intervention and that we want Russia to be involved in all decisions on humanitarian intervention, if it fears that it will be marginalized. We asked them to participate in the context of a Security Council decision that will ward off a NATO intervention in Syria.

This is what I told the Russians: we came here to ward off foreign intervention, not to legitimatize it. If we wanted military intervention, we wouldn’t have come to Russia. We came to Russia to put pressure on your friends in Syria to accede to a negotiated, peaceful solution.

Negotiation does not mean settling or talks with the regime; it’s a negotiation on a transfer of power. These are negotiations with the regime towards the government that represents the people, not a settlement with the regime.

WSJ: What are the prospects of a negotiated transition from the Assad rule?

Mr. Ghalioun: I think the Arab League gave the final chance for a negotiated solution. Unfortunately, the regime rejected this and closed the door on a negotiated solution for now. We are among a different set of options today.

WSJ: Has Mr. Assad been offered asylum?

Mr. Ghalioun: Assad got several offers of asylum. The Arab League and Turkey offered Assad to help find him a safe haven. It is clear that he wants to continue and I believe he is not mature and he doesn’t have a grasp on reality. He is delusional.

WSJ: You met this week with the leadership of the Free Syrian Army. Have you decided to endorse the dissident army and what is cooperation like between the groups?

Mr. Ghalioun: We went there for two objectives; to coordinate its plans with the council to fulfill the council’s strategy and the strategy of the peaceful revolution. We told them we want them to focus their operations on the protection of civilians and not to perform offensive attacks on the military. We told them offensive operations can lead to two armies in the country and push us to civil war.. But defending innocent civilians is a duty of these defected soldiers.

Our second objective was to help the army to organize all the forces carrying arms in cities and neighborhoods to avert the potential of armed elements that we don’t have control over. We do not want, after the fall of the regime in Syria, armed militias outside the control of the state. They assured us that they will implement our agreement and abide by our request not to launch any offensive operation. They also assured us what happened recently [alleged attacks on state forces] may have been different groups. We will investigate this.

Let us be clear: there are no Salafist armed groups in Syria. Those carrying arms are mostly members of the dissident army. The armed groups are defected soldiers. But they are not all organized. After they defect, they often disappear into different neighborhoods as they struggle for their safety. They need salaries, they need guarantees for protection, they need livelihoods. That is the way everyone will be brought together.

WSJ: Would you help finance or arm the Free Syrian Army?

Mr. Ghalioun: There has been no arming of the Free Syrian Army, they are defecting with their light weapons. If they want arms, and if it is to protect themselves, then yes. But we are a political body, we are not going to get involved in arming the FSA despite the fact that we acknowledge that they need to protect civilians and themselves.

WSJ: How was the Syrian National Council formed and could it widen its base?

Mr. Ghalioun: The council was formed as a coalition between seven different political entities. These entities presented names of different people that would represent them. The representation in this way does not in fact adequately represent women and some minorities. We strive now, and we discussed in our last meeting, to open up the council to new political forces and personalities to improve the participation of minorities and of females.

We are aware of the importance of minorities, even beyond proportionately, to ease their fears. We believe they should even be overrepresented in the SNC so they are assured they are partners in the future life of Syria. Syrians have a national identity beyond the sectarian divide. Syria’s national identity would be weaker and poorer if it didn’t have this beautiful pluralism between Arabs, Kurds, and sects.

WSJ: What is the role of Islamist groups in Syria’s opposition?

Mr. Ghalioun: I don’t think there is a real fear in Syria of a monopoly of Islamists—not even 10%. In this regard, Syria is different than the other Arab nations. The Syrian Muslim Brotherhood has been in exile for 30 years and their internal coordination is non-existent. The people who are protesting and society in general, are pious. But not every Muslim is an Islamist. This is a big mistake [in perception]. Being someone who prays or fasts doesn’t mean you want an Islamic state. Islam in the form of the Iranian state has been defeated in the Arab world. All Islamist movements now want to copy the Turkish model.

The model we really need to look at is Tunisia. The Nahda party won the majority—but they went for a coalition government.

WSJ: The council’s leadership is assigned for three months terms. When does the current term end and who will lead a transitional government?

Mr. Ghalioun: To respect democratic principles, the president has a three months term, and it can be extended. My term began in October for three months. Extension is something that will be discussed—it’s a possibility.

The transitional government will be formed by the SNC and it will also include others from the opposition, technocrats, and military leaders who don’t have blood on their hands. A transitional period of a year is needed to assure parties can prepare and organize, and also draft a new election law.

It should be clear that the regime and the state are separate. We don’t want the state to collapse. We want to make use of the different agencies of the state and make them function. A national reconciliation committee will be formed during this period. Intelligence and security services will also be brought under control. There will be the release of all political prisoners. And prosecution will start for those who were committed and involved in crimes against humanity in Syria. They will be brought to justice.

WSJ: Have you attempted any negotiations with Alawites as part of a potential transition process? What has been the feedback?

Mr. Ghalioun: Many lines of communication are open with many Alawites in Syria, and many strongly oppose the policies of the regime. But they’re very scared, they fear double persecution; they are afraid because the regime’s revenge will be hardest on them. The regime made the Alawites, as a sect, appear suspect or affiliated to the regime’s atrocities; this is not the case. On the contrary, this regime treated the Alawites the worst and those from the Alawite community that benefited from this regime make only a tiny percentage. The worst thing the regime did is recruiting their youngsters and militarizing them.

Alawites should be equal before the law, to have jobs in the economy, and have the chance to be employed in various sectors beyond in the security or army apparatus.

WSJ: How will the council alleviate fears among Syria’s religious minorities, beyond Alawites?

Mr. Ghalioun: We know there are major pressures on all the sects—even the Sunnis—from the regime so it can maintain the narrative it wants. They’ve essentially been held hostage by the regime. We are working hard with spiritual leaders on this. We recently met the head of international relations at the Vatican. We have requested a meeting with the pope. We are also planning a meeting with the orthodox patriarchs in Russia. We are in contact with various spiritual leaders on the grounds to boost the participation of minorities in the revolution.

The program of the SNC is built on criminalizing discrimination and that all Syrian citizens are equal before the law. There will be no discrimination between majority and minority on the base of religion in the new Syria; it will be a political majority.

The best assurance the role of minorities can be given is that they will not be viewed as minorities but as citizens. We want to avoid the Iraqi model and the Lebanese confessional model that emphasizes the sectarian divide.

WSJ: You’re a native of Homs. Do you see Homs as already having slipped into civil war?

Mr. Ghalioun: There is no civil war in Homs and there will be no civil war in Syria. There are some negative reactions, there is great tension, but there is a huge will on behalf all parties not to slip into sectarian conflict.

Despite all the sectarian policies the regime used, Homs still maintains some kind of coexistence. The coordination committees inside keep raising banners ‘no to sectarianism.’ There is true resistance on the grassroots level to counter the regime’s attempts. We need to stay aware.

In many cities where the sects coexist, spiritual leaders have created committees to work on this, in Homs and other places. We have called for the creation of local councils to try to extinguish the flame of any sectarian tension.

WSJ: Is a Alawite coup still possible in your view?

Mr. Ghalioun: It’s very possible, these options are still open. The public is waiting for this moment to hear this good news.

WSJ: Will the state security apparatus be dismantled as part of a transition period?

Mr. Ghalioun: There are now several security arms and our plan is to gather all these agencies under the ministry of interior where they are all subject to the law. In their current form, they are now militias; at the foremost of them are the ‘shabiha’ who are paid mercenaries subject to no law and no order. All of these people will be subject to the law. A new Syria will not be a revengeful Syria; we will follow the pattern of South Africa. The most important lesson from that experience is the reconciliation council. People will not be punished unless they are found to have perpetrated acts of shooting or killing.

WSJ: What are your views on federalism and what will the nature of a new Syrian state be?

Mr. Ghalioun: All parties are calling for a civil, democratic pluralistic state treats its citizens as equal in front of the law. Civil is a version of secular — secular in the way that it assures it is neutral towards religions and sects, and assures the separation of state and society. The exact term “secularism” has a negative connotation in the Arab world, so we prefer use the term “civil.”

WSJ: Would Shari’a law be accommodated?

Mr. Ghalioun: The source of legislation will be the parliament, and if the parliament is made up of a majority of Muslims, it will reflect their culture or propensities. In today’s Syria Shari’a is one of many sources of legislation. This is one way of satisfying religious sentiment of the people. We want a true democratic system that represents the wills and aspirations of its citizens.

WSJ: Syria currently has a strategic relationship with Iran and Hezbollah. How would a new Syrian government position itself vis-à-vis these governments? What would relations be like?

Mr. Ghalioun: The current relationship between Syria and Iran is abnormal. It is unprecedented in Syria’s foreign policy history. A new Syria will be an indispensable part of the Arab League and it will work on improving the role of the Arab League and the role of Arab states regionally, specifically because they took a historic and unprecedented decision to back the Syrian people.

Syria is the center of the Arab Orient. It cannot live outside its relationship with the Arabian Peninsula, the Gulf countries, Egypt and others. We need economic and investment support from our fellow Arabs the future. Our future is truly tied to the Arab world and the Gulf in particular. In the future we will need a lot of serious financial and economic support to rebuild Syria.

Our relations with Iran will be revisited as any of the countries in the region, based on the exchange of economic and diplomatic interests, in the context of improving stability in the region and not that of a special relationship. There will be no special relationship with Iran.

This is the core issue—the military alliance. Breaking the exceptional relationship means breaking the strategic military alliance. We do not mind economic relations.

WSJ: Is there a sense on how the support of Hamas and Hezbollah would change?

Mr. Ghalioun: Our relationship with Lebanon will be of cooperation, and mutual recognition and exchange of interests and seeking with the Lebanese to improve stability in the region. As our relations with Iran change, so too will our relationship with Hezbollah. Hezbollah after the fall of the Syrian regime will not be the same. Lebanon should not be used as it was used in the Assad era as an arena to settle political scores.

WSJ: Would there still be a major priority on reclaiming the Golan Heights?

Mr. Ghalioun: We hope that the political and geopolitical conditions will be more conducive to reclaiming the Golan through measures of negotiation. The Golan is a real indicator of Syria’s sovereignty and stability; there is no doubt it will be returned. We are banking on our special relationship with the Europeans and western powers in helping us in reclaiming the Golan as fast as possible.

WSJ: Do you have open communication with Hezbollah or Hamas?

Mr. Ghalioun: Many opposition members wanted to meet with Hezbollah and Iran, and present their case and explain this wasn’t a foreign conspiracy. But the continued position of Hezbollah, and the negative role their media outlets played, closed this door.

We do have channels with the PLO.

WSJ: Is there a concern over how the state’s stockpile of chemical and biological weapons will be handled?

Mr. Ghalioun: This is an important matter and will be part of the general discussions on armaments in the country later in the future and how we progress in the negotiations on the Golan front. As a principle, we are against the presence of any weapons of mass destruction and nuclear proliferation.

WSJ: How long can the regime survive under the protracted unrest and sanctions, in your view?

Mr. Ghalioun: I believe the regime will be able to continue to finance itself up to a limit. The Iranians are helping and supporting Assad. We think the situation of those serving around the regime will deteriorate a lot. They will give up their support for Assad. That is the primary objective of sanctions: to force those around the regime to drop their support.

All of the businessmen are annoyed because of Assad’s handling of the situation and bad governance. They blame him for what’s happening.

The logical estimates for the government’s foreign exchange reserves is between $7 billion and $8 billion. The economy has contracted by at least 10% this year.

We’re not fortune-tellers but I think the regime has entered a tunnel it can’t exit. The matter will take months. There isn’t even a 1% chance that Assad will survive. The only way he can carry on—if he does—is to continue the killing. They know if they stop killing they’re over.

WSJ: What is your view of the U.S. role on Syria?

Mr. Ghalioun: Only recently we started to see countries realize they are very late and have to support change. The Americans aren’t far removed from what happens. They are participating in creating Western, European, Arab, and Turkish public opinion. I believe they are choosing a back seat strategy of cooperation. This is a good strategy, and I think Syrians want international cooperation and cooperation among the Arab states and the international community to guarantee the stability and sovereignty of their nation. We want Arabs to have the first role.

I think a big part of Syrian public opinion prefers that Arab nations lead the way on Syria. They truly fear what happened in Iraq.

The Syrian people will never forget those who extended their hand to help them rid of their dictatorship. The Syrian people also would love to be friends with all nations. I think the new Syria will contribute greatly to the return of regional stability and the birth of common development with Arab nations and the region. The only exception is those countries that still harm the Syrian peoples and take some of their rights. We are looking for a region where cooperation, prosperity, and peace flourish.

WSJ: Many were surprised to see protests sweep through Syria this year. Why do you think it happened?

Mr. Ghalioun: There’s a deep change in the Arab psyche. No one can tolerate any longer the rule of regimes that have lost their legitimacy in the eyes of people. In the past ten years people’s aspirations changed. The idea of an Islamic state or nation reached a deadline. The general trend in the population in the last ten years was towards democracy. All these attempts to democratize or reform brought no fruit.

People in Syria were terrified of the security services. Tunisia and Egypt brought new horizons, new light to the Syrian. When the volcano erupted it was clear there was an accumulation of disappointment that couldn’t be quelled. This explains the courageous determinations of protesters today. Freedom for Syrians today comes before bread, before life.

December 1st, 2011, 7:02 pm



My comment @136 was in response to yours @141.

Josh, Alex check what is wrong with the posts sequencing.

December 1st, 2011, 7:22 pm


irritated said:

134. NK

Like a typical “educated’ expat you keep asking and whatever answers I would give you’d come back your same mantra: I hate the Assads.

Live with your frustration and your hatred and let it eat you up. Can you allow normal people in Syria not to share your negative psychological state of mind?

December 1st, 2011, 7:36 pm


NK said:


That’s a good one, thanks for a good laugh

May I remind you that we (Syria) did not respond when Israel attacked us, but you expect us to respond if they attack Iran ? get real.

December 1st, 2011, 7:37 pm


Bronco said:

Tara #136

Ghalioun’s interview convinced me even more that the guy is not a politician but a naive theorician, almost childish in his views of the geopolitical game in the region. His replies are not grounded. He floats in a limbo of academic theories and clichés.
There are so many pearls I can’t recall them all:

“The relation of Syria with Iran is abnormal” and what about his relation with Turkey?

” Force Iran and Russia to drop their support” He is he one who is going to force these huge countries to change their mind?

“there is no doubt it ( The Golan) will be returned. We are banking on our special relationship with the Europeans and western powers in helping us in reclaiming the Golan as fast as possible.”
What a childish statement!… unbelievable

I think that as long as this guy leads the opposition, nothing will come out of it. It is time he steps down, so one courageous and pragmatic person comes and say let’s negotiate with the regime , now that the regime is weaker, and work on staged reforms and reconciliation.
Ghalioun should leave to save the opposition from a collapse.

December 1st, 2011, 7:55 pm


zoo said:

Like Saudi Arabia, Turkey has “moderate” moslem mujahideen fighting in Afghanistan.

‘21 Turks killed in US drone attack’

ISTANBUL- Hürriyet Daily News

A jihadist propaganda website releases a statement to announce the deaths of 21 Turks in a drone attack by the United States on the Pakistan-Afghan border.

Twenty-one Turks fighting along the Afghan-Pakistan border have been killed in air strikes by the United States in Afghanistan, according to reports.

Gazavat Media, a jihadist propaganda website, released a statement that announced the deaths of 21 “Turkish mujahedeen affiliated with the Haqqani group,” according to the SITE Intelligence Group. The statement was released on jihadist web forums on Nov. 30. The date of the death and the exact location was not disclosed.

Musa Üzer, secretary-general of the Free Thought and Education Rights Association (Özgür-Der), an Istanbul-based Islamist organization, told the Hürriyet Daily News yesterday that they were “proud of our martyrs.”
“They were in the war zone voluntarily to stand up against the imperialists’ occupation of the Muslim world,” said Üzer. “Their fighting is self-defense in the name of God and jihad.”

December 1st, 2011, 8:10 pm


Akbar Palace said:

Apologies You’d Like to Read but never Happen;)

Hi, Professor Josh here,

I just wanted to say that after years of promoting President Bashar Assad of Syria, I’ve finally come to the conclusion that he wasn’t “best alternative” after all.

Please accept my apology for backing the wrong horse. I really thought his “resistance” foreign policy was sort of cute and annoyingly anti-American, I guess I just didn’t really understand how much it hurt the Syrian people.

Anyway, I have to write a book and give some more interviews.



December 1st, 2011, 8:20 pm


zoo said:

Why is Erdogan pampering the Syrian ‘guests’ in Hatay and leaving his own people of destroyed Van in the cold?

Gov’t under fire for Syria policies

ANKARA – Hürriyet Daily News

Turkey’s main opposition yesterday charged that sanctions slapped on Syria would deal a blow on trade and raised questions over Syrian refugee camps as news emerged they had been equipped with winter-proof tents that quake victims lacked in Van.

December 1st, 2011, 8:22 pm


irritated said:

141. Akbar Palace

Don’t you think it is too early to cry victory for the mule Ghalioun over the horse Bashar?

December 1st, 2011, 8:24 pm


NK said:


You really can not come up with one positive accomplishment for these thugs ? anyways keep on dodging the question and coming up with childish replies, I hope it feels worm and cozy in that corner of yours, as for your condition try some calamine lotion 😉

December 1st, 2011, 8:25 pm


irritated said:

@NK 144

There is no accomplishment at all. You win. Do you feel better now?
Otherwise try Ativan.

December 1st, 2011, 8:28 pm


Tara said:


I disagree.   He sounded great and defiinitely a leader material.  He nicely outlined the Days after Besho.  He wants to preserve Syria’s ministries, agencies, and civil servants.   He clearly differentiates between the regime and the state.  He is not calling for revengeful Syria and making clear that no collective punishment will be taking place yet justice will be served by prosecuting people who committed killings.  He is emphatic about general reconciliation- South African style, a good example.  He wants to have minorities over represented in the transitional government to alleviate their fear.  He emphasizes the Arabic milieu of Syria and the need for rebuilding future Syria’s economy with the help of the Arab’s investments.  He will not negotiate with a murderer but insisted on the peaceful path of the resistance.  He is staying true to the 4000 dead.  He was successful and effective in changing the future role of the FSA from an armed militia and restrained its activities to self defense an protection of the civilians.

Yes, his statement in regard to the Golan heights sounded a bit wishful thinking but his vision is very clear and consistent.   

December 1st, 2011, 8:32 pm


zoo said:

Syria suspends the free trade agreement with Turkey

Syria takes retaliatory measures after new Western sanctions
DAMASCUS, Dec. 1 (Xinhua) — The Syrian government on Thursday suspended its membership in the Union for the Mediterranean (UFM) as well as the Syrian-Turkish free trade agreement, in retaliation to new sanctions of the European Union (EU) and Turkey.

A Syrian foreign ministry spokesman announced Thursday Syria’s boycott to the UFM, a regional alliance consisting of the 27 EU member states and 16 neighbor countries, “until Europe abrogates its sanctions.”

In a statement, the spokesman said “the EU has undertaken a series of unwarranted sanctions that targeted the livelihood of the Syrian people,” adding that the sanctions entail a flagrant violation of Syria’s national sovereignty and interfere in the country’s internal affairs, contrary to the essence of the signed agreements between the EU and Syria.

The EU decided on Thursday to place further restrictive measures against Syria “in light of the continued repression” in the country.

In retaliation, the Syrian government suspended Thursday the free trade agreement with Turkey that came into force in 2007, according to official SANA news agency.

The Syrian government is considering other measures to commensurate with those announced by the Turkey, said SANA.

Thursday’s sanctions came two days after the Arab League (AL) hit Syria with economic sanctions. Syrian Foreign Minister Walid al-Moallem has recently accused the AL of attempting to internationalize the Syrian crisis, and said the sanctions closed all windows with Syria.

“If the AL cancels the sanctions, the door may be opened once again for cooperation,” he said.

Syria accuses the West and their Arab allies of supporting armed groups to plunge Syria in chaos with the aim of toppling President Bashar al-Assad’s regime and replacing it with an Islamic regime instead.

December 1st, 2011, 8:32 pm


Bronco said:

#146 Tara

In my view, he is articulate but it is all ‘wishful thinking’.
Time will tell.

December 1st, 2011, 8:37 pm


N.Z. said:

Can someone educate me on Iskandarun?

December 1st, 2011, 8:40 pm


majedkhaldoun said:

Sorry to be late, your comment # 133

“Do you think the agreement between the SNC and the FSA in regard to limiting FSA’s activities to ” defensive” only was prompted by the Turks and the US or was an independent move on behalf of the SNC? ”
It is to save FSA so it can be used in coordination with political decision.

December 1st, 2011, 8:41 pm


N.Z. said:

121. Haytham Khoury said:

??????? ??????? ???? ?? ???? ????? ?????? ??????!
Father Paulo said, he will rather stay silent than leave the country.

His statement summarizes the regime. Luckily, unlike the thousands who expressed their opinions, and now are either jailed, maimed or dead, Father Paulo was ordered to leave.

December 1st, 2011, 8:49 pm


majedkhaldoun said:

You said ” They can worship who ever they want.”

I do not think you are familiar with Alawite religion
If a person there is considered God, He can have any woman he wants,so people will offer their wives daughters and sisters to him to sleep with any time he wants,the morality is zero.
,Nor I think you know enough about Iskandaron
“Can someone educate me on Iskandarun”
Can you tell us more about your background?

December 1st, 2011, 8:56 pm


Akbar Palace said:

Don’t you think it is too early to cry victory for the mule Ghalioun over the horse Bashar?


It is already a victory. The people have spoken. Democracy is great, you get a bad leader like Obama and Carter, and 4 years later, you give someone else a chance.

December 1st, 2011, 9:01 pm


Tara said:

Bronco, Majed

It is now clear to me after reading Ghalioun’s interview that the SNC and the AL are influencing the US and the EU strategies dealing with Syria and not vice versa. SNC is not going to transform Syria into a kSA’s or a western’s puppet. The US, the NATO, and Turkey’s repeated statements in regard to no plan for military intervention are a mere reflection of the position of the SNC. Yet this should not put Bashar at peace of mind. Should the killing continued, human corridors or no fly zone will be enforced and yes with the Russian approval. I am now much less anxious about the ultimate victory of the Syrian revolution. I think the opposition has an action plan to topple the crime family and an action plan for LAB (life after Besho). I do not believe the SNC will allow the country into civil war. I think Ghalioun is one honest person who is not interested in power for the sake of being powerful. I do hope that his 3month term get extended. Finally, I like his vision in regard to a year out before multiparties election to give time to true parties to organize. Finally, I loved his acknowledgement that freedom for Syrians today comes before bread, and even before life. Very articulate indeed.

December 1st, 2011, 9:08 pm


Amir in Tel Aviv said:


Thank you for linking the WSJ interview. It’s an interesting read, and Mr. Ghalioun appears to be the right person at the right moment. It’s obvious that he understand how politics works.

I’m sure that some Sheiks and Mullahs are freaking out now, as we speak.

December 1st, 2011, 9:10 pm


Bronco said:

Tara #146

“He will not negotiate with a murderer but insisted on the peaceful path of the resistance.”

Sorry, where did he say he will not “negotiate with a murderer”? I did not read find it in his interview.

I think he is under heavy pressure to do exactly that. This is why probably he did not dare say it.

December 1st, 2011, 9:28 pm


Tara said:


Yes. I like how he simply explained that yes the great majority of the people who demonstrated and the society in general are pious people. Yet, he made a clear distinction between Muslims and Islamists. A great mistake in perception in the west. The mere fact of praying and fasting does not make one wanting a Shariaa law. As simple vas that! In few sentences, he eloquently summarized the psych of the Sunni majority in Syria: Muslim, pious but not Islamic, not interested in the literal fanatic interpretation of shariaa and definitely not interested in imposing their world’s views on all.

December 1st, 2011, 9:31 pm


zoo said:

In Egypt, the Moslem Brotherhood is a ‘moderate’ islamic movement.

“The results are expected to show the Muslim Brotherhood, a moderate Islamist movement banned for decades by Mubarak, as the dominant force after it said its party had taken at least 40 percent of the vote in preliminary counting.

The battle for second place had been seen as between secular liberals and hardline Islamists who follow the strict Salafi brand of Islam, but local media indicated the latter were poised to prevail with more than 20 percent.”

December 1st, 2011, 9:36 pm


Shami said:

This picture summarize the civilizationel level of bashar regime.
Those corrupt souls of menhebakjiyeh will have to explain their stance in post assad Syria.

December 1st, 2011, 9:37 pm


Darryl said:

113. KHALID TLASS said:

“(You should be celebrating SNP, MJABALI, DARYLL, SNK, etc.).”

Khalid, I would advise you to remove my name from this type of discussion when it comes to violence. The only person who openly talks and promotes violence against others is you. Mention my name directly if you have something to discuss!

December 1st, 2011, 9:38 pm


Tara said:


“Negotiation does not mean settling or talks with the regime; it’s a negotiation on a transfer of power. These are negotiations with the regime towards the government that represents the people, not a settlement with the regime.

WSJ: What are the prospects of a negotiated transition from the Assad rule?

Mr. Ghalioun: I think the Arab League gave the final chance for a negotiated solution. Unfortunately, the regime rejected this and closed the door on a negotiated solution for now. We are among a different set of options today.”
I could be wrong but this only meanS SNC will negotiate transition of power not a negotiation towards the promised reforms.

December 1st, 2011, 9:38 pm


NK said:

A sample of regime supporters

December 1st, 2011, 9:47 pm


Haytham Khoury said:


Thank you for the Ghalioun interview.

December 1st, 2011, 10:04 pm


Norman said:

This might explain why Syria has been confident and able to stone wall the Arabs and the West, Russia is stretching it’s muscles.

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December 1st, 2011, 10:09 pm


ss said:

????? ?????? ?????? ??????? ???????? ????????

December 1st, 2011, 10:12 pm


N.Z. said:

Educating women will eliminate many of her problems, unfortunately it will not eradicate them. The good, the bad and the ugly are all around us.

No I did not know. It is my first time hearing about it.

What I know is that Bashar is a criminal, also every man and woman that has blood on his or her hands. They should be brought to justice and punished accordingly. But I do not believe ordinary men and women who are supporting the regime are criminals. They are complacent in supporting a mass murderer and this complacency might be higher in one group, but you find it in all other groups.

I care more about people than anything else, regardless of their background. I judge people according to their deeds. This is who I am, and this is what I’ve been thought. I hope this answers your question.

I will like to know more about Iskandarun, than from reading Wikipedia. What happened to the Syrians in that region.

December 1st, 2011, 10:17 pm


ss said:

“159. Shami said:

This picture summarize the civilizationel level of bashar regime.
Those corrupt souls of menhebakjiyeh will have to explain their stance in post assad Syria”

SHAMI; I advice you to take couple of Ativans before you sleep. Perhaps a shot of whiskey. The regime closed the doors. Your Galion is feeling the pain. Go and count your eggs; make sure you are not missing one

December 1st, 2011, 10:19 pm


Norman said:

Separating Syria from Iran is the goal,

Send Email

Ghalioun: ‘I will cut Damascus’s relationship to Iran & end arms supplies to Hezbollah & Hamas!’

“A Syrian government run by the country’s main opposition group would cut Damascus’s military relationship to Iran and end arms supplies to Middle East militant groups such as Hezbollah and Hamas, the group’s leader said, raising the prospect of a dramatic realignment of powers at region’s core.Burhan Ghalioun, the president of the Syrian National Council, said such moves would be part of a broader Syrian reorientation back into an alliance with the region’s major Arab powers…Ghalioun, said from his home in south Paris. “We say it is imperative to use forceful measures to force the regime to respect human rights.”…This year’s political uprisings in the Middle East increasingly have devolved into a power struggle pitting the U.S. and its Arab allies, such as Saudi Arabia, against Iran and its allies. Syria is viewed as the central prize, due to its strategic position and role in the Arab-Israeli struggle.Syria would also appear ripe for realignment. President Bashar al-Assad’s government is Iran’s closest military and strategic ally in the region. Damascus and Tehran coordinate closely in funneling arms and funds to the Hezbollah movement that controls Lebanon and the militant group Hamas, which is fighting Israeli forces.Mr. Assad and many of his top officials are Alawite, an offshoot of Shiite Islam. The regime’s alliance with Iran, which is Shiite-dominated and Persian, is seen as unnatural by Syria’s Sunni Arab majority; Mr. Ghalioun called it “abnormal.” …But several Damascus-based political dissidents, and newer movements for political change, say the council was formed largely outside Syria and doesn’t adequately represent the spectrum of Syrian society. Factions within the SNC have differed over issues of regional autonomy, the question of foreign intervention in Syria’s crisis and the role of religion and Arab nationalism in any new state. The organization has also been hobbled by the lack of operating territory inside Syria and the cohesion of Mr. Assad’s military and government.U.S. and European officials have voiced particular concern about the SNC’s lack of representation for women and religious minorities…A self-declared secular Sunni, he has called for religion and state to be separate. ‘Ghalioun, the self proclaimed Secular & tele-Islamist Yousef Al Qaradawi’In the interview, Mr. Ghalioun stressed that Syria will remain committed to reclaiming the Golan Heights territory from Israel, which Damascus lost during the 1967 Six Day War. But he said Syria would focus its interests through negotiations rather than armed conflict or the support of proxies… … … “There isn’t even 1% chance that Assad will survive,” the SNC president said…”



December 1st, 2011, 10:25 pm


Bronco said:

#161 Tara

Thanks, he does say something about that but not as you put it. While he does not reject the dialog with Bashar Al Assad, he wants that dialog to lead Bashar Al Assad to discuss his own removal. It sounds like a ludicrous request coming from a divided organization that almost no country recognized. Ghalioun sounds a bit megalomaniac.
The Syrian government has totally rejected any dialog about ‘transfer of power’ and Moallem has complained to the AL about the confusion of its texts about the ‘dialog’ and asked for clarification.

In the absence of alternatives , my bet is that the AL will reopen the ‘observers’ issue after accepting the clarifications that Syria has asked for.

Let’s see who will have the last word.

December 1st, 2011, 10:47 pm


jad said:

Ghalyoun ‘menhebkjiyeh’

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December 1st, 2011, 10:47 pm


Norman said:


It is probably more like who is going to blink first.

December 1st, 2011, 10:53 pm


jad said:

????? ?????? ???????? ????? ?????? … ???? ??????
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December 1st, 2011, 11:08 pm


jad said:

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December 1st, 2011, 11:29 pm


Majed97 said:

Russia’s support for Syria is rapidly approaching the level of support the U.S. provides to Israel. The Syrian front is Russia’s wake up call and its last chance to regain some of its lost international influence, not to mention respect, and protect its economic interest. Without Syria, Russia will lose not only in the Middle East, but also in Europe. The Syrian regime’s defiant attitude toward the west is not a bluff; they know they have real muscles on their side, politically and militarily. Dialogue is the only way out.

December 1st, 2011, 11:30 pm


Bronco said:


I agree. Libya’s economical and political take over by the EU and the USA has been a warning to Russia.
By facilitating the emergence of Islamic Sunni regimes, Obama is hoping that Saudi Arabia and Qatar will control them with their money to make them cooperative and ‘moderate’ toward Israel.

For Syria, they are pushing to get yet another Islamic Sunni regime. For Lebanon they want to weaken the Shias and establish a Hariri style moderate Sunni regime.
For Iraq, they seem to have abandon their dream of a Sunni revival and anyway Iraq is rich enough and can’t be bought easily.

All these Sunni Islamic regimes who are relatively poor will be economically dependent on the GCC money and indirectly to the USA.

This is where the coalition Iran-Russia-China is intervening with vigor.
Russia will not allow the USA to control the whole Middle East through its proxies, the rich Gulf countries.
Iran will not allow Sunni regimes to threaten it again like Saddam did. China will not allow the USA and the EU to have the monopoly of the energy resources.

The confrontation is inevitable and either will take the shape of a new cold war or will be settled through secret agreement of sharing between the big powers.

December 2nd, 2011, 12:13 am


NK said:


To those of you who can’t read Arabic, this is a Syrian customs document banning the use of i-phone because of its features!

Speaking of smart-phones, if you live near Bassam AlKadi you better get rid of such devices before he reports you to mukhabarat for being a NATO worshiping traitor. Reading his latest interview posted here by his loyal subjects, human rights are reserved for those he approve of, as for those he deems traitors, well they should be murdered … screw freedom of speech and due justice!
So to you who keep posting whatever this thug utters please make sure to he gets this on my behalf ???.

December 2nd, 2011, 12:35 am


jad said:

!????????? ??????? ???????? ????

December 2nd, 2011, 1:15 am


Habib said:

Could some of the secular anti-regime folks here explain to me if they prefer Salafist rule over Assad rule and why? Because that is the inevitable outcome of a regime-change.

December 2nd, 2011, 1:51 am


Juergen said:

Dear Habib,

first of all i would like to know what is a salafi for you?

You know here in Berlin I have seen some, we even have a salafi mosque. I travelled extensivly throughout Syria, all major cities i have visited, never have i seen Salafis. I have met pious muslims, devot armenian and christian worshipers, even visited the last operating synagoge in damascus after fighting with your muhabarat thugs who wanted to make me believe that in damascus there is no synagoge. I was in Saudi Arabia, there i met Salafis. I know how they talk, how they feel how they dress, and now this Syrian regime is telling the world, if we leave the Salafis will take over, thats a big lie. There is not even a minority support for ichuan, which are by the way not hardlined salafis. Overall the tactic is the same of all dictators, Hitler to give you an german example said in his last speeches that children have to fight and mothers, because the Russian would cometo kill and rape. Habib you know your own countrymen, Syrians are not bigot, they are smart and open minded people. They have the knowledge about each other, all religions used to get along with each other. So dont destroy this unity by repeating the threats of this criminal regime.

December 2nd, 2011, 2:22 am


Revlon said:

“Mr. Ghalioun: To respect democratic principles, the president has a three months term, and it can be extended. My term began in October for three months. Extension is something that will be discussed—it’s a possibility”

Please Mr Ghalioun do not spoil the historic good start of the SNC!
You must set a good precedent and leave once your term is over.

No one is or should be indispensible.

When you leave, the SNC shall miss your special abilities as a leader, only to gain your other ones as an advisor on the executive board.

The SNC shall also be blessed with a new leader with a different blend of, and as admirable abilities, and have the chance epress his leadership skills.

Some of your gestures and statements have been the source of contention on the ground.
Please do not make your extension a cause for more strain on the unity of the revolution.

Thank you Mr Ghalioun for serving as the first leader of the SNC, and becoming the first to leave office by choice!

December 2nd, 2011, 2:25 am



! ????
??? ???????

Salafi @ 182
Can’t answer, you misplaced the word Inevitable

December 2nd, 2011, 3:09 am


jna said:

Why Russia is backing Syria
David Hearst
2 December 2011

While an international noose is tightening around the neck of Bashar-al Assad’s regime in Syria, with Turkey this week doing most of the pulling, one country, other than Iran, is intent on bucking the trend – Russia.

A day after the UN human rights council said that Syrian forces were committing crimes against humanity, and Turkey was considering imposing a buffer zone along its border to protect Syrians, Sergei Lavrov, the Russian foreign minister, said further attempts should be made to engage with Damascus.

Lavrov opposed the idea of an arms embargo, saying it was unfair to expect the Syrian government not respond to unrest. He thought that for the most part armed opposition groups were provoking the Syrian authorities. These were not empty words.

On Monday the state-run English-language channel, Russia Today, reported that Moscow would be sending the aircraft-carrying missile cruiser, Admiral Kuznetsov, and two escort ships on a two-month tour of the Mediterranean and would be dropping in on the Syrian port of Tartus. Six hundred Russian technicians are currently working there to renovate it as a base for Russian ships. Russia Today said the deployment had been long planned, but no one lost sight of the fact that the USS George HW Bush had just appeared off the coast of Syria. On Thursday, a consignment of Russian Yankhont anti-ship cruise missiles arrived in Syria.

Why is Russia engaging so heavily with Syria, where it did not with Libya or Iran? After all, the Russian president Dmitry Medvedev banned the sale of R-300 anti-aircraft missiles to Tehran.

The first answer is money. Apart from active arms contracts worth $4bn, the Moscow Times reported recently that Russia’s investment in Syrian infrastructure, energy and tourism amounts to $19.4bn in 2009. A Russian company, Stroitransgaz, is building a natural gas processing plant 200km east of Homs and is providing the technical support for the Arab gas pipeline. The Tatarstan-based Tatneft began pumping Syrian oil last year and in January vowed to spend $12.8m drilling wells near the Iraqi border.

But that is by no means all of the story. The shadow of Libya weighs heavily on Russia’s policy with Syria. Throughout the Nato intervention, Lavrov said Russia would not recognise the rebels (although that is what they ended up doing), that there was no UN mandate for a ground forces operation, that the Nato intervention caused more casualties than would otherwise have occurred. Back in August Lavrov said: “Russia will do everything it can to prevent a Libyan scenario happening in Syria.”

Even though such a scenario has for now been ruled out by Nato, Admiral Viktor Kravchenko, former chief of naval staff, said Moscow was sending a message to the US and Europe. “Having any military force other than Nato’s is very useful for the region because it will prevent the outbreak of armed conflict,” he said.

This is not as daft as it first seems, although Russia’s naval deployment is no match for Nato, and indeed will be eagerly awaited by them. Naval watchers will be agog to know whether Russia can keep three large ships on the seas without one of them breaking down.

Russia’s fears about a civil war developing in Syria are geostrategic and may not be too dissimilar to some of the more cautious western foreign policy analysts, war-gaming the effects it would have on the region. Russian middle eastern experts compare Syria to Russia’s own province of Dagestan in the North Caucasus.

Unlike its neighbouring Chechnya, Dagestan is patchwork of competing tribes, religions, ethnicities and loyalties, more than 150 of them. If a breakaway Muslim insurgency took hold there, Dagestan would explode like a grenade, sending hot shards of metal and people across southern Russia.

Russian fears of a Lebanese-style civil war breaking out in Syria, with the country fissuring on sectarian lines, may not be as far fetched in three months’ time as they currently seem. Keeping Syria together while getting rid of a vile dictatorship may conversely be a harder task than western leaders pressing for more sanctions realise. Turkey for one is talking big, but acting on the ground more cautiously.

December 2nd, 2011, 4:21 am


Jad said:

??????? ?? ????? ??????

December 2nd, 2011, 4:33 am


Tara said:


Syria is not leading now. She is Iran ‘s puppet. I used to have good views of Iran. I no longer do. Not when they actively participating in the killings of Syrians. They committed fatal mistake. Regimes come and go. People stay.

Syria will cease to become a puppet to anyone when it is a democracy with strong economy, just like…..Turkey.

December 2nd, 2011, 5:33 am


Haytham Khoury said:

?????? ??????? ????? ???? ?????: ??? ????????? ?? ?????? ??????

December 2nd, 2011, 6:07 am


Syria no kandahar said:

Syrian are smart and open minded

December 2nd, 2011, 6:59 am


zoo said:

It seems that despite its claims, the SNC has no control or coordination over the FSA or the LCC, one more confirmation that the SNC is disunited, chaotic, does not represent the Syrians opposition and is taking the country straight to a civil war.

Syria rebels ‘attack intelligence base, kill 8’

Mutinous soldiers have attacked a Syrian air force intelligence base in the northwestern province of Idlib, killing eight people, a rights group said on Friday.

“A group of deserters attacked an air force intelligence centre… killing eight people from the base,” the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said in a statement received in Nicosia.

The Britain-based Observatory said at least 13 people were wounded in the three-hour gunbattle on Thursday between the rebels and intelligence agents at the base, located on a highway to the Mediterranean port city of Latakia.

December 2nd, 2011, 8:06 am


Bronco said:

#184 Juergen

I wonder how do you explain the Iranian situation then. Iranians are as open-minded as the Syrians and they got trapped in an authoritarian religious government that is far less extremist and violent than the Salafists.
This is a very interesting remark of a American Iranian famous journalist Amir Taheri about Salafists

“If it’s foolish to overestimate their strength when they’re part of a broader picture, it’s deadly to underestimate their capacity for harm when they seize all levers of power.:

Read more:

December 2nd, 2011, 8:16 am


irritated said:

$184 Revlon

I doubt Ghalioun will step down. He got the taste of power and he is a convenient, honorable, placid facade for a crooked organization, close to Zionism, Salafism, Moslem Brotherhood, that represent a very small percentage of the Syrians and because of its ineptitude in grasping the situation is bringing the country to a civil war.

I bet he’ll stay.

