Jisr al-Shaghour – the Government Story as told by a Foreign Member of the Organized Press Visit
Posted by Joshua on Tuesday, June 21st, 2011
I asked a friend who joined the organized Foreign Press Corps visit to Jisr al-Shaghour to tell me what his take was on the visit. This is his account:
We got a tour of the place with lots of press. The story is that the Syrian Military Intelligence (SMI) garrison was attacked and seized over the course of about 36 hours between 4 and 5 June. 500 “armed criminals” attacked. The detachment, about 72 people, was overrun when they ran out of ammo. The condition of the place was pretty consistent with an armed attack, though I don’t think it lasted that long and I think the garrison likely surrendered. The insurgents then took over the city, looting several gov’t buildings, esp the Palace of Justice and burning the files there, esp the criminal investigation records. These buildings were extensively damaged. No evidence of real damage in the rest of the town – I don’t think the military took it by force. They just rolled in.
There are people returning – we saw a convoy of what we were told was refugees returning from Turkey, waving Syrian flags and photos of the President. The city is still pretty devoid of people, but there are some shops open and people in the streets. They seem to get along with the soldiers, but that could have been staged for our benefit.
We also were taken to a mass grave of the dead from the SMI garrison. The story is the dead SMI soldiers were taken by the rebels and buried in several areas, to include the town dump. A local resident who operates a bucket loader was forced by the rebels to dig the graves. He was there to tell his story to us. The bodies I saw were military age males and looked like they had been dead about two weeks.
They tell us the “rebels” are a mix of criminals (smugglers mostly) and Salafists, and are from the local area, using lots of Turkish weapons and ammo. No implication the Turkish gov’t is supplying them.
I think the event happened, more or less. I also think our trip was stage-managed, with lots of press, and they waited for us to get there to pull the bodies out.
There is a big military presence in the north. It is hard to say what is going on in the rest of that area.
There are two parallel narratives going on. There are peaceful protestors (I saw them in Hama last Friday), and there is an armed insurgency in the north of the country. There may well be one around Daraa as well. How the government deals with both separately will determine where we go from here. The president acknowledged the peaceful protests in his speech, so that is something. But people in Hama told me there is no going back. They won’t negotiate. Maybe that is just talk, but they sound pretty determined.
Hope this helps….
Here is Adrian Blomfield of the Telegraph’s account of the visit: Northern Syria deserted thanks to scorched earth campaign
Addendum: See this report by the BBC, Syria crisis: Investigating Jisr al-Shughour, which adds some interest detail and context.
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Comments (146)
Syrian Knight said:
Is Syria Comment working reeeeaaaaaallllyy slow for anyone else?
June 21st, 2011, 4:49 pm
jad said:
June 21st, 2011, 4:58 pm
Aboud said:
Thank you professor Landis, it was an illuminating article. I guess for now that’s about as clear a picture we are likely to get from what really happened in Jisr Al Shoghour.
I was particularly interested in the part where your friend concluded that the army rolled into the town unopposed. Apparently, whoever they were supposed to have fought got away clean.
In other news, the main headlines this evening from around the world are not the pro-government demonstrations, but the 11 people killed by the government in the aftermath.
Tsk tsk, all those thousands of people, bussed in from their villages, all for just a tiny slice of the news cycle….
June 21st, 2011, 5:07 pm
atassi said:
Assad’s call for dialogue leaves Syria with doubts; Long stifled and scared, a fragmented opposition is puzzled by his proposal
22 June 2011
International Herald Tribune
© 2011 The New York Times Company. All Rights Reserved.
President Bashar al-Assad’s offer of a national dialogue — one that he said could usher in change to a country where his party and his family have been in control for decades — has been greeted with deep skepticism in Syria. Even some who were sympathetic to the leadership said they doubted that Mr. Assad was ready to surrender absolute power, at least for now.
But as Syria wrestles with its gravest crisis in a generation, the question remains: If the government is in fact sincere, whom would it talk to?
An opposition abroad, without set leaders or programs, which sought to organize in meetings in Turkey and Europe, has ruled out engaging the government. Many activists who claim to speak for those in the streets shaken by three months of protests are too afraid to surface. Even opposition figures in Damascus who have talked with officials lately said they would not attend the dialogue Mr. Assad outlined Monday until the security forces ended their crackdown.
The government, which long equated almost any dissent with sedition, has suggested it may choose whom it will speak to; in his speech Monday, Mr. Assad mentioned the possibility of more than 100 people, though the government has yet to say who they may be.
The divide seemed to underline the criticism voiced by many opposition activists on Monday: The proposal is a bid for time in a country that may be running out of it.
‘‘The street hasn’t managed to break the bones of the authority, and the authorities haven’t managed to break the bones of the street,’’ said Louay Hussein, an opposition figure in Damascus, the capital. ‘‘We’re passing through an intractable period before the crisis.’’
Diplomats and opposition figures have spoken in darker tones lately about what may be ahead in Syria: a failed state, perhaps, or sectarian conflict playing on Syria’s potentially volatile diversity. While noting that the protests remain largely peaceful, U.S. officials acknowledge that the makings of an armed insurgency have begun to emerge. Despite promises to diplomats, Syrian officials have continued to preside over a ferocious crackdown that has killed more than 1,400 people, by activists’ count.
One opposition figure warned of the prospect of a coming ‘‘civil war.’’
For days, Mr. Assad’s speech had been awaited in the hope that it would offer a crucial insight into the leadership’s willingness to compromise in the face of the uprising and mounting pressure from Turkey, the United States and the European Union. Mr. Assad offered at least a theoretical path for change, even if the speech lacked specifics and delivered somewhat vague deadlines.
In a rare step, the government has allowed opposition figures and parties to organize conferences in Damascus, though the very novelty of the idea has made logistics difficult. Several opposition figures said no hotel was yet willing to host their meeting.
Opposition figures in Syria like Mr. Hussein, Aref Dalila and Michel Kilo said unaffiliated government opponents planned to convene in the capital on Monday in an attempt to draft at the very least a platform for eventual negotiations with Mr. Assad’s leadership.
More traditional parties, from those of a secular bent to Kurdish groups, are organizing a separate meeting.
In principle at least, those groups are willing to enter into talks with the government, though some of them have acknowledged that they have little sway in the street and run the risk of being marginalized as the uprising pushes for more radical demands.
On Tuesday, tens of thousands of people took to public squares in Damascus and other major Syrian cities to pledge allegiance to Mr. Assad.
As the pro-Assad rallies gathered in Damascus and elsewhere, the government offered a broad amnesty for any crimes committed before June 20. It was the second such amnesty in a month, and though rights groups say hundreds of prisoners were released under the first one, a ferocious crackdown that has led to the detention of more than 10,000, by activists’ count, overshadowed any real change that the amnesty represented.
While Mr. Assad still enjoys support in Syria — particularly among minorities, the middle class and business elite — opposition figures said some people were bused in and accused the government of urging public sector employees to join. Syrian television declared that millions had taken part in the rallies, though the numbers seemed smaller.
June 21st, 2011, 5:22 pm
daleandersen said:
Ah, the beat of the drums of revolution. The mood seems to be turning more pessimistic, from “nothing will happen here and everything will be fine” to “inshallah”
Yeah. Inshallah.
June 21st, 2011, 5:25 pm
atassi said:
22 June 2011
The Australian
Copyright 2011 News Ltd. All Rights Reserved
The massacre no longer haunts protesters
IT took several weeks for news of the massacre at Hama to travel the short distance to Beirut. The tale of carnage was allowed to trickle out slowly, a salutary warning to others who might dare to oppose the mighty and merciless House of Assad.
Even today, three decades later, Syrians speak about the “incident” at Hama in hushed tones, for this is the unmentionable mass grave buried in Syria’s past.
The 1982 massacre, the single bloodiest assault by an Arab ruler against his people in modern times, remains a pivotal event in Syrian history: it came to define the Assad regime, firmly establishing its reputation and aptitude for butchery; it set a precedent for the brutal repression of dissent that other Middle Eastern tyrants were swift to emulate; and it enabled Hafez al-Assad, Syria’s dreary dull-eyed ruler, to pass power to his son Bashar.
When protests erupted in Syria this spring, commentators were swift to recall the bloodshed at Hama and predict that Bashar would soon carry out his own version: like father, like son. But history has not quite repeated itself, at least not yet. The repression in Syria has been harsh but piecemeal. And as the spectre of another Hama — a rebellion-ending orgy of wholesale murder — recedes, the abject terror that has sustained the Assad regime for so long ebbs a little more. Bashar is not more tenderhearted than his father; he is trapped.
In 1982 Hafez al-Assad faced a full-scale uprising by Sunni Muslim militants in Hama, Syria’s fourth-largest city, the culmination of a violent campaign by the Muslim Brotherhood and other Islamist hardliners against the nationalist, secular regime dominated by Assad’s Alawite sect. Hafez narrowly survived an assassination attempt, and his response was spectacularly brutal. Special forces, commanded by his younger brother Rifaat, were sent to destroy the militant city. In a three-week siege, Hama was destroyed. Security personnel combed the rubble, killing survivors. At least 10,000 people died, and probably twice that number — the overwhelming majority of them civilians.
The impact of the massacre, although seldom discussed openly in Syria, was profound and enduring. The Islamist insurrection was defeated. In the quarter century before Hafez came to power, Syria had endured 21 coups and 14 rulers. For the next 20 years, Hafez ruled all but unchallenged, forging a republican dynasty protected by 65,000 security police and rigid with fear.
The US writer Thomas Friedman toured the bulldozed remnants of Hama soon afterwards and coined the term “Hama rules”: the snuffing out of opposition by extreme violence against your own people.
Muammar Gaddafi was preparing to apply those rules to Benghazi when the West intervened. The Chinese applied them in Tiananmen Square. The Egyptian military rejected them in Tahrir Square.
Hama became the guiding star of Syrian security and paranoia — the belief that only by extirpating the threat from the dissident city had the state been preserved, and with it the domination of the Alawites. The presidency is not the only hereditary occupation in Syria: many of the security men attacking protesters in Hama today are the sons of those who crushed the city’s Sunni rebels three decades ago.
When Syrian officials insist there is “no more room for leniency” and threaten to deploy “full force” against the demonstrators, it is a deliberate evocation of Hama. When state television shows the funerals of the 120 members of the security forces killed in Jisr al-Shughour, that too has echoes of the earlier conflict, described as a response to the attacks on Syrian soldiers by Islamist “mad dogs”. As in 1982, the man spearheading the crackdown is the President’s notoriously ruthless younger brother, Lieutenant-Colonel Maher Assad, chief of the army’s elite Fourth Division.
The death toll is mounting, but the regime has yet to unleash its forces in the way that was done at Hama. In his speech yesterday, Bashar spoke of saboteurs undermining the country, but also of reform, a word his father would never have used.
This revolt is more threatening to Bashar than the one that Hafez faced. There is no single rebel city that can be surrounded with tanks and destroyed, cowing the entire country. The uprising does not resemble the Islamist insurrection of an earlier generation. The militant protesters chanting “Syria is one!” are not motivated by religion, or even, for the most part, by sectarian resentment of Alawite domination, but by a desire to end the Assad dynasty.