December 2nd, 2011, 8:27 am


majedkhaldoun said:

You mentioned crooked organisation, you should say Assad Mafia.they are the only one qualify.

you said SNC has no control over FSA or internal opposition, How is it that it is taking the country to a civil war, if it has no control.?

December 2nd, 2011, 8:51 am


irritated said:

#193 Majedalkhadoon

It is a mafia war: a mafia against another mafia.. and the syrians are paying the price.

December 2nd, 2011, 8:56 am


Revlon said:

God is Greater!
We shall kneel, only to God!

Demonstration on Friday of “Security Zone Is What We Need”
Jisr AlShughour, Idlib Governorate
???? – ??? ??????? 2/12 ??????? ??????? ??????

December 2nd, 2011, 8:59 am


Mina said:

Zoo, about Egypt, there are 3 parties issued from the traditional, formerly banned, MB: “Justice and freedom” (the mainstream MB, those who have been discussing with Omar Suleiman and the army to keep in control and have a low-profile when it will come to international institutions); “Light” (the Salafis, usually former MB who refused to denounce jihadism); “Wasat” (the mild MB, those who think that listening to pop music is ok but are some of centre-conservatives).

December 2nd, 2011, 9:03 am


Revlon said:

God is Greater!
We shall kneel, only to God!

Demonstration on Friday of “Security Zone Is What We Need”
AlJbaeileh Neighbourhood, Deir AlZor
2 12 2011

??????? ???????? ???? ??????? ??????? ?????? ????? ?? ?? ???????!

December 2nd, 2011, 9:10 am


Majed97 said:

This statement by the SNC chief (Ghalioun) speaks volumes about the true nature of this “revolution”. It was never about freedom and democracy, as they would have you believe. it’s all about Iran and Israel’s security. If this isn’t a recipe for surrender, then I don’t know what is. He is basically surrendering Syria’s only remaining defense against Israel, namely Iran, Hizbalah, and Hamas. He particularly wants to turn Syria into a political beggar for its rights against Israel; not unlike what they did to the Palestinians through Abbas; and look how well that turned out for the Palestinians…

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December 2nd, 2011, 9:13 am


norman said:


Didn’t we all say that from the beginning of the crises, the Syrian government and the president said that too,
I just hope that the people who are supporting the opposition and still have a drop of Arab Nationalism and support for Arab and Palestinian rights like Majed, will wake up and understand that the goal that the opposition want for Syria is a puppet government that follows and does not lead.

December 2nd, 2011, 9:23 am


irritated said:

#198 Majed97

After this declaration, I have no doubt that Ghalioun is a CIA agent trained to execute a long standing plan: Weaken the Resistance to Israel. In view of the Islamic wave in Arab countries that will very soon show their animosity toward Israel, Ghalioun’s mission is to create a ‘secular’ pro Israeli regime in Syria by cutting off any link between Syria and the Resistance block, Iran and Hezbollah.
Syria will also become a US base affiliated to Turkey to watch Iraq and Iran.

I hope he gets the treatment that spies and traitors deserve.

December 2nd, 2011, 9:28 am


Tara said:


I replied to your post yet miraculously it jumped up.

December 2nd, 2011, 9:36 am


N.Z. said:



A mafia is an organized and closed body of people who have controlling influence and ruthless behaviour.

The one entity that fits this description in Syria is the Assad family.

The people are fed up with the Assad Mafia.

The lack of independent institutions that protects citizens, these protesters had no choice but to fend for themselves. Equating the two is irresponsible and hypocritical to say the least.

December 2nd, 2011, 9:49 am



I think Subhi Hadidi (???? ?????) explains some of the pro-regime people here as he goes through the tired, cracked, and semi-valid mantras and records that we have been constantly bombarded with. I have always admired Subhi, a true clear headed anti-regime intellectual, despite of his constant criticism of another man I highly respect (i.e., Joshua Landis).

?????? ?????? ??????????: ???? ????? ?? ????? ???????
???? ?????

Unfortunately, The Alquds uses relative links for now, which forces one to cut-&-paste the article. My advanced apologies for doing so

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December 2nd, 2011, 9:50 am


Majed97 said:

Yes, but they are now confirming it; from the horse’s mouth. There should be no doubt anymore about where everyone stands.

December 2nd, 2011, 9:53 am


Juergen said:


I was in Iran only once for a monthly trip. I therefore dont have as much insight in their society nor their way of life.
I think the major difference within the schiite community is the stressing of education. An scholar under 40 years does not receive the amount of trust an older and therefore more educated scholar would have. I was once in Togo visiting an local mosque,an young salafi who was from the Tabligh movement was shouting at an old man, he argued that he was performing the prayer wrongly, his arms were down his sides, as all malakis pray that way, such a behaviour i have not seen among schiites. I met some young Iranians and i experienced that most of them exclude all religious issues from their life, there is much hate for the system and the religisation of everydays life. I asked once an very educated young guy for the name of one religious scholar whom i saw on the street in Tehran. His reply was, i dont even think a sec about those dogs…

Well, overall iranian society is much more a diveded one, there are a big number of Iranians who do not care about religion, and who are tired about this matyrdom which is omnipresent in their life. On the other hand there is a large number of Iranians mainly from the south and the rual areas who are pious and have profited a lot from the revolution. Ahmedinejad is their hero, he dresses and looks like them, Chamenei was in that sense a more an fashion ajatollah.

I always like to give this example, all iranians even the pious muslims are devoted to Hafis, the famous poet from Schiras. If you read his diwan it becomes revelant that i guess here about 40% of the poems are abóut wine drinking and the beauty of turkish boys. Even Khomeni wrote an poem about Hafis, stating that he would like to be the bee flying around him… The graveyard of Hafis is in Schiras one of the most beautiful places i have ever seen, all in love would meet and mingle there. When you visit the big mausoleum for Khomeni near Tehran, the feeling is much more different. The architecture is much too heavy, it looks more like a airplane hangar than a gravemosque. I thought that what has this man done to deserve such a misrable place of rest.
I would agree that Iran has not been as agressive for its neighbors or has started an agressive warfare on its neighbors, nonevertheless the financing of terrorist groups throughout the arab world is also a clear statement. The opppression against its citizens is more or less as bad as it was under the Shah, only whats worst is the religious warfare of the regime against opponents and citizens alike which interferes tremendously with the personal freedom.

I dont think that Iran as well as KSA have the formula for the future, both are experiments, and sooner or later we will see the fall of both regimes.

December 2nd, 2011, 9:57 am


Haytham Khoury said:

JNA # 186.

Dear JNA,

I am not sure if you can read Arabic. These are some of my opinion regarding the Russian attitude toward the Syrian crisis.

December 2nd, 2011, 10:19 am


Revlon said:

200 Dear Norman,
Speaking of Arab nationalism!
Who inspires more Arabs and commands the support of more Arab governments? The regime or the revolution?

The revolution commanded most of the support of all of the Arab people surveyed a couple of months ago by the Arab American Institute, as well as the support of 19 of 22 governments of Arab countries in the latest related AL voting!

The regime failed to inspire sympathy amongst Arab people surveyed a couple of months ago by the Arab American Institute.
Further, the regime commanded the support of only two Arab governments:
– One is the Iran-supported-Hisbullah bullied of Lebanon!
– The other is the outgoing yemeni dictatorship.

Placards and Flags in support of the Syrian revolution have become a common scene across the Arab world!

Can you name one country, discounting Hisbullah controlled Lebannon) where Arabs staged a single demonstration in support of the regime????

Arab nationalism as a sense of beloging to a cluture goes back to thousands of years of communal living on the land stretching from the Gulf to the Atlantic.

I leave you with some scenes Demonstrating the point!
Homs thanks Tripoli for their honourable stand with their plight!

Demonstration on Friday of “Security Zone Is What We Need”
Inshaát neighbourhood, Homs
??? ????????? 2 12 2011???? ??????? ??????? ?????? ???? ?? ????

December 2nd, 2011, 10:25 am


Mina said:

Fisk is pointing out at interesting contradictions today. How people on Tahrir were against Mubarak but forgot to be against the regime; how they are now against the military council but not against the army… Still the ghostly patriarch figure, I would say. Do people learn from other’s experience?
But the old Tahrir of January and February is now more a memory than an inspiration. It’s recognisably the same place; the great old apartment blocks and the wicked concrete Soviet-era Mugamma Building – a grey despair-all-ye-who-enter-here tombstone of bureaucracy that the Egyptian revolution shut down – and the rose-pink Egyptian museum and the hulk of the old Hilton and Farouq’s ancient foreign ministry. But the flowering of young courage, the defeat of the cops and their drug-addled “baltagai” thugs in February, the everyone-suddenly-burst-out-singing joy of Mubarak’s overthrow, has ended up in the pit of all revolutions. Hopes betrayed, parties hijacked, cops back on the streets. I remember a woman telling me back then that, “All we want is the departure of Mubarak”, and I said surely she means the system as well, but somehow Tahrir – back then – aimed only at Mubarak and the army were their heroes and all would be well in the best of all possible worlds.

The people won. The dictator fell. Long live free Egypt. And then it turned out that Mubarak had not turned his rule over to the president of the constitutional court – which the 1971 Egyptian constitution says he should have done – but to his old chum Tantawi and the 19 other generals of whom he, Mubarak, had once been an air force comrade. And Tantawi kept appointing or approving more Mubarak chums, not least the very latest Prime Minister, Kamal el-Ganzouri who had been a Mubarak prime minister; a government of the unelected, some of them very elderly indeed, would now “guide” Egypt’s revolution, the old ruling the young. It seems incredible, now, that the Military Council should have arrested so many thousands of demonstrators since the revolution, that so many should have been tortured by cops, that the army would institute virginity tests for arrested women. And yes, what are Egyptian soldiers doing, carrying out virginity tests on young Egyptian women? Is this really the same army of the brave which crossed the Suez Canal in 1973 and won back Egypt’s military glory?

Off the record – of course – an army officer would explain that the tests were to prevent the women claiming later that they had been raped by soldiers. Then, he sniggered, they discovered that the women weren’t virgins anyway. Ye Gods! And not far away from Tahrir was the outrageous sectarian battle which saw an army armoured vehicle driving down Christian Copts, the driver having apparently – I somehow enjoyed this weird explanation – suffered a “nervous” collapse. But no, it’s not the army the people are against. The soldiers are their brothers and uncles and sons. It’s the Military Council.

But from what I saw in Egypt, I can add that the rest of his analysis is wrong and biased. Most people look at those on Tahrir as stupid rich kids who don’t realize that the country has already sky rocketing prices and scarce work, and that more of this will ruin the next touristic season(s), after several plains have been cancel. The claim that “people are afraid that the army will not give back power” has been the rumour spread by the MB 2 weeks before the elections to bring from the 4 corners of the country a “million-man demo” on Tahrir, duly broadcasted with preaches and prayer by al Jazeera, and this got them an extra hundred thousands of undecided voters. I understand that after the MB demo, the “liberals” also wanted to show some strength on the square and point to their legitimacy in starting the revolution, but to let the situation grow more volatile everyday while onle one third of the country has voted (the rest is due to vote in january and february) seems very short-sighted. Welcome to the cheap games of democratic politics.

December 2nd, 2011, 10:31 am


Revlon said:

Demonstrations across Hasakeh
Demonstration on Friday of “No Fly Zone Is What We Need”

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28 minutes ago

December 2nd, 2011, 10:41 am


Bronco said:

Juergen #207

I agree with most of what you wrote about Iran except on some issues

– The majority of Iranians, even the educated ones, are religious, not in an ostentatory manner, but they pray, fast and follow more or less the guidelines of behaviour. It is fundamentally a family oriented and a conventional society. Yet they are very tolerant to the ones who don’t pray or fast. Iranians living in the west remain religious, sometimes even more.

– “the financing of terrorist groups throughout the arab world is also a clear statement”
What terrorists groups are you talking about? The only terrorist groups in the Arab world, fighting against the west and the moderate Arabs are Al Qaeeda totally financed by Saudi Arabia and other gulf states and not by Iran.
If you meant Hezbollah, then you are aligning yourself with the US-Israeli narrative and you disappoint me. Hezbollah and Hamas are political parties in their countries and resistant movements that deserve to be helped to free the occupied land. By the way Turkey is helping Hamas, so Turkey is also a sponsor of terrorism.

– While Iran is going through an experience, another phase in the development of a authentic Iranian form of democracy, Saudi Arabia is at phase zero and can never progress. For two good reasons, contrary to Shiism, Sunni Wahhabism is not progressive and second because the loyalty to the leaders and his family is bought with money and the kingdom has plenty of it.

Salafism is the same as Wahhabism, therefore, in Egypt, they will hamper any progress even if they get a little power and destroy the country if they get too much power.
This is why the Military have already started to raise their voice against any attempt for the new islamic majority to elect a prime minister or to write the constitution.
An excellent article on this subject in a Saudi newspaper:
Egypt: The opportunism of the Brotherhood and the plight of the youth

December 2nd, 2011, 10:50 am


zoo said:

“Syrian opposition spokesman Ahmed Ramadan described the Syrian opposition as being “relaxed”, adding that it is awaiting “important developments this month.” He added “we are working to completely besiege and isolate the Syrian regime, whilst preserving our internal movement and completing the program to dismantle the regime.”

December 2nd, 2011, 10:58 am


Revlon said:

Jr cousin sells his portofolio in cyprus at 15% discount!
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December 2nd, 2011, 11:13 am


irritated said:

#214 Revlon

The property is in Turkish Cyprus or Greek Cyprus?

December 2nd, 2011, 11:23 am


Badr said:

Why the AL is pressuring the Asad regime?


“Then came the Arab spring.

As dictators fell one by one, the league began to wake up. Angry young Arabs were shouting and the risks of appearing not to listen were all too readily apparent.

Ignoring the Arab Spring was not an option. The alternative, to support the push for freedom, was scarcely more palatable for this league of autocrats. But influential players like Saudi Arabia’s King Abdullah knew something had to give.

Facing pressures from western allies, and worried that their own populations were enthusiastically taking up the Syrian opposition cause on social media sites, the more energetic members of the club sat up and took notice.”


December 2nd, 2011, 11:28 am


Juergen said:

Bronco, i am not against political parties or organizations which fight against occupation and severe abuses of human rights. Both parties you mentioned are legitimate parties. I dont have a problem with moral support, but not the armed and financial support which we see nowadays. One may argue without terrorist attacks by the PLO in the 70s we would have not even a chance for an free and independant palestinian state today. But I am truly against that civilians are hurt or targeted, as Hamas and Hisbollah have done. Also the rights of their opponents are not given, we have evidence that f.e in the Gaza strip every year people are killed for being either from other political background, or they differ in their moral standing toward this repressive islamist regime.
People in Gaza with an independent mind told me that now they have two enemies, the Israelis and the Hamas. Its a pity as always, if you preach hate more than love the extremists will take over and dictate the agenda. I know it sounds ackward but the language of war and violence has too long been the only language spoken in the Middle east.

The palestinians have been far too long used as a playball for the arab states as well as for the west. To be honest I dont think Iran even cares for really for them.

You are right with your comment on Saudi Arabia, one can hardly compare Iran and them.

December 2nd, 2011, 11:37 am


Revlon said:

215. Dear irritated,
((#214 Revlon
The property is in Turkish Cyprus or Greek Cyprus?))

Sorry! I do not know for a fact!

I would expect it to be in the Greek side, for it is the side that is recongnised by the EU, the one which uses the Euro, and the one that would enable Makhloof to get a European passport!


December 2nd, 2011, 11:41 am


Tara said:


“What terrorists groups are you talking about? The only terrorist groups in the Arab world, fighting against the west and the moderate Arabs are Al Qaeeda totally financed by Saudi Arabia and other gulf states and not by Iran.”

I am not a fan of KSA or the gulf states yet I don’t think you are correct when you say they financially support Al Qaeda. Provide your evidence if I am mistaken.

Second, I think we both agree that killing civilians is terrorism, No? if so, why is killing civilians by Al Qaeda is terrorism and killing Syrian civilians by IRGs aiding the Syrian regime is not terrorism?

Iran has proved itself as a terrorism sponsering state by being an accomplice of the Syrian regime killing its own people. Don’t you agree?

December 2nd, 2011, 11:58 am


jad said:

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December 2nd, 2011, 11:59 am


irritated said:

#217 Revlon

Makhlouf’s Greek Cypriot citizenship he got in january 2011 has been revoked in July 2011. I guess he has no more reasons to keep a property there.

“The Cypriot interior minister said Wednesday the government was revoking the passport of Syrian tycoon Rami Makhlouf because of EU sanctions imposed against him over the crackdown in Syria.”

“The authorities agreed in 2007 that foreign nationals could receive Cypriot nationality under certain criteria, that include business activity in Cyprus, private home ownership, a minimum of 17 million euros in a Cypriot bank and a clean criminal record, said Mr. Sylikiotis.”

December 2nd, 2011, 12:03 pm


Revlon said:

Palestenian Mundas/armed gangster/terrorist gets the treatment at an Israeli army checkpoint!

The scene is all too familiar,
The language sounds different,
De-meaning is the same!!

December 2nd, 2011, 12:05 pm


Revlon said:

221 Dear irritated,
Thank you kindly for the detailed info.

December 2nd, 2011, 12:08 pm


Bronco said:

#218 Tara

Then Qatar, Saudi Arabia, the USA, the EU etc… are “terrorists” accomplice to the killing of 2000 Lebanese during the 2006 war.

There are also accomplice to the murders of thousands of Palestinians in Gaza etc..etc…
To the death and displacement of millions Iraqis etc.. etc…

This notion of “complicity” is only valid in a moral world, not in politics.

December 2nd, 2011, 12:13 pm


Revlon said:

13 martyrs fell today, and 28 yesterday at the hands of Asad forces across Syria.

AlFatiha upon their souls,
May God bless their families with solace and empower them with fortitude.

???????? ?????? ???? ??????? ??????? ????????

???? ?????? ???????: ???? 13 ?????? ????? ????? ?? ???? “??????? ???????”
?????? 07 ???? 1433?? – 02 ?????? 2011?

??? – ???????.??? ????? – ???? ??? ????
????? ???? ?????? ??????? ???? 13 ?????? ????? ????? ?????? ????? ?????? ?? ??????? ?????? ??? ???? “??????? ??????? ??????”? ?? ????? ??? ?????? ??????? ?????? ???? ?????? ?????? ????? ????? ???? ???????? ??????? ???????? ??????? ?? ?????? ??????? ???? ???? ??????? ????? ??? ????? ?? ???????.

????? ???? “?????? ??????? ?? ???? ?????” ??? ???? “??????”: “??????? ?? ??? ?????? ??? ?????? ????? ?????? ??????? ??????? ???? ?????? ?? ???? ?? ???? ???????? ???????? ??????? ????????? ????????”.

????????? ????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ??????? ????? 28 ????? ?? ?????? ??? ??????? ????? ??? ????????.

December 2nd, 2011, 12:17 pm


jad said:

The EU is becoming more stupid in its sanction list:
Syronics!? Seriously!!
Alwatan and Champress?! but not Althawra, Albaath or Tishreen…come on!

Be ready for reading more article from Alwatan and Champress on SC soon:

??????? ???????? ???? ????? “?????” ??????? ??? ?????? ???????

???? ??????? ???????? ????? “?????” ??????? ???????? ??????? ?????? ?? ????? ????? ???? ?????? ??????? ??? ????? ???????? ??? ?????? ??????? ???????? ??? ??? ??? ??????? ????? ???????? ?????? ????? ?????? ???????.
?????? ??????? ???????? ??? ???? ????? ?? ?????? ??????? ?? ????? ????? “????? ?? ????? ??????? ????? ??? ????? ??? ??????????”.

???? ???????? ??????? ???? ????? ??????? ???????? ?? ????? ????? ????? ??????? ????? ??? ??? ????? ???????? ?? ????? ???? ??????? ????? ???????? ?? ??????????!!.
??? ??????? ???????? ???? ?????? ???????? ?????? ?????? ??????? ??????? ?????? ?? ???? ?????? ??? ???? ??????? ?????? ?? ????? ???? ??????? ???? ??????? ????? ???????? ???????? ???? ???? ??????. ???? ??????? ???????? ???? ?? ????? ????? 12 ????? ?11 ?????? ??? ????? ???????? ??? ???? ??? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ???????? ???????? ????? ??????.
???? ??????? ?? ???????? ???? ???? ??? ??? ?????? ???? ???????? ???????? ?????????? ???????? ???????? ?????? ?????? ??????? ????? ????? ????? ??????? ????? ?????? ??????? ???? ???? ?????? ?????? ??????? 50% ????. ???? ??????? ???????? ?????? ??? ???? ???????? ???????? ?????? ?????? ???????? ????? ?????????? ???????? ????? ?????? ??????????? ????? ???????? ??????? ???????????. ???????? ???????? ???? ??????? ???? ?????????? ????? ???????? ???????? ???? ???? ??????.

December 2nd, 2011, 12:26 pm


Atheist Syrian Salafist Against Dictatorships said:

Several posts back I remember YMG commenting something to the effect that the revolution has yet to produce a good song or singer or something like that (lack of quality, may have been the words,I think).

Well, to my delight I can say that is not the case, for I have discovered a very talented young chap ???? ??? who is committed to the cause, and his voice, well, it speaks for itself 🙂

Longer interviews with some great songs in them

December 2nd, 2011, 12:29 pm


jad said:

For terrorists, any non-‘WHITE’ person killed by the ‘WHITE’ west and their ‘agents’ is Halal, Kosher and within the human rights rules including the 500,000 Iraqi kids, it was ‘worth it’.

December 2nd, 2011, 12:37 pm


jad said:

????? ??????? ???????
???? ?????? – “?????????”

??? ??????? ??????? ??????? ???????? ????????? ???????? ???????? ??????? ?????? ???? ???? ????? ??? ????? ???? ??? ?? ?????? ??? ???? ??????? ??? ??? ??? ?? ??????? ?? ???? ??? ??????? ???.
??? ????? ???????? ???? ????? ?????????? ????? ??????? ??? ??? ????? ???? ????? ??????? ?????????? ??????????? ???????? ?????? ???? ????? ??? ???????? ??????? ??? ??????? ?????? ??? ????? ????? ?????? ??? ????? ?????? ????? ???????? ????? ?????????? ????? ???????? ???? ???? ???????? ????? ????? ???? ???? ?????? ???????? ?????? ?????? ??? ?????? ???? ?? ?????? ???? ????? ??? ???????.
??? ?????? ????????? ?????? ??????? ?????? ???? ???????? ???????? ?????? ???? ????? ??????? ?????????? ????? ????? ???? ??? ??? ??? ????? ?? ????? ?????? ????? ???? ?? ???? ??????? “????? ??????? ???????…” ?????? ???????? ????? ??????? ???????? ??? ??????? ???? ?? ??????? ????? ???????? ??????? ?? ??? ???? ??????.
????? ??? ?????: ?? ?? ???? ????? ??????? ??? ?????? ???????? ????????? ?????????? ?????????? ????????? ?? ????? ?? ?????? ????? ?????? ?? ??????? ???? ????? ??? ?????? ????? ?? ????? ??? ?? ?? ???? ??? ?? ????.
?????? ???? ????? ?????? ???? ????? ?????? ????? ???? ???? ?????? ????? ??? ?? ????????? ????????? ???????? ???????? ?? ???? ?????? ?? ???? ?? ????? ??? ?????? ??? ????? ?? ?????? ????????? ???????? ??????? ??????? ?? ????? ??? ?????? ??? ????? ??????? ?????? ??????? ???????? ?????? ???? ??? ?????? ??????? ??????? ????? ???? ??? ???????? ?????.
?? ???? ?? ??????? ?????????? ??? ????? ?????? ?? ????? ?????? ???????? ?????? ??? ???? ????? ????? ????? ????? ?????????? ????? ??? ???? ????? ?????? ?????????? ????????? ?? ?????? ?? ?? ????? ????? ??????? ?? ??? ??????? ?? ?? ?????? ??????? ????? ?????? ??? ???????? ???? ????? ????????? ???????? ??????? ????? ????? ???? ??????? ????????? ???? ?????? ????? ????? ???????????? ???? ??????? ???? ??????? ??? ????? ??? ?????? ??? ????? ??? ????? ???????? ???????? ???? ?? ???? ??????? ????? ?????? ????? ???? ?? ???????? ???????: ????? ?? ????? ??????? ??? ???????? ???? ??????? ????? ???? ????? ?????? ?? ????? ?????? ???… ????????? ?? ???? ????? ????? ????????? ???????????? ??? ????? ?? ??????? ????? ?????? ????????.
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??? ????? ???? ?????? ?????? ??????? ????? ?? ?????? ????? ??? ????? ?? ????? ?? ??? ??????? ????? ????? ?????? ???????? ???????? ???? ?????? ??? ???? ????? ?? ???? ?? ??????? ????????? ???? ?????? ?????? ??? ????? ??? ????? ??????? ??????? ??? ???????? ????????? ???? ??????? ????? ???? ??????? ??? ?? ???? ????? ??? ???? ???? ?? ?? ????? ?????? ???????? ???????? ?????? ?????????? ????????? ??????? ????? ??? ????? ???????? ??? ?? ??? ?? ??????? ?? ??????? ?????? ???? ?? ???????.

December 2nd, 2011, 12:47 pm


zoo said:

Russia delivers missiles to Syria: report
by Staff Writers
Moscow (AFP) Dec 1, 2011

Russia has delivered supersonic cruise missiles to Syria despite the violence shaking the Arab country and Israel’s furious condemnation of the deal, a news report said on Thursday.

“The Yakhont supersonic anti-ship cruise missiles have been delivered to Syria,” a military source told the Interfax news agency without disclosing when the shipment was made.

Russia signed a contract reportedly worth at least $300 million (222 million euros) in 2007 to supply its traditional Arab world ally with a large shipment of the cruise missiles.

Reports said Russia intended to deliver 72 of the missiles to Syria in all.

The deal immediately angered Israel, which fears the weapons may fall into the hands of Hezbollah militants in neighbouring Lebanon.

Russia has since also come under growing pressure from Washington, which wants all military sales to President Bashar al-Assad’s regime halted because of his deadly crackdown on Syrian street protests.

But Moscow has defended Assad against global pressure and this week argued that its arms sales were permitted under international law and would continue.

Another Russian official told Interfax that the missiles, which operate as part of the Bastion mobile coastal defence system, “will be able to protect Syria’s entire coast against a possible attack from the sea.”

Each Bastion system is equipped with 36 cruise missiles as well as truck-mounted radar and other equipment.

It was not immediately clear how many of the missiles Russia has delivered to Syria so far.

December 2nd, 2011, 12:51 pm


NK said:

Norman, Habib and other regime loyalists
?????? ???? ????? ????? ?? ??????? ??????? ????????? 15-11-2011

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??? ????? ????? ?????

This is why this regime must change at any cost, and it inevitably will.

December 2nd, 2011, 12:57 pm


Amir in Tel Aviv said:

Revlon #221,

The IDF soldiers who are responsible for this despicable behavior went to a military jail for 7 months.

December 2nd, 2011, 1:01 pm


Tara said:


“Then Qatar, Saudi Arabia, the USA, the EU etc… are “terrorists” accomplice to the killing of 2000 Lebanese during the 2006 war.”

Bronco, How so? I really am not following the logic. Iran sent IRGs to kill Syrians, civilian Syrians. Did Qatar, KSA, etc…sent their men to kill Lebanese?

This was physical not moral “complicity” and that is a big big difference.

I still like their movies. Did you see “The Willow Tree”?

December 2nd, 2011, 1:03 pm


jad said:

This is one sample of suggested ‘observer’that AL want to send to Syria writing about his veto of the meeting between the beloved political opposition group and the beloved terrorist militia FSA

????? ?????? ??????? ????? ????? ???? ?????? ????
by Ashraf Almoukdad
????? ?????? ??????? ????? ????? ???? ?????? ????
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???? ?? ????
???? ???????

December 2nd, 2011, 1:05 pm


Mango said:

229. ZOO said:
Russia delivers missiles to Syria
Can we read this strategically? or political ignorance still calls for withholding the sun?

December 2nd, 2011, 1:15 pm


majedkhaldoun said:

You are right, the regime gives money to his supporters to deposit it in the US banks,in their(the supporters) names ,in case there is freeze on the regime people assets ,they will not loose all their assets, they can recall those supporters to return the money to them,I heared about it 30 years ago.
A lot of the regime supporters on SC are involved in this scam, that is why I believe US must freeze their assets too.

December 2nd, 2011, 1:15 pm


N.Z. said:

215. Badr, great post.

They are all shaken, the “Arab Awakening” is not limited to Arab Republics, it will engulf all Arab countries and hopefully so. Isn’t that what we all want?

Morocco being the first of the Arab monarchies to implement democratic changes, rightly so, eventually the king will have a symbolic role.

They cannot afford but be ahead of the masses, transparency and accountability will become the norm. No doubt, the road ahead will be bumpy and the old guards, Baathist an others have two choices, either they put their tails between their legs and remain silent, or, open their eyes to a new reality, were all citizens are equal under the law and join in, by building the institutions were our children and great grand children will remember us, when we all leave, fondly.

Many on this blog keeps referring one way or the other, of the fictional role of the Gulf countries on the popular Syrian Revolution. It is the silliest accusation. If anything they are as scared as their Syrian counterpart, dictator. Change is music to the enlightened masses, and a ghoul to leaders and those still living in the dark ages. Nothing will stop this giant named ” Arab Awakening”

December 2nd, 2011, 1:18 pm


Uzair8 said:

I read the following elsewhere. Any truth in it? :

“Burhan Ghalious has never been an opponent! and he started talking against the regime one month after the beginning of the revolution! you can go and check his researches about the Hafez Assad or what he call “Assadism” where he describes Hafez Assad as a genius leader who gave Syria a special mysterious charm!! WHAT CHARM IN KILLING THE SYRIAN people I don’t know indeed!
This guys lies a lot and looks only for his personal benefit. I don’t trust him at all.”

December 2nd, 2011, 1:41 pm



“The authorities agreed in 2007 that foreign nationals could receive Cypriot nationality under certain criteria, that include
1. business activity in Cyprus: Laundering money stolen from Syrians
2. private home ownership: See number 1
3. a minimum of 17 million euros in a Cypriot bank: only?! See number 1
4. and a clean criminal record: LOOOOOOOOOOL (see numbers 1,1,1, and 1)

said Mr. Sylikiotis.

December 2nd, 2011, 1:43 pm


majedkhaldoun said:

I think Ghalioun was wrong talking about cutting relations with Iran and HA after Assad death,He is not a shrewd politician,this revolution is not about foreign policy , it is about freedom and dignity.

What he said may scare Iran more and it may scare Russia too.

December 2nd, 2011, 1:44 pm


norman said:

So Majed,

Let me get this one trait,

you think that we are so connected that President Assad and his inner circle will give us money to put in our names making practically 0% while they can put it under the Mattress and make the same amount and have the money close at hand,

Don’t you think that will be strange especially that they will be able to come to the US.

December 2nd, 2011, 1:47 pm


jad said:

How is it possible for Turkey to get into the Syrian territories without any consequences or any clashes with the Syrian Army?

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December 2nd, 2011, 1:58 pm


majedkhaldoun said:

Can you invest the money if it is under the mattress?
And when you run away how much money they can take with them.
Did you hear about King Farooq of Egypt,he had abox full of Jewelry he took it with him, when he landed in Europe he found out the box was not on the was missing.

December 2nd, 2011, 1:59 pm


norman said:

Majed ,

I do not know about you but in my case
the money under the mattress is making more than my investment, So they should put their money with others.

December 2nd, 2011, 2:07 pm


hans said:

@ 202 Irritated:
that’s very true what you posted the CIA is all in and the prize is Syria!
But Russia is aware of the game and won’t let USA take over Syria that’s not going to happen.
the innocent revolution for freedom and dignity turned into a superpower play.
the CIA is very aware that the winners in the what’s called Arab spring are the Islamists ( which the CIA drons are hunting them everywhere else) but it is time for the dictators to move aside and have new ” democratic” elected radical Dictators in place with a specific goal depending on the country.
for Libya the new idiots are in debated to USA for ever and the Ghadfii’s role as an agent for the CIA is over, the spring is a veil for what is planned for the area.
being a prodemocracy could well mean being pro CIA planned agenda and propaganda, it is reading the small print and better reading between the line.
Ghalioun is a clear example of being a CIA Agent in addition to many other Arabs.

December 2nd, 2011, 2:12 pm


hans said:

If the FSA is not a joke and bunch of thugs why they need the mercenaries to fight in Syria.
the game ” the conspiracy” is exposed more than the sky on a sunny July day.

December 2nd, 2011, 2:38 pm


Mango said:

241. JAD
????? ????: ????? ?? ???? ????? ????? ??? ?????? ?? ?????
??????? (??) !!!!
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??? ??????? ?????????? ? ?????? ?????? ??????! ????? ???? ????? !!!

December 2nd, 2011, 2:40 pm


N.Z. said:


There is nothing wrong with changing your views. How many of us, were staunch supporters of Bashar, turned 180 degrees after his guns turned inwards?

Only few people can turn a blind eye and invent excuses when they see a blood thirsty tyrant, who blatantly warned the opposition, him or face a full war.


“I think Ghalioun was wrong talking about cutting relations with Iran and HA after Assad death,” I have my reservations as well, however Mr. Ghalyoun said, that some in the opposition tried to open a dialogue with Hizbullah, they were shunned. With Iran he will have trade and no military reliance. Ghalyoun is an academic before being a politician, unfortunately there are no degrees that will prepare someone for such a role, morality combined with practicality is a good start up for politicians?

The most important thing for Mr. Ghalyoun is to stop the senseless killings and oust Syria’s butcher.

December 2nd, 2011, 2:44 pm


Uzair8 said:

@247 N.Z.

I just wanted to confirm the veracity of the comments before replying elsewhere.

December 2nd, 2011, 2:52 pm


Mango said:

??????? ??? ???? ?????
??????, 02 ????? ????? 2011
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December 2nd, 2011, 2:56 pm


Akbar Palace said:

Biting your nose to spite your face NewZ

that’s very true what you posted the CIA is all in and the prize is Syria!


Is that the way it works, everything that is good for the CIA is bad for the Syrians and vice-versa?

Any time a despot kills thousands of his own people, it seems to me it is in EVERYONE’S interest to bring the despot down, including the CIA and the people suffering under him.

December 2nd, 2011, 3:00 pm


jad said:

I pity those who want to do the change at any cost, ya 7ram!

????? ????? ???? ????? ???? ?????: ?? ???? ????? ??????? ????? ?? ?????

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???? ??? ?? “????? ??????? ???? ??? ????? ??? ???? ?? ?????? ??????? ????? ???????? ??? ?????? ????? ????? ??????? ??????? ??????”.
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??? ?? ????? ?????? ????????? ??? ??? ????? ??????? ?????? ?? ?????.

??? “??????” ?? ???????

December 2nd, 2011, 3:07 pm


Uzair8 said:

“Remember these words, as we rarely express it in this clear way.”

In Hadith it is mentioned that there will always be 40 Abdaals (special rank of ‘Friends of God’) in Shaam.

It was very revealing when Sheikh Yaqoubi, a supporter of the revolution, replied to a question about the Sufyani (end-time tyrant from Damascus) and ended the answer with the opening quote above.

Q & A on the Mahdi and the Sufyani

Muhammad Idrisi asks: Is there any ease after this hardship or problems will increase till the advent of imam Mahdi, enlighten us may Allah reward you with every good. Please make du’a for us; and how to be of the soldiers of the Mahdi, if we live till his time. And what is the way to attain true love for the Family of the Prophet not as a claim?

Answer of Shaykh… Al-Yaqoubi, may Allah preserve him:

Time if full of unrest and hardships; the Sufyani has not yet appeared and Allah is the one who knows; imam Mahdi will emerge only after him; yet between the two, there are wide wildsin which the Jewish people would have power over the land of Sham, which is part of the job of the coming Sufyani. If I had the choice, I would have withdrawn from all public activities; but the dress of shari’a puts on us the obligation to support the oppressed and clarify the rulings, even if we know through the reality that what comes after is worse. Having knowledge of the Divine decree to be should not prevent us from following the command of the shari’a; so long as Allah put us in the position of fatwa, admonishment and guidance. Remember these words, as we rarely express it in this clear way.

December 2nd, 2011, 3:46 pm


SyrianSpring said:

Have a look at this faked video from the German TV. Old pictures from Iraq replayed and presented by Duna Hayali – News moderator of Iraqi origin- as torture pictures from Syria.

December 2nd, 2011, 3:48 pm


Tara said:


A freind doctor of mine told me that colon cancer is one of the best cancer to have . If they operate on him to remove it, that means it is not that advanced. And if brain cancer did not kill you in 18 month, it ain’t gonna kill you. Since he looked good the last time we saw him on TV, it is likely he has benign tumor, not unusual finding. If I was you, I would not have my hopes high.

December 2nd, 2011, 3:53 pm


Bronco said:

#233 Tara

It is complicity as the weapons that killed Palestinians were made in USA, that’s physical, no?
Egypt closing the borders to Gaza was what?
The AL silence on Gaza was what?
It is all forgotten now, right?
Sorry, I have not seen that film.

December 2nd, 2011, 3:57 pm


irritated said:


“A mafia is an organized and closed body of people who have controlling influence and ruthless behaviour.”

The exact description of the FSA, thanks

December 2nd, 2011, 4:00 pm


irritated said:

#247 N.Z

“The most important thing for Mr. Ghalyoun is to stop the senseless killings and oust Syria’s butcher.”

The way he is going with his ‘little’ political knowledge and his ‘large’ ego is to encourage all the 15,000 FSA butchers to retaliate.

He is a dangerous man. He should step down now.

December 2nd, 2011, 4:09 pm


Uzair8 said:

This camel seems to be quite strong. We’re seeing straws gradually being piled onto it. Every camel has its limits. The final straw will eventually be reached. Breaking it’s back.

This camel is short of food and rapidly running out. It will get weaker. Many of it’s minders have abandoned it.

December 2nd, 2011, 4:13 pm


Uzair8 said:

Forgot to include the following in #252:

“The next question which is going to be soon posed is, “what answer the regime is going to provide when China and Russia dump it” and “what impact would this have on it”, which seems to be not far-fetched after Arabs agreed on these steps.”
Sheikh Yaqoubi 13 Nov 2011

[Is the Sheikh trying to tell us what’s next?….]

December 2nd, 2011, 4:20 pm


Juergen said:

Fadwa Solimans new message

December 2nd, 2011, 4:30 pm


Juergen said:

An lecture of Father Paolo Dall’Oglio from Deir Mar Mousa al Habashi, for all who have not met him or dont know the place.

December 2nd, 2011, 5:14 pm


Mango said:

we wish to all sick neighbors fast recovery!

December 2nd, 2011, 5:27 pm


zoo said:

ImHalal search engine on internet and the moslem Facebook:

ISTANBUL – A group of Muslim businessmen have unveiled plans in Turkey for a Facebook-style social networking site that respects Islamic values and offers a healthy atmosphere for young, Islamic audience., which will make its internet debut next year, “will seek to unify the youth in a common vision and the healthy values of Islam while attempting to not diffuse any unhealthy information,” Akhmed Azimov, the initiative’s vice-president, told Agence France Presse (AFP) on Thursday, December 1.

Azimov declined to discuss funding details but said “there’s no problem with that,” adding the investors were a group of businessmen from the Muslim world.

With more than 800 million active users worldwide, Facebook has become a major component of social interaction, especially among the young.

The new Muslim site hopes to attract 50 million users within three years, Azimov told about 150 journalists from Muslim countries at the company’s luxurious Istanbul offices.

Hi Tech

SalamWorld will enable Muslim leaders to highlight the benefits of Islam using cutting edge IT technologies, the project managers said.

“The heart of the project is to create a network without any content that is prohibited by religion,” said Azimov, a Dagestan native.

“To achieve this, we will have a big team of moderators and there will be filters.

“We also count on users to moderate themselves and to filter the contents.”

Along with user-generated content, the site will offer services such as theological consultations and city guides that list mosque locations and halal food stores.

“We’re going to try to create an online encyclopedia, a sort of Islamic Wikipedia,” Azimov said.

The concept of Halal internet and websites was first introduced by Iran in a new Halal search engine titled ImHalal.

Launched on September 2009, it was founded by Reza Sardeha; a 20-year-old Iranian-Kuwaiti student living in the Netherlands.

The Islamic search engine filters internet content and presents users with what its creators call “clean web pages” that do not contain bawdy material.

It gives Muslims around the world the chance to search the internet safely without coming across offending or pornographic content.

Once a user comes into contact with offending content, the engine returns a negative search advice.

The world’s first Islamic search engine is available in 15 languages including Arabic, Chinese, Farsi and Turkish, as well as English.
The project,, was introduced by businessmen from Turkey, Egypt, Germany and other countries.

Based in Istanbul, the new site will have offices in Moscow and Cairo and coordinators in 30 countries. m n

December 2nd, 2011, 5:44 pm


Tara said:


No Bronco.  Not forgotten. 

The Arab Spring fever is contagious and has inflicted the AL too and there is absolutely No cure.  It was silent on Gaza when it was a dictator club.  It is now changing and forever.  After all people deserve their government and Arabs now deserve a transformed AL.  Moubarak closed the borders and the revolution opened it.   Qatar was not silent on Gaza.   Aljazeera was very active reflecting the Arab street sentiment…

Anyway in my opinion, if Iran Mullahs are smart enough, they should make a complete u- turn, force Bashar into exile and make nice with the Syrians.  I just hope that Besho does not end in Iran.  I prefer to see him in Russia.  I heard there is a negotiation between the US and Russia in regard to his final destination.  Asma likes to ski.  Should the Syrians exile him in Siberia?  The couple and the 3 children can make a picture-perfect happy family skiing together in Siberia.

You MUST watch that movie.  You won’t regret it.  You just do not know what you’re missing…It is like you never heard Fairouz.  Strange this recommendation coming from superficial Tara.  The main actor is not a good looking guy.  There is only one handsome guy in there but he is not the main actor.  It is not a love story and it does not have a happy ending.  Go figure.        

December 2nd, 2011, 5:44 pm


Ghufran said:

I will look for the English text
??? ????? ????? ???? “?????? ?????? ??????” ???? ???? ???????? ??????? ?? ?????? ??? ??? ???? ?????? ?? ????? ????? ?????? ???? ????? ?????? ???? ???????? ?? ????? ? ???? ??????? ??????? ????? ? ??? ????.
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Here is the full interview

December 2nd, 2011, 5:46 pm


Tara said:


Very good come back!

December 2nd, 2011, 5:47 pm


Ghufran said:

This is the time for the SNC to sell itself to the US and the EU,and that is why Ghalioun said what he said,it is not just wrong,it is dumb even if that is what he wants to do. His position will harm the SNC politically.

December 2nd, 2011, 5:57 pm


Hans said:

here is the KSA records of democracy, it is seeking in Syria. where is the west and the USA to support the protesters in KSA, i demand with full force a no fly zone over the KSA and i demand Qatar to suspend KSA membership in the AL and I demand this retards to go to hell, I have to ask UNSC to assure that occurs with no veto from the USA.
KSA claims if they lift the ban on women driving that will increase the loss of virginity, prostitution and destroy the honor of the country and the principles of Islam.
all the above are my wish for 2012.
the KSA princes are the ones who are supporting prostitution in Europe and elsewhere.
hahah, it is time to have more male prostitution for the women in KSA.
i can’t believe this people live at the current time.

December 2nd, 2011, 6:00 pm


Ghufran said:

???? ?????? ?? ??? ?????? ? ???? ??????? ??????????
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??? ??? ????? ?? ??? ?????? ??? ?????? ??????? ?????????? ??? ???
????? ?????? ???? ???? ?? ????? ?????

December 2nd, 2011, 6:18 pm


Syria no kandahar said:

Some suggestions for coming Fridays :
???? ????? ???
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???? ????? ???–?
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???? ????? ?????
???? ????? ????

December 2nd, 2011, 6:19 pm


Ghufran said:

??? ?????? ?????? ?? ???
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December 2nd, 2011, 6:24 pm


Tara said:

Is it a cosmic conspiracy against Assad?  37 countries on favor.  4 against.

U.N. rights forum condemns Syria

Friday, December 02, 2011 1:59 p.m. CST

By Stephanie Nebehay

GENEVA (Reuters) – The United Nations top human rights forum strongly condemned Syria on Friday for “gross and systematic” violations by its forces, including executions, and set the stage for possible action by U.N. political bodies in New York.

The 47-member forum adopted a resolution put forward by the European Union by a vote of 37 states in favor and four against, including China and Russia, with six abstentions.

The text called for the “main bodies” of the U.N. to consider a U.N. report which found that crimes against humanity had been committed by the government of President Bashar al-Assad and “take appropriate action.”

It also established the new post of a special human rights investigator on Syria.

Syria’s ambassador to the U.N. in Geneva, Faysal Khabbaz Hamoui, denounced the resolution as “politicized” and aimed at “closing the doors” to constructive cooperation. He urged countries to vote against it.

The United States, which voted in favor, welcomed the result at the third emergency session held on Syria this year. All five Arab members — Jordan, Kuwait, Libya, Qatar and Saudi Arabia — also backed the text.

“We’ve set the stage in a very substantive way for strong action by the U.N. if other entities choose to take the opportunity,” U.S. ambassador Eileen Chamberlain Donahoe told Reuters.

“The evidence we have seen leaves no doubt about the complicity of Syrian authorities and provides a very strong basis for accountability to go forward in other institutions where that is their mandate.”

Asked whether this meant the International Criminal Court, she replied: “Absolutely, including the ICC if the Security Council chooses to refer this matter.”

German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle, in a statement issued in Berlin after the vote, said: “The international community’s track regarding the Assad regime is clear: those who trample over human rights in this way must reckon with ostracism and sanctions. It is high time that the U.N. Security Council sends an unambiguous signal.”

Catherine Ashton, EU foreign policy chief, said in a statement: “The resolution, adopted by an overwhelming majority, takes our action to a higher level… As long as the repression goes on, we shall continue to press for strong UN action to ensure the safety and protection of the Syrian people.”


Earlier, the U.N. rights chief urged world powers to take action to protect Syrian civilians from “ruthless repression,” but her call was swiftly criticized by China and Russia.

“In light of the manifest failure of the Syrian authorities to protect their citizens, the international community needs to take urgent and effective measures to protect the Syrian people,” Pillay told the special session on Syria.

She did not spell out what measures world powers should take – Western leaders have in the past shied away from suggestions of military action, along the lines of the NATO campaign that helped rebels unseat Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi in August.

The European Union called for “pro-active action” by the international community, while Kuwait’s envoy said that there may be a need for “intervention” to safeguard Syrian civilians.

December 2nd, 2011, 6:26 pm


Bronco said:


“It is not a love story and it does not have a happy ending. Go figure.”

No beautiful girls?
Does not sound very appealing, especially these days… I think I prefer Tintin in 3D!

December 2nd, 2011, 6:35 pm


irritated said:

#267 Hans

“it is time to have more male prostitution for the women in KSA.”

It’s been going on for long, it is very well known, especially the drivers for the women who are not allowed to drive. Funnily Syrian men are in high demand as drivers in KSA.

December 2nd, 2011, 6:40 pm


Norman said:

It looks like the MB and the Salafi are going to win the elections in Egypt, I just hope that the Military will not get excited and try to sideline them and be a cause for civil war like the one we had in Algeria, The militery should just be there to protect the constitutional change in power the next time around when the people who taking power fail, and if they do not fail, good for them, they would have proved that Islam can be fair to all citizens and effective way of government.

December 2nd, 2011, 6:41 pm


Ghufran said:

???? ???? ?? ????????


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December 2nd, 2011, 6:42 pm


irritated said:

The UN resolution: How to ensure security for the Syrians

The Opposition who is so concerned by the security of the Syrians should advise them to seek security by staying in their house and avoiding areas where there are demonstrations.

If they are moved to a “buffer zone”, they won’t be able to demonstrate anyway. So they might as well stay home instead of under tents. That’s the safest place to be for them and their children.

We have not seen one single demonstration in the refugee camps of Hatay.

December 2nd, 2011, 6:52 pm


Tara said:


Tintin in 3D? Alright… Very sophisticated. What can I say?

Nope! No beautiful girls at all. Only one handsome male doctor. Iranian women are generally not that good looking nor are Iranian men. Cultural, yes but not good looking! Argue with me all you want. It won’t change my opinion a bit.. They aren’t!

December 2nd, 2011, 7:03 pm


Bronco said:


Rich Copts are packing and emigrating. Egypt may fall in a dramatic economic crisis. I am not sure the MB and the Salafists realize the task they will become responsible for.
The MB was hoping they wouldn’t have to lead the country. They don’t want to be the ones to blame for the economical catastrophy the country is moving to. They wanted to make a coalition with the liberals so that they can accuse them in case of failure. Now with the Salafist taking 30%, it will be difficult to skip them.
The MB are probably trapped into leading the country.

December 2nd, 2011, 7:14 pm


ghufran said:

here is the results of the first round of elections in Egypt:
??? ?????? ???????? ??????? ?? ????? ??????? ???????? ?? ??? ??? ??? ???? ??? 40% ?? ???????? ???? ??????? ???????? ??????? ?????? ??????????.

???? ?? ??????? ??????? ??? ????? ?????? ????? 20%? ?? ?????? ??????? ???? 15%.

?????? ??? ??????? ??? ??? ????? ??? 6%? ???? ??? ????? ????? 5%? ?????? “?????? ??????” ????? 3%
Ghalioun said that the MB will not get more than 10% of the votes in Syria if elections were held today,I think he is wrong. I support free and fair elections and we just have to accept the results,however,I am not sure the idea of elections is high on anybody’s agenda today since everybody is sticking to his guns.

December 2nd, 2011, 7:21 pm


Tara said:

Who was complaining about freedom of press in Turkey?

Erdo?an’s bedroom talks illegally taped: Minister
BRUSSELS – Do?an News Agency

Private conversations between Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdo?an and his wife in their bedroom were secretly recorded, Turkish EU Minister Egemen Ba??? has said.

“Unfortunately, even this country’s prime minister’s personal conversations with his spouse in their own bedroom have been recorded. This is not a simple affair that could be regarded as the freedom of press,” Ba??? said at the European Union Press Club in Brussels on Nov. 30. 

Speaking in relation to ongoing criticism about the arrest of journalists in Turkey, the minister said no one in the country had been arrested due to their journalistic activities and added that those currently in prison had been incarcerated for their ties to outlawed groups or other groups that sought to overthrow the government via illegal means.

 “Persons who are much more anti-government than those who have supposedly been arrested because of their opposition to the government are in quite good shape: They write, they have columns, they appear on television. They have no complaints,” Ba??? said. 

Ba??? further said he had been called to the prosecutor’s office and had been presented with secret recordings of his conversations with friends over the phone. 

December 2nd, 2011, 7:36 pm


ghufran said:

yesterday’s friends may become tomorrow’s enemies. The GCC will not be spared from the wrath of the MB and their friends after they get established in Egypt,Tunisia,Libya,Moracco and other countries.

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December 2nd, 2011, 7:38 pm


Revlon said:

232. Amir in Tel Aviv,
Thank you for the related information.

December 2nd, 2011, 8:44 pm


Revlon said:

The unit that executed the ambush on the Asad Asad airforce security checkpoint announce the success of their operation.
Bdama Al3ekkawi
?????:????? ??? ????????? ????? ??? ????????? ??????

December 2nd, 2011, 8:49 pm


Tara said:

Moscow’s Failed Policy on the Syrian Crisis
Posted: 12/ 2/11 

New York – Once, during a closed session in the Alps between Russia’s Prime Minister, former President Vladimir Putin and a select group of world media leaders, Putin practiced with astonishing delight the time-honored Iranian tradition of “slaughter by cotton”. He did this in response to someone who had dared ask a question he did not like, forcing the asker to explain in agonizing detail the story of the turquoise-colored ring that adorned the hand he had raised to ask the question. Putin took great delight in embarrassing him, to teach him a lesson that would frighten others. He assumed that his overwhelming self-confidence would cover the flaw in his style, which remained crude despite the fact that Putin had coated it with a sardonic smile. His Foreign Minister, veteran diplomat Sergey Lavrov, has also joined the club of Russian arrogance to which belong the men of the former Soviet Union, men who have adapted to the new Russia after the collapse of the superpower, but have not taken off their old Soviet robe. Many of those in government in Russia came out of the Soviet back door only to enter through Russia’s front door. What feeds their excessive self-confidence is mainly their assumption that the United States and European countries have no choice but to stay on their good side, because they represent the mischievous player that cannot be overstepped. They trust that, despite the spread of corruption within their ranks, the West would not dare delve deep in exposing such corruption or demand that they take measures of reform – as it demands of the rest of the world. Increasing the conceit of those in power in Russia is the fact that the country holds a permanent seat at the Security Council, which allows it to make use of its veto to foreclose resolutions they do not want, just like the other four permanent member-countries -i.e. the United States, Britain, China and France. There have been, during this period, noteworthy developments in the different issues put forward at the Security Council, from Eritrea to Syria. And because Syria might be one of the most important issues, between the five permanent members, the Security Council and the Arab League, international involvement is overlapping Arab efforts, and overlapping also, in equal measure, with what is happening inside major countries as reflected in their foreign policies.

It so happens that the BRICs (Russia, China, India, Brazil and South Africa) are all Security Council members until the end of the year, yet there is increasing talk of a post-BRICs Russia, in view of its deteriorating economic situation. There is increasing talk of Putin’s popularity declining and of Russians having had enough with corruption and the dictatorship in disguise, and this will reflect on Russia’s stances on international issues, especially regarding Syria and Iran, which are almost the last remaining strongholds of defiant Moscow. Yet this remains contingent upon the serious message Moscow is hearing from Western capitals on the one hand, and from China on the other. The reassurance of the West – and especially that of US President Barack Obama – to Vladimir Putin is very important for the Kremlin, as Washington is still at the top of Russia’s priorities. As for China, it is Russia’s temporary ally, and the alliance rather depends on current factors and issues: Indeed, in issues pertaining to the Security Council, oil and the Middle East, there is partnership between Russia and China. Yet when it comes to the bilateral relations of each of them with the United States, these relations take precedence. It is therefore not sufficient for the Obama Administration to hide behind a regional or international organization to avoid making the necessary decisions. Instead, the administration holds important cards with China and Russia, and it is time to make use of some of these, even if only as a tactic.

A new report by the European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR) entitled “Dealing with a post-BRICs Russia”, the publication of which coincides with Russian parliamentary elections this Sunday, mentions the following facts:

– Opinion polls indicate that Putin’s popularity has diminished from 83 percent in October 2008 to 61 percent in November 2011.

– 85 percent of Russians believe that they have no influence over their country’s political life, and 55 percent refuse to take part in it.

– Growth in Russia has diminished to a rate of 4 percent – compared to 8.5 percent in 2007 – which is sufficient to keep it afloat but not to an extent that would allow it to keep up with the dynamism of China or India.

Equally important, if not more so, is the fact that the financial crisis has exposed the crisis of governance within Russia, as “instead of modernizing, Russia in 2010 was as corrupt as Papua New Guinea, had the property rights’ status of Kenya and was as competitive as Sri Lanka”. The report also states that this crisis has led Russia to rethink its new situation in a post-BRICs era. Such rethinking now aims at reducing spending on influence in regions located beyond the borders of the former USSR, leaving Russia with growing concerns towards China.

The report also criticizes EU countries for not having a strategy towards the new Russia, believing that Russia had shifted from being a “Large Poland” to being a “Little China”. The report suggests a strategy of reformulating the rules of engagement so as for the European Union to strengthen its engagement with Russia, while increasing pressures on Vladimir Putin and his companions to keep their political maneuvering in check. There are indications that “Putin’s regime is losing its legitimacy”, while he prepares to return to the Presidency (perhaps until 2024), all in conjunction with a nearly inevitable exit from the circle of growth of the BRICs and with “a relative decline in relations with the West”.

The United States too needs to adopt a similar strategy, and so do the countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), which have the ability to invest in and open up economically to Russia – while making clear to Vladimir Putin and his men the priorities of the Arabs. After all, Russia has behaved in a disrespectful manner towards the Arab League initiative on Syria, and with vacuous conceit. The fact of the matter is that Russia – as well as China to a lesser extent – is misleading the Syrian regime with flowery words, while it is perfectly well aware that it will not come to its rescue in practice, because it does not hold the tools for doing so, neither financially nor strategically – not even at the most basic level required. Agreement has been reached between the League of Arab States, the United States, European countries, Turkey and the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC), and the alliance of defiance at the Security Council – the BRICs alliance – no longer has the ability to act arrogantly and obstruct this.

The leaders of Russian diplomacy repeatedly bring up the “Libyan scenario” in order to scream “not in Syria”, pointing to what they describe as the West “deceiving” them through a Security Council resolution that has since led to regime-change in Libya. They are against regime-change in Syria. They in the Kremlin have not reached the conviction that Bashar Al-Assad’s regime will fall. They are in denial, because they do not want to lose their navy bases, a market for their arms exports, and regional influence through a regime with which they have had longstanding ties. They in the Kremlin feel that they are in turn besieged, especially through the harmful sanctions that have been, and which are being imposed, not just against the Syrian regime, but also against the Iranian regime. This is a source of great concern for Putin and his companions.

Russian diplomacy is itself faltering. What was leaked of Sergey Lavrov’s meeting with Arab ambassadors is noteworthy, not in terms of his reiteration of known stances under the headline of “the Libyan scenario”, but rather because he – according to what was leaked – called upon the Arabs to apply the model of the GCC initiative towards Yemen when dealing with Syria – in other words, decisions without ultimatums and with the approval of Security Council members. Well, patience, deliberation, insistence and determination have led to the success of the GCC initiative towards Yemen, with President Ali Abdullah Saleh finally signing and approving it. Yet this initiative was from the beginning based on the notion of stepping down – the Yemeni President stepping down and the regime changing. Why then does Lavrov appreciate this initiative and the role of the GCC in its implementation, but object to the initiative of the League of Arab States towards Syria, which does not make stepping down as its basis?

The fact of the matter is that the Kremlin has ruled itself out of Arab-Western agreement on the issue of Syria, and it perhaps regrets this now. The fact of the matter is that Putin, his Foreign Minister and their companions have adopted a losing and failed policy, which they will have no choice but to backtrack from, while they search for a face-saving formula. And the fact of the matter is that they have tied themselves to the regimes in Damascus and in Tehran, and have dug their “heel” in with these two camps, while others have adapted to the new reality and have adopted rather surprising stances. The talk here is of the League of Arab States led by Nabil El-Arabi, of the exceptional roles played by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and by Qatar, and also of the leading role played by Turkey in the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) under the leadership of Ekmeleddin ?hsano?lu.

The leadership in Syria might decide to agree to the Arab League initiative of sending observers to protect civilians, because Arab, Turkish, European and American sanctions will besiege and force its hand through de facto international involvement. Indeed, while choosing the observers will lead to weakening/changing the regime gradually with the regime’s own approval, going the way of internationalization represents coercion for the regime through complete deterioration. Indeed, the regime is headed towards its end. What the League of Arab States is doing is unprecedented in the history of the organization, and its Secretary-General deserves all the credit for his boldness and respect for the people’s rights.

Vladimir Putin may have reservations on what the League of Arab States is doing, but he has no say in the matter. Indeed, the issue has left the hall of the Security Council because of Russia’s defiance and the policy of obstruction adopted by the BRICs, an alliance which set itself up as the champion of the case for preserving the Syrian regime and preventing it from being changed. And if the Syrian issue is to return to the Security Council – and it will – this will be through an Arab initiative and under Arab leadership. Then the men of the Kremlin will have no choice but to dissociate themselves from the Council’s resolutions, or to retract their defiance, as they do not today hold the keys to the future of Syria, as they imagine themselves to do. There will soon be no need in Syria for a resolution to impose a no-fly zone that would require Russia’s approval. There is thus no need for this or for an Arab deterrent force. Indeed, the idea of the observers is a clever one because it prevents the army from intervening and gives the opposition the right to protest and to resort to the courts.

The roles played by Syria’s neighbors are of the utmost importance. Turkey is a pioneer and a leader, and one that has the abilities required. Jordan is bold and it takes important stances. Lebanon understands the seriousness of the consequences of the steps it might take if it tries to be equivocal. As for Iraq, it is unfortunately wearing the cloak of Tehran’s mullahs, and (how ironic!) opposing internationalization in Syria while thanking America for liberating it.

December 2nd, 2011, 9:00 pm


irritated said:

#284 Tara

Al Hayat is the mouth piece of KSA.
The article smells the Saudi annoyance with Russia, the contempt for Iran and Iraq and the glorification Turkey. Beurk!

December 2nd, 2011, 9:43 pm


irritated said:

283 Revlon

“The unit that executed the ambush on the Asad Asad airforce security checkpoint”

Another defensive ambush or the killing machine has changed side?

December 2nd, 2011, 9:46 pm


syria no kandahar said:

Millions today all over syria…woo. people were chanting in support of Edogan to occupy part of Syria…
A Revolutionist calling for his motherland to be occupied is like
someone asking for his mother to be f..kd.
keep asking for Turkey to come and F..k your country..democracy and freedom are not so important any more it is all about doing agenda’s in syria.
what a herroic revolution asking for Syria to be occupied! by the Turks…
Come Erdogan …come save us..let your mighty army clean this land..come kill syrian soldiers …send them to hell…come Erdogan our Hero..This land called Syria is your backyard..your are our master..Tara worships your toes..whoever dislikes you is not a true are the new Salah Aldin..Erdogan our Hero..
Erdogan… have more skulls in your clset than any one else in the univers …you are trying to build your ottman dream again one more Syrian Skulls…you will fail..Syrian fire will burn your fake nation..

December 2nd, 2011, 9:51 pm


VOLK said:

Russia Shows No Sign of Buckling to Pressure to Isolate Syria
“Dec. 2 (Bloomberg) — Russia today voted against an attempt to refer human-rights violations in Syria to the United Nation Security Council, the latest signal it was still standing by a Soviet-era ally to whom it sells weapons.
Economic sanctions imposed on Syria by the Arab League are “counterproductive” and efforts to have the UN’s most powerful body follow suit would “fan confrontation,” Russia’s UN envoy, Vitaly Churkin, told reporters in New York. He said Russia is a “responsible weapons supplier” whose sales to the region dwarfed those of the U.S.”

December 2nd, 2011, 9:53 pm


VOLK said:

Russia slams ‘one-sided’ UN Rights Council resolution on Syria

The UN Human Rights Council should not be used to interfere in Syria’s internal affairs or achieve political goals that violate the UN Charter, the Russian Foreign Ministry said on Friday.

The statement came after the Council had adopted a resolution condemning “systematic and gross violations of human rights” in Syria. Thirty-seven Council member states supported the resolution; Russia, China, Cuba and Ecuador voted against, and six countries abstained.

“Unfortunately, the draft resolution presented by Western countries to the Human Rights Council’s special meeting was politicized and one-sided. The latest steps by the Syrian authorities to stabilize the situation, carry out reforms in the country and launch a national dialogue… were not reflected in it,” the ministry said.

“Russia holds a fundamental position against the use of human rights mechanisms for interference in internal affairs or the achievement of political goals which are incompatible with the norms of international law or violate the UN Charter and HRC mandate,” it said.

December 2nd, 2011, 10:17 pm


newfolder said:

lol, I can’t stop laughing …. the Syrian regime bans the iPhone!!! hahaha, I’m laughing so hard I’m falling off my chair. And these bunch of inbred retards are supposed to reform the country? hahahahah

December 2nd, 2011, 10:55 pm


Ghufran said:

??? ????? ??? ?????
The al-Nour party is the main political arm of the hard-line Salafi movement which, unlike the more moderate Muslim Brotherhood, is a new player on Egypt’s political scene.

Guided by a Saudi-inspired school of thought, Salafists have long shunned the concept of democracy, saying it allows man’s law to override God’s. But they decided to form parties and enter politics after the exit of Mubarak in February.

Salafi groups speak confidently about their ambition to turn Egypt into a state where personal freedoms, including freedom of speech, women’s dress and art, are constrained by sharia.

“In the land of Islam, I can’t let people decide what is permissible or what is prohibited. It’s God who gives the answers as to what is right and what is wrong,” Hamad said. “If God tells me you can drink whatever you want except for alcohol, you don’t leave the million things permitted and ask about the prohibited.”

December 2nd, 2011, 10:59 pm


Ghufran said:

Russia is not likely to give up on the regime even as it looks at alternatives to Assad. Until the Russians are convinced that the regime has lost Damascus and Aleppo,they are likely to support keeping a strong central government in Syria.
Why is Russia engaging so heavily with Syria, where it did not with Libya or Iran? After all, the Russian president Dmitry Medvedev banned the sale of R-300 anti-aircraft missiles to Tehran.

The first answer is money. Apart from active arms contracts worth $4bn, the Moscow Times reported recently that Russia’s investment in Syrian infrastructure, energy and tourism amounts to $19.4bn in 2009. A Russian company, Stroitransgaz, is building a natural gas processing plant 200km east of Homs and is providing the technical support for the Arab gas pipeline. The Tatarstan-based Tatneft began pumping Syrian oil last year and in January vowed to spend $12.8m drilling wells near the Iraqi border.

But that is by no means all of the story. The shadow of Libya weighs heavily on Russia’s policy with Syria. Throughout the Nato intervention, Lavrov said Russia would not recognise the rebels (although that is what they ended up doing), that there was no UN mandate for a ground forces operation, that the Nato intervention caused more casualties than would otherwise have occurred. Back in August Lavrov said: “Russia will do everything it can to prevent a Libyan scenario happening in Syria.”

Even though such a scenario has for now been ruled out by Nato, Admiral Viktor Kravchenko, former chief of naval staff, said Moscow was sending a message to the US and Europe. “Having any military force other than Nato’s is very useful for the region because it will prevent the outbreak of armed conflict,” he said.

December 2nd, 2011, 11:12 pm


Ghufran said:

Bush under pressure

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December 2nd, 2011, 11:39 pm


jad said:

This news proves your point about the Russian effort with the AL to make the protocol somehow accepted and implemented by Damascus as a solution for this bloody struggle:

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December 3rd, 2011, 12:15 am


jad said:

?????? ?????? ?????? ????????

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December 3rd, 2011, 12:24 am


jad said:

Dear SNK,
You are right in your rage, I totally understand your anger reading those terrorists calls for Syria to be occupied, it is disgusting.
Here are more disgusting news from the make up dude friends, Alqaeda terrorist, as if the Lybians and the Lebanese alqaida lunatics are not enough, now the Iraqi ones are trying to get involved to:

«?????? ??????»: ????? ?? ??? ???? ??????!

???? «???????» ??????? ???????? ??????? ?? ?????? ???? ???? ?????? ??? ????? ??????? ?????? ??? ?????? ???? ?????? ?????? ?????????? ???? ?? ?????? ???? ?????? ???? ????? ???? ?????? ???? «??? ????».
????? ????????? ???????? «?????????» ????????? ??? ????????? ?????? «????» ?«????? ?????????»? ????? ????? ???? ?????? ????? ???? ???? ???? ?? ?????? ????? ??????? ??????? ????? ??????? ?? ???? ????? ??? ?????? ?? ???? ?????.
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????? ????? ????? «?????????» ????????? ?????? ?????? ?????????? ?? ????? ??? ????????? ???? ???? ??? ?????? ?????? ???? ??? ???? ????? ??????? ???????? ???????? «????????» ?? ??????.
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???? ????? «????? ?????? ?? ???? ?????»? ??? «??? ????? ????» ?? ????? «????? ?????????» ??? «??? ?? ??? ?? ??? ????? ??????? ??????? ??? ?????? ?????? ??? ?? ????????? ??? ??? ?????? ???? ??? ??????? ???????? ??????». ?????? ?? «????? ???? ??????? ??????? ???? ????? ???????? ?????? ??? ?? ????? ?????? ??????? ?????? ???? ???? ??????? ????? ?????? ?? ???? ?? ?????».
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???? «?????? ??? ???» ????? ??? ?????? «?? ???? ??? ???????? (???? ?????? ??????????) ????»? ????? ??? «??? ???? ???????» ??? ??? «????? ?? ?????? ???? ????? ????? ?? ??? ???????? ??? ??????? ?????? ??????? ?? ??? ????».
(? ? ?)

December 3rd, 2011, 12:38 am


NK said:

Sanctions Push Shell to Depart Syrian Oil Fields

December 3rd, 2011, 1:08 am


Revlon said:

Soldiers of the Phalange of “Suqour Alsham” take oath to fight in defense of civilians until the regime is ousted.

??? – ???? ??? ??????? – ??? ????? ??????

December 3rd, 2011, 1:50 am


Juergen said:


You are the first i know who said Iranians arent good looking. I always thought that in Iran you find both sexes very attractive, its amazing how many races are in mix there, since ages. I agree the ones whom one see in Damascus at Zainab mosque arent that appealing especially not for the nose.

December 3rd, 2011, 1:58 am


jad said:

Sweden keeps Syrian telecoms firms off EU sanctions list

(Reuters) – Sweden blocked an effort by other EU states to add two telecoms firms in Syria with commercial links to Swedish firm Ericsson to an EU sanctions list this week, EU diplomats said.

European Union foreign ministers meeting in Brussels on Thursday agreed to add 11 Syrian firms or entities to the sanctions list as part of international efforts to end government violence against pro-democracy protests.

The 26 other EU countries had wanted to add two Syrian telecoms firms to the list, but Sweden threatened to block the entire package if they were included, the diplomats said.

“All the other member states had to compromise,” one of the diplomats said. “Sweden argued that the two networks were critical to the functioning of the whole telecoms network.”

Swedish Foreign Minister Carl Bildt told Reuters that telephone networks were vital for opponents of the Syrian government to communicate, and called suggestions in Swedish media that Sweden had acted to protect Ericsson’s interests “ignorant.”

A previous round of EU sanctions targeted Syria’s main mobile phone operator, Syriatel, which was supplied by Ericsson, the world’s top supplier of mobile phone network infrastructure.

Ericsson spokeswoman Helena Norrman said the South African mobile operator MTN remained a customer in Syria, as did STE, Syria’s fixed network firm.

She said Syriatel had been a client until sanctions were introduced in September, at which point current contracts were halted. She said Ericsson had not signed any new orders with the two other firms this year and any deliveries had been under existing deals.

The diplomats said it was very unusual for Sweden, known as a staunch defender of human rights, to block sanctions, or for one member state to act alone to do so.

The decision to remove the two telecoms firms from the sanctions list was taken at working level before it was put to foreign ministers for formal approval, they said.

Bildt said he did not know if Sweden had vetoed any proposals, but there may have been proposals dropped because they were counter-productive.

“I don’t know what the other countries want,” he said. “We don’t want to do anything that results in shutting down the mobile net because then we deprive the opposition one of its best weapons. I don’t think any other country wants that either.”

U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay said on Friday that more than 4,000 people have been killed during a military crackdown on street protesters that started in March, and that more than 14,000 people are believed to be in detention.

The top U.N. rights forum said on Friday that “gross and systematic” violations by Syrian forces may amount to crimes against humanity.

December 3rd, 2011, 2:07 am


NK said:

Jad, enjoy

December 3rd, 2011, 2:09 am


jad said:

It’s interesting that the make up dude has no shame to show his terrorists friends using kids as fighters as shown at the 0:32 of the mighty clip. How pathetic!
I wonder if his masters the ‘humanist’ ‘Westerners’ are allowing their slaves to use kids as fighters in this disgusting mess, how come amnesty and the human rights organizations didn’t see such crime yet.

December 3rd, 2011, 2:19 am


jad said:

Enjoy this short clip of Homs by Omar Khouli

“???.. ??? ?????”

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??? ????? ????? ??????? ?? ???? ??? ???? ????? ????? ?????? 2011?. ??? ?????? ?? ??? ?? ????? ???? ?? ???? ???? ???? ??? ??? ???? ??? ??????.

????? ??? ??????? ????? ??????? ??? ??? ???: ???? ????? ????? ?????? ??????..
“??? ???????”

Some more words for you to learn from, you need them they help you to open your eyes instead of being blind by anger and hate:

?? ?????? ???????? – ??? ?????

????? ?????? 2011/10/26

– ???????? ???? ?????? ????? ???????? ????. ???????? ?? ????? ???? ?????? ??? ??????.

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December 3rd, 2011, 2:29 am


majedkhaldoun said:

Rich women in Damascus
???? ????? ???? ?????? ???????? ?????? ?????? ?? ????? ??? ????? ????? ?????? ??? ???? ??????? ????? ????????.

????? ????? “??? ?????? ???? ?????? ??? ?????? ?????? ????? ????? ???? ?????? ?? ???? ???????”. ??? ??????? ??? ???? “?? ???????? ???? ???? ???? ?? ??? ??? ??? ???? ?????? ?? ???????. ?? ???????? ???? ??? ????????”.

December 3rd, 2011, 2:49 am


VOLK said:

“MOSCOW, Dec. 1 (Xinhua) — Russia sees no reasons to stop its arms exports to Syria, First Deputy Prime Minister Sergei Ivanov said Thursday.
“Russia will do whatever is not prohibited by norms, rules or agreements,” Ivanov told reporters, adding that European sanctions against Syria would not restrict Russia’s arms supplies to Syria.
According to media reports, the European Union (EU) was considering extensive sanctions against Syria.
Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said Tuesday that Russia rejects any arms embargo imposed on Syria and Moscow would try to avoid a repeat of the Libyan scenario in the country.
Lavrov stressed that lessons should be learned from the situation in Libya, where an embargo on arms supplies was “only applied to the Libyan army.”

December 3rd, 2011, 4:06 am




N.Z. @ 107
Thank you for a wonderful comment. Yet, there still are 8 imbeciles who found it objectionable. I don’t care which side they stand on, they are imbeciles.

SANA-TASS little Helpers
Funny to see SANA-TASS little helpers converting this site into Russia Comment. But hey, it is the holidays season, a busy time for SANA-TASS little helpers.

@ 190 Syrian are smart and open minded
An yet you insist on disproving this reality by your limited imagination and filthy language.

December 3rd, 2011, 4:06 am


Juergen said:


Aydin Dogan is an interesting figure, totally opposed against AKP and Erdogan, kind of the spokesperson of all disillusioníst Kemalists in Turkey, i would tend to say he holds power of the media like Berlusconi did in Italy.

December 3rd, 2011, 5:12 am


Revlon said:

One of the most defiant Raps of the revolution, chanted within hearing distance of an armored Asad unit

Place: civilian neighbourhood in Taftanaz town, Idlib Governorate

Scene: stand-off between unarmed, chanting protestors separated by a row of bricks and a distance of no more than 50 meters from an attentively watching armoured unit of Asad forces on the street and nearby roof tops.

Asad army soldiers and their commanders watch with amazement, pride and envy at the civilians’ courage.
They seem so attentive, they do not want to miss a word of the defiant Rap, “Taftanaz”, chanted by their brethren heroes, that degrade their commander in Chief, Jr Asad and cheers for martyrs and heroes of the revolution.

Such is the typical daily stand off that takes place all over Syria.
No armed terrorists, just defiant civilians on one side, and their executers, the outlawed regime forces on the other!
The scene usually ends with arresting, wounding or killing a number of those brave civilians.

The Rap goes:
The millions send you kisses

We want you hanged!
Hey Bashar!

Ya noor ‘l 3ain,
shall not forget Maher w’ Hsain

Ya noor ‘l 3ain,
shall not forget Mhammad w’ Hsain

No matter what,
We’ll avenge you ya nour ‘l 3ain

We want you hanged!
Hey Bashar!

We are Hittine fighters
We want you hanged!
Hey Bashar!

Hey Bashar!
You’re unbelievable!
Are you a Donce or a Doc

We want you hanged!
Hey Bashar!

Hey Walid
Are you a minister?!
I swear yu’re pig

We want you hanged!
Hey Bashar

Friday of the “No Fly Zone Is What We Need”
?????? ???? ???????? ???? ??????? ??????? ?????? /2011 2/12 ?1

December 3rd, 2011, 6:12 am


SyrianSpring said:

308. @Revlon
They are yelling as a reall donkeys and pigs.
Is this the cultivated music style we shall excpect in the future from the Syrian TV? Is this your favoriate music genre?

Is that the whole agenda to reform Syria and bring it forward?

“amazement, pride and envy at the civilians’ courage.” How do you see that?

Its time to divide Syria in a civilized part and ……..

December 3rd, 2011, 6:44 am


Juergen said:

Saturday, December 3, 2011 | 14:28 Beirut


Bashar’s Western water carriers
Hussein Ibish, November 23, 2011

Syrians march in support of their president, Bashar al-Assad, whose regime has slaughtered thousands of demonstrators. Assad has support outside of Syria as well, among a handful of Western commentators. (AFP photo/Louai Beshara)
The situation in Syria continues to deteriorate, while the brutality of the regime, which has killed over 3,500 people and tortured even children, has escalated. Meanwhile, a motley crew of Western commentators continues to carry water for President Bashar al-Assad.

These commentators cannot be immune from responsibility for their words. Their defense of a brutal dictatorship cannot go unchallenged or unexamined. While they have every right to their opinions, the rest of us have not only a right but a responsibility to draw the conclusion that these individuals, in fact, oppose freedom for the Syrian people by supporting a regime denying Syrians their freedom.

The essentially pro-regime stance of Professor Joshua Landis of the University of Oklahoma is well-established. To mention one small example, last April he praised what he called “the stability that the Assad family has enforced in Syria and… the vision of tolerance and secularism they have promoted.”

But there are a number of other commentators whose support for the Syrian dictatorship deserves more careful scrutiny. Probably the most relentless is Alistair Crooke, a former British intelligence officer who is a strong supporter of official Iranian ideology and foreign policy, as Michael Weiss and I have demonstrated. It is surely Assad’s alliance with Tehran that has prompted Crooke’s enthusiasm for the Syrian leader.

Crooke initially claimed that Assad was immune from any popular uprising because of his opposition to the West and Israel, and his support for “resistance.” In April, he actually predicted, “Assad will emerge with his stature enhanced, and Syria will be… resuming its traditional place at the center of Arab politics.”

In July, Crooke claimed the protests were led by followers of the late al Qaeda in Iraq leader Abu Moussab al-Zarqawi, applying the most terrifying image possible to the opposition. According to Crooke, the uprising he predicted was impossible was in fact a plot by the West and Qatar to install the most extreme Sunni Islamists in power in order to “weaken Iran.”

Columbia University professor Joseph Massad has also condemned the Syrian and other Arab uprisings as having been engineered or co-opted by an imperialistic “US-British-Saudi-Qatari axis.” He even argued that the United States had engineered the downfall of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak in order to install “a more pliant dictator,” as if post-Mubarak Egypt is friendlier toward Washington’s foreign policy.

Massad has also condemned NATO’s role in Libya in the harshest possible terms, saying it was all based on lies. Again, he pointed out, the intervention was designed to impose a more “pliant” government in Tripoli. This is the mirror image of the hysterical arguments that al Qaeda now rules in Libya. In truth, Moammar Qaddafi was not posing any problems to the West when the uprising began, happily selling his oil at market rates. There’s no reason to believe that the new government in Tripoli will be “more pliant” then Qaddafi was. In truth, the West has little leverage to ensure how Libyans will behave in the future.

As for Syria, Massad has concluded that the Syrians should abandon their struggle for freedom because it can only lead to a “US-imposed pliant and repressive regime à la Iraq and Libya,” given that the West “has destroyed the possibility of a democratic outcome.” Naturally, he does not explain how this is the case. The bottom line is that Massad is urging Syrians to keep Assad in power, then to go home and shut up.

But perhaps the most surprising Western backer of the Assad regime is Ed Husain of the Council on Foreign Relations. In August he described the prospects of overthrowing Assad as “so small” as to be irrelevant. He also argued that more people would be killed in a civil war than by the crushing of the uprising (a line used by Qaddafi backers as well), before concluding, “At present Mr. Assad remains the least worst option.”

Husain also wrote that “Assad has been good news for Israel’s security and borders,” and he predicted that Islamists would be the inevitable rulers of a post-Assad Syria and more unfriendly to the West. Husain has also come out strongly against the policy of sanctions, arguing, “The West would be mistaken to continue developing policy measures that harm Syria and Syrians.” He suggested that support for the uprising could provoke a “campaign of suicide bomb attacks against the West in our cities.” Husain’s prescription was for the West to do absolutely nothing in response to the brutality of the Assad regime, and “leave Syrians alone to put their complicated, sectarian house in order.”

With varying arguments, Crooke, Massad and Husain have joined the notorious Landis in arguing that the Syrian people should be left to the tender mercies of their regime. The alternatives are worse, they say, and Assad’s leadership isn’t really as bad as people think.

Diversity of opinion is a fine thing, but organizations can and should take responsibility for what they choose to sponsor or permit. The Council on Foreign Relations needs to ask itself some serious questions about its role in promoting Husain, one of the most zealous Western opponents of the quest for freedom in Syria.