The personality cult of the Assads is dying. When Hafez came to power, Syria was a country of six million rural poor; today’s rebels carry mobile phones. This regime may shut down the internet, but it could never wipe out an entire city without the evidence appearing on YouTube within hours.It is too late for Bashar to strike a death blow to this rebellion, as his father once did. He knows this, and the protesters who greeted his speech yesterday with chants of “No to dialogue with murderers” know it too. Bashar has inherited his father’s willingness to use violence, but he knows mass slaughter of the sort his father pioneered will not kill Syria’s rebellion, but simply inflame it.
Bashar knows the West will not intervene further to topple him; but he also knows he cannot simply butcher his way out of trouble, that his promises of reform are believed by no one and his time is running out. There is a turning point in every tyranny when the people are no longer afraid of the regime and the regime begins to fear the people.
For nearly 30 years, Syrians were kept in terror by the legendary brutality symbolised by Hama, the city obliterated by a tyrant. Today Syria is no longer haunted by the ghosts of Hama. Those rules no longer apply.
June 21st, 2011, 5:25 pm
873 said:
June 21, 2001 – In Alexandria, VA, a U.S. federal grand jury indicted 13 Saudis and 1 Lebanese for the 1996 bombing of the Khobar Towers in Saudi Arabia that killed 19 American servicemen.
Yet to the present, MSM continues to pin this crime on Hezbollah whenever possible. Its taken on a life of its own, akin to the Ahmedinejad mistranslation “wipe Israel off the map” (years after correction was revealed, Sarkozy at the UN was still misquoting it as “Iran threatened to destroy Israel” etc etc.)
Remember the many 911 hijackers that UK Independent discovered are still alive?
All MSM hagiographers need investigate some of these Revolution miracles:
Bouazizi, whose story turns out to be fake.
The ‘Syrian Gay Girl blogger’ turned out to be an American fake. (Syrian Gay Girl Blog Revealed As Fake Had News Agencies Fooled)
On 17 June 2011 the BBC reported on further doubts about the story of Mohamed Bouazizi, the so called Tunisian martyr.
1. The media had told us that Mohamed Bouazizi, the poorly educated ‘martyr’, used the internet to complain about ‘injustice’ and ‘unemployment’ in Tunisia.
It now turns out that it was someone else, a college student calling himself Mohamed Bouazizi, who posted the so called Bouazizi poetry and revolutionary songs on the web.
2. The media had told us that Bouazizi had been slapped across the face by a state official, called Fedia Hamdi.
It turns out that this did not happen.
Fedia Hamdi has been completely exonerated.
3. The media told us that Bouazizi set himself alight in front of taangirfanhe local government offices and later died in hospital.
We have seen no evidence to support this.
4. The mother and stepfather of Mohamed Bouazizi, ‘the martyr’, are now richThey now live in a large house in the upmarket Tunis suburb of La Marsa.
5. Many Tunisians see the original story of Bouazizi as fake.
In Tunisia, some towns renamed streets and town squares after the martyr, Mohamed Bouazizi.
The new signs are often defaced or torn-down, even in his native town of Sidi Bouzid.
June 21st, 2011, 5:38 pm
873 said:
Trying to credit the source for above list but the correction text jumps while trying to edit- wont stay still, cant type it in. Is there a secret to getting it to work? As is, impossible to operate. Thanks for assistance.
June 21st, 2011, 5:50 pm
Abughassan said:
Travel agents are saying that many Syrians who cancelled their summer visit to Syria are now trying to rebook.thousands also deposited money in Syrian private banks.is this the beginning of the end of the violent phase?
I sure hope that we move to a more civilized way to oppose corruption and oppression.the regime is changing but peaceful pressure must continue,I believe there is no way back to the pre March18th era because Syrians will not give the regime another chance if they see that Bashar is not making good on his promises. I am for the first time cautiously optimistic.armed rebels who put down their arms are according to the locals being promised amnesty,if they still trust the regime .mercy is better than justice.
June 21st, 2011, 6:20 pm
jad said:
I had a long and friendly conversation with a friend who is one of the first and the biggest supporter of the ‘uprising’, today he is depressed and for some reasons he replaced all his rational views with emotional and non objective views. I tried to be as nice as I could but I guess I made him feel worst, especially when I start rationalizing his stories but at the end he appreciate what I said even when his emotion were so high.
I think the biggest problem Syria and all other 3rd world countries are facing is to understand the simple yet difficult principle of ‘Acceptance’: to accept the other side regardless how punk, vocal or stupid they might be, in my opinion this is the only solution for a better future and the only one fundamental rule for national and even personal prosperity.
We don’t have to terminate the other side to be successful in anything we do, we need to learn from every opposition of us how to be better and how to upgrade our standards, this is why dialogue is our own savior in these times.
I believe that this is the core of the problem today between both sides in Syria, they keep discrediting each other on anything and everything, even over death.
As if a dead soldier is different than a dead civilian, well, both are Syrians, both are humans, both have families, both have feeling and both were loved by many around them and we must respect that.
Denying each side its right to exist and discredit every story each side introduce is also wrong and will make the conflict go longer.
We have no choice but to keep our emotion aside, regardless how hard and difficult it is, our logic and our objectivity must rule, there is no other way, emotions are our enemy at these times.
The opposition need to accept the regime dialogue offer, the sooner the dialogue start a better and stronger Syria can be born.
The biggest challenge I see is that nobody on the ‘uprising’ side have the upper hand or the authorities on the people in the street today, the movement is still headless and that is its weakness in striking any deal
June 21st, 2011, 6:40 pm
Abughassan said:
Unless the US ambassador is going beyond what the state department allows,we may be witnessing the beginning of a shift in US policy regarding this uprising. The ambassador is asking the opposition to start a dialogue with the regime. Judging from recent events,this opportunity will not last long,extremists on both sides will try to stop this dialogue even before it starts.the easiest way to kill this opportunity is to go back to violence or play games with the Syrian people. Bashar speech,which was not adequate in my opinion, must be followed by real steps that reduce tension and give hope instead of blaming the delay of reform on foreign powers or political events. The clock is ticking but we have a chance,a decent one.
June 21st, 2011, 6:54 pm
#9 said:
(…I sure hope that we move to a more civilized way to oppose corruption and oppression…)
Well I think protesters were very civilized from the begining until now (with the exception of violent groups in very local areas). These are ares widely known where its population is armed because they smuggle (Madaya, Daraa, Tell Kalah, Jisr, Albukamal). They where shot then they sooted too. It is quite simple. It needs no conspiration theory.
I think the regime is cleary who uses violence against protestors. When peacefull demonstrations take place then it is enough for the regime to send security members who practice their violence.
When demonstrations turn violent by protestors in response to armed security men groups above mentioned then the army intervenes.
Regarding use of violence by state thugs see below link (an incredible view of a man hitting prayers with a knife)
Regarding hopes for the future today there was another little massacre of 7 persons in Mayadeen near Deir Al Zor (is there a difference between killing 7 or 70? For their families sure there is not).
I hope there is a peacefull change but I wonder how in hell can a regime with so complicated balance internal and external can afford any change without collapsing.
June 21st, 2011, 6:56 pm
Tara said:
See # 4
Can we have Hama I discussed at some point? It is a taboo in Syria and never discussed except whispering. Hama I is an unhealed wound that is foul smelling. It is in the conscious of every Syrian no matter how young she/he was 1982. It may be what is driving the zero trust of what we see today on both sides. exploring it, flushing it with sterile solution, and then allow it to heal is what surgeons usually do to unhealing wounds. Am I too optimistic? We can invite Mr. Ribal Assad to give us his father account into what happened.
This might not be a good idea with the level of profanity and assault that we are all exposed to on SC frequently. Is this too painful subject to ever talk about it openly
What do you all think?
June 21st, 2011, 7:04 pm
#10 JAD
Nice words indeed. I hope not only theory. Maybe you denial of others by calling them fake syrians and so on is not but an expression of what you are denouncing now. I hope something has changed in the 3 months before and many people in Syria who denied the fact of repression and lack of freedom is now considering that the consequences of denying the other are bad for them too.
Regarding your expectations about a national real and free dialogue I don´t believe any serious syrian dares to negotiate with a weapon on his forehead.
We need probes to be shown. For example, the regime should bring one by one all potential political actors (they know very well who they are and where they live – if not in prison -) and organize a national meeting. Letting all politicians talk freely in front of international press in Syrian territory and explaining to the syrian people the progress or obstacles they are finding day by day. Also they should let international actors to monitore this dialogue, at least at the beginning until confidence is created.
Do you think the regime is open to this kind of freedom?
I doubt but I need to be optimistic at least for one more week.
June 21st, 2011, 7:11 pm
Abughassan said:
I am fully aware of the nature of the regime. My position has not changed from day one: this regime must go but I do not want to see Syria becomes another Iraq in the name of freedom. Syrians will not go back to the days of Shabiha and mukhabarat,however, violence was only helpful to extremists on both sides. BASHAR in my humble opinion is a transitional president and Syrians may have to choose the lesser of two evils for the time being….
June 21st, 2011, 7:15 pm
Chris W said:
I think the genuine peaceful opposition should give Pres. Assad a chance. It took years to bring down the Soviet Union. The idea that this revolution or counter-revolution has ‘momentum’ seems to be a romantic notion.
August is not so far away. Pres. Assad has widely been regarded as a reformer who has struggled to male progress against hardline members of the ruling party. The best bet in this situation be for genuine peaceful reformers would be to give him a chance.
Of course, the Jewish (and certain American) commenters will cry that ‘he has had enough time’, ‘he must go’, etc., but their intentions are obvious and transparent. They may control the media, but their inability to restrain expressing their arrogance and destructive intentions betrays them.
It’s a shame that so many expatriate Syrians feel the same way. Bitterness is understandable among exiles, I guess: even Solzhenitsyn was bitter towards the post-Soviet governments of Russia.
From a purely rational perspective, the unknown and potentially devastating consequences of outright civil war have to be weighed against the very real chance to make significant political progress behind a reformist leader – this is precisely what transformed the Soviet Union and other Eastern Bloc countries.
June 21st, 2011, 7:28 pm
jad said:
Acceptance of others is very different from accepting being fooled by others.
When someone is saying that he/she is ‘something’ while all signs pointing ‘otherwise’, then we have no option but to confront the lie, out of our care of honesty not out of some kind of revenge or denying of others to exist or express their honest (not paid) opinions.
“Do you think the regime is open to this kind of freedom?”
I honestly with all my reasons, not my emotions of fear or coward-ness, I DO BELIEVE THE PRESIDENT GENUINE CALL OF DIALOGUE and if I was an opposition ‘something’ other than the ‘nothing’ I am, I’ll be the first to start this dialogue on the bases of acceptance of the regime fears, the respect of Syrian demands and the optimism of a better, stronger, independent, united, multi-cultural, and respected Syria.