All of these individuals claim to respect freedom and human rights, but how can that be squared with their eager defense of the Syrian regime? Crooke’s obvious allegiance to Iran, Massad’s knee-jerk anti-Western attitudes and Husain’s fears of an Islamist takeover have all led them to adopt indefensible, and in some cases dishonest, stances that effectively mean they are backing the most brutal repression taking place in the Arab world today. Nothing can justify the outrageous conduct of the Assad dictatorship and no agenda is sufficient to excuse it.

Hussein Ibish is a columnist for NOW Lebanon and blogs at

December 3rd, 2011, 7:31 am


Revlon said:

Damascus youth change their city streets names to those of their martyrs.
The new signs also tell the date they were killed and their family status!

??????? ?????? | ?????? ????? ??????

December 3rd, 2011, 7:52 am


Pirouz said:

Syrian Army armored column on the march:

A first line SyA T-72 and ICV:

There are more videos online of FSyA driblets but nothing at all comparable to these SyA formations. The SyA appears to still have plenty of fight in it.

A knocked out and burning SyA ICV at Homs:

In less than four weeks the Iranians are presented with a direct, overland line of communication extending to the Mediterranean Sea, something not seen since ancient Sassanid times. Hence the big Western push to dislodge Assad.

December 3rd, 2011, 8:18 am


Hans said:

304 said
“Rich women in Damascus
???? ????? ???? ?????? ???????? ?????? ?????? ?? ????? ??? ????? ????? ?????? ??? ???? ??????? ????? ????????.

????? ????? “??? ?????? ???? ?????? ??? ?????? ?????? ????? ????? ???? ?????? ?? ???? ???????”. ??? ??????? ??? ???? “?? ???????? ???? ???? ???? ?? ??? ??? ??? ???? ?????? ?? ???????. ?? ???????? ???? ??? ????????”.”

Ummm there are rich women and Botox in Syria,and it appears that these two women are very active in the society, involved in commercial and business transactions!!!!

if the MB/Salafite regime takes over Syria we won’t have either one that’s why we don’t you or your regime. Even the proclaimed Islamic democracy in Turkey is a fake and full of abuse toward minorities, just ask Turkish women who fled turkey to live in the west and enjoy the freedom away from the democratic Turkey.

I never knew if Sharia Law allows Botox given they you have to use Alcohol swab to clean area first or it is a forbidden practice to allow human being exercise their freedom.
I wish the people who are asking for freedom and democracy, to look deep within themselves and admit first that Islam in its image at the current time is not a religion can harbor freedom or democracy but it harbors only violence, unrest and dark ages mentality.
It is clear where Egypt heading to and hope Syria won’t have the same fate.
Many of the educated radicals lived in the west and instead of becoming more open minded they are more closed minded and have no aspiration for freedom but for closed male dominated society full of repression and abuse to women, children and others.
It appears that the only value of a woman in Islam is woman virginity therefore she is worthless after marriage or if she has sex before marriage, which lead to girls at childhood age being married to older male at the age of their father if not their grandfather, I can’t think of any other culture in the world who has awkward thinking, at the same time Muslim males are allowed to have sex, rape other women regardless of their ethnic, religion etc. we need a revolution against Islam first to liberate Muslims.
It is time to let Muslims free of the backward and awkward mentality the religion impose on them and it is very obvious that many are not ready for this liberation, therefore democracy and liberty are not going to happen in Muslim countries until people are mentally liberated from religion first then they can be ready for democratic regime to rule them.

December 3rd, 2011, 8:27 am


Mango said:

270. GHUFRAN ?????? :
??? ?????? ?????? ?? ???
????? ???? ??? ???????? ?????? ??????? ?? ????? ?????? ?

December 3rd, 2011, 8:35 am


Revlon said:

???? ????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ??? ????
B Asad and the Russians elemeinated General A Habib.

Informed Source:
Asad gave the orders to kill Ex-Defense Minister A Habib, after charging him of opening lines of communication with foreign countries.
He was taken to Techrine Hospital claiming that he needed hospitalisation and treatment.
He was first admitted to the Officers ward where he was attended to to by two Russian officers who gave him an injection of a “slow poision” that was supposed to be hard to detect.
He was then moved to the ward of the ranks and files.
2011/12/03??? ??: ????? ?????
????? ???????? : ???? ?????

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December 3rd, 2011, 8:40 am


Hans said:

Hans:” It is time to let Muslims free of the backward and awkward mentality the religion impose on them and it is very obvious that many are not ready for this liberation, therefore democracy and liberty are not going to happen in Muslim countries until people are mentally liberated from religion first then they can be ready for democratic regime to rule them.”

First of all, i would say given 1.5 mio Syrians who need food supplies my sense of pity with those haute volee dames of Damascus runs low these times.

Hans, the least Muslims need is a non educated ( in terms of islamic sciences) westerner giving fatwas. Muslims and Islam in general are as backward as people want to live. The richness of islam is that no statehood is implemented in the Quran, all is possible, from socialism towards a rude theocratic regime. How can you dare to attest that first of all muslims have a backward and ackward(sic) mentality? Thats pure racism my dear countrymen!

I will not argue with you, and you never answer anyway, but a reformation of Islam is not needed, and the islamic Martin Luther is also not needed. One can not compare for once and all times the brutal oppression the church has created in the middle ages. The often used term dark ages only applies for our european societies. We have fought for centuries in the name of the cristian faith, we killed jewish and muslims for their faith in the time of the crusafes, and we experienced the most devastating war ever fought in europe in the middle ages the 30 year war, with desastrous consequences which led to a seperation of the powers. Those events those experiences are unique for Europe only, Muslims and the islamic society have never been so far, and therefore reformation is not the term one should use dealing with muslims.

No one would argue with an christian nor a jew about essential means of their religion, but when muslims are approched, self declared experts will give “fatwas” willingly and will explain what is islam is allabout.

You prove to me once more that you not only have never set a foot on syrian soil nor have you met and mingled with muslims. You should be aware that through our westernized, voltairian view none of the islamic societies can be described or evaluated. Religions like Islam, Christianity and others are an essential part of all countries in the middle east, it does not matter if you or i have a different approach towards the devine, it just does not matter. You can of course collect the worries of those who think more about their miniskirts and the lack of botox, sorry those will always cry about loosing their prestige.

Regimes like Syria, Tunesia, Egypt who have always declined the religious rights of so many, have created what they feared most, islamic conservative societies, but with regard to Syria i can not attest that big numbers of ilamists are living there, nor does a majority support islamists. The paranoia of the west without destinction of who are islamists who are conservative pious Muslims is often not made, and surely we focus on our own fears and problems towards religion when we address Muslims in this matter.

December 3rd, 2011, 9:50 am


Juergen said:

Sorry, i did it again,I issued an comment under hans name… Sorry Hans!

Hans said :” It is time to let Muslims free of the backward and awkward mentality the religion impose on them and it is very obvious that many are not ready for this liberation, therefore democracy and liberty are not going to happen in Muslim countries until people are mentally liberated from religion first then they can be ready for democratic regime to rule them.”

First of all, i would say given 1.5 mio Syrians who need food supplies my sense of pity with those haute volee dames of Damascus runs low these times.

Hans, the least Muslims need is a non educated ( in terms of islamic sciences) westerner giving fatwas. Muslims and Islam in general are as backward as people want to live. The richness of islam is that no statehood is implemented in the Quran, all is possible, from socialism towards a rude theocratic regime. How can you dare to attest that first of all muslims have a backward and ackward(sic) mentality? Thats pure racism my dear countrymen!

I will not argue with you, and you never answer anyway, but a reformation of Islam is not needed, and the islamic Martin Luther is also not needed. One can not compare for once and all times the brutal oppression the church has created in the middle ages. The often used term dark ages only applies for our european societies. We have fought for centuries in the name of the cristian faith, we killed jewish and muslims for their faith in the time of the crusafes, and we experienced the most devastating war ever fought in europe in the middle ages the 30 year war, with desastrous consequences which led to a seperation of the powers. Those events those experiences are unique for Europe only, Muslims and the islamic society have never been so far, and therefore reformation is not the term one should use dealing with muslims.

No one would argue with an christian nor a jew about essential means of their religion, but when muslims are approched, self declared experts will give “fatwas” willingly and will explain what is islam is allabout.

You prove to me once more that you not only have never set a foot on syrian soil nor have you met and mingled with muslims. You should be aware that through our westernized, voltairian view none of the islamic societies can be described or evaluated. Religions like Islam, Christianity and others are an essential part of all countries in the middle east, it does not matter if you or i have a different approach towards the devine, it just does not matter. You can of course collect the worries of those who think more about their miniskirts and the lack of botox, sorry those will always cry about loosing their prestige.

Regimes like Syria, Tunesia, Egypt who have always declined the religious rights of so many, have created what they feared most, islamic conservative societies, but with regard to Syria i can not attest that big numbers of ilamists are living there, nor does a majority support islamists. The paranoia of the west without destinction of who are islamists who are conservative pious Muslims is often not made, and surely we focus on our own fears and problems towards religion when we address Muslims in this matter.

December 3rd, 2011, 9:56 am


irritated said:

Revlon #315

One more urban legend: Russian nurses administering slow poison that does not leave any trace.

I thought that was reserved to the Bulgarian nurses in Libya administering VIH to children.

Is the opposition lacking beheaded women and castrated children to provoke more outrages to Navy Pillay?

December 3rd, 2011, 9:57 am


Juergen said:

Hans:” It is time to let Muslims free of the backward and awkward mentality the religion impose on them and it is very obvious that many are not ready for this liberation, therefore democracy and liberty are not going to happen in Muslim countries until people are mentally liberated from religion first then they can be ready for democratic regime to rule them.”

First of all, i would say given 1.5 mio Syrians who need food supplies my sense of pity with those haute volee dames of Damascus runs low these times.

Hans, the least Muslims need is a non educated ( in terms of islamic sciences) westerner giving fatwas. Muslims and Islam in general are as backward as people want to live. The richness of islam is that no statehood is implemented in the Quran, all is possible, from socialism towards a rude theocratic regime. How can you dare to attest that first of all muslims have a backward and ackward(sic) mentality? Thats pure racism my dear countrymen!

I will not argue with you, and you never answer anyway, but a reformation of Islam is not needed, and the islamic Martin Luther is also not needed. One can not compare for once and all times the brutal oppression the church has created in the middle ages. The often used term dark ages only applies for our european societies. We have fought for centuries in the name of the cristian faith, we killed jewish and muslims for their faith in the time of the crusafes, and we experienced the most devastating war ever fought in europe in the middle ages the 30 year war, with desastrous consequences which led to a seperation of the powers. Those events those experiences are unique for Europe only, Muslims and the islamic society have never been so far, and therefore reformation is not the term one should use dealing with muslims.

No one would argue with an christian nor a jew about essential means of their religion, but when muslims are approched, self declared experts will give “fatwas” willingly and will explain what is islam is allabout.

You prove to me once more that you not only have never set a foot on syrian soil nor have you met and mingled with muslims. You should be aware that through our westernized, voltairian view none of the islamic societies can be described or evaluated. Religions like Islam, Christianity and others are an essential part of all countries in the middle east, it does not matter if you or i have a different approach towards the devine, it just does not matter. You can of course collect the worries of those who think more about their miniskirts and the lack of botox, sorry those will always cry about loosing their prestige.

Regimes like Syria, Tunesia, Egypt who have always declined the religious rights of so many, have created what they feared most, islamic conservative societies, but with regard to Syria i can not attest that big numbers of ilamists are living there, nor does a majority support islamists. The paranoia of the west without destinction of who are islamists who are conservative pious Muslims is often not made, and surely we focus on our own fears and problems towards religion when we address Muslims in this matter.

December 3rd, 2011, 9:57 am


zoo said:

The Revolutionary Shias
Shi’ism: A Religion of Protest
by Hamid Dabashi

“Shiaphobia is nothing new for Saudi Arabia. The kingdom’s legitimacy derives from the Wahhabi sect of Islam, a Sunni Muslim group that attacked Shiite shrines in Iraq in the nineteenth century, and today systematically discriminates against Shias. We know from WikiLeaks that the US government regards the Saudi monarchy as a “critical financial support base” for al-Qaeda, the Taliban, Lashkar-e-Taiba, and other terrorist groups. As well as attacking American and Indian targets, all these are violently anti-Shiite. We also know that the Saudi king venomously urged his US allies to cut off the “head of the snake” by attacking Shiite Iran.”


December 3rd, 2011, 10:00 am


Tara said:

Iran is no enemy of Arab nations

A Riyadh-Tehran strategic dialogue is needed to dispel mutual fears and misunderstandings and to agree on common security policies
By Patrick Seale, Special to Gulf NewsPublished: 00:00 December 3, 2011

The United States and some of its European allies, notably Britain and France, are piling the pressure on Iran, claiming that its behaviour ‘constitutes a grave and urgent threat to peace,’ as the Elysee Palace in Paris put it in a communique last week. The charge is that Iran is seeking to acquire nuclear weapons.
Sanctions are being stiffened, trade crippled, financial ties severed, isolation enforced: indeed, a range of punitive measures are being put in place which are just short of all-out war against Tehran.
But the latest report on Iran by the International Atomic Energy Agency contains no hard evidence that Iran has decided to manufacture atomic weapons. It contains suppositions and speculations that Iran is concealing part of its nuclear activities, but few new facts. Even if Iran were to acquire a nuclear capability, most experts agree it could only be for defensive purposes.
Nevertheless, the US and Israel have chosen to portray the Islamic Republic as a deadly threat to the world. Iran, in response, has thrown the accusation back at them. Washington sees Iran as a challenge to US control of Middle East oil, while Tel Aviv sees Iran as a threat to Israel’s military supremacy and to its nuclear weapons monopoly. In blatant violation of the UN Charter, Israel repeatedly threatens to strike Iran and destroy its nuclear facilities, while doing its utmost to incite — or indeed blackmail — the United States into doing the job for it.
Article continues below

Following the US lead, the British government has this week rashly ordered UK banks and financial institutions to cut all ties with Iran. They have been ordered ‘to cease business relationships and transactions with all Iranian banks, including the Central Bank of Iran.’ In response, the Iranian Majlis has called for the expulsion of the British ambassador, while British trade with Iran has slumped by nearly 50 per cent this past year. France is also calling for a halt of all purchases of Iranian oil and a freeze of the assets of Iran’s Central Bank.
The Arabs are being urged to join in this hostile campaign against the Islamic Republic, largely stirred up by Israel and the US But is making an enemy of Iran in the Arabs’ interest?
Saudi Arabia and Iran are often considered to be rivals for regional influence. This, however, is a relatively new development. In the past, when the Shah ruled Iran, the two countries were partners, working jointly to ensure the security and stability of the Gulf region. More recently, under the Iranian presidencies of Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani (1989-1997) and Mohammad Khatami (1997-2005), Riyadh and Tehran were on reasonably good terms. It was only with the advent of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in 2005 that relations have soured.
I would argue that Riyadh and Tehran should be partners, not rivals. Good relations between them are essential to protect the region from the many dangers threatening it and from the intrigues and ambitions of external powers. The US-Iranian quarrel has nothing to do with the Arabs. They should resist being dragged into it. 
Iran well remembers America’s role in overthrowing the democratically-elected government of Mohammad Mossadiq in 1953, as well as its support for Saddam Hussain in his eight-year war of aggression against Iran, 1980-1988. The US Navy shot down an Iranian civil airliner in the final stages of that war. For its part, the US has not forgotten the holding hostage of its Tehran embassy staff in 1979, and the attack on a US Marine barracks in Beirut in 1983 by Iran-backed guerrillas.
It would be wise for the Arab states to look to their own interests in this matter, rather than follow the bellicose lead of the western powers and Israel. The Arabs must surely be aware that a military clash between Iran and the US or Israel could be disastrous for the Arab Gulf region. Sensitive installations such as oil terminals and desalination plants could come under fire. The achievements of recent decades could be wiped out.
Looked at positively, Iran and the Gulf States — notably Dubai — have been natural trading partners for many years. The Arab and Iranian shores of the Gulf are linked by a great many financial, commercial and family ties. Iran and Oman have long been strategic partners in ensuring the security of the Straits of Hormuz, a vital choke point for much of the world’s oil trade. Rather than allowing the enemies of the Arabs to exploit tensions between Sunnis and Shiites, bridges should be built across the sectarian divide.
It is worth remembering that Iran has no history of aggression. It has never attacked another country in modern times. The international commission headed by Sharif Bassiouni, which investigated the quelling of the protests in Bahrain, failed to discover any Iranian role in the unrest. No evidence has been found of an Iranian hand in the Zaidi revivalist movement led by the Al Houthi family in North Yemen. The Shiites in Bahrain and the Houthis in Yemen deny any link with Iran and proclaim their loyalty to their own states.
Saudi-Iranian relations have been severely strained by the American claim to have uncovered an Iranian plot to assassinate the Saudi Ambassador in Washington. But few experts believe the American accusation. No convincing evidence in its support has yet been produced. The plot reeks of a ‘sting’ operation by America’s Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), or of a ‘false flag’ operation by a third party, designed to set Riyadh against Tehran.
Rather than demonising Iran and severing links with it, Saudi Arabia and its Gulf partners would be well advised to draw Iran into the security architecture of the region. Iran and its Gulf neighbours share a common interest in the security of the region and a common responsibility for ensuring it.
Rather than being unduly influenced by anti-Iranian propaganda, the Arabs should take note of the sensible views expressed in a joint communique on November 24 by the Brics — Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. These five powerful countries ‘stressed the necessity to build a system of relations in the Gulf region that would guarantee equal and reliable security for all States.’ They ‘emphasised that imposing additional and unilateral sanctions on Iran is counterproductive and would only exacerbate the situation.’ They advocated ‘settling the situation concerning Iran’s nuclear programme only through political and diplomatic means and establishing dialogue between all the parties concerned.’
A Saudi-Iranian strategic dialogue is an urgent necessity to dispel mutual fears and misunderstandings and to agree on common security policies. This would be the best way to protect the Gulf region from what could, at any moment, escalate into a catastrophic clash of arms.

December 3rd, 2011, 10:05 am


majedkhaldoun said:

FSA ,currently are several groups,each is small,with local commanders,they all are in danger of being killed by Assad forces,They need civilian protection,they need to unite, and need money to survive, and they need weapons to strengthen themselves,and they have to have communication system. they need to increase their number.
Further they need to gain the trust and admiration of the syrian people.they have to have better morality than the corrupt,slaved Assad troops.They also need to accomplish some success,They have no air protection.They need to watch for spies among them,backstabbing could happen, and they havr to get spies among troops of provide them with accurate informations.

December 3rd, 2011, 10:15 am


irritated said:

#320 MajedAlkhadoon

“They need civilian protection,”

Aren’t they supposed to “protect” the civilians not the other way around?
You mean they want to use them as human shields?
It this in line with their ‘secret Hatay’ agreement with the SNC?

You sound desperate, why is that?

December 3rd, 2011, 10:23 am


Tara said:

Assad has new theory in creating jobs. He is a big believer of the demand-supply theory. By killing 4000, imprisoning 30,000, and forcing another 10,000 some into refugee status, he abolished the need for 44,000 jobs. A big achievement in 9 month!

Irritated should list this as one of Bashura’s accomplishment next time he is asked, instead of feeling cornered not able to provide an answer.

December 3rd, 2011, 10:36 am


zoo said:

No more demonstrations, no more civilians killed: it is now an armed conflict in Homs and Idlib.
Any chance that Homs becomes the new Benghazi? Will the army go full scale and destroy the pockets of the FSA? Will Turkey be obliged to move militarily?

BEIRUT (AP) — Fresh violence in Syria left 18 people dead on Saturday, most of them killed in a battle between security forces and anti-regime military defectors in a restive northwestern city, activists said.

The British-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said the pre-dawn clashes in the city of Idlib killed seven soldiers and policemen, as well as five anti-government army defectors and three civilians.

December 3rd, 2011, 10:38 am


irritated said:

Tara #322

I gave my answer to N.Z. The Assad’s have made no achievements that blinded people can see.

December 3rd, 2011, 10:42 am


Juergen said:

no doubt about that, Saudi Arabia has some quality to offer in nonsense…

“If women drive car, there are more homosexuals”

Ten lashes for a drive – in Saudi Arabia, women are punished when they leave the house. In a report, a clergyman is supplying now the reason: women who drive lose their virginity, they also risk of falling into prostitution.

Riyadh – Saudi Arabia is the only country in the world where women are not allowed to drive – and that should remain that way. This at least calls Kamal Subhi, a former professor at King Fahd University in Dhahran. In a report, which he recently presented to the Legislative Shura Council, he warns, there would be in ten years no longer virgins, if you let go of the female on the road.

But not enough of the absurd prophecies “to allow women to drive would provoke an increase in prostitution, pornography, homosexuality and divorce rates,” Subhi concretized his worst fears, according to the British “Telegraph”. He bases this forecast with the decline in morals, which he claims to have observed in other Islamic countries where women driving is permitted.

To underline his poimt, that dwindling moralíty would be the outcome, the expert comes up with a personal experience: as Subhi once visited an other Arab state – whose name he does not name – he visited a cafe, where a women gestured to him that she was available. “That’s what happens when women are allowed to drive,” the scientist concluded from this scene.

For months, a large international debate on the Women in Saudi Arabia ban is implemented. In September, the 34-year-old Schajma Dschastania was sentenced to ten lashes, after they were caught in Jeddah at the wheel. The verdict had sparked large protests – in women’s rights activists in the country and in the human rights organization Amnesty International. King Abdullah had suspended the sentence because of public pressure finally.

“It’s all well and good that women in Saudi Arabia may vote from 2015,” said Philip Luther, Amnesty International to the “Telegraph”. “But what the reforms by King Abdullah are worth, if women are whipped, if they exercise their right of free movement ?” The rights of women in Saudi Arabia are considered extremely bad: women need the permission of their husband when they want to travel or work – and even before surgery.

A Saudi Arabian activist, said to the “BBC”, Kamal Subhi recent report was “totally insane”.

translated from german,1518,801461,00.html

December 3rd, 2011, 10:55 am


Tara said:


“To underline his poimt, that dwindling moralíty would be the outcome, the expert comes up with a personal experience: as Subhi once visited an other Arab state – whose name he does not name – he visited a cafe, where a women gestured to him that she was available. “That’s what happens when women are allowed to drive,” the scientist concluded from this scene.”

Do you have a picture of this Subhi scientist to see how plausible his personal experience is?

December 3rd, 2011, 11:05 am


Ghufran said:

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December 3rd, 2011, 11:06 am


irritated said:

#324 Juergen

Where is Navy Pillay?
Is Saudi Arabia a dictatorship not respecting basic human rights?
How do you define dictatorship?
Human rights do not apply to US and EU’s rich and friendly dictatorship?

December 3rd, 2011, 11:11 am


zoo said:


Saudi report claims women at wheel will have sex
(AP) – 5 hours ago

RIYADH, Saudi Arabia (AP) — A report given to a high-level advisory group in Saudi Arabia claims that allowing women in the kingdom to drive could encourage premarital sex, a rights activist said Saturday.

The ultraconservative stance suggests increasing pressure on King Abdullah to retain the kingdom’s male-only driving rules despite international criticism.

Rights activist Waleed Abu Alkhair said the document by a well-known academic was sent to the all-male Shura Council, which advises the monarchy. The report by Kamal Subhi claims that allowing women to drive will threaten the country’s traditions of virgin brides, he said.

Saudi women have staged several protests defying the driving ban. The king has already promised some reforms, including allowing women to vote in municipal elections in 2015.

There was no official criticism or commentary on the scholar’s views, and it was unclear whether they were solicited by the Shura Council or submitted independently. But social media sites were flooded with speculation that Saudi’s traditional-minded clerics and others will fight hard against social changes suggested by the 87-year-old Abdullah.

Saudi’s ruling family, which oversees Islam’s holiest sites, draws its legitimacy from the backing of the kingdom’s religious establishment, which follows a strict brand of Islam known as Wahhabism. While Abdullah has pushed for some changes on women’s rights, he is cautious not to push too hard against the clerics.

In October, Saudi Arabia named a new heir to the throne, Prince Nayef, who is a former interior minister and considered to hold traditionalist views, although he had led crackdowns against suspected Islamic extremists. His selection appeared to embolden the ultraconservative clerics to challenge any sweeping social reforms.

Prince Nayef was picked following the death of Crown Prince Sultan.

December 3rd, 2011, 11:15 am


habib said:

Seems like the secularist oppositionists here are completely delusional. There will not be Islamist rule in Syria after the fall of Assad? Really? Tunisia, Libya, Egypt were not lessons enough?

December 3rd, 2011, 11:23 am


Juergen said:


I am with you, but please check the AL databases and i found this report by the number one friend of Saudis:

Otherwise, after Baschars regime will fall, the Saudis should not feel too safe…

December 3rd, 2011, 11:29 am


Ghufran said:

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December 3rd, 2011, 11:30 am


jad said:

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December 3rd, 2011, 11:35 am


jad said:

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Didn’t they said that they will stop attacking the military and ‘protect’ civilians? I guess they wont, besides, as shown earlier they are using kids as soldiers in the FSA army protective!

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December 3rd, 2011, 11:44 am


Tara said:

Another interesting report.  I would like to know in Subhi’s opinion of what will happen if women in KSA are allowed to drive planes?  Lots of women I know take flying lessons and do fly small plains in a local airport.  What should we expect?

Saudis will lose virginity if women drive: clerics
London, December 02, 2011
Allowing women drivers in Saudi Arabia would result in ‘no more virgins’ the country’s highest religious council has warned. A ‘scientific’ report has alleged that relaxing the ban on women drivers, would also see more Saudis – both men and women – turn to homosexuality and 

The astonishing conclusions were deduced by Muslim scholars at the Majlis al-Ifta’ al-A’ala, Saudi Arabia’s religious council, working in conjunction with Kamal Subhi, a former professor at the King Fahd University.

The scholars, in their report, evaluated the possible impact of repealing the ban in Saudi Arabia, the only country in the world where women are not allowed behind the wheel.

The report was delivered to all the 150 members of the country’s legislative body.

According to the account, allowing women to drive would ‘provoke a surge in prostitution, pornography, homosexuality and divorce’ the Daily Mail reported.

The scholars claimed that within ten years of lifting the ban, there would be ‘no more virgins’ in the Islamic kingdom.

They further corroborated their point of ‘moral decline’ by observing that in other Muslim countries where women are allowed to drive the decline is already visible.

In the report, Professor Subhi, exemplified the point by describing what he experienced while sitting in a coffee shop in an unnamed Arab state.

“All the women were looking at me,” he wrote. “One made a gesture that made it clear she was available… this is what happens when women are allowed to drive,” he concluded.

The shocking report came after Shaima Jastaniya, a 34-year-old Saudi woman, was sentenced to 10 lashes with a whip after being caught driving in Jeddah.

Although there have been strong protests across the country about the sentence and law in general, resistance to reform and change remains strong among conservative royals and clerics.

December 3rd, 2011, 11:50 am


Juergen said:


no i have not seen any pic…

December 3rd, 2011, 11:57 am


irritated said:


“the Saudis should not feel too safe…”
Why? The Saudi are protected by the USA the same way Israel is protected. As long as the western world needs oil, they will not give any importance to any report of human rights abuses in Saudi Arabia.
Back in the 1980’s, there was a big scandal about a Saudi princess who was beheaded after trying to flee with her lover. There was even a british film ” Death of a princess” that caused an uproar in Saudi Arabia. After a few cries, the whole thing died off: Oil & Money speak louder in western countries.
Nothing will change in Saudi Arabia from within. The young Saudis are spoiled and more interested in making money and venting their frustration in neighboring countries where prostitution and alcohol flourish like Dubai and Cairo(?). Saudi women are treated like dolls or ornamented objects with no role in the political system.
The only cause of worry is Iran and the Shias in the south that are starting to move, but they will be crushed by the Saudi in the
total black out of the medias and the West is taking care of crippling Iran.

I have no hope for a change in Saudi Arabia anytime soon.
Yet their influence ( through money and religion) is now spreading and changing these new ‘democracy’ into mini Saudi Arabia.
Well, for alcohol and sex, there is now Turkey!

December 3rd, 2011, 12:29 pm


Ghufran said:

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December 3rd, 2011, 12:35 pm


Mango said:

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December 3rd, 2011, 12:50 pm


Juergen said:


I spoke to tunesian and egyptian friends, they kind of told me the same things, that no one ever thought that they could get rid of their rulers, yet they were gone so fast. US backing is absurd nowadays, surely the saftey concern of a breaking up Saudi state would be tremendous for the west, but believe me this kingdom can not rule like that any longer. I assume if Abdallah dies, we will see tension inside the family and the country if Nayef will become king, which could end up in a coup d etat or worst. Surely the shiite alone wont bring change, the question is if the young Saudis will furthermore be held quiet with money and scholarships.

December 3rd, 2011, 12:50 pm


Bronco said:

#344 Gufran

There seem to be a renewed media campaign against Bahrain and Saudi Arabia in the media recently. Even Al Jazira is participating.
Any reason other that a distraction for the western readers from the disastrous economical situation in the EU and the US?

Bahrain: Shouting in the dark
The story of the Arab revolution that was abandoned by the Arabs, forsaken by the West and forgotten by the world.

December 3rd, 2011, 12:52 pm


Tara said:


Your link discussed honor killing of Kurdish and Iranian women in United Kingdom. Do we know how prevalent honor killing in Shiaa Iran as opposed to Sunni KSA? Would be an interesting comparison.

Also, I was told by Christian friends of mine that honor killing also happen among Christians in Syria. Do anyone know how prevalent it is?

December 3rd, 2011, 12:54 pm


irritated said:

340. Juergen

Egypt and Tunisia are poor countries and were and still are suffering from very high unemployment, social neglect and corruption. Their revolution is justified and admirable.
Libya is a rich country and it needed the heavy western militarty intervention with 30,000 dead to remove an unreliable and bothering ruler but the future is yet to see.
Saudi Arabia is very rich, and even if there is corruption, there is still plenty of money for the relatively small population. The Asian workers are exploited like slaves. The majority of the young Saudis are passive, with no ideals except making money and having fun. The cultural life is close to zero. It is an amorphous society, protected by oil greedy countries and getting fatter. It won’t move soon.

December 3rd, 2011, 1:05 pm


Ghufran said:

I do not buy the theory that western governments will abandon their friends to help the cause of freedom and democracy but those governments are uneasy keeping quiet when it became clear that oppression is not limited to Syria and Iran,we have to see a great deal of blood shed in the Goat Princes countries before there is any real pressure on those regimes.
Almost all of the honor crimes occur among Muslim communities. Syria and Jordan in particular are affected. There is a higher percentage of educated Arabs in the west compared to other muslims which help to reduce the incidence of those crimes compared to other Muslim communities who have a larger percentage of uneducated asylum seekers who act based on their level of education and SES.
Poverty and illiteracy are leading causes for those crimes but the religious establishment for decades have refused to treat those crimes as other crimes and that gives criminals a green light to commit those crimes without fearing a just punishment.

December 3rd, 2011, 1:13 pm


zoo said:

In Turkey, according to current regulations, it is sufficient for foreigners to merely present their passports in order to purchase a firearm.

“A passport photocopy suffices for foreigners [to buy guns]. A couple of documents are also issued.

Turkey ties with the United States as No. 14 in a list of countries with the highest rate of crimes committed with firearms, according to psychiatrist Arhan Akçan, who is also the spokesperson for the Umut (Hope) Foundation, which focuses on the issue of individual disarmament.

“The sales of guns both to Turkish citizens and to foreigners have to be brought under control. The demand for arms has been constantly increasing in recent years. Moreover, there is also the problem of terrorism Turkey still needs to overcome,” Akçan told the Daily News.

“A passport photocopy suffices for foreigners [to buy guns]. A couple of documents are also issued. They are thinking about the
influx of foreign currency, but caution is paramount,” Akçan said.

December 3rd, 2011, 1:14 pm


Tara said:

Home > Justice & Peace >  03/12/2011 16.23.19

Vatican voices concern for Syria at UN special session

“We need to take a look at what might happen in the near future in a country that is made up of Sunni and Shia Muslim of Alawite of Christian of Kurds and the Christian community is not a very small community. All these different groups need to find a way to live together without violence”, says Archbishop Silvano Tomasi, the Vatican’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations in Geneva, commenting on Friday’s resolution adopted by the Human Rights Council condemning Syria for “gross and systematic” violations by security forces.

On Saturday at least 15 people died in fierce fighting between security forces and army rebels in
northern Syria as violence intensified in the eighth month of unrest against President
Bashar al-Assad.

Syria faces deepening international and regional isolation, with the Arab League, the European Union and the United States piling on increasingly tough sanctions to pressure Damascus to
stop the bloodshed and talk to its opponents.

The United Nations’ top human rights forum said Syrian violations included executions and the imprisonment of some 14,000 people.

Speaking to Emer McCarthy, Archbishop Tomasi says: “The curse of the Middle East seems that everything is resolved by way of violence instead of dialogue and effort to live together in peace. The preoccupation not only of the Holy See but of the entire international community is to help and encourage, even through concrete measures, the people of Syria to find a path of reconciliation and a way of living together in mutual respect of the fundamental rights of everyone”. Listen:

Archbishop Tomasi addressed the UN Human Rights special session on Syria:
Statement by H.E. Archbishop Silvano M. Tomasi, Permanent Representative of the Holy See to the United Nations and Other International Organizations in Geneva
at the Special Session of the Human Rights Council on Syria Geneva, 2 December 2011
Madame President,
The Delegation of the Holy See follows with great concern the dramatic and growing episodes of violence in Syria which have caused many victims and grave suffering. On this occasion I wish to reiterate the repeated appeals of the Holy Father to the faithful to pray that the effort for reconciliation may prevail over division and resentment, and to the Authorities and all the citizens to spare no effort in the search for the common good and in the acceptance of legitimate aspirations for a future of peace and stability.
Madame President,
The events which have occurred in the past months in Syria have been born from the desire for a better future of economic well-being, justice, freedom and participation in public life and they point to the urgent necessity of real reforms in social, economic and political life. It is nevertheless highly desirable that these developments do not take place through intolerance, discrimination or conflict, and even less through violence, but rather through absolute respect for truth, for coexistence, for the legitimate rights of individuals and groups, as well as for reconciliation. Such principles must guide leaders while taking account of the aspirations of civil society as well as the instances of the international community.
Madame President,
The Delegation of the Holy See expresses its condolences to the families of the victims and prays for the recovery of the wounded. May peace soon prevail and allow a renewed society to look with hope to a future where the innate dignity of every person is respected.

December 3rd, 2011, 1:34 pm


Tara said:

Reading all the Christian islamophobes on SC several months ago got me mad and therefore, I decided not to celebrate Christmas this year.  How silly I was!  Father Paolo describing himself as “radically Syrian” is very profound.  I just love people who have a passion.  My Christmas tree will be out in time.  I do not of course use religious ornaments but decorative ones.  

“She insisted that it’s a falsehood spread by al-Assad’s regime that the fighting in Syria is between tribes and religions.
“I have stood next to people of all religions,” she said. “I am Christian. I have stood beside Muslims, Christians, Alawis, Druze and Sunnis. This is not about our differences.”

Activist: Blood can run, but Syrian people won’t back down
By Ashley Fantz, CNN
updated 7:39 PM EST, Fri December 2, 2011

December 3rd, 2011, 1:39 pm


Juergen said:

I have a friend who might know about honor killings, she used to work in a project which spread the words about honor killings in Syria. I will pose this question to her later tonight.

December 3rd, 2011, 2:13 pm


norman said:


Did Father Paolo grow up in Syria,

There is no honer killing among Christians that i know of, the practice probably comes from making the family responsible for the deeds of it’s members, as long as individuals are not responsible for their deeds, honer killing will continue, i think it comes for blaming the family and the tribe for the deeds of the members , you can see that also by being proud of their family name or the achievement of the family instead of being proud or ashamed of their own achievements.

December 3rd, 2011, 2:27 pm


Juergen said:

I talked to my friend, and she confirmed me that honor killings occur in all groups and religions in Syria. She said that she has reports of christian families in the rual areas who have committed so called honor killings. She said only among Alawis there is less such crimes.

I just found this video showing an “debate” on jordanian tv with one Assad supporter from Hisb ul Bath in Jordan(i thought they were spared from this ideology) and one who is against Assad. See how much the culture of political debate has grown…

December 3rd, 2011, 3:02 pm


zoo said:

The Arab League: We want to avoid any outside interference
02/12 16:09 CET

Riad Masas: “Then why does the opposition come to you?”

Nabil El-Arabi : The Council of Arab Foreign Ministers decided to meet with the opposition and the government in order to conduct a national dialogue to consider the next stage.

“We implemented a resolution adopted by the Council of Arab Foreign Ministers to have a comprehensive national dialogue.

Riad Masas: “But the Syrian regime always rejects this dialogue?

Nabil el-Arabi: “We are working to create a dialogue, we are preparing all parties to do it.”


December 3rd, 2011, 3:22 pm


zoo said:

After the decree allowing the formation of political parties as part of the reforms program, in August 2011, four new parties were formed.

Syrian communists, leftists form new party
DAMASCUS, Dec. 3 (Xinhua) — Leader of the Syrian Communist party Qadri Jamil announced Saturday the formation of Pioneering Revolutionist Party that would combine communists and leftists in the country.

Jamil, who is also an opposition figure and leader of the opposition Front of Change and Liberation, said during a press conference held Saturday in the capital of Damascus that the possibility of a direct military intervention in Syria has decreased.

However, he warned of an increasing danger of the eruption of conflicts in the region “within the framework of US, Western and Zionist plans to enflame the entire region with a series of internal and external wars.”

Jamil, who represents moderate Syrian opposition parties, also warned of increasing violent acts inside Syria.

Syria needs the immediate formation of a national unity government that comprises representatives from the ruling party and the opposition “on the basis of consensus to defend the homeland and national unity,” he said.

In August, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad issued two decrees, allowing the formation of political parties, as part of the government’s reform program.

The Syrian government has been dominated by the Baath party since 1963 when its members took power after a military coup. It allowed the existence of 10 other socialist-oriented parties including the Communist party, the Socialist Unionist party, which enrolled them under its umbrella by an alliance called The National Progressive Front.

The 10 parties are practically margined and tightly controlled by al-Baath party. Since the party law was endorsed, about four new parties were formed.

December 3rd, 2011, 3:30 pm


NK said:


Maybe you and others should take a look at this document, they kicked a 9 grader (15 years old at best) permanently out of school for insulting the president, or as they put it (the symbol of the country).

I have friends who have been detained for over 5 months now (so much for the 4 weeks of detention Mr AlKadi was talking about), the angles you and your buddy are defending, are beating demonstrators AFTER the demonstration is over not to break them up but to terrorize them, they banned i-phone for crying out load just because it’s allowing people to communicate with the outside world to expose those animals for what they are.

When you have a rabid dog you can’t just hold a sign and hope for the best!

December 3rd, 2011, 3:48 pm


Tara said:


Thanks. That is my understanding too. There is honor killing among Christians in rural Syria. I also never heard of honor killing among Alawis.


I don’t know if he grew up in Syria. I know he lived there for 30 years. All non-Syrians who lived in Syria becomes very affectionate about her. Is this unique to Syria? What is so special about Syria that makes people fall in love with her. Annie and WD should be able to tell us. What I really want to know though why father Paolo loves Syria through loving her people whereas some others love Syria through loving the regime?

December 3rd, 2011, 3:52 pm


Tara said:

The AL met again and gave the regime another deadline until tomorrow to agree on the protocol. Hamad said to Aljazeera that Syria is running out of time…. The phrase is just laughable. I think what he was implying is that if Syria does not agree to the proposed observers and to stopping the killings, it would be very short time before a perhaps no fly zone get imposed, unless he used “running out of time” as just a cliche.

December 3rd, 2011, 4:08 pm


Norman said:


Jeurgen is wrong , Christians are conservative but do not do honor killing they cut relation withe their family members that they do not like what they do, but do not kill, they keep the lid on their family problems, they call it do not put their dirty laundry for all people to see,


I think we talked about that before, All Syrians who grew up in Syria ow a lot to the country, people and government, i went to public school all my life and if it was not free, I would not be where i am today and that is to your surprise the result of the Baath party and free education that they guarantee to every Syrian and Palestinian and probably Iraqis who is living in Syria, You might not know that,

once again to make it clear to you, we want political reform and free election and dignity for all Syrians, we want Syria especially i to be like the US where everybody is equal under the law with anti discrimination laws and decentralization that makes every town responsible for their own problems,

We just do not want killing from anybody to reach that goal, Syria is not going to be the same after the last 9 months and if they do not have and reach a consensus about the system they want for the state, there will be no state to have an election in.