June 21st, 2011, 7:35 pm
Tara said:
Abughassan and all
I do not disagree. The regime is evil and radical elements are evil too. Bashar acknowledged the presence of the non evil demonstrators. Right? Now, how can you convince the non evil demonstrators who have had a brother, mother, sister or a father killed by the evil regime to stop demonstrating and wait for the reforms..? Had Bashar announced public trials of key criminal figures in his regime who oppressed the demonstrators, I would have been the first to clap…How is it possible to ask a family member of someone who is tortured /killed to wait for constitutional changes, free election, multiparty while the killer is free enjoying the luxury this regime has to offer?
June 21st, 2011, 7:40 pm
There would be no risk of civil war had the president adopted right mesures at the right moment (in 11 years he, a regarded reformer, but just a modernizer, could not find the right moment). Now the only risk of civil war derives from the regime position.
First it was: we or civil war and chaos
Now it could be: with us or civil war and chaos.
Let´s see if they are genereous enough to give. But on both cases the regime is offering civil war instead of regime total change. So, historically, if there was a civil war they would appear as the final cause of the disaster.
If the solution is diallogue for a slow change it is on the regime, and only on the regime, to proof they are honest, sincere and clean. Since it has been the regime who has denied the other for 40 years and not the contrary.
June 21st, 2011, 7:41 pm
Chris W said:
I think, also, those Americans who supported the overthrow of Saddam Hussein and see this as more of the same, are deeply misguided.
I supported, and still support, Bush’s policy of overthrowing Saddam Hussein. But, for goodness sake, he was the ‘Butcher of Baghdad’ – ‘clear and present danger’ incarnate. Neither the Syrian Baath Party (even under Assad the elder), nor the theocrats of Iran, are remotely as bad nor as dangerous as Saddam Hussein, and never have been.
And even then, the cost to the people of Iraq in getting rid of The Butcher was extremely high. Nothing in the actions of the leaders of Syria, Iran, or even Libya, justifies going even part-way down that path again.
America is not a bad country – in the sense of being philosophically evil (like, for example, the old Soviet Union). The mistakes America makes tend to be caused by well-meaning stupidity and ignorance.
But stupid can be just as bad as ‘bad’. There’s no reason to desolate a proud, forward-moving nation; neither to satisfy the Jews, nor to satisfy a particular ‘policy of freedom’. There is every sign of a genuine desire to reform from Pres. Assad. More carrot and less stick would achieve real progress, and better serve American (if not Israeli) interests.
Foreign policy should be intelligent and crafted to particular circumstances. ‘One size fits all’ is a recipe for failure in both war and peace.
It should be remembered that Syria didn’t meddle in Iraq when the USA was bogged down there. It would be a big mistake to punish a country that has shown significant good faith towards the USA. America has created enough enemies with its bumbling, particularly in the Arab world.
There was a significant revenge factor in what the West did to Libya (misguided though it was). Personally I think Pres Obama is a sensible and reasonable man. I think the Jews are getting ahead of themselves if they think he will start doing the same to Pres Assad.
June 21st, 2011, 7:51 pm
#17 JAD
It seems you cannot accept facts.
Well, if you have your doubts then I have the beneffit of the doubt. I democracy this is the way justice works. You do not have any right to launch accusations without a real proof. When I say ¨yesterday I arrived from Syria¨ it means that. No need to give more details. Maybe you think just a crazy would enter and leave Syria in actual circumstances? Then call me crazy but not lier. But be informed that every day hundreds of people are crossing borders in Syria without any problem and many on a daily basis. When I write about Syria I know perfectly what I am talking about by myself.
June 21st, 2011, 8:02 pm
Syria no kandahar said:
Does any one believe that the (Arabic Spring)Is spontaneous?or do think it is created by someone for some goals?
June 21st, 2011, 8:04 pm
Abughassan said:
Syria is bigger than you,me and all of us. Nations change when the majority want change,and this change is coming. Syrians must be careful not to trust albaath and the regime without being given enough substance they can use to build trust. I agree that many people have to face justice but a massive show of “justice” is not real justice. People need to take a deep breath,mourn their losses,keep pressing for freedom and change but stay away from using weapons and fire to express their opinion. The regime carries most of the blame and it will be responsible for any delay of reform. If the regime backs off using old slogans and excuses,then all bets are off. Let us see when article-8 is abolished. It took the comic PA 15 minutes to change the constitution to fit BASHAR age,it should not take them 15 months to abolish article- 8,I actually think they should vote to abolish it within few weeks if not days.a new PA can not do its job until baathis are required to play by the same rules as everybody else.the political party law draft is on the net now,read it and give us your thoughts,I am not eager to see any more personal insults against fellow Syrians who disagree with you guys.we proved that we deserve the title of a third world country,now we need to get out of that hole,and that is not gonna happen overnight.
June 21st, 2011, 8:05 pm
jad said:
I didn’t mean you in my comment, and I never meant to hurt your feeling or anybody else on SC in any way either before or now, be sure of that.
I don’t believe in anything spontaneous, everything political we read and see has something else behind.
June 21st, 2011, 8:09 pm
I do not know if this revolt is created by some else than the people of Syria. And I even do not care if there is some other power (very likey could be) but the important thing is that people of Syria is expressing what they do not accept.
If goals are more freedom, more dignity, more wellfare, free elections and the President acting merely as the protector of the new Constitution, then I will thank whoever is behind this movement, and of course I will thank first of all peacefull martyrs and the whole syrians who bravely asked for their rights.
June 21st, 2011, 8:16 pm
vlad-the-syrian said:
do you see me here and here and here and here and here …. ?
i was in Aleppo, Homs, Lattakiah, Raqqa, Deraa, Tartous, Alhasaka, Hama …
and i was chanting with my people, millions we were men and women and children from all confessions all classes chanting
for this is THE revolution not your filthy islamo-nihilist uprising
but ABOALI didnt show his zombie face 🙂
go back to hell with you and all your blood thirsty fellows
June 21st, 2011, 8:33 pm
daleandersen said:
Two Reasons Why The Syrian Thing Will Continue To Be Violent…
1 From JAD “…the question remains: If the government is in fact sincere, whom would it talk to?…”
When you have a regime in power for 40 years that permits NO opposition, don’t be surprised that there’s no one out there to talk to when you ask for dialogue. All Bashar hears is an echo of his own voice and it’s no one’s fault but his own.
2 Again, from JAD “…the biggest problem Syria is facing is to understand the simple yet difficult principle of ‘Acceptance’: to accept the other side regardless…”
Sorry, the women of Syria won’t permit it. Professor Landis posted an article a few weeks back by an American visitor to Syria. This visitor has many friends there, Sunni friends, Christian friends, Alawite friends, and what they have in common is, they’re all angry and scared to death. But the fascinating aspect of the article was the anger of the women. The anger of the women far exceeded that of the men. Anyone who thinks Syrian women are reclusive and compliant would be surprised.
The way I see it is, the women, by showing their anger, are getting their men ready for a fight. That’s the way it’s done in a tribal world. The women whip up the men. Because the women know, if their men lose the fight, they’re in danger of being raped..
June 21st, 2011, 8:36 pm
Abughassan said:
Outsiders have the right to post and we have the right to ignore them. It is refreshing to read a constructive and fact-based comments from anybody ,Syrian or not,who genuinely wants what is best for Syrians,I do not care if he or she is pro or anti regime.
Dooms day believers and hateful foreigners need to visit Syria,try Syrian coffee,appreciate this 6,000 year-old country and smell the flowers,may be they can “reform” themselves !!
June 21st, 2011, 8:47 pm
SyriF said:
Sometimes peaceful protest is not enough. No amount of peaceful protest will work against a determined regime. Peaceful protests only work against civilized occupiers, such as the British in India. The leadership in Syria lacks any sort of moral compass to be affected by peaceful protests. The lack of a moral compass is a disease shared by many Arab rulers.
In Yemen, people have been protesting for months with no apparent change. If the President there had not been attacked, he would still be in power. Even though he was injured gravely, he is still threatening to return, although this is unlikely. This attack was the first move for progress in Yemen after months of peaceful protests and has appeared to have set the stage for a transition.
In Syria, starting in 2000, and as recently as 2005, the President and his spokespersons promised reforms that we are still talking about today. Absolutely no progress has been made in the 11 year time frame. The recent repeal of the emergency law, long desired by many, had no apparent affect – bullets continued to fly and security services continued their practices unabashed. This is the case because a select few, in effect, still are “the state”, emergency law or not. Earlier this year the President proclaimed that Democracy and other reforms are “for the next generation.” I interpreted this to mean that we would have to wait until he was 6 feet under.
My point is this, peaceful demonstrations are not enough to effectuate change. “The tree of liberty,” Thomas Jefferson said, “must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.” In Syria, there’s a saying, “if it doesn’t get bigger, it won’t get smaller.” Essentially meaning, if this is not escalated it will be left to fester. It’s high time for a few good men to do their patriotic duty. I’m sorry to say that armed hostilities against the regime are necessary, but if done right, will save more lives and serve the nation in the long run.
June 21st, 2011, 10:00 pm
873 said:
20. Chris W said:
“I think, also, those Americans who supported the overthrow of Saddam Hussein and see this as more of the same, are deeply misguided.
I supported, and still support, Bush’s policy of overthrowing Saddam Hussein. But, for goodness sake, he was the ‘Butcher of Baghdad’ America is not a bad country – in the sense of being philosophically evil (like, for example, the old Soviet Union). The mistakes America makes tend to be caused by well-meaning stupidity and ignorance. But stupid can be just as bad as ‘bad’.”
You sound both bad and stupid. And very patronizing. If you were so opposed to Saddam you should have staged your “tsk, tsk” routine when US was Saddam’s best friend, selling chem wepaons to the Butcher. Or giving him all the bank credits through BNL to buy nuke components.
Or maybe you are a cousin of Madeleine Albright “We think half a million dead Iraqis [children] are worth the price”?
Millions are dead and displaced In Iraq because of such casual ‘humanitarian’ condescension. Your post wreaks of hypocritical ‘concern’ that Butcher was dethroned. Ask Iraqis and many will say circumstances were better under Saddam.
To pretend America attacked Iraq for people’s freedom and not for Israel’s Nile-to-Efrat One State Solution is worse than misguided- its typically deceitful.
Now Iraq is irreparably smothered in Depleted Uranium. Soft-nukes, the humanitarian way “for goodness sake.” BTW- the US military is now demanding that Iraq reimburse US for what it cost the US to destroy them! Instead of US being taken to the World Court for such brazen, unprovoked illegal aggression. Such chutzpah is completely consistent with the Zionist Israeli policy Sayanim who orchestrated the invasion (and also demanded reparations form Iraq for the Holocost?!?) You can not make this stuff up.
How many millions have been displaced in the region, how many civil wars and attacks have been unleashed since the Great Work of the Ages’ Zion Plan was launched in 1948?
Far more than the $hitty Little Country is worth.
June 21st, 2011, 11:15 pm
Chris W said:
#29, Mr 873,
In terms of the current discussion, I’m not sure what your point is…
June 21st, 2011, 11:50 pm
873 said:
“…the women, by showing their anger, are getting their men ready for a fight. That’s the way it’s done in a tribal world. The women whip up the men. Because the women know, if their men lose the fight, they’re in danger of being raped..”
Incredible. Like a zoological assessment of primitive monkeys. Just incredible. Puke.
June 22nd, 2011, 12:13 am
Syrian Commando said:
Excellent comment and I agree completely.