December 3rd, 2011, 4:11 pm


Norman said:


we Arabs are very good at extending the dead line when we do not get what we want, we have been extending the dead line on palestinian solution for the last 60 years,

I just hope that you do not hold your breath waiting for Syria to accept and Hamad does so we can get rid of him,

December 3rd, 2011, 4:16 pm


Norman said:

Arab public opinion is changing after what Ghalion said,

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December 3rd, 2011, 4:26 pm


NK said:


Here’s father Paolo talking about himself

December 3rd, 2011, 4:30 pm


Tara said:


I promise you that a Christian couple, friends with my parents, told me there is honor killing among Christians in Syria. They are from a small Christian village near Hama. Now I don’t know if it is the only case but I know it happened. I think it is also present among the Copts in rural Egypt in Sa’eed area.

I do the 1-10 count with my children too. I reach 9 and start to slow down. I then go to 91/4 then 91/2 then 9 3/4 then repeat 9 3/4 again but if I reach 10 and nothing happens, I just do what I said I was going to do no matter what the consequences are. I do not back down. I think this is what the AL is doing.

December 3rd, 2011, 4:32 pm


Bronco said:

Arab League gives Syria deadline on observers

Another deadline?

The Arab league has achieved one major goal. They have stopped the escalation of foreign intervention, Libyan style, that France has been relentlessly pushing. In order to satisfy the international community outcries on Syria, the Al has applied tough sanctions in Syria, sanctions we know will not be effective but are enough to let the international community already confused and undecided, to postpone their problematic intervention.
Yet the AL has two issues pending and pressing:
– They have not been able to unite the opposition and convince them to a national dialog with the regime. The SNC is heavily supported by France who is adamant of toppling Bashar al Assad.
Therefore France is hampering the unity of the different brands of opposition who reject this goal.
– They have not been able to have the Syrian government sign the protocol. The Syrians had justified reasons. Syria is not a failed state to execute orders from the AL that ignore their sovereignity by allowing unchecked observers to roam around the country as if it was a no man’s land.
After the clear cut position of Russia about its unconditional support to Bashar at any UNSC resolution and the rebuff the Russians gave to the SNC, it is probable that moderates in the AL have pushed to invite again Syria to sign a protocol that has been modified to be acceptable to Syria.
Sunday we’ll know.

December 3rd, 2011, 5:05 pm


Tara said:


In your eyes, is the AL is pro Bashura or pro the revolution?

December 3rd, 2011, 5:12 pm


Syria no kandahar said:

Days befor FSA,SNC and Taratora gave us freedom and democracy:

December 3rd, 2011, 5:34 pm


Norman said:


I never heard of something like that, so if you have a case it is isolated and not the routine, even if it happened you do not see other Christians justifying it and celebrating the offender as it happens with Muslims,


The AL is stupid, they thought that they can scare the Syrian government into submission only to find out that Syria outsmarted them by securing the Russian support then refusing ,rightly, the observers, now the AL is finding itself in a jam it does not know how to get out of,

Everybody as you can see recently worry about a civil war not just in Syria but in Turkey, Lebanon, and more in Iraq, everybody is trying to backtrack, they are all fearful from what is going to happen,

That is the only logical explanation hesitation that we see.

Don’t you think?

December 3rd, 2011, 5:52 pm


majedkhaldoun said:

Iran threatened Turkey,saying in case of attack on Iran they will hit bases in Turkey.
Iran influence will increase once USA pull out of Iraq,the Iraqi goverment is Iranian puppet,Syria is ally of Iran.
Iran increasingly interfering in Arab countries they tried to assasinate KSA ambassador,they helped Houthies in Yemen,provoking Shiaa in Bahrain against the king, they sent troops and weapons to the criminal children killer Assad.
Turkey has a right to fear Iran rise in influence, and this give Turkey a reason to weaken Iran through actions in Syria.
Iran will be better if they go for Arab Turkish Iranian alliance,it is a mistake to threaten Turkey,the only obstacle to such alliance is Bashar Assad regime,Iran must respect the arab part of this triangle,The Arab part is Arabic country that include Syria Iraq,and the small Arabic countries.So Iran must abandone Bashar and gives way for a strong regime in Syria and allow Syria Iraq this triangle will have equal sides.

December 3rd, 2011, 5:55 pm


NK said:

Days after Hamza el Khatib, Ibrahim Kashosh and Ghayath Matar gave us freedom and democracy:

or maybe you prefer music

December 3rd, 2011, 6:02 pm


Hans said:

For people who don’t know about father Paolo, he arrived in Syria in the early 80’s, I was with him on his first mission to Syria, he was a Franciscan monk who thereafter become a priest in his order.
he heard about the ruins of Mar Moussa the Ethiopian through other European monks in Damascus, he has no close working relationship with the Jesuit who has been present in Syria for long time.
He didn’t speak much Arabic at that time, but he was interested in the Arabic arts.
He was transformed by the ruins, as a place for prayer, practicing Zen and loving god as creature of god.
He felt the deep and urgent need to rehabilitate the place and save all the mosaic icons which were in very bad conditions, he settled in Mar Moussa the Ethiopian when it was ruins, there was no food water or supplies, everything was brought in. He brought Europeans art and icons specialists to work on the project.
Syrian volunteers brought the downfallen rocks from the valley back up and built the place as it is at the current time, a beautiful scenic place.
work was seven days a week being the weekend the most productive time given many volunteers arrived from ALL over Syria to work on the project ( I still have the PICS with my first visit working on the now known as the chapel).
The road was all dirt and required walking about 2 hours then going down the rocks to arrive at the ruins.
Once he broke his leg and was found later down in the valley by the local shepherds… He has an excellent relationship with the local over the years, he is a strong advocate of dialogue between Muslims and Christians many of the local Muslims will pray with him in the monastery. He loves people because all are equals and the sons and daughters of god.
Through donations and only donation from Italy and Europe he was able recently to have a Cheese plant built next to the monastery, it is one of the only aged cheese plant in Syria and probably the only one in the Middle east, he is trying to sell the cheese locally to be self sufficient.
One interesting of note from Father paolo he told me once that he hates the USA government, because it is an Evil dour, he will not ask for any money of an American agency, he doesn’t mind the american people donating but he refused to ask the american agencies.
I visited father Paolo few years ago and was astonished. My first visit in the 80’s we slept on the dirt with candles to have some light, there was no clean water to drink and there was no road to drive to the place.
now he has high speed internet line to the place with the help of friends.
it is very unfortunate that the people of the town turned against him with the help of the regime thugs and tried to confiscate his wildlife refuge surrounding the monastery to build hotels and other commercial projects, It only a testimony to what kind of culture surrounding him. ( that’s before the current events, probably a year ago). He planted original trees, plants, raised local animals, including the primitive ones, from the understanding nature requires all lines of plants, animal to live in harmony.
If any one is interested in his Email or even to donate to his project I have all the information needed. I promised him once I will donate to his project but I have been under some financial difficulty in the last two years and never done what I said, but I will with time. hope this help and now you know Tara why father paolo loves Syria like many of us.

December 3rd, 2011, 6:10 pm


majedkhaldoun said:

I am very much impressed with your story about Father Paolo,I think it should become a movie,I admire such peopleThey vare true people of God.I will be honored to know him.

December 3rd, 2011, 6:35 pm


Norman said:

This could explain the elections in Egypt,


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December 3rd, 2011, 7:27 pm


Tara said:

Arab League rejects Syria intervention at EU talks
BRUSSELS – Agence France-Presse
Arab League Secretary General Nabil al-Arabi arrives on December 1, 2011, at the EU headquarters in Brussels for a meeting with the Foreign Affairs Council. AFP Photo
Arab League chief Nabil al-Arabi rejected any foreign intervention in Syria on Thursday as he joined European Union talks aimed at ramping up pressure on the regime over its crackdown on dissidents.
 “We reject any accusation that the Arab League is inviting any intervention,” Arabi said on arrival for a lunch with EU foreign ministers, who slapped a new round of economic sanctions on Damascus.
 “Every decision taken by the Arab League rejects an intervention,” he added, days after the pan-Arabic body imposed its own unprecedented sanctions against President Bashar al-Assad’s regime.
 Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Muallem accused “some League members” this week of “pushing to internationalise the conflict.” EU officials were hoping to join forces with the Arab League in order to pile pressure on Assad.
 EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton said she was “very pleased” with the the sanctions approved by the League and that Arabi and EU ministers would try to determine “the best and most appropriate ways that we can collaborate.” “We want to work with the Arab League to discuss how they want to go forward and how effective they think their sanctions are going to be,” she said.
 German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle said the Arab League sanctions were “historic” and that the EU would discuss how “we synchronize our measures.” “I think it is very important that our answer to the repression and to the atrocities in Syria is a united answer,” he said, adding that Europeans would also keep trying to get a UN Security Council resolution on Syria.
 EU ministers adopted bans on exporting gas and oil industry equipment to Syria, trading Syrian government bonds and selling software that could be used to monitor Internet and telephone communications, diplomats said.
 European governments will also be barred from providing concessional loans to Syria — credit at lower rates and longer grace periods than those offered by the markets.
 The goal is to restrict the regime’s access to cash.
 The EU also added 12 more individuals and 11 more entities to a blacklist of people and companies hit by assets freezes and travel bans over the regime’s crackdown on protesters, diplomats said.
 The EU has passed nine rounds of sanctions against Syria, placing 74 people on the list, including Assad, enforcing an arms embargo and banning imports of Syrian crude oil.
 The UN says the violence has killed more than 3,500 people since mid-March.

December 3rd, 2011, 8:16 pm


Bronco said:

Tara, Norman

There is two ways to interpret the AL moves. One is that the AL wants to finish up with Bashar al Assad at any cost and that the ‘initiative’ is just a trap.

The other view, that I favor, is that the AL wants a “negotiated deal” between the opposition and the Syrian government with a “no looser, no winner” approach so a permanent calm comes back in the region and western intervention is avoided. The AL are pushing for a national dialog, not the toppling of Bashar al Assad.
Their motivation is that it considers the Libyan ‘liberation’ that cost thousands of death ( never reported officially but estimated 50,000) and has allowed the EU, to reaffirm its colonial and arrogant presence in North Africa as a humiliation for the Arabs, especially after Iraq has been ‘liberated’ by force by the US. Now that the USA is leaving Iraq, they don’t want to see another foreign army getting in.
The unravelling of the ‘new’ regime in the Arab spring countries is also playing an important role in its decision making. The pro-Israel western countries are looking with anxiety at the birth of ‘democratic’ Islamic regime that are very definitely anti-Israel. They would prefer these countries to be busy fighting each other through internal unrest and civil wars rather than to offer a unified front to Israel. Therefore, for the AL, any western foreign intervention is suspicious and should be rejected as it may hide an agenda to favor conflicts in other Arab countries to divert them from Israel.
By announcing tough sanctions on Syria, the message to the western countries is clear: We can deal with our Arab brother, we don’t need you, see, we are tough. This has satisfied the international community that are very uncomfortable and confused about what to do.
Therefore the AL has achieved one of the goals. Russia gave it a hand too by showing its determination to veto an eventual UNSC resolution against Syria. Russia wants the same as the AL.
The result is that foreign intervention is out of the question, despite bellicose France wanting an other Libyan scenario.

They still have two pending and pressing issues now

– The AL must convince the opposition to unite and accept the dialog with the regime. Ten days ago, the opposition said that the SNC and the NCC will unite in ” a matter of days” . We haven’t heard anything. The continuous FSA attacks are weakening the SNC as it shows that the SNC controls nothing. Russia rebuffed the SNC and they got recognition only from Libya that is now sending armed men to help the FSA, a move criticized by just everybody. The sponsorship of the SNC by France is hurting it too and Ghalioun declaration’s on Iran seems to confirm the AL’s suspicion of a regional political agenda behind the SNC’s call for a democracy.

The SNC request for Bashar al Assad as a prerequisite to the dialog is inacceptable to the AL. The dialog, if and when it happens, may lead to a earlier presidential election, that is possible. Now that the USA, Turkey, France and Jordan have openly asked Bashar to step down, he won’t give them satisfaction. He will leave only when when he is sure that who comes after will follow the same foreign policy and a socialist system.

– The AL must convince Syria to sign the observers protocol. Syria will sign it provided the modifications requested by Moallem are included in the protocol, i.e a necessary coordination with the Syrian government on the observers selection and their whereabouts as well as the confirmation that the purpose of the dialog is not to discuss the “transition” but a political arrangement to stop the violence and facilitate the reforms

If the Syria signs the protocol, the AL will have to press the opposition to accept a compromise ands engage in the dialog.
That would the next step for the AL.
The declaration of Nabil Al Arabi with Euronews posted by Zoo #350 and his firm position with the EU point in that direction

December 3rd, 2011, 8:27 pm


Tara said:


Thank you for your post in regard to father Paolo. I hope he never leaves Syria.

December 3rd, 2011, 8:28 pm


Norman said:


The external opposition made it clear that they will not negotiate with president Assad, president Assad is the only one that can convince the Baath party and the other minority of the peaceful intention of the reform that the opposition seek, so i think we are at an impasse, the only way out is for the Syrian government to move on reform and invite everybody , that will put the intention of the opposition to the test.

December 3rd, 2011, 8:38 pm


Bronco said:

Norman #375

The AL is going to twist the arms of the SNC if Syria signs the protocol. I think the SNC has weaken a lot with its contradictory declarations, its dependence on France whose request for ‘humanitarian ‘ corridors have been shunned by the UN and the EU and its failure to rein the FSA that is pushing the country to a civil war that everybody dread.
If Syria signs the protocol, I think the SNC will compromise or will become irrelevant.

December 3rd, 2011, 9:03 pm


Tara said:


I think the AL is sincere about a negotiated deal, aversion of civil war, and not inviting foreign intervention.  I don’t think this is coming out of affection to Bashar, rather an affection to the Syrian people.  I think the Arab street is as traumatized as the ordinary Syrians with the scale of atocities inflicted upon them.  However, I think in order to achieve above, Qatar realizes that the dialogue if and when is agreed upon by the opposition is a dialogue to achieve peaceful transition and NOT to facilitate the reforms.  I think the AL led by Qatar is totally convinced that Bashar can’t possibly continue as the president of Syria because he lost his legitimacy not only in the eyes of the people supporting the revolution but also in the eyes of the international community.

I think the AL strategy is to take a step by step approach.  Had the AL demanded at the begining that Bashar must leave, it would’ve then been shunned by the regime and marginalized from the get go.  The only way that it could’ve positioned itself in a leadership role was to use the regime own rhetoric of “dialogue”.  Yet, the AL took it a step further by demanding complete cessation of violence, release of political prisoners and by asking for admittance of observers to ensure the regime follows through.  When the regime declined to sign the protocol, the AL did exactly what they said they are going to do.  They imposed economic sanctions yet continued to offer the regime a chance to back off stating that sanctions will be removed if the regime allows the observers.

If the regime agreed to the observers, then he must stop the killings and release all detainees.  
If this happen, the opposition would probably agree to a dialogue in regard to transition of power.  I don’t think anyone is hopeful though that the regime is capable of stopping the killing because of it would then run the risk of massive demonstration in Damascus and Aleppo.

If the killings continue and/or the detainees are not released, then the AL’s initiative would be declared a failure and the sanctions will be imposed.  Once the sanctions are imposed, I think the AL will meet within a month or 6 weeks to reassess.  If the killings continue, then the AL would declare their sanctions to have failed it’s goal, and by exhausting all sanctions without success, the EU and the US will bring the case back to the UNSC for a second round.      

December 3rd, 2011, 9:37 pm


Bronco said:


Qatar has clarified the litigious points in the protocol

(Translated from Lebanese L’Orient Le Jour)

“A meeting of Arab has given Syria a new deadline until Sunday to sign a protocol on the sending of observers and avoid further sanctions, said Saturday the prime minister of Qatar, Sheikh Hamad bin Jassem bin Jabr al -Thani.
“We have entered into contact with Damascus during the meeting and we responded to requests for clarification (…) We asked them (Syrian officials) to come tomorrow to Doha to sign the protocol and we are waiting for a response, “said Sheikh Hamad. “We fear that if this situation continues, things would go beyond the control of the Arabs,” he added.
Sheikh Hamad stressed the risks of internationalization of pressure on Syria and denied any Arab plot against this country. “All we want is to stop the bloodshed in Syria and see that this regime changes its policy effectively and not in words,” he said.
(end of quote)

Note than one of the clarification requested by Moallem was that it is made clear in the protocol that the dialog is not to discuss “transition’ but to discuss how to quell the unrest and start the reforms. If this is not clarified, the Syrian government will not sign and they will get additional sanctions. Syria is discussing everything with the Russians. Syria won’t do anything going against what Russia wants and Russia repeated that the dialog is not about transition but about reforms and they will stick to that, whatever the SNC wants.

If the dialog happens, maybe they would agree on a referendum on the reforms (that would be indirectly a referendum for/against the regime) or an early presidential election, who knows. Bashar will step down only of the Syrians want him to and until now it is not proven they want that.
Next update on sunday…

December 3rd, 2011, 10:31 pm


zoo said:

Veil for women, gender segregation, no alcohol, stoning……

‘Cairo as Kandahar’: hardliners air their views
By Rana Moussaoui

CAIRO, Dec 03, 2011 (AFP) – Islamist hardliners in Egypt, buoyed by their electoral success, are causing anxiety among liberals as they present their conservative vision for the country 10 months after its revolution.

The focus of much of the anguish among liberals is Hazem Abu Ismail, an independent candidate for the presidency who follows the ultra-conservative Salafi brand of Islam dominant in Saudi Arabia.

The main political party grouping together Salafi candidates, Al-Nur, is projected to sweep up to 20 percent of the vote from this week’s elections, making them the surprise success in the first phase of multi-stage polls.

Ismail, in a television interview broadcast on Thursday, declared that all Muslim women wanted to be veiled and that unmarried young men and women should not be seen together in public.

Mixed sex workplaces were “unacceptable,” he said, while the production and public consumption of alcohol should be banned.{…}

CAIRO —Andrea Bruce for The New York Times

Sheik Abdel Moneim el-Shahat, a leader of the ultraconservative Salafi movement, has called for stricter use of Islamic law.

Sheik Shahat is a leader of the ultraconservative Islamists known as Salafis, whose coalition of parties is running second behind the Brotherhood party in the early returns of Egypt’s parliamentary elections. He and his allies are demanding strict prohibitions against interest-bearing loans, alcohol and “fornication,” with traditional Islamic corporal punishment like stoning for adultery.

“I want to say: citizenship restricted by Islamic Shariah, freedom restricted by Islamic Shariah, equality restricted by Islamic Shariah,” he said in a public debate. “Shariah is obligatory, not just the principles — freedom and justice and all that.”

December 3rd, 2011, 10:44 pm


majedkhaldoun said:

What Bashar said\2011\12\12-022z499.htm

Bashar like Gaddafi will be surprised,if he intends to destroy Syria, he will get himself killed soon,Syria will not be destoyed,this is a man (possible man)he is bombastic delusional,and idiot,he does not deserve to rule such graet people of Syria,

December 3rd, 2011, 10:49 pm


zoo said:

Gunmen kill Syrian security official, family and five and 15-year old children
Armed men in Syria have killed a security official along with a number of his relatives in the restive city of al-Qamishli in the country’s northeast.

UPI cited Syrian security sources as confirming the man was murdered on Saturday in the attack, which also killed his brother’s wife and his five and 15-year-old children, Fars news agency reported.

The official’s body was reportedly riddled by 35 bullets, while the five-year-old sustained head shots that ripped into his brain.


December 3rd, 2011, 11:18 pm


majedkhaldoun said:

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December 3rd, 2011, 11:45 pm


Revlon said:

Poem: Zeinab
By Kuwaiti poet: Ahmad AlKinderi

????? ???? ?????? ???? ????????

December 4th, 2011, 12:12 am


Revlon said:

An Asad tank involved in shooting and shelling in civilian neighbourhood was blown up by an FSA unit in Baba-Amr neighbourhood, in Homs city.

Long live FSA

??????? ??? ?? ???????? ?????? ????? ????? ??????? ?? ????????? ?? ??? ????? ???????

December 4th, 2011, 12:20 am


Revlon said:

Annoncement of the formation of the Phalange of Homs Al3adiyah.
??? – ?????? ?????? ????? ??? ?????? -2011 3-12

December 4th, 2011, 12:23 am


Revlon said:

The SNC policy for posting critical comments has been refreshing.
Here is another one:

Posted by: Mohamed Ahmad

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???? ???? ,

See Translation

3 hours ago

December 4th, 2011, 12:32 am


Juergen said:


It may be not your experience, but trust me there are honor killings in Syria among christian families, this is not something unique to Muslims or Sunnis. My friend whose name i will not expose here and now for obvious reasons she worked on a project to raise attention to this matter, it was only in 2006 that the government made a new law in which honor killings are formulated and explicitly forbidden and prison terms included. Before it was common that charges for murder were never charged or one would be in prison for 6 months if not the judge was bribed by the family. My friend told me that this practice of honor killing is found all groups,also druze and christian families, and all in rual areas, so not in Damascus or Aleppo. I do not have any intention to lie, so please trust that such atrocities do happen no matter what religion one has, its more or less a question of misunderstood conservatism and surely a pathetic way of restoring an male dominated order. And by the way, men are also made victim of this cruel culture, gays find same treatment in those areas, and yet i believe no law helps them explicitly, i think gays just dont exist for the regime.

By the way, my friend was in prison over 6 months just for writing about it, and she received death threats, and of course no police would help her, the one who points out problems in Syria will face hardship.

December 4th, 2011, 12:42 am


Juergen said:


I dont know but sometimes you surprise me. Sorry for saying that you never set a foot on syrian soil, obviously you did. I met Father Paolo too,and we spent a nigt in the convent, its am amazing place. I just wonder if you know him and his love for the people, and Islam, what makes you thinking Islam or religion is a backhold for progression or a democratic evolution of Syria?

December 4th, 2011, 12:46 am


Revlon said:

A defiant post by a Damascene
Shab Dmshqi
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.???? ??? ????? ??????? ? ???? ?????

8 hours ago

December 4th, 2011, 12:47 am


Revlon said:

An incident raises possibilities of links of Asad-Makhloof mob to corrupt Italaian government/mafia agents!

The following link is for an announcement by the Son of Dr AbdelRahaman AlShawaf concerning the abduction and torture of His Morrocan, pregnant step mother in Italy.

The victim, a pregnant morrocan woman, was electocuted resulting in death of one of the twins and premature delivery of the other, which was later put to death by the gangsters.

?????? ???? ?.???? ?????? ?? ??????? ???? ??????3/12/2011
The following is a statement of the bereft father Dr Abdelrahman AlShawaf on the incident, taken from his facebook page:

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See Translation

3 hours ago

December 4th, 2011, 1:04 am


Revlon said:

Defection followed by shootout within Asad Political security branch forces resulted in the killing of their colonel, probably the branch chief, as well as a passer by civilian and several of the defectors.

The weakening of the security forces grip on the city as a result of the recurrent defections and intensified atttacks on its branches could pave the way for emergence of a Benghazi model in Idlib.

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December 4th, 2011, 1:21 am


jad said:

Take your medication, oh, I forgot, your mental condition is untreatable!
Go play with the make up dude!

December 4th, 2011, 1:42 am


NK said:


??? ???? ?????? ???

December 4th, 2011, 3:23 am


ann said:

Turkey is ready to invade Syria – Sunday December 04, 2011

Turkey and its western allies are transferring the Libyan fighters whom they trained and armed to depose Muammar Gaddafi to Syria. Around 600 Libyan ‘volunteers’ have entered Syria. Daily Telegraph reported that secret meetings were held on Friday in Istanbul between the Turkish officials and the Syrian opposition representatives and the Libyan fighters. Large-scale infiltration of weapons from Turkey and Jordan have been going on for months to create civil-war conditions in Syria, but this is the first move to introduce ‘volunteers’.

The move is necessitated by the failure to induce defections form the Syrian armed forces, except a mere handful. Turkey and the western powers are desperate to create the myth of a ‘Syrian resistance’ force without which their blatant aggression will be in full display.

Moscow reacted today indicating it might supply arms to the Syrian regime to defend itself. FM Lavrov just stopped short, calling any arms embargo on Syria as ‘unfair’. Moscow has confirmed that a Russian battle group is sailing toward the Syrian naval base of Tartus on the eastern Mediterranean, close to the Turkish border with Syria. Lavrov criticised the foreign interference in Syria, but without naming Turkey, Jordan, etc.

Things seem to be heading for a flash point, indeed. The sure sign is that US V-P Joseph Biden is heading for Ankara in the weekend. It is a major signal of the US giving the go-ahead to Turkey to act on Syria without fear. Again, Jordanian King, Abdullah, travelled to israel. He is Saudi Arabia’s ‘back channel’ to Israel and a key regional ally for the western intelligence.

Turkey is indeed shedding its fear of the unknown and is coming out into the open on the Syrian situation. Turkish FM Ahmet Davitoglu indicated today for the first time that Turkey is all set for invasion of Syria once it gets the green signal from its western allies. He said this before heading for the combined meeting of EU foreign ministers and Arab League representatives (read Saudi Arabia and Qatar).
The day Davutoglu spoke, November 29, will stand out as a notable date in the chronicle of the Turkish Republic that Kemal Ataturk founded. Ataturk’s ‘red line’ used to be that Turkey should never get entangled in the affairs of the Muslim Middle East but should instead concentrate on its own ‘modernization’. Evidently, the Islamist government in power today thinks Turkey is today ‘modern’ enough already and can now go back and reclaim its Ottoman legacy.

A Turkish army moving into an Arab country – it is a historic point. It is a century after the Turks were driven out by the ‘Arab revolt’. The matrix is dripping with irony. The Arab revolt against the Turks was instigated by Great Britain. And Britain, although a far weaker power today, is still playing a seminal role – except, it is encouraging the Turks to return to the Arab world. One hundred years ago, Britain successfully pitted the Arabs against the Turks. Today, Turks join hands with some Arabs who have a grouse against some other Arabs.

Ambassador M K Bhadrakumar was a career diplomat in the Indian Foreign Service. His assignments included the Soviet Union, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Germany, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Uzbekistan, Kuwait and Turkey.

December 4th, 2011, 3:55 am


Mina said:

Ghalioun’s interview is a cheap propaganda and has a direct threat against the authorities in Egypt (“Iran is far, why such a privileged relation with Syria” … well simply because Iran and Syria have a relation since a few milleniums… it is called geopolitics, sorry; “why Syria has no relation with KSA and Egypt” well it has, but you want to depict Syria as another North Korea and no journalists mentions the huge investments that were being made in Aleppo and that had boosted tourism: renovation of the citadel, superbe luxury hotel right in the centre…)

December 4th, 2011, 5:37 am


Mina said:

Hamas’ next address is Amman again. I guess they’ll need good bodyguards.

Jordan apology to Hamas baffles many

Hugh Naylor (Foreign Correspondent)
Dec 3, 2011
Jordanian Muslim Brotherhood protesters call for reforms in June. Analysts say Amman’s gestures towards Hamas are a bid to quell Islamist unrest within its own borders.


AMMAN // A surprise government apology to Hamas has stirred suspicion in this kingdom, which is both a leading benefactor of Palestinians and a close ally of Washington.

The mea culpa was offered by Jordan’s prime minister, Awn Khasawneh, for the 1999 decision to close the Islamist group’s offices and expel its members – action widely believed to have been taken under pressure from the US.

Calling it a “constitutional and political mistake”, his regret was extended soon after Jordan’s King Abdullah II appointed him to the premiership in October. Further, the Hamas leader, Khaled Meshaal, reportedly is arriving in Jordan today for talks.

Mending relations with Hamas has raised eyebrows among the king’s loyalists and his detractors, and not only because Washington considers the Palestinian group a terrorist organisation.

Increasingly, it is perceived as an attempt to outflank the king’s domestic critics and bolster his standing in the Arab world.

“He wants more political support to improve his image internationally, by showing that he managed to engage Islamists,” said Jamal Al Tahat, a former military adviser who is part of a group of Jordanians advocating a transition to constitutional monarchy.

“Then he can use this to crack down on the protest movement.” At issue is what he and other critics call the king’s refusal to heed demands by sporadic, yet seemingly widening, protests seeking to curb the king’s power.

Beginning this year with calls to end official corruption, the protests have escalated into angry demonstrations – increasingly by members of the monarchy’s tribal support base.

By reaching out to Hamas, however, suspicion has mounted that the king is trying to put off reforms by cutting a deal with the group’s influential brethren in Jordan, the Muslim Brotherhood.

Their support could prove useful for restraining dissent, said Fuad Hussein, an independent journalist who writes on Jordan’s Islamist movements.

“They can control the flow of the protests,” he said of the Brotherhood’s popular following in Jordan. “They can muster great support.”

That speculation includes talk of back-room deals to move Hamas’ offices out of Syria, where the group has disappointed the government of Bashar Al Assad for not backing its suppression of protests.

Rumours abound that Hamas has been looking for another country to base itself, possibly in Egypt, Qatar and, some now speculate, Jordan.

“Jordanian Moslem brotherhood to sacrifice their support to protest movement in return for Hamas getting Jordanian office,” Daoud Kuttab, a political analyst and prominent writer in Amman, said in a November 25 tweet. Jordanian officials, however, have publicly denied any interest in harbouring the group.

Such a move could undermine Jordan’s peace treaty with Israel, damaging ties with Washington.

King Abdullah has also tried to assuage Hamas’s main rival, visiting the Palestinian Authority president, Mahmoud Abbas, last month at his Ramallah headquarters.

Yet the idea of Hamas leaders setting foot on Jordanian soil has unsettled loyalists.

The Muslim Brotherhood denies playing a role in the thawing of ties with Hamas. But its political affairs department head, Zaki Ershead, said the group supports a Hamas move to Jordan.

It would even be prepared to throw its weight behind the king should such a deal, coupled with reforms, take place.

“Good ties with Hamas means good ties with Islamic movements all around the world, and the government is aware of this.”

The growing prominence of political Islam emerging from the Arab Spring has added to the pressure of those demanding King Abdullah relinquish some power.

Islamists have won elections in Tunisia and Morocco and Egypt.

Meanwhile, Syria is on the brink of collapse. The Israel-Palestinian peace process appears lifeless.

The US is preparing to withdraw its forces from Iraq, possibly leaving an Iranian-manipulated Baghdad at Jordan’s doorstep. “I am not an optimist at all,” said Labib Kamhawi, an independent political analyst based in Jordan. “If Assad leaves, Jordan and other countries will be next in line,” he said, referring to Syria’s Mr Al Assad.

Mr Kamhawi sees Jordan’s olive branch to Hamas as part of a coalition of Arab countries, led by Qatar and its crown prince, Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani, trying to buffer Iranian influence in the region.

This means crippling Tehran’s foremost regional allies, Damascus and Hizbollah, and severing its ties with Hamas.

“If Syria is neutralised, Iran would have no arm to use to interfere in the region,” he said. But warmer ties with Hamas and Jordan’s Islamist groups may not be enough to placate mounting anger at stalled reforms and festering discontent over allegations of rampant official corruption.

That would require meaningful political concessions from the king, said Amer Al Sabaileh, a blogger and professor at Jordan University’s department of European languages.

“He needs to reconcile with the people,” he said. “He needs to reach to his roots, to know his power within.”

December 4th, 2011, 6:24 am


Mina said:

For Ghalioun, to meditate

I walked down a Phoenician street the other day, built under Persian rule.

A bit bumpy and uneven underfoot – like many a street in modern day Iranian and Lebanese cities – but this one happened to be about 2,600 years old. It ran down to a small harbour, lined by covered stone sewers and drainage ditches on each side, massive door lintels before private homes and a row of shops and warehouses and possibly a temple, five streets and 18 buildings over an area of 3000sq m.

I should say at once that this street constructed under Persian occupation is scarcely two miles from my home on the Beirut seafront, one of the great excavations which the rebuilding of the post-civil war city opened up for future generations, layer after layer of Paleolithic, Phoenician, Greek, Roman and Ottoman Beirut. The place was originally known as “byrt” – which possibly means cistern or well, according to researcher Josette Elayi – then it became Berytos in Greek, Berytus in Latin and now, of course, Beirut. The names are sandwiched together like the layers of streets. This street even yielded up terracotta figures of a woman with outstretched arms, probably the deity Ashtart.

And, true to so much of Lebanese history, Beirut was, in effect, under occupation. In the first millennium BC (875-332BC), all the cities of Phoenicia were under first Assyrian and then Babylonian and then Persian control. Beirut belonged to Sidon – it always seems to belong to someone else – which is now a scruffy Crusader seaside port 30 miles to the south of the modern Lebanese capital. So the coins found in Beirut are Sidonian; the local military power was Sidonian; it was Sidon which dealt directly with the Persians. Beirut was a fishing and trading port, its wooden vessels with their high prows sliding out to Greece, Italy and distant Carthage.

Archaeologists have found sycamore wood here, Egyptian blue pigment, marble, silver, iron, jars for carrying Phoenician olives, olive oil, wheat, walnuts, grapes and wine across the Mediterranean. There’s even a stone with a carved graffito of a Phoenician merchant ship, mast fixed with ropes to the sides, two oars tied together as a rudder. It reminds me of the fishing boats carved into the Tudor wood of the old port of Rye, still visible today on the south side of the Sussex churchyard long after the sea has withdrawn from this cinque port.

Today, the Persian-ruled city in Lebanon is exposed beneath the new souks of Beirut. It is part of the city’s “Heritage Trail” – in Lebanon, the word heritage means what it says and does not carry the grotty reputation of Britain’s tawdry historical re-creations – so that future generations can walk around the old/new city and “watch” its creation over the centuries in Roman streets and Crusader walls, a project overseen by Amira Solh, the young Cornell-trained urban planner who works for Solidere, the company that rebuilt Beirut. She has dreams of an interactive film display behind the underground Persian streets – and promises me there will be no English-style guides flouncing around in Persian costumes. This is serious history for serious people.

Nothing, of course, could be more serious than finding yourself under Persian rule. Roula el-Zein, an archaeologist and consultant for Solidere, described Beirut at the time as “just a small city belonging to Sidon, the city which had all the power”. The Phoenicians, she says, “accepted Persian rule after the Babylonians left, and without any problem in assisting the Persian wars against Egypt. Sidon and Tyre were with the Persian kings” – King Baalshillem the Second and King Abdashart, for those who want to know. But when the Persians decided to attack Phoenician Carthage, things quickly went wrong.

“According to Herodotus,” el-Zein says, “the Phoenicians of Sidon refused to build ships for the Persians and help them. And because of this, the Persians never finished their north African project.” It makes sense. Why should the Phoenicians of Sidon and Beirut help their masters attack the Phoenicians of Carthage? It would be left to the Romans (“Carthaga delenda est”) to destroy the city whose remains lie in modern-day Tunisia and whose land was sown with salt so that it could never be reinhabited.

It’s always the same when you think you’ve got the Lebanese on your side. First they are your friends – the French thought that after the 1914-18 war – and then they become subversive and upset all your military plans, the amiable historical mosquito that bites you when you least expect it and then poisons you. It doesn’t hurt until you realise what has happened. Message: leave the Phoenicians/ Lebanese alone. Ask the Israelis.

And so the Persians should have left the Beirutis to their dyeing trade – there are murex shells and wood charcoal aplenty to prove it – and their fishing boats. In the old Roman cities of Europe – in Rome or at Corbridge on Hadrian’s Wall – I like to run my hand along the rutted highways of antiquity, where the barrows and horse-drawn carts and chariot wheels of history slowly carved their passage into the great stone Roman roads. Humans didn’t just build this; they lived here and travelled here. Those double ruts in the road are fingerprints.

And old Phoenico-Persian Beirut has some “fingerprints” of its own. In the old port, now under rue Allenby – another imperial name, victor of Gaza and humble conqueror of Jerusalem – there is an ancient stone bollard, and cut into it are two natural slits, created during the decades of Persian power. They are the marks worn down by the ropes tying Phoenician ships to the quayside, the stone gradually worn away as the hawsers cut into it, pulled back and forth by the same Mediterranean tide which sloshes away outside my home.

December 4th, 2011, 6:40 am


Mango said:

351. NK, attention Jad
I AM NOT MOVING – Short Film – Occupy Wall Street

December 4th, 2011, 6:55 am


Revlon said:

Syrian National Council ?????? ?????? ??????

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Fayez Sara
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????? ????? ?????? ??? ?????????? ???????? ???? ?????? ?? ???? ???????? ???????? ????? ???? ???? ??????? ??? ??? ????? ?? ??? ???? ????? ?????? ?? ???????? ?????????? ??? ?? ?????? ???? ???? ??? ??? ???? ?? ???? ????? ?????? ????? ??? ???? ?????? ???????? ??????? ???? ???? ??? ?????? ????? ??? ?? ???? ???????? ??????? ?????? ????? ??? ??? ?????? ???????? ???????? ???? ???? ??????? ?????? ??? ????? ???????? ??? ?? ???? ????? ??????? ?????? ????????? ??? ?????? ?????? ????????? ???? ???? ?? ??? ???????.
?? ?????? ?????? ??? ????? ??? ??? ????? ?????? ?????? ???? ??? ????? ???? ??? ?????? ?? ???? ??? ????? ?????? ????? ??? ??? ????????? ??? ????? ?????? ??? ??? ??? ????? ?? ?????? ?????? ??? 2003 ?????? ??? 2011? ??? ???? ??? ????? ???????? ?? ???? ???? ?? ????? ????? ?????? ?? ???? ??????? ????????? ?? ?????? ?????? ?? ????? ?????? ???? ???????? ???????? ???? ??? ???????? ?????? ?????????? ???? ??? ????? ??? ????? ????? ?????? ??? ??? ??? ?????? ?? ???? ???? ???? ??????? ?? ???? ????? ??? ????? ?????? ?? ???? ?????? ??? ?? ?? ???? ??? ????? ?????? ???? ????? ???? ???? ????? ?? ?????? ????? ??????? ????? ??? ?????? ??? ???? ??? ????????

December 4th, 2011, 8:21 am


Revlon said:

????????? ?????: ?????? ??? ??????? ?????? ????
AbdulFattah Jandali: To remain silent is to be an accomplice in the crimes
???? ??????? ????? ???? ???? ??? ?????? ??????? ????? ????? ??????
????? 09 ???? 1433?? – 04 ?????? 2011?
A. Jandali joins the ranks of the Syrian Revolution and condemns the Regime’s crimes.

???? – ???? ?????

???? ????????? ?????? ???? ?????? ????? ???????? ????? ???? “???” ?????? ???? ????? ?? ??????? ?????? ??? ?????? ??????? ?????? ?? ????? ???? 25 ????? ??? “?? ????? ??? ?? ?????? (???? ?????) ?? ????? ??? ???????? ?? ????? ????”.

??? ??????? ???? ??? ??? “??????”? ??? ?????? ?????? ????????? ??????? ??? ???? ????? ?? 1954 ?? ??? ??? ?????? ??? ??? 80 ???: “??? ??? ?????. ??? ?????? ?? ????? ??????? ????? ??????? ?????? ???? ???? ?? ??????? ??????? ??? ????????. ???? ?????? ??? ??????? ?? ?????? ????????? ????? ???? ?? ??????? ??????? ???????? ??? ??????”.

????? ?????? ????? ??????? ?????? ??? ?? ???? ????? ?????? ?? ?????? ??? ????? ??????? ??? ??? ??? ???? ?? ???????? ??????? ???? ???? ??????? ????? ?? ??? ???? ???? ????? ???? ?? “?????? ?????? ???????” ?????? ???? ?? ????? ??????? ??? ???????? ???? ????? ?? “???????.??” ??? ??? ????? ?? ????? ?????? ???? ?????? ??? ?????? ?????? ?????? ????????? ???? ?? ??? ??????.

??????? ?????? ???? ?????? ????? ??? ??? ????? ?????? ??? ??? ?????? ???? 18 ??? ????? ?? ??????? ????????? ?????? ??? ??? ???? ????? ????? ????? ???? ????? “?????? ??????” ??????? ???????? ??????? ???????.

????? ??????? ??? ???? ???? ???????? ????? ??? ?????? ????? ???? ??? ???????? ???? ????? ????? ??????? ??? ?????? ????? ???? ??? ?? 2007 ?? ???? “?????? ????” ??????? ??????? ??????? ????????? ?? ?????? ??? ?? ????? “???????.??” ?? ????? ??? ?? ????? ??? ???? ???? ???? ?? 6 ??????/????? ?????? ??????.