One thing to note is there are many expats returning to Syria to support the state in different ways. Some are even trying to get involved with the reform process. Syrians around the world tend to be very wealthy and patriotic, the traitors are a painful sight but they are a minority I assure you.
The losers who want to destroy our country, have managed somehow to do the opposite. This is because god himself is protecting Syria.
June 22nd, 2011, 12:19 am
873 said:
Chris W,
US should STOP attacking & bombing ALL countries in the Middle East so that Israel can be the regional, then World Hegemon.
US Get out of Afghanistan, Libya, Yemen, Egypt, Bahrain, Syria and IRAQ. Overthrowing Iraq govt was completely based on lies and was no more justified than overthrowing any of these other governments. LEAVE THESE PEOPLE ALONE! STOP DESTROYING ALL THESE COUNTRIES.
WHILE WE ARE BANKRUPT, ISRAEL IS THRIVING OFF THE WORLDS’ CENTRAL BANK FUNDS. Israel doesnt pay for any of the criminal behaviour we do for their benefit and at their behest. WE DO! Its not just killing Muslims, its killing us.
June 22nd, 2011, 12:58 am
daleandersen said:
Memo to 873:
Years ago, Saddam Hussein’s uncle, Khairallah Tulfah, authored a pamphlet entitled, Three Whom God Should not Have Created: Persians, Jews and Flies.
He was one short. There are four. He forgot to include you.
June 22nd, 2011, 1:12 am
873 said:
You’re a dunce who adds zero to the conversation here. You know zip about the middle east. You never have anything worthwhile to say, just petty, irrelevant little off-topic digs. That you are a smug racist only makes it more unbearable. Several other posters have also said similiar about your self-serving rubbish. Its clear you think you’re clever. No one else does. Again, Puke.
June 22nd, 2011, 1:23 am
daleandersen said:
And you, 873, are a frightened little man hiding behind a number. I don’t think you know much about Syria. All your comments are pure opinion and paranoia. I read them, such as they are. They are pathetically simplistic and speak to the basest instincts imaginable…
June 22nd, 2011, 1:57 am
Revlon said:
184. The “New Party Law” is irrelevant, as it is too little and too late.
Dear Norman, thank you for the link above.
My critique herein, on the sections of the principles and conditions of party formation of the law, is only intended to point out the malicious strings attached to this bloody reform.
????? ?????? ?? ??? ?? ???? ??? ??????? ???????? ??????:
??- ??? ???? ????? ??? ???? ???? ?? ???? ?? ?????? ?? ???? ?? ????? ?? ??? ???? ??????? ???? ????? ?? ????? ?? ?????.
This item imposes the will of this illegitimate regime on the will of the soon to become Free Syrians.
The aim of any party or movement is to represent and further the interests of peoples or groups thereof in the society.
The only condition attached should be the subservience to the constitution, including the basic human rights.
The more conditions attached, the more corruption and manipulation.
?????? (7)
??- ???? ???? ???? ??????? ??? ????? ?????? :
1. ???? ???????? ??????
2. ???? ???? ????? ????? ?????
3. ????? ?? ???????? ?????? ???????? ?????? ???? ????????? ???? ???? ????? ?????
??- ??? ?????? ?????? ????? ??????? ?? ?????? ??????? ???????? ????? ?? ?????????? ????? ??????? ?????? ??? ???????.
This item grants the president and his security officer (The minister of interior) the power to veto any party; He also appoints the Judges.
The president meddling with party licensing is a conflict of interest.
The ministry of interior is concerned with executing the orders of the laws, set forth by the constitution, and stipulated by decrees of justice departments. They should have nothing to do with licensing of a civil political party.
Applications are best cleared by a designated office in the justice department, an only in accordance with the constitution.
?????? (11)
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??- ??? ????? ????? ??? ?? ???? ???? ?????? ???? ??????? ?? ????? ??? ??????? ?? ??? ?? (2000) ??? ????? ?? ?????? ?? ???????? ?? ????? ?????? ??????? ???? ??????? ????????? ??????? ??????? ??? ?????? ??? ?? ?? ??? ???? ??????? ??? ??????? ?? ?? ?????? ?? 5% ?? ????? ???????? ???? ?? ???? ?? ?????? ?????? ??????
This is an unconstitutional condition laid down by the heir whose father wrote it in the first place!
June 22nd, 2011, 1:58 am
Usama said:
Did you all see the shabbiha and mukhabarat all over Syria yesterday? Iran must have sent their top secret teleportation machines to Syria so all the millions of mukhabarat and shabbiha can appear in all governorates and major cities at the SAME TIME! This must be what the US was talking about when accusing Iran of helping Bashar.
End sarcasm. (in case it wasn’t clear)
Yesterday, millions of Syrians were showing support for the man they love, and not for the “lesser of two evils”.
In addition to all those pro-regime demonstrators we saw, it should also be noted that anti-regime does not necessarily mean pro-revolution (as is the case with one of the anti-regime posters on here that I respect).
Someone mentioned that LBC had estimates of just under 10 million people total participating in pro-Asad, pro-national unity rallies. I haven’t watched LBC in ages, but I remember Future TV being pro-Asad and LBC being anti-Asad. I know Future TV switched, but did LBC switch too?
June 22nd, 2011, 2:13 am
Syrian Commando said:
873 is right, Dale Anderson comes off as a smug racist who doesn’t know anything about Syria at all. Much like most anti-Syrian commentators in the media, unfortunately.
BTW, I agree completely that the USA had no right to meddle with Iraq (as with any other country). It helped place Saddam in power and we’re meant to cheer it on when it destroys Iraq trying to remove him? What a load of crap.
It’s not so much about LBC being anti/pro Assad or Syria but the fact that they realise that lying about what is happening in Syria is going to hurt Lebanon a lot. So their directors have told them to tone down the anti-Syrian rhetoric.
As for the other people insisting on their empty slogans “the government has no legitimacy”, “its too late now”, “40 years …” and so on ad nauseum, all I can say is get your head out of the sand and smell the homous. If its too late for anything, it’s for your “revolution”, which has no legitimacy at all. Almost half of Syria came out and put you in your place. Many of my friends could not go because they were working at the time and some were studying for exams.
June 22nd, 2011, 2:21 am
Usama said:
Some people seem to be confused about the purpose of the “general amnesty” decrees being announced. Beyond the release of hundreds of political prisoners, the purpose was not really reform. President Bashar al-Asad mentioned that there are about 64400 criminals (felonies, not political) that are wanted and either roaming around inside the country or outside. 24000 of them have been sentenced from 3 years in jail all the way up to execution. Those 24000 wanted criminals are very likely to carry arms and work towards toppling the regime because that would make their sentences go away. It’s a no-brainer for a criminal, sentenced to serve a long jail sentence (or even execution), to carry arms and create chaos in the hopes of avoiding the sentence.
If we go back to week 1 in Dar3a, the justice building was burned along with records inside it. That was no coincidence and many criminals’ records were lost. Such acts have been repeated in many other, most smaller, towns. The “general amnesty” decrees have mostly concentrated on ways in which to offer sentence reduction, or even complete amnesty, for criminals who are on the run. This is meant to offer the criminals an alternative option to carrying arms and killing people. Would you rather a drug trafficker carry weapons and create chaos and deaths, or get amnesty in return for turning himself in and be given another chance to become a constructive member of society?
The major exception is cases where personal lawsuits have been filed by other citizens (and rightfully so). This means people like Haytham Manna3 don’t get amnesty for raping children since he has personal lawsuits against him. However, he can contact the families directly to negotiate a certain settlement to get them to drop their cases, and then he’d receive amnesty from the state.
June 22nd, 2011, 2:37 am
Usama said:
SC, #39
If LBC is still anti-Syrian (I said anti-Asad before, but they were genuinely anti-Syrian), I don’t think the directors would care. Look at Future TV today. The March 14 reactionary folks are all huddled in Paris now while their Salafi thugs try to start sectarian problems in Tripoli. They obviously don’t care.
Anyway, I was just asking out of curiosity, and not to make any point.
June 22nd, 2011, 2:45 am
Ben Unseth said:
“This Week in Samaria”
Friday death
Saturday grief
Sunday depression
Monday anger
Tuesday oppression
Wednesday censorship
Thursday threats
Somebody dies each Friday
The protesters gather
The president preaches
Somebody dies each Friday….
For the rest of the poem:
June 22nd, 2011, 2:47 am
Syrian Commando said:
If I was Assad I wouldn’t offer any amnesty to people who shoot at police and unarmed civilians. If caught, these people need to be stowed away until they can be executed publicly and swiftly. I don’t think they deserve a firing squad, these kind of scum only deserve a mass hanging. Also, for any “Shabiha” or whatever (and there’s every indication that this is a very minor component of the chaos), who are not following orders by firing on peaceful protestors, they should get the same treatment as the ugly bearded terrorist scum we all loathe. They both damage the country in similar way.
Khaddam and other traitors, I would similarly give the death sentence or arrange for a Mossad-style overseas execution. This will all be done AFTER the zio-West has collapsed of course as not to give them an opportunity to exploit the situation.
I guess this is why these scum are so desperate to get this fake revolution going, they’ve burnt all bridges and used every card. Now they just want to blow up the world by sending Turkey against Syria in order to cover up their crime. Turkey is stupid enough to do it, I promise you.
June 22nd, 2011, 3:56 am
Mina said:
873, your post about Bouazizi seems another wild conspiracy theory. Though I can buy some conspyracy theories, it is too easy to become an addict.
Bouazizi’s family was just one month ago cursing the government for still being total poor and mainly unemployed.
Bouazizi’s immolation was reported on the very same day, and a few days later he was visited in hospital with TV cameras by Ben Ali who tried to look relax while he was not.
I think the Tunisian uprising and the beginning of the Egyptian one (by the Mahalla workers and other unions) was genuine. But Qatar started the counter-revolution by inviting Qardawi everyday to comment on “Mubarak the tyrant equal to Quranic pharaoh” and saying that “freedom is above sharia” (without further tafsir).
If Qardawi had been a real opponent as the people who have changed history in their countries, through activism, writings and revolutions, if he had a drop of blood, he would now be in Egypt and use his influence to help the country. But he prefers the luxury of Qatar and its TV shows. That a so-called Sheykh is sold to money and luxury already puts him out of the religion he claims to belong to.
Once Qardawi’s influence started to percolate, and his numerous started to be on the ground, Mubarak really started to be afraid for his chair. Then they brought the Libyan buddies on the news to get another smoke screen and let the Islamists start to dream again.
June 22nd, 2011, 4:07 am
Syrian Commando said:
I think, given the amount of deceptions committed over the last 6 month, we need to take any claims of forgeries seriously.
Even the BBC is covering it:
“With an interim administration and constitutional elections scheduled for later this year, some worried Tunisians are already complaining that their revolution may be stolen from them.”
June 22nd, 2011, 4:18 am
Badr said:
????? ???? ?????? This is because god himself is protecting Syria.
Why would god care to protect Syria, but not some other countries, like say, Iraq, for instance? And with all what Syria has gone through, I hate to see what would have happened, if god was not keeping an eye.