????? ????? ????? ??????? ?????? ?? ??? ???? ??? ??????? ??????? ????? ????? ?????????? ?????? ??? ????? ??????? ??????? ?????? “??.???” ???????? ????? ???? ???? “???” ???? ????? ???? ??????.

????? ????? ??? ????? ?????? ??? ??????? ????? ???????? ??????? ?????? ??????? ????? ???? ????? ???? ????? ??????? ?? ?????????? ????????? ????????????? ???? ????? ?? ??? ?????: “?? ?? ?? ???? ???? ????? ?? ???? ???? ????? ?? ??? ?????? ???????? ???? ?????? ?? ???? ??????”.

December 4th, 2011, 8:32 am


Mango said:

Spy Files: WikiLeaks exposes dark secrets of surveillance

December 4th, 2011, 9:11 am


Ghufran said:

??? ???? ??????? ??? ?????? ?? ??? ???????? ???? ?????? ??????? ??????? ????? ??? ?????? ????? ????? ???????? ??????? ????? ???????? ???? ????? ????? ???????? ??????? ??????? ?????? ????? ??? ??? ???????? ???? ??? ????? 30% ?? ?????? ??? ?? ?????? ???????? ??? ?????? ?????? ?????????.

???? ???? ??????? ?? ???? ????????? ?????? ???? ??????? ???? ???? ?????? ??????? ???????? ??????? ???????? ?? ??? ???????? ???? ?????? ??????? ??????? ????? ??? ?????? ??? ??? ??????? ??????? ????? ????? ???????? ??????.
???? ???? ???????, ?? ?????, ????? ????? ???????? ??????? ??????? ?????? ????? ??? ??? ????? ??????? ??? ??????? ????????? ?????????? ??????? ??????? ???? ????????? ?? ???????? ??? ????? ?????????? ??? ?????? ??????? ?????? ?????? ??????? ???????? ??????? ???????? ?????? ???????? ?? ??? ?????????? ???? ??????? ???????? ????????? ??????? .

December 4th, 2011, 9:24 am


zoo said:

The scene will not be repeated in future elections under Islamist rule, if there are any. “Women,” she warned, “prepare your scarves.”

EDITORIAL: Egyptian women, stock up on scarves
Islamic extremism set to replace the hope of Arab Spring

December 4th, 2011, 9:31 am


Ghufran said:

?????- (? ? ?): ?? ???? ???? ??????? ?????? ???? ?????? ????? ????? ????? ??? ??? ??????? ???? ????? ?????? ????? ??????? ?? ????? ???”????? ?? ????????”.
???? ?????? ?? ????? ????? ?? ????? “?? ???? ??? ????? ??? ?????? ??????. ???? ????? ???????”.

?????? “????? ??? ?????? ?? ???????? ????????” ??????? ?????? ?? ?????? ????? ?? ??? “???? ??? ???? ?????? ???? ?????? ?? ???? ???????”.

???? ?? ???? ??????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ??? ???? ????????. ????? ??? ?????? ?? ???????? ???????? ??????? ?????? ?? ????? ???? ????? ???? ???? ???? ??? ???? ???? ?? ?????? ??????.

????? ?????? ??? ???????? ?????? “?? ????? ??? ??????? ?? ????? ??? ????? ?????????? ?????? ?????? ??? ???? ?????? ??????. ?????? ??? ?????? ??????? ??? ??? ??????? ???? ?????? ????? ??????”.

??? ?? ????? ??? ????? ???? ??????? ??????? ?? ?????. ???? ???? “???? ???? ???… ???? ???? ?? ?????? ?? ??? ??? ?????”.

December 4th, 2011, 9:36 am


Tara said:


Revlon: haven’t I told you before, you are a balm on a broken heart. Thanks very much for Zainab’s poem by the Quaitee poet. This is why I ‘ll always always be an Arab first.

December 4th, 2011, 9:43 am


Norman said:


Qatar seems to be the abscess that keeps infecting the patient, Isn’t time to open that abscess and get rid of it to cure the patient,

December 4th, 2011, 9:44 am


Ghufran said:

Peter Beaumont
Welcome to the age of “political Islam”, which may prove to be one of the most lasting legacies of the Arab spring. It is not only in Egypt that an unprecedented Islamist political moment is playing out. In the recent Tunisian elections the moderate Islamist Ennahda party was the biggest winner, while Morocco has elected its first Islamist prime minister, Abdelilah Benkirane.

In Yemen and Libya, too, it seems likely that political Islam will define the shape of the new landscape.

None of which should be at all surprising. Indeed, if elections in Egypt and Tunisia had been held at any other time in the past two decades, the same result would almost certainly have ensued, reflecting both the levels of organisation of Ennahda and the Brotherhood and the countries’ cultural, economic and social dynamics.

“It was a change that was supposed to happen a long time ago,” says Omar Ashour, who lectures on the subject of political Islam at Exeter University and is currently in Cairo.

December 4th, 2011, 9:48 am


zoo said:

No surprise in Egypt as Islamic parties take 65% of the votes…except for the Western countries who were under the illusion that Egypt would become a secular country.
Unfortunately Egypt is not Tahrir square with Facebook, Twitter and video camera fans, young educated activists and excited followers.
It just shows that very often the triggers of any revolution are not the ones who would reap the future of the country. We saw that in Iran already and we are seeing it now in Egypt.
In Syria, it will become clear at the next election if Idlib and Homs and the SNC did represent the majority of Syrians.
Maybe like the Tahrir’s young activists, it would be better for them not to have elections…

Egypt’s Islamists ‘win 65 percent of list votes’

December 4th, 2011, 9:53 am


Ghufran said:

???? ??? ????? ????
(claiming that the islamists in the Arab World will follow the Turkish model is a fantasy. Turkey stayed under military rule for decades and the roots of secularism in Turkey became deep and strong enough before an Islamist government was allowed to lead. None of that is true in most Arab countries.These countries without going through a similar transitional period are more likely to witness chaos and unrest for decades to come)
?? ???? ??? ?? ??????? ???????? ??? ?? ?????? ????? ?????????? ??? ???? ?????? ??????? ???? ???? ???? ??????? ????? ??? ??????? ????? ???? ??? ????????? ????? ????? ????? ?????? ???????? ?? ???? ????? ??? ?????? ??????? ???? ??? ???? ??? ??????? ??????? ???????? ????????????.
????????? ?? ??? ????? ????????? ?????? ??????.. ?? ???? ????.. ????? ??????.. ???????? ?? ??? ?????.. ????????? ?? ????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ???????.
????? ?? ????? ??????? ?? ??????? ?????? ???? ?????? ??????? ??????.. ????? ???????? ??????.. ?????? ??????.. ????? ??????? ??????? ????????.. ?????? ??????? ??? ?????.. ??????? ?????? ?? ????????.. ?????? ??????? ???????? ?????? ?? ????? ????? ????? ??? ???? ?????. ???????? ??? ???? ??????? ?????? ???? ???? ????? ‘???? ????? ???? ?? ???? ?? ??????’? ?????? ?????? ??? ???? ???? ??? ?????? ?????? ?? ?????? ?? ?????? ??????. ??? ??? ??? ?? ???? ??????? ?????? ??????.
??? ???? ????? ?? ???? ???????? ?? ???? ????? ???? ??? ?????? ??????? ??????? ??? ?? ???????? ????? ?? ??? ???? ???? ?????? ??????? ??????? ?????? ?????????? ???????? ???????????? ?????? ?????? ??????? ???????? (??????? ??????)? ??????? ????? ??? ????? ?? ????? ??? ??????? ???? ?????? ???????? ??????? ??????? ?????? ?? ?????? ??????? ?????? ?????? ?? ?????? ?? ????? ?????? ?? ????? ???????? ??????? ???????? ??? ?????? ???????? ???? ?? ?????? ??????? ????? ??? ?? ??????? ????? ??????? ??? ‘???????’ ???? ????? ?????? (?) ?? ??? ??? ?? ??? ????????.
??? ????? ????? ??? ?????????? ??? ??? ????? ????? ???? ?? ?????? ?????????? ??? ??? ???? ??????? ???? ?? ??????? ?? ???? ???? ???? ????? ???? 25 ????? ???? ??????? ???? ???? ?????? ???? ?????? ??? ??? ?????.. ??? ?? ?? ???????
??????? ?? ????? ??????? ??? ?????????? ?? ??? ??? ????? ??? ?????? ???????? ??? ?? ?????. ???? ???? ???????? ????????? ?????????? ???? ???? ????? ???????? ????????? ?? ????? ????? ??????? ???? ???? ?? ??? ?????? ??????? ????? ?????? ??? ???? ?????? ???????? ?? ??? ??????? ??????? ????????? ???????? ??? ???? ?? ????? ?????????? ???????? ??? ??????? ??????? ???? ??? ????? ???????? ??????? ???? ?????? ????? ??????.

December 4th, 2011, 9:59 am


Tara said:


If this an evolution process just like Iran, then why not let it be. As long as they come and go through a democratic process. The burden lies on the Islamic parties. They may succeed or fail. If they fail, then the Arab societies will progress to the next stage which would inevitably be secularism. If “political Islam” is a step towards enlightenment, then let’s have it and get over with it so progress can be made. No?

December 4th, 2011, 10:02 am


irritated said:

410. Revlon said:

????????? ?????: ?????? ??? ??????? ?????? ????”
AbdulFattah Jandali: To remain silent is to be an accomplice in the crimes”

As call for general strike fell again on deaf ears for the majority of Syrians, now the next way to force people to move is to use a psychological tool: THREAT AND GUILT.
Bush used that before, didn’t he? “If you are not with us, you are against us.”

December 4th, 2011, 10:02 am


Revlon said:

415. Dear Tara,
You did!
Thank you.

December 4th, 2011, 10:13 am


zoo said:

420. Tara

I agree, they chose their own future, they will live with it. I have two worries, one is that economically the country may fall apart because while these MB have shown they are good politicians as an opposition, it is yet to prove they can lead a country. As the country is poor, it may get poorer. Hamas is a mini-Egypt, and what do we see?
The second worry is that this regime becomes so authoritarian that it will try to keep power indefinitely by rigging elections and silencing opposition.
Unfortunately when party leaders invoke God as being the real leader of your country and that they are just the messengers, it gives them the right to impose anything they want and as long as they want.”If you are against us, you are against God”
And this is beside the oppression on women which is looming.

It may take a long time and a lot of effort for people to get educated and oppose such views without threatening their own religious beliefs.

December 4th, 2011, 10:17 am


Ghufran said:

???? ???????
??? ???? ??????? ??????? ???? ??????? ?? ???? ????? ??????? ???? ???? ??? ???? ?????? ?????????? ????? ??????? ???????? ???? ?????? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ?? ????? ?????? ??? “????” ??????? ?? ????? ????? ???????? ??????? ????????? ???? ??? ????? ????? ????? ?? ???? ???? ???????. ??? ???? ?? ? ??? ??????? “???? ??? ?? ???? ???????? ??????? ??? ??? ??? ?????? ????? ?????”? ????? ??? ??? ??? ?? “???? ?????? ???? ?? ??????? ????? ?? ?????”. ????? ??? “???? ??? ??? ?????? ??? ??? ?????? ??? ???? ????”? ?????? ??”??????? ??????? ?? ??????? ??? ???? ?? ?? ????? ???????? ????? ?? ?????? ???? ??????? ?? ????? ?? ?????”.
???? ??????? ?? “?????? ???? ???? ????? ?? ?? ???? ??????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ???????? ????”? ????? ??? ?? “??? ????? ???? ?? ????? ??????? ?????? ?? ????? ???? ???? ???? ??? ???? ?????? ?????? ?????”? ????? ???? ??? ???? ??? ???? ???? ???? ?????? ?? ??? ???? ?????? ???? ???? ?? ?????? ????? ??? ????? ?? ???????. ??? ???? ??????? ??? “??? ????? ???? ?? ??????? ??? ?????? ?????? ??????”.

December 4th, 2011, 10:27 am


Revlon said:

Syrian Observatory for Human Rights: 5 civilians have been killed today by Regime forces, including a father and his three children.

AlFatiha upon their souls,
May God bless their families with solace and empoer them with fortitude.

??? ?????: ????? 09 ???? 1433?? – 04 ?????? 2011? KSA 17:14 – GMT 14:14

???? 5 ?????? ????? 3 ????? ????? ???? ????? ???????? ?? ?????
????? 09 ???? 1433?? – 04 ?????? 2011?

??? – ???????.??
??? ?????? ?????? ????? ??????? ?? ???? ?????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ???? ????? ?”???????” ?? ?????.

???? ?????? ????? ????? ?? “???? ????? ??? ????? ?????? ??? ????? ?????? ??? ?????? ???? ????? ?? ??? ???? “???? ???? ??????? ?? ????? ???? (???? ???).

??? ???? ???? ???? ???????? ?? ??? ??????? “?????? ??? ??????? ??????? ??? ????? ?????? ????? ?? ??? ??????? ??? ??? ???????”. ???????? ?? ??????? ???? ???????? ???? ???????? ???? ?? ?????.

?????? ??? 23 ???? ??? ????? ?? ?????? ????? ??? ??? ?????? ???? ?????? ?????? ????? ???????.

???? ????? ?? ????? ????? ???? ???? ????? ???? ?? ????? ???? ??? ???? ????? ???????? ??? ????? ??????? ???? ?????? ?????? ???? ????? ???? ????? ??? ????? ????? ???????? ??? ????? ??????? ?????? ?????? ?? ????????.

December 4th, 2011, 10:31 am


Ghufran said:


???? ????? “????? ?????” ??????? ????? ???? ????? ?? ???????? ??????? ?? ??????? ??? ????? ???? ??? ??? ?? ????? ?????? ???? ?? ???????. ????? ??????? ??? ?????? ???????? ????????? ???? “???????” ?? ????? ???? ???????? ??????? ??? ????? ??? ?????? ????? ?????? ?? ???? ???????? ??????? ??? ??????? ???? ??????? ?????? ?????????? ?? ????? ?????? ???? ??? ??? ???? ???? ??????? ?????.
?????? ??????? ??? ?? ???????? ??????? ? ??????? ???? ????? ????? ??? ?? ????? ????? ???????? ?????? ??? ?????? ???????? ?????? ??? ?????? ?????? ?? ??? ???? ???????? ??? ??????? ????. ????? ??????? ??? ?????? ??? ????? ?????? ?? ????? ???? ?? ??? ?????? ??”????? ????” ?? ???????? ????? ??? ?? ????? ????? ?? ????? ???? ?????????? ???????? ??????? ?? ??????? ?????? ???? ???????? ??????? ?? ???? ??? ????? ??????? ?? ??? ??? ???????? ?????? ????? ??????? ????????? ?? ?????? ?????? ??? ????? ????? ??? ??? ?????? ???????? ????.
????? ??????? ??? ??? ???? ???????? ??????? ??????? ??? ???? ???????? ??????????? ?????? ?????? ??? 1.6 ????? ?????? ????? ????????? ?? ????? ?????? ??? 86. 1 ????? ????? ??????? ???? ???????? ??????????? ?? ????? ???? ??? ??????/ ????? ????? ?????? ?? ????? ?????? ????? 60 % ?? ??? ????? ?? ????? ?????? .

December 4th, 2011, 10:31 am


Tara said:


Thank you.

Totally agree. This is one of the best objective post I’ve read in a while. Yes and yes,I have the same worries especially the one invoking God. My hope is that the revolution generation being qualitatively different and more aware, having already overcome it’s fear and been successful in changing an authoritative regime, will not be settled for a midiocre government and will change again should it keep power un-democratically.

“It may take a long time and a lot of effort ….to oppose such views without threatening their own religious beliefs”. OUTSTANDING! This is the crux of the Muslim Arab problem. To be able to oppose people envoking god without feeling threatened or guilty that they are not genuinely Muslims.

December 4th, 2011, 10:35 am



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December 4th, 2011, 10:40 am


Ghufran said:

?? ????? ?????? ???? ??????? ?????? ?????? ???? ????? ?????? ???? ???? ?? ???? ??? (??? ?????):

??? ?????? ???? ????? ??????? ?????? ???? ????? ????? ???? ???? ?????.


?????? ??? ?? ????? ????? ???? ??? ?????? ?? ????? ?????? ????.

??????? ???? ??? ????? ?????? ?? ????? ????? ?? ??????? ??? ?? ???????? ??????? ??? ??? ?? ????? ?????? ?????? ???????? ?????? ???? ?? ?????? ?????.

???? ????? ????? ??????????? ???? ???? ???? ????? ?? ????????? ?? ??????? ???? ????? ???? ???? ??? ??? ???? ??? ??? ???? ?????? ??? ????? ?? ??????? ?????????.

??? ????? ?? ??? ?????? ?? ???? ?????? ?? ?????.

??? ??????? ??? ???? ??? ???? ?? ????? ?????? ??? ???? ??? ???? ?? ????? ???? ?????? ???????? ?? ????? ?????? ??? ????? ????? ??? ???? ??????.

??? ??????? ???? ??? ??????? ?? ????? ?????? ????? ??? ?????? ???? ??????? ????? ?????? ???? ???? ?????? ?????? ??? ?????? ????? ?????? ??? ??? ????? ????? ????? ??? ??? ??? ????? ???? ???? ???? ??? ???? ??? ??? ???? ???????? ?? ??? ??? ?????? ?????? ??? ???? ??????? ??? ??????? ???? ??? ????? ???? ????? (????? ?? ??????? ????? ?????? ??????? ??????? ????????).
I do not know if any Syrian believes this statement about the FSA,either the guy is lying or there are other anti regime groups that commit daily killing against the army ,security forces and even civilians.

December 4th, 2011, 10:46 am


Haytham Khoury said:

????? ?????? ??????? ?????? ????? ???? ?????? 3/12/2011 ?? ???? ????? ?? ???? ?????? ????? ???? ?????? ????????? ??? ???? ?? ???????? ????? ????? ???????? ?????? ?????? ???????? ?????? ???? ???? ?? ????? ?????? ????? ??? ??? ?? ?????? ???? ?????? ????? ????? ??????? ??????? ???? ??????? ?????????? ????? ??? ??? ??????? ?????? ???? ??? ??????? ?????? ?????? ???? ??????? ???????? ??????? ????? ???????? ??????? ???? ??? ??????. ????? ???????? ?? ?????? ??????? ???? ?????? ??????? ?????? ?? ??? ????????? ????? ??? ??? ????? ????? ?????. ???? ??? ???? ???? ?????? ???????? ???? ????? ??? ??? ???????? ??????? ?????? ????????? ?? ??????? ??? ?? ???? ?????? ?????? ????? ???? ????? ??? ??? ?????? ??? ?? ???? ??? ??? ?? ????? ???????? ???? ????? ???? ??? ??????. ??? ??? ????? ????????? ??????? ???? ????? ???????.
??? ???? ??????? ??????? ??????? ???? ???? ???? ??????? ??? ?????? ???? ??? ??? ?????? ???? ????? ?????? ??? ???????? ??????? ?????? ??????? ??? ???? ???? ?????? ?????? ? ?????? ???????? ?????? ?? ?????? ??????? ???? ???? ??? ?????? ??????????. ????? ??? ???? ???????? ?????? ????????? ???? ????????? ????????? ??????? ??? ???? ????? ?????? ????? ??????? ???????? ??????? ????? ?????? ??????? ?????????? ??? ??????? ????? ?????? ???? ????? ?? ????? ?? ???? ???? ?????. ??? ??? ????? ???? ?????? ???? ????? ??? ?? ?????? ???????? ???? ?? ???? ????? ????. ????? ??????? ?? ?????? ??????? ????? ??????? ?????? ??? ?? ????? ????? ????? ?????? ?? ??????? ??????? ?????? ???????:
– ?????? ??? ?????? ????? ??????.
– ?????? ??? ????? ? ???? ????? ???? ????? ???? ???? ???? ????? ???? ????? ???? ?????? ???? ????? ???? ???? ????? ?????? ????????.
???? ??? ?? ??? ????? ??? ??????????
?????? ????????
???? ?? 3/12/2011

December 4th, 2011, 11:26 am


zoo said:

#427 Tara

Should there be a need in the future to oppose a regime that has turned too repressive on women but that is economically satisfactory, the women will left alone to fight ( KSA is a good example of such situation). I don’t think men will ever fight for women’s rights. It is too convenient for men to keep the upper hand on women.

December 4th, 2011, 11:29 am


Haytham Khoury said:

??? ?????? “???????” ??!!! ????? ??? ?? ????
by ???? ???? on Tuesday, November 22, 2011 at 10:17am

???? ???? ???? ????? ????? ?? ????? ??? ??? ????? ?????? ??? “????? ???????” ? ??? ????? ???? ????? ??????? ?????? ?????? ???? ????? ???? ???? ??? ??????? ?????? ??????? ??????? ??? ????? ??????? ?? ??? ???? ?? ???? ???????? ???? ??? ????? ???? ?????? ???????? ????? ????? ??? ??? ???? ???? ?? ??? ??????? ?? ??? ???? ?????? ?? ??? ???? ????? ???? ??????? ????? ??????? ?? ????? ??? ??? ????? ??? ????? ??????????

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December 4th, 2011, 11:44 am


majedkhaldoun said:

Maliki said Qatar wanted Iraq to allow for Qatar planes to get to Libya.
Do you believe this lier? is Iraq located next to Libya? do you believe Maliki?I feel sorry for you believing Maliki..

I believe Maher Na3imy,only those who are slaves of Assad,who support Assad like you will not believe Maher Na3imy.

December 4th, 2011, 12:06 pm


zoo said:

I think in the contrary it will stimulate local industries and harm Turkey who had it easy dumping their goods in Syria for the last 7 years and crippling the local industries..

Suspending free trade pact will harm Syrians: Turkey

ISTANBUL – Agence France-Presse

Syria is punishing its own people by suspending a free trade agreement with Turkey in retaliation for Turkish sanctions against the Damascus regime, the Turkish economy minister said Sunday.

By cutting off bilateral trade, “the Syrian government punishes its own people, industrialists, exporters and entrepreneurs,” Economy Minister Zafer Ca?layan said in a statement carried by the state-run Anatolia news agency.

Damascus decided last week to suspend the 2004 trade pact after Turkey, one of Syria’s closest economic partners, followed in the footsteps of the Arab League in announcing a series of sanctions on the Syrian regime of President Bashar al-Assad for its months-long crackdown on anti-regime protesters that has claimed more than 4,000 lives according to the United Nations.

Among the measures, Ankara freezed trade and severed links between the two countries’ central banks.

Turkey has a trade surplus with Syria, exporting goods worth a total of $1.8 billion (1.3 billion euros) to its neighbour in 2010, while imports from Syria were $663 million, accounting for only 0.3 percent of Turkey’s total imports, Ca?layan said.

However, 10.6 percent of Syria’s total imports are from Turkey, he added.

“Suspending the agreement means … Syria will be exposed to economic problems more, as it already suffers from procurement issues,” Ca?layan said.

The free trade agreement, reached after long negotiations, marked a thaw in bilateral relations after a long period of friction.

The deal was followed in 2009 by the creation of a joint panel tasked with forging closer ties.


December 4th, 2011, 12:30 pm


zoo said:

The SNC is now pressing the OIC to impose sanctions on Syria

Ankara can push OIC to sanction Syrian government’

ISTANBUL- Hürriyet Daily News
A Syrian National Council (SNC) executive committee member said with the initiative of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) they expect other Muslim countries to impose the sanctions the Arab League and Turkey have imposed against the Syrian regime.
“We would like Turkey to have a more effective role in the OIC and convince other Muslim countries who are members of the OIC to embrace the sanctions that Turkey and the Arab League have imposed already,” SNC executive committee member Ahmed Ramadan told Hürriyet Daily News in an interview.
Ramadan said the sanctions that Turkey has decided to impose on the Syrian regime are both effective and well timed politically and economically to isolate the regime. “We hope the sanctions that Turkey and the Arab League have decided upon will be implemented without any compromise. These countries should not give a chance to delay the tactics of the regime,” Ramadan said. Ramadan said Turkey should take the lead to convince the other Muslim countries to impose sanctions on the Syrian regime.

December 4th, 2011, 12:35 pm


ghufran said:

I did not say I believe al-maliki,I post bits and pieces of news that I found interesting,we need to accept the “other” if we want the other to accept us.
If the FSA is actually avoiding security forces and army officers,how would you explain the daily killing among those along with innocent civilians especially in Homs?
Revlon,in particular,posts daily announcements about the ambushes of the FSA,obviously,somebody is lying.
as Syrians,we should be able to talk to each other without agreeing on everything. I see violence to be a threat to all,not just the regime,some of you celebrate when army and security officers get killed regardless whether they were guilty or not.
according to some revolutionists,all security and army officers are guilty and their blood is “Mahdour”,I dare those to look in the eyes of the kids who lost their father and tell them that their dads deserved to die,the same can be said to criminal security officers who killed innocent civilians
I do not know of any crime that is more serious than a cold blood murder,you have to wonder who many killings in Syria today were actually in self defense.

December 4th, 2011, 12:40 pm


Anton said:

Dear @397

when someone says trust me !! Just because he says so , has the opposite effect ,, you become untrusted person … I born and use to leave in Syria for a while and still have large family there with a lots of contacts … I never heard or seen any type of honors killings among Christian community . Our root education and culture is forgiveness not killing like the majority of Syrians . I believe from what I can see and read from your comments you looks for me like another propagandist ..sorry

I second Norman, he is very trusty person.

December 4th, 2011, 1:17 pm


NK said:

Mango #408

I’m sorry, remind me again how many people died because of the “extreme brutality” of the NYPD ? how many of those protesters ended up in torture chambers of security dungeons for months/years ? how many of them got fired over participating ? and how many had to leave the country and become refugees in Canada and Mexico ?

Actually you know what, you deserve another type of questions all together, were the reporters both professional and armature denied access to these demonstrations ? how many websites did the US government ban because of these events ? did Obama send thugs to attack the parents of those demonstrating ? did his thugs attack cartoonists ? did he call the protesters Al-Qaeda infiltrators ? did he claim it was all a global conspiracy ?

Comparing a country where citizens have almost every right, to another where they have absolutely none … yeah that was smart!

December 4th, 2011, 1:19 pm


Tara said:


Does Iran has Christians? How are minorities treated there now and during the Shah time?

December 4th, 2011, 1:27 pm


majedkhaldoun said:

you said
how would you explain the daily killing among those along with innocent civilians especially in Homs?
This is not Maher Na3imy brigade.
As I saidbefore FSA are different group, they are not connected.

December 4th, 2011, 2:02 pm


Haytham Khoury said:

Tara# 439.

There is a small Christian community in Iran (around 200,000).
They are mainly Armenians. They were well treated during the Shah. They enjoyed prosperity and status (many ministers were of Armenian origin). They lost both after the revolution.

December 4th, 2011, 2:04 pm


Haytham Khoury said:

It is longtime that I have not heard beautiful chant like that.

December 4th, 2011, 2:16 pm


Haytham Khoury said:

??????? ?? ???? ????? ???????

December 4th, 2011, 2:23 pm


majedkhaldoun said:

Sooriya,what a beautiful name

December 4th, 2011, 2:25 pm


Haytham Khoury said:

????? ?? ?????? ??? ??????? ???? ??? ??? ????? ????? ?????

December 4th, 2011, 2:26 pm


ghufran said:

politically,the FSA will be blamed for every soldier that gets killed by anti government groups. The MB used a similar tactic in the 1980s when it blamed its “military wing” to avoid future questioning. Any opposition group that endorses the kiiling of syrians except in clear self defense is not worthy of my vote or any vote.

December 4th, 2011, 2:28 pm


majedkhaldoun said:

In your rational, some Alawis are assisiting Assad in killing, so All Alawis should be blamed for Assad crimes.

December 4th, 2011, 2:37 pm


Uzair8 said:

Dear Revlon:

You mentioned a couple of videos in a previous post. Could it be possible that you could provide the links to those videos? It will be much appreciated. If not then no worries. Thanks in advance.

“- Addunya TV interview with the bereft mother of the Child Sari was much like Hamzahs family’s, staaaaaaaaaaaged.
The two videos released by the revolution clearly showed attempts by onlookers to rescue the child which refutes her dictated claims to the contrary.”

December 4th, 2011, 2:49 pm


Norman said:

For all of you who are advocating sanctions and blockade by the West and the Arab states,

I was watching BBC and they had an interview with an Iraqi discussing the sanctions being taken against Syria,

He claimed that during the Sanctions and the blockade against Iraq in the early nineties from 1991 to 1995 Iraq used to lose 400 to 450 people every day,

just a thought for you to see if any political power is worth that, the opposition will be mainly responsible for this as to continue to push for political reform is justified but being responsible for the demise of that many Syrians is just an insanity.

When he was asked the reason for Iraq not participating, he said Iraq will not be party to this and when she was trying to associate that with the association with Iran, the Jordanian guest took the same position on the sanction which made it clear that Iran has nothing to do with the position of Iraq, Jordon, and Lebanon.

December 4th, 2011, 2:55 pm


Norman said:

Thank you,

This one is for you , that is where the Mideast is heading , thanks to the US support for the Arab spring,

December 4th, 2011, 3:02 pm


Ghufran said:

Yes,that is what many Syrians ,including some on this blog,are saying. This is also what will justify massive killings if Syria goes through a full scale civil war,it is called group thinking and collective punishment. The only way out is denouncing violence and sitting down to figure out how to form a national unity government ahead of new elections.
Saying that does not mean the regime or the SNC will suddenly endorse the idea .

December 4th, 2011, 3:07 pm


majedkhaldoun said:

Ghufran this is wrong thinking,no one should be blamed for some one else action.

December 4th, 2011, 3:12 pm


Juergen said:

There are more than 100 churches in Tehran alone. I was surprised to see crosses and statues of Jesus on sale in the souk.

December 4th, 2011, 3:20 pm


Mango said:

438. NK
Comparing a country where citizens have almost every right, to another where they have absolutely none … yeah that was smart!

the Concentration camp in the USA
Human rights. A sight in the world – the Concentration camp in the USA 19.09.2010

214 Human rights the Sight in the world of the USA are the country of MURDERERS

196 Human rights the Sight in the world Legal experts of the USA CYNICISM

194 Human rights the Sight in the world BRITISH pay off for a policy of the QUEEN

December 4th, 2011, 3:24 pm


jad said:

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December 4th, 2011, 4:12 pm


jad said:

It seems that Syria will accept the Al protocol:

????? ????? ??? ??????? ????? ?????? ???? ????? ?? ?????????? ??????

???? ????????? ?????? ?? ????? ???????? ??????? ????? ??????? ??????? ???? ?????? ???? ????? ?? ?????????? ?????? ?? ??????? ???????.

December 4th, 2011, 4:14 pm


jad said:

Mina #405,

Please check this article claiming that in Ghalyoun’s interview, he said that he wont let any Alawi to work for the Army or for the security:

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Alawites should be equal before the law, to have jobs in the economy, and have the chance to be employed in various sectors beyond in the security or army apparatus.

??? ??????? ?????????? ? ???? ???????? ??????? ?????? ?? ??? ????? ???????? ? ?????? ?????? ?? ” ??? ????? ??????????” ?????? ?? ??????? ??????? ????? Beyond ??????? ?? ??? ?????? ? ???? ??? ” ?? ?????? ???? ???? ??? ?????? ?? ???? ??? Except ? ?? ???? ????????? ???????? ?? ??????????” !

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December 4th, 2011, 4:19 pm


NK said:


LOL, Russian propaganda! really ?

Well sadly I don’t speak Russian, but from the looks of it it seems they’re talking about Guantanamo, which is NOT on US soil and does NOT imprison US citizens, as a US citizen I could care less about the rights of Al-Qaeda terrorists who by the way still enjoy more rights than any prisoner in Syria (for instance they are allowed to read their Qur’ans whereas in Syria the torturers literally pee on the Qur’an to humiliate their captives).

By the way Syria has many Gitmos (Tadmur, Sydnaya to name a few) and the prisoners there who are tortured several times a day are sadly Syrians not foreigners.

December 4th, 2011, 4:28 pm


NK said:

Jad #457

You speak almost perfect English and yet you post such garbage ? wow dude!

December 4th, 2011, 4:41 pm


Khalid Tlass said:

NK, are the SOBs who pee on the Qur’an in Syrian Prisions, are they Sunnis or minorities ?

If they are Sunnis, their ounishment will be very opainful indeed !!! They should be slau*t*red without mercy.

December 4th, 2011, 4:47 pm


Syrian Nationalist Party said:

It depends on the statement and word order, subject matter and composition of sentence. Beyond, could mean “Not including” or “inclusive” i.e. “We are fighting now and we are beyond any settlement”, that is not inclusive. Or, “we agreed on all that [and] not just on the settlement, but beyond it to a love relation” this is inclusive. I don’t know what Ghallioun said, what he says does not matter to us because he does not have the military force needed to accomplish or enforce what he says he will do.

December 4th, 2011, 4:57 pm


majedkhaldoun said:

????? ????? ?? 3 ????? ???? ??? ????.. ??????? ???? ??? ??? ??????? ????? ?????? 53.84 ???? ?54.16 ????

December 4th, 2011, 4:59 pm


Syria no kandahar said:

????? ?? ????? ????? ??????? ?????
??? ???? ???????? ?????? ????? ??

December 4th, 2011, 5:02 pm


jad said:

Thanks! You opinion is highly important to me.

Thank you for the explanation.
I agree with you that Ghalyoun can’t force his views yet, besides, his time in the SNC is coming to an end soon, will see what face the MBs will put for their council, I doubt that they will have any one who is less Islamist loyal than Ghalyoun. Until then these terrorists wont stop sending weapons to Syria

????? ????? ?????? ?????? 4 12 2011

Dear SNK
NK doesn’t mean that, he meant the story is garbage which is understandable because it’s someone’s interpretation and not a fact, what NK missed is that I don’t write or agree with any article I link, he has his own issues, he is from those who are willing to loose everything for nothing. Allah Y3afee!

December 4th, 2011, 5:13 pm


Tara said:

Haytham and Juergen

Thanks for your answer.


I’m wondering why then the Christian- Shiaa alliance we see in the Arab ME? Is it just because they are both minorities and feel stronger united against the majority, despite that the Christians are oppressed when there are under a majority Shiaa Iran? And are they really oppressed in Iran or it is just a propaganda?

December 4th, 2011, 5:17 pm


jad said:

This time the Syrian Kurds are threatening Turkey if it thinks of attacking or occupy Syria:

??? ???? ??? ??? ??????? ??? ??? ????? ????????? ??? ????? ???? ??? ????????

“???? ???? ??? ?????? ??????? ????? ????? ??? ??? ???????? ???????? ??? ??????? ???? ??????? ??? ??? ?? ????? ?????? ???? ???????? .
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December 4th, 2011, 5:28 pm


ann said:

Egyptian election results deepen Israeli fears – 1 hr 43 mins ago

JERUSALEM (AP) — For Israelis, the Islamist election surge in Egypt is depressing confirmation of a deeply primal fear: An inhospitable region is becoming more hostile still.

This sentiment has been accompanied by a bittersweet sense that Israel was dismissed as alarmist when it warned months ago that the Arab Spring — widely perceived as the doing of liberals yearning to be free — could lead to Islamist governments.

Speaking for most people here, Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak called the emerging result of the first round of parliamentary voting in Egypt “very, very disturbing” and expressed concern about the fate of the landmark 1979 Egyptian Israeli peace treaty.

“We are very concerned,” added Finance Minister Yuval Steinitz, who has long warned that Egypt could potentially pose a threat. Speaking to The Associated Press Sunday, Steinitz expressed hope that Egypt “will not shift to some kind of Islamic tyranny.”

Experts here, as elsewhere, point out that political Islam comes in varying shades of green: The Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt has about a 10 percent lead over the more radical Salafists and appears far less eager to impose a devout lifestyle or seek conflict.

But most Israelis appear to have little patience for such distinctions. There is a sense that moderate Islamists are pulling off something of a con, lulling opponents into complacency, projecting a seemingly benign piety to exploit a naive public’s hunger for clean government after years of corrupt, despotic rule. And there is a long memory of Iran, once friendly to Israel, where secular forces including the military helped depose the Shah in 1979 only to swiftly be steamrolled by fundamentalists.

“These upheavals are a bad thing for the modern world, for Israel,” said Yitzhak Sklar, a 50-year-old Jerusalem resident. “There is something in their religion that pushes them to extremism. Their religion calls for murdering anyone who opposes them.”

Smadar Perry, Arab affairs writer for Israel’s top selling Yediot Ahronot daily, bemoaned Islam’s “coming out of the closet” in Egypt, symbolized by the “disappearance of jeans-clad youngsters in favor of (those with) long beards and eyes ablaze with fanaticism.” Islamist rule in Egypt under any stripe would be “a terrifying problem,” she wrote.

Some of the fears — for example, that an Islamist-led government in Egypt would mold itself in Iran’s image — may be overblown. Iran’s clerical rule is unique in the Middle East, and the Muslim Brotherhood stresses the idea of a theocracy has no place in its ideology. Instead, it says it’s committed to an Egypt that is civil, democratic, modern and constitutional.

Israeli concerns about political Islam can be traced to its longstanding battle against Hezbollah guerrillas in Lebanon and more recently to 2006, when the Islamist Hamas group swept Palestinian legislative elections.

The Hamas victory triggered a process that ultimately left the militant group, considered a terrorist organization by much of the world for its suicide bombing campaigns and other violent acts, in control of the Gaza Strip. Since then, Hamas and other militants have used the territory as a launching pad for firing rockets into southern Israel.

The stakes in Egypt are much higher. Egypt is the largest and most influential Arab nation, with a U.S.-backed army that has staunchly honored a 1979 peace agreement with Israel.

The peace agreement has been a cornerstone of Israeli security policy for three decades, allowing the military to divert resources to fight foes in Lebanon, Gaza and the West Bank. The treaty has also been a boon for Egypt, bringing in billions in U.S. military assistance.

“We hope that any government that will be formed in Egypt will recognize the importance of the existence of the peace treaty,” Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said in a speech Sunday.

At the same time, he said he had ordered a speeding of the construction of a massive fence being built along Israel’s long and porous border with Egypt. Netanyahu said the fence, originally envisioned to stop the inflow of African migrants into Israel, has an “additional importance, security importance” now. In August, militants entering Egypt from the Gaza Strip infiltrated that border and killed eight Israelis.

The recent Islamic election victories in Tunisia and Morocco, considered the most moderate of Arab states, along with a growing Islamic influence in post-revolution Libya, have reinforced concerns.

“What we are facing in Egypt (and) elsewhere in the Middle East is an Islamic tsunami that we in Israel, in the West, will have to cope with in coming years,” said Eli Shaked, a former Israeli ambassador to Egypt.

Shaked reflected the feeling of many in Israel that electoral wins by groups that may respect majority rule, but less so individual rights, is hardly a victory for democracy. “It seems that democracy in the Middle East has never been so far away as it is now,” he said.

Israeli diplomats have cautioned against jumping to conclusions, noting that the final result in the elections for the Egyptian parliament’s lower house won’t be known until all stages of voting are completed in January and that presidential elections are next summer.

Yitzhak Levanon, who retired as Israel’s ambassador to Egypt just last week, said officials in Cairo are well aware of the value of the peace agreement with Israel.

“There is great awareness of the importance of relations between Israel and Egypt,” he told Israel Radio. “But Egypt is undergoing transformation. … We have to monitor what’s going on closely and be on guard.”

He predicted tensions in the coming months between the military, parliament and a new president over division of powers. That tension and negotiations to form a majority coalition in the legislature could also limit the aims of more radical parties.

Others assess that taking on Israel cannot possibly be at the forefront of any group in an Egypt that is struggling with a desperate economic crisis. Indeed, the Brotherhood has said its priorities were to fix Egypt’s economy and improve the lives of ordinary Egyptians, “not to change (the) face of Egypt into (an) Islamic state.”

The Brotherhood, while no fan of Israel, has not said it wants to end the peace deal although it feels the treaty should be reviewed. The Salafis, new to politics, have not commented publicly on it.

On the societal level the Brotherhood differs as well, not favoring the imposition of strict Muslim law, preferring instead to lead by example. Elements of the Brotherhood are also known to have good ties with the military.

An emerging debate among the Islamist groups in Egypt seems to reflect this divide.

Yet on this point too Israelis consider mainly the case of Hamas, remembering their 1980s governments which — less experienced with Islamists — provided the group with quiet support to undermine Fatah, which was still banned here at the time.

Hamas went on to torment Israel with suicide bombings and then win the 2006 Palestinian vote because Fatah, by then Israel’s ostensible peace partner, had become corrupt and detached. Palestinian voters yearned for better government, not more religion, many observers had said. Yet within a year Hamas had expelled Fatah-led Palestinian Authority forces from Gaza and has since slowly imposed its religious tenets on the population there while building up its military force.

December 4th, 2011, 5:29 pm


Tara said:

New clarifications and further amendments needed by Besho!  I never new the Arabs are so patient.  They are not closing the door to Mr. Blue eyed doctor and asking him to come tomorrow if he wants to sign.  This is the patience of Job that we are seeing.

Syria ignores Arab deadline
Gulf News ReportPublished: 00:00 December 5, 2011

Dubai: Syria faced new sanctions after missing an Arab League deadline yesterday to allow observers to monitor the uprising.
A senior Qatari official was quoted as saying that Syria had asked for “new clarifications and further amendments to be made to the protocol which was proposed” to cover the deployment of the observer mission. But the Arab ministers had “refused.”
The official said, however, that if Syrian officials “still want to sign, they can come tomorrow to Cairo.”
Yesterday’s deadline was announced in Doha by Qatari Prime Minister Shaikh Hamad Bin Jasem Al Thani, who also warned against the internationalisation of the Syrian crisis if Damascus did not heed the Arab call.

The meeting in Doha listed 19 Syrian officials it said would be banned from travel to Arab countries and whose assets would be frozen by those states.The panel also called for an embargo on the sale of Arab arms to Syria and cut by half the number of Arab flights into and out of Syria with effect from December 15.
Killings continue
Al Assad’s brother Maher Al Assad, who heads the feared Fourth Armoured Division, and his cousin Rami Makhluf, a telecommunications tycoon, are among those slapped with travel bans.
“As Arabs we fear that if the situation continues things will get out of Arab control,” Shaikh Hamad said.
“This is a message to businessmen who have kept silent, so that they will choose what side to be on,” Najib Gadban, a member of the opposition Syrian National Council, which represents most of Al Assad’s opponents, was quoted as saying.
An analyst in Damascus said there were “very few chances” that the government would allow observers in under the conditions set by the Arab League. Syria says the conditions undermine its sovereignty.
In continued violence, three children aged 11, 14 and 16 were among eight people killed in Syria yesterday by security forces and shabiha militiamen, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said.
The government yesterday decided to impose a 30 per cent tax on imports from Turkey.

December 4th, 2011, 5:32 pm



In and Out

NK @ 459

Mass balance equation, in its simplest form states

output = input + change of storage

with constant intake from Aldunya, SANA, and countless regime and pretenders third way garbage sites and NETWORKS, can you imagine the storage left, even after all the garbage posted on SC.

December 4th, 2011, 5:38 pm



Duh, checked my 6 grade book

Mass balance
Input – Output = Change of Storage

December 4th, 2011, 5:41 pm


Tara said:

Another blogger got arrested, this one a US born female 

December 4, 2011 5:51 AM

(AP)  BEIRUT — Syria said Sunday it is still negotiating with the Arab League over the bloc’s request to send observers into the country, as tightening sanctions by Arab and other nations fail to halt the eight-month crackdown on anti-government protesters.

A Foreign Ministry spokesman suggested some headway had been made, but there was no official announcement on whether Syria would sign the agreement.

New violence killed at least nine people on Sunday, including a female university professor and a father and his three children in central Syria, opposition activists said. The Local Coordination Committees activist network put the death toll from violence Sunday at 22, but the number could not be immediately confirmed by other activist groups.

Activists also said a U.S.-born Syrian blogger was arrested at the Syrian-Jordanian border while on her way to attend a workshop for advocates of press freedoms in the Arab world.

A statement issued by the Syrian Center for Media and Freedom of Expression said Razan Ghazzawi was arrested by police and immigration officials at the border while on her way to Amman to attend the conference as a representative of the center.

The Local Coordination Committees activist network confirmed her arrest Sunday.

Ghazzawi is a human rights advocate and had been documenting violations and arrests in Syria since the start of the uprising against President Bashar Assad in March. She is one of the few Syrian activists who blogged under her real name.
The top U.S. diplomat for the Middle East said Assad is responsible for deepening the sectarian division in Syria.

Jeffrey Feltman said Assad is pegging his ruling Alawite minority, an offshoot of Shiite Islam, against other sects and implementing his “own prophesy, which is moving Syria into more chaos and a civil war.”

Feltman said Washington has been in touch with Syrian Christians to prod them “not to stand on the side of the attacker,” but declined to elaborate. Many among Syria’s Christian and other minorities have sided with Assad’s regime, fearing they would be targeted if the Sunni majority takes over.

Speaking in Amman, Jordan, Feltman also told reporters the U.S. has “evidence” that Iran and the militant Lebanese Hezbollah have agents in Syria to bolster Assad’s waning regime — a charge both have repeatedly denied.

Faced with Sunday’s new Arab League deadline, Syria signaled it still might be willing to comply with the League’s plan, saying its objections were simply a matter of details.

“Messages are being exchanged between Syria and the Arab League to reach a certain vision that would facilitate the mission of observers in Syria while preserving Syrian interests and sovereignty,” Foreign Ministry spokesman Jihad Makdissi told reporters in Damascus.

Asked later Sunday whether any decision had been made, he said: “If there are good intentions, the road is open toward signing an agreement.” A more detailed response would be made Monday, he said.

December 4th, 2011, 5:48 pm


Syria no kandahar said:

Friends of NK eliminated another Syrian brain.NK friends will not stop until they
Eliminate last Syrian brain.MB,Salafi Syria is NK Syria :

???? ????? (????) ??????? ?? ???? ?????? ????? ???????? ????? ?????? ?????? ?? ?? ???????? ????? ?? ??? ??? ?????????? ????? ??? ??????? ??????? ?? ???????.

????? (????) ??? “?? ???? ????????? ?????? ???? ??????? ????? ?????? ??????? ????? ????? ??? ????? ????? ??? ???????? ???? ??? ???????? ????? ???? ???? ???????? ?????? ????? ?? ??? ??? ???? ????? ???????? ???????? ??????? ?? ??? ??? ??????? ???????? ?????? ????? ??? ??????? ??????? ?? ???????”.

????? ??????? ????? ??????? ?????? ????????? ?? ??????? ??????? ?????? ????? ??????? ??? ??? ?????? ???? ????? ?????? ?????? ??? ???? ????? ?? ???? ??? ?????? ??????? ???? ??? ????? ????? ??????? ?????? ?????? ??? ??? ???? ?????.

??? ???? ???? ???? (????) ?? “??????? ???? ???? ?????? ????? ????? ???????? ????? ?????? ????? ???? ????? ?? ?????? ???? ???? ????? ?????? ?????? ??????? ????? ?????? ?????? ?? ?? ????? ????”.

?????? (????) ?? “???????? ????????? ??????? ????? ????? ??? ????? ??????? ???? ???????? ?????? ???? ?????? ??????? ??? ?????????? ??? ?? ????? ???????? ??? ???? ???? ????????”.

????? ??? ????? ??? ????? ????????? ????? ??? ?????? ???? ?????? ??????? ?? ???????? ?????????? ?????????? ????? ???? ??????? ?????? ????? ?????????? ?? ???? ???? ???????? ??????? ???????? “????? ?????? ??? ??????????”.




???? ????:

????? ???? ?????? ?????? ???????? ????????? ??????? ??? ????? ?? ????? ????????? ????????

December 4th, 2011, 5:55 pm


zoo said:


“Most Iranians are Muslims. Around 89% belong to Shi’a branch of Islam, the official state religion, and about 9% belong to the Sunni branch of Islam. The remaining 2% are non-Muslim religious minorities, including Bahá’ís, Mandeans, Yarsanis, Zoroastrians, Jews, and Christians. The latter three minority religions are officially recognized and protected, and have reserved seats in the Iran parliament. Zoroastrianism was once the majority religion, though today Zoroastrians number only in the tens of thousands.Iran is home to the largest Jewish community in Muslim World. The Bahá’í Faith, Iran’s largest non-Muslim religious minority, is not officially recognized, and has been persecuted during its existence in Iran.”
(end of of quote)

Iran has produced two films that say a lot about how they perceive and respect the Christian religion

The Messiah (2008 film)

Saint Mary (2007)

Both were TV series shown on Iranian TV and on Al Manar TV

December 4th, 2011, 6:07 pm


jad said:

“can you imagine the storage left”
Enjoy the garbage work of your garbage militia ya garbage:

Armed men went into the house of Mouhamad Mostafa Teebeh in Homs, they killed the father with his three children in cold blood, imagine if you could!

HNN| ????? ?????? ???
???? ?????? ???? ????? ???? ???? ?????? ??????? ???? ??? ???????? ??? ???? ????? ??????? ??????? ??????? ?????? ?????? ?? ?? ????? ???? ? ???? ?????? ?????? ???? ?????? ??? ??? ???????? ????? ???? ???? 45 ??? ?? ?????? ??????? .
???? ???? ???? 16???
???? ???? ???? 11???
??? ???? ????? 14??? …
? ?? ???????? …
??? ?????? ??????? ??? ???? ??? ??? ??? ??????? ???? ???? ?? ????? ?????? ?????? ? ????? ????? ? ??????? ???? ?????? ??? ???? ?????
? ????? ??? ???? ???? ?? ????? ???? 30 ???? ?? ???? ? ????? ??? ?????? ???? ??? ?????? ?? ????? ????? ????? ??? ???? ? ?????
?? ??? ???? ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? .
? ?????????? ?? ?????? ???? ???? ?????? ? ???? ????? ??? ??????? ????? ?????? ??????? ???????? ? ?? ???? ??? ???? …
? ????? ????? ???????? ?????????? ?? ?????? ???? ?????? ??????? ? ???? ??? ????? ?????? ?????????? ??????? ? ??? ?????? ??????? ??? ?? ?????? ? ??? ?????? ??? ??????? ??? ???????
??? ???? ?????? ???? ??? ??????? ?????? …

More bloody ‘Garbage’ stories from Homs:
??????? ????? ??? ???? ???24 ???? ??????? : ??? ???? ?????? ???????? ???????? ????
??? ( ??? ?????)? ??????? ( ???):?? ???? ????? ?? ??? ???? ?? ??? ??? ???? ? ??? ???? ??????? ????????? ? ???? ???? ??? ?????? ??????? ??????? ?? “??????? ? ??????”? ?? ???????? ??? ” ???????? ???????”. ???? ?? ??? ????????? ??????? ??? ??? ?????? ??? ???? ??? ? ?????? ??????? ???? ? ???? ????? ?? ?? ????? ??? ?????? ???? ????? ????? ?????. ??? ???? “????? ?????? ?????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ???????? ???? ????? ??? ?????” ???? ??????? ???? ????? ???? ??????? ????? ??? ?????? ? ?????? ????? ?? ????? ?? ????? ?? ?????? ? ????? ????? ?????? ?????? ?? ????? ? ??? ???? ?? ?????? ??? ??????? ???????. ????? ????? ????? ?????? ?????? ??? ??? ????? ?? ???? ??????? ???? ?????? ??????? ?? ?? ???????? ??? ??? ????. ???? ?? ????? ????? ?? ????? ????? ????? ??? ?????? ????? ??? ??? ?? ?? ???????? ????? ??? ???? ?? ?????? ?? ????? ???? ?????? ???? ? ????? ???? ??? ??? ???????? ???? ?????? ????? ????? ????? .

??? ???? ???? ? ???? ????? ???? ????? ??????? ??????? ?? “?? ????????” ??????? ?????? ??????? ??? . ???? ??? ??? ????? ??????? ????? ???? ???? “??????????” ??????? ???? ?????? ??????? ??? ?? ??????? ?? ?????? ???????. ????? ???? ???? ?????? ????? ????? ???? ?? ??? ???? ?? ???? ????? ????? ?? ?????? ????????? ????? ??? ??? ????? ???? ?????? ????? ??? ????? ??? ??????.

???? ??? ???????? ???? ???? ????? ??? ??? ????? ????? ??? ??? ?????? ????? ?? ??????? ???? ??? ????. ??? ?? ??? ?????? ????? ??? ?????? ?? ?? ???? ?? ????? ? ??? ???? ?????? ??? ????? ????? ??? ?????? ?? ???? ????? ?????? ????? ? ??? ?? ??????? ?????? ??? ????? ?????? ?? ??? ???????.

????? ?????? ????? ????? ????? ???? ????? ???? ????? ????? ????????? ( ????? ????? ???????) ?? ??????? ??????? ??? ???? ???????? ?????? ????? ???????? ??? ???? ???? ? ???????? ? ????? ???? ??? ??? ??????? ?????? ???? ?????? ???????? ???? ???? ?? ???? ?? ??????? ? ?????? ???? ????? ????? ????? ???????.

???? ???? ?????? ??? ?????? ???? ??????? ?? ” ?????” ?????? ????? ????? ?????? ??? ???? ??????? : ?????? ??? ???????? ?? ??? ???? ???????? ??????? ??? ?????? ? ????? ??? ????? ? ???????? ???? ?????? ???????? ???? ???? ???? ( ??? ????? ?????? ?? ???????). ???? ????? ???????? ??? ?????? ?????? ??? ?? ?? ??????? ?? ??? ?????? ?? ????????.
????? ????? ?? ????? ??????? ????? ???? :

? ??? ??? ?????? ?? ??????? ??????? ?????? ????? ??? ?????? ?? ????? ????? ????? ?????? ??? ???? ??? ? ?????.

? ????? ????? ????? ?? ????? ??? ?? ?????? ??????? ??? ??? ?? ??? ???? ????? ?????? ??? ???? ????? .

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December 4th, 2011, 6:16 pm


Syrian Nationalist Party said:


Well, I don’t want to elaborate on this arm smuggling. But what is being smuggled is nothing more than personal use guns. This allow for self defense or, if used offensively, it will be used for committing hit and run terrorist acts only. These weapons will not allow anyone to cease “power of State” in Syria and for sure it will not lead, or be effective, in / to a civil war in Syria. Although this strategy used in Libya, it was NATO interference, bombing and the particular situation of Gaddafi regime in Libya and its army that made it work. It will not work in Syria, because the Syrian army just as it responded to domestic upheaval it will assuredly respond to externally sponsored one using all the weapons in its armories, including WMD and missiles to deliver these Bio-Chemicals to targets. Only a fool will think that Syrian army will not dare to use it. Our concern is more like those plotting idiots will grossly misread, misinterpret, miss-assume miss-everything, that should an attack other than silly terrorists one that Assad is in fact using to his own advantage should come, the Syria response will be strong enough to escalate out of control quickly, elevating to full scale launch and counter launch. Those betting on Libya scenario in Syria are fools. Just because Assad did not respond when Israeli attacked Deir Alzzour, it does not mean he will not when his and Alawites-Baathist regime very survival is at stake. Syria can exact heavy retribution for transgression, but it will not be able to militarily defeat NATO backed Turkey-Israel-Arab in a prolonged war. Which means that Iran and Russia, maybe others will join the fray at early stage. Syria is not Libya, the strategic theater is very different and unique to Syria, cookie cutter tools and boiler plate plan will not work. The opposition missed on the most important element in winning Syria, it was a piece of cake, but they permanently failed now. Don’t ask me what was that element.

December 4th, 2011, 6:17 pm


irritated said:

Tara #472

“New violence killed at least nine people on Sunday, including a female university professor and a father and his three children in central Syria, opposition activists said”

Who killed her? Why are the opposition activists conveniently elude to say anything about it? They are trying to make us believe that the security forces killed her and the children too ? How hypocritical.

December 4th, 2011, 6:20 pm


Tara said:


Thanks for your answer.  I remember watching Mary TV series several years ago only to suddenly stop in the middle.  

In regard to men keeping the upper hand on women and would never fight for women’s right.  I think the scenario of women losing their rights in Syria is far fetched.  Women never had rights in KSA so they practically lost nothing whereas it would be much more difficult for the society to regress in Syria in regard to women’s right.  Additionally, (no brag intended), I think Syrian women are pretty powerful and somewhat different.  No?      

December 4th, 2011, 6:50 pm


Darryl said:

478. TARA said:

“In regard to men keeping the upper hand on women and would never fight for women’s right. I think the scenario of women losing their rights in Syria is far fetched. Women never had rights in KSA so they practically lost nothing whereas it would be much more difficult for the society to regress in Syria in regard to women’s right. Additionally, (no brag intended), I think Syrian women are pretty powerful and somewhat different. No?”

A Definite No. I suggest you take a bit of a break and review the Egyptian status of women. What you will find that in Egypt, women have been on the losing side of the curve in exactly the same way the MB influence has been rising since the 50s.

In the 50s most Egyptian women did not wear head covering, now most do and will eventually see segregation between males and females introduced like the place you admire KSA, while you are enjoying western privileges.

December 4th, 2011, 7:19 pm


zoo said:

Tara $478

I have high doubts about their ability to fight back the bulldozer when it’ll starts to move.
Just look at women’s representation in the Lebanese government (0) and it is not an Islamic government and Iraq (1), Egypt (0)
Syria has been an exception in the Arab world under the Assad.

The Status of Women in Syria – A debate
Saturday, April 25th, 2009

December 4th, 2011, 7:22 pm


Norman said:

If the AL, declare failure and refer the Syrian crises to the Sc and Russia stoppe any resolution with a VETO, will the West attack Syria ? any thoughts,

December 4th, 2011, 7:24 pm


Tara said:


I would respond to your post only if you show me where I said I admire KSA otherwise thanks but I am not really interested in a pseudo-dialogue.

December 4th, 2011, 7:30 pm


Norman said:

Thank you , that was an interesting subject.

December 4th, 2011, 7:31 pm


Norman said:


you do not have to admire KSA, if what you do is going to destroy Syria as we know it, you are going to end up with Saudi Arabia in Syria and that is more than admiration , that is transforming Syria to Saudi Arabia,

December 4th, 2011, 7:35 pm


Darryl said:

483. TARA said:


I would respond to your post only if you show me where I said I admire KSA otherwise thanks but I am not really interested in a pseudo-dialogue.”

How about that great admiration for the “Pious” Ghallioun and that defected prosecutor where you were giving him a standing ovation because he claimed the Syrian Government does not believe in Allah. I am sure he would have loved to use Qur’anic verses and AHadith to deliver justice in the space age. Hey I have two juicy AHadiths regarding Women and justice to share if you are interested.

December 4th, 2011, 7:58 pm


majedkhaldoun said:

I say Diplomacy is stupid, and war is smart.
Who would loose if we have civil war, I am sure the majority 75%will win over the minority,10% and in civil war there will be many many dead,but we can go on like this way the regime keep killing 30-40 daily and arresting hundreds and killing them in Jail,at the end we will have 100,000 dead,or we can have civil war and end up loosing 100,000 dead ,in both cases we will loose 100,000,war however is more decisive, and who would loose in war the Alawite supporting Assad will loose at the end, it is stupid for the regime to frighten us when they say civil war is bad, it is bad for them they will be anniliated in civil war.
Bashar is not smart, he made several mistakes in his tenure,in cracking down on Damascus spring,in staying passive when US attacked Saddam, in supporting Lahoud in Lebanon, in killing Harriri,that forced him to pull out of lebanon,in antagonising the king of KSA,in not learning from other Arabic countries while they go through their revolutions, in using the security forces and Shabbiha and the army to kill his people, in depending on Iran and Russia too much, Now he is choosing civil war, a war that he is certain to loose.
FSA needs time but as their number increase and sure they will, the Shabbiha will fade away,his only hope is his Alawite officers and some stupid Sunni officers, he is betting on the wrong horse.

December 4th, 2011, 8:01 pm


Ghufran said:

I never thought that Syrians are capable of committing such atrocities until I met people from Homs who described in horrific details the level of brutality and animalistic behavior armed thugs have displayed. Others told me how security forces treated people in troubled areas out of suspicion and rage. I am just sick of both sides.

December 4th, 2011, 8:15 pm


jna said:

The politics of the undermining of Syria is taking shape and clarity.

Dec 2, 2011
The shadow war in Syria
By Pepe Escobar

Target Syria – the strategic prize that outstrips Libya. The stage is set. The stakes couldn’t be higher. Libya 2.0 equals Syria? It’s more like Libya 2.0 remix. With the same R2P (”responsibility to protect”) rationale – starring civilians bombed into ”democracy”. But with no UN Security Council resolution (Russia and China will veto it). Instead, Turkey shines, fanning the flames of civil war.

US Secretary of State Hillary ”we came, we saw, he died” Clinton set the scene on Indonesian TV a few weeks ago, when she prophesied there would be ”a civil war” in Syria, with a well financed and ”well-armed opposition” crammed with army deserters.

Now it’s up to NATOGCC to make it happen. NATOGCC is of course the now fully accomplished symbiosis between selected

North Atlantic Treaty Organization members such as Britain and France and selected petromonarchies of the Gulf Cooperation Council, aka the Gulf Counter-revolution Club, such as Qatar and the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

So feel free to bask in the glow of yet another mercenary paradise.

The Libyans formerly known as rebels, with explicit consent from Transitional National Council (TNC) chairman Mustafa Abdul NATO, aka Jalil, have already shipped to Syria – via Turkey – 600 highly motivated troops fresh from toppling the Gaddafi regime, to fight alongside the Free Syria Army (FSA). This followed a secret meeting in Istanbul between the TNC and the Syrian ”rebels”, rebranded as Syrian National Council.

The trigger-happy Libyans have access to a wealth of weapons plundered from the Gaddafi’s regimes military depots or gently ”donated” by NATO and Qatar. A delicious parallel may already be traced with the House of Saud in the 1980s – which gave the green light for hardcore Islamists to go fight in Afghanistan, instead of raising hell at home.

For the TNC, better keep those testosterone-heavy, unemployed warriors away in the Middle East rather than raising hell in Northern Africa. And for NATO member Turkey, in the absence of war (blame those pesky Russians and Chinese), the next best option is to rely on mercenaries to do the job.

The pressure is relentless. Diplomats in Brussels confirmed to Asia Times Online that NATOGCC operatives have set up a command center in Iskenderun, in Hatay province in Turkey. Crucial Aleppo, in northwest Syria, is very close to the Turkish-Syrian border. The cover story for this command center is to engineer ”humanitarian corridors” to Syria.

Although these ”humanitarians” come from NATO members US, Canada and France, and GCC members Saudi Arabia, Qatar and the UAE, their cover is that they’re only innocent ”monitors”, and not part of NATO. Needless to say these humanitarians consist of ground, naval, air force and engineering specialists. Their mission: infiltrate northern Syria, especially Idlib, Rastan, Homs but most of all the big prize, Aleppo, the largest city in Syria, with at least 2.5 million people, the majority of which are Sunni and Kurdish.

Even before this news from Brussels, the French satirical weekly Le Canard Enchaine – as well as the Turkish daily Milliyet – had already revealed that commandos from French intelligence and the British MI6 are training the FSA in urban guerrilla techniques, in Hatay in southern Turkey and in Tripoli, in northern Lebanon. Weapons – from shotguns to Israeli machine guns and RPGs – have been smuggled en masse.

It’s no secret in Syria that armed gangs – from Salafis to petty criminals – have been attacking regular soldiers, the police and even civilians since the early stages of the protest movement. Of roughly 3,500 people killed during the past seven months, a large number of civilians and more than 1,100 soldiers were killed by these gangs.

And then there are the deserters. So when the Assad regime insists the current Syrian tragedy is to a great extent incited by well-paid and well-armed elements – not to mention mercenaries – at the service of foreign powers, it is essentially correct.

In Homs, a local source tells Asia Times online that as far as the FSA is concerned, ”it’s clear that they are just a nice media cover for criminals. They had a video of themselves in Baba Amr in which they appeared like complete idiots (here it is, with captions conveniently!). But whoever these kids or guys are, they have lots of support amongst the Sunni population. Also, they are connected within the community, whether rich or poor. A Christian woman who teaches at a private school just outside Homs which has largely Sunni students had her car stopped and stolen by some gang. When she came to Homs she made some phone calls and her car was returned. So whoever stole her car outside city limits had connections to middle to high class people in the city and they were able to return the car. This tells me of the infiltration of the dogma of the revolution in Homs. The ‘concept’ of FSA is probably supported enough, and just the people of poor areas like Baba Amr, Bayada and Khalidiyya can self-sustain the FSA.”

Round up the usual votes
Just as in Libya, the Arab League also duly fulfilled its doormat function for NATOGCC, voting for harsh sanctions that include a freeze of Syrian government assets, no more trade deals with the central bank and no more Arab investment. In short: economic war. The Lebanese paper L’Orient Le Jour politely called it ”a political euphemism”. Of the 22 League members, 19 voted – Syria was already suspended. Iraq – where the government is majority Shi’ite – and Lebanon – where Hezbollah is part of the government – were the only ones that ”dissociated” themselves from the vote.

Meanwhile, the nasty opportunist game of musical chairs – the Syrian version – is also in effect. The Syrian National Council and its Islamist cohorts totally rejected any dialogue with the Bashar al-Assad regime. The secretary-general of the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood, Riad Chakfi, pulled a ”Libyan rebel” and implored the Turkish army to invade northern Syria and establish a buffer zone. Dodgy exiles such as former vice-president Abdelhalim Khaddam – exiled in Paris – and another vice-president, Rifaat al-Assad – exiled in Spain – are under the illusion that the Muslim Brotherhood (which will be the top power in a ”new” Syria) would allow them to sit on the throne.

This is downright silly – because the name of the game in a ”new” Syria will be the House of Saud. The House of Saud is the crucial link between the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt (which is getting closer and closer to taking power); the AKP party in Turkey (which is essentially a Muslim Brotherhood lite); and the Muslim Brotherhood in Syria. The Saudis are crucial investors in Turkey. They are positioning themselves as major investors in Egypt. And they’re dying to become a major investor in ”new” Syria.

Then there’s the key question of Turkey’s game. In the Syrian dossier, Turkey is not a mediator anymore; it has become a brash advocate of regime change. Forget about the Tehran-Damascus-Ankara entente, which was a reality not along ago, in 2010. Forget about soft power and the much-advertised foreign policy of ”zero problems with our neighbors”, coined by Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu.

Davutoglu himself announced Turkey’s own sanctions on Syria – a replay of the Arab League’s, with freezing of the government’s financial assets and no transactions with the central bank. Davutoglu insists a military buffer zone inside Syria, along the border with Turkey, is ”not on the agenda” – but that’s exactly what those shady NATOGCC ”humanitarian monitors” are up to. Since mid-November Turkish media has been ablaze detailing plans for a no-fly zone in northern Syria and the aforementioned buffer zone stretching as far as Aleppo.

The motive? Ask ”prophet” Hillary Clinton – to foment civil war.

Showdown, Club Med style
In its mad rush to sell the Turkish political model to the majority-Sunni parts of the Arab world (yet the GCC is not buying), Turkey may be severely miscalculating its crucial relations with both Russia and Iran. Around 70% of Turkey’s energy is imported from Russia and Iran. Not to mention that both Russia and Iran are fuming with Turkey bowing to NATO pressure to host a radar station as part of missile defense.

Russia has very clear ideas about the Syrian scenario. The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has been more than explicit for weeks now; ”We absolutely do not accept a scenario of military intervention in Syria.”

Last week’s meeting of the deputy foreign ministers of the emergent BRICS group (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa), in Moscow, was unmistakable.

The BRICS essentially drew the red lines. No excuse whatsoever for a foreign intervention in Syria, as in ”any external interference in Syria’s affairs, not in accordance with the UN Charter, should be excluded.” No ”bomb bomb Iran”; instead, dialogue and negotiations. And no additional sanctions, deemed ”counterproductive”. The BRICS clearly see how the Libya scenario is slowly morphing into the modified NATOGCC war.

To add extra sauce, the aircraft carrier Admiral Kuznetsov – equipped with nuclear missiles – has already left Murmansk towards the Eastern Mediterranean, alongside the destroyer Admiral Chabanenko and the frigate Ladny. They will arrive at the Tartus naval base, in Syria, in mid-January, and will be met by other ships from the Russian fleet in the Black Sea.

Tartus, hosting around 600 military and technicians from the Russian Defense Ministry, is a center of maintenance and refueling for the Russian Black Sea fleet. It will be a thrill to watch whether the Russians will invite members of the George H W Bush Carrier Strike Group – now also in the Eastern Mediterranean – for a volleyball match.

It’s fair to argue that masses of Syrians want something other than the Assad regime – but certainly not some variant of humanitarian bombing, not to mention civil war. They saw NATO’s legacy in Libya – virtually the whole infrastructure of the country destroyed, cities bombed to dust, tens of thousands of dead and wounded, al-Qaeda-linked fanatics wielding power in Tripoli, widespread ethnic hatred. They don’t want a brand new massacre. But NATOGCC does.

Pepe Escobar

December 4th, 2011, 8:21 pm


irritated said:

Majedalkhaldoon #487

Your PHD mathematics about the advantage of a civil war is very convincing indeed: Better kill 100,000 in one week than 40 a day.

Let’s have a civil war!
I hope you have some family in Syria that would participate in it and enjoy it.

December 4th, 2011, 8:28 pm


Tara said:

Dear Zoo

Thanks for the link.  In my opinion all rights fade in comparison to the right to live free and with dignity.  A right no Syrian, man or woman, had under al Assad.  Yes, women in Syria may not be able to fight the bulldozer but no one knows yet for sure if the boogyman would ever materialize in post-Assad era.   I personally am willing to accept the risk in order to get the basic right of life, freedom, and dignity.  And again if this is the natural evolution of Muslim societies (from dictatorship to theocracy/or military rule to eventual secularism) so be it.  Let us start the process and get over with it.  The status quo is just non-sustainable.  


Not good enough.  Try harder.

December 4th, 2011, 8:53 pm


John Khouri said:

@465 – TARA – maybe u should look towards countries like saudi arabia and yemen and somalia which are predominantly sunni, and try and find one single church in that country. Look towards these wahhabi sunni countries saudi arabia and somalia and try and find a female who is permitted to drive. Try and find a christian walking in the streets with a religous necklace. He will be tortured and locked up in jail. Than u can look towards Iran, and see the 500,000 + jews and christians still living in that country and permitted to practice their religous beliefs without persecution. Women are permitted to drive etc. Take a look towards the south of lebanon, where christians and shiaa live side by side in marajyoun and other christian areas. No persecution at all. That is ur answer as to why the SHIAA and CHRISTIANS get along side by side in these particular countries. Ah i forgot without mentioning Egypt. The persecution of the coptic christians under the fanatic sunni extremists. Burning of christian churches. If only the Sunni’s of the middle east resembled the majority of sunnis in syria. U should travel around damascus and aleppo and raqqa ,hasaka, qamishli, and see how christians and sunnis live side by side in harmony. Syria is the only tolerant country when it comes to religion. Pity these minority fanatics bring their filth with them from turkey and lebanon.

December 4th, 2011, 8:56 pm


jad said:

“I am just sick of both sides.”
I totally agree with you, now, I’m sick of everybody, absolutely everybody and every side of this bloody struggle, it’s about the chair and Iran, nothing else.

Check out this sneak how he puts Iran in the middle of everything he says:
“??????? : ????? ???? ?????? ??? ????? ????????? ???????

?? ????? ??? ????? ??????? ????? ????? ???????? ????????? ????????? ?? ???? “?? ??? ?? ????? ????? ????? ????? ??????? ???? ????? ????? ????????? ????? ???? ?? ??? ????? ?????? ????”. ????? “??? ????? ?? ?? ???? ?? ????? ????” ????? ?????? ?????? ???? ????? ???? “???? ?????? ??? ????? ????????? ??????? ?? ???? ?? ???? ?? ?? ??????”.

????? ??????? “??? ????? ??? ?? ??? ???? ??????? ?????? ??? ??????? ??????? ??????? ????? ?????? ?? ???? ????? ??? ????? ???????? ???? ???? ??? ?????”. ????? ??????? “?? ?????? ????? ????????? ?????? ??????? ?? ????? ????? ???? ??? ?????? ??????? ?? ????? ???? ???? ?? ????? ???? ????? ????????”.

????? ??????? ????? ???? ?????? ?????? ?? ??? ???? ??????????. ???? ?? “????? ???? ????? ??? ????? ??????? ??? ???? ????? ?????? ???? ?????? ???????? ??????? ??????? ??????? ????????”. ????? ?? “????? ????? ????? ?? ?????? ????? ?????? ?????????? ??????? ???? ?????? ???? ?? ???? ?? ????? ?? ?? ??? ????? ???????? ????????? ??????? ??? ????? ??????”.

??????: ???? ??????”

December 4th, 2011, 9:01 pm


Hans said:

To those who don’t think that it is all an american conspiracy against Syria to help Israel!
The CNN admitting that the State department is supplying the terrorists inside Syria with very high tech software applied to overcome the block on Skype in Syria.
As I said before, if Russia doesn’t save Syria for the interest of Russia then Syria is doomed, could be divided, invaded and thousands of innocent people will be killed even probably more than Libya.
it is clear that the people who started the revolution in Egypt and wanted a free Egypt have lost the election! Egypt ended with another radical regime run by the Salafis and Muslim brotherhood, abusing people in a different ways of life there is no area of the world where radical has power and the population done any better.

A look at Gaza and Afghanistan tells the full story of what democratically elected radicals can do to a country
Probably Syria is not different, when the regime is gone the wolves will show their claws and the common are put back in a cage for years to come.
As I said in the past, who can give any details how the new Syrian ruler can be trusted to be democratic and leave the power at the time end of his presidency, or we are going to see another weaken syria like after the WWII one coup after another, till we have another dictator who climbs the helm to power and stay on the top for another 40 or more years.
anyone have an idea where is in the new constitution that these things won’t happen again.
I don’t believe it until I see it happen.

all the cover up KSA is using to change regimes in the ME to spread the Wahabi teaching is very influential, reports that KSA and Qatar have spent millions of $ for that purpose.
Although they are naive, dummies and goat beard prices but the USA is following their need in having radicals regimes replacing authoritarian ones. with the understanding that the new regimes will have a better relationship with Israel than the current ones who are causing headache to the USA, here and there. I wonder how Russia going to act, it is a big deal for Russia to lose Syria it is a true red line and the MB are no fan of Russia therefore, I don’t see how the regime of Bashar will be gone anytime soon.

December 4th, 2011, 9:09 pm


jad said:

??? ?????? ??????? ????? ???????

?????????? ?????? ?????? ??? ??????? ???? ???? ??????? ?? ????? ?????? ??? ?????????

Terrorists blow up trucks filled with diesel fuel to create more crisis in Syria

December 4th, 2011, 9:13 pm


jad said:

??????? ???? ??? ?????? ?????? ???????? ?????? ?? ??????? ???????… ?????? ????? ?????? ????? ?? ???????
???? ???? ???? ??????: ??? ???????? ??? ????? ???????? ?????????

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(«??????»? ????? ? ? ??
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December 4th, 2011, 9:18 pm


NK said:


First of all you have to accept the fact that some women like to wear headscarves, and as such using the percentage of head covered women is not a good indicator of women rights.


What’s the point of having women in the government if this government doesn’t represent anyone and have no authority whatsoever ? all these women you’re talking about (just like the men) are mere puppets for the security chiefs. Unless we have women working as security chiefs your argument is void.

December 4th, 2011, 9:24 pm


Tara said:
Hamas Scaling Back Presence in Syria, Dozens Leave
Dozens of members of Hamas have quietly returned to Gaza from Damascus, according to diplomats.
By Elad Benari
First Publish: 12/5/2011, 3:15 AM
While Hamas would keep a skeletal presence in Syria to “book a seat in a post-Assad era”, according to one diplomat, “Meanwhile, Hamas officials are on planes most of the time, bolstering ties with other countries like Egypt, Qatar, Turkey, Sudan, or in contact to explore new bases and not a sole base.”
Some reports claimed that the Damascus-based Hamas leadership left Syria after the Syrian government asked the Hamas leaders to leave.
Hamas angered Syria in recent months by refusing to hold rallies in Palestinian Authority Arab refugee camps in support of Bashar Assad’s government, Reuters noted.

Tensions with Damascus rose further, the report added, when Hamas opted not to sign a statement by nine other PA-based groups, including the Palestine Liberation Organization, in support of the Syrian leader.

December 4th, 2011, 9:26 pm


ghufran said:

the AL is a group of puppets playing a dirty game,the regime is dirty enough to play the same game,if AL changes its tactic it will be because of Russia and the fact that Syria’s neighbors will make the sanctions symbolic at best.
It is nauseating to hear some Syrians advocating a civil war while they sit comfortably in their chair behind a computer. I am sitting behind a computer too but I do not want a civil war,if one does not have something good to say,the least he can do is sell us his silence.
Many have accused the opposition of igniting a sectarian conflict but I have to disagree,it is the regime’s 50 years history of corruption and oppression that inflamed sectarian feelings,that does not mean we need to imprison or kill every Syrian who sided or tolerated the regime.Syria will never be the same,it will take years to heal the wounds,revive the economy and bring back tourists regardless of who captures power in Damascus.

December 4th, 2011, 9:32 pm


Darryl said:

497. NK said:

Dear NK, welcome back you must have been busy?. I accept that some females like to, my mother as a Christian with her generation used a head scarf. But this does not validate the fact that now in Egypt there is more head covering and complete veiling (KSA style) than the 50s since MB membership in their club started to increase. The increase in membership in the veiled club is not voluntary, it is men pressure. We see this now in Tunisia in less than a year after Bin Ali has gone. Tunisian women are joining the club, is this voluntary, I don’t believe so?

December 4th, 2011, 9:36 pm


NK said:

Hans 494

Only in Syria, it’s considered a terrorist act to talk on Skype.

Don’t you feel any shame while writing such idiotic statements ? As for your guarantees that we will get democracy, well you will never have them and we Syrians will never get our democracy until we start trying, the dictators will not just roll over and hand us our freedom back, that never happened in the history of man kind and will never happen. And besides what kind of democracy is this that you only accept the results of an election when your side wins ?
You have a problem with Islam, there is nothing anyone can do to change this fact, and sadly for you the vast majority of our population are Muslims, so if you can’t stand it please bug off, enjoy your life somewhere else, no one is forcing you to leave your country to live in ours!

December 4th, 2011, 9:41 pm


Darryl said:

491. TARA said:


Not good enough. Try harder.”

Have you added any new shoes to your collection recently?

I have just gotten hold of some fantastic Shiraz that can be to be cut with a knife and fruity Cool climate Chardonnay :-).

December 4th, 2011, 9:50 pm


irritated said:

498. Tara

Why stay in Syria? Hamas has a home that resembles it: Egypt
It won’t be a big loss for Syria.

December 4th, 2011, 9:50 pm


Tara said:

Erdogan going to Qatar on Dec 10.  He had a laparoscopic surgery.  No cancer get treated with laparoscopic surgery unless berry small and local.  Mango’s wishes for speedy recovery came true.

Erdo?an to continue resting for a week
ANKARA – Hürriyet Daily News

Turkish and US security officers are seen in front of PM Recep Tayyip Erdo?an’s house in Istanbul before Biden’s visit. AA photo
Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdo?an will go on resting at home for at least another week following laparoscopic surgery, prime ministry sources said on yesterday. The cabinet meeting scheduled for today has been canceled.

Erdo?an will, however, travel to Qatar on Dec. 10 to attend Doha Summit of the Alliance of Civilizations, the prime ministry said in a statement on its webpage.

According to the statement, Erdo?an had laparoscopic surgery on his digestive system Nov. 26 and is convalescing in Istanbul. Since the operation, his only engagements have been those with Parliament Speaker Cemil Ciçek last week and U.S. Vice President Joe Biden on Dec. 03. The first photos of Erdo?an’s since the surgery were released after his meeting with U.S. official.

A senior U.S. diplomat has said Biden and Erdo?an discussed many issues in their two hour meeting, including the fight against the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), developments in Iran, Iraq and Syria, Turkish-Israeli tension, Cyprus, the Balkans, Turkish-Armenian relations, Halki Seminary and the process of preparing a new Turkish constitution.

The U.S. diplomat said Biden had reaffirmed the U.S. administration’s commitment to cooperate with Turkey against the serious threat caused by PKK terrorism. He also underlined the importance of Iraq taking necessary measures to put pressure on the PKK, adding this was for the best interests of the national government in Iraq and the regional administration in north of Iraq and Turkey should handle the PKK problem in a way that would not cause more violence and problems against Turkey.

Biden said Iran was losing influence in the region and becoming more isolated, while the best way to change Iran’s stance was continuing to apply pressure.

In regards to Cyprus, Biden said he hoped that the two parties would make real progress in ongoing negotiations under the auspices of the United Nations and the U.S. was ready to do its best to support the process.
Biden hoped that the Halki Seminary would be reopened and eulogized Erdo?an’s steps for return of minority properties, according to the U.S. diplomat.