June 22nd, 2011, 4:31 am
Syrian Commando said:
Because Syria is the best country on Earth.
Europe may have green soil.
Russia may have the most land.
The USA might have their currency scam.
China might have the working might.
The Arabs may have their oil.
But Syria has something none of them have in great numbers: Syrians.
June 22nd, 2011, 4:46 am
Mina said:
Thanks for the link. I think i saw the report 1 month ago about the Bouazizi family being still poor and looking for help on… al jazeera.
June 22nd, 2011, 4:54 am
Mina said:
Hasan ibn Talal on reforms in today’s Turkish al-Zaman:
Another forgery unfoils here (on Jisr al Sughur):
apparently there was a debate broadcasted between Bassam al Qadi and Bassam Abu Abdallah, any details?
June 22nd, 2011, 5:11 am
Chris W said:
My point was not to divert the conversation into a discussion of Iraq, but to point out that those Americans who think the Iraq policy was justified are wrong to want to apply the same blueprint to Syria.
Regardless of whether the policy was justified in Iraq, it isn’t with regard to Syria. Syria has been a good ‘world citizen’ and the Syrian Baath Party are nothing like the Saddam Hussein and his cohorts.
Those who don’t see that are not looking.
June 22nd, 2011, 5:32 am
John Khouri said:
Look at the true Homsi’s out in force. These people certainly dont look like they have been forced out from work to scream and clap and dance and cheer for the president Bashar Al Assad. Just remember that schools are on holidays now in syria, so the activists cant say they forced school children out from their classes to join the crowd 🙂
June 22nd, 2011, 6:18 am
Syrian Commando said:
Your BBC link no longer works, I think they might be censoring the story now.
June 22nd, 2011, 6:56 am
Amir in Tel Aviv said:
To all pro regime reactionaries, who are euphorically exited about the Basij, sorry, the shabbi7a demonstrations yesterday, I will say it again, though you probably heard it before.
As long as the opposition is not allowed to demonstrate the same peaceful way, no one including me, will be impressed.
Allow the opposition to have peaceful rallies, then we\’ll talk.
June 22nd, 2011, 7:25 am
Mohamed kanj said:
Amir – go back to your gas chamber 🙂
June 22nd, 2011, 7:58 am
Tara said:
#53 is a horrible comment and does not represent the Syrian people.
June 22nd, 2011, 8:23 am
Mina said:
Here it is
The title is
Syria crisis: Investigating Jisr al-Shughour
It is a pity the comments are not monitored.
June 22nd, 2011, 8:47 am
aboali said:
#54 oh yes it does, it represents perfectly those Syrians who support Bashar and his Nazi Baath party. If they can murder and mutilate Syrian children and the gloat about it and celebrate, they can certainly put jews in gas chambers too, that’s not beneath them.
June 22nd, 2011, 8:47 am
Mohamed kanj said:
Tara – would u prefer the innocent palestinians in gaza dying from hunger under a blockade that the jews imposed on them, to be I’n the gas chamber instead?? I have no sympathy for animals Like Amir and his Zionist race. Did u forget the chemical weapons the israelis used on Palestinian children I’n gaza 2 years ago????
June 22nd, 2011, 8:48 am
Mohamed kanj said:
Abo ali – Just to refresh ur memory
June 22nd, 2011, 8:52 am
Syrian Commando said:
Aboali is a zionist so be sure to ignore him along with the rest of them. I’m really surprised these clowns have so little shame that they still show their face on here. No doubt the terrorist action will continue unabated this Friday, complete with stupid slogans and so on. Pathetic bunch of subhuman trash.
Anyway, Mohamed Kanj is simply angry at the Israeli comments which are doing nothing but providing negativity and snearing stupid remarks regrading our nation. Though I don’t agree with the content, the general spirit I am with him 100%. I think the Israelis on this blog have been nothing but shameful, frankly.
Dale Anderson has shown nothing but disrespect and racism towards the superior Syrian race. I am really glad this gadfly has revealed himself to anyone with a brain.
June 22nd, 2011, 8:54 am
aboali said:
#59 #58 Toz feek wa feeh, Abook is a Zionist bosht. A few thousand Baathists and government employees forced on a pro-regime rally is just pathetic.
meanwhile, fountains in Damascus have been dyed red to signify the blood of the fallen protesters killed by the regime:
June 22nd, 2011, 9:08 am
Syrian Commando said:
>A few thousand Baathists and government employees forced on a pro-regime rally is just pathetic.
HAHAHAHA. Just keep your head in the sand, some Islamist will come and cut it off for you.
>meanwhile, fountains in Damascus have been dyed red to signify the blood of the fallen protesters killed by the regime:
Yeah and, assuming that’s really what happened, that’s less “pathetic” than almost half of Syria going out on the street and denouncing the conspiracy. You’ll get the democracy you pretend to want soon enough, you just won’t like the results, lol.
Losers will always be losers.
June 22nd, 2011, 9:19 am
Mohamed kanj said:
Aboali – do u want me to post the millions upon millions I’n the syrian cities supporting YOUR president DR BAshar Al Assad ?? I will post them city by city if u want ya habibi. Your cute when u get angry. Maybe u and Amir from tel al ari can get together and sniff each others bum hole
June 22nd, 2011, 9:20 am
Ghat Al Bird said:
The following is also going on in the ME neighborhood.
June 22nd, 2011, 9:31 am
aboali said:
#62 he’s not MY president, he’s YOURS, so toz feek wa feeh. He inherited the presidency from his father, who took it by force from the two other officers who undertook a military coup with him, therefore he is not the legitimate leader of Syria. He’s just the head of a criminal gang which can only hold on to power by killing, jailing and intimidating the populace.
Millions my ass, there were about 70,000 in Damascus, 50,000 in Aleppo and 20,000 in Homs. More people in Hama alone come out on friday against Bashar. That’s all the Baath could muster, quite pathetic really.
June 22nd, 2011, 9:38 am
Aboud said:
@53 Another comment for my bulging file marked “Baathists shoot themselves in the foot”
Disgraceful. Utterly disgraceful.
Amir, Am Yisrael Hai. Just throw that back at these Neo-Nazis.
Just wish they wouldn’t Hai on the Golan 😉
June 22nd, 2011, 9:40 am
Aboud said:
@64 Well said Aboali.
Papa Assad was a man who lost the Golan, lost every war he fought, only managed to stay in power by the massacre of tens of thousands, and kept Syria economically and socially in the 70s.
Heck, I don’t know about you, but any normal person with such a Daddy would never think of going into politics, let alone put up statues to him.
Let’s not forget his most humiliating moment, caving in to Turkey over the whole Abdullah Ocalan fiasco.
June 22nd, 2011, 9:45 am
AIG said:
The true antisemitic and vile nature of many of the regime supporters is finally evident for all to see. What do you expect from people that would deny their own compatriots freedom and dignity?
Let it be clear to all, Assad and his supporters are antisemitic racists that plan to annihilate the Jews in Israel if they can. Another good reason to make sure that the Assad regime does not survive.
June 22nd, 2011, 9:52 am
Revlon said:
Dears: ABUGHASSAN, Syrian Knight, Mohammad Kanj, JAD, ALEX, Syrian Commando,Why-Discuss, Syria No Kabndahar, Vlad-The-Syrian, 873, USAMA, and JOHN KHOURI
In his preamble to justify his means for combatting conspiracy, Jr said:
(Burying sedition is a national, moral, and religious duty; and all those who can contribute to burying it and do not are part of it. The Holy Quran says, “sedition is worse than killing,”) Jr Speech I, March 31st 2011.
I would like to see your frank answer to this question:
Do you agree with your president’s statement; in principle, context, and implications?
June 22nd, 2011, 9:53 am
why-discuss said:
Walid Moallem makes a very thorough declaration on democracy in Syria, turning his back to Europe.
“We will offer an example of democracy,” Moallem said, when asked about his vision for Syria in three months. “There will be social justice, equality before the law and accountability.”
The statements by the longtime trusted Assad aide went beyond the vague promises of reform the president made in a Monday speech, and amounted to a rare official admission that Syria has ignored basic democratic principles.
Moallem called for regime opponents to enter into political talks, and urged Syrian exiles to return, pledging that “even the harshest opponent” of the regime will not be arrested.
June 22nd, 2011, 9:57 am
Amir in Tel Aviv said:
Thank you for your kind words. I wasn’t offended. This is a part of being a Jew. Many hate you and want you dead. It’s not something unusual for us, Jews as you know. I’m more than sure, and agree with you, that this does not represent the Syrian people.
I wanted to comment a few days ago about the Assad speech, and his “germs” remark. I didn’t, because I thought it might be misinterpreted. But now with Kanj’s comment, it’s the right time. Labeling the protesters as “germs”, or even insinuating, or using it as an allegory, is (as we Jews found out) very dangerous. This is a permission to kill, because this is what’s been done with germs. We kill them.
June 22nd, 2011, 10:01 am
syau said:
Living in a country under that leader, makes him your president.
Khaddam was OFFICIAL president of Syria for 1 month, so that throws out your inherited claim.
He is a legitimate leader whether you like it or not.
Just to remind you, there were aerial videos of the rallies as well as on ground videos. The numbers are evident. Stop making a mockery of yourself with your ridiculous claims.
Amir in tel aviv,
Incase you didn’t understand the comment properly, he was referring to conspiracies being the germs, not the protesters.
June 22nd, 2011, 10:02 am
Syrian Commando said:
You’re hysterical. We are the real Semites (i.e. Shamites, i.e. Shamis) why would we want to wipe ourselves out?
Just shut up and stick your head back in your zionist hole. No one cares about your country which is going to go extinct ALL ON ITS OWN, simply because it is not a viable state. No need to even fire a single bullet. Losers.
I’m not religious, so I don’t care for references to religious text, but in this case, when the country is at war and there is an international conspiracy against it, “sedition” is very self-harming.
In contrast, “sedition” in Greece and Spain is extremely important as these countries have been conquered by the international bankers, whereas Syria is still free.
June 22nd, 2011, 10:02 am
873 said:
70. Amir in Tel Aviv said:
“Thank you for your kind words. I wasn’t offended. This is a part of being a Jew. Many hate you and want you dead. It’s not something unusual for us, Jews as you know.”
Spare us the perennially presecuted routine. Its old manipulation and we’ve had enough. The sort of criminality jews have been pulling vis a vis the intl financial system, racism and aggression against ‘the other’ have been your stock in trade for centuries. That is why you’ve been repeatedly expelled, not because of religion. Though the link between the two is direct. When narcissists are indoctrinated from birth that they are ‘The Chosen’, it confers entitlement to behave however one wishes towards those who are less than (which of course is everyone else). The Cattle & The Cockroaches, to use Begin’s terminology.
As to the tired antisemite card, the game is over:
June 22nd, 2011, 10:10 am
AIG said:
You represent the worst of the antisemitic and racist tradition. Now that the cards are on the table and we know that the Assad supporters are racist extremists that want to murder Jews and Israelis, we realize how urgent it is to get rid of the Assad regime. We will see who ends first, the racist supporters of a brutal dictator that kills and tortures his own people, who is a rabbit on the Golan but very brave against unarmed citizens, or the state of Israel.
Thank you for letting everyone see your real intentions.
June 22nd, 2011, 10:11 am
Syrian Commando said:
Thanks for showing the world how much Hubris you have you retarded Israeli zionist. Just spare us your nonsense, no one gives a damn about you, honestly. This Assad you’re calling an anti-semite is the same one who is trying to repatriate many of the Syrian Jewish community back to their homeland. The Islamists you support are the people who want to kill off all the Jews in Syria along with all the other minorities. You don’t care about Jews at all, you only pretend to, that’s the zionist program. You just want to serve yourself, even if it involves killing your own people. That’s why the powerful zionist (i.e. those in the US, not Israel) will soon abandon their project in the middle east which has become their biggest liability.
In contrast to you zionist fake-Jews, we Shamis will never forsaken our blood brothers.
Anyway, you live in apartheid and you want to pretend you care about us, lol. Hilarious. You don’t even care about your so-called “oriental jews”, i.e. the genuine non-ashkenazi fake Jews. We’re expected to even entertain the thought that anything that leaves your hands is not soiled in venom?
June 22nd, 2011, 10:30 am
AIG said:
Yes, keep defending the Rabbit of the Golan while he murders and tortures your fellow Syrians. That is not nonsense, that is the sad truth. You support a brutal coward and a pathological liar. Assad is a racist thug, just as many of his supporters have shown themselves to be on this blog.
June 22nd, 2011, 10:33 am
ziadsoury said:
Free speech is great. It allows people to express themselves and believes. That is why I don’t like censorship.
AIG, Amir, Shai and rest of Jews,
Even though I strongly condemn your treatment of Palestinians and theft of their land by the state of Israel, I also strongly condemn any comments or actions taken by anyone else targeting Jews as people. People like #53 are not just Anti Semitic; they are anti any human being that does not support their god master basher and the thugs around him. Their skin is so thin and you can see through it.
The good thing is there are very few of them in Syria and the end to their power and control is near.
June 22nd, 2011, 10:36 am
why-discuss said:
Egypt’s Political Transformation Moves Slowly
“I am surprised, and I think many Egyptians are, that we haven’t seen a more rapid consolidation of the opposition into an actual political movement, or string of political movements,” says Jon Alterman, director of the Middle East program at the Center for Strategic and International Studies.
…”The security apparatus is essentially unchanged and the military’s always been the core of the regime, anyway,” says Joshua Stacher, a political scientist at Kent State University.
“This leads me to believe we’re in a situation where we’re seeing the reconstruction of authoritarian institutions,” he says. “All this doesn’t really bode well for the kind of changes that people aspired to on Feb. 11, when Mubarak left.”
June 22nd, 2011, 10:37 am
Syrian Commando said:
You Ashkenazi like to pretend you’re smart, but clearly you didn’t understand a word of my post. Hahaha, this is why your country is finished and why Syria will exist forever. Looking forward to dining in Jerusalem and “Tel-Aviv”.
Yeah, there’s not many anti-human Islamists left, we’ll hang them all when this is over, you’re right.
One thing I want Syria to do as part of the reforms is to drop the “Arab” in the “Syrian Arab Republic”. We saw what “arabs” stand for and we want nothing to do with them. We are Syrians, not Arabs, we only speak Arabic because it was forced on us by the invaders.
June 22nd, 2011, 10:41 am
Amir in Tel Aviv said:
The work of the Syrian terrorist armed gangs and saboteurs:
I understood the comment very properly. Using the term “germs” in a written political speech, is made to send a message. Please, don’t pretend.
June 22nd, 2011, 10:45 am
Syrian Commando said:
>Using the term “germs” in a written political speech, is made to send a message. Please, don’t pretend.
Using fragments of statements out of context and mistranslating phrases is called propaganda. Please, don’t pretend. My god you Israelis are silly, I’m amazed you can run your country for a year let alone 64.
June 22nd, 2011, 10:47 am
AIG said:
The Rabbit of the Golan and his followers are speaking of dining in Tel-Aviv? Not just a racist thug, a delusional racist thug. I will only dine in Damascus if there is peace between our two countries that is supported by the majority on both sides. I would then be happy to be a guest in Damascus.
Again, the Rabbit of the Golan supporters show themselves as rabid racists and imperialists as well as cowards.
June 22nd, 2011, 10:52 am
why-discuss said:
To all Israelis
Once for all.
We are anti-Israel because it has stolen and occupied a land and kicked out its inhabitants like ‘germs’. It never bothered to compensate them or present excuses. In the contrary it is keeping them under under development and homelessness.
We are with the non-Israeli jews because they have brought incredible richness to the christian western civilization who tried to exterminated them for racist reasons, but not much to the islamic middle east civilization . Arabs never intended to eliminate Jews for racist reason but now they reject the existence of an apartheid state expanding on illegally acquired land, inhabited by Israelis jews.
Half of the world jews are not Isrealis.
June 22nd, 2011, 10:58 am
Abu Umar said:
Syrian Commando, you claim to be anti-Zionist, yet your idol'(Bashar) grandfather praised the Zionist project and blamed the Palestinian for resisting, something which Landis substantiated in the New York Times. Can you and the other rabid regime supporters explain this hypocrisy for me?!
June 22nd, 2011, 11:04 am
873 said:
“If gentiles refuse to live a life of inferiority then this signals their rebellion and the unavoidable necessity of jewish warfare against their very presence.”- Mordechai Nisan, World Zionist Org, Aug 1984
“Goyim were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world- only to serve the people of Israel. Why are gentiles needed? they will work, they will plow, they will reap. We will sit like an effendi and eat. This is why gentiles were created.”- Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, 2010
“I advocate using poisoned gas againstt uncivilized tribes and against recalcitrant Arabs as an experiment. I do not understand the sqeamishness about the use of gas..”- jewish balfour advocate Winston Chruchill then Secretary of State at the British War Office, authorising RAF ME Command to attack Iraqis with chemical weapons, 1919
“Our race is the Master Race. We are Divine gods on this planet. We are as different from the inferior races as they are from insects. In fact, compared to our race, other races are beasts and animals, cattle at best. Other races are considered as human excrement. Our destiny is to rule over the inferior races. Our earthly kingdom will be ruled by our leader with a rod of iron. The masses will lick our feet and serve us as our slaves.”- Menechem Begin
“One million Arabs are not worth a single jewish fingernail.”-Rabbi Yaacov Perrin, NY Daily News, Feb 28, 1994
The nature of ‘the stranger’ out of the mouth of zionist filth. Many more quotes of the same kind, spread over decades. Thats not counting the trash we could easily dredge out of the centuries of Talmud.
June 22nd, 2011, 11:08 am
SC 84,
You are a riot man! “Syrians are the supreme race on this earth”. That’s why your economy is so great right? That’s why you’ve won all those battles against the Israelis who currently occupy both your lands and Palestinian ones, right? That’s why your elected president has been able to turn Syria into a dominant regional and emerging global power, right? That’s why your government has been able to effectively fight off a 3 month long incursion by “armed groups” and “salafists”, right? Riiiiight.
June 22nd, 2011, 11:11 am
Syrian Commando said:
Make no mistake deceiver, I do not have much love for Hafez or any of his predecessors. Hafez’s monetary policies and his militarisation are the only things I strongly support.
Whether this hearsay is true or not, is thus a triviality. Of course trivialities are all you people have to offer us.
Their hubris is amazing isn’t it?
June 22nd, 2011, 11:12 am
Syrian Commando said:
I strongly approve the above message. 8)
June 22nd, 2011, 11:18 am
Revlon said:
Defector Lieutenant Riyad A7mad:
– belongas to special forces, Battalion 45th,Unit 974
– I defect because I am asked to act contrary to what I was sworn to do: Protect the Syrian Republic and Its People!
– General command communique ordered our Battalion to encircle Baniyas.
We were told that there were armed foreign groups from Saudi Arabia, lebanon,Jordan, and Iraq including an Egyptian Colonel and with an 4 Israeli advisors.
Their aim was to destabilise Syria.
– We encrcled the city preventing all food and medicine supplies.
– Once in position, Ghassan 3afif, commander of the Batalion, gave us orders not to speak to civilians at all. As we entered we found nor armed civilians at all.
– We were ordered to terrorise the city residents by beating up people and trashing properties. Security offciers and Shabbe7a were positioned behind us so as to safeguard against dessent. Dessenting soldiers are shpt on the spot. Dissenting units are chased by Helicopters.
– He gave names of officers with ranks who participated in the atrocities;
1. Yaser Isameel and corporal Darwish who shot and killed ladies in Marqeb
2. Ayman Salman: theft of jewelery while abusing household
3. Rami AlKhayyer
4. bashar Iskandar
5. Ghassan 3baydo
6. Nabeel Qibba
7 Munther Ma7mood
8. Fadi Zeidan
9. Firas 7asan
10. Firas Ibraheem
11.Ghayth Sale7: he justified theft and rape
12. Jabri AbdulKareem
13. Husam Mohammad
– I was relieved from this operation for fear of defection; instead I was closely watched by the unit’s security.
– Army personnel are allowed to only watch Syrian TV.
– The media faked evidence of army injuries; names of offcers cited.
– Killing goes according to a specific plan; count of those to be killed is commensurate with count of demonstrators.
– I call upon all army personell to defect.
– I know many officers who are against the army practices, however they are afraid of voicing even concern.
????? ????? ?????? ?????? ???? ???? ?? ????? ??????
June 22nd, 2011, 11:33 am
Syrian Commando said:
Just continue pasting your tired propaganda. It got you no where, you’re just making yourself tired.
By the way one of the Israeli advisers this fake speaks of was caught, along with his papers from the Mossad.
June 22nd, 2011, 11:36 am
873 said:
US cavalry and brigade units to begin staging near Syrian border early July. Some units also redeploying from Afghanistan to Turkish border region.
West begins preparing for Syria regime collapse
LONDON — On June 18, Western governments began to warn their nationals of an impending collapse in Syria. The British Foreign Office urged its nationals to leave Syria immediately while foreign carriers were still operating.
Western diplomatic sources said Assad, despite significant help from Iran, has failed to quell the revolt in Syria. They said the failure could bolster the opposition and spark a mutiny among the non-Alawites in the military.
“Over the last two weeks, Assad has used just about all of his force to stop the protests and has clearly failed,” a Western diplomat said. “The next step could be a slide into civil war that would pit Alawites against Sunnis.”
The Western assessment has been shared by Syria’s southern neighbor Israel. On June 20, Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak said he did not expect Assad, whose regime has killed 1,400 people, to last for more than six months.
“British nationals should leave now by commercial means whilst these are still operating,” the Foreign Office said. “Those who choose to remain in Syria, or to visit against our advice, should be aware that it is highly unlikely that the British embassy in Damascus would be able to provide a normal consular service in the event of a further breakdown in law and order and increased violent civil disorder.”
The Foreign Office statement marked the first by a NATO government that warned of a collapse in Syria. Most Western governments have urged their nationals to demonstrate caution in Syria amid the Assad crackdown on the opposition.
“Evacuation options would be limited because of likely communication and travel restrictions,” the Foreign Office said.
June 22nd, 2011, 11:41 am
Abu Umar said:
“Whether this hearsay is true or not, is thus a triviality. Of course trivialities are all you people have to offer us.”