December 4th, 2011, 9:54 pm


irritated said:

NK #501

Why don’t they use their mobile if Skype is stopped. They are trying to save money while pursuing their high ideals?

December 4th, 2011, 9:58 pm


Tara said:


Australian Shiraz? No interest whatsoever! Sorry but nothing Australian or related to Australia interests me. I prefer Canadian….

And yes, the boot collection this year was great.

December 4th, 2011, 10:04 pm


jad said:

Again, I agree with what you wrote, I feel the same disgust when I read some comments on SC calling for more killing, more weapons, more violence, more sectarianism, more sanctions, more hate, more everything evil and at the end they sign it with the same ugly mantra, this is for the best of the average Syrian.
It’s unbelievable the amount of hate someone have against Syrians to be joyful seeing them suffering in their daily life. How is the suffer of any Syrian without heat or mazoot or gas and with fears of killing and being kidnapped can bring any happiness to anybody, yet you have some fake characters on here celebrate every act of this against the Syrian.
All the regime crimes, its brutality and its ugliness doesn’t justify destroying Syria or forcing an occupation and civil war on its citizens.
Making Syrians suffer more and giving them more weapons and charge them with more sectarian hatred won’t help, killing the Syrian army men, destroying the economy is not the answer, for getting rid of this regime without loosing Syria need smarter moves without the need to loose our humanity and reason.

December 4th, 2011, 10:04 pm


jad said:

Don’t even believe the lie about Skype written above, I’m on Skype everyday with my parents, my friends are using it all the time to talk to their families back in Syria…but to lie about everything is “THE” trend lately.

December 4th, 2011, 10:11 pm


Bronco said:

#504 Tara

“And today, it is reported that the surgery was actually a serious one, as a part of Erdo?an’s colon was removed with laparoscopy.”

This is a case of cancer of the colon. It is not curable but the removal of the part affected may save his life. There is always the danger of metastases. It is a very serious illness.
He probably will have to go through chemotherapy…

December 4th, 2011, 10:14 pm


Darryl said:

506. TARA said:


Australian Shiraz? No interest whatsoever! Sorry but nothing Australian or related to Australia interests me. I prefer Canadian….”

Ok just last one, it sounds that you are now drinking Canadian whiskey?. Well with hell freezing over in North America, I don’t blame you, at least Whiskey will keep you warm and calmes your nerves especially as the revolution is about to freeze in Syria.

Did you enjoy my post about the Samaritans? I wrote it especially for you as you showed lots of interest in religion history.

December 4th, 2011, 10:17 pm


jad said:

Those terrorists militia called fsa remind me of the traitors of Lahd militia during the Lebanese civil war.
They said that after finishing their job in ‘Syria’ their plan is to finish HA, but before those two missions they want to get rid of Miqati government! Ya salaam 3alzaka!!
I’m sure that tomorrow someone will claim that they didn’t say that or someone hacked their FB!!

IRAN/Shia is the keyword:

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December 4th, 2011, 10:22 pm


Haytham Khoury said:

@ Tara#465.

There is no such thing Shai’i-Christian alliance.

In Iraq, the Christians left alone to face their fate.

In Syria, the Christians are not allied with Bashar. The regime succeeded in convincing them that the revolution is induced by extremist.

In Lebanon, the Christians are split 50/50.

December 4th, 2011, 10:25 pm


NK said:


Thanks, I have been busy somewhat, also tired of all the endless debates that I needed a little break ^^

I have a cousin who fell in love with a classmate while in collage, his family was poor and pretty conservative, his mother and sisters did wear the full veil; while no one in her family wears even a headscarf, and even though my uncle tried to change her mind, she insisted on marrying the guy and even started to wear the full veil to accommodate his family. Some women do choose this dress code for whatever reason, and we have to respect that.

Of course this is not to suggest in anyway that women are not forced to wear the full veil all around the country or abused in so many other ways (I gave lectures in girl schools in the rural towns around Aleppo about the importance of education trying to encourage young girls to get a collage degree and heard some terrible stories), I also acknowledge the fact that our society became a lot more conservative (and not radical) since the 50s, I have photos of my mom when she was in collage (early 70s) wearing a short skirt, while I haven’t noticed any during my 6 years in there. Interesting though, I believe women today enjoy more liberty than they did in the 50s even with more strict dress-code!

Anyways to get to the bottom of the veil issue you have to look at this matter through the eyes of a woman living in these societies, you need real studies, interviews and surveys, something that is just impossible to do under a police state.

Edit: also impossible under a theocracy (before the SC sharks jump on the subject) 😉

December 4th, 2011, 10:28 pm


Norman said:

In his way to Damascus Saul was blinded by GOD and asked on why he is abusing God’s people of Syria, when he saw the light and stopped his abuse of the Syrians, he regained his sight,

The Colon Cancer that Erdogan got is his lost of sight, the question is will he stop his abuse of the Syrians and be saved or he will lose his life, i hope that he is as smart as Paul.

December 4th, 2011, 10:33 pm


Darryl said:

509. BRONCO said:

#504 Tara

Hey Tara, you have a huge opportunity here, one can turn SC into a revolutionary funding site as well as a medical consultation blog with so many Doctors. I will put my thinking cap on to see how we can charge money for the service. Its a pity that I am a semiconductors specialist and not a software specialist to make it into a money spinning blog :-).

December 4th, 2011, 10:33 pm


Bronco said:


In Libya after Gaddafi fell, I read the reaction of a woman that surprised me, she said: “Finally I am free to wear my nikab!”

Nikab was forbidden under Gaddafi.
There are many women who feel more protected from the lust of men when they wear their nikab or even an islamic dress.

December 4th, 2011, 10:37 pm


John Khouri said:

@499 – GHUFRAN – i can immediately gather that you are another extremist in disguise. Let me take u back to the beginning of the conflict in Syria, mr wahhabi in disguise GHUFRAN. Do u recall in the first week or two of the so called revolution, the murder of the Syrian army general along with his children and nephew in Homs? Here is the video to refresh ur memory
How about the murder of the fruit vendor nidal janood in Banias 2weeks after the so called revolution?

You said “Many have accused the opposition of igniting a sectarian conflict but I have to disagree,it is the regime’s 50 years history of corruption and oppression that inflamed sectarian feelings,that does not mean we need to imprison or kill every Syrian who sided or tolerated the regime.”

So the burning of hizbollah and iranian flags by ur extremist friends in syria is not sectarian? What about the smuggling of weapons by sunni countries turkey,lebanon and qatar. Is that not trying to inflame sectarian tensions in syria? Do u know who is the moderator of the Syrian revolution facebook page? Isnt he an wahhabi cleric who numerous times attended meetings with muslim brotherhood in egypt, and all of a sudden once it was known who he was, he shaved his beard off to look secular like urself Ghufran. Was it the opression and corruption in Egypt that lead to the burning of christian churches by ur fanatical friends? Is it through opression and corruption that Hizb Tahrir in tripoli lebanon smuggle weapons to homs, in order to murder syrian soldiers? How about the Libyan SUNNI fighters coming to Syria through turkish borders. Is that due to opression and corruption that they can murder syrian soldiers? Or is it their deep down sectarian hatred and filth, that they are brainwashed with at birth.
Why havent the turkish christians and alevites taken up arms and murdered turkish soldiers because of the opression and corruption that they have been faced with?
Why havent the christians of palestine taken up arms and murdered israeli and palestianian security forces,due to corruption and oppresion they are faced with?

The answer is ISLAMIC EXTREMISM. It is based on the notion that their is no tolerance for any other religion than wahhabism and strict islamic law. Any other religion is not tolerated and is punishable by death

December 4th, 2011, 10:38 pm


jad said:

More about the dirty works of the armed militia in Lebanon

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December 4th, 2011, 10:40 pm


irritated said:

#514 Norman

Facebook Revolution (and Revlon) will soon accuse supporters of the evil regime of Bashar Al Assad to have injected the cancer to Erdogan to punish him for asking Bashar to step down.

December 4th, 2011, 10:47 pm


jad said:

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December 4th, 2011, 10:53 pm


Tara said:


Ahlain.  I am not a colon expert but I think they treat colon cancer with open surgical technique as opposed to laparoscopic procedure.  I think Majedkhaldoun is a surgeon and can tell us.  I hope Erdogan does not need chemotherapy.  I got used to his rhetoric.


What does semiconductor specialist do?

December 4th, 2011, 10:54 pm


Norman said:


You can do colon cancer surgery with laparascopy,not all the time,

December 4th, 2011, 11:06 pm


Darryl said:

521. TARA said:


What does semiconductor specialist do?”

We work with silicon materials, Silicon-Germanium and compound materials such as Indium Gallium Arsenide (InGaAs), Aluminium Gallium Arsenide (AlGsAs) and Indium Phosphide (InP) to make really fast micro-electronic circuits.

December 4th, 2011, 11:12 pm


Norman said:


So you make computer chips like Intel .

December 4th, 2011, 11:17 pm


Darryl said:

524. NORMAN said:

Norman, It is to make chips but not exactly like Intel as these materials are targeted for more specific applications like opto-electronics, optical and wireless telecommunications and military and space signal processing applications.

December 4th, 2011, 11:26 pm


Hans said:

The monkey has colon cancer and suppose he had brain cancer too.
too bad the first one didn’t finish him.
I think he won’t need neither surgery nor Chemo, I think a knife in his chest, would be the best solution, it is even more effective than Gamma knife to get rid of him instead of getting rid of the cancer.

I like people to be honest with themselves and who ever thinks that the step of opening Syria to Turkey was a good move for the Syrian, i doubt that.
in fact it was a disaster on Syria and Syrian to the point that Syrian didn’t know that there is any world beyond the Turks.

Syria stopped even producing Gum because it was imported from Turkey.
it is sad that Syrian products are so outdated and no up to date technology is used in production. I am sure many of people knows the stuffed pickled in olive oil eggplant, i see it made it out of Syria to Europe, Canada, the America.
it is a shame that the regime probably was the worse enemy of its own people otherwise we could had better economic situation and radicals could not invested the society.
Latin america is as corrupt as it can get and authoritarian regimes are prevalent there as well, but the economy of the sub continent is as strong as it gets, in spite of the down turn of the world economy.
I think corruption can coexist with good economy, but not repression of people. Although repression should not be tolerated and should be eliminated but by the same token it takes a sophisticated society to be able to survive the conflict.
In Syria the society is sophisticated well enough, except the superpowers took the helm of the revolution and Syria became a pie or pieces of a pie to serve the interest of the masters.
the danger comes from three prospective the main and essential one is the Syrians themselves, the could be the only losers in this equation and if they are the winners then it may not be for all of them but for specific group which makes it no better than the current regime.
the second group are the Arabs themselves who are trying to slice the pie and throw it on the floor so no one can enjoy it anymore or they may give it to the master and the pie is thrown out in the trash given the house master already decided it is a rotten pie.
the third group is other pies and they are watching the pie being kicked, sliced and thrown and thinking why such a good quality pie should be treated badly like that

December 4th, 2011, 11:55 pm


majedkhaldoun said:

Colon resection for colon cancer can be done with laparoscopy,for stage on A or B. Cure rate for colon cancer is about 50%
I am not sure if Erdogan had Laparoscopy and colon cancer operation, as recovery after such operation take four days minimum,I saw a photo with him and Biden, he looked very good to have such operation, it could be old picture, there is a possibilty he had colonoscopic resection of a polyp that has cancer in it that does not involve the stalk,such recovery can be fast.
we really do not know the whole news yet.
Chemotherapy or radiation will not start till healing is complete,some believe in radiation prior to operation to downgrade the stage of tumor.

December 5th, 2011, 12:06 am


Dale Andersen said:

Seems like Hans has a pie fetish…

December 5th, 2011, 12:29 am


jad said:

Can’t someone tell this idiot, Ghalyoun, to stop talking about his mighty future plans, no wonder Russia wont support these clowns, they know that he will dump them too for the lovely ‘west’
Words of wisdom from nobody else that the guy who is selling his own country for the west:
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December 5th, 2011, 12:47 am


jad said:

Colonel Lahad of the SLA is back from the past in the name of As’ad of FSA, he said that Ghalyoun (and ‘Reem Flehan’!) didn’t ask him to stop his offensive attacks on the Syrian security, does that means they were lying in the earlier news to stop their offensive attacks and stick to using civilians as human shields!?

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December 5th, 2011, 1:06 am


Juergen said:

Anton, Norman

I understand that you may feel someone is trying to foul one’s own nest. Syria has a record not only in human rights abuses by the regime, but also in backing honor crimes commited by family members. Often such honor crimes were never reported, local police and state officials and the notorious muhabarat did not investigate. Trough a revision of the penal code a max of two years prison term may be used for such crimes if those crimes are put before court. Murder, membership in the ichwan, this will bring you death penalty in syria, killing your own daughter will not do so. The government has said that app 40 such crimes happen every year, independant monitor groups claim that the number is much higher, app 200 women and men loose their live every year.

Excerpts from articles:

Bassam Al Kadi, director of the Syrian Women Observatory, says honor killings need a cultural not just a legal solution. “Honor crimes are committed by Christians and Muslims, those who live in the countryside and the cities, the uneducated and the literate, the rich and the poor.”

Bassam Alkadi runs the Syrian Women’s Observatory, a campaign against honour crimes launched in 2005.

Women are usually murdered for behavioural and societal reasons, like falling in love with a person from another faith, even if sexual relations or marriage are not involved. The family can also ‘get rid of’ a woman because they don’t approve of the man she’s married, or because it’s the easiest way to protect the heritage.

Contrary to popular opinion, these said crimes affect both Muslim and Christian families in Syria, according to a study compiled by our observatory. This plague is not fussy about religion, social class or level of education.

The Syrian law which affects this has recently been modified (article 548 was repealed due to the legislative decry 37). Honour killers no longer benefit from absolute exemption, but only from mitigating circumstances. This alteration however doesn’t make much difference, as in the case of honour crimes, judges are able to reach their verdict using another article – article 192 – in consideration that the aggressor committed the crime due to an ‘honourable motive’, and therefore faces a maximum of one year.

It must also be pointed out that it’s only men who benefit from this. A Syrian woman who killed her husband after finding out that he was raping her daughters got 12 years in prison.”

another article:

and an report by HRW

December 5th, 2011, 2:06 am


Mina said:

Jordan has no better record in honor crime. As for the “virtuous leagues” of the Gulf who are now teaching democracy to the whole world… I have my doubt. But was there a journalist or an NGO allowed to make any study there?

December 5th, 2011, 3:30 am


Mango said:

458. NK
It is a pity! A source of your consciousness from the West only! And Russian language is international! Study !

December 5th, 2011, 4:47 am


Mango said:
The Watershed
Andrei VOLODIN | 05.12.2011 | 00:00
A NATO air strike on a Pakistani border coordination center on 26th November, which annihilated 24 Pakistani soldiers, has caused extensive coverage in the media and critical feedback from all over the globe.In a phone talk with his Pakistani counterpart, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov stressed that violating other countries` sovereignty, including as part of counter-terrorism operations, is inadmissible. In his article special to our Strategic Culture Foundation web site, Indian foreign policy analyst M.K Bhadrakumarnoted that ”the U.S. blundered into a Pakistani trap”.

Certainly, experts are at liberty to assume that the U.S. army had its plans upset (and this is not for the first time, isn`t it?), and that some notable individuals within the American elite, esteemed Congressmen included, wanted to teach an ”obdurate” and “ungrateful” ally an unforgettable lesson (I wonder if they are equipped intellectually to take such crucial and far-reaching geopolitical decisions). Political pundits may also talk about the rift between ‘professionals’ and ‘amateurs’ in the U.S. foreign policy establishment (and did not the “noiseless” resignation of the “bipartisan” secretary of defence Robert Gates point to the unavoidable split inside the ruling circles in America?) It is hard to imagine now that the Bonn Conference on Afghanistan scheduled for 5th December will be productive without Pakistan`s attendance, and that a US-elaborated draft project designed to revive the ancient “silk road” through Central Asia, which was recently rejected during a conference in Istanbul, will be reconsidered with enthusiasm. Nevertheless, it is up to US and its strategic allies to ponder over these issues. And I’d like to focus on different matters. The ongoing crisis in the US-Pakistan relations gives us a chance to look at the situation in the ”Great Central Asia” (a definition given by the American strategic thinkers to the territories of South and Central Asia, as well as Afghanistan and Iran) from a broader perspective.

Firstly, it has been quite long since the US-Pakistani relations entered a critical phase. Put differently, this crisis is rooted in Washington’s long-term objective to regain its control of Pakistani foreign policy (since this country is a pivotal state of the ‘Great Central Asia’ region) and Pakistan`s growing resistance to the U.S. political pressure. The national development imperatives require that the Islamic Republic of Pakistan today is to focus more on the diversification of its foreign policy (including its economic ties with the outer world) and concentrate mainly on domestic issues. The Vision 2030 strategy was adopted in Pakistan in 2007, which outlines the following social and economic goals of strategic importance: 1) the annual economic growth to reach 7-8% 2) the per-capita income to rise from the current $925 to $4,000 3) the literacy rate to be elevated to 100 percent and to ensure free access to primary and secondary education for all citizens 4) to develop the middle class society 5) to eliminate poverty and to provide equal distribution of economic growth between all social classes.

Evidently, such large-scale objectives require from Pakistan to minimize its participation in all kinds of military activities under foreign auspices.

Secondly, U.S. – NATO air strikes have sent anti-American sentiment high among the Pakistanis, not among Islamists alone. The latest military action was counterproductive from the view of the US’s long-term interests in Pakistan, and was vehemently opposed by the youth. As Pakistani analysts ironically say, air strikes are ‘substitutes’ for assistance to Pakistan’s development goals amid its rapid population growth. With its 230-250-million population envisaged by 2030, Pakistan is going to be ranked the world`s fifth most populous country. Under the speedy demographic growth, radical Islamist views are becoming exceedingly attractive among Pakistani young people who have nowhere to use their skills and talents. This way or another, Chinese policy may be viewed as antithesis to that of the United States, with Beijing developing diversified cooperation with Pakistan, including its most troublesome regions. Both Beijing and Islamabad share the understanding that the U.S. ‘Great Central Asia’ strategy, in its most up-to-date manifestation of the “new silk road’’ concept, is targeted at prevention of China and Russia from strengthening their presence in the area.This bilateral accord might be instrumental to the encouragement of economic collaboration between countries of the region.

Thirdly, the regional economic institutions, such as the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), are taking on a brand new strategic meaning nowadays. By rejecting in Istanbul the US-backed draft project aimed to revive the ancient “silk road” through Central Asia, Pakistan (and it was backed by Russia, China and Iran) clearly made its choice to boost economic ties between the region`s states. The leaders of these states seem to understand that reforms and development are the most effective way to fight terror. The reforms should be aimed to enhance economic growth, reduce unemployment and provide relatively equal and politically safe distribution of the national income. Having closed its borders to NATO and US military supply routes to Afghanistan, Pakistan demonstrated to America that active social and political cooperation with the neighbors would be the best option for settling the Afghan issue.

Fourthly, the preceding decade in the history of Pakistan has proved the necessity to diversify the country`s foreign policy. I have a feeling that in the past 2-3 years the national military and civil elites have agreed that there is no viable alternative to rapid modernization of the Pakistani society, which requires the following:

– to gradually replace the concept of ‘ideological state’ adopted with the independence of Pakistan in 1947 with a model of ‘developmental state’, with focus made on economic and social modernization

– to have a clear understanding that territorial disintegration of the only Muslim nuclear state will have a catastrophic impact on the entire world. So, development is the only way to ensure the country`s unity and territorial integrity, which stipulates the involvement of retarded rural areas into the process of national economic modernization. On this stage of evolution in Pakistani society, military alliance with the US appears absolutely useless.

Finally, the current Pakistani-US crisis is about the existence of a lot of differences affecting geopolitical cooperation between the two countries, and not only between them. Islamabadhas been demonstrating convincingly that America is not strong enough to reduce Pakistan to a state with “limited sovereignty” status. In a nutshell, we can see with our own eyes how the world is approaching a polycentric model of existence. That is why I tend to view the November 26 NATO bombing as a kind of a watershed between different stages of the global political development.

December 5th, 2011, 4:54 am


majedkhaldoun said:

Syria may sign the AL protocol,there is change in decision, the only explanation is that Russia threat that if Syria do not accept,then Russia will change its position in UNSC and agrees to approve NFZ.

December 5th, 2011, 5:15 am


Mango said:
Local Government Pain and Rolling Political Failure in the US
The financial and automotive sector bailouts of 2008-09 effectively transferred enormous quantities of private sector debt onto the public sector… Local government in the US is not an insignificant backwater. States, counties, and cities now employ 14.4 million people (about 7.3 percent of the working population), and they collect about $2 trillion (about 13 percent of GDP) in taxes and duties of various kinds. (1) The recession has been choking local tax collections for three years now… tax receipts at the state level in FY2010 declined 12 percent below that of FY2008. And so states’ expenditures fell from $687 billion in FY2008 to $613 billion in FY2010… This is a dark prospect…

David KERANS (USA) | 23.08.2010

December 5th, 2011, 5:17 am


Juergen said:


you are absolutely right, we have honor killings also in Jordan, Turkey. I have not heard of such crimes from KSA or the United Arab Emirates, but i would not rule out such exist there. Mina, human rights abuses do not become legal or less criminal because others do the same. Its an lame excuse to point out to others, even in my country we have honor crimes amongst christian families, it happens all the time,a father kills his whole family before committing suicide. Those acts are not called honor crimes, but called family tragedies. Honor crimes do exist even in my country, just here we do not want to think that such barbaric acts can happen here. The difference I would make is in the prosecution, its an scandal that in Syria before 2006 there was not even a law to define honor killings, apparantly nobody came to the conclusion that honor killings are cruel homocides.

Well, the ones who made the survey were Syrians, they got arrested soon afterwards and had a chance to see how the syrian prison conditions are.

December 5th, 2011, 5:24 am


Mina said:

Moral standards should be for everyone. I am fed up with not being allowed to bring a water bottle with me after “checkpoint” in the airport. Here is an illustration of the causes that have led to the degradation of moral standards in the West (in Guantanamo and Abu Ghrayb), with the burial of “international justice” we have been witnessing since 2001.

The connection between a Pulitzer-winning photojournalist and a Palestinian housekeeper
It is very likely that without the report last week about how Lynsey Addario was stripped at the Erez checkpoint and the subsequent apology of the Defense Ministry, Nabila’s story would not have been published.
By Amira Hass

What is about to happen here constitutes deliberate exploitation of the attention given to the humiliating security check undergone by New York Times photographer Lynsey Addario. It is very likely that without the report last week about how Addario was stripped at the Erez checkpoint and the subsequent apology of the Defense Ministry, the following lines would not have been written. We won’t be writing here about a Pulitzer Prize winner, but about a housekeeper, a Palestinian woman with Israeli citizenship, and about what happened to her at the Sha’ar Eliyahu checkpoint on the occupied land of Qalqilyah.

On November 9 the following email message arrived in the inbox of Machsom Watch (an Israeli women’s organization that monitors West Bank checkpoints ), from Talma (the names in the article have been changed ): “I would like your help in assisting a young woman who works in my home, who underwent a humiliating intimate security check at the checkpoint on November 6. The examination was done by a female employee of a security firm, and according to the examinee, it was done rudely behind a curtain while many people were passing by …” Thus, Hedva, a Machsom Watch activist, heard about and was able to reach the young woman, Nabila.
NYT photographer Lynsey Addario – Reuters – uploaded 4.12.11

NYT photographer Lynsey Addario.
Photo by: Reuters

Hedva had difficulty interesting a journalist with whom she is in contact about this story. She left a recorded message for this writer, asking to be called back. Last Sunday the shock and anger could still be heard in her voice when she told about the woman who passed through the Sha’ar Eliyahu checkpoint, and about the exchange of letters with what is called the ground (or land crossing authority. This writer hesitated, oscillating between “Nobody will believe this story,” and “Nobody will be interested in it” – although in everyday conversations the banality of the humiliation at the checkpoints always comes up.

Last Tuesday, at 7:10 A.M., Hedva phoned excitedly: On page 10 of Haaretz Hebrew edition she had discovered the report about Addario. Isn’t this the right time to write about Nabila, she urged. Indeed it is.

Nabila and her four daughters, Israeli citizens, were returning from a visit to her husband and their father: a Palestinian from the West Bank. They have been married for 16 years, and their request for family reunification has been frozen. The Sha’ar Eliyahu checkpoint is intended for Israeli citizens and a handful of Palestinians who live in the gray area between the Green Line and the separation wall.

During a phone conversation on Friday night, Nabila said that, like everyone, or at least like all the Israeli Palestinians, she and her daughters entered the examination room at Sha’ar Eliyahu. Her bag and the hijab she was wearing were put in the scanning machine. The sensor on the electromagnetic gate did not beep when they went through it. Her daughters were permitted to return to the car; she was told to stand aside. Meanwhile, her blue Israeli identification card was taken from her.

After about 15 minutes she asked what was happening. She was told: “Wait.” That order was repeated once every 15 minutes. Every 15 minutes she asked again about the delay, until she was told: “It’s forbidden to speak to you.”

In the end the security guard came, took her into a corner of the room and pulled out a curtain mounted on wheels. How many shirts are you wearing, she asked. Two, answered Nabila, who was told to remove the top one; she did so. Then she was told to remove her pants and other shirt; she did so. Then she was checked with a manual scanning device that beeped.

“Look, it’s the metal in the bra,” she explained to the examiner, but still the security guard demanded that she remove it. “Is there a problem? Tell me,” she said in her fluent Hebrew. But the examiner replied, “I’m not allowed to talk” – and demanded that she remove her underpants and head covering as well. And then?

“Then the examiner did what you do in a gynecological examination,” said Nabila, choked up. “In the hospital they ask for permission. I felt like an animal.”

Nabila was shocked at the undressing and at what followed. On the way out, and afterward for an hour and a half, she couldn’t stop crying.

On November 12 Hedva of Machsom Watch wrote to the ground crossing authority, a unit in the Defense Ministry. The reply to her on November 21 stated in no uncertain terms that “the passenger was not stripped naked at any stage of the examination. Nor was there any vaginal examination.”

The letter also said that the woman in question was examined in accordance with normal procedures, but there was a need for an additional examination. In accordance with procedures, the woman was asked to enter a physical search booth for a continued exam. She was given an explanation of the process she had to undergo before the examination was carried out, said the letter.

“During the examination, which was done by a senior examiner, there was a warning indicator from the chest area. The woman was asked to remove her bra while her shirt remained on her body, to maintain her modesty. The employees of the checkpoint authority work very hard to ensure Israel’s security while providing the best possible service to the thousands who use the crossings every day,” according to the letter.

Her word against their word.

Nabila also works as a housekeeper for a policeman in the Israel Police. She told him what happened to her, and he advised her to complain. But she doesn’t have the emotional strength for those processes, she says. Since then she hasn’t dared to return to the crossing and visit her husband. But her main concern, she says, is for her daughters, the eldest of whom is 15.

“What guarantee do I have that the same won’t happen to them?” she asks. “How will they deal with the shame and the humiliation at such a young age? How will I teach them that there’s no difference between human beings, Jews and Arabs?”

P.S. Sha’ar Eliyahu is a “checkpoint” for us, because of this column’s objection to euphemism. A “crossing” is usually meant for everyone, but at Sha’ar Eliyahu only Israeli citizens and tourists can cross freely. They have freedom of movement on both sides of the Green Line. Palestinians who are residents of the West Bank are not allowed to enter Israel freely. And whoever has an entry permit to Israel (always for a limited period ) is not allowed to go through a checkpoint that serves only Israelis and tourists. Furthermore, the term “crossing” deliberately gives the impression that this is a border crossing. And that is not the case here. Sha’ar Eliyahu is located deep inside the West Bank.

By the way: Syria has accepted the observers, and Turki al-Faysal in Washington came to rescue.

December 5th, 2011, 7:05 am


Hans said:

Hopefully Turkey will be the biggest loser of the Syrian conflict and soon will have the MONKEY Erodgan funeral ( i don’t bother to check the spelling of his name)

it is amazing how the arabs countries Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt, Iraq refused to impose the sanctions on Syria.
time the fire will start in GCC to burn the whole area at once hopefully.

December 5th, 2011, 7:48 am


Mina said:

The GCC will not allow Turkey to revive neo-Ottoman dreams.
There has always been strong differences between the Egyptian MB (connected to the Gulf) and the Turkish and Syrian MB.
As for the Gulf’s revolutions, it is technically impossible: the numbers will never be strong enough since you can’t expect women and employed foreigners to participate, because of the risk. It resembles a lot the situation in the US where the locals want more rights but the “foreign” hired elite in universities or hospitals will never take the risk to join protests.
Yemen is a completely different situation where women have claimed a special rank all thourgh history (they had queens in the Middle Ages!). And actually, MB and Islamist parties in power is a way to claim for rights that the traditional patriarchy does not allow but do exist in (some versions of) sharia. You should see how Yemeni women know more about fiqh than many azharis and use it to divorce!!

December 5th, 2011, 7:59 am


Juergen said:


I think you will not find anyone in this forum who does not agree that even in the democratic country where the principle lies on the rule of law and the declaration of human rights, we see abuses and stringent behaviour of elected officials. Once again Mina, how can you justify the abuse and total disrecognation of human rights by the Assad regime by pointing out others do the same? If you have studied law you would not come up with such a strategy in court, it will not buy you out nor does it help the regime.

Do you know under which conditions Syria has accepted the monitoring mission of the AL?

December 5th, 2011, 7:59 am


Mina said:

Please read my comments since February and you will see I have never defended the regime and the mukhabaraat hayawan. I have pointed to the external hand in the events, full point, and I have doubted the good intentions of the foreign actors in this process. I have also pointed out at the real stupidity of the “activists” which Joshua has interviewed and had no plan and no vision.
I have suspected and I do until now, that if indeed Maher al Asad is responsible for Hariri’s death that he would necessarily opt for the “terre brûlée” solution.
I am still awaiting your bright insights about a possible de-baathification (now in process), the control of weapons, and how not to end up in an Iraqi-type situation. I am worried for my women friends, for my Iraqi Christian refugee friends, and for the spread of war through the borders. Aren’t you? Do you think the numerous mafias and people who have weapons in Syria are quietly going to stay home if they see their interests vanishing?
Do you think a quick “transfer of power” followed by a freeze in any elections to write a new constitution etc would be a time gain compared to what is already in process?
If you consider that religious people and uneducated people have more children, do you think what we are witnessing in Tunisa and Egypt represent a fair democratic process? Who was first to take to the strets? The Islamists or the seculars, tweeting, English-speakers?

December 5th, 2011, 8:08 am


norman said:

Syria signed the AL protocol,

2011-12-05 12:34:47

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copy rights © syria-news 2010

December 5th, 2011, 8:25 am


Revlon said:

Confessions of Shabbeeh caught in Karm AlZeitoun neighbourhoo, Homs city
– Name: Samer Saleh AlAhmad
– Holds White ID card: serves to distinguish Alawis and was given by his chief gangster and Parliament member Wael Milhem.
– Wael Milhem finance their operations.
– Profession: plumber and mans Wadi AlDahab Shabbeha checkpoint for 500/1000 Syria Lira/day
– He chose to work as Shabbeeh for the money
– He is an aquaintance of Sahbbeeh Abu Wael Al-Fares, An Alawis merchant notorious for abducting men and women, killing and stealing.
– I witness that there are no armed gangsters.
– Enough with bashar AlAsad. He should leave. The killer must be killed.

???????? ???? ?? ????? ????? ???? ?? ??? ??????? 4 12 2011

December 5th, 2011, 9:14 am


Revlon said:

543. norman
You do not read Arabic, do you?
Are you arab?

December 5th, 2011, 9:18 am


Mina said:

Just a question

Has anyone heard of Wael Ghoneim’s view on the Egyptian elections? I am surprised that the Tahrir heroes are no more on the frontpage of the Western newspapers.

I love all the journalists speaking of a massive turnout and not mentioning the threar of a 500 LE penalty. It is actually quite a low turnout to reach 62 percent with such a threat!

December 5th, 2011, 9:25 am


Bronco said:

#527 Majedalkhaldoon

“I saw a photo with him and Biden, he looked very good to have such operation”

Sorry to disagree, in the photo, he looked thin, pale and aloof and he was not even wearing a tie. You don’t look like that after a colonoscopy which is a begnin intervention. It was surely a laparoscopy and the newspaper mentionned several time “digestive system, stomach”
In any case the fact that the turkish media are so vague about it makes one think that it is more serious that. Some blog said that a part of the colon was removed, some that he also had a brain tumor.
The silence of the media is not helping to know the truth.

December 5th, 2011, 9:29 am


Juergen said:


Got your point.

I agree and i tell this to my christian friends in Syria too, its ok too worry and fear for the future. I see that within my friends there is an tendency to accept the brutal regime instead of an unforseen future. Its heartbreaking but you have to accept that within the country there might be

As for Tunesia, i have two friends in Tunis, whom are very content about the development of the country. Both are an couple, Bouchra does not wear an hijab, and Sami likes drinking beer from time to time. Both have voted for ennahda, and no remorses yet, for them those islamists are more credible than other represantives. I do find their conclusions and their optimism appealing, and I share their optimism. Sure the revolution in Tunesia and Egypt was not started by the poor and uneducated, to the contrary. But the truth is also without the poor and uneducated there would have been no change and no positive outcome of the revolution. I do accept that the west and western bystanders are having an problem dealing with Islam and islamism ( these are two different things). Same applies for some i must say ignorant countrymen, which should know their own countrymen and the agenda of islam in general much better than the outside world who was highly influenced by the propaganda against Islamists since 2001 and of course by the regimes itself.

I would like to hear your opinion if you really believe you can get a transfer of power with all means, no more Assads and no more ruling of one party with the current regime? I am overall an optimist, but i can understand that legitimite opposition figures which always must include ichuan in Syria will not be in favor of any deal which would leave parts of this clan in power.

I am sorry but you will not hear an bashing of any part of syrian society. I do understand that fears exist, and have to be considered by all parts of society. Lucky revolutions as the fall of the regime in east germany are rare, and we will need prominent figures who can unite more than they divide to prevent an sectarian war. I agree that Syria would have to integrate as many regime supporters, members of the muhabarat and Baath ofiicials as possible, there is an good example how to peacefully transist as South Africa has shown by its Truth commission. If this is the key, that depends on the Syrians, for me as an foreign, i would argue that only ones who have created bloodshed, the ones who are credible for murders, torture should face legal penalties, but the decisison lies with the Syrians.

Of course we could see an outbrake of violence especially towards Libanon, its an direct outcome of the interference of internal politics which the regime has presented in this state. Should all above be an reason to finish the fight for dignity, for civil rights to every Syrian, the fight to end the violence? I think we have gone beyond any reasonable solution on conference tables, the opposition is divided as the Syrians are.

December 5th, 2011, 9:29 am


zoo said:

Al-Moallem: Signing Protocol in Damascus

DAMASCUS- Minister of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates Walid al-Moallem on Monday sent a message to the Arab League Secretary General Nabeel al-Arabi in which he said the Syrian government would like to sign the draft protocol in Damascus based on the Arab work Plan agreed upon in Doha on October 30 2011 and the inquiries and clarifications which Syria asked the AL Secretary-General to present, in addition to the positions and observations made by Algeria and statements of head of the Ministerial Committee and al-Arabi on rejection of Foreign interference in Syrian affairs, all of which is considered an inseparable part of the draft Protocol.
The letter said that by signing the draft protocol, the Syrian government considers all resolutions issued by the AL Council with the absence of Syria to be null, including suspending its membership and sanctions imposed on it.

The letter also called on the AL General Secretariat to inform the UN Secretary-General by a written message of the agreement and the positive results which were reached after the signing of the protocol and ask him to distribute the message to the head and members of the UN Security Council as an official document.

The Foreign Minister stressed in his message that the good will of all Arab countries including the committee members and Syria, a founding member of the AL, will play an important and effective role in coordinating between the two sides to perform this task, affirming care and seriousness in implementing what has been reached in the best possible way.

He added that this will positively reflect on the joint Arab action and return to the Arab League its position and efficiency to which every Arab citizen aspires.

December 5th, 2011, 9:34 am


irritated said:

#535 Majedalkhadoon

“the only explanation is that Russia threat”

There are many others that are combined

– the AL accepted some modifications that were requested by Syrian
– the failure of the opposition to unite ‘within days’ under the AL sponsorship
– the international community panicking about a civil war that would spill in neighboring Arab countries and expose Israel to further threats
– The growth of Islamic governments in Arab countries that are more aggressive against Israel than Syria
– Russia insistence on the opposition in a dialog with the Syrian government
– USA calling for a political settlement to the crisis.

December 5th, 2011, 9:48 am


Revlon said:

Physical, language and moral abuse of detained civilians by Asad army soldiers!
????? ????????? ????????.mp4

Those who naively strive to keep the army and security forces intact need to play this clip over and over.

Asad army has had a track record of losing wars and fleeing battle fields.

Their only victories have been over their own unarmed nationals, including children, men and women.

The only fortifications they ever destroyed were civilian homes, historic city neighbourhoods and mosques!

They have only succeeded in inciting fear in their own civilians whom they take pride and joy in hunting down, killing, torturing, and humiliating.

Such legacy was not fortuitous.
It was the shameful, albeit natural conclusion to:
– 40 years of fake nationalistic, progressive, Baathist indoctrination!
– 40 years of advancing loyalty over credentials
– 40 years of fake secular indoctrination!
– 40 years of wasteful spending on building a “professional army”!
– 6 years of perfunctory studying to heal people and save lives as a medical doctor by a narcissist born to and nurtured by a tyrant to be his successor?

December 5th, 2011, 10:03 am


Revlon said:

Army Officer, Ahmad Bahbouh announces defection along with a number of seargents and soldiers and the joining of the FSA, the only legitimate army in Syria.
AlRastan, Homs.

??????? ?????? ??? ?????? ?????? ???? ????? ???? ?????? 4 12 2011

December 5th, 2011, 10:37 am


Juergen said:


Interessting comment, first time I hear that the Assads have left the fight against Israel to more “agressive islamic governments”. What happen to the Lion of the Palestinians? So now Syria cares for the sake of Israel? I always thought so that Israels best buddy in the region is after Mubarak Baschar al Assad, seems like hardtime Assadists like you have adopted to this theory.

December 5th, 2011, 10:54 am


Revlon said:

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December 5th, 2011, 10:59 am


Revlon said:

Syrian Observatory of Human Rights in London, Rami AbdulRahman:
The observatory is in the process of preparing its own report on crimes against humanity in Syria.

?????: ????? ?? ????????? ????? ?? ??????

December 5th, 2011, 11:03 am


Iran explosion, US strategy | Mideast Matrix said:

[…] training to Libyan rebels, it was done by US allies such as Britain and France. The same is now taking place with the Syrian armed opposition, the Free Syrian Army. But in both cases, US allies trained local […]

December 5th, 2011, 11:05 am


Revlon said:

Leader of the Movement for Justice and Development condemns the endless postponement of of the signing and the modifications that undermine of the essence of the AL agreement.

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December 5th, 2011, 11:11 am


Revlon said:

The Syrian Revolution 2011 ?????? ??????? ?? ???? ?????
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A school was raided by Asad security and 20 students were arrested on the charge of participating in demonstrations.
The principal was beaten and thrown on the ground as she attempted to resist.

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One of the students was tortured on site by burning his hand on the stove until he accepted to declare that he participated in demonstrations in order to justify his arrest by the force.

30 minutes ago

December 5th, 2011, 11:23 am


Humanist said:

539. Hans:
Hopefully Turkey will be the biggest loser of the Syrian conflict and soon will have the MONKEY Erodgan funeral ( i don’t bother to check the spelling of his name)

I such a comment allowed here? Isn’t that a death threat?
Will you personally kill him or you hope a Mukhabarat agent will do so?

Like it or not, Erdogan is democratically elected by the people of Turkey (Turks and Kurds, Circassians, Georgians and Arabs), unlike your “hero” who didn’t have to do anything to win the people’s support except happen to be born as the son of his father…

December 5th, 2011, 1:22 pm


circassian said:

I’ am really astonished from Mr. Buzkurt analysis about the Syrian army giving all this influence to the Circassian minority.
Myself, as member of this minority & a son of a retired army officer in from Syrian army, i can assure you that the number of the army officers from circassian minority is absolutely in no way makes them in position as mentioned by him “Sunnis dominate the second corps in the army and are led by Circassian Sunni Muslim”. I hope Mr. Buzkurt review his information before fiving such research

January 12th, 2012, 5:23 am


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