Support for the Zionists, blaming the Palestinians(just like the Zionists) for resisting as Assad’s grandfather wrote is just a triviality! Is that your pathetic response? Why the hypocrisy? No wonder that the quisling Iraqi regime is a big supporter of the Syrian regime. At least Saddam despite being a sadistic psychopath who brutalised his people was more principled in his anti-colonialism after Gulf War I when he turned against the West, which ironically Hafez al-Asad was an ally of at that time. Enough of the “mumaana” nonsense.
June 22nd, 2011, 11:49 am
Syrian Commando said:
They’re pulling out 10,000 soldiers from Afghanistan and sending them to Turkey in preparation for the war.
There will be no collapse of government, I’m just glad they’re putting them within missile range. They better prepare 10,000 coffins.
June 22nd, 2011, 11:58 am
majedkhaldoon said:
Bashar is calling for DIALOGUE
There is a difference between dialogue and negotiation,Dialogue is waste of time it has no time limit, it is what we are saying here in SC. there is a lot of lies in it just saying that thr uprising is armed on, that the security officers who were killed by the Shabbiha they say they were killed by armless protesters, the point I am saying there is a lot of lies in dialogue,but really it is waste of time.
what Bashar should say he wants negotiations,which has the purpose of reaching agreement,within certain time,and he is ready for compromise.
He already knows that the opposition has only one and only one demand, it is freedom and dignity,is there compromise on freedom, there is not,you either free or not,a tyrant must give up his oppression and killing and allow freedom of speech and choice,and demonstration,freedom to ellect his representative,he needs to come down from his condescendant position,and be one of the people.otherwise he will be talking to himself.
June 22nd, 2011, 12:02 pm
AIG said:
Why Discuss,
Assad is a racist thug. He supported Hamas and their violent suicide bombing campaign. There are less than 50 Jews in Syria because Assad is so “welcoming” of them. We can read very well what you regime supporters write. It is clear you are racist, against democracy and against Israel. Your political end is coming. Get uses to Syria without Assad. Hopefully it would be sooner than later, because if it is later, that means Assad has dragged Syria into the abyss with him.
June 22nd, 2011, 12:04 pm
Mina said:
By the way, Bashar could also release Tal (sorry, she is not gay, I understand the West really doesn’t care about a jailed blogger unless she can be used to push another agenda…)
This would be a powerful sign. Even if she has worked for the CIA (in case this is proven), that would not change anything on the ground: a lot of Western and Arab politicians and journalists work for the US, some way or another.
June 22nd, 2011, 12:05 pm
AIG said:
Why idly threaten Americans when all of Israel is already in the range of Assad’s rockets?
Why aren’t you and Assad attacking Israel or the Golan?
Just another proof that you are a liar and a coward. What can you expect from a follower of the Rabbit of the Golan?
June 22nd, 2011, 12:07 pm
AIG said:
The reason Assad can’t and won’t release political prisoners is because then they will tell how they were tortured and raped by his brutal regime. The fear is gone and the brave Syrian people will not be cowered by a coward that only uses force against his own citizens.
June 22nd, 2011, 12:14 pm
Mina said:
When I want to know something on Syria, I don’t ask an Israel guy to explain it to me (you have political prisoners: remember Vanunu? and thousands of Palestinians).
June 22nd, 2011, 12:23 pm
why-discuss said:
“On June 18, Western governments began to warn their nationals of an impending collapse in Syria. The British Foreign Office urged its nationals to leave Syria immediately while foreign carriers were still operating. ”
Good riddance! For what they have been useful to Syria!
June 22nd, 2011, 12:23 pm
Basil said:
I have cousins in Jisr who had to flee. Some of them have come back, but the reports through my family grapevine are that things are tough because the town is shut down. They may have to leave again because there is no food.
As for cock-and-bull story from the regime about “armed gangs”, I think it is fantasy. None of my relatives talked about the town being overrun by a “armed gangs”, but there was talk of an army mutiny. The ‘evidence’ presented in the press tour would fit more closely with an army mutiny than with anything else — after all, where exactly are these “armed gangs” based and how are they launching some kind of military operation to seize the town of Jisr, and why on earth would Jisr be such a strategic prize?
June 22nd, 2011, 12:27 pm
why-discuss said:
“Assad is a racist thug” Really? All your leaders have been and continue to be racist thugs, unless they are in a coma or senile, where they should all end up.
Don’t mention Hamas when you “democratic” leaders killed children in Gaza. Even Erdogan said it to your senile president: “You know how to kill children” You remember? but I think your senile president has trouble hearing.. like all of you, blinding yourself from the horrors you provoke.
June 22nd, 2011, 12:29 pm
Syrian Commando said:
We will never be the first to use our strike ability. If anyone is a coward it is you, why aren’t you using your nuclear weapons?
What a joke you are. Kill yourself.
June 22nd, 2011, 12:30 pm
why-discuss said:
You negotiate what? A cease fire? borders?
June 22nd, 2011, 12:32 pm
AIG said:
Why Discuss,
Who is banned from travelling to Europe and the US? Assad or Netanyahu? Assad is banned because he is a criminal. Yes, of course the US and Europe are lying because of some conspiracy you will now tell me about by quoting some antisemitic book.
Assad supported the bombing and killing of 1000 Israeli women, children and civilians in hotel, discos and restaurants. He is a brutal and sadistic murderer both in Syria and out of Syria.
June 22nd, 2011, 12:34 pm
Mina said:
You mean Erdogan pre-elections or Erdogan post-elections?
Because now that he is against the Gaza flotilla and all smile to Netanyahu, he is certainly post-elections. I can imagine the reaction of the Turks. Betrayed. Best way to get more hatred, but that is something politicians seem to like playing with.
Another “peaceful website” (just check the imagery, you would think SC has designed it) with calls for delation. As if the Syrians did not know who among their neighbours work for the mukhabaraat…
June 22nd, 2011, 12:39 pm
majedkhaldoon said:
why discuss
it is exactly my point, there is no sense in negotiations with a dictator,he has to give up power.
June 22nd, 2011, 12:40 pm
AIG said:
SYRIAN Coward,
Who holds the Golan? All of Israel is in the range of the Rabbit of the Golan, so why is he and you are not doing anything? The answer is simple. You are cowards that only use weapons against your own civilians. You are threatening war all the time, like a coward. Why don’t you and the Rabbit of the Golan do anything except attack your own citizens?
June 22nd, 2011, 12:40 pm
pedro ali alves said:
everyone keep passing this information over and over..the anti assad simpletons have no clue what happens in syria..even opposition itself doenst know whos leading them are zionists…facts at links above..pass this iformation around..it destroys western narratives..
June 22nd, 2011, 12:41 pm
Syria no kandahar said:
It is very clear how much we deserve freedom and democracy,you can see that here,in SC.freedom here is :Tuz feek,air,jahash,wlak…is that how we proof that we are (superior).I think this is exactly why all this freedom (mawal)is going on,the west and isreal know exactly that we don’t know how to swim in freedom and democracy water even if it is 2 feet,they will make us chop each others head to get to swim in 20 feet freedom and democracy water,who ever has his head stil attached,will drown.
June 22nd, 2011, 12:42 pm
Syrian Commando said:
You are quite thick AIG, so I will repeat ONE LAST TIME: We will never be the first to use our strike ability. This system will only be used when our very existence is threatened.
I hope you understand this, dumbass.
As for the fake Syrian above me, lol, we understand their “demockrazy” very very well. We saw how they democratically turned a crowd of millions into mere tens of thousands. No doubt, this is how their voting system churns out idiot puppet after idiot puppet.
June 22nd, 2011, 12:51 pm
why-discuss said:
I trusted and continue to trust Erdogan. I saw an interview of Davutoglu on Al Jazeera. These people are pragmatic and I think that Bashar is too.
Maybe there are some elements affiliated to the MB in Turkey who are plotting and giving support to their likes in Syria, but the Turkish governemnt has been very sensible. I am sure Turkey will play a major role in influencing the opposition in dialoging with the governemnt. They don’t want war, they want commercial relationships and they want to create a middle east free market and later a union. Europe is in a mess economically, who wants to join them now? One bankrupt after the other, now Greece, tomorrow Portugal, then Spain. East and south is a much better to look for relationships!
Walid Moallem said exactly that: Forget about the EU! Look south, east!
June 22nd, 2011, 12:51 pm
Abughassan said:
Somehow my SC logging name was used in a bundle of people on this blogg who were ,as implied by an Islamist blogger, as supporters of Bashar speech. I can not speak on behalf of others but I do not Know where this lie came from. I always stated facts and expressed my opposition to both the regime and the islamists because they are not good for Syria,with islamists being a bigger danger
for obvious reasons.the same guy published a list of officers who “participated in atrocities” copying the list from a defecting army officer,who may or may not be truthful.that list is simply an assassination list that can only be used to trigger violence and revenge,and I am absolutely against this criminal tactic because it
will only feed violence and revenge and is very hard to verify.those who target the army are on the same side with Israel,they want a?Taliban state and we will not accept that.what many islamists do not get is this: most Syrians hate the regime but they hate those violent islamists more. That officer,assuming he was speaking the truth,is a tool in the effort to divide the army and fuel violence and unrest.shame on anybody who took part of this dangerous piece of garbage.
June 22nd, 2011, 12:59 pm
Syria no kandahar said:
Syria commando
Do you read posts befor you respond to them?
Are you the only ultimate pure??? ??? Syrian ?
June 22nd, 2011, 12:59 pm
Mina said:
Tara!!! Please!
I will try to buy your optimism about Turkey and turn a blind eye on 873 and his trumpets of doomsday.
June 22nd, 2011, 1:03 pm
Syrian Commando said:
My rule for declaring non-Syrians:
– If they seem to truly think what they are saying will benefit Syria, they are Syrians.
– If not, they’re probably fake. I go with definitely to be on the safe side.
Maybe I misinterpreted your message, the English was poor…
June 22nd, 2011, 1:08 pm
AIG said:
Syrian Coward,
You are a liar. You used your first strike capability in 1973. You are just making excuses for your and Assad’s cowardice. Why are you attacking your own citizens? Because you are a coward that is only good at making excuses.
June 22nd, 2011, 1:09 pm
Syrian Commando said:
You are a MORON AIG.
LOL, that’s not what the strike capability I speak of means. Read between the lines.
My god, is your IQ less than 80?
June 22nd, 2011, 1:15 pm
Tara said:
AIG #95
You said
“Why….It is clear you are racist, against democracy and against Israel.”
You are wrong!
I do not agree with Why on lot of things but he is not a racist. Read his comment # 85. I am too (just like Why) not against the Jews but I am against Israel ever lasting history of brutal oppression of the Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank and its denial of their basic human rights i.e freedom and dignity. Being against Israel abuse of human rights is not racism. It is humanity.
I welcome your moral support to our peaceful revolution against Assad oppression and I hope that one day you and other Israelis offer the same to the Palestinians.
June 22nd, 2011, 1:16 pm
vlad-the-syrian said:
The honesty of US democrassy (*) and its allies
L’Irak veut savoir où ont disparu 17 milliards de revenus pétroliers
L’Irak veut savoir où ont disparu 17 milliards de revenus pétroliers
the most ironic part is at the end of the article. I quote:
“Le 10 juin, un parlementaire américain en visite à Bagdad avait demandé aux Irakiens de rembourser une partie des frais engagés par les Etats-Unis en Irak depuis l’invasion de 2003 qui avait entraîné la chute du régime de Saddam Hussein”.
Not only they stole money but they ask to be paid back for the wreckage they have caused. Incredible
(*) in french crasse = dirty, filthy
June 22nd, 2011, 1:38 pm
vlad-the-syrian said:
#86. Abu Umar
“yet your idol’(Bashar) grandfather praised the Zionist project and blamed the Palestinian for resisting”
really ? where did you get that from ?
this is an utter lie and misinformation
dare give your source
June 22nd, 2011, 1:46 pm
vlad-the-syrian said:
#55. Mohamed kanj
June 22nd, 2011, 1:48 pm
AIG said:
Syrian Coward,
Again, trying to make excuses for your cowardice. Assad had no problem using “first strike” capabilities against citizens of Syria. He had no problem attacking them first and jailing and torturing them. But the Rabbit of the Golan, is just like you, a coward and an idle talker who is only good at threats and excuses. Thank you for showing what low life some of Assad supporters are.
Once Syrians are free we can have a frank and candid discussion about the Palestinian issue. Why Discuss is a racist that cannot care less about the Palestinians, all he is interested in is denying democracy and dignity to Syrians and using Israel as an excuse for Assads crimes.
June 22nd, 2011, 1:50 pm
AIG said:
Isn’t it obvious by now? Assad is a pathological liar.
Ban says Assad has no “credibility”
June 22, 2011 share
UN leader Ban Ki-moon said Wednesday that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad does not have “credibility” and urged the UN Security Council to overcome divisions on the Syria crisis.
“I do not see much credibility [in] what he has been saying,” Ban told a small group of reporters in an interview to mark his reelection as secretary general of the global body.
“How long should the situation continue in this way? [Assad] really has to take firm measures,” Ban added.
The UN leader said it would be “very helpful” for the UN Security Council to speak out on the Syria crisis.
Russia and China have threatened to veto a resolution proposed by European powers on the 15-member council condemning the Syria violence, in which hundreds of anti-regime protesters have been killed, according to rights groups.
-AFP/NOW Lebanon
June 22nd, 2011, 1:58 pm
Mina said:
And what had Ban Ki Moon said about the war on Gaza?
June 22nd, 2011, 2:01 pm
AIG said:
You do realize we are talking about Syria?
You do realize that trying to deflect and make excuses or use Israel as an excuse just portrays you as a nut case?
June 22nd, 2011, 2:03 pm
vlad-the-syrian said:
#125 AI(r)G
this lackey has personally supervised the civil war in Ivory Coast initiated by IMF , USA and FRANCE which ended by the topple of an elected president and caused thousands of deads and injuries
he is the one who has no credibility at all
June 22nd, 2011, 2:07 pm
William Scott Scherk said:
In post 94 the Syrian Commando writes:
Can you please give us an indication of where this information comes from?
Similarly, poster 873 announces this at post 93:
Can you please give readers here an indication of where this information comes from?
June 22nd, 2011, 2:08 pm
William Scott Scherk said:
In Syrian Commando’s commentary on the purported defector video featuring “Captain Riyad Ahmad” he writes: one of the Israeli advisers this fake speaks of was caught, along with his papers from the Mossad.
Commando, can you please give more information on this claim? Where can we find evidence that a Mossad agent was caught in Baniyas?
Here is what the purported defecting captain said (from a transcription of the video’s English subtitles via Syrian Interpreter)
Beyond that, Commando, it seems you do not believe much from this video at all — I expect that to call this man a ‘fake’ means you believe he was not and is not a captain in the special forces.
By what means do you think it could be proved one way or the other that ‘Captain Ahmad’ is not who he says he is?
If it turns out that this man was is what he said he is, that his tale of defection and the reasons for it is true, how might your opinion of events in Baniyas change, if at all?
I do not fully comprehend the insistence that particular ‘defectors’ are fake . . . if there is evidence, strong evidence that this purported captain is posing, please bring that evidence forward.
June 22nd, 2011, 2:45 pm
Tara said:
I agree with #113. But “East” needs to play smart and avoids alienating the masses. Syria fate is sealed (with or without civil war). I truly have no doubt about it. This is what history says. I am just afraid that a culture of mistrust towards “east” would set in the way things are going.
June 22nd, 2011, 2:48 pm
Tara said:
Are you Buthina Shaaban?
or may be her assistant?
June 22nd, 2011, 2:51 pm
Chris W said:
I think it’s a mistake for the discussion to get distracted by discussion of Israel and the Jews.
The fact that these Israeli/Jewish commenters have admitted who they are (they make up over half the regular ‘pro-revolution’ commenters) is enough to discredit them.
June 22nd, 2011, 4:24 pm
Revlon said:
Dear Commentors, I posed the following question on the earlier post:
[[Dears: ABUGHASSAN, Syrian Knight, Mohammad Kanj, JAD, ALEX, Syrian Commando,Why-Discuss, Syria No Kabndahar, Vlad-The-Syrian, 873, USAMA, and JOHN KHOURI
In his preamble to justify his means for combatting conspiracy, Jr said:
(Burying sedition is a national, moral, and religious duty; and all those who can contribute to burying it and do not are part of it. The Holy Quran says, “sedition is worse than killing,”) Jr Speech I, March 31st 2011.
I would like to see your frank answer to this question:
Do you agree with your president’s statement; in principle, context, and implications?]]
Thusfar, two have kindly replied.
1. Syrian Commando wrote: I’m not religious, so I don’t care for references to religious text, but in this case, when the country is at war and there is an international conspiracy against it, “sedition” is very self-harming.
In contrast, “sedition” in Greece and Spain is extremely important as these countries have been conquered by the international bankers, whereas Syria is still free.
Thank you for your reply.
Your position, as I understand, is neutral on the principle, context, and implications of “referring to religious texts” in support of major national policy
I would like you to note that the statement was not just a mere reference to a religious text.
The statement amounts to a Shari3a Fatwa, based on a verse in Quran and Sunna.
2. ABUGHASSAN wrote: “Somehow my SC logging name was used in a bundle of people on this blogg who were ,as implied by an Islamist blogger, as supporters of Bashar speech. I can not speak on behalf of others but I do not Know where this lie came from.”
Thank you for taking the time to reply to my question.
Your position, as I understand it, is that you choose to refrain from addressing the question.
Before I continue, I would like to tell you that I owe you a clarification and an apology.
I listed your name first as you come across to me as the only “neutral Syrian” on this blog.
I should have made that a priori clear.
1/11 supporters did not mind the statement
1/1 neutrals and 10/11 regime supporters are either still pondering or have chosen to decline to address the issue.
Until I am proven otherwise, they are likely to fall in two categories
– Non-critical: They share Syrian Commando’s stance: Do not care!
– Critical of the statement, but prefer not to voice opinion for various reasons.
June 22nd, 2011, 10:01 pm
Revlon said:
The day of the Fall of Legitimacy
Tomorrow, Friday 23 June 2011
Jr’s presidency has never been more than part legitimate, at best.
Jr’s presidency and vested powers are binding only to a minority of the People’s of Syria.
They are:
The Baath party members whom he approves,
The parliament members whom he either appoints or sponsors,
The top commanding security and army officers whom he appoints, and the benefactors/idolisers, by own choice.
Jr has no legitimate, binding contract with the majority of the people of Syria.
While the revolution acknowledges the right of his followers to support him as their representative, The Revolution consider his post as president of the people of Syria to be an illegitimate misrepresentation of their will.
June 22nd, 2011, 10:26 pm
873 said:
I agree that the Brits should get out of Syria and US Embassy staff too. You dont need to provide them an island for dissident recruitment or a base for anti-Syrian covert ops inside the country. Let the Trojan Horses go, and yes good riddance! The purpose of posting that item was to indicate that it seems a foreign strike on Syria is nearing. How soon is uncertain. Coalition of the Killing usually withdraw their nationals in advance. Seems a signal of escalating moves towards NATO aka MB/Turks on Syrian territory.
I Dont at all trust Erdogan. He is putting his money where his interests lie and that is with the NATO billions/bases not with impoverished Syria who would be more liability than asset to him at this stage. Wish it werent so, but real politique… There was article in past weeks with him intimating how part of the spat with Israel was a PR show so real deals could proceed as usual behind the scenes. Which sounds far more realistic than otherwise, no? His subsequent actions and words on Syrian and Palestine issues bears that out.
June 22nd, 2011, 11:01 pm
Syrian Commando said:
Someone get AIG some painkillers, I think my simple words are too much for his rotten “brain”.
June 23rd, 2011, 4:16 am
Talal said:
So were are those hundreds of mysterious gunmen who materialized out of thin air then suddenly disappeared? And why did they bother about burying their victims? By the way, I love the picture. It brought tears to my eyes. Yes, it “may” have been staged for their benefit.
June 23rd, 2011, 11:02 am
5 dancing shlomos said:
“The plan to destabilize Syria”
“Turkish Actions Designed To Trigger NATO Confrontation With Syria?”
the israeli posters are just throwing crap to waste time. they post lies and nonsense from their cubicles to divert.
June 23rd, 2011, 11:33 am
5 dancing shlomos said:
55. Mohamed kanj said:
“Amir – go back to your gas chamber”
why some others so worked up by this comment?
gas chambers are a fiction. the jewish claims are a fiction.
israelis and all other jews say, do far worse to the palestinians, iraqis, syrians, lebanese, afganis, pakistanis. what they say and do are no fiction.
June 23rd, 2011, 11:44 am
vlad-the-syrian said:
i just dont bother answering or talking to people like you
i ignore them
June 23rd, 2011, 6:20 pm
Kurt said:
“gas chambers are a fiction. the jewish claims are a fiction.”
They’re not Jewish claims. The Nazis documented it extensively themselves. Buy a clue. You may criticize Zionism and Israeli Apartheid, but there is no sense in being a denier of the Holocaust.
103 Basil, I’m sure you’re one of these Zionist agents. After all, that’s the one seriously unoriginal line they know. Interesting most apologists just ignored you, actually.
June 23rd, 2011, 7:40 pm
riskability said:
Turkey & Syria Exist , “Israel” & Europe not
June 23rd, 2011, 11:24 pm
5 dancing shlomos said:
gas chambers for killing jews are not documented. 6 million is not documented. certainly not since auschwitz reduced from 4mill to under 100,000. just repetition of fiction.
i deny fabrications are truth.
June 24th, 2011, 12:52 pm
5 dancing shlomos said:
“At Mauthausen, one of the extermination camps in Austria, close to 2,000,000 people, mostly Jews, were exterminated between 1941 and 1945”
now alleged only 14,000 jews died (how did they die?)
The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum now states on its website about Mauthausen:
“An estimated 197,464 prisoners passed through the Mauthausen camp system between August 1938 and May 1945. At least 95,000 died there. More than 14,000 were Jewish.”
June 24th, 2011, 2:16 pm
